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--- -- - -

Separate p a ~ n gis given lo this Part in order that it may

ue filed a separate compilation.
, . -... .- - - - -- - -.- -

Acts of the Gujarat Legislatt~remi! Ordinauces promulgated and
Regulations tnadc by the Governor,
?-he fc>!loivh~gAct of the Gujarat Legislatue havin: bee11 assc;itetl to by the
Presitle:lt on the 20th February, 1982 is hereby published for gencriil infr~t!~~aticn.
Secretary to the Governniznt oE Gujarat,
I.cgal Dcpartt~ent.
(First pnblishcd, af I r r 1i:lving rcueived the assent of 111c Prccident ill tl~c
"Grrjnrot Gnv~rnmcnlGnzefre" on the 23rd Fcbruary , 1987.).

10 the Bombay T.and Revcnue Code, 1879 and certain Romb;ly

Land Tenure Abolition Laws far certain purposes.
It i s llcrel)y en;icterl in t11e Thirty-third Yc.?t of the Rwnblic uf
A,: f.>lln\rs :-

I , (1) T i A t I I ? I1 I I ? I 1 ail short titlo

[,ctr1{\ rV,!:Lt~yt; IA;~~t's
;I!)oIi~ini~ (Gi~i.~i*;$i
. - ~ I , I P ~ ~ ~ ~ I Ki iI~< t: ,I I!'~$~?. ) oommetiw
me nt.
(,!) It sh;rll hc r l ~ : ~ ~ nt co hh:~vr: c:or~c into f c ~ r f uon t l ~ c8 t h J - ) t ~ c u ~ b c r

Amendments 2. In the Bombay Land Revonue C'ode, 1879,-

in Born. V o f
1879. 1870.
(1) in section 69-

(b) tii, l~r()\-isoah,!! I.),: n ~ t ds1i;~II 1:1: dccnied AIIYR~S

t o have becn
deIeted, w i i h vffcct f r t , ~ ~1st
, dliiy, i:!W;

(2) i11 q,,,.; 69, ill, its ~ ~ ~ l i c - r ntot i to, l~~~tsluqciari

r lands, t h c irordx
I,e 3t.d s1l;~llbe cicclil~~d
"or t;duqdsl i <i,;~ll
' ; ~ l i : ~ yt ao Ilrave bee11 dclcted;

(3) after section 69, the folluwin;: sevtion dull be sfid shall bc dcemeci
always t o have been illseitcd ivith efk;.ci i'i.~!~)
1st i\Iuj+, 1'3ti0, namely:-

Vmting of "6OA. ( I ) Notmithst::~:tlin~ s n ~ ~ i h contained i~~g i n any custom,

rights b usage, grant,, sanad or 1 . i t l 4 r or ;:!;recl~~(,~~t, or ~ F I Y1:~wfor thc time
mines find
mineral pro- being in force, or iu 31:)' ;iliig1:111~1;1. (!c(.I,/~: 01' 01.der of :: C o l l l ' t 01' of
duote in other a~ltliori~,y, with effc,r-t 1111 :ti,tl SL,UIII l.l~c1st Ah\.,1960 all mines
the Stibto I V I I ~t hc:r heing v;n~ked cjr r~ut ai.(l niirle~,::l- wl~ct.l~c:r discovered or not
Qovornment ,
i e ~ :&res i t . u a ~ c\\-ith i l l the. liniits of any land, grim-
i b l l d A]! q ~ i i ~ l rrl~ich
ted or recog~iscdluidar ally c o ~ i t m c i , g r a ~ ~or t : law for the i.imc being
in force or decree of ;I court, s h ! l vest i t ! :~.t:dwith all rights over t h e
s a ~ n or e nppmterial~tt11cl.sto ho t,lie ~jropcrty uf the h i e C+ovcnlnjenl;,
;inti t,hc 81at.e Govcrllniel~t:.h:ill. .,j~l,jcct, tn the provi~ionsof tlic Mines
m t r l Alintb~:bls(Regulirtion n1;ri ~ J C Y , . ] ( ~ ~ )I I.I(+, I ~ I 1957
LI have oil polrcrs LXPU
iiccesn:wj- for thc piopcr crljuylueltt :I] (1 d ~ - ~ J o soa fl such rights. of

( 2 ) The rights of the C:clr-er~~nieri!t o niines a n d ~nillcrulpr0d\icts

in land reservcd under scr.ii#ll~ 69 or t l : ~ri!lhis of ilic C:jo\-rrruncntmt o
mincs, ulincrdy (I) i ~ l c l u i l ethe
( j ~ l i ~ ~ ~\ -. ic es:~j c, ~~I I I I c . ~r:!:b-~t't:ti(>r~ ~
right uf ;rct:ess t o I t ~ l ~fnr
r i t,l~cl~urpciscof I,~'c~.:pectin!:a1;d \:orlring )nines
;anrl t,lic: ~igl;! to clccupy srlnll o t , t ~ oIn!lci ~ . as lliny 11t: nccc.<q:uy for pur-
poses ~ : r f crecti{)tjc~fofficcs,~\-o;.krnc!i's l,Ilirlgs ~ n (ni l a c h i ~ ~ e the ~ y ,s t ~ c -
kin:: of uiiricrals allcideposiit of ~.cfns+;. r c~t~:..,ti.uct.iunof roxtlh, ri:il\\;iys
or tl.nnl-lines a14tI :Lrip o: llcr purpwit:wvl~irl~Ill(>Slat i: i : ~ - \ - ~ l i n ~ 1liz:Y !cl~t
clcclarc t o he s~tbsidiaryV t j pruspcct.ing : ~ ~ , 15-orltir~g tl nlioce.

(S) If thc State G o v e r i l m ~ u n~sigtts

~ ru a n y pc.rFor1 i t s ri;llts ovcr
~ 1 1 y~ ~ ~ i nminerals,
cs, qrlarrirs or ~l;i~!er::lprorl~~cts, arid if for thc
c~ljoymelltof such right,, it i s Ireccss:?ry t h i ~ t::I1 cn. :tny of the powers
specificd in su11-scct,iol~s(1) xlid (2) iJcr , s c ~ c i ~ r >f. Ilc
d , C'ollcctor nlay, by
an orclel.i~~ writing subject t o s11cti rontlitio~is~ 1 i d r e ~~e; 1: ioils
t ns hemay
sI)ccif;r-,dclrgate such powers t u ti,?~ > ( : I S O I :o
I \:.I10111 t i ~ t ii;ht
: is assig-

(4) occupant, rrllovc r i g l ~ t st,o 711 ilirc, illi~iernIsar cluarrics ill any
laud, existing jmrueihntcly befc,re the I,.t $I;:!-, 1 !l(iO h:rve rcsled in tltc
h t e i ; o ~ e ~ , t ~ ~ i io<n: l ithat
t , rlalr: ~rliclc.; .;i~l)-sr.ctior~( I ) , ~ h : ~ lhe
l crit.itvled
t n c o ~ n ~ ) e l ~ s sof r ~~~I ~I Cavn.;aglL oi'ihe net ~ I I T I I ~ ~ I
t i o l ~;!:~!oul~te c l ~ i v i t l ir,
i ~ ~ e o urcccivcd
~e b;r- thr! occup;r~itill rcsl!cr'l of t,11crnincs ancl rujilcrfil
products during the three y a r s iumcdiai-ely prcccding thc date of vesting.


) 1 \ ; I I i:ltt,i(.1cd t o conlpcnsntion under FU b--section

( ) I I I n t11c (Inllri~orfor such coillpensatioli in the f o r ~ npre-
scribctl in t.his IIPIIPI F I,!- t lic State G O V R P I I ~ F I I ~ .

( b ) 31icl1 1 I i 1 I +Itall Ijc riiadc witl~inh e l v e mnnt.hs I'rorn t h e

1 1- ! : I
- .
: of f hr! Bot11bny L a l ~ ~l:ere~~ue i Code and
1I I t h i u e ~ i d ~ ~ c l iOrdinance,
.-1.!101! L I ~ O 1 I I ~ \ v s (C?rtijiwi~ fi) 1351 or
:,!icli f ~ liii ~ c r ioil :!r III,I!; IIC ;!rescrihcrl hy t'he ,State C4orernrnent.
I ~ l r. , s 1 1 :t:'ftr tllal;i:lg such inrll~iry(including giving
i-,i~: :t~:;;lic:i:!; :IT: opiiori ::~!i!y ,,;' iwiny ]ward) as l ~ c t l i i ~ ~ k necessary,
tletcrillinc tltc : ~ : ~ i r > ~ ~ t ioft ci311ille1wition and the prorisions crf
sections 3, iU 11, 12, 13, 14. :r:~rl 15 of t h e IAri~:d . - \ ~ q ~ r i ~-Act, i t i ~1894
shall, so fit r. : ; 111;iybe ;!!q)i,i' to tlie 1~rur.cedingsheld Ly the Collector in t h i ~
( d ) 'l'itr rler:i~i,~l~ 1 ~ 1 h r : C'lll1cc.tor deterlniniug thc a111n11ntu T crlnlpen-

s i ~ t i o ~I , S I I : i I i a 1 to t i Cujnr:it I:erta~t,.le
L X I I J I I ~~ i i,,:
111 '
i ii11.1I: :I ,l(l 1 ~ : ~:!:#,lit
; +I~:ill ~ ~ l t i dbye ('ollccti~r ~ ~ ~ ~ r < l i ~ i ~ l y .

! I :::,11.11111t. or : U I : I I ; C I I S ~ ~ ~ O Up a p ~ l j l ~~:n l d c rt.his sectiuil sl~allIle

I I : u-itlt i~lt.~~i.iit:, 51 lilt: rate of 4 112 per cent, for tlic 11criod
i 011 :111iI iru~il;he cl:it.e of ec~n~ult.ucenu:ntof the Bornlbny
1,;uitl Rcvc~rlu:! Corlr: :~nrlI,:::i<! -l'crjm.e -4bolit.io!i Laws (Gujnwt :lmclliI -
I I I ~ I I ~ Ortlirl;~uc.c,
) 1981 :uirl t:~lrli~:gor1 tm-liodaie oi' piiycl~ent.".

3. [I) t,li~, I<(>I:I~I;I? ' ~ ' i ? ~ l i d rp! >~(:~~! ~~t i~A

~ t ?\ ~ o ~ ~Act,
I ~ J391!1,-
II . dl~~urldmer~ta
i r ~I31l1n. LXTT
. .
(1,) in i I 6, 1 jic X I I ~ A ]~xp~uo(rfioj~
(IS: ~1!;1llhe a 1 ~ 1s11i11l 1;e of 1n.w.
tlcc~ncrl always to 11a-:c. 1 ~ r . i ;rr!~lurnl>crrtlas F:':r~p~lr,zutio~~ I nnrl after
t l ~ e l?xpl:~~~:ltiollits so rc:tr!~ubcl,~d, the following ICxplatlntion silall tje
at!d sll:!li ljc ~.!~cri~ctl i~ln:ty+;(11 11:1\.r: l!r:tb11 inst:rtetl, r~arnely :--

"!YJ * ~ i ~ ~ t u ~ J, I~ -r - j- i,-:;r
j ~ t l i t > ; ) I I T I I ~ > S ~ St ~ ~,])is
i sectioi~wast~el:~ri~lI I ~ V ~ I I S
1:11i, i u~ifit for r111tiv<it 1o11 : L I I ~i ~ ~ ( , I I I ~ P S - - -

( a ) land on n-hich g r a s ;;;roi\-s uat~ifi~lly,

(b) I,zn(l i n \r-hicli [ I l t 1.t. i.siab:, any u ~ i ~ i c\vl~ell~er s, bcilq I\-orlirrl

or not, 311:- I i l l I \ r ? l ' , . l , ~ . \ r ! ~ ~ i l l(rl:i~
~ c o v e l ~or
t i nrbt and any rl~~i~rricx,
lleing ivnrii,.(l or llrjt." ;

i ') aitcr stlctiori 6, the f(~lLl,ri i : ~ ; ; scct.ion shall bc :inti shrill Lc riptl~.lle;l
nlwavs t o have bee11 i~irertcd:~lilirle@:--

''fiL1, (1) No! i\-ithstiindin<! : ~ r ~ ? : l i i ~ ~o g~ i t ; ~ ii ~r ~iall;' ~ : i V I I S ~ ~ P I~~iI~. n p t > ,

I7os!i13g of
gra11t: sfinail, 01. ulilcr 0 1 :t?~~c,t!rl~ent or ;IIIJ.ln\v inr t l ~ etilne beil~g ill righth
fowe, or in 3117 j ~ ~ d g i ~ ~ n(lfcrer c l ~ t , ijr {JI.I~CI' o f C O l i r t or of ot,Iier nlincs ar!d
authorit,y w i t l ~ r f!;~t OH :111(1fro111 thf: dntc 011 which this ~ l c tcomes rjrn-
rlticfa 111 t llu
illt~) t . i:ll I I I ~ ! ~ C 'i~\ - I i c t ! l ~ ~being \vor.ked or I \ , ~t nl i , i 11 ~ ~ I A;IC1;: I 11.1lr- Sr;.lt-
tllcr t l i - c ' i j ~I , ~ > ' r 1.iot. :11irl all c;li:irricc: r ~ lich l arc sit~~ntc:, l ivithiri t h e "[)I t.rrlnlcl:t.
limit> o i filly ~:~luqtiari I ; I I ; ~ ~ ,~ r a i i t c t l .(11. r c r r l y t ~ i s c dunrlr~,any ~.ot~tr.ar,t.,
gihalit 01. I R ~ . for T:IC t.i~iieI ) c i ~ ~111g rorce 01' rlrrrrr of a conr-t sbi~ll
Y ~ W L i l l a 1 ~ 1wii 11 ~111 r i ~ l i i tBiJer t 1 1 ~S:III~E 0 1 .~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t1~crcto l I ' ~ ~ Lo ll~llt


the property of the State Go~cmment,and the State Government

and .r
shall, subject to provisions_of the nliiies and &hnerals (Rcgulatio~~
Development) Act, 1957 LaVO aU powers necessary for tho proper en- 1957-
joy~aent aud disposal of such rights.

( ) The rights uf the Government to m i w , minerals and quarries

in iand vested under sub-section (1) includes the right of access
land for the purpose of prospecting and worki~igmines and the
right m occupy such other land as may be n m a r y for purposes of
erection of offices, workmen's dwellings and m u c h c r y , the s k k i o g of
minerals and deposit of rcfuse, the construction of roads, railways or
tram-hes and any other purposes which the State Governincnt may
declare to be subsidiary to prospecting and working ~llirleu.

(:) If the S h t o Government assigns to any person its right over

any miueu, mincralv or quarries aud if for the proper enjoyment of
such right, it is uecessary that all or any of the powers s p e c d d in
sub--sections (:) and ( 2 ) be exercisecl, thc Collector may, by an order
in writiug, subject to such cou&tionu and reservations as he may
tipecify, delegata such powers to the pcrson to whom the right is
migned. " ;

(3) after section 14, the following section shall be and shall I c dccn~cd
always have been inserted, namely :-

!ompenslltior~ "14A. (1) +ny kluqclar whose r i g h t . ~to ~nines,~niueralvor quarries

:-or v ~ t i l l gof in any taluqdar~land existing immetiiately before tbe d a k 01 cummen-
. ights 10
sui~ws; ~ r l d cement of tluv Act have vcstcd in t h e State Goverrn~lenLon that {late
,1111ler:~l under sub--section (1) of sc~tiotiBA, sllall be entihled to cowpens.<I t'~ 3 1 1
Iuctn i l l the of an arnouut equivalent to thc avcrnge of the net nnnllal i~lcorue
it.^ tu Govern-
,110l~t. reccived by the taluqdar in rcspcct o i the o ~ i u e santi mineml pro-
ducts clunug the three years irnlncdiately preceding t;he date of

(2) Any taluqdar entitlcd to con~pensatio~i wder sub--sectiun (1)

may apply to the Collector for such compensation.

(2) The application undcr sub-section (2) shall be rnitclc to tha

Colleotor in the prescribed form within twelve m o n t h from tho datc!
e ~ the Horllbay Land Iievenue Code sud Land
of the c u ~ u m c u c ~ m of
Tet,urc Abolitioji I,aws (ti ajarat Amendment) Ordinance, lDdl or such Ctaj.
furtbcr period '1s way be prescribed. The Collector shall after holdinglof
fornial mqulry in the rnannqr provided by the Code make an awardA l9"#
deknuhing the compensation.

(4) An appeal shall lie from the aaid award to the Gujsrat Revenue

(8) The provisions of sections 7 to 13 (both iinuluuivc) shall, ao-

far 111ity be, apply u) the procet:dings in respect of s~ichaward or .
appeal-as the ciwe may be.


Cuj. ( ' I auoun1. of co~npensatiollpayable under this sectior, shall

old. a
of be paid iu c;isll ~ i t hjti'iercst at the rate of 4 118 per cent. for the
1081. peiiod cowlencing otl and fi-oni t,lic date of comuencement of tho
Bombay Lmd Itevennc Coodc 3 r d Land Tcnurc Abolition Laws (Cujnrat
Amendmelit) Clr&na!lce, 1981 and ending 011 the date of payment.".

Uoln. 4. 111 thc: Bornhap I ' c ~ s oI11a1us

~ ~ Lllbolitiou
~ Act, 1952,- Aruendmont~
XLII i n 130m. XLU
ofl?+fi:l (1) 111 section 7, the esistir~gBzpla~iaiwi~ shall be and sl~allhe dcclued of 1053.
a l w a ~ s to have been rcnm~~berecl X and after tlic Ex-
nu E:cl,~a.)lcriiot~
P ~ R I I U ~ ~ ~as the
O H SO Y O I ~ U I I I ~ C Tfollomirig
C~, Expl:u~ation shall he and shall
be deemed alwayr; to h a w been uiserted, ~iumcly :-
"h'xkkknatiora 11.-For the purl~oscs of cliis section waste land tileaus
lnnd miit for cultiva~ionand i n c l u d c e
(a) laud on whic;h grass grows naturally,
(b) laud iu which there. exiuw any mine.s, whether being
worked or not, ally ~uinerals, whether discovered or not and any
quarries whether beiug ~r~orked
or not.";

(2) for section 9, the following section s11all be and shall be dwmed
always to have been substituted, namely :-

"9.(1) NotwithutantlLIig a n uing

~ ~ contained in any custom, usage,
p n t , sanad, or order or agree~ncutor ally law for the time being
in force, or in any judgment, decrer: or order of a court
or of otlier autli~rit~y,nit11 eficct on aodfrom the appointed
date, all wines \vhethcr being worked or not and niineralv
whether discovered or not and dl quarries which are situate within
the limits of any inam village or inam laud granted or recogniscd
under ally contract, grant or law for the time being ill forcc or decree
of a court, shall vest hi and with all right, over the mlrle or
appurtenant thereto be the property of the S t a h Govcrnmcuk, and
the Stata Government shall, subject to the provisions of tho Mimes and
Minerals (Regulation and Developu~e~~t)Act, 1957 have all powers
aPceesary for the proper enjo;*ment and disposal of such righh.

(:') The rights of tho Goverumi:nt to miues, minerals, and quarries

in land vested under sub-section (1) inchides the right of a m s to laud
for the purpose of prospecting and morlri~gruines and the right to
occupy such other land as may be ~~ccessary for purposes of erection
of officcu, workmen's dwellings and machinery, the stacking of ~ninerala
and deposit of refuse, t h o construction of roads, railways or tram-linea
and any othcr pwposw which the State Government may declare to be
subsidiary to prospecting aud working minea.

(3) If tho State Government amignu to any person its right over
any mines, xinerds or quarries and if for the proper enjoyment of
such right, i t is neccsmry that ,211 or RIIJ of the polVera specified in
sub--sections (I) and bc exercised, the Collector may, by an order
in writing, siJ~ject k~sucll conditions and reservniiuns as he may
specify, delegate such powera to the person b whom the right ia


(-:) ;tfter section 17, the following section shall be and shall be
deemed always to bave been ulserted, namely :--

0rmpu11sa- "l'iAA. (I) Any inamdar wliose rights to mLlcs, n~ineralsand

for vest -
t ,011
yu;~rrips hl any jnann village or innu1 land cxisti~lg iri~nlettiately
itlgof righ1.s
t o mincanrld ljefurc I ire np~~oiuteddntc 11ave vcsted in the Stote Cloverrnuent OII
nliuer.rl pro- t h u t clriie under suh-:+ct.tiun (1)of section 9 dial1 l ~ e cntitled to
ducts irl I11e
Stat Uoverr~-
r:ompens~.tion of all nniuunt eqliivalent, to the avemagr: of 4 the iiet
msnt. annual rl,:,uine recci\c:i by thc inarlldor ill respect of thc n~iuesand
mi~~er=ilprorl~lcts c t l ~ r i ~ ~the
g three years ilnnlediatcly prcccding tlie
date *)I ~c:iIit~g.
('?) Any inalnrlar nntitlctl t o cut~ipens:ition unrlcr sr~b-:.ci.t,io~l
!,ray apply t n the Collector for such compcnsatio~i.

(2) Thc npplication untlur sub-aectio!~(L') djnll i~ to thc

in thi: prrac1.ibctl i'or~llwithin tir.elv~~rlonl-~lrs
C.i~llccto~ froill tlla dntc of o o j ,
the coninie~~cct~ lie\:eli~le Cutln irr~dl..alid Terlllre od. 9.
I : , I I ~ of tlic I3o1hb;iy T,it~~rl
Abolifioll I;x\v.< \i;ujarut h~rlcntfrncl~t) Urcliiia~lcc, 1981 or such furt,hcr "fl981
pcriotl as In:ly be prescribed. Thc (:ollect:)~. sliall :iftcr holdir~gIormal in-
quiry in the nlamler p~ovitletl1)s the Code mnl<e uti award tletcrnlini~~g the

(.I) An appml s11all licl froni t,l~csaid award to the Gujarat,

Rcvcnuc 'J'rilnlunl.

(.;) The pro~isiolisof sc~:l.iuilfi10 t n Ifi ( 1 3 ~ 1 1 1 itlclrlsi~,c) shall so far

as Inn? be, apply to tlic 1)roccctlings i n r.espctbtof stic11 ; ~ \ ~ i ~orr dappeal,
as th: case m;lg Ilc.

(6) l;ol,\{itl~at:ttldir~;!nnytl~jngco~lt;iincdin section 1Td IIle n l r l o ~ ~ ~ l t

of rornpci~u~tio~i p:14.:11iIe tlllrl(~ t l ~ i s sertioll shall bc pait1 in cash with C:,j,
jntur~sta t t h e late 'I 1/2 perrmc!it for t h e pcriod comraencing or1 and frorl1 Old. 8

t1ie date o l e o r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ uof~ t~l c~ rBo11i1)ay

~ i ~ ~ cLand~ ~ kReverl~eCode and Land uflggl
Tenure Aholi tion 1,aws (G~rjuratA r ~ ~ e n r l r ~ eOrdi~lance,
nt) 1981 and ending
on the date of payamcnt.".

5. I11 tlie Uombay Merged Terrjtorim ant1 Arcns (J3gir.r Aboli tiun) Act. lloln.
1963,- XXX.
IX of
(I) in section 8, the existing E ~ l a ~ ~ n t i o ~ ~
IIC~ s l ~
a11rI a
l l be deernet1 1'Jfia.
always to have been rcnurnbered ns Explnnation I unrl ~ f t r the ~ . Rxphnation
so rct~~~mlicretl. the followving .Explanation shall be and shall be deemed
always to have been inserted, namely:-
"h'arpla~lallunII.-Tor t h e purposes of this section wash land nicanu
land unfit for culti~stiorlanti incIudcs-
((I) land 011 which grass grows naturally,
(b) land in which there c x i s b any mines, m11ethr.r l~eirlgr\.olkcd
or uot, any nliiiernls, rv11ethc.r discovered or llot and auy guarric:.,, whe-
ther b c i ~ g~rrorlretl or not.";
(,'I for scctioa 10, the folln~ririgsectiori sb:ill i)e slid shd1 bc deemed
&\ways to bave been subntitutd, uurile1~:-

1*,41t1' I V J I:UJLIR:IT GO\'Xll?i'.\IlSS'r C:.\Z&-WE,EX ., 2:l-?-PJ R-7

- -x.
1 ( 1 Rot;;.ithstnnrlir~~ nnytlli~lg contained in any custom, Vestingof' :- I
usage, grant, ~n,lnri, or order m ugreeuent or any i n ~ vfur the time 2 ; ~ : ~I
baing in forcc, or irl any judgen~cht, rl~creeor order of a court or of other ,i,,l
authority, with effect on and froin t h e appointed dato, all mines whether ducts ifi the
being rvorlied or not altd miuerals whether discovcrctl or not and all quarries Govornmeot.
which are sit-uate within the limits of nny jagir village granted or recognised
under any contract.: grmt or law for tlle time beiug in forceor decree of a
court shall vest in and with all rights over t,l~es:il?ne or appnrtenant thereto
be the propert.? of the S t a t ~Gu\-r,rn~ne~lt. iund tI~eState Goi.en>ment shall,
~ n h j e c tto t,bc prorisiorts of tho Ilillcs n ! i d JIincrt~l.; (Regu!ntior~and Develop-
LXY'l lnent) Act, !951 hare all powers ncccssary for tllc proper ~njoymer::, and
10;37. disposal of such i.ight5.
(2) ?'he right8 of the Gn~~crnrneritto rniacs, tninerillr and qanrriW-
in lard rested lutder sob--scr:tion ( 1 ) iilnlildcs the right of :~ccess
to !rind for the piirposc of prospertiny :!11ri isorking mine4 a n d the
r i g h ~ to occupy snr.11 othrr I:lliil as 11111!- 111, necessBry for pur~)(xesof
erection of offices, wo:-kmcr~'sdwdlings :i!lri rnarhinery, the stackiljg of
miner;ll% ant1 deposit 11f refuse, the co~ist~ruct ion of mads, railways< or
trartl-litleu any other purposes wl~ich he Staic Govertlment may
declare tu 1,r slil)sirli;~r~'to prospecting a t ~ i lworking n l i ~ ~ e s .
(-3) If the State Govcnln~entassigns to any person its right over
any mines, minerals or quarries and if for t h c ~ r o p we n j n y m e ~ tof
aucl~ right, it is necessiiry that 211 or any of tlul powers specifier1 in
sub--scr-tions (:) ;ind (2) be exwcisetl, the Collector mny, 11y an order
in I , i ~ d ~ j c c t lo HIICII concliti~nsand rescrratiun.: as llc may
specify, ilclcgntc sue11 po\vsrs to the prrsun tc, ncbonl the right is
assigned." ;

(,:) after section 21, t,he followitlg section shall br! n?:d d l d l be dee~nwl
a l m f ~ y sto have bccn inserted, namcly :-
2 (I) u jitgirtbsr whose rights to mines, mincra1.u or
rll~i~wi.?si n xu? j n ~ i rrillnpc: existit~gi~iimedintclvhcfurr the n11l)aint~rlrights t o mi.
date ]lave vested i r ~fhc S!:~tcGovcn~tuenton tllilt. (1:tl.: iindcr sectio~i :$I! l ~products
10, slinll ho entitlctl to rnb~~~,ensation of all :~t~ioutli~
rtl ~~ivalent,
to the ill tlls State
arrcr;l:rr of thc 11c:t a1mna1 incoinr, rcccived hy the inqirdnr ill respect; Covcrnrnent.
of thr: ~ n i n wand 1nincr;ll products duriug thc t,ll~.eeyears ii~i~tiediately
prcrcding t,hc (late of vesting.

(:?) Anv jagirdnr rn t i t let1 to com~~msntion (I),

ITIB!' apply t o the Collrr tor for such rnli~~,ensntinn.

( ) T I ~ipplicntion ~uldcr suh--section (2) shrill ht: m d e t o t,he

Collnct~r in the prrsr:ril~ctl form ~ r i t ~ h i nt,rvclvc rnol~thsfi.011~ the
rlatc of t , ? ~co~n~ncnccmcnf. of the Ij!aubny Tln~lrlRevenue Code and
1,;uid Tcaurc :Iholition T,a\\-s (Glijarzt, ; I ~ ~ ~ ~ n r l tOrdina~ice,
i ~ ~ u t ) 1981,
or srtch flirt i ~ c r pcriod as may Ijc l~rcscril~cd.'Fhe Co!lcctur shall
nftc:r liol(1in~ l'or~nal i11q1iir.v i ti t h e mauner , ) r o ~ i'ed
l 1) tlic Code
m;ikc :>II i:rmrd determining t h e r.on~pcnwt,ion.

( 1) A11 itpp3~1 shall lio from the said award to the Gujarat
Revenue Tribunal.

(T) The pro\4$ions of section3 15 to 21 (both incluaivc) shall 8o

far as may l ~ c ,apply 1-0 the proceedings in respect of such award
or appeal, as the case may be.

( G ) Notwithstnnding snytbing contained in aection 22 the amount

of compensation payable under this aection shall be paid in cash
mith interest st the rate of 4 112 per cent. for the period colnmeneing
on and from t,llc datv of c o r n m e n c e n ~ e ~of~ tthe Bombay Land :$:
Rcvcnuc Code ntid llsnd Tel~!~r.cb:Ibolition Lams (Gujzrnt dniendment) !)of
i dnte nf payment.".
Ordinance, 1981 and cncling o ~ the 1081.

Amendments 6. In the Bonlbxy Merged 'J1e,rritorics ~1iscellaneo:~s

lilic~intionsAbolition R ~ I I I
in Uom. XXIE Act, 1956,- XSII
of 1055. of
( I ) in scction 11, !hc csisting J?~plr~?lutio?~ sl~allbt: nnii slinll be rleerncd
aImays t o have llrcll rei~r~riil~ei~erl I mid tiftcr tilt: JCxplnna-
3.; JS.r;:pi~r,tc~tiou
tion as so renmr~l~cretl, the follr~isi!ig Rspl;~natir~nshxll l)c m~cis l i ~ l ldec131ed
always to havc been inserted, 11xlnely:-
Ex~)I<~?~crtion tho purposes of this scction :vi~stc hilid means
land unfit; for caltivi!tioii atid inclndes,--

( a ) land on wl~ichgrass grows nat~rrally,

being ~rnrlicrlor ~ i r ) t , ,
( b ) land i n ~vliichthcrc csist :111y ~ j ~ i n r \\*hetoher
any minerals, w11etiiL:r disco\-crcrl ur 11ot a n d a n y qilnrrie~,n-hether I~eirlg
worked or not.";

(2) for section 13, the follo\ving section sl~xllIjc and si1:11! be dcemetl
al\~n,ysto have been snbstit.uted, nan~ely:-.

Veating of "13. (1) ?;ol.~t,if1istnn(]i11g nnythi~lg contnir:,,d jn nrl y custo~u, usage,

rights to grant. ~ : l n a dor n?dcl. or a p r c e ~ i ~ corn t ;IIIJ- 1 ~ 1 rfor the ti71)r: I>eiti~ill forcc.
~nirloaR I I ~
ruiner:.l pro- or in a n y jlvlgclncnt,, rlce~.ct~ or o~rler 01 n rnil1.t or cd other aut,Iiorit,y
d~tctsi n the , anrl fr~u11 t,11c, :tp11oi~1te:l0 ; ~v. ; :tll ~ i ~ i ~~ vi l~l cst ~ l i ~\IP~!I:;
with c f L ~ t(11: r
worked or not and ~ ~ ~ i r l e r \:-n lhct,hcr
s ~liscovrr r l ~.>r n o t a1ic1 a11 qn;~rrii.s mliicll
are situate within t,he lilnils of a ~ i v aliCn:~tc,l! larid yr:i~~tedor rvcognised
by ally contract, grant, or !?:i7 I'or the t,i~nt:I,ei119jtl force or decree of n
court shall ve31; in, and \!-it11 :III ~ * i ~ l iover t . s the Sa!>iE or appurterlnilt
thercto h e the prtrprrty of t.1lc ~ r : (-!o v r r ~ u ~ ~ r land l t , t.ile state G o v c ~11-
i r ~t ? !~r a i s R1i~l1.a n l - ~ t l 3Iinrrals (lieg~rlniinn I.ivIr
nlc~lt sliall, s11l)jct:t to t,he ~ : ~ - c ~ r i ~ of
and Dcrclop~ncnt)Act, 1957 h a ~ ciil! jjcrlvers Ilr:('CPcill.y fnr t11c proper en- of
joyment anti disposal of s11dl right<.

(?) The riglits nf t l ~ cG r l v c r t ~ ~ n eto~ ~~nirles,

t, nl-id q~:grricsi r ~land
l n r j csu11-section
~ ~ c d r ~r ~ r (1)i!~c-!urlvs C h r , rig!11 of :irt.r.cs t r ! hrid for thc
l)ur1)0se of' prospecti~;g ailrl rvorlill~;! :iic I * . :TIP:.nnr! t!~erig11t to occupy suc:h
otller land cl.s may I K ricce$s;1ry for : :lrlio::os of c~rtatir,~iof offices, work-
rucll's {lmcllir?gs and ~iinclii~~cry, thc :I nt:l;iny o f T I ~ I I ~ ;~~ :l ~: r[lcpovit
~l ~ or rc-
fuse, t l ~ cconstr~~ctiori
of roads, rail\\-aysoletrnrn-1i11cs :IH(Im y ot.liei' 1)urposes
mhidi tlic Statc Gor~crnn~ent ilu~y rlrclnrr tc~he h~~lwi(lii~rr t.0 pro spec ti^^^
and working mines,

P.XRT I%'] I: CTJ.il?.\'C GDTERXIiEST GAZETTE, EX.,23-2-82 b 9

(.:) If the State Government assigris to ally person its right orcr any
mines, m i n e ~ l l sor quarries ant1 if for the proper enjoyment of such right,
it i s necessary that all or any of the powers specificd in sub-sections ( I )
and ( 2 ) he exercised, the Collector may, by an order in writing, subject
to such contiitiorls and reservations as he may specify, delegate such powere
to the person t o ~i-l~om t h e right is awigned.";
(3) nfter section 24, the follo~vingsection shall be and shall be deemed
always to have been inserted, namely:-

"249. (1) Any alienee wllose rights to mines, minerals or quarries in any mm-
n1ier:itted I n n d existing i~nn~etliate!ybercce the appointed date haire vested tion fot Tee-
in the State Govc~ri~mcnt on that date nntler section 13, shall b p entitled tfjn80f rights
o mines end
to compel~sationof nn ;lulouut equivaleat. t o thc avcrnge of thc oct annual pro-
income received by the alienee io respect of the mines and mineral products duct~i n t b
dltriug the three years immctliately preceding tke date of vesting. Stah Govern-

(.3) Any alienee entitled to compelisation n~idersnh-section (I)may apply

t o t,hr Cnllectnr for sucll compensation.

i ~ t ~ sub-section (2) sllall bc made to the Collector

(.?) The ~ p p l i c a t ~ urider
iu the prescribed form within t,welve a1ont.h~from bhc dato of t h e commsnce-
melit nf tlw Hon11)ay I;;ii-id Revenue Code arid L-and Teii~rre;lbolition Laws
(Cujnnit Amendmeat) Ordiasnee, 1981, or aneh further period as uiay be
Q of preucriberl. The Collector ~ 1 1 ~ 1after
1 I ~ c l d i ~formal
~g inquiry in the rnanner
NSl- p r o ~ i d e dby the Code make an award deterlliiuing the cornpn~:ation.

(,I) I n appenl dlall lie f r u n ~the said award t o the Gl~jnrnrtRevenue Tri-

(.T) The prr~visions of scctiuns 21 to 26 (both it~cluui~-e)

shnll, so far as
may Le, nypljv t.o the procecrliogs ill rcspcct of such award ur appeal, as
t!le case may be.

( R ) Kotivithstai~rliug a~lythingc o l ~ t x i ~ ~ine r sectionl 26 the arnount of com-

pens" ion 1)fiy;illl~I I I ~ ( ! C ~ t,his E : ' C ~ ~ ~ I~linll
I be pnid in cash rrith i l l tcreat a t
t!i.: rate of 4 112 per cent. for tlie periorl commencing on ant1 from the
auj. date of the commcnc~rnentof the Bombay JJanrl l<evenue Coric nnd Laud
O d Teawc dl~olitioliLRWS(Gnjnrat Arnenrlnlr~~t)Ordinance, 1381 and cndiug
9 of 011 t,he (late of pnyme~rt.".
Born. 7. ( 1 ) Suhjcct to the pro:-isions of sd)-sectinns I?) aald ("1, 11otlling con- fianaitorr
tcl.,ec? in tlm Bnln1,ny l.and Revenue Cot?c, 1879, o~ nuy of thc I3omhny Lnnd p r ~ ~ i ~ o ~
l'ennrr ll~oIitionTAxr~-s,ns fi~~~enrlcd by this Act, shall a f f ~ c tany thing dol~e.
' or xny ;ictiotl take11 llr!forn tllp vnn~menceme~it
Codz a rlrl Lnud Tcrinre d b o l i t i o ~I-nm-s
( ~ the
f I3orubay Lend Revenue
(Gujnrilt Alnel~dnient)Oldiuance, 1981
1981, (hcreinsfter referred to n s "tl~eenid Ordinance") in relation to nny mines,
rui~leralsor q u n ~ r i e svestiug ill a pcrsnn olhel t11i11i tllc Cover~il~,eut.
( 2 ) d liy p r o q ~ w i i n g liccncc, mining le::?, quarry least,, or any d o c ~ ~ r n eevi-
dencinF ~ A ! I Jnli~leral
- concc.ssio~l,in I'PSPPP~, of 1:111d in ~~-liirlit11c mi!~rrnlt:v ~ s -
ted in x prrson other than thc Gorernnnent hro~tgl~tinto cnrlfornlitp with
,LfSvU t!~n provisio~~s of the Mines and RIinern!s ( T t r g ~ ~ l n t 8andi o ~ ~Develol,mcnt) Act,
1its.r. 1957 and rulcs made thereunder uuder section 16 of t h t Act or is~uedunder


that Act and the rulw made thereunder and in force at tbe commencement of
the said Ordinanoe ahnll cont,inlie as if such licence, lease or document were given
in respect of land in which 111incralsvestcd in the Gollernincnt and accordingly,-

(1) such licence, least: or doctunlent shall bc construed ae if it mas given by

the Goverument;

(ii) any rent, royalty or other sum payable t,o such person by virtue of such
licence, lease, or document shall from the commcuceulent of the said Ordi-
nance be payable to the Government; and

(iii) such licence or lease shall be reneivable according to lam.

(3) Any obligation or liability or the G o \ ~ c r m c n Cto pay any royalty or
any other sum to a person in relation to his right or privilege to ally mines
and mineral products existing before the commencement of the snid Ordi-
nance shall ccnsc and no legal procccditlg or remedy for enforcwncnt of such
right or privilege or in respect of such obligation or liabilit,y shall be institu-
ted, continuetl or e~~forcerl
i11 any court,, or other authority.

&peal 8. ( I ) The Bombay Land Revenue Code and Idand Tenure Abolition Lams flu
.aring. (Gujarat Aincndnlerlt) Ordinance, 1081 is hereby repeaied. oed. 9
(2) h'otmithstanding wch rcpeel, anything dolie or any nction taken under
the principal Acts as amended by tho said Ordinance, shnll be deemed t o have
been done or talren under the principal Acts as amended by this Act.

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