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Hamphill 1

Faith Hamphill

Mrs. Muhammad

AP Psychology


Taking AP Psychology has opened my eyes to many things in this world I have learned

about the things that make people act the way they do I have learned about different mental

disorders such as sleep deprivation, sleep apnea, and insomnia. I have learned about what

features from your family can affect the kind of person you are I have learned to look deeply into

the world and what is happening around me. I now know that there is a reason for everything and

that there are many factors that cause the people surrounding me to act the way that they do.

There are reasons for the relationships that people have and the way that they think. It has just

allowed me to know that there is the meaning behind everything. AP Psychology has taught me

that there are TV shows that have specific purposes there a TV shows that apply to specific

people and that everyones mind is different so the way that we process things would be


An example of what I learned should be that there are psychologists that think different

ways. Some are behavioral is as some are cognitive is or psycho and list some may believe that

people act the way they do because of their family and their genes that are passed down to them.

Some psychologists believe that a persons childhood causes them to be who they are when they

are adults. I also view my friends differently because I now know that my peers may act strange

if they have mental disorders like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia they might act strangely

during school if they are suffering from sleep deprivation which is a lack of sleep or if they are
Hamphill 2

suffering from sleep apnea which means that you stop breathing while you are asleep. An

example of how I have learned to look deeply into life is that I learned that we get our balance

from our ears and that sometimes when youre spinning around you get dizzy because the liquid

in your ears is moving around and your balance is off when it comes to life I have learned that

there have been some doctors that are unethical that perform experiments on people that arent

even aware that they are being experimented on there have been times when doctors secretly

pick a control group and an experimental group and they use variables to evaluate whats

happened during the experiment. Everything that I have learned in AP Psychology has taught me

that it is important to pay close attention to the things happening around you. There is an

interesting reason behind everything. I used to just ignore things that werent important to me. I

just things happened just because. For instance I thought that if there was someone that could

never have a successful relationship is just bad at relationships. I now know to open my eyes

more. I know that that person may have a difficult time with relationships because of their

childhood or maybe because of characteristics of their other family members. I now view the

world as a very complex place with very complex people. Nothing around me is simple anymore.

I have learned to better evaluate my peers by using different social psychology concepts such as

bullying, conformity, gender roles, group think and more. Me taking AP psychology allowed me

to realize the everything happening around me is more than what is on the surface. This is all

because of the psychologist of the past that searched for new information. These people include

Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchener. Without them, we wouldnt be able to look at the world

with a microscope. We would only be able to see what is visible rather than the reasons behind it.

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