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Listing Pt. Position Doctor SCP LOC

OCS Prone, with the Scissor or First rib head (posterior S-I and slight P-A
head rred straight away tubercle), on the side
towards the side stance on the opposite spinous lateality
of spinous side opposite the
lateral spinous laterality

UCS Prone, with the Scissor stance on The articular process of the C2-C3:P-A,I-S
involved vertebra, sliding C4-C5: P-A, L-M
head tumed the side opposite
C6-C7: P-A, S-I
towards the side the named the palpable nodule P to A
of the named syndrome

XDCS Prone, with the Scissor stance on The articular process of the C2-C3:P-A,I-S
head tumed the side opposite involved vertebra, sliding C4-C5:P-A,L-M
C6-C7: P-4, S
towards the side the named the palpable nodule P to A
of the named syndrome

BCS Prone, with the Scissor stance on The notch posterior and I - S and very slight P
head neutral and the either side, superior to the mastoid to -A
chin tucked to inferior to the the E.O.P.
raise the occiput occiput

Positive Prone Can be on either C.H.: Medial, inferior P_A,I-S

Derifreld side, with a aspect of the P.S.I.S. on the
scissor stance, involved side:
shoulders I.H. : Posterior, inferior
squared, facing aspect of the ischial
forward tuberosity on the
uninvolved side

Negative Part 1: Supine, Part 1: Part 1: Part 1:

Derifreld with the involved Scissor stance Anterior, inferior aspect of I-Sand
leg flexed, foot on on the involved the ischial tuberosity slight A - P
the table side
Part 2: Supine, Part 2: Part2z
withthe. Part2z Mid inguinal ligament on A-P and
uninvolved leg Scissor stance the involved side slightl-S,with
flexed, foot on the on the involved medial torque. (L):
table side clockwise; (R):

Posterior Prone Straight away Posterior aspect of the P-AandI-S

Ischium stance on the Ischial tuberosity, on the
side of involved side
IN/EX Prone Straight away stance Posterior, medial aspect of Medial to lateral,
on the side opposite
Ilium the ischial tuberosity on the slightP-Awithan
the involvement
involved side axial torque .

Sacral Prone, with Slightly t'sacral Right:

notch", on the
involved leg pivoted, facig uninvolved side (Yz" -3/a Lateral to medial and
crossed over the the patient's " superior to the apex) slightP-A,CCW
uninvolved leg at feet, on the torque
the popliteal fossa uninvolved Left:
side Lateralto medial and

Lumbar Prone Either side for Mamillary process on P-A,I-S through

(P/BLlBR) posterior the side of posterior body the plane of the
listings; Side of rottion corresponding disc
posterior body
rotation wheu
qsing a
process S.C.P.

Spondylo- Supine, with the Scissor stance on Field: Anterior aspect of A-P, throughthe
listhesis knees slightly bent, either side, with the patient, in the involved vertebra
feet on the ankle epistemal notch midline and over the
rest direct over involvement
midline Institutional: Lateral
aspect of the fibula,
inferior to the patella

Thoracic Prone Either side for Transverse Process on the P-A,I-S through
(A/P /BL posterior side ofposteriorbody tfueplane of the
/BR) listings; Side of rotation corresponding disc
posterior body
rotation when
u5ing a
process S.C.P.
Costal Supine R-R.: Scissor R.R.: Posterior, superior RR.:
Subluxation stance on the aspect of the rib on the C.II.:P-AS-I
side of posterior tubercle (rib S.H.:A-P,I-S
involvement head). Anterior, inferior
aspect of the ib,2" -3"
E.RC.: lateral to the costosternal.
Saight away
stance on the E.R.C.: Anterior, superior
side of aspect ofthe rib cage,
elevation below the clavicle on the E.R.C.:
side of elevation. The C.H.:S-I,A-P
anterior surface ofthe rib S.H.:I-S,A-P
cage, at the inferior border,
but not under the rib
bordr, the fingers should
be placed in the intercostal
spaces, with a "grip"
established by the doctor.

P-A Prone, head neutal Scissor stance Bilateral aficular P-A,I-S throughthe
cervical with the chin on either side processes for posterior (P) plane of the corresponding
alternate slightly tucked for the listings. disc.
posterior @)
listings. Articular process, side of
Scissor stance posterior body rotation for
on the side of BL / BR listings.
posterior body
rotation for


Upper Paent is placed Cl: The C1: Cl:
Cervical Cl with the correct doctor will The correct TVP of Cl S-LL-RorR-L,P-
tc2 side up. stand in front AorA-P, CWTQ or
specific Cl: Mastoid ofthe patient, ccw TQ.
adjustment aligned with the withthe
inferior / caudal lateral aspect
aspect of the drop of the doctor's
headpiece. supenor reg m
C2: Tip of the line withthe
fansverse process patient's eyes.
of the atlas is in
lie withthe C2: The
inferior / caudal doctor will
aspect ofthe drop stand in front C2z
headpiece of the patien! SR-BP or SL-BP :
inferior to the Iteral inferior margin of C2z
segment being the spinous process of I-S,P-AeR-L,CW
adjusteil and aris. " rQ.
close to the I-S,P-ArL-&CCW
side postue ESR or ESL: Lamina rQ.
toggle table. pedicle junction of axis.
Thompson / Upper Cervical

Good Moming!!!

Thompson Protocol
Page 100

'1. o.c.s lo. Spondytotislhesis...tu/

'Leg Lengh Mysi
'l'1. LumbErSubluation...sHc.,
2. U.C.S. P-o-r-, D-T- : Prl / BR
3. X.D.C.S. /9L
4. B.C.S.
5. +/-D
6. Poslrior lehum 12. ThoEcicSublmtio...sBo,
7. lN:+/-D P.O,f.,bMtu-,Mtu
. PDre (Pe/BtuBL).
. Supre
8. Ex:A.S. l3- Cstl Sublutio...tud.
. Pmm
. SupB
9. Sa@l Sublmtion 14. UppsceMel
. Rt./Lt.

Thompson Protocol
(Page 100)

. Clear Cervicals and Occiput

. Clear Pelvic region

. Clear Lumbars

. Clear Thoracics

. Address Atlas via Upper Cervical tech.

Thompson Analysis
. Thompson Analysis and Adjustng protocol: Pg 100
"Mini'Cervical Protocol: Pg 102
. Thompson Protocolflowchart: Pg 108
Patient Placement--Prone: Pg 16
Patient Placement-Supine: Pg 16
. Patient Positioning & Basic table operation : Pg 17
Conective Thrusts: Pg18
Table Activation: Pg l9

. Texas 3 Step: Pg 112

Thompson Highlights!! !

. Texas 3 step:
Set the Table
Set the Patient
Set the Doctor

Thompson Highlights!! !

. Texas 3 step...Setthe table, Setthe patient, and

Set the Doctor.

f) Set the table: Select the proper dial setting for the appropriate
pads. Wegh the patent a the tenson knobs for spectc
adjustments... l.e.: Ceruical Adjustment sttingrculd nclude the
following. Dial set on 'D', plunger n, reghng the Cervel and
Dorsal piece respecifully (More details in Lab).


Table Time

- Dial settings
- P - Pad with D.D.
- L - Pad with tension
- T - Pad with tension
- C - Pad with tension

Table protocol/ Patient Position

. Head piece up ordown?

. Footpieceupordown?

. BottomoftheJaw?

. ASIS's...where do they go?

. Pushing / Pulling buttons?

Thompson Highlights!! !

Texas 3 step... Set the table, Set the patent, and Set the

2) Set the Patient:

- PatientPoslon:
. PE orsupifr?
' Walkng on Kme*rying to BE wi{rll bedrE mislignme.
. Had pee diln, foot pi@ upl
. Cerviel 6ddir-H6d Fd f f r b loebd I irch hbw llE bohm ol th
. Polvic djdiru-A.S.l.S's are n lhe Fp (al lea6t 1 in.h) belw the
tumbar and pMc pad. (pelvk pad 'l rch bdNth A.S.|.S.').



Patient Position

. Have the patient to place themselves at

the end of the table on their knees...walk
down to the head piece.
. Have the patient move to the appropriate
pad when adjusting or for analysis

Thompson Highlights!! !

Texas 3 step... Set the table, Set the patent, and Set the

3) Set the Doctor: Must have proper stance, L.O.D.,

S.C.P.'s, etc...More n Lab.

Thompson Protocol
Page 100

l. o.c.s. 10. Spondy'olslhes...ffi/

"Leg Lngth Analy!s

2. U.C.S. f 1. LumbarSublwlion...sec.,
3. X.D.C.S. P.or.o.f.:P*tu/BR
4. B.C.S.
5. +/-D
6. Podorior lschm 12. ThfficcSubluretim...sHc.
7. lN: +/-O P.O.f,wr@w,MM
. PEm PoettR/N.
. Supim
8. Ex: A.S. 13. Costal Subluxation...Rbtu
. PrcG
. Supm
L SacEl Sublelon 14. Upper Cwiel
. Rt. / Lt.

Overcom pensated Cervical


. Left spircB &tion
. Lft ld nd bd6r tEp
. Lft hd Robtion
. Rigtlstribadjudmed
(Adjdng prc@duBs on
Fg 154 &155).
. SFcial aflntion should b
d6 to BUE tbtth
palenfs T.M.J. s not
@tud dudng the

Left Unilateral Cervical

Syndrome: (PE,$&,')
. Patientwill exhibita sho(leg in

. Had Rotaton to the Left or

Right wll cause the short leg to

. The syndrcme is named by the

direction of head rotaton that
produces an mprovement /
evening of the short leg in

Unilateral Cervical Syndrome

. L.O.D.',s:
. C2 & C3...P - A, I - S (arm parallel with the floor-plane
lne through the eyes).
. C4 & C5... P - A, straght acoss (arm parallel with the
fl oor-straght across).
. I
CO & C7...P - A, S - (elbow 45'to the floor and
L.O.D. is through the opposite shoulder).

- After Clerino a u.C.S.- n e oatent or6eni wth a B.C.S. or a X-

Derifield Ceel syndrcme? Absolutely! Se flil chart on page 108-
- Only ore thrust-fu ail wi@l adjusfments!

X-Derifield Cervical Syndrome
. X-Derifield Cervical Syndrome and Unilateral
Cervical Syndrome are the same. The only
difference is that the U.C.S. is found with legs in
extension & X-Derifield Cervical Syndrome is
found in flexion.

. Same adjusting protocolas U.C.S.

Bilateral Cervical Syndrome

- Legs are even in extension

- Patient rotates head to the left - left leg

shortens. Patient rotates head to right - right
leg shortens.

- Palpation may reveal bilateral tender nodules

(occipital brim) and/ or tenderness of the C2
spinous process.

Cervical overvew
. u.c.s.&x-Dcs
. Goat: Head Rotaton has no affect or bearing on
the leg lengih analysis...either in Extension or

- Adiustment: C2 / C3
-* forearm = & eyes
- Adjustment C4 / C5 foream = & 90'
- Adjustment CO / C7 + forearm 45" & O.S.

. Cervical and Dorsal pad actvated!!!

. One thrust per segment

Positive Derifield

- Anal),sis: Short leg in

extenson-lengthens to ,1 \
flexion. , \ ',
some degree upon
'l ,/^,' 1/
; ,/',
- Referencepoint: P.S.|.S. i:- j, ^'
\ .\.
- Pivotpoint Acetabulum \ i *\ i#J i
- "True" P.l. llium \;U i il"/
- Resistance may be felt n li
the legs with knee flexion,
with a possble jerky motion
when flexed.

Positive Derifield
. Set the table: Foot pece up, Dal set on LP. Direclional drcp up, Hd
pie@ tilted dwn wth plunger out.

. Sei the Patlent A.S.l.S.'s n lh gap.

' St the Dc{or: Dr. stands on eer sdFRight + D. .. Right Thenar.

Stabilizewith other hand-mid hel or M.C.P dthe indq finger.

. S,C,P. ? lldial, i nferi asrecf of the P. S. l. S. on the involved side.

Poqi, nfedq asrect of ihe schaltubrosity on the uninvolved side.

Posterior lschium
. No leg length analysis for this subluxaton

. ldentified by palpation of a taut and tender

gastrocnemius on the involved side-Opposite the side of
+ or - Derifield

. Pelvc pad actvaton: Directional drop...horizontal

. S.C.P.: lschial tuberosity--on the involved side.

lN llium
. Adjustment procedure: Pelvic pad activation and
d irecton al d rop mid line.

. A.S.l.S.'s in the gap

. S.C.P.: Medal aspect of the lschial tuberosity on the

involved side.

. Superior hand contact (C.P. Pisiform)

. L.O.D.: Medial to Lateral, slight P-A with an axial torque.

EX llium
. Adjustment procedur: PeMc pad activation with
d irectional drop horizontal

. A.S.l.S.'s n the gap

. S.C.P.: Lateral aspect of the P.S.l.S on the involved side

. Superior hand contiact-when n doubt!

. L.O.D.: Lateral to Medial...forearm @ 20 degrees

Sacral Analysis
. List the sacral subluxaton on the low leg

A) 4 inch or > difference between th6 left and right leg

B) Less than 4 inch height difference; diffculty and or

pain when raising the low leg

C) lf neither leg rases off the table and there is pain

and/or difficulty-Base Posterior.

Sacral Adjustment
. Sef fhe table.' oal on p, drectional drop straightaway (optonatS
- I directional drop can be utlzed)

. Sef fe Patient: Prone; A.S.t.S.'s n the gap; ffoss the nvotved

leg overthe unnvolved leg at the popliteal fossa

. Se he DOCtOf: Facng the feet; Superior hand on the uninvolved

P.S.l.S (psform/knfe edge contacl); lnferior hand (pisifon/knife edge
contact) on the uninvolved sacral notch

' L.O.C.: Rt.-CCw torque; Lt.-Cw torque; Scissor action to creale a

torquing of the sasum...slight P - A

Lumbar Analysis & Adjustment

. Analysis: Page 135
- Radiographic line analysis
- Palpation
- Vertebral Challenges...pressure / stress or
static / rebound challenges (A.K.)

. Single Hand Contact

. Pisiform Over Thumb
. Double Thumb

Thoracic Analysis & Adjustment

. Analysis and Patient positioning: (Pg 143)

. Adjustment:
#1) Single Hand Contact
#2) Pisiform Over Thumb
#3) Double Transverse
#4) DoubleThenar...(pg 143-146)

Upper Cervical

C1 and C2 Listings!

Atlas Listings - Line analysis

. 12 possible listings
. 3 views: L.C.N.
Base posterior / Vertex view
. L.C.N.: Attitucle of the Atlas
. Nasium: Lateralv of the Atlas
. Base posteror / V.V.: Rotation of the Atlas

C1 listings
. ASR . ASt


Line Analysis - Chapter 5


. A...Atlas
. S/l...Superior or lnferior (Lateral view)
. R/L...Right or Left laterality ( Nasium View)
. A,/P...Anterior or Posterior ( Base Posterior

: Atlas Protocol
. Apprcach: Eye levsl...Superiorlg
. Pivot30'tr80'
. Sten@
. Palpate
. Tisue Pull
. Pla@ Pisifom
. Activate Heed Piee
. Stablre
' Elbil P6ition
. ESN Pcition
. Sten
. Msualire
. Thrust
. Recol

Axis Listings

. 9 possible listings... Pg 56

. A-P open mouth...X-ray line analysis

. 4lines: O.O.L., S.B.L., l.B.L., and V.M.L.




Axis L ngs
4 lines: O.O.L., S.B.L., l.B.L., and V.M.L.

- lnEDrelims: Part I & Part ll I

- Pad l: C*rpara th. l!ftrune (h on lhs Lamlm wt thc

cksrca dot et th. ba$ d tre odontold. Lbrigs: Sp Rt" B.p. tr
sp Lt B.P.

- Part.ll: Cffip lhc r*iurce poltrt at be of the odstbtd wtth

heV.M.L.. Ll6ngs: ESRtrESL

Axis Protocol
. AproecNr: Gupelor log...spprclmately I inctei Om fromttrc top dg ofthe body
o.ti. (pgr40)
. PlvoftS(r
. Strp
. Pdp!
. TlsE Pll
. Pl@Piim
. AdivlfoHd Pl
. S.tlbllia
. Ebor Rlcliu
. ESN Pciion...2 l lo 3 ird$ dm lrcm tho top odge of tll6 B.C.
. Sire
. Vhde
. Ttnrt
. R@il


I ' Found on X-ray; Rare; C2 to C7 spinous rotation; T.T.T. on the same
side: RRR - L or LLL - k no leg length analysis

- . Dial on D...engage and weigh out the thoracic & cervical

pads (C & D)
* . Head piece tilted down one notch...foot piece up one notch


. Bottom of the Jaw 1" above the head rest paper I patientprone

'r Right head rotation
Right tender and taut trap
r Right spinous deviation from C2 to C7 (maximum
rotation located atC2...gradually returning to midline
with successive vertebra)

* ' Left l" Rb adjustment

. Left tender and taut trap
. Left spinous deviation from C2 to C7 (maximum rotation
located at C2...gradually retuming to midline with
successive vertebra)

' Right l"t Rib adjustment


a Stance: straight away or fencer

a Stand on the appropriate side / opposite head rotation and same side as
rib subluxation

o SCP: l't rib tubercle

o CP: Contact point #8 (mcp of the 2"d digit
of the superior hand
O SH: Inferior hand / by cupping the ear
with thenar and pisiform contacts
o Thrust: 1 thrust / approximately 10 lbs /
% to Yz inch depth
o LOD: S to I and slight P to A / pointing
medialward towards the opposite foot


rs- oCt'r are rore st yufrnl tfrcn on x-rq on$. No bg bngtfr ana$sis. *tb trauma
I inlucel, C2 naXinum. roto.tion tat wit[progressivefi retutn to midfrne as lou rrogress
to CZ.

L- lFounf,onX-ray Wre; C2 to C7 syinow rotatian; ':f, on tfrc same si[e: AuKK- L or

LLL q.. ..ArUk out on initiatvisitt
"- $[otes:


Found with leg lengths in Extension

. Identify the short leg in extension - R or L

o H.R. to R or L will improve leg lengths - name and claim

LOD: C2-Ci:P-A,I-S
C6-C7: P-4, S-I

. Dial on D...engage and weigh out the thoracic & cervical

: . ffiT.f*.l}ted down one notch...foot piece up one notch


. Bottom of the Jaw 1" above the head rest paper

. Ask the patient to turn their head to the appropriate side (right or left)
. Patient prone

: Doc:

o Stance: Fencer on opposite side of head rotation:

. SCP: Articular piocess of the involved vert.

. CP: Contact point #7 I PIP or DIP of the

2"d digit (Inferior hand)

. SH: Superior hand / by cupping the ear

with thenar and pisiform contacts
(mastoid & zygomatic arch)
. Thrust: 1 thrust / approximately 10 lbs /
% to Y, inch depth

. LOD: C2-C3:P-A,I-S
C4-C5: P-A,L-M
C6-C7: P-A, S-I



:- Sost a.Qustment bg bngtfr ana$sis s.ouUrweaf correction. t{awever, rnw te patient
ry gresent witfr anotfierXDCS ria tfrc feg tengt ana$sk protocot If not, tfien rea[
tfrc bg bngtfrsforOetvic anafisis.

compare it to te same bg hfttXb".

' tlu bgs wen out in efiension an[Jtcaion after te cervicaf correction? I[entfy one of
* tfr,e tree possifiititics (compare lEstnsian an[rFfe4ion).

* 1. Sfion feg goes bng = * 'D

3. lEven fegs in egension /fteaion = stress / pressurefor ana$sis


Found with leg lengths in Flexion

o Identify the short leg in Flexion - R or L

o H.R. to R or L will improve leg lengths - name and claim

LOD: C2-Ci:P-A,I-S
C6-C7: P-A, S*I

. Dial on D...engage and weigh out the thoracic & cervical

pads (C & D)
' . Head piece tilted down one notch...foot piece up one notch

. Bottom of the Jaw 1" above the head rest paper
. Ask the patient to turn their head to the appropriate side (right or left)
. Patient prone

_ry . Stnce: Fencer on opposite side of head rotation:

-- . SCP: Articular process of the involved vert.

o cP: i,,?1?XTJ#,,;:florDrP

. SH: Superior hand / by cupping the ear

with thenar and pisiform contacts
(mastoid & zygomatic arch)
. Thrust: 1 thrust / approximately 10 lbs /
Yo to Yz inch depth

. LOD: C2-Ci:P-A,I-S
C6-C7: P-A, S-I





Found with leg lengths inExtension

Even legs in Extension

. H.R. o R B L shorten the R s L leg respectiaely -

. Dial on D...engage and weigh out the thoracic & cervieal
pads (C & D)
: . Head piece tilted down two notches...foot piece up one notch

. Bottom of the Jaw 1" above the head rest paper
. Ask the patient to tck their chin...towards their chest (no contacts
-* . Patient prone


o Stance: Fencer on either side

. SCP: Lateral to the EOP at the occipital

brim (Wells Fossa)
:- . CP: Contact point #10 lbilateral thenars
. Thrust: 1 thrust with both hands
simultaneously / approximately 10 lbs

C2 spinous process an[ taut an[ tenler no[uks afong tfie occipitaf 6rim are
commonf1 note{ witfr a GCS su6 [u4ation.

C2 wiffusuat$ 6e signfficantQ fess ten[er after tfie a[justment.

cPosta[jrutment teg tengt anafisis sfiouf[reveaf correction. I{owever, now te patient

ml present witfr an CS orXaCS pia te feg fengtfr ana$sis.


Qost a$ustment bg bngtfr. aoobsis sfr.outdrweatcorrection ltowever, now tfre patient
ny present witfi anotfrer'CS, a (BCS, or a XcDCS via tfre hg bngt anaytis yrotocot






I[ent{1 tfre orginaf sort t g i"lEfiension, after cervicaf correction (if ary) anl
compare it to te same feg infteaion.

<Dil te originaf sfrort feg get fonger, stal te same or ecome sfiorter infu4on? Or l
tfre fegs win out in eginsinn anffteXion after tfie cervicaf correction? I[entfy one of
tfie tfrree possifiifitics (compare lEfiension an[f b4bn).

: 'H'tr:;',:;ffi,:lffi;;:?nu,p,n,ureforanagsis

Table: ";
. Dial on LP...engage and weigh out the Pelvic & Lumbar
pads (L & P)
. Directional Drop Up (positive)
. Head piee tilted down one notch...foot piece up one notch
. Turn off the head piece

. ASIS's in the gap
. Tear offa piece of head rest paper and place on thoracic padfor
sltorter patients
. Patient prone

. Fencer stance on either side: Left to Left & Right to Right

. SCP: Inferior medial aspect of the PSIS

. S.S.P: Inferior aspect of the ischial


. CP: Contact point #10 lthenar eminence

SH: Contact point#l1 / mid heel

Thrust: 3 thrust / approximately 20 lbs /

Yz to % inch depth

. LOD: P - A, I - S / through the plane line of the


Sost a[justment kg tengt anaf1sis sfrouflrepeaf correction of te (Posterior Inferior

Ifium. Legs wiffpresent even fegs in efiension ondffe4ion. If not, tfren cfiaffenge tfie
cPJ. Itium (motion pafpation / stress / pressure) to confirrn correction. If correctinn
occurrel, tfren continue witfr protoco[ anlfoau on te Sacrum.
I[entfi tfrc originaf sort ttg i" lEfiension, after cervicaf correction (if ary) an[
compare it to tfie same feg infteaion.

qDil tfie originaf sfrort feg get fonger, stay t,e sarne or ecome sfrorter inf[e4bn? Or i[
te fegs wen out in egensian an[fte4ion after tfre centicaf correction? I[entfu one of
tfre tfrree possiifitips (compare lEfrension an[lFte4ion).
1. Sfiort kg goes hng = * A
2. Sfi.ort stals tfre same or sfrorter = - (D
3. lEven fegs in egensian /ffe4ion = stress / pressurefor anaf1sis

. Dial on LP...engage and weigh out the Pelvic & Lumbar
pads (L & P)
. Directional Drop Down (negative)
. Head piece tilted Up...foot piece down
. Pelvic Blocker placed (appropriately)


. PSIS's are positioned 1" below the top of the pelvic pad
. Patient supine
. 7 tngger points/3 positive


o Fencer stance on the affected side: Part I&2

Part 1

. PP: Affected leg flexed & foot on the


. SCP: Anterior and inferior aspect of the

ischial tuberosity (involved side)


o CP: Contact point #8 / MCP of the 2'd


o SP: Contact point#l1 / mid heel

o Thrust: 3 thrust / approximately 20 lbs i

% to % inch depth

I- S and slight A to P

lsrt2 .' : . ' .l'i'
. r,, :: , ,,
o' FP.: Unaff,eoted,leg flexed & foot nfu-.,,,.
, table 7Affe.ct.gd leg.l1VrnS,O+,.,&etaile'

i : 't .,
o SCP:

Inerrid liampnt niddfe of rhe '

,.', , , ,,. , ,,1!gam:entoniketmtalved,side) I '' ., .',



. S.S.P: Unaffected flexed knee


. CP: Contact point #ll
lmid heel / mid
inguinal (superior hand)

. SP: Inferior hand / cradle the unaffected

knee (no thrust)

i . Thrust: 3 thrustwith superior hand only /

approximately 10 to 15 lbs /
* tA to Yz inch depth

. LOD: A to P, slight I to S, cloclcwse torque (left)

torque (right) / the





cPost aljustrnent teg tengt anaf1sis sfouffreveafcorrection of tfie Sosterior Inferior
Ifium. Legs wiffpresent even kgs in efiension an[fteaion. If not, tfren cfrafknge tfie
Q.I. Ifiurn (motion pafpation / stress / pressure) to confirm correction. If correction
occurre[, ten continue witfr protocof onlfocus on tfre Sacrum.


Posterior Ischium
L- Sost aQustment kg tengtfr ana$sis sfioufl reveaf correction of tfre Sosterior Inferior
Ifium (+ or-a) Legs wiffpresent wen fegs in efi,ension an[fteaion...continw witfr
\- protocof. Squceze tfu gastrocnemius muscks (ikteraQ {, compare te rigfrt an[ kft
L If
sile. ltfre sile oqrposite tfre + or - A souff 6e more taut an[ten[er to tfre "squceze'.
o, ndrte an[ cfaim tfre Sosterior Iscfiium status an[ a[just according$.

\- . Dial on P...engage and weigh out the Pelvic pad
o Directional Drop midline (straight away)
\_ . Head piece tilted down one notch...foot piece up one notch
i- . Turn off the head piece


\ . ASIS's in the gap

. Tear offa piece of head rest paper and place on thoracic padfor
shorter patients
. Patient prone


. Fencer stance on the side of the Posterior Ischium : Superior hand

contact when in doubt!

. SCP: Inferior aspect of the Ischial


. CP: Contact point #1 / Pisiform

(Superior hand / fingers pointing
. SH: Contact point#l i Pisiform
(Inferior hand / fuIl toggle grip)

o Thrust: 3 thrust / approximately 20lbs I

Yzto % inch depth

. LOD: P - A, I - S / through the plane line of the


Qost afjustment teg fengt anafysis sfiouffrevea[correction of tfre Qosterior Iscium.

Legs wiftpresent eaeru fegs in efiensi.on an[fte4ion anftfie taut an[ten[er
gastrocnemius wiff dirninisfi upon pafpation. If not, tfien cfia[[enge tfre Qosterior
Iscfiium witfr tfrefotbwing: (motion pafpation / stress / pressurQ to confirm correction.
If correctinn occurrel, tfren contintrc witfr protocof an[focus on te I^l'4,lEX.
IN Ilium

After cfearing tfie + or - A an[ tfre (Posterior Iscium, focus on tfre I^r st EX ifrin.
ffr.e IN lfiu:m wiffpresent wit toe outfootffare (rute of te freef - tfre catcaneus wi[[

wiffusuaffl6efoun[ontfie same sile as tfre + or-D (posteriorifrum).


. Dial on P...engage and weigh out the Pelvic pad

. Directional Drop midline (straight away)
. Head piece tilted down one notch...foot piece up one notch
. Turn off the head piece


. ASIS's in the gap

. Tear offa piece of head rest paper and place on thoracic padfor
shorter patients
o Patient prone


. Straight away stance on the opposite side of the IN ilium: Superior

hand contact when in doubt!

. SCP: Inferior medial aspect of the Ischial


o CP: Contact point #1 / Pisiform

(Superior hand / fingers pointing
away from the spine - 90o to the spine
with a 45o pitch to the floor)
Contact point#1 / Pisiform
(Inferior hand / fulItoggle grip)

o Thrust: 3 thrust / approximately 20 lbs /

Yzto % inch depth

. LOD: M to L, slight P - A with an axial torque

Afur cbaring tp IN lfrinn, watuate ltiumfor apossib EX lam. tfu
to opposite
patient wiffpresent witfi a toe infootftare (rub of to cet- tc cakaneus witrfottow
tfre lum) narw gtuteat, an[wile otwaurforatnen. lffu fX fiunwitruswt$ 6e
foun[on tfre same sile as tfie Soswrior Iscfr:ium.


BX llium

Xfu, cfearing teIN lfium, wafunte tfi"e oyposite l[iumfor a possilfe tEX lfr.um. tffre
patient wiffpresent witfr a toe infootffare (rute of te fieet- te cakaneus wittfottow
tfie ltium), narrow gfuteat, anlwile oturatorforameru on X-ra1. ltfre IEX Itium witt
usuatfi 6efoun[ on tfre sarne sile as tfre Sosterior Iscfiium.


o Dial on P...engage and weigh out the Pelvic pad

. Directional Drop midline (straight awag
o Head piece tilted down one notch...foot piece up one notch
. Turn off the head piece


a ASIS's in the gap

O Tear offa piece of head rest paper and place on thoracic padfor
shorter patients
Patient prone


Straight away stance on the same side of the EX ilium: Superior hand
contact wlten in doubt!

. SCP: Lateral aspect of the PSIS

. CP: Contact point #1 / Pisiform

(Superior hand / fingers pointing
toward the spine - 90" to the spine
with a 20o pitch to the floor)

. SH: Contact point#l / Pisiform

(Inferior hand / full toggle grip)
o Thrust: 3 thrust / approximately 20 Lbs I
% to % inch depth

. LOD: L to M, slight P * A


After ctearing to I9{ et,lE/Y, watuate tfre sacrum. Stafiifrze tfie sacrum wit t
superior frand reinforcelwitfr afutrtoggb gnp. AW 1g + [6s of yressure an[note

tfu a6it1 of te patient to raise tfro teft an[rigt bg off tfr ta6b. tTu iwofve[sile
witr 6e ffiruft to raise wfren conparing to tfro uninvotvel sile.




After cfearing tfrelW et EX evafuate tfre sacrum. Stafiitize tfie sacrum wit tfre
superiar fran[, reinforce[witfr afufftoggt" gnp. ,4W0 10 + [6s of pressure anfnote
te a6ifrt1 of tfie patient to raise tfre teft anf rigt kg off te ta6[e. ltfre invofve[ sile
witf 6e fifficutt to raise offtfre tafe... wfin comparing to tfre unimtofve[sile.

o Dial on P...engage and weigh out the Pelvic pad
o Directional Drop midline (straight away)
. Head piece tilted down one notch...foot piece up one notch
. Turn off the head piece


. ASIS's in the gap

. Tear offa piece of head rest paper and place on thoracic padfor
shorter pqtients
. Patient prone


. Facing the feet for the first and only time; Superior hand points to the
superior Doc while contacting the superior segmental contact. The
inferior hand points to the inferior Doc while contacting the inferior
segynental contact.

o SCP: Superior contact:

Medial border of the PSIS

Iryferior contact:
Lateral aspect of the Sacral Notch
. CP: Contact point #1 / Pisiform
(Superior hand / fingers pointing
away from the spine)
(Inferior hand / fingers pointing
towards the spine)

. Thrust: 3 thrust / approximately 20lbs I

% to % inch depth

o LOD: Superior Hund: M to L, P to A with

Inferior hand: L to M, P to A with
Right Sub: Cloch,vise TQ
Left Sub: Counterclockwise TQ
,After ckaring Sacrum, contiruue witfr [frompson protocot If te patfunt presents
wit a Spon[1fofi^rtfiesis tfrat is s)mptomatio tfrenfoffow te protocofguilefines to
frefp restore proper mol,)ement an[ [ecrease qmptoms associ.atefwit te
Sponlltofistfiesis. tfiere dre two possife rnetfrofs in treating tis situation via

Lumbar Spine

After cfearing te Sacrum, continue witltfrompsonprotocot If te paticntpresents

witfi a Lumfiar suturytion, tfi.enfo[[ow te protocotguiletines to etp restore proper
movement anf [ecrease finptoms associatefwit te Lumar sufuXation. ltfre
Lumar spine is anatlzelvin static 4,motion pafpation, stress s{,pressure, X-ra.1 fine
anatlsis, an[re6oun[ et [irect cfia[[enges.

. Dial on L...engage and weigh out the Lumbar pad

o Directional Drop midline (straight awa9
o Head piece tilted down one notch...foot piece up one notch
. Turn off the head piece


. ASIS's in the gap

. Tear offa piece of head rest paper and place on thoracic padfor
shorter patients
. Patient prone


handfor T1,2,3, &L4,5 setups,
. SHC or POT...Straight away stance

. All other vertebra (74 to L3)...use the superior handfor setups

fencer stance
Adiustine protocol and possibilities:

o SHC (Single Hand Contact)

. POT (Pisiform Over Thumb)
. DT (Double Thumb / no fencer stance / straight awa,

. SCP: Mamillary process

. CP: #1 / Pisiform (SHC)

#9 I Tip of Thumb (POT)
#9 lTip of Thumb (DT)

#1 / Pisiform (tull toggle grip) (SHC)

#1 / Pisifon on contact thumb (POT)
#9 I Tip of Thumb on contact thumb
(DT) (Right to Right & Left to Left)

o Thrust: 3 thrust / approximately 20lbs I

Yz to inch depth

. LOD: P - A, I - S / through the plane line of the


Qost a[justrnent kg tengt ana$sis s.ouff reveaf correction of tfie Lutnar

SufuXation. Legs wiffpresent witfr even fegs in e4ension witfr no or frttfe response to
tfre previous ana$sis. If not, tfrcn cfia[[enge tfr.e isofate['zerte1rafor rotation,
faterafit1, anlsuperior an[inferiormatpositionwtfr tfrcfottawing procelures: (motion
patpation / stress / pressurQ to conf.rru correctian. If correction occurred ten continu
wit protocof an[focus on tfre ltfroracic ryine.
Lumbar Spine - SIIC

After ctearing tfre Sacrum, continuc witfr ltfrompson protoco[ If te patbnt presents
wit a Lumar su6tu"ation, tfienfoffow tfre protocofguiletines to etp restore proper
mwement anl [ecrease s)mptoms assoc'iate[wit te Lumar sufuXation. tfre
Lumar spine is ana$ze[vin static {,motion patpation, stress etpressure, X-ra1 fine
anaf1sis, an[refiounl st [ect cfrafknges.


. Dial on L...engage and weigh out the Lumbar pad

. Directional Drop midline (straight awa,
Head piece tilted down one notch...foot piece up one notch
. Turn off the head piece


. ASIS's in the gap

. Tear offa piece of head rest paper and place on thoracic padfor
shorter patients
. Patient prone


handfor T1,2,3, &L4,5 setups..
SHC... Straight away stance

. All other vertebra (74 to L3)...use the superior handfor setups

Adiustins protocol and possibilities:

o SHC (Single Hand Contact)

SCP: Mamillary process

. CP: #1 / Pisiform (SHC)

o SH: #1 i Pisiform (tull toggle grip) (SHC)

. Thrust: 3 thrust i approximately 20lbs I

% to % inch depth

. LOD: P - A, I - S / through the plane line of the


Ll _L3
L4 &,L5

cPost aljustment kg tengt anaQsis sfrouf[ret,eaf correction of tfie Lumar

Su6[u4ation. Legs wiffpresent witfr even fegs in efiension wit no or fittfe response to
tfie previous anaf1sis. If not, tfien cfraffenge tfie isofotedverterafor rotation,
faterofit1t, an[ superior an[ inferior mafposition witfi tefoffowing procefures: (motion
pofpotion / stress / pressur) to confirm correction. If correction occurrel, tfren continue
witfi protocof an[focu$ on tfre ffroracic spirue.
Lumbar Spine - POT

After ctearing tfre Sacrum, continu witfrltfr.ompson protocot If tfre paticnt presents
- witfr a Lumfiar su6[u"4ation, tenfoffow tfie protocofguilefrnes to efp restore proyter
movement anl[ecrease symptoms associnte[witfi te Lumar su6tu4atinn. ltfre
Lumar syine is anatlze[tia static stmotion pafpation, stress st,pressure, X-ra1 [ine
anaf1sis, an[ re 6 ounf et [irect c fr.a[[eng es.


. Dial on L...engage and weigh out the Lumbar pad

. Directional Drop midline (straight awa9
. Head piece tilted down one notch...foot piece up one notch
. Turn off the head piece


o ASIS's in the gap

. Tear off a piece of head rest paper and place on thoracic padfor
shorter patients
. Patient prone


handfor T1,2,3, & L4,5 setups.
. POT...Straight away stance

. All other vertebra (74 to L3)...use the superior handfor setups

Adiustins protocol and possibilities :

o POT (Pisiform Over Thumb)

o SCP: Mamillary process

o CP: #9 I Tip of Thumb (POT)

o SH: #1 / Pisifonn on contact thumb (POT)

o Thrust: 3 thrust / approximately 20lbs I

Yz to % inch depth

. LOD: P - A, I - S / through the plane line of the


LI -L3

L4 -L5
Sost a"Qustnent [g fengt. ana$sis sfr.ouffrweatcorrectian of te Lumar
Sufit4ation. Legs wiffpresent witfr erten fegs in eg.ension witfr no or frttfe resporue to
tfrc previous ana$sis. If not, ten cattonge t isotate[wrafiraforrotatiory
hterafrty, an[ supernr an[ inferior matpositian wit te fo ffwing gno ce[ures: (motion
patpation / stress /pressure)to confi.m. correction. If correction occurred tfren contiruu
witfr proucof an[focus on tfi foracic t?*t.



Lumbar Spine - DT

After ctearing tfie Sacrum, continu witfr.llfrompson protocot If tfre paticnt presents
wit a Lumar su6fu4ation, tenfo[[ow tfie protocofguilefines to frefp restore proper
mov ernent an[ [e cre as e qtnptoms as s o ciate I witfr t e Lum 6 ar su 6 fu4ation. ltfre
Lumar syine is anatlze[ tia static sl motion patpation, stress et pressure, X-ra1 fr.ne
anaf1sk, an[re6oun[ st [irect cfi.a[knges.


. Dial on L...engage and weigh out the Lumbar pad

. Directional Drop midline (straight awa9
. Head piece tilted down one notch...foot piece up one notch
. Turn off the head piece


. ASIS's in the gap

. Tear offa piece of head rest paper and place on thoracic padfor
sltorter patients
o Patient prone


. Fencer stance on the side of the posterior rotation (BR or BL) or stand
on either side for the posterior listing

r Right to Right and Left to Left

t Lean lateral 4 to 8 inches for rotation listings
. ESN over the spinefor posterior listings
Adiustins protocol and possibilities:

. DT (Double Thumb / fencer stance)

. SCP: Mamillary process

I Unilateral contact for rotation
I Bilateral contact for posteriority

o CP: #9 I Tip of Thumb (DT)

(Right to Right & Left to Left)

. SH: #9 I Tip of Thumb on contact thumb

o Thrust: 3 thrust i approximately 20 lbs /

% to % inch depth

. LOD: P - A, I - S / through the plane line of the

Sost a.$ustment feg bngtfr ana$sk sfrouflrweat correction of to Lumfiar
SufuXation Legs wiffyresent witfr even fegs in efiensionwit no or frttfe response to
tc prertious ana$sis. If not, tfrn caffnge tfie isotaw[vertefiraforrotation,
faterafr.ty, an{supnior an[inferiormafuositionwitfr tfrefotrouting proce[ures: (motion
patpation / stress /pressurQto confimr. correction. If corection occured tfrn contintu
witfr protocof an[focus on tfre llfroracic t?*t.

After ctearing te Sacrum, continue witfr ltfr.ompson protoco[ tf te paticnt presents
witfr a symptomatir Spon[ytofistfiesis, tfr.enfo[fow tfie llfrompson guilefines to frefp
restore proper rnoeement anl [ecrease nnptoms associatelwitfr te Sponlyfofistfresis.
l[frere are two possife metofs in treating tfris situation via l[frompson.


. Dial on LP...engage and weigh out the Pelvic & Lumbar pads
o Directional Drop midline (straight awa,
. Head piece tilted up...foot piece down
. Turn off the head piece
. Pelvic Blocker inserted


. PSIS's are one inch below the top of the pelvic pad
. Patient supine
o Knees bent and feet on the table for the
o'Field" method
. Knees bent and off the table (@90") for the "Institutional" method


. Stand on either side

. Facing the patient / ESN over midline: Two methods: Field &

Field Method:

. SCP: Bilateral contact over the patient's

anterior aspect / midline & over the
involved segment / use the ASIS's
to help isolate the involved segment
Contact point #I0 lThenars
(Superior hand / fingers pointing
toward the R or L ASIS)
(Inferior hand / fingers pointing
toward the R or L ASIS)

. Thrust: 3 pressures / no thrust /

apply pressure until the table drops

. LOD: Superior Hand: A to P / through the

involved segment

Inferior hand: A to P / through the

involved segment

Institutional Method:

. SCP: Bilateral contact over

the patient's anterior aspect of the R
& L Tibia and below the patella's /
both legs raised off the table and
raised at a90" angle raised over the
patient's abdomen
. CP: Contact point / 2 possibilities:
Possibility 1: #ll lMid heels
Possibility 2: Cross your arrns over
the SCP with your ESN over midline
(great for the female population)

o Thrust: 3 thrust I "Crazy"

. LOD: Superior Hand: A to P / through the

involved segment

Inferior hand: A to P / through the

involved segment
OnQ a[justfor a Spon$tofistfiesis tfrat's rymptornotic anl [ess tfian a gra[e 2.
,4.na$ze tfre Ssoas
Thoracic Spine - Double Thenar

-After ctearing te Lutnhar spine, continue wit.tfr.ompsonprotocof If te paticnt

- presents witfr altfroraci su6tu4ation, tfienfo[[ow tfr.e protocofguilefirus to efp restore
proper movement an[ [ecrease qmptoms associate[witfr tfie toracic su6tu4ation. ltfre
Itfroracic spine is anaf1zefva static et motion pafpation, stress etpressure, X-ra.1 fine
anatlsis, an[ re 6 oun[ 4, [irect c fiaffeng es.

. Dial on D...engage and weigh out the Thoracic pad
o Directional Drop midline (straight away)
. Head piece tilted down one notch...foot piece up one notch
. Turn off the head piece

. Bottom of the mandible...1" above the bottom of the head rest paper
. Patient prone


o Fencer stance on the side of the posterior rotation (BR or BL &

Posterior segments)

. Right to Right and Left to Left

. ESN over the spinefor posterior segments
. ESN 4 to 8 inch lateral lean / same side of body rotation
t Tltrust / same side only / stabilize opposite side
Adiusting protocol and possibilities:

DT (Double Thenar)

o SCP: Transverse process

o CP: #10 I Thenar (DT)

o SH: #10 I Thenar (DT)

o Thrust: 3 thrust / approximately 20lbs I

lz to % inch depth

. LOD: P - A, I - S / through the plane line of the

Sost a[justrnent kg tengtfr ana$sis sfrouffreaeaf correction of tfie ,ffioracic
Su6[u4ation. Legs wiffpresent witfr eaen fegs in efiension witfi no or fittfe response to
tfre preaious ana$tsis. If not, tfren cfrafknge tfie isofatelverterafor rotation
we[ging, faterafit1, superior on[inferiormafposition. flna$ze witfr tefottowing
procelures: (motion pafpation / stress / pressure / XooD to confirm su6tu4ation anl
correcti.on. If correction occurref, tfren continue witfi protocof an[ rufe out possi\fe
anterior toracic mafpositions, rotatel ri6s, anl efevate[ ri6 cage.

Thoracic Spine - Double Transverse

After ctearing tfie Lumfiar spine, continuc witfr Ifrompson grotoco[ If tfre patient
presents witfr altfroraci sufuXatian, tfr.enfo[[ow t.e protocotguilefirus to frefp restore
propermoaement an[[ecreose qmptoms associate[witfi tfie tfioracic su6fu4ation. ltfre
l[froraci spine is anafize[via static st,motion pafpation, stress st,pressure, X-ra1 fine
anaf1sis, an[ re 6 ounl 4, [irect c fiaffeng es.

. Dial on D...engage and weigh out the Thoracic pad
. Directional Drop midline (straight away)
. Head piece tilted down one notch...foot piece up one notch
. Turn off the head piece


o Bottom of the mandible...1" above the bottom of the head rest paper
. Patient prone


. Fencer stance on the side of the posterior body rotation (BR or BL)

. Right to Left and Left to Right

. ESN over the spine
, Inferior hand contact on the side of body rotation /
Superior hand stabilizes one to two segments below
r Thrust / same side only / stabilize opposite side
Adiustins protocol and possibilities:

DT (Double Transverse)

SCP: Transverse process

CP: #1 / Pisiform (Deep Arch)

SH: #1 / Pisiform (Deep Arch)

Thrust: 3 thrust / approximately 15 to 20lbs I

% to % inch depth

. LOD: P - A, I - S / through the plane line of the


Sost aljustment kg fengt ana$sis sfrouffrerteaf correction of tfre lfiorocic

Su6[uXation. Legs wiffpresent witfi er.,en fegs in efiension witfr no or fittk response to
tfie previous ana$sis. If not, ten cfia[[enge tfie isotate[verterofor rotation /
w e [g ing, fatera titlt, sup erior an[ inferior ma [p o sitions. flna Q z e wit fr t e fo ttowin g
proce[ures: (motion pafpation / stress / pressure / X-ray) to confirm su6fu4ation anl
correction. If correction occurre[, tfren continue witfi protoco[ onfrufe out possi1fe
anterior tfioracic mafpositions, rotate[ ri6s, and efevate[ ri6 cage.
Thoracic Spine - POT

After cfearing tfip Lumar syine, continuc witfiffrompsonprotoco[, If tc patient

presents witfr altfroracic su6fu"4ation, tfienfoffow tfrc protocofguilefines to fietp restore
proper mol)ement an[ [ecreose qrmptoms associate[wit tfre tfioracic su6fu4ation. lt'fr.e
Itfroracic syine is ana$ze[ via static & motion pafpation, stress et, pressure, X-ra1 frne
anafysis, an[ re 6oun[ e{ [ire ct c fiaffeng es.

. Dial on D...engage and weigh out the Thoracic pad

. Directional Drop midline (straight away)
. Head piece tilted down one notch...foot piece up one notch
. Turn off the head piece

. Bottom of the mandible...1" above the head rest paper
o Patient prone

. Straight away stance on the side of the posterior rotation (BR or BL):
. Top 3 and bottom 2...hand by the shoe! Use the inferior
handfor T1,2,3, &L4,5 setups.
. SHc...Straight away stance
. All other vertebra (74 to L3)...use the superior handfor setups
Adiustins protocol and possibilities :

POT (Pisiform Over Thumb)

. SCP: Transverse process

o CP: #9 I Tip of Thumb (POT)

. SH: #l / Pisifoffn on contact thumb (POT)

. Thrust: 3 thrust / approximately 20 lbs /

% to % inch depth

. LOD: P - A, I - S / through the plane line of the


T1 -T3

T4 -Ttz

Thoracic Spine - SHC

After ctearing Lum\ar syine, continue witfiltfrompsonprotocot If ta paticnt

presents witfr alforacic sufifuXatian, tfrenfo[[ow tfi.e protocofguilefincs to efp restore
proper rnovement an[ fecredse grmptoms associate[witfr tfre tfioracic su6tu4ation. ltfre
tfioracic spine is ana$ze[via static st motion patpation, tress s(,pressure, X-ra1 fine
anatlsis, an[ re 6 oun[ s{, lire ct c fiaffeng es.


o Dial on D...engage and weigh out the Thoracic pad

. Directional Drop midline (straight awa,
. Head piece tilted down one notch...foot piece up one notch
. Turn off the head piece


. Bottom of the mandible...\" above the head rest paper

. Patient prone


o Straight away stance on the side of the posterior rotation (BR or BL):
Top 3 and bottom 2...harud by the shoe! Use the inferior
handfor T1,2,3, & L4,5 setups.
SHc...Straight away stance

o All other vertebra (74 to L3)...use the superior handfor setups

Adiustins protocol and possibilities :

o SHC (Single Hand Contact)

o SCP: Transverse process

. CP: #1 / Pisiform (SHC)

o SH: #1 / Pisiform (tull toggle erip) (SHC)

. Thrust: 3 thrust / approximately 20lbs I

% fo % inch depth

. LOD: P - A, I - S / through the plane line of the


T1 -T3

T4 -Tt2
Qost a.$ustmont bg bngtfr ana$sis sfi.out[rweatcorrection of teffroracic
SuflhXatian Legs wiffyresent wit evm fegs in efiensian witfi. no or fittb response to
tc previous ana$sis. If not, ten cfraffnge tfr.e isotate[perteraforrotation/
we{gmg, faterafr.ty, superior an[inferiormafposition. Ana$ze wit tcfotrming
grocelu.res: (motinn pafpation stress / pressu.re / X-ro.ls) to confimr. su6fu4ation anl
correction. If corection occurred tfion continuc wit protoco[ an[ rab out possife
anterior tfr.oracb matpasitians, rotate[ri6s, an[ efevate[ri6 cage.

Thoracic Spine - Anterior Thoracic

After cfearing tfie lt'fr,oracic spine, continu witfr.lffr.ompson protoco[. ?a[pate

te ltfroracic spine an[ilentfi ary ten[er spinous process, tis ma1 6e
associatelwitfr a "ffattene[tfioracic \ypfrosis". ffre patient couff ave muftipte
anterior segrnents, an[present wit a "Sottengers saucerizdtion". If so, ayptl
tefottowing protocof {,guilefincs to frefp restore proper rno't)etflent an[
lecrease symptoms associote[ wit tfie anterior tfioracic su6 fu4ation.


o Dial on D...engage and weigh out the Thoracic pad

. Directional Drop midline (straight awaD
. Head piece tilted up...foot piece down
. Turn off the head piece
. Pelvic blocker inserted


o Thoracic blocker placed at segment below the Anterior Thoracic /

Saucerization and aligned with the Thoracic pad
. Patient supine
. Opposite side arm on top, same side arm (side of Doctor's stance) on


. Fencer stance on the either side of the Anterior Thoracic

o 2 methods: Mid sternal or Mid axillary

' Doctor genu-flects with a scooping motion toward the
ears of the patient.
Adiustins protocol and possibilities:

. MidrAxillary

SCP: Patient's'shoulder,girdle /R & L


SP: Mid Axillary region

Thrust: 3 thrust / approximately 15 to 20 lbs /

Yzio 3/o inch depth :

. LOD: A - P, I - S / through the involved vertebra

Sost aljustment pafpatian sfrouflrweat [crease in syinattmlcrr,.ess. If corection of

tfi anterior toracic su1fiiXation corrects in one tfirust, tfro otfier two a"Sustmeflts ore
not require, If correcqlory,occured ten continw witfiyotocotan[ntb outpossiilb
rotate[ ri6s, an[ efuiate[ ri6 cage.

Thoracic Spine - ERC

After cfearing tfie tfioracic sphe, continue witfr ltfrompson protoco[ ceafpate
te oracic spine an[i[entf1 ary ten[er spinou^s process, tfris ma1 5e
associate[witfi a ffattenel toracic Qyposis". ltfre patient couff ave muftipfe
anterior segrnents, an[Tresent witfr a "Sottengers saucerizati.on'. If so, appf1
tfrefottowing protocof s{, gui[efines to frefp restore proper mol)ement an[
[ecrease symptoms associate[ wit tfre anterior tfioracic su6 fu4ation.


. Dial on DL...engage and weigh out the Thoracic pad

. Tension knob: Between the Dorsal and Lumbar Pad - In the middle
. Directional Drop midline (straight away)
. Head piece tilted up...foot piece down
. Turn off the head piece
. Pelvic blocker inserted

. Patient shoulders aligned with the top of Thoracic pad
. Patient supine
. Patients: Females - Breast protection (cover breast tissue with both
Males - cover breast tissue or tuck hands under buttocks.


o Straight away stance on the side of the elevated rib cage

. SHC below the clavicle - full hand contact on thoracic cavity (fingers
pointing up and towards the opposite ASIS)
. IHC laced between the ribs on the opposite side - make sure the
contact does not include the bottom of the rib cage
. ESN over midline of the patient
Adiustins protocol and possibilities:

. Right or Left ERC

SCP: Patient's shoulder girdle / R & L

CP: Entirehand/R&L

SP: Mid Axillary region

Thrust: 3 thrust / approximately 15 to 20lbs I

% to % inch depth

. LOD: Superior: A-P,I- S to the opposite llium

Inferior: A-P, S-I

cPost a[justment pafpation sfiouf{ repeaf fecrease in spinaf tenlerness. If correction of

tfie anterior tfioracic su6fu4ation corrects in one tfirust, te otfrer two oQustments are
not require[. If correction occurre[, tfren continue witfr protocof an[rufe out possi\fe
rotatel ri6s, anf efer.ute[ ri6 cage.
Qost a.Sustmcnt feg bngt ana$sis s.ouffrweafcorectian of tellfr.oracic
SuhWtian Legs wi[presentwitfr even fegs in egensianwitfr no or fittb response to
ta prutious anatysis. If not, tfien cfraff^onge tfu isotate[vertraforrotation
we[t:ng, faterafrt1, superior an[inferiormafpositian. flna$ze witfr tfrefotrDwixtg
yrroce[ures: (motionpatpation / stress /yressure /X-rays)to conftm su6fu4ation an[
correction If correction occured tfr.en continw witfr protocof anl rub out possfife
anterior toracic mafposrtions, rotate[ ri6s, an[ etevate[ ri6 cage.



Essentials of

Shoulder Kinematics Shoulder-Regonal Exam

JointTyper Synovial Active Range of Motion
o . AROM
f.16 oe.d lA
Flexion...... ... ...... 180" . Flexbn....-....180'
o Ball & Socket O@/ffiIadffilr(bplgaa0
Gtenohuenl) E)dcnsion......60"
.Gtidng(qpulodrmcic) Extension............60" . Dk@? (Pb6, tuq^C)
lnt/exl rotation"' O[sEtu F!Gr, rub!, Lup+ Dlalbn.....-...90'/80'
- eLr, 4h& t Slq ba dlq -bgbg
^rucularsdace. 90'/80" Abdudion... ... I EO"
o Gleohmcrl: oevc trataa(oilc 557)
Glmid Abduction-........... 1 gO" Addudion...35'
fos)oonv*(hadof Adducton........,...35"
t. Tdtu
2, dtbanFP.tu
hmru) HorizontarAdd./Abd r. Rrddq tEb! G* (!2tH,)
AddJAbd. ...130"/t5'
o Sepulotlro.ncic:conave Sepul@stalfy&m
(zubupulu fcs) c onvex
(pcterior ribs)
ftumerus: scapula)
120":60" (2:1)

o ( )

Shoulder-Regional Exam Shoulder-Regional Exam

S@!g Roiltorcu
. Cd.g . Aplcy! m . Empfry n
. GdP &rg (drEe@) . Co&ul.m &op . Li{lltest
. D$ Lrbnl !.r (SLAP l6on)
bh/hukpE t-pI"g@d '. HyPeEbduclifi
Hd,6d+tg6.e . fLrfof* Cluk
. hplgaat stF ' cEok
. p.i,Arl*. Oriedsmuscletest
Sd. $<, s ($/.f.il/d. dI (d/hrl &e. rc (rr' o,od,
h.mru (rrl!-dtr cH (il/ia hl.( . d). &bd (t{/&d.ri.
q rhbd4 htu.M.'rhFtry
sJ.rs., hp.. L, . .'$ircN.s,s*t uffitrorF*
Bicp.edontls , eiVpdi*,
HyPcrckMior . Anpol apprchension
.' Fl . r-ea&jin
. ?e,.biln m4 i{/i
. PM.,obFLdl cHD{q S tuM
|.furi&. kqa f. . Ycrgol
. sd.pd: Ep.h(ry/bld/kCdq

o (6)


Common lnjuries Shoulder Msalinments

Inerim Clavicle
o Rottor Cufl Srains
SuPrim Clviclc
o Shorrlderlmpingeent '
. Arteriorclvicle
Smdrome o lfericClevicle
. BicipitalTendinitis SuPeriorClvicle
. AC Spnin . Firti@
. GH Instability . EtuidFi8on
. Adhesive Capsrditis Exeml Rmtion Fietion
. Aka Frozen Shoulder . lntrMl Roatio Fion
. Abductid Fflon
. Hwmr
o ^rtqior

fJ r

o @

Superior Clavicle


Superor and Posterior Clavicle lnferor Scapula

@ @

Forward Flexion Extension

@ @
External Rotation Abduction


Adj ustment lnferior H umerus Adj ustment: Anterior Humerus

Posterior Humerus
Muscle Test Teres Major Shoulder Dislocation
. Signs
o ChakVital Sigm
. R.dilhd UlnrArtcries
o Rulc ot fmctrres
o l'Timc Dislmtion w. Rcpet Dislmation

o t

Traction Externally Rotate


Hand lnto Axiltary Fossa Flex Wrist Against Ribs

Press ElbowToward Body

Relem ElbryPrere

H,*eal fled i Now

Up to Gleaoid CavitY


Elbow Knematics
. JointTypc: Synryial
. Hinge (hwdr)
. Pivot (puimal doulr)

EtBO\M . Aticulr swfaces

o Hmcrculnar: coeve (rochlcar notch of ulna) on covcx
(u:ahlee of hums)
o Hmemdil: crcrc (nd.iel hed) on comx (opinrlm of
o Prcximd noulm: onver (ndial heed) on omve (nal notch

" Elbow Knematics

Elbow Kinematics
Resting positio:
. llmeruln 70o flcxi,on
o Hmercradiali fill extnsio & qPimtion
Active ROM o Puiml ndioulnar: ?Oo flcxi6, 35o .Pimti@
Flsion................ 150"
Extffiim............ 0o to -5" Norml end fel
Promon.............80' - 90" '. Flerion, oft time c bony epprcximation
. Extcnsion: bony PPuimati@
. Prcmon: boDy PPu. r ligmentous
. Supintion: ligucnm
Main mude *tioro:
Flqim, bmchials, bieps bruhii, bmchioradialis Abnorml end fcel
Extmion: bnchii, renru
tieps . Bog$,=jointemsio
Prcmtion: prmtor tqcs, ProEtor qudratu . Early myoryas=aq iniury
. te myospar=insabity
Supimtion: biceps bnchi, sPimtff
SPtitS blek=loe body (o*eahonditis dis@)

Elbow Re$onal Exam Elbow RegionalExam

+od.a{E do
. oot*cd.d?( c
D'du 6ll .P. lgu6 oled' ry) N;'""rd sq-
. Oie?Arrr, dh& 6F, d, !dt!e Fg aglc
. L{f,t@/potudilh
FteEa(olksto . \*dh(].digr)

t. drtFd. m'.
. kh.hrtfdt(l2llh)
. BHr.(cs)
. B.!mdilb (C6)
l. ultuud . T!bcp.(C/)
mM . Flcd@ s@b! !d & Edd [Gq Pllmb, DPe
Fle'o..............,. ls" . GkthM
8x6h............ 0' b -s' . Grflk$r(DrE'@cb)
Svpb6............9O" \&Ja/Pdc/rdp6@
R.di. rL. tlht, hp6.



Elbow Re$onal Exam

OroFdrc M Common Elbow lnjuries
. uFtu(f)-hrrld o Elbow Sprain
. Y+-tu@1
. kfrOl-k-F . Elbow Strn
. bfr(.o
. Pullcd Elbow
. tteral Epiondylts
. l*aa'6
o klbmis Elbry

. b'. o Mcdid Epicondylitis

o Olcaam Busitis
. ur&a*)
. n!(&&)
. &kr
. k.d-
. dl.&r

6y.h&rrd- o

Elbow Misalignments Posteromedial Ulna

. Postriorme&al Ulna
. Posterc Ulna
. AntsiorMediaRadiw'
. htsdRadis
o PostcricRadius

Posteromedil Ul na Alternate Anterior Medial Radius


Wrst & Hand Knematics

al{hto.EFl) Nmllditd f@ls
gpd (di6$rd.q{) . Rd@Dd ner/6xt; f m
Pd(dddkk) 0.Mto6
WRIST& sdE(ET*erry4
. R.d@fpd dd/abd: botrY
. CMC tlrwb: .hcic
. MCP {i.Eio:
HANN . Wfttu:&r?d&.14{trn
. MCP lhumtf fm/bony
. PPlqiq:fmvbdry
. wffd:.mdpdbEr/td . RP otdd fm,lgEtrEtoG
erb14 d.diftu
. U{e:&.da4dbp/
. OP fiorioo;
&a+rM mIoarerfd/elasdc
. u.e!&.rl.oe.M
. DlP.rtqldG
. tuF'e.kirtuFfrdqrFa
. tudh,&'EFIBI-f..&H
. tur6&:&ryd@
. t.:ffiFlH.hF.tk
. &:HLbld


Wrist & Hand Re$onal Exam " Wrist & Hand Regional Evm
Neurolog&: Scrfl
Special questiom Sder/
. Historyofffiistspraiff/instability? LgH bochro Porit
Vibtion (3r dbitL
o hll on outsEetched hud? oRt
Bk cp (Csl
Ob*rvation: xymee bruisingr bmps, olor' wclling Bn.bEdblb (C8)
Tdc.p6 (C7}
[rrtm sm(olduthm 55) *tT-f,
FLtirn, .rd.nalon, ln.r & Edl.l ltadon
t. Thmbnmtomical Grth.lMsmm.nE
2. 'Ibrsiontest. Grb ltlnglh (dymmt rI

3. Bonytendsnsonpalpation vbib,Prrkrlfqnp.tE
. Puh.!-bchi.l, Edh[ uhr
+- Pqffii@,teingfork('128H2) . Naf brdbhochlng,Allonltd

1 rl,

Wrist & Hand Regional Exam

PRoM4oht PltlFlFtu OrthopedicTsts
Wrist and Hand Common lnjuries
C.FIB@ . (rhE(ffilw)
. Fffiu(utulm) ' CpalTwnel Syndrcme
Sor6&t I --qTilCrtu, . Mu(m&tuElm,
PLifm,Tnptu,Try@ld, . Fru*rlE(Olmhtl . Gme Kecps'sThub
. M'EH(DJDol|d)
. MffiEbmhrc) . Spminof ulnar Colaenl Liguentof the MPJoint
st .
tlMl Wrist Spio
M.lsp.' & i,EI-!g (145 t)
. PMI(1il). Lunate Subluatiq/Dislmtion
$ulTbq opl ud, . kuml
E/rpodw pd, tug . Ganglion cy*
fibt@tnt., olL6j l{d, Eh sEBr sdcn .
s?hdffi Biblccrst
Wrbt ftcrcru (C:4. FG t6,
proad qur, wbt aM
(C6),e+hh, dmbdosG,

(rI @


Hand and Wrist Misalignments Contact and Thrust

. PosterqCarpal
. Antsiq Crpal
o Approximated Radius: Ulna
. epmtcdRadimr Ulna
o Distal Meta &rpal Rotation
o Phalagc Rotatim, Fostgior, Anterior ad LongAxis

@ @

Alternate Contact and Thrust Contact and Thrust

Contact and Thrust


Phalanges M.C.C. Thrust

M.C.P. Contact M.C.P. Thrust

Hip Kinematics
,odgF: stom Mail flusd adbns
B.ll& Soct t (ebbutof.0orl) O Flexidr: ilopsoas, fd
femdis, srtqi.s
Ati(da sad 0 E)denslon gk9us maximus,
AeahJofcacl:-mrc (aeulutu) O Abdudlrn: gtuteus medius &
HIPS o ou (had of tmsor fe$a lata
o Addudio: adducior magrxs,
Adn ROM grcls, adducfor longus &
nod (right lcg). 90' brsvls
Flcxio(b6tlR).-... 120' O lnlmal folam: tenstrfascia
lata, glrrfls medus & minmus
Emio....,..-...-... O E)drnal rclalon: prloms,
Il?l routioo ....., quadrus lsmris, auperior &
Exllmlret@...... S0" ifer gtrnsllus, obtmtq
b&rcttoo.............. 50' intomus & extemus
Addrcio.............. 30'



Hip Exam Hip Exam

sp.d.l ad NerclogicScn
Hhrr 6t{p p.h d d.tffi/tki? S@eq
a gtx ouch / sw point lsiiioi
Okntu.srEcr. bnd&E b6f., oln ftntE. h.itt. .S l6gti
a Yrb.@tol (3 ig
kc@ Scc6 (oda r& Ssl) Drni
. Boore!&!6.1Ftu Hmstring(IJ)
. P.tdqlfqf(2tqr)
Ulmud t (l)
a ild.@
AROII Fmcdoal g6pn Fk o.\Mdo.\ tawaol/mol
FLxhr (sllgil 169).80'-g)' .Wbkn bs@ts, cqud & ri$ wioo.dwio+ouano
dm1oo...............3{f .Tqrc !06, stand ff m bg, foilrd slofk
lLrld rciafi ......,10'
E:dm.lrohion :... 50' PROM /f oint play/prlprtio
----.- -..----- A,.
Addudim .-.......--... 30

o r"

Hip Exam Common Hip lnjuries

r TdLrhit &g{t ' Hip Spnin
$efd r !t!.E/NIndf6 . Hip Subluntion
.ltdrrtr , rOqZXoa-l@rt
To. dk
r N.d!' ' HP Pointer
. qdr
. Smpping Hip
. y.6E!
t -r,.&{
: rk(rcr)
a t{lEEf
. rdF . Hip Busistis
r h/le&e/Eb!
. S-be/@t*
. Grcin Strr-Addutors
r htkLtk(sr) . Hmsring Saitr

Common Hip Misalignments

o Extcrnal Rotatim
. Intanel Rotaon
o longAxis Extcnsim





Knee Kinematics Knee Regional Exam

rilFrd sfd.llsfu NdrobCiosffi
. .&nar(esE..Bd& Nffidfrdlbd
b' kfrshl,loct,ldl4dt oae.Y
. ki:.oltss dbdry Lblbo't!{d'ffiilt6}
. e!o#) ipprom DoPlcfd.Sd"frfr'ed.n'
. E(brdoo:cfim .rdnr(&{dek)'lt'doi('.cctt
&@-k . -R:.kc
. 1H,M{dtb)or(k . PffiG4'
offi..rGr.hiit.lorF,cdd' . thrtEllsl
bl MM O@(EbnI heriF odon), hha
..*.--........0'b-f Pd.aohrc.d h.dr! rir.ffidffin
. . wlr 0.S( bodyhtOt He,,.-.-........19' Grr(rhptr!/,
. Up.ddZnrbodYrGhn E..,..--.,..o'b'5' 'th dtea/Pr*rT.mg.6
. odr*d 3s(bodysidt hElte....f . Reftmdd.edP.d.l
. SqdgTtbdyigt hIre',.S' . Ni HbEd!
. ee,@eFi a Tsp.adm
. Ez!&.zB@, Flel@
k&.ktd4) . WJIdHa {. e
. LdhE'dF-b* . IuB,ddcb$lrdt
. Erd'l&4k tuhSbpbpl,@LfMhPG

Knee Regional Exam

Common Knee lnjuries
. @(aD . I(Dee Spraitr
. bb(H-FddE9
. t /lsf g$r . MCL,LCL,PCL,ACL
. kdCrbJF*abto
. err&'@a*&) o Chondromalacia Patellae
. hFrdbE.(dwu#Fkk
. ITB Syndrome
'. Uat.Sb-i.Huql
. &tt@t&rh . Bsitis
' ^Prr at*.
. uF/(s'&01 ' 0s8od Schlatts's
. kEk4.k
t iee6F.:trb)
. &BkFk.b&ru
q kd(@&)d

t11 , @



The Knee Knee Misalignments

o GauVrm-Bow legs I
G@ V6@-oY lt . GouYalgm-Knock knees
GonYdg@-&8}t . Supqior, Intqis, ltcral ad Meal Patclla
. MedidTibh
m m ffi .
Postritr McdiI Fibula

\/ /\ . tcrl Fibul
[^] Gu Vgt!

@ o

Medial or Antero-medial Tibial

Patella Adjustments Plateau


Lateral or Antero-lateral Tibial

Plateau Postero-medial Fibula

o @


Antero-lateral Fibula


@ @

Ankle & Foot Kinematics

Ankle & Foot Kinematics lrl R6q Pe&ion ffiPMP(dlir Cwrkffi
ffit:ild adhh'dffi Frffi kb&rdlkx
t&ul -i(r phba tutdon
Hrgf,tm.ffiDhtsrar : ffi#Hffi
ffis(.mrffitffi, stffi ffiRil Fra*ffi
: Hffi.***
. mffi;hlM ffi KRil SqtiElion DofkiPpbffi
mt& . rnffihEry
. Wkfu:*.stu.d4ffi . PlPffi:ffiY
to!&.,lb4hbqcftE . ptpffi:rFtt*E l.h id Ro
rcbE6 . Upffi:tHgr;atdffi
. ffi:frffi.tu . Dpeffi:ffieF|it.|w.@ ruT Sudndoo
CAh bE 2-5io ildllo A
. ffi:EdtumDe
. EY&ffiEEqMfr i. MF t&in Fdffi
. Tffi:k4MbEEt 2Jm 2ffi lbri*
. frbffi:ehBlaffi
. ToM: .ffi4adm,bEe IP ZMn
. &:ddM
. Mrffi 5qd. mffid m ffiEqihfd lP#lcshgd
(a) t

Ankfe & Foot Exam

Ankle & Foot Exam dSdb4
Funds@ tuSffi
td*e . tce&/l-6H . t]ROt / ROM
Bq.a&?Edqt a WmE l65.!q!&rba
L&*c(tu) . tMbq#don@leo . &e.*/sd . LeMl
orEI@ hsh phc!' orelcaMln p'a@ . bekk) . ll*ffidl
krq.Hblr+&dt' . h&& \s,llwtu
tuM(&550 hldogcscl@ HpSffi
. bh4 soasy . WEtdg . PRO[lrAROt
. Bq*-.-?Jp .ljgliold2pdnttuimi.m4 . tuFld
. @dldorb r \iiboon (3ddgr0 a ,rwlH
.4q8. a Thds
. &aB* a Pad[ dtfidra{dr
DfRl . UdlfdF . Ltub
&x . cki{(d) . &ict(FABERE)
M iroffiotl.'Ltt-*9(L5l'Mk(s1) . *d&
. Phf 6!io. doEffi . d J19 sfrdffi
&.kb_.--2o. . H-okq
. lnH*h. @ion
hrb---.-.o' . ggb*noo &kbn . H@d.jtn/dryd
tuaetd \&lertub/tmpdatur
!|.e-.----?5' . Pukffird, de{ eHlpdd
:ab........ ts' . Ahndfng; gsgls dadcdon H
&&...-...-.-e. TmP*fue
bndoEPhiltrld @


Ankle Sprain
Ankle Sprain
Deniti6& Dissio
. T[frciyp-of.r.+tu
. bd6.E
kf,F.h frd.1 .khbhC. md H.dffi, il.&. ofMk tffi
.' L,rybh.r-E..d+ M .Loe&.d h&.gsy rsed
. Dq-&Jla-. .ilmdffilDfr.Sb2d.yq a r*. upobG rt
. kd-t*b&tde
. cI.*llg&Effi .[o.ioilMr (, ffiy 6, p* dffi drelMl
. lidldq&lL{rdf 4ltFd*fe} at-2&ffi
. M*-*qL-&Ltt) G.e& 2 agfu m ma 4a of llod
. Fr.+dtdEqd(*5@
. Er*& xd .tffiffi.@rkffibMbbd
. o-de&.d(d!4 .16bc&d ffiffi. h$id d*
. q-req.igtfd .libL amo lo.2{l dS. unL b rs W il be lpp ff .
. D@. 6ph Ld. n(u{t ! brqbd ffikli!q .$!,* dy wt6 *!d, pr str MlMt (q. ffi
-iEdhr) ph*todoo,
. %rd-dr&r& a1-2M-ffi
.' t-erybq-*..d) Grd.!
. rdbee-y'-
.th$b b br w.ht, d corphb b of ltlM
.(rl hy e , ffi odHl-ffi Otu &l
@ a24l!hrl@o

Common lnjuries of Foot and Ankle Ankle and Foot Misalignments

. AntqiorTlu
. Akle Spnin Medial Calmeu
. Shin Spliuts . Postgior Calmff
o AchillesTsdmitis o Antcrior Clcaeu
o HalluValgu o ltcralCalms
. Plantar hritis . Antsior Naeld
o Metatrslgia . Mcdial Nryiculr
. Antdid Cuboid
. PostsiorTirsl or Metatsl
' DrcPPcd Mettarsl Had
. Phalrues
@ @

Adjustments of Talus Anterior Fossa Filled by the Talus

@ @


Stabl ization wth distraction Thrust

MedialCalcaneus Lateral Calcaneus

($l @

Anterior Navicular Medial Navicular

@ @


Cuboid Anterior Posterior Tarsal or Metatarsal

o @

Phalanges The Thigh

@ @

Phases of Gait Running Gait

o No hecl sriLe
Flat fot lmding is more efficimt for distm rrmos

ll& @ bM .d ffiM
tsneP[m 60* olcit Ctdc

@ @




Elaborado: Lic. Diana Arregun Cardoso.

Protocolo Thompson. Indicativos Ajuste Posicionamiento de

la mesa
OCS EI proces+ .' Rot Ia cabeza del Actlvacin del drop
Sndrome , espinoseroto a lado del desajuste,. Cervical. Dorsal,
sobrecompensa.do un-lado {&X}; ' vector -I y P-d',, Un solo aju*1e.r., ,.:.,
(1" Costilla) Ndulos, ' de la costill : .:-.

:doloroso, tensir contralateral, {se

rnrn det-rnisro, " combrael ,

lado de la' ,l sndrome del,lado

rotacic de Ia :, detr Ia rrtacin de
.eSOmSA :' :: j
lacsbezal', r,

Sioo se preseran WS, BCS

UCS (snd6ip ,
Piernacort ea " .., C}-Ci P-4" I-S; rm ,
cervical unilatery! extersirl, s:. -,,...: direccintsg.,,'.] .',
conige a Ia rstaci&l ojos. 45"
de. tra,cabeze de Br+.. C4-CJ,B-&.L-M:90:
solotado{re ,. . .'
nor-nbra,del lado de C6.{T F-d..!6' '
Ie rot' Cs'baza) ''' ;"" direcqin' aI' h*mb'ro'.
. ,.:i.,
dulo dolorosc COAtfafiO. 4jo.,,,
BCS (sndrome' Piern'as iguales en I; alrroh*dill.,,,.1: ': Activacin del drop
Cervical Bilatera$ extensin, la pierru cerdcal ialiia,,;r.
se, Crvical,, Dorsa[.. ,
Occipital r :.r, derecha se acorta al rntLrror, y el IIt. IJn solo,ajusi' ..,i , '
girar la cabezae Toc*,sr tatillal . :

ese mismo lado, y pecho- Contactar

pienia iiqaierda se con el pisiforme y el
acorta al girar Ia
qabezalllt' '" ,, muasdgl-," '.
izquierda. liseramerit: P-' :''.'
Si no se presenta cambios en la longitr:d de las pieraas con fa rotacin de\a cabeza,

Sndrome Cervical Pierna cora a Ia , lgrrat al UC, '',1 Cervical, dorsal

Derifield- X flex 90", que se
algaraa Ia rot. De
la cabeza hacia un
Iado (el nornbre de1
sndrome es del
lado de rot-
Elaborad*. Lic. Diana Arregun Cardoso'

Si 1as piernas no cambian en flexin y extensin con la rotacin de Ia cabeza- Checar

pelvis y ver que paa con la pierna corta a la ftexin'

Derifield (+) Pierna corten No importa que Lumbar, plvico

Equivale PI extensin que se lado se coloque el Almohadilla
alargara e* flexic. doctor. Se eantacta de pies airiba
PSIS delada
afectado cn el almohadilla plvica
pisiforme, ligeramente
estabilizar el isquio; superior
tres Ajustes P-A,
Derifield {-) Pierna corta en Primera Parte: FB. Lrmbar y plvico
Equivale Sacro exfenlon qu e Supinc" se ftrexiona
y Isquio mantiene corta a la la prerna
Anterior flexin. involucrad*, doc. pres aDalo
rnterlor. Debe presentarse 3/4 Coloca del lado
puntos dolorosos: involucrado. Se Bloque plvico
thi rnisxlc ladc- csr':tac:e ia
1. tendnde tuberosidad isquial
Aquiles. con la nulno almohadilla plvica
2. Cendilo iaterno intern4 ligeramente
delfmur , estbilizacin del
Tuberosidad ASIS, vectoq [-S,
Isquial l Iigeramente A-P. 3
4. Margen medial e Ajustes- i

inferier del Consecutivos. * despus de

eguada parte: ajustar Checar siiPy
5. Tubrculo del Mantenerse del cambio, sin cambio
mismo lado, y iraL5ysin
Mscr:lo Psoas y flexionar ta pierna cambio ir Sacro, o
erectores costraria y la pierna Checar los dems
espiaales involucrada componentes de la
hipe*nicos. extenderla.
Espacios Contactar etr
Intercostales T2- Iigamento inguinal,
T3, nivel de la con el tenar, on
linea media torque hacia fuerq
arterior se estabiliza la
clavicular, Iado rodilla del lado
contralateral. contrario. 3 ustes.
ligeramente A-P.
*Sin presencia de toque lzq. dir*.
puntos doiorosos ir L5 Marreciltras Reio.|l
Derc. Contra las
manecillas del
Elaborado: Lic. Diana Arregrn Crdoso.

Si las piernas estiin niveladas a la flexia y extensin. Chec*r el resto de los

lsquio Posteior Presionar ambos Con larlrarlo Drop-Plvico

gatronemio, upenor coracta Nivelada la
verificar de gue lado sobre el isquio, almohadilla plvica
f,ay mas dolcr y lnea de ajuste es F-
tensin muscular. A
Ilio en IN r-apunta delos Fr er supiuaciq
dedos del pie hacia parase del Iado
fuera. PSIS cotrario aI fisting
aplanado, mas ancho contactar aI isguio almohadilla plvica
el glxeo efi str parte rnedial,
vectoc M-L-
Ilio enEX La punta de los ,. Pt. Pronacin, Plvico
dedos de1 pie haeia colocarse del rnisrno
adentro. PSIS Iado del listing
promrnente, mas contactr el PSIS . almohadilla plvica
angostoetgfteo con el pisiforme,
vector L-}[.

Checar el sacro usando el levaotamie*to de la pierna" estabilizando el sacro con la mano

superior. Comparacin bilateral. .

Sacro La pierne que La pierna afectada Plvico

Punto de referencia Ievanto rneaoq ser (que levanto menos)
la base del sacro se la pieroaqu se se cn:zara a Ia
fue AI (anterior fifvz,afa. pierna contraria, el
inferior) doc. Esar del lado
Punto de referencia contrario del listing,
Apex del sacro contada el aspecto
medial del PtrS coc
SARI SAL el pisiforme mano
zuperior, con la
mano inferior
contatar el apex.
Del scro. En tijera
3 Aiustes.
Sacro Base Posterior Dificultad par* Con Ia mano Plvico
(BP) levantar ar,nbas inferior contacta la
piernas, o es base del sacro. Con
doloroso. un solo contacto.
Vector: P-A S-I
Elabarado: Lic. Diana 4.ryegun Cardoso,

Ahora checar el resto de la cofumoa.

Lumbares Con palpacin Con la mare ' ,

(B& BL) inferior lA-L5,

dinmica. l mano zuperior Ll-
Contacto: Pisiforme
sobre pulgar, doble
pulgar, un mlo
contcto. Direccin
a las facetas.
IlIano rupci*rrT4 s! -...-,1.'

TI2- $a*Q.'*peiei ,.t.. :i - .

,T1-T3, &ble .',' ,..i ',:.'..rl -l , .l
tramners*t dabter.'.:
:''t t,'"'t''
tenqf; ul, so-Io.....,,::'. : ;,::.,.'a:,

*O1g6j''r:.;:'.,'':':.i.,r j

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