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My Second Birth

I woke up frighteningly in the middle of the night. Air conditioner was whizzing industriously as
usual but I was sweating right underneath it. Ah what a nightmare!

My mind immediately flashed back to the events from earlier that evening. It was the last
weekend before school would reopen at the end of a particularly hot summer. My son wanted
to have a pool-side party near the clubhouse which is just few kilometers away from our home.
He had been away for three weeks during the vacation for a course with some of the most
gifted kids from across the nation. He had earned that outing and I didnt want to disappoint
him. We invited few friends and were on our way within an hour.

As fate would have it, we received our first rains of the season as we were about to set out.
The drive was very pleasant as the atmosphere just turned on its head. It didnt take us too
long to head to the pool after exchanging pleasantries with all those who could make it. Few
club members were already in the pool which wasnt surprising since all schools in the region
open around the same time. We hit the largest of the three pools which starts off at 4 feet but
goes all the way to 11 feet deep at the farthest point.

Everyone was having a jolly good time in the pool. There is something about water that
enlivens the spirit. I always keep myself on the shallow end knowing fully well my limitations
as swimmer. One of my friend, who is an accomplished swimmer, encouraged me to swim to
the other end. He would be nearby in case I needed a hand. I surveyed the pool again and said
to myself that there are enough people around in case there is an emergency. This was
probably the best time to try out the view from the other end. I started under the watchful
eyes of my friend and made it rather easily to the opposite end. I wasnt surprised as I had
been swimming in the shallow waters for many years. This still felt like a monkey off my back.
My friend duly acknowledged the effort and we engaged in some friendly chatter. We were
joined on this side of the pool by my son and my friends son. We were glad that both the
teenage classmates had become close friends.

After some time we decided to go back to the original place where our other mates were
playing some pranks. The swim to the farthest end had felt so easy that I felt a little
adventurous. I informed my friend that I would initially float on my back and then use the
back-hand style to reach the not-so-deep side of the pool. I asked my friend to keep an eye on
my movements. He agreed and I started to float. It had stopped raining and the view of the
glistening sky was something to behold. I soaked up the terrific environs. Oh the heavenly
after-the-rain smell of the fields, the chirping of the birds, the laughter and buzz from the
fellow pool occupants acted like a shot of a tranquilizer. It was easy to be oblivious to

Author: Vipul Rajdev Page 1

I was jolted out of my inconscient state when a drop of water hit me in the eye. It was my deer
caught in the headlights moment. And I flipped! The maneuver from floating on the back to a
comfortable freestyle swimming is no big deal for consummate swimmers. But not so for a
novice who is still learning the ropes. In the shallow waters I used to kick the floor and get into
the free style position. I tried the same thing here. That move exacerbated the situation since
I drew myself inside the water. I knew that I had drifted away from my friend but had no idea
how far I was from either end. I was literally and figuratively in deep trouble. Somehow I
dragged my eyes above the water level and shouted towards my friend. He was having an
animated discussion with the teenagers. Would this be the last time I saw my dearest one?

And down I went again in the water which usually appears so benign. That is unless you are
trapped in it. Water can give life and take life as well was no longer a like a grandiose or
transcendental messages that flood our Whatsapp daily. There were no signs of anyone
approaching towards me. I was not sure whether I would make it! Survival instincts kicked in,
and again I was able to drag part of my face above water and I shouted with all my might for
help. I hoped that someone would listen. That also meant that my mouth was open and I had
started gulping some water. I was getting heavier and it was getting difficult to keep up. To
say that I was struggling would be an understatement. Those few moments when death is
staring you in the face are truly ineffable.

I learnt later that my friend was engrossed in a discussion about watches that he forgot to keep
a watch on my whereabouts. My time was not yet up because he did appear in the nick of
time. Apparently my biological clock has few more ticks left. I was eventually pushed out to
the other end of the pool where I could stand on my own. Abruptly leaving the pool would
have spooked my family members so I stayed in the waters and started enjoying the company
of others. I figured that was the best therapy for me as well.

In the past I had bucked the tradition of Yajopaveetam (Janoi), one of 16 Hindu Sanskaras,
which signals the second birth of an individual. I guess now I can lay claim to having a second
birth. We have already planned our next trip to the pool, and I am looking forward to it. I am
even ready to swim to the deeper end again since I am assured of the constant vigil by a hawk-
eye. Cant wait to graduate again in my second birth!

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