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Intralesional triamcinolone acetonide injection

for the treatment of primary chalazions


Impact Factor: 0.55 DOI: 10.1007/s10792-014-9904-1 Source: PubMed




Gordon S K Yau Jacky Wai Yip Lee

Caritas Medical Centre The University of Hong Kong


Available from: Jacky Wai Yip Lee

Retrieved on: 30 November 2015
Intralesional triamcinolone acetonide
injection for the treatment of primary

Michelle Y.Y.Wong, Gordon S.K.Yau,

Jacky W.Y.Lee & Can Y.F.Yuen

International Ophthalmology
The International Journal of Clinical
Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

ISSN 0165-5701

Int Ophthalmol
DOI 10.1007/s10792-014-9904-1

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Author's personal copy
Int Ophthalmol
DOI 10.1007/s10792-014-9904-1


Intralesional triamcinolone acetonide injection

for the treatment of primary chalazions
Michelle Y. Y. Wong Gordon S. K. Yau

Jacky W. Y. Lee Can Y. F. Yuen

Received: 6 November 2013 / Accepted: 7 January 2014

Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the and may be considered as an alternative to incision and
safety and efficacy of intralesional triamcinolone ace- curettage in cases not responding to conservative
tonide (TA) injection in the treatment of primary treatment.
chalazions not responding to conservative treatment.
Patient medical records were retrospectively reviewed Keywords Chalazion  Intralesional  Steroid 
for all consecutive patients that received intralesional Triamcinolone acetonide
TA injection by a single surgeon between January 2012
and March 2013 for the treatment of unresolved primary
chalazions despite 1 month of conservative treatment. Introduction
The dose of TA injection ranged from 2 to 6 mg (40 mg/
mL) depending on the size of the chalazion. The main A chalazion, also known as a meibomian gland
outcome measures included time to resolution, time to lipogranuloma, is caused by inflammation of a blocked
50 % size reduction, and complications from the meibomian gland and retained meibomian secretions.
treatment. During the study period, 48 chalazions from It is benign and often self-limiting, and more com-
38 patients were treated by intralesional TA injection. A monly affects the upper eyelid. Patients usually
50 % reduction in size was achieved in 81.3 % of present with lid swelling, pain, and symptoms of local
chalazions in 4 weeks and 83 % achieved complete irritation. However, larger lesions may be unsightly
resolution in 6 weeks. The mean time to complete and may lead to complications such as corneal
resolution was 15.7 10.0 days. There were no com- astigmatism, mechanical ptosis, and secondary infec-
plications noted from the injections; 14.6 % required tions [1, 2]. Treatment options for chalazions include
subsequent incision and curettage and 2.1 % required a conservative treatment with eyelid hygiene, warm
second TA injection for complete resolution. Intrale- compression, antibiotic eye ointment, and mild topical
sional TA injection is a safe, simple, and effective mild steroids [35]. Occasionally, systemic antibiotics
procedure for the management of primary chalazions are given for associated cellulitis. Surgical interven-
tion is considered when conservative management
fails. Surgical options include incision and curettage
M. Y. Y. Wong  G. S. K. Yau (&)  (I&C), total excision, injection of triamcinolone
J. W. Y. Lee  C. Y. F. Yuen acetonide (TA), or carbon dioxide laser treatment
Department of Ophthalmology, Caritas Medical Centre,
[6, 7]. I&C is a painful procedure despite local
111 Wing Hong St., Kowloon, Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region, China anaesthesia and is especially high risk when per-
e-mail: skyau0303@gmail.com formed in children who are not cooperative. The

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Int Ophthalmol

Table 1 Exclusion criteria Data regarding duration of symptoms as well as the

Exclusion criteria for study patients
size (length 9 width in millimetres) and location of
Concurrent eyelid infection
the chalazion(s) were documented by digital coloured
Duration of \1 month
photographs of the chalazion(s) taken at every visit
(Figs. 1, 2). Visual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP)
Absence of a palpable lid chalazion
by Goldmann applanation tonometry, and a complete
Recurrent chalazion
ophthalmological examination were performed before
Atypical features that may indicate suspicion of malignancy
the injection was given.
History of steroid-induced raised IOP
Defaulted follow-up
Technique for triamcinolone injection

purpose of this study was to investigate the safety and All subjects underwent the same technique for TA
efficacy of intralesional TA injection in the treatment injection. Children \8 years were sedated with oral
of primary chalazions not responding to conservative chloral hydrate (50 mg/kg) 30 min before the proce-
treatment. dure [8]. Topical anaesthesia (proparacaine 0.5 %)
eye drops were instilled in the affected eye before the
injection. TA ranging from 0.05 to 0.15 mL (40 mg/
Patient and methods mL) (Stacort-A; Standard Chem & Pharm Co., Ltd,
Tainan City, Taiwan) according to the size of the
This was a single centre retrospective case series lesion was injected intralesionally in the out-patient
from a district hospital (Caritas Medical Centre) in treatment room (Table 3). The eyelid was inverted and
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China. the TA was injected transconjunctivally into the centre
Patient medical records were reviewed for all of the lesion with a 27-gauge needle. When it was not
subjects who underwent intralesional TA injection possible to evert the eyelid due to extensive swelling,
for a chalazion by a single surgeon (SKY) between the injection was given transcutaneously into the
January 2012 and March 2013. The inclusion criteria chalazion after disinfection of the skin with 70 %
included consecutive subjects with the diagnosis of isopropyl alcohol wipes. No patching was required
chalazion who consented for intralesional TA injec- after the procedure. The patients were given chloram-
tion after failed conservative treatment with lid phenicol 1 % eye ointment three times per day to
hygiene, warm compression, and antibiotic ointment apply over the lesion and advised to continue warm
(Chloramphenicol 1 %; Shanghai Sunway Pharma- compression 46 times per day for 10 min with a
ceutical Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China) hardboiled egg.
three times per day for at least 1 month. Exclusion The patients were reviewed every 2 weeks after the
criteria are shown in Table 1. Informed consent was TA injection until resolution of the chalazion. The
obtained before the procedure. Ethics approval by chalazion was measured clinically (length 9 width) in
the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong was obtained millimetres. Failure was defined as an absence of
for this study. maximal chalazion diameter reduction at 2 weeks

Fig. 1 Left patient with left

upper eyelid chalazion.
Right complete resolution
8 days after 4 mg (0.15 mL)
TA injection

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Int Ophthalmol

Fig. 2 Left patient with

right lower eyelid chalazion.
Right complete resolution
12 days after 4 mg
(0.15 mL) TA injection

Table 2 Patient demographics of 26.2 19.4 years (range 276 years). Patient
Characteristics Value
demographics are summarised in Table 2.
The mean duration of the chalazion before the
Number of patients 38 intralesional TA injection was 2.3 2.5 months.
Number of chalazions 48 There were 45.8 % (22/48) of chalazions \1 cm in
Gender diameter, 52.1 % (25/48) of chalazions between 1 and
Male 20 (53 %) 1.5 cm in diameter, and 2.1 % (1/48) of chalazions
Female 18 (47 %) [1.5 cm in diameter. They were given an intralesion-
Age 276 al TA injection of 2, 4, and 6 mg, respectively, without
Location any complications or raised IOP noted after the
RUL 9 procedure.
RLL 19 Seventy-seven percent (37/48) of chalazions
LUL 15 achieved complete resolution within 4 weeks post-
LLL 5 injection and 83.3 % (40/48) of chalazions achieved
Size (maximal diameter) complete resolution within 6 weeks. Seventy-seven
\1 cm 22 percent (37/48) of chalazions achieved a 50 % size
11.5 cm 15 reduction at 2 weeks and 81.3 % (39/48) of chalazions
[1.5 cm 1 achieved the same result by 4 weeks.
In total, 14.6 % (7/48) of chalazions failed to
RUL right upper lid, RLL right lower lid, LUL left upper lid,
LLL left lower lid reduce in size by 2 weeks and underwent secondary
I&C and 2.1 % (1/48) of chalazions received a second
TA injection and achieved complete resolution
after the TA injection. Failure cases were offered I&C 2 weeks after the second injection. The majority of
or a second intralesional TA injection. Main outcome failed cases had chalazions with a diameter between 1
measures included the size of the chalazion during and 1.5 cm (Table 3). One case requiring I&C had a
each follow-up interval, time taken for a 50 % chalazion size \1 cm. The mean time to complete
reduction in the size of the chalazion, time taken for resolution was 15.7 10.0 days.
complete resolution, and complications from the
procedure. All means were expressed as mean stan-
dard deviation. Discussion

Chalazions are a commonly encountered eye problem

Results due to blockage of the meibomian glands. Previous
studies have shown that 2980 % of chalazions
During the study period, 48 primary chalazions in 38 resolved with conservative treatment alone [912].
patients were treated with intralesional TA injections. The results of our study suggest that intralesional TA
All patients were of Chinese ethnicity with a mean age injection was an effective and safe treatment modality

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Int Ophthalmol

Table 3 Dosage of intralesional TA injection and outcome of treatment according to size of lesion
\1 cm 11.5 cm [1.5 cm
(n = 22) (n = 25) (n = 1)

Dosage of intralesional TA injection (mg/mL) 2/0.05 4/0.1 6/0.15

Distribution by size of chalazion (%) 45.8 52.1 2.1
Percentage of chalazions that resolved after a single TA injection (%) 95.5 72.0 100 (only 1 case)
Percentage of chalazions that require secondary I&C (%) 4.5 24.0 0
Percentage of chalazions that required a second TA injection (%) 0 4.0 0
Time taken to complete resolution (days) 16.1 10.8 18.3 10.1 14.0

for primary chalazions not responding to conservative hand, an intralesional TA injection is a procedure that
treatment. Complete resolution of the chalazion was requires minimal facilities and time, and can be
achieved in 83.3 % of treated lesions at a mean of performed in eyes with multiple chalazions as well as
15.7 10.0 days. A single injection was sufficient in on lesions that are close to the lacrimal punctum with
most cases and only one case required a second minimal risk of damaging the adjacent eyelid
injection. structures.
Our regimen of titrating the volume of TA injection Our success rate (83 %) was similar to earlier
according to the size of the lesion appears to be studies that reported success rates of 6292 % after
effective for chalazions \1.5 cm. For chalazions intralesional steroid injections for chalazions [1122].
\1 cm, 2 mg of TA was effective and resulted in One of the earliest studies by Watson and Austin in
complete resolution in 95.5 % of chalazions. For 1984 found that 77 % of chalazions resolved with a
larger lesions between 1 and 1.5 cm, 72 % of chalaz- 0.22-mg injection of steroid suspension compared to
ions achieved complete resolution with a single TA 90 % in the I&C group [14]. Since then, various
injection of 4 mg. It seems that chalazion size at publications have affirmed a similar success rates
presentation was an important determinant of success between intralesional steroid injection (8084 %) and
for TA injection, with larger lesions more likely to I&C (8789 %), with a slightly higher success rate in
need subsequent I&C or a second TA injection. Our the latter [1115]. More recently, however, Simon
findings are consistent with those of Palva and et al. [16, 17] reported a higher success rate with a
Pohjanpelto who reported that larger lesions were 4-mg intralesional TA injection (81 %) compared to
associated with a lower rate of resolution by intrale- I&C (79 %).
sional corticosteroid injection and a high rate of Regarding time taken for resolution, Pavicic-Asta-
recurrence [12]. However, in our series, one chalazion los et al. [18] found that 95 % of chalazions decreased
[1.5 cm had complete resolution after a single TA in size by 80 % with no recurrence after an intrale-
injection although there were no other chalazions of sional TA injection of 48 mg, with a mean time to
this diameter to allow us to draw solid conclusions resolution of 15.27 days, which is comparable to our
about the success of TA in such large lesions. findings (15.7 10.0 days).
An intralesional steroid injection offers the advan- Regarding the route of administration, TA injec-
tage of a quick, simple, and less painful procedure tions can also be performed subcutaneously, outside
compared to I&C. In the younger age group, apart the lesion. Ho and Lai described the use of a 2-mg
from the psychological aversion to surgery, it may be subcutaneous TA injection in which 54.2 % of treated
difficult to perform I&C as they may not be able to chalazions resolved completely with one injection,
cooperate, and sometimes general anaesthesia is and 35.4 % resolved after two injections [23]. In their
necessary. Comparatively, I&C is a longer procedure series, two patients developed skin depigmentation at
that requires injection of local anaesthesia and may be the site of the injection. Similarly, Chung et al. [24]
associated with more complications such as pain, found that 93.8 % of treated chalazions achieved
bleeding, and scarring. In addition, patching of the eye complete resolution with a 3-mg subcutaneous TA
is often necessary after the procedure. On the other injection.

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Int Ophthalmol

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