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MAT H EMATICS the ideas of some of Love and Math:

Proof of passion
his mentors on braid The Heart of
groups and Kac Hidden Reality
Moody algebras even- EDWARD FRENKEL
tually provided his Basic Books: 2013.
passport to the West.
Marcus du Sautoy is enthralled by a personal journey In 1989, when he was just 20 and still study-
ing for his degree, he received an invitation
into mathematics centring on the Langlands program. to continue his research at Harvard Univer-
sity in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Frenkel now a media-feted math-

wo fascinating narratives are inter- ematician at the University of California,

woven in Love and Math, one math- Berkeley first publicly aired his pas-
ematical, the other personal. The love sion for the field in the 2010 short film The
that Edward Frenkel alludes to in his title is Rites of Love and Math, in which he tattoos
the passion stirred in the mathematical heart formulae on a womans naked body. His
by the extraordinary story of the research book brings out an almost symphonic
launched in the 1960s by eminent academic aspect to the Langlands program. Through
Robert Langlands, now at Princeton Uni- its refrains solving equations and modu-
versity, New Jersey. An unfinished saga, the lar forms, Frenkel deftly takes the reader
Langlands program is a far-reaching series from the beginnings of this mathematical
of conjectures that connect number theory symphony to the far reaches of our current
(the challenge of solving equations) with Edward Frenkel in 2010. understanding.
representation theory (part of the theory As Frenkel has found, the Langlands pro-
of symmetry) to create a Grand Unified ancestry was enough to prevent his admis- gram is a profound endeavour (see Clocking
Theory of mathematics. sion to Moscow University. Frenkels account on). But his mission, as explored in this
Frenkel grew up in Russia during the of how his examiners at the university grilled book, is much broader. He seeks to lay bare
1970s and 1980s. He initially found math- him with increasingly difficult questions to the beauty of mathematics for everyone. As
ematics boring at school, and it was his fas- try to provide a reason to deny him entry is he writes, There is nothing in this world
cination with quantum physics that lured as shocking as it is gripping to read. that is so deep and exquisite and yet so read-
him into the subject. A teacher, Evgeny But Frenkel was not put off. He enrolled at ily available to all.
Evgenievich, revealed to the youthful Fren- the Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas, which
kel that Murray Gell-Manns prediction of had an applied-mathematics programme. Marcus du Sautoy is a professor of
quarks was actually a mathematical theory And he broke through the fences of the mathematics and the Simonyi Professor for
and Frenkels love affair with mathemat- Moscow University compound to sneak into the Public Understanding of Science at the
ics began. lectures and learn more about representation University of Oxford, UK. He is the author of
Initially, it seemed his passion would be theory. Before long, he was doing his own The Music of the Primes.
thwarted. In mid-1980s Russia, his Jewish original research. Publications developing e-mail: dusautoy@maths.ox.ac.uk

The Langlands program
What numbers x and y make the equation y2+y=x3x2 true? Remarkably, there is a function that allows us to predict what these
Renaissance mathematicians approached these equations by errors will be as you change the prime number. This discovery, made
introducing clock or modular arithmetic. On a conventional clock with by Martin Eichler in 1954, came from a completely different area of
12 hours, we know that 9oclock plus 4 hours is 1oclock rather than mathematics called modular forms:
13oclock. We write this as 9+4=1modulo12.
Consider a clock with 7hours labelled 0,1,2,3,4,5 and 6. The q(1q)2(1q11)2(1q2)2(1q22)2(1q3)2(1q33)2(1q4)2(1q44)2
question now is how many pairs of numbers (x,y) chosen from the
possible hours on this clock will make the equation y2+y=x3x2 true. Or, collecting the terms:
For example, if we take y=3, then 32+3=9+3=12. On the 7-hour
clock, this comes out at 5oclock. But if we put x=6 in the other q2q2q3+2q4+q5+2q62q72q92q10+q112q12+4q13+
side of the equation then 6362=21636=180, which also has
remainder 5 on division by 7. So we say that the pair (x,y)=(6,3) is a The coefficient in front of q7 is a7. The coefficient of q5 is a5.
solution of the equation y2+y=x3x2modulo7. Remarkably, the number of solutions there are of the equation
Of the 77=49 possible pairs of hours on the 7-hour clock, there y2+y=x3x2 on a clock with phours is p minus the coefficient of qp in
are 9 that make this equation true. The question that has obsessed this equation.
mathematicians for generations is how this number of solutions This is the seed from which the Langlands program grew. It
varies as you change the number of hours on the clock. Interestingly, was like uncovering a wormhole connecting opposite ends of the
if you have a prime number p of hours on the clock, you will get mathematical universe. Frenkels work contributes to the possibility
approximately p pairs of numbers that solve this equation. For the of another wormhole through to a more geometric corner of the
7-hour clock we get 2 more. With a 5-hour clock you get 1 less. For mathematical landscape. The challenge of the Langlands program is
each prime p we call this error ap. So a7=2 and a5=1. to prove that these wormholes really exist.

3 6 | NAT U R E | VO L 5 0 2 | 3 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3
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