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PhD Yearbook | 2015

Copyright Poliscript 2015 - Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - 20133 Milano

Prima edizione: maggio 2015

ISBN 978 88 6493 024 4

Aerospace Engineering 20 | Architectural
and Urban Design 46 | Architectural
Composition 64 | Architecture, Urban
Design, Conservation of Housing and
Landscape 84 | Bioengineering 100 | Building
Engineering 148 | Design 164 | Design and
technologies for cultural heritage 204
| Electrical Engineering 216 | Energy and
Nuclear Science and Technology 230 |
Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering 270 | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering 300 | Information
Technology 326 | Interior Architecture
and Exhibition Design 436 | Management,
Economics and Industrial Engineering 448
| Materials Engineering 494 | Mathematical
MODELS and METHODS IN Engineering 516
| Mechanical Engineering 546 | Physics
606 | Preservation of THE Architectural
Heritage 654 | Rotary-wing aircrafts 676 |
Spatial Planning and Urban Development
690 | Structural Seismic and Geotechnical
Engineering 706 | Technology and Design for
Environment and Building 730 | Territorial
Index Design and Government 750
A Baricci, Andrea 238
Bariselli, Steve 736
Bordogna, Enrico (Relatore) 68
Boschini, Fabio 612
Capsoni, Carlo (Supervisor) 412
Cardinale, Maria Vittoria 70
Afrasiabi, Erfan 552
Bari, Vlasta 108 Bosoni, Giampiero (Advisor) 180 Carminati, Maria Chiara 114
Aghion, Stefano 610
Barrera, Noemi 524 Bottani, Carlo (Chair) 232 Carminati, Matteo 356
Akhavan, Mina 696
Bartolini, Davide Basilio 338 Bottani, Carlo (Coordinator) 238 Carpeggiani, Paolo (Thesis supervisor) 674
Alexander, Daniel (Supervisor) 118
Baselli, Giuseppe (Supervisors) 118 Bottani, Carlo E. (Tutor) 262 Carpene, Ettore (Supervisor) 612, 626
Aliverti, Andrea (Chair) 102
Basso Peressut, Luca (Chair) 438 Bottani, C.E. (Tutor) 250 Casari, Carlo S. (Supervisor) 252
Ambrosi, Davide (Advisor) 534
Basso Peressut, Luca (Supervisor) 444, 446 Bottasso, Carlo L. (Supervisor) 684 Casati, Riccardo 562
Amigoni, Francesco (Supervisor) 410
Bazjanac, Vladimir (Supervisor) 748 Bottasso, Carlo Luigi (Co-Advisor) 38 Cascini, Gaetano (Supervisor) 564, 580, 590
Amiri, Sina 682
Beghi, Marco G. (Supervisor) 248 Bottelli, Stefano 348 Caspani, Alessandro 358
Amoruso, Giuseppe (Relatore) 176
Belloli, Damiano 340 Bovo, Cristian (Supervisor) 228 Castiglioni, Chiara (Chair) 496
Andreoni, Giuseppe (Supervisor) 190
Benanti, Michele 500 Braghin, Francesco (Supervisor) 552, 596 Castiglioni, Chiara (Coordinator) 514
Antognazza, Maria Rosa (Relatore) 638
Beretta, Alessandra (Advisor) 324 Brambilla, Arianna 156 Catalano, Giuseppe (PHD Supervisor) 460
Antognazza, Maria Rosa (Supervisor) 538, 630,
Beretta, Alessia 558 Brandolese, Carlo (Supervisor) 420 Catallo, Ilio 360
Beretta, Elisa 110 Branzanti, Caterina 210 Celaschi, Flaviano (Relatore) 194
Antonelli, Manuela (PhD Supervisor) 298
Beretta, S. (Supervisor) 554 Breveglieri, Luca (Supervisor) 332 Celi, Manuela (Co-relatore) 194
Antonietti, Paola F. (Advisor) 542
Beretta, Stefano (Supervisor) 592 Briatico Vagosa, Francesco (Supervisor) 500 Ceriani, Marco 362
Antonini, Alessio 332
Berizzi, Alberto (Chair) 218 Brighenti, Tommaso 68 Ceriani, Nicola Maria 364
Antonini, Anna 660
Bernasconi, Andrea (Supervisor) 574 Britter, Rex (Co-supervisor) 760 Cerullo, Giulio (Supervisor) 648
Anzani, Anna (Reviewer) 88
Bernelli Zazzera, Franco (Supervisor) 34 Brivio, Pietro Alessandro (Supervisor) 294 Cerutti, Sergio (Advisor) 126, 128
Apak, Kerimcan 662
Bersini, Simone 112 Bronzi, Danilo 350 Cerutti, Sergio (Supervisor) 122
Arafah, Diya Zohdi Ratib 554
Bertarelli, Chiara (Tutor) 514 Brun, Giulia 664 Cerutti, Sergio (Supervisors) 108
Ardito, Raffaele (Supervisor) 720
Bertuccio, Giuseppe (Supervisor) 422 Bruni, Stefano (Supervisor) 566, 594 Cerveri, Pietro (Tutor) 110
Arlati, Ezio (Supervisor) 748
Bestetti, Massimiliano (Tutor) 504 Bruno, P. (Correlatore) 240 Cesaratto, Anna 614
Astorino, Sonia 234
Bianchessi, Andrea Giovanni 342 Buratti, Giorgio 170 Cheli, Federico (Supervisor) 570, 588, 604
Asurdzic, Nikola 454
Bianchi, Annamaria (Advisor) 128 Bybordi, Salar 352 Chen, Shan 456
Azzellino, Giovanni 334
Bianchi, Anna Maria (Advisor) 126, 142 Chesi, Claudio (Supervisor) 668, 670
Azzone, Giovanni (Supervisor) 468
Bianchi, Davide 344 Chivakidakarn, Yanin 700
Bianchini, Massimo 168 C Ciancia, Mariana 174
Bianco, Andrea (Supervisor) 514 Caglioti, Vincenzo (Supervisor) 386 Ciapparelli, Elena 72
B Biondini, Fabio (Supervisor) 716 Caiani, Enrico G. (Advisor) 114 Ciceri, Eleonora 366
Bagherinia, Mehrdad 710 Biscari, Paolo (Advisor) 524 Caldarice, Ombretta 698 Cigada, Alfredo (Supervisor) 560, 598
Balandeh, Mehrdad 236 Biserni, Erika 240 Calvaresi, Claudio (Supervisor) 754 Cimin, Susanna 242
Balandraud, Xavier (Advisor) 524 Bizzi, Alberto (Supervisor) 118 Cammi, Antonio (Advisor) 266 Ciocchini, Nicola 368
Balatti, Simone 336 Bocola, Fabio 24 Campadelli, Nadia 172 Citro, Marco 564
Balducci, Alessandro 702 Boiardi, Silvia 346 Candiani, Gabriele (Supervisor) 508 Ciuccarelli, Paolo (Supervisor) 186
Ballarin Francesco 522 Bolchini, Cristiana (Supervisor) 356 Canziani, Roberto (Tutor and Supervisor) 290 Clerici, Daniele 222
Ballarin, Martina 274, 500, 502, 504, 506, 508, Bolici, Roberto (Relatore) 214 Capello, Roberta (Relatore) 210 C. Marani, Pietro (Supervisor) 666
510, 512, 514, 710, 712, 714, 716, 718, 720, 722, Bollani, Monica (Supervisor) 636 Capolongo, Stefano (Tutor) 742 Cocchiarella, Luigi (Supervisor) 758
724, 726, 728 Bonacina, Carlo Filippo 154 Capone, Antonio (Research co-director) 380 Colaneri, Patrizio (Advisor) 354
Ballo, Federico Maria 556 Bonaretti, Pellegrino (Supervisor) 76 Capone, Antonio (Supervisor) 346 Colasante, Giada 712
Barcellona, Simone 220 Bonarini, Andrea (Tutor) 372 Caporale, Danilo 354 Colledani, Marcello (Supervisor) 572
Baretta, Alessia 106 Bordegoni, Monica (Supervisor) 182 Cappellini, Anna Maria Chiara 560 Collina, Luisa (Supervisor) 178
Colombo, Claudio 306 Di Biase, Carolina (Chair) 656 Fiorini, Carlo E. (Supervisor) 396 Gobbi, Massimiliano (co-Supervisor) 556
Colombo, Emanuela (Supervisor) 254, 264 Di Fonzo, Fabio (Supervisor) 236, 248 Fiorini, Carlo (Supervisor) 406 Gola, Massimo 308
Colombo, Giorgia 714 Di Fonzo, F. (Advisor) 250 Fischer, Anath (Advisor) 586 Gondoni, Paolo 252
Colombo, Silvia 666 Dinh, Quang 374 Folli, Maria Grazia (Chair) 86 Gong, Sixia 382
Colorni Vitale, Alberto (Supervisor) 202 di Prisco, Claudio Giulio (Relatore) 726 Folli, Maria Grazia (Supervisor) 96 Gonzalez Mosso, Sanson Roberto 462
Colosimo, Bianca Maria (Supervisor) 568, 582 di Prisco, Marco (Supervisor) 714 Fontana, Danilo (Assistant supervisor) 280 Goudarzi, Hossein 620
Colosimo, Bianca M. (Chair) 548 Di Sieno, Laura 618 Forino, Immacolata Concezione (Tutor) 442 Granato, Adriana 212
Consonni, Stefano (Supervisor) 246 Dordoni, Elena 116 Formaggia, Luca (Tutor) 526 Grasso, Marco Luigi Giuseppe 568
Contin, Antonella (Supervisor) 52, 58, 62 Dossi, Martino 718 Fornaciari, William (Advisor) 424 Grecchi, Manuela (Chair) 150
Cooper-White, Justin J. (Supervisor) 140 Dossi, Stefano 26 Forte, Federica 280 Grillanda, Stefano 384
Corbari, Chiara (Co-supervisor) 276 Dozio, Lorenzo (Supervisor) 32 Fortini, Carlo 376 Grilli, Luca (Ph.D. supervisor) 472
Corigliano, Alberto (Advisor) 710 Drufuca, Giuseppe (Supervisor) 376 Fraternali, Piero (Advisor) 360 Grillo, Gabriele (Supervisor) 530
Corigliano, Alberto (Supervisor) 718, 720 Dubini, Gabriele (Advisors) 112 Fraternali, Piero (Supervisor) 366, 430 Grimoldi, Alberto (Co-supervisor) 674
Cornolti, Luca 244 Ducruet, Csar (Co-Supervisor) 696 Grimoldi, Alberto (Supervisor) 660, 664, 672
Coronelli, Dario (Co-supervisor) 728 Du, Lamberto (Supervisor) 642 Grosso, Mario (Supervisor) 280, 286
Corrielli, Giacomo 616 Guadagnini, Alberto (Chair) 272
Corso, Mariano (Chair) 450 G Guadagnini, Alberto (Supervisor) 278, 292
Cossa, Linda 754 Gafforelli, Giacomo 720 Guagliano, Mario (Supervisor) 576
Credi, Caterina 502 E Galbiati, Maria Luisa (Supervisor) 174, 184 Gualdoni Federico 684
Criante, Luigino (Supervisor) 632 ehitoglu, Huseyin S(Supervisor) 592 Galliani, Pierfranco (Chair) 48 Guardone, A. (Advisor) 44
Cristaldi, Loredana (Supervisor) 222 Erbacci, Angelo 460 Galli, Luca 378 Guarisco, Margherita 88
Cucci, Davide Antonio 370 Erba, Silvia 158 Galloni, Laura 176 Guariso, Giorgio (Supervisor) 372
Ercolani, Giulia 276 Galluzzo, Laura 178 Guarnera, Simone S. 622
Esfandiar, Jahromi Bahman 278 Garca Ferr, Francisco 248 Guerra, Francesco (Supervisor) 274
Etlin, Richard Allan (Supervisor) 80 Garetti, Marco (Tutor) 466 Guerrieri, Pilar Maria 74
D Garrone, Paola (Ph.D. supervisor) 472 Guerriero, Erica 624
DAlessandro, Laura 458 Garzotto, Franca (Supervisor) 432
Dal Lago, Bruno Alberto 716 Gasparetto, Livio 566
Dalla Mora, Alberto (Assistant supervisor) 618 F Gatti, Nicola (Supervisor) 416
Dallera, Claudia (Supervisor) 612, 626 Faggiano, Elena (Co-advisor) 522 Gentilini, Roberta 120
Geraci, Angelo (Tutor) 396 Han, Dong 386
Daniele, Ielmini (Supervisor) 336 Fan, Zhengyu 738
Geroldi, Chiara 702 Hashempour Igderi, Mazdak 504
Daniotti, Bruno (Supervisor - Tutor) 158 Faravelli, Tiziano (Adisor) 320
Ghadirzadeh, Ali 250 Hazarika, Arunjyoti 52
DAntona, Gabriele (Supervisor) 226 Faravelli, Tiziano (Chair) 302
Ghioni, Massimo (Advisor) 382 Heydari, Mohammadreza 464
Dassi, Franco 526 Fassina, Marco 28
Gianoli, Luca Giovanni 380 Hinsley, Hugo (Relatore) 212
Del Bo, Adalberto (Tutor) 70 Ferragut, Rafael (Supervisor) 610
Giberti, Hermes (Supervisor) 578 Holgado Granados, Maria 466
De Luca, L.T. (Advisor) 26 Ferrara, Liberato (Supervisor) 722
Giglio, Marco (Supervisor) 682 Ho Manh, Linh 224
De Luca, Luigi T. (Relatore) 40 Ferrarini, Luca (Advisor) 390
Gini, Rossana 282 Hossain, G.M.A. Balayet 90
De Luca, Luigi T. (Supervisor) 28, 42 Ferrigno, Giancarlo (Supervisor) 136
De Momi, Elena (Relatore) 110 Ferro, Luisa (Supervisor) 72 Giorgino, Marco (Supervisor) 458, 462, 470,
Dercole, Fabio (Supervisor) 388 Fichera, Sebastiano 30 488
De Rigo, Daniele 372 Figini, Matteo 118 Giuseppe Romanato, Matteo 758 I
DErrico, Gianluca (Supervisor) 268 Fiore, Gianfranco B. (Advisor) 146 Giustozzi, Filippo (Supervisor) 284 Ielmini, Daniele (Supervisor) 368, 414
Derudi, Marco (Advisor) 322 Fiorini, Carlo (Chair) 328 Gjakun, Maja 440 Imbres, Letizia 756
Imperadori, Marco (Supervisor) 156, 160 Lucchini, Tommaso (Supervisor) 244 Martino, Nicola 634 Motta, Valentina 686
Impera, Sara 54 Lupo, Eleonora (Supervisor) 188 Marucci, Giovanni 392 Mrkajic, Boris 472
Irace, Fulvio (Supervisor) 198 Luzzi, Lelio (Advisor) 266 Marzi, Antonella 78 Muratori, Matteo 530
Ivone, Davide 570 Luzzi, Lelio (Tutor) 266 Masarati, Pierangelo (Supervisor) 24, 688 Mussinelli, Elena (Chair) 206
Masella, Cristina (Supervisor) 484 Mussinelli, Elena (Tutor) 214
Masera, Gabriele (Tutor) 154
Mastinu, Giampiero (Supervisor) 556
J M Mattana, Walter 184
Jadidi, Ali 572
Macchi, Marco (Supervisor) 466 Matteucci, Matteo (Supervisor) 370
Nachiero, Dario 742
Macchi, Marco (Thesis Advisor) 454 Mauri, Michele 186
Nardone, Valentina 314
Madia, M. (Supervisor) 554 Mazzarella, Livio (Supervisor) 234, 256
Nasri, Bayan 396
K Maffei, Stefano (Supervisor) 168 Melacini, Marco (Thesis supervisor) 490
Nava, Michele 724
Kan, Zhipeng 628 Maffioletti, Serena (Supervisor) 60 Melloni, Andrea (Supervisor) 384
Navarrini, Walter (Supervisor) 308, 316
Keivanidis, Panagiotis E. (Supervisor) 620 Magagnin, Luca (Supervisor) 506 Melzi, Stefano (Supervisor) 570
Nazaret, Bruno (Supervisor) 530
Kevanidis, Panagiotis E. (Supervisor) 628 Maggi, Filippo (Co-Advisor) 26 Menafoglio, Alessandra 528
Negahbani, Navid 578
Khalil, Md Ibrahim 506 Maggioni, Eleonora 126 Menoni, Scira (Supervisor) 700
Nessi, Simone 286
Kharshiduzzaman, Md 574 Mainardi, Luca T. (Advisor) 130 Mensi, Giovanni 56
Nikulin, Christopher 580
Komninos, Nicos (Relatore) 214 Malloggi, Chiara Diletta 508 Merlo, Marco (Supervisor) 254
Niro, Alfonso (Supervisor) 242, 258
Komossa, Susanne (Supervisor) 70 Malpezzi, Silvia 468 Meroni, Anna (Supervisor) 200
Nisoli, Mauro (Supervisor) 650
Krelani, Visar 722 Malucelli, Federico (Supervisor) 418 Miari, Luca 394
Noci, Giuliano (Supervisor) 456
Mancini, Marco (Supervisor) 276 Migliore, Marco 740
Novati, Giorgio (Supervisor) 712
Mandelli, Stefano 254 Migliorini, Matteo 128
Mangiaracina, Riccardo (Thesis Supervisor) 486 Mirabella Roberti, Giulio (Supervisor) 662
L Mangiarotti, Anna (Chair) 732 Mohammadi, Jamshid (Co-advisor) 668
La Barbera, Luigi 124
Landi, Pietro 388
Mangiarotti, Anna (Supervisor) 748 Mohazzab, Amir Hossein 32 O
Mansutti, Alessandro 182 Monda, Barbara 470 Occhetta, Paola 132
Lang, Stefano 310 Mantero, Sara (Advisor) 134 Mondiali, Valeria 636 Ongini, Carlo 398
Lanzani, Guglielmo (Supervisor) 538, 644 Mantero, Sara (Rulatore) 144 Montedoro, Laura 98 Onorati, Angelo (Tutor) 244
Lanzi, Pier Luca (Supervisor) 408 Mantero, Sara (Supervisor) 140 Monticelli, Carol (Relatore) 738 Opresnik, Stojan David 474
Laudato, Lucia 630 Mantovani, Giancarlo 390 Montin, Eros 130 Osellame, Roberto (Supervisor) 616
Lavagna, Monica (Supervisor) 740 Manzoni, Andrea (Co-advisor) 522 Monzani, Stefania 80
Lee, Young Dal 76 Marangoni, Marco (Supervisor) 646 Mora, Luca 214
Leveratto, Jacopo 442 Marani, Pietro Cesare (Supervisor) 172 Morello, Eugenio (Supervisor) 760
Li Bassi, A. (Advisor) 250 Marani, Pietro C. (Supervisor) 666 Moretti, Matteo (Advisor) 112 P
Li Bassi, A. (Relatore) 240 Marano, Claudia (Supervisor) 510 Moridi, Atieh 576 Pagani, Luca 582
Li Bassi, A. (Supervisor) 252 Marchesi, Renzo (Supervisor) 238 Moroni, Givanni (Supervisor) 602 Paggi, Alessandro Angiolo 584
Lietti, Luca (Advisor) 312 Mariani, Stefano (Advisor) 710 Moroni, Stefano (Supervisor) 698 Pagliari, Diana 288
Longoni, Antonio Francesco (Supervisor) 358 Mariani, Stefano (Supervisor) 718 Morselli, Alessandro 34 Palamara, Simone 532
Lo Turco, Sara 632 Mariotti, Ilaria (Supervisor) 696 Moscatelli, Davide (Supervisor) 306 Palermo, Gianluca (Supervisor) 362
Lovera, Marco (Advisor) 38 Marra, Caterina 92 Moschetti, Roberta 256 Panigati, Emanuele 400
Lucarelli, Virginia 180 Martinelli, Carolina 444 Moschioni, Giovanni (Supervisor) 600 Paolini, Paolo (Supervisor) 434
Luccarini, Luca (Co-Supervisor) 290 Martinelli, Michela 312 Mosconi, Maia 226 Paolucci, Giovanni 402
Lucchetti, Roberto (Chair) 518 Martnez-Arguelles, Gilberto 284 Motta, Mario (Supervisor) 260 Paolucci, Roberto (Chair) 708
Paone, Edoardo 404 Porta, Giovanni (Co-Supervisor) 292 Resteghini, Laura 412 Saidiazar, Ramin 294
Parisini, Emilio (Supervisor) 314 Portioli Staudacher, Alberto (Thesis Discussant) Rezvani, Kamal 36 Sala, Tommaso 646
Parissenti, Guido 258 454 Riccardi, Fabio 38 Salehi Mourkani, Golnaz 446
Parrino, Lucia 188 Pourabdollaahian, Borzoo 478 Ricci, Sergio (Advisor) 30 Salerno, Rossella (Chair) 752
Passoni, Matteo (Advisor) 262 Premoli, Antonio 588 Ricci, Sergio (Supervisor) 36 Salerno, Rossella (Coordinator) 756
Passoni, M. (Tutor) 240 Prencipe, Irene 262 Richard, Serrano 296 Salvetti, Manuele 94
Patelli, Paolo 58 Prusicki, Marco (Chair) 66 Riva, Michele 642 Sambati, Simona 704
Patrucco, Andrea Stefano 476 Prusicki, Marco (Supervisor) 82 Riva, Monica (Co-Supervisor) 292 Samori, Carlo (Advisor) 392
Pedrocchi, Alessandra (Supervisor) 136 Pucillo, Francesco 590 Rizzi, Maurizio 414 Sampietro, Marco (Advisor) 344
Pellegata, Alessandro Filippo 134 Pulcini, Dalila 290 Rizzo, Giovanna (Advisor) 142 Sampietro, Marco (Supervisor) 334
Pellegrinelli, Stefania 586 Punta, Carlo (Relatore) 318 Rizzo, Giovanna (Supervisor) 122 Sans, Brunilde (Co-supervisor) 346
Pellegrini, Laura Annamaria (Supervisor) 310 Puscheddu, Cristina 160 Rocco, Marco 416 Sans, Brunilde (Research director) 380
Pennati, Giancarlo (Relatore) 106 Rocco, Matteo Vincenzo 264 Sans, Fernando (Supervisor) 296
Pennati, Giancarlo (Supervisor) 116 Rocco, Paolo (Supervisor) 364 Sansone, Giuseppe (Supervisor) 640
Perali, Irene 406
Perego, Alessandro (Thesis Supervisor) 486
Q Rodolfo Soncini-Sessa (Supervisor) 374
Rogora, Alessandro (Supervisor) 744
Santambrogio, Marco D. (Supervisor) 338
Santi, Anna 198
Quaranta, Giuseppe (Advisor) 686
Perego, Paolo 190 Roiati, Vittoria 644 Sarti, Marco 542
Quarteroni, Alfio (Supervisor) 522, 532
Perillo, Nadia 510 Rolek, Pawe 594 Sartori, Alberto 266
Quattrini Li, Alberto 410
Pernici, Barbara (Director of School of Doctoral Ronchi , Stefano (Thesis Advisor) 476 Savaresi, Sergio M. (Advisor) 340
Programmes) 19 Roodsari, Hamoon Hedayat Zadeh 626 Savaresi, Sergio M. (Supervisor) 348, 398, 426
Perotto, Simona (Co-supervisor) 278 Rossella, Salerno (GPT Phd program Savaresi, Sergio (Supervisor) 342
Perotto, Simona (Supervisor) 526 R coordinator) 758 Saviello, Daniela 512
Persico, Federico 316 Rabbolini, Silvio 592 Rossella, Salerno (Tutor) 758 Scaccabarozzi, Matteo 598
Petrini, Paola (Advisor) 120 Rabellotti, Roberta (Thesis Advisor) 482 Rossi, Bianca 318 Scalera, Vittoria Giada 482
Petrozza, Annamaria (Supervisor) 622 Raimondi, Manuela T. (Supervisor) 724 Rossi, Michela (Supervisor) 170 Schiaffonati, Fabrizio (Relatore) 212
Pettinati, Viola 534 Ranaee, Ehsan 292 Rossi, Monica 480 Schiaffonati, Fabrizio (Tutor) 212
Pierini, Orsina Simona (Relatore) 94 Ranci, Costanzo (Chair) 692 Rosso, Riccardo (Co-advisor) 540 Sciuto, Donatella (Relatore) 214
Pierini, Orsina Simona (Supervisor) 92 Ranci, Costanzo (Relatore) 704 Rostami, Borzou 418 Scrofani, Roberto (Supervisor) 522
Piero, Fraternali (Advisor) 378 Ranci Ortigosa, Costanzo (Supervisor) 756 Roveda, Loris 596 Scullica, Francesco (Supervisor) 440
Pifferi, Antonio (Supervisor) 618 Rapp, Davide 192 Roveri, Manuel (Supervisor) 428 Secchi, Marialessandra (Supervisor) 90
Pini, Alessia 536 Rakovic, Ivan (Supervisor) 82 Rozza, Gianluigi (Advisor) 266 Secchi, Piercesare (Advisor) 528
Pinto, Livio (Supervisor) 288 Rasponi, Marco (Tutor) 132 Rozza, Gianluigi (Co-advisor) 522 Segato, Federica 484
Pirovano, Michele 408 Ravazzani, Paolo G. (Tutor) 130 Rucco, Luigi 420 Selloni, Daniela 200
Piscitello, Lucia (Thesis Advisor) 482 Ravazzani, Paolo (Tutor) 142 Rudkin, Jennifer-Ellen 194 Semeraro, Quirico (Supervisor) 558
Pistocchini, Lorenzo 260 Rebaglio, Agnese (Supervisor) 196 Ruffa, Francesco 196 Seyis, Senem 162
Pizzi, Emilio (Supervisor) 162 Rech, Ivan (Supervisor) 394 Shahgholi Ghahfarokhi, Mohamad 138
Poggi, Carlo (Supervisor) 728 Redaelli, Alberto (Advisor) 146 Sheppard, Adrian (Supervisor) 78
Poggi, Claudia 744 Redaelli, Alberto (Tutor) 118, 132 Shi, Yongbiao 422
Poletti, Angela (Tutor) 760 Reduzzi, Maurizio 640 S Silvano, Cristina (Supervisor) 404
Poltronieri, Andrea (Tutor) 210 Regalia, Giulia 136 Sabatino, Stefano 60 Singh, Vibhor Mukul 96
Porrazzo, Rossella 638 Reggiani, Luca (Supervisor) 352 Sacco, Riccardo (Supervisor) 538 Soavi, Giancarlo 648
Porro, Matteo 538 Reni, Gianluigi (Advisor) 126 Saffari Siahkali, Raana 62 Solbiati, Stefano 600
Porta, Alberto (Supervisor) 108 Repossi, Elisabetta 540 Saggese, Chiara 320 Sona, Giovanna (Supervisor) 282
Soncini-Sessa, Rodolfo (Supervisor) 374
Song, Guang 486
Toson, Elena 42
Trabattoni, Andrea 650
Wondwossen Bogale, Eremed 246
Soori, Soroudeh 98 Trabucco, Francesco (Chair) 166
Sordan, Roman (Supervisor) 624 Tradigo, Fabio 726
Sorrentino, Luigi (Co-advisor) 668 Travaglio, Paola 672
Sottocornola Spinelli, Alessandro (Supervisor) Tresoldi, Daniele 142 Y
402 Treville, Aldo 760 Yan, Dongning 202
Sozzi, Carlo (Supervisor) 226 Tronconi, Oliviero (Supervisor) 736
Stahl, Bojan 488 Trov, Francesco 428
Stangalino, Simone 544
Stanicic, Aleksandar 82
Turolla, Andrea 298
Turrisi, Caterina 144
Zanelli, Alessandra (Relatore) 738
Stefani, Ilaria 140 Turri, Stefano (Relatore) 502
Zanelli, Alessandra (Supervisor) 746
Subasic, Milos 228
Zanelli, Alessandra (Tutor) 738
Sumini, Valentina 668
Suo, Hua 746 U Zanoni, Andrea 604
Zanutta, Alessio 514
Superti Furga, Gabrio (Supervisor) 220 Usberti, Nicola 324
Zappa, Franco (Supervisor) 350
Syam, Wahyudin Permana 602
Zebardast, Manoosh 492
Zhang, Hui (Supervisor) 118
V Zich , Riccardo E. (Supervisor and Tutor) 224
Vaca Ruiz, Carmen Karina 430
T Vahid Dastjerdi, Mohammad Javad 652
Tadini, Pietro 40 Valente, Ilaria (Supervisor) 54, 56
Tagliaferri, Alberto (Supervisor) 652 Valentini, Gianluca (Supervisor) 614
Taisch, Marco (Supervisor) 464, 478, 492 Valerio, Lorenzo 146
Taisch, Marco (Tutor and supervisor) 474 Valli, Lisa 674
Talamo, Cinzia Maria Luisa (Tutor) 740 Valoriani, Matteo 432
Tamer, Aykut 688 Vantini, Simone (Supervisor) 536
Tanca, Letizia (Co-supervisor) 434 Vasic, Mira 728
Tanca, Letizia (Supervisor) 400 Vedani, Maurizio (Relatore) 584
Tanzi, Maria Cristina (Advisor) 120 Vedani, Maurizio (Supervisor) 562
Tappia, Elena 490 Vena, Pasquale (Supervisor) 138
Tarantino, Sergio 748 Verani, Marco (Advisor) 540, 544
Taroni, Paola (Chair) 608 Verani, Marco (Co-advisor) 542
Tavelli, Silvia 322 Vergara, Christian (Supervisor) 532
Terraneo, Federico 424 Vicenzo, Antonello (Supervisor) 504
Terzi, Sergio (Supervisor) 480 Vigan, Federico (Supervisor)) 246
Todeschini, Fabio 426 Vigevano, Luigi (Chair) 22, 678
Toledo Filho, Romildo D. (Co-supervisor) 722 Vignaroli, Luca 434
Tolio, Tullio (Advisor) 586 Vignati, Federica 44
Toniolo, Lucia (Supervisor) 512 Villa, Tomaso Maria Tobia (Relatore) 124
Tonna, Sandra 670 Vitale, Daniele (Supervisor) 74
Torelli, Roberto 268 Vogliazzo, Maurizio (Relatore) 192
Torricelli, Angelo (Supervisor) 72, 80 Vogliazzo, Maurizio (Supervisor) 180
Politecnico di Milano is a state university established in 1863.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Currently, it is organized into 12 departments, six Schools of
Engineering, Architecture, and Industrial Design,
and a School of Doctoral Programmes, coordinating
all doctoral programmes in the university. Politecnico di Milano
is the largest institution in Italy for Engineering, Architecture,
and Industrial Design with almost 40,000 students enrolled.
Politecnico di Milano is very active in basic and applied research 17
and it is widely recognized for excellence in several research

School of Doctoral Programmes of Politecnico di Milano

areas. The PhD Programmes play an important role in the
development of research and PhD candidates are actively
involved in the work of the research groups of the Departments.
Currently, there are more than 1,100 PhD candidates enrolled in the
School. In the current Academic Year 360 candidates are enrolled in PhD
programmes, one third of which are international candidates.

The Doctoral Programmes of Politecnico di Milano aim to

develop the candidates professional competence to carry out high level
research in manufacturing and service companies, public bodies,
and universities.
The School of Doctoral Programmes coordinates the activities
of the PhD Programmes, defining general rules on the
organization of PhD studies and the selection of candidates,
based on an annual call for positions for all programmes and specific calls for
international agreements and industrial doctorates.
The School promotes interdisciplinary initiatives
involving several PhD programmes, in particular interdisciplinary courses
and courses on emerging topics related to different training
paths. The School of Doctoral Programmes has a Director, a
professor from Politecnico di Milano, and a Council, composed
of the Coordinators of the active PhD Programmes and four
representatives of PhD candidates.
PhD studies at Politecnico require that candidates start the PhD programme at
the third level of education according to the Bologna Process,
so a solid background knowledge in the field of interest,
obtained within the first and second level degrees, is the basis
for the research work. Furthermore, at least an equivalent of a
semester of course work is required, to further develop specific
knowledge and to get a broader preparation in general subjects.
The School of Doctoral
of Politecnico di Milano

In the present volume, the PhD programmes of the Politecnico Director of School
di Milano are presented, including a description of all PhD of Doctoral Programmes
programmes which have been running in recent years and the Prof. Barbara Pernici
summaries of theses defended in the second semester of 2014 and
in 2015.
In the YearBook, the Coordinator of each of the PhD Programmes
provides a short description of the objectives of the programme, of
its main activities, and of the research areas of the programme.
Each PhD Programme has a Coordinator, a Doctoral Programme
Board of Professors, managing the programme, and an external
Reference Committee, as well as several contacts with leading
The main goal of doctoral education is to develop a PhD thesis,
which has to present original research work developed by the
candidate, relating it to the current state of the art. This work is
defended by the candidate in a final examination in which there
are at least two external professors in the evaluation committee.
A value that has been leading the activities of the School
since the beginning, is the support to the internationalization
culture. All PhD programmes are in English or have at least
an English track, with an increasing internationalization both
of the academic body and of the PhD candidates, where the
admission rate of international candidates has reached 33 per cent
of the PhD student population. Furthermore, most candidates are
encouraged to visit another research laboratory abroad during their
PhD, to widen their perspectives on their research topic, and also to
publish their work in international venues.
As a result, the Doctoral Programmes provide a selected number of
highly qualified graduates, endowed with a solid preparation, with
the opportunity of acquiring a high degree of professional expertise
in specific scientific, technological, social and economic fields.
Ph.D. graduates are not only capable of carrying out research
projects, but develop, during their period of study, new
knowledge on scientific frontiers that can be immediately
applied to professional activities.
For each thesis, the summary presented in the volume
has the aim of providing an overview of the research problems
studied in the thesis and of the original results of the research. As
a consequence, the collection of summaries contained in the
volume provides a good overview on research activities conducted
within the Doctoral Programmes of Politecnico di Milano in the past
few years.
Mechanical Engineering | Physics |
Preservation of THE Architectural Heritage
| Rotary-wing aircrafts | Spatial Planning
and Urban Development | Structural Seismic
and Geotechnical Engineering | Technology
and Design for Environment and Building
| Territorial Design and Government |
Aerospace Engineering | Architectural
Composition | Architectural and Urban
Design | Architecture, Urban Design,
Conservation of Housing and Landscape
| Bioengineering | Building Engineering
| Design | Design and technologies for
cultural heritage | Electrical Engineering |
Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology
| Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture
and Exhibition Design | Management,
Economics and Industrial Engineering
| Materials Engineering | Mathematical
MODELS and METHODS IN Engineering PhD Yearbook | 2015

DOCTORAL PROGRAM years. The related activities should be carried years of doctoral program are here reported:

PhD Yearbook | 2015

out in well known and qualified scientific expert in computational and/or experimental
IN AEROSPACE ENGINEERING institutions (universities, research centers, etc.),
and well contribute to the cultural and scientific
fluid mechanics, with capabilities to develop
methods and models for both aerospace
achievements of the research. applications and generic vehicles;
Due to the amplitude and interdisciplinarity of the expert in active and passive control of the
aerospace sector, the professional skills achievable dynamics of aerospace structures, integrating
will span a wide area and not cover just a specific global and subsystem design;
topic. The educational goals will create high level expert in active and passive structural safety of
specialists in the domains of: helicopters and vehicles, both aerospace and non-aerospace; 23
The aim of the course is the acquisition of the high level rotary winged vehicles, fixed winged vehicles and expert in vibration and noise control, including

Chair: competence required to carry out innovative research and/or state space vehicles. modeling analysis, system design and
Prof. Luigi Vigevano of the art advanced applications in industries, public or private In this context, a more specific competence can implementation of specific subsystems;
research centers, Universities or public and service companies in the be gained either in a single or in the integration expert in the dynamics and control of aerospace
area of aerospace engineering, including all the fields associated of special subjects such as: dynamics and control, vehicles and related operational missions;
to it. The level of the course allows the graduates to compete in a fluid mechanics, systems and equipment, flight expert in integrated design of complex
European and international environment. mechanics, passive structural safety, intelligent aerospace systems.
The course is three years long, requiring 180 credit points (ECTS), and automated systems, structures and materials. Since its foundation, 24 years ago, the doctoral
including possible study-abroad periods and internships in private or In this respect, some examples of professional course on Aerospace Engineering graduated
public institutions. The program and credits are divided in three skills achieved in the course of the past 24 more than 70 PhDs.
main educational areas:
1. Main courses (30 credits), during the first year: courses examining
fundamental subjects (problems, theories and methods) of the
scientific research in the disciplinary areas involved; DOCTORAL PROGRAM BOARD
2. Elective courses and training on specific themes (30 credits),
gained in the second year: specific and personalized educational Prof Airoldi Alessandro Prof Dozio Lorenzo Prof Masarati Pierangelo
programs aimed at a more deep overall knowledge and to master Prof Anghileri Marco Prof Frezzotti Aldo Prof Morandini Marco
the techniques adequate for the subsequent development of the
Prof Astori Paolo Prof Galfetti Luciano Prof Quadrio Maurizio
doctoral thesis, plus seminars focused on specific and advanced
methods; Prof Bernelli Zazzera Franco Prof Ghiringhelli Gian Luca Prof Quaranta Giuseppe
3. Development of the Doctoral Thesis (120 credits): the thesis is Prof Bisagni Chiara Prof Gibertini Giuseppe Prof Quartapelle Procopio Luigi
developed within the Department or, in some cases, in other
Prof Bottasso Carlo Prof Guardone Alberto Prof Ricci Sergio
institutions, in close contact with the Department. The thesis is
started immediately (20 credits in the first year), and developed in Prof Consolati Giovanni Prof Lavagna Michle Prof Sala Giuseppe
the second (40 credits) and third year (60 credits) of the doctoral Prof Di Landro Luca Prof Mantegazza Paolo
If the candidate has a background curriculum lacking some
introductory knowledge required for the Doctorate, the Faculty will
ask to recover such knowledge, with the assistance of the tutor.
The same Faculty will verify afterward the overcoming of whatever Giorgio Brazzelli, AgustaWestland Marco Molina, SELEX Galileo
was lacking during the annual meeting of admission to the second & Distretto Aerospaziale Lombardo
year of the course.
The course program related to point 1 does not follow a rigid Matteo Casazza, Leitwind Fabio Nannoni, AgustaWestland
scheme. So, besides widening the basic scientific culture of the Massimo Lucchesini, AleniaAermacchi Franco Ongaro, Estec
candidate, it will take into consideration also the objectives and the
core topics of the candidates thesis. Again the program outlined
at points 2 and 3 will try to consider general cultural requirements SCHOLARSHIP SPONSORS
as well as what is deemed to be more specifically related to thesis
subject, as agreed between the candidate and the Faculty. For Agusta-Westland
the activities of type 2 and 3 a study period in a foreign country
is allowed, even strongly suggested perhaps. Its duration should
range from a few weeks up to one and a half Tecnospazio


PhD Yearbook | 2015

roll control inceptor.
and Time Delay of the FCS
BY WIRE AIRPLANE on aggressiveness has also
been evaluated, showing that
Time Delay does not have
Fabio Bocola - Supervisor: Prof. Pierangelo Masarati a significant effect on ASE
Aggression due to the ability
of the pilot to compensate (it 25
The objective of this thesis Team with early evaluation of main driver, to give the designer only increases the workload),

is the development of an FCS control laws, predictions of the possibility to easily address but Turbulence do have some
interdisciplinary simulation handling qualities and Aircraft- both airplane modeling and effects. A specific task has been
environment to support the Pilot Coupling behaviors, still at flight simulation. designed, showing that Lateral
2. Roll Control Spillover Notch Filter OFF
design and optimization of the design stage. These valuable Two aircraft models have Turbulence produces an increase
new generation aircraft with information can then be fed been realized. They essentially of the roll ASE Aggression to
Fly-By-Wire (FBW) control back in the conceptual design differ in the detail of the (AWB) mode (Figure 2). has proven to be valid by the values even significantly greater
systems technology. This study loop, with the final target to flight dynamics module: the At this stage of the project, comparison of the same task than the RB ones, because the
deals with the shift from reduce time to market and Aeroservoelastic (ASE) model, since the airplane is still totally performed by two pilots with a unsteady aerodynamic response
the Classic to the Integrated development costs of a new and the Rigid Body (RB) one. virtual, engineers can proceed significantly difference in flying can also be triggered by the
design approach of aircraft aircraft. Among other aspects of the by either acting on the wing experience. Turbulence itself, forcing the
preliminary design, since the The proposed concept is an pilot-vehicle interaction, the structure or providing the FCS Pilot-in-the-loop flight tests pilot to increase the inputs to
increasing application of FBW even simpler, desktop-level flight test campaign primarily with Notch Filter: because this have evidenced that the the inceptor to perform the
technology has introduced tool, consisting of a personal aimed at verifying the existence FE model was already the result Aeroservoelastic airplane assigned task. This increased
new and possibly unforeseen computer and a joystick, where of a Control Spillover or Pilot of an optimization process (ASE), when compared to sensibility of the ASE airplane to
aeroservoelastic problems that all the aspects of the mentioned Induced Oscillation (PIO), (NeoCASS), the latter solution the Rigid Body (RB) one, is lateral turbulence may suggest
require a reassessment of the disciplines are combined, and determining whether has been adopted (Figure 3) more responsive to pilots the implementation of an active
traditional approach. providing the project engineer the Aeroservoelastic model The aggressiveness of pilots inputs, due to the response gust alleviator device.
In this integrated design with a preliminary global insight influences the piloting inputs on the inceptor of higher frequency unsteady According to piloted flight
process, to take advantages of the airplanes dynamic technique: both aspects have (Aggression) has been aerodynamic modes triggered simulation results, Figure 4
from Fly-By-Wire Control System behavior. been successfully investigated. introduced as a quantitative by Roll FCS mode: this airplane reports the quantitative and
performances, the following Attention has been primarily The flight simulation of the parameter to evaluate the pilot behavior affects the flying qualitative average ratings of
involved disciplines dedicated to minimizing the aeroservoelastic (ASE) airplane workload while performing technique, by addressing the the adopted evaluation metrics.
Flight Mechanics cost of the tool, using off- model with a Fly-By-Wire FCS, high gain tasks: this method pilot to adapt roll inputs in order
Structural Dynamics and the-shelf desktop computers, has evidenced a Roll Spillover at
Aeroelasticity widely diffused commercial and 2.05 Hz, due to the interaction
Control Theory open-source software (Figure 1). between the rigid body roll
Certification Requirements At the same time, the flexibility mode and the first structural
and Handling Qualities are and the versatility has been a antisymmetric wing bending
captured in a concurrent
design environment, in order to
explore and eventually exploit
their mutual interactions, thus
introducing structural elasticity
from the very beginning of FCS
control laws design.
An essential part of this process
is the development of an
Aeroservoelastic Static Flight
Simulator for pilot-in-the-loop
flight tests. This very useful tool
is aimed to provide the design 1. Visual Obstacles for pilot-in-the-loop maneuvers 3. FBW Roll Control Law Architecture 4. PILOT 1 Roll & Pitch Aggression Average Ratings

Mechanically Activated Al Fuels for High

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Performance Solid Propellants

Stefano Dossi - Advisor: Prof. L.T. De Luca - Co-Advisor: Dr. Filippo Maggi

Metal fuels are widely used in and without additives. In this used, was embedded inside selected additive. Similarly SP

space propulsion to increase work, two techniques for the particles with an effectiveness pressure sensitivity showed a
solid rocket motor (SRM) mechanical activation (MA) of depending on the size and on reduction up to 20% under
performance. The intrinsic Al (ball milling and mechanical the specific treatment. The the investigated conditions.
properties of micrometric mixing) were investigated and particle shape of Al (spherical With respect to ball milling
aluminum (Al), like stability, applied for the production or elongated with a regular treatments, mechanical
low toxicity, low cost, and of mechanically activated Al surface) was kept using the mixing processes exhibited a
high metal content (about powders (ActAl). During the mechanical mixing treatment. higher efficiency in increasing
99.5%, depending on size), preliminary step, a rationale SEM images underlined that propellant burning rate, but a
make this powder one of the based on toxicity/generic additives, when nanometric, lower capability in decreasing
favorite materials employed hazards, cost and potential were homogeneously the pressure sensitivity. The
1. Particle morphology variation due to mechanical milling. ActAl particles
for industrial production of performance was carried out to dispersed on particle surface. substitution of Al with assumed a typical flake conformation independently on the presence of an
solid rocket propellants (SP). support the choice of activation The powder behavior at ActAl brought to a consistent additive. SEM, magnification 2000X.
During the combustion, the substances (Fe2O3, Co3O4, low and high heating rate reduction of CCP mass
low reactivity of Al causes and Cu2O). Similarly, the key has been determined by weighted mean diameter D43 key role played by the shape in safety characteristics similar to
the formation of condensed parameters influencing MA thermogravimetry and ignition (up to 70% at 10 bar and up to the reactivity enhancement of micrometric powders. When
combustion products (CCPs) were analyzed for the precise tests. Both the analyses 60% at 40 bar), thus confirming ActAl. used as ingredients in SP, ActAl
lowering the theoretical definition of the activation evidenced an enhanced a reactivity enhancement. The analyses of experimental shows a good capability in
performance enhancement processes (3 ball milling and 1 reactivity of ActAl, confirmed by As shown in Fig. 2, also D43 results evidence that MA is reducing the size of CCP and
granted by the metal. The mechanical mixing procedures). a reduction of Tign and by a total variation exhibited a strong a good strategy to obtain offers the possibility to tailor
reduction of Al powder size Fifteen ActAl powders were mass gain up to 33% (6% was dependence on the additive and versatile and easily handling the propellant burning rate,
down to the nanometric scale formulated and produced to the mass increment of the virgin only a minor relation with the ingredients. ActAl exhibited by controlling the activation
(nano-sized Aluminum, nAl) guarantee a low toxicity, a powder). ActAl metal content specific activation procedure. a higher reactivity than Al, parameters.
allows a consistent reactivity good metal content, a good was detected by a hydrolysis An investigation of particle a good metal content and
enhancement, confirmed by stability, and a higher reactivity technique and was comprised morphology influence on Tign
the reduction of the ignition than Al. Each manufactured between 93.5% and 97.5%, of Al powder was performed
temperature (Tign), by the ingredient was analyzed as it then higher with respect to nAl modelling the evolution of
faster SP burning rate (rb) and was and as ingredient in AP/ (86.6%-89.4% for the two a single isothermal particle
by the decrement of CCP HTPB-based solid propellants. tested powders), but lower than positioned in an ambient filled
size. However, the low metal Experimental data were then Al (99.2% for the considered with O2 and subjected to a slow
content (around 90%), the crosschecked and compared to material). heating rate (up to 50 K/s).
increment of SP slurry viscosity, those obtained using a standard Combustion tests were The concept was based on an
as well as direct and indirect Al and two nAl powders. performed in a strand burner energy balance and includes
high cost (due to powder All the ingredients treated by at 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 bar to both regular and irregular
production, and to handling ball milling exhibited strong determine the effects of ActAl particles. Three geometrical
and health hazards), hinder morphological variations on propellant rb and CCP size. families have been considered
the large scale use of nAl. A caused by the mechanical Solid propellants loaded with for analyses: spheres, prolate
viable strategy to increase Al action of the spheres. ActAl exhibited an increment of spheroids, and oblate spheroids. 2. CCP mass weighted mean diameter and burning rate at 40 bar for a series
reactivity, limiting problems Particles were characterized the burning rate with respect to Irregular particles, characterized of solid propellants loaded with Al, nAl and different ActAl. The activated
related to the use of nAl, by a flake shape with the the baseline ranging from 17% by a higher external surface, powders were processed by ball milling (BM) and by mechanical mixing (MM).
The figure shows the possibility to decrease propellant CCP size and to tailor
consists in treating the powder external surface crossed by to 74% at 40 bar, depending exhibited a lower Tign than the propellant burning rate, by using ActAl. Nanometric aluminum guaranteed
by mechanical processes with cracks (Fig. 1). The additive, if on both the treatment and the regular ones, confirming the a stronger CCP size reduction, but also a higher burning rate enhancement.


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Marco Fassina - Supervisor: Prof. Luigi T. De Luca

Nowadays access to space is no this aspect that in the past been analyzed: granulometry, rocket propellant features, the

more a dream but a necessity. was never rigorously faced, performed with a laser corresponding propellants have
Satellites orbit insertion is still four different micrometric granulometer; active metal been manufactured.
a tough issue, which presents powders have been tested content, by water bath, and The manufacture has been
several technical and managerial and compared. The powders morphology, which required done using a resonant acoustic
aspects to be optimized in the are the following: Al05a, the development of an ad hoc mixer, developing a dedicated
mission project phase. a typical Al powder used technique based on optical procedure for propellant
Solid propellant rocket motors for space applications, with microscopy. To classify particle production. Resonant acoustic 1. CCPs mean volumetric diameters versus pressure. Particles have been
offer a good solution to some approximately spherical shape; morphology four dimensionless mixers offer some advantages analyzed with a laser granulometer, adopting the Fraunhofer approximation.
questions concerning the Al06, a commercial powder parameters has been used: 1) with respect to mechanical
payload launch phase. with irregular flaky shape, form factor (FF);2) aspect ratio mixers, such as, for instance,
These propulsive systems which does not find applications (AR);3) roundness (R); and 4) continuous vacuum mixing lowest performance in terms propellants produced with
guarantee high performance, in rocket propulsive systems; compactness (C). and reduced contaminations. of burning rate and ballistic milled powders, while decreases
readiness and reliability in Al05a-M and Al06-M, which From the results obtained it is The composition used for exponent, which expresses the with pressure for the propellant
addition to relatively low costs; are the previous two powders possible to assert that Al05a propellant production is 68% of pressure sensitivity to pressure loaded with nano-aluminum.
on the other hand, liquid modified by a ball milling is the finest powder with the Ammonium Perchlorate, 18% changes. Once the CCPs chemical
propulsion systems, that are process to enhance particle highest metal content and of Al and 14% of binder. The most interesting results composition is known, it
their direct competitors, provide irregularity. In addition to this geometrically can be seen as The propellant characteristics have been shown by the is possible to estimate the
higher performance and lower set of micrometric powders, composed by particles similar to analyzed are: burning rate, propellant P-Al06, which refractive index in order to
environment impact at larger also a nanometric powder spheres. For irregular powders, agglomeration process, through evidences the lowest ballistic obtain finer results from the
cost and complexity. (Al01i) has been introduced in also through SEM images, it can the analyses of condensed exponent. granulometric analyses.
This work is addressed the comparison. This inclusion be stated that particles which combustion products (CCPs), Concerning the propellants Numerical simulations were
to the evaluation of Al was made to settle where the compose Al06 powder can be and uncured propellant viscosity. loaded with micrometric carried out to evaluate two-
particle shape influence on increment of specific surface, compared to prolate spheroids Burning rate has been Al powders, CCPs mean phase flow losses, which
propellant properties, such due to particle irregularity, while the milling process leads evaluated using the windowed volumetric diameters decrease represent the most important
as viscosity, burning rate and can be placedbetween a to the formation of oblate strand burner technique and with pressure, while for source of loss for solid rocket
agglomeration, through the micrometric and a nanometric spheroids. expressing results in the form of the propellant loaded with motors.
analysis of the condensed powder. To compare the Since the interest of this work is the standard Vieilles law. nanometric powder CCPs mean The code developed at SPLab is
products. In order to obtain different powders, the addressed to analyze the effect A significant improvement size shows pressure insensitivity able to track particle evolution
more information about following characteristics have of Al particle shape on solid to the technique used to (over 10 bar), as can be seen inside the combustion chamber
collect and analyze condensed from the results shown in Figure and the nozzle, simulating
combustion products has been 1. different interaction between
Metal done during the prosecution of Chemical analyses (XRD and gas and particles as well
ID D43 [m] FF AR R C
content [%] this work. EDX) showed that the principal as between particles. The
Al05a 42.70.5 0.880.02 1.280.04 0.840.02 0.900.02 99.50.3 The analyses carried out species identified in CCPs are phenomena simulated include
on condensed combustion aluminum, oxygen and carbon, combustion, fragmentation and
Al06 66.40.7 0.700.02 1.740.08 0.630.02 0.790.02 98.00.4 residuals were addressed to and the crystalline phases are collision.
Al05a-M 65.00.6 0.780.02 1.580.08 0.680.02 0.820.02 97.60.8 determine their particle size Al0, a-alumina, g-aluminaand
Al06-M 69.90.8 0.800.02 1.690.08 0.640.02 0.790.02 95.20.8 distributions and their chemical d*-alumina.
compositions. Combustion efficiency
Al01i 0.1410.001 - - - - 88.70.2 Burning rate tests show that grows with pressure and
Table 1 - Al particle characterization results. Shape factors analyses were not applicable to Al01i. the propellant P-Al05a has the is systematically higher for

Aeroservoelastic Modeling and Control in

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Presence of Freeplay

Sebastiano Fichera - Advisor: Prof. Sergio Ricci

Freeplay is one of the most Experimental rig Numerical models the second is a combination of

important nonlinearities that The T-tail unit considered in this The T-tail State Space (SS) the first and the second mode
affect the control surfaces work is the one of the X-DIA, an matrices are built using the flutters.
of the aircrafts; it can induce aeroelastic model representative structural Finite Element model The portraits comparisons are
flutter phenomena and limit of a nonconventional three and the aerodynamic DLM, both shown in figure 4. It is possible
the performances of the surfaces regional jet (called developed in MSC.Nastran. to see a good agreement of the
same airplane. To investigate Target Aircraft), intensively The SS model is a Reduced trends even if the HOHB is not
2. V-g V-f diagrams.
the effect of control surface investigated in the last few years Order Model (ROM) with the completely able to catch the
freeplay, an aeroelastic wind at the Department of Aerospace basis made by the free surface response of a given nonlinear acquisition and control of the peaks due to the foldings of
tunnel model of a T-tail was Science and Technology of rigid mode plus the significant system, which is undergoing system was handled by a hard freeplay stiffness.
developed. A variable amplitude Politecnico di Milano. elastic modes. The frequency LCOs, with a Fourier series real-time tool called RTAI.
freeplay was introduced in the The model is composed by domain aerodynamic matrix leading to a set of nonlinear Conclusion
control chain by a specifically dynamically scaled aluminium is transformed into a finite algebraic equations that can be Results This work presented different
designed linkage. The numerical alloy spars, which are inserted state space realization by using solved by an iterative method. The experimental results, as methods for the study of
models were built, according in a series of aerodynamic Rogers algorithm. Once the numerical models were well as the numerical, show the nonlinear systems. The results
to the modern aeroelastic sectors made by styrofoam The linear aeroelastic behaviour validated, an alternative control typical trends for a nonlinear of a numerical integrated model
approach, describing the covered with a carbon fiber of the model is shown in algorithm for vibration reduction aeroelastic model. and a HOHB procedure are
dynamics of the tail by a state skins. In order to have a the numerical V-g/V-f flutter was developed. Figure 3 shows the LCO compared with experimental
space system with a lumped variable amplitude freeplay, a diagrams (see figure 2) amplitude trend increasing the data for a T-tail in presence
nonlinearity. mechanism was introduced in computed with the free surface. Experimental tests airspeed. The HOHB, as the of freeplay nonlinearity in the
the control chain between the The first (11.63 Hz) and the Wind tunnel tests were numerical integrated model and rudders control chain. The
Introduction actuator and the rudder; it is second (23.22 Hz) fin bending conducted on the experimental the experimental data, depicts methods shown to be able to
The research on nonlinear composed by a rigid linkage modes cross the zero damping rig in order to tune the FE two regions: the first is the catch the correct solution for the
aeroelasticity and, in connected with the rudder and line respectively at 47 m/s and model and to validate both consequence of the flutter of nonlinear system.
particular, on control surface that ends with a pin that is 78 m/s. the numerical models. The the first bending mode, while
freeplay, is motivated by the slipped into a fork connected The direct integrated (time
significant number of cases with the gear of the electric marching) model was designed
known in the literature of motor used to actuate the by assembling the structural and
aircrafts that have experienced movable surface. the aerodynamic state space
Limit Cycle Oscillations (LCO) systems. The nonlinearity was
caused by it. In fact, freeplay introduced as a lumped element
in the control chains may in the feedback loop by using a
arise as consequence of many penalty function approach.
factors, including wear of The model is time-varying
the parts during the aircrafts velocity in order to be able
life. In order to perform to reproduce the effect of an
numerical and experimental increase (or decrease) of the
investigations, a wind tunnel free stream speed during the
model of a T-tail equipped simulation.
with the rudder and the A High Order Harmonic Balance
control system was designed 1. T-tail aeroelastically scaled wind (HOHB) was developed as well. 3. LCO amplitude, NI - Experimental - HOHB comparison 4. LCO portraits at 50 m/s, NI - Experimental - HOHB
and manufactured. tunnel model. The method approximates the 1. comparison 1.

Vibration analysis of laminated composite resulting models. Frequently, the the free vibration analysis of applications for the solution of

PhD Yearbook | 2015

knowledge in advance of the both thin and thick, deep structural mechanics problems.
plates and shells using a spectral method correct shell theory balancing
the accuracy and computational
and shallow laminated panels
with different combinations
The thesis discusses many
different plate and shell
burden for the specific problem of boundary conditions. The structures, ranging from
under investigation can be a range of applicability of the rectangular to skew and
hard task. A unified modeling resulting tool is similar to a circular sector plates, including
Amir Hossein Mohazzab - Supervisor: Lorenzo Dozio framework capable of tailoring fully 3-D analysis, with also the cylindrical, spherical and
the order and typology of the possibility of using economical conical shells. For all cases,
shell theory without the need of low-order theories when more the analysis is performed for 33
Accurate yet efficient modeling plates and shells mainly relies theories, including or not shear a new modeling effort each time refined models are not required. various combinations of free,

and solution of plate and shell on two aspects. The first issue deformation, rotary inertia and would be highly desirable. Therefore, the balance between simply-supported and clamped
structures can be considered a is related to the assumptions thickness stretching factors. The other important aspect accuracy and computational boundary conditions. Some
classical problem in structural and simplifications adopted ESL approaches assume a related to the computation of savings can be tailored on the studies are also provided for
mechanics. Over the last fifty in the mathematical model proper overall kinematic field natural frequencies of laminated specific application under study. structures involving elastically
years, researchers proposed of the structural component. throughout the thickness of the panels is the method adopted to The modeling aspect exploits restrained edges. Both single-
many different approaches to The second aspect involves the laminated structure, whereas solve the equations governing the power and versatility of the layer isotropic and multi-layered
face this problem, urged by method selected to solve the an independent displacement the dynamic problem. Again, Carreras unified formulation, orthotropic plates and shells are
the increasing adoption of flat governing equations of the field is postulated for each many different approaches are which provides a smart way of considered. It is shown, through
and curved panels as structural problem. layer in a LW framework available in the literature. Exact handling arbitrary refinements a huge number of comparisons
elements in a large variety Models of flat and curved and appropriate continuity solutions satisfying both the of classical plate theories. The with fully 3-D analyses and
of engineering applications. panels based upon the three conditions are imposed at each differential equations and the discretization of the problem to other references based on 2-D
For example, rectangular, dimensional (3-D) theory of layer interface. Typically, both boundary conditions are possible obtain an approximate solution approaches, that the present
skew, annular, cylindrical and elasticity can be considered as ESL and LW kinematic fields only for a limited set of plate of the natural frequencies is computational framework is
spherical panels are important the most accurate, since no are expressed as complete and shell geometries, boundary performed by the spectral efficient, versatile and accurate.
components of built-up aircraft overly simplified assumptions polynomial series expansion conditions and lamination collocation method, which is In particular, it is observed that
and spacecraft structures. Plate are introduced in describing the of the thickness coordinate sequences. In most practical capable of providing relatively stringent requirements on the
and shell structures are also kinematics of deformations. As and the highest power of the situations, one must rely on light discretized models to be accuracy of the computed
widely applied in automotive, such, 3-D models are suitable for assumed polynomial set is approximate methods. The profitably used in extensive frequency values can be satisfied
marine and civil engineering plates and shells of any thickness generally referred to as the most common and traditional optimization and parametric only by 2-D high-order layerwise
disciplines. In the last three ratio and any shallowness ratio, order of the theory. Owing to approaches include the Ritz studies. models, in particular when thick
decades, the design of plate and ranging from thin and shallow to their intrinsic simplifications, method and the finite element The spectral collocation method and deep anisotropic curved
shell structures has known new thick and deep shells vibrating at 2-D theories provide reliable method (FEM). For simple used here, also known as panels are considered. However,
exciting opportunities by the low to high frequency. However, models for a limited range of structures, the Ritz method Chebyshev collocation method the present approach can also
usage of composite materials. a full 3-D dynamic analysis, thickness ratios, frequency shows better convergence or pseudospectral method, can allow building less costly low-
Composite laminated plate and especially for composite plates values and through-the- and less computational need be considered to be a global order equivalent single-layer
shells offer higher stiffness/ and shells, is rather complicated thickness variation of material than FEM. However, the FEM spectral method that performs models when a more refined
strength to weight ratios than and time consuming. Therefore, properties. The accuracy usually overcomes the limitations of a collocation process, i.e., analysis is not required for the
most metallic constructions and so-called plate theories aimed degrades as the wavelength the Ritz method in dealing weighting functions are delta specific case under investigation.
today they are fairly common at reducing the problem from of the vibration mode is of with complicated boundary functions centered at special
in advanced engineering three to two dimensions have the order of magnitude of conditions and complex grid points called collocation
applications such as aerospace been introduced by employing the panel thickness and as shapes. More recently, new points. Since the mathematical
systems. appropriate assumptions on the the variation of mechanical emerging meshless methods formulation is simple and
In service, laminated panels are displacement behavior in the properties through the thickness are increasingly applied to powerful enough to produce
typically subjected to various thickness direction. direction increases like the case the analysis of plate and shell approximate solutions close
dynamic loads, and it is crucial Many different displacement- of sandwich panels. This loss problems with the aim of to exact values, this method
that their dynamic response based two-dimensional (2- of accuracy can be successfully eliminating some difficulties has been largely adopted
is well predicted from the D) theories for laminated compensated by using theories existing in FEM such as mesh with success in solving partial
design stage onwards in order panels are available. Generally of higher order and/or relying on distortion and remeshing. differential equations governing
to assure their integrity and speaking, we can distinguish a LW approach, with the price The scope of this thesis is to many physical phenomena such
stability. The accuracy of free between equivalent single- of increasing the complexity present an advanced modeling as fluid dynamics and wave
vibration analysis of laminated layer (ESL) and layerwise (LW) and computational cost of the and solution framework for motion. It was also used in some

High Order Methods for Space Situational

PhD Yearbook | 2015


Alessandro Morselli - Supervisor: Franco Bernelli Zazzera

The era of space exploration by the space traffic control up computational demanding in the time window of interest by two order of magnitude. can raise the miss-distance and

started in 1957 with the launch problem. simulations, such as Monte with a computational time that Besides enabling the collision decrease collision probability
of the first manmade object, The thesis deals with the Carlo methods. An introduction ranges from a few to tens of probability computation in a besides being compliant with
the soviet satellite Sputnik I. development of new methods to Differential Algebra (DA) and seconds. The second algorithm Monte Carlo fashion, without mission constraints.
Since then a large number of for the Space Surveillance and its tools, as well as a description uses the procedure for the any assumption on relative Overall, the proposed
manmade objects was launched Tracking of the near-Earth of the high-order DA-based DA expansion of the time and dynamics as in the classical algorithms can be combined
into space, and many of them environment. All the relevant propagators developed, is given distance of closest approach. algorithms, the developed in comprehensive DA-based
are still orbiting the Earth. aspects of the problem are in the first part of the work. In The advantage of this approach methods can be used with Space Surveillance and Tracking
The large majority of objects addressed: orbit propagation, particular, the first ever high- is that it provides the polynomial any statistics, such as uniform tool. The tool would be able to
currently orbiting the Earth orbit determination, conjunction accuracy DA-based numerical approximation of the distance distribution or Gaussian manage the uncertainties by
is a result of fragmentations, identification, collision propagator is developed, using of closest approach with respect mixtures. considering the nonlinearities
mostly caused by collisions and probability estimation, and some of the most recent models to the uncertain initial states of The design of collision avoidance arising from orbit determination
explosions. These events can collision avoidance manoeuvre for Earth gravitational field and both objects, that can be used manoeuvres is tackled as a multi- and orbit propagation and could
have catastrophic effects on the design. The main goal was to atmosphere density. to efficiently compute collision objective optimization problem, produce accurate estimations
near-Earth environment: they implement innovative methods Then, the problem of orbit probabilities. using a particle swarm optimizer. of the collision probability to
increase the number of objects to propagate uncertainties in determination is addressed. A The three methods for the Two approaches are analysed, rank close conjunctions. More
and, thus, the probability of an efficient and accurate way, novel algorithm based on batch collision probability computation the first is based on SGP4/SDP4 in general, the tool would
further collisions, potentially which is a major problem when least square fit that can process exploit the availability of the and the corresponding method support in the management
leading to a collisional cascade. dealing with a large amount of measurements from a bistatic DA expansion of the distance for conjunction identification, of space traffic, re-entry, and
This scenario is named Kesslers data. radar with a multibeaming of closest approach to perform whereas the other uses the DA- observation scheduling. In
syndrome after the name of the receiver is analysed. The fast Monte Carlo simulations. based numerical propagator and the scope of the mitigation
scientist that first analysed the algorithm is capable of The numerical simulations to the expansion of the distance of guidelines, any improvement in
effects of the increasing density estimating, with a single compute the minimum relative closest approach with respect handling such operations will
of resident space objects. measurement, the whole set distance for each sample of to the execution time and the have beneficial effects on space
Mitigation guidelines have of six orbital parameters, with the simulation are replaced by manoeuvre velocity vector. The debris population control and
been published by various a good accuracy on the orbital fast polynomial evaluations. A optimization returns a set of the future exploitation of space.
organisations such as the position. By adding optical DA-based standard Monte Carlo fuel-efficient manoeuvres that
Inter-Agency Space Debris measurements the estimate gets method and two advanced
Coordination Committee closer to the reference state and Monte Carlo techniques, Line
(IADC) and the United Nations the ballistic coefficient can be Sampling and Subset Simulation,
(UN). The general aim of space estimated as well. are used. These advanced
debris mitigation is to reduce Two algorithms for the techniques limit the number of
the growth of space debris by conjunction identification are samples required to compute
ensuring that space systems 1. Research activity: workflow and proposed: the first is based on sufficiently accurate estimates of
are designed, operated, and interconnections between developed the DA-version of the analytical the collision probability, which
disposed of in a manner that algorithms. propagator SGP4/SDP4 and is usually well below 10-3. Since
prevents them from generating the rigorous global optimizer they are based on polynomial
debris throughout their orbital In this framework, differential COSY-GO. The choice of the evaluations, the methods allow
lifetime. In parallel specific algebraic techniques are objective function is such that for large computational time
space programs were started to used to perform nonlinear all stationary points of the savings. As an example when
build the expertise required to propagation of uncertainties on relative distance between the 1000 samples are required the
manage the challenges posed the orbital state and to speed- two objects can be computed computation time can be reduce 2. Computational time of DAMC, DALS, and DASS vs. collision probability.

Vibration-Based Damage Identification some simple methods and tools typical aircraft stiffened panel, examples, after correlation

PhD Yearbook | 2015

based upon the use of mode for extension and validation with the real experimental one,
Techniques shapes and frequency response
functions (FRFs), which seem
All developed methodologies are
of both mentioned structures
will be used, as well as an
promising and have given verified by numerical simulations experimental test cases, where
good results in some practical and laboratory testing for both damage is inflicted in a free-free
applications. The advantage structure. As defects, notch type condition. To simulate noise
Kamal Rezvani - Supervisor: Prof. Sergio Ricci of using such methods, which damage of different severity disturbances experienced during
is based on mode shapes, are investigated for the beam the experimental testing, for
is that only measured mode structure. the numerical simulations of 37
Higher operational loads, greater to detect, locate and quantify for the discrimination between shapes are required in damage For the panel structure four example beam, measurement

complexity of design and longer damage. two or more signal categories, identification, without having to different types of structural data generated by MSC/Nastran
lifetime periods imposed in The fundamental idea of e.g. before and after a structure know the complete stiffness and change are studied. i.e. remove are polluted with 3% of random
civil, mechanical and aerospace the vibration methods for is damaged or differences in the mass matrices of the structure. some screw for disconnecting noise level.
structures, make it increasingly damage detection is that damage levels or locations. To use of directly measured the stiffener from the panel The study shows the potential
important to monitor the health modal parameters (natural The work here presented FRFs data, which provide an and create a saw cut along the of the proposed methods for
of these structures. frequencies, mode shapes, and addresses the subjects of abundance of information, all the depth of the height of simple and rapid detection,
A wide variety of highly modal damping) are functions damage detection, localization is further beneficial as the second stiffener. FRFs of panel accurate and reliable localization
effective non-destructive of the physical properties of the and quantification in structures. execution of experimental modal in each state are recorded by and monitoring of damage in
methods, such as acoustic or structure (mass, damping, and The reported examples show the analysis is not needed, thus two measurement systems structures.
ultrasonic methods, magnet stiffness). Therefore, changes implementation and comparison greatly reducing human induced (see Figure 2, LMS Hammer The reported examples also
field methods, penetrating in the physical properties will of a number of various damage errors. Here, all methods are Testing and PSV-Laser Scanner show that some proposed
liquids, eddy-current methods cause detectable changes in detection and localization first tested on data of a simple Vibrometer) and for each methods (i.e. PCA based,
or thermal field methods, the modal properties. So, this methods based on vibration steel beam structure (see Figure scenarios the related mode Transmissibility based) are highly
and so on, are currently process involves the observation responses changes. 1) to assess their feasibility and shapes are extracted by capable for damage detection
available for the detection of of a structure/system over time The objective of such a study performance. Then all proposed PolyMAX algorithm of LMS and localization and structural
defects. Unfortunately, they using periodical measurements. is to ascertain the possibility of methods are applied to a Testlab software. health monitoring even in the
are all localized techniques, In other words, most vibration- using various damage detection more complicated structure, a In addition, numerical simulated noise polluted data.
implying long and expensive based damage detection and localization methods with
inspection time; often, methods can be considered and without the need for modal
structural components are not as some form of the pattern identification. In recent years,
inspected just because of their recognition problem as they look the authors have developed
inaccessibility and damage
can propagate to critical levels
between the inspection intervals.
The drawbacks of current
inspection techniques have
led engineers to investigate
new methods for continuous
monitoring and global condition
assessment of structures. That is
the case for methods based on
vibration responses that allow
one to obtain meaningful time
and/or frequency domain data
and calculate changes in the
structural and modal properties,
such as resonance frequencies,
modal damping and mode
shapes, FRF based methods, and
use them with the objective of a) LMS Hammer Testing b) PSV-Laser Scanner Vibrometer
developing reliable techniques 1. Experimental test setup of steel beam 2. Experimental test setups of typical aircraft aluminum stiffened panel.

MODEL IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL OF experimentally on the quadrotor of an emergency maneuver peculiar feature of variable

PhD Yearbook | 2015

in bench test condition: results to safely recover a one rotor pitch architecture in comparison
VARIABLE PITCH QUADROTOR UAVs confirm the behavior expected
from simulations. Moreover
fault occurrence for a variable
pitch quadrotor. The capability
with the most common
variable RPM implementation.
the robustness assessment of of dealing with faults is crucial An experimental campaign
obtained optimal tuning set for UAVs, especially when operating the vehicle on the
respect to identified models the vehicle has to operate in single pitch (or roll) DoF was
Fabio Riccardi - Advisor: Prof. Marco Lovera - Co-Advisor: Prof. Carlo Luigi Bottasso uncertainties (evaluated through critical missions, e.g., flying carried out, replicating a rotor
a bootstrap based technique) above populated areas or in fault commanding a power-off:
was achieved, performing proximity of industrial plants the results demonstrate that the 39
The interest in quadrotors as adopting a PRBS excitation in continuity and accelerating a Monte Carlo simulations sensitive facilities, where the implemented strategy is able to

platforms for both research and command, and conducted on the implementation process. campaign. ability to safely conclude the avoid vehicle flip.
commercial Unmanned Aerial a quadrotor prototype, in both Therefore the robust control In conclusion the entire control flight without hurting people In order to complete the
Vehicle (UAV) applications is on laboratory bench test and in design approach selected was design process, specifically or causing damages could be validation of the proposed
steadily increasing. In particular, flight conditions. The gathered the structured H: optimal addressed to near hovering mandatory. Moreover strict one rotor fault recovery
some of the envisaged data was used to feed a number tuning of the PIDs parameters condition (quadrotors mainly safety requirements are expected automatic maneuver, with the
applications for quadrotors of different identification was determined assigning operate in this flying regime to be imposed by forthcoming aim of implement the feature
lead to tight performance methods, exploring both black- desired closed-loop stability during typical missions), was regulations about the use of on AERMATICA vehicles,
requirements on the attitude box and grey-box approaches, and performance requirements, developed and successfully small-medium size UAV for incremental complexity future
control system, so wide to obtain LTI control-oriented aimed to improve the vehicle applied to the real case of civil applications. The vehicle activities are planned before
bandwidth controllers must models. From an exhaustive wind gust rejection capability considered quadrotor pitch dynamics modeling with three the final test in flight. The next
be designed. This, in turn, comparison of the obtained compared to previous tuning, attitude DoF (with results working rotors was discussed: step will be the testing of roll
calls for increasingly accurate pitch attitude dynamics models obtained with a manual trial and applicable also for roll a single DoF model for the yaw and pitch control with a faulty
dynamics models of the vehicles performance in replicating the error process executed directly considering the geometrical was developed, characterizing rotor when the spin about yaw
response to which advanced experimental data, the black- on the vehicle, and replicate its symmetry of the vehicle). In the vehicle spin dynamics axis is present, safely operating
controller synthesis approaches box PBSID subspace method set point tracking performance order to obtain a final validation and validated through a test the quadrotor on a proper 3
can be applied. In view of these appears to be the best candidate considered already adequate. of the procedure, optimal tuning campaign on a proper bench DoFs test-bed constraining only
considerations the main goal for the identification part of the The structured H synthesis parameters (in both cases, using test. Hence the vertical DoF the vehicle translations and
of this thesis work was the procedure: it is able to dealing was applied on both on test- on test-bed and in flight models) dynamics was added to yaw, freeing concurrently the three
development of an integrated, with data generated in closed- bed and in flight identified will be applied on-board, adopting a proper model for the rotations. A further work will be
highly automated procedure, loop and it is computationally PBSID models of attitude pitch testing the considered vehicle rotor inflow in descent operating the development of a complete
and relative tool chain, aimed at efficient. Moreover PBSID dynamics in hovering: the control performance in flight, states where the momentum simulation environment, to
a fast and reliable deployment identified models demonstrate results obtained in simulation also in presence of wind gust. theory in invalid (Vortex Ring conduct a comprehensive
of the attitude control system that operating the quadrotor demonstrate the requirements To complete the tool chain the State and Turbulent Wake validation of the emergency
for variable pitch quadrotors, constrained on single DoF fulfillment and above all the work will be naturally extended State). The reliability of adopted maneuver, considering also the
encompassing identification of test-bed is representative of optimal tuning obtained with to the yaw DoF. The use of the rotor aerodynamics model was vertical and longitudinal/lateral
linear control-oriented model the actual attitude hovering the test-bed model in the developed approach represents demonstrated through a wind dynamics.
for the attitude response and dynamics in flight: the n-gap loop can be applied also in a valid and faster alternative to tunnel test campaign conducted
optimization-based tuning for analysis between the two flight with a non-significant the manual empirical process on isolated rotor. Concerning
the parameters of the on-board different conditions models loss in control performance, for attitude controller tuning the roll/pitch attitude control
controller structure. The research assures that the controller hence the attitude controller and would be included in strategy to perform the
activities were carried out synthesis using the on test-bed tuning can be achieved using AERMATICA control design proposed emergency maneuver,
exploiting the collaboration with model will guarantee acceptable models obtained in safe (and and development process in the problem of maintaining
AERMATICA SpA: a quadrotor performance also when applied more repeatable) identification the near future. As future work the pitch (or roll) angular set-
prototype, with relative ground on in flight one. experiments executed indoor extension, a similar integrated point when one of the two
systems and laboratory bench Concerning the control synthesis on the test-bed, avoiding a risky procedure may be developed for opposite rotor of longitudinal
test have been made available part of the tool chain, it was and time-consuming in flight the translational quadrotor DoFs, (or lateral) quadrotor axis
from company, together with all preferred to maintain the identification test campaign. clearly without the possibility goes into fault (avoiding the
necessary vehicle data. preexisting attitude controller The performance in terms to perform identification vehicle turn over at the thrust
Proper identification experiments scheme (cascade PID loops) of set point tracking, for the experiments on bench test. loss instant) was tackled,
of the pitch attitude dynamics adopted on-board of considered optimal tuning obtained with on The secondary topic addressed in exploiting the capability to
in hovering were designed, quadrotor, in order to work test-bed model, was evaluated this thesis was the development generate negative rotor thrust,

Hybrid Rocket Propulsion for Active

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Removal of Large Abandoned Objects 2 3
Mid-range Capture and
Disposal 4
1 rendezvous Mating
Pietro Tadini - Relatore: Luigi. T. De Luca
DeoKit released
by the Launcher 41
During the last 40 years, the an ideal solution. In fact, HTPB de-orbiting kit (DeoKit) made discretized by finite elements, Upper Stage

mass of orbital artificial objects boast of high mechanical and by a Hybrid Propulsion Module using MUSCL+Limiter method
increased quite steadily leading aging properties and isotropic (HPM) and an ADR platform, for high order accuracy in space
to a total of about 6670 metric combustion, whereas the hot which loads all the systems for solution. AUSMDV is used for
tons. Most of the cross-sectional gases generated by the catalytic mission control, object capture numerical flux evaluation. The 1. ADR mission profile description. The DeoKit is assumed to be released by a
area and mass (97% in low decomposition of H2O2, at high and RCS. In order to evaluate launcher upper stage on the same orbital plane of the selected target. Rocket
time integration is performed
bodies, such as Cosmos-3M 2nd stage, reveal two possible connection points:
Earth orbit, LEO) is concentrated concentration (90%), can be hybrid propulsion for ADR, a by a two-stage Runge-Kutta nozzle or payload adapter.
in about 4500 intact objects, exploited for the HTPB ignition design tool for overall internal method. The time evolution
i.e. abandoned spacecraft (S/C) and reignition, as well as for a ballistics analysis and preliminary of the chamber conditions
and rocket bodies (R/Bs), plus a Reaction Control System (RCS), sizing was implemented, is achieved by compiling the database estimated with to reduce the HPM mass and
further 1000 operational S/C. spilling from the same main based on the same approach convergence results, providing NASA CEA. Throat erosion size, combustion times and
According to NASA results, tank. Moreover, this propellant recently suggested by Funami a quasi-static description of is introduced through the accelerations. In case of S/C, the
the active yearly removal of 5 couple theoretically causes a and Shimada (Japan Aerospace the regression rate during numerical simulation results of stresses to the structure must
large abandoned intact objects lower nozzle throat erosion Exploration Agency). The code combustion. For validation Bianchi and Nasuti (La Sapienza, be limited to avoid the breaking
would be sufficient to stabilize with respect to HTPB with uses moderately complex purpose, the regression rate Rome). The motor design aims risk of external appendages
the debris growth in LEO, pure oxygen oxidizer. However, models and allows to estimate rf estimated with Marxman at minimizing the size and (i.e. solar panels, etc.). The
together with the worldwide hybrid propulsion has not been the fuel regression rate for model was compared with masses, keeping low combustion acceleration achieved are
application of mitigation tested in orbital environment the couple HTPB+H2O2, for experimental results for times (<100 s) since HPM nozzle below 0.14g. Envisat might be
measures. However, besides yet (low TRL). Concerning which no data are presently HTPB+O2, obtaining an is not cooled to avoid the need removed by an HPM of 1260
legal and political issues, the ADR mission two targets available in literature. The underestimates of about 16% of an expensive system. From kg (DeoKit 1771 kg). Soyuz
Active Debris Removal (ADR) is are considered: Envisat (7.8t) flow field is described by at high mass flux (Gox) and up the design analysis, the highest can load two DeoKits. Hybrid
strongly hampered by high costs and Cosmos-3M 2nd stage the Q1D compressible non to 50% at low Gox. This lack performance (Is) is achieved propulsion might represent a
involved. In this research, hybrid (1.4t). The first is characterized viscous Euler equations with can lay at both the effects of with a length-to-diameter key choice for ADR applications.
rocket propulsion is proposed by the highest removal a conservation equation for injection geometry, which, ratios (L/D) of about 12 for the To overcome the lack of on-
as a valuable option for ADR priority, the second is a good the mixture fraction. The in the real case, can produce solid grain, resulting in a long orbit demonstration, a possible
missions. This technology has candidate for multi-removal calculation domain consists of significant differences from and thin motors, and relatively approach could be to equip
advantageous features: non- and demonstrative missions, the combustion chamber and Marxmans theory, and the low oxidizer mass flow rates. new satellites with small hybrid
toxic propellants that, besides due to its large number in LEO a nozzle. The solid fuel has a use of a pure convective heat Single-burn maneuvers can be motors able to perform their
their lower price, reduce (~300); the same developed single circular perforation. The transfer (soot particles cause an used for low V budgets, while post-mission disposal.
the complexity of handling, technology might be used to mass addition from the solid important radiation contribute). higher Vs require a multi-burn
storability and load operations, remove larger abandoned R/ fuel surface is considered as a However, the computed rf range strategy to satisfy the burn time
decreasing the connected Bs, such as the Zenit 2nd stage source term, in which the fuel is assumed acceptable for the constraint. Finally, the HPMs for
costs and avoiding the need of (8.9t). Controlled reentry is mass flux is evaluated with the conservative preliminary design the selected targets assumes a
a special staff; throttleability the preferred solution for the Marxman model, assuming and propellant mass budget V of 240 m/s. The Cosmos-3M
which could favor the disposal of large objects; a single pure convective regime. The of a HPM. The ideal motor might be removed by an HPM
rendezvous phase and allows boost maneuver is assumed code considers only the gaseous performance evaluated for pure of 258 kg (DeoKit 566.8 kg),
for soft initial accelerations to to lower the perigee below phase for both the fuel and H2O2 is reduced considering with a single-boost maneuver.
weak S/C targets; reignition 60 km with a FPA< -1.5 at oxidizer. Chemical equilibrium the oxidizer dilution (90%), the Vega can load 2 DeoKits, while
capability for multi-burns an interface of 120 km. A V is applied for the combustion Bray approximation for nozzle the Soyuz Launcher up to 6,
operations. For an ADR of 200 m/s is required starting considering 9 chemical species expansion, and the nozzle allowing for multi-removal
mission the propellant couple from an orbit of about 770 km. to simulate both HTPB+O2 and multi-dimensional losses, by scenario. For Envisat removal a
HTPB+H2O2 might represent The mission is performed by a HTPB+H2O2. The domain is means of a correction factors two-burns disposal is preferred

Paraffin-Based Solid Fuels: a Low Cost and

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Green Solution for the Competitiveness of
Hybrid Rocket Propulsion Systems
Elena Toson - Supervisor: Prof. Luigi T. De Luca

Due to their potential for high the propulsion system structural cost function and too long rates of paraffin waxes mixed paraffin waxes. For example one when really high regression rates

performance, inherent safety, mass and the propellant combustion chamber. The with stearic acid and graphite of them, showing really high are demanded and external
throttling and restart capability mass) to payload mass ratio is multiport configuration can help which shows liquid droplets regression rates, reaches ductile loads are severe. For the studied
and low development costs, minimized over key propulsion in terms of decreasing L/D of the entrainment, are up to three rupture at a maximum tensile application, one macro and one
hybrid rocket engines are variables such as the chamber engine, but the cost function times higher with respect to the stress of 3 MPa. microcrystalline paraffin waxes
believed to be good candidates pressure, oxidizer to fuel ratio still remains much higher if baseline HTPB. Among these Concerns in the use of paraffin- were identified to be good
for launcher boosters, suborbital O/F, nozzle area ratio and compared to the fast burning paraffin-based fuels, the one based mixtures are also caused candidates.
launchers and landers and burning time. Sensitivity analyses paraffin fuel baseline case. based on micro paraffin wax by the repeatability of the Finally, the proposed hybrid
in particular for in-space on geometrical constraints, fuel Inevitably, the hybrid system in shows a lower enhancement. manufacturing process and rocket design solution was
propulsion applications. In regression rate, O/F shift, nozzle a multiport design configuration Experimentally it was shown the good homogeneity of the compared in terms of gross
order to be competitive with erosion rate, were performed. does not preserve its intrinsic that the lower is the viscosity of solid grain. To better control the mass with other existing
the other chemical rocket Major findings show that: simplicity. The appealing design the paraffin-based mixture at grain manufacturing process, chemical rockets for in-space
propulsion systems, i.e. liquid the fuel regression rate has is consequently identified with 120 C, by tests performed at an experimental facility was set applications having the
rocket engines and solid the highest influence on the a single circular port solution the Space Propulsion Institute of up and a repeatable procedure same total impulse. Another
rocket motors, hybrid rocket engine size and gross mass, but with a fast burning fuel as DLR, the higher is the measured was implemented to measure comparison was performed in
engines should maintain high it should be underlined that paraffin, which also preserves regression rate. The results are waxes density in softening and terms of ideal thermochemistry
performance while preserving the minimum cost function the low cost and non-toxicity well in agreement with the melting intervals. To improve with different fuel/oxidizer
their features. Moreover even value is not reached for the requirements. current literature theoretical the fuel grain homogeneity, couples. The obtained results
if the environmental impact highest considered regression In order to be used as fuel, a combustion model for liquefying the substitution of graphite, and the preservation of all
is not directly affecting the rate; the nozzle erosion rate paraffin-based mixture should fuels, for which, the less viscous commonly used as additive to the features that are making
system performance, it is of also has a high influence on fulfill a number of requirements, is the fuel liquid layer the higher give a black color for increase these systems more and more
fundamental importance in the performance due to the as the ease of manufacturing, is the fuel regression rate. the mixture absorptivity, with a studied and tested among
light of present regulatory decreasing nozzle expansion good mechanical properties If on one hand the micro black dye results to be successful the scientific community
requirements and its effect on ratio during the engine burn, while preserving high regression paraffin shows lower and negligible mean regression underline and support their real
society, so the possibility to resulting in a lower delivered rates and a good thermal regression rates, on the rate losses in the considered competitiveness.
select low cost and non-toxic specific impulse; the O/F shift, stability. These requirements are other hand rheological oxidizer mass flux range were
fuels makes this technology even caused by the variability of related to thermal, rheological, tests reveal its mechanical observed.
more interesting. the fuel mass flow during viscosimetric, ballistic and resistance to higher external To sum up, all collected data
In order to perform a combustion, does not have a physical properties of the temperatures. It was even establish a unique and useful
comprehensive analysis of hybrid strong effect on the system paraffin-based mixtures. Starting experimentally demonstrated database for the identification
rocket engine design trends and performance. Calculations from the selection of six different that improvements on the and measurement of the
demonstrate their potential, a were also carried out with the paraffin waxes, both macro softening point, up to 51 C, fundamental properties for
design/optimization tool for in- hydrogen peroxide/hydroxyl and micro crystalline, combined are achievable by mixing a liquefying fuels applicability in
space, single stage hybrid rocket terminated polybutadiene analyses were performed in their microcrystalline wax with a hybrid rocket engines. Thanks
propulsion system is developed. (HTPB) propellant combination. pure form and related mixtures synthetic wax characterized to this database, useful advices
Hydrogen peroxide/paraffin- For this slow burning fuel, that are likely to be used as by a higher nominal melting were identified: generally the
based propellant combination both single port and multiport solid fuels in hybrid rocket temperature even without micro paraffin based mixtures
and a lunar mission are selected geometries were considered. engines. Results obtained by compromising the regression should be preferred for
as the reference case. Spacecraft The comparison points out ballistic experiments performed rate. But uniaxial tensile tests applications with large storage
gross mass (defined as the sum that for this fuel, the single on a radial micro combustor at reveal that higher maximum and operations temperature
of the payload mass - everything port configuration results in SPLab in Politecnico di Milano, stresses and good elasticity intervals, macro paraffin based
except the propulsion system -, really high mass ratio based demonstrate that the regression are reached with the macro mixtures should be preferred


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Federica Vignati - Advisor: Prof. A. Guardone

Cylindrical and spherical heat) are devised from the time associated to the shock

converging shock waves can reference configuration in which passage by a given radius.
be used to attain high energy symmetric lenticular obstacles The solution computed using
concentration at the focus are introduced to reduce the these two new tools provides
point, thus making them shock-obstacle losses. the same accuracy provided
interesting for applications Numerical simulations are by full two-dimensional
where high temperature and performed using the FlowMesh simulations and a reduction of 1. Numerical Schlieren of the 2D-2D domains overlapping 2. Leading edge reflection types, depending on the
pressure are required, e.g. in code, a Finite-Volume solvers the computational time of more zone diverse values of M and N.
Inertial Confinement Fusion. for Euler equations. To reduce than one order of magnitude.
Unfortunately, converging shock the simulations computational Numerical results concern mainly negligible effect. on P. The leading edge radius thermodynamic model, if
waves suffer from corrugation cost, a multi-domain approach two phenomena: one is the The trajectory of the Triple Point produces a weaker effect than the van der Waals model is
instabilities which hamper the is developed. The global local shock-obstacle interaction, is traced for genuine Mach other factors and, in addition, considered.
front regularity and reduce the domain is split into three, the and the other the one is Reflections. The independence does not exhibit a particular The applicability of the self-
shock intensity with respect to Far Field- , the Obstacle- and the complete reshaping and on the shock intensity and a trend. In all the configuration, similarity assumption of the
the axisymmetrical case. the Focus-Region, dedicated focusing of the shock wave. pseudo-homothetic behavior larger thickness-to-chord ratios shock propagation is empirically
The stabilization of the respectively to the simulation of The first phenomenon, i.e. the of the trajectories with cause more relevant losses, and tested in conditions for which
converging shock wave may be the cylindrical shock generation, leading edge reflections, is respect to the leading edge therefore, lower values of P and theoretical models are not
obtained by means of the so- of the reshaping and of the studied here for the first time radius are observed. Due to T. The configuration producing available. Pseudo-self-similarity
called shock reshaping i.e. by focusing. A technique which in the case of cylindrical shock theoretical considerations, a the highest temperature peak exponents are computed for
changing the shock shape into exploits the symmetry of waves interacting with cylindrical second order fitting is derived at the focus point consists of four diverse thermodynamic
a more stable one. Literature the reshaping is developed obstacles. only on data sampled along 16 obstacles with the lowest models, highlighting a trend
points to the use of suitable for reducing the azimuthal Diverse reflection types are the first half-chord, showing thickness-to-chord ratio and between N and the self-similarity
shock-solid body interactions extensions of the three regions observed and classified in good accordance with data. leading edge radius of 14cm, exponent.
to reshape the converging (from a 360-spanning domain accordance to pseudo-steady Considerations on the offset associated to a shock produced The unsteady shock wave
cylindrical waves into stable to a (360/N)-spanning one, that reflections criteria, highlighting of the trajectories from the by an initial pressure ratio of 27. convergence is traced in the
prismatic ones. is the elementary domain), and the onset of similar patterns but reflecting surface suggest Different shock patterns are pressure-specific volume
The dynamics of the interaction for reconstructing a-posteriori for different configurations (fig. that the definition of Inverse observed after the leading edge plane. One-dimensional results
between cylindrical shock waves the solution outside of the 2). Mach Reflection in presence reflection, including reflections show an excellent accordance
converging in air and circular-arc boundaries (fig. 1). An analytic model is proposed of cylindrical converging shock over the upper symmetry with Hugoniot adiabat. On
obstacles is investigated here. A novel method to trace the for the description of the waves is more complex than for boundary, post-trailing edge the contrary, a departure of
Diverse geometric configurations shock position during the time Regular Reflection unsteady planar shocks. patterns and the nozzle numerical data concerning
(the obstacle number, thickness- is also developed. It applies to evolution, which agrees fairly The second phenomenon is the effect. Depending on the two-dimensional shock waves
to-chord ratio and leading edge solutions computed by means well with the numerical results. reshaping of the shock. N is configuration and, therefore, on from analytic curves is observed,
radius), operating conditions of numerical schemes which The conditions for the Regular- included among the investigated the resulting patterns, polygonal due to fast but intense transient
(the pressure ratio across the describe the pressure across the Mach Reflection transition along factors. Contrary to the behavior shock waves are observed with phenomena in correspondence
discontinuity used to generate shock wave as a continuous the obstacle are determined. of leading edge patterns, which a time-dependent number of of the shock reflections.
the shock wave and the gas ramp, and it accounts for the The influence of the obstacle do not exhibit any dependence edges, switching among N, 2N,
conditions) and thermodynamic very complex shock-induced geometry is observed on the so- on M, the values of pressure 3N and 4N configurations.
models (ideal and van der flow field. This criterion applies called absolute wedge angle, P and temperature T attained A general decreasing of the
Waals gas thermal equations both to the evaluation of the whereas it is absent on the at the focus point depend focusing effectiveness is
and polytropic and harmonic shock position at a given time perceived wedge angle; for mostly on it. N is found to be highlighted by the study of
constant-volume specific and to the determination of the both angles, M presents a null or rather influential, especially the effects of the adopted
Mechanical Engineering | Physics |
Preservation of THE Architectural Heritage
| Rotary-wing aircrafts | Spatial Planning
and Urban Development | Structural Seismic
and Geotechnical Engineering | Technology
and Design for Environment and Building
| Territorial Design and Government |
Aerospace Engineering | Architectural
and Urban Design | Architectural
Composition | Architecture, Urban Design,
Conservation of Housing and Landscape
| Bioengineering | Building Engineering
| Design | Design and technologies for
cultural heritage | Electrical Engineering |
Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology
| Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture
and Exhibition Design | Management,
Economics and Industrial Engineering
| Materials Engineering | Mathematical
MODELS and METHODS IN Engineering PhD Yearbook | 2015


PhD Yearbook | 2015


The Architectural and Urban Design PhD course started in 1992, theoretical and methodological contribution offered by the Faculty


Chair: aiming at critically re-examining the theoretical, methodological and is combined with the applied design experimentation and the
Prof. Pierfranco Galliani applicative tools of the architecture design, towards an unavoidable theoretical analysis of the paradigms on architectural and urban
update in order to properly face the transformation and settlement design developed by the PhD Students during the workshops and
dynamics of the contemporary city. In fact, todays urban residential the international stages.
areas, are affected by deformation phenomena accelerated by road, The parallel with the research carried out at international level with
transport and technology infrastructures proliferation, that, though Architecture Schools is an essential element that is progressively
creating articulated interconnection forms, generate effects of developing in the PhD programme: the architectural design stages
segregation, fragmentation and homologation of the architectural, organized by DrPAU in foreign universities, started during the IXth
urban and environmental structures. Considering the complexity cycle at ETSAM in Madrid, and later at Lille and Paris Belleville
of this scenario, architecture and city planning have to analyze in Universities, ETSAB in Barcelona, Segovia, and recently at New York
detail the design objectives and the suitability of its theoretical, Institute of Technology, at Columbia University in New York and at
interpretative and operational tools of the contexts. University of California in Berkeley, deal with the case study of the
During its 22-year activity, DrPAU carried out an investigation based host city, and are combined with individual and collective classes
on the connection between theoretical practice and operational and reviews.
practice of the architectural and urban design, namely by From 2008 to 2011 DrPAU, in cooperation with the Bergamo
combining: the investigation on the paradigms of architectural and Municipality, organized an international design Summer School
urban design, where the analysis of the specific disciplinary contents programme open to candidates of doctoral courses in Italian and
dialectically faces the necessary connections with parallel scenarios foreign Architectural Schools. In this framework the aim is to open
and skills which integration is more and more necessary to develop a debate on the research problems, and on architectural and urban
the critical points in question; the applied design investigation, design techniques as well as on theoretical and application tools,
considering the design as the engine and result of an investigation stressing their central role in advanced university education with
programme, namely by turning into the elaboration of a critical respect to the changing conditions and design practices in current
subject, the result of a cognitive process aimed at interpreting the urban and built-up contexts.
contextual reasons, the identification of a critical path, strongly Since September 2013 DrPAU, in cooperation with the Unesco
referring to theoretical concepts and to referential, thematic and Chair Architectural Preservation, Design and Planning in World
illustrative apparatuses. Heritage Cities and Landscape in Mantua Campus of Politecnico di
Therefore, the common inheritance of the studies, research and Milano, launched and organized a new International PhD Summer
designs developed in the PhD is based on a rich and articulated School, named Heritage and Design. The new course was held in
reflection on the design role and its theoretical and operational Mantua with the collaboration of other PhD Programmes. Its content aims
instrumentation in the conscious and oriented interpretation and to open a research line focused on the relationship between architectural
transformation of contexts characterized by complex settlement and landscape pre-existing conditions in historically stratified environments,
dynamics. This way of investigation is every year stronger, as it is a and interventions of conservation, adaptation, transformation in order to
common analysis ground that has to assess with critical attention enhance the built heritage. This articulated formative experiences are
the results of the weakening of the specific architecture practice the foundation to develop the individual research design resulting in
and of the architects role, reflecting into a global uncertainty of the the final dissertation.
context, which is composite but rich, of the critical analysis, of the The drawn-up PhD dissertations combine the theoretical analysis
theoretical fragments and of the significant design examples; this on a specific problem and the methods of architecture design with
weakening affects the definition of the contents, methods and the the illustrative design experimentations, applied to specific contexts,
objectives of contemporary architectural research. exemplifying the contemporary settlement dynamics and being
The educational and organizational approach, followed since strategically selected, particularly in Lombardy territory, but also at
DrPAU foundation, has been an investigation structure, where the European and international level, namely referred to case studies

analyzed in the design stages and workshops attended in the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

European and North American universities.
The dissertations exposed in 2014 dealt with four main topics:
planning and design for the redevelopment of river flooded
territories and of rural abandoned areas; relationship between road
infrastructures and urban landscape; materiality and immateriality
in the contemporary city; unhistorical criteria of the contemporary
Chinese architecture.



Doctoral Program Board
Guya Bertelli Pier Franco Galliani Luigi Spinelli
Marco Biraghi Marco Lucchini Ilaria Valente
Paolo Caputo Luca Molinari Massimo Venturi Ferriolo
Antonella Contin Sara Protasoni Fabrizio Zanni
Giovanni Denti Raffaele Pugliese Cino Zucchi
Andrea Di Franco Roberto Ravegnani Morosini
Claudio Fazzini Roberto Spagnolo

Advisory Board
Matthew J.Bell, AIA, University of Maryland (USA)
Franoise Choay, Paris (F) (formerly at Universit de Paris VIII)
Jo Coenen, T.U. Delft MIT Institute TU Delft (NL)
Giangiacomo dArdia, Roma (I) (formerly at Universit di Chieti-Pescara)
Pierre-Michel Delpeuch, Atelier Villes & Paysages, Lyon (F)
Nicola Emery, USI, Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio (CH)
Pedro Ortiz Castano, Urban Planning, World Bank, Washington DC (USA)
Ferran Sagarra Trias, UPC, ETSAB, Barcelona (E)
David Grahame Shane, Columbia University, New York (USA)
Michael Schwarting, New York Institute of Technology, New York (USA)


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Study on resilient methods and urban strategies to deal with
rising water level during flood seasons in river Brahmaputra
that affects habitation in Guwahati, India
Arunjyoti Hazarika - Supervisor: Antonella Contin

How can we define Urbanism in synonym for disaster. There have including Guwahati (city under and push the city towards


relation with ecological science? been numerous exhibitions, study). It is an important river more unstable condition. When
Can we use some metaphors seminars, proposals are being for Irrigation and transportation. disaster strikes buildings are
as a tool to bridge the gap put forward in order to change Due to human encroachment, one of the citys components
between urban design and our ways of treating urban areas deforestation, and climate that suffer the most, they are
ecology? This research tries to in coastal cities and mainland. change impacts it has resulted destroyed, loses structural
propose resilient methods and Museum of modern art (MOMA, in increased siltation levels, integrity. Therefore, we need
urban strategies to deal with NYC) in March 2010 hosted flash floods, soil erosion in to seek new structural and
rising water levels that affects an exhibition for Projects for critical natural and man-made architectural forms that can be
habitation in mainland and New Yorks waterfront named habitats. Occasional monsoon detached, transported to higher
islands during flood seasons Rising current, where various flooding (June October), are grounds and reattached again.
in Brahmaputra River in North designers, architects, planners common occurrence that causes Heterogeneous functional mix
east of India. Rising water level are invited to re-envision the huge losses of crops, life and of close knitted urban fabric is
1. The Conceptual image of the territory
is a growing concern globally. coastlines of New York and New property. Due to sheer size of more usable round the clock
Environmentalist and scientist Jersey around New York Harbor the territory it basically focuses and all the time. It has low
around the world trying to and to imagine new ways to on two zones, namely, A and C energy footprint than secluded cannot completely escape from
understand its impact for the occupy the harbor itself with for developing neighborhoods, office block or housing at the it but we need to accept this
future. As earth atmosphere adaptive soft infrastructures with commercial, residential and periphery of the city. The public change open-mindedly and learn
tends to change for much that are sympathetic to the economic areas connected with spaces are shared and pedestrian best ways to survive and adapt
difficult outcomes, we need needs of a sound ecology. blue and green infrastructure, walking is promoted. Avoiding to it with new planning and
to rethink our strategies on These creative solutions are called performance flood prone area before urban design strategies.
architecture and urban design of intended to dramatically change infrastructure, that gives constructing neighborhood is
coastal cities and low-lying areas our relationship to one of the space for water, and providing the first resilient idea. Giving
that are prone to water related citys great open spaces. There irrigation channels to agricultural space to water, making blue
hazards. By witnessing major was another important joint land. It underlines some flood green infrastructure within
water related disasters in the publication by building futures mitigation tactics but it does not the city so that water could be
past, we can well understand (a RIBA think tank) and Institute pretend to give one standard integrated in every scales of the
that our previous methods of civil engineers in the UK that model of resilient city, but rather community, and these retention
and tactics by defending tries to mitigate problems of opens a dialogue between area can work as floodable
natural forces only increase the climate change in a tactical way: urban design and ecological areas, channels, creeks, ponds
vulnerability. When we analyze there title was facing up to rising science and investigates what it in the case of flood. Resiliency
the impact of climate change in sea-levels Retreat? Defend? Or means for a city to be adaptive needs in depth knowledge of
the past decades, we realize that attack? and capable of functioning parameters that decides the
there is an exponential growth in The discourse of the thesis while undergoing stress due to threshold before physical and
natural disasters. It seems that it focuses on resilient strategies catastrophic flood? socio economic disruption
is a one-way traffic and without on cities affected by flooding As we have seen from past occurs. Whenever disaster
much control on it. Nowadays from the river -Brahmaputra. experiences that its better to occurs, we need to see it as an
Cities with growing population Brahmaputra is a trans-boundary adapt to a disaster condition and opportunity to learn to adapt
are failing to remain in stable river shared by china, India and learn to live with it rather than and re-organize for the next
state in various fronts may it be Bangladesh. There are various being resistant to it. As being ones. Its evident from various
economic, political or climatic. major cities that reside on resistant will decrease tolerance studies that disaster scenarios
Moreover, water has become the banks of this mighty river of socio economic disruption, will increase over time, so we 2. Rich biodiversity created along with flood control system


PhD Yearbook | 2015

An approach to the architectural project in the abandoned
Sara Impera Supervisor: Ilaria Valente

This research starts from a a series of compromises and subjected to free interpretations. construction, contributed to the the ones that continue to shape


reflection on the rural space constraints: the agricultural Contrary to its stereotyped understanding of the present the spaces of slow everyday lives
of Sardinia. It has on the practice, as constructive practice image of enclosed element, architecture of the territory. in extinction. 1. Map with gradients of
background the theme of the of spaces and territories, and for finite and well defined by its Recognize in the phenomena The final product is a mapping abandonment in a rural settlement
(buildings and soils).
isolation - not the geographical that assimilable within the field borders, the island is therefore of abandonment the main of the abandonments
one, rather the internal one of architecture, sets the degrees an unpredictably variable space. modificative component of accompanied by a description
-, taken not as problematic of freedom of the project, the contemporary rural space, through images. These become results, coming also from the
by itself, but as a component establishing the basic orientation II. Inhabited islands is a requested a special investigation an indispensable instrument of collaboration with specialists
that strongly conditioned the to follow. retrospective path. Through around trajectories of research the project, because they give on agricultural disciplines, are
forms of settlement in different The work consists of four the construction of historical and consolidated studies, both evidence to the availability of the specific response to the
periods. sections: the first is an outlines, fixes the high points of in Sardinia and in other contexts. soils and artefact to be used and particular case considered, given
The isolation in fact, strongly introduction, the second and the the territorial transformations re-used. the impossibility of applying
returns as a genetic imprinting third one deepen a study on the of Sardinian rural space. There III. Rural Isolario is an atlas strategies generically extensible.
in the historical layers, and it modification processes of rural is a divide between the slow of islands and territories in IV. Other islands is a design The project in fact, makes sense
also has an important role on territories of Sardinia, the last changes of the ancient history, abandonment. It collects a set experiment. It imagines possible only if locally specified; its value
the present transformations of one arrives to an experimental linked to the forms of land of surveys carried out on a scenarios, investigating in is to be searched inside the
inhabited spaces. project of transformation; this management during different territorial sample in southern search of abandoned and lost overall process as coordinated
As it finds a direct correlation wants to be the open conclusion political systems, and the rapid Sardinia. spaces to give back to the set of analytical and pre-
between some specific forms of a general methodological upheavals introduced in modern The complexity of the collectivity. Wondering about figurative steps and not in the
of isolation, and the dynamics approach to the architectural times by the mechanization and abandonments, is broken up the possibility of returning to single result. This is intended
of change due to the rural project in the abandoned by the capitalist processes of through the development of a the territories in abandonment only as an open combination,
abandonments, the work territories. production. These ones, with codified method of analysis, that implies deep reflections on the a new beginning for future
develops methodological tools the mutations introduced in the makes a distinction between role of the architectural project transformations.
useful for the definition of a I. Islands is a short theoretical space of only a half-century, generic abandonments and in this places, on its capability
modus operandi generalizable to and conceptual survey on the built new geographies and differential abandonments. to metabolize the opportunities
similar situations, which has the theme of the island, which territories in abandonment. In this way has been possible offered, often weak and
architectural project as final aim. refers to external disciplinary Digging back in time, has been to have two different degrees occasional, and to convert them
For this historical moment, the contributions. An extension of useful to discover continuities of widening: a synthesis into concrete modifications of
need to rise up the issue of the the meaning of island, going and discontinuities between the for general categories, the inhabited spaces.
abandonments of rural marginal beyond the simple physical- insular forms of the settlement. highlighting territorial dynamics The project, like a re-discovery,
areas, is imperative for the environmental data with a The inhabited spaces in Sardinia, of transformation at large roots itself on potential and
serious implications they have migration towards abstract diffused in a territory mostly scale, and a description of the implicit lines of development,
in environmental, cultural and geographies, has been useful to empty, despite to their inherent particular case, without loosing already existing in the territory,
economic terms. broaden the possibilities of its weakness and instability seem any intermediate situation to and recognizable for the
The objective of the thesis is to use as interpretative category. in fact to have partly preserved have an outcome as much as presence of residual survival
quantify their extent, precisely The attempt of reducing the through time, traces of the possible scientifically valid. traces. The application of a
identify their forms and effects island to an encoded spatial original matrix. A long fieldwork explored and sum of actions and operations
on the territory, admitting, in a entity, has been rather difficult: The reorganization of the recorded the heterogeneous to a real context, is the test of
pre-figurative optic, scenarios the presence of a series of wide variety of landscapes set of spatial modifications a theoretical line that assumes
of transformation possible and variables, describes in fact a within a taxonomy that introduced by the the agricultural practice as
realistically achievable. space hardly fixable within rigid tries to be the synthesis abandonments: both the ones tool for the redemption of 2. Weak modifications on abandoned
This implies the acceptance of schemes, conceptually open and of this incessant historical occurred in the long term, and abandoned territories. The rural buildings.

MONUMENTAL ABSENCES reasons. Doing research on the Globalization. This means that Why, in China, the notion of

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Chinese reality using western nowadays Chinese dynamics copy seems to be more
Indifference to the context in Chinese contemporary concepts has its meaning if do not have a result only on important than the notion of
these concepts, transported into Chinese culture and territory, but authenticity? Which is the
architecture the Chinese society through the they also influence, in different value attached to the material
modernization process carried ways, other dimensions. The heritage? The answers to these
out by the western powers development of Chinese questions gave the opportunity
Giovanni Mensi - Supervisor: Ilaria Valente (and their ideology), has been society, for example, is not only to understand how the material
migrated to China melting the result of 1980s Reform monumentale assenza of
with a preexisting cultural and opening up launched the past and the Chinese 57
The aim of this thesis is to cultural and historical reasons. context? The double aim of tradition. As you will notice, by Deng Xiaoping, but it indifference to the value of


compare and to let interact Everyone who goes to China this thesis is right here: every many answers will find their dates back to modern times, material architectural elements
some previous research about notices that it does have what analysis implies a starting point answers not only in the history starting from Opium wars have their own roots, first of all,
the concept of context, its I call assenza monumentale which, in turn, implies we use of China, but also in the effects and their consequent western in the Chinese traditional way
meaning and role in the era of of historical cultural forms. The a notion (in this case the notion created from the interaction penetration into China. Once of thinking and, secondly, in the
Globalization with a direct and fact that in its historical cities of context) which is western; between China and the western woken up, China became a Globalization brought to China
concrete experience with an it is quite impossible to find we cannot get rid of this world, in the migration and global problem. Despite the starting from Opium wars and
unknown and alien dimension something that dates back to notion and, at the same time, contamination of models global interrelation, however, Chinese modernization. The
which is totally different from the ancient Chinese civilization this notion is very important and ideologies that the clash it is necessary to understand key-point is in the contamination
what we usually have to deal culture, leaves the foreign man because it is the starting between cultures produces. how the concepts of Capitalism between the chinese traditional
with. Doing research about with a kind of disorientation. point and the return point: It is to avoid the idea that in (considered as a particular predisposition and the new
the role and the condition Everything is called into in the era of Globalization, the contamination process of model for development models and ideology grafted in
af a theoretical concept in a question, in primis the which is the role of our concept ideologies and concepts carried and modernization) and China by the western powers.
specific and alien reality not traditional categories and the of context? The heart out by the western, China has Globalization (considered as This research is a kind of
only can help understanding most common concepts which and goal of the research is been a passive element: despite fundamental tool used by experiment because it tries to
new realities, but also clarifying are often taken for granted and the journey between two the same structure and effects, Capitalism for its own diffusion) prove that the Chinese way
and giving new meanings to as they were universal. Once points; the deconstruction and the story of capitalism in the last enter into a new dimension of thinking is predisposed
the concept itself. This is exactly in China, the most obvious reconstruction of the present 150 years is multilinear, full of not only de facto, but facing for the tabula rasa and, this
what Foucault points out in question an European architect condition of many Chinese cities paradox and contradiction. At obstacles and resistance of the predisposition, at the same time,
the preface of his Les mots et can ask himself is: where all this and metropolis; the research the end, it will also be possible local culture, and giving birth is turned into a degeneration
les choses: the charm of an come from? The next question, of the reasons why we have to clarify how another-culture, very often to reactions and driven by capitalism through
exotic way of thinking we can of an ontological nature, is: this monumentale assenza like the Chinese one, reacts and modifications. Strong cultures the isolation and unhooking of
experience with something considering this reality, who of the historical heritage: why resists firstly to the capitalistic which find themselves facing some traditional concepts of the
different gives us a new light, am I? Now that the relation has China used the tabula rasa and globalizing western these two big phenomenon are Chinese culture.
but also the awarness of our between the object and the strategy as its own and only monologue and secondly to not always unarmed elements
limits and our incapability of subject is created, the research tool to transform the reality? the reductio ad unum carried passively modified by them,
thinking different. This is the can start: where does this total The winning strategy, from my out by the Globalization. Till but they often give birth to
reason why I chose to compare indifference for the context point of view, is to avoid to when the infiltration of western reactions of contamination or
the concept of context (with in the architectural and urban isolate one of the two entities, capitalism is responsible of the modification, without giving
its complex meanings and planning come from? The China or the western world, phenomenon which brings up their own cultural identities.
prerequisites) with a culture question is quite clear, but we going between, in suspension. to the disappearance of the In order to understand the
which is probably the most cannot forget that there is a This is a deep journey which cultural-material heritage? indifference for context in
far away from our way of related issue: every question goes beyond the prejudice and Which has been the role of the contemporary Chinese
thinking and, for now, is using we can think of, comes from the fallacies that reduce the the traditional Chinese way of architecture, I started studying
what we call tabula rasa as the a western way of thinking complexity of the real world. The thinking in the transition from the fundamental aspects of the
starting point of its astonishing and, of course, it has been first thing to understand is the the pre-modern city to the traditional Chinese culture and
development: China. developed in a culture which meaning of cultural heritage global city? way of thinking. In this way,
My research has its starting has nothing to do with the in China. This will allow us to The intention to understand it is easier to understand how
point in something we usually Chinese culture. Every question, clarify the reasons of the rapid another culture in its way to the Chinese culture traditionally
talk about with anecdotes and moreover, brings us to another Chinese development which look at something derives from thinks of some notions linked
stories, but we rarely analyze one which is probably the has corrupted a traditional the inter-relation between to our research: which is the
deeply in its philosophical, most frightened: what is the society with western capitalistic cultures and countries created by role of the cultural heritage?


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Poetics and politics within the network city

Paolo Patelli - Supervisor: Antonella Contin

The word network has urban informational landscape explore this space, the thesis cases different conceptual and and agency, understood as


become the ubiquitous and the physically built follows two tracks: aesthetic and interpretative genealogies. the ability to operationalise
designation for technical environment. critical aspects are introduced Through the projects of the resulting mental map. A 1. Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam). Distribution
infrastructures, social and This work aims to overcome the and developed through a Haussmann and Cerd, the critical and civic role for the of geo-referenced media shared on
geopolitical relations, and for dualistic distinction between series of essays; a number of succession of technologies of project is explored through an Foursquare during January 2012
lives online. The network is physical and immaterial space, prototypical devices examine control and measurement, the involvement rather than a
the figure through which many seeing the urban environment the potential range and the drifts and the dtournement of settlement or rejection with
of the recent economic, social, as the territory resulting from affects of designed interactions the Situationists and of media the techno-social environment.
and spatial changes, determined the composition of the two between the physical and the artists, different modes of This involvement takes the form
by the development and conditions, a texture of different immaterial dimensions of the urban experience and related of an alteration in the conditions
application of information and and coexisting spatialities urban realm. Together, they urban subjects are introduced. of the urban experience,
communication technologies, and temporalities. Through aim to define new possibilities Subsequently, two present through interventions on its
are described and explained. the analysis of deliberate for generating hybrid spaces modelsrelated to current urban sensory materials. The aesthetic
As a result of the spread of interventions and emerging and forms of relationship, that and technological imaginaries and political relationships
information and communication phenomena, related both to the can reconnect the material and the smart city and the user- between the city and the
technologies in the urban digitisation of urban systems and phenomenological dimensions generated city are analysed technologies, the infrastructures,
environment, places now infrastructures, and to practices of urban public space with the within their limits, validity, the languages and the
incorporates digital networks, of pervasive communication capabilities of a networked and possibilities. These critical practices of information and
and a new type of urbanity has and representation, the public sphere. Following to a notes are the starting point for communication are tested in
emerged, where fluctuating research documents a present thematic and methodological a reconceptualisation, and for the phenomenological world.
processes seem as important condition, while promoting introduction, the research is the formulation of alternative The prototypes show how the
as permanent spatial forms. new possibilities and methods presented in three parts. The assemblages, framing the implementation of deliberate 2. Ard elLewa, Giza (Egypt). A
screenshot from the Web application
This phenomenon has affected for the critical exercise of the first considers the broader complex relationship between interventions can be inscribed Cairo Refracted.
the relationships between project, emphasising its potential cultural, technological and the project of the city and new in a design perspective,
the categories of open space role in the dynamics of the political context in which the information technologies within and therefore benefit from
and the geographies of public contemporary urban public issues highlighted emerge the critical tradition of urban architectural theories and
life, reprogramming social sphere. and develop: the emergence design. In particular, the concept approaches. In a city that has
interactions across different The title of this work references of a technological imperative, of legibility the perceptual re-established the invisible,
spaces and media. In this the space between the systems in continuity with certain clarity of an urban environment, breaking the link between
context, the rhetoric informing the space of possibilities determinist ideals of modernity; or the ease with which its what we see and how it works,
current debates on urban enclosed within the spider web the emergence of a network parts can be recognised is designing interactions with an
ideals and models tend to of the network city, a space culture, within the real space reconsidered in relation to the ecosystem of information can
outsource the responsibility that is both phenomenological, of the contemporary city and network city, and its immaterial, provide a possible model for
and the task of determining and political. If architecture can beyond the concept of digital; invisible, externalised dimension. new forms of aesthetic and
new relational configurations in still be intended as a practice the reformulation of the From a reference to urban political involvement with the
the urban realm, from design that structures the relationships urban public sphere, through morphology, the notion of built environment.
to technology itself. At the between space and civitas, the concepts of porosity and urban legibility is extended to
same time, the emergence its territory now must include prolongations. Thence, the include both intangible layers,
of an all-encompassing a new conceptual space that network city is observed through and material substrates. Critical
network culture effectively lies between a substrate of two lenses as an object, an modes of intervention are then
3. Mazama, WA (United States). A
reestablishes urban publics in systems and the contemporary actual construction, and as an applied to enquire into the field is to play. View of the interactive
the prolongations between the urban experience. In order to imaginary tracking in both relationship between legibility installation.


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Rethinking the metropolitan surroundings

Stefano Sabatino - Supervisor: Serena Maffioletti

The present research focuses worldwide. the modern city, for better to understand how the scalar,


on the spatial understanding In spite of the strong influence or for worse. This theoretical physical, morphological, spatial,
of a specific category of road they have had and still have part of the research consists perceptive and functional
infrastructures, namely ring in modifying the relationships of a diachronic comparison relationships between ring roads
roads. Ring and tangential between the built areas and among a series of case studies and the nearby landscapes
roads, compared to long- the countryside and also covering a period from the vary, primarily, according
distance highways, have our habits and ways to move second half of the 19th century to the level of urbanisation
their own specific character through a wider territory ring to nowadays. The goal was along the involved areas and,
because the road layout, due and tangential roads have not to make a recollection of a subsequently, to the scale of the
to its geometrical configuration always been considered as a series of precedents, but rather adjacent urban settlements.
and proximity to urban areas, mere technical matter involving to show another interesting The final part of the thesis is
assumes not only an important mainly traffic planners and aspect, which was inferred focused on the infrastructural
role within the system of civil engineers. As a matter of from a critical interpretation design. The case study is
mobility both at a urban and fact, the ring infrastructural of the case studies. The urban the TEEM (Tangenziale Est
territorial scale but within morphology has become a sort transformations occurred in Esterna Milano), the new outer
the peripheral urbanisation of standardized pattern, which the main European cities along tangential road of Milan, which
processes, as well. Since the was a-critically used in order ring roads have proved to be is still under construction. This 1. Street view of a stretch of the A86 in Paris between Rueil Malmaison and
main interest of the present to face the problem of traffic real prototypical models of new road infrastructure will
study lies in the physical, flows within and around urban transformation and, therefore, have an important role within
morphological and spatial areas. In contrast with the applicable in other places with the reorganisation of the overall led the urbanisation processes the choices of urban policy
relationships between large predominance of this technical similar conditions, as well. That system of mobility around Milan along ring and tangential roads. toward a better morphological
road infrastructures and the approach, ring and tangential is why, in this first chapter, we and it forms the first stretch of a Since it is hard to think that and spatial coherence between
built environment, ring roads roads are analysed as complex talk about ring paradigms. possible future outer tangential architects will have a more large road infrastructures and
represent an emblematic case urban phenomena in the context The second part presents a system. Three sample areas incisive role in the design of the settlement systems.
study because the contact of the present research. Our proposal for an analytical were selected along the road infrastructural artefact in the
between those road layouts intention is not to assess ring framework that allows to layout in order to develop design future, we have to put in the
and the dynamics of urban and roads in terms of right or evaluate in a qualitative way proposals that strengthen the field our capability to think in
suburban growth is unavoidable. wrong, neither to evaluate the nature of the relationships TEEM as a backbone serving the terms of relationships, and orient
We think that studying this road their efficiency nor traffic between ring roads and their Eastern metropolitan area of
typology from an architectural sustainability. Actually, without surrounding areas, and to Milan.
and urban perspective is relevant any preconceived ideas, the outline a tool that can support The concept permeating the
since they have effectively trend to enclose metropolitan at least in a preliminary stage entire thesis is the need to
become part of the city after and urban areas with high-speed the design phase. The innovative think ring roads as real urban
the transformations occurred roads is observed here like a part aspects of that analytical tool components and to integrate
along their road layouts in the of the evolutional process of a consists mainly in the approach infrastructural design with urban
past decades. Moreover, the city. to road infrastructures as planning, urban design and
ring morphology represents an The thesis is structured in three multi-scalar elements and in a architecture, by considering a
extremely widespread condition parts. The first part stresses specific focus on the different wider part of cross-landscape.
characterising the primary from an historical and critical categories of urban and Such an approach represents
infrastructural framework of perspective the crucial role suburban fabric that are involved a possible way to contrast
many medium-large cities that ring roads had in the past, by the road artefact. Through the logic of an uncritical 2. Axonometric view of a stretch of the Tangenziale Est in Milan next to
and huge metropolitan areas and still have today, in shaping this methodology the aim was juxtaposition, which has always Rubattino

META CITY: COMMUNICATION AND SPACE 2003). of the spatial mutation of

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Meta City. Accordingly, the physical context in relation
The mechanism of relations in the material and immaterial term Meta-City in a wider
conspectus- can be assigned
to the communication
technologies and dynamics?
dimensions of the contemporary urban context to a state of co-existence and Which are suitable instruments
co-performance of different to comprehend and measure
sometimes contradictive- spatial such complexities within the
Raana Saffari Siahkali - Supervisor: Antonella Contin and ultra-spatial systems of architectural and urban design
orders of which, the ultimate ambits?
consequences manifest in a How to think and define 63
I. Preface inside the short pedestrian paths image, we need to deal with a complex configuration of multi- The Context that capable


Before the late 18th century, the (Saffari, Ferorelli, 2013). reforming discourse of indicators characteristic forces that : on the of embodying the layer of
urban spaces and also the Accordingly, we might realize capable of giving new meanings one hand, are coupling as they information and respond to the
urban contexts as container of two ranges of velocity in the and accentuate urban spaces enable the correlation between new modalities of space use?
those spaces while forming urban mutation process: The that are considered as neglected these systems and, on the other
the spatial organization of cities physical contexts mute (Contin, 2014). The accentuation hand, are disruptive forces III. Expected results
the city and its morphology, with a slower speed measured is a dynamic process, which by being capable of exerting The crucial action in this regard
were containers of the main in Seconds/minutes- compared today is given by a slow, fast, multi-dimensional values to is to explore the mechanism of
information and orientation of to the non-physical layer very fast scansion compared each system and altering their relations between the physical
within the city structure. For alteration - related to the to the just-in-time character initial shape of order. This can context and the communication
instance the role of Meydan communicative devices and the of the telecommunication that explain the use of the term dynamics it contains: to explore
in the oriental architecture or narration of information- which have changed the theme of Meta prior the City; since it the state of the contained
Piazza in the occidental ones is measured by megabytes/ the measure of urban context is a state rooted in the spatial semiotic and symbolic values
along with the dimensions of gigabytes. The moment of by creating atopic proximities characteristics of the city that, and the containers of such
the streets which end to these convergence between these two (Contin, 2014). In this regard paradoxically, eludes to follow values within each context;
open spaces or start from systems, happens in randomly the issue of the purely objective the rational shape of its physical to explore their network of
them were both formative and resulted, anonymous temporary measure of urban context is orders. relations( Foucault,1975)
informative elements regarding spaces of the both physical changing and has to deal with and the performance of their
the spatial experience and and communication contexts- the mass mobility, with different II. Research objectives dynamics through an analytical
movement. Accordingly the with the characteristics of kinds of flux -related to the This research aims to face in disassembling action; to extract
spaio-temporal perception the two of them but without dynamics of the contemporary a critical way the dilemmas the convergence points in a
(Ponty, 2005 ONeil, 2008) a formative and informative city- as one of the elements that mentioned above through the temporal context; to reassemble
of a pedestrian along the way persistency. Therefore the can build up the density of space theoretical deepening as well as them based on a complex
was related to the speed of his lack of compatibility between and also its memorability: urban experimental analysis. The main entirety in order to enrich the
movement and had an essential these two speed ranges of spaces are dense due to the challenges faced in this research neglected yet effective areas.
role in experiencing the spaces contemporary dynamics makes possibility of gathering people are briefly as follows: The final results are meant to
while passing through the the urban spaces more intricate who are aggregated by the new Is the resulted material of act as new analytical indicators
urban context. In this case, the to comprehend when human dynamisms; where the density an architectural process, an that not only can help the urban
city fabric (Rossi, 1976) was sense of time as Lynch cited of the material is also measured abstract purely formal space- studies to revealing the hidden
the most important provider is gaining a new and different according to the density of the or a way of thinking and values of the urban context
of the spatial information and biological rhythm; still what flow it absorbs. critical comprehension? towards the identification of
the monuments, according time is this place?. Such condition, according to How can we scale the projectable areas and addressing
to Aldo Rossi, were the According to Lynch, the Bunschoten, takes the urban architectural critical actions and spatial operations,
emblematic image of the whole possibility that every citizen context to a second Skin comprehension into adapted but also, prior the materiality
citys deconstruction - as builds a mental map of a certain through which the dynamic spaces(Lynch, 1976)? of the projects, it is a proposal
citys memories of the past-. context and reacts to it through flow of people and information How does the Meta City methodology for re-reading the
Throughout the time and by the a corresponding operation to converge in a form of Meta- converge and interrelate with contemporary urban context
technological developments and the expressiveness of the space Space; an Urban Gallery a fluid the urban physical context and through its multi-dimensional
industrializations, followed by is considered as a criterion of form of public space that evolves how will be the architectural characteristics.
increasing movement speed, the spatial quality (Lynch, 1960). In in time [] Meta-space in the and spatial qualities and values
informative role of the urban the contemporary circumstances, second skin is a public space, of the resulting areas?
context is reduced and left just to build this memorable a public matrix (Bunschoten, What is the scale morphology
Mechanical Engineering | Physics |
Preservation of THE Architectural Heritage
| Rotary-wing aircrafts | Spatial Planning
and Urban Development | Structural Seismic
and Geotechnical Engineering | Technology
and Design for Environment and Building
| Territorial Design and Government |
Aerospace Engineering | Architectural
and Urban Design | Architectural
Composition | Architecture, Urban Design,
Conservation of Housing and Landscape
| Bioengineering | Building Engineering
| Design | Design and technologies for
cultural heritage | Electrical Engineering |
Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology
| Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture
and Exhibition Design | Management,
Economics and Industrial Engineering
| Materials Engineering | Mathematical
MODELS and METHODS IN Engineering PhD Yearbook | 2015

DOCTORAL PROGRAM and architectural expression. the first semester, with help from the supervisor.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

The second and third phase involve training During the following five semesters, the thesis is
IN ARCHITECTURAL COMPOSITION experiences abroad, with participation in seminars developed as other studies are carried out, taking
and research in the universities with which the on a progressively more important role.
PhD candidate is establishing relationships. The thesis is understood as research and must be
characterized by cultural and scientific originality.
PhD thesis It may or may not have a design aspect. The
Maximum importance is given to the PhD thesis. PhD candidate is required to report regularly on
It constitutes the core and the conclusion of the the progress of the thesis and to attend open
PhD candidates study and is attributed a very sessions, held in the presence of the teaching 67
The PhD program is understood as advanced learning, rooted in the large number of credits. The subject and the staff and of the other PhD candidates, at which

Chair: history of the architects craft, of the profession and of the wealth formulation must be defined before the end of the thesis is discussed.
Prof. Marco Prusicki of architectural techniques. The objective is to educate professional
architects from a general point of view, in order to give them
solid historical/humanistic training and a strong theoretical base,
but also extensive knowledge of town planning and construction
techniques, so they may be able to carry out architectural design.
The training consists of the imparting of organized contents, the Doctoral Program Board
sharing of research, and participation in cultural debate. As is the
case in the other arts, composition is understood as an ensemble of Pellegrino Bonaretti Carolina Di Biase Marco Prusicki
conceptual and technical fundamentals which precede the design Enrico Bordogna Mario Fosso Angelo Torricelli
project and to which it refers. The faculty is composed of professors Siro Casolo Alberto Franchi Daniele Vitale
in the fields of architectural composition, history of architecture,
restoration and construction. Giovanni Cislaghi Jacques Gubler Stanislaus Von Moos
Adalberto Del Bo Jacques Lucan
Contents Marco Dezzi Bardeschi Attilio Pracchi
The program is based on exchange between members of the
teaching staff and external professionals from among those at the
forefront of international debate. This dialectic serves as a reference
and as a source for research. The course is divided into integrated
The first phase consists of a redefinition of positions and
responsibilities with respect to transformation of the territory and to Advisory Board
evolution in the profession, in which the PhD candidate
Klaus Theo Brenner, Potsdam School of Maria Patrizia Grieco, General manager of Italtel
is required to participate through research and contributions.
Architecture, Berlin
It consists, in addition to participation in optional Polytechnic
courses and in addition to a two-semester seminar in architectural Jean-Louis Cohen, Universit de Paris Rafael Moneo, Graduate School of Design,
design, of two specific courses given by several lecturers during two Harvard University
semesters (Architectural History and Design and Criticism and Elio Franzini, Universit degli Studi di Milano Carlo Olmo, 1st Faculty of Architecture of
architectural theories). Politecnico di Torino
The second phase consists of a more specific, in-depth undertaking
Paolo Gavazzi, councillor of Banco di Desio e Boris Podrecca, Fakultt fr Architektur, Stuttgart
and deals with the problems of composition in relationship to
della Brianza
architectural design, on one hand through two courses (Figures
of architecture and forms of construction and Conservation and Franz Graf, Accademia di Architettura di Bruno Reichlin, Accademia di Architettura di
design), and on the other hand by means of a second architectural Mendrisio Mendrisio
design seminar. These courses also involve several lecturers and are
divided into two semesters.
The third phase consists of increased involvement of the PhD
candidates in more specific research and themes, ranging from the
theoretical debate in Europe and in Italy to the issue of the old/new Scholarship Sponsors
relationship, to the topic of settlement- and founded-city structures,
to research into the cultural and figurative identities of landscapes EuroMilano S.p.A. via Eritrea, 48/8 20157 Milano

The Teaching of Architectural Composition

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Tommaso Brighenti - Relatore: Prof. Enrico Bordogna
Relatore esterno: Prof. Luciano Semerani
Considering that the objective of guide students, even at the materials are inextricably and expressions, and focusing on identity, and frequently separate establishment of the sense of

architectural education, as Colin cost of simplification requiring operatively linked to humanistic, form, space and architectural from contemporary academic an artistic enterprise constitutes
Rowe stated, is not alone to a methodology that lets them historical and construction composition themes. It must tradition, assume a fundamental a goal rather than a trend,
train a student for a professional face the complexity and globality ones, as well as by the be stressed that none of these cultural role for the development and how this trend appears
occupation, but is above all of design problems, in order to necessity to know the current experiences has ever had of research and thinking, indivisible from the need for
to stimulate his spiritual and train knowledgeable architects situation and therefore its the presumption of defining demonstrating how the re- theoretical construction.
intellectual growth, to develop who can tackle any kind of historical, structural and cultural theoretical systematics, but have
his intellectual faculties and to problem. conformation, incorporating developed in line with theoretics
enable him to grasp the nature This work aims to demonstrate this in the typological creation consisting of formulations that
and meaning of architecture, how much a schools task and the compositional process. have always been modified in
this research aims to perform a is not to develop personal Elements that these days itinere by means of experimental
comparative analysis of some of research programmes, but to seem to have been neglected, praxis. These forms of teaching
the main schools of architecture establish a common base, by determining that linguistic and therefore become attempts
both in Italy and abroad, as well identifying a well definable theoretical travail that appears to set a fashion, where
as some of the leading players trend within an intellectual to characterize a large part of unquestionably in all cases there
who have characterized them, panorama. The teachers goal todays architecture, which is is the authoritativeness of a
starting from the peculiarities of as regards students must be experiencing a radical change in master who, if operative inside
specific teaching methodologies to transmit a capacity to work, its theory, criticism and teaching. a school, can make architecture
in the compositional procedure. a knowledge of how to direct The five schools of architecture teachable and transmissible in
Guido Canella wrote in his and influence, since the investigated are the Cooper the fullness of its problematic
essay Dal laboratorio della specific nature of a school lies Union of New York, the nuclei, beyond the formulation
composizione: we all know in its own point of view, given Valparaso School, and the of a sterile body of precepts. 1. Poetic act of opening of the land in the Ciudad Abierta, 1971. Archivio
that the general linguistic travail the impossibility of transmitting Architectural Association of What happened at the Cooper Histrico Jos Vial Armstrong, PUCV, Valparaso.
of architecture is matched by a teaching in a wholly objective London as well as two Italian with John Hejduk and his
profound crisis in its theory and, manner. What differentiates examples influenced by the co-workers between 1964
consequently, in its criticism and a school and its value in any singular thinking of two and 2000, at the Architectural
teaching. I therefore believe determined moment of its architects, Guido Canella and Association between 1971 and
it is of great use to restore existence from all other schools Luciano Semerani. All of these 1990 under the direction of
unity to the critical moment therefore comes from the experiences can provide a clear Alvin Boyarsky, at Valparaso for
and the operative moment of existence of a cultural project, model to be examined, not more than sixty years, without
composition. The goal of the as well as the requisite qualities just because of the contents over-generalizing, may be
research is to identify this unity of the persons involved. of their teaching, but also comparable to the experiences
in conformity with a definite Hence the goal of the research and above all because of their of Milan and Venice. Figures
idea of architecture, undertaking is to analyse the training attempt to construct a cultural such as Ernesto Nathan Rogers,
a path that studies the figures methodologies and objectives project, which, albeit arising Giuseppe Samon and their
and schools of architecture who of a school of architecture with and becoming concrete in students like Guido Canella
have marked their teaching with the aim of verifying how much different ways, finds its roots and Luciano Semerani, are
a strongly characterized, precise the growth of knowledge in a in a humanistic sooner than charismatic personalities who
and militant point of view. Aldo determined discipline can also technical-scientific culture, have contributed to the building
Rossi, like other architects of transpire thanks to internal expanding architectures of a School of Architecture idea. 2. Book cover of Education of an 3. Guido Canella, Didactic prototype
Architect: a point of view. The Cooper of the Theater system in Milan, 1966.
his generation, maintained that and external contributions, experience to dimensions These experiences, each Union School of Art and Architecture,
a schools task is to direct and and how the compositional similar to those of other artistic founded on their own strong 1964-1971.


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Maria Vittoria Cardinale - Supervisor: Prof. Susanne Komossa

Tutor: Prof. Adalberto Del Bo
The interest in understanding canals. environmental, cultural by the rising movement of according to the traditional

the principles of building the The shape of the house and and social changes and to the Nieuwe Zakelijkheid (New realism of this civilization in
Dutch city, to which is dedicated the shape of the city are so understand how their continuity Objectivity), at least until the urban planning. Become so
this study, arises from the inextricably linked. Technology, and experimentation are shown economic general cultural crisis again primary the continuity
considerations on the ways and structure and shape together as two parts of the same act. of the Thirties and the outbreak with the principles of building
principles at the base of the contribute to establish clear and of the Second World War. the Dutch city, the close
interpretation and building of continuative principles to build So, after the characters of In the years following the war, relationship between the water
the contemporary city. The study the Dutch city, in which the the traditional city, it became the increasing welfare and and the design of the city, the
of the Dutch city highlights the urban plan is the very reason for important to analyze the the spread of the automobile need to link the shape of the
need for a will to order at the its existence, instrument of order fundamental experience of led a gradual departure house to technical reasons of the
base of urban transformations, necessary to settle the land the Hendrik Petrus Berlage from the traditional urban soil, the search for a compact
the expression of a precise rationally, that has led to put Expansions Plan for Amsterdam principles, following a desire city, not only to save the soil and
idea of the city and of a clear the collective at the base of the South, one of the leading 2. The geometry in the Berlages for widespread distribution of water for a defense strategy,
relationship between building existence of the city itself. contributions to the planning Amsterdam Sud Expansion Plan. space and greenery. The analysis but also for a revaluation of
Personal analysis.
type and urban shape capable The Dutch city is a city of of the twentieth century. The of these experiences, at the the value of domesticity and
of generating spaces and places homes and the home is the part dedicated to the study of end of the third part of the variety of places of living proper
recognizable. The main reasons primary, perfect and repeated the plan and the way that led realizations of J. Van der Pek research, was an important step to the historic city. In this
for the exemplarity of the Dutch element, which se ts out the Berlage to its project, is a key for Rochdale and M. Brinkman to highlight the changes made sense, the type of the house,
experience, of the continuous shape that, even in its evolution point in my research because for Spangen, that constituted by the Dutch planning in recent its aggregation, its relationship
rigor and clarity of the urban over time, remains unchanged understanding the principles the antecedents of the main decades, but also the continuity with the water and the public
settlements, are all within its in its constituent features. If at its base is inextricably linked architects experimentations of certain principles which spaces, is the privileged object of
foundational reasons: the Dutch it is clear that the close and to those of the whole story of the following decades, remained unchanged, due to the interest of the research.
soil, geologically placed below consistent relationship between of the Dutch urban planning such as those of J.J.P. Oud in strong Dutch urban tradition, The examples in the last
the sea level, is all artificial, the type of building and the until the contemporary city and Tusschendijken, a prelude to even in that historical moment. paragraph of the thesis, chosen
hard-won from the water, shape of the Dutch city is therefore also to the general the evolution of his idea of the The last part the research, by the criterion of the clarity
drained and consolidated to inevitable for reasons inherent considerations on the city in our city towards the opening of dedicated to the contemporary of the type-morphological
accommodate the row of houses to its construction, it is also time. the urban block expressed in city, investigates the direction relationship and of the evoked
narrow and long (for structural interesting to investigate the In the third part of the thesis, I the admirable example of the taken in recent years by the idea of the city, demonstrate,
reasons and to optimize the logical process by which these analyzed the first experiences of Kiefhoek settlement in 1926. Dutch planning, aided by the despite their diversity, a clear
soil), arranged in the portions of shapes and principles have faced the 1910-1920 in opening the Here, a new concept of living current crisis that highlighted continuity with the principles of
ground between the drainage the test of time, the economic, urban block, represented by the resulted in finding solutions the great pressure to which construction of the historic city.
for perfect minimal affordable our civilization is subjected, In this context, it is confirmed
housing, the archetype of the from the economic, social, and the value of the prevailing
modern living molded in the environmental point of view. type of row house through its
concrete. In Rotterdam, for example, in experimentation, as variation in
The ideas about the opening recent years the policies are the affirmed rules, and through
of the block and building a city intended to bring to the fore its permanence inside an urban
according to the principles of issues related to the delicate order that defines the stable
a rational order, represented balance between the city and principles of the Dutch city.
the main approach in urban the environment and their
realizations thereafter in the relationship with the water
1. Evolution of the Dutch urban block (Reworking starting from a study of Max Risselada) Netherlands, fervently supported typical of the historic city,

HENRI PROST, LES TRANSFORMATIONS the reasons which led to the according to which the project

PhD Yearbook | 2015

designation of Prost as the is a form of knowledge of the
DISTANBUL. architect of the new plan for the
city and, at the same time, a
representation of the idea of city
Architecture and archaeology in the project of the citys urban plan The Second Part, The project of of the architect.
the Urban Plan, analyzes Prosts The knowledge of the
plan for the city of Istanbul transformations that have
Elena Ciapparelli - Supervisors: Luisa Ferro, Angelo Torricelli (1936-1951). Here are shown characterized the city of Istanbul
objectives, tools and techniques is analyzed to the present time
that the architect uses for the to demonstrate the foundational 73
The aim of the thesis is to show the Historical Peninsula, urban movement owes much to study and the drawing up of role of the ancient city in the

how the choices made by the corresponding to the ancient city the pensionnaires of the French the plan. The project includes a future development processes
French architect Henri Prost for (Figure 1), the districts of Galata- Academy in Rome. general reconfiguration of the and, therefore, the necessity
the urban plan for the city of Pera, the Asian shores and the The study of the city and its city, in many ways. Contrary of the studies of the layers and
Istanbul (1936-1951) find their coasts along the Bosphorus. historical layers is not an exercise to what he had planned in the formal determinants of the
basis in the matrices of the The project of the Archaeological of erudition and has no purpose the cities of North Africa, contemporary city.
ancient city. Park is present from the first of historical reconstruction. for Istanbul the question is
The research investigates proposes for the urban plan of Rather it is the city itself that is no longer to create a new 2. Project of the Archaeological Park.
The area of protection is indicated
the relationship that exists Prost, who identifies different the search field, the bearer of settlement, but rather to act with light color; the areas appointed
between architectural design zones of protection within the a hidden order, which shows within the historical districts like for new excavations are in darker
and archeology. Archaeology historic city (Figure 2). through the project, which a surgical operation, according color. (Authors drawing).
intended as fragment, immanent It is not really possible to has its merits in the ability to to the same Prost.
memory of a past that, in the understand the reasons that interpret and give meaning to The Third Part, The Reinvention
contemporary city, struggles to underlie the projects plan, the places. of the Ancient, is the one
find meaning. Archaeology as unless considering the travels Through this reading, the plan where more is put to test the
a method, analytical study of and researches carried out by of Prost for Istanbul can be seen hypothesis of the research.
the city, of its layers, the parties the architect in Greece and Asia as the elaboration of a method Through the study of the ancient
and the transformations that Minor, which are reflected in that shows its logical reason and city and the reconstruction of
determine the current status. the drawing of the hypothetical a transmissibility that exceed the the discoveries of the missions of
Archaeology as a choice, to reconstruction of Hagia Sophia chosen case. the excavation, is made explicit
renew the relationship with and the city of Byzantium in the The thesis consists of four parts. the relationship that the town
history through the project, at sixth century A.D., completed by The first three parts concern the planning project for Istanbul
the same time the creation of Prost in 1906 (Figure 3). development of the project of established with the discipline of
a new story. In this way, the Between 1905 and 1906, as Henri Prost for the urban plan archeology.
urban plan for Istanbul proposed pupil of the French Academy in of Istanbul. The fourth part is The architect fills the gaps of
by Prost not only satisfies the Rome, Prost went several times focused on the study of the the archaeological discoveries
needs of a modern city but also to Constantinople, completing current city. through the invention project,
entrusts the ancient the role of a the restauration of the ancient In the First Part, Identity and which he had expressed also
real engine of the project. basilica. In this occasion the Character of the City at the in the ideal reconstruction of
The research can be read on architect doesnt limit his Beginning of the new Republic Byzantium in the sixth century.
a dual register. On one hand research on the building but he (1923-1950), is presented the The interest in the areas of
it highlights method, tools also reconstructs the entire area situation of the city as Prost Imperial Quarters is explained
and analogies that form the of the Circus and the district of could see from the mid-Thirties though the comparison with
elements of the composition the Imperial Palace. of the Twentieth Century, Antioch on the Orontes and
of the town planning project; Due to the paucity of outlining what was to be the Milan.
on the other it investigates the archaeological discoveries at the state of act before his project. The Fourth Part, Archaeological
specific characters of the city of time, his idea of the ancient city They are essential to the Ares and Architectural Design.
Istanbul, the original matrices, is a real project and it will be the understanding the characters of The Role of the Ancient Center
the archeology, and the urban foundational matrix of his way the plan some insights on local in the Contemporary City, draws 3. Byzantium in the Sixth Century,
transformations with which the to compose the contemporary planning tools, on antecedents conclusions of the work, by as represented by Henri Prost in the
1. Henri Prosts projects for the drawing presented as fourth Envois
project faced. city and the future one. Prost urban projects and those that explaining the basic concepts Historical Peninsula. (Authors for the French Academy in Rome, in
The areas involved are is to say that the contemporary were presented in variant, on and the starting assumption, drawing). 1906. (Authors drawing).

The City of Delhi 1912-1962. Conflicts of

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Cultures, Quest for Destiny.

Pilar Maria Guerrieri - Supervisor: Daniele Vitale

Every megacity in the world in this case, a conscious effort adaptation local conditions common denominator in most the period after 1947 cannot however, remain imperative in

some way or form encounters has been made to study the demanded. From the documents structures. The fifth and final be construed as more order to develop a critical point
the subject matter of cultural transformation of the city obtained, the research goes to element assesses the plethora indigenous than the previous of view on contemporary urban
exchanges. How each city of Delhi, focusing on the consider the transformations of of styles present in the capital. one. matters.
deals with such exchanges, metamorphosis in architecture singular architectural elements In particular, the Palladian style The research conducted raises
moreover confronts or accepts and urban planning during the during the period in question; was imported and, through the questions on broader aspects,
them is altogether unique to period of 1912, when the British these being: in what ways the course of its journey from Italy which do not only apply to
each. This thesis uses the city Town Planning Committee city plans, neighbourhoods, to Delhi, gradually changed Delhi alone but also relate to
of Delhi, one of the largest of for New Delhi was formed, to types of residential or public its meaning, its form and the Indian context as a whole,
megacities, as a case study. It is 1962, when the first master buildings and architectural styles has undergone noteworthy such as the meaning of the
especially peculiar since it has plan was in fact implemented. changed over time. compromises with the culture term Indian-ness, Tradition
been influenced by a multitude This transition period, when The first element to be and inclinations of the sub- or Identity. Often the concept
of cultures whilst being ruled by the megacity was born, is addressed was the plan continent. Herewith, defining of Indian tradition has been
different reigns and dynasties; particularly interesting because brought forth in 1912, during yet another influence, the Italian an ideological invention that
it was capital to the Delhi it has often been neglected by the colonial period, which on this occasion, which has served political purposes; by
Sultanate, the Mughal empire scholars and gives opportunity was compared to the master been absorbed and become an simplifying Indian culture the
and finally the British empire. to investigate the current plan, approved in 1962 after integral part of the city of Delhi. Western Orientalizing current
Delhi as of today is one of the phenomenon of globalization Independence, whereby both In investigating Delhis has purported a static idea
most densely populated cities from a more detached and bear distinct foreign influences, architecture and planning, of it, inadvertently sacrificing
in India, influenced by multiple cognisant perspective. firstly British, thereafter scholars usually tend to its beauty. This thesis with 1. Delhi Guide Map. Surveyed 1939-
42, Delhi State Archive.
forces of globalisation and The research work involved, American. The second element consider the period before Delhi as a case study validates
is subjected to the on-going originates directly from primary of analysis goes to examine 1947 as subordinated and that each city of India has
process of internationalization. material, predominantly the singular neighbourhoods, attributable to Western- developed a distinct history
It therefore, proves to be fertile unpublished documents, which effectively the colonies through British ideas and the period and distinguished tradition that
ground to study the perennial have been collected from public which the megacity grew, to after independence for the cannot be assimilated with any
and recurring process of and private archives such as the ascertain British, American, development of purely Indian other. Indian cities have to be
hybridisation between cultures, Delhi State Archive, National for that matter, even Japanese nationalist ideas. However, studied as autonomous entities,
in this particular instance Archives of India, Institute of influences and the local herein lies a fundamental flaw. where scholars usually try to
through the perspective of its Town and Country Planning reinterpretations of these. Cultural exchanges are often compare them. The identity
local architecture and urbanism. Organization, Municipal The third element to be studied mistakenly seen as a one-way of each city exists, but varies
In this thesis, said process of Corporation of Delhi, Central is resident typologies and their process, where this research from place to place; it is the
hybridisation, essentially the Public Works Department, variation from bungalow plots has established that Delhi result of the opposition and
negotiations and re-negotiations The Royal Institute of British to house plots, which clearly has played an active role in resistance that the local culture
between cultures, has been Architects and The British demonstrate significant local the process of hybridization, had towards external influence.
examined from an historical Library in London, and the Ford changes and adaptations of developing its own character as This approach of studying cities
perspective. Using history Foundation Archive in New foreign models. The fourth opposed to merely accepting and their architecture with
as marker and using past York. This material was used to element under scrutiny is the what was brought from an appreciation for historical 2. Master Plan for Delhi prepared by
Delhi Development Authority, vol. i,
occurrences as parameters, understand how foreign models sphere of public buildings, abroad. Both periods have been relevance and a keen sensibility Government of India, New Delhi 1962.
effectively any matter of culture and influences may have been where the quest for Indian- characterized by a resilient and towards cultural exchanges has
or diversity can be assessed or adopted in Delhi and to what ness together with the search very interesting compromise not been developed effectively
reviewed with less envelopment, extent resistance to these was for modernity, recurrent pre- between indigenous and in the academic world,
bias or value judgement. In encountered or how much and post independence, is a foreign elements and thus especially not in India; it does,

Idea and Design of New Town So I looked at the plans of the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

countries that have contributed,
in some way, to build culture
of the founding of new cities
that through their projects allow
us to reconstruct the general
characteristics for proposing the
Young Dal Lee - Supervisor: Pellegrino Bonaretti problem and the conditions of
their realization.
The reference to mass 77
The design of a new city, in which is entrusted with the remain technocratic models urbanization linked to the

principle, should assume that general definition of that model that interpret the project as an phenomenon of the new city,
revolutionary nature of its (most common for the new intellectual work replaced by led the study on the experiences
1. Location of New Towns 1940-1979
architecture defined by Guido city ) circumscribed by the ratio a series of different actors in of different countries to
Canella as commemorative apparently interdisciplinary, search of a feature-exasperated work on a heterogeneous
project of a society that in which politics , sociology , project. Removal of the idea material. The historical
guarantees rationality, justice the economy of the market of the
city from the project of conditions have produced an result and inability to propose
and equality. But currently, and design work together and new settlements is not a matter evolution that has developed new solutions. The project
the new city seems to ignore intertwine actively to ensure the of trend or failure subjective in stages, and the existence of entrusted to objective criteria,
these values to find in the operation of the project. architectural , which filiation between the various which consider only a limited
systemic model addressed Moreover, the thesis describes presupposes a choice already international experiences. number of elements on the
only to the economic and the structural reasons for which possible. The few cases examined fact of settlement, removes
technological environment, the design is in a state of But it is largely due to the provide a partial reading of responsibility from the architects
where the procedural aspect confusion between the design change of the project but the new phenomenon of the and planners from their role as
of the design is entrusted approach tending in solemn not procedural intervention contemporary city, increasingly alternative search.
to manuals or guides, who form of the great masters and which assigned a priority not popular for a massive Affirm the necessity of
presumptuously coding objective the attitude of surrender in to the idea of the whole or to urbanization, increasingly architecture for the new city,
have excluded the liability of the face of a given cycle for the unitary character of the sensitive to new development does not mean you want to play
architects and planners. The indispensable system which urban body but the aspect of models, spatial and social, the characters of the ancient 2. Milton Keynes, UK (1970)
urban environment based on business logic has replaced the case to the Executive that related to dynamic capitalist who city, but groped to define spatial
cultural and traditional city has the rational design ( which competes developer , general denies the common architecture relationships and lost values
been replaced by the value of constitutes a constructive logic contractor or corporations and social. compatible with the practices of
the market and entrepreneurial and formal diversified work architecture qualified for During the evolution of the today.
capitalist society, producing an depending on the context ) with their entrepreneurial skills in new city, the planned unit, it is
urban model dictated by the the system characterized by a completing the work . stated in parallel entrepreneurial
needs of individuals with the formal technical . The case studies examined were ideology of urban development
consequent impoverishment of This system is not interested dictated by my choice to focus and housing market, gradually
the variety of types and spatial in the context where it should on the period in which it occurs abandoning any reference to the
segregation in the new cities. be born from the idea of the process of urbanization city, and becomes the object-
This study helps to clarify the the problem but part of the of the modern city, that is monument context independent
general problem of architectural intervention as an action that when the new cities arise in losing the ability to generate
space linked to the modern defines the shape sorter and relation to the industrialization and to impose meanings to the
new city, and mainly deals with universal civilizing things ( in part and urbanization phenomena place, identity.
the current condition of the the very idea of the
city new that prefigure total territory. It is a condition that stems from
design of the new city, in order push designers to ignore the In this period, which covers the alleged objectivity (reality,
to reconcile urban quality and contest) more than a century, countless plurality) that replaces the
utility maximization. In the last century, the design experiences have occurred on subjectivity (ideals, singularity) to
The approach to the study of the new city was a field of the international scale, also the project, to support playback
starts from a descriptive phase studies and experiments for accompanied by numerous of new contemporary city and
of the phenomenon of new many rationalists modern imaginations of new cities, to formulate answers to the
settlements, for quantitative architecture and urbanism. The especially after the war, fueled questions that arise from the
and for qualitative aspects, most popular models currently by many ideologies of utopian impossibility of knowing the 3. Comparison table of New Tows


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Reasoning the static through the form.

Antonella Marzi - Supervisor: Adrian Sheppard

The story of the ancient architecture in its most coherent A second part investigates the The attempt to explore the changes generate different on the term direction one

settlements, the urban and conscious productions. role of concrete in architecture, structural types through static actions. From a typological can see how it is modified
transformations, the social The relationship between retracing its passages and case study will provide an point of view we tried to depending on the complexity of
and economic conditions architectural form and the intellectual productions form explanatory analysis and a more bring these actions to three the element. Trying to translate
that characterize the city, structural component provides its birth to the development of comprehensive search, where structural models, in which, this situation in the proposed
and construct new identities an important reading key for the material. This part of the the concepts expressed in the through a rough classification, structural classification, it is
of landscape are all closely a better understanding of the thesis examines technical and theoretical part will be verified we can identify the different possible to establish a tri-partite
related to the development buildings architecture. design considerations that led and applied more directly. By architectural types binding it to reference system as follows:
of historical memory and The ability to control the to its present development, way of different methodologies a precise distribution of loads mono-dimensional systems,
cultural transformation of its structural components, to shape highlighting the coming of and analytical techniques the inside the structural system. two-dimensional and three-
architecture. Architecture with them to have completeness todays challenges related to the thesis will propose an analysis The structural system performs a dimensional systems. As such,
its morphological characters figurative and to establish research aspects of innovation. of compositional languages, precise function, and to properly the type inserted in a simple
and ideological influences a connection between its Finally, it analyses the production rebuilding social-cultural periods fulfill its tasks it must necessarily and wise classification of this
built the city. This leads to the formal order and its static cycles and reinforcement and image of the architect- be able to control the tensions nature, can help to identify the
questions: how is a building able principles, turns out to be a efforts (during the building builder. to which they are subjected. many examples of architecture
to modify settlement patterns dominant factor in the making site) as well as those specifically The common ground on which Although it is clear that all and engineering taking the
and the social culture of a city? of architecture. The structure concerned with the appearance science and art have their the structures working in essential aspect of each case,
How is it able to relate to or can become a poetic language of durability of the material, the roots is the Renaissance. The space are three-dimensional, without precluding the study of
disengage from the constructive that represents the closest recovery and rehabilitation of two disciplines had a strong the classification (which is the meaning of each form and
logic and find its own identity, connection with Art. It manifests structures. relationship, enough to read carried out below) binds to seeking the project idea is not an
through which to express the itself in the boldness of the The third part verifies, by them as a single inseparable the dimensionality of the main imitation but in the awareness
character of the composition in masses, in the beauty of forms means of an experimental whole. In the recent history direction of action that prevails and knowledge of the structural
a meaningful way? and in reaching maximum design, the possibility of a the disciplines of architecture in the specific architectural type concept.
Given the vastness of this topic, fulfilling mastery and building relationship between structure and engineering collided. This so that the static scheme proves
the thesis focuses on the aspects experience. and architecture (not as a research proposes to reconstruct to be a key element for the
that are more specifically related This research project investigates constraint but as a true resource) the integration that has always typological detection.
to the role of the building as a the relationship between resulting in opportunities for characterized the architecture of Using a conceptual analogy,
fusion of static solutions and structure and architecture, use of innovative technologies the far past. The aim is to reach such as taking as a conceptual
architectural space. In previous in an attempt to take the where the transformation of the the merger between structural scheme the Cartesian reference
architecture, the division or structural changes and structural material often plays a role of and formal ideas as a just system, the thesis attempts, with
conflict in the relationship components as a key for the primary interest. premise of architecture. the same organizations logic,
between the point of view choice of composition and The thesis analyzes When one talks of structure, to identify the characteristics of
of composition and point of contemporary typology. developments, innovations and one means a physical system each classification. The choice
view of structure did not exist Following the development applications of technologies and consisting of a set of elements of the Cartesian model in order
as it does today. Divisions and of the research, the proposed the role of structural concrete that make up a space. It is to conceive the perception of
conflicts emerged in the middle analysis is divided into three in the design of spaces and in important to think about these the physical space, generated
of nineteen century, with the parts: architectural forms to illustrate elements in their unity although by measuring points, distances
advent of new materials and The first part seeks to analyze an understanding of the during the calculation phases and lengths allows one to
new construction techniques. different attitudes of engineers, architectural project, taking in its they are often considered identify a number of references
In the light of this rift it is useful builders and architects, and architectural form and structural individually. such as: coordinates, directions,
to reconsider the instances that comparing multiple approaches section the new solution and Depending on how the elements orientations and measurement 1. Place Victoria, P.L.Nervi e L. Moretti,
have always represented the of structural composition. new technological resources. are placed, the structural system, units. Focusing ones attention Montreal, Canada, 1960-65


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Stefania Monzani - Supervisors: Angelo Torricelli, Richard Allan Etlin

The research starts from the ancient times are the linking requirements to build new shapes leads to the creation of

compositional study of some elements of the artifacts that architectures with identifiable pieces of architecture that are
works by Aldo Andreani build his cittadella sognata character whose original both unique and identifiable in
(Mantua, 1887-Milan, 1971) and the real architectural expression shapes can reveal the tradition relation to the tradition of the
through a critical analogy it adds of his memory. and the identity of a specific place they belong to.
a set of images and references In his architecture, Andreani environment. The study of these architectures
taken as interpretative categories keeps on dealing with two The research investigates the generates many ideas about the
which allow the reader to key principles: rule and workflow of the project by contemporary architecture and
understand the meaning and the transgression. applying a method that starts the progressive loss of identity of
goals of the project. This case He combines a compositional from the compositional analysis our cities, where architectures are
1. Camera di Commercio e Loggia dei Mercanti, Mantua, 1911-1914. The
study highlights some themes, rigor which verifies the of the single architectures and mainly self descriptive rather than building and the public space inside. The plan of the square between the
which define the existing opportunities of the typology the interpretation of images and being intended to tell their story. rooms.
relationship between the towards new configurations references, and it ends with the
single artifact, and the overall with new figurative results, examination of the urban scale
architecture of the city as well as in which the linguistic and the relationships established
the link between the monument experimentation is permeated by by single artifacts.
and the urban fabric, that are juxtaposed figures coming from The development of the research
fundamental matters for todays the classical vocabulary. requires to split it into three
architectural research. The definition of the character parts that correspond to Aldo
Aldo Andreani was a shy and that is the specific quality of Andreanis masterpieces: Palazzo
reserved person who preferred a place and architecture is della Camera di Commercio and
to stay out of the political the key element of Andreanis Loggia dei Mercanti in Mantua
debate and the artistic trends design research. Through a (1911-1914), Palazzo Fidia
of those years because he meticulous study, he integrates included in the Edificazione in
believed in the ideal of the the pieces of his imagined city Terra Sola Busca plan in Milan
architect-artist, according to with the real urban texture, (1929-1932) and Palazzo Toro in
which an artistic project comes adjusting and checking every Milan (1934).
from the right balance between single piece of architecture with These works link the single
poetics and building science. a design plan; in this process, artifact to a larger study related
He used to take materials for the introduction of a new to the city. Though they are
his compositions directly from architectural work generates different buildings as regards
the city and from his memory an innovative description of their use and the target
so that he could create a new architectural landscape, where audience, all of them can reveal
order through the sublimation of buildings stand as characters in Andreanis idea of the project,
those materials in his projects. a narrative sequence, telling a which is not limited to the
His work features a set of new story. definition of the building itself,
elements that reflect a strong The aim of the research is to but it expands to calibrate the
individuality and it mirrors the highlight the continuity of a bonds with the surroundings,
modernity through a deep compositional method according blocks and monuments as far as
reinterpretation of the historical to which the linguistic reflections reopening the whole question
3. Palazzo Toro, Milan, 1934. The corner
city in original shapes; the and the study of the organismo about the pieces of the city. 2. Edificazione in Terra Sola Busca plan, Milan, 1929-1932. View of and the connection to the San Carlo
pieces he took from the architettonico are essential Andreanis work of molding the the scalar composition for Isola. neoclassical church.

ARCHITECTURE BORN IN VIOLENCE: suffered from chronic lack of for each of them was given directions in which architectural

PhD Yearbook | 2015

appropriate and thorough post thorough description and further design after urbicide may
Creative dilemma in post-urbicidal reconstructions. war urban reconstructions,
which combined with fierce
theoretical implications. The
intended purpose of this inquiry
go. What all of them have
in common is that they re-
Experiences of belgrade in the aftermath of 1999 war. and multiple annihilations of is to be a starting point for appropriate the language of
built tissue left irreparable further investigation on writing disaster and turn it into a critical
consequences. During its entire of the disaster and architectures response to the violence. The
Aleksandar Stanicic - Supervisors: Marco Prusicki and Ivan Rakovic existence Belgrade successfully response to it. first of them is usage of empty
cherished the tradition of Overall conclusion is that space as an equal component
discontinuity, where damaged there is evident lack of in constructing the architectural 83
Phenomenon of organized, facts, extort political decision, reconstruction in order to legacy of previous regimes awareness among architects forms, followed by the similarly-

premeditated destruction of provoke violent reaction, etc. In preserve memory and increase was harshly erased of left to in Serbia about the actuality based preservation of damaged
architecture in order to transmit contemporary conflicts, buildings the resilience of the cities, since decay under influence of new of the subject, and lack basic building in ruinous state. Third
political messages and achieve are condemned not only as pure the omitted lesson from the past ideologies. In recent years, conversance with urbicidal and the most controversial
long-term ideological goals casualties of violence, but as a is usually the most expensive however, many designs were theories to begin with. Further approach would be the
emerges as direct consequence tool for infliction of violence, one. Hence, the scope of this presented for reconstruction on, there is no attentiveness succumbing to the urges of
of development of high- used equally fierce as any other inquiry is to broaden and amplify of these sites. In some more about social responsibility that visual extravagance, which may
tech weaponry systems and weapon of choice. the discourse on destruction successful cases, reconstruction understanding the mechanisms well lead into decadence, and
contemporary methods of The true danger of this of architecture by pointing out of buildings damaged in 1999 in which violence is changing later on even into a farce. On
warfare. One could argue that phenomenon lies in fact that the cultural implications of War went through much faster our built environment bears. the opposite end, introduction
there is nothing new or unusual the craft of reshaping the architectural redesign of space due to favorable circumstances, Consequently, there is no proper of new forms next to the old
in destruction of buildings in space slowly slides from the that was previously altered by but still, methods and approach response of the architecture ones could carry more or less
wars, since those two concepts hands of architects into the urbicidal violence. The post- of their reconstruction varied as profession to the issues of appropriate symbolism, although
mutually influenced each other hands of military experts. The urbicidal reconstruction should significantly from case to case. purposeful, politically motivated it inevitably changes the original
from the beginning of time. sophisticated art of creation be understood as architects The complex case of Generaltab annihilation of buildings. architectural composition.
However, it is undeniable that of spatial forms deviates and mission to regain his true-born (Army General Staff Building) Same happened after 1999 Finally, emphasizing the contrast
every conflict produces its mutates into its antithesis - the right to be the sole sculptor of was segregated to demonstrate War: destroyed buildings were between old and new on
own method and philosophy art of creation by destruction. built space, and the only way the full spectrum of influences seen rather as leftovers of reconstructed building, where
of destruction of architecture, The destructive event interferes to do that is by developing a that are inhibiting the proper unwelcomed ideologies than damaged and then repaired
which became particularly with good architecture, and specific language of architecture post-war reconstruction of as valuable products of its own section of the edifice is clearly
evident in the most recent unmistakably, it overtakes of violence. Close investigation buildings in Belgrade today. (architectural) culture. It could distinguishable from the old,
wars on Balkans and Middle the primacy in our perception of current condition of some Combustible mixture of intrinsic well explain the lack of scientific undamaged part, proved to be a
East. New phenomena always of urban spaces. What can notable buildings in Belgrade semiotics, ideology, architectural inquiry on repercussions very successful method in post-
brings with itself innovative architecture do to regain the that got damaged in 1999 theories, architects political that destruction enforces on disaster renewals.
terminology and formation intrinsic right to be the primal War gave us an excellent background and symbolic of architecture and development No doubt that despite
of new scientific disciplines; sculptor of our habitat from picture of understanding of destructive event, makes the of cities in Serbia a sort of everlasting presence of violence
the ones specially coined to destructive forces? urbicidal destruction in Serbian violated space almost impossible cultural darkness that lasts still. in everyday life, we are just
explain the infliction of violence Historically speaking, post-war architectural practice, and in to read unambiguously, and it Rare are the designs that may starting to understand the ways
on built environment and its reconstructions were always some most successful examples, deprives future reconstruction of be characterized as positive it changes our built environment
consequences are urbicide, used as an excellent opportunity it even provided a hint of what its authentic sense. However, response to destruction, and and what should be our
warchitecture and architecture to redefine and improve language of architecture of this lack of adequate design they came mostly as mere response to it.
of violence. urban experience of damaged violence might actually look proposals was used to theorize coincidence and not as a result
It is the calculated, highly cities. But more importantly, like. about possible development of thoughtful, theoretically
organized and politically reconstructions after violence Belgrade as a case study was of language of architecture of based action. More often they
motivated nature of destruction are a fertile ground to provide chosen due to its rich history violence using the damaged just happened by applying the
of buildings that makes it cultural response to destruction. of urban destruction, but edifice of Generaltab as safest and the simplest possible
urbicidal. Architecture became The argument of this thesis more importantly, because it proving ground. On the basis of solution total erasure of traces
a medium for transmitting, is that critical and ideological was a victim of urbicide only previously exposed theoretical of violence and restoration as
while its destruction became a stance is always demanded sixteen years ago, during the frame, and using the experiences it was.
way to create ethnic and spatial of architecture, and especially war between NATO and FR of earlier reconstructions, Ultimately, by analyzing those
divisions, claim a right to a after urbicide. Symbolic of Yugoslavia. Even before a series of different design few successful examples, it was
certain territory, modify historical destruction demands symbolic this conflict Serbian capital proposals was offered, and possible to extrapolate some
Mechanical Engineering | Physics |
Preservation of THE Architectural Heritage
| Rotary-wing aircrafts | Spatial Planning
and Urban Development | Structural Seismic
and Geotechnical Engineering | Technology
and Design for Environment and Building
| Territorial Design and Government |
Aerospace Engineering | Architectural
and Urban Design | Architectural
Composition | Architecture, Urban Design,
Conservation of Housing and Landscape
| Bioengineering | Building Engineering
| Design | Design and technologies for
cultural heritage | Electrical Engineering |
Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology
| Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture
and Exhibition Design | Management,
Economics and Industrial Engineering
| Materials Engineering | Mathematical
MODELS and METHODS IN Engineering PhD Yearbook | 2015

DOCTORAL PROGRAM will be discussed with other PhD colleagues and experimental sustainable models.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

with the teacher board during the permanent 2. The conservation and functional adaptation of

IN ARCHITECTURE, URBAN workshop activity.

At the end of the three years, the thesis will be the
buildings belonging to historical and processing
context, with particular attention to diagnostic,
DESIGN, CONSERVATION OF final dissertation subject and it will be judged by a
commission of external teachers, allowing to the PhD
safeness material, historical, cultural and modeling
HOUSING AND LANDSCAPE student to obtain the title of Doctor. 3. Traditional and innovating living spaces in relation
to urban regeneration of suburbs and natural
Contents of the Doctoral Program landscape.
The Doctoral Program holds the form of living 87
Chair: The purpose of the course is to train aware professionals and researchers, space as a mandatory and strategic issue for the Each year these guidelines will be articulated in


Prof. Maria Grazia Folli committed to the production of conceptual and operative instruments contemporary age. specific research projects to be defined according to
for the design of contemporary housing in the respect of the historical The contemporary theoretical and practical researches the scientific interests of teachers and to social and
values. Taking responsibility towards liveableness of places, sustainability, are addressed through different disciplinary branches, economic events.
good practices, while considering historical values within the complex capable to cope with questions as the relationship In this respect it is crucial the relationship with the
and unstable reality, requires a critical revision and an update of the between the existing context and the new projects, reference committee, with public institutions and
disciplinary instrumentation and of the training and research methods: the scales and the problems of the living space, in with regional, national and international partner
to this goal, the Doctoral Program will profit from the contribution of particular housing, public space and landscape. organizations.
thoughts and knowledge necessary to built up effective conceptual The Doctoral Program is articulated into three While keeping their own scientific autonomy,
apparatus and design instruments. distinct but strongly interdependent research the three research itineraries have to be explored
itineraries which together contribute to the training and deepened by the doctoral students with a
The faculty board, where the different scientific areas of the Doctoral of the doctoral students, while retaining their specific interdisciplinary approach. The interdisciplinary
Program are represented, coordinates and constantly follows the approach. character is an important peculiarity of the Doctoral
students activity, which consists of an integrated activity of studies, Program, viewed as a working method which allows
theoretical and project researches, managing of seminar and meetings, 1. The new living architecture through definition of to form researchers with a better understanding of
organised in collaboration with Italian and foreign university, and settlement principles and construction types, rules the close relationship between theoretical studies and
involving external experts from the cultural and professional environment. of building processes, with particular attention to their practical applications.

The PhD programme is three year long and evolves around three different
Doctoral Program Board
phases, closely related each other and coherent with the research plans:
Maria Grazia Folli Mariacristina Giambruno Simona Chiodo
1. in the first period, the training proceeds along three interacting
Maurizio Boriani Lionella Scazzosi Laura Montedoro
levels: start up of the permanent (three years) workshop, based on
discussion and cross-disciplinary comparison between students and Massimo Fortis Lucia Toniolo Orsina Simona Pierini
teacher board, focused on the main topics of the Doctoral programme; Luigi Zanzi Giulio Barazzetta Maria Alessandra Secchi
a design research workshop, capable to handle the complexity of
Anna Anzani Cecilia Bolognesi
different scales and problems in the living project; a lecture tour aiming
to develop the questions dealt with during the workshop. The triple Elsa Garavaglia Alberta Cazzani
activity, feeding the fundamental attitude to interconnect different
knowledge, methods, codes and techniques, let each student to Experienced Members and Advisory Board
gain the critical and methodological awareness necessary to spot the
specific areas of interest and to start up, coherently with the central Matilde Baffa Giacinta Jean (SUPSI)
themes of the PhD programme, the research work aimed to the thesis. Luigia Binda Shao Yong (Tongji University)
2. in the second period, the PhD student, besides being involved in Vincenzo Petrini Xavier Monclus (Zaragoza University)
launching and organising the permanent workshop activities, will
develop his thesis research, taking advantage of the participation to Silvano Tintori Rosario Pavia (Pescara University)
congress, meetings, stage (it is mandatory to have at least one stage) Claudio De Albertis (Triennale di Milano, Francesco Purini (Rome La Sapienza University)
in Italy or abroad, by institution or research laboratories in convention Assimpredil)
with the PhD programme, or by other institutes approved by the Bruno de Meulder (Leuven University) Pere Roca (Barcelona University)
teacher board.
3. the third year will be devoted to the working out of the thesis: Carmen Diez (Zaragoza University) Elli Vintzileou (Athens University)
contents and methods, besides being constantly verified by the tutor, Elio Franzini (Milan University)

Architectural Heritage Liberty

PhD Yearbook | 2015

in the territory of Varese and Canton
Ticino: technique, form and preservation
Margherita Guarisco - Reviewer: Prof. Anna Anzani

The thesis deals with a study rural buildings emerge that still rich and diversified heritage for the territory. Also different be the most efficient tool for also including Italian and Italian


of Liberty architectures in the show signs of Liberty influence, still struggles to really be institutions, both national and its preservation. A census is the Swiss laws. Finally, the fifth
territory of the province of and form a dense network recognized as such. Since the international, show interest in first step not only to raise the chapter presents a survey of
Varese and in Canton Ticino, in an inseparable, as well as thirties of the twentieth century, the recovery of its knowledge people attention to this heritage Liberty architectures in the
an area where the floral style delicate, relationship between this valuable architectural and in its protection. Once and its local characteristics, but province of Varese and in low
expressed through exceptionally buildings and landscape. New corpus has undergone a slow surpassed the concept of a also to allow the legislature to Ticino.
spectacular works, that emerged cementitious materials, easily abandonment, due to both monument avulsed from its initiate a process that can lead
from the surrounding landscape malleable and which make the development of new context, the architectural to protection and conservation
and were linked through service real an artificial nature, are contemporary architectural works should be considered actions. The thesis is organized
infrastructure with the precise combined with local ones, trends and the speculation and as part of a system and of a into chapters that develop
collective will to take advantage creating matches whenever massive demolitions carried out global wealth, according to the different aspects of the studied
from local favorable climatic and exclusive and emblematic of the after the war. This trend has not aims of European policies for topic. The first chapter, by
environmental conditions for place where they are created. diminished in our days and many the enhancement of cultural analyzing the characteristics of
touristic purposes. Nature and anti-nature form a architectures, especially minor heritage that aim at promoting a short-lasting cultural utopia,
harmonic unicum both in the and not subjected to protection and strengthening a kind of focuses on Varese and Ticino
singularity of each building and laws, today are exposed to innovative and reflexive society, Liberty excellences. In the
in the totality of the Varese and heavy remodeling if not to that is aware of its inheritance second chapter, by considering
Ticino area where architecture at a progressive decay and in terms of memory and identity. publications and iconography
and natural elements collaborate demolition. Expanding the concept of as a dissemination tool of the
to establishing new territorial sustainability and adopting Liberty aesthetics, the results of
realities. a systemic approach, the a wide research are presented
improvement of the quality of that has been carried out
life also gets through a renewal on the technical literature of
of the built heritage that takes the considered period and
into account the complexity is presented through some
of the territory and is not articulated comparative tables. In
separated from an integration the third chapter, some keys will
of economic, environmental and provided to understanding the
Detail of the panoramic window of
the restaurant at Campo dei Fiori, social aspects. Therefore, the complexity that characterized
Varese. G. Sommaruga, 1910-1911. architectural conservation act a period of great constructive
Photograph by Davide Niglia becomes a moment of reflection and stylistic experimentation,
on the relationship between through the works of great
The works designed by masters Detail of the building in Via A. Sacco landscape and the traces that masters and the analysis of the
such as Sommaruga, Gambini, 11, Bellinzona (CH). M. Conti, 1909. time has left on it and its characters and techniques of
Moroni, in turn served as models Detail of the the building in via inhabitants, and becomes a sort Varese and Ticino Liberty style:
from which master builders Matteotti 26, Cunardo (Va). Recognizing the value that of ecology of depth. The aim of materials, shapes, construction,
and craftsmen drew shapes these fairly recent past this thesis is to survey a relevant ornament. The fourth chapter
and compositions to achieve a On the other hand, despite architectures have for the local architectural Liberty heritage presents the main tool that are
copious series of palaces and the examples related to Liberty heritage, some municipalities in the province of Varese and globally and locally available
villas that still characterize the represent a significant part of the province of Varese are in Canton Ticino in the belief for the protection, cataloging,
territory. In fact, besides the of the local architecture for promoting initiatives that return that a spread of knowledge to dissemination and use of the
most significant cases, simple or the considered areas, this to Liberty a representative role as many users as possible can tangible and intangible heritage,


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Investigating and revealing the spatial character of
hydrology in the contemporary built environment
G.M.A. Balayet Hossain - Supervisor - Marialessandra Secchi

Rapid urban growth and sixty kilometers of the city area the eco-system of the wetlands growing city that is framed with


sustainability are becoming more occupied by wetland area that and its seasonal advantages- the spatial examination of water.
vital thinking for achieving the is not spatially integrated with this city now fall in a significant
biodiversity appeal in the city. the city structure and where challenge for surviving with its
In addition, both diameters its dwellers are not getting any dwellers. In addition, the impact
are needed for a balance advantages from it. With the of illegal lowland encroachment
intervention to understand their lack of proper meaning and and misuse of wetlands are
specific routines or attributes understanding of the wetlands, becoming the consequences
for the sound growth and good it is expended as a backyard of rapid urban flood with
physical shape of the city where of the city. Moreover, which hazardous living conditions. In
urban population is booming. is also using in the most case this deference, the paper will 2. Formal correlation between Global
In the contemporary period, the as household open drainage find out the spatial meaning of [HH]Rn and Local [HH]R5 integration.
extra pressure of the population system, filling up with sands water in the built environment.
growth of the city is still for formal and informal illegal The research reveals the existing
becoming a fiber for re-shaping growth of development by peripheral lowlands and its
it as a livable, sustainable city. interrupting its countless natural valuable impact on the future
According to un-habitat, almost ecosystem of the city. Ignore growth of the contemporary fast
half of the world population lives
in all scale of cities. In addition,
half of city dwellers are living in
a hazardous condition especially
in developing countries where
3. Informal correlation between
it identified as an informal Global [HH]Rn and Local [HH]R5
settlement. The lack of almost integration.
all urban facilities and their life
qualities raise a question of
-how the city could marriage
with its contemporary issues as
a sustainable way. Dhaka city is
now an overpopulated city, and
it is a home for more than 12.5
million residents. In addition,
half of its residents are living in
informal settlements where their
life is telescoped into a nature of
concrete without touching the
nature of life. Instead of high
density, the city is surrounded by
peripheral lowland area which
is meant in this study paper
as potential wetlands. Almost
fifty percent of three hundred 1. Existence of water and street network, DHK


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Caterina Marra - Supervisor: Prof. Arch. Orsina Simona Pierini

The aim of the research is to investigated with a closer look needs, have to be designed be investigated and designed. can investigate the building by several small differences can


investigate the possibilities to some specific situations of paying attention to different The first reading form is a behaviour that is internal and produce such different spatial
offered by the vertical section the design process. Actually, aspects (sociological and spatial). Continuity, as the ability to simultaneously external. Even situations.
tool to enhance the perception the research investigates The first part of the thesis deal observe the building through through the constant references In the end, the research seeks to
of dynamic movement inside the tools with which to with the relationship between a dynamic view of space; by to the heritage of Modern reflect on the way to be useful
and outside housing buildings, observe and to design these design and drawing, intending means of this reading form Architecture, the research not only for the new housing
in terms of relationship between intermediate places, with the the latter as a first means of vertical section will show the shows many contemporary design, but also for the existing
building and context, and aim of increasing the quality knowledge available to the mutual relations between projects have already used buildings. Indeed, the action to
examining, at the same time, the of contemporary living places. architect to operate on reality. the spaces (according to the this type of cross look. This cut something with a section
relationship between private and More precisely, the thesis Vertical section is detected and principles of spatial continuity, configures architectural solutions can be done on any kind of
public realm. focuses on the drawing tool of analysed as a possible surgical fluidity and practicability of the addressed on the improvement building, what is important is
The methodological issue vertical section as an instrument tool (cutting and opening the dwelling). The second form of of the interaction between the the new way to draw and use
underlies an approach to the able to offer a specific look to building) that can allow the reading is Permeability, defined individual and the community, section as a design tool.
city, and to the housing design, the housing project, which is designer to investigate in depth as the ability to investigate the as well as between the building Finally the thesis reflects on
which allows us to observe in capable of representing a point some aspects of the design building and its capability to and its context. Vertical section not only as a
particular, as well as in general, of view that allows the design of process itself. Indeed section establish relationships between In the third part, the research drawing tool with which the
the building in relation with the domestic and urban space makes it possible to enter the contexts of different nature tries to make clear the goal architect can look inside the
the private and public realms. simultaneously. building and to have a view that (spatial and social). The third reached and to define a new building, but also as a real way
Vertical section is an excellent The tool that the architect has considers simultaneously (during form of reading, finally, is the open departure looking to to approach and to manage
investigation tool that can available to transform urban the design process) the man, the Interscalarity, as the possibility existing buildings as a field the design as a means of
simultaneously address issues reality is the architectural design building and its context. of vertical section to control where section can also be investigation and knowledge.
from a intimate perspective, with its drawings. In particular, The research tries to the design process on different applied. In particular, the The research provides an
while offering a global vision every different drawing tool (as demonstrate how section could scales at the same time. In this comparison between two interpretation of the tool of
of the building with its plants or facades) offer different be more than just an essential part of the thesis are highlighted different Dutch case studies, that vertical section as a privileged
surroundings. approaches to the design drawing, and become a design the most significant and seem similar in plans but work point of view for contemporary
From the analysis of case process. tool available to the architect in representative concepts of each different in section, shows how housing design.
studies, some architectural Reading the phenomena from the housing field. reading form through a graphic
solutions interested in dealing an interdisciplinary point of The research does not seek to analysis of the examples. In this
with the interaction between the view allows to understand the carry out a pure analysis of the way, are clarified the possibilities
individual and collective aspects complexity of reality and the instrument of vertical section offered by the use of vertical
of living itself emerge. reactions that a residential itself, but it is focused on a section in housing design.
In the European context of building can generate in a survey of the specific vertical This research would discreetly
the last twenty years there is context. The sociologic theme section potentialities that can suggest to the designer a more
a recurring attention to the integrates, in a complementary extract, and highlight, specific refined use of the instrument
management of the delicate way, the architectural and themes of spatial and social of vertical section in housing
relationship between the urban themes in order to offer interaction in housing design. design to increase the quality of
residential building and the new possible answers to the The second part deal with the housing places.
physical and social existing questions of contemporary identification of three specific Emphasizing aspects that tie
context. living. For example the reading forms of vertical section. the building to the context in
It emerged that this interaction spaces of architectural and These constitute three particular which it is realised, the research
between the individual and social interaction, that are an themed and amplifying lenses seeks to suggest a point of GWL Site, KCAP, System of interaction between the individual and the
the collective sphere can be expression of new housing through which the building can view on housing design that collective sphere

The minimum complex unit of Bakema and

PhD Yearbook | 2015

van den Broek and his influence
in contemporary urban space.
Manuele Salvetti - Relatore: Orsina Simona Pierini

This research is focused on the the project as a total process. spaces represented in movies that have managed to generate need to design the territory and intervention in the


investigation of the minimum The unit is an urban element like A Clockwork Orange and and especially to maintain a high with a drawing that takes care contemporary city.
complex unit, an urban element that is repeated and varied La Haine shows a formal and quality of urban space. of the multiple scales of living.
theorized after second world generating a residential district; typological homogeneity that The unit represents for Examples like Stadstuinen
war by the Dutch architect it is also defined by Bakema a outcome of an interpretation Bakema the act of design designed by KCAP, Messeistadt
Jaap Bakema. The goal of this visual group, a place from which of the house like a piece of that responds to the primary Munchen Riem by Ammann
thesis is to analyze a certain it possible to get in touch with a potentially infinite puzzle focus of making architecture: Albers, show how the
way of thinking the expansion different ways of living, with in which man is disoriented. involved on the formation of experience of the minimum and
of the city that responds to open space and with other In opposite, the scenario of the space, its meaning can only complex unit is still present. The
the different scales of living units. Interior and exterior are districts like THool and Klein be to help man to find a good special relationship between the
by creating qualitative urban designed together, creating a Driene by Bakema and van understanding (relationship) entrances of dwellings with the
spaces; for this reason the total space where each part den Broek shows equitable with infinite space (total) in scale of the neighbourhood and
minimum complex unit is a affects the other and vice versa. coexistence between the which they live. Transcending a the continuity of the building
possible tool for the design of One of the most present individual dimension and the matter of architectural language curtain and perception of urban
the contemporary city. issues in the contemporary collective one, achieved through the unit becomes like the interiors of the units are just
housing design is the presence the unit as a moment of block or the siedlung an urban some of the spaces and issues
Recent urban expansions - Zac of different forms of living. synthesis. This relationship can element that generates a certain generated by the unit that may
Massena in Paris, Sanchinarro in If the unit provides for the be traced in Dutch experiences idea of the city, but less rigid; become present even in smaller
Madrid - are the representation simultaneous presence of of the early 900, where the what follows is in fact a public programs.
of an urbanity sometimes terraced house on the ground population growth brings the space formed by a multiplicity The unit defines a measure and
compressed or dilated in which floor and apartments on the architectural culture to rethink of different places, some crops a limit that is present although
vary the relationship between top floors to allow people to the image of the city, either by and corresponding to the scale it is permeable, and therefore
built and open space, regardless choose where and how to live, small and large interventions: of the neighbourhood, and it can also constitute a modus
of the constancy of human this mixit today reveals itself from housing associations to other than that of the district. operandi for the regeneration of
scale. Making a parallel with the as a desire to build buildings or Berlage plan for Amsterdam The combination between parts portions of existing cities, where
space of house, where on the parts of cities to encourage the South. A fundamental is the result of repetition and the weakness of the urban
opposite the internal measures relationship between ways of life condition of development is variation, the design tools that form or the presence of a large
do not change within narrow and different social classes. also the neutrality of the Dutch make up the settlement pattern, scale leads to introduce a new
limits, those of the city appear For this reason the residential landscape, that not having expression of the relations gradualness of living spaces.
instead very unstable, generating districts of Bakema and van particular geographical limits between the units and a series
places sometimes destabilizing. den Broek built between the has allowed to understand the of spaces and architectural and Through the analysis of the
The minimum complex unit 50s and 70s do not make the plan design as a physical act urban issues, such as the street, minimum complex units this
is generated instead by using same mistakes of some their directed to the construction of commissioning act of complexity. research tries to identify a set of
human measure that constitutes contemporaries, that conceived new urban space, rather than a If the second world war urban choices, sizes and relationships,
a kind of modulor in the urban as mega-structures missing particular mediation to a set of expansions have responded to not with the aim of recovering
space. Since 1948 Jaap Bakema the human scale one of the constraints of the context. problems of population growth, predetermined images, but
began working with Johannes best known examples is to The projects structured with in the contemporary city old rather to have the operational
Hendrik van den Broek in the Bijlmermeer in Amsterdam units represent transversal industrial areas or infrastructural tools in order to build a more
office that over the years he will led to the formation of social case studies; since they are not sediments are now the new widespread urban quality. This
define architecture-urbanism. ghettos, problematic places episodes rooted in a culture and places of experimentation in thesis show that the minimum
This name, overcoming a simple of living and open wounds in in a specific geography, they are which, despite the different complex unit may be a design
disciplinary distinction, interprets the body of the city. Urban readable as spatial compositions assumptions, there remains a strategy for the construction

Identification, Calibration and Transmigration of and design principles adapted

PhD Yearbook | 2015

from the ancient literature and
Sustainable Urban Public Spaces in Jaipur (India): scriptures like Vastu Shastra &
Shilpa Shastra and establish their
Emerging Urban and Architectural Frontiers for a validity in present day scenario.
Sustainable City An inventory was made that
consists of parameters like
Vibhor Mukul Singh - Supervisor: Prof. Maria Grazia Folli location & areas, climate, socio-
Tutor: Prof. Giulio Barazzetta cultural patterns, functions,
urban and architectural character 97
How good a city is at facilitating case of the new) give way to new functions and of the area, sustainability and


exchange determines its health Evaluate how these (both spaces. so on to establish various
economic, social, cultural historical and the new) benchmarks that can be used in
and environmental. Public spaces fare on Sustainability Methodology: future to judge the performance
space forms a vital conduit Calibration The research was carried out of these public spaces.
in this exchange process, What challenges (social, against the backdrop of various The idea was identify the
providing platforms for everyday economic, political, concepts of utility, functionality, problems with the new
interaction and information infrastructural and cultural) and suitability, adaptability and developments proposed,
flows the basis and content for problems do they face? sustainability to establish the critically analyze them and 1. Map of the Walled City of Jaipur in early 19th Century
the public life of cities How can they contribute current situation of public spaces suggest various corrective
The project intends to be a towards sustainable growth of in the city. And then went measures at different levels to
urban form, streets, spaces and the conflicting approaches to
chronological documentation the city? further to propose designs in make them contribute actively
usage vis a vis the 21st century heritage fabric and its usage by
and analytical research on the How can they themselves be various cases in accordance with towards sustainability in the
Heritage Vision of Jaipur. the residents, NGOs and the
various types of public spaces made sustainable? the issues of sustainability. city. How and what all concepts
It evaluates the present local government departments.
of Jaipur that have been a part The research looks forward The research consisted of ideas and tools of sustainable
circumstances, the socio It will be followed by seeking an
of the city both, then and now. to provide the city of Jaipur identification and documentation and eco-friendly design can be
economic situation, the answer to the question
A recollection of their origin, with a highly efficient and of various types of public spaces implemented to arrive at the
residents aspirations, the Whether an integrated,
their purpose, their mutation optimum network of public and their classification. A detailed intended sustainable public
linkages to their pasts and holistic approach through the
and their resilience or capacity spaces that will not only do study was carried out on their spaces. And finally to propose
their expression, translation proposed Heritage Plan can
to cope with the growing their part in conventional purpose of design, intent, a corrective Public Space
and interpretation in the global again showcase Jaipur as the
urban pressure, followed by terms but contribute actively planning & design considerations Distribution Map and a Design
environment. It also presents 21st century Renaissance city?
an in-depth review of their and tremendously to a to understand how and why they Digest/Manual comprising
standing against the scale sustainable growth of the are as they are. The idea was to of proposals & suggestions
of sustainability. The main city. The research shall deal with study and listing various public for optimum & sustainable
objectives of the research are to: the issues of urban development spaces on the city map together redevelopment of City.
Identify, study and optimally that lie in immediate vicinity with the city master plan, govt. The field research for this project
redevelop the different type of of these public spaces like policies and schemes to upgrade was undertaken in the cities of
public spaces that already exist population density, urban and these public spaces and plant Jaipur, Chandigarh & New Delhi
in Jaipur architectural character of the new ones, in terms of scale, over the course of a year. The
Propose new pockets in light of surrounding buildings and their character, functioning, location, research involved a good deal of
the citys socio-cultural domain relationship with these spaces, etc. Also, theres documentation what we can call deep hanging
of traditions, newly acquired the streetscapes & landscapes, on the mutation/adaptation/ out spending time in the cities
cosmopolitanism and future etc. How the local culture elimination of the traditional and public spaces, observing how
sustainability. completely and totally public spaces. I picked up various they worked at different times of
Study their origins, purpose, dominates and dictates the related researches to establish the the day and talking with a wide
mutation and adaptation over character of these spaces in problems being faced by other range of people as they went
the centuries (in case of the India. How these spaces used contemporary cities at similar about their daily activities.
historical) to behave differently in different levels in terms of identity crisis, The research presents the
Study their fruitfulness & time periods and how they have lack or underutilization of public similarities and contrasts
success as an urban space and transformed themselves over spaces, isolation of pockets between the 18th century vision
their resilience towards the the years, some in order to keep of land, etc. Also I prepared a of the city, the perceptions of 2. Original Urban Fabric & Density Archipelago of the Walled City &Creation of
demanding urban pressure (in surviving and others in order to separate section on the planning historic visitors to the city, the Multi-Functional Polarity Nodes

A Study on Tehrans Public Spaces To achieve the objectives, the Morphology, orientation and and inclusive structure of Iranian

PhD Yearbook | 2015

inclusiveness of two important the layout of the case study traditional cities and the public
according to Inclusive Design Principles; public spaces in the historical
core of Tehran (Toop-Khane
Architectural prototypes and
physical-visual aspects of the
spaces before modernization
and to define the impact of
Tools and Experiences Square and Laleh-Zar Street)
has been examined through
case study modernization on the quality of
these spaces.
qualitative method, using Procedure
Soroudeh Soori - Supervisor: Laura Montedoro SWOT analysis and systematic Through this research I Results
observation and photographs. studied the process of urban The results show that the public
Introduction tool to plan a city for all and Therefore the aim of this development and transformation spaces in this area are neither 99
Tehran, the capital city of finally deducting new inclusive research is to determine a link Methodology of Iranian cities through history inclusive nor responsive to


Iran has faced the changes of design guidelines to enhance between Tehrans modern This research is based on in order to understand the loss peoples needs. Therefore by
globalization of the 20th century the quality of the case study and traditional public spaces explanatory and qualitative and gains of the cities through considering design principles
and throughout its process of area as a sample. The result of in order to achieve the most methods which focus on the time and to determine the link and variables that we have
transformation has lost many studies shows that there is a important tools and experiences historical core of Tehran within between traditional and modern achieved from previous studies
valuable characteristics which great gap between traditional for designing inclusive open Toop-Khane Square and Laleh- design of the cities in order a new design is proposed in the
made its public spaces inclusive characteristics of public spaces in spaces in Tehran and to deduct zar Street as two important to find the issues and threats research which enhances the
in the past. Tehran and contemporary design new design guidelines for public historical and commercial joints and possibilities. Later the inclusiveness of the space:
Unlike the traditional spaces in in the case study area such as: spaces in Tehran, in order to of the city. This area is functions procedure of the development 1. Spatial cognition and quality
Tehran many public spaces are Lack of physical use of space achieve a more responsive and a North-South axis and its the in open spaces of Iran was of restoration and Urban and
not accessible for all types of according to change of social inclusive spaces and reviving its main joint between the new analysed in order to understand Architectural characteristics of
users. Therefore people refuse network. historical values by identifying development part of Tehran and the relationship between the Tehrans public spaces and its
to use the spaces because Lack of human contact and the main issues and threats in the traditional and historical part traditional and contemporary historical values
of the poor design of public social activities. the case study area. of the city. design within these spaces. It 2. Illustrating the case studys
spaces. The case study area Segregating creation of spaces Therefore compulsory factors The mode of the research helped to understand how to historical background and its
poses barriers and limitations from the main variables of recognized and studied in this is historical and it explores apply a design procedure in the aspects while emphasising
to accessing suitable facilities, inclusive design. thesis about Tehrans public Tehrans urban and architectural case study area to revive the on its historical values and
public transport, public spaces Lack of responsive, inclusive space in order to achieve the transformation and growth lost characteristics and have a characteristics.
and urban environment. and accessible public spaces in goals and purposes of this from the origins until today. compatible design which keeps 3. Presenting a structure
In addition, it is essential to the case study area. research are as followed: It explores the transformation the identity of the space but which defines the modern
understand characteristics The quality of public spaces in The issues and threats the and developments of two most at the same time is fulfilling construction with its new
of Irans public spaces and the case study area is low. case study area is facing in this important public spaces of the contemporary architecture functions compatible with
their historical values before Lack of Free mobility and period in terms of quality of its city and explores the gaps and and modern lifestyle of people peoples culture and lifestyle.
deciding to make changes and access and lack of walkability spaces. problems the public spaces currently. 4. Considering standard Inclusive
propose new design guidelines. throughout the city. The effect of Modernization on are facing today in order to The research then focused design elements and features
Here are compulsory factors Contemporary modern design the case study area. identify the changes that they more on gathering information in the case study area.
recognized and studied about in Tehran has decreased the Unique Qualities and need and to carry out new about the case study project, The result of this study shows
Tehrans public spaces in order to walkability and use of the citys Characteristics of Traditional design guidelines according to Tehran. The research focused on that by conducting Inclusive
achieve the goals and purposes public spaces. The automobile Iranian cities principles of inclusive design. analysing Tehrans development design principles and restoring
such as the issues and threats oriented values of modernism The lost characteristics of The research was done using through history by concentrating the good elements and
Tehran is facing currently in have been collected in the traditional public spaces in Systematic observations, Vision on its maps, since late 18th feature and reviving the lost
terms of quality of its space, transportation and street design Tehran as case study area maps, Photographs and SWOT century until 2014. The analysis characteristics and traditional
the effect of modernization on standards that we struggle Analysing inclusiveness of Analysis. Spatial analysis of the of maps led to finding out about values of the public spaces in
Tehran, unique qualities and with today. The street patterns public spaces in the case study case study includes: Tehrans development according the case study area it is possible
characteristics of traditional of most public spaces areas area today. Land uses and functions of the to its infrastructure, function, to enhance the inclusiveness
Iranian cities, the lost in the case study area built Review on Inclusive design and square, the street and their and its cultural values and urban and improve accessibility in
characteristics of traditional after the Islamic revolution are its principles as a tool to have a surroundings fabric. Public spaces were then order to have inclusive public
public spaces in Tehran, by demolishing old buildings city for all. Maps of Solid and void defined in the map of Tehran spaces in Tehran. However there
Analysing inclusiveness of destroying city gardens and Deducting new inclusive design Analysing Inclusiveness of the and great information was are limitations with the new
public spaces in the Tehran in constructing new high rise guidelines to enhance the area collected through the survey. By proposed design because of
current era, review on Inclusive apartments based only on quality of the case study area Type of access and the this means it has been necessary economic issues and financial
design and its principles as a financial benefits. as a sample. articulation of the case study to understand the user-friendly matters.
Mechanical Engineering | Physics |
Preservation of THE Architectural Heritage
| Rotary-wing aircrafts | Spatial Planning
and Urban Development | Structural Seismic
and Geotechnical Engineering | Technology
and Design for Environment and Building
| Territorial Design and Government |
Aerospace Engineering | Architectural and
Urban Design | Architectural Composition |
Architecture, Urban Design, Conservation
of Housing and Landscape | Bioengineering
| Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage
| Electrical Engineering | Energy and
Nuclear Science and Technology |
Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture
and Exhibition Design | Management,
Economics and Industrial Engineering
| Materials Engineering | Mathematical
MODELS and METHODS IN Engineering PhD Yearbook | 2015

DOCTORAL PROGRAM PhD research programs within experimental laboratories located at

PhD Yearbook | 2015

the Politecnico di Milano or outside it, typically biomedical research
IN BIOENGINEERING centers and hospitals.
When the research is performed within the Politecnico, PhD
candidates are usually assigned to one of the following
laboratories belonging to the Department of Electronics,
Information and Bioengineering (DEIB) and Chemistry Materials
and Chemical Engineering Department (CMIC): Laboratory of
Biological Structure Mechanics (LaBS, CMIC), Laboratory of
movement analysis Luigi Divieti (DEIB), Medical Informatics 103
The main objective of the PhD Programme in Bioengineering is laboratory (DEIB), Neuroengineering and medical robotics

Chair: to prepare the PhD candidates to the development of high level Laboratory (NearLab, DEIB), Biosignals, Bioimaging and
Prof. Andrea Aliverti engineering problem-solving abilities in biomedical, healthcare and Bioinformatics Lab (B3 lab, DEIB), Biomaterials laboratory (CMIC),
life sciences, inside research groups or in private/public industrial Biomedical Technology Lab (TBMLab, DEIB), Experimental
contexts, through a strong interdisciplinary training bridging Micro and Biofluid dynamics (BS Lab, DEIB), Computational
engineering and medical/biological knowledge. Biomechanics Lab (DEIB), Biocompatibility and Cell culture Lab
(BioCell, CMIC), Bioreactors Laboratory (CMIC). The Istituto di
During the PhD, the candidates develop a scientific research project Elettronica, Ingegneria dellInformazione e delle Telecomunicazioni
dealing with a complex problem (which can be at different scales, (IEIIT) of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), which is
from the molecular and the cellular levels to living organisms up to located at DEIB, represents another possible option.
biomedical systems) and investigate original methods, devices, and
systems with different purposes: increasing knowledge, proposing Stage periods in distinguished research institutes in Italy and
innovative methods for diagnosis and therapy as well as improving abroad are an essential feature of the PhD candidate training.
healthcare and daily life structures and services. At the end of the The candidates are encouraged to carry out part of their research
PhD programme, the candidate are expected to be able to carry out activities in contact with other research groups, preferably abroad
innovative projects in the Bioengineering field, by proposing new through periods of at least three months spent in laboratories
methodological and technical solutions and properly evaluating the where the candidate can acquire further skills to develop his/her
technology impact in healthcare, life science and biomedical industry. research work and thesis.
Collaborations that may involve the PhD students are presently
Research is performed through theoretical and experimental active with several national and international research and academic
activities in four major areas: biomimetic engineering and micro- Institutions. Very often, the involvement of industrial and clinical
nano technologies; rehabilitation engineering and technology; partners facilitates the technological transfer of applied research
technologies for therapy; physiological modelling and non-invasive into industry and clinical applications.
diagnostics. The educational offer includes ad hoc advanced courses specifically
More specific areas include but are not limited to: molecular and designed for the PhD in Bioengineering. The offer includes also
cellular engineering, biomaterials, tissue engineering, bio-artificial the school of the National Bioengineering Group, which is held
interfaces and devices, neuro-prostheses, movement analysis, yearly for one week in Bressanone (Bz). Every year, the School is
cardiovascular and respiratory system bioengineering, central focused on different topics. As examples, the themes of the last
nervous system signal and image processing for rehabilitation, years have been: Neuroscience, robotics and intelligent machines
biomechanics, computational fluid-dynamics, computer assisted (2006), Computational Genomics and Proteomics (2007), Wearable
surgery and radiotherapy, artificial organs, implantable devices, Intelligent Devices for Human Health (2008), Bioengineering
biomedical signal and image processing, E-Health, bioinformatics, for Cognitive Neurosciences (2009), Synthetic biology (2010),
functional genomics and molecular medicine. Neuroinformatics (2011), Biomedical devices from research to
market (2012), Rigenerative medicine (2013), From functional
Since 2013, the PhD Program in Bioengineering is organized with recovery to artificial organs (2014).
an inter-departmental structure. Faculty members of the PhD The PhD Board of professors (PhD Board) is composed by highly
Advisory Board belong to two Departments of the Politecnico qualified and active researchers in Bioengineering, belonging to
di Milano: DEIB (Department of Electronics, Information and DEIB and CMIC. The PhD Board is responsible of all the candidates
Bioengineering) and CMIC (Department of Chemistry, Materials and activities. The competencies of Faculty members cover a wide
Chemical Engineering G. Natta). spectrum of research fields. This allows a continuous updating of
the PhD program and ensures that the PhD candidates are involved
PhD candidates (who are, in average, 15-20 per year) develop their in innovative work.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Composition of the PhD Board
Aliverti Andrea (Coordinator) DEIB
Baselli Giuseppe DEIB
Bianchi Anna Maria DEIB
Caiani Enrico DEIB
Candiani Gabriele CMIC
Cerveri Pietro DEIB
Chiesa Roberto CMIC

Costantino Maria Laura CMIC
Dubini Gabriele Angelo CMIC
Far Silvia CMIC
Frigo Carlo Albino DEIB
Galli Manuela DEIB
Guazzoni Chiara DEIB
Mainardi Luca DEIB
Mantero Sara CMIC
Migliavacca Francesco CMIC
Pedrocchi Alessandra DEIB
Pennati Giancarlo CMIC
Pozzi Giuseppe DEIB
Raimondi Manuela Teresa CMIC
Ravazzani Paolo DEIB
Redaelli Alberto DEIB
Signorini Maria Gabriella DEIB
Soncini Monica DEIB

The PhD Programme in Bioengineering relies also on an Advisory

Board Member, formed by distinguished experts coming from R&D
industries, research and clinical centers, in order to ensure that that
the goals of the PhD Program are in line also with the needs of non-
academic world.
Presently, the members of the Advisory Board are Emanuele Gatti
(CEO of Fresenius Medical Care, Homburg, Germany), Ferdinando
Grandori (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, IEIIT, Italy), Antonio
Malgaroli (Head of Molecular and Cellular Physiology Lab, IRCCS
San Raffaele, Milano, Italy), Ivan Martin (Head of the Tissue
Engineering Lab, at the University Hospital Basel, Switzerland)

Patient-specific modeling of the and connected to the SVC inlet by adaptation phenomena on more reliable clinical data is

PhD Yearbook | 2015

section of the 3D model; the occurred after Stage 2. preferable.
cardiovascular system for surgical shunt block was removed.
First, patient models were tested
In the final chapter, a preliminary
development of an identification
The heart sub-model parameters
are identified through a
planning of single-ventricle defects at rest conditions (using HR, SVR
and PVR recorded at the time of
process based on clinical
available data is developed.
preliminary implementation of
a robust optimization approach
the clinical measurements), then Simplified sub-models are based on clinical data of
Alessia Baretta - Relatore: Prof. Giancarlo Pennati at conditions with increased identified thanks to the available pressures, flows and volumes
blood flow and/or heart rate clinical tracings that allow to measured on the patients and
(active state and removal of the decouple the sub-model from relative uncertainty. 107
Congenital heart diseases on the patient-specific main branches of the 3D model, to be possible stenosis). the rest of the circulation. Clinical data available, consisting

are cardiac malformations hemodynamic features, and an integrated in the 3D-0D model In Chapter 4, two specific Then, the integration of the in flow time tracings and mean
consisting of only one effective open-loop multi-domain (3D-0D) developed in Chapter 3. All clinical cases of post-Stage sub-model in a more complex values, cycle-averaged pressures
or functional cardiac pumping model of the pulmonary system, simulations were performed by 2 patients are presented. In model of the whole circulation is and end-diastolic volumes,
chamber (the single ventricle, describing in detail the region of the partners of the Transatlantic such configurations, Stage 2 accomplished only subsequently, were used in different ways in
SV). Stage 2 surgery. Project at INRIA. circulatory network serves as since a direct identification of all the model, in particular as i)
SV defects, such as hypoplastic For each patient, clinical data 0D models built for the whole pre-operative condition to two model parameters would lead to boundary conditions prescribed
left heart syndrome and tricuspid consisted in catheterization- circulation, described above, different kinds of treatments: multiple possible solutions. in the open-loop model, ii)
atresia, require a three-staged derived pressure tracings, MR were coupled to two different in the first clinical case, a Since the heart parameter target quantities to match as
surgical approach, called the (magnetic resonance) flow 3D models of the surgical site. Stage 3 surgical planning tuning is the crucial part, this the goal of the optimization,
Fontan procedure, to separate tracings and echocardiographic The pre-operative anatomical is performed, following a Chapter is focused on the study iii) constraints on certain
the systemic and pulmonary Doppler velocity tracings. reconstruction was manipulated workflow analogous to that of suitable methods to identify parameters values in order to
circulations. The closed-loop 0D model of in order to generate virtual post- presented in Chapter 3 for heart properties to embed in assure that they are physically
Since the early days of Stage 1 circulation comprises operative scenarios. Indeed, two Stage 2 surgical planning, the circulatory model. More meaningful, and iv) prior
the Fontan procedure, in 4 main peripheral blocks surgical options were virtually and three different TCPC precisely, parameters identified knowledge on measurements
vitro, in vivo, analytical and describing the upper/lower body performed for each patient: geometries are compared. for a submodel of the single available on certain variables.
computational techniques and right/left lung circulation, bi-directional Glenn (bG) and Moreover, respiration effects ventricle or of the whole heart Afterwards, the obtained heart
(including computational fluid- adopting a typical heart model hemi-Fontan (hF). In the case of on the hemodynamics in the may be used as step preliminary parameters are integrated in
dynamics [CFD] models) have for Stage1 patients, tuned the bG geometry, the SVC-RPA different postoperative options to the identification of the a model of the full circulation,
been developed to investigate manually basing on literature anastomosis was recreated by are studied. The effect of the closed-loop circulatory network. giving a prior knowledge to the
the complex hemodynamics of works to fit all patients under virtually resecting the SVC from respiration is tested in presence The study is divided into two heart behavior.
the Fontan circulation. study. The aim of such patient- the atrium and adjoining it with of exercise conditions, simulated main parts: first, the feasibility A two-step approach was
In the present work, CFD specific 0D modeling is to minimal movement to the RPA. by increasing the heart rate,and of parameter identification chosen to find the parameter
techniques are used for the prescribe proper boundary For the hF geometry, a portion by reducing pulmonary and based on PVL data is presented; set that best matches clinical
planning of staged surgical conditions to the 3D post- of the atrium was removed from lower limb vascular resistances. secondly, a sub-model of the data. First, Adaptive Markov
treatment of SV malformations. operative geometries, integrated the 3D volume so to create the second clinical case consists heart is built and parameters Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
The present work is part of in a multi-domain model, where the bulging patch typical of in a patient diagnosed with are identified through a two- was employed to obtain the
the international Transatlantic different surgical options will be this surgical configuration, the veno-venous collateral vessels step method and the obtained distributions of the model
Networks of Excellence in compared. size of which was determined 4 month after Stage 2 surgery. parameters are integrated in a parameters. Then, Nelder-
Cardiovascular Research The pre-operative open- in agreement with the surgical In this study, i) the patients model of the full circulation thus Mead hill-climb optimization is
Program funded by the loop multi-domain model of team who performed the cardiovascular network at limiting the range to span. performed from the parameter
Fondation Leducq (Paris), the lungs, instead, is built operation. 4 months after Stage 2 The model of the sole ventricle set that was found to maximize
entitled Multi-scale modeling of to calculate the impedance This procedure was performed surgery was modeled thanks is composed of six parameters, the posterior distribution during
single ventricle hearts for clinical downstream all pulmonary by the research partners at to the acquisition of clinical while full time-varying tracings the previous MCMC iterations.
decision support. branches included in the 3D Great Ormond Street Hospital, measurements post-operatively of ventricular volume and The identification process
First, pre-operative 0D models model, to be integrated in the London, UK. Each outlet of and taking into account the pressure are used, the former as was performed by means of
for Stage 2 surgical planning are post-operative models used for the 3D model was connected body growth, and ii) the input of the model, the latter as a MATLAB code written in
built. surgical planning. to a RCRCR pulmonary block closure of collateral vessels was target quantity. collaboration with experts at
Two kinds of models are A multi-step approach was obtained through the open-loop simulated. This study shows However, the high uncertainty UCSD (University of California
considered: a closed-loop implemented to estimate the model described previously; the the differences between pre on clinical PVL tracings is a big San Diego).
pure 0D network of the whole parameter values of RCRCR SVC line of the 0D model was and post-operative acquired issue in handling such data. For
cardiocirculatory system, based blocks downstream the outlet disconnected from the atrium data that may be explained this reason, a method based

A multiscale and translational approach and then averaging the values instrumented and acquired in and long time scale, suggesting

PhD Yearbook | 2015

over the three classes: t=1, telemetry together with 10 wild another protective factor.
for the characterization of long QT accounting for all the time scales
characterizing the series; t=2-4
type (WT) littermates. Two-way
protocols were implemented to
ASYMP LQT2 individuals were
characterized by a higher
syndrome type 1, 2 and 3 corresponding to medium time
scales, progressively filtering
evaluate circadian variations and
the effect of pharmacological
vagal modulation, able to limit
sympathetic overactivation
HF band activity; t=5-12 challenges performed with that could lead to arrhythmias.
Vlasta Bari Supervisors: Prof. Sergio Cerutti, Prof. Alberto Porta corresponding to long time propranolol, atropine and Complexity analysis revealed
scales, mainly accounting for propranolol and atropine that ASYMP LQT2 patients
activity in LF band. together in LQT3 and WT exhibited a higher complexity of 109
Background and aim during rest and sleep. was be labeled as low (LF) or Empirical mode decomposition animals. A translational process cardiac control at medium and

Long QT syndrome (LQTS) is It is well known that autonomic high frequency (HF) if its central (EMD) allows to decompose was completed comparing long time scale, leading to an
an inherited disease whose nervous system (ANS) plays an frequency was respectively a time series in its oscillatory circadian variations and the opposite conclusion with respect
main clinical manifestation is a important role in triggering fatal included in the band 0.04-0.15 modes, the so-called intrinsic effect of BB therapy in LQT3 to LQT1 about the protective
prolonged QT interval on ECG. arrhythmias in LQTS, but its role Hz or 0.15-0.5 Hz. Spectral mode functions (IMFs). In order men and mice. role of complexity in the LQTS
The reasons for the relevant as a risk modifier in LQTS is less analysis was performed also to improve short time scale Appropriate statistical analysis variant. ASYMP LQT3 patients
interest in this disease are its clear. on mice HP variability series, results, in this dissertation a new was carried out in agreement to were characterized by a high
dramatic clinical manifestations, The aim of this work was to with HF in the range 1-5 Hz. EMD-based filtering approach the protocols. vagal modulation, confirming
as syncopes, ventricular exploit different tools in time, The power of mice and men HP was proposed, constituting in HP was approximated as the the increased risk for events
fibrillation and sudden death, frequency and information variability in HF band was taken computing only the first IMF and temporal distance between during night in this group. LQT3
but also the existence of domain in order to characterize as an index of vagal modulation subtracting it from the original two consecutive R peaks on the mice was found to be a good
symptomatic subjects and the autonomic control of directed to the sinus node while HP and QT series, thus obtaining ECG. QT was approximated as translational representation of
siblings almost never developing LQTS subjects and improve the power of QT variability in LF a low-pass filtered version of the the temporal distance between the mutation in men since mice
symptoms. Among the 13 risk stratification accounting band was taken as an index of series. Sample Entropy was then the R peak and the T-wave and men showed similar results
different mutations leading for genotype and phenotype. sympathetic modulation directed computed over the low-pass end. Missed or ectopic beats in terms of HP increase during
to LQTS identified so far, all Findings obtained in LQT1, to the ventricles. EMD filtered series and results were corrected through cubic sleep/rest periods and in terms
affecting cardiac ion channels LQT2 and LQT3 humans were To assess the overall complexity were compared with those spline interpolation. Sequences of long time scale complexity
and all threaten with beta- compared with the aim of of sympathetic and vagal derived from RMSE. of 5000 consecutive beats reduction under BB. Finally, BB
blockers (BB), this work will providing a complete framework control, a refined multiscale were chosen for each period appeared to be protective in all
focus on the main three variants about autonomic control in entropy (RMSE) analysis was Protocols and data analysis of analysis except during mice variants in different ways.
of the pathology. LQT1(45% LQTS. A translational process performed on HP and QT The database was composed pharmacological challenges
of all LQTS patients) is due to was performed thanks to variability series, consisting in by more than 100 24h where 3000 beats epochs were Conclusions
a mutation on the slow part telemetric ECG recordings in a three steps: i) elimination of the Holter recordings from: 34 extracted. Time and frequency Spectral analysis typified the
of delayed rectifier potassium KPQ-LQT3 transgenic murine fast temporal scale of the series LQT1 subjects, divided into domain analyses were carried ANS state, RMSE quantified
current channel, with symptoms population, that were compared through a low-pass Butterworth asymptomatics (ASYMP) and out iterating the analyses over the complexity of cardiac
precipitating in case of increased with LQT3 results in men. filter; ii) undersampling the symptomatics (SYMP) together 250 beats with 50% overlap regulation as a function of
sympathetic activity as during series with a factor t thus with 14 non mutation carriers and taking the median of the the temporal scales and the
physical exercise, mainly during Methods of analysis reducing its length from N to N/t (NMC) from the same family distribution of each parameter EMD-based filtering procedure
daytime. LQT2 (35% of LQTS Time domain indices, such as at each scale factor t (for t=1 line, 16 LQT2 subjects divided as representative for the whole reduced computational costs of
patients) is due to a mutation mean and variance of HP and the time series is the original into ASYMP and SYMP and 12 series. Complexity analyses were complexity analysis compared to
on the rapid part of delayed QT and corrected QT evaluated one); iii) assessing complexity at ASYMP LQT3 subjects. Some of computed over the entire series. RMSE.
potassium current, with according to the Bazetts each t through Sample Entropy, the recordings were acquired Although the main clinical
arrhythmias triggered in case correction, were calculated. calculated with a tolerance r in absence and some others Results manifestation of the pathology
of sympathetic overactivation An autoregressive model was equal to 0.15 times the standard in presence of BB therapy. Results showed that ASYMP is similar in all the considered
due to sudden emotional exploited to perform spectral deviation of the series, with Analyses were performed during LQT1 patients had a blunted variants, the proposed tools
stress or auditory stimuli. LQT3 analysis. The model order was embedding dimension L=3 and daytime and nighttime. Several vagal control and active suggested that patients affected
characterizes only the 10% of optimized according to the time shift between samples experimental protocols were sympathetic regulation, that by LQT1, LQT2 and LQT3 are
patients but is the more lethal. Akaike information criterion equal to 1. implemented, accounting for makes QT adaptable to sudden characterized by different
Due to a mutation on the gene and the power spectrum RMSE was calculated with t genotype and phenotype, ANS- HP changes. This feature is ANS profiles and some ANS
encoding the sodium current, was factorized in frequency from 1 to 12, introducing a related circadian variations and thus protective. ASYMP LQT1 profiles are more favorable than
in this case events occur during components according to the scale pooling that divides the effect of BB therapy. had also a lower complexity others to reduce the risk of life
vagal hyperactivation, mostly residual method. A component scale factors in three classes Ten KPQ-LQT3 mice were of cardiac control at medium threatening events.

Advanced human-robot cooperation in (ii) investigate the best control evaluate the performances for the patient and the clinical

PhD Yearbook | 2015

strategy for a safe and of the proposed cooperative staff in the operating room, and
neurosurgery stable placement of surgical
instruments on soft tissue
control schema (singularly and
in combination) in a realistic
at the same time that provide
the surgeon with interfaces
during the tool placement. scenario with brain-mimicking as intuitive and familiar as
Touch interactions and physical phantoms. The proposed control possible, in order to reduce the
contacts are critical factors criteria resulted in comparable training period and facilitate the
Elisa Beretta Relatore: Elena De Momi - Tutor: Pietro Cerveri during the manipulation of performances with respect to acceptance of the technology in
tissue/objects. Impedance- state-of-the-art admittance clinics.
controlled manipulators allow schema with fixed parameters, in 111
Over the last decades, and developed new strategy for a comfortable and the natural transmission of terms of pointing accuracy and

neurosurgery has greatly methodologies for human-robot effective cooperation during the interaction forces with the tissues indentation overshooting
benefitted from the introduction and robot-tissue interaction patient targeting approaching. environment to the user, but rejection, allowing for the
of image-guided techniques and control, specifically designed Transparency quantifies the robotic mechanical impedance accurate, stable and safe contact
robotic devices. Thanks to their to augment surgeons skills ability of a robot to follow may mask any delicate force with the soft tissue. At the same
superior resolution, geometric during cooperatively assisted human movements without arising from the interaction with time, the user efforts during the
accuracy and indefatigability, targeting tasks on soft tissues. any human-perceptible resistive soft tissues. A non-linear force guidance were reduced by more
robotic systems are mainly used Differently from the standard forces. On the contrary, the feedback torque control was than 60%.
as an accurate and repeatable force-to motion control schema, ability to approach a target designed in order to investigate All the developed controllers
alignment tool during keyhole the control approach proposed with high accuracy depends if augmented haptic perception were tested in the scope of
neurosurgery. Conversely, exploited the high compliance on the robots ability to apply is a relevant factor during the the EU funded project for
open-skull procedures for of a redundant flexible joints resistance against environmental instruments placement on brain surgery ACTIVE (FP7-
brain resection/disconnection industrial manipulator. The disturbances. In order to the soft tissue with respect ICT-2009-6-270460). This work
are traditionally performed validation was performed in respect the clinical accuracy to pure visual feedback. The support the feasibility of the use
free-hand with intraoperative a realistic setup with brain- requirements, while allowing a control parameters were of a cooperatively controlled
physiological monitoring mimicking phantoms (Figure comfortable cooperation, the optimized on brain-mimicking manipulator to assist targeting
techniques to identify the 2), enrolling nave users as surgical robotic assistant should gelatin phantoms, which were tasks in open-skull neurosurgery
functional (eloquent) cortical/ well as novice and expert be able to automatically adapt mechanically characterized and is in line with the actual
subcortical areas, which has neurosurgeons. The research its dynamics during the guidance to quantitatively evaluate research trend in medical
to be preserved during the was focused on these particular in the operating theatre. A novel the tissues damage due to robotics, which propose devices
surgery. In particular, direct research topics: variable damping controller the contact with the tool that are effective, safe, both
electrical brain cortex stimulation (i) investigate the best control is designed to enhance the during indentation. The
encompasses the repetitive performance of the surgical performances of the robotic
execution of target reaching hands-on robotic assistant in assistance with and without
gestures on delicate tissue terms of ease of use, intuitive force feedback augmentation
(Figure 1). The conventional guidance and effectiveness were comparatively evaluated
approach can benefit from the during targeting tasks. The with respect to freehand task
introduction of a cooperatively experimental evaluation of this executions. The proposed
controlled robotic assistant, to and two well-known impedance approach was shown to
provide increased positional controllers with fixed dynamic improve the users skills in
accuracy and reduce the parameters was carried out performing a stable and safe
surgeons fatigue during the during predefined reaching tasks tool-tissue contact, allowing
holding phase, when the tool towards registered targets on a for hand tremor rejection and
is in contact with the brain calibration board. The reaching 50% reduction of the tissues
tissue. Moreover, it could allow task was shown under laboratory indentation.
the acquisition of the target 1. Intraoperative brain mapping of the condition to result in reduced (iii) preliminarily study the
motor cortex during glioma surgery.
positions and guide the surgeon The neurosurgeon is performing the targeting error, which guarantees feasibility of the proposed
towards the recorded sites, stimulation (up) while the electric the respect of the position control approaches for brain
thus increasing the reliability of brain activity (down right) is recorded accuracy requirement (1mm), cortex stimulation procedures.
from superficial electrodes placed
the intraoperative monitoring on the cortex (down left) in order to and user efforts, which ensure A group of novice and expert
technique. detect the occurrence of unwanted that assisted tool trajectories feel neurosurgeons were enrolled to
In this thesis, we investigated stimulation-induced seizures. natural to the user. quantitatively and qualitatively 2. The experimental setup.

ENGINEERED MICRO AND MACROSCALE HUMAN 3D supportive mural-like cells (Fig.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

2). This microfluidic model
VASCULARIZED BONE MODELS FOR THE STUDY OF reproduces the pro- and anti-
metastatic properties of the
ORGANOTYPIC BREAST CANCER METASTASES microenvironments and provides
insights into the different features
of organotypic endothelia.
Simone Bersini - Advisors: Prof. Gabriele Dubini; Dr. Matteo Moretti The relevance of the present
work lies in the application of
complex models to investigate 113
The World Health Organization have been reported in the bone no organotypic model has been and subsequently influence a

reports that 14.1 million new of 30%-40% of early stage developed to investigate this key specific step of the metastatic
cancer cases were diagnosed breast cancer patients while step of the metastatic cascade. cascade within different organ-
in 2012 while 8.2 million 70% of advanced breast cancer However, it is noteworthy to specific microenvironments
patients died in the same year. patients are affected by skeletal highlight that despite the above with critical implications for the
Noteworthy, the spread of metastases, leading to pain, due mentioned advantages brought development of new drugs,
primary tumors towards distant to spinal cord compression and by microfluidic approaches, thus fostering a more effective
organs and the subsequent fractures, and often death. the extremely limited number screening of tailored anti-
metastatic colonization is So far, in vivo and ex vivo of cells makes technically hard cancer therapies in the context
responsible for 90% of cancer- models have been developed to perform genetic analyses to of personalized medicine. 1. Confocal microscopy of the bone-mimicking microenvironment generated
associated mortality. However, to study the extravasation investigate the transcription level Furthermore, a relevant within a microfluidic device. A monolayer of red fluorescent protein (RFP)-
despite great advances in process of cancer cells in aspect of this doctoral thesis transfected human endothelial cells covers the top media channel and the
of key regulatory genes. interface with the bone-mimicking channel embedding osteo-differentiated
basic cancer molecular and mice and zebrafish embryos The present doctoral thesis is represented by the design human mesenchymal stem cells within a collagen gel. The dark square
cell biology with the discovery through intravital microscopy. is focused on the design and and optimization of human represents a post separating two gel regions of the microfluidic device. Red:
of oncogenes and tumor However, they cannot model optimization of micro and 3D macroscale models of endothelial cells. Green: F-actin. Blue: cell nuclei.
suppressor mechanisms, much all aspects of the interaction macroscale models to study the vascularized bone-mimicking our knowledge of cancer within physiologically-like
remains to be learned about the and cross-talk between organ-specific breast cancer tissues through the identification mechanobiology and investigate environments, bridging the gap
metastatic process. The cancer human cancer cells, human cell metastatization towards of the optimal combination of key molecular pathways involved between traditional in vitro
biology seed-and-soil paradigm endothelial cells and human the bone. Particularly, a 3D experimental parameters leading in organotypic metastases assays and in vivo models.
recognizes the existence of tissue parenchyma. Moreover, microfluidic model of a bone- to the generation of functional
organ-specific patterns of strictly regulated, reproducible mimicking microenvironment vascularized environments,
metastatization which drive parametric studies are difficult surrounded by an engineered which can be employed to
the spread of selected primary to perform. Microfluidics can microvessel (Fig. 1) was study breast cancer organ-
tumors towards specific provide useful model systems to developed to quantify specific metastases by means
secondary loci. However, despite investigate complex phenomena human breast cancer cell of post-genomic analyses.
efforts to model organotypic under combination of multiple extravasation rate, migration Finally, an innovative approach
microenvironments, the organ- controllable biochemical and distance and micrometastasis combining microfabrication
specificity of cancer metastases biophysical microenvironments generation within the colonized techniques and self-assembly of
still needs to be elucidated. coupled with high resolution real microenvironment, and to vascular structures is discussed
Then, a deeper understanding time imaging, thus overcoming highlight the involvement of in details. Particularly, the main
of the metastatic cascade and limitations of traditional assays, the CXCL5/CXCR2 pathway in advantages of this approach
particularly the extravasation e.g. Boyden chamber, which the organotypic extravasation based on electrochemical cell
process could promote are characterized by limited process. Furthermore, a detachment are the possibility
the development of new imaging capabilities and do not physiologically-like microfluidic to organize endothelial cells into
therapeutics, thus improving provide tight control over the 3D model was designed to geometrically defined structures
cancer survival rates. local environment. Up to now, investigate human breast and to produce vessels aligned
Particularly, breast cancer is the the application of microfluidic cancer cell extravasation into within micrometric distances in a
most frequent cancer among techniques to model cancer bone- and muscle-mimicking spatially controlled manner.
women and the second cause of metastases and particularly microenvironments through The unique combination of
2. Fluorescence microscopy of a physiologically-like microvascular network.
cancer death in women in more extravasation events has been perfusable, functional human micro and macroscale 3D Microvessels connect each other into highly branched microvascular trees
developed regions after lung generally limited to the study microvascular networks models offers a new perspective generating a complex microvascular network spanning the entire gel channel.
cancer. Disseminated tumor cells of chemotactic events, while composed of endothelial and through which to increase Endothelial cells are transfected with green fluorescent protein (GFP).

A framework for intra-modality image fusion

PhD Yearbook | 2015

applied to Cardiac Magnetic Resonance imaging
of the Left Ventricle and 3D Transesophageal
Echocardiography of the descending Aorta
Maria Chiara Carminati - Advisor: Prof. Enrico G. Caiani

Recent advances in imaging to track myocardial material and widely used cardiovascular create a 3D anatomical model risk factor for stroke and images. Image fusion was

technology have enabled points through the cardiac cycle, imaging techniques, i.e. CMR of the scar and compute its local peripheral embolization, being finally performed to enable
the non-invasive study of the while the employment contrast- and 3D echocardiography. transmurality. The information also associated with carotid, visualization and analysis of
structure and the function of enhanced sequences provides Two specific contributions, each derived from the two CMR coronary and renal artery extended field-of-view of the
the heart, the valves and the imaging the presence and focused singularly on CMR acquisition is finally combined disease. TEE technology is acquired aorta. The application
vascular system. extent of nonviable tissue in the or 3D echocardiography, are in the same reference system a suitable tool for assessing of different fusion techniques
Different techniques, such as myocardium, thus revealing its presented. In the first, methods by a dedicated registration aortic atherosclerosis, being was investigated. The method
magnetic resonance imaging structural impairment. for the 3D assessment of the pipeline featuring affine and routinely performed on patients was applied to a population
(MRI), ultrasound (US), Three-dimensional functionality and the anatomy deformable registration. The to identify cardiac sources of of 17 consecutive patients.
computed tomography (CT), echocardiography currently of the left ventricle are proposed described tool allows for the emboli and during cardiac Qualitative and quantitative
positron emission tomography represents a major diagnostic by analyzing and combining joint three-dimensional analysis surgery to guide the introduction results demonstrated the
(PET) and single-photon emission tool in clinical cardiology the cine and late Gadolinium of myocardial local function of the cannula into the aorta to potential feasibility and accuracy
computed tomography (SPECT) allowing real-time imaging enhancement (LGE) CMR from cine CMR and myocardial prevent peri-procedural plaque of the proposed approach. In a
are imaging modalities currently of the cardiac dynamics. images, acquired in the clinical viability from LGE CMR images, embolization. clinical scenario, its application
used in cardiovascular medicine In this scenario, real- routine. in a common and patient- In this scenario, a comprehensive could allow quantitative
and each of them provides time 3D transesophageal Cine and LGE CMR images are specific reference system. This procedure for the reconstruction assessment of aortic total plaque
specific and complementary echocardiography (TEE) has first processed individually to combined information is of of the descending thoracic aorta burden from 3D TEE images.
diagnostic and prognostic become one of the most extract relevant information. established importance for the from contiguous 3D TEE images In conclusion, the design and
information. useful imaging modalities for Cine images were processed to diagnosis and treatment of is proposed. First, an ad-hoc the experimental application
Among these, cardiac MRI intraoperative management of compensate for breath-related cardiomyopathies, allowing to image acquisition protocol was of comprehensive frameworks
and three-dimensional (3D) patients undergoing cardiac inter-slice misalignments, due distinguish between reversible designed to acquire spatially for cardiovascular image fusion
echocardiography have gained surgery. Furthermore, 3D TEE to the non-exact repeatability of and irreversible injured ordered and partially overlapped obtained with non-invasive
popularity in the clinical can be employed to acquire the breath-hold position during myocardium. Surgical procedures 3D TEE datasets, followed by modalities have been studied.
scenario, because of their images of the aorta, due to acquisition. Then, a 3D ASM such as revascularization or dedicated image processing The described methodologies
advantages over ionizing or its anatomical proximity when was adopted to segment the resynchronization strategies to align and fuse all acquired may have an effective clinical
invasive techniques, allowing introduced in the esophagus, endocardium by simultaneously potentially benefit from the datasets. Alignment strategy impact to improve the clinical
to assess both anatomy and allowing to characterize and analyzing images belonging to knowledge of the exact location implemented pair-wise rigid diagnosis and the definition
function of the cardiovascular quantify aortic lesions, which the short-axis image stack. To of these regions within the LV, as registration guided by a priori therapeutic or surgical strategies,
system. In particular, Cardiac are known risk factor for severe this end, a shape model of the they are significantly related to knowledge and it was validated as well as for patient-specific
Magnetic Resonance (CMR) complications such as stroke and left ventricle was constructed the likelihood of improvement of using artificially misaligned modeling purpose.
imaging is the single modality peripheral embolic events. from a large database of contractility after surgery.
capable of noninvasively This PhD work represents semi-automatically segmented In the second contribution of
defining cardiac anatomy and a contribution towards the 3D echo images, constituted the thesis, the employment of
function, myocardial perfusion, development of procedures by 205 patients with various real-time 3D transesophageal
myocardial viability, and coronary for the joint analysis of pathologies. Left-ventricular wall echocardiography (TEE) is
artery anatomy, through cardiovascular images. The motion was derived from the investigated in its ability
the application of different aim of the project was focused 3D endocardial segmentation to image the aorta.
acquisition protocols. From on the development of obtained as the displacement of The identification and
the wide set of MR acquisition comprehensive frameworks the endocardium from diastole characterization of aortic lesions
techniques, cardiac dynamics for the combined analysis of to systole. is recognized to be clinically
can be characterized by cine intra-modal information coming Late-Gadolinium enhanced relevant, as the presence of
and tagging CMR, allowing from the main non-invasive CMR images were processed to aortic plaques is an independent

Fatigue analysis of Nitinol cardiovascular specimens (e.g. with dog load can be neglected and the investigate the fatigue behavior

PhD Yearbook | 2015

bone shape), having cross- specific cyclic loading condition of Nitinol devices supporting
devices section dimensions similar to the
device ones and subjected to the
type (axial compression or
bending) due to leg movements
also the experimental activity,
since it can suggest conditions
same manufacturing treatments. may have different influences to be tested, evaluating first
These method ensure the depending on the stent position the devices fatigue response in
equivalence between specimens along the peripheral arteries. several possible configurations.
Elena Dordoni - Supervisor: Prof. Giancarlo Pennati and real device mechanical Similarly, fatigue FEA on aortic However, confidence in the
behavior, allowing therefore to valve prove that inner pressure numerical models is only
perform experimental material and leaflet reaction forces acting possible after the validation of 117
It is widely recognized that tests alone, are useful but not immediate evidence of safety or characterization in an easy way. on the stent-frame during their results against experimental

the assessment of cyclic enough to properly assess the failure given by the experimental In case ad hoc specimens are diastole are the most severe evidence. For that purpose,
fatigue resistance is of Nitinol cardiovascular devices tests, different disadvantages not available, a methodology to loading conditions and the size experimental tests on real
primary importance during fatigue behavior. must be noted: an high number obtain Nitinol parameters from and stiffness of the surrounding devices are performed in order
the design process of medical Several studies proved that of specimens must be tested experimental tests carried out wall has a strong influence on to validate numerical models
implantable devices made by numerical models are a to ensure statistical confidence directly on the devices is also the fatigue response. predictions: tensile and crimping
Nitinol. Focusing on peripheral valuable tool to assess the in the results, making the proposed: the experimental Since the fatigue analysis is a tests on peripheral stents
stents and transcatheter heart fatigue performance of experimental campaigns test is numerically reproduced very time-consuming process, proves the model capability
valves, due to the presence cardiovascular devices, especially expensive and time-consuming; and material parameters are an additional purpose of to reproduce the macroscopic
of cyclic loads imposed by leg for comparative purposes. difficulty in reproducing the tuned up to reach a good the present thesis is to give mechanical behavior of the real
movements, as well as by the The common trend followed real in vivo environment that fitting between numerical and reliable indications about devices. Similarly, numerical
blood pulsatility, the fatigue by authors is to assign Nitinol makes usually experimental experimental testing results. a device fatigue behavior results of crimping tests on
resistance is a critical issue since material properties taken from tests simplified; difficulty in Then, numerical fatigue FEA within a reasonable time: a aortic valve and experimental
they can experience from 10 literature and to compare the assessment of biomechanical on peripheral stent models and simplified FE model focusing evidences are in agreement in
up to 40 million loading cycles obtained numerical results to quantities, since fatigue tests transcatheter aortic valve are the fatigue analysis not on proving that crimping procedure
each year. Therefore, these a general Nitinol fatigue limit, give only the final result (safety proposed, paying particular the whole stent but just on a induces plasticization in different
devices need to be designed found in literature. However, of failure), providing in few cases attention in properly reproducing unit of interest, is set up and points of the valves stent-frame.
to survive at least 108 fatigue the correctness of numerical the number of cycles, without boundary conditions: interaction coupled with an analytical Finally, an assessment of the
cycles without failure over the results strongly depends on any information about the state with a confining wall and model representative of the proposed fatigue criterion is
lifetime of the patient, since the reliability of the material of stress through the device. amount of cyclic load undergone SFA, which allows to quantify given by experimental cyclic tests
their fracture could cause the parameters implemented in In this thesis particular attention by the stent on one side; the actual load experienced on real stents, which results are
risk of the surrounding tissue numerical constitutive models, is firstly paid to the material pressure pulsatility and effect of by the unit associated to found to be in agreement with
damage, as well as the loss in particularly when the aim properties knowledge, specific leaflet cyclic movement on the particular anatomical conditions. the proposed fatigue limit.
the mechanical properties of the of numerical analyses is to for each device under study, valve stent-frame on the other The proposed simplified
stent-frame itself. This finding provide information about since the parameters describing side. Thanks to their reduced methodology for fatigue
highlights the importance of specific stents risk of fracture the stress/strain relationship costs and high flexibility in investigation, once applied
developing a shared, robust associated to a defined loading and the fatigue properties modifying geometrical features, to a patient-specific case,
and efficient methodology condition. Moreover, the are strongly depending on boundary conditions and showed an agreement between
to face the assessment of strong dependence of Nitinol the device dimensions as well external loadings, FEA revealed model predictions and clinical
Nitinol cardiovascular devices fatigue behavior from all the as on the whole treatments a useful tool to prove the main evidence proved by 18-months
fatigue resistance. Therefore, manufacturing steps, makes (thermal and surface finishing) factors influencing fatigue follow up data. Despite the
the purpose of this thesis is to mandatory the definition of the subjected by the device during resistance of the studied devices, approximations introduced
face this issue deepening the material fatigue limit specific for the manufacturing process. giving also important indications into the proposed method, it
several involved aspects, in the device under study. The proposed way to get about how to perform in vitro reveals able to assess the stents
order to give proper guidelines On the other side, fatigue device-specific Nitinol material cyclic tests. Numerical analyses fatigue behavior associated
that can be useful both in in vitro tests represent an parameters to be used as input on peripheral stents suggest to particular anatomical
a design and development accepted way to demonstrate for material subroutines, as that the oversizing due to the conditions in a reduced period
phase of a new device and a device durability, reproducing well as to obtain the material presence of a confining wall of time, compatible with the
during the assessment of its as close as possible the actual fatigue limit for a defined and its shape and stiffness has requirements of manufacturers
proper functionality. The main operating conditions. They are number of cycles, is to perform to be taken into account during or clinicians.
hypothesis is that the numerical often governed by international experimental static and cyclic experimental tests for fatigue In conclusion, numerical
analyses or the experimental standards. Despite the tensile tests on ad hoc material assessment, while the pulsatile analysis can be a useful tool to

Model-based Analysis of Diffusion Magnetic an important impact on the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

preoperative evaluation of brain
Resonance: tumors.

Study of Microstructural Damage in White Matter and Gray NODDI-based tractography in

Matter Diseases peritumoral edema
In a last application, an
Matteo Figini - Supervisors: Prof. Giuseppe Baselli, Dr. Alberto Bizzi, algorithm for tractography
Prof. Daniel Alexander, Dr. Hui Zhang - Tutor: Prof. Alberto Redaelli based on NODDI parameters
(NODDIT) was developed and 119
Diffusion MRI (dMRI), an hyperintense regions on dMRI hyperintensity could not be applied in 10 patients with

MRI technique sensitive is a common marker for the determined, biomarkers for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM)
to the diffusive motions diagnosis of CJD, but its origin sensitive and specific CJD to test the possibility of a better
of water molecules, has is currently unknown. Two diagnosis were proposed. reconstruction through areas of
1. Mean fECV, maximum fICV and fISO averaged among the patients with grade
demonstrated good sensitivity isotropic bi-compartment models vasogenic edema than allowed II, grade III and grade IV gliomas. The significant differences are marked with
to microstructural changes in of diffusion were developed Microstructural features of by DTI-based tractography (DTT). stars.
many diseases. An application to test two neuropathological brain tumors by NODDI In the proposed NODDIT
is tractography, the virtual hypotheses: 1) a biexponential In the second application, algorithm the termination vasogenic edemas. important applications in
reconstruction of fiber model to describe intra- and dMRI data from 71 patients criterion was based on upper Lowering FA threshold to about the preoperative mapping of
trajectories. extra-cellular hindered diffusion, with brain gliomas were thresholds on both the 0.1 can provide similar results patients with brain gliomas.
Conventional dMRI methods such the latter expected to reduce analyzed with NODDI, a model orientation dispersion index to NODDIT in the edemas;
as Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) with protein deposition; 2) a with 3 compartments where (ODI) and on fISO. In a preliminary however, an unacceptable Conclusions
rely on the hypothesis of free model with restricted diffusion diffusion is free (CSF), hindered phase, the ODI threshold was specificity loss was highlighted, In all the proposed applications,
or hindered diffusion, which is in a spherical compartment (extracellular) and restricted in calibrated by comparison with with a high number of false the application of multi-
generally a good approximation modeling restriction in vacuoles. sets of sticks (intracellular), DTT in healthy regions. positives, as verified even in the compartment models was
only at low diffusion weightings dMRI data were acquired from respectively. The mean streamline density ventricles. clinically feasible and
(b-values). Many advanced dMRI 10 patients with CJD and A preliminary comparison with obtained by NODDIT and DTT The visual inspection of the advantageous when compared
methods have been proposed; 7 healthy and pathological an isotropic model showed that was evaluated in 3 ROIs per tractographic reconstruction of to traditional methods. This
in particular, multi-compartment controls. The two proposed NODDI intracellular fraction (fICV) patient: the tumor core, the specific tracts showed that in all involves a non-trivial work for
models of hindered and restricted models were fitted to the data is a valuable index of diffusion peritumoral edema and the the considered cases NODDIT the choice of suitable models
diffusion in compartments with and regions of interest (ROIs) restriction, even though contralateral WM. Compared provided more streamlines and the interpretation of results,
known geometry were developed were delineated in gray matter overestimated in isotropic to DTT, NODDIT streamline passing through the edemas, but the obtained parameters
to allow a more specific areas. The fitting performance conditions. densities were similarly high or even allowed reconstructing seem more specific to the
microstructural characterization of both the bi-compartment Grade II lesions displayed high in normally appearing WM, tracts completely missed by DTT underlying tissue microstructure
of tissues. models was significantly better extracellular volume fractions similarly very low in the tumor (figure 2). and its pathological changes.
The aim of this thesis was to than the mono-exponential (fECV), grade III gliomas showed core, and significantly higher in Thus, NODDIT could find
assess the feasibility of model- model, especially in the affected also regions with an increased
based dMRI techniques in clinical areas, but similar among them. fICV, and grade IV gliomas were
research, and to investigate their In hyperintense areas, the main usually heterogeneous. Instead
utility in the characterization of results were an increase of T2, a DTI parameters, namely FA, were
brain microstructural alterations. decrease of all the diffusivities non-specifically altered.
and an increase of the volume All the three NODDI volume
Model-based analysis of fraction of the restricted fractions allowed a statistically
dMRI signal in CJD patients compartment in the vacuole significant discrimination
In the first application, model. between grade IV and both
mathematical models were This study may represent grade II and grade III lesions
developed and applied to study an important step towards (figure 1).
the microstructural changes in the characterization of These preliminary results
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), microstructural changes in show that non-invasive tumor
the most common human prion CJD. Even though the precise characterization and grading
disease. pathological mechanism by NODDI is feasible in a 2. Example of tractographic reconstruction in a representative GBM patient.
The presence of asymmetric responsible for dMRI clinical context. This could have The cortico-spinal tract was reconstructed from the same ROIs with DTT (A) and NODDIT (B).

Pectin hydrogels for regenerative

PhD Yearbook | 2015

medicine: injectable systems, cell delivery
and antimicrobial formulations
Roberta Gentilini - Advisors: Prof. Maria Cristina Tanzi, Dott. Paola Petrini

In the last years, novel hydrogel contains a-(14)-D-linked preserve the peculiar structural for different tissues, providing a strategy often investigated specific biomolecules or to be

formulations were developed galacturonic acids (1.4-a-D- characteristics such as the a three-dimensional structural in literature. In this thesis, a modified for facing a specific
to obtain injectable products GalA) that are partially methyl- integrity of branched regions, support for the host cells. peptide-grafting was successfully challenge. The antibacterial
for tissue regeneration . The esterified and sometimes which show an important role in Cell immobilization within tested on pectin backbone to injectable pectin hydrogels can
advantages of using injectable partially acetylesterified Due to cell interaction. A high molecular a hydrogel represents an improve antibacterial activity. be used in multiple applications
hydrogels rely on their ability the peculiar gelling mechanism, weight and a low degree of innovative and successful Eventually, antimicrobial pectin where preventing bacterial
to conform to the defect shape low methoxy pectins, which esterification need to be pursued strategy to deliver cells in a hydrogels will be useful tools adhesion is still an unmet need.
and on the possibility of in vivo have a degree of esterification to form stable, ionotropic gels, damaged tissue. It is well known in several diseases, such as This research is aimed to the
delivery in a minimally invasive (DE) < 50, have been proposed in compatible conditions with that cells remain viable into osteomyelitis, in which the ultimate goal of combining these
way, thus reducing discomfort for the preparation of hydrogels cell viability or biomolecules injectable microspheres, where optimal treatment raises from different aspects producing a
and complications for the for biomedical applications, loading. the surface area to volume ratio the dual approach of cell delivery contactactive material composed
patient. As the challenging namely drug delivery, gene In view of developing pectin- is higher and the exchange associated to antibacterial effect, of different substances,
strategy implies that the cells delivery and regenerative based injectable systems of nutrients and oxygen is with the intention to induce both effective to dismantle
are loaded inside the gels. For medicine as implantable material for cell immobilization in promoted. In this thesis, the bactericidal effects and bone biofilms, and deliver cells in the
cell-loaded injectable gels, for minimally invasive surgery. applications of regenerative process for adipose-derived stem regeneration in a single step. To damaged tissue, disrupted by
cell entrapment is generally Pectin gels are proving wide medicine, the results of this cell (hADSC) immobilization in these aims, we demonstrated the infection, for pathologies
achieved in the liquid (or highly applicability as biomaterials with work demonstrated that the pectin-based bulk hydrogels that it is possible to produce a such as osteomyelitis and
viscous liquid) form of the recent advances in regenerative gelling kinetics and rheological was investigated. hADSCs pectin derivative endowed with periodontitis.
gel precursors, with severe medicine application, such properties of pectin hydrogels retained viability up to 24 hours antimicrobial activity by grafting
limitations on the conditions as microspheres. Bioactive can be modulated according after immobilization within antimicrobial peptides on the
and reagents used in the sol-gel modifications, such as enzymatic to the specific way of the 3D pectin matrices and pectin backbone.
transition often not compatible degradation, partial oxidation administration and to the tissue the presence of glucose and Considering the specific final
with cell viability and bioactive and RGD functionalization of to be treated. Particularly, by fine glutamine as additives resulted aim, i.e. biomedical application,
molecules immobilization. this polysaccharide were able tuning of sodium bicarbonate to play a key role in nutrient ad hoc production of pectin
Pectin, a natural polysaccharide to control degradation and and calcium carbonate content, and oxygen supply during the should be explored with
present in the cell wall of most cell adhesion. Hairy regions of a tight control of the pH of the first hours of immobilization, tailored extraction process,
plants, is nowadays object branched pectin, separated by hydrogel solutions was achieved, which are known to be the able to preserve its peculiar
of increasing interest for enzyme degradation, are known thus controlling their gelling critical phase for entrapped cells. structural properties and with
applications in the biomedical to promote proliferation and kinetics. In this context, it was After extrusion, the injectable the possibility to form ionotropic
field. Pectin is a biocompatible differentiation of cells (such as possible to obtain hydrogels hydrogels showed an excellent gels. These hydrogels could be
anionic polysaccharide that BMSCs to osteoblasts). with fast gelation that can be hADCS viability, indicating that evaluated as three-dimensional
constitutes 30% of plants wall In view to obtain an ad hoc used as in situ gelling systems, the presence of a 3D matrix (3D) cell culture systems, where
[1], widely used as thickener, pectin-based hydrogel for a or gels with a slower gelation protects cells from the damaging the cells can be entrapped
gelling agent, stabilizer and specific purpose, pectin can be process that can be used as injection process. Immobilized during gel formation in mild
emulsifier in food products [2]. extracted from different sources cell carriers, where the gel hADSCs maintained their conditions. The 3D systems can
It is almost entirely composed of and its characteristics vary preparation is performed prior stemness capability after 7 days be produced as injectable stem
three polysaccharidic domains: according to the plant species to injection. Furthermore, of incubation, indicating that the cell-loaded hydrogel for tissue
homogalacturonan (HGA), from which it is extracted. The the control of the rheological hydrogel did not affect the cell regeneration, by controlling
rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I) and main characteristics of the parameters allowed obtaining phenotype. the biochemical environment
rhamnogalacturonan-II (RGII). appropriate process of extraction thicker hydrogels to tailor the To provide an ideal environment within the gel. Injectable systems
HGA is the major component are the use of biocompatible mechanical stimuli of the matrix for anchorage-dependent cells, are not limited to cell delivery,
of pectic polysaccharides and chemicals and the possibility to and promote cell differentiation a peptide grafting of pectin is and can be exploited to release

PATIENT-SPECIFIC MULTI-PARAMETRIC MODEL OF THE thickness, the papillary muscles in a parametric probability had both an endocardial and

PhD Yearbook | 2015

within the LVendo structure density function described as a epicardial intervention (and
the structure. Due to the 3D
weighted sum of two Gaussian
densities g(x|i, i). We obtained
consequently a EAM).
To construct the mesh of
Tachycardia ablation procedures bending geometry of the LV mean and variance values of the myocardium, containing
cavity, we used the alpha- the two Gaussians. To identify information about the
shape. Then, from each LVendo hyperenhanced areas other myocardial wall thickness,
Sofia Goncalves Antu Supervisors: Giovanna Rizzo, Sergio Cerutti triangle vertex, a ray was casted thresholds were also p and epicardial fat depth and
outwards, and the distance p + (vp)/2 experimented myocardial scar areas, we
to the nearest point on the (healthy myocardial tissue extracted a triangulation (surface 123
In the pre-procedural Cardiac Anatomy approaches to detect non- LVepi surface was taken as the mean value h and nonviable mesh) for each segmented

planning and guidance of Segmentation viable myocardium including myocardium wall thickness. myocardial tissue mean valuep). structure. Using the distances
electroanatomic mapping (EAM) Image-guidance allows the perfusion defects in MDCT; two Points with distance less than The best threshold to detect DE from the LVepi to the LVendo
and radiofrequency (RF) catheter navigation of the catheter tip approaches are on the early 5 mm were considered scared scar in our experiment was the surface, zones where the
ablation (CA) procedures in over the cardiac structures of angiographic scan and one on areas. formulation: p + (v p)/2 , thickness was less than 5 mm
ventricular tachycardia (VT), the interest within a high resolution the delayed scan. On the early As the detection of myocardial which best matched with the were considered scar vertices.
knowledge of the exact location anatomical map. For this intent, scan compromised zones are scar areas in the delayed scan experts identification of hyper For each triangle vertex of
and extent of myocardial scar the accurate segmentation hypo-enhanced when compared consist in detecting high density enhanced zones. Using this the LVepi mesh, the distance
is important. Today, delayed of the patient specific cardiac to the normal myocardium or values when compared to the threshold, it was possible to from LVepi to the epicardial fat
enhanced magnetic resonance anatomy of interest is a present myocardial wall thinning. nor- mal myocardial tissue, we extract scar most in agreement surface was computed; points
imaging (DE-MRI) is considered fundamental effort. Of great The approach to detect scar studied different thresholds with the opinion of the above 3 mm were considered
the imaging gold standard importance in any epicardial on the delayed scan, contrary to detect scar as similar as physicians on the scar location, myocardial scar.
for the assessment of scar intervention is epicardial fat to the first case, consists in physicians would do. We with a satisfactory classification. In patients that underwent an
tissue and it is being used, tissue, it may be confused searching for hyper-enhanced made different assumptions epicardial intervention, points
integrated into the 3D EAM with myocardial scar causing zones of the myocardium. We to determine the best way to Myocardial Multi-Parametric with epicardial fat thickness
system, to guide ablation useless ablation. Moreover, took the advantage of having identify automatically areas Map greater than 3mm were added
procedures. However, multi- the anatomical course of the the myocardium segmentation of scar; the first one was Using information from the to the myocardial mesh to be
detector computed tomography main coronary vessels may from the early scan, where the that scar in DE MDCT has automatically segmented cardiac considered as myocardial scar.
(MDCT) could be an interesting help in optimizing epicardial myocardium boundary is clearly similar attenuation values structures of interest, describing Bipolar and Unipolar voltages
alternative. The main reasons are interventions, reducing potential defined, to use as template than the blood pool. For scar location and extent, as were correlated with MDCT
related to the reduced artefacts damage of such structures. for the scar identification. this reason, using the LVend well as zones of thick fat layers based scar 35.3% of low bipolar
caused by the implantable For the anatomical segmentation Since the heart cannot be segmentation from the early we face the myocardial map voltages of the EAM, and
cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), a 3D level set algorithm based seen as rigid body, we model scan as template on the pre- construction. Additionally, the 64.72% of unipolar low voltages
the higher spatial resolution on a multi-scale directional the transformation as a sum registered delayed scan, we created map was compared with points are within our defined
when compared to DE-MRI with stopping function was of global rigid transformation identified the parameters of the findings of EAM, created scar.
which we can have detailed developed, implementing and a local elastic deformation the Gaussian distribution of the previously to the CA procedure.
information about the anatomy the Geodesic active contour (free-form deformations) for the LV attenuation values (mv,sv). The decision of an endocardial Conclusions
of the heart (e.g. trabeculae and (GAC) formulation. The correction of the deformations In order to identify the best or epicardial EAM and RF This work represent a step
coronary arteries) as well as the stopping function was that may occur due to the parameters to identify scar, we ablation approach was taken forward not only to the
reliability in visualizing epicardial applied twiceupdated after beating heart and other used as thresholds the following basing on the prevalent accomplishment of accurate
fat distribution. The purpose the convergence of the first anatomical motions. values: mv , mv 1sv and mv distribution of scars at CE-MDCT patient-specific segmentation
of this work was to construct evolution, reducing the scale The extraction of nonviable 2sv . or during the failed endocardial of cardiac structures, but also
a 3D multi-parametric model space of the edge detector, until myocardium was accomplished Looking to the myocardium, on procedure. Values greater to the introduction of MDCT
of the heart by segmenting the level set converged again. as described in the following. the other hand, as it involves than 1.5 mV defined normal scar detection as a feasible and
automatically ventricular cavities, We validated the proposed In the case of (if scar is present) a mixture of LVendo bipolar electrogram effective approach to plan EAM,
left myocardium, myocardial method quantitatively on the hypoenhancement, we two tissue types (corresponding amplitudes and values greater aiming at improving CA RF and
scar, epicardial fat and with the manual segmentations calculated mean m and variance to two different histogram than of 8 mV defined normal LV reducing intervention time.
coronaries from MDCT images. done by expert radiologists. s2 of the entire data and used attenuation peaks), a Gaussian endocardial unipolar electrogram
Further, this map was compared as higher threshold m 3s to mixture model with two amplitudes.9 patients have an
with the findings of EAM, Myocardial Scar identify the low attenuation component densities was used ICD; 8 had only an endocardial
created previously to the RF CA Segmentation values. In order to accurately to identify two clusters on the and one only an epicardial
procedure. There are three different measure myocardial wall myocardial tissue. It consists intervention, and two patients


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Luigi La Barbera - Relatore: Tomaso Maria Tobia Villa

Posterior spinal stabilization Anatomical (e.g. pedicle support as well as its stiffness stabilization, bisegmental

by means of pedicle screw-rod inclination, interpedicular in ISO 12189 standard, were bridge stabilization and
based implant is a gold standard distance), as well as found to be significant, leading vertebrectomy with an anterior
in the surgical treatment of biomechanical parameters (e.g. to a much higher stress increase support (Figure 3). These models
a great variety of diseases. follower load distance, center of (even beyond 420%) than the were validated against in vitro/in
Clinical results demonstrate an rotation distance, unsupported anatomical parameters alone: in vivo literature data. The results
improved outcome with respect screw length), useful to catch this light, care should be taken demonstrated that ISO 12189
to traditional techniques stand the most important features of when using ISO test method. procedure reproduces quite well
alone. Significant improvements the thoracolumbar spine, were Since the above described results a physiological instrumented
have been made since the collected as a function of the were obtained on a simplified scenario during flexion of the
introduction of pedicle screw spinal level both from a review design capable of catching only upper body. Moreover, simple 2. Parametric FE models according to
ASTM F1717 and ISO 12189 standards
technology in 1980-90s, of the literature and using direct the general features of a pedicle considerations can help in (a, b respectively) and corresponding
however a high complication measurements on physiologic screw-rod based implant, a comparing and interpreting the meshed reference models (b, c
rate is reported still today (from subjects. A parametric FE more realistic design was also achieved results using different respectively).
12.0 to 54.0% after 2000). (finite element) analysis was considered. A parametric FE testing procedures with respect
Moreover, fatigue-related performed on both standards model of a commercial spinal to the effective clinical use.
failures, due to the high number evaluating the contribution of fixator was built and validated
of loading cycles experimented each parameter in increasing using strain gauges technique. A
during everyday life activities the stress arising on the implant parallel preliminary experimental
(e.g. walking), are continuously (Figure 2). A few parameters mechanical characterization
reported especially at the screw were found to be significant revealed that the fatigue life of
level (from 1.2 up to 35.0% (i.e. leading to a percentage constructs assembled according
after 2000). stress increase greater than to the proposed revised version
The present dissertation is 2%). Moreover, the geometrical of ASTM standard may be
aimed to better understand and configuration implemented significantly lower than those
possibly improve the current in ASTM F1717 standard assembled according to the
standards published by the reproduces quite well an average current one: this was interpreted
American Society of Testing instrumented thoracolumbar as a confirmation that a 1. Sagittal view of a patient 3. Starting from a validated L2-L4 FE
and Materials (ASTM) and the spine segment; however the standard revision should be instrumented with a spinal fixator model, different clinical scenarios
to stabilize the lumbosacral segment were simulated. The vertebrectomy
International Standardization anatomical worst case scenario taken into consideration.
(a). Simplified drawings of the scenario was directly compared
Society (ISO) for the in vitro due to the combination of the A final numerical analysis experimental approaches used to with ASTM standard model, while
preclinical evaluation of the most important anatomical was led to better understand evaluate the mechanical properties of the bisegmental stabilization,
mechanical behaviour of parameters was found at L1, posterior spinal fixators according to a bisegmental bridge stabilization and
whether the stress arising on
vertebrectomy scenario implemented a vertebrectomy with an anterior
posterior spinal stabilization leading to a maximum stress the posterior spinal stabilization by ASTM F1717 standard (b) or to a support were compared to ISO 12189
devices. In particular, the validity increase of about 15% for device in standard configurations physiological instrumented scenario models were the spring stiffness was
of ASTM F1717 and ISO 12189 ASTM F1717 and about 10% may be really representative of according to ISO 12189 standards (c). also varied.
standards, representing a for ISO 12189 standards: these some everyday life activities.
vertebrectomy (worst case) and scenarios were then proposed as A previously validated L2-
a physiological instrumented a basis for a revision proposal of L4 spine segment was then
2-Functional Spine Units (FSUs) the standards. Other mechanical instrumented according
scenarios respectively (Figure 1), parameters, such as the initial different clinical scenarios:
was investigated. precompression of the anterior vertebrectomy, bisegmental

Multimodal magnetic resonance imaging

PhD Yearbook | 2015

at 3 T and challenges for application at
ultra-high field
Eleonora Maggioni - Advisors: Prof. Anna Maria Bianchi, Prof. Sergio Cerutti,
Ing. Gianluigi Reni
Multimodal neuroimaging enormous opportunities that data. For the first time, using the connectivity analysis at of healthy subjects. The fMRI BOLD determinants. The

opens up a unique window of are currently unfulfilled, due to new selection method based on UHF, the delicate issue of response to IPS was investigated, results of the fMRI activation
opportunity for the investigation important technical challenges: wavelets, we have been able to anatomical segmentation at 7T then the EEG information was analysis were compared to the
of function and structure of the in this respect, the PhD thesis recover at the channel level the is introduced: besides higher used to study evoked potentials, NIRS ones and the coupling
brain. Each imaging method focuses on the pre-processing physiological alpha rhythm in problems of inhomogeneity, the frequency content and between BOLD and NIRS signals
probes specific physiological phase to set the ground for the occipital channels. Although tissue contrasts exploited at UHF functional connectivity in the IPS was investigated in the NBR
processes with characteristic future complex unimodal and the quality of removal can be can be different from the most frequencies. An EEG-informed regions. NBRs were found to
resolutions, giving a filtered view multimodal analysis at UHF. still largely improved, these common ones and may require fMRI analysis investigated the be characterized by an HbO
on one or more brain processes The first section deals with the preliminary results pave the way specific processing techniques. hemodynamic correlates of the decrease and a concomitant
of interest. The combination of pre-processing of EEG-fMRI for future resting state EEG-fMRI The Tissue Border Enhancement EEG power changes in the IPS HHb increase w.r.t. baseline
different imaging modalities can data and is dedicated to the analysis at UHF. (TBE) technique allows an frequencies. The quantitative condition (Fig.2): the NIRS study
overcome the limitations of the removal of cardiac-related In the second part of the immediate visualization of the comparison between patient provided new information
single techniques, as it allows to artefacts from EEG data thesis, the interest is shifted borders of brain tissues: a new and control group revealed on the negative BOLD
1) extend the coverage of the recorded in MR environment towards the processing algorithm for the extraction many peculiar characteristics phenomenon.
spatiotemporal domain and 2) at 3T and 9.4T. Using resting phase. Methods for complex of borders in TBE images is that contributed to delineate the In summary, the present PhD
get a more comprehensive view state data, the performances of fMRI connectivity analysis described, called Minimum patients clinical picture. Finally, thesis has given insight into
of physical and physiological different sophisticated correction are described: in particular, a Intensity Snake Algorithm in the patient, the fMRI epileptic some crucial analytic challenges
properties of the brain. methods based on independent novel whole-brain parcellation (MISA). MISA follows iteratively network was extracted and of the multimodal integration at
The present PhD dissertation component analysis (ICA) were scheme that integrates MRI the path of minimum intensity the pattern of propagation of normal and high field, drawing
gives a comprehensive quantitatively compared, in anatomical and functional within the image using functions the epileptic activity within the attention on the combination of
overview of the advantages terms of their capability to 1) information is presented. The of graph theory. When applied network was inferred. MRI with other neuroimaging
and possibilities provided by reduce the artefact, 2) recover new parcellation divides the to a TBE image acquired at 7T, techniques, especially EEG. The
brain magnetic resonance the underlying physiological brain into non-overlapping it led to a satisfactory detection results are promising and open
imaging and its integration with information. Since the spatially connected clusters and of tissue interfaces (Fig.1). The the door to future complex
complementary neuroimaging discrimination of artefactual can be used to define nodes in combination of TBE and MISA multimodal analysis at UHF.
techniques, with special interest components from physiological connectivity networks that are can overcome the limitations
towards simultaneous EEG- ones is challenging, different homogeneous in both structure related to traditional imaging
fMRI. Indeed, the integration methods for the selection of and function. The test on two techniques at UHF, opening the
of EEG and fMRI offers the PA-related components were synthetic datasets demonstrated road to several applications.
unique opportunity of providing considered. an overall capability of the In the last section of the thesis,
a non-invasive comprehensive In the 3T study, the selection algorithm to correctly identify a set of methods for the analysis
view of brain function with high based on the components the functional clusters, both in and integration of EEG, fMRI
temporal and spatial resolution. wavelets transform, which is a resting state and in presence and NIRS data is shown. A
The primary objective of the PhD novelty of the thesis, resulted of stimulations. The reliability comprehensive overview of the
thesis is to develop technical the most accurate in preserving of the novel method was information of clinical utility 1. Borders between GM and WM
instruments for pre-processing, the physiological alpha rhythm further confirmed by real data that can be extracted from identified by MISA.
analysis, coregistration in the occipital channels. applications: the parcellation 1) the EEG and fMRI techniques
and fusion of multimodal In the 9.4T study, the overall showed a good reproducibility is given, as applied to the In a group of healthy subjects,
information, to be used at EEG physiological information across healthy subjects, 2) led to study of photosensitivity. The the negative BOLD responses 2. Plot of BOLD and hemoglobin
normal or high magnetic field was distorted by the UHF, from effects of intermittent photic (NBRs) to IPS were investigated responses to IPS in one example
a reliable definition of epileptic
channel (channel 3-4) of one exemplar
strengths. Multimodal imaging amplitude and spectral content networks. stimulation (IPS) on one patient by means of the NIRS technique, subject. The grey area corresponds to
at ultra-high field (UHF) offers to connectivity pattern of EEG To set the stage for future were compared with a group able to give insight into the the IPS interval.

MONITORING OF VITAL PARAMETERS FOR SLEEP between parasympathetic and frequency-domain and long- robustness of the estimation of

PhD Yearbook | 2015

sympathetic influences, during term regularity parameters. the regularity parameters has
ASSESSMENT THROUGH WEARABLE AND SMART rapid eye movement (REM) Using the information present been studied as function of
sleep. in literature, four different the amount of data. Secondly,
DEVICES an application for mood state The new generation of classifiers were trained obtaining implementing the requirements
classification in bipolar patients technological tools, in
particular in the field of
results that can be considered
comparable in terms of both
in a series of rules to decide,
recording-by-recording, which
Matteo Migliorini - Advisors: Profs. Annamaria Bianchi, Sergio Cerutti telecommunication, material accuracy and value of K. What feature satisfy them. Following
science and digital signal it is interesting to notice is this procedure, some features
processing, gave rise to wide the reliability in estimating a can be calculated even if the 129
Quality of sleep is then one of a home monitoring system to integrate this with tangible application of wearable and parameter of clinical interesting requirements for computing

the aspects that mostly influence could represent a cost-effective data found in emerging research smart devices for monitoring like the sleep efficiency (SEFF). the others are not satisfied. For
our everyday life. Literature solution for continuous on central and peripheral vital signs (in particular HRV The dissertation aims to elevate example, if the ECG recording
report that a high percentage of monitoring and, therefore, risk changes in brain function that signal) in ambulatory subjects the attention on evaluating is completely corrupted,
serious car or work accidents are prevention. may be associated to the clinical during their daily activities. sleep classification performance macrostructure-related sleep
caused by daytime somnolence Sleep is also a sensitive status and response to treatment These devices allow the remote by means of sleep-related parameters (TIB, SOL, WASO,
due poor sleep quality. It is barometer of emotional status throughout the course of mood and continuous monitoring of features (like SEFF, TWT, WASO, TWT, TST and SEFF) can still be
important to remark that the and psychiatric conditions. Sleep disorders. Disease management people in different circumstances etc) instead of the highly estimated through the analysis
difficulty in the identification difficulties have been associated for psychiatric patient, through and situations, such as diagnosis used metrics, i.e. accuracy, of the body movement signal.
of symptoms and the costs with emotional states and continuous, non-invasive procedure, monitoring of sensitive and specificity. These In this dissertation was
connected to an accurate clinical psychiatric diagnoses related to monitoring represents a novel patients with cardio-respiratory sleep-related features find demonstrated the feasibility of
evaluation can give rise to anxiety, affective dysregulation approach. Today, psychiatric or mental diseases. This is application in clinical studies; a home monitoring of bipolar
underestimation or to the lack of (depression, manic states patients together with their because the patient lives his/her therefore, it seems more useful patients. The information that
diagnosis of sleep disturbances. and bipolar disorders), post- relatives face a great deal of daily life and is not perturbed to estimate them in a reliable can be gathered from the HRV
In addition, generally, there is traumatic-stress disorder and problems, resulting often in psychologically by the hospital way than computing a precise signals seemed to be useful for
a small number of specialized other more specific behavioral a premature interruption of environment. This also results hypnogram. The HRV and the the assessment of the different
centers. Further, a bad quality disorders such as attention treatment and of follow-up in economic savings by the sleep regulations influence stages of such pathology.
of sleep was proven to have deficit and hyper-activity by psychiatric services, due to reduction in hospitalization different pathologies including Moreover, they represent an
an impact on blood pressure, disorder (ADHD). The evaluation the deinstitutionalization of costs. mood disorders. Some changes objective evaluation of the
decreases the immunity of a sleep disorder is often mental health services and the This PhD work aimed to give a in modulation of the ANS was disease providing instruments for
defenses and may increase mixed with the assessment or establishment of services in mathematical characterization demonstrated to be amenable its study and interpretation. This
the insurgence probability of consideration of the psychiatric primary care, community centers of sleep, both to provide a to bipolar disorder, while other can be taken into consideration
metabolic disturbances such condition. Hypersomnia may and general hospitals. The use of clear and scientific quantitative processes reflect physiological from the clinicians and the
as obesity and diabetes. In be the main symptom in some wearable devices can open the description of the underlying mood changes in bipolar caregivers to better take care
addition, sleep disturbances, depressive disorders, as seasonal possibility to provide continuous physio-pathological phenomena, patients. and support the patients.
for example, the ones related depression, depression with and ubiquitous access to medical and to allow the implementation The crucial point of such analysis
to breathing, have a strong atypical features or depressive excellence in a cost-effective of an automatic classifier for was represented by the choice
association with cardiovascular episodes in bipolar disorder. way. speeding up the study of sleep of monitoring the patients in a
pathologies. For all these Psychological state assessment, Sleep is a complex state macrostructure in regular clinical naturalistic environment. The
reasons, an indication on the in particular bipolar disorder physiologically characterized practice. Moreover, it aimed study of a psychiatric disorder
sleep quality may constitute a management, is one of the by important changes in the to characterize the regulatory during the real life, at patients
good parameter for prevention areas of great demand for autonomic regulation of the autonomic behaviors behind the home gives results of relevant
of some pathologies and can the need of continuous cardiovascular activity. HRV is course of the bipolar disorder clinical importance. On the
provide a tool for improving monitoring, patient participation largely affected during sleep in order to pave the way for the other hand, such uncontrolled
quality of life. The introduction and medical prediction. The by sleep-stage organization: creation of a supporting tool to environment might be affecting
of textile wearable devices, as nature of bipolar disorder is specifically, evidence suggests a help clinicians in facing better the recording quality. It was
well as sensorized mattresses unpredictable and episodic. predominant vagal drive to the this disease. shown a possible way to face
constitutes a great advantage in Thus, it is necessary to take the heart and a reduced sympathetic It was demonstrated that the this issue through two steps.
prevention and also in follow- traditional standard procedures tone during non-rapid eye HRV signals contain information First, by evaluating the minimal
up. In fact, they can be used at of mood assessment through movement (NREM) sleep and that can be connected to the requirements for a reliable
home without the intervention the administration of rating an increased sympathetic sleep modulations that can be estimation of the considered
of medical personnel. Thus, scales and questionnaires, and modulation, with fluctuations inferred from time-domain, features. In particular, the

A NOvEL IMAGE REGIsTRATION sTRATEGy fOR both the classical registration

PhD yearbook | 2015

problems (such as patients
ONCOLOGICAL PEDIATRIC BRAIN IMAGEs fusION movement during the scans) and
the growth of the patient during
these evaluations which could
be also more the 9 years.

Eros Montin - Advisor: Prof Luca T. Mainardi - Tutor: Prof Paolo G. Ravazzani

Image registration is one of types of degradations, it is because of the several well- Fusion of radiotherapy and diffusional dataset (AM).

the fundamental procedures impossible to design a universal known drawbacks e.g. the
of image processing in the method applicable to all the non-convexity of the metric in
field of medical imaging. fusion tasks. Hence, in order the parameter space. Therefore,
Medical images are widely to obtain an optimal solution, registration strategies based
used for diagnosis, treatment a greater attention has to be on MI are usually constrained
planning, disease monitoring paid during the selection of the in order to obtain smooth
Longitudinal image registration of pediatric MRI, by
and image guided surgery above components which have deformation fields. This increasing the complexity of the transformation model
and can be acquired using to be defined according to the deformation smoothness is not using a pluri-metric approach. Namely translation,
different imaging modalities like nature of the specific registration always desirable in oncological rotation, scaling, and non-rigid based on b-spline.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging problems. Among these three field where the lesion presence
(MRI), Computed Tomography components an important role may induce huge localized
(CT), Xray, Positron Emission is played by the metric. Intensity tissues changes. Therefore
Tomography (PET). Images based fusion metrics assume in this thesis, an alternative
obtained using different that some particular features similarity measure has been
modalities, usually, need to extracted by image voxels will proposed and implemented.
be compared to one another be most similar when the correct The metric integrates MI with a
and/or combined for analysis registration transform is applied. local descriptor of the images
and decision making. In this They can be sub-divided in to be matched in a pluri-metric
scenario the aim of image two macro groups in relation approach. Since two images are
registration is to find the best to the kind of registration task considered fused when intensity
alignment between a fixed they solve: mono-modal and changes occur in the same MRI0 (bottom right corner) creation from the MRI1 (top
(reference) image and a moving multi-modal. The first one solve location in the two images to right corner) using a deformation field (bottom left
one (source) by evaluating their registration task of images be registered, the elected local corner) which mimic a real patient growth pattern. MRI
0 can be compared with the real MRI0 (top left corner) of
similarity. Image registration can acquired with similar parameter descriptor was a gradient based The neuro-radiological atlas exploited in the atlas-based
the patient.
be visualized as an optimization settings, conversely, multi-modal filter. The reliability of this metric segmentation, the colored area represent a part of the
regions considered in the segmentation. In red is also
problem which maximizes the one solve all the others. was evaluated in comparison reported the dose of a patient as example.
matching between these images to the literature ones and
by changing the parameters of Therefore, one of the most finally utilized in a real clinical
a geometrical transformation challenging problem in the oncological case.
which maps points in one image image fusion field arises from
to the corresponding points in multi-modal images registration. The main aim of this study was
the other one. Literature metrics based on the reassessment of images
information theoretic techniques acquired in pediatric age in
An image registration procedure had great experimental success comparison to the adolescent
is mainly composed by three and are becoming widely used one, by means of Diffusion
components: a geometric in the multi-modality fusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). The activity
transformation model, a activity. Among them, Mutual concerned the late realignments
similarity measure and an Information (MI) is considered of images arising from different
optimization algorithm. Due the elective state-of-the-art. scanners, modalities, patient
The seven anatomical areas used as focus point during
to the diversity of images to However, MI optimization is age and therapies. The main the registration performance assessment of the
be registered and the diverse still considered a hard task challenges of this task arise from Fusion of radiotherapy and diffusional dataset (FA). registration between CT and MRI0.

Advanced microfluidic platforms for

PhD Yearbook | 2015

investigating the role of microenvironmental
signaling on stem cell fate
Paola Occhetta - Tutors: Prof. Alberto Redaelli - Ing. Marco Rasponi

In vivo, cells are surrounded poorly mimic the native cellular and experimental throughput. on human mesenchymal stromal

by a complex multi-factorial microenvironment, featuring Considering these premises, cell osteogenic commitment.
environment characterized levels of stiffness that are microfluidic platforms represent Finally, a forth microfluidic
by specific physicochemical orders of magnitude higher promising in vitro models, platform is introduced for (i)
properties (temperature, pH, than those found in vivo and increasingly exploited as trapping and culturing single
oxygen tension), which provide lacking in presenting 3D cues enabling tools in the field of cells into defined spatial
cells with exogenous stimuli typical of the native cell physical cell biology, from the screening 2. Four microscale platforms and/or techniques are presented. For each configurations, (ii) while
deriving from soluble factors, environment. In the past few of drugs or molecules, to platform, a specific microfluidic strategy has been applied to define a automatically delivering them
cell-matrix interactions, and cell- decades, several attempts have the optimization of culture technological solution for addressing a specific biological goal. concentration patterns of non-
cell contacts. The orchestrated been made to address these conditions for inducing specific diffusive particles (i.e. gene
and spatio-temporally dynamic issues proposing macroscale cell fates. stem cell fate. In details, four approach for skeletal tissue vectors). An exploitation of
interplay of these biochemical 3D culture models relying on In this scenario, this PhD project microscale platforms and/or regeneration. the platform is then proposed
and physical extracellular innovative biomaterials, often envisions the exploitation of the techniques, ad hoc conceived A second microscale strategy is to perform on chip high-
cues, referred to as cell combined with laboratory- main principles of microfluidics in the context of national and introduced to spatially tailor the throughput screening and
microenvironment, regulates scale bioreactors. Although for the generation of innovative international collaborations, 3D microenvironment around optimization of transfection
cells structure, function and providing a more reproducible technological solutions for are presented. Each chapter is cells, based on the combination strategies, in the context
behavior, ultimately guiding and controlled approach to addressing specific questions in focused on a single platform of an innovative biocompatible of a collaboration with the
their fate. Considering the investigate mechanisms of the field of cell biology. and underlines how a specific photopolymerizable hydrogel Biocompatibility and Cell culture
complexity of the native cell cell behavior within a 3D microfluidic strategy has been (VA-086-GelMA) and an Laboratory (BioCell, Politecnico
microenvironment, in vitro environment and to engineer applied to the definition of easy to handle photo-mold- di Milano, Italy).
models are required as tools functional constructs, these a technological solution for patterning (PMP) technique.
for better understanding the approaches still have to deal addressing a specific biological The work presented in this
key pathways regulating cells with size-scales that are orders goal. chapter is partially the result of a
behavior. In order to achieve of magnitude bigger than the The first presented microfluidic collaboration with the Cell and
reliable and biologically relevant native microenvironment. platform was designed with the Tissue Engineering Laboratory
results, such models should Recently, microscale and aim to (i) generate and culture (IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic
feature the ability to in vitro microfluidic technologies are 3D cellular microaggregates Institute, Milano, Italy).
recapitulate the dynamic finding increasing applications under continuous flow perfusion As third technique, a microfluidic
combinatorial role of soluble as innovative approaches in while (ii) conditioning them cell mixer is presented, as the
factors, matrix-bound cues, cell biology studies, enabling with different combinations/ result of a collaboration with
cell-cell contacts and cell-matrix an unprecedented control over 1. The main principles of microfluidics concentrations of soluble the Tissue Engineering and
adhesions on cell responses. the cellular microenvironment were exploited for the generation of factors. An exploitation of Microfluidics Laboratory (TEaM,
innovative technological solutions for
To date, much of the current while reducing the time and addressing specific questions in the
the platform is proposed, University of Queensland,
understanding in cell biology the scale of experimental field of cell biology. in collaboration with the Australia). The integration of this
relies on traditional bi- platforms for better matching Tissue Engineering Laboratory mixer as upstream functional
dimensional (2D) in vitro cell the cellular level. Moreover, The aim of this research is thus (University Hospital of Basel, element within two different
culture models, which mainly they allow for automating and the development of microfluidic Switzerland), to perform studies microfluidic platforms is then
consist in the static culture of parallelizing experimentations platforms and techniques on limb bud development and demonstrated for the automatic
cells seeded on polystyrene and coupling cell cultures as tools for investigating investigate processes involved establishment of 2D and 3D
flat surface plates (mm to cm directly with high-throughput and modeling the effect of in mesenchymal progenitor osteogenic co-culture models,
in characteristic dimension). analysis systems, thus improving different cues from the cellular cells differentiation, towards a aiming at investigating the
Such substrates, however, simultaneously model accuracy microenvironment in addressing developmental engineering influence of pre-osteoblastic cells

Automatic Decellularization and properties. HE staining, DAPI no relevant differences, however endothelial cells seeded are lost

PhD Yearbook | 2015

and DNA quantification it was observed an increasing at 2 weeks and substituted by
Decellularized Scaffolds for Blood assessed the absence of cellular
or nuclear material while HE,
trend for silk and a decreasing
one for decellularized. ELISA
host cells confirming the data
reported in the literature for
Vessels Tissue Engineering Movat Pentachrome and SEM
observation confirmed the
assay showed that macrophages
on decellularized scaffolds do
both small and large animals
models. On the contrary,
maintenance of ECM structure. not produce Il-6 opposite to unseeded implants ranging from
Alessandro Filippo Pellegata - Advisor: Prof.ssa Sara Mantero The mechanical characterization those seeded on silk fibroin. 6 to 14 weeks occluded due to
revealed no statistically intimal hyperplasia and growth
significant differences. Vessels Discussion of fibrous tissue in the lumen. 135
Introduction to the implantation or if the a pressure drop that coupled implanted in the chimeric The decellularization protocols These results end in the still

Decellularization is the complete host body could be used as both with a pulsatile pattern of the human swine model explanted presented in this thesis brought open question on the need of
removal of all cellular and cell source and bioreactor with pump exerts a circumferential at 2 weeks were patent with positive decellularization results an endothelialization previous
nuclear material from a tissue positive outcomes. Considering strain on the vessel. The system vWF+ cells covering the lumen as cell removal and preservation to grafting, indeed the literature
preserving its extracellular this complex scenarios, this can be programmed to drive and an ongoing migration of the ECM mechanical reports opposite data and there
matrix. The results of the thesis aimed at the development complex protocols that involve of a-SMA+ cells from the properties, moreover the is a contradiction between the
process are scaffolds that have and characterization of a different decellularization adventitia to the media. The hypotonic-detergent-serum loss of seeded cells and the
biochemical properties able decellularized arterial scaffold solutions repeatedly exchanged 10 weeks trial showed a more protocol allowed to limit timings better outcomes of seeded
to stimulate the cell adhesion, and its characterization in-vitro according to user-defined spread and deep repopulation and costs. The cell removal and grafts. Our findings have the
proliferation and differentiation and in-vivo. Beside this, in orderpatterns, the process parameters of the vessel wall by a-SMA+ the mechanical properties are peculiarity of the absence of
beside to mechanical properties to overcome the limitations that can be specified are the cells. Interestingly at 2 weeks crucial for blood vessel tissue antiplatelet drugs administration
similar to the native tissue and of manual operated processes number of solutions, the it was observed that no cell engineering because possible while this therapy is usually
a preserved tissue structure. this thesis aimed also at the timings, the recirculation positive for human CD31 was cellular remnants could elicit provided. Overall, a supposition
To date, the majority of development of a device for pattern, the flow rates and present in the lumen while the high inflammatory response or can be made on a paracrine
decellularization processes the automatic decellularization the temperatures. Sterility and cells forming the tunica intima calcification, while a compliance role in the early phases for
are performed with manual of blood vessels that could reliability of the device were were positive for swine CD31 mismatch could elicit intimal endothelial cells that influences
operation, limiting the safety, autonomously drive the process validated. meaning that seeded cells were hyperplasia. Storage is an the late term resolution of the
reliability and reproducibility while keeping sterility and while The swine arteries were lost and substituted by host unavoidable step in the whole implant. To give preliminary
of the process while these being easy and versatile to use. decellularized using the cells. On the contrary, results of process of scaffold production insight on these phenomena
are mandatory requisites in automatic device with the unseeded implants showed and it was also demonstrated we analyzed the macrophages
the translation to the clinic. Results hypotonic-detergent-serum that except for the 6 weeks that the -80C storage do not response to decellularized
To overcome this issue the A device able to drive a whole protocol in order to validate explant, all the other time points affect the mechanical properties. scaffold and results showed
automation of the process automated decellularization both protocol outcomes and resulted in occlusion because The device developed proved a lower and less persistent
can fulfill the previously stated process for blood vessels was device functionality. Results of the growth of amorphous to be functional and effective inflammatory response in
requisites and some groups are designed and developed. It showed no residual cells nor fibrous tissue inside the lumen for the decellularization of comparison to the response to
now performing decellularization consists of an hydraulic system nuclear material. Mechanical and intimal hyperplasia as blood vessels, and it represents silk fibroin scaffolds.
using devices. able to perfuse and recirculate properties testing showed no reported by HE staining. The an approach aimed at the
Decellularized scaffolds have up to three decellularization statistically significant differences occlusion was populated by automation of the whole process
been used also for blood vessels solution, a thermal regulation in respect to native tissue for a-SMA+ cells, new vessels, rather than a tool to provide
tissue engineering trying to fill system and an user interface. both compliance and burst lipids deposition and sparse a mean of decellularization,
the existing clinical gap for small The chamber was designed pressure. Moreover outcomes macrophages. The investigation like perfusion. Furthermore the
caliber arterial substitutions. ad-hoc for the application, showed that the mechanical of macrophages interaction with device showed an enhancement
Decellularized vascular scaffolds perfusion is provided by means stimulation enhances the decellularized scaffolds showed for the decellularization of very
have been investigated in various of dedicate holders, the system decellularization in case of 3 mm that decellularized scaffolds elicit small caliber vessels thanks
in-vivo model and reached also can house vessels of different diameter vessels. a lower expression of genes to the innovative system of
two cases of clinical implantation lengths (up to 100 mm) The evaluation of the for Il-1b, Il-6, MMP9, TNF-a at perfusion that provides radial
but for large vessels substitution. and diameters (3-7 mm), an decellularization of swine 24h compared to silk scaffolds and longitudinal strains with
However it is not yet clear in the innovative feature of the device arteries using the hypotonic- while after 96h only IL1b and a simple setup. The chimeric
blood vessels tissue engineering is the distal holder whose weight detergent-enzymatic protocols IL6 were lower. Arg I expression human swine in-vivo implants
field, and also for decellularized generates a longitudinal strain resulted in a good degree of was instead higher at both 24 resulted in patent vessels both
vascular scaffolds, if it is needed on the vessel and, at the same cell removal and preserved ECM and 96h, CD206 was higher at at 2 and 10 weeks. Interestingly
an endothelialization previous time, the internal geometry gives structure with good mechanical 24h. VEGFA expression showed it was demonstrated that the

In vitro electrophysiological studies of

PhD Yearbook | 2015

neuronal networks: a novel device for
reliable, prolonged and high throughput
Microelectrode Array experiments
Giulia Regalia - Supervisors: Prof. Alessandra Pedrocchi and Prof. Giancarlo Ferrigno

In the field of modern sessions (i.e. up to 1 hour), reproducibility of MEA readouts. to-noise ratio comparable to recordings with observation and of mechanisms at the basis

Neuroscience research, cultures which prevents from performing Towards the establishment standard recording devices; continuity, (ii) standard of late-onset neurodegenerative
of primary central neuronal cells the uninterrupted tracing of of such a device (Fig. 1), (iv) air-tight external access operating conditions of cell pathologies mimicked in vitro
coupled to substrate-integrated neuronal processes that develop multiple activities have been to chemically manipulate the culture practice, (iii) avoidance (e.g. Alzheimers disease).
Microelectrodes Arrays (MEA) over extended periods of time performed over the PhD cultures without withdrawing of environmental fluctuations,
represent an unparalleled (e.g. several hours to several work. As a preliminary step, them from the chamber; (v) a (iv) reduction of the operator
methodology to study network- days or weeks), such as network the spontaneous activity of versatile software tool for on- intervention, (v) reduction of
level electrophysiological development, long-term hippocampal cultures (n=96, line classification of neuronal the number of replicates and
properties of neuronal plasticity or effects of chronic three different cell densities) spikes detected by MEAs, able the time required to have
ensembles in both physiological pharmacological treatments. A was tracked with a standard to save time in data analysis of significant results, (vi) enhanced
and pathological conditions. second key requirement is the equipment (i.e. brief recordings prolonged MEA recordings. culture comparability and data
Nowadays, non-invasive and possibility to perform parallel once every 48 h) over 1 month The prototype was successfully reproducibility (vii) nullification
multisite MEA recordings of MEA recording of multiple in vitro, which allowed to obtain deployed to perform long of stress to cells and infection
neuronal electrical activity are a cultures, which enhances statistically robust reference lasting (from some hours up to risk during cell culture chemical
mainstay technique for studies culture-toculture comparability data to validate the device to 10 days) electrophysiological manipulations (medium change
about neuronal networks and shortens the experimental be developed. Then, a portable recordings of neuronal culture and pharmacological tests)
dynamics, neuronal plasticity timescale, with an important environmental chamber was spiking activity, demonstrating and (viii) easiness to integrate 1. Scheme of the developed
and drug and toxicology tests. impact on pharmacological characterized and tested with the possibility to trace the other devices in the system. experimental platform intended
Due to the role that results from tests. Third, compactness and cell viability assays and it was unperturbed evolution of The device lends itself to be for prolonged and parallel in vitro
neuronal recordings by means of
these studies are expected to accessibility to the MEA setup proven to grow neuronal neuronal activity patterns employed in studies of neuronal Microelectrode Arrays (MEA).
play in Neuroscience research, are essential features to allow cultures on the lab bench in a (Fig. 2). Moreover, the validity phenomena such as long-term
reliability and reproducibility the integration of technological comparable fashion with respect of the system in performing plasticity, pharmacological
of the experimental outcome tools needed to perform to standard cell incubators. prolonged and parallel neuro- dose-response experiments,
are crucial for MEA-based experiments (e.g. microscopes, Starting from this proof-of- pharmacological stimulations investigations of chronic effects
studies. To this aim, a first pumps). concept, an advanced prototype has been demonstrated by of pharmacological treatments
requirement is the presence Notwithstanding previous was designed, including: (i) a means of reproducible data
of physiological conditions efforts to improve standard MEA closed and compact chamber over prolonged pharmacological
during experiments. However, experimental setups, still an housing 4 cultures on MEA; dose-response experiments.
the recurrent withdrawal of experimental platform is missing (ii) integrated environmental It can be concluded that the
cultures from the cell incubator that integrates the capabilities sensors (relative humidity, work presented in this Thesis
to perform MEA recordings to properly meet all the three carbon dioxide, temperature) constitutes a valid platform to
results in the deflection of abovementioned requirements. coupled to a custom electronic perform MEA experiments on
environmental parameters This work is a technological control unit and a real-time in vitro neuronal cultures under
(e.g. temperature and gaseous contribution towards the data logging software, able to physiological environmental
atmosphere composition) development of a stand-alone assure incubator-like temporal conditions. The design and
from canonical in vitro growth mini-incubator capable of stability, accuracy and spatial experimental verification of the
conditions, in mechanical stress providing uninterrupted MEA homogeneity; (iii) custom system have been thoroughly
to the cultures and in increased data in a high-throughput electronic boards compatible reported in the Thesis. Overall,
infection risk. Such perturbations format while keeping with the environmental the developed device has
2. Example of a prolonged MEA recording (10 days) of a neuronal cell culture
trigger functional alteration and permanently neuronal networks chamber and capable of reading advantageous capabilities inside the devised system, showing the time course of the spontaneous spiking
changed cell viability, limiting the in physiological conditions, out neuronal spikes from 4 for electrophysiological and rate averaged across the electrodes (A) and 10-minute snapshots of spike
duration of single experimental thus enhancing reliability and 60-channel MEAs with a signal- pharmacological studies: (i) MEA timing at each recording site extracted at different time points (B).

Experimental and numerical characterization is using a simple unit cell to

PhD Yearbook | 2015

set-up the geometry of the
of native bone tissue and glass ceramic bone scaffold walls in order to predict
the Youngs modulus of the
scaffold at small scale structure as a function of the
porosity. A good agreement
between the results is found
Mohamad Shahgholi Ghahfarokhi - Supervisor: Prof. Pasquale Vena confirming that the prediction
from the computational model is
an effective approach for above- 139
Its every human beings right technique. In particular, the in order to run a survey on mentioned purpose.

to live with dignity and the study of the bone tissue is porosity dependency of the Moreover the computational
absence of suffering during his/ focused on the dependence of mechanical characteristic of the model results show the
her lifetime, but our lack of the mechanical properties on material. In addition, beside anisotropy of the scaffold. This
knowledge on systemic, organ, the applied load or characteristic the glass ceramic material, the feature is investigated utilizing
tissue and cell degeneration due size of the experiment. The study went through mechanical two different approaches.
to senescence indicates that the study was aimed at identifying characterization of trabecular/ First the structure anisotropy 1a. Gray level distribution of the nanoporosity across a layer obtained by
ageing process is often beyond and quantifying a damage cortical bone of bovines at the is evaluated by the calculation CT-scans, dark voxels related to high porosity, whereas white voxels relate to
low nanoporosity. The image is from an area indicating 9556m9940m by
our control. Therefore, plenty mechanism occurring in the same scale. of the Mean Intercept Length 696724 pixels, in which each pixel includes13.73m 13.73m area.
of studies are carried out in bone tissue upon loading. The The mechanical properties at the (Whitehouse 1974), that is a 1b. A schematic view of a pixel size area illustrating both glass-ceramic
different laboratories to expand experimental characterization micro scale are investigated by standard method to check if material and nanoporosity obtained by SEM.
the related knowledge and was carried out on both the means of the nanoindentation the structure is mainly aligned
amend the treating methods. cortical bone tissue as well as experimental technique and in a specific direction. A degree
Most models of aging at cellular on the trabeculae of spongy the mechanical properties at of anisotropy of 25-30% is the scaffold walls was owed an effective tool to the
level are derived from simple in- bovine bone samples. The the macro scale are obtained found in this way. On the other to the intrinsic porosity of the prediction of the mechanical
vitro experiments in addition to damage mechanisms were by means of computational hand, the effective volume sintered ceramic. Consistent properties of the scaffold as
animal models ranging from fish further investigated by means tools only. The data found (Quinn 2003) is calculated in values with other investigation a function of their physical
to primates. of numerical simulation of the through the experiments is order to quantify the unloaded techniques carried out by the properties like macro and micro-
Changing in physiological nanoindentation experiments at used to feed the computational volume, due to inhomogeneity research group in the Polytechnic porosity and 3D architecture.
microenvironment and multiple characteristic lengths on models for the macroscopic of the stress distribution in the university of Turin validated the
alternations in signaling the cortical bone samples. characterization. The 3D structure during the simulations. results found in this study.
between cells and even distant The chosen material for bone structure of the scaffold has According to the results, the As a general conclusion, the 3D
tissues and organs leads to scaffolds is a glass-ceramic been scanned with a micro-CT structure anisotropy can be glass-ceramic scaffolds which
systemic age related diseases material derived from a highly scanner for further investigation. explained properly by both are designed and manufactured
such as osteoporosis. This bioactive glass (called CEL2) Based on the scanned images, anisotropy of the scaffold with the final aim to build
project is an initial step towards (Vitale-Brovarone et al. 2008). a binary volume is built architecture and inhomogeneity tissue models to be used in-
a long-term goal of generating It shows very promising bio- up, in which the value 1 is of stress distribution. vitro testing of drugs simulating
reliable biomimetic models of a chemical properties and it can indicating the material and the The interpretation of comparison healthy, diseased or aged bone
bone tissue. The tissue should be produced with a controlled value 0 is indicating porosity. between the mechanical tissues have a good potential to
be applicable for studies of multi-scale porosity, which Subsequently, a finite element response of the glass ceramic achieve their purpose.
pathological conditions and is significantly important model based on the binary material and that of the bone The manufacturing process to
development of pharmacological to improve the scaffold volume is developed in order to tissue is that the glass ceramic obtain the 3D scaffolds, which
strategies reducing animal and characteristic. Hence, the goal model the structural geometry bulk material does not exhibit should exhibit mechanical and
clinical testing as well as time of this study is to perform a of the sample and to estimate the typical damage response physical properties consistent
and cost associated with them. mechanical characterization of the mechanical properties of the (decreasing indentation modulus with those of the trabecular
As a contribution to this wide the glass-ceramic scaffold at scaffold at macro scale. with increase of indentation bone in different aging or clinical
framework, this study aims different scales, in particular The results of the computational load). On the other hand, the conditions, can be tuned so to
at studying the mechanical micro and macro scales. For model are checked by result decreasing trend of indentation provide the scaffolds with the
properties of the bone tissue such a study, a bulk form of the of an analytical model. The modulus was observed by the desired elasticity and strength
and of glass-ceramic scaffold material, non-pores (without model was adopted based on same indenting on the 3D properties. The experimental 2. Colorimetric maps of the reduced
at small length scale by making any porosity), is examined as an analytical approach proposed sintered ceramic scaffolds walls. and computational framework modulus and hardness related to
use of the nanoindentation well as a 3D Porous material, by Zhu et al. (1997). This model The decreasing trend found on reported in this study provides areas (bulk glass-ceramic)

Tubular structure tissue engineering:

PhD Yearbook | 2015

design and validation of a novel
multifunctional rotating bioreactor
Ilaria Stefani - Supervisors: Prof. Sara Mantero, Prof. Justin J. Cooper-White

Injuries, genetic diseases, cancer, improved patient follow-up and construct during maturation, axis, to allow scaffold tensioning potential to produce a tissue scaffold production, creating

ageing: all things that can life expectancy. Despite new and in preclinical models to and to connect with different engineered tubular grafts, an a multi-layered structure with
harm the complex functioning surgical techniques and drug investigate the host response hydraulic circuit in a fast and innovative PCL/PLA-TMC based a smooth continuous layer
of the human body. In 2012, improvement, these solutions (e.g., neovascularization, re- trustworthy way. electrospun tubular scaffold facing the internal lumen, it
an estimated 56 million present many limitations, such modelling), and the behaviour Bench test results was realized, and chemically is expected that endothelial
people died worldwide, with as donor shortages, permanent of the produced substitute once demonstrated that a reliable and mechanically characterized. colonisation of the inner layer
noncommunicable diseases immunosuppressive regimens, grafted. and easily assembled device The three-dimensional matrix will be possible. This would then
(NCDs) responsible for 68% of increased risk of infection, One area of particular interest is was developed. The main demonstrated mechanical permit more comprehensive
all deaths globally, up from 60% unwanted side effects, and, in in the replacement of damaged characteristics of the system properties comparable with testing within the bioreactor,
in 2000, registering an alarming case of artificial supports, finite hollow organ structures such were: 1) ease of handling, native blood vessel tissue, and a demonstration of the
increase. durability as those found throughout that makes the system user- presenting a promising full versatility of the developed
Cardiovascular disease alone This scenario let to an increasing the cardiovascular, respiratory, friendly, and reduces the risk candidate for vascular tissue system. With the dual chamber
accounted worldwide for 17.5 interest in the field of tissue urinary, and gastrointestinal of contamination; 2) versatility regeneration. organisation of the bioreactor,
million deaths in 2012, that engineering, which merges systems. Whilst the current of the system; capable of PCL/PLA-TMC matrix and the growth conditions for the
is three in every 10 deaths. In engineering and life sciences surgical procedures for axial rotation, separate media developed bioreactor recreated development of smooth muscle
terms of proportion of deaths knowledge with the final goal replacement of damaged tissue environments for inner and a suitable 3D environment and endothelial tissue layers can
that are due to NCDs, high- to develop in vitro cellularized commonly use autologous outer layers, and the ability for mesenchymal stem cells be independently optimised.
income countries have the functional substitutes able to grafts, this is hampered to connect to different growth and differentiation. Furthermore, whilst rotation
highest proportion (87%), restore or improve tissue and by the poor availability of hydraulic systems to produce The results confirmed that 3D and double phase culture were
followed by upper-middle organ activities. The three most suitable graft tissue, donor laminar and pulsatile flow dynamic culture allowed for a demonstrated to be successful,
income countries (81%). important ingredients of tissue site morbidity, and poor long within physiologically relevant better control over the cell fate the use of hydraulic pumps to
Ischaemic heart disease, stroke, engineering are biomaterials, term stability of the substitute. pressures.3) compatibility with and behaviour by facilitating provide pressure, load, and flow
lower respiratory infections and cells collected from a patient and As such, there is a critical the best standard of good mass transfer phenomena, stimulation on the tissue can be
chronic obstructive lung disease proper environmental culture demand for the production of laboratory practice. With this by facilitating the medium to tested; both in terms of directing
have remained the top major conditions (i.e., a bioreactor). tissue engineered grafts that new system we were able to flow through the scaffold wall. the cells to form a suitable
killers during the past decade. In summary, a porous delivery are capable of meeting the combine different stimuli and Moreover, the transmural flow tissue for grafts, and in terms of
End-stage organ failure or system is needed that confines functional requirements of the safely join rotation, perfusion favoured cell migration trough performing rigorous testing of
tissue loss is also one of the cells to the desired location, organ system without inducing and gentle stretching of the the thickness of the tubular potential grafts.
the most costly problem in after in vitro mechanical immune or inflammatory cultured patch, all functions matrix, permitting extracellular We can state that this research
medicine: over 8 million surgical stimulation. Significant progress responses, or losing function that until now were separately matrix formation and deposition led to the production of
procedures are estimated to has already been made in the over time. considered in dynamic cultures. along all the structure. both an innovative device for
be performed every year to field and examples of successful The presented research project, The preliminary culture Whilst the scaffold showed both tubular organs regeneration,
treat these disorders in the clinical implants of tissue- aimed to design, fabricate experiments, carried out with favourable mechanical properties and the characterisation of a
United States alone, incurring engineered products include and characterize an innovative Biofelt, gave the proof of the as well as an outer layer, novel scaffold for potential use
a tremendous health care cost skin substitutes, nasal cartilage, multifunctional bioreactor for functionality of the bioreactor. which facilitated mesenchymal in vascular grafts. With the
of more than $400 billion functioning bladder and trachea. the regeneration of hollow The obtained results revealed stem cell colonisation for modularity of the bioreactor
annually. Over the last 50 years, Whilst these are promising organs, able to overcome the that the application of rotation the eventual formation of a along with a relative ease of use,
transplantation of an extensive results, much effort is still limits of the current available stimuli favourite the penetration tunica media, the ability of the the device holds great potential
variety of tissues, reconstructive required in vitro, to elucidate devices. of the cells into the scaffold inner layer to support growth for future production of tissue
surgical techniques, and basic mechanisms regulating A prototype was produced able wall, enhancing the production of cells that would form a engineered tubular grafts.
replacement with artificial cell response, and the to perform rotation of a tubular of extracellular matrix. tunica intima was not tested.
devices have significantly behaviour of the engineered scaffold along its longitudinal For the testing the bioreactor With further refinement of

Image Processing of 4D Phase Contrast MRI

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Data for Hemodynamic and Morphometric
Analysis of Thoracic Aorta
Daniele Tresoldi - Advisor: Ing. Giovanna Rizzo, Prof. Anna Maria Bianchi
Tutor: Prof. Paolo Ravazzani
Introduction considered the gold standard of edge or constants areas. This and maximum contour distance can be found: clinics, where are only to study the complex

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), in research to study the blood approach, after being properly between manual and automatic improved both the visualization relationships between the
a group of disorders that affect flow characteristics evolving in calibrated, was applied on segmentation. (streamlines and pathlines) and geometry and hemodynamics
the heart and the vessels, are thoracic aorta and it is also used PCMRI images acquired with Finally, a 3D triangular surface the analysis of the flow, with within the aorta in pathological
the leading cause of death in clinical protocol to extend different SENSE reduction factors mesh of thoracic aorta in the the possibility of speed up the and in healthy subjects but
worldwide. In order to assess traditional anatomic evaluation. and its effects were evaluated peak of systole was created. acquisition, and Computational also to define new and simpler
CVD initiation and progression, The aim of this project is in terms of image quality (noise This 3D model, together with Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulations indices that can be used to
blood flow characteristics are to study, to develop and to in velocity images), regularity of the velocity data, was exploited where the regularized velocity describe and quantify the
known to play an important evaluate advanced methods to the velocity fields (divergence to provide a comprehensive field can allow a quantitative presence and the progression
role, since hemodynamic allow and to improve the use of the velocity field, relative morphometric and direct analysis of complex of CVD. Finally, the 3D mesh of
alterations are closely related to of 4D PCMRI images of the error in velocity magnitude and hemodynamic characterization patient-specific 4D flow pattern. the thoracic aorta could be easily
pathological condition and may thoracic aorta for hemodynamic absolute error in flow direction), of the vessel of each subject. In The segmentation method had assimilated into computational
have a causative role in CVD and morphometric evaluations. aorta flow pattern visualization particular, we made quantitative proven to be able to properly fluid dynamics frameworks
evolution. In order to better Two main purposes can be (streamlines, and secondary measurements of blood velocity segment the thoracic aorta to get even more realistic
understand the mechanism distinguished: 1 - to propose flow patterns) and flow rate and flow, aorta area and in subjects acquired with and computational hemodynamic
of initiation and progression a new filtering approach able quantification. diameter considering different without SENSE parallel imaging models using the velocity values
of CVD as well as to assess to denoise and regularize 4D To segment thoracic aorta planes. with results comparable to the extracted in cross-sectional
the presence of the pathology velocity maps providing volumes lumen from velocity data, a new manual contour delineated planes as boundary condition.
condition, flow patterns study suitable for hemodynamic approach was developed, which Results and discussion by two experts. Quantitative
should be integrated with the applications and 2 - to develop is based on Level Set algorithm Qualitatively, after ADF analysis has confirmed the good
morphometric characterization, a new segmentation method to a computational technique application on PCMRI data, behaviour of the method: the
which consists in evaluating size extract the vessel lumen and to able to control the evolution of image noise was visibly reduced, mean distance between the
(diameter or radius, area) and create a 3D model which can a contour through an implicit while gradients associated contours is comparable to half
shape (curvature or tortuosity) of be directly used to calculate function, widely used for its to the image features were of a pixel (mean distance = 1.07
vessels. In fact, a strictly relation patient-specific indices for a ability to follow the topology preserved. In fact, the noise mm) in the non SENSE dataset
between alteration of blood comprehensive morphometric change of the object. The vessel characterizing the velocity and was equal to 1.36 mm
flow characteristics and changes and hemodynamic aorta of interest was first manually images decreased after filtering for the SENSE dataset. The 3D
in morphology of the vessel has characterization. identified by an operator and and, in agreement with this, mesh representing the thoracic
been demonstrated in many then a two-step algorithm the value of divergence was aorta, showed, in all subjects,
aortic diseases. Materials and Methods was applied: an initial rough reduced at least by 320%. a realistic shape, characterized
3D cine Phase Contrast MRI The proposed noise reduction surface was calculated using a Improvements in visualization of by a degree of smooth
(4D PCMRI) can extract a strategy is the application of Fast Marching Level Set which streamlines and secondary flow comparable to a physiological
quantitative depiction of spatial an Anisotropic Diffusion Filter was then refined, smoothed were observed for all the SENSE vessel. Through the proposed
distribution of blood flow (ADF), a well-known filtering and adapted to the local reduction factors applied in approach, it was possible
velocity as function of time technique able to reduce morphological characteristics PCMRI acquisitions; streamlines to easily and automatically
together with magnitude images data noise preserving image of the vessel using a Level Set are longer and more regular calculate both morphometric
visualizing the subjects anatomy contours. ADF is based on the Geodesic Active Contour (GAC) than in the not filtered data, due and hemodynamic indices on 1A. blood flow visualization using
This imaging technique, based anisotropic diffusion equation, approach. This new method to the more regular 3D velocity seven planes along the vessel. In streamlines of PCMRI dataset after
on the observation that spins which controls the evolution of was tested on subjects acquired field. In fig.1_A the streamlines fig.1_B the 3D patient-specific ADF application.
1B. Patient specific Thoracic Aortic
moving through magnetic field a filtering smoothing function with and without SENSE parallel calculated in systolic phase after vessel model is shown. These Model: 3D mesh, centerline and
have a phase shift proportional through the characteristics of imaging and it was validated in ADF application are shown. Two information automatically its curvature and a vessel contour
to their velocity, is now the image, such as the proximity terms of area overlap and mean main context of applications calculated can be used not calculated from one orthogonal plane.

Industrialization and pre-clinical testing manufacturing of biological LAL and media fill tests. implantation analysis on grafts

PhD Yearbook | 2015

tissues, has been developed. Pre-clinical testing has been confirmed the effectiveness
of an oscillating perfusion bioreactor Thanks to the attention paid
during the design phase on the
carried out in order to validate
the bioreactor and comprised:
of the bioreactor in carrying
out automatic and safe
(OPB) for tissue engineering strategies industrial design concepts and
on GLP and GMP, the bioreactor
a. Experiments in order to
verify the performances of
tissue engineering processes,
delivering constructs with
proved to be easy in setting the bioreactor in seeding an osteogenic leaning.
Caterina Turrisi - Relatore: Prof.ssa Sara Mantero up and in managing all the and culturing several cell The effect of the dynamic
functionalities, being able to types. A study aiming at culture conditions on the
receive patient-derived cells and optimizing seeding process cell differentiation was 145
Advanced therapies and in promising in engineering of bioreactors already in supporting scaffold, to seed and through Design of Experiment investigated by studying the

particular tissue engineering different type of tissues (bone, the marketplace, a device culture them on the scaffold statistical method has been expression of genes involved
strategies have encountered an cartilage, heart). They are accounting for all the under perfusion condition and to carried out. Once optimized in osteogenic differentiation
increasing interest and a rapid employed in tissue engineering requirements needed to deliver an engineered construct seeding parameters using and characteristic of the
evolution in the last couple of procedures to perform specific be successfully used into a suitable for implantation. Ultrafoam scaffolds and MG63 extracellular matrix of
decades, due to their potential and important functions such streamlined bioreactor-based Furthermore the developed these parameters were then bone tissue. The RT-PCR
to significantly impact current as cell seeding on porous advanced therapy strategy bioreactor is compact and used in seeding other scaffold results showed that the
therapeutic modalities by scaffolds and confined medium is still a lack. In this context therefore easy to be used inside and cell types. Optimization perfusion is a valid stimulus
providing a virtually unlimited perfusion through porous the present study focuses a standard cell culture incubator. through DoE allowed in addressing cells toward
supply of patient-specific scaffolds seeded with cells. on the industrialization and All parts have been designed to identifying which parameters the osteogenic lineage, in
tissues and organs. Increasing Moreover they: a) allow to the pre-clinical testing of a facilitate the procedures and to influence the seeding results. presence of osteogenic culture
in the number of advanced overcome the typical drawbacks technological platform based reduce the manual operations. In particular we found that the medium. Both early and late
therapies undergoing both of manual procedures and on a prototype bioreactor (OPB, The implementation of a flow velocity and the seeding markers are more expressed
early and late-stage clinical improves efficiency of seeding Oscillating Perfusion Bioreactor) sensing system able to monitor time influence the seeding in dynamically cultured
trials as well as FDA-approved processes and uniformity of for tissue engineering the culture parameters allows efficiency, while the seeding constructs than in statically
commercial products that have cells distribution inside porous purposes. Aim of the project meeting traceability requirement, density influences the cell cultured ones for ENGIpore
already entered the market scaffolds, promoting the was to develop a scalable and which is a key aspect in quality viability. As to scaffold and scaffolds.
strongly indicates that these achievement of more uniform robust bioreactor, enabling control management. cell type main differences in
therapies are emerging as a engineered constructs; b) flexible culture strategies and seeding efficiency were found
distinct healthcare sector. The improve efficiency of oxygen monitoring and control of the in relation to scaffold type and
translation of successful research and metabolites transfer and culture environment, taking into in particular to its permeability.
results into the clinic however catabolites removal c) allow account serial manufacturability In performing culture the
still suffers of important issues, automation and monitoring and quality assurance, for the bioreactor proved to be
such as cost, time, lack of ease of culture medium exchange cost effective and automated reliable and robust and was
of application and difficulty procedures; d) allow physical manufacturing of biological able to deliver constructs
in complying with regulation. stimulation of cells seeded tissues. The study comprised two with higher cell content
In this context the field of into porous scaffolds, through main phases: industrialization and viability and with a
automated cell cultivation shear stress generation; e) and pre-clinical testing. better distribution of cells
using highly specialized reducing the use of manual During the industrialization throughout the scaffold
bioreactor designs and stringent actions, promote the transfer of phase the prototype version thickness with respect to
1. Industrialized OPB
bioprocess controls will be Tissue Engineering procedures of the bioreactor has been statically cultured ones.
crucial for the development of from research to clinical re-designed in order to comply b. As final step of validation, in
biomanufacturing technologies application, improving the with regulatory requirements A validation activity has also vivo implant and evaluation
suitable for clinical-grade traceability, reproducibility, in term of GMP practice for cell been carried out in order to of bone grafts generated
production of advanced efficiency and safety of and tissue culture. In particular demonstrate the correspondence by means of the developed
therapies. Many types of processes (key requirements for a scalable and robust bioreactor, with the requirements and perfusion bioreactor have
bioreactors have been designed these procedures to compete enabling flexible culture the robustness and the safety been performed in order to
to provide different stimuli in with traditional therapeutic strategies and monitoring of the of the device. It comprised: a) verify the performance of
relation to the specific tissue alternatives in terms of cost, culture environment, taking into installation qualification (IQ); b) the device in carrying on a
to be developed. Among Quality Control and Good account serial manufacturability operational qualification (OQ); c) complete tissue engineering
these, perfusion bioreactors Manufacturing Practice). and quality assurance, for the performance qualification (PQ), process. Ovine animal model
have proven to be particularly Despite a high number cost effective and automated with the execution of sterility, has been chosen. Pre-

Multi-perspective investigation of the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

effectiveness of anti-thrombotic treatments
in association with shear-mediated platelet
Lorenzo Valerio - Advisors: Prof. Alberto Redaelli, Prof. Gianfranco B. Fiore,
Prof. Marvin J. Slepian
Ventricular assist devices will be useful in assessing and dynamic. For what concerns the Results obtained after exposure

(VADs), the most prominent developing new more effective constant conditions, platelets of DMSO-treated platelets to
solution for treatment of heart anti-thrombotic pharmacologic were subjected to 30 and 70 different level of shear stress are
2. Mean % of platelet activation reduction provided by different antiplatelet
failure (HF), are still burdened agents. dyne/cm2 for a total time of agents (A1-G1) tested after 10 min exposure to Dynamic_30 (A) and represented in Figure 3.
with several post-implant In the first part of the thesis, we 10 min via the HSD. On the Dynamic_50 (B). % reduction are intended compared to control group. (* p < Our studies indicate that a
complications like pump failure, aimed at investigating the effect other hand, the used dynamic 0.05) See Fig. 1 for details regarding antiplatelet agents tested. paradigm shift is required in the
infections or thrombotic events. of nowadays on the market anti- shearing profiles were extracted development of new antiplatelet
Increased shear stresses are a thrombotic therapies on shear- from the stress accumulation The antiplatelet agents effects of physical forces drugs for the treatment of shear
hallmark of flow conditions induced platelet activation after (SA) distribution (probability investigated were Aspirin, encountered by flowing through mediated platelet activation. In
in blood recirculating devices, shear stress exposure via the density function, PDF) calculated Dipyridamole, Cilostazol, cardiac assist devices. particular, the discovery of new
and patients implanted with hemodynamic shearing device by mean of CFD simulations Pentoxifylline, Eptifibatide and New mechanisms of action agents able to affect platelet
such devices require lifelong (HSD), a computer controlled within the DeBakey VAD. The Ticagrelor. were also studied to overcome membrane fluidity may reduce
anti-thrombotic therapies to cone-plate viscometer able to profiles corresponding to the The percentage of platelet the limitations associated with the need of large antithrombotic
counteract the high risk of reproduce with high fidelity the 30th (Dynamic_30) and 50th activation reduction calculated current therapies. Dimethyl therapies, offering an effective
thromboembolism. dynamic shear stress profiles (Dynamic_50) percentiles of for all kinds of samples treated sulfoxide (DMSO) was used to protection to platelets when
Although these agents have encountered by blood within the PDF were implemented in with drugs compared to control, modulate intactness and fluidity exposed to high shear stress
proven their effectiveness as VADs. the HSD. Platelet activity state are represented in Figures 1 and of the platelet membranes with conditions as within VADs.
biochemical inhibitors of platelet We subjected gel-filtered after exposure to shear stress 2. the final goal of reducing shear-
activation, their behavior under platelets (GFP) pre-treated with was monitored using a specific At 30 dyne/cm2 the majority mediated platelet activation.
shear stress, i.e. in response drugs to different shear stress prothrombinase assay, the PAS of the tested agents showed a Membrane integrity and its
to physical forces encountered profiles, either constant or assay. protection effect, with a mean capacity to respond to external
when the blood passes thorough reduction of 55% (Figure 1-A). stimuli plays a key role in the
VADs, has been only marginally The same trend was found mechanotransduction apparatus,
investigated. with platelets subjected to the which is responsible of shear-
In the present dissertation Dynamic_30 condition (mean mediated platelet activation.
a detailed investigation is reduction of 50% compared
performed to assess the to control) (Figure 2-A). On
ability of traditional and the other hand, at higher
unconventional antithrombotic shear stress (70 dyne/cm2 or
treatments to protect platelet Dynamic_50) only Cilostazol
from shear-mediated activation. and Ticagrelor, respectively
In particular, both commonly corresponding to the drug
used antithrombotic drugs displayed as G1, C1 and C2,
and unconventional chemical seemed to protect platelets.
agents (DMSO) are tested 1. Mean % of platelet activation reduction provided by different antiplatelet Results obtained suggest that
under constant and dynamic agents (A1-G1) tested after 10 min exposure to 30 dyne/cm2 (A) and 70 dyne/ the most common antiplatelet
cm2 (B). % reduction are intended compared to control group (* p < 0.05).
shear stress conditions with Antiplatelet agents: A: aspirin alone (A1 - 25 M, A2 - 125 M); B:aspirin in agents, which are normally used
the aim of identifying the best combination with other drugs (B1- ASA 25 M + dipyridamole 5 M, B2 - ASA in anticoagulation management
mechanism of action able to 25 M + eptifibatide 0.25 g/ml, B3- ASA 25 M + pentoxifylline 100 M, B4- for patients treated with
ASA 25 M + eptifibatide 0.25 g/ml + pentoxifylline 100 M); C: ticagrelor (C1
inhibit shear-mediated platelet - ticagrelor 10 M, C2 - ticagrelor 100 M); D: dipyridamole (D1 - dipyridamole
mechanical cardiac devices, are
3. Ability of DMSO to modulate shear-mediated human platelet activation.
activation, thus paving the road 5 M, D2 - dipyridamole 10 M, D3 - dipyridamole 25 M); E1: eptifibatide 0.25 only partially able to protect Pre-treatment with DMSO at specified concentrations (10 min., 37C). Data are
towards a viable approach that g/ml; F1: pentoxifylline 100 M; G1: cilostazol 50 M. platelets from the activation represented as mean SEM. (* p < 0.05).
Technology and Design for Environment
and Building | Territorial Design and
Government | Aerospace Engineering
| Architectural and Urban Design |
Architectural Composition | Architecture,
Urban Design, Conservation of Housing
and Landscape | Bioengineering |
Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage
| Electrical Engineering | Energy and
Nuclear Science and Technology |
Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture and
Exhibition Design | Management, Economics
and Industrial Engineering | Materials
Engineering | Mathematical MODELS and
METHODS IN Engineering | Mechanical
Engineering | Physics | Preservation of
THE Architectural Heritage | Rotary-
wing aircrafts | Spatial Planning
and Urban Development | Structural
Seismic and Geotechnical Engineering PhD Yearbook | 2015


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Formation aims production engineering and management, safety admits (or not) the doctoral candidate to the final

Chair: The PhD Programme in Building Engineering provides the chance engineering, applied economy. disputation, on the basis of the thesis scientific
Prof. Manuela Grecchi to research about innovation of design, technology and process Doctors in Building Engineering can become: validity and originality.
of buildings. The growing complexity of the construction sector, professionals with advanced and up-to-date
and the challenges of sustainability and environmental impact, technical skills, who can work as consultants The doctorate activities are strengthened by the
require innovations ranging from the design and construction and project managers in engineering systematic and operative contact with:
process, to high-performance components and systems for new and companies, architectural offices, construction the most advanced manufacturers of the sector;
refurbished buildings, to advanced tools to predict performances firms or manufacturing industries; research centres and particularly ITC/CNR in
and manage the whole process. highly qualified professionals suitable for Italy, CSTB in France, CIB (International Council
The construction sector is characterised by a growing complexity, roles of planning and development managers for Research and Innovation in Building and
due to evolving regulations (such as the nearly zero energy buildings in construction companies, components Construction) at an international level, the
required in 2020), changing expectations of the users, and an ever manufacturing industries, and engineering doctorate is member of the CIB Students
expanding market of materials, products and systems. Moreover, companies; Chapter;
the economic downturn requires a huge effort to face these new researchers for private and public research the Italian (UNI) and International (ISO,
challenges and drive the sector towards 2020 and beyond. institutions (including Universities). CEN, EOTA, IAI) Headquarters of normative
This is why the PhD programme in Building Engineering deals with elaboration;
innovation in terms of technology, process and whole buildings. This The formative programme the public administrations system;
demand for innovation derives from the urgent need to reconsider The formative programme generally develops as the industrial and professional associations that
the environmental impact of buildings and their components, follows: operate in the sector.
and from the progressive industrialisation of the sector, requiring the first year is dedicated to the formulation
the characterisation of the performances of new products and of the research problem, to the development In the last years, internships and study periods
components over their life cycle. of the first knowledge of the field, to covering have been carried out at these institutions:
The new challenges of energy efficiency and environmental impact possible formative debts and to the attendance Aalborg Universitet Denmark
reduction concern all the phases of the construction process of basic and specialized courses; Aalto University School of Chemical Technology
(planning, design, production, management and decommissioning), the second year is dedicated to the Espoo, Finland
requiring a truly multi-disciplinary approach. development of the research problem through BRE - Building Research Establishment London,
Inside this complex sector, the engineering disciplines that support the extension of the knowledge concerning the UK
the planning of building works has consolidated into research objectives of the thesis; CSTB Centre Scientifique et Technique du
lines about the science of materials, environmental issues, the third year constitutes the most intense Batiment Paris, France
energy efficiency and management, comfort, building services, period of autonomous and original elaboration Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP
organizational aspects, construction and management, and of the thesis and its topic. Holzkirchen, Germany
economy. Fraunhofer Institute fr Solar Energy Systems ISE
In the development of the thesis, the relations Freiburg, Germany
Synthetical indication of the phd profiles with other researchers and the periods of study IIT,Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago,
The PhD programme in Building Engineering prepares high-profile and internship at Italian and foreign research Illinois, USA
professionals and researchers that are able to strengthen the centres are fundamental. Such experiences are Institute for Applied Sustainability to the
technological transfer from research to the construction sector. highly appreciated and favoured by the doctoral Built Environment ISAAC, SUPSI Lugano,
This figure operates inside the engineering processes in a context committee. Switzerland
that is becoming increasingly complex and multidisciplinary. The The thesis is carried out with the support of a Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -
doctor in Building Engineering can deal with building science and tutor and its whole course is monitored by the California USA
technology on the versants of building physics, building material teaching staff through semi-annual disputations. Newcastle University - School of Architecture,
engineering, service life of systems and components, building At the end of the doctorate the committee Planning and Landscape

The University of New South Wales Faculty of 2. Innovation of the productive and managerial

PhD Yearbook | 2015

the Built Environment, Sydney, Australia processes of the industry, the companies and
TUM - Technische Universitt Mnchen United the public administrations involved in the
Nation Habitat office in Nairobi Kenia building sector, for new buildings as well as
University of Bath, UK for management and refurbishment of existing
University of Gvle (HIG), Sweden buildings:
University of London, UK operative, procedural and managing methods
University of Salford Manchester, UK and tools for the optimization, qualification
UNSW -The University of New South Wales and validation of the building process, such
Sydney - Australia as project and construction management, 153
University of Sidney - Sydney - Australia project financing, value engineering and

University of Hawaii Honolulu - USA interoperability.


Research topics are broadly organised as follows: Sponsors for the Building Engineering
1. Technological and design innovation for programme include public bodies, companies
both new and refurbished buildings, driven of the construction sector (builders, producers
especially by environmental sustainability and of components and systems, etc.) and design /
energy efficiency: engineering firms.
high efficiency, innovative building
components; ADVISORY BOARD
holistic approach to design and integration The Faculty Committee of the PhD Course is
of efficient services and renewable energy in constant contact with the architecture and
sources; construction sector through an advisory board
reactivity of systems and components to composed of experts, designers and members of
deterioration, with the goal to optimize their public bodies and administrations.
life cycle.

INVESTMENT GRADE ENERGY AUDIT defined (; it makes indifferent year 2014 have been taken into plans.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

the choice for the owner account. In this context, the research has
ESCo as a means for the diffusion of energy efficiency in between a traditional retrofit
and an ESCo;
In a global view of economic
growth the choice of an
produced a technical/economic
simulation model easily
the residential sector: technical and economic evaluations Line 3: ESCo-side evaluation, average value between and adaptable depending on the
considering the maximum makes the approach particularly type of building. It can define
outlay by owner to ESCo (; interesting for stakeholders the action with higher added
Carlo Filippo Bonacina - Tutor: Prof. Gabriele Masera Line 4: where the minimum because it creates profitable value in terms of: technological
outlay by owner to ESCo is margins for the owner and choices, performance efficiency,
defined (; it is the minimum for the ESCo. For the owner, investment costs, debt ratios and 155
Renovation of Italian Social- collection of historical data to assess if the particular contribution that the ESCo can the NPV obtained in case of payback time, subsequent costs

Housing available for the building type, investment project creates receive by the owner so that awarding the work to the of operation and maintenance.
The Italian building stock is energy consumption and habits value for the company. the project creates value for ESCo is always higher than the It could also be a valuable tool
characterized by dwellings with of the tenants: it represents At first the maximum APV the company. NPV obtained by a traditional to spread the energy efficiency
very poor energy performance: the real building and its for the owner has been In particular, ten-years EPC have redevelopment, considering the as an opportunity to increase
about 80% of them were built conditions of use. At this stage, defined; secondly the initial been considered according to same technological solution. the profitability of the property.
before the 80s when energy all design alternatives have outlay for the owner that models first out or shared Otherwise for the ESCo, the In particular, in the public
issues were not considered been proposed considering creates indifference between savings, firstly without any cash flow generated by the sector, it can stimulate market
important; in addition, more their operational feasibility, the a traditional or by ESCo kind of incentives for the energy investment project creates transformation towards more
than half of these buildings have needs of the client or any other retrofit has been calculated retrofitting. positive returns with IRR efficient buildings and services,
never undergone any renovation constraints. by iterations; finally, for Table 1. Financial evaluations, significantly higher than any trigger behavioral changes in
or maintenance. calculation of consumption: ESCo, the APV has been without incentives, considering other form of investment on the energy consumption by citizens
Nowadays, however, energy the final thermal energy defined considering the ten-years EPC and first-out or market. and enterprises, as well as free
retrofit does not seem to be a for each combination of initial outlay received by the shared saving models. up public resources for other
priority for homeowners: first, measures previously identified homeowner. Therefore, it is Focusing on shared savings Conclusions purposes.
because of insufficient economic has been calculated by possible to define if the design EPC (ESCo 80% - 20% owner), The renovation of the existing
resources; second, because they dynamic simulation (TRNSYS combination creates value for the effects of Italian incentives building stock is a priority
show distrust of investments in Transient System Simulation all stakeholders. for energy retrofitting have been in Europe, but the lack of
the energy field. Tool) and optimization/ evaluated. In particular, both economic resources makes its
In this context, the activity of automation (GENOPT Generic Case study and results the incentives provided by the implementation slower than
Energy Service Companies Optimization Program). The proposed method has been GSE and tax deductions for the required by climate protection
can be an effective tool for economic analysis: costs of tested on a typical building
mobilizing investment in construction, operation and representing a recurring
the renovation of residential maintenance have been situation in Italy: it has allowed 1. Financial evaluations, without incentives, considering ten-years EPC and first-out or shared saving models.
buildings with a view to improve defined by means of quotation the identification of the cost-
EPC Outlay Window Wall Ceiling Floor Systems HVAC PV EPh APV IRR
the energy performance of the requests; possible incentives effective building envelope
[%] [Uf - Ug] [cm] [cm] [cm] [type] [yes-no] [kWp] [kWh/m2] [] [%]
building stock. have been also taken into combination in relation with
First-out 0.00% 1.40 - 1.10 12.0 12.0 12.0 IMP.3 NAT 0 24.52 123,893 11.61%
A method based on Energy account. heating systems.
100% - 0% 76.10% 1.40 - 1.10 12.0 15.0 14.0 IMP.3 NAT 0 23.50 123,893 11.70%
Performance Contracting financial evaluation: the In particular, Table 1 plot the
76.10% 1.40 - 1.10 12.0 15.0 14.0 IMP.3 NAT 0 23.50 41,342 59.88%
The goal of the methodology financial ratios useful to define best technical solution under
64.09% 1.40 - 1.10 12.0 15.0 14.0 IMP.3 NAT 0 23.50 0.00 8.00%
developed in this thesis is the most cost-effective solution a financial profile considering
Shared-saving 0.00% 1.40 - 1.10 12.0 12.0 12.0 IMP.3 NAT 0 24.52 123,893 11.61%
to assess the opportunity of have been calculated (APV 25300 combinations of
90% - 10% 79.15% 1.40 - 1.10 12.0 15.0 14.0 IMP.3 NAT 0 23.50 123,893 11.15%
retrofitting residential buildings Adjusted Present Value; IRR technological alternatives.
79.15% 1.40 - 1.10 12.0 15.0 14.0 IMP.3 NAT 0 23.50 45,264 111.9%
by ESCo compared to a Internal Rate of Return; PBT For each group, the logic of
66.00% 1.40 - 1.10 12.0 15.0 14.0 IMP.3 NAT 0 23.50 0.00 8.00%
traditional approach. Pay Back Time) by a financial representation is the following:
Shared-saving 0.00% 1.40 - 1.10 12.0 12.0 12.0 IMP.3 NAT 0 24.52 123,893 11.61%
In particular, the following plan, developed for each Line 1: owner-side evaluations 80% - 20% 82.20% 1.40 - 1.10 12.0 15.0 14.0 IMP.3 NAT 0 23.50 123,893 10.70%
actions have been implemented: technology package. Financial according to the traditional 82.20% 1.40 - 1.10 12.0 15.0 14.0 IMP.3 NAT 0 23.50 49,186 --1*
preliminary evaluations: assessments have been approach, considering the 67.91% 1.40 - 1.10 12.0 15.0 14.0 IMP.3 NAT 0 23.50 0.00 8.00%
a theoretical model, conducted for the homeowner, initial contribution by third
representative of a widely in the case of retrofit by means parties equal to zero;
diffuse type of building, has to a traditional approach or Line 2: where the maximum
been created by means of the using an ESCo, and for ESCo, outlay by owner to ESCo is *
IRR cannot be calculated because its cash flow does not have one and only one change of sign

Mediterranean Active House: analysis of climate and to create a definition of the needed to reduce the heating aims, instead, to understand

PhD Yearbook | 2015

resilience of the model to loads. Crossing the results the effects of the users
users impact on energy and indoor comfort in the different inputs and situations; obtained on the energy analysis interaction with this control
this analysis investigates the and on the comfort levels for system on the point of view
new efficiency standard for sustainable buildings effects of a changing scenario each case it is possible to define of energy consumption and
on energy consumption and the best combination for each indoor comfort provided. The
indoor comfort, calculated climate: interaction scenarios between
Arianna Brambilla - Supervisor: Prof. Marco Imperadori following the AHS. The design Climate 1: improved ventilation occupants and domotic system
resilience is the ability of the and shading system + high are set on the literature review
building to answer to different efficient windows + north main about the human behavior in 157
Active House is a new vision of broad participation across the and how the calculation tools design inputs preserving its orientation buildings. The most important

sustainability that aims to create building industry globally. A reacts to very efficient buildings performances. The simulation Climate 2: improved ventilation result is that, in an innovative
healthier buildings, capable mixed method process was already built in Italy. The first matrix considers six different and shading system + high home, users can change the
to assure indoor comfort used: considering the vision step compare a model of Active climates: Mediterranean very efficient windows + north main energy consumption from the
minimizing the environmental as a starting point and then House already certified in the hot (Palermo); Mediterranean orientation calculated one of a factor of
impact. The research is part of implements it with the empiric Northern part of Europe: Bolig hot (Roma); pre-Mediterranean Climate 3: improved ventilation 2, depending on his actions
an International study about results of the cases study. In this for Livet, designed by AART warm (Milano); Continental system + high efficient and interactions with the
this new target framework; as way the outcome is strongly A/S and located in Lystrup (Wien); Continental cold (Uccle); envelope + south main buildings equipment. Therefore,
partner of the Active House connected to the range of Denmark. This case study is very cold (Aalborg). orientation understanding the resilience
Alliance, Politecnico di Milano is buildings analyzed. chosen from the Active House For each climate the main four Climate 4/5: improved of the model to different use
the principal center of research The research is based on a database as the case that better buildings orientations create ventilation system + high of the automation system is a
entrusted to analyze if the two steps approach that can summarize all the features the building geometry, while efficient envelope + south step necessary to integrate the
principles are suitable for hot integrate the results for a and characteristics requested. the automation scenarios create main orientation performances calculation with
climate and to edit practical better understanding of the Moreover, the choice is led by the building intelligence. Climate 6: high efficient specific corrections factors and
guidelines for designing a vision and the behavior of the possibility of compare the Different demotic scenarios are envelope + high efficient the practical guidelines with a
Mediterranean Active House. the standard in hot climates. dynamic results obtained during defined in order to understand windows + south main sort of usage manual for users.
Mediterranean climate, in fact, The first part is focused on the analysis with the software if a controlled systems capable orientation The research is just a part of a
presents different and more understanding which could be TRNSYS to the real measured to answer itself to the heat The configuration chosen for wider international framework
complex criticisms compared to the solutions for an efficient values and the predicted one and radiation stress, changing each climate allows to minimize about how to create a system
the north of Europe, because it and sustainable design in made by the designers. The buildings configuration the hours of overheating and that can be used to guide the
is more weather stratified and it Mediterranean climate according model for the South, instead, (windows open/closed for achieve a good results for construction sector through a
has a double direction thermal to the Specifications and, on is built through a step by step ventilation and shading device thermal indoor comfort on the more sustainable future. Thanks
flux. Winter is not rigid but it the other hands, to understand analysis of different features active or not) in order to protect radar. The results show that, if to the analysis it is possible
requests an artificial heating, how the Specifications should and parameters that affect the the indoor environment, is a specific dynamic simulation to understand that, using
meanwhile summer could have be modified to better meet energy behavior, performed improving the performance software is used, it is possible the ActiveH Specification and
high cooling loads, making the Mediterranean needs. thanks to an optimization in a significant way or not. to optimize the building to validation tool, it is possible
the conditioning context not The second step, instead, of the prototypes features In fact, in the Active House achieve the best Active House to design an Active House
always with a single dominant aims to define the users more sensitive to this issue, Specifications, an important rank in all Europe. Moreover, an also in Mediterranean climate,
parameter. The aim of the influence on comfort and highlighted by a sensitivity qualitative parameter is the important aspect is represent without changing the nature
research is to determine if it energy consumption in a very analysis based on the Morris automation system and the by the control system: the of the validation system.
is possible to define a robust technological house driven by method. easiness for users to read and warmer is the climate, the However, the research highlights
solution for answering to an automated control system, The two prototypes are then change its default settings. Since more complete should be the also the critical points of the
the climate needs, providing as suggested by the vision as performed in different climates that the research is finalized automation system. This features vision related to the lack of
users comfort and without solutions for the energy saving of Europe, according to different to investigate the buildings highlights the importance of the information or guidelines on
impacting negatively on the issue. orientation and technological performance (according to solar control in the hot climate, how to design and how to use
environment. The Active House In order to understand how scenarios. In this way it is the vision) in hot climate, the where the instant answer to the an Active House in order to
Specification, in fact, has been the Specifications should be possible to understand the automation studied is related external input is vital to protect guarantee the efficiency also in
developed using an open-source modified for meeting the validitys boundaries of each to the control of shading and the indoor environment from time and not only in the design
model. The development has Mediterranean requirements model and the most important natural ventilation systems. overheating and the consequent stage.
involved online debates and the research focuses on two features for optimizing an The analysis reflect that, even discomfort and increase of
contributions as well as offline different aspects: how to design Active House in relation to in Mediterranean area, some energy consumption.
meetings and workshops with an Active House for the South the context. This step allows cold mitigation technologies are The second part of the research


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Silvia Erba - Supervisor - Tutor: Prof. Bruno Daniotti

The presence of pathologies In fact, in case of historic or from a timely and appropriate faades present degradations based methodologies, thanks to compatibility with the substrate,

such as detachments and listed buildings, the primary diagnostic plan. Diagnostics problems on materials and the identification of reference vapor permeability and colour
adhesion defects can threaten necessity is to maintain the should not be considered as systems, such as detachments, temperatures. This method stability. After, they validated
the permanence, the durability permanence of the element; a static tool, but should be missing tiles and discoloration, has optimized the phase of the laboratory results through
and the aesthetic aspect of the authenticity is the key of its used to check, test and monitor due to the action of atmospheric defects mapping and allowed computer-based simulations
a faade external finishing in historic value while in case of the phenomena occurring in agents, to the loss of adherence underlining their geometric using WUFI and verified
plaster or tiles. In particular, the new buildings, the durability of building assets, underlying between the support and the localization on the faades, the efficacy of the siloxane
durability can be subjected to a the components represents the the evolutional characteristics. tile or among the layers of the obtaining more accurate results protective treatment in terms of
visible endangerment when the requirement to be respected. Through diagnostics, and in support, to the absence of a avoiding manual and punctual reduction of water absorbed.
faade is exposed to excessive In both cases, the stage of particular IR Thermography, the correct maintenance. The case analysis of single areas. The results of the investigations
rainwater infiltration or critical knowledge plays an essential researchers have developed a study of the Lavello Convent, As a result of the surveys phase, have driven the conservation
moisture content. For existing role. Any proper policy of new GIS-based methodology located in Calolziocorte (Eastern the research has focused on the activities choice, identifying
buildings and components intervention, or maintenance, that allows a faster and precise Lario), is characterized by the evaluation of water absorption the best mixture for plaster,
must be taken into account the management and valorization recognition of external finishing presence of a plaster finishing. and moisture transfer in which has been applied on
residual service life, defined has to start from the degradations in terms of Few years after the conclusion plastering and bedding mortars the northern faade of Lavello
as the service life remaining comprehension of the evolution adhesion problems. They carried of restoration works, in the for external finishing systems. Convent.
after a certain moment of over time of the building, out the thermographic survey in convent cloisters appeared There are many factors which
consideration. To assess residual considering both formal and transient conditions, to allow the degradation of the exterior can intervene in the decay
service life of an inspected functional aspects. In this sense evaluation of a thermal gradient plasters due to some critical process of mortars: mistake
building or component is should find widespread diffusion between adherent and detached factors: among them, the bad in mix-design, unsuitable
important to know its history, the surveying techniques, areas. They validated the results durability of plasters applied working technique, presence
i.e. data on the original diagnostics activities and also by numerical simulation during the restoration and the of exceeding air humidity or
performance values, information monitoring plans that the through WUFI. The investigative presence of water and moisture rains, extraneous chemical
on the installation, maintenance, current scientific research offers procedure has been applied in the masonry. The research and substances. This research studied
trend of deterioration, etc., and which should be used in within the project Citt Studi, the application in the two case the damages and alterations
which can involve several the most appropriate way to Sustainable Campus and for studies, show the improvements caused by the absorption of
difficulties to be obtained. The avoid the risk of interventions the study case of Santa Maria in the field of diagnostic and water and its movement inside
research takes into account disrespectful of the existent. del Lavello Convent: preventive preliminary tests, in particular the building components: decay
both historical/listed and A correct diagnosis, as a and planned conservation, to non-destructive surveys patterns such as efflorescences,
contemporary buildings, and pathologic observation of a assess the state of conservation through IR Thermography, detachments, exfoliations
illustrates the most appropriate human body, it is essential not of the facades, respectively based on the solution of the and biological colonization
methodologies and the tools only to resolve the damage, but in ceramic tiles and plaster mathematical model of heat highlighted the loss of material
to define conservation or also to intervene on the causes finishing. The buildings analyzed transfer in transient conditions. integrity and durability.
maintenance plans. There is a and the boundary conditions inside the project Citt Studi, The preliminary tests had their The researchers chose and tested
substantial difference between that have generated the Sustainable Campus present validation by softly hammering six different lime plaster mortars
them: the conservation plan degradation, or that could be an cladding systems with ceramic both the detached area and and two cement mortars for
is based on an organic series obstacle to maintain the proper tiles, popular practice in Italy the safe one: the different bedding and further applied
of controls for managing the conservation. The prescription since the 50-60s, due to their sounds of hammering revealed a siloxane water-repellent
transformation of buildings of actions or behaviors and good wear resistance, high the detachment of the finishing. treatment (SILO 111) on the
while the maintenance plan preventive addresses that can temperatures stability, hardness, The researchers analyzed the outer surface. They evaluated
defines the interventions for remove or minimize the causes tenacity and inertia. Nowadays, results of the thermographic the protective treatment in
restoring the functional aspects. of the deterioration derives after 50 years of usage, the surveys through alternative GIS- terms of water-repellent efficacy,


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Cristina Puscheddu - Supervisor: Prof. Marco Imperadori

Only on 2013, it is around 30 emergency tents, shelters 19 different layers of aluminum owner, and environmentally safe and /or permanent housing. In emergency management, the

million the number of homeless of small dimensions (micro- foils, wadding and foam, 2,5 cm building material, considering addition, ASH Pillow is easy to conclusion of this research is
people, because of natural architecture), and shelters of thick, as shown in Fig.1. that it could be recycled too. pack, with rolls dimensions of the design of ASH, especially
and man disasters, in the normal size, more similar to TRMS is an innovative Moreover, cases studies of 0,21 m x 1,10 m x 0,26 m, and of building component,
worldwide. To help these victims permanent house. The result is a combination between TRM the use of TRMS in the civil with a weight around 700 g/m2, which shown the possibility
different typologies of shelters scenario where it is fundamental and air gaps based on the use architecture are analyzing to and it could be easy transport to use technology in support
are designed, trying to find a to find a balance between of low-emissivity surface for better understand performance to different sites or countries. of response and mitigation
balance between easy transport, economic issues, caused from reducing heat radiation. It is an in normal conditions. It is also easy to assembly for phases. Adaptation of ASH from
assembly, energy efficiency and events, and adequate housing insulation system developed Between the second and the the modularity of the single Response to Mitigation phases,
low cost. for users. Contemporary, the from space applications, where firth task is located the proposal, elements, and it could be tie crossing the reconstruction
The research follows a guideline and parameters heat reflection is particularly which is the implementation with the structure, as indicate period, allows supporting
transversal overview between concerning shelters indicated important. Literature, in of housing technology based to ISDR, to prevent envelope disaster resilience, contributing
the concept of Disaster by international community are fact, from the observation of on the use of TRMS. General movement and damages, to reduce vulnerability too.
Resilience, sustainable examined. General investigation, TRM, both theoretically and innovative concept is called Air especially in the case columns Simulation of ASH Pillow as
reconstruction and the available especially regarding emergency, experimentally, demonstrates Shelter House (ASH). systems. Emergency tent system shown a
materials. Aims of the study is suggests the study of envelope that the aluminum foils, always ASH is a versatile housing In the third task, there is lowering of energy consumption
to demonstrate the possibility system, in equilibrium between present independently from concept, especially focus in an economic and technical of 65 % respect to standard
to use building technology, lightweight and thermal insulation general composition, building component, itself comparison between this model of UNHCR. Moreover,
focus on TRMS (Thermal performances. could reflect a high percentage called ASH Pillow, to use during innovative answer and presently achievements of good surface
Reflective Multi-layer System), In the second task, after of heat energy. the response phases as first solution, commonly used in the temperatures with finite
to achieve the best solution the individuation of TRMS Laboratory tests, during the aid. This building component response and reconstruction element method demonstrate
concerning reconstruction after as possible answer for an research, provide the data of prototype is centered on the phases. ability of the panel to preserve
disaster to support Disaster innovative design of the 0,04 W/m2K for TRM and 0,038 use of simple and low cost The building component, based thermal performance of TRMS
Resilience during Response and envelope, laboratory test W/mK for TRMS, with 1 cm of materials, replicable by the use in TRMS technology, is moreover counting plastic joints too. This
Recovery phase, inside Disaster concerning this technology are air gaps, considering polyester of 3D printer. Compare with tent investigated to understand ability, in fact, could allow to
Management. performed to give useful data membranes too, used for the solutions, used in the refugees feasibility of ASH prototype preserve internal temperature,
The methodology is performed for the design section. Thermal tester. camp, with a durability of 12 panel in different solutions, reducing thermal losses. Both
in four different task: Reflective Multi-layer selected This kind of insulation, moreover, months, and prefabricated through software simulation. are in agreement with aims to
Task 1, State of art of shelters. for the study is composed by is non-toxic for user and building solutions used in the response In the last fourth phase is decrease Global Warming.
Task 2, TRMS studies. Literature phases, usually expensive, investigated the application Possibility of patent is evaluated
and laboratory test. the ASH could have a more of ASH in one case of in order to improve study of ASH
Task 3, Feasibility and resistance with an amortized reconstruction, and in two new Pillow, through production of a
evaluation of Air Shelter House price. Low cost is possible thanks design buildings. During this real panel prototype, to perform
(ASH) building prototype and to the wide option of TRMS application it will be possible more accurate laboratory test,
comparison between current technology applications from understand potential of material concerning thermal performance
economic scenarios. the situation of first answer application to different structure, and de-sign optimization.
Task 4, ASH Pillow Application after events, to the possibility in support to the design process,
studies to reconstruction and to be part of reconstruction and considering the prototype
new design buildings. in the future. Resistance and study of the two new shelters.
In the first task the state of art lifespan of 10 years of TRM According with the result of
of emergency architecture are ensures the possibility to use State of art, laboratory test and
studying. It is divided between 1. TRM layers composition. ASH as a temporary shelter economical features during

A DECISION MAKING SUPPORT MODEL TO DETERMINE basis of this envisioned decision implemented on various types provides an interconnected

PhD Yearbook | 2015

making support model. This of buildings and LEED is widely decision making guideline which
APPROPRIATE CREDITS FOR GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION hierarchical framework was accepted around the world. assesses the particular conditions
developed into a multi-attribute This integrated decision making of the project and project team
BASED ON PROJECT DELIVERY ATTRIBUTES decision making support model, support model was tested and before deciding to follow a GB
namely Green Building-Credit verified by performing a case rating system and determines
Selection (GB-CS) Model, to study on an ongoing LEED the appropriate GB certification
Senem Seyis - Supervisor: Emilio Pizzi determine appropriate and registered residential project credits that are more likely to
resource efficient GB certification which is one of the three be obtained in an efficient and
credits that suit the particular GB projects examined in this effective manner considering 163
Green Building (GB) projects are types and related root causes for is absent in the GB literature. attributes of GB project delivery research. the particular attributes of

cost-effective in the long term GB projects, a comprehensive This Ph.D. study addresses these the most. This Ph.D. study endeavors GB project delivery (project
due to lower operational and identification and classification needs by (1) examining waste The GB-CS Model, developed to give the GB industry and and project team related). It is
maintenance costs; however, of waste and related root and related root causes for GB in this study, employs the literature the upper hand by: expected that properly selected
stakeholders are still reluctant causes encountered in GB project delivery, (2) analyzing integrated approach of (1) identifying, classifying and GB certification credits will
to invest in GB projects due to project delivery process, which particular attributes of GB Delphi Method based weight ranking waste and related root optimize GB project delivery
prolonged duration, high costs is apparently a crucial necessity project delivery and building assignment process and TOPSIS causes for GB projects and by mitigating the excess levels
and additional labor. These of the GB industry and the GB a hierarchical framework (The Technique for Order of presenting the cause-effect of waste generated to fulfill
challenges associate with lower literature, does not exist. based on these attributes, Preference by Similarity to relationship between them in an the additional requirements of
productivity and additional time To begin with, if the owner and (3) developing a decision Ideal Solution). The GB-CS Ishikawa Diagram, (2) building GB design, construction and
spent for reworks that lead to intends to achieve GB making support model from Model: (1) derives relative a hierarchical framework based certification. The GB-CS Model
hidden costs whose excess can certification for his/her GB this hierarchical framework to weights to hierarchically on GB project delivery attributes proposes to give the GB industry
be attributed to time and cost- project, increase in number of determine appropriate credits designed GB project delivery and assigning relative weights to and literature the upper hand
related waste in the processes. tasks specific to GB certification for GB certification. In order attributes gathered from these attributes, (3) developing a by facilitating GB projects with
Waste or process waste and in details of green to examine waste and related eleven GB experts through decision making support model an adaptive guidance model
is defined as non-value adding specifications automatically root causes for GB projects, Delphi Method based weight for determining GB certification that quantifies the outcomes
activities (NVA) that absorb necessitate more project this study classified waste types assignment process, and (2) credits that suit the particular of Green decisions and ensures
resources/cost but do not create participants, hence leading and associated root causes, determines appropriate credits attributes of GB project delivery the successful completion of GB
any additional value for the to much higher complexity in investigated their cause-effect in accordance with GB project the most, and (4) constituting projects.
project. GB processes. Moreover, if the relationship and ranked them delivery attributes via TOPSIS. an integrated approach of Future research would extend
Previous studies show that selected GB certification credits according to their negative Delphi Method based weight Delphi Method-based weight current knowledge about
time and cost-related waste are not suitable for the attributes impacts on time and cost in assignment approach ensures assignment process and developing multi-attribute
in GB project delivery process of the GB project delivery, design and construction phases to derive reliable and sensitive TOPSIS for detecting the best decision making models for
are much higher than that of increased levels of time, money of GB project delivery process relative weights for hierarchical alternative(s) among large providing aid in the optimization
non-green buildings (NGBs) and labor can be wasted while by conducting a case study attributes that can be inserted number of alternatives according of GB project delivery while
due to the collaborative and responding to the additional including three GB projects and in multi-attribute decision to multiple attributes. enduring minimal waste.
interdisciplinary nature of GB requirements of GB design, a two-rounded Delphi Method. making models, while TOPSIS This integrated study formalizes
projects to respond to the needs construction and certification. Drawing from the findings, this guarantees to detect the best the identification and
of interconnected green system Considering GB project delivery study focused on two GB project alternative(s) among large classification of waste with
design and implementation. In attributes is highly important in delivery attributes, i.e. timing number of alternatives. Hence, their related root causes for GB
such complex situations, lack of the optimization of GB project of project teams involvement integration of Delphi Method projects and reveals the cause-
guidance reproduces the same delivery and required for the and qualifications of project based weight assignment effect relationship between
mistakes in each new project. successful completion of GB teams, which play a crucial approach with TOPSIS helps them which come together
It not only causes higher waste projects since project delivery role in ensuring successful researchers efficiently examine as a multi-attribute decision
in GB project delivery process attributes affect the project outcomes from GB projects a large number of attributes making support model that aid
compared to the NGBs, but also outcomes deeply. Despite of while enduring minimal waste. and alternatives, among which the optimization of GB project
creates certain types of waste a clear necessity for a study Based on these two attributes, the best alternative is to be delivery and allows obtaining
specific to GB projects. In fact, which suggests a decision a hierarchical framework was selected. better outcomes from GB
the more complex processes making model as a guideline to built to derive relative weights to The GB-CS Model was projects through minimizing the
a project has the more waste determine appropriate credits for these attributes to be inserted developed based on LEED root causes of elevated waste
can generate. Although prior GB certification based on project in the decision making support 2009 NC under BD+C Rating and mitigating associated hidden
studies identified some waste delivery attributes, such a model model, and to constitute the System since it can be costs. This multi-attribute model
Technology and Design for Environment
and Building | Territorial Design and
Government | Aerospace Engineering
| Architectural and Urban Design |
Architectural Composition | Architecture,
Urban Design, Conservation of Housing
and Landscape | Bioengineering |
Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage
| Electrical Engineering | Energy and
Nuclear Science and Technology |
Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture and
Exhibition Design | Management, Economics
and Industrial Engineering | Materials
Engineering | Mathematical MODELS and
METHODS IN Engineering | Mechanical
Engineering | Physics | Preservation of
THE Architectural Heritage | Rotary-
wing aircrafts | Spatial Planning
and Urban Development | Structural
Seismic and Geotechnical Engineering PhD Yearbook | 2015

DOCTORAL PROGRAM - in areas such as communications, corporate ideas and concrete proposals.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

strategies, market dynamics, education, public This skill set finds application in a variety of work
in Design institutions - so relevant for design action as
product design in its strict sense.
environments. It is particularly in demand in
organizations explicitly devoted to developing
design research, such as universities and research
Professional qualifications centres, design agencies, and companies that are
The Doctorate in Design aims to train a designer/ attuned to social and technological innovation. It
researcher with malleable qualifications. For the is also sought out by public-sector organizations,
professionals produced by this programme are by service enterprises, and by local development
both designers who know how to do research organizations, which are increasingly faced with 167
Field of study and researchers skilled in using design tools. complex planning problems that the designer/

Chair: Held at Politecnico di Milano university, the Doctorate in Design At the same time they are experts in managing researcher can effectively deal with, analyze, and
Prof. Francesco Trabucco Research is created and managed by Design Department, awareness, in constructive interaction among find solutions for.
in cooperation with the Department of Mechanics and the various players, and in the communication of
Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering.
Politecnico di Milano research doctorate courses aim to build
the skills needed to perform highly qualified research jobs in
manufacturing and service enterprises, the public sector, and the
The scientific field to which this course belongs is industrial design.
Its interdisciplinary relationships include the philosophy and Doctoral Program Board
theory of language, art history, design, science of materials and
technology, industrial engineering, decision making, and computer Francesco Trabucco (Chair) Luisa Collina Silvia Pizzocaro
science. Giovanni Baule Alberto Colorni Lucia Rampino
Industrial design, following the meaning adopted within this Paola Bertola Luciano Crespi Maurizio Rossi
doctorate, is intended as a discipline acting within the industrial Alessandro Biamonti Barbara Del Curto Michela Rossi
culture and accompanying its transformations. Among its main
Monica Bordegoni Marisa Galbiati Giuliano Simonelli
tasks is to deal with processes and products configuration. In this
sense, this school specific meaning goes to use, function, social and Giampiero Bosoni Luca Guerrini Raffaella Trocchianesi
individual consumption of the products (the functional, symbolical Valeria Bucchetti Fulvio Irace Carlo Vezzoli
and cultural factors) as to manufacturing (techno-economical,
Paolo Ciuccarelli Pietro Marani Paolo Volont
techno-systemically, techno-productive and techno-distributive
factors). All these themes are expected to be faced with the Alba Cappellieri Anna Meroni Francesco Zurlo
support of the conceptual tools of research in its theoretical, critical, Paolo Ciuccarelli Silvia Piardi
historical and methodological articulations.
The complex of the issues investing the theme of innovation will
represent the conceptual trajectory of the whole program.
The attention to innovation-related phenomena are due to
various factors, partly internal to the dynamics of the discipline of
Advisory Board
industrial design, partly motivated by the perception of the growing Enrico Morteo (Architetto - Membro Comitato di Riferimento della Scuola di Dottorato))
complexity of the innovative process, thus fostering in-depth
analysis and new approaches which can legitimately be faced within Luisa Bocchietto (Presidente ADI)
the doctoral programme. Whatever the motivations for the analysis Cees De Bont (Dean of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Coordinatore della Design Research Alliance)
of technological change and innovation, this trajectory of enquiry Carlo Guglielmi (Presidente Cosmit)
highlights the factors and fundamental ingredients of the process of
development, transition and transformation of industrial products, Michele Perini (Presidente Fiera Milano e AD di SAGSA)
services and systems. As a starting point a broad view of innovation Giovanna Castiglioni (Vicepresidente Fondazione Castiglioni)
is assumed, being a dynamic process involving the development or Claudio Luti (Presidente di Kartell)
improvement of new products, services, technologies, processes,
institutions, systems, strategies. Such an extended view of Giovanni Petrini (Socio fondatore di The Hub Milano e responsabile per Avanzi srl
innovation includes the range of economic and social activities del settore social&sustainable new business e dei rapporti con media e stakeholder locali)

Industrious design. The role of design in the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

evolution of (micro)production models enabled by
the hybridization of individuals and organizations

Massimo Bianchini - Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Maffei

This research explores the individuals, who are not artefacts through innovative in relation to the change of business models.

change in production models designers or manufacturing manufacturing processes based production models, in particular The third part of the research
from the design perspective. It companies, can materialize on alternative technical and distributed microproduction. analyses and verifies the activity
is an emerging socio-technical their ideas independently technological configurations Research has noted that of designers=enterprises
paradigm characterized by new transforming them into of the production meanings standardization of design both internationally and in a
forms of advanced, open and product-service solutions, even (intendevi dire significato?). professions together national context (Italy). More
distributed manufacturing. technologically complex, and And the designers are among with outsourcing and than 100 projects developed by
Democratization of fabrication potentially marketable on a them. deindustrialization processes designers-microproducers have
devices linked to an increasing global scale. On this basis, the research are changing (in worse) the been observed, also arranging
abundance of low cost In a scenario as that described, proposes a systematic study traditional relationship between interviews and visits to several
(free) design resources, where the innovation processes about the change of production designers and manufacturers. At design studios.
the appearance of indie appear driven by new players models, especially those on small the same time new opportunities An online survey conducted
online marketplaces and such as makers, two questions and very small scale. The first offered by digitization of on over 100 Italian makers,
new social forms of micro- are emerging: Whats the part of the study describes the production are gradually pushing designer-producers and
financing innovative projects (new) role of design? how do set of features and possibilities parts of designers population to makerspace managers
(crowdfunding) represent a set designers change their skills and of evolution of technologies transform theirs own nature. has studied in details the
of new opportunities to develop capabilities? for advanced manufacturing These designers (for necessity microproduction processes.
independent and integrated The research starts from this and distribution. This study and/or personal interests) Basic data and information
small and micro scale production assumption: the new forms of contextualizes the new models become new producers and about economic condition
activities from idea to market, production without a defined of production compared to the summarize in a personal of designer=enterprises,
directly. design intent and without the historical ones, from Taylorism dimension all the functions production skills and distribution
Production phenomena such as support of adequate design skills to flexible specialization of a manufacturing company: strategies have been obtained
making and personal fabrication seem to be not (so) generative. (lean manufacturing). This research and development, to understand the economic
related to some physical and The proliferation of object- exploration continues studying design, prototyping, production, sustainability of these activities
virtual places as Fab Labs and gadgets on personal fabrication the characteristics of the new promotion, distribution and their prospects of
other platforms for digital web platforms is a clear places that enable new forms of and searching funds. They development.
manufacturing and the open example. production - from Fab Labs to also prototype and produce
design certainly represent a On the other hand, the low makerspaces, from TechShops to microproduction processes
technology-based evolution of quality of many artefacts DIYBioLabs - and mapping new when design activity is expressed
the traditional world of self- materialized in the Fab Labs types of producers as makers, not only focused on artefacts,
production or DIY. demonstrates how new who are the interpreters. These but also on the configuration
Nowadays, a heterogeneous set manufacturing technologies, places and subjects are then of the resources used to
of productions developed by while expressing great potential, observed within specific contexts produce them: from materials
individuals or groups, without are not yet able to replace such as the city, identifying a to tools and machines, to
being designers or companies, industry and craftsmen (and it variety of forms of production the places of production as
can materialize their ideas is not clear whether will never which interact with each others, the microfactories. Research
independently, transforming be able to do so). Instead, there suggesting the existence of has defined these subjects
them into product-service seems to be an interesting field a system called distributed through the conceptual model
solutions, even technologically of action for individuals who are microproduction. of designer=enterprise,
complex, potentially marketable able to hybridize (in an original The second part of the research drawing an initial taxonomy
on a global scale. way) design and fabrication focuses on the change of of microproduction processes,
A small population of skills in order to materialize new designer skill and capabilities design approaches, and related

PROCEDURAL DESIGN AND ORDERED COMPLEXITY. The aim of the thesis is to common goal and so the design interactions to the calculating

PhD Yearbook | 2015

explain the influence of process has all of the typical power of the computer is it
Code, pattern and digital fabrication generative modelling software
on design and fabrication theory
characteristics of a complex
possible to check the validity of
the design hypothesis.
and practice. More specifically, Considering the design process Starting from the study of the
the aim is to understand to according to systems theories different denominations used
what degree, and according to does not just mean breaking today to define the paradigm
Giorgio Buratti - Supervisor: Prof. Michela Rossi what logic, these tools can also down the design into its this thesis proposes Procedural
be configured as conceptual various component levels but Design as definition to clearly
devices able to define correct understanding the relations identifies the character of the 171
In the planning process design behaviour simply by replacing The possibility of designing methodological procedures for created between these levels so new approach.

has always preceded the the operating system. The structured geometries would assisted design. that they can be balanced. To the theoretical model follows
construction phase. The act material system is subordinate clearly be pointless if they As such, what is proposed is The revolution inherent in the analysis of the technologies
of designing is an opportunity to the definition of the code couldnt then be created. In a methodological approach, the new digital tools is the typical of digital fabrication. As
to organise ones ideas, and language that enables it to parallel to the development of until now barely developed, way they have transformed well as verifying new production
manage resources and predict function. software, or perhaps because of that integrates computational the discipline of design from possibilities, this study also seeks
results, and is made possible In the case of design, the it, there has been a convergence methods in the design process. iconic representation to the to understand the organisational
through the use of dedicated increased levels of computer towards the digitalisation of With this in mind, the research representation of relations and methods required for the
instruments. literacy have led designers production processes thanks analyses on one hand the processes. In this new dimension management of these and the
The introduction of the to analyse the processes that to machines able to construct, relationship between geometry the various design instances possible consequences on the
computer as a design tool has underlie the functioning of either in whole or in part, the and the digital tool and, on the can be organised in emerging socio-economic context and the
been epoch-making. Modelling the digital instruments used designed object, starting with other, how it is possible to use relational structures that role of the designer.
programmes gradually began on a daily basis. This interest its digital model. This process abstraction for design purposes transfer typical characteristics Finally are presented the
to have a greater influence on has given rise to a new type is known as Digital Fabrication through a single systemic of living systems to the design experiments carried out during
the design process. Over the of modelling, based on the and does not require additional process able to manage the process, such as the ability to the PhD, the comparison of
years the level of involvement of elaborative logic of information, interpretations to that of the increased level of complexity adapt and transform, and self- which highlights the potential
software grew, developing from which has determined a new designer as the file is prepared admitted by new approach. The organisation. This behaviour of procedural programming,
a representational role to having phase in computer assisted in real scale and fabricated term complex does not simply cannot be controlled according opening the way to additional
a direct influence on the process design, in which the form without the involvement of mean complicated; rather, it to the classic linear method experimentation and research.
of generating forms, sometime is generated by drawing up intermediaries. is a precise definition that refers (top-down), which seeks to
even characterising the structure algorithms. As is often the case when a to the science of complexity, a predict all possible situations
of the artifacts. An algorithm is a systematic new technology is first adopted, field of research that has not and subsequently prescribes the
In recent years, economical, procedure based on a series the exponential dissemination yet been completely formalised solution for dealing with them.
social and cultural changes of unambiguous instructions of the tool in the professional but which is equipped with Only by defining the behaviour
have accelerated the advent of that explain how to achieve sphere does not correspond theoretical tools suitable for the of entities on the basis of
a digital and globalised society. a specific objective. Used in with adequate theoretical new context. In the systemic the design (bottom-up) and
In a world in which hardware design it promotes research development that can integrate vision the units are relationship leaving the task of simulating
devices are omnipresent and based on the importance of the theory of the design with the patterns, inserted within a the collective effect of the
constantly interconnected, the code-procedure concept: potential on offer. The excitement broader network of connections.
software and the ability to if the solution to a problem over the new possibilities offered In Design, for example, form
manage it becomes key. can be described in a finite by the new applications has seen may be considered the result
Smartphones, tablets and number of steps, in the same a move from conceptualisation of the interaction of precise
other electronic devices are way the identity of a form is to mere jargon. With computer formalisable and quantifiable
increasingly becoming terminals the consequence of a series assisted design accompanying conditions (formal aspect,
rather than independent objects, of discreet rules that define it. the designer from the generation materials, physical and temporal
so much so that they cannot be The form is not defined a priori of the form through to its digital constraints, pre-established
used if they arent connected to but stems from a process of fabrication, the integration goal, interaction with the user,
the information infrastructure. the refinement of conceptual, with theoretical analysis and economic and production
Hardware is becoming less communicative, structural and comprehension tools able to factors) and a creative instance
relevant, to the point that geometric instances that lead to maintain a high level of design that must be implemented.
1. Procedural-Algorithmic design: a single complex geometry minimal surface
it is possible to significantly the result most in keeping with coherence is increasingly These determining factors (a Gyroid minimal surface) is placed in a periodic system. Subsequently the
alter its performance and the initial expectations. necessary. interact reciprocally to achieve a porous structure is used to create a protective helmet

Grants from Banking Foundations and Trusts.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

A Model of Design for the Preservation and
Development of Libraries, Archives and Museums
Nadia Campadelli - Supervisor: Prof. Pietro Cesare Marani

This study attempts to trace design platform.

the role of banks, banking To conclude, this research
foundations and trusts in the addresses the importance of
territory of cultural heritage; in strategic design in shaping the
particular referring to a design actions of foundations and trusts
able to manage the activities to the development of cultural
of museums, libraries and institutions.
archives. This research analyses I propose a sustainable
the works of trusts and banking advanced design model that
foundations, exploring the could be replicated by different
underlying motivation for their organizations through this
intervention in public utility as research.
well as in private and public
projects relating to cultural
institutions and arts.
The research chooses four case
studies in order to investigate
their historical background and
understand the development
of different systems adopted by
banks and trusts. A literature
review has been conducted to
answer the central research
question: What is the best
design in the long-term funding
of cultural institutions?
I have identified a workable
model in the sustainable
advanced design for cultural
organizations able to
communicate with private actors
such as donors, sponsors, and
trusts. Data and interviews
have been analysed to test the
possibility of applying this design
network model to museums,
archives, and libraries. Further
investigation was conducted at
a regional level on the existing
networks among cultural
institutions to ensure the
application and originality of this


PhD Yearbook | 2015

A Design-Oriented Approach to Transmedia Practice

Mariana Ciancia - Supervisor: Prof. Maria Luisa Galbiati

Due to the rising number of research, the core topic of this of story-building processes developed that combines two

multi-modal devices and the research is multi-channelled capable of fostering audience layers: Conceptual Framework
higher number of messages structures. These structures engagement, activating and Transmedia Building Model.
1. Conceptual and operational tool (Transmedia Design Framework) that
being conveyed across several are able to foster the sharing collaboration among peers and The former, Conceptual combines two layers: Conceptual Framework and Transmedia Building Model.
channels, designers now have of meaning-making processes social innovation, transmedia Framework, aims to sustain
a key role as mediators. Indeed, between producers and can sustain local communities in the comprehension of complex
they must bring different social audiences and shape society the development of on-line and phenomena. It intertwines the practice at a local level within Plug Social TV is web television
contexts together in mutual and influence media habits off-line interactions. key features of transmedia the Plug Social TV project (www. that makes use of social media
understanding. In a mediascape through storytelling, story Transmedia can be described projects together with the facebook.com/plugsocialtv), to produce content that aims
designers play a dual role; as listening and engagement. as a practice made up of tacit six elements of Aristotles which was activated in a to test and verify the ability
story listeners they collect stories The research also focuses on knowledge that people work poetics. These qualitative peripheral urban area in Milan of stories of local interest to
from audience and repertoires transmedia, a phenomenon with in an intuitive manner elements structure a drama (specifically, in the Bovisa and activate self-representation
and as storytellers they organise concerned with the building of a and that follows a learning by like an organic whole and Dergano districts). Since 2013, and self-narration and fosters
these stories into experiences. story universe through different doing approach (which hails were translated for the Human final year students of the a dialogue in a neighbourhood
Beginning with these channels to enhance the role from a Renaissance studio Computer Interaction by Masters of Communication among its different inhabitants.
assumptions (and in accordance of the audience. It is a socially model recovered from the Brenda Laurel in Computers Design programme (School of In fact, in these Milan districts
with theories and projects understandable paradigm, the design field). A literature review as Theatre (1991) as: action, Design, Politecnico di Milano) dual personalities exist. Formerly
developed over a number of growth of which requires special revealed that there is a lack of character, thought, language, were guided by my research industrial areas, these districts
years), this research aims to skills and teamwork. sharing practices in transmedia melody (pattern) and spectacle group (ImagisLab) in the are now populated by a mix of
determine a new form of literacy It is hypothesised that project development. Thus, it (enactment). This research in management of web-based older workers, artisans, foreign
that allows communication transmedia practice is a is clearly necessary to identify turn defines the five concepts television and in the design of citizens, and engineering,
projects to be developed that procedure that could address interpretative models and of the conceptual framework transmedia television content. architecture and design students
rethink the participatory process the issue of contemporary guidelines for its design. as: story world, content, media, This experience was essential to attending at Politecnico di
and merge different languages, complexity through a This research aims to identify engagement and context. fully understand the underlying Milano. Approximately one
media, technologies. phenomenological approach the main features of transmedia The latter, Transmedia Building processes in the development hundred students and thirty
The evolution of social to the coeval reality. A cultural projects to build a glossary that Model, suggests guidelines, tools of multi-channel projects. members of the local community
interconnections through digital paradigm was focused on can be shared and that will and an on-line platform for the Indeed, observing, monitoring have tested Plug Social TV and
technologies has emerged to allow people to become contribute to the development development of a transmedia and revising the students the potential of transmedia
from a phenomenological aware of the prominent role of a useful tool for transmedia project within multidisciplinary work was fundamental to the systems in a specific local area,
approach to contemporary played in the contemporary practices. Such an instrument teams. Specifically, a model development and exploration outside the entertainment
mediascape. Such that, multi- mediascape and emphasis was could become a conceptual constituted of four main sections of insights and hypotheses market and mainstream
channel structures have become also placed on the storytellers and operational tool for the for the activation of an iterative about the construction of the productions.
increasingly important and ability to support multiple designing story world, not only design process, each of which Transmedia Design Framework.
completely changed the role of points-of-view. Transmedia is for big Hollywood productions, requires specific skills. The In light of the feedback obtained
the audience, this in turn has a phenomenon that allows but also for everyday scenarios. four sections are: story world, from students, this conceptual
allowed for the development of audiences to participate in Based on a necessity to narrative context, functional and operational tool is in the
widespread creativity through the meaning-making process understand how aesthetic and specification and production process of being refined, not
collaborative creation and and changes the relationship economic issues work together specification. only for those who already
the collective consumption of between the mainstream media within the design of complex The building and the validation have experience in designing
narrative worlds. and participatory culture. story world, a conceptual and of the Transmedia Design transmedia experiences, but also
With a focus on the domains Thus, this work starts from operational tool (Transmedia Framework intertwined the for those who are new to the
of media studies and design the assumption that, because Design Framework) was experimentation of transmedia field.

Design of illusory space. Quadratura as which the perspective transforms and also the most appropriate studies, having noted the works

PhD Yearbook | 2015

the space, highlighting the operational and conceptual with both digital technologies
perspective-based design. interest of prospective treatise
to the system perspective and
Re-read treatises and extract
and traditional techniques, the
methods and ways of working
to the manner of execution of types of applications that can of authors and artists have
the construction of illusionary still have a design interest, is emerged. Indeed, precisely in
space. Precisely the relationship an important achievement the face of this analysis, we
Laura Galloni - Relatore: Prof. Giuseppe Amoruso between the rule of perspective for scholars and therefore the can certainly support their
and the necessary practical research has set out to highlight reactivation and re-appropriation
realization constitutes the the relationship between tool to a modern and contemporary 177
The design of illusory space is a design expressions are the the medieval meaning bound most exciting theoretical and and method in the construction use.

research topic that lends itself most practical and applicable by the laws of optics and light practical universe for scientific of illusory space. The research The classification of techniques
to some reflections, as well templates for the illusory space to that of graphical method investigations. has therefore initiated the of quadratura have proved to be
as from the practical point of design. for depicting spatial depth and It was therefore necessary to classification of the techniques operations aimed at highlighting
view, also from a theoretical The thesis is a research of design introducing the concept of examine the projective principles for the practice of quadratura, the design principles that still
one. The research highlights representation in the interior infinity. underlying various works, to identifying the experimental can guide the design process of
and represents the principles design framework and this study For this reason the use of investigate which spatial forms methods then become the illusory space and where we
of projective-geometric design aims to pinpoint as architects perspective also to change and were mostly adopted and, consolidated and universal. can highlight its methodological
of illusory spaces and proposes and artists of perspective transform the space, therefore according to the typological The third chapter of the value. The challenge is to make
a detailed study about the worked, disclosing the project understanding it as a parametric design, pinpoints the perceptual research analysed the spread the role of the representation
architectural perspective called contents that are related to tool for design of the space and narrative issues that are of quadratura in Lombardy, still useful and effective when
quadratura, which featured quadratura and the description itself. Considering the cases the result of the vanishing also validating the projective is describing the design of
the applications of science and of the different functions of the where the built space becomes point position choice. This and typological constants an interior; this task is more
art to interior decoration and perspective, building the space a set, ephemeral and therefore research has proved particularly of paintings, comparing attractive if we pinpoint
architectural spaces during the also as a place of experience illusory, perspective has been interesting points, since very theoretical studies, manuscripts knowledge and practical
sixteenth and the seventeenth and expression of the ways analysed as the design of the often parallels and feedback and treatises to the solutions solutions in an era ruled by
century. The fundamental of thinking, a process that graphic form of perception. have emerged among works and of the Emilian school who digital technology.
content of each quadratura is allow the built environments The second part of the research between what it has been found first influenced the birth of The research concludes its
the three-dimensional ideation transformation. analyzes theory and technique of in written documents and what quadratura in Milan and dissertation showing how design
space and the extension of The thesis has analysed the quadratura design, highlighting has actually been built. Lombardy. It was created a representation can intervene,
architectural surfaces, a veritable concept of a selection of design methods and perspective Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola, mapping of the artworks in adding value, in the processes
figurative palimpsest. The aim of figurative space, going to applications, and studying Sebastiano Serlio, Pietro Accolti, the city of Milan, highlighting of concept development in
the PhD research is to promote deepen the formation of the the projective operations and Jean du Breuil, Abraham Bosse, places in which quadraturisti the practice of interior design;
a deeper understanding of the concepts of perception and techniques of perspective Giulio Troili, Andrea Pozzo, painters operated. The research representation and graphic
quadratura as a tool for the illusion from antiquity to theorized by the numerous Ferdinando Galli Bibiena and pointed its studies about two approach consolidate their role,
design of the illusory space. Renaissance, and to Baroque. treatises of the sixteenth Antonio Palomino are the case studies, Palazzo Crivelli in identity and value even through
Studying the case studies, During Renaissance was given and seventeenth centuries in selected authors because via Pontaccio and Palazzo Litta the study, documentation and
verifying how the use of emphasis to projective methods, the many documents. It was they are considered the most in Corso Magenta, which host transmission of such design
perspective has been the key to of which were investigated the considered appropriate to interesting according to research very significant and interesting methods.
correct the space, it is believed principles of geometric and highlight the case studies in purposes. quadratura decorations.
that this instrument can be optical ones in the proportions which the practice of perspective Dealing with a research project Consider what are the tools and
reused and have a relapse in and in the visualization of seen from below upwards that identifies the quadratura methods to create an illusory
the contemporary design. The architectural works, and was applied, ie the typological parameters in relation to the space is an issue currently
quadratura, in the contemporary the use of perspective as a solutions for the decoration of use of perspective drawing and taken into account where
practice, can be a support to projective system accelerator vaults, ceilings and walls, and its material reproduction, from there is a need to create new
design a place or enrich an or slowing the effects of the their specificity. sketch-concept to perspective architectural scenarios: the
existing space, an interior setting natural perspective to modify The deepening of the manuals tools to achieve pouncing on story of quadrature is the direct
or a public environment. certain environmental aspects, and treatises written and flat surfaces and on vaults, we reference, and there arises the
Perspective is a still useful tool external and internal, to the circulated in Italy, France and can scientifically determine question whether it can still be
in the design of exhibitions or built volumes. The study about Spain, has highlighted the methods from field practice reactivated. Having analyzed
in scenography. Relationships perspective issues was therefore studies done on the project and subsequently verify their the theoretical evolutionary
between perspective and its due to verify its evolution from applications and the ways in reproducibility and variations, route, and with regard to case


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Temporary housing models for large events

Laura Galluzzo - Supervisor: Luisa Collina

The research investigates models itself, through adaptations and on one hand on the analysis theme of the research is part

of temporary accommodation variations of the interiors, in of selected case studies, which of a broader context that
and particularly temporary order to welcome and foster the include field observations includes temporary living,
housing solutions at mega- expression of the occupants (London 2012 Olympic Games) sociological, anthropological
events such as expos, Olympics, identity. In particular, within and the study of texts and and environmental sociology
major concerts, fairs, and the home as occupation data collections, while on the researches on the relationship
cultural, political and religious chapter, we will look at studies other hand it is based on the between the house and its
events, with particular attention in environmental psychology evaluation of interviews and inhabitants, but also the design
paid not only to visitors to describe different strategies questionnaires. The interviews of low cost hospitality and the
accommodation but also employed in order to feel were conducted with people role of events as an opportunity
to the staff working for the at home and express ones who had participated in major for the rebirth of the city,
organization of the event itself. identity even within temporary events as staff and could focusing on large events but also
The disciplines of reference for living spaces. In the house as share their opinions on the on small and medium-size ones.
the study are mainly interior and adaptation chapter we will management of the hospitality
service designs. instead look at transformations sector in that specific context,
The thesis also explores the and alterations of interior while the questionnaires were
urban dimension and the spaces in terms of design for filled out by those who will
response of the city to the degrees of freedom, to be taking part in the next
growing demand for temporary quote Ugo La Pietra, that allow expo (Milan 2015) as staff
accommodation linked not only the occupants to express their or delegates of the various
to large but also to small and identity. Finally, in the conclusion participating countries. The
medium-size events. of the theoretical part, we views of beneficiaries and
Specifically, the study is divided will introduce the concept of workers of the hospitality sector
into two parts: the first is interior legacy to describe of a large-scale event will help to
theoretical, offering the general what interior spaces leave with understand the expectations and
frame of reference and an us after their use, in terms of desires of all users.
introduction to the theme of materials and remnants, but also Another instrument of research
contemporary housing, with a of memories. was workshops through small
special focus on temporary living In the second part we will look forms of co-design, activities
spaces (as a main character of at the practical implications of aimed at non-specialist
contemporary living). Within the research, the description of audiences, the results of which
this we will find a classification the design for the temporary may help to investigate the
of the different temporary living spaces of the Expo possible interpretations of the
housing typologies in order to Village made available to the more general issue of temporary
then explain the dichotomy of delegations and the staff of living and the characteristics
home vs. house in the terms of the event, Expo 2015, in the of the interior spaces for
occupation vs. adaptation. In city of Milan. The output of the hospitality functions (for
other words we will look at the the research is also made up example, the workshop Feel
dialogue which is established of a series of guidelines for a Like Home, held during the
between the necessities and hospitality system connected to event Meet Me Tonight:
needs of the inhabitants and the context of events. Researchers Night).
the answers given by the space The methodology adopted relies As mentioned before, the

DESIGN WUNDERKAMMERN contemporary culture of design. the roles and responsibilities of A specific scenario, the Triennale

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Starting from this hypothesis market players, to determine Design Museum in Milan, chose
The contemporary practice of collecting design the research tried to answer the
following questions:
what makes some of the
pieces presented on the market
for its peculiar collections
management, allowed to set
1. Which are the cultural and more valuable than others and guidelines for the development
narrative implications of what makes them denoted of a general design framework.
limited-edition design in the as collectible. The theoretical The final output of the research
Virginia Lucarelli - Supervisor: Prof. Maurizio Vogliazzo contemporary design culture? framework built behind the is a meta-project tool aimed at
Advisor: Prof. Giampiero Bosoni 2. How to formalize the research is composed of many providing museums and cultural
theoretical and practical disciplines and areas of interest. institutions with a new platform 181
The practice of collecting industrial designers has shifted not deniable, but its implications framework in which the They transformed and affected to identify and share historical

design can be considered as to craftsmanship because unique are also affecting the practice of collecting design each others through direct and contemporary design
a new phenomenon. For the pieces are highly requested consumption and the perception takes place? and indirect relationships that pieces transiting the market.
last two decades the demand by the market. Along with a of design in an extensive way. 3. What kind of curatorial allowed a comprehensive and Design Wunderkammern could
for historical rare objects and growing attention by collectors Whilst the art market has and marketing strategies integrated knowledge and be considered as a facilitator
for contemporary pieces that toward the realm of collectible been widely studied by art do market players adopt in understanding of the practice of processes, discourses and
transcend the boundaries design, what is happening today business, both a professional order to address cultural and under analysis. On this ground relationships between design
between design and art has is a progressive overlapping of and an academic discipline, historical perspectives about the research study is no longer collectors, practitioners active
steadily increased. People have roles and responsibilities in the there are no conventional design? about design itself but about in the market and cultural
been showing a new attitude research and experimentation markers for the market value 4. How collectible Italian design the dynamics and practices institutions. The developed
towards design objects and within the design field. The of design pieces. The amount is perceived and absorbed by that the market for collectible interconnected scenario could
as a consequence the design key players of both the primary of literature dedicated to the the market? design enables and how indeed increase and nurture the
market and the industrial and the secondary market are development and the dynamics 5. What could be a general these discourses could involve non-industrial design heritage
manufacturing system have shifting from being only involved of the market for collectible framework to facilitate the museums and institutions with and could also affect the
been changing their patterns. in the sale and exhibition of design is still minimum. Most sharing of collectible pieces the purpose of enhancing and perception and understanding of
The prices of the design works collectible design to becoming of the studies conducted between private collectors and nurturing the design heritage. the multifaceted contemporary
have started to rise, together meaningful actors able to on the topic highlighted the institutions? Adopting a multiple case studies design culture.
with a new conceptual and encourage appreciation and psychological, symbolic and The investigation and the methodology and a direct
narrative approach in the design understanding of design culture. poetic values of the objects, analysis have been conducted observation viewpoint, this
processes. The global market Through curated exhibitions, their meanings and the cross- with the main purpose of research study intends to gain
for historical and contemporary sales and online platforms they fertilization between design and delineating the design market greater understanding of market
limited-edition design pieces, influence the development of other disciplines. What remains infrastructure as basis for players strategies and to define
small and elitist though it is, has the market and they address to be explored, however, is understanding the collecting the extended boundaries of the
developed as a consequence critical issues related to historical how faithfully the market for praxes and the new relationships discipline outside the industrials
of significant changes in the and contemporary design. collectible design has followed that market players establish processes. The main aim is thus
practices of producing, selling Although an academic interest the art markets structure and with collectors and designers, to underline how the market for
and buying design works. in the market of collectible what cultural implications this affecting the whole design collectible design distinguishes
Galleries started to present design is still in its infancy, particular system may generate scenario. The research study itself from the art market, of
design in the same way of art, mostly because it is seen as a in the future of design culture. started from the world of design which he inherited timing and
and because of that collectors commercial phenomenon not Nowadays it is not possible to culture and design history mechanisms, and how the
began to purchase pieces worthy of being investigated make a distinction between the and entered the domains of market players helped to shape
manufactured by designers, as from a theoretical perspective, shift in public interest about collecting practices, art business the theoretical framework
they were artworks. Auction this research study relies design and the shift in the and museum studies, trying to behind the expanding practice
houses started holding sales upon the main hypothesis market for it. frame the contemporary way of of collecting design. Together
dedicated to historical and that the cultural implications The research moved from collecting design through the with the investigation of critical
contemporary works by connected to the distribution the previous statements and investigation of the features issues related to the importance
designers and architects. and production of non-industrial developed on the basis of one of limited-edition design of sharing collections, the
International and domestic design could truthfully enrich main hypothesis: the limited production and the new role of research presents the concept
fairs dedicated to collectible and develop the multifaceted edition design production, design market players. Beside of a shared database that allows
design have seen a significant culture of design. The distribution and consumption the purely economic aspect of the mutual loan of collectible
increase in sales and attendance phenomenon has indeed a can be considered a cultural the phenomenon, more efforts design pieces between private
and a noticeable number of strong commercial core, that is phenomenon able to enrich the had to be made to formalize collectors, dealers and museums.

TACTiLe DisPLAy fOR viRTuAL 3D shAPe

PhD yearbook | 2015


Alessandro Mansutti - Supervisor: Prof. Monica Bordegoni

The product design process at the same time, instead of in designer selects curves on the currently available both on the

is based on a sequence of two distinct moments and by shape surface, which can be market and in research labs.
phases where the concept using different means. Today considered as style features In addition, preliminary tests
of the shape of a product is computer-based tools do not of the shape, and evaluate have been performed with a
typically represented through allow us to perform the visual the aesthetic quality of these group of designers. Both the
a digital 3D model of the evaluation and the tactile curves by manual exploration. comparison and the testing
shape, and often also by means evaluation at the same time. The In order to physically represent session have achieved positive
of a corresponding physical aim of this research work is to these selected curves, a flexible and satisfactory results, which
prototype. The digital model develop a novel system for the surface is modelled by means have highlighted the high
allows designers to perform simultaneous visual and tactile of servo-actuated modules innovative potential of the
the visual evaluation of the rendering of product shapes, controlling a physical deforming system. Several are the benefits
shape, while the physical model thus allowing designers to both strip. The device is designed in of the Tactile Display used in
is used to better evaluate the touch and see new product order to be portable, low cost, the initial conceptual phases of 2. Prototype of the Tactile Display
aesthetic characteristics of the shapes already during the modular and high performing product design. The designers
product, i.e. its dimension and product conceptual development in terms of types of shapes will be able to change the shape
proportions, by touching and phase. that can be represented. The of a product according to the
interacting with it. If the new The proposed system for visual developed Tactile Display can tactile evaluation, before the
shape, either in its digital or and tactile shape rendering be effectively used if integrated development of the physical
physical form, does not satisfy consists of a Tactile Display with an Augmented Reality prototype. This feature will
the designers, it has to be able to represent in the real system, which allows rendering allow decreasing the number
modified. A modification of the environment the shape of a the visual shape on top of the of physical prototypes needed
digital model requires a new product, which can be explored tactile haptic strip. This allows a reducing, consequently, both
physical prototyping of the naturally through free hand simultaneous representation of cost and overall time of the
shape for further evaluation. interaction. It allows designers visual and tactile properties of a product development process.
Conversely, a modification of to explore the rendered shape. Moreover, designers may
the physical prototype requires surface through a continuous The developed Tactile Display improve their creativity during
the consequent update of the touch of curves lying on the has been compared with the product shape conception,
digital model, which can be product shape. Ideally, the similar devices, which are since they will have the
performed by remodelling the chance to optimise the design-
shape, or using techniques as evaluation process by evaluating
reverse engineering. Design visual and tactile properties at
and valuation activities are the same time. Future works
typical cyclical, repeated many have been presented, so as to
times before reaching the indicate the future research
optimal and desired shape. This to pursue in order to further
reiteration leads to an increase improve the design process and
of the development time and, the creativity of designers. 3. Tactile Display integrated with Augmented Reality visualisation system
consequently, of the overall
product development cost.
Indeed, it would be very efficient
and effective if the two kinds of
evaluations would be performed 1. Proposed Product Design Process

Audiovisual Storytelling for Design

PhD Yearbook | 2015


Walter Mattana - Supervisor: Maria Luisa Galbiati

Today we are living in what consumption. So audiovisual lies in a partial, simplicistic is graphically represented as

sociologists and mess- presence has become pervasive, and sometimes misleading the research cicle) three
mediologists described as the occupying spaces and places interpretation of the narrative distinctive disciplines: the
narrative era, where the until recently inaccessible, and concept. Other times, the narratological theory, the media
attainment of the narrative turn narrative has spread among enthusiasm for a cultural studies and the Movie Design
interprets and transforms every varied and unexpected sectors, fashion or the illusion of a (according with the definition
object and every action in a both social and corporate, brand new discovery leads to of Marisa Galbiati). Starting
matter of narration. Telling the entering rightfully in the forget the existence of an well- from the studies of cognitivist
world and doing it through processes of marketing, of established linguistic tradition. psychologist Jerome Seymour
pictures - seems more easy and corporate training, in politics The enthusiasm with which Bruner and particularly from his
natural as never before. and institutional communication, different forms of storytelling concept of narrative thought,
As a part of the communication in clinical and psychological are accepted, show how the this thesis wants to point out
world, the various forms of therapy. field is still fertile and open to the fact that storytelling is not
1. Scheme of the disciplines involved in this research
audiovisual narrative have Also in the design world new experimentations, but merely identifiable with the
represented - and still represent the theme of narrative is at the same time are likely ability to tell stories more or
- one of the most fertile soil increansingly common and to turn into an ephemeral less interesting and credible, but definition of the grammatical understandable. Discover and
in terms of research and it is used in many fields. In cultural revival. To declare is a real system of organization statutes and the syntax of analyze the filmic material that
experimentation. Over the last the same way the audiovisual indistinctly that Nowadays, of thought and culture, a way of audiovisual narrative. A moment is emerging today from the
century moving images have communication focused on everything is storytelling, or knowledge transmission which to assert, once again, the close company archives also means
established themselves as one of artifacts, products and services to call narrative any form can involve both individuals and integration between the world to shed light on the practices
the most effective representation has become a customary of communication - even if whole communities. of narrative and the world of with which the different design
form of contemporary practice, especially for what it uses a a little part of the The following step involved moving pictures, a bond born areas have tried to represent
complexity. Audiovisual concernes the description of discoursive techniques - means the analysis of semiotics and in the past - as we learn from themselves.
managed to go beyond the complex phenomena, in the to obscure, if not to ignore at narratological studies (Greimas, the history of cinema - that Located at the crossroads of
traditional barriers of written- construction of scenarios, in the all, the theoretical and linguistic Todorov, Eco, Chatman, helps to spread audiovisual narrative, cinema and the
oral languages - sometimes documentation of design and narratology principles, that Campbell) in order to define storytelling as a mean of tradition of the utility films,
inaccessible - thanks to its nature manufacturing practices. In this manage the story mechanism. what are the main elements interpretation, dialogue and the audiovisual storytelling
of language of images and way the designer also holds the This PhD research aims to and mechanisms that constitute cultural access. The last phase could be turning in recent
its intimistic narrative features, role of a real communicator, able address the communication any kind of story (fabula is dedicated to the analysis of times into a tool for sharing
offering itself as one of the to design and to test languages landscape just discussed through and discourse, characters, a particular cinematographic projects and for facilitating
main keys to understand todays and visual narratives in order a theoretical reflection about environments, time, conflicts) genre: the industrial film. In the design more aware. In this
society. to represent actual and future the role that the audiovisual and to describe their particular the multifaceted world of way the audiovisual narrative
Nowadays, the strength of this visions of a society in a constant has, and can have, in the characteristics as well as the cinema products, this kind of become the true mediator
communication phenomenon transformation. design processes and on the relationships that bind them films has represented the real capable of activating whar John
si fostered and boosted by Unfortunately, however, the use opportunities that the visual to each other. The subsequent ground of exchange among the Grierson one of the fathers of
the wide range of repro-visual of audiovisual storytelling in narrative offers in terms of investigation involved the nature design processes, the industrial doocumentary films defined
instruments and devices and this context is often limited to representation, of knowledge of cinematographic language manufacturing practices and as the creative treatment of
by the increasing popularity of an ancillary role or the synergic sharing and documentation. and the praxis of the filmic the filmic communication. An reality.
digital distribution, sharing and application of narrative and In order to facing these text analysis (Balsz, Metz, area where it was possible
archiving of audiovisual artifacts, audiovisual strategies is not issues, this research seeks to Aumont, Marie, Elsaesser, Burch, to experience visual narrative
especially for what concernes entirely effective. In many vases converge on a unique frame of Morin, iek); the theoretical solutions for make the
the bottom-up distribution and the cause of these problems reference (what in the figure milieu which contributed the industrial tasks more clear and

Design of the un-finished. The first part of this research metaphor has strong influences

PhD Yearbook | 2015

grounds the mapping of debates on the design process, as it
Information visualization in mapping social issues through from the web into the literature,
identifying the main concepts
suggests that maps can be
drawn while exploring the
the web and relating them to the visual territory. From the practical
analysis of social phenomena. experience, a two-fold
Those concepts are not relevant movement emerges: first, an
Michele Mauri - Supervisor: Paolo Ciuccarelli as background information exploration of the topic, in
but rather for the definition of which visual artifacts are used in
design directions. Analyzing quick and frequent iterations by 187
The web is progressively approach looking at at the studies: the ageing phenomenon issue-mapping studies carried researchers to validate results,

becoming the place where we web as a space of discussion in Europe and the adaptation out in the last years, emerges identify errors, and identify
are shaping the image of our that can be mapped. Adopting to climate change. With a first that most of them are based on new analysis direction. The
society: social interactions, news, a cartographic metaphor, the round of experimentations, it the study of digital objects, second movement is the way
official and unofficial documents social scientist is seen as a has been possible to see that seen as the ontological object back toward the end-user, in
are increasingly archived online. cartographer, who explores and design expertise is not only provided by each platform (such which artifacts are repurposed,
Any public issue and concern describes the debate landscape. related to public communication, as website, social networks, redesigned and enriched in
hits the web, leaving traces of Outputs of these studies are but influences the analysis search engines) on the web. As order to make explicit all the
ongoing debates. The rising therefore maps and atlases, process too. Visual artifacts are designers, we need to know the assumptions taken by the
questions are: how can we use which can be shared with indeed used by researchers into features of materials well use researcher in the exploratory
these traces to investigate social involved actors to understand the analysis process, to validate to produce artifacts. The process phase. From this analysis two
issues, such as the adaptation their position in the debate. results and identify errors and of encoding digital objects into main concepts are argued. The
to climate change? Is it possible Such approaches provide a pitfalls. data is therefore investigated. first one is that visual artifacts
to map these traces to gather a sound framework to repurpose This research is therefore framed First, an analysis of digital must be considered as semi-
big picture of the phenomenon? digital traces for social research. to explore the influence of visual object concept is carried finished products, or materials,
While the web is a place where There is a demand for new artifact within the analysis of out, highlighting the authorial supporting the analysis.
multiple actors are engaging visual languages able to social issues from the web. The choices that must be taken Identifying researchers as main
in discussions about these express the complexity of these aim is to identify needs and for its translation into data. users, artifacts core features
issues, several biases affect this studies: communication design criticalities whose solution is Then, a classification of digital are the quickness of execution,
medium. Not all the worlds expertise, in particular from the supported by design expertize. sources is suggested, describing simplicity in re-executing them,
population has equal access information visualization field, is Developing visual and interactive the characteristics of digitized and the openness to new
to it, not all the debates are needed. Diagrams are powerful artifacts within the project, it objects, born-digital objects and analysis actions starting from
public, and the loudness of tools capable of expressing has been possible to analyze re-born digital objects. From the them. Semi-products become
involved actors can be amplified different layers of the debate, how researchers and end-users analysis of already existing tools, outdated at the moment of
or weakened by the web as allowing a formalization of engage in the use of visual five approaches for repurposing their reading, their use is purely
medium. This makes the web an results providing at the same artifacts. The project gave us and translating digital objects functional to identify new
unsuitable source to understand time a seamless exploration of the ability to follow in vivo are identified, depending on research directions.
a social issue, as our perception them, from the macro to the the whole process of a social the access provided by different The second concept is closely
can be influenced by those micro view on debate. While cartography, observing the platforms. For each one, related to the previous one, as
biases. At the same time, the these approaches have been analysis methods evolution, the repercussions on design process the openness of an artifact is not
web is the perfect place for already discussed in other fields, criticalities related to the data are analyzed. Furthermore the a by-product of visualizations
looking at the public discussion few reflections have been done collection and to their visual research draws connections but it must be designed:
about issues. On the web is on the role of design within translation. Furthermore the with communication design and therefore design actions must be
possible to see who are the most the creation of such artifacts. project allowed testing different information visualization. mainly focused on developing
active actors involved in the A European project that joined design approaches and visual Finally, an analysis of the project un-finished artifacts, which are
debate, which are the factions researchers from the social languages, producing several experience is proposed, drawing open to be repurposed and
and the fractures among them, sciences, new media studies diagrams and a web-platform on failures and successes edited. Finally these artifacts can
how these relationships change and design fields has made for controversy explorations. achieved along the process. be used at the end of the study
over time. possible to analyze the role of Beyond the achieved results, we The limits of the cartographic to rebuild the analysis evolution,
In the fields of social sciences diagrammatic tools in issues and also had the ability to identify metaphor are explained and and to identify key concepts
and new media studies it controversy mapping. Two issues design approaches able to a new approach to analysis and findings that should be
is possible to see a rising have been identified as case improve the analysis. is therefore proposed. The communicated to the end user.

Museums for the Intercultural City.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Designing for/through local museums and
heritage in multicultural towns and cities
Lucia Parrino - Supervisor: Prof. Eleonora Lupo

Although diversity has urban contexts that conceives governments and policy-makers. local museums in relation to

always been a fundamental diversity as a source of Therefore, in elaborating the intercultural integration policies
characteristic of human societies, dynamism, innovation, creativity metadesign framework, I have and practices. This can be used
now more than ever, it is central and growth, and stresses the selected and reinterpreted both to support museums and
to the political and research importance of interpersonal them in light of what local their partners in designing
agenda. Contextually, the and intercultural encounters. museums can concretely do. their interventions and to
socially active role of museums In Europe, the development This translation was influenced evaluate the compliance with
and heritage has become of this approach went hand in and addressed by the museum intercultural integration policies
intertwined with cultural hand with the Intercultural Cities practices and projects observed of their existing activities.
diversity and intercultural Programme, a joint action of during the first phase of the The formalisation of such
dialogue, and design research the Council of Europe and the research, all of them originally framework is in line with the
and practice have become European Commission. conceived and designed without guiding approach embraced
increasingly interested in My study is aimed at supporting any explicit reference to the by museum think tanks and
addressing social and societal especially local museums, Intercultural City objectives. associations with reference
issues. which, because of their being Furthermore, the premise to cultural diversity and social
In the light of this, my study implicated in the territory, for the kinds of suggestions inclusion and impact. From the
developed from a generic are accounted as privileged included in the framework lies perspective of design, the study
1. Marlborough Square Project exhibition within Small Works Hackney. Clear
interest in how museums and institutions for being relevant in the idea of design practice has offered new viewpoints and Village.
design could have a role in locally. By virtue of its as aimed at designing for and experiences on the relationship
addressing local cultural diversity aspirational dimension and its through museums, seen as between transformation design
issues, such as intercultural acknowledgement by European transformative services for local and design for cultural heritage
relationships and tensions, institutions and policy networks, communities. This vision was when designing in and for
integration processes and so I have identified the Intercultural informed by the transformation multicultural places. In particular,
forth. City approach as a reference design practices observed and I have framed in the context of
With the first phase of the for addressing the work of local developed during the research design for cultural heritage the
researchthrough literature museums, which are regarded process, such as Small idea of museums
review, contacts with experts, as tools potentially able to Works Hackney by Clear Village.
exploration of case studies and influence local dynamics. Lastly, based on the case of
participatory action researchI In line with those design MUST-Museo del Territorio
moved from this generic interest approaches that acknowledge Vimercatese and on my active
to a more structured conceptual peoples and organisations involvement in the design
framework and related aim: creativity and empower them process of the exhibition Parole
providing local museums with in finding their own specific per accogliere. Parole da
guidance on how to activate solutions, the outcome of the cogliere, I have reflected on how
bottom-up the elements of the study is a metadesign framework the Intercultural City metadesign
Intercultural City approach, even guiding museums in designing framework can be used in the
in the absence of a local policy their interventions. This is based specific context of MUST and its
framework that embraces this on the idea of the ten elements territory.
strategy. of an intercultural strategy With my study, from the point
The concept of Intercultural suggested by the Council of of view of museums, I have
City refers to an approach for Europe. These suggestions formalised a reference that 2. Parole per accogliere. Parole da cogliere at MUST-Museo del Territorio
the management of diversity in are mainly addressed to local would guide the work of Vimercatese. COI.

Theoretical/Practical study of an innovative

PhD Yearbook | 2015

methodology for medical design: Application
to a wearable biomedical system
Paolo Perego - Supervisor: Prof. eng. Giuseppe Andreoni

In the last decade, the trends believes that using a particular groups, workshops) used for have been used in order to

in the development and system would be free of effort. acquiring data from users in retrieve information form the
management of national Starting from these two different stages of development. users which could be otherwise
healthcare service are focused concepts, this doctoral thesis The users NWDs are then gathered only in the final test
on telemedicine with the aim of study a new method for exploited as main inputs to phase. In this part the thesis
cost reduction. Telemedicine can the development of a new build the new biomedical shows all the techniques used
be useful to reduce cost thanks biomedical device for tele- device. The third part consists for developing software mock-
to early de-hospitalization and medicine. The research has been in the development of the up and then the real software/
diagnosis. These development divided into five parts. hardware; this work uses a apps necessary for signal
drivers can be achieved only The first part concerns on users: concrete system development acquisition, processing and
through the use of new the research focuses on studying example to demonstrate the visualization.
technology oriented to the market and epidemiology in proposed reliability and the The last chapters of the thesis
production of low cost products, order to identify who are the applied method. This method reports data form the final test
which can be integrated with users that will use the products, is specifically applied in the of the system with real users
existing system in order to which are their main features development of a wearable as well as the problems, future
improve monitoring quality and and how many different kinds of system, device and smart developments and conclusion.
possibility. The application of users the product has to meet. garment, for weak people.
these technologies on sensible Once the users have been The system has the purpose
aspects has to face the main selected, the research focuses to continuously monitor the
issue of user acceptance and on these subjects in order to cardiac state of the subjects
usability. extract the user NWDs (Needs, (weak users). The weak users
Usability shows how a product Wants, Desires). These operation are defined in this case as babies
can be exploit by specified users has been done using some and elderlies. The process shows
to achieve specified goals with qualitative analysis technique different stage of development
effectiveness, efficiency and (Interview, Focus groups, with some subsequent version
satisfaction in a specific context Workshop). In this research, of the hardware due to
of use (ISO 26800 Ergonomics. the work with the users, and the integration of data and
General approach, principles particularly the qualitative idea arising from the users
and concepts, ISO 9241-11 analysis, is accomplish both involvement and from the data
hardware usability and ISO/IEC in the early and final stage of acquired through the qualitative
9126 software usability). The development. This method analysis.
acceptance is instead defined as allows for optimizing the design The forth part is similar to
how the information technology of the product minimizing the the third but concerns on the
can be accepted or rejected by cost of development. Users are software of the system. In this
people. In particular: also involved in the final tests part the research focuses on
Perceived usefulness: The to verify two main aspects: the the development of software
degree to which a person usability (how the system is easy (particularly GUI - Graphical 1. Outline methodology for healthcare product/system development.
believes that using a particular to use) and the efficiency (how User Interface) starting from
system would enhance his or the device is able to give correct the users NWDs highlighted in
her job performance. and reliable outputs to the the previous step. In this forth
Perceived ease of use: the users). The second part explain part, different procedure for
degree to which a person the technics (interviews, focus Mock-up and Wizard of Oz

Faking Nature of the peculiar category of would be difficult to analyze

PhD Yearbook | 2015

objects: the analysis of formal, through catalogue pictures.
dimensional, chromatic, material The confrontation of the
and descriptive characteristics boards made ad hoc and the
of over 200 objects is rendered commercial description of the
through 70 different graphic objects provided by designer
boards, divided into 3 distinct and companies underlines
Davide Rapp - Relatore: Maurizio Vogliazzo list. An herbarium, a bestiarium dissonances between design
and a lapidarium show the intentions and outcomes.
collections of objects that Analytic statistics on materials 193
The forms, the colours and the a green make-up, a camouflage naturalistic key. have a false vegetal, animal and prevailing colours take

mechanisms of Nature have that can be either chromatic or The different contents of the and mineral appearances. the specimens back to that
always been an influence on formal. It is the contradictory research are articulated in a By changing graphics, words concreteness that as functional 1. Fake Herbarium, leaves.
the production of objects and and double-nature dimension of continuous stream of text, and classification practices objects - they posses.
the design processes at different objects of natural appearance, images and graphic apparat, inspired by the natural sciences, Photographs, drawings and
scales, both indoor and outdoor. products that create a fake using diversified linguistic the different specimen are analytic texts take turn in
This influence reveals itself in Nature within the domestic approaches. interpreted from a transversal describing the object of the
an often unbalanced mix of walls. In the first part the juxtaposition point of view, unbound from enquiry - a fake Nature that
imitation and invention, simple This false environment - of photographs, drawings functionality and aiming at proliferates both indoor and
resemblance and understanding populated by trees/clothes and diagrams collected and pinpointing the recurrent outdoor through a transversal
of deeper mechanisms. hangers, grass fields/carpets selected over three years characters of reproduction and multilayered gaze. In the
Today industrial design seems and cactus/toilet brushes - is represents a selection of design and falsification of the natural described design experiences,
to be progressively acquiring an amplified by the technical experiences without the use components. the use of forms, colours and
hybrid character that aims at possibility to reproduce every of words. A series of over 100 The graphical rendition in words taken from the natural
the creation of objects inspired environmental condition in images creates a sequence of plan and elevation of the world ideal and abstract is
by natural processes, through a closed environment. Air case study couples in order to 200 selected examples, allows intertwined with expectations
the integration of technology conditioned hangars guarantee try and determine ambiguities for their systematic study and often disappointed of
and biology. As a result, an - 24 hours a day, 7 days a and contradictions in the design defines the necessary database environmental respect and
ever-growing environmental week, 365 days a year - snow practices inspired by Nature homogenous which is the safeguard, uncovering a desire
2. Fake Bestiarium, birds.
awareness gave the birth of a covered tracks in Dubai and from the end of the 60s till base for the analytic phase. for legitimation which is
design for sustainability or, in tropical beaches in Berlin. today. The images, edited The objects are re-read and dominantly aesthetic.
its most simplistic and popular And what happens outdoors? and hosted within the same interpreted starting from
reduction, to the so-called green Mobile phone towers disguised graphic frame are alternated, their appearance, form the
design. as pine trees are hiding in the revealing visual assonances and correspondence of their form
The use of the word green, woods, accompanied by the first dissonances. In the descriptive to a kingdom and specie,
adopted in lieu of the term specimen of photovoltaic trees. texts the reiteration of the same coherently with the intentions
sustainable, coincides with Do we still have the genuine analytical structure description declared by the designers
the attempt to reinstate the experience of nature? Where of case a, description of case b, and brands. By forgoing a
image of design as natural is the boundary between confrontation between cases a classification based solely on
practice, symbolic and positive, reproduction and imposture? and b defines a systematic and function it is possible to notice
by referring to Natures Are we setting up a fake homogenous way of reading. differences and analogies
most evident and superficial domestic nature in order to The sequence of texts and between specimens that mimic
characteristic: its colour. replace the real one? images follows a reverse scale the same natural element, in
This exchange gives way to The research project aims at order, going progressively from an enquiry that overturns the
contradictions and linguistic ordering and interpreting design landscape to object. ironic and analytic attitude of
practices that are inspired by In the second part the Bruno Munari who, in Good 3. Fake Lapidarium, stones.
ambiguities: on the one hand
green design promotes objects the forms and mechanisms drawing becomes the decisive Design (1963) transfigures fruit,
that are environmentally aware; of nature, to determine the instrument of enquiry. The vegetables and flowers into
on the other hand it allows for characters of the fake Nature research proposes a taxonomy objects.
the creation of designs that are that is made up of objects, system that is able to order The composition of the
far removed from any ecological materials and environments and interpret the languages, taxonomical boards highlights
value and that are hidden under simply interpreted in a functionalities and contradictions characteristics and details which

Navigating through Trends and

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Anticipation: An Advanced Design
perspective on Reframing practices
Jennifer-Ellen Rudkin - Relatore: Flaviano Celaschi - Co-relatore: Manuela Celi

This research results from the of market constraints, disruptive and most direct demonstration Unlike other design productions with the question of designing room to recognize change that

observation of a constantly design and design of meta- that comes to mind, is reference that can easily disappear, food functions, but more so with will nurturing innovation, a
changing design landscape, tools - the components of a to the Italian derivative of the is therefore a stable basis that that of designing behaviors. designer meditator, trickster,
repetitions, alterations, process (Celaschi, 2014; Celi, word design, progettazione, contrasts with fleeting trends The conversations are necessary magnifier, and advanced
and disruptions, a flow of 2014). In accordance, the meaning to project, to set and allows perception of for the design process, but the designer.
information that are as many research positions itself at the forth, directly connecting change. The findings underpin way in which people participate
representations of innovation. Fuzzy Front End of Innovation design and future. To Design the untamable quality of trends; in creating a design vision is not
Paced by a continuous update recognized as a problematic is to Project. From this vantage interconnected, open structures systematic and can happen at
of its productions, Design space for the Design activity due point the study moved towards that irradiate, multiply and different levels. This is confirmed
activity is driven by a goal - the to the strong implications of the exploration of anticipation release contagious energies that by the many possibilities of
improvement of the quality of insight and tacit knowledge. The as an approach embedded annul all distinction between interpreting the present. The
life. However, innovation does argument that a conscious and/ in other disciplines. This lead past, present and future. The now is multifaceted, mixing
not always come out as novelty or unconscious implication of initially to a comparative analysis trend, in its living state, is of past, future and experienced
nor as improvement. In the very trends at the early stages of the of the many fields that use interest to the design project in moments, its richness is
least, each design action reveals design process, can direct the anticipation. Then, to a focus search of pieces of information recognized by Future Studies
itself differently depending on project towards a meaningful on the three fields that are most that will make the difference in that do not predict the future
the perspective we bring to bear innovation has weaknesses. implicated in the gathering of social and cultural contexts and but look at the way in which the
on it. As a result, it is difficult to These can be addressed by a qualitative information, mainly in the future. present can inform the creation
ascertain the designers political variant approach that seeks socially situated trends; i.e. Keeping the frame of the of alternatives paths.
and/or social commitment in to make better sense of the Fashion, Foresight and Design. research fixed on the early Finally, the findings suggests
any new production. As per contemporaneity of change. Taking into account the stages of the design process, the need to implement stand-
this assessment, the following The flux, as the backbone of importance of trends within the having made sense of the by tricks for developing
questions are raised: What are the research, connects all the socially engaged practices of perceivable representations of awareness of the many realities
the driving forces that determine parts together as well as it Fashion, Foresight and Design, change, the inquiry moves to that make up the thickness of
the direction and outcome of a connects objects to meaning, raises the question, Should the analysis of the terrain where the present. Reframing, as a
design production? How much to people, to nature, to we reconcile with trends? change is most effervescent, practice that allows the offset
control over change is in the space and time. And those Looking into trends is a difficult the present. The hypothesis of preconceived ideas of what
hands of the designer? How are the many connections to task because of the many layers that emerged from the study the future should look like,
does design take charge of the integrate at the beginning of meaning that have been of trends is that people may is illustrated with examples
future? of the design process when given to them and the mystical be the best informants of taken from various disciplines
The methodology adopted to gleaning information, framing powers that come into play. meaningful change, placing of anticipation. The underlying
answer these questions is mainly the field of action, envisioning Nevertheless, the study finds its all their expectations in the idea is that reframing offers the
qualitative, beginning from an the new, and reiterating the way through the confusion of moment not yet formed - the capacity to adapt to change
opportunity space rather than a process for the fine-tuning of appearances within the three future. This analysis begins by and to grasp the emerging
problem space and refining the the imagined possibilities. All of disputed fields, by kneading questioning the motivations challenges of the present this,
domain of inquiry along with the this contributes to building the the trends representation and of participatory co-design as a consequence of open
acquisition of knowledge. future. A future that, according via experiments that reveal the practices and rapidly moves into meaningful conversations
The study takes place, within to the design literature, limits of its mechanism and a debate on creativity. This issue, driven by sincere creativity. The
the context of an Advanced encompasses three expectations: content. The experiments rely motivated by a will to change Advanced intervention of design
Design framework, driven by critical, sustainable and creative. on the field of food, given that becomes stifled because of is recognized by the potential
four characteristics: design Anticipation and Design are it seems safe to expect that collective consensus and biases. of the design practitioner to
anticipation; design in absence intimately connected. The first food is a constant human need. Design is not concerned only continuously step aside, giving

Sensemaking in Furniture Design principal concept in interpreters exhortation tend to promote furniture, able to evoke cultural

PhD Yearbook | 2015

mind. Each object can get a differentiation of both shape issues which they are traces
four kinds of relationship with and individual in respect of the of. These groups form design
concept: similarity, effectuality, reference context. The other two patterns, from which sensegiving
causality and convention. areas effectuality / selection starts. In the case of a market-
In a relationship of similarity, and convention / participation pull process, where pursued
a piece of furniture imitates emphasize the integration innovation is incremental, design
Francesco Ruffa - Supervisor: Agnese Rebaglio with qualitative differentiations of an external order. Well- decision can overlap to one
a concrete object. Similarity balanced furniture may have design pattern. If the goal is
tends to promote the expression different forms of relationship formulating disrupting ideas, art 197
Contemporary home the relationship between sign designers / art directors to of designer in the imitation with concept, including both director can use a method called

environment comes from the and its other, its signified visualize and organize the of the physical thing directly the presence of community insight combination: individual
disintegration of traditional concept. process of sensemaking. The represented. through effectuality or insights of design issue are
symbolic structures. The According to a first general advantages would be various, In a relationship of effectuality, convention and the personal linked one-to-one to single
emancipation from bourgeois classification, semiotics of last in addition to determining a piece of furniture is meant as connection between designer design patterns, which later are
moral tensions allows us a new century has lived a contrast effective innovation paths: trace of a certain past activity a and consumer through creatively combined to look for
structuration of environment. between two capital theoretical sharing interpretative process technique of production, the use similarity or causality. new semantic keys.
Dweller puts personally pieces lines. One is the linguistic theory, with other members of of a material, a local decoration, Finally, the thesis formulates The main value of this research
of furniture in his own home which lets us replace a sign design team and with other etc. The main goal of designer a guiding principle for the the lies in considering the whole
environment and can wonder with a meaning determined corporate areas; transferring lies in the selection of this social generation of a concept map. conscious experience, by
about on the links furniture by convention. The other one the interpretative criterion practice. This represents graphically evaluating it not only for what
maintains with its formal quality, is born from the contribution within company, limiting the In a condition of causality, a the mental model of creators is based on convention but also
the production that generated it, of Charles Sanders Peirce importance of individuals; piece of furniture facilitates and guides understanding for not symbolic meanings,
the actions it invites to perform and is based on a logical- facilitating the relationship a determined future action. of gathered material both experienced and interpreted
or the interactions it makes cognitive system allowing the with clients or managers, who Here the goal of designer is the by the creation (implying directly. In furniture design like
possible. The new setting is no interpretation of sign as an would understand more easily exhortation of a wished action a value judgment) and by in arts subject may suppose
more symbolic. The pieces of inference. the influence of research work toward a passive subject. the visualization (illustrating senders purpose through an
furniture do not comply with This work refers to Peirces on the result. Nevertheless, the The relationship of convention, connections). Design team interpretative approach, similar
a predetermined order but Semiotics, involving most designers do not follow finally, is based on a piece progressively places and to that one applied to natural
represent the worldview of the interpretation. If culture were a a systematic methodology, of furniture sharing with organizes according to phenomena. This thesis sets up a
person who combined them simple system of conventional but they instinctively interpret user a code necessary to semantic areas pictures taken meaning theory more congruent
together. symbols, experience would objects by counting on their understand its performing from reference context and may with design practice, dealing
Home furniture is generally be only recognition. But, if experience, without a real properties. The central issue integrate the map with notes, with a not always codified
considered low-tech and culture is seen as a continuous externalization. of this representation is the based on personal experiences. relationship between designer
requires research mainly in interactive process which we Semiotics and methodology participation of person in The map may be a big physical and consumer.
the not technological area of cannot simplify, something new are convergent issues: we can performance. surface or a digital file, with
meaning. Furthermore, semantic may join experience through mean design semiotics as a Domestic furniture, more dynamic nature and the option
experience has generally a the interpretation of intrinsic methodology, study of methods than other objects, represents to be shared. The actions of
perceptive origin and is linked features of object. In other specifying where and how to the links of man in respect mapping come in a circular way:
more to the manifest meanings words, experience of project order and interpret the objects to himself or other people. It 1. Collecting and organizing
deriving from cultural context and interpretation, on which of a system where we have to links or divides individuals, and images in accordance with the
then to the latent meanings Peirces Semiotics focuses on, are act. We use this methodology takes on formal properties of four mentioned areas;
experienced in use and strongly linked. to define what is possible to do, differentiation or integration. 2. Grouping images according
appropriation of object. The core of the strategic design which is both understanding Furniture shows unique to homogeneous evoked
We can consider a piece of of furniture is an interpretative links of meaning (sensemaking) qualities to represent users concepts;
furniture as a sign, which activity mostly involving the and being able to managing internally order, whereas it 3. Connecting groups of
we sense, and it signifies the existing artifacts of reference them (sensegiving). shows collective practices to images placed in all areas
connection between us and the sector. This activity is essentially After a theoretical discussion, emphasize social identity. If we in accordance to common
culture we belong to. Therefore, an abductive process informed the process of sensemaking focus on the four identified cultural macro-themes.
semiotics is central in this work, by inference, and we can call it systematized in this thesis semantic areas, we can see The creation and the use
because it is the discipline sensemaking. considers each piece of furniture that two of them similarity of a concept map provide
studying sign and in particular A methodology would allow as a design entity evoking one / expression and causality / semantically coherent groups of


PhD Yearbook | 2015

exhibit the characteristics and
USE AND ENHANCEMENT OF ARCHIVES activities of each institution.
The innovative categories of
communication of the archives
contribute to the transformation
Anna Santi - Supervisor: Prof. Fulvio Irace and updating of the archives
and to the definition of new
social and cultural practices, 199
for a dynamic and open while attempting to provide

diffusion. Internet is the logical answers to meaning of the role
extension of free access to of archives today, through the
archive institutions: intuitive promotion of their contents,
interfaces, efficient search new curatorial processes, new
engines and attractive electronic professionals and the public
devices foster the attention and engagement.
Architectural archive institutions_map
engagement for new forms The research attempts
of informal learning, potential to demonstrate how the
knowledge experiences, as well history of modern architecture migration, etc.). Furthermore, informative and interactive
as new curatorial and scientific and references for entire they include the contribution principle of technologies,
horizons, without physical or generations, for helping spread and participation of visitors and coupled with favorable
temporal boundaries. a modern idea of living by the open their collections cyclically social dynamics, presents an
Digital archives of architecture principles of geometric rigor, putting all the materials from opportunity for the archives
and design, although in their functionality, new technologies the archives on display; to be transformed into many
niche discipline, contribute and innovative materials. web sites and portals as piazze del sapere, where
to the spiraling growth of As a witness of evolution in authentic publishing projects everyone can find, identify, and
digital heritage by circulating progress, the research examines are considered the new nurture their own interest, and
Analog/Digital archives representations of a rich how digitization and online communication tools for memories can be relived through
and extravagant repertoire: dissemination of archival content online dissemination. They also free and creative forms of
The research starts with in Montreal, the Royal Institute drawings, sketches, notes, entail a necessary redefinition of provide fertile testing ground interpretation and elaboration;
a reconsideration of the or British Architects in London, models, photographs, audio, the archives role and activities, for communication design. those infinite narratives able to
humanistic model of information the Netherland Institute of video, etc., often activated via stimulating a radical rethinking as platforms of multimedia weave the threads of the past
transmission, here represented Architecture in Rotterdam, the typologies, thematic paths, of the entire institutional experience. As platforms of with those of the future.
by the archives, highlighting Museo delle Arti del XXI secolo geo localizations, etc. They organization and representation
the new possibilities offered and the Museo di Arte Moderna preserve the testimonies of open for a wider audience.
by digital technologies. e Contemporanea di Trento architecture, objects and creative The interactive, multimedia and
Although specifically focusing e Rovereto, among others, is thoughts on design of the participatory digital models
on architecture and design that digital technologies and modern heritage that built the present new opportunities for
archives, the thesis discusses the participative models amplify the today contemporary landscapes the enhancement and fruition
changing patterns in information opportunities for the diffusion forging contemporary aesthetics. in both the organization of
communication in contemporary of information of archives Great masters, such as Le the exhibition (exhibitions in
society, which embodies strong materials. Corbusier, Gropius, Mies vad situ) and dissemination in the
technological features, trying to Architecture and design digital der Rohe, Aalto, in Europe; network (portals and websites):
make connections between the archives, with databases Whrigt and Buckinster Fuller exhibitions and cultural
humanistic and scientific fields. and descriptive metadata, in the USA, in Italy, Terragni, programs in situ open up to
The conviction gained over the reproductions, 3D models, audio Figini, Pollini, Libera, Lingeri, transversal variations of design
years of theoretical research and video, displayed on portals along with Ponti, Michelucci, topics (planning, architecture,
and action in some of the most and websites and integrated Pagano, Moretti, then the group design, territory, etc.), and
important archive institutions with new-generation content, BBPR, Magistretti, Castiglioni, to issues of contemporaneity
in this field -- such as the become media platforms and Albini, Gardella, among others, (environment, climate,
Canadian Centre for architecture new communication models have become milestones in the urban development, health, Architectural archive institutions_timeline

Design for public-interest services. services in various fields of daily in New York City. Here she starting from meeting a

PhD Yearbook | 2015

life. Thus she attempted to researched another type of community and going through
Citizen participation and collaborative infrastructures in understand if there are existing
infrastructures dedicated to
infrastructure: the NYC Office
of Public Imagination, focused
the phases of co-design, co-
production and co-management.
times of societal transformation support such activities and essentially on the collaboration This focuses more on
this exploration produced a between citizens and the participatory design and social
taxonomy of places, entities and Municipality of New York and innovation, and developing
Daniela Selloni - Supervisor: Anna Meroni organizations defined as Public thus exploring an innovative several aspects. The first deals
Innovation Places. connection between bottom- with the idea of creating a
In her participatory action up and top-down through fab-lab of services, the second 201
This doctoral research originates in design for services, which point of view? What kind of research experimentation, the participatory design. reflects on a possible financial

from observation of those represents the main area infrastructure could support author immersed herself in a The results of this doctoral model for these infrastructures,
people who are most active in of study in this doctoral this transformation? How could specific context: Zone 4 in the dissertation can be divided into building upon the notions of
our society: groups of citizens dissertation. Hence, the author design contribute in creating this city of Milan. She started with two main parts: one focuses corporate social responsibility
who self-organize to solve their attempted to develop these new infrastructure? this neighbourhood because on services generated during and shared value.
own problems, by starting to forms of service by creating the The term infrastructure and the there was already a high level Creative Citizens and the Finally, the author reflected on
transform what is already there definition of public-interest related verb infrastructuring of citizen activism that she had related service model, the the role of designer within these
without waiting for a bigger, services, which focuses on are crucial for this doctoral encountered when working other discusses a collaborative processes: from the traditional
top-down change. its hybrid nature: the provider dissertation, because they are with Polimi DESIS Lab on the infrastructure to co-design role as facilitator with tools
Creative communities, active of such services is a system the object and action, indeed project Feeding Milan Energy and co-produce public-interest to the more recent one as
citizenship, social movements, composed of different actors the product and process of for changes, which is dedicated services. activist with proposals, and
whatever you want to call them, sharing the same values and the research. Therefore the to exploring new types of The first part considers the she introduced a possible role of
these forms of activism are acting in the public interest; hypothesis is that the creation food systems. And therefore services originated within designer as advocate sustaining
shaping our cities and they are they are services that emerge of a dedicated infrastructure to food became the key-subject Creative Citizens as actual citizens initiatives.
developing an alternative system from the bottom-up and they co-design with citizens building around which she established a results. This is perhaps an In this doctoral research the
of services between amateur often show a high level of upon their existing initiatives fundamental connection with element of originality: the author essentially reflected
and professional, public and disorganization and transience, may avoid their weakening and this community of citizens. general purpose of a PhD is on how to design new forms
private, market and society, sometimes they are just ultimate failure, facilitating the After one-years immersion to produce new knowledge of citizen participation within
profit and not for profit. initiatives that are not able to emergence of a new generation within the local context, the about a topic, and, in this society, aiming at supporting
This starting point is a positive evolve. of public-interest services and author developed the project case, a methodology based public interest, which is also
phenomenon, even moving The author questioned what the creation of a catalyst for Creative Citizens, a programme on action research also led to connected to the design of new
from a context characterized design can do for such activities, local change, hopefully fostering of weekly co-design sessions the creation of effective field forms of democracy and of the
by wide social and economic not only design for services, the encounter between the on four main topics: food results, six services (Objects re-distribution of power. Design
transformations that have but also participatory design top-down (institutions) and the services, services for sharing Library, Augmented Time Bank, is entering unprecedented
resulted in a long crisis. In fact, and all forms of co-creation bottom-up (active citizens). goods and skills, cultural Citizens Help Desk, Facecook, stages: this is an open question
the first part of this doctoral that range from co-design to To verify this hypothesis the services, legal and bureaucratic Local Distribution System, Zone for further research, in which
dissertation is devoted to co-production, precisely because author adopted a methodology services. Creative Citizens is 4 Ciceros) that are currently the relationship of design,
framing the renewed activism the protagonists of these that combines two major at the centre of this doctoral evolving in different directions democracy and politics will form
on the part of citizens, by initiatives are users, citizens who strategies: case studies and research because it researched and have produced an impact the starting point.
connecting it with the wider already practise collaboration participatory action research. For an actual infrastructuring on the neighbourhood. On
concept of social innovation and sharing. the former, she analysed existing process in the existing initiatives, the basis of these results the
and drawing a system of The research question practices, and for the latter, by using design for services author attempted to extract a
relationships with new forms of is therefore a series of she carried out research testing and participatory design and service model, building upon
economy, such as collaborative consequential questions: how one possible infrastructure to thus creating a meeting space that of collaborative services and
consumption or sharing not to waste citizen activism? support specific initiatives in a for citizens, designers, local outlining a set of characteristics.
economy and new forms of How to strengthen the various selected context. stakeholders and institutions, The second part of the results
welfare, known as relational bottom-up initiatives? How In exploring case studies the if only for six months and on a has a wider perspective: it offers
welfare, second welfare etc. to transform these activities author analysed existing forms small scale. a model for infrastructuring
All these movements basically into public-interest services of activism and collaboration, Furthermore, the author was informal activities in public-
explore new ways of offering that are effective, efficient, from civic participation able to extend her participatory interest services, describing
services and this is the authors and sustainable both from networks, to social movements, action research to a second a process that is potentially
specific interest as a researcher an environmental and social public art and collaborative context: the Lower East Side replicable in other contexts,

Interface Design for User Decision embedded filter panel based on relative importance for attributes: 6488: 365-375, 2010.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

checkboxes and sliders. In the (1) direct assessment, asking 4. Lelis S. and Howes A.

Improvement in E-commerce checkbox interface, the filter

for each attribute is represented
users to directly assign weights
to attributes; (2) indifference
Informing decisions: how
people use online rating
in the form of an array of N method, modifying one of two information to make choices.
checkboxes, which is utilized in sets of stimuli until subjects In Proceedings of the SIGCHI
most E-commerce websites. In feel that there is no difference Conference on Human Factors
Dongning Yan - Supervisor: Alberto Colorni Vitale the slider interface, the filter for between the two; and (3) in Computing Systems CHI 11,
each numerical attribute (i.e., indirect measurement, giving pp. 2285-2294. 2011. ACM.
price and opinion attributes) is relative preference on a pair of 5. Liu B., Hu M., and Cheng J. 203
Customer reviews in E-commerce maker appears to selectively evaluating alternatives in detail, represented by a modified slider, alternatives. Through analysis Opinion observer: analyzing

are playing an important and adopt information and use and (3) comparing candidates to which visualizes the distribution of objective and subjective and comparing opinions on
unique role; a staggering 90 a wide variety of strategies make the final choice. Interfaces of an attribute via bars and the measures, the multi-attribute the Web. In Proceedings of the
percent of people use and contingent on decision properties that aggregate information from correlation among attributes sorting was verified to be 14th International Conference
monitor reviews in their online [7]. In general, an effective customer reviews have been via simultaneous change. Then, beneficial to consumer online on World Wide Web, pp.
purchasing process [10]. information display depends developed to support the three we performed a user study to purchasing. The direct way 342351, 2005. ACM.
However, the overwhelming on two matches: on the one alternative stages. Through compare the two alternative outperforms the indifference 6. MacGregor D. and Slovic
number of reviews and hand, the match between the analysis of the results, we identify designs in the context of online and indirect ways regarding P. Graphical representation
inconsistent writing style require importance of information for the decision strategies users hotel booking. The results perceived decision accuracy, of judgmental information.
significant effort to read and tend the decision maker and the utilize to process information and show that people depended cognitive effort, satisfaction and Journal of Human-Computer
to let important information slip salience of the information the information they are inclined highly on opinion attributes intent to use in an E-commerce Interaction, 2 (3): 179-200,
by. Given that people examine display [6] and, on the other to seek at each stage. These to narrow down the range of environment. 1986.
the attributes of a product to hand, the congruence between findings lay solid groundwork to options in both interfaces, which Informed by the results of the 7. Payne J. W. Task complexity
evaluate whether the product fits the information format and the design E-commerce interfaces for points to the effectiveness of above user studies, we have and contingent processing
their desire, a number of systems way information is processed consumer decision improvement. incorporating opinion attributes derived a set of guidelines on in decision making:
have summarized customer [8]. Hence, the foundation of Concerning user decision-making in filters. And the slider interface how to design interfaces for an information search
reviews by extracting features designing information displays behavior in the stage of screening achieves significantly higher user consumer purchase decision and protocol analysis.
and associating sentiment for user decision improvement is out interesting alternatives, assessments in terms of perceived improvement in E-commerce. Organizational Behavior and
toward each feature. Liu et gaining a deep understanding of we find that: (1) 94% of decision accuracy, cognitive Human Performance, 16 (2):
al. (2005) [5] and Carenini et human decision-making behavior. participants began by eliminating effort, pleasantness to use and Reference 366-387, 1976.
al. (2009) [2] used bar charts Some researchers investigated alternatives with values for an intention to return. 1. Carenini G., Ng R.T., and Pauls 8. Todd P. and Benbasat I. The
to show the sentiment of how people use online rating attribute below a cut-off to After narrowing down options to A. Interactive multimedia influence of decision aids
summarized features. Carenini to make choices. For example, simplify the complexity of the a smaller set, 40% of participants summaries of evaluative on choice strategies: An
et al. (2006) [1] summarized user Lelis S. and Howes A. (2011) choice; (2) 55.3% of participants adopted a more compensatory Interfaces text. In Proceedings experimental analysis of
reviews in the form of a Tree suggested that people gather eliminated alternatives by both strategy Weighted Additive of the 11th International the role of cognitive effort.
map by representing a feature more information for the best static features (i.e., product Difference, i.e., comparing Conference on Intelligent Organizational Behavior and
as a rectangle with nested alternative and take more time specifications) and customer the remaining alternatives on User interfaces (IUI 06), pp. Human Decision Processes, 60
rectangles corresponding to the to inspect reviews of lower rating reviews. Moreover, the number multiple attributes and selecting 124131, 2006. ACM. (1): 36-74, October 1994.
descendants of the feature. In [4]. However, no clear picture of users who adopted opinion the alternative with the best 2. Carenini G. and Rizoli L. A 9. Yatani K., Novati M., Trusty
addition to numerical ratings, exists to systematically describe attributes (i.e., attributes overall value. More notably, multimedia interface for A., and Truong K.N. Review
Yatani (2011) [9] used adjective- how consumers make purchase extracted from customer significantly more participants facilitating comparisons of spotlight: a user interface for
noun word pairs to summarize decisions in E-commerce, in reviews) is significantly higher compared alternatives by opinion opinions. In Proceedings of the summarizing user-generated
the sentiment (adjective) towards particular, with respect to than that using an overall attributes in comparison with 14th International Conference reviews using adjective-noun
each feature (noun) to help users customer reviews. review score; and (3) the cut- those associated with an overall on Intelligent User Interfaces word pairs. In Proceedings
explore reviews in greater detail. In this paper, we take online off values are determined by review score. Therefore, we (IUI 09), pp. 325334, 2009. of the SIGCHI Conference on
In most conditions of online hotel booking as an example the value distribution of an developed a multi-attribute ACM. Human Factors in Computing
shopping, online purchasing can to empirically investigate attribute and correlation among sorting panel embedded with 3. Chen L. Towards Three-Stage Systems CHI 11, pp. 1541
be viewed as a decision-making consumer decision-making attributes, in addition to stable opinion attributes. Furthermore, Recommender Support 1550, 2011. ACM.
process from the perspective behavior in three stages of preference. Grounded in these the multi-attribute sorting for Online Consumers: 10. https://moderncomment.com/
of the customer [3]. In light of online purchasing: (1) screening user decision-making behaviors, panel was expanded to three Implications from a User Study. customer-feedback-stats
human decision-making theory, out interesting alternative(s) we framed two alternative alternative designs that mainly Web Information Systems
we learn that the same decision for further consideration, (2) designs for an opinion-attribute- differ in the way of eliciting Engineering WISE 2010,
Technology and Design for Environment
and Building | Territorial Design and
Government | Aerospace Engineering
|Architectural and Urban Design |
Architectural Composition | Architecture,
Urban Design, Conservation of Housing
and Landscape | Bioengineering |
Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage
| Electrical Engineering | Energy and
Nuclear Science and Technology |
Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture and
Exhibition Design | Management, Economics
and Industrial Engineering | Materials
Engineering | Mathematical MODELS and
METHODS IN Engineering | Mechanical
Engineering | Physics | Preservation of
THE Architectural Heritage | Rotary-
wing aircrafts | Spatial Planning
and Urban Development | Structural
Seismic and Geotechnical Engineering PhD Yearbook | 2015


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Design and Technologies
for Cultural Heritage

One of the goals of the Maastricht Treaty is to promote the institutional and private operators; and evaluation methods of the technical-


Chair: harmonic, balanced and sustainable development of economic the economic importance of the interventions in economic feasibility of projects, for decision
Prof. Elena Mussinelli activities, and not-inflating economic growth. relation with productive and cultural processes. making and conflict management.
To achieve this purpose, the European Community has adopted a 4. Promotion and communication of
series of policies that, in addressing Culture, point out two main These directions allow a deeper integration valorization results: investigating methods
themes: of theoretical studies with practical for management and promotion ; Good
cultural heritage as a tool to promote historic identities of lands; experimentations. The program specifically identity principles; graphics and corporate
cultural heritage as a tool to promote a new economic explores the following issues: image; communication; medium selection;
development. 1. Analysis, safeguard, and preservation of landscape and urban marketing and sociology.
the cultural heritage: tackling instruments
Following this direction, the PhD in Design and Technologies for of analysis, classification and valorization The technological departments have developed
Cultural Heritage is crafted to train new specialists equipped of historic and artistic heritage at various a wide range of methods to cope with such
with an integrated skill set for the operation, management and scales; examining the concerns related to complexities. New project methodologies have
valorization of cultural heritage. the degradation, maintenance, conservation, evolved from linear processes to multi level
restoration and accessibility of heritage. interventions and revised work methods have
Building on a wide background, the program reaches to 2. Policies, strategies and instruments for evolved towards solutions that integrate a mix of
interdisciplinary cultural areas and provides methodological and cultural, territorial and landscape planning: cumulated expertise. Such knowledge resources
applicative tools developed in cooperation with institutions, private discussing the ethical approach to cultural can be innovatively applied to cultural heritage
companies, governmental bodies and associations actively involved heritage valorization; funding methods; and projects of different aims and scales: interventions
with cultural heritage, tailoring specific approaches and paying partnerships building for the management and on existing buildings, urban level projects,
particular attention to the potential development of innovative operation of cultural heritage in the context of environmental projects, territorial infrastructure,
skills. territorial planning. or the cultural dimension of development.
3. Design interventions aimed at cultural and These themes represent important development
The three year educational curriculum is based on: natural heritage valorization: examining the directions in the activities of the doctoral
the history, critique and technologies for the restoration and management of creative processes in contexts program in Design and Technologies for Cultural
preservation of historic heritage; of high operative complexity; the social and Heritage.
strategies and methods for heritage dissemination; environmental sustainability of interventions;
design and technologies for the fruition of cultural, environmental
and landscape resources.

The distinctive competences of the program reside in the standards

of excellence fostered by field experts, and the tight links with a
privileged testing area: Mantova; the citt darte; the minor towns; doctoral program Board
the Mincio river and its natural park; and the Po river basin - a
propitious setting for the development of valorization scenarios Roberto Bolici Emilio Faroldi Andrea Poltronieri
driven by innovative technologies, design and communication.
Adele Buratti Matteo Gambaro Valeria Pracchi
The progressive and innovative results obtained so far have Federico Butera Elisabetta Ginelli Fabrizio Schiaffonati
streamlined the scientific curriculum of the PhD program towards: Stefano Capolongo Carlo Monti Andrea Tartaglia
the sustainability of interventions on cultural heritage, in
Giorgio Casoni Elena Mussinelli (Chair) Massimo Venturi Ferriolo
relationship with the characteristics of heritage and its context;
validation of design processes with regard to assets, tools, Daniele Fanzini Ingrid Paoletti

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Advisory Board
Vittorio Algarotti (Piano Intercomunale Milanese)
Maria Barbara Bertini (Archivio di Stato di Milano)
Tor Brostrom (Gotland University - Sweden)
Philippe Daverio (Universit di Palermo)
Luigi Maria Di Corato (Fondazione Musei Senesi)
Gianmatteo Martinelli (Novelis Europe) 209
Roberto Palumbo (Universit La Sapienza di Roma)


Maria Rita Pinto (Universit di Napoli Federico II)
Jan Rosvall (GMV Centre of Environment and Sustainability Chalmers University of Technology and at
University of Gothenburg Sweden)
Gianfranco Sassi (Graniti Fiandre)
Cesare Stevan (Politecnico di Milano)

Scholarship Sponsors
Consorzio Oltrep Mantovano

Distretto Culturale Le Regge dei Gonzaga

Fondazione Universit di Mantova

An ex-ante evaluation of regeneration

PhD Yearbook | 2015

policies: the role of creative clusters

Caterina Branzanti - Relatore: Roberta Capello - Tutor: Andrea Poltronieri

The study was conceptualised clusters and district economies. clustering phenomenon, namely what extent the agglomeration tricky matching?


in 2011 and the definition Something that clearly emerged the firms that populate a cluster, of creative firms is affected by Directing the attention towards
of the main subject, that is from the previously mentioned in the attempt to investigate district economies and how to both firms and policy makers, at
creative clusters, was initially parallel literature review, in fact, the quantity and quality of support their occurrence, in different stages of development
inspired by two main factors. was the scarce investigation of interactions and, subsequently, order to stimulate a market- of the clustering phenomenon,
On the one hand, the author the latter in the body of research to verify the occurrence of driven process of regeneration. means to provide an overview
was particularly stimulated by dealing with creative industries, localisation economies. To do Theoretically speaking, this of the functioning of the
a real-life condition. Back then, which led to define the need so, the attention was directed represents the literature gap agglomeration process as a
in fact, some areas of Lombardy for a more solid and empirical towards a more developed that the present study aims to whole. Although the typology
region, Italy, were starting empirical understanding of this cluster of creative firms, namely fill. In order to do so, it aspires of analysis conducted prevents
to capitalise on cultural and subject. The case of Mantova the case of inner Rotterdam, to answer to the following from a complete generalisability
creative resources as alternative was essential to identify one which, according to the four main research questions, of conclusion drawn, it allows to
and effective propellants of the two main foci the literature, shows a sufficient outlined in greater detail in infer reflections on the specific
to boost growth and local study, namely the importance level of interactions among methodology chapter. case studies and perhaps it
development. Specifically, the of policy makers and local local firms to perform such an permits to transfer by analogy
author focused on the Province institutions to support the analysis. Although at different The research questions are the two analysis developed to
of Mantova, where, in the network-building process and development stage, the two presented and subdivided other similar scenarios.
past 5 years, a series of policy to stimulate the occurrence clusters presents similar policy according to the two main foci
actions were implemented to of external economies. In initiatives, which allows to of this research, namely firms
support local regeneration and this sense, the early stage of include them in the same study, investigated in Rotterdam and
the clustering phenomenon development of cluster policies possibly learning from each policy makers, analysed in
of creative firms. On the other adopted in Mantova appeared other. In this sense, it seems Mantova:
hand, the author developed to be particularly suitable to appropriate to remind that this On the relationship between
a parallel literature review of develop an ex-ante analysis of thesis does not aim to strictly firms and district economies:
both the body of research on a creative cluster and notably compare the two cases, but it RQ1: To what extent a creative
creative clusters and the one useful to study the role of local aspires to use them to explain cluster is affected by district
pertaining to industrial districts. institutions. As extensively creative clusters under two economies?
This latter w functional to described in the following different perspectives: the extent RQ2: What are the effects of
understand the conceptual roots sections, in fact, in this phase to which creative firms are district economies on creative
of any clustering phenomenon policy makers are the crucial affected by district economies firms business performance?
and it allowed to grasp the protagonists of the network- and how can policy makers On the role of policy makers
importance of the notion of building process. Once defined facilitate this phenomenon. in supporting the clustering
district economies, as theoretical the first step, however, a logical 1.1 Objective of the study and phenomenon, ultimately
foundation to understand the issue arose: how to deal with research questions Following stimulating district economies:
dynamics at the basis firms the role of policy makers in this line of reasoning, the RQ3: Which tools should policy
agglomeration. As a matter of supporting the occurrence of present research is intended makers put into practice to steer
fact, the two inspiring factors district economies, without to fill a specific gap in the the network-building process
came to a synthesis in the spring knowing whether these latter body of literature on creative and to stimulate the occurrence
of 2012, when, after a quite really affect creative industries? clusters. This latter, in fact, of district economies?
long theoretical journey, the To solve this issue, the author seem to lack of a complete RQ4: Network-building
author decided to focus on the decided to include another understanding and exhaustive initiatives, local institutions and
relationship between creative fundamental actor of the empirical evidence to prove to firms needs: happy together or

Strategies for urban regeneration:

PhD Yearbook | 2015

perspectives for the abandoned railway
yards in Milan
Adriana Granato - Relatori: Prof. Fabrizio Schiaffonati, Prof. Hugo Hinsley
Tutor: Prof. Fabrizio Schiaffonati
In the report Hot spots 2025. transformations. As a matter of lack of functional and social processes of decision making. bigness of the areas (1300000 scale the research will look into


Benchmarking the future fact the quality of institutions mix. The most important names Urban developers and sq meters) and their location the idea of densification and
competitiveness of cities matters greatly for cities of international architecture leaders should be informed in radial positions around the urban compactness.
the Economist Intelligence economic competitiveness. where called to build this new in order to shape successful centre of the city constitutes At the area scale the themes
Unit (2013) measured the There is a strong correlation image of the city, through urban processes. In the a latent potential for the city involved are the urban fabric
competitiveness of 120 cities on between the quality of a citys fancy skyscraper buildings and book Planning, connection development. The main research continuity, the social relations,
the basis of economic strength, institutions and its overall thousand of sq meters of luxury and financing cities- Now questions driving the thesis the quality of the space, the
physical capital, institutional competitiveness. (Economist housing. edited by the world bank are: how the redevelopment functional and social mix.
character, financial maturity, Intelligence Unit, 2013). The Today, it is evident how this kind (2013) the authors identifies of these sites can contribute The formulation of a
global appeal, environmental process of urban and regional of planning has been disastrous 5 main features of the urban in giving a better positioning development strategy for the
and natural hazards, social spatial development, that needs for the urban environment: development that represent in the international territorial areas will be shaped thanks to
and cultural character, human to be guided and fostered there are more than 3.000.000 challenges for city leaders: competition to the city of Milan? the examination of international
capital. According to this report by the public administration sq meters of unsold office improving living conditions, What are the opportunities that case studies. The analysis of
Milan is ranked as the 58th system, seems to be, in the spaces and a high number of managing citys physical form, the presence of 7 large unused different kinds of best practice
city, almost after all the main case of Milan, slowed down unsold residential spaces and the creating jobs, expanding the areas in the inner periphery will give elements both for
European cities (Frankfurt, by a fragmented and uncertain demographic trends shows that coverage and quantity of of the city can offer? How it the definition of a successful
Geneve, Amsterdam, Madrid, institutional framework. The citizens are more likely to live infrastructure services, bridging is necessary to structure the decision making process and for
etc), losing 11 positions activity of shaping the place in the suburban metropolitan the divided city and fostering decision-making processes in the delineation of the possible
from the 2012 classification. is an essential issue in the region than in the city, inclusion. These 5 issues are order to achieve the objectives design scenarios.
This rank shows a negative administration of the city: in the intensifying the phenomenon of strongly connected one to of competitiveness? The aim
trend in urban behaviours, case of Milan, a series of urban urban sprawl. another and are to be taken into of the research is to provide
although the Milanese region planning mistakes have affected How place is interpreted and account in the decision-making to the decision makers a tool
is identified as one of the most the liveability and, consequently, managed is crucial to balancing processes. But how these actions that can be used for setting the
dynamic and economically the attractivity of the city itself. economic prosperity, social can be structured and how they planning agenda for the areas.
fervid regions of Europe (OECD In the past 15 years the city cohesion and environmental can be guided to pursue the In order to give an answer to
2006 ). The OECD territorial government left the guide protection (D. Adams, S. goals of improving the physical these questions the research
review underlined that as an of urban development to the Tiesdell, 2013), the control of and social urban environment? investigates the key elements
economic region that accounts private sector, persuaded by urban spatial transformations is In this moment the city of Milan that should be considered in
for around 20% of national the idea that the presence fundamental for the evolution of has still a great chance for planning large area projects and
output, Milans capacity to meet of investments flows on a city and its consequences are correcting the bad tendency that the different scales involved:
current challenges is likely to the territory where positive, mirrored in the wellbeing of the characterized the past years that the extra urban scale, the urban
have a significant impact on irrespective of the nature of entire society and in its potential is represented by the presence of scale, the area scale.
national performance, therefore the development proposed. of attracting people. a huge amount of empty land in At a larger scale the research
improving the city performances Large private investors took the In light of the fact that the strategic places of the city: the will focus on the concept of
can positively affect the entire control of the main development mistake made by the Milanese abandoned railway yards. The connectivity, considering the role
Italian economic system. One areas of the city. The projects city government in the urban promotion and development of of physical territorial connection
of the major factors that can approved (Citylife, Le planning processes where many European cities started (presence of low and high-tech
explain the divergences of Varesine, Santa Giulia, etc) considerable, it is clear that, indeed from this post-industrial infrastructures, international
these two data is the weakness were based on the idea that in order to give a positive leftovers spaces that corridors, velocity of the
of public institutions and the Milan had to enforce its identity impulse to the development, represented important occasions connections) in the revitalization
presence of informal practices as the city of fashion and luxury it is necessary to provide for the urban restructuring process.
in the government of urban and were characterized by a information within the process. In the case of Milan the At the metropolitan and urban

Becoming smart cities: how to support

PhD Yearbook | 2015

ICT-based urban development in large
European cities
Luca Mora - Relatori: Prof. Roberto Bolici, Prof. Nicos Komninos,
Prof.ssa Donatella Sciuto - Tutor: Prof.ssa Elena Mussinelli
Cities are one of the humanitys issues has begun to spread The need to organise, clarify the Organisation for Economic a first and important step


most important inventions. As very rapidly. Local and national and expand the framework Co-operation and Development towards establishing a set
well as serving as the setting governments, academic research developed to date is the (OECD). This objective has been of common procedures for
for the daily lives of billions of institutes, businesses and underlying motivation of this achieved in stages, through the developing smart city strategies.
people and an ever-changing many other organisations have research, particularly in regard to integration of multiple tools, An attempt to provide a suitable
monument to the history of begun to observe and study provide a possible answer to the methods and techniques, and response to an urgent need,
civilisation, cities are also the this perspective with great following main questions:what a range of complementary but at the same time, a tool to
drivers of socio-cultural change interest. Over a brief period of are the essential steps to research activities, including the stimulate a growth in the debate
and economic development. A time, this exploration has led to consider in order to develop indispensable systematisation of about this relevant research
tool for providing wellbeing and experimentation as numerous successful smart city strategies? the knowledge produced so far subject, that will require higher
better living conditions, and an cities around the world have How are they organised? This in this new and confuse research consideration and additional in-
environment in which a deep launched specific strategies is a topic relatively unexplored, field. depth studies.
sense of belonging is developed. with the aim of becoming smart but of fundamental importance The main result that has been
However, we are currently living cities: urban areas in which given the growing and achieved at the end of the
in 20th century cities, places that ICTs are used to support urban continuous diffusion of the study is a possible step-by-step
need to be changed because development in social, economic number of cities that are trying roadmap in which all the phases
they are mainly associated and/or environmental terms. to become smart. The available and activities to consider for
with the industrial age and Smart cities represent a scientific knowledge concerning developing successful smart
its unsustainable patterns of growing phenomenon in the the possible ways in which city strategies in this type of
growth. real world and a new but the development of smart city urban areas are organised
The industrial revolution has confuse research territory that strategies can be faced is very and explained. A tool that
left a deep impact on urban has attracted the attention of low indeed. In particular, there has been defined through
contexts, creating numerous many scholars. An emergent is an evident lack of clarity and the in-depth analysis of the
issues that are limiting individual and interdisciplinary research common structured approaches strategies developed in the cities
and collective wellbeing. Short- area within the field of urban based on empirical knowledge of Amsterdam and Barcelona.
term and long-term problems studies that has encouraged that can be used to guide the Using these two unquestionably
such as: deindustrialization; further research concerning the different players involved in the successful European cases, it
demographic and climate management of information and construction and management has been possible to build a
changes; air pollution; reduced communication technologies in of these strategies towards new, testable and empirically
employment opportunities; urban contexts. Unfortunately, successful results. valid theory, and observe that,
racial or social tensions; the despite the growing interest The objective pursued in this despite differences of context,
deterioration and the progressive and the constant production of study is to begin to fill this a similar approach strongly
loss of functionality of physical scientific publications, the level gap, focusing the attention on geared towards strategic urban
infrastructures; the lack of of knowledge concerning this a target which is particularly planning principles was used
services; crime; and difficulties subject is yet underdeveloped, active in the field of smart for managing the complexity of
of access to information and with a fragmented knowledge cities: large-sized European these strategies. An approach
education. structure that is difficult to cities. To be precise, urban areas in which success arises from the
In this context, the belief that grasp as a whole and tends to with a population between capability to properly combine
information and communication be confusing. Several questions 500.000 and 1.500.000 technology with other factors of
technologies can represent an remain open and numerous inhabitants. A value aligned a different nature but with an
important tool to help urban aspects require a more detailed with the classification system equal importance.
areas resolve their specific examination. of urban areas proposed by This roadmap can be considered
Technology and Design for Environment
and Building | Territorial Design and
Government | Aerospace Engineering
| Architectural and URBAN Design |
Architectural Composition | Architecture,
Urban Design, Conservation of Housing
and Landscape | Bioengineering |
Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage
| Electrical Engineering | Energy and
Nuclear Science and Technology |
Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture and
Exhibition Design | Management, Economics
and Industrial Engineering | Materials
Engineering | Mathematical MODELS and
METHODS IN Engineering | Mechanical
Engineering | Physics | Preservation of
THE Architectural Heritage | Rotary-
wing aircrafts | Spatial Planning
and Urban Development | Structural
Seismic and Geotechnical Engineering PhD Yearbook | 2015

DOCTORAL PROGRAM improved machine and converter performance, signal processing structures. Some of the main

PhD Yearbook | 2015

in terms of low price, efficiency, robustness, subjects of study are: measurement methodology
IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING dynamic response and drive control. This need
leads to device optimization and better design
as it relates to power systems, including medium
and high voltage systems and components, as
and testing criteria. Moreover, a system approach well as both digital and analog signal processing.
is required for accurate integration of technical Methodologies and measurement systems
and economic aspects for final application. associated with industrial automation and, in
The main subjects in this field are: Use of particular, microelectronic sensor applications,
new materials; Novel magnetic structures; distributed structures and advanced methods and
Methodologies of model development for design algorithms for maintenance-oriented diagnosis of 219
The main objective of the PhD Program is to allow a direct, and operating analysis; Optimization procedures; complex systems are investigated in detail.

Chair: prompt and efficient involvement of PhDs in any research body Use of finite elements code, simulation programs
Prof. Alberto Berizzi such as an R&D department of a production or service company. and environments for device study; Control After graduation, PhD are typically employed at:
A PhD in Electrical Engineering has a solid basic knowledge of system definition both on the device and system Major research centres;
mathematics and physics. This is essential, particularly for handling side. R&D departments;
and understanding advanced tools and methods as well as for Power generation, transmission and distribution
proper modelling, analysis and design of electrical engineering D) Measurements: firms;
applications, with particular regard to power applications. A PhD in This research field concentrates on the Engineering consultant offices;
Electrical Engineering well knows methods and applications in the fundamentals of metrology, particularly Metrology reference institutes and certification
main disciplines of Basic Electric Circuits and Fields, Power Systems, with respect to characterization of modern laboratories;
Electrical and Electronic Measurements, Converters, Machines and measurement systems based on complex digital Process and transport automation areas.
Electrical Drives.
The most important part of the PhD program is the development of
the research that will be the core of the PhD dissertation.
The Steering Committee is made by:
The main research areas are:
A) Electric Circuits and Fields: Surname Name Firm Position
This area is intended to provide the basic knowledge of methods Canizares Claudio University of Waterloo, Waterloo Associate Director
in electrical engineering for power applications. PhD students Institute for Sustainable Energy,
are specifically trained to develop critical ability and innovative Canada
approaches. The training method encourages the development of Carlini Enrico Maria Terna Head of System and Transmission
discussion and debate skills in a team environment. Control & Operation Central
The main research and training subjects are: Nonlinear networks South Italy
and periodic time-variant networks; Analysis of three-phase and Ercoli Sergio Zeroemissioni Srl Presidente CDA
multiphase systems; Switching circuits; Electromagnetic field Fasciolo Enrico A2A Reti Elettriche Responsabile Impianti e Reti
equations; Electromagnetic field numerical analysis; Electromagnetic Primarie
compatibility; Design techniques devoted to electromagnetic
Godio Andrea Alstom Transport Manager
Lo Schiavo Luca Autorit per lenergia elettrica e Manager
il gas
B) Power Systems:
A PhD in the field of Power Systems deals with the following Cherbaucich Claudio RSE - Ricerca sul Sistema Vice Responsabile Sviluppo e
subjects: electrical energy production (e.g., frequency and Energetico Pianificazione
voltage control, protections, renewable energy sources, Dispersed Mansoldo Andrea Eir Grid Senior Power System Analyst
Generation, Microgrids); electrical energy transmission (e.g., power Monti Antonello The Institute for Automation of Director
system analysis, real and reactive power optimization, security Complex Power Systems of E.ON
and stability, integration of renewables); electricity markets (e.g., Energy Research Center
models, ancillary services, regulations); power quality and Smart Zannella Sergio Edison Research, Development Scientific Network Manager
Grids (e.g., harmonic distortion, active filters, UPS, interruptions and and Innovation
voltage dips, DC distribution).
Companies currently providing scholarships:
C) Electric machines and drives: MCM Energy Lab
This research field is strictly related to the rising demand for A2A Reti Elettriche

Conservative Functions: An Approach in

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Nonlinear and Switched Network Analysis

Simone Barcellona - Supervisor: Gabrio Superti Furga

Conservative functions or voltages. The efforts to extend complementary approach, where reactive power. A balance rule contribution will be available to are still more powerful and

generalized powers in the the concept of reactive power commutations are basically the concerning harmonic reactive develop new control strategies meaningful. In fact, through
electric network are those that also under distorted conditions external constraints to a time powers over nonlinear resistor of power converters based Inductive Impulsive Power and
satisfy the balance Tellegens provided significant results for invariant multi-port. Meanwhile, under continuous conditions on the Swept Area Theory. Capacitive Impulsive Power
theorem, and they are powerful the analysis and theoretical inconsistent initial conditions, is obtained and discussed Another conservative function, functions, it is possible to
tools in different contests. The comprehension of the distorted caused by switching, imply as a novel interesting result. called Jump Power, is proposed separate the effect of capacitors
attention for these functions steady state. The literature on discontinuities on state variables This aspect impacts on a in order to address some from inductors. Furthermore,
is still, at the present time, this subject is very large; in and impulsive behavior on some possible extended definition properties and issues of principle an interesting result is found:
very animated. The main the past many authors have voltages and/or currents. In fact, of reactive power under regarding one-port elements, the ideal switch can absorb
reason behind that is the wide proposed different definitions Diracs delta impulses of voltage distorted conditions. Thanks to in particular ideal diodes and or generate electric energy
diffusion and usefulness of the of nonactive power in distorted and/or current may occur at the the Switching Power, a novel ideal switches, in the presence when an impulse of current or
reactive power for practical steady state. In particular, when switching transitions. Impulses quantitative relation between of jump discontinuities. Some voltage occurs meanwhile the
and theoretical point of view power converters are present redistribute charge and flux at hard switching commutations theorems based on the Jump ideal diode can only generate.
for linear networks under in networks, as sources of the switching instants when and Closed Area over Time is Power are stated. In particular, These facts are important
sinusoidal steady state. It is distortion or as active filters capacitor voltages and inductor obtained, with both theoretical possible conditions in networks mathematical aspects regarding
significant to recognize two to eliminate this distortion, currents, respectively, are and applicative relevance. are addressed whereby soft the ideal model of switches and
formal properties of reactive these networks are considered discontinuous. Nevertheless, as a More explanation is presented switching, passive or active hard diodes. In some cases these facts
power under sinusoidal steady as time-variant networks and whole it appears to lack general through a demonstration that switching commutations occur. cannot have a physical meaning
state conditions: the balance called switched networks. They principles as well as applications shows how ideal switch and Other conservative functions, as it is shown in analytical
property and its invariance on pose several challenges in the of generalized powers in the power converters can become called Inductive Impulsive examples. However, the total
resistors. The balance property construction of efficient time field of switched networks. sources of reactive power. Issues Power and Capacitive Impulsive energy absorbed by switching
states that the algebraic sum domain simulators. Due to the In this work, according to the of principle regarding the ideal Power, are defined in order to has a clear physical significance,
of reactive power on the single wide range of applications, concept of area on the v-i switch model with respect to the analyze the switched networks as it is related to the variation
one-port elements in a network operating conditions, and plane, a new approach called real one is another important in the presence of Diracs of energy stored in the set of
is equal to the corresponding phenomena to be studied, many Swept Area Theory, under result of this work. Moreover, delta impulses in the electric reactive elements or generated
term on the whole network. different tools for computer both nonlinear continuous and concepts of Ideal Switch Multi quantities. These impulses by electric sources. On the other
The invariance means that the analysis and simulation of discontinuous conditions, is Port and multilevel voltage/ are due to inconsistent initial hand, in the presence of more
reactive power is always nil on switched networks have been developed. Novel conservative current elements are proposed conditions caused by switching. than one element, the partition
resistors. However, important developed. The switch model functions, as Area Velocity and as a unified theory of power Also in this case, some of this energy among the
changes have occurred in the plays an important role within Closed Area over Time, involved converters, whereby most of the properties and issues of principle different switching elements still
last 50 years. In the electric the analysis and simulation of in this theory, are proposed. power converters existing can regarding one-port elements, has no physical correspondence
networks, the presence of switched networks. The ideal An analysis is carried out, by be recognized in a general and in particular ideal switches and with the loss of energy into the
power electronics equipment, switch model is the simplest means of these functions, over modular way. Furthermore, the ideal diodes, are addressed. single element.
arc and induction furnaces, in possible one and has several nonlinear R, L, C elements Swept Area Theory is extended Moreover, some theorems based
addition to clusters of personal advantages with respect to and over the ideal switch and to the Ideal Switch Multi on Inductive Impulsive Power
computers, represent major others. In the presence of ideal diode. In addition, jump Port in order to find relations and Capacitive Impulsive Power
nonlinear and parametric loads switching, classical issues that discontinuities are discussed in between Switching Power are stated. These conservative
proliferating among industrial rise up are related to network detail. The Closed Area over and commutations of power functions, despite having similar
and commercial customers. The solution and inconsistent Time is related to the harmonic converters. In this way, the properties to the Connection
main problems emerge from the initial conditions. Network reactive powers and under possibility of a power converter Energy that was presented in
flow of nonactive power caused solution is fulfilled by several sinusoidal steady state becomes to generate or absorb reactive the past literature as a function
by harmonic currents and methods. The main one is the proportional to the classical power is proved. Hence, a regarding the whole network,

Inspection methods and analysis of electric harmonic content of furnace

PhD Yearbook | 2015

voltages and currents, which
power quality influence on production are directly related with arc
characteristics. Furthermore,
processes: an application to EAF operations the arc is heavily influenced
by the melting conditions
inside furnace and from scrap
Daniele Clerici - Supervisor: Prof. Loredana Cristaldi characteristics.
Moreover, further developments
of this analysis will lead to a 223
Arc furnaces have seen a in the melting process and scrap ones. As a result, electrode classification of scrap charges

widespread diffusion in melting selection. regulation cannot be performed and process stages, based on the
facilities in the last decades. Arc furnaces can be considered in the correct way and energy analysis of the harmonic content
Key factors for this kind of electrical polluting devices from transmission from arc to scrap is of the electrical quantities
process are accurate melting the electrical point of view; the negatively influenced. , obtained by means of the
process control, less expensive uneven nature of the electric The main objective of this work implemented monitoring system.
melting charge material (steel arc, due to uneven density of is to discover specific electric Starting from this classification
scrap), small production batch the media in which it takes supply conditions that could be it can be possible to obtain a set
capabilities, and lower energy place (air and scrap), as well correlated with poor melting of suitable voltage set-points for
requirements. as its tendency to be displaced performances of the EAF. For this different operating conditions.
1. Electrical scheme of Calvisano steel plant; measuring points are represented
It is well known that the by electromagnetic forces, task, a case study was selected In addition, an improved
in red
melting process depends on the result in a consistent harmonic and a distributed measuring monitoring system, interfaced
presence and propagation of the content both in arc currents system has been developed in with the furnace control system,
electric arc between electrodes and voltages. Distortion of arc order to monitor voltages and electrical quantities at the supply conditions on melting can be implemented in order to
and scrap charge. The heat electrical quantities influences currents in the points of interest secondary windings of the EAF performances was evaluated automatically set both furnace
produced by the arc current also the harmonic content at within the electrical system. A transformer have also been through a statistical analysis. and voltage set-point regulation
melts the scrap to create the primary side of the furnace steel plant has been chosen estimated. In this way the This analysis shows that, in parameters, thus attaining better
molten steel. transformer and definitely as a case study: Acciaierie di analysis is referred to the same the presence of variable and melting performances in every
The characteristics of the electric in the whole electric system Calvisano steel plant is located point in which the EAF control non-uniform voltage profiles, operating conditions.
arc depends mainly on two connected to it. Disturbances near the city of Brescia, in the system measures voltages and about 50% of the processes
factors: the quality of the are present in the connecting main steel manufacturing district currents for process control. melting performances are poor
scrap charge and the quality point to the supply grid; they of northern Italy in the north- As a result, the deviation of the and for the remaining ones
of the electrical supply. are related to both furnace east part of Lombardia region. actual voltage values from the better results are obtained only
The furnace process control is activities and external sources. A scheme of steel plant electric preset ones can be computed in by means of a longer refining
automatically set to maintain These phenomena can alter system and the measuring points order to verify how the actual process; this action leads toan
a specific energy delivery from voltage and current profiles is represented in Fig.1. conditions are far from the increase in energy consumption
electrodes to scrap charge; significantly and can result, From voltages and currents desired ones (see Fig.2). The analysis of the voltage
effectiveness of this action is beyond disturbance injection measured values, other electrical Data from production records profiles, both on the primary
reduced if the feeding voltage from the steel plant to the grid, quantities of interest were are employed in conjunction side of the furnace and at PCC, 2. Actual voltage profile (in blue) and
preset voltage profile (green dotted
is unstable and/or the scrap in voltage profile non-uniformity derived, in particular active and with those obtained from allowed detection of the main line) at the secondary side of the
charge density is uneven or and variability. reactive powers and harmonic the analysis of the electrical factors which influence voltage furnace transformer
too low (presence of holes The stability and uniformity of indexes. quantities in order to verify the levels uniformity and stability:
and spots inside the charge voltage levels is essential for the Particular attention was given effective correlation between voltage transients due to voltage
or poorly conductive pieces of melting process because, in the to the electric asset at the electric supply conditions and regulation performed in the grid,
scrap). Scrap charge density furnace control system, voltage connecting point between the process performances for each and wrong voltage regulation
is indirectly influenced by is not under closed loop control; plant electric system and the melting process. on the busbars of furnace supply
charge composition, so melting this means that, if voltage supply grid, that is at the Point Furnace activities were section.
process performance is in a profile at the primary side of the of Common Coupling (PCC) as monitored for several months One of the main problem
way correlated to the type of furnace transformer isnt steady usually referred to. and a comprehensive set of in voltage regulation is the
employed scrap mixture. How during the process, electric arc In order to directly compare melting processes was built; voltage drop in the circuit from
strong is this correlation depends characteristics can be different actual and preset secondary then a classification has been the busbar to the furnace
on several other factors involved from the desired and scheduled voltage and current, the made and influence of electrical transformer; this is due to


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Linh Ho Manh - Supervisor and Tutor: Prof. Riccardo E. Zich

This thesis discusses a novel thesis. In this thesis, after being coefficients are determined by

approach to solve complex sufficiently trained, an ANN is imposing boundary conditions
electromagnetic problems by used as a surrogate model to at various interfaces of
computational intelligence substitute completely full-wave spheroidal coordinate. With the
techniques. Chapter 1 provides characterization. Two different aim bringing a brief introduction
background materiai on optimization schemes, also the of spheroidal coordinates
computational intelligence different approaches in sampling and problem description,
techniques: from originai Particle target data, are clearly explained radidal spheroidal and angular
Swarm Optimization (PSO); in detail in chapter 3, which also spheroidal wave functions
Genetic Algorithm (GA) to marks the end of the first half are interpreted theoretically
their variations namely Genetic for this thesis. in chapter 4. Chapter 5 and
Swarm Optimization (GSO) A variety of structures in chapter 6 provide all the exact
and Meta-PSO. The theory of Electromagnetism, representing solutions of two cases prolate
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) an indispensable part of and oblate respectively. All
and its training algorithms are physics, sometimes cannot be the analytical formulations
also presented in Chapter 1. fully described by simulators. are retrieved by separations
Chapter 2 discusses a This issue is more obvious of variables, whereby the field
traditional approach by applying in scattering problem when components are expressed as
heuristic optimizations to EM interpreting complex objects infinite series of products of
components. Various new and materials, the use of radial and angular spheroidal
designs of EM structures from mathematic tools is strongly wave functions. Numerica!
multilayer microstrip antenna needed. The research carried out results in these sections also
and metamaterial inspired in this context is a boundary- exhibit the profound influences
antenna, to frequency selective value problem where the aim of thickness and material
surface are optimized. The core is to determine radiation field properties of coating layers
challenge is the identification of of primary sources illuminating on both far-field and near-
an appropriate cost function and spheroidal structures. Primary field regions. Conclusions and
it was done by properly modeled sources are Hertzian electric and discussions on the outcomes of
electromagnetic objects by magnetic dipoles; spheroidal each problem can be found at
commerciai full-wave analysis. structures are two confocal the end of each chapter. At the
However, this traditional prolate/oblate dielectric layers end of chapter 5, the issues on
approach is always expensive in (either made of isorefractive scattering of a magnetic dipole
terms of computing time and or anti-isorefractive material) on Prolate Spheroids is totally
the dynamic memory required coating a metallic prolate/ covered, it is sufficient to create
for each assessment is relatively oblate spheroid. The problem of a representative cost function
big. Therefore, with the aim of one layer coating was already to optimize radiated far fields of
reducing computational efforts solved by Dr. Askarpour and multiple dipoles on the structure.
and memory consumption, Prof. Uslenghi in [98, 99], it
an equivalent surrogate is relevant to investigate the
model for antenna design behavior of primary sources
by Artificial Neural Network in the case of doublycoated
(ANN) is intepreted in this spheroids. The modal expansion

SIGNAL PROCESSING FOR DISRUPTION DETECTION entropy H are indicative of the The result of this analysis is the The results presented in this PhD

PhD Yearbook | 2015

presence of instability in the identification of a first precursor thesis, based on the application
IN TOKAMAKS plasma. The P1 marker is the
relative square magnitude of
of disruption, based on entropy
mean value around its minimum,
of SVD algorithm in the
research of a precursor signal
first couple of principal axes, it able to recognize up to 69% of of disruption are encouraging,
is bounded between 0 and 1. the disruptions with 20 ms of but more detailed investigations
P1 is related to the presence of warning time before the plasma are however needed. An
Maia Mosconi - Supervisors: Gabriele DAntona, Carlo Sozzi the first mode, i.e. the dominant current quench. A further and interesting prosecution will be
couple (m,n). The more P1 is deeper investigation of the therefore try to parametrize
close to 1, the more unstable plane H-P1 has brought to the the analysis contextualizing to 227
This PhD is part of research being m and n respectively the signal is determined through the the first mode is. The presence individuation of a precursor physical meaning introducing

on controlled thermonuclear number of toroidal and poloidal analysis of the results obtained of a mode indicates the growth based on the square root of the for example thresholds related
fusion, in particular regarding revolutions of the force lines by applying an algorithm of of MHD activity, if the mode moving variance of the time to plasma parameters such as
the identification of a precursor of the magnetic field, limiting Singular Value Decomposition becomes unstable a disruption derivative of the ratio H/P1. This magnetic field, plasma current
signal of disruption and the the performance of a tokamak. (SVD) to magnetic signals. The can occur. last disruption precursor is able and density. The markers
development of a real-time The plasma, despite being a signals used in this analysis are 2046 plasma discharges to recognize up to 82% of the identified in this analysis can
algorithm for predicting good conductor, has a small fluctuations of the magnetic collected between 2008 and disruptions, 79% at least 20 be used in order to classifying
disruptions in tokamaks. but finite resistivity, the rational field caught by an array of small 2012 have been selected from ms of warning time before the disruption causes. For this
Tokamak is an axisymmetric surfaces with constant magnetic multiturn coils, the so called the FTU database. No threshold plasma current quench. purpose it is mandatory:
configuration that, through flux and pressure tear, allowing Mirnov coils. The signals have parametrization related to The same analysis have been analyzing in detail the plasma
an appropriate combination to the lines of force of the been opportunely filtered and the plasma engineering adapted and repeated for discharge studying the
between a toroidal magnetic magnetic field to reconnect in resampled at the frequency of parameters such as toroidal Mirnov coils signals coming evolution of different plasma
field produced by external coils magnetic islands. A tokamak interest for MHD activity. magnetic field, plasma current from JET machine, in order and machine parameters,
and a poloidal magnetic field can also operate in the presence The work was done in and density has been used. to test the robustness of the distinguishing not intentional
generated by a current flowing of magnetic islands, but their collaboration with the Institute The signals considered have algorithm in different devices. from intentional disruptions and
in the toroidal plasma, achieves evolution, if not controlled, of Plasma Physics of Milan (IFP) been normalized, having the We have analyzed 2044 taking in account experimental
the Magneto Hydro Dynamic can lead to disruption, i.e. and the analysis was applied to advantage to be independent plasma discharges collected conditions. Moreover, it should
(MHD) equilibrium condition. the sudden fall of plasma the magnetic Mirnov signals of from sensor calibration between 2012 and 2013: 457 be important to focusing on the
In order to obtain controlled current followed by the loss of the ENEA Tokamak FTU (Frascati and signal amplitude. We disruptive shots and 1587 precursor phases preceding the
fusion, the equilibrium condition confinement. Disruption is very Tokamak Upgrade) Frascati, distinguished 1665 regular regular terminations. Also in instability and on the plasma
must be maintained stable dangerous for the integrity of Italy and after that the same terminations and 381 disruptions this case we do not distinguish development before the thermal
for a period greater than the reactor because the energy analysis has been adapted and without taking any classification disruption causes and no quench. The investigation on
an appropriate time, with stored in the plasma is abruptly applied to the magnetic Mirnov on the causes that lead to a threshold parametrization has a possible correlation between
respect to any perturbation. released to the wall machine. signal of the tokamak JET (Joint disruptive current quench. From been established. The developed time dependence of the markers
A major limitation to fusion The study and prediction European Torus) Culham, UK. A the application of SVD analysis algorithms based on the SVD and the disruption evolution
goals is made by the onset of disruption is therefore a set of Mirnov coils are circular to a set of FTU Mirnov coils analysis of the MHD activity should be done for improve our
of magnetohydrodynamic fundamental research topic in coils oriented to measure the in previous works the entropy signals from a set of JET Mirnov analysis.
instabilities in plasmas. A class of this context. fluctuations of the poloidal has been resulted to be a good coils provide a disruption
instability, bounded to dissipative While many techniques are component of the magnetic marker for the presence of MHD precursor based on the square
magnetic perturbations, are available today for disruption field. instabilities. The investigation of root of the moving variance of
the tearing modes that occur avoidance and mitigation with Through the Singular Value the disruption precursor starts the time derivative of H/P1 able
as an helical perturbations of some degree of successes, analysis is possible to extract with the study of entropy time to recognize up to 63% of the
the current and temperature actually there is not any strategy useful markers of the instabilities evolution during the plasma disruptions, 50 ms before the
of the plasma localized around that consent to fully predict presence, such as the Entropy discharge. The two ensembles plasma current quench. For JET
the rational surfaces (surfaces and avoid all disruptions. The H and the marker P1. The disruptive shots and regular machine, an estimator based on
on which the magnetic lines definition of a precursor signal entropy H is proportional to terminations have been selected the entropy mean value around
of force of the field B have a of disruption is currently an the square of the normalized and considered separately, minimum seems to be more
rational step) with its rotation interesting argument of research singular values and describes the evaluating the mean value of efficient, being able to recognize
speed. Tearing modes instability and in this PhD thesis an phase coherence in Mirnov coils entropy around its minimum. up to 79% of the disruptions,
may take place around the original method to determine a signals. The entropy can assume This is a good candidate in at least with 50 ms of warning
magnetic surfaces with low precursor signal is proposed. values in the range between 0 order to discriminate disruptive time before the plasma current
rational values of the ratio m/n, In this work, the precursor and 1 and lower values of the shots from regular terminations. quench.

Advanced State Estimation in Distribution

PhD Yearbook | 2015


Milos Subasic - Supervisor: Prof. Cristian Bovo

This research is composed words, the DSO will become be directly dependent upon Estimation was triggered by why the installation of the new

of two major topics; first, a sort of a local dispatcher the location whereas as the limited success in applying measurement equipment has a
the development of the and will involve its real/passive penetration of DER increases, transmission system state central part in planning of the
State Estimation function for customers in activities related to it will impact not only the estimation approach to new or improvement of the
distribution systems and second, the network management and distribution system capacity distribution environment; and existing DNs.
on of Measurement Equipment optimization. This, obviously, restraints but the voltage additionally, specific approaches The proposed solution
Placement for the sake of requires a deep review of the and frequency stability of the that have been developed for for Optimization of the
improvement of observability of regulatory framework. interconnected DER units. distribution systems experienced Measurement Equipment
distribution network. In this sense, definition of From the infrastructural point problems related to limitations Placement strongly reckons
The traditional vertically Smart Grid, now usually of view, there is a clear need
1. DSO interactions with markets & TSO at different time frames
integrated structure of the in use, appears reduced as it of enhancing the observability
electric utility has been focuses only on the appearance of the network, now generally
deregulated in recent years of the network, while it is more limited to the HV/MV
particularly by adopting the appropriate to speak about substation and the preparation of the distribution grids. on genetic algorithms that
competitive market paradigm Smart Distribution System of appropriate channels of The second motivation is due have proven to possess good
in many countries around the (SDS), extending the involvement communication with the users. to the fact that the increased properties with large-scale
world. The market-governed also to network users. Among Software tools evolution penetration of dispersed problems like this one. Many
electrical business and the the various initiatives that the includes the enhancements of generation is one of the different implementation
Renewable Energy Sources (RES) distributor must undertake in the SCADA side for managing main contributors to the new approaches have been
have changed significantly the order to adapt the methods the new devices and information management mechanisms that developed, tested and compared
power flows in distribution of planning, management coming from the network on are being developed. To improve on large number of realistic test
networks. and analysis of operation of one side. In addition, a new the hosting capacity of the DN DNs for this dissertation and
On the other side, the evolution the network, acquisition of family of software applications and to reduce the impact of DG the best approach is recorded.
of the distribution systems dedicated tools and the related is being developed to support in on the regulation requirements Apart from the fact that the
seen through the remarkable infrastructure plays a crucial role. both real-time operation and the of the bulk power system, the OMEP algorithm provides (sub)
expansion of dispersed Some of the roles that need to planning phase. DG has to provide ancillary optimal solutions for all the
generation plants connected to be taken into account are shown At this point, the specific services (to solve local and global tested systems, it is also robust,
the medium and low voltage below in Fig. 1. software tools for both real-time issues frequency, reserve, highly modular and easily
network is one of the main Most distributed energy management and planning of voltage regulation, congestion implementable in DMS solutions.
challenges. The growth of resources (DER) can be disposed the distribution network need management). Therefore the
the dispersed generation is in the distribution network to be developed. To implement distribution system will assume
causing a profound change of and to be accessible to provide these, the developer has to have the role of DSO. Premise of
the distribution systems in the network support, DER must in mind all the above stated this is the knowledge of the
technical, legal and regulatory co-ordinate with the rest of limitations and challenges of network. For this reason, SE
aspects; most likely the the power system without modern systems. This thesis applied to DN is a main tool
Distribution System Operators affecting other costumers. The provides tools for improvement to improve the effects of DG
(DSOs) will more and more capability of DER to provision of the observability of the penetration.
take, on local dimensions, tasks ancillary services will depend on distribution systems and optimal On the other side, having
and responsibilities of the role factors such as DER location and planning of network for the elaborated on the fact that
assigned on a national scale to number of resources integrated same cause. the knowledge of the network
the operator of the electricity to the grid. Most of the benefits The first motivation to develop state is crucial for its operation,
transmission network. In other relying on ancillary services will the Distribution System State it is not hard to understand
Aerospace Engineering | Architectural and
Urban Design | Architectural Composition |
Architecture, Urban Design, Conservation
of Housing and Landscape | Bioengineering
| Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage
| Electrical Engineering | Energy and
Nuclear Science and Technology |
Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture and
Exhibition Design | Management, Economics
and Industrial Engineering | Materials
Engineering | Mathematical MODELS and
METHODS IN Engineering | Mechanical
Engineering | Physics | Preservation of
THE Architectural Heritage | Rotary-wing
aircrafts | Spatial Planning and Urban
Development | Structural Seismic and
Geotechnical Engineering | Technology
and Design for Environment and Building
| Territorial Design and Government PhD Yearbook | 2015


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Energy and Nuclear Science
and Technology

The thesis works that are presented in this Yearbook are very

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

Chair: representative of the multi-disciplinary research activity performed Development of a Fixed Bed Quasi-Isothermal Adsorption
within the context of the PhD educational and research program Pistocchini Lorenzo Dehumidifier: from Concept to Optimization, through Experimental
Prof. Carlo Bottani
in Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology (STEN). The latter is and Theoretical Investigation.
specifically designed to provide the student with the state-of-the-art Prencipe Irene Advanced materials for novel laser-driven ion acceleration schemes.
in a wide range of research fields related to:
Primary Exergy Cost of goods and services: an Input - Output
Rocco Matteo Vincenzo
production, conversion and transmission of energy approach.
rational use of energy Reduced order methods: applications to nuclear reactor core spatial
nuclear systems, nuclear fuel cycle, radioprotection Sartori Alberto
application of ionizing radiations
Torelli Roberto Novel Approaches for CFD Modeling of Diesel Engines.
methods for safety and reliability analysis
development of innovative materials for energy applications

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology - 26 ciclo

Nanostructured Transparent Conducting Oxides for Advanced

The specific thesis discussed in this Yearbook are related to the PhD work of: Gondoni Paolo
Photovoltaic Applications
Sound absorption measurements with sound intensity method.
Astorino Sonia
Investigations at normal and oblique incidence.
Energetica - 24 ciclo
Hierarchical Quasi-1D Nanostructures for Photoelecrochemical
Balandeh Mehrdad
Hydrogen Production. Waste atomic separation and raw material recovery by application of
Parissenti Guido
A combined experimental and modelling approach for the improved plasma technology.
Baricci Andrea
characterization of high temperature pem fuel cells.
Biserni Erika Silicon Nanostructures for Energy Applications.
Their research and most significant results are presented in the following pages.
An experimental study on fluid dynamics in straight and bend rib-
Cimina Susanna
roughened channels STEN Advisory Board
CFD Modelling Of Turbulent Premixed Combustion In Spark-Ignition Family Name First Name Institution
Cornolti Luca
Bruna Gianni IRSN
Eremed Wondwossen Bogale Increasing energy recovery of waste-to-energy plants.
Radiation tolerant nanoceramic coatings for lead fast reactor nuclear Lontano Maurizio Istituto di Fisica del Plasma - CNR
Garcia Ferre Francisco
fuel cladding. Romer Arturo Nuklearforum
Nanostructured Oxide Semiconductors for Direct Solar Energy
Ghadirzadeh Ali Lombardi Carlo EnergyLab Foundation
Conversion: Photovoltaics and Water Splitting.
Strategies for access to energy in developing countries: methods and Ortis Alessandro Autorit per lEnergia Elettrica e il Gas past president
Mandelli Stefano
models for off-grid power systems design.
Muzzio Adriano Unione Italiana Termofluidodinamica
Building sustainability assessment and rating: an Italian objective
Moschetti Roberta
system proposal. Pastorino Giorgio Peltech srl - Lecco

Sound Absorption Measurements with with the sound intensity probe. newly developed 3-D sound objects near the sensors;

PhD Yearbook | 2015

In this regard, results show that intensity probe with the final predictable outcomes of
Sound Intensity Method. Investigations at with a decrease of the probe-
sample distance the absorption
aim of estimating the sound
absorption properties of an
this procedure have been
qualitatively evaluated with a
Normal and Oblique Incidence coefficient estimated under
local plane wave assumption is
acoustic panel at oblique
incidence. These include
trial test at normal incidence.
The second is related to the use
less affected by the sound field some initial investigations on of signal treatment techniques
Sonia Astorino - Supervisor: Prof. Livio Mazzarella characteristics. the performances of the 3-D to improve the response of
The second part of the thesis probe. In detail, measurement the self-assembled 3-D probe
deals with experimental and campaigns to characterize the without changing its design. 235
Information on sound absorption sound intensity probe in a then been numerically improved numerical investigations radiance patterns of both the The main idea is to numerically

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

and sound reflection properties semi-anechoic environment. realizing a third model of the conducted in order to estimate three-dimensional and the compensate the interferences
of materials is of interest for Measurements results in terms computational domain. For all the oblique incidence sound traditional mono-axial probes between the microphones and
many practical applications both of absorption coefficient have the simulations, it is chosen absorption coefficient. It is worth have been performed in a totally the effects of the presence of
in architectural and industrial been validated by means of to perform three-dimensional noting that, without involving anechoic environment; the the fixture holding the sensors:
acoustics. The characterization comparison with the outcomes acoustic analyses so that the ratios of complex quantities, the analysis of the associated results a signal filtering procedure
of the angle-dependent of both a macroscopic empirical effects of the finite dimensions intensity-based method has the has allowed a comparative developed in collaboration with
absorption properties is required predictive model and the of the rectangular sample can advantage to be more robust evaluation between the probes. the Dipartimento di Elettronica,
for instance to carry out a priori standardized impedance tube be correctly modeled and taken for performing angle-dependent Successively, considerations on Informazione e Bioingegneria of
analyses of indoor acoustic method. Some differences into account. Sound pressure absorption measurements rather the comparison between the Politecnico di Milano has been
quality or noise reduction, with have been observed at low and particle velocity numerically than impedance-based methods. two instruments have been proposed with this intent. The
the use of acoustic simulation frequencies. The determination computed above the sample The extension of the sound made in terms of experimental application of the compensation
software. These practical of two specific sound field have been post-processed with intensity technique to oblique procedures and outcomes of the filter on a preliminary test case
needs are the reasons behind indicators from the acquired different analytical sound field incidence is presented reporting sound absorption measurements has given globally satisfactory
the development of several signals has also highlighted models: the sound intensity both the general formulation at oblique incidence. To this results. This constitutes the basis
techniques for the measurement that both these descriptors can method, the Image Source of the theory and the simplified purpose, the specular reflection for some of the possible future
of sound absorption over the be helpful to perform initial model and the Di and Gilbert algorithms for specular reflection assumption has been adopted. It developments of the thesis
years, for different kinds of evaluations on measurements model. Differently from the assumption existing in literature. has been shown that scattering work.
incidence (normal, oblique and carried out with the sound former, the two impedance- The former entails the use of and diffraction issues inherent to Finally, following the same
random). intensity technique. based global models of the a three-dimensional sound the design of the developed 3-D procedure used at normal
This study focuses on the To complete normal incidence sound field take into account intensity probe. Therefore, probe itself negatively affect its incidence, FEM simulations have
techniques employed for analysis investigations the thesis work spherical wave propagation a 3-D sound intensity probe outcomes. However, remarkable been employed both to model
at normal and oblique incidence, includes the development of from a point source. For the configured in a 6-microphone advantages regarding the use and verify the experimental
with particular reference to numerical simulations based analysed configuration, results array and a calibrator for of the 6-microphone array tests at oblique incidence, and
the sound intensity method. on the Finite Element Method. show that the differences matching the microphones in compared to the mono-axial to carry out further analyses at
Potentialities and limitations of The analyses are conducted between the calculated amplitude and phase have been probe in the measurement of low frequencies. The effects of
this procedure are examined at low frequencies with the absorption coefficients are developed for the investigations sound absorption at oblique different sound field models
carrying out both experimental commercial software COMSOL pronounced especially at low at oblique incidence. The thesis incidence have been also and smaller probe height on
and numerical investigations. Multiphysics. First, a virtual frequencies. However, it has reports a detailed description pointed out. the numerical estimate of the
The first part of the thesis impedance tube has been been also proven that the of the two, together with a In view of these considerations, absorption coefficient have been
illustrates the analyses realized to assess the accuracy observed divergences decrease qualitative evaluation of design some efforts have been made evaluated and discussed also for
conducted at normal incidence. in the modeling of the sound reducing the probe-sample improvements of the 3-D probe in investigating possible the oblique incidence case.
Based on local plane wave absorbing material by comparing distance. As a matter of fact, spacer. When a 6-microphone solutions aimed at improving
propagation assumption, the numerical values in terms of the developed simulations have arrangement is used, different the performances of the three-
sound intensity method is absorption coefficient with provided not only a tool for the post-processing methods that dimensional sound intensity
characterized by a simple test experimental results of the real verification of the subsequent can be employed to estimate probe. In this regard, we
setup and an easy and practical impedance tube. Successively, experimental measurements at sound intensity exist; the have carried out additional
implementation. Experimental we have performed preliminary oblique incidence, but also the associated formulations for the analyses considering two
tests for the determination of simulations on two different possibility to analyse the sound application of interest have been different approaches. The first
the normal incidence sound models of the setup used for the field above the specimen in a derived. is a mechanical optimization
absorption coefficient have been measurements with the sound point nearer the sample surface Various experimental activities of the probe, entailing the
carried out with the traditional intensity technique, which have than that measurable in practice are performed using the minimization of the interfering

Hierarchical Quasi-1D Nanostructures for

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Photoelecrochemical Hydrogen Production

Mehrdad Balandeh - Supervisor: Dr. Fabio Di Fonzo

In the last decades there TiO2 scaffold was taken as the stability against photocorrosion

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

has been an increase in the main parameter for the study in acidic environment and
solar energy efficiency and and optimization of the device. also its low energy band gap.
its contribution to the global The fabrication of the TiO2 Hierarchical quasi-1D WO3 thin
energetic production. Although scaffold was performed via PLD film was deposited by using PLD
today one third of the world technique to obtain hierarchical technique and by tuning the
energetic demand is still structures with high roughness deposition parameters, where
composed by fuels, that are factor and light-trapping hyperbranching and long range
energy vectors which could properties; morphological and crystalline order was achieved.
be easily stored and moved. crystallographic studies on The hierarchical quasi-1D WO3
While there are no well- the TiO2 substrates showed a photonodes showed efficient
established solutions to satisfy nanocrystalline structure with light absorption and internal
the worlds energetic request, enhanced transport properties scattering with improved charge
the production of hydrogen via thanks to the low density of collection efficiency despite
solar energy stands as one of defects and directional growth the large thickness due to the
the most promising solutions of the TiO2 crystals. The SILAR mesoporous structure of the
for the problem. The process sensitization technique was film. Hierarchical hyperbranched
of photoelectrochemical water employed to deposit a uniform WO3 nanostructures showed
splitting consists of using a layer of CdS on the TiO2 current densities up to 1.8 mA/
solar-produced driving force scaffold, in order to improve cm2 with an onset potential
to decompose water into its the absorption of the whole of 0.4 V vs RHE, which is
two constituents. This study device in the visible range. The significantly lower than the
aims to improve and optimize whole photoelectrochemical current state-of-the-art. These
the efficiency of TiO2/CdS device is then completed with results are achieved due to the
and WO3 photoanodes for a platinum wire as the counter high electron recombination
water-splitting application. The electrode and an electrolytic resistance and low charge
host-guest approach involves solution as the supporting transport resistance of the
decoupling of the optical path electrolyte between the two hyperbranched morphology.
and water oxidation center electrical contacts. The results A deep analysis of the both
and the electron transport to showed a maximum current photoelectrodes (TiO2/CdS
the substrate by depositing density of 6.6 mA/cm2 for and WO3) was performed
a thin layer of CdS onto a hierarchical TiO2/CdS which to assess their optical,
mesoporous TiO2 host. A TiO2 was around 35% higher than structural, morphological
hierarchical nanostructured reference TiO2/CdS photoanode and photoelectrochemical
photoelectrode was sensitized made of TiO2 nanoparticles. characteristics by using
with a thin layer of a low Moreover, fabrication and following techniques: SEM and
energy band gap material. Here optimization of quasi-1D WO3 TEM images, Raman and PL
cadmium sulphide was chosen nanostructures photoanode spectroscopy, XRD analysis, UV-
due to its apt properties for was performed. WO3 was Vis spectrophotometry, Linear
photoelectrochemical hydrogen chosen as a photoanode for Sweep Voltammometry (LSV),
production application. The photoelectrochemical water EQE/IQE and Electrochemical
amount of CdS deposited on the splitting process due to its high Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS).


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Andrea Baricci - Supervisor: Prof. Renzo Marchesi - Coordinator: Prof. Carlo Bottani

Significant progress has been time. For this reason degradation problems that are related to the that constitute the Gas Diffusion

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

recently achieved in the field of PEMFC components has cathode: lower performance Media is discussed. The results
of polymer fuel cells (PEMFC) received increasing attention and lower durability than indicate that Knudsen diffusion 1. Evolution of the Electrochemical Impedance Spectra recorded at 0.2 A
cm-2 during the degradation test: experiments (symbols) and simulations
that has resulted in increased over the past years. Many PEMFC, therefore efforts in constitutes approximately 50% (continuous line) considering the effect of heterogeneity of ageing.
attention to this technology degradation mechanisms research are motivated toward of the mass transport resistance
for energy conversion have been observed to affect the understanding of cathode in the catalyst layer without
systems. Several automobile the polymer membrane, e.g. operation and ageing, in phosphoric acid and 30% in been presented and discussed: predicts an improvement
manufacturers are currently thinning, or the porous layers, analogy with low temperature the MPL. In situ analysis of the macro pore cylindrical in proton transport across
undergoing field testing of e.g. loss of hydrophobicity, PEMFC. mass transport in real operating agglomerate geometry. From the catalyst layer that is not
fuel cell vehicles and few but most of the degradation The PhD thesis reports a detailed conditions is carried out by ex situ observations, mass consistent with experiments.
of them have programmed is generally attributed to the analysis of cathode operation electrochemical impedance transport in the catalyst layer is Heterogeneity of ageing has
commercialization within 2015. catalyst layers, specifically in high temperature polymer spectroscopy and reveals that reported to occur over macro been studied on two scales:
Not only automotive applications the cathode. Corrosion of fuel cells, taking into account mass transport affects cathode cylindrical-like pores and, in along the channel and across the
have generated interest in the catalyst, corrosion of the both performance and durability operation. analogy, a 1D agglomerate catalyst layer. The results indicate
PEMFC research, but also support, loss of porosity or onset and adopting a combined Combination of ex situ and in geometry that resembles this that non-uniform current
stationary residential applications of heterogeneity are few of experimental and modelling situ experimental information observation is developed. The distribution induced by ageing
for combined production of the effects of ageing that have approach. A 6100 hours is carried out by means of an flooded agglomerate region is detrimental for HT-PEMFC
electricity and heat. been reported by experiments. degradation testing has been advanced physics-based model is represented as a porous performance, because the
The interest received by PEMFC Characterization of degradation carried out on a commercial validated on experimental ring that encloses the macro reaction is restricted in a reduced
technology for direct energy is the crucial step before the HT-PEMFC. It is reported that data. The effect of phosphoric pore. Consequently from this active volume where mass
conversion is due to their unique proposal of improved materials cathode is the most critical acid on mass transport is assumption, the geometry of transport becomes critical. As
features: high efficiency and or mitigation strategies, but component for durability: the analyzed: simulations indicate the flooded agglomerate is a consequence, mass transport
power density, low emissions, unfortunately long term tests catalyst electrochemical active that phosphoric acid floods measured ex situ and no model resistance in the active region
fast start-up, fast response are costly and time consuming. surface is observed to reduce the catalyst layer and causes calibration is required. Flooded is responsible for additional
to load changes, modularity. In this sense, modelling and to half of the initial value at low catalyst utilization at high Agglomerate Model with increase of the degradation rate.
Nevertheless, several issues have theoretical work are expected to the end of the test, causing a current density. Since oxygen cylindrical macro pore geometry
to be addressed yet: the lack assist experimental activity and significant voltage degradation is forced to diffuse into the is finally validated, in support
of infrastructures for hydrogen facilitate technological progress. rate (10 V h-1). The evolution liquid electrolyte that floods the of the physical consistency of
distribution, the high cost if The work focuses on durability of the impedance spectra during catalyst layer micro structure, flooded agglomerate model in
compared to competitors, the of high temperature polymer ageing is analyzed by means the catalyst nanoparticles HT-PEMFC.
durability. fuel cells (HT-PEMFC) based of a physics-based model. that are hardly accessible to In a final step, the improved
A significant cost reduction on phosphoric acid doped The conclusion is that about oxygen (i.e. those in the inner model is applied to the
has been recently achieved polybenzimidazole. Differently 30% of the degradation rate core of the agglomerate) analysis of ageing data. A
by decreasing the loading of from PEMFC that operate at observed at 0.4 A cm-2 is not do not work at high current literature review indicates two
noble metals used as catalyst 80C, HT-PEM fuel cells work directly ascribed to a loss of density. It is concluded that characteristics of degradation
and by increasing the number between 120 and 200C and electrochemical active surface, flooded agglomerate model is to be considered in the analysis:
of units produced. In this view, are interesting for stationary but it is due to increased mass a requirement for HT-PEMFC catalyst layer thinning and
PEMFC durability is an additional applications because of transport. models and average radius of heterogeneity of ageing. Both
tool to impact the cost: any enhanced tolerance to fuel Therefore the work analyzes spherical agglomerates has been effects succeed in reproducing
improvement in fuel cell stability impurities and simplified water oxygen transport in HT- estimated in 180 nm. the evolution of the impedance
could mitigate the capital cost management. Unfortunately PEMFC components. Ex situ An innovative geometry for spectra during ageing (Fig.
by distributing it over a wider life HT-PEMFC suffer additional characterization of porous media flooded agglomerate model has 1), but catalyst layer thinning

SILICON NANOSTRUCTURES FOR ENERGY being a key means to open new In a dedicated study conducted starting point and a strategy for

PhD Yearbook | 2015

opportunities in terms of energy at the Karlsruhe Institute of improvement.
APPLICATIONS density, high rate of charge and
discharge, and better cyclability.
Technology (KIT) in Karlsruhe,
Germany, silicon-graphite
Finally, nanoporous silicon can
find application in the field of
Graphite is commonly used as anodes have been prepared thermoelectric materials, since
the standard material for the by slurry-based processes, controlling the porosity provides
anodes of Lithium Ion Batteries commonly in use in industrial a means to reduce the thermal
Erika Biserni - Relatore: Prof. A. Li Bassi - Correlatore: Dr. P. Bruno - Tutor: Dr. M. Passoni (LIB), because of its low price, battery manufacturing. Despite conductivity of the material,
good performances and high some technological issues which is one of the key figures
processability. Silicon is a related to the nanometric size to evaluate a thermoelectric 241
Being silicon the most widely The silicon nanostructured not only to study and engineer potential anode material for of Si powders, Si-graphite material, while growing the

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

used material in the electronic films are prepared by Pulsed the material properties, but also, high energy density LIB due to anodes were fabricated and film into an ordered columnar
and photovoltaic industry, Laser Deposition (PLD) and in the case of anodes for lithium its very high theoretical capacity electrochemical tests showed structure can in principle allow
thanks to its abundance, low characterized by suitable ion batteries, to realize proper (~3579 mAh/g), which is an good cyclability. Feasibility for good electronic transport.
cost and non-toxicity, specific microscopic and spectroscopic working devices. order of magnitude beyond that of partial substitution of Si Following this direction,
technology has been developed techniques to understand Besides nanoporous silicon films, of a commercial graphite anode. for graphite with a drop-in the thermal conductivity of
and deep knowledge has been their properties and allow for PLD allows to grow hierarchically However, the wide spreading approach in current productive silicon films grown by PLD is
acquired on its properties, their tailoring by means of nanostructured films composed of Si has to face two main processes has been proven, but characterized.
especially at the bulk scale. a good control over the film of Si nanocrystals embedded in concerns, i.e. volume expansion further optimization is surely
Only partially, however, have features namely, porosity at a columnar porous amorphous and the formation of a stable needed for what concerns slurry
its properties at the nanoscale the nanoscale and formation matrix, that can be of Solid Electrolyte Intephase layer. composition and fabrication
been investigated and exploited of nanocrystals. The synthesis interest in various energetic The work reported in this thesis process parameters.
accordingly. heads for exploitation in fields, with Quantum-Dot discusses the investigation of In all cases, the approach to
This dissertations reports innovative devices with a photovoltaics being one of innovative solutions to address fabrication is driven by the need
the research activity done by stronger relevance being given the most challenging ones. the two main concerns of to minimize the processing
the author at the Center for to silicon anodes for lithium- Nanoporous silicon, in turn, can silicon anodes in lithium ion effort, both in terms of number
Nano Science and Technology ion batteries. In addition, be successfully applied in the microbatteries by means of of steps required and of
(CNST) of the Italian Institute good confidence with the development of nanostructured suitably designed anodes made temperatures involved, so as
of Technology (IIT) and funded fabrication process opens the porous silicon-based anodes of amorphous nanoporous Si. to orient the work to possible
by IIT through a dedicated way for explorative studies on for Lithium-ion batteries, Such porous structures offer a up-scaling.
scholarship. Focus of the the properties of the material which is the core activity of this large surface area to volume Moving to larger scale
work is the synthesis and and the possibilities to tune dissertation. ratio, which can accommodate production, the dissertation
characterization of silicon them to make them suitable for In order to address power and the large volume expansion involves also the fabrication
nanostructured thin films and application in photovoltaics and energy demands of mobile associated with silicon lithiation. of silicon-based anodes using
their engineering to make them thermoelectrics. electronics and electric cars, Li- Then, in order to promote the methods and techniques typical
suitable for specific energy Thanks also to a fruitful network ion technology is urgently being formation of a stable SEI layer of the industrial production.
applications in the fields of of national and international optimized by using alternative and improve conductivity and On the way to large-scale
energy production and storage. collaborations, it was possible materials, with nanostructuring mechanical stability, Carbon has fabrication of silicon-carbon
been coupled to Si, either as anodes, this study can outline a
a separate capping layer or as
integrated in the Si film. In these
composite anode architecture,
the Si hierarchical nanostructure
was deposited by PLD and C
either by Chemical Vapour
Deposition (CVD) or by PLD.
Thanks to coupling of silicon
and carbon, all the proposed
anodes show very good stability
over cycling, even reaching up
1. a) Scanning Electron Microscope image (taken in cross section) of a porous silicon algae-like film, b) its Raman to 1000 cycles with very low 2. a) SEM picture of a Si-C composite anode and b) an example of discharge
signature, and c) an image of embedded nanocrystals evidenced by a Transmission Electron Microscope capacity fade. capacity curve of a Si-C composite anode, reaching 1000 stable cycling

An experimental study on fluid dynamics in with 3 different non dimensional classification in three different two different types of guide

PhD Yearbook | 2015

pitches (PR10, PR20, PR40) with clusters of configurations vanes inside the turn, reduces,
straight and bend rib-roughened channels 2 different rib heights (2mm
and 4mm), the aim of this
(dendogram) with almost the
some performances in term of
prominently, the overall pressure
penalty till a maximum of 31%.
study has been to find clusters heat transfer and pressure drops. The different position of guide
of configurations with almost Then, by means of vanes has a big importance on
the same performances in term correspondence analysis tool the pressure drop performance.
Susanna Cimin - Supervisor: Alfonso Niro of heat transfer coefficient and focusing on the main The combination of ribs and
and friction factors, using a parameters influencing the guide vanes allows the thermal
special mathematical tool. Thus, performances of the different performance to be significantly 243
Forced convection heat transfer percent, since their characteristic rib-roughened coolant passages. the statistical agglomerative configurations: height of the increased. In fact, because of the

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

inside rectangular channels is a elements have sizes close to Moreover, due to the sharp hierarchical clustering analysis rib, pitch, arrangement and local heat transfer is dominated
matter of interest for industry. Its those of the structures to be turn, the pressure loss in the has been performed and it design, it has been evaluated the by the jet impingement on the
involvement varies from compact stimulated. curvature section can be as high has been, also analyzed, the weight of each by the use of a endwall: guide vanes switch off
heat exchangers to more critical In the present work, ribbed as 25% of the pressure loss weight of the each parameters, Fischers exact test. As a result, this effect, while ribs help it. On
applications such as turbine surfaces have been used. in the entire cooling system. influencing the performance from statistical point of view the other hand the presence of
blade cooling. Enhancing heat transfer in these The reason could be that the of the different configurations. the height of the rib represents ribs on the outer wall causes
During the design of compact situations would mean the flow field in a such area is very Experimental tests, by using the most meaningful parameter, a meaningful pressure penalty
heat exchangers, a high value operating limits are increased complex. It is strongly three- PIV and CTA anemometry, have it follows the pitch, then the inside the bend geometry,
of the surface-to-volume ratio is and thus a more efficient and dimensional, unsteady, and been conducted in order to arrangement and design. In respect to the baseline case.
pursued; however, the increasing compact device is created. viscous, with several types confirm statistical results. order to confirm the statistical With particular type of guide
of this ratio beyond a certain In detail, concerning modern of secondary flows, vortices Fluid dynamic investigations of results, it has been experimented vanes and the presence of
value causes a worsening of Gas turbine blades, to improve and separation phenomena. the flow, show that different fluid dynamic investigations ribs on the endwall, heat
the thermal performances. The thermal efficiency and power The better knowledge of the configurations, but belonging by means PIV (uncertainty transfer is enhanced till a
increase of heat transfer area output it is necessary to operate overall phenomena could be to the same cluster, have 10%) and CTA anemometry maximum of 35% but at the
per unit volume causes the at high inlet temperatures or TIT extraordinary important to almost the same performance (uncertainty 4%)on fluid flows in penalty of higher pressure
narrowing of the area as well as (1100 - 1350 C). improve the design of the with different fluid dynamics different configurations. drop respect to the baseline
a lower gas velocity in order to Nowadays the increasing of TIT device. Also, for all the above behaviors. Fluid dynamic investigations on case. The V 45 downstream
maintain an acceptable pressure has a limitation due to metal reasons turbine blade cooling The present research include secondary flows, by using PIV endwall ribs coupled with a
drop value. Both effects cause melting temperature, but recent mechanisms have been studied. also an experimental analysis and CTA, in order to show as special configurations of guide
a weak turbulent or laminar studies have demonstrated that Therefore, the main concern of about pressure drop reduction configurations with different vanes, gives the best thermal
flow, which is characterized by developments in achieving a the doctoral thesis has been to and heat transfer enhancement shapes, but belonging to the performance.
a lower convective coefficient better cooling of the turbine experimentally and statistically in a U bend geometry, by same cluster, have almost the Definitively, the use of different
which reduces the benefits blade can allow the increasing investigate the fluid dynamics the employment of various some performance but different types of arrangements, strongly
derived from the increased area. of the TIT. Therefore, the cooling and heat transfer in straight configurations of guide vanes fluid dynamic behaviors. depends on the need of the
To overcome this limit, designers of the blades is becoming an and bend channels enhanced and two different shape of ribs As regards, the heat transfer and turbine blade cooling system.
have enhanced heat transfer by engineering challenge. The by different geometries of ribs, on the endwall. Eleven different pressure drop, experimentally,
means of specially configured blades are cooled with extracted which remotely recall rib- cases of guide vanes were measured in the outer region
surfaces which can properly air from the compressor of the roughened coolant passages for tested, including the baseline of a U-bend channel with and
affect fluid-dynamics while engine. Since this extraction industrial applications. one, without vanes. The working without the presence of guide
maintaining cost-effectiveness incurs a penalty on the thermal In particular, the first part of the Reynolds number have been vanes and ribbed endwall, it
and reliability. These configured efficiency and power output work has been focused on the 8000, 10000, 26000. has possible to stress: the use
surfaces use many passive of the engine, it is important fluid dynamics and heat transfer Definitively, the present doctoral of particular devices, like guide
enhancement mechanisms: to choose and optimize the investigations of a straight work has been addressed the vanes, inside a bend geometry
periodic deflection of cooling technology for a ribbed channel. following conclusions. can effectively reduce the
streamlines, interruption of the given turbine blade geometry In this context, starting from Concerning the explorative pressure drop but whit the cost
growth of the boundary layer, under specific thermodynamic the huge data-base, belonging statistical analysis and the of lower heat transfer compared
swirl, and flow destabilization. conditions. In detail, within to the ThermaLab Group, experimental tests in fluid to the baseline. Comparisons
Moreover the surfaces also a blade, the leading edge is relating to 49 different rib dynamics on the straight of 10 different cases of
promote turbulence and cooled by jet impingement, the configurations arranged on a channels: starting from the huge placement of guide vanes have
contribute to increasing of heat trailing edge by pin fins and straight channel of Dh= 40mm database described previously, been performed. Concerning
transfer by several hundred the middle region is cooled by in 8 different Reynolds numbers it has been achieved a unified this study, the application of

CFD Modelling of Turbulent Premixed

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Combustion in Spark-Ignition Engines

Luca Cornolti - Tutor: Prof. Angelo Onorati - Supervisor: Dr. Tommaso Lucchini

Introduction more and more important. In combustion models. Moreover A comprehensive combustion between the mean flow and

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

The present work focuses particular, in SI engines, the the definition of these steps also model for spark-ignition the spark channel, which is an
on the development of pressure profile inside the helps to delineate strengths and engines aspect usually neglected in other
computational tools to model combustion chamber is strongly weaknesses of actually employed The previous concepts were models. Moreover, the effect of
turbulent premixed combustion influenced by the position of models and the aspects which used to develop an original discharged energy and mixture
for spark-ignition (SI) engine the piston and timing is very require further investigations. combustion model based on composition were correctly
applications in the context of important. As a consequence, G-equation approach. The reproduced. In particular, for
RANS simulations. Given the the development of the flame Comparison of RANS model takes into account spark stoichiometric mixture the results
prospect of easy improvements has to be modeled since the first turbulent combustion models discharge process and early were quantitatively good, while
in terms of efficiency, Diesel stage after ignition. Therefore, available in literature flame propagation by means of for lean mixtures the predictions
engine has been developed a in this work, a new premixed In literature many models a Lagrangian description of the were less accurate. Uncertainties
lot in the last twenty years. Its combustion model which describing turbulent premixed spark channel, as the mesh size related to the adopted value
prevalence has increased over describe in details also this phase combustion are available. is too big to allow an Eulerian of the laminar flame speed are
the time, going from an almost of combustion is proposed. The Currently, none of them is representation of the problem. probably the main reasons for
exclusive use for commercial model is implemented within the clearly considered superior to A set of particles is introduced this lower accuracy.
vehicles, like trucks, to cover half OpenFOAM framework. the others. As a consequence, in the computational domain;
of total vehicle fleet. Nowadays a comparison of the numerical each of them represents the Conclusions
SI engine is starting to regain Characterization of turbulent behavior of the most employed geometrical centre of a flame In the present work a detailed
the attention of automotive premixed flames models was carried out in order kernel. These particles expand analysis regarding premixed
companies for various reasons: As turbulent premixed to identify which of them is with a velocity computed combustion modelling in spark-
the mature level of development combustion has been studied more suitable for the purpose through various sub-models, ignition engines is proposed. As
reached by Diesel engine, which over the past 60 years, the of modeling combustion in SI which take into account spark a result of this analysis, a new
requires much more resources to amount of literature on this engines since the first stage. In energy deposition, stretch combustion solver was proposed
be further improved; the need topic is impressive, dispersive particular, these models are the effect and the turbulent and implemented within the
of balancing the vehicle fleet and sometimes contradictory. Flame Surface Density method properties of the flow. The OpenFOAM framework. This
with respect to the products As a consequence, the first (FSD), the Flame Speed Closure previous set of flame kernels model describes premixed
of the fractional distillation part of the work is focused on model (FSC) and the G-equation is converted into the G-field. combustion in SI engines since
of oil; the use of SI engine in the description of the physical approach. After this comparison, This operation guarantees the very early stages of flame
hybrid propulsion applications. mechanisms which characterize the G-equation model was the coupling between the development. The model was
Considering the limits of the development of premixed selected as the most promising Lagrangian approach and tested against the experimental
actually available experimental flames. These information and approach, as its results show the Eulerian description of data provided by a laboratory
techniques to study combustion, the different modeling strategies a lower dependence on turbulent combustion. To check engine with optical access. The
theoretical and computational employed by various authors, initial conditions. Moreover it its predictive capabilities, the results obtained by the model
fluid dynamics (CFD) studies were used to define a sequence decouples the main properties model is tested against the are promising, but further
are becoming very important of theoretical logical steps of a turbulent flame (structure, experimental data provided validation is still required in order
support tools. Moreover, which allows the reduction of propagation speed and flame by a laboratory engine with to better evaluate the model
because of the increasing a turbulent reaction problem, brush thickness), allowing optical access. This comparison performances.
development costs of internal which is complex and numerical their explicit modelling. This is showed that the model is able
combustion engines, the demanding, into a simpler important in RANS approaches to represent many features of
concept of virtual development hydrodynamic problem. This especially when the transient the considered experimental
supported by computational is the theoretical base of most behaviour of the flame has to be case. In particular it is able
fluid dynamics is becoming of the employed turbulent modelled. to reproduce the interaction

INCREASING ENERGY RECOVERY OF WASTE-TO- recirculated inside the grate 4.4. Cost optimal configuration with evaporation

PhD Yearbook | 2015

combustor and the remaining configuration based pressure of 130 bar and Tmax of
ENERGY PLANTS flue gas recirculation has been
mixed with the flue gas that
on thermoeconomic
optimization analysis
steam 450C appears to be a
promising option to maximize
exits the radiative part to limit In this part of the thesis, the efficiency and reduce the
the maximum temperature to thermoeconomic optimization cost of electricity production
be 650 C. Thus, considering of Waste-to-Energy plant has depending on the gate fee.
Eremed Wondwossen Bogale - Supervisors: Prof. Stefano Consonni, 200 MW thermal input and been performed by using Proper At this operating parameters,
Prof. Federico Vigan operating parameters of Orthogonal Decomposition the net electric efficiency is
Peva =130 bar and Tsh = 450 and Radial Basis Function increased by 3.60 percentage 247
1. Introduction To investigate and propose a to increase the efficiency of C, 32.17 % net electric approximation procedure. points, cost of electricity

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

When seeking sustainable possible and reliable Waste- these plants highlights that efficiency has been achieved By varying the evaporation production is minimized, larger
energy systems, Waste-to- to-Energy plant configurations increasing the steam parameters i.e., that is 3.16 percentage pressure and the amount of amount of CO2 is avoided
Energy plants play a great role. that can increase the efficiency, of the steam turbine increase points increment compared flue gas recirculation, the and corrosion of boiler tubes
However, bringing a long- reduce the cost of electricity efficiency of the plant. However, to conventional plant. The optimal configuration has is avoided compared with
term solution in solid waste production, avoid corrosion these parameters are highly economic analysis shows that been obtained. Considering the benchmark case. Hence,
management that are highly problems of boiler tubes subjected to chlorine induced the extra electricity generated the challenges posed to these the results of this PhD thesis
efficient, environmentally and minimize environmental corrosion of boiler tubes. Thus, brings a positive economic facilities, thermoeconomic indicate the possible measures
friendly, socially acceptable, impact. to increase the efficiency and return due to the selling of optimization analysis provides that allow the plants to be
extremely reliable and cost To perform off-design analysis to avoid corrosion problems, electricity and green certificate crucial information to find cost more efficient, economical,
effective is a very challenging of Waste-to-Energy plants. a new configuration has been incentives. Besides, it avoids optimal plant configuration. reliable and environmentally
task. Particularly, the energy To perform thermoeconomic proposed and a set of highly higher amount of CO2 .Thus, the friendly.
performance of these plants optimization so as to innovative technologies has new configuration will benefit 5. Conclusions The main findings of the off-
is highly affected by the low find a cost optimal plant been considered, modeled and the plants by allowing them to In this PhD thesis, innovative design analysis show that part
quality of the fuel and the configuration. compared. Each of these plants be efficient, economical, reliable configurations to increase the load analysis not only affects
small scale adopted. Besides, has been calibrated carefully and environmental friendly. energy recovery potential of the performance of the plant
the unfavorable nature of the 3. Methodology and a lot of sensitivity analysis 4.3. Innovative cogeneration Waste-to-Energy plants have but also the proper functioning
waste fuel leads to relatively low All the evaluations proposed in have been performed. The as a means to increase the been proposed. The main of the plant. Compared
boiler efficiency, high auxiliary this research project have been proposed configuration, which is efficiency and off design findings are presented below: to the plant that produce
consumptions and the presence carried out by using a number based on internal superheating analysis The net electric efficiency of only electricity, it appears
of highly corrosive species of commercial and in-house and reheating, results in net The modified CHP configuration these plants can be increased that cogeneration plant is
in the combustion products computer programs. In order efficiency over 33 % on LHV with external superheating by about 3 percentage points highly affected by part load
limits the maximum pressure to evaluate the on-design basis (30 % is the maximum further increases the overall compared with state of conditions.
and temperature adopted performances of the various efficiency now achieved in efficiency of the plant ultimately. the art and highly efficient Based on the results of the
in the steam cycle. Hence, technologies GS (Gas-Steam Waste-to-Energy plants). It is important to note that Waste-to-Energy plants by thermoeconomic optimization,
the efficiency of these plants cycles) code has been used. For 4.2. Reheating with flue gas a considerable amount of using high steam parameters it appears that combining
decreases significantly and particular applications, like, off- quench concept latent heat is lost at the stack of 135 bar/ 540 C without exergy analysis with economics
their investment cost becomes design and economic analysis Due to shift of thermal load depending on the moisture facing corrosion problem. it is possible to find an optimal
very high. Despite the large Thermoflow software packages from the radiative part to the content of the waste and the However, to increase the configuration that increases
efforts dedicated to better use has been used. convective part of the boiler, heat can be recovered by using reliability and availability the efficiency and reduce the
waste as a resource, there is a Waste-to-Energy plants with flue gas condensation. Thus, a of the plant, another new cost of electricity production.
technological gap that needs 4. Innovative Waste-to- steam reheat configuration is combination of measures has reheating configuration with In summary, the overall results
to be filled by having a novel Energy plant configurations highly affected by corrosion been used to further increase the a flue gas quench concept show that there are still rooms
and reliable plant configuration. The main simulation results and problem of boiler tubes. efficiency of the plant. However, has been proposed. Among for significant improvements
Thus, different innovative the various methods adopted Thus, to avoid the problem of depending on the heat demand the configuration considered, of the energy performances
plant configurations have to achieve the main objectives corrosion, reduce the boiler from the users, the amount of reheating with flue gas quench of these plants. Improving the
been proposed, modeled and have been presented below cost and take advantage of the steam extracted is variable and concept appears to be the energy performance, not only
simulated. by highlighting the original benefit of reheating, the authors this affects the performance of most appealing and can be increases the economic return of
contribution of the authors. proposed a novel configuration the steam turbine greatly. Hence, considered as a potential the plant but it also improves the
2. Research objectives 4.1 External superheating based on reheat with flue gas a detailed off-design analysis of candidate for these facilities. overall environmental outcome
The main objectives of this PhD and reheating quench concept. A moderate cogeneration plants has been Especially, steam reheat since higher energy efficiency
research are summarized below: A literature survey on ways amount of flue gas has been performed. cycle with flue gas quench means higher avoided emissions.

Radiation tolerant nanoceramic coatings

PhD Yearbook | 2015

for lead fast reactor nuclear fuel
Francisco Garca Ferr - Supervisors: Marco G. Beghi and Fabio Di Fonzo

Over the past decade, several with or require the injection relevant conditions of a performed by a wide variety are remarkable, and that the The analyses reveal that the

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

advanced reactor concepts have of considerable amounts of corrosion resistant and radiation of techniques, including SEM, latter is likely higher than the changes in the mechanical
been explored as the potential oxygen into the coolant. On the tolerant nanoceramic coating TEM, XRD, and nanomechanical former. The effectiveness of properties of the coating are due
fleet of next-generation contrary, some types of oxide as an enabling technology. In and micromechanical methods. the coating is evaluated under to athermal radiation-induced
nuclear systems -else known coatings are both independent order to meet requirements, Overall, the coating attains an LFR-relevant conditions with crystallization, which drives the
as Generation IV (GIV). Among from and compatible with a custom process -namely unusual ensemble of metal- specific concern for corrosion evolution of the initially bi-phase
these systems, lead fast oxygen injection, which might room temperature Pulsed Laser like mechanical properties and high-level radiation damage. nanocomposite coating towards
reactors (LFRs) are particularly be necessary anyhow for Deposition (PLD)- is proposed which can be explained in As a general statement, PLD- a radiation tolerant nanoceramic
interesting owing to inherent protecting components in according to a bottom-up terms of structural features. grown Al2O3 performs effectively structure. This type of structure
safety features and to possible service below 500 C. In this approach. The main advantage Detailed analyses by TEM as a corrosion barrier under is able to accommodate
configurations as nuclear waste case, the coatings would allow of PLD is that it allows tailoring reveal that the nanostructure the investigated conditions radiation-induced stresses
incinerators or adiabatic reactors decoupling the problem of the structural features and of the coating consists of -namely, short tests at 550 C through grain boundary-driven
that burn self-generated nuclear corrosion protection at low and the mechanical properties of a homogeneous dispersion and 600 C in stagnant lead deformation modes. Importantly,
waste. The major bottleneck high temperatures. However, the coatings through nano- of randomly-oriented Al2O3 (see figure 1). The evolution the exposure to end-of-life
for the development of LFRs ceramic coatings have always scale engineering. The process nanodomains in an amorphous of structural features and levels of radiation damage does
regards the quest for suitable been regarded as a taboo in is first optimized for coating Al2O3 matrix. Importantly, this mechanical properties following not compromise the structural
structural materials. Some of the the nuclear field, mainly due plates of the steels of interest nanostructure is shown to be heavy ion irradiation up to 20, integrity of the coating-substrate
most prominent issues in this to the lack of self-healing (1515Ti austenitic steel or stable upon annealing up to 40, 150, 250 and 450 dpa is system. In conclusion, PLD-
regard are common to nuclear properties, among other intrinsic T91 martensitic steel), and is 800 C. The remaining analyses analyzed by SEM, TEM, XRD, grown Al2O3 is a suitable and
energy systems in general, and drawbacks. The lack of self- then upgraded to coat tubes show that the fracture strength and nanomechanical and promising coating material for
are typically found in high-level healing properties is a daunting up to 10 cm long, proving and the adhesive strength micromechanical techniques. LFR nuclear fuel cladding.
radiation damage GIV concepts. problem. On one hand, fuel that an industrial scale-up is
Anyhow, the most important cladding is exposed to an possible in principle with proper
problem is specifically related extremely harsh environment, in process engineering. Recent
to the use of lead as a coolant- which the combination of high studies have highlighted the
namely, corrosion degradation temperatures with an intense outstanding radiation tolerance
of steels. The very feasibility neutron radiation field ultimately and mechanical properties of
of LFRs ultimately depends results in ever growing stress nanomaterials. Following these
on the development of high- and dimensional instabilities. On results, the coating -namely, a
performance materials that are the other hand, the structural bi-phase Al2O3 nanocomposite-
capable of withstanding high- integrity of the coating-substrate is designed to evolve towards
levels of radiation damage in an system as a whole must be a nanoceramic structure during
extremely corrosive environment. guaranteed at all times, meaning irradiation in-service. This
While self-passivation through that a coating must be able to structure is meant to overcome
oxygen injection and control is withstand high-level radiation the major intrinsic problems
an effective corrosion protection damage, and to accommodate associated with the use of
method up to roughly 500 C, the stresses and strain imposed Al2O3 as the coating material,
other strategies are required by fuel cladding. such as void swelling-induced
for protecting components in In this framework, this Ph.D. micro-cracking and low fracture
service at higher temperatures, Thesis deals with the design, the toughness, among others. The
including fuel cladding. Most of processing, the characterization characterization of the coating 1. Cross-sectional SEM micrograph of the coated surface of a T91 steel sample after exposure to stagnant molten lead
these options are incompatible and the testing under LFR- in the as-deposited state is at 550 C for 500 h (a). No signs of corrosion are found, as confirmed by the EDX maps for Fe, Cr, Al, O and Pb.

Nanostructured Oxide Semiconductors current (Jsc), and fill factor (FF) further annealing and forms a Hierarchical PdO

PhD Yearbook | 2015

were compared. A maximum nanolamellar structure due to nanostructure
for Direct Solar Energy Conversion: power conversion efficiency
exceeding 1% for the champion
the 2D nature of the a-MoO3.
Physical, structural, electrical,
Palladium oxide has been
reported to be a p-type
Photovoltaics and Water Splitting PLD-fabricated cells under air
mass (AM) 1.5 illumination
and optical properties of high
purity a-MoO3 nano-lamellar
semiconductor with high work
function which makes it a
has been obtained for 800 nm structures produced by PLD suitable choice of selection as
Ali Ghadirzadeh - Tutor: Prof. C.E. Bottani - Advisors: A. Li Bassi, F. Di Fonzo thick cell, deposited at 7 Pa of were investigated. Ultra-thin a photocathode for a hybrid
oxygen. This result represents a lamellar structure was realized device. In addition, PdO has
130% increase with respect to for films annealed at 400 oC long been known for its high 251
Objectives of thesis work mixed with an inorganic material of tuning properties by means an optimized device obtained where a mixed a/b phase is insolubility, good thermal

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

I performed my doctoral to form a photoactive layer. of better control over the with a standard architecture present prior to complete crystal stability, non-toxicity, as well
research in Energy and Nuclear Utilization of intrinsic properties fabrication process. based on a mesoporous growth in single a phase where as ideal corrosion resistance in
Science and Technology at of the inorganic materials Experimentally, I will focus on titanium dioxide photoanode thick lamellas can be observed. wide range of pH values, acidic
the Center for Nano Science such as charge selectivity developing and characterizing (0.43%). The efficiency gain An innovative technique based to basic, and relatively cheaper
and Technology (CNST) behaviour and advantages of different aspects (e.g. arises mostly from a tremendous on the differential etching rate in comparison to the very few
of the Italian Institute of nanostructuring such as increase morphology, structure, optical increase in Jsc from of 1.55 of the two phases was used other metal chalcogenides with
Technology (IIT), with an IIT of interfacial area are the two properties) of nanostructured mA/cm2 to 2.7 mA/cm2 for the to achieve pure a phase. The similar stability characters such
scholarship on Nanostructured main objectives of current thin films, mainly TiO2, MoO3, standard and the hierarchical films are being characterized as IrO2 and PtO. Once being
Semiconductors for Direct research in this field. and PdO as charge selective photoanode respectively. This by means of Scanning nanostructured, high surface-to-
Solar Energy Conversion: In hybrid devices, including contacts by means of pulsed is mainly attributed to the electron microscopy, Raman volume ratio could be obtained
Photovoltaics and Water hybrid organic/inorganic solar laser deposition, in order to peculiar optical properties such spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, which is a key parameter in
Splitting, focusing on the cells and water splitting cells that meet the most important as light scattering of the novel Kelvin probe force microscopy, hybrid devices in order to
synthesis and characterization are the target of this project, requirements for the desired acceptor phase and to the close- and UV/Vis spectrophotometer maximize the charge generation
of nanostructured metal oxides interface between the organic hybrid PV and WS applications. to-optimal interpenetrating to understand the morphology, in the organic molecules, and
mainly as photoelectrodes for and inorganic materials plays morphology obtained as crystallinity and relative phases its interfacial extraction to
hybrid heterojunctions as solar an important role in the power Hyperbranched TiO2 confirmed by quantitative ratio, surface energy and the charge-selective inorganic
cell and water splitting devices. conversion efficiency (PCE) of nanostructure electron tomography, as well as optical behaviour variation compound. Hierarchical
the device. In both photovoltaic In the field of PV, a quasi-1D an increase in the crystallinity by phase transition. Ability nanostructure of PdO was
Motivation and Originality (PV) and water splitting (WS) hyperbranched nanostructure of the infiltrated polymer of intercalation between the synthesized by using a Pd target
Low-cost semiconductor configurations, currently there of titanium dioxide was which was demonstrated by lamellas for tuning material and further annealing in air. An
materials and facile fabrication are two major issues that are synthesized and characterized XRD analysis and by transient band gap is studied by example is depicted in Figure
routes for photovoltaic highly under investigation: first and its application as absorption measurements. annealing in H2 atmosphere. 2.a. Among all investigated
(PV) junctions have been is the proper choice of material photoanode in hybrid organic- For hydrogen production, the pristine and blended bulk-
longstanding goals for selection and the second is the inorganic solar cells was 2D nanolamellar a-MoO3 structure was coupled with heterojunctions, APFO-
photovoltaic materials research. organic/inorganic mixture design explored. P3HT was used as structure P3HT:PCBM blend and the 3:PCBM attained the highest
New materials or fabrication at nanoscale that greatly affects the hole conductive organic As mentioned before, in the photoelectrochemical behaviour photocathodic current. By
procedures that could reduce the performance of the final couple. Hybrid solar cells were frame of PHOCS project, was studied. A maximum analysing photoelectrochemical
the cost of PV electricity device. made by evaporation of silver nanostructured hole-selective current of 50 A at the positive measurements, this systems
sustainability could help to In the framework of this project, and the cells were measured materials were the target of potential of 0.35 V vs RHE failed to produce hydrogen
drive a rapid expansion in I am aimed to synthesize novel by a solar simulator set up. the research. MoO3 and V2O5 was extracted for this system. due to the reaction of the
implementation of photovoltaic nanostructured materials, Performance of the cells was have the highest values of However in spite of the good generated electron with oxygen
technology. In the field of solar mainly transition metal oxides optimized by focusing on the work function (6.9 and 7 eV photoelectrochemical activity of in the water Precise degasation
energy conversion, hybrid (TMOs), as hybrid device film thickness, film porosity, and respectively) among the TMOs. the system, due to the reducing of electrolyte revealed that
organic/inorganic devices photoelectrodes, and perform the molecular weight of the Since V2O5 is a highly soluble tendency of the oxide by the photogenerated current
represent emerging alternatives complementary optical, infiltrated polymer. In parallel material, MoO3 was chosen as negative swap, at which it tends decreases with the amount of
to standard photovoltaic devices electrical, compositional, and and as a reference, mesoporous the starting material. MoO3 has to get reduced to MoO2 at 0.24 outgoing oxygen.
in terms of exploiting the morphological characterizations titania paste based cells were a hierarchical structure upon V, and to the narrow range of
specific features of both organic in order to gain well fabricated and the photovoltaic deposition in a background stability by pH (between 0 and
nanomaterials and inorganic understanding of the material performances of both type of atmosphere and annealing 1), other materials, namely
semiconductors. In hybrid and device behaviour and devices in terms of open circuit up to 350oC (b phase) and Palladium oxide, became in the
devices, an organic material is features, which make us capable voltage (Voc), short circuit it converts to a phase by focus of our attention.

Nanostructured Transparent Conducting background gas on morphology

PhD Yearbook | 2015

and stoichiometry. The results in
Oxides for Advanced Photovoltaic terms of electrical properties are
promising: the electrical resistivity
Applications of AZO layers grown at a total
pressure of 100 Pa, with oxygen
partial pressures ranging from
Paolo Gondoni - Supervisors: Dr. Carlo S. Casari, Prof. A. Li Bassi 2% to 10%, are 5-6 orders of
magnitude lower than films with
similar morphology grown in 253
The attention of research in the whose versatility allows control images shown in figure 1. pure O2 atmosphere: this means

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

field of solar energy has been of morphology, structural and At an optimal deposition pressure that it is virtually possible to
lately focused on Hybrid and functional properties down to the value of 2 Pa O2, a compromise synthesize a hierarchical AZO
Organic PhotoVoltaic (HOPV) nanoscale. between local structural order layer with controlled resistivity,
cells, as promising low-cost In this framework, this and defects beneficial for optical transmittance and haze by
and high efficiency flexible project was first dedicated to carrier concentration leads to adjusting the O2 partial pressure
1. Cross-sectional SEM images of a compact sample grown at 2 Pa O2 (left) and
energy harvesting devices. A understanding and achieving the state-of-the-art resistivity of and the thickness.
of a mesoporous sample grown at 160 Pa O2 (right)
key component in any HOPV control of the relation between 4.5x10-4 cm was found, with The second approach involves
cell is constituted by transparent structure and functional a mean visible transmittance the spatial separation of
electrodes, whose main purpose properties of nanostructured of 85%. Unlike compact films, electrical conductivity and light donor. A 40 nm PCPDTBT layer same spectral region is as high as
is to let the solar light enter the AZO layers grown by PLD at porous AZO layers showed scattering, i.e. the realization was spin-coated on an optimized 100%, both on glass substrates
device and the photogenerated room temperature. Subsequently, an extremely significant light of a multifunctional, multilayer graded AZO structure, and and on ETFE flexible substrates.
charges exit to an external this knowledge was employed scattering capability, with a haze architecture combining the the absorption profile of the This project demonstrates the
circuit. Such electrodes, in the to develop novel nano-and over 80%. Still, due to their properties of compact and polymer in these conditions room temperature synthesis
form of compact Transparent mesostructures combining all open morphology, and possibly porous AZO films. The versatility was compared with that of of a nanostructured, flexible
Conducting Oxides (TCOs), have the desired properties in one also to the saturation of oxygen of the PLD technique allows to an identical PCPDTBT layer transparent conducting layer
been investigated for a long low cost, large surface area, vacancies, porous films have synthesize this kind of structure deposited on compact AZO. based on low cost materials
time, leading to the development transparent, conducting and light much higher resistivity (of the in one single deposition step, The results are shown in figure for photovoltaic applications.
of highly performing materials scattering material, compatible order of M cm). The deposition in which the transition from 2, where the black curve shows Compact, transparent and highly
among which Indium-Tin with flexible substrates. process of both porous and compact to porous AZO (and vice the PCPDTBT absorption on a conductive AZO layers combine
Oxide (ITO) is the most widely The deposition of AZO layers by compact films was calibrated versa) occurs as a consequence compact AZO layer (shown as the functionalities required for
employed. However, a number PLD at room temperature was in order to permit adhesion of a variation in the O2 pressure a reference): the region of low conventional solar cells with
of major problems have emerged performed in the presence of on flexible substrates, namely during deposition. absorption is clearly visible in mechanical flexibility, whereas
which make compact TCOs - oxygen as a background gas. Ethylene-TetraFluoroEthylene The identification of multiple the 450-550 nm spectral region. nanostructured forest-like layers
and ITO in particular - unfit for O2 pressure during deposition (ETFE), which is of significant trade-offs between conductivity, The red curve corresponds to can provide enhanced light
future HOPV devices. Novel proved to be a critical parameter, interest for HOPV devices as transparency and light scattering the absorption of an identical harvesting capability (up to
properties are required, including whose variations cause dramatic discussed above. allowed to devise an optimal layer deposited on a graded AZO 100% for flexible polymer-based
effective light management, effects on morphology, The identification of the deposition condition: mean architecture: the increase in the photovoltaic cells).
low temperature synthesis, structure, stoichiometry, optical importance of oxygen content visible transparency of the order
large surface area and low and electrical properties. Two in compact films, together with of 80%, haze of 40% and
priced constituents. A promising main deposition regimes were the optimized light management resistivity of the order of 3 m
candidate which can meet all identified based on the O2 properties obtained in porous cm. In terms of comparison, the
these requirements is Aluminum- deposition pressure: compact films, allowed to devise two light scattering capability of the
doped Zinc Oxide (AZO). ZnO- layers with low oxygen content approaches to obtain electrically nanoforests is combined with
based materials are inexpensive (from now on, compact films) conducting nano-forests by PLD an electrical resistivity which is 9
and easy to synthesize in are obtained at low pressures, at room temperature. orders of magnitude lower.
different forms with peculiar whereas above 10 Pa O2 it is In order to achieve this result, The benefits deriving from light
2. (left) A flexible transparent conducting scattering AZO layer on an ETFE
structures at the nano- and micro possible to achieve mesoporous PLD was first performed in scattering have been tested by substrate. (center) Cross-sectional SEM image and corresponding scheme of
scale. One powerful deposition forest-like structures (from now a mixed Ar:O2 atmosphere evaluating the enhancement of a graded AZO layer constituted by a compact conducting layer on a porous
technique to obtain AZO and on, porous films). Examples of rather than in pure oxygen: in absorption in a low bandgap scattering layer. (right) Increase in optical density of a 30 nm PCPDTBT: the
black curve shows the polymer absorption profile when it is deposited on
ZnO thin films is constituted by these structures are presented in these conditions it is possible polymer (PCPDTBT) employed a compact AZO layer, the red curve reports the absorption of an identical
Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD), the Scanning Electron Microscope to uncouple the effects of the in HOPV devices as an electron PCPDTBT layer grown on a graded AZO architecture.

Strategies for access to energy in monitoring and evaluation in the development and approach for electro-mechanical

PhD Yearbook | 2015

order to understand to which implementation of a stochastic modelling of off-grid systems
developing countries: methods and models extent local development has
been promoted.
procedure to estimate electric
load profiles in rural areas. The
capable to analyze system
operation and dynamic behavior.
for off-grid power systems design The highlighted issues can be
procedure allows developing
user load profiles which are
A model for a micro hydropower
plant in Tanzania has been
arranged in two groups: those required as input data for the implemented and analyzed.
Stefano Mandelli - Supervisors: Prof. Emanuela Colombo, Prof. Marco Merlo which deal with the Framework most advanced system sizing This doctoral thesis deeply
of Reference of the targeted techniques. This procedure, as analyzes and revises the
theme (i.e. issues 1, 2, 3), and well as the ones introduced framework of rural electrification 255
This doctoral thesis copes with Energy sources are often the issues and sustainability; those which are the building in the following have been in Developing Countries.

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

methods and models for sizing, most viable strategy for rural 2. the energy framework where blocks of the System Design implemented in Matlab and Moreover it contributes in
analysis and evaluation of small- electrification. Nevertheless the electrification action takes Process (i.e. issues 4, 5, 6, 7). Matlab SIMULINK. improving the design process of
scale power systems for off-grid the design of these systems place has to be analyzed. This This thesis addresses some of Chapter 6 describes a novel off-grid power systems by means
implementations. This theme is not straightforward means, at country or macro- these issues in accord with mathematical procedure for of a number of new methods
is specifically developed within and several issues can be region, to acquire a picture of these two groups. Fig. 1 shows system capacity planning of both and models.
the frame of rural electrification investigated; the energy situation and to a schematic overview of this on-grid and off-grid systems. It
in Developing Countries with a 2. the development of methods measure the progress towards framework and it highlights the identifies the best mix of energy
particular emphasis on Africa. and models to tackle these a sustainable energy system; thesis contributions. sources available in a targeted
issues contributes to promote 3. it is required to study the Chapter 2 introduces the context in order to meet user
The thesis theme refers to the electrification. Moreover, features of rural areas, theme of access to sustainable load profiles. Moreover, it
field of research in Energy for achievements in Developing i.e. to identify the typical energy with particular reference computes the power sources
sustainable development in Countries can have favourable energy needs and to acquire to Developing Countries. It and storage system sizes
Developing Countries. spin-off on applications in the the state of the art of the focuses on the issues of access according to specific objective
Developing Countries are developed world; technology solutions for rural to electricity and traditional functions.
affected by the lowest per capita 3. the research field of small- electrification; biomass dependence as regards Chapter 7 introduces an
values of energy supply as well scale power systems has 4. looking at the analysis of the topic of sustainability. appropriate techno-economic
as electricity consumption. These experienced a growing interest the technological solutions, Chapter 3 depicts the current system sizing approach for rural
conditions are exacerbated in in the past few years. This energy resource availability energy situation of Africa as far areas. Indeed, in addition to
rural areas where many scattered theme addresses a number and electric consumption as the concept of sustainable energy sources and user load
villages are characterized by no of engineering disciplines patterns have to be evaluated development is concerned, and profiles, it embraces in the
access to any kind of service. leading to the development according to the intervention it analyzes if and how local system sizing process also local
Dealing with the problem of of several research areas. context; energy policies fit with this costs of traditional and modern
access to energy means to study This thesis revises the 5. the technology solution has asset. In particular, emphasis is energy systems. It has been
the problems of electrification literature and capitalizes its to be selected and sized. given to the situation of rural applied for PV system sizing in
and traditional biomass main fundamentals in order This involves the planning electrifications. Uganda.
dependence. to provide scholars with a of systems components Chapter 4 deals with off-grid Chapter 8 deals with a new
The thesis also considers reference framework. capacity according to local small-scale power systems which
the concept of sustainable consumption patterns and often are the most appropriate
development. This aspect is By looking at the different energy resources. Moreover, energy solution to address rural
quite important in Developing elements of a rural electrification sizing may also embrace electrification. It deepens the
Countries where the impact intervention based on small- economic features to assess analysis of rural electrification
on local development due to scale power systems from system feasibility; issue in Developing Countries
enhancing access to energy is the features of the intervention 6. the real interactions between and it reviews the literature
more tangible. context, to the aspects about the identified system about small-scale off-grid power
the development of the components have to be systems. The review is the basis
Within this frame, three main technological solution seven analyzed. This refers to the for the development of methods
observations can be recognized main issues have been identified: optimization of dispatchment and models which address
as general motivations of the 1. when aiming at sustainable strategies and stability system design process and which
research activities: energy development, it is analyses; are introduced in the following
1. off-grid small-scale power required to understand the 7. finally, rural electrification chapters. 1. Schematic overview of the topics concerning rural electrification
systems based on Renewable relationships between energy interventions require Chapter 5 describes interventions via off-grid small-scale power systems and thesis contributions

BUILDING SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT indicators were related to LCI assessments, with the analyzed building, with

PhD Yearbook | 2015

scales of reachable values, application of LCA methodology, reference to different life
AND RATING: AN ITALIAN OBJECTIVE SYSTEM built on the basis of limit and
reference values. This led to
through SimaPro 8 software; (3)
LCC assessments, by means of
phases. Nonetheless, this
phase was highly required
PROPOSAL the second part of the thesis,
where the benchmark concept
economical evaluations based
on the global cost approach, as
for the examination of the
consistency of the proposed
was introduced, underlying its suggested in EN 15459. First, Protocol structure and of the
Roberta Moschetti - Supervisor: Prof. Livio Mazzarella importance for the setting of the analyses related to the use trustworthiness of the defined
the new protocol structure. phase energy were performed evaluation methodology.
In particular, the absence of and then the results were The thesis results are aimed 257
The thesis fits in the broad methodologies. Hence, the criteria included in the existing reference or limit values for integrated in the LCA and LCC at providing a contribution to

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

research topic of the potential evaluation areas to sustainability protocols and some performance indicators analyses, leading to the final the national and international
sustainability assessment and be included within the new Standards, identifying similarities was emphasized and, to definition of the investigated development of methods and
rating systems for buildings. protocol were chosen as a and repetitions, detecting compensate for this lack, specific life cycle indicators. Thereafter, guidelines, supporting the
The main result concerns an result of the investigation of possible gaps and proposing computation methodologies another methodology was set sustainability management
innovative approach for the the areas contained within the adaptations or extensions. The were proposed. In particular, for the definition of benchmarks and optimization in the
development of a new protocol, analyzed existing systems and main selection principle was reference values were calculated concerning the IAQ criterion. building sector. Indeed, the
with a focus on Italian residential Standards. Furthermore, in order the actual measurability and for: Use phase energy, Life In particular, a reference single research provided an effective
buildings. to recognize interdependencies objectivity of each criterion. Cycle Impacts (LCI), Life Cycle family house, derived from methodological and operative
One of the main motivations of among the different identified Afterwards, both evaluation Costs (LCC), and Indoor Quality TABULA project, was subjected tool for decision makers in
the research work is related to areas a mathematical multi- areas and criteria were weighted (IAQ). For this purpose, detailed to specific indoor airflow and the field of sustainability
the absence of a uniform and criteria method, the Decision in order to characterize their analyses on reference buildings pollutant analyses, through assessment systems. In fact,
complete evaluation tool at Making Trial and Evaluation importance within the protocol were performed, referring to the multizone airflow and the study illustrated a detailed
national level, whose parameters Laboratory (DEMATEL), was structure. The weight of the the European project TABULA contaminant transport analysis methodology that could be
are substantially founded on applied. Thereafter, another evaluation areas derived from for the definition of 36 Italian software CONTAM. In particular, followed in the definition of new
the principles of objectivity and mathematical multi-criteria the combination of the results residential building archetypes. the last drafts of UNI 10339 and assessment systems, showing
measurability. Moreover, the technique, the Analytic got from DEMATEL and AHP, The analyzed buildings were EN 15251 were examined for a an objectification procedure
lack of a life cycle approach in Hierarchy Process (ANP), was by applying the Analytic chosen within the after-2005 comparison on the suggested for the definition process, with
national sustainability evaluation implemented, in order to define Network Process (ANP). Instead, construction age, so that supply and extraction airflows, a parallel reduction of the
protocols is also pointed out, a scale of priority among the the criteria were weighted they all presented the typical with regard to the minimum air subjectivity margins in its inner
meaning the almost total analyzed areas. The final choice through the AHP, with a new envelope components of the quality class. content. Finally, the developed
absence of criteria referred to of the evaluation areas resulted consultation of the panel of most recent construction period. The last part of the thesis benchmark values, related to
all building life stages, with from the calculation of the experts. Furthermore, the archetypes focused on the implementation several sustainability criteria,
a consequent lack of related Preference Index taking into Subsequently, each criterion were differentiated on the of the developed protocol on a could be used as a comparison
benchmarks. account the results of both was associated to performance basis of the combination of case study, in order to practically base for future similar studies, or
In the first part of the thesis, DEMATEL and AHP methods. indicators, derived by a critical three variables: the building test and validate its applicability. could be also employed in Italian
given the existence of many It is worth to notice that, in analysis of the potential existing typology (single-family house, Furthermore, to assess the sustainability rating systems for
evaluation tools in addition to order to face the complexity of ones, with the suggestion of terraced house, multi-family coherence of the developed residential buildings, as soon as
several standards on building several heterogeneous scientific possible combinations, adaptions building, and apartment block); protocol with others actually the analyzed indicators will be
sustainability issue, a careful areas, a panel of experts was or additions. Next, calculation the climatic zone (Italian E in use, a widespread Italian introduced in their structure.
study of the state of the art established. Its members methodologies were defined for climatic zone, 2100-3000 system, ITACA protocol, was also
was executed, leading to the belonged to the university field each criterion, by the analysis of degree-days; Italian D climatic implemented on the same case
choice of few tools to take into and represented a valuable the existing procedures and the zone, 1400-2100 degree-days; study. In conclusion, the results
consideration for a further deep support for the application of proposal of revisions, extensions Italian C climatic zone, 900- obtained by both protocols
analysis. Therefore, according the multi-criteria methods used or new methods. 1400 degree-days); the building were critically discussed and
to the usual framework of within the research work. The quantitative information systems (heating, cooling, and compared.
criteria-based tools, the new The following step regarded obtained from the computation domestic hot water (DHW) It is worth noticing that
rating system was supposed to the definition of the assessment of the performance indicators plants). Three main analyses the implementation of a
be characterized by the presence criteria to be included in the needed to be referred to were performed: (1) use phase sustainability assessment and
of: evaluation areas, assessment established evaluation areas. predefined baseline values, energy evaluations, through rating system represents a
criteria, performance indicators This involved an extensive in order to rate the achieved dynamic energy simulations manifold process, requiring
and related computation comparative analysis of the performance. Therefore, the by EnergyPlus software; (2) a plenty of data on the

Waste atomic separation and raw material required for the separation oxygen compounds were very overall energy consumption

PhD Yearbook | 2015

operation to be convenient difficult to gather. The majority unfortunately higher than
recovery by application of plasma and able to be performed in a
reasonable amount of time. The
of the papers found in literature
focus on Plasma Enhanced
the traditional production
process. Nevertheless the
technology silica vaporization and plasma
generation is provided by a
overall environmental impact
is limited to the electric energy
particular self-feeding plasma hydrogen, or on the production demand, with no chemicals
Guido Parissenti - Supervisor: Alfonso Niro torch concept identified within on nanometric silica, in plasma involved in the process. Areas
the study, which does not need torches where silica reaches of optimization are identified,
an external supply of working only fusion temperature. In which may lead to substantial 259
Our societys economical model, Of the three methods the first the advantage of shortening gas. order to collect the fundamental improvements in the energy

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

in terms of the western way of is the one with the largest the overall production chain equations to build the model, consumption.
living based on consumerism, is drawbacks. The second is an respect to traditional production A numerical multiphysics 2D reaction has to be found in
presently no longer sustainable. attempt to recover at least the processes, at the expenses axisymmetric FEM model, astrophysics and atmospheric
The present goods production energy contained in the waste of a high quantity of electric capable of simulating the related papers.
rate requires a constant supply at the expense of destroying energy. In this work the problem actual torch geometry and the It has to be underlined that
of raw materials, which results any possibility to reuse the is analyzed in the special thermochemical processes in apparently no complete
in a continuous draining of the material. The third is the more case of silicon production each point of the domain, is kinetic models of silica plasma
Earths fossil and renewable environmentally friendly option, starting from silica, which then developed to analyze the decomposition are available in
resources. Attempts are because the energy required to traditional production method process, allowing to perform literature, therefore this set of
being made to improve our produce goods starting from involves many production a more detailed design of the reactions can be a useful source
environmental responsibility. recycled material is many times steps and the usage of large overall device. of rate constants and references
Ecological lifestyles, improved lower that starting from raw quantities of energy, water and The model comprises a fluid- for those involved in building
production processes and better materials. chemicals. The possibility to dynamical model, a thermal similar models.
waste management are some Despite recycling, mixed wastes directly separate silica into its model and a plasma model After the numerical calculations
examples of policies introduced which cannot be separated, constituents in a single passage coupled one to each other. the power consumption of the 1. Multiphysics model logic
to reduce our environmental special wastes, and ashes from would provide benefits in terms Ions and neutrals are supposed devices constituent parts is
impact. Nevertheless wastes incinerators still represent a of energy consumption, logistics to have a single temperature, estimated, with the preliminary
are still one of the most tremendous potential source and environmental impact. different from the electrons design of a particular section if
devastating results of human of raw material that cannot be one. This implies that a single needed. The demonstrator plant
activities because of its twofold exploited but shall inevitably be The problem is initially set fluid model is used, where the is then globally evaluated from
drawback: on one side they disposed in dumps. to evaluate synergies with plasma is seen as a unique the energetic point of view, and
represent a reduction of previous technologies, and the conducting fluid and globally its sustainability is compared
available raw material for In this frame, the present preliminary configuration of a neutral, that reacts to external with traditional production
goods production, and on research investigates the demonstrator plant is proposed inputs. The modeling of the processes.
the other side they occupy possibility of obtaining raw with its main constituents. The plasma decomposition of the Results show the feasibility
space and mass, polluting materials as pure elements proposed idea relies on the inbound gas mixture is the most of the approach, but also an
natural resources, and creating starting from multiple not concept of mass spectrometry, complex physics taken into
additional costs for proper refined sources, such as which is a chemical analysis consideration. It comprises both
disposal. The obvious best wastes, minerals and other device that measures the mass- plasma reactions, which involve
solution to get rid of the waste sort of low grade materials, to-charge ratio and abundance electrons impact, and chemical
problem is not to produce by using plasma means. The of ions in the gas phase. It reactions, which are responsible
wastes, improving reusability concept has been proposed works by ionizing chemical of the heating of the neutral
and reducing packages. in the past, for very specific compounds to generate mixture.
Unfortunately this solution can applications, in very different charged molecules or molecule A big effort was put in identifying
only be gradually implemented, fields ranging from nuclear fragments and measuring an exhaustive set of equations
and the problem remains for physics to space science. The their mass-to-charge ratios. capable of simulating silica
the already produced wastes, process implies the ionization The proposed demonstrator decomposition and thermal
which are mainly managed in of the source materials and the plant resembles the main parts behavior. Other than the physics
three ways: disposal in dumps, separation of its constituents of a mass spectrometer, but of oxygen, which reactions are
destruction/incineration, by electromagnetic means in with the consideration that commonly available, the plasma
recycling. a single production step, with a much bigger throughput is reactions involving silicon and its 2. Demonstrator concept simplified schematic

Development of a Fixed-Bed Quasi-Isothermal

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Adsorption Dehumidifier: from Concept to
Optimization, through Experimental and Theoretical
Lorenzo Pistocchini - Supervisor: Prof. Mario Motta

Research goals drop in the air side. To carry out porosity - as already shown temperature of the cold (Tc) and in actual and ideal operation. negligible. Thus an isotropic

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

The research focuses on the such analysis, an experimental by Ergun equation - is directly hot (Th) water flow. Thanks to such approach the diffusion model is coupled to the
development of a heat driven apparatus is realized on purpose. proportional to the p/dav ratio. Test results show that the accuracy of the formulas results integral model, which applies
adsorption dehumidifier for First result is the development This means that pressure drop is energy performances strongly to be remarkable. the hypothesis of instantaneous
waste heat recovery and solar of a semi-empirical formula to minimized at lower values of p/ depend on the operating They are a suitable tool adsorption just to the external
air conditioning applications. It calculate the volume fraction dav than those which maximize conditions, which need to to optimize the control of layer of the grain.
is based on the batch operation of monodisperse packed beds the porosity. be optimized. Anyway the the dehumidifier, since a The numerical model is based
of two finned tube heat made by randomly pouring PvL = a*m1 eSv + 2p2e3 + prototype guarantees a dehumidification target can on empirical formulas, available
exchangers, where silica gel spheres between the fins as b*pdavnrfv1 eSv + 2pe3 significant dehumidification be achieved by different in literature, to compute the
grains are packed between the a function of the ratio of fin a, b and n are empirical in all the tests, despite the combinations of some operating convective heat and mass
fins. Quasi-isothermal adsorption distance (p) to spheres diameter coefficients; narrow thickness (108 mm) of variable, as m , Tc, Th, to which transfer coefficients and vapour
and desorption processes (d). This formula corrects, by Sv is the specific surface of solid the heat exchangers and the different energy performances diffusivity. Such coefficients
are achieved respectively by an empirical coefficient g, the particles in the bed [m-1]. low regeneration temperature. correspond. Suitable are calibrated on the basis
rejecting and supplying heat theoretical model of Pansu et Based on the results of packed As a reference: it provides an combinations can be computed of test results. Then model
within the fixed beds, thanks al. for the case of finite pressure bed analysis, a prototype of the average dehumidification rate by one formula and the resulting reliability is verified by means
to the alternative flow of cool exerted by the bed walls on the dehumidifier is realized. It is up to 5 g/kg with a cooling energy performances by the of further experimental results,
and hot water through the spheres. At p/d <= 1.707 the specifically designed to be tested water temperature Tc = 25C, a other one, so the best operating and exploited to quantify the
heat exchangers. The novel volume fraction is in different operating modes, regeneration temperature Th = conditions can be selected on performances of a revised design
dehumidifier has the purpose 1 e = 3g pd41 pd 12 1 in particular with regard to the 50C, an air flow rate V=1850 the basis of different control of the prototype: by increasing
to be a cheaper system than An optimal range of p/dav is direction of the air flow through m3/h and a parallel flow strategies. (up to twice) the thickness of the
existing desiccant systems for airidentified even for a polydisperse the adsorption heat exchangers regeneration, meaning that the Last step of the research heat exchanger and reducing
conditioning application, being packed bed of spheres, made during the different stages of airstream flows through the heat work is the optimization of the air flow rate, with the
made by standard components. by a distribution of diameters the operating cycle. exchangers in the same direction the dehumidifier design. condition of keeping the same
Moreover, it aims at providing in a range dmindmax, where dmin/ To carry out the testing during the dehumidification A numerical model of the flow regime, both the COP and
a suitable dehumidification dmax > 0.75. In such an optimal campaign of the prototype and regeneration stage. Proving prototype is developed to dehumidification are significantly
rate even at low regeneration range, identified by theoretical independently of the actual the effectiveness (in terms of simulate the operation of improved. It must be noted that
temperatures, thanks to the considerations and validated by climatic conditions, a new performances) of parallel flow revised configurations and in such an operating mode, the
quasi-isothermal operation. experimental results, porosity of laboratory and the related regeneration, which allows to assess the improvement of conditioned flow is mixed to an
the packed bed is maximized: monitoring and control systems simplify the prototype design the performances. It is based unconditioned flow to regain
Main results p/dmin = 1.51.63; p/dmax = are designed and realized. and control, is an important on integral models of the the overall air renewal rate.
First step of system development 1.131.23; p/dav = 1.291.40, if Experimental evaluation of result of the testing campaign. main physical phenomena The promising results of this
is the optimization of the packed dav = (dmin+dmax)/2. the prototype is aimed at Two semi-empirical formulas (not stationary heat and research push in the direction of
bed, mainly focused on the A new semi-empirical formula determining the main energy are then developed to calculate mass transfer, adsorption and an integration of the optimized
minimization of the pressure for pressure drop calculation performance indicators the energy performances desorption) in specific reference layout of the dehumidifier in a
drop, by means of a theoretical is developed, to adapt the dehumidification rate, the (dehumidification and COP) volumes, where average values conventional Air Handling
and experimental study of Ergun equation to the specific Coefficient of Performance as a function of the operating of the relevant quantities Unit. This is the rational, but not
its peculiar geometry. This is geometry of the packed bed (COP) and the Energy Efficiency conditions. Development of are considered rather than trivial, main future development
characterized by the little ratio between the fins. The new Ratio (EER) on varying these formulas is not only based the three-dimensional fluid of the work.
of fin pitch to silica gel grains formula provides very good the humidity by mass (xin), on the fitting of experimental dynamics. Due to the diameter
diameter, which affects the accuracy and indicates that temperature (Tin) and flow rate data, but on the assumption of silica gel grains, the effect
porosity e of the adsorption bed pressure drop, besides being (m ) of the air at the inlet of the of proportionality between the of vapour diffusion within
and consequently the pressure inversely proportional to heat exchangers, and the inlet performances of the prototype the grains is not considered

Advanced materials for novel laser-driven

PhD Yearbook | 2015

ion acceleration schemes

Irene Prencipe - Advisor: Dr. Matteo Passoni - Tutor: Prof. Carlo E. Bottani

Since it was first observed in process and different strategies the target requirements imposed to exploit the enhanced laser cm2) at the PULSER I laser system of high field plasmonics effects

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

2000, ion acceleration driven by have been adopted to this aim. by the acceleration mechanism absorption in ultra-low density of the GIST institute (South (for which a relativistically correct
ultra-intense (>1018W/cm2) ultra- A detailed insight of the laser-ion under analysis. Target Normal materials. According to recent Korea). These experiments theory is not available yet). The
short (10-100 fs) laser pulses acceleration physics in a variety Sheath Acceleration (TNSA) is numerical studies, the ranges showed the existence of optimal experiment was performed at
interacting with thin solid foils of experimental conditions currently the most investigated of interest for the foam density foam properties for which a the above mentioned UHI100
has attracted increasing interest has been pursued through and efficient acceleration and thickness are 3-10 mg/cm3 significant enhancement of the laser system (25 fs, 51019
as a unique tool to investigate both theoretical and numerical mechanism. The acceleration and 5-15 mm, respectively. The maximum energy of accelerated W/cm2, 1010 contrast ratio).
new laser-plasma interaction studies. Moreover, advanced process in the TNSA scheme is production and characterization ions (from 30% to 250% Preliminary results showed clear
regimes and because of a laser systems have been due to the generation of fast of extremely low density C depending on the experimental indications of the production
number of possible application designed to achieve pulses with electrons in the interaction foams required the development setting) was systematically of accelerated electrons along
fields. The potential of this super-high intensity (above 1020 between the incident laser of advanced material science observed with respect to bare the target irradiated surface,
technique is related to the W/cm2) and ultra-short duration pulse and the plasma produced methods. A general approach Al targets. Maximum H+ and consistent with the excitation of
possibility of producing multi- (30 fs) in order to explore new on the surface of a thin solid based on Pulsed Laser C6+ energies up to 26 MeV and plasmonic surface waves.
MeV protons and ions with a laser-plasma interaction regimes foil by the pulse itself. As fast Deposition was developed to 120 MeV, respectively, were In conclusion, in this thesis the
high degree of laminarity and and acceleration mechanisms. electrons propagate beyond the produce C foams with controlled achieved and the possibility possibility of exploiting novel
very low emittance. Accelerated Finally, novel nano-engineered non-illuminated surface of the density and thickness, with of a further enhancement for and enhanced ultra-intense
ion bunches are short (ps), have targets have been studied target, they produce a quasi- satisfactory uniformity on large optimum target-laser coupling is ultra-short laser driven ion
a fs synchronization with the to properly control the laser- static sheath field which in turn surfaces and complete substrate expected. However, these results acceleration schemes through
driving laser pulse and contain matter interaction phase and accelerates light ions adsorbed coverage. An innovative are interesting in view of some the design, production and
1011 to 1012 ions per bunch. The to enhance the efficiency of on the rear target surface. Thus, density evaluation technique of the foreseen applications employment of engineered
experimental apparatus required the acceleration process. In the number and the maximum based on Energy Dispersive of laser-driven ion sources: nanostructured targets was
by this technique is relatively this frame, my PhD thesis was energy of ions produced by X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) was provided that a high repetition investigated. This study draws
compact and cheap compared devoted to the investigation TNSA can be increased by experimentally developed and rate configuration is adopted, attention to the importance of
to common acceleration of novel and enhanced ion enhancing laser absorption and validated exploiting compact 10s MeV protons can be achieving a suitable coupling
systems. Laser-driven ion acceleration mechanisms fast electron production. Many coatings and nanostructured employed, for instance, for the between target properties and
sources have been successfully through the design, production target configurations have been thin films with various production of radioisotopes for laser parameters to enhance the
employed for proton probing and employment of engineered recently considered to this aim compositions, a large variety of medical diagnostics, for material efficiency of energy conversion
and proton heating and the nanostructured targets. exploiting different physical mesoscale morphologies and irradiation or radiation detector from the incoming laser pulse
possibility of employing them for The emission of accelerated processes. During my doctorate, density ranging from the density testing. to accelerated ions, thus
hadron therapy and for the fast protons and ions produced by in particular, Ive studied the of solid to a few mg/cm3. A A secondary goal of my PhD exploiting to the highest degree
ignition of inertial confinement the interaction of ultra-intense possibility of exploiting the proof-of-concept laser-driven activities was the participation the development of advanced
fusion targets has been widely ultra-short laser pulses with enhanced laser absorption ion acceleration experiment to a laser-driven ion acceleration ultra-intense laser facility.
investigated. However, these matter can be due to different in ultra-low density materials was performed at the UHI100 experiment performed on Therefore, the development of
foreseen applications require physical phenomena depending and the resonant excitation of laser system of the LIDyL facility grating targets with the aim advanced target concepts, as
energy up to several hundreds of on the experimental conditions, plasmonic surface waves for the (France) to test foam-attached of completing a previous those described in this thesis,
MeV per nucleon, much higher i.e. the pulse parameters and design of targets for ETNSA have target at moderate pulse study by extending the range will give a decisive contribute to
than the maximum energy the target properties. Thus, been investigated. intensities (25 fs, 51016 W/ of explored target properties the worldwide efforts towards
of particle beams currently the design of nano-engineered Multilayer targets composed by cm2-51019 W/cm2) while the (different resonance angles and the development of advanced
produced by laser-driven targets for laser-driven ion a mm-thick Al foil with a low- role of target properties and different thickness values) and laser facilities for laser-driven ion
acceleration. Thus, great effort acceleration should always take density C layer (foam) on the pulse parameters was extensively by analyzing the angular and acceleration.
is being devoted to enhance the into account both the properties directly illuminated surface were investigated at high intensity spectral electron distribution to
efficiency of the acceleration of the specific laser system and considered in my PhD activities (29 fs, 71019 W/cm2-51020 W/ achieve a deeper comprehension

Primary Exergy Cost of Goods and Services: requirements, expressed in thermodynamic based metric (MIOTs) of national economies

PhD Yearbook | 2015

terms of exergy, caused by the for the quantification of as standardized data source.
an Input Output approach considered system or product
within a given economy;
energy-resources consumption
need to be established; (3)
The main methodological
achievements of this chapter can
2. The mathematical formulation the role of working hours be summarized as follows:
of the cost accounting in the evaluation of primary Complete formalization of
approach is based on Input resource cost of products need ExIO method is proposed.
Matteo Vincenzo Rocco - Supervisor: Prof. Emanuela Colombo Output analysis, which to be clarified. Second chapter Specifically, three different
establishes standard time presents the state of the art of techniques are proposed to
and space boundaries for the cost accounting techniques: account for imported products 265
Among the large multiplicity of society at large. Indeed, all the evaluation of energy any analyzed system or mathematical structure of in national MIOTs;

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

natural resources, the class of production processes of modern conversion systems by means products, encompassing the Input Output analysis (IOA) The Hybrid ExIO approach is
non renewable primary energy economies are sustained, in a of traditional First and Second whole LC. The approach and Process Analysis (PA) proposed and formalized in
resources (i.e. fossil fuels) plays a both direct and indirect way, by Law indicators neglect the relies on standard and freely are formalized for a generic order to increase the accuracy
crucial role in sustaining human flows of fossil fuels extracted indirect effects linked to available data sources, productive system, compared of results obtained through
economies and their production from natural environment. the indirect consumptions avoiding extensive data and finally discussed. What the use of standard ExIO
activities. Indeed, the prosperity Therefore, all the goods and due to non-energy related mining processes and emerges from this chapter analysis and to perform Life
and the stability of modern services produced within a given products and externalities. resulting in simpler and faster is that any cost accounting Cycle Assessment of detailed
societies is inextricably linked to economy are characterized by a Novel thermodynamic based application with respect to problem may be described in products;
the extraction and consumption primary energy-resources cost, indicators are claimed in order traditional process based LCA. a more efficient, simple and Hybrid ExIO approach is used
of fossil fuels, and the most which is here defined as the to obtain useful insight for the Moreover, a specific model is standardized way through IOA to perform Thermoeconomic
authoritative projections clearly direct and indirect amount of optimization procedure. developed to evaluate the side rather than using PA. Chapter analysis and Design Evaluation
shows that this trend will primary fossil fuels required to In response to these limitations, effects that working hours three performs a critical of energy conversion systems.
hold for the future decades. deliver the considered products literature claims to (a) deepen requirements have on primary literature review about the In the fifth chapter, the
Political initiatives as well as and to sustain their Life Cycle system analysis and resources exergy cost of products; Thermodynamic based methods Bioeconomic ExIO model is
research efforts are thus facing (LC). Many efforts are focused cost accounting methodologies 3. The developed approach for system analysis. Energy, proposed and formalized to
the issue of the increasingly on the definition of methods and to (b) define criteria for establishes specific indicators Entropy and Exergy based Life account for the effects that
scarcity of fossil fuels acting to account for the overall fossil primary energy-resources cost in order to identify and to Cycle methods are comparatively working hours consumption has
in two main directions: (1) fuels contribution to individual assessment suited for analysis optimize the primary exergy analyzed and one taxonomy on the primary exergy cost of
claiming a transition towards products. From the analyst and optimization of energy efficiency of energy conversion is proposed. Finally, the use goods and services. In the last
alternative power sources and perspective, two major issues conversion systems. systems in a LC perspective. of such metrics for energy- chapter, the ExIO framework is
(2) promoting a rational use emerge from the literature: resources characterization applied to different case studies:
of primary fuels through the Identification of a standardized Objectives of the research The research lies in the broad is discussed. What emerges (1) evaluation of primary exergy
so-called energy saving practice. accounting method. Although The general objective of the discipline of Industrial Ecology. from this chapter is that: (1) cost of goods and services
This thesis focuses on the latter several methods have been research is to define and to Specifically, it deepen the topics exergy is widely considered produced by different national
objective: it aims at providing proposed, consensus about formalize the Exergy based Input of Thermoeconomic Analyses, as the most suited metric to economies; (2) application of
a comprehensive and novel the most appropriate resources Output framework in order Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and account for energy-resources Hybrid ExIO approach for the
methodology to assess and cost accounting scheme is to integrate cost accounting Input-Output Analysis (IOA). consumption; (2) exergy based Thermoeconomic analysis and
to reduce the total fossil fuels still nonexistent. Indeed, LC methods and thermodynamic LC methods require further Design Evaluation of an Italian
requirements due to production methods are often based analysis into one comprehensive Structure of the thesis methodological improvements. Waste to Energy power plant
of goods and service. on arbitrary assumptions method for system analysis and In the first chapter, a brief Chapter four is the core of the in a Life Cycle perspective;
and are not unambiguously optimization. The main features overview about the concept research activity: it merges the (3) comparison between
Emerging needs in defined, making results of of the developed framework of natural resources and cost accounting technique of primary exergy costs of manual
Environmental Impact different analysis of a same are aimed at dealing with the their role in the economic IOA with the concept of exergy, dishwashing and dishwasher.
Analysis system hardly comparable. lacks and the emerging issues process is provided. Moreover, formalizing the Exergy based Finally, conclusions of the thesis
Today, the concept of energy- Moreover, such methods relies highlighted by the literature a focus on non-renewable Input Output analysis (ExIO). remark its main achievements
resources consumption is on extensive data collection review, which become the fossil fuels is made and, This method allows to evaluate and also give a perspective
undergoing a radical re- procedures, resulting very specific objectives of this finally, the following issues are the primary exergy cost of about the future possible
evaluation, in response to the expensive in terms of time and research: highlighted: (1) unambiguous goods and services produced research paths.
acknowledged interdependency data requirements; 1. Primary energy-resources cost definition of primary resources within a specific national
of the productive sectors with Evaluation of real efficiency of is defined as the total non- cost accounting technique economy. The method uses
both the environment and the energy systems. Performances renewable primary fossil fuels is required; (2) a unique Monetary Input Output Tables

Reduced Order Methods: Applications to which can be tailored to Method and on the Proper the neutronic, the thermal-

PhD Yearbook | 2015

common control systems, able Orthogonal Decomposition elastic and the fluid-dynamic
Nuclear Reactor Core Spatial Dynamics to reproduce spatial effects,
in particular those induced by
technique, for developing a
control-oriented model of
phenomena. A purpose-made
six-group neutron diffusion
the control rod movement. The nuclear reactor spatial kinetics, model has been developed,
present contribution can be are compared. The comparison which allows taking into account
considered as a first step toward of the outcomes provided by the local dependency of the
Alberto Sartori - Tutor: Prof. Lelio Luzzi - Advisors: Prof. Antonio Cammi, building a bridge between the the two approaches focuses neutron macroscopic cross-
Prof. Lelio Luzzi, Prof. Gianluigi Rozza world of design and the on the capability of evaluating sections on the temperature
world of control. The goal is the reactivity and the neutron and density fields. It is worth 267
In the analysis of the nuclear to develop suitable control keeping the approximation error to demonstrate that reduced flux shape in different reactor mentioning that the majority

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

reactor dynamics, which is strategies for such reactors, the between the reduced order order modelling is suited to be configurations, where different of LFR analyses available
governed by the neutronics, spatial effects induced by the solution and the full-order one applied in more complex (and type of perturbations (i.e., in literature, which employ
the most spread approach is movement of the control rods under control. In particular, coupled) industrial problems in homogeneous or localized) are computational fluid dynamics
constituted by the point-kinetics have to be taken into account the reduced order modelling order to introduce competitive applied. codes, do not allow for explicit
equations. This description as well. is aimed at approximating a computational performance Subsequently, the modelling neutronic feedbacks. Relying
of the neutronics is based on From the modelling viewpoint, parametrized partial differential and allowing, at the same of control rods movement on this work, a reduced order
a set of coupled non-linear the highest fidelity approach is equation (or a set of partial time, a better investigation, is dealt, solving ad hoc model of a parametrized multi-
ordinary differential equations the so called Multi-Physics (MP) differential equations) solution thanks to the parametrization parametrized multi-group physics model of a LFR single
that describe both the time- approach, where all the partial with a handful of degrees of of involved phenomena. To neutron diffusion equations channel has been proposed
dependence of the neutron differential equations, which freedom instead of thousands or this aim, a methodological both in the time-dependent as proof of concept. The
population in the reactor describe the involved physics, millions that would be needed approach for developing a and stationary formulations. potentials of such approach
and the decay of the delayed are solved within the same for a full-order approximation. In reduced order model for systems Several accurate and reliable have been addressed by
neutron precursors, allowing computational environment. this way, the full-order problem with increasing complexity, up reduced order models have choosing both geometrical and
for the main feedback reactivity The main drawback of the MP is has to be solved only for few to a preliminary multi-physics been developed, which are physical parameters. Indeed,
effects. Among the several that the computational burden instances of the input parameter analysis of a Lead Fast Reactor able to take into account the the outcomes provided by
assumptions entered in the is quite high, and simulating (through a demanding Offline (LFR) single channel, has been spatial effects induced by the the developed reduced order
derivation of these equations, the entire core turns out to computational step), in order proposed as proof of concept. rods movement still featuring a model have the same accuracy
the strongest approximation be very demanding in terms to be able to perform many The main novel contribution is real-time computational time. of the full-order multi-physics
concerns the shape of the of computational costs and low-cost reduced order the application of most recent A different sampling technique, problem and a fast-running
neutron flux, which is assumed times. In addition, it is quite simulations (inexpensive Online advances in computational within the Reduced Basis computational time, allowing
to be represented by a single, difficult to get the dynamics of computational step) for several mathematics, namely the framework, has been employed, estimation of a wide set of
time-independent spatial mode. the governing system and then new instances of the input. reduced order methods, such namely, the centroidal Voronoi output of interest in real-time. A
Nuclear reactors are generally set up a simulation tool that It is worth mentioning that as the certified reduced basis tessellation, which allows for particular strategy for handling
characterized by complex may assess and represent the simplification or approximation method, to nuclear engineering a hierarchical parameter space the nonlinear coupling terms has
geometries and may feature dynamic response of the overall of an equation, or a system field. According to the authors exploration, without relying on been proposed in order to allow
asymmetric core configurations. system at different operating of equations, describing a knowledge and to the current an a posteriori error estimation. for an efficient Offline/Online
Therefore, more accurate conditions. phenomenon is indeed a state of the art, this is the first In this way, the Offline decoupling.
modelling approaches might In this context, computational reduced order technique and time that such techniques computational time might be
be needed to provide more reduced order techniques, it can be phrased as: Reduce- have been employed in this sensibly reduced.
detailed insights concerning such as the Reduced Basis (RB) then-discretize. The herein context. Therefore, the work During the doctoral research,
the reactor behaviour during method, can lead to a simulation proposed reduced order focused more on setting up attention has also been paid
operational transients. It is tool with real-time calculation, methods are complementary and and assessing an innovative to the multi-physics modelling
worth mentioning that the still solving a set of partial can be described as: Discretize- methodology, rather than approach, where all the
innovative reactor concepts, for differential equations. The goal then-reduce and they can reproduce a real reference involved physics are solved
instance Generation IV reactors, of a computational reduction still benefit from the former reactor. within the same computational
feature power density and technique is to capture the approach. The capabilities of reduced environment. In fact, a Multi-
temperature ranges, experienced essential features of the input/ This PhD work is aimed at order methods with respect Physics and time-dependent
by structural materials, such output behaviour of a system tackling the need of nuclear to the current and/or classical model for LFR single-channel
that the corresponding spatial in a rapid and reliable way, i.e.: engineering field to have approaches are firstly addressed. transient analysis has been
dependence cannot be (i) by improving computational accurate and reliable fast- In particular, two modelling developed. The work focused
neglected. Moreover, in order performance, and (ii) by running simulation tools, approaches based on a Modal on the coupling among


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Roberto Torelli - Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca DErrico

The thesis focuses on the OpenFOAM CFD opensource of an automated procedure available through the ECN Detailed chemistry modeling

Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology

development, implementation, C++ library. It was developed for Cartesian grid generation. database. In particular, a coupled with Multizone
testing and validation of with the aim to reduce grid The definition of a robust detailed comparison between discretization and In Situ
computational tools for Diesel dependencies related to spray- methodology to perform a computed and experimental Online Tabulation was adopted
Engines modeling. Different grid mutual orientation and to full-cycle CFD simulation of IC in-cylinder pressure, turbulence to describe the combustion
aspects were investigated the choice of the injector nozzle engines requires as first step intensity distribution and process.
with a special attention on the position with respect to the cell the availability of a reliable grid velocity field was performed so Good agreement and limited
Eulerian-Lagrangian description hosting it. generation tool, which does not that it was possible to assess mesh dependency were found
of the injection process and on All the sub-models constants have to guarantee only a high the requirements in terms showing that this approach
the interaction of the injected were set to match experimental quality mesh but has to prove of minimum mesh size and could be generally suitable for
liquid fuel with Cartesian mesh data of a chosen baseline case also to be efficient in terms numerical method accuracy to engine simulations and hence
structures. Critical aspects were in non-reactant vaporizing of required time. In this part a be employed with the proposed for application to industrial
pointed out, mainly concerning conditions. Then the new novel approach entirely based methodology. cases.
the dependency of energy and approach predictions were firstly on the OpenFOAM technology The final part shows the All the models, solvers and
momentum exchange between compared with standard DDM, is presented. The available 3D extension of the automatic utilities used in this work
the phases on the spray-grid initially by moving the injector grid generator was employed Cartesian mesh generation were implemented within the
mutual orientation. position within the hosting cell to automatically create process to sector grids for OpenFOAM framework, as a
The first half of the thesis deals and later by varying ambient meshes containing hexahedra simulating full-cycle simulations contribution to the library Lib-
particularly with the effect that density and injection pressure of and split-hexahedra from involving injection of fuel and ICE, developed by the Internal
the adoption of Cartesian grid fuel. In addition, a study of the triangulated surface geometries combustion. The choice to Combustion Engine group
structures can have if evaluated dependency of the results on the in Stereolithography format. use sector meshes implies the of the Energy Department at
on varying the injector nozzle spray-grid mutual orientation The possibility to introduce hypothesis of axial symmetry, Politecnico di Milano.
position with respect to the was carried out. High-speed local refinements and boundary which is commonly accepted
cell hosting it. To this end, an imaging and Rayleigh-scattering layers makes this tool suitable when the injector is located at
implementation and evaluation measurements taken from the for IC engine simulations. Grids the center of the cylinder head
of a novel approach for Engine Combustion Network are sequentially generated at (typical of Diesel applications).
describing exchange of mass, (ECN) web database were used target crank angles, which The adoption of sector meshes
momentum and energy in Diesel to assess numerical results: a are automatically determined requires the application of
spray CFD simulations based on good accuracy in the predictions depending on user specified cyclic boundary conditions
the Discrete Droplet Modeling of liquid and vapor spray settings such as maximum and consequently the perfect
(DDM) is presented. During penetration as well as axial and mesh validity interval and correspondence between points
the calculation, each parcel in radial mixture fraction profiles, quality parameters like non- and faces on the two sides
the domain is surrounded by a can be simultaneously achieved orthogonality, skewness and of the sector. Many features
spherical volume of ambient gas on varying thermo-physical aspect ratio. This ensures high were added to the original
and interacts first with it instead and geometrical settings. If quality grids for the entire cycle approach so that Cartesian
of interacting directly with the applied to engine calculations, and requires a reduced amount sector grids could be generated
cell volume hosting the parcel. the reduced dependency on of user time. Experimental in OpenFOAM. The grids were
In this way, the interaction the nozzle position becomes validation was carried out by generated starting from a real
volume is independent of the appreciable when injectors with simulating the full cycle in the heavy-duty engine geometry
mesh and can be located in multiple nozzles are used. so-called TCC (Transparent and then tested and validated
more than one cell. This model The second part of the thesis Combustion Chamber) engine, qualitatively and quantitatively
was implemented using the focuses on the development whose experimental data are on varying minimum mesh size.
Aerospace Engineering | Architectural
and Urban Design | Architectural
Composition | Architecture, Urban Design,
Conservation of Housing and Landscape
| Bioengineering | Building Engineering
| Design | Design and technologies for
cultural heritage | Electrical Engineering |
Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology
| Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture and
Exhibition Design | Management, Economics
and Industrial Engineering | Materials
Engineering | Mathematical MODELS and
METHODS IN Engineering | Mechanical
Engineering | Physics | Preservation of
THE Architectural Heritage | Rotary-wing
aircrafts | Spatial Planning and Urban
Development | Structural Seismic and
Geotechnical Engineering | Technology
and Design for Environment and Building
| Territorial Design and Government PhD Yearbook | 2015

DOCTORAL PROGRAM 5. Geomatics, with focus on: physical geodesy anthropogenic activities responding to the needs

PhD Yearbook | 2015

and satellite geodesy; positioning and of modern society.
IN Environmental navigation; surface surveying with optical or
other sensors, such as SAR, LIDAR; digital
Career perspectives include opportunities at
Universities, Research Centers, public bodies and
and Infrastructures photogrammetry and image analysis; remote
sensing; geographic information systems;
Authorities, as well as private companies / industry.
Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) which
Engineering cultural heritage reconstruction and archiving.
The curriculum of PhD students has been tailored
cannot afford the development of an in-house
specific know-how program may also require such
to the general and specific research questions highly professional profiles to guarantee critical
associated with the multifaceted interactions innovation and competitiveness. 273
The Doctorate in Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering between the water sphere and the key evolving

Environmental and Infrastructures Engineering

Chair: has been operating since the academic year 2008/2009. The
Prof. Alberto Guadagnini program introduces doctoral students to the world of research on
key theoretical and technological elements associated with water,
environment, hydraulic and transportation infrastructures, geology,
as well as geomatics.
In this context, the program is grounded on environmental, civil, and
industrial applications where water is the primary unifying element. Doctoral Program Board
The doctorate program is characterized by a strong inter- and multi-
Alberto Guadagnini Carlo De Michele Monica Riva
disciplinary structure and is organized according to the following key
thematic areas. Francesco Ballio Michele Giugliano Maria Cristina Rulli
1. Hydraulic Engineering, where major research themes include: Riccardo Barzaghi Stefano Malavasi Sabrina Saponaro
fluid mechanics; fluid-structure interactions; hydraulic
Gianfranco Becciu Marco Mancini Laura Scesi
measurements; river hydraulics; sediment mechanics; hydraulic
risk assessment and management; flow and transport processes Barbara Betti Federica Migliaccio Giovanna Venuti
in porous systems; hydraulic networks, hydro-energy; oil and gas Roberto Canziani Luigi Mussio Renato Vismara
development and applications.
Maurizio Crispino Monica Papini
2. Hydrology, hydraulic structures, water resources and coastal
engineering, where the main research topics include: hydrology
and water resources, with emphasis on the main physical
processes of the hydrological cycle, water and energy budgets;
hydrogeological hazard and mitigation strategies, including Advisory Board
hydrological extremes, floods, droughts and precipitation, early
warning operative systems, snow avalanching and flood risk; Sanchez-Vila Xavier - Universitat Politcnica del Fanelli Roberto - Istituto Mario Negri, Milano
hydraulic networks engineering; and coastal engineering. Catalunya - Barcelonatech, Barcelona (Spain) (Italy)
3. Environmental technologies, with focus on: water supply Ruffo Paolo - ENI, Milano (Italy) Bernet Nicolas - LBE - INRA, Narbonne (France)
technology and treatment, (including disposal / reuse of
Burlando Paolo - ETH, Zurigo (Switzerland) Losa Massimo - Universit di Pisa
wastewater, sludge management and disposal, anaerobic
digestion processes); management and planning of environmental Sansalone John J. - Florida University (USA) Colomina Ismael - University of Barcelona,
resources (including water quality modelling, knowledge-based Barcelona (Spain)
decision support systems); solid wastes and sludge management; Marino Carlo - ARPA Lombardia Dermanis Athanasios - Aristoteles University,
phenomenology of the atmospheric environment and treatment Thessaloniki (Greece)
of gaseous emissions; contaminated soils and their remediation.
Bortone Giuseppe - Regione Emilia-Romagna Radicioni Fabio - Universit di Perugia, Perugia
4. Transport infrastructures and geology, with focus on: transport
networks, including functional interactions with regional, national
and international territory; sustainable development, in terms of
dynamics of development and its relations with the infrastructure
system; technological innovation, including methods and
indicators for performance characterization of infrastructure scholarship sponsors
construction and maintenance techniques; hydrogeological risk, Metropolitana Milanese CTG Italcementi Leica Geosystems
landslide hazard; water resources identification and management,
pollution problems. Pibiviesse Hera S.p.A.

Low cost aerial photogrammetry

PhD Yearbook | 2015

in archaeology

Martina Ballarin - Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Guerra

The last few years have seen the type of vehicles on which Edition (fig. 1). This camera photogrammetric systems comprehend the possibilities of

Environmental and Infrastructures Engineering

an exponential growth in the the cameras were mounted. allows the acquisition of images (calibration cameras on the methodology proposed here.
use of UAV photogrammetry. The techniques were used in up to a resolution of 12MP professional drones) and/or a
This evolution has opened new different fields and on objects (4000x3000) and its weight laser scanner.
possibilities and new scenarios with different morphologies, and dimensions (76 g camera In this phase, the system
for close range surveying, due from the archaeological survey with battery - 60x40x20 mm) proposed was used in different
to the combination of aerial to the survey of Cultural allow them to be mounted on modes: the vehicle was flown
and terrestrial techniques Heritage more generally. non-professional aerial vehicles, manually, while another
and relatively low-costs From the experiences gained such as the Parrot Ar.Drone 2.0 operator controlled the
compared with traditional aerial during these years, and after (fig 2). These vehicles are made capturing on the GoPro App, or
techniques. the development of amateur for recreational purposes and for with automatic flight, using the
The growing use of software aerial vehicles on one side and this reason are cheap and easy GPS module Flight Recorder
for extracting point clouds lighter cameras on the other, to pilot as they can be controlled 2: Parrot Ar.Drone 2.0. and setting the GoPro in time
from non-oriented images the research began to focus on via tablet or smartphone lapse.
has obtained great attention the analysis of the potentials through specific applications. In In addition we chose different
not just from the geomatic of a system integrating those this way, we are able to obtain my research I performed a morphologies of monuments:
3: One of the possible results
scientific community, but also two components in the a low cost easy-to-use system, number of tests using different 3D objects (Porta Benevento); obtained through this system. The
by users from other disciplines archaeological field. In this field suitable for archaeologists software products (free, low-cost bi-dimensional objects (the orthophoto of San Pietro di Cantoni.
including archaeologists. It economic considerations are and for archaeological and implemented ad hoc) and forum of the city) and 2.5D
is easy to understand this often an issue and the metric documentation. different methodologies (test objects (the shops at the side of
success: the various software aspect of the data is frequently field calibration; self calibration) the decumanus; the sanctuary
packages combine high quality subordinated to its interpretative to calculate the interior of San Pietro di Cantoni). The
results, both in qualitative and value. parameters of the camera. I also Ground Control Points were
quantitative terms, with ease The use of action cameras performed a number of tests to acquired through an RTK GPS
of use. The spread of these for photogrammetric purposes analyse the whole acquisition survey (centimetric precision),
products also coexists with a has had a slow development system and test the accuracy of using both natural points on
growth in the market of low because the images acquired the results we could reach on the architectures or specific
cost off-the-shelf cameras, able by the first sensors had a different typologies of objects checkerboard targets.
to acquire high quality and high- quality and resolution that and with different network The results obtained (fig 3)
resolution images. were insufficient to obtain the geometries. were compared to those
The research developed accuracies of a photogrammetric After this first phase, this acquired by well-established
during the three years of my survey. Nowadays, however, system was used during an techniques. I analysed all the
PhD focused on the use of compact cameras can acquire intensive surveying campaign possible products achievable:
micro UAVs for close range high-resolution images even in 1: Go Pro Hero 3 Black Edition. in an archaeological site in surface models; point clouds;
photogrammetry. Though extreme activities, such as free Molise, the ancient city of 3D coordinates of some
a number of case studies fall, underwater swimming and Altilia. Here, we performed checkpoints on the models and
carried out in the Laboratory diving. The main limit of this system is a number of acquisitions on 2D coordinates of checkpoints
of Photogrammetry of IUAV This thesis is concerned with the fact that the photograms different objects and following on the ortophotos.
University, I used and analysed testing these cameras and the acquired by these cameras have different workflows. The A large variety of different
many different configurations of analysis of the results they a great level of distortion and data obtained was compared acquisition techniques were
these systems, regarding both can achieve: in particular we consequently raise problems in with that acquired through compared through the different
the type of cameras used and analysed the Go Pro Hero3 Black the calibration process. During more traditional close range case studies, in order to fully

Large-Eddy Simulation: A tool to study

PhD Yearbook | 2015

land-atmosphere interactions

Giulia Ercolani - Supervisor: Prof. Marco Mancini - Co-supervisor: Dr. Chiara Corbari

Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) in recent years computational LES of the ABL and then in this code grid spacing model can properly simulate a microscale spatial distribution

Environmental and Infrastructures Engineering

has been recognized to be a capabilities have reached the employs it to quantify the implicitly determines the diurnal cycle of the ABL and of in a water and energy balance
valuable tool for reproducing level that makes affordable impact of meteorological filtering of the LES. Guidelines land-atmosphere interactions in model. Different responses have
Atmospheric Boundary Layer the cost ABL LES even with forcings spatial distribution on have been obtained for grid real conditions. been detected for turbulent
(ABL) turbulence since the standard resources at disposal. a water and energy balance design in LES of the ABL under The analysis concerning fluxes and for land surface
1970s. The initial applications of Consequently, LES of the ABL is model. In fact RAMS may be both convective and neutral RAMS-LES capabilities and temperature, and it has been
LES to ABL modelling considered becoming a widespread tool of considered a suitable instrument regimes. A key role has been the factors affecting them found that soil moisture
almost exclusively idealized investigation in several fields not for hydrologically-oriented identified for cell aspect has continued with the regulates the impact on sensible
regimes, namely homogeneous traditionally linked to Large-Eddy applications, since its equations ratio (horizontal over vertical evaluation of the impact that and latent heat fluxes. Moreover
surfaces properties, prescribed Simulation, such as hydrology, of motion are natively coupled resolution) in terms of quality surface heterogeneity level of the analysis seems to suggest
fluxes at the ground and renewable energy production, with a LSM. of turbulence reconstruction. description has on the coupled that the water and energy
periodicity at the lateral agrometeorology and others. But RAMS is originally designed Namely the best results do not model results. It has been balance model attenuates
boundaries. In addition, these In particular, in the hydrological to simulate mesoscale flows, correspond simply to the finest found that the predictions the errors when passing from
initial applications were confined context the interest in LES of and therefore an evaluation of affordable horizontal and vertical of surface quantities (e.g. forcings to results, but the spatial
into purely atmospheric or the ABL is mainly oriented to its performances in reproducing resolutions, but an optimal surface turbulent fluxes, land pattern of the input distortions
fluid dynamics research. But land-atmosphere interactions, microscale turbulence is needed ratio between them must be temperature etc) significantly is generally still recognizable
the continuous increase in and therefore to coupled to obtain valuable results. maintained. Different values differs from the reference as in the outputs. Therefore,
computational capabilities has LES-LSM. In fact surface fluxes Moreover, the complexity of of the minimum horizontal the level of aggregation of the the spatial interpolation of
led to LES of more complex of sensible and latent heat, the coupled modelling system, resolution and of the optimal cell heterogeneity approaches the punctual measurements of
ABL flows, that overcome that are the expression of the combined with its diffusion to aspect ratio have been found for patches size. The differences the meteorological data is
the above-said idealized land-atmosphere interaction, fields not traditionally linked to convective and neutral regimes. increase as the surface important if an accurate
constraints. In particular grid are two fundamental terms LES, reinforces the importance of RAMS-LES has been also parameters resolution coarsens. simulation is desired. In this
nesting techniques are used to of the hydrological balance. an extensive investigation of the tested in reproducing a real Instead, ABL turbulence context we have proposed and
relate microscale turbulence Consequently their accurate code capabilities under various diurnal cycle of the ABL over has shown non-negligible tested an alternative method to
with the larger-scale flow, estimation is of great importance conditions and with different a heterogeneous surface, differences even at scales that interpolates observations at the
and the coupling of LES with in water resources management setups. in this case coupled with its still reproduce almost correctly microscale. It is based on surface
a Land-Surface Model (LSM) at both the regional or basin The first part of the thesis land-surface model LEAF-3. the surface heterogeneity. At properties and not on physical
allows to dynamically compute scale and the field scale. For is dedicated to the analysis The coupled model predictions the same time larger scales of distances as the standard IDW
surface fluxes during the instance, coupled LES-LSM can of the code when employed have shown a good agreement aggregation produce results that scheme, since at the microscale
simulation, and therefore to be employed to assess surface in idealized neutral and free with observations. In particular, are more similar to the reference the complexity of meteorological
reproduce the feedback existing heterogeneity impact on ABL convection regimes. It is excellent results have been than those corresponding to a fields is mainly related to
between the land surface structure and evolution, and in proved that RAMS is actually obtained for net radiation more detailed description of the surface heterogeneity, since
and the atmosphere. In this turn on surface turbulent fluxes, a suitable instrument to and sensible heat flux, and heterogeneity. But, when the large atmospheric conditions
context Numerical Weather to quantify the importance of perform LES of the ABL in a general good match for scale exceeds the ABL height, are the same. The analysis has
Prediction-Limited Area Models the land-atmosphere feedback both the previous conditions. the other surface quantities the impact of a more organized shown that it actually performs
(NWP-LAMs) appear to be on the estimation of the fluxes Furthermore, an adequate (latent and soil heat flux, air turbulence appears. better than the IDW method
particularly attractive tools themselves, and also to support turbulence reconstruction temperature and humidity) has After the extensive assessment in presence of a fragmented
to perform LES of the ABL, the interpretation of turbulent has been obtained with an been found. A qualitatively of RAMS-LES capabilities, the surface heterogeneity, i.e. with
because natively supplied with fluxes field measurements. affordable computational load. correct time evolution of mean results of a coupled LES-LSM a variability not organized into
the capability of nesting and The thesis explores the The analysis has focused on the vertical profiles has been in real conditions have been homogeneous macro-areas.
with the equations of motion capabilities of the mesoscale impact that the computational assessed. Therefore, it has been used to evaluate the role of
coupled with a LSM. Moreover, model RAMS in performing grid has on the results, since demonstrated that the coupled the meteorological forcings

The Impact of Space-time Adaptation

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Technique on Solute Transport Modeling
in Porous Media
Bahman Esfandiar Jahromi - Supervisor: Prof. Alberto Guadagnini
Co-supervisors: Prof. Simona Perotto, Dr. Giovanni Porta

Environmental and Infrastructures Engineering

A wide set of physical processes methodology, the results of performed through an ad-hoc a test-case with analytical These assessments show that of a space-time adaptive
involves transport of solutes numerical simulations are local reconstruction of the time solution. Then, we validate the space-time adaptation methodology has a considerable
in porous media. These unavoidably subject to an derivative of the solution in the the space-time adaptive methodology is robust and impact on global analysis and
include contamination of approximation error, which spirit of a recovery procedure as procedure by reproducing a set reliable. In particular, it allows uncertainty quantification
groundwater by inorganic and is related to the selected well. of experimental observations us to obtain a significant procedures. In particular, it
organic chemicals, petroleum discretization scheme. For Macro-scale models, including associated with solute transport improvement of the simulation allows understanding the
generation and migration, instance, the computational the ADE, entail the definition of in a homogeneous and quality of the early solute influence of input uncertain
reactive processes which can error associated with Eulerian effective transport parameters, blockwise heterogeneous sand arrival times at the outlet parameter on the model output.
modify the properties of soil and discretization methods (e.g., which are typically assumed pack. The impact of the space- of the medium. Moreover, Further extensions of this
rock formation. Transport of finite elements, finite volumes to be linked to the porous time adaptation methodology the proposed adaptation work may involve solute
solute mass in the subsurface is and finite differences) is a media geometry. In laboratory on the capability to estimate methodology leads to ML transport modeling in complex
due to advection and diffusion function of the spatial grid and field scale applications the key parameters of an parameter estimates and model heterogeneous fields as well as
processes, taking place at the and of the time step size used these parameters are generally ADE model is also assessed results of markedly improved field-scale data interpretation.
pore level. Due to the practical for the discretization. To this unknown, and need to be on the basis of experimental quality when compared to Investigation of the impact of
infeasibility to model pore-scale end, the first aim of this thesis estimated by means of inverse solute breakthrough data classical inversion approaches space-time adaptation in the
transport at typical laboratory is the development of a two modeling procedures. To this measurements for both based on a uniform space- presence of chemical reactions is
and field scales, solute transport dimensional finite element aim, multiple evaluations homogeneous and blockwise time discretization. Our results another possible and challenging
in porous media is typically model combined with a space- of the selected model are heterogeneous sand packs. suggest that the implementation application of interest.
described by means of effective time grid adaptation procedure typically needed. This can
models. A standard choice to improve the accuracy of be computationally costly.
is to adopt a continuum- solute transport modeling in Therefore, as second objective
based representation of the porous media. We employ of this work, we quantify the
process based on the standard the ADE for the interpretation impact of the implementation
advection-dispersion equation of non-reactive transport of the space-time adaptive
(ADE). The basic assumption experiments in laboratory-scale procedure on parameter
underlying the ADE is that the porous media. When compared estimation and uncertainty
dispersion coefficient can be with a numerical approximation quantification. The model
described by the sum of effective based on a fixed space-time calibration is performed in
diffusion and hydrodynamic discretization, the proposed a Maximum Likelihood (ML)
dispersion, according to the approach is grounded on a framework upon relying on
so-called Fickian analogy. The joint automatic selection of the the representation of the ADE
advective term results from a spatial grid and at the time step solution through a generalized
velocity field, which is typically to capture the main space and Polynomial Chaos Expansion
assumed to obey Darcys law. time system dynamics. The space (gPCE).
In practical applications, adaptive process is driven by a The whole proposed
numerical approximation suitable anisotropic recovery- methodology is assessed
methodologies are demanded based error estimator which through two-dimensional
to compute the evolution enables us to properly select numerical tests. First a numerical
of the concentration in the the size, shape and orientation convergence analysis of the 1: Experimental flow cell; homogeneous sand pack: 2: Experimental flow cell; heterogeneous sand pack for t
solute concentration field a)-c); associated anisotropic = 5s (left), t = 7, 50s (center), t = 1, 900s (right): a)-c) solute
space-time domain of interest. of the mesh elements. The spatial mesh adaptivity is adapted mesh d)-f); details of the adapted mesh g)-i) for concentration field; d)-f) associated anisotropic adapted
Independently of the employed adaptation of the time step is performed by considering t = 100s (left), t = 1, 500s (center), t = 3, 000s (right) mesh; g)-h) details of low permeable block


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Federica Forte - Supervisor: Prof. Ing. Mario Grosso

Assistant supervisor: Dr. Danilo Fontana
Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) as the critical metal indium as LCD module. Indium recovery acetate and isopropyl alcohol; as an environmentally-sound from the leaching of the glass

Environmental and Infrastructures Engineering

are becoming more and more well as the glass fraction and from the aqueous phase is then the influence of the ultrasound alternative to the classical oil- substrate with HCl 6N) in order
widespread in electronic the polarizing films. Indium, in generally performed through treatment was also investigated. water extraction systems due to verify the selectivity of the
applications and they are particular, present in the LCD solvent extraction. Solvent The best results were achieved to their characteristics of low recovery technique compared to
definitely replacing the old panel as indium tin oxide layer extraction (or liquid-liquid by liquid nitrogen, since cost, reduced flammability and other ions (mainly tin).
cathode ray tube devices in (ITO, i.e. indium tin oxide), has extraction) has been widely used approximately 20 minutes reduced toxicity.
TVs and monitors. Due to been recently included in a list in the past as a concentration were sufficient to remove the Indium extraction tests in an
the presence of hazardous of critical raw materials by the and separation technique due polarizing film completely; aqueous biphasic system PEG-
components, that require European Commission and its to its characteristics of high moreover, the obtained product ammonium sulfate-water were
adequate treatment and recovery from secondary sources selectivity and high recovery did not show significant performed as a function of PEG
disposal operations, and to is gaining increasing attention efficiency. However, organic degradation. concentration, salt concentration
the relatively high content of among the scientific community. extractantssuch as D2EHPA, The second step of the recovery and molecular weight of PEG
critical raw materials that can In the last decade a number of TBP, Cyanex 272 and Cyanex process is the leaching (or solid/ (PEG 3,350 and PEG 10,000),
be recovered, treatment of works have been focusing on 923 diluted in organic diluents liquid extraction), aimed at using 1,10 phenanthroline as
waste LCDs has been gaining indium recovery from end-of- (such as kerosene, toluene etc.) dissolving the valuable metals a ligand. Experimental data
increasing attention among life LCDs. In most cases thermal are often employed, which are from the glass substrate. In order showed that indium partitioning
the scientific community in treatment at high temperature potentially hazardous for human to evaluate the best operative between the bottom and the
recent years. In Europe waste was employed for the removal health and the environment conditions, a number of leaching top phase is quite independent
LCDs are fed into a separate of the polarizing film, which since they are responsible tests were performed on a pure from the composition of the
recycling process after collection. implies energy consumption and for VOCs emissions into the reagent (indium tin oxide, -325 system, since 80-90% indium is
Treatment process generally potentially harmful atmospheric atmosphere. mesh, 99.99% trace metals extracted in the bottom phase
consists in a disassembly emissions. Indium recovery from The aim of this research basis, Sigma Aldrich) by varying and 10-20% in the top phase.
step aimed at removing the the glass substrate is generally project is to develop a the leaching agent, the contact By increasing PEG concentration,
hazardous components and performed by hydrometallurgical hydrometallurgical technique time and the liquid/solid ratio the ratio between the bottom
the valuable ones for further techniques, consisting in a to recover valuable materials (L/S). The best results were and the top phase volume
treatment and recovery; whilst leaching step aimed at dissolving from waste LCDs. The first step achieved by employing HCl 6N decreases; since the percentage
for some components separated the metals of interests, followed of the recovery process here as a lixiviant, since in a relatively of indium extracted in the
after primary dismantling by a separation step. The proposed is aimed at removing short time (6h) ~90% indium bottom phase is invariable, this
(metallic fractions and metal leaching is often carried out by the polarizing film from the was extracted. The operative leads to a concentration of
rich-components such as printed employing acid mixtures with glass substrate. Different conditions thus defined (HCl 6N, the species of interest. Indium
circuit boards and cables) the inhomogeneous concentration treatment options were tested, t=6h) were then employed for extraction is quite similar by
recovery paths are quite well values, so that a comparison such as thermal and chemical the leaching of the LCD glass employing PEG 3,350 as well
established, some others, such among the lixiviants (in terms ones. Thermal treatments substrate, i.e. the solid residue as PEG 10,000, however the
as the LCD glass panel, require of leaching efficiency) is were performed both at high obtained after the removal of volume ratio decrease is more
further investigation. The LCD not always straightforward. (T=100-240C, 20C/h) and at the polarizing film with liquid significant if PEG 3,350 is
panels are currently stocked Moreover, a shredding step low temperature, the latter by nitrogen. employed (in correspondence
at the plant or incinerated, is often performed before employing liquid nitrogen (T = Indium recovery from the of [PEG]=18% w/w, the ratio
since no recycling process is the leaching; in same cases -196C). Chemical treatments aqueous phase was then between the bottom and the
available yet at the industrial it is carried out on the glass were carried out by soaking investigated through solvent top phase volume is ~1.1).
scale; this practice obviously substrate obtained after the the waste LCDs into a number extraction with aqueous Further extraction tests should
leads to a loss of resources removal of the polarizing film of organic solvents such as biphasic systems (ABSs), which be performed on the leachate
potentially recoverable, such in other cases on the entire acetone, limonene, ethyl are now gradually emerging (i.e. the aqueous phase coming

DEVELOPMENT AND TEST nable forestry and agriculture HexaKopter and the Nikon an approach already performed

PhD Yearbook | 2015

monitoring and mapping. 1 J1 flew over a mineral on very high resolution satellite
OF A MULTI-SENSOR Unmanned AIRCRAFT The second experiment was
performed with a fixed-wing
aggregate deposit with the aim
of assessing its volume. The
imagery, by selecting the best
window sizes of the Grey
system FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEYS Swinglet CAM equipped with
an integrated RGB camera:
processing pipelines of Agisoft
PhotoScan, PhotoModeler and
Level Co-occurrence Matrix
and the best texture features.
this time, the purpose was some in-house photogrammetric The concurrent use of texture
Rossana Gini - Supervisor: Dr. Giovanna Sona the comparison between the programs (developed by and multispectral channels
pipelines of photogrammetric University of Parma) were tested actually improved the Maximum
and Computer Vision-based and compared: once again, the Likelihood classification overall 283
In the past the Unmanned almost fully automated data and Geodesy section of DICA) software. Analyses on bundle Agisoft PhotoScan performance accuracy. The same result came

Environmental and Infrastructures Engineering

Aircraft Systems (UAS) processing but lacking in decided to exploit some block adjustments and on was satisfactory not only in the from the multi-temporal images,
development was driven only intermediate quality control collaborations, in order to the final products (DSMs and bundle block adjustment but whilst the IHS transformation
by the military market, thanks checks. acquire basic expertise in the orthophotos) were carried out: also in the modelling phase, (carried out to reduce the
to their ability to perform the UAS equipped with GNSS/INS practical use of UAS as well as in the Computer Vision-based producing a complete and correlation between RGB bands)
so-called dull, dirty and/or systems and digital cameras have the processing of such imagery. software Agisoft PhotoScan was smooth DSM. Agisoft PhotoScan did not lead to a classification
dangerous tasks. Nowadays, become an interesting subject In the first investigation, a able to obtain good results by results seem trustworthy but improvement.
the appellation of the three of research also in the Remote quadrotor MicrodronesTM md4- means of a fast processing, with a reference volume value of In conclusion, this dissertation
D is going to be replaced by Sensing community. Indeed, 200 was equipped with two few inputs from the user. On the mineral deposit will be showed that the developed
a new one, namely the three their capability to generate compact cameras to collect the contrary, photogrammetric acquired to enable more reliable multi-sensor UAS demonstrated
P of precision, proximity and hyperspatial resolution imagery RGB and Near-Infrared (NIR) software like PhotoModeler comparisons and estimates. great potentialities: indeed,
periodic: these adjectives refer at highly flexible temporal images, which were analysed and LPS obtained better results In the third case study, despite the limited payload and
to the low-altitude and periodic scales makes the UAS suitable from both photogrammetric in terms of Root Mean Square both cameras were used to power endurance, its flexibility
UAS flights which allow the to fill the gap between finer and photo-interpretation Errors of Check Points residuals, acquire imagery of a nursery allowed the achievement
acquisition of hyperspatial, scale field samples and coarser points of view. This experience but with more user effort. In and perform tree species of good results in different
precise and proximal data. scale satellite or aerial imagery. proved that commercial addition, Agisoft PhotoScan classification. A multi-temporal applications. Future outlooks
Furthermore, the low cost of Despite that, developing photogrammetric software demonstrated to be able to analysis was accomplished may be the improvement
platforms and GNSS/INS systems vegetation maps from UAS packages, like PhotoModeler well model buildings, flat and by flying in summer and in of the on-board GNSS/INS
together with the variety of imagery presents certain and LPS, were able to perform shadowed areas, and it created autumn, and a bi-temporal band system accuracy to enable
available sensors make the UAS challenges: the spatial resolution the triangulation of non- orthophotos with a high quality ratio was computed in order direct photogrammetry, and
suitable to be employed in all is very high but the spectral and conventional imagery. Then, level. to exploit any phenological further analyses related to the
the situations where a traditional radiometric ones obtained from classification of tree species was After these first investigations, differences of the eleven plants classification workflow: indeed,
vehicle (i.e. airplane) would be the low-cost compact cameras accomplished on a multispectral a multi-sensor UAS was selected as classes. Different some of its steps may be better
too expensive to justify its use. are relatively low, and the Red, layer stack, generated thanks developed by buying a low-cost synthetic bands were derived, exploited for improving the tree
In the last few years the Green and Blue bands are highly to the co-registration of RGB HexaKopter by MikroKopter and like vegetation indices, IHS species classification.
UAS have been successfully correlated. and NIR orthophotos through two sensors: a compact digital channels and texture measures, Lastly, hypertemporal monitoring
introduced also in the Therefore, it is still necessary the projection on a common RGB camera Nikon 1 J1 and a thanks to the employment of may be possible (at least on
Photogrammetry and Remote to develop appropriate Digital Surface Model (DSM). In Colour Infrared (CIR) Tetracam the original RGB and CIR bands small areas) by means of micro
Sensing fields, but some Photogrammetry and Remote addition, some synthetic bands ADC Lite. Different applications of the orthophotos created in UAS, compact cameras and
investigations are still needed Sensing methodologies, by were produced to improve were carried out with this Agisoft PhotoScan. At present, Agisoft PhotoScan by achieving
to establish specific processing testing the potentialities of the the classification results, like UAS: in this dissertation, three only few studies have been good geometrical accuracies
methodologies: indeed, a pure different systems and assessing the Normalised Difference exemplifying case studies were already made on incorporation in short time. Obviously, more
photogrammetric approach has the accuracies of the final Vegetation Index and the chosen and described. of texture to classify tree species investigations are needed in
often trouble with UAS blocks, products. Intensity, Hue, Saturation (IHS) In the first experiment, the UAS on hyperspatial UAS imagery, this direction before such a
because of the presence of non- Embedded in this context, the channels. Even though the acquired imagery of an ancient but none has used at the same workflow may be considered
nadir images, scale differences, present dissertation focused target species (a non-native farmstead: the good level of time a pixel-based classification well-established.
illumination changes, vehicle on the development and test invasive plant) was only partly detail of the RGB orthophoto approach and multi-temporal
attitude fluctuations within the of a multi-sensor UAS system recognised by the Maximum (Agisoft PhotoScan) allowed the bands. Hence, it was tried and
strip, etc. Hence, 3D modelling for performing environmental Likelihood algorithm, this visual inspection of the roofs as tested a new workflow which
software packages are emerging surveys. Before buying platform pilot study demonstrated that well as the structural integrity relies on standard Remote
from the Computer Vision and sensors, the Politecnico low-cost sensors mounted on analysis of the shingles. Sensing methods: for instance,
community: they enable an di Milano group (Geomatics mini UAS have potentialities to In another survey, the the texture analysis followed


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Gilberto Martnez-Arguelles - Supervisor: Filippo Giustozzi

Keeping roads in good condition mixes. Also, the environmental to high inhomogeneity of the Multiscale approach analyzing the samples by the extraction moduli and strength, although

Environmental and Infrastructures Engineering

requires regular maintenance effects of foaming agents or existing paved materials (e.g., the foamed bitumen and of the oxygen and accelerate the greater benefits are observed
activities; such maintenance additives, if used, have to be different age of the sections foamed bitumen mixes from the water extraction on the in moisture resistance.
requires a massive amount as low as possible to achieve to be recycled, dimension and different performance scale cylindrical specimens. The full scale investigation on
of non-renewable resources, good results in the Life Cycle shape of aggregates, binder (micro-scale, macro-scale and The full scale investigation trial sections in real-scale shown
mainly virgin aggregates, given Assessment (LCA) of the content, oxidation of binder, full-scale) by means of advanced involved the analysis of the the foamed bitumen mixes have
the large extent of the road product. etc.) even for relatively small laboratory research technics and performance of several trial performed very well in highways
networks. Besides, standard Different techniques are areas. Moreover, it is generally assessing bitumen fundamental sections with foamed bitumen with high to medium traffic
maintenance and rehabilitation currently being used to recycle agreed that cold-recycled mixes properties; physical, rheological, mixes in the State of Virginia. level. Structural evaluation over
activities create delays for users, existing pavements. One of end up being a cost-effective chemical, microscopic. The Performance data analyzed the first two years showed an
traffic capacity deficiencies, and the most adopted is based on method but with inferior long- mix design process, as well as, involved functional and increasing trend on the stiffness
safety issues for construction foamed bitumen mixes. Foamed term performance with respect the study of the mechanical structural parameters with of the section influenced
site workers and drivers; on bitumen is produced when hot to hot-mixes. Nevertheless, properties of foamed bitumen service time between 4 and 7 basically by the curing process.
the other hand, it demands a bitumen, cold water, and air despite significant advancements mixes were also investigated. years. Foamed bitumen stabilization
large amount of virgin material are mixed under pressure in an in the last decade, the adoption In addition, the effect of The approach of the shown better performance in
handling and equipment. The expansion chamber. Sometimes of foamed bitumen still relies different bitumens sourced research together with the terms of surface distress that
economic crisis, increased costs a foam additive is added substantially on empirical trials on the foaming characteristic experimental program allowed sections treated with Portland
of materials, and a strong desire to improve the quality and and lacks universally accepted was addressed as well as the holistic understanding on cement.
to maintain a safe, efficient, and stability of the foam. Spraying mix-design procedures. Several impact of a commercial foaming the performance and factor
sustainable roadway system have simultaneously hot bitumen aspects concerning the effect additive on the fundamental affecting foamed bitumen and
fueled a resurgence of recycling (normally between 150C and of bitumen grade, source, bitumen properties. The foamed bitumen mixes. The
existing pavement as a primary 180C) and water (ambient and chemical composition on influence of the bitumen influence of the foaming process
option. temperature) causes the mix to foaming properties are not yet sourced, foaming additive and on the bitumen fundamental
The practice of limiting the expand several times its original fully understood. Analogously, foaming characteristic was then properties, as well as the effect
disposal of old pavement volume generating a fine mist the impact and influence of investigated on the mechanical of bitumen source, bitumen
materials is well known by or foam. The physical properties these characteristics require behavior of foamed bitumen grade on the foaming properties
minimizing the use and transport of this new binder are altered more research in order to truly mixes considering three foamed was identified. Fundamental
of virgin aggregates as well temporarily (seconds), for identify bitumen and foamed bitumen contents. A number of properties as viscosity and
as reducing land filling; it also example, viscosity and surface bitumen characteristic governing different foamed bitumen mixes chemical analysis (Differential
lowers environmental impact. tension of the bitumen are mechanical performance of were manufactured involving scanning calorimetry) revealed
These benefits, combined with reduced significantly allowing foamed bitumen mixes (FBM). two types of synthetic fiber better understanding and
the lower temperatures used the binder to coat partially the Road industry offers interesting reinforcements at three different correspondence with foaming
in asphalt recycling, might aggregates during the mixing alternatives such as fiber fiber contents. A select group of properties. The addition of
lead to the belief that recycling process. Foamed bitumen reinforcement, that have been mixes involved Portland cement FA had very little effect on the
always represents an eco- mixes are mostly applied by successfully tested on hot mix as active filler. A novel curing mechanical performance with
effective strategy. However, European countries as a cost- asphalt, opening new windows process has been proposed. respect to mixes with the same
producing asphalt mixes at effective replacement for base for enhancing mechanical The advantages of the novel bitumen but without FA. The FR
lower temperatures represents and sub-base layers; full-depth properties of FBM. Another key method involves the inclusion of inclusion resulted in increased
a successful alternative only if recycling and cold-in-place issue is the analysis of full scale a vacuum system device during dynamic modulus at some
the final pavement is capable of methodologies are generally performance of pavements with the mixes curing process in temperatures. Portland cement
competing, in terms of durability considered hard to implement foamed bitumen applications. laboratory, which may reduce used as active filler provided
for instance, with standard hot- on upper surface layers due This doctoral study employed a the possible aging process on significant increments in both

LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF WASTE PREVENTION depend on different variables. were characterised in terms of and energy performance. The

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Frequently, these variable depict perspective on waste prevention municipal waste management
ACTIVITIES: METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH the way the activity is actually
implemented by the involved
activities, functional unit, system
boundaries and of the resulting
system of the Lombardia Region,
Italy, was specifically selected
AND CASE STUDIES FOCUSED ON PACKAGING actors (citizens, institutions,
producers etc.), but can also
procedure for the calculation of
the potential impacts. Both the
for the assessment, as this
region is based on an advanced
relate to the substituted approaches provide the same management scheme and has
Simone Nessi - Supervisor: Mario Grosso product. Examples of these result in terms of difference set specific waste reduction
variables for the two examined between the impacts of a waste targets for 2020. A 2020
prevention activities are the prevention scenario and a reference scenario was thus 287
Waste prevention has become A comprehensive review of studies were then carried out, distance travelled by car to reach baseline one. As this difference compared with different waste

Environmental and Infrastructures Engineering

one of the pillars of the viable actions for the prevention to evaluate the environmental public fountains, the overall represents the net impacts of prevention scenarios, where the
European waste management of municipal waste was carried and energy convenience of two volume of water withdrawn at the considered waste prevention two examined activities are both
policy in the last decade. To help out as a first research step. It municipal waste prevention the fountains, the conditions activities and of any possible separately and contemporarily
Europe to become a society showed that most prevention activities based on product in which the container used change in the management of implemented, by assuming a
that seeks to avoid waste and actions are based on four main substitution. The first activity to withdraw tap water at the the remaining waste, both the complete substitution of the
use them as resources, the mechanisms, which generate substitutes bottled water by households is automatically approaches can indifferently be traditional product(s). The
member states are now required different environmental public network water withdrawn dishwashed, the distance along used to evaluate the effects of results showed that, when the
to develop national waste consequences. Such mechanisms from the tap or public fountains, which the replaced bottled implementing specific waste overall life cycle impacts of the
prevention programmes, setting include: (a) the reduction in the to reduce the amount of water is transported to retailers prevention activities in a real or alternative product are lower
quantitative objectives and consumption of products or waste generated from the or local distributors and the fictional waste management than those of the substituted
appropriate measures for their services; (b) the substitution of consumption of drinking water. number of uses of refillable system. Nevertheless, due to traditional product, the overall
achievement (Waste Framework products or services with less The second activity is instead containers for loose detergents. the partially different upstream environmental performances
Directive 2008/98/EC). The waste-generating equivalent based on the substitution of The need of adopting a life cycle system boundaries adopted of the waste management
programmes should focus on ones; (c) the reuse of disposable liquid detergents packaged in thinking approach to properly by the two approaches, the system are improved, due mainly
the key environmental impacts or durable goods; and (d) single-use plastic containers, assess the environmental and results of single scenarios are to the additional upstream
associated with the whole life the extension of the lifespan by those distributed loose energy convenience of waste different when calculated with benefits of waste prevention
cycle of the products and the of durable goods. While a through self-dispensing systems prevention activities based on one approach rather than the (avoided production and use
materials becoming waste, and reduction in product or service and refillable containers, to product substitution was thus other. The interpretation of of the substituted product).
pursue the dissociation of these consumption is expected to achieve a less waste-generating demonstrated. scenarios results needs thus to The observed percentage
impacts from the economic generate only environmental distribution system. In both the As a further research step, two be carried out differently. For improvements are generally
growth. In Italy, each Region and energy benefits (provided assessments, different baseline alternative methodological the same reason, the application higher compared to the
is also required to prepare that possible rebound effects scenarios using the substituted LCA approaches (conceptual of the two approaches will be percentage of waste prevented,
a regional waste prevention due to the increased income product (e.g. bottled water) models) to incorporate waste more suitable in studies with but are not always appreciable.
programme, defining further available to the consumers are were compared with two prevention activities into LCAs different specific purposes. By In fact, while for the bottled
objectives and tangible actions not taking place), the other waste prevention scenarios of integrated municipal waste defining a proper functional unit water substitution such
to be implemented locally. types of mechanisms also involve using the alternative product management systems were and setting adequate system improvements range mostly
Both the European and the additional impacts (due, e.g., to (e.g. tap water). Each baseline identified, presented and boundaries, it is thus possible to between 5% and 158%, for
Italian waste legislation require the consumption of alternative scenario accounted for the discussed. The definition of the apply LCA to municipal waste the liquid detergent substitution
that waste management and products or services). The use of a particular type and/ approaches was based on both a management systems which they exceed 3% for just one
prevention options are chosen balance between avoided and or size of packaging for the structured reorganisation of the include all the options of the impact category.
so that an overall positive additional impacts needs thus substituted product, while the amendments already available waste hierarchy and not only
environmental outcome is to be carefully evaluated, in a waste prevention scenarios in the literature into a common those that can be applied after
achieved, when the impacts life cycle perspective, to properly depicted different ways of approach, and on further the waste is generated.
associated with the whole life assess the environmental and providing the citizens with elaborations and research. The Finally, to demonstrate the
cycle of products are assessed. energy convenience of those the alternative, less waste- identified approaches were applicability of the identified
Thus, selected waste prevention waste prevention activities that generating product. The results conceived for the comparison of methodology, the two waste
measures and actions shall not are not based on the simple of the two assessments revealed waste management scenarios prevention activities examined
only allow for a reduction in reduction in product or service that the ultimate environmental implementing specific waste initially were implemented
the quantity or hazardousness consumption. and energy convenience of a prevention activities, with one in a real waste management
of waste, but also in the overall To support this claim, two life waste prevention activity based or more baseline scenarios system, to evaluate the effects
environmental impacts. cycle assessment (LCA) case on product substitution can without waste prevention. They on its overall environmental


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Diana Pagliari - Supervisor: Livio Pinto

Nowadays, the demand for one or more digital cameras Lying System), whose final few centimeter of error in all developed. This sensor could are re-projected on the point

Environmental and Infrastructures Engineering

devices and applications that (pointing rightward to the objective is to georeference directions, have been obtained represent a very useful tool for clouds, generated from the
need navigation solutions is building faades) and a GPS a GPR (Ground Penetrating introducing also the relative small budget project because depth maps. These points are
continuously growing. For antenna (see Fig.1). Radar) antenna in urban areas. orientation constrain between it allows combining together used to estimate the rotation
instance, consider the constant From the images acquired Because this instrument has the two cameras installed on visual and depth data, which can matrix between subsequent
and increasingly request of during the survey, a number a very slow motion, a low- the vehicle roof. A series of compensate reciprocally their point clouds and, consequently,
3D mapping services or the of tie points is extracted using cost solution based on IMU simulations and preliminary weaknesses. The Kinect sensor to estimate the followed
development of application automatic algorithms; then (Inertial Measurement Unit) is tests have been performed. can be remotely controlled by a trajectory. The trajectory has
based on users location. In these data are used as input not feasible. The investigated Finally, some kinematic tests laptop and it is able to acquire been recovered with an accuracy
some case is sufficient to know to solve the bundle block solution has been tested under have been realized acquiring RGB, infrared and depth images of 0.05 meters.
approximately where the sensor adjustment problem, together different scenarios, recovering a block composed by 600 almost simultaneously, with a
is located (i.e. at room level), with some Ground Control trajectory with a precision of images along a close trajectory, frame rate up to 15 fps. All the
but in a large amount of cases Points extracted from urban 0.20 meters, or even better. but also considering a block device image sensors have been
a more accurate solution is maps. Furthermore, in case some The obtained results show of 10 parallels strips, for a calibrated, in order to define the
required. good quality satellite positions how the accuracies of the total of 301 images, allowing error committed by this game
The navigation problem has are acquired (i.e. in areas where photogrammetric solution testing the proposed approach controller when it is used as
been solved for a long time the sky is more open, as in significantly improves by adding in different conditions. The a measuring system. Finally, a
using GNSS (Global Navigation correspondence of squares or some GPS pseudo-observation second test represents a kinematic test has been realized
Satellite System). However, the intersections) they are integrated to the problem itself. In fact, challenging situation from a in an office building, installing
satellite systems can be useless within the photogrammetric these points are known with few strictly photogrammetric point the sensor on a cart (see Fig.2).
in obstructed areas, such as solution. centimeter of error, so they can of view because of the peculiar
downtown or inside buildings. The proposed method has be very useful to better constrain conformation of the block and
An interesting low cost option is been studied in the frame of the solution and to correct the presence of a single flat
represented by photogrammetry, UMALS project (High-speed 3D some systematic error that can building faade: the method
assisted by additional Underground utilities Mapping be present in urban maps too. has been proven reliable also
information in order to scale the and Automatic electrical cable Better results, in the order of under these circumstances.
photogrammetric problem and Furthermore, matching methods
obtain a solution also when the based on the trifocal test and
situation is critical for imaging multi-images approached have
based methods (i.e. poor texture been widely tested.
on the frame scene). Photogrammetry can represent
In this PhD thesis the problem of a useful tool in order to define
recovering a navigation solution the followed trajectory indoor
in critical areas has been faced too. It can be useful not only 2. The cart equipped with the Kinect,
developing low-cost systems for for navigation purposes, but a laptop and a reflective prism used to
both indoor and outdoor areas. also for reconstruct the building track the reference trajectory
In urban areas a positioning itself. This last task is currently of
system based on topic interest for BIM (Building The collected data are combined
photogrammetry, using urban Information Model) creation. A together in order to reconstruct
map as constrain, has been method based on the integrated the trajectory followed by the
developed and tested. The 1. A schematic representation of a typical survey situation with the vehicle, use of the data delivered by sensor: the RGB images are
vehicle has been equipped with equipped with two digital cameras and a GPS antenna, ready for the survey Kinect for Xbox One has been used to identify tie points that

Analysis of biological processes in WWTPS other hand, the decrease in pH Conclusions

PhD Yearbook | 2015

revealed the start of nitrification The relationship between pH/
for management, control and automation activity. The maximum pH value
occurs when ORP becomes
ORP profiles and biological
processes taking place in
constant at around -150mV (i.e.: each phase of an SBR cycle is
denitrification is completed). well-known. On the contrary,
Evaluating the correlation this relationship has not been
Dalila Pulcini - Tutor and Supervisor: Prof. Roberto Canziani coefficient its noteworthy that sufficiently investigated, yet,
Co-Supervisor: Ing. Luca Luccarini the signals pH and ORP are in continuous flow reactors.
always correlated, but during This study indicates that there 291
Introduction out in a thermostated (20C) normal. the transition from Case 1 to is the possibility to achieve

Environmental and Infrastructures Engineering

Wastewater treatment plants pilot plant at ENEA (Bologna, Case 1 (anomalous): ORP >> Case 3 the correlation is always important information about
are complex systems, where a Italy), made of a reactor zone 0mV (around 100mV); NOx- > 0 negative. the denitrification process by
large amount of information (pre-denitrification and oxidation mg/l; meaning too low carbon/ monitoring pH and ORP in the
should be known to prevent tank), a pumping system (load, Nitrogen ratio. Case 2 anoxic tank. In particular ORP
failures and keep the plant internal and external recycle), an Case2 (anomalous): ORP << When ORP was around -350 mV characterizes typical operational
running regularly. Some variables aeration system and a secondary 0mV (=~ -350 mV); NOx- = ~ 0 in the anoxic tank, this indicated conditions (e.g.: excess carbon
and parameters in wastewater settler. The pre denitrification mg/l; meaning: Too high C/N that denitrification process was and lack of nitrate, or vice versa,
treatment plants (WWTPs) may tank was continuously mixed ratio. complete, but a considerable or, finally, a balanced ratio of the
be conveniently monitored to but not aerated, while the Case 3 (normal): ORP~ 0 mV residual soluble COD (> 20 mg/l) two), while pH trend indicates
gather information that helps nitrification one was kept (operative range =~-250mV was still present. The internal possible transitions between two
in monitoring and controlling aerobic (DO = 1.5-2.5 mg/l) ; -50mV), NOx- = ~ 0 mg/l; recycle flow was gradually different conditions (e.g. due to
the bioprocess that occur in through an on-off controller Correct C/N ratio. increased to increase the nitrate variable influent COD/N ratios)
the plant. Up to recent years, actuating an air pump. The Operation strategy should be load to the denitrification tank. and the Perarsons coefficient
automation has been considered sludge settled in a sedimentation able to detect Case 1 and 1 Finally, when the internal recycle shall be used to monitoring the
costly in WWTP design, and it tank and was recycled to the and to bring automatically the was increased until the ORP transition.
has been often neglected in the anoxic tank. The pilot plant was system back to Case 3, which profile started to increase. Again These results persuade that
initial design of these plants. fed with a synthetic wastewater is the only admissible operative the correlation inverted its sign continuous measurement of
However, an adequate use simulating a real municipal case that can ensure the correct and was effective in actuating pH and ORP allow an effective
of ICA (Instruments, Control wastewater. The pH of the operating processes in a waste the corrective action. monitoring of the denitrification
and Automation) can make influent has been monitored water treatment plant. All the information described are process in CAS plants, as a
a plant run consistently and during all the experimentation reported in the following figure consequence of the availability
economically. and was maintained at 7.5. Case 1 (Fig.1): in red the ORP signal, in of biodegradable organic carbon
Although process control in SBR The aim of this strategy was purple the pH signal and dots for denitrification, which is
plants has been widely studied Results and Discussion to decrease the recirculated blue are Pearsons coefficient expressed as the COD/N ratio in
and implemented based on Three different operating nitrate in order improve the values. the influent wastewater.
simple and roust indirect signals condition of denitrification denitrification process operating
such as pH, ORP and DO, the process have been recognized, in condition different from
same does not apply for CAS through the continuous the normal condition. After
(Conventional Activated Sludge) monitoring of pH and ORP few hours ORP decreased to
plants. signals in anoxic tank. In below -150mV, and oxidized
The aim of this research is to particular, we found that ORP nitrogen compounds reduced
study the indirect signals (pH value identify the operational to near zero. In the same
and ORP) and biological process state of the process in a time, pH increased rapidly,
performance in continuous-flow pre-denitrification system, passing from 7.6 to 7.8. It is
activated-sludge plants in order anoxic, oxic and anaerobic, noticeable that the first pH
to verify how these signals can while pH trend detect when a knee occurs when ORP starts
be used to monitor and control transition among these states is decreasing. This fact means
the biological processes. happening. Results have been that only after nitrates reduced
classified according to three to near zero, ORP passed from
1. Signals profiles for anoxic tank, in RED the ORP, in purple pH signal and dots
Materials and Methods cases, two of them defined a highly positive value to a blue are Pearsons coefficient. On the left is represented the Case 1 and on the
The experimentation was carried anomalous and the third one highly negative value. On the right the Case 2.

Characterization of Multiphase Flow

PhD Yearbook | 2015

in Porous Media under WAG Injection
Ehsan Ranaee - Supervisor: Prof. Alberto Guadagnini
Co-Supervisors: Prof. Monica Riva and Dr. Giovanni Porta
With the ongoing advancements plays a crucial role and need The aim of this research is to

Environmental and Infrastructures Engineering

in enhanced oil recovery (EOR), to be carefully characterized. (see Figure 1): (i) analyze the
5 to 15 percent increase of Tasks undertaken during this set of existing relationship
oil recovery is reported after research are associated with between three-phase oil
implementation of Water development, implementation relative permeability and 1 Workflow of the research.
Alternating Gas (WAG) injection and testing a new approach key input variables typically
in reservoirs which have been for the estimation of oil relative considered, (ii) characterize
previously exploited for several permeability, kro, under three- a novel methodology for the of a nonlinear sigmoid- black oil simulator to assess
years under primary and/or phase environments. prediction of three-phase oil based model to incorporate the field scale performance of
secondary recovery techniques. It is well known that oil relative relative permeability, and (iii) information of initial and this model in comparison with
It is expected that a fraction of permeability is generally affected introduce a workflow for the ending point conditions from commonly used three-phase
residual oil remobilizes due to by characteristics of rock implementation of such model two-phase (e.g., water-oil and relative permeability/hysteresis
trapping of gas phase in the properties, fluid properties and in black oil reservoir simulators. oil-gas) oil saturation-relative models. To this end, we consider
regions previously exploited the interaction between rock- A first set of results relies on permeability datasets. This a simple synthetic homogeneous
through waterflooding. This fluid and fluid-fluid properties. the statistical study of a set modeling strategy enables one reservoir (Figure 2) and compare 2 Synthetic reservoir developed for
process can improve oil recovery Only a few complete sets of of core-flooding experiments the assessment of the Sigmoid-based
to (a) obtain estimates of three- the performance of our model relative permeability model in field
by combining increased mobility laboratory experiments of available from the literature. We phase kro, and (b) capture key against that of other existing scale applications.
(macroscopic sweep efficiency) three-phase flow are available characterize the relationship that effects of the pore-scale phase models in predicting field oil
and enhanced pore-scale to date. Empirical models links oil relative permeability to distributions which occur in a efficiency (FOE) and residual oil
displacement (microscopic are typically implemented to the commonly considered state three-phase environment and saturation, Sor. We also perform
sweep efficiency) of the oil estimate oil relative permeability variables (e.g., phase saturations are not included in currently a preliminary global sensitivity
phase. to be employed in field scale and saturation ending points). available models. The robustness analysis (GSA) of the system
Prediction of key features of computations. These models Our results show that commonly of the proposed methodology behavior, in view of future
reservoir scale processes under are generally grounded on an employed linear interpolation is assessed and demonstrated applications of the model to
WAG injection scenarios is interpolation of experimental strategies are not appropriate through comparison of model reservoir characterization (Figure
typically performed through relative permeability data to reproduce observed three- parameters estimates obtained 3).
numerical simulation tools observed under two-phase phase oil relative permeability, by relying solely on two-phase It is expected that future
relying on a straightforward core-flooding experiences even as prior information data against their counterparts applications of this semi-
extension of Darcys law to which then leads to estimates about saturation ending points estimated within a Maximum empirical model may comprise
multiphase flow dynamics. of relative permeabilities under is available from three-phase Likelihood (ML) framework diverse field-scale conditions
Besides common uncertainties three-phase flow conditions. measurements. Results also on the basis of three-phase associated with WAG injection
in characteristics of fluids Results collected in this work demonstrate that three-phase measurements. Results obtained protocols, including the analysis
properties (e.g., density and show that the ability of typically oil relative permeability exhibits through this working hypothesis of, e.g., history matching and
viscosity) and heterogeneity used interpolation models to a clear correlation with oil are compared against two well placement, control and
of the host rock matrix (e.g., interpret experimental data is saturation, initial and residual sets of experimental data. The optimization strategies.
porosity and permeability), quite limited. The most severe oil saturation and two-phase oil comparisons reveal that most 3 Time evolution of field oil efficiency
numerical simulation of flow limitation of simple interpolation relative permeabilities observed experimental observations (FOE) as rendered by the Sigmoid-
under WAG conditions requires models is their inability to in an oil-gas system. A mild are accurately reproduced by based model in comparison with
coping with the intricate capture hysteresis effects, i.e., negative correlation is also found other commonly employed relative
the proposed model, which permeability models. Symbols () and
details of flow dynamics of the dependence of oil relative between oil relative permeability can also include wettability () respectively represent the mean
three-phase systems. In this permeability on saturation path and trapped gas saturation. effects. Finally, the model is and width of uncertainty bounds for
context, oil relative permeability history. A key result is the development implemented in the ECLIPSE FOE.


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Ramin Saidiazar - Supervisor: Pietro Alessandro Brivio

Since the first satellite missions sensors and backscattered by the single look complex (SLC) results with an overall accuracy imaging. The main idea is that

Environmental and Infrastructures Engineering

in the early 70s, remote data were used to calculate
the surface, is instead sensitive for early crop mapping (at the for natural resources monitoring
sensing has been playing an to the geometry, texture and backscattering signal from end of July) of 87.7%. These we should be able to exploit
increasingly important role as a dielectric properties of the the burned surfaces. A fuzzy results are satisfactory for multi-sensors data by developing
source of data/information for vegetated surfaces. Moreover, burned area mapping algorithm, the use of the crop map in a new advanced and more
environmental studies. With the SAR sensors operating at longer an approach that relies on monitoring system that provides appropriate techniques for fully
multi-criteria of convergence 1. Burned area mapping and its information for public and
launch of more sophisticated wavelengths, are least affected exploitation of the information
accuracy using optical and SAR data
satellites, the amount of by cloud cover and atmospheric of partial evidence of burning over Portugal for the year 2003. private decision-makers (Figure content of Earth Observation
data and its availability to conditions. Optical and provided by different spectral 2). satellite data. The analysis of
the scientific community has microwave sensors are therefore indices (SI) in order to derive specific interest in the reliability General conclusion upon the techniques for optical and
increased. Two classes of Earth complementary for operational the layers of candidate seeds of a map delivered early during research carried out on both SAR data integration takes an
Observation (EO) satellite vegetation monitoring, although and candidate region growing the crop season. The study topics is that the integration of important role in the perspective
sensors are nowadays available: these two branches of remote boundaries, has been refined area is located in Northern Italy, SAR and optical data improved of future satellite missions such
passive and active sensors. sensing have operated for a longto integrate the information where independent information accuracies in both applications. as the ESA-Sentinels, which
The former, depends on the time independently; it is now brought by both optical SIs were available for validation by SAR can play a unique role in will provide consistent and
Suns reflected and/or emitted and SAR imageries (pre- and
recognized that several fields of Regione Lombardia. Landsat-8 maintaining mapping accuracy continuous data for natural
spectral radiation from the application would benefit from post-fire temporal difference of Operational Land Imager (OLI) at a satisfactory level by resource monitoring.
target, the latter is able to send their integration. the backscattering coefficient). and ASI (Agenzia Spaziale replacing and/or complementing
a signal and to measure the The thesis research has focusedThe difference image between Italiana) Cosmo SkyMed the optical information and
received radiation backscattered pre- and post-fire acquisitions
on the feasibility of synergistic images, optical and SAR data could fill the gaps where there
from the Earth surface. highlights burned areas as
exploitation of optical and radar respectively, were collected to are limitations to optical data
Focusing on land vegetation characterized by a backscatter
satellite data for natural resource build a multi-temporal dataset. such as cloud cover or nighttime
monitoring, passive satellite greater than the surrounding
monitoring and, specifically, for The Enhanced Vegetation Index,
sensors operate in optical/ monitoring natural vegetation unburned vegetation. This Red Green Ratio Index and the
thermal wavelengths domain. disturbances (i.e. mapping the property was used in the Normalized Difference Flood
By measuring the radiation areas affected by fires) and region growing module of Index were used for optical data
reflected from the vegetated agriculture (i.e. mapping crop the fuzzy algorithm to reduce and sigma naught value of the
canopies, in the visible and extension and types). the likelihood of selecting backscattering for the SAR data.
near-infrared domain, satellite false seeds. Burned area maps Three different classification
sensors provide information In case of burned area mapping, obtained (Figure 1) show that algorithms have been tested:
on the photosynthetic activity the study area was chosen to SAR data can bring substantial Maximum Likelihood, Minimum
of vegetation and leaf internal be Portugal due to historical amount of information to Distance and Spectral Angle
structure; at the longer infrared records of fire happened in enhance mapping accuracy: by Mapper. Classification of crop
(thermal) wavelengths they this area and burning of nearly decreasing commission errors, types was carried out at two
measure the amount of energy 45% of the countrys surface in the overall accuracy increases. levels of detail: one with 15
emitted from the surface 30 years. Landsat-5 Thematic In the second application, classes and one with 7 classes.
and reaching the sensor as Mapper (TM) data provided by the integration of SAR and Moreover, classification accuracy
an indicator of the thermal NASA and ENVISAT Advanced optical data has the objective has been evaluated at different
conditions of the vegetated Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) to classify different types of time steps in order to simulate
surfaces (i.e. water stress). The data provided by ESA were used. crops at the regional scale near-real time mapping during
radiation emitted from SAR After analyzing different types and to simulate near-real time the crop season. Maximum 2. Crop map from integration of optical and SAR data using Maximum
(Synthetic Aperture Radar) of data from ENVISAT ASAR, mapping of crop types with Likelihood provided the best Likelihood classification with 7 classes of detail.


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Serrano Richard - Supervisor: Sans Fernando

The Global Navigation Satellite year). This result agrees with

Environmental and Infrastructures Engineering

System (GNSS) data is being the regions tectonic plate
extensively used for various movements.
purposes all around the world. The algorithm can be used to
This Doctoral thesis presents the determine deformations in areas
development of deformation where the people are in risk of
pattern of Ecuadorian Andes getting hurt and in areas with
based on GNSS permanent unstable landslides. It could be
network. In the last years, used to monitor the movements
Geocentric Reference System for of buildings, earthquake zones,
the Americas (SIRGAS) consisting bridges, etc.
of multiple GNNS networks has The development of a
been set and operating in South deformation monitoring network
America. In Ecuador, Red de in Ecuador based on GNSS Rinex
Monitoreo Continuo del Ecuador observations is presented. A
(REGME) network consisting stochastic mathematical analysis
of multiple GNNS permanent is applied to time series in
stations has been operating order to determine the stations
since 2009. behavior. The algorithm is
The aim of REGME is developed in Matlab. Results
maintaining an Ecuadorian from thesis show that it is
Geodetic Reference Framework possible to detect deformations
updated and compatible with in the order of a few millimeters.
positioning techniques available This thesis are sponsored and
today and a reliable collection supported by the Ecuadorian
of geographic data that can be Government through Secretaria
applied in cadaster, reference Nacional de Educacin Superior,
for relevant government projects Ciencia, Tecnologa e Innovacin
and monitoring earthquakes and (SENESCYT).
tectonics activities.
In this research, we investigate
13459 days of positioning data
of 9 REGME stations located
in continental Ecuador. GNSS
observations recorded were
evaluated and the time series
analyses were conducted to
determine the station behavior.
As result of the trend analyses
of time series it was determined
that the stations moves to
north east direction (8.5 mm/


PhD yearbook | 2015

Andrea Turolla - PhD Supervisor: Ing. Manuela Antonelli

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) experimental measurements model for reactive species hydroxyl radicals, has been


photocatalysis is one of the were performed by an quenching has been monitored over time in the
most investigated innovative optical goniometer (figure developed, accounting presence of dissolved species
processes for water and 1a), followed by a modelling for radiation transfer, TiO2 in solution. In case of TiO2
wastewater treatment since phase, developed by means nanoparticle aggregation suspensions, the influence
TiO2 photoelectrochemical of a multi-purpose CFD and kinetic reactions, and it of inorganic anions on TiO2
properties make it an excellent code and reproducing was calibrated by means of aggregation, evaluated by
material for promoting advanced the radiative fields in the experimental data collected in laser scattering techniques, is
oxidation. Current challenges in experimental setup (figure an experimental setup (UV1). described too. As for self-
the development of affordable 1b). The effectiveness of the The model has been validated ordered nanotubular TiO2,
and sustainable technological proposed methodology was by measurements carried out this innovative engineered
applications at full-scale proved by integrating optics, in a different experimental nanomaterial was grown
are mainly related to (i) the fluid dynamics and chemical setup (UV2), being the by anodic oxidation and
2. Oxidized iodide concentration vs. time: experimental data obtained in UV1
photocatalyst heterogeneous reactions in a CFD model, model capable of effectively characterized. Moreover, (diamonds) and UV2 (circles) setup, simulated data obtained in UV1 (blue line)
phase which enhance the simulating the degradation predicting experimental data, special attention was and UV2 setup (orange line).
complexity of the chemical- of oxalic acid in a semi-batch as reported in figure 2. dedicated to the evaluation
physical processes involved, and annular photoreactor. The third section concerns the of nanotubular TiO2 fouling and wastewater treatment is CFD code in describing fluid
(ii) the low process yield with In the second section the assessment of the influence and to the definition of a discussed. Such procedure is dynamics was proved and the
respect to other established implementation of two of several inorganic anions - regeneration protocol for based on the use of generated mixing conditions were assessed.
advanced oxidation processes, experimental protocols for namely carbonate, chloride, the photocatalytic material. photocurrent as an indicator CFD model was calibrated
such as ozone or hydrogen the measurement of reactive nitrate, phosphate and For both photocatalysts the of TiO2 photoactivation. In by radiometric measures and
peroxide combined to UV species is described, namely sulfate - on the photocatalytic detrimental effect of inorganic detail, generated photocurrent radiation transfer was described,
radiation. Therefore, further photogenerated holes and reactivity of commercial TiO2 anions has been discussed was monitored as a function determining radiation intensity
research is required, addressed hydroxyl radicals, at the nanoparticles in suspension and a modelling procedure of two operating conditions, and local volumetric rate of
to a deeper understanding of laboratory scale. These and immobilized self- for the influence of inorganic namely reactor configuration photon adsorption in the
the fundamental mechanistic protocols were applied for ordered nanotubular TiO2. anions on photogenerated and solution transmittance. reactor.
phenomena involved in TiO2 assessing the reactivity of In detail, the production holes based on competitive Then, a modelling procedure
photocatalysis, and to the suspensions of commercial of reactive species, namely adsorption has been for maximizing the
process optimization and scale- TiO2 nanoparticles. A photogenerated holes and proposed, highlighting the generated photocurrent
up. These topics are faced in effectiveness of Langmuir- in an electrophotocatalytic
the present PhD thesis, which Hinshelwood mechanism reactor was developed, whose
is structured in four sections, and the importance of mass effectiveness was validated in
as briefly described in the transport phenomena for several reactor configurations.
following. nanotubular TiO2. Model An optimization surface is
kinetic parameters were reported in figure 3.
The first section is estimated at various operating Finally, the appendix is dedicated
focused on modelling the conditions. to the CFD simulation of fluid
optical behaviour of TiO2 In the fourth section an dynamics and radiation transfer 3. Optimization surface, as generated
suspensions. In detail, an optimal design methodology in an unbaffled stirred tank photocurrent per supplied power
innovative methodology for for an electrophotocatalytic (PC/P), vs. cylinder radius (R) and
reactor for TiO2 nanoparticle
external irradiation distance (D) in
the characterization of the 1. Radiative field modelling: (a) goniometer for optical properties estimation, reactor using self-ordered photocatalysis at the laboratory triangular base unit configuration at
optical properties is proposed: (b) CFD simulation of the experimental setup. nanotubular TiO2 for water scale. The effectiveness of 100% solution transmittance.
Aerospace Engineering | Architectural
and Urban Design | Architectural
Composition | Architecture, Urban Design,
Conservation of Housing and Landscape
| Bioengineering | Building Engineering
| Design | Design and technologies for
cultural heritage | Electrical Engineering |
Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology
| Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture and
Exhibition Design | Management, Economics
and Industrial Engineering | Materials
Engineering | Mathematical MODELS and
METHODS IN Engineering | Mechanical
Engineering | Physics | Preservation of
THE Architectural Heritage | Rotary-wing
aircrafts | Spatial Planning and Urban
Development | Structural Seismic and
Geotechnical Engineering | Technology
and Design for Environment and Building
| Territorial Design and Government PhD Yearbook | 2015

DOCTORAL PROGRAM advisor is assigned to each student. The tutor has a supervisor

PhD Yearbook | 2015

function during the whole doctoral program, whereas the thesis
IN INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY advisor is responsible for the thesis work.


The Doctoral Program in Industrial Chemistry and Chemical


Chair: Engineering (CII) is designed for students aiming to get a deep
Prof. Tiziano Faravelli expertise on chemical processes and on material processing either
as the inherent research or in the process design and development Hazardous gas dispersion simulation Contaminated soil remediation
activities. from an industrial accident process
The program is the ideal extension of the Laurea Magistrale degrees
in Chemical Engineering, Safety and Prevention Engineering,
Materials Science, Material Engineering, Industrial Chemistry and The PC defines a specific curriculum for each student, on the basis
Chemistry, but it is also open to graduated in other scientific of the tutor suggestions. The curriculum has to be designed in
disciplines. order to both cover deficiencies in the student scientific formation
and to give a high-quality technical and scientific preparation.
Since 2001 (XVII cycle) the CII program graduates more than
100 students, being the 80% now working in industry and the
remaining in the university or government research centers. These
data demonstrate the great link existing between the performed
researches and the industry. In fact, more than 70% of the research
topics were directly supported by industrial companies, like ENEL,
LPE Epitaxial Technology, Bracco, Flamma, Mapei, Solvay Specialty

Structure simulation of Simulation of a chemical vapor deposition

Nitrogenase enzyme for N2 reaction for silicon films deposition
conversion to NH3

The general topic for the doctoral program in Industrial Chemistry

and Chemical Engineering is the application of the chemical and
physical knowledge to all the activities related to the synthesis,
design, production and transformation of chemical substances and
materials (like advanced inorganic, polymers and biomaterials).
These studies involve not only the synthesis processes but also the
related plants, here analyzed starting from the laboratory tests and Lab-scale air-lift gas-liquid reactor and simulation of flow field, gas hold up
and concentrations of main reactants (cyclohexane oxidation to adipic aci
the pilot plant experiments up to the industrial size ones, always
including the careful evaluation of the related energetic, safety and
environmental issues.
The final goal is to provide to the PhD student the tools and the
skills: (1) to design and manage industrial processes at any size
scales; (2) to develop new technical applications and (3) to create
and to characterize new products and services.
The CII program covers three years for an overall amounts of 180
credits. The responsibility of the organization and of the contents
of the doctoral program is attributed to the Professor Committee
(PC). At the beginning of the Doctoral program, a tutor and a thesis

PhD Yearbook | 2015

The Reference Committee
Dott. Margherita Albano (Solvay Specialty Polymers Italy SpA) Ing. Paolo Pollesel (Eni)
Ing. Stefano Canegallo (Pomini Rubber & Plastics) Ing. Gian Marco Polotti (Lamberti)
Dott. Dario Lazzari (Miteni) Ing. Vincenzo Guida (Procter & Gamble)
Ing. Renato Paludetto (Dow Italia)

Professors Committee


Tiziano Faravelli Alessandra Beretta Giulia Bozzano
Elisabetta Brenna Carlo Cavallotti Attilio Citterio
Renato Del Rosso Pio Forzatti Alessio Frassoldati
Francesco Gatti Luca Lietti Davide Manca
Maurizio Masi Andrea Mele Pierangelo Metrangolo
Massimo Morbidelli Davide Moscatelli Walter Navarrini
Isabella Nova Roberto Piazza Carlo Punta
Giuseppe Resnati Giancarlo Terraneo Enrico Tronconi

Solvay Specialty Polymers Italy SpA, IIT, Pirelli, MTU Friedrichshafen (Motoren Turbinen Union)

Polymer Nanoparticles for the Delivery of

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Hydrophobic Drugs

Claudio Colombo - Supervisor: Davide Moscatelli

The term drug delivery the production of polymer of publications focusing on validation of a nanoparticles relevant toxicity was found.


refers to a practice in which an nanoparticles, due to the polymer nanoparticles for library based on biodegradable The produced NPs have been
active compound is protected nature of these compounds biological applications has polyesters (PLA, PLGA, PCL) employed for the delivery
and delivered by a carrier with NPs are produced through been published since the 80s with easily tunable proprieties in of Paclitaxel, an anticancer
defined properties whose physical methods such as but only very few formulations terms of composition, dimension compound which requires the
dimension usually belongs to nanoprecipitation or solvent reached clinical trials or the and surface functionalization. use of excipients to be injected
the nanoscale. Several types of evaporation. market. This discrepancy This result was obtained through intravenously due to its poor
carrier have been developed From a clinical point of view, is due to the necessity of the use of functionalized water solubility. In particular
for this purpose, among which NPs can be seen a revolutionary characterizing the formulation polyester-based macromonomers the standard formulation of
liposomes, micelles and polymer way for the delivery of not only in terms of therapeutic obtained via Ring Opening Paclitaxel is based upon the use
nanoparticles (NPs). In particular, pharmaceuticals, particularly in efficacy and safety but also in Polymerization (ROP) of cyclic of Cremophor, a steric surfactant
latter carriers are considered anticancer therapy. In fact, they terms of biocompatibility and esters. These materials are then whose usage is correlated to
especially promising due to can act as a way to solubilize biodegradability of the polymer polymerized in an emulsion severe side effects, such as
their ability to convey a wide hydrophobic drugs without nanoparticles themselves. For all polymerization process to allergic reactions, hepatotoxicity
range of active compounds and the use of toxic excipients but these reason the possibility to obtain polymer NPs with and neurotoxicity. The efficacy
good stability. Biodegradable they can also lead to an higher tune the characteristics of the tunable proprieties in terms of of Paclitaxel-loaded NPs was
polyesters such as poly(lactic accumulation of the drug in nanoparticles is an important dimension, composition, surface compared to the standard
acid) (PLA), poly(lactic-co- the target tissue, enhancing feature in the design of these charge and degradation time. formulation in mice bearing a
glycolic acid) (PLGA) and the efficacy of a treatment carriers. If the macromonomers are xenograft breast cancer model,
poly(caprolactone) (PCL) are and reducing its side effects. The aim of this thesis is the co-polymerized with suitable showing a similar regression
the materials of choice for Consequently a great number development and biological PEGylated methacrylate of the tumor weight, thus
compounds it is possible to confirming the possibility to
obtain NPs with covalently use the produced NPs as drug
bound PEG chains. This result delivery carriers.
is particularly significant
for biological applications
due to the protein-repellent
proprieties of PEG, which
ensure a long circulation
time in the bloodstream. A
library of PEGylated NPs was
synthesized with a dimension
range comprised between 80
nm to 150 nm, suitable for the
exploitation of the enhanced
permeability and retention (EPR)
effect in solid tumor. Several
tests were carried out both in
vitro and in vivo for the study of
the toxicity and biodistribution
1. Synthesis of polyester-based NPs via emulsion free radical polymerization. In the first steps functionalized oligomers of the produced NPs after
are produced via ROP; these macromonomers are then polymerized in water to obtain polymer NPs. intravenous injection and no

Reactivity of Perfluoropolyether Peroxides

PhD Yearbook | 2015

on Carbon Based Materials and their Application in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel

Massimo Gola - Supervisor: Prof. Walter Navarrini

In the field of renewable energy, (PTFE), in order to obtain a with F2. CC contains condensed decreases the porosity needed The high resistance of PFPE to


Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel performing water management. During this work, the aromatic cycles, suitable for the for gas diffusion. oxidative environment was used
Cells (PEMFC) are the devices Fluorinated materials are suitable reaction of functionalization hydrolytically stable linkage of The steady state current as new solution to the problem
which mostly have benefited for this purpose because one of of highly graphitic carbon perfluorinated chains due to density-potential and current of the electrochemical corrosion
of the unique characteristics their core characteristics is the black by perfluoropolyether decomposition of PFPE peroxide. density-power curves of the of the carbon black that
of fluorinated materials. Many very low surface tension that peroxide was studied and the Following this approach, a cell assembled with PFPE- supports Pt catalyst in PEMFCs.
fluorinated sulphonic membranes means low water polymeric possible application of PFPE polymeric PFPE layer was hydrophobized GDLs were This corrosion causes severe
have been developed for PEMFC surface interaction and therefore functionalized carbonaceous chemically linked to CC structure registered and compared to losses of precious metal catalyst
and, in addition, fluorinated a very high hydrophobicity. materials was investigated. and not simply deposited like standard GDL treated with and shorter cell lifetime. A
polymers are present in many Actually, carbon-based materials Carbon cloth (CC) and carbon the standard hydrophobization 10% PTFE. The presence of PFPE-functionalized carbon black
other parts of the cell, such as are the reference class of black (CB) were functionalized by PTFE-coating. PFPE PFPE improved the electrical was used as a catalyst support
the catalytic layer (CL) and the materials used for GDL, because by decomposition of PFPE chains on the CC surface performance of the fuel cell at subjected to an accelerated
gas diffusion layer (GDL). The they have high gas permeability, peroxide and the resulting allowed to obtain a suitable each operating condition of electrochemical corrosion.
main function of the GDL is good stability in acid environment materials were chemically superhydrophobic effect even if temperature and humidity. In While the performances of the
to promote the distribution of and good electric conductivity. and physically characterized. the amount of PFPE linked on a particular, the higher the content standard carbonaceous material
the gaseous reagents from the An innovative methodology to The PFPE functionalization CC was significantly lower than of were largely decreased after the
bipolar plates to the catalyst confer a stable hydrophobicity of carbonaceous materials the typical 10%wt of PTFE. PFPE PFPE, the better the performance accelerated degradation, the
layer. However, GDL has other to carbonaceous materials is was applied to Vulcan XC72R functionalization led to a 1% in terms of maximum power catalyst layer made of PFPE-
important functions: it allows the the by the chemical linkage of CB and SEAL CC in order to linked PFPE with a water contact density and slope of polarization functionalized carbon black
electric contact for conduction of perfluoropolyether (PFPE) chains evaluate their wetting and angle of 172, while 10% PTFE curve. The PFPE-functionalized suffered only minor effects.
electrons, it works as mechanical through the chemical treatment electrical properties for their allows to obtains angles lower GDL is able to reduce the The introduction of PFPE
support for the catalytic layer with PFPE peroxides. PFPE possible application in fuel than 150. ohmic resistance of the whole functionalized materials in
and the membrane, it helps to peroxides are industrially available cells as materials for GDLs. The single layer GDL is made system, increases the mass PEMFCs resulted to be a
remove the combustion heat, perfluorinated polymers whose The chemical treatment of of a macroporous substrate transport and improve the ionic great improvement of the key
and it plays a key role in the structures are characterized by CB with PFPE peroxide led which is usually based on conductivity of the membrane parameters which characterize
water management. In fact, the the alternation of fluorinated to high hydrophobicity and a carbon cloth. Two CC at low relative humidity. PTFE these electrochemical devices.
overall fuel cell performances carbon-based units and oxygen contact angles over 150 were samples were functionalized on the microporous layer of Indeed PFPE-functionalized GDLs
can be improved by a correct units. A thermal treatment at measured. The determination with PFPE peroxide and XPS a dual layer GDL works as allow to reach higher currents
water management; on the 150-200C can link PFPE chains of the resistivity in function of analysis confirmed that the hydrophobizing agent, but even as well as power density.
contrary performances can to carbonaceous materials by the applied pressure allowed functionalization with PFPE as a binder to keep the CB on Furthermore the catalyst layer
be dramatically limited by the a radical pathway . PFPE chains to characterize the electrical peroxide occurred mostly on the backing layer. A PFPE based based on PFPE-functionalized
accumulation of liquid water have the typical properties of properties of each sample. the CC surface. PFPE coating ink with similar characteristics CB minimize the electrochemical
inside the cell. Therefore, a perfluorinated polymers, like Resistivity of treated CB samples resulted uniform along the was developed and coupled with degradation effects obtaining
correct water management is chemical stability, thermal stability remained very close to the values surface of CC fibers and PFPE functionalized CC to obtain a longer fuel cell lifetime.
needed to reach power and and high hydrophobicity, and of the native CB (Figure A1), wrapped singularly each fiber a dual layer GDL. The introduction of PFPE-
current densities required for also some peculiar characteristic even if a significant increment of CC without filling the matrix The PFPE-functionalized dual functionalized carbonaceous
commercial applications. Thus, such as liquid physical form and due to the insulant properties porosity. On the contrary, the layer GDL was tested and materials improved the overall
the conductive carbonaceous high gas permeability. These of fluorinated materials was commonly used PTFE-based compared with a PTFE standard, PEMFC performances by
materials composing the GDL modified carbonaceous materials expected, as occurs with a PTFE methodology forms a solid resulting in better overall focusing on the requirements
are usually coupled with a are super hydrophobic and show coating. insulant barrier that includes performances and especially for their upcoming widespread
hydrophobic fluorinated material, surprisingly high conductivity Similarly to CB, the many fibers, covers the empty largely improving the water commercial application.
usually polytetrafluoroethylene compare to carbons fluorinated carbonaceous structure of spaces between them and removal.

Purification of Natural Gas by means of a to the ratio between the price of H2S ternary system are few and As future developments of this

PhD Yearbook | 2015

fuel and the price of electricity. almost only PT data. work, a detailed investment
New Low Temperature Distillation Process Generally, it is more convenient
than a more traditional MDEA
A good number of TPxy
experimental data to describe
costs analysis have to be done
to better define the profitability
unit when the CO2 content of the SLV loci of the CH4-CO2-H2S indexes for the process. The
the natural gas feed is higher system has been provided. A plan of the experiments for the
than 20 mol% for most of the proper experimental procedure pilot plant has to be designed
Stefano Lang - Supervisor: Laura Annamaria Pellegrini considered geographic areas has been designed to obtain and a better assessment of
(Europe, USA, Saudi Arabia), these measurements and data its configuration is required.
while, for the case of Saudi have been compared with the Procedures for the start-up and 311
Natural gas is a fossil fuel These kinds of processes have freezing points and to avoid the Arabia, the proposed solution results obtained with a suitable the shut-down of the process,


containing mainly light shown higher performances formation of a solid phase in is more profitable starting from thermodynamic model. The together with the dynamic
hydrocarbons and other and economic profitability all the parts of the process. The a gas feed having 8 mol% of procedure consists in a synthetic, simulation of the plant layout,
non-hydrocarbon compounds when compared to the more solution has been studied and carbon dioxide. The obtained non-visual technique to measure are required to test possible
considered as impurities. As traditional gas sweetening units optimized in terms of energy results have been used for the triple points as pressure and operating scenarios. A detailed
the other fossil fuels, its origin (such as amine scrubbing or savings. A commercial process design of the industrial unit and temperature conditions where study about the downstream
comes from the bacterial physical absorption) when the simulator (Aspen Hysys) has the pilot plant for the further solid decomposition occurs. separation processes for the
degradation of organic materials CO2 content in the natural gas been used for the study of test of the process on a lab-scale Phase compositions at triple recovery of NGLs is needed
going back to geologic eras feed stream is high. During low- process performances. Different facility. point have been analyzed using to assess the impact of C2+
ago, under the effect of high temperature operations, CO2 gas compositions have been To allow a good process design gas chromatographic analysis on the profitability of the
temperatures and pressures that can freeze in the equipment and considered as potential gas feeds and optimization, reliable and equilibrium conditions process. Process optimization
typically occur in subsurface precautions have to be adopted. (CO2 from 5 up to 65 mol% thermodynamic tools are have been checked in detail by and further energy savings
deposits of many geologic To face this issue, several and H2S from 0 to 15 mol%) needed. Experimental data are repeating measurements several can be investigated for the
formations. solutions have been adopted to cover the largest possible of paramount importance to times during the day. Obtained applications to LNG production.
Natural gas is a resource that in the low-temperature natural range of real gases streams. properly set up equations of results have been applied for The integration of the process
is widely used nowadays in gas purification processes Its performances have been state for both phase behavior the thermodynamic validation with EOR or CCS systems can be
different industrial sectors. Its proposed in literature. The assessed basing on case-studies and volumetric properties of the process object of this studied.
main uses are related to the Ryan-Holmes process consists in and its profitability determined calculations. thesis, showing that, also in the Regarding the thermodynamic
production of energy (38 %) an extractive distillation, where against more traditional Since in low-temperature presence of hydrogen sulfide, no part, new experimental
and the industrial sector (60 %). a third compound (typically MDEA units in terms of energy processes for natural gas solid phase can be formed in the campaign can be performed
In recent years, natural gas has n-butane) is used to shift at low operating costs, showing the upgrading a solid phase can process. in order to better describe the
started to be used also in the temperatures and pressures the relative trade-off between the be formed, experimental data For the thermodynamic complex phase behavior of the
transportation sector, even if it freezing points of the binary two technologies depending are necessary to determine modeling both the classic ternary system and to study the
just covers a small portion of the CH4-CO2 mixtures. The CFZTM on the geographic area where pressure, temperature and approach (SRK and PR equations effect of C2H6 and N2 on the
uses of natural gas. process by Exxon Mobil allows the gas reserve is located. The phase compositions when of state coupled with Gibbs ternary system. For the modeling
The discovery of new natural the solidification of CO2 in a proposed solution is able to phase equilibrium involves free energy of melting for the part, the binary interaction
gas reservoirs with high CO2 proper section of the distillation purify natural gas to commercial the presence of a solid phase, calculation of the solid phase parameters for the CO2-H2S
and/or H2S content and the column and the subsequent grade, avoiding the formation formed mainly by CO2. In this fugacity) and the Yokozeki system need to be improved
increasing energy demand re-melting of dry ice on a of dry ice in all the parts of the way, it is possible to properly analytic equation of state for the by mean of a more detailed
compel industries to design designed melting tray. Total and process. For the cost analysis, a set up a model to predict the direct calculation of both fluid optimization, to reduce the error
new process solutions for the IFPEN have proposed the Sprex proper function has been built conditions for solid formation and solid phases fugacity have in the representation of the
profitable exploitation of these process, coupling a pressurized to quantify in a simple way the and define the optimal process been considered. The obtained eutectic point of the SLV locus of
kinds of gas reserves, to meet low-temperature distillation, ratio between the energy costs operating conditions, depending results and the experimental the system.
the market demand while for the bulk removal of acid required by a traditional MDEA on the adopted technology. data have been used to validate
satisfying the commercial grade gases, with a more traditional unit (low-pressure steam for Literature data for the CO2-CH4, the thermodynamic framework
requirements. Recent studies alkanolamine unit to purify the the solvent regeneration) and CO2-H2S and CH4-H2S binary used for process simulations in
have shown that more than gas stream to commercial grade. the studied low-temperature systems are available to define Aspen Hysys (SRK equation of
40% of the remaining natural In this work a new low- distillation process (electric the PT, the Tx or the Ty diagrams state and the CO2 Freeze-Out
gas reservoirs are sour and/or temperature distillation process energy to drive the compressors for the SLE, SVE or SLVE loci. On tool for the calculation of CO2
with high CO2 contents. Low has been studied. The process of the refrigeration cycle). the contrary, experimental data freezing points), in order to give
temperature technologies have is based on a dual pressure This function relates the ratio for phase equilibria involving a good reliability to the obtained
been studied to this purpose. distillation operation to bypass between the two energy costs a solid phase in the CH4-CO2- results.

EXPLORING DIFFERENT CATALYTIC ROUTES FOR and 0.1. Potassium has a minor least 300C) were required to the Pt clusters ranged from 0.5

PhD Yearbook | 2015

effect on the catalyst activity, increase the CO2 conversion and to 2 nm over all three supports.
CO2 VALORIZATION but it can dramatically change
the selectivity in the presence
to improve the Fischer-Tropsch
activity. Medium pressure (5
Catalyst reducibility was
explored by H2-TPR, XANES at
of CO2. High K-loading were barg) was instead needed to the Zr K-edge, and TPR-XANES
found able to promote the establish a Fischer-Tropsch at the Pt LIII edge. A higher
chain growth process and the regime. The prepared catalyst concentration of surface defects
Michela Martinelli - Advisor: Prof. Luca Lietti formation of primary olefins. has higher CO2 conversion rate for the 0.5%Pt/Zr0.9Y0.1O1.95
Observed results were explained and C2-C4 olefins selectivity than catalyst relative to 0.5%Pt/ZrO2
both in terms of K-effects on those of reference materials was confirmed by DRIFTS of 313
Carbon dioxide is the primary CO/CO2. Therefore, a cross- even though the chain growth the stability of the iron carbide (Fe2O3 and Fe3O4), ascribed to its adsorbed CO, while a greater


green-house gas (GHG) arising comparison between the probability (aC3-C10) decreases species and in terms of K role as higher surface area and spinel surface mobility of surface
from life and human activities. CO and CO2 hydrogenation from 0.71 to 0.65, as well as electron donor, able to modify structure that facilitate the formate was suggested based on
In recent years, the growing processes were carried the fraction of unsaturated the adsorption strengths of H2, reducibility and the carburization forward formate decomposition
consciousness of the dramatic out on representative iron hydrocarbons in the products. CO and CO2. and therefore the catalytic experiments in steam. The
impact of its atmospheric (100Fe/10Zn/2Cu/4K on atomic This behavior can be explained The selectivity to desired activity. Y-doped Pt promoted catalysts
concentration on the climate has basis) and a cobalt based (15 considering that in the presence products on iron based catalyst In the thesis work the water- displayed higher water-gas-shift
brought to the conclusion that wt.% Co/g-Al2O3) FT catalysts. of CO2 some of the catalytic can be controlled by modifying gas-shift reaction has also been activity relative to the 0.5%Pt/
the reduction of CO2 emissions On cobalt based catalyst CO2 sites active in the chain growth the process conditions and investigated as well. WGS is a ZrO2 catalyst when the Y content
from all anthropogenic processes is easily hydrogenated with process (iron carbides) are the catalyst formulation. At key reaction occurring in the was at or below 50%, with
is mandatory. In addition to the a reactivity higher than CO, transformed in sites active in the this purpose, iron based- investigated reacting systems the best catalyst being 0.5%Pt/
improvement of the efficiency however the selectivity of the hydrogenation reactions (iron catalyst, prepared by thermal since the CO/CO2 transformation Zr0.9Y0.1O1.95. Indeed, at 300C
of energy conversion and two processes is completely oxides / reduced iron centers). decomposition of ammonium plays a role in the complex CO conversion for 0.5%Pt/ZrO2
utilization processes, GHG different because during CO2 Another explanation is the glycolate complexes and chemistry of the CO2 or CO/CO2 was 44.8% and it increases from
reduction strategies proposed hydrogenation the main product different adsorption strengths of followed by impregnation with a mixture hydrogenation. Aiming 50% to 74% by decreasing the
in the last decades include also is methane, whose selectivity CO and CO2, which would result potassium, was investigated for at a better understanding yttrium loading from 50% to
secondary measures such as higher than 90%, but the same in H/C ratios in proximity of the the production of light olefins. of the reaction and in the 10%. So the increase of activity
the carbon dioxide capture and mechanism (H-assisted CO active sites very different for The duration of the thermal optimization of the catalyst in for the yttrium doped zirconia is
the storage (CCS) or carbon hydrogenation) occurs and the CO and CO2 mixtures. During treatment has a dramatic the low temperature range, strictly correlated to the higher
capture utilization (CCU). In products are obtained by the CO2 hydrogenation, CO is effect on the surface area and new catalytic systems have been concentration of defects and
CCU technologies, CO2 is no same intermediate. The different detected in the pool of products, crystal structure. In order to prepared and investigated. These higher oxygen mobility. Indeed,
more considered as a waste to selectivity of the mixture CO/ suggesting a first step of RWGS obtain a catalyst with high systems consist of ZrO2 doped when Zr4+ cations are substituted
be dumped, but it is used as H2 and CO2/H2 is due to a on the catalyst and a second surface area (66 m2/g) and a with different levels of yttrium by Y3+ cations, oxygen vacancies
feedstock (C1 building unit) to different adsorption ability of step where CO is converted to spinel structure (Fe3O4-related), (0.1-0.9) in order to increase in are formed to maintain charge
produce highly added-value CO and CO2, which strongly hydrocarbons through the FT a calcination time of 15 min the number of defects and so neutrality.
products such as chemicals or affects the H/C atomic ratio reaction with an H-assisted or has to be adopted, otherwise the oxygen mobility.
fuels. In this thesis, the routes on the catalytic surface. The un-assisted CO hydrogenation. the area decreases and the Y-doped zirconium oxide
for CO2 hydrogenation to higher H/C obtained during the In presence of CO, CO2 is not spinel structure is progressively materials were characterized
hydrocarbons or light olefins CO2 hydrogenation inhibits the hydrogenated, but the net CO2 transformed to a corundum- by high surface areas (150-
were investigated on Fischer- chain growth, hence favoring production is zero, this suggests type (a-Fe2O3 related) phase. 200 m2/g). A combination of
Tropsch catalysts. The catalysts the methanation reaction. In that CO2 is adsorbed and that The obtained material was XANES and EXAFS were used
were prepared, characterized presence of CO, CO2 is hardly this inhibits the un-assisted found to be a good catalyst to show that ZrO2 exhibited
and then tested in a lab-scale hydrogenated and behaves as route where the oxygen is in CO2 hydrogenation (CO2 the tetragonal phase, while the
plant. an inert species because of a discharged as carbon dioxide, conversion higher than 40%) Zr0.5Y0.5O1.75 support displayed
Cobalt and iron based are the competition between CO and this behavior improves the to light olefins (selectivity of the cubic phase. A slight
active phases during Fischer- CO2 for the adsorption. atom efficiency of the process 38%) at mild process conditions. increase in d-spacing observed
Tropsch synthesis. However, On the contrary, on iron catalyst as all the CO is converted to The analysis of the effect of in HR-TEM for the Zr0.9Y0.1O1.95
the reactivity and reaction CO2 hydrogenation rate is hydrocarbons. To complete the the process conditions pointed support relative to undoped
mechanisms of these two slightly slower than that of CO, study, the effect of potassium out that by a fine tuning it ZrO2, along with a shift to lower
systems could be different but the product distribution does loading has been investigated was possible to enhance both 2q in XRD, provide evidence that
during the hydrogenation of not change dramatically when by testing catalysts with K/Fe the catalyst activity and C2-C4 Y-doping caused macrostrain.
pure CO2 stream or mixture switching from CO to CO2, atomic ratios equal to 0.02, 0.04 selectivity. High temperatures (at STEM imaging confirmed that

Understanding cadherin mediated cell-

PhD Yearbook | 2015

cell adhesion at the molecular level: a
structural approach
Valentina Nardone - Supervisor: Dr. Emilio Parisini

A key biological process in the cell-cell interactions and tissue a number of interactions with the crystal structures of tri- and cadherins ligands (fig.2). The


life of multicellular organisms morphogenesis.. proteins called catenins, which tetra peptides, fragments of results obtained for the type-I
is the establishment of proper In this context, structural biology ultimately link the cadherins to the adhesion arm, allows the cadherins are also very useful for
adhesion between cells, to is a potent tool to understand the actin microfilament. Despite identification of short carbon- the studies in type-II cadherins
form at first tissues and then the molecular bases of the the good understanding of carbon contacts, which can be (in particular cadherin-11), which
organs. Cell-cell adhesion is adhesion process. In general, cadherin structures, functions transient contacts important to are less structural characterized
provided by macromolecular a high resolution structural and behaviour reached mediate the recognition of the even representing an important
complexes localized in specific analysis provides details about nowadays, more detailed arms of two closed cadherins pharmacological target; our
region of the cellular membrane. intra- and inter-molecular studies are in progress in in the intermediate stages structural studies have provided
They comprise transmembrane contacts that drive the formation order to further elucidate the of the dimer formation. The the crystallization conditions for
2. on the right, the crystal structure
proteins capable of establishing of proteins assembling, often dynamics of the interactions, the characterization of these contacts cadherin-11 ectodomain, to be of human P-cadherin in closed,
cell junctions via interactions elucidating the mechanistic mechanical features, and the is essential to indentify a proper further optimized (fig.3). monomeric conformation: the two
between their extracellular details of biological events. Our heterophilic contacts of cadherin surface that can be target by The combination of these monomers in the packing are in an
antiparallel arrangement, primed
domain while, at the same time, current understanding of the ectodomains with other proteins small molecules to inhibit the different analyses provides for adhesion; on the left, the
they are intimately linked to a cell-cell adhesion mechanism and small molecules acting as dimerization, for drug design and novel details and opens new structure of E-cadherin in the X-dimer
series of cytoplasmatic proteins is mostly based on a wealth adhesion modulators. drug delivery purposes. In silico scenarios in the debated topic conformation in presence of the
inhibitor compound (in blue).
that ultimately connect them of X-ray diffraction, NMR, With the research projects studies from our collaborators of cadherin dynamic, paving the
to the actin microfilaments and electron tomography and other described in this thesis, we have identified small molecules way to a better comprehension
microtubules. The connection biophysical data, which have attempted to approach a series with a structure that mimes of possible cadherin/small
between the cell-cell junctions so far provided a detailed, yet of unresolved issues in the the N-terminal residues of the molecule interactions, which is
and the cellular cytoskeleton incomplete, picture of this cadherin field, related to the adhesion arm as possible hit an important issue in medicinal
implies a reorganization process at the molecular level. molecular events that guide compounds; the affinity for type-I and toxicological chemistry
of the latter following the However, as in most fields, with homodimerization, which is the cadherins has been evaluated by due to the role of members
formation of cellular adherens the progression of knowledge key mechanism in cadherin- in vivo and in vitro experiments. of the cadherin superfamily in
junctions, without which tissue always new and more mediated cell-cell adhesion. To The aim of my work, in this field, different pathological states
morphogenesis and stability sophisticated questions arise. do so, we used single crystal has been the biotechnological such as cancer metastasis and
would not be possible. Most of the work I did for my X-ray diffraction analysis on production of different sequences rheumatoid arthritis.
The intriguing mechanism of cell Ph.D. thesis is focused on the different sequences of the of type-I cadherin ectodomain
adhesion is the result of several structural characterization extracellular domain, spanning and the crystallization alone
protein-protein interactions of members of the large from short oligopeptides (three and in presence of the hit
that take place either at the superfamily of Ca2+-dependent amino acids) to almost the entire compounds. These studies have
cell-cell interface or at the cell adhesion proteins called ectodomains (400 amino acids). led to important results in the
cell-matrix interface, with high cadherins, and in particular The final, adhesive homodimer cadherin field, such as the first 3. cubic crystals of cadherin-11
domains 1-4
tissue variability and specificity. on the subfamily of classical forms as a consequence of the characterization of the closed
The diverse set of molecules cadherins. These transmembrane swap of the N-terminal strand monomer of a type-I cadherin
that are involved in this process proteins interact with each of the first extracellular domain, (the human P-cadherin) and
belong to a number of different other through their extracellular which has a well conserved the first co-crystal structure
protein superfamilies, of which domains in a strictly homophilic sequence: this strand is usually of a cadherin in presence
only some specific members fashion, to ensure the contact called adhesion arm and of a inhibition compound,
are expressed in the different between two adjacent cells. At present a series of molecular which allows the identification 1. the high resolution crustal
structure of human E-cadherin shows
types of cells and tissues, to the same time, in the cytoplasm details essential for the dimer of a new target surface for the strand-swap mechanism of
properly confer selectivity to their intracellular portion forms formation (fig.1). Our analysis of the development of specific homodimer formation.

Perfluorinated Materials and Photocatalytic Photoactive Coating effectively absorbed into the and TGA analyses on pristine

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Development photoactive coating, rapid and used (100 h) samples of
Titanium Dioxide: Synergies and Chemical In order to avoid losses
in photocatalyst and to
photodegradation occurred,
causing the complete removal
photoactive coating. As no
significant variations in the
Interactions in Environmental Applications enhance quantum yield and of the organic compound ATR and in the TGA spectra
quantum efficiency of the from the aqueous solution. were observed, it appeared
photoabatement process, a In these cases, in both clear that no chemical modification
Federico Persico - Supervisor: Walter Navarrini TiO2-containing perfluorinated and turbid conditions, TiO2- of the perfluorinated matrix
multilayered transparent embedded transparent coating occurred during the degradation
coating able to promote revealed higher photocatalytic of pollutants. In view of a 317
The main focus of this research chemically stable towards length decrease mechanism photocatalytic degradation activity than dispersed TiO2, possible industrialization of


has been the study of the the photocatalytic couple UV and the b-scission pathway. of hydrosoluble organic this behavior being particularly the TiO2-containing coating its
interactions between TiO2 light/TiO2. Furthermore, all The mechanism based on pollutants was developed. evident at low pollutant mechanical characterization
and fluorinated materials. The the applied coatings did not b-scission reactions appeared The multilayered coating concentrations. On the would be useful. The actual and
stability of oxygen containing block photocatalytic reactions, to be dominant in O2-enriched composition and the catalyst contrary, in the case of non potential characteristics of the
perfluoropolymers on UV although a reduction in solutions; in these conditions, content were optimized to absorbed pollutants (CP), lower TiO2-containing photoactive
activated anodized titanium, photoefficiency was observed. especially during the first promote the coating structural photoabatement rates were coating make it suitable for
the photodegradation of This undesired phenomenon was hours of photoabatement, the stability during time and to observed in the presence of the industrial employment for
perfluorocarboxylic acids, in less effective in the case of AD. highest mineralization rate and obtain the highest photoactivity. photoactive coating. Hence, due both sequential batch and
particular perfluorooctanoic acid The evaluation of the optimal the fastest release of fluoride The photoactive coating was to the basic nature of RhB and continuous water management.
(PFOA), and the development protective coating for anodized ions were observed. On the developed by applying a TiO2- CRY, a synergic effect between The photoactive coating could
of a TiO2-embedded fluorinated titanium led to hypothesize the contrary, in O2-poor solution containing fluorinated ionomeric the ionomeric material and be also tested in the presence
transparent coating for oxidation existence of a straightforward conditions, the photo-redox Cn dispersion and a perfluorinated the embedded TiO2 particles of gaseous pollutants. The use
of hydrosoluble pollutants in methodology to decompose Cn-1 chain length decrease amorphous polymer in an was observed. RhB and CRY of short side chain ionomers
turbid suspensions have been perfluorinated carboxylic mechanism appeared to be appropriate sequence directly photoabatement trends were in the photoactive layer can
the specific research areas of my acids into carbon dioxide and prevalent, as low F- release and on the UV source. The almost overlapping both in the promote autohumidification of
PhD study. hydrofluorocarbons in the low concentrations of shorter peculiar configuration of the absence and in the presence the TiO2-containing coating in
presence of photocatalytic TiO2. chain perfluorinated acids as photoactive coating allowed of inert dispersed particles the presence of air humidity. This
Protective Coating Evaluation degradation intermediates were even the treatment of turbid in the reaction environment. phenomenon could be sufficient
Three amorphous perfluorinated PFOA Degradation observed. These hypotheses dispersions, thus broadening Furthermore, similar absorption to guarantee the synergic
polymers (Hyflon AD60, In order to verify the were confirmed by 19F-NMR its potential applicability. trends were observed for the effect between the ionomeric
Fluorolink S10 and Fluorolink presence of a straightforward analyses. In order to study the Immobilized TiO2 particles, in two tested organic dyes. The phase and the photocatalyst.
F10) were tested as protective methodology to decompose effects promoted by fluoride fact, were not deactivated by comparison of the apparent Furthermore, the application
coatings for anodized titanium. perfluoro carboxylic acids into ions on the catalyst surface, slime interposition between the kinetic parameters allowed to the photoactive coating of
The effect of their application CO2 and hydrofluorocarbons in TiO2 samples collected before UV source and the photoactive us to hypothesize that in the studies on TiO2 doping could
on the photoactive surface the presence of photocatalytic and after the photodegradation coating and avoided onerous case of basic pollutants, the make this project extremely
was studied by comparing TiO2, degradation of PFOA treatment were characterized. separation of the catalyst apparent kinetic constant promising for green-chemistry
stearic acid photodegradation was studied by using TiO2- XRD results revealed that the from the purified water. The values were independent from purposes. In fact, the use of a
rates promoted by coated slurry as a catalyst. In order to bulk crystal structure of the coating photoactivity towards the molecular structure of visible light-activated catalyst
and uncoated TiO2. All three evaluate the effects of oxygen photocatalyst was preserved hydrosoluble organic pollutants the organic pollutant. These into the coating could allow its
coatings promoted a decrease excess/defect in the reaction during the photoabatement was evaluated by monitoring results could be interpreted by direct in situ applications for
in the TiO2 surface wettability, environment different kinetic of PFOA. Still, the formation the photoabatement rates of theorizing that the observed environmental remediation.
thus potentially reducing tests were realized and the of highly fluorinated and two dyes (Rhodamine B-base dye abatement rates were
greasy material deposition on results were compared. The hydroxylated TiO(2-x/2-y/2)OHyFx -RhB; Crystal Violet -CV) controlled by pollutant phase
the substrate and preserving degradation intermediates species on the catalyst surface and a persistent pollutant transfer phenomena. Thus, an
its photocatalytic properties. concentrations were monitored was revealed by XPS analysis. (4-Chlorophenol -CP). The optimization of reactor mass-
AD revealed a good adhesion by HPLC-MS analysis; the The F--induced chemical comparison of photodegradation transport parameters could
to the anodized titanium observed trends appeared to be modification of the catalyst and absorption trends of dyes cause further increase in the
substrate, conferring to it in agreement with the presence surface could be the cause of and CP highlighted a direct degradation efficiency of the
both hydrophobicity and of two possible competitive the observed lowering in the relation between these two photoactive system. Photoactive
oleophobicity. Differently degradation pathways: the photocatalytic performances of phenomena; whenever the coating physical and chemical
from S10 and F10, AD was photo-redox Cn Cn-1 chain TiO2 for PFOA degradation. hydrosoluble pollutant was stability were monitored by ATR

One-Pot Multicomponent Free-Radical

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Reactions Mediated By Titanium Salts

Bianca Rossi - Relatore: Prof. Carlo Punta

Multicomponent reactions of poly-functional molecules and multicomponent free-radical selected moieties on the


(MCRs) represent a green for the grafting of polymers and approach was optimized and pristine backbone (Scheme 1).
approach towards the synthesis materials (Figure 1). extended to alcohols and Derivatives obtained by means
of polyfunctionalized molecules The main goal of this work ethers as nucleophilic sources. of this one-pot free-radical
by promoting multiple bond- consisted into the optimization The new explored conditions approach were biologically
forming mechanisms in a and application of a allowed to obtain a wide range tested in terms of cytotoxicity
one-pot synthesis. Likewise, multicomponent protocol for of desired final products, with and transfection efficiency.
the development of radical- the nucleophilic free radical high conversion and selectivity,
mediated, CC bond-forming addition to imines generated in inhibiting the competitive
transformations has also situ, using the new TiCl4-Zn/tert- domino side-reactions. In this
attracted increasing interest. BuOOH catalytic system. part of activity, three applications
These protocols usually afford As shown in Figure 2, in a were considered:
good selectivity, are highly proposed reaction mechanism a) Synthesis of b-amino alcohols
compatible with common Titanium promotes the via nucleophilic radical 2. Nucleophilic addition to ketimines promoted by the TiCl4-Zn/ROOH system
functional groups, and formation of imine in situ and hydroxymethylation of
often require mild operative activates its reactivity towards ketimines;
conditions. nucleophilic addition. b) b-aminoalkylation of ethers;
The combination of this two The research activity followed c) Nucleophilic radical
synthetic tools opens the way for two consecutive steps. hydroxyalkylation of ketimines
the cheap and simple synthesis At first, the application of the with ethanol.
On the bases of the good
results obtained by protocol
optimization, the new
methodology was applied for
the grafting and formulation
of noncytotoxic cationic
polymers. The efficiency of
the new materials as non-viral Scheme 1. Radical addition of formamide to ketimines generated in situ from primary amino groups of 25kDa bPEI and
vectors for gene delivery was ketones.
verified. In particular, I focused
on the grafting of branched
polyethyleneimine 25kDa (25kDa
bPEI), a cationic polymer bearing
primary amino groups, which
is one of the most widely used
among non-viral vectors in gene
delivery. Considering the positive
effect of hydrophobic groups
in increasing the efficiency of
transfection, different types
of modified 25kDa bPEI were
1. Radical addition to imines triggered by TiCl3 or TiCl4-Zn/ROOH systems synthetized, by introducing

Detailed Kinetic Modeling of Soot Formation

PhD Yearbook | 2015

in Combustion Processes

Chiara Saggese - Adisor: Prof. Tiziano Faravelli

Combustion is present in numerically. fractal aggregates are added define correctly the boundary through the development of rate of production analysis.


many large-scale processes, Soot formation occur at to the mechanism with their conditions, especially those for a new technique to measure A deeper knowledge of the
including internal combustion high temperature and in rich proper reaction kinetics the species. In particular, for simultaneously soot mass and mechanisms underlying PAHs
engines, power stations, waste conditions and includes different and this allowed to better gaseous species, the sum of the size distributions. and soot formation would
incineration and residential processes: particle nucleation describe the evolution of soot convective and diffusive terms The goal of the experimental allow for a better design of
burning of wood and coal. from the combustion of the morphology along the flame is zero on the air side, while activity is to investigate the combustion systems with
These, with field burning of initial gas phase mixture, axis. In fact, particle-particle for particles it is equal to the fuel dependency on the soot improved energy efficiency and
agricultural wastes and forest surface growth by gas-surface coalescence, particle coalescence thermophoretic flux. This allows formation process. Soot has a simultaneous reduction of
and vegetation fires, are the reactions with C2H2 and PAHs, on aggregates and particle to take into account the flux been sampled and measured particulate emissions.
main sources of airborne oxidation and dehydrogenation aggregation are considered in of soot particles depositing on in BSS propylene flames using
species, such as Polycyclic reactions. Moreover, along with the kinetic model. the water-cooled surface and a Scanning Mobility Particle
Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) chemical growth in a flame, soot The model validation is to obtain a good agreement Sizer. Similar flame operating
and Particulate Matter (PM or particles can also coalesce or performed in terms of between experimental data and and stoichiometric conditions
soot). aggregate. The development of comparisons with data obtained model predictions. Fig. 2 shows have been chosen to compare
As by-product of fuel a reliable soot kinetic model is by many groups in laminar an example of comparisons for soot volume fraction and size
combustion, flame-generated an ambitious task and involves premixed ethylene flames. the measured and computed distributions from propylene
carbon nanoparticles not only not only a proper description of Among them, the configuration temperature profile and particle with the one from ethylene. 1. Schematic representation of the
lower the efficiency of many the gas phase kinetics and its of the Burner-Stabilized size distribution function (PSDF) Afterwards, the model capability burner-stabilized stagnation flame
combustion devices but also coupling with solid phase but Stagnation (BSS) flame, shown at a fixed distance between to predict soot formation configuration: flame layout and
illustration of the main characteristics
can adversely impact global also a correct understanding in Fig. 1, is considered as main the burner and the stagnation under different conditions is of the system. x and r are the axial
climate, air quality and human of the experimental setup case study. Soot is generated surface, Hp = 1.0 cm. The tested through comparisons and radial coordinates, respectively. u
health. In particular, smaller necessary for obtaining soot in a 16.3% ethylene23.7% cooling effect of the stagnation with experimental data from is the axial velocity and v radial one.
the particles more dangerous data to validate the model. oxygenargon flame plane is evident; the temperature these measurements in laminar
they are, because the exposure The aim of this thesis work (equivalence ratio F = 2.07) with cools down quickly to the value premixed propylene flames.
to such particles can affect is to have more insights on cold gas velocity of 8 cm/s (STP) measured on the water-cooled Finally, the model reliability
both the lungs and the heart. particle inception and growth and stabilized on a water-cooled plate. The temperature profile is tested also in benzene and
Therefore a strong reduction through an improvement of a flat flame burner at atmospheric has been computed taking into cyclohexane premixed flames
of fine particulate matter soot kinetic model based on the pressure. The soot is sampled account gas and soot radiation and discussed by means of the
emissions from combustion discrete sectional method and an in situ along the centerline of and the computed profile is
sources is needed and a experimental activity has been the flame at the stagnation within the experimental error.
fundamental understanding carried out at Stanford University surface, which also defines the The predicted PSDF shows
of soot formation process is to measure soot produced under downstream boundary condition a tail on the small size side
required for the development of controlled flame conditions and of the flame. First, a proper along with a lognormal-like
future clean combustion devices. investigate fuel dependency on one-dimensional method to PSDF on the large size site,
Studying soot morphology the soot formation process. describe the stagnation-surface both are in close agreement
and composition as well as its The modeling activity is mostly configuration is defined through with the experimental data.
formation process in flames focused on developing and a set of conservation equations Model uncertainties are also
remains an intriguing problem in further refining the soot kinetic and boundary conditions. The analyzed by means of sensitivity
combustion chemistry research model on the basis of recent approach consists in simulating analysis on the kinetics of the
and significant progresses have experimental and theoretical it as a counterflow flame with various reaction classes inside
2. Comparison of model prediction (solid line) and experimental data (symbols)
been made over the last few evidences on aggregates zero velocity on the oxidizer the mechanism. Mobility in the BSS ethylene flame at Hp = 1.0 cm. Panel A) Temperature profile along
years both experimentally and formation in flames. Specifically, side. It is very important to measurements are interpreted the flame axis. Panel B) Soot particle size distribution function.


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Silvia Tavelli - Advisor: Marco Derudi

Tunnel fires play a relevant and ventilation velocity, a key design scenarios - such as bypasses


peculiar role in transportation parameter, was performed located in proximity to the fire
safety: historical records have using experimental data from - could also be relevant and has
seen a number of accidents the literature to validate the been addressed by analyzing and
and near misses in tunnels, simulation procedure and to simulating in the experimental
some of which characterized by highlight the best strategy for data obtained from full scale
catastrophic magnitude of the the identification of the critical experimental tests.
consequences and great public velocity from simulation results. Finally, the performances
resonance, such as the Mont Henceforth, several obstacles of the CFD code used for
Blanc Tunnel fire (1999, 39 configurations were analyzed the simulations, FDS, were
deaths). In the majority of cases in order to identify meaningful compared with the ones
mechanical or electrical failure trends and strategies in order obtained from a zone model, in
in a vehicle or an accidental to rationalize the congestion order to evaluate the potential
collision between two or more modeling. use of the more simplified
vehicles are at the origin of To account for the intrinsic approach as a screening tool
tunnel fires. complexity of the fire for this kind of scenarios, as
Since vehicles have a role in the phenomenon, a thorough well as those obtained using
initiation phase, they will always analysis should take into a different CFD code, FLACS,
be present close to the fire and consideration the effect of to highlight how the different
could influence the evolution thermal loads on structures, approximations of the codes
of the fire phenomenon. as well as of exposure to heat, influence their applicability and
However, the effect of the toxic and irritating gases on reliability.
presence of relevant obstacles the tunnel users capability In summary, the underlying
on the tunnel fires evolution to reach a safe place. A goal of the thesis has been
was not previously investigated. comprehensive methodology to provide tools for a rational
Therefore, the focus of this providing a synthesis of the approach towards an effective
thesis has been the simulation information regarding various and safe design, which could
with a computational fluid threats to survival in a tunnel benefit from the results of
dynamics software - the Fire fire scenario in a number of Key predictive and reliable numerical
Dynamics Simulator (FDS) - of Hazard Indicators (KHIs) and simulations in order to shift
complex systems and congested in an overall Key Performance from generic guidelines and
fire scenarios, with particular Indicator (KPI) was then prescriptive requirements
attention to the study of tunnel proposed. Its application is not towards the implementation
fires and the analysis of the limited to the consequence of the conclusions obtained
consequences of the evolution analysis, as the methodology can from the analysis of specific
of fire effluents in presence of be useful to compare different configurations and scenarios.
large obstacles. configurations and strategies of
After the simulation of empty fire prevention and protection,
tunnel fire configurations, therefore becoming a tool useful
a systematic study of the for design purposes.
effect of obstacles and The effect of complex
their location on the critical geometrical features on real

High efficiency SCR process for stationary

PhD Yearbook | 2015

applications: an experimental and
modeling study
Nicola Usberti - Advisor: Prof. Alessandra Beretta

The objective of this work is to up to 400C, where some investigated performing lab-scale insensitive to HCl concentration, of the gas-phase within the


improve the comprehension ammonia oxidation is expected. and pilot-scale tests. A model of likely due to the reach of surface reactor.
of the chemical processes that It was found that NO conversion the SCR reactor with honeycomb saturation.
take place over traditional SCR passed through a maximum monoliths was developed to As a first stage towards the
V2O5/WO3(MoO3)/TiO2 catalysts; at increasing temperature, as analyze the data, evaluate the comprehension of the complex
focus has been on one side on commonly observed in SCR rate of the chemical process and interaction between SCR-DeNOx
the identification of the role of tests at the onset of ammonia then comprehend the impact of process and Hg oxidation,
NH3 oxidation within the NH3/ oxidation; however, since the NH3 inhibition on Hg oxidation experiments where performed
NO/O2 reacting system in the experiments were performed by examining the concentration with NO co-feed. At low-
case of High Efficiency SCR under excess ammonia, the and reaction rate profiles inside medium temperature, NO was
configuration (NH3/NO inlet ratio high temperature decrease of the monolith wall. It was found found to have a promoting
higher than 1), on the other NO conversion could not be that, under typical operating effect on mercury oxidation; this
side on the kinetics of mercury attributed to a lack of surface conditions, both the DeNOX and was observed also at low down
oxidation. NH3. The experiments were thus the Hg oxidation processes are to no HCl content. Instead, NO
Both experimental and interpreted as the evidence of affected by external and internal exerted a negative effect at
modelling studies have been an unselective NH3-oxidation mass transfer limitations; NH3 temperatures above 350C and
addressed at this scope, in route, giving rise to some NO concentration drops very rapidly such a negative effect worsened
cooperation with industrial production. NH3-oxidation across the radial direction, at decreasing HCl concentration
partners (ENEL, Johnson tests showed low selectivity but Hg0 profiles are similarly and increasing temperature. This
Matthey). NH3-SCR, NH3- to NO (in line with the current concentrated in a thin superficial could be explained by assuming
oxidation and Hg0 oxidation literature) which could be layer. Thus, the main operating that NO interacted with the
were tested over commercial interpreted as the evidence of parameter which affects the V sites differently at varying
catalysts, exploring a very wide a selective ammonia oxidation extent of NH3 inhibition is the temperatures. Highly oxidizing
range of scales and conditions. route; however, a quantitative Area Velocity, that is the sizing NO-related surface species could
Data were in fact collected analysis of data showed that the of the full scale reactor. be responsible for the promotion
both at the laboratory scale observed product distribution The kinetics of Hg oxidation of Hg oxidation at temperatures
and in pilot scale facilities was fully in line with an indirect- was further deepened by below 350C. On the opposite,
both on powders and on consecutive reaction scheme a dedicated experimental the interaction of NO with the
monoliths or plates, and were from NH3 to N2, wherein NO study on a plate-type V-Mo/ active sites at high temperature
then analyzed with dedicated is formed by NH3 oxidation Ti catalyst. Experiments at hindered the activation of HCl
reactor models. The interplay and is then rapidly converted varying HCl concentration and thus the formation of
of chemical reactions and inter- to N2 via NH3-SCR. Preliminary and varying temperature chlorinated V-sites.
and intraporous mass transfer evaluations suggest that the seemed to suggest that the In general, these data showed
limitations required in fact the impact of NH3-oxidation on the activation of HCl is kinetically that the rate of Hg oxidation is
medium and methods of the integral performance of full scale limiting at concentrations extremely sensitive to the surface
chemical engineering analysis monolith reactors (operating at below 3 ppm; no temperature coverage of the chemical species
to extract intrinsic kinetic NH3/NO ratios close to 1) is not dependence of Hg conversion from the gas-phase, which likely
information an derive guidelines negligible, and that the correct was infact observed under these influences the activation of HCl.
for the reactor design. identification of the reaction conditions. A positive, though This sensitivity produces very
The NH3/NO/O2 reacting system stoichiometry is crucial. weak, T-dependence was instead different values of the apparent
was studied under conditions The extent of Hg0 oxidation observed at 10 ppm HCl where activation energy, depending on
of NH3/NO1 and temperature over V-W-Ti monoliths was the process tends to become the composition and evolution
Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage |
Electrical Engineering | Energy and Nuclear
Science and Technology | Environmental
and Infrastructures engineering |
Industrial Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering | Information Technology |
Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design
| Management, Economics and Industrial
Engineering | Materials Engineering |
Mathematical MODELS and METHODS IN
Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Physics | Preservation of THE Architectural
Heritage | Rotary-wing aircrafts | Spatial
Planning and Urban Development |
Structural Seismic and Geotechnical
Engineering | Technology and Design for
Environment and Building | Territorial
Design and Government | Aerospace
Engineering | Architectural and Urban
Design | Architectural Composition |
Architecture, Urban Design, Conservation
of Housing and Landscape | Bioengineering PhD Yearbook | 2015


PhD Yearbook | 2015

IN Information Technology


Chair: The PhD program in Information Technology (IT) goes back to the
Prof. Carlo Fiorini year 2001, when the two traditional programs in Automation-
Computer Engineering and Electronics-Telecommunications were
merged. As such, the unified course covers the research interests
in four scientific areas, namely Computer Science and Engineering,
Electronics, Systems and Control, and Telecommunications. This
broad variety of research activities is completely focused in the Monti Guarnieri): Networking, Applied courses reflect the scientific interests of DEIB
ICT area, and perfectly corresponds to the core mission of the electromagnetics, Information transmission and faculties. The curricula include a wide choice of
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB). radio communications, Optical communications, courses (about 30 per year), of different nature.
However, pursuant the history of the Department, and following the Wireless and space communications, Remote The challenge is to promote interdisciplinary
new trends of the modern society, some cross-related research fields sensing, Signal processing for multimedia and research while offering technical advanced courses
are also encouraged, such as ecology, environmental modelling, telecommunications. that spur innovative and cutting edge research.
operations research, and transportation systems. The PhD program Therefore, particular attention is devoted to help
in IT is the largest at the Politecnico in terms of number of students. Industrial collaborations each student to make the best choice according to
There are more than 60 first year students and about 210 in total. Due to its intrinsic technological nature, the PhD an internal regulation scheme.
The students are subject to an examination every year to evaluate curriculum is corroborated by many industrial
the progress achieved in their research and course work. collaborations. About 25% of the total number Internationalization
of scholarships are funded by industry or by Every year about 5 courses are delivered by
Topics international research projects involving industrial foreign professors. Moreover, the PhD program
The research carried out in the Department in the field of partners. In the school vision, the collaboration encourages joint curricula through agreements
Information Technology (including 35 between computing or between university and industry is ideally with foreign institutions. At present we count
experimental laboratories) can be subdivided into 4 main areas: based on the challenge of turning invention joint agreements for a Double PhD Program with
Computer Science and Engineering (Vice-Coordinator: Prof. Andrea into technological innovation. This amounts to New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) in the
Bonarini): Information systems, Database management, Information shaping new technology frontiers and to building electrical and computer engineering disciplines;
design for the web, Methods and applications for interactive a fertile atmosphere for a mixture of world-class academic cooperation for a Double Doctoral
multimedia, Embedded systems design and design methodologies, research at universities and in private companies. Degree with the Graduate School of Engineering
Dependable systems: performance, security and reliability, This also amounts to creating a common terrain and Graduate School of Life and Medical Science,
Autonomous robotics, Artificial intelligence, Computer vision and of friendly culture, to size the risk and to believe Doshisha University, Japan; double PhD Program
image analysis, Machine learning, Dependable Evolvable Pervasive in strong basic research. The external referee with Queensland University of Technology,
Software Engineering, Compiler Technology, Natural Language board is composed by members of public and Australia; between DEIB and the Drexel University,
Processing and Accessibility. private companies, working in industry and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; Double PhD
Electronics (Vice-Coordinator: Prof. Angelo Geraci): Circuits in applied research. The board is in charge of Program with the University of Western Ontario,
and systems: theory and applications, Single-photon detectors monitoring the activities of the PhD program Canada; Joint PhD Degree Program between DEIB
and applications, Radiation detectors and low noise electronics, and giving suggestions for its development. The and Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta
Electronic circuit design, Electron devices. board meets once a year to point out the new USA; Agreement for co-supervison of a doctoral
Systems and Control (Vice-Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Bolzern): emerging research areas worth to be investigated Thesis with Ecole Polythechnique de Montreal
Control systems, Robotics and industrial automation, Optical and to monitor the visibility of the course in the Canada.
measurements and laser instrumentation, Dynamics of complex industrial world. The PhD program in Information Technology
system, Planning and management of environmental systems, participates in ICO-NEH (International
Operations research and discrete optimization. Educational aspects Curriculum Option of Doctoral, in Erasmus
Telecommunications (Vice-Coordinator: Andrea Virgilio The teaching organization and subject of the mundus Programs: STRONG-TIES Strengthening

Training and Research Through Networking Every year at least 4 fellowships are assigned to

PhD Yearbook | 2015

and Globalisation of Teaching in Engineering foreign students, selected on the basis of their CV
Studies and GREEN IT for the benefit of civil and research interest.
Society (North Africa for incoming and
outgoing mobility) and a Cooperation agreement Conclusions
with Escuela superior Politecnica del Litoral It is quite clear that the core mission is to
(Ecuador) for admission of Doctoral candidates. offer an excellent PhD curriculum, through
Some activities are organized within the Network high quality courses, a truly interdisciplinary
of Excellence EURO-NF (Network of the Future) advanced education, cutting-edge research, and
and of ACCM, Austrian Centre of Competence in international and industrial collaborations. 331

Board Committee
Livio Baldi (Micron Semiconductors Italia)
Claudio Bartolini (HP Labs - USA)
Riccardo De Gaudenzi (European Space Agency)
Giuseppe Fogliazza (MCM S.p.A.)
Renato Marchi (Gruppo PAM)
Fabrizio Renzi (IBM Italia S.p.A.)
Stefano Signani (Unicredit S.p.A.)
Maurizio Zuffada (STMicroelectronics S.r.l.)

Prizes and awards

In 2014 the following awards have been obtained by PhD students:

Chorafas Foundation Award: Silvio Del Giudice, Valerio Panzica La Manna

Best Ph.D. in Information Technology Award: Federico Pepe
IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Award: Daniele DellAglio
ICWE 2014 Best Paper Award: Andrea Mauri
IEEE WETICE 2014 Best Paper Award: Mahsa Teimourikia

Vulnerability Detection and on the analysis of network have been proposed for each level the wrong commands

PhD Yearbook | 2015

protocols for BANs such as KNX, scenario. These countermeasures transmitted by an hypothetical
Countermeasures in Building Automation LonWorks, BACnet and Modbus;
about the SCADA systems, it
must exploit the attack schemes
previously studied and must be
malware acting at application
program level. The SC performs
Networks and Cyber-Physical Systems focuses on the Programmable
Logic Controllers (PLCs)
resistant to several classes of
attack schemes. In the case of
a real-time check between the
values that the firmware is
architecture. the BAN, a novel protocol, with going to send to the physical
Alessio Antonini - Supervisor: Luca Breveglieri Second, the previous strong security guarantees, has devices and the actual status of
technologies have been been proposed. The protocol is the industrial process, in order
summarized and a qualitative based on a logical time slotting to determine the admissibility 333
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) of their connectivity and and industrial communities have comparison among them has and an ephemeral shared secret, of the future state. Using a

are systems where software the improvement of their developed several solutions to been carried out. which is refreshed periodically simulation, it has been shown
and hardware entities monitor management into more efficient tackle with potential threats, but Third, relying on the previous by means of a multiparty that the proposed solution
and manage physical devices and effective CPSs, paved the these solutions lie far from being analysis, two case studies have key agreement scheme. The can run in realtime with the
using communication channels. way also to new security and unaffected by defects, as it is been defined in order to better computational complexity of the firmware without affecting the
They have become ubiquitous safety threats. In particular, the shown in this thesis. investigate the vulnerabilities novel multiparty key agreement general performances of the
in many application domains, security of CPSs involves the In this research work, the of such systems. A first testbed scheme has been shown to be system.
including health monitoring, need to secure a set of systems attention has been focused has been realized using a KNX equivalent to a computational In conclusion, this research
smart vehicles and energy that were explicitly designed on the CPSs that operate in a system as most representative Diffie-Hellman problem. This shows how it is possible for
efficiency, as in the power supply assuming the existence of a smart grid, considering that the because of the more stringent solution provides support for a hacker to perform cyber-
provisioning and management physical barrier to confine the introduction of these so-called constraints of computational sending secure commands in attacks to CPSs with a discrete
(e.g., smart buildings and smart attackers, which has fallen smart devices has particularly capacity, and a second one 1.3 seconds, and performs knowledge of the physical
grid infrastructures), thanks when the need to connect attracted the attention of the for the SCADA systems, based a key agreement, providing devices and industrial processes.
to the rapid growth of the them with the external world cyber-security researchers, mainly on Siemens PLCs as most forward secrecy, in roughly Thanks to the numerous
embedded system technologies. has surged. This is particularly due to the large scale impact representative because of their one minute of computation weaknesses of the CPSs, it
On a more general perspective, problematic as CPSs have a that would occur in the case of spread in the industrial market. and transmission time on is possible to obtain the full
these systems bridge the multitude of possible attack a cyber-attack. There are many Fourth, after an extensive activity the most constrained BAN control of industrial processes
cyber-world of computing vectors, by their own nature, different CPSs that are worth of reverse engineering, a set network infrastructure: KNX. and to perform different
and communication with the since a number of malicious being investigated; nevertheless, of viruses has been developed Furthermore, these performance actions in order to accomplish
physical world of the more actions can be undertaken at this research focuses on two of to exploit the identified figures improve by more than different goals, from a Denial-
complex systems, which include every level of their programming them, which appear to have a vulnerabilities, trying to an order of magnitude on faster of-Service to a more complex
mechanical parts, sensors and and working stack, from the major role in the smart grid field: generalize the attack scheme. A BANs, thus providing a widely manipulation of the physical
actuators of different kinds. low-level firmware residing the BANs, which can operate at first malware has been designed applicable solution, proved to systems. This thesis also shows
Examples of CPSs include the on the devices, to the the peripheral level of the grid, to attack a KNX system and be secure against the strongest that it is possible to use different
smart electricity-grid systems, infrastructure coordinating their and the PLCs, which are widely to show the possibility of fully possible network bound techniques to maintain the
the Supervisory Control And functionality, which typically used to manage the generation reprogramming the network attacker model, with the same safety and security of CPSs. The
Data Acquisition systems resides on common general- and distribution of energy. devices, in order to obtain a mathematical strength of well results of this research have
(SCADA) for managing the purpose computers. To this This thesis pursues several malfunction or a complete characterized crypto-systems. advanced the state-of-art in
functioning of industrial plants, end, it is crucial to approach objectives, at different levels of Denial-of-Service. A second In the case of SCADA, a novel the security of CPSs and BANs,
and the distributed control the securization of CPSs at complexity. malware has been designed to defensive approach has been and have been published in the
systems of Building Automation multiple levels. In particular, it First, different technologies attack the application program proposed, which is based on the refereed proceedings of research
Networks (BANs) designed to is fundamental both to tackle have been investigated for of Siemens PLCs, in order to application of model checking venues.
monitor and control the security the communication level both the BAS and SCADA show how it is possible to techniques at firmware level,
and safety of the mechanical security of such systems, by presented in the literature, change the specific industrial to verify the integrity of the
systems in a building, as well as providing authentication to in order to understand what process running on the PLCs. industrial process execution. It
their services. the involved endpoints and kind of communication In the worst case scenario the has been shown how to apply
All the aforementioned systems strong integrity guarantees on protocols, operating systems, malware can shut down the those techniques to a real
were commonly designed both the transmitted data and and hardware are used. Each entire process. Both malwares case based on the application
as stand-alone networks control signals, and to tackle the technology may have specific have been tested on realistic program of a water turbine.
in physically protected system security, lest an attacker vulnerabilities that cannot be testbeds, proving the feasibility A Safety Checker (SC) for the
locations, using proprietary can alter their functioning for generalized. About the BAS of the attacks. system has been written, which
technologies. The extension malicious purposes. The research architecture, the thesis focuses Fifth, some countermeasure is able to intercept at firmware

Inkjet printing of advanced functional

PhD Yearbook | 2015

materials: toward patterned devices
for large area applications
Giovanni Azzellino - Supervisor: Prof. Marco Sampietro

Solution processible envision the realization of more photosensitive devices: the independent on the incident

semiconductor technology has complex electronic devices (even adoption of tailored solutions, power density (over a power
attracted considerable research bendable) for imaging/lightening resulting from the mixture of density range larger than two
interest in the past few decades; purpose with a pixilated solvents with different physical decades), which is high desirable
in particular, devices based structure. properties, contributed to for photodetectors.
on conjugated polymers and Inkjet printing technology, avoid the coffee stain, pile up The same inkjet printing
semiconducting nanocrystals, which allows ambient condition different layers, all of them technology was adopted to
both processible from solution, and room temperature by inkjet printing, and make pattern quantum dots for
can pave the way for the manufacturing, meets all optoelectronics devices with making LEDs. In that case, the
development of low-cost, large requirements for patterning remarkable performances. piezoelectric inkjet is preferable
area and flexible electronics. solution-based semiconductors Finally, we reported pinholes- over other printing techniques,
The key advantages of these and manufacturing our devices. free, fully inkjet printed like micro-contact or thermal,
materials over crystalline Furthermore, the additive nature photosensors, based on a for two main reasons: the non- 1. Cartoon (top) and optical 3. Top: EQE as function of the incident
semiconductor technology are of this deposition technique vertical inverted architecture contact additive approach avoids micrograph (bottom) of the inkjet power density (measured at 570nm,
mainly ascribable to their low- is virtually compatible with with the photoactive layer material waste and mechanical printed photodetector with active at 1V reverse bias). Bottom: Device
area 100 x 100 m2. The dummy bandwidth measured at 570 nm under
temperature manufacturing whatever substrate, even sandwiched between two contact between the dots strip of silver is needed to minimize incident power density of 0.1 mWcm-2
and compatibility with flexible flexible. electrodes, deposited on and the stamp, and finally the the resistive losses due to the at 1V reverse bias.
substrates, and their unique In particular, we worked with flexible substrate, with EQE (at piezoelectric driving prevents transparent electrode based on
and tunable optical capabilities. the piezoelectric inkjet printing: 1V reverse bias) in excess of the heating of the dots-based
The high absorption coeffcient functional solutions were loaded 60% over most of the visible ink that would be detrimental,
of conjugated polymers makes into tiny nozzles that are able spectral region, and a peak of in terms of quantum yield,
them suitable for effcient light to propel small amounts (tens 83% at 525nm. Noticeably, for dots. We inkjet printed a
harvesting devices. Further, the of pL) of the same solutions in EQE and specific detectivity of solution based on core-shell
quantum confinement effect in response to an electric voltage our devices are comparable dots PbS-CdS (emission peak at
semiconducting nanocrystals is pulse. Control over the jetted with the literature reported 1450 nm) in ambient condition
particularly useful for making solution is mandatory in order devices made by the more at room temperature and we
both devices with narrow and to obtain well-defined structures standard coating techniques. addressed the issues of coffee
pure emission and devices and high resolution features (~ In other words, the novelty of stain and thickness uniformity
harvesting light at a certain 10 m): that is mainly achieved our approach, does not just by tailoring the solution itself
wavelength. by properly tuning the voltage prevent the manufacturing and modifying the surface
In this work we focused, waveform which drives the of high performance devices, energy of the underlying layer.
primarily on the realization piezoelectric nozzle. but demonstrates the inkjet We manufactured arrays of dot
of photosensors based on Nonetheless, the major hurdle printing capability of patterning spots with 25m resolution
conjugated semiconductors, in depositing films by inkjet and making efficient electronic and finally demonstrated the
secondly on novel LEDs with printing relies in the uniformity devices as well. electroluminescent behavior of 2. EQE spectrum (red) measured at
1V reverse bias under incident power
pure and narrow emission, and the continuity of the films In-depth analysis of printed devices incorporating arrays of density of 10 mWcm-2 and normalized
based on quantum dots. In themselves. In fact, casted films photosensors has enlightened printed dots as emissive layer. active layer absorbance (black).
particular, we addressed the suffer from the coffee stain the relationship between the
need of patterning functional effect which gives rise to non- manufacturing recipe and the
materials, coming from solution, uniform thickness and hollowed device electrical properties; after
to manufacture many devices films. Noticeably, we addressed an optimization step we were
on the same substrate and that issue and manufactured able to report devices with EQE

Variability, Endurance and Novel

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Applications of Resistive Switching Devices

Simone Balatti - Supervisor: Ielmini Daniele

In recent years there has been technology. In particular, the the formation of a new gap, by experiments and numerical resistance state and prevents multiple computation steps. The

a huge increase in the storage extreme ease of fabrication, Fig. 1b. This final state shows a simulations. These results a set transition. Changing the new nonvolatile logic approach
capacity of integrated memories, the low power and energy high resistance (it is called high support the high functionality set/reset pulse-width causes a allows to suppress the static
still the technological solutions consumption and the high write/ resistance state HRS) and it is of nanoionics in storing and negligible change of maximum leakage power dissipation, while
remained almost the same. The erase speed suggest that this identified as the logic state 1. elaborating information in metal endurance, which is explained reducing the area consumption
continuous demand of new technology may became a valid oxides. by an Arrhenius model of failure. thanks to the scalable 2-terminal
portable, low-cost, low-power alternative to Flash memories This thesis is focus on the Switching variability of the Starting from a detailed structure of the RRAM switch.
devices has forced a huge effort and an optimal choice for electrical characterization and set state was studied and electrical characterization The RRAM logic was studied
in R&D pushing the limits of storage class memory. the modeling of several key two different models where random telegraph noise (RTN) also from the circuit viewpoint,
the current technology. Flash The RRAM memory cell has issues of the RRAM, namely provided: (i) an analytical model, in RRAM devices was studied. discussing the implementation
memory, representing the main an extremely simple structure, the switching mechanism, for the Poisson fluctuation The random fluctuation between architecture, the select/unselect
stream memory technology basically it is a parallel plates the program variability, the of the defect number in the two levels is explained by the scheme to prevent disturb and
and experienced an impressive capacitor, where a metal oxide endurance failure and the conductive filament and (ii) change of charge state in a the implementation of a 1-bit
development, that has led this is sandwiched between two random telegraph noise. a Monte Carlo model, which bistable defect close to the CF. adder. Two architectures are
technology to a 16 nm node metal electrodes that act as Starting from the concept of describes the discrete injection The model provides a physical considered, namely a 1T1R
and to the implementation top and bottom contacts, as complementary switching, a of defects. Both models can quantitative description of architecture, where RRAM in
of 3D architectures. As we shown in Fig. 1a. The application concept recently proposed to capture the dependence of both the electron transport both the top and the bottom
approach the scaling limit of a positive voltage to the solve the sneak-path in crossbar- variability on the compliance in presence of a fluctuating crossbar arrays are selected
imposed by physics to Flash top electrodes induces a ion array, an innovative multilevel current. It is also evidenced a defect and the temperature- by a transistor, and a hybrid
technology, the research is migration from the top electrode scheme for oxide RRAM was new set-failure phenomenon dependent switching kinetics. 1T1R-1R1R architecture, where
making more and more efforts toward the bottom electrode developed. The new scheme induced by complementary The model accounts for the size only RRAM in the bottom
towards the development of that creates a conductive relies on the storage of two switching. Set failure might be dependence of RTN amplitude, crossbar requires a select
new devices that are able to filament that connects the two different states for any resistance suppressed by accurate choice of which is due to the partial or full transistor. Finally, a 1-bit adder
combine the characteristics electrodes, as shown in Fig. 1c. level, where the two states the programming voltage, time depletion of carriers depending is designed and demonstrated
of Flash technology with This state is characterized by a differ by the orientation of the and pulse shape, as well as by a on the CF diameter, and for bias by experiments and simulations.
the performances of faster low resistance (it is called low CF. The defect concentration careful RRAM stack engineering. dependence of RTN switching. RRAM logic appears as a
memories, overcoming the resistance state LRS) and it is and orientation can be Pulsed operation of oxide RRAM The work on RTN, presented at promising alternative to CMOS
scaling limits that will soon identified as the logic value of 0. independently controlled by the was studied, showing that the IEEE conference IRPS, was technology for area and energy
afflict the floating gate devices. On the opposite, the application current compliance and voltage the reset pulse-amplitude Vstop awarded with the Best Poster scaling thanks to the reduced
At the same time, it is emerging of a negative voltage at the top polarity, respectively. Storage controls resistance window and Award. area and nonvolatile behavior of
the need of a new family of electrode leads to ion migration and discrimination of 8 states switching variability, the high Nonvolatile logic operation RRAM devices.
memory, called storage class toward the top electrode and (i.e. 3 bits) is demonstrated resistance state distribution in RRAM through conditional
memory, that combines the improves for increasing Vstop, switching in serially-connected
benefits of a solid-state memory, while low resistance state is devices was developed in this
like high speed and robustness degraded due to capacitive work. The RRAM state variable
and the archival capabilities and overshoot and incomplete can be 0 or 1. The state variable
low cost of conventional HDD. set. Endurance failure at high is used both as input or output
Among many competitors, Vstop is due to negative set, i.e. of the logic operations. AND,
oxide based resistive switching a defects injection from the IMP, NOT and transfer can be
memories represent a strong bottom electrode in to the achieved in a single clock pulse,
candidate for next generation depleted gap that induces a non while OR, XOR and all other
solid state non-volatile memory switching state with low high operations are achieved in

Techniques and Tools for Efficient, QoS-

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Driven Warehouse-Scale Computing

Davide Basilio Bartolini - Supervisor: Prof. Marco D. Santambrogio

Warehouse-scale computing, resource allocations. on shared resources; deep sleep dissertation is proposing novel generation servers. depending on the specific

which is supported by states impose high transition approaches to the problem of context (application types, public
datacenters, emerged in the There is a tension between latencies and flush shared achieving QoS enforcement Both AutoPro and Rubik versus public clouds, criticality of
last decade as a fundamental these two issues (efficiency and state, impairing performance; in an efficient way in two demonstrate the importance the QoS requirements, ...).
enabling technology for QoS), as techniques to improve traditional controllers for complementary scenarios. of three principles that we This dissertation analyzes these
pervasive phenomena such efficiency (e.g., virtualization, dynamic voltage and frequency We analyze these two scenarios suggest as guidelines for the problems and provides two
as the Web 2.0, big data, power management, colocation, scaling (DVFS) reduce active and propose two methodologies development of next-generation practical solutions for two
and cloud computing. ...) impact performance, often power, but can heavily impact and practical systems (AutoPro computer architecture somewhat complementary
Despite being assembled unpredictably. performance, because they are and Rubik) that solve this and operating systems for scenarios.
from commodity components This dissertation attacks both oblivious to the peculiarities of problem: datacenters:
(servers, interconnects, ...), these sides of this tension and datacenter applications. AutoPro tackles on the Availability through the
datacenters opened the way to proposes novel techniques and problem of providing hardware/software stack of
a new paradigm for mainstream tools to help solve it, towards Then, we analyze metrics to predictable performance with application-level information is
computing; as researchers future efficient QoS-driven quantify the performance of automated resource allocation key for effective control.
work on understanding this warehouse-scale computing. datacenter applications and in public infrastructure-as-a- Control systems used to tune
new paradigm, two important define their QoS. service (IaaS) cloud computing. system-level knobs need to be
themes emerge in a new way First, we analyze a well-known Throughput is a general metric AutoPro provides a practical founded on solid theoretical
compared to traditional systems. model for the total cost of to quantify rate of progress or solution based on a control- bases (e.g., AutoPro uses
A major concern for datacenter ownership (TCO) of a datacenter load, but it is not enough to theoretical background for control theory, Rubik uses
operators is their efficiency and find that, as things capture the performance of systems running compute- statistics and control theory);
and cost-effectiveness, which stand today, opportunities to latency-critical applications, such bound, throughput oriented ad-hoc empirical controllers
are crucial to supporting the further reduce TCO, and allow as user-facing services, which applications. With AutoPro, do not generalize well and
growth in the services and value datacenters to scale further, need to provide performance we focus on current hardware often fail due to unpredictable
coming from big data and cloud mostly lie in improvements in guarantees on the end-to- and propose a solution that is pathological cases.
computing. the efficiency of IT equipment, end latency of each request. directly deployable on modern In order to support the
Additionally, public cloud particularly the efficiency of Latency-critical applications are datacenters with no hardware dynamic execution context of
computing presents further servers. particularly interesting, because changes. datacenters, as opposed to the
challenges for both datacenter On this basis, there are three they define an operating context Rubik analyzes datacenters static runtime of traditional
operators and users. A major main opportunities to improve that is peculiar to datacenters; running latency-critical clusters, control systems need
issue for users that want efficiency: increasing server we analyze the behavior of five applications, along with other to operate at a high frequency;
to bring their workloads to utilization, reducing static latency-critical applications, batch work and tackles the coarse-grained adaptation
the cloud to take advantage power consumption, reduce studying how latency is problem of reducing the cannot adapt to quick
of utility computing is that dynamic power consumption. affected by different operating TCO while maintaining QoS changes and imposes overly
performance on virtualized The challenge is being able conditions. One important guarantees on the tail latency, conservative guardbands,
resources is hard to understand to target these opportunities consequence of defining QoS thus improving efficiency. Rubik leaving much on the table.
and often unpredictable. For this without hurting QoS. We show with application-level metrics provides a solution based on
reason, using public clouds for that traditional mechanisms and is that traditional systems that a runtime system and few key Completely solving the problems
applications that need to provide policies to pursue these goals are optimize for aggregated, low- hardware changes, mainly to of providing QoS and operating
a required quality of service not well-suited for datacenters: level metrics cannot provide this provide partitioning of the datacenters efficiently remains
(QoS) level is not straightforward colocating applications causes type of QoS guarantees. memory hierarchy; this solution an open research problem,
and often leads to increased inefficiency and performance could be implemented with and different techniques
inefficiency due to conservative degradation due to contention The main contribution of this negligible overhead on next- and approaches are needed

Analysis and Control of Mechatronic are detailed. The gray-box analysis of the mechatronic in closed-loop. Finally, the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

approach is adopted to model actuators, two different example effectiveness of the proposed
Actuation Systems in Industrial all the different actuators: the
dynamic behavior of the single
of industrial applications are
presented. The first application
regulation system is illustrated
by the application to the real
Applications components is described with
physical equations and then
case refers to a new regulation
strategy for self-balancing
industrial plant.

joined to the overall models. manual manipulators. First, Main Contributions

Damiano Belloli - Advisor: Prof. Sergio M. Savaresi The parameters are obtained a brief introduction of the The main contributions of this
in part from the datasheet machinery and application thesis can be summarized as
characteristics and in part environment is provided. Then, follows: 341
The widespread of the actuation this limitation, providing and the more and more from suitable experimental the experimental setup and fine modeling and control

systems in the industrial methodologies which, under demanding requirements measurements by a proper physical model of the apparel analysis
applications leads to more and suitable conditions, guarantee needed to face these parameter identification used in this work are presented, This Thesis proposes a detailed
more demanding requirements robustness and accuracy technological challenges, lead procedure. Then, the overall with particular focus on the description of the mechatronic
in term of accuracy, dynamical Control problems: The to the necessity of innovative models are validated comparing control architecture. The control actuators of the main diffused
response and energetic proper design and tuning of devices, such as the mechatronic the simulation results with strategy of the Virtual Feedback technologies, with particular
efficiency. Recently, the the regulation systems are actuators. The large diffusion experimental data. The Reference Tuning, adopted focus on the analysis of the
technological performances directly responsible of the of the electronic components developed models are also also in the EHSA control, is dynamical behavior and on
have been improved by the performances. The knowledge bring to an enhancement of the adopted to develop suitable applied to the selfbalancing the design and tuning of
introduction of the electronic and development of recent and performances, especially in the strategy to estimate variables manual manipulators, with specific methodologies for the
components, which allows the innovate control strategies can estimation and control fields, that cannot be directly measured the experimental validation estimation and the control of
implementation of innovative provide solutions to overcome but there still is improvement or comes from low quality of the obtained results. Then, such devices. All the proposed
control and estimation the actual limitations. margin, particularly in the overall sensor. In particular, the actuator the load mass estimation algorithm are experimentally
strategies: this new generation Since the mechatronic actuators system dynamic. For this reason, position estimation is explored problem is faced with two validated.
of devices, called mechatronic studied in this Thesis have a the mechatronic actuation using the Kalman filtering different approaches and the innovative control and
actuators, is the topic of this practical impact on the industrial systems are the main topic of approach and compared to performance are validated with estimation solutions applied to
Thesis. In particular, three applications, the proposed this Thesis, with particular focus the measurements provided proper experimental tests. industrial cases
aspects that influence the methodologies and algorithms on the dynamical behavior by transducer of different The second application case A novel control strategy is
mechatronic actuation systems are validated by experimental analysis and control strategy technologies. Finally, the considers the regulation of provided for the velocity
are faced in the present work: tests. All the laboratory and design useful for industrial speed estimation has been the speed profile trigger for regulation of a self-balancing
Modeling problems: The industrial tests have been applications. As overview of the also investigated with different electrical motors in rolling mills, industrial manipulator, including
knowledge of the dynamical performed in collaboration with linear mechatronic actuators, algorithms. based on the load estimation. load mass estimation: the results
behavior of the mechatronic industrial partners: Consorzio three different actuation Two different the control After an introduction of the it the possibility of a transducer
actuators is the primary Intellimech Kilometro Rosso, technologies are presented: scenarios for linear actuators hot rolling process for the removal, obtaining the similar
base for the improvement Scaglia Indeva and most of all the Electro Hydraulic Actuator are illustrated. First, the Virtual seamless pipe production, or better performances. An
of performance, because it Tenaris Dalmine R&D. (EHA), the Electro Mechanical Reference Feedback Tuning illustrating the role and the innovative methodology for
permits to deeply understand The Thesis is structured in Actuator (EMA) and the most methodology is customized for importance of the mechatronic the control of the speed profile
the system functioning two parts: in the first section, recent and innovative Electro the cascade control architecture actuators in this industrial trigger for electrical motors in
and provide fundamental the development of suitable HydroStatic Actuator (EHSA). For to face the actuator positioning environment, the problem of rolling mills is also proposed,
information for the models, estimation algorithms each actuator typology, the main problem in the EHSA. Then, the the crop ends is discussed. implemented and tested on
development of the estimation and control strategies for components and the function pole placement and root locus The control strategy usually a real productive plant, with
and control strategies. different technologies of principle are detailed in addition criterion are used to design adopted to reduce the impact notable benefit on the industrial
Estimations problems: In mechatronic actuators are to the description of the the regulator of the actuator of the crop end phenomenon productivity.
industrial environment is not illustrated; in the other section, control strategy. Then, the main force. Finally, on the base of the on the process productivity is
always possible to obtain the methodologies previously advantages and drawbacks of models previously implemented presented, highlighting the main
the information or the analyzed are applied to specific each technology are listed and and tested, a global comparison limitation. Then, an innovative
measurements required for industrial environments, such as related to the most common of the different actuators control strategy is proposed to
an ideal control, because of self-balancing manipulators and applications. is provided to highlight the overcome the actual limitation:
difficult operating conditions rolling mills for pipe production Then, the mathematical models performance differences on the base of two different
or absence of proper The increasing number of developed to study the dynamic between the EHAs, EMAs and approaches for the motor load
transducers: the estimation industrial applications which behavior of the mechatronic EHSAs. estimation, the proper trigger
algorithms allow to overcome involve the actuation systems actuators (EHA, EMA and EHSA) After a detailed technological time is estimated and controlled

Analysis and design of advanced vehicle

PhD Yearbook | 2015

sharing systems: on-board technologies,
control and optimization
Andrea Giovanni Bianchessi - Supervisor: Prof. Sergio Savaresi

Mobility has a huge impact in insurance and fuel, and to The services currently in place that allow the seamless use of providing users with the distance unloading of application on the

terms of economic costs and access the service users must be often appear as a simple rental technologically different vehicles, from the nearest vehicle. This vehicle on-board box, Chapter
it accounts for one quarter of registered. service just for cars. However, and it provides a unique and technique has been successfully 5. None of the currently
the worlds greenhouse gas Specifically, this Thesis presents the GM service is green, flexible, standardized mode of access tested by using real car-sharing available car-sharing kits offers
emissions. Traffic congestion, the Green Move project smartphone-based, free from (the Vehicle Interface) for all data from the Milano Car2go the possibility to add/remove
pollution and greenhouse gas which is an innovative, high- intermediaries and provided the system actors. The GEB has service. functions depending on the
emissions are some of the most technological and advanced with the most innovative fleet been tested both on the fleet The main contributions of user, location or period. On the
prominent issues that modern Vehicle Sharing System based management algorithms. vehicles and, for four months, this Thesis are summarized as contrary, the Green e-Box is
metropolitan areas currently on an heterogeneous and A detailed description of the in a condominium- based VSS follows: based on a novel middleware,
have to face. The goals set at electric vehicle fleet. The main fleet vehicles is provided (e.g. demonstrating great reliability. Development of an innovative which allows applications to be
the political level in this regard components of such a wide and size, number of seats and Then, two innovative system for vehicle sharing dynamically loaded/unloaded
cannot be achieved without complex system are depicted autonomy) along with technical algorithms for managing and which eliminates all the based on the current context.
a significant re-think of urban in Figure 1. This Thesis focuses aspects (i.e. vehicle data and controlling the vehicle fleet intermediaries between the The modeling of a Vehicle
mobility. on the fleet vehicles related buses, charging modes and were introduced. The Feedback users and the system, Chapters Sharing System as a dynamical
New models of sustainable components, both at a very low commands). Dynamic Pricing (FDP) technique 3 and 5. Green Move is the system, provided in Chapter 7.
mobility call for the integration (on-board electronic box) and All the vehicles have to be models the VSS as a dynamical first Vehicle Sharing service At the best of our knowledge,
of vehicles that differ in type high (control and optimization endowed with a Green-eBox system. This opens up new which is entirely smartphone- a Vehicle Sharing System has
(e.g. cars, scooters and bicycles), algorithms) levels. To visually (GEB) to be inserted into the control options for the fleet based. It doesnt require never been modeled as a
technology (e.g. electric, hybrid inspect some of the Green GM fleet. The GEB is an Android balancing problem. In this neither a member-card to dynamical system. This opens
or with classical combustion Move solutions refer to: https:// based electronic on-board approach, a control strategy lock/unlock vehicle doors nor up new control options for the
engines) and ownership (they www.youtube.com/watch?v= control unit; it implements can be derived using the theory mechanisms to retrieve and fleet balancing problem. In this
can be publicly or privately kI3yiB50RWw. several abstraction mechanisms of feedback-regulated systems. give back the vehicle key. approach a control strategy
owned, fully or partially shared) Thus, assuming that people are The key is simply sent by the can be derived using the theory
within the same system, and sensitive to changes in the price control center to the users of feedback regulated systems.
they must offer end-users of the service this can be actively smartphone as an electronic A novel approach called
common functions, services and and real-time con- trolled by ticket. Feedback Dynamic Pricing
interfaces. acting on the trip fee. A full- The possibility of adding to a (FDP) is presented in Chapter
This Thesis deals with Vehicle fledged simulator has been Vehicle Sharing System vehicles 7. It is based on the modeling
Sharing Systems. Vehicle Sharing developed and experimental that are heterogeneous in their of a VSS as a dynamical system
gained global popularity during data are encouraging and types and owners, Chapter 5. and it aims to control the fleet
the first decade of the 21st demonstrate the feasibility of The lacking of heterogeneity of balancing by varying the price
century as one of the possible the proposed approach. the vehicle fleet is one of the of the service in real-time.
solutions to environmental and The Nearest Available Vehicle most important limits of today An innovative technique
increasing city traffic congestion (NAV) algorithm for predicting Vehicle Sharing Systems. The (named Nearest Available
problems. A Vehicle Sharing the user distance from the Green Move project overcomes Vehicle, NAV) for solving
System is a 24/7 vehicle rental nearest vehicle overcomes the the most of the technological the problem of the lack of
service (the fleet vehicle is drawbacks of free-floating VSSs problems leading to an easy booking mechanisms in free-
heterogeneous) most dedicated due to the absence of booking integration of different vehicle floating car-sharing services
to drivers who make occasional 1. Components of a Vehicle Sharing System on which control and optimization mechanisms. The idea is to use models. is introduced in Chapter 8.
use of the car, typically for short algorithms are hooked. This Thesis, among all the components, deals with the the data from vehicles past Development of an highly It provides users with the
design and development of both a vehicle on-board electronic box prototype
periods of time and within and control and optimization algorithms for fleet balancing and forecasting of locations to make a prediction dynamic platform for prediction of their distance
city areas. Rates include both vehicles locations. of future vehicle locations by managing the load- ing/ from the nearest vehicle.

Integrated Instrumentation for High first time to reach a resolution

PhD Yearbook | 2015

as good as 0.4aF in the 100kHz
Sensitivity Impedance Measurements on 150MHz range. The second
work presented focuses instead
Nanosamples on the implementation of a
setup conceived for electrical
measurements with an Atomic
Davide Bianchi - Advisor: Prof. Marco Sampietro Force Microscope (AFM):
as sketched in Fig.2, in this
measurement system the AFM 345
The dramatic progress in setup must allow to actually amplified by amplifier A with a probe is used as input electrode,

miniaturization, made available shorten the connection to gain GA independent of fs, low- while the metal input pad of
by the integrated circuit the device under test (DUT), pass filtered by LPF(f) to prevent an appositely optimized CMOS
1. Basic schematic of the impedance analyzer based on modulation/
technology, allows nowadays physically approaching it as 2fs component and other amplifier is directly used as a demodulation architecture IC.
to implement sophisticated much as possible to the IC; spurious harmonics to propagate conductive substrate electrode.
measurement systems on the integration of the readout into the loop, and finally This solution is determinant
chip that can perform in a measurement system together demodulated back to the input for minimizing the input stray
millimeter sized package most with the DUT implies the frequency by M2. For standard capacitance and the capacitive
of the functions available with development of embedded operating conditions, when fmod coupling with the tip holder,
standard discrete components custom systems, which must also = fs, the circuit acquires the DUT and therefore the equivalent
instrumentation. Circuit cope with special requirements input current and provides an input current noise. Although
integration not only allows (for example biological, or output VHF at the measurement more delicate than standard
to develop massively parallel optical, mechanical, chemical) of frequency, whose phase and passive electrodes, this active
systems, otherwise too complex the DUT itself. The device itself amplitude are proportional to substrate allows to explore the
and bulky to be managed, must be finally properly devised the input DUT admittance. Since ultimate detection limits of this
but it is often also the key to match as much as possible the signal is translated into DC, technique, without requiring any
for dramatically improving the readout requirements: two paths in parallel are required modification to the commercial
the sensitivity of the readout maximize signal and signal-to- to process both the in-phase (I) AFM instrument, and leading
systems which are designed noise ratio when connected and quadrature (Q) input signal to a system sensitivity up to
for investigating the micro- to the readout electronics, components; the unity gain 14.4zF. The third and last work
and nano- world. Sensitivity minimize its input capacitance. SUM block adds them together presented focuses instead on
is indeed strongly related to The work presented in this thesis as they are translated back into the design and production
the capacitance (electrodes is focused on the development the measurement frequency. of optimized devices which 2. Principle scheme of the new measurement system topology.

and instrumental) at the input of instrumentation for high The translation into DC allows are conceived to sense the
of the measuring system, CIN sensitivity measurements, to obtain into the loop two photoconductive effect caused of the physical mechanisms
which actually defines the noise and therefore focuses on DC outputs which behave by light, when it is coupled into involved and a first analysis of
level of the instrument: an IC the development of the IC as an external lock-in system conductive waveguides. This the material platforms suitable
bonded to a nanoelectrode preamplification chain, but also connected to VHF . Despite the technology is very promising for this purpose, amorphous
with an input capacitance of on the setup and on the device increased loop complexity, the for the development of non- Silicon devices have been
few hundreds of femtoFarad development. The first work DC translation has therefore the invasive light detection into designed, produced and finally
would allow to get about a x100 presented is mainly focused benefit of avoiding an additional microphotonic structures. The tested, proving the validity of
improvement in the sensitivity, on the development of an lock-in system, as well as device concept is schematically their working principle on this
if compared to the setup integrated transimpedance advantages in terms of sensitivity shown in Fig.3, and consists of technological platform.
built with a bulky instrument, amplifier, made of a very peculiar and compactness. Besides the two electrodes surrounding the
with cable connections and two channel modulation/ IC, a dedicated setup suitable optical waveguide and spaced
about 10pF input capacitance. amplification/demodulation for embedded applications from its core by an electrically
The miniaturization of the structure embedded into a has been also implemented, insulating layer: the core 3. Illustration of the device structure,
preamplification chain is feedback loop. In this topology, allowing to realize a complete conductivity, which is increasing consisting of two metal electrodes
not sufficient by itself, but whose principle structure is instrument for impedance proportionally to the coupled deposited onto the electrically-
must be coupled by both shown in Fig.1, the incoming spectroscopy. The new IC insulating upper cladding and
light, can be measured for
capacitively coupled (CA) to the
well-conceived setup and signal is firstly modulated to DC topology, coupled with the frequencies higher than fA =1/ electrically-resistive (RWG) silicon
device to be measured. The frequency by multiplier M1, then dedicated PCB, allows for the (2CARWG). After theoretical study waveguide.


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Silvia Boiardi - Supervisor: Prof. Antonio Capone - Co-supervisor: Prof. Brunilde Sans

Legacy wireless access While energy-aware network During off-peak periods, the at the same time, to provide mathematical computation,

networks (WANs) are typically design models or operation operation savings correspond an example of the possible while CPLEX branch and bound
designed regardless of energy management solutions have to the energy spared by turning benefits derivable from a cell solver was used to optimize
efficiency considerations. been largely treated in the off the largest cell, while the sleeping mechanism applied to them. Through remarkable
The planning objective is to research world, the challenge other two remain active to serve the chosen topology. Tuning the results, we demonstrated
minimize the deployment is to convey both CapEx and the traffic demand. Would it objective function by means of that network planning and
costs while insuring complete OpEx costs as well as power be possible to decrease further a trade-off parameter, different energy efficiency are closely
area coverage and connection issues into a single modeling the energy consumption of the network topologies can be related. To further confirm the
quality in any load condition, framework. topology? Figure 1(c) answers produced to accommodate validity of the joint approach,
especially during peak traffic The work carried on during this this question, illustrating the the designers requirements. In we compared the cellular and
periods. In recent years, the doctorate program arose from main principle of the joint particular, the major selling point wireless mesh joint model results
growing demand for ubiquitous the belief that a fundamental optimization. Given a traffic of the JPEM is that, whether a with those of a more traditional
mobile communication access issue had been so far overlooked variation profile, the joint service area is blank or already procedure, where network
increased not only the amount by the research on green mobile framework is able to build a covered by legacy equipment, it deployment and operation are
of customers to be served, networking: an effective energy- flexible topology, specifically allows the network planner to addressed separately.
but also the awareness of the aware operation through a cell designed to take advantage build the most energy-efficient Due to the high number of
environmental impact. If on sleeping technique is closely of the demand variability. In network from the energy optimization variables, the
one hand the capacity of the dependent on the planning the example, by adding an consumption point of view, JPEM framework is extremely
current networks has to be decisions taken during the additional cell at the cost of a maintaining the CapEx under computationally expensive.
upgraded to manage the extra network design phase. While modest CapEx increase, it would control. Therefore, the last part of the
traffic, on the other hand new the design and operation be possible to switch off as As main line of research, we doctorate program was devoted
energy-aware techniques should problems had always been much as three access stations designed the JPEM framework to develop an ad-hoc heuristic
to be introduced in the regular tackled separately, we developed instead of just one in low load to optimize cellular access procedure in order to obtain
network functioning. an optimization model that conditions. networks. An instance generator results in a shorter amount of
Within this context, green jointly considers the planning was developed using C++ time and allow the investigation
networking has emerged as and management of a wireless programming language to of larger test examples. Through
a new way of building and access network. The philosophy produce several test scenarios, the observation of the cells
operating communication at the basis of the approach is considering LTE technology activation pattern during the
networks to improve their summarized in Figure 1, where and three types of access daily peak and off-peak time
energy efficiency. Besides a three-cells toy topology devices - macro, micro and pico periods, a partial topology is
is represented. Bold circles 1. Effect of joint optimization on provided as input to the JPEM
its obvious environmental cells. Once again first in the
network operation management.
advantages, power consumption stand for the area coverage of literature to tackle planning and and integrated to form a feasible
reduction is beneficial to mobile turned-on access stations, thin management at once, we also solution. The heuristic approach,
operators for economic reasons. circles stand for switched-off The joint planning and developed a variation of the joint fully implemented using AMPL,
Two types of cost are incurred: devices and black dots stand energy management (JPEM) formulation to suit wireless mesh proved successful and solved a
capital expenditures (CapEx), for traffic aggregators (also optimization model, as we access technology. We designed large set of real size instances.
related to the purchase and called test points). Figures 1(a) named it, is an original integer an all-new instance generator,
installation of radio equipment, and 1(b) report examples of a linear programming problem. Its this time producing Wi-Fi mesh
and operation and management topology deployed according to objective is to minimize the sum test instances. In both cases, we
expenses (OpEx), consisting in the minimum installation cost of the capital investment and implemented the models using
energy, site rentals, marketing criterion, operated during high the energy costs due to devices AMPL, a programming language
and maintenance costs. and low traffic load respectively. deployment and operation and, specific for high-complexity

Multi-objective methodologies for vehicles

PhD Yearbook | 2015

ride quality enhancing

Stefano Bottelli - Supervisor: Prof. Sergio M. Savaresi

This work was developed due to the synergistic usage of and a complex mechatronic active suspensions in a vehicle to the extreme simplicity of the a load estimation algorithm

under the supervision of Prof. the actuators. It is also shown design. If compared against is presented. The advantages algorithm, it is showed how is developed. The spectrum
Sergio Matteo Savaresi, from how MCC allows to decouple semi-active suspensions the of the MCC technique lie in its MCC can be rearranged in order analysis based method is shown
Politecnico di Milano. It is comfort objectives, namely cost-benefit ratio does not simplicity: similarly to the classic to control active aerodynamic to be able to provide a reliable
this work goal to investigate heave, pitch and roll oscillations seem compelling, but in logic rule based strategies for surfaces. Several simulations estimation of a vehicle load and
the potential of semi-active reduction, making it an terms of pure performance semi-active suspensions control, are conducted in order to of its distribution without the
suspensions and active extremely versatile and powerful improvement, the proposed the MCC algorithm is extremely assess the new control system need of measuring neither road
aerodynamic surfaces for algorithm. AAS system outperforms semi- simple and its implementation performance, highlighting the profile nor the wheel vertical
the purposes of developing In the beginning, a complete active suspensions. It yields on a real vehicle is trivial. The higher effectiveness of the motion, but simply by processing
centralized control strategies, study on the potential performance comparable to sensors that are needed in order methodology in enhancing the vertical acceleration of the
which can improve several effectiveness of active that of fully active suspension to operate it are an inertial vehicle comfort with respect to chassis and the pitch speed,
aspects of ride experience aerodynamic surfaces is carried at a fraction of the power unit on the chassis, which is decentralised control strategies. the latter being required to
towards an ideal multi-objective out. In particular, two reasonable requirements. able to provide the controller Later, a preliminary concept of provide additional information
vehicle control. It is in fact configurations are presented for The most popular comfort- with heave speed, pitch speed multi-objective vehicle control on the load distribution. The
shown how these actuators AAS installation on each vehicle oriented algorithms developed and roll speed, in addition to by means of active aerodynamic method is shown to be effective
can be used with multiple corner, and decentralized control for semi-active suspensions potentiometers measuring surfaces is presented. It is in fact enough to discern among a
purposes, from comfort techniques are developed with are typically designed on the the suspensions deflection (so shown how these actuators can copious but finite set of loads
enhancing, through road the goal of enhancing comfort quarter-car model. When it that the suspension deflection be used with multiple purposes, and distributions. Naturally,
holding and handling increasing, and road holding respectively. comes to actual implementation speed can be computed by switching among different the potential of the developed
to steering and braking Two model-based controllers on real vehicles, four (or derivation). Moreover, since control modes, accordingly estimation methodology goes
capabilities improvement. A are designed on the classical two in the half-car model) the MCC methodology is not to the driving scenario. A beyond AAS controller effective
new control strategy (namely quarter-car model. The proposed controllers usually take care model-based, it can be readily ride mode map is presented, tuning, since mass knowledge
the Multi-objective Chassis design and the several trade- of the comfort enhancing of employed on different vehicles together with the switching is considered a vital information
Control, also referred to as offs involved in the tuning are each singular corner, neglecting without any re-tuning. Another conditions among the ride to prevent the criticalities
MCC) is also developed both discussed considering several the interactions among them. great potential of the strategy modes, namely the driving that arise in several other
for semi-active suspension and parameters. In particular, the Thus, several simulations are is that the control objectives mode, the braking mode and applications, when load can vary
Active Aerodynamic Surfaces effect of different tunings, the carried out in this work, where can be decoupled in order the steering mode. Per each during the vehicle usage. This
(AAS), which makes use of aerodynamic surface size, the a half-car and a full-car model to define which variable the ride mode a control strategy is can happen for example with
logical control rules and it road disturbance amplitude, the are endowed with semi-active control system needs to focus developed, and the outcomes public transportation, garbage
is independent from vehicle vehicle mass and the vehicle suspensions, each one controlled on more, among chassis heave, are analysed by means of time collectors, or private vehicles,
models, similarly to the skyhook velocity are thoroughly discussed with the same decentralized pitch or roll reduction. The domain and frequency domain especially motorbikes, in which
algorithm. The MCC is therefore and numerically analysed, from strategy. Both frequency and parameters that need to be performance assessment tests. the load variation with respect
characterised by an extreme the performance and power time domain evaluations are modified in order to modulate It is thus noted how AAS can to the vehicle mass is high.
implementation simplicity, and it requirements point of view. performed in order to assess the algorithm action on each be successfully employed for
can easily be employed on any Furthermore the AAS control comfort performance, showing objective are extremely concise enhancing several aspects of the
2-wheels or 4-wheels vehicle is tested with semi-active how classic control strategies and trivial to tune. Several time ride quality, such as comfort,
without re-tuning, being not suspension systems, showing perform when employed in a domain and frequency domain braking efficacy and steering
modeldependent. In addition that the two approaches are decentralized fashion. tests are carried out, showing capability.
to these qualities, it can provide additive from the performance After, a new centralised that the classic semi-active Finally, since it is shown that the
better performance with point of view. The performance methodology that can improve control strategies performance knowledge of the actual vehicle
respect to decentralized control improvement comes at the comfort by means of the can be outdone by the MCC mass is vital for the development
strategies (such as the skyhook), cost of power requirements synergistic use of all the semi- methodology. In addition, due of a model-based AAS controller,

FRONT-SIDE AND BACK-SIDE ILLUMINATED SPAD CMOS SPAD is reported. In the and proved to be capable of the path towards important

PhD Yearbook | 2015

future, this approach will allow acquiring information about developments that can greatly
ARRAYS FOR 2D IMAGING AND 3D RANGING one to achieve a higher pixel
density (up to 100 %) and an
the surrounding objects on
the road in a both standing
influence several fields such
as biology, medical science,
enhanced spectral sensitivity or moving car and of imaging and security.
in the near-infrared range. The predicting the relative speed
designed SPAD imager (Fig. and movements between
Danilo Bronzi Supervisor: Prof. Franco Zappa 1) was used to assemble a the obstacle and the car,
prototype 3D camera (Fig. 2) thus warning the driver and
for advanced driver assistance avoiding the collision by 351
Over the last few years there of-flight computation); complex CMOS electronics for and collision avoidance. The properly acting on the car.

has been a growing request for sufficient horizontal and advanced imaging. The aim system electronics includes a Taking advantage of the high
all-solid state smart imagers, vertical pixel resolution to of this doctoral work was to FPGA module that processes sensitivity and fast frame rate
fostered by the needs of image a broad field of view; design monolithic a Single- data coming from the chip; a capability, the SPAD camera 1. Designed Single-Photon Camera.
a number of applications, adequate image repetition Photon Avalanche Diode highspeed USB 2.0 interface was used in collaboration
which demand complex and rate to allow real-time (SPAD) array and read-out for communication and a 32 with the Karolinska Institue
advanced data collection image acquisition and image electronics, able to provide MB SDRAM for data storage. and the Technical University
with high sensitivity (possibly processing; simultaneously both high A second back-mounted of Berlin to evaluate a novel
at the single-photon level) low power consumption, frame rates and single-photon board accommodates the DNA sequencing method.
and very high acquisition compactness, and low-weight sensitivity. The array was power converters, digital The technique relies on the
speed (possibly thousands of for reducing costs and for fabricated in an automotive- logics, and analog circuitry for contemporary measurement
frames per second). Among ease of installation and grade CMOS technology to implementing a Direct Digital of Fluorescence Correlation
theses applications, we can maintenance. Nowadays, the ensure scalability, reliability, Synthesizer, thus providing Spectroscopy (FCS) and
mention: molecular imaging, imager market offers a broad and low cost. Moreover, with arbitrary waveform modulation Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging
fluorescence lifetime imaging, portfolio of either commercial- the aim of enabling high for the light source. The (FLIM) of 4 different dyes
micro-array based biological or scientific-grade cameras, performance smart system- camera is housed in an labelling the 4 different
analysis, confocal microscopy, ranging from consumer CMOS on-a-chip implementations aluminium case supporting a nucleotide. With respect to
and adaptive optics; as well active pixel sensor (APS) the single-photon detectors 12 mm F/1.4 C-mount imaging other method, this one is so
as, Safety (e.g. automotive, cameras up to high-end CCD are paired with sophisticated lens, whose field-of-view is sensitive that do not need
environmental surveillance, imagers. However, none of in-pixel intelligence able not approximately 4020. The DNA multiplication through
traffic and workplace safety them simultaneously offer high only to deliver two-dimensional whole system is very rugged Polymerase Chain Reaction
monitoring, product safety speed and ultra-high sensitivity: (2D) intensity information and compact and a perfect (PCR) and thus would allow
analysis, food and agriculture CCDs reach sensitivity at close through photon counting in solution for vehicles cockpit, one to detect the smallest
quality and safety assessment) to single-photon level but either free-running (down with dimensions of 80 mm mutation in a DNA sequence.
and Security (access control, necessarily require cooling to 10 s integration time) or 45 mm 70 mm, and less that This research project is still 2. Photograph of the bonded SPAD
biometrics, surveillance systems, and long integration times time-gated mode but also 1 W dissipation. To provide the going, but promising results imager.
dangerous agents monitoring, (i.e. very low frame rates); APS to perform light demodulation required optical power and were already obtained. A
homeland security, fire hazards) imagers provide video-rates with in-pixel background allow fast modulation of the second collaboration with the
scenario, which simultaneously but with relatively limited suppression. The provided optical signal, the illumination Institute of Photonic Sciences
require: detection efficiency, thus features allows different source has a modular design (ICFO) was also launched. The
single-photon sensitivity in the requiring bright illumination operating modes, thus based on a power supply measurements carried on at
300 nm 900 nm wavelength scenes. Special kind of CCDs, enabling both time domain board and five 808 nm laser ICFO were aimed at exploiting
range; like the intensified or electron- applications such as flash driver cards. The system was and validating the high-
integration times as short multiplying CCDs, can reach detection, fluorescence lifetime operated at night and during sensitivity of the SPAD camera
as microseconds (for precise sensitivity at close to single- imaging or fluorescence daytime, in both internal and to overcome the typical low
time-tagging or videos of fast photon level but are costly and correlation spectroscopy as real traffic scenario, yielding frame rate of CCD in speckle
optical transients); bulky and necessarily require well as frequency-domain high dynamic-range (118 dB) contrast spectroscopy (SCOS),
instrumental response function a cooling system; photo- lock-in depth measurement for high-speed (over 200 fps) and let scientists image at high
capable of measuring few multiplier tubes and micro- three-dimensional (3D) ranging depth measurement with high speed the blood flow in living
tens of picoseconds for the channel plates are well-known in automotive vision and lidar. precision (less than 50 cm at tissues in few seconds. Overall,
estimation of the arrival time of single-photon detected but The development of the first 45 m). The prototype was the opportunities given by the
a single-photon (e.g. for time- they cannot be integrated with ever back-side illuminated tested at Centro Ricerche Fiat designed CMOS SPAD opened

Energy Efficient Localization Techniques

PhD Yearbook | 2015

for WSN Communications

Salar Bybordi - Supervisor: Prof. Luca Reggiani

In this research, localization is mentioned goals, this research algorithm enables FP to be localization error bound (SPEB), the threshold to beacons with

treated in a more general way considers algorithms for both applied in larger environments function of transmission power the SNR below the threshold,
w.r.t. the existing denitions active and passive localization or environments with ner space from each beacon. Then, two realizing a type of simple
in the literature since here the scenarios. The rst section of grids. The second aspect of the new sub-optimal algorithms are adaptive power allocation
concepts of static localization, the research deals with the scheme deals with the critical investigated. The former is based (Adaptive Power Allocation
ngerprinting in a single investigation of energy-efficient concern when tracking more on the denition of a parameter (APA)) directly based on the
shot estimation of position localization algorithms for than one passive target, i.e. to called uncertainty area which is a measured SNRs.
information and tracking of passive localization. The rst part make the correct discrimination convex function of transmission Simulation results conrm that
position information over developed for passive scenarios among measures as a result of power in the pair-wise selection such a simple strategy can
different time instants are is dedicated to the theoretical occurred ambiguity in paths of beacons. Numerical results be effective in medium low
integrated for achieving a analysis of a hybrid tracking clusters scattered by different conrms a notable performance SNR regions, even w.r.t. more
common goal, i.e. an enhanced algorithm composed of active targets especially when targets advantage of localization sophisticated optimization
energy efficiency. Localization and passive steps. The analysis are moving close to each other. with Power Allocation (PA) procedures.
scenarios, considered in of this scheme, based on the The nal phase of this analysis schemes w.r.t to the case of
this research, cover active Posterior Cramer Rao Bound is dedicated to consideration uniform power allocation MAIN RESULTS OBTAINED
localization, in which the target (PCRB), conrms that mixing of applied TOA-based ranging among beacons specially in I. Achievement of energy
participates in the estimation active and passive cases can be technique (so-called soft target locations in the vicinity efficiency via combination of
process of inter-node ranging an effective tool towards energy ranging) and its potential of beacons. The latter proposed active and passive steps in
information, and also passive efficiency. The second part of the characteristics for providing algorithm is based on the fact localization
scenarios, in which the target investigation of passive scenarios more accurate ranging measures that the optimal SPEB based PA II. Design of a power allocation
does not participate in the deals with the energy efficiency by means of feeding a kind of approach does not show any algorithm for active
estimation process. The general under two perspectives. A a-priori information. This issue advantage when performance localization scenario in order
trend in design of localization hybrid tracking algorithm provides EKF update steps with (i.e. Mean Square Error (MSE)) to improve localization
algorithms is towards achieving composed of Extended Kalman more precise ranging measures of the ranging estimator performance
more accurate estimation Filter (EKF) based tracking leading to a better localization achieves a oor corresponding III. Investigation of impact of real
of position. Additionally, and Fingerprinting (FP) is performance. Simulation results to a certain threshold in the ranging estimator on existing
considering the limited battery proposed in order to tackle validate a zero-energy tracking received Signal to Noise Ratio optimal power allocation
life in wireless sensor networks conventional problems related algorithm in which the mobile (SNR). This corresponds to the strategies for WSN localization
(WSN) nodes as a determining to the implementation of either target does not consume energy. behavior of a practical, realistic IV. Design of a hybrid
factor in the performance of tracking or ngerprinting The second section of the ranging estimator where the fingerprinting and EKF based
WSNs, the algorithms should separately. One of the common research deals with energy achievement of higher ranging tracking for indoor passive
respect energy efficiency drawbacks of FP belongs to efficient algorithms for accuracies becomes not possible localization scenario
constraints. The contribution large data size and consequent active localization scenarios. by increasing transmission power
of this research is mainly large search space as a result of Accordingly, power allocation over a certain threshold because
focused on the investigation either vastness of surveillance among transmission power of phenomena like, for example,
and proposal of localization area or ner grid resolution of beacons is an effective tool the maximum sampling rate and
algorithms which should in FP grid map which limits toward this objective. We computational load available
achieve these two crucial design the application of FP to small present a pervasive literature in the sensors. Consequently,
objectives: environments or scenarios review on existing power this sub-optimal, simplied
accuracy improvement with largely spaced grid points allocation (PA) schemes and, in PA algorithm is based on the
energy efficiency leading to poor localization particular, of the optimal ones, distribution of transmit power
Considering the two above- performance. This hybrid based on the minimization of a of beacons with the SNR above

OPTIMAL/ROBUST CONTROL FOR ANTISLIP/SKID phenomena. Considering Chapter 6 - Nonlinear the single control units and to

PhD Yearbook | 2015

transmission dynamics allows adaptive control reduce the stopping distance
DEVICES IN RAILWAY APPLICATIONS for performance evaluations
in presence of resonances
In this chapter we describe
a nonlinear adaptive control
as compared to standard
techniques based on limited (or
which often appear in practical technique for the control lacking in) communication.
applications. The full train of a single axle. The main Extensive simulations have been
model is used to propose a contribution of this chapter is performed to test and compare
Danilo Caporale - Advisor: Prof. Patrizio Colaneri highlevel strategy of braking a new technique for anti-slip our algorithm with standard
effort coordination whenever control in railway vehicles. techniques. The numerical
communication allows for This technique is based on a experiments confirmed the 355
Control systems for wheel axle snowy regions or in urban areas model capable of describing all a neighbortoneighbor new parametrization of the soundness of the preview

control of railway vehicles are where the autumnal mixture of possible operating conditions communication. The electrical unknown adherence force. control based strategy and
the main focus of this work. foliage and water challenge even with a relatively simple nonlinear model clarifies the context of The control philosophy aims at showed that it outperforms
We analyze the problem from the most recent WSP devices. parametrization. operation of the present work. enhancing vehicle performances the other techniques. Special
two points of view: the single It is remarkable how Then an innovative adaptive by estimating the maximum attention is devoted to
axle speed control and the technological improvements controller based on such Chapter 4 - Adherence available adhesion force with understanding the part played
whole train coordinated control. have not been able to solve parametrization is presented characteristic a nonlinear filtering, which is by the various parameters
In both of them we propose this problem: an emblematic and its performances analyzed The main source of disturbance then exploited via a nonlinear in the problem, such as the
innovative control algorithms example is what happens in via simulation. Also a discrete when designing a control controller. The effects of the distance between the actuated
to enhance the performance of braking maneuvers, where controller based on optimal system for the wheel speed is implemented control scheme coaches and the convergence
current wheelslip protection initially poor performances filtering and control theory is the friction force between the are the use of the maximum rate of the control units. Focus
devices exploiting advantages where ascribable to the difficulty presented and its performances wheel and the rail, often called available deceleration in case of has been placed on the role of
offered from modern control of controlling mechanical brakes assessed via simulation on a adherence force. This force is poor adhesion conditions and, communication and preview for
theory. Results are theoretically with air pressure circuits and detailed Simulink diagram kindly also the mean by which a torque consequently, a reduction in the performance improvements. As
validated and simulation the use of electrical motors as provided by Alstom Transport applied to the wheel axle is wear rate of the rolling stock. such, the dependence of the
experiments are given. brakes, with its faster response Italy. It has also been possible to transmitted to the rail, hence The results are illustrated via adherence curve on the train
times, has not been a complete test part of this algorithm on a providing traction or braking simulation. state is expressed only by its
Chapters 1 and 2. answer to the problem. real time Hardware In the Loop force to the vehicle. dependence on the position and
Introduction, motivations and In the spirit of overcoming such simulator, always provided by In the following sections Chapter 7 - Distributed the traveling speed.
background difficulties, in this work we Alstom TransportItaly. different existing models of the Control with Preview The communication protocols
The operation of railway vehicles devoted our attention to the use Other than the single axle wheelrail con- tact force are In this chapter, we propose a used in railway applications
requires the ability to control the of modern control techniques control, we will devote our presented, which are based method to take advantage of are introduced, to show how
rotational speed of the wheels in to push the performances attention to the whole train on the theory elastic contact information exchanges between the proposed algorithms can
every environmental condition. over the current industrial and braking performance with between solids. Peculiarities of preceding and following coaches be implemented and spot the
To this purpose, a wheel slip scientific limits, paying attention an innovative distributed each model is summarized, and in order to improve the braking possible problems that might
protection device (WSP) is to what, in our opinion, was not preview control approach and from these model we propose performance and to reduce arise.
necessary to prevent the wheels yet investigated and proposing we will show how a simple two simple controloriented the stopping distance of the
from slipping on contaminated innovative ideas to overcome communication between models which are capable train. Different braking control Chapter 8 - Simulation and
rails. This is done by comparing current limitations. neighboring coaches is capable of describing all operating approaches are considered tests
the axles peripheral velocity of improving stopping distance conditions. depending on the level of We provide some simulation
with the train velocity and by Chapter 3 - Modeling performances. communication between the results conducted in different
controlling the speed to prevent approach The illustrated models range Chapter 5 - Discrete time control units. In particular, scenario to assess the validity
the two from being too different. The dynamics of the mechanical from a single wheel model adaptive controller a novel distributed braking of the algorithm proposed in
Despite the progresses control system involved in wheel speed without transmission dynamics An algorithm for optimal wheel control algorithm is proposed Chapter 5, where only a result
theory has experienced in the last control is studied. Different to a simplified full train model. slip control to be readily used in that, thanks to the preview of has been shown which has
decades we still face, especially models are used for different Each of these has different the implementation of a discrete the future condition of the rail been obtained on a real time
in adverse meteorological design strategies, and each of purposes. The single wheel time controller is presented. offered by the coaches at the simulator available in the Sesto
conditions, inadequate railway these is thoroughly presented. model is the most useful Theoretical justification is front of the train, is capable of San Giovanni Alstoms plant.
traffic response due to difficulty Particular attention is devoted to study traction and given as well as simulation better tracking the maximum Here more extensive simulations
of controlling the speed of the to the understanding of braking algorithm as it is results obtained on a detailed adherence condition. In so have been conducted on a
wheels on slippery rails. This the wheelrail adherence the simplest model capable metropolitan train model doing, it is possible to enhance Simulink model of the train.
problem is particularly evident in characteristics and propose a of describing all relevant provided by Alstom Transport. the performance offered by

Towards the Definition of a Methodology

PhD Yearbook | 2015

for the Design of Tunable Dependable
Matteo Carminati - Supervisor: Prof. Cristiana Bolchini

The problem of guaranteeing reliability in a holistic way allows management framework for hardware platform. At the

the correct behavior in digital to drive the several decisions dealing with reliability in multi/ multi-node level, the designed
systems even when faults by exploiting the synergy of manycore embedded systems. framework employs a hybrid
occur has been investigated both the most classical aspects Reliability represents the main approach to minimize aging
for several years. However, the and reliability-oriented ones. optimization dimension and is while optimizing communication
researchers efforts have been Postponing the reliability considered both for permanent/ and computation energy. A
mainly devoted to safety- and assessment to the later phases transient faults management runtime orchestrator has been
mission-critical systems, where of the design flow on a system and components aging designed to smartly map tasks
the occurrence of faults (both prototype is not appealing, mitigation. Energy consumption on the available nodes starting
transient and permanent) can be because failure in achieving the minimization has been from pre-computed optimal
extremely hazardous. Nowadays, desired level of reliability would introduced because it is directly mappings. Tasks are then re-
the need to provide reliability be detected too late. However, and considerably affected mapped, at runtime by means
also for non-critical application the complexity of managing by the knobs the framework of heuristics, to cope with the
environments is gaining a lot reliability, performance and exploits. Perfomance is taken evolving conditions. Transient
of momentum, due to the power/energy consumption into account as a constraint to faults management is considered
pervasiveness of embedded all at the same time grows be satisfied according to the soft at the multicore level only,
systems and their increasing exponentially, especially when real-time paradigm. The result is since creating, scheduling, and
susceptibility due to technology several decision variables are a cross-layer self-adaptive system gathering results of redundant
scaling. While in critical available in the considered for the combined optimization threads and voters/checkers
applications the budget devoted system. For this reason it is not of reliability and energy under benefit from a shared-memory
to reliability is almost unlimited possible to envision a system performance constraints. bus-based architecture such as
and it is not to be compromised, able to properly react to any The proposed framework the intra-node one. A rule-
1. A graphical overview of the proposed system composition.
in non-critical scenarios the possible scenario on the basis of autonomously takes care of the based system has been designed
limited available budget used to decisions precomputed at design resource management problem, to guide the orchestrator in
guarantee the best performance time; a new paradigm based hiding its complexity. The overall selecting, at each instant of in a simulation environment lifetime motivated the
and energy consumption is to on self-adaptability is to be work is organized in several time, the best redundancy- by executing application traces development of a lightweight
be shared for providing reliability designed. Self-adaptive systems layers as shown in Figure 1. based reliable technique to collected from execution on real framework for estimating the
as well. are becoming quite common This framework implements a satisfy the users reliability architectures. reliability function and the MTTF
In the past, great effort has when dealing with such complex well-known control loop where requirements and minimize The envisioned framework and for architectures able to tolerate
been devoted to provide strict systems: relevant examples the status of the system and the perfomance overhead. This the design of the presented multiple failures, considering
reliability management. This are available in literature if the environment are sensed layer is located, in each node, adaptation layers represent the varying workloads. This
led to the shared belief that performance management is (observe), adaptation is defined on top of another adaptation main innovative contribution framework is based on Monte
reliability is to be considered considered. through decisions made at layer that takes care of aging of this research work. The Carlo simulations and random
from the early stages of the Given these motivations, runtime to meet the specified mitigation and computation preliminary investigation on walks.
embedded systems design we argue that the self- goals and constraints (decide), energy optimization. This is self-adaptive systems led to the The obtained results proved
process. In fact, as this process adaptive paradigm is to be and the values of the system achieved by acting on different formalization of a model for the effectiveness of the
is becoming more and more implemented when designing parameters are modified knobs (tasks mapping and describing and organizing this proposed approach, obtaining
complex, approaches that do not embedded systems with the accordingly (act). The designed scheduling, resource switch- kind of systems in a structured remarkable improvements in
consider reliability throughout aim of considering reliability framework is integrated in a on/off, DVFS) through the and systematic way, as well terms of lifetime extension and
all the design steps may lead as a driving dimension. In two-layer heterogeneous multi/ synergic orchestration on ad-hoc as for preliminary validating energy consumption reduction,
to expensive or not-optimized particular, in this thesis we manycore architecture, which designed controllers. Each them. Moreover, the need for while meeting performance
solutions. Moreover, considering propose a comprehensive is considered as the reference adaptive layer has been validated estimating complex architectures constraints.


PhD yearbook | 2015

Alessandro Caspani - Supervisor: Antonio Francesco Longoni

In this PhD work, MEMS be represented with an RLC coefficient and m the effective transducer, allowing to measure technology has yet to reach

technologies for modern electrical circuit. Further mass. the mechanical Brownian noise the reliability and repeatability
ultrasonic transducers have expanding the scheme, three All the parameters of the model that sets the ultimate limit to required.
been studied. As part of different physical domains that are subject to process the maximum distance for the Two proof of concepts of the
a collaboration between can be separated by means of variation and whose precise ultrasound to be detected. This envisioned applications have
Politecnico di Milano and VTT ideal transformer: electrical, knowledge is of paramount limit together with the minimum been provided with the same
- Technical Research Centre of mechanical and acoustical. importance for the coupling to distance, which is related to acoustic characterization
Finland, the aim of this work is Analyzing the transfer function the electronics are obtained by the saturation of the sensing set-up, exploiting an array of
to obtain extensive knowledge thus obtained from the electrical means of an electromechanical electronics, sets the operative receivers, aligned side by side:
on the prospects and limiting to the acoustical ports and vice characterization. range of the devices (~ 5 cm). (1) an ultrasonic source were
factors for these technologies to versa two Figures of Merit are A wide selection of devices Another limit is imposed by the correctly detected, with relative
both replace current ultrasonic related to physical parameters have been at disposal, with high directionality of the multi- errors below 9 % in a range
transducers, fabricated with of the device: the first is the different dimensions, materials membrane transducers, that, between 1 cm and 4.5 cm; the
piezoelectric crystals, and to emissivity, defined as the ratio and working principles; as due to interference between reduced range with respect to
explore the possibility to further of the emitted acoustic pressure a consequence to optimize each elements signal, has been the one achievable by the single
extend their field of application. and the applied AC voltage, the ultrasonic testing system measured to be 14 for the transducer is due to the angle
The theoretical analysis and the towards a specific application selected devices. The emission between the position of the
supporting experiments reported the most reliable and promising profile of the CMUTs is shown in source and the normal to the
in this work show a promising devices have been used in the Figure 2. surface membrane; and (2) a
future for Micromachined and the second is the sensitivity, transmission experiment. The sound image (like in a sonar),
Ultrasonic Transducers, based defined as the ratio of the experimentation system consists were reproduced detecting
both on capacitive (CMUT) produced current and the in a set-up for emission and the presence of a source and
and piezoelectric (PMUT) pressure impinging on the detection of ultrasonic waves reproducing its shape; the
transduction, as represented in membrane, from two separated transducers limited contrast that these
Figure 1. The main features that placed in front of each other, second example has shown is
stand out in these devices are: . with the possibility to change a consequence of the simple
low-power operations, cheap their relative positions with high custom algorithm (as this was
cost of production, ease of Where w is the pulsation, accuracy. A preliminary study of not the aim of the work), which
interfacing with electronics, high h the electromechanical signal shapes suggests to use a is poor compared to industrial
density arrays capabilities. coupling factor, Za the acoustic burst signal of few tens of cycles patented imaging algorithm.
The mechanical structure impedance of air, Am the area of at the resonance frequency of The results discussed have
has a mass-spring-damper the membrane, k the stiffness of the transducers for the voltage been object of two works, one
behavior and therefore can the membrane, b the damping driving the emitter. 2. Emission profile of a CMUT regarding the effect of different
As a first result the emission transducer, where the color is the materials and radii and other
intensity of the emitted pressure from
efficiency and the detection the source, placed in the position demonstrating the localization
sensitivity were measured at (0,0). performances in air, presented at
resonance to be E = 48 Pa/V and IUS 2013 and Eurosensors 2014
S = 389 nA/Pa, in accordance Lower frequencies PMUTs are respectively.
with the predictions. foreseen to overcome these
The low-noise electronics limitation and to work at longer
designed has proven to have distances, but at the moment
1. Principle scheme of a CMUT (on the left) and of a PMUT (on the right). a lower noise floor than the of the writing the production

Achieving quality in crowdsourcing

PhD Yearbook | 2015

through task design and assignment

Ilio Catallo - Advisor: Piero Fraternali

Crowdsourcing, i.e., the offered by the commercially-

assembling of strangers to available platforms against
accomplish a task, has the the proposed characterization.
potential to revolutionize the On the other hand, we turn
way people work on the web. our attention to the problem
The promotion of crowdsourcing of assigning tasks to crowd
initiatives allow companies to workers. In this respect, carefully
easily collect and compound considering workers accuracy
contributions in a distributed has already proved to be the
fashion, while letting individuals key enabler for increasing task
work and earn without the need quality. We therefore propose
for a physical working place a task assignment policy to
or pre-existing employment support the assignment of tasks
contracts. Thanks to its high in relation to crowd workers
flexibility, crowdsourcing is abilities, under the assumption
gaining a more prominent role in that workers may exhibit varying
both the industry and academia, accuracy depending on their
and it has been estimated that workload. We validate our
companies have the potential findings through an extensive
to crowdsource more than 300 experimental phase. Specifically,
billion USD of work worldwide. we conduct experiments with
As the number of organizations the aim of verifying which
embracing crowdsourcing is task design dimensions affect
increasing, crowd workers the quality of the outcome.
are likely to become a limited Moreover, we offer empirical
resource. An important issue is evidence of the existence of a
therefore to understand how fatigue/learning phenomenon
to obtain, retain and persuade among workers, and we
a crowd to contribute. In extensively validate the proposed
this work, we are especially task assignment procedure
interested in understanding against both synthetic and real
which mechanisms are effective data.
for eliciting high quality
contributions from the crowd.
Our approach is twofold. On
the one hand, we focus on how
a careful task design can help
improve quality of contributions.
We present a characterization
of the design space of
crowdsourcing tasks, and we
then contrast the capabilities

Exploring Architectural Support for

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Applications with Irregular Memory
Patterns on Distributed Manycore Systems
Marco Ceriani - Supervisor: Gianluca Palermo

The interest on large scale data obtained from measuring programs that require HPC through a non-linear scrambled from the prototype have also be space. The use of remote atomic

knowledge discovery social and economic activities technologies. mapping of global memory used to formulate an analytical operations, in place of lock
applications is rapidly increasing often produces scale-free The objective of the research addresses to the nodes of model, which identify the system routines, allowed to significantly
in both industry and scientific graphs, that is graphs has been to study how to the distributed system. The bottlenecks and can be used reduce the synchronization
research. Example of such whose degree distribution extend commodity distributed third feature is the automatic for dimensioning a large scale overhead and exposed larger
applications are found in approximates a power law. architectures with the exploitation of lightweight distributed system. amounts of parallelism
the fields of social network These graphs have an ultra double aim of improving the multi-threading to transparently The development of FPGA enhancing the effectiveness of
analysis, data mining, protein small diameter, which means performance of applications with tolerate the long latency of prototypes allows to reduce the many-core system.
sequences analysis and in that the maximum number irregular memory patterns, and remote memory requests. Finally, the design and evaluation
the study of interactions in of steps required to reach the simplifying the programming the support for fine-grained cycle of hardware architecture
biological and other complex furthest node is extremely small model. synchronization, thanks to a with respect to full ASIC
systems. The data analyzed by with respect to the number The approach followed is hardware implementation of designs. However, they still
these applications are naturally of nodes in the graph. This the design of an architecture locking routines that allows the require a considerable effort
represented by dynamic and high interconnectivity of the template based on many-core threads to lock single words of and amount of time, which
irregular data structures such as structures makes it difficult to processors, which extends the global address space. repeats and increases for each
graphs or unbalanced trees. The optimize the partitioning of large commodity many core The feasibility and effectiveness incremental update. Therefore
algorithms used, therefore, show data sets on distributed memory architectures introducing a small of the approach has been the research has moved on with
an irregular behaviour in both machines. Therefore this class number of custom components. evaluated with a prototype the creation of a lightweight
control and data patterns, which of algorithms do not perform The new components enrich composed of 4 FPGA devices system simulator, in order to
have a degrading impact on the well on current architectures for the processor functionality by connected by an ad-hoc evaluate additional features
performance. One of the most High Performance Computing providing features useful for network. The prototype using high level performance
limiting factors is the very poor (HPC), which are designed to running large-scale graph-based includes the custom-designed models instead of a full HDL
spatial and temporal locality exploit locality of accesses and applications, but they do not components, which are added to implementation. The simulator
of memory accesses caused by regularities in the control flow. require a modification of the an architecture based on off-the- neglects modeling the details
the unordered traversals of the The only family of system core internal architecture or shelf cores and communication of cache and memory hierarchy,
data structure. Many analysis architectures specifically the memory hierarchy. Hence, subsystem. These components which are irrelevant for
algorithms require a partially designed for efficient execution the resulting architecture offer the four fore-mentioned applications which lack data
ordered visit of the entire graph, of graph-based applications can perform equally well features with a minimal impact locality, thus improving the
for example in breadth first has been proposed by Cray with regular and irregular on the chip architecture. In simulation speed. On the other
order, or random visits to the with the MTA and XMT applications, by enabling spite of the small size of the hand, it models the extended
neighbourhood of each node. supercomputers. But they are or disabling the additional prototype, the performance memory behavior introduced
This kind of visits generates highly expensive because they components. scaling of typical irregular by the custom hardware
irregular patterns which cannot are composed of mostly custom A set of four features are kernels proved the effectiveness components: the automatic
be predicted by a memory components, which prevents the keys of the architecture of the approach. In addition, identification of remote accesses
prefetcher, and because of the exploiting economies of scale. design. The first is a global the FPGA prototype allowed that triggers a context switch,
low temporally locality of the Also, because of the necessary and distributed address space, to evaluate the technical issues the scrambled address space
data most of memory accesses trade-offs, they achieve reduced which allows the use of the related to the implementation and the fine-grained locking
hits the main memory, making performance on more regular Shared-Memory (SM) Single of the proposed architecture, routines. The simulator allowed
complex cache hierarchies workloads based on linear Program Multiple Data (SIMD) suggesting the technical details to evaluate the impact of
essentially useless. algebra and matrix operations, programming model. The required for supporting other additional architectural features,
In addition, because of the which are used in most of second is the probabilistic commodity processors. such as the support for atomic
small world phenomenon, the engineering and scientific reduction of dynamic hotspots, The performance data obtained operations on the global address


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Nicola Maria Ceriani - Supervisor: Prof. Paolo Rocco

Industrial manipulators Industrial robots specifically preplanned task, is proposed, assessment, evasive velocities entering the robot workspace

represent a significant element designed for human robot which defines the relevance for are computed, that are used to through the modification of the
for the automation of some interaction are becoming task execution of constraints, avoid the detected obstacles. preplanned robot task.
industry sectors, such as cars available in the market. and consequently identifies Finally, a state machine Then, collision avoidance is
manufacturing, or for machines However, industrial robot the possibilities for their that allows to automatically formulated as an optimization
tending and parts movement. controllers currently lack the relaxation. Once relevance of design the collision avoidance problem. Kinematic limitations
However, their diffusion in features needed to ensure safe constraints has been identified, strategy from the constraints of the robot and unilateral
productive settings such as and productive human robot a preplanned trajectory can classification is proposed. operational space constraints
consumer electronics industry interaction. be modified and adapted to In order to integrate the collision can be effectively taken into
is hampered by an insufficient This thesis aims at extending the current conditions of the avoidance system with an account with such an approach,
flexibility, or by an excessive an industrial controller environment, still preserving industrial controller, a system increasing the robustness
cost. Human robot interaction functionalities with a collision the possibility of its successful for the communication between and the effectiveness of the
is a promising solution to such avoidance system, in order to completion. them is proposed. Such a system overall system. Two versions 2. The FRIDA dual arm robot with the
a problem, as cooperation allow the robot operation in Then, a strategy for task allows the robot programmer of the system are proposed, distributed distance sensor, adopted
between robots and workers unstructured environments consistent collision avoidance to exploit the added collision with an increasingly accurate with the first collision avoidance
could greatly increase robots and in close cooperation is proposed, which is based avoidance functionalities using management of kinematic
flexibility, and, at the same time, with humans. This research on the previously presented the standard robot programming limitations of the robot, and a
the adoption of manipulators therefore contributes to the classification and executes interface. The communication deeper exploitation of the robot
that are safe for human robot use of industrial robots in evasive motions exploiting system demonstrates the capabilities for evasion. The
interaction would reduce the new production scenarios and relaxed constraints. For this possibility of extending a first version is experimentally
costs related to environment proposes a safety system which purpose, an assessment of standard industrial controller validated on a dual arm pick
structuring. can be implemented adopting danger generated by the with capabilities for the and place task, while the second
The deployment of industrial existing technologies, shortening robot on obstacles is adopted: adaptation to unforeseen events. one is validated only through
robots in human robot the gap between research and constraints of higher relevance Two different implementations simulation.
collaboration scenarios poses application. are relaxed as the level of danger of the collision avoidance
new challenges for robot As a first step a classification increases. Then, exploiting strategy are then proposed.
manufacturers: guaranteeing for constraints composing a the above mentioned danger First, null space projection is
safety for human operators used in order to execute evasive
cooperating with robots, actions consistently with task
while achieving productivity constraints. Such an application
in unstructured environments. of the collision avoidance
Robots should appear friendly strategy is experimentally
to workers, avoid collisions and validated on a dual arm force
reduce the risk of consequent controlled assembly task. For this
injuries. At the same time, purpose, a distributed distance
the pursue of safety must not sensor prototype is designed
diminish robots productivity, nor and created, to endow a dual
should it disrupt the possibility arm ABB FRIDA robot with
of task completion or generate obstacle sensing. The collision
a risk of damages for the avoidance strategy effectiveness
manipulator or the production 1. A manipulation task is divided in elementary operations in order to classify is demonstrated by the capability
setup. its constraints. of evading from a human 3. The second collision avoidance strategy is applied on a dual arm task.

Humans in the loop Optimization of active

PhD Yearbook | 2015

and passive crowdsourcing

Eleonora Ciceri - Supervisor: Piero Fraternali

In the last years, social media in task execution) and passive On the other hand, passive

have attracted millions of users crowdsourcing (i.e., exploitation crowdsourcing denotes an
and have been integrated in of user-generated content to alternative approach for
peoples daily practices. They extract useful information). leveraging the online activity
enable users to create and share On the one hand, active of users for task resolution,
content or to participate in social crowdsourcing is the process which amounts to analyzing
networking. of outsourcing tasks to a a huge amount of publicly
User-generated content, i.e., the large group of people, called available contents, to extract
various forms of media assets workers. In this scenario, human information about behaviors,
publicly available and created workers are asked to perform interests and activities of
by end-users, is published every very specific tasks (called crowd the social media population.
day on the Web and mostly in tasks), which usually are easy to Researchers from different fields
social media at a massive scale, be solved by humans but hard to (e.g., social science, economy
either in the form of textual be solved by machines. and marketing) analyze a variety
documents (e.g., blog articles, In the context of active of user-generated datasets to
posts on social networks, crowdsourcing, only tasks understand human behaviors,
comments and discussion) or in difficult to be performed by find new trends in society and
the form of multimedia items a machine are submitted as possibly formulate adequate
(e.g., images and videos). Most crowd tasks. They are often policies in response.
user-generated content is about based on uncertain data, However, due to the
personal lives and facts about since these data can hardly be uncontrolled nature of users
users. However, users often processed by computers, due participation on the Web, the
publish more structured and to their unstructured nature. huge mass of available data
complex information. Unfortunately, an appropriate contains replicated information,
Crowdsourcing has gained modeling of the impact of a as well as low quality or
increasing importance in crowd task answer on uncertain irrelevant content. Moreover,
the last years. The term data is yet to be defined. content is often replicated
crowdsourcing generally refers Moreover, similarly to the use maliciously: users copy content
to the outsourcing of a non- of machine resources, which created by others (and often
automatable task to people. cost, also human computational subject to copyright laws),
The growth of the time spent resources are not freely available rename it and pretend they are
online has led to a growth of in any amount, and may the authors of the corresponding
interest in crowdsourcing. provide erroneous answers. original content.
Several works have been Consequently, an approach In this Thesis, we propose
developed, either making for the selection of the best methods to overcome these
users actively participate in the candidate set of tasks to submit problems, both in the active
resolution of tasks or exploiting to the crowd under some fixed and passive crowdsourcing field,
data they generate and publish constraints (e.g., costs and with the objective of maximizing
over the Web. We refer to these time) needs to be devised, the quality of results, under the
approaches as, respectively, together with quality assurance assumption of budget and time
active crowdsourcing (i.e., active procedures that guarantee an constraints.
participation of motivated users appropriate result quality level.

Switching, reliability and novel on the characterization and the cycle-to-cycle variability times, in the range of 103 s.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

modeling of threshold voltage contributions in terms of a pure The fifth chapter deals with a
functionalities in phase change devices drift induced by structural
relaxation in amorphous
gaussian spread in the activation
energy for crystallization.
possible alternative application
of PCM devices. We exploit the
Ge2Sb2Te5. This effect leads to Finally, the cycle-to-cycle storage ability of PCM, together
threshold voltage increase with variability is analyzed more in with additive crystallization and
time after program operation, depth, allowing to subdivide threshold switching, to perform
Nicola Ciocchini - Supervisor: Daniele Ielmini which must be carefully the retention characteristics boolean logic operation. In
controlled to avoid program/read into three separate families our approach, the PCM device
failure in the memory device, namely: i) analog variability, is used as a state machine 369
The information revolution has up to the present day has been PCM technology in the years to especially in PCMS, where both ii) digital (binary) variability (memristor), where the state

totally changed our human life the Flash memory, in which the come. This motivates the need the selector and the memory and iii) pseudo-repeatable of the device can be changed
and society. The widespread bit of information is stored as for research activities, such devices are affected by drift. characteristics. by mean of electrical pulses
diffusion of internet and mobile an electric charge in the floating as the ones described in this Then, we show how it is possible The fourth chapter is dedicated applied to the cell. In our work
technologies had an impact on gate of a MOSFET device. doctoral dissertation. to accelerate threshold voltage to the study of crystallization we are able to accomplish a
the world that is probably more Nowadays, the Flash technology The introductory chapter of this drift by mean of electrical kinetics in PCM. Our work shows complete set of boolean logic
dramatic than the invention is facing several issue related to thesis provides an overview of pulses in the subthreshold evidence of non-Arrhenius operations, namely the NOT, the
of steam engines and cars at scaling, among which the most the current non-volatile memory region, which could represent crystallization in GST directly in NAND and the NOR operation.
the begin of XX century. This important are random telegraph (NVM) scenario, subdividing the an important tool from the PCM devices, by comparing the When compared to standard
revolution has been possible noise, electrostatic control of possible technology evolutions application point view to limit thermally induced crystallization CMOS logic, the PCM logic
thanks to the big efforts put floating gate and variability. For within an evolutionary scenario the drift effect in the memory (thermal regime) with the offers the advantages of logic-
by electronic companies on this reason, memory companies and a paradigm shift. The device. Finally, the study is electrically induced crystallization in-memory, of reconfigurable
the development of integrated are trying to find alternative phase-change technology extended to the modeling of (pulsed regime). The non- logic and zero static power
circuits, according to Moores solutions to Flash memory. is then introduced, dealing resistance drift in the crystalline Arrhenius crystallization, dissipation, while is shows
law. The MOSFET transistor, One of the most promising with its history, the basic state of Ge-rich Ge-Sb-Te alloys leading to different activation worse performance in terms of
at the basis of computation technology, which has already operation and the elementary for embedded non-volatile energies in the Arrhenius plot dynamic power consumption,
in electronic processors, was reached the industrial maturity, physical description. This memory applications (ePCM). of crystallization time in the two switching time and endurance.
shrunk from the 20m channel is the phase change memory chapter reviews the current We show evidence of resistance regimes, is attributed to the This work paves the way for
of 1975 to the 14 nm channel (PCM). The PCM is a particular state-of-the-art in the physical drift and decay, which are fragile nature of GST glass and a new field of application for
of 2014: There is no other type of resistive memory, where comprehension of sub-threshold attributed in our model to to the broke of Stoke-Einstein PCM, which together with
technology in history that the reversible phase transition of conduction, threshold switching, structural relaxation at the grain relation above glass transition. neuromorphic computation
was able to accomplish such the active chalcogenide material, crystallization and structural boundaries of the poly-crystalline We propose a new experimental makes this technology attractive
a dramatic improvement in usually Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST), is relaxation, providing the basic state, and to grain boundaries technique to study electrically for alternative way to compute
such a short time. In the Turing used to store the logic bit of elements needed for the coalescence respectively. induced crystallization down information in the big data era
machine approach, the ability information. The two stable comprehension of the following The third chapter of this thesis to the holding current. In this of the present days.
to store information (memory states in the memory correspond four chapters. Finally, the deals with a detailed study way, we were able to extend
function) is as important as the to the high-resistance current perspectives of the PCM of the retention capability in our study of crystallization
ability to process the information amorphous phase (reset state) technology are discussed, with PCM on a large statistical scale. kinetics, and to characterize set
(logic function). For this reason, and the low resistance crystalline a quick glance on the so-called Such studies are fundamental transition in a wide time range
the development of logic devices phase (set state). PCM devices PCMS architecture, which is in order to allow large arrays from 50 ns to 10 s. Then, we
(transistors) came along with the have been scaled to the 20nm expected to solve the current to properly satisfy the data model crystallization in PCM
development of memory devices. size, while low-power and PCM limitations in terms of size retention requirements. A wide by a finite element approach,
Modern PCs and mobile devices nanosecond-switching operation scaling by stacking the memory experimental characterization which is based on filamentary
make use of several types of has been demonstrated. On the element and a cell selector is then provided in the crystallization after threshold
memory, which differ in terms of other hand, the ultimate scaling made of another chalcogenide temperature range below switching and on non-Arrhenius
speed, cost and data retention of the PCM is still unclear, material. 180C, presenting a detailed crystallization kinetics. Finally,
time. Among these, the non- due to the impact of random The second chapter is devoted study of the cell-to-cell and we show evidence of electrically
volatile memory must retain data telegraph noise, crystallization, to the study of structural cycle-to-cycle variability. The induced crystallization in
for years also when the power and resistance drift. Nowadays, relaxation-related phenomena in overall variability is interpreted the subthreshold regime, by
supply is switched off. The a deeper knowledge of the PCM the amorphous phase of phase through a compact Monte- performing continuous current
dominant non-volatile memory physics is strongly requested to change memory devices. The Carlo model, able to explain stress experiments at low current
technology in the past decades drive the development of the chapter is particularly focused both the cell-to-cell and 1 A and for relatively long

A General Sensor-fusion and Parameters For instance, on a mobile and typical solutions require architecture. A comprehensive

PhD Yearbook | 2015

robot with a single camera, it the robot state space to be logical sensors library allows
Self-calibration Framework with is impossible to estimate the
robot velocity from successive
augmented to include estimates
for calibration parameters.
to abstract from the actual
hardware and processing while
Applications in Mobile Robotics frames unless we know the
orientation of the camera with
Few work has been done on the
self-calibration of an arbitrary set
preserving model accuracy
thanks to a rich set of calibration
respect to the robot base. Other of sensor, i.e., the problem of parameters (e.g., biases,
Davide Antonio Cucci - Supervisor: Matteo Matteucci examples are gains and biases determining sensor calibration gains, distortion matrices
in inertial measurement units, parameters employing only the and geometric placement
ferromagnetic properties of the information produced by the characterization). 371
Robots are mechanical or virtual for the robot is always chosen which are used for autonomous robot affecting magnetometer sensors themselves, possibly,

artificial agents able to perform depending on the operating hazard avoidance and safe readings, intrinsic matrices during normal robot operation. A modular formulation of the
given tasks with a certain degree environment and on the positioning of the robot arm, and depth distortion pattern information fusion problem has
of autonomy. These tasks always required degree of autonomy. for a total of twelve cameras of a RGB-D cameras, to name As robotic systems face new and been obtained based on state-
involve interaction with the In general, as the assigned employed in navigation, plus an a few. To ensure that sound more advanced tasks, system of-the-art factor-graph inference
environment, whatever it is our tasks grow in complexity, the inertial measurement unit. and consistent state estimation developers and researchers techniques; it allows to handle
familiar physical world or some set of variables that have to can be achieved, it is often are required to handle very arbitrary number of multi-rate
virtual scenario. be observed increases and As new, noisy, possibly required to determine these complex sensor-fusion and sensors and to adapt to virtually
multiple sensors are required. As contradictory, evidence comes parameters with a high degree parameter calibration problems. any kind of mobile robot
In principle, most of these tasks heterogeneous sensors observe from multiple, heterogeneous, of accuracy. However, it is often Despite the wide variety of platforms, such as Ackerman
could be performed relatively different aspects of the reality, sensors, processing has to be difficult to to determine these solutions available in the steering vehicles, quadrotor
easily if only the robot knew redundancy in perception results applied in order to fuse the by directly inspecting the robot literature, platform dependent unmanned aerial vehicles, omni-
certain quantities such as its own in an increased fault tolerance available information and (think about the case of 3-DoF specifications make them not directional mobile robots.
position, the position of its goal, and robustness with respect to update the robot internal orientations), while others are directly applicable, or require Different solvers are available
the current distance from walls, unforeseen situations. model of the world. This is simply not directly observable, adaptations, enhancement, or to target both high-rate online
if the planned path towards the model is often called belief, and e.g., the matrices of intrinsic substantial extensions. The lack pose tracking tasks and offline
goal is free from obstacles, and As an example, let us consider modern robots also include an camera parameters. of off-the-shelf, flexible solutions accurate trajectory smoothing
where possible obstacles are the case of robotic systems explicit characterization of the which are deployable with minor and parameter self-calibration.
located. Unfortunately, these for space exploration, such as uncertainty regarding variables A number of ad-hoc solutions effort undermine the availability
variables are seldom directly the Curiosity rover, and part of which are critical with respect has been proposed in the of baseline solutions to compare An extensive evaluation of the
observable in practice. the Mars Science Laboratory to their tasks. The problem of literature to handle accurate new approaches against and resulting framework has been
Moreover, even in scenarios mission. Because of the delay how these internal believes can calibration of very specific sensor often requires researchers to performed on different mobile
where the operating conditions, in communication between be consistently updated as new configurations (and they are still develop from scratch even very robots. ROAMFREE has already
such as the light conditions, or Earth and Mars, the robot observations become available subject of active investigation). simple sensor-fusion algorithms, proved its flexibility and out-of-
the site map, can be controlled can not be teleoperated, and has been subject of active These techniques often rely on reinventing the wheel and the-box deployment in several,
or jointly designed with the waiting for human instructions research in the last fifty years, artificial environment structures, scarifying reusability. real-world, information fusion
robotic system, there will always in each unforeseen situation and it is still ongoing. Many such as checkerboards in and sensor self-calibration
be inescapable degrees of is clearly impractical. Thus, techniques have been proposed camera calibration, or on In this work we introduce problems.
uncertainty in the robot and the robot needs a high degree and effectively employed in the availability of external ROAMFREE, a general,
environment state. of autonomy, at least for several applications. Notable information, not produced open-source, framework
elementary tasks such as examples are the Extended by the set of sensors being for multi-sensor fusion and
In order to bound the heading towards given positions Kalman Filters, or, in general, calibrated, such as position parameter self-calibration
uncertainty in their knowledge, and obstacle avoidance. To recursive Bayes filters, and, ground truth. Unfortunately, in mobile robotics. In its
most of the modern robots this end, several sensors are more recently, graph-based relevant parameters might development, we employ
employ sensors and maintain an employed; leaving apart the optimization techniques. change over time, such as and extend mathematical
internal model of the state of scientific experiments and biases in gyroscope sensors, and software engineering
the world; this model is updated general purpose elements such However, hardware sensors, or which depend on environment techniques to ensure that the
according to observation as the mastcam, a multi-spectra, pre-processing to be applied temperature, motion, and on a resulting framework can be
evidence and it is then employed high definition camera, the rover on raw data, often involve number of other factors. In this easily specialized to handle
to make decisions about how to has two pairs of navcams, to calibration or tuning parameters cases, offline, ad-hoc, calibration specific cases, and some of its
accomplish the assigned tasks. acquire stereoscopic 3-D images, that turn out to be critical to procedures, and environment component replaced without
The set of sensors available plus four pairs of hazcams, build internal robot believes. structures, can not be employed any change to the overall system

Study of a collaborative repository of semantic some elements may be infinite in complementing existing to support biodiversity policy-

PhD Yearbook | 2015

or not-a-number (IEEE 754 approaches with the SemAP making with a multiplicity
metadata and models for regional environmental standard) or even complex- paradigm, especially considering of approaches (indices).
valued (e.g. two-dimensional geospatial applications An integrated multicriteria
datasets multivariate transformations vectors the velocity of wind or (Geospatial Semantic Array characterisation of connectivity
other fluids, the spatial gradient Programming, GeoSemAP). and fragmentation is
of several quantities). From The case studies constitute the demonstrated for the forest
Daniele De Rigo - Supervisor: Giorgio Guariso - Tutor: Andrea Bonarini this potentially overwhelming premise for the future real world focal habitat. An array of
generality it follows the presentation and exploitation of known connectivity indices is
basic idea of Semantic Array the repository. generalised in a new SemAP- 373
This work introduces a semantic are frequently represented by a certain research community Programming: limiting this First, a pan-European application implemented family to

modelling procedure to ease georeferenced matrices. has to be relativized from generality with array-based is introduced for estimating emphasize their implicit common
array-based multivariate Domain specific frameworks universal set of the research semantic constraints. The soil erosion by water. SemAP structure while also suggesting
transformations of public may offer a convenient option activities up to become a simple second key idea of SemAP is to is applied to extend a well- new indices. Other index families
environmental data, along for dealing with standard specialized module within a encourage modularisation of established environmental are analysed with the help of a
with the architecture of a problems within a given sectoral transdisciplinary context, the data-transformations so as to model (RUSLE), both to its GeoSemAP workflow. A SemAP-
collaborative repository of domain. Object oriented common sense evaporates. As easily propagate the semantic general multiplicative structure based nonlinear statistical
modelling meta-information approaches might enable a consequence, it should be support to lower-level sub-D- (whose factors are extended analysis (brownian distance
based on the procedure. The information to be represented communicated in a simple but TMs which might prove helpful exploiting the array semantics correlation) shows the least
procedure, Semantic Array and transformed in sophisticate also compact and unambiguous even to better explore software of the problem at model-scale) correlated indices.
Programming (SemAP), is flexible ways. The objects of a cross-disciplinary way. uncertainty. Modularisation and to a specific critical module The first three case-studies
intended as a lightweight monolithic model are typically Array Programming (AP) may be seen as an abstract (where array-based multiplicity deal with self-standing topics.
paradigm to support integrated straightforward to propagate might support part of this semantic constraint in order for is introduced for mitigating The fourth one highlights
natural resources modelling and effective in transferring task. AP originated for the array of components of a extrapolation errors at module- the flexible reusability of
and management (INRMM), structured information with reducing the gap between given algorithm (i.e. their sub-D- scale with a robust ensemble specific SemAP techniques as
in the context of wide-scale default behaviours/assumptions. mathematical formulation TMs) to be made explicit in the approach). specialised modules. Relative
transdisciplinary modelling for However, this communication and code implementation algorithm implementation. The second case study deals Distance Similarity illustrates the
environment (WSTMe, here is more difficult to achieve for by introducing very concise SemAP has been formalised with the temporal dynamics application of robust ensemble
tested from catchment up to non-monolithic models using operators and coding patterns and expanded to address of a complex modelling and methods.
regional and continental scale). several programming languages to deal with variables potentially geospatial problems by management problem under Finally, statistics are presented
It is a common experience and tools, with multiple teams composed by billions of means of a problem-driven deep uncertainty. A SemAP- on the number of unique
among computational scientists, involved and possibly no single elements and considered as approach focused on the broad enhanced modelling architecture authors who contributed to
to codify even short algorithms expert able to cope with the atomic (with correspondingly heterogeneity in the European is introduced for large wildfire SemAP-supported publications
if no out-of-the-box solutions overall integration complexity. terse manipulation). AP data continent. Real world case behaviour prediction, assessment along with unique authors
are available with remarkably Within a particular discipline, structures can offer a support studies illustrate collaborative and control, focusing on the citing these works. Despite
longer implementations. a particular research team, or already widespread (given the applications to WSTMe problems multiple heterogeneous sources the intrinsic variability, these
Computational science specialised modelling approach, extensive use of AP languages, in Europe. The case studies are of uncertainty. A data-driven initial data show how the
algorithms not rarely deal with a significant part of the overall e.g. MATLAB/GNU Octave, essential to build the reference robust modelling explores the proposed paradigm is currently
large amounts of data with information on the semantics of GNU R, Python with Numpy/ repertoire to serve as a guidance array of multiple fuel models, under active expansion within
a precise (despite sometime data and data-transformation Scipy, IDL), and for supporting the community meteorological disturbances and the community of potentially
nontrivial) semantic structure. models (D-TM) may be taken for noticeably less arbitrary/ of scientists involved in applying fire control strategies. interested researchers.
If so, data may be organised granted. This means that a core restrictive than a particular the modelling procedure, Despite the local spatial scale
in multiple groups with base of knowledge might safely choice (within a virtually which is meant to drive a of wildfires, their impacts may
homogeneous semantic content. remain unexpressed among infinite set of possibilities) collaborative, peer-reviewed far exceed this scale (off site
Examples of such groups are experts in the same domain. of objects to be shared repository of metadata and impacts): the architecture is
matrices, time series, tuples, Unfortunately, this is not the among multiple and highly data-transformation models explicitly designed in order for
graphs or more generic multi- case whenever that particular heterogeneous modules. related to web-available large events in the European
dimensional arrays. Geospatial domain of knowledge has to However, this support is still environmental datasets. The continent to become susceptible
problems may often associate interact with other domains, poorly exploited. transdisciplinary collaborations of real-time rapid (i.e.
geographic information to perhaps quite far from it. The AP data structures are very in developing the case studies approximated) assessment.
particular arrays: for example, Namely, when a set of practices general: multi-dimensional consolidated the growing The third application
spatial regular grids of data and knowledge shared by arrays where the value of research community interested characterises landscape patterns

Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm, dynamic

PhD Yearbook | 2015

and non-dynamic emulators in the design of optimal
policies for water resources management

Quang Dinh - Supervisor: Rodolfo Soncini-Sessa

Dams and reservoirs are essential magnitude and frequency possibility of substituting the

to satisfy human demand of high and low flows; the high-dimensional physically-
of water for a plurality of peak discharge is generally based, distributed-parameters
uses: irrigation, industrial and and intentionally significantly models with low-dimensional
domestic supply, hydropower reduced. The trapping of lumped-parameter ones. These
production, flood mitigation and sediment in the reservoirs causes techniques have been proposed
recreation. The management of sediment deficit downstream, in the Technological Sectors
these multi-purposes systems which in turn triggers not only (like Aerospace Industry) and
is difficult since it has to deal erosion on the river banks but have up to now found just a
with the relevant conflicts also incision in the river bed. series of applicationin the water
between those interests. The This process can extend over world. The goal of this thesis
definition of a satisfactory and hundreds of kilometers and last is to explore the application
stable compromise requires the for decades. of Dynamic and Non-dynamic
design of regulation policies Starting from the pioneering Emulation Modeling techniques
of the reservoirs, which every Harvard Water Project in 1962, to design optimal policies of
day objectively establish the the research community has set water management, considering
release to be operated from a large effort on building more the most important objectives of
each reservoir, taking care of and more complex models to the considered case study.
all the interests. The design of estimate the effects of different Keywords: Reservoir operation,
such policies requires to set planning and management Multi-objective optimization,
up and solve a complex Multi- decisions. A vast amount of Response Surface, Dynamic
Objectives Control Problem, in studies have been carried out Emulation, hydro-morphological
which the interest of the Parties on these effects and nowadays model
are quantified by indicators, the complex physically-based models
values of which are estimated are available to forecast and
with large, physically-based quantize them. Nowadays, very
models that describe the detailed and precise models can
effects of the water distribution be easily set up, with which the
in the downstream user evaluation of the effects, even
systems (canals, hydropower subtle as the geomorphological
plants, irrigation districts and ones, is possible. At the same
municipalities). time the art of defining and
However, even more difficult solving complex Mathematical
and challenging problems are or control Problems for policy
posed by dam management. design has reached an adult
The construction of large dams stage. However how to merge
has a strong impacts on the large physically-based models
hydrological regime of and the within a Design Problem is still
movement of sediments in the an open issue.In the last years a
regulated river. Dams affect the possible solution approach was
hydrological regime primarily offered: the Emulation Modeling
through changes in timing, techniques, which gives the


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Carlo Fortini - Supervisor: Giuseppe Drufuca

Conventional seismic imaging multiple events in the migration some other interface. In chapter cross-correlation imaging new dataset is constructed using is faster than the conventional

algorithms are based on procedure; the image obtained three and four I present two condition: the source and both the linear and non-linear multiples prediction methods,
single-scattering hypothesis. from multiples can be used to techniques that can be used receiver wavefields are cross- components of the Greens independent from the original
The reverberations that complement the primary image. to identify and construct the correlated not only in time function, thus accounting for acquisition geometry and
generate during wavefield In the first chapter of my model of the cross-talk events. but also based on their local the internal multiple reflections. it returns an image of the
propagation in the subsurface thesis, I show the mathematical One method is based on the coherency in the time-space Although multiples have been unwanted artifacts that can
(multiple reflections) are usually derivation on which the distinctive features that primary domain. proven to be useful signal, their be compared directly with the
considered as unwanted noise. migration of multiples is based. and cross-talk events show in The last two chapter of my prediction and attenuation are subsurface image obtained
Even though the most energetic I show with examples on both the pre-stack domains, and relies thesis deal with the internal still fundamental tasks. The through the migration of the
reverberations are the so called synthetic and field dataset, the on an advanced interpolation multiples. In the first chapter migration of surface-related recorded data. The method
surface-related multiples, main benefits and drawbacks of methodology. With second I used the Born scattering multiples can, in fact, benefit is suitable for the multiple
in areas of high structural the proposed methodology. The methodology presented, I theory to show how to exploit from a separation between artifacts estimation and also as
complexity we usually record main issue in using the multiple show that the cross-talk terms the information contained in primaries and multiples. an interpretation tool for the
also strong internal and intra-salt reflections is the cross-talk noise: can be eliminated during the the surface-related multiples Moreover the identification of identification of the horizons
multiples. The most common the migration procedure returns migration process by modifying when performing the seismic the reflector mainly responsible responsible of the internal
approach to handle with the the correct image plus some the imaging condition. The new imaging. In doing so, however, for the generation of the multiples generation.
presence of multiple reflections artifacts related to the cross-talk imaging condition operates in I didnt take into account reverberations, is very useful.
in the acquired seismic data is to of primaries of one reflector an higher dimensional space the internal multiple events. In the last chapter, I propose
try to eliminate them. However, and multiples belonging to with respect to the conventional In areas of high structural a method for estimating both
the multiply scattered recorded complexity, though, for instance surface-related and interbed
events had interacted with the in presence of salt bodies, multiple artifacts, using as
subsurface discontinuities, thus strong internal and intra-salt input the migrated section and
carrying useful information multiples are usually recorded. the subsurface velocity model.
about it. When properly When properly imaged, these The technique relies on the
imaged, they can enhance events can enhance the seismic use of seismic demigration, it
the seismic image and may image and provide additional
provide additional illumination illumination in those areas
in those areas poorly imaged poorly imaged by conventional
by conventional approaches. approaches. I propose a
Recently, researches on multiples technique based on non-linear
have shifted their focus on the seismic interferometry, that
exploitation on what has been allows to separately exploit the
often considered only as noise. information coming from the
Instead of considering the internal multiples recorded by a
reverberations only as noise, it is conventional seismic acquisition.
possible to use them as a source The original wavefield is used
of valuable information. Both as input to reconstruct a new
the most common migration virtual seismic experiment with
algorithms, Wave Equation 1. Comparison between the image obtained with primaries and with multiples. sources and receivers placed
Migration (WEM) and Reverse The red arrows point to some of the locations where the multiples migration is underneath the formations
inferior to the conventional one. The areas highlighted with the yellow boxes, 2. The internal multiples are exploit to reconstruct primaries that provide
Time Migration (RTM), can be are those where the migration of multiples provide the better results with mainly responsible of the additional illumination of the subsurface. The events of interest are indicated
modified in order to include respect to the image of the primaries. multiply scattered events. This with the yellow arrows.

Methodologies and Tools for Games with a

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Purpose design and Gamified Applications

Luca Galli - Advisor: Fraternali Piero

Human computation is a the initial hype of transforming purposiveness and playfulness: are limiting the capabilities

research area that focuses on millions of hours typically poured in a traditional application, the that these systems may offer.
exploiting human intelligence to into traditional games into improper insertion of gaming The proposed framework
solve computational problems useful and productive work. elements may result artificial and investigates the design of game
that are beyond the capacity The problem that GWAP have thus not produce the desired mechanics and motivation
of existing Artificial Intelligence faced since their inception is engagement effects, while on techniques in games in order
(AI) algorithms. The growth of related to the fact that the very the contrary spoiling the users to solve human computation
the Web and Social Networks fundamental mechanisms on productivity, symmetrically in tasks by providing a set of tools
provides a massive amount of which they rely on, to guarantee a GWAP the task to be solved that will be used to ease the
persons that can be leveraged the quality of the submitted may mismatch with the game development of interactive
to perform complex tasks, but a results, have been considered mechanics, thus decreasing the media applications that have
fundamental issue in exploiting as Game Mechanics while in playability of the game and to be integrated within media
the contribution of crowds is reality they are simply validation failing to attract people and refinement tasks fulfilled
how to engage the potential mechanisms. For this reason, engage them in the execution of by players. The work has
users for the specified purposes even the most famous GWAP the task. also, dually, investigated the
and how to ensure the quality of were centered on experiences Another common challenge of methodologies and approaches
their contribution. To overcome that aimed at maximizing the human computation systems for gamification, that is the
the problem, a set of approaches throughput of high quality is data reliability. Humans are injection of game-like features
have been developed; Games submitted content instead of expected to be unreliable, in traditional applications (e.g.
with a Purpose (GWAPs) are focusing on the entertainment especially in ludic environments software development, customer
digital games in which the dimension typical of other where a playful interaction relationship management)
players actions in the game digital games, producing with the system to test its to improve key performance
contribute to a real-world applications that were perceived borders is expected. Therefore, indicators.
purpose outside of the game, as non games by their users. players may generate false data
whether it be predicting protein As it happened with GWAP, either on purpose or for other
structures or providing labels gamification, the process of reasons. Different strategies
for images. The standard way using game design techniques have evolved to deal with this
to accomplish the same type and game mechanics to issue but they are typically
of work is to crowdsource enhance traditional applications, tailored just to the particular
the work directly using a has been able to accomplish task they have been applied to.
service like Mechanical Turk in significative results but also As human computation tasks
which contributors are paid as catastrophic failures. Once are by definition not efficiently
workers. To address the lack of again, this phenomenon has to solvable by an algorithm, it is
extrinsic motivation that plagues be attributed to poor design due necessary to find new means to
traditional human computation to the lack of guidelines and handle this challenge. The lack
platforms, GWAP provide best practices to support the of established GWAP design
intrinsic motivation in the form development. paradigms, the difficulties
of entertainment. Many GWAP The main reason is the inherent of player engagement and
have been developed since the difficulty of the design of retention and the issues of
release of the first instance, the both GWAP and gamified choosing or defining the right
ESP Game in 2003. But not all applications, which resides validation techniques in order
GWAP seem to have lived up to in the tradeoff between to obtain meaningful results

Energy-Aware Traffic Engineering for (ii) We filled a major gap in EWO into a novel dynamic cost of the latter. Tests showed

PhD Yearbook | 2015

the literature by providing an and centralized network that daily savings around 30%
wired IP Networks accurate mathematical modeling
for all the relevant SEANM
management framework aiming
at exploiting both off-line
can be still achieved despite
of the additional limitations
problems. and online optimization to on resiliency and robustness.
(iii) We were the only one in automatically adjust the link We were able to affirm that
literature to develop a real weight configuration. Tests the activation of redundant
Luca Giovanni Gianoli - Research director: Prof. Brunilde Sans network management platform carried on by means of emulated resources to cope with
Research co-director: Prof. Antonio Capone to implement and test the network environments proved unexpected events costs up
proposed approaches in realistic the applicability and stability to 25% in terms of network 381
In the last decade, the global e.g., wireless networks, cloud strategy to pursue to make the network environments. of the approach. To practically consumption. To manage

widespread of ICT and or data center networks, consumption of IP networks (iv) We outperformed the results implement this extension of uncertain traffic demands we
telecommunication networks sensor networks and so on, proportional to the incoming obtained by our competitors in MILP-EWO, we developed a applied well known Robust
was sped up by the necessity of was motivated by two joint traffic load, i.e., by putting to those fields where state-of-the- new open-source network Optimization techniques, such
improving the efficiency of other considerations which made us sleep the redundant network art work were available. In all management framework, i.e., as cardinality constrained budget
sectors of the economy, while, think that there were both need devices while guaranteeing the addressed scenarios we were JNetMan, offering a set of uncertainty.
at the same time, reducing their and room for novel significant that the active resources were able to achieve energy savings APIs to be used by network v) We proposed a novel bi-level
energy footprint. However, the contributions in this specific able, thanks to an optimized from 20% to 60% according administrators to easily optimization model to correctly
massive development of ICT field: configuration of the network to the problem data and implement management policies manage the allocation of elastic
infrastructures and services has (i) In 2011, while energy- routing, to guarantee the constraints. We were the first based on SNMP commands. traffic demands, such as those
produced a significant increase awareness applied to other types correct functioning of the to formalize a way to model the iii) We developed both exact and carried by TCP. Our modeling
of the energy foot-print of the of networks such as wireless had network. The set of methods allocation of network bandwidth heuristic methods for centralized framework exploited the
ICT sector itself. To give an idea been already quite thoroughly we developed can be identified in presence of elastic (TCP) SEANM in IP networks operated concept of max-min-fairness and
of the order of magnitude that explored, a very limited as techniques for sleep- traffic, providing thus the tools with flow-based routing proportional fairness to correctly
we are talking about, in 2010, literature was available on based energy-aware network to correctly perform energy- protocols such as MPLS. We approximate the amount of
the yearly energy consumption how making wired IP networks management (SEANM). The aware network management in considered a multi-period bandwidth allocated by the
of the world most important energy efficient. This was quite sleeping-strategy was then presence of TCP flows too. scenario according to which network to each specific flow
Internet Service Providers, e.g., surprising, since it was clear that applied and adapted to different Here follow a more detailed a single day was split among according to the capacity of the
AT&T and China Mobile, was wired IP networks too had a non network contexts with the aim summary of the work done six different macro periods crossed link and the presence
over 11 TWh per year. Note that negligible impact on the overall of providing a comprehensive set and of the the main results and characterized by a quite constant of other concurrent flows. We
this is equivalent to the annual energy efficiency of ISPs. of management tools to be used produced along the whole Ph.D. level of traffic. Limitations on developed a SEANM application
electricity production of a mid- (ii) Due to both hardware and in any IP network according project: the routing variability across to show that, in presence of
sized nuclear power plant, or management limitations, wired to the considered network i) We developed a novel consecutive time-periods and elastic demands, the new
to almost half of the amount IP networks were identified as configuration. centralized off-line optimization constraints to both guarantee modeling framework allows
of electricity sold abroad by highly energy inefficient. Their The strength of our research algorithm (MILP-EWO) to quality of service and preserve to reduce power consumption
Hydro-Qubec in 2011. Making consumption is always at the work lays in four main aspects: save up to 60% of energy device life-time were included. when traffic conditions made
telecommunications networks maximum level independently (i) The depth and scope of our consumption in IP networks The proposed methods, which typical SEANM approaches
greener, in addition to reducing of network utilization. It was work, which, differently from operated with the most were applied to perform both ineffective.
greenhouse gas emissions, estimated that consumption what can be found in literature, popular shortest-path routing off-line and on-line optimization, vi) Finally, we considered
may have significant economic reductions in the order of 50% covered the whole set of issues protocol, i.e., OSPF. The idea allowed to reduce the daily metro and backbone networks
impacts: for instance, for large would have been potentially and topics which were relevant was to efficiently adjust the network energy consumption operated with Carrier Grade
companies like AT&T or Google, achievable by optimizing the to energy-aware network administrative link weights from 40% up to 60%. Ethernet and proposed a novel
a modest 3% reduction of way wired IP networks are management. We considered used to define the shortest iv) We extended the SEANM SEANM method to balance
the electricity bill would result managed. networks operated with paths among sources and approaches for MPLS based energy consumption and
in several millions dollars of We addressed the problem of different configuration settings destinations so as to exploit only network to explicitly guarantee network congestion.
savings. energy-awareness in IP networks and protocols, we studied the the necessary network elements resilience to single link failures
In our Ph.D. research project in a very comprehensive way, trade-off between network and consequently put to sleep and robustness to unpredictable
we addressed the problem of aiming at dealing with all the resilience and energy-awareness, the redundant ones. Proper traffic variations. Our goal
improving the energy efficiency important aspects related to we handled the problem of constraints were respected to was to study the trade-off
of wired IP networks. The choice both network management coping with network traffic keep network congestion under between energy consumption
of wired IP networks among and energy-efficiency. We uncertainty by implementing control. and network survivability, while
all the other possible domains, first identified the main robust optimization techniques. ii) We integrated MILP- explicitly quantifying the energy

Development of Multi-Channel FPGA Based

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Correlators for Parallel Fluorescence
Correlation Spectroscopy
Sixia Gong - Advisor: Massimo Ghioni

Fluorescence correlation different locations within a living densities that allow cost efficient

spectroscopy (FCS) is a well- cell. Parallel FCS acquisition is implementation of even complex
established technique to study then developed, with the help and resource intensive DSP
binding interactions or the of multi-pixel detectors and algorithms. They offer lower 1. (a) Photon detection module integrated with FPGA based correlator; (b) PC interface for intercommunication with the
diffusion of fluorescently labeled multi-spot excitation generation non-recurring engineering costs module and real time display of correlograms.
biomolecules in-vitro and in-vivo. technique, which maps each and faster time to market than
FCS is commonly implemented excitation spot onto every more customized approaches time bin being 5 ns. This long scheme for the 32-channel based correlation computation
by using a confocal microscope target pixel of the detector. such as full-custom VLSI or lag time correlator is divided correlator is redesigned. The with real time display of all the
to detect the fluctuations Furthermore, simultaneous data ASIC design. On the other into two parts to maintain photon detection module correlograms. The signal track
of fluorescence intensity acquisition and processing is hand, software correlators are real time display. Apart from together with the multi-channel from each SPAD pixel can be
arising from changes in the needed, demanding for multi- also available; they have fast the FPGA based correlators, a correlator as a compact module stored in PC for offline analysis.
number of molecules diffusing input high efficiency correlators. design cycle, flexible structure PC based software correlator (see Fig. 1) can be applied in According both to literature and
through a small (~femtoliter) Thereby this thesis describes and can provide offline exploiting an improved multi- FCS experiments providing commercial products, few of
observation volume. The design of multi-channel operations. However for online tau scheme was designed for direct signal detection and them are able to accommodate
autocorrelation function correlators for high throughput computations, they could lack offline analysis. The signal trace analysis path. However, some high number of input channels
(ACF) of fluorescence intensity FCS experiments. efficiency due to the high CPU for the software correlator inherent features of SPAD arrays, while maintaining large lag
fluctuations can yield physical utilization rate which prevents is recorded in photon mode namely afterpulsing and optical time range with low minimum
as well as photochemical Various correlators have their application in high- which counts the time interval crosstalk effects, may introduce time bin. Thus this correlator
information (molecule size been developed, some are throughput FCS experiments. As between two pulses. Combining distortions in the measurement module would be of great
and concentration, blinking commercially available. The a result, FPGA based correlators the FPGA based correlator for of correlation functions. These interest for high-throughput FCS
or binding/unbinding rates) hardware correlators have providing multiple channels, online correlation computation, limitations are investigated experiments.
about the diffusing molecules. been traditionally employed high dynamic lag time range with photon mode recording to assess their impact on the
To monitor the fluorescence for real-time calculation of and online operations, are very of the signal traces in FPGA, module and evaluate possible
fluctuations, FCS measurements correlation functions over a promising for highly paralleled and PC interface integrated workarounds.
need to be performed at certain dynamic range. Since FCS experiments. with software correlator for In order to further upgrade
nanomolar concentrations in typical FCS measurements intercommunication and the 32-channel correlator and
with typical acquisition times the correlation function spans A single-channel FPGA based offline analysis, a complete enable correlation computation
on the order of a few seconds over several decades of lag correlator was firstly designed single-channel correlator was between modules, a standalone
to several minutes. However, times, linear channel spacing employing the multi-tau developed. cross-correlator module has
faster acquisitions of FCS data is impractical and the multi- algorithm. It features a been developed. It employs
are desirable in two cases: tau algorithm is used. Real- maximum lag time of 150 ms Based on the successful design larger FPGA, faster data
in high-content screening time, multi-tau correlators while minimum time bin being of single channel correlators, a transfer interface, able to
approaches, many molecules were formerly implemented 10 ns. This correlator is adopted 32-channel correlator is then hold 64-channel FPGA based
on reaction at different on custom high-speed digital to characterize afterpulsing implemented which is intended cross-correlator with maximum
locations require simultaneous signal-processing hardware, effect of Single Photon to be directly contained in lag time around 1 min. The
interrogation; also when either application-specific Avalanche Diodes (SPADs), a photon detection module module can connect with two
observing fast evolving dynamic integrated circuits (ASICs) or, whose results are verified by a mounted with a 32 1 SPAD external photon detection
systems, diffusion parameters lately, field-programmable gate commercial correlator. So as to array. The module has a same modules, receiving up to 128
change as a function of time. arrays (FPGAs). Nowadays, meet state-of-art standards, lag FPGA as the one used for channels of photon counting
It is thus important to develop FPGAs can be manufactured time range of the FPGA based the single-channel design. In signals. The correlator system
FCS methods that enable in 28 nm CMOS processes correlator was then extended order to fully utilize the limited can execute instant signal-trace
simultaneous measurements at and have reached integration upwards to 80 s with minimum FPGA resources, the replication recording and fast online FPGA 2. 64-channel cross-correlator module

Devices and technologies for large scale

PhD Yearbook | 2015

integrated photonics control

Stefano Grillanda - Supervisor: Andrea Melloni

Thanks to its ability in the functional drifts due to first non-invasive light detector transparent actuators,

generation, manipulation, fluctuations in the environment, was demonstrated in silicon based on the integration of
and detection of light on- aging effects, mutual crosstalk, photonics waveguides. This photosensitive chalcogenide
chip integrated photonics has and fault events. Indeed, as the transparent light monitor, that glasses with the silicon platform,
been imposing as an enabling scale of integration increases the is the ContactLess Integrated were realized to provide
technology in a broad variety aforementioned effects become Photonic Probe (CLIPP), exploits post-fabrication permanent
of fields of application, such as critical, and consequently natural absorption effects of trimming functionalities,
telecom, optical interconnection, monitoring, control and silicon waveguides to monitor both for compensation of
bio-sensing, and quantum stabilization of components is the status of a circuit without fabrication tolerances and circuit
photonics. However, it is widely mandatory. At the same time, affecting its operation and reconfiguration. Athermal and
believed that the applications while aggregating several without wasting any additional trimmable silicon waveguides
that will really benefit from devices, the power consumption photon with respect to those were developed, in order to
the exploitation of integrated required by tuning and control naturally lost by the waveguide. enable simultaneously passive
photonic technologies are those operations should not increase Thanks to its non-invasive thermal stabilization and post-
that require the aggregation of as well. nature and inherent CMOS fabrication trimming of silicon
many components into complex This thesis aims to develop compatibility, many CLIPPs circuits. Also, resiliency of these
systems-on-chip for the delivery devices and technologies to fill can be placed in a photonic devices to high-power induced
of advanced functionalities. the existing gaps that prevent circuit, thus enabling multipoint thermal effects is shown.
Indeed, much technological photonic integrated circuits monitoring of complex devices Active stabilization and
effort has been dedicated to move from a single-device and circuits aggregating several feedback control of thermally
to scaling device dimensions level to a new system-on-chip components. actuated silicon resonators was
down to the ultimate physical paradigm. In this work the Furthermore, low-power demonstrated by exploiting
limit, so that now photonic an error signal provided by
platforms like silicon are mature the CLIPP monitor integrated
enough to squeeze thousands inside the microrings. Advanced
of components into small chips. control functionalities such as
Yet, the realization of large-scale wavelength tuning, locking and
integration circuits performing swapping were demonstrated.
complex tasks is still a challenge, Finally, advanced functionalities
and the result is that the and concepts, such as
perspective is still on the device transfer function recovery,
rather than on the system. reconfigurability, adaptability
In photonics, as in the were addressed in high-order
case of electronics, device filters and delay lines composed
miniaturization is not a of several coupled ring
direct synonymous of device resonators, and by even more
integration. In fact, integrated complex integrated circuits,
circuits cannot function properly such as variable symbol-rate
without adequate tools to differential phase-shift keying
dynamically steer and hold each receivers.
1. Silicon photonics chip hosting several photonic devices and circuits whose
embedded device to the desired operation is non-invasively monitored and controlled by means of CLIPP
working point, counteracting monitors and CMOS electronics.

Calibrating a Varying Camera from end to improve stability and

PhD Yearbook | 2015

calibration accuracy.
Silhouettes and Background The proposed algorithm is
tested using both synthetic and
real images. For the synthetic
images, a scene is generated
Dong Han - Supervisor: Vincenzo Caglioti as shown in the figure,
including a color foreground
object, a moving camera and a 387
The visual modeling of a observed, against a background by camera motion, camera type background plane with gray-

smooth textureless object plane with unknown patterns, or the object shape: a plane level unknown texture. The
is an interesting Computer by an uncalibrated, moving can provide up to 2 constraints moving camera with varying
Vision research problem camera with varying intrinsic on the camera parameters, intrinsic parameters is simulated
whose applications rang from parameters. Starting from the therefore only-plane based using a set of spatially separated
2. Geometric solution for recovering the epipolar geometry
prosthetics to custom cloth, acquired images, we address calibration methods cannot cameras distributed around the
shoe manufacturing and film the problem of recovering i) the deal with more than 1 varying foreground object. To estimate
industry. The smoothness of value of the camera intrinsic parameter; only-silhouette based plane). The tangent plane are the fundamental matrices. the plane induced homography,
the object makes it difficult to parameters for each image, calibration requires, in each view intersects background plane A minimal representation of we randomly generate a
identify image correspondences, ii) the camera motion and, iii) pair, at least 7 frontier points at a line and the trace of this the camera matrices in a view sufficient number of 3D points
due to the continuously the 3D reconstruction of some to exist, which is unrealistic for line on the image planes of triangle is used, where only on the background plane and
varying contour generator as points on the object surface. ordinary surfaces. Our algorithm the two cameras are a pair of inter-image homographies their images are corrupted
the camera viewpoint moves. is based on both silhouette and corresponding epipolar tangents, and the epipoles are involved. with various level of Gaussian
In addition, using consumer We propose a new framework plane and it can be applied to the two of which are related by The multiple view projective noise. The average relative error
cameras (e.g., those provided that could calibrate a fully calibrate a fully varying camera the plane induced homography. reconstruction is built up on focal length and principal
with tablets or smart phones), varying camera from background from ordinary surfaces without If we find two frontiers and incrementally using view point with respect to standard
often the auto-focus property and silhouettes of smooth restricting either the camera respectively their associated two triangles as the building block. deviation (std. dev.) of Gaussian
of the device is active letting the objects, not requiring more motion or type. pairs of corresponding epipolar Each time a new view is to be noise are obtained as the proof
intrinsic camera parameters vary than two frontier points per tangents, the epipoles are added to the set of calibrated for the accuracy and robustness
between acquisitions. Therefore, view-pair. Although it is possible The proposed algorithm is determined as the intersections views, an optimal view triangle of the proposed algorithm. We
traditional camera calibration to calibrate a camera from divided into 3 main steps. of the two pairs. The process of is built and solved that has the show good calibration accuracy
methods cannot be applied. only plane or silhouette, these The epipole positions in each searching the frontier points is smallest Sampson error. The has been achieved with both
In this thesis, we consider the methods suffers from limited image pair are first estimated formulated as an optimization calibrated set is then updated relative errors are about 5%
scenario (Fig. 1) where a smooth usable information and thus by finding two epipolar lines problem where we minimize by adding the new node. when the std. dev. of Gaussian
3D object of unknown shape is their calibration are restricted that are tangent to the object the distance between the Projective bundle adjustment is noise is around 1 pixel.
silhouette with the help of the tangent line in the second image also performed to prevent error For real image experiments,
plane induced homography. mapped by the plane induced accumulation. The above process the images are taken with a
Consider a smooth object being homography and the convex hull is repeated until all the views are mobile phone camera with
observed against a background of the apparent contour. Two added to the reconstruction. autofocus effect. Two categories
plane by two cameras(Fig.2). global minima of the objective of experiments are carried out:
The apparent contour (edge of function correspond to the two Finally, a flexible self-calibration 1. the intrinsic parameters of
the silhouette) of the object is outermost frontier points. algorithm using the absolute the camera are varying due to
the projection of the contour dual quadric is employed to auto-focus effect; 2. the focal
generator, which is a 3D curve The projective reconstruction determine the camera intrinsic length is manually adjusted
consisted of points whose of the image sequence is then parameters and to upgrade by zooming in and out. For
tangent plane goes through robustly computed from the the projective reconstruction both cases, good calibration
the camera center. The frontier estimated epipolar geometry. to metric. Unit aspect ratio accuracies are obtained in terms
point is the intersection between A view triangle is the graph and zero skew are used as of re-projection error.
the two contour generators, representation of the geometries constraints in self-calibration
where the tangent plane passes in a camera triplet where the and no other constraints are
through both camera centers nodes represent the cameras adopted. Euclidean bundle
1. camera calibration scenario (the tangent plane is an epipolar and the links between them adjustment is performed at the

The Emergence of Diversity in the Adaptive

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Dynamics Framework: Theory and Applications

Pietro Landi - Supervisor: Fabio Dercole

Innovation and competition description of evolution of the mathematical conditions under models the expected long-term also for further degenerate

processes are often identifiable characteristics of the system in which branching occurs are evolution of the phenotypic cases (e.g., when both the
in science. They are responsible terms of ordinary differential expressed as sign conditions on traits of the coevolving branching conditions are
for evolutionary dynamics equations. Diversity increases appropriate second derivatives community. In chapter 3 we critical). In chapter 5 we develop
driven by innovative changes in the system each time of the competition model, but focus on the emergence of a general methodology to study
in the characteristics of competition between innovative theoretical results in critical diversity in the AD framework, the evolution of biodiversity
individual agents and by and resident strategies gives cases in which such derivatives that is, evolutionary branching. in eco-evolutionary two-
competitive interactions that rise to their coexistence annihilate are not yet available. We classify the evolutionary species communities, with an
promote better performing (evolutionary branching), Although mathematically non equilibria with respect to their application to prey-predator
ones. Genetic mutations and and reduces when evolution generic, these situations are convergence and evolutionary interactions. We then use such
natural selection play this role brings groups of agents quite common in applications, in stability, recovering the classical methodology in two fields of
in biology, but the potential to extinction. Evolutionary which particular symmetries of branching conditions, i.e., the science different from biology.
applicability of the evolution branching is particularly the model bring some derivatives two mathematical conditions In chapter 6 we analyze the
paradigm can be extended to interesting: in appropriate to annihilate systematically. In in terms of second derivatives possibility that the interplay of
social, economic, information conditions, innovative agents conclusion, the main goal of the of the invasion fitness under natural and artificial selection
sciences and engineering. can coexist with resident ones thesis is to focus both on the which the system becomes due to fishing could lead to
Quantitative approaches to and their strategies, initially analysis of theoretical aspects dimorphic and experience disruptive selection on exploited
evolutionary dynamics were very similar, can then diverge of evolutionary branching in disruptive selection, thus fish stocks. Finally, in chapter
born from genetics and generating two resident forms the framework of AD and on increasing its diversity. Chapter 7 we study the evolution of
economic game theory. While with different characteristics. the development of models 4 is devoted to the study of the fashion purely driven by social
biologists traditionally consider The evolution of this enlarged to interpret diversification branching bifurcation, namely, interactions, with particular
evolutionary change separated system can still bring to the phenomena in the above the transition from evolutionary focus on the emergence of
from the demography of the situation in which evolutionary mentioned fields of science. stability to evolutionary style diversity, and find out that
interacting populations, game branching is possible for The thesis is organized as instability along with the different styles can successively
theorists study the relative one or both forms of agents follows. Chapter 1 is an change in a model parameter. emerge starting from a
diffusion of a given set of present in the system. Thus, introduction on the theory This bifurcation occurs when single style society. Chapter
alternative strategies and the this succession of evolutionary of evolution, starting from its the branching condition ruling 8 discusses and summarizes
robustness of the corresponding branchings brings simple history, passing through its evolutionary stability changes the achievements of the work
equilibria with respect to systems (with few resident basic elements (mutation and sign. To study such critical and close up the thesis with
invasion from potential dissident. forms) toward more complex selection), and closing with the case, a particular third order suggestions on extensions and
By contrast, the more recent and diversified configurations. mathematical approaches to approximation of the invasion future research.
approach of Adaptive Dynamics The study of the possible the study of the evolutionary fitness must be computed, and
(AD) takes explicitly into branching scenarios is then very dynamics. The concept of a novel property of the resident-
account both the evolutionary interesting in biology (where it evolutionary diversification mutant competition model
and the demographic change gives an interpretation of the and evolutionary extinction must be exploited in order
and characterizes both the diversification of species from are also intuitively introduced. to obtain simple and general
evolutionary equilibria and a common ancestor), but also Chapter 2 is dedicated to the results. The case in which the
transients and non-stationary in social sciences, economics, Adaptive Dynamics approach, other branching condition is
regimes. AD represents a technology, engineering, the resident-mutant competition critical is more complicated
flexible framework, based on etcetera. Moreover, some model, the computation of and is left for future research,
the hypothesis of rare and theoretical aspects of branching the invasion fitness, and the but our theoretical approach
small mutations, for the formal are still unstudied. For example, AD canonical equation, that is general and remains valid,

Model Predictive Control Of Energy energy control shows the Main results obtained capacity of HVAC actuators

PhD Yearbook | 2015

potential to make a further 1. Along with all relevant up to 25%, with respect
Efficient Buildings In Smart Microgrids step forward, which targets the
integration of smart buildings
phenomena, the building
thermal modeling framework
to the case with fixed hard
in a more complex scheme that presented takes into account 4. The distributed energy control
involves many other actors. For the vertical temperature paradigm here proposed is
this reason, the second part stratification among adjacent an innovative strategy to deal
Giancarlo Mantovani - Advisor: Prof. Luca Ferrarini of this work aims at studying thermal zones. Model validity with the control of smart
the management and control is enforced by tuning and microgrids composed by
of microgrids which include validation phases carried smart buildings, wind or PV 391
Summary of the work in large commercial buildings, both classic and advanced a large smart commercial out over real measurement RES and a battery as ESS. Two

This dissertation addresses the and to (2) thermal zones thermal energy controllers, building, generation from data of an existing shopping separated controllers interact
problem of thermal energy overheating, especially during whose aim is to achieve comfort Renewable Energy Sources center. The final results in order to minimize the
control in the context of large- winter where the cooling power improvements in term of (RES) and a battery as electrical show an accuracy of about overall energy expenditure,
sized commercial buildings is limited. From a control- vertical stratification reduction Energy Storage System (ESS). 0.5C in simulating the zone taking into account different
characterized by wide open oriented perspective, this and energy saving. On the The microgrid system analysis, temperatures and a monthly pricing schemas for buying
spaces and containing several means that HVAC actuators are classic side, PI temperature modeling, design and simulation energy consumption error and selling electrical energy,
thermal zones i.e. shopping operated nearby the saturation decentralized control for each is addressed in detail still paying below 1%. penalties due to load
centers and malls, convention boundaries, making the zone is designed. Then, the attention to real world operating 2. The thermal model is simple imbalance, battery non-
and congress centers, theatres, regulation problem very critical. dissertation focuses on advanced conditions, system non-linearities enough to be used for the linear efficiency, load limited
airports, train stations, large In this context, this research building energy control based on and the possibility to pursue design of both classic and flexibility and non-perfect
office buildings and so on. With work focuses on the Model Predictive Control (MPC). different control objectives using advanced controllers for the renewable power prediction.
respect to the residential sector, application of control and The implemented MPC regulator the same control architecture. control of vertical temperature The final results show that
buildings in this category present optimization techniques voted addresses notable steps forward Specifically, the solution here stratification. Novelty is over a period of one month
specific features that make at the reduction of both energy with respect to the state-of- proposed for the control of the provided in the mathematical the presented architecture
them particularly suitable for the consumptions and vertical the-art, such as mathematical smart microgrid above described formulation of the MPC saves costs up to 63% with
achievement of energy reduction temperature stratification formalisms which allow to deal is the adoption of a distributed controller, which separates respect to the same scenario
through the implementation employing a model-based with the non-linear behavior of control framework, where the positive and negative values managed without an ESS.
of active efficiency strategies. approach. Suitable grey-box thermal actuators in common previously presented building of thermal power in order 5. The system is extensively
In fact, they make an extensive class of models can be tuned Heating, Ventilation and Air MPC operates the HVAC plants to account for different tested both in simulation
use of Building Automation using building physical and use Conditioning plants (HVAC), in a flexible way (to better operating costs of heating and on an appropriate
and Control Systems (BACS) information (white-box), while to achieve a suitable degree of follow RES production or to deal and cooling. Simulation results experimental setting,
technologies, whose potential uncertain parameters are tuned robustness for operating under with transmission problems) show that the MPC decreases controlling a microgrid with
is however largely unexploited from available measurement real and uncertain conditions and interacts with a second monthly energy consumptions a real vanadium battery as
in practice. Second, they have data (black-box). The structure and to be able to shape and MPC which controls the ESS of 4.5%, without any change energy storage system, an
assets suitable for demand- obtained for the multizone curtail the load according the power flow, so as to minimize to the HVAC plants and a existing 10kW wind turbine
response (namely comfort model is detailed enough to specific context of operation. In the overall operating costs, reduction of more than 60% and a resistive load to simulate
reduction consequent to catch all the relevant dynamics addition, particular emphasis is to maximize the exploitation in stratification with cooling the building consumption
a temporary energy price affecting energy and indoor put on model robustness with of RES and to serve building actuators in place. (Syslab microgrid at RIS
reduction), like thermal inertia, comfort performances, and respect to disturbance inputs needs in terms of thermal 3. The developed controllers is DTU, Denmark). The control
which decouples thermal and simple enough to be employed (such as internal gains, solar comfort, ensuring sustainability able to deal with real world architecture proves to be
electrical consumption. Finally, to tune temperature regulators. radiation, non-manipulable with minimum side effects. limitations of HVAC plants. flexible enough to prosecute
adjacent thermal zones located The modeling technique HVAC loads, occupancy), whose An intense insight in real Particular emphasis is put on very different tasks, while
in open spaces with high discussed is applied to an value in the future is hardly system and components and strategies for the consistent keeping a standard and
ceilings are widely coupled existing commercial building. predictable. For this reason the also a significant experimental compensation of actuators scalable mathematical
and often affected by a large Real data collected by the on- building MPC is equipped with testing on a real microgrid have non-linearities directly into formalism.
amount of internal gains due site BACS is used for tuning a Kalman filter which improves been carried out in order to the MPC, employing variable
to lighting systems, appliances model parameters and validating system robustness with respect evaluate the capabilities of this hard constraints specific of the
and occupancy. This often leads the obtained model over a long to unknown disturbances and architecture in a reliable manner, current operating conditions
to (1) vertical temperature period of time (winter season). model errors. pointing out advantages and and updated at each time
stratification, which is one of The building multizone model The implementation of advanced limitations of an actual on-field step. The result is an increase
the main sources of discomfort is then used to design and control strategies for thermal implementation. of the heating and cooling

Techniques for High-Efficiency Digital

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Frequency Synthesis

Giovanni Marucci - Advisor: Prof. Carlo Samori

The evolution of modern error makes these systems prone

wireless standards poses to the generation of limit cycles
stringent noise specifications appearing as unwanted spurs in
to the design of frequency the spectrum. The random noise
synthesizers for high-data-rate contributed by building blocks
communication systems, limiting can eliminate those spurs acting
tolerable jitter and spurs level. as dithering signal, without
Moreover, such performance the addition of extra noise. A
must be provided at low power closed-form expression of the
consumption and small area, in total output jitter as a function
order to meet the requirements of loop parameters and noise
for mobile applications and sources is developed, which
battery powered systems at low suggests a design strategy for
cost and high integration level. noise minimization. Yet the
Therefore, the key challenge lowest achievable value for the
in frequency generation is jitter ultimately depends on the
the design of high-efficiency noise of the oscillator, which is
synthesizers (i.e. with low jitter considerably high in the case
at low power), and it is generally for ring oscillators. An effective
tackled relying on fractional-N way to significantly reduce it,
phase-locked loops (PLLs) with without increasing appreciably
LC oscillators, due to their power consumption, is to rely on
better noise/power compromise the concept of injection locking,
with respect to ring oscillators. but unfortunately its application
However, the analog content of has been so far bounded to
LC-based PLLs do not benefit integer-N synthesis, preventing
from technology scaling and the introduction of inductorless
prevents their design from frequency synthesizers into
easily fitting into a typical digital standardized wireless systems.
design flow. In this framework, With this aim, we propose
we present a high-efficiency a technique to enable fine
frequency synthesizer based fractional-N resolution in
on a fractional-N digital PLL injection-locked PLLs that
with a ring oscillator. Minimum allowed us to reach the best
jitter is obtained developing power/noise trade-off among
a comprehensive analysis of published fractional-N digital
noise in digital PLLs, specifically frequency synthesizers without
focusing on architectures with integrated inductors.
single-bit phase detector, which
are the most promising in terms
of efficiency. However, the
coarse quantization of phase

Development of high performance

PhD Yearbook | 2015

multichannel systems for Time-Correlated
Single-Photon Counting applications
Luca Miari - Supervisor: Ivan Rech

In recent years, the interest of The necessity of a repetitive towards a remote computer. and its power consumption. streams and implements a fast employed architecture, as well as

many research fields in non- measurement inherently asks for Initially, the work has focused Nevertheless, the technological communication channel towards the whole instrument.
invasive optical analysis has a high count rate instrument: on the application of a limit today present is the data the computer is necessary.
rapidly grown. In particular, the higher, the shorter the total 48-channel Detection System rate that can be managed After the study of the different
studies performed in biology measurement time. Besides, to a setup design to perform on-board and transferred protocols available on the
and chemistry have found other specifications concern the single-molecule FRET analysis. towards the computer. Fast market, two of them have been
increasing benefits from the linearity, which is a fundamental The system, already designed, protocols available for compact chosen to be implemented,
development of systems able feature to define the shape of was featuring a 124 matrix instruments do not provide a in particular the SuperSpeed
to perform single-photon the signal without distortions, of Single Photon Avalanche transfer rate far greater than USB 3.0 and the 10-Gigabit
measurements, since they push and the time resolution, that Diodes (SPADs) and a Field 10Gbps, which means that Ethernet over optical fiber. They
the sensitivity of the analysis to characterizes the ability of Programmable Gate Array the number of acquisition have been successfully tested
ultra-low intensity levels and the system to resolve very fast (FPGA) as its logic core. Its channels that can be properly on evaluation boards and then
to ultra-fast evolving signals. signals. However, applications firmware, instead, has been handled is a few tens. A implemented on a specific
These sensitivities are achieved are pushing the instruments designed to perform a time- 64-channel acquisition system Data Management Board, that
thanks to the employment of to expand their number of stamping measurement on the has been chosen as the target; mounts another FPGA to handle
single-photon detectors and channels, since this will reduce incoming photons, in order to a router will multiplex all the the logic operations. 1. Rendering of the 1024-channel
timing acquisition chains. The the total measurement time, provide to the software raw data detection channels on these To validate the performance system, final purpose of the work
Time-Correlated Single-Photon opening also the way to to compute the FRET efficiency. acquisition chains. To further of these new kind of systems, where this project has been inserted
Counting is one of the leading many new kind of analysis. A 100MHz clock has been used reduce on-board complexity, specific multichannel
techniques on which many Time-resolved imaging and to stamp the incoming data, and but also dimensions and power instruments are required. A
others rely on: Fluorescence simultaneous spectrally resolved forty-eight parallel First-In First- dissipation, two twin 32-channel multichannel pulse generator
Lifetime Imaging Microscopy analysis are just examples of Out memories (FIFO) have been Acquisition Boards have been is necessary to provide the
(FLIM), Frster Resonance Energy these new possibilties. implemented as buffers between designed. They will exploit the input signal to all the TCSPC
Transfer (FRET), and Fluorescence Regretfully, a strong trade-off incoming data and downloaded TAC-ADC structure (acronym for chains, but none of the today
Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) exists between performance and ones. By optimizing the transfer Time-to-Amplitude Converter commercially available one
are just a non-exhaustive list of number of channels in TCSPC process, a download rate of and Analog-to-Digital Converter) satisfies all the specifications.
them. systems: applications are forced 20MBps has been achieved, since it is the one that provides Thus, an 8-channel Pulse
The TCSPC technique consists in to choose between instruments which means an average count the best performance, especially Generator has been designed
the repetitive laser stimulation with many channels but poor rate of 100kcps on every SPAD, in terms of linearity. The FPGA as a test instrument for these
of a sample, recording each performance or single channel enough to perform the analysis. that receives the ADC data systems. A 2-channel Module is
time the delay between the instruments with state-of-the- This work has been useful is in charge for creating the the base block of the generator:
stimulating laser pulse and the art performance. Aim of the to evaluate on the field the histograms, but an external after choosing the input signal
pulse coming from the photon researchers is the development necessity of multichannel on-board memory is necessary between an on-board reference
emitted by the sample and of high performance instruments, thus a to store all of them. Provided the and an external trigger, a delayer
captured by the detector. After multichannel TCSPC instruments 1024-channel high performance complexity of the system and its loop delays the reference edge
several photons it is possible to that will break this trade-off. system has been ideated in the novelty in the research group, a and a fast output transistor
build a histogram that represents In particular, this thesis work is research group. The increase of Demoboard has been designed stage generates the output.
the original waveform of the devoted to find solutions to the the number of channels carries to test the performance of the This structure reaches a time
light signal, since the probability system part of the instrument: many problems: the detector full structure. resolution of 6ps when no delay
distribution of the photon delays the management of the matrix and the acquisition logic Once the data have to be is added, worsening to 20ps
corresponds to the intensity of incoming data, their on-board are just some of them, as well sent out from the system, a for a 1s delay. Both results are
the light signal. storage, and their transfer as the dimensions of the system section that gathers the two remarkable and this validates the

Study of A Day-0 Front-end solution For The

PhD Yearbook | 2015

DSSC Detector of The European X-Ray Free
Electron Laser
Bayan Nasri - Supervisor: Prof. Carlo E. Fiorini - Tutor: Prof. Angelo Geraci

In this Doctoral dissertation, the capability and wide dynamic detected signal. Accordingly, the In the improved version of the

design, realization and testing range. replacement of the DEPFET with Day-0 front-end, more than
of a new front-end for the DSSC In spite of its capability in this stage should keep as much 2800 photons at 1keV can be
project has been discussed. The high dynamic range and as possible equal the following allocated within the dynamic
Day-0 solution as an alternative low noise performance, the architecture adopted for the range of the ADC based on the
approach to DEPFET sensor manufacturing of the DEPFET processing electronics. compression behavior of the
scheme has been demonstrated sensor needs a sophisticated The proof-of-principle of the front-end.
through both analytical processing technology which Day-0 solution has been verified In conclusion, the Day-0 solution
evaluation and experimental requires relatively long in a first prototype. Using as an alternative approach to
characterization. The proposed manufacturing time. According the prototype with a Silicon DEPFET sensor in the DSSC
front-end takes advantage of the to the mentioned complexity, Drift Detector (SDD), X-ray project has been demonstrated
simple implementation inside it was evaluated to have an measurements have been carried through both analytical
the same ASIC chip and produce alternative sensor matrix, with out to assess the electronics noise evaluation and experimental
the compression behavior by its corresponding front-end, as performances which are in line characterization. Although the
using a resistor (fixed value in Day-0 solution. A Day-0 solution with the theoretical expectations. DEPFET approach has a very
the first approach and variable is here intended as a solution After the confirmation of the good noise performance, but
one in the improved version) characterized not by the best performance, a conservative in the improved version of the
in series with the transistor. In performance of the DEPFET, design of the Day-0 solution Day-0 front-end, the noise
this thesis, new Day-0 solution but available in a shorter time has been implemented in the F1 performance has been improved
was discussed in a way to keep to allow first beam tests and chip as the first full size matrix as close as possible to the
the same filter as it is in DEPFET experiments. The alternative chip. The F1 chip comprises two DEPFET approach. In the frame
sensor scheme. sensor is made of mini Silicon different front-ends suitable rate of 4.5MHz, the total noise
For the European XFEL, there Drift Detector (mini-SDD) and for two different sensor types: of the DEPFET approach is about
are several imagers under the compression behavior is it can be mated to either a 42 el r.m.s while it is about 66 el
development for the X-ray obtained from the front-end on DEPFET sensor matrix which itself r.m.s in the Day-0 solution, and
photon detections, including the readout ASIC and not by the compresses the input signal or in the 0.9MHz frame rate the
single-point, 1-D and 2-D silicon sensor, as in the DEPFET. to an SDD sensor as the Day-0 electronics noise is about 12 el
detectors. As one of the 2-D In the Day-0 solution, the solution. r.m.s for the DEPFET approach
imagers, the DSSC project aims DEPFET is removed and replaced An improved version of the Day- and 23 el r.m.s for the Day-0
to provide wide energy coverage still by a PMOSFET transistor, 0 front-end was investigated solution. The dynamic range
with single photon detection but now belonging to the ASIC to improve the dynamic range of the improved version of the
capability thanks to its very low chip and realized with the of the front-end and its noise Day-0 front-end can be matched
noise. To achieve this result a same IBM technology of the performance. In this design, with the dynamic range of the
novel detector structure with following stages of the ASIC. the nonlinear transconductance ADC in 1keV photons energy as
a compressive characteristic The PMOSFET is designed in a of the amplifying PMOS has the target photon energy one.
based on the DEPFET concept is way to provide low noise and been enhanced by statically Also in other photon energy
under development by the DSSC a compression characteristic switchable parallel devices and ranges, the dynamic range
consortium. The high gain for close to the one of the DEPFET- a non-linear capacitor has been of the Day-0 front-end can
small collected charge and the based solution. In fact, this added. Moreover, the resistor be tuned due to its flexibility
compression for large signals will alternative front-end input in the first version of the Day- of compression behavior
provide both desired features stage should still provide a 0 front-end is replaced by a introduced by extra parallel
of single photon detection non-linear amplification of the NMOSFET as a variable resistor. branches.

Analysis and Design of Energy-Oriented

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Driving Assistance Systems

Carlo Ongini - Supervisor: Prof. Sergio M. Savaresi

The growth of oil price, the influential factors, as vehicle acceleration) and computes Finally, in this Thesis we propose electronic equipment. provides an electronic device

congestion of urban areas and characteristics (e.g., weight, three power-related indexes. The a method and the related road Differently from existing and its hardware/software
the increased sensibility for engine power, aerodynamic smartphone application provides infrastructure aiming at reducing studies, we design a vehicle- interface, which allows
environmental problems brought drag), network condition (e.g., feedback to the driver in order the energy consumption of independent system that the system to interact with
scientists and companies to traffic flow, congestion), road to induce a change in her driving vehicles driving along roads requires just few parameters a heterogeneous fleet of
invest significant resources characteristics (e.g., slope and style, which in turns should controlled by traffic lights. An without any connection to electric vehicles in a uniform
on improving the energy topology), external conditions enable the energy savings. The algorithm has been conceived the vehicle communication way;
efficiency of the transport (e.g., weather and temperature) interaction between driver and for computing energy-optimal interfaces. relies on mobile devices to
sector. Nowadays, one of the and driver behavior which system is achieved through speed profiles to drive along An experimental validation let users access and interact
major environmental problems impacts on vehicle dynamics different Human-Machine- a road taking into account a of the driving-style systems with the system (e.g. take
is air pollution deriving from (e.g., speed, acceleration, gear Interfaces (HMIs). Differently set of constraints (e.g., speed is given. The effectiveness of possession/release a reserved
the transport sector, and road choice). In particular, the driving from existing studies, we design limits, traffic light rules). A the approach, and the savings vehicle, open/close its doors,
transport alone is expected to style has a huge impact on a vehicle-independent system road-marking infrastructure enabled by the interaction with enable/disable the drive);
be the largest contributor to vehicles energy consumption. that requires just few parameters continuously suggests the the driver are assessed with an offers an infrastructure to
anthropogenic climate forcing Various research results showed without any connection to optimal velocity the driver should experimental campaign carried customize the software
in 2020. that improvements in the driving the vehicle CAN-bus or OBD- adopt in order to minimize fuel out on urban and extra-urban configuration of vehicles
The devising of more efficient style provide direct savings interface. consumption. routes by different drivers. by pushing new services,
vehicles (e.g., improved from 5% up to 40% of the Furthermore, the driving style Experimental results prove thus realizing a platform
control systems, aerodynamics, total energy expenses as well as application has been integrated Main Contributions that the proposed driving style which allows services and
powertrain and engine design), reductions in air pollution. in a real scenario. We developed The main contributions of this system reduce the vehicle user-defined applications to
the usage of alternative energy Within this interesting and a vehicle-to-infrastructure Thesis can be summarized as consumption up to 30%. be dynamically loaded and
sources and fuels (e.g., electric evolving context, this Thesis (V2I) architecture as a part follows: A questionnaire proposed unloaded on vehicles.
and hybrid vehicles), and the proposes a couple of green ITS of the Green Move project, A novel method for the to the volunteers evaluates An energy-oriented roadside
deployment of Intelligent applications with the aim of an innovative Electric-Vehicle energy-oriented, quantitative the different user interfaces assistance system for signalized
Transportation Systems (ITS) proposing innovative solutions Sharing System. Thanks to estimation of the driving style designed for the driving style intersections is presented. We
applications are solutions for the tailored to fuel-consumption this platform, the driving style is presented. An important application. propose a novel algorithm
decarbonization of the sector. optimization through the application can be dynamically innovative contribution is The driving style system that determines the energy-
Intelligent technologies are improvement of the driver loaded and unloaded on vehicles given by the definition of three has been applied in a real optimal speed to pass a road
therefore playing an increasingly behavior. In particular, the main of the vehicle-sharing service. power-related indexes for scenario. We introduce a with signalized intersections.
important role in the drive for objective is to design energy- The application computes evaluating the instantaneous V2I/I2V system, in which the Based on the knowledge
green innovation. Especially, the oriented, vehicle-independent a quantitative estimation of driver performances. To the driving style application has of Signal Phase and Timing
development of energy-oriented and passive systems aimed at the driving style of a vehicle- best of authors knowledge, been integrated. The V2I/ (SPAT) and road information,
Driving Assistance Systems influencing the driver behavior sharing user, communicates this existing systems foremost focus I2V framework is the main an off-line velocity planning
opens the perspective towards a and promoting a fuel-efficient information to a control center, on the qualitative classification component of the electric algorithm determines the
new model of ITS, which can be driving. and displays it to the driver. Thus, of the driver behavior, usually vehicle-sharing project named optimal trajectory in terms
referred as Green ITS, and aims First, we present a system feedback is provided to the user limited to a finite set of Green Move, a three-years of energy consumption. The
at conceiving applications and able to assess in real-time the to nudge her to adopt a more discrete labels. Moreover, they project co-financed by Regione method explicitly considers the
services specifically designed to driving style. The system is fully economical driving style, whereas are vehicle-dependent, in Lombardia and developed consumed energy as figure
reduce energy consumption and integrated in a smartphone the control center can use this that they were developed for in the city of Milan. Within of merit to be minimized and
polluting emissions. application that acquires the information to make appropriate specific vehicle models. Thus, the Green Move project, solves a specific optimal control
Vehicles energy consumption signals related to the vehicle enhancements to its service or to the approaches are hardly we developed a prototype problem that considers the
depends upon different dynamics (e.g., velocity and provide additional features. reusable and require dedicated platform that: traffic lights as constraints.

SUNDROPS: SEMANTIC AND DYNAMIC DATA IN A derivation of context-aware data extensions of the system. analysis,only the most frequent

PhD Yearbook | 2015

and preferences. The system execution flows can operations that a user performs
PERVASIVE SYSTEM While the original Context-
ADDICT platform deals only
be split into two main sub-flows:
A pull-based flow in which
in a context in order keep track
of hers habits are considered.
with static data stored in data the system answers the users This frequent itemset mining
sources, its new revisitation specific requests task is eased by MR-miner that,
and extension has to manage A push-based flow in applying the MREClaT algorithm
Emanuele Panigati - Supervisor: Letizia Tanca dynamic data coming from which the system provides that allows to analyze in parallel
pervasive sources (sensors information to the user only (adopting the MapReduce
and sensor networks, social evaluating the context, without paradigm) the large amount 401
Nowadays people are MREClaT, a Map-Reduce current context. Context- networks), considering also having received any specific of data flowing to the system,

surrounded by a high quantity variant of the EClaT algorithm ADDICT was conceived almost that these data carry intrinsic request or query. once stored in order to allow its
of data, coming in different allowing the system to reduce a decade ago, and was based temporal information that In the first case, the system historical analysis.
and heterogeneus formats. the processing time required to on a methodology for context- might be helpful in context simply acts as the original
However, humans cannot exploit perform the frequent itemset aware system design where management. Context-ADDICT system does This work aims at building a
the whole power of this data mining task. This feature adds the context must be explicitly The main difference between answering incoming requests real-life system based on the
without appropriate aid of a useful functionality allowing declared. With SuNDroPS, Context-ADDICT and SunDRoPS , while in the second case the above technologies, plunging
digital means. The SuNDroPS the extraction of previously the injection of context is lies in the sensor data handling: system continously uses and more deeply into some aspects
system (Semantic and dyNamic unknown knowledge from the transparent to the user and to while the first is based on a analyzes the information flowing which remain to be investigated
Data in a Pervasive System) aims data flowing in the system. the application: the current user static and predefined sets of through the sensors and checks like semantic data stream
at supporting (mobile) users context can be inferred from context and each transition must if it is necessary to send new processing and cloud-based data
with a context-aware approach, Context-ADDICT Revisited sensor readings and the data be notified by the user herself information to the user. mining algorithms. Prototypes of
allowing them to consider only a The main goal of Context- corresponding to each context (or by an application running All the modules operate using (parts of) the system have been
small set of data, automatically ADDICT and SuNDroPS is can be automatically assigned by on the user device), SunDRoPS a push paradigm (there is no produced, within the application
selected by the system itself to create a middleware mining historical data by means instead can (at least partially) module pulling information from domains of car-sharing services
according to their current infrastructure to support the of the designed, efficient data automatically determine which other ones, every module listens and support for citizens mobility
context and interests. Part of design and development of mining algorithm. is the running context of the for new data or commands); this in the Green Move project for
this data (e.g. user data, service context-aware data-intensive SunDRoPS has several user and/or of the system, on requires a bit more bandwith electrical car sharing,
data) is stored in traditional applications. The focus is on components, some of which the basis of the environmental consumption but this ensures
information systems e.g. mobile, possibly peer-to-peer inherited from the Context- gathered data. a more reactive behavior of the
supported by RDBMSs while applications, where the notion ADDICT system: the core of the The problem of seamlessy system.
a large part of them dynamic of context can be exploited system is still built upon the core switch context is quite on the
data that come e.g. from to provide the user with a modules of Context-ADDICT; in cutting edge of the technology MR-Miner
sensors or system logs need to filtered view over the data, addition, SuNDroPS interfaces nowadays. Lots of different Another problem is how to
be treated as data streams and retrieving only the information two more components that services provides context- manage all the historical
dealt with in the appropriate relevant to the users in their allow to handle sensor data oriented components (primarily data about user preferences
way with while integrating and WSNs (Wireless Sensors location-based context). The and past contexts in order to
them with the other data. Networks): TRex and PerLa. SunDRoPS system empowers extract information to be used
This problem requires research These new modules enrich the this contextualization allowing in the future for refining the
beyond the current state-of-the- set of datasources that can to use more data other than information to be sent to the
art. be managed by the system, the location ones, providing a user. The Run-Time Context and
The SuNDroPS system stems allowing it to manage events framework that can be adopted Preference Manager module
from the Context-ADDICT streams, datastreams and WSNs. in very different scenarios, aims at performing this task.
(Context-Aware Data Design, For all the data mining activities both in indoor (e.g. museums) The module operate an
Integration, Customization and SunDRoPS provides the new or outdoor (e.g. emergency advanced personalization of the
Tailoring) system and adds new data mining component, situation management) user current context choosing
features to manage high loads MR-Miner, that implements applications. which are the information that
of dynamic, sensor-coming data, MREClaT. The output of MR- best fit the user needs, analyzing
seamlessly combining them with Miner is then used as input PerLa and TRex the whole user transaction
the more traditional information. by the Run-Time Context and PerLa and TRex modules run log. Since the log can be take
Moreover, SuNDroPS includes Preference Manager, allowing both as standard query wrappers very long time to be processed
the new data mining algorithm it to speed up the automatic and as environmental sensing in order to speed up its

Impact of few-electron phenomena on the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

operation and reliability of nanoscale
Flash memories
Giovanni Paolucci - Supervisor: Alessandro Sottocornola Spinelli

phenomena is way more evident the lifetime of a modern Flash logarithmic time axis, leading injected electrons constitutes a

than in the past: statistical device. to the definition of an average relevant source of program noise
fluctuations in the number spectral density of trapped (PN), setting the ultimate limit to
of charges, in fact, play a The impact of the research electrons. The interaction the accuracy of the VT placement
significant role when such activity was recognized both of detrapping with random of decananometer Flash cells.
number reduces due to cell by the semiconductor industry telegraph noise (RTN) was also In conclusion, the research
shrinking (Figure 1 provides an and the scientific community, as highlighted, showing that the activity provided the physical
example of an extremely scaled the main results achieved in this VT instabilities resulting from the understanding, the modeling
Flash NAND technology). Also, field were awarded at the IEEE latter process cannot be ignored tools and the characterization
when charges are trapped in International Physics Reliability for a meaningful comparison 2. Measured and calculated VT techniques required to
the tunnel-oxide or in the IPD, Symposium (IRPS) both in 2013 with data, and that they distributions of a cycled Flash NAND investigate the programming
additional quantities subject to and 2014. can easily be included in the array during a high temperature accuracy and the reliability of
bake emulating a data retention time
1. Cross section of a state-of- statistical dispersion are the time simulations. stretch. extremely scaled Flash memory
the-art NAND array (IMFT 20 nm constants of the the capture/ The use of clever experimental The results, which can be technologies, highlighting the
technology) along the word-line release events and the VT procedures enabled the first applied also to different dominance of few-electron
following each of the events. direct observation of single- reliability phenomena involving Single-electron charging of the phenomena on cell operation.
The Ph.D. thesis extensively electron detrapping in NAND charge trapping/detrapping floating-gate during Fowler- In this sense, the work provides
The research work is focused analyzes both of the previous Flash arrays. Results revealed a in MOS devices, paved the Nordheim programming of a a valid reference for further
on the emerging constraints points for two of the main significant statistical dispersion way to the development of a mainstream Flash memory cell developing the Flash concept,
to NAND Flash operation phenomena ruling the behavior of the number of trapped comprehensive statistical model could be detected for the first pushing it towards the single-
and reliability dictated by the of modern Flash cells, i.e. charges, of the detrapping able to deal with VT instabilities time by using simple averaging electron limit.
granularity of electric charge charge detrapping and electron time and of the single-electron under whatever on-field usage techniques on a state-of-the-
in the gate stack. Progressive injection into the floating- VT. Starting from these of the memory array. To this art NAND Flash array. The VT
cell miniaturization entails that gate via Fowler-Nordheim observations, the phenomenon aim, not only retention/bake corresponding to an injection
cell electrostatics and, in turn, tunneling. In both cases the was then re-examined from conditions, but also the cycling event is fixed and depends
cell threshold voltage (VT), is analysis started from a careful a discrete, statistical point of conditions, i.e. the number of only on the capacitance of cell
ruled by an extremely reduced experimental characterization, view, showing that in the most P/E cycles, together with the IPD, differently from the case
number of electrons, therefore which, thanks to the use of interesting case where the duration and the temperature of single-electron detrapping
pushing the Flash cell to work clever methodologies, allowed number of trapped electrons of the idle periods in-between, where the VT shift is statistically
in a few-electron regime. This to determine for the first time feeding the detrapping process were considered, exploiting the distributed. Nevertheless, the
has two main consequences. the discrete, statistical nature is Poisson distributed among the idea that the average spectral injection process is of statistical
First, the VT displacement (VT) of the phenomena. After that, cells, detrapping events are the density of trapped electrons nature, and the number of
caused by the emission or the starting from relatively simple result of a nonhomogeneous can be calculated according to electrons injected during a
injection of a single charge in assumptions on cell physics, Poisson process and a simple the cycling pattern. The model programming pulse of amplitude
the gate stack (either the tunnel- new semi-analytic stochastic and powerful formula allows can accurately reproduce the Vs is approximately Poisson
oxide, the floating-gate or the models were developed, based the calculation of the full VT experimental data (an example distributed for small values
interpoly dielectric) became so on a small number of free statistics without the need to is shown in Figure 2) and was of Vs, while it it takes on a
relevant that it can be clearly parameters. The aim of the resort to lengthy Monte Carlo used to discuss the accuracy sub-Poissonian distribution at
detected by using adequate models is to provide a useful simulations. Also, the important of some testing schemes higher Vs, as shown by extensive
experimental procedures. tool to investigate how few- assumption was done that the commonly adopted for the experimental characterization.
Second, the stochastic nature electron phenomena affect cell detrapping time constant takes assessment of NAND device In either case, the spread
of the charging/discharging VT and evaluate their role along on a wide distribution on the reliability. associated to the number of

Design Space Exploration of OpenCL

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Applications on Heterogeneous Parallel
Edoardo Paone - Supervisor: Cristina Silvano

Multi-core processors are efficiency. paradigm, namely the tight to optimize the overall average metrics and by tuning the

widely used in modern This thesis targets the multi- and dependence of application system performance. By application parameters at run-
computing platforms, both many-core platform domain, performance on platform applying techniques of software time. The AS-RTM is generic, but
in the embedded and High- ranging from HPC to embedded architectural details. Although approximate computing, an its behavior can be customized
Performance Computing systems. While these two the OpenCL API is cross-platform application can be designed to for each application by passing a
(HPC) domains. Recently, also worlds are still quite different in and generic enough to enable expose tunable parameters that different list of operating points.
GPUs have been used for terms of computational power, programming of different types trade off the output quality with It also allows defining one or
general purpose computing, to recent years have witnessed of accelerators, customization of throughput. In our approach, more application goals, which
accelerate compute-intensive a convergence of parallel software parameters is necessary DSE is used to identify the represent soft constraints on the
kernels of throughput-oriented architectures and programming to achieve good performance parameter configurations performance metrics (e.g. the
applications. However, these paradigms. Today platform when porting applications called operating points that frame-rate or QoS). Experimental
platforms expose different vendors are adopting OpenCL, to the target platform. This provide the optimal trade-offs results show a better average
programmability complexities: a cross-platform API, to exploit problem is exacerbated by 2. Application and platform domain of with respect to throughput, performance with respect to a
while general purpose multi- the computational parallelism the intrinsic heterogeneity of the proposed methodology. output quality and resource plain Linux configuration and,
core CPUs provide good of modern accelerators while modern computing platforms, usage. In turn, this knowledge at the same time, a significant
code portability on a small enabling functional portability of which usually include several Another contribution of this base allows implementing improvement of performance
number of compute units, GPU applications. For the application accelerators of different type. thesis deals with resource performance-aware scheduling predictability.
architectures achieve much domain (see Fig. 2), we target sharing in multi-application and effective application auto-
higher throughput but require stream processing applications, At this aim, an optimization scenarios. This type of tuning, by reducing the decision The proposed design
more specialized application such as applications for smart methodology is proposed, based parallelism referred to as space at run-time. methodology and runtime
code (see Fig. 1). In between, cameras and augmented reality. on customization of a parametric request-level parallelism is As shown in Fig. 3, each software layer have been
there is a wide range of The main contribution is about OpenCL application design. The enabled by the increasing application is linked to a library implemented and demonstrated
platforms with different trade- customization and optimization methodology exploits Design number of cores integrated in that provides an Application- on a real case study an
offs between programmability of OpenCL applications. It Space Exploration (DSE) to the same chip. The proposed Specific Run-Time Manager OpenCL stereo-matching
and computational parallelism, addresses one limitation of identify the optimal solutions, run-time management technique (AS-RTM). The main purpose application targeting different
as well as GFLOPS/Watt the OpenCL programming with respect to multiple design allows accounting for dynamic of the AS-RTM is to manage industrial platforms. Some of
objectives such as throughput application requirements and application adaptivity by the outcomes of this thesis
or Quality of Service (QoS). The workload variations, in order monitoring the performance have been used within the
integration with the Multi- 2PARMA FP7 European project
Objective System Tuner (MOST) and implemented in official
framework allows to automate prototypes delivered to the
the DSE process and to project consortium.
implement advanced exploration
strategies. On the one hand, the
proposed techniques reduce the
exploration time on simulation
platforms while providing
close-to-optimal solutions; on
the other hand, they exploit
platform-specific constraints to
1. Trade-off between programmability and computational parallelism for multi- prune out unfeasible solutions 3. Application adaptivity through the Application-Specific Run-Time Manager
core platforms. from the design space. (AS-RTM).

A prompt gamma camera for real-time tests of a reduced-size prototype and showed good agreement. compact superconducting

PhD Yearbook | 2015

to assess the design choices We noticed that simulations synchrocyclotron, were
range control in proton therapy for the full-size camera.
Measurements confirmed that
overestimate the correlated
performed to quantify the
event rate of prompt gammas
the slab configuration gives We also observed the effect of with the beam time structure
sufficient spatial and energy a cavity in the target delivering specific for this accelerator.
resolution, provided that the a 2D map of pencil beams Results confirmed that the rate
Irene Perali - Supervisor: Carlo Fiorini crystal surfaces are polished. to a heterogeneous target. for a single slab is now 100
The full-size prototype was then We observed that profiles MHz and the current detector
characterized in terms of energy corresponding to points of the cannot sustain it. We should so 407
Proton therapy is a form of rate capability of tens of MHz through calculations the resolution at the energy peaks map within the cavity are shifted consider several modifications

radiation therapy that uses is necessary. The objective of feasibility of the different of 137Cs and 60Co (662, 1173 with respect to the points in the in a novel design, such as a
high-energy proton beams for the thesis is to design a novel alternatives to find the best and 1335 keV, respectively). At full target. further pixelation of the crystal
cancer treatment. Differently gamma detector, which satisfies compromise in terms of these low energies we obtained Measurements at the WPE were and the choice of a fully digital
from conventional radiation these needs. The detector performance, cost and simplicity. an energy resolution of about 13 useful to verify that the camera acquisition chain for pulse
therapy, proton beams deliver must be compatible to the A pixelated crystal configuration %, 9 % and 8 %. fulfills the requirements that we processing.
their maximum energy within a introduction in a slit-camera was preferred to a monolithic The camera was tested in the identified at the beginning of As stated in the first chapter,
defined range, thereby reducing system, where a knife-edge scintillator to reduce the count West German Proton Therapy the project. Satisfactory accuracy real-time range control in proton
adverse effects to adjacent slit collimator selects prompt rate on a single channel. The Center in Essen and in the in range retrieval was reached at therapy would represent a major
healthy tissues. Proton beams gammas emitted along the crystal is segmented into 40 Proton Therapy Center of clinical beam current for pencil improvement in the delivery of
open up new perspectives beam axis of the target, in slabs with 4 mm pixel pitch, Prague in order to evaluate beams with therapeutic doses. this radiotherapy technique,
for the treatment of tumors order to produce a reverse 1D 30 mm thickness and 100 mm its performance during At the Proton Therapy Center which is already a valid method
in proximity to organs at projection of the beam path on height. LYSO was chosen as best beam irradiation, in different of Prague we were able to to defeat cancer. However,
risk, supposed the range of a scintillator crystal. The design candidate due to its high density, measurements conditions and perform the first tests toward finding a technical solution that
therapy particles is well under of the camera system was first fast decay constant an high light with different targets. Both the clinical application of the goes beyond scientific research
control. In clinical practice, optimized with Monte Carlo yield. centers use the IBA C230 instrument. We first compared and that can be clinically applied
range calculations are affected simulations. Silicon PhotoMultipliers (SiPMs) cyclotron, a isochronous profiles for targets with densities has represented the main
by uncertainties and safety Preliminary measurements with were selected for scintillation cyclotron with a constant energy corresponding to bone and challenge in this field. We hope
margins are taken, preventing the HiCAM camera, an Anger light collection because they of 230 MeV. We first acquired fat to profiles acquired with that our efforts in this direction
proton therapy from exploiting camera originally developed offer compactness, good photon profiles, by selecting the energy PMMA and water targets. After represent a milestone toward
its maximum potential. Range for SPECT applications, were detection efficiency and fast events in the 3-6 MeV energy that, we applied for the first the reaching of this objective.
assessment in vivo and in real- performed operating the beam response. We designed an range, during the irradiation of a time a realistic treatment on
time is considered by clinical with currents lower than the optimized architecture of the homogeneous cylindrical PMMA an anthropomorphic phantom.
professionals a key for improving ones adopted in clinical practice, systems, integrating all the target with therapeutic proton Results are very encouraging
proton therapy. However, demonstrating the feasibility components into a compact and energies from 100 to 230 MeV because they demonstrate
appropriate technical solutions of the slit-camera concept practical instrument, easy to and calculated that the number that the camera is able to
are not yet available for the use to reach millimeter accuracy be introduced in the treatment of protons needed to reach a monitor prompt gamma signal
in clinical routine. in range determination. The room. 2s precision of 4 mm in range during a realistic PBS (Pencil
Among different techniques measurements served the Due to the novelty of the retrieval is between 0.45 x 108 Beam Scanning) delivery. Data
for real-time range control, the purpose of establishing the adopted solution, the detector and 1.5 x 108 for the lowest and processing and comparison with
thesis is focused on prompt specifications for the new required a dedicated electronics. highest energies, respectively. the simulations is ongoing. For
gamma imaging, which is based detector, compatible to the use Custom electronics boards As observed from Monte Carlo the clinical use of the camera,
on the fact the prompt gamma at clinical beam currents. Several were designed to perform simulations, the higher the there will be a set of simulated
rays emitted by the target nuclei, modifications were needed both spectra acquisition for a beam energy, the higher the profiles for each spot of the
after the interaction of the beam concerning the scintillator precise energy calibration and uncorrelated background, mostly treatment map and acquired
with tissue, are correlated to the geometry, the photo-detectors, high efficiency photon counting due to neutrons. We verified the profiles will be compared to
beam penetration depth. the electronics and the data for profiles reconstruction. ability of the camera to detect simulated profiles in order to
Imaging prompt gammas is acquisition. The best trade-off between millimeter shifts for high doses, verify is a shift happened during
challenging because they are Based on the knowledge on energy resolution and counting by moving the target at steps the delivery of the treatment.
emitted along a continuous gamma ray detectors, we efficiency was found during the of 1 mm to emulate a range Finally, the very first
energy spectrum up to 10 MeV identified several technical design of the electronics boards. shift. Profiles were compared measurements with
and a detector with a count options and investigated We performed characterization to Monte Carlo simulations the S2C2 accelerator, a

The Design of Exergaming Systems for

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Autonomous Rehabilitation

Michele Pirovano - Supervisor: Pier Luca Lanzi

While the incidence of stroke and detail it to produce a virtual recording and configuration

rises worldwide, so do the costs rendition of the exercise that functionalities.
of the subsequent intensive can be inserted imto a virtual We discuss extrinsic game
rehabilitation, setting off alarm environment. We then add these elements that can be leveraged
bells that call for solutions to elements that partain to gaming to increase the motivational
lower figures while preserving that do not interfere with the factor of a rehabilitation
therapy efficacy. At-home underlying exercise mechanics exergame without undermining
autonomous rehabilitation to create an exergame through the benefits of the therapy, and
appears as a promising solution, iterative prototyping, and we we thus introduce and detail
reducing costs for health add the modules that allow ad-hoc scoring mechanisms,
providers and patients alike. automatic on-line supervision algorithms to provide variations
The trend of exergaming, to obtain the final autonomous in content, and we detail long-
i.e. exercising through video therapeutic exergame. term motivation mechanisms
games, may represent the key We design and develop a that leverage procedural content
to the success of autonomous complete game engine for generation and interactive
rehabilitation. However, rehabilitation, built upon evolution methods.
rehabilitation at home demands the Panda3D open source We follow our guidelines to
careful consideration, as all game engine, that integrates develop a set of nine games
the requirements of a correct exergames and high-usability for posture and balance
rehabilitation therapy must be interfaces with autonomous rehabilitation of post-stroke
addressed even in the absence supervision enabled by elderly patients. We conclude
of a therapist. computational intelligence. The with results from several studies
The aim of this research is to engine includes an abstraction performed using our games,
study the feasibility of at-home of exergames that enables easy including a three-month pilot
autonomous rehabilitation creation of new exergames for test with the complete system,
through exergaming. To do our system, knowledge-based proving the benefits of our
so, we explore the state-of- on-line automatic monitoring solution.
the-art of the exergaming through fuzzy systems,
field and devise guidelines to automatic on-line adaptation
design effective and motivating through Bayesian techniques,
exergames. We provide a novel a layer that performs input
definition of exergaming and we abstraction and supports several
explore the design of its double different devices such as the
nature, as exercise, and as game, Microsoft Kinect sensor and the
and we provide guidelines for Nintendo Wii Balance Board, and
both. We create a methodology clear and meaningful feedback
for the structured design and through high-accessibility and
development of exergames for consistent interfaces and a
rehabilitation that leverages our Virtual Therapist Avatar. We
new definition. We start from also support asynchronous
a given exercise, as defined by configuration and assessment
therapists, and we structure by a remote therapist through

Study, Design, and Evaluation of between different methods realistically simulated) exploring computing the optimal

PhD Yearbook | 2015

without an optimal reference robots, by theoretically analyzing exploration path could serve as
Exploration Strategies for Autonomous makes it difficult to assess how
much room for improvement an
in environments modeled as
graphs worst and average cases.
a tool for complementing the
evaluation of on-line exploration
Mobile Robots exploration system has. A more
complete evaluation should
Specifically, I derive bounds on
traveled distance by a robot
strategies for autonomous
mobile robots by having an
involve an absolute comparison employing some exploration optimal reference with which
Alberto Quattrini Li - Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Amigoni between the performance of strategies that consider distance is possible to compute the
(online) exploration strategies and information gain as criteria competitive ratio of a given
and the optimal (offline) to evaluate frontiers. The exploration strategy in a given 411
Autonomous mobile robotics has interact in real-time with the they are defined in practical performance in the test obtained theoretical results show environment.

seen a wide spread development robots, and so these methods contexts of real (or realistically environments, based on the that, in the worst case, taking Further, I experimentally evaluate
in recent years, especially cannot be plainly used. What is simulated) robots and are competitive ratio. Another issue into account also information (in simulation) the impact of
for tasks that are difficult, needed is the development of empirically assessed by testing is the difficulty in reproducing gain in selecting the next some controllable factors on
dangerous, or simply boring navigation strategies that allow them in some environments. experiments as parameters destination location does not exploration (different perception/
for humans. Relevant examples mobile robots to autonomously On the other hand, exploration are usually not reported in the provide any advantage over decision timings, and exploration
include planetary exploration decide their next target strategies are defined in descriptions of experiments, and considering only distance, while strategies vs. coordination
and search and rescue. There are locations, besides how to go to theoretical settings. In these thus it is not clear what factors it does in the average case on methods), providing some
several challenges that designers a specific target. Furthermore, approaches, proposed methods impact the performance of graphs modeling realistic indoor insights that could be useful for
face during the development the use of multiple robots can are assessed using theoretical exploration. environments. a roboticist that has to set these
of systems of autonomous make the execution of the task tools like worst-case bounds and Given this background, in parameters.
mobile robots, from low level more efficient, if they smartly competitive ratio in some classes the general context of the To improve exploration In addition, I show how some
issues, i.e., sensors, actuators, coordinate among themselves. of environments. However, multirobot exploration problem, strategies and coordination of the artificial intelligence
etc., to high level issues, i.e., This dissertation focuses on sometimes assumptions are not the objective of this dissertation methods. techniques used in this
control, navigation, etc. One exploration, in which one fully realistic (e.g., infinite line- is threefold: I define exploration strategies dissertation can be used for
of the most important aspects or more robots execute the of-sight visibility). and coordination methods that exploring a belief state space
that affects autonomous mobile following steps in order to Further, most of the exploration To contribute to bridge the embed information coming from in the context of pursuit-
robots performance is the set discover and map the features strategies and coordination gap between theory and semantic maps. This allows to evasion games, in which a
of techniques that allow them of an unknown environment: methods proposed in literature practice for exploration privilege some specific areas of pursuer attempts to capture an
to decide the next location to (a) perceive the surrounding base their decisions only on strategies. the environment. For example, adversarial evader that tries, in
reach (navigation strategies) by environment, (b) integrate the current metric map, which I contribute to define the if robots know that an area of turn, to actively escape, when
possibly coordinating among perceived data in a map represents the spatial features problem of calculating the an environment is labeled as they both have a line-of-sight
themselves (coordination representing environment of the environment, like the optimal off-line exploration corridor, then that area should sensor model.
method), according to their known so far, (c) decide position of obstacles. In the last paths under some realistic be privileged and more than The contributions provided in
current knowledge about the where to go next and who years, several methods have assumptions i.e., robot with one robot should be allocated this dissertation could foster the
world they operate in, in order goes where, (d) go to the been proposed to build semantic time-discrete and limited to it, so that the exploration of achievement of the long-term
to autonomously carry out the destination locations chosen. maps that associate semantic perception and environment the environment is speeded up, goal towards the theoretical
assigned tasks. Specifically, step (c) is the focus labels (e.g., corridor or room) represented as a grid. I analyze as rooms are typically attached and practical definition and
To introduce the idea of of the dissertation, namely the to portion of the underlying the relation between such to corridors. I experimentally the evaluation of exploration
navigation strategies it is useful selection of interesting locations metric map. Despite the great discretization and its continuous show that there is a significant strategies and coordination
to start from considering the (exploration strategies) and effort in constructing semantic counterpart and formulate the improvement about the methods for increasing
(huge) literature about path their assignment to robots maps, the study of their use for discrete problem as a search exploration of relevant and total autonomy of mobile robots.
planning, which shows that the (coordination methods). exploration is still rather limited. problem. Thus, I develop areas of indoor environments
core for most of the currently In spite of the importance of the Finally, a lively debate on good the first algorithm to find within a given time interval,
employed methods has been exploration problem, general experimental methodologies the (approximated) optimal when a priori information
developed in mid-1990s. techniques that allow mobile is currently ongoing in exploration path. Simulation about the relevant areas of the
In these approaches, a user robots to be fully autonomous the autonomous robotics results show the viability of environment is available.
specifies the goal and the robots are not mature yet. community, as they have our approach for realistic
can decide by itself how to go First of all, exploration not reached yet a maturity environments. To improve the experimental
there. However, in several cases strategies are usually defined level comparable to that of Moreover, I contribute to assessment of multirobot
the goal might not be known following two rather different other disciplines. The relative strengthen the experimental exploration systems.
a priori or the user cannot approaches. On the one hand, comparison currently made results obtained with real (and The method I propose for

A time series synthesizer of tropospheric

PhD Yearbook | 2015

impairments affecting satellite links developed
in the framework of the Alphasat experiment

Laura Resteghini - Supervisor: Carlo Capsoni

The increasing diffusion of the rainfall events. However, measurements. The input into a set of classes according properties of clouds. The

broadband internet connection even if rain strongly affects the database is accurately modified to ILWC and IWVC maximum validation of the model has been
and the development of Ultra signal power, it is quite limited and scaled to better adapt to values. The site-specific statistics carried out on both first and
High Definition TV (UHTV) in space and time. Moving the site-specific climatology of of ILWC and IWVC to be second order statistics, showing
requires the use of satellite towards the use of frequencies the location. The data collected reproduced, provided either the ability of the synthesizer in
communication systems able from 50 to 70 GHz even the by different instruments by measured data or by ITU-R generating appropriate time
to provide large frequency so-called clear-sky attenuation (radiometer, beacon receiver models, are taken as input by series able to reproduce the
bandwidth by making use due to atmospheric component and raingauge) are used to two separated optimization input site-specific statistics. The
of radio frequency carriers such as gases, water vapor and generate a database of time procedures that return the model is valid for every link for
(Extremely High Frequency - oxygen as well as clouds become series for water vapor, clouds number of daily time series to site located in temperate regions
EHF) up to Q/V Band. Some relevant, especially for systems and rain events. The synthesizer be selected from each ILWC and with a range of frequencies is
satellite-based service providers, with low power margin. generates, for each atmospheric IWVC class. For the time series between 5 and 70 GHz and
such as EUTELSAT Company, In this work we focused on component separately, a selection, we identify the daily elevation angle between 5 and
start using satellite operating the study and development of time series of attenuation of time series of ILWC and IWVC 90.
in Ka Band despite, at such a time series synthesizer for measured data and finally a that jointly satisfy the solution
these frequencies, the system main tropospheric components time series total attenuation of the two optimizations. In
has to cope with very strong (water vapor, clouds oxygen obtained by the combination of the second part of the work
attenuation introduced by and rain) that mainly affect the all atmospheric effects (water we focused on the synthesis
the tropospheric constituents. transmission of signals in free vapor, oxygen, clouds and of rain attenuation events. The
Indeed, the physic of the space condition. In particular, rain). In the first part of my rain events collected in the
channel is mostly influenced by the aim of this study is the work, we considered the non database are catalogued in 10
the working frequency of the development of a generator rainy attenuation components classes according to the peak
transmitting system, and the of time series of attenuation focusing in particular on the of attenuation they experience.
gathered attenuation, which to simulate the variability modelling of Integrated Liquid A dedicated optimization takes
affects the signal, is increasing in time of the tropospheric Water Content (ILWC) and as input the long term statistic
with frequency. In this respect, components separately and Integrated Water Vapor Content of rain attenuation, provided
satellite system can exploit the their combination in total (IWVC). One critical step of this either by measured data or by
use of Propagation Impairment attenuation. The basic idea is to retrieval is represented by the ITU-R models, and return the
Mitigation Techniques (PIMT) start from real measurements identification, discrimination total amount of rainy time to be
to reduce the negative effects collected during propagation and interpolation of the rainy selected from each class. Then,
of fading due to atmosphere. campaigns to generate periods in order to avoid the the events of rain attenuation
The development and design time series of attenuation error in the estimate of ILWC are randomly selected according
of these systems must be for each atmospheric and IWVC. The rainy periods to optimization result. Finally, the
supported by the use of component reproducing identification is obtained composition of all tropospheric
tropospheric channel models the statistic of attenuation considering three databases components is achieved through
and synthesizers able to at a selected location for of measurements (raingauge, a new algorithm based on the
characterize the time varying defined Satcom parameters beacon receiver and radiometer) identification and classification
channel not only in statistical (frequency, elevation angle). properly combined. We assumed of cloud types (Cloud Type
terms. For satellite systems The measurement database 24 hours as the basic time Algorithm CTA). This new
operating at these frequencies taken into consideration is the frame for the time series of procedure guarantees an
the main source of signal one provided by the ITALSAT ILWC and IWVC. Daily time accurate superimposition of all
degradation is represented by experiment over 7 years of series are properly catalogued events according to the physical

Characterization and modeling of account the disordered nature characterization is then provided crystallization times compared to

PhD Yearbook | 2015

of chalcogenide materials, in the temperature range below the retention case.
conduction and crystallization statistics in providing some insights into
the filamentary conduction. The
180C, presenting a detailed
study of the cell-to-cell and
The experimental
characterization of the set
phase change memories model is then able to better
describe some cell properties,
cycle-to-cycle variability. The
overall variability is interpreted
operation as a function of the
reset voltage (or the amorphous
such as the programming through a compact Monte- size) provides some useful
Maurizio Rizzi - Supervisor: Daniele Ielmini characteristics (resistance as a Carlo model, able to explain indications for the choice of the
function of the programming both the cell-to-cell and ideal reset conditions and allows
current) and to better estimate the cycle-to-cycle variability predicting the set dependence 415
The information revolution Change Memory (PCM). needed for the comprehension the amorphous thickness from contributions in terms of a pure on the cell down-scaling.

has driven a substantial PCM has the memory capability of the following three chapters. the I-V curves. gaussian spread in the activation Finally, the work compares
transformation in both our thanks to the property of Finally, the current perspectives The energy landscape model energy for crystallization. two set techniques, namely: i)
personal lifestyle and in the particular materials (e.g. of the PCM technology is lastly extended to consider Finally, the cycle-to-cycle square pulses with amplitude
work organization within the chalcogenide alloys) to reversibly are discussed, with a quick the carrier heating, at the basis variability is analyzed more in lower than the melt level and
companies. switch between an amorphous glance on the so-called PCMS of threshold switching. This depth, allowing to subdivide ii) triangular pulses with slow
Such impressive changes have and a crystalline phase with architecture, which is expected phenomenon is crucial, since the retention characteristics quench from the melt. Resulting
so far been possible thanks markedly different electrical to solve the current PCM it enables the phase transition into three separate families resistance distributions are
to continuous performance resistivity. Such principle limitations in terms of size (by allowing a larger current to namely: i) analog variability, analyzed and compared as a
enhancements in the allows obtaining non volatile scaling by stacking the memory flow into the cell) and it limits ii) digital (binary) variability function of the pulse energy,
semiconductor field. A key memories with interesting read/ element and a cell selector the maximum read voltage. The and iii) pseudo-repeatable concluding that the triangular
enabling factor has been program speed, good scalability made of another chalcogenide proposed switching model is characteristics. pulses allow to obtain tighter
the availability of memory perspectives and a remarkable material. then validated as a function of R distributions at a given pulse
technologies able to store data cycling capability. the ambient temperature and of The fourth chapter is dedicated energy.
of larger and larger size in a Nowadays, a deeper knowledge The second chapter is devoted the amorphous size. to the statistical study of the The studies of the array-level
faster and faster way. of the PCM physics is strongly to the study of the electrical The present study, conducted program operation in PCM, or statistics in PCM are rarely
The leading actor of such a requested to drive the conduction in the amorphous as a function of the amorphous phase switching. The study is reported in literature; for this
success story has been the development of the PCM phase. Such studies are of cap size for two nano-scaled focused on the analysis of the reason the statistical studies
Flash technology, which is technology in the years to come. particular importance, given technology nodes, is particularly programming characteristics at presented in chapter III and
based on the ability to change This motivates the need for that PCM is a resistance-based relevant for the prediction of statistical level. chapter IV of this doctoral work
the threshold voltage (and research activities, such as the memory. For this reason, a the conduction properties as a First of all the work describes the are particularly interesting for
accordingly the read current) of ones described in this doctoral deeper knowledge of the function of the cell geometry, dependence of both the set (or the array-level optimization of
a MOS transistor by injecting work. conduction properties allows to possibly allowing to address crystallization) and the reset (or future PCM products.
charge in a dedicated floating optimize the resistance window the cell design in future PCM amorphization) operations on
gate layer. The introductory chapter of this between the two programmed technologies. the initial reset state, determined
Given the requests from the work provides an overview of states and to carefully optimize by the reset voltage. The
memory market of even higher the current non-volatile memory the cell geometry. One of the key properties of dependence of the melt current
performances, Flash memories (NVM) scenario, subdividing the Amorphous materials present the PCM technology is its non and of the obtained resistance
are currently facing severe possible technology evolutions the peculiar property of a non- volatility, which is guaranteed distributions on the amorphous
challenges. The size scaling, so within an evolutionary scenario homogeneous conduction, by the relatively long time size are then presented and
far well predicted by the Moores and a paradigm shift. The because of the disordered needed for the relaxation of the discussed.
law, is expected to be harder phase-change technology is nature of such materials. This (metastable) amorphous state The collected data allow to
and harder below the 20 nm then introduced, dealing with poses some critical issues, since into the (stable) crystalline one. compare the high-temperature,
technology node. For this reason its history, the basic operation the prediction of the resistance The third chapter of this work set region with the low-
the semiconductor companies and the elementary physical value as a function of the cell deals with a detailed study of temperature, retention regime
are strongly looking for novel description. geometry (e.g. for the cell down- the retention capability in PCM providing the following
concepts able to sustain the The first chapter reviews the scaling) is non-trivial. To deal on a large statistical scale. Such observations: i) the previously
improvements seen so far. current state-of-the-art in the with such problem, this chapter studies are fundamental in order observed non-Arrhenius
Among the novel technologies physical comprehension of sub- introduces a novel model for to allow large arrays to properly behavior of crystallization is
proposed as next generation threshold conduction, threshold conduction, based on the so- satisfy the data retention confirmed at statistical level and
memories, a privileged position switching and crystallization, called energy landscape. Such requirements. ii) the set operation is shown to
is currently hold by the Phase providing the basic elements an approach allows taking into A wide experimental have a tighter distribution of the

Economic mechanism for online pay-per- devoted to situations where payperclick/visit auctions (e.g. i.e. we do not have all the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

mechanism design and online SSAs and Mobile geolocation information required to make
click advertising: complexity, algorithms learning mash up. Specifically,
in practical applications, it is
advertising) along the four main
perspectives that are crucial
the best decision. Thus, in
order to apply, in practice, our
and learning by Marco Rocco not true that all the parameters
of the model designed for
for the success of an economic
algorithms and mechanisms it
is also important to study ways
the SSAs are known. This fact 1) computational complexity to handle this uncertainty, e.g.
Marco Rocco - Supervisor: Prof. Nicola Gatti opens the problem of studying of finding the best allocation: adopting online learning tools.
stable mechanisms while studying the computational Of particular interest is the study
estimating parameters during complexity of a problem is of worstcase bounds over the 417
Sponsored search auctions A crucial issue in SSAs is the In literature it is known that the repetitions of the auction. important to deeply understand loss (regret) due to the lack of

(SSAs) constitute one of the study of effective models of there could be a gap in the The problem is challenging the hardness of the problem. information w.r.t. the ideal case
most successful applications of the user attention and their guarantee of the approximation since it represents one of the Specifically, this aspect could in which all the information
microeconomic mechanisms, exploitation in the auction algorithm between the optimal first examples where online be crucial in the choice of the is known. The truthfulness
producing a revenue of about mechanism. A number of works approximation algorithm that learning theory and mechanism model to adopt for a specific requirement influences these
$42.8 billions in the U.S. alone showed that externalities play can be designed and the optimal design are paired to obtain application; bounds.
in 2014, dominating display an important role in the user one under the constraint of effective methods to learn under 2) truthfulness: an economic The ideal goal is the design of
ads, the second largest revenue behaviour. On the other hand, truthfulness. For this reason, equilibrium constraints (notably mechanism often is composed very expressive user models
source. In a SSA, a number of externalities may make the I studied both the situations, the truthfulness property). of agents that interact. Agents admitting very efficient
advertisers bid to have their problem of finding the optimal the first in order to give a In literature there are papers that are usually rational (selfish). allocation algorithms that can
sponsored links (from here on allocation intractable, even computational complexity that study this problem when Rules are required in order to be used in truthful mechanisms
ads) displayed in some slot when approximated. The most characterization of the problem a single slot is available and handle the interaction and to with the minimum online
alongside the search results of a widely adopted user model is and the second in order to a specific parameter called guide it to a stable outcome. learning regret. In the work,
keyword. SSAs currently adopt the Cascade Model, in which provide a mechanism design quality is unknown. I extended Otherwise, the market I showed that this is never
a payperclick scheme, which a user is assumed to scan the result. the study to the case of multi- could become unstable and the case in practice. Indeed,
requires positive payments from ads sequentially from the top Studying the third model, slot instances considering also unpredictable. For this reason, in each user model provides a
an advertiser only when its ad slot to the bottom slot with I also enlarged the set of situations where parameters order to guarantee the stability different tradeoff in terms
is clicked. Given an allocation a probability to observe the applications considering also different to the quality are it necessary to design truthful of expressiveness, economic
of ads over the available slots, subsequent slot that depends the environment of Mobile geo unknown. In order to obtain mechanisms; stability, approximation bounds,
each ad is associated with on the last observed ad (ad location advertising. Specifically, truthful mechanisms, it is 3) exact and theoretically and online regret bounds and
a clickthrough rate (CTR) dependent externality) and on this is an environment where necessary to adopt Multi- bounded approximation therefore there is not the best
corresponding to the probability its position (positiondependent mobile ads are targeted based Armed Bandit (MAB) algorithms algorithms: once the hardness user model for each scenario,
that such ad will be clicked by externality) and with the on a users location (e.g., streets that separate the exploration of a problem is known, the but each scenario potentially
the user. CTRs are estimated remaining probability the user or squares within a city or a and the exploitation phases. problem has to be solved. requires a different model.
by the auctioneer and play a stops to observe the ads. The district). This field has been In the final dissertation, I This requires the design of
crucial role in the definition of computational complexity of the identified as a key growth factor provided bounds over the loss algorithms. In the case the
the auction, since they are used SSA problem when the Cascade for the mobile market and has of these mechanisms w.r.t. finding the optimal allocation
by the auctioneer to compute Model is adopted is unknown, not been widely studied, in to the one adopted when all is not an easy problem, a study
the optimal allocation (in but it is supposed to be NP- particular not from a mechanism the information is available, of approximation algorithms
expectation) and to compute the hard. Moreover, the Cascade design point of view, a crucial considering two different is required, otherwise the
payments for each ad. Model presents limitations ingredient for its success. In my measures of loss (regret): regret problem cannot be solved in
In microeconomic literature, in the way the externalities final dissertation, I proposed in the revenue of the auctioneer, practical situations. The study of
SSAs have been formalized as are represented w.r.t. the real exact algorithms and then I i.e., how much the auctioneer the computational complexity
a mechanism design problem, world. I worked to overcome identified subclasses of instances loses, and regret in the Social could guide the choice of which
where the objective is to design some of them introducing where the problem can be Welfare, i.e., how much the approximation algorithm has to
an auction mechanism that three new models. I provided easily solved in polynomial time. community loses in terms of be studied. At the same time
incentivizes advertisers to bid a detailed characterization of Finally, I proposed polynomial values of the allocation. the truthfulness requirement
their truthful valuations (needed the computational complexity time approximation algorithms influences the design of the
for economic stability) and that of two of the three models. that can be implemented in In conclusion, from a more algorithm too;
assures both the advertisers and Afterwards, for the models truthful mechanisms. general point of view, I can 4) online learning: in real world
the auctioneer to have a non that are NP-hard, I proposed summarise my work in the environments, often, we face
negative utility. approximation algorithms. The final part of my work is following way. I studied online situations of lack of information,

Decomposition Methods for Quadratic Zero- problem and then dedicate classical Traveling Salesman from the MSTP reduced cost

PhD Yearbook | 2015

our efforts to analysis and the Problem (TSP) whose costs computation. We compare
One Programming interpretation of lower bounds.
The Reformulation Linearization
are associated with each two
edge that are traversed in
the new bounds with the
other bounding procedures in
Technique (RLT) applied to succession. We first present terms of both overall strength
the Quadratic Assignment the problem statement and and computational effort.
Problem yields mixed 01 propose some linearized integer Computational experiments
Borzou Rostami - Supervisor: Prof. Federico Malucelli programming problems whose formulations for both symmetric indicate that the dual-ascent
linear relaxations provide a and asymmetric version of the procedure applied to the new
strong bound on the objective problem. In order to obtain RLT formulation provides the 419
The Quadratic 0-1 program estimated bound. In fact this programming as a different value. Nevertheless, in the high a tight lower bound to the best bounds at the price of

with linear constraints is a very approach behaves well only if approach which can be used level RLT representations the problem we provide a Linear increased computational effort,
general class of optimization one gets tight lower bounds either for generate a strong computation requires much Programming formulation for while the bound obtained using
problems and has a wide range for the objective function. In relaxation of the or to provide effort. We propose a new the general QTSP that has a the reformulation scheme seems
of applications. This problem has general, the solution methods a convex reformulation of the compact reformulation for each variable for each cycle in the to tradeoff between the bound
the following form: of finding a lower bound for problem. Then we describe level of the RLT representation given graph. Since the number tightness and computational
the can be divided into two different reformulations of exploiting the structure of the of cycles is exponential in the effort.
QP: min xTQx + cTx main groups: Reformulation- the based on an equivalent problem. Computational results graph size, we propose a column Finding the shortest path in a
s.t. Ax = b Relaxation approaches, and convex or non-convex quadratic on some benchmark instances generation approach. We directed graph is one of the
x {0,1} Reformulation-Decomposition 0-1 programming. After indicate the potential of the new compare the bounds resulting most important combinatorial
approaches. Since in general introducing the different -based RLT representations as the level from this new formulation optimization problems, having
where A Rm n, Q Rn n, the is a non-linear non reformulation strategies, we of the RLT increases. Moreover, with those obtained by some applications in a wide range
b Rm, and c Rn. convex problem, most of the use various decomposition we study two special cases of linearization techniques. of fields. In its basic version,
proposed approaches try to techniques (including Lagrangian the QAP including the Adjacent Computational results on some however, the problem fails to
Many combinatorial optimization reformulate the problem either decomposition) to obtain a QAP and QAP on reducible set of benchmarks used in the represent situations in which the
problems admit natural as an equivalent Mixed Integer strong lower bound. Part 2 is graphs. The Adjacent Quadratic literature show that the column value of the objective function
formulations as quadratic 0-1 Linear Program (MILP) or as concerned with the some special Assignment Problem (AQAP) generation approach is very is determined not only by the
programming problems. The an equivalent quadratic 0-1 cases of the related to quadratic is a variant of the QAP where promising. choice of each single arc, but
Quadratic Assignment Problem program and solve the resulting version of some well-known the cost coefficient matrix has a The Minimum Spanning Tree also by the combined presence
(QAP), Quadratic Traveling program by effective algorithms combinatorial optimization particular structure. Motivated Problem (MSTP) is one of the of pairs of arcs in the solution.
Salesman Problem (QTSP), Graph that take the problem structure problems. Among the most by strong lower bounds most known combinatorial We model these situations
Partitioning, Quadratic Knapsack into account. Based on the important classical combinatorial obtained by applying RLT to optimization problems. It as a Quadratic Shortest Path
Problem (QKP), and Quadratic structure of the resulting optimization problems, we the classical QAP, we propose concerns the determination of Problem, which calls for the
Minimum Spanning Tree problem different relaxation and/ study the quadratic assignment two special RLT representations a minimum edge-cost subgraph minimization of a quadratic
Problem (QMSTP) are among the or decomposition methods may problem (QAP), quadratic for the problem. The first is spanning all the vertices of a objective function subject to
well-known particular cases of be applied to provide a lower minimum spanning tree problem based on a ``flow formulation given connected graph. The shortest-path constraints. We
the QP which arise in a variety bound. (QMSTP), quadratic traveling whose linear relaxation can be Quadratic Minimum Spanning prove strong NP-hardness
of real-world applications. All of This thesis consists of two parts: salesman problem (QTSP) and solved very efficiently for large Tree Problem (QMSTP) is a of the problem and analyze
these problems are known to be Part 1 deals with the solution finally, quadratic shortest path instances while the second one variant of the MST whose cost polynomially solvable special
NP-hard in general and therefore methods for the general case problem (QSP). has significantly more variables considers also the interaction cases, obtained by restricting
the is also NP-hard. of the QP. We study different The Quadratic assignment and constraints, but possesses between every pair of edges of the distance of arc pairs in the
Branch-and-bound algorithms reformulations and relaxation problem (QAP) is one of the some desirable properties the tree. We review different graph that appear jointly in
are the most successful strategies based on linear and classical difficult combinatorial relative to the constraint set. For strategies found in the literature a quadratic monomial of the
procedure for solving the. The semidefinite programming. More optimization. Due to its wide the QAP on reducible graph we to compute a lower bound objective function. Based on
branch-and-bound algorithm precisely we start with classic verity of applications and its give a Lagrangian decomposition for the QMSTP and develop this special case and problem
is based on decomposition of linearization methods to obtain resistance to solution strategies, based on splitting the variables new bounds based on a structure, we devise fast lower
the original problem into a a lower bound, and then try to numerous researchers have and then dualizing the copy reformulation scheme and bounding procedures for the
series of smaller subproblems, improve the reformulation so studied the QAP and proposed constraint so that the resulting some new mixed 0-1 linear general problem and show
and then recursively solves that its LP relaxation provides both heuristic and exact solution problem can be decompose to formulations that result from computationally that they clearly
each subproblem, and discards a stronger lower bound in a methods. We review different two quadratic semi-assignment a RLT. The new bounds take outperform other approaches
the non-optimal solutions by reasonable time. Moreover, reformulations and lower problems. advantage of an efficient way proposed in the literature in
using the best obtained lower we propose the Semidefinite bounding procedure for the The QTSP is as a variant of the to retrieve dual information terms of its strength.

WSN POWER-PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION IN creation of an easy and user- system and devices. To do so, we of the network, because of the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

friendly development model for determined how to break up the higher costs associated to data
MULTI-APPLICATION SCENARIOS the applications has been a main
contribution in this direction.
periodic evolution of the system
in small self-contained sub-
transmission over the radio
channel with respect to local
This has been achieved by problems, on which determining processing. From this standpoint,
bringing some of the features the minimal sequences of system the isolation of the sensing
of general-purpose systems, awakenings and choosing the phase from data processing and
Luigi Rucco - Supervisor: Carlo Brandolese such as standard processes and sequences with best quality can both from data transmission,
threads, static and dynamic be computed with reasonable introduces a higher level of
linking and loading, standard effort and without loss of global flexibility in optimizing the three 421
Our work presents a multilayer instance, the use of standard traverses all the hierarchical programming languages and optimality. In this direction, we phases separately. By decoupling

approach to support programming languages, layers of a WSN: from the APIs, into our framework. have devised an optimization sensing from processing,
independent heterogeneous libraries and system calls, a network level, where opportune Special attention has been approach capable of significantly extending idle periods at the
applications from multiple file system and linking/loading software allocation models are paid to allow the execution of enhancing the energy efficiency deepest possible power states
diverse users in wireless sensor mechanisms, as well as POSIX- addressed, through the node more complex tasks and the of the nodes while minimizing is also possible. This, however,
networks. The aim is to provide like threads and processes. level, which provides support reduction of radio transmissions quality-of-service loss. may cause loosing the memory
significant performance, Network lifetime. The first to the execution of multiple by leveraging local processing, After the rationalization of the status when the microcontroller
resources availability and two goals ask for a level support heterogeneous applications, till as well as the memory isolation duty-cycle, the subsequent is powered-off or put in stand-
abstraction from low-level that ultra-low power and the non-functional optimization of multiple processes running step within the non-functional by. This new problem mainly
details, while reducing energy resource-constrained devices layer that sustains the lifetime of on the same node. With the optimization layer has regarded concerns the preservation of the
consumption to a level may not offer. This entails the nodes. same effort, we have moved the adaptation of the node status (registers, stack, heap)
comparable to that of ultra-low the need for more powerful As regards the network level, toward the simplification of operation profile to the actual of the applications between
power and resource-constrained platforms and a higher level starting from the encouraging code development, through the computational needs, to ensure two subsequent active periods
platforms. The following of abstraction that lead to results obtained in previous adoption of standard libraries that in no case the energy and requires a power-efficient
fundamental goals are at the increased energy consumption. works, our effort has been and system calls and the support consumption exceeds the bare hibernation mechanism.
basis of our research. Since the lifetime of the network devoted to overtake some of to code mobility for dynamically necessities of the applications. Consequently, a formal
Support to heterogeneous plays a primary role both for the limitations characterizing reconfiguring nodes. These In particular, we started from a hibernation model has been
applications. The support to the clients and for the service the initial centralized software objectives have required a careful analysis on the specific carefully defined to ensure that
heterogeneous applications provider, guaranteeing that the allocation model. As an combined hardware/software characteristics of the sensing the best choice is always made
must be firstly provided in the superior resources do not lead evolution of our previous work, co-design to guarantee suitable and the processing stages in between a complete system
allocation phase, to ensure to a fast energy depletion is a we aimed at defining an ILP performance of the platform. wireless sensor networks. In hibernation and a low-power
that the functional goals of the fundamental goal for the whole modelwhich eliminates some The next step in our top-down classical approaches to WSNs sleep state.
users are satisfied, preserving framework. restrictive hypotheses and sets flow has been devoted to programming, in fact, the We extensively validated
the efficient operation of the Guaranteeing quality of the golden reference for the address the non-functional phases related to data sensing our models by developing a
network. Secondarily, at node service. The need for energy- allocation problemalong with optimization level. The first and data processing are strictly prototype hardware/software
level, the hardware and software efficiency should not degrade a very fast heuristic, lightweight issue that we have tackled is mingled in the application layer: platform and, where needed,
platform must provide sufficient the performance in terms of and accurate enough to be related to the heterogeneity of programs are usually developed suitable simulation frameworks
resources and isolation to allow quality of service, as specified embedded in cluster-heads and the sources that deploy their as cycling loops in which that stress the models at their
the concurrent execution of by the clients. One possible more powerful gateway-nodes. applications on the network, measurements are performed limits. Results confirmed a
software coming from diverse metric can be, for example, the In perspective, the heuristic which may lead to very on the considered physical behavior that fully complies with
sources. respect of the deadlines and would possibly allow an in- inhomogeneous periods and parameter and, soon after, the the general objectives of the
Standardization of the adherence of the execution network distributed allocation of tolerable slacks. This can cause retrieved data are sent toward work.
applications development. to the specified sampling and clients applications. a fragmented duty-cycle on the the sink via the radio channel.
The application development processing periods. A co- Continuing our top-down nodes, eventually leading to fast From this paradigm ensues a
should be as close as possible to optimization of energy and analysis, after having defined energy depletion and operation general behavior of the network
standard programming models quality aspects is therefore a suitable allocation model, inefficiency. At first, thus, we which can be very energy
and environments, so that clients needed to avoid an unbalanced we moved at node level with investigated the possibility of consuming. We have designed
can avoid taking into account behavior toward only one of the aim of providing more merging as much as possible the operation of our framework
low-level platform details and these two critical aspects. computational and memory the execution moments of starting from the assumption
develop their applications as To fulfill the goals above resources, as well as a higher the periodic tasks, in order to that locally analyzing data on
they do for general-purpose described, we propose a degree of abstraction and reduce the energy overheads the end device can strongly
programs. This requires, for top-down approach, which standardization. In particular, the of frequent awakenings of reduce the energy consumption

Study on Silicon Carbide Radiation

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Detectors for Laser-Plasma Radiation
Yongbiao Shi - Supervisor: Giuseppe Bertuccio

The topic of my thesis Under this framework, several with 2 MeV protons. A study

is devoted to the study, SiC detectors have been devoted to the optimization
design, characterization and characterized during my thesis of SiC detectors operating in a b
application of Silicon Carbide work acquiring interesting time-of-flight configuration
(SiC) detectors for photons data on their properties and has been done by means of 1. (a) Simulator developed on the physical model of SiC detectors. (b) Simplified physical model of SiC detector
and charged particles, like performance in terms of the designed simulator. The
alphas, protons, ions, especially response speed, time resolution effect of the doping of the SiC 2

for laser-generated plasma and tolerance to plasma epitaxial layer, of the detector nuclear radiation detectors to mm detector, 8 well resolved of particles from the signals
radiation experiments. High radiation. Time response of SiC geometry and bias conditions analyze the radiation emitted peaks have been detected delivered by time of flight
purity and thick SiC epitaxial detectors has been studied by have been studied to establish from the plasma. Great results within only 20 ns, and 2 semiconductor detectors has
layers have been used to means of both simulations as the criteria for designing ultra- have been achieved from our peaks within less than 2.2 ns been developed, in the figure,
realize radiation detectors. The experiments. fast SiC devices for time of flight SiC detector from this project: have been detected in this a1 and a2 are identified by the
application of SiC detectors in A simulator based on Matlab detectors. nuclear fusion was firstly fund experiment. It has been proved CR-39 nuclear track detectors
laser-generated plasma physics and Simulink has been realized The laser-plasma experiments with so low density of laser that Interdigitated SiC detectors and our SiC detector allowed
has been done: in particular, for this study. Figure 1 shows were conducted in Prague boron interaction, high yield are more sensitive to slow ions to determine their energy
the effects of the ultra-high the block schematics of the Asterix Laser System (PALS) production of alpha particles than more conventional pad distribution with very high
intense radiation levels on the simulator: parameters such under the project of High was demonstrated using SiC SiC detectors. By achieving precision.
detector by triggering the high signal to noise ratio and 1. A. Picciotto et al Boron
detector will be studied both like temperature, photon or energy proton acceleration
theoretically and experimentally. ion/particle energies, detector by thin hydrogenated-doped proton (p)-boron (11B) nuclear nanosecond time resolution, proton nuclear fusion
The charge carrier transport geometry and bias conditions, silicon dielectric targets using a reaction (1)current signal pulse the advantages of SiC detectors enhancement induced in
in SiC has been studied and doping of the SiC layer can be sub-nanosecond laser (HEPA) amplitude as high as 1.8 A have been demonstrated over silicon targets by low-contrast
the timing performance of the set. organized in collaboration with has been
2 acquired with our the traditional detectors used in pulsed laser, Physical Review
device has been theoretically The Simulations of the Dr. A. Picciotto from FBK-IRST, 5 mm SiC detector, 0.8 ns laser experiments, like Faraday X, 2014
determined and experimentally response of SiC detectors to Italy. The project was aimed to risetime and 1 ns pulse width Cup. In addition, a method
demonstrated. photons have been carried maximize the proton/ion energy has been measured with our 1 for calculating the number
Laser-generated plasma out obtaining very fast signals yield at target interaction of
experiments related to ion with rise time and width of a sub-nanosecond laser PALS
acceleration and nuclear few hundreds of picoseconds, with hydrogen targets. The
reactions are worldwide carried which are in a well agreement project also planned to compare
out and many great results with the experimental data. the ion/proton energy with
have been achieved in the last The response of SiC detectors those achieved with advanced
decades. Traditional radiation to alphas and protons with silicon, metallic and polymeric
detectors used in laser-generated different energies have been targets, keeping the target
plasma experiments are showing studied as well, considering the thickness constant. The goal
their limits and new detectors deposited energy distribution of the project was to propose
with better performances given by the available simulator new semiconductor materials
are required. In the last few SRIM 2013. Minimum rise as possible new targets to
years, SiC radiation detectors time and pulse width of 0.3 be employed in laser-driven
have been so proposed to be ns and 0.7 ns, respectively, particle acceleration experiments
a b
employed in these experiments have been predicted for 5.5 instead of the standard metals
due to their great physical and MeV alpha particles. Similar or polymers. Our SiC detectors Figure 2. (a) Signals form shot 44023 acquired with circular pad SiC detector, the alpha signals start from 50 ns and end
electrical properties. results have been obtained were used together with other at 97 ns. (b) Calculated alpha number of Figure 2 (a), the total number is 38880

THERMAL AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT core granularity. The simulator

PhD Yearbook | 2015

includes a dynamic model of
to account for the overhead
SYSTEMS of DVFS transitions. A model
of the resynchronization
logic for signals that cross
Federico Terraneo - Advisor: Prof. William Fornaciari frequency domains has also
been implemented to account
for the resynchronization 425
Introduction and description such as 3D die-stacking. However, traditional thermal overhead. The McPAT and

of the objectives Another important consideration policies would need to be Orion power models are used
Today the semiconductor is the high variability in the load operated at too fast rate, to produce power traces from
industry is facing increasing experienced by multi-cores, and interrupting the cores so the execution data produced
problems to continue delivering caused by the potentially very frequently to run the policy by the GEM5 simulator. A
performance improvements at a different activities performed by would result in an unacceptable flexible thermal model has been
pace that is now expected by its the cores. In this perspective, overhead. developed using the Modelica
user base, as well as the general effective dynamic thermal The proposed policy relies on language, also supporting 3D
public. This is not yet caused by management solutions that can event-based control theory to die-stacked chips. The model is
problems in achieving feature push the cores to their maximum couple the fast reaction time component-oriented meaning
size reductions, but by the side performance subject to the needed to counteract abrupt that each individual component 1. The developed simulation flow
effects and nonidealities caused constraint imposed by the need temperature changes with a is modeled separately with its
by said scaling. to remain within safe operating low overhead. A hardware- own differential equations,
The failure of Dennard scaling temperatures is a key aspect to software split is proposed maximizing flexibility. tuning. controller, was thus shown to
in deep nanometer architectures achieve the best utilization of where a hardware state Moving to the technological achieve a level of performance
results in an ever worsening the computational capabilities machine generates events Discussion of the results side of the matter, the devised comparable to a fully hardware
power density increase, of current, and especially future when the temperature of a core obtained control solution is particularly solution while retaining
eventually leading to the dark multi-cores. changes by a given threshold An innovative thermal control suitable to be implemented in the flexibility of a software
silicon problem, where power or a programmable timeout strategy was proposed, based real multi-core architectures, implementation.
and thermal constraints limit Methodology occurs, while a software on event-based control theory. thanks to its flexibility and
the number of transistors in a The thermal dynamics of both policy implements the control This control scheme was tested negligible overhead. In fact, the
chip that can be switched at conventional 2D multi-cores algorithm. Since the policy is using the developed simulator, implementation of the controller
the maximum clock speed to an as well as 3D die-stacked ones no longer executed periodically, by running standard benchmarks was proven to take a few tens of
ever decreasing fraction. This show two separate time scales: the intervention rate is adaptive, on a simulated 24 core 3D clock cycles.
problem, if not solved, could a slow one, in the order of depending on the variability die stacked testbed chip, in The proposed event-based
be a major roadblock in the seconds to a few minutes, and of the core temperature. order to assess its suitability for
evolutionary path from multi- a fast one, in the millisecond This solution couples the novel architectures exploiting
core to many-core architectures. range. performance benefits of a 3D stacking. The selected set
Power efficiency alone is not The fast dynamic is that of the policy implemented entirely in of benchmarks exercised the
enough to mitigate the dark silicon layer, that has a small hardware with the flexibility of a ability of the policy to withstand
silicon issue, as one of the thermal capacity, and owing software policy. diverse workload requirements,
major problems caused the to the non-negligible thermal A simulation flow has been such as both CPU bound and
power density increase is the resistance of the silicon bulk, developed in order to validate I/O bound applications. The
need to effectively dissipate the can swing very rapidly with the proposed policies, composed proposed scheme outperforms
generated heat away from the respect to the temperature of of a cycle-accurate multi-core state of the art fixed rate
silicon die to prevent immediate the heat sink. The slow thermal instruction-set simulator, a control strategies, evidencing
failures as well as reliability dynamic, is conversely that of power model and a thermal the inherent advantages of
issues caused by high operating the heat sink. To effectively model. The instruction-set a solution that dynamically
temperatures. This problem control the temperature of simulator is based on GEM5, and autonomously adapts the
will also be worsened in the future generation multi-cores, extended to support multiple controller intervention rate to
future with the introduction of controlling the fast thermal voltage and frequency islands the application needs, without
advanced chip technologies, dynamic becomes necessary. on the chip, down to a per the need for application-specific 2. The simulated 3D multi-core processor

Control of a Brake By Wire Actuator for

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Racing Motorbikes

Fabio Todeschini - Supervisor: Sergio M. Savaresi

During the last years in the exploits the DC motor torque equipped with a pressure sensor. design of the control algorithm. in the BBW actuator. In this in doing this we focused on a

automotive field - both from to move a wedge where the Therefore, the actuator control context the classical dithering particular task that it could be
industrial and academic side - a braking pads are installed, problem consists in the tracking Once the system to be controlled compensation is compared with necessary when designing the
significant effort has been done rather than exerting a clamping of a reference pressure that is modeled, the control problem a more sophisticated model control algorithm: the design
for the evolution of active safety force directly on the braking comes from the driver-vehicle can be faced; in this thesis based compensation approach. of a position controller. In this
and/or performance vehicle disk. The EHB - directly derived interface (i.e. the braking pedal) it is solved following two In particular, the model based particular case of study we
dynamic control strategies, as from the most spread vehicle or from other dynamic control approaches. approach approximates the compared a canonical model
well as for the development brake architecture - employs a strategies. A first one is focused on non-linear friction model with based PID tuning with the
of autonomous vehicles. The hydraulic system, activated by For such a BBW technology, the exploring innovative and an innovative linear-in-the- VRFT approach, showing that
practical application of these an electronically commanded control problem, however, turns advanced control techniques; parameters (LP) approximation, the VRFT algorithm provides
systems is naturally subdued motor/pump, to generate the out to be quite challenging: these control techniques are this is updated through an satisfactory performance. This
to the availability of on-board requested braking force. firstly because of the typical studied and then adapted to the adaptation mechanism. approach makes the control
actuators that allow to regulate In this thesis a hybrid EMB/ non-linearities of the traditional particular system, finally they In parallel to the adaptive design faster and avoids critical
the desired control variable EHB solution is considered: a hydraulic layout - e.g. presence are validated on a test bench. friction compensation technique, phases such as the identification
independently - or with certain traditional hydraulic brake is of brake fluid reservoir, oil Pursuing this approach simplifies a sliding mode based controller one and the controller designed
degrees of freedom - from employed and, using an electric compressibility - along with the testing phase: in fact, guarantees the pressure one.
drivers willing. This need has motor mechanically connected those related to friction validating the control algorithms tracking.
led to the so called drive-by-wire to the master cylinder, the and temperature variations. on a test bench allows us to Following the conventional
paradigm, where the standard desired pressure on the braking Moreover, the required control discard the safety requirements, Then, anti-windup compensation control techniques and
mechanical connection between pads is generated. With respect performances are highly which are really strict and technique is employed in order exploiting the peculiarities that
driver and actuators is replaced to the well known EMB and EHB demanding, both in terms of severe in this application. This to build a compensator able the control oriented model
by an electronic system, devoted solutions, the considered one bandwidth, both in terms of is not possible when testing to linearize the system intrinsic highlights, we propose two
to the regulation of the actuator has the advantage of keeping absence of overshoot. the control algorithms on a non-linearity. At this point, different control strategies:
according to driver or vehicle the usual vehicle hydraulic brake real system, i.e. on a racing considering that in real systems an adaptive position-pressure
control logic requests. layout, adding just the electro- The starting point of the motorbike. control action has an upper switching control and an
Among others, the brake- mechanical actuator, thus control design is the system The second approach is focused physical saturation due to adaptive cascade position-
by-wire (BBW) technology saving space, weight and cost. model: writing each actuator on solving the control problem hardware limitation, an anti- pressure. These control
focuses on the design of an Furthermore, it gives flexibility component equations, a adopting conventional control windup compensation is derived. strategies are simple, robust and
actuator capable of applying about where to locate the BBW physical based complete techniques; in this case the The employment of these two easy to tune. Their design phase
the desired braking torque to actuator and it does not increase model is derived. This model control algorithm are studied compensators permit to design is performed on the test bench,
the vehicles wheel. During the sprung mass of the vehicle. represents very well the system and designed based on the a pressure control on a linear then they are implemented and
the years, different technical This actuator is specifically experimental response and it is system model, then they are system, without considering the tested on a real motorbike,
solutions have been explored. designed by Brembo for high useful to adopt it as a simulator; implemented and tested on a intrinsic system non-linearities. showing satisfactory
The most successful ones are performance motorbikes. however it is too complex to real motorbike. For this reason, Moreover, this control algorithm performances. Moreover, due to
the electro-mechanical (EMB) The BBW actuator main goal is be employed for control design in parallel with the control does not discard the control the safety critical application, a
and the electro-hydraulic (EHB) to provide the desired braking purposes. For this reason, design, the fault detection action saturation in the design fault detection algorithm suited
architectures. In the former, an torque at the wheel; for this, besides the complete model, a algorithm design performs an phase. for the particular case of study is
electric motor directly exerts the straightforward control control oriented one is derived. important role. presented.
the requested torque on the variable should be the braking This model provides a sufficient Finally, the Virtual Reference
wheel. A promising variant of torque. However, due to the system description for control In pursuing the first approach, Feedback Tuning (VRFT)
such architecture is the Electric sensor reliability, cost and purpose; its analysis gives firstly we deal with the friction, paradigm is experimentally
Wedge Brake (EWB), which encumbrance, the system is important guidelines for the which has a dominant role validated on the test bench;


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Francesco Trov - Supervisor: Prof. Manuel Roveri

Sensor networks represent a stationarity may not hold, even inspected process. It is crucial Cognitive Fault Detection and those relationships providing the sensor network scenario;

valuable technological solution though these assumptions to distinguish between these Diagnosis Systems (CFDDS) is meaningful information for the development of a set of
to monitor and acquire data would generally improve two situations: in the former able to automatically learn the fault detection and diagnosis. integrated techniques, coming
from an environment, a critical the decision abilities of the case, direct maintenance nominal and the faulty states After learning the network from statistics and machine
infrastructure or a cyber-physical aforementioned applications. should be performed, while the in an on-line manner, and is dependency structure, fault learning fields, which rely on a
system. These data are generally Thus, information coming from latter one requires a reaction generally characterized by the detection and diagnosis is theoretically sound framework
used as input for an application, the sensor network is critical to to an environmental change, ability to exploit temporal and carried out in the space of developed by the system
which is able to react to changes monitor the underlying process, specifically chosen based on the spatial relationships present estimated parameter vectors identification field;
occurring to the inspected to check the status of the considered application scenario. among the acquired data. Most of linear time invariant models the ability to characterize
system. Examples of these system and react according to its Traditional Fault Detection and of existing cognitive FDDS apply approximating the functional the temporal and spatial
applications based on sensor behaviour. Diagnosis Systems (FDDS) are the cognitive approach only to relationships included in the relationship existing among
networks, are those inspecting Sensor networks usually work systems specifically designed a single aspect of the system, dependency graph. Deviations data with the dependency
an environmental phenomenon in harsh conditions, which may to detect and diagnose faults thus they still require at least to from the learned nominal graph, learned with the use of
(e.g., a river or a rock wall) induce faults, thermal drifts or possibly occurring in complex know partial information about concept are detected by a statistical framework;
protecting critical infrastructures ageing affects affecting both systems. More specifically, the analysed process, or they are means of a decrease of the the ability to characterize the
or those monitoring the the embedded electronic boards the tasks of a FDDS are: addressing the design of CFDDS log likelihood provided by nominal state of the system
behaviour of a water distribution and the sensors. In fact, they are detection of the fault, i.e., to for specific applications. the Hidden Markov Model inspected by the sensor
network. These monitoring affected by physical degradation promptly understand whether In this dissertation we propose modeling of the parameter network through learning
systems are composed by a set (due to e.g., humidity, dust, a deviation from the nominal a new CFDDS meant to vectors sequences. Following mechanisms based on the
of sensors, processing boards chemicals and electromagnetic state has occurred; isolation, operate on sensor networks. the detection phase, an cognitive approach;
and a data transfer apparatus. radiations), which may induce i.e., to determine which unit is The proposed system is able isolation mechanism based the ability to learn the
During the operational life of a gradual deviation of the providing faulty measurements; to characterize the nominal on the logic partition of the fault dictionary during the
this infrastructure, the sensor measured value from the real identification, i.e., to capture the conditions of the system, by dependency graph is able to operational life of the system,
network continuously inspects one. Thus, it is of paramount main characteristics (e.g., type, relying on fault-free data coming distinguish between faults and without requiring a priori
the system status, by sending importance to promptly detect intensity) associated to the fault. from the sensor network. At change in the environment. information about the possible
measurements to the central and diagnose faults occurring One of the main drawbacks of first, the proposed system Finally, if a fault has occurred, faults.
processing station, where the in a specific unit, since they traditional approaches for FDDS learns the dependency graph an identification procedure
application runs. In fact, based could affect the application is that they generally require a existing among datastreams, to is executed to characterize
on measurements coming layer, which operates based on priori information on either the select only relevant functional different faults by relying on
from the sensor network, the assumption that provided system in nominal conditions or relationships. Based on them, a newly developed evolving
applications can be designed information is not corrupted. If the possible faults. Thus, their the proposed CFDDS is able to clustering-labeling technique
to take decisions (e.g., in the the application does not take direct application to the sensor perform fault detection, isolation in the space of the parameter
case a deviation from the usual into account the possibility of network scenario is far from and identification, without vectors, which learns the fault
working conditions is registered, a fault, it may take an incorrect being trivial, since, as pointed requiring a priori information on dictionary in an on-line manner.
an alarm is raised) and decision, e.g., not alert the out before, we do not have either the inspected process or The innovative aspects of this
contextually react to the change population when a threat is information about the model of the faulty states. cognitive framework for fault
(e.g., for critical infrastructures, present or vice versa. Moreover, the system generating the data, More specifically, to model the detection and diagnosis are:
alert the population about the in the sensor network scenario or the possibly occurring faults. relationships constituting the the design of a CFDDS
threat). In this scenario, a model the unexpected deviation In recent years, a novel and causal dependency graph of the completely based on the
for the inspected phenomenon from nominal conditions promising cognitive approach sensor network we rely on the cognitive approach, which is
is usually unknown and may be caused either by a has been proposed to design concept of Granger causality, able to cover all the phases of
the assumption of process fault or by a change in the FDDS. This novel generation of which allows to consider only fault detection and diagnosis in

Spatial analysis of online data to track

PhD Yearbook | 2015

cities socio economic indicators and urban
land use
Carmen Karina Vaca Ruiz - Supervisor: Piero Fraternali

Online geolocalized data is being upon outdated indicators, into the patterns of activity and content generated in Brazil and area and to those in the areas segmentation of areas upon

massively produced as a result of one could partly update or popularity of users in the Yahoo accurately predict the GDP and neighborhood without being Flickr data. The results generated
both, the interactions on online complement them using digital Meme microblogging service. the social capital of 45 Brazilian too general (e.g., the label by our framework can benefit a
social networks, and the content data. In this dissertation we We observe that a combination cities. To make these predictions, clothing stores is preferable variety of applications, including
shared on the Internet that is propose methods to estimate of different type of social and we exploit the sociological to professional places). We geo-marketing, urban planning,
annotated with geographical urban indicators as well as content-producing activity is concept of glocality, which says evaluate the framework with a and social recommendations.
locations. This constitutes a an unsupervised learning necessary to attract attention that economically successful hierarchical clustering algorithm
rich source of information framework to discover dynamic and the efficiency of users, cities tend to be involved in upon Foursquare data in the
to characterize geographical areas of the city using the namely the average attention interactions that are both local cities of Barcelona, Milan, and
places where either the people geotagged content published by received per piece of content and global at the same time. London. We find that it is more
interacting reside or where the either residents or visitors. published, for many users has We indeed show that a citys effective than baseline methods
geo-tagged content is produced. First we conduct and analysis a defined trend in its temporal glocality, measured with social in discovering functional areas.
Urban resources are allocated of online attention patterns footprint. The analysis of the media data, effectively signals We complement that evaluation
according to socio-economic evolution in a content sharing user time series of efficiency the citys economic well-being. with a user study involving 111
indicators, and rapid platform. Evolution of online shows different classes of users To this end, we aggregate participants in the three cities,
urbanization in developing social networks is driven by the whose activity patterns give the attention that the citys and with an additional temporal
countries calls for updating need of their members to share insights on the type of behavior residents are able to attract on
those indicators in a timely and consume content, resulting that pays off best in terms of the platform at the level of the
fashion. The prohibitive costs in a complex interplay between attention gathering. city and quantify it using a set
of census data collection individual activity and attention Second, we analyze a random of metrics that are put together
make that very difficult. To received from others. To shed sample of interactions in the in a linear model that accurately
avoid allocating resources light on the matter, we look same service but focusing on predict the GDP.
Finally, we propose an
unsupervised learning
framework to capture the
composition of cities. To
discover functional areas in a
city, spatial discovery algorithms
have been recently applied to
social media (e.g., Foursquare)
data: functional areas are often
identified based on semantic
annotations of places and
human mobility patterns.
We propose a framework based
on an objective function to
maximize. By being integrated
into any clustering algorithm,
this function aims at finding
and labeling areas such that
an areas label is semantically
1. City graph depicting online attention exchange related to the points in the 2. Functional clusters identified in Barcelona

Exploring motion-based touchless

PhD Yearbook | 2015

interaction for autistic childrens
Matteo Valoriani - Supervisor: Prof.ssa Franca Garzotto

Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) of interaction modes and have motor dysfunction, and motor

and autism are both general been designed for different autonomy, developed and tested
terms for a group of complex platforms and input devices, on the eld; a demonstration
disorders of brain development, from conventional mouse of the initial hypothesis that
characterized by a triad of or joysticks to (multi)touch the touchless paradigm can
symptoms related to lack of gestures, speech-recognition be successfully applied in the
social interaction, decits in the devices, physical manipulation treatment of autistic children.
acquisition and expression of of digitally augmented objects, In the rst part, this work will
language, and repetitive patterns robots, head-mounted devices provide an overview of the
of behavior often accompanied for autistic children. Still, very current state of art in the eld
by sensorimotor impairments. few studies have explored the of nonconventional interaction 1. empirical experimentation
For years, different techniques potential of full-body interaction, paradigms for the treatment
have been used to improve the and in particular of motion- of autistic children, including the design of three touchless results of these empirical studies
quality of life of people who based touchless interaction. virtual reality, tangibles, robots, games, based on Kinect, aimed have conrmed and extended
have various developmental In the research arena, motion- mobile devices, discussing in at improving childrens motor, the outcomes of prior research,
dis- abilities. However, the use of based touchless interaction particular touchless motion- cognitive and social skills, whose providing additional empirical
technology continues to receive has started to be explored based interaction with respect to development informs the third evidence that touchless gaming
limited attention, despite the for learning and therapeutic autism. part of this work. Considering does have a strong potential
fact that it tends to be a high purposes. Still, most existing In the second part, I will every childs uniqueness, the to improve autistic childrens
interest area for many of these works consider the domain display through an empirical games are strongly customized attention and motor- visual
children. of regular children, while experimentation and using play and user friendly, in order to skills. Overall, the research sheds
This work tries to present a very little is known about therapy, the actual effectiveness allow for therapeutic purposes, a light on the opportunities
solution in this broad and how motion-based touchless of this type of interaction with both at the centers and in offered by full body touchless
varied panorama developing interaction works for autistic children with autism spectrum remote mode. games for therapy and
innovative interactive children and if this paradigm can disorder. The experiments education of these special users.
technologies for autism that can be successfully applied to these show positive results, but a This thesis ends with the
be integrated with therapeutic subjects. further analysis of the usability proposal of a research agenda
and school activities and can be This work wants to provide highlights that children ran into in this eld and an outline of
autonomously used by therapists three different contributes to the a number of problems in using future work
and teachers to promote, current research on the subject: commercial games currently
through engagement: social a theoretical one, i.e. a set of on the market. On the basis of
interaction, communication guidelines for the development such observations, and thank
capabilities and motor skills. of applications for children to the collaboration with three
Despite a general lack of interest with cognitive and motor therapeutic and educational
in this eld, in the last years disabilities; a technological centers which participated in the 2. example of game developed using
we have seen an increasing one, a exible architecture to phases of development, design guidelines
number of technologies in the support the development of and evaluation, a structured
research literature and on the applications according to such set of generic and specic As described in the fourth part
market focused on helping guidelines and three examples guidelines has been distilled, as of this thesis, the games have
and educating children with of games for autistic children presented in the second part of been evaluated in a controlled
autism. Existing products and with low-moderate cognitive this work. study remarking improvements
prototypes support a variety decit, low-medium sensory- These guidelines informed for the areas of interest. The

The second life of television content based on users requirements are used in the analysis phase to

PhD Yearbook | 2015

and constraints. Each extracted calculate various metrics, such as
subgraph can be seen as a similarity between entities, the
view over the complete set of entities to consider.
knowledge graph, only Finally I introduce the
containing nodes and edges demonstrator built to show
potentially relevant to the user some possible features of
Luca Vignaroli - Supervisor: Prof. Paolo Paolini - Co-supervisor: Prof. Letizia Tanca query. An analysis module, the framework and some
provides a set of analysis and possible wais to exploit
data mining tool to obtain the model on which the 435
In recent years the way users producers some form of implicit sources. Finally, a demonstrator models and patterns from framework is based (figure

watch television has radically feedback from the final users. has been developed in order to the knowledge graph. It can 3). It enables the integration
changed. Also the home In this thesis I define a show some possible features act directly on the knowledge of the heterogeneous
environment is changing Framework for the integration offered by the described graph, or it can handle the data coming from multiple
since many smart users watch of the heterogeneous and framework based on a subgraphs extracted from the knowledge sources. The system
television while using a portable dynamic data coming from meaningful dataset. query module also in terms of captures multiple aspects
1. overview of the integration
PC or a tablet as secondary different knowledge sources Figure 1 presents an overview matrices or tensors. framework of the domain, from the
screen more or less related to (broadcasters archives, online of the integration framework. The core of the framework is semantic characterization of
the broadcast programmes. newspapers, blogs, web It consists of three main layers: the knowledge network. In the TV content, to the social
At the same time, social encyclopaedias, social media a source processing layer, a particular, Im interested in subjects via their public actions. characterization and the social
networks allow the final user to platforms, social networks, knowledge graph layer and a capturing the dynamic evolution The possible relationships perception of a TV event, to the
be immersed in a collaborative etc.). The framework uses a knowledge query and analysis in time of the graph by using between differed items could temporal evolution of the social
environment and to talk knowledge graph to model all layer. The source processing temporal nodes associated to be: a group of subjects that perception. The demo scenario
about television. TV users the heterogeneous aspects of layer has the role of collecting all social objects and describing recognize a social value of an relies on real data gathered from
social activities implicitly make the information in homogeneous the data which will be conveyed their lifecycle. act supports the resulting social YouTube and Twitter, related to
connections between concepts way. I instantiate it in the in the model. It accesses number In order to summarize the final object, a social object represents several Italian TV talk shows on
by means of videos, news, context of the investigations: of predefined web/social/ definition of the graph (figure 2) a social instance of some politics, broadcasted by RAI and
comments, and posts. The the integration of the cultures media sources and processes a brief description of main node concepts on a precise context other Italian operators.
strength of such connections of TV and Web defining a them in order to extract those types is given, the knowledge and structural relationships
may change as the perception model for the integration of the information units which will graph represents the result of express part of links between
of users on the Web changes heterogeneous data coming be represented as nodes in the public actions of users in social entities of the same type.
over time. Moreover user- from the knowledge sources knowledge graph, as well as environments. Nodes represents Social objects can evolve in
generated contents (UGC) are (broadcasters archives, EPGs, those information that support Items. Edges represents time. I consider temporal
revolutionizing all phases of the collected audience data, social the existence of relationships relationships among Items. The representation of a social
content production value chain networks, etc.) which play a role (modelled as edges in the graph) knowledge graph has three main object towards a special type
, in particular it can be observed in what I call the second life among them. entities (node types): Subjects of concept called time concept.
that a very large number of TV content, starting from The knowledge graph layer represent Users that act in some Each edge of the knowledge
of UGCs include significant its production phase, going manages the knowledge way, Social Objects that are graph can be weighted, the
portions of content already through the on-air phase, and graph, which is the core of the the result of public acts and weight expresses the strength of
broadcast by the TV networks. continuing with the on-line proposal. The graph contains Concepts that are physical the relationship, together with
In this context a number of phase, during this phase the essentially three types of and ideal objects referred by the structure of the graph, they
Social TV applications are television content turns to be nodes: social objects, subjects
emerging, providing to the final a magnet for users in the and concepts, and all social,
user tools for social interaction network attracting users, and it representation and structural
while watching television becomes a Social Object. interactions among them.
or media content related to Through a prototype called The knowledge query and
a particular TV program. If MeSoOnTV, the Media and analysis layer consists in a set
properly leveraged, these Social-driven Ontology-based TV of components for querying,
collaborative social environments knowledge management system, browsing and analyzing the
can be seen as rich information that enables the integration of knowledge graph. A query
data sources, indirectly returning the heterogeneous data coming module extracts subgraphs
to broadcasters and content from multiple knowledge from the knowledge graph 2. the knowledge graph definition 3. a screen shoot of the demonstrator
Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage
| Electrical Engineering | Energy and
Nuclear Science and Technology |
Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture and
Exhibition Design | Management, Economics
and Industrial Engineering | Materials
Engineering | Mathematical MODELS and
METHODS IN Engineering | Mechanical
Engineering | Physics | Preservation of
THE Architectural Heritage | Rotary-wing
aircrafts | Spatial Planning and Urban
Development | Structural Seismic and
Geotechnical Engineering | Technology
and Design for Environment and Building
| Territorial Design and Government |
Aerospace Engineering | Architectural AND
Urban Design | Architectural Composition |
Architecture, Urban Design, Conservation
of Housing and Landscape | Bioengineering PhD Yearbook | 2015

DOCTORAL PROGRAM examination of actual architectural and Qualifying elements of the curriculum

PhD Yearbook | 2015

industrial design issues; Customised teaching methods aimed at
IN Interior Architecture Housing models: history, new trends and
future orders of housing (private and common
developing each students specific aptitudes in
different areas of design, theoretical and critical
and Exhibition Design dwellings; public, company and autonomous
working precincts; cultural, social, health,
historical research;
Analysis of complex paradigms and
sports and leisure services and facilities, open development of split up methodologies of
urban area services and structures) in relation intervention with interdisciplinary integrations
to social, economic and cultural developments, for proposing, design, theoretical and critical
technological and informational innovation and historical research purposes; 439
The School of Architecture of the Politecnico di Milano, whose formal and aesthetic issues; Creation of virtual and classic simulation tools

Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design

Chair: past lecturers include Gi Ponti, Franco Albini, Carlo De Carli and Architectural space: structure, composition for the control of figurative, material, metric,
Prof. Luca Basso Peressut Vittoriano Vigan, has always stood out, at both national and and quality of urban and building interior chromatic, energy and light properties.
international level, for its studies on living space, underpinned by space, its connection with the context and its
a careful evaluation of interiors and by an awareness of the key organization; nature and features of sheath and Study methods
role played by furniture within the complex system of relationships space fitting, and their connections; Lectures, training sessions, guided tours and
established with those who inhabit their spaces. The research focus Environment: features, methods and tools for seminar cycles given by teachers of the College
is both on private and public space, with particular attention being planning, simulation and monitoring of micro- and by visiting Professors;
paid, in recent times, to the organisation of space for social, cultural climate and environmental comfort; study of Workshop research in fields such as critical
and communication purposes: museums, exhibitions, theatres, aerodynamic, material, ergonomic, energy and history and design, carried out through
urban interior spaces etc. The Milan School of Architecture draws lighting aspects; teaching, cooperation activities and horizontal
on the citys highly productive and specialised background and on Furnishing elements: typology, morphology, and vertical exchange between students of
the strong commercial and entrepreneurial spirit that lies at the technology; different cycles;
heart of several important events, first and foremost the Salone spatial, material, chromatic, tactile and Seminar activities and individual stages/
Internazionale del Mobile which, every year, brings Milan into the ergonomic value of furnishings and objects; internships particularly important for enhancing
international spotlight, than La Triennale di Milano, one of the most analysis of their connections and relationships the students curriculum;
important Italian institution devoted to promote design culture. with space and surfaces. Individual research aided by tutors with the
The PhD in Interior Architecture and Design was established twenty contribution of the entire teaching staff.
years ago with the aim of providing students with a culturally
qualified and critically based education. Throughout its activity,
it has trained more than one hundred researchers and around
half of them are currently teaching in national and international Doctoral program Board
Luca Basso Peressut Gianni Ottolini
Aims of the course Gianpiero Bosoni Gennaro Postiglione
Improving the ability to plan, manage and coordinate research
Pier Federico Caliari Roberto Rizzi
programs; collecting and elaborating historical documentary
materials, as well as producing documents on interior design Luciano Crespi Pierluigi Salvadeo
(architecture, furnishing, decoration, stage-designing, exhibit Immacolata Forino Francesco Scullica
design fitting, museography, furniture production);
Improving the knowledge of how to plan, develop, technically Marina Molon Michele Ugolini
implement, troubleshoot and manage complex interior design

Topics and research issues faced during the course

Advisory Board
In addition to the development of a specific individual curriculum,
doctoral candidates will deal with several subject-related issues Lucio Altarelli, Universit di Roma La Sapienza Anna Marie Fisker, Aalborg University
concerning Interior Architecture and Design in analytic and Agostino Bossi, Universit Federico II Napoli Christoph Grafe, TU Delft
planning suitable scales and in different areas:
Theory and history: basic principles of architecture and interior Daniel Cid Moragas Scuola, Elisava Barcellona Marco Vaudetti, Politecnico di Torino
design; evolution of content, methodologies and planning
concepts in different ages and cultural realities, with a particular

Flexibility and Comfort in Limited Dwelling Updated

PhD Yearbook | 2015

considerations regarding technical possibilities,
functionality, trends and impacts on contemporary living
since the period of 1970s; Identification of future directions
Maja Gjakun - Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Scullica

The constant and growing need ergonomic regulations have of some past and present case flexibility methods and comfort

Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design

for functional and affordable changed, as well as the general studies, this research aims to conditions in dwelling, which
dwellings in high-populated perception of comfort. People analyse flexibility and comfort could be helpful to identify the
urban areas emphasises the have found themselves in in limited dwelling interiors appropriate target market for
importance of flexible dwelling a condition which requires with special emphasis on the such type of living options in
interiors, which have definitely adaptation to less. Not updated considerations about the future. Consequently, the
become a priority in the rarely, architects and designers the technical possibilities, trends research outcomes might be
evaluation of housing. This make experiments on space and impacts on contemporary a base for further discussion
kind of necessity has changed through the constant reduction living since the period of 1970s. on how these types of
the traditional understanding of standard scales and the These results can contribute to dwellings can be considered
of interior to a living organism exaggeration in minimalism or in understanding the an appropriate way of living
which should grow according multifunctionality, which raises relevance of todays occupants in the future also for more
to our needs inside a given the question of real usefulness intimate comfort conditions heterogenic audience.
context. and space durability for its in everyday living, as a direct
Confronted to this inhabitants. Accordingly, some response
challenge (or situation) new trends of transition of living to the rapid development and
of decreased affordability of intimacy towards exterior spaces popularity of flexible interior
commodious living spaces, are appearing, which gradually methods in the residential
flexibility is considered as brings into question the essential architecture of the last few
the most appropriate tool right to personal privacy for all decades. Furthermore, the
for experimentation. Todays individuals. aim of this research is to
architects and designers are Starting from these facts and detect tendencies for the
rapidly developing a wide through a more detailed analysis future developments of
variety of concepts where fusion
between architectural and
interior elements is more evident
than ever. Space optimization
and compressed functionality of
furniture have become one of
the main sources of inspiration
in order to achieve the maximum
functional flexibility of spaces.
Additionally, movable and sliding
walls or hinged partitions, which
support a fluid space that can be
divided, separated, integrated or
opened according to the needs
and wishes of the occupants
represent only a small part of all
the applicable concepts.
Consequently, we can notice
that over the last few decades LifeEdited Apartment by Graham Hill, 2010.

Public and Personal: Urban Spaces on a new way to approach the urban

PhD Yearbook | 2015

public spaces, involving a greater
Human Scale attention to human scale, not
only as metrical parameter,
but primarily as dimension of
dwelling through taking care
of a place.
Jacopo Leveratto - Tutor: Immacolata Concezione Forino Dwelling and appropriation of
Coordinator: Luca Basso Peressut space, of course, are closely
interrelated. Dwelling represents 443
Recently, and especially from accessibility of public space that aimed at identifying concrete a continuous process of spatial

Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design

the first half of the Nineties, makes it the only venue for the tools that enable and encourage definition, in which body
despite the success shown unexpected meeting with the different forms of appropriation produces space starting from
by some of the most relevant other. of public space. Over the last his own space and traces his
design experiences, some However, this widespread thirty years, in fact, the concept projection around him. In this
sociologists, political scientists privatization, which seems of urban design has evolved sense most immediate form of
and urban planners seem to be behind the decline of into its most contemporary appropriation seems to develop
to suddenly agree, almost public space, is not the result declination, which deals with in this bodily space, the personal
unanimously, that public space of a deliberate policy aimed the making of places for the one, whose extent represents
has never been so weak and at dismantling the public, community through building the individual ability of taking
unrepresentative, to let them but represents the outcome of adequate connections between care of places, exerting an actual
think about its imminent death. a prior process of alienation the meanings, the physical physical control over them.
Far from exclusively being a essentially started by citizens. setting and the activities within While within the private realm 1. Aldo van Eyck, Otterlo Circles, 1959 [A. van Eyck Archive].
crisis of representation about The progressive retreat from a certain public space. A difficult this dimension tends to expand
its symbolic role, this condition the public city appears, in task to carry out on this scale, coinciding with the whole space concern of anthropology and through a series of theoretical
seems to increasingly affect fact, to coincide with the since this appropriation does owned, in the public one it is environmental psychology, such contributions and selected
its legal and spatial status. abandonment of the individuals not regard so much the legal subject of negotiation both with analysis have rarely affected the case studies, able to define
Urban areas where access is public dimension, which causes statute of the space, as the the others, who exert the right built environment design beyond the architectural consistency
legally guaranteed to everyone a generalized lack of interest peoples ability to domesticate to control their portion of space, the empirical identification of an of personal space in public
are progressively compressed towards this kind of spaces. The it. For this purpose, to meet the and with the same architecture, abstract dimensional standard. space design and the formal
by increasing instances of public city is not a stable and needs of suitable instruments, which proposes and often Personal space, however, is not and functional relationship
privatization that effectively defined body, but is made of the research proposes a imposes an institutionalized only defined by the extent of that exists between the two.
reduce the public realm both the claims and the withdrawals historical-critical reading of spatial arrangement. However it the bodys control, but rather In order to identify which
directly and indirectly. The over a given space, which trigger contemporary urban design, is precisely in public that this sort by the modalities of spatial architectural conformations are
progressive loss of this spatial inclusive and exclusive processes. from the perspective of interior of invisible and portable sphere appropriation the body can able not only to accommodate
typology takes place both Today, nobody seems interested architecture, focused on the seems to gain consistence, exert. Therefore its architectural the large numbers, but also
through the direct sale of public in making or contesting claims quality that personal space marking out a personal territory, design cannot simply cut out to valorize, even symbolically,
assets to private companies and over public space. In this sense, shows in public space design. enabling the individual to a portion of a larger public the human dimension of
through the expansion of private the progressive privatization During the last thirty years, develop a sense of identity space, but should start from the individuals and small groups,
spaces related to entertainment processes, that directly or in fact, interior architecture and engage in the rituals of valorization of the techniques their presence, their action
and retail as community life indirectly change the legal has finally abandoned a communication and recognition, the body uses in this form of and their conformative ability.
centers, like multiplexes and structure and the physical shape topological definition based and reflecting the persons spatial personalization. Because, after all, as Jane Jacobs
malls. This, in itself, would of contemporary city, should on the opposition with the location in the social space. For this reason, once framed wrote, cities have the capability
not be necessarily a problem, be interpreted as the simplest exterior, to overcome its Despite this acknowledged the issue, the subject area and of providing something for
if it meant only a relocation and cheapest answer to the traditional spatial domains linked relevance, the definition of an the research methodology, everybody, only because, and
of the social rituals into some public spaces abandonment and, to domestic environments and adequate personal space today in an attempt to identify only when, they are created
other urban spaces subject to a consequently, to their neglect face a new topic, the realm represents a marginal parameter the different modalities of by everybody, and today, to
different regime. The problem and degradation. of urban interiors. This within the public space design. determination, transformation paraphrase Aldo van Eycks
is that such a regime, based It is around this belief that, from expression, however, does not In fact, even though for fifty and use of urban space that Otterlo Circles, for they return to
on mechanisms of exclusion, the early Sixties, a significant concern the rise of a new spatial years it has been, as instrument the environmental project belong to everyone, they have to
deprives those rituals of their part of the urban design typology, like indoor plazas or of regulation of interpersonal guarantees to each individual return to belong to each one.
constituent feature, the universal discipline has been moving, malls, but it rather describes a relationships, a central user, the thesis develops

The Future of the Ruins political-ideological and cultural. transition from exposition of towards the issues of quality,

PhD Yearbook | 2015

In particular, the origins of this the remains in the museum to and systematized chronologically
discussion analyze the attitude their exhibition on site. The in four types of intervention:
of historical continuity expressed discussion includes some Italian museums in archaeological
throughout the Middle Ages museographical projects of context, museums with
that has been translated into the Second World War period, protection of an excavation,
a continuous reuse of existing considered emblematic in the open air museums and indoor
Carolina Martinelli - Supervisor: Prof. Luca Basso Peressut structures or the reuse of settings of the culture of the museums. Also described are
fragments as building materials. project and became ideal models some archaeological exhibition
This attitude persists up to for decades. In this section designs considered emblematic, 445
The PhD thesis The Future of the The results of this research also is shifting increasingly from Humanism when, taking a of the thesis the time frame temporary or permanent and

Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design

Ruins investigates the role and present a way of constructing chattels - conceived as antiques progressive historical distance by deepens in which the testimony placed in historic complexes.
significance of contemporary a operational-methodological to guard - to real estate - the Ancients considered other of the past, in addition to an In the fourth part the projects
architecture at the moment premise applicable in Italy where preserved and transformed than the present, inaugurates aesthetic value, acquires an are compared in a interpretive
in which it intervenes with recent investigations have to use almost exclusively as a a new reuse of archaeological historical and documentary reading - taking into account
archaeological contexts of demonstrated the existence of museum so they can be enjoyed remains. They are no longer sense. This means recognizing different points of view
museographical purpose. It a notable scope for growth in and experienced. seen as just repositorium the importance of preserving, regarding both operative choices
is a complex and articulated the field of museography for Before getting to the analysis of material to draw upon for the protecting, intervening on and options applied to language
topic because it involves archaeology, and which is yet to the more recent study cases, the construction of new buildings fragments and archaeological - summarizing the main trends
questions which also belong fulfil its potential. thesis delves into a historical- in other contexts but as sites in order to communicate and identifying the attitudes
to Archaeology, Restoration The premise behind this study critical excursus the passage potential repositorium of topoi their significance, in different that characterize contemporary
and Conservation - so as reflects the particular heritage from exhibition of archaeological figurative, representative and ways: mimetic restoration experiences. In particular, two
to understand the different boom we are seeing in recent artifacts in the interior - firstly of expressive, recovering from the that follow the language and areas of inquiry are discerned:
points of view of the figures years, which is recorded in the Collectors and then of museums past and reviving, citing them the logic of the monument; interventions based on the
involved in the processes of multiplication of international - to their musealization in situ, and revising them in paintings philological and scientific interpretation/re-invention of
the development of ruins (not conferences, scientific texts, and trying to interpret the different and sculptures, in decorations refurbishment highlighting the the reading of the Past and
only those of the designers also in the increase of museums hermeneutical postures with of studioli, in the exhibition differences between old and ones, instead, claiming the
but also of the historians, and exhibitions related to the which each period has looked design of the Museums-Palace new trying to preserve the clarity legitimacy of choices formally
museum professionals, curators, theme of cultural heritage, at archeological remains and of the Eighteenth-century of the diverse historical phases autonomous in which the new
etc.) - although attention and a renewed interest in it questions the reasons that and in the architectural forms that characterize the monument. and existing overlap to generate
is mainly turned to physical cultural tourism to the sites have generated different of Museums-Mausoleum of In these ways critical-creative a third figure, far from any
phenomena through which and archaeological areas. A architectonic forms at excavation Nineteenth Century. These actions are added to seek programmatically evocative/
the museographical process phenomenon that for many sites or other strategies for the issues are discussed in the first to recover the unity of the reconstructive hypothesis of the
manifests: architecture, space, historians, sociologists and collocation of artifacts. As Ignasi part of the thesis that examines monument respecting the origin.
exhibition equipment. anthropologists is closely linked de Sol-Morales reminds us, the the origins of the museum and traces of time, without making Finally, from the search
The subject of study is the to the rise of multiculturalism outcome of an intervention on the evolution of the way of a fabrication of history. This results, we draw the critical
design operations carried out in society - and also in Europe the existing changes depending displaying archeology from the attitude seems to be the most conclusive considerations and
in the last twenty years which to the transfer of powers from on the historical moment in first forms of private collectors pursued contemporary times try to anticipate possible future
are grafted above, internally the State to community bodies which they are created because until the Eighteenth and and is discussed in more detail in settings.
or in the immediate vicinity of - that has pushed humanity they change both values- Nineteenth Centuries, witnesses the third and fourth part of the
European and Mediterranean to jealously preserve their meanings conferred upon it, of the first archaeological research.
archaeological areas or identities, and that is reflected both are objectives that the new excavations and the birth of the The third part, organized as an
monuments that are intended in the attitude of contemporary project aims to fulfill (Ignasi de first public museums as flags of applied research of exempla,
to protect, exhibit, complete or society to the materialization Sol-Morales, 1985). nationalist regimes. gives a detailed critical-
communicate the Past and its of memory (Pierre Nora, This narrative path begins The second part focuses in descriptive analysis of fifty
history. 1989) or museification of in the late Middle Ages and the Nineteenth and Twentieth case studies. The projects were
The aim of the thesis is to almost any phenomenon of early Renaissance, ends in Centuries and examine in depth selected on a geographical
represent a framework of the humanity (Victoria Newhouse, the last three decades of the the first restoration interventions basis (limited to archaeological
state of art, synthesising the 1998) and, in particular, of Twentieth Century, and has of monuments, considered as contexts in Europe and
principle approaches and tracing the archaeological fragments. been interpreted as a story of paradigms of operations of the around the Mediterranean),
the methods and guide lines The peculiarity of recent years growing of reuse of the Past: post operam arrangement of temporal (made in the last
valid for future interventions. is, however, that the focus first material, then metaphoric, an archaeological dig, and the two decades) and oriented

TOWARDS THE METHODOLOGY FOR REUSE OF modern needs or limitations the supervision of relevant

PhD Yearbook | 2015

for users of historical heritage. organizations, which led to
CARAVANSERAI, These limitations are less in
Turkey, so reuse of historical
recognition of this historical
process, selected policies
The case of Iran and Turkey heritage in Turkey is not limited
to touristic applications.
for reuse of caravanserais in
Iran, and in Turkey at early of
publicity. Furthermore research
Golnaz Salehi Mourkani - Supervisor: Prof. Luca Basso Peressut The findings are summarized as also introduces the organized
Co-Supervisor: Prof. A. Jabalameli follows: process of reuse of caravanserais
Historical records of reuse of to provide a systematic method 447
Preserving historical heritage especially Middle East, with a lot of Creative Conservation caravanserais to keep their potential and

Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design

through its usage and of obsolete buildings. is clearly seen. Study of Reuse trends heritage values associated with
sustainability encouraged Middle protection history and recovery Possession of caravanserais in considering the identified factors 1. Plan of Cengle Han (caravanserai)
Eastern countries, including The subject of this research is of historical documents about reuse that can be contribute to the after adaptive reuse as industrial
Iran and Turkey, to focus on reviewing reuse methodologies reuse in Iran and Turkey cause Methodology based on case success of reuse caravanserais. museum of Ankara, Turkey.
Basic layout Courtesy of KA. BA.
reuse of historical masons. Since of caravanserai which is recognition of this historical studies analyzing in case of ARCHITECTURE LTD. Archive. Analyze
these both countries are located accomplished through analyzing process about reuse and the reuse caravanserais in Turkey by author.
alongside the historical trade different case studies of role of caravanserais as the first and Iran
paths and Silk Road, they benefit caravanserais in Iran and Turkey systematic reuse samples. Study Reuse Protocol
from a large group of historical in order to identify the applied of cases in these two countries Degree of intervention and
heritage, i.e. caravanserais, method for reuse of these provides a comparison for reuse principle spaces
dispersed inside and outside the buildings in Iran and Turkey. implications. Although the Philosophy of rebuilding
cities. Although this research studied samples in this research method
concentrates on reuse of show that caravanserais under
Caravanserais are masons that caravanserais and related supervision of historical heritage As it mentioned above
were built in 30 km intervals policies about them in the organizations in Iran and Turkey the subject of this thesis is
for residence of passengers. Middle East; however, it were reused from the middle of addressing reuse of historical
They facilitated travels, trade implies studying philosophy 20th century, but most samples heritage of caravanserais in
communications, and other of protection of historical and effective practices belong Iran and Turkey, by analyzing
tasks, such as gathering heritage in Europe and related to about one decade before. the applied methods in favor
documents and registering history. One of the reasons A supportive organization for of these masons. In general
information places. These is recognition of policies and private sector was established the outcome of this research is
masons have been extended protection methods in Europe to and its effective activities were recognition of common usage
either inside cities or outside of compare with those in Iran and started in 2009 in Iran, and in methods of caravanserais
them. Penetration of religious Turkey, and the second reason 2002 it empowered in Turkey regarding to their heritage
ideas in daily lives of Moslems, is penetration of European (Bozdogan, 2012). values or outstanding universal
2. Section of Cengle Han (caravanserai) after adaptive reuse as industrial
which construed trade and protection methods because Studies in Iran show that there values, including symbolic/
museum. Courtesy of KA. BA. ARCHITECTURE LTD.
travel as good actions in of participation of European are no transparent definitions conceptual and associated
religion, brought construction architects in caravanserais reuse for reserving historical works values, social value and reuse
of caravanserais to the highest projects. Study of European and reuse of them compatible value which led to reuse of
religious actions. Whereas protection methods shows to todays needs of Iran yet. them as hotels and museum,
Muslim civilization has always discussions such as Creative As one of the scholar said, commercial centers, and by local
been mobile (Sims, 1995:80) Conservation, which were preserving and reusing historical needs, or governmental decision.
caravanserais is an architecture seen in the projects of reuse heritage is a dilemma in many These recognized methods
that attributed to this mobility. with European participation. Islamic communities (Rstem of usage of caravanserais,
Changes of technology caused Since this participation Pasa Caravanserai Project Brief, mentioned in General Case
deterioration of caravans and provided considerable samples 1980). Obviously this caused Studies section, are common.
changed trade system rapidly. and discussions of reuse some limited reuse from certain The other outcome of this
This consequently changes of caravanserais, thus this Iranian caravanserai. Generally, research is recovering historical
performance of caravanserais is necessary to point these lack of a transparent definition documents in processing initial
and encountered countries along cases. In the recent reuse for reuse causes either waving systematic reuse of caravanserai 3. Northeastern faade of Cengle Han (caravanserai) after adaptive reuse.
the important trade routes, projects, especially in Iran, lack reuse potentials according to cases in Iran and Turkey under Courtesy of KA. BA. ARCHITECTURE LTD.
Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage |
Electrical Engineering | Energy and Nuclear
Science and Technology | Environmental
and Infrastructures engineering |
Industrial Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering | Information Technology |
Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design
| Management, Economics and Industrial
Engineering | Materials Engineering |
Mathematical MODELS and METHODS IN
Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Physics | Preservation of THE Architectural
Heritage | Rotary-wing aircrafts | Spatial
Planning and Urban Development |
Structural Seismic and Geotechnical
Engineering | Technology and Design for
Environment and Building | Territorial
Design and Government | Aerospace
Engineering | Architectural and Urban
Design | Architectural Composition |
Architecture, Urban Design, Conservation
of Housing and Landscape | Bioengineering PhD Yearbook | 2015


PhD Yearbook | 2015


The Ph.D. programme in Management, Economics and Industrial in candidates a research-oriented mind-set, along CRIC-University of Manchester, SPRU-University


Chair: Engineering (DRIG) offers students advanced training and with expertise and skills relating to a specific of Sussex, University of Reading, University of
Prof. Mariano Corso preparation to conduct research in the field of management, research topic. Nottingham, London Business School, Trinity
economics and industrial engineering. It aims to develop In order to develop a research-oriented mentality, College Dublin, Universit Henri Poincar
professionals who are able to carry out high-profile research in candidates must acquire the ability to solve Nancy, Georgia Institute of Technology, New
these fields in universities and international research institutions, complex problems, including a thorough analysis York University, cole polytechnique fdrale
manufacturing and service companies, regulatory authorities of the problem, identification of an original de Lausanne, Imperial College London, Ecole
and other public bodies. The programme allows the student to solution and the ability to evaluate the solution des hautes tudes commerciales de Paris (HEC),
develop a sound methodological background and multidisciplinary and its applicability in given contexts. Ph.D.s Cranfield University, University of Warwick,
knowledge by attending courses designed to provide a multiplicity who possess these abilities will have greater Chalmers University Gteborg, ETH Zurich,
of visions, theories and approaches, a broad cultural panorama and opportunities for advancement in research Harvard Business School, Columbia University,
the ability to study problems in an innovative manner, combining positions, both in the academic environment as MIT, UCLA and others.
various analytical perspectives. well as in public and private organisations.
The commitment of the Department of Management, Economics The main goal is the development of an original The Faculty of DRIG includes, in addition to
and Industrial Engineering (DIG) to research and scientific research contribution. The Ph.D. thesis should professors of the Department of Management,
cooperation with other academic institutions and major industrial help increase knowledge in the applicants Economics and Industrial Engineering of
and service companies creates an ideal environment in which for research field. It also needs to be consistent with Politecnico di Milano, several foreign professors:
students to acquire leading-edge knowledge and cultivate their own the research topics studied in the department Adolfo Arata, Universidad Tecnica Federico
research interests in a broad range of research subjects. in which the student is completing their Ph.D. Santa Maria, Valparaiso, Chile; Neil Gandal, Tel
studies. Aviv University, Israel; Benoit Iung, Universit
The program is taught in English. It is composed of three different Henri Poincar, Nancy, France; Bertrand Qulin,
types of training activities. The doctoral program covers three years. HEC-Paris; Tereza Tykvova, Zew, Germany; Mike
Main courses include: Students are required to spend at least one Wright, University of Nottingham, UK; Frank
methodological courses relating to aspects relevant to research in semester in a foreign research institution. The Rothaermel, Georgia Institute of Technology,
management, economics and industrial engineering; Department of Management, Economics and GA, USA; Irvine Lapsley, University of Edinburgh,
thematic courses whose aim is to introduce students in state-of- Industrial Engineering is qualified as hosting UK; Bruno Cassiman, IESE Business School,
the-art research in specific fields relating to the above mentioned institution of the PRIME Network of Excellence Spain; Alan MacCormack, Harward Business
disciplines: Business strategy, Organization & human resources, established by the European Commission within School, MA, USA; Dirk Czamitzky, University of
Finance, Economics and management of innovation, Industrial the 6th Framework program. Hence students Leuven, Belgium; Erik Hultink, Delft University of
Organization, International economics, Regional and urban have access to the mobility support measures Technology, The Netherlands; Christopher Lettl,
economics, Supply chain management, Operations, Facility aimed at promoting international collaboration Aarhus School of Business, Denmark; Christopher
management, Logistics and others. between the doctoral programs in the network. Worley, University of Southern California, CA,
In addition, students are encouraged to attend USA; David Coghlan, Trinity College Dublin;
Elective courses and training in specific themes doctoral schools and workshops organized Stephen Tallman, University of Richmond, VA,
these activities are customized according to the specific research by other institutions and to participate in USA.
interests of students. Their aim is to extend the scientific knowledge international scientific conferences. Presentation
of students in specific topics and to introduce them to the of an original research work in an international The program has developed several research
international research community through the presentation of conference is mandatory for admission to the collaborations with private manufacturing and
research work in international conferences. final exam. service firms, regulatory bodies, and other
public research institutions: Value Partners,
Thesis In previous years, students have been hosted by TXT e-solutions, DAppolonia, Consorzio MIP,
The aim of the PhD programmes at Politecnico di Milano is to instil well known foreign academic institutions such as Fondazione Rosselli, Consorzio Politecnico

Innovazione, IRER, Societ Banknord GE.PA.FI. researchers in economics and management

PhD Yearbook | 2015

SIM, Siemens, Fondazione CEUR, Fondazione working in the research departments of private
Politecnico, ANIMP-OICE-FONDAZIONE LUIGI DE corporations, financial institutions and public
Italcementi Group. consultants in leading management and
strategy consulting companies;
Typical career opportunities opened up by the managers and entrepreneurs of innovative
doctoral program include the following ones: companies.
researchers and lecturers in Italian and foreign
universities; The research projects that are presented in the 453
officials of research and training bodies following section are typical examples of the


operating as a link between universities and research work carried out by DRIG students.
private sector companies;

Advisory Board
Adolfo Arata Pontificia Universita Catolica de Valpairaiso
Paolo Cederle Unicredit Group
Mats Engwall KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Jean Pierre Helfer IAE Universit Paris
Nicolai J. Foss Copenhagen Business School
Christer Karlsson Copenhagen Business School
Janina Kugel SIEMENS AG
Gilbert Lenssen European Academy of Business in Society
Filippo Passerini The Procter & Gamble Company
Andrea Pignataro ION Investment Group
Carlo Purassanta Microsoft Italia
Punam Sahgal IIM Lucknow, Noida Campus
Bianca Scheller John Crane
Valerie Suslow University of Michigan Ross School of Business
Reinhilde Veugelers University of Leuven

Scholarship Sponsors
Animp-Oice-Fondazione Luigi De Januario
Centro per lo Sviluppo del Polo di Piacenza
C.T.G. Italcementi Group
Edor Metodi Quantitativi
Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
Pirelli & C.
Telecom Italia S.p.a
Fondazione Cariplo

Implementing Environmental Sustainability The process of technical how OPEX and time can be (more precisely 13, 88 years);

PhD Yearbook | 2015

solution analysis has to be in- saved in the process of HBTS
in Mobile Network Operators Companies sourced in order to save CAPEX
and time as well. This can be
implementation. By providing
in-sourced maintenance for
The outcomes of this PhD
done by educating personnel, hybrid part of the equipment, dissertation make several
training and gaining technical management will set a more contributions in order to
knowledge and experiences effective and suitable state for understand the environmental
Nikola Asurdzic - Thesis Advisor: Marco Macchi - with the hybrid part of the implementation and operation sustainability in MNO
Thesis Discussant: Alberto Portioli Staudacher equipment. In this manner of the HBTS. companies, and expand
telecom management will Results on comparative Life knowledge on how promoting 455
1. INTRODUCTION fact have key roles in acquisition the research: explanatory be ready to enable effective Cycle Assessment of Base and enhancing the adoption


Climate change has been and development decisions, exploratory multiple case implementation of green Transceiver and Hybrid Base of green practices in a MNO
described as the biggest acquisition and development study technologies, such as HBTS. Transceiver Station companys settings.
global health threat of the 21st projects, and in creating and Second case study - Type of The next step in procurement Comparative analysis of BTS and First of all, the dissertation
century by The Lancet, one managing organization-wide the research: Modeling and stage was to open a tender HBTS models for two life cycle contributes to offer new
of the worlds oldest and best systems for equipment support simulation for equipment procurement stages was conducted. HBTS has empirical evidence of the process
known general medical journals. for new and existing assets. Third case study - Type of the and construction. OEM has a greater negative impact on the of the sustainable practices
The mobile telecom sector can research: Validation phase to be contacted in order to environment than BTS across all adoption by MNO company,
be seen as both a solution to the 3. GOAL, SCOPE AND supply the suitable parts of impact categories. HBTS has a having a particular focus on
health threats posed by excessive RESEARCH QUESTIONS 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the equipment such as PV greater impact throughout all of the introduction of a green
carbon dioxide emissions and Part of the research put the Results from the case study cells and wind turbine with all the impact categories compared technology as the Hybrid Base
climate change environmental spotlight on environmental showed that the strategy of the supporting elements. The to BTS. Impact categories that Transceiver Station
decline, and as a contributor to comparison based on LCA implementation of HBTS may be process that can stay in sourced are most burdened are: global Afterwards, it is worth
the problem. approach between renewable carried out in parallel technology in this case is construction and warming, non renewable energy remarking that the dissertation
power solutions for BTS-site implementation phases. The mounting of the hybrid parts and respiratory inorganic. identifies some internal barriers
2. BACKGROUND AND and standard/conventional first phase concerned only the since MNO personnel have Among others, the following that prevent green practices
MOTIVATIONS BTS-sites, both connected to implementation of standard base enough technical knowledge, categories can be separated adoption such as; knowledge
Potentials for choosing physical an electrical grid. The results of station equipment not related experience and tools for these as influential: carcinogens, and information gap in sub
asset management for purpose this research served as a basis to the power section, while the actions. This is the next step in non-carcinogens and terrestrial stages of hybrid base transceiver
of this research and for solution for further research process of second phase consisted of the enhancing MNO management ecotoxcity. stations introduction especially
to deal with procedures of forming the unique guideline for implementation of hybrid part of in order to enable effective After the inclusion of the use focusing on the detail design
HBTS implementation can be HBTS implementation by MNO the BTS equipment. implementation of green phase the impact of BTS on the stage where MNO company
seen trough the fact that asset company. In order to support Results on Physical Asset technologies. environment became greater seek for a support from the third
management activities permeate both sides, managerial and Management usage in case of The last phase of the in the following categories: party strategic supplier.
to many levels of an organization, technical, we intersected above Hybrid Base Transceiver Stations implementation and use ionizing radiation, respiratory Last but not least, the thesis
and are not confined to a mentioned data and information In the next points, a critical process of the hybrid part organics, aquatic eco-toxicity, would help contributing to
central group. The purpose of obtained from LCA analysis with discussion is provided of the equipment where terrestrial eco-toxicity, land protect the environment in
the physical asset management PAM approach. The conclusions, considering the main evidences a third party is engaged is occupation, global warming shaping the organizations
function is to provide resources discussions and derived guideline useful to give some feedbacks, the maintenance process. In and non-renewable energy. The strategies towards the
and expertise to support from this research could be useful as required for the exploratory the case study conducted, impact of HBTS remained larger environment. Knowledge and
the acquisition, in-service for improving the knowledge of case study, and in relationships contract for the maintenance within the following categories: information from this study can
support and disposal of the MNO companies and also helping to the research questions. was signed at the time of the carcinogens, non-carcinogens, serve as an incentive and also as
physical assets required by the MNO employees to gain more In the detailed design, the procurement process between ozone layer depletion, the guideline to MNO companies
organization. Advantage of using understanding of the power special team opened a tender MNO company and OEM aquatic acidification, aquatic for the implementation of green
PAM approach in this case would alternatives currently available for technical assistance in the or equipment vendor. Since eutrophication and mineral practices. The adoption of green
be also connected to the fact and most suitable strategies for project of the implementation hybrid equipment technical extraction. practices would contribute to
that asset management activities their implementation. of hybrid part of the features do not differ from Payback period lower environmental load caused
and responsibilities impact on equipment. This tender was telecom equipment, in this the payback period for the by MNO companies and thus,
a wide range of roles within an 4. METHODOLOGY open to third parties due to the case maintenance department investment in equipment of PV improving the overall image
organization are not confined to Methodology consists of three lack of technical knowledge of the MNO company can cells and wind generator for in the field of environmental
a specific department. The asset types of the research, namely: about hybrid equipment be put in charge of the the particular location assumed protection, because as the say;
management groups would in First case study - Type of among telecom departments. maintenance process. This is in this study is around 14 years think globally, act locally.

Multichannel Marketing: A Generalized

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Framework, and the Antecedents and
Consequences of its Implementation
Shan Chen - Supervisor: Prof. Giuliano Noci

From 1997 to 2014, the the businesses competing in a generalizable and applicable to literature review, we conclude managers from 32 Italian configuration; and the influence


worldwide internet users are market. For example, consumers different types of businesses. that the future research in firms of diverse characteristics from firms motivation is much
estimated to have grown nearly nowadays have access to larger Thus, the objectives of this multichannel marketing lies (in terms of size, type of more significant than the
20 times; in developed countries, than ever before amount of research which is composed by in several areas. First of all, products, type of customers, influence from environmental
the internet penetration rate is information through internet three consecutive studies are: as technology development and industries) in order to tap forces. The results also suggest
estimated to be 77% in 2014. from official, third-party, or even 1. With the first study, we review continues unravelling, new a wide range of experiences multichannel marketings short-
Mobile internet, from 2007 user-generated sources; and the the state-of-the-art literature marketing channels or new in implementing multichannel term performance dip may even
to 2013, has grown seven web indeed has become one of in multichannel marketing applications in current marketing marketing. The interviews are be expected due to investments
times worldwide; especially in the most important touchpoints in order to systemize the channels will keep emerging; so analyzed against the literature. and extra costs associated with
developed countries, mobile that consumers rely on to search current knowledge, to build will the research opportunities This study has two main implementing multichannel
internet users have reached for information4. theoretical foundation for on these subjects. Second of contributes: firstly it proposes marketing; however, empirical
about 75% of the population1. As such, since the late 90s, the following studies, and to all, among the most influential a multichannel marketing evidence also suggests that firms
Businesses spotted the potential we see the approach of refine the research question papers in multichannel framework composed by three active in multichannel marketing
and opportunities amid the multichannel marketing for the empirical studies. marketing, a substantial amount dimensions: channel variety show stronger improvement in
rapid diffusion of Information emerged and 2. With the second study, we are theoretical studies which where individual channels are effectiveness of utilization of
Communication Technology rapidly gained importance in propose a multichannel have played important roles aggregated into nine types; their assets. To our knowledge,
(ICT). In EU-28, there are nearly both marketing practice and marketing framework, in building the conceptual channel usage intensity for it is among the first times such
40% consumers who actively marketing research. As ICT has integrating the knowledge foundation of research in this distribution, information relationships being investigated.
make purchases through potential impacts on a wide from current research and field. However, as multichannel provision and/or relational In this dissertation, these three
internet by 2013; also nearly range of marketing activities, a the marketing practitioners marketing becomes commonly communication; and channel studies will be presented in the
40% of the enterprises make large amount of multichannel viewpoints, which is adopted by firms, there is a need integration perceived by following as full-length research
purchases online; 40%, 25% marketing research has sprung comprehensive, generalizable for stronger empirical evidences. customers and perceived within papers, with respectively
and 5% large enterprises, up and has provided a great deal and applicable to any type of Last but not least, a more global the firm. Secondly it reveals the introduction to areas of
medium-sized enterprises and of knowledge in this area. businesses. perspective on multichannel firms motivations of adopting investigation, description of
small enterprises respectively However, ICT is still evolving in 3. With the third study, we marketing is needed in order multichannel marketing, which methodologies applied and data
are making turnovers through fast pace. For example, while investigate the antecedents to benefit firms of different are summarized in three types: collection, description of data
internet commerce2. Internet internet had been the one of and consequences of characteristics and objectives. economic-driven, customer- analysis, then presentation and
has made some spectacular the hottest innovations in the implementing multichannel In fact, at the very end of this driven, and compelled by discussion of results, research
successes, for example, 90s, it has become almost a marketing, which provides research period, we see a couple competition. and managerial implications if
most recently, the Chinese standard and given the spotlight firms practical implications. of freshly published studies The third study started in the any. After the three papers are
e-commerce company Alibaba to mobile technologies just a In the first study, throughout the addressing the issue of strategic late 2013. Building upon the presented, we will conclude the
which operates a wide range decade later. While marketing whole period of this research alignment of multichannel framework proposed by the whole research.
of internet-based services, research in this area is always being conducted (2012-2014), marketing. A combination of second study, it investigates
has made the worlds biggest tempted to keep up with the we reviewed some 130 papers the latter two areas for future the relationships between
ever IPO in September 20143. pace of technological evolution, published between 1996 and research is where we set the multichannel marketing practice
However, it is not only about it inevitably leaves the current 2014 on peer-reviewed and context for our following and its antecedents and
commerce. Empowered by ICT, knowledge fragmented and reputable journals; the results empirical studies. consequences in a quantitative
businesses create new customer un-generalized. In a quick are discussed in two broad The second study started in approach. The results suggest
touchpoints which influence glance of the extant research, themes: consumers behavior in the late 2012. It has taken a that different motivations 1
International Telecommunications Union
and transform consumer we find a lack of comprehensive multichannel environment, and qualitative approach, where we of firms in implementing European Commission, Eurostat
3 Bloomberg, Alibabas banks boost IPO
behaviors, which in turn set new understanding of multichannel firms behavior in multichannel conducted in-depth interviews multichannel marketing size to record of $25 billion
expectation and demands to all marketing framework that is environment. Based on the with marketing and/or general influence the multichannel 4 Nielsen, Osservatorio Multicanalit, 2013

Allocation of Risks within Public-Private of all potential risks identified. concerning the adoption of a level of risks only without

PhD Yearbook | 2015

However, the adoption of dynamic model of risk sharing. considering the strategic-level.
Partnerships: this criterion seems to be not
enough as public sector often
In fact, the dynamism of the
context and its impact on
This can exacerbate the issue of
incomplete contract.
A Holistic Framework and Its Application to Energy from Waste has to bail out the project when risk sharing agreement is not Aware that PPP contract
the private sector cannot cope recognized in the static public is necessarily incomplete,
Projects with the allocated risks. sector comparator or other such starting from the distinction
Laura DAlessandro - Supervisor: Marco Giorgino Notwithstanding the inability assessment of value for money. between technocratic and
to statistically generalize from The case studies make clear that multidimensional approach
case studies, the empirical contractual rigidity is in sharp to risk governance, this study 459
The ever-growing demand for the recognition of the critically as a hybrid form of PPP in terms results derived from the three contrast with the dynamism of proposes a new research


public services simultaneous important distinction between of risk sharing. The literature EfW cases analyzed suggest context, suggesting that further stream by reinterpreting PPP as
with a reduction of public management and bearing of risk lacks scientific articles on this that the risk allocation criterion work on governance aspects is strategic alliances to overcome
resources results in inability to and thereby the relevance of risk main topic of risk sharing in this adopted in PPP has not been required, especially those that contractual incompleteness in
meet demand for infrastructures. governance within a dynamic specific sector and so an original fully understood in the literature can be important in managing the cases of social and hybrid
Given the ongoing austerity business context. contribution to knowledge can and it has been implemented contractual incompleteness over infrastructures. More specifically,
measures adopted across the EU, A critical review of different be made by empirical research in a myopic and linear way in time. this study recognizes that the
the solution is neither the use of contributions over time reveals in this field of study. This practice instead of dynamic and Hence, considering the adoption of a technocratic
debt nor increasing tax and so the approach to risk allocation contribution includes: non-linear. In fact, the unique literature gap and the case approach to risk governance,
there is a need to find alternative in PPP is too simplistic and based a more holistic analytical criterion adopted for allocating studies results, an in-depth case based on consideration of
sources of funding. Hence, it only on a technocratic approach framework for considering the risks is the ability to manage risk study analysis has been done operational-level of risks,
is desirable to seek the private to the allocation of each risk to allocation of risks within PPPs, whilst the public sector seems to by extending the analytical is related to the tangible
financing of public utilities and the party best able to manage it, the appropriate arrangements underestimate the relevance of framework in order to handle characteristics of the contract
service infrastructure through ignoring the ability to effectively for governance of those risks risk bearing dimension. contractual incompleteness without considering the strategic
Public-Private Partnerships bear the risk at its occurrence. within PPP contracts extending The allocation of risk based on over-time. A new holistic role played by the interpretation
(PPPs). PPP was launched in Furthermore, the risk allocation over two or three decades and the party best able to manage approach to risk sharing based of intangible characteristics
1992 in the UK, originally as agreement is not able to face which are therefore inherently risk does not consider the on a new paradigm has been of contract. In this regard, the
Private Finance Initiative (PFI) the dynamism of context. incomplete because they ability to bear those risks at developed: managing and consideration of only tangible
where successive governments Contractual incompleteness cannot foresee all eventualities their occurrence ignoring the bearing risks within a dynamic characteristics to set treats a
promoted the involvement is not proactively managed affecting risks, dynamism of context over 20- model of multidimensional PPP as contractual partnership
of private sector in the because there is a lack of empirical research results 30 years and the complexity risk governance. An original and not as strategic alliance.
construction of infrastructures consideration of risk governance derived from a comparative of a PPP. In fact, as revealed contribution to knowledge is Nowadays, PPPs, PFIs, PF2
and the subsequent provision aspects. analysis of risk sharing in EfW by comparative analysis, the the adoption on the innovative can be interpreted more as
of public services utilizing The literature also reveals that schemes in different countries, bearing of default risk pertains framework to analyze the contractual partnerships than as
those infrastructures. Even the analysis of risks in PPPs varies and the public sector independently allocation of risks in an EfW PPP strategic alliances.
if there is not a universally from sector to sector. Hence, evidence-based of the contractual specifications. project in Italy, where there is a
agreed definition of PPP, it can distinguishing between social recommendations for policy Hence, risk transfer seems to be lack of scientific contributions
be considered as a form of (e.g. prisons etc.) and economic and practice. more apparent than real. Aware focused on risk allocation in this
collaboration between public infrastructure (e.g. toll road etc.), A comparative analysis on three that PPP contract is necessarily specific sector and in this specific
and private sector. this research focuses on Energy EfW PPP projects in Italy and incomplete, this study went context.
Since it was launched, PPP from Waste (EfW) PPP projects. the UK has been developed to beyond the conventional The new framework has been
debate is assuming a growing EfW cannot be considered understand the risk allocation tick box exercise adopted for applied revealing that a risk
importance. The allocation of either purely social or purely criteria adopted. Subsequently, allocating risks between public allocation agreement based on
risks is considered a key element economic infrastructure due to an in-depth analysis in one EfW and private sectors which can be risk management and bearing
for achieving value for money the impact of regulation in the PPP project in Italy has been suitable only in a static context. can better safeguard the interest
(VfM) and the success of a PPP waste management industry done. The first original contributions of actors involved over-time.
project depends crucially on its being concerned not only with Research results reveal that risk to knowledge provided by this Furthermore, according to a
risk allocation agreement. economic regulation but also allocation in PPPs is reflected study is the recognition of risk the literature gap identified,
The main aim of this research environmental regulation which in a contract where the greater bearing as an additional criterion case study reveals the adoption
is to investigate the allocation has implications for social risk part of risks are transferred for allocating risk. of a technocratic approach
of risks in PPPs by using a arising from pollution events. from public to private sector The literature review also reveals to risk governance taking
holistic approach based on Hence, EfW can be interpreted on the basis of a risk catalogue a gap in academic research into consideration operation-


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Angelo Erbacci - PHD Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Catalano

The objective of this work Methodological approach Finally (as third step) the thesis to be of interest also for the dimensions in affecting the final the spending review instrument.


The thesis conducts a scientific To reach its purpose, the thesis carries out an explanatory countries not comprised in the effectiveness of the spending Along these perspectives, the
analysis on the international follows a theory-building case-study based on pattern- empirical pattern and for the review process. Moreover, most important contribution
practices and uses of a specific approach. This methodological matching logic. This logic institutional debate. this part of analysis shows the that this work offers is
managerial tool: the spending choice has been set considering compares an empirical pattern importance of the dynamic of the development of a first
review. In basic terms, the the lack in the academic (the Italian spending review of Key findings time (in terms of timing within theoretical framework that
spending review can be literature of a detailed 2012) with a predicted pattern In the first part of analysis, the the spending review must be detects those factors that
defined as a policy instrument theoretical framework under (the theoretical assumptions thesis develops a definition of carried out) as elements altering have an influence over the
that organisations (generally which analysing the design previously developed by the spending review as a managerial the effects of the exogenous effectiveness of the spending
public sector entities) apply in process of the spending review. thesis following the theory- process (an ex ante analysis of and endogenous factors on the review, confirming an emerging
order to control and reduce The process of research is based building approach). evaluation) that organisations spending review process. In this view that sees organisational
their spending. In recent on three different steps. As can adopt to carry out a sense, the thesis reveals that change management and
years the theme of spending first step, the thesis defines the Research limitations selective approach to address when recovery interventions are neo-institutionalism as two
review obtained an increasing spending review, by proposing The main limitation of the thesis decline (by identifying non-linear needed especially in the short complementary and not rival
relevance on the international a conceptualisation of the consists in the small pattern savings). Then, by following period, the spending review is approaches. In this way, the
scenario, particularly since the main features involved in its of empirical cases of spending this definition, the thesis builds not the best strategy to achieve thesis provides a first theoretical
advent of the global financial process based on a review of review examined. This limitation a taxonomy that outlines two these outcomes. base that can be used by
crisis. However, despite the the academic literature on is consistent with the low different archetypal designs of practitioners to direct the ways
increasing relevance that the cutback management in public number of spending reviews at this tool: the strategic and the The potential value of this the spending review is designed,
spending review has obtained, administrations. Establishing the level of central government technical spending reviews. work implemented and utilised.
only an emerging academic a clear definition of spending up to now present around the In the second part of analysis, Investigating the features of
literature investigates the review is an essential condition world. Indeed, the use of the the thesis identifies a the effective design of the
phenomenon of the use of for outlining the elements of the spending review is spreading in theoretical model composed spending review tool represents
spending reviews. effective design of a spending many advanced countries but, in by two endogenous factors a high potential target both for
The thesis aims at filling review. Indeed, in the absence numerical terms, the population (organisational and process scholars, public sector managers
this gap of knowledge of a single univocal definition, of spending reviews is still quite dimensions) and two exogenous and politicians. Indeed, from
by investigating how an different policies may be small. Moreover, the thesis is factors (political and social an academic perspective,
organisation may effectively included under the label of a based on qualitative analysis dimensions) that may influence this work ambitiously aims at
design and implement a spending review, leading to and as such it cant be directly the decision-making process of covering an undefined area
spending review. The focus mistakes and confusion about generalised elsewhere. the spending review. The cross- of research on which, up
of this work is on the use of its use. Then, (as second step) On the other hand, following sectional comparison confirms until now, only an emerging
spending review by central the thesis identifies and analyses a qualitative methodological the validity of the four factors literature operates. While,
governments. More specifically, those determinants (exogenous approach built upon a big since in the majority of empirical from a practitioner perspective,
the objective of this work is and endogenous factors) that amount of evidence collected, cases the dimensions directly a research on the spending
to investigate how a central may affect the effective use of the analysis can deeply focus affect the spending review review tool may represent
government may effectively this tool. To this end, following on its research questions, by process. a first term of reference for
design and use the spending a meaning-oriented approach discovering qualitative issues Finally, as third part of politicians, managers and
review. Indeed, the viewpoint to qualitative content analysis specific of the institutional analysis, the thesis outlines public sector analysts through
that drives the thesis is to it performs a cross-sectional and political environment that some relationships across the which addressing their need of
examine how an organisation comparison on five international generally accompanies the exogenous and endogenous information, data and guidelines
may methodologically experiences of spending review spending review process. For factors and discovers the regarding how to design,
implement this instrument. implemented in OECD countries. this reason, the thesis may result centrality of the organisational implement and effectively use

FAMILY BUSINESS PERFORMANCE. This thesis aims to provide family decisions. The use of automated general economy.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

managers with some insight on systems and technological tools Future research may be focused
THE PERCEPTION EFFECT: EXPLORING the importance of an adequate
use of financial information
might be underexploited. Raw
financial data can be confused
on the presence of multiple
family nucleuses with conflicting
THE INTERNAL POINT OF VIEW and of a formal performance
measurement system that might
with processed reports,
preventing the creation of
goals inside a single FB, affecting
the design of the PMS, as well
be useful to lead the company historical information; decisions as the selection of measures
Sanson Roberto Gonzalez Mosso - Supervisor: Prof. Marco Giorgino to the desired place, in terms are taken on a day-to-day and consequently influencing
of business performance. The basis. This study points out the business performance. A
academic community will the importance of the PMS multiple case study may be 463
The main contribution of of family firms: the overlap of control of information both achieve a perspective that establishment in a FB in order conducted to confirm or reject


this research project is the ownership and management; financial and non-financial: extends the literature about to improve the quality of the some of the findings of this
identification of the conceptual the Stewardship Theory calls for family managers take core family business performance, decision making process and of work regarding the influence
framework called perception the altruism of family managers decisions under the perception with particular reference to the the business performance. that the family goals exert on
effect in the family business following the benefits of the effect. use of financial information The family and business goals the PMS design of the business.
performance, in the particular organization rather than their The financial reports are part of and the establishment of a are not necessarily established For future research, it would be
case of family business without own; the Resource Based View the performance measurement performance measurement in an explicit way, translated important to understand the
the obligation to submit audited (RBV), looks into the particular system (PMS) of a firm: knowing system, by pointing out the into financial and non-financial impact of formal and established
financial statements. resources coming from the the current performance, it important effect of perception measures and followed PMS in the FB assessment
The perception effect will family involvement. Those is possible to take decisions into the business performance. for their accomplishment. because, if the process to collect
define the tendency of the theoretical efforts have been in order to keep or improve The limitation of this work Family and business goals are and analyze information is not
future business performance useful to identify some of the the business position. When consists in the absence of a clearly perceived, implicitly reliable, the assessment might
due to the influence on the complex dynamics that are a family firm is not obligated measurement of the actual translated into financial and lose its validity. If FBs provide
current behavior. The construct present into the different types to submit audited financial impact of a structured PMS. The non-financial measures, the incomplete information, the
of perception effect comes of family business. The influence statements, the financial use of complete and accurate accomplishment of which are validity of the assessment of
from the analysis of empirical the family brings into the information they deliver financial information would easy to be felt by the main good or bad performance might
evidence from Mexican case business affects its performance might not represent a priority, influence the decision making shareholders. Family goals might be compromised.
studies and interviews with through the coexistence of both leading to the replacement process but, at the same time, represent the main objective This research has been
independent business advisors. financial and non-financial goals, of the financial assessment will entail other costs, as tax of some FBs, but they might conducted at the Politecnico
Mexico is considered an although, in the literature, the with selected measures for the payments and the implicit cost also compromise the business di Milano, Italy, under the
emerging market. In recent years assessment of family business perception of performance. of control. Another important survival. A clear and objective supervision of Prof. Marco
emerging markets represent performance is mainly based on Little research exists about limitationis that the study PMS, might help to improve the Giorgino; during the period
an important component of financial measures. performance measurement considers only the Mexican quality of the decisions, leading abroad, at the Columbia
the world economic growth. The current studies on this system design and environment, although it might to a better business performance Business School, New York City,
Emerging markets are subject are mainly related implementation in family firm. be representative of the general over time. USA, under the supervision
highly dominated by family to succession, corporate The current studies pay attention conditions faced by family firms This research contributes of Prof. Eric Abrahamson.
businesses, whose performance governance and strategic to the analysis of financial in emerging markets. also to the FB literature The empirical research was
improvement would benefit the management, leaving a gap for outcomes, leaving aside the Family firms without the and business practice in conducted in Puebla, Mexico.
economy in general. Family firms more research in other related reliability of this information, obligation to submit audited understanding the possible
(FF) are very important for the topics, as in the case of business specifically for those family financial statements may benefits of the establishment
economy to which they belong: performance particularly, the firms that, not being public not have an established and and implementation of a
placed in different sectors, they use of financial information companies, are not obligated organized PMS. This kind of formal PMS in a FB during
vary in size, age, objectives and provided by family managers, to present audited financial family firms might consider a generational change. It
nationality, among others. as well as the system utilized to statements. The present work as a PMS a set of activities highlights the importance of
The principal theories used in the assess the business performance. has the objective to contribute aiming to collect, process and a formal PMS in creating a
literature to explain the family Perception has an important filling the gap by analyzing how analyze information on the history on different indicators
business performance are the influence in the decision making the performance measurement actual situation of the company, that permits the tracking of the
Agency Theory, the Stewardship process of family managers. This system is implemented as well as well as the trends in some business performance, helping
Theory and the Resource Based is true particularly in the case of as how the financial information core areas of the business. The FBs overcome their weaknesses
View Theory. The Agency family businesses without the coming from this system is informal activities deal with and generate better financial
Theory deals with one of the obligation to submit financial employed in order to take incomplete information, with and non-financial outcomes,
more common characteristics statements due to the lack of internal decisions. the consequence of low quality with positive effects within the

Methodology to define and improve performance

PhD Yearbook | 2015

indicators for virtual enterprises, within an
industrial service ecosystem

Mohammadreza Heydari - Supervisor: Prof. Marco Taisch

In the context of collaboration, However, single manufacturing been used to extract the most case practical applications and


service sector is becoming more enterprise might not be skilled appropriate service driven scientificindustrial collaborations.
and more relevant in building to join a VE solely without Performance Indicators (PIs) in Keywords: Collaborative
successful enterprise networks setting control mechanisms or order to evaluate collaborative Network, Virtual Enterprise,
among potential business frameworks that monitor the actions and common outcomes Manufacturing Service
partners that want to join a success of collaboration among of partners within a network Enterprise, Performance
temporary and less hierarchical partners, in order to measure of manufacturing service Measurement Systems (PMS),
collaboration network in the efficiency and effectiveness collaborative ecosystem. Performance Indicators (PIs) and
order to grasp the market in achieving common objectives. Meanwhile, in order to have a PI Toolset.
opportunities. In recent years, This study investigates VEs at precise and structured analysis
collaborative networks, such practical implementation level in the selected PMS has been
as Virtual Enterprise (VE), has order to provide an appropriate extended by synthesizing
been providing as a competitive mechanism and methodology decomposition methods
advantage and started changing that supports decision makers such as decisional models
business environments. In this to manage and assess the and abstraction methods (i.e.
regard, VE has been identified service performance within a MDSEA). In this regard, the
as a proper solution for single VE. The basic idea behind of proposed methodology has
manufacturing enterprises to the proposed method (i.e. PI provided a unique structure to
survive in increasingly market Toolset) is to support decision categorize the generated PIs in
turbulences but also to increase makers to be able to identify, different levels of decisions and
the possibility to better achieve control and continuously update abstractions (see Plan, Govern
common goals. Therefore, which collaborative activities and Execute categorize in
the collaboration process (i.e. Functions) are necessary VRM). Furthermore, a PI Toolset
happens within a VE lifecycle for service performance has been defined to provide a
to share internal knowledge within a VE in order to reach simple and useful tool for end-
(i.e. information), resources, the objectives. In order to users; this essentially consists
costs and responsibilities among accomplish this objective, on in a combination of three
partners in order to evaluate and one hand the study has been methods, i.e. Service Monitoring
to implement shared activities shed light to VEs characteristics Framework, Service PI Method
and resources to attain common and it has analyzed (e.g. and Service PI List proposed.
objectives. If should be noted Lifecycle, Members, Models, Finally, in order to maximize
that the success of a virtual Interactions, Structures and the methodology efficiency,
enterprise is difficult, due to etc.) both conceptual and the proposed PI Toolset has
coping with an unpredictable practical perspectives. On the been implemented, tested
environment, seating on highly other hand, various traditional and validated through various
dynamic structure and having Performance Measurement real pilot cases in terms of
a short life cycle. In particular, Systems (PMS) have been different market, culture,
assessing the collaboration reviewed to select the proper size, etc. Therefore, the PI
activities among various partner assessment method according to Toolset has been developed
(e.g. different cultures, sizes, VEs features and manufacturing and optimized in a continuous
tasks, roles, etc.) are the service enterprise attributes. -back and forward process,
main reasons of this difficulty. Indeed, the selected PMS has taking advantage of both use

Sustainable value creation pathway towards sustainable research findings regarding manufacturers willing to propose

PhD Yearbook | 2015

manufacturing. Moreover, the the contribution of industrial their customers a service solution
in manufacturing through maintenance design of the new offerings
as an integrated solution for
maintenance to more
sustainable manufacturing
that includes innovative tools
or applications. They can serve
services the customers is also a key
aspect, thus, this PhD research
operations and a proposal
of a framework to map this
as guidelines to understand
the type of technologies to be
contributes to support servitized contribution. Implications for included in the service offerings
Maria Holgado Granados - Tutor: Marco Garetti - Supervisor: Marco Macchi manufacturers on product- users / owners of manufacturing in order to improve their
service configurations. equipment are manifold as the pursued value dimensions.
All in all, the purpose of the findings inform on concrete Chapter 7 explains the rationale 467
Due to the increasing demands equipment manufacturers to as main research themes. PhD research is to advance the contributions of maintenance for the proposal of the value-


for integrating sustainability their industrial clients and they Considering the potential integration of sustainability to product competitiveness, driven design methodology for
within business, manufacturing can be provided throughout variation of servitization aspects into manufacturing operations innovation and quality, delivery performance-based maintenance
firms are paying more attention the whole equipment life in different industries and through maintenance service punctuality, operational cost services and describes its steps
to improve their performance cycle. Furthermore, a service- application areas, this research provision. This have been reduction, manufacturing in detail. It has been tested in
in terms of economic, orientation in manufacturing investigates different customers pursued by contributing flexibility and process innovation. an industrial context through
environmental and social has been suggested as one of contextual situations and to the understanding of Moreover, the findings indicate a case study that is described
criteria. In this context, the role the possible strategies towards requirements. Thus, it considers industrial maintenance from that maintenance contributes and analysed in Chapter 8. This
of maintenance is changing sustainable manufacturing. different manufacturing sectors a sustainability perspective in to more sustainable operations methodology supports servitized
and, in fact, maintenance is This PhD research investigates and geographical aspects within manufacturing plants and by by enhancing economic, manufacturers to identify
perceived as a key business on how industrial maintenance the research as the customers looking for a systematic method environmental and social different solution alternatives
function for achieving longer can be an enabler of more of the services under concern to incorporate sustainable value performance along equipment adapted to their concrete
equipment lifecycles and more sustainable manufacturing are the industrial users of into new service offerings from a life cycle as well as at different customers contexts. It has been
sustainable performances within operations through its role in the manufacturing equipment. service provider perspective. stages of the manufacturing observed that the methodology
manufacturing companies. An provision of industrial services. Customer value has to be This PhD thesis is organised as processes. itself brings also benefits to the
enlarged role of maintenance It focuses on the particular understood as the value follows. Chapter 5 concerns the industrial user as an analysis and
function is envisioned to case of maintenance services obtained by the industrial Chapter 1 introduces the investigation of value creation prioritisation of their equipment
contribute towards the in the Business-to-Business user from the acquisition of background, the motivation within maintenance function according to their desired
integration of sustainability market, where the service maintenance-related services. as well as the overall problem in manufacturing and aims operational values.
in manufacturing by keeping providers are either Original In this sense, there is an addressed in this research. at providing a tool for Chapter 9 summarizes the
the equipment performing Equipment Manufacturers important contribution of this Chapter 2 describes the understanding the logic behind results of this research by
the required functions while or Maintenance Service PhD research regarding the research design. It introduces different choices in maintenance identifying its main contributions
minimizing material and energy Providers and the customers understanding of value-in-use, in the main objective and the function. In this sense, the to knowledge and indicating its
consumption. are the industrial users of the particular case of customers research questions that have concept of Maintenance implications for practitioners.
Manufacturing is also manufacturing equipment that of maintenance-related services. led the thesis project towards Business Model (MBM) is The methods proposed in this
experiencing another emerging acquire those services. Particular Special consideration is made its achievement as well as the introduced and framed within PhD thesis can support both
trend called servitization, which attention is given in this work to the creation of value-in- methodology followed during a proposal of a maintenance the service providers and the
is seen as a process of creating to new forms of maintenance use under the perspective of the different stages of the PhD management framework. The industrial users to integrate
value by adding services to services developed thanks to industrial sustainability, thus, research. chapter ends with a discussion sustainable value into their
products and implies a transition technological innovations, which encompassing economic, Chapter 3 presents first the and a conceptual example of service offerings and their
from product-centric offerings bring opportunities to enhance environmental and social criteria. main literature review done choices within the MBM inspired manufacturing operations,
to progressively increase the sustainable value within the The new offerings related to for this PhD research, followed by the findings of previous respectively. Eventually, the
content of services in the provided service. maintenance and support by a study on the current chapter 4. limitations of this research and
offerings. This involves the The transformation of services, developed under the practice regarding maintenance Chapter 6 studies the future lines for further research
adoption of a more customer equipment manufacturers servitization trend, need to be services focalized on the technological composition of are discussed.
centric approach, addressing towards servitized manufacturers understood as a means to offer Italian manufacturing industry. technology-based maintenance
concrete customer needs brings new challenges that are sustainable value to industrial Eventually, a short section services and proposes a value
with more tailored solutions being studying in literature. In users. In this regard, the study summarizes the main findings analysis method for assessing
instead of just products. These this regard, this PhD research of maintenance technologies and states the gaps found in how different tool categories
services are closely related focuses on three of the elements and the e-maintenance concept literature and between literature contribute to a set of predefined
to maintenance whenever of the transformational model is reflected on as technological and actual industrial practice. service value dimensions. Both
the solution is offered by customer, value, new offering innovations are a strategic Chapter 4 introduces the results are useful for servitized

INFOMOBILITY AND OPEN DATA: ARE THEY EASY research. privacy and security to this be a very interesting alternative

PhD Yearbook | 2015

First, the work answers to the information are potentially to OD. Indeed, when this
PARTNERS? high level of fragmentation and
heterogeneity that characterize
determinant elements of the
quality of Infomobility initiatives.
solution is implemented, data
holders, who are increasingly
the research in the Infomobility Third, the analyses of the real aware of the marketing and
literature and provides a useful potentials of OD in supporting travellers satisfaction advantages
support to policy makers the achievement of the of providing the public with a
Silvia Malpezzi - Supervisor: Prof. Giovanni Azzone in designing more effective Infomobility goals provides an great amount of information,
strategies and interventions on innovative contribution to the are more inclined to share real
the mobility system. Indeed, it academic literature and some time information services. 469
This work focuses on the at supporting the transport Infomobility. Up until now, not only clarifies and outlines insights to support the decision This work, dealing with the


theme of Infomobility - i.e. network planning and control, studies on OD have analyzed the Infomobility theme, but it of adopting the OD. Enabling a great complexity characterizing
the use of ICTs in the field of and at assisting travelers before projects not specifically related also identifies the most critical free circulation of data for the Infomobility, opens up several
transport systems for supporting and along the trip, OD aims at to this sector. Some authors elements of an Infomobility use, re-use and re-distribution new research questions that
transportation management enabling a more transparent just mention transportation as system. The analysis reveals the of them, OD entails a high level could be further explored.
and providing new travel evaluation of the operators one of the possible application existence of overlapping areas, of information accessibility Particularly, it could be deepened
information services, with the activity, at increasing the quality fields of OD. Moreover, it is still reciprocal influences and blurred and, in turn, a higher control the need of leveraging on
final aim of increasing the of data for supporting decision not clear how the potentials boundaries characterizing and improvement of the real-time and multi-modal
sustainability levels of mobility making of all the information of OD can be realized at local different application fields. intrinsic quality of the transport information services for really
systems. Infomobility is a users, and at subsidizing the level through specific projects These circumstances highlight information, a more effective fitting the travellers needs, and
global phenomenon that has development of new information in the Infomobility sector. the potentials of properly transport system management different types and levels of data
attracted the attentions of policy services. Two research instruments have defining the link between and the creation of new integration could be investigated
makers and operators from With the aim of investigating the been employed in order to different services and of information services that better in terms of mechanisms that
different sectors (transportation, impact of the OD in exploiting support different phases of this integrating data useful for fit the travelers needs. However, enable them for increasing
automotive, etc.). The relevance the Infomobility potentials, this research. A literature review different purposes in order to the research further confirms the three dimensions of the
of this theme has been work addresses the following on Infomobility, Transport avoid possible redundancies. To how the main criticality within Infomobility Quality.
recognized also by the academic goals: Information Quality and this aim, this research suggests the Infomobility sector is the
world. Researchers have argued Providing an overarching Information Quality literature. the convenience of making reluctance of the Infomobility
that a greater information to Infomobility definition and Two case studies: the former easier and more effective the actors in sharing information
users and managers of mobility identifying the key elements with the aim of providing a coordination among different to each other, a problem that is
systems has an important role in outlining these systems in order broad picture the Infomobility actors operating along the value much emphasized when OD is
reducing the traffic congestion to clarify the meaning of this value as possible answer to chain. However, it could be adopted. An institutional context
levels and travel times, and term that has been still blurred mobility problems and a basis on very challenging because of the characterized by a high level
in improving travel safety. in both the academics and which articulating the definition coexistence of public and private of commitment and decision
Nevertheless, at present, the practitioners environments. and framework of Infomobility. subjects diverging in terms of power of transport authorities
effectiveness of Infomobility Identifying the critical elements The second one consisting in sets of values, management and operators much determines
systems is still questioned. that determine the Infomobility a cross-case analysis of two approaches and decision-making an answer to this issue. Then,
An interesting trend that Quality, in terms of capability different Infomobility systems criteria. technological standards and
is emerging to address this of achieving the Infomobility where an Open Data approach Second, it addresses the shared data formats are also
problem, but that has not been goals. Even though it is often is adopted. They are in two unexplored theme of the required to enable the data
deeply investigated by academics emphasized the dissatisfaction cities, Amsterdam and Milan, Infomobility Quality assessment. and information flow along the
until now, is the Open Data (OD) for the present Infomobility embedded in the European The Infomobility Quality Infomobility value chain.
approach. exploitation and the need for institutional context where framework aims at supporting This research shows how
OD is a very topical information improving their effectiveness, more and more countries are practitioners in the Infomobility Interoperability initiatives,
management approach that the assessment of the emphasizing transparency and system design and analysis. implying the adoption of
requires the free circulation of Infomobility Systems capability openness of Governments The research suggests that technological standards and
information for the use, re-use to provide mobility managers activities by making public not only the intrinsic quality information sharing rules,
and re-distribution of it by and travelers with the information more easily of the transport information, but also allowing information
the public. The OD approach information that they need is a accessible and available for but also the fitness of the providers handling data and
seems to be much suitable theme still unexplored. re-use. information contents with the information services and
for the Infomobility sector. Investigating the potential Hereafter we discuss the main users requirements and the maintaining the total control
Indeed, where Infomobility aims contribution of the OD for results achieved through this characteristics of accessibility, and ownership on them, could

Enterprise Risk Management in listed firms:

PhD Yearbook | 2015

state of the art and the relationship with
shareholder value
Barbara Monda - Supervisor: Prof. Marco Giorgino

Risk, uncertainty and component for firms success reduced, thus firm value should results are not unique. Moreover, adoption, its determinants, firm that ERM creates value. Firms


unpredictability deeply and growth since it adopts increase. Another hypothetic the existing studies show some market value and share price with better ERM systems in
characterize human experience. a more strategic, integrated benefit of ERM is the creation limitations, the most important volatility, controlling for size, place, all else constant, are
The ability to assume and and proactive perspective that of synergies between different of them being the fact that they industry and profitability. The valued higher than firms with
manage risks is particularly enables companies to increase risk management activities: by are based on the CRO hiring as main question being answered is less mature implementations.
relevant in entrepreneurial firm value not only by protecting integrating risks across classes a signal of ERM adoption but do if, and to which extent, investing Additionally, the share price of
context and is a fundamental against negative events but also and departments, firms are not further investigate different in a good ERM system firms with mature ERM systems
component of managerial by exploiting opportunities. supposed to be able to avoid levels of ERM implementation creates value for listed firms. is less volatile than poorer
responsibilities. In the past, risk Unlike traditional risk duplication of expenditures (e.g. among firms. The methodology employed is adopters.
management activity followed management, where individual insurance) by exploiting natural Developing a maturity model Structural Equation Modelling, As discussed in the conclusions
a silo-based perspective, with risk categories are managed hedges. for ERM is challenging because thus solving the endogeneity of paper 3, the empirical results
independent, fragmentized from a silo-based perspective, After an introductory it requires finding a quantitative problem that plagues many are obtained for a sample of
units focused on specific aspects ERM involves a holistic view chapter, the first paper of this measure for something that is previous works. Employing large listed firms, but in principle
of risk, such as financial or of risks allowing taking into dissertation, organized as a qualitative in nature, and for ERMi, a continuous variable, can be extended to all listed
insurable risks. account correlations across all collection of three papers, the lack of previous literature. also allows overcoming another firms, given that they reflect the
In the XXI century, however, risk classes. identifies the theoretical For these reasons, in the second limit of most previous works, the preferences of investors in the
managers must be capable to This thesis deals with Enterprise rationales for corporate risk paper a Delphi procedure has use of a binary variable for ERM stock markets and the nature of
navigate in an always riskier and Risk Management in listed management, identifying been used to reach consensus adoption, classifying firms as investors does not change with
dramatically rapidly changing firms and aims at investigating the conditions under which in a panel of international adopters or non-adopters, thus the size of firms.
world. Financial crisis, huge the effects of ERM adoption firms benefit from investing experts on all the parameters failing to consider the level of Concluding, this thesis provides
accounting frauds, terrorism on firms value and financial in risk management activities and scores composing an index implementation of ERM, while a thorough overview of the topic
attacks, natural disasters, performances. and highlighting the to measure ERM maturity, which it has to be noted that ERM of Enterprise Risk Management,
increase in competition, new The main hypothesis underlying managerial implications of the has been named Enterprise Risk implementation is certainly not a the motivation for firms to
emerging business models, this work is that firms benefit interdependencies of the effects Management index (ERMi). mere on/off status. implement ERM, the expected
technological evolution and from the implementation of of different risk management ERMi is a maturity model in Overall, this dissertation benefits, the real benefits for
increased shareholders and advanced and integrated risk strategies. the form of a questionnaire contributes to further shareholders. Although the
stakeholders attention towards management systems in terms Despite the theoretical with closed-end questions, clarifying the rationales and empirical analysis investigates
companies activities challenged of shareholder value and motivations, if and to which which gather information on the best practices for ERM the matter in the largest
traditional risk management stability of share prices, and such extent ERM creates value is yet 22 relevant ERM parameters; implementation and verify firms listed on the main stock
models, highlighting the benefits increase as the degree to be proven. In fact, although the value of ERMi is a them empirically; it also exchanges, some of the results
necessity of new approaches of implementation of ERM the theoretical rationales for linear combination of the 22 provides statistically significant can be extended to all listed
suitable to manage this kind of increases. RM/ERM date back to some parameters and is measured on results about the effects of firms.
complexity. According to CoSO, ERM is decades ago, empirical studies a 0-100 scale. Data to compute Enterprise Risk Management, This work makes clear the
In the recent years, Enterprise intended to promote awareness of ERM are still scarce. Academic ERMi can be provided by firms demonstrating the high importance of ERM for firms
Risk Management (ERM) of the sources of risks and research in this area is still or collected by analysing publicly correlation between ERM and gives an insight into the
has emerged as a new risk address them by improving limited, also because of the available corporate documents implementation and firms characteristics of firms that,
management approach aimed strategic and operational difficulty in developing a robust of listed firms. market value, and the high in principle, should gain the
at managing the portfolio of decision-making. As a result measure for the quality of ERM Using this purposely-built correlation between ERM maximum benefits from ERM
risks that faces an organization of improved efficiency, firm systems adopted by firms. Most measure, in the third paper an implementation and stability of adoption.
in an integrated, enterprise- performance should increase, of the available studies provide empirical analysis is conducted share prices.
wide manner. It is increasingly volatility should decrease support for the hypothesis that to investigate the complex In other words, the empirical
considered an essential and cost of capital should be ERM improves firm value, but relationships among ERM results confirm the hypothesis

Entrepreneurship and innovation dynamics

PhD Yearbook | 2015

in support of sustainable development

Boris Mrkajic - Ph.D. supervisors: Paola Garrone and Luca Grilli

Sustainable development has development of environmentally and entrepreneurial team to be, in average, influenced provoking results. Based on


emerged as an influential, sustainable products, processes formation, which is valuable by pressures stemming from these, implications for policy
although controversial, concept and services. This thesis for proper design of policies different stakeholders, mainly interventions and managers
for both business and policy, revolves around the two topics, targeting this sector. Cleantech regulatory actors. The third of both small and large
and there is rising recognition Cleantech as a recently defined is found to require technically part of the study combines corporations are drawn.
that a major transformation is independent industrial sector highly skilled entrepreneurs, country- and firm-level analysis, In summary, comprised of
needed to reduce detrimental and environmental innovation but at the same time, still fairly and considers the institutional analyses on individual-, firm-,
environmental and societal as a conduct for advancing commercially experienced characteristics of the business industry- and country-level, this
impacts created by our presently detrimental practices. and economically competent context within which firms need thesis enlightens different parts
unsustainable practices. Striving The first research output is individuals. Furthermore, to operate. I attempt to show of the innovation dynamics that
for the development that focused on the Cleantech data reveals that individuals how energy-efficient innovation fosters sustainable development.
would meet the economic, sector, which has emerged are more prone to team up activities are contingent on Several theoretical lenses were
environmental and social needs based on the disruptive, radical with cofounders possessing these characteristics, and how adopted to study different
of the society is the ultimate technological change. According complementary know-how this relationship is moderated topics, from competence-
motivation of the thesis, with to the Schumpeterian line of when they are starting a new by firm size. In other words, the based, induced innovation,
the focus on the environmental reasoning, the most appropriate business venture in Cleantech. focus is put on how small- and stakeholder to institutional
dimension. A group of activities actors for fostering this change The second and third parts of medium-sized firms (SMEs) theory. Analyses were performed
that are contributing to the are entrepreneurs, as they are the thesis investigate a subset of are reacting differently to the by means of different statistical
environmental goals are typically more flexible and agile to adjust environmental innovation that institutional context with respect and econometric technics. By
marked as environmental to newly created requirements. is responsible for improvement to large firms. Institutional deploying this multidimensional
innovation. Environmental Thus, I try to improve knowledge of resource efficiency, and more theory is cross-bread with the and heterogeneous approach
innovation activities refer to on antecedents and initiators particularly, energy efficiency. theoretical discourse on energy- to the study of sustainable
development of innovative of the technological change I first study determinants of efficiency to create an anchor development issues, the thesis
products and processes that in this domain, by studying energy-efficient innovation, by for the theoretical framework. supplements the academic
reduce (negative) environmental human capital of entrepreneurial enlarging currently established The developed hypotheses literature on the topic and
impacts. They are considered ventures active in the Cleantech induced innovation view. I are tested in a cross-country supplies entrepreneurship and
to be highly risky, as they sector. In particular, I investigate contend that environmental setting, and the obtained environmental policy makers and
require abundant financial how patterns of founding team externalities of energy (in) results are in support of the managers with sound empirical
investments, while the returns human capital differ for this efficient practices, which are main set of hypotheses that findings.
are typically collected in the specific sector, that is, what (negatively) impacting the institutional characteristics foster
long term. Hence, this type kind of founders human capital society and its sustainable energy-efficient innovation.
of innovation represents an is present in Cleantech start- development, create a feedback Moreover, different institutional
extremely interesting case ups, and how it is combined loop that acts as an additional dimensions are found to be
for research. Furthermore, within the teams. This might driver (next to market-based working differently depending
the technologies that have be crucial in new ventures, as incentives) for introducing on the firm size. Compared to
emerged from environmental human capital is argued to be energy-efficient innovation. large firms, SMEs emerged to
innovation activities are gathered a relevant determinant of their Stakeholder theory, a stream be more sensitive to regulatory
under an umbrella term clean success and innovativeness. of literature well established in rather than economic and social
technologies. Even a completely Empirical results yield that strategic management, supports institutional characteristics.
new high-tech industrial sector Cleantech sector does demand the proposition. Moreover, based Several interpretations are
has emerged, named Cleantech, peculiar requirements in terms of on the industry-level empirical offered for these somewhat
which is encompassing business opportunity recognition analysis, firms are indeed found controversial and thought-

Sustainability Strategies in Manufacturing

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Enterprises definition, typology and
determinants for long-term success
Stojan David Opresnik - Tutor and supervisor: Prof. Marco Taisch

The manufacturing sector practices (Schrettle, Hinz, of Sustainability Operations relations with specific business achieve long-term operational of the business logic of


contributes up to 22% of Scherrer -Rathje, & Friedli, 2013). Strategies used by large global and manufacturing strategies success through Sustainability sustainability. Finally, the
Europes GDP, while 70% of jobs There is a lack of frameworks for manufacturing enterprises. The and environmental impacts. Operations Strategies. However industrial gap of the challenge
in Europe depend, either directly both practitioners and scholars typology was populated with For example, the Product- multiple barriers and drivers of operationalization of
or indirectly, on manufacturing. to develop insights into the 200 sustainability activities Design Strategy is the one have been identified that sustainability has been bridged
Regardless of its significance, development of sustainable identified through a review of most widely used to support can affect such an outcome. in part by providing a procedure
it is faced today with multiple business in manufacturing industrial practices. The second a business growth strategy These include the availability for planning Sustainability
transformations. The demand (Gunasekaran & Spalanzani, objective was to develop a through differentiation while of competences and resource Operations Strategies in
for environmentally friendly 2012a), underlining the need procedure for analysing and supporting product quality for such strategies, the level of manufacturing.
products is increasing, the for more studies that develop or assessing the implemented or (expressed as performance) integration of sustainability into
technologies supporting their test theories to help understand planned Sustainability Strategies, as the main priority of a long-term planning, the degree
production and functioning are sustainable operations relying on strategic management manufacturing strategy, and of common understanding of
maturing, while environment management (Professor Helen and the concept of strategic where the environmental sustainability throughout
related policies are becoming Walker, 2014). The aim of fit. Based on the knowledge impact arises mostly during the enterprises functions and
more severe, causing the this thesis is to broaden the acquired from the typology, the products middle of life, the capability to capture and
conversion of some of the understanding in research of seven interviews with experts thus reducing its resource communicate the benefits of
traditional bases for competitive environmental sustainability and from 23 light-case studies consumption. The second set sustainability. Thus, through
advantage into mere market as an operations strategy and, (i.e. interview and material of results demonstrates that the proposition of a definition
necessities. In order to avoid on the other hand, to help analysis from secondary sources), the decision support tool (i.e. of Sustainability Operations
commoditization and to managers exploit it to sustain the following third and fourth procedure) for the planning Strategy and its dedicated
enjoy sustainable growth, and increase their long-term objectives were achieved. The of Sustainability Operations procedure and methodological
manufacturers must learn competitive advantage. The third objective was to scrutinize Strategies enables the creation tool to research sustainability in
how to exploit these changes. first objective, therefore, the possibility of achieving of a link between business and operations management, the
Environmental sustainability was to develop a decision long-term operational success environment. For instance, research partially contributes
is recognized as being able support tool (i.e. procedure) through the use of Sustainability operations managers can to bridging the gap of lack of
to increase the long-term for planning Sustainability Operations Strategies. The identify the environmental understanding of sustainability
competitive advantage of Operations Strategies. fourth objective was to propose impact that supports the in operations management. The
manufacturing enterprises. A dedicated procedure a definition of Sustainability capability to reduce a products results have also contributed
However, creating a business linking business strategies, Operations Strategies, to be price, as a priority of the to bridging the theoretical gap
case from sustainability manufacturing strategies, applied to an in-depth case manufacturing strategy; in of the lack of understanding
(Salzmann, Ionescu-somers, & sustainability strategies and study. As part of the set of this case the most pervasive as to why and under which
Steger, 2005) thus planning environmental impact has been results of the first objective, impact is the reduction of input, circumstances enterprises adopt
(Berns et al., 2009) and designed. However, in order to eleven types of Sustainability moreover of energy usage. sustainability practices through
incorporating (Cruz, Pedrozo, & operationalize it, a knowledge Operations Strategies used by The procedure in question was which they can realise their
Estivalete, 2006) sustainability base containing the information the manufacturing industry applied to three in-depth case competitive advantage. By
based operations and strategies required to link business were identified based on the studies, resulting in proposals creating a link between business
still too often constitutes a and environment had to be populated typology. The three for business development based (business and manufacturing
conundrum for managers. Also developed. For this purpose, a most pervasive strategies were on Sustainability Operations strategy) and environmental
it is still unclear under what typology, as a methodological in Product Design, Organization Strategies. The third result sustainability, the contribution
circumstances competitive tool, was developed that could and Manufacturing. Each identified that, using the to industry is to partially fill a
advantage can be realized by enable the identification, strategy type was described procedure in question, it should fundamental gap
the adoption of sustainability classification and description through the identification of its be theoretically possible to the lack of understanding

CREATING PUBLIC VALUE THROUGH PROCUREMENT: More, from an academic procurement field is just as of resources, history of the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

perspective, it is only recently evident outside academia. In institution), thus making the
political and policy arenas public
procurement is now linked
solution of this dilemma almost
impossible. On the contrary, a
PROCUREMENT PERFORMANCE Writing over a decade ago to concerns over economic significant contribution could
have been introduced by
drew attention to the academic growth, social inclusion, and
neglect of public procurement; environmental sustainability. In developing a comprehensive
Andrea Stefano Patrucco - Thesis Advisor: Professor Stefano Ronchi in spite of its centrality to public particular, pressures on public research framework for public
service delivery and its long finances since the 2007 global procurement, being the
history in public administration, financial crisis have forced a underlying questions: 477
Public administration tool to achieve socioeconomic of repeated relationships public procurement resided on reappraisal of the role of public


procurement is the process goals. Efficient and effective with potential suppliers and the periphery of management procurement, with some arguing Which are the elements
that starts with a survey and procurement is thus necessary the effects of procurement science. that it should be leveraged for that should be considered
analysis of public demand for public sector, in order choices on an industry or a In the years since much has domestic economic growth when designing the public
and needs and continues to make a rational use of district dynamic could have happened to redress this and job creation. Whatever procurement system?
until the stipulation and the resources and social spending. very undesirable consequences imbalance so that public perspective one takes, it is
subsequent monitoring of the Procurement design directly and for a large buyer, in terms of procurement has moved closer clear that the profile of public How an efficient and effective
contract, through the best substantially affects countries both price and quality. This to the mainstream. Its research procurement is greater than at management of procurement
possible supply practice. It has performance in the short and in dynamic distinguishing feature remit continues to expand any time previously. in the public sector can be
become a very complex function the long run: in the short run, of procurement also greatly as scholars of management, The perspective adopted in promoted?
of government, handling a most obviously by immediately enlarges the role for reputational public administration, finance, facing the challenges described
great proportion of public determining the costs and forces. law, supply chain and logistics above isnt the one aim to In order to answer these
expenditures, representing a very quality of inputs in the public Unfortunately, there is not a management, mathematics, and give Public Procurement a questions, the research project
large fraction of total economic supply chains; in the long run, one-size-fits-all measure for information technology apply finally strategic and pervasive has been designed around five
activity. most importantly by determining effective procurement design: themselves to the study of public role for institutions; general papers, all with the aim to shed
Public procurement is continuing suppliers incentives to invest in the variety and complexity of procurement. In turn, this has lessons got from both theory more light on the characteristics
to evolve both conceptually and R&D and to innovate in general. situations in which procurement opened up promising lines of and practice show that this of the Public Procurement
organizationally. That evolution The topic is not so easy to be decisions are made means inquiry on topics as diverse as evolution strictly depend on system, assuming different
accelerated during the 1990s as addressed, as it can be designed that appropriate purchasing eprocurement, small suppliers, different and often out-of- perspective. The positioning
governments at all levels came as a complex system consisting procedures must take into and buyer professionalization. control aspects (i.e. regulation, of the individual papers is
under increasing pressures to of: account many aspects, and be The progression of the public government impact, amount presented in the Table 1.
do more with less. Indeed, all Laws and regulations; tailored to each single situation.
governmental entities of rich and Organizational structure; Nevertheless, some key forces
poor countries are struggling Skills and characteristics of driving effective procurement
in the face of unrelenting procurement workforce; design are common to most Research
Paper Viewpoint
budget constraints; government Processes; procurement decisions, and method
downsizing; public demand Tools and techniques. it is on these kinds of driving A systematic literature review on Modeling of public procurement characteristics
Literature review, data
for increased transparency in Procurement design and forces that this handbook is Public Procurement: past trend, future by analyzing scholars contributions in top
focusing, providing a toolkit developments academic journals
public procurement; and greater management is a complex issue
concerns about efficiency, though, as contractual problems for how to take them into Research perspective on Public
Modeling of public procurement characteristics
Procurement: content analysis of 13 years Literature review, data
fairness and equity. Additionally, directly interact with competitive account in different situations. by analyzing scholars and practitioners
of publications in the Journal of Public analysis
public procurement professionals screening and risk management Strategic procurement decisions contributions in Journal of Public Procurement
have faced a constantly problems. Moreover, require rational and competent Theoretical and empirical exploration Analysis of the concept of public procurement
changing environment procurement is most often a decision makers, especially Literature review, case
of Public Procurement strategy: is there a strategy by comparing scholars contribution
study (interviews)
typified by rapidly emerging dynamic, repeated activity, with when procuring innovative deficit? and professionals perspective
technologies, increasing short-term objectives often goods or services. The need for Evaluating the effectiveness of Evaluation of the structure of public Secondary source
product choice, environment conflicting with long-term ones. competence obviously relates Procurement Performance Measurement procurement PMS by document analysis and analysis, Case study
Systems in Local Governments professionals perspective (interviews),
concerns, and the complexities Strategic procurement decisions to the specific ability to gauge
of international and regional must be taken with a focus market developments, but Local Government Procurement: aligning Analysis of Procurement Department
procurement organization with desired organizational design choice from Case study (interviews)
trading agreements. Further, on the future dynamics of the cannot leave aside more general performance professionals perspective
policy makers have increasingly demandsupply relationship. skills that have to do with legal
used public procurement as a Neglecting the importance and, particularly, strategic issues. Table 1: Overview of the papers included in the thesis

A Guideline towards Designing Serious

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Games in Manufacturing Education

Borzoo Pourabdollaahian - Supervisor: Prof. Marco Taisch

Nowadays, manufacturing contribution to manufacturing different topics related to effectiveness of serious games


education is struggling with education systems is required manufacturing, namely Shortfall in manufacturing, and exploring
challenges that it has not faced in the process of game design for sustainability in supply attributes of serious games in
before. Moreover; preparing in order to make sure that the chain, LCA game for lifecycle manufacturing are the main
fresh generation of engineering created game is able to satisfy its assessment, Logistics game contributions to the knowledge
graduates qualified to cope with users requirements. However, for logistics and operation extension. On the other hand,
pacing changes and unexpected their contribution sometimes management, and SBCE game this thesis has developed a
situations in manufacturing does not only strengthen the for product development. practical tool which supports
environments as well as lack of game design process, but it Once the assessment studies designers, mainly manufacturing
interest among young talents also disturbs the whole process. are completed, exploratory education systems, to design
to enrol in manufacturing Since people in manufacturing studies are done to identify effective serious games in
engineering programs force education systems are mostly those attributes which make manufacturing education.
manufacturing education to unaware about the game design the games an effective learning
come out with new learning process; therefore, they require method in manufacturing
methods to deal with the current to be supported in terms of how education. As a result, 13
situation. In this regard, serious to make an efficient integration attributes have been explored,
game has been welcomed as between learning contents with and classified regarding their
a promising learning method. components of the game, so functions within the games.
Providing learning contents that the target learning values Thereafter, the research has
blurred in a series of engaging are easily transferred to players focused on developing the
activities, which take place in a mind. guideline on considering
simulated environment presents This thesis aims to bridge the results obtained from
a serious game as a unique the mentioned gap through experimental studies. In order
solution. developing a guideline which to establish the quality of the
Although the application of supports manufacturing guideline, it develops with
serious games in manufacturing education systems in order to considering those steps to be
education has been growing come out with clear ideas and completed for developing any
in recent years, there is little constructive solutions while guideline on a general level.
evidence of their effectiveness being involved in serious game The guideline contains 11
in terms of making progress design processes. To this end, recommendations classified
in achieving different types of initially it is required to evaluate in two classes, where each
learning outcomes what the the effectiveness of the existing one presents a specific level of
game is targeted for. Therefore, serious games in manufacturing confidence in application of
it becomes a challenge to education. To this purpose, four recommendations aggregated
optimize the effectiveness of experimental studies have been to that.
serious games when its users conducted to assess the impact This thesis has made an original
in manufacturing education of four different serious games contribution to both knowledge
centres are unaware of how and on improving Cognitive and and practice. For the earlier,
to what extent a serious game Affective learning outcomes presenting a holistic picture
could improve the achievement achievement according to of status of serious games
of desire learning outcomes. To the latest revision of Bloom in manufacturing education,
address the problem, making a taxonomy. These games point providing empirical evidence for

From Best Practices to Archetypes:

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Drawing the Path of Innovation

Monica Rossi - Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Sergio Terzi

Motivation: In product objective is to look for patterns research is to uncover patterns


development, some practices in the use of PD best practices; behind the use of PD best
(tools, methods, techniques) this means looking for very practices, literature suggests
are recognized to bring more typical examples of certain the theory-building approach as
1. The Archetypes, Inductive Approach 2. The Archetypes, Deductive Approach
beneficial results than other combination of PD practices proper research methodology.
procedures and are defined best adopted by companies, named The building of theory occurs in
practices. Both in literature and archetypes. Archetypes serve two major stages, the descriptive different dynamics played 3. Proposing that it is not true the mentioned PD best practices
industry, there is a challenging as interpretative schemas of and the normative phase. Since by the companies and give that one-size fits all since can be implemented, not even
research of those kinds of complex phenomena and the purpose of my research is an additional and unusual different companies use really how a company can switch from
practices and many efforts have allow better understanding of to develop a descriptive theory, perspective. The archetypes different PD best practices in an archetype to another. This
already identified a conspicuous management and organizational it deals with the first of these (Mister Fantastic, The Thing, their PD processes; is about change management
number of practices able to lead systems. two steps. The descriptive Invisible Woman, Torchman) 4. Introduce two different sets of and it is out of the scope of this
companies toward successful Structure and Method: theory methodology has been (see Fig. 2) provide insights on 4 archetypes each. research, which however opens
results. This research is structured in accomplished through literature elements such as sustainability, Practical implications: the door to further research in
However some issues are still 6 chapters. This first chapter review and an Exploratory efficiency, multifunctionality, This research has important that direction.
open. First it is not always clear introduces the area of Research, conducted with a collaboration, advanced managerial implication for
if practitioners are aware of the investigation together with the semi-structured questionnaire engineering, which usually industry:
meaning of PD best practices. motivation of the research and used to face-to-face interview are not used as categories to 1. Create awareness on the
Second, it is not known the the expected contributions. 103 companies in Italy. Cluster frame PD best practices. This meaning of best practices;
level of diffusion of those best Chapter 2 details the research analysis on the collected data second approach represents 2. Provide a benchmarking
practices within industries. Also objectives through the led to the identification of the a different point of view and and assessment tool based
there is an on-going discussion developed research questions. researched archetypes. The diverse angle from where to on the proposed PD best
on whether a unique overall The methodology followed to result is that the same variables look at the complex dynamic of practices framework, named
set of best practices is suitable answer these questions is also (107 PD best practices) can the use of practices in product CLIMB. It can be used as a
to every circumstance and described in this chapter. The be grouped in different ways development. benchmarking tool, which
industry (one size fits all), or literature review that serves as a (inductive, when basing on is recognized to stimulate
the use of PD best practices is support for the whole research is prevalent literature; deductive, companies motivation toward
context depended. Finally there described in chapter 3. The main when basing on collected data continuous improvement.
is a lack of research on whether focus is the state of the art in PD analysis) and both approaches Theoretical implications: 3. Give perceptions on which
some PD best practices are best practices, which provides generate four different This research contributes to the best practices a company
grouped together and required the basis for the development of archetypes: body of knowledge: could use, basing on the
simultaneously. These open a PD best practices framework, The inductive approach is 1. Improving and enlarge the particular archetypes it
issues motivated the rationale as described in chapter 4. aligned with the traditional PD current understanding belongs to;
of my research, which aims at The framework serves as a literature and the so obtained on PD best practices and 4. Identify gaps between
contributing to this on-going preparatory basis for the data four archetypes (Cognitive, proposes a PD best practices prescribed PD best practices
debate addressing the reasoning collection, as explained in this Digital, Planner, Methodical) framework; and really used practices.
whether each circumstance chapter. Chapter 5 describes the concern different companies 2. Providing knowledge about This research covers the
requires the use of a unique data analysis and the archetypes. behaviors in term of People, the current state of maturity identification of suitable PD best
overall set of PD best practices Finally, discussion, conclusions, Process, Tools and Knowledge and diffusion of PD best practices to be used, considering
or whether there are different and further researches are Management (see. Fig.1) practices within industries, the archetype a company
groups of PD best practices. delineated in Chapter 6. The second approach, driven through the empirical belongs to. The purpose here is
Therefore the main research Since the objective of this by data analysis, highlights research; not to give indications on how

International expansion, knowledge sourcing

PhD Yearbook | 2015

and technological upgrading. The experience
of multinational enterprises from emerging
countries in the last decade
Vittoria Giada Scalera - Thesis Advisors: Prof.ssa Lucia Piscitello (Politecnico di Milano)
Prof.ssa Roberta Rabellotti (Universit di Pavia)
The present research project is to build an understanding extent EMNEs undertake FDI we explore the extent to which


based on the awareness that of the knowledge creation to upgrade their technological the integration of emerging
in the recent years foreign and sourcing process that capabilities in order to reduce countries into the global system
direct investments (FDI) from boosts EMNEs technological their technological gap with of innovation represents a
emerging economies have upgrading, identified as one multinationals from advanced channel for their technological
significantly grown, from of the most powerful enablers markets. In the next two upgrading. Using patent data
$11 billion in 1990 to $454 of EMNEs ability to compete chapters, we empirically on the innovative activity in the
billion in 2013, representing internationally. analyze the internationalization Chinese pharmaceutical industry,
around the 32% of the world This work focuses on EMNEs strategies of EMNEs when they we analyze the geographic
stock today (UNCTAD, 2014). international expansion and their undertake knowledge-intensive dispersion of Chinese inventor
Although advanced economies strategies aimed at accessing acquisitions in advanced networks, as a function of the
still remain the main source of new knowledge and valuable markets. In particular, in Chapter characteristics of the innovative
outward FDI, emerging market technological competences 2 we study the relationship actors. Our findings point out
multinationals (EMNEs) have through collaborations with between EMNEs ownership the critical role that foreign
increasingly attracted attention foreign actors, i.e. firms, choices and the main motivation universities and research centers
since they have experienced universities and inventors. So of their international expansion. may play in the technological
an unusual internationalization the core research question we Our findings suggest that EMNEs upgrading process of emerging
path, often becoming global seek to address is: How do prefer to acquire less control countries.
players in relatively short time EMNEs behave during their and keep the local partner
(Awate et al. 2014; Ramamurti, technological upgrading process when they invest for seeking
2009). Consistent with the through international expansion knowledge, in order to more
springboard theory, EMNEs and external knowledge easily transfer competences from
outward FDI mainly acquisitions sourcing? the target company. In Chapter
toward advanced markets -are The thesis is a collection of four 3, we focus on the importance
triggered by pull factors, such papers, intended to analyze of EMNEs home-country specific
as brands, technology, design different but complementary characteristics on the ownership
competences, and managerial aspects of the abovementioned choice decisions, presenting a
expertise, in order to acquire research question. Specifically, comparative analysis of Chinese
strategic assets and resources in Chapter 1 we present a and Indian MNEs. We argue
to compete successfully in the critical review of the recent that China and India inherent
global market (Luo and Tung, literature about EMNEs and heterogeneity plays a crucial role
2007; Rui and Yip, 2008). the characteristics of their in differently shaping the MNEs
The foremost motivation of the FDI. Namely, we summarize ownership choice. As a result,
acquisition of strategic assets is and discuss some of the we find that Chinese MNEs are
the development of technical issues that have attracted less likely to acquire control in
and innovative capabilities. As a most scholarly debate in the the target company, compared
matter of fact, such capabilities international business domain, to Indian firms. Further, the
have been traditionally identified such as EMNEs country-and greater the institutional distance
as key determinants for firm-specific advantages, FDI between the home and the host
firms competitive advantage motivations and modes of country, the larger the difference
(Schumpeter, 1934). Thus, entry into foreign markets. between Chinese and Indian
within this context, it is crucial We also examine to what firms decision. In Chapter 4,

PUBLIC SERVICE NETWORK FORMATION: Then we investigated the four elements emerging from the against change, tend to aliment

PhD Yearbook | 2015

cases, by highlighting: the scant literature on this topic a sort of prejudice against
THE CASE OF CHRONIC CARE DELIVERY actors, goals and motivations;
the phases, activities and
and those emerging from an
accurate empirical research. We
practitioners. The case in object
partially debunk this myth
events characterizing the framed the process into four and shows that an accurate
four processes; the emerging sequential phases (activation, observation of the GPs practice
strengths and weaknesses. direction setting, structuring might have brought the policy
Federica Segato - Supervisor: Prof. Cristina Masella Last, we assessed the patients and service delivery). Also, leaders and controllers to
expectations and satisfaction we provide initial support to appraise some of the existing
about the service received. We the hypothesis that different system features instead of 485
Rationale - Networks have make the network proceed a PSN, from the first steps to discussed the differences in the network conceptualizations can forcing changes in behaviors


become the dominant towards its operationalization?; the actual enrollment of the processes, in terms of timing, be reconciled, as they look at and practice. For example, they
organizational structure for 3) Why do some diversities of patients in the service. Second, activation, turbulence and the the process of formation from might have first work to build
public services delivery, to the achievement exist (if they exist) while in regulated sectors effect of these issues on the different though complementary collaboration by bridging ties
point that they are now more in the pathway of the network as the healthcare one the process outcomes. viewpoints. with those agencies who already
the rule than the exception in formation? dynamics are generally driven Theoretical Implications - To Last, we observed that the four have a strong reputation in the
most public sectors, healthcare Methods and Sample - by external forces and changes assess the actors motivations, processes presented differences community, rather than trying
included. A lot has been written Qualitative methodologies are are imposed through legislations we took the actors external in terms of time to get things to establish new ties and roles.
about the antecedents affecting the most effective and suitable and top down decisions, this (i.e. driven by the external done, activation phase, and Accordingly, in the intent to
the actors participation, and to this study, since we aim experimentation was set through environment or coerced) turbulence of the process. We increase the effectiveness of
about governance-related at examining processes, and legislative arrangements, but the and internal (i.e. pertaining the observed that the differences collaboration for chronic care
issues. Few studies are instead the limited extant knowledge participation and commitment individuals sphere) motivations (especially turbulence) in the delivery, some authors suggest
dedicated to the processes about Public Service Network are up to the actors will. into account, with the aim to process do not necessarily structured methods to identify
through which the network (i.e. PSN) formation leaves Third, the project deeply consider both elements dealing compromise the efficiency and naturally occurring networks of
evolves, especially in the first field for an exploratory and modified the reimbursement with the actors voluntariness effectiveness of the service physicians working together.
stages (i.e. formation), which is inductive research approach. model, unhinging mechanisms and those related to institutional delivered. Last, the literature asserts that
how the actors integrate among More specifically, the research is which are consolidated and coercions. We found that in the Managerial/Practical public networks should be
themselves to make a service framed according to Eisenhardts strenuously safeguarded by networks here investigated each Implications Although orchestrated. We believe that
operational. Nevertheless, a (1989) process of theory building the practitioners. Last, the actor had different problems and mandated networks are less this should be done up to a
further comprehension of the from case study research. quest for concerted forms pursued diverse goals. Despite likely to be successful, it is a point. Our results in fact suggest
dynamic of service network The empirical inquiry is based of care delivery is generating this apparent divergence, the matter of fact that individuals that a negative relationship
formation is crucial, since the on four inter-organizational intense debates in the Italian network appears as a common or organizations cannot exists among the pressures
process of formation impacts networks for chronic care and international context. solution for their differentiated exert control over the levers exerted by external agents and
on the network structuring delivery in Italy, whose formation Providing insights on the project needs. which drive the changes in the effectiveness of the process
and functioning, and low was supported through a evolution at the network level is We provide initial clarifications public settings (e.g. resources, of formation. It emerges that,
functioning in the healthcare regional project. The project therefore expected to enrich the about why some agencies financing). Coherently, in more than over-specifying
specific case - means increased requires the coordination of knowledge and to contribute to participate more strongly than healthcare, public managers and structures and roles, greater
people disabilities, deaths and a panel of actors (General the international debates on this others: our results show that policy makers are required to attention should be paid upon
tremendous waste of resources. Practitioners, case managers, topic. networks formed by a collection activate the change and clear setting clear targets and let the
Objectives - The goal of this nurses, specialists, technology Findings The results are based of dyadic relationships pushed goals should drive them in this actors organize themselves to
research project is to shed providers), belonging to different on extensive interviews with by internal motivations are more action. reach them.
light on how a public service organizations (Hospitals, Local primary informants (more than likely to be collaborative and Once the network goals are
network becomes operational, Health Authorities, private 40 overall), on a survey (374 sustainable in the long run. clear, the pathway to reach them
that is to explain its coming Companies etc.), who should patients) and on secondary The main contribution to the should be shaped according
into being. More specifically, coordinate to provide a data sources (laws and decrees, literature about the process to the context. Taking the
the thesis aims at providing continuum of care to a selected newspaper articles and press of formation resides in the context into consideration
an answer to the following population of patients affected releases, conferences, public collection of the extant is demanding, especially in
research questions: 1) Why by chronic diseases. This case debates, social networks). We knowledge about inter- professionals settings, such as
do the actors (i.e. healthcare is relevant for several reasons. accurately assessed the process organizational network healthcare, where the concepts
professionals) accept to become First, its timing provided the of formation expected by the formation and lifecycle and in of professional dominance
part of the network?; 2) Which opportunity to investigate regional authorities when the definition of a framework and self-determination and
phases, activities and events the process of formation of they emanated the legislation. which keeps together both the the resistance of professionals

A model to support strategic configuration

PhD Yearbook | 2015

of global supply chain

Guang Song - Thesis Supervisor: Alessandro Perego, Riccardo Mangiaracina

Supply chain management chain configurations and the


has been studied in the value of each identified driver.
past decades, because it is a Five (5) contextual factors
powerful weapon in reducing and 12 significant drivers
the total supply chain costs, have been found through a
decreasing the operations risk, sequential quantitative analysis
and enhancing the service level. process based on correlation
However, HHoethere is not analysis, factor analysis, and
still a research focusing on the regression analysis. As a result,
design of strategic supply chain three decision matrixes for
configuration for the entire each supply chain stage have
supply chain system (i.e. the been built used to make the
strategic location alternatives decision on strategic supply
of sourcing, manufacturing, chain configuration. Finally,
and distribution on the global the reliability of the developed
or local scale). Therefore, this decision-making model has been
research aims to develop a examined based on additional
decision-making model in order 5 firms.
to support users in selecting Therefore, the decision-making
the appropriate strategic supply model has been proposed and
chain configuration or checking validated. A firm could adopt
the coherence of an existing the decision-making model,
supply chain configuration based consisted of the 12 significant
on the specific global supply drivers, data transformation
chain problem represented by a scales, and decision matrix
combination of the significant for each supply chain stage,
drivers affecting supply chain to design an optimal strategic
costs and customer service level. supply chain configuration
This research employed a based on a predefined 4-step
methodology integrating both sequential process.
qualitative and quantitative
approaches. Eight (8) strategic
supply chain configurations and
27 affecting drivers have been
identified on the basis of an
in-depth literature research on
124 papers published since 1982
to 2013. Forty (40) best-in-class
manufacturing companies have
been investigated in order to
collect the information about
their adopted strategic supply

Clean and Competitive Factories: a neuro-cybernetic reference Two archetypes show medium in mapping the is-situation of

PhD Yearbook | 2015

model was developed to aggressiveness, and are either a company, identify flaws and
A Neuro-Cybernetic Perspective overcome the identified
implementation gaps, to
performing well or worse
in one or the other change
challenging constructs and
virtually implement measures
on Sustainable Manufacturing Strategy foster manufacturing strategy
definition and implementation
management practices. The
theoretical implications were
to cope with those drawbacks.
Hence, the VCS is considered
and to support industrial embedded in the theory of as the first tool that truly
Bojan Stahl - Supervisor: Prof. Marco Giorgino decision-makers. The Viable performance frontiers. Second, supports manufacturing strategy
Competitive Model is based on the development of an ex-ante deployment in practice. This
cybernetic principles and has predictive reference model on thesis sets the starting point for 489
Manufacturing is the tip of explain or even support these to investigate and explain the the explanatory and diagnosing Viable Competitive Systems future research on sustainable


scales in the triangle of planet, processes is scarce. The aim development and deployment power to detail the actual that goes way beyond the manufacturing strategy. While
people and profit. Not only since of this thesis is to investigate process in detail. process of manufacturing traditional models presented in it contributed excessively to
the Brundtland Commission the organizational strategy strategy deployment. operations strategy and claims the advancement of the field,
the concept of sustainable definition, deployment and It was found that the to be the first model to truly it opened up new questions,
development has emerged capability building process. component people as entities The doctoral thesis provides explain the manufacturing directions and opportunities for
in manufacturing which Competitive advantage is in the of the system firm are several contributions to strategy deployment process. future research endeavors.
emphasizes on the opportunity center of firms success. Gaining underrepresented in operations science as well as practice. The model has strong theoretical Supervisor: Marco Taisch
to increase competitiveness, it over competitors by offering research and movements From the scientific perspective value since it is applicable to
business growth and success greater value to the customer towards behavioral operations it provides several minor instances regardless of size,
by pursuing environmental is the key for a prosperous management may be fruitful theoretical contributions location and focus. Furthermore,
soundness and social enterprise development and a to advance the field further. like the confirmation or it bridges in a first try the gap
responsibility. Incorporating warrantor to establish long-term Discussions and workshops falsification of other scholars between the resource- and
external drivers like poverty, and viable success. Sustainability with participants from industry, findings. However, two major market-based view of strategic
energy consumption or climate or the sustainability paradigm policy and academia revealed contributions stand out. First, competitiveness.
change, sustainability is seen is seen as a new and innovative that while market-based it is the development of four The relevance for practice is
as a way of creating new lever to establish competitive necessities triggered the need archetypes of companies with astonishing. With the support of
business opportunities. The key advantage. Firms being capable for sustainability, the key aspects differing degree of competitive the Viable Competitive System,
is to create a viable symbiosis of translating the concept of to fully embrace it and make it a aggressiveness and different firms have a tool which is not
of a sustainable product sustainable development into competitive weapon are internal values in the instances of only based on hard scientific
produced in a sustainable their strategic agenda and and organizational structure and leadership and direction as well facts and knowledge, but
manufacturing system supported transforming long-term plans resources. as planning. Here, performers which is applicable and truly
by a sustainable supply chain into concrete strategic initiatives Next, based on a case study are seen as comparably more useful in industrial context.
and delivered to sustainable are moving beyond their approach we investigated the aggressive in their behavior As shown in the industrial
customers. The sustainable competitors (Drake & Spinler competitive aggressiveness and perform relatively better application the model supports
paradigm will emerge as a 2013). Firms being not capable concerning sustainability in both change management
key strategy in designing, of integrating sustainability in competitive priorities in relation instances, while Sleepers show
managing and operating their corporate identity and to change management low aggression paired with low
products, operations and pulling it down the hierarchical practices. Evidence was found change management practices.
supply chains. Thinking and meshwork are falling back and that change management is
acting long-term, creating will grievously touch down. a conditional hypothesis for
competitive strategic positions Sustainability in manufacturing creating competitive advantage.
and outperforming competitors is the feather that breaks the We found different archetypes
on a set of performances balance. of firms according to the level
is the ultimate goal of the Developing and deploying of change management practice
strategy in every manufacturing sustainable manufacturing and sustainable competitive
enterprise. However, companies strategies is a fuzzy, risky and aggressiveness. Furthermore,
are struggling to transfer difficult task. Various sources two types of gaps are hindering
sustainability from the strategic report of the difficulty of firms the implementation of successful
agenda into the manufacturing to truly implement sustainability strategic initiatives.
function, and theoretical on their operations agenda. The
advancement to describe, aim of the underlying thesis was Lastly, based on the findings,

AUTOMATION IN WAREHOUSES: STUDY OF THE NEW The fourth paper focuses on in case of configurations using For multi-tier systems, results

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Compact Storage Systems with high racks. Conversely, for a indicate that there is no trade-off
developing accurate analytical
given storage capacity, the
fleet of vehicles represents
between expected throughput
time and the number of storage
OF DESIGN AND ASSESSMENT MODELS models based on the queuing
network approach to estimate
the bottleneck as the number
of storage tiers is reduced.
tiers in a multi-tier system with
a continuous elevator. However,
the performance measures Therefore, the maximum in case of discrete elevator,
Elena Tappia - Thesis supervisor: Prof. Marco Melacini for both single- and multi-tier throughput for an aisle does not the optimum number of tiers
systems. For single-tier systems, necessarily correspond to the depends on the shuttle type.
1. Premise with material handling providers response time and throughput it also investigates the optimal configuration with the maximum Finally, results show that the 491
Todays warehouses must be able and the gaps identified by capacity of AVS/R systems depth/width ratio considering rack height. adoption of generic shuttles


to respond both efficiently and an in-depth literature review, adopted for feeding the picking both specialised and generic In the third paper, results leads to a saving in expected
responsively to customer demand two innovative warehousing stations in parts-to-picker shuttles. For multi-tier systems, indicate that, differently from throughput time but the higher
with continuously changing solutions that are of interests systems. The paper proposes it analyses the relationship previous findings on the broader cost of generic shuttles is not
assortments and small order for companies given the list of an analytical model based on between performance and the context of logistics, a trade-off balanced by savings in reduced
sizes. In this context, companies their advantages and the lack of the queuing network approach. number of tiers considering both between the environmental and throughput time and equipment
often are interested in adopting design tools are: This approach is required for specialised and generic shuttles. economic perspectives does not needs.
automated warehousing 1. shuttle-based storage evaluating the impact of the Moreover, the paper investigates always exist in warehousing.
solutions to achieve greater systems with single deep waiting times for the devices the effective improvement in As the AVS/RS appears to 4. Further developments
operational efficiency and to racks (also denoted as AVS/ performing retrieval and storage load throughput time of generic perform better than the AS/ Three main potential extensions
cope with the todays challenge RSs) for feeding the picking cycles on the response time. shuttles, and examines how RS from an environmental to this research may be
so that they can maintain stations in parts-to-picker Validated through simulation, equipment needs and costs can perspective due to its lower identified. First, the analytical
competitiveness. However, systems. Compared to the the model presents a high be reduced. energy consumption per cycle, in models developed can be
companies does not always AS/R systems, this technology accuracy. contexts in which the AVS/RS is extended to explore other
have the right competences to brings the promise of low The second paper investigates 3. Results more economically suitable, it is system configurations and
evaluate all the technologies operational cost and inherent the main design trade-offs e.g. In the first paper, the system clearly the preferred system and design trade-offs that may be
proposed by material handling volume flexibility. It uses two large number of short aisles performance has been analysed there is no trade-off with respect of interest to the warehouse
providers, especially those that different devices for unit compared to small number of by considering different to the environment. Findings designers. Second, this research
are more recently introduced, load movements: vehicles long aisles for AVS/R systems, scenarios, defined by the also confirms that it is useful to starts to explore the flexibility of
and are therefore interested that provide the horizontal and proposes a comprehensive storage capacity values and incorporate the environmental the examined technologies by
in performance analysis and movements and lifts that framework for their optimal the retrieval demand level, dimension when comparing studying how the performance
design tools supporting the provide vertical movements. design i.e. rack configuration and different design profiles warehousing solutions as in changes varying the number
evaluation of such solutions. 2. shuttle-based storage systems that meet user requirements in in terms of number of storage some scenarios the technology of devices in the systems,
On the other hand, material with multiple deep racks (also terms of storage and throughput tiers, aisles and columns. Thanks selection shifts from one to the but further developments are
handling providers are always denoted as compact storage capacity at the minimum cost, to the analytical model, the other when considering not required. Specifically, it could
interested in such tools for systems using shuttles). In given the required service level impact of the rack configuration only the economic but also the be interesting to explore the
improving the performance such a system, the vertical and physical constraints . on creation of queues, and environmental impact. flexibility value by investigating
of the provided technologies. movements and the horizontal The third paper is also focused consequently on the cycle time In the fourth paper, the the behaviour of the system
Carried out in close cooperation movements within the storage on AVS/R systems and has and resource utilisation, is numerical results indicate cost curve varying the
with material handling providers, lanes are carried out by lifts the following objectives: (i) showed. that the depth/width ratio difference between the required
this research assesses the more moving unit loads across to include the environmental In the second paper, the minimising expected throughput performance in the design phase
recently introduced material- tiers and shuttles moving perspective in the selection evaluation of the AVS/RS cost time is around 1 independent and the effective requirements
handling solutions in terms of underneath the unit loads, of automated warehousing structure shows that, first, cost of the number of shuttles over time. Third, the technology
system performance, optimal respectively. Hence, this solutions and (ii) to investigate minimisation may be achieved and the transaction arrival selection problem can be
design, application areas, and solution pairs the flexibility of the trade-off between the by minimizing the number rate. Moreover, the expected further enriched by including
environmental sustainability shuttle-based systems with the environmental and economic of aisles, given the physical throughput time varying the the uncertainty associated with
aspects by developing analytical efficiency of compact storage. dimensions when selecting building constraints, and then number of shuttles allows some variables that are assumed
models. This dissertation is a collection warehousing technologies by maximising aisle length to understanding how the flexibility deterministic when making
of four papers focused on these i.e. to investigate whether the reduce the number of required of such systems i.e. changing the decision, in primis the
2. Research objectives and two technologies. selection of automated solutions vehicles. Simulation results the size of the fleet shuttle to required storage and throughput
methodology The first paper aims at analysing changes varying the considered illustrates how the lift tends to chase the throughput capacity capacity.
According to a tight relationship the dynamic performance i.e. dimensions . be the cause of the bottleneck required can be managed.

Manufacturing Through Servitization:

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Theoretical Model & Empirical Evidence

Manoosh Zebardast - Supervisor: Marco Taisch

Intense competition among management to monitor service


manufacturing, make contribution (e.g. service role
manufacturing to move into on customer retention). By
more innovative offers and considering manufacturer
shift into more profitable and environmental goals, in second
sustainable business. Since assessment model, the potential
1990, companies realize the economical advantages are
importance of moving into monitored (e.g. service resource
new system that offers mix of consumption per intervention).
products and services instead Lastly, sets of research
of only products so called as hypotheses based on theoretical
Product-Service System. This model are tested to create
trend in known as servitization grounding for future normative
in manufacturing and is theory building. Results
perceived challenging. This indicate that 1) Economical
study is based on the gap that resources cannot describe
exists on impacts of servitization advancement in product and
over manufacturer and role of service, 2) Product and service
manufacturer characteristics on are sensitive to economical
product and service evolution resources and research &
over time. We intend to establish development competences
a basis for theory development comparably, 3) Role of supplier
and practical learning on is recognized equally relevant
servitization in manufacturing. for both product and services, 4)
Therefore, a theoretical model Advancement in one component
is developed by support of (e.g. service) is not resulting
Structure-Performance-Conduct- on higher revenue generation
Performance (S-C-P) paradigm. in another component (e.g.
Eco-efficiency is widely agreed product revenue), 5) Economical
for product-oriented services but advantages in services are more
there is no measurement model. dependent and explainable by
Consequently, two assessment service advancement itself, 6)
frames are suggested to Service package shows a positive
enable manufacturing and service quality negative
understand which aspects influence on service economical
are necessary to be measured performance, and 7) Products
and why they have to be with higher functionalities are
assessed. These assessment having more positive influence
frameworks are developed to on economical performance
support economical benefit of rather than products with better
manufacturer. The first model eco-efficiency features.
has system level view enabling
Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage
| Electrical Engineering | Energy and
Nuclear Science and Technology |
Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture and
Exhibition Design | Management, Economics
and Industrial Engineering | Materials
Engineering | Mathematical MODELS and
METHODS IN Engineering | Mechanical
Engineering | Physics | Preservation of
THE Architectural Heritage | Rotary-wing
aircrafts | Spatial Planning and Urban
Development | Structural Seismic and
Geotechnical Engineering | Technology
and Design for Environment and Building
| Territorial Design and Government |
Aerospace Engineering | Architectural and
Urban Design | Architectural Composition
| Architecture, Urban Design, Conservation
of Housing and Landscape | Bioengineering PhD Yearbook | 2015


PhD Yearbook | 2015

The research activities related to the Ph.D. theses develop, full time,
along the three years of the Ph.D. courses. Stages in industries or
IN MATERIALS ENGINEERING in national laboratories in Italy or abroad are offered. Each Ph.D.
student are supervised by a professor of the faculty: the faculty
evaluates the progress of his research activity and at the end of
each year expresses a judgement on the continuation of the work
for the subsequent year. At the end of the third year the Ph.D.
student presents and defends, in a public hearing, his thesis work
with a jury formed by three experts.
The Ph.D. student is strongly encouraged to attend at national and 497
The courses of the Doctoral Program provide Ph.D students in international meetings and present papers in his specific field. The

Chair: Materials Engineering with a common, basic knowledge on Ph.D. student is also assigned to give seminars on topical issues
Prof. Chiara Castiglioni Materials Science and Technology, followed by a specialized and/or to lecture on the specific fields of his research or on the
training in specific fields. The objective is to combine the theoretical cultural aspects related to his thesis.
knowledge with the skills required by technology in order to form
qualified researchers who can manage the design, manufacturing The Doctoral School requires the acquisition of 180 credits (in 3
and use of traditional and/or new materials. years) :
at least 30 credits must be obtained through attendance at
Contents of the Doctoral Program Doctoral Courses (with positive evaluation in the examinations);
The Doctoral Course covers the following areas: in addition, attendance at National and International Schools are
Polymers and composites strongly encouraged.
Cements and ceramics the remaining credits will be assigned on the basis of the research
Metals activity necessary to the development of the Thesis project.
Biomaterials and materials for biomedical applications
Processing and characterization of advanced metallic alloys Faculty:
Corrosion and durability of materials The faculty is constituted by Professors from two Departments of
Innovative materials for civil and industrial engineering Politecnico di Milano:
Materials Characterization (Microscopies, Scattering, Spectroscopy)
Modelling and theoretical approaches to the study of materials Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica Giulio Natta
structure and properties Chiara Castiglioni (coordinator) Francesco Briatico Vangosa Chiara Bertarelli
Micro and nanostructured materials (vice-coordinator)
Functional materials for applications in photonic, electronic and
sensors Luca Bertolini Fabio Bolzoni Massimiliano Bestetti
Surface engineering and advanced coatings Alberto Cigada Luigi De Nardo Giovanni Dotelli
Materials for industrial design
Fabio Ganazzoli Luciano Lazzari Marinella Levi
Transformation of materials Valdo Meille MariaPia Pedeferri Guido Raos
Material for Cultural Heritage Marta Rink Lucia Toniolo Stefano Turri
Pasquale Vena
The courses face immediately advanced issues both in the main
and elective courses. Different curricula are offered, which will be Dipartimento di Energia
activated on the basis of the decisions of the faculty. The Doctoral Marco Beghi Andrea Li Bassi Paolo Ossi
program is characterised by high flexibility, in order to satisfy the
needs of students that have to develop their research activity in Professional skills achieved by PhD in Material Engineering:
different thematic areas. For this reason each student submit to The industrial world depends necessarily on a great variety of
the Faculty a Curriculum to be approved. The Courses offered materials. Nowadays, it is easy to outline two industrial needs:
deal with theoretical, experimental and modelling aspects. Several i) development and innovation in the production, processing,
Courses comprise workshops and seminars, with the participation application and conservation of traditional materials; ii)
of invited internationally celebrated speakers. Students can use development of innovative materials for the production of new
the most modern facilities for materials synthesis, processing and manufactured goods or devices to cope with the growing demands
characterization available at the Politecnico di Milano or in other of modern technologies. Since these two kinds of industrial needs
research laboratories. require specialized people a few specialized curricula are offered.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

On the other hand, the capabilities acquired through the courses,

the research work and the teaching activity assure an adequate
preparation to the academic career.

Referees (Comitato di riferimento)

Edoardo Bemporad, Dip. di Ingegneria Meccanica Marco Bernasconi, Dip. di Scienza dei Materiali,
e Industriale, Universit Roma Tre Universit Milano Bicocca
Marco Ferrera, ST Microelectronics Stefano Gialanella, Dip. di Ingegneria Industriale,
Universit di Trento
Alessandro Martucci, Dip. Ingegneria Meccanica, Laura Montanaro, Dip. Scienza dei Materiali e
Universit di Padova Ingegneria Chimica, Politecnico di Torino
Stefano Radice, Solvay Specialty Polymers SpA Riccardo Po, eni SpA
Fiorella Pozzobon, ST Microelectronics Mario Sobacchi, eni SpA.
Francesco Stellacci , Dept. of Materials Science
and Engineering, EPFL, Lausanne

Granting Agencies :
ST Microelectronics s.r.l. Media Lario Technologies
Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia IIT Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
eni SpA Electrolux SpA
Faber SpA

Properties of Cellular Polymeric Materials and a simple model based on Changing the process In particular, it was noted that

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Darcys law (flow through a parameters allowed obtaining smaller cells of nanocomposite
in Relation to their Structure porous medium) was able to
describe the evolution of stress
different morphologies, while
maintaining constant foam
PP foams tend to have rounded
shape (see Figure 1). Structure
with strain at different strain density. anisotropy was reflected by
rates. DMA characterization Microstructure characterization, mechanical properties: all
performed at fixed frequency through image analysis, materials displayed higher
Michele Benanti Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Briatico Vagosa (1Hz) and several static strains revealed an overall cell stiffness in the expansion
evidences the differences orientation in the expansion direction with a ratio between
among the studied materials, direction and a dependence the modulus measured in 501
Cellular materials are an performances depend both on material properties measured at which can be related to their of structure morphology the expansion to transversal

important class of engineering the nature of the constituent a single frequency only. structure. The comparison on the process conditions direction ranging from 1.5 to 3.
materials, yet the knowledge material and on the structure of The acoustical and mechanical between PEOC and PEOC90 and formulations. Nanoclay A part of the study was devoted
and the understanding of their the cells and its change under behaviour of foams is also seems to confirm that the charged foams prepared at to assess the applicability of
behaviour is far from being load. The possibility to use affected by the presence of open changes in the structure have the lowest pressure conditions existing models in order to
complete. The aim of this study polymeric foams to enhance porosity. This was investigated an effect not only on the displayed high structure predict the dependence of
is to investigate different aspects acoustic performances of panel in a study on a novel open- modulus, as expected, but anisotropy and bimodal cell mechanical behaviour on the
of the mechanical and acoustical led to the study of the influence cell polyethylene foam (PEOC) also on the loss factor, which size distribution (see Figure 1). anisotropy ratio of the foams
behaviour of cellular polymeric of static deformation on the produced at CellMat laboratory decreases with increasing holes More homogeneous cell size microstructure. The simple
materials in relation to their properties of the foam subject (Universidad de Valladolid, size in cells walls, while static distribution was obtained in model based on rectangular cell
three dimensional structure. The to cyclical stimuli. Indeed the Spain) through a well-controlled deformation does not seem pure PP foams and in foams proposed by Gibson and Ashby,
first part of the work is devoted static deformation may affect production route. This material to affect significantly the loss produced at higher pressure. in spite of the complexity of the
to the development of a method the microstructure and the displays a peculiar structure factor. In the case of closed cell A correlation between cell structure of the studied foams,
for predicting the mechanical constituent material properties, characterized by almost closed foams, the observed reduction anisotropy and cell size was can describe their behaviour in
response of honeycomb panels thus modifying significantly the cell connected by small holes. of loss factor with increasing observed and a different trend acceptable way.
made by polymeric material foam behaviour. This study is of Crushing the foam up to 90% static strain might be attributed for each material was observed.
via a continuous process, practical interest since foams, of its original thickness allows to to the contribution of air
in the context of Progetto and in particular those used for obtain a material with different pressure to E.
Alveoplast, a funded project noise control, are frequently structure and mechanical Finally, the mechanical
in the framework of Industria subject to static deformation response (PEOC90). Results properties in relation to
2015 initiative. After superimposed to cyclical one. suggested that changing the anisotropic microstructure
experimental validation of the It was shown that the time- microstructure can be a very of polypropylene based
predictive ability of the three temperature equivalence effective way to control, and medium density (180 kg/m3)
dimensional finite element is applicable to predict the enhance, its sound absorption foams were studied. A non-
model, the mechanical response dynamic mechanical (DMA) characteristic. The very same standard compression moulding
of several geometries was response at frequencies not foams showed interesting technology, called improved
analysed in order to optimize directly accessible, and that the response to quasi-static and compression moulding (ICM),
the honeycomb structure for effect of static pre-strain and cyclical mechanical stimuli. In was used to achieve anisotropy
the use as acoustic barrier for of temperature are decoupled. fact, unlike other open cell of cellular structure and
traffic noise control, taking into The obtained data were used to foams, such as PU flexible foam, a fine control on the final
account both the mechanical simulate the acoustic behaviour PEOC compression behaviour foam density. Four different
and acoustical requirements. of a car part made by a layer of is significantly affected processing pressures (0.5; 1.5;
Besides honeycomb structure, polyurethane foam sandwiched by the rate of the applied 4; 8 MPa) and two different
also polymeric foams were between two steel sheets. The compressive strain. Extending formulations (pure PP and
studied. These materials find prediction was in accordance the observations of the studies PP+nanoclays) were employed
application, amongst many with the measured acoustic performed on liquid-filled to prepare a total of eight
others, as sandwich panels performances over a wide range polyurethane foams present different foams. The influence
cores, as shock absorbers and of frequencies, significantly in the literature, this peculiar of processing condition and of
as acoustic liners for sound wider than that directly behaviour was attributed to the addition of nanoclays on the
absorption purpose. Regardless accessible in DMA experiments, the stress contribution arising foaming process was studied
1. Cross section of nanoclay-reinforced polypropylene foam prepared at 0.5
the application they are used for, and gave better results than from gas flow through the by means of microstructure and MPa. Elongated cells give the material anisotropic mechanical properties; small
their mechanical and acoustical the prediction carried out using holes interconnecting cells, mechanical characterisations. rounded cell formation is favoured by the nucleating effect of nanoclay.

Polymeric Materials for Advanced Human

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Health Applications

Caterina Credi - Relatore: Prof. Stefano Turri

The research work of the that each stimulus have on stem and differentiation. All the of hyaluronic acid and heparin lithography and soft-lithography performed with cancer cells and

present thesis can be divided cells response. 3D freestanding hydrogel coatings resulted high were first chosen as baits due were developed and optimized malaria-infected red blood cells
in two main parts both related niches with tailored geometry biocompatible with enhanced to their preferential interactions as technologies to selectively assess the capability of HA and
to the development and were fabricated by two-photon proliferation and higher with cancer cells and malaria- functionalize PFPEs surfaces heparin patterned PFPEs surfaces
functionalization of polymeric polymerization (2PP), which metabolic activity compared to infected red blood cells (pRBCs) following different strategies. in selectively capturing individual
materials for advanced human allows rapid prototyping of 3D uncoated scaffold. Preliminary respectively. Particularly, HA is Particularly, free radical population cells.
health applications. One complex polymer structures. In results assessed that HA- involved in tumor growth and polymerization was exploited for
deals with stem cells-based order to widen the range of 2PP coatings induced the formation metastasis, while heparin is able glycidyl methacrylate modified
therapies for tissue engineering structures mechanical properties, of cells agglomerates, which to bind to the protein domain HA grafting onto partially cross-
applications whereas the other hydrogels were considered as maintain their plurypotency expressed by malaria-infected linked PFPE surfaces by photo-
deals with the development of biomimetic materials suitably thus suggesting their potential erythrocytes and their availability lithography through photomask.
patterned functional biomaterial for 2PP scaffold coatings. application to produce in well-defined positions offer Whereas, biomolecular
surfaces for rare cells capture Immobilization strategies based therapeutic MSCs in large, the possibility to immobilize recognition and strong specificity
and isolation. The goal of tissue on physical, chemical and pharmaceutically relevant cancer cells and pRBCs and to between avidin and other
engineering is to replace or to photochemical interactions scales. Conversely, commitment make these cells available for biotin-binding proteins was
repair a damaged tissue or organ were explored to functionalized towards the osteo-chondral specific tests and experiments used for patterning. A photo-
with autologous-engineered 2PP structures with thin layers lineage was observed for thus encouraging the discovery activable biotin was preprinted
artificial substitutes made by of hyaluronan- and gelatin- softer gelatin-coated niches, and formulation of new drugs by contact printing and UV- a 3D niche.
seeding living autologous based hydrogels, which were highlighting the main role that and therapies. A fundamental grafted onto partially cured PFPE
organ specific cells on a developed to have tailored the chemistry of the surface issue was the selection of the substrate, then biotinylated- 1. Confocal images acquired on GEL-
biomaterial, a scaffold, acting stiffness encompassing the coating, combined with substrate material that deeply heparin was immobilized SH-coated niche substrates seeded
with MSCs and cultured for 14 days.
as an extra-cellular matrix and range of physiological values. the geometry of the micro affects the final performance using avidin as intermediate Nuclei stained blue, collagen type-I
culturing them giving proper Hydrogel mechanical properties architectures, has respect to the of the array. Best performing linker. Preliminary cellular tests stained red and actin stained green.
cues until maturation in a were evaluated validating mechanical properties of the materials should avoid non-
functional tissue ready to be a reliable methodology coating in addressing stem cells specific cells binding, thus
transplanted. One promising based on three independent differentiation while cultured in perfluoropolyethers (PFPEs) were
strategy consists in addressing experimental techniques. The main objective of the second considered due to their wide
stem cells fate by fine-regulating Rheological results obtained part of the present research was range of properties including
their interactions within 3D on macroscopic samples were the design and realization of very low surface tension, which
artificial microenvironments, successively benchmarked patterned functional surfaces enhances PFPEs anti-fouling/
synthetic niches engineered with swelling experiments for rare cells capture and fouling release properties.
to mimic individual biochemical following Flory-Rehner theory isolation. Currently, biomolecular Different photocurable PFPEs
and biophysical factors. To this and by Atomic Force Microscopy patterning is considered one were compared and deeply
end, our first objective was (AFM) nanoindentation, of the key technologies for the characterized to understand the
to fabricate and functionalize the latters considered more realization of living-cell arrays possible relationship between
3D synthetic matrices which suitable techniques for the and for the study of specific their main structural parameters
are engineered to enable characterization of small-scale individual cellular processes and their protein resistance
independently tuning their hydrogel samples as those instead of analyzing the behavior behavior. PFPE-dimethacrylathes
physical-mechanical properties, grafted onto niches. Finally, of a whole cell population, as for were selected as the most
in terms of geometry and biological tests were performed conventional cell-based assays. valuable candidates as substrate
2. SEM image showing cancer cells adhering selectively on GMHA spot (a);
stiffness, thus allowing on hydrogel-coated structures to Among all the different kinds for HA and heparin selective optical microscope image showing malaria-infected red blood cells (staining
investigating the specific role study aspects of biocompatibility of proper chemicals, derivatives patterning. To this end, photo- violet) adhering on heparin (b).

Carbon Nanostructures for the commercial sample, (CD) and electrochemical resistance of mesoporous

PhD Yearbook | 2015

respectively. Fig. 1 shows impedance spectroscopy CNTs along with high surface
Electrochemical Energy Conversion and the Tafel plot of the specific
activity in the kinetic region.
(EIS), different characteristics
of the supercapacitor such
area of RGO, presenting high
rate capability and energy
Storage Applications as specific capacitance (Cs),
internal resistance (Ri), energy
density at the same time (t0
1 s, Ri 1.4 and a Ps, max
density (Es), power density 10 kWkg1 steadily all over
Mazdak Hashempour Igderi - Supervisor: Antonello Vicenzo (Ps), relaxation time (t0) and the range composition).
Tutor: Massimiliano Bestetti lifetime were evaluated. Cs Fig. 2 shows the Ragone plot
and Es studies showed that of different active materials, 505
In the current dissertation, heating of SS up to CNT of the PEMFCs: in this the addition of conductive projecting the power densities

under the general framework growth temperature, its part, fabrication of Pt species (i.e., CNT and available at certain energy
of Carbon nanostructures surface undergoes nano electrocatalyst supported on RGO) can improve a part densities.
for electrochemical energy scale modifications and the different carbon materials, of the deficiency of poorly
conversion and storage type of the subsequently namely, CNT, reduced 1. Tafel plot of the specific activity of conductive AC electrodes.
applications, a range of grown filamentous carbon graphene oxide (RGO) Pt on different carbon supports in the Increased CNT contents
activities with main shows a direct relation to and hybrid CNTRGO was kinetic region. could however, suppress
focus on synthesis and the size of surface nano demonstrated using a rapid the capacitance again due
electrochemical characterization features formed on SS and single step microwave to the low specific surface
of carbon nanostructured substrate. CNTs were the assisted polyol process, and Regarding the mass specific area of CNTs. In ACRGO
materials have been carried out. dominant growth products the activity of Pt towards activity, CNTRGOPt support class however, both Cs and
Accordingly, the thesis has been where the average size of SS the oxygen reduction showed particularly high activity Es continuously increased
divided into three chapters and surface nanofeatures was reaction (ORR) was studied due to simultaneous benefitting by RGO content due to
a summary of each activity will below 60 nm. Due to the on different supports. Due from the conductivity of CNTs, simultaneous improvement
be presented in the following surface modifications of SS to direct relation of the and wettability and surface area of conductivity and surface 2. Ragone plot of different
as the objective and results of a during the high temperature abundance of defects on the factors of RGO. It was finally area. ACCNT RGO class, carbonaceous active materials for
chapter. carbonrich CVD treatment, a support and Pt concentration concluded that hybridizing the borrowing the conductivity supercapacitors.
(i) Chemical vapor deposition reduced corrosion resistance and dispersion, a Pt 1D and 2D support families from CNT and surface area
(CVD) direct growth of of the SS was found to occur. nanoparticle (NP) size trend (CNT RGO), shared the features from RGO, presented steadily
carbon nanotubes (CNTs) In particular, chromium as follows was found on of individual components, so high Cs and Es. Studies on
on stainless steel (SS) and depletion of SS due to different supports: RGOPt < as to result at the same time the rate capability, power
their application for the chromium carbide formation CNTRGOPt < CNTPt. XPS in high area and mass specific performance, frequency
bipolar plates of proton and sensitization caused studies, demonstrated a C/O activities. response and internal
exchange membrane fuel an infirm behavior of the ratio trend of the supports (iii) Investigation on different resistance of the electrodes
cells (PEMFCs): in this part, material in electrochemical in the following order: RGO carbon nanostructures as showed a superior behavior
a systematic study of the media, appearing in the form Pt (7.26) < CNTRGOPt the active materials for the of pure CNT electrodes
parameters affecting the of intergranular corrosion. (17.49) < CNTPt (21.32). supercapacitors: the main (a t0 = 0.19 s, Ri = 0.83
direct growth of CNTs on Accordingly, although The content of sp2 carbon focus of this part was on and a Ps, max = 22 kWkg 1
SS was carried out and the problems such as high was also following the same the electrochemical behavior at matched impedance
suitability of the resulting electrical contact resistance trend. Area specific activity of CNT, RGO and their condition) or those containing
material for working in of bare SS in corrosive media evaluation of the samples composites as the active a high content of CNTs. Pure
electrochemical environments (mainly due to passive oxide towards ORR showed a clear materials for supercapacitors, RGO (with a t0 = 6.31 s, Ri
was investigated. CNTs were layer) were addressed, the outperformance of all the compared to activated carbon = 6.38 and a Ps, max = 5.6
successfully grown on SS CNT coating provided by lab-made samples compared (AC) as the conventional kWkg-1) was behaving better
via a simple CVD method this method was evaluated to the commercial Vulcan material for this application. that pure AC (a t0 > 100 s
and without application of insufficient as a corrosion XC7230%Pt over the entire Supercapacitor electrodes and a Ps, max = 4.1 kWkg1) in
any external catalyst after barrier in the electrochemical kinetic region. In particular, were prepared in three main this respect, but still more
fine tuning all the surface media such as bipolar plates the specific activities of classes including ACCNT, sensitive to rate compared
characteristics of SS as well of PEMFCs. RGOPt, CNTRGOPt and ACRGO and ACCNTRGO. to CNTs. Composite three
as the growth parameters. It (ii) Investigation on different CNTPt samples at E = Using techniques such as component electrodes of
was found out that during carbon nanostructures 0.90 VRHE, were 2.25, 2.3 cyclic voltammetry (CV), ACCNTRGO class benefited
the controlled atmosphere as the catalyst support and 3.13 times higher than cyclic chargedischarge from low ionic diffusivity

Fabrication of CZTS/CZTSe thin film solar

PhD Yearbook | 2015

cells from electrodeposited metallic
precursor layers
Md Ibrahim Khalil - Supervisor: Prof. Luca Magagnin

Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) and phase CZTS/CZTSe. As a result, investigated. It was observed step (soft annealing) at evaporating an Al grid contact formation of CZTS.

Cu2ZnSnSe4 (CZTSe) are different precursor compositions and confirmed by XRD, SEM comparatively low temperature on it. In addition to this, a sulfurized
promising absorber material of Cu-Zn-Sn ranging from (EDS) and Raman spectroscopy (350C) before sulfurization CZTS film was again selenized in
for thin film photovoltaic Cu-poor, Zn-rich to Cu-rich, that in order to get good was also explored. It has been A 0.6% efficient CZTS solar order to form CZTSSe as record
devices due to their abundant Zn-poor have been investigated. crystalline form of CZTS, longer observed that by using soft cell was fabricated on Mo foil efficiency of this kind of solar
constituent materials, suitable Results showed that Cu-poor, sulfurization time (here, 120 annealing step, sulfurization substrate which is the first of cell are coming from CZTSSe
direct band gap ranging from Zn-rich precursor (here, Cu/ min) at high temperature is time could be minimized to 10 this kind of solar cell on Mo foil thin film solar cell. The major
~1.0 eV (CZTSe) to ~1.5 (Zn+Sn)0.91, Zn/Sn1.21) is needed. Raman spectroscopy min. (fig.1) XRD diffraction peak of CZTSSe
eV (CZTS), large absorption best for getting single phase is employed here as diffraction Fig.1: External quantum was observed at 27.35, 45.35
coefficient over 104 CZTS. It is well known by peak of Cu2ZnSnS4, Cu3SnS4 and In case of CZTSe thin films also, efficiency (EQE) of CZTS and 53.77 which are in good
cm-1 as well as theoretical literatures that Cu2ZnSnS4 ZnS are very close to each other. different precursors of Cu-Zn-Sn solar cell prepared from co- agreement with the literatures.
conversion efficiency of forms with solid state reaction SEM (EDS) analysis show that with same compositions have electrodeposited Cu-Zn-Sn
32%. Current commercial of Cu2SnS3 and ZnS at high composition of CZTS are very been selenized at 550C with precursor
absorber material for thin temperature. For this reason, near to the stoichiometric ratio different selenization periods (10
film photovoltaic devices are it is very important to have Cu, Zn, Sn and S. Cross-sectional min, 30 min, 60 min and 120 Besides from co-electrodeposited
CdTe and Cu(In,Ga)Se2(CIGS) homogeneous compositions SEM image show that CZTS min). XRD, SEM (EDS), Raman Cu-Zn-Sn precursor, Kesterite-
which contain earth rare and of Cu, Zn and Sn on precursor possess bimodal distribution and Photoluminescence (PL) Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) films were
toxic materials. In this work, before sulfurization. By using of grains: smaller grains are spectroscopy results showed also successfully synthesized
CZTS/CZTSe thin films were rotating horizontal working located near the interface of that 60 min selenization is by using electrodeposition-
successfully prepared using an electrode, we have got almost Mo and larger grains at the enough for the well formation annealing by using novel stacked
electrodeposition annealing mirror like surface (Ra top of the CZTS which use to of CZTSe without having any layer approach. Adherent
route, in which Cu-Zn-Sn metal 0.094 m) with homogenous reported in literature. In order secondary phases. In case of and homogeneous Cu-poor,
precursors (co-electrodeposited/ distribution of Cu, Zn and Sn to make sure that the CZTS CZTSe, a broad PL peak was Zn-rich stacked metallic Cu-
stacked layers) were deposited from single electrolyte. In case of compound are intended for observed at 0.94 eV at low Zn-Sn precursors with different
by a novel approach on Mo co-electrodeposited precursors, photonic application (i. e. solar temperature (15K) which is in compositions were sequentially
substrate, followed by annealing two different ramping rates cell) samples were characterized good agreement with existing electrodeposited, in
in elemental sulfur/selenium (20C/min. and 2C/min.) by Photoluminescence (PL) literatures. Cu-Sn/Zn order onto Mo foils
environment in quartz tube during sulfurization at 550C spectroscopy at low temperature After fabrication of CZTS/ substrate. Subsequently, stacked
furnace with N2 atmosphere. have been applied and it has (15K). A broad and sharp PL CZTSe, n-type CdS buffer layer layers were soft annealed at
Different characterization been observed by XRD and SEM was observed at 1.21 eV in our was deposited by chemical 350oC for 20 min in flowing N2
techniques like XRD, SEM (EDS), (EDS) that low ramping rate studies, which has matched up bath deposition using cadmium atmosphere in order to improve
Raman spectroscopy, GDOES, does not necessarily increase with the existing literatures, acetate. Before depositing of intermixing of the elements.
Photoluminescence spectroscopy the grain size of the film rather as a broad PL band from CZTS CdS, CZTS/CZTSe films were Then, sulfurization was
and cross-sectional image create some secondary phases compound at around 1.2 to 1.3 etched by 3.5% KCN solution completed at 585oC for 15 min
have ensured the well formed in the film as Kesterite is eV are found in many studies. for 30s. A 80 nm intrinsic i-ZnO in elemental sulfur environment
Kesterite (CZTS/CZTSe) after metastable. Moreover, formation GDOES analysis shows that the buffer layer, which acts as to in a quartz tube furnace with N2
sulfurization/selenization of of undesired MoS2 was also composition of Cu, Zn, Sn and S prevent any shunts, was then atmosphere. Here also different
the precursor. As investigation observed in the XRD in case of were not changed along the film deposited by RF sputtering. The characterization techniques
of the phase diagram of these 2C/min ramping rate. Effects thickness which confirms the TCO layer consisting of 350 nm such as XRD, SEM (EDS),
materials show that only a small of different sulfurization periods formation of CZTS along the film Al-doped ZnO (AZO) was grown Raman spectroscopy, GDOES,
region (in terms of composition) (10 min, 30 min, 60 min and thickness also. Moreover, the by DC pulsed (2 kHz) sputtering. Photoluminescence spectroscopy
is possible to make single 120 min) at 550C have been effect of intermediate annealing Finaly, cells were completed by have confirmed the well

Cationic polymers for the design of

PhD Yearbook | 2015

multifunctional gene delivery vectors

Chiara Diletta Malloggi - Supervisor: Prof. Gabriele Candiani

Gene therapy can be broadly non-viral vectors have been the copolymer series, chitosan- bPEI-based polyplexes shed light once. Importantly, dPAMAM the pDNA concentration was

defined as the introduction of proposed as promising and safer graft-bPEI with an intermediate on their superior transfection G4-paromomycin displayed revealed to be a key parameter
genetic material, either DNA or alternatives. grafting degree of 2.7% was properties. the highest transfection in gene delivery. By optimizing
RNA, into target cells in order Non-viral vectors for gene the most effective transfectant A family of three effectiveness and prominent the transfection parameters,
to modify and control their delivery are natural or synthetic and allowed for increased aminoglycoside-rich dendrimers, antibacterial activities, disclosing we provided useful information
protein expression. Offering materials which are positively transfection efficiency and based on polyamidoamine this polymer as very suitable for on testing conditions for the in
new treatment possibilities for charged at physiological pH. lower cytotoxicity than the gold dendrimer generation 4 future in vivo applications. vitro screening of non-viral gene
both inherited and acquired They spontaneously interact with standard polymeric transfectant (dPAMAM G4) linked to Finally, aiming to study the vectors.
human diseases, in the last the anionic nucleic acids and 25 kDa bPEI. Most important, neamine, paromomycin and correlation among the intrinsic In conclusion, my thesis
two decades, gene therapy condense them into micro-and we demonstrated how the neomycin, was developed. properties of cationic polymers, shows that the integration
has become one of the most nano-scale particles, which degree of grafting directly Conjugation of dPAMAM with the experimental conditions of different moieties into
intensively developing strategies protect the genetic material from affects the surface charge, the paromomycin and neomycin and the in vitro transfection a single transfectant is a
for current clinical research. degradation until they reach transfection efficiency and the led to products with increased outcomes, a systematic promising approach to design
Direct administration of free their targets. Unfortunately, cytotoxicity of copolymer-based transfection efficiencies and comparison of the most used new and more effective
oligonucleotides and DNA to despite the development of an polyplexes. Moreover, in order lower cytotoxicities compared commercially sourced polymers multifunctional systems,
cells is rather ineffective because extensive number of reagents, to expand the understanding of to the unconjugated dPAMAM. for gene delivery was carried which join the advantages
of their large dimensions and several issues still need to be the processes of gene delivery, Moreover, dPAMAM G4- out and the role of several of their building blocks. The
their anionic charge that does solved, hindering efficient non- a Chi-g-bPEIx copolymer was paromomycin and G4-neomycin, important parameters affecting structure-activity relationship
induce repulsion with the viral gene delivery. further characterized for its at their optimum N/P, displayed the transfection efficiency studies have established the
negatively charged biological In this scenario, the aim of my complexation behavior with enhanced transgene expression was evaluated. lPEIs, bPEIs, correlations among the chemical
cell surfaces. Therefore, it is Ph.D. thesis was to address time-resolved fluorescence also compared to the gold lPLLs, and dPAMAMs, differing structure of newly synthesized
necessary to develop efficient some of the unsolved issues spectroscopy in combination standard 25 kDa bPEI. Moreover, in Mw, were characterized and commercially sourced
and safe gene delivery systems in the gene delivery field, by with SYBR Green I. Fluorescence given the well-known antibiotic after complexation in terms polymeric gene vectors, the
able to protect DNA against developing, characterizing amplitude and lifetime properties of aminoglycosides, of physicochemical properties physicochemical properties of
degradation by nucleases and and/or optimizing some newly measurements during DNA- dPAMAM G4-conjugates and transfection behavior vector/DNA complexes and their
transfer the genetic materials synthesized and commercially condensation by a Chi-g- were tested whether they still as a function of N/P and biological activity, providing
to target cells. To date, the two available cationic polymers. bPEI copolymer, the building possessed antibacterial activity, complexation buffer. Of useful information for the
main approaches for the delivery With the aim to combine the block 2 kDa bPEI and the either alone or in combination note, 25 kDa lPEI complexed rational design of more and
of genetic materials into cells high transfection efficiency of gold standard 25 kDa bPEI with the plasmid DNA (pDNA). at N/P 40 in 150 mM NaCl more effective transfectants.
are based on viral and non- branched polyethylenimine (bPEI) highlighted polymer-specific The conjugation of dPAMAM was by far the most effective Further advances in this area
viral vectors. Viral vectors are with the biodegradability of DNA arrangements within G4 to aminoglycosides greatly transfectant. Moreover, factors would require interdisciplinary
reported to be highly effective chitosan, 2 kDa bPEI was grafted the polyplexes. Dynamic enhanced its antimicrobial such as the composition of approaches to understand the
but they all share many critical to the chitosan backbone, time-resolved fluorescence activity. Moreover, the the culture medium, the order role of the vector chemistry, and
disadvantages which strongly obtaining a series of seven measurements provided better antibacterial properties of of mixing of the reagents, the the physicochemical properties
limit their clinical application, chitosan-graft-bPEI copolymers insights into the process dPAMAM G4 derivatives transfection time, the dose of of the vector/DNA complex,
such as immunogenic and with different degrees of of polyplex formation and were not influenced by their polyplexes delivered to cells, combined with mathematical
mutagenic issues, and the grafting (Chi-g-bPEIx). Along disassembly in the presence complexation with DNA. the cell seeding density, and the modeling and fundamental
limited extent of the DNA they the Chi-g-bPEIx series, the of anionic competitors. Some Of note, dPAMAM G4- volume of culture medium were studies of cellular processes.
can carry. In light of these higher the degree of grafting, relationships existing among paromomycin and G4-neomycin evaluated experimentally. Of
drawbacks and due to their high the greater the -potential the optical behavior, the were shown to efficiently note, the cytotoxicity was mainly
standards in terms of safety, and the cytotoxicity of the physicochemical properties and transfect mammalian cells and influenced by the variation of
versatility and easiness of use, resulting polyplexes. Among the transfection activity of Chi-g- to inhibit bacterial growth at the experimental conditions, and

Yield and post-yield behaviour of

PhD Yearbook | 2015

semicrystalline polymers: open issues of
practical interest
Nadia Perillo - Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Marano

This PhD thesis covers three a thermoplastic elastomer. (EWF) method is widely used conditions, the yield strain tests are expensive because

different research topics in the Within the collaboration with to characterize the fracture turned out to be fairly constant. timeconsuming. A method
field of science and technology De Rosas group the possibility behaviour of thin polymeric This result suggests that the based on short-term tests to
of polymeric materials. They to produce s-PP fibers or films films whose application is mainly strain at yield onset in DEN(T) predict failure in the plasticity
all have in common the fact with an elastomeric behaviour in plane stress conditions. It specimen can be obtained by the controlled regime is reported in
that the knowledge of the through the extrusion and allows to obtain a materials uniaxial tensile test which, using literature. This method is based
yield and/or the post yield cold drawing processes was specific fracture energy by a standard specimen geometry on the hypothesis that failure
behavior is necessary for their considered. Indeed s-PP performing fracture tests on deforming homogeneously up to occurs when the increase in the
analysis. Further, they all deal processing has not been faced in several notched specimens (for yield, is more simple to perform. non elastic strain component,
with semicrystalline polyolefins. the research activity of this PhD example Double Edge Notched The hypothesis of yielding of the which is in literature commonly
In some cases a correlation thesis, which is mainly aimed to Tension DEN(T) specimens) whole cross-section was verified named as plastic strain,
between the macroscopic study the mechanical behaviour differing in the cross-section for the studied material. reaches a critical value and
mechanical behavior of the of s-PP in relation to the width. The method is valid if the on the fact that the relation
semicrystalline polyolefins strain-induced microstructural plane stress conditions prevail Assessment of long-term between the yield stress and the
investigated and semicrystalline transformations suggested and there is not edge effect: the performance of isotactic strain rate in a constant strain
polymers main deformation by literature. A suitable low thickness of the specimen polypropylene using short rate test is equal to the relation
mechanisms was attempted. experimental method was set and a notch length higher term tests between the stress applied in a
up to overcome the necking than a minimum value allow The experimental work related creep test and the corresponding
A study of the yield and post- effect which causes strain to satisfy both the conditions. to this topic was performed strain rate in the creep steady
yield behavior of syndiotactic localization in a s-PP specimen In addition the method can be during the six-months term state. The stress-strain rate
polypropylene during a tensile test: considering applied only if the yielding of the period at Technological relation can be easily determined
The research activity aimed to different zones of a single whole cross-section has occurred University of Eindhoven (TU/e) performing short term constant
the study of the mechanical specimen as different specimens before crack onset. In this PhD in the Netherlands. In the last strain rate tests. Time to failure
behaviour of syndiotactic strained up to different strains, thesis the latter hypothesis decades polymers have been for a certain value of the applied
polypropylene (s-PP) started a larger amount of data from was verified, considering a increasingly employed in the stress can be predicted once that
within a collaboration with few tests was obtained and it HDPE, performing fracture production of loadbearing the critical value of the plastic
the research group of Prof. De was possible to investigate a tests on DEN(T) specimens. component to be used also at strain has been determined
Rosa of the Chemical Science wider strain range than that To determine the yield onset relatively high temperature. through a preliminary
Department of Universit degli explored in literature. The effect (stress and strain at yielding) Pipes for hot water and gas characterization of the yield
Studi di Napoli Federico II of configuration regularity loading-unloading tensile tests transportation are an example. and the creep behaviour of the
which has performed a wide of s-PP on its yield and post- were performed up to different They are commonly subjected material. The method has been
characterization of polyolefins yield behaviour was examined strains: through the back to a fairly constant pressure set up for the characterization
structure since the 80s and considering three commercial extrapolation of the permanent for most of their service life. of amorphous polymers.
more recently has focused on syndiotactic polypropylenes strain versus the applied strain For such applications it is Recently it has been extended to
the study of the strain-induced having different stereoregularity the yield strain was obtained necessary to predict the pipe semicrystalline polymers. In this
crystal form transitions of index. and the corresponding yield lifetime. Generally temperature thesis the plasticity controlled
s-PP. Considering the high stress determined. The tests accelerated creep tests are failure of isotactic polypropylene
strain recovery of s-PP when Material yielding in relation were performed under uniaxial performed to build the hoop was studied and data from creep
strained after being plastically to the applicability of the and plane strain conditions and stress vs. failure time curve and tests on pipes were used for
deformed (i.e. strained Essential Work of Fracture using DEN(T) specimens as well. eventually to predict pipe time- prediction validation.
above its yield point), they method While the yield stress resulted to-failure in correspondence of
proposed the use of s-PP as The essential work of fracture to be dependent on the loading the applied hoop stress. These

Preservation of plastic artefacts: multi-

PhD Yearbook | 2015

analytical assessment of materials degradation
and development of conservation strategies
Daniela Saviello - Supervisor: Prof. Lucia Toniolo

Since their early production, that provide information on changes in the chemical and of compositional analysis of the

plastics have been increasingly the chemical composition, the mechanical surface properties. artworks and evaluation of the
used to create artworks. state of preservation and the All the selected materials actual state of conservation.
Nowadays, a wide range of effectiveness of conservation showed a surface degradation The procedure included mainly
plastic objects is displayed in strategies. although with different extent microscopic observations and
museums or private collections This PhD project was designed and depths. Each aged polymer use of spectroscopic with
and artworks like sculptures in order to address some of exhibited different products of the aims of identification of
or paintings, installations, these issues related to the oxidation due to the different materials, surface morphology
toys, cinematographic and conservation of plastic artefacts, pattern of ageing and in characterization and assessment
photographic films and which include the study of the same material different of chemical, physical and
collectable industrial design degradation processes of products of oxidation have been mechanical properties of
objects have become part of selected polymeric materials, detected at different depths. material surface and bulk.
our cultural heritage. However, the development of active These chemical changes lead Finally, a complete and extended
there is an increasing concern conservation strategies and to surface cracking and strong portable FTIR spectroscopic
about the preservation of the improvement of a multi- yellowing of the specimen, campaig, was carried out on
plastics in collections because analytical investigation protocol mainly for ABS, PVC and PP. standard polymeric specimens
such materials may have a for the assessment of the Mechanical investigation was and artworks from the collection
short life expectancy, being conservation conditions. The carried out with three different of the Art Institute of Chicago;
much more susceptible to study of degradation processes techniques such as scratch, the obtained data allowed
chemical degradation reactions. was carried out on five specific micro- and nano-indentation to build-up a very reliable
Degradation mechanism can materials used in design objects tests that allowed the testing database of total reflectance IR
involve both thermal and and contemporary artworks of materials to highlight the spectra, shared in the scientific
oxidative processes, firstly of the 20th century, such as differences between unaged and community.
during manufacture and then acrylonitrile butadiene styrene aged samples at different depth
because of the usage, as objects (ABS), poly(vinyl chloride) scales.
are continually exposed to (PVC), polypropylene (PP), high The conservation strategies
air, moisture, light and heat. density polyethylene (HDPE) and developed include cleaning
Degradation does not entail only linear low density polyethylene treatments, to reduce the
physical and chemical changes (LLDPE). Accelerated photo- surface yellowing of aged
but may result also in loss in oxidative ageing was performed materials and to remove surface
function, form or significance on specimens in order to deposits, and procedures for the
of the object, which can simulate, in a suitably short introduction of specific additives
show deformation, shrinkage, time, the photo-oxidation of the in already manufactured objects,
cracking, surface deposits or materials in museum conditions. called post-additivation
discoloration. A cutting-edge multi-analytical techniques. Agar gel was
For the preservation of plastic investigation, including selected as cleaning agent while
materials and artifacts, it spectroscopic techniques (with specific optical brighteners and
is necessary to understand lab and Synchrotron equipment), plasticizer were selected for the
degradation patterns, assess optical and electronic post-additivation procedures.
condition and estimate risks. microscopic observations and The investigation protocol
Therefore, there is a growing mechanical tests, was setup proposed in the PhD project
need for research activities in order to fully investigate provided the accomplishment

Photoactive materials for astronomical

PhD Yearbook | 2015

holographic optical elements

Alessio Zanutta - Supervisor: Prof. Andrea Bianco - Tutor: Prof. Chiara Bertarelli
Coordinator: Prof. Chiara Castiglioni
The progressive increase through the thickness and the spin-off for economy in Europe. films of polystyrene derivatives

in telescope size and in diffraction efficiency, which is We have found a good undergoing photo-Fries
complexity of the astronomical one of the key properties in candidate in photopolymers, rearrangement. Such results
instrumentation has highlighted the astronomical field, directly which is an important class of provide useful guidelines to
how the current technologies depends on n and film holographic materials that are design polymers with enhanced
and traditional materials do thickness. becoming popular in visual refractive index modulation.
not completely meet the art, anti-counterfeit and for Indeed, we recently designed
present and future astronomical displays. In the framework new thiophene-based molecules
requirements. Therefore, new of a scientific collaboration that could be interesting
materials and solutions have for diffractive holographic candidates for a next generation
to be developed not only to elements for astronomy, Bayer of photo-Fries polymers.
realise future astronomical MaterialScience and Polygrama
facilities, but also to improve Lynx provided solid and liquid
the performances of already acrylic-based photopolymers
available instrumentations. In both green sensitive and
this context, this research project panchromatic. Materials were
deals mainly with the study of characterised in terms of
photoactive materials for the refractive index modulation
production of either refractive as function of chemical 2. Astronomical dispersive elements designed and produced for the ALFOSC
or diffractive holographic 1. Mechanism of hologram formation composition, grating line spectrograph at La Palma (ES)
optical elements. In particular, in photopolymeric Volume Phase density, and holographic writing
attention has focused to Volume Holographic Gratings conditions, i.e., light power 3. Photo-Fries rearrangement scheme
Phase Holographic Gratings density and exposure time. Nordic Optical Telescope (2.56 a complete understanding of of one of the synthesized and studied
(VPHGs) as reference diffractive The dichromated gelatin Moreover, transparency of the m) in La Palma (Canary Islands) the mechanism leading to such molecules
optical elements, since they (DCG) is the common used photopolymers before and after were successfully designed a great variation still missed.
are considered nowadays the holographic material, which the exposure has been measured and manufactured. All the By means of DFT calculations
baseline for dispersing elements provides high performances in the UV-Vis-NIR in order to elements were tested both at on reference molecules and
in modern astronomical (especially in terms of n). determine the wavelengths the laboratory level and on sky applying a Lorentz-Lorenz
spectrographs thanks to their However, it requires a complex range of use. The gratings providing excellent results. model, polymers that undergo
high diffraction efficiency. developing process, its chemical based on photopolymers were Along with the main project a photo-Fries rearrangement
Moreover, VPHGs can be used composition is variable and it is tested at normal conditions on photopolymers, another were studied to predict the
as a tool to determine the highly sensitive to humidity. It and in cryogenic environment, important research activity refractive index modulation,
performances of holographic turns out that there is a limited and ageing resistance was also concerned the study of a new which accompanies this light-
materials. Their working number of manufacturers of evaluated. Interestingly, the class of materials that show a induced process. The results
principle is based on the periodic VPHGs for astronomy, which VPHGs based on the Bayers high refractive modulation upon demonstrated that a change
modulation of the refractive are located only in the US. materials showed constant exposure to UV light. Specifically, in material density has to be
index (n) in a thin film of Therefore, alternatives in term performances at room and we focused our attention on considered the main source of
photosensitive material having of holographic materials that cryogenic temperatures for long the Photo-Fries rearrangement the modulation of the refractive
a uniform thickness (d). This overcome the drawbacks of time. VPHG dispersing elements that occurs in aromatic esters. index. The change in material
modulation is usually induced by DCGs while providing equal for the AFOSC camera of the In literature, many polymers density was experimentally
means of a holographic process. performances, are higlhy desired Asiago Telescope (1.82 m) and have been reported showing confirmed by measuring the
The light diffraction takes place and the achievement provides a for the ALFOSC camera at the high n values. Nevertheless, spectral reflectance of thin
Electrical Engineering | Energy and Nuclear
Science and Technology | Environmental
and Infrastructures engineering |
Industrial Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering | Information Technology |
Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design
| Management, Economics and Industrial
Engineering | Materials Engineering |
Mathematical MODELS and METHODS IN
Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Physics | Preservation of THE Architectural
Heritage | Rotary-wing aircrafts | Spatial
Planning and Urban Development |
Structural Seismic and Geotechnical
Engineering | Technology and Design for
Environment and Building | Territorial
Design and Government | Aerospace
Engineering | Architectural and Urban
Design | Architectural Composition |
Architecture, Urban Design, Conservation
of Housing and Landscape | Bioengineering
| Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage PhD Yearbook | 2015

DOCTORAL PROGRAM schools etc.), planning and intermediate results and data analysis.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

on their research project and preparation of the Placement of graduated Doctors is expected
IN Mathematical Models PhD thesis, and any other relevant activity. At
the annual meeting the students also receive
in the following positions: research and
development divisions of businesses, businesses
and Methods in Engineering a grade by the Faculty. A negative grade may
entail repetition of the current year of doctoral
involved in innovative design activities,
financial institutions such as banks or insurance
study (with suspension of the grant, if any) or companies, public or private research centres,
exclusion from the PhD program, depending on public and/or governmental agencies for
the Facultys decision. Mobility of PhD students social, economical, scientific study, planning or
to other institutions is strongly encouraged and evaluation, Universities. 519
Equations are everywhere! Between the atmosphere and the financial support is provided to this purpose. Since the PhD program in Mathematical


Chair: wing of a spaceship, in the blood flowing in an artery, on the Among others, let us mention some typical types Models and Methods in Engineering (formerly,
Prof. Roberto Lucchetti demarcation line between ice and water at the poles, in the of professional skills and possible occupations of Mathematical Engineering) has been active since
motion of the tides, in the charge density of a semiconductor, in the graduated Doctors: analytic and numerical the year 2001, we expect that a larger number
the compression algorithms of a signal sending images from outer treatment of differential models for physical of institutions and businesses will soon become
space. Such equations represent real problems. The Mathematical and industrial problems, quantitative methods more and more aware of the professional skills
Engineer can see and understand the nature of these equations, in finance and risk management, operations and expertise of graduated doctors.
and can develop models in order to understand their relevant research and optimisation, statistical modelling
qualities and solve real problems.
This PhD program aims at training young researchers by providing
them with a strong mathematical background and with ability to
apply their knowledge to the solution of real-world problems that Faculty Board
arise in various areas of science, technology, industry, finance, Lucchetti Roberto (Full Professor in Mathematical Analysis, Chairman of the Program)
management, whenever advanced methods are required in analysis,
design, planning, decision and control activities. PhD students carry Amaldi Edoardo (Associate Professor in Operational Research)
our their research both in the development of new mathematical Ambrosi Davide Carlo (Full Professor in Mathematical Physics)
methods and in the implementation and improvement of advanced Arioli Gianni (Full Professor in Mathematical Analysis)
techniques in connection with specific contexts and applications. Barucci Emilio (Full Professor in Mathematics for Economics, Actuarial Studies and Finance)
The Faculty of the PhD program is responsible for the organization
Biscari Paolo (Full Professor in Mathematical Physics)
of the training and research activities of the PhD students. Decisions
of the Faculty comply with the requirements and standards of the Cherubini Alessandra (Full Professor in Computer Science)
Doctoral School of the Politecnico di Milano. A Chairman is elected Formaggia Luca (Full Professor in Numerical Analysis)
within the Faculty, for representative and coordination activities. Fuhrman Marco (Full Professor in Probability and Mathematical Statistics)
Admission of students to the PhD program is decided after
Grillo Gabriele (Full Professor in Mathematical Analysis)
examination of the candidates. Students applying to our program
must provide their CV, along with reference and motivation letters. Guglielmi Alessandra (Associate Professor in Probability and Mathematical Statistics)
After admission, each student is assigned a tutor. The tutor is a Marchini Elsa (Associate Professor in Mathematical Analysis)
member of the Faculty who assists the student in the early stages of Paganoni Anna Maria (Associate Professor in Statistics)
his career, especially in the choice of the courses and in identifying a Pandolfi Anna (Associate Professor in Construction Science)
thesis advisor.
The overall activity of the PhD students can be quantified in 180 Pata Vittorino (Full Professor in Mathematical Analysis)
credits. The PhD program has a duration of three years. Activity can Perotto Simona (Associate Professor in Numerical Analysis)
be classified into: Quarteroni Alfio (Full Professor in Numerical Analysis)
introductory courses (no minimum number of credits required); Rosso Renzo (Full Professor in Hydraulics)
main courses (at least 30 credits); specialized research training,
Sabadini Irene (Full Professor of Geometry)
including seminars, tutoring activity, participation to workshops/
conferences, and scientific publications (at least 30 credits); Sacco Riccardo (Associate Professor in Numerical Analysis)
development of a doctoral thesis (at least 90 credits). Salsa Sandro (Full Professor in Mathematical Analysis)
At the end of each academic year, the PhD students report to the Secchi Piercesare (Full Professor in Statistics)
Faculty about their activity. The students report about attendance
Verani Marco (Associate Professor in Numerical Analysis)
of courses and exams (and the corresponding grades), participation
in various scientific activities (seminars, conferences, summer Zio Enrico (Full Professor in Nuclear Plants)

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Reference Committe
Antonio Bonucci (SAES Getters S.p.A.)
Gian Marco Diani (RAS Assicurazioni)
Jean-Frdric Gerbeau (INRIA and Stanford University)
Giuseppe Prezioso (IMAX, Max Mara Group)
Paolo Ruffo (ENI S.p.A.)
Fabrizio Ruggeri (CNR-IMATI) 521


Grants funded by external partners
ENI European Project MathCard

Reduced-order models for patient-specific

PhD Yearbook | 2015

haemodynamics of coronary artery bypass
Francesco Ballarin - Supervisors: Prof. Alfio Quarteroni, Dr. Roberto Scrofani
Co-advisors: Dr. Elena Faggiano, Dr. Andrea Manzoni, Prof. Gianluigi Rozza
Coronary artery bypass grafting individualized (patient-specific) in the simulation on a patient- The third part of the thesis Moreover, both disease-related 1. three-dimensional reconstruction
of patient-specific CABG. Bypass


(CABG) is a surgical procedure simulations. specific configuration, but also deals with possible shape (stenosis severity) and surgery- grafts are represented in green colors.
in which one or more grafts The first part of the thesis in addressing the variation of parametrization techniques for related (anastomosis features) Coronary arteries are represented in
are used to create new paths contains a review of the the flow conditions and of the patient-specific configurations geometrical parameters are red, pink, orange and yellow. Caption
to restore blood flow to the available clinical data and a geometry for a detailed analysis of coronary artery bypass considered. As a first scenario,
myocardium when severe discussion of the proposed of several scenarios, aiming grafts, in order to perform we show that inlet flow rates
coronary artery disease (CAD) medical imaging pipeline. at a possible improvement local geometrical variations have a significant impact on
occurs. In this case, one or Patient-specific data have been of the design of the surgical of relevant interest in the the magnitude of wall shear
several major coronary arteries acquired for fourteen patients, operation. Unfortunately, relying clinical practice. Volume-based stress (WSS, see also Figure 2)
are occluded; this condition who have undergone a coronary on full-order discretization parametrizations are first and the extension of the region
undermines the perfusion artery bypass surgery. The methods (such as finite element, introduced, together with a of high oscillatory shear index
of oxygen-rich blood to the current dataset features a broad finite volume, etc.) for each screening procedure for the (OSI). As a second scenario, we
heart. Due to this critical issue, variability of both disease (for new scenario is usually too selection of the geometrical consider both variation of inlet
although several alternative example, different two- or three- expensive from a computational design parameters. Furthermore, flow rates and stenosis severity.
treatments exist, CABG is still vessels disease) and surgical point of view. ROMs, instead, a new idea of shape The relation between stenosis
one of the largest components intervention (for example, allow to obtain an accurate parametrization is combined to severity and pressure drop or
of surgical practice worldwide. different combination of single description of the physical the volume-based approach, maximum WSS in the stenosis
However, current clinical or sequential grafts, Y-grafts behavior of the system at greatly namely the centerlines-based is explored, and local WSS
experience suggests that, after or free grafts, radial artery or reduced computational costs. shape parametrization. This patterns near the anastomosis
some years, the implanted saphenous vein grafts). For each In particular, POD-Galerkin technique is based on the are analyzed. As a third scenario,
vessel themselves tend to patient clinical collaborators at methods are considered in this assumption that coronary the variation of both stenosis 2. plot of the wall shear stress near a
occlude, leading to the failure Ospedale Luigi Sacco in Milan thesis. A finite element (FE) arteries and bypass grafts can and end-to-side anastomoses Y-graft anastomosis.
of the surgery and the need of acquire angiographical data in discretization is employed in a be represented as a network is considered. Possible relations
reintervention. a pre-surgical phase and CT construction stage (offline), to of tubular geometries. In this between anastomosis type
Investigating global and local scan data in post-surgical phase. be performed once, possibly on framework, we manage to (related to the grafting angle,
features of the blood flow, in A clinical imaging pipeline is high performance computing obtain an intuitive description of see also Figure 3) and locations
particular near the anastomoses, introduced and discussed in (HPC) facilities. Afterwards, the whole network, accounting where intimal thickening may
is of considerable clinical detail in this part. Figure 1 shows few relevant basis functions for few parameters related to occur are highlighted and
interest. In fact, some fluid the reconstruction of a case in are computed from a set of the variation of relevant design discussed.
dynamics indicators, such as wall the current dataset. snapshots of the full-order variables, such as stenoses
shear stresses and oscillatory The second part of the thesis model, and the PDE is projected severity and anastomosis
shear index, are strictly related deals with the computational on the reduced basis space, that features.
to the development of intimal reduction framework. In recent is, on the space spanned by The fourth part of the thesis
thickening and can be efficiently decades vast research interest these basis functions. Therefore, presents several results of the
and accurately estimated by has been devoted to model the number of degrees of proposed framework on patient-
means of numerical simulations. order reduction techniques freedom of the evaluation stage specific CABG configurations.
In this thesis CFD methods for problems held by partial (online) is drastically reduced, We examine variation of inlet
are developed, focusing on differential equations in a broad enabling fast computations, flow rates (grafts and coronary
complex geometries obtained variety of contexts. The main which can be performed several arteries) among physical
from clinical data, with a special motivation behind the use of times (e.g. for different physical parameters; this is representative
3. maximum wall shear stress at the
attention to computational reduced-order models (ROM) is and geometrical scenarios), for example of different stress arterial bed as a function of time and
reduction techniques, allowing that clinical interest lies not only possibly on a laptop. or rest conditions of the patient. anastomosis angle.

Intermittency in Reversible Martensitic

PhD Yearbook | 2015


Noemi Barrera - Advisors: Prof. Paolo Biscari, Politecnico di Milano, and

Prof. Xavier Balandraud, Universit Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand
Martensitic Transformations long times. On the other hand, with a maximum strain in the this happens for earthquakes, many fields: Gutenberg-Richter that characterizes the law. We


(MT) are phase transitions we address an experimental vertical direction around 9%, from the biggest ones to the law for earthquakes, Zipfs law in can notice that the magnitude
among different solid states with analysis of the phenomenon. according to the pseudo-elastic small movements of the earth Social Sciences and Paretos law spans for almost six decades
different crystalline structures. The motivations in the choice effect. crust, for fractals, lung inflation, in Economics. In our case, we and shows a distribution
These transitions are at the of the experiment and of the economical dynamics and many identify the different events that that can be fitted with a
basis of the behavior of a class method to be used for the data phenomena in different fields contribute to the transformation power law. Its exponent can
of smart materials, called treatment are several: we wish and at different scales. Self- and we analyse their features, be estimated in the range
Shape Memory Alloys (SMA). for a significant amount of similarity can be very useful. like the size or the magnitude, [1.5,1.8], in agreement with
They are metallic alloys which data and for a good quality in On one hand, within the same that is a measure of the energy previous experimental results.
combine the ability to store the terms of resolution; moreover, phenomenon it enables us to related to each event. The In conclusion, the main result
memory of a given configuration we aim at a simple test with focus on the overall behavior, novelty of the result is above of this thesis is provided by
and recover it after thermal external conditions as simple instead of considering small all in the two-dimensionality of the combination of a suitable
or mechanical deformations as possible. By consequence, and precise details that become the information, since until now experimental device with a high-
(Shape Memory Effect) with we choose a tensile uni negligible at bigger scales. On only one-dimensional measures resolution full-field measurement
the ability to deform to strain axial and uni-directional test the other hand, it allows some have been analyzed in the technique: it allowed us to
levels that are typical of rubbers in which the specimen is comparisons among phenomena study of intermittency of SMAs. analyze various aspects (also
and not of metals (Pseudo- free to rotate without strong 1. Linear vertical strain around the that are apparently very different Figure 2 shows the log-log plot some poorly investigated ones)
Elasticity). The applications of boundary conditions. The middle of the transformation. but whose statistical behavior of the probability distribution of intermittency in a martensitic
these materials are many and device also allows for slow is the same. Among all the function of the magnitude of transformation.
in several fields, like aerospace, loading rates. This puts the A first step in the analysis phenomena which have been the different events during the
aeronautics, biomedical, nuclear transformation in quasistatic consists in studying the overall found to display intermittency transformation. The use of the
and industrial in general. Thus, conditions, avoiding inertial behavior of the material. We and self-similarity there are also log-log plot is the common
the knowledge of martensitic effects. Finally, we combine thus find typical results of martensitic transformations in practice when dealing with
transformations becomes the this experimental setting with a martensitic transformations shape memory alloys (together power laws, since the slope
key for the comprehension of fullfield measurement method when interpreted as a with many other materials like of the straight line on which
the behavior of SMAs. The goal for the treatment of data, called continuous phenomenon. superconductors, ferromagnets the points are distributed
of this work is to go one step grid method. This technique But the focus of our analysis or porous media). This feature is corresponds to the exponent
farther in the characterization provides two-dimensional maps is above all on the presence particularly interesting because
of martensitic transformations. of the strain during all the of intermittency in the martensitic transitions are
In order to do so, we analyze martensitic transformation, with transformation. We consider a usually described as continuous
SMAs from different points of an excellent strain resolution. phenomenon as intermittent phenomena while in practice,
view. On one hand, we use a The amount of collected data when it takes place in a non- when looking at the details, the
modeling approach by treating and the resolution in the periodic or non-predictable transition is not continuous but
SMAs as macroscopic continua. resulting information is such to way. In particular, the kind of obtained as a sum of several
In particular, we focus on the perform a wide analysis on the intermittency in which we are events of different dimensions.
appearance of fatigue and transformation. Fig.1 shows an interested is the one that is From a mathematical point of
permanent effects after cyclical example of two-dimensional present for many different scales view, this kind of phenomena
transformations. Actually, many map obtained for the linear in the same phenomenon. This are characterized by the so-
applications of shape memory vertical strain component during feature is called self-similarity. called power-law distributions of
alloys like actuators or coronary the experiment. Different colors A self-similar phenomenon is events, that is
stents, require a cyclical behavior in the map indicate different such that it is similar to itself but P(X) = X-a. 2. Log-log plot of the probability distribution function of the transformation
which remains stable for quite solid phases in the specimen, on various scales. For example, These laws can be found in events magnitude.

Advanced Techniques for the generation ad

PhD Yearbook | 2015

adaptation of complex surface meshes

Franco Dassi - Supervisor: Prof. Simona Perotto - Tutor: Prof. Luca Formaggia

In this thesis we develop associated with the statistical


new tools for optimizing analysis of huge amounts
computational grids in view of of data; a new anisotropic
the approximation of partial mesh generation method to
differential equations on approximate the geometry of
surfaces as well as of different a CAD model based on the
applications: from the statistical embedding of the starting grid
analysis of large data sets, into a higher dimensional space;
to the mesh generation of specic surface mesh operations
CAD models, to the analysis to manage the complex
of geological seismic data geometries characterizing
in basins of interest. More geological domains.
precisely, we focus on surface
meshes composed by triangular
elements and we consider
both isotropic and anisotropic
grids. Independently of the
eld of interest, we pursue the
goal of identifying the best
mesh, i.e., the mesh that
provides the best approximation.
As expected, this does not
represent a straighforward
task. In the literature the same
concept of best mesh often
represents an open issue, since
strictly related to the application
we are dealing with. As a
consequence, according to the
framework under investigation,
we have developed ad hoc
mesh adaptation and/or
mesh generation methods to
properly t the specic de
mands. Different original
contributions are provided in
this thesis: a new a priori and
a posteriori error analysis for
the generation of anisotopic
surface adapted meshes; a new
mesh simplication strategy to
reduce the computational cost

Object Oriented Geostatistics to a constant and are the heterogeneous earth systems, and in Banach spaces. We

PhD Yearbook | 2015

infinite-dimensional counterparts which are affected by the local recognize important differences
of compositional data. The composition of the host soil/rock in the complexity of these
statistical analysis of FCs was matrix. object data, which reflect on
pioneered in 2006 by Egozcue In a number of situations, the strategies we employ for
et al., who established a Hilbert the Hilbert-space embedding their statistical analysis. To face
space structure for FCs based cannot be employed. This is the problem of the non-linearity
Alessandra Menafoglio - Advisor: Prof. Piercesare Secchi on the log-ratio approach, upon the case, for instance, when in a Riemannian manifold, we
which the Aitchison geometry is the covariation between employ a projection strategy
grounded. We rely on this theory phenomena is the focus of relying upon the observation 529
In recent years, the increasing (OOGeoStat) as a new branch of of data which are commonly and on our first developments the analysis. This kind of that, if the dispersion of the


availability of complex and OODA addressing the problem available in environmental to address a key issue in earth information is usually available data on the manifold is not too
high-dimensional data has of geostatistically characterizing and industrial statistics (e.g., sciences, that is the geostatistical in the form of manifold data, large, these can be projected
motivated a fast and extensive sets of spatially dependent multivariate, compositional characterization of soil particle- such as covariance matrices on a suitably chosen tangent
growth of Object Oriented Data object data. The extension of or functional data). As a first size curves (PSCs). These data or operators. Even though space, where additive models
Analysis. In OODA the focus geostatistical techniques, and key element of innovation, we describe the distribution of the analysis of data belonging and linear predictors can be
is on the statistical unit as the particularly Kriging, to the establish a novel and coherent grains sizes within a given to Riemannian manifolds is used. Instead, in the absence of
atom of the analysis, which OODA setting arises as a natural theoretical framework for the soil sample and are relevant relevant (e.g., in shape analysis, an inner product, we consider
is interpreted as a point in a answer to the need of treating geostatistical analysis of data2 in to applications related to diffusion tensor imaging or an extension of the Kriging
finite-or infinite-dimensional disparate types of spatially any Hilbert space, not just L . groundwater hydrology, soil the analysis of covariance methodology to the Banach-
space. For instance, a distributed complex data. The We define novel global notion science, geophysics, petroleum structures), the nonlinear space embedding, grounded on
multivariate datum of dimension unifying idea of this work is to of spatial dependence based on engineering and geochemistry, geometry of Riemannian the theory of Gaussian processes
p is typically embedded p consider the available data as the concepts of norm and inner with emphasis on applications manifolds often prevents a in function spaces. The latter
into the Euclidean space R , object data, and accordingly product in a Hilbert space, and oriented towards modeling proper account for the spatial developments are proved to
where standard multivariate interpret a georeferenced consistently develop an original physical and chemical processes dependence which may exist be fully consistent with the
techniques are available. A dataset as a partial observation Universal Kriging methodology occurring in heterogeneous among data when these are methodology proposed in the
B-part composition i.e. , a of a random field valued in for random fields valued in earth systems. As a key georeferenced. Another instance first part, and are part of an on-
Bdimensional constrained vector, an appropriate space (finite- any separable Hilbert space. element of innovation, we here of non-Hilbert data is the case going research project aiming to
describing the proportions (or or infinite-dimensional). The From an application viewpoint, propose to analyze particle- of environmental variables unify within the same theoretical
percent amounts) of a whole relevance of this new viewpoint this is particularly relevant, as size distributions through their associated to continuous framework multivariate, space-
according to a given partition of to geostatistics is twofold: (i) it it significantly broadens the densities, interpreted as object profiles: a natural embedding time and functional geostatistics.
the domain can be analyzed allows to treat a broad class of applicability of the theory on data within the Hilbert space for this kind of object data is the
via the embedding into the georeferenced complex data geostatistics for functional data of FCs, endowed with the space C of continuous functions,
(B-1)dimensional simplex which are nowadays commonly currently available. For instance, generalized Aitchison geometry. which is a separable Banach
endowed with the Aitchison available in industrial and in our setting, both point-wise A relevant advantage of our space with the uniform norm,
geometry. Even infinite- environmental studies (e.g., and differential properties approach lies in the possibility but cannot be equipped with a
dimensional data can be dealt temperature profiles, data on characterizing functional data of obtaining predictions of complete metric induced by an
with within the framework soil composition, etc.), and can be explicitly incorporated the entire particle-size curve inner product (i.e., it cannot be
of OODA, if embedded into (ii) it provides new insights in in the stochastic model, e.g., at unsampled locations, a Hilbert space). In C however,
a suitable functional
2 space well-established multivariate by embedding the data into an as opposed to classical or the point-wise evaluation of a
(e.g., the space L of square- methods, such as Cokriging. appropriate Sobolev space. compositional Kriging which function is meaningful,2 unlike
integrable functions). As such, We approach OOGeoStat This new approach to only allow for finite-dimensional the case of the space L which
OODA unifies within the same progressively, by proposing geostatistics constitutes the predictions, based on a set of is typically employed in FDA.
framework the classical settings original methodologies to treat rich soil upon which all the selected features (or synthetic Even in these cases, the abstract
of real and multivariate analysis, increasingly complex scenarios. subsequent developments of this indices) of the curve. As such, viewpoint of our approach offers
with those at the frontier of We first focus on OOGeoStat work are grounded. Amongst our developments allow for a a new perspective to address
statistics such as Compositional for data embedded into a these, a particular emphasis complete assessment of the these issues. These ideas are
Data Analysis (CoDa) or separable Hilbert space. This is given to constrained object information content embedded explored in the last part of this
Functional Data Analysis (FDA) case appears of particular data, in the form of Functional into PSCs, which is critical work, which seeks to go further
The aim of this work is interest for applications, as Compositions (FCs). The latter to the proper modeling of beyond Hilbert spaces, in the
to introduce and explore the Hilbert-space embedding are functions constrained to be several physical and chemical challenging directions of object
Object Oriented Geostatistics allows to deal with most types non-negative and to integrate processes occurring in data in Riemannian manifold

Weighted Functional Inequalities and a general positive finite Radon means finding those functions become identically zero

PhD Yearbook | 2015

measure. This is performed by which attain the best constant in a finite time T > 0. The
Nonlinear Diffusions of Porous Medium adapting a clever argument
first introduced by M. Pierre a
in the inequality. Such problem
was solved by M. Del Pino and J.
asymptotics of nonnegative
radial solutions (i.e. solutions
Type long ago, whose applicability
is however far from obvious
Dolbeault in the non-weighted
case g = 0. In particular, they
depending on the spatial
component only through the
in the present context. In fact show that the optimal functions geodesic distance r from a given
Matteo Muratori - Supervisors: Gabriele Grillo, Bruno Nazaret our method, based on Riesz coincide with b0(x):= (1+|x|2)-1/(p-1), pole) turns out to be, in the
potential techniques, also works up to a multiplication by a range m((N 2)/(N + 2),1),
in the case of the weighted constant and a scaling. Our aim driven by a separable solution 531
This thesis deals with a the weighted PME, namely boundary conditions. In the FPME (WFPME) r(x)ut = (D)s is to generalize this result to with the same extinction time


class of nonlinear diffusion rm(x)ut = div[rm(x)(|u|m-1u)], same chapter we also consider (um), provided some power-type CKN, namely to prove that their T, which involves the unique
equations whose prototype where rn and rm are suitable an inhomogeneous filtration conditions on r(x) are required optimal functions are of the type positive energy solution V to an
is ut = D(|u|m-1u), known as positive functions (weights). equation in the Euclidean both at the origin, where it of bg(x):= (1+|x| 2-g)-1/(p-1). elliptic Emden-Fowler equation.
porous medium equation The weight rn corresponds space Rd, namely a weighted can be singular, and at infinity. Establishing that bg optimizes Convergence to the separable
(PME) for m > 1 and as fast to an inhomogeneous PME where rm1 and |u|m-1u Being able to prove existence CKN among radial functions solution is proved in a strong
diffusion equation (FDE) for mass distribution, whereas is replaced by a more general and uniqueness of Barenblatt- is easy. Hence, our analysis sense, namely in the uniform
m<1. One may see it as a rm corresponds to an function G(u). It is known that type solutions in the weighted amounts to proving that the norm of the relative error and
particular nonlinear version inhomogeneous diffusion nonuniqueness phenomena case as well, we can study the optimal functions are radial, at the level of all derivatives.
of the heat equation whose coefficient. It is natural to can occur even for bounded asymptotic behaviour of general which is not trivial even if the We point out that, at least in
diffusion coefficient is a introduce the measure dn:= data and solutions. Uniqueness solutions to the WFPME in terms weight |x|-g is radial (in general the special case of spherically
power of the solution itself. rn(x)dx, whose associated can then be restored by adding of Barenblatt-type solutions, at symmetry breaking phenomena symmetric Riemannian manifolds
Such coefficient becomes Lebesgue spaces we denote a suitable nonhomogeneous least when r decays slowly at can occur). By means of known as model manifolds,
degenerate or singular at as Lp(n) for p 1. Our first condition at infinity. Here infinity. The convergence result a perturbation argument we basically fall in the class
u=0 depending on whether concern consists in considering we prove existence and exploits scaling properties of involving concentration- of equations described by a
one considers the PME Lq(n) Lp(n) smoothing and uniqueness results, under the Barenblatt-type solution compactness techniques, we two-weight FDE. In fact, in
or the FDE, respectively. decay properties of solutions, suitable assumptions on rn(x) associated with a singular-power show that the result is true this framework, the radial
Evolution equations of porous where u(t)Lp(n) as a and G(u) and provided certain density even if the equation provided g > 0 is small. This has component of the Riemannian
medium type have a long consequence of u0Lq(n). It pointwise conditions at infinity at hand involves a regular interesting consequences for Laplacian can be written in the
history, both as concerns the is a classical problem in linear are prescribed. density. The asymptotics of the asymptotics of nonnegative form r-1(r)r(r (r)r) in geodesic
applications which motivate semigroup theory, which has Chapter 2 is devoted to the solutions to the WFPME with solutions to the power-weighted polar coordinates. Here we
their consideration and from widely been studied in the study of nonnegative solutions rapidly decaying densities is Euclidean FDE |x|-gut = D(um) in perform a detailed analysis on
the mathematical point of nonlinear setting as well. Here to the fractional porous medium quite different. In fact we prove the range (2d g 2)/[2(d g)] hyperbolic space only, as the
view. Here we are concerned we prove full equivalence equation (FPME) ut = (D)s(um), that the latter is determined < m < 1. In fact, the optimality topologically simplest example
with a number of (weighted) between suitable versions of where m > 1 and for s(0,1) by a separable solution which of bg for CKN is equivalent to the of noncompact, negatively
variants and extensions of such smoothing and decay we denote as (D)s the fractional involves the solution of a validity of a sharp free energy- curved model manifold. We
the PME or the FDE, for estimates and appropriate Laplacian operator on Rd. The suitable fractional sublinear Fisher information inequality, believe however that our results
which we address several Poincar-, Sobolev- or investigation of such a class elliptic equation. This requires which is in turn equivalent can be extended at least to more
fundamental issues such as Gagliardo-Nirenberg-type of equations has been started techniques completely different to a sharp exponential decay general model manifolds with
existence and uniqueness inequalities. These estimates recently by J. L. Vzquez et al.; from the ones we use in the estimate for the free energy strictly negative curvature.
of solutions and their may not be satisfied up to in particular, well-posedness slowly decaying case. functional. The latter is a
asymptotic behaviour. Our p = unless Sobolev- or of the evolution is proved for In chapter 3 we address measure of the distance
analysis aims at linking as far Gagliardo-Nirenberg-type general L1 data. Existence and the problem of finding the between a general solution and
as possible the properties of inequalities hold true (i.e.a uniqueness of Barenblatt-type functions that optimize a family bg, after a standard time-space
the solutions with functional Poincar-type inequality is solutions, namely solutions of Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg scaling.
inequalities associated with not enough). The details having a Dirac delta as initial (CKN) inequalities, which can be Finally, in chapter 4 we study
the underlying functional of the stated equivalence datum, have been proved again obtained by interpolation from the FDE on hyperbolic space
spaces. Below we outline the depend on the particular by Vzquez. Motivated by Hardys inequality and from the HN(N 2). As it happens for
main topics investigated in problem at hand: we consider these results, we have tackled Sobolev inequality: they depend the fast diffusion equation on
the thesis, which is divided Euclidean domains with both the problem of (existence and) on the weight |x|-g(g(0,2)) and bounded Euclidean domains
into four chapters. homogeneous Dirichlet and uniqueness of weak solutions on p(1,(d g)/(d2)). Finding with homogeneous Dirichlet
In chapter 1 we deal with homogeneous Neumann to the FPME with initial datum optimal functions for CKN boundary conditions, solutions

Numerical approximation of the electrical

PhD Yearbook | 2015

activity in the left ventricle with the
inclusion of the Purkinje fibers
Simone Palamara - Supervisors: Prof. Alfio Quarteroni, Dr. Christian Vergara

Cardiovascular diseases are can lead to sudden death. Instead, cardiac anatomical activity in the left ventricle is studied pathologies (myocardial consisting in a methodology


the leading cause of death in Therefore, in the last years, models concentrate their regulated by the peripheral infarction, Wolff Parkinson for the generation of a patient-
the world. This highlights the detailed and sophisticated efforts in including the major part of the cardiac conduction White syndrome and left bundle specific Purkinje network, driven
vital role of the cardiovascular electrophysiological models of structures involved in the system, the Purkinje fibers. These branch block) and therapies by available clinical measures
system, that allows blood to the heart have been developed electrical propagation, based on fibers regulate the propagation (cardiac resynchronization of the activation times acquired
circulate, supplying oxygen with the aim of revealing and anatomical knowledge or driven of the electrical signal in normal therapy and ablation therapy). on the endocardium of the
and nutrients to tissues and describing the causes and the by clinical data. For example, conditions, but they also play a In Chapter 3 we present the left ventricle. At the best of
removing wastes from them. major mechanisms arising the reconstruction of the three- role during abnormal electrical clinical data, consisting in the authors knowledge, this
Due to its importance, scientists in different pathologies. In dimensional geometry of the propagations. In the latter medical images of the left is the first time that clinical
during the last century have particular, we can identify two heart through medical images, situation, the inclusion of the ventricle and in endocardial data are used to generate
developed bio-mathematical main classes of models: (i) the inclusion of the muscular Purkinje fibers is essential also measures of the activation a patient-specific Purkinje
models of the cardiovascular cardiac tissue and cell models fibers and the modelization of to design new therapies or to times acquired by means of network. Finally, in Chapter 6
system, exploiting the that describe the structure of the cardiac conduction system, optimize existing ones. The the Navx system. At the best we present several numerical
increase in the computational the cardiac tissue and all the that regulates the propagation present work can be regarded of the authors knowledge, results of what discussed in the
power in combination with cellular mechanisms involved in of the electrical signal through in this framework, since it these data have been used for previous chapters, both in an
new technologies for both the generation and propagation the heart. The choice of which concerns with the study of computational purposes only ideal geometry with synthetic
the acquisition of clinical of the electrical signal; and (ii) structure to be included depends electrical activation of the left in one paper, for the definition data and in real geometries
data and the design of new cardiac anatomical models, on the level of accuracy required ventricle with the inclusion of of a space-dependent muscular with clinical measures of healthy
experiments. These efforts are that describe instead all the and on the clinical problem that the Purkinje fibers, with the conduction velocity. In Chapter and pathological propagations.
crucial to gain better insight anatomical structures that is addressed. In this thesis, we final aim of addressing cases 4 we study the mathematical Moreover, we consider an
on the mechanisms regulating regulate and influence the focus on modelling the electrical of clinical interest, related models of the electrical activity, application to the cardiac
cardiovascular system activity spreading of the electrical signal. activity in the left ventricle, using to healthy and pathological focusing on the monodomain resynchronization therapy (CRT),
and to provide the clinicians Both these classes of models are clinical data on the activation propagations. In particular, the and eikonal problems. We study with an optimization study
with a powerful instrument fundamental to obtain accurate, times and medical images principal goals of this work different strategies for modelling to identify the best timings
for diagnosis and therapeutic reliable and realistic description provided by the Division of are: the study of different the coupled problem given by and locations of the stimuli
design. In this thesis we of the electrical activity in the Cardiology, Ospedale S. Maria strategies for solving the the interaction between the produced by the CRT-device.
concentrate on the study of heart. To the first class of models del Carmine, Rovereto, Trento, coupled problem given by the Purkinje fibers, represented as a The numerical simulations
the heart electrical activity, belongs for example the so Italy and by the operative unit interaction between the Purkinje one-dimensional network, and have been performed both in
that is fundamental since it is called bidomain model, that is of Radiology of Borgo-Pergine, fibers and the ventricular the myocardium. Finally, we ideal geometries and in a real
the spreading of the electrical the most accurate model for Ospedale di Borgo Valsugana, myocardium, arising at the propose some numerical tests to geometry with a patient-specific
signal that triggers the heart describing the spreading of Borgo Valsugana, Trento, Italy. endpoints of the fibers, the compare the different strategies Purkinje network.
contraction. The purpose of the signal through the cardiac Clinicians are interested in the Purkinje-Muscle junctions (PMJ). and we present a preliminary
this work is the numerical tissue, capable of representing electrical activity of the left The electrophysiology models result on the inclusion of
modelization of the electrical different phenomena, from ventricle, since this cardiac considered are the monodomain the Purkinje network in an
activity in the left ventricle normal propagation to chamber pumps blood in the and eikonal equations. After electro-mechanical simulation.
with the inclusion of Purkinje tachycardia and defibrillation. whole body (except for the a brief introduction, the thesis This is, at the best of authors
fibers. Because of its role, a Coupled to the bidomain model, lungs) and therefore electrical is organized as follows. In knowledge, the first attempt
dysfunction of the normal detailed models of the heart pathologies affecting the left Chapter 2 we introduce the to include the Purkinje fibers
electrical propagation causes cells have been developed, ventricle can be life-threatening, biological notions about the in the electro-mechanical
a disorganized and irregular describing the dynamics that such as the ventricular heart physiology, focusing on simulations. In Chapter 5 we
contraction of the whole lead to the generation of the tachycardia or ventricular the role of the Purkinje fibers in detail the major and original
heart, that in the worst case electrical signal at the cell level. defibrillation. The electrical the ventricular activation, on the achievement of this thesis,

THE ROLE OF MECHANICS IN MORPHOGENESIS: with a homogeneous growth. for the regulation of tissue size is due to homogeneous and

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Moreover, it is compressive, it in growing organisms. anisotropic growth has still to
THEORY AND NUMERICS grows at a given position fixed
in space as the disc becomes
It is known that mechanics
plays an important role also in
be understood, and calls for
mechanical models. Moreover,
larger. These results are the emergence of organism evidence of anisotropy in the
qualitatively in agreement with shape. Coordination and limb bud tissue have already
recent experimental observation. integration of forces by long- been provided: the basal
Viola Pettinati - Advisor: Davide Ambrosi Then, we corroborate and range force transmission and membrane, which surrounds the
extend this idea to the case of mechanosensing of cells within limb bud, can be classified as a
a full threedimensional domain tissues produce large-scale transversal anisotropic material. 535
Morphogenesis is the ensemble efforts have been made to works. One of the aims of this with the support of numerical tissue shape changes. The limb In this thesis we propose a


of biological processes that understand how morphogens thesis is to address whether a simulations. We have developed has long been considered a preliminary mixture model for
lead to the emergence of influence growth, and Turings continuum mechanics model a finite element code to paradigm of the organogenesis. vertebrate limb bud growth.
an organism shape. The idea was extended: not only can reproduce a stress pattern determine the stress distribution Experimental studies on In our model, the limb bud
orchestrated cellular process of morphogens are responsible qualitatively similar to the one induced by an inhomogeneous mouse and chick limb bud, the is described as a three phase
differentiation and duplication of pattern formation, they also reported and reconstructed by active contraction in a 3D embryonic precursor of the mixture, made of the fluid and
yields organs that have a specify mutual cell position and these experiments. The stress monolayer. Two geometrical limb, have provided extended the solid components of the
precise shape and size. An then influence organism growth. is a long range field, natural settings are considered: a thin knowledge of the underlying extracellular matrix, and of (fluid)
important role in this phase is Examples of morphogens are candidate for intercellular circular cylinder and the real chemical processes involved in cells. A water inflow triggered by
held by molecules that were first the Decapentaplegic (DPP), communication, and, as a matter shape of the wing imaginal organogenesis. However, the the active transport of chemical
hypothesized by Alan Turing. In Hedgehog, and Wingless. of fact, cells are well known disc. Both radial and biaxial gene effects on shape have species increases the ECM
his seminal work, he described The theoretical argument to modulate their motility and symmetries in the morphogens still to be determined. There fluid phase, and mass transfert
how the concentration of that the concentration of a reproduction rate on the basis concentration can be set on the have been several attempts to among different components
chemical substances in a tissue morphogen can drive growth of their own tensional state. We basis of possible line sources quantify the spatiotemporal induces their growth. This
evolves in time because of is fascinating and successful formalize different conjectures and then determine the active distribution of growth in the study represents a first step to
reaction and diffusion processes. in some cases, but such an about possible morphogenetic region. The flexibility of the limb bud. The prominent connect the chemical signals
The density patterns, dictated by appealing explanation is to be mechanisms in mathematical numerical simulations allows us hypothesis is called the and the mechanical response
instability, can be conjectured to corroborated by other physical equations and analyze them in to enforce different symmetries proliferation gradient hypothesis. of the tissue in a context of
drive the system shaping. Even if mechanisms. An alternative terms of physical admissibility. when experimental reports According to this mechanism, mixture theory. We feel that this
he did not precisely identify such approach to explain how the size Our standpoint is that a obtained by different techniques the elongation of the limb bud context is the most appropriate
molecules, Turing called them in the tissue growth is controlled physical field is an admissible are apparently in conflict. is achieved by distal cells being to describe a realistic limb bud,
morphogens to convey the idea by a limited proliferation is mechanism of local transduction These simulations also validate stimulated to divide faster than especially because, through the
of shape generation. based on mechanobiology. In of global information if, numerically the assumptions proximal cells, without invoking ECM fiber distribution, the tissue
A fundamental contribution to the study of the responsible under homogeneous growth, that were at the basis of our any kind of directional behavior: anisotropy can be taken into
the theory of morphogens is due mechanisms for the tissue it depends in a specific way analytical results. They confirm high distal rate of non-oriented account.
to Lewis Wolpert, who proposed size determination, the most on the domain size and on that the planar components proliferation are considered
the French flag model. The popular model organisms is its relative position in the of the stress strongly resemble to be sufficient to drive tissue
central element of this model the Drosophila Melanogaster, organ only. By means of finite the ones obtained in the growth. Recent studies call into
is the spatial distribution of also known as fruit fly. We elasticity calculations under 2D case, confirming that question this idea. They indicate
the concentration of specific concentrate our attention on plane strain-plane stress the planar axialsymmetric that cell elongation and division
substances in the tissue: it is the Drosophila wing imaginal assumption in a circular disc, approximation is able to catch have preferential directions,
detected by the cells which, disc, the structure of the larva we show that, prescribing an the relevant features of the and therefore the oriented cell
according to specific thresholds, from which the adult insect active contraction in a circular stress distribution. Moreover, the behaviors are important for
trigger the transcription of wing originates. Mechanical portion of the domain, possibly z-components of the computed driving tissue elongation. How
distinct sets of genes. According stress is known to play a role in dictated by high concentration stress is much smaller than much of the growth is due to
to this theory, there is a direct tissue development, sometimes of morphogens, the force the other components and phenomena like convergent
correlation between the input in conjunction or superposition balance equation yields a stress do not significantly vary along extension, the process by which
(the concentration level) and with chemical signaling. In distribution of the desired form: the thickness, thus supporting the tissue of an embryo is
the output (the response of particular, evaluation of the the stress locally provides the our simplifying assumptions. restructured to converge along
the tissue): each threshold stress in the wing imaginal disc cells the information about Therefore, our analysis of one axis and extend along a
corresponds to the border of by photoelasticity has been the the size of the tissue, and the Drosophila development perpendicular axis by cellular
an expression territory. Many subject of recent experimental such a signal is compatible provides an effective mechanism movement, and how much

Global and component-wise distribution-

PhD Yearbook | 2015

free inference for functional data:
methods and applications
Alessia Pini - Supervisor: Prof. Simone Vantini

Functional Data Analysis, i.e., functional data is approached generalization of Hotellings T2 the parameters of a functional- way ANOVA is performed to Software


the statistical analysis of sets from two different perspectives: statistic in functional Hilbert on-scalar linear model. investigate the effects of the Implementations of the ITP
of curves, is a lively area of parametric and non-parametric spaces. The statistic is the gap between welded plates and have been made freely available
statistics. New possibilities inference. Non-parametric natural extension in the infinite- Applications the location of the laser beam in the R-package fdatest,
introduced by recent inference commonly relies dimensional framework of the As first application, a functional on the laser emission spectra. downloadable from CRAN, at
technologies of recording high- on computational intensive statistical tools for testing the one-way ANOVA is applied The result of such technique http://cran.r-project.org/web/
resolution data representable permutation techniques. mean with unknown variance, to knee movement data of a is the selection of a band of packages/fdatest/index.html.
as functions, leave statisticians Parametric inference relies from the works of Gosset follow-up study on Anterior wavelength in the thermal The package implements the
with the problem of developing instead on distributional (Student) and Fisher at the Cruciate Ligament (ACL) emission domain in which only ITP in different frameworks (i.e.,
novel methodologies to analyze assumptions on functional data beginning of the twentieth ruptures. The knee movements the gap effect is significant. This one-population, two-population,
this type of data. In the thesis, (e.g., normality). In the case of century, up to the earlier of individuals suffering from an suggests the use of emission ANOVA, and linear models)
the problem of inference on functional data, normality is a extensions of Hotellings T2 to ACL injury, treated with surgery data on this band to monitor the by means of different basis
functional data is addressed, very demanding assumption, high dimensional data. The (first group), physiotherapy gap during the welding process expansions (i.e., B-spline and
from both a methodological and practically impossible to verify. proposed method is a global (second group), and uninjured at any possible location. Fourier).
an application point of view. For this reason, we choose inferential procedure, i.e., it controls (third group) are Finally, the ITP for one-sample
Functional data are typically to base inference on non- provides a unique result over investigated. The ITP shows that inference is applied to assess
modeled as random elements of parametric permutation tests. the whole domain of the individuals that were treated the uncertainty about solar
infinite dimensional separable For instance, suppose that we curves. For instance, it is able with physiotherapy present energy generation systems.
Hilbert spaces, and one of the want to test for differences to test whether two functional significantly different movement The ITP is adopted to evaluate
main issues is the impossibility between two groups of curves. populations have the same patterns with respect to the the frequencies of a Fourier
of defining a probability A permutation test can be mean, but in case of rejection other two groups both during basis that are significant in the
density function for random constructed by evaluating the of the latter hypothesis, it is take-off and during landing (Fig. expansion of the mean function
functions. However, the distribution of a test statistic not able to select the parts 1). of climatic data. The result
problem of developing suitable measuring the distance between of the domain presenting the The ITP is then applied to the is used to evaluate relevant
inferential tools for functional groups over the space of all differences. To answer this remote monitoring of laser quantities for the installation of
data is of high importance for possible permutations of data question, we developed a novel welding. A functional two- a residential photovoltaic plant.
practitioners. For instance, a test across groups. The p-value of methodology, namely, the
for deciding whether several such test can be evaluated as Interval Testing Procedure (ITP).
groups of curves have the the proportion of permutations This procedure is based on the
same (functional) mean could leading to a test statistic expansion of data on a (possibly
be applied to a wide range of higher than the one evaluated high-dimensional) functional
situations. We may think of the with the non-permuted data. basis, and provides the selection
case in which the curves express The resulting test is exact, of the basis coefficients that
the movement through time and it does not require any lead to a rejection of the null
of groups of subjects affected distributional assumption. hypothesis. If a local basis -such
by different pathologies: in this as B-splines-is used, the ITP
case, a test of mean comparison Methods can be used to identify regions
between groups could provide a The first methodology of the domain of statistical
quantitative way to understand developed in this work is a significance. The procedure
whether they express the same distribution-free inferential is developed for the case of 1. Definition of the knee angles in the sagittal plane (left); flexion/extension curves of the physiotherapy (blue), surgery
behavior. method for the mean of testing the mean of one and (red) and control (green) groups (right) during take-off, flight, and landing phases. Shaded areas: intervals presenting
Statistical inference for functional data based on a two populations, and for testing significant differences between the groups at 5% (light grey) and 1% (dark grey) levels.


PhD yearbook | 2015

Matteo Porro - Supervisors: Prof. Riccardo Sacco, Prof. Guglielmo Lanzani,
Dr. Maria Rosa Antognazza
The continuously increasing enhanced biocompatibility and role of electrical effects, by


1. Proposed device working principles. (left) Light absorption determines free charge generation and ion rearrangement
convergence of life sciences and superior mechanical properties considering a configuration
in the solution, inducing cell membrane response. (right) Light absorption induces temperature variation in the
engineering is determining an compared to inorganic without the cell. We carry out a environment, the cell membrane properties are modified and excitation occurs.
impressive expansion of novel semiconductors, which are the systematic analysis of performed
disciplines, and a significant reference materials for the state measurement and propose a
role among them is played of the art prototypes. sound mathematical description elements in primal-mixed adopted mathematical picture allows for an accurate and
by bioelectronics. In this field, In particular, this thesis deals to describe the chain of events form, incorporating the of the problem consists in a robust discretization of problem
innovative applications such with the investigation and that lead from input light classic Scharfetter-Gummel system of partial and ordinary equations. Additionally we
as human-machine interfaces, the mathematical description illumination to the development stabilization. differential equations that propose an extension of the
wearable devices and prosthetics of a simplified configuration of an output photovoltage signal We perform extensive numerical represent: method in the two-dimensional
are able to capture enormous of such device. This consists that drives cellular response. simulations to corroborate heat generation and diffusion framework to account for
attention by the consumer in a bio-polymer interface, in The adopted model consists in and support the picture of the in the polymer and delivery to the modified formulation
audience and represent a which a thin slab of P3HT, a a system of partial and ordinary device working principles that the solution; of the problem in cylindrical
huge business opportunity, photosensitive semiconducting differential equations that we draw based on the obtained the electrical response of cell coordinates with axial symmetry.
attracting important investments polymer, is contacted with a represent: experimental evidence: membrane; We perform the stability and
for fundamental research transparent electrode of Indium- generation, diffusion, a critical role is played by the change of membrane convergence analysis of the
and development of novel Tin-Oxide, and a cell is grown decay and dissociation into the interface between the capacitance, conductance proposed methods, validating
prototypes. onto it, the whole system being free charges of excitons, a P3HT and the ITO electrode, and resting value due to the them with a series of numerical
A dynamic and challenging immersed in a physiological particular type of excited state characterized by the presence temperature increase. experiments.
branch of prosthetics is solution to allow cell survival. of the polymer molecules; of a depleted region and of Obtained results are in excellent
represented by the activity Despite the fact that measured electric conduction of the corresponding electric agreement with measurements
carried out for developing cell transmembrane current and generated free electrons and field, which drives exciton and support the picture which
devices aimed at restoring the voltage clearly demonstrate that holes in the polymer according dissociation and induces identifies the temperature
sight to people who lost it a significant electrical cellular to the classical Drift-Diffusion charge displacement; induced variation of the
because of some degenerative activity is elicited with light formalism; charge trap dynamics membrane capacitance as
illnesses. In this context, an stimulation due to absorption trapping and release of charge determines the characteristic the driving force of cellular
important contribution is by the polymer, the involved carriers in localized trap states time scale of the device depolarization. However, the
provided by the group of physical processes are still not in the energy gap of the response in terms of physical interpretation of this
Prof. Guglielmo Lanzani at fully understood, with both polymer; photovoltage signal. latter membrane characteristic
the Center for Nano Science electrical and temperature rearrangement of electric field In the second part of the thesis, is still under debate, and the
and Technology @PoliMi of related phenomena possibly inside the device according to an analysis of the response chapter ends with a critical
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. occurring in the system. For Gauss law. upon photostimulation of cells discussion of the mainstream
They recently developed a this reason, the modelling and The resulting nonlinear system of grown onto such polymer- description, based on the classic
photovoltaic device made of simulation efforts have been equations is numerically solved electrolyte interface devices Gouy-Chapman-Stern theory of
a particular semiconducting addressed at exploring the using techniques including: is carried out using patch double layers.
polymer and demonstrated that proposed descriptions of the time advancing with Rothes clamp measurements. This The thesis ends with a
this latter is able to stimulate actual working principles of the method and Backward choice aims at demonstrating chapter devoted to a detailed
a piece of dissected rat retina device, and at verifying that such Differentiation Formulae; that for particular values of description of the adopted
placed onto it upon illumination pictures are compatible with the system linearization with the the illumination intensity, the finite element methodology,
with visible light. This result experimentally observed trends. Newton method; observed phenomena are showing how the use of an
is of great importance since In the first part of the thesis, spatial discretization with actually determined by a change exponentially fitted stabilized
polymers are characterized by an we focus at characterizing the exponentially fitted finite of the local temperature. The primal-mixed formulation

On the mathematical modeling of a metal

PhD Yearbook | 2015

foam expansion process

Elisabetta Repossi - Advisor: Dott. Marco Verani - Coadvisor: Prof. Riccardo Rosso

Metal foams are special cases state upon heat treatment of incompressible-compressible considerably as they can be mixing is compressible. The


of cellular metals with closed the foaming precursor(s). In fact, fluids: the incompressible part implemented numerically in main difficulties in the numerical
cells. These materials attract the during the heat treatment, at is the liquid metal, while the an effective way. They are approximation of these systems
attention of researchers and temperatures near the melting compressible part is the gas characterized by a scalar are represented by the presence
engineers, thanks to properties point of the matrix material, inside bubbles. The literature of parameter, called order of the pressure in the chemical
like damping, high capability of the blowing agent decomposes multiphase flows includes many parameter, which differs in the potential definition and by the
energy absorption, high stiffness and the released gas forces the types of differential models. two phases. There are different velocity field that is no longer
and low weight, that make them compacted precursor material In a sharp-interface approach, choices for the order parameter: divergence-free. The idea is to
suitable for a wide range of to expand. In the process, the thickness of the interface for example, the average build a numerical scheme that,
applications, in particular in the the resulting foam expansion between the two phases is volume fraction of a phase or at the discrete level, preserves
automotive industry. depends, therefore, on the small compared with other the mass concentration of a mass conservation and the
Many different processes have content of blowing agent, characteristic scales of the fluids. phase. In both cases, the order energy dissipation law associated
been developed for producing temperature, time, pressure, In recent years, diffuseinterface parameter has a clear physical to the original system. The
this kind of materials. Precursor heating rate, size of the models have been successfully meaning and its evolution system of equations derived by
foaming is suggested in the precursor, etc. Furthermore, used to describe the flow of is described by a nonlinear Lowengrub and Truskinovsky (LT
literature as useful for filling other physical variables govern two or more immiscible fluids diffusion equation. We have system) for quasi-incompressible
processes and it is the method the dynamics of the gas bubbles both for theoretical studies and derived a thermodynamically fluids has many similarities with
used in our research activities. in the foamed matrix of a numerical simulations. In this consistent phase-field model for the NSCH system associated to
It involves the heating of a precursor, such as the matrix situation, the transition between the description of the expansion the metal foaming model: for
solid material (called precursor) state (solid, semi-solid or liquid), the two phases takes place stage of the foam. We have this reason, first we have derived
containing an embedded gas the presence of solid particles on smoothly across an appropriate adopted mass concentration of a numerical discretization for the
source (a blowing agent) that, the bubble walls, fluid viscosity, diffuse interface or layer (in the liquid phase as phase-field LT system and then we extended
upon temperature increasing, etc. contrast with the sharp-interface variable. this numerical method to the
releases gas and drives the The high costs and the lack of approach, in which the physical The system of equations case of the NSCH system for
foaming process. Two processing control in the manufacturing parameters characterizing the associated the phase-field incompressible-compressible
methods can be distinguished process (in order to avoid foam- flow are discontinuous across model for metal foams is an fluids (i.e., the metal foam
depending on whether the decay phenomena like drainage the interface). These models are incompressiblecompressible model case). We proved that
precursor is prepared by a and coarsening) prevent the based on the observation that version of a Navier-Stokes-Cahn- these discretizations satisfy mass
metallurgical or a melt route, industrial production of metal even for two (macroscopically) Hilliard (NSCH) system. Several conservation and an energy
which are respectively identified foams. A mathematical model immiscible fluids there is a numerical approximations of dissipation property at the
as Powder line or Formgrip line. describing the manufacturing very thin interfacial region in the NSCH system have been discrete level.
In this work we have considered route of metal foams could help which partial mixing of the proposed in literature in the
the powder line. Precursor engineers in the study of the two fluids occurs. Phase-field case of incompressible two-
foaming is characterized by a physical parameters that are models belong to the diffuse- phase fluids, but, up to our
pronounced foam expansion involved in the evolution of the interface family of models. They knowledge, the numerical
stage in the liquid state, as foam. We are interested in the have been used to describe a analysis in the incompressible
it has been highlighted by study of the expansion stage of variety of physical problems in compressible case is missing.
the experimental work we the foam within a hollow mold. which phase transitions play Very recently numerical
performed at M.U.S.P. laboratory The mathematical modeling of a role, namely condensation, techniques have been developed
in Piacenza, in collaboration the foam expansion stage can evaporation, crystallization, for quasiincompressible fluids,
with M.U.S.P. researchers: the be reduced to the mathematical etc. The importance of phase- i.e., fluids in which both phases
metal matrix is in the melted modeling of two-phase field techniques has grown are incompressible, but the

Efficient solution techniques for

PhD Yearbook | 2015

hp-version Discontinuous Galerkin
approximation of elliptic problems
Marco Sarti - Advisor: Dr. Paola F. Antonietti - Co-Advisor: Dr. Marco Verani

In this thesis, we address the In addition to the above implies that the practical utility our W-cycle algorithms converge approach in the context of a analysis is carried out following


study and design of efficient mentioned advantages, it has of this class of methods is uniformly with respect to the multigrid philosophy. the standard multigird theory
solution techniques for the linear recently been shown that DG strictly related to the availability number of levels if non-inherited Space decomposition techniques for the V-cycle method. We
system of equations arising schemes are suitable to be built of fast solution techniques for sublevel solvers are employed are also considered, and we underline, that unlike the
from the high-order version in the physical frame, avoiding the (linear) system of equations (i.e., the coarse solvers are design and analyze a two-level W-cycle multigrid scheme we
of the Discontinuous Galerkin traditional polynomial spaces resulting from the discretization. constructed rediscretizing our additive preconditioner, which have previously studied, here
(DG) discretization of elliptic mapped from a reference frame. The recent trend in this direction original problem at each level), is uniform with respect to the we do not require any lower
equations. Since they were first This property allows to deal is focused on multilevel whereas convergence cannot be discretization parameters, i.e., bound on the number of
introduced in 1973 by Reed and with general-shaped elements, techniques, including Schwarz independent of the number of the mesh size, the polynomial smoothing steps to guarantee a
Hill for parabolic problems, DG including polygonal/polyhedral domain decomposition methods levels if inherited bilinear forms approximation degree, and convergence iteration, and this is
methods have undergone huge elements. The flexibility of DG and two-level and multigrid are considered (i.e., the coarse the penalization coefficient due to the choice of conforming
developments and a variety of methods in handling general techniques. solvers are the restriction of the appearing in the bilinear form. finite element spaces for the
schemes have been designed meshes has no counterpart in In this doctoral work, we analyze stiffness matrix constructed on The proposed method is based coarser levels. For any solution
for the discretization of a wide the conforming framework, W-cycle multigrid algorithms the finest grid). on the splitting of the high-order technique proposed, we show
range of equations. The main where the design of suitable in the case of standard The same theoretical tools DG space into the high-order extensive numerical tests
reason behind the success finite element space for meshes computational grids, following are employed to develop the conforming finite element space which underpin our theoretical
of DG methods lies in their of polygons/polyhedra is far the abstract theoretical multigrid framework for the plus a correction. Then, in the predictions, and for the W-cycle
inherent advantages compared from being a trivial task. Several framework for this class of case of polygonal/polyhedral context of Parallel Subspace multigrid algorithm we also
to standard (conforming) examples are represented by multilevel solvers. We prove that grids, thus retrieving similar Correction method, we prove include the numerical study of
discretizations, such as: the Composite Finite Element the W-cycle multigrid scheme convergence estimates. The that the uniformity of the several variants of the method
the limited number of inter- Method, the Polygonal Finite converges uniformly with analysis is based on suitable preconditioner on the DG space not explicitly treated in the
element communications, Element Method, the Mimetic respect to the granularity of the geometrical assumptions on results from the uniformity of analysis.
restricted only to neighboring Finite Difference method, underlying mesh, the polynomial the set of underlying grids, two distinct preconditioners on
elements, which makes the Extended Finite Element approximation degree and the which cause the convergence the corresponding subspaces.
the method suitable for Method, and the most recent number of levels, provided result for the W-cycle multigrid In particular, our operator
parallelization; Virtual Element Method. It the number of smoothing scheme to hold only if the is a combination of a two-
the intrinsic local conservativity is recognized that the main steps is large enough, and number of levels is kept limited. level overlapping Schwarz
property; drawback of discontinuous properly chosen as a function Moreover, unlike the case of method, built on the high-order
the simplicity in treating non- discretizations is the larger of the polynomial degree. The standard grids, where the set conforming subspace, and of a
matching grids; number of degrees of freedom numerical experiments confirm of nested grids is obtained pointwise Jacobi method, built
the natural flexibility in for a given computational finite our theoretical results and also from successive refinements on the remaining DG subspace.
handling high-order polynomial element mesh and polynomial demonstrate that our multigrid of an initial partition, here The two-level setting is then
approximations, which allows approximation order, compared methods converge even if the the grids are obtained by further developed into a
to employ an elementwise to their conforming counterpart. assumption on the minimum successive agglomerations V-cycle multigrid algorithm,
varying polynomial order over Moreover, for second order number of smoothing steps is of the finest partition where which is uniformly convergent
the computational domain; elliptic problems with smooth not satisfied, but in this case the the problem is meant to be with respect to the number of
the simplicity in imposing solutions, it is usually observed convergence factor deteriorates solved. The flexibility of the DG levels and the discretization
weakly boundary conditions that, for fixed discretization when the polynomial order method in handling general- parameters. In this case, the
and in handling possible parameters, the discretization increases. We also discuss in shaped elements allows to fully highorder DG finest space is
discontinuities in the error resulting from DG and detail the effects of employing exploit this agglomeration- paired with a hierarchy of nested
coefficients of the physical conforming discretizations is non-inherited or inherited based strategy, which can be linear conforming finite element
model. roughly comparable, which sublevel solvers, and show that considered a more natural spaces, and the convergence

Discontinuous Finite Element Approximation

PhD Yearbook | 2015

of Calm-Hilliard Problems

Simone Stangalino - Advisor: Marco Verani

This thesis is devoted to the on numerical fluxes: different G_1), and periodic boundary the solution of the continuous of levels. In several situations, one introduced in Chapter 3


design of a new discontinuous choices of the fluxes lead to conditions on the left and right problem. Numerical experiments the FAS algorithm is shown to and the time discretization
Galerkin (DG) approximation of different classical formulations edges. An interior penalty DG using various time steps, various behave faster than the Newton is an implicit Euler scheme.
Cahn-Hilliard (CH) equation with of V surface DG methods. Up approximation of the problem space steps and various orders linearized algorithm. Three numerical examples
dynamic boundary conditions. to seven examples which fit is proposed with elements p confirm the theoretical rates In Chapter 5, is presented a new compare the new DG method
To achieve this goal we focus into this general framework are of order p 1, and optimal of convergence. A numerical family of smoothers involved in with a classical conforming
on a set of subproblems that provided. A unified analysis is error estimates are derived in example with Dirichlet boundary the FAS algorithm from Chapter finite element approach from
represent crucial steps towards then performed and provides the L^2(W) norm and a mesh- conditions instead of periodic 4, the so-called collective block the literature. In the first two
the achievement of the final optimal error estimates in L^2 dependent H^1(W) x H^1(G_1)- boundary conditions is also Gauss-Seidel smoothers. The examples, a rectangular domain
goal. norm and H^1-like mesh- like norm; the error estimates performed, exhibiting similar local blocks are composed by is chosen, and in the last one, an
The first chapter is the dependent norms. Numerical take into account the regularity convergence rates. degrees of freedom associated annulus-like domain is chosen.
introduction of the thesis. It is simulations on the unit sphere of the solution and the degree Chapter 4 presents a numerical either to one or more elements The results are similar to those
presented the process of phase with linear, quadratic and of the element. The parabolic comparison of several multigrid (element-wise blocks) or to one obtained with the conforming
separation in a binary alloy quartic elements illustrate the version of the problem is methods for the numerical or more interfaces (interface- finite element method. The
and the importance of the CH theoretical results. then considered on the same resolution of the (classical) CH wise blocks). The smoothers are results in this chapter illustrate
equation as a model of such a In Chapter 3, the DG domain, with dynamic boundary equation by a DG method. For stated in one space dimension the adaptability and the
process. The interest of dynamic approximation of a parabolic conditions. A fully discrete the numerical simulation of in the context of a reaction efficiency of the DG approach
boundary conditions is also problem with dynamic boundary approximation of the parabolic the CH equation, many time diffusion equation and of chosen here.
underlined: such conditions take conditions is considered. A problem is proposed. Optimal steps are usually required, so a linearized CH equation.
into account the interaction of second order linear elliptic error estimates are provided that the fast resolution of the A local Fourier analysis is
the alloy with the walls. Finally, problem is first studied on a in L^(0,T; L^2(W)) norm and nonlinear problem at every performed, and the resulting
are reported several advantages rectangular domain W, with mesh-dependent L^2(0,T; time step is a crucial point for spectrum of the smoothers is
related to the choice of DG generalized Robin boundary H^1(W) x H^1(G_1)) norm, accelerating the computation. presented in a great variety of
methods for the numerical conditions on the bottom assuming enough regularity Four examples on long time situations, with various discrete
resolution of CH type problems. and top edges (denoted and compatibility conditions for scales with linear and quadratic parameters. The smoothers are
Chapter 2 deals with high order elements are first presented then considered in a two-level
DG methods for elliptic problems in two space dimensions: they multigrid algorithm. Numerical
on surfaces. A second order illustrate the efficiency of the tests clearly show that the
linear elliptic model problem approach. Then, two multigrid interface-wise block smoothers
is considered on a compact, methods are presented and behave better than the element-
smooth and oriented surface G compared on a few time steps. wise block smoothers in such
embedded in R^3. First, a family The first method is a classical a situation. The efficiency of Snapshots of the computed solutions
of polynomial approximations multigrid method applied to these smoothers regarding the using DG discretization of CH
to G of degree k 1 is built, the Newton linearization of the computational cost is finally problem.
We notice the typical behaviour of the
as well as an isoparametric DG fully discrete problem, and the shown in several tests. solution on the edge where dynamic
space of degree k; associated to second method is a nonlinear In the last chapter, Chapter 6, boundary conditions are imposed.
this family. Then, a unified (so- multigrid method (Fully is proposed and implemented
called primal) formulation is Approximation Scheme, or FAS). a DG approximation of the
given for the DG approximation Various numerical experiments CH equation with dynamic
of the model problem, using are presented, with different boundary conditions in two
the elements of degree k. The initial conditions, different space dimensions. The space
primal formulation is based Paraview plots of the linear (right) and quartic (left) DG approximations time steps, different number discretization is similar to the
Electrical Engineering | Energy and Nuclear
Science and Technology | Environmental
and Infrastructures engineering |
Industrial Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering | Information Technology |
Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design
| Management, Economics and Industrial
Engineering | Materials Engineering |
Mathematical MODELS and METHODS IN
Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Physics | Preservation of THE Architectural
Heritage | Rotary-wing aircrafts | Spatial
Planning and Urban Development |
Structural Seismic and Geotechnical
Engineering | Technology and Design for
Environment and Building | Territorial
Design and Government | Aerospace
Engineering | Architectural and Urban
Design | Architectural Composition |
Architecture, Urban Design, Conservation
of Housing and Landscape | Bioengineering
| Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage PhD Yearbook | 2015


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Within the current global economic scenario, still striving to recover in the development and qualification of new measurements

Chair: from general slowdown and uncertainty, Mechanical Engineering techniques, as well as in the customisation and application of
Prof. Bianca M. Colosimo stands out as one of the leading and driving sectors of industrial well-known measurement principles in innovative fields. MTM
manufacturing in Italy. In terms of per-capita manufacturing major research focus is oriented towards the design, development
production (2013), our country ranks 2nd in Europe and 8th on a and metrological characterisation of measurement systems and
worldwide scale (Confindustria, Scenari Industriali n.5, June 2014). procedures, the implementation of innovative techniques in
sound/vibrations, structural health monitoring, vision, space and
In this competitive panorama, and in order to respond to the rehabilitation measurements.
requests of a challenging sector, the PhD Programme in Mechanical Machine and vehicle design: this research area is involved in
Engineering provides doctoral candidates with a strong scientific advanced design methods and fitness for purpose of mechanical
training, fostering and refining research and problem-solving components. Advanced design methods refer to the definition of
abilities with respect to the academic and non-academic milieu. multiaxial low and high cycle fatigue life prediction criteria, and
Our Programme, organized within the Department of Mechanical the assessment of structural integrity of cracked elements, the
Engineering, relies on the development of an interdisciplinary prediction of fatigue life criteria of advanced materials as polymer
and integrated high-level educational offer, by focusing on a matrix composite materials (short and long fibres), the definition
comprehensive scientific proposal, from conception to realization. of approaches to predict the influence of shot peening on fatigue
strength of mechanical components. Gears, pressure vessels and
All Doctoral Candidates follow a minimum path of three-years, helicopter components are dealt with. Optimal design and testing
which includes specific courses and lectures, held by Faculty of vehicle systems create a synergism between the theoretical and
members and foreign professors and experts, in-depth research, the experimental researches on ground vehicles.
laboratories and active cooperation with international industries, Manufacturing and production systems: this research field gives
institutions and research groups. With this background, our relevance to the problem of optimal transformation of raw
Doctorates are able to blend the exactness of scientific knowledge materials into final products, addressing all issues related with the
with the ability to deal with management and industrial issues. In introduction, usage, and evolution of technologies and production
this view, their scientific profiles are suitable for prestigious positions systems during the entire product life-cycle. PhD activities, in
at national and international level within universities and research particular, are developed within the following research fields:
institutions, large industrial and consulting companies, SMEs. Manufacturing Processes (MPR), Manufacturing Systems and Quality
RESEARCH AREAS Materials: this area is focused on the study of production process
The PhD Programme in Mechanical Engineering covers a number of and characterization of materials, for structural and functional
different disciplines, being devoted, in particular, to innovation and applications. Excellent research products were obtained both on
experimental activities in six major research areas; all doctoral thesis fundamental research topics (e.g. nanostructured materials, foamed
displayed in the following pages belong to one of these areas: alloys, chemical phenomena in liquid melts, microstructural design
Dynamics and vibration of mechanical systems and vehicles: ecc.) and on applied research (e.g. failure and damage analysis,
this research line is organized into five research areas, namely texture analysis, high temperature behaviour, coatings for advanced
Mechatronics and Robotics, Rotordynamics, Wind Engineering, applications, etc.). The research projects carried out in recent years
Road Vehicle Dynamics, Railway Dynamics. It features modelling addressed specifically the following research topics: Steelmaking
of linear and non-linear dynamic systems, stability and self- and Metallurgical Processes, Advanced Materials and Applied
excited vibrations, active control of mechanical systems, condition Metallurgy.
monitoring and diagnostics. Methods and tools for product design: two main research topics are
Measurements and experimental Techniques: the Mechanical and addressed in this field: PLM-Product Lifecycle Management, which
Thermal Measurements (MTM) group has its common background includes process modelling, engineering knowledge management,

product innovation methods, systematic innovation principles Cheli, Alfredo Cigada, Andrea Collina, Giorgio Colombo, Roberto

PhD Yearbook | 2015

and methods, topology optimization systems, and data/process Corradi, Umberto Cugini (Emeritus), Giorgio Diana (Emeritus), Fabio
interoperability, and Virtual Prototyping, which includes virtual Fossati, Marco Giglio, Massimiliano Gobbi, Mario Guagliano, Nora
prototyping for functional and ergonomics product validation, Lecis, Stefano Manzoni, Carlo Mapelli, Gianpiero Mastinu, Michele
haptic interfaces and interaction, reverse engineering and physics- Monno, Paolo Pennacchi, Barbara Previtali, Ferruccio Resta, Daniele
based modelling and simulation, emotional engineering. Rocchi, Bortolino Saggin, Quirico Semeraro, Tullio Tolio, Maurizio
Vedani, Roberto Vigan, Alberto Zasso
One of the key elements of our Doctoral Programme is represented ADVISORY BOARD
by our laboratories; we feature some of the most unique, active 551
and innovative set-ups in Europe: Cable Dynamics, Characterization Last Name First Name Company-Organization Position

of Materials, DBA (Dynamic Bench for Railway Axles), Dynamic CESARINI Riccardo Brembo Director of Brembo
Testing, Dynamic Vehicle, Gear and Power Transmission, Performance
Geometrical Metrology, High-Temperature Behaviour of Materials,
COELI Paolo Centro Ricerche Fiat Head of Feature Planning at
La.S.T., Manufacturing System, Material Testing, Mechatronics,
MI_crolab Micro Machining, Microstructural Investigations and
Failure Analysis, Outdoor Testing, Physico-Chemical Bulk and GARITO Domenico Schaeffler KG Global Key account Fiat &
Surface Analyses, Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, Process Chrysler WW presso Schaeffler
Metallurgy, Reverse Engineering, Robotics, SIP (Structural Integrity KG
and Prognostics), SITEC Laser, Test rig for the Evaluation of Contact BOIOCCHI Maurizio Pirelli Tyre General Manager Technology
Strip Performances, VAL (Vibroacoustics Lab), VB (Vision Bricks Lab),
FAINELLO Marco Ferrari Senior Manager at Ferrari
Virtual Prototyping, Water Jet, Wind Tunnel.
MURARI Bruno ST Microelectronics Advisor
We foster internationalization by strongly recommending and
supporting PhD candidates mobility abroad, for short-term FAVO Francesco RFI CERSIFER RFI Diagnostics Head of
study and longer research periods. We promote, draft and Department
activate European and extra-European Joint Degrees, Double PhD POLACH Oldrich Bombardier Transportation Chief Engineer Dynamics
Programmes and Joint Doctoral Thesis; our Department is actively LONGANESI CATTANI Francesco PRADA-Luna Rossa Head of PR
involved in EU-based and governmental third-level education
agreements such as Erasmus Mundus, Cina Scholarship Council and CADET Daniel Technical Directorate, Alstom External Relations Director
Brazilian Science Without Borders. Transport
Our international network includes some of the highest-level FOGLIAZZA Giuseppe MCM Technical Manager
and best-known universities all over the world, such as MIT-
MANDELLI Massimiliano Sandvik Italia General Manager
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US), University of California
at Berkeley (US), Imperial College London (UK), Tsinghua University BIGLIA Mauro Officine E. Biglia & C. Manager
(CN), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US), Delft BORSARO Zeno Riello Sistemi Technical Manager
University of Technology (NL), University of Michigan (US), cole
RABINO Edoardo Centro ricerche Fiat Manager
Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne (CH), Technische Universitt
Mnchen (DE), University of Southampton (UK), Technical University CATTANEO Stefano IPG Fibertech General Manager
of Denmark (DK), Pennsylvania State University (US), Chalmers CANTELLA Michele ATOM R&D Manager
University of Technology (SE), Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
(IL), Virginia Tech (US), Technische Universitt Darmstadt (DE), LIVELLI Marco Jobs CEO
University of Bristol (UK), The University of Sheffield (UK), cole ZIPRANI Francesco Marposs R&D Manager
Centrale de Paris (FR), Politcnica de Madrid (ES), Universit Laval
(CA), Universidad EAFIT (CO), AGH (Akademia Grniczo-Hutnicza)
University of Science and Technology (PL). SCHOLARSHIP SPONSORS
Brembo, Pirelli, Rold Elettronica, Saes Getters, MUSP, Riva
DOCTORAL PROGRAMME BOARD Acciaio, STMicroelectronics, Inaf - Osservatorio Astronomico
Bianca Maria Colosimo (Chair), Stefano Beretta, Andrea Bernasconi, di Brera, Fondazione Universit di Mantova, Ferrari, Tenaris,
Marco Bocciolone, Marco Boniardi, Monica Bordegoni, Francesco Rizzoli Ortopedia, Fondazione Politecnico, ETS Sistemi Industriali,
Braghin, Stefano Bruni, Gaetano Cascini, Federico Casolo, Federico Fondazione Universit di Mantova, ITIA-CNR, BLM Group, Luxottica.


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Erfan Afrasiabi - Supervisor: Francesco Braghin

Contact between macroscopic of existing models (empirical,

surfaces occurs on asperities and semi empirical and theoretical)
local nano/micro-scale asperity. the most promising approach
Tribological phenomena like for micro-scale friction model
friction and wear are highly scale (both hysteretic and adhesive)
dependent. has been identified. This model
Two principal strategies in tire allows to account for the
friction estimation are Top- effective pressure distribution,
Down and Bottom-Up. the asphalt properties, the
Top-Down approaches start sliding velocity and temperature
from tire dynamics and rely distributions in the footprint
on statistical mechanics and area. Sensitivity analyses to
1 Normalized lateral force versus slip angle
experiments. Their outcome surface topography, background
3. Estimated total friction coefficient for two models of asphalt
are typically empirical or semi- temperature and road roughness
empirical friction models. In this law for high-performance tire model able to predict tire cut-off wavelength have been
approach friction identification rubber compounds at both contact forces as a function of carried out. Some criteria for
is carried out relying on macro-scale and micro-scale these nine parameters has been objectively determining the road
macroscopic kinematic quantities have been carried out. developed and validated. Results roughness cut-off wavelength
and the dynamics of the entire For macro-scale, nine physical show that the proposed model is have been proposed and tested.
tire, i.e. longitudinal and lateral factors (i.e. slippage, slip angle, able to correctly predict tire-road The main improvements with
contact forces. camber angle, vertical load, lateral forces with a correlation respect to the literature are a
Bottom-Up approaches, inflation pressure, tire bulk and coefficient higher than 91% complete model accounting for
instead, start from first principles tread temperatures as well as in all working conditions (Fig.1 both the hysteretic and adhesive
and use fundamental mechanics road surface roughness and road & Fig.2). The high stability and energy losses as well as the
and physics to link the atomic temperature) were identified as fast simulation time allow to use extension of hysteretic losses
scale to the macroscopic being effective from a sensitivity the proposed model in real-time to 2D deformations (Fig.3). It
aspects of deformation and analysis carried out on telemetry conditions. is shown that, considering 2D
energy dissipation in material. data. Thus, a non-linear tire Starting from a literature review instead of 1D deformations,
Such an analysis is based on increases the estimated
the understanding of the friction coefficient by 7% to
fundamental physics behind 21% according to the surface
the contact mechanisms, load roughness.
distribution, stress and strain
patters, elastic and plastic
material response, surface
topography, interaction of
contaminants and surface
chemistry. Adhesion forces play
a controversial roles in micro-
In this research, identification
and sensitivity analysis of friction 2. Normalized lateral force in time domain for Left tire


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Diya Zohdi Ratib Arafah - Supervisors: Prof. S. Beretta, Dr. M. Madia (BAM, Germany)

The PhD activity has been dedi- cated to the estimation of of the component under

devoted devoted to the the crack driving force, in terms investigation.
thorough investigation of of J-integral, and the variation 3. Development of an analytical
the effect of biaxial loading of the local constraint along the assessment methodology for
on the fracture assessment crack front. A major effect of fracture instability anal- ysis of
of cracked components. In the biaxial loading on these two pressurized components with
particular, the research aims quantities is observed. longitudinal external surface
to address unsolved issues in The following main results that cracks.
the assessment of pressurized have been achieved in this work: 4. Application of cohesive zone
components. 1. Extension of reference stress modeling to simulate the
The analyses have been carried method to biaxial loading ductile tearing in thick- walled
out onto different levels, starting through the development of components (Fig. 1).
from the failure analysis on the reference yield stress solutions
tested cracked specimens, the for plates with semi-elliptical
analytical assessment based surface cracks subjected to
on current standards, up to biaxial tensile loading.
the higher level represented by 2. Importance of carrying out
the numerical investigations fracture toughness tests on
by means of finite elements. dedicated specimens, which
In the analytical and numerical are able to reproduce nearly
assessment particular care is the same constraint condition

1. Comparison between the computation (left) and experimental result (right) of burst pressure for tubes subjected to
biaxial loads.

Optimal structural design for improving

PhD Yearbook | 2015

safety of road vehicles

Federico Maria Ballo - Supervisor: Prof. Giampiero Mastinu

co-Supervisor: Prof. Massimiliano Gobbi
In this doctoral thesis Multi- handle more complex numerical structure in order to account for has been considered (Fig. 3), 1. Pareto optimal solutions of the minimum mass and compliance problem in

Objective optimization and models that are then employed shape variations. i.e. the beads, the 0 degree the objective functions domain for four cantilever beams with different cross
Topology Optimization in the subsequent and more The Parameter Space (circumferential) steel ply and
techniques are applied for detailed analysis. Investigation (PSI) method is the 90 degree (radial) ply have
solving actual engineering adopted for computing Pareto been considered in the model.
problems related to the A novel analytical method based optimal solutions. An incompressible Neo-Hooke
lightweight design of vehicle on the matrix formulation of model has been employed for
components relevant for safety. the Fritz John conditions for Topology Optimization describing the rubber material
Pareto optimality is applied for techniques have been used in property.
The thesis proposes a double minimizing the total mass of a conjunction with the original Subsequently a new prototype
stage approach for performing cantilever beam loaded at the simplified model to obtain of motorcycle Smart Wheel is
the optimal structural design free end while maximizing its optimal layouts at the very developed and realized (Fig.4).
of vehicle components, i.e. structural stiffness. Maximum beginning of the design process The device is able to measure
the minimization of the mass stress together with buckling are (Fig.2). tire contact forces on a front
and the maximisation of the treated as design constraints. The preliminary design of the motorcycle wheel.
structural efficiency (e.g. Unreferenced analytical brake caliper and the front The measured data were of 2. Result from Topology Optimization of the brake caliper of a race car, bottom
view (left) and lateral view (right).
stiffness, integrity etc.) of such expressions of Pareto optimal upright of a race car as well great interest since represent
components. Simplified models sets for beams with different the design of a new front actual loading conditions of
(either analytical or numerical) cross sections are derived by wheel for a race motorcycle are the component and are used
are always derived to guide the means of this method and performed by means of topology as reference loads for the
applications involving Topology compared. optimization approaches and topology optimization of a new
Optimization, i.e. the optimal Fig.1 shows the analytical simplified structural models. motorcycle wheel.
structural design problem is expressions of the Pareto
at first dealt with a simplified optimal sets plotted in the Regarding the design of The combination of topology
model and then Topology objective functions (compliance motorcycle wheels, the optimization approaches with
Optimization is performed. So and mass) domain for the four knowledge of loads acting on proper simplified models has
both analytical and numerical analysed cross sections. Results the component during its real been effective for the refined
methods are derived in order show that the I-shaped beam working situations and also structural optimization of a
to solve a number of optimal exhibits the best structural the knowledge on how these number of lightweight vehicle 3. Finite element model of a race motorcycle tire.

structural design problems performances. contact forces are transferred components relevant for safety.
referring to simple models of An original multi-objective from the tire to the wheel rim
vehicle components. optimization approach is used are of crucial importance for
The simplified models are used for the structural optimization the design of an optimized
in a preliminary phase of the of the simple model of a brake lightweight component.
design process and have a great caliper, i.e. a simplified finite For this reason a proper in-depth
importance since they provide element model of the caliper study has been performed
the designer important and is developed and used for the before structural optimization.
useful indications for solving the optimization. New original simplified analytical
problem. The design variables are the and FEM models of a motorcycle
Moreover, results obtained in dimensions of the cross sections tire are developed and validated.
4. New Smart Wheel able to measure
this phase, are also important of the beam elements and the In the Finite Element model tire/terrain contact forces and
since can help the designer to position of some nodes of the the actual structure of the tire moments on a race motorcycle.

The setup of a multihead weigher machine

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Alessia Beretta - Supervisor: Prof. Quirico Semeraro

A Multihead Weigher Machine the package target weight, cost and possible losses due to variables together with the the two random sampling as much as the number of

(MWM) is mainly composed according to the product, the the deviation of the product expression of the objective algorithms (RD and RC) remains packages per minute increases.
of a system of feeders, a set cycle time constraint and the performance from customers function (expected production irrelevant by varying n and
of H pool hoppers, a set of H objective function. This problem and/or producers target. Thus, cost per ``conforming package their performance are always
weight hoppers and a discharge is equivalent to the well-known the initial setting of the machine ) to minimize, the problem to worse than the BF and RSM
chute to the packaging machine knapsack problem. Instead in is a very important decision find out the optimal setup of a ones. These conclusions have
(Figure 1). The product is my thesis we want to tackle the affecting the general economic MWM has been formalized. The been generalized changing the
continuously fed via a central setup strategy which is still an performance. Currently, the Solution Space of the problem MWM main parameters. Instead,
dispersion feeder and H radial open problem. setup procedures adopted in has been characterized. Its deep the SPSA has always the worst
feeders to the pool hoppers. The setup problem of a MWM industrial practice mainly rely analysis allows us to discover an performance regardless the
The role of the pool hoppers is deals with the determination on the operators skill and interesting symmetry property number of objective function
to stabilize the product before of the optimal average weight experience during a trial-and- to reduce its dimension and, evaluations.
dropping it into the weight of product to be delivered to error manual setup which consequently, to tackle the setup Lastly, the optimal solution
hoppers. Each weight hopper each pool hopper. This setting does not guarantee the best problem faster. According to the found with the RSM algorithm
is equipped with a load cell may change according to the performance. To the best of our characterization of the Solution is compared with two ``rule
that weighs the product and type of product to be packed knowledge, the setup problem Space, five algorithms have of thumbs used in industrial
transmits the information to a and the target weight of the has not been addressed in the been considered: gradient based practice. The expected cost
computer. The computer then package. An improper selection scientific literature apart from algorithms (SPSA and RSM), a of the RSM solution and its
selects a subset of hoppers of the machine setup affects some preliminary results. ``Brute Force (BF) algorithm standard deviation are lower
whose total weight is equal to or the machine efficiency in terms and two random sampling than the two industrial solutions
greater than the target weight of ``non conforming rate, Thanks to the definition of the algorithms (RC and RD). Their allowing a firm to save money
T. Then, the computer opens the material cost, scrap or rework setup problem and its main performance (Figure 2) in
selected hoppers releasing the terms of median and standard
product through the discharge deviation of the expected cost
chute into the downstream have been compared using
packaging machine. For the same number of objective
customer protection, the law function evaluations n, which
requires that the weight of each is used as a proxy of the
package must be no less than computational effort. As easily
the target weight. Consequently, predictable, the increasing of
a package filled with a n causes the values of both
quantity of product below the indicators to diminish. In fact,
target weight is defined ``non a greater number of evaluated
conforming and cannot be sold machine setups allows for an
in the market. improvement of the algorithm
A MWM is a complex machine performance.
which needs a setup strategy We can surmise that the
and a suitable operation performance of BF and RSM
software. The control software algorithms become more
2. Scatterplot of the performance of the different optimization methods. The
works in real time and its goal is and more comparable as n median of the expected cost obtained thanks to the 50 replicates, is plotted
to select the best hopper subset decreases. Moreover, the on the x-axis. Instead, on the y-axis, the value of the standard deviation of
to open in order to achieve 1. A multihead weigher machine. performance difference between expected cost is plotted for each optimization method.

An innovative approach to evaluate peoples effect

PhD Yearbook | 2015

on the dynamic behavior of structures
Anna Cappellini Measurement and Experimental
Anna Maria Chiara Cappellini - Supervisor: Alfredo Cigada

In recent years, problems related an accurate prediction of the data available in literature were use of the proposed model solution introduces small errors the effect of different peoples

to in-service vibrations have experimental evidence does not used to validate the proposed highly improved the predictions with respect to the complete distribution was evaluated by
gained a growing attention. currently exist in literature. approach. The experimental of vibration amplitudes with model. Conversely, the use of means of simulations. Results
Since brand new structures This work aims at proposing results showed that passive respect to the use of the model the modal superposition of the showed that peoples effect
have become more and more and validating an innovative peoples presence could produce of the empty structure, as effects for MDOFs structure can increase with the occupation
slender, an increasing number of approach to include the effect a significant increase of damping exemplified in Figure 2. introduce errors which can be rate. However, it was also proved
problems related to unexpected of peoples presence when ratios with respect to the empty The proposed approach was also hardly quantified a-priori if the that the modification of modal
vibration amplitudes have been simulating the dynamics of joint structure. The predicted modal applied to predict vibrations in modes are not well separated. parameters is highly influenced
recorded. Indeed, people acting Human-Structure systems. parameters and Frequency operating conditions. Also in An analysis of the effect of by peoples distribution.
on pedestrian structures behave First, the work focused on the Response Functions (FRFs) were this case results showed that people in different postures
as dynamical systems capable analysis of the effect of passive in good agreement with the the use of the model of the and for different directions of
of modifying the dynamics people on the modal properties experimental values in all the empty structure to simulate the vibration through the analysis
of the structure itself as well of the joint Human-Structure considered cases, as exemplified structural response causes an of various apparent mass curves
as of introducing a load. This systems. An appropriate in Figure 1. overestimation of the vibration was also proposed. Results
phenomenon is commonly analytical model was proposed The proposed approach was amplitudes. Conversely, the use showed that people can both
known as Human-Structure to include the effect of peoples then extended to predict the of the proposed methodology increase and decrease the
Interaction (HSI). At present, presence. The method only structural vibrations. First, tests led to results much closer to the natural frequencies and damping
however, the knowledge of requires the knowledge of the under controlled conditions experimental measurements. ratios of a structure.
HSI is still limited. Indeed, the modal model of the empty were performed to validate The analytical matrix of the The method was also verified
determination of vibration structure as an input. Each the proposed approach. One joint H-S system was then considering a grandstand
amplitudes of structures subject is then added locally on subject was asked to march on analyzed in order to highlight of the San Siro Stadium as
occupied by people is a very the structure by means of his/her a force plate, while a second its properties. The observation test case structure. Thus, an
complex task. Particularly, apparent mass. The proposed subject was standing still on of the analytical form of this extension of the model to a
at least two main critical approach places no constraints the structure. The actual force matrix allowed to evidence the different and more complex
issues can be identified. The on the number of structural induced by a single subject differences between the use of case was proposed. The impact
first aspect regards a correct degrees of freedom taken into and the structural response the complete model proposed of the number of people on
characterization of the active consideration. were measured at the same in this work (Multi Degrees Of the structure on its dynamic
forces induced by people on Two slender staircases and time. Results showed that the Freedom - MDOF - structure) behaviour was analysed and
the structure. The majority of and the superposition of Single
standards and codes suggest to Degree of Freedom (SDOF)
model human-induced forces structures to predict the dynamic
as harmonic forces. However, behavior of MDOF structures
this assumption is too simplistic occupied by passive people. An
and does not reflect the real approximate approach based
trend of human-induced forces. on the analysis of the apparent
The second aspect regards mass curves was also proposed
the influence of people on to predict the type of influence
the dynamic properties of the due to peoples presence on the
structure they occupy. Few modal parameters of the joint
attempts were made to include H-S system. Results showed
the effect of people. However, that under the hypothesis of
a model capable of providing 1. Experimental and predicted FRFs SDOF structure the approximate 2. Experimental and predicted structural vibrations

Aluminum Matrix Composites reinforced

PhD Yearbook | 2015

with Alumina Nanoparticles

Riccardo Casati - Supervisor: Maurizio Vedani

Aluminum alloys show a these materials suitable for high being worked into wires. Since materials was then evaluated

great number of remarkable temperature applications. A the production of MMnCs by by different mechanical tests
properties, such as low density, novel concept of composites, conventional melting processes (hardness tests, instrumented
good resistance to corrosion, which further enhances the was considered to be extremely indentation, compressive and
low thermal expansion. These properties of conventional critical because of the poor tensile tests, dynamo-mechanical
characteristics make them very composites, is given by the wettability of the nanoparticles, analysis) and microstructure
attractive materials for several design of metals reinforced different alternative powder investigation techniques
industrial fields where important by nanoparticles. Due to their metallurgy routes were adopted. (scanning and transmission
applicative constrains have to very small size, the nano-fillers Alumina nanoparticles were electron microscopy, electron
be satisfied. For example, light are able to interact with the embedded into Al powders by back scattering diffraction, X-ray
weight (higher performance lattice defects, i.e. dislocations, severe grinding and consolidated diffraction, differential scanning
and lower consumption) and enabling new strengthening using several techniques. Special calorimetry). The experimental 1. Proposed mechanisms
about the effects of milling
improved mechanical and mechanisms to be activated. attention was directed to the results were then theoretically and consolidation processes
functional properties (strength, Their impact can be of great structural characterization at discussed. Literature equations on the composite powder
corrosion and wear resistance) relevance either from the micro and nanoscale since and models were also used reinforced with in-situ and
are essential features that scientific or the technological uniform nanoparticles dispersion to predict the mechanical ex-situ nanoparticless: I) after
drying, the aluminum powders,
materials have to possess in point of view. Since metal matrix in metal matrix is primarily behavior of the material and which are covered by an oxide
order to be employed in many nanocomposites (MMnCs) are a important. Moreover, some the numerical and experimental passivation layer, are supposed
applications in the mechanical, very novel class of materials, the of the billets produced via results were compared. to be additionally surrounded
by g-Al2O3 clusters; II) after
automotive, and aerospace field. lack of knowledge associated powder metallurgy were also milling these clusters and the
Another important feature of to them has still to be filled up. rolled to prepare wires as an oxide passivation layer (square
Al alloys is their recyclability, as Several technological issues example of final product. The fragments) are broken up into
small debris; III) after ECAP
reprocessing does not damage have to be overcome in order to Al nanocomposites revealed compaction the fragments of
their structure. Moreover, CO2 produce bulk nanocomposites an ultrafine microstructure passivation layer and the g-Al2O3
emission limitations and energy characterized by homogeneous reinforced with alumina NPs are dispersed into the
aluminum matrix.
cost make lightweight materials dispersion of nanoparticles and nanoparticles produced in-situ or
a priority condition. high mechanical performance. added ex-situ.
In this view, Al based metal The comprehension of the The work had a strong empirical
matrix composites are physical phenomena related basis. Different sintering
considered very interesting. to their improved mechanical methods and parameters
These hybrid materials show behavior and functional were employed to produce
opportunities to design light- properties is still incomplete and MMnCs characterized by well
weight structures with precise needs a deeper understanding. dispersed nanoparticles in the
balance of mechanical and The aim of this thesis work Al matrix. In particular, different
physical properties, with a consisted in the development powder metallurgy routes
relevant improvement on the of Al nanocomposites with were investigated, including
tribological characteristics and enhanced damping and high energy ball milling and
also high temperature strength. mechanical properties and good unconventional compaction
Furthermore, the reinforcement workability. The nanocomposites methods (ECAP, BP-ECAP,
particles are generally exhibited high strength, good hot extrusion). The physical,
thermodynamically stable at the ductility, improved damping mechanical and functional
elevated temperatures, making behavior and the capability of behavior of the produced

The Hedgehog Shape Memory Alloys Based

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Shock Absorber

Marco Citro - Supervisor: Gaetano Cascini

Despite Shape Memory Alloys higher forces. No successful applications have been classified values of current crash boxes

are a quite young technology, applications, which make use based on the protection and the results obtained with
after the invention of Nitinol of Superelastic Alloys have been mechanisms detected. Among the drop weight tower for the
Stent in the 1990s, they became found in the industrial market. all the applications, the crash specimen LD3510.
a standard in the biomedical The goal of this research work box has been selected as the
field thanks to their unusual is to identify an application reference one, since the crash
Test Peak[N] Average [N] %E. ab E.ass. SAE LR
characteristics known as that exploits the key features boxes and the hedgehog
Energy [J] (J)
Superelasticy and Shape Memory of Shape Memory Alloys in the absorber showed a similar
Effect. Both these characteristics industrial field. To achieve this impact response. LD3510 20,7 6296,0 926,8 62,5 14,0 0,7 6,8
are attributable to the Shape result, it is necessary to search Afterwards, several tests have LD3510 64,8 8439,0 1459,6 81,7 53,7 2,5 5,8
Memory Alloys capability of a new field or to investigate been carried out, in order
LD3510 121,3 9602,0 1844,9 89,8 109,5 5,2 5,2
recovering large displacements among those already explored. to prove the concept and
through a phase transition For the research, Biomimetics eventually the device has LD3510 181,5 22500,0 1184,1 99,9 181,1 8,6 19,0
between two intermetallic solid has been used, getting demonstrated to be capable C.Box A 15000,0 49350,0 20830,0 8,3 1250,0 6,1 2,4
states. However, in the industrial inspiration from the different of absorbing large amounts of
C.Box B 15000,0 67040,0 40000,0 16,0 2400,0 7,4 1,7
field, only few successful examples provided by the energy. The first tests carried
applications exist. Since 2000, Biomimicry taxonomy. The latter out have shown an absorption C.Box C 15000,0 50010,0 25000,0 10,0 1500,0 5,8 2,0
the industrial market has shown is a classification of animals capability equal than 85% with
a growing interest for such and plants that have been respect to the energy provided. However, the results have shown
material. Some prototypes have studied and classified based Such capability has been the excellent potential of the
been developed but they did on the functions they perform. subsequently verified through developed device. Subsequently,
not really achieve the market. Among the diverse examples compression tests and impact a very simple design has been
Psychological inertia is often taken into consideration, the tests. All the collected data have proposed. The latter is just a
responsible to push potential hedgehog, and its spines, have been processed through ANOVA hypothesis aiming at verifying
users toward more conventional led us to devise a new concept in order to verify the significance if the hedgehog absorber can
solutions notwithstanding the of impact absorber. The device of the parameters that turned respect the energetic specs of a
numerous advantages that these based on this idea exploits the out to be significant. Afterwards, crash box.
alloys are capable to offer if Superelasticity of many Shape the same values have been used Despite all the tests done so
used for some applications. The Memory Alloy wires arranged to calculate some regression far, before switching from
lack of classification standards with the same configuration of models. The obtained results the applied research to a
is another reason that does the spines of a hedgehog. have been also compared with precompetitive development,
not help the diffusion of Shape To characterize the behavior those of the crash box, a device further tests are needed in
Memory Alloys. Today, two kinds of such absorber, the field of commonly used to absorb order to increase the level of
of industrial applications exist; impacts has been investigated. shocks in the automotive field. It confidence with the hedgehog
they are the electro and thermal- The goal was to better is important to state that, since absorber behavior. If the results
actuated devices. The analysis understand the phenomenon the test method used for the obtained in this research work
of such products has underlined and the protection mechanisms crash box is different from what will be confirmed for higher
that electro-actuated devices currently exploited and has been done for the hedgehog impact energies and for different
use small diameter wires with to find an application to absorber, the comparison has layouts, fields such as the
more complex electronics while make a comparison. Five been made only partially. automotive or the military one
thermo-actuated devices are protection mechanisms have could benefits from the use of
simpler but usually they perform been identified and different Comparison between some the hedgehog absorber.


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Livio Gasparetto - Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Bruni

Evolution in high-speed rail roundness wheels, hot boxes) important for the vehicle condition. For this work, the maintenance and experimental and nominal conditions. The

transportation is aimed towards can be detected by wayside dynamics (damping, stiffness, database was built using a multi- purposes. A multi-body model results of the tests performed
increased efficiency and monitoring units, whereas for or wheel conicity). These body model of the high-speed of one single car of the same on virtual and real data show
optimisation, to reduce life cycle other fault types the diagnosis methods show generally good trailed ETR 500 class car and train was used to simulate faults unambiguous detection of the
cost (LCC) of rolling stock, while would not be reliable and/ performance at the price of included various wheel profile and conditions that could not be proper condition for the yaw
maintaining high standards or accurate enough to allow some degree of complexity. conditions and different levels of introduced on the real train. damper and for the wheel
of reliability, availability, resolving the kind, location In this thesis two methods for degradation of the yaw damper. The model-free method has conicity. On the other hand,
maintainability and safety and degree of severity of the the condition monitoring are The proposed model-based been applied on ETR 500-Y1 estimation of the lateral damper
(RAMS). To his end, traditional fault. Other methods make use presented. One model-free method identifies the values of experimental data, and it was coefficient does not allow the
maintenance strategies, based of on-board measurements, (data-driven) and one model- some parameters fundamental able to distinguish the cases of detection of a fault for this
on pre-determined travelled generally by accelerometers based. Both of them consider a for the lateral and yaw motion a bogie with new profile from component. Next steps for the
time or distance intervals, or gyroscopes, and can be railway bogie in the horizontal of the bogie, using a multi- the case of a bogie with worn model-based method are the
are not sufficient anymore, divided in two categories: data- plane and have the aim to assess step approach based on the profiles. Next steps for this test of valid alternatives to the
and focus is moving towards driven and model-based. Data the condition of the wheel-rail linear Kalman Filter and on research include an improvement Extended Kalman Filter and the
modern techniques of condition driven techniques use several profile and of the secondary the Extended Kalman Filter. To of the database used for fault application of the method to the
monitoring for the components, algorithms to analyse data to dampers, particularly the anti- this end, a simplified dynamic detection, using data measured vertical dynamics of the vehicle.
to achieve the so-called produce significant indexes yaw damper. model of the bogie has been during line tests, the inclusion in
Condition Based Maintenance tied to faults or malfunctioning The aim of the model-free developed, that reproduces the method of other fault types
(CBM), in which critical wear of various components. These method is to detect the also the lateral track irregularity and the extension of the method
or fault of components is indexes are then compared to incipient instability of the dynamics affecting the two including new indexes other
estabilished by analysing data addressable ranges that may bogie well in advance of the wheelsets. Such irregularity than frequency and residual
generated during the normal be defined, e.g. based on a traditional instability detectors, is estimated in one step, and stability margin such as the
service of the vehicle using fault statistical treatment of available when oscillations have not then given as an input to the modal shape, by using both the
detection and isolation (FDI) fault records, to achieve fault reached critical amplitudes. following step, that estimates lateral accelerometers mounted
methods. The objective is to detection and, less frequently, The method is based on the three important parameters: on the bogie. The same method
perform maintenance only when fault isolation. In model-based combined use of the random lateral damping of the bogie, could also be applied to the
needed, thus reducing costs of methods instead, measurements decrement technique (RDT) to yaw damping of the bogie and vertical dynamics of the bogie,
component fixing or substitution are used in combination with approximate the auto-correlation wheel-rail conicity, used as a to assess condition monitoring
on one hand, and off-service of a mathematical model of the of the acceleration signal of linearization of the relationship of primary and secondary
the vehicle on the other. system to generate a residual, the lateral bogie frame, and of between the rolling radius vertical suspension components.
Examination of State of Art in and the FDI process is then the Prony method to identify variation and the wheel-rail The model-based method was
the field shows a large variety based on the examination of the characteristic exponents of relative displacement in lateral tested by means of virtual and
of approaches to the problem. the residual function. Results are the system for the RDT output. direction. in-line measurements. While line
Some methods make use of encouraging, but faults isolation The output of this analysis is Both the methods have been test measurements were possible
wayside mounted sensors to is generally difficult, and few the estimate of the (possible) tested with data collected by a only for the vehicle running
examine the rolling stock while or no results with application haunting motion frequency and prototype CBM system that was in a condition presumably
it transits in certain spots on measurements performed on rail the residual stability margin. installed on board of an ETR close to nominal, virtual
the rail network. The advantage vehicles have been presented. These results are in turn analysed 500 class high-speed train called measurements, performed
is that an entire fleet can be Other model-based methods by a fault classifier that, using an ETR 500-Y1, owned by RFI (the using multi-body simulations,
monitored while in service with use more complicated filters addressable database of possible company managing most part allowed the application of the
few sensors, but only a limited to assess the estimation of the component status combinations, of the Italian rail infrastructure), method to data generated
range of faults (e.g. out of proper value of some parameter determines the most probable which is used for track with components in both faulty

Profile Monitoring of Multi-Stream Sensor traditional SPC practice, different time-frequency scales. challenges and designed for

PhD Yearbook | 2015

because of the high sampling The analysis is then extended in-process utilization. They were
Data frequencies of sensor signals,
the computational constraints,
to signals coming from multiple
sensors, which must be properly
tested by means of Monte Carlo
simulations and compared with
the complexity of the signal integrated and fused together benchmark techniques. Real
patterns, the time-varying in order to achieve a better and data from different industrial
properties of industrial more synthetic representation of case studies, including waterjet
Marco Luigi Giuseppe Grasso - Supervisor: Prof. Bianca Maria Colosimo processes, the streams of data the on-going process. cutting, grinding of cylindrical
Tutor: Prof. Paolo Pennacchi from different sources, and rolls and end-milling processes,
the multiplicity of operating were used to demonstrate the 569
In the framework of industrial requirements in various sectors The result is a paradigm-shift conditions. Those challenges and performances of the proposed

quality management, traditional impose small lot productions or from product-based SPC to in- critical issues push the need to methods in actual industrial
Statistical Process Control (SPC) even one-of-a-kind productions process SPC. develop novel SPC approaches scenarios.
procedures depend on quality (i.e., the production of lots that A quality monitoring based on and to improve the existing
characteristics measured on consist of a single item). In that in-process data may provide a ones.
the product of manufacturing case, there is no possibility to faster reaction to out-of-control This thesis is aimed at studying
processes. They also assume perform a control chart design shifts, thanks to condition- and developing novel signal-
that a number of parts may phase based on repeated based control strategies aimed based SPC methods in order to
be collected during In-Control processes, and hence novel at quickly mitigating (or even deal with those challenges. A
(IC) operations to estimate quality control procedures must suppressing) the effects of faults, particular family of industrial
the process parameters and be considered. with a consequent reduction processes in considered, i.e.,
to design the control charts. A viable solution consists of of wasted parts. Furthermore, the family of discrete-part
Nevertheless, the evolving sensorizing the machine tools in-process SPC provides a manufacturing operations that
2. Ultra High Pressure (UHP) pump of
market demands and the and the production systems potential 100% production exhibit a cyclical behaviour. In a waterjet plant (top panel) and multi-
development of novel in order to collect data about coverage as it allows collecting that case, the IC state of the stream signals from water pressure
technologies have been leading the quality and stability of the data during each process run, process can be described by and plunger displacement sensors
3. Products of a roll grinding process
(bottom panel)
to productive scenarios where process during the process instead of evaluating the quality cyclically repeating patterns (top panel) and multivariate variables
traditional SPC methods are no itself. This is possible thanks to characteristics on sampled of acquired signals, known as in in-control (IC) and out-of-control
(OOC) process states (bottom panel)
more appropriate or even not the continuous technological products at the end of the profiles. Therefore, this study In the last part of the study,
applicable. developments that are process. deals with the use of profile the analysis is focused on
In different discrete-part leading to data-rich industrial However, such a paradigm monitoring methods for in- the development of profile
manufacturing applications (e.g., environments, where several shift implies a number of process sensor signals. monitoring methods for
in the aerospace sector), the sources of potentially useful novel challenges and critical Different inter-related research processes that exhibit multiple
production of high-value-added information are easily available. issues with respect to the problems are discussed and IC states, which represents
products implies extended faced. In the first part of the a challenging violation of
machining times (e.g., several study, the focus is on signals traditional SPC assumptions.
hours for a single part, possibly from a single sensor that This analysis if motivated
longer than the tool life). It exhibit complicated patterns by the fact that, in different
also involves expensive tools or undesired misalignments. manufacturing applications,
and materials, together with In this frame, the two parts of the same quality can be
high precision requirements. following problems were produced by processes can not
The use of traditional SPC faced: (i) the integration of be characterized by a unique IC
procedures, based on post- registration information in a state. The existence of multiple
process measurements, implies profile monitoring framework, IC states is due to operating
a delay between the possible to guarantee a proper modes that vary in time (e.g.,
occurrence of a fault and the management of different different cutting parameters,
detection of its effects on the signal variability sources; (ii) different tools, different
product. This yields unacceptable the enhancement of profile ambient conditions, etc.), and
costs for wasting expensive monitoring performances in hence novel profile monitoring
materials and time-consuming the presence of complicated methods are required.
re-manufacturing operations. signal patterns characterized by All the proposed approaches
In addition, high customization 1 A paradigm shift in SPC: from product-based to signal-based monitoring information contributions on are driven by actual industrial

Smart tyre data: identification of relevant and consequently vehicle The CyberTyre capabilities to cornering performances. Once

PhD Yearbook | 2015

side-slip angle estimations characterized the normal stresses CPI is trustworthy, it might be
parameters for vehicle handling are appreciable if results are
compared with a standard case
distribution have been compared
with an optical measurement
used as reference for control
logics for active suspensions: the
improvement where information from the
smart tyre are not available.
system for tyre footprint stress
field: results are in very good
IA is real-time actuated so that
tyre cornering performances
Moreover, robustness analysis agreement between the two are improved. Nevertheless, an
Davide Ivone - Supervisors: Prof. Stefano Melzi, Prof. Federico Cheli performed by introducing measuring methods. The CPI intermediate development step
the road bank angle and by index is a synthetic parameter could be considered: realization
changing some tyre and vehicle which defines how far the of an hardware in the loop 571
Research context installing a suitable number of aspect by directly measure the parameters shows how accuracy tyre is from the maximum tyre with the Flat-Trac machine

The introduction of modern sensors capable to collect useful tyre-road contact forces. The of the estimated quantities cornering condition. Results of and CyberTyre in order to
digital electronics in the information from the interaction accelerometer signals, collected is maintained. Manoeuvre the proposed exploitation index experiment the active control
automotive industry has between tyre and road. during the tyre rolling motion, simulations of a validated are presented in a series of logics based on CPI.
increased the integration The innovative measurement include information about the vehicle model have been run in sweep of inclination angle and
of intelligent systems in the system is based on a single tyre-road contact as they are Matlab/Simulink. vehicle manoeuvre simulations
vehicle design. The availability three-axial accelerometer strongly correlated to the macro- both performed with the Flat-
of new technologies is pushing installed inside a rubber support deformation of the tyre inner Another important developed Trac machine from MTS.
the automotive sector to and then glued onto the inner liner which is directly generated argument is the introduction Figure depicts the CPI trend
constantly invest in developing liner of the tyre as Figure shows. by the contact forces and slips of new relevant parameters in function of IA at imposed
new innovative solutions This device is able to transmits quantities. in order to maximize the tyre inflating pressure (P), vertical
aimed to improve the vehicle the acquired signals via wireless To assess the benefits induced by cornering performances by load (Fz) and tyre slip angle
efficiency in terms of safety and to a suitable receiving system. the smart tyre, tyre-road contact studying the tyre contact (SA): moving towards negative
performances. forces measurement are included patch dynamics behavior by IA, lateral force increase while
Tyres play fundamental key into an extended kalman filter means of CyberTyre. Particular the index is minimized and it
when characterizing the vehicle CyberTyre for active vehicle which are added to the ones attention is given to the tyre tends to the same value for all 2. CPI trend for a sweep IA test
dynamics since they constitute control systems usually present on-board vehicle inclination angle (IA) which testing conditions. Figure shows
the only parts of the vehicle Since tyre forces estimation as the steering angle, lateral has significant influence on a step steer manoeuvre run at
which maintain contact with is a decisive and challenging and longitudinal acceleration tyre lateral forces especially in different IA but same entity of
the road. One of the most feature in the automotive and yaw rate. In particular, lateral limit conditions. Indoor lateral force: in this situation the
challenging and innovative sector, a strategic CyberTyre more precise and prompt testing had a strategic role for maximum cornering condition is
aspect of the automotive sector objective is the fulfillment of this tyre-road friction coefficient the topic development since identified by the SA which has
is to use the tyre as a sensor able it allowed to approach the to be minimized and this trend
to identify useful information as problem in controlled dynamics is well described by CPI. In fact,
it is located in a very privileged conditions as well as finite lower values of SA, on equal
position. The emerging concept element analysis (FEA) gave terms, allow to have a margin
of smart tyre basically describes very helpful support for the for applying higher lateral force
a tyre equipped with sensors phenomena comprehension. The and furthermore the power
and digital-computing systems introduction of a different signal dissipation due to lateral slip is
for monitoring thermal and filtering method is a crucial reduced.
mechanical parameters which aspect of the treated argument:
are eventually extended to the both time and frequency Conclusion
vehicle electronic control unit domain are considered for the A first step towards the
while driving. data elaboration and features correlation of the tyre contact
Pirelli Tyre is pushing technology extraction. Eventually, a new patch exploitation from the
for sensors embedded in the index (CPI) of tyre contact CyberTyre point of view is
tyre inner liner able to focus on patch exploitation is defined presented in this research
vehicle dynamics and security and based on numerical model activity. Next steps are aimed to
devices. The CyberTyre project of the tyre portion in contact make the CPI more robust and
developed by Pirelli Tyre has the with the road able to describe reliable: in many studied cases
main purpose to make the tyre the normal stresses distribution the index seems to identify the 3. CPI trend for a step steer
an active part of the vehicle by 1. CyberTyre sensors glued onto the tyre inner liner in the contact patch domain. best tyre configuration for the manoeuvre at different level of IA

A Methodology to Support the Modeling

PhD Yearbook | 2015

and Design of Material Separation Systems
for Recycling
Ali Jadidi - Supervisor: Prof. Marcello Colledani

During the recent years due to that potentially can be seen as In M. Colledani and T. Tolio experiments that are reported performance. On the other results are validated by the

the significant technological a resource of metals, such as (2013) a multi-level framework in this work confirm that the hand, the separation quality at experimental analyses performed
innovations, the production copper, aluminum and gold. that is illustrated here is quality of the separation process process level affects the material at the ITIA-CNR laboratory for
of electric and electronic Due to the complex and variable introduced for integrated may be degraded by increasing routing in the system. demanfuacturing, within the cell
equipment (EEE) has been material mixture of WEEE and modeling of the material the material flow rate as it can The decomposition method 3 on recycling technologies and
marked as the fastest growing ELV, their material recovery is a separation systems considering increase this kind of interactions. that breaks the system into the systems.
area in industrialized countries. very challenging task that has the interaction among process Effect of the material re- small sub-systems, composed of The assumption related to
This results in an increased not been solved yet. For instance and system levels. Indeed in processing two machines and one buffer, the effect of the flow rate
amount of waste electric and talking about the PCBs that mechanical separation systems In material separation systems is used in order to calculate the on separation quality is
electronic equipment (WEEE). In are widely used in electronic there is a strong interaction it is common to re-process the system performance. Moreover validated thorough the corona
EU countries WEEE is the fastest products, currently only about between process and system materials in order to improve a methodology that is called electrostatic separation of
growing waste stream having 30-35% of metals represents levels. the output quality or increase linearization is introduced a binary mixture composed
an annual growth rate of 3% in the PCBs are recovered with In the proposed model, in the the amount of the recovered for quantitative analysis of the of plastic and copper. The
to 5%.WEEE are considered purity level varying between system layer the dynamics of the materials. In spite of the material re-processing. In this same process is also used for
critical waste streams due 85% to 95% depending on the material flow in the recycling importance of the material method the behavior of the experimental validation of the
to their hazardous materials element. system is considered. This layer re-processing, this aspect is not reworking loop is approximated linearization method.
contents. Therefore in case of Indeed efficient treatment considers in input from the included in this model. by a transfer line composed of The experiments that are
a non-proper waste treatment, of these complex mixtures process layer transformation In this work a multi-level desired number of machines. performed on CES process
they can generate negative requires automated multi-stage matrices that are required for approach is taken considering Developed methods are also confirm the importance
environmental impacts. systems composed of different analysis of material flow. In these aspects and other implemented in Matlab. The of the material re-processing
The need for treating end-of-life size reduction and material the process layer the physics system logistics issues such as methods are validated by in material separation systems.
products is also highlighted in separation stages. In this regard, of the process is used in order machine breakdowns, machine comparing the results with It also proves the criticality of
other sectors such as automotive Smart mechanical treatments, to predict the transformation processing rates, starvation and simulation models, under choosing the right set of process
industry. It is estimated that over that are considered in this work, matrix based on the updated blocking propagation, and role different system configurations. parameters for material re-
15000000 vehicles retired per are ideal techniques for recovery estimate of the material flow of conveyors as finite buffers. The results confirm that the processing.
year in the USA and 15-25% of of materials in WEEE and ELV dynamics calculated in the Therefore, a comprehensive precision of the proposed
their total weight is landfilled. since they involve very limited system layer. The interaction model is developed that is methods.
Taking into account the potential environmental impacts, energy between two layers is captured capable of predicting the Another important process
environmental impacts of the consumption and production through parameter exchange performance and support the in recycling systems is the
waste disposal many countries of by-products. Mechanical between two layers. design of the separation systems comminution process for
have set up new regulations and separation systems use different Although the proposed multi- used in recycling. shredding the input particles.
legislations in terms of end-of- material properties such as level model is useful in capturing Material flow rate is considered Comminution processes directly
life management and in order conductivity, size and density for the process-system interaction, as a system level parameter affect the material routing and
to improve the recycling process treating the input mixtures. following relevant aspects are than can affect the separation the efficiency of the downstream
and reduce the waste disposal. In spite of the extensive research neglected. quality. Indeed, on the one hand separation processes. In this
Waste treatment is an important works dedicated to analysis of Uncertain separation matrixes at process level the separation work different experiments
issue not only in terms of different material separation The quality of the separation quality and the size-reduction on comminution process are
environmental concerns but and comminution technologies, processes that can be efficiency is degraded with performed to help providing
also from the recovery aspect of design and performance determined by the separation increasing flow rates. Therefore a better insight to different
valuable materials. In fact WEEE evaluation of these systems have matrixes is not constant and the material flow rate which aspects of these processes.
and end-of-life vehicles (ELV) been rarely studied from system can be affected by particle- is a system level parameter The assumptions of the
are mixture of various materials engineering pint of view. particle interactions. The real can affect the process level model and some of the key


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Md Kharshiduzzaman - Supervisor: Prof. Andrea Bernasconi

In-situ structural health obtained by optical microscope the backface of Al substrates comparing with global nominal

monitoring methodology which verified the crack position of the SL joint and therefore results. This problem can be
provides continuous monitoring monitored by this technique. minimizing the effect of any overcome by using an array
of technical structures, helps to In the first place, an array of possible misalignment. of FBG sensors keeping the
optimize the use of the structure electrical strain gages was With the goal to apply this intermediate distance between
and minimize downtime. This used for acquiring BFS profile. BFS based technique using the sensors as small as possible.
PhD work introduced an in-situ An identical framework was FBGs to bonded joints made Difficulty remains as the exact
monitoring technique based also adopted and tested of more complex materials position of the sensor within the
on backface strain field which experimentally by replacing such as woven composites, the optical fibre is still a concern.
is capable of evaluating the the electrical resistance strain assessment of strain sensing Also local strain values produces
structural integrity of adhesively gages with FBG sensors which using FBG sensors onto the by smaller FBGs can differ
bonded joints and also enables confirms the applicability of backface of such material were from global values obtained by
monitoring of crack propagation the monitoring system with performed where strain field continuum mechanics. In order
under fatigue loading. The FBG optical sensors. It was also is not uniform and local strain 2. BFS based monitoring technique using an array of FBG sensors. to eliminate all these concerns,
concept of monitoring method observed that, the use of an gradients exist. We adopted in the last past of this thesis,
for single lap (SL) joints is array of FBG sensors produced T-matrix method coupled with distributed optical sensing using
based on a known relationship more accurate results compared DIC technique in our study. simulations that, spectral In order to confirm our optical backscatter reflectometer
between the crack position to electrical strain gages. This DIC technique was used to response of 10 mm FBGs observations, experimental (OBR) was adopted. BFS profiles
and position of the negative is because of their multiplexing capture the strain field in woven does not perform well in high tests were carried out for for CFRP-CFRP SL joint were
minimum of backface strain capability which enables to composite and that strain field strain gradient fields. This is woven composite strips using experimentally obtained using
(BFS) profile, usually found by insert all the FBG sensors within was used to simulate the FBG because they fail to produce FBG sensors for all three this technique and compared
finite element analyses. For a single optical fibre. Hence it response for a given gauge distinguishable single peak gauge lengths. For 10 mm with FE analyses. As OBR
an Aluminum-Carbon fibre was possible to place all the length. which is mandatory for strain FBG sensors, it was seen that interrogates thousands of
reinforced polymer it was found sensors along the centerline of It was seen from T-matrix estimation. Whereas 4 mm the experimental results does sensing locations along a single
that the corresponding backface FBG sensor seemed to retain not match well with simulated optical fiber simultaneously and
position of the negative the main characteristic needed results as suspected. For both thus transforming an ordinary
minimum strain value of BFS for strain measurement. Even 4 mm and 1 mm FBG sensors, optical fiber into a high spatial-
strain profile along Al substrate though small chirping effect good agreements were found resolution distributed strain
follows the crack tip with an was still present in this case, between experimental and sensor, it was seen that this
offset of approximately 2 mm. however it was not as dominant T-matrix simulated observations. method can capture BFS strain
By means of this correlation, as of 10 mm case, which caused Moreover, experimental results profile with higher accuracy.
it was possible to detect the the peak to split. Finally, for 1 confirm that, strains read by Comparison with FE analyzed
presence of crack in static mm FBG sensor, it is seen that both type of sensors are close to results confirmed. Finally,
tests and this allowed for reflected spectra produce a the averaged strain of the strain the FE model was validated
real-time monitoring the crack distinctive peak which is vital field over their corresponding by comparing with 2D DIC
propagation in the bonded for strain estimation. Besides gauge lengths. experimental results.
joint during fatigue test. After the chirping effect is completely Although peak splitting
the specimen had undergone eliminated in this case thus phenomenon was eliminated
150,000 fatigue cycles, the crack making this configuration very for smaller FBG gauge lengths,
length from the monitoring much suitable for high strain but due to their small size, they
technique was noted and gradient applications such as in sense rather local strain values
compared with measurements 1. BFS based monitoring technique using an array of strain gages. woven composites. which were confirmed while


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Atieh Moridi - Supervisor: Prof. Mario Guagliano

Cold spray is a promising and material can flow (Figure review is on cold spray to types of damage to which

technology to obtain surface 1--.a). Variation of temperature mitigate corrosion. The effect structural parts are subjected
coatings. Development of new and plastic strain as well as jet of deposition temperature in service. The effect of cold
material systems covering a wide formation and instability are and pressure, particle size, spray deposition on fatigue life
range of required functionalities, presented. carrier gas, post-treatment and of Al alloy is studied and 15%
from internal combustion Mechanical behavior of co-deposition of metals and improvement was achieved.
engines to biotechnology, consolidated coating under ceramic particles on corrosion The enhancement of fatigue
brought forth new opportunities indentation loading conditions behavior is discussed. life by means of shot peening
to the cold spraying. This thesis is also explored. Cold spray The second goal is investigating is also considered. It was found
goal can be divided into two deposited coatings show strong the application of cold spray that conventional shot peening
main categories: dependency on the indentation on repairing damaged parts (SP) and severe shot peening
The first is understanding the size scale. To interpret the and biomedical engineering. (SSP) are more efficient if they
fundamental features of the cold experimental observation, a There has been some efforts in are performed prior to cold
2. Critical reviews on a) cold spray material system and b) important
spray. In this regard, the focus damage based finite element repairing structural parts using spray deposition. SSP+CS (best parameters on corrosion behavior of cold spray coating
was on two issues: assessment model consisting particle interior cold spray. Most of the time combination) increased the
of critical and erosion velocities and particle boundaries was only visual inspection has been fatigue strength up to 26%
and also the mechanical developed (Figure 1.b). performed since simulating in comparison to as received
behavior of cold spray coating This phase of the thesis real loading conditions are condition.
under indentation loading. In was accomplished with two not possible. In the present For biomedical application,
cold spray, bonding is obtained comprehensive reviews (Figure investigation, a systematic study guidelines are proposed for
when the impact velocity of 2). First on different material of defect shape and ability of deposition of porous coatings.
particles exceeds critical velocity, systems that have been cold spray to fill it is done (Figure The porous-coated implant
but it is less than an upper limit cold sprayed. This includes 3.a). Furthermore, repaired can be stabilized by biological
beyond which erosion happens. metallic, ceramic, metal matrix part must retain bulk material fixation as a result of bone
A new model is proposed, composite, polymer and nano properties. Fatigue represents ingrowth. Experiments were
combination of numerical and structured powders. The second one of the most intricate carried out at under-critical
analytical solutions, to calculate impact conditions, using rather
the critical and erosion velocities. coarse powders and fast gun
This model was based on energy traverse speeds. Thick, macro
approach. However, different rough, sufficiently high strength
phenomena have been proposed coatings, suitable for implant
as the indicator of adhesion applications, with porosity of up
and coating build up. What to about 30% was successfully
3. Applications of cold spray coating a) Studying ability of cold spray in cavity
most approaches agreed upon deposited using marginally low filling for repair applications, b) Under critical cold spray deposition to obtain
is that a material jet is formed impact conditions (Figure 3.b). porous coating for biomedical application.
during high velocity impact.
However, excessive deformation
of elements in the material
jet makes it extremely mesh
dependent in simulation. To
1. Von Mises stress distribution a) impact simulation of single particle using
this end, Eulerian framework is Eulerian framework b) Consolidated cold spray coating under indentation
used in which elements are fixed loading and progressive damage at interparticles.

Design of a 6-dof floating motion simulator

PhD Yearbook | 2015

for hardware-in-the-loop wind tunnel
tests on nautical components
Navid Negahbani - Supervisor: Hermes Giberti

In recent years the development was performed with genetic are proposed considering the tracking the complex trajectory

of CFD simulations has increased algorithms in MATLAB most influencing non-linearities: with considering nonlinear
the knowledge of the problems environment; the dimensioning sliding-dependent flexibility, parameters.
of fluid-structure interaction. of the motor-reducer was backlash, and friction. Using this Taking everything into
This trend has been particularly conducted downstream of model, the most critical poses consideration, Hexaglide (figure
important for floating body a dynamic simulation of the of the robot with respect to the 1) was chosen for using in the
research fields such as offshore motion in Simulink, whereas the kinematic mapping of the error wind tunnel as a sea simulator,
wind turbines and sailboats, operating conditions are more from the joint- to the task-space because it can be covered the
involving two fluids. Moreover, severe; ADAMS MSc software are systematically investigated to desired workspace with different
the reliability of CFD software was used for vibration analysis in obtain the workspace positional joint motion ranges. Also, it is
requires further experimental small movement. and rotational resolution, apart more rigid than the Hexaslide
validations. To reach t, as a Parallel Kinematic Machines from control issues. The error and Hexaglide that can satisfy
complementary approach to (PKMs) are commonly used for sensitivity analysis will do with all limitations of the commercial 2. Increasing percentage of the error using belt-driven unit with respect to ball-
that of the test tank, there is tasks that require high precision respect to the most influencing linear transmission. screw-driven unit.
the need to perform dynamic and high stiffness. In this sense, non-linearities parameters. Ball-screw drive was the best
aeroelastic tests in the wind the rigidity of the drive system Finally, a non-linear adaptive selection as a Hexaglide linear
tunnel. of the robot, which is composed robust control algorithm for actuators (figure 2), but it
In this thesis has been addressed by actuators and transmissions, trajectory tracking, based on depends the required accuracy
project of a parallel kinematic plays a fundamental role. In the minimization of the tracking of the wind turbine researcher. If
machine that emulates the this thesis, ball-screw drive error, is described and simulated. belt drive satisfy their accuracy,
fluid-structure interaction: the and belt drive actuators are The dynamic parameters are they can use the belt drive
architecture of the machine has considered and a 6 Degrees of learned during the motion because it is cheapest linear
been chosen according to the Freedom (DoF) parallel robot and introduced in the inverse transmission.
specifications and behavior of with prismatic actuated joints dynamic model of the robot, The presented control method
the sail boats and offshore wind is used as application case. A which is used as a feed-forward can control the robot precisely.
turbine in floating situation of mathematical model of the compensator. The PID adaptive-robust
sea; kinetostatic optimization ball-screw drive and belt drive Optimal geometrical control has lowest error and
parameters of robots were consequently the precision is
found considering kinetostatic best among the other applied
performance index. Drivers and control methods (figure 3). 3. Pose error percentage in three types of the control method.
motor-reducer was chosen for
the robot by considering the
efficiency of the reducer. The
robots were considered flexible
and first natural frequency of the
robot were calculated. Actuators
were analyzed for dynamic
problems considering nonlinear
parameters such as flexibility,
backlash and friction and error
evaluation of the robot. Selected
1. 3-D view of Hexaglide robot was controlled for

A Method for Forecasting Design consists of seven sequential Name-Value logic was used to the testers with the method

PhD Yearbook | 2015

steps; requirements can be both describe requirements with time exploited in a better way the
Requirements based on Experts Knowledge quantitative and qualitative. perspective and formalization of
knowledge for the application of
data available in order to drive
conclusions for product (i.e.
and Logistic Growth Curve. logistic growth curve. Moreover,
test with students allowed
washing machine). In terms of
repeatability, the testers with
validating the suitability of the the method have demonstrated
Christopher Nikulin - Supervisor: Gaetano Cascini adopted models in this research. to be capable to follow all the
Regarding the empirical steps without the presence
performance validity, case of a facilitator. The results 581
The rate of technological exploring Technology Forecasting This approach offers a frame studies were developed in two of the NASA task load index

innovation increased (TF) methods. useful to synthesize and different industrial contexts showed that the method does
considerably in the last In this scenario, understanding create recommendations for as white good in the context not require so much workload
years. This situation forced which forecasting methods, design engineers bringing the of the FORMAT-project and demand, and consequently it
companies to quickly adapt their techniques and tools can be knowledge from forecasting mining industry in the context can be used and adopted by
organization, processes and suitably introduced in general experts to the design users; of Cluster Mining-project. design engineers without a deep
products to better answer the design process emerged as a iii) Proposal of a method for 1. Management of knowledge Industrial partners recognized forecasting expertise (as the
emerging demands from the research opportunity in the forecasting design requirements for design requirements in the the usefulness of the approach testers were).
framework of the system operator.
society. In such a continuous design domain. In specific, capable to support design Circled numbers refer to the steps of
in producing results that clarify Finally, the author did not have
fight to survive, companies this PhD thesis attempts at engineers to anticipate the procedure of the method, and the directions of development the opportunity to explore
need to anticipate the main shed light on the forecasting information about design arrows represent the logical flow for their product and process. the benefits of the method
from one screen to the other.
features of future products and methods suitable to be used and requirements. The latter is For what concerns the FORMAT- application in the overall
related manufacturing processes adopted by design engineers, by the main contribution of this project, the method has been design process, starting from
as essential mechanisms to taking into account their skills, research. It should be intended The achievements of the useful in order to support elicitation of requirements
keep their market position, knowledge and background. as a contribution to the design research activities have been the overall methodology of until the final design proposal.
competitiveness, and moreover theory and practice to generate subdivided into three different the project at bringing new Nevertheless, given the over-
to support the innovation Research method and solutions that are capable criteria: i) Theoretical structural information about vacuum mentioned results, the author
process. contribution of having a more resilient validity (Pedersen et al., 2000): forming technologies. Moreover, considers that the method can
In this dynamic scenario, The first contribution of response to product changes, i) Empirical performance the proposed method has be embedded in any Product
the constant evolution of this research concerns the but can be useful also to drive validity (Pedersen et al., brought positive amendments Development Process or used
products and processes create formalization of knowledge R&D strategies and related 2000): iii) Capability of the to the overall FORMAT- as a complementary analysis
emerging and non-obvious among different domains. investments. method to guide the design methodology, mainly for as demonstrated during the
problems challenging those The major contribution of The proposed process is engineers without experience in what concerns the analysis of different case studies along
who conceptualize, develop and the present research, in turn, organized according to the forecasting. information, known as stage-A. this research. Noteworthy,
implement the new solutions, consists in the consequent core elements of a forecasting For what concerns to the Cluster the method is able to support
known as design engineers. introduction of a method for method, as proposed by Results and conclusions Mining-project, the method has different users with lacks of
In this scenario, a relevant forecasting design requirements Martino (1993), to keep a The proposed objectives been useful to clarify directions knowledge in statistics (i.e. not
research goal in the engineering usable by design engineers more structured and systematic and goals of this research of R&D about mining mill. only design engineers).
design domain is the definition without previous experience approach to develop a have been achieved by using Regarding the ability of the
and identification of suitable in forecasting. The research forecasting analysis. Specifically, different approaches. First method to guide design
methods and tools to anticipate proposal has been structured this contribution focuses on of all, theoretical structural engineers without experience
main features of products and in the following tasks: i) three main aspects: identification validity has been achieved in forecasting, the control
processes, which have to be Formalization of the semantics of relevant requirements; by the individuation of a group test has been useful to
capable of driving, with more of the requirements. This identification among the set of techniques from the validate the method steps. The
efficiency, the design process allows keeping a structured requirements of the variables forecasting research field in method steps allowed gaining
and also support decision and systematic description of possibly behaving according to order to properly carry out the new insights and conclusions
makers about technological the requirements during the a logistic model; logistic growth regression analysis to support about the product of which
choice. This mentioned need is elicitation process, simplifying analysis. the early design phases. Several testers were not aware before.
pushing design engineers for the transfer of knowledge; ii) The proposed method for contributions were developed Moreover, the group working
methods, models, and tools Formalization of forecasting identifying requirements suitable as a theoretical framework with the method was capable to
to better answer emerging methods compatible with for representing the evolution of for the organization of design bring better results than those
demands and changes by design engineers knowledge. the technical system under study requirements i.e. Element- freely working. Remarkably,

Data Fusion for Process Optimization and

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Surface Reconstruction

Luca Pagani - Supervisor: Bianca Maria Colosimo

Last years are characterized data to an increasing extent. Gaussian Processes poses some

by the impact of global trends The main purpose of this thesis computational challenges and
and manufacturing technology is to explore new approaches this is why a different method
is faced with a number of for reconstructing a surface based on multilevel B-spline is
different challenges. The starting from different sources proposed.
topics of customized products, of information, which have to As a second contribution, the
reduced life time, increased be appropriately fused. Surface thesis presents a novel method
product complexity and global is meant in a broad sense, both for data fusion, where the
competition have become as the geometric pattern of a uncertainty of the specific
essential in production today. physical object to be inspected measurement system acquiring
a: Low fidelity model b: High fidelity model c: Fusion model
The changing in modern and as the surface representing data is appropriately included
manufacturing towards a a response function to be in the data fusion model to 1. Prediction of the surface with error map
customized productions is optimized. represent the uncertainty
characterized by high-variety The first part of the thesis propagation.
and high-quality products, a focuses on the reconstruction Eventually, the thesis faces
paradigm shift in metrology is of the surface geometry via the problem of using surface
coming on. data fusion. In this case, it is modeling to quickly detect
Information that concerning assumed that multiple sensors possible out-of-control states of
the state of the products and are acquiring the same surface, the machined surface. Starting
production processes is obtained providing different levels of from a real case study of laser-
with the aid of metrology. data density and/or accuracy/ textured surface, an approach
Due to this paradigm shift, the precision. The thesis starts to combine surface modeling
complexity and accuracy of exploring the performance of with statistical quality control is
the product requirements are a two-stage method, where proposed and evaluated.
increasing. Gaussian Processes (also known The second part of the thesis
At the same time, smart as kriging) are appropriately used focuses on using data fusion
sensorization of equipment as modeling tool to combine for process optimization.
and processes is providing new the information provided by In this second application,
opportunities, which have to be two sensors. Figure 1 shows the data provided by computer
appropriately managed. A large reconstructed surface, with the simulations and real experiments
amount of data can be available error map, using only one sensor are fused to reconstruct the
to aid production and inspection (Lo-Fi and Hi-Fi models) and response function of a process.
and appropriate methods to properly combining the available In this case, the aim is to find
process the big data have to information (Fusion model). the best setting of the process
be designed. Then, the thesis faces the parameters to maximize the
In this scenario, multisensor problem of suggesting a data process performance. It is
data fusion methods can fusion method when large shown how data fusion can be
be employed to achieve point clouds, i.e., big data (as effectively used in this context to
both holistic geometrical the ones commonly provided reduce the experimental efforts.
measurement information and by non-contact measurement
improved reliability or reduced systems) have to be managed.
uncertainty of measurement In this case, the use of

Microstructural evolution of austenite

PhD Yearbook | 2015

during and after hot deformation of
Alessandro Angiolo Paggi - Relatore: Maurizio Vedani

In the last 50 years, economic Therefore, the aim of this work models supply to these equipment design. the final refinement. All these explained in terms of gradient of

and technical demands have has been to gain an effective deficiencies, organizing the Also the assessment of the finding are in good agreement deformation inside compression
forced the steel industry to knowledge of the metallurgical metallurgical understandings in recrystallization kinetics can be with literature and theoretical samples.
develop innovative processes mechanisms at the basis of steel equations that can be used for performed in different ways. results. Finally, the comparison According to the present work,
to supply the transportation, microstructural evolution during steels microstructural evolution Direct methods, based on the of dynamic recrystallization the direct analysis is the most
energy and construction hot rolling and to compare modelling. The main weakness observation of the evolution of kinetics measured by direct and accurate way to study the high
market with high strength, their hot characterization of this approach is that the microstructure, can give many indirect methods has shown a temperature microstructural
high toughness and cost- methods, in order to identify models calibration parameters details about nucleation and reasonable agreement. evolution needed for the design
effective steels. This has the most accurate ones to are dependent on the growth mechanism, but they Regarding the microstructural of a TMP, but a complete
led to the development of be used together with FEM. laboratory testing methods. For are very time-consuming and evolution after deformation, the characterization, taking into
thermomechanical processes Since the approach adopted example, researchers can decide not always applicable. Indirect comparison between indirect account different temperatures,
(TMP) able to refine the in this research work is mostly to characterize the hot flow methods, based on the study methods has confirmed that strains and strain rates, grain
austenitic grains and the final methodological, to simplify stress-strain behaviour of steels of the effect of recrystallization double hit test can measure sizes and chemical compositions,
microstructure after phase the comparison of testing by torsion or by compression on mechanical properties, are slower recrystallization would require such a large
transformation through the methods, an AISI 304L austenitic tests. Since, as shown in this faster, but they can give only an kinetics than those obtained investment in time and research
control of rolling temperature of stainless steel has been studied work, the flow stress curves are average information about the by stress relaxation method. efforts to be incompatible with
microalloyed steels. in torsion and compression at different due to the different behaviour of the material. Direct observation by optical industrial product develop
To design a TMP schedule it temperatures between 900 C response of materials to these Concerning the microstructural microscopy has shown that ment times and requirements.
is necessary to have detailed and 1200 C and strain rates deformation modes and to evolution during deformation, nucleation of new grains However, a careful indirect
models describing the from 0.001 s-1 to 10 s-1. The the presence of friction in the the application of indirect occurs at grain boundaries analysis of the changes in the
recrystallization kinetics and recrystallization kinetics has been compression tests, this kind of methods, such as the and triple junctions with high temperature mechanical
the evolution of the size of studied using direct methods, decisions have an impact on the differential analysis coupled a rate proportional to the response can give many
recrystallized and unrecrystallized such as optical microscopy constitutive parameters used to to the Quelennec model, has strain applied. After an initial information in a quicker time
austenitic grains of steels during and Electron Back-Scattered summarize the hot deformation permitted to calculate the refinement, the microstructure and can significantly reduce the
and between each deformation Diffraction (EBSD) and indirect behaviour of steels. flow stress curves for different coarsens and the final grain metallographic campaign efforts.
pass. Moreover these models, to ones, such as double hit and Beside these issues, also the combinations of temperature size is reduced proportionally
be industrially effective, have to stress relaxation tests. combination of experimental and strain rate with very good to the nucleation rate. EBSD
be coupled with Finite Element The first part of this work uncertainties and analysis agreement with experimental analysis, giving more details
Modelling (FEM) for the rolling has been devoted to a critical methodologies have a results and to evaluate indirectly on substructures produced
mill design. review of the wide literature significant influence on the recrystallization kinetics from by the deformation, has
Up to now, only empirical on these metallurgical constitutive parameters. It was the flow stress curves shape identified in the distribution
models have proved to give phenomena, focusing on demonstrated, using a Monte itself. On the other hand, the of deformation inside grains
satisfactory results, but these recovery and recrystallization of Carlo method, that not all the recrystallizing microstructure the mechanism promoting and
rely on a huge quantity of steels. Despite the numerous techniques can be used with the has been characterized in terms limiting the growth of new
parameters that have to be publications, it is still lacking same trustworthy. In particular, of change in the diameter grains. The recrystallization
calibrated by ad-hoc laboratory a detailed knowledge of it has been found which method and shape of grains by optical kinetics measured by EBSD has
tests. Unfortunately different nucleation mechanisms of is the most robust against the microscopy. It was shown that shown to be more reliable than
tests and different test analysis recrystallized grains and a propagation of experimental nucleation occurs at triple the one measured by optical
methodologies usually give framework of differential uncertainties and that the errors junctions and serrated grain microscopy and similar to the
different calibration parameters equations describing the flow in the determination of the flow boundaries and after the ones measured indirectly. The
for the same phenomenon and stress curves of a recrystallizing stress are the most important formation of the first necklaced differences with double hit and
therefore different FEM results. material. However, empirical aspects to be minimized in the structure the grain growth limits stress relaxation tests have been

Design and Motion Planning of Multi-Robot

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Assembly Cells for Body-in-White Spot
Stefania Pellegrinelli - Advisors: Prof. Tullio Tolio, Prof. Anath Fischer

The number of industrial welding gun, and the definition techniques in order to define existing techniques employed in three ad-hoc cases and two needed for the resolution of the

robots worldwide is constantly of a motion plan for each robot a new cell design approach Stage 1 (probabilistic roadmap) industrial cases provided by design and motion planning can
increasing. According to the so that the body is correctly that is highly integrated with have been modified in order the Italian company COMAU be decreased from some weeks
International Federation of assembled, while coping with motion planning. The research to best adapt to the high S.p.A. The three ad-hoc cases of manual work to some days
Robotics, 160,000 new robot cycle time and avoiding collisions copes with the following topics: complexity of the environment were successfully solved. The of simulation and manual work.
installations were sold in 2012, between the robot and the cell design, motion planning that characterizes multi-robot influence of the environment Manual work will be limited
leading to the second highest fixture or among robots. for single-robot cells, motion spot-welding cells. Several complexity on the single-robot to the preparation of the data
level ever recorded for one year. Currently, cell design and motion planning for multi-robot cells, algorithms were developed motion planning and on the and to adjustment of the final
The majority of these robot planning are sequential and collision detection and multi- exploiting the information final solution was addressed solution, if needed.
installations (about 40% of new completely manual activities, resolution simulation. coming from the technological through a detailed study of
installations in 2012) are related generally managed from The thesis proposes a 5-stage process of the spot welding. the first industrial test case.
to the automotive sector and to different industrial functional approach (Fig. 2) able to The motion plan is based Specifically, the need for motion
multi-robot cells for body spot units. Moreover, due to these provide the cell design and on the Open Robot Realistic planning algorithms taking
welding. activity subdivisions, several the coordinated robot motion Library that, representing the into account the technological
Multi-robot cells for spot cycles are needed for obtaining a plan. Motion planning is based virtualization of the robot problem of the spot welding
welding cells are robotic cells feasible final solution. However, on an off-line decoupled motion planner, catches the real was proved. The resolution
in which several parts are each cycle causes delays and motion planning techniques robot behavior during trajectory of the second industrial case
assembled by spot welding (Fig. errors that could be avoided for high-dimensional spaces generation. OBB hierarchical represented a successful test bed
1). They are characterized by through better integration of and articulated robots in order decomposition (Stage 5) is for the whole approach.
different robots working at the these activities. to grant applicability to multi- employed for collision checking According to the analyzed
same time on a single body that The proposed approach aims robot cell for spot welding. The and as a basis for multi- cases, the employment of
is handled by a transporter. The at defining a methodology motion plan for each single resolution simulation. Cell design this methodology can provide
body is generally composed of for optimizing the cell design robot is defined through existing is solved simultaneously to multi- useful support for robotic and
two or more components that while reducing time and error techniques (Stage 1), whereas robot motion planning in Stage automotive companies. The time
are blocked during the welding due to the lack of integration the coordination of the robot 3. It copes with the selection
process by ad-hoc fixtures. The between the design and the is based on a new developed of the best resources among
design of the multi-robot cell motion planning. The idea is to model applied to articulated a set of preselected resources
for spot welding relies on two exploit existing motion planning robots (Stage 2 and 3). The according to a cost minimization
main steps: cell design and criterion, the definition of the
off-line multi-robot motion position of the resources in the
planning. Given the fixture, systems (position/orientation of
the body and the welding the robot and allocation of the
points, cell design concerns the welding guns to the robots) and
selection of the resources, such the allocation of the welding
as robots and welding guns, points to the robots. The
and their displacement in the approach does not currently take
space cell while considering into account the flexibility and
productivity, costs, flexibility reconfigurability of the system.
and reconfigurability. Motion The final provided solution is
planning concerns the allocation validated through simulation
of the welding points to the (Stage 4).
resources, i.e. a robot and its 1. Multi-robot cell for car body spot welding. The approach was tested on 2. Approach


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Antonio Premoli - Supervisor: Prof. Federico Cheli

Interest in the aerodynamics train, called crosswind, both while in the rear part this effect limit conditions for the train layer on the ground and the depends not only on the train

of trains has grown in the last reduced-scale models in wind is less important. Since the overturning. ballast plays an important role underbelly geometry but also
30 years, especially with the tunnel and CFD simulations effect is limited to a small part Regarding the effect of the wind for the slipstream assessment on the track conditions, so
introduction of new high-speed are already provided by the of the whole train, the impact generated by the train passing and in Fig. 2 it is shown how the there are lots of parameters
rolling stock. The necessity CEN norm. However, both the on the aerodynamic coefficients trackside structures and people, vorticity develops in the rear part that need to be taken into
to increase run safety and approaches do not take into is not so pronounced. The called slipstream, TSI standard of the train. The wind tunnel set- account. In order to better
train interoperability between account of the relative motion comparison between the results requires at least 20 independent up has been defined according understand this phenomenon,
European countries has led between the train and the of the simulations with still and full scale measurements to these information and it was an experimental set-up has been
to define standards like CEN infrastructure when the wind moving models highlighted with major restrictions on found that WT measurements defined to measure air flow and
and TSI. So, a new train that is is blowing. Neglecting this that considering the relative environmental and infrastructure overestimate the numerical forces in the train underbody
designed to run on the European effect may have an impact in motion between the train and conditions. These tests are very results. Again, the development region during different test
high-speed line must fulfil the definition of aerodynamic the infrastructure lead to larger expensive both in terms of of the ground boundary layer campaigns. Then a numerical
requirements on its aerodynamic force coefficients. In this study, aerodynamic coefficients. The time and costs. In the present represented the major problem. CFD model, composed of a
behaviour defined in the TSI. the quantification of the variation is larger the larger is work the possibility to study the BL could be better controlled by full scale model of ETR500
The requirements usually ask differences in the coefficients the infrastructure dimension slipstream problem using a still reducing the splitter plate in the put on the STBR scenario, has
for full scale experiments or has been investigated by with respect to the train model in wind tunnels will be upstream direction and using been defined to simulate the
experimental tests on reduced- means of CFD simulations dimension. In fact, considering investigated. The benefits from a porous floor on the splitter undercar flow. Effects of ballast
scale models in wind tunnel or with a moving reference frame the EMBK scenario, it has been working on a still model in a plate in order to prevent its stones and sleepers have been
moving model test rig. Especially approach, considering different found an underestimation in the wind tunnel are that ambient generation. taken into account through
for full scale experiments, the infrastructure scenarios: aerodynamic coefficients of the conditions can be controlled rough wall functions. Results
cost for homologation tests the Single Track Ballast and order of 10% in the considered during all the test runs and it is showed a good agreement
is very high since they have Rail (STBR) and the 6m high range of yaw angles, as shown possible to avoid the problem between experimental measures
to be carried out during the embankment (EMBK). The in Fig.1. The underestimation of small measuring time, but and numerical model, both in
night in absence of commercial deflection of the flow induced of the aerodynamic coefficients an appropriate measuring terms of velocity profile and
traffic and performed several by the relative motion changes will lead to an underestimation system should be adopted. of forces acting at the ballast
times over a long stretch of the the incoming flow conditions of the Characteristic Wind In this case CFD simulations level. This tool could be used to
line in order to consider the on the front part of the train, Curves that represent the can be used as a useful tool perform forecast analyses. For
different features that could for designing the wind tunnel instance, with the numerical
be encountered such as slope, experiment and testing different model it should be possible to
tunnels, curves and different solutions in advance. Since the consider different train speeds
infrastructures. slipstream strongly depends on or different train underbelly
In the present research an the generated turbulence, a geometry, without the necessity
investigation of the possibility DES numerical model has been 2. Vorticity generated by the train
of performing full scale tests,
to rely on virtual homologation, applied, in order to capture the reproduced by means of CFD that are much more expensive
consisting of CFD methods and smaller flow structures that form simulations. and time-consuming.
wind tunnel tests, to simplify near the surface the train with
homologation procedures with an adequate computational The flow generated in the
respect to three aerodynamics effort. Different CFD models underbody region of the train
features of high- speed trains is have been developed and the lead to a phenomenon called
performed. results have been compared to ballast lifting and it has been
Regarding the effect of the 1. ETR500 leading vehicle force (CFZ) and moment (CMX) aerodynamic coefficients the full scale measurements. It recognised in the TSI as an
wind acting transverse to the with EMBK scenario. was found that the boundary open point. Ballast pick-up


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Francesco Pucillo - Supervisor: Prof. Gaetano Cascini

We dont sell product. We sell there is a lack of systematic psychological needs. In this based tool. This tool, called User need-finding activities and the throughout the whole UX design

experiences. Sentences like this approaches suitable to support fashion, on the one hand it takes Experience Design Supporting evaluation stage. This offers, as process. This opportunity, as well
one are increasingly common design engineers in designing into account the subjectivity Tool (UXDST), aims to foster a main future opportunity, new as the main limitations of the
in companies advertisements. for the UX. of experiences, whilst on the the ideation of novel artefact hints on the possibilities for a work, are critically discussed in
In a same fashion, the number This thesis deals with these other hand it allows building a features capable of addressing novel integrated approach for the final chapter.
of scientific publications about issues and tries to address systematic approach upon. users psychological needs. supporting design engineers
User Experience (UX) is quickly the following main research From this perspective, in order to Some exemplary screenshots
raising: the research user question: How can we support develop a systematic approach, from the UXDST are shown
experience on Scopus returns design engineers and companies the concept of Experience in Figure 2. Hence, the tool is
about 11,500 entries, but less in effectively and efficiently Affordance is expanded beyond tested in order to preliminarily
than one fifth of them are older designing for the UX?. The its definition and a theoretical verify its capability of supporting
than 2005. UX can be defined research question is thus model that describes how the design for the UX and
as a persons perceptions and addressed as follows. Experience Affordances work individuate the most suitable
responses resulting from the The first step arises from the developed. To this purpose, paths for future improvements.
use and/or anticipated use of consideration that designing it is assumed that Experience Finally, a complementary
a product, system or service. experiences implies some risks. Affordance can be seen as discussion is carried out: in
However, the design for the UX In order to overcome said risks, proposals for needs satisfaction spite of being outside the main
has gained several criticisms, a novel formalisation for the made to the users; then, it contribution of this dissertation,
related to some limitations UX is outlined. More in detail, is argued that the process two further systematic methods
that both researchers and after a critical discussion about through which the artefacts are proposed and discussed.
practitioners aim to overcome. the role of the UX designer and offer these possibilities to the The first one is based on the
Firstly, an experience cannot her/his designs, the relation users can be described as a narrative analysis of user
be designed, nor guaranteed. between the user and the communication one. Hence, a stories, and aims to support
1. A schematic representation of an Experience Affordance
The purpose of designing artefact is represented by means novel design-as-communication designers and design engineers
experiences could thus lead of the concept of affordance; model is proposed. Basing in individuating and highlighting
designers to attempt to design a formulation in affordance is on the Jakobson model of users psychological needs. The
something that is not there thus proposed as a possible communication, Experience second one, instead, roots in
to be designed, such as the solution to overcome the Affordances are then modelled Experience Affordances and
user. Secondly, the design above discussed issues. Hence, in a fashion that not only proposes such a formalisation
of an interactive artefact, the concept of Experience highlights the elements that as a tool for evaluating the
to a certain extent, impacts Affordance is postulated as play a role in providing users possible experiences for needs
users behaviours, habits follows. An artefact affords an with experiences of needs satisfaction offered by artefacts
and eventually experiences. experience to a user when the satisfaction, but also the roles to users. Therefore, after
Hence, every designer or user has a certain psychological these elements play. a theoretical discussion an
design engineer developing need and the artefact has a Eventually, the main research exemplary application is shown.
interactive artefacts acts as a UX feature capable of fulfilling it. question of this thesis is The methods and tools proposed
designer. From that perspective, A schematic representation of addressed through the in this dissertation refer to
systematic approaches can result Experience Affordances is shown development of a systematic different time phases of a design
with being valuable support to in Figure 1. approach, based on said design- process. Whilst the main part
those which have to deal with Such a formalisation as-communication model. deals with the synthesis of novel
the UX, albeit not being properly gives a prominent role to Subsequently, such an approach solutions, the other methods
UX designers. Nevertheless, the satisfaction of users is implemented into a computer- are related, respectively, to the 2. Exemplary screenshots from the UXDST

Methods for LCF life predictions in

PhD Yearbook | 2015

presence of defects

Silvio Rabbolini - Supervisor: Stefano Beretta, Huseyin Sehitoglu

Nowadays, gas turbines and loadings. compact tension specimens. be adopted, even if residual those calculated from numerical similar to those present in the

other components employed These conditions represent the This condition was not met strains are present. The strains simulations, which considered linepipes were tested. It was
for power generation are motivation and the starting when tests performed at high recorded during the experiments single crystal plasticity. Good found that good estimates could
subjected to several load cycles point of this Ph.D. thesis, which temperature were considered. confirmed the elastic shakedown agreement was found, be obtained only if experimental
during their lifetime, since they aims to study crack propagation In particular, it was found that condition numerically simulated. underlining the capabilities opening/closing levels, together
are switched on and turned in plastic zones. In this work experimental data-points exhibit In particular, it was found that of DIC in the study of fatigue with experimental stress
off several times each day, in the attention is mainly focused a marked speed increment. the crack propagation model crack growth. Moreover, it was and strain amplitudes, were
order to meet the peak loads on the effects of crack closure This increment was related to accurately describes fatigue found that crack propagation considered.
requested by users. High plastic and material cyclic behavior a damage mechanism present crack growth when the stress/ behavior of single crystals is
strain can be present in these and to the possibility to apply at crack-tip, which consisted strain cycle registered at the similar to the one observed
components, since high loads, the general formulation of J in a pattern of micro-cracks notch root is fully reversed, when polycrystalline structure is
applied to the structures during in fatigue life assessment for surrounding defect main whereas it provides wrong considered.
start-ups and turn-offs, can components subjected to LCF body. Additional experimental estimates when an applied mean In the final part of this work,
generate yielding in certain conditions. campaigns underlined the stress is present. This fact was these techniques were applied
regions, such as near notches. In the first part of this work, fact that this phenomenon related to the wrong crack- in the study of fatigue crack
In order to take into account a general formulation of is temperature dependent. closure estimates provided by growth in linepipes subjected
these conditions, state-of-the- was obtained, starting from Because of this, a speed the current analytical model. to severe loading conditions.
art procedures consider fatigue Dowlings original proposal. This factor was introduced in the Because of this, the attention The particular loading condition
life assessment as a crack formulation, which does not calculations for describing the was shifted on the experimental experienced by the tubes implied
propagation problem. Fatigue depend on Masings hypothesis, enhancement of crack growth determination of crack closure. the adoption of the crack
crack growth is usually described allows the direct extraction of rates. An innovative technique propagation model based on
taking into account material the cyclic J-integral from the The same observations were based on computer vision, . An experimental campaign
elastic-plastic behavior and remote fatigue cycle. This model obtained in the second part digital image correlation, was was performed to study crack
crack growth rates are described was employed to study fatigue of the work, in which crack employed to study crack-closure opening and closing loads
as a function of elastic-plastic crack growth in presence of propagation in presence of in a Ni-based superalloy, Haynes during propagation in presence
parameters, such as the applied plastic strain. It was found that notches was studied. This 230. In this phase, single crystal of very high plastic strains.
plastic strain range or the cyclic short crack propagation could activity was developed in structure was considered, in DIC was employed during
J-Integral. be accurately described only order to provide a crack order to remove the effects this activity, by adopting an
These models, however, present if effective stress and strain propagation model suitable of grain boundaries in crack innovative technique based on
several limits. First there are ranges were considered in for real components. An opening/closing levels. Two virtual strain gages positioned
simplified equations based on J-integral range calculations. accurate study of the stress/ different techniques were near crack tip. It was found
fatigue load cycles calculated by This means that, even during strain field of a compressor adopted: virtual extensometers, that the levels calculated by the
adopting Masings hypothesis, a propagation in the LCF regime, disk, performed in order to placed along crack flanks, were analytical model proposed by
feature that does not take into crack closure plays an important check material behavior near employed to check crack-closure Newman underestimated the
account transient phenomena, role. As proposed by state- the most critical parts of the levels, whereas a regression effective stress and strain ranges
such as ratchetting and mean of-the-art procedures, it was components, showed that disks algorithm was used to extract applied to the crack at Re=0.5.
stress relaxation. Then, they found that crack growth rates, experience an elastic shakedown the effective stress intensity In particular, it was observed
consider the effects of crack experimentally measured during condition. This situation is factors from the singular field that, during LCF, a crack stays
closure, but opening levels are short crack propagation, lie related to the particular spinning present at the tip. In order to open for almost the whole
usually calculated by adopting on reference curves obtained tests performed before final validate the technique, cyclic fatigue cycle. At this point,
analytical models, known to be from tests performed at high installation and implies that an plastic zones were calculated specimens containing defects
precise only under fully reversed stress ration on standard approach based on LEFM can from extracted and compared to with constraint conditions

Low Frequency Vibrations analysis as a The 1xRev component showed of axle was discretised by means laboratory test.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

the largest increase in amplitude of reduced integration C3D8R Simulations including additional
method for condition based monitoring at the final stage of the tests
(and hence with the abrupt
elements. Due to the fact that
model was experiencing high
sources of excitation coming
from wheel-rail interaction
system for railway axles increase of the crack size).
The amplitude of the 2xRev
number of revolutions second
order accurate formulation
(railway simulation case) showed
that irregularity levels reported
component was also sensitive elements from explicit library on worn railway wheels are
Pawe Rolek - Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Bruni to the number of cumulated were used. Axle crack was not overcoming vibrations
loading blocks. The 3xRev introduced in model as fixed size caused by 35% deep crack
component showed a lower discontinuity in finite element in the axle, thus allowing to 595
Introduction: 1. Low Frequency Vibration Railway Axles (BDA) available at sensitivity to the number of mesh. Since crack breathing assume that the detection of

Railway axles are one of the analysis (LFV) the labs of Politecnico di Milano block loading repetitions, still a mechanism was most important a crack in similar size is highly
crucial elements providing LFV is based on the measure of Department of Mechanical nearly monotonically increasing phenomena to investigate probable during vehicle service.
safety and functionality of harmonic components in the Engineering. In particular, a trend, but the trend was less during simulation contact 1xRev and 2xRev harmonics
railway vehicles, thus special axle bending vibration having three point rotating bending clear, probably on account of parameters were defined at both occurred to be the most
attention to their health needs periodicity which is an integer was applied to the full-scale disturbances such as thermal sides of cracked specimen walls suitable to indicate presence
to be paid. To prevent failure of sub-multiple of the revolution specimen via an actuator group effects that may produce a bow (crack lips), which allowed to of crack. Comparison of two
the axle periodical inspections period. These vibrations and an electric motor: in this of the rotating axle. Finally the simulate opening and closing of cases with different crack depth
are performed. Railway axles are induced by the crack- way, both constant amplitude amplitudes of the remaining crack lips caused by rotational (30% and 35%) revealed that
in modern vehicles are not breathing mechanism and by and block loading fatigue or 4xRev to 7xRev components bending. During simulation NxRev vibration components
only transferring load but also asymmetry in the bending inertia crack propagation tests could be remained very low during analysis campaign two scenarios are undergoing higher rate of
providing support for brakes of the axle, as produced by a carried out. the whole tests with a slight were investigated: laboratory change of amplitude due to
and other auxiliary elements, stiffness reduction introduced by LFV signals have been acquired increase in the final stage of the test equivalent scenario and crack propagation than from
thus their proper inspection propagating transversal crack. by means of three laser test. In conclusion, the 1xRev, railway case scenario, where the developing out-of-roudness
against faults requires complete Abovementioned vibrations have transducers to monitor possible 2xRev and in some cases also latter one including additional profile of wheel allowing to
disassembling process and use a low-frequency nature, and due damage occurrence and its 3xRev harmonic components excitations raised by wheel assume that that axle condition
of one of the nondestructive to this fact the measurements development during the axle of vibration signal appear to and rail irregularities was monitoring based on LFV is
diagnostic techniques (like can be conducted by using operation under load. Because be the best suited to be set in representing more closely real capable of delivering diagnostic
ultrasonic scan, eddy current simple, robust and inexpensive of difficulties to monitor axial relationship with the presence working conditions of railway results even during further
test, etc.). This approach has transducers. This method vibration in real application (and possibly with the size) axle. degradation of wheel profile.
significant disadvantage: was initially proposed for authors have focused only on of a propagating crack in the The laboratory scenario
inspection needs to be performed crack detection in the shaft vibration measurement in radial axle. It is necessary to keep in simulation results appeared Bibliography :
in workshop which is time, effort of turbo-machinery [1], and direction. Two laser transducers mind that not only increase of to be in good qualitative [1] Pennacchi P., Bachschmid
and money consuming. Due to was demonstrated to provide have been mounted in vertical amplitude of vibration signal agreement with the N., Vania A.: A model-based
the lack of information about reliable results for this kind direction and one in horizontal can indicate presence of fault. measurements performed in identification method of
the state of the axle during its of application based on direction pointing to the central Some experimental results are the full-scale tests on cracked transverse cracks in rotating
operation the inspections are experiments performed on a region of the axle, which showing decrease in amplitudes axles. In particular the ratios of shafts suitable for industrial
performed periodically on time laboratory test rig, however due allowed to obtain the highest during initial stage of crack the amplitude for the 1st and machines, Mechanical Systems
or kilometer basis, which can to different work specification displacements produced by development, which could 2nd harmonic were in good and Signal Processing, Vol. 20,
cause either money loss for of railway axle (speeds much the applied loads. For speed be explained by influence of agreement with these that can 2006, 2112-2147.
operator in case of unnecessary lower than first critical, not detection and absolute phase opposing phases of generated be observed during laboratory [2] R. B. Randall, Vibration-based
check (no problems found) or stable working conditions due lag analysis Tachometer signal signals [2]. test. The absolute amplitude condition monitoring: industrial,
serious accidents in case of to additional excitation sources, (one per rev signal) has been of vibration obtained at the aerospace and automotive
axle failure due to overcome weather condition influence, obtained from the electric motor 3. 3D model analysis and end of the tests performed on applications: John Wiley & Sons,
of critical condition before etc.) successful application in used to rotate the axle. results cracked axles was consistent 2011
planned inspection. In presented railway field was not obvious. During experiment campaign 3D analysis by finite element with the amplitude obtained
work analysis of application of a number of nxRev harmonics method was used to investigate by means of Finite Element
the Low Frequency Vibration 2. Experimental tests and appeared in the measured signal vibrations inducted by breathing simulations for a crack in the
measurement approach for results and after trending process the mechanism of crack existing range of 25% to 35% which
railway axle online condition The experimental full-scale tests increase in the level of vibration in railway axle under working was roughly consistent with the
based monitoring system is have been carried out by means became evident for some of conditions (applied loads and final crack amplitude found on
presented. of the Dynamic Test Bench for them. rotations). Finite element model the specimen at the end of the

Model Based Compliance Shaping Control

PhD Yearbook | 2015

of Light-Weight Manipulator in Hard-
Contact Industrial Applications
Loris Roveda - Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Braghin

Light-weight manipulators and static deformation of the overshoots avoidance. compliant robot base dynamics. real assembly tasks. Results

are increasingly used in robot base may affect the Moreover, compliant robot In this case, the defined control show the effectiveness of the
interacting robotic tasks where task execution, resulting in base state-of-the-art methods strategy takes into account proposed control strategies,
reduced mass and (controlled) decreasing performance (e.g. do not consider contact the estimated position of the compared with control schemes
compliance are required to steady-state errors) and task tasks or consider the use of manipulator base to correct in literature (in particular, a
ensure safety and adaptability. failures (e.g. instabilities). external sensors (i.e., reduced the position set-point of the second order explicit force
Interacting tasks are generally applicability to industrial impedance control, obtained tracking controller based on the
referred to both human-robot Interaction control has long been contexts). implementing a Kalman Filter impedance control), that show
interaction (e.g. handling investigated in order to safely (KF) to avoid the use of external force overshoots, instabilities
assistance) and robot machining execute such applications. The purpose of this Thesis is to sensors. and lower dynamic performance.
(e.g. automatic assembly or Impedance control is particularly extend (a) and (b) algorithms to
surface finishing). Moreover, suitable for interacting a global impedance shaping to The proposed control scheme Topics covered in this Thesis
lightweight manipulators are applications, allowing to overcome described limitations: has been developed based on have been developed and tested
often mounted on flexible define a target dynamics (i.e., avoid force overshoots/ an incrementally study of the at ITIA-CNR, IRAS group.
structures or mobile platforms. mass, stiffness and damping instabilitie; described complex scenario.
In such applications the parameters). compensate for compliant Firstly, the rigid robot base
dynamics of the interaction is Although impedance methods robot base. scenario has been taken into
affected by the robot base and are proved to be dynamically account (focusing on the robot
the environment, in addition to equivalent to explicit force The novelty of the defined - environment interaction).
the dynamics of the controlled controllers, a direct tracking approach is the possibility Then, the compliant robot
robot. of the interaction is not to track a target interaction base scenario has been taken
The critical compliant scenario straightforwardly allowed. force (or deformation) while into account (focusing on the
(i.e., compliant robot base, To overcome this limitation modifying the impedance of compliant robot base dynamics).
controlled robot, environment preserving the properties of the global interacting scenario, A complete model of the
and, eventually, human the impedance behaviour two having a complete estimate interaction dynamics is needed
operator) may cause the different families of methods of the complete plant. This is as the proposed control
presence of natural frequencies have been mainly introduced: defined as impedance shaping. strategies are model-based and
in the operating bandwith of class (a) force (or position) This is done evolving from class to design the observers.
the manipulator due to the tracking controllers and class (b) (a) and (b) methods, tuning on- Developed dynamic models have
coupled dynamics, significantly impedance variable impedance line both the position set-point been validated, especially the
influencing the interaction controllers. and the stiffness and damping impedance control model of the
accuracy in a wide critical Limitations of class (a) are parameters of the impedance closed-loop robot dynamics (i.e.,
bandwith. Such condition related to the limited bandiwth control based on both the force static and dynamic impedance
may give rise to excitation of of the controllers to avoid error and the on-line estimated behaviour validation). Then,
resonances of the coupled instabilities dealing with stiffness of the interacting observers and control strategies
system that could hinder the changing environments. environment, obtained have been developed, using the
stability of the task execution Limitations of described class implementing an Extended developed models to synthesize
(especially during contacts (b) are related to the absence of Kalman Filter (EKF). the algorithms and to study the
transients). Moreover, the base the runtime estimation of the Eventually, such control scheme closed-loop stability.
elasticity is remarkably crucial environment stiffness. is capable to consider the
from the controller performance Additionally, both class (a) and compliant robot base scenario Developed control strategies
point of view. Both dynamic (b) are not considering force in order to compensate for the have been validated in a

Innovative technique to assess tensile were investigated.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Montecarlo simulations were
axial load in tie-rods by means of dynamic thus performed in order to check
the reliability of the designed
measurements method and to understand
the level of confidence of the
achieved results. The results
Matteo Scaccabarozzi - Supervisor: Prof. Alfredo Cigada showed that this new method
is able to guarantee an accuracy
close (or even better in some 599
This thesis deals with a new that should not need any to be measured. The value of cases) to that associated to

method to estimate axial load accurate estimation of material comes from point ii of this list the best methods in literature
in tie-rods by means of indirect data, working properly even iv. use the FE model to build the with less constraints (e.g. the
measurements. The knowledge with rough nominal data; relationship between the value necessity to know the Youngs
of this information is of great to work even with operational of each eigenfrequency and modulus of the material with a
importance to assess the health modal analysis in order to the axial load . The tie-rod very high accuracy).
of the tie-rod itself and of the apply an effective continuous axial load is estimated as the Finally an experimental validation
whole structure, which the monitoring of tie-rods. mean of the various values . of the method was carried out
beam is inserted in. In order to achieve a v. the value of is refined by and the results confirmed those
The method is based on dynamic method based on dynamic means of a modal updating coming from the Montecarlo
measurements and require the measurements, the modal procedure, by cross-correlating simulations.
experimental estimation of behavior of tie-rods was the FE model results with the Therefore, the designed method
the tie-rod eigenfrequencies investigated. The tensile load experimental data in terms of 1. Errors in estimations before and after the updating procedure reaches all the goals fixed at
and mode shapes in a limited is the object of the analysis, eigenfrequencies. the beginning of the work and
number of points. Furthermore, but the tie-rod dynamic The method takes into account a it is noticed that the developed
the approach requires to develop behaviour is affected also by reasonable range of uncertainty The experimental validation was modal behaviour of a beam procedure does not require
a simple finite element model, other parameters: some are for each unknown parameter. performed on a test rig as similar was the starting point to design to measure the input to the
which is then cross-correlated measurable and therefore Two methods for assessing were as possible to an actual tie-rod. the new method to assess the structure. Furthermore, the
with the experimental data by considered as known (e.g. the investigated. One is effective The tests were carried out with axial load. The eigenfrequencies number of sensors required to
means of a model updating cross section area) and others also working with environmental different levels of axial load of the beam were found to measure the response of the
procedure. are unknown (e.g. the actual forcing, the other led to a and different stiffness of the be suitable to estimate the beam is limited to two. This
The aim of the present work is free beam length , the Youngs feature useful to estimated the constraints. In order to simulate axial load but the analyses also makes the current method much
to design, develop and validate modulus and density of the actual beam free length . also a real low level of stiffness, showed that an estimation of cheaper with respect to most of
an innovative technique to asses material). The behaviour of Extensive numerical simulations some rubber layers were put the stiffness of the constraints the referenced techniques, even
the tie-rod axial load, based on the constraints at the end are and experimental were carried between the elements of the was necessary prior to any other enabling to carry out continuous
dynamic measurements and unknown as well. The stiffness out tests in order to validate the clamps which constraint the task. Hence, methods two assess monitoring of the tie-rods.
able to overcome most of the of the constraints is represented method. beam ends. The experimental the stiffness of the constraints
problems and limitations of the by the equivalent torsional Numerical validation was carried tests were performed by
previous approaches. Particularly, stiffness in the model of the out by means of Montecarlo measuring the input force on
the method is expected: tie-rod . The following method simulations on different case the beam as well as by providing
to be simple to apply was developed to assess the studies. Results are represented only the environmental forcing.
(both experimentally and axial load: in terms of, where is the true Results are shown in Fig. 2.
numerically); i. identify the first tie-rod value of axial load in the The experimental tests show
to give accurate assessment eigenfrequencies by means of beam. For a case study, Fig. 1 that the maximum discrepancy
of tensile force (results as experimental tests; shows the results in terms of (after updating) on load
good as or better than those ii. asses by identifying the average value of and the results estimation was lower than 10%,
achieved by the best methods eigenvector components in distribution pointed out by the in strict accordance with the
in literature) two points; interval and the boundary values numerical validation.
to be effective with different iii. build a FE model of the tie-rod and , for different value of axial In conclusion, the
kinds of tie-rods (e.g. with where the material properties load and constriant stiffness. comprehension of the basic
both uniform and non-uniform are fixed to nominal values Results before and after the effects of geometrical and
beam cross-sections); and the geometry is assumed model updating are shown. mechanical variables on the 2. experimental test results

Title: Human body response to multi-axial of the nonlinear terms to the and the cross-axis APMSs under stationary. Consequently, the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

APMS were negligible (i.e. the excitations along the other axes. APMS matrix of an individual
dynamical vibrations. modelled nonlinear terms did
not take part in the definition
Unexpectedly, along the vertical
direction (z-axis) the human
was fully conditioned with
the same aim of proving the
of the response) and the body was found more sensitive extent of the nonlinearity. The
nonlinearity was associated to vibrations. Independently on differences between the linear
to the variation of the modal the excitation axis, the direct estimators and the conditioned
Stefano Solbiati - Supervisor: Giovanni Moschioni parameters in time, due to low vertical APMS and both the quantities were comparable to
frequency motion during the vertical cross-axis APMSs were the intra-subject variability.
tests and involuntary muscular higher in magnitude than the The APMS matrices in case 601
Body-transmitted vibrations novel approach for the study of frequency response function actions. Both in the standing corresponding direct APMSs. In of dual-axis excitations were

could lead to serious the nonlinearities of the body- between the transmitted force and legs bent postures, the facts, one would expect that the characterized by exposing
consequences on health. transmitted vibrations. This field and the applied acceleration. responses modelled with major inertial contribute occurs subjects contemporarily
Vibration transmitted to the was not completely explored In the first part of this work, conditioned and linear models along the direction of excitation. to independent vibrations
body generate cyclic stresses and few works were reported in nonlinearities were identified were very similar and differences No differences occurred within along either a primary or a
critical for the spine and may the literature. Besides the lack of by conditioning the APMS between the ordinary and the the APMSs being the vibration transversal directions (i.e.
lead to musculoskeletal disorders material, the largely described deriving from the vertical multiple coherence functions magnitude not a driving with increasing magnitudes
(i.e. low-back pain) besides nonlinear behaviour was often whole-body vibration (WBV) were comparable to the intra- parameter for the modelling of of acceleration). Results from
physical and psychological in contrast or not fully supported with a set of nonlinear functions subject variability. the biodynamic response. the comparison between the
fatigue. by the experimental results: e.g. of the acceleration; both the The full three-by-three APMS Secondly, the same statistical APMSs taken under single-
Many studies focused on nonlinearities with respect to the acceleration and the force were matrix was derived by exposing analysis were performed on axis and dual-axis exposures
understanding the dynamics vibration magnitude were found measured only along the vertical subjects to independent the APMS matrices of a single confirmed that the biodynamic
of the body both in seated even if the ordinary coherence direction. vibrations along the three individual. In this case, it was response was influenced by
and standing postures. These function was close to unity. Afterwards, the full (three-by- orthogonal axes. Such task observed a more dependence the addition of a secondary
studies evidenced a general The research activity was carried three) matrix was identified with involved the design of either of the response on the vibration transversal acceleration. Such
nonlinear behaviour which was out according to the following a purposely-designed excitation a dual-axis excitation system, magnitude. Many differences dependence cannot be extended
investigated under different steps: system composed by two made by the junction of two occurred at frequencies where either to all the directions of
experimental conditions (i.e. 1. characterization of the electrodynamic shakers and a tri- electrodynamic shakers, or a the aggregate responses excitation or within a specific
vibration magnitude, postures apparent mass in case of axial force plate. The excitation tri-axial force plate, for the were found equal. Definitely, response path. It was found
and other anthropometric vertical whole-body vibration; was initially mono-axial and the measurement of the transmitted the comparison between the a marginal contribute of the
parameters). Despite the 2. identification of the force was measured along the forces in the reference system. population and the individuals overall magnitude of vibration
huge amount of material, nonlinearities; three coordinated axes. Both the For each axis, both the direct APMS matrices evidenced since dual-axis APMSs were
the variability of the human 3. design and realization of a symmetry of the APMS matrix and the cross-axis APMSs were the more dependence of the almost equal. As for the APMS
body dynamics was not still suitable excitation system and the effect of the vibration computed by the use of linear individuals response on the under single-axis excitations,
clearly understood, being and setup for measuring magnitude were assessed with estimators. vibration magnitude. This finding nonlinearity in the response due
the issue more complex than the apparent masses in the paired t-student and Wilcoxon Generally, the normalized may depend on the scatter in to the addition of a secondary
expected; the main open issue, basicentric reference system; signed-rank tests. In the last part APMS decreased in amplitude the populations biometric data vibration was more evident for
is that the variability due to 4. characterization of the full of the research, the response towards higher frequencies, whose uncertainty introduced on the individual rather than in
the nonlinear behaviour of the (three-by-three) matrix of (forces along three mutually except for the case of vertical the response is such to overlay the sample population. Such
biodynamic response has not apparent masses for the perpendicular directions) was WBV where both the direct and magnitude dependent effects. behaviour may again depend on
been systematically compared standing persons; measured with the uncorrelated the frontal cross-axis APMSs The frontal cross-axis APMS the variability in the populations
to the inter- and intra-subject 5. characterization of the excitation along two axes. increased to a main resonance under vertical WBV was biometric data whose
variability. response in case of multi-axial The APMS derived in these peak (at about 5-6 Hz) and then conditioned for assessing uncertainty is such to overlay the
Aim of this work was vibrations (no more than two conditions has been compared decreased to lower magnitudes. whether nonlinearities in the effects due to the addition of
the identification of the axes contemporarily excited). with the one obtained upon Such coupling may suggest a response occurred. Results from extra-axis vibrations.
nonlinearities affecting the The study of the nonlinearities exciting a single axis. common vibration mode in the the linear estimators and the
response of the human body was performed for both single- Nonlinearities in the human xz-plane but it did not occur conditioned quantities were
exposed to whole-body axis and multi-axial vibrations. body response to vertical under a reciprocal condition found similar. Further analysis
vibrations. The research was The reference parameter for WBV were analysed using the (i.e any resonance rose on evidenced that the drop in the
entirely addressed to the the biodynamic response of the conditioned output spectra both axes due to a frontal coherence function was not
characterization of the response human body was the apparent and the multiple coherence excitation). No more couplings attributable to some nonlinearity
for standing persons using a mass (hereafter APMS), i.e. the functions. The contributions were found between the direct but the response was not

Uncertainty Evaluation and Performance

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Verification of A 3D Geometric Focus-Variation
Wahyudin Permana Syam - Supervisor: Prof. Givanni Moroni

Quality is an important aspect traceability is a fundamental presented for task-specific ideal substitute geometries

of a product. High quality aspect to ensure reliable uncertainty evaluation by to sampling points will be
product ensures the functionality measurement results. simulation, coherent with the discussed. An improvement
of assembled products and ISO15530-4 standard. The of non-linear least square
the interchangeability among This thesis addresses the proposed simulation approach is fitting is presented, based on
products from different problem of traceability of a based on spatial statistic model the optimization of the initial
manufacturers. To verify product focus-variation microscope considering the correlation solution through chaos method.
quality, tolerance verification as 3D coordinate measuring among captured points. To
(geometrical measurement) by system. First, the traceability of support the simulation and
means of coordinate measuring the instrument will be discussed consider all significant error
systems has to be carried out. considering its performance. sources, characterization studies
Advancement of manufacturing Proposals for reference artifacts to investigate the influencing
technology enables a significant and procedures to conduct factors of measurement by
reduce of critical dimensions, performance verification focus-variation microscopy are
together with an increase of according to the ISO10360-8 presented, too. Finally, industrial
geometric complexity. This and ISO10360-3 standards are case studies are carried out to
creates challenges in coordinate presented. These proposals validate the simulator developed.
metrology: tolerances become consider both 3-axis and The validation conforms to the
tighter. Optical-based metrology 4-axis configurations of the ISO15530-4 standard.
instruments are a potential instrument.
option to verify these tolerances. As a by product of this study,
But of course also in this case Second, an approach is algorithms to associate

Development and Implementation of Optical

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Measurement Systems for Tyre Footprint
Stress Field
Andrea Zanoni - Supervisor: Federico Cheli

Tyre testing is an essential part of option, both suitable to static superficial roughness of the

the tyre development process: its and dynamic conditions, is object is to redirect light on the
goals are both the refining and represented by contact pressure unit area in direct proportion to
validation of numerical models sensing devices base on the the applied contact pressure.
of the tyre thermomechanical frustration of total internal Therefore, in the case of a
2. Comparison between normal stress maps obtained in statical conditions by the developed test bench (left) and a
behaviour and the direct reflection of light. pneumatic tyre, a measurement commercial piezo-resistive matrix system (right). Values displayed are normalized with respect to the inflation pressure.
verification of the effectiveness device for the footprint contact
of the design choices. pressure can be realized, based
In particular, tyre footprint on this physical phenomenon. A second testing system, aimed moderate intensity. the analysis of the contact patch
stress field acquisitions offer This work focuses on the at dynamical conditions, is Currently, straight free rolling normal stress field acquired
the potential advantage of development of two such implemented on a tyre testing tests at speeds up to 120 km/h by the dynamical system,
encapsulating a great amount testing systems and their drum by inserting in its structure with camber angles up to 4 in i.e. evaluating the forward
of information: the details of implementation at Pirelli Tyre a frame supporting a curved magnitude are possible. displacement of the normal
the stresses exchanged between Testing Department facilities in glass sheet, aligned with the stress field resultant with respect
the tyre and the road surface Milano Bicocca. A static tests drum surface, also illuminated to the vertical plane containing
are of fundamental importance bench has been implemented by the sides by LED lights arrays. the wheel screw axis, obtained
in a vast area of the tyres and by supporting a glass plate A calibrated camera, fixed to via standard certification
vehicles dynamical behaviour. illuminated form the sides by an the wheel hub, frames the procedures. The results of
Normal stress maps in the array of LED lights and framing underside of the glass plate. the validation processes and
tyre footprint are routinely 1. the optical static footprint tests its underside with a calibrated Both the camera and the LED their repeatability proved to
measured in static conditions bench. camera. lights are triggered to acquire be very encouraging and the
by tyre manufacturers with The intensity values of the an intensity map of the tyre static tests bench has been
different methodologies: the When light is forced to be totally pixels are correlated to contact footprint upon the passage of advanced to the industrialization
most commonly used are reflected inside a transparent pressure magnitude via the the tyre on the glass window. process and CE certification.
pressure-sensitive papers and medium, an exponentially interposition between the As in the static measurements The dynamical system is still in
piezo-resistive matrix systems, decaying wave is present at the tested tyre and the glass surface case, a polymeric material sheet active development while its
initially developed in the field of boundary interfaces. If an object of a calibrated polymeric is fixed on the outer surface of industrialization is undergoing.
3. fv coefficients comparison referring
biometrics. Much less common is present in the portion of space material. Each acquired image the glass. The material is not the Future developments are
to rolling resistance measurements
is the availability of contact occupied by the evanescent is then processed by a custom- same as in the static case, since obtained by the developed optical especially focused on the
stress or deformation fields in wave a portion of the reflected developed software that the sensitivity and mechanical system (on the abscissae) and via a extension of the range of testing
dynamical conditions (i.e. with light can be reflected back isolates the footprint area, resistance requirements are very standard certification system (on the conditions allowed, in terms
the tyre rolling), limited to date through the medium, reaching either automatically or with the different. Also in this case, the of wheel tangential velocity,
essentially to miniature force a camera framing the opposite intervention of the user, and software for the processing of longitudinal and lateral slip and
transducers line arrays that boundary surface. Since the converts the image intensity the acquired frames has been A first validation of the torque applied.
operate a burst of acquisitions decaying constant is in the order values into normal stress custom-developed based on the systems has been performed
upon the tyre passage. This of magnitude of hundreds of values. The conversion is made Open Source C++ computer by comparing their results to
method offers the advantages mm, for an object to occupy constraining the integral of the vision library OpenCV: in those of established commercial
of giving information about the region of the evanescent normal stresses to equal the addition to the functionalities measurement system in the
stresses in all three directions, wave it has to be in practical normal load applied during the present in the static tests case of the static tests bench.
however it is very expensive terms in contact with the tests, acquired by the test bench bench software it allows for For the drum testing system, a
both in implementation and medium surface. The effect of reading the output of load cells the recovering of motion blur comparison was made on rolling
in maintenance costs. Another the deformability and of the placed on the wheel hub. degradation effects up to resistance estimates based on
Industrial Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering | Information Technology
| Interior Architecture and Exhibition
Design | Management, Economics and
Industrial Engineering | Materials
Engineering | Mathematical MODELS and
METHODS IN Engineering | Mechanical
Engineering | Physics | Preservation of
THE Architectural Heritage | Rotary-wing
aircrafts | Spatial Planning and Urban
Development | Structural Seismic and
Geotechnical Engineering | Technology
and Design for Environment and Building
| Territorial Design and Government |
Aerospace Engineering | Architectural
and Urban Design | Architectural
Composition | Architecture, Urban Design,
Conservation of Housing and Landscape
| Bioengineering | Building Engineering
| Design | Design and technologies
for cultural heritage | Electrical
Engineering | Energy and Nuclear
Science and Technology | Environmental
and Infrastructures engineering PhD Yearbook | 2015

DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN PHYSICS 4) Doctoral Thesis. The thesis work is the students are involved in innovative work. A list of

PhD Yearbook | 2015

major activity of the Program. It has a marked the Faculty members follows:
experimental character, and will be carried out in
one or more laboratories at the Department of
Family Name First Name Position*
The students are also encouraged to perform BERTACCO RICCARDO AP
part of their thesis work in laboratories of other BRAMBILLA ALBERTO AP
national or foreign Institutions. Collaborations
that may involve the PhD students are presently
active with several national and international CUBEDDU RINALDO FP 609
The Doctoral Program in Physics at Politecnico di Milano aims at research and academic Institutions, such as: DALLERA CLAUDIA AP

Chair: attracting bright students with a good scientific background and ETH-Zrich, EPL-Lausanne, Lund Institute of
a clear interest towards the development and applications of new Technology, University of Paris-Sud, Ecole DANDREA COSIMO AP
Prof. Paola Taroni
ideas and technologies. It offers a wide range of opportunities Polytechnique-Paris, University of Barcelona, DELLA VALLE GIUSEPPE PA
in the fields of advanced applied physics, such as photonics University of Berkeley, University of Cambridge,
and optoelectronics (lasers, ultrafast optics), biomedical optics Technical University of Wien, University of
(optical tomography), vacuum technologies (thin film depositions), Bordeaux, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, DU LAMBERTO FP
material technologies (microelectronics and nanotechnologies, Harvard University, INFM-CNR, IITIstituto Italiano FINAZZI MARCO AP
micromechanical processing), and advanced instrumentation di Tecnologia, European Space Agency, ENEA,
(electronic and atomic microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance). Elettra-Ts, PSI-Villigen, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, GHIRINGHELLI GIACOMO AP
Scientific education and training to develop general research European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF- ISELLA GIOVANNI PA
abilities in all areas of applied physics is increasingly needed by Grenoble).
advanced technological companies. Through a general education The average number of fellowship/grants for
in the basic areas of applied physics and a specific knowledge in students admitted to the PhD Program is twelve LAPORTA PAOLO FP
condensed matter physics, as well as optics and lasers, the PhD per year, while the average number of available MARANGONI MARCO AP
Program aims at the development of an experimental approach to positions is more than double. At present, the
problem solving techniques and at the attainment of a high level of overall number of students in the three-year NISOLI MAURO FP
professional qualification. course is fifty-six. RAMPONI ROBERTA FP
The Doctoral Program has a strong experimental character. The Teaching and research activities of the Doctoral STAGIRA SALVATORE PA
contents are strictly related to the research activities carried out in Program are controlled and organized by a
the laboratories at the Department of Physics. They can be divided number of Faculty members large enough TARONI PAOLA FP
into two main areas: to cover a wide spectrum of research fields. TORRICELLI ALESSANDRO AP
a) Condensed Matter Physics, including photoemission; spin- All members are highly qualified and active
resolved electronic spectroscopy; magneto-optics; X ray researchers. This ensures a continuous updating *Position: FP = Full Professor; AP = Associate
diffraction; magnetic nanostructures for spintronics; of the PhD program and guarantees that the Professor; RC = Researcher/Assistant Professor
synchrotron radiation spectroscopy, positron spectroscopy,
semiconductor nanostructures.
b) Optics and Quantum Electronics, including ultrashort light
pulse generation and applications; UV and X optical harmonics The Doctoral Program relies also on the advice of a Steering Committee, formed by distinguished
generation; biomedical applications of lasers; diagnostics for experts (see table below) coming from R&D industries or research laboratories, taking care that the
works of art; laser applications in optical communications; time goals of the PhD Program are in line with the needs of the non-academic world.
domain optical spectroscopy and diagnostic techniques.
All research activities rely on advanced experimental laboratories Family Name First Name Institution
located at Politecnico di Milano (Milano-Leonardo Campus and PIROVANO AGOSTINO Micron Semiconductor Italia s.r.l.
Como Campus) and are performed in collaboration with several DONATI FABIO EPFL Lausanne, CH
international Institutions. Besides the experimental research, a MIOZZO LUCIANO Solvay Specialty Polymers
consistent effort is devoted to the design and development of novel
The educational program can be divided into three parts: 1) Main MASOTTI GIOVANNI El.En. S.p.A
courses specifically designed for the PhD program; 3) Activities
pertaining to more specific disciplines which will lay the foundation
for the research work to be carried out during the Doctoral Thesis;

Study of thin films and mesoporous materials

PhD Yearbook | 2015

by means of Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy
for applied and fundamental physics

Stefano Aghion - Supervisor: Rafael Ferragut

My PhD research activity was a PMMA polymer, free volume Equivalence Principle (WEP) for suitable as positron to diffusion inside silica aerogel has

focused on the use of positrons, measurements have showed that antimatter. The WEP is one of positronium converters studied been developed for this purpose.
the anti-particle of the electron, the material optical properties the cornerstones of Einsteins at L-NESS, silica Aerogel 85 According to the simulation
bothas a probe for material depend even on slight changes General Relativity, which states and MCM-41represent the results the use of transmission
properties and as a fundamental in the free volumes dimensions that the trajectory of a free best candidates. They are geometry enhances the cold
element for the production and concentration. fall body does not depend on mesoporous silica characterized positronium yield in vacuum
of antihydrogen at the CERN Positron annihilation its composition but only on to have a very low density and compared to the reflection
laboratories. spectroscopy techniques have its initial kinematic conditions a very high porosity. Aerogel geometry and the results will
Positron annihilation also been applied to the study (position and velocity). The 85 in particular has a density of be used as indications for the
spectroscopy is a consolidated of positron to positronium gravitational interaction is 85 mg cm-3 and a porosity of design of thin film silica positron
technique for the study of converters for the AEgIS the only one, among the four 96 % and has been developed to positronium converters.
defects in metals, alloys and (Antimatter Experiment:gravity fundamental interactions by the NASA to be applied in In conclusion, besides
semiconductors as well as for Interferometry spectroscopy) (gravity, electromagnetic, the Stardust Project as particle acknowledging that the
the analysis of free volumes experiment at CERN (Geneve, weak and strong) described collector in the space. When AEgIS experiment is ready
inside polymer materials. Switzerland). The AEgIS by a classical theory, General a silica aerogel sample, or to produce antihydrogen in
At VEPAS laboratory (Variable experiment will produce Relativity, and not by a quantum MCM-41 sample, is used as order to measure antigravity,
Energy Positron Annihilation antihydrogen by overlapping field theory. Therefore the g a target of a positron beam, it has been shown that the
Spectroscopy), L-NESS a cold antiproton cloud and a measurement for an antimatter- positronium atoms are formed positron annihilation techniques
(Laboratory for Nanostructure, cold, laser excited, positronium matter system could in principle inside the interconnected pores are suitable for the analysis
Epitaxy and Spintronics on cloud, therefore an efficient yield shed light on which quantum and then escape into vacuum of composition; porosities
Silicon, Politecnico di Milano, of positronium is crucial for the model could describe the from the sample surface. The and voids of contemporary
Polo territoriale di Como), a slow experiment fulfillment. gravitational interaction. In a common geometry used for the thin film based devices and
energy positron beam and a bulk The AEgIS experiment is one second phase of the experiment production of positronium atoms allow disclosing new sets of
positron lifetime spectrometer of the five experiments in antihydrogen spectroscopy will is the backscattering geometry: information on them. Moreover,
have been employed to the the world that works with be performed in order to verify positronium atoms are emitted for fundamental antimatter
study of thin films, hybrid solar low energy antiprotons. The the Charge Parity Time theorem from the same surface where physics experiments, the
cells and PMMA polymers in antiproton decelerator AD at (CPT), which states the symmetry the positrons are implanted. micrometric mesoporous silica
order to correlate positron CERN, a very unique facility, between the properties of Since for many experiments membranes in transmission
spectroscopy information delivers bunches of cold matter and antimatter. that involve high positronium geometry will remarkably
to the electrical and optical antiprotons. The only way to At CERN I had the opportunity yield in vacuum, like the AEgIS increase the efficiency in the
properties of the materials. study antimatter properties with to cooperate in the setup of the experiment but in general all production of cold positronium.
The chemical composition a good enough resolution is to AEgIS pulsed positron beam the experiments for the study
and the morphology of voids cool (i.e. to lower the kinetic that delivers positrons to the of positronium properties,
and porosities in hybrid energy) and catch antiatoms in AEgIS central region in which positronium formation in
solar cells and thin film electromagnetic traps; the lower antihydrogen will be produced transmission geometry is very
metal oxide semiconductors their kinetic energy, the more in the near future. I also promising, Aerogel 85 properties
- IGZO in particular have accurate the measurements can participated to the antiproton have been used to simulate a
been studied and a strong be performed. The principal runs during which antiprotons cold positronium yield in vacuum
correlation between the aim of the AEgIS experiment is were successfully cooled and using micrometric silica thin
positron spectroscopy results to measure the antihydrogen stored for hours inside the films in transmission geometry. A
and the electrical properties of gravitational acceleration g apparatus electromagnetic traps. Monte Carlo simulation method
materials have been found. In on earth, i.e. to test the Weak Among the several samples for the study of positronium

Ultrafast Electron Dynamics in Three-dimensional

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Topological Insulators Investigated by Time- and
Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

Fabio Boschini - Supervisors: Claudia Dallera, Ettore Carpene

The topological insulating phase thesis an innovative TR-ARPES Physics (Beijing, China) and they relaxation processes allows to optical transition, only empty revealed dichroic signal does not

has been recently theorized setup is described and novel present a single Dirac cone in extract the presence of a second states of the second Dirac change sign in the whole probed
and experimentally observed experimental results on Bi2Te3 the center of the Brillouin zone. empty Dirac-cone-like surface cone away from the center of k-region, contrary to what
in three-dimensional systems. and Bi2Se3 topological insulators We demonstrate the ability to state approximatively 1.8 eV the probed k-region can be observed for the second surface
A metallic surface state with are presented. modify the population of the above the first Dirac cone. The populated. Then, the spin- state. This novel finding seems
a Dirac cone dispersion like Commonly, TR-ARPES setups topological Dirac cone of Bi2Te3 weak electron-phonon coupling polarized electronic population to indicate a net spin-order of
graphene appears within are based on a high-repetition on a time scale of hundreds of of topological electrons leads decays along the spin-polarized the image potential state. The
the bulk energy gap but, rate Ti:sapphire laser followed femtoseconds. Our Bi2Te3 sample to longer relaxation times in branch of the second topological image potential state wave-
unlike graphene, spins and by a fourth-harmonic generation is p-doped, thus the Fermi comparison to electrons lying in cone by intraband scattering function is localized outside the
momentums are locked optical setup of its fundamental level crosses the topological the close bulk band, allowing us events. Thus, a dichroic signal sample but is presents also a
resembling an helical spin frequency (typically 1.55 eV). surface state. The pump beam to disentangle the topological appears in the center of the decaying tail into the bulk. Thus,
structure. The possibility to Our innovative setup is based on promotes valence electrons into state contribution from the bulk second Dirac cone with a certain an interference effect between
induce a spin-polarized surface a high-repetition rate Yb-laser empty bulk bands. Hot non- band one. The existence of the delay (approximatively 30 fs) the image potential state wave-
current together with the source. By means of a cascade thermal electrons redistribute second topological surface state as a results of the intraband function and the spin-polarized
predicted protection by spin-flip of nonlinear processes 1.85-eV in the whole Brillouin zone as has been already proved by relaxation process. This is the topological surface wave-
backscattering events promote pump and 6.05-eV probe pulses a consequence of relaxation other research groups by means first experimental evidence to function is possible. This latter
the application of topological are generated. The heart of the processes (mediated by electron- of two-photon photoemission our knowledge of the ultrafast could lead the image potential
systems in future spintronic optical setup is a non-collinear electron and electron-phonon technique. Theoretical flow of a spin-polarized state to earn a net spin-order.
devices. optical parametric amplifier scattering) and fill the empty calculations and the observed electronic population in the In conclusion, the excellent
Angle-resolved photoemission that allows to tune the output states of the topological Dirac helical spin structure suggest second Dirac cone of Bi2Se3. working parameters of our
spectroscopy (ARPES) in widely wavelength at 680 nm (1.85 eV) state. The population of the that the second empty Dirac We prove the capability to innovative TR-ARPES setup
employed in studying surface with an associated bandwidth topological state presents a 70- cone shares the same physical selectively excite one of the two allowed us to obtain novel
properties of topological ensuring a pulse duration shorter fs delayed response time. This origin with the first topological spin-polarized branches of the intriguing experimental results
insulating systems. The than 30 fs after the prism first experimental evidence of surface state at the Fermi second topological state with on the ultrafast electronic
understanding of physical compressor. By a sum-frequency the delayed population time of edge. We show novel dichroic circularly polarized pump light, dynamics in three-dimensional
properties of topological generation optical modulus the Dirac cone suggests that the TR-ARPES measurements of i.e. photo-induce an ultrafast topological insulating systems.
electrons under an optical 205-nm (6.05 eV) pulses are topological surface state cannot the second Dirac cone of Bi2Se3 spin-polarized surface current.
excitation is fundamental for obtained. Emitted electrons be directly optically populated where we are able to selectively Moreover, topological electrons
future applications and it can are detected by means of a by the employed pump beam populate one of the two do not simply recombine
be achieved by exploiting time-of-flight electron analyzer. but only as a consequence of opposite spin-polarized branches with empty unpolarized bulk
the classical pump and probe The measured state-of-the- the electrons decay from the of the second topological states but flow along the Dirac
technique. Time-resolved art 50-meV energy resolution bulk bands. Hence, bulk bands surface state with circularly cone maintaining their spin-
ARPES (TR-ARPES) provides a together with the excellent 70-fs behave as charge reservoirs for polarized pump light and follow polarization.
direct snapshot of the temporal temporal resolution place our the topological state feeding this the temporal dynamics of We observed an unexpected
evolution of the band structure novel setup at the forefront of latter on a time scale of several the dichroic signal, i.e. of the dichroic signal in
of the system upon an intense this technique. picoseconds. photo-induced spin-polarized correspondence with the image
optical perturbation. Only few Bi2Te3 and Bi2Se3 three- The Bi2Se3 sample is intrinsically electronic population. We potential state of Bi2Se3. The
research groups in the world can dimensional topological n-doped, thus the Fermi level detect a strong k-dependence image potential state can be
perform TR-ARPES experiments, insulating samples were grown crosses the bulk conduction of both the temporal decay populated with the linearly
thus dynamical properties by the Prof. X. Zhous research band and the topological Dirac and the response time of the polarized 6.05-eV beam and
of topological electrons are group at National Lab for cone is completely filled. A dichroic signal. Thanks to an photoemitted with the circularly
still partially hidden. In this Superconductivity Institute of detailed study of pump induced efficient bulk-to-surface state polarized 1.85-eV beam. The

Advanced Spectroscopy Techniques for the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Study of Pigment Materials

Anna Cesaratto - Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Valentini

Conservation science is a of the application of a set of by PL experiments at different

multi-disciplinary field, which advanced optical and vibrational irradiance, both in CW and with
combines a number of scientific spectroscopy techniques to the short pulses. Measurements
methods for the material study of pigment materials. In have shown that the ratio
characterization of works of particular, the attention has between the band edge and
art and of their degradation been focused on two different the trap state emission intensity
products, for the definition classes of materials: modern depends on the excitation
of proper conservation and pigments and traditional intensity. These findings confirm
preservation protocols, for the dyestuff. As modern pigments, that the mechanism for carrier
developing of new restoration cadmium based pigments recombination in cadmium
materials. In particular, have been studied in depth; pigments is highly influenced by
the characterization of the anthraquinone based colorants electron trapping in deep trap
material used in an art object have been considered as states.
is fundamental not only for traditional dyestuffs. As regards traditional dyestuffs,
1. Photoluminescence spectra of a cadmium pigment sample following excitation with a 100 Hz-Q-switched and a CW
defining proper conservation Cadmium based pigments are a group of red anthraquinone laser source acquired with the spectrometer in continuous modality (a). Images of the PL emission excited in the pulsed
protocols but also for the in cadmium-zinc sulphide (Zn1-x based lake pigments and dyed (spot 1) and the CW (spot 2) regimes from the same sample (b).
depth study of the technology, CdxS with 0 < x < 1) or cadmium textiles were studied, with
the trade roots and the style sulphoselenide (CdSxSe1-x with 0 both vibrational and electronic performed in the selected area, for dye analysis mainly focus on the analysis of the palette of a
of an epoch. Many advanced < x < 1), with a high substitution spectroscopy. Lake pigments the SERS spectra are acquired the detection of the organic part watercolour painted by Vincent
analytical tools have been of Zn in the light yellow shades and dyed textiles are produced focusing a CW 488 nm laser of the material, disregarding the van Gogh. In particular, a novel
recently developed, with and a high substitution of Se through the formation of an directly on the SERS active metal ion used as mordant. data analysis protocol for the
the main aim of providing a in the darker shades. They are insoluble dye-metal ion (called substrate. In conclusion, a number classification of multispectral
chemical description of cultural IIb-VIa semiconductor, with mordant) complex. The technique was successfully of optical and vibrational data cube was combined
heritage materials, with a non or a direct radiative emission in Part of the research regarded applied to the study of a series spectroscopy techniques were with luminescence imaging
micro-invasive approach. This is the visible range and two trap the development and testing of painting cross sections, widely merged together in a multi- techniques and with point-like
particularly challenging, due to state radiative emissions in the of a new Surface Enhanced expanding the applicability of analytical approach finalized to Raman spectroscopy.
the fact that artwork materials near IR. The in depth study Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) SERS based techniques to the
are complex mixtures intrinsically of the photo luminescence based technique. The approach study of single layer or single
heterogeneous, composed of (PL) emission of a group of combines the high sensitivity lake particles in cross sections or
a wide range of compounds, commercially available cadmium of the SERS read out with the heterogeneous materials.
from organic to inorganic ones, based pigments gives new high resolution of the UV-laser The study of the same class
and a wide range of size scale, insights into the photophysical desorption of the materials in of materials was then carried
which goes from the chemical properties of these materials. an area few microns large. The on with the application of
identification of compounds to The radiative emissions of the ablation step is described in steady state and time-resolved
the mapping of trace elements, materials exhibited a strong figure 2: (i) a high power UV luminescence analyses on
alteration or restored phases. dependence on the excitation laser pulse is delivered on the a series of anthraquinone
This intrinsic complexity calls for power, as it can be seen in area of analysis, (ii) the material dyed textiles, with the aim of
multi-analytical approaches, to Figure 1, which shows the enters in a plasma phase, (iii) the discriminating between the
overcome the various limitation emission from a cadmium plasma plume expands upward various types of dye-metal ion
of individual spectroscopic sample for two excitation and outward, (iv) the plasma complexes in a non-destructive
methods. regimes. In fact, a non-linear solidifies on the SERS active fashion. In fact, the majority of 2. Schematic representation of the ablation step (left). Close up of the two
This thesis reports the results behaviour was demonstrated substrate. After the ablation is the standard analytical technique ablation optical geometries: focussed beam (top) de-focussed beam (bottom).

Integrated photonic circuits by femtosecond the optical axis inclined in a

PhD Yearbook | 2015

controlled and precise fashion.
laser writing for qubit manipulation, quantum This new component permits to
produce an arbitrary rotation of
cryptography and quantum optical analogies light polarization and paves the
way to the full manipulation of
light polarization in integrated
Giacomo Corrielli - Supervisor: Roberto Osellame optics. In order to demonstrate
the immediate application of
this novel element to quantum 617
Quantum technology promises enhancement arising from the substrate, it is, at least at first information science, and, in

to revolutionize radically the way optical confinement in few- approximation, independent particular, to the manipulation of
we look at information science, micrometer-sized waveguides from the specific chemical polarization encoded qubits, we
offering unprecedented levels improves the performances composition of the material. fabricated an integrated device
of computation efficiency and of non-linear interactions, for Consequently, femtosecond laser that performs the polarization
communication security. In the example for the realization of micromachining is adequate for state tomography of light,
past two decades, the effort efficient integrated photon processing a large number of simultaneously on two separated
of the scientific community sources or frequency converters. different transparent substrates, spatial modes. We validated
for advancing in this research Lastly, integrated optics, from glasses and crystals to its functioning by performing
field has been enormous, from being a mature technology polymers, with the same laser the quantum state tomography
both the theoretical and the developed for classical optical system and fabrication setup. In of single photons and of 1. Real (left column) and imaginary (right column) parts of the density matrices
experimental point of view. communications, can benefit addition, this technique shows polarization-entangled photon of the Bell y- state reconstructed with our integrated device (top row) and
with standard bulk, optical waveplates (bottom row). The calculated fidelity
However, despite the number from a well-established an intrinsic three-dimensional pairs. The high measured between the two is > 97%.
of remarkable achievements manufacturing industry and fabrication capability, fidelities of the reconstructed
in creating and manipulating a solid know-how in device allowing for the realization of states (> 97%) are comparable
individual quantum systems, designing. optical circuits with complex to those obtainable with distribution protocols at high suitable conditions, the exotic
quantum technology is still Among the various fabrication geometries, not obtainable standard bulk optical elements repetition rates (100 MHz), phenomenon of fractional
far from real world practical techniques, femtosecond laser with conventional lithographic and testify the suitability of our provided that the residual Bloch Oscillations can take
applications, due to the high micromachining demonstrated processes. novel integrated components in spectral distinguishability of the place. Furthermore, we studied
complexity of the experiments, in the recent years to be a very In this thesis work, femtosecond the manipulation of polarization output photons is compensated. how the presence of a strong
that makes them hardly scalable powerful technology for the laser micromachining is used encoded qubits. The presented results represent AC monochromatic field can
beyond the proof-of-principle design and the development for the fabrication of several A polarization insensitive an important step forward in influence the electronic transport
demonstration level. A relatively of innovative optical circuits integrated optical devices integrated optical circuit lies at the realization of a customer- in a graphene-like bidimensional
new and effective approach for for quantum applications. This that implement a number the heart of the functioning of oriented quantum device with lattice and possibly induce
facing this huge technological technique, in fact, presents of new functionalities, with the architecture we propose real world applications. dynamic localization. Finally,
challenge is that of integrated unique features and several important applications in the for short distance quantum Finally, we demonstrated we constructed a specially
quantum photonics, where advantages over conventional field of integrated quantum communications. In particular, how waveguide arrays, finely engineered semi-infinite lattice
small, monolithic optical circuits lithographic processes. It is photonics, in particular for the we have shown in this work engineered both in terms that is capable to support a
are used to manipulate quantum a mask-less and single-step manipulation, the measurement the design of a handheld of circuit geometry and peculiar surface state, with
states of light. The intrinsic fabrication technique that and the transmission of qubits device based on micro-optics waveguiding properties, can the energy embedded in the
mechanical stability of these does not need any special encoded in the polarization elements and with an extremely be used as model systems continuous band of scattered
devices allows to control the auxiliary facility, like a clean degree of freedom of quantum reduced footprint (few tens of with controllable parameters lattice states, showing an
phase of light in each spatial room. It can be performed with light. In addition, three mm3) capable of preparing and to simulate, with only classical algebraic rather than exponential
mode to an extent that is a relatively simple fabrication experiments regarding the sending over short distances resources, the evolution of localization at the lattice edge.
impossible to reach with bulk setup and this reflects in a simulation in dielectriclight- faint laser pulses in four complex quantum dynamics that
optical elements, allowing for significant cost reduction and guiding structures of the possible polarization states. are inaccessible in real systems.
the fabrication of complex speed-up in the prototyping of dynamics of complex quantum An exhaustive characterization By adopting this approach, we
interferometric structures. The new devices design. Since the systemsare presented. of all the single device studied the effect of particles
spatial overlap of different waveguide fabrication is based For the first time, we realized components demonstrated interaction on their motion
modes can be performed on non-linear multiphoton a waveguide-based integrated that the sender module we in a ordered lattice, under
straightforwardly by means of absorption of femtosecond device that behaves like an propose is in principle suitable the action of a static force,
directional couplers. The field laser pulses in a transparent optical wave-plate, with for performing quantum key and we observed that under

Time domain diffuse optical imaging at optode and tissue can cause pre-clinical tests on rats. We investigated the possibility to

PhD Yearbook | 2015

pain (e.g. burnt injuries) and demonstrated that the proposed replace the Time-Correlated
short source-detector distance even perturb the system (e.g.
local variation of blood content
setup is able to follow the
hemodynamic variations that can
Single-Photon Counting
(TCSPC) board with a dual
due to compression of skin occur in case of complications of window fast-gated counter.
necessary to achieve good flap surgery (e.g. formation of a Indeed, fast-gated counters
optical contact). Also, remote thrombus). Further experiments can dramatically reduce both
Laura Di Sieno - Supervisor: Antonio Pifferi - Assistant supervisor: Alberto Dalla Mora scanning of the forehead on model closer to human (e.g. costs and complexity in TR
for e.g. cognitive studies is piglets) are currently under multichannel systems, while
another interesting perspective. study. achieving high count rate, thus 619
The research leading to this PhD the confinement of photons of the physics at the null- For all those reasons, a non- The use of the null-distance offering a great advantage

dissertation has been mainly within the probed medium. distance its experimental use contact TR scanning instrument approach, coupled with high in applications like brain and
accomplished in the Physics This feature provides a better in different application fields based on null-distance was DR fast-gated measurements, muscle functional imaging. We
Department of Politecnico di contrast, spatial resolution and such as functional Near-Infrared built. The proposed setup enlightens the potentialities of proved the equivalence between
Milano and in collaboration signal intensity as compared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) for brain was characterized in terms this technique, but also allows a classical TCSPC board and
with foreign institutions as to measurements at a large imaging, non-contact scanning of performances using two us to understand the bottleneck a fast-gated counter in terms
Commissariat lnergie interfiber distance in the imaging and tomographic protocols for assessment of of the technology. The increase of achievable contrast and we
Atomique et aux nergies case of reflectance geometry. reconstructions. time-domain diffuse imagers (BIP in the DR of the measurement demonstrated its suitability for
Alternatives (CEA, France) However, the huge increase in First of all, we aim to and nEUROPt protocol) agreed is indeed limited by a source of various applications.
and Physikalisch-Technische the peak of early photons demonstrate that the use of the upon by many institutions. After noise called memory effect. In In conclusion, the improvement
Bundesanstalt (PTB, Germany). (i.e. photons directly reflected null-distance approach, coupled the objective characterization order to better understand this given by the null-distance
The main framework of this or scarcely diffused from the with the high DR fast-gated of the instrument, several in- newly discovered background approach in different
work resides in the interaction of surface) causes the saturation acquisitions, can improve fNIRS vivo measurements on healthy contribution, a comprehensive applications was demonstrated.
light with diffusive media. In the of the dynamic range (DR) measurements and permits to volunteers were performed. In characterization was done In the future, the development
last decades light has become of common single-photon detect brain activation with most of them, the expected to identify its physical origin. of compact and low-cost
attractive as a non-invasive tool detectors thus preventing higher signal-to-noise ratio and trend of oxy- and deoxy- A possible solution for the devices can lead to the
to investigate diffusive media the use of the null-distance improved spatial resolution. haemoglobin was observed, reduction of the memory realisation of small and portable
and different optical methods approach. For this reason, the Different technological solutions meaning that the proposed effect by 4 decades was then instruments, exploiting the null-
based on Continuous Wave technical implementation of a were considered to solve instrument is able to detect proposed. distance approach in different
(CW), Frequency-Domain (FD) or null-distance deep-tissue scheme problems connected to high DR hemodynamic changes. During my PhD I finally applications fields.
Time-Resolved (TR) approaches is very challenging and never acquisitions (e.g. the removal During my PhD I also
have been developed. Although tried before outside our research of any optical reflection) and investigated the use of a
CW techniques are more group. a dedicated setup was built. null-distance approach for
common, easy to implement The null-distance approach has Finger tapping exercises on tomographic reconstructions.
and already commercialized, TR become feasible for the first healthy subjects were performed In this case, the high DR
spectroscopic techniques are time thanks to the development and we clearly demonstrated acquisitions were analysed using
important alternatives for non- by Dipartimento di Elettronica, the improvement given by the the Mellin-Laplace transform
standard cutting-edge research. Informazione e Bioingegneria null-distance approach in the which exploits the different
The most important feature of Politecnico di Milano of the detection of brain activation. arrival time of photons to
of the TR approach is that the Single-Photon Avalanche Diode The technological development improve the reconstruction. We
depth investigated by photons (SPAD) modules that can be of compact detectors and demonstrated on phantoms that
is encoded in time. Indeed, enabled in fast-gated mode. microelectronic laser sources the new approach permits to
the early-arriving photons are Indeed, they can switch from the (e.g. VCSEL), will improve the increase the spatial resolution
those that travelled only in the OFF to the ON state in less than proposed setup, decreasing and the depth sensitivity of both
superficial layer of the medium 200ps, thus rejecting the peak cost and going towards a 2D and 3D reconstructed maps
while photons arriving later have of early photons. In addition, miniaturization of the probe. (see Fig.1). Then we moved
visited deeper structures. the application of the gated A second field of application toward clinical applications such
Recently, it has been technique permits to enhance explored during my PhD is as the monitoring of the vessel
demonstrated that the use of the DR of the measurements up the non-contact scanning permeability in flap surgery.
a small distance (few mm, or to 7 orders of magnitude. imaging. A non-contact We built an instrument based
even null) between the injection My PhD activity was completely approach is needed in cases on multiple source-detector 1. Reconstructed (first row) and simulated (second row) maps of two separate
and collection points improves devoted to the investigation where the contact between distances and we performed inclusions at 15 mm depth. The black signs represent their real position.

TripletTriplet Annihilation-Induced

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Photon Up-Converted Delayed Luminescence
in Solid-State Organic Composite
Hossein Goudarzi - Supervisor: Prof. Panagiotis E. Keivanidis

Herein we will present results microscopy (AFM) imaging, it composites will help us to gain

of our studies on photoactive will be demonstrated that the insight about the influence of
layers of solution-processed up-converted blue emission temperature on the CT-UC and
organic composites that could will be significantly enhanced, ET-UC processes. According to
be potentially utilized as solid- if the binary model is dispersed the time-integrated PL studies
state photon up-converting in the photophysically inert in the range of temperature
layers. Different methodologies matrix of poly (styrene) (PS). The between 100 K and 290 K, it
for increasing the luminescence ternary structure PS:DPA:PtOEP will be verified that lowering
intensity of the triplet-fusion will experimentally prove that the temperature enhances the
induced photon up-conversion the presence of PS tunes DPA TTA-induced up-converted blue
process in solid state layers and PtOEP aggregation and emission intensity in the up-
of organic thin films will be consequently gives rise to converting composites working
discussed. In this work, low- an increased up-converted with either CT-UC process or
energy photon up-conversion on luminescence emission. ET-UC process.
the basis of charge transfer (CT- Concerning the CT-UP process, At present, our results enable a
UC) and of energy transfer (ET- the same photophysical discussion on the microscopic
UC) in thin films will be probed characterisation will be processes of energy migration
as two possible mechanisms accomplished on the blend that dictates the efficiency of
of low-energy photon up- films comprising PtOEP as the TTA-induced low-energy photon
conversion via triplet-triplet sensitizer and either PF2/6 or up-conversion in solid-state
annihilation (TTA-UC). PF8 as the blue emitter. The composites. This methodology
Regarding the ET-UC process, experimental observation paves the way toward the
a comprehensive temperature- from the comparative room- sensitization of photoactive
dependent spectroscopic temperature PL measurements devices such as solar cells,
study will be carried out on a will confirm that the up- light sensing photodiodes, and
binary composites consisting converted TTA-induced blue photodetecting transistors to
of the organometallic complex emission intensity will be photons of low energies.
(2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-octaethyl enhanced in PF8:PtOEP thin
porphyrin) platinum (II) (PtOEP) film in respect to PF2/6:PtOEP.
mixed with the blue emitter Moreover, the effect of b-phase
9,10 diphenylanthracene formation in the film of
(DPA). Time-integrated and PF8:PtOEP will be addressed. The
time-gated (on the ns-s time time-integrated and time-gated
scale) photoluminescence (PL) PL measurements will rationalize
measurements will be employed that the presence of b-phase in
for probing the generation the up-converting composites
of the photon up-converted affects the intensity and the
DPA delayed luminescence lifetime of the up-converted blue
via TTA-UC, after the laser emission.
photoexcitation of DPA:PtOEP The temperature-dependent
at 532 nm. In the light of these PL measurements on the
data as well as atomic force aforementioned up-converting


PhD Yearbook | 2015


Simone S. Guarnera Supervisor: Dr. Annamaria Petrozza

The work introduced here was even though it is an important cell. Thanks to the capability

carried out in the laboratories issue that will determine of the nanozeolites to absorb
of the Center for Nano Science whether they can represent a water, we have demonstrated
and Technology (Istituto Italiano market opportunity. an improved stability of the
di Tecnologia) in Milan and of devices after 1000 h of outdoor
the Department of Physics of the The research activity presented exposure without affecting
University of Oxford. in the PhD thesis deals with the the performance of the device
design and the development and not even the standard
Photovoltaics (PV) is considered of innovative hybrid solar fabrication process.
1. SEM pictures of (a) standard PSC architecture and (b) new architecture with a protective active layer. (c) J-V curve of
one of the most promising cell architectures, i.e. devices We showed that the concept devices with (black spot) and without (red spot) buffer layer. (d) stability test of previous devices.
renewable energy technologies incorporating both organic of integrated getter can be
that could help to solve and inorganic materials. In successfully implemented in a
important environmental and order to improve the devices PSC, as well. first identified the origin of improvement of hybrid polymer/ amount of crystalline phases
geopolitical problems arising on its whole, we concentrated Since hybrid organometal this efficiency drop with the metal oxide solar cells, a perform better despite the lower
from the actual consumption our efforts mainly on the halide perovskites are very occurrence of electrical shunt technology with big potentiality, injection efficiency in the metal
of fossil fuels. Because of the improvement of long-term sensitive to moisture during pathways becoming increasingly thanks to the non-toxicity of the oxide. This has been proven
remarkable potential of a stability while keeping an eye on the crystallization process, more important as the device materials and the low-cost of by growing a monolayer of
technology based on an energy efficiency and processability. usually they are processed in is operated under standard the manufacturing process. 4-mercaptopyridine on the metal
source worldwide available, Dealing with hybrid active a controlled dry atmosphere. working conditions. We Important improvements have to oxide surface. This interlayer
in the last decades research materials, vulnerability towards To improve the robustness developed an equivalent circuit be done to increase the power promotes a better covering
and technology innovation has moisture is critical. Therefore we of PSCs, we redesigned the model, to quantify the loss of conversion efficiency to levels of the TiO2 surface and a -
focused on the development of present technological solutions architecture of a standard cell current that results from the appealing to the PV market. stacking of the polymer already
solar cells able to achieve high that have been conceived to by replacing the mesoporous undesirable leakage path that The understanding of the effect at the interface, allowing for an
power conversion efficiencies improve the stability during Al2O3 scaffold layer with arise as a consequence of the of local morphology on charge enhancement by three times of
with low production costs. long-term operation or during a scaffold composed of migration of the metal through generation dynamics at hybrid the device efficiency.
Among these, hybrid devices, the fabrication process of dye- nanozeolites. We demonstrated the hole-transporting material polymer/metal oxide interfaces
such as dye-sensitized, polymer/ sensitized solar cells (DSSC) and that standard devices show (HTM). represents a matter of primary
metal oxide and perovskite- perovskite solar cells (PSC). lower photocurrent when Then we proposed a new importance on the way to
based solar cells, have been the We approached the problem they are fabricated in a humid device architecture which is able enhance device performance.
subject of intense research. of water infiltration in a DSSC environment, while the to address this problem (Fig. We found out that it is possible
However, since the PV market by engineering the device performances of device with 1a,b). By adding a thin Al2O3 to tune the interfacial polymer
needs efficient and stable solar architecture to fabricate more the nanozeolites scaffold are mesoporous layer between the morphology by properly treating
cells that can be prepared with robust cell, independently of independent on the environment perovskite and the HTM, we its surface. In particular, we
cheap and simple processing the quality of the encapsulation. of the processing. Therefore, we prepared devices with nearly measured a higher charge
techniques, as long as the focus We introduced for the first time proved that the zeolite scaffold no degradation in the first injection efficiency in the oxide
of the research is just on one of the concept of an integrated can protect the device during 350 hours of operation (Fig from amorphous polymer phases
these research fields, the route getter in an optoelectronic the fabrication process. 1d). Moreover, we improved compared to crystalline phases.
towards the commercialization device and we implemented Another common issue of the efficiency of such devices Nevertheless, we found that
of the technology will be long. that by introducing the getters perovskite solar cells is the by reducing the high series the energy mismatch existing
In particular, the long term in the form of a dispersion of initial drop in efficiency that resistances related to the between the two phases acts as
stability of third-generation solar nanozeolites in the mesoporous is observed during long thickness of the HTM (Fig 1c). a barrier to charge collection,
cells has drawn little attention TiO2 photoanode of the solar term stability studies. We Finally, we focussed on the then devices with a large


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Erica Guerriero - Supervisor: Prof. Roman Sordan

The microelectronic scenario real circuits comprise multiple in/out signal matching, large oxide and reduce the contact

is following a constant trend stages, GFETs exhibiting intrinsic voltage swing, and high resistance. We foresee that it
toward miniaturization, gain Av = gmrd >1 are needed current drive. Knowing the would be difficult to outperform
beneficial for increased to provide voltage gain to the effect of device parameters on the III-V in a short term. Anyway
operation speed and lower single stage, preserving signal performances we have tried to graphene has shown speed
fabrication costs. However, integrity in transmission. To optimize the design to reduce performances that are unbeated
the conventional silicon-based achieve over-unity gain a low the delay per stage. Different by organic electronics on every
electronics is reaching a scaling output resistance rd and high metals have been tested with substrate, so we can guess
physical limit, with short channel transconductance gm are needed. two-probe and four probe that this performances can be
effects becoming detrimental With a high-k, ultra-thin native measurements to reduce contact obtained as well on flexible and
for devices operations. In aluminum oxide formed during resistance, showing that pure transparent substrates through
this perspective the scientific e-beam evaporation of Al, we Au contacts provide the lowest further research.
community has intensified the managed to fabricate GFETs with value of 200 m. Best devices
reaserch on novel materials, high gm and Av. Connecting these exhibit a highest oscillation 1. a) Circuit schematic and b) optical image of the fabricated RO. c) Gate delay
per stage: comparison between current Si CMOS technology and the best
among which graphene, a two GFETs in inverter configuration frequency of 4.3 GHz with 0.9 graphene ROs fabricated.
dimensional sheet of carbon we demonstrated the first m gate length, surpassing
atoms arranged in hexagonal graphene voltage amplifiers silicon ROs speed at the
S-parameters, that are related HEMTs. However, in our devices
lattice, emerged as one of the exhibiting significant voltage same gate length, Fig.1c. The
to the impedances of the circuit. we found out the opposite
most promising candidates. gain in ambient conditions. fabricated ROs have been tested
To extract useful information trend that can be explained by
The high mobility (almost equal Graphene obtained by CVD- as analog mixers and amplitude
from measurements I have made the large rd (good saturation)
between holes and electrons), growth have been implemented modulators, operating in the
a small-signal model which shown by GFETs thanks to the
carrier density and saturation in the fabrication process, gigahertz frequency range,
contains all the resistances, ultra thin oxide that leads a
velocity arising from the providing more homogeneus thereby demonstrating the
capacitances and inductances strong gate control producing a
peculiar band structure make performances and scalability, potential of this technology for
of the circuit, Fig.2a. With ADS fast carrier depletion. The GFETs
graphene suitable for high and CVD-graphene-based integrated circuits applications.
software, the values of these exhibit highest fT of about 10
speed electronics. However, inverters exhibiting DC and The second part of my PhD 2. a) Small-signal circuit model of
parameters can be optimized GHz, fmax of 21 GHz , Fig.2b,
the lack of a bandgap prevents AC voltage gain above 20 dB work has dealt with the study of the GFET used to extract device
relatively to the measurements, and Av > 30 dB at 10 MHz for parameters from S-parameter
graphene-transistors (GFETs) to were demonstrated. These GFET high-frequency response,
giving access to the intrinsic devices with 1 m gate length. measurements. b) Gain performance
be turned off, with consecutively devices could be cascaded aiming to further improve the
device parameters. From Moreover the fmax/fT ratio is fmax, fT and Av for one of the GFETs.
low ION/IOFF and high static power to perform multiple logic performances and to extend
S-parameters measurements the above 3, the highest value ever
consumption, hindering the operations. Demonstration of their frequency capability.
maximum oscillation frequency reported for GFETs. Compared
development of graphene-based device cascading led to the A FET can be described as a
fmax, cutoff frequency fT and Av with the state of the art of
devices for logic applications. fabrication of the first graphene two-port device, with gate as
can also be extracted. fT gives graphene technology these
In the field of high-frequency integrated ring oscillators (ROs), input and drain as output port.
an estimation of the transit devices exhibit good Av and fmax,
analog electronics, however, the Fig.1a,b. ROs are composed The frequency response can be
speed of the carrier in the while fT is still limited by the low
complete switching-off of GFETs of an odd number of inverters probed through the application
channel, while fmax describes intrinsic mobility, mainly due to
is not required, thus making cascaded in a loop in which of a small power wave signal
the maximum frequency at the oxide interfacial traps that
graphene an attractive option. noise components at a certain superposed to the DC bias at the
which the transistor is capable degrades transport properties
This PhD work was devoted to frequency can propagate and highest gain point at both ports.
to amplify power. Tipically in increasing the scattering. To
the development of graphene get amplified thereby inducing A VNA records the reflection
GFETs fT is higher than fmax, improve the performances we
devices for high-frequency oscillation. ROs require inverters and transmission coefficients
in contrast with conventional should improve the quality of
applications. Since almost all with over-unity voltage gain, of the power waves, called

Ultrafast Magneto-optic Spectroscopic

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Ellipsometry: Genuine Magnetization Dynamics in
Half-metallic and Metallic Systems upon Laser
Hamoon Hedayat Zadeh Roodsari - Supervisors: Ettore Carpene, Claudia Dallera

Ultrafast optical techniques while later, it was proposed that monitors the modifications of suggested for the mechanism, the time scales of different shows unusual properties

have been established as the magnetization is a quantum- interest in the heated region. along the progress on the (quasi-) particle interactions about the Fermi level: for one
most effective and flexible mechanical concept, so, until By employing the pump & experimental side. Some of the after the pump excitation: spin orientation they have
approaches to study the quantum mechanics gradually probe method, and based on theories are more accepted, electron-electron interaction conducting metallic behavior,
dynamics in a material within a evolved within the last century, changes in the polarization state but up to date there is not a occurs on a time scale of 100 while for the opposite spin
picosecond time-window. This magnetization remained a rather of the reflected probe beam unanimous agreement. The fs, demagnetization is found to orientation the presence of a
relatively new field provided unclear phenomenon. Latest from a magnetic specimen, we theories can be categorized into take place on 180 fs timescale gap in the density of states leads
fundamental insight into one of decades were full of significant can elucidate spin variations: two general types: single particle and the extracted time constant to semiconducting or insulating
the most important properties progress in the understanding the technique is called Time based and collective excitations for electron-phonon relaxation is properties. We measured the TR-
of condensed matter systems: and application of magnetism Resolved Magneto Optical Kerr based mechanisms. Our 260 ps. The deduced dynamics reflectivity for all samples in the
magnetism. Magnetism, a theoretically and experimentally. Effect (TR-MOKE) and is a well- recent experimental evidences of the conductivity tensor same delay range. Our analysis
primary physical phenomena, Parallel to the rapidly expanding established method to extract contribute to further clarification demonstrates that ultrafast suggests that a drastic change
has been recognized thousands computer industry, demand has the dynamics of magnetization of the process. demagnetization cannot in the transient reflectivity can
of years ago as its trace is found grown for faster data access down to the fs time domain. A crucial point is that in be attributed to significant be regarded as a clear hint of
in Chinese and Greek ancient in the memory storages. One Although deliberate particular conditions TR- modifications of the band charge contributions in the
references. During this long of the potential candidates for manipulation of spins in the MOKE does not reflect the structure, such as a collapsing Kerr signal. In the case of CrO2
time, magnetism, even without this continuing quest has been fs time window may not bring pure magnetic behavior, i.e. exchange interaction (related an order of magnitude larger
a deep and fundamental photonic control of the spins in to femto-spintronics devices in it contains mixed information to single particle processes). jump in the initial reflectivity
understanding, has been a suitable magnetic material. the near future, the extensive about charge and spin effects. Instead we suggest that with respect to Fe sample can
employed in several applications, Owing to technical innovations scientific curiosity in this We have developed an the loss of spin ordering be observed, corresponding
e.g. compass needle. About in the optical apparatuses, fields yields more illuminating experimental approach, so-called takes place due to electron- to considerable charge effects
two hundred years ago, Oersted leading to generation of beams insight about the fundamental Time Resolved Magneto-Optic magnon interaction (collective in the Kerr signal for the
realized that the interaction with only few femtosecond characteristics of the photon- Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (TR- excitation). Our proposed picture half metallic sample. Since
between the electric field (10-15 s) pulse duration, the matter interactions and the MOSE), to carefully analyze the is perfectly consistent with we found an unusual probe
and a magnet could have investigation of magnetic magnetization behavior in the Kerr signal. Utilizing this method the experimentally obtained energy-dependence results of
unlocked the gate to dramatic properties on such a short time strongly nonequilibrium state. we are well able to disentangle time-scales, energy cost and the transient magnetization
technological applications, scale has become possible, The principal objective of our magnetic contributions from the observed fact that shows behavior in LSMO sample,
including electric motors. Later, in particular with pump & study has been a comprehensive optical effects. We have that demagnetization is probe we plan to perform the same
Faraday discovered the rotation probe technique. The pump & investigation of the ultrafast successfully performed TR- energy-independent. experiments in different LSMO
of light polarization when probe scheme can be basically spin dynamics in the metallic MOSE in several metallic and In order to clarify whether stoichiometries as a next step to
passing through a magnetic described in the following ferromagnets by means of half metallic systems, and their TR-MOKE technique reliably reveal the genuine spin behavior
medium, followed by Kerr in general picture: an ultrafast time resolved magneto optical genuine spin dynamics has been traces the spin dynamics or in these interesting and complex
1876, who put the first stones intense laser pulse, the pump, Kerr effect technique. In these deduced and discussed in great not, we have also compared oxides.
in a new branch of magnetism locally perturbs various (quasi-) transition metals, the spin detail. the magneto optical response
called magneto-optics. The particles in a sample. Then quenching process takes place The experiments to study the of some ferromagnetic
next milestone in the field of after a certain delay (which within only few hundreds of fs ultrafast demagnetization benchmarks: metallic Fe
magnetization is due to Maxwell in our experiments could upon laser excitation: the most dynamics in ferromagnetic and halfmetallic CrO2 and
and his basic equations, which range from tens of fs to tens rapid magnetization variation metals have been conducted La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO)
mathematically systematized of nanoseconds), another ever observed. The origin of this on a 50 nm thick Fe (100) film systems. Half metals are a
the relation between magnetic ultrashort pulse, sufficiently ultrafast phenomena is under epitaxially grown on MgO (100) category of ferromagnetic
field, electric field and charges weak and with a specified vigorous debate. A number of at room temperature in ultrahigh or ferrimagnetic materials
and currents. Nevertheless, a polarization, the so-called probe, microscopic models have been vacuum. The results revealed whose electronic structure

Study of triple bulk heterojunction

PhD Yearbook | 2015

organic solar cells

Zhipeng Kan - Supervisor: Dr. Panagiotis E. Kevanidis

Organic materials offer an organic materials could cover dependent photophysical,

attractive opportunity for the low-energy range of the electrical, thermal, structural and
the development of organic solar spectrum. The use of morphology-related properties
photovoltaic cells that could ternary blend as the active layer of the ternary photovoltaic
support portable consumer has been also suggested as a P3HT: PCBM: QBT system for
electronics. With respect to practical method for controlling elucidating the origin of the
the state of the art, organic the morphology of the OPV PCE improvement. An increase
photovoltaic cells (OPV) show layer. in efficiency around 47%, by
low values of power conversion Considering the ternary adding only 0.6wt% of QBT,
efficiency (PCE) not so attractive organic solar cells progresses, a has been actually gained, while
for industrial production. methodology for improving the further additions are detrimental
Different approaches to improve PCE of organic solar cells made for the device performances.
the PCE were reported in by photoactive layers of P3HT It was highlighted that in the 2. Sketch of ternary blend energetics and proposed excited state path ways. Schematic representation of the energy
levels of P3HT, PCBM, QBT, asobtained bycyclic voltammetry.The LUMO P3HT is taken as -2.9 eV.
literatures, and one of these was and PCBM of non-optimized P3HT: PCBM: QBT systems
by acting on the morphology microstructure is presented, charge generation proceeds
the EQE spectra of the ternary molecular weight, were studied holes carriers mobility. As a
of the mostly used active layer through the introduction of via three different excited state
devices that show improved by comparing the electrical comparison, QBT did not have
based on the binary blend a quinoidal small molecule pathways that are consistent
EQE values at the corresponding properties, surface topography, positive effects on l-P3HT:
of P3HT: PCBM, for example 5,5-bis-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-oxo- with the relative position of
wavelength ranges. film crystallinity and charge PCBM: QBT (l: low molecular
through the introduction of 2,5-cyclohexadiene-1-ylidene)- energy levels of the materials
Then the effects of donor carriers mobility. The results weight) properties, because
solvent additives and/or a 2,2-dihydroxy bithiophene (QBT) involved. The direct excitation of
polymer molecular weight turned out that with QBT the crystallinity level of l-P3HT
third component. The addition as a third component. Based the P3HT component results in
on ternary organic solar cells as the third component, the matrix is already optimized. The
of a third component could on a series of independent charge generation that is driven
properties were investigated. h-P3HT (h: high molecular microstructures of the active
extend the absorption band characterization experiments by electron transfer between
Two sets of P3HT: PCBM: QBT weight) matrix crystallinity layer determines the triple
of the binary cells, since the we address the QBT content the photoexcited P3HT and
system, which show P3HT was improved, assisting to an bulk heterojunction devices
both the electron acceptors
characterized by different enhanced absorption, increased performances.
QBT and PCBM in the triple
bulk heterojunction (BHJ). Then,
the direct excitation of PCBM
causes energy transfer from
the photoexcited PCBM to QBT
followed by a hole transfer
process from QBT to P3HT.
Moreover, the direct excitation
of QBT, which is characterized by
an absorption at the wavelength
range of 700 nm, results in
photocurrent generation via a
photoinduced hole transfer from
QBT to P3HT. The positive impact
of these three excited state
path ways on the production of (a) (b)
1. Graphic abstract photocurrent is confirmed by 3. Ternary blend films crystallinity summary. (a) h-P3HT-PCBM-QBT films, (b) l-P3HT-PCBM-QBT films


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Lucia Laudato - Supervisor: Dr. Maria Rosa Antognazza

In the expanding research enhanced spatial resolution, affect the PEC cell efficiency in performed. It has been observed suitable protocols for the

field of bioelectronics, optical better biocompatibility and photo-current generation. that organic prosthesis can realization of a proper thin film
stimulation of living cells and higher conformability to All organic, photovoltaic sustain the surgical procedure substrate and the subsequent
tissues has recently started to the remaining retinal tissue. retinal prosthesis has been for subretinal implantation and fabrication of the overall device.
emerge as a promising tool, Moreover, organic conductors then optimized and widely follows the natural curvature of BC and PET has revealed to be
complementary to electrical and semiconductors are unique characterized. Preferred device the rat retina. Biocompatibility the most suitable substrates
stimulation, both for in vitro and materials in combining ionic architecture includes a fully properties have been assessed for the realization of a scalable
in vivo studies. The most direct and electronic conduction, thus biocompatible and flexible as well. Preliminary results retinal prosthesis.
application falls within the field mimicking the mechanisms substrate, namely a silk indicate that, up to two Overall, this work provides a
of retinal prostheses, consisting adopted by nature for signal fibroin film, a biocompatible months post implantation, light detailed characterization of
in restoration of impaired light transmission. Besides the above and flexible conducting sensitivity of dystrophic retinas organic based retinal prosthesis
sensitivity in blind retinas. In mentioned benefits, the contact layer, namely a poly(3,4- is restored by the photovoltaic implanted in blind rats, and
this scenario, organic materials of an organic semiconductor ethylenedioxythiophene) prosthesis; moreover, they show represents a useful starting point
appear optimal candidates for with tissues and physiological and poly(styrenesulphonate) that its implantation doesnt for subsequent engineering
active photosensitive layers solutions rises important issues (PEDOT:PSS) film, and an compromise the functionality of of artificial devices targeted to
and/or conducting electrodes of biocompatibility and temporal active, conjugated polymer remaining inner retinal layers. human beings.
and/or substrates, thanks to stability. layer, namely a regioregular Based on these promising
their excellent biocompatibility, In the first part of this thesis, poly(3-hexylthiophene) (rr- results, the feasibility of
mechanical properties and the hybrid interface of an P3HT) film. The prosthesis has implantation of an all-organic
optoelectronic capabilities. organic semiconductor with a been analyzed after 28 days of retinal prosthesis in a human eye
It was recently reported that physiological-like environment immersion in saline solution, has been investigated. To this
polythiophene-based blends are has been widely characterized by irradiation with ambient light at aim, a different animal model,
able to elicit action potential making recourse to a plethora 37 C, by means of absorption the pig, has been selected
in primary neuronal networks, of optical and electronic spectroscopy, contact angle for its eye similarity to that
and also to partially restore techniques, and by adopting and transient photocurrent of human beings, and proper
light sensitivity in explanted the preferential architecture measurements. The prosthesis device architecture has been
retinas bearing photoreceptors of a photoelectrochemical cell stability in physiological implemented. Many possible
degeneration. These promising (PEC). Interestingly, transient conditions has been therefore candidates for the substrate
results encouraged the photocurrent measurements successfully assessed. material have been evaluated,
realization and functional have permitted to identify the Realized prostheses have been including bacterial cellulose
evaluation of an all-organic, main processes occurring at the implanted in dystrophic Royal (BC), poly(ethyleneterephthalate)
photovoltaic retinal prosthesis. interface of the polythiophene College of Surgeons (RCS) (PET), poly(lactic-co-glycolic
Respect to the current, state derivative with aqueous rats eyes, and biocompatibility acid) (PLGA), polycaprolactone
of the art retinal prostheses solution under irradiation. The and functionality studies have (PCL), poly(methylmethacrylate)
based on inorganic materials, PEC cell has been studied also been carried out. Optical (PMMA). In each case, many
a photovoltaic prosthesis in case of oxidation of the coherence tomography, different constraints have
realized with an organic polythiophene based film by confocal scanning laser been considered, including
semiconductor avoids use of treatment with oxygen plasma: ophthalmoscopy, histochemistry solvent resistance, wettability,
external components (like this case resembles the one of and immunohistochemistry, processability, thermal stability,
intraocular receivers and sterilization, and suggests that, electrophysiology, pupillary mechanical properties. A
amplifiers) and does not if performed with optimized reflex measurement, and visually combinatorial approach
need any wiring, can offer parameters, oxidation doesnt driven behavior test have been permitted to define the most

Femtosecond laser micromachining

PhD Yearbook | 2015

for advanced manufacturing
of microfluidic devices
Sara Lo Turco - Supervisor: Luigino Criante

The experimental activity enabling a mask-less direct use of both the etchants in

performed in this PhD Thesis writing of any sort of geometry subsequent steps enables the
context has been devoted to inside the substrate, as in realization of complex platforms 1:
a) different microfluidic chips fabricated by fs-laser assisted etching;
develop and integrate new the ship-in-a-bottle idea. In with innovative design and b) micro-filter blocking 7mm-beads immersed in water;
functions for fluidic analysis particular, the micro-structures uniform internal structures. c) T-shape microchannel with movable glass block acting as fluidic switch;
purposes in lab-on-a-chip should be first irradiated by Thanks to this strategy, we d,e) AFM-based 2D-mapping revealing the surface roughness of d) top-wall and e) bottom-wall;
f) Schematic design of the laser integrated microcavity.
(LOC) devices, fabricated the femtosecond laser, with successfully fabricated a micro-
by femtosecond laser 3D motion-control, and then filter for particle separation and
micromachining in glass. selectively removed by chemical a fluidic-switch for fluid selection and detection inside the of 7500lines/mm and refractive domain inspection, we found
The idea below LOCs concept etching leaving empty zones (reported in fig. 1b,c). The filter, microchip, allowing to reduce index modulation up to 5 10-2, out that the non-uniform energy
is the possibility to miniaturize inside the substrate, thus composed of a grid of 2.05mm- either the coupling and thus permitting first-order distribution within the fs-laser
and integrate several laboratory producing the microfluidic size 15 x 15 pores and directly transmission losses as well as operation in the VIS-region. focal-spot leads to a different
functions on a single substrate platform. Furthermore the same encapsulated inside a square increase the device selectivity. Therefore, by merging the fs- surface structuring in the top-
with dimensions ranging from tool (fs-laser) can be used to channel, permits to separate Furthermore by exploiting the laser micromachining for micro- wall (fig. 1d) and bottom-wall
hundreds of micrometers to fabricate waveguides in fused- different particle species in intrinsic high sensitivity of a laser device fabrication with the soft- (fig. 1e). In detail, the former
few millimeters. The very first silica glass with a slight refractive suspension. In particular, the cavity, the optical properties matter holography for gratings case feels the periodicity of the
consequence of miniaturization index increase with respect internal dimensions are suitably of fluid-samples can be easily imprinting, we aim at realizing laser-tracing whereas the latter
is that small quantities of to the surrounding volume. engineered considering typical monitored thanks to an in-situ an all-in-one platform for fluids one reveals a more random
samples and reagents are used As a direct consequence, size of biological samples, where highly sensible sensor. The first analysis, with basic design profile. This difference implies
(10-9 to 10-18 litres) thus leading fluidic recirculation and optics blood-cells and related material choice for laser integration in displayed in fig. 1f showing the a different scattering of any
to a natural high resolution and detection are easily integrated range between 1.5 mm-10mm microfluidic systems is selecting central microchannel filled with light beam passing through the
sensitivity of detection together in the same device, allowing in size. Regarding the second high-gain dye-molecules dye-solution, two side gratings sample and, considering each
with short times for analysis. a fast-prototyping of total- device, we demonstrated an diluted in liquid solvents as acting as cavity mirrors, and particular application of the
Other side benefits related to analysis-systems (micro-TAS). extremely compact fluidic switch active medium, with emission the external connections. As lab-on-a-chip, the surface profile
small size are the low cost, low Easy network reconfigurability is (1mm x 2mm) that can be covering the whole VIS region. first step, we optimized either can be controlled by suitably
energy consumption, reduced visualized in fig. 1a. connected to other systems by As a direct consequence, due the micro-device from the tailoring the fs-irradiation
waste generation and more Considering the etching step, means of inlet/outlet insertions to high chemical degradability fluidic point of view and the parameters: such as beam-
generally better controlled we explored the combination for full integration. The switch is of any dye compound, fluidic photo-polymerizable mixtures shape, polarization, pulse energy
reactions which ensure safe of the hydrofluoric acid (HF) composed of a T-shape channel recirculation results necessary in chemistry in order to obtain and laser-traces spacing.
work conditions. In short, LOCs for large volume removal and with a movable glass-block order to refresh new molecules high efficiency diffraction
are extremely portable devices potassium hydroxide (KOH) for inside, enabling to alternatively in the cavity and enhance the gratings with the selected
which facilitate their diffusion extreme precision fabrication block port-1 or port-2 and select laser life-time. Furthermore, an configuration. Secondly, since
in the healthcare market with (order of 1mm). When using the output direction. easy lasing-tuning is achieved the beams coherence during
the innovative idea to dispose of one single etchant, the former Besides the described micro- by integrating wavelength- the holographic process results
portable points of care, to be tends to produce highly conical mechanical components, we selective mirrors, constituted strongly affected by the intrinsic
even used by non-experts and microchannels due to isotropic carried out a state-of-the-art of Bragg gratings recorded by surface roughness left by fs-
without any special equipment. etching in the volume, whereas study for integrating a laser means of 2-beams holography laser fabrication, we performed
In this regard we exploited the the latter is limited in etching microcavity directly inside the within photo-polymerizable a detailed study in order to
fs-laser assisted etching for strength requiring several hours analysis device. Indeed the resins. In particular we selected control and improve the surface
fabricating the micro-devices, for removing few hundreds of potentials of LOC systems can this technique as it allows for quality. In particular, by means
thanks to the intrinsic 3D micrometers of irradiated fused- be significantly enhanced if a single-step volume grating of AFM-based 2D mapping
potential of this technique silica. Interestingly, the combined disposing of source excitation realization, with high resolution and corresponding spectral

Mechanisms of cellular photostimulation

PhD Yearbook | 2015

in hybrid interfaces based on organic
Nicola Martino - Supervisor: Maria Rosa Antognazza

Hybrid interfaces between cells. In particular, we are a continuous current upon cells, HEK-293 allowed to isolate was instead attributed to a shift

organic semiconductors and interested in understanding how illumination. Instead, a capacitive the effects of photoexcitation in the membrane equilibrium
living tissues represent a new photoexcitation of the active charging of the polymer/ on the basic properties of the potential towards more negative
tool for in vitro and in vivo material in the device is able to electrolyte interface is observed, membrane, investigated via values, determined by the
applications, bearing a huge modulate the potential of the similar to what happens in all- electrophysiological methods electrochemical equilibrium
potential, from basic researches plasma membrane, which is electrical silicon-based devices and in particular with pacth- of the ionic species on the
to clinical applications. In the main parameter controlling used for capacitive stimulation clamp techniques. Apart from two sides of the cell plasma
particular, light sensitive the firing of action potentials in of neurons. Interestingly, the the capacitive charging of the membrane as described by
conjugated polymers can be excitable cells. capacitive currents obtained interface, which is reflected the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz
exploited as a new approach for First, the current strategies in the polymeric devices in a spiking signal in the equation, which strongly
optical modulation of cellular used for measuring and upon photostimulation are recorded potential of the cell, depends on temperature. To 1. Electrical schematization of
activity. It has been previously controlling bioelectrical activity comparable in intensity to those the illumination resulted in a complete the description of the coupling between the hybrid
polymer/electrolyte interface and a
demonstrated that thin films of are reviewed; after describing typical of electrically-driven biphasic effect, with an initial the photostimulation process, biological cell described with a two-
organic semiconductors used the evolution of electrical inorganic devices; however, their transient depolarization of a mathematical modelling of compartment model that considers
for photovoltaic applications measurements and stimulation temporal dynamics are quite the membrane followed by a the dynamics of the membrane the basal and the lateral portion of
the plasma membrane. The green
are able to stimulate the of cellular activity, particular short (on the order of 1 ms), due prolonged hyperpolarization. potential is proposed, which box represents the area of the device
bioelectrical activity of neurons attention is paid to optical to the finite amount of charge Both these effects were consistently reproduces the illuminated during stimulation.
grown on their surface upon techniques and the photoactive that can be accumulated at the attributed to the local heating experimental data collected on
illumination with pulses of hybrid polymer interfaces are polymer/electrolyte interface. of the system mediated by the HEK-293 cells. developments, towards the
visible light, both in the case of introduced. The experimental Once this capacitance has light absorption in the active The work is concluded by creation of a multi-functional
hippocampal neuronal cultures characterization of these been charged, all the charges polymer. In particular, the initial wrapping up the results platform for light-controlled
and of explanted blind retinas. hybrid polymer/electrolyte photoexcited in the active transient depolarization was in the context of existing cell manipulation, with possible
This thesis is focused on the interfaces is presented, with material during illumination related to an increase in the techniques for cell stimulation applications in different fields of
study of the functioning a thorough investigation of recombine non-radiatively to membrane capacitance with the and by pointing out to future neuroscience and medicine.
mechanisms of these hybrid their spectroscopic, electrical the ground state. Thus, apart temperature, consistently with
interfaces, composed of a and thermal properties, in from a small fraction that is used recent reports on the mechanism
photoactive layer in contact order to delineate the main to charge the interface, all the of functioning of infrared neural
with an electrolytic solution; phenomena that occur at the energy of photons absorbed by stimulation (INS), in which water
the main absorbing material device surface upon illumination the material is dissipated into absorption of IR light is used
used is the prototypical with short pulses of light (on thermal vibrations leading to a to induce a local heating. This
conjugated polymer poly(3- the order of tens/hundreds of local heating of the electrolyte depolarization signal significantly
hexylthiophene) (P3HT), in some milliseconds). On these short at the device surface. Depending depends on the electrical
cases blended with the electron timescales, the hybrid interface on the light intensity used, an properties of the membrane,
acceptor phenyl-C61-butyric does not support an efficient increase in temperature on the in particular its time constant
acid methyl ester (PCBM). The electrochemical transfer of the order of few degrees can be (the product of membrane
study is carried out both from charges photogenerated in the observed after illumination with resistance and capacitance),
a photophysical and electrical active material to the electrolytic pulses of tens of milliseconds. with faster membranes
point of view to understand the solution. In contrast with The effects of photostimulation (i.e. with a higher specific 2. Variation in membrane potential measured on an HEK-293 cell upon
processes occurring at the hybrid standard organic photovoltaic of the active material on cells conductance) responding illumination with a 200 ms pulse of light (I = 57 mW/mm2). The figure shows
interface upon illumination, cells, were charges are extracted were studied by growing with lower depolarization the comparison between the experimental results (grey open circles) and the
numerical modeling of the system (pink solid line). The single contribution to
and regarding the ability of the by metal contacts, the hybrid HEK-293 cells on the hybrid signals upon illumination. The the total signals from the variations in membrane capacitance (blue dashed
device to stimulate biological device is not able to sustain interfaces. Being non-excitable subsequent hyperpolarization lines) and equilibrium potential (green dashed lines) are also reported.

Strain engineering in Si, Ge and SiGe alloys is an important target for the but extended over 20 m strain, in particular it was found

PhD Yearbook | 2015

development of more efficient outside the pattern. In this case that the presence of dislocations
technologies, in fact in this way the dislocations were always resulted in a lower compressive
the dislocations are confined aligned along the direction of strain in the film (Fig. 2(b)) and
away from the active parts the pit rows, giving rise to areas a greater tensile strain in the
of the devices. A systematic in which dislocations ran in only substrate. On the contrary, in
study of different parameters one direction. The samples were the areas between the pits there
Valeria Mondiali - Supervisor: Monica Bollani (Ge content, film thickness studied by Raman spectroscopy was a greater compressive strain
and growth temperature) was and nano X-ray diffraction. in the SiGe layer, proving that
performed to find the optimum This is the first case where they were free of defects. Finally, 637
The need for an increase in the were used to characterize so a direct band gap should conditions. All the samples were Raman spectroscopy was the samples were characterized

performance of microelectronic the obtained structures. First be induced in the germanium. characterized by AFM, verifying used for the direct visualization using TEM analysis in order to
devices has pushed the of all, the SiGe-on-Si system This strain can be enhanced that the dislocations propagate of the dislocations present in investigate the nature of the
traditional silicon-based was studied. The realized using a Ge membrane instead along the pit rows (Fig. 2(a)). a film. Through the Raman defects.
architectures to their limits. structures were characterized of a bulk material. SiGe/Ge This control effect was not maps, it was possible to obtain
One possible way to overcome by Raman spectroscopy in membranes were obtained using confined only within the pattern information concerning the
these limits is identified in the order to study the strain state a wet etching process which
use of strain engineering. This of the silicon as a function preserves the SiGe layer, leading
method allows an increase in of the patterning of the SiGe to the realization of high quality
performance of the devices film, obtaining a compressive surfaces. The used anisotropic
through the ability to control strain of the Si substrate of etchants, TMAH and KOH, allow
the band structure of the 1%. Using finite element a high Si/SiGe selectivity which
semiconductor. Compressively method simulations (FEM), it is necessary to avoid damaging
strained silicon is used in was possible to demonstrate the stressors. These samples
high-speed electronic devices, that the strain induced in the were analyzed by Raman
and tensile germanium in substrate depends on the ratio spectroscopy, confirming the
optoelectronic devices. The use between the width and the preservation of the SiGe layer on
of thick films in hindered by the spacing of the stripes (Fig.1(a)). top of the Ge membrane. At this
nucleation of dislocations, which So, wide stripes with narrow point the SiGe stressors were
decrease the performance of gaps between them were fabricated from the SiGe layer 1. a) FEM simulation of exx(upper panel) and ezz (lower panel) for SiGe/Si stripes. b) SEM image of SiGe nanostressors on
the devices, however using the needed to maximize the induced (Fig 1(b)). top of a Ge membrane.
dislocation engineering method strain. After these promising Regarding dislocation
it is possible to govern the results, the SiGe-on-Ge case engineering, a new method of
nucleation and the propagation was considered. In this case the controlling and engineering the
of dislocations at the nanoscale goal was a uniaxial tensile strain dislocations was developed.
level. higher than 4% in order to Suitable patterns, realized by
Regarding the problem of induce the transition to a direct EBL, provided a controlling
strain control, a suitable band gap in the germanium. effect on the propagation of
nanopatterning of the SiGe layer A simplified numerical model, dislocations in an epitaxial SiGe
induces, through the generation which was very sensitive to the film grown on the patterned
of edge forces, a compressive temperature, the growth rate, Si substrate. The pattern was
or a tensile strain, respectively and the Ge content of the alloy, a matrix of inverted pyramid
for a Si or a Ge substrate. was developed to describe aligned along the <110>
SiGe films were deposited by the strain relaxation process directions: these inverted
low-energy plasma-enhanced of tensile SiGe on Ge. In this pyramids acted as favourable
chemical vapor deposition way the optimum conditions points for the nucleation of
(LEPECVD). SiGe nanostressors for the growth of a metastable dislocations. In this way, it
were realized by electron beam film were found. Also in this was possible to control the
lithography (EBL) and reactive case the strain depends on the propagation of dislocations
ion etching (RIE). Scanning spacing between the stripes, along the pit rows. The ability
electron microscopy (SEM) and and for a spacing of 20 nm to confine dislocations and 2. a) AFM image of the amplitude in tapping mode of SiGe on a pit-patterned substrates. b) Raman maps of the Si-Si
atomic force microscopy (AFM) the strain is higher than 4%, obtain areas without dislocations peak of the SiGe film.

Water-Gated polymer-based Organic

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Field Effect Transistors for biosensing
Rossella Porrazzo - Relatore: Maria Rosa Antognazza

This thesis investigates the By employing the best

fabrication and characterization performing polymer among the
of water-gated organic field- selected ones, poly(2,5-bis(3-
effect transistors (WGOFET), hexadecylthiophen-2-yl)thieno
employing organic polymeric [3,2-b]thiophene) (pBTTT), an
materials as the active electrolyte gated pBTTT-based
semiconducting layer, for device is realized, sensitive
biosensing applications. towards pH and ionic strength of
Compared to a typical solid the electrolyte, being stable for
state top-gate transistor more than 24 hours operation.
configuration, a water-based Moreover, the device is modified
electrolyte substitutes the usual with the enzyme penicillinase,
polymeric dielectric, allowing to and a proof-of-concept sensor
work at very low voltages (<1V) specifically sensitive towards
typical of the biological systems, penicillin is demonstrated.
and opening for the possibility Furthermore, two n-channel
of development of a WGOFET- electron-conducting polymers
based biosensing platform. are investigated for the first
In a first phase of the work time as active materials in
we screen the most promising water-gated architectures,
p-channel (holes conducting) demonstrating outstanding
semiconducting polymers to performances. By coupling
be used as active materials for p- and n- type polymers,
WGOFETs: we finally focus on water-gated complementary
polymers of the polythiophene inverters are realized, paving
family, which exhibit remarkable the way to the fabrication of
performances in terms of complementary circuits working
charge carrier mobility and in a liquid environment.
electrochemical stability
as compared to previously
demonstrated state-of-the art
polymer-based WGOFETs, being
able to work also in a biological-
like environment (0.2 M molar
concentration NaCl solutions).
Notably, the critical comparison
among different polythiophene-
based polymers allows to
unravel key physical mechanisms
of the hybrid interface between
conjugated polymers thin films
and saline electrolytes.

Time-resolved investigation of electron 1snp manifold by the generated half-cycle of the IR field), due 1 IR) allowed bound excited

PhD Yearbook | 2015

tunable attosecond pulses. to a two-IR-photon coupling state of the system. While the
dynamics in few-particle systems using a The main result of this
experiment, corroborated
between the two XUV-populated
manifolds (one below and one
experimental observation of
LISs was already established,
versatile attosecond beamline with simulations based on the
numerical solution of the Time-
above the ionization potential,
respectively). The experimental
the achievable control over
their appearance exploiting the
Dependendent Schrdinger results were supported with relative polarization between
Maurizio Reduzzi - Supervisor: Giuseppe Sansone Equation (TDSE) in Single Active numerical calculations based on the XUV and the IR pulse was
Electron approximation (SAE), Time-Dependent Perturbation the subject of our investigations.
was to highlight the presence theory (TDP). The result was qualitatively 641
The goal of the PhD project ionized fragments is the most attosecond beamline was of a transition in the dominant Finally, the technique was explained thanks to symmetry

has been the development of natural way to follow in real demonstrated in streaking ionization pathway, depending applied to singly-excited helium, arguments in a Floquet-like
a versatile high-repetition rate time the dynamics of an atom measurements for the on the intensity of the IR which has been the subject of model; quantitative agreement
(10 kHz) XUV/IR attosecond (or a molecule) triggered by the characterization of isolated pulse: while at low intensity many similar investigations in was provided by simulations
beamline for time-resolved interaction with a broadband attosecond pulses (see Figure 1). (lower than 3x1012 W/cm2) the the last few years. In particular, based on the solution of the
studies of electron dynamics in XUV attosecond pulse. Because It consists in a two-color XUV-IR dominating process is the two- the novel contribution was the TDSE in SAE.
few-particle systems (atoms and of the large bandwidth implied ionization experiment performed photon process (1 XUV + 1 IR) demonstration of a control
small molecules). by the very short time duration on a noble gas. Provided that stemming from the whole 1snp over Light Induced States
The generation of XUV radiation of attosecond pulses, multiple the dipole matrix element manifold (with n>2), at higher (LISs), which are absorption
was achieved via upconversion reaction pathways are usually remains approximately constant intensities the four-photon features appearing only in the
of Carrier-Envelope Phase involved, complicating the within the bandwidth of the process (1 XUV + 3 IR) from the simultaneous presence of an
(CEP) stabilized pulses centered interpretation of experimental XUV pulse, the delay-dependent 1s2p state becomes dominant. XUV exciting pulse together
around 800 nm with 5 fs results. It is then highly desirable photoelectron kinetic energy An important part of the project with a dressing IR pulse.
duration, obtained via hollow- to collect every possible piece of distribution can be interpreted was also dedicated to the study They can be thought as the
core fiber compression of information from the process, as a FROG spectrogram, of atoms and molecules with (virtual) intermediate state
the pulses produced by a i.e. to realize a kinematically allowing for the retrieval of the Attosecond Transient Absorption connecting the ground state
commercial titanium-sapphire complete experiment: this is the XUV pulse. Spectroscopy (ATAS), where the to a two-photon (1 XUV
based laser system. ultimate goal of a REMI. Furthermore, the REMI was used observable is provided by the
The production, via High-order The successful operation of to study IR-assisted ionization of XUV radiation transmitted by
Harmonic Generation (HHG) in the REMI inside the developed the helium atom, excited to the a dilute gas sample, spectrally
noble gases, of subfemtosecond resolved thanks to a home-built
XUV pulses with duration XUV spectrometer.
down to 380 as was then This technique can be
demonstrated in attosecond considered complementary to
streaking experiments; the the REMI, since it provides access
combined exploitation of to the dynamics in the bound
different generating media excited states of a system, which
and metallic filters resulted in a are invisible to a charged particle
broad frequency tunability in the spectrometer since no ionization
15-30 eV range. is taking place.
From the technological point ATAS was applied for the first
of view, the main challenge time to a molecular system (N2)
of the project was to interface for the study of multi-electron
the developed beamline with a dynamics. The population of
REaction MIcroscope (REMI), a a coherent superposition of
charged particle spectrometer electronic states lying below
capable of detecting multiple as well as above the ionization 2. Experimental observation of a coherent electron wavepacket in N2. The
electrons and ions in potential was demonstrated transient absorption trace shows half-IR-cycle oscillations in the region 17.0 -
coincidence, providing access to (see Figure 2); the coherence 18.5 eV (lower panel) as a result of the interference between the single XUV
photon (tail of the XUV spectrum - green shaded area in the upper panel) and
the momentum vector of all the was proved by the observation
1. An experimental streaking spectrogram performed on argon. The XUV the three-photon (absorption of one XUV photon - center of the green shaded
detected fragments. attosecond pulse was centered around 28 eV: 380 as is the pulse duration of quantum beatings with area followed by absorption of two IR photons) pathways leading to the
The detection of the generated obtained from the retrieval algorithm. a periodicity of 1.33 fs (one population of the same state states (blue shaded area).

Nano-oxides on a reactive substrate

PhD Yearbook | 2015

A scanning tunneling microscopy study of transition metal
oxides on Fe(001)
Michele Riva - Supervisor: Lamberto Du

Stimulated by technological is crucial in view of possible PhD aimed at achieving a The results achieved during

applications of oxides in catalytic applications. Finally, deeper understanding of the my PhD could pave the way
catalysis, electrochemistry, gas the large majority of materials subtle mechanisms occurring toward a deeper understanding 1. Large-scale STM images of (a) the Fe(001) substrate before (top) and after
sensing, corrosion protection, possessing long-range magnetic when interfaces between of heterostructures formed by (bottom) exposure to 50 L (1 L = 1.33 10-6 mbar s) O2 at room temperature,
electronics and high-density ordering belongs to the class nanostructured transition metal magnetic oxides supported and (b) the Fe(001)-p(11)O surface. An atomically-resolved STM image (3.83.8
nm2) of Fe(001)-p(11)O is reported in the inset of panel (b).
storage, considerable scientific of reactive metals. In this (TM) oxides and a magnetic on ferromagnetic substrates,
effort has been spent in the last respect, new exciting properties Fe(001) substrate are formed. In especially considering the great
decades to the investigation can arise from the interfacial particular, three main strategies progresses achieved in direct
with atomic-scale resolution interaction of oxides possessing have been adopted to achieve observation of spin structures
of oxide surfaces and metal/ long-range spin ordering the preparation of high-quality down to the atomic scale via
oxide interfaces. In particular, a and their magnetic support. Cr, Co and Ni nano-oxides. (i) spin-polarized STM. Moreover,
growing attention has been paid In particular, technologically TM growth on a well-ordered, the peculiar structures formed
to the investigation of structural, relevant phenomena, currently pre-oxidized Fe(001) surface, by these oxides in direct contact
electronic and magnetic exploited in high-density i.e., Fe(001)-p(11)O [Fig. 1(b)]; with a reactive substrate could
properties of the surfaces of storage media, spintronics and (ii) post-oxidation of, and (iii) prove promising candidates as
bulk crystals and ultrathin oxide magnetic field sensing, still await homoepitaxial RD onto ultrathin novel model catalysts.
films supported on noble-metal suitable model systems to allow TM buffer layers, grown on
substrates. The latter have been a profound understanding via either Fe(001) or Fe(001)-p(11)
the subject of extensive research atomic-scale probing. O.
(i) as model inverse catalysts, Indeed, the high reactivity Fig. 2 reports a restricted
and (ii) due to their rather of magnetic supports as Fe selection of the STM results.
facile preparation by reactive poses serious limitations to Growth of sub-ML (1 ML =
metal deposition (RD) in oxygen the preparation methods 1.2 1015 at./cm2) amounts of
atmosphere, thanks to the inert for well-defined oxides, Cr on Fe(001)-p(11)O leads
noble metal support. i.e., ideally characterized by to the stabilization of two
Comparatively much less atomically flat surfaces, and monolayer-thick oxides with
efforts have been spent on the chemically and structurally Cr3O4 [Fig. 2(a)] and Cr4O5 [Fig.
investigation at the nanoscale of abrupt interfaces with the 2(b)] stoichiometry, unobserved
oxides coupled with substrates substrate. O2 exposure, in fact, among bulk Cr oxides.
characterized by an elevated readily induces the formation Conversely, Ni/Fe(001)-p(11)O
reactivity toward oxygen, such as of substrate oxide phases [Fig. growth leads to the formation
Fe [Fig. 1(a), top]. The question 1(a), bottom], whose structure of an alloy oxide surface, with
of how oxides form on top of a and chemical composition are Ni4FeO5 stoichiometry [Fig. 2(c)].
reactive metal is, nevertheless, hardly controlled. As a result, A similar tendency of Fe atoms
2. (a,b) Atomically-resolved STM images of single layer-thick Cr oxides prepared
of apparent relevance, e.g., oxides grown by RD on reactive to get oxidized is strikingly by growing (a) 0.75 ML, and (b) 0.80 ML Cr on Fe(001)-p(11)O at 670 K. The
concerning the use of oxides as substrates like Fe exhibit rough observed when oxidation of presence of ordered Cr vacancies (dark spots in STM) results in Cr3O4 and
protective coatings. Moreover, surfaces and diffuse interfaces, Ni/Fe(001) films is considered Cr4O5 formal stoichiometry for the nano-oxides in (a) and (b), respectively. (c)
STM morphology of a 5 ML-thick Ni/Fe(001)-p(11)O film grown at 570 K. At
investigation of the effects of hampering both atomic-scale [Fig. 2(d)]. In this case Fe variance with respect to (a,b), the dark spots in (c) have been identified as
the reactive support on the imaging via scanning tunneling atoms migrate through the Ni single Fe atoms. The formal stoichiometry of this alloy nano-oxide is therefore
local electronic properties, microscopy (STM) and idealized buffer and form a buckled FeO Ni4FeO5. (d) Atomically resolved STM image (top, 7.04.8 nm2) and line profile
(bottom) of the polar FeO(111) nano-oxide (surface unit cell sketched in red)
chemical composition and defect modeling. nano-oxide with a polar (111) developing when a 5 ML Ni/Fe(001) film is exposed to 150 L O2 and post-
distribution of the growing oxide The research activity of my orientation. annealed to 570 K.

From Dye sensitized to Perovskite-based solar evidences obtained with mesoporous scaffold on the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

independent methods. First, morphological and structural
cells: a perspective on the fundamental TCSPC analysis revealed that
for hybrid halide perovskites
properties of perovskites. As
observed by others for the
working mechanisms evolution PL quenching is not related to case of DSSCs, first derivative
charge extraction but mainly features often superimposed
to the morphological and to cw-PIA spectra are due to
Vittoria Roiati - Supervisor: Prof Guglielmo Lanzani crystalline structure of the local electric fields originated
perovskite film. Contrary to by charge displacement after
the case of DSSC, then, no excitation and acting on 645
Sunlight is the most abundant in the roadmap towards the peculiarities when analysed with charge injection rate can be ground-state dye molecules

renewable energy source on widespread applications of this conventional tools employed for retrieved for luminescence (described as oriented dipoles)
earth, it would then potentially technology. Hybrid organic DSSC characterization. In this decay analysis as some groups according to the linear Stark 1. Cartoon illustrating the double
enable sustainable economic inorganic perovskites have thesis, Time Correlated Single reported in early works. effect theory for absorption path for electrons percolation in
growth for humanity with a emerged at the forefront of the Photon Counting (TCSPC), Second, cw-PIA showed very shift. Mesostructured PSCs, in mesostructured PSC, with slow and
fast dynamics associated to TiO2 and
minimum detrimental impact most exciting and innovative Photoinduced absorption (cw- weak feature attributable to cw-PIA and EA experiments, perovskite transport respectively,
on the environment, if properly materials for this application in PIA), Transient Photovoltage the absorption of electrons showed derivative features hypothesized according to TCSPC, cw-
converted and stored. Among recent years. Initially proposed (TPV) and Electroabsorption in the TiO2 matrix in efficient similar to the DSSC case, PIA and TPV analysis.
the photovoltaic technologies as an evolutionary step of (EA) are employed to shed state-of-the-art devices. revealing the presence of
developed to convert solar mesostructured solid state light on charge dynamics Efficient injection and fast oriented dipoles at the
power, silicon-based ones sensitized solar cells, they soon and interface physics of both charge recombination would interface between perovskite
are the most consolidated in demonstrated ground-breaking class of devices. Experimental justify this result, but it and mesoporous oxide. The
industry. There are, however, performances, soon reaching evidences show that the would be in contrast with the orientation provided by the
many alternatives, promising outstanding solar to electricity models developed for data observed good performances interaction with TiO2 could
cheaper, environmental-friendly conversion efficiency close to interpretation in DSSC analysis of the solar cells. Third, influence perovskite growth
solutions, with characteristics 20%, and holding the promise have to be reconsidered when TPV revealed a double path and transport properties;
suitable for various technological of accessible scalability with dealing with perovskite solar for charge recombination, moreover, the presence of
applications. Among these, Dye- low-cost solution processability. cells (PSC). The comparative with a slower component electric dipoles in perovskites,
Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC) are Hybrid halide perovskite analysis between the old attributable to the charges which appear to have a
mostly coming of age, providing possess key characteristics for and the new generation injected in the TiO2 substrate, strong influence in PSC
potential penetration into high- PV manufacturing: intense of mesostructured solar cells recombining with the typical working mechanism, has
added value energy markets, and broad light absorption, is completed with a punctual dynamics observed for solid been experimentally tested.
such as the BIPV (Building- remarkable ambipolar charge review of the hot debate of the state DSSC, and a faster Figure 2 provides a schematic 2. Right: schematics of dipole moment
Integrated Photovoltaics), mobility and very low non- scientific community around component attributable to the view of the direction of the variation for the TiO2/perovskite
(PERO) interface and shape of the
unattainable by classic radiative carrier recombination each of the investigated aspects. electrons percolating through dipole moment variation corresponding linear Stark signal for
inorganic semiconductor based rates, leading to impressive Two main topics are presented the perovskite material. The and the corresponding oriented dipoles. Left: DFT calculated
photovoltaics. DSSC solar cells charge diffusion length. These and experimentally supported by fast recombination component shape of the Stark derivative ground and excited state dipole
moments for the system.
are based on the light harvesting fascinating properties allowed the author: does not negatively affect feature, together with a DFT
operated by a sensitizer the inclusion of perovskite 1. Charge injection to the the performances of the simulation confirming EA
antenna through electron materials in a variety of device TiO2 matrix is limited in devices since it is coupled with experiments.
injection into the conduction architectures in the last couple mesostructured PSCs, contrary efficient and fast transport,
band of a nanostructured semi- of years, exploring different to the case of conventional as demonstrated by means of
conducting oxide, followed by manufacture procedures dye-sensitized solar cells. transient photocurrent in the
dye regeneration by a redox including spin coating and This implies that, after same samples. The cartoon
shuttle liquid electrolyte or solid evaporation of thin films. The charge separation in the in figure 1 shows schematics
hole transporting material. Huge characterization perovskite- perovskite itself, electrons of the hypothesized double
efforts have focused in the last based solar cells (PSC) offers are mainly transported path for charge carriers in
20 years on the development several challenges to the towards the selective contact mesostructured perovskite
of new efficient materials and scientific community, which has through the same active solar cells.
innovative architectures for been involved in the last decade material. This behaviour 2. EA spectroscopy has been
DSSC, in order to improve device in the study of DSSC. In fact is hypothesized following employed to demonstrate
performances, progressing these devices present interesting different experimental the influence of the oxide

Comb-Assisted Cavity Ring-Down The spectral scan is performed

PhD Yearbook | 2015

by tuning the comb repetition
Spectroscopy rate while maintaining the tight
lock between the probing laser
and the OFC. This approach
minimizes the frequency offsets
that could emerge between
Tommaso Sala - Supervisor: Marco Marangoni ECDL and comb during the
spectral scans. The setup is fully
automated by using a real-time 647
The fields of frequency various techniques, cavity ring- structure and dipole moment of system equipped with an FPGA,

metrology and trace gas down absorption spectroscopy molecules. providing to a piezoelectric
sensing historically developed (CRDS), proved to be very actuator the sawtooth signal
along two separated paths. powerful and effective. It is In this thesis we present a new needed to dither the cavity
In the last decade, the former based on the measurement of approach to comb-assisted length and performing a cavity
benefited from the advent of the photon decay rate inside a CRDS, where high sensitivity length tracking in order to
optical frequency combs (OFCs), high-finesse optical cavity, with and frequency accuracy are maintain the dithering of the
enabling the absolute calibration high sensitivity and immunity to obtained by using a high-finesse cavity resonance centred around
of optical frequencies. The probing laser intensity noise. optical cavity (F100000) and by the probe laser frequency during
latter has witnessed over the Our aim is the development of locking a CW probing laser to a spectral scan.
past twenty years continuous a comb-assisted, continuous one mode of an Er:fiber OFC in The test of the spectrometer
methodological and technical wave (CW) CRDS setup that can the near-IR, respectively. A wide- performances was performed
developments leading to provide the high accuracy on bandwidth phase lock between on the P14e line of CO2 at
more and more sensitive the frequency axis offered by the OFC and an extended cavity 1.57 m at low pressure (Fig. 1. Experimental setup of the comb-assisted CRDS spectrometer. Blue lines
spectrometers, especially an OFC and at the same time diode probing laser (ECDL) is 2). The measurement of the indicate fibre paths. FC: fibre coupler. DAQ: acquisition board; PZT: piezoelectric
when combined with high- high sensitivity on the vertical achieved by using their beat decay rate 1/t is related to actuator; PD: photodiode.
finesse optical cavities, while scale. An absolute frequency note as the driving signal of an the gas absorption by the law
little attention has been paid axis adds several features to acousto optic modulator (AOM) a=(ct)-1-(ct0)-1, where 1/t0 is
to the frequency accuracy of a high-sensitive spectroscopic in a feed-forward configuration, the decay rate of the empty broadening regime in single the need of GHz electro-optical
the measurement. For this measurement. It enables cancelling the frequency optical cavity. The huge density spectral acquisition. When modulators that do not exists
reason the connection between ultrahigh precision and accuracy, fluctuations of the ECDL with of spectral points and the high averaging over several scans the outside the telecommunication
these two fields is particularly with frequency uncertainties respect to the stable OFC. The signal to noise ratio of the statistical uncertainty in the line spectral region.
attractive. on the line positions as low coherence properties of the recording make this system centre frequency reaches 9 kHz,
The huge success of OFCs lies as 1016, and also ensures an comb are efficiently transferred ideal for an accurate line-profile with the absence of systematic
in their discrete, stable and increased signal-to-noise ratio to the CW probing laser, whose analysis. A limit of detection errors on the frequency reading.
reproducible structure, readily and sensitivity thanks to massive frequency noise is reduced with on the vertical axis as low as This setup, besides attesting the
referable to primary microwave averaging of precisely calibrated a maximum control bandwidth 1.61010 cm1 is found over undisputed advantage given
standards, allowing the link spectra. These characteristics of 0.8 MHz. This ensures a a single spectral scan which by a comb-based spectrometer,
between the optical and the help to solve many open high spectral purity of the consists of 1500 spectral points also shows that comb-based
radio frequency (RF) domain and questions, such as the analysis of probing laser and very high acquired over 75, as limited by highly sensitive detection
providing an absolute frequency the impact of line-shape models reproducibility and accuracy temporal drifts of the empty allows frequency accuracy to be
axis to any spectroscopic on the spectroscopic parameters, to the frequency axis upon cavity and by parasitic etalons, straightforwardly pushed to the
recording. providing deep physical insights scanning the comb repetition as highlighted by the analysis typical kHz-level of the sub-
Bringing the benefits of OFCs on the collision processes of rate. The use of an AOM in of the Gaussian fit residuals. Doppler regime.
into the field of molecular molecules. This also permits this setup is very effective Several statistical independent In conclusion, we have
spectroscopy and trace gas the absolute determination because, besides providing for measurements were repeated introduced a new configuration
sensing is the main goal of of molecular line centre the probing laser line-narrowing to get an insight into precision that allows conjugating very
this thesis. To the purpose frequencies and linestrengths and referencing, it is also used and accuracy of the line centre high performance on both the 2. Top) Typical single-scan absorption
of the enhancement of the with unprecedented precision to interrupt the laser beam and frequency retrieved from the horizontal and vertical scale. spectrum at a pressure of 2.5102
measurement sensitivity, several and accuracy, allowing tests to start the ring-down event fitting, demonstrating an error mbar for the P14e line of CO2. Bottom)
This ranks the system close to
Residuals of a Gaussian fitting for
spectroscopic techniques have of quantum-mechanical once a reasonable intensity of 38 kHz on the line centre the state of the art of comb- a single-scan and for a 50-times
been developed. Among all the calculations of the energy levels threshold is measured (Fig. 1). determination in a Doppler assisted spectrometers, without averaged spectra.

Ultrafast Photophysics of Low Dimensional

PhD Yearbook | 2015


Giancarlo Soavi - Supervisor: Prof. Giulio Cerullo

Nanotechnology, the CNTs are the one-dimensional all time. In the field of physics biodiagnostics and integrated which brings back the system to carrier mobility in these two

characterization and exploitation allotropic form of carbon and the discovery of CNTs and the optical devices. In this respect, the thermal equilibrium. classes of low-dimensional
of objects with dimensions in the they were first discovered in discovery of graphene are at the possibility to control the In this thesis we exploit ultrafast materials. A deep understanding
order of 1-100 nm, represents 1991 by S. Iijima. With all the first and third position electronic and optical properties pump-probe spectroscopy of all these factors is a
nowadays a fruitful platform for its different allotropic forms, respectively. Despite the huge of gold nanoparticles by to define the time-scale and fundamental prerequisite for
advanced technologies and a carbon played a key role in number and diversity of possible changing their geometry and mechanisms of the energy further development of their
challenge for future applications. the technological advances applications of these low- nanocrystallinity together with relaxation processes, interactions technological applications.
Besides the empirical use of of our society. Graphite, the dimensional allotropic forms their strong sensitivity to the with the environment and
nanostructures in ancient times most stable and common of carbon, the easiest example environment are of fundamental
for ornamental purposes, such carbon allotrope, has a layered to explain their importance importance. The study of the
as the Lycurgus Cup (4th century and planar structure formed is probably electronics. Being ultrafast optical response of
AD, Rome) with its iridescent by carbon atoms arranged in already at the physical limit for gold nanoparticles allows to
colours or the glittering stained a honeycomb lattice. Its first the Moores Law, where the selectively address the series
glass windows of the medieval large scale application dates quantum mechanical effects of relaxation processes that
cathedral of Sainte-Chapelle back to the 16th century, when can no longer be neglected, fully characterize the temporal
(1242, Ile de la Cit, Paris), the the discovery of an enormous the further miniaturization of evolution and interactions
modern interest for the field was deposit in Borrowdale (UK), transistors calls for completely of plasmons, electrons and
triggered by the visionary talk of used by the locals for marking new methodologies. Circuits phonons inside the material.
R. Feynmann, Theres Plenty of sheep, led to the birth of the made of graphene and CNTs When the photon energy of
Room at the Bottom (1959). On pencil industry. The advent of would benefit both from the an excitation pulse falls inside
the other hand, the invention the low-dimensional carbon smallest possible size, limited the absorption spectrum of the
of the Scanning Tunneling allotropes (fullerene, CNTs and by the dimension of atoms, gold nanoparticle plasmonic
Microscope in 1981 by G. graphene), instead, had to wait and the highest ever known resonance, coherent oscillations 1. Timeline of the carbon allotropes, from graphite to graphene. The pencil
industry was born in 1564 thanks to the discovery of a graphite deposit in
Binning and H. Rohrer, both until the second half of the 20th carrier mobility, exceeding by of the electron sea can be Borrowdale. Graphene is considered the fundamental building block for this
awarded with the Nobel Prize in century. Fullerene (the ideal 0D approximately two orders of launched. These oscillations class of low-dimensional materials, obtained by wrapping-up (fullerene),
Physics in 1986, is often referred system formed by carbon atoms magnitude that of silicon. lose the phase information rolling-up (CNTs) or stacking (graphite) a single-atom layer of carbon.
as the watershed in nanoscience, on a hollow sphere) was found Gold nanostructures are metallic (plasmon dephasing) within
as it represents the first tool to experimentally only in 1985 systems of nanometer size approximately 10 fs and transfer
directly observe matter with by H. Kroto et al. and earned with unique optical properties the whole absorbed energy to
sub-nanometer resolution. Thus, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in that arise from the so called the electronic distribution. Then,
we are nowadays experiencing 1996 to R. Smalley, H. Kroto Localized Surface Plasmons, in the first 100 fs the electrons
the results of approximately and R. Curl. Graphene, a one namely free electrons collective relax from a non-thermal to a
half-century of intense nano- atom thick carbon layer, is the oscillations coupled to an thermal electronic distribution
research, with a large number of youngest among the carbon external electromagnetic field. via electron-electron interaction
discoveries and applications that allotropes. It was isolated and The technological importance of and subsequently transfer
are more and more affecting detected for the first time gold nanostructures hails from energy to the lattice via electron-
our everyday life. In this work in 2004 by the group of A. the large variety of possible phonon interaction. Finally, the
we concentrate on the ultrafast Geim and K. Novoselov, both applications, including non- cooling of the lattice takes place
optical properties of two classes awarded with the Nobel Prize linear frequency conversion, on a relatively slow time scale (in
of nanomaterials: Carbon in Physics in 2010. Recently, high resolution imaging, the order of the ns) by energy
Nanotubes (CNTs) and Gold Nature has published the list of photovoltaics, biological sensing transfer to the environment, i.e. 2. Schematic picture of the relaxation processes following ultrafast optical
Nanoparticles. the 100 most cited research of and imaging, cancer therapy, phonon-phonon interaction, excitation in gold nanoparticles.

ATTOSECOND ELECTRON DYNAMICS IN COMPLEX experiments performed with By performing a Velocity Map systems with the aim of studying

PhD Yearbook | 2015

attosecond temporal resolution, Imaging (VMI) experiment, ultrafast electronic dynamics
MOLECULAR SYSTEMS with the aim of studying
electronic dynamics in complex
we were able to disclose the
ultrafast dissociative mechanisms
in molecules of biological
interest. We performed a mass
molecular systems. First we leading to the production of N spectrometry experiment on
investigated ultrafast relaxation atoms by XUV photoionization, Phenylalanine (one of the
process in multielectron diatomic and to observe a predissociation essential amino acids) and
Andrea Trabattoni - Supervisor: Prof. Mauro Nisoli molecules. We concentrated quantum interference between analyzed the temporal evolution
on the N2 molecule, that is the electronic states of the of molecular fragmentation
the most abundant species in molecular cation. We also after XUV ionization. We were 651
In 1981 Zewail and coworkers in the order of 10 fs). Electron technology to the investigation the Earths atmosphere, with managed to extract information able to measure a charge

published a pioneering work dynamics occurs on a faster of ultrafast electronic dynamics the goal of understanding the about the slope and shape of oscillation in the yield of
on quantum coherence effects temporal scale ranging from a in matter. The main problem interaction of molecular nitrogen nitrogen (in particular N2+ ions) immonium dication fragment,
in the vibrational states of few fs down to a few hundreds the community has to face is with extreme ultraviolet (XUV) potential curves, a sort of real- providing for the first time an
anthracene, paving the way for as (1 as = 10-18 s), for this reason the low intensity of attosecond radiation, that is of crucial time mapping of molecular experimental demonstration of
the study of ultrafast dynamical in order to track the electronic sources, since the convertion importance to completely electronic states. charge migration in a biological
processes in isolated molecules. motion in matter shorter light efficiency of HHG process is disclose the atmospheric Then we tried to push our molecule.
In the same years the laser pulses are required. quite low (in the order of 10-6), radiative-transfer processes. investigation to more complex
sources were experiencing a In 1987 and 1988 two resulting in XUV energies usually
dramatic development thanks indipendent experiments were in the range between hundreds
to the appearance of the first able to produce coherent of picojoules up to few
subpicosecond dye lasers extreme ultraviolet (XUV) nanojoules. This level of energy,
(1974) and, few years later, the radiation by exploiting the and correspondent intensity, is
achievement of pulses with a interaction between a strong tipically too low for initiating
duration down to 6 fs (1987). IR laser field and the atoms non linear processes in matter,
The great results on both sides of a rare gas. The result was thus for performing attosecond-
converged in the development a series of odd harmonics of pump attosecond-probe
of ultrafast spectroscopy and the fundamental wavelength, experiments. For this reason the
femtochemistry, providing an corresponding to a train of common solution is to combine
ultrahigh-speed photography subfemtosecond bursts. Only the XUV pulses with a VIS/NIR
at the atomic and molecular few years later this process was laser field, with an attosecond-
level. Nowadays this research fully understood and called High pump femtosecond-probe
field is really well established Harmonic Generation (HHG). configuration. This setup can still (a) (b)
and gives a direct access Since then, great effort was preserve a temporal resolution
1 (a) Photoionization experiment on molecular nitrogen performed in a Velocity Map Imaging (VMI) spectrometer. (b)
to dynamical processes of made to investigate more in in the attosecond timescale and Pump-Probe map of the N+ Kinetic energy, as a function of the delay between attosecond-pump and few-femtosecond-
great importance in physics, detail the HHG process, until the in the last years gave important probe pulses.
chemistry and biology. From first experimental demonstration results in investigating ultrafast
quantum mechanics we know of attosecond pulses generation, electron dynamics in atoms,
that femtosecond temporal performed in 2001 by Paul and recently even in simple
scale is intrinsically related to and coworkers, who were able molecules. Despite these positive
the nuclear motion, for this to generate a train of 250 as results, attosecond physics still
reason a typical experiment pulses. During the same year didnt show the capability of
with femtosecond resolution is a single attosecond pulse with investigating complex systems,
able to investigate in real time a time duration of 650 as was for example biomolecules, where
the evolution of a reaction, the successfully isolated from a train ultrafast electron dynamics are
breaking of a chemical bond, of attosecond pulses. These expected to play a fundamental
the fragmentation of a complex results paved the way for the role in many biological processes
system after the perturbation of birth of attosecond physics. such as catalysis, respiration,
the initial quantum state, down In the last two decades a DNA damage by ionizing (a) (b) (c)
to the vibrational oscillation in strong effort was made to radiation and photosynthesis. 2 a) Oscillatory dynamics on the decaying slope of the delay-dependent yield of immonium dication (reported in the
diatomic molecules (the ground characterize attosecond This thesis describes attosecond- inset in a 100-fs delay range). b) Sliding-window Fourier-transform of the experimental data. c) Sliding-window Fourier-
state vibrational period of H2 is sources and to apply this pump femtosecond-probe transform of the numerical result.

Auger electron microscopy

PhD Yearbook | 2015

for the characterization of 1D
and 2D nanostructures
Mohammad Javad Vahid Dastjerdi - Supervisor: Prof. Alberto Tagliaferri

Scanning Auger Microscopy Microscopy (AFM) and micro- of the SAM investigation, flakes are routinely produced the simultaneous exploitation achievements are promising

(SAM) is an electron spectro- Raman spectroscopy, to providing an assessment of nowadays with thicknesses of AFM profiles at flake in view of a wider control for
microscopy technique that investigate two prototypical the local chemical conditions ranging from single atomic border, providing an absolute the large area devices based
joins the imaging resolution of nanostructured systems: (1) 1D at film surface. It is shown layers (0.3 nm and about 1 thickness reference, and of on graphene and its oxide
Scanning Electron Microscopy Tungsten oxide nanorods and that, although the oxygen nm, respectively) to few layers. SAM, providing highly reliable with reliable directly seeing
(SEM) and the analytical power (2) 2D graphene and graphene concentration in the bulk of the They belongs to a wider class values. The direct determination of structural defects, and
of Auger Electron Spectroscopy oxide (GO) single and multilayer tungsten oxide films depends of thin film materials that can of the EALs allows to obtain quantitatively detect chemical
(AES). In addition to the films. strongly on the oxygen partial be obtained from bulk layered sub-monolayer precision in impurity on almost any
imaging capabilities provided In the first section, the pressure during deposition, materials, which form crystals the determination of the layer substrate.
by SEM, potentially down to investigation focus on the the oxygen is not chemically with weakly bound layers. thickness by SAM, at any point Finally, it has been demonstrated
the nanometer scale, in a SAM chemical-physical conditions bound to the W atoms to form Graphite (the bulk form of inside the flake surface. The the possibility to get information
apparatus the focused electron at the surface of amorphous- a stable compound. Rather carbon from which graphene approach is experimentally on the thickness of graphene
beam from the SEM column is like Tungsten films, which it is adsorbed at the large has been firstly extracted) is the demonstrated on graphene and GO flakes by secondary
exploited to generate Auger have an important influence interface area provided by the most common example and and graphene oxide (GO) electron contrast with the
electrons, which are filtered by on the nucleation and nanoscale grain boundaries of perhaps the most attractive flakes, over conductive and typical SEM resolution, down
the AES analyzer. AES is able growth of 1D Tungsten Oxide the quasi-amorphous Tungsten due to the wide range of insulating substrates, which to the nm scale, once a proper
to provide semi-quantitative (WOx) nanorods. WOx is a film. This finding explains the astonishing properties of are representative of a large reference is given. As the Auger
atomic concentration and transition metal oxide, the need for a thermal annealing graphene, its biocompatibility variety of applications. The microspectroscopy is often
chemical analysis of the few nanostructuring of which can to promote the growth of not to be forgotten. They are sensitivity of the graphene associated to SEM in the same
atomic layers at surface of a lead to unique characteristics. Tungsten oxide nanorods, which prototypical examples of 2D thickness characterization apparatus and it is now able to
sample. Thus, SAM is potentially The photochromic and however require also other structures that can be used for on SiO2 substrates, already provide the absolute reference,
able to give a relevant insight electrochromic properties of local concurrent conditions to the state-of-the-art and futures demonstrated, is increased and, this demonstration pave the way
into the surface electronic, WOx in nanostructured thin nucleate and develop like the nanoscale devices. The family more important, these results to the high lateral resolution
chemical and structural films have been increasingly material strain or curvature. By of layered compounds includes extend the field of application characterization of large area
properties of nanostructured investigated and applied to the unique surface sensitivity however other, sometime very of SAM characterization graphene and GO films with
systems, with nanoscale lateral the development of devices. of SAM, it is shown that the interesting, examples; these considerably beyond the present sub-monolayer resolution on a
and sub-nanoscale depth Nanostructured WOx is also Tungsten oxidation arrives at include semiconductors or practice, to graphene oxide very wide variety of substrates,
resolution. These capabilities a well-studied material for the film surface under selected superconductors and present films and to metallic substrates, with properties ranging from
make SAM a very valuable photocatalysis and sensing; in mechanical conditions, and at the same time several other which are hardly accessible conductors to insulators and
tool for the investigation its nanorod form, WOx is also that a high surface mobility of interesting properties, like by the more acknowledged from heavy to light atomic
of todays nanostructured appealing for field emitting the oxygen atoms is needed charge density waves and phase -Raman approach. Moreover, weight compounds.
solid state systems, with a purposes. to overcome the difference transitions connected to them. the SAM characterization
large variety of applications In this work, 1D Tungsten oxide between the lower film In this work, it is shown that boosts the relevant advantage
ranging from sensing to nano nanorods are grown by Pulsed concentration and the higher the state-of-the-art thickness of accessing any point of the
electro-mechanical and energy Laser Deposition (PLD) at the oxygen stoichiometry in the characterization by SAM, based full film area, while the direct
harvesting devices and to surface of amorphous-like nanorods. on semi-empirical electron thickness measurement by AFM
catalysis. Tungsten thin films on Silicon The second section deals with Effective Attenuation Lengths are limited to the proximity of
This work exploits the SAM substrates, under a variety the thickness characterization on (EAL), can bring to uncertainties film borders. This advantage is
capabilities, complemented of conditions. The growing graphene and graphene oxide largely exceeding the single shared with -Raman, which
with the use of several other conditions are correlated to flakes on different substrates layer thickness. To overcome has other limitations such as
microscopic and spectroscopic the different structural features by Auger electron microscopy. this limitation, EALs are the reduction of the GO sheets
technique, like Atomic Force of the nanorods with the help Graphene and graphene oxide experimentally determined by by the laser irradiation. These
Industrial Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering | Information Technology |
Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design
| Management, Economics and Industrial
Engineering | Materials Engineering |
Mathematical MODELS and METHODS IN
Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Physics | Preservation of THE Architectural
Heritage | Rotary-wing aircrafts | Spatial
Planning and Urban Development |
Structural Seismic and Geotechnical
Engineering | Technology and Design for
Environment and Building | Territorial
Design and Government | Aerospace
Engineering | Architectural and Urban
Design | Architectural Composition |
Architecture, Urban Design, Conservation
of Housing and Landscape | Bioengineering
| Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage |
Electrical Engineering | Energy and Nuclear
Science and Technology | Environmental
and Infrastructures engineering PhD Yearbook | 2015

DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN operating methods, the PhD programme provides related to individual research, with great

PhD Yearbook | 2015

the candidate with a rich and very interesting attention to conferences wherein PhD candidates
PRESERVATION OF the experience.
The on-going contact with the breakthroughs
present the results, even partial, of their research
ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE from studies and research carried out in Italian
and international contexts and the will to Research organization and topics
promote joint projects are fostered through Educational activities are related to research
expanding the network of relations the university either under way or at an early stage of
entertain with other universities and research development, some of which addresses major
centres in different geographic areas of the monumental structures and some of the most 657
The PhD programme in Preservation of the Architectural Heritage, world. renowned sites of the world.


Chair: first activated at the Politecnico di Milano back in 1983, is organized In this regard, over the past 3 years the PhD To the aim of their thesis research, PhD
Prof. Carolina Di Biase in a renewed form. In addition to the professors of architectural programme in Preservation of the Architectural candidates have the opportunity to rely on
restoration, history of architecture and structural strengthening of Heritage has been committed to promoting and facilities and
the Politecnico di Milano, the Faculty Board includes representatives coordinating inter-doctoral courses contributed laboratories, both inside and outside the
from other well-known universities and research institutes by foreign professors from different European University, the breadth and width of which
(professors of the Universit di Genova, IUAV, Venezia; experts at countries (lately the Course of the PhD School provides them with a crucial support to the aim
the highest level in the field of preservation of cultural heritage and Tradition and Perspectives of Polytechnic Culture of acquiring competence for highly qualified
of the administration of cultural heritage in Italy: Istituto Superiore in Europe). research activities in the domain of cultural
per il Restauro e la Conservazione ISCR, formerly Istituto Centrale Such activity will further benefit from the co- heritage protection.
del Restauro, Soprintendenza Regionale della Lombardia); they operation with other PhD programmes in the In this connection, the PhD programme deems
collaborate actively in the teaching and research activities. Politecnico di Milano and the universities that to carry on the long - standing collaboration
The ultimate purpose of the Faculty Board not only resides in collaborate with the PhD programme activities. with the ICVBC-CNR (the Institute for the
broadening the experiences that the PhD candidates acquire over Preservation and Enhancement of Cultural
the first three years of the course, where they have the opportunity Coursework Heritage) Gino Bozza Unit, Milan. As for
to interact with scholars from different backgrounds; it chiefly aims The PhD programme, lasting three years, calls for the thesis research, candidates thus have the
at providing the PhD candidates with a unique training experience the acquisition of 180 credits overall. opportunity to address and investigate in-depth
in the Italian panorama, so far unparalleled also in domains other Thirty credits are concentrated in the first year the wide-ranging themes connected to heritage
than the preservation and restoration of the cultural heritage. Such and are divided as follows: 25 (minimum) offered knowledge and preservation broadly meant,
context, where different traditions and approaches are compared, by such as advanced methods of investigation;
investigates the synergies and responses to the modern themes of PhD courses organized by the PhD programme in knowledge management and preservation
cultural heritage protection. Preservation of the architectural heritage, and 5 processes applied to historic buildings tradition,
The PhD programme is meant as the place where theorization, credits offered by the PhD School. as the ones presented here and related to the
methodology, investigation into the most significant chapters of The academic plan of the PhD programme archaeological sites and remains (Ottoman Baths
the protection of historic architectural and cultural heritage are revolves around 5 main research areas: from 13th to 16th century in seismic areas, fig.
connected to complex, challenging operating research themes, 1. Preservation culture and practice; 2. 1) or to twentieth-century heritage (the thesis
on-site and lab experimentation of analytical and diagnostic stages Diagnostics of materials and structures concerning the structural experimentation on
and, finally, the experimentation at building sites which cater for the and rehabilitation of historic buildings; 3. high-rise buildings in reinforced concrete in
foremost Italian works. Methods and themes of historical research; 4. era of fifties and sixties, and the analysis of
The relationship with Italian Ministero per i beni e le attivit culturali Construction history; 5. Historical territory and their performance in relation to the current
e il turismo, Mibact, has been definitely fruitful, especially when landscape.
we consider that many among the best PhDs in Preservation of The remaining credits are aimed at personal
Architectural Heritage have been hired as officers and executives to study and research for the PhD thesis. Moreover,
the above ministry. for each PhD candidate a specific study path
is organized and PhD candidates may attend
Teaching aims courses offered by the School for Specialists
The Faculty Board organization allows to investigate and share (Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Architettonici
extremely relevant, up-to-date topics that, architectural heritage e del Paesaggio - SSBAP) in Milan and in Genoa,
being the high spot of research, describe the complex domain of in relation to the various topics of their thesis.
preservation, a strategic field and, at the same time, one of the The activities undertaken during the second and
chief resources of the Italian economy and future. third year also include attendance of workshops,
Being a mix of differentiated research, experimentation and seminars, national and international conferences 1. Ismail Bey Bath, south west view

design code requirements, fig. 2); or to critical technical systems and to reducing the impact

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Doctoral Program Board
and historical investigation on museological of new systems which, since long, have been
and museographical issues, as deepen in the extensively addressed by the PhD programme The Board of Professors comprises the following members:
research dealing with the refurbishments of the and at the heart of an International exchange Carolina DI BIASE (Head), Full Professor Architectural Restoration (Politecnico di Milano)
Pinacoteca Ambrosiana in the first half of the with European universities and research labs; Claudio CHESI (Vice coordinator), Full Professor Structural mechanics (Politecnico di Milano)
20th century (fig. 3). the research about BIM technologies applied Maurizio BORIANI, Full Professor Architectural and urban restoration (Politecnico di Milano)
This aspect increases the technical characteristics, to architectural heritage, as evidenced by Maria Antonietta CRIPPA, Full Professor History of Architecture (Politecnico di Milano)
and will make PhD immediately competitive at Building Information Modelling for the current Alberto GRIMOLDI, Full Professor Architectural Restoration, Head of the Specialization School of
the European level. architectural heritage, or the studies carried Architectural Heritage and Landscape (Politecnico di Milano)
The multi-disciplinary nature of the doctoral about the seismic vulnerability of buildings, Ornella SELVAFOLTA, Full Professor - History of Architecture (Politecnico di Milano) 659
courses, encouraged in the framework of the which will be keyed to investigating the cognitive Maria Cristina GIAMBRUNO, Associate Professor - Architectural Restoration (Politecnico di Milano)


PhD programme since its establishment, equally methods underlying the Guidelines for the Lorenzo JURINA, Associate Professor Structural mechanics (Politecnico di Milano)
values the fundamental contribution of historical assessment and reduction of the seismic hazard Serena PESENTI, Associate Professor - Architectural Restoration (Politecnico di Milano)
research a longside its methods (see the thesis the cultural heritage (Ministerial Circular n.26 of Marica FORNI, Associate Professor - History of Architecture (Politecnico di Milano)
on encaustic painting in Mantua, Verona and 2nd October 2010, D.P.C.M. 9th February). Antonella E. SAISI, Assistant Professor - Diagnostics of Historic Buildings (Politecnico di Milano)
Cremona between the 18th and 19th century); at Cristina TEDESCHI, Assistant Professor, Referring Professor of the Material test Laboratory
the same time it features innovative, pioneering section Historic Buildings Materials Diagnostic, monitoring and investigation on materials for
themes: research about the energy response historical buildings end cultural heritage (Politecnico di Milano)
of buildings targeted to the reuse of existing Eugenio VASSALLO, Full Professor - Architectural Restoration (IUAV, Venezia)
Paolo FACCIO, Associate Professor - Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings (IUAV, Venezia)
Stefano MUSSO, Full Professor - Architectural Restoration, Head of the Specialization School for
Architectural Heritage and Landscape (Universit di Genova)
Giovanna FRANCO, Associate Professor Renovation technologies (Universit di Genova)
Gian Paolo TRECCANI, Full professor - Architectural Restoration (Universit di Brescia)
Giulio MIRABELLA ROBERTI, Associate Professor Strenghening and Rehabilitation of Historical
Buildings (Universit degli Studi di Bergamo )
Barbara DAVIDDE, Head of the Underwater Archaeology Unit at ISCR and Archaeologist on behalf of
the Ministry for Cultural Heritage
3. Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Raphael room - on the wall
drawings by Pellegrino Tibaldi (around 1960s), inStoria Invited experts:
dellAmbrosiana. Il Novecento, Arti Grafi che Amilcare Caterina BON VALSASSINA, General Head for Research and Education at the Ministry of the
2. The Pirelli building: from the archives to the numerical Pizzi, IntesaBci, Milan 2002. By courtesy of Intesa
model. Sanpaolo. Cultural Heritage and Tourism (former Regional Head of Architectural Heritage and Landscape of
Gisella CAPPONI, Head of the Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro ISCR (formerly
Advisory Board Istituto Centrale del Restauro) Rome;
Giovanna ALESSANDRINI, Past Director of Research Centre ICVBC CNR Unit di Milano Gino Andrea ALBERTI, Head of the Department of Architectural Heritage and Landscape for the territories
Bozza of Brescia, Cremona and Mantua.
Francisco BARATA FERNANDES, Facultade de Arquitectura - Universidade do Porto (in charge of the
course Advanced Studies in Architectural Heritage and of the namesake PhD programme)
Luigia BINDA, Politecnico di Milano, expert in Rehabilitation of historic buildings
Dario CAMUFFO, Past Director of Research CNR ISAC Padua (Expert in Climatic change,
Environmental history, Italian and European Standardization)
Javier GALLEGO ROCA, Catedrtico de Restauracin Arquitectnica, ETSA, Universidad de Granada
Franz GRAF, EPFL Lausanne (Laboratoire TSAM, Techniques et Sauvegarde de lArchitecture Moderne)
and Accademia di Architettura , Mendrisio, professor of Construction and T
echnologies of Twentieth - century architecture
Andr GUILLERME, CNAM - Conservatoire national des arts et mtiers, Paris (cole Doctorale Abb
Grgoire Patrimoine)
Rob P.J. VAN HEES, University of Technology, Delft (Chair of Building Conservation, senior scientist in
the Building Materials department at TNO)


PhD Yearbook | 2015

The transmission of knowledge trought the archaeological
Anna Antonini - Supervisor: Prof. Alberto Grimoldi 661
and, in domestic architecture, was born, in the middle of the


a change in the way of living: 80s. Since then many scholars
Wood and earth have historically We define perishable materials variety of building techniques houses became smaller and studied the way of building of
been the first rough materials to organic elements like timber that excavations revealed, less articulated, even probably medieval population and some
be used in construction. A long or reed, and plastic elements made compulsory the need to in upper classes domestic synthesis have been made on
tradition of studies, considered like mud, earth or clay. The create groups of evidences. architecture. And all around perishable material buildings.
Romans to be stone and brick thesis presents the analisys of a A classification based on Europe people built mostly in The census here presented
builders. And this could not be census which aim was to map groundwork techniques lead perishable materials. Why? This took in consideration all these
denied, as most of the Roman building techniques in perishable to the isolation of different was probably the first question previous proposal and propose a
monuments we are used to visit materials. The archaeological technological groups. The that medieval archaeologists new subdivision in technological
all over Europe are magnificent findings considered are data recording presented in tried solve since their subject group: Group 1: masonry
work of art in stone and bricks. dated from the 2nd cent. BC the thesis allowed to identify was born. The first and most footing and timber structure
But, going down in nowadays (Romanization) to the end of five technological groups for common answer was to blame Group 2: earthfast posts Group
excavations, a different the 12th cent. AD. Particularly the Roman period. Here are on barbarians population 3: timber framed structure In this
2. Technique R_5 3d reconstruction
panorama could be traced. reference were made on the shortly described. Group 1: that destroyed the Roman perspective it became possible
Since 1983, when the congress Official Journals of the regional layers foundation post fast technology. In Italy this idea that there was a technological
Architectures de terre ed de boards of the Italian Ministry of Group 2: masonry footing and was very well established for continuity with the Roman
bois showed that in France, Culture. The Regions considered timber structure 302 Group two reason. Firstly because period in the use of the same
Switzerland, Great Britain and are the actual Piemonte, 3: masonry footing and earth of the monumentality of foundational techniques and, in
Germany wood and earth were Lombardia, Liguria, Veneto structure Group 4: earth fast roman sites and their excellent the preserved cases, even in the
used as building materials even and Emilia Romagna, which posts Group 5: timber framed preservation state and secondly upper part of walls. A chapter in
in luxurious domus, excavations correspond to the roman Gallia structure The individuation of because the stratigraphic the thesis is dedicated to some
demonstrate that romans were Cisalpina. These kind of sources the technological groups here method was applied later than very well preserved case studies,
good constructors even with guarantee homogeneity in the described bring the Northern in other countries and some which allowed a technical
perishable materials. Actually accuracy of papers, but they part of Italy in strict connection archaeological evidences were comparison. Particular attention
we could find traces of this dont give a good quality of data with England, France, and ignored. In this situation the is dedicated to Piazza Marconi
phenomenon just reading that has been deepened case by Germany. This tradition in technological gap between site in Cremona, which is in
classic authors. In Italy the case. One of the problems that domestic building, which we the Roman period and the course of editing.
discoveries made in the rest of the research had to face was the couldnt call of subsistence. Early Middle Ages seemed to
Europe on perishable materials reliability of the archeological This tradition in domestic be huge, and this allowed the 3. Piero di Puccio, Histories from
spread of discontinuists theories, Old Testament, Pisa Monumental
delayed to be assumed, but record, which has been building, which we couldnt Cemetery.
they are now currently accepted evaluated in the analysis. The call of subsistence because that are still ongoing nowadays.
and considered in almost all census conducted in Northern of the use of technologies that This situation allowed many
excavation reports. Some Italy on edited excavations presume a precise production archaeologists (and historians
important synthetic papers revealed 305 evidences of the cycle, seems not to have too) to presume that barbarians
on this topic for the roman use of perishable materials in disappeared in Northern Italy. generated a great loss of
period appeared in the first construction. The subsequent As in most part of Europe, even technology. But since the end
00 years. From this statements step was the development in Italy, with the end of the of the 70s these theories have
started the wish to deepen the of a standard vocabulary in Roman empire, something in been rejected and the theory
use of perishable materials in order to isolate the common the way of building, changed. of continunity gain popularity.
construction between the roman technical features of each No more huge public buildings In Italy the problem was faced 1. Rimini, surgeons Domus,earth wall
period and the Middle Ages. record. The almost endless like stadiums or amphitheaters, when the medieval archeology on brick footing.

Construction techniques of Ottoman baths

PhD Yearbook | 2015

from 13th to 16th century in seismic areas

Kerimcan Apak - Supervisor: Giulio Mirabella Roberti

Earthquakes have affected investigated for giving a new development of the construction preventive techniques for seismic


buildings structures since the light to the ancient construction techniques and structural protection.
beginning of construction details. applications progressed in From the outcomes of the
history. The buildings that There are so many questions parallel to architectural styles. methodological investigations
appeared to be strong in the that arise from the investigation The essences of Byzantine, and comparison of historical
usual life (like masonry or stone on ancient structures. But one Seljuks building techniques outlines, it appears that the
buildings) could be potentially of the most interesting one is could be followed on the masons were aware of seismic
devastate to a catastrophic if the old masons were aware buildings of that era. activity and they adopted some
level. Various interpretations about the ancient anti - seismic In this study for understanding ancient precaution techniques
have been forwarded about the constructions details or they the anti seismic construction against the earthquake effects.
potentials of the collapse of the used those techniques according awareness of the masons However these techniques were
buildings, based on observation to other criterions such as in 13th and 16th centuries; used randomly in building scale
of the response of the buildings the patrons requests and the research mainly focused facing other constraints such 2.15th century historical structure 4. 15th century historical structure
during the earthquakes. budget of the construction. This on historical construction as budget and patron tendency (Ismail Bey Bath) in Iznik-Turkey. (GaziMihalBey Bath, 1421 A.D.)
Timber tie beam holes were located in Edirne-Turkey. The timber tie
Scientists work on the effects of question is important in order techniques in varied cultures in architecture. As well those inside the walls of the structure. beam holes were inside of the
seismic activity on the buildings, to understand the development in different of times such preventive techniques were not Timber tie beams were kept together masonry structure. As well the brick
and on the prevention of major of the construction against the as Turkish seigniory, early commonly used in city scale. the masonry walls for the horizontal knitting patterns were behave like a
loads. horizontal beam around the perimeter
damages and loss of human seismicity and the integrations Ottoman and Byzantine periods. Some architectural, construction
of the structure against the horizontal
lives. The outcomes of all of the construction details and Analyzing those techniques tendencies and integrations loads.
these researchs come through architectural essences between gave an overview of the history were commonly used in
with the direction of building different cultures, like appended of construction and their settlements however they not
techniques and materials. in ancient Ottoman period. integration with local cultures. became generalized.
Surprisingly the performances Ottoman baths are ones of And also some answers to the The results and the research
of historical buildings under the still standing structures questions such as how it was methods of the thesis are giving
the seismic activity can be from centuries without or with firstly built and developed. a perspective of thoughts of
very successful compared to minimum consolidation. The The secondly focused issue construction of ancient buildings
contemporary buildings. The typology of those buildings, their for finding an answer to the that we can learn some ideals
traditional techniques and historical locations and cultural problem were analyzing the about their resistance to the
earth materials performed environment are very interesting ancient masonries of the baths seismic activities.
successfully in past earthquakes. and appropriate for investigation with techniques adopted for
This issue took the scientists of this research topic. The traditional buildings in seismic
attention to the historical cultural era, between 13th areas, such as masonry quality
building techniques. As well and 16th century in Ottoman index evaluation, damage
as the questions related to domination, is the time where and collapse analysis. Those
3. 15th century historical structure
understanding these historical integration of construction investigations were qualitative (GaziMihalBey Bath, 1421 A.D.)
structures and their seismic details from the west and the but also quantitative analyses in Edirne-Turkey. The corners of
behavior. For instance, many east was achieved. The new which give an estimate of the the building constructed with
materialsmore durable, which was
ancient structures in Turkey were society of the Turkish people strength of the masonries and done in purpose for keeping the
still standing from centuries and their innovative character possible collapsed scenarios. structure more stable for horizontal
and passed many earthquakes formed a new architecture The outcomes from those loads. On the upper photograph,
strengthened corner of the building
without any consolidations. which was the source of classical investigations were the clues 1. 15th century historical structure was seen. On the lower photograph,
Therefore this issue have to be Ottoman architecture. While the for understanding the usage of (Ismail Bey Bath) in Iznik-Turkey. collapsed corner was seen.

The Transmission and Circulation of Practical can be truly considered as a

PhD Yearbook | 2015

recipe by satisfying a certain
Knowledge on Art and Architecture in the Middle number of questions and
Ages. The Case of Compositiones lucenses Tradition verify the quantity of implicit
knowledge inside each
and its Connection to Vitruvius De architectura procedure. Eventually, I apply
the concept of text-colony
Giulia Brun - Supervisor: Prof. Alberto Grimoldi i.e. a text that, like a beehive,
does not owe its survival on
its units to verify that Editio 665
The transformation of literary practical arts treatises during the thorough exploration. minor is above all a textual


culture of the past into reliable Middle Ages, on the basis of a The dissertation is divided into structure in which agglutinations
documents for a history of new reading of Compositiones two parts. The first one deals and estrangements of its
artistic and building knowledge lucenses and its tradition, of directly with the complex issue single units do not undermine
may be complex and time- its medieval manuscripts and of Compositiones lucenses its meaning and utility as a
consuming. Yet the keen interest of a particular version that tradition. It follows the history practical arts recipe book. This
medieval art and architectural was systematically copied with of the recipe book from its approach aimed to rationalise
studies have been devoted to Vitruvius. first medieval specimen as in an inter-subjective way the
texts from the past has not yet Despite the centuries of studies a collection that developed typical capacity of this medieval
entailed a thorough reflection on and the innumerable critical heterogeneously even beyond literary genre of recipe books of
some crucial factors that may tell editions on its first manuscript the Middle Ages. Much of this attracting upon its nucleus other
us important indications on the Lucca, Biblioteca Capitolare, section centres on the data texts thematically related.
influence of those compilations. 490 (8th century), many crucial given by the manuscripts, In short, this dissertation
This dissertation copes with factors on the real influence of which have been systematised contributes to broaden ours
the earliest Western example Compositiones lucenses during and rationalised to provide 1. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, De architectura London, British Library, ms. Harley
horizons on the actual presence
of a recipe book for practical the Middle ages have been in new objective elements for 2767, f. 1r (8th-9th century) of this literature in medieval
arts known as Compositiones turn neglected or overrated. understanding how the Europe by assessing the
lucenses that includes 160 texts, Much of the literature debate is transmission took place. I imply diffusion of written records
in Latin, for the making of art constantly revolving around only the rigorous framework of making given by Compositiones the text of Editio minor in a on art and architecture. It
products, decorative motifs, few segments of the problem, codicology to posit medieval lucenses tradition that provide critical edition portrayed in a provides convincing outcomes
and architectural elements. among which the identification manuscripts of Compositiones confirmatory evidence about stemma codicum in which two to prepare the ground for a
This study attempts to reassess of Compositiones lucenses lucenses tradition as crucial a multifaceted transmission families have been isolated, with future comparison between the
the issue conferring a new with another collection, of an factors for the circulation of of the collection. On the basis a third branch outliving between availability of those texts and
perspective on the circulation of alchemical character, known practical knowledge on art of new data, it seems also fair the lines of an unpublished 15th the material marks in coeval
Compositiones lucences and its as Mappae clavicula, stands and architecture. For the first to suggest that the nucleus of century manuscript. The analysis artefacts and built environments.
practical knowledge by means out. On the contrary, there has time, twenty-six manuscripts recipes that I named Editio minor confirms the claim that Editio
of new evidence and different not been enough research on of the recipe book have been has been copied systematically minor is an ancient selection
courses of research. I argue that the amount of manuscripts thoroughly examined both in only after Vitruvius De borrowed from an existing wider
Compositiones lucences offers that copied the recipe book their general contents and in architectura, from the very first tradition, rather than a first
far more than just a small group and its true contents. New their codicological features. A known specimen London, British example in an archaic phase of
of medieval manuscripts; it evidence suggests that at least closer look at the data indicates Library, ms. Harley 2767 (Fig. 1) that recipe book later subject
should be seen as a recipe book twenty-six manuscripts transmit the capacity of Compositiones to at least the 15th Century. to severe additions and textual
with an incredible diffusion in Compositiones lucenses, much lucenses of being continuously The second part, on the agglomerations.
the Middle ages, which benefits more than it was initially subject to additions, subtractions contrary, is focused on the Moreover, I develop another
of the extraordinary connection thought. Moreover, the data and reformulations so that its distinctive connection of innovative method that codifies
with Vitruvius De architectura that I gathered points out that historical development may be Editio minor with Vitruvius the twenty-six texts of Editio
that is the most important work in several Vitruvian manuscripts followed from Lucca manuscript De architectura. This section minor in a sequence of strings
on practical arts and architecture may be found another version to the later tradition, resulting in borrows tools and notions representing the instructions
from the Antiquity. Eventually, of Compositiones lucenses, at least seven different phases. from philology, linguistics and as displayed in manuscripts.
I endeavour to open the way autonomously created, that I The discussion then centres on historical pragmatics that I By employing this method, it
for a different interpretation on termed Editio minor, on which three remarkable examples of adapted to the present aims. On is now objectively possible to
the meaning and influence of it was urgently necessary a recipes for mortars and plasters these grounds, I reconstructed establish whether a given text

The Pinacoteca Ambrosiana throughout The whole project, desired by the architectural space to its

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Prefetto Giovanni Galbiati, is historical past in this case
the 20th century: refurbishments between successfully completed in two
different rounds (1927-1932 and
directly connected to the military
and political trauma of the
museology and museography 1936-1938) thanks to an quipe
of professionals composed by
previous period.
Chapter 6, considering
three architects coming from the events occurred to the
Silvia Colombo - Supervisor: Prof. Pietro C. Marani Politecnico di Milano Gaetano Pinacoteca during the last
Moretti, Ambrogio Annoni e decades until the Grande
Alessandro Minali , artists and Ambrosiana project (1990- 667
During the 20th century the sources, it is possible to follow the 17th century, until the end artisans. The result, a gallery 1997), capable of recover


Milanese Pinacoteca Ambrosiana out the architectural, artistic and of the 19th century; of particular nostalgically looking at the past, the forgotten spaces of the
goes towards significant collecting aspects characterising interest, here, are some literary is thus contextualised through museum, tries to follow the 2. Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Leonardi
changes, here analysed and every single construction site milestones such as the Musaeum a series of national (Mostra identity of an exhibition space Aula. Setting commissioned by
investigated from a wide and to understand the reasons (1625) by Federico Borromeo della Rivoluzione Fascista, that, at the end of the century, Giovanni Galbiati to the architect
Ambrogio Annoni (1936-1938)
perspective. The span of time behind every renovation project and the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana the opening of the Pinacoteca is the result of a collection of courtesy Archivio Storico Intesa
considered starts with the first too. guide wrote by the architect Vaticana, both in 1932, and the refurbishments. Sanpaolo, Milano
setting of the century (1905- Going through the complex Luca Beltrami (1895), able Milanese Mostra di Leonardo, In closing, the seventh section
1907), promoted by Prefetto series of the Pinacoteca to show the spatial changes in 1939) and international collects the most significant
Achille Ratti, and ends after Ambrosiana renovations and, at occurred to the museum during examples (Musographie documents examined in some
the Second World War, when the same time, looking at the the decades. conference, organised in Madrid public and private archives
architect Luigi Caccia Dominioni coeval situation, national and The second part draws attention in 1934). spread between Milan and
was called by the museum international, this research aims to two different museum The following chapter, Rome.
administration to refurbish to give the Milanese museum settings: the one committed by contextualising the lapse of
the museum (1959-1966). In a context that we can define the Ambrosiana administration time between the anglo-
this context introduced by both historical-cultural and to the architect Luca Beltrami, american bombings (1943) and
a general dissertation on the topographic. Moreover, with the art critic Gustavo Frizzoni, the Milanese Reconstruction,
Milanese museums at the end of the help of the social sciences, the restorer Luigi Cavenaghi, highlights the peculiar situation
the 19th century and concluded it tries to explain some choices and conducted between 1905 of the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana,
by an overlook on the most that made the Pinacoteca a and 1907; the other carried out especially if compared to other
recent events of the Pinacoteca unique case in Milan, but also between 1921 and 1923 by similar cases. The museum,
more attention will be given marked its critical fortune in the architect Ambrogio Annoni, actually, rebuilt exactly like it
to the changes occurred to the some historical periods. called by the new Prefetto, Luigi was just before the war, stays 3. Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Sala di
museum during the ventennio Finally, trying to put together all Gramatica, to design a new strongly linked to its past due Nicol da Bologna (1996). This room
fascista (more precisely the traces left by the museum arrangement of the institution to an obstinate decision taken was closed after the intervention of
the architect Luigi Caccia Dominioni
between 1927 and 1939). from time to time, this research (Library and Museum) after the by Galbiati himself, who (1959-1966) and reopened during the
To fully understand the historical intends to identify as much as difficult moment of the First furthermore would be pushed Nineties courtesy Archivio Storico
path accomplished by the possible a recognisable identity World War. to resign in a few years (1951). 1. Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Sala dei
Intesa Sanpaolo, Milano
museum throughout a century, of the museum, survived over The third part, which is the Finally, the late intervention of moderni. Setting commissioned by
an interdisciplinary approach, against the challenges offered load-bearing structure of the the architect Caccia Dominioni Giovanni Galbiati to the architects
Moretti, Annoni, Minali (1927-1932)
between the humanities and by a crucial period like the 20th thesis, examines the cultural (1959-1966), examined in courtesy Archivio Storico Intesa
the social sciences, is essential: century. situation of the Pinacoteca chapter 5, is able to imprint on Sanpaolo, Milano
actually museum studies, The thesis is composed by Ambrosiana between the the museum a huge change but,
history of art, restoration and seven chapters which highlight Twenties and the Thirties, during on the other side, it excludes
architecture from one side and some significant topics related the ventennio fascista and the Galbiati rooms, added
memory studies on the other to the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana until the Second World War. during the Twenties. In this
are used as useful instruments and also follow a chronological In this moment the museum, way, the gradual oblivion that
to read the exhibition space path. The first chapter the enlarged thanks to the new occupies the rooms, closed and
through the decades. only one exclusively based on spaces acquired from some then reused as storages for the
In this way, and also thanks published material is a short properties related to the San art collection, is thus considered
to a comparative consultation dissertation on the history of the Sepolcro church, is going to from the point of view of the
of bibliographic and archival museum, since its opening, in deal with a huge change. memory studies, able to link

Arturo Danusso in Earthquake Engineering namely, the shear wall and rigid architect of the Marina City Concluding, all the performed

PhD Yearbook | 2015

frame systems, the tube and Towers, Bertrand Goldberg, was structural analyses of the
and Skyscraper Design tubular system with a rigid core
and the gravity system.
certainly influenced by the Italian
skyscrapers having access, in his
skyscrapers mentioned above
have shown high capacity
In this thesis, a critical overview personal library, to all the articles resources and very effective
of the architectural design related to the Italian high-rise behavior characteristics. These
process has also been pointed buildings (he had subscriptions buildings were conceived with
Valentina Sumini - Supervisor: Prof. Claudio Chesi [Politecnico di Milano] out in an attempt to highlight to Casabella, Domus, a strong initial cooperation
Co-advisors: Prof. Jamshid Mohammadi [Illinois Institute of Technology] the connections between LArchitecturedAujourdhui and between architects and
Prof. Luigi Sorrentino [Universit La Sapienza] the architectural form and other periodicals). Therefore, structural engineers, with 669
the structural design of these the widely-discussed and neither appearing to prevail


skyscrapers. GioPonti and Pier advertised Velasca Tower, from and both intending to build a
The idea of this research was contribution to the use of design and behavior. This is Luigi Nervi in the Pirelli Building, an intellectual point of view, was significant and durable work for
originated by an important dynamics in the design of clearly shown by his studies BBPR in the Velasca Tower and completely known by Bertrand their respective competence.
question that was raised related earthquake-resistant structures on the mechanical vibration Luigi Mattioni in the Breda Goldberg, who was both an Their innovations are still
to the preservation of reinforced especially after the Southern of structures, which were Tower worked in very close architect and an engineer. With recognizable nowadays and
concrete skyscrapers built in Calabria-Messina Earthquake of published in three main journals cooperation with Danusso in this dual expertise, he was able confirm the need of the synergic
the fifties and sixties of the 20th 1908. His most important papers (Il Cemento, Il MonitoreTecnico designing buildings that exhibit to understand the innovative collaboration between architects
Century. The question was: were focused on the problem and Il GiornaledeiLavoriPubblici the monolithic sculptural nature core system introduced by and engineers in the design and
Are skyscrapers built in era of of designing houses that would e delleStrade Ferrate) between of concrete, while exploring new Danusso. construction process.
fifties and sixties still confirm survive during earthquakes 1909 and 1954 and in as some structural layouts for each one.
with the provisions of the new without the danger of collapse. chapters in different books. This kind of study can go beyond
structural design codes practiced Danusso was probably the He had perfectly understood the Italian experience. And as
today? The adequacy of these first to (1) propose a dynamic the importance of the dynamic such, a comparative analysis
structures is an important approach to design as opposed behavior of structures, not has been developed with the
piece of information; since this to the static lateral force only in relation to seismic Astor Tower and Marina City
information will identify specific method; and (2) apply the modal actions but also with reference Towers, which were designed
design factors that are prevalent analysis technique in structural to tall-buildings designs. It is and built in Chicago, around the
today and were not considered design. Moreover, he proved important to note that the most same period. They both were
when older versions of codes scientifically that the seismic challenging force action on in concrete and presented the
were used. demand on structures does not high-rise buildings is wind, and same kind of structural design.
1. Left: Original drawings of the Velasca tower (1956-58). Right: Synthetic
The change in the code and depend upon the ground motion not ground shaking. In particular, the Twin Marina results of the modal analysis obtained by the FEM model built for the present
introduction of new factors into characteristic alone. He also The importance of his City Towers were the tallest work.
the design process resulted in a showed skills in mathematics contribution can also be residential reinforced concrete
radical decision regarding many in solving differential equations understood based on his skyscrapers in the world in the
buildings at the end of the 20th and linear systems. strong belief in the role of sixties.
century; and that decision was in In this research, a mathematical experimental testing for full The choice of thoroughly
favor of demolition. model of his project for a seismic understanding of the dynamic evaluating the structural
The research proposed herein resistant house is presented to response of structures. His book performance of the Marina
intends to analyze the structural better explain his intuitions in on experimental methods took City Towers is strictly related
performance of some iconic seismic engineering. advantage of the shaking table to the analysis of the main
reinforced concrete tall buildings From the studies in earthquake at ISMES in Bergamo, through characteristics of Danusso
in relation to the current design engineering, Danusso acquired which scaled models could be high-rise buildings design.
code requirements - both in the knowledge for another tested. These characteristics are: (1) an
Italy and in the United States. important contribution to civil Danusso was also involved in the iconic architecture, (2) the use
This research is performed by engineering; and that is the structural analysis of the main of reinforced concrete, (3) the
examining the work of one design of skyscrapers in the high-rise buildings in Milan in challenge of height, and (4) the
of the renowned engineering fifties. Reviewing his papers the fifties, such as the Breda introduction of a core as the
scientists of the Twentieth related to dynamics, it is possible Tower, the Velasca Tower and main shear system to resist the
Century: Arturo Danusso. to demonstrate the connection the Pirelli Building. The design lateral loads (as is the case in the
Arturo Danusso has been between seismic design and of these skyscrapers exhibits Velasca Tower).
responsible for a significant high rise building conceptual different structural solutions, Moreover, it is noted that the 2. Left: Marina City towers (1959-62). Right: modal analysis.

Earthquake resistant systems: experience based

PhD Yearbook | 2015

construction techniques in vernacular architecture. Two
study cases: the village of Castelvecchio Calvisio (LAquila,
Italy) and the town of Lefkada (Lefkada Island, Greece)

Sandra Tonna - Supervisor: Prof. Claudio Chesi

In the thesis the issue of seismic knowledge, handed down from the Apennine villages in the environment and, specifically, proposed. Also in this case, defining land archives,


protection structural solutions is generation to generation, led province of LAquila, for which, to a critical area, subject to finally, the simple numerical capable of suggesting new
debated, with reference to the to the definition of structural after the 2009 earthquake frequently recurring major evaluation has been performed knowledge horizons and also
criteria which were developed solutions suitable to resist a extensive campaigns for damage earthquakes and characterized in order to explain the surprising of providing methodological
within the constructive variety of critical environmental description were performed. by a well defined traditional ability of builders to develop, guidance on intervention
tradition before earthquake situations. The analysis of the building building system. in the past, a construction methods for the conservation
resistant design started to be In this way, both the original framework and of the seismic The interest was focused on technique able to oppose strong and enhancement of the
developed as a science. The morphology and the evolution protection elements which are the Ionian island of Lefkada, seismic effects (Fig.2). historical building stock.
scientific approach to design in time of most effective typical of these villages is based where critical environmental The two selected study cases
dates back to the beginning construction techniques are on the results of a detailed conditions include also soil also allow to discuss the
the of 900; being based on directly related to the level of survey work carried out on the related problems, due to implications of the earthquake
the interpretation of both the criticality of local actions: in field, supplemented by the the original presence of a return period on the building
physical phenomenon of ground areas affected by severe and study of local economical and marshland, subject over the quality: Castelvecchio
shaking and of the structural frequent natural disasters, historical conditions; specifically, time to reclaiming works. Calvisio and Lefkada are both
response, it opened to the special systems had to be historical earthquakes and the Seismic and geotechnical characterized by high seismic
possibility of quantitative design developed. In order for this to subsequent reconstruction and criticalities have significantly hazard but with different return
evaluations. happen, it is necessary that reinforcement interventions have influenced both the structural periods: 200 and 30 years,
The research is addressed, in the memory of the natural been examined (Fig.1). response and the adoption of respectively. This has led, in
particular, to the subject of event and the knowledge of The study was focused on the a suitable foundation system. the first case, to alternately
residential architecture, which is the damage are not lost. The area of Castelvecchio Calvisio, The availability of abundant forget and rediscover the
examined in the special context risk consciousness induces which provides a faithful historical documentation on tradition and, in the Greek
of a poor architecture in local society not to forget nor image of ancient building the local tradition has allowed one, to the development of a 1. Sketch of recurring seismic
critical areas. Poor refers abandon traditional construction traditions. After performing the an interesting interpretation structural system able to resist protection elements and their
arrangement in a building aggregate
to situations where, due to techniques, but rather to identification and description of of the building system, which simultaneously two different
economic reasons, the use maintain and improve them. the seismic protection elements, was developed as a response to criticalities, the geotechnical and
of both local resources and In this context, the thesis aims to the simplified quantitative repeated earthquake experience. the seismic one.
experience coming from empirical develop an extensive description evaluation was applied to an As in the previous study case, As a general conclusion, the
traditions has no alternatives; as of the seismic protection estimate of the available seismic the problem has been analyzed research program and the
to criticality, reference is made elements developed in the resistance. This has suggested under a general perspective, field investigations provide
to the case of specially severe building tradition; this kind of an interpretation, in terms of including historical and documentation on the constant
environmental conditions, in knowledge provides the basis specific numerical values, of the economic conditions typical of effort of builders, in the past,
relation to which a stronger need for the subsequent evaluation of safety resources implicit in the the area: the island historical to conceive seismic resistant
to provide adequate safety to their real effectiveness through construction systems developed seismicity has been studied and structures. In both the cases
buildings is felt. the use of modern structural by tradition. important information have of Castelvecchio Calvisio
In the pre-modern age, before analysis tools. In this spirit, a In order to go deeper into the been drawn from the analysis of and Lefkada this effort has
scientific computational simplified evaluation of the debate about the effectiveness unpublished archival documents resulted into resistance levels
procedures were formulated, resistance levels is developed of building traditions developed related to the damage survey of the masonry structures
2. The traditional system construction
effective earthquake-proof in the thesis, based on a on empirical bases, the analysis activities which followed basically in line with the design of Lefkada, with particular reference
structural solutions were simple, yet standard, numerical has been extended to a second historical earthquakes. requirements in force today. to the two different foundation
developed following rules simply procedure. case, different in its peculiarity, In particular, an interpretation Collecting local construction structures present: on the left
of the foundation systems techniques and maintenance foundation wall with pozzolana in
based on common sense The theme was initially examined yet similar to the first example as
the mortar, on the right with the
and experience. This kind of with reference to the case of belonging to the Mediterranean developed by tradition is procedures is the basis for timber grid.

The encaustic painting between revival and invention. The city of Verona saw instead Motta, Gallo Gallina, who the analytical technique in

PhD Yearbook | 2015

an intense debate on the worked in some of the most the indentification of wax in
The debate in the technical literature and the first preparation of Punic wax, which important noble residences of complex mixtures.
applications on plaster in Mantua, Verona and Cremona resulted in the publication of the city. The comparison with At the end of the research
several dissertations, starting some unpublished documents the results of the scientific
between the 18th and 19th century from the one by Anton Maria has also allowed to better investigations made on some
Lorgna. His research on clarify some attributions and of the mural paintings by Gallo
Paola Travaglio - Supervisor: Prof. Alberto Grimoldi encaustic painting is mainly the history of the decorative Gallina in Palazzo Ala Ponzone
reconstructed through his interventions. in Cremona are presented.
correspondence, together with The third part of the thesis 673
The research focuses on one study of the French, English, based on the consultation of the events related to the award presents the results of some


of the most debated painting Spanish, German, and especially bibliographical-, periodical- for the painting in Punic wax early research of experimental
techniques the encaustic Italian technical literature. and archival-sources, mostly and encaustic established at the nature.
painting arisen in the ancient If almost all the eighteenth- presented in the documentary Academy of Painting in Verona, The first section deals with
times and rediscovered in the century literary works were appendix. and the encaustic decorations an attempt of classification
second half of the 18th century. based on the interpretation of The first section focuses on performed in the city. of the encaustic painting
The study aims to better the obscure words of the Latin the spread of the first Italian A more in-depth analysis is then techniques, made on the basis
understand what encaustic authors, aiming at the revival of publication on the topic, the dedicated to Cremona, the city of the technical literature.
painting is from a technical what was considered the most Saggi by the Spanish ex-Jesuit which saw the update on the One of the main question
point of view and to propose widespread ancient painting Vincenzo Requeno, retracing Italian and European technical related to encaustic concerns
an overview of the debate technique, the experimentations the events relating to the two literature, and also the presence the terminology. In fact, this
on this technique, verifying, also gave rise to the invention of editions (1784 and 1787) and of clients, intellectuals, and lemma even in relation to
through the compared study of new pictorial procedures. highlighting how the main artists who, thanks to their its etymology has been used
bibliographical and documentary In the 19th century there was a centers of diffusion of encaustic network of relationships and over time to indicate various 1. Luigi Benini, Hebe and the Eagle of
sources, its origin, the reasons, partial change of perspective painting, at least in the first antiquarian interests, promoted art techniques and materials: Jupiter, 1795-1801, encaustic painting
the different contexts, the towards encaustic painting, phase immediately following the spread of encaustic painting, from inks for writing to (?), Cremona, palazzo Cattaneo
material outcomes. whose research, particularly in the publication of the text, especially on plaster. different procedures of wax
Essential moment of the Italy, intertwined the debate on were found in Northern Italy, Besides the early interest painting, from enameling to the
artistic culture born from the the use of varnishes in painting, anticipating albeit slightly the in this tecnhique shown by encaustication of paintings and
Enlightenment, the debate on the first chemical analyses most known executions carried Giambattista Biffi, whose the finishing of artifacts and
encaustic painting mainly took on archaeological finds, and, out in Rome. unpublished writings of artistic sculptures.
place between the pages of above all, the events related to The second section investigates and antiquarian nature are The classification is then
treatises by scholars and artists. the conservation of artworks, the spread of encaustic painting investigated, the research followed by a review of the main
For this reason, the starting finding then application also in in Mantua, city which promptly focuses on the abbot Isidoro scientific studies dedicated to
point of the research is the wide the industry, where encaustic embraced the methods Bianchi, the real protagonist the investigation of waxes as
technical literature which deals became synonymous with proposed by Requeno thanks of the Cremonese debate pictorial materials, with the aim
with encaustic painting from the products containting wax to the work of painters and on encaustic painting, and of underlining the achievements
antiquity to the 19th century. designed to protect various decorators who worked in the Spanish ex-Jesuit Ramn of the scientific disciplines
After a review of the classical materials. some of the most important Ximnez. Even in this case their applied to the conservation field
literature, which will be the basis Some notes on encaustic decorative works in Mantua figures and the role played in about encaustic painting and the
of the following experiments, painting in the Italian manuals in the last two decades of the the spread of encaustic painting analytical techniques used in the
the discussion proceeds with on painting tecniques of the first century. Some of them took part in Cremona are investigated investigations.
an analysis of the technical half of the 20th century conclude in a kind of encaustic painting through their extensive The third section of the chapter
literature between the Middle the chapter. academy, set up by the Marquis correspondence and writings, deals with the making of
Ages and the end of the 17th The second part of the research Giuseppe Bianchi in his palace. published and unpublished. samples of encaustic painting
century, in order to detect if and aims to deepen the root of It is therefore proposed a first The supposed encaustic on plaster, prepared according
to what extent it had carried on the Italian debate on encaustic analysis of this contest, with paintings made in Cremona to the recipes of the technical
handing down memory of this painting, with particular particular attention to the figure in the 18th and 19th centuries literature, some of which were
technique. The central part of attention to the first applications of the Spanish ex-Jesuit Juan are then retraced, focusing on later examined with FT-IR, in
the research finally consists in of this technique on plaster in Andrs, who played a crucial the works by Santo Legnani, order to check the effective
the 18th and 19th century debate the cities of Mantua, Verona, role in the spread of interest for Luigi Benini, Francesco Ferrari, reproducibility of the procedures
on encaustic painting, with the and Cremona. The study is encaustic painting in Lombardy. Giovanni, Giuliano e Giulio and to test the response of

The Ducal Palace in Mantua. isolation of the monument and, twenty years earlier, by 1938. institutional impasses that,

PhD Yearbook | 2015

partly, to ensure its preservation However, some interventions obliquely, have caused its
The architectural metamorphosis and accessibility. Once again,
the monumental complex had
that occurred in the 60s must
be remembered as necessary
wounds. The image will be more
faithful, and so expendable in
of the Palace into a Museum (1887-1938) to find a new function: the
Museum, wonderful but lost
premises to the comparison with
the architecture of the Palace
conservation activities, the more
it will be possible to further
since 1627, became a Museum- today, such as those mainly deepen the research and the
Lisa Valli - Thesis supervisor: Paolo Carpeggiani - Co-supervisor: Alberto Grimoldi pretext through an inventio, aimed to refit the museum comparison with the artifact
justifying the acceptance of and to recover its decorative itself.
the architectural complex, wall paintings cycles. The 675
The research focuses on the conservation, of the National headquarters of an increasingly and as a symbol of the pre- Palace Museum thus began its


Ducal Palace of Mantua and, in Heritage and, more specifically, peripheral province of the unification past of Mantua. The adventure as a repository of
particular, on its architectural of the Ducal Palace in Mantua. Austrian governorate. A second conception of the museum is civic collections and museums,
metamorphosis into a After a first phase of the stage can be identified with outlined through the analysis and eventually, in the second
museum (1887-1938). The research devoted to the the two decades following the of the progressive stages of the quarter of the twentieth century,
aim of my study is to provide a analysis of the main published Annexation of the Province of rediscovery of the vocation of it firstly became a claimed
concise critical analysis of the resources, the research on the Mantua to the Italian Kingdom the Palace as an exhibition venue Museum, demanded both by
Palace in its final remarkable documentary sources were (1866), which ended with the and the drawing up of the the citizenship and by the State
transformation from an therefore undertaken at the takeover of the Palace by the Convention between the State which, through this, tried to
administrative seat into the archives of those institutions Ministry of Education (1887). and the Mantua institutions build their image, and finally it
museum we know today. and people historically involved The Court, registered among for the transport of the civic has aligned to the Italian State
Contextually, I have taken into in the administration and the buildings forming the Estate collections in the Palace (1915), Museums, in the vicissitudes
account the people and the preservation of the Palace. In Endowment of the Crown up to the concrete design of the and purposes, as well as in the
craftsmen involved in the works many cases, the analysis of the (1868), became a legacy of a spaces and the location of the lack of resources and yet in its 1. The Ducal Palace in Mantua
of renovation and restoration sources was necessarily preceded Nation to be built, in which such museum (1921). excellence. antecedently to the earthquake of
and the maintenance procedures by an extensive survey and the a legacy, at least initalially, did In the first post-war period, In the second part of the thesis, spring 2012 (March 2012).
during such a process. The compiling of topographical not have a clear role. This phase the conditions required for the made up of the the Tools,
main hypothesis behind my instruments for the consultation also witnessed the progressive construction of the project of of the Workbook and the
research considers the Palace of the archival records. The recognition of the monumental the Museum were ready. The Equipments, I have presented
as an architectural organism next step was the drafting value of the Palace: the first finding of the resources needed both the findings concerned
which is both unique in its size of the texts by comparing interventions, marked by a for the affordability of the with the individual portions of
and complex stratification, and, the architectural artefact and mainly conservative character initiative of the Museum was the building (data which may
simultaneously, it is analogous the information found in and performed by state closely related to the immediate support the knowledge and
to other great historical and bibliographic and documentary initiative, were manifestations of and pervasive adherence to preservation of the complex),
architectural complexes typical sources. this process. Fascism that was manifest in and the working tools built for
of the region, due to their similar The first part of the thesis offers Following the Ministry of Mantua and that ensured, the drafting of the study and
possibilities of conservation and a critical synthesis of the findings Education taking charge both directly and indirectly, for the future promotion of
fruition. of the research: I have been of the Palace, the first the government support. The the immediate access to the
What I wanted to argue through able to mark four main phases vicissitudes of the Palace as architectural interventions knowledge resources available
such a concise critical analysis is of the transformation process a monumental site regularly needed to transform the palace on the Palace.
that the fortune that the Palace of the Gonzaga court in a State open to the public began (in into a museum mainly took The main outcome of the
has enjoyed while facing its Museum. A first phase took October 1887). As a result, place between 1923 and 1938. research consists in the
transformation into a Museum place between 1707 and 1866. the first major interventions The Museum was presented reconstruction of the image
and the subsequent preservation I have taken into account the took place on the initiative for the first time in its entire of an architectural complex
did not cause divestiture and most significant events in order of the appropriate Regional configuration on the occasion absolutely outstanding in its
abandonment but it is rather to to outline the characteristics Office for the Conservation of of the Iconographic Exhibition stratification and sedimentation,
be interpreted as an interaction of the Palace at the end of the Monuments. The interventions, of the Gonzagas (1937). While in which the reality and the
of political, social and cultural process of gradual disposal of made possible mainly through the majority of the great Italian concreteness of its buildings, as
instances. Such an interaction the Court of Mantua from being the contribution of the local museums was established after well as the magnitude of the
can still be highly enlightening a representative core of the authorities, were partially carried the Second World War, the efforts made for its defense and
for the future management, power of the Gonzaga Duchy to out as a step of the process Museum of the Ducal Palace for its knowledge, far outweigh
and therefore the future its becoming the administrative of urban transformation and in Mantua was made almost the transitional historical and
Information Technology | Interior
Architecture and Exhibition Design |
Management, Economics and Industrial
Engineering | Materials Engineering |
Mathematical MODELS and METHODS IN
Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Physics | Preservation of THE Architectural
Heritage | Rotary-wing aircrafts | Spatial
Planning and Urban Development |
Structural Seismic and Geotechnical
Engineering | Technology and Design for
Environment and Building | Territorial
Design and Government | Aerospace
Engineering | Architectural and Urban
Design | Architectural Composition |
Architecture, Urban Design, Conservation
of Housing and Landscape | Bioengineering
| Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage |
Electrical Engineering | Energy and Nuclear
Science and Technology | Environmental and
Infrastructures engineering | Industrial
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering PhD Yearbook | 2015


PhD Yearbook | 2015

IN Rotary Wing Aircraft

Objectives In their theses, students are expected to develop original scientific

Rotary Wing Aircraft

Chair: The Ph.D. program in Rotary Wing Aircraft aims at educating work in any one of the areas that are relevant to the fields of
Prof. Luigi Vigevano students and creating world-class researchers in all main rotorcraft technology.
technological disciplines relevant to rotorcraft vehicles. Helicopters Each student is assigned an Advisor, who is responsible for
and tilt-rotors present some of the most interesting and difficult overseeing the scientific development of the research work, and a
challenges of the aerospace sciences; mastering such problems Tutor, who follows the students throughout the Ph.D. course and
requires the understanding of the underlying physical processes, acts as a mentor. Students report every six months to the Doctoral
the integration of multiple disciplines, an effective use of Program Board, presenting their progress in terms of course and
sophisticated mathematical models, and of numerical and research work. At the end of each year, students are graded and
experimental methods. To reflect this situation, the Ph.D. program admitted to the next year based on their performance. One or
gives special emphasis to developing multi-disciplinary thinking and more external referees are nominated by the Board towards the
problem-solving skills in students, while striving to give the students completion of the thesis for its review.
a solid knowledge of the fundamental physical phenomena and Students should spend at least three months of the Ph.D. program
of all necessary state-of-the-art methods and tools. Successful in an external institution, and financial support is provided for this
graduates of the program are expected to be able to conduct and purpose.
manage original cutting edge research in the rotorcraft technology Students collaborate in the rotorcraft-related research activities
domain, with an ability to rapidly move in neighboring areas such developed at the Departments of Aerospace Engineering,
wind power, fixed-wing and automotive engineering, or other Mechanical Engineering and Information and Electronics of
related high-tech engineering fields. the Politecnico di Milano, and faculty members from all three
departments participate in the Doctoral Program Board. Students
Organization have access to state-of-the-art laboratories, as the large wind tunnel
The Ph.D. program has a duration of three years, and it is organized of the Politecnico di Milano, various labs specializing in vehicle
in three main educational areas: safety and crash testing, structural dynamics and aero-elasticity,
1. Introduction to research (30 credits): specialized courses covering composite and smart materials, robotics, sensing and many others,
fundamental aspects of the basic rotorcraft disciplines, which including computing and super-computing facilities.
aim at giving the student a solid understanding of the physical The participating departments have wide networks of scientific
principles and methods used in rotorcraft research. collaborations with companies, research centers and academia in
2. Advanced research (30 credits): various activities aimed at Italy and abroad, which expose students to the relevant national
educating the student to become a successful researcher, while and international scientific communities. Much of the research
improving the technical understanding of the rotorcraft disciplines developed within the Ph.D. program is conducted in close
which are specific to his/her thesis. Activities that are developed in collaboration with the national rotorcraft industry.
this part of the Ph.D. program include: The Ph.D. program in Rotary Wing Aircraft creates specialists in the
Elective courses offered at the Politecnico di Milano or other design, analysis, testing, certification and operation of rotary-wing
Universities in Italy or abroad; vehicles and their sub-systems. Specific competences are gained
Participation to short courses, summer schools and seminars; either in a single discipline or in the integration of disciplines, which
Co-authoring papers published in international peer-reviewed include dynamics, fluid mechanics, flight mechanics and control,
journals; structures and materials, active and passive safety, and avionics.
Co-authoring and presenting papers at international conferences; Career opportunities for the students of the program are as
Spending exchange periods at other research institutions. researchers in academia or research centers, as highly-qualified
3. Development of the doctoral thesis (120 credits): work on the research engineers, research managers or private consultants for
thesis starts in the first year of the Ph.D. program (20 credits), and rotorcraft, aeronautical, wind energy and mechanical engineering
is developed in the second (40 credits) and third years (60 credits). companies, in roles such as:

PhD Yearbook | 2015

1. Expert in computational and/or experimental fluid mechanics,
Doctoral program Board

Rotary Wing Aircraft

capable of developing methods, models, experimental devices
and testing procedures for aeronautical applications, in particular Prof Airoldi Alessandro Prof Gibertini Giuseppe
for rotors and interacting surfaces; Prof Anghileri Marco Prof Guardone Alberto
2. Expert in the active and passive control of aerospace structures,
Prof Astori Paolo Prof Lavagna Michle
with skills in both global and sub-system level design;
3. Expert in the control of vibration and noise in rotorcraft and Prof Bernelli Zazzera Franco Prof Mantegazza Paolo
vehicles in general; Prof Bisagni Chiara Prof Masarati Pierangelo
4. Expert in the dynamics and control of vehicles, including the
design and implementation of flight control systems for piloted Prof Bottasso Carlo Prof Morandini Marco
and autonomous systems; Prof Consolati Giovanni Prof Quadrio Maurizio
5. Expert in active and passive safety of vehicles, including the
design of crashworthy structures, their numerical simulation and Prof Di Landro Luca Prof Quaranta Giuseppe
experimental testing; Prof Dozio Lorenzo Prof Quartapelle Procopio Luigi
6. Expert in the design of rotary-wing systems, with a global vision
Prof Frezzotti Aldo Prof Ricci Sergio
of the vehicle as an integration of complex sub-systems.
Prof Galfetti Luciano Prof Sala Giuseppe
Prof Ghiringhelli Gian Luca

Giorgio Brazzelli, AgustaWestland & Distretto Aerospaziale Lombardo
Matteo Casazza, Leitwind
Massimo Lucchesini, AleniaAermacchi
Marco Molina, SELEX Galileo
Fabio Nannoni, Agustawestland
Franco Ongaro, Estec

Scholarship Sponsors


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Sina Amiri - Supervisor: Marco Giglio

Different approaches have been also the capability of the method this work, effectiveness of a approach. Also, micro-structure been elaborated on the base

Rotary Wing Aircraft

proposed in order to determine to deal with multilayer structure well-known analytical model to analysis has been performed to of the principal concept of
the material behavior of ductile has been investigated. evaluate elasticity (in the case of give an insight into the structure continuum damage mechanics
materials. Since, the mechanical Several researchers have studied multi-layer structures) is studied. of the battery components (CDM) and a model of
properties of an industrial different approaches based on Regarding plasticity, there are which is necessary for small scale indentation energy to fracture.
component are modified dimensional analysis and the several researches in literature to mechanical characterization Considering the stress intensity
during manufacturing process concept of a representative evaluate the effect of substrate (Fig. 3). Moreover, GLARE approach and the Griffith
due to plastic deformation, strain. In this work, a well- based on dimensional analysis laminate is studied as a well- theory, energy per unit area
heat treatment and etc., defined optimization procedure however a well-described known multi-layer structure value is used to calculate the
an alternative approach for is proposed to characterize inverse method is proposed in in aerospace industry. The fracture toughness of the ductile
standard experimental procedure the plasticity of bulk material this thesis and behavior of two main purpose of the work has material. As an application,
addressed to predict the elastic- where the optimization strategy industrial multi-layer structures been to study the mechanical the fracture toughness of the
plastic properties of material is sequential and domain are investigated: Lithium-ion behavior of the Al2024-T3 layer. aluminium alloy Al6061-T6 is 2. Von Mises stress distribution [MPa]
after manufacturing process is reduction. As an application battery and Glass Laminate In this study, indentation tests evaluated by this approach. in numerical analysis of spherical
indentation on aluminium alloy
of interest. Indentation testing, for the proposed strategy, the Aluminium Reinforced Epoxy with different applied load are Traditional compact tension Al6161-T6.
where a diamond indenter of Johnson-Cook (JC) constitutive (GLARE). In particular, extensive carried out to study the effect (CT) tests have been performed
specific geometry is impressed model of the aluminium alloy experiments are performed in of glass fibre/epoxy prepreg to attest the accuracy of the
into the surface of the test Al6061-T6 is characterized which indentation technique has substrate. Regarding to the proposed approach and a
specimen, provides array of based on micro-indentation been exploited to investigate plastic behavior, an optimization numerical analysis is adopted to
information about the material testing and high fidelity finite the mechanical properties procedure has been followed to investigate the stress state in the
which can be can analyzed element models (Fig. 2). This of the components of Li-ion obtain stress-strain curve. indentation test.
to understand better the methodology allows determining battery with the aim of better Fracture analysis using
material behavior (Fig. 1). This a set of JC constants for understanding their mechanical indentation technique has
is especially true for small size Al6061-T6. The obtained results integrity. Indentation tests are been of interest for the
components where it is also have good agreement with performed on each individual present work. At present
complex to extract specimens to parameters calibrated by means component with a Berkovich researchers focus more on
test on standard test system. of a consolidated approach indenter. In order to perform the estimation (by means of
There are numerous studies based on standard specimens. the tests, fused silica substrate micro-indentation technique)
regarding determination of Furthermore, after has been used to constrain the of fracture toughness of brittle
mechanical properties of bulk understanding of indentation samples. From the unloading materials. However in order to
3. SEM image of Berkovich
material by means of indentation mechanics for bulk material, curve of the measured evaluate fracture toughness of indentation impression on the surface
in the literature, however, more studying indentation for indentation load-displacement ductile materials which exhibit of Li-ion battery cathode (LiCoO2).
research is needed to achieve a multi-layer structures is very data, the elasticity of the anode a more complex behavior,
robust and efficient procedure. stimulating. It is a more and current collectors are more research is needed to
This work is aimed to investigate challenging scenario, in obtained. Also, the individual have a robust approach for this
comparison to bulk material, stress-strain curves are calculated 1. Indentation instrument with
in exploitation of indentation type of material. Therefore, a
different commercial indenters.
technique for the acquisition of because experimental results, through inverse engineering novel approach is proposed to
several mechanical properties. obtained during indentation on method of the loading curve. estimate the fracture toughness
Capability of the technique to the external layer, are affected Micro-tensile tests are also of ductile materials. The
acquire elastoplastic behavior by mutual interaction of the carried out on the aluminium Berkovich indenter is adopted
and fracture is investigated with layers (internal layers work and copper foils to verify the to generate a crack-like indent
relevant applications. Moreover as a non-rigid basement). In effectiveness of the proposed and the experimental data have

Design optimization of wind turbines is achieved by Sequential computation and finally CoE systems, considering a passive

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Quadratic Programming (SQP) evaluation. control surface. This element is
algorithm, a refinement can be The Monolithic with Load defined as a passive aeroelastic
applied at fine-level by 3D finite Updating (MLU) approach system appended to the rotor
element models (FEM). The merges aerodynamic and blade, so the movement of
modeling of the CAD geometry, structural design of rotor blades the flap is related to the blade
the meshing and the definition in a single optimization problem. vibrations by an appropriate
Federico Gualdoni - Supervisor: Carlo L. Bottasso of the FEM are fully automated In this case a technique to tuning of aero-structural
procedures performed by a estimate loads dependence properties. Therefore, no
dedicated tool. The refinement on aerodynamic variables is additional active components are 685
The last years have reported support tower, that are the of the rotor, are evaluated by an analysis can be applied to developed to estimate efficiently required, limiting the negative

Rotary Wing Aircraft

a remarkable increase of most important aero-structural aeroelastic model of the entire the entire blade or to critical the gradients. The correct values effects on the reliability of the
the nominal power of the components in terms of CoE. wind turbine. The regulation regions of limited extension. The of the design requirements are entire wind turbine. Moreover,
single wind turbine, aiming At the beginning, trajectory includes the definition interaction between the coarse recovered iteratively. the passive flap is a distributed
at a reduction of the cost the development and of different operative regions and fine-layer is performed mechanism, able to react to
of energy (CoE). The global implementation of the and, if required, a constraint on iteratively, by heuristic scaling of The design procedures are localized noise due to the
trend is characterized by the aero-structural optimization maximum tip speed. design requirements that allows validated by meaningful test turbulence. Preliminary analyses
confirmation of horizontal techniques is presented. An Subsequently, the design of to include local 3D effects into cases and the pros and cons of are performed by simplified
axis wind turbine (HAWT), as introduction to the simulation the structural layout is studied. the optimization procedure. each approach are reported. models, aiming at understanding
the most efficient layout, and environment is provided, The structural optimization Finally, the attention is Different classes of wind turbines the key parameters that
by the increase of the overall highlighting the modeling procedure aims at obtaining the focused on the aero-structural are considered, encompassing maximize the passive flap
dimensions of each machine. approach. A multibody aero- lightest structure that satisfies design of the rotor blades, standard industrial applications effectiveness. Two systems are
The industrial trend and the servo-elastic simulator software a set of design requirements, highlighting the importance of and future concepts. At the taken into account: a typical
multidisciplinary nature of the able to describe general fixing the aerodynamic multidisciplinary approach. A beginning the attention is section model with unsteady
wind turbine stress the aero- topology systems is adopted. For characteristics, i.e. the external tested algorithm is presented focused on various applications aerodynamics and a reduced
structural design problem, this purpose, a broad library of shape of each component and and it is used to validate two of the structural optimization order model of the rotor
imposing a constant updating of elements is available, including the wind turbine configuration. innovative procedures integrally algorithm. The interaction assembly. The entire operative
the methodologies to perform rigid bodies, nonlinear flexible The parametrized model for developed in this thesis. Each between coarse and fine-level range is explored, identifying
the optimal sizing. elements, joints, actuators blade and tower structure is method involves different users is reported by considering a the advantages in term of
models and aerodynamic defined by optimization variables participation and computational 2MW wind turbine, showing load alleviation. Furthermore,
The current project investigates models. The regulation over that determine structural cost. the inclusion of local stress a limited interference with
this topic by constrained the entire operative range is properties at a finite number of The first algorithm is the Pre- concentrations into the coarse the standard wind turbine
aero-structural optimization ensured by pitch-torque control control stations. Regarding the Assumed Aerodynamic Shape optimization level. Moreover, components is shown. Despite
techniques. Various aspects of strategies that are provided by blade, the thickness values of (PAAS) approach that consists the effects of nonstructural mass these promising results, further
the design process are reported, external dynamic libraries. the constitutive elements along of generating a population of estimation and sizing of blade analyses are required to energy
focusing on the improvement A first design strategy considers blade span are considered, while aerodynamic shapes by user- root bolted joint are examined applications.
of the classical configuration the aerodynamics of rotor the tower is parametrized by defined parameters, running on a 10MW machine. Then the
but also considering innovative blades, showing how the diameter and thickness values the subsequent structural coupled design of blade and
solutions related to the load maximization of the Annual along the tower height. optimization routines and finally tower structures is reported,
alleviation. The developed Energy Production (AEP) can In order to increase the evaluating the CoE produced showing sensitivity studies
methods are based on a general be achieved. The optimization computational efficiency, a by each design. The optimal that allow to identify the best
approach that reproduces the consists of identifying, for a multi-layer method is adopted. solution is identified by response wind turbine layout. Finally
real operative conditions. For this given set of airfoils, the optimal The optimization is performed surface methods. the aero-structural algorithms
reason, a high-fidelity simulation chord and twist distributions. at coarse-level that involves The External Aerodynamic/ are examined, focusing on
environment is employed to To limit the number of efficient geometrically exact Internal Structure (EAIS) the design of a 10MW HAWT,
evaluate the numerous situations variables, the procedure relies beam models, cross-sectional approach automatically reporting a detailed comparison
imposed by the international on a parametrization of the analyses and multibody handles the aerodynamic of macroparameters and design
standards, making the aerodynamic properties of techniques. The design parametrization by an external variables of each configuration.
developed procedures attractive the blade by perturbation requirements are included by optimization routine. The
for industrial applications. The functions. The aerodynamic constraint equations, to meet external optimization loop has The final activities of the project
attention is focused on the coefficients, that define the the international standards. in its cost function the sequence investigate the load alleviation
design of rotor blades and global aerodynamic performance When the optimal configuration of blade mass minimization, AEP capabilities of distributed

Computational fluid dynamic analysis resonance effects on the blade. potential advantages, with This approach is indeed

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Additionally, the amplitude respect to commonly used appropriate for rotorcraft
of a L-shaped Gurney flap for vibration of the secondary oscillations,
observed in the unsteady
black box identification
procedures, e.g. rational
applications, due to the highly
tonal nature of the vibration,
control airloads is much lower than
the magnitude of the primary
function approximations.
Indeed, whereas for these latter
which occur at known specific
frequencies, integer multiples
counterpart. approaches CFD simulations of the rotor angular velocity.
Valentina Motta - Advisor: Prof. Giuseppe Quaranta Overall the steady and unsteady --or alternatively experimental The quadratic form of the cost
characterization of the L-tab measurements-- are a necessary function, minimized to compute
shows that the primary effect step for the identification, these the control inputs at specific 687
The present work deals with the potential suitability of of such movable device in induced by such device consists are no longer mandatory for a frequencies, involves the blade

Rotary Wing Aircraft

the aerodynamic assessment the tab in adapting the rotor reducing vibration on rotor of a modification in the effective physically consistent ROM, as root vertical shear, in addition
of a L-shaped Gurney flap asset, according to the flight blades. Convergence analyses camber and chord length, the one herein proposed. That to the flapping and feathering
for rotorcraft applications. At conditions. The reliability the of the numerical solution are with respect to those of the is, when dealing with a fixed moments. In fact the vertical
first the behavior of oscillating of steady state numerical performed, to ensure the clean airfoil. Such effects are or movable GF-like device, the force has a primary affection in
airfoils, representative of computations is supported by accuracy of the attained results. due to the generation of the preliminary computation of transmitting the vibratory loads
clean blade section models, is comparisons with experimental Notice that, dealing within the aforementioned counter rotating the developed airloads can be from the rotating to the fixed
characterized numerically and data measured on the same small perturbation regime, the vortical structures, which yield performed immediately, without reference frame of the hub. The
analytically with linear low order device, as well as on a common aerodynamic behavior of the a shift of the Kutta condition involving CFD evaluations. As control inputs at 2/rev, 3/rev, 4/
formulations. Inviscid numerical trailing edge Gurney Flap blade can be assumed to be application point downstream a result, a significant speed rev and 5/rev, respectively are
computations, verified a priori (GF). Numerical computations, linear. This hypothesis allows the TE. up in the preliminary design computed.
with experimental data, are performed both at small and to investigate separately the procedure is attained. Indeed Overall the L-tab appears
performed on symmetrical at static stall angles of attack, airfoil pitch, the airfoil plunge On the basis of the aerodynamic the immediate availability potentially a very promising
airfoils, with maximum thickness highlight how the L-tab under and harmonic oscillations of the characterization of a blade of the equivalent geometry alternative to plain flaps or
ranging between 4% and consideration features a twofold L-tab. Unsteady motions, either section equipped with the L-tab, allows, for instance, to proceed movable Gurney flaps in
24% of the chord, undergoing effective operation, which makes of the airfoil or of the L-tab, a physically based Reduced in parallel with the general alleviating vibratory loads on
small amplitude oscillations in it an hybrid between a Gurney exhibit shedding phenomena of Order Model (ROM) is built up, aerodynamic sizing and control rotor blades.
pitch. The computed lift and flap and a classical trailing edge the Counter Rotating Vortical with the aim to avoid issues system realization, and in the
pitching moment coefficient (TE) plain flap. Namely, when the structures (CRV) generated concerning the computational meanwhile eventually refine
exhibit increasing detachments, L-tab is downward deployed, it past the vertical prong of burden of Computational Fluid the ROM with unsteady CFD
with respect to the classical flat acts as a Gurney flap, allowing the control surface. The CRV Dynamics (CFD) evaluations. The computations.
plate Theodorsens model, for for lift and lift to drag ratio convection leads to secondary developed ROM is capable to
growing values of the airfoil enhancements, without in turn small amplitude oscillations correctly reproduce the mean The potential capabilities of
thickness. By exploiting the severely affecting the drag in the resulting airloads, also line modifications induced the L-tab in reducing vibration
numerical results, a modification coefficient. On the other hand, experimentally observed in by steady state or oscillating on rotor blades are then
of the Theodorsens formulation upward deflections of the L-tab literature on similar devices. A motions of the L-tab --with investigated by employing the
is developed, which allows are shown capable to reduce spectral analysis of such multi- the airfoil at constant angle developed ROM in assembling
to take into account the the blade airloads, in terms of harmonic airloads highlights of attack-- in addition to the aerodynamic transfer matrix
unsteady thickness effects in both lift and pitching moment that the frequency of the accurately predict the resulting of a three DOF aerostructural
the analytical computation of magnitude. In particular, secondary oscillations is around lift and moment coefficients. For typical section model. The
the aerodynamic forces. Such qualitative numerical results, twenty-two times that of the unsteady motions, either of the resulting aerostructural system
formulation is indeed found attained in the static stall input motion. This substantial airfoil or of the L-tab, only the relates the rotating frame blade
capable to significantly improve regime highlight how upward regularity, common to pitch, first harmonic of the airloads root flapping, feathering and
the accuracy in predicting the deflections of the L-tab around plunge and L-tab oscillations, is taken under consideration hinge moments to the bending,
unsteady airloads, on airfoils of 20 degrees appear effective in allows to know a priori at which for the model order reduction, pitching and control surface
arbitrary maximum thickness, in significantly alleviating the static frequency eventual secondary being this component by motions. The control input,
the range 424% of the chord. stall negative effects. vibration have to be expected. far the main concern, when meant in terms of deflection
Unsteady computations are By the way, it is remarkable that dealing with control systems law of the trailing edge device,
A steady state characterization then performed for small the exact shedding frequency is for vibration reduction on rotor is computed with an higher
of the aerodynamic behavior amplitude oscillations either of not actually an integer multiple blades. harmonic control algorithm,
of the L-tab is then carried the airfoil or of the L-tab, to of the rotor angular velocity, The development of a physically conceived to control vibratory
out. This allows to investigate ultimately assess the feasibility therefore avoiding unwanted consistent ROM has several loads at discrete frequencies.

GENERALIZED AEROSERVOELASTIC STABILITY research and development are work, spectral methods of In a dynamical system, the rate

PhD Yearbook | 2015

DYMORE and MBDyn. A state of estimating stability is preferred of change of stability estimates
ANALYSIS OF ROTORCRAFT art idea is to develop a numerical
platform which is capable of
and developed for rotorcraft
systems having different levels
with respect to a parameter
also plays a significant role in
representing elastic and rigid of complexity. Although the design phase, if that parameter
boundary conditions between stability definition is the same is expected to change or there is
the components of a rotorcraft for any system, the methods uncertainty in it. Such sensitivity
Aykut Tamer - Supervisor: Prof. Pierangelo Masarati that can come from independent that estimate stability differ is useful to gain insight into
sources. For this reason, a depending on the complexity. the dependence of stability
simulation tool called MASST Evaluating the stability of linear indicators on system parameters, 689
Rotorcraft are flying vehicles that life-long problems exist such This work is a result of such (Modern Aeroservoelastic State time invariant (LTI) systems or can be integrated into

Rotary Wing Aircraft

utilize rotating wings to provide as proneness to instability and a motivation and focuses on Space Tools) was developed at is straightforward and can gradient-based optimization
lift, propulsion, and control excess levels of vibration. In developing tools and methods Politecnico di Milano prior to be simply computed using procedures and continuation
forces; which enable the aircraft order to be more competitive in order to increase the this work with the philosophy of the well-known eigenvalue algorithms, or into uncertainty
to rise vertically and hover in aviation market, it should effectiveness of aeroservoelastic being the platform of coupling decomposition. As a next step, evaluation problems. A novel
above the ground; thus they can be kept in mind that rotorcraft stability analysis of rotorcraft; the mathematical models of the stability of linear time contribution of this work is
operate in remote areas, where physics is multidisciplinary and such that the need of the rotorcraft components periodic (LTP) systems is added the development of analytical
there is no airstrip and even no determined by nonlinear and simplifications and the level of originating from independent to MASST in order to increase sensitivity estimations instead
ground contact exists. For this time dependent equations in the uncertainty can be minimized. sources. A valuable extension the capacity of stability analysis of finite-differences to avoid
reason, rotorcraft are ideal and broadest sense. The capability of aeroservoelastic to MASST is to develop an which is achieved using Floquet issues related to sharp changes
unique vehicles for search and stability estimation can be aeroelastic rotor code with Theory. Although LTI and LTP in sensitivity parameters and
rescue, which are also frequently Aeroservoelasticity is in the increased by following two the benefits of: flexibility for systems are widely used in to gain the possibility to detect
used for other purposes such heart of this complexity; a paths. The first way is to performing stability analysis of rotorcraft stability estimation such changes, in order to
as transportation of human multidisciplinary technology focus on the multi-disciplinary rotorcraft with different levels and can represent the dynamics detect topology changes of
and cargo, military actions, dealing with the interaction of nature of aeroservoelasticity of complexity; more efficient of many rotorcraft problems; the solution and track them
firefighting and construction. In the aircrafts flexible structure, by increasing the number of use MASST as a design code they imply simplifications when using continuation algorithms.
order to maintain flight at zero the steady and unsteady disciplines and developing by allowing optimization and the system is nonlinear and Following the eigen-solution
and low airspeeds, a sufficient aerodynamic forces resulting detailed comprehensive parametric analysis on rotor a-periodic. Then, in order to method for LTI, Floquet
magnitude of relative speed from the aircraft motion models of rotorcraft and its variables; and gaining freedom further improve and generalize theory for LTP and Lyapunov
between lifting surfaces and air and the FCSs. For rotorcraft, subcomponents. The second from commercial comprehensive the stability analysis of rotorcraft; Exponents for nonlinear non-
should be supplied by rotating determination of stability is a path is to increase the capability tools. quantitative stability of linear autonomous systems, analytical
wings with respect to the critical task in aeroservoelasticity, of mathematical and numerical time periodic and nonlinear sensitivity of stability properties
fuselage. However, since they do since they are inherently tools to quantify the stability, The second path that we non-autonomous systems is is formulated for different
not operate in high speed axial unstable systems, which such that the systems having have followed is to extend the formulated using Lyapunov levels of complexities that
flow, rotors have to be designed additionally include significant different levels of complexity capability of stability analysis Characteristic Exponents (LCEs). are encountered in rotorcraft
big enough in order to enable nonlinear, cross-coupling and can be analyzed without without requiring simplifications LCEs indicate the stability of aeroservoelasticity.
all essential tasks of a flying time-dependent effects. In requiring simplifications in multi- in the system nonlinearity and solutions of nonlinear non-
vehicle, i.e. rotor contributes to order to achieve quick results, disciplinary, nonlinear and time- time dependence. Stability autonomous systems; without
lifting, propelling and controlling the rotorcraft problems can be variant nature of rotorcraft. is defined as the behavior requiring simplifications,
the rotorcraft. These essential solved assuming independent of the solution of dynamical reference solutions and
tasks are not separable and the disciplines and using simplified The first path is well-known system equilibria under the assumption of a period; and
resulting cross couplings, under models at elementary levels. in rotorcraft industry; many presence of a perturbation. additionally to give the same
which aerodynamics, structural However, the multidisciplinary comprehensive tools have been There exist spectral methods results and interpretation with
dynamics and flight control nature should be carefully developed for multi-disciplinary which quantify the decaying eigen-solution and Floquet
systems (FCS) interact, lead to preserved with possible analysis of rotorcraft and the characteristic of independent method, when implied on LTI
complexity and dominance over nonlinear and time variant helicopters in service verify the components of solution, i.e. the and LTP systems respectively.
all the aspects of helicopter effects in order to foresee capacity and success of these systems exponential multipliers Hence, they represent a natural
operation. Due to the higher significant problems such as tools. Then, as computers or characteristic exponents. generalization of stability
level of complexity, rotary wing instabilities, vibrations, limit cycle speed up, flexible multibody Having determined the stability indicators that are familiar in
operation and maintenance oscillations and other problems dynamics codes emerged. The measures that quantify stability, current engineering practice.
costs are higher than those of related to the aeroservoelasticity two multibody dynamics codes it is easier to interpret and Discrete QR decomposition is
conventional airplanes; and of the system. mainly dedicated to rotorcraft compare the results. In this used to estimate LCEs.
Information Technology | Interior
Architecture and Exhibition Design |
Management, Economics and Industrial
Engineering | Materials Engineering |
Mathematical MODELS and METHODS IN
Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Physics | Preservation of THE Architectural
Heritage | Rotary-wing aircrafts | Spatial
Planning and Urban Development |
Structural Seismic and Geotechnical
Engineering | Technology and Design for
Environment and Building | Territorial
Design and Government | Aerospace
Engineering | Architectural and Urban
Design | Architectural Composition |
Architecture, Urban Design, Conservation
of Housing and Landscape | Bioengineering
| Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage |
Electrical Engineering | Energy and Nuclear
Science and Technology | Environmental and
Infrastructures engineering | Industrial
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering PhD Yearbook | 2015


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Spatial Planning
and Urban Development

Objectives of the PhD Programme

Spatial Planning and Urban Development

Chair: The PhD Programme in Spatial Planning and Urban Development
1. The global map
Prof. Costanzo Ranci is addressed to international and Italian students, and is fully of social networking
taught in English. Started in 2009, the programme is focused
upon research, and is intended to educate planners who are able
to establish a dialogue with the experiences of the best European
and international PhD programmes in planning, urban policies and
design, urban studies. This inter-disciplinary programme is based
upon the specific approach of Milan Polytechnic to design and
territorial analysis. The teaching activity is based on introductory
courses concerning both methodological aspects and core issues,
as well as on intensive design workshops. The Programme takes
advantage of the close cooperation with three other Programmes in
Architectural and Urban Design, in Preservation of the Architectural
Heritage, and in Territorial Design and Government.

Contents of the PhD Programme

The main courses and workshops are focused on three topics:
Cities in globalisation. The processes of radical transformation
of contemporary cities are explored through a comparative
approach and with specific attention to new global developing 2. The masterplan
of Expo Shanghai 2010
cities and to European cities. The main issues addressed are the
social, economic and territorial transformations that have been
taking place in cities over the last two decades as a consequence international academic institutions, public bodies and research
of the globalisation processes; the governance problems in centres.
evolving cities. Planning theory. Different planning fields are
explored through a critical and comparative approach. The main Development of the PhD dissertation
issues addressed are: paradigms, traditions and innovations The varied inter-disciplinary suggestions which are offered
in planning theory; spatial and land use planning, and their to students represent a great opportunity for understanding
relationship with citizenship and justice; comparative studies about the multiple dimensions of urban change, planning, projects
planning systems; the relationship between planning theory and and policies. However, in order to avoid the concurrent risk
practice; visioning and strategic dimensions in planning, policies of redundancy, students should be able to convey them to a
and projects. Urban and territorial policies. Sector policies clear research project. That is the reason why the topic of the
and their relationships with the problems of governance and dissertation is outlined since the first year, in order to lead and
government are analysed using a comparative approach. Some specialise the educational process along all the three years of
of the policies investigated are: welfare and cohesion, land use, the PhD Programme. At the end of the first year each student
mobility and infrastructures, environmental quality and housing. submits to the faculty: a) his/her PhD Thesis project; b) his/her
The Programme has a strong international orientation, and is proposal for a six-month internship abroad, both coherent with
aimed at meeting the demand for researchers who are skilled the dissertations topic and previously discussed with the tutor. A
users of analytical approaches to urban problems, as well as to second milestone is placed at the end of the second year. Students
planning, management and implementation of urban policies. complete the review of the works carried out during the previous
Doctors with such profiles could be employed by Italian and stages, and deepen the discussion on the advancements of the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

thesis work. During the third year a last milestone is settled, at the

Spatial Planning and Urban Development

end of the first semester, for refining the preparation of the thesis
in view of the final examination.

Doctoral program Board

Alessandro Balducci Giovanna Fossa Stefano Moroni
Stefano Boeri Luca Gaeta Gabriele Pasqui
Massimo Bricocoli Ilaria Mariotti Marco Ponti
Grazia Concilio Luigi Mazza Davide Ponzini
Remo Dorigati Scira Menoni Costanzo Ranci
Valeria Fedeli Corinna Morandi Andrea Rolando

Advisory Board
Louis Albrecht John Forester
Piero Bassetti Robin Hambleton
Luca Bertolini Klaus Kunzmann

PORT DEVELOPMENT AND PORT-CITY INTERFACE Asian model, which can be From a spatial point of view, mediating flows of people,

PhD Yearbook | 2015

conceptualized by a four-phase starting from the mid-1970s, goods, capital, knowledge and
DYNAMICS pattern. particularly after the completion
of the Jebel Ali Port project,
ideas. Hence Dubai becomes an
intermediately node within the
The Case of Dubai Global Hub Port-City Hypothesis 2: There is a mutual the territorial morphology of
Dubai enjoyed a new phase of
complex network of the regional
and global connections.
strong relationship between
the port and the city: the city development. The new seaport, Although Dubai has been
Mina Akhavan - Supervisor: Prof. Ilaria Mariotti - Co-Supervisor: Dr. Csar Ducruet is serving the port in terms 35 km far from the historical successful to become a regional
of infrastructure provision, city centre and planned as trading/transportation hub, and
maintenance and management; part of a new city, became a a major player in global supply 697
Port-cities have long fascinated growing level of globalization basis of Dubai. while the port, inserted in the growth pole for Dubai. In this chain, there is still a need to

Spatial Planning and Urban Development

geographers, economists, and transnational flows, the Taking into account the global supply chain, plays a stage the urban infrastructure reorganize and implement an
architects/planners and changes in the maritime sector multidisciplinary nature of key role in the citys economic is indistinct or simply absent. integrated strategic planning
sociologists, as they are centres have major underestimated the topic, centred on a case- diversification. With the growing trade, a that benefits and supports
of exchange where different implication on urban study approach, the present moderate urban development is the human capital and the
cultures and environments meet, development issues. This is even thesis has combined different Hypothesis 3: Several master shaping along the Dubai Creek socio-economic status of the
at the boundaries between land more crucial for the case of the methodologies in order to planning, comprehensive and and around the first seaport, city. Hence, this study calls
and sea. The two components of fast developing countries, as the answer the following key structural planning failed to Port Rashid; the population had for future research on to what
port-cities: ports as nodes within port-city(s) becomes a national research question: why is the cope with the speed of the city already reached an approximate extend Dubai is lacking human
a transport system, and cities as trading importance. The case of port-infrastructure crucial for growth. 180,000. In the 1990s, the new capital on one hand, and more
central places of a wider socio- Dubai with its fast developing the city, and specifically how do Hypothesis 4: Since 1980s, Ports zone is forming an urban importantly to what extend
economic system, are mainly modern port infrastructure is an freight flows contribute to the Dubai has sustained and sprawl; the area between the the incoherent planning of
considered interconnected in interesting case, which shows growth of hub-port cities, in the strengthened its position as the city centre and Jebel Ali is still port development and the
their location, development, how the global flows can create fast developing countries? main transshipment hub of the far less developed. The growth surrounding urban areas has
activities and issues. The varied complex spatial configurations. Accordingly four sub-questions country and the Middle Eastern corridor along the axis of Dubai- affected the socio-economic
multidisciplinary studies tend Although this field of study has and hypothesis are outlined as Region. Abu Dhabi connection (Sheikh pattern of the city and the
to explore ports and cities as already received a great deal follows: A combination of theoretical Zayed Road), stretching from quality of life of the residents.
two separate assets. Despite of research, little evidence has To what extend is the pattern and empirical studies is, the Dubai international airport
the existence of rich literature nevertheless been provided of Dubai port-city evolution therefore, essential in order to towards the Jebel Ali area, is
on port-city studies, there is about the emerging global comparable to the existing investigate the phenomenon of evident. Home to a population
rather a divergent perspective cities in the Middle East and its European and Asian based rapid urban development within of 1.5 million, in the mid 2010s,
in the port-related and urban- sub-region. Since the 1970s, models? the framework of (global) hub Dubai has developed into a
related issues. Indeed ports among the Arabic city-states port-city studies. Emphasizing global city from mosaics of
are not only embedded within of the Persian Gulf region, What is the interaction between the oil-revenues as the starting mega-projects.
the global logistics, but they Dubai has developed with the port and the city? How engine for Dubais growth, this As illustrated in this study a
occupy urban spaces and an unprecedented pace, to do the port and its ancillary study argues the importance of character that distinguishes
contribute to the local and emerge as a regional hub, while trade-based infrastructures infrastructural provision for the Dubai, especially from the similar
regional economic growth. mediating the flows of people, jointly contribute to the urban citys fast development from post-oil cities of the region, is its
Thus, in order to understand the goods, capital, knowledge development? an entrept to a transhipment hub-strategy and intermediary
current and future challenges and ideas. Hence, the extreme hub port city. The significance role in the global economy.
in port-city development, there case of Dubai, not least in the To what extend were urban of Dubais port relies on its Dubais economic structure has
is a need for a more integrated Middle East, is interesting for planning and policies able to successful integration within been historically tied to its free-
multidisciplinary approach. further studies on how global guide the fast growth of Dubai the logistics and global supply port and entrepot functions. This
Compared to other cities, flows can create complex city-state? chain, which play a key role in is due to its geographic location,
presence of the port(s) in spatial configurations. Framing diversifying the economy. This serving as a mediator of flows,
a city is accompanied by a a theoretical base from a wide To what extent can Dubai study illustrates the unique while emerging as a regional
specific demand on maritime body of literature- linking port- development model be pattern of Dubais development hub for trading, logistics,
resources and activities, city studies and globalization considered successful to secure compared to other oil-based tourism. Although the city has
which makes port-cities more theories- this dissertation the citys national, regional and cities of the Middle East, which been investing on developing
complex urban communities. illustrates the features and global competitiveness? also resembles the Eastern major the manufacturing and industrial
Nevertheless, as an impact of characteristics of the port-city Hypothesis 1: Dubai port-city global hub-port cities, such as sector, it relatively produces
technological advancement and development dynamics, at the development resembles the Singapore. little and instead focuses on

RECONSIDERING LOCAL CIVIC SERVICES. to an analytical-descriptive vision, it would be desirable allocated, while the private

PhD Yearbook | 2015

document (more typical of to redefine the responsibility sector could pursue its
A critical review starting from the new Italian planning tools geography and sociology) or
to a simple procedural tool
of both the public and private
sectors. Public administration
interests without violating
rules and without any specific
(more typical of administrative would fulfil their functions public support.
sciences). In this regard, it on the basis of resources
would seem useful to pursue
Ombretta Caldarice - Supervisor: Stefano Moroni a spatial approach to services
in which the technical rule is Table 1. The 24 case studies
considered the key, while the 699
The work is questioning about deliver urban services, re- criteria, describing the technical descriptive and evaluation Implementation
Council Regulation

Spatial Planning and Urban Development

what is and what could be the thinking the traditional planning elements of Services plan; (ii) aspects are given less Status
contribution of planning tools to approach. 10 content criteria, describing prominence. In this way, rules Milano Approved Del. C.C. n.16 del 22.05.2012
the regulation of urban services. In the first part, Current the contents of the Services simple, abstract, general and Brescia Approved Del. C.C. n.57 del 19.03.2012
In existing cities, urban services Problems: Three Tendencies, plan; and (iii) 10 implementation mainly negative would be Monza Approved Del. C.C. n.71 del 19.11.2007
play a critical role in creating the reconstruction of the criteria, describing the independent of any specific Bergamo Approved Del. C.C. n.86 del 14.05.2010
more prosperous, fair and historical and legal situation procedures of Services plan. result, thus not proposing Como Approved Del. C.C. n.32 del 13.06.2013
inclusive societies. Today, more regarding the Italian debate is The empirical investigation specific spatial and physical Busto Arsizio Approved Del. C.C. n.59 del 20.06.2013
than ever, urban services are presented. The analysis of the shows that Services plans design. Varese Adopted Del C.C. n.67 del 21.12.2013
called on to protect the welfare Italian regional planning laws are generally analytic tools, 2. Simplification. Services plan is Sesto San Giovanni Approved Del. C.C. n.32 del 16.07.2013
of society while creating the highlights three main tendencies still bound to the traditional today constructed as complex Cinisello Balsamo Approved Del. C.C. n.48 del 24.10.2013
conditions for social and within the current services approach to services planning. a tool, with wide, detailed Cremona Approved Del. C.C. n.13 del 02.03.2009
economic development. From a planning approach: (i) from Consequently, the results are descriptions both defining Pavia Approved Del. C.C. n.33 del 15.07.2013
delivery point of view, services quantity to quality, for which complex documents, in which the regulative and design Vigevano Approved Del. C. C. n.8 del 08.02.2010
are traditionally considered a services are not intended as a both the regulatory and strategic aspects. With regards to these Legnano Approved Del. C.C. n.100 del 25.10.2011
necessary public provision, as minimum quantity of area but as aspects are described in great considerations, a simpler and Gallarate Approved Del. C.C. n.28 del 15.03.2011
on the one hand they pursue a complex urban policy; (ii) from detail and marked by a high more communicative draft
Rho Approved Del. C.C. n.23 del 17.06.2013
some universal purposes and on a general to a sector plan, for amount of unusual and archaic would be desirable.
Mantova Approved Del. C.C. n.60 del 21.11.2012
the other they are developed which the traditional land use words, by complex phrasing 3. Responsibility. Services plan is
Lecco Start up Del. C.C. n.24 del 04.08.2009
on public infrastructures or in plan is replaced by a strategic and often highly mixed with today defined as a tool that
Cologno Monzese Approved Del. C.C. n.1 del 24.01.2013
public areas. On the contrary, and thematic plan; and (iii) from legal jargon. In addition, the is not particularly concerned
Paderno Dugnano Approved Del. C.C. n.32 del 13.06.2013
private sector is excluded design to management, for majority of plans provide with financial sustainability
Lodi Approved Del. C.C. n. 35 del 14.03.2011
from services provision since which the traditional services traditional procedures, still linked of planned services or with
it is believed to be inefficient, planning is supported by to the direct implementation Seregno Adopted Del. C.C. n.125 del 12.12.2013
the interaction between the
ineffective and inequitable. operational management and an any consideration of the public and the private sector, Lissone Approved Del. C.C. n. 19 del 17.03.2012
However, in the present time financial control. participation of private sector. as expected by the horizontal Rozzano Approved Del. C.C. n. 26 del 10.12.2012
of economic uncertainty the The second part, Innovation Finally, Services plans do not subsidiarity principle. In this Desio Approved Del. C.C. n. 29 del 20.04.2009
governments provision of Attempts: Three Challenges, is seem to focus on the economic
urban services is challenged by the empirical core of the work. It feasibility of the planned
fiscal austerity measures that presents the analysis of 24 Piano operations in relation to the Table 2. Matrix of analytic criteria
have been accompanied by dei servizi (Services plan) of municipal budgets.
I. Procedural Criteria II. Content Criteria III. Implementation Criteria
deep, sudden and protracted Lombardia Region, an innovative In the third part, Future
I.01 Implementation advancement II.01 Strategies and objectives III.01 SP Efficacy
cuts in public expenditures. In tool for the urban services Prospects: Three Themes,
I.02 Process length II.02 Use of spatial images III.02 Index of services
addition, different and complex planning on the municipal the proposal of the work is
I.03 Document(s) II.03 Strategic projects/areas III.03 Service dimensioning
social problems have created level. The selected case studies presented. The proposal of the
I.04 Document(s) length II.04 Definition of service III.04 Planning parameters
new challenges for urban are the Services plan of the 24 research is the change to a rule-
services, requiring a widespread municipalities of the Lombardia based perspective for the urban I.05 Cartographic support documents II.05 Classification of service III.05 Planning procedures
reorganisation. region with a population of services planning. The proposal I.06 Issuing body II.06 Classification criteria III.06 Implementation modes
In this perspective, the work 40.000 or over (Table 1). is based on three key concepts: I.07 External consultant(s) II.07 Mapping typology III.07 Implementation categories
aims to offer innovative ideas The analysis uses 3 groups of 1. Rules. Services plan are I.08 Drafting steps II.08 Ownership typology III.08 Subsidiarity principle
for an efficient, effective and analytic criteria (Table 2). In today constructed as tools I.09 Variance(s) II.09 Financing typology III.09 Monitoring
sustainable way to plan and particular: (i) 10 procedural limiting the planning activity I.10 Community consultation II.10 Managerial typology III.10 Relation with other instruments

Rights to Cope: A study of urban land tenure

PhD Yearbook | 2015

and flood adaptive capacity and Bangkok
Yanin Chivakidakarn - Supervisor: Prof.ssa Scira Menoni

International Disaster Risk making upon investment in in land tenure covenants.

Spatial Planning and Urban Development

Management (DMR) literatures assets and the likes. Empirical However, at the community
have asserted that land tenure evidence is derived from focused level, the assessment yields no
security promotes adaptive group interviews, questionnaires perceived capacity difference
capacity to natural disaster. and community laboratory to among communities of different
Insecurity of land tenure assess (1) livelihood asset, (2) land tenure security when it
is viewed as vulnerability, flood compensation entitlement, comes to implementing flood
and largely inferring to the (3) catastrophe insurance prevention measures. Analyzing
marginalized city dwellers coverage, and (4) perceived and explaining these findings,
whose livelihood hardly settled flood coping capacity as among others, discussion about
on owned land but leased elements of total flood adaptive the significance of duality in
or intruded. Therefore, land capacity among different levels land tenure arises besides level
tenure improvement programs of legitimate rights, different of rights and tenure security
in urban areas are aiming to level of security in land tenure. theories. In other words, the
increase tenure security, which is residents choose one level
incremental in spite of imminent The case of Bangkok City of tenure security among
natural disaster threats. has shown that the level of other levels existing in own
land tenure security through communities when making
However, very few land tenure types of land tenure does not decision about flood coping and
scholars have made extensive significantly affect livelihood adapting. Finally, the researcher
studies mentioning natural assets of slum communities invites urban planners to pay
disasters, especially flooding, as the core coping capacity to attention to possible changes
and vise versa for DRM scholars flooding. Yet it greatly influences in pattern of land tenure
about land tenure in urban the communities access to as changes of flood coping
context.1 Using Bangkok City financial aid for home recovery capacity, while simultaneously
as the case of observation, the by means of the governments look at spatial trend of urban
study is thus attempting to flood compensation and settlement in the midst of future
bridge the relationship between catastrophe micro insurance flood risk.
types of land tenure and flood coverage. As per perceived
coping capacity. Conceptual flood coping capacity, different Keywords: Land tenure, property
framework is constructed from types of land tenure also rights, disaster risk reduction,
applied economics, legal, and showed different levels of vulnerability, and coping
behavioral psychological science perceived capacity in accordance capacity.
theories related to decision- with level of legitimate rights

1 David Mitchell, Land Tenure and Disaster Risk Management, Land Tenure Journal, 1 (2010); Torsten Grothmann
and Anthony Patt, Adaptive Capacity and Humang Cognition, sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu, 2003 <http://sedac.
ciesin.columbia.edu/openmtg/docs/grothmann.pdf> [accessed 4 June 2014]; Torsten Grothmann and Anthony
Patt, Adaptive Capacity and Human Cognition: the Process of Individual Adaptation to Climate Change, Global
Environmental Change, 15 (2005), 199213 <doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2005.01.002>; Torsten Grothmann and
Fritz Reusswig, People at Risk of Flooding: Why Some Residents Take Precautionary Action While Others Do Not,
Natural Hazards, 38 (2006), 101120 <doi:10.1007/s11069-005-8604-6>.

Designed Landscapes of Discarded Fill discussed in this research will Parque do Tejo and Tranco, legibility and hiding, by means

PhD Yearbook | 2015

show. This thesis points out Lisbon/Loures, Portugal, of naturalization or camouflage,
that approaches that favor the developed during EXPO98 from a theoretical point of view.
legibility of the constructedness and constructed with dredged Finally, it provides a collection of
of designed landscapes of materials and fill derived from designed examples embodying
discarded fill and increased a construction yard, designed different types of discarded
visibility of material placement by PROAP/Hargreaves. fill that show the variety of
Chiara Geroldi - Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Balducci can provide additional value This thesis aims to show possibilities to engage with
to design projects. They can that discarded materials can legibility. They constitute a useful
provide more awareness be turned from waste to reference for designers, they 703
The term Anthropocene with discarded fill. This thesis possible value of engaging visibly about discarded fill and a resource, from discarded fill are a minority as compared to

Spatial Planning and Urban Development

connotes the current geological sustains the importance and the with them rather than adopting growing consideration of these to designed landscape. It also the large amount of discarded
epoch as that in which man is opportunity to address these the attitude that tends to push landscapes. attempts to show the complexity materials that have been
the main agent of geological materials through design. discarded materials away. How can the designed of the field, to address the role addressed in a functional way.
and ecological transformation. Firstly, this research aims to The fact that today, waste interventions make legible or of designers, to show these Chapters four, five, and six
The geologists Roger Hooke and show that discarded fill can disposal is planned in advance, hide their constructed essence? landscapes can be successfully address the three case studies.
Bruce Wilkinson have recently become an opportunity to even before waste is actually How can the fill identity be developed in visible positions, These are addressed with the
asserted that the amount of construct significant designed produced, suggests that there made legible otherwise? Can to highlight how legibility or aim of: providing information
earth moved today by man is landscapes, where designers is an opportunity for designers discarded fill be successfully concealment can be achieved, on the use, disposal, and flows
greater than that moved by can play a positive role in to intervene early-on in the located in visible sites? What and to identify other strategies of discarded materials for the
natural processes, part of which making such sites places of process, ex ante in respect to is the role of designer and for conveying fill identity. main works these interventions
consists of discarded fill. The interest, within a collaborative the movement of discarded fill. the advantage of their early Chapter one shows the are related to; showing that
magnitude of the production environment and in a field that The possibility and type of its use involvement? magnitude of the phenomenon, discarded fills can be successfully
and movements of discarded is generally the prerogative of is influenced by many aspects, Three main cases will be and addresses the concept placed in visible sites; addressing
fill began to accelerate at the other disciplines. In addition, including the type of material, addressed with respect to of planetary urbanization, the role of the designers;
beginning of the industrial it aims to individuate valuable the presence of contamination, complexity, visibility, legibility, drosscape, the rise of individuating the elements
revolution. The twentieth considerations for engaging and the regulatory framework. and the role of the designers. environmental concerns and the that lead to their legibility or
century saw an increase in with discarded materials from Designers should be aware of These consist in landscapes NIMBY syndrome. Moreover, concealment; individuating other
waste production and of made a design perspective. It focuses this complexity. There is also a constructed with a considerable it defines discarded fill, possible ways of conveying the
ground, i.e. man-made ground mainly on earthy fill, and complexity of meaning that can amount of discarded fill; it provides notes on the identity of the fill beyond the
constituted by different types of particularly on that derived from connote them and influence the they have been designed by classification of man-made legibility of their constructed
fill, including materials as diverse tunnel excavations and dredging design project. landscape architects who landforms and information on nature (e.g. toponyms, events,
as garbage or mining waste, operations. Primarily, this research intervened ex-ante with respect the possible uses of dredged etc.); suggesting what the added
as Sabine Barles and J. Andrew An unrealized project from the individuates the legibility of to the placement of materials. materials and materials derived value of design is.
Charles respectively notice. Venice Renaissance represents the constructed essence of They constitute, respectively, from tunnel excavations. This thesis addresses a little
This phenomenon is an early example of a design these designed landscapes, examples of a natural looking The second chapter describes considered field of research. The
accompanied by the fact, as attitude toward these materials: particularly of the ground, as an landscape, a subtle designed one of the earliest examples of main contributions it provides
Kevin Lynch points out, an an island with a little garden hill important aspect to engage with camouflage, and design what this thesis calls a designed consist not only in showing the
away no longer exists. Within to be constructed in San Marco and, possibly, to communicate legibility. In particular, the cases landscape of discarded fill: the relevance of the subject, but
the field of urban studies, the Basin with the materials dredged their identity, which is related considered are: historical case study in Venice. also in individuating different
recent concept of planetary from the city canals, proposed to the significant presence of Spectacle Island Park, Boston, The project shows that a design considerations valuable for
urbanization emphasizes that by Alvise Cornaro. made ground. At the other United States, constructed with attitude toward discarded addressing discarded fill through
urbanization has now reached What does it mean to engage end of the legibility spectrum excavated material derived from materials was already present design.
such remote places as the with discarded materials through it poses strategies that tend the construction of the Central/ centuries ago and it will prove
atmosphere and the ocean. design? How can an activity to hide this aspect, either by Artery Tunnel Project, designed to be an outstanding example of
The magnitude of the of design engage responsibly constructing natural looking by Brown, Richardson + Rowe; placement in a highly visible site.
phenomenon and a growing within this field? landscapes or by camouflaging Sigirino Depot, Sigirino, Chapter three introduces the
lack of space, accompanied Concepts such as planetary the interventions with their Switzerland, built with fact that discarded materials
by increased environmental urbanization and drosscape, surroundings. Legibility can be excavated materials derived and their accumulations are
concerns and a diffuse underline that waste and waste achieved in declared ways or from the construction of the connoted by different meanings
NIMBY syndrome, show us sites are part of urbanization. through more subtle solutions, AlpTransit Ceneri Base Tunnel, that can influence the design
the importance of dealing This recognition suggests the as a collection of projects designed by Atelier Girot; project. Moreover, it addresses

Homelessness in/out the public space of

PhD Yearbook | 2015

contemporary Toronto

Simona Sambati - Relatore: Prof. Costanzo Ranci

My research looks at current

Spatial Planning and Urban Development

transformations of Toronto
from a specific point of view:
that of extreme marginality,
which I have explored through
ethnographic work and
described through text and
photo, to convey a personal
experience. Toronto is city
engaged in an intense period
of shift linked to long and
complex post-Fordist transition,
namely the transition from an
industrial city to a global one.
The first part of the work is
addressed to the analysis of
these important transformations 1. An homeless person sleeping on a bench, Toronto downtown (photo is mine)
that are shaping the current
economic and political context 3. A protestor in a OCAP march to
and that are disintegrating a of marginality invisible through use public space represents a save the School House Shelter (photo
social fabric already seriously the exclusion of the homeless loss of justice and an increase is mine)

compromised by strong internal from public space. The loss of in inequalities and irreconcilable
competition. The increasing public visibility and the right to separations within the city.
presence of the homeless (tip
of the iceberg of a big segment
of impoverished population
and symptom of a growing
social vulnerability) within the
urban context raises problems
of public space management,
of urban order and security.
My analysis of the city of
Toronto reveals, unfortunately,
that homeless people are
increasingly marginalized and
experience social exclusion in
terms of increasing restrictions
on where and how they are
able to use public space. The
city of Toronto has manifested
and still manifests an explicit 2. Bus shelter at Harbord Street (in Toronto downtown): a woman sleeping on
will to make disturbing forms the newest bench with metal arms (photos is mine)
Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design
| Management, Economics and Industrial
Engineering | Materials Engineering |
Mathematical MODELS and METHODS IN
Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Physics | Preservation of THE Architectural
Heritage | Rotary-wing aircrafts | Spatial
Planning and Urban Development |
Structural Seismic and Geotechnical
Engineering | Technology and Design for
Environment and Building | Territorial
Design and Government | Aerospace
Engineering | Architectural and Urban
Design | Architectural Composition |
Architecture, Urban Design, Conservation
of Housing and Landscape | Bioengineering
| Building Engineering | Design | Design
and technologies for cultural heritage |
Electrical Engineering | Energy and Nuclear
Science and Technology | Environmental
and Infrastructures engineering |
Industrial Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering | Information Technology PhD Yearbook | 2015

DOCTORAL PROGRAM The study plan includes courses and seminars given by scientists,

PhD Yearbook | 2015

experts and researchers active either in the Politecnico or in other
IN STRUCTURAL SEISMIC AND Italian and foreign universities, research institutions and high-tech
GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING The main objective of the activity of the PhD candidate is
development of an original research contribution, which must be
coherent with the research topics developed in the department in 709
which the PhD Programme is carried out, and its publication in the


form of a PhD thesis. In such thesis, the objectives of the research
Objectives of the Doctoral Program work should be clearly stated in the context of the state of the art
Chair: Structural, Seismic and Geotechnical Engineering - SSGE consists of the research field and the methods and original results presented
Prof. Roberto Paolucci of the disciplines and techniques that allow to understand, model and discussed. The PhD research will be developed under the
and control the behavior of: (a) structural materials (concrete, guidance of a supervisor.
steel, masonry, composites, bio-materials and materials for
micro-systems), (b) structural systems (from constructions to To earn credits and to start or to refine their dissertation, the
bio-mechanical systems and micro-systems), (c) soils, and (d) Candidates are strongly suggested to spend a period abroad, in one
environment-construction interaction. Being deeply-rooted in Civil of the universities or research centers that have systematic scientific
Engineering, which is by its own nature highly inter-disciplinary, relations with the Politecnico di Milano. At the same time, the PhD
SSGE focuses also on the environmental actions, either external (like School favors the visit of foreign scholars, to give short courses
earthquake, vibrations, irradiation, wind and fire) or ensuing from in Milan. In this way, the Candidates are offered a number of
soil-structure interaction (like those caused by retained-earth thrust, opportunities to interact with the international community.
landslides and water-table fluctuations). Because of their generality
in materials and structural modeling, the methods developed within
the domain of SSGE are very advantageous also in other technical-
scientific domains, whenever understanding and controlling
the mechanical aspects are necessary to guarantee both design
reliability and structural safety, serviceability and durability. Many are
the examples of the issues typical of SSGE: from tall buildings and
bridges to industrial bio-mechanical and micro-electromechanical
systems, from off-shore structures and dams to the rehabilitation of Doctoral Program Board
monumental buildings, from seismic design and structural dynamics
Raffaele Ardito Marco di Prisco Roberto Paolucci (Coordinator)
to slope stability, tunnel behavior and foundations, not to quote
many issues that are in common with several branches of Industrial Fabio Biondini Liberato Ferrara Umberto Perego
Engineering. Within this context, the primary objective of this Gabriella Bolzon Attilio Frangi Federico Perotti
Graduate School is to favor the advancement of the knowledge,
Claudia Comi Elsa Garavaglia Lorenza Petrini
with reference to: (a) innovation in materials and structures; (b)
building safety under highly-variable actions; (c) soil and surface/ Alberto Corigliano Cristina Jommi Luigi Zanzi
buried structure stability. This objective is pursued by giving the PhD Dario Coronelli Pier Giorgio Malerba Claudio di Prisco
Candidates an advanced, research-oriented formation, based on the
Stefano Mariani
pivotal role of Structural Engineering and on the multi-disciplinary
nature of Seismic and Geotechnical Engineering.
Advisory Board
Contents of the Doctoral Program
Attainment of a PhD in Structural, Seismic and Geotechnical Luigi Albert (SOIL Geotecnica, Milano) Giovanna Gabetta (ENI, Milano)
Engineering requires study and research activity of at least three
Ettore Anelli (Tenaris, Dalmine) Guido Mazz (Enel-RSE)
years full-time equivalent study, research and development of the
PhD thesis, with a minimum of 35 credits from PhD level courses. Carlo Beltrami (Lombardi Ingegneria, Milano) Paolo Negro (JRC, Ispra)
Roberto Borsari (Tetra Pak Packaging Solutions S.p.A.) Silvia Scuri (Artech srl, Milano)
The Candidates are offered several advanced courses on a variety of topics
Stefano Cangiano (C.T.G.-Italcementi) Massimo Zambon (Techint, Milano)
concerning materials and structural mechanics, computational and
experimental methods, and structural reliability, the focus being always on

MEMS Sensors for Measuring the Earth

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Magnetic Field: Mechanical Aspects

Mehrdad Bagherinia - Advisors: Prof. Alberto Corigliano, Prof. Stefano Mariani 711


The electronic compasses area, typical of an IC device. of the devices, hence the
found application in low power MEMS are typically fabricated sensors could be manufactured
devices, such as cell phones on silicon wafers and due to in standard micromachining
and portable Global Positioning their size, tens of thousands processes. Moreover, it was
Systems (GPS). Navigation of these devices can be favored to design the sensors
2. SEM images of the experimentally tested HDETF structure (dimensions in
magnetometers use the Earths fabricated on a single wafer to structure in such a way that m).
magnetic direction or magnitude significantly decrease the cost they filter the acceleration noise
to determine direction. The of mass production. Examples intrinsically by design, without
Earths magnetic field varies of MEMS devices include further electrical filters. the beam is exposed to an magnetometer. Moreover, it be reduced, while maintaining
place to place on Earth but e.g. inkjet-printer cartridges, This work starts with multi external magnetic field in the can mechanically filter parasitic the same performance and
ranges between . microengines, mircropumps, physics modeling of MEMS out-of- plane direction, then a accelerations. reliability. At the end, a new
In electronic applications, there micromirrors, inertial sensors (i.e. magnetometers. To provide mechanically distributed Lorentz Since, the design variables of idea for single-structure 3-axis
are several requirements for the accelerometers, gyroscopes and a frame for new designs and force is generated in-plane, the Half-DETF structure were magnetometers has been given.
magnetic field sensors. Besides magnetometers). modeling, a multi-physics model perpendicular to the beam axis, chosen by a trial-and-error Different aspects of this work
having enough sensitivity and The goal of this project was of a beam, considered as a and accordingly the beam will procedure, optimality of this can be used for design and
resolution to measure the to study, design and optimize characteristic component of deflect. device is obtained by means modeling of other MEMS devices
direction of the Earths magnetic novel micromachined MEMS Lorentz force magnetometers, Based on the STMicroelectronics of a structural optimization and systems. Results of the
field, it is essential to have small sensors for Earth magnetic subjected to Lorentz force and technology and the provided approach. A wide scenario of presented modeling framework
size and low power consumption field sensing which has found electro-thermo-mechanical framework, two ideas for design configurations, obtained can be adapted and adjusted to
while being compatible various applications in electronic loading has been described. MEMS uniaxial magnetometers with the proposed optimization investigate the behavior of many
with CMOS fabrication. devices. Based on some As shown in Fig. 1, due to an out of the acoustic bandwidth approach, is discussed. of the micromechanical devices.
Micromachining process enables specifications determined by the voltage difference between are proposed, designed and Multi-axis sensing and sensor Also the proposed structural
such a sensor to be fabricated industrial sponsor of this project, anchorages, an excitation fabricated: a Half Double Ended integration is the trend of MEMS optimization approach can be
in a micron size with CMOS STMicroelectronics, it was also current can flow along the Tuning Fork (HDETF) structure inertial sensors as they allow widely exploited to optimize
compatible processes. Low- intended to not use special beam. If the frequency of and a frame-like structure. chip size and fabrication cost to various devices in MEMS field.
cost batch production is also processing steps or non-standard equals to the vibrating beam The fabricated HDETF sensor
another advantage of the materials for the fabrication resonant frequency, when (see Fig. 2) has been tested. The Table I
micromachining process. test set up that was exploited Comparison of performance indexes of current and available Lorentz force
Microelectromechanical systems to process signals of this sensor magnetometers.
(MEMS) are micron-size devices has been described and the Publication Axis Resolution Dimensions BW Mass
that combine electrical and experimental results have been (nTmA/ (mm) (HZ) (KG)
mechanical components to also compared to the best Hz )
sense or manipulate (actuate) sensors found in literature (see This work Z 115 650 x 65 60 5 x 1010
the physical world. MEMS are Table I). By comparison, it can be
Li et al. X/Y 500 1080 x 800 69 9.7 x 109
fabricated using micromachining concluded, in spite of occupying
processes, developed initially for Li et al. X/Y 88 200 x 1000 2.3 8 x 1010
a very small die area, this
Z 55 200 x 1000 7.4
integrated circuit industry, to sensor provides a good balance
add mechanical elements such Thompson et al. Z 235 2000 x 1000 1 6.8 x 10-9
between important performance
as beams, gears, diaphragms indexes (Brownian noise- Kyynarainen Z 7 2000 x 400 2 1.2 x 109
and springs to devices. This et al.*
limited resolution, bandwidth
allows a mechanical system to and sensitivity), so that it can * This device features an extra metal layer
be fabricated in a very small 1. The characteristic component of a capacitive magnetometer. be considered as an efficient **Estimated data

Tensile structures: biaxial testing

PhD Yearbook | 2015

and constitutive modelling of coated
fabrics at finite strains
Giada Colasante - Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Novati 713


This thesis deals with the The scarcity of references about to efficiently reproduce the However, some numerical
mechanical characterisation and cutting pattern highlights the response of such materials. issues have still to be solved:
constitutive modelling of coated need of further research and A new model is proposed in extremely large stresses at
fabrics that are employed in may be partially attributed to the this thesis, which has been very large strains, difficulty of
tensile membrane structures. absence of reliable constitutive created by adding a term to Newtons method in predicting
These are made of thin surfaces laws for the description of the the free-energy of the existing a reasonable displacement
that can carry only tension and first-loading behaviour that Holzapfel-Gasser-Ogden model correction when the stiffness is
no compression or bending; coated fabrics undergo during for biological tissues. This new law, discontinuous derivatives
therefore they represent highly installation. energy component has been of the strain energy due to
efficient structural forms, which Then, the thesis focus is put on thought to capture the strong deactivation of the some terms
require specific knowledge to membrane materials for tensile interaction between the warp when fibres are shortened.
be designed. The rapid growth structures. These are mainly and fill yarns which is due to the These are all aspects that would
of this structural typology has composite materials made of weaving (crimp interchange). deserve further studies, aimed at
led to heterogeneity of the a polymeric matrix, reinforced The proposed model is improving the efficiency of the
current design procedures by means of woven yarns. The calibrated for different materials, solution algorithm.
and to fragmentation of the production process and the main by employing the biaxial test
technical knowledge that technical characteristics of these data previously presented. A Acknowledgments
membrane producers have composites are described. The validation of the new model This research has been funded
at their disposal. These two mechanical behaviour of coated is performed through some by the Leo Finzi Memorial
aspects are partially linked to the woven fabrics, which turns out simple benchmark problems, of Scholarship, adiministered by
absence of European standards to be extremely dependent on which the analytical solution is Istituto Lombardo Accademia
on membrane structures. their internal meso-structure, evaluated with a code developed di Scienze e Lettere. The author
A series of contributions are is deeply explored. The by the author with Mathematica gratefully acknowledges the
provided in this work, which are experimental results obtained software. The comparison of support from Finzi family.
in line with the objectives of the from uniaxial and biaxial tests, the results with experimental
Research Cluster on Innovative which have been performed data shows that the model can
Textiles (ClusTEX) that has been directly by the author, are also reproduce well the stress-strain
created in 2008 at Politecnico commented. behaviour of coated woven
di Milano, with the aim of The complex anisotropic fabrics for uniaxial and bias
systematising and enhancing nonlinear behaviour of coated extension tests, as well as for
the expertise currently possessed woven fabrics is not adequately biaxial tests.
by several research units on the modelled in the current design Finally, the new constitutive
subject of advanced composites. practice, which often employs law is implemented into a user
First, an extensive literature the orthotropic linear elastic subroutine for ABAQUS, and the
review is carried out, to assess constitutive law. On the other same validation examples are
the current state of the art about hand, the constitutive models solved numerically, with results
the analysis and design of tensile used for research purposes that are close to the analytical
structures. The multiplicity are often too complex and solution. This implementation 1. Biaxial tensile test on a cruciform
of methods employed in the computationally expensive. into a general purpose finite specimen.
form-finding and cutting pattern Within this framework, element software opens the
generation stages is described hyperelastic modelling at finite doors to the application of this
within a unified framework. strains seems to be promising model to structural design.

Multilayer Precast Faade Panel:

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Structural Optimization for Energy
Giorgia Colombo - Supervisor: Prof. Marco di Prisco 715
Co-supervisor: Dr. Matteo Colombo


In Europe residential and durability. The latter aspect is the behaviour of the sandwich development in the EPS layer; be characterized by following matrix interaction;
commercial buildings are particularly important, especially solution when loaded with the kinematic response of the standard procedures; concerning bending, the use
responsible of about 40% of considering a residual expected a concentrated load was sandwich solution is governed the tensile behaviour can be of a tensile constitutive law
the total energy consumption building life of at least 30 years. investigated. by the shear behaviour of EPS; identified starting from tensile determined from tensile tests
and the 70% of this energy Aesthetic and durability aspects Concerning full-scale level, tests the damage introduced by tests. At SLS, test results allow allows to properly predict
is used for heating. To reduce are directly related to the use were developed considering a freezing-thawing effect is to define the constitutive law; bending behaviour of TRC
this consumption, Standards of a high strength fine-grained real panel simply supported on aligned with that of a high at ULS, the Effectiveness Factor specimens reinforced in the
introduce limits to guarantee concrete in TRC. four points and loaded initially performance concrete. Two (EF) is proposed to be used in same way up to a certain
the energy saving in new An innovative in-pressure casting with a distributed load, in order opposite main phenomena can order to account for the fabric- thickness.
buildings, but also the energy technique is adopted to avoid to assess the Serviceability Limit be identified: the damage of
retrofitting of existing buildings the use of glue and to prevent State behaviour, and then with the matrix due to cycles and
has to be considered, because the debonding between the concrete blocks up to failure the activation of self-healing
of their large impact on the layers thanks to the good bond (Figure 2), in order to determine and late hydration; in sandwich
phenomenon. obtained during the production. the maximum load brought. samples the exposure to cycles
In this perspective a multi- The main goal of the work In parallel, a standard modelling affects mainly the ductility of
layer prefabricated faade is to provide the mechanical of sandwich structures has been the beams;
sandwich panel characterized characterization of this panel. performed and the models considering modelling, a
by an internal EPS layer and by The research was developed at adopted have been validated good agreement between
two external layers of Textile material, cross-section and full- with respect to the collected experimental results and
Reinforced Concrete (TRC) is structure level. experimental results. Two models analytical-numerical global
proposed. Just the insulating Material level includes the were proposed: a literature responses were found in all
the simulations; hence, it 1. Four point load test on big sandwich beam.
material is used to transfer the investigation performed on TRC analytical model, implemented
shear between the external TRC specimens in order to assess in order to take into account is possible to state that the
layers. The maximum size of their behaviour in tension, material non linearity, and a assumption of perfect bond is
the panel is 1.50x3.30 m2; the considering both standard and finite element model, built in reliable considering in-pressure
panel height is properly chosen extreme conditions (residual Abaqus FEA software by using cast sandwich specimens.
in order to fix it to the frame strength after exposure to default material models. The investigation suggests to
concrete beams by means of freezing and thawing cycles). Basing on the research results, treat TRC as an homogeneous
four punctual connectors placed At lab-scale level, failure modes some significant conclusions can material constituted by fabrics
near to the four corners. of the sandwich solution have be drawn: embedded in the matrix, and not
The main advantages of this been investigated. In particular, a multi-layer precast faade as reinforced concrete simply
solution if compared with the small (550x150 mm2) and big panel, characterized by as the union of two materials
thermal coating (EIFS system) (1200x300 mm2) sandwich external TRC layers, has with distinct constitutive laws.
are: the lower impact on beams, characterized by the been proposed as a durable Considering the use of TRC in
occupant life (no scaffoldings stratigraphy described above, alternative to thermal coating; a composite, the main question
required), the possibility to were tested according to a four the sandwich behaves as a is how to characterize it for the
obtain the desired finishing in point load scheme (Figure 1). partially composite panel structural design of the element:
terms of surface roughness, Both geometries were tested in and is characterized by in uniaxial compression, the
colour, pattern (including the standard conditions, and small a ductile behaviour: the contribution of the fabric
reproduction of the original beams were also tested after ductility is guaranteed by the does not play a key role,
faade), the higher quality the exposure to freezing and multi-cracking of TRC layers hence its presence can be
of finishing and the higher thawing cycles. Furthermore, followed by the shear band neglected and the mortar can 2. Failure of the real scale panel.


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Bruno Alberto Dal Lago - Supervisor: Prof. Fabio Biondini 717


The inadequate seismic materials and shapes leading with vertical and horizontal
behaviour of the cladding to a stable hysteretic behaviour panels and different types of
panel connections of precast of the dissipative devices are connection systems, including
structures and the consequent discussed and subjected to the friction-based panel-to-
failures occurred under recent experimental verification at panel dissipative connections
earthquakes in Southern Politecnico di Milano by means tested at Politecnico di Milano.
Europe showed that a revision of monotonic and cyclic tests Numerical simulation of the (a) (b) (c) (d)
of the technology and design carried out on single devices pseudo-dynamic and cyclic tests
1. Setup of experimental tests on dissipative devices carried out at Politecnico di Milano: (ab) local tests on dissipative
philosophies adopted for this (Figures 1.a and 1.b), as well is performed to calibrate the connectors; (c) tests on a two-panel structural sub-assembly. (d)Fullscale prototype tested at ELSA Laboratory (JRC).
type of systems is necessary. To as on full scale two-panel modelling criteria provided in
solve this problem, a general structural sub-assemblies with the design guidelines and to
framework for seismic design dissipative connections (Figure validate simplified procedures for
of precast structures based on 1.c). The silicone sealant, the estimation of the maximum
innovative fastening systems of that is generally interposed in drift attained during a seismic
the cladding panels is proposed. between the panels, is also event. The role of the diaphragm
In this framework, the stability mechanically characterised action on the efficiency of the
of the cladding panels under through experimental testing. proposed connection systems
seismic action is ensured by Design guidelines for single is finally investigated by means
means of a dissipative system devices are derived based of dynamic nonlinear analyses
of connections in between the on the interpretation of the carried out on a set of precast
panels that allows to control the experimental results. Capacity buildings with different plan
level of forces and to limit the design procedures for structural geometry and distribution
displacements. The proposed sub-assemblies and systems of the earthquake-resisting
connection systems consist of are also developed based on system. The results confirm
friction-based or plasticity-based the mechanical characteristics the remarkable improvement
devices inserted in between of the dissipative connectors. of the seismic performance of
panels, that are connected to The efficiency of the proposed precast structures based on the
the structure through a statically approach is demonstrated by beneficial effects of cladding
determined arrangement. In means of non-linear dynamic dissipative connections, which
this way, the panel-to-panel analyses of typical precast can provide suitable energy
connections lead the cladding frame-panel structural systems, dissipation capacity and limit
panels to become integral part as well as through a further forces and displacements
of the whole faade, making experimental campaign carried when the effectiveness of
it much stiffer up to the limit out at ELSA Laboratory of the the horizontal diaphragms is
force associated with the Joint Research Centre of the ensured.
friction threshold or yielding European Commission on a
of the devices. Plasticity-based full-scale prototype of a precast
dissipative connectors to be building with cladding panels
inserted between columns and (Figure 1.d). This experimental
panels are also proposed and program includes pseudo-
investigated. The technological dynamic and cyclic tests on
aspects and design choices of structural assemblies provided

Combined model order reduction and domain

PhD Yearbook | 2015

decomposition strategies for the solution of non-
linear and multi-physics structural problems

Martino Dossi - Supervisors: Prof. Alberto Corigliano and Prof. Stefano Mariani 719


During the last years, a great (MOR) methods appear to (i.e. when the reduced bases problems. In the design and process is modelled according fracture propagation (see e.g.
progress has been made in be promising in alleviating in each sub-domain are reliability assessment of Micro to the method proposed by Fig 2) show as the coupled use
computational science and computational demands with, constructed), the reduced space Electro Mechanical Systems Confalonieri (2013); the POD of DD and POD allows to obtain
engineering. Higher-fidelity potentially minimal loss of is continuously updated, as (MEMS), based on realistic is applied to sub-domains that a reduction of the computational
mathematical models, better accuracy. soon as a new snapshot (i.e. simulations of complicate remain elastic. Examples of burden up to almost 30%.
approximation methods, and In this work, the coupled use the response of the system multi-physics processes, e.g. the
faster solution algorithms have of Domain Decomposition in a time instant) is collected; electro-mechanical, the thermo-
been developed for many (DD) methodologies together second, an on-line update of mechanical and the magneto-
applications. However, for with model order reduction the reduced space, which allows mechanical ones an accurate
many time-critical problems, techniques based on the increasing the versatility of the solution is required. This kind
numerical simulations are so use of Proper Orthogonal algorithm. During the reduced of complex and usually non-
computationally intensive Decomposition (POD), is fast analysis a behaviour check linear coupled problems lead to
that they are either too slow proposed. Starting from the DD is implemented, to control if the situations with large numbers
to satisfy the problems time technique proposed by Gravouil linear elastic hypothesis in each of degrees of freedom, which
constraints (i.e. real-time or and Combescure (2001), the sub-domain remains valid. The are prohibitive to solve with
quasi real-time simulations, DD algorithm used in this POD is applied to domains that standard finite element model.
e.g. in biomedical applications, work is characterized by the remain elastic; in those parts Apart from geometric and
forecast weather simulations, enforcement of displacement of the structure in which the material nonlinearities, it is most
structural health monitoring, continuity between initially non-linear phenomena occur, often the coupling between the
adapting design and computer decoupled sub-domains. the POD reduced analysis stops, mechanical and the electrostatic
graphics research) or they can Three model order reduction and, through a zoom-in strategy, domain, which causes, because
not be performed as fast as techniques coupled with DD are the non-linear modelling is of the deformation of the
1. Plane resonator subjected to time-invariant actuation: maps of in-plane
needed. As a consequence, presented performed. The rich non-linear simulation boundary, non-linear displacement field. Comparison among the solutions obtained with a
in different engineering fields First, a new strategy for the and reduced linear regions are terms in an otherwise linear staggered approach, and with the proposed SD-DDPOD methodology.
there is a growing interest efficient solution of highly analysed simultaneously and are problem. For this reason, one
in developing techniques nonlinear elastic-plastic glued together through interface of the goals of this project is to
which allow to obtain an structural dynamic problems relations. The applications show show how the combination of a
approximate solution of is proposed. Applying the that the computation time DD technique with the POD, can
nonlinear complex problems; standard version of the POD in necessary for solving elastic- give rise to an algorithm which
multi-scale computational dynamics, the resulting reduced plastic problems can be reduced efficiently solves the non-linear
strategies have been developed order model is generally poor of approximately 50%, while electro-mechanical coupled
to tackle this important issue, at capturing the dynamical keeping accuracy comparable problem (see e.g. Fig. 2). The
such as enrichment techniques, response of the system in to that of the full model solved electro-mechanical dynamic
homogenization strategies, and entire input space, especially with a classical monolithic analyses show computational
the Domain Decomposition in the case of the presence of approach. gains up to 98%.
(DD) method. Together with the evolution and irreversible Second, an innovative numerical Finally, the coupled use of
these techniques to obtain phenomena, e.g. plasticity. procedure, based once again DD and POD is used for the
an approximate solution to Against this drawback, the on the combined use of a simulation of fracture problems
generate low-dimensional and idea is the adaptation of the DD technique and of a POD under dynamic conditions.
low-complexity computational POD basis with two different methodology, is proposed, to Assuming that cracks can
models, the development of updating strategies: first, during simulate multi-physics electro- propagate only inside one 2. Kalthoffs experiment: maps of . Comparison among the outcomes of the
the Model Order Reduction the training part of simulation static structural dynamic sub-domain, the fracture reference DD approach and of the reduced methodology.

Piezoelectric Vibration Micro Energy

PhD Yearbook | 2015


Giacomo Gafforelli - Supervisor: Alberto Corigliano, Raffaele Ardito 721

Co-Supervisor: Sang-Gook Kim


In recent years the world is Developing a refined, yet
facing an extraordinary diffusion simple model with the aim of
of the Internet of Things (IOT) providing fast and insightful
concept which is the idea of solutions to the multi-physics
building smart and autonomous problem of energy harvesting
sensors networks that help us via piezoelectric layered
in sensing, understanding and structures. The main result
controlling our environment. For has been to retain a simple
this idea to be effective, new structural model (Euler-
sensors should be small, barely Bernoulli beam), with the
costless and autonomous. inclusion of effects connected
Recent advances in low-power to the actual three-dimensional
consumption circuitry have shape of the device. Numerical
enabled ultra-small power validation of the model has
integrated circuits which been performed.
can run with extremely low Developing a model for
amount of power. This scaling piezoelectric bridge-shaped
trend has opened the door harvesters which properly
for on-chip energy harvesting includes nonlinear stretching
solutions, eliminating the need strain and piezoelectric
for batteries or complex wiring, coupling. The main result has
thus forming the foundation for been to show that the power
battery-less autonomous sensors generation of resonant energy
networks which can harvest on- harvesters is bounded by the
site the energy they require for mechanical damping. However,
their operations. nonlinear resonant harvesters
Piezoelectric have much wider power
MicroElectroMechanical Systems bandwidth and achieve lower
(MEMS) energy harvesting is displacements than that of
an attractive technology for linear resonators. Experimental
harvesting small amount of validation of the model has
energy from ambient vibrations. been performed.
This work presents current Proposing and designing
developments in this technology a simple and efficient
and studies i) cantilever, ii) frequency up conversion
bridge-shaped and iii) frequency mechanism that allows for
up converter harvesters in order MEMS scale integration and
to highlight advantages and it is fully compatible with
drawbacks of each solution. microfabrication processes.
The major innovative
contributions proposed in this
thesis are:

Self- Healing Capacity Of Cementitious

PhD Yearbook | 2015


Visar Krelani - Supervisor: Prof. Liberato Ferrara 723

Co-supervisor: Prof. Romildo D. Toledo Filho


The self- healing capacity a new structure concept and environment (natural winter
of cementitious composites a wider worthiness of the or summer environment, water
employed for either new or sustainability of engineering immersion, exposure to humid
repairing applications opens applications which can be or dry air, wet-and-dry cycles,
challenging perspectives for the achieved thanks to the use of representative temperature and
use of construction materials high performance cement based humidity cycles representative of 1. Healed crack for specimen (a) pre-cracked up to 100 m; (b) 1 month of water immersion
intrinsically able to recover its materials, which encompasses winter and summer exposure)
pristine durability levels, thus and overcomes the traditional for different exposure times.
guaranteeing a longer service one related to the use of by- After scheduled exposure
life of the designed applications products in mix-compositions, durations the specimens were
and a performance less sensitive which can be effectively pursued tested up to failure according
to environmental induced also in this case to the same scheme employed
degradation. One possibility of In order to quantify this self- for pre-cracking and results, in
achieving the aforementioned healing ability and its effects terms of load-crack opening
self-healing capacity stands in on the recovery of mechanical curves were compared to those
the use of additives featuring properties a methodology has obtained from virgin specimens
a delayed crystalline activity. been developed and validated before any treatment.
These additives are able, in the thesis. It consisted in Dedicated microscopic
when in contact with water or pre-cracking up to different investigation completed the
atmosphere humidity, to form crack opening levels (a three experimental program and
chemical compounds which are point bending scheme with COD allowed to have a deeper insight
able to reseal the cracks thus measurement was employed) into the true nature of the crack
guaranteeing the recovery of prismatic beam specimens, healing products and hence of
a pristine level of mechanical made with both concrete, with the self-healing mechanism. The 2.Healed crack for specimen (a) pre-cracked up to 150 m; (b) 6 months of water immersion
performance. or without the aforementioned significant amount of garnered
In order to approach the additive. Moreover, for HPFRCCs, experimental results also allowed
investigation, besides the topic has been investigated suitable self-healing indices to
conventional concrete (with and including the effect of different be defined and quantified, as
without the aforementioned flow-induced alignment of from the measured recovery of
admixtures) the characterization fibers, triggered through tailored mechanical properties, including
of the self-healing capacity casting, which can result into load bearing capacity, ductility
of High Performance Fiber a material exhibiting either a and stiffness; a predictive
Reinforced Cementitious strain hardening or softening numerical approach was also
Composites (HPFRCCs) with behavior, whether stressed formulated and validated for
steel fibers and combination parallel or perpendicularly to the NSC: this is a much needed
with the natural ones was also fibers. In all cases, specimens approach in order to consistently
studied, i.e. their capacity to were initially pre-cracked, consider the self-healing
completely or partially re-seal according to a 4-point bending phenomenon into a durability
cracks, as a function of the scheme, and up to different based design.
material composition, maximum values of crack openings.
crack opening and exposure Specimens were then submitted 3. SEM image inside the surface of healed crack (a) magnification up to 10 m; (b) magnification up to 3 m for
conditions. This also implies to different conditioning specimens immersed in water after 6 months

The control of multipotency and differentiation than in monolayer culture. control the surface stiffness of nuclear deformation. A simple

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Evidence of lineage commitment engineered 3D scaffolds for relation describing the diffusivity
of stem cells in three-dimensional scaffolds was observed in monolayer stem cell culture. We found as a function of the deformation
culture surrounding the that the presence of the coating couples the two phenomena.
structurally interacting at the cell scale structural niches, and within cell significantly influences the cell Computational results showed
aggregates, but not inside the behavior and commitment that in spread nuclei, the
niches. Thus, structural niches inside the niches. Work is in strain-dependent diffusivity
Michele Nava - Supervisor: Manuela T. Raimondi were able not only to direct progress to discern the roles amplifies and accelerates the 725
stem cell homing and colony of the different cues (physical nuclear import of transcription


formation, but also to guide and chemical) in determining factors if compared to roundish
The control of stem cell response resolution down to 100 nm. For acquired a roundish morphology. aggregate formation, providing the cell behavior in the coated nuclei. This outcome supports
in vitro, including multipotency these reasons, 2PP fabrication In the niches, the highest MSC increased surface-to-volume substrates. Nevertheless, this experimental evidences on the
maintenance and lineage represents the suitable technique density was found in those ratios and space for stem cells to first study introduces a new and pivotal role played in nuclear
commitment, has been proved to create scaffolds mimicking the areas where proliferation was adhere and renew, respectively. powerful platform to investigate spreading and mechanics in
to be directed by mechanical native 3D environment in which observed, corresponding to Then, to give more conclusive the synergistic effects of the 3D cell functions. Despite several
cues, even in the absence of cells reside. the regions where the scaffold evidence of multipotency microarchitecture and of tailored limitations, the computational
biochemical stimuli. Through We applied 2PP to fabricate 3D surface density available for maintenance within niches, surface mechanical properties. model is quite innovative to
focal adhesions, cells are able to microscaffolds, or niches, cell adhesion was the highest. we increased the number of Since we observed a greater our best knowledge. It allows
anchor, sense and react to the to study rat and human The microgeometry inducing engineered niches from 7 to multipotency and differentiation explaining the functional
surrounding microenvironment. mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) the highest cell density was 20 around 400 niches per sample, potential for rat and human differences we observed in the
Mechanical factors, including response to mechanical cues. m high with graded pores, in covering 10% of the available MSCs cultured on the advanced experiments and supports the
the substrate stiffness, the The main advantage of this which cell invasion was favored culture surface, in the aim to niche culture substrate role of cell-substrate interactions
surface nanotopography, the study model is that it allows to in the central region of large obtain larger niche-cultured cell compared to cells cultured on as a primary stimulus involved in
microgeometry, and extracellular directly compare, on the same porosity and cell adhesion was numbers of around 8000 cells standard flat glass substrates, stem cell fate determination.
forces can all have significant sample, significantly different favored in the lateral regions of per sample, we addressed these differences In conclusion, this experimental
influence on regulating stem cell culture configurations and, high scaffold surface density. compared to the average to the distinct adhesive and computational study brings
activities. therefore, different levels of Cell density in the niches, 176 140 niche-cultured cells per configuration that cells show to light the crucial role played by
To provide an interpretation of cytoskeletal tension and nuclear cells/ (100100 m2), did not sample available in our previous in culture in the synthetic niche the 3D microarchitecture effects
how mechanical cues can be spreading. We used a hybrid significantly differ from that of investigations. We cultured substrate. Indeed, significantly on MSCs fate in culture, with
used to direct stem cells fate organic-inorganic photoresist the flat surface colonies. This human bone marrow derived different culture configurations potential implications for the
in vitro, we introduced the called SZ2080. The niches, implies that MSCs spontaneously MSCs for three weeks on and, therefore, different levels of design of biomaterial scaffolds
concept of force isotropy of sizes fitting in a volume of homed and established colonies the improved synthetic niche nuclear spreading (e.g. distinct for synthetic niche engineering.
relevant to cytoskeletal forces 100100100 m3, were made within the 3D niches. culture system. Despite the cytoskeleton tensional states),
and relevant to extracellular by an external containment grid We improved the synthetic weaknesses of the improved were observed. By processing
loads acting on cells. This of horizontal parallel elements niche system to study the synthetic niche culture system, confocal image sequences, we
notion allowed to quantitative and by an internal 3D lattice. We effect of mechano-topological we demonstrated that cells measured and quantified distinct
interpret the experimental developed two niche heights, 20 parameters on morphology, cultured on 2PP-written levels of spreading relevant
results relevant to the advanced and 80-100 m, and four lattice renewal and differentiation of substrates maintained both to each nuclei. Significant
culture substrate fabricated via pore dimensions (10, 20, 30 m rat MSCs. Niches arranged in the proliferation potential and differences in nuclear surface,
two-photon laser polymerization and graded). We used primary complex patterns were formed the bilineage differentiation volume and shape were found
technique. During two-photon rat MSCs to study cell viability, in a photoresist with low auto- potential more effectively than according to the cell localization
polymerization (2PP), a tightly migration and proliferation in fluorescence, which enabled cells cultured on standard two- in the synthetic niche substrate.
focused femtosecond laser the niches, up to 6 culture days. the clear visualization of the dimensional (2D) culture surfaces According to these data,
pulse induces a crosslinking MSCs preferentially stayed on/ fluorescence emission of the where spontaneous lineage we set-up a computational
photoreaction in the polymer in the structures once they ran markers used for biological commitment occurred. multiphysics model aiming to
confined within the focal into them diagnostics within the internal We performed experiments for give a modeling interpretation
volume. As a rapid-prototyping through random migration from niche structure. The niches were functionalizing the niche surface of the experimental results.
technique, 2PP enables the the surrounding flat surface, structurally stable in culture up with a suitable coating with The computational model
fabrication of truly arbitrary invaded those with a lattice to three weeks. At three weeks tailored mechanical properties, describes how the diffusive
three-dimensional (3D) micro- pore dimension greater than 10 of expansion in the niches, cell to further control cell adhesion. mass transport of transcription
and nanostructures directly from m, and adhered to the internal density increased by almost We have demonstrated an factors across the nuclear
computer models, with a spatial lattice while the cell nuclei 10-fold and was 67% greater effective methodology to envelope is influenced by

Geotechnical and modeling issues in the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

design of settlement reducing piles for
high-rise buildings
Fabio Tradigo - Relatore: prof. Claudio Giulio di Prisco 727


In everyday engineering practice, discussion within the technical high-rise buildings the number devoted to the response of
piles are often designed by community. Improving the of piles is so high that the structural members. Moreover,
neglecting load redistribution insight into such interaction computational cost of carrying the relevant issues related to the
over the raft and the underlying phenomena is preliminary to out fully three-dimensional FE use of EPs for DPRs are tackled,
piles, as if piles alone were optimal design and, therefore, analyses would be unbearable applying the aforementioned
resisting all the loads coming to an efficient use of piles in the even for modern workstations, methodology to check the
from the superstructure. This engineering practice. Because especially when employing consistency between fully solid
disregards the fruitful use of the intrinsic complexity of elasto-plastic constitutive models and EP models.
of piles in combination with the raft-soil-pile mechanical and solid elements. While this
the raft to reduce average interaction, resorting to three- issue is usually mitigated in Finally, the PR foundation of
and differential settlements dimensional finite element case of PRs by employing the the Isozaki Tower in Milan is
induced by service loads. In analyses seems to be the most so called embedded pile (EP) numerically simulated and
this context, Piled Rafts (PR) reliable option, since complex elements, no studies have been compared with site monitoring
and Disconnected Piled Rafts geometries and material non- presented in the literature with results. After the calibration of
(DPR) are to be distinguished, linearity can be naturally taken respect to DPRs. soil and EP interface models by
depending on whether the piles into account. The suitability of means of two preliminary and
are structurally connected to FE analyses is even more evident In this study, preliminary three contract pile load tests, the
the raft (Fig.1). DPR setups are in the case of DPRs, where less axisymmetric and EP analyses of entire foundation is modelled
characterized by no pile-raft intuitive raft-soil-pile interactions a single isolated pile are carried and its behaviour compared to
structural connection and by are expected to take place. out with reference to two in-situ monitoring results. Finally, the
a pile/raft gap which is usually While simplified methods for PR pile load tests in Milan in order performance of the foundation
1. Soil-structure interaction in PR and DPR foundations.
filled with a layer of compacted design have been widely studied, clarify the role played by all the is studied by inserting a gap
granular material. the lack of any analogous study involved parameters. layer between the pile heads
in the literature for DPRs makes In addition, the soil-structure and the raft, as well as by
Owing to this latter, the loads the use of numerical analyses interaction of a single carrying out analyses of the
coming from the superstructure mandatory in all practical cases. disconnected pile is studied by unpiled foundation.
are not directly applied on the carrying out AS elasto-plastic
piles, so that the design of DPR In the context of numerical parametric analyses. Analyses
foundations is no longer driven approaches, a few FE parametric lead to propose and validate a
by cumbersome structural studies on DPRs have been new methodology to employ EP
requirements - which is at presented to investigate elements in DPR configurations.
variance with PR. From a design the influence of different
perspective, the adoption of DPR geometrical/mechanical factors, PRs and DPRs are compared
also leads to admit lower safety such as the cushion stiffness, the by performing fully three-
factors for the piles. gap and the raft thickness and dimensional elasto-plastic
the overall piling configuration. FE analyses. The complex
The mechanical response Nonetheless, the need for interaction mechanisms involved
of these foundational reliable and well-established under purely vertical loads are
systems results from complex numerical modelling of DPR investigated over a realistic
soilstructure interaction foundations is still urging, range of raft-soil gaps and for
mechanisms, whose analysis especially from a design different pile configurations.
and interpretation are still under perspective. In fact, in case of Particular attention is also 2. Isozaki tower PR foundation FE model.

A multidisciplinary approach for the

PhD Yearbook | 2015

structural assessment of historical
constructions with tie-rods
Mira Vasic - Supervisor: Prof. Carlo Poggi - Co-supervisor: Prof. Dario Coronelli 729


The present research studies cathedral (Duomo di Milano). structural analysis in the present
the structural behaviour of This remarkable monument work. Moreover, the axial
historical constructions with was chosen in the present tensile force was estimated
tie-rods. Preservation and research due to its multifaceted for the largest portion of
maintenance of buildings with structural history, imposing tie-rods in the Cathedral and
heritage value include ensuring dimensions and some structural was combined with graphic
their sufficient bearing capacity issues observed at the present. static analysis employing limit
against different loads. This The ancient builders used the analysis for a representative
is a challenging task when tie-rods during the construction. bay of the Cathedral. Graphic
dealing with historical masonry Original tie-rods are still static analysis gave one of the
structures that are characterized present in both longitudinal possible equilibrium solutions
with a complex hyperstatic and transversal direction of for the structure of the Duomo
structural system. While the Duomo di Milano, which di Milano. Another solution
currently there are extensive makes understanding its was found using sophisticate
studies on masonry historical structural system challenging. FEM model, which took into
structures having no tie-rods Different techniques and account damage in masonry and
as a permanent part of their fields of expertise were used simulated different construction
structure, there is a limited for the data acquisition: stages of the Cathedral.
number of studies on Gothic historical investigation gave Including structural history in
cathedrals with tie-rods where important information on the the numerical analysis showed
lateral thrusts are resisted by a tie-rods origin, their structural to be one of the essential
combined action between tie- purpose and the construction aspects for understanding tie-
rods, spandrels and buttresses. process of the Cathedral; the rods behaviour in the past and
Their analysis is therefore not wide experimental campaign present, so as for producing
straightforward because it included visual inspection, reliable results. In case of a
is difficult to estimate what material characterization, cathedral with active tie-rods,
portion of the thrust is resisted and dynamic tests on the as the Duomo di Milano,
by each of these elements. The original ties and contributed disregarding construction
thesis proposes how different to the understanding of the stages could underestimate
approaches can be combined structural system. Relevant current stress in the tie-rods for
towards understanding the aspects for the study of the about 50%. The method for
structural behaviour of masonry Cathedrals structural behaviour combining different approaches
constructions with tie-rods. It were addressed and various used in the present work
also develops a methodology approaches were used, such resulted in understanding the
for estimating current state as the limit analysis and Finite structural system of a cathedral
of the stress in such historical Element Modelling (FEM). The with tie-rods, but developed
structures. In particular, a dynamic testing campaign concepts can be applied to
continuous process of data confirmed that the tie-rods in similar hyperstatic structures.
acquisition, analysis of structural the Duomo di Milano are active
behaviour, diagnosis and safety members, carrying part of the
evaluation was employed lateral thrust, as suggested
for the case study of Milans by the historical research and
Materials Engineering | Mathematical
MODELS and METHODS IN Engineering
| Mechanical Engineering | Physics |
Preservation of THE Architectural Heritage
| Rotary-wing aircrafts | Spatial Planning
and Urban Development | Structural Seismic
and Geotechnical Engineering | Technology
and Design for Environment and Building
| Territorial Design and Government |
Aerospace Engineering | Architectural
and Urban Design | Architectural
Composition | Architecture, Urban Design,
Conservation of Housing and Landscape
| Bioengineering | Building Engineering
| Design | Design and technologies for
cultural heritage | Electrical Engineering |
Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology
| Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture
and Exhibition Design | Management,
Economics and Industrial Engineering PhD Yearbook | 2015


PhD Yearbook | 2015


The TEPAC doctorate course intends to provide the students with the time.


Chair: the methodological instruments and knowledge necessary for a In relation to the different theoretical and operative field the out
Prof. Anna Mangiarotti mature professional profile, able to develop and apply innovative coming profiles could be:
strategies for research, design and managing of buildings and urban Building scale
settlements. Expert designer/consultant in components industrialization for the
This know-how is set on the most up dated concepts of production technical support to the industry;
and urban sustainability in compliance with new European Union Expert designer/consultant in industrialized components and
procedural and technical standards for construction, which have techniques for the technical support of architectural practices;
seen in the last fifteen years important changes. For our country this Expert consultant in building facilities standards;
means achieving a strong innovation in design, either in theory and Indoor environmental quality consultant;
in practice. Expert consultant in building diagnostic and performance
The Doctorate deals with technical innovation in architecture, with Expert consultant in briefing development;
particular regard to design (from conservation to transformation) Expert consultant in planning and organization of maintenance
and manage of built environment, and to building elements processes;
production. Expert designer in rehabilitation and re-use;
Those themes deals with the continuous evolution, at a national Expert designer in building facilities planning and management.
and international level, of the building sector in terms of: Real estate consultant
investments growth, new request for environmental sustainability Life Cycle expert for building components and construction
and quality standards, rehabilitation growth, diversification of Urban scale
services markets for real estate. Expert designer/consultant in planning, design and management
BEST department already possess consolidated skills on those topics, of environmental systems in complex projects,
elaborated along many years of research and study, from the first Energy management consultant
DR cycle in Architectural Technology and Architectural and Environmental Designer
Environmental Technology and in Technological innovation and Expert designer/consultant in planning and control of urban
architectural design and then in the two unifying DR Technology maintenance
and Design for Environmental Quality In Buildings and Urban
Context and Programming, Maintenance, Rehabilitation of The course is organized into four phases (Preliminary Study, Basic
The Building and Urban Systems (TPQA and PMR) object of this Study, Specialization and Thesis.
In the Preliminary study a general background will be given on
The profiles of professional skills and possible occupations of the the lacking or just mentioned disciplines during the Architectural
graduated Doctors are addressed to public and private entities Degree (economy, research method, systemic and decision making
offering high qualified skills in the field of building and urban process for management).
design and real estate management: technical offices of public
administration ((Regions, Provinces, Municipalities); high level The Basic formative level will give a background of interdisciplinaary
practices and engineering societies, real estate and construction knowledge, on the topics of technology, building phisics,
industry. informatics and multi criteria evaluation, able to give the
Those new profiles will be able to interact with an innovative and instruments to face the complexity of processes and various
environmental friendly approach at design, aiming at enforcing connections they create.
a systemic approach, an expertise in foreseeing, evaluating and A multidisciplinary approach will be the guideline of workshops, that
controlling the design implication of the built environment all over will enrich the preliminary study and the development of the Thesis.

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Four different training areas are activated, that can be configured The Specialization level will be articulated in workshops and


as thematic fields tracing out teachers contributions and scientific technical courses in relation of the different students activities.
analysis guidelines for research (with studies, courses, workshops, Education travel are suggested in order to obtain credits. It is also
stages): scheduled that students of different phd years organze common
worshops in order to discuss and deepen on individual themes,
Rehabilitation and environmental design obtaining credits.
This area training activities are referred either to the education of
skills on the problems of existing building heritage following the The development of the Thesis will be focused either on the
logic of multiple incorporated values, either to the general themes teoretical methodological approach, either on the practical one,
of design sustainability, at different scales. The building process with the aim to encourage process and product innovation.
will be investigated, starting from the pre-design brief to the result The thesis proposal will be formulated in the second semester of the
evaluation, thanks to management innovations, analytic methods, first year, in order to orient since the beginning the stages activities
diagnostics, multicriteria and post-employment evaluations; in Italy or abroad.
a particular attention is dedicated to the life cycle analysis, to
tools and methods for the maintenance of quality and their The TEPAC Doctoral Course collaborates with several foreign
organizational models. Universities, for giving PhD students interesting opportunities of
stages and other educational activities: EMPA, Switzerland; Laifit
Energetic efficiency in architectural design Building Energy Efficiency Technology Insititution Beijing, China;
The area concentrate its training activities on themes such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mit, USA; National Cheng
the rational use of energy and the use of renewable sources Kung University, Taiwan; Saybrook Graduate School and Research
at the building and urban scale. Starting from the analysis of Center , San Francisco, USA.; SRU Benelux Red Cross Societies,
the interactions between climate and building envelope, and Gran Duchy of Luxembourg; Technische Universitt Eindovhen,
considering the most advanced building and plant technologies to The Netherlands; Universitad Nacional de Colombia, Columbia;
control thermo-hygrometric and light comfort of internal spaces, Universitat Polytecnica de Catalunya, Spain; Universit Franois-
knowledge and tools for a conscious energetic design are given, Rabelais, France; Kingston University - School of Surveying and
together with general criteria to measure those systems. Planning , UK ; Agencia dEcologia Urbana de Barcelona, Spain. .

Process and Design Innovation

Training activities dealt in this area are oriented to give PhD students
knowledge on the most advanced researches in this field for
processes, products and building systems, with a strong innovative
value on the market. A particular attention will be given to the
planning of interventions on new constructions and on existing
building, in relation to decision making modalities; but also to
the phase of elaboration of strategic and design brief and to the
formulation of the management phase of design processes

Resources Management at the building and urban scale

The training activities of this area are referred to the development
of qualified skills focused on a wide education upon the various
aspects of managing our heritage at different scales (territorial,
urban, infrastructural and buildings).

Social housing by public private created by local private higher number of social housing Three American case studies

PhD Yearbook | 2015

operators to provide houses for projects in the territory. It is are analyzed (in Camp Hill,
partnership: feasibility issues rent at low prices. The Federal
intervention on housing policies
studied then the Municipality of
Milan, selected on the basis of
State College and Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania) realized through
occurred in 1917, with the the higher housing emergency in the Low Income Housing Tax
Shipping act, the first act that big metropolitan cities, and the Credit. The analysis of those
has disposed the allocation of higher feasibility of operations, cases allows a comparison
Steve Bariselli - Supervisor: Prof. Oliviero Tronconi public funds for the construction thanks to a higher differential between the American LIHTC
of housing for private citizens. between market prices and the and the Italian FIA Maxi property
Since then, seventy years of construction costs, which makes fund, in order to identify good 737
The research investigates the their dimensions due to the are: France, because of its housing policies characterized more possible to offer reduced practices reusable in future


reasons why Social Housing by diffusion of different family system based and managed by by huge public housing national rent. In this phase are analyzed social housing interventions and
public-private partnership, also types, like parents with only one associations named Habitation programs, homeownership regional regulations on housing, highlighting criticalities.
named in Italy with definitions child, singles, separated couples; Loyer Modr (HLM), that encouragement policies, some as well as Milans municipal The final part of the research
Edilizia Privata Sociale (EPS) the great increase of housing are for the 66% private episodic private involvement planning instruments, and the explores national and local
and Edilizia Residenziale prices and rents registered from organizations; Austria, in which and the introduction of housing role played by local not-for-profit public policies able to promote
Sociale (ERS), has not yet 1998 to 2007 and only partially private operators, called Limited vouchers have followed. In organizations. the construction of new social
reached a diffusion able to meet decreased in the last years, but Profit Housing Associations 1986, with the promulgation In the next step are identified housing operations in public-
the strong housing demand that is remaining anyway too (LPHA) provides and manages through the Tax Reform Act and analyzed financing tools private partnership, analyzing
brought by the social sector so- high for many families; the more than the 60% of social of the Low Income Housing applicable to social housing the critical issues and the
called gray, not able to afford difficulties of young people to housing units in the Nation; Tax Credit (LIHTC), also known operations, with a focus on possible improvements where
a dwelling directly on the market emancipate themselves, due Germany, that has involved with the name of the measure property funds, considered by they were already introduced,
but, at the same time, without to the professional uncertainty private operators and investors that had emanates it, Section the national legislator the main through the critical aspects
requirements to be eligible for a that does not allow the in different ways; England, 42, investors and private tool to involve the private sector that characterize social housing
public housing unit. economic independence; the that involves private investors developers were back again to in social housing, and phases interventions: the choice of the
The state of the art identifies increase of labor mobility, that is in the financing of Housing play a strategic and integrated that characterize this type of right location for the project;
and analyzes at the national generating a stronger demand Associations, the organizations role in the development, investment applied to social the land acquisition methods;
level the housing demand for temporary accommodations; that manage social housing in implementation and housing. Is analyzed the national the potential optimization of the
toward which social housing the increasing number of elderly the State. It is analyzed also the management. This financing tool Maxi Fund Fondo investimenti construction phase; the choice
is addressed to, through population, with its specific role played by the European is considered one of the most per lAbitare(FIA), instituted of the best housing tenure mix;
the analysis of the various housing needs; the decrease of Union on housing policies, and prolific operations that involves by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti the provision and the selection
phenomena that has modified families purchasing power, with the responsibilities that the EU private investors and developers (Deposits and Loans Fund) with of community services to
it, taking to the need of a an absolute poverty increased has on Member States in the in affordable rental housing at the aim to create a national provide; the social management
re-thinking of the housing in the period 2010-2013 from field of social housing. the international level. Then, maxi fund that has to invest aspects; the taxation, the risk
supply, that has to face more 4,6% to 7,9%. Outside of the European context other supporting policies that in a network of local property management about rent arrears
variegated needs. Social and The analysis of the national are studied United States often work as a complement funds spread in the country risks, and the investors exit
economic phenomena detected legal framework studies the housing policies, examining with LIHTC are analyzed, such for the construction of new strategy.
and analyzed are: the growing evolution from the first national the evolution of American as the Community Development social housing units. The other
immigration, considering that public housing policies enacted housing initiatives dedicated Block Grant (CDBG), the HOME financing tools analyzed are Real
foreign population in Italy has in the early 1900s to face the to the weaker section of the program, and the HOPE VI Estate Investment Trusts (REITS),
increased from 1.5 million to urbanization of the major cities society. The analysis start from program. in Italian Societ di Investimento
4.4 million just in the last ten due to the industrialization, to the first interventions developed Subsequently, the analysis is Immobiliare Quotate, Project
years; the increasing number the latest enacted acts on social by private citizens during the restricted to the territorial scale, Financing and Public equipment
of non-resident students, that housing. nineteenth century: Company studying the context of Regione leasing.
have to find an accommodation At the international level is Towns, made by private Lombardia, the most active Four Italian case studies are
in the general housing market, analyzed in the first place entrepreneurs to house workers Region in the involvement of analyzed and compared, Via
because of the structural lack the European context, with a of their facilities that came private capitals and developers Cenni, Via Voltri, Via Zoia,
of student housing units that focus on European countries from rural areas, Settlement in funding Social Housing in Milan and CasaCrema+
affects Italy; the continuous with greater experience in Houses, developed by young projects at the national level, in Crema. Three of them
transformation of family types, the involvement of private private volunteers who offered with the more advanced are realized through Fondo
with an increase in the number developers and investors in a shelter to people in need, and regional regulatory system on Investimenti per lAbitare
of families, but a decrease in social housing. States selected other philanthropic associations housing policies, and with the by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.

Photovoltaic Flexibles:

PhD Yearbook | 2015

Integrating organic solar cells onto ETFE membrane

Zhengyu Fan - Relatore: Prof.ssa Alessandra Zanelli, Prof. ssa Carol Monticelli
Tutor: Prof.ssa Alessandra Zanelli
The application of wafer based easier architectural utilization of is more sensitive to strain. The


Photovoltaics (PVs) have been membrane substrates. This PhD ETFE printed Ag electrode
long hindered by their high research explores the possibility, conductance is less sensitive
production, installation and difficulties and effectiveness than PET printed one with large
maintenance costs, as well of ETFE substrate printed OPV strains (20~50%)
as their poor product design layers & cells. In order to achieve better
for building integration. The Far too little researches have printing of OPV onto ETFE, the
upcoming organic photovoltaic investigated the design and wettability of ETFE surface has
(OPV) with high processibility development of PV-Flexibles, been studied and pre-treatments
of active layer materials while its potential market to enhance it have been verified.
through Roll to Roll (R2R) segments has also not yet been This research also implemented
printing technology exhibits as well addressed. Current OPV the experimental printing of
a promising alternative due to layers are typically deposited prototype OPV cells onto ETFE
its low capital costs and better on plastic substrates like substrate, and its performance
visual pleasing appearance. This Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) characterization. Deposition of
potential has been enhanced by or Polyethylene naphthalate an extra Polymethylmethacrylate
its recent efficiency and lifetime (PEN), resulting in inferior (PMMA) layer above the ETFE
research progresses. performance as architectural surface has been proven
Meanwhile, fluoropolymeric components. Even few works to be able to decrease its
membrane materials have been devoted to explore hydrophobicity (reducing contact
like Ethylene the performance of PV-Flexible angle of PEDOT:PSS from 89
tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) and in real application. to 16.9). ETFE demands a high
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) In this research the responses surface hydrophobicity, which
share higher popularity as a of OPV layer composite leads to a bad printing quality of
glass substitute in contemporary under external loads have OPV electrode layers.
architecture context attributing been investigated through The oxygen plasma treatment
to their extraordinary lightness, experimental works with both has reached a much higher
transparency and high flexibility. commercial OPV modules and delamination load (>50g) and
Coincidentally, most of the ETFE printed OPV layers, to has been evidenced to be
membrane material application understand better the weakness, more effective for a higher
occasions, including roofing and the failure mechanism of OPV adhesiveness of PMMA layer on
facade of large public buildings in strain and how this will ETFE surface than the corona
such as stadiums, exhibition hall, influence its performance. The treatment.
as well as building atrium and commercial organic module The property features revealed
aisle roofs, are also the potential loses its effectiveness after by this survey also provide
building integrated photovoltaic meeting the critical strain of valuable knowledge for future
(BIPV) integration scenarios. 1.8%, corresponding to a realization of mechanically
PV-Flexible proposes a novel critical stress of 20MPa. The robust printed OPV in large scale
BIPV product solution by strength of the encapsulation on architectural membranes.
taking advantages of both PV layer is the decisive factor of the Keywords: organic photovoltaic,
technologys renewable solar cell package ultimate strength OPV, tensile test, membrane,
energy harvesting capability and while the transparent electrode ETFE

FROM SCRAP TO PRODUCT the proposal of ecoinnovative An important aspect, emerging District is highly representative of

PhD Yearbook | 2015

production scenarios, regarding from the study of this case is the site, but it provides research
Production cycles, industrial ecology and territorial impacts processes, products and scraps.
To achieve this purpose three
the importance of the district
authorities (in Italy, in most cases
ideas for other marble districts
which have goals for sustainable
Valorizing scraps from natural stone production actions have been done. The the district exist formally, but not development. The scenarios
first is to investigate eco- operationally), of the consortium presented, if pursued, could
innovative industrial scenarios, (promoters of initiatives in imply a very positive change
Arch. Marco Migliore - Supervisor: Prof. Monica Lavagna in accord with the principles the interest of all businesses that could greatly improve the
Tutor: Prof. Cinzia Maria Luisa Talamo of industrial ecology (EIP for in the area, for example the local environment and that
abroad, APEA for Italy), in order promotion of the fair IMM) and could be a stimulus to allow new 741
The European Commission, international market of stone is on the studies of extraction, to create models and to study of the research centers (creators synergies for the local economy.


through its policies and action really relevant and the request cutting and polishing phases. the relations which might be of innovative scenarios) in An aspect to be emphasized
plans (Waste Framework for this material is growing This choice is motivated by the established in an district, for the supporting and promoting eco- is that the recycling of scraps
Directive 2008/98/EC, Roadmap more and more (contrary to fact that these activities can development of the sustainability innovation from quarries and processing
to a Resource Efficient Europe the trend observed during the occur on the territory of where strategies. The second actions activities also reduces embodied
COM(2011)571, Environmental period of global economic crisis raw materials are extracted, aims to take contributions from Results energy of marble, because the
Technologies Action Plan, for other building sectors). while other phases have not new approach to sustainability The results of this research energy consumed to processing
Ecoinnovation Action Plan, Furthermore, stone supply chain necessarily an implication on the (Blue and Green Economy, work are: the definition of marble allow to obtain more raw
Europe 2020, Europe 2050), is characterized by a typical territory of origin. Green Marketing, Systemic possible scenarios for the materials co-products. The
aims to promote industrial aspect: all the externalities are Design, etc). The third action is environmental improvement, allocation of impacts between
innovation of products and localized in a very small area (this Method the definition of an evaluation through the reuse of scraps co-products may be related on
processes in order to reduce means that territorial changes The first step of the research is method, suitable to evaluate the and the reduction of use of raw the economic value of the raw
environmental impacts. A and environmental impacts are the definition of the typologies strategic scenarios identified, material (different production material obtained (highest for
key topic for the reduction of evident and perceptible at local and the features of raw material based on a simplified set of scenarios have been evaluated the slabs of first quality, less high
environmental impacts is the level). For all these reasons, and scraps. To simplify the environmental indicators. The and the most advantageous are for the recycled materials). In the
recycle of scraps (pre-consumer new territorial policies have identification of recycling method takes some parameters highlighted) and the creation proposed study, the choice of
waste) which derive from been recently introduced both scenarios, the supply chains from the LCA and contextualizes of an integrated assessment using only some environmental
production processes, as raw at European level, through the has been classified with a code the evaluation with indicators model (LCA and GIS) that makes indicators has aimed to simplify
materials for the same or for creation of plans for waste deriving from Italian filing that quantify and assess the transparent the production the reading of the assessments,
other production sector. This management, and at local level, system (Ateco2007 by ISTAT) territorial modifications engaged chain of a product and its direct facilitating the role of decision
subject is really important in the by introducing management and the typologies of scraps with marble quarries activities territorial implications. makers in the proposing of
actual current world situation, plans, which are oriented to have been classified with a code (ex. land use) through GIS Besides, a further contribution regional policies or new systems
in response to the demands sustainable development and deriving from European CER mappings. is a methodological proposal of management of quarries
of the general guidelines for specific management procedures catalogue with the addition The last step of the research is for the integration of a GIS for activity. The study demonstrates
the sustainability of production for this sector. Therefore the of a specific code (defined composed by: the application of mapping the environmental the potentialities of scraps, that
processes. purposes of this research project as attribute code) that have the proposed evaluation method information on the territory can become raw material for
The research project deals with is the creation of a model to the role better identifying the in one marble district (the case (identification of quarries new productions. The focus on
the subject of the environmental assess impacts and to support scraps. The results of this phase study is the Carraras district), and related information, these aspects could lead to the
issues connected to stone decisions by providing solutions are the construction of an and the collection of results. identification of landfills and construction of a local district
production processes, by to improve stone supply chain. ordered matrix, that describes This district is one of the Italian related information, CO2 highly structured and extremely
focusing on the very significant The improvement is pursued the stones supply chain and industrial excellence and it is emissions related to the activities competitive both nationally and
scraps production (on average, through the reduction of allows to perform environmental the most important in the stone of the quarry, etc). This method internationally.
the production of 1 ton of the related environmental assessments. The matrix is useful sector for quantity of product, of reading the information,
blocks generates about 1 ton impacts (improvement of the for defining some strategies turnover and innovation. For oriented to the stakeholders
of scraps which usually goes to environmental profile, green for the improvement of the this production reality have (public and private) of the
local landfill) and on the possible and ethical product, etc) and supply chains. The same matrix been considered good practice, various production processes,
ways for reducing and reusing the promotion of reusing scraps is also useful for public and already in progress, and the in order to guide their choices
them. and their valorization through private stakeholders, operating results of research project (such and to enable the comparison
upcycling processes. inside the various production as the EU Life Project Recyslurry of different alternatives whit
Case-study The research starts from the processes, for the generation of or the R4ST); with the aim of explicit criteria (environmental
The case of natural stone has study of the stone production positive externalities. defining paradigmatic models performances).
been selected because the processes, focusing the attention The next step of the research is that can be replicated elsewhere. The evaluation on the Carraras

MULTICRITERIA TOOL TO IMPLEMENT THE The tool, consists of three main technologies and proposing Both structures obtained a high

PhD Yearbook | 2015

areas (environmental, economic some possible solutions with score in the economic macroarea
ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC and social area), 14 criteria and the purpose of providing, at a and diametrically opposed in the
42 indicators. The application later stage of the evaluation, a social area. The new generation
SUSTAINABILITY IN HEALTHCARE of the evaluation instrument set of design guidelines that will hospital in general obtained
Making Sustainability Improved in Hospital highlights sustainability in an serve to improve sustainability almost double the points than
objective way in these hospitals. in hospitals. The evaluation the old generation one.
Dario Nachiero - Tutor: Stefano Capolongo Through the support of a tool composed by various The research, therefore,
scientific method called ANP questionnaires and evaluation proposes an easy, intuitive and
(Analythic Networked Process) sheets was carried out by the effective tool with the purpose 743
In the last fifty years, the impact limits of exploitation and does tools. The research project developed by prof. Thomas administration to technical of defining and identifying the


of human activities over the not overload the absorption therefore seeks to provide a Saaty it was possible to define studies and final users of the sustainability actually found in
nature has given profound capacity provided by the new system and it is developed weight and importance between structures. Some evaluation national hospitals, given the
upheavals on the environment. environment. Sustainability through different stages. the indicators and criteria. groups were also created with shortage and leak of evaluation
These activities, in some cases, in general terms refers to the The first stage concerns the The criteria were weighted the heads of those who have systems.
have become real environmental achieved awareness related to detailed study of the state of the through different focus groups helped create the system and The proposed evaluation
emergencies such as the ozone the environment, that requires art, by analyzing the activities composed by some expert give weight to the various multicriteria tool seeks
hole, the greenhouse effect, ethical choices for the protection carried out over the years by in healthcare structure that indicators of the multicriteria to overcome some of the
desertification and biodiversity of the background, in the need national and international have established, thanks to tool for assessing the general limitations encountered in the
loss. Given the impairment for a balance and a new alliance institutions, the rules issued and their knowledge of different sustainability in the structures. various rating systems currently
of quality of life and future, between artifice and nature. application tools for evaluation strategies and management, the The application of the available in Italy (most often
it is established over time the Nowadays, sustainability of healthcare facilities. It has importance of some than others. assessment tool has involved are used foreign systems like
awareness of the link between becomes a very large issue and been analyzed the impact of The final results, obtained from two structures in the Italian BREEAM Healthcare and LEED
economic development, it is debated with difficulties structures on the stakeholders, the analysis in the structures, territory. In specific it was for Healthcare adapted to the
environmental protection and for definitions and applicability, from which to start processing. derived from the answers given examined a new generation Italian context) defining a new
social equity, so the different especially with reality and Last step of the first phase by the technicians and the structure and an old generation multidisciplinary tool, easy to
offices of various government complex constructions such as has also considered the limits responsible management of one. The two hospitals case use that can be implemented in
begun to speak about healthcare structures. and strengths of national and hospitals. studies, to which we have the future, in different hospitals.
Sustainable Development. A healthcare structure is a public international existing evaluation In the final phase were provided applied the evaluation tool, This tool can be used in the
Currently, environmental building that consumes natural systems. some helpful tips for designers are the New Legnano Hospital, future as well as an element
sustainability is an issue of resources to work. It ensure In the second phase were and managers of companies completed and opened in to assess the shortcomings in
primary importance, brought to the welfare of users for 365 selected and analyzed some to improve the three levels of 2010, and the San Paolo the three areas of sustainability
the attention of the authorities days a year, 7 days 7, 24 hours national and international sustainability in the Italian health Hospital in Milan, completed of health facilities and later to
around the world. During a day. A healthcare structure case studies. Several facilities analyzed. and inaugurated in the 60s. suggest additional strategies and
some important meetings is a building that produces sustainable design strategies The tool is very easy to use and Both facilities have a similar technologies to optimize the
on sustainable development solid and hazardous waste and were highlighted in terms it has been realized because catchment area in dimension, environmental and economic
held in recent years, there consumes three times more than of economic, environmental of a lack evaluation tools of similar number of beds and resources used by hospitals
has been confirmed the a public building of equal size. and social aspect. Hence the sustainability in the Italian similar number of medical staff. manager, designers and health
significant increase of the Many studies and evaluation comparison between the healthcare structure and The application of the facilities.
public interest in relation to systems for sustainability of structures served to highlight the hospitals. instrument has shown that in
these issues. In the global these buildings, at national most innovative and sustainable The multicriteria evaluation the older generation structure
context of industrial societies, and international level, deal strategies. tool therefore regards the can be found major weaknesses
the sustainable development is with this issue highlighting The third phase involved the different aspects of sustainability in terms of environmental
not in fact prosecuted without many limitations and problems, preparation of a new evaluation divided in economic, social and sustainability, especially in
a profound change of current especially in the domestic fields. tool to be applied to Italian environmental through a series obsolescence identifiable in
patterns of development and To fully satisfy and meet the healthcare structure. From the of criteria and indicators, further structural and technological
socio-economic relations. An real needs of users is therefore sustainability strategies found investigated and weighted by leaks. In the new generation
economic system in growth is important to develop a new within the structures analyzed, measurable sub-indicators. The structure can be noted weakness
sustainable only if the amount of evaluation tools, specifically some different indicators were system has tried to identify in structural terms and social
resources used for the creation designed for hospitals and elaborated. These are the basis the sustainability of the overall aspect, but easily implementable
of wealth remains, in quantity healthcare structures. In Italy for the construction of the structures, through the analysis with small adjustments in
and quality, within appropriate there is a lack of assessment multicriteria assessment tool. of the most critical areas and technologies and management.

The potential of a transitional (the only one for which the indices, especially in a semi- use of high-albedo materials

PhD Yearbook | 2015

porch is effective) in a latitude outdoor location where the in urban surfaces may lower
microclimatic space: the porch in the of 45N representative of a
temperate climate. In a first
thermal condition are variable
in time and space. Moreover
air temperature, the reduction
is not enough to offset the
Mediterranean-temperate climate step, different porch proportions
(height/depth ratio) inserted
a positive effect that results
from the experience (or only
increased radiant loads. In fact,
increasing the albedo value
in different urban canyons from the vision) of a shaded affects the thermal stress, since
Claudia Poggi - Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Rogora are compared to evaluate transitional space influence the the reflected sunlight contributes
the impacts of incident solar psychological adaptation to the more to the overall heat flux.
radiation in terms of percentage thermal environment. For this Finally, the Tmrt is confirmed 745
Mediterranean architecture particular type of transitional balconies, but also greenhouses of shaded ground in summer, reason, in this study comfort as a useful key parameter to


is characterized by a great space that morphologically etc.), and assume the role of solar availability on the building indexes based on energy balance predict the trend of the human
diffusion of transitional spaces is covered and located at the design strategies. The variables wall in winter and daylight are introduced only to compare thermal sensation, especially
(called also semi-open spaces), border of a building, usually related to the position and the levels on a workplane inside the effect of the air movement if considered for its deviation
that have intermediate thermal called porch in temperate shape of the porch respect the building. Then, more in different configurations. from air temperature during the
conditions between the indoor countries where it is traditionally to the building volume are: sophisticated simulations are As a result the environmental daytime.
and outdoor environment. They present both in its introvert and the degree of enclosure carried out to add the materials potential of different The findings of this research
are multidimensional spaces extrovert expression, along the (included ora attached), the effect (in terms of albedo configurations is described are turned into environmental
that act as an interface between streets and inside the courtyards. level (ground or upper floor), and thermal capacity). Solene especially in terms of comparison micro-urban design guidelines
two different conditions (inside/ The shade provided by the porch the proportions (punctual or microclimate, a numerical respect to a reference situation including specific operative
outside; public/private; building/ mitigates the effect of solar linear) and the scale (building tool that performs unsteady with a non-shaded building procedures with the aim to
city) filtering energy flows and radiation as a source of heat, or room). simulations is used to evaluate facade. In particular, the analysis support an architect to balance
favouring social relations. The cooling the space itself and In the second part of the the solar, luminous and thermal show the geometrical limits for specific user needs with external
qualities of these spaces are also the building facing on it. research it is evaluated the effects that result from the which the requirements are not constraints in order to reach a
visible at a micro-urban level However, the potential in terms environmental control potential interaction between urban balanced. A porch, in which satisfactory compromise.
where they create microclimatic of thermal comfort especially of a porch adopting a transcalar surfaces and solar radiation. the height is equal to depth, Further evaluations can be
environments that enhance in summer season is in contrast approach that considers Thus, the simulation of the offers the best balance between performed taking in account
activities and provide social with the need of solar gains in the micro-urban level as the solar inter-reflections between protection and openness to the other design features,
interaction. winter and daylighting inside intersection between the urban surfaces allows a complete sky, with the same percentage integrating also social surveys to
Historically their role as climatic the building. Designers generally and the architectural scale. daylighting evaluation and of shaded ground in summer assess the relative importance of
moderators makes them underestimate the importance of A methodology is developed the thermo-radiative transfers and wall exposure to solar the psychological adaptation on
an extension of the private integrating these aspects. to evaluate the effectiveness at the built-environment gains in winter and acceptable human well-being.
living space with different Aim of this study is to define of different configurations interface determine the surface daylight levels inside. It is also
social impacts according the potential of the porch as a with respect to different temperatures of the different demonstrated the effect of a
to the specific culture and perimeter transitional space thermal (summer shading, sunny and shaded areas during porch in an adjacent room in
the climate. In particular, in and to understand in which winter accessibility) and visual the day. The last step consists in terms of Daylight Factor and
Mediterranean countries, they way it can balance the different requirements (daylight and the determination of the radiant Uniformity. In fact, due to the
have been developed in different environmental requirements in external view). According to conditions in a typical summer multi-reflection process, the
configurations as porches, relation to a user well-being. the method, the evaluations are day as a sum of the short-wave surfaces colour sometimes can
patios, loggias etc. especially in The analysis is done starting performed in sequential steps radiation (direct, diffuse and balance the daylight reduction
the northern latitudes where from the origins of the of increasing complexities that reflected) and the long-wave in the deeper parts of the
the climate is more temperate porch, analysing its historical also correspond to a logical radiation (received from the sky space. Moreover, the analysis
and variable through the year development and the different order that should be followed and from urban surfaces). In confirmed the benefits of a
(presence of hot summers, cold configurations existing around in the design process. In fact, this way the limits within which porch for a pedestrian due to
winters and middle seasons). In the world, underlying its the method is applied to a study a porch influences the Mean the reduced direct solar radiation
fact, here they are considered value from a cultural, social, model but it can be assumed as Radiant Temperature (Tmrt) received by a human body and
very important passive environmental and also guideline to perform different variation, the most influential to the less long-wave irradiation
strategies, especially for their perceptive point of view. evaluations at micro-urban level. parameter on thermal comfort, emitted by the surrounding
role in moderating the effect The morphology of a porch The model is analysed varying are defined. In fact, it is still surfaces, in particular the
of direct solar radiation at a is defined through variables geometry, materials and urban difficult to interpret the actual ground. Regarding the albedo
microscale level. that may also identify other constraints respect to an human thermal sensation from effects, the evaluations suggest
This study focuses on a configurations (as loggias, orientation along an E-W axis the currently used comfort that although it is known that

Dynamic energy simulation of different

PhD Yearbook | 2015

pneumatic and air-supported membranes
and proposals for energy saving strategies
Hua Suo - Supervisor: Prof. Alessandra Zanelli

The necessity to reduce energy ventilated air gap, i.e. air flow


consumption has recently network approach. The models
leaded to an evolution of set up is described in Chapter
air-supported and pneumatic 3.2
structures, starting from a single The simulation results show
layer envelope and passing to the dynamic behaviour of
a double membrane, either the membranes, focusing on
based on cushions or on a the low thermal inertia, the
continuous air gap. However role of the solar gains, of the
a quantitative assessment of infiltration losses and of the
the energy performance of the long wave radiation to the sky.
mentioned fabric structures The importance of thermal
is still lacking. Therefore this bridges in the cushion made
research aims at assessing the double skin and the role of the
thermal-physical behaviour air gap in the third generation
and the energy performance membrane are identified. Finally
in winter conditions of air the energy demand reduction,
supported and pneumatic halls, the comfort improvement and
by taking the case study of the condensation risk reduction
PVC coated polyester skins for achievable with double
sports halls. The actual energy membranes in respect to the
saving potential of the advanced single are quantified. The final
generation membranes part of the thesis is dedicated
compared to traditional ones is to proposing strategies and
investigated. technologies for further energy
The methodology adopted for savings in air-supported sports
the study consists in on site halls. Some final considerations
measurements on running on the possibility to generalise
sports hall and in dynamic the results referring to the
energy simulations in ESP-r chosen case study to other
environment. air-supported and pneumatic
In order to set up the simulation structures are derived.
model , some assumptions and
simplification were adopted,
regarding the complex skin
geometry, the homogeneity of
the indoor thermal conditions,
the thermal bridges and so on.
A special approach is needed
for modelling so called 3rd
generation membranes, namely
double skins with a continuously

Dynamic Adaptive Faade advanced design modelling & and can open to a new conception and peculiar

PhD Yearbook | 2015

simulation processes, in situ generation of model based characteristics is founded upon
Modeling Building Envelopes Energy Performance monitoring and real behavior
analyzing tools for the advanced
energy-efficient assessment
tools, where experimental data
their enabling because of their
intrinsic geometrical, material
Comparing Measured and Simulated Data envelope systems design, are configured for matching and functional assets the
to develop environmental performance monitoring and monitoring of its on-going
adaptation capabilities in terms evaluation towards adaptive thermal behavior dynamics,
Sergio Tarantino - Supervisors: Ezio Arlati, Vladimir Bazjanac, Anna Mangiarotti of energy performance. The envelopes tailored on their depending on the environmental
innovative aspect consists of the environment. variations of the context in
opportunity of evaluating the The main assumption serving which Adaptive Envelopes are 749
Ventilated Faades are Turate, Como; Italy), reveal packages and tools. buildings behavior according as the foundation of Adaptive embedded. The system should


recognised as an effective the multiplicity of behaviors The potential impact of to the different possible Envelopes is the relevance act through monitoring the
envelope solution able to of the naturally driven air simulation tools, when applied configurations of the envelope, of potential effects produced difference between the actual
control and reduce energy flow, including the reverse early in the design process, in its operating condition, by putting analysis tools into versus the desired thermal
consumption, providing high down-stream direction under would enhance the most through digital models virtual the hands of designers, in condition in reaction to its
thermal insulation, shading the influence of night-cold sustainable design issues by experimentation. order to practice their use environment, thence adapting
from solar radiation, protection irradiation or weather conditions comparative solutions of design The adoption of monitoring since the very first stages in a its configuration change by
against humidity penetration, an generated by rapid pressure alternatives through their digital systems, for storing and buildings design. Among the means of actuators, finally
opportunity of PV technologies swamps. Normally the energy models comparison. Simulation analyzing data of the real analysis criteria, the thermal implementing its optimized
and solar thermal systems displayed by these phenomena is should be intended as a process energy performances, represents and energetic one practiced asset by mean of progressive
integration. The performance dispersed into the atmosphere. aimed at suggesting possible the main step to support the via software simulation, is correction driven by on-purpose
of materials, components and The experimental observations design development paths, contribution of designers and demonstrating as one of the software tools supported by
systems of every significant part are based upon a very rich combining the knowledge of industries in generating new strategic issues for contemporary surveyed data interpretation.
of work has to be designed Data Base resulting from several experts involved in the design solutions for integrating urban environment balance and Scope of the works is to
aiming at its integration into the years-long continuous early design phase, making of technological and productive building performance control explore parallel approaches
the project, to ensure the monitoring practiced upon it an optimized interdisciplinary issues with architectural and quality increase. and pathways enabling the
effectiveness of the adopted the ADERMA Energy-efficient phase, and reducing the quality. The availability of a Adaptive Envelopes, aimed at energy saving and renewable
solution. ventilated faade installment uncertainty in the decision large set of data describing matching their surrounding resources energy capture,
The baseline case developed (Facciata Ventilata ad Alta process. real performances disclose the environmental conditions by means of digital design
during this research project Efficienza Energetica), that is Many contemporary new analysis of a number of dynamic dynamics in order to optimize and software simulations of
reports the experimental providing a vast and detailed building designs originally interferences that influence their geometrical shape, their performances: the really
application designed and built demonstration of the natural include features and measures physical phenomena. With the their topological asset, there promising solutions evidenced
on an existing industrial building air-flows phenomena, reported designed and specified to availability and affordability of material configuration and the by simulations advantageous
in Turate (Como, Italy): a new in a number of serial graphic maximize the energy efficiency more detailed measured data, related thermal performance, results, may become the
hybrid ventilated faade, made diagrams that allow the detailed of the building. Yet, once a more reliable performance are a promising perspective object of experimentation by
by new supplementary layers, description of the real dynamics constructed and in operation, assessment is possible. to be developed by means of material construction on an
is being assembled over the on the exemplary really built these buildings often fail to The main issue consists in BIM digital modeling and via already real building site and
existing envelop, with the experimentation field. meet energy performance the possibility to develop a software simulation. Adaptive related continuous performance
aim of increasing both the The experimental application expectations. The actual cross-checking between the Envelopes want to exploit monitoring.
passive thermal performances of this research concerned with development stage of thermal- data coming from the digital the range of possibilities for
(reinforcing thermal insulation modeling and simulation issues, energetic simulation tools for simulation phases and the data architectural exterior skin of
by the exterior added layer) and consists of the elaboration of digital models, already makes coming from monitoring tools buildings to operate variations of
the active capturing of solar the whole design process - it possible to change design and sensors, for the real built their geometrical configuration
radiation to produce electric since the early stages, through decisions after quantitative faades, in order to allow and and material composition, in
energy, to be exploited by use in architectural language and evaluation of the entire impact to validate a comparison of order to enhance and increase
the same buildings systems. components definition, until of the proposed solutions on the building actual performance their ability to capture the
The experimental observations executive and detailed shop buildings energy performance; and expected performance in maximum energetic advantages
of the air flow phenomena design - by means of advanced in particular on its impact on real context and to pursue the from or in spite of the
generated by the chimney BIM modeling software the energy performance of the optimization and the refinement irradiation or meteorological
effect, resulting from really environments, based upon real building during its life-cycle. of the whole process. conditions for their exterior
built and monitored applications 3D, Object Oriented, Parametric The breakthrough sense of this This integrated approach has environment.
on the ADERMA building (in and IFC Standard Interoperable research is the integration of relevant innovative potentials The Adaptive Envelopes
Materials Engineering | Mathematical
MODELS and METHODS IN Engineering
| Mechanical Engineering | Physics |
Preservation of THE Architectural Heritage
| Rotary-wing aircrafts | Spatial Planning
and Urban Development | Structural Seismic
and Geotechnical Engineering | Technology
and Design for Environment and Building
| Territorial Design and Government |
Aerospace Engineering | Architectural
and Urban Design | Architectural
Composition | Architecture, Urban Design,
Conservation of Housing and Landscape
| Bioengineering | Building Engineering
| Design | Design and technologies for
cultural heritage | Electrical Engineering |
Energy and Nuclear Science and Technology
| Environmental and Infrastructures
engineering | Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering | Information
Technology | Interior Architecture
and Exhibition Design | Management,
Economics and Industrial Engineering PhD Yearbook | 2015


PhD Yearbook | 2015


The new doctoral program in Territorial Design and Government context, and the actual actions for mastering administrations and the private sector, research


Chair: merges the two previous Ph.D. courses in Urban, Regional, and territorial change also exploiting international centers, and universities, with specific expertise:
Prof. Rossella Salerno Environmental Planning (head by Prof. Valeria Erba) and in Urban best practice comparisons. The latter will in governing territorial development through
Projects and Policies (head by prof. Patrizia Gabellini), where one be achieved through the organization of integrated projects and innovative procedures
Ph.D.thesis presented in this yearbook have been carried out. international seminars and through an internship able to share planning decisions with the
in international research centers, universities, and involved actors and communities;
Objectives of the Doctoral Program public administrations. in urban policy/project evaluation and
Basic objective of the course is to provide analytical and The central importance assigned to the doctoral management, with skills for mastering
interpretative tools, as well as planning/design methods, able thesis determines the attribution of a significant market oriented planning policies, impact
to apprehend and improve institutional approaches, ordinary quota of formative credits to the activities assessment and compensations; conflicts
procedures and experimental practices for territorial government finalized to conceive and write the dissertation mediations; betterment recapture and p/p joint
and design. along all the three years, as well to the training development;
The complexity of territorial change in an open society requires a on specific themes related to the final doctoral in applied urban and environmental design, in
wide, pro-active innovation in planning practices and expertise. dissertation by an active participation to applied order to create physical projects able to interpret
The interrelation between urban design and projects evaluation, researches and workshops. and guide the economical, social, and political
environmental planning and landscape urbanism, together dimensions of land development, and improve
with urban governance, growth management and real estate Professional and research profiles the quality of life and the sustainability of the
development are the foci of the research projects developed by the The Ph.D. program is aimed to prepare built environment.
faculty and the students involved in the course. researchers and skilled professionals for public
The formative program assumes that many planners are involved
with development not only from a regulatory position, but also
proposing and managing actual projects at different scales.
Doctoral Program Board
Comparative assessment of best practices and explorative design
at territorial, urban, and local scale are the tools used to pursue Andrea Arcidiacono Patrizia Gabellini Pierluigi Paolillo
more effective planning methods and techniques.
Matteol Bolocan Goldstein Francesco Infussi Paolo Pileri
Contents and research training Bertrando Bonfantini Arturo Lanzani Angela Poletti
The doctoral program offers advanced training in the critical Lidia Diappi Chiara Merlini Paola Pucci
construction of territorial plans, projects and policies by integrating
different disciplinary approaches. The varied inter-disciplinary Valeria Erba Federico Oliva Rossella Salerno
suggestions offered to Ph.D. students represent a great opportunity
for understanding the multiple dimension of territorial projects and
policies, but the students will be required to convey them to a clear Scholarship Sponsors
research project among the following research streams:
Spatial plan formats and tools Assolombarda, Settore Territorio
Role of the project in leading territorial change
Globus et locus
Evaluation and management of urban projects and policies
Descriptions/interpretations of cities and territories Milano Metropoli; Associazione europea delle Agenzie di Sviluppo
Decisions and governance Regione Lombardia, DG Agricoltura
Nature and soil
Provincia di Milano, Direzione Centrale Pianificazione Territoriale
The doctoral candidates will be asked to reflect upon the traditions
of planning and urban design within the Italian and European Comune di Milano, Settore Pianificazione Urbanistica


PhD Yearbook | 2015

Localism Act e attivazione locale, un dialogo tra Londra e
Linda Cossa - Supervisor: Claudio Calvaresi

Quartieri in gioco is the Neighbourhood Forum are.


outcome of a research interest At the core of the reflection
toward local community there are the neighbourhood
engagement processes, in view dimension, the community
of strengthening and innovation led development and how
of public action, and from a to build the conditions for: a
direct experience developed real engagement and activism
in the management of the of local communities; a
Neighbourhood Lab in the productive confrontation among
Plan of Social Support to the communities, institutions, and
Contratto di Quartiere II in experts competences; social
Ponte Lambro. innovation and a self-guiding
Ive observed the recent society.
English reform promoted by In closing, the research suggests
the Localism Act, aimed to a dialogue between London and
realize the Big Society and to Milan, developing a reflection
encourage powers devolution based on findings from case
toward local dimension. This studies and stances from
reform introduces significant literature which are critically
changes in the planning discussed, identifying new
system, through recognising possible issues for a new urban
legally the new Neighbourhood policies agenda.
Planning level, and fostering
new neighbourhood
governance form based on local
communities responsabilities
and engagement: the
Neighbourhood Forum. So, Ive
studied his empirical application
in Highgate, a neighbourhood in
In particular my focus is about
those policy tools that can
be useful to accompany this
kind of processes and work in
the direction of community,
stakeholders and institutions
capacities development, by
their rooted dimension and
the proximity to territories
and to the issues they raise;
as Neighbourhood Lab and

Analysis of the degree of mutual influence

PhD Yearbook | 2015

between the evolution of the automotive
industry and the metropolitan socio-spatial
domain. The case of Detroit, Michigan
Letizia Imbres - Supervisor: Prof. Costanzo Ranci Ortigosa
Coordinator: Prof.ssa Rossella Salerno
The thesis aims to investigate the time, respectively. Then, the spatial domain over the entire morphology (i.e. ethnicity and


mutual influence between the 130-year time span has been 1973-2010s phase. race, educational attainment,
evolution of the US automotive further sub-divided into shorter Moreover, for each given phase employment and unemployment
industry and the metropolitan phases (and/or subphases) and/or sub-phase, events have rate, jobs by occupation, jobs by
area of Detroit, Michigan, the assuming as breaking-points been analyzed by making use of industry, income, poverty rate);
latter examined in its spatial between subsequent phases analytic categories and sub- c) local government policies
and social constituents. The economic recessions and/or categories which offer valuable and corporate management
analysis has been articulated wartime periods. Ultimately, interpretation keys allowing interaction.
according to specific space the body of the thesis has been to exit the chronological Finally, two sets of preliminary
and time frames. On the one articulated into 3 major phases description of facts as well as conclusions are discussed:
hand, a cross-scalar spatial and 5 sub-phases; in addition, providing a set of guidelines the former focuses on the
frame has been chosen to this sub-division have been used to assist interpreters in metamorphosis of the US
examine the intrinsically reticular adopted for organizing the rapidly identifying features and automobile industry, by making
nature of the US automotive internal structure into chapters. tracing evolutionary patterns. If a specific reference to the
realm while, contemporarily, In particular, Chapters 1 and 2 necessary, for each sub-category main technical, organizational,
allowing to investigate the refer to the 1880-1900 period, has been determined a set of and spatial changes illustrated
rather areal and linear while Chapter 3 and Chapter indicators which have been for each phase; the latter
dimensions characterizing 4 analyze the rise of the US applied for monitoring the reasons about the hypothetical
the metropolitan socio-spatial automotive industry and the trend of a selected variable over correlation existing between the
domain. On the other hand, evolution of the socio-spatial time. The group of analytic major shifts occurring within the
an appropriate time frame domain until the recession of the dimensions employed for industry and the socio-spatial
has been selected according early 1920s. Chapters 5 and 6 investigating the automotive evolution of the Motor City.
to a twofold purpose: first, the focus on the interwar decades, realm comprehends:
entire timespan considered including the Great Depression a) agents of change; b)
has to be sufficiently extended which followed the Wall Street processes and operations
to include all crucial stages of Crash of 1929. Chapter 7 (i.e. product development
the US automobile industrys and Chapter 8 document the and product manufacturing);
evolution (thus allowing for patterns of continuity and c) organizational structure
extrapolating long-term patterns change in the US automobile (i.e. intra-and inter-corporate
as well as minor trends and industry and the metropolitan relations; corporate-suppliers
counter-trends); second, the socio-spatial domain during relations; labor-management
temporal frame needed to be World War II and the postwar relations); d) geography (i.e.
sub-divided in shorter periods period. Chapter 9 investigates national, regional, and local
to carry out more analytic the major changes occurring scale). The sub-categories and
investigation. In order to meet in the US automobile industry indicators used for tracing the
these criteria, the whole period following the 1973-1974 evolution of the socio-spatial
covered by the dissertation runs oil shortage, while Chapter domain include: a) metropolitan
approximately from 1880 until 10 attempts to provide an form (i.e. population change,
the early 2010s, where the two overview of the principal trends metropolitan expansion,
extremes correspond to the characterizing the last decades. population density and building
initial stage of the US industrial Finally, Chapter 11 examines the vacancy rate, metropolitan
revolution and the present evolution of the Detroits socio- structure; land use); b) social

The City Network and the Regional more specific) all these images languages. In this direction it comparisons thanks just to

PhD Yearbook | 2015

were collected from the different was possible to discover, in the the web dynamics. The typical
Evolution in Yangtze River Delta, China sources and re-assembled
according to interpretative
first case study, a people of
space amateur photographers
form of the on-line images
consumption can in fact
categories to make them emerge that can incorporate cultured open new territories for the
in all their communicative languages in their production. perception of urban spaces,
strength. One of the main issue The meeting point of such the place identity and the
 atteo Giuseppe Romanato - Supervisor: Prof. Luigi Cocchiarella
M of the research in fact is that population, the on-line platform belonging to the city mediated
Tutor: Prof.ssa Salerno Rossella - images are rhetorical dispositives of Fotocommunity, can be through technological channels.
GPT Phd program coordinator: Prof.ssa Salerno Rossella, Politecnico di Milano. on the footsteps of Foucault. used to detect the Spaces of Moreover the image of the 759
The overcoming dimension of representation overlapping city that emerges confirms the


the web flows, including the in some ways with the rhetoric of the growth and of
The aim of the research is to open questions which involve The first case study was about images, is so an inevitable part Representation of spaces techno-utopianism as well as
detect ideas, expectations, technical progress, society and a generic urban image of space of the on-line experience of the that Lefbvre considered in his the regret for pre-capitalistic city.
aspirations and wishes about the urban space. Are the criteria and urban environment as media. Beyond this comments, thought. All these personal and They are actually symptoms of
city in a bottom-up perspective. trough which we interpret expressed by an amateur group writings, opinions and formal experiences as well as disappointment for the present
To fulfil that a very useful citizenship, urban images, of web-users. This overview was discussions about the images of communitarian vocations can urban environment and of ideal
channel is nowadays the web community and participation tested in comparison between the city contributed to describe narrate the urban environments projections on alternative visions
and the internet communication. still well-grounded or should both the German and the Italian emerging sensibilities and ideas according to various frames: as well. It is a fact that the
In this environment messages, they be reviewed? How does side of the contributors in a on the net. Most of the reported the abstracted space, the letdown for the present space
discussions and on-line debates technological communication specific web-site focused on textual evidences are linked growth-myth city and the is evaluated with the parameter
take shape in an extremely affect that? What innovations photography. The second case with the original web source in historical affective places. In of the globalized world that can
free way. The fields of social in terms of contents, ways study explored the image of order to warrant the possibility the second case study, through reach the web users through the
communication, technology and and resources can be detected the city no more referring it to for the reader to reconstruct personal sites, blogs, and others net.Conclusions can be drawn
representation can help to depict through research? From a a neuter space but organized the reasoning as the principle platforms it was possible to on three levels. On the levels of
a complex ground and to find methodological perspective around a site-specific experience: of the falsifiability by Popper describe an iconic web overlay contents it is clear that neo-
out new tools to deal with such it was necessary to realize the city of Milan. The further requires. About 100 opinions which covers all the city of liberal narrations are spread on
a big amount of material. It is that there is not a perfectly and final step was based on by different people were found Milan. They can be institutional, the internet through images and
so clear that a multidisciplinary superimposable foregoing the so called web-communities with contributions that can quarters or amateurs sites and are assimilated by a large quota
approach must be taken into research. So it was indispensable that discuss about the present extend form a line to half a can offer a great amount of of connected people. On the
account. All these disciplines to build an analysis path and past urban transformations page in the form of sentences, digital images: archives with an level of the web environment it
outline the panorama on which which could borrow the views of Milan. Moreover just in monologues, dialogues, debates encyclopaedic aspiration but is possible to claim that media
the phenomenon of social of the different converging order not to orient the results etc. The main outcomes of the also innovative forms of mutual and the city are composing
communication takes place. disciplines that explored various a priori a common unit of first steps could display that collaboration. Especially the together and influence each
The postmodern condition, sides of the problem trying measurement was considered on the web both amateur and ideas of a future technological others on the ground of
the space of flows and its to merge them together. and that is to say the images professional production can city based on economical expectations. On the level of
dialogue with the space of Another important choice themselves. The main issue of find an hospitable reception development and of a nostalgic resources and opportunities
places, the globalized imagery, was to vary the approaches to this social exchange, in which and can merge together due past city can be found here as the iconic dimension of
the techno-urban imagery, the avoid the risk of overwriting a proper knowledge develops, to the growing autonomy of parallel confirmation of what communication can suggest new
territorial commodification, personal considerations on the are in fact urban images. So the digital images. Such images detected in the first case study. ways to involve common people
the spectacular turning of outcomes and not to restrict the digitalized images in the form of can move in the internet and In the third case study the web- to meet with technicians and
cities and quarters both from experience only to one single photos, renderings, drawings, get into contacts with different communities, gathered around institutions in order to take part
a communitarian and media case study. So the research historical paintings, maps, audiences and also in different on-line discussion forums, were in the design and preservation of
point of view, the dynamics work involved a preliminary sketches and so on can tell us ways of digital collaborations taken into consideration as they the city.
of connected knowledge, phase of triage and three a lot about the imagery of a for examples in on-line archives can express more consciously
the human shaping and the case studies. The advance of connected population. About or software platforms. In these opinions and expectations about
purposes of technological myths the research proceeded from 5000 images of all kinds were complex ways of communication Milan urban transformations.
and of techno-scientific utopias the general to the specific in the collected and about 1000 a great part of the urban images Beyond already known forms of
are all elements that must not be following way.The triage was paged up on 187 tables. Due wandering on the net reflects universal mapping or requests
underestimated in approaching a qualitative exploration about to the rhizomatic structure of an hyper-dense city showing for an urban symbolism there
the research. All these some ways of manifestation of the web (especially as far as the the growth rhetoric also beyond is here a great presence of
contributions allow to point out the urban images on the net. exploration became more and the limits of the different international references and

Mapping Urban Climate and Air Quality

PhD Yearbook | 2015

for City Planning, from Multi-Scale
Modeling to Real-Time Air Sensing
Aldo Treville - Supervisor: Prof. Eugenio Morello
Co-supervisor: Prof. Rex Britter - Tutor: Prof. Angela Poletti
Problem definition used by planners and decision fromvarious databases.


Urban planning is facing the makers for planning more In a second research step a
environmental questions sentient, resilient, and responsive specific project was designed,
posed by climate change and cities. in order to experiment with
air pollution in urbanized and The research aimed to air city sensing in the field
increasingly crowded areas investigate the potential of with its limits, and explore the 1. PM2.5 concentration expressed in g/m3 unit, as coming from the collected sensor raw readings (May 30th, MIT
in both the developed and mapping urban climate and opportunity of this innovative campus, Cambridge, MA).
developing world: how can cities air quality with the help of air approach for urban planning
alleviate their responsibility and sensing; mapping by air sensing to study urban climate and air urban planning should embrace to be very high, but more time it is possible to envision
address proper measures? While can be a way of transferring quality at the people scale. In there is the possibility to reduce for future elaboration than a future urban planning more
current studies are exploring the climatic and environmental fact, considering the limits of vulnerability, by both limiting immediate implementation, focused on governing health
mitigation and particularly knowledge into planning a stationary sensing network emissions/impact and reducing given the recent technology and well-being at the peoples
adaptation solutions to be languages, bridging the gap in reaching a proper resolution sensitivity and increasing and the current challenges level, and mapping urban
applied to target locations, data between urban climatology, (MIT-Clairity case study), a citizens adaptive capacity. In experienced. In fact, strong climate and air quality can profit
and urban models are mostly meteorology, air studies, city mobile sensing campaign in a fact, the potential of such and unexpected findings from new sensing tools and
available at the regional/city planning and urban design. field experiment was designed unprecedented fine-grained were underlined, such as integrating sectorial knowledge.
level, with little information Limits of air sensing, in its and executed, by testing and mapping could allow effective data representativeness, Urban planning, therefore,
available at the local/ technology and cost, are using sensors and exploring local interventions, such as communication and should be ready and profit
neighborhood level, and the the biggest barriers for sensing opportunities in urban policies for mobility (i.e. transparency issues, data from this opportunity, such as
peoples level. current planning processes. mapping air quality and urban modifying car accessibility), accuracy and calibration (unless pervasiveness and its scale and
However, new available Therefore, exploring air sensing climate parameters at Senseable energy, and land use (i.e. machine-learning techniques resolution improvement, as it
sensing technologies are opportunities, obstacles and City Lab of MIT. relocating pollutant urban are used to increase data quality will change the future of urban
pushing a paradigm shift: from strategies to overcome them, A conclusive contribution is a functions, or target groups coming from low-cost sensors), climate and air quality in our
traditional top-down climate/ and providing recommendations project proposal that includes from a high polluted areas). and further research is needed cities. In addition, participatory
environmental modeling and for its integration into urban the findings of this research, Urban design measures could in order to explore the realistic sensing scenarios are beneficial
scarce governmental monitoring planning, was the final scope of demonstrating the potential for be addressed to targeted areas, possibility of implementation of for both increasing data quality
to innovative diffused sensor this research. the city of Milan to implement in modifying local morphology the next generation sensing and enhancing awareness on
networks and participatory a sensing project integrated (i.e. improving ventilation), in urban climate and air quality environmental and health topics.
sensing scenarios. The Methodology, case studies into a model, in the final aim of fabrics (i.e. increasing green mapping. The spread of personal sensing
opportunities for spatial and and fieldwork mapping urban climate and air areas), and other measures through wearables and the
environmental planning are Strengths and challenges of quality in Milan. could increase adaptation Conclusions pervasive sensing might lead
vast: mapping at a local scale modeling were studied in the capacity to UHI and to pollutants A paradigm shift towards more to the panoptic ICT top-down
and at a fine-grained resolution first research step at Urban Data analysis and findings accumulation (i.e. barriers from and more air quality attention, concern, familiar to smart city
can enhance UHI and pollution Simulation Lab of Politenico Figure 1 shows a high- local sources, alert systems). measurements, mapping and criticism. However, it should be
concentration studies, and allow di Milano; the research resolution, local (and potentially Finally, urban practices can also awareness is likely to occur tackled by enhancing bottom-
hotspots spatial and temporal included investigating the real-time) air quality map using be affected by such mapping, in the short-term future, and up smartness: promoting
variation studies. In addition, relation between microclimate data from the mobile sensing such as citizens behavior and once sensors improve in data crowdsourcing and people-
real-time information supports and discomfort and the fieldwork. The thesis includes lifestyle (i.e. reducing private quality, thanks to ongoing rapid centric sensing will enhance
the creation of an urban smart built environment at the temperature, humidity and other car transportation, increasing technology developments, urban sensing in an integrated
information platform for neighborhood level, and the pollutants hot-spot analysis from awareness in outdoor activities). they will be ready to be perspective, both increasing data
interdisciplinary communication creation of a model for the air sensing. Overall, the potential of sensing implemented at a large scale for quality and citizens participation
and collaboration, ultimately city of Milan collecting data Among the opportunities that emerged from this work seems urban mapping. At the same and awareness.
Milan, May 2015

Thanks to:
PhD School
Chairs and Secretaries of the Doctoral Programs
The Doctors of the Graduating Class of 2015

Graphic design and layout

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