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PRL 95, 190602 (2005) 4 NOVEMBER 2005

Thermodynamic Efficiency at Maximum Power

C. Van den Broeck
Hasselt University, B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
(Received 14 July 2005; published 2 November 2005)
We show by general arguments from linear irreversible thermodynamics that for a heat engine,
operating between reservoirs pat
 T0 and T1 , T0  T1 , the efficiency at maximum power is
bounded from above by 1  T1 =T0 .

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.190602 PACS numbers: 05.70.Ln

Carnot efficiency is one of the cornerstones of thermo- cies, the CA result has also become textbook material [8].
dynamics. This concept was derived by Carnot from the However, the derivation is model specific and the endor-
impossibility of a perpetuum mobile of the second kind [1]. eversible approximation raises the question as to the valid-
It was used by Clausius to define thermodynamics most ity and generality of the bound (2). We will show below
basic state function, namely, the entropy [2]. The Carnot that the Curzon-Alhborn efficiency is a fundamental result
cycle deals with the extraction, during one full cycle, of that follows, without approximation, from the theory of
an amount of work W from an amount of heat Q, flowing linear irreversible thermodynamics [9].
from a hot reservoir (temperature T0 ) into a cold reservoir Our starting point is a generic setup for the extraction of
(temperature T1  T0 ). The efficiency  for doing so work from a flow of heat, see Fig. 1(a). The system
obeys the following inequality: performs work, W  Fx, against an external force F
W T (e.g., a mechanical, chemical, or electrical force) with
  1 1: (1) thermodynamically conjugate variable x. The correspond-
Q T0 ing thermodynamic force is X1  F=T, where T is the
The equality sign is reached for a reversible process, en- temperature of the system. The thermodynamic flux is
tailing overall zero entropy production. For practical ap- J1  x._ The dot refers to the time derivative. The power
plications, the inequality (1) has a limited significance. (work by the system per unit time) is thus W_  Fx_ 
Indeed a reversible process, having no preferred direction J1 X1 T. The work is performed under the influence of
in time, has to be infinitely slow. Hence, the corresponding a heat flux Q_ leaving the hot reservoir at temperature T0 .
power is zero (finite work W divided by infinite time). This The cold reservoir is at temperature T1 (where T0  T1 ).
observation prompted Curzon and Alhborn [3] (see also The corresponding thermodynamic force is X2  1=T1 
[4]) to investigate the problem of efficiency at nonzero 1=T0 , and the flux is J2  Q._ The temperature difference
power. They consider a Carnot construction cycling in a T0  T1  T is assumed to be small compared to T1 
finite time, in which the only irreversible steps are assumed T0  T so that one can also write X2  T=T 2 .
to be the transfers of heat between reservoirs and the Linear irreversible thermodynamics is based on the as-
auxiliary work-performing system (the so-called endore- sumption of local equilibrium with the following linear
versible approximation). Assuming furthermore a (linear) relationship between the fluxes and forces:
Fourier law for the heat transfer, they derive the following
J1  L11 X1  L12 X2 ; J2  L21 X1  L22 X2 : (3)
efficiency at maximal power [3]:
s The positivity of the entropy production, di S=dt  J1 X1 
W T1 J2 X2  0, implies for the Onsager coefficients Lij that
 1 : (2)
Q T0
L11  0 L22  0; L11 L22  L12 L21  0: (4)
This formula has been shown to apply, or to be at least a
good approximation, in a number of other thermodynamic Furthermore, the Onsager symmetry resulting from the
machines [5], including the quantum realm [6]. time reversibility of the microscopic dynamics stipulates
Furthermore, one observes in real systems efficiencies L12  L21 : (5)
between the Curzon-Alhborn (CA) and Carnot values, in
agreement with economic considerations entailing a com- The diagonal elements L11 and L22 have a direct physi-
promise between power and efficiency. As a result, the CA cal meaning. For X2  0, one finds x_  L11 F=T, hence
paper has triggered the development of a new field of L11 =T is the mobility of the system in response to the
investigation, referred to as endoreversible thermodynam- external force F. For X1  0, we have Q_  L22 T=T 2 ,
ics, or, more generally, finite time thermodynamics [7]. so that L22 =T 2 is a coefficient of thermal conductivity. The
Because of the elegance of the formula, the simplicity of its off-diagonal elements L12  L21 describe the cross cou-
derivation, and the good agreement with observed efficien- pling. These couplings have been studied in a number of

0031-9007=05=95(19)=190602(3)$23.00 190602-1 2005 The American Physical Society

PRL 95, 190602 (2005) 4 NOVEMBER 2005

to half the stopping force, namely,

X1stop L12 X2
X1max  with X1stop   : (7)
2 L11
The stopping force corresponds to a value of the external
force F  X1stop T for which the motion of the system halts,
i.e., J1  x_  0. The efficiency, which is the output power
over input heat flux, can be conveniently written in terms of
the variable   X1 =X2 as follows:
W_ T J1 X1 T L11   L12
    : (8)
Q_ T J2 X2 T L21   L22
The efficiency evaluated at maximal power, max 
X1max =X2  L12 =2L11 , is then found to be:
1 T q2
 : (9)
2 T 2  q2
This efficiency is thus equal to half of the Carnot effi-
ciency, T=T, times a factor that is a function only of the
coupling strength jqj defined in Eq. (6). In particular, it is
independent of the overall time scale (i.e., the result is
invariant upon rescaling the time). In the optimal limit of
perfectly coupled systems, jqj ! 1, the efficiency is ex-
actly half of the Carnot efficiency [11]. This result is valid
to the lowest order in T=T, in which limit it actually
coincides with the CA bound, Eq. (2) [1  T1 =T0
To go beyond the linear approximation in T=T, while
staying within the framework of linear irreversible ther-
modynamics, we consider a cascade construction as in
Fig. 1(b) [12]. We introduce, between the hot reservoir at
T0 , and the cold one at T1 , a set of auxiliary heat reser-
voirs, labeled by the index y  j=N, j  1; . . . ; N  1 at
decreasing temperatures Ty [T0  T0 , T1  T1 ].
These reservoirs will play a role akin to a catalyst, serv-
ing merely as temporary repositories of energy. We
furthermore assume that we have at our disposal a set
FIG. 1. (a) Generic setup for the conversion of a heat flow Q_ of N identical copies of the auxiliary system, oper-
into a work flow W;_ (b) cascade construction with a continuum
ating between the successive pairs of reservoirs. For sim-
of auxiliary heat baths; (c) tandem construction with one inter- plicity, we assume from the onset that these machines
mediate heat bath. operate at maximum power with coupling strength
jqj  1; i.e., each of them transforms heat flux into power
well-documented cases, notably the Seebeck, Thomson, at half of the Carnot efficiency. Finally, we take the con-
and Peltier effects [8,9]. Note that their maximal (absolute) tinuum limit N ! 1. Each system and temperature reser-
values are limited by Eq. (4). The dimensionless coupling voir is now characterized by the continuous index
strength, y  j=N, with the step size dy  1=N tending to zero.
p The heat flux traversing the reservoir located at y at tem-
q  L12 = L11 L22 ; (6) perature Ty, will be denoted by Qy _ [Qy_  0  Q_
being the heat flux leaving the hot reservoir]. The incre-
thus obeys 1  q  1 [10]. mental power delivered by the system located between y
After these preliminaries, the question of efficiency at and y  dy is denoted by dWy. _ Since the power is
maximal power can be easily addressed. One immediately derived solely from the transfer of the heat, and not from
concludes that the power, W_  J1 X1 T  L11 X12  the internal energy of the system, conservation of en-
L12 X1 X2 T, is maximal when applying a force X1max equal ergy implies that Qy _  dy  Qy_ _
 dWy, whence:

PRL 95, 190602 (2005) 4 NOVEMBER 2005
(a) Qy  Q_  y0 dWy _ 0 . Assuming that the system op- functions at CA efficiency between the intermediate tem-
erates under the above-mentioned conditions (efficiency at perature heat bath (temperature T 0 , heat flux Q_ 0  Q_ 
maximum power, perfect coupling jqj  1), we have fur- W_ 0 ) and the low temperature heat bath T1 , producing a
thermore: (b) dWy= _ _
Ty  Ty  dy =
2Ty . power W_ 00  T1 =T 0 Q_ 0 . A short calculation shows that
By combining (a) and (b), we obtain the following closed the overall efficiency is given by W_ 0  W_ 00 =Q_ 
equation for dWy=dy, as a function of the prescribed T1 =T0 , i.e., the CA efficiency reproduces itself upon
temperature profile: concatenation. This feature is also a property of machines
_  Zy _ 0  operating at Carnot efficiency. In fact, one easily verifies
dWy 1 d lnTy _ 0 dWy
 Q dy : (10) that the most general function  that reproduces this
dy 2 dy 0 dy0 invariance (with boundary condition 1  0) is t 
Differentiating this equation with respect to y, one obtains 1  ta . The Carnot case corresponds to a  1 while the CA
a first order differential equation for dWy=dy. _ Straight- bound corresponds to a  1=2 or more generally a  =2.
forward integration [with the appropriate boundary condi-
tion that follows from the application of Eq. (10) at y  0]
leads to:
s p [1] S. Carnot, Reflexions sur la Puissance Motrice du Feu, et
dWy 1 _ Ty d lnTy Q_ d Ty sur les Machines Propres a Developper cette Puissance
 Q   p ;
dy 2 T0 dy T0 dy (1824).
(11) [2] R. Clausius, Mechanical Theory of Heat (John van Voorst,
p London, 1867).
from which the result Wy _  Q
1 _  Ty=T0 imme- [3] F. Curzon and B. Ahlborn, Am. J. Phys. 43, 22 (1975).
diately follows. We conclude that the efficiency is given by [4] I. I. Novikov, J. Nuclear Energy II 7, 125 (1958).
 [5] H. Leff, Am. J. Phys. 55, 602 (1987); P. T. Landsberg and
dWy W1 _ T1 H. Leff, J. Phys. A 22, 4019 (1989); J. Gordon and Am. J.
 0  1 ; (12) Phys. 57, 1136 (1989).
Q_ Q_ T0
[6] R. Kosloff, J. Chem. Phys. 80, 1625 (1984).
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A. M. Tsvilin, Thermodynamic Optimization of Finite-
not perfectly coupled, i.e., for jqj < 1. The dependence of
Time Processes (John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 2000);
the efficiency at maximum power on the ratio of tempera- P. Salamon, J. D. Nulton, G. Siragusa, T. R. Andersen, and
tures is then given by T1 =T0   1  T1 =T0 =2 with A. Limon, Energy 26, 307 (2001).
  q2 =2  q2 . Hence the efficiency at maximum power [8] H. Callen, Thermodynamics and an Introduction to
is highest, namely, equal to the CA efficiency, for   1, Thermostatistics (Wiley, New York, 1985), 2nd ed.
and deteriorates very rapidly as jqj moves away from 1. A [9] I. Prigogine, Etude Thermodynamique des Phenomenes
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[11] This efficiency has been observed in another context: A.
pendent of the temperature profile points to an interesting
Bejan, Entropy Generation through Heat and Fluid Flow
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struction cf. Fig. 1(c). Suppose that one system operates at [12] A similar construction for endoreversible Carnot engines,
CA efficiency between the high temperature heat bath is found in: M. J. Ondrechen, B. Andresen, M. Mozur-
(temperature T0 , heat flux Q)_ and an intermediate bath at kewich, and R. S. Berry, Am. J. Phys. 49, 681 (1981).
temperature T , producing a power W_ 0  T 0 =T0 Q.
0 _ A [13] J. W. Stucki, European Journal of Biochemistry 109, 269
second copy of the machine, working in tandem, also (1980).


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