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What is a gage R&R study?

A gage R&R study helps you investigate:

Whether your measurement system variability is small compared with

the process variability.

How much variability in the measurement system is caused by

differences between operators.

Whether your measurement system is capable of discriminating

between different parts.

For example, several operators measure the diameter of screws to ensure

that they meet specifications. A gage R&R study (Stat > Quality
Tools > Gage Study) indicates whether the inspectors are consistent in their
measurements of the same part (repeatability) and whether the variation
between inspectors is consistent (reproducibility).

Should I use a crossed, nested, or expanded gage

R&R study?
Use the gage R&R study that is designed for the type and number of factors
that you have.
Crossed gage R&R study
A study in which each operator measures each part. This study is
called crossed because the same parts are measured by each operator
multiple times. To perform a crossed gage R&R study in Minitab,
choose Stat > Quality Tools > Gage Study > Gage Study

Often, you will use a crossed gage R&R study to determine how much
of your process variation is due to measurement system variation.

Nested gage R&R study

A study in which only one operator measures each part, usually
because the test destroys the part. This study is called nested because
one or more factors is nested under another factor and, thus, not
crossed with the other factors. To perform a nested gage R&R study in
Minitab, choose Stat > Quality Tools > Gage Study > Gage Study
Expanded gage R&R study
A study in which one or more of the following conditions exists:

More than two factors, usually, operator, gage, and part

Fixed or random factors

Both crossed and nested factors

An unbalanced design

This study is called expanded because you can use it in several types
of situations. To perform an expanded gage R&R study in Minitab,
choose Stat > Quality Tools > Gage Study > Gage Study

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