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(Work In Progress)

Tonight I will be accompanied

the ocean
the mother and her belly
the dock
the chase
the capture
mother winking
mother knowing
an island so small cosy for lovers so perfect they grew into one but then the one was lonely
and we fade like a tv screen
and once more mother winks
not on one
the park bench under where they take off
and we are waiting
me and dad
(maybe he likes the rush of wind because it feels like hes being born)
so much compassion for a man who I have to squeeze it out of
he buys me a sandwhich
and airplanes keep taking off
there wind makes my pony tails fly
red fabric over my eyes unraveling me to center stage
I stand alone
most my dear animals in the behind stage eyes on me
a skill unlearned
perfect for a audience of two
thinking of escape
and how much I love them

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