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zxcMany changeszxcv

We will work at homedasdf

We will no longer need name card with the cxzNFC tezxcvchnology or one touch tech we can transfer
data immediatelyzxcv

I believe in the future of Virdature reality, when people wilxczvl work all around the world while sitting
at one place, no need to make voice call any more, we have Virture reality, can meet people at anytime.

With a great network, wifi, specifically like a civil engineer like me, we can have more control of the
works at construction site just stay at the office. Everything is just in the air.

I believe that at the year of 2030, there would be a great change in technology which assists human
much at work. Firstly, Virtual Reality technology will help us to meet any one from anywhere around the
world while just sitting at the office. Plenty of time will be saved, so that increases our productivity.
Along with VR, Near-field communication (NFC) or the like make no use of hardcopy or USB any more,
people can transfer and share the information just with a touch. Furthermore, the development
network will help us to have more control of the information and things, for instance, as a civil engineer
I have to go to the construction site regularly to control the works, but with a strong network
information like video or photos can be sent directly from the site to my desk.

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