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Networking and Health Information Exchange: Health Data Interchange


Application Activities, Instructor Guidelines, and Expected Outcomes

Application 1: If you had to select a standard to exchange data with another site, what
standard would you choose and why?

Instructor Guidelines for Application 1: The purpose of this application is to make sure
that the student understands the different standards available.

Expected Outcomes for Application 1: The choices might include any of the HL7 v2.n
messaging standards; HL7 v3.0 messaging standards; Clinical Data Architecture (HL7
CDA); ASTM Continuity of Care Record (CCR); HL7 Continuity of Care Document
(CCD); or perhaps DICON for images, an X12N standard for reimbursement; or NCPDP
for prescription-related data. In any case, the student needs to have a valid and clear
reason for making that choice.

Objectives: 2, 3, 4, 5
Lectures: a and b

Application 2: What are the weaknesses of HL7 v2.n and HL7 v 3.0 messages?

Instructor Guidelines for Application 1: The purpose of this application is to make sure
that the student understands the weaknesses of HL7 v2.n and HL7 v 3.0 messages

Expected Outcomes for Application 1: Basically, HL7 v2.n does not provide for
interoperability among disparate and heterogeneous groups. HL7 v2.n provides too
much optionality and is not based on a reference information model. HL7 v2.n also
permits the use of Z-segments which are not standard but only have local meaning.
Implementation guides, however, permits interoperable use among a known set.

The major problem with using HL7 v3.0 is its perceived complexity. There are also
misunderstandings in who creates the messages and how they are to be used. This
standard is based on an explicit model.

Objective: 3
Lectures: a and b

Health IT Workforce Curriculum Networking and Health Information Exchange

Version 3.0 / Spring 2012 Health Data Interchange Standards
Lectures a, b, c

This material Comp9_Unit5 was developed by Duke University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number IU24OC000024.

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