Вы находитесь на странице: 1из 10

Ring Documentation, Release 1.

TD { Input { type = "text" } }

TD { WIDTH="10%" text("Email : " ) }
TD { Input { type = "text" } }
TD { WIDTH="10%" text("Password : " ) }
TD { Input { type = "password" } }

TD { WIDTH="10%" text("Notes") }
TD { TextArea { width="100%" rows = 10 cols = 10
text("type text here...") } }
TD { WIDTH="10%" text("Gender") }
TD {
width = "100%"
option { text("Male") }
option { text("Female") }
TD { WIDTH="10%" text("Role") }
multiple = "multiple"
width = "100%"
option { text("student") }
option { text("admin") }
Input { type = "submit" value = "send" }
Image { src="upload/profile1.jpg" alt="profile"}
Input { type = "checkbox" value = "Old Member"} text("old member")
Input { type = "range" min=1 max=100}
Input { type = "number" min=1 max=100}
Input { type = "radio" color="black" name="one"
value = "one"} text("one")
color = "white"

42.17. Generating Pages using Objects 298

Ring Documentation, Release 1.3

backgroundcolor = "blue"
width = "100%"
LI { TEXT("ONE") }
LI { TEXT("TWO") }
src = "horse.ogg"
type = "audio/ogg"

width = 320
height = 240
src = "movie.mp4"
type = "video/mp4"

type = "color"
value = "#ff0000"
onchange = "clickColor(0, -1, -1, 5)"

Screen Shot:

42.17. Generating Pages using Objects 299

Ring Documentation, Release 1.3

42.17. Generating Pages using Objects 300

Ring Documentation, Release 1.3

42.18 Using Bootstrap Library using Functions

The next example uses the Bootstrap JavaScript Library when generating the HTML page.
#!c:\ring\bin\ring.exe -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Import System.Web

Func Main
new BootstrapPage {
divstart([ :class = "container" ])
divstart([ :class = "jumbotron" ])
h1("Bootstrap Page")

42.18. Using Bootstrap Library using Functions 301

Ring Documentation, Release 1.3

divstart([ :class = :row ])

divstart([ :class = "col-sm-4" ])
h3("Welcome to the Ring programming language")
p([ :text = "Using a scripting language is very fun!" ])
divstart([ :class = "col-sm-4" ])
h3("Welcome to the Ring programming language")
p([ :text = "using a scripting language is very fun!" ])
divstart([ :class = "col-sm-4" ])
h3("Welcome to the Ring programming language")
p([ :text = "using a scripting language is very fun!" ])

Screen Shot:

42.19 Using Bootstrap Library using Objects

The next example uses the Bootstrap JavaScript Library when generating the HTML page.
Instead of using functions to generate the HTML elements, we will use objects.
#!c:\ring\bin\ring.exe -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Import System.Web

Func Main

42.19. Using Bootstrap Library using Objects 302

Ring Documentation, Release 1.3

classname = :container
classname = :jumbotron
H1 { text("Bootstrap Page") }
classname = :row
for x = 1 to 3
classname = "col-sm-4"
H3 { html("Welcome to the Ring programming language") }
P { html("Using a scripting language is very fun!") }
classname = :row
classname = "col-sm-4"
classname = "btn btn-info btn-lg"
datatoggle= "modal"
datatarget = "#myModal"
text("Open Large Modal")
classname = "col-sm-4"
Button { classname = "btn btn-default btn-lg" text("default") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-primary btn-md" text("primary") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-sucess btn-sm" text("sucess") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-info btn-xs" text("info") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-warning" text("warning") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-danger" text("danger") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-link" text("link") }
classname = "col-sm-4"
Button { classname = "btn btn-default btn-block" text("default") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-primary btn-block" text("primary") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-sucess btn-block" text("sucess") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-info btn-block" text("info") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-warning btn-block" text("warning") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-danger btn-block" text("danger") }
Button { classname = "btn btn-link btn-block" text("link") }

42.19. Using Bootstrap Library using Objects 303

Ring Documentation, Release 1.3

classname = "col-sm-4"
div { classname = "btn-group"
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("one") }
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("two") }
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("three") }
classname = "col-sm-4"
div { classname = "btn-group btn-group-lg"
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("one") }
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("two") }
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("three") }
classname = "col-sm-4"
div {
classname = "btn-group-vertical btn-group-lg"
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("one") }
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("two") }
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("three") }
div { classname="modal fade" id="myModal" role="dialog"
div { classname = "modal-dialog modal-lg"
div { classname="modal-content"
div { classname="modal-header"
button { classname="close" datadismiss="modal"
h4 { classname="modal-title"
text("Modal Header")
div { classname = "modal-body"
p { text("This is a large model.") }
div { classname="modal-footer"
button { classname = "btn btn-default" datadismiss="modal"

Screen Shot:

42.19. Using Bootstrap Library using Objects 304

Ring Documentation, Release 1.3

42.20 CRUD Example using MVC

The next example uses the weblib.ring & datalib.ring.

The datalib.ring contains classes for creating database applications using MVC pattern.
In this example we create an object from the SalaryController class then call the Routing method.
We define the website variable to contains the basic url of the page.
When we create the SalaryModel class from the ModelBase class, the salary table will be opened and the columns
data will be defined as attributes in the model class.
The SalaryView class create an object from the SalaryLanguageEnglish class to be used for translation.
The method AddFuncScript is used to call the form for adding/modifying record data.
The method FormViewContent is used to determine the controls in the form when we add or modify a record.
#!c:\ring\bin\ring.exe -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Load "datalib.ring"
Import System.Web

website = "ex24.ring"

New SalaryController { Routing() }

42.20. CRUD Example using MVC 305

Ring Documentation, Release 1.3

Class SalaryModel from ModelBase

Class SalaryController From ControllerBase

Class SalaryView From ViewBase

oLanguage = new SalaryLanguageEnglish

Func AddFuncScript oPage,oController

return oPage.scriptfuncajax("myadd",oController.cMainURL+

Func FormViewContent oController,oTranslation,oPage

return [
[ oTranslation.aColumnsTitles[2], "textbox", "name",
oController.oModel.Name, oPage.stylewidth("100%") ],
[ oTranslation.aColumnsTitles[3], "textbox", "salary",
oController.oModel.Salary, oPage.stylewidth("50%") ]

Class SalaryLanguageEnglish
cTitle = "Salary Table"
cBack = "back"
aColumnsTitles = ["ID","Name","Salary"]
cOptions = "Options"
cSearch = "Search"
comboitems = ["Select Option...","Edit","Delete"]
cAddRecord = "Add Record"
cEditRecord = "Edit Record"
cRecordDeleted = "Record Deleted!"
aMovePages = ["First","Prev","Next","Last"]
cPage = "Page"
cOf = "of"
cRecordsCount = "Records Count"
cSave = "Save"
temp = new page
cTextAlign = temp.StyleTextRight()
cNoRecords = "No records!"

Screen Shot:

42.20. CRUD Example using MVC 306

Ring Documentation, Release 1.3

42.21 Users registration and Login

We have the users classes (Model, View & Controller) to deal with the users data like username & email.
The next code is stored in ex25_users.ring
Class UsersModel from ModelBase
cSearchColumn = "username"

Class UsersController From ControllerBase

42.21. Users registration and Login 307

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