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European Journal of Neurology 2012, 19: 2127 doi:10.1111/j.1468-1331.2011.03448.


A literature review of the pathophysiology and onset of post-stroke

Anthony B. Ward
Faculty of Health, Staffordshire University, Stoke on Trent, UK

Keywords: Background: Spasticity occurs after stroke and gives rise to substantial burden for
early intervention, spas- patients and caregivers. Although it has been studied for many years, its denition
ticity onset, stroke, upper continues to undergo reconsideration and revision. This partly reects the diversity of
motor neuron syndrome its manifestations and that its pathophysiology, although well studied, is still debated.
Methods: A literature review was carried out to dene the pathophysiology and risk
Received 8 December 2010 factors for onset of post-stroke spasticity.
Accepted 26 April 2011 Results: It is clear that an acquired brain injury, including stroke, results in an
imbalance of inhibitory and excitatory impulses that leads to upper motor neuron
symptoms and that the location and extent of the lesions result in diering symptoms
and degrees of spastic severity. The onset of spasticity is highly variable and may occur
shortly or more than 1 year after stroke. The current understanding of spasticity onset is
complicated by the role of contractures, which have been assumed to arise out of
spasticity but may have a role in its cause. Other possibly predictive factors for the risk
of post-stroke spasticity have been identied, including early arm and leg weakness, left-
sided weakness, early reduction in activities of daily living, and a history of smoking.
Conclusions: Further understanding of spasticity risk factors is necessary for the
development and integration of early interventions and preventive measures to reduce
spasticity onset and severity.

work as a result of their spasticity [5]. Apart from these

limitations on the lives of stroke suerers themselves, a
Spasticity is a common feature of the upper motor neu- secondary eect of spasticity is often an increased
ron syndrome following stroke [1]. It can have a dis- burden on caregivers [1,6].
abling eect on the stroke survivor through pain and The severity of pain and overall QoL burden asso-
reduced mobility, which may limit the potential success ciated with the development of post-stroke spasticity
of rehabilitation [2,3]. Spasticity can also aect quality of may be reduced or avoided through the initiation of
life (QoL) and can be both diverse and highly detrimental preventive approaches in patients with upper motor
to daily functioning. Spasticity can result in urinary neuron syndrome (UMNS). Early interventions may
incontinence; limit sexual intimacy; interfere with walk- prevent the onset of post-stroke spasticity or slow or
ing, sitting, and standing; and generally reduce a persons limit its progression [79]. The goal of this review is to
ability to undertake activities of daily living (ADLs) [1]. dene the pathophysiology and risk factors for the
The physical limitations associated with spasticity con- onset of post-stroke spasticity. Rigorous and objective
fer risk for falls and consequent fractures [4]. measures of spasticity, and a clear understanding of the
The consequences of spasticity-related disability may factors associated with its onset and pathophysiology,
extend further to aect work and productivity. A recent may facilitate the development and integration of pre-
survey of patients with spasticity found that nearly 60% ventive approaches and early interventions.
stated their condition had made it impossible for them
to work at all, while an additional 29% said their
spasticity interfered with their ability to work; in all,
89% of respondents reported total or partial inability to A literature review was carried out using CINAHL and
Embase databases as well as the Cochrane Collabora-
tion Library with a search on the following terms:
Correspondence: A. B. Ward, Director, North Staffordshire Reha-
bilitation Centre, University Hospital of North Staffordshire, Stoke on
stroke, upper motor neuron syndrome, spasticity,
Trent, UK (tel.: 0044 (0) 1782 673 693; fax: 0044 (0) 1782 673 912; spasticity pathophysiology, spasticity onset, and early
e-mail: anthony.ward@uhns.nhs.uk). intervention. The literature search was selected from

 2011 The Author(s)

European Journal of Neurology  2011 EFNS 21
22 A. B. Ward

more recent papers focusing on post-stroke spasticity of the lesion also plays a role in determining the char-
and none before 1990. acter of the spasticity [15,16] (Fig. 3). Spasticity can
occur in muscles with high stretch sensitivity and in
those not stretch sensitive [15].
Eerent processes also contribute to positive UMNS
symptoms that are generally referred to as spastic dys-
Describing spasticity
tonia [16]. Such symptoms occur as continuous mus-
Arriving at a formal denition of spasticity has been an cular activity, lack volitional command, are not entirely
evolving project for at least half a century. Lances 1980 dependent on peripheral sensory feedback, and lack
denition is most commonly cited and describes spas- phasic stretch. An example is the hemiplegic posture in
ticity as a motor disorder characterized by a velocity- which a patient experiences nger, elbow, and wrist
dependent increase in tonic stretch reexes (muscle tone) contraction in addition to leg extension.
with exaggerated tendon jerks, resulting from hyperex- It would appear that pyramidal bers do not play a
citability of the stretch reex, as one component of the major role in UMNS, but parapyramidal bers do have
upper motor neuron syndrome [10]. A subsequent 1994 an important role [16]. Inhibition of sensory impulses
denition of spasticity was a motor disorder character- for spinal reex activity occurs via the dorsal reticu-
ized by a velocity-dependent increase in tonic stretch re- lospinal tract, while additional inhibitory eects on the
exes that results from abnormal intra-spinal processing spinal cord take place through the brain stem (Fig. 1)
of primary aerent input [11]. A more recent 2005 de- [15,16]. The dorsal reticulospinal tract runs close to the
nition superseded the Lance denition and described a corticospinal or pyramidal tract, and it is the parapy-
disordered sensori-motor control, resulting from an up- ramidal dorsal reticulospinal tract that causes the main
per motor neuron lesion, presenting as intermittent or symptoms associated with spinal reex activity. In the
sustained involuntary activation of muscles [12]. brain stem, excitatory pathways that descend through
There is thus no correct and universal denition, which the medial reticulospinal tract, mainly through the
partly reects the fact that spasticity is not a single entity. bulbopontine tegmentum, are also present.
Post-stroke spasticity shows considerable variability and The unbalancing of an otherwise stable equilibrium
often does not conform to any of the standard deni- between inhibitory and excitatory bers can result in
tions, particularly with regard to the role of muscle tone. any number of complex and diverse variations of
Malhotra et al.[13] found that a substantial portion of UMNS, and lesions occurring in a given area may have
post-stroke patients exhibiting involuntary muscle varying eects on dierent patients. The location of a
activity consistent with spasticity, as measured by lesion may have a large eect on the type of symptoms
biomechanical and neurophysiologic measures, did not experienced. The three primary locations for lesions
exhibit scores on the Modied Ashworth Scale (which
measures muscle tone) that were diagnostic for spastic-
ity. Eighty-seven of 100 patients were diagnosed with
abnormal muscle activity using biomechanical and neu-
rophysiologic measures. Spasticity was then measured in
the same set of patients using the six-point Modied
Ashworth Scale, and 56 of the 87 previously identied
patients scored a 0, indicating no detectable spasticity.
The Ashworth and Modied Ashworth Scales are fre-
quently used clinical methods for evaluating muscle tone.
Such incongruity between common measures of spas-
ticity and standard denitions of the condition [14] at
best complicates diagnosis and at worst results in sub-
optimal treatment of the patient with spasticity.

Pathophysiology of upper motor neuron syndrome

Spasticity arises from a dissociation or disintegration of Figure 1 Major pathways of spinal reex inhibitory (gray) and
motor responses to sensory input co-incident with a excitatory (black) pathways. Reproduced with permission from
hyperexcitability of segmental central nervous system Wiley-Blackwell: Sheean G, The pathophysiology of spasticity,
(CNS) processing. Additional sensory input provokes a European Journal of Neurology; 9(Suppl. 1): 39. Copyright 2002
greater spasticity manifestation, although the location {Ref. [16]}.

 2011 The Author(s)

European Journal of Neurology  2011 EFNS European Journal of Neurology 19, 2127
Post-stroke spasticity: pathophysiology and onset 23

into which the diering eects can be clearly catego- The order of events following the initial stroke-
rized are brain stem, cortex, and spinal cord [16]. related injury typically involves a period of shock
Cortical lesions will often result in some degree of followed by a transitional interlude of non-hyperac-
spasticity, hyper-reexia, and in some cases clonus, but tive reex responses. Flaccidity and hypotonia are
these will usually be much less severe in nature than experienced rst [16] in a way that may be related to
those symptoms arising from spinal cord lesions. Partial the appearance of spinal shock after a spinal cord
and complete lesions have diering eects. If a partial injury [17], with a delay occurring before spasticity
spinal cord lesion is entirely destructive of the inhibi- sets in. The onset of spasticity is likely to be con-
tory pathways but not of the excitatory ones, then tingent upon a plastic rearrangement in the CNS, and
spinal activity will remain, although the result will be possibly the sprouting of axonal bers [3,16]. The
high levels of spasticity and hyper-reexia, while a total result is overactivity of the muscles and exaggerated
spinal cord lesion that destroys both inhibitory and reex responses to peripheral stimulation [15]. The
excitatory pathways will result in a total loss of sup- processes for this development are similar to those of
raspinal control and lead to hyperactivity [16]. other cerebral pathologies, and the early pathophysi-

Acute care Rehabilitation unit

Damage to central motor pathways

Immediate Delayed

Figure 2 Process of muscle overactivity. Flaccid paralysis Plastic rearrangements

Adapted with permission from Wiley
Periodicals: Gracies JM, Pathophysiology
of spastic paresis II: emergence of muscle
overactivity, Muscle & Nerve, 31: 552571. Immobilisation in Changes in spinal reactivity
shortened position and supraspinal command
Copyright 2005 {Ref. [18]}; and from
Mark Allen Healthcare: Ward AB, Botu-
linum toxin in spasticity management, Spasticity
British Journal of Therapy and Re- Contracture Spastic dystonia Overactivity
habilitation, 6: 2634. Copyright 1999 Spastic Co-contraction
{Ref. [19]}.

Figure 3 Spasticity, self-reported muscle

stiffness, hyper-reexia, and clonic beats
in the plantar exors immediately*
post-stroke and at 3 months post-stroke.
*Mean follow-up 5.4 days.
Reproduced with permission from
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins:
Sommerfeld DK, Eek EU, Svensson AK,
Holmqvist LW, von Arbin MH, Spasticity
after stroke: its occurrence and association
with motor impairments and activity
limitations, Stroke, 35: 134139.
Copyright 2004 {Ref. [20]}.

 2011 The Author(s)

European Journal of Neurology  2011 EFNS European Journal of Neurology 19, 2127
24 A. B. Ward

ological pathway, shown in Fig. 2, is much the same Modied Ashworth Scale, 27% were found to have
[18,19]. spasticity 1 year post-stroke [23]. However, when using
There are three possible explanations for the hyper- the Tone Assessment Scale, which measures spasticity
active spinal reexes in positive features of UMNS: at multiple joints rather than at only one (as with
(i) disinhibition of the normal reex activities that are Ashworth), the rate of spasticity climbed to 36%.
the deep tendon reexes (proprioceptive phasic stretch A Swedish study also examined spasticity at 1 year
reex) and exor withdrawal reexes (nociceptive among 140 patients who had experienced rst-time
reex); (ii) release of primitive reexes, such as a stroke, nding a rate of 17% spasticity and estimated
positive Babinski sign; and (iii) enhancement of spas- disabling spasticity at 4% (Table 1) [24]. A study from
ticity because of active tonic stretch reex [12,15]. Eastern India found a much higher 46% rate of spas-
ticity among a group of 88 rst-ever stroke patients,
one-third of whom were designated as having severe
What to look for in the clinical onset of spasticity
spasticity (Table 1) [25].
The onset of spasticity is highly variable and may occur The 3-month study by Sommerfeld et al. [20] previ-
in the short-, medium-, or long-term post-stroke period. ously noted was extended through an 18-month follow-
There is evidence to suggest that these variations in the up, although the original 95 patients were reduced to 66
time of onset of post-stroke spasticity are the reections [26]. Nineteen percent had been diagnosed with spas-
of dierent causes or triggers. These variations in ticity at 3 months, and at 1 years, the rate was almost
spasticity onset intervals undermine eorts at measur- the same: 20% (Table 1) [26]. Fifty-eight percent of
ing spasticity prevalence, because the varying nature subjects were hemiparetic, and of these, 34% were
and timing of actual onsets may confound how one spastic. Four of the original subjects identied with
counts and assesses instances of spasticity. The result is spasticity at 3 months who remained in the study had
that there is no clear consensus regarding the number of ceased to be spastic, but another four, who were not
patients who develop spasticity after stroke [20]. spastic at 3 months, had acquired spasticity later on. The
Early on (03 months post-stroke), the available data authors concluded that those developing later spasticity
point to a rate of spasticity between 19% and 28%. A had done so because of intrinsic muscle changes [26].
2004 study by Sommerfeld et al. [20] of 95 rst-time In clinical practice, signs of exaggerated tendon tap
stroke patients (60 women, 35 men; mean age = 78 reexes associated with muscle hypertonia are generally
years) measured the occurrence of spasticity immedi- thought to be responsible for spastic movement disor-
ately post-stroke (mean follow-up 5.4 days) and ders. Many antispastic treatments are, therefore,
3 months post-stroke, using the Modied Ashworth directed at the reduction of reex activity. There is,
Scale (Fig. 2). In the immediate post-stroke measure- however, a discrepancy between spasticity and func-
ment, 20 patients (21%) were determined to have tional spastic movement disorders, which are primarily
spasticity. After 3 months, 18 (19%) were spastic because of the dierent roles of reexes in passive and
(Table 1) [20]. active states, respectively [27]. We now know that cen-
A recent study examined 103 patients at 6 days, tral motor lesions are associated with a loss of sup-
6 weeks, and 16 weeks post-stroke for change in muscle raspinal drive. This arises from altered aerent inputs,
tone, pain, and paresis. Within 2 weeks of stroke, and these changes lead to paresis and maladaptation of
24.5% of patients developed an increase in muscle tone the movement pattern. Secondary changes in mechan-
according to the Modied Ashworth Scale. By the rst ical muscle ber, collagen tissue, and tendon properties
follow-up (median time = 6 weeks after baseline mea- (e.g. loss of sarcomeres, subclinical contractures) result
surements were recorded), spasticity had emerged in in increased muscle tone, which in part compensates for
98% of patients diagnosed with spasticity throughout paresis and allows functional movements on a simpler
the course of the study, and the rate of spasticity at rst level of organization. By reducing this through the use
follow-up had increased only slightly, up to 26.7% of antispastic drugs, the paresis can become more evi-
(Table 1) [21]. dent and clinicians should apply caution when using
In the medium term, Urban et al. [22] assessed 211 them in mobile patients.
patients for spasticity 6 months post-stroke using the With a growing number of studies evaluating preva-
Modied Ashworth Scale, and 90 (42.6%) were found lence of spasticity among the post-stroke population, it
to have the condition (Table 1). Long-term data is clear that variability in time of onset of spasticity
which may be dened as 1 year post-strokevary. A impedes the determination of a universal prevalence
cohort study from the United Kingdom examined rate. Our understanding of the onset of spasticity is
spasticity in 106 consecutive community-dwelling complicated by the etiologic role of contractures. A
patients and found that, when measured using the small study of 24 hemiparetic patients recruited within

 2011 The Author(s)

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Post-stroke spasticity: pathophysiology and onset 25

13 months of stroke (mean = 5.3 months) examined

Spasticity + no dysautonomia = 27.6%,

Spasticity + dysautonomia = 45.1%

46%, Disabling spasticity rate = 33%

Immediate = 21%, 3 months = 19%
the relationship between spasticity and contracture [28].

17%, Disabling spasticity rate = 4%

6 days = 24.5%, 6 weeks = 26.7%,
Electromyography (EMG) was employed, and subjects
were measured for spasticity both by resistance to
passive stretch and by increased tonic stretch. The
16 weeks = 21.7% investigators found only limited evidence of tonic
stretch reexes (at most ve subjects, although only one
demonstrated reexes in all measured stretching con-
Prevalence rate

ditions), but half the subjects exhibited contracture, and

the contracture was associated with resistance to pas-

27% sive movement [28]. The authors concluded that the

increased passive resistance was a result of the con-
tractures and that spasticity is not causative of con-
Upper and lower limbs

Upper and lower limbs

Upper and lower limbs

limbs tractures but rather the reverse, that contractures are,
post-acute stroke
Neurological decits

or can be, the cause of spasticity [28]. If this is the case,


then correction of contractures may reduce the occur-

Affected areas

rence of spasticity.

An EMG study by Thilmann et al.[29] highlights the


diculties; primary and secondary causes of spasticity

remain poorly understood, which not only aects the
determination of prevalence rates, but more impor-
5 days post-stroke) and
Time period post-stroke

tantly can aect a physicians ability to diagnose and

3 months post-stroke

16 weeks post-stroke

6 months post-stroke
6 days, 6 weeks, and

1.5 years post-stroke

Immediate (mean =

treat properly spasticity associated with post-stroke

1 year post- stroke
1-week post-stroke

1 year post-stroke
1 year post-stroke


Potential predictors and associated risk factors of post-

stroke spasticity

An understanding of precipitating events or precondi-

100 rst-time acute stroke patients

tions for spasticity may allow for early intervention or

prophylactic treatment to reduce spasticity risk after
211 patients experiencing limb
paresis after rst-time stroke
103 post-stroke patients who
were previously non-spastic

140 rst-time stroke patients

95 rst-time stroke patients

88 rst-time stroke patients

66 rst-time stroke patients

stroke. This applies also the development of contrac-

Sommerfeld et al. [20])
106 post-stroke patients

tures. Predictive criteria for spasticity are still to be

(same study cohort as

completely determined, but they may be identied to a

degree to modify the approach to spasticity manage-
No. of patients

ment. This could then at least allow post-stroke patients

to be better informed about what potential sequelae
may occur.
The previously cited 1 year post-stroke spasticity
study from the United Kingdom also examined the
Bhattacharya et al. [25]

same group of 106 post-stroke patients to try to identify

Table 1 Studies assessing prevalence of spasticity

Sommerfeld et al. [20]

Lundstrom et al. [24]

risk factors for the onset of spasticity and found several

Diserens et al. [32]

Watkins et al. [23]

Welmer et al. [26]

Urban et al. [22]
Wissel et al. [21]

predictive factors. People with spasticity had a lower

score on the 7-day Barthel Index (an instrument for
evaluating stroke severity by evaluating ADLs at 7-day

post-stroke) than those without disabling spasticity.

They also had experienced early arm or leg weakness
[7]. Predictors of more severe disability from spasticity
Medium-term studies

were the Barthel Index, evidence of left-sided weakness,

Short-term studies

Long-term studies

and a history of smoking.

A recent study from Wissel et al. [21] following
patients 6 days, 6 weeks, and 16 weeks post-stroke
found the typical patient at high risk for developing
severe spasticity to have hemispasticity, more often in

 2011 The Author(s)

European Journal of Neurology  2011 EFNS European Journal of Neurology 19, 2127
26 A. B. Ward

employed TMS to evaluate silent period duration at 7

and 90 days after stroke [31]. At 90 days, a shorter
duration of silent period was associated with worse
functional outcome and higher likelihood of spasticity
[31]. These data are certainly provocative, but they are
limited (Fig. 4).

Early treatment of post-stroke spasticity

With better recognition, not only should it be easier to

treat post-stroke spasticity, but also the available
treatments may be more eective prior to progression
of severe spasticity [7]. Optimal treatment of spasticity
uses a multidisciplinary approach, which includes
physical muscle stretching regimens, oral medications,
and chemodenervation with botulinum toxin A for the
treatment of focal spasticity [9].

Figure 4 Demonstration of silent period after transcranial

magnetic stimulation. Reproduced with permission from Elsevier Spasticity is a major consequence of stroke with complex
Ireland Ltd: Cruz Martinez A, Munoz J, Palacios F, The muscle
neurophysiologic processes that can lead to life-threat-
inhibitory period by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Study in
stroke patients, Electromyography and clinical neurophysiology,
ening, disabling, and costly consequences. Its onset can
38: 189192. Copyright 1998 {Ref. [30]}. Demonstrates the vary. Its clinical presentation may represent dierent
inhibitory period in thenar eminence muscles following motor- stages of the condition (i.e. later stages may indicate
evoked potential by magnetic cortical stimulation. Top Panel: intrinsic change in muscle) and may be complicated by
healthy individual, aged 55 years. Lower Panel: spastic stroke the presence of contractures. Preventing spasticity and
patient aged 60 years. The inhibitory period is shorter in the treating emerging spasticity in a timely manner is
spastic patient.
essential [8,9], and early interventions may prevent or
reduce the development of spasticity after stroke [7]. A
the arm, 2 joints aected, and a modied Ashworth better understanding of the predictive factors for the
Score 2 from baseline to rst follow-up (median onset of post-stroke spasticity may help clinicians to
time = 6 weeks). Other predictive factors include a low better identify patients at high risk and to appropriately
Barthel Index score (indicating severe disability) at incorporate early interventions and preventive measures.
baseline and paresis at any point throughout the study.
Unlike Leathley et al. [7], a history of smoking and all
other baseline factors such as sex and age were not
associated with severe spasticity. The author thanks Allergan, Inc., for funding Imprint
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an elec- Publication Science, New York, NY, to provide edito-
trophysiologic measure of central motor pathways and rial support in the preparation and styling of this
has diagnostic value for neurological disorders. TMS manuscript.
elicits a motor-evoked potential followed by a pause in
muscle activity. Several studies point to the silent per-
Disclosure of conflict of interest
iodthe post-stroke pause in muscle activity during
tonic muscle contraction as measured by electromyog- The authors declare no nancial or other conict of
raphy following TMSas being prognostic for spas- interest.
ticity, with a shorter silent period being the indicator of
increased spasticity risk. A study in 10 post-stroke and
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degree of spasticity. An earlier study in 49 post-stroke adult stroke rehabilitation care: a clinical practice guide-
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