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Astro Cycles: The Trader's Viewpoint, Larry Pesavento, Astro Cycles, 1987, 0962157600,

9780962157608, 200 pages. .

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The traffic in strong drink an address to the inhabitants of New-Bedford by the Committee of the
Citizens, appointed at the town meeting, held December 12th, 1846, New Bedford. Committee of the
Citizens, 1847, , 14 pages. .

Meditation The First and Last Freedom, Osho, Dec 17, 2004, Body, Mind & Spirit, 320 pages.
Introduces a series of practical, step-by-step guides to ancient and modern techniques of
meditation, from Buddhist and Sufi practices to Osho's own Dynamic Meditation and ....

Investing by the Stars Using Astrology in the Financial Markets, Henry Weingarten, 1996, , 233
pages. From the country's leading financial astrologer and key advisor to money managers, traders,
and private investors--a man who used astrology to predict the 1990 Tokyo market ....

Porcupine Tree Deadwing, Authentic Guitar Tab Edition, Porcupine Tree, Jun 20, 2005, , 80 pages.
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Analysis and forecasting in the South-West Pacific area lecture notes for short period conversion
courses, D. H. Forder, Australia. Bureau of Meteorology, , Nature, 109 pages. .

Astro-Economics A Study of Astrology and the Business Cycle, David Williams, Jan 1, 1959, , 54
pages. Based on the author's public lectures over the past decade on influence of planetary
configurations on the economic behavior of man..

Astro Cycles and Speculative Markets , L. J. Jensen, Jun 1, 1985, Business & Economics, 142
pages. .

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Stock market horoscope, 1970 , Doris Kaye, 1970, Business & Economics, 174 pages. .
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paperback) that delves into the minds of some of the world's most successful traders..

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still routinely fail to beat the market. The brutal ....

The New American Ephemeris 2007-2020 Longitude, Declination, Latitude and Daily Aspectarian,
Rique Pottenger, Neil F. Michelsen, Sep 30, 2007, , 180 pages. Astrologers worldwide made the
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If you have ever wanted to learn how to trade by the stars, but did not know where to start, this book
is for you. Pesavento begins at the very beginning by teaching the basics of astrology. He includes
the basic definitions and explanations fo the planetary movements. Included in the topics covered
are explanations of the Zodiac and its relationship to the signs and houses, eclipses, equinoxes and
solstices as well as Lunar phenomena. In the later part of this book, Pesavento pulls it all together
with a discussion on the applications of these planetary cycles to the financial markets with many
charted examples. (190 pgs)

The book is ideal for someone who want to begin to understand what Astro Trading is all about.
Larry's presentations are simple to understand. I found the references made and most charts shown
to the period between 1985-1988. This may sound a bit outdated but the examples do help to
understand when certain planets form certain patterns and the outcome of these pattern formations.

The paper quality and the the quality of the charts need improvement. I also found that certain
arrows pointing to certain points in the chart to be slightly off the exact mark. To me this was
frustrating because I wasnt sure whether there was a print error or was the error made by the author
or maybe I was the one who couldn't see the examples presented clearly. The book needs to have a
revised edition with the charts redone

This book give a good introduction to astrological aspects for the uninformed and then describes
which ones are key to turning points in financial markets. Pesavento relates astrological
relationships of planets to Fibonaccio ratios which are well respected by traders in financial markets.
I suggest you buy this book versus his other titles, Planetary Harmonics and Harmomic Vibrations.
They have duplicate coverage of many concepts mentioned here and do not add appreciably to the
material covered in this book.

Larry Pesavento is a 45 year veteran trader. He began his career trading full time in 1967 while in
graduate school getting an MBA in Finance following a BS in Pharmacy. He managed the
commodities department of Drexel Burnham Lambert in Southern California from 1976 to 1981. In
1982 he became a member of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange where was a local in the S&Ps
currency pits. Following this he worked for a commodity corporation in Princeton New Jersey from
1985 to 1986 and in 1987 he wrote Astro Cycles The Traders Viewpoint and published a newsletter
Astro Cycles until 1995. Currently he resides in Tucson Arizona and has spent the last decade
working on artificial intelligence i.e. Neural networks and genetic algorithms,using this technology to
develop an auto trading system. He has one of the most extensive libraries on the subject of
technical analysis and has trained over 1000 traders using the pattern recognition swing trading
methodology described in his books. Over the past 25 years he has written 10 books on trading.

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the benefits of TA are debatable, but astrology !!!???? I can believe that human traders might react
in a predictable way to certain chart patterns, but please tell me how the alignment of the planets
can have any impact on the world economy and financial markets? Perhaps he succeeds in spite of
his delusions about astrology....

Interesting to listen to one of these. Oddly enough to those who have noted my views on TA, I'm
not quite as dismissive of astrological influences as I am of much of TA. Part of the reason for this is
that the only accurate forecast I saw for the 2008 market top in early July was based on a Chinese
feng shui forecasting book that I'd picked up on a Far East trip earlier that year. Naturally I ignored
it - and later wished I hadn't!

....and for my part I don't diss the idea of a big and widespread fall at some point (perhaps soon
too).....because I think the markets have, fundamentally, been on borrowed time for some while -
and there is no shortage of catalysts in the wings that might trigger a sharp fall in market confidence.
Not only do we have the Greek situation (which is shaping up to be serious), but there is political
trouble in Thailand - and an election imminent in the UK which may prove transformational in
terms of the short term growth prospects in the UK. Interest rates are now generally starting to bias
towards rinsing and some parket repircing seems likely to follow.

As you've probably failed to remember, I used to use TA myself when working for banks and day
trading financial products where there was never going to be any fundamental news out (Treasury
bonds and currencies* mostly). If you are trying to day trade (which bank traders always are
because their P&L starts at zero every day)and you know a bunch of OTHER people are using such
approaches to trading, then it probably helps to know what they are likely to be trying to do because
you can then front-run them! :-)

Looking good for Larry so far.......though, mysteriously [;-))], the press reports today cite the
downgrading of Greece and Portugal debt, the threat of a hung parliament in the UK and the
groundswell of regulatory fervour that may be about to swallow the banking system in the wake of
the Goldman news.

Larry Pesavento is a forty year veteran trader. He managed Drexel Burnham Lambert's Commodity
department and is a former member of the C.M.E., where he was a local in the S & P pit. Larry has
been a guest on FNN (now CNBC) and is the author of nine books on trading, he currently is a
private trader for a large hedge fund. Larry uses a system of pattern recognition in his trading. This
approach eliminates the random nature of market action. Since 1985, his focus has been weighted
heavily on NASDAQ stocks with special emphasis on Internet stocks. He has one of the most
extensive trading librarie

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