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Report Format for Field Discharge Measurement

This section should contain short description of the main river (Manohara in this case)and its tributaries,
if any, and measurement site, including approximate site map, indicating location of discharge
measurement site, basis for selection of the site, Google Map may be used if appropriate for
approximate location
1.1 Objectives of the measurement
Do not list learning as one of the objectives.
1.2 Team members
Optionally, team members may be listed at the end, after conclusion, as appendix.
1.3 Details of Manohara River Flow
Summary of Manohara River flow, previous studies/measurement data at same site, if available,
nature of the river, river avulsion history, catchment, land use within the catchment, livelihood
supported by the catchment (based on secondary information), social and cultural importance
of Manohara River

2.1 Method of discharge measurement, which methods were used and why

2.2 Format of discharge measurement note, explanation and importance of all the terms in the note

Instrument used
This section should contain types of instruments usually used for discharge measurement,
details of instrument used in the field, including company, model name and number,
photograph of instrument and parts of instrument, connections in the instruments, battery
compartment, ports for slow and fast velocity (if any), wading rod and the divisions in the rod,
instrument calibration, instrument rating (rotation versus velocity curve), need of regular
calibration, how the readiness of the instrument was checked, (some details of the
instrument can be obtained from website of the company)

Method used in discharge measurement, velocity at point, velocity measurement when depth is
too low, surface velocity method, corrections when surface velocity is measured, reason for

Method used to visually evaluate sediment concentration. Potential sources of sediment at the
measurement section.

Sources of errors in the method of measurement, instrument, (do not list error sources like
personal error, instrumental error, etc. unless you can specify exactly which personal error or
which instrumental error, and the impact of each on magnitude or degree or error)

Results and Discussion

3.1 The Result section should include the summary of the results of the measurements. The
discharge value obtained by different groups and the discharge measurement from current
meter and surface velocity method needs to be compared. Use the measured data to generate
monthly mean flow using MIP method.

3.2 The Discussion section should include the comparison of the results using various methods, to
determine whether the results obtained is acceptable or not. The comparisons can be made by
specific discharge (m3/s/km2) with neighboring stations (using DHM data as basis), monthly
discharge comparison with same parameters of other stations (comparison of MIP method,
WECS/DHM method and DHM based data)
Estimate flood flows of various return periods at this measurement section and comment on the
suitability of the bridge location and appropriateness of the bridge length.

The conclusion section should contain summary based on results and discussion. No new
information not already discussed should appear in the conclusion section.


Some potentially useful info for report, you may, or may not, use these. Appropriate reference in
standard format needs to be used.
Sand excavation in Manohara River
Human encroachment in Manohara River
Engineering Geological map of Manohara River area

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