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fif .A!t in rhe mis:d?

C3 xottolepsv is a rare meclical condition u,hich

calrses people to fall asleep at anr
time ancl rvithout &nv 1v2i.,.1rlg. In r,vhat
u,avs do you think it'-i-n1,, aflect the
those people rt,ho l..o,nlt? li'es of
qr-rile quickl1'. anclcornpare r^.hat
ff'jffilL::]:'::]T]::JTJ""rticle one narcoleptic

ruY sL]fEt-. o cttloticllt sttcIr

:rs happinc.ss, angL.t-
i;tr'. Durirlg the rlieht,
narcoleptics cari alscr
FIGHT TO '- \(|l|('I II.(lll| \lcl\

- .t]1 11]:ll]]J]t\. o ]]]o\.c
.jtlst be1bI.e ir]lirrg asleeP
oJtlst attl. rr,.akirrq trp
.But|er-Morgan te|s Brvonv
- and hallr,rcinations.
Uor00n about the difficu|tis 60 l):rn su}rs 1lorrr
o of these svnrptours. W.hcrr
|V|ng W|th narcoIepsy.
I :rr.ril.e r. otrr. itrterr,ictl,
bc holcls onto the cloor
5 usecl to noc.l otl-during
lessons at
r()r sllpforf rr hi.
school. Hc..thouirht it
l,as jrrst s.bat 65 lrLrckle i,, .,,, .rr.l.k ..f
r.r.er-1. r,e bellious
scl.roolb6li dici. llur catrrplcxr,. because,l
r;i,hell ])atl ]ci schoo],
g.i ..1.b .' .. rr.rlkcd irr .rnd Ji.irri l10 l]r rt ll)l\l
rrrechanic and conti.uJcl,., and l il,as. bt.;.il;, [::]]ff:1.,::, l1op]e t.rk..[,r..:t tltt.'d ll'rtq
i,,tt .ri.l"p
10 durinc. t|e c1a1,, hs rexit2..cl tt hal-d to dcscribe the
r,r.en .rlfc, tcrl I,r rrrr
rr.rri u1..1,,r..11q
this s.asn,r siccp p...;i' sa),s...Sociall-r.. u,e can
rro-r-nral. None of hrs colleagrrc,,1;;".l 70 irrllucinations, bur s11.5 hc nc-\.cr r:c.allr, plel
olf rr lr,ilc .cr.r icirrq .r (.r.or 1d
.to.gcl bcgins an,vtlrirlg-.W go oL]
to ..1inu". ai. l
l)crr rl)cir. colcl fioIlr the tOs Llp' .,.r.1,-,r, fali asJeep irr
atlci thcil nry fooc1.,
Jl||)( Jl l)1'|l.' \IIl)()/i]J.
lll l l'()l'Ill'. (L ( Llrcsc irur.r ibl.. n,,i.t.,
1,, ,,,, 1,.. ,,'l
115 He s ar-rrazcd at pe op]els ]ack
wnr.il l)t, bu\\ of
rllr.(..11(.rrc,l lrinr rr ltlr
tlt.. - brbic's cr.ying ancl a hielr_pir.hc.J knon,ledge about tbc ..,,a;,i.,,r..,ri
sack, he kne.u.hc hacl
to finci ,ru, ..lir"i- rl
.tilctt I ttt t. ', c rliirrs'.
st has ottcr.r errcountcrecl
tlacle lrittl so clit}rerrt fi".,' ,. clrll,
li!tIIC\ ilI rltc roo11161
p...1uaia... H.
else. L):rn! Gp sas cquallv ""..,..,b;;;. lig dlpeately wane(l to j;i]l
torce. but $/.s sclrf . .q..,ion |"i;..-
b:rtIe:l a;;' hancls corning at rne fi.onr
rIl]ll]e.Latch- serrt hinr thc: tJti.,,
o l s]eep ce]ltre. curtains.' 120 sal,ing he rvould be a
)rt )l 1l:.': ll'
r\'rr 6{j 1ql1.'i l ''' onl,v pelsorr rvho car help safetr. r.isk. Anotl.rer
rrr in, "'n.,:i,,-* ,.....Tn.
I rJl) to_sr1.11,
l.'f] 1, 1,. "l.il.r.
rrr..ri,lr. ,l,,L.Lr
i. I'trutt n rr, 1fi,.. t lc'r.L
uLrt ul.rlrL. It,rllLr, irr.rrionr
ow t\ t)t\ _5 _\i..ll. ul. j rn
tu r't ted lrinr o*";,
.ff :i]if
i[c. Cl.rrrL.. u lto is

2.50() pc.ople in the 'rr assista1-] ilr his local

.l'.l.,i,t t,..t .oi.i.
UK. i.eqLrentl1' dr.e tl as she
is rvokerr br'- t]lc hrur l)an r^,-oulcl probablr.,rr;,
Narcoleptics }Jl aslccp at
irrcguiar .rtr.rcL.. | ,;;i;;.
ancl' unc-rpectecl tinres.,Most - .r ir.rrr,i
1,rrr o,, l,i,.l,r,,lj.,l'' 125 for-l-ork all tl," tlr,...
p".pi..;- ard he rvijl corne rourrd, ,lt,.s
25 sr1's Dan,,hou,eve r tireci, but jt c:rn not a disabilini lrc says,
.". s,.u ll.""L" l) rlrl\(.n..rrl rirr .ur11 .rq.rirr .
if rlc.cd bc' But w'ith rlle,
rt ]rke a blind
E) niglrL.''lrc ,.,r.. {r rlreir. \\,,)
,lrrr irrg rjr,. lt-lor-l1r:.BLlt-pcoplc ls per.c.cptrc,'rs oi
Ir rls olle har-c lecl
rs dr.lwn. I can bc
harrirtra :r convet,sJtlol) cstulta tes, tl re. attac__ks
\r, \llL.
of n-ving to pLrrsue a1\,
1nL. to bL. a iit ,c".e,l
rr-ith thc. tttclst inter.esitl{ c:ln occrr r :rroLr
pcrsot-t' bttt rr , []ltc\ .t utqllt.
n ci otircr c;:pcer
130 oppcll u]1itics, iIr casc gct
llr.idr.. II 1]ll]
r1r51qc' .rrlr l'!.lrtrl)r.
fi,:lrtirr.: '|a \col]st.l'lt l ti.l.lrcc.l
." +,r ,r,-.1-,
30 r-. ' l''Itll to
oll\l.Il)t batt]e Lo - I)arl is renralkab]l. fi.esh_accd dorvrr. Ald I sonretiues
st:rr'- lrr'akc. It]s
' ' sollleorlc icel lik._ I aur
like srr.itchc.s clr soirlcotlc ,.,t,o i, ,u|pn,.c] to cl I'r'irrlirr: urltr.r
the ]ielrts o}.' 90 c 1,cu1,ls,J.rr,, ,, i,1, i,.
rr ,.rrr i)r.rkr. roLr lccl liL.. .r n,,rlrirrl.
])arl orlce ill ot]his
bikc cltlc JJ,".|).i..il':']i*,iill:..Ti:il: nobodr,-.'

ar attack,anci has be.r throrv,.ut

of corrtr.ol his ."r*ri,;"r. r-r"'.r.a a 135 His attentpts to control thr.
35 'ishrclubs bv boturcers *-ho
ltc rr-as drurlk su1le
rhoush; *t
" "u ",r.pt,",.r"ui"-,-rJl'l"r-",.,. \.11. l\l(.\\ lr.rrc. Jrrrrl...i I)j\ p(.1\olt,rlit\.
- rs ar.e oicn Irle.hcatioll,
tlrat hrs lrlooc]s but oulrd I t|\((I Ll\'b LJrr. h'rppr.3.'-]rr.Ir
lttisaken11. colrsidcre.cl
t.., b.. in"b,.i.t".1 95 f-]ttctrtatc.cl .". 13.,,.'l'.. n" PL'I\o11. \\'lto rv,rs .Lhr..t
o,r.Lrz):This' coupled rr,itlr ''....r-'.
t]re ict st.l].rcrl taking
h:rt nobo.]1' is quite
sure rr.hat cattses M.,cl.lrril' l'i' '';';.;;;;.,"];-.
;;;;; ]..""tl.d u..t
,,.,', I ;;,,:,,,.,,'ll ).,
r4u \cN oil rlr..t.rr,rpJcn...D1.1,j1,,
it hard ," ai.gu;r.-. ancl i.ris attacks '';J";'
h.u" ,i".-,,".r.:j ,o3ur,
,11 ,1,..
40 It'arc--olepsl',':rkes
is rvidelv bc.]icved
to bc. thc resrrlt of ir,c. or six .i,"",
ol]stac]cs th:rt he has ice
thotrglr. Dan
00 rrilJllts a rr.eek " ''is;i'j'.i]" .,,t,",
stilj nranases to look
il ge]lt]c ]lrut.ltio]]. lrld
rc:carch h:rs 1 on tl_," brigl_r;,ri.
- rl}: I Jorr.r rlriirI l.ll.',.,

slrorr"tt that sutlrcrs

har.c , a.i;.i.,l..' FIc rJriuks th.rt kcepirlg ;::l.r:lI). !;
o-ltrpot.rcritt.'trlltriiltorttI.,ll ,ll..lptl'ri...orr.Iir'"".ii,.'..l.i'i..r'''"l
,. ]]'i|*
." l.cilly tll..tcl).|.JI lr'.l.j.t
ploducc'd i' the br:rrrr '|45 \Vl1U1g \VL.kllLls \\-ith( ''
rvhich rcgurrtc-\ r'ccc.,rtlv bo'ght a horrsc- ancl D:r'
45 t]rc boclr'. stae of alor]sal. \\ o.r', '' i. ."""J
r rri, ; ;,,;;;;.';
1., lli,]Jr'l;li l]-,
;'-*ii:' l,t,ol.k lttlti] Ifll,lr go fo
rh. lrurr.c rlti. ..vcjtil){.'rd
narcoleptics aJso clxpet.ietrce 105 rlliclIriglrt..It\....,'i,,,'.,jii,''g
, sti1l bl rt'or.k on it until late.
"..Y^::: a suc].lett ]osl oitlll-tscLrlar In ".t'' h..,,.vs.
lnl. pc.rioc] of ti,n.
th.t l tl,.,'., I,,.' grinninu ar his t.ife.,LIrirk
colltro] h:rt Call CaLlsC theirl . _ ailr;,;'
to 1a]] to .: *. rr-l.. .""pr. ij..,,.lo.'.,",'. 150 ntorc tileci nou,aclals
the floor' their heads
to slu'rp o,l ,r-r.';.. :":1i*
to se e a ho''or r.ovie, and than I arn.,
50 jalr,s to drop. ustlal]r' Da' src-pt
ater . ,.i.l.].''.-'. lrlottg]r

All in the mind? Gllil.
3 lr1ow read the text again. For questions 1-7, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D

] ,'First' find the parts o the text which relate to each question. The questions o|low the same order
I as the information in the text.
: ,, Eliminate the options which are clearly wrong and choose the best answer, underlining key
nhr:s,e\ or qtrnten.es in the text.
: ,,, Re-read the questions and check that the options you have chosen accurately reflect the
I information you have underlinded in the text.

l Dan frst knew he suffered frorrr narcolepsy 5 Dan says he is most likely to fall asleep
A rvhen he u,as stili at school. A in social situations.
B during a visit to his doctor. B at the cinema.
C shortl--v after an incident at u'ork. C when he is inactive.
D when he became unemPloYed. D when he works late.

2 What do u,e learn aborlt narcolepsy in the third 6 What, according to Dan, has been the maiu
paragraph? obstacle to him finding work?
A The svmptoms are not ah,i ays correctly identified' A His low self-esteem.
B It can seriously affect the brain' B His fear of letting others down'
C It can be br:ought on by drinking too much. C People's attitudes towards the disease.
D It often makes sr,rfferers laz\'. D The dangers involved in employing him.
3 When he first met the u,riter, Dan 7 What do r.r,e learn about his feelings in the last
A r.r'as ver v- angry. paragraph?
B was a little sr,rrprised. A He finds his situation amusing.
C fell over. B He is able to remain Positive.
D fell asleep. C He is concerned about his wife.
D He wishes he could sleep like he used to.
4 The u,riter expresses her surprise at
A the frequency rvith rvhich he suffers attacks.
B the form of medication he is taking'
C his u,ife's abilit-v to cope rvith the situation.
D his apparent lack oftiredness.

G Reacting to the text

In rr,,hat u,ays do you think Dan's illness might affect those closest to him? Have you ever
fallen asleep in an unexpected situation?

Vocabulary 2: Sleep
Look back at the first paragraph of the reading text on page 78 and find:
a a verb which means 'to sleep for a short time, especially during the day'.
b three rrerbs rl,hich mean'to go to sleep, usually without intending to'.
Complete the spaces with one of the adjectives or adverbs from the box.

good deep fast soundlY

1 The kids are staying over at their cousins' so we should get a night's sleep.
2 The passengers slept in their cabins, unaware of the coming storm.
3 The doctor gave him a sedative and he fell into a
4 Don't worrrl, vou r.l,on't wake her up - she's asleep. -

u,ide light sleepiess rough -sleep'

1 Over 2,000 homeless people are forced to sleep in this city'

2 It's midnight and I feel _ awake. I shouldnt have had that coffee.
3 My baby aughter,s teething, so rve,ve had a few __- nights recently.
4 I've ahvays been a sleeper; I wake up at the slightest sound.
f Aff in rhe mierd?

3 C& Discuss the follor,ving questions r,r,ith

vour partner.
I How long does it usually take you
to get to sleep once you,ve gone to bed?
) in bed worr.vig about th^ings? ri.*
:;#;J".L]ilawake ""itr.ing
e.se keep you
what advice would vou give to someone suffering
from insomnia? Do you kno*,0f
any remedies?
certain types of music or a firm after runch
send some peopre to sreep. Does
anything have this effect on vou?

Language focus 2: passives 2

A Reporting verbs
C other passives with ge
1 The following structure can be used
with certain verbs to give Get can also be used as an informal alternative
generalized opinions or facts. to be rn
passtve sentences.
an incurable sreep disorder that is known
to affect at reast Example:
2,500 people in rhe UK.
l've applied for loads of jobs but keep getting turned down.
Sufferers are often mistakenly considered
to be inebriated
or tazy. Ge meaning,become' is a|so common
with the fo||owing
widely believed to be the result of a genetic
It is past participles, sometimes with
mutation. an object.
(= Many people believe
it is the result of a
lenetrc mutation.) get stuck get caught get burned get left
With past reference, the perfect infintive is get lost get dressed get involved get hurt
Jenkins is said to have had financial problems. Examples:
The postman got stuck in the tift ths
(= People say that Jenkins had f inancial probtems.) morninq.
She got her head stuck in the back
She was thought to have fled the country. of the chir.
police thought she had fted the coluntry.)
(= The
@ Read more about the points in sections
above in Part D of the Grammar reference
A, B and C

2 Rewrite a-e below. Start the beginning

of each new sentence 221.
on pages 220 and

with the underlined word or words.

a People expect that the prime Minister

will announce his Practice
resignation later todav.
b They understand that ihe 22_year_old
striker rs considerino
Complete the gaps with a suitable phrase
The first two have been done for you.
with have or get.
a move to a Spanish club.
c There's a rumour going round that the a Hurry up or you,l| qeJeft behindl
their lead guitarist.
band have sacked
b l go to a ref|exo|ogist every monh to have my feet
d The police alleged that he had been massaged.
selling stoten goods.
one report says that she was paid over fmi||ion c This is the first time I
-.----.----.----.-.-- cleaned srnce
for her bought it for our weddinq.

part in the film.

d They,ve got a map and a?ompass so
they're hard|y lkelv

B Have/Get something done i

e I do wish you tested - | really think you
need glasses, you know.
What is the difference between the following
sentences? f l'm seriously thinking plerced.
a We're painting the house at the weekend. 9 T. _. . writing gratfiti on the bus ano
b We're having the house painted at the weekencr. they fined him f50.
c We're getting the house painted at the
We. ought ------.--------.----.--- serviced the
- engine,s
making all sorts of funnV norses.
What is the difference in the use of have in We broken into at the weekeno.
the following two
sentences ? the compute1TV vdeo everything.
]|E|ooL< -
I think you
cut before your interview
a I had my watch repaired last week,
b I had my watch stolen last week. Q r.tt yourpartnerabout
. something you've
. something you'd payhadto.done recentlv.

. something you'd never have done, ev'er.

have done if you had the money.

. an occasion when you got

. time.when you got caughtlost.
doing something you
shouldn't have been.


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