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Production 6: Card Decks

Curricular Expectation

1.1 Identify the purpose and audience for a variety of media texts (e.g., this print
advertisement is designed to interest students in purchasing perfume and sporting

1.2 Use overt and implied messages to draw inferences and construct meaning in media
texts (e.g., overt message on packaging for a video game: In this adventure game,
characters take big risks and per form amazing deeds; implied message: If you buy this
game, you can share in the excitement and be more like the daring characters).

The goal of this game is for students to identity, draw inferences and construct meaning
of overt and implied messages found in the media.

This game will be given to students as a minds-on intro to the unit of Media Literacy.


- Each student will be given a card

- Student 1 will be given a card with a picture on it. The student will then have to
explain what the picture is trying to communicate. Student 2 will then explain
what he/she thinks the image is communicating. He/she will have to answer
questions on the card.

- Whichever student so guesses correctly, will begin the next round.

- Students will be given bonus points for connecting picture ads to other picture ads
in the deck, if they can correctly explain the correlation.

- Once the students go through the whole deck, they will then need to recreate an
image of their choice with the cards opposite meaning. For example: if the student
has an overt picture, they will then need to recreate the image by making it
communicate an implied message.

What is learned?

- This card games will allow students to demonstrate an understanding of a variety

of media texts;

- The visuals will help students identify some media forms and explain how the
conventions and techniques associated with them are used to create meaning;
- The Ads used in this card deck are familiar brands and companies that are
recognizable to students they see in their surrounding environment.

- Students will learn how to collaborate with partners and share meanings through
sharing opinions and findings.

Implied Implied Implied

What is the What is the What is the

implied message implied message implied message
this ad is this ad is this ad is
communicating? communicating? communicating?

How effective are How effective are How effective are

the producers of the producers of the producers of
this ad? Explain this ad? Explain this ad? Explain
Explicit Explicit Explicit

What is the What is the What is the

explicit message explicit message explicit message
this ad is this ad is this ad is
communicating? communicating? communicating?

How effective are How effective are How effective are

the producers of the producers of the producers of
this ad? Explain this ad? Explain this ad? Explain

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