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Whats your Digital Footprint?

Have your ever done a search about your self to see what shows up?
Try it.

Lets take a closer look at what could be in your digital footprint.

View the video below:

Digital Dossier

Steps: ( There are 3 steps- scroll down to see everything)

1. Watch the video provided then write a paragraph (5-6 sentences minimum) answering
the questions below:

Q1 When do you think your Digital Imprint began? (You may want to ask your
parents about when they began posting information about you online.)

A1 I believe that my digital imprint began when my mom first believed she was pregnant. She
wanted my gender to be a surprise to her as well as the family. When I was born everyone in
the hospital knew I was a boy. My dad started telling my extended family about my gender.
Soon enough everyone thought I was a boy. It was only until the doctor told my parents to look
again when they found out I was a girl. I think it began then because as the family found out I
was a girl, my mom was ecstatic. This is because she already had two boys and always wanted
a girl. This resulted in my picture being taken multiple times as well as everyone texting and
messaging about my birth. Leaving me with the start of my digital footprint.

Q2 Think about the specific "footprints" or information you leave behind on the sites on
your map (such as what you viewed, typed, or accessed). If this was the only information
someone had about you, what would they think about you? What assumptions would
they make about your habits & behaviors?

A2 I think that the information they have been provided with would not show who I truly am.
They would assume my hobbies such as makeup and many other search history listings that
would provide them with examples. But they would also see another side of me including the
music I listen to and different little things that can describe my personality. Although people see
things they can chose whether or not to believe the information. After thinking back to different
things I have searched etc. I dont think that describes who I am as a friend, a sister as well just
a general person. Everything that is shown on the internet is not necessarily how I act or behave
in a real environment. On the internet you are almost in your own world and dont show who you
truly are.

Q3 Make a list of sites you visit a lot. These might include social networking sites
(Twitter, FaceBook), gaming sites, shopping sites, learning sites.

Brandy Melville
Google classroom
Docs, slides etc.

Step 2 Add a Visual to your paragraph(s)

Organize your list into categories and write them onto a visual organizer that describes your
digital footprint, for example, all social networking sites together, all gaming sites together,
etc. You can use http://www.wordle.net/ or Prezi or Pic Monkey to creat one or more images
for your personal digital footprint.

Step 3 What devices do you use to access the web?

Think about all of the different digital devices you use daily. Your next task is to log your
own daily use of all digital media over 3 or 4 days which includes at least one weekend
day. Some examples include: phone usage, gaming (DS, Playstation, X-Box) playing,
surfing the internet, texting and so on.

Log your time spent into this useage doc or Design your own Google form or table to
track and summarize this information.

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