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Zld szerkezetek

Green design

Zld anyagok Green materials

Zld homlokzatok Green facades
Zld tetk Green roofs
Lektor - Lector Tisztelt Olvas!
S.V. Szokolay
Ezt a knyvet az Ybl Mikls Mszaki Fiskola Multimdia Laboratriumnak
dip.arch.m.arch. ph.d (LABOR5) munkatrsai ksztettk, akiknek szvgyk s szakterletk az kologikus
Australia ptszet, az energiatudatos pts, az ptett krnyezet vdelme, s feladatuknak
tartjk mindezek oktatst s npszerstst a leend s gyakorl ptszmrnkk
szmra. A knyv megjelenst megelzte - Magyarorszgon elszr - az
Fotk - Photos kolgikus ptszet cm tantrgy bevezetse s fejlesztse, valamint kttucatnyi
Balogh B. Mrton: oktatsi jegyzet s segdlet elksztse a tmakr irnt rdekld felsoktatsi
20 intzmnyekben. Fbb tmakrk:
19, 30, 38, 50, 51, 53, 54 PASSZV SZOLR FTS, PASSZV SZOLR HTS
8, 11, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, PLETEK ENERGIATUDATOS TERVEZSE S FELJTSA
27, 29, 30, 41, 53, 54, 56, 57, 72, 73, PLETEK TERMSZETES MEGVILGTSA
Osztroluczky Mikls: A GAZDLKODS PTSZETE,
Patterson, Iain: gy gondoljuk, hogy ez a knyv az eddiginl szlesebb krben adhat tjkoztatst a
10, 29 termszetes s mestersges ptanyagok sszer felhasznlsrl, a tudatosan
tervezett homlokzatzldestsekkel kapcsolatos legfontosabb tudnivalkrl s a
zldestett tetk tervezsi s kivitelezsi szablyairl s tapasztalatairl. Remnyeink
A megvalsult pldk (106 - 112. old.) szerint ugyanezt szolglja a ktnyelv szerkeszts, valamint az ugyancsak ktnyelv
esetben a fotk a tervezk interaktv CD-ROM mellklet is. A knyv terjedelme csak a legfontosabb ismeretek
szivessgbl kzreadst tette lehetv, de remljk, hogy ez is elegend gondolatbresztnek,
vagy taln tettek megindtjnak is. Nem feledkezhetnk meg arrl, hogy knyvnk
The pictures of the realised buildings
csak a klfldi s hazai felsoktatsi projektek s az Ybl Mikls Mszaki Fiskola
(106-110. p.) from the designers. tmogatsval jelenhetett meg ilyen formban s pldnyszmban, amelyrt ezton
is ksznetet mondanak a szerzk:
Rajzok - Drawings
Cameron, Louise: 31, 49 Nagy Gyngyi Novk gnes Osztroluczky Mikls
Nagy Gyngyi:
39, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 55, 76, 77, Dear Reader!
79, 96, 115
This book was prepared by the undersigned, forming the staff of the Multimedia
Osztroluczky Mikls: Laboratory (LABOR5) of the Ybl Mikls Polytechnic, Budapest. The field of our
76, 78, 114 professional interest is also our passion: ecological architecture, energy-conscious
Pandula Andrs: construction, environment-protection in building sites etc. are some of the subjects
we are strongly devoted to. To teach would-be architects (architecture students)
71, 96, 97, 98, 99, 104, 116 about these subjects and make these ideas more popular with already practicing
John Paul Cullen architects are taken as our mission. Accordingly, this publication was preceded by
74, 92, 93, 96 the development of a new subject called Ecological Architecture and - for the first
time in Hungary - we have also managed to introduce it in some of the interested
institutions of higher education. We have also edited some two dozens of textbooks
A knyv a Tempus SJEP 09015/95 in the following main themes:
program keretben jhetett ltre, az PRINCIPLES OF THE SOLAR ARCHITECTURE
Ybl Mikls Mszaki Fiskoln. SOLAR GEOMETRY
This book was produced with the help HEALTHY HOUSES
We believe that this book may give more comprehensive information about the
Az ptett krnyezetrt Alapatvny rational use of natural and artificial building materials, the most important features
1146 Budapest Thkly u. 74 and instructions of green facades and planning and building normatives and
labor5@mail.elender.hu experiences of green roofs.
We hope the bilingual edition of this book and the enclosed bilingual interactive CD-
ROM may enhance our intention to inspire a different approach. The limited size of
the book allowed us to discuss only the most important aspects, however, we do
ISBN: 963 7169 02 4 hope that this may still be sufficient to arise some inspiration and even to invoke
We should also not forget that this book could only be published in this form and
number under the sponsorship of European and Hungarian higher educational
Tervezs - Design projects and with the support of the Ybl Mikls Polytechnic, for which we, the
Ybl Mikls Mszaki Fiskola Labor5 authors, express our thanks herewith.
Nagy, Novk, Pandula
Nagy Gyngyi Novk gnes Osztroluczky Mikls
Budapest , 1998
Kitztk a hz helyt s megkezddik az pts. Az ember lakst, iskolt, krhzat pt,
mert lakni, tanulni, gygyulni akar.
s ez j!
Az ember hza ismt elfoglalta az istenadta fld egy darabjt: a fkat ki kellett vgni, a
humusz rteget el kellett tvoltani, beton svot kellett a fldben kszteni a teherhord
falak al, aljzatbetonnal s talajnedvessg elleni szigetelssel zrjuk vgleg koporsba azt,
ami neknk adatott.
s ez rossz!
Tlzs? Lehet - de belnk oltdott valamikor rgen a nvekeds knyszere, teht egyre
tbben lesznk itt a fldn, tbbet akarunk s ptennk kell mindg jat, mindg szebbet
-jobbat, s egyre zsugorodik a hely.
Mit tehetnk? Mst nem igen: eslyt adunk a termszetnek s magunknak a megjulsra,
mikor fldbart anyagokat hasznlunk, biztostjuk hzaink alatt a talaj llegzst, nvnyt
csempsznk homlokzatainkra, tetinkre...
Kutatunk - keresnk, terveznk - ptnk s bartkozunk a fnkkel: a legfbb Teremt -
pt - Mesterrel.
Reischl Gbor

The house site has been staked and the construction works are about to begin. We
build homes to live, schools to learn, hospitals to be treated.
And this is good!
The house of the man has again occupied a piece of Gods land: trees had to be cut, top-
soil to be removed, concrete stripe had to be made under the bearing walls and with the
concrete floor and the water-insulation we bury for ever what was gifted to us.
And this is bad!
Is it an exaggeration ? Maybe yes, - but long time ago the pressure of growth has been
implanted into us, hence we are more and more here on the earth, and we want to
achieve more, so we have to build and build, always newer, always better and always
nicer, while the place for this is just shrinking.
What can we do? Nothing else but giving a chance for revival both to the nature and to
ourselves by using earth-friendly materials, ensuring that the soil can breath beneath
our houses, smuggling plants to our facades and roofs...
We are searching and researching, planning and building, trying to make friends with the
Big Boss, the supreme Master-Creator-Constructor.
Reischl Gbor

Milyen tulajdonsgokat vegynk figyelembe? 8
A f anyagcsoportok 11
Kiegsztsek 31
ptanyagok kolgiai szempontbl 32
pletek, ptanyagok gyrtsi energiaignye 34

let a vrosban 38
Nvnyhomlokzatok hatsa az pletre s krnyezetre 42
Nvnyhomlokzatok kialaktsnak felttelei 49
Nvnyhomlokzatok kilaktsnak lehetsgei 53
Nvnyfajtk 60

ltalnos tudnivalk 70
Zldestett lapostetk 75
Zldestett lapostetk rtkelse 100
A zldtetk kivitelezse 102
Megvalsult pldk 106
Zldestett magastetk 113


What properties should be taken into consideration? 8.
The main groups of building materials 11
Notes 31
Building materials - Ecological aspects 32
Buildings - The energy needs of production 34.

Living in the city 38
Effects of green facades on buildings and the environment 42
Conditions of creating green facades 49
Possibilities of creating green facades 53
Plant species 60

General information 70
Green flat roofs 75
Evaulation of green roofs 100
Implementation of green roof construction 102
Realised examples 106
High-pitched Green Roofs 113

Novk gnes
okleveles ptszmrnk, fiskolai docens

1954 - Budapest

1977 - Budapesti Mszaki

Egyetem ptszmrnki Kar


1983-ig Miskolc, SZAKTERV,


1983-tl Ybl Mikls Mszaki

Fiskola - oktats

1993-tl Az kologikus
ptszet cm tantrgy ok -

Novk gnes
architect, senior lecturer

1954 - Budapest,

1977 - Technical University of

Budapest, Department of Archi -


until 1983 Miskolc, SZAKTERV,

design works

1983: Polytechnic Ybl Mikls,

teaching tasks

from 1993 responsible for the

subject: Ecological Architecture
Az ptanyagok j minstse
hossz folyamat lesz. Ennek
sorn fel kell hasznlni az ed-
dig felhalmozott ismereteket
s jabb vizsglatokat is be
kell vonni a minstsbe. Ne-
hz persze megmondani, hogy
pontosan mi tekinthet egsz-
sgesnek s krnyezetbart-
nak az adott terleten. Azt
azonban el lehet rni, hogy az
anyagok minstse sorn a
szabvnyoknak megfelel
anyagok kzl azokat rszest-
sk elnyben, amelyek szem-
lyes egszsgnket is szolgl-
jk, s a krnyezetre nzve
kevsb veszlyesek

Zld anyagok

Green materials
The new classification of the
building materials will be a long
process. Through this process
we have to use the already ac-
cumulated knowledge and we
have to add new examination
methods. It is difficult to state
exactly what is healthy and en-
vironment-friendly in a certain
field. What we can realize is
that through the classification
of materials, from the materials
up to standard, we give prefer-
ence to materials which serve
our personal health and one
less harmful to the environ-

Megjul forrsbl szrmaz anyagok Materials from renewable sources

Az ltalunk hasznlt anyagok hatssal vannak a krnyezetre, The materials we use influence the environment, and
s gyrtsuk, szlltsuk sorn energit hasznlnak fel. Egyre through their production and transportation they consume
tbb ptanyag vlik nehezen hozzfrhetv, nem csu- energy. More and more types of materials are becoming
pn az alapanyag, hanem a hozz szksges energia is egy- scarce and not only the price of the material is high but al-
re drgbb. Sok energiahordoz elfogy majd a kvetkez so the price of the energy necessary for its production. In
vtizedekben, pedig ezek egy rsze alkalmas volna olyan the following decades many of energy sources will be ex-
szintetikus anyagok ellltsra, amelyek termszetes hausted, fuels, which would have been useful row materials
anyaggal nem helyettesthetk (elektronika, stb.). for synthetics, for which there is no natural substitute (e.g.
A hagyomnyos anyagok - agyag, k, mszk - mg in electronics).
rendelkezsre llnak, s a fa is megjul forrsnak tekinthe- Traditional materials such as clay, stone, limestone are
t, ha megfelelen karbantartott erdsgbl szrmazik. still available and timber can be considered as a renewable
Ezek az ptanyagok nmagukban is jrafelhasznlhatk, source if it comes from properly cultivated forests. These
az pts sorn kevss szennyezik a krnyezetet, nagy ta- materials themselves can be reused, while we use them for
pasztalattal rendelkeznk velk kapcsolatban, s ha mr building they hardly pollute the environment, we have ex-
nem hasznljuk, visszailleszthetk a termszetes krforgs- perience with their use, and when we do not need them
ba. Ne gondoljuk azonban azt, hogy a megjul forrsbl any more they can be incorporated in the natural cycle.
szrmaz anyagok csak a hagyomnyos anyagok lehetnek, However, do not think that materials from renewable
mivel pldul egyes cellulz termkek mostanban jelentek sources can be only conventional materials. For example
meg a piacon s szles krben kivlthatjk a szintetikus certain cellulose products just appeared in the market and
anyagokat. many fields they can replace synthetics.

Az informci Information

Az ptanyagok minstse egyre sszetettebb feladat. The classification of the building materials is getting more
Adatokat kaphatunk az anyagok fizikai, szilrdsgi, htechni- and more complex. We have data about the physical, struc-
kai, ghetsgi, alakvltozsi jellemzirl s sok minden tural, thermal, deformational characteristics or combustility
egybrl a nemzeti szabvnyoknak megfelelen. Ezek a of materials, according to national standards. All these data
szabvnyok azonban ltalban nem adnak kell informcit and standards do not provide information regarding their
a krnyezeti rtalmak hatsrl. Sok orszgban van szab- environmental effects. In some countries there are stan-
vny az pts sorn fellp rtalmakra vonatkozan, de dards for damages caused through the building process but
nincs a hasznlattal kapcsolatban. jabb informcikra van no standards for damages caused through their use. We
szksg, s ebben a klnbz alternatv s hivatalos need more information and the different alternative and of-


ZLD szervezeteknek is nagy szerepk lehet. gy mege- ficial GREEN organizations can help us to obtain this in-
lzhet lenne, hogy a szintetikus s veszlyes anyagok in- formation. We could avoid the emergence of dangerous
formcihiny miatt kerljenek eltrbe. Mint fogyasztk synthetics if we had the appropriate information. We as
nem vagyunk kpesek arra, hogy egy-egy termkrl megl- consumers are not capable to assess the energy-content of
laptsuk gyrtsi energiatartalmukat, vagy hogy a fa termk a material, we cannot identify if a timber comes from
a trpusi erdirtsbl szrmazik-e, hogy a fm anyag ter- cleared rain forest or we cannot determine if a metal is pro-
mket jrahasznostott anyagbl ksztettk-e. duced from recycled material.
Nyomst kell gyakorolni a gyrtkra, hogy ezeket az infor- We have to exercise pressure on the manufacturers to
mcikat is kzljk a felhasznlkkal. publish also this information.
A fogyasztk nyomsa az lelmiszeriparra igen ered- Consumer pressure on the food industry was very
mnyesnek bizonyult. A legtbb lelmiszerrel szemben ma successful. Now most of food products have to meet very
mr igen szigor kvetelmnyeket tmasztunk. Ugyanezt strict requirements. The same should be achieved with
kvnatos elrni az ptiparban az ptanyagokra vonat- building materials. The decision should not be of the manu-
kozan is. A dnts nem lehet egyedl a gyrt, mert facturers alone, as if it will affect our life. The healthy envi-
dntse a mi letnkre lesz hatssal. Legyen divat az egsz- ronment should become fashionable, same as healthy
sges letmd s tpllkozs utn az egszsges krnyezet. lifestyle and nutrition did.
Ennek persze lesznek haszonlvezi, s sarlatnok is There will be profiteers and charlatans but through
prblkoznak majd, de az ismeretek szles kr terjeszt- wide dissemination into the background of information they
svel ezt httrbe lehet szortani. A piac mr gyorsan rea- will beforced. The market reacted quickly and healthy prod-
glt, s sok helyen lehet kapni egszsges termkeket, de az ucts are available in many places but in the building industry
ptiparban mg nagyon sok kros anyagot hasznlnak fel, the use of harmful materials is still going on, especially in fin-
fleg a burkol s krpitos munkkban. A tradicionlis ishes and upholstery. However, the revival of traditional ma-
anyagok jra renesznszukat lik, s megjelentek a term- terials is occurring and some natural covering and surface
szetes burkol s felletkezel anyagok is. finishing materials have also appeared.

Energiakltsgek Energy costs

Az energiahordozk egyre fogynak, mg az ptanyagok On one hand the energy sources are running out, on the
ellltshoz s szlltsukhoz szksges energiaigny egy- other hand we need more and more energy for the pro-
re nvekszik. Ebbl a szempontbl a legelnysebb az duction and transportation of building materials. From this
olyan anyagok hasznlata amelyek a helysznen tallhatk, point of view it is beneficial to use local materials which re-
s feldolgozsukhoz kevs energia szksges. Plda erre a quire little energy in processing. Examples are the log-house
gerendahz, vagy a napon szrtott agyagtgla, amelyek or the sun-dried adobe block. Using them we need minimal
hasznlatval az ptsi energiaigny a minimlisra cskkent- quantity of energy. As a contrast, we can mention some
het. Ellenpldaknt emlthetk a szintetikus anyagok, az synthetics, steel and glass, or fired clay products - for the
acl s az veg, valamint az getett agyagruk, melyek gyr- production and transport of which we use large quantities
tshoz s szlltshoz is tmrdek energira van szksg. of energy. The use of the latter can be warranted when pro-
Ezeket ott clszer hasznlni, ahol tartssguk s beptsi vides their durability and mode of construction for a long
mdjuk lehetv teszi hossz idej hasznlatukat. life.

Az j kvetelmny The new requirement

Az ptanyagok j minstse hossz folyamat lesz. Ennek The new classification of building materials will be a long
sorn fel kell hasznlni az eddig felhalmozott ismereteket s process. Through this process we have to use the already
jabb vizsglatokat is be kell vonni a minstsbe. Nehz accumulated knowledge and we have to add new examina-
persze megmondani, hogy pontosan mi tekinthet egszs- tion methods. It is difficult to state what is healthy and envi-
gesnek s krnyezetbartnak az adott terleten. Azt azon- ronment-friendly in a given field. What we can realize is that
ban el lehet rni, hogy az anyagok minstse sorn a szab- through the classification of materials, from the materials up
vnyoknak megfelel anyagok kzl azokat rszestsk to standard, we give preference to those which serve our
elnyben, amelyek szemlyes egszsgnket is szolgljk, s personal health and are less harmful to the environment.
a krnyezetre nzve kevsb veszlyesek.


Az ptanyagok esetben mi tekinthet egszsges-nek: In case of a building material what is considered to be healthy:
Tiszta, nem tartalmaz szennyez rszeket, nem bocst ki It is clean, without polluting components, it does not pro-
kros anyagokat s gzokat sem a gyrtsa, sem pedig a duce harmful emissions neither during production, nor
hasznlata sorn. Ellenll a kros mikroorganizmusoknak. during use. It resists injurious microorganism.
Nem bocst ki sugrzsokat, s a kls sugrzsok hat- It does not emit radiation and reduces external radiation.
st cskkenti. Cskkenti az elektromgneses sugrzst, az It decreases electro-magnetic radiation, it does not create
pleten bell nem hoz ltre kros llapotokat. Gyrtsa harmful conditions. Its production does not emit noise
sorn kevs zajt bocst ki s zajcskkent hatsa is lehet. and it may have a noise-reducing effect.

Az ptanyagok esetben mi tekinthet kologikus-nak: In case of a building material what is considered to be ecological:
Megjul forrsbl szrmazik, ellltsa sorn kevs k- The material is from renewable source, there is minimal
ros hatssal van a krnyezetre. harmful effect during its production.
Nem megjul forrs esetn a bepts mdja lehetv If the material is from a non-renewable source, the build-
teszi a tarts felhasznlst, s a szerkezet ksbbi jrafel- ing method allows a long-life, and the later re-use of the
hasznlst. building elements.
Az energit gyrtsa sorn is hatkonyan hasznlja fel, s It uses energy efficiently during its production and the
a belle kszlt pletek cskkentik az energiaignyt, j buildings built from these materials use little energy, they
htrol kpessgek. can store heat.
Tarts, hossz hasznlatot tesz lehetv, a belle plt It is durable, allows long use, the structures made of it are
szerkezeteket knny karbantartani s feljtani. easy to maintain and repair.
Nem szennyez, nem bocst ki kros anyagokat s mr- It is not polluting, it does not emit dangerous materials or
gez rszecskket a krnyezetbe. poisonous particles.
A gyrts s bepts sorn alacsony a keletkezett hulla- During production and installation in the quantity of waste
dk mennyisge s a keletkezett hulladkot jra fel lehet is insignificant and this waste is re-useable. The use of
hasznlni. Nvekedjen a hulladkanyagok elsdleges fel- waste should increase as this decreases pollution. The
hasznlsa ami nagy mrtkben cskkenti a krnyezet- building elements should also be re-usable. We should
szennyezst. Az egyes ptelemek is jra felhasznlha- use them wherever it is possible.
tk legyenek, ezek alkalmazsa legyen eltrben.
Gyrtsa sorn a munkakrlmnyek megfelelek, a fize- During production the working conditions are suitable,
tsek elfogadhatak, s klnsen a fejld orszgok earnings are acceptable, and - especially in case of the de-
esetn a termkek kihozatala nem srti az orszg gazda- veloping countries - the export of these materials does
sgi fggetlensgt. not harm the economic independence of its country.
Az gy kszlt pletek legyenek alkalmasak az alternatv Buildings thus produced should be suitable for the use of
energiaforrsok hasznostsra a ftsnl, htsnl s alternative energy sources for heating, cooling, and for
melegvzelltsnl. domestic hot water systems.

Pldk a hatkony energiafelhasznlsra

Examples for energy-efficiency

Kls kp:
Napraforgmag tiszttsa az si mdszerrel,
Erdly, Szk. (Romnia, Sic) Napi munknk
sorn az ember energija is felhasznlhat.
Picture, outside:
Ancient method for cleaning sunflower seed,
Transylvania, Szk (Rumania, Sic).

Bels kp:
Vasbeton szerkezet piaci csarnok plete Wro-
clawban, a szzadelrl. A megolds pldaszer
abbl a szempontbl, hogy a viszonylag magas
gyrtsi energiatartalm anyagokat is lehet
takarkosan hasznlni.
Picture, inside:
Reinforced concrete structure of the market in
Wroclaw, from the beginning of the century.
Good example for using high-energy content
material in an efficient way.




Tudjuk jl, hogy a termszetes sziklabarlangok voltak a k- Rock-caves were the first shelters and cult places of stone
korszak embereinek els szllsai s kultikus helyei. A mai age man. Even today we can find cave-dwellings in the dif-
napig tallhatk barlanglaksok a fld legklnbzbb tja- ferent parts of the world. The best known examples can be
in. Legismertebb pldi Kna szaki rszein, Kzp- found in North-China, Central-Asia or in the mountains in
zsiban, vagy Spanyolorszg hegyvidki terletein Spain (Andalusia,or the Basque areas) but also in many oth-
(Andalzia, Baszkfld) tallhatk, de ms helyeken is fellel- er places. In Hungary there are lived in caves in the hilly
hetk mg. Magyarorszgon a mai napig is fennmaradtak area of Mtra and Bkk.
lakott barlangok a Mtrban s a Bkkben. Peoples of prehistoric ages had built megalith, burial
A prehisztorikus idk emberei kvekbl ptettk a places, and churches out of stone and stone is the em-
megalitokat, temetkezsi helyeiket, templomaikat, s a k- bodyment of endless time. These stone buildings have been
vet a vgtelen id megtestestjeknt hasznltk. Ezek a k- standing for thousands of years, the most beautiful ones are
ptmnyek vezredek ta llnak, legszebb pldik - Egyip- well known all over the world: pyramids in Egypt, the tem-
tom piramisai, Karnak s Luxor templomai, a Knai Nagy Fal, ples in Karnak and Luxor, the Great Wall in China, the ar-
az iszlm ptszeti emlkei - vilgszerte ismertek . chitectural monuments of Islam.
A kzpkorig a k leginkbb a palotk, kastlyok, Up to the Middle Ages, stone was mainly the building
templomok s vrak ptanyaga volt, de ismertek a dl- material of palaces, castles, churches and fortresses but we
amerikai maya vrosok is, ahol a npessg nagy rsze v- know the South-American Maya cities, where the bigger
lyogpletekben lakott, de felptettk a maguk kvrost part of the population lived in adobe houses but they built
is - a Machu-Picchu-t - az Andok terletn. also their stone city - Machu-Picchu - in the Andes.
Ezidtjt a szllts nehzkes volt s drga, gy a leg- This time transportation was wearisome and expen-
tbb helyen a helyben tallhat ptkveket hasznltk fel, sive, consequently local stone was used in most cases,
a krnyezethez alkalmazkodva, s az ptmesteri tudst adapting to local circumstances and developing the knowl-
egyre fejlesztve. gy alakultak ki Eurpa-szerte a jellegzetes edge of the master builder. This led to the formation of the
kptszeti stlusok. Mszk pletek s lakhzak a dli typical stone architecture in Europe for example, the lime-
vidken s a grnitptszet szp pldi szakon vagy stone buildings and dwellings in the southern part and the
Skandinviban. Ksbb a XVII-XVIII. szzadban gy plt a beautiful examples of granite architecture in the North or in
helyi srgs-fehr kbl Edinburgh, s vrsbl Glasgow. A Scandinavia. Later in the 15th-17th century they built Edin-
kbnyktl tvolabb es vidkeken a k megjelent a tg- burgh form white-yellowish stones, and Glasgow from the
lapletek nylsainak keretezsnl s jrdk vagy utak p- red ones. In the areas far from the quarries the stone ap-
tse sorn. peared in the frames of the doors and windows of brick
buildings, or it was used for pavements or roads.


Manapsg a megmunklt k drga ptanyag, ami hatrt Cut stone is an expensive building material nowadays and
szab hasznlatnak, de egyes ptszeti megoldsok jra this limits its use but thanks to some new architectural de-
eltrbe hozzk. Ktfle mdon lehet igazn hatkonyan vices they come into the fore again. We can use stone es-
hasznlni a kvet: magasan megmunklt minsgben idt- pecially efficiently in two ways: highly processed stone as
ll s tarts felletkpz elemknt, vagy termszetesebb, durable and long-lasting surface element, or as rustic load-
durvbb megjelensi formjban rusztikusabb teherhord bearing or complementary structure if it is in its natural,
vagy kiegszt szerkezetknt. rough form.

Az ptkvek f tpusai The main types of the stones

Vulkanikus eredet kzetek: Volcanic rocks:

Legjellegzetesebb tpusa a grnit, amely idtll, tarts, a Most typical of these is granite, which is long-lasting, durable,
nedvessg nem tesz krt benne, szne az ezststl eg- moist resistant, its color can vary from silver to white or red-
szen a fehrig vltozhat, vagy akr vrses rnyalat is le- dish. An other type is basalt which is hardened lava and can
het. Msik tpusa a bazalt, a megszilrdult lva, mely lehet be blue, green, brown or black. It can be found in Hungary
kk, zld, barna vagy fekete szn. Magyagorszgon is in some areas.

ledkes kzetek: Sedimentary rocks:

Az erzi sorn keletkezett homokk sokszor kemnyebb, Sandstone originating from erosion is sometimes harder
mint egyes mszkvek. Az ledkes kzetek jellegzetes than certain limestones. The typical form of sedimentary
megjelensi formi a tengerfenki fosszilis maradvnyokat rocks is limestone containing fossils from the ocean-bottom.
tartalmaz mszkvek is. Magyarorszgon ez a legjellegze- This is the most characteristic building stone in Hungary. Its
tesebb ptk, melynek szne a fehrestl a vrses color can vary from white to reddish brown.
barnig vltozik.

Az talakult kzetek: Metamorphosed rocks:

A nagy nyoms s h hatsra alakultak ki. Ide tartozik a pa- These formed as a result of large pressure and heat. Slate,
la, a mrvny s az alabstrom is. A pala szne a stt szr- marble and alabaster belong to this category. The color of
ktl a zldig vltozhat, s a vkonyra hastott elemek te- shale varies from dark grey to green and its thin layers can
tfedsre hasznlhatk, mg a vastagabb lapok ablakkerete- be used for roof covering while the thicker sheets can be
zsre vagy burkollapknt. A mrvny jl megmunklhat window frames or floor coverings. Marble is easily workable
s fnyezhet, de fellete az idjrsnak kevsb ll ellen. and polishable but its surface is insufficiently weather-resis-
Az alabstrom puha kzet, gy kls trben kevss alkal- tant. Alabaster is soft so it can hardly be used in outdoors,
mazhat, de bels tri alkalmazsa elnys, mert anyaga but it is perfect for indoor application as its material is pleas-
kellemes, meleg tapints s knnyen megmunklhat. ant and warm to touch and is easily workable.

A kbl val pts Building with stone

A kisebb darabok egy rsze klsznen nyerhet, mg a na- Smaller pieces come from the surface while bigger elements
gyobb elemeket mr bnyszati mdszerekkel kell fejteni. are gained from the quarries. From the ecological viewpoint
kolgiai szempontbl a bnyszat rontja a termszet k- quarries spoil the landscape and transport to large distances
pt, s a messzire trtn szllts energiapazarl lehet. Ez can waste energy. This is harmful to the environment but
kros hatssal van a krnyezetre, de a felhagyott bnyk with appropriate treatment the abandoned quarries can be
megfelel utmunklatokkal jra l tjj alakthatk. rehabilitated to living landscapes.
A kbnyszat rgi mdszerei krosak az ott dolgo- The old methods of stone quarrying are harmful for
zk egszsgre, de ma mr rendelkezsre llnak korszer the workers health, but today we have suitable safety
munkavdelmi felszerelsek, amelyek ezt a htrnyt kik- equipment to eliminate this disadvantage.
A kvek egy rszt szablytalan formban, vagy mini- In many cases stones can be built in in their original,
mlis megmunklssal is be lehet pteni (ld. termsk szer- irregular form (see e.g. the random rubble structures), oth-
kezetek), ms esetekben a szpen megmunklt kelemek erwise precisely shaped elements can be used. The struc-


lesznek az pts elemei. A szerkezet plhet szrazon vagy ture can be built with or without mortal, or sometimes with
ktanyaggal, egyes esetekben vegyes falazatknt is. the combination of the above two methods.
Az egszsgi s krnyezeti kvnalomnak a rgi k- Old stone structures meet the requirements of health
szerkezetek megfelelnek, a bellk ptett szerkezetek tar- and environment, they reflect durability and strength. Stone
tssgot s ert sugroznak. A kfalak nem rtalmasak az walls are not harmful for our health if we can prevent mois-
egszsgre, ha a fal nedvesedst, felzst meg tudjuk aka- ture rising or penetrating. In some areas radon is a source
dlyozni. Egyes helyeken a radon jelenthet veszlyforrst a of risk, this mainly occurs if we use granite and slate. The
kszerkezetek alkalmazsa esetn, ez fleg a grnit s pala high cost of building (which includes the high labour cost),
esetben fordulhat el. A k hasznlata ellen szl magas restricts the use of stone. There is also the problem that
beptsi kltsge, amely a tetemes megmunklsi munka- built stone structures are less weather resistant then natur-
brt is tartalmazza. Msik problma az lehet, hogy az p- al rocks. So good design and detailing accurate execution
tett kszerkezetek kevsb llnak ellen az idjrsnak, mint together with protection of limestone and marble against
termszetes formjukban. Ezrt fontos a j tervezs s a acid rains are vital.
magas szint ptsi minsg, valamint a mszkbl s mr- Only a few people can afford to build a new dwelling
vnybl kszlt szerkezetek vdelme a savas estl. out of stone, but many live in old stone houses. In the ren-
Meglehetsen kevs embernek ll mdjban j lak- ovation of these buildings we should use preferably local
pletet pteni kbl, de annl tbben laknak rgi kh- materials. Old stone walls are often covered by render. If
zakban. Itt a feljtsok sorn lehetleg helyi anyagokat the structure of the wall is appropriate and healthy then
hasznljunk. A rgi kfalakat gyakran takartk vakolattal. Ha rendering should be removed rather than repairing or ren-
a fal szerkezete megfelel s egszsges, akkor a vakolat ja- ovating it. The wall will then breathe, and manage the in-
vtsa s feljtsa helyett azt inkbb tvoltsuk el, gy a fal- door vapour more satisfactorily. The inner surfaces gained
szerkezet jra llegezni fog, s jobban gazdlkodik a bels in this way can be tooled as exposed stone and the stones
tr pratartalmval. Az gy keletkezett bels felleteket d- natural colour can be emphasised.
szthetjk is a felletek megdolgozsval s a k sznnek

Kis kp fent:
Skcia, Edinburgh. A vr pletegyttes-
nek egyik rszlete, k falazat, faragott k
nylskeretek, termszetes pala tetfeds.
Small picture, top:
Scotland Edinburgh. Detail from the Cas-
tle, stone wall, cut stone window sur-
round, and natural slate roof covering.

Kis kp lent:
Szrazon rakott kfal, klap fallefedssel
Norvgia hegyi tja mentn
Small picture, bottom:
Stone dry wall structure, with stone cover

Nagy kp:
K s tgla vegyes falazat, Grgorszg
Oisios Lukas kolostor plet XIV. szzad
Big picture:
Brick and stone mixed wall structure at
the monastry of Oisios Lukas, from the
14th century.


Minden anyag kzl a fld az, amit legrgebben alkalma- Earth is the building material which is used from the earliest
zunk ptsre. A legtbb mtoszban maga az ember is sr- times. Man himself is made out of mud or clay in many
bl, vagy agyagbl formldott, s tbb mondakrben sze- myths and in some legends a man made clay figure is
repel az ember ltal alkotott agyagfigura letre kelse is. A brought it life. Earth is simple, durable, it can be found nearly
fld egyszer, tarts, a legtbb helyen megtallhat, lebom- everywhere. When mud and clay structures are
lsa sorn visszasimul az eredeti termszetbe. A fldple- demolished, they return to nature. Earth buildings could
tek nagy sora vszzadokon, mg az getett agyagbl plt survive hundreds of years, while the buildings of fired clay
pletek esetleg vezredeken keresztl is fennmaradtak (pl. (terra-cotta) brick could last even thousands of years (e.g.
Isztr kapu). Istar gate).
Az agyagptszetet magas szinten mveltk Mezopotmi- Clay architecture reached a high level in Mesopotamia, in
ban, Afrikban s a Nlus vidkn, de a grgk s rma- Africa and along the Nile, and also the Greeks and the Ro-
iak is vlyog s fa hzakban ltek, amely plettpus egsz mans lived in adobe - wooden houses. These types of
Eurpban, majd eurpai kzremkdssel Ausztrliban dwellings have spread over the whole of Europe, and with
s szak-Amerikban is elterjedt. A legrgebbi, mig fenn- the assistance of the Europeans also in Australia and North-
maradt fldbl kszlt telepls Maliban tallhat. rdekes, America. The oldest remaining earth settlement can be
hogy amg a fejldssel a fldhzak httrbe szorultak, a found in Mali. How strange that while development led to
mai krnyezetvdk jra eltrbe hoztk ptsket N- the decline of earth buildings, nowadays the greens pro-
metorszgtl Amerikig. Meglepetsre a manyagok vilg- mote their revival from Germany to America. It is surprising
ban a helyben kitermelt fldbl emelt pletek a mlttal that in the world of synthetics new buildings made of local
val kapcsolatot erstik. earth strengthen the contact with the past.

Kis kp fent kvl:

Karakteres Kzp-Eurpa-i kp, magastetk
madrtvlatbl. (Cesk Krimlov)
Small picture, outside, up:
Birds-eye view: characteristic roofscape in
Central-Europe. (Cesk Krimlov)

Kis kp fent bell:

reg cserpfeds jellegzetes kpe Szlovnia
egyik falujban.
Small picture, inside up:
Old tiled roof in a small village of Slove-

Nagy kp:
A termszetes anyagokbl - vlyog, nd, fa
- plt lakhz Erdlyben, Szken. (Rom-
nia, Sic)
Big picture:
House in Transsylvania, Szk - built from
natural materials: mud, thatch, wood. (Ru-
mania, Sic)


A flddel val pts elnyei The advantages of building with earth

A fld knnyen rendelkezsre ll, nagyon olcs pta- Earth is an everywhere available, very cheap building mate-
nyag, kitermelse a felhasznls helyn megoldhat. Na- rial, it can be extracted at the place where it will be used. In
gyon sok vidken szinte az egyetlen alkalmas ptanyag. A many areas it is the only suitable building material. In the
kzpkorban sok helyen kszltek kunyhk egyszer gyep- middle ages huts were built out of turf, with their grass sur-
tglkbl, ahol azokat a fves felkkel lefel fordtva ptet- face down in walling. Often peat blocks were used as tiles
tk egymsra, gyakran pedig a fedsre hasznltak zsindely- for roofs (in Norway or in Scotland). Earth-bricks and
szeren egymsra helyezett tzegtglkat (pl. Norvgiban earth-tiles dried in the sun or fired have a very good heat
vagy Skciban). A fldbl kszlt tgla vagy cserp a na- storage capacity. The earth house - if it is built well - is
pon szrtva, esetleg kigetve nagyon j htrol kpessg- durable, resists fire and parasites, it regulates the humidity of
gel rendelkezik. A jl megptett fldhz tarts, ellenll a the air and it is sound insulating. In comparison with the
tznek s a krtevknek, szablyozza a leveg nedvessg- same size concrete building, only 10-25 % of the energy is
tartalmt s j hangszigetel. ptse sorn a hasonl m- necessary for the building process. (see: 32-35 pages charts)
ret betonelemekbl plt plettel sszemrve mintegy There are many different types of earth and most of
10-25 %-nyi energit kell csupn felhasznlni. (ld. 33-35 old. them are suitable for building. The optimal type contains
tblzatok.) 75% sand and minimum 10% clay. When we make earth
A fldtpusok klnbzek, s a legtbbjk ptsre bricks, we need less sand and more clay. No additional ma-
alkalmas. Mgis azt mondhatjuk, hogy a legalkalmasabb az a terial is needed for the well compressible earth, but if the
nyersanyag, ami 75%-ban homokot, s minimum 10 %-ban earth is leaner (low clay content), some cement should be
agyagot tartalmaz. Ha fldtglt ksztnk, kevesebb ho- added, or the higher clay content-earth needs the addition
mok s tbb agyag a megfelel. A jl tmrthet anyag- of some lime.
hoz nem kell adalk, de sovnyabb fld esetn nmi ce- The only problem with earth building is that it is liable
ment, vagy az agyagosabb talajhoz msz szksges. to moisture damage. That is why we do not recommend to
A fldbl val pts egyetlen problmja, hogy az gy build it under wet weather conditions even with well wa-
kszlt pletek a nedvessg hatsra knnyen krosodnak, terproofed base and with broad eaves. Methods of building
gy nedves ghajlati viszonyok kztt mg jl szigetelt alap with earth can be vary from the oldest ones to the newest
s hosszan kinyl eresz esetn sem javasolt az ptsk. A which uses fired clay elements.
fldbl val pts sokfle lehet, a legrgibb mdszertl az Building with wet clay can be also vary. In some places
getett agyag elemekbl val ptsig. mud-and-wattle construction is used, elsewhere rammed
A nedves agyagbl val pts rendkvl sokfle lehet. earth walls are built sometimes with formwork. There are
Egyes helyeken fonott svnyfalat s fdmet takarnak be buildings made out of balls of earth. Adobe can be consid-
vele, ms helyeken zsaluzat kz dnglik, s olyan helyek ered as the most developed method as the precursor of the
is vannak, ahol fldlabdkbl emelik az pleteket. A legfej- use of fired clay elements. In Hungary examples of all the
lettebbnek tekinthet a vlyogtglk hasznlata, ami mr az above types of building methods can be found.
getett elemekkel val pts elfutra. Magyarorszgon
szinte minden ptsi mdszerre van plda.

getett agyag ptelemek Building elements made of burned clay

Az getett agyag elemek a fldalap ptanyagok minden Fired clay elements have all the advantages of earth-based
elnyt egyestik, s azzal az elnnyel is jrnak, hogy a ned- building materials, plus they can also be used in wet cli-
vesebb ghajlaton is jl hasznlhatak. A legszebb tglap- mates. The most beautiful brick buildings were made out of
leteket a kzzel gyrtott terrakotta elemekbl ptettk, s hand-made terra-cotta elements and nothing is comparable
szinte semmi sem hasonlthat ezek gynyr, meleg s to their pleasant, warm and harmonic appearance. The ter-
harmonikus megjelenshez. Az getett agyag tetfed ra-cotta roof covering materials are also wide-spread and
anyagok is elterjedtek, k pletek esetben is gyakran they are often used also with stone buildings. The fired brick
hasznljuk ezeket. Az getett tgla agyag helyett kszlhet can be made with a greater proportion of sand, in this case
nagyobb homokarnnyal, ekkor szne s jellege mr ms. its color and character is different. The fired elements are
Az getett termkek egyrtelmen idtllbbak s jobb te- long lasting and improved load-bearing but much of energy
herviselk, de gyrtsuk sorn sok energit kell felhasznlni is used during their production and transportation.
s a szlltsi energiaigny is magas.


Rgebbi korokban az erdvel bortott vidkeken a fa min- In older times in areas covered by forests all parts of the
den rszt - a trzst, az gakat s a leveleket - st mg a tree - its trunk, branches and leaves - and even the long
magasra ntt fvet is felhasznltk kunyhk ptshez. grass around were used to built a hut.
Eurpa szaki vidkein ma is sokszor ltunk gerenda- In North-Europe even today we can see the building
hzakat pteni (itt megfelel fallomny van, s az orsz- of log-houses (there is enough wood here and the coun-
gok kevsb intenzven lakottak, mint a dlibb vidkeken). tries are not so intensively inhabited than the southern
A fban kevsb gazdag, s npesebb terleteken a fataka- ones). In areas not so rich in wood and are densely popu-
rkosabb favzas pletek terjedtek el. Ebben az esetben a lated, the wood-saving framed houses are popular. The
fa vzelemek kzeit svnyfonattal lttk el s bevakoltk, wooden frame is filled with wattle and covered with plaster
vagy tglval tltttk ki. or filled in with brick.
mbr a fahzak knnyen a tz ldozataiv vlhatnak, Although timber houses are often fall victims to fire,
mgis ismernk olyan pleteket, melyek mr 1300 ve ll- there are buildings which have been standing for 1300
nak. A fa az egyik legegszsgesebb ptanyag, szablyoz- years. Wood is one of the healthiest materials, it can regu-
za a bels tr hmrsklett s pratartalmt, hangszigete- late the temperature and vapour conditions of the interior,
l kpessge is j, a fafelletek meleg rzetet keltenek. A it is a good sound-insulator and the wooden surfaces create
fbl kszlt szerkezetek nem jtszanak negatv szerepet az a warm sensation. Wooden structures do not adverse ef-
elektromgneses terekben. Htrnyuk lehet, hogy nhny fection the electro-magnetic fields. The only disadvantage is
ember allergis a fenyfk illatos gyantira. that some people may have an allergy to the scented pine-
Tovbbi problmt jelenthet, hogy a helytelen erd- resin.
gazdlkods miatt a faanyagot erdirtssal nyerik ki: ez eset- A major problem is that due to improper sylviculture
ben a fa nem tekinthet megjul forrsnak. Ez a fajta rab- timber is gained from forest clearance: in this case wood is
lgazdlkods ma mr inkbb Dl-Amerikra s Afrikra not a renewable source. This kind of ruthless exploitation is
jellemz, gy ha tehetjk, pleteinkben inkbb fenyft taking place mainly in South-America and Africa. In our
hasznljunk s csak kiemelt szerepkrben ptsnk be tr- buildings we have to give preference to pine, tropical tim-
pusi faanyagot. ber should only be used in exceptional cases.
Termszetesen abban is klnbsget kell tenni, hogy We have to distinguish the roles of different kinds of
melyik fa fajta milyen szerepet tlthet be az pletben. Az timber in buildings. Pines in the North grow slower and
szaki fenyfajtk, lassabb nvekedsk okn srbb anya- their material is denser, that is why larch from the North can
gak, gy az szaki vrsfenyk akr padlburkolatnak is al- be used even for flooring, while the pine from Central-Eu-
kalmasak, mg a Kzp-Eurpa-i fenyfajtkbl kszthet rope can not resist mechanical impacts as much as the larch.
ugyan padl, de kevsb ll ellent a mechanikai hatsoknak. Generally hardwood grows slower and it is much
A kemnyfkkal kapcsolatban elmondhat, hogy las- more resistant to fungus and moisture, but less suitable for
sabb nvekedsek, jobban ellenllnak a gombnak s a load-bearing structure, whilst good for doors and windows
nedvessgnek, teherhord szerkezetknt azonban kevsb and for surface finishes.
hasznlhatk, ugyanakkor alkalmasak j minsg nylsz- The growing time of the different species is between
rk ksztsre, s burkolanyagknt is. 50 and 120 years. After this time can the tree be cut, en-
A klnbz fafajok nvekedsi ideje vltoz, 50 s suring that the wood for buildings or furniture comes not
120 v kztti. Ekkor kell a ft kitermelni, s gy biztostha- from clearance but from select cutting. After cutting, the
t az is, hogy az erd nem irtssal, hanem szlalssal adja az wood should rest to loose moisture and to become more
pt s btorft. A kitermels utn a ft pihentetni kell, workable. In case of wooden structures the ratio of net
hogy vesztsen nedvessgtartalmbl s jl megmunklhat weight and bearing capacity is very favorable, so timber is
legyen. Mivel a faszerkezetek esetben az nsly s a teher- suitable also for sophisticated structures.
hord kpessg nagyon j arny, a fa alkalmas kifinomult For the simplest buildings, round logs are used and the
szerkezetek ptsre is. logs placed on top of each-other were plastered. There was
A legkezdetlegesebb pletek esetben gmbft no waste: after stripping the bark off the logs with different,
hasznltak, s az egymsra fektetett rnkket tapasztssal irregular diameters, were put on top of each other. In in-
lttk el. Ebben az esetben nem volt hulladk, a rnkfkat dustrialised areas timber houses were built out of sawn
krgk lefejtse utn az adott szablytalan keresztmetsze- wood. Travelling masters, experts in this profession, passed
tkkel illesztettk ssze. Az iparostottabb vidkeken a ge- on their knowledge to the local people.
rendahzakat mr frszelt szlakbl ptettk. Az ilyen h-


zak ptshez jl rt, a vidket jr mesterek tudst az- A special type of the log house is the one - usually an out-
utn a helybliek tvettk. building - which can be moved, can be pulled on the sleep-
rdekes megjelensi formja a boronahznak az az ers by oxen.
plettpus - ltalban gazdasgi plet - amely a helyrl Besides wall and beam structures, good ceiling and
elmozdthat, krkkel az als talpfkon elhzhat volt. roof structures can be also built out of timber. (The nicest
A fal s gerendaszerkezeteken tlmenen fbl lehet examples are the perpendicular ceilings of the English goth-
j fdmet s tetszerkezetet is pteni (legszebb pldi az ic style.) Today wood is re-emerging for such structures.
angol gtika fgglyes mennyezetei). Manapsg e tren is Wood can be cut to flat pieces and these elements (shin-
eltrbe kerltek a fa anyag szerkezetek. gles or shakes) can be used to cover roofs, or inner and out-
Fbl lapokat is lehet hastani, s az gy keletkezett elemek er surfaces.
alkalmasak tetfedsre, kls vagy bels tri burkolsra As the wood gives us the impression of warmth, its
egyarnt. pattern is inimitable, it can breathe and live, this material is
Mivel a fa anyaga meleg rzetet kelt, mintzata ut- excellent also for interior. It is very important however, not
nozhatatlan s llegz, l anyag, legtbb esetben bels to spoil these advantages with improper surface-handling or
trben is kivlan alkalmazhat. Fontos azonban, hogy ter- harmful chemicals.
mszetes elnys tulajdonsgait ne rontsuk el nem megfe- If we want to make something new out of wood we
lel felletkezelssel vagy kros vegyszerekkel. Ha valami have to consider if we can make it out of available material.
jat akarunk fbl kszttetni, gondoljunk elszr arra, hogy Old materials are often healthier than the just produced
lehet-e meglev anyagbl. Gyakran a rgebbi anyagok ones, if we think of the areas of acid rains or the radio-ac-
egszsgesebbek, mint a mostanban kitermeltek: gondol- tive timber from The Ukraine. When we decide to buy fur-
junk a savas estl sjtott vidkekre, vagy azokra az ukrn niture, we should look around first and get the old furniture
faanyagokra amik radiokatv sugrzst bocstanak ki. Ha b- repaired instead of buying new one.
tort akarunk venni, elbb nzznk krl s esetleg javttas- We have to make affords to use the local types of
suk meg a rgit, mintsem hogy jat vegynk. wood and not the tropical ones. Even soft-wood can be
Trekedjnk a helyi fafajok hasznlatra s kerl- used for outdoors if we treat the surface with proper,
jk a trpusi fk hasznlatt. A puhafkat is hasznlhatjuk breathing materials. For interior use they are nearly always
kls trben, ha olyan anyagokkal felletkezeljk, amelyek suitable, except in very damp places like the laundry or dry-
lehetv teszik az anyag llegzst. Bels trben szinte min- ing room.
denhol alkalmasak, kivve a leginkbb nedvesedsnek kitett
helyeken, mint pl. a moskonyhkban, szrtkban.

Bels kp:
Feny rnkkbl ptett ktszintes boro-
nahz k alapokon. Norvgia, Trondheim,
Szabadtri Mzeum.
Picture, inside:
Two storey log building on stone founda-
tion. Norway, Trondheim, Open Air Muse-

Kls kp:
j lakplet Trondheim (Norvgia) kls
terletn, ahol a hagyomnyos anyagok
j szerkezetei elemekkel kiegsztve lehe-
tv teszik a napenergia felhasznlst is.
Picture, outside:
New dwelling building in Trondheim (Nor-
way). New structures added to the tradi-
tional materials make it possible to use
the solar energy.


A legnagyobb mennyisgben hasznlt egyb Other wood-products used
faipari termkek in the largest quantity

Linleum Linoleum
Picire rlt parafa rszecskket hordanak fel egy vszon alj- Small cork particles mixed with linseed oil and resin are
zatra, lenolajjal s gyantval keverve. Az gy kszlt lemezek worked onto canvas. The material produced in most cases
legtbb esetben helyettestik a PVC burkolelemeket. can substitute PVC covering elements. The use of linoleum
Alkalmazsa jra kezd szles krben elterjedni. floor coverings is again on the increase.

Papr Paper
A paprgyrts egypitomi eredet tudomny, de The production of paper began in Egypt but the Chinese
elmondhatjuk, hogy a knaiak fejlesztettk ki azt a technikt, have developed the technique on which present day pro-
amit ma is alkalmaznak a papr gyrtsra. duction is based.
Manapsg a papripar csupn az jsgpapr elll- Today the paper industry uses a huge quantity of
tsra risi tmegben hasznl fel paprft. Eurpban fleg wood to produce newspaper only. In Europe it is mainly
hulladkft alkalmaztak erre, de manapsg mr a trpusi waste wood, but the enormous hunger for paper endangers
erdk is veszlybe kerltek a paprhsg miatt. Term- even the tropical rain forests. Popularization of recycled pa-
szetesen az jrapapr elterjesztse hasznos lenne ebbl a per would be very useful for this reason and recycled paper
szempontbl is, s azrt is, mert egyre tbb felhasznlsi could be used also in other areas of the paper industry.
terlete alakulhatna ki. Alkalmas lenne kartongyrtsra, vagy Cardboard could be made out of it, and also thermal insu-
esetleg paprszlakbl ll hszigetel lemezek s tblk lating sheets and boards consisting of paper fibers. Paper
ksztsre. Azonkvl lehetsg lenne a nem faanyag could be also produced not only from wood but from oth-
papirgyrts elterjedsre is. er cellulose materials.

Rteges vagy rostlemezek Laminated or fiber sheets

A fa s zldhulladkok egyarnt alkalmasak a rtegelt le- Wood and other green waste are suitable for producing
mezek gyrtsra. Sajnos azonban sokszor nem hulladkft laminated sheets and particle-boards. Unfortunately, not
hasznlnak, hanem ptsre is alkalmas faanyagot darlnak only the waste wood but sometimes timber is also chipped
be, ktanyagknt pedig sok esetben egszsgre is kros or pulped, and materials dangerous to health are used for
anyagokat alkalmaznak. Ezek kztt gyakran megtallhatjuk binding. Among these binding materials are the dangerous
a formaldehideket, fenolokat s egyb veszlyes ktanya- formaldehyde, phenols and others. From time-to-time we
gokat. Mindezek ellenre idnknt szksgnk lehet ezek- may need these products but they can be completely sub-
nek a termkeknek a beptsre is. Ne feledjk azonban stituted by pure wood products, and the reason why this is
el azt, hogy ezeket szinte minden esetben tiszta fatermkkel not done is usually the price. Reconstituted sheets are
lehet helyettesteni s ltalban csupn az r az, ami a mes- cheaper.
tersges lemezek mellett szl.

Kisebb mennyisgben hasznlhat faipari termkek Wood products used in smaller quantity

Parafa Cork
A paratlgy kls krgnek lefejtsvel kinyert anyag, amit Produced by stripping the bark of the suber, then it is
rlnek s tblkba prselnek. Ez megjul forrs, s ha a ground and pressed into sheets. This is a renewable source
lapok gyrtshoz nem hasznlnak szintetikus anyagokat, a and if synthetics are not used in the production the cover-
belle kszlt termkek s burkolatok az egszsges otthon ings made out of it can be the elements of a healthy home.
elemei lehetnek.
Gumi The natural rubber - the caoutchouc - which is produced
A termszetes alap gumi, melyet a gumifk tejbl nyer- from the milk of the gum-tree, is an expensive material. Ex-
nek, drga nyersanyag, s j ideje ksrleteznek megfelel periments have been carried out a long time to find its syn-
szintetikus vltozatnak kiksrletezsvel. (A szintetikus thetic alternative. Earlier, rubber was the basic element of
anyagok eltt ez volt a frdszobk s vizes helyisgek the coverings of bathrooms and other wet places.
burkolatnak alapanyaga.)


Fakonzervls Wood conservation

A legtbb esetben a kemnyfkat nem tmadjk meg a ro- Hard-wood is rarely attacked by insects and fungus. The
varok, s a gombk is ritkbban. A helyesen karbantartott timber found in properly preserved old buildings is healthi-
rgi pletekben tallhat faanyagok sokszor egszsgeseb- er sometimes, than the new one. The mindless use of
bek, mint a ma vsrolhatk. A vegyszerekkel val nfeledt chemicals distracts our attention from regular maintenance
bnsmd pedig elfordtja a figyelmet a rendszeres karban- and repair. When we conserve something with chemicals,
tartstl s javtstl. Ha vegyszeres konzervlst alkalma- we have to read the instructions of the producer carefully
zunk, figyelmesen olvassuk el a gyrt utastsait, mert sok to avoid accidents. For surface treatment we can use old,
baleset megelzhet lenne a helyes munkavgzssel. Fel- well-proven materials like linseed oil or beeswax.
letkezelsre pedig hasznljunk olyan rgi, jl bevlt szere-
ket, mint amilyen a lenolaj vagy a mhviasz.

A fa alkalmazsal klnbz korokban s

Use of wood in different times and different

Kis kp fent:
Fbl kszlt fedsek klnbz megoldssal:
negyedbe vgott rnkkbl k leterhelssel,
szldeszkkbl, szegezve, fbl kszlt h-
fogval s eresszel. (Norvgia, Lillehammer,
Szabadtri mzeum)
Small picture, top:
Roof covering made from cut logs, stone
ballast, wooden snow edging and gutter.
(Norway, Lillehammer, Open Air Museum)

Kis kp lent:
Fa szerkezet ktszintes naptr palafedssel
egy kis patak fel nylva. (rorszg)
Small picture, centre:
Two storey sunspace with wooden structure,
extending over a brook. (Ireland)

Nagy kp jobboldalon:
Festmvsz nyri mterme a mlt szzad
utols vtizedbl (Svdorszg, Dalarna
Big picture:
Summer studio of a painter from the end of
the last century. ( Sweden, County Dalarna)

Nagy kp lent:
Kazetts festett famennyezet a Krsf-i
templombl Erdlyben. (Romnia, Crisului)
Big picture, bottom:
Painted wooden ceiling in the church of
Krsf, Transylvania. (Rumania, Crisului)


Azokon a terleteken, ahol fa s k nem llt rendelkezs- In areas where there was no wood or stone people used
re, az pletekhez felhasznltk a nd, a ss, a szlas anya- reed, sedge, other fibrous materials, bamboo, parts of palms
gok, a bambusznd s a nagy levelekkel rendelkez plmk with big leaves for building. Palm was dominant in
rszeit. Ez az anyag volt uralkod Mezopotmiban, s az Mesopothamia, and Egyptian architecture has immortalized
egyiptomi ptszet kben is megrktette a plmatrzset in stone the palm trunk as a column.
mint oszlopot. In these places the thick reed stems - covered by clay
Ezeken a vidkeken ma is hasznljk a vastag ndsz- - are used as building material even today. In certain terri-
lakat - agyaggal bortva - hzptsre. Mg Kna s Japn tories of China and Japan walls of bamboo structure, sheat-
egyes terletein a bambusznd-vzas, s levelekkel hatrolt ed with leaves became the construction most suitable to
falak vltak a klmnak megfelel szerkezett, a mai pt- the climate. Architectural trends of today often use grass
szeti irnyzatok elszeretettel hasznljk a ftett, hogy az roofs to be more environment-friendly. Grass roofs have
pleteket krnyezetbartabb tegyk. A ftet vszza- been the usual coverings in Norway for hundreds of years.
dok ta alkalmazott tetfajta volt Norvgia nagy terletein. In other parts of Europe the reed or straw thatched
Eurpa ms vidkein a ndfeds vagy a szalmafeds roofs were common. These materials are environment-
volt elterjedt. Elmondhatjuk, hogy ezek az anyagok krnye- friendly and with proper maintenance are durable: their av-
zeti szempontbl elnysek s megfelel karbantarts ese- erage life is 30-50 years. When they can no longer satisfy
tn tartsak: tlagos letkoruk 30-50 v is lehet. Ha mr their original purpose they can be easily returned it the nat-
nem alkalmasak a feds megfelel elltsra, a termszetes ural cycle. There are countries, where the otherwise useless
krfolyamatba knnyen visszaforgathatk. Sok orszgban a stem of wheat is used for producing thermal insulating
gabona szrt - ami csak hulladk lenne - felhasznljk h- sheets or packing material.
szigetel tblk prselsre, csomagolsra, stb.

A helyi ptanyagok hasznlata klnbz

termszeti s gazdasgi krnyezetben.
Using local materials in different natural
and economic areas.

Kis kp balra:
Thaifld:bannlevelekbl s plmatrzsbl
ptett lbakon ll lakplet, a szells
szerkezet megfelel a trpusi klmnak
Small picture, leftside:
Thailand: dwellings made from banana
leaves and palmtrees, the light structure
suits the tropical climate.

Kis kp jobbra:
Ugyanennek az pletnek az oldalfala szin-
tn plmalevelekbl, a prs ghajlatnak
Small picture, rightside:
The wall of the same building made from
palm leaves, suitable for the wet climate.

Nagy kp:
Klbazaton ll, favzas deszkaburkolat
vidki lakplet ftetvel, Norvgia egyik
hegyi tja mellett.
Big picture:
Plank walled wooden building with grass
roof on stone foundation, near to the road
in a hilly area of Norway.


A ndgazdlkods is ppen olyan hozzrtst kvn, mint az Reed cultivating needs as much knowledge as sylviculture
erdgazdasg, s a bambusz vagy egyb ndltetvnyek a and because of the growing consumption, bamboo and
fokozott fogyaszts miatt ugyanolyan veszlyben vannak reed plantations are as much in danger as rain forests.
mint a trpusi serdk. (It is a strange paradox of industrial production that its
(Az ipari termels furcsa paradoxonja, hogy egyik legfbb main target is to save labour - forest clearance instead of se-
clja az emberi munkval val takarkossg - erdirts lect cutting - and to increase efficiency when we have more
szlals helyett - s hatkonysg, amikor egyre nagyobb and more of the largest renewable source: manpower.
szmban ll rendelkezsre a legnagyobb megjul erfor- From the other side: hand made products are the most ex-
rs, az emberi munkaer. Ms oldalrl: a kzmves termk pensive in the developed countries where the unemploy-
ltalban a fejlett orszgokban ott a legdrgbb, ahol a leg- ment is the largest.)
nagyobb a munkanlklisg.) Generally, these materials are all healthy, in most cas-
ltalban elmondhatjuk: ezek az anyagok mind egsz- es they are from renewable sources and they are energy-
sgesek, legtbbszr megjul forrsbl szrmaznak s fel- saving. The problem is when these materials are handled
hasznlsuk nem energiaignyes. A problma az, hogy eze- with modern preservatives. We should choose untreated
ket az anyagokat is kezelik a korszer konzervl szerek- materials whenever possible. Some materials are suitable for
kel. Ha csak tehetjk, vlasszuk a kezeletlen anyagot. Egyes outdoors, others are used for interiors or as furniture.
anyagok leginkbb kls trben, mg msok inkbb ple- In Hungary, vernacular architecture used reed for
ten bell, vagy btorknt alkalmasak. thatched roofs where it was available. In other places lack-
Magyarorszg tradicionlis ptszete is hasznlta a ing of reed straw or thatch was the substitute. With prop-
ndat mint tetfed anyagot, ahol rendelkezsre llt. Ms, er maintenance, beautiful and durable roof can be made
ndban szegny terleteken a szalma vagy zspfeds ter- from both reed and straw.
jedt el. Megfelel karbantarts mellett mindkt anyagbl
szp s tarts tetfeds kszthet.

A helyi ptanyagok hasznlata klnbz

termszeti s gazdasgi krnyezetben.
Using local materials in different natural
and economic areas.

Kis kp bell:
Szalmafeds kenyrst kemence felett a
Szentendrei Szabadtri Nprajzi Mzeum
Fels-Tiszavidk tjegysget bemutat
Small picture, top:
Straw roof above a breadbaking oven in
Szentendre Open Air Ethnographic Museum,
from The Upper-Tisza Region.

Kis kp fent kvl:

Lakplet bthomlokzata Tireen (Skcia).
A tengerparti hossz szl f lehorgonyzsa
kvekkel trtnik, a vastag (gyakran 2 m
szles) falszakaszt f nvi be.
Small picture, right:
The short elevation of a dwelling in Tiree
(Scotland). The long sea-grass roofcovering
is anchored by big stones, and the wide
(often 2 m thick) wall-tops are covered by

Nagy kp lent:
Rozsszalmbl kszlt feds rorszg, Aran
szigetn. Az ers szelek miatt a fedst k-
tlbl ksztett hlval bortottk be, majd
a homlokzati kfalhoz rgztettk fa csa-
Big picture:
Rye-straw roof in Ireland, Aran Island. Be-
cause of the strong wind, the roofcovering
is strenghted by a rope-net, anchored by
wooden pegs to the stone wall.


A termszetes nvnyi rostok, llati szrk s a madarak We have been using the natural vegetable fibers, animal hair
tollai rgta hasznlatosak a ruhzkodsban. Sok helyen and bird feather in our clothing for a long time. We can find
ezek az ptsben is fellelhetk. Gondoljunk csak a neme- the same materials in architecture, too. Let us think of the
zekkel bortott jurtkra. A hordozhat pleteknek - mint felt yurts. Often the basic furniture of portable buildings -
strak, jurtk s egyebek - sokszor volt alapvet kiegszt such as tents, yurts and others - was the carpet, or the wall-
btora a sznyeg, vagy elvlaszt s hszigetel szerkezete carpet as a dividing and heat-insulating device. Wool or silk
a falikrpit. A gyapj s selyem krpitot kamillavirggal te- drapery was rolled with wild camomile for transportation to
kerve szlltottk, megvdve gy a krtevktl. protect it from parasites.
Eurpban a gyapj sok orszg szmra a meggazda- In Europe in many countries wool was the means of
gods lehetsgt jelentette: a Mediciek Firenzje s Anglia growing rich: Florence of the Medicis and England can thank
egyarnt sokat ksznhetett a gyapjkereskedelemnek. A much to the wool trade. The production of synthetic fibers
szintetikus szlak gyrtsa a szzad kzeptl terjedt el, de began in the middle of this century but we learn more and
egyre jobban ismerjk ennek htrnyait is. more about its disadvantages.

A termszetes szlak legismertebb The best known possibilities of using

felhasznlsi lehetsgei of natural fibers

llati eredet termkek Animal - origin products

Gyapj - Szr - Toll - Selyem Wool - Hair - Feather - Silk

Majdnem minden brny szre alkalmas gyapj fonsra s The hair of nearly all kinds of sheep is suitable for spinning
szvsre. Egyes textilek esetben hasznljk a Kashmr-i and weaving. For certain textiles the hair of the Cashmere
kecske, vagy az angranyl szrt is vagy a teveszrt is tex- goat or of the Angora rabbit is used. In some countries, the
til alapanyagknt. Az ezekbl kszlt textilek minden szem- hair of the camel is also a textile-material. The textiles made
pontbl egszsgesek, de nhnyan allergisak miattuk. out of the above are healthy from every aspect, though a
Az llati szrk a gyapjn tl is nagy szmban haszn- few people suffer from an allergy caused by these materials
latosak: a disznszr kefe, vagy lszrrel tmtt btorkr- Animal hairs other than wool are widely used: the pig
pit mind rgi ismers. Azonban kerljk el az olyan term- bristle brushes or the horse-hair mattresses are known for
keket, melyeknl vadon l llatok szrt dolgozzk fel - a long time. However avoid the use of things made from
ebben az esetben szinte biztos, hogy meglt llatrl szr- the hair of wild animals - it is almost sure that the animals
mazik az anyag. were killed!
ltalban gynemk s prnk, esetleg kabtok ble- The traditional material for filling of pillows and eider-
lsre hasznlhat tradicionlis anyag a toll. Ma az llatvdk downs or as lining of coats is the feather. Due to the in-
fokozott fellpse miatt inkbb gyapjval helyettestik. (A creasing intervention of animal protectors, it is replaced by
tollat letpik az llatrl, a szrt vgjk, s ez kevsb fjdal- wool. (Feather plucked off the animal, while the hair is cut
mas.) off and so it is less painful.)
A selyem az egyik legdrgbb textilalapanyag, ugyan- Silk is one of the most expensive textiles, and also the
akkor a legtartsabb keleti sznyegek alapanyaga. material of the most durable eastern carpets.

Nvnyi eredet termkek Plant - origin products

Gyapot - Kender - Len Cotton - Hemp - Flax

A gyapot sokfle formjban is felhasznlhat. A gyapot- Cotton is used in many different forms. The oil pressed out
magbl prselt olaj ppoly hasznos, mint a tbbi termsze- of its seed is as good as other natural oils and the textile
tes olaj, s a gyapot bolyhos szlaibl kszlt textlia visel- made out of the fluffy cotton fibers is nice to wear. In many
se kellemes. Sok esetben azonban a textil ksztse sorn cases, however, harmful pollutants can erase from its pro-
kros szennyezdsek is keletkeznek. duction.
A kender a lenhez hasonl, de durvbb szlas anyag, Hemp is similar to the flax but its fibers are harder so
amelyet durvbb, de ers textilek ellltsnl hasznltak. it is used for rougher but very strong textile.


A lenbl kszlt textilek a legalkalmasabbak a viselsre: a Flax textile: linen is the most suitable wear: it absorbs mois-
nedvessget felveszik, kellemes kzrzetet biztostanak s ture, guarantees comfort and it is well wearable in summer.
nyron is jl viselhetk.

Eurpban kevsb elterjedt anyagok Materials less common in Europe

Juta Jute
A juta nvny hossz szl, kemny rostjai alkalmasak ers, The long and hard harles of this plant are suitable for the
durva textil ellltsra, vagy ppen a linleumtekercsek production of strong and rough textile or as base of
hordozanyagaknt. linoleum sheets.

Szizl Sisal
Az ers, durva nvnyi rostokat a levelekbl lltjk el, s The strong and rough harles are taken out of the leaves of
a szlakbl matracokat vagy durva sznyegeket ksztenek. the plant. They are used for mattresses or coarse rugs.

Kkusz Coir
A kkuszplma leveleibl elllthat a tarts s idjrsl- The durable and weather-proof coco-rugs are made out of
l kkuszsznyeg, amelyet ltalban nagyforgalm helyeken the leaves of the coco-palm. These rugs are good for places
vagy lbtrlknt alkalmazzuk. with very heavy traffic or for door-mats.

Minden termszetes eredet anyagot lehet sznezni, de ha All kind of natural materials can be coloured, but by prefer -
csak tehetjk, rszestsk elnyben a termszetes nvnyi ence we should use natural vegetable dyes.
eredet festkeket.

Termszetes szlak alkalmazsa az ple-

tek bels s kls tereinl.
Usage of natural fibers in exteriors and

Kis kp fent:
Svd festmvsz sajt tervezs lakp-
lete s mterme Borlange vros mellett.
Svdorszg, Dalarna megye
Small picture, top:
Studio of the Swedish painter, designed
by himself near Borlange. Dalarna County,

Kis kp lent:
Az pletegyttes kls kpe a textil
rnykolkkal, az rnykol nvnyzettel
s kicsi fahddal a t fel.
Small picture, bottom:
The outer view of the dwelling and stu-
dio with textile shading, and bushes, and
the small bridge to the lake.

Nagy kp jobbra:
Lakkonyha bels kpe. (Erdly, Szk,
Csorba Zsuzsi hza - Romnia, Sic)
Big picture:
Kitchen and living area of a small
dwelling. (Transylvania, Szk, Csorba
Zsuzsis house, Rumania, Sic).


A fmek hasznlata kultrnkra olyannyira jellemz, hogy az The use of metal is so typical of our age that even the pe-
emberisg trtnetnek egyes korszakait is a fmmegmun- riods of the history of the human being are divided accord-
kls fejldsvel szakaszoljuk. A fmmegmunkls fejld- ing to the development of metal-working: With the devel-
se tette lehetv, hogy a fmek az pletekben is megje- opment of technology metal appeared also in buildings.
lenjenek. Az ntttvas elszr oszlopokknt kerlt be az Cast-iron was used in houses first in the form of columns
pletekbe, s a fejldssel egyre inkbb httrbe szortot- and through development it rapidly replaced wooden struc-
ta a faszerkezeteket. Hamarosan a raktrak s ipari ple- tures. Soon it became the typical building material of stor-
tek jellemz ptanyagv vlt. Kiemelked ptszeti alko- age- and industrial buildings. Outstanding architectural
tsok is jellemzik ezt a kort. Ezzel prhuzamosan fejldtt works characterize this age. As glass was developing paral-
az veg alkalmazsa is, gy az j kor a acl-veg ptszet lel, the new age became the age of the iron and glass.
kora lett. Today the use of metals are widespread. We use cop-
A mai korban a fmek hasznlata nagyon elterjedt, per, aluminum, steel and rust-proof metals in many forms.
sokfle formban hasznljuk a rezet, alumniumot, aclt s Each can be appropriate in its place, as for example, electric
a rozsdamentes anyagokat. Mindegyik alkalmazsa megfele- wires and water pipes and fittings as bathroom equipment,
l lehet a maga helyn, mint pldul elektromos s vzve- or other implements in the household. We have to note
zetki vezetkek s szerelvnyek, vagy mint a hztartsban only, that all metals come from non-renewable sources.
hasznlt egyb eszkzk. Azt is figyelembe kell venni, hogy Ores are usually available in sufficient quantity but
valamennyi formjuk nem megjul forrsbl szrmazik. there are some, the sources of which are diminishing so the
Az rcek nagy rsze elegend mennyisgben ll ren- solution for reuse is very important. Even more so from the
delkezsre, de vannak olyanok is, melyek egyre fogynak, gy point of view of energy consumption: e.g. the production of
minden esetben fontos az jrahasznosts. Ez az energiafel- recycled aluminum needs only 5 percent of the whole en-
hasznls szempontjbl is lnyeges, hiszen az jrahasznlt ergy necessary for primary production.
alumnium ellltsa csak 5%-nyi energit ignyel az els Some metals can be harmful for our health by in di-
gyrtshoz viszonytva. rect contact. We know about the dangerous effect of the
Egszsggyi szempontbl egyes fmek rtalmasak, lead and zinc and we know that we cannot store food in an
ha kzvetlenl rintkeznk velk. Ismerjk az lom s a cink aluminum dish and normally we can avoid this in our house-
egszsgre rtalmas hatst, tudjuk, hogy alumnium edny- hold. But there are other dangers recently discovered. Wa-
ben nem szabad telt trolni, s ltalban a hztartsunk- ter pipes and steel structures (e.g. steel reinforcing of slabs)
ban ezt el tudjuk kerlni. Vannak azonban msfajta rtalmak can break the natural electro-magnetic fields and can cause
is, melyeket csupn az utbbi vekben szleltek. A vzzel headache, insomnia and other, earlier not identified damage.
tlttt vezetkek s acl szerkezeti elemek (pl. a fdmek Comparing metal furniture and plastic ones, the first is bet-
vasalsa) megbonthatjk a termszetes elektromgneses ter as it does not contain toxic materials.
mezket, fejfjst, lmatlansgot, vagy ms, eddig nem is-
mert egszsgkrosodst is okozhatnak. A fm btorok te-
kintetben elnys, hogy a manyag btorokkal ellentt-
ben nem tartalmaznak mrgez anyagokat.

Az acl alkalmazsa nagy hatssal volt

az ptszeten kvl az ipar s a kzle-
keds ltestmnyeire is.
The use of steal had a great influence
not only for architecture but also for
industry and transport.

A kp:
A Forth-hd, Edinburgh (Firth of Forth
- a Forth torkolatnl). A Golden Gate
megptsig a Fld leghoszabb hdszer-
kezete volt. (plt: az 1880-as vek
msodik felben).
Forth Bridge, Edinburgh at Firth of
Forth. This was the longest bridge un-
til the Golden Gate was opened. (Built
in second half of 1880s)


A vakolatok legrgibb fajtja agyagtapasztst jelentett, ahol The oldest type of plastering was made out of clay with
az anyagba llati vagy nvnyi eredet szlakat, egyes ese- which fibers of animal or vegetable origin or lime were
tekben meszet kevertek, s ezzel bortottk be az eredeti mixed. With this mixture the original wood, stone or other
fa, k vagy egyb anyag szerkezeteket. Ezzel a bevonattal structures were covered. The Romans defended their wa-
vdtk a rmaiak is vzvezetkeiket s ciszternikat. Vako- ter pipes and cisterns with the same covering. The Maya
latot alkalmaztak a maja ptk, a trk vrosptk, s or- masters also used plaster, as well as Turkish architects, and
namentikus elemekkel dsztett vakolatot alkalmaznak Afri- the African builders who decorated the plaster with orna-
ka egyes rszein is az ptmesterek. mental elements.
A cement hasznlata sorn a vakolatok kevsb vol- With the use of cement, plastering became less col-
tak sznesek, elszrkltek, de az idjrsnak jobban ellenll- orful, it became grayish but it was weather-proof. For inte-
tak. Bels terekben fleg gipszes vakolatokat alkalmaztak, riors gypsum plaster was used, while for outer surfaces lime
mg a mszvakolatok s a cementvakolatok inkbb a kls and cement was added. We have enough material for the
trben jelentek meg. A vakolatok anyagai rendelkezsnk- plastering but the production of cement and lime is energy-
re llnak, de a cement s a msz gyrtsa energiaignyes s intensive and the quarries from where the components are
a hozz tartoz bnyszkods rontja a tj egysgt. Ezeket gained can deteriorate the unity of the landscape. We
az anyagokat csak a legszksgesebb mrtkben kvnatos should use as little of these materials as possible.
alkalmazni. If we want to paint the interior plaster, we should use
Ha a bels trben alkalmazott vakolatokat festeni breathing paints instead of synthetic wall paper or impervi-
akarjuk, alkalmazzuk a llegz bevonatokat, s semmikp- ous paint films.
pen se hasznljunk manyag taptt vagy festket. Plaster in itself can be attractive. The whitewashed
A vakolat a maga termszetes megjelensben is plaster is healthy but whitewashing should be repeated an-
szp lehet. A csupn msszel kezelt vakolt felletek egsz- nually as the layer is not completely opaque and it is quick-
sgi szempontbl elnysebbek, de a bevonatot vente fel ly getting thin. The mode we use our house makes this dif-
kell jtani, mivel a mszfests kevss takar s kopik is. Ez ficult but the annual whitewashing of at least the pantry,
a mai lakshasznlat mellett egyre nehezebben biztosthat, kitchen, bathroom is also beneficial the air of the dwelling.
azonban a kamra, konyha vagy frdszoba vi meszelse
egybknt is jtkony hatssal van a laks levegjre.

A homlokzatokon megjelen anyagok az

utcakpre jelents hangulatforml hatssal
Materials used on facades have a great in-
fluence on the atmosphere of streets.

Bels kp:
Tglaburkolatos, ntttvas erklyes, angol-
akns lakplet Dublinban, a Fitzwilliam
tren, kzel a Magyar Nagykvetsghez.
Picture, inside:
Brick elevation and cast iron structures of
a dwelling in Dublin, Fitzwilliam square,
near to the Hungarian Embassy.

Kls kp:
Nagymaros, ltalnos iskola. plt a 20-as
vek vgn. A homlokzat vakolat s ker-
miadsztse a kor stlust mutatja.
Picture, outside:
Nagymaros, Elementary School building.
Built in the end of 20s. The plaster and
ceramic details are typical of the era.


Az veg gyrtst a rmaiak fejlesztettk magas szintre, de The Romans developed glass production to a high level, but
mr hrom vezreddel idszmtsunk eltt, az kori already in 3000 BC in ancient Egypt people had used rock
Egyiptomban is hasznltak megmunklt hegyikristly ive- crystal drinking cups. They used also obsidian which is nat-
dnyeket. Ms esetekben az obszidint hasznltk, ami ter- ural glass of volcanic origin to decorate furniture or arms,
mszetes, vulkanikus eredet vegnek tekinthet, s azzal larger pieces were polished to serve as mirrors.
dsztettk btoraikat, vagy hasznltk fegyvereikhez, na- This first glass was greenish and less transparent. The
gyobb darabjait pedig felfnyezve tkrknt alkalmaztk.. Romans developed the technique of glass-blowing with
Ezek az els vegek zldes sznek s kevsb tlt- which they could make jewels and table-ware. They had an
szak voltak, mg a rmaiak fejlesztettk ki az vegfvs el- interesting method: they blew two colors at the same time,
s technikjt, amivel kszereket s ednyeket lltottak the outer white layer was carved after solidifying. The result
el. rdekes volt a mdszerk, mert kt szn anyagot fj- was a typical, unique, colorful patterned glass.
tak egyszerre, s a kls fehr megszilrdult krget azutn For hundreds of years glass was used only for deco-
megvstk, gy hozva ltre a jellegzetes, mintzatos sznes ration. Window openings on facades were sheltered against
vegednyeket. the weather by wooden shutters. Small glass slabs admitting
vszzadokon keresztl a dsztmvszet volt az light began to be used only from the beginning of the l6th
veg legfbb felhasznlja. Az pletek homlokzati nylsa- century. Later however, as clearer and cheaper glass could
it fatblkkal vdtk az idjrstl, s csupn a XVI. szzad- be produced, people began to use it in buildings. (The so
tl kezdve kezdtek hasznlni veglapocskkat a fny bebo- called window-tax in England of that age is a relic of this pe-
cstsra. Ksbb azonban, hogy egyre tisztbb s olcsbb riod: the owners of a building with more than six windows
veget tudtak kszteni, az veg felhasznlsa az ptsben had to pay a special tax. There was a close connection bet-
is eltrbe kerlt. (Ennek emlkt rzi az Ablakad a ko- ween the use of glass and enrichment.)
rabeli Angliban, ahol a 6 ablaknl tbbel rendelkez p- The first big glass buildings were erected in the highly in-
letek tulajdonosait kln ad sjtotta: az veg alkalmazsa dustrialised England (London: Christal Palace, Glasgow: Peo-
s a vagyonosods sszefggtt.) ples Palaces).
Az els nagy vegpleteket a mlt szzad vgn emeltk
az iparilag fejlett Angliban (London - Kristly Palota,
Glasgow: Peoples Palaces).

Az veg alkalmazsa a szzadeln plt

Scotland Street School pletnl Glasgow-
ban (Skcia). Tervezte:C.R. Mackintosh
Glass elements of the Scotland Street
School building. (Scotland). Designed by C.
R. Mackintosh

Kls kp:
Az iskola lpcshza kvlrl.
Picture, outside:
The outer view of the staircase.

Bels kp:
A lpcshzi vegfal bels kpe
Picture, inside:
Inner view of the staircases glass wall.


Az veg alkalmazsa The use of glass

ltalban az veg nem drga anyag, de trkeny, s gyak- Glass is not an expensive material in general but it is fragile
ran kell ugyanazt a felletet jravegezni. Az veggyrts- and the same surface may have to be frequently re-glased.
hoz hasznlt anyagok - a kvarchomok, a szda, a kalciumo- We have an abundant quantity of the components neces-
xid - bven rendelkezsre llnak, egyedl a gyrtsi energia sary for glass production - quartz sand, soda, calcium oxide
s a szlltsi igny az, ami drgv teszi az veget. - but the energy used in the production and the transport
A biztonsgi vegek hasznlata tbb szempontbl is costs make the glass expensive.
elnys, s egyes esetekben - mint pldul a fellvilgtk- The use of safety glass is advantageous for many rea-
nl - a fmhlbettes vegek alkalmazsa elrsos. sons and in certain cases the use of wired glass is compul-
Az vegezett felletek megfelel tervezsvel elr- sory.
hetjk, hogy az pletbe belp napenergit megfelelen With proper design of glass surfaces we can utilize the
hasznostsuk, egyes esetekben pedig a legkorszerbb ve- energy of the sun or with the use of the recently developed
gek alkalmazsval megoldhat, hogy a fellet csak egy bi- types we can regulate the quantity of daylight coming in and
zonyos napenergia-mennyisget engedjen be, s a tlftst avoid over-heating by the darkening of glass.
elsttlssel akadlyozza. From the point of view of health, not much danger-
Egszsgi szempontbl az veg gyrtsa sorn nem ous waste is generated by the production of glass but the
keletkezik klnsen sok szennyezds, de a munkafolya- process itself is energy-intensive and the less advanced tech-
mat energiaignyes s a fejletlenebb technikk gyakran niques sometimes create adverse health affects.
egszsgkrost hatsak. On the other hand, the reuse of the glass is easy - if
Ms oldalrl tekintve az veg jrahasznostsa we can solve the problem of collecting it. Brightness and
knnyen megoldhat - ha mr az sszegyjtst megoldot- healthiness of a home are interconnected. The use of glass
tuk. A vilgos s egszsges otthon pedig sszefgg fogal- - in a proper way - is environment-friendly, but in case of
mak. Az veg hasznlata - ha megfelel mdon tesszk - the all-glass buildings the energy needed for cooling
krnyezeti szempontbl elnys, de a csupa-veg ple- sometimes exceeds the energy needed for heating.
tek esetben a htsre fordtott energiaigny esetenknt Glass can be used in building in many ways and can be
meghaladhatja a ftsi energiaignyt! effective everywhere.
Az veg az ptszetben rendkvl sokrten felhasz-
nlhat, s minden helyen rvnyeslhet.

Az veg alkalmazsa a 80-as vekben

Use of glass in the 80-ies.

Bels kp:
Stuttgart: ksrleti lakegyttes egyik
napenergiahasznost plete. Az veg-
lamellk szge lehetv teszi az optimlis
benapozs-rnykols biztostst.
Picture, inside:
Experimental solar dwelling in Stuttgart.
The movable glass elements help to ensure
the optimal shading and solar gains.

Kls kp:
Egyszer szerkezet veg eltet egy tbb-
laksos plet mellkbejrata felett.
Picture, outside:
Simple overhang made of glass above the
side-entrance of a block of flats.


A kkorszakban a 15 ezer vvel ezeltt lt ember mr raj- Humans who lived 15000 years ago in the stone age, dec-
zokkal dsztette barlangjt, a kls vilgot brzolva. A fal- orated their caves with drawings depicting the surrounding
dszts kultikus s eszttikai clokat egyarnt szolglt. Eg- world. The decoration of walls served both cult and aes-
szen a XIV. szzadig tempert hasznltak a dsztsre, amit thetic purposes. Up to the 14th century tempera mixed with
tojsfehrjbe kevertek, hogy szp fnye legyen. egg-white to ensure brightness was used for this.
Ezt a festsi technikt vltotta fel az olajfestkek kora. This technique was replaced by oil paints. At the end
A mlt szzad vgtl a mestersges sznezkek is megje- of the last century synthetic paints have also appeared. The
lentek. A kzpkorban hasznlt festanyag hordozja a base of paints used in the middle ages was linseed oil, its sol-
lenolaj volt, oldszere a termszetes terpentin, s sznt a vent is the natural turpentine and the color was given by dif-
klnbz sznez pasztk adtk. Ksbb eltrbe kerltek ferent pigmented pastes. Later synthetic paints and solvents
a szintetikus festkek s oldszerek is. A szintetikus fest- became widely used. From the users point of view synthet-
kek a hasznlra nzve viszonylag kevss rtalmasak, de ic paints and solvents are less harmful but for those who
azok szmra, akik hivatsszeren dolgoznak velk, annl work with them continuously are very dangerous. Most of
veszlyesebbek. A hobbifestkek jelents rsze is szinteti- the paints for non-professionals are synthetics and their
kus, s a keletkezett nagy mennyisg hulladk a kommu- huge quantity of waste pollutes the environment when they
nlis szemtbe kerlve vlik krnyezetszennyezv. are mixed with the communal garbage.
Az egszsges anyag kritriuma, hogy ne legyen rtal- The criterion for a healthy material is not to be harm-
mas a hasznlra, a gyrtra s a krnyezetre. A szintetikus ful for the user, the producer and the environment. Syn-
festkek, ragasztk s tmtanyagok egyiknek sem felelnek thetic paints, adhesives and sealing-compounds meet none
meg. Elsdleges feladatunk fokozni az iparra gyakorolt nyo- of the above requirements. Our task is to increase pressure
mst, hogy jobban eltrbe kerljenek a krnyezetbart on industry to supply environment friendly products. We
termkek. Mindig ellenrizzk, hogy lommentes festket have to check if whether the paint we use is lead-free and
hasznlunk-e, s a munka sorn gyeljnk a tzveszlyes g- while working we have to take care of inflammable vapours
zok keletkezsre. generated.
A festkek sszetett, sokfle anyagbl ll, vzbe, vagy Paints are complex materials consisting of different
olajba kevert vegyletek, szilrd alkotrszeik a festkpig- components mixed with water or oil. Their solid compo-
mentek. A pigmentanyagok adjk a festk fedkpessgt, nents are the paint-pigments which ensure the covering
s a meleg sznek legnagyobb rsze svnyi eredet. power of the paint. Most of the warm colors are of miner-
Az lnk szneket ltalban fmoxiddal lehet elrni, s al origin.
ezek gyrtsa mrgez folyamat. Egyes termszetes festk- Vivid colors can be obtained using metallic oxides, the
alapanyagok a napsts hatsra bernek, gy az id folya- production process of which is toxic. Certain natural paint
mn a velk kezelt szerkezetek patinsodnak. Ez nem jelent bases mature in sunshine so the structures painted with
htrnyt a trgyak hasznlatban. them develop a patina with age. This is not a disadvantage
Manapsg a legtbb olajfestk szintetikus bzis, s in their use.
csak kevs kzttk az olyan, amely az alatta lev fa, vakolt Nowadays most of the oil paints are of synthetic base
vagy kfelletet llegezni hagyja. and only few of them let the wood, the plastered or stone
A vizes alap festkek nagyon hasznosak, ha nagy surface breathe.
felletet kell kezelni velk. ltalban knny dolgozni velk, Water-based paints are very useful when we have to
egszsgesek, ugyanakkor kevsb idtllak s nem mos- paint a large surface. It is easy to work with them, they are
hatk. A kifejlesztett j vizes bzis festkek, melyek kt- healthy but less durable and non-washable. The newly de-
anyaga a termszetes kazein s a lenolaj, mr tartsabb veloped water-based paints with natural casein and linseed
felletet hoznak ltre, s kls trben is hasznlhatk. oil as binding material can produce a more durable surface
and can also be used externally.


Az eredeti terpentin alap oldszereket s fellettiszttkat The turpentine-based solvents and cleansing materials have
mra felvltottk a szintetikus ksztmnyek. Ezek az old- been succeeded by synthetics. These materials are toxic
szerek gyrtsuk s hasznlatuk sorn is nagyon krosak az both during their production and in use. We have to do our
egszsgre. Ha csak tehetjk, kerljk el ezek hasznlatt, best to avoid their use but if we still have to use them then
ha erre nincs lehetsg, akkor vdfelszerelsben s ers protective clothing must be worn and ventilation must be
szellztets mellett dolgozzunk ezekkel az anyagokkal. ensured.
Vannak azonban a termszetre s az emberre nzve There are surface-coating materials less harmful to
kevsb kros felletkezel anyagok is. Ezek alapanyaga a health and the environment. Their base is linseed oil,
lenolaj, a mhviasz, s a fafelletekre alkalmas sznezanya- beeswax and stains for coating of wood. For interior use
gok, a klnbz pcok. A bels terekben a vizes bzis water-based paints and those of natural origin are suggest-
vagy a termszetes anyag festkek mindenhol javasoltak, ed and these should be preferably used for outer surfaces,
s kls terek esetben is elnyben kell rszestennk eze- also.
ket. If we took care of building our house with healthy ma-
Ha gondot fordtottunk arra, hogy pletnket egsz- terials such as wood, for the floor, doors and windows, we
sges anyagokbl ptsk, pldul fbl ksztsk a padlt should not spoil this with using low-quality paints.
s a nylszrkat, akkor ne rontsuk el a hatst rossz min- When we use wall paper, we should buy original pa-
sg festkekkel. per hangings, and avoid plastic sheets. Spray-painting and
Ha taptzunk, kerljk el a manyag taptkat: a pressure-spray cans should be avoided as they release more
tiszta paprtaptt hasznljuk. Ne hasznljunk szr szerke- paint to the air and our lungs than onto the surface to be
zeteket s szrfejes flakonos festkeket. Ezek sokkal tb- painted. Do not believe absolutely in the green labels of
bet szrnak a levegbe - s a tdnkbe - mint a felletre. producers. We have to judge for ourselves what they are
Ne dljnk be teljesen a gyri zld cmkknek sem. Gy- selling to us.
zdjnk meg magunk arrl, hogy mit adnak el neknk.

A kls felletek festse s szinezse a

hangulatfestsen kvl informcit is kzl.
Painted and coloured facade help not on-
ly the atmosphere, but they can also give

Kis kp fent:
Mkd napra Ljubljana belvrosban.
Small picture, top:
Working sundial in the inner city of
Ljubljana. (Slovenia).

Kis kp lent:
Az pts dtuma s a csald neve a fes-
tett fahomlokzaton. Svd plda.
Small picture, bottom:
Date built, and the name of the owner
family on the painted wood facade.
Swedish example.

Nagy kp:
Festett tzfal Belfastban, az r negyedben.
Allegrikus alak kelta motvumokkal vezve
gael nyelv felirattal.
Big picture:
Painted gable wall in Belfast, in the Irish
district. Allegoric figure surrounded by
celtic motives and gaelic text.


A manyagot, mint modern anyagot ismerjk, de tulajdon- Synthetics (plastics) are modern materials. Many materials
kppen sokfle anyag tmegy egy bizonyos plasztikus sza- go through a certain plastic (soft) phase, for example met-
kaszon (pl. fmek h hatsra). Ugyanakkor a manyagok als when heated, but the so-called is really synthetic one.
valban szintetikus anyagok. The first hundred percent artificial material was the
Az els teljes mrtkben szintetikus anyag a bakelit bakelite. A series of plastic materials followed it. For a time,
volt. Azta egy sor manyagot lltottak el. Ezek egy ideig they all looked novel and modern to some extent, but it
valamilyen mrtkben jszernek s korszernek mutat- soon turned out that their production may be a big business
koztak, de hamarosan kiderlt, hogy csupn a gyrts j z- but a great loss for the environment.
let, a krnyezet csak veszt vele. We have to know that most materials are much bet-
A hasznlatukkal kapcsolatban azt kell tudnunk, hogy ter for use in their original form than the synthetics. One
az anyagok nagy rsze termszetes formjban sokkal alkal- type of them is thermoplastic, the other type is thermoset-
masabb, mint a szintetikus vltozatok. Egyik fajtjuk hre l- ting. We can find both types in an everyday house. The pro-
gyul, ms formjuk hre kemnyed. Mindkt tpus meg- duction of artificial materials is harmful not only because
tallhat az tlagos lakpletekben. Alkalmazsuk nem non-renewable resource form the base but also because a
csupn azrt kros, mert gyrtsukkor nem megjul nyers- huge quantity of energy is needed for the production. Their
anyagforrst hasznlnak fel, hanem azrt is, mert ellltsuk decomposition is also dangerous as with their burning car-
is tmrdek energit emszt fel. Lebomlsuk nem biztos- cinogenic components may spread in the air. Food kept in
tott, s az getssel rkkelt anyagok kerlhetnek a leveg- a plastic dish can absorb the emollient of the PVC. Artificial
be. Tovbbi problma lehet, hogy a manyagban trolt foams in the furniture are dangerously inflammable and pro-
telbe bejuthat a PVC-lgyt anyaga, s a btorokba p- duce toxic fumes.
tett manyaghabok veszlyesen ghetek. The recycling of the plastic materials is not solved, or
A manyagok recikliklsa sem megoldott, illetve in case of some materials is only partly solved. We can find
egyes manyagok esetben csak flig megoldottnak tekint- synthetics everywhere around us but we should keep away
het. letnk sorn sokszor tallkozunk manyagokkal, de from them as much as possible.
ha mdunk van r, kerljk el hasznlatukat. Do not buy plastic bags, non-returnable plastic bot-
Ne vegynk manyag zacskt, nem visszavlthat tles. Use alternative materials wherever it is possible. (Wick-
plasztik veget, vagy bevsrl szatyrot. Ahol csak lehet, er basket is not for the decoration of the kitchen.)
hasznljunk helyettk alternatv anyagot (hasznljuk a fonott Do not keep food in a plastic dish. We have to fight
bevsrl kosarunkat, ne csupn a konyha dsze legyen). for the suitable re-utilization because in this way we can de-
Ne troljunk telt manyag ednyben. Harcoljunk a crease the demand for artificial materials.
megfelel jrahasznosts cljrt, mert ezzel is cskkent-
hetjk a manyagok irnti ignyt

Bal oldali kp:

Az ezsts szn manyag esernycskk egy belsudvari
trplasztika rszei. A vzfellet fltt a csillog felletek
oldjk a homlokzat szigor szerkesztst. Athn, Mat
Santamouris ptszirodjnak egyik kls rszlete.
Left picture:
Silver coloured small plastic umbrellas as part of the
art-work in the inner yard of the Architect Studio of
Mat Santamouris in Athens. The shiny surfaces above the
water help to release the strictly constructed facades.

Jobboldali kp fent:
Christo: a Reichstag becsomagolsa. A csomagolshoz
100000 m2 klnleges minsg aluminium flizott
manyag ftylat s 8000 fm kk manyag ktelet
hasznlt fel.
Right picture:
Christo: The Wrapped Reichstag. For the work he used
100000 m2 special aluminium foil plastic laminates and
8000 metre blue polypropylene rope.



Amit mg tudni kell... What is still worth knowing

Az elz oldalakon trgyaltak az anyagvlasztshoz adnak The previous pages are intended to give major guidelines
tmutatt, amihez kiegsztst tallhatunk az Anyagok for the selection of materials, while specific features of these
fejezetben, illetve a kvetkez oldalakon lthat tblza- materials are discussed in the Materials chapter and the
tokban. A lexikon az adott anyag felhasznlsban (vagy tables following this page. The encyclopedia would help us
mellzsben segt), a tblzatokban pedig az ptanyagok decide which material to be used (or to be dropped), while
energiatartalma s a krnyezeti viselkedse szerepel. the tables show characteristic details of the energy-require-
Termszetesen a krltekint vlasztshoz s a ment and environmental impacts. No doubt, that a truly
tervezshez ennl tbb ismeretre is szksg van. careful selection and design would call for further back-
ground information.
Meg kell ismerni a helysznt s a hely szellemt: First of all, genius loci should be understood:
geogrfiai, meteorolgiai jellemzk geographical, meteorological characteristics
kulturlis tradicik (szellemi, trgyi), ptsi hagyomnyok cultural (both spiritual and material ones) and architectur-
trsadalmi hagyomnyok s irnyok al traditions
social traditions and trends
Alkalmazni kell a rendelkezsre ll korszer ismereteket: The available technological achievements should be applied:
a rendelkezsre ll alternatv energiafelhasznls alternative energy sources (sun, wind, geothermal) and
lehetsgt (nap, szl, geotermikus) possible methods to exploit them
a felhasznlt energia cskkentsnek lehetsgt az anyag- possibilities of using materials that would require mini-
gyrts, az pts s szllts sorn mum energy in production, transportation, application
cskkenteni kell az plet mkdse sorn felhasznlt en- the means to reduce energy-requirement of the function-
ergiamennyisget ing building
Az pletet s krnyezett a fentiek figyelembevtelvel a
hasznlk rmre kell megtervezni. The building and its surroundings are to be designed in the
az pletet a krnyezetvel egytt kell tgabb rtelemben light of the above, to the satisfaction of the users:
trben s idben is megtervezni the building should be planned so that it would remain in
az alaprajz tegye lehetv a vltozatos trfelhasznlst long-term harmony with its surroundings
idben is the ground-plan should allow diversified use of the space
a metszeti kialakts s az ptsi rszletek az kologikus in different times
anyaghasznlat s pts elveit vegye figyelembe the cross-sectional design and the architectural details
az pletbe beptett anyagok s szerkezetek legyenek should meet the ecological requirements both in materi-
jrafelhasznlhatk als and building methods
a szksges gpszeti megoldsoknak tkrzni kell a fenti the materials and structures should be re-usable
elveket s a takarkossgon tlmenen a komfort s az the solutions of civil engineering should be adequate to
egszsg vdelme rdekben kell mkdjenek the above principles and should be economical, comfort-
able and healthy
Mindezek egyttvve az intuci s a mvszi elkpzelsek If all the above are taken into consideration, just some intu-
segtsgvel jelenthetik az alapjt a j plet s krnyezete ition and artistic ideas are to be added to lay down the fun-
tervezsnek. daments of environment-oriented architectural design.






fa 60 nincs igen igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes yes no 60 timber
knny tgla 150 nem igen igen igen yes yes yes no 150 light brick
gzbeton 225 van nem nem no no yes 225 aerated concrete
vlyog 30 nincs nem igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes no no 30 adobe, cob or mud
knnybeton 70 nem nem no no 70 light concrete
tgla 140 nem igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes no 140 brick
mszhomoktgla 80 nem igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes no 80 sand/lime brick
beton 45 nem nem igen nem no yes no no 45 concrete
vasbeton 105 van nem nem igen nem nem no no yes no no yes 105 reinforced concrete
ptk 10 nem igen igen igen yes yes yes no 10 stone


fa 20-30 nincs igen igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes yes no 20-30 timber
tglaboltozat 60-120 nem igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes no 60-120 brick vaulting
vasbeton 150-200 van nem nem igen nem nem no no yes no no yes 150-200 reinforced concrete
aclgerends 550 van nem igen igen nem no yes yes no yes 550 steel beams

szalma, nd 2-4 nincs igen igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes yes no 2-4 thatch, reed
fazsindely 5 nincs igen igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes yes no 5 wood shingle
pala 5-10 nincs nem nem nem igen igen yes yes no no no nincs 5-10 slate
betoncserp 25 van nem igen igen yes yes no yes 25 concrete tile
agyagcserp 30 nem igen igen igen yes yes yes no 30 tile
mpala 15 van nem igen igen nem no yes yes no yes 15 artificial slate
horg. acllemez 70 van nem igen yes no yes 70 galvanised steel
rzlemez 100 van nem nem nem no no no yes 100 copper
lomlemez 250 van nem nem nem nem no no no no yes 250 lead
alumnium lemez 350 van nem igen nem no yes no yes 350 Al

fa 8 nincs igen igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes yes no 8 wood
manyag 250 van nem igen igen nem no yes yes no yes 250 plastic
alumnium 800 van nem igen igen nem no yes yes no yes 800 Al

(1/ = 0,3) (1/ = 0,3)
szalma, zsp 5 nincs igen igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes yes no 5 thatch, reed
fagyapot 13 nincs igen igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes yes no 13 wood-wool
kkusz, szizl 13 nincs igen igen nem nem igen yes no no yes yes no 13 coir, sisal
duzzasztott parafa 18 nincs igen igen nem nem igen yes no no yes yes no 18 cork

- nem jellemz - not typical





(1/ = 0,3) (1/ = 0,3)
svnygyapot 23 van nem igen yes no yes 23 mineral wool
veggyapot 26 van nem igen igen yes yes no yes 26 glass wool
prselt szalma 30 igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes 30 straw board
habveg 32 van nem igen yes no yes 32 foam glass
faforgcstbla 35 igen igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes yes 35 particle board
polisztirolhab 65 van nem igen nem no yes no yes 65 polysytrene foam

fa 5 nincs igen igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes yes no 5 wood
pala 5-10 nincs nem nem no no no 5-10 slate
tglaburkolat 40-100 nem igen igen igen yes yes yes no 40-100 brick
veg 60 van nem igen yes no yes 60 glass
manyag 120-150 van nem igen yes no yes 120-150 plastic
alumnium 350 van nem igen yes no yes 350 aluminium

vlyogtapaszts 0-5 nincs igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes no 0-5 mud plaster
fa 3-10 nincs igen igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes yes no 3-10 wood
termszetes k 5-10 nincs nem igen igen igen yes yes yes no no 5-10 stone
mzas csempe 0-5 nem igen igen yes yes no 0-5 tile (glazed)
linleum 3-5 nincs igen igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes yes no 3-5 linoleum
manyag 20-40 van nem nem nem no no no yes 20-40 plastic
gyapj, len 2-4 nincs igen igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes yes no 2-4 wool, flax
kkusz 4-6 nincs igen igen nem nem no no yes yes no 4-6 coir


gipsz- s gypsum- and lime
mszvakolat 5 nem nem igen igen yes yes no no 5 plasters
cementvakolat 8 nem nem igen igen yes yes no no 8 cement render
csempeburkolat 8-16 nem igen igen yes yes no 8-16 tiling
gipszkarton - gypsum board -
15mm 12 nem nem igen nem no yes no no 12 15mm
faforgcslap - particle boards
13mm 13 igen igen igen yes yes yes 13 -13mm
manyagok 25 van nem nem nem nem no no no no yes 25 plastic
paprtapta 0,5 igen igen igen igen yes yes yes yes 0,5 wallpaper
parafa 1-2 nincs igen igen nem nem igen yes no no yes yes no 1-2 cork

- nem jellemz - not typical



A kvetkez tblzat egy csaldi hz (szabadon ll, pince, The following chart shows the energy-needs of the produc-
fldszint, tettrbepts) ptanyagainak gyrtsi energia- tion of building materials for typical family houses (cellar,
ignyt szemllteti, klnbz ptsi mdokkal. ground floor, loft) - under different building methods.

ptsi mdok: Building methods:

A ipari elregyrts (szendvicsszerkezet beton elemek, A industrial prefabricated elements (concrete panels of
elregyrtott beton fdmek, iparostott szakipari szer- sandwich construction, prefabricated concrete floor
kezetek) panels, industrialized installations)
B korszer ptsi md (rteges tgla falszerkezetek, B modern building method (walls of brick layers,
vasbeton fdm, vegyes szakipari szerkezetek) reinforced concrete floors, partly industrialized
C hagyomnyos ptsi md, de egszsges pta- installations)
nyagokkal (rteges tgla falszerkezet, tgla bels falak, C traditional building method, but with healthy
vegyes fdm szerkezet stb.) building materials (walls of brick layers, brick inner walls,
D termszetes vagy egszsges ptsi md (vszza- mixed floor structure, etc.)
dos tapasztalatok alapjn, kiegsztve a modern pts D natural or healthy building method (on the basis of
idevg tapasztalataival) experiences of hundreds of years, supplemented by
relevant experiences of the modern building)

pletrsz Kivitelezs A B C D Construction Building structure


200 m2 szendvics szerk. betonelemek concrete sandwich panels 200 m2

KLS FAL kemnyhab szigetelssel 54 000 polyurethene foam insulation OUTER WALL

mszhomoktgla vakolva sand/lime brick with plaster and

kemnyhab szigetelssel 50 000 polyurethene foam insulation
tgla falszerk, parafa szigetels, faburkolat 45 000 brick wall, cork, wood lining
favz+vlyogfal, termszetes rost szigetels 14 000 timber frame, adobe blocks, nat. fibres

70 m2 betonelemek 12 600 concrete blocks 70 m2

TEHERHORD mszhomoktgla 7 000 sand/lime brick LOAD BEARING

BELS FAL tgla 10 500 brick INNER WALL

kszerkezet 2 800 stone structure

200 m2 gzbeton 12 000 light concrete 200 m2

VLASZFAL knnytett mszhomoktgla 10 000 light sand/lime brick INNER WALL
soklyuk tgla 10 000 hollow-terracotta blocks
favz+vlyogfal 3 600 timber frame, wattle walled
160 m 2
kemnyhab 4 000 hard foam insulation INNER THERMAL
BELS HSZIG. veggyapot 1 600 glass wool, INSULATON
(pincefdm, parafa, kkusz 960 cork, coir (cellar, ceiling,
bels szerk.) szalma, papr, stb. 480 reed, paper, wood fibres innerstructures)

FEDLSZK hagyomnyos fa 2 800 2 800 traditional timber structure ROOF

mrnki (optimalizlt) faszerkezet 1 680 optimalised timber structure CONSTRUCTION
gmbfa, deszka 960 log, plank

130 m2 azbesztcement, kemnyhab 6 400 asbestos cement, hard foam insulation 130 m2
TETFEDS cserpfeds, veggyapot 5 600 ceramic tiles and glass wool ROOF COVERING
SZIGETELSSEL zsup vagy ndfeds 1 600 straw or reed thatch AND THERMAL
zldtet 560 green roof INSULATION

100 m2 hagyomnyos lbazatkialakts 11 000 11 000 conventional footing 100m2

LBAZAT, 50% hagyomnyos+ 50% traditional FOOTING, CEL-
PINCEFAL 50% biolgiai trolpince 50% biological cellar, LAR WALL
(ha nincs talajvz) 6 600 6 600 if there is no ground water


pletrsz Kivitelezs A B C D Construction Building structure
50 m2 alumnium 40 000 aluminium 50 m2
ABLAK- manyag 12 500 plastic WINDOW FRAME
SZERKEZET fa (egyestett szrny) 500 500 wood (double glazed) STRUCTURE

50 m2 hszigetel tblkkal 10 000 10 000 thermal glazing 50 m2

VEGEZS egyedi rtegekkel 9 000 9 000 double glazing GLAZING

VASALATOK rejtett, korszer 1 300 1 300 hidden, modern WINDOW HINGES

lthat, hagyomnyos exposed traditional AND BOLTS

(kisebb szrnymreteknl) 500 500 (with smaller lashes)

240 m2 vasbeton 36 000 36 000 reinforced concrete 240m 2

FDM 33% tglaboltozat+ 33% vaulted brick structure SLABS AND

LPCSKKEL 66% fafdm 12 000 12 000 66% timber consruction STAIRS

240 m2 manyag 8 400 plastic 240 m2

PADLBURKOLAT 50% manyag+50% k 5 400 50% plastic + 50% stone FLOOR COVERING

33% k, 33% fa, 33%linleum 1 600 1 600 33% stone, 33% tImber, 33% linoleum

120m2 mszl 2 900 2 900 synthetic fibres 120 m2

SZNYEG gyapj/pamut 360 360 wool, cotton FITTED CARPET

500 m2 60% gipszkarton, 40% vakolat, tapta 5 300 60% gyps board, 40 % plaster+paper 500 m2
BELS FELLET 50% gipszkarton, 50% vakolat, tapta 3 800 50% gyps board, 50 % plaster+paper INNER SURFACES

50% faburkolat, 50% vakolat, tapta 5 300 50% wood, 50 % plaster+paper

70% faburkolat, 30% vakolat, mszfests 900 70% wood, 30 % plaster+painting

FTS vzkeringets, fttestek 10 000 10 000 water-borne system, radiators HEATING

lgfts (lgcsatornk air heating ( air channels in the slabs

falakban s fdmekben) 1 000 1 000 and walls)
20 m2
20m2 alumnium s hszigetel veg 16 000 aluminium and thermal glazing COLLECTORS ON

NAPKOLLEKTOR acl s hszigetel veg 8 000 8 000 steel and insulated glass THE ROOF

fa, acl s hszigetel veg 5 000 steel, timber and thermal glass


A - ipari elregyrts 376 700 industrial prefabricated - A

B - korszer ptsi md 137 900 modern method - B
C - hagyomnyos ptsi md, traditional methods - C
de egszsges ptanyagokkal 114 600 with use of healthy materials
D - termszetes vagy egszsges natural or healthy methods- D
ptsi md (zld megoldsok) 55 060 (green solutions)

A - ipari elregyrts 270% industrial prefabricated - A
B - korszer ptsi md 100% modern method - B
C - hagyomnyos ptsi md, traditional methods - C
de egszsges ptanyagokkal 83% with use of healthy materials
D - termszetes vagy egszsges natural or healthy methods- D
ptsi md (zld megoldsok) 39.9% (green solutions)


Nagy Gyngyi

1971 - Gyr

1994 - Ybl Mikls Mszaki

Fiskola, ptszmrnki Szak


1994-tl Ybl Mikls Mszaki

Fiskola - intzeti mrnk


kologikus ptszet,

ptszeti szakkiadvnyok
szmtgpes szerkesztse

Nagy Gyngyi

1971 - Gyr

1994 - Polytechnic Ybl Mikls, Ar -

chitectural Engineering Course


from 1994 Polytechnic Ybl Mik -

ls, assistant

fields of activity:

Ecological Architecture,

Editing works of architectural and

ecological textbooks and books
Napjainkban a vilg
technikai fejlettsge olyan
szintre jutott, hogy civilizcis
vvmnyokkal zsfolt, hatalmas
vrosainkban az let egyre
nyomasztbb lett. Ma ezt mr
mindannyian rzkeljk, st
sokakban felvetdik a krds,
hogyan lehetne a mlt tved-
seit kijavtani? A vros techni-
kai rendszernek enyhlnie
kell: forgalommentes vezetek,
zajvdelem, sugrzsvdelem,
stb. Szksgnk van - mr
amennyire lehetsges - nv-
nyekre a vrosban, melyek oxi-
gnt termelnek s a termsze-
tes klimatizlshoz a sejtjeik-
ben lv vizet prologtatjk

Zld homlokzatok

In these days, technical devel-

Green facades opment of the world reached
a level where life in enormous
cities crammed with civilisa-
tions achievments has be-
came increasingly depressing.
Today this can be felt by every-
body. Many people ask how
mistakes of the past could be
repaired? Technical systems of
cities must be eased by creat-
ing traffic-free zones, by noise
protection, radiation protection,
etc. As far as possible green
plants are also necessary in
cities which produce oxygen
and evaporate water which is
incorporated in their cells for
providing natural climatization.

A 80-as vek ta Eurpban ersen megnvekedett a kr- Since the 80's interest in environmental questions strongly
nyezeti krdsek irnti rdeklds. Mg eleinte csupn n- increased in Europe. While at the beginning only some
hny zld aktivista figyelmeztetett a lgszennyezsre, a green activists directed attention to air pollution and grad-
ptolhatatlan energiaforrsok aprnknti kiapadsra, gy ual exhaustion of irreplacable energy sources, today more
napjainkban tbb-kevsb mindnyjunk magatartsa meg- or less everybodys attitude has changed. In some areas en-
vltozott. Egyes terleteken a htkznapok kvnalmv, el- vironment protection has became a common requirement
engedhetetlen szksgv vlt a krnyezetvdelem (pl. sze- and indispensable necessity (e.g. selective waste collection,
lektv hulladkgyjts, takarkosabb vzfelhasznls, pta- economical water consumption, testing of construction ma-
nyagok vizsglata a krnyezetre gyakorolt hatsuk szem- terials for environmental effect, etc).
pontjbl, stb.). In spite of these facts a number of warning indications
Ennek ellenre a figyelmeztet jelzsek szma nem does not decrease, but increases. Smog, greenhouse effect,
cskken, hanem tovbb nvekszik. Szmog, veghzhats, ozone hole, extinction of animal species - these key-words
zonlyuk, kipusztul llatfajok - ezekkel a cmszavakkal na- can be seen every day.
ponta tallkozunk. Due to these global problems the covering of some
Ezekre a globlis problmkra tekintettel kell foglal- facades and roofs with green plants must be considered, be-
koznunk az egyes homlokzatok s tetk zldestsvel, hi- cause the starting point of a global problem is always found
szen a globlis problma kiindulpontjt mindig loklis ter- in local areas. For us this local area is the city - where we
leten kell keresnnk. Szmunkra pedig ez a loklis terlet a live.
vros - ahol lnk. In these days, technical development of the world
Napjainkban a vilg technikai fejlettsge olyan szint- reached a level where life in enormous cities crammed with
re jutott, hogy civilizcis vvmnyokkal zsfolt, hatalmas v- civilisations achievements has became increasingly de-
rosainkban az let egyre nyomasztbb lett. Ma ezt mr pressing. Today this can be felt by everybody. Many people
mindannyian rzkeljk, st sokakban felvetdik a krds, ask how mistakes of the past could be repaired? Technical
hogyan lehetne a mlt tvedseit kijavtani? A vros techni- systems of cities must be eased by creating traffic-free
kai rendszernek enyhlnie kell: forgalommentes vezetek, zones, by noise protection, radiation protection, etc. As far
zajvdelem, sugrzsvdelem, stb. Szksgnk van - mr as possible green plants are also necessary in cities which
amennyire lehetsges - nvnyekre a vrosban, melyek oxi- produce oxygen and evaporate water which is incorporat-
gnt termelnek s a termszetes klimatizlshoz a sejtjeik- ed in their cells for providing natural climatization. Although
ben lv vizet prologtatjk. Br a mr meglv vrosi be- the existing rate of covering by buildings in cities can not be
ptettsgen nagymrtkben vltoztatni nem lehet, megol- changed, the green roofs and green walls e.g. facades cov-
dst knlhatnak a zld tetk s zldfalak -nvnyhordo- ered by plants can offer a solution. Increasing the rate of
z homlokzatok. A nveked zldtakark, virgz felle- green covers and flowering surfaces are important supple-
tek hzainkon fontos kiegsztk a zajvdelemben, forga- mentary elements in the noise protection, traffic calming
lomcsendestsben s a vrosi mikroklma javtsban. and improving the city's microclimate.


A vrosi mikroklma Micro climate of cities

A vrosi let az pletek s a forgalom llandan nvekv Due to the increasing concentration of buildings and traffic,
koncentrcijnak kvetkeztben egyre egszsgtelenebb the life in cities has become increasingly unhealthy. Cities
vlik. Vrosaink mg soha nem voltak olyan nagyok s zs- were never so large and congested as they are today. Al-
foltak, mint napjainkban. A nvnyi let csaknem minden most every kind of green plants have been displaced from
fajtjt teljesen kiszortottk a vrosbl a hzak, gyrak s cities by buildings, factories and production plants. Heating
zemek. A ftberendezsek s a tovbbra is robbanssze- equipment and car traffic which increases explosively con-
ren nvekv szemlygpkocsi forgalom elfogyasztjk - a tinue to consume oxygen which is scantily sufficient for the
vroslakk szmra is csak szksen elegend - oxignt s inhabitants and emit large volumes of harmful materials into
elkpzelhetetlen mennyisg kros anyagot bocstanak he- the air. The list of damages caused by man to nature could
lybe. Az ember ltal a termszetben okozott krok sort be continued endlessly
tetszs szerint folytathatnnk. Continuous, solid surfaces lead to overheating of the
Az egybefgg, szilrd felletek a vrosi klma tlme- microclimate in cities, so contaminants and harmful materi-
legedshez vezetnek, gy a talajban elraktrozott szennye- als stored in the soil will be stirred up and distributed over
z- s krosanyagrszecskk a felmelegeds hatsra felke- the whole city. As an effect of the rising air dust particles will
verednek s eloszlanak az egsz vros felett. A felszll le- induce precipitation forming a steam bell over the city
veg hatsra a porrszecskk kicsapdnak, gzharangot which contributes to cloud formation, causing light rains and
kpezve a vros felett, mely ersti a felhkpzdst, sze- decreasing the number of sunshine hours.
merkl est s a napstses rk cskkenst okozza. It is advisable to group air polluting materials accord-
A lgszennyez anyagokat clszer halmazllapotuk ing to their state:
szerint csoportostani: Solid: dust, soot, ash
Szilrd: por, korom, hamu Liquid: vapours formed either by chemical reaction of gas-
Cseppfolys: gzk, amelyek gzok kmiai reakcija tjn, es or condensation
vagy kondenzci tjn jnnek ltre Gas
Gz Combined: e.g. solid-liquid (smoke)
Vegyes: pl. szilrd-folykony (fst) The heaviest form of air pollution is smog. This is sig-
A levegszennyezs legslyosabb megjelensi form- nificant not only for cloud- and precipitate formation but al-
ja a szmog. Ez nem csak a felh- s csapadkkpzds, ha- so because of its interaction with air polluting components.
nem a lgszennyez anyagokkal val klcsnhats miatt is Clouds are formed by the following process: air will be sat-
jelents. Felh gy keletkezik, hogy a leveg lehlskor te- urated when cooling down and water vapours will be pre-
ltdik s a vzgz a kondenzcis magokra kicsapdik. Kon- cipitated onto condensation cores. Such condensation
denzcis mag pldul a fst, korom, por s gzmolekulk, cores are e.g. particles of smoke, soot, dust, gas molecules,
stb. Amikor a felhket alkot kdszemcsk akkorv vl- etc. When fog particles forming clouds reach a certain size
nak, hogy a leveg felhajterejt tehetetlensgk folytn le- enough for overcoming aerodynamic lifting force by their in-
gyzik, csapadk keletkezik. A kd kialakulsa hasonl folya- ertia, precipitate is formed. Mist formation is a similar
mat, hatsra a lgszennyezs fokozdik, mivel cskken a process. This increases air pollution and as a consequence
ltstvolsg s a forgalom lelassul. Ha a lgszennyezs gz of this visibility decreases and traffic will slow down. If air
s szilrd anyagokbl ll, akkor ezen szilrd rszecskk fel- pollution consists of gaseous and solid components, toxic


letn toxikus gzok dsulnak fel, gy krost hatsuk foko- gases will be adsorbed and enriched on their surface so
zdik, illetve ha kedveztlen lgkri s meteorolgiai hat- damaging effects will increase or when unfavourable atmos-
sok is jrulnak a folyamathoz, akkor szmog keletkezik. pheric and meteorological conditions enhance this process,
Ezek csupn a legltalnosabb kvetkezmnyei a zs- smog will be formed.
folt laknegyedeknek s a krnyezetszennyezsnek. These are only the most general consequences of the
crammed housing estates and environmental pollution.

Vz Water

Ktharmad rszben minden llny vzbl ll: nvnyek, l- Two thirds of every living creature is water: plants, animals
latok s emberek - biolgiai sejtermveik millirdjainak and human beings - milliards of cells need a transport-medi-
szksge van egy szlltkzegre, mely fontosabb minden um which is more important than any other - and this is wa-
msnl, s ez a vz. A vz fontos kzeg a napenergia hasz- ter. Water is also an important medium for utilising solar en-
nosts tern is. Az sszes anyag kzl - a kzetekig bez- ergy. From among materials - including minerals - water is
rlag - a vz tudja leginkbb az energit trolni. Egy nagyobb able to store energy with the highest capacity. A large lake -
t - akr mestersges - tlen az elraktrozott napenergival even an artificial one - can temper the environment with the
temperlja, nyron pedig a prolgs folytn hti az adott accumulated and stored solar energy in winter and can cool
krnyezet hmrsklett. it by evaporation in summer.

Hulladk-kezels Waste treatment

A hulladkok rlt radata, a maradkanyagok felhasznlat- Dumping of enormous volumes of wastes, non-utilised
lansga, st ezek vizekben, fldben s levegben val de- residual materials in waters, soil and air creates great risk es-
ponlsa nagy mrtkben veszlyess vlik a mai laktele - pecially near crammed housing estates. Wastes destroy
pek zsfoltsgban. A szemt elpuszttja erdeinket, az ivvi- forests, drinking waters, the covering layer around the globe,
zet, a fldnket krlvev burkot, az elkvetkez nemze- the life support system of future generations.
dkek letbzist.

Civilizcis betegsgek Civilisation diseases

A technolgia potencilis veszlyei csupn nhny ve is- The potential risks of technological development (as op-
mertek a technolgiai fejlds szmos elnyvel szemben. posed to its advantages) became known only in recent
Az gynevezett civilizcis egszsggyi rtalmak a szerve- years. The so called civilisation-caused health hazards are
zet nagymrtk megterhelsnek - az egyensly felborul- consequences of the high load on living organisms and
snak - kvetkezmnyei. Itt azonban nem egy j betegsg breaking down of natural balances. However this is not a
megjelensre kell gondolni - ltalban a civilizci terhre new type of illness, rather existing pathological changes are
csupn az rhat, hogy az amgy is elfordul kros elvl- enhanced or made more frequent by the impact of civiliza-
tozsokat gyakoribb teszi. tion.
A civilizcis rtalmak kvetkezmnyei: a gyomorfe- Consequences of civilisation-hazards are the follow-
kly npbetegsgg vlt, az infarktusos hall gyakorisga ing: gastric ulcer became a widespread disease, frequency of
sokszorosra ntt, az relmeszeseds korban elbbre ke- death caused by heart attack increased dramatically, arte-
rlt, a neurzis egyre gyakoribb, a balesetek szma megsok- riosclerosis occurs at younger age, neurosys are more and
szorozdott, a fogszuvasods ltalnoss vlt, a daganatos more frequent, the number of accidents has multiplied, den-
betegsgek gyakorisga egyre n, megszaporodtak a foglal- tal decay became general, number of tumorous diseases in-
kozsi rtalmak s a tarts hallskrosods, a lgti megbe- creased, occupational diseases became more frequent, in-
tegedsek szma nagy, a szletsi s fejldsi rendellenes- cluding permanent hearing loss and respiratory diseases are
sgek, valamint az allergis betegsgek egyre gyakoribb on the increase, childbirth and child development abnor-
vlnak. malities as well as allergic diseases became more frequent.
Az orvostudomny llspontja az, hogy minden civili- The opinion of the medical sciences is that every civil-
zcis betegsg sok tnyez kvetkezmnye. A legfonto- isation disease is a consequence of several factors. The most
sabb krokok pedig a kvetkezk: important damaging impacts are the following:


Kmiai rtalmak Chemical effects
A szervezetet klnfle vegyi hatsok rik pldul a mez- Living organisms are affected by various chemicals originat-
gazdasgbl, a kzlekedsbl, az iparbl, a felesleges gygy- ing from agriculture, traffic, industry, overuse of pharmaceu-
szerszedsbl, stb. ticals, etc.

Sugrzsi hatsok Radiation effects

A nap kros sugrzsa - mely szintn a civilizci kvetkez- Damaging effects of sunshine - which became increasingly
mnyeknt vlt emltsre mltv, az atomrobbantsok k- pronounced as a consequence of civilisation - and radiation
vetkezmnyeknt ltrejv radioaktv sugrzs, stb. of radioactive materials as a consequence of nuclear explo-
sions, etc.

Zaj- s vibrcis hatsok Noise and vibration effects

Mint mechanikai rtalmak fknt a kzlekeds s az ipar r- These are mechanical damages originating mainly from traf-
szrl jelentkeznek. fic and industry.

Idegi megterhels Load of the nervous system

Az emberre zdtott tlzott informciradat s a sokfle Uncontrolled fload of information and overstimulation - e.g.
inger - amely pldul az utcn ri - nmagban is az egyn that affecting people on the streets - can cause overloading
megterhelst jelenti. Azokat a betegsgeket, melyek kls of individuals. Processes created as consequences of such
hatsok kvetkeztben alakulnak ki, sszefoglal nvvel ne- outside impacts are referred to as neurosis.
urzisnak hvjk.

A tpllkozs megvltozsa Nutritial changes

A vegyi anyagokkal val sznezs, tartsts, aromsts r- By colouring, preservatives and aromatisation of processed
vn sok j anyag kerl a szervezetbe, s megvltoznak a food, several new chemicals get into the organism and the
tpanyagok arnyai is. ratio of nutrients are also changed.

Szveti izgat hatsok, azaz porrtalom Tissue irritants: the impact of dust
A por akkor is krost, ha nem tartalmaz kmiai vegylete- Dust can be damaging even if not containing harmful chem-
ket, amelyek roncsoljk a sejteket. ical components.

A civilizcis rtalmak ellen csak gy vdekezhetnk, hogy The only defence againts harmful civilizational effects is the
az okokat prbljuk megszntetni. Ebben a harcban komoly elimination of their couses. In this fight, important results can
eredmnyeket rhetnk el nvnyek segtsgvel. A nv- be achieved by means of green plants. Plants are able to re-
nyek szinte minden civilizcis betegsget okoz tnyezt duce almost every kind of impact causing civilisation diseases
csillaptani kpesek, ha megfelel letkrlmnyeket bizto- if suitable conditions are provided for them.
stunk szmukra.

A krnyezetszennyezs hatsa Kiskapuson Erdlyben.

(Copsa Mica, Romnia)
Pollution in Kiskapus, Transsylvania, (Copsa Mica, Ru-



Pszicholgiai s szociolgiai hatsok Psychological and sociological effects

A vrosi ember rtkrendjben klnleges jelentsggel In the scale of values of a man living in city the fact that his
br, ha laksa fk, nvnyek kztt fekszik, vagy ppen vala- flat lays among trees, green plants or is located in the vicin-
milyen park kzelben tallhat. Ez az elny, mint tnyleges ity of a park has a special importance. This advantage in-
rtktbblet bepl az plet rtkbe is. creases value of the building as well.
Az letmdot vizsgl szociolgiai tanulmnyokban The fact that green surfaces play important role in the
visszatr megllapts, hogy a kellemesnek rzett lettr- life and provide pleasant feeling is a repeated statement in
ben nagy szerepet jtszanak a zldfelletek. Egy a nagyv- sociological studies. In a public investigation, executed
rosok lakossgnak krben vgzett kzvlemny-kutats among inhabitants of big cities for instance, 90% of the per-
sorn pldul, a megkrdezettek 90%-a szerint a legfonto- sons investigated considered green areas around the hous-
sabb krnyezeti rtk a lakkrnyezet zldterlete. ing estates as the most important value.
25 nmet nagyvros terletfelhasznlsi terveinek When surveying area utilisation plans of 25 German
vizsglata sorn kiderlt, hogy majd minden vros kzter- cities it turned out that almost 40% of the public area have
letnek 40%-t beptettk s szilrd burkolattal lttk el, been covered by buildings or solid pavement. In some cities
nmely vrosokban ez az arny 50%. rdekes, hogy ezen this rate was found to be 50%. It is interesting, that the rate
terletek arnya az utbbi 30 vben csaknem megduplz- of such areas have been almost doubled in the last 30 years.
dott. Ennek egyik oka valsznleg az egynek terletig- One of the reason of this tendency is probably the fact that
nynek nvekedse. area demand of the individuals increased.
Soha korbban a trtnelemben az ptett krnyezet Never in the history was man separated so drastically
nem vlasztotta el az embert ilyen drasztikusan a term- from the nature by the constructed environment. Nature
szettl. A termszet a vrosok perifrijra kerlt, a kzvet- has got to the periphery of cities and no direct contact bet-
len kapcsolat szinte lehetetlenn vlt. Ha visszahozzuk a ween the man and nature. If the nature would be brought
termszetet a vrosba a hzak zldd ttelvel, relatv cse- back into cities by covering houses with green plants our
kly rfordtssal alakthatjuk t szemlytelen lakkrnyeze- unpersonal living surrounding could be changed to friendly
tnket bartsgos otthonn, megteremtve a lakknak a homes with relatively low cost, creating human conditions
lehetsget, hogy hajlkukkal azonosuljanak. and friendly homes for life.
Leggyakrabban az ablak kr futtatott nvnyek s a Frequently the only way of supplementing green
balkonldba helyezett virgok jelentik az utlagos nvny- plants afterwards is running green plants onto the walls or
ptls egyetlen mdjt, melyet egy brl a hzn vagy lak- putting flowers into window-boxes which can be applied on
sn alkalmazhat. Ezeknek a szpt szndkoknak azon- the building or flat tenants. However these improving in-
ban nincs olyan jelents hatsuk, mint a mr a tervezs id- tentions have no such significant effects than high-surface
szakban tgondolt, gondosan kivitelezett, nagyfellet green plant covers (even covering the whole building) ap-
(akr az egsz pletet befed) nvnytakarnak. A hzon plied and executed carefully already in the phase of plan-


lv nvnyek vszakrl vszakra msknt lttatjk az p- ning. Plants covering houses provide a changing view from
letet, laktrsakk vlnak, llandan vltoz illatukkal, sz- season to season, became partners in providing a natural,
nkkel s mozgalmassgukkal termszetes, kellemes, j pleasant, state of well-beeing with their continuously chang-
kzrzetet biztostanak. ing scents, colour and movement.

ptszeti-pletforml szempontok Architectural/formal considerations

Az pletforml lehetsgek az ptett mozdulatlansg s Architectural possibilities are in the contrast between the
a folyton vltoz, letteli nvnyek ellenttben rejlenek: constructed stability and the continuously changing charac-
az egzakt formkat oldjk a mozgalmas alakzatok, az plet- ter of living plants: geometrical forms are dissolved by mov-
szerkezetek elrejtznek, vagy ppen hangslyoss vlnak. A ing formations of green plants, construction elements may
kicsi, nagy, lyukacsos vagy tmtt levlzet filigrn, vagy p- be hidden or emphasised. Small, big, perforated or dense
pen erteljes falszerkezetet rajzol. foliage can draw subtle or powerful wall structures.
Teljes felletet elfed, vagy akr csak rszleges A full or partial green layer created by plants covers
zldests is az pletet mint bunda burkolja. Kompliklt the building as a fur-coat. Recesses, rounded structures, in-
pletszerkezetek nlkl tervezhetnk flkket, lekerekt- teresting spaces can be designed using by green plants with-
seket, rdekes tereket nvnyek segtsgvel. out complicated construction elements.

A leveg tiszttsa, minsgnek javtsa Air cleaning, air quality improving effect

Oxign termels Oxygen production

A krnyezetszennyez hatsok kzl taln a leveg- Amongst polluting effects air pollution is the most danger-
szennyezs a legveszlyesebb. Vrosaink leveg sszette- ous. When investigating the composition of air in cities it
lt vizsglva megllapthatjuk, hogy a szksges oxign s a can be concluded that the quantity of necessary oxygen and
kibocstott szndioxid egyltaln nincs egyenslyban. emitted carbon-dioxide are not in equilibrium.
A nvnyek kztudottan szndioxidot alaktanak t Plants transform carbon-dioxide to carbohydrates (to
napenergia s vz segtsgvel sznhidrtt - a nvnytest build the plant body) and oxygen using solar energy and wa-
felptshez - s oxignn. Ez a folyamat a fotoszintzis. ter. This process is called photosynthesis.
A zld irodalomban gyakran tallhatk fantasztikus In green literature frequently fantastic figures can be
szmok a nvnyek lehetsges oxigntermelsrl. A leg- found on the oxygen production of plants. According to the
jabb kutatsok szerint figyelembe veend tnyezk a klma, latest investigations such factors as climatic effects, local
a helyszni adottsgok, a nvny tpanyagelltsa s gondo- conditions, nourishment supply, cultivation method and dif-
zsa, valamint a nvnyfajok kztti klnbsgek. ferences in species must be taken into consideration.
A levlzet tlagos oxigntermelse egy 12 rn t vi- The average oxygen production of leaves in 12 hours
lgos napon tlagosan 4 liter levlfellet m2-knt. Egy em- of light a day is some 4 litre per m2 of leaf surface. One man
ber vente ~ 175 kg oxignt fogyaszt el, azaz naponta ~ consumes approximately 175 kg of oxygen annually that is
335 litert. about 335 litre per day.
A fentiek alapjn knnyen kiszmolhat a nvny- Based on the above data the oxygen production of a
homlokzat tlagos oxigntermelse. A plda sorn legyen a green facade can be easily calculated. Let us consider ivy as
homlokzatra futtatott nvny borostyn, mely mr 10-15 green plant on the facade which forms leaves in a thickness
cm vastag levlsznyeget alkot a fal eltt, s gy kb. 3-5 m2 of 10-15 cm on the wall so approx. 3-5 m2 of leaf surface
levlfellet tallhat falfellet m 2-knt. Itt teht a borostyn can be found in each m2 of the wall. Consequently the oxy-
oxigntermelse ~ 12-20 liter/nap/falfellet m2. gen production of the ivy is approximately 12-20
A f problmt vrosainkban azonban nem igazn a litre/day/m2 of wall surface.
leveg elgtelen oxigntartalma, hanem sokkal inkbb an- The main problem in cities is not the low oxygen con-
nak krosanyag terhelse okozza. tent of the air, rather its high rate of contamination.

A por megktse Fixation of dust

Vrosban a por keletkezsnek egyik leggyakoribb mdja, One of the most frequent causes of dust in cities is the
hogy a jrmvek kereknek s az utak felletnek srld- process where small particles are created between wheels
sa kvetkeztben kis szemcsk vlnak le. A por az emberi and the road surface, due to friction. Dust can cause sever-
szervezetbe jutva szmtalan megbetegeds okozja lehet. al diseases when getting into the human body.


A krost hats fgg: Its damaging effect depends on:
a levegben lv szemcsk mennyisgtl, minsgtl the quantity and quality of particles being in the air
a poros levegben val tartzkods idtartamtl (expo- the time of residence in the dust contaminated air (expo-
zcis id) sure time)
az emberi szervezet ellenllkpessgtl the resistance of the human organism
A nvnyek levegtisztt hatsa szakmai krkben The air cleaning effect of plants is strongly debated in
meglehetsen vitatott. A szakirodalom szerint 1 m2 zldfe- professional circles. 0.5 kg dust particles per m2/year fixation
llet vente 0,5 kg porrszecskt stabilizl. rate is mentioned in the relevant literature.
Vgeztek sszehasonlt mrst a leveg por- s le- Measurements for comparing dust and suspended
begrszecske tartalmra vonatkozan egy fasorban s egy particle concentration is air were carried out in tree-lined
fk nlkli hasonl utcban. Eredmny: a fasorban a leveg avenue and in a street without trees. Results showed that
terhelse egyharmad a fk nlkli utca levegjhez kpest. particle concentration is one third in the avenue compared
Ez az rtk a fk nagy levlfelleteinek ksznhet. to the street without trees, as a result of the large leaf sur-
A levlfelleteken a por- s lebegrszecskk megta- face.
padnak, majd az es a talajba mossa ket, illetve a levlfe- Dust and suspended particles adhere to leaf surfaces
lletek elnyelik a gz halmazllapot krosanyagokat. Ennek and then rain washes them down into the soil. Leaf surfaces
kvetkeztben ezek az anyagok a levelekben raktrozd- adsorb harmful gaseous components. As a consequence
nak, s sszel a levlhullssal a talajba kerlnek. these materials will be stored in leaves, and in autumn with
De pontosan ezrt ez a folyamat ktl dolog, hiszen the falling leaves they will get into the soil.
gy a krosanyagok bejuthatnak a talajba s koncentrcijuk Due to the above routes uptake of air polluting ma-
a csapadk hatsra egyre n, vagyis a nvnyek tpllk- terials has two consequences. Damaging materials can get
hoz jutst nagymrtkben gtoljk hossz idn keresztl. into the soil and by the effect of rainfall their concentration
Gz halmazllapot szennyezanyagok esetn szraz n- increases thus the access of plants to nutrients is highly hin-
vnyllomnnyal csak alacsony szrhats rhet el, mg az dered for long periods. For gaseous pollutants only low fil-
rkzldek s a talajon fekv nvnyek levlfelletk ned- tering efficiency can be achieved with dry green plants while
vessgnek kvetkeztben nagy mennyisgben kpesek evergreens and ground-covers are able to bind air pollution
megktni a lgszennyezdst. Ezzel szemben a por form- due to their permanently moist leaf surfaces. Contrary to
jban jelenlv szennyezdseket a szraz nvnyek is j this dust pollution can be filtered with good efficiency also
hatsfokkal megszrik. with dry plants.
A nvnyek kndioxid s szndioxid elnyelkpess- Several contradictory papers have been published re-
gvel kapcsolatban sok ellentmond publikci jelenik meg. lating to sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide adsorption ca-
Az pletfizikai kutatsokkal foglalkoz stuttgarti pability of plants. Measurements have been carried out by
Fraunhofer-Institut 1987-ben vgzett erre vonatkoz m- the Fraunhofer Institute in Stuttgart, dealing with building
rseket. A diagrammok a kzvetlen krnyezet CO2 s SO2- physics investigations, in 1987. Their diagrams show the dai-
koncentrcijnak mrt napi ingadozst mutatjk zld ly fluctuations of the carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide
homlokzat s vakolt fal esetn (vizsglati hely: Stuttgart- concentrations measured near a green facade and rendered
Vaihingen, nvny: borostyn). wall (investigation site: Stuttgart-Vaihingen, plant: ivy).

A CO2 s SO 2 szennyezettsg mrtke nvnyhomlokzat s vakolt fal

krnyezetben. CO2 and SO 2 concentrartion near a green facade and a rendered wall.
0.004 40

0.003 30

0.002 20

0.001 10

nvny nlkli vakolt fal plastered wall without plant nvny nlkli vakolt fal plastered wall without plant
nvnyhomlokzat - borostyn green facade - hedera nvnyhomlokzat - borostyn green facade - hedera
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24


A vertiklis lgmozgs cskkense Vertical air flow reduction
A hszigetelt s bitumenes lemezzel csapadkszigetelt la- Thermally insulated flat roofs covered with bituminous
postetk Kzp-Eurpban egy tlagos nyri napon, 25 0C sheet can warm up almost to 60 0C on an average summer
lghmrskletnl kzel 60 0C-ig felmelegszenek, szls day with 25 0C of air temperature in Central-Europe while
esetben ez az rtk akr 80 0C. A felmelegeds kvetkez- under extreme conditions this value can rise up to 80 0C. As
tben a tetk felett vertiklis lgmozgs jn ltre, melynek a result of this, warm vertical air flow is generated, resulting
hatsra az utcn lv porrszecskk felkavarodnak s a v- in dust particles on the street being stirred up and a pollu-
ros felett egy sszefgg szenny- s gzharangot kpeznek. tion and vapour bell will be formed over the city.
A felszll leveg sebessge a homlokzatok eltt l- The velocity of rising air flow is much higher in front
nyegesen nagyobb, mint a tetk felett keletkez lgmozgs, of facades than the air motion generated above the roofs so
gy a nagymennyisg por- s krosanyagrszecskk, me- high quantities of dust and particulates which are transport-
lyek ebben a felszll levegben kavarognak, a nyitott abla- ed by this air stream will get into the inside through open
kokon keresztl a bels trbe juthatnak. A nvnyek falra- windows. Where green plants cover the walls turbulent
futtatsval turbulens ramok keletkeznek, melyek a lgse- flow is formed which reduce its velocity consequently pol-
bessget fkezik, a krosanyag-rszecskk a levlfelleten luting components will stick to or be adsorbed by the leaf
megtapadnak, ill. elnyeldnek. A vegetci hatsra a fel- surfaces. Vegetation reduces the temperature of the rising
szll leveg hmrsklete cskken, slya ezzel prhuza- air, particulates precipitate on leaf surfaces, thus its density
mosan n, teht a leveg sebessge gy egyre kisebb - csk- decreases thus its velocity will be reduced.
ken a lgmozgs. Considering the above facts more and more green
Csupn a fent emltett tnyek alapjn is minl tbb plant covered roofs and facades would be necessary be-
tet s homlokzat kellene, hogy nvnyburkot kapjon, cause this method is the most effective one for improving
mert ez a mdszer a leghatkonyabb a vrosi klma javt- climatic conditions in cities.

Hmrsklet cskkens - lgnedvessg Temperature reduction - air humidity

A prologtats - mely a nvnyek levlzetn keresztl tr- Evaporation - which takes place through the leaves of green
tnik - a krnyezettl ht von el, mg a leveg pratartalma plants - draws off heat from the surroundings while humid-
megn. Ez a folyamat termszetesen annl erteljesebb, ity of the air increases. This process with greater leaf surface
minl nagyobb, kiterjedtebb a levlfellet. Msrszt a nv- is more intensive. On the other hand green plants also help
nyek - ott, ahol ez szksges - segtenek a pratartalom in decreasing air humidity where this is necessary by mist
cskkentsben is, pldul a kd lecsapdik a lombozaton precipitation on the leaves which gets into the soil in the
s vzcsepp formjban a fldbe jut. form of water drops.

Napsugrzssal, hingadozssal szembeni vdelem Protection against sunshine and temperature fluctuation

A vakolt, rnykolstl mentes homlokzatok nyri felleti The temperature of rendered facades without shading can
hmrsklete 40-45 0C fl emelkedhet a dli rkban. Ez rise up to 40-45 0C in summer at midday. This is an enor-
risi hterhels, amely nvnyek alkalmazsval cskkent- mous heat load which can be reduced by green plants.
het. A nvnyzet alatt a hmrsklet jelentsen alacso- Temperature under green plants is much lower than in the
nyabb, mint a mellette lv napsttte terleten. Ennek surrounding areas exposed to sunshine. The reason for this
oka nem csupn az rnykhats, hanem a levlfellet kln- is not only the shading effect but also the special structure
leges szerkezete. A napsugrzs krlbell 10%-t a levelek of the leaf. Approximately 10% of the solar radiation is re-
visszaverik - a sima felletek kevesebbet, az rdesek tb- flected by the leaves - less by leaves with a smooth surface
bet -, 70%-t elnyelik, vagyis csupn az energiamennyisg and more by that with uneven surface - and about 70% is
20%-a melegti a lombozat ltal rnykolt rszt. absorbed by the leaves consequently only 20% of the solar
A kiterjedt nvnyzet teht egyrszt rnykol, ms- energy will warm up the surfaces shaded by leaves.
rszt reflektlja a napsugrzs nagyrszt, valamint a leve- Abundant vegetation provides shading and reflects a
lekben felhalmozdott vz prologtatsa sorn ht von el a great part of solar radiation, and at the same time it draws
krnyezetbl. off heat from the surrounding by evaporating water.


50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
IDPONT (h) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 TIME OF DAY (h)


I DPONT (h) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 TIME OF DAY (h)

20 20

10 10

0 0

-10 -10
kls lghmrskletl outdoor temperature kls lghmrskletl outdoor temperature
mrt felleti hmrsklet mesaured surface temperature mrt felleti hmrsklet mesaured surface temperature

A kls lghmrsklet s a homlokzat felleti hmrskletnek napi Daily pattern of outdoor air temperature and surface temperature
alakulsa zld ill. vakolt falon egy derlt nyri ill. tli napon. A fal of green and a rendered wall on a summer and a winter day. Ori-
tjolsa: DNY, nvny: borostyn, helyszn: Stuttgart, Neugereut. A entation: S/W, plant: Ivy, location: Stuttgart, Neugereut. Measur-
mrseket a Stuttgarti Fraunhofer-Institut vgezte 1987-ben. ments by Fraunhofer Institut Stuttgart, in 1987.

Szl- s esvdelem Wind and rainprotection

A hz szl okozta hvesztesge az plet fekvstl, alak- Heat loss of a house caused by wind can reach 50% of the
jtl s szerkezeti kialaktstl fggen elrheti a teljes h- total heat loss depending on the location and construction
vesztesg 50%-t. Alapvet rdek teht a homlokzatok ma- of the building. Provision of the maximum wind protection
ximlis szlvdelemnek biztostsa. A zrt, egyenletes n- for facades is of basic interest. A closed, even vegetation is
vnyzet a szl hatsra felemelkedik s a levlfelleten a lifted up by the wind and the air flows back on the leaf sur-
lgram visszaramlik, jelentsen cskkentve gy a szl ht faces significantly decreasing the cooling effect of wind. An
hatst. A homlokzat eltti egyenetlen, vastag levlsznyeg uneven, thick leaf carpet in front of the facade operates as
s mindenek eltt az n. svnyfal szl-fkknt mkdik. wind-break. In addition to these the vegetation protects
Mindemellett a nvnyzet vd a csapesvel szemben s against heavy rain and prevents wash out of the plaster con-
megakadlyozza a vakolat kimosdst, jelentsen csk- sequently it decreases significantly surface erosion of the
kenti teht a falszerkezet felleti erzijt. wall.

Hszigetels - hts Thermal insulation - cooling effect

A homlokzati nvnysznyeg nyron ht, tlen pedig izoll A green cover on the facade has a cooling effect in summer
- vagyis mindkt esetben kedvezen befolysolja a bels kl- and increases insulation in winter - that is it has advanta-
mt. Nyron egy zld utca lakja aktvabb, kevesebb vizet geous effects on the indoor climate in both seasons. In sum-




A levl s a szr ltal bezrt szg nyron 700 - a Nap magasan Tlen a levelek egymsra tapadnak, mg nyron felemelkednek, s
ll - tlen pedig az alacsony naplls miatt csupn 300. szabad ramlst biztostanak a levegnek - krthats.
The angle between leaf and stem is some is 700 in summer, the In winter the leaves close up whilst in summer they rise, ensuring
sun is in high but only 300 inwinter because of the low sun posi- free air flow - stack effect.

rkzld - evergreen
WEST lombhullat - deciduous EAST

Az alacsony tli naplls hatsra sszetapadt rkzld levlzet A tjols s a hasznlhat nvnyek az plet klnbz hom-
mgtt szigetel lgzsk alakul ki, mely cskkenti a hvesztesget. lokzatain.
With low sun position the closed evergreen layer forms air space Planting according to orientation is a basic determinant of the ef-
behind, which reduces the buildings heat loss. fectivness of green facades.

fogyaszt, a leveg hmrsklete alacsonyabb. Tlen ugyan- mer inhabitants of a green street are more active, and con-
ezzel a nvnysznyeggel az pletbl kiraml energia- sum less water. Temperature of the air is lower. In winter
mennyisg cskkenthet. the energy losses can be reduced by the same green plant
A homlokzat eltt ll nvnytakar jelents hszi- cover.
getel rteg. A levlzet s a fal kztt kialakul levegrteg A green plant in front of the facade is a significant
cskkenti a hvndorlst a fal s kls leveg kztt, vagy- themal insulation layer. The air gap formed between the
is gy mkdik, mint kiegszt hszigetels. Egy 5 cm vas- leaves and the wall decreases heat losses of the wall: the air
tag, ll lgrteg htbocstsi tnyezje kzeltleg k=2,9 operates as an additional heat insulation. A stationary air lay-
W/m2K, ami kzel azonos egy ketts vegezs ablak k- er of 5 cm has a heat transmission coefficient of approxi-
rtkvel. Klnsen a szeles oldalakon, vastag nvnytaka- mately U=2,9 W/m2K which corresponds to that of a dou-
r esetn jelents a vdhats, mivel gy a szl hthatsa ble glazed window. The protecting effect is especially high
cskken. on the windy sides, as the cooling effect of wind is reduced.
Az a lnyeges felismers, mely szerint a nvnyi levl The important recognition that leaves of the vege-
l napkollektorknt mkdik, nagyon tall s egy j tation operate as a living solar collector is the basis of a new
szemllet alapja. A levl-napkollektor a napi s vi napcik- attitude. This solar leaf collector follows the daily and an-
lust optimlisan kveti, a kvetkezt nyjtja: nyron a n- nual cycles optimally providing the following advantages: in
vny levelei - mikor a nap magasan jr - felemelkednek, s summer - when the sun is high - leaves of the plant rise up
gy viselkednek, mint a levegztet-zsaluzia, vagyis k- operating as ventilating shutters, providing a stack effect bet-


Csapadk elleni vdelem. - Protection against rainfall. Szl elleni vdelem. - Wind protection.

mnyhats rvnyesl az plet s a nvny kztt, htve ween the building and the plant and cooling the air that en-
ezltal a hzba raml levegt. Ezzel szemben tlen az ala- ters the house. Contrary to this, in winter - because of the
csony naplls hatsra az rkzld levelei leereszkednek - low sun position - leaves of the evergreen carpet turn down
csekly hidrosztatikai nyoms szlelhet - a levelek egyms- - low hydrostatic pressure can be observed - and stick to-
sal sszetapadnak, gy az plet eltt nyugv, szigetel lg- gether, enclosing a stationary insulating air layer.
tr alakul ki. Aerodynamic, physical and morphological character of
A nvnyfelletek passzv htrolsban szerepet jt- the leaves determine the passive heat storage capacity of
sz tnyezk a levl aerodinamikai, fizikai s morpholgiai plant surfaces. These are: colour of leaves (reflection and
tulajdonsgai. Ide tartoznak tbbek kztt: levlszn (ref- adsorption capability), size, position of leaves (sticking),
lexis- s adszorpcis kszsg), levlnagysg, levllls weight of leaves, planting density, aerodynamic character of
(sszetapads), levlsly, nvekedsi srsg, a nvny- the plant system and the support system as well as its wind
rendszer s a kapaszkod aerodinamikai tulajdonsgai ill. a resistance.
rendszer szlllsga.

Hangszigetels - zajvdelem Sound insulation - noise protection

A zaj idegest tnyez, hatsra fokozatosan slyosbod Noise has an irritating impact, if can create gradually wors-
tnetek alakulhatnak ki: cskken koncentrcis kpessg, ening symptoms: lower concentrating ability, tiredness, high
fradtsg, szapora pulzusszm, magas vrnyoms, stb. A zaj- pulse rate, high blood pressure, etc. Noise effects are espe-
hats klnsen a vrosokban nagyon intenzv, trekedni cially intensive in cities for this reason efforts must be made
kell teht cskkentsre. to reduce it.
A levlzet zajvisszaver s zajelfed tulajdonsgokkal Leaves have a noise reflecting and noise absorbing
rendelkezik. A lombozat - mivel lemezes szerkezet - a character. Leaves - having a laminated structure - absorb
hangrezgseket egy rszt felveszi s tovbbtja - kzben and transfer - so reduce - part of the acoustic energy and
elnyelssel tomptja is -, a hullmok msik rszt pedig reflect a further part of it.
visszaveri. Leaves of green plants are always moved by the wind,
A nvnyek leveleit a szl llandan mozgatja, azok they knock to each other emitting a steady, calming, rustle
egymshoz verdnek s ezltal egy egyenletes, nyugtat or hum which suppresses part of the random, irritating,
zg hangot hallatnak, ami elnyomja a rendszertelen, inger- harmful noises - this is the phenomenon of masking. A leaf
l, rtalmas zajok egy rszt - ez az elfeds jelensge. A layer in front of the facade - especially heavy and thick
homlokzat eltti nvnysznyeg - klnsen ha nehz s leaves - will react to acoustic waves with the movement of
kvr level - a hanghullmokra a levelek mozgsval rea- the leaves. Noise protection efficiency of the green facade
gl. A zldhomlokzat zajvd hatsa fgg a nvny fajtj- depends on the type of plant, size of leaves and the season.
tl, a levlzet nagysgtl s az vszaktl is. Vizsglatok so- Investigations resulted a noise reduction value of around 5
rn 5 dB krli zajtomptsi rtket mrtek. dB.



Az llnyek reaglsa a kls krnyezet sokflekppen Reaction of living creatures to the changing factors of the
vltoz tnyezire a valencitl, azaz az adott llny environment depends on the ecological value (valence) of
kolgiai rtktl fgg. Ez a fogalom az egyes kolgiai t- the given living creature . This motion expresses the limiting
nyezk vltozatainak hatrrtkt fejezi ki, amelyen bell a values of the changing individual ecological factors, within
faj fennmaradsa egyltaln lehetsges. A zldhomlokzatok which the species can survive. Green facades can be creat-
kialaktsa rendkvl sokfle lehet, az alkalmazhat nv- ed in various ways and plants which can be used have dif-
nyek mindegyike ms-ms elnys tulajdonsgokkal rendel- ferent favourable features. First of all characteristics of the
kezik. Mindenekeltt a nvnyek tulajdonsgait s a helysz- individual plants and local conditions must be harmonised,
ni feltteleket kell egyeztetni, egyrszt hogy kihasznlhatk partly to utilise advantages provided by the green plant fa-
legyenek a nvnyhomlokzat nyjtotta elnyk, msrszt cade and partly to avoid possible damage of both the build-
hogy elkerljk mind az pletszerkezetek, mind a nv- ing and the green plants.
nyek esetleges krosodsait. When selecting and planting green plants the follow-
A nvnyek kivlasztsnl s teleptsnl teht a ing factors should be considerated:
kvetkezket kell fokozottan figyelembe venni:

Mikroklma Microclimate

Hmrsklet Temperature
A nvnyvlaszts elsdleges szempontja a teleptsi hely The main factor in selecting a plant is the climate of the lo-
klmja. Mivel Magyarorszg a mrskelt gv alatt tallha- cation. As Hungary is in the moderate climatic zone natu-
t, ezrt termszetesen tlll nvnyeket kell telepteni, rally winter-resistant plants must be selected and planted
amelyek kibrjk az esetleg -20C-os hmrskletet. which can stand a possible low temperature of -20 0C.

Fny Light
Legfbb termszetes fnyforrsunk a Nap, melynek sugr- The most important light source is the sun, the radiation of
zsa a kzvetlen hhats mellett fotokmiai talakulsokat which has a heating effect but also induces photochemical
is ltrehoz. A Fld felsznt elr fny intenzitsa a beessi reactions too. Intensity of the light reaching the ground sur-
szgtl, a lgkr fnyelnyelstl s az rnykol tnyez- face depends on the angle of incidence, light absorption ca-
tl fgg. Magyarorszg terletn ltalban mindenhol van pability of the atmosphere and the shading effects. In the
elegend fny a fotoszintzishez, br egyes homlokzatok area of Hungary generally everywhere there is sufficient light
kedveztlen tjolsa miatt nagy gonddal kell megvlasztani intensity for photosynthesis, although due to unfavourable
a teleptend nvnyeket. orientation of certain facades, green plants should be se-
lected carefully.


Nedvessg Humidity
Az llnyek fennmaradsnak fontos felttele, hogy vz- Equilibrium of their water economy is an important pre-
hztartsuk egyenslyban legyen. Vzigny szempontjbl condition of the survival of living creatures. There can be
az egyes llnyek kztt nagy klnbsgek lehetnek, vala- great differences among living creatures from the viewpoint
mint ismeretes az is, hogy a vz ptlsra szolgl csapadk of water demand and it is also known that the distribution
elosztsa hely s vszak szerint is rendkvl egyenetlen. Mi- of the precipitation providing for water supply is extraordi-
vel a nvnyek fejldsnek elengedhetetlen felttele a narily uneven between places and seasons. As sufficient wa-
megfelel vzellts, ezrt szraz idben gondoskodni kell a ter supply is an indispensable precondition for the develop-
csapadk ptlsrl. ment of plants, precipitation must be supplemented in dry
A talaj nedvessgtartalma a nvny vzfelvtelnek, a periods. Soil moisture is a determinate of the water uptake,
leveg pratartalma pedig a vzleadsnak meghatroz, s whilst humidity of the air determines evapo - transpiration
nem is elhanyagolhat tnyezje. of green plants.

Leveg Air
A leveg szennyezettsge, magas kndioxid tartalma miatt Because of the high rate of pollution and high sulphur diox-
- mindenek eltt a vroskzpontokban, illetve a forgalmas ide content of the air, extremely resistant green plant
utckon (lmpk kzelben) - klnsen ellenll, szvs species should be selected, especially for city centres and for
nvnyfajtkat kell vlasztanunk. streets with dense traffic (e.g. in the vicinity of traffic lights).

Homlokzatok tjolsa Orientation of facades

szak North
szaki felleten olyan nvnyek alkalmazhatk, melyek nem Green plants which do not need direct sunlight e.g. ivy can
ignyelnek kzvetlen napfnyt, mint pldul a borostyn. be used on North surfaces. Because in this case passive so-
Mivel ez esetben passzv napenergia hasznostsra nincs lar energy utilisation is not possible planting of such ever-

Kls kp:
Dli falskra nvesztett krtefa, mely a
mostoha krlmnyek ellenre jl
rnykol. Hallstatt, Nmetorszg.
Picture, outside:
Pear tree on the South facade of the
building as a good shading device. Hall-
statt, Germany.

Bels kp:
Vadszlvel befuttatott lifthz egy iro-
dahz napos triumban. Stuttgart.
Picture, inside:
Elevator shaft with wine in a sunny of-
fice building. Stuttgart.


md, ezrt olyan rkzld nvnyfajtk teleptse ajnlott, green plants are proposed which form a dense leaf carpet
melyek nagyfellet, tmtt levlsznyeget kpeznek az of large surface on the North wall. In this way insulation ca-
szaki fal eltt. Ezltal jelentsen megn a fal hszigetelse, pability of the wall increases significantly and the forming air
valamint a kialakul lgrteg a falszerkezet nedvesedst layer will practically eliminate moisture effects on the wall
gyakorlatilag megsznteti. structure.

Nyugat West
A nyugati tjols nvnyzet a csapes, a szl s az er- Plants oriented to West protect against driving rain, wind
teljes napsugrzs hatsait cskkenti. Itt is nagyfellet, ki- and strong solar radiation. Here also use of plants of large
terjedt nvnyzet alkalmazsa clszer robosztus rkzld surface and widespread types are advisable, one of the ro-
fajtkkal. A falszerkezet gy megvhat az idjrs okozta bust evergreen species. So the wall can be protected from
krosodsoktl, valamint a bels tr mikroklmja kevsb damages caused by the weather. The indoor climate will de-
fgg a kls hmrskletvltozstl. Amennyiben a fal szl- pend less on the outside temperature fluctuations. If the
rnykos, gy haszonnvnyek is telepthetk. wall is located in wind shadow, productive plants can also
be used.

Dl South
ltalban az pletek dli s keleti homlokzatai a legvdet- Generally South and East facades of buildings are best pro-
tebbek. Mivel a dli felletek melegszenek fel leginkbb a tected. South surfaces are warmed up most in the summer
nyri napstsben - vagyis ez a legmelegebb oldal - ide te- sunshine - consequently this is the warmest side - fruits run-
lepthetk tmasztkra fut gymlcsfajtk is (szl, kivi, ning onto supporting structures (grape, kiwi, etc.) can be
stb.) zldsgekkel s fszernvnyekkel. Felttlenl lomb- planted to this side together with vegetables and spices. De-
hullat nvnyzet javasolt, mely nyron vd a tlzott felme- ciduous plants are proposed which protect in summer from
legedstl, tlen pedig nem akadlyozza a szolris hnyere- overheating while in winter they not hinder solar heat ab-
sg felvtelt. Nagyfellet, rkzld nvnyzet teleptse sorption. Planting large surface evergreen plants is not ad-
nem tancsos. visable.

Bels kp:
Dlnyugati terasz rnykol nvnyzettel.
Ljubljana, Szlovnia
Picture, inside:
South-West facing terrace with shading
plants. Ljubljana, Slovenia

Kls kp:
A vros klmja jelentsen javthat
kisebb-nagyobb prologtat felletekkel
(vz, nvnyzet). Freiburg, Nmetorszg
Picture, outside:
The climate of towns could be tempered
by evaporating surfaces (water, plants).
Freiburg, Germany


Kelet East
A nvnyvlaszts fgg a helyi klmaviszonyoktl. Ers kele- Plant selection depends on local climatic conditions. In case
ti szl estn a nyugati falnl emltett nvnyek telepthetk, of strong East wind plants proposed for West side walls can
mg vdettebb, szlrnykos fekvsnl haszonnvnyek is be planted, while in case of well protected location in wind
ltethetk, ld. dli oldal. Nem hagyhat figyelmen kvl shadow even productive plants can be planted which were
azonban az, hogy a kelet falak ltalban estl vdettek s proposed for the South orientation. Because these walls are
a hajnali pra is gyorsan felszll a reggeli nap hatsra - te- protected from rain and by the effect of morning sunshine
ht fokozott figyelmet kell fordtani a locsolsra, vagy cl- dawn moisture quickly disappears there is a risk of dryness
szer szrazsgtr vegetcikat vlasztani. - consequently attention must be paid to irrigation or
drought - resisitant plants should be selected.

Homlokzat magassg, tagoltsg, falszerkezet Facade height, articulation, wall structure

Alapveten a falszerkezet, a homlokzatmagassg s tagolt- The type of supporting structure depends on wall con-
sg, a befuttatand terlet nagysga, valamint a nvnyzet struction, facade height and articulation, the area to be cov-
fajtjnak fggvnye a tmszerkezet. A ksz nvnyek n- ered and the type of vegetation. Growth direction of creep-
vekedsi irnya nem kiszmthat, ezrt ha a homlokzatnak ers plants can not be predicted so if only part of the facade
csupn meghatrozott rsze lesz nvnnyel teleptett, ak- would be covered with plant, then a lattice or other guide
kor clszer kuszat rcsot, vezetsvokat kialaktani. structure should be applied.

A talaj fizikai, kmiai, biolgiai tulajdonsgai Physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil

A vrosok talaja a kzlekeds hatsra teljesen sszetm- By the effect of traffic the soil of cities is fully compacted,
rdtt, termszetes rtegzdse eltnt a tbb vszzada its natural stratification disappeared during constructions of
tart ptkezsek sorn, a termrteg sok helyen talakult the centuries and the top soil was transformed in many
ptsi trmelkk. Kmiai tulajdonsgai rendkvl kedve- places to construction debris. Its chemical properties are ex-
ztlenek az utak lland tli szsa kvetkeztben, a talaj traordinarily unfavourable due to the frequent salting of
skoncentrcija ltalban olyan magas, hogy a nvnyek roads in winter. As a consequence of this, salt concentration
trkpessgi hatrt sokszorosan meghaladja. Egyik leg- is generally so high that it far exceeds tolerable limits of
fontosabb teendnk teht, hogy a s mennyisgt csk- plants. The most important things to be done are to reduce
kentsk, s megfelel tpanyagutnptlst biztostsunk a ta- the quantity of salt and to provide suitable nutrient supply
lajnak. for the soil.

Ajnlott talajminsg Proposed soil quality

Minden ksznvnyre rvnyes, hogy megfelel mennyi- Every creeper plant should be planted into sufficient quan-
sg tptalajba kell ltetni. Az ltetedny legalbb 60-100 tity of foster-earth. A planting pot should be at least 60-100
cm mly, 40-50 cm szles s 60-75 cm hossz, a j min- cm deep, 40-50 cm wide and 60-75 cm long. The good
sg tptalaj fld s komposzt keverke. Ha az ltetedny quality foster-earth is a mixture of soil and compost. If the
tl kicsi, akkor tapasztalhat az n. virgcserp-effektus, planting pot is too small the so-called flower-pot effect
vagyis a gykerek nem tudnak kellen fejldni, a nvny can be observed the roots can not fully develop and the
szmra nem jut elegend tpanyag, elpusztul. plant will not get sufficient nutrients and consequently it
may perish.

Vandalizmus-problma Problem of vandalism

Sajnos szmolnunk kell a vandalizmussal, klnsen a vro- Regretfully, the risk of vandalism should be taken into con-
si br- s trsashzak esetben, melyek nincsenek masszv sideration especially in case of blocks condominiums of flats
kertssel a kvlllktl elzrva. Itt clszer a fiatal nv- and collective houses located in cities which are not sepa-
nyeket - a hz megjelenst nem zavar - mechanikai v- rated with massive fences from the outside. It is advisable to
deszkzkkel (pl. sr szvs hl, kovcsoltvas rcs, protect young green plants with mechanical structures (e.g.
stb.) vdeni. densely woven nets, wrought iron grids, etc.) which do not
disturb the appearance of the house.



A zldhomlokzatok kialaktsa rendkvl sokfle lehet, az al- Creation and formation of green facades can be of many
kalmazhat nvnyek mindegyike ms-ms elnys tulaj- kinds and each of the applicable green plants has different
donsgokkal rendelkezik. A nvnyfajtk kivlasztsnl advantages. When selecting the plant local climatic condi-
meghatroz a helyi klma, valamint a tjols. Clszer tions and orientation are decisive factors. It is advisable to
olyan nvnyeket ltetni, melyek nem fagyrzkenyek. Te- plant vegetation which is not sensitive to frost. Both decid-
lepthetnk lombhullat s rkzld nvnyeket tjols uous and evergreen plants can be planted in accordance
szerint, valamint aszerint, hogy milyen hatst kvnunk elr- with the orientation and the intended effect. Prior to plant
ni. Nvnyvlaszts eltt azt is el kell dnteni, hogy kszl- selection it should be decided if supporting structure will be
e tmszerkezet, avagy nem, mivel meglehetsen kevs n- constructed or not, because only a few type of plants are
vny kpes nllan, tmasztk nlkl a falat befutni. Ezek able to climb up to the wall without support. These include
kz tartoznak a lggykereikkel kapaszkodk - mint pld- those climbing up with air roots - e.g. ivy and running hy-
ul a borostyn s a fut hortenzia, valamint a tapadkoron- drangea - and those climbing up with sticking pads - e.g.
gokkal kapaszkodk - mint a vadszl s a szlfajtk n- wine and some types of grape.
melyike. Evergreens have priority on cold North oriented walls
Az rkzldek kedvezen rvnyeslnek a hideg because they reduce heat loss considerably. Deciduous
szaki falakon, mivel jelentsen cskkentik a hvesztesget, plants grow quickly, for this reason they can be well applied
mg a lombhullatk szemltomst gyorsan nvekednek, as living walls for fences, separation walls and shading.
ezrt nagyon jl alkalmazhatk l falknt, kertsknt, el- Among green plants climbing up to supporting structures
hatrolsknt, valamint rnykolknt. A vzra futtathat some annual vegetables can also be mentioned like beans,
nvnyek kztt emlthetnk olyan egynyri zldsgfajtkat peas, cucumber, or climbing strawberry which grow also
is, mint pldul a bab, bors, uborka vagy kszeper, me- quickly and give a rich crop under favouriteable microcli-
lyek szintn nagyon gyorsan nnek s a kedvez mikrokl- matic conditions, but do not impose a high load on the sup-
ma hatsra sok termst adnak, viszont nem rnak nagy porting structure. In such cases the supporting structure can
terheket a vzra. Ebben az esetben a vz lehet akr term- be a natural material which can be biologically decomposed,
szetes, korhadkpes zsinr- vagy rzsefonat, mely pl. string or brush-wood which can be composted in the au-
sszel a borshjjal egytt komposztlhat. De alkalmazha- tumn together with pea shells. Movable supporting structu-
tk mozgathat vzszerkezetek is, melyeket tlen h- vagy res can also be applied which can be used in winter as
szlfogknt hasznlunk, tavasszal pedig nvnykuszat- snow- or wind barriers and in spring as structure for plant
knt. climbing.


Falra fut nvnyek Plants climbing up to walls

Az inds, szabadon fut nvnyeknek nincs szksgk a n- Sarmentous, free running plants do not need an supporting
vekedshez vzra, apr lggykereikkel vagy tapadko- structure for their growth because they climb up to walls
rongjaik segtsgvel kapaszkodnak fel a falazaton, kihasz- with their small air roots or with sticking pads utilising une-
nlva annak felleti egyenetlensgeit. Egyenletes, zrt, pik- ven surfaces. They form an even, closed, scale-like leaf car-
kelyszer levlsznyeget alkotnak, mely persze lehet rk- pet which can also be evergreen too. They grow slower
zld is. Lassabban nvekednek, mint vzra futtatott trsaik than those run onto supporting structures (especially ever-
(klnsen az rkzld fajtk), de tlzott gondoskodst greens) but do not need too much care, only trimming. Suit-
nem ignyelnek, csupn nyrni kell ket. A megfelel forma able forms can be achieved by cutting - there is no need for
kialaktst nyrssal rhetjk el, a hajtsok ktzsre nincs tying sprouts. For this reason these species are proposed to
szksg. Ezrt ajnlott ezeket a fajtkat tbbek kztt ma- use - among others - for covering facades accessible with
gas, nehezen megkzelthet homlokzatrszek befuttats- difficulty.
hoz alkalmazni. However the following counter-arguments should be
Ellenrvknt emltend viszont a kvetkez: ritkn mentioned: it can occur - though rarely - that a green plant
ugyan, de elfordulhat - klnsen a nagy magassg hom- with widespread, large leaves is not able to support its own
lokzat kvetkeztben felersd szl hatsra -, hogy a weight, especially exposed to of high wind velocities accel-
nagy, kiterjedt levlfellet nvny nem tudja elviselni sajt erated by a high facade and will break off the wall surface.
slyt, s leszakad a falfelletrl. Ez mg akkor is kellemet- This is unpleasant even if the plaster is not damaged be-
len, ha nem krosodik kzben a vakolat, hiszen ismt vek cause creating a new green cover takes years.
kellenek ahhoz, hogy a csupasz falazatot eltakarja a zld. Hanging plant cultures can be applied where there is
Csng nvnykultrk ott alkalmazhatk, ahol nincs no other way for creating a green plant facade. This is a so-
ms md a nvnyhomlokzat kialaktsra. gy valjban ez lution transient one between green roofs and green facades.
a megolds tmenet a zldtetk s a zldhomlokzatok k-

Nagy kp:
Lakhz vadszlvel bentt tglahomlokza-
ta. Dublin, rorszg
Big picture:
Residential building brickfacing facade
with wine. Dublin, Ireland

Kis kp fent:
Vendghz zld bejrata. rorszg
Small picture top:
Green entrance of a Guest House. Ire-

Kis kp lent:
Dsznvnyek teszik szpp az erklyeket.
Barcelona, Spanyolorszg
Small picture bottom:
Balconies with flowers and house plants.
Barcelona, Spain.


Vzszerkezetre fut inds nvnyek Climbers on supporting structures

Majd minden ksznvny futtathat vzszerkezeten. A Almost every creeper plant can be used on frames. Materi-
szerkezet anyaga (fa, fm, termszetes szl) s kialaktsa als (wood, metal, natural fibres) and formation (grid,
(rcs, fesztett huzal) tbbfle lehet. stretched string) of the framework can be many and varied.
Lombhullat nvnyek esetn clszer az indk sr In case of deciduous plants it is advisable to seek
sszefondsra trekedni, nvelve ezzel a levlsznyeg dense interweaving of the stems, increasing the shading ef-
rnykol hatst. A lombhullatk szemltomst gyorsan fect of the leaf carpet. Deciduous plants grow noticeable
nvekednek, ezrt nagyon jl alkalmazhatk l falknt, quickly for this reason they can be well applied as living
kertsknt, elhatrolsknt, valamint rnykolknt. A vz- walls for fences, separation walls and for shading. Among
ra futtathat nvnyek kztt emlthetjk az olyan egyny- green plants climbing up to supporting structures some an-
ri zldsgfajtkat is, mint pldul a bab, bors, uborka vagy nual vegetables can also be mentioned like beans, peas, cu-
kszeper. Ezek szintn nagyon gyorsan nnek s a kedve- cumber, or climbing strawberry which grow also quickly and
z falklma hatsra sok termst adnak, viszont nem rnak give a rich crop under favouriteable microclimatic condi-
nagy terheket a vzra. Ebben az esetben a vz lehet akr tions, but do not impose a high load on the supporting
termszetes, korhadkpes zsinr- vagy rzsefonat, mely structure. In such cases the supporting structure can be a
pl. sszel a borshjjal egytt komposztlhat. De alkal- natural material which can be biologically decomposed ,
mazhatk mozgathat vzszerkezetek is, melyeket tlen string or brush-wood which can be composted in the au-
h- vagy szlfogknt hasznlunk, tavasszal pedig nvny- tumn together with pea shells. Movable supporting structu-
kuszatknt. res can also be applied which can be used in winter as
snow- or wind barriers and in spring as structure for plant
A vzszerkezetek, lcvzak, kialaktsnak lehetsgei: climbing.
falc s rcs pldul tetlcbl, tetszlegesen vagy rasz- Possibilities of creating climbing frames, and lattices:
terben elhelyezve, kb. 10-20 cm-rel a fal eltt wooden lath and grid placed optionally or in raster in front
fesztett huzal - tetszlegesen vagy raszterben elhelyezve of the wall at a distance of appr. 10-20 cm
- keretekre, vagy a talajtl az ereszig vezetve stretched wire fastened onto frames randomly or regu-
vzrcs s drthl tvtartkra szerelve, pl. aclhl, ke- lourly or vertically from the ground up to the eaves
rtshl frame grid and wire net fastened onto spacers e.g. steel
fesztett zsinr s zsinrhl - fleg egynyri nvnyeknl mesh, chicken-wire-mesh
rzsefonat mint rcsozat stretched string and string net - mainly for annual plants
lpcs- s erklykorltok, pergla tartszerkezet, farcsok woven brush-wood as grid
- pl. kerts staircase and balcony banisters, pergola supporting frame,
wooden grids - e.g. fences

Farcs Wooden grid

Egy-, ktemeletes homlokzatok estben tetlcekbl egy- In case of one- and two-storey facades simple and useful
szer, praktikus kuszat kszthet. A lcek tvtartval mi- grid can be created from roof battens. These should be
nimum 5-6 cm, de inkbb 10-20 cm tvolsgban helyezked- placed in front of the wall at a distance of minimum 5-6 cm
jenek el a fal eltt. Ez a tvolsgtarts azrt clszer, mert but better 10-20 cm. This distance is necessary partly to

Gmbfa-vz rszlete Ktirny gmbfa-vz Ktirny lcvz Feszthuzal

fggleges gmbfa-tart / vertical log

falazat / brick wall

dbel / anechor plug

tvtart csavar / spacer bolt

vzszintes gmbfa-tart / horizontal log

Detail of wood structure: log Two-way log-structure Wooden grid Metal grid


egyrszt gy biztostott a nvny s a fal kztt a tli hszi- create a thermal insulation layer between the wall and the
getel lgrteg, msrszt ez a felttele annak, hogy nyron plant for winter and partly to allow an air flow in summer
meginduljon a lgrteg tbltshez szksges lgmozgs. necessary to provide ventilation. Pine laths are recom-
A vzszerkezethez lucfeny lcek alkalmazsa ajnlott. Fon- mended. It is important that wood structures should be im-
tos, hogy a faszerkezetek legyenek nyomssal impregnlva, pregnated under pressure or treated with a coat which
valamint olyan vdbevonattal kezelve, mely a nvnyeket does not damage plants. Wood is sensitive to moisture and
nem krostja. A frl kztudott, hogy a nedvessgre, azaz fluctuation of the moisture, so this material is not resistant
inkbb a nedvessg vltozsra rzkeny, vagyis a csapadk to rainfall. It is advantageous to apply diagonal lath structure
hatst nehezen viseli. Elnys diagonlis lcezst alkalmaz- because the wood can be less saturated with water and the
ni, mert gy a faanyag kevsb teltdik nedvessggel, s a plant can grow quicker. The horizontal lath structure mois-
nvnyzet is gyorsabban n. Horizontlis lcezsnl - a l- ture has access to the wood on the horizontal surfaces, so
cek vzszintes felletein - knnyedn jut nedvessg az damaging the wood. Frame structures must be anchored to
anyagba, ersen krostva azt. A vzszerkezetet minden the wall with stable connection elements, in all cases, be-
esetben stabil, jl kialaktott kapcsolattal kell a falhoz horgo- cause static load onto the wall will increase as the climbing
nyozni, mivel a kuszat s a rfut nvnyzet hatsra a fal plants grow. On the other hand future repairs and mainte-
statikai terhelse megn. Msrszt a rcsozat kialaktsnl nance works on the walls and plasters should also be taken
gondolni kell a falazat, illetve vakolat ksbbi javthatsg- into consideration.
ra s karbantartsra.

Fmrcs Metal grid

Rcsozat kialaktshoz klnbz huzaltmrkkel s ki- Metal nets produced with various wire thicknesses and grid
osztsi tvolsgokkal gyrtott fmhlkat lehet kapni. Ezek distances are available for constructing metal grids. These
pldul 15x15-sek, vagy 10x20-asak lehetnek. Tzhor- can be e.g. 15x15 or 10x20 in size. Wires should be cov-
ganyzssal (drga), vagy rozsdavd mzolssal (a fenntar- ered with hot dip galvanised layer (it is expensive) or with
tsa kltsg- s munkaignyes) kell elltni. A rgztsekhez painted rust proofing (its maintenance is costly and labour-
rozsdamentes kampk s csapok szksgesek, melyek egy - intensive). For anchoring stainless hooks and pins are nec-

Nagy kp:
A lpcshz s a fggfolyosk korltai,
merevti szolglnak a nvnyzet kuszat-
jaknt. Stuttgart, Nmetorszg.
Big picture:
The structures of staircase and the bal-
conies provide supports for the sarmen-
tous plants. Stuttgart, Germany.

Kis kp fent:
Falhoz s padlhoz rgztett fmrudakbl
ll tartszerkezet. Dragvoll University,
Trondheim, Norvgia.
Small picture top:
Metal framework fastened to the floor
and walls. Dragvoll University, Trondheim,

Kis kp lent:
Falra szerelt fm ltetdzsk rcsos
kuszatsvokkal. Stuttgart, Nmetorszg.
Small picture bottom:
Planting bucket on the front elevation
with wire-frames. Stuttgart, Germany.


ben tvolsgtartk is. Emellett meg kell emlteni, hogy a essary which also act as spacers. In addition to these it
fmrcs alkalmazsa napnak kitett oldalakon nem javasolt, should be mentioned that using metal grids on exposed
mivel a napsugrzs hatsra a fm nagyon felmelegszik, s sides is not recommended because the metal can become
a nvnyek fiatal hajtsait kigeti. quite hot and may burn up young plants.

Huzal-vz Wire-frame
Vzszintes huzalokra (acl, rozsdamentes fm, manyag, szi- Foliage of fruit-trees, annual vegetables and herbs can climb
zl, kender) vagy lcezsre futtathatk a gymlcsfk lomb- up onto horizontal wires (steel, stainless metal, plastic, sisal,
jai, az egynyri zldsg- s fszernvnyek, melyeket rgz- hemp) or fixed lath frames. The supporting frame is not
tssel vezetnek a huzalokra. A tartszerkezetet nem terhe- overloaded but is exposed frequently to wind load. These
li tlzott sly, de gyakran nagy szltehernek van kitve. laths should be anchored strongly to the wall.
Ezrt a lceket clszer ersen a falhoz horgonyozni. In case of higher facades it is practical to use vertical
Magasabb homlokzatok esetn clszer acl huzalt or diagonal steel wires. This structure can be mounted on-
alkalmazni. Kialaktsa: falba szerelt kampk, vagy a homlok- to the wall with hooks or onto wooden profiles running
zaton alul s fell vzszintesen vgigfut pl. fa profilok kz horizontally at the top and at the bottom of the facade, at
fgglegesen vagy tlsan fesztve - 35-60 centimteren- spacing of 35-60 cm. Horizontal wiring also can be applied.
knt. Termszetesen vzszintes huzalozs is kialakthat. To avoid strong vibration caused by the wind it is advisable
Annak rdekben, hogy a szl minl kisebb mrtkben re- to anchor these wires at a spacing of 1-2 but these con-
zegtesse a huzalokat, javasolt kb. 1-2 m-knt megfogni ket nection elements will not bear high load.
- ezeknek a kapcsolatoknak nem kell teherhordnak lenni- For high facades and if metal wires are applied, ther-
k. mal expansion should be taken into consideration. Wires
Nagy magassg homlokzatoknl, ha fm huzalokat should be made of stainless metal or covered with a plastic
alkalmazunk, figyelembe kell venni a htgulst. A drtok layer. Plastic wire is commercially available but its application
rozsdamentesek, vagy manyag bevonatak legyenek. A is not recommended for long periods because these wires
kereskedelemben kaphat kifeszthet manyag zsinr is, will deteriorate when exposed to UV radiation and are not
ennek alkalmazsa azonban hossz lettartamra tervezett heat resistant. Attention should be paid to the fixing points

Kis kp fent:
Akclugas s fmrcs, a lakpletek
szemtgyjtit rejt pavilonja. Berlin,
Small picture top:
Acacia covered small metal-grid pavilion
hiding vast bins. Berlin, Germany

Kis kp lent:
Fmhls vdszerkezet a fiatal nvnyek
vdelmre. Berlin, Nmetorszg.
Small picture bottom:
Metal grid protectors for young plants.
Berlin, Germany.

Nagy kp:
A trondheimi egyetem vegtets trium-
nak dsze a padlba sllyesztett l-
tetdzskba teleptett ksznvny.
Big picture:
The decorated atrium of the University of
Trondheim, the application of planting
buckets. Norway.


zldests esetn nem javasolt, mivel az UV-sugrzs hat- to avoid wires breakage. Cracks would not reduce their
sra hamar tnkremegy s nem tzll. Vigyzni kell arra, load-bearing capacity.
hogy a rgztseknl ne trjenek a huzalok, mert gy lecsk- In summing up it can be stated that application of
ken teherbrsuk. metal supporting structures is a frequent solution, but:
sszefoglalva, a fm tmszerkezet gyakran alkalmazott corrosion protection should be provided
megolds, de due to the high thermal conductivity of metals green
gondoskodni kell a korrzi vdelemrl, plants can be damaged for this reason they are recom-
a fmek magas hvezetsi kpessge miatt krosodhat- mended first of all for North facades protected from sun-
nak a nvnyek, ezrt elssorban szaki - napsugrzstl shine
vdett homlokzatfelletnl javasolt stainless steel wires is expensive for this reason it is rec-
a nemesacl huzal drga, ezrt hossz lettartam n- ommended for green facades for long periods (with di-
vnyhomlokzatoknl javasolt - tmr: 6-8 mm, ameter of 6-8 mm)
rvid lettartam, vagy kisebb fellet zldests esetn galvanised or plastic-covered wires are suggested for plants
horganyzott ill. manyag-bevonat huzal javasolt, planned for shorter periods or for smaller surfaces
a fesztszerkezeteket korrzi okozta avulst folyama- corrosion-caused deterioration of wires forming the
tosan szemmel kell tartani. stretched framework should be regulourly checked.

ltetdzsa alkalmazsa Application of planting pots

Magas homlokzatok viszonylag gyorsan zldd tehetk a High facades can be relatively quickly covered with green
homlokzaton klnbz magassgban elhelyezett, mr plants planted and developed in pots for years which are
tbbves, fejlett nvnyekkel beltetett nvnyldkkal. placed at various heights of the facade.
A borostyn, vadszl s a futszl jl fejldnek l- Ivy, wine and running grapes can be well grown in
dban, amennyiben ez a lda megfelelen nagy. A tart k- pots if these pots are large enough. Their containers can be
szlhet UV-ll manyagbevonattal elltott nagyszilrdsg made from polyester high strength covered with UV resis-
poliszterbl. Ezeknek az ednyeknek az az elnye, hogy tant plastic. These pots can be mounted with anchors or
felszerelhetk horgokkal, illetve dbelekkel s csavarokkal. screws. They can be suspended from each other like a lad-
Ltraszeren egymshoz is fggeszthetk. der.
A tmrendszerek kialaktsnak mg rengeteg varici- Many other variations of creating supporting structu-
ja elkpzelhet, de mindenek eltt azt kell figyelembe res is conceivable but first of all it should be considered that
venni, hogy a nvnyeknek hossz vekre van szksgk plants need several years to cover walls with green layer.
ahhoz, hogy a falat elfedjk. Ezrt aztn fontos, hogy a tm- For this reason it is important that the supporting frame-
rendszer nmagban is a hz dsze legyen. A nvnyek jl work be a decorative by itself. Plants can be well matched
alkalmazkodnak a vzhoz, s brmilyen formban felfutnak, to the house and can climb up in various forms - it depends
csupn a tervez tletessgn mlik, hogy valban szp s only on the inspiration of the designer to provide a pleasent
hasznos kiegszt kerljn a hzra. and useful cover for the house.

A nvnyek gondozsa Care of green plants

A fiatal nvnyek erteljes nvekedse s kialakul levlze- Due to the fast growth of young plants and the formed
te miatt - melynek vastagsga termszetesen fgg a nvny thick leaf cover - the thickness of which depends on the
fajtjtl - sok vzre s j tpanyag-elltottsgra van szksg. species - a large volume of water and good nutrient supply
Amennyiben a talaj minsge nem megfelel, gy kom- is necessary. If the soil quality is not appropriate it can be ad-
poszttal javthat. Ez klnsen fontos akkor, ha ptsi tr- justed with the application of compost. This is especially im-
melk kerlt a talajba s az ptkezs sorn a talaj tmr - portant if construction debris is found in the soil and if the
dtt. soil was compacted during construction works.
A nvnyeket legalbb 30x30 cm-es, 50 cm mly Green plants should be planted into beds with sizes of
gysokba ltetjk, min. 15 cm-re a faltl. Ersen tmr- 30x30 cm and depth of 50 cm. These beds should be
dtt fld esetn gondoskodnunk kell a gykerek megfelel placed at least 15 cm from the wall. In case of highly com-
levegztetsrl; dugvnyozval ksztsnk lyukakat a t- pacted soils aeration of the roots should be ensured by
vek krl. Az ltetgdrt ltalban egy-kt vig kell gyom- forming holes around the stocks with a stick.
llni, utna a nvny benvi, s gyom mr nem n fel.


Egyes ksznvnyfajtk rzkenyek a talaj felmelegeds- Some creepers are sensitive to the warmed up soil (e.g.
re (pl. iszalag), gy tvket rnykolni kell. Ez megoldhat clematis) for this reason they should be shaded. This can be
gy, hogy az als rgiba kisebb rkzld cserjket, bokro- solved by planting evergreen shrubs and/or bushes for cov-
kat ltetnk. er the lower regions.
Sok fajtnl a buja s nagyon gyors nvekeds, vala- For several species cutting is indispensable due to the
mint a vadhajtsok miatt a metszs elengedhetetlen - kl- rank and fast growth as well as because of the wildings es-
nsen akkor, ha a szr felkopaszodik. Ezt ltalban laikus is pecially if the stems get bare on top. This can be done gen-
el tudja vgezni, de vannak fajtk, pldul a gymlcsfk, fu- erally by anybody, only the prunning of fruit-trees, running
thortenzia, iszalag s trombitafolyondr, melyek metszse hydrangea, clematis and convolvulus need special knowl-
bvebb ismereteket ignyel. edge.

Betegsgek megelzse: Prevention of diseases

Vlasszunk krltekinten. Gyzdjnk meg arrl, hogy a Be convinced that the selected green plant is not too sen-
kivlasztott nvny nem tl rzkeny-e lakhelynk g- sitive to the climatic and soil conditions of the living envi-
hajlati viszonyaira, talaj- s fnyignye kielgthet-e. ronment and its light demand can be satisfied.
Vsroljunk j minsg nvnyeket. A nvnynek ds Purchase good quality green plants. The plant should have
gykrzete s egszsges hajtsai legyenek. dense roots and healthy sprouts.
Gondosan ksztsk el a talajt. Tmr, levegtlen talaj- Soil should be prepared carefully. Bushes and shrubs in
ban a bokrok, cserjk jval fogkonyabbak a gykrbe- compact soil without sufficient air supply are more sensi-
tegsgekre. tive to roof diseases.
A megfelel helyre s a megfelel mdon ltessnk. Ez- Make planting into a suitable place and in an appropriate
zel cskkenthetjk vagy megelzhetjk a szrazsg, a way. In this way problems caused by dryness, poor root
gyenge gykrfejlds, a pang vz, a szlnyoms, a fagy- development, stagnating water, wind pressure, frost dam-
krosods s a fnyhiny okozta problmkat. age and light insufficiency can be reduced or prevented.
Kerljk a zsfoltsgot. Ne ltessk nvnyeinket tl k- Avoid crowdedness. Do not put plants too close to each
zel egymshoz, mert ez nveli a gombs betegsgek fel- other as this would increase the potential of fungal dis-
lpsnek eslyt. eases.
Szksg esetn vdjk nvnyeinket a fagytl. Szigor te- If neccessary green plants should be protected from frost.
leken mind a h, mind a fagy komoly krokat okozhat. Az In cold winters both snow and frost can cause serious
jonnan teleptett nvnyeket clszer vdeni a fagytl, damages. Newly planted vegetables should be well pro-
klnsen, ha fagyrzkeny rkzldrl van sz. Ez ellen tected from frost especially the frost sensitive evergreens.
vdekezve pthetnk vdfalat flibl. A flia aljnak Protecting enclosure constructed from foil can serve this
letzsvel vdjk a nvnyt a hideg szl ellen. purpose. By sticking bottom the edge of the foil to the
Permetezznk, ha szksges. ltalban permetezsre ground green plants can be protected from the cool wind.
csak a komoly gondok kezdetn van szksg, amilyen Spray plant-protecting agents if necessary. Generally
pldul egy ers levltet-fertzs vagy hernyinvzi le- spraying is necessary, if serious problems occur like strong
het. aphid or caterpillar invasions.

A nvnyek pusztulsnak okai: Reasons of plant destruction

gyenge minsg ltetsi anyag, Bad quality plant
a talaj nem megfelel elksztse, No-suitable soil preparation
szabadgyker nvnyek laza ltetse, Loose planting of vegetables with free roots
kontneres vagy fldlabds nvnyeknl a fldlabda szt- Disintegration of the soil ball in case of plants transported
esse, in containers or in soil balls
a talaj vzelvezet kpessge a nem megfelel lazts mi- Low water conductivity in the soil due to insufficent loos-
att gyenge, ening
tli fagykr s tavaszi perzselds, Winter freezing and spring scorching
a gykerek kiszradsa ltetskor vagy ltets utn, Drying out of roots during or after planting
vgzetes betegsg vagy krtev, Fatal diseases of parasites
gyomirtszer ritkn okoz nvnypusztulst, de egynmely Herbicides rarely cause perishing of green plants but
elterjedt gyomirtszer, kztk a ntrium-klorid vgzetes some of them used generally like sodium-chloride can be
lehet, ha a nvnyek gykerei krli talajba jut. fatal if getting into the soil around the roots.



Jelmagyarzat Napfny igny:

K = csavarod hajtsaival ksz nvny : napfnyes, tjols: DK, D, DNY
Ke = kertsnvny; rgztend a vzszintes tartvzhoz : flrnyk, tjols: DNY, NY, NY vagy
T = tmaszt ignyl ksznvny K, K, DK
I = indsnvny; indival kszik : teljes rnyk, tjols: NY, , K
Gy = gykerekkel kapaszkod nvny; nem ignyel kuszatt
Cs = csng nvnyknt is alkalmazhat

Maximlis magassg Virgzat szne Virgzsi- Fekvs Megjegyzs

m-ben hnapok
Borostyn Gy 30 jelentktelen IX-X. rkzld, sr, vente
(Hedera helix) virgok 1-3 m-t n, metszeni kell
Csucsor K 4.5 lils- VII-X. Fagyrzkeny, tlikertben
(Solanum crispum) kk rkzld, ds virgzat
Fafojt K 10 jelentktelen VI. sszel sznpomps
(Celastrus orbiculatus) virgok levldsz piros termsekkel
Folyondrkkhvely K 3-5 bbor IV-V.
(Akebia quintata)
Futhortenzia Gy 17 fehr VI-VII. Lassan indul nvekedsnek,
(Hydrangea anomala-petiolaris) risi virgzata nagyon szp
Golgotavirg K 4-6 fehr-bbor- VI-IX. Fagyrzkeny, ezrt napos,
(Passiflora caerulea) kk meleg helyet ignyel
Iszalag, havasi I 1-2 lila V-VII. Apr virgzat, mutats
(Clematis alpina) Cs nvnyfajta
Iszalag, hegyi I 3-5 fehr V. Korn virgzik, sr, nagyon
(Clematis montana) Cs szp
Iszalag, kznsges I 10 fehr VII-IX. Csavarod levlnyllel
(Clematis vitalba) Cs kapaszkodik
Jzmin, fehr T 2-5 fehr VI-IX. Fagyrzkeny, tmasztkon
(Jasminum officinale) Cs gyorsan n
Jzmin, tli T 2-5 srga I-III. Az v els virgait hozza,
(Jasminum nudiflorum) Cs fagyrzkeny
Kecskerg Gy 2 rkzld, dszes levlzet
(Euonymus fortunei vegetus) termse mrgez
Kecskerg, cskos Gy 6 Lombhullat, sszel
(Euonymus europaeus) lnk, pirosas levlzet
Lednek I 2 rzsaszn VII-IX. Hosszasan virgzik
(Lathyrus latifolius)
Lilaakc (Wisteria K 8 kkes- V-VI. ~ 70 cm virgfrtk, finom
floribunda Macrobotrys) lila illat, gondoskodst ignyel
Lilaakc K 6-10 fehr V-VIII. Kisebb virgfrtk, intenzv
(Wisteria sinensis) ibolyakk nvekeds, finom illat



Legend Sunshine demand:

K = creeper plant with twisted leaves : sunshine, orientation: SE, S, SW
Ke = fenceplant; to be fixed onto horizontal frame : half shadow, orientation: SW, W, NW or
T = creeper plants needing frame NE, E, SE
I = sarmentose plant; climbing with sarmentur : full shadow, orientation: NW, N, NE
Gy = plant climbing with roofs, does not need frame
Cs = can be applied as hanging plant

Maximal height Flower Flowering Facing Note

in meter colour months aspect
Ivy Gy 30 common IX-X. Evergreen, dense, grows
(Hedera helix) flowers 1-3 m/year, needs cutting
Chilean potato-tree K 4.5 violet- VII-X. Freeze sensitive, evergreen
(Solanum crispum) blue in winter garden, dense flower
Bittersweet K 10 common VI. Colorful red leaves
(Celastrus orbiculatus) flowers in autumn
Twining plant K 3-5 purple IV-V.
(Akebia quintata)
Climber hydrangea Gy 17 white VI-VII. Slow growing, nice large
(Hydrangea anomala-petiolaris) flowers
Common passion flower K 4-6 white-purple- VI-IX. Freeze sensitive, needs warm,
(Passiflora caerulea) blue sunny place
Clematis, alpine I 1-2 purple V-VII. Small flowers, decorative
(Clematis alpina) Cs plant
Clematis, mountain I 3-5 white V. Early flowering, thick, very
(Clematis montana) Cs nice
Clematis, common I 10 white VII-IX. Climbs with twisted
(Clematis vitalba) Cs tendrils
Common white jasmine T 2-5 white VI-IX. Freeze sensitive, fast growing
(Jasminum officinale) Cs on supports
Winter-flowering jasmine T 2-5 yellow I-III. First flowers of the year,
(Jasminum nudiflorum) Cs freeze sensitive
Spindle tree Gy 2 Evergreen, toxic crop
(Euonymus fortunei vegetus) ornamental leaves
Common spindle tree Gy 6 Deciduous, bright red leaves
(Euonymus europaeus) in autumn
Everlasting pea I 2 pink VII-IX. Long flowering period
(Lathyrus latifolius)
Japanese wisteria (Wisteria K 8 blue- V-VI. ~ 70 cm bunch of flowers,
floribunda Macrobotrys) purple pleasant aroma, needs care
Chinese wisteria K 6-10 white V-VIII. Smaller flowers, intensive
(Wisteria sinensis) violet growing, pleasant aroma


Maximlis magassg Vigzat szne Virgzsi- Fekvs Megjegyzs
m-ben hnapok
Lonc, bbos K 6 lils- VI-VIII. Fszeres illat, hosszan vi-
(Lonicera periclymenum) krmszn rgz fajta
Lonc, krke K 3 srgs VI-IX. Illatos, lombja bernykol-
(Lonicera xylosteum) Gy st is jl tri
Madrbirs, fzlevel T 4.5 (apr) fehr VI. rkzld, a mostoha krl-
(Cotoneaster salicifolius) mnyeket is jl tri
Madrbirs, kerti K 1.5 (apr) fehr VI. Lombhullat, szi lomb-
(Cotoneaster horizontalis) szne lnk piros
Pipavirg K 10 zldes- V-VI. Jellegzetes pipa alak vir-
(Aristolochia durior) srga gok, szv alak levelek
Tatr-iszalag K 12 csontszn VII-X. vente akr 5 m-t is nvek-
(Polygonum baldschuanicum) rzsasznes szik, egsz nyron virgzik
Trombitafolyondr K 10 narancs VII-IX. Fagyrzkeny, vdett fekvs
(Campsis radicans) Gy piros ajnlott
Tztvis Ke 3,5 fehr V-VI. rkzld, sszel
(Pyracantha coccinea) narancsos termsek
Serleglonc I 8 lila VI-IX.
(Cobea scandens)
Szagos lednek I 2 sokfle VI-IX. Illatos
(Lathyrus odoratus) sznben

Borszlk (Vitis vinifera) I 2-5 VI. Napos, meleg fekvst
sok-sok fajta ignyel
Fldiszeder s dszfajti T 5 spadt rzsa, VI-IX. A dszfajtk rzkenyebbek
(Rubus fruticosus) Cs fehr
Gymlcsfk minden Ke 2-5 fehr IV-VI. Magassguk fgg a fajttl
fajtja rzsaszn s a helytl
Kivi K 4-7 VI. Illatos virgzat, C vitaminban
(Actinidia arguata) gazdag terms
Knai kivi K krmszn VI. Szra 9 m, levele szv alak,
(Actinidia chinensis) levl tmr 20 cm
Koml K 10 Csak hm nvnyek, ezrt
(Humulus lupulus) bujtssal szaporthat
Rncoslevel rzsa (Rosa T 4-5 fehr V-IX. Csipkebogy terms, mely
rugosa) s sok vllfaja Cs rzsaszn C s P vitamin
Tapad vadszl Gy 10-16 VII-VIII. Kicsi bogys terms
(Parthenocissus quinquefolia) Cs vad szl
Bab K 3 fehr VI-IX. Zldsg
Futeper I 3 fehr VI-IX. Finom, des terms
Loptk I 10 srgs VI-IX. Termst szrtjuk
Paradicsom Ke 2 fehr VII-X. Zldsg


Maximal height Flower Flowering Facing Note
in meter colour months aspect
Honeysuckle K 6 purple- VI-VIII. Spicy aroma, long flowering
(Lonicera periclymenum) cream period
Honeysuckle K 3 yellow VI-IX. Pleasant aroma, well tolerates
(Lonicera xylosteum) Gy shading of leaves
Cotoneaster T 4.5 (small) white VI. Evergreen, tolerates bad
(Cotoneaster salicifolius) conditions
Cotoneaster K 1.5 (small) white VI. Deciduous, autumn colour is
(Cotoneaster horizontalis) bright red
Dutchmans pipe K 10 green- V-VI. Typical pipe-form flowers
(Aristolochia durior) yellow heart-form leaves
Russian vine K 12 ivory- VII-X. Growing up to 5 meter/year,
(Polygonum baldschuanicum) pink flowers in whole summer
Trumpet vine K 10 orange- VII-IX. Frost sensitive, protected
(Campsis radicans) Gy red place is recommended
Firethorn Ke 3,5 white V-VI. Evergreen, in autumn
(Pyracantha coccinea) orange-like crops
Cathedrall bell I 8 purple VI-IX.
(Cobea scandens)
Sweet pea I 2 many VI-IX. Pleasant aroma
(Lathyrus odoratus) colours

Wine grapes (Vitis vinifera) I 2-5 VI. Needs sunshine, warm place
various species
Bramble s dszfajti T 5 pink, VI-IX. Ornamental species are more
(Rubus fruticosus) Cs white sensitive
Every kinds of Ke 2-5 white IV-VI. Height depends on the species
fruit-trees pink and place
Actinidia K 4-7 VI. Aromatic flowers, crop rich
(Actinidia arguata) in C-vitamin
Chinese gooseberry K cream- VI. Stem is 9 metre, leaves heart
(Actinidia chinensis) coloured shaped with diameter of 20 cm
Hop K 10 Only male plants, can be
(Humulus lupulus) propagated by cuttings
Rose with wrinkled leaves T 4-5 white V-IX. Hip crop containing C and P
(Rosa rugosa) and varieties Cs pink vitamins
True Virginia creeper Gy 10-16 VII-VIII. Small-sized berry crops,
(Parthenocissus quinquefolia) Cs wild grapes
Bean K 3 white VI-IX. Vegetable
Strawberry I 3 white VI-IX. Sweet crops
Calabash I 10 yellow VI-IX. Crop is dried
Tomato Ke 2 white VII-X. Vegetable


Aranyfa (Aranyes) Azlea
Csupasz vesszin mrcius-p- Lombhullat s tlizld fajti
rilisban gynyr srga vir- ismertek, a mi klmnkat a
gok nylnak. Lehetleg tz lombhullatk jobban brjk.
napra - esetleg flrnykba - Savany kmhats, laza talaj-
ltessk, tlagos kerti talajba. ba ltessk, flrnykba. Vi -
Nem ignyel klnsebb rgzata nagyon szp, fajttl
gondozst. Magassga: ~ 3 m. fggen sokszn.

Borostyn Dsztk
rkzld nvny, mely br- Kzepes vzigny nvny,
hol megl, szmos fajtja is- mely fajttl fggen egynyri,
mert. Brmely kerti talajba, ill. vel. Tmasztkra futtatva
rnykos helyre ltessk, de a neveljk, mivel termsei s-
tarka level fajtknak tbb lyosak . Az rett terms kisz-
fnyre van szksgk. Rend- rtva dekorcinak alkalmas.
szeresen metsszk!

Fafojt Havasszpe
Erteljes ksznvny, mely A Rododendronok npes
brhol megl s 9 m-nl ma- csaldjnak egy fajtja, rk-
gasabbra is felkapaszkodik. zld. Virgai a kk szn kivte-
sszel sznpomps dsze a lvel a sznskla valamennyi
hznak. Napot, flrnykot sznben pompznak. Fnyr-
kedvel, tlagos kerti talajba l- nykban, laza-, savany km-
tethetjk. hats talajban neveljk.

Futhortenzia Iszalag
risi, fehr virgai jniusban A ksznvnyek kirlynje.
nylnak. nmagtl kpes fel- Csavarod levlnyelvel ka-
kapaszkodni, de ehhez idre paszkodik, ehhez tmasztkot
s eleinte tmasztkra van ignyel. Knyes nvny, tpa-
szksge. J vzgazdlkods nyagban ds s nedves talajt
talajban, napos vagy flrny- ignyel. Napos helyet szereti,
kos helyen szeret. de a tvt rnykolni kell.

Jzmin Jezsmen
Kls falakra elssorban a tli Fehr virgai jniusban nyl-
jzmin ajnlott, mely csak t- nak, meleg nyri estken na-
masztk mellett kszik. A fe- rancsillatuk nagyobb tvolsg-
hr jzmin nll kszn- ban is rezhet. Szinte brhol
vny, de fagyrzkeny. Ny- megl, nem ignyel tlzott
ron meleg s napos, tlen gondoskods. Napos, esetleg
fagymentes helyet ignyel. flrnykos helyre tegyk.

Knailonc Koml
Nevelse egyszer, a talajra Jlismert gygynvny, mely
nem ignyes. Szp, harang dekoratv dsze a falnak. Kze-
alak virgai a meghajl ga- pes vzigny, ignytelen ve-
kon mjus-jniusban tmege- l. rdekessge, hogy egyne-
sen nylnak. Brmilyen kerti m nvny, bujtssal szaport-
talajba, napos fekvs helyre hat. Tmasztkra nincs szk-
ltessk. sg, nllan kszik.

Forshyntia Azalea
Wonderful yellow flowers Deciduous and winter-green
bloom on its bare twigs in species are known. Deciduous
March and April. It should ones can grow better in our
preferably be planted into ful- climate. It should be planted
ly sunlit places or half shadow, into loose acidic soil, into half
into average garden soil. No shadow. Its flowers are very
special care is demanded. Its nice and colourful depending
height is around 3 metres. on the species.
Calabash gourd
Evergreen plant which can live
Plant with medium water
anywhere. Several species are
consumption which is either
known. It can be planted into
annual or perennial, depend-
any kind of garden soil in
ing on the species. It should
shadow but species with
be allowed to climb up onto
colourful leaves need more
a supporting frame as its fruits
sunshine. It needs regular
are heavy. Ripe plant is also
suitable as decoration.

Strong creeper plant which
One species of the rhodo-
can live anywhere. It can
dendron family is evergreen. It
climb up to a height of over
flowers in every kind of
9 m. In autumn it is a colour-
colour of the spectrum ex-
ful decoration for the house.
cept blue. It should be plant-
It likes sunshine and half
ed into loose and acidic soil,
shadow. It can be planted in-
into half shadow.
to general garden soil.

Climber hydrangea
Queen of the creeper plants.
Its enormous white flowers
It climbs up by twisting leaves
bloom in June. It is able to
needing support. It is a sensi-
climb up by itself but needs
tive plant needing soil rich in
time and supporting frame for
nutrients and water. Likes
it. It likes well irrigated soil
places with sunshine but its
and sunshine or half shadow.
stock must be shaded.

Mock orange
For outside walls the winter
White flowers bloom in June
jasmine is recommended
and their orange aroma can
which can climb up only on
be felt even in longer dis-
supporting frames. White jas-
tances on summer nights.
mine is a self supporting
Lives almost everywhere not
creeper plant but is sensitive
needing much care. To be
to frost. It needs warmth and
planted into places with sun-
sunshine in summer, and a
shine or half shadow.
frost-free place in winter.
Chinese lonicera Well known medicinal plant
Its cultivation is simple, is not which can be decorative on a
sensitive to the soil. Nice wall. Needs medium water
flowers of bell shape on supply, it is an undemanding
drooping branches bloom in perennial plant. Its speciality is
May and June. Can be plant- that the plant is unisexual and
ed into any type of garden can be propagated by layer-
soil in a place with sunshine. ing. Does not need any sup-
port structure.


Cserjeszer, vadon is elfor-
Labdaszer, ris fehr vir-
dul ignytelen kacsos n -
gaival tavasszal szp dsze a
vny. tlagos kerti talajba l-
hznak. Knnyen nevelhet,
tetjk, napra vagy flrnykba.
hls cserje. Humuszban gaz-
Virgai a fehr s bbor k-
dag, tpds talajba, tz nap-
ztti sznskla minden szn-
ra ltessk.
ben pompznak.

Lilaakc Liliomfa
Csavarod hajtsai mjusban Lass nvekeds, de idvel
s jniusban lila frtkkel bo- 10 m-nl is magasabbra n.
rtottak. A fal el tmasztkra Csak vdett, dli fekvsben
futtathatjuk. tlagos kerti ta - tlll. Illatos virgai jlius-
lajba ltessk, tz napra. l- augusztusban nylnak. Enyhn
tetskor keverjnk komposz- savas kmhats, tpds talaj-
tot a fldjhez. ba s napos helyre ltessk.

Fajti tmegesen hozzk szn-
Igen mrgez, de nagyon
pomps virgaikat, virgzsuk
hasznos gygynvny. Csak
ltalban hosszan elnylik.
olyan helyre ajnlott, ahol nin-
Napot, flrnykot szeret,
csenek gyerekek! Klnleges
nedves, tpanyagds talajt s
bnsmdot nem ignyel,
a tvnl rnykot ignyel.
ignytelen ksznvny.
Magassga: ~6 m.

Orgona Pipafolyondr
Nagyon npszer cserje, b- Erteljes ksznvny, els-
dt illat virgai mjusban s sorban sr lombozatrt
jnius elejn nylnak. Magass- kedvelt. Pipa alak virgai j-
ga elrheti a 3,5 - 4 m-t. Br- niusban nylnak, inkbb rde-
milyen tlagos, meszes kerti kesek, mint szpek. Napra,
talajba ltethet, napos fek- vagy flrnykba ltessk, tp -
vsben. ds talajba.

Rncoslevel rzsa
A rzsknak sok- sok fajtja
A 3 m magasra ksz, des
ismert, falra futtathatjuk pl. a
gymlcs szedret tmasztk-
Rosa rugosa-t. Akr 4-5 m
ra futtatva neveljk. tlagos
magasra is megn tartvz
kerti talajba, napos vagy flr-
segtsgvel. Napos, fagyv-
nykos helyre ltessk.
dett helyre teleptsk.

Szl Szmrce
A dszszlk legfbb ernye Szp szi lombsznk miatt
ragyog szi lombjuk, nme- kzkedveltek. Hossz leveleik
lyik ehet frtket is hoz. Ka- lnk narancssrgra, pirosra
csok segtsgvel tmasztkra sznezdnek. J trkpess-
kszik. Brmely j vzgazdl - g, mindenhol knnyen ne -
kods talaj megfelel, napos- velhet cserje. tlagos kerti
flrnykos helyre teleptsk. talajba, tz napra ltessk.


Guelder-rose Peavine
Ball-like plant with enormous Shrub-like undemanding plant
flowers is a decoration of the with tendrils. It can be planted
house in spring. Can be easily into average garden soil into
cultivated. It should be plant- sunlit places or half shadow.
ed into soil rich in humus and Flowers bloom in every
nutrients and onto places colour of the scale between
with strong sunshine. white and purple.

Wisteria Magnolia
Twisted leaves are covered Grows slowly but in time it
by violet bunches in May and reaches more than 10 m.
June. It can be run up onto a Winter-resistant only in pro-
supporting frame in front of tected and South oriented
the wall. It is to be planted in- places. Aromatic flowers
to general garden soil in bloom in July and August. It
places with strong sunshine. should be plan-ted into slight-
Compost should be added in- ly acidic soil rich in nutrients,
to the soil when planting. under sunshine.

These species are rich in Nightshade
colourful flowers and the Very toxic but a useful medic-
blooming period is generally inal plant. Recommended only
long. It likes sunshine and half to places where there are no
shadow as well as wet and children! Does not need spe-
nutrient rich soil and shadow cial attention, it is a unde-
at the stock. Height is around manding creeper plant.
6 m.
Dutchmans pipes
Strong creeper plant which is
Very popular shrub with
popular primarily due to its
overpowering aroma of the
dense leaves. Pipe-shaped
flowers blooming in May and
flowers form bloom in June
at the beginning of June. Its
but they are rather interesting
height can reach 3.5-4 m. It
than beautiful. It should be
can be planted into any aver-
planted to places under sun-
age, limy garden soil exposed
shine or half shadow into soil
to the sun.
rich in nutrients.

Rose with wrinkled leaves Bramble

Many-many kinds of roses are Bramble with its sweet fruit
known. Rosa rugosa e.g. can should be cultivated by run-
be run up onto a wall. It can ning up onto a supporting
grow up to 4-5 m when sup- frame. It can rich 3 m height.
ported. It should be planted It should be planted into av-
to sunlit and freeze-protected erage garden soil into sunlit
place. places or half shadow.

The best feature of decora- Varnish tree
tive grapes is their nice au- Popular due to its nice leaf
tumn leaves, some of them colour in the autumn period.
also bear fruits. With its ten- Long leaves are light orange
drils it climbs up to support and red coloured. A tolerant
frames. Any soil with good plant, can be cultivated any-
water economy is suitable. It where. It should be planted
should be planted places un- into average garden soil under
der sunshine or half shadow. strong sunshine.


Osztroluczky Mikls
okleveles ptszmrnk, fiskolai tanr

1940 - Budapest,

1969 - Budapesti Mszaki

Egyetem ptszmrnki kar

1958-1973 - AKKI, SZIKKTI,

MI tudomnyos munkatrs

1973-tl Ybl Mikls Mszaki


1987-tl tanszkvezet

1996 a Mszaki Tudomny kan-

didtusa (CsD)

szakterlet: pletszerkezetek,

Osztroluczky Mikls
architect, professor

1940 - Budapest,

1969 - Technical University of

Budapest, Department of Archi -


1958-1973 - AKKI, SZIKKTI,

MI assistant

from 1973:

Polytechnic Ybl Mikls

from 1987: Head of Department

from 1996: Professor (CsD)

fields of activity: architectural en-

gineering, building physics,
Krnyezetnk ma mr letfon-
tossg vdelme megkveteli,
hogy minden ngyzetmter
zldfelletrt megharcoljunk.
Az ptsz s a kerttervez -
ha msok is segtik ebben -
sokat tehet ebben a kzde-
lemben. A vrosi zldterletek
elrablsa csak gy kompenzl-
hat, ha minden lehetsget
megragadunk visszacsemp-
szskre, nemcsak a terep-
szinten, hanem hzaink tete-
jn is: tetkertek, vagy csak
szrazsgtr nvnyzet,
gyepsznyeg teleptsvel a ki-
sebb-nagyobb hajls teth-
jazatok felett.


Green roofs
Protection of our environment
is of vital importance and re-
quires efforts to be made for
each square metre of green
surface. Architects and garden
designers - assisted by others -
can do much in this battle.
Stealing of green areas of cities
can only be compensated if
every possibility is utilized for
their re-establishment not only
at ground level but also on
roofs of houses by planting roof
gardens or only drought resis-
tant vegetation or turf on roofs
with any pitch.

Bevezet Introduction
Vrosaink aszfaltjt por, korom s szutyok fedi, levegjk Pavements of our cities are covered with dust, soot and
fstgzzal s szennyezdsekkel teli, klmjuk sivatagi, felet- dirt, their air is full of gases and other contaminants, their
tk pra- s fstkupolk lebegnek. tjainkon nagyrszt mg climate is like in deserts, fume and smoke are floating above
sdi, mrgeket pfg jrmvek gurulnak, elavult ipari ze- them. Old-fashioned vehicles still run on our roads
meink kmnyei gyilkos fstt okdnak. Ha nem segtnk emitting toxic materials, and chimneys of old industrial
magunkon, a krnyezetszennyezs ldozataiv vlhatunk plants belching out deadly smoke. Without helping
magunk is. ourselves we can become victims of environment at
Krnyezetnk ma mr letfontossg vdelme meg- pollution.
kveteli, hogy minden ngyzetmter zldfelletrt meghar- Protection of our environment is of vital importance
coljunk. and it demands efforts to be made for each square metre
Az ptsz s a kerttervez - ha msok is segtik eb- of green surface.
ben - sokat tehet ebben a kzdelemben. A vrosi zldter- Architects and garden designers - assisted by others -
letek elrablsa csak gy kompenzlhat, ha minden lehet- can do much in this battle. Stealing of green areas of cities
sget megragadunk visszacsempszskre, nemcsak a te- can only be compensated if all possibilities are utilized for
repszinten, hanem hzaink tetejn is: tetkertek, vagy their re-establishment not only at ground level but also on
csak szrazsgtr nvnyzet, gyepsznyeg teleptsvel roofs of houses by planting roof gardens or only drought
a kisebb-nagyobb hajls tethjazatok felett. resistant vegetation or turf on roofs of any pitch.
Napjaink egyik leggetbb problmja az emberi civi- One of the most urgent problems of our time is the
lizci s a termszet kapcsolatban megbomlott egyensly upset balance between human civilization and nature. Series
krdse. Tanulmnyok s kiltvnyok sorval tallkozhatunk of studies and proclamations are published but these pro-
nap mint nap, de a javaslatok gyakran bizonytalanok, szkep- posals are frequently uncertain, tentative. Sometimes opin-
tikusak, s nemritkn olyan vlemnyeket is olvashatunk, ious are expressed declaring powerless drifting into an eco-
hallhatunk, hogy tehetetlenl sodrdunk az kolgiai ka- logical disaster, stating that effectiveness of our measures
tasztrfa fel s eszkzeink hatkonysgt ppen az ellen- are limited by the consumption oriented economy. It is ob-
rdek fogyaszti gazdasg korltozza. Nyilvnval, hogy az vious that restoration of the ecological equilibrium is possi-
kolgiai egyensly helyrelltsa csak a gazdasg s trsa- ble only by reconsidering the role of economy and society
dalom szerepnek jragondolsval, bizonyos mrtk n- and by self-control to a certain extent but it can be expect-
korltozsval lehetsges, de vlhet, hogy szinte vala- ed that every professional field the activity of which is relat-
mennyi szakterlet, amelynek tevkenysge rinti a fld, a ed to conditions of ground, air and water, can make efforts
leveg s a vz llapott, tehet valamit a helyzet javtsa r- for improving the situation.


A zldtetk trtnete History of green roofs
A tetkert srgi tallmny. Amg trtnelmileg vissza tu- The green roof is an invention of the ancient times. As long
dunk tekinteni az ptszeti kultrra, mindig s csaknem as the history of architectural culture it appears almost every
mindenhol tallkozunk vele. time and everywhere.
Tetkerteket s tetteraszokat elszr a Kzp-Ke- Roof gardens and roof terraces were established first
leten ltestettek, ahol hagyomnyos a lapostets pletek in the Middle-East where construction of buildings with flat
ptse. Utalsokat mr az -Testamentumban is tallunk roofs is traditional. References to plant covered roofs can al-
nvnyestett tetkrl. ready be found in the Old Testament.
A fggkertek shazja is a Kelet: Asszria s Babil- The origin of hanging gardens is also the East: these
nia: az Eufrtesz s a Tigris termkeny terletein alakult ki a have been developed in Assyria and Babilonia, in the fertile
kert e formja. Boltveken, oszlopokon nyugv teraszokat, areas of Euphrates and Tiger. Terraces supported on arch-
teraszrendszereket ltettek be nvnyekkel, amelyekhez vi- es and columns have been planted and these were supplied
zet is vezettek. A leghresebb Szemirmisz fggkertje volt, with water. The most famous one is the hanging garden of
mess kialaktsa a vilg hetedik csodjv tette. Semiramis which became the seventh wonder of the world.
A meditternumban a grg-rmai idk pleteinek In Mediterranean areas use of plants in pots on ter-
lapostetin, teraszain az ednyes nvnyek hasznlata vlt races and flat roofs of buildings of the Greek/Roman times
ltalnoss : ez az Adonisz-kultusz hatsra jtt ltre, majd became usual: this was established by the Adonis-cult and
ltalnosan elterjedt. A csszri Rmban, a fallal krlvett later became widespread. In the imperial Rome, in the city
millis nagyvrosban a drga telkek miatt a magas brhzas bounded by walls, blocks of flats became general due to the
bepts terjedt el. Az pletek tetit gyakran hasznltk high bound price. Roofs of buildings were used frequently as
kertekknt, ahol az ednyekben virgok, cserjk, gymlcs- gardens where flowers, bushes and fruit trees bloomed in
fk virtottak. Fldbe, vagy flig fldbe sllyesztett pinck te- pots. Similar gardens were created on the roof of cellars ful-
tejre is hasonl kerteket teleptettek. A grgk terjesz- ly or partly sunken into the ground. Greek fashion of float-
tettk el az szkertek divatjt, a hajk fedlzetn ltestett ing gardens spread under with gardens sett on board ships.
kertekkel. Caligula csszr hajjn szllugas s gymlcs- On board the ship of Caligula emperor grape arbours and
fk adtak rnykot. A biznci evangliumok miniatri is sok fruite trees provided shadow. Miniatures of the Byzantine
helyen brzolnak tetkerteket s nvnyekkel dsztett te- gospels illustrate roof gardens and terraces decorated with
raszokat. plants.
Eurpa mrskelt gvi terletein tetkertek, tera- Roof gardens, terraces and hanging gardens appeared
szok s fggkertek a renesznsz korral jelentek meg. Az in the Renaissance period in the temperate zones of Eu-
antik hagyomnyokra, ptszetre, nvnyhasznlatra rope. This tendency based on antique traditions, construc-
visszatekint irnyzat tovbbfejlesztette s a klimatikus tion and plant utilization improved and adapted the use of
adottsgokra adaptlta a tetkn, teraszokon a nvny- plants to the climatic conditions. Technical and architectur-

Semiramis fggkertje (az kor 7 csodja kztt szmon tartott pletegyttes). A mlt Stuttgart Werkbund Exhibition 1927. Mart Stam tervei lakstervei - tkrzik a Le Cor-
szzad vgi satsok sorn ksztett rekonstrukcis rajz. A ht szinten elhelyezked busier ltal megfogalmazott elveket a tetkertek hasznlatrl.
teraszrendszer lehetett az els igazi teleptett botanikus kert.
Stuttgart Werkbund Exhibition 1927. Mart Stam: Detached houses. Ideas of Le Cor-
The hanging gardens of Semiramis (one of the 7 miracles in the world). Recon- busier anout the roof gardens and terraces.
struction based on the end of the last century excavations. The terraces formed sev-
en different levels, and this was the first botanical garden.
terasz s kiszolgl helyisgek
Ground floor:
terrace and services

Els emelet:
szobk s kiszolgl helyisgek
Second floor:
rooms and services

knyvtr, terasz s kert
library, terrace and garden


hasznlatot. Olyan mszaki, ptszeti megoldsok szlet- al solutions allowing cultivation of plants without pots have
tek, amelyek lehetv tettk azt, hogy ne csak ednyes n- been developed. Hanging gardens have been built where
vnyek jelenhessenek meg. Fggkerteket ptettek, ahol a plants were set into soil beds developed at the level of the
nvnyt a tetkert szintjben kialaktott fldgyakba ltet- roof gardens.
A botanikai ismeretek gyarapodsval, elmlylsvel Parallel with developing botanical knowledge the
az alkalmazott nvnyek szma is ntt. E tetkerteket, te- number of plants applied increased. These roof gardens,
raszokat, fggkerteket virgok, fk, cserjk, szllugasok terraces and hanging gardens were decorated with flowers,
dsztettk. A divat Itlibl kiindulva terjedt szt Eurp- trees, bushes and grape vine arbours. This `fashion` spread
ban, egszen az szaki udvarokig (pl. a svd kirlyi palotig), in Europe from Italy up to the Northern courts (e.g.
mindenhol az adottsgoknak megfelelen alakulva. A tet- Swedish Royal Court) everywhere matching to local condi-
kertek pttetse ezidtjt az uralkodk, nemesek s gaz- tions. Building of roof gardens at that time was a privilege of
dag polgrok privilgiuma volt. royally, noblemen and rich citizens.
A polgrosodssal, a vrosok nvekedsvel ntt a With development of the bourgeoisie demand for
tetkertek irnti igny. 1867-ben Carl Pallitz berlini pt- roof gardens increased. The work of a master builder in
mester mve, a Termszetes tetk vulkanikus cementbl, Berlin, Carl Pallitz, entitled Natural Roofs Constructed from
avagy a modern fggkert, s Monier prizsi kertsz tall- Vulcanic Cement or the Modern Hanging Garden in 1867,
mnya, a vasbeton forradalmastotta az ptszetet. Ered- and the invention of a Parisian gardener, Monier the rein-
mnyeiken alapul a modern ptszet egyik formai trekv- forced concrete, revolutionized architecture. The flat roofed
se, alapformja: a lapostets plet. E stlusirnyzat nagyjai: building which is an ear-mark of modern architecture, is
Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius s a Bauhaus mozgalom based on their results. Famous representatives of this trend:
kpviseli (Amerikban Frank Loyd Wright s msok) h- Le Corbusier, W. Gropius and representatives of the
zaikra tetkerteket terveztek. Le Corbusier elmleti mun- Bauhaus movement (Frank Loyd Wright and others in
kiban a jv lettert a vrosi ember szmra a tetker- America) designed roof gardens onto their buildings. In his
tek rendszerben ltta. theoretical works Le Corbusier considered roof gardens as
Eurpa szaki npeinl, Izlandon s Skandinviban is essential living spaces for pople of future cities.
kialakult a hagyomnyos npi ptszetben a nvnyzettel Plant covered roofs have been developed also peo-
bortott tet. Ennek elssorban nem eszttikai okai voltak: ples of Northern Europe - in Iceland and Scandinavia - with-
a tzeges-gyepes tet hszigetel kpessge ugyanis olyan in the framework of the traditional architecture. Reason of
kivl, hogy a szlssgesen hideg tli idben is alig kell f- this was not primarily aesthetic: heat insulation of roofs cov-
teni ezeket az pleteket. ered with peat and lawn is so high that these buildings need
Magyarorszgon az eurpai fejldshez hasonlan ta- scarcely any heating even in the hard winters.
llkozunk fggkertekkel, tetkertekkel, azonban ez az Hanging gardens and roof gardens are found in Hun-
irnyzat nem tudott igazn mly gykereket verni. A rene- gary similarly to the European development but this ten-
sznsz itliai megjelensvel, az Itlin kvli Eurpban M- dency has no deep roots. Parallel with the appearance of
tys kirly pttetett elszr fggkertet budai palotjban the Renaissance in Italy king Matthias was the first outside

Zldestett magastet (norvg plda). A k lbazati falra plt

tbb szz ves boronafalas szerkezet hszigetelst a rsekbe t-
mtt gyapjszlakkal fokoztk, a tet termszetes hszigetelst,
s a nyri tlmelegeds elleni vdelmet pedig a ftet biztostja.

Pitched green roof in Norway. The log building standing on stone

foundation was insulated with wool, and the natural thermal in-
sulation and summer overheat protection was provided by grass.


s Visegrdon, majd - Bcset elfoglalva - a bcsi vrban. Az Italy to build hanging gardens in his palace at Visegrad and
itliai ptmesterek Budn a vztroz rendszer felett tele- after the occupation of Vienna, also in the castle of that city.
ptettek kertet, Visegrdon pedig pince volt a hrsfkkal be- Italian master builders created a garden over the water
ltetett, szkkutas fggkert alatt. Humanista fpapok, reservoir system in Buda, while a cellar was found under the
majd Bethlen Gbor fggkertjeirl van mg tudomsunk. hanging garden planted with linden-trees, which also had a
Az ednyes nvnyek alkalmazsa teraszokon, tetkn sz- fountain at Visegrad. Hanging gardens of humanist priests
lesebb krben elterjedt a nemesi udvarokban s a vrosok- and those of G. Bethlen are also known. In noble courts and
ban is. Srospatakon Lrntffy Zsuzsanna teraszain ed- cities application of plants set into pots on terraces and
nyekben narancs s grntalma is termett. roofs became widespread. On terraces of Zs. Lrntffy at
Az eurpai stlusok tovbbi hatsa e tren alig rv- Srospatak orange and apple trees were cultivated.
nyeslt Magyarorszgon. Az gynek j lendletet adtak a Further development of European styles in this field
modern ptszet j elvei. A 20-as vekben a Bauhaus scarcely affected Hungary. However the new principles of
mozgalomhoz csatlakoz ptszek - mint pldul Brauer modern architecture gave a new impetuse to the cause. In
Marcell - terveiben megjelentek tetkertek, s egynhny designs of architects joining the Bauhaus movement in the
meg is valsult. 1920`s - e.g. M. Brauer - roof gardens are found and some
A XX. szzad utols harmadban teremtdtek meg of them have been implemented.
az un. zld ptszet felttelei. Ezalatt ma mr nemcsak a In the last third of the 20th century conditions of the
tetkerteket, hanem a nagymret pletfelletek extenzv so called green architecture have been established. This in-
s intenzv zldestst is rtjk, s ide tartoznak az un. zld cludes not only roof gardens but also extensive and inten-
homlokzatok is. sive green covering of large building surfaces, including cre-
A hetvenes vek vgig Eurpban zldtet alatt az ating green facades.
un. intenzv tetkert jelleg zldestst rtettk. A fvestett In Europe up to the end of the 1970`s green roofs
tetk s tetkertek kialaktsnak nyugat-eurpai tapaszta- were understood to mean only the so called intensive roof
latai az elmlt 15 vben oly gazdag ismeretanyaghoz vezet- garden. Experiences of western Europe in the last 15 years
tek, amelynek alkalmazsa a korszer tetszigetelsi anyag- in creating grass-covered roofs and roof gardens, created a
vlasztkbl mr lehetv teszi kifogstalan rtegfelpts, large body of knowledge the application of which con-
jl mkd zldtetk kialaktst. tributed to creating of green roofs with excellent layer de-
Az utbbi tz vben bekvetkezett szemlletvltozs sign, including modern roof insulation materials.
eredmnye az extenzv zldtetk elterjedse. Ezeknl a te- The spreading of extensive roof gardens is a result of
tknl az kolgiai s vrosptsi szempontok nagyobb changing attitudes of the last ten years. Ecological and urban
szerepet kaptak. A kltsgek cskkentsnek ignye, vala- design aspects have an increased influence on these roofs.
mint a kevsb terhelhet tetszerkezetek elterjedse egy- Demands for lower costs and the popularity of low low
arnt a kisebb rtegvastagsg s fajlagos tmeg, egysze- load-bearing capacity roofs extended on influence in the di-
rbben s olcsbban kivitelezhet s fenntarthat extenzv rection of extensive green roofs with smaller layer thickness,
zldtetk alkalmazsnak irnyban hatottak s hatnak. specific mass as well as cheaper implementation and main-

Ftet Tiree szigetn, Skciban. A fban szegny vidken az egy-

szer tetszerkezetet tzeglapokkal bortottk, majd a tengerparton
tallhat hossz szl fvel fedtk, amit a szl ellen lektztek. A
vastag kfal - 1,8 m - szeglyn a nedves ghajlat alatt dsan
nnek a nvnyek.

Grass roof on the isle of Tiree, Scotland. The island is poor in wood,
so the primitive roof structure was covered by peat, and long grass,
dried out on the roof, fixed with stone against the strong wind.
On the top of the 1,8 m width stone wall the vegetation grows
well due to the wet climate.


A zldtetk kolgiai elnyei Ecological benefits of green roofs
A nvnyzet vzprologtat hatsa s The effect of vegetation on the water
oxigntermelse javtja a helyi mikro- evaporation and oxygen production
klmt: a prolgs szablyozza a leve- improves local microclimate: evapora-
g hmrsklett, az oxigntermels- tion controls the air temperature
sel pedig tisztul a szennyezett leveg. while oxygen production purifies the
contaminated air.

A csapadkvz visszatartsval, a vzel-

folys ksleltetsvel cskken a csa- Peak load on the drainage system is
padkvz-elvezet hlzat cscsigny- decreased by retairing rainwater and
bevtele. reducing run-off.

O2 O2
A nvnyzet porlekt hatsa tisz- O2 O2 Dust binding effect of vegetation pro-
tbb letkrlmnyeket biztost. vides cleaner life conditions.

Green roofs provide a pleasant, calm-

Kellemes, megnyugtat, kzrzetjav-
ing, view and good feeling as well as
t ltvnyt nyjt, klnsen alkalmas
they are especially suitable for solften-
bizonyos pletek merev, dobozsze-
ing the rigid, box-like character of
r hatsnak oldsra, a vroskp jav-
some buildings and improving the

j letteret nyjt egyes nvnyeknek Provides new living space for some
s llatoknak. plants and animals.

Bvti az emberek lakhelyi pihensi- Enlarges resting and recreation possi-

szrakozsi lehetsgeit. bilities for the inhabitants.



Tetfajtk Roof types

Extenzv zldtet Extensive green roofs

Az extenzv zldtet (kotet) esetn a teherhord The term `extensive green roof` (eco-roof) means a thin
szerkezet s lejtst ad rteg, a tetszigetels, valamint a layer of soil with draught-resistant plats over the load-bear-
szr-szivrogtat-vztroz rtegek felett kisebb rtegvas- ing structure, a layer to give the required falls, insulation, wa-
tagsg termtalajbl (tetfld) s szrazsgtr nvny- terproof membrane, drainage and water storage layers,
zetbl kialaktott tetrl beszlnk, amely nem szolgl llan- which is not intended fo regular use. The thickness of soil
d emberi tartzkodsra. Az extenzv zldtetk termtalaj layer is generally less than 20 cm.
rtegnek vastagsga ltalban kisebb, mint 20 centimter. On the basis of plant species and height and the thickness
Az extenzv zldtetk a nvnyzet fajtja, magassga of the roof soil layer, the extensive green roofs can be fur-
s a termtalaj vastagsga alapjn tovbb bonthatk a ne- ther divided into groups of heavy extensive green roofs,
hz extenzv zldestsek, az kolgiai vdrtegek s a ecological protecting layers and quilt-like green roofs, satis-
paplanszer zldestsek csoportjaira, amelyek klnbz fying different demands and setting different requirements
ignyeket elgtenek ki, s a tetszerkezet szempontjbl is for the roof structure. In case of planting extensive vegeta-
eltr kvetelmnyeket tmasztanak. Extenzv nvnyzet tion the roof soil layer serves for holding drought-resistant
teleptse esetn a termtalaj legtbbszr szrazsgtr grasses, rock-garden plants and steppe plant types. Such
gyepek, sziklakerti nvnyek s sztyeppnvnyzet befoga- plants do not need permanent cultivation except in the es-
dsra kszl. A nvnyzet a teleptsi idszakot kivve tablishing period
nem ignyel rendszeres gondozst. .

Intenzv zldtet Intensive green roof

Az intenzv zldtet (tetkert) jellemzje, hogy vasta- Intensive green roofs (roof gardens) typically contain thick-
gabb tetfld-rteget tartalmaz s teljes rtk hasznost- er roof soil layer and allow full utilization. The soil layer is
sa lehetsges. A termtalaj klnbz jelleg s trigny suitable for holding plants of various species and space de-
nvnyzet befogadsra alkalmas a vegyes nvnyzettl a mand, from mixed planting to the leafy or evergreen trees,
lombos, vagy rkzld fkig, bokrokig, cserjkig. Mint hasz- bushes and shrubs. As utilized roofs they are suitable for ap-
nostott tet a kertptszet elemeinek alkalmazsra is plying elements of landscape architecture moreover they
megfelel, st esetenknt mg jtkra vagy sportolsra is al- may be also suitable for games and sports activities. Thick-
kalmas. A tetfld vastagsga ltalban 20-40 centimter, ness of the roof soil layer is generally 20-40 cm but for
de nagyobb gykrzet nvnyek esetn a gykerek fejl- plants with more extensive roots, the space demand of
dsnek trignyre is tekintettel kell lenni. Az ltalban roots development should also be considered. Generally
ignyes nvnyzet rendszeres s gondos polst ignyel. the more demanding species need continuous and careful




Nvnyzet s termtalaj Vegetation and roof soil layer

Szr rteg Filtering layer
Vztroz-vd rteg(ek) Protecting and water holding layer(s)
Vd-elvlaszt rteg Protecting-separating layer


(vltoz sorrendben) (in altering sequence)

Csapadkvz szigetels Water proof membrane

Hszigetel rteg(ek) Thermal insulaton
Pravdelmi rteg Vapour barrier


Lejtst ad rteg Screed to give fall

Fdmszerkezet Roof deck




(extenzv vagy intenzv) (extensive or intensive)




(drenzs) RTEG LAYER




6 9 5
5 6
PRAZR 8 7 5




Rtegrendek Layer sequences

Egyenes rtegrend tetk 12 Conventional roofs

Az egyenes rtegrend lapostetk esetn In case of these flat roofs a vapour barrier
az alulrl jv praterhels cskkentsre 11 must be installed to reduce vapour pene-
minden esetben prazr rteget kell be- 9
tration into the insulation as vapour re-
pteni, mivel a szoksos (pontszer, 7 lease ventilation (point and/or linear) can
s/vagy vonalmenti) prakiszellzs m- hardly be solved technically and would be
szakilag alig megoldhat, s tetkerteknl objectionable for roof gardens from the
eszttikai szempontbl is kifogsolhat. aesthetic point of view. This type of roof
Ez a tettpus mg ezzel egytt is sokkal 2 is more vulnerable for internal moisture
rzkenyebb a bels nedvessghat- effects even with such a vapour barrier,
sokra, s ezrt j tetknl lehetsg sze- therefore its application should be avoid-
rint kerlni kell alkalmazst. Tetfeljt- ed for new roofs. For re-roofing - if the
soknl - ha a meglv hszigetel s p- Egyenes rtegrend - Conventional roofing system existing thermal insulation and vapour
razr rtegek minden szempontbl (l- barrier layers are appropriate from every
lagvdelem, hrzet, energetika, illetve respect (substance protection, thermal
tkletes prazrs) megfelelek - a szer- 11 comfort, energetics and perfect vapour
kezettpus megfelel. 5 9 retardation) this type of construction is
7 acceptable.
Fordtott rtegrend tetk 3
Nedvessgtechnikai szempontbl (is) j- Inverted roofs
val elnysebbek a fordtott rtegrend 2 These flat roofs with reverse layer se-
lapostetk: a prazr rteg elmarad, quence are much more favourable even
cskken a rtegszm, egyszerbb a kivite- with respect to vapour: here no vapour
lezs. Ugyanakkor ktelez a minden kl- barrier layer is applied so the number of
s hatsnak ellenll hszigetel anyag Fordtott rtegrend - Inverted roofing system layers is reduced, thus the construction is
(extrudlt polisztirolhabok, habveg) al- 12 simpler. At the same time application of a
kalmazsa s igny a csapadkvz szigete- thermal insulation layer resistant against
ls alatti szerkezetrsz megfelel htrol 10
every outside effect is necessary (extrud-
kpessge (legalbb 250 kg/m2-es fellet- 6 ed polystyrene, glass foams) and suitable
7 5
tmege) is. A hszigetels feletti rtegek- heat - storage capacity (specific surface
be csak a pradiffzit nem akadlyoz 6 density of at least 250 kg/m2)of the struc-
anyagokat szabad bepteni. Figyelemmel ture below the water proof membrane is
kell lenni a hszigetel rteg felszs elle- 2
required. Only materials not retarding
ni leterhelsre, amely egyben meghat- vapour diffusion are only allowed for lay-
rozza a hszigetels feletti rtegek mini- ers above the thermal insulation. The
mlis fajlagos tmegt is. mass above the insulation must be suffi-
cent to prevent floating of the insulation.
DUO tetk DUO tet - DUAL insulated roofing system
Ketts hszigetels (DUO) j laposte-
tknl az als, gyengbb minsg, ol- DUAL insulated roofs
csbb hszigetel anyagbl gyrtott ter- 11 In case of new plain roofs with double
mk a csapadkvz szigetels al, a ford- 2
6 thermal insulation layers the lower layer
tott rtegrend tetknl hasznlatos mi- made from a cheaper thermal insulation
nsg hszigetels pedig e fl kerl. material of lower quality will be layed be-
Pravdelmi rteg ez esetben sem szk- low the roofing membrane while in case
sges, de a ktfle anyag s beptsi he- of inverted roofs the thermal insulation
ly hszigetels gondos pradiffzis m- 2 layer will be laid above this layer. Vapour
retezst (ellenrzst) ignyel. A felszs barrier is not necessary for this case but
veszlyvel itt is szmolni kell. Ha rgi te- thermal insulation with two types of ma-
tszigetelsek feljtsaknt kszl ketts terial and position need careful vapour dif-
hszigetels zldtet (ezt szoks fusion planning. Risk of floating should be
Kthj hidegtet - Double - ply roof


PLUSZ-tetnek is nevezni), akkor az eredetileg beptett, taken into consideration. If old roof insulation are renovat-
s alkalmasnak minsl hszigetels kpezi az als hszi- ed and green roof with double thermal insulation is con-
getel rteget, s ez a szerkezet termszetesen tartalmaz- structed (this is called usually PLUS roof) the originally built
hatja az eredeti pravdelmi rtegeket is. in insulation layer (if suitable) will form the lower thermal in-
sulation layer and this structure can include also the original
vapour barrier.
Kthj hidegtet
Megemltend, hogy elvileg kthj hidegtetk is kszlhet- Double - ply roofs
nek zldtetknt, br ezek fels hja tbbnyire nem alkal- In principle double-layer cold roofs can also be adapted for
mas tovbbi lland terhek viselsre. Kivtelek termsze- green roofs, although their upper skin is generally un-suit-
tesen akadnak, s a csupn nhny centimter vastagsg, able for bearing permanent load. Exceptions occur and ex-
paplanszer vegetcis rteggel ksztett extenzv zldte- tensive green roofs with a quilt-like plant layer of a few cen-
tk ilyenkor is megvalsthatk. timeters thickness can also be implemented.

Szerkezeti rtegek Structural layers

A teherhord szerkezet (2) Load-bearing structure (2)

A teherhord szerkezet (2) fajtjra nzve nincs kvetel- There is no special requirement for the load-bearing struc-
mny: a masszv szerkezetek kzl ugyangy szba jhet- ture. Massive structure, such as monolithic reinforced con-
nek a monolit vasbeton szerkezetek, mint az elregyrtott crete, precast r.c. panels or slabs with hollow terracotta pots
elemekbl sszeptett vasbeton, vagy kermiaelemes f- are most suitable. However application of light construction
dmek. A knnyszerkezetes fdmek alkalmazsa zldte- structures for green roofs is not typical for this purpose gen-
tknl nem jellemz, ezeknl ltalban csak a vkony, kis erally only thin counterpane-like vegetation made from ma-
fajlagos tmeg paplanszer zldestsekrl lehet sz. terials with low specific gravity can be used.
Igen fontos viszont a teherhord szerkezet teherbr- Load bearing capacity and rigidity (deformity) of the
sa s merevsge (alakvltozsai) annl is inkbb, mivel a ter- roof deck are very important parameters because the roof
mtalaj s a nvnyzet esetenknt a mrtkad terhels soil and the vegetation can form significant part of the total
jelents rszt teheti ki. Klfldi szakirodalmi adatok szerint load. According to data of the relevant international litera-
az egyes tetrtegek szraz fajlagos tmegt a kvetkez ture the dry specific gravity of the individual roof layers
rtkekkel lehet szmtsba venni: can be considered with the following values:

Bokrok s fsszrak Shrubs and plants with tree stem

150 cm-ig 0,20 kN/m 2 up to 150 cm 0.20 kPa
300 cm-ig 0,30 kN/m 2 up to 300 cm 0.30 kPa
Bokrok s kis fsszrak Shrubs and plants with low tree stem
0,10 kN/m 2 0.10 kPa
Cserjk, f, sgyep, sznyegnvnyzet Shrubs, grass, original lawn, ground cover
0,003 - 0,05 kN/m 2 0.03-0.05 kPa
Termtalaj 8-13 kN/m 3 Soil 8-13 kPa
Kavicsfeltlts 18 kN/m 3 Gravel filling 18 kPa
Drain-feltltsek 8-20 kN/m 3 Drainage 8-20 kPa

A tetfdm llkonysga s alakvltozs-korltozsa Sitting for structural strengthand deflection resistance of

szempontjbl termszetesen a tetfld, illetve a drain- roof the mass of soil and draining layers should be consid-
feltltsek nedves, azaz vzzel teltett tmege a mrtka- ered as saturated with water. This depends on the water
d, amely az anyagok vzmegtart kpessgtl is fgg. E holding ability of the materials used. These parameters
jellemzket minden esetben (a klnfle tipizlt s egye- should be determined for each case (also for the various
di talajkeverkeknl is) meg kell hatrozni, mivel a teher- standardised or special soil blends) because undersizing of
hord szerkezetek alulmretezse veszlyes, de tlmrete- the roof structure is dangerous, while oversizing is not justi-
zsk sem indokolt. fied.
j tetszerkezeteknl mindenkppen tancsosabb For new roofs it is advisable to me a monolithic rein-
monolit vasbeton fdmet tervezni, egyrszt azrt, mert itt forced concrete slab partly because this structure can be


a szerkezet pontosan mretezhet s szinte tkletesen sized exatly and can be matched almost pefectly and partly
egyttdolgoz, msrszt pedig azrt, mert az elregyr- because load capacity (and rigidity) of the prefabricated el-
tott elemes fdmszerkezetek teherbrsnak (s merevs- ements is strongly limited. It can be demonstrated that for
gnek) mrtke ersen korltozott. Kimutathat pldul, instance among the usually applied beam- and infill structu-
hogy a jratos hazai fdmszerkezetek kzl a gerends- res those having the highest strength are rarely suitable for
blstestes tpusszerkezetek legersebb vltozatai 540 covering roof soils thicker than 25 cm if the span exceeds
cm falkz felett, a pallfdmek pedig 600 cm falkz felett 540 cm. R.c. plank floors may be suitable such loads up to
mr csak elvtve alkalmasak 25 cm-nl vastagabb tetfld about 6 m spans. However it should be admitted that the
hordsra. Az igazsghoz azonban az is hozztartozik, hogy actual load of extensive green roofs with soil thickness less
a 20 cm-nl nem vastagabb tetflddel kszl (extenzv) than 20 cm is not higher or only slightly higher than that of
zldtetk mrtkad terhelse nem, vagy alig nagyobb, non trafficable (and not green) heavy roofs or roof terraces.
mint az un. nehz vdrteggel leterhelt nem jrhat (s Surface equalising and surface finishing layers (1) are
nem zldestett) tetk, vagy a terasztetk. matched to the roof structure both with their material and
A felletkiegyenlt s felletkpz rtegek (1) anya- application in technology.
gukban s beptsi technolgijukban a teherhord szer-
kezethez ktdnek.

A lejtst ad rteg (3) Sloping layer (3)

Zldtetknl a csapadkvz szigetels megfelel lejtst A layer to provide slope for the water proof membrane is
biztost rteg fordtott rtegrend tetknl minden eset- placed above the structure is necessarily for roofs with re-
ben, egyenes rtegrend tetknl pedig clszeren a teher- verse layer sequence and advisable for conventional roofs
hord szerkezet felett kszl (kivtelt legfeljebb az az eset (the only exception can be the case if this layer already ex-
jelenthet, ha rgi, feljtand egyenes rtegrend tetnl a ists under the membrane of an old roof to renovated).
csapadkvz szigetels alatt ptettk be ezt a rteget). A screed laid to falls should be made from gravel con-
A lejtst ad rteget lehetleg kavicsbetonbl kell k- crete if possible. Light weight concrete layers or the
szteni, mivel a knnybeton, illetve a lpcssen elhelye- stepped thermal insulation sheets used as a base to re-
zett hszigetel tblkkal kiknnytett kavicsbeton lejtst duce the screed thickness are rather vulnerable in respect
ad rteggel ksztett szerkezetek nedvessgtechnikai (p- of vapour diffusion. However this does not mean that ap-
radiffzis) szempontbl meglehetsen rzkenyek. Ez plication of such structures is prohibited but speacial atten-
termszetesen nem jelenti azt, hogy ezek alkalmazsa tilos, tion should be paid to moisture and vapour control of the
de ilyenkor klns gondot kell fordtani a tetszerkezet roof structure.
nedvessgtechnikai ellenrzsre. The required slope of the screed (or the water proof
A lejtst ad rteg (illetve a csapadkvz szigetels) membrane) is a minimum of 2% on the roof surface and at
megkvnt lejtse a tetskokban legalbb 2,0 %, a tethaj- least 1.5% in roof valleys. It should be noted that providing
latokban (vpkban) pedig legalbb 1,5 %. Tudni kell, hogy this value as an `average slope` is in sufficient because this
nem elegend az tlagos lejts biztostsa, mivel ez nem does not gurantee the full and safe water drainage: water
garantlja a teljes s biztos vzelvezetst: a felleti gdrs- can be retaired in depressions on the roof structure. Provi-
sg tarts vzmegllsokat okozhat. Az elrt lejts biztos- sion of the required slope for green roofs is even more im-
tsa zldtetknl taln mg fontosabb, mint ms tettpu- portant than for other roof types because damages origi-
soknl, mivel a vzelvezetsi hibkbl ered krosodsok nating from insufficient water drainage can be repaired later
utlag csak igen krlmnyesen javthatk, s ltalban mg only with difficulties and generally locating the determina-
a hibahely megllaptsa sem egyszer feladat. tion of the place of fault is not a simple task.

A prazr (prafkez) rteg (4) Vapour barrier (4)

Fknt egyenes rtegrend zldtetknl szksges szerke- Protecting the structure against vapour penetration as from
zeti rteg, amely alulrl vdi a szerkezetet a pradiffzival below is necessary especially for some conventional green
bejut nedvessg ellen, cskkentve annak mrtkt, illetve roofs by controlling its rate and volume. A vapour barrier
mennyisgt. A prazr rteg csak legalbb 0,1 millimter layer can be aluminium foil with a thickness of at least 0.1
vastagsg alumniumflia lehet, amelyet ltalban kasro- mm which is generally produced in laminated form (e.g.
zott formban (pl. bitumenes lemezekkel trstva) gyrta- combined with bitumenous sheets). Application of vapour
nak. Prafkez rteg (pl. manyag flia) beptse akkor retarding layer (e.g. plastic foil) can only be suitable if the
lehet elegend, ha a csapadkvz szigetels pradiffzis el- vapour diffusion resistance of the water-proof membrane is
lenllsa kicsi (pl. egyes lgy PVC szigetelseknl). A leme- low (e.g. in case of some soft PVC insulation layers). Sheets


zeket nemcsak a tetfelleteken kell elhelyezni, hanem a should be placed not only on the roof surfaces but they
klnfle szeglyezseknl fel kell hajtani s prazr m- should be carried up at the edges and tightly connected to
don kell csatlakoztatni a fogad szerkezetekhez. ltalban the receiving structure. Vapour sealing connection of sheets
problmt jelent a lemezcsatlakozsok prazr kialaktsa, and suitable connection at roof penetrations and at installa-
valamint a prazr rteg s a tetttrsek, kiegszt tions may often cause problems.
szerkezetek kifogstalan kapcsolatkpzse.

A hszigetel rteg (5) Thermal insulation layer (5)

Az egyenes rtegrend zldtetk hszigetel rtege, illetve Thermal insulation layer for conventional roofs or the low-
a ketts hszigetels tetk als hszigetel rtege lnye- er insulation layer of roofs with double insulation layer can
gben brmilyen, de legalbb terhelhet minsg s cl- be selected from good quality insulating materials (with
szeren a j hszigetel anyagok krbe (hvezetsi t- thermal conductivity not higher than 0.05 W/mK) which can
nyez legfeljebb 0,05 W/mK) tartoz anyagokbl kszthe - load carry the imposed. It is an advantage if this material is
tk. Termszetesen elnys, ha az anyag nedvessgre ke- moisture resistant and its compacting caused by load is ne-
vss rzkeny, s terhels okozta sszenyomdsa sem glegible: in this respect rigid plastic foams and slabs can be
szmottev: ilyen szempontbl pedig leginkbb a kemny considerated.
(rideg) manyaghabok, illetve lemeztermkek jhetnek The thermal insulation layer for inverted roofs in Hun-
szmtsba. gary is in most cases extruded polystyrene foam slabs. This
A fordtott rtegrend zldtetk hszigetel rtege material is made suitable for building into the roof structure
Magyarorszgon legtbbszr extrudlt polisztirolhab leme- above the water proofing by its water repellent (low water
zekbl kszl. Ezt az anyagot vztaszt kpessge (jelen- absorption), freeze resistance, not resistance, chemical re-
tktelen mrtk vzfelvtele), fagyllsga, korhadsmen- sistance, compressive strength and very good thermal insu-
tessge, vegyi ellenllkpessge, nyomszilrdsga s igen lation properly. Thermal insulation slabs have T&G edges,
j hszigetel kpessge teszi alkalmass arra, hogy a csa- which eliminates thermal bridges. These slabscan be laid on-
padkvz szigetels felett pthessk be. A hszigetel tb- ly in one layer because otherwise a water-film could form
lk krben csaphornyos (rokeresztkes) kikpzsek, the layers - which would be a vapour barrier. For the same
ami lehetv teszi hhdmentes illesztsket. A tblkat reason the insulation a layer should not be covered with lay-
csak egy rtegben szabad elhelyezni, mivel ellenkez eset- er of vapour barrier material.
ben a hszigetel rtegek kztt prazr kpessg vz- The upper thermal insulation layer of the double in-
film keletkezne. Ugyanilyen okbl a hszigetel rteget sulated green roof is may be extruded polystyrene foam
nem szabad prafkez tulajdonsg rteggel letakarni. slabs or extruded or expanded polystyrene drainage trays.
A ketts hszigetels zldtetk fels hszigetel r-
tegt vagy extrudlt polisztirolhab sklemezekbl, vagy pe-
dig formra sajtolt (extrudlt vagy expandlt) polisztirolhab
drenzs-tlckbl lehet kszteni.

Az elvlaszt-vd rteg (6) Separating-protecting layer (6)

Erre a rtegre egyrszt olyan fordtott rtegrend tetknl This layer would be necessary for inverted roofs - laid bet-
lehet szksg - a lejtst ad rteg s a csapadkvz szigete- ween the screed and the water proof membrane - where
ls kz elhelyezve - ahol a csapadkvz szigetelst nem ra- this membrane is not bonded by the base (which is not a
gasztssal rgztik (ami egybknt sem igny, hiszen a felet- general demand as the thermal insulating layer will be
te elhelyezett hszigetels leterhelse amgyis szksges). loaded in any case). The function of this layer is surface
A rteg funkcija felletkiegyenlts (vagyis az rzkeny vz- equalization (that is protection of the vulnerable membrane
szigetels als oldali vdelme mechanikai hatsok ellen), il- from mechanical impact) or separation of the base and the
letve az aljzat s a szigetels elvlasztsa lehet (ha azok k- insulation (if they are incompatible chemically). In case of
miai szempontbl ssze nem illek). Egyenes rtegrend conventional roofs the separation of the insulation and the
tetknl fknt az utbbi funkci, azaz a hszigetels s a membrane can be important (e.g. in case of polystyrene
csapadkvz szigetels elvlasztsa lehet fontos (pldul po- foam insulation and PVC membrane). Its substance is in
lisztirolhab hszigetels s lgy PVC lemez vzszigetels most cases is a plastic (e.g. polypropylene), film or felt.
esetn). Anyaga legtbbszr nemsztt manyag (pl. poli- Sheets are freely laid onto the base or onto the stet layer
propiln) vlies, vagy filc. A lemezeket 10 cm-es tlapolssal, with overlaps of some 10 cm.
szabadon fektetik az aljzatra, illetve a hszigetel rtegre.


A csapadkvz szigetels (7) Water proof membrane (7)
Elvben brmilyen lemezszigetels szba jhet - kivve a In principle any kind of material can be accepted - except
korhad hordozanyag bitumenes lemezeket. A gyakor- bitumenous sheets with a base liable to rotting. However
latban azonban a zldtetknl klnsen fontos a csapa- permanent water impermeability of the membrane is ex-
dkvz szigetels tarts vzhatlansga, hiszen tetbezs tremely important for geen roofs, as if a roof leaks, finding
esetn a hibahely megkeresse s a javts igen krlm- and repairing the leak are very complicated. For this reason
nyes. Ezrt eltrbe kerlnek a fokozott biztonsg lemez- of increased safety, with discrete sheets the splicing of
kapcsolatokkal kialakthat, pldul hegesztssel vgtelent- sheets with welding or vulcanization (e.g. soft PVC shee and
het szigetelsek (mint pldul a lgy PVC lemez szigetel- EPDM film membranes produced by vulcanization) is pre-
sek), mginkbb pedig az zemben elregyrtott lepelszige- ferred, or the use of factory-prepared large surface sheets.
telsek (ilyenek pldul a vulkanizlssal leplestett EPDM It is an advantege if the membrane is resistant to roots
lemez szigetelsek). by its material and connections consequently no special
Ugyancsak elnys, ha a csapadkvz szigetels anya- protection layer against roots (8) is necessary. For this pur-
gban s (fknt) kapcsolataiban is gykrll, azaz nem pose the use of the above described welded plastic mem-
szksges kln vdrteg (8) elhelyezse. Ilyen tekintet- branes can be recommended - if they are suitable and their
ben ugyancsak az elzekben krlrt, hegeszthet, illetve suitability is validated by authorised testing stations. Root re-
leplesthet manyag szigetel lemezek hasznlata ajnlha- sistant modified bitumenous sheets are also available -
t - ha ezek minst intzet ltal igazoltan alkalmasak. thesse are supplied generally with a special lining.
Gyrtanak gykrll minsg modifiklt bitumenes leme- Careful testing, thorough control of splices and joints
zeket is - ltalban klnleges hordozrtegekkel elltva. as well as water resistance test by water floading after com-
A csapadkvz szigetels beptst kvet gondos pletion of in the water proof membrane are indispensable.
tvizsgls, a lemezkapcsolatok tzetes ellenrzse, s a tel-
jes szigetels vzhatlansgi prbja (elrasztsos vizsglata)

A gykrzet elleni vdrteg (8) Protecting layer against roots (8)

Amg az elz (1-7) rtegek minden lapostetnl elfor- Whilst the previous layers (1-7) occur on every flat roof,
dul(hat)nak, ez a rteg mr a zldtetk specilis szerkezeti this layer belongs particulary to green roofs.
rtegei kz tartozik. Roots of plants are able to make unbelievable feats in
A nvnyek gykrzete az ltet vz keresse rde- order to search for life-giving water: they find every gap and
kben hihetetlen attrakcikra kpes: megtall minden rst, are able to travel several meters between structural lay-
hzagot, s mtereket kpes utazni a szerkezeti rtegek ers.
kztt. If the rainwater membrane is not resistant to roots or
Ha a csapadkvz szigetels nem (bizonytottan) gy- this is not proven, extra protection is necessary. For this
krll, kln vdrtegre van szksg. Erre a clra ltal- purpose generally large sized polypropylene or soft PVC
ban nagymret polietiln, vagy lgy PVC szlesflikat (f- foils (foil sheets) are used. Because these foils generally can-
lialepedket) hasznlnak. Mivel ezek a flik az ptshely- not be welded or stuck together in situ extremely large
sznen ltalban nem hegeszthetk vagy ragaszthatk, szo- (50...100 cm wide) overlapping and laying of double layers
katlanul nagy (50...100 cm szles) lemeztlapolsokra s are necessary.
ktrteg elhelyezskre van szksg. Root barriers should be carried up to the height of
A gykrgtat a csapadkvz szigetels szeglyezsei- the insulation at the edges of the water proofing (e.g.
nl (pldul az attikafalak s felptmnyek kerlete men- around the outline of parapet walls and superstructures)
tn) a szigetelssel azonos magassgig, vagyis legalbb 15 that is at least 15 cm above the top of the roof soil. Pro-
centimterrel a termfld fels szintje fl kell felvezetni. A tective covering of the waterproof membrane rolled up at
szeglyeknl felhajtott csapadkvz szigetels s a vdr- the edges and of the root-protection should always be pro-
teg vdelmrl, takarsrl minden esetben gondoskodni vided.
kell. For conventional green roofs with straight layer se-
Az egyenes rtegrend zldtetknl pratechnikai szem- quence it is desirable from the vapour control point of view
pontbl kvnatos, hogy a gykrzet elleni vdrteg(ek) that the vapour resistance of the protecting layers against
pradiffzis ellenllsa minl kisebb legyen : ilyen szem- roots should be as low as possible; in this respect PVC foils
pontbl a PVC flik elnysebbek. are favourable.


A vztroz - vzelvezet (drenzs) rteg (9) A Water holding - water draining layer (9)
E rteg, vagy rtegek alapvet feladata a nvny- The basic objective of this layer or layers is hold-
zet szmra szksges vzmennyisg megtart- ing, retarding and storing of water necessary for
sa, visszatartsa, trozsa, illetve a felesleges vz the vegetation and quick draining of surplus water
gyors elvezetse, elszivrogtatsa a szerkezetbl, from the structure in order to avoid the soil be-
a vzfeltorlds elkerlse rdekben. A vztro- coming water-logged. Material- and element
z-vzelvezet drenzs rtegek anyag-, s elem- choice for the water holding and water draining
Szr-szivrogtat paplan
vlasztka meglehetsen gazdag, s ezek az anya- Filtering-draining quilt layers is fairly wide and in addition to holding and
gok s termkek gyakorta nem csak a vz megtar- draining of the water these materials and products
tsra s elszivrogtatsra, hanem egyb funkci- are often suitable for performing other functions
k betltsre is alkalmasak. gy pldul rsztve- as well. For instance they can take part in the fil-
hetnek a szrs feladatnak elltsban (mert tration (because they limit wash out and migration
korltozzk a tpanyagok s finom talajszemcsk of nutrients and fine particles by the draining wa-
kimosdst s elhordst a szivrg vz ltal), ter) or they can form the upper thermal insulation
vagy a ketts hszigetels zldtetk fels hszi- layer of the green roof with double insulation, or
getel rtegt kpezhetik, sokszor pedig alkalma- Drenzs feltlts they maybe suitable for the ventilation of the
sak a zldtets felptmny kiszellztetsre, illet- Drainage filling green roof superstructure as well as for holding
ve a hszigetels leterhelsre is. C down the insulation layer.
Ha csoportostani akarjuk ezeket az anya- If these materials and products are to be
gokat s termkeket, akkor elsknt azokat a grouped into functional categories, then the
drenzs-rtegeket kell megemlteni, amelyek j- drainage layers should be mentioned first, which
szerivel csak a szrs s szivrogtats feladatnak perform only the task of filtering and draining. For
elltsra alkalmasak. Ha csak ez a feladat, erre a these plant-compatible products with stable struc-
tartsan stabil struktrj, nvnyzetbart, az id- ture, resistant to wheather, chemical and physical
Porzus vegetcis tlca
jrsi, vegyi s fizikai hatsoknak ellenll s meg- Porous vegetation tray effects and with suitable water absorbing capabil-
felel vzelnyel kpessg anyagok s termkek ity can be used. Drain fillings prepared from round
is megfelelnek. Ide tartoznak pldul a gmbly
D river gravels (B) and quilts made from rigid woven
szem folyami kavicsbl ksztett drnfeltltsek plastic fibres combined with plastic felt (A) belong
(B), valamint a manyagfilc szrrteggel trstott, to this group.
merev manyagszl-szvedkekbl kialaktott It is often requrired that the drainage layer
paplanok (A). should serve not only as drainage but also for
ltalban igny, hogy a szivrg rteg ne storage of. Requirements of the quick and good
csupn a vztelentst szolglja, hanem a bejut drainage (materials with large pore volume) and
Sajtolt manyaglemez
vz tartalkolst, trolst is. A gyors s j vzte- drenzstlca that of the absorption of water through capillaries
lents (nagy lgtrfogat), illetve a kapillrisok t- Press-formed plastic drainage (materials with small pore volume) are contradic-
jn trtn vzfelszvds (kis prusok) kvetel- tory. Both can be performed only by drainage
mnyei ellentmondak, s csak svnyi eredet, layers made from granular materials of mineral
szemcss anyagokbl (pl. duzzasztott agyag, tufa, origin (e.g. expanded clay, vermuculite, tuff,
habk) s viszonylag nagy rtegvastagsggal lehet pumice stone) and with relatively high layer thick-
mindkt felttelnek megfelel drenzs-feltltse- ness (B). Expanden vermiculite is especially suit-
ket (B) kszteni. A duzzasztott agyagkavics nagy able for the water storing function.
vzfelvev kpessge miatt klnsen alkalmas a Porous plant-trays with vegetation (C) are
vzmegtart funkcira. also widesly used which take part in the fixation of
Elterjedtek a porzus vegetcis tlck (C) Hszigetel anyag plants by roof penetrating into the pores which
is, amelyek tgykeresedsk rvn rsztvesznek Drainage tray made from are good water reservoires.
a nvnyzet rgztsben s prustartalmuk thermal insulation material Plastic trays (D) formed by die-pressing and
rvn j vztrozk is. F made from hard and rot-resistant plastic (general-
Gyakran hasznljk drenzs rtegknt a ke- ly PVC) are frequently used as a drainage layer.
mny, korhadsll manyagbl (ltalban PVC- These have a small wall thickness, rigidity ensured
bl) formra sajtolt manyag tlckat (D), ame- by the shape and can with stand on reasonable
Elkultivlt vegetcis
lyek a profilkpzs rvn kis falvastagsggal is paplan load. Due to the profile formation (bottom two
megfelel merevsgek, jl terhelhetk. A profi- Pre-cultivated vegetation directional channel system in and water storing


lrozs (ktirny als csatornarendszer, a fels rszen kia- hollows on top egg-crates) such trays are suitable for stor-
laktott vztroz mlyedsek, tojstartk) rvn alkalma- ing water of a certain volume, but draining surplus water
sak bizonyos csapadkmennyisg megtartsra, a felesleges quickly and ventilating through the drainage layer. (This is
vz gyors elvezetsre, a drenzs-rteg tszellztetsre beneficial not only for the roof structure but also prevents
(ami nemcsak a tetszerkezet szempontjbl elnys, de the roots.) Perforations formed on the upper part of trays
megakadlyozza, hogy a mlyebbre hatol gykerek befl- play a role in the vapour ventilation of the roof structure.
ledjenek). A tlck fels rszn kialaktott perforcik a te- Elements with various heights can be matched to the
tszerkezet pradiffzis szellztetsben jtszanak sze- given conditions and demands (storable water volume , rate
repet. of water draining, etc.). Top depressions of drainage trays
A klnbz magassg elemekkel alkalmazkodni le- serving for water storage are frequently filled up with gran-
het az adott krlmnyekhez s ignyekhez (trolhat vz- ular materials of good water absorbing capability and/or
mennyisg, vzelvezets sebessge, stb.) A drenzs tlck suitable for nourishing the vegetation layer for extended
fels, vztrozsra szolgl mlyedseit sokszor j vzfelsz- periods (e.g. perlite, zeolite, etc.).
v kpessg, s/vagy a vegetcis rteg hossztv tp- Drainage trays made of thermal insulation materials
llsra alkalmas szemcss anyagokkal (pl. perlit, zeolit, (E) are similar to the previously described ones but due to
stb.) tltik ki. their larger wall thickness and thermal insulation capacity
A hszigetel anyag drenzs-tlck (E) sokban ha- they can also fulfil the function of the upper thermal insula-
sonltanak az elbbiekhez, de nagyobb falvastagsguk s h- tion layer of roofs with double thermal insulation. They have
szigetel kpessgk rvn betlthetik a ketts hszigete- two main types: one of them is of low thermal insulation
ls zldtetk fels hszigetel rtegnek a szerept is. Kt value (for this reason it is ignored for heat transfer calcula-
f vltozatuk van. Az egyik csekly hszigetel kpessg tions) but consists of recycled materials. Hard trays made of
(s ezrt a htechnikai mretezsnl nem is veszik szm- extruded polystyrene foam can also serve as insulation for
tsba), m jrahasznostott (recycling) anyagsszetevket inverted roofs. Although water absorption of the expanded
tartalmaz. A kemny, extrudlt polisztirolhabbl ksztett polystyrene foam trays can reach 10-15%, the thermal re-
tlck mr a fordtott rtegrend tetk hszigetelseknt is sistance of thicker elements is considerable even in saturat-
alkalmasak. Br az expandlt polisztirolhab tlck habanya- ed state. They can be used as upper thermal insulation lay-
gnak vzfelvtele 10-15 % is lehet, a vastagabb elemek h- er for double roofs.
vezetsi ellenllsa gy is szmottev, s DUO-tetk fels
hszigetelseknt alkalmazhatk.

sajtolt manyag drenzstlca sajtolt manyag drenzstlca
pressed olastic drainige tray pressed plastic drainige tray


polisztirolhab drenzstlca polisztirolhab drenzstlca
Polytstyrene foam drainige tray Polytstyrene foam drainige tray


A szendvicsszerkezet drenzs elemek egyik alkote- One of the components of the drainage trays of sand-
leme akr formra sajtolt kemny manyagtlca, akr for- wich structure can be either a hard plastic tray or a plastic
mra sajtolt manyaghab tlca lehet. Ezeket trstjk mr a foam tray, both produced by die-stamping. These are com-
gyrtzemben valamilyen szrrteggel (pl. vastag ma- bined already in the manufacturing plant with a filtering lay-
nyagfilccel), meggyorstand a zldtet kivitelezst. A sz- er (e.g. thick plastic felt) in order to reduce in-situ waste in
nyegszer filcrteg egyttal nmi vz trolsra s mechani- the green roof construction. This carpet-like felt layer can be
kai vdrtegknt (az anyagmozgats s a kertszeti tev- used also for storing some water and as mechanical protec-
kenysgek kros mechanikai hatsai ellen) is alkalmas lehet. tion layer (against damages caused by material transporta-
Ide tartozik, hogy klfldn ksztenek mr olyan tion and gardening activities).
elregyrtott elemeket is, amelyek a zldtet valamennyi Prefabricated elements which incorporate all layers
rtegt tartalmazzk. Az elz oldal baloldali brja egy of the green roofs are already available in some countries.
ilyet mutat be, ahol az E tpus, formra sajtolt manyag- Such elements can be seen in figure F where the die-
hab tlca a szrrteggel, termtalajjal s az elkultivlt n- stamped E type plastic foam tray is transported to the
vnyzettel egytt kerl ki az pletre, vagyis a zldtet-fe- building together with a filtering layer, the roof soil and pre-
lptmny kivitelezse e tlck elhelyezsre egyszersdik. cultivated vegetation, consequently implementation of the
Az F.) bra alkultivlt vegetcis paplant mutat be. green roof construction is simplier.

A szr-vd rteg (10) Filtering-protecting layer (10)

Ez a rteg meggtolja, hogy a finomszemcss talaj-, vagy This layer stops that fine soil or nutrient particles being
tpanyagrszecskk a tetfldbl a vzmegtart (drenzs) washed into the water reservoir (drainage) layer from the
rtegbe mosdjanak s annak vztereszt kpessgt roof soil and would reduce its water permeability. For this
cskkentsk. Erre a clra ltalban finom szvs, nem kor- reason generally fine woven, non-rotting plastic textile, felt
had, jelents hz-, s tnyom szilrdsg manyagsz- or gauze with considerable tensile and bearing strength are
vetet, filcet, vliest hasznlnak. A rteg anyaga nem tartal- used. The material of the layer should not contain soluble
mazhat a nvnyzetre kros, oldd anyagot. Minsge a components harmful to the vegetation. Quality should be
hasznlat sorn nem cskkenhet, nem akadlyozhatja meg maintained for a long time in use, should not hinder the
a felesleges vz elfolyst s nem szakthatja meg a vz kapil- draining of surplus water and should not hinder migration of
lris feljutst a drenzs rtegbl. tgykeresedse rvn water upwards through capillaries from the drainage layer.
rszt vehet a nvnyzet rgztsben. Clszer vastagabb, Roots penetrating into this layer can also help in the fixation
ersebb anyagot vlasztani szrrtegknt, mivel gy az a of vegetation It is advisable to use a stronger and thicker lay-
mechanikai hatsok elleni vdrtegknt is hasznlhat. er as it will be then also act as protection against the me-
chanical damage.

A termfld (11) Roof soil

A termfld (tetfld, termeszt-kzeg, talajkeve- Roof soil, (cultivation layer, soil mixture) is possible the most
rk) a zldtetk taln legfontosabb rtege. important part of the green roofs.
A zldtetk ltestsekor arnylag csekly vastagsg When creating green roofs only a relatively thin soil
talajrteget tudunk felhordani a tetre, mgis azt kvnjuk, layer can be placed on to the roof but rich greening and
hogy zldljn, virgozzon a kert. A nvnyek talajignye blooming is required. Soil demand of the various plants is
eredeti termhelykn is igen klnbz. Vannak olyanok, very different even in their original cultivation area. There
amelyek berik a sziklarsekbe szorult kevs flddel, msok are those being satisfied with little soil found in gaps of rock
mg arnylag ignytelenek, de gykereiknek mr nmi hu- gardens, others are relatively undemanding but their roots
muszra s j arasznyi talajra felttlenl szksgk van. A k- need some humus and a soil layer of around a good hand.
zepes igny nvnyeknek tbb humuszra, a sziklanv- Plants of medium demand need more humus, rocky plants
nyeknek tbb kzetlisztre, murvra, durvbb ktrmelkre need more stone powder, fine and rough crushed stone.
van szksge. Even from this short description it can be seen that
Ebbl a rvid jellemzsbl is belthat, hogy nem le- soil found around the house can not be simply brought up
het egyszeren a hz mellett tallhat fldet felhordani a to the roof: a special soil mixture should be prepared. This
tetre: talajkeverket kell ksztennk. A talajkeverk - fizi- soil mixture should meet - in its physical and chemical prop-
kai s kmiai tulajdonsgai rvn - a kvetkez ignyeknek erties - the following requirements:
feleljen meg :


Legyen tartsan vztereszt tulajdonsg, It should be water permeable on the long term,
Elegend leveg legyen a talaj hzagaiban s vz a hajszl- Sufficient air should be be present in its pores and suffi-
csveiben, vzzel teltetten is legalbb 15 % lgprustar- cient water in capillaries; even when saturated with water
talma legyen, at least 15% air should be present in pores,
Legyen stabil s formatart, megfelel tartst biztostson It should be stable and keeping its form providing suitable
a gykereknek s elegend stabilitst a hajtsoknak, hold for roots and sufficient stability for sprouts
lljon ellen az erzinak, It should resist erosion,
Vzzel teltett trfogattmege 1000 kg/m3-nl kisebb le- Its bulk density should be less than 1000 kg/m3 when sat-
gyen, urated with water,
Kmhatsa enyhn savas, azaz 5,5 s 6,5 PH rtk kzt- Its pH should be slightly acidic between values of 5.5 and
ti legyen, 6.5,
Tpanyagfelvtele s leadsa hatkony legyen, the nutrient take up and release should be effective,
A talajrteg torld nedvessggel ne rintkezzen, The soil layer should not have direct contact with surplus
A talajt tszv gykrzet ne lgjon bele a visszatartott, water
trozott vzbe (pl. drenzsoknl), mert akkor elrothadhat. Roots weaving through the soil should not reach into the
reserved water (e.g. at drainage layers)to avoid will rotting.
(termszetes s javtott fldek) (natural and improved soils)
Ezeknl a tl durva szemcsj homok - tisztn alkalmazva - Neither very rough sand - when applied alone itself - nor
pp gy nem megfelel, mint a kolloidlis mret rszecs- colloidal clay are suitable, the latter may compresses the
kkbl ll tiszta agyag, amely tlsgosan szortja a gyke- roots and so it hinders growth.
reket, akadlyozza a nvekedst. Based on physical properties of soils a mixture of sand
A talaj fizikai adottsga alapjn modellszeren a ho- and clay or soil of medium grain size are most suitable. In
mok s az agyag keverke, vagy a kzepes szemcsenagys- such a mixture the air content is provided by the sand of
g alkotrszekbl ll fld a megfelel. Az ilyen tetfld- large grain-size while water holding capacity is provided by
ben a levegssget a lazn fekv homokszemcsk, a vztar- the swelling clay particles. To increase water holding capac-
tst a jl duzzad agyagszemcsk adjk. A vztart kpessg ity perlite (which is an artificially exposed rock product) can
fokozsra perlitet (teht egy mestersgesen puffasztott be used.
kzetszrmazkot) lehet hasznlni. Nourishing capacity of the soil originates from de-
A talaj tpllkpessge az svnyi szemcsk s a hu- composition of the minerals and humus components. Hu-
muszanyag bomlsbl addik. A humusz a nvnyek s l- mus originates from decomposition of plant and animal
latok elbomlott anyagaibl keletkezik: tmenetet kpez a bodies, it is a transition between inorganic minerals and liv-
szervetlen svny s az l nvnyzet kztt, s az tmenet ing vegetation. A good blend of this transition is reswarded
zkkenmentessgt a nvnyek harmonikus fejldssel by the plants with harmonic development.
hlljk meg. For preparing such soil mixture sandy and clay-con-
A talajkeverk ksztshez a homokos s agyagos ta- taining soil should be used in a ratio of 50:50 or a natural
lajt fele-fele arnyban elre ssze kell keverni, vagy olyan soil with about the same ratio should be found.
termszetes talajflesget kell keresni, amelyben megkze- Nourishing capability of the mineral part of the mix-
ltleg ez az arny. ture can be increased by adding stone powder to the mix-
Az svnyi rsz tpllkpessgt a keverkhez adott ture. For this purpuse ground zeolites are most suitable. Ri-
kzetlisztekkel fokozhatjuk. Erre legmegfelelbb a zeolit jel- olite tufa grit is a bit more acidic which is especially useful if
leg kzetek rlemnye. Valamivel savasabb a riolit tufa r- the original mix is alkaline due to its lime content.
lemny, amely klnsen akkor hasznos, ha az eredeti fld- Humus content - just because of the small soilthick-
keverk meszes. ness - should be enriched. For this purpose fully ripe com-
A humusztartalmat - ppen a sekly talajrteg miatt - posted farmyard manure or compost of combined origin is
dstanunk kell. Erre alkalmas a teljesen rett, komposztlt suitable. Because the plants will unavoidably suffer a little on
istlltrgya, vagy a vegyes eredet komposzt. Mivel a n- the roof because of the lack of subsoil, the use of biody-
vnyek az altalaj hinya miatt nmileg mindenkppen szen- namic medicinal plant preparations may be advisable for the
vednek a tetn, nem tnik feleslegesnek a gygyt hats compost production.
biodinamikus gygynvnyprepartumok hasznlata sem a In soils with good humus quality not only small ani-
komposztkszts sorn. mals, fungi and bacteria, but also earthworms appear on
green roofs.


A j humuszos talajban nem csak az aprtest llatok, a Soil passing through the bowels of earthworms is much
gombafonalak s baktriumok, hanem mr a nagyobb tes- more fertile than other soil components. This is the reason
t fldigilisztk is megjelennek a zldtetn. A giliszta blcsa- why earthworms are used for processing organic materials.
tornjn thalad fld sokszorosan termkenyebb, mint a Soil mixture can be effectively enriched also with humus
tbbi talajrsz. Ezrt vlt szokss a szerves anyagok felt- produced by earthworms, which is available commercially.
rsa, ugyan nem a fldi, hanem az un. trgyagilisztkkal. A The effect of earthworm produced humus can be improved
kereskedelemben forgalmazott gilisztahumusszal is hatso- with biodynamic preparations.
san dsthat a talajkeverk. A biodinamikus prepartu- The use of fertilisers and synthetic plant protecting
mokkal kszlt gilisztahumusz hatsa mg fokozottabb. agents is not recommended for green roofs. Serious rea-
A zldtetkre nem ajnlott a mtrgyk s szintetikus sons prohibit their use. Plants need a multitude of elements,
nvnyvdszerek hasznlata. Felhasznlsuk ellen nyoms not only those contained in fertilisers or in those sprayed
okok szlnak. A nvnyeknek ugyanis igen sok elemre van onto leafs. For this reason the physiological equilibrium of
szksgk, nemcsak azokra, amelyeket a mtrgyzssal - plants cultivated in fertilized areas will beupset and their
belertve a levlpermetezst is - kijuttathatunk. Ezrt a m- health could be maintained only with toxic plant protecting
trgyzott terletek nvnyeinek lettani egyenslya felbo- agents, but this can not be accepted for planted FLORA
rul: egszsgket csak mrgez nvnyvdszerekkel le- roofs, which should improve the environment.
hetne fenntartani, ilyesmit viszont a krnyezetjavtsra is
szolgl FLRA-tetkn aligha engedhetnk meg.
A KORSZER TALAJKEVERKEK (specilis tetfldek) MODERN SOIL MIXTURES (special roof soils)
Az egyik vltozatnl szerves s szervetlen anyagokat egya- For one of the alternatives both organic and inorganic ma-
rnt hasznlnak a csrtlantott talajkeverk elksztsnl. terials are used for preparing sterilised soil mixtures. The
A leggyakoribb szerves alkotk: humusz, tzeg, rizs- most frequent organic components are humus, peat, rice
hj, rlt fakreg, a szervetlen anyagok kzl pedig a lva, husk and crushed bark while inorganic components are la-
tufa, duzzasztott agyag, duzzasztott pala, tgla- s cserp- va, tufa, expanded clays or slates, crushed bricks, tiles and
trmelk, zeolit a leggyakrabban hasznlatos alkotelemek. zeolites. This additives must not generate heat and their
A felhasznlt adalkanyagok nem flledhetnek be s tulaj- properties should not change in time.
donsgaik ksbb sem vltozhatnak. For the second alternative exclusively inorganic mate-
A msik vltozatnl kizrlag szervetlen anyagokat rials are used for preparing soil mixtures. Such are for in-
hasznlnak fel a talajkeverk sszelltsnl. Ilyen pldul a stance the ZinColit mineral mixture for use on extensive
nmet ZinColit svnyi keverk, amely extenzv zldtetk- green roofs which consists of ground expanded slates, lava,
nl hasznlhat, s zzott, duzzasztott palbl, lva- s tu- tufa, or slates or that used for the green roof of the PLUS
farlemnybl ll, vagy a ksbbiekben bemutatott PLUS department store (to be shown later) which is a mixture of
lelmiszer Diszkontruhz zldtetjnl hasznlt tetfld, expanded clay pebbles, zeolite and riolite.
amely duzzasztott agyagkavics, zeolit s riolit keverke. A jute net fixed onto the upper surface of the soil can
A vegetcis rteg erzi elleni ideiglenes vdelmt - protect the vegetation layer against erosion until the grow-
amg a megersd nvnyzet nem szvi azt t - szolgl- ing plants interweave with this. This is used first of all for
hatja a fld fels skjra erstett jutahl. Ezt elssorban high-piched green roofs but can also be useful for flat roofs.
meredek hajls zldtetknl hasznljk, de lapostetknl The hemp jute of natural origin will be decomposed in a
is hasznos lehet. A termszetes anyag kenderjuta nhny few years and by this time the living network of plants and
v alatt elbomlik, de addigra mr az tgykereseds tveszi roots will take over its function.
funkcijt. Soil should also be protected later. The soil surface
A talajt ksbb is vdeni kell. A talajfelsznt sohasem shouls not be left uncovered. If vegetation does not fully
szabad takaratlanul hagyni. Ha a nvnyzet mg nem rny- cover the soil, the task is mulching that is covering the soil
kolja be teljesen a talajt, a feladat a mulcsozs, azaz a ta- surface with a thin layer of bark or crushed plant material or
lajfelszn betertse vkony fakreggel, vagy ms krs n- with grass chippings. This kind of coverage protects living or-
vnyanyag zzalkval, esetleg fkaszlkkal. Ez a takars ganisms found in the soil from strong sunshine, heavy rain-
megvdi a talaj lvilgt a tz naptl, a csapestl, a tl- fall and from excessive water loss.
zott vzvesztesgtl. Soil must be protected also during irrigigation: a cold
Az ntzs sorn is vigyzni kell a talajra: a hideg s and heavy water jet would compact the soil while chlori-
ers sugrban ml vz tmrr, a klrozott csapvz lette- nated tap water can make the soil abiotic, however careful-
lenn teheti a nagy gondossggal elksztett talajt. ly it had been prepared.


A nvnyzet (12) Vegetation (12)
Elhanyagolt, rgi lapostetk s magastetk felletn gyak- On the surface of neglected, old flat and high-pitched roofs
ran megjelenik a nvnyzet, szmottev termrteg nlkl vegetation appears frequently without any production layer.
is. Gyakran tapasztaljuk, hogy a termszet erteljesen igyek- It is frequently observed that nature tries to repossess lost
szik visszaszerezni elvesztett terleteit: erre utalnak a rom- areas: ruins of cities are well known exaples of this fact.
vrosok kzismert pldi is. A nvnyzet szvssgnak s These examples of the tenacity and vital force of the vege-
lniakarsnak ezek a pldi azzal bztatjk a zldtetk alkal- tation can encourage those applying green roofs that - when
mazit, hogy - megfelel feltteleket biztostva - valban providing suitable conditions - there are realistic possibilities
relis lehetsg van az urbanizlt terleteken is a nvny- in urban areas to replenish vegetation to the desired extent.
zet kvnatos mrtk visszaptlsra. Intensive covering of roofs with green plants can be
Az intenzv tetzldests tulajdonkppen a kert a defined as `garden on the roof`. In this solution the use (life
tetn fogalmval definilhat. Ennl a megoldsnl a hasz- on the roof) is of principal importance. Gardens need simi-
nlat (let a tetn) ll az eltrben. A tetkert gondos lar care on roofs as at ground level. Intensive green roofs in-
polst ignyel ppen gy, mint a terepszinten. Az intenzv clude trees, bushes, shrubs and lawns as well as other pos-
tetzldestshez fk, bokrok, cserjk s fvestett tetfel- sibilities (e.g. water surfaces, playing grounds, etc.).
letek tartoznak az egyb lehetsgek (pl. vzfelletek, jt- These plants demand considerable care in respect of
szfelletek, stb.) mellett. protection and space demand of roots, water economy and
A nvnyzet meglehetsen ignyes a gykrzet v- nutrient supply of the soil, therefore establishment and
delme s trignye, a vzhztarts, a talaj tpelltsa szem- maintenance costs are substantially higher than that of ex-
pontjbl, ezrt a megvalstsi s karbantartsi kltsgek tensive green roofs.
lnyegesen magasabbak, mint az extenzv mvels tetk. Extensive covering of roofs with green vegetation is
Az extenzv tetzldests valjban a hagyom- one but more useful alternative of the traditional protection
nyos vdelem (pl. leterhel kavicsrteg a lapostetn) egyik (e.g. gravel on the flat roof). Its feature is a multifareous ap-
- de jval hasznosabb - vltozata. Jellemzje egy vltozato- pearance which can be left alone (needing little mainte-
san megjelenthet, magra hagyhat (csak csekly kar- nance only) which can be created with undemanding and
bantartst ignyl) nvnyzet, amely ignytelen, szrazsg- drought resistant shrubs, ground covers and certain grass
tr cserjkkel, gyepptl nvnyekkel s bizonyos ffaj- types. Establishment and maintenance costs are much low-
tkkal is kialakthat. A megvalstsi s karbantartsi klt- er than that for roof gardens while durability and life-span of
sgek egyarnt jval alacsonyabbak a tetkerteknl, the roofs are similar.
ugyanakkor a tet lettartama, tartssgi ideje ezekhez Selection of plants suitable for extensive green roofs
hasonl. is influenced by several factors. These are grouped and de-
Az extenzv zldtetk nvnyanyagnak megvlaszt- scribed in the following way:
st igen sok tnyez befolysolja. Ezeket a kvetkezkp-
pen csoportosthatjuk, illetve rszletezhetjk:

A tetk a ltszat ellenre a klimatikus adottsgok tekintet- In spite of appearance, roofs differ from each other in re-
ben is klnbznek, de a napos kitettsg, a szrazsg s az spect of their climatic conditions but exposure to sunshine,
ers tli fagy a legtbb tetre jellemz hatst jelent. Eltr drought and strong winter frost have characteristic effects
lehet a leveg szennyezettsgnek mrtke is a klnbz on most of the roofs. The degree of air pollution can be dif-
ptsi terleteken. Ezekkel a hatsokkal kapcsolatban a k- ferent in various building areas. In respect of these effects
vetkezket kvnjuk meg az extenzv zldtetk nvnyzet- the following properties are required from plants used for
tl: extensive green roofs:
nagyfok szrazsgtrs (aszly idejn is), high tolerance of dryness (even in case of drought),
napfnykedvel tulajdonsg, htrs a szlssges nyri preference for sunshine, heat tolerance, resistance to
hterhelsek s ers napsugrzs elviselsre, extreme summer heat load and sunshine,
hidegtrs, az un. teljes tlllsg: tarts hidegek elvisel- resistance to cold, winter conditions and long term cold
se htakar vdelem nlkl, without snow cover,
az adott ptsi terlet lgszennyezdsnek elviselse resistance to air pollution of the given site without
krosods nlkl, suffering damage.


Ezeknek a feltteleknek honos nvnytrsulsaink kzl el- These requirements are satisfied from among native plant
ssorban a homoki gyepek, lszgyepek, sziklagyepek s lej- cultures first of all by plants of sandy grass, loess grass, plants
t-sztyepprtek nvnyei, termesztett nvnyeink kzl of rocky and hilly steppe areas, while from among cultivat-
pedig a sziklakertek gyepes nvs pozsgs s szrazsgt- ed plants those of rocky gardens, succulent plants resistant
r nvnyei, valamint szmos hagyms s rhizoms vel to drought and several perennial bulbous or rhizomatous
nvny felel meg. plants.
Az emltett klimatikus jellemzkn tl az egyes ese- In addition to the above mentioned climatic condi-
tekben figyelembe kell venni az ptsi helysznre jellemz tions sun course, different conditions of permanently sunny
napjrst, illetve a tartsan benapozott, vagy tartsan r- or permanently shaded roofs, prevailing wind direction and
nykban lv tetfelletek eltr viszonyait, az uralkod wind speed characteristic to the construction site must be
szlirnyt s szlerssget is. Ezek a tnyezk ms nvny- taken into consideration. These factors can give reason for
csapatok (pl. rnykkedvel, talajtakar nvnyek) felhasz- selecting other plant groups (e.g. shade plants od ground
nlst is indokolhatjk. covers).


A lapostetk lejtse, vzelvezetsi rendszere, a fdm ter- The slope and water drainage system of flat roofs and load-
helhetsge minden tetn ms s ms. A legfontosabb bearing capacity of the roof structure differ from roof to
adat ebben a tekintetben a felhordhat talajkeverk roof. The most important parameter in this respect is the
mennyisge, amely kzvetlenl meghatrozza az alkalmaz- quantity of soil which can be placed on to the roof, which
hat nvnyek krt, de a tetk egyb tulajdonsgai is - a determines the range of applicable plants, but other para-
funkci befolysolsval - kzvetve hathatnak a nvnyek meters of roofs - by influencing the function - have indirect
kivlasztsra. Az alkalmazhat nvnyek s a termrteg effect on plant selection. The relationship between applica-
vastagsgnak sszefggsei: ble plants and thickness of the soil are are following:

Talaj rteg vastagsga Termrtegbe ltethet nvnyek Roof soil thickness Plants fit for use
5....10 cm Szukkulens (pozsgs) nvnyek, 5...... 10 cm Succulent plants, drought resistant
szrazsgtr fflk grasses
10....20 cm Szrazsgtr fflk, velk, 10 ....20 cm Drought-resistant grasses, perennial
flcserjk plants, half-shrubs
20....30 cm Szrazsgtr velk, cserjk 20.....30 cm Drought-resistant perennial plants, shrubs
30....60 cm Cserjk 150 cm magassgig 30 ....60 cm Shrubs up to a height of 150 cm
60...120 cm Cserjk, bokorfk, kis fk 60 ...120 cm Shrubs, bush-trees, small trees


Az elbbi csoportosts a kerttervez szmra meghat- The previous classification determines the choice of applic-
rozza az alkalmazs nvnyi eszkzeit, azonban a megren- able plants for the garden designer but the customers wish-
del ignyeit nem szktheti le. es can not be limited.
Brmely nvnycsoporttal lehet lmnyt nyjt kom- Compositions giving a delightful impression can be
pozcit kialaktani, st a szukkulens nvnyek nagy forma- achieved by any plant group, moreover the form richness of
gazdagsga ppen erre knl kivl lehetsgeket. A korsze- succulent plants provides splendid possibilities. However
r hasznlatot s gondozst azonban nem minden megren- not every customer wants modern utilisation and careful
del ignyli. Extenzv zldtetk esetn a gyenge nveked- cultivation. In case of extensive green roofs the use of short
si esly, sekly gykereseds, alacsony termet nvnyek plants with low grow rate and shallow roots, as well as the
hasznlatra, valamint a termszetes nvnytrsulsok dina- recreation of the dynamic equilibrium of natural plant com-
mikus egyenslyi viszonyainak jrateremtsre kell treked- binations is desirable in order to reduce the need of culti-
ni a gondozs cskkentse rdekben. Fontos a nvnyzet vation. Selection of opulent plants and fast vegetative multi-
ds, s arnylag gyors vegetatv szaporodsa, lehetleg t- plication as well as compact, unbroken growth of the plants
mtt, sszefgg (prns, gyepes) nvekedse is. A meg- is important. Beauty, aesthetic impact and long flowering pe-
rendel szmra nemkevsb fontos lehet a nvnyzet riod are also important factors for the customer.
szpsge, eszttikai hatsa, hosszan tart virgzsa is.


A FLRA-tetk nvnyzetnek s talajnak vdenie kell az Vegetation and soil layer of the FLORA roofs should pro-
alatta lev szerkezeti rtegeket, ezrt ki kell szrni a n- tect the supporting structure. For this reason plants endan-
vnylettani tulajdonsgok alapjn veszlyt jelent nv- gering the structure with their plant-physiological properties
nyeket. A tetn megteleped nvny csak akkor teljest should be excluded. Vegetation planted on the roof serves
igazn j szolglatot, ha egyben folyamatosan vdi a term- well only if it protects the humus layer against wind erosion
rteget a szlerzi ellen, s gykrzete nem krostja a te- and if its roots do not damage the insulation layers of the
t szigetel rtegeit. A nvnyi letformk vizsglata alap- roof. On the basis of investigations of plant way of life,
jn az vel bojtosgykrzet fajok (pldul a legtbb ff- perennial species with tasselled roots (e.g. most grass
le) a legmegfelelbbek erre, mg az egynyri nvnyek csak species) proved the most suitable for this purpose. Annual
kiegsztkknt szerepelhetnek, ezek a tenyszid vgvel plants can be used as supplementary vegetation only as they
elpusztulnak s hossz idn keresztl bortatlanul hagyjk a perish at the end of the cultivation period and may leave the
talajt. A fs, de mr egyes velnvnyek kargykrzete is soil without covering for a long time. Water insulation layer
veszlyeztetheti a vzszigetelst, ezrt ezek alkalmazsa ke- can also be endangered by the stick type root of some
rlend. Tovbbi kutatst ignyel az agresszv gykrsava- perennial plants for this reason application of these plants,
kat termel nvnyek kiszrse is. Az elhalt, elszradt vir- should be avoided. Further investigation is necessary in rela-
gos hajts ne maradjon sokig a nvnyen, mert tzveszlyt tion to producing agressive root acids. Decayed or dried
jelenthet. flowers should not be left on the plant for longer time as it
Emltst rdemel mg a gyomnvnyek krdse is, hi- can be a fire hazard.
szen vrosaink utcakvei kztt megtelepedve mindenki The question of weeds is worth mentioning as by set-
szmra jl szemlltetik ignytelensgket s nagy trk- tling in cracks of pavements they demonstrate their unde-
pessgket. Ezek a nvnyek azonban nem trsulsalkotk, manding character and hardness for anybody. However
csak a krnyezetet egyoldalan befolysol emberi hatsok these plants are not group-forming and can have dominant
rvn jutnak uralkod szerephez, de ugyanakkor ezen ha- role only as a consequence of human influences on the en-
tsoktl fggnek is. Nagy felleten alkalmazva krdses je- vironment and at the same time they depend on these in-
lenltk llandsthatsga s trstsi lehetsgeik, vala- fluences. By applying them on large surfaces their perma-
mint felttlenl vizsglni kell gykrzetk agresszivitst is. nent settling and association with other plants is a question-
Meg kell emlteni azt is, hogy folytak mr ksrletek gygy- able as well as the agressivity of their roots must be consid-
nvnyek termesztsre is extenzv zldtetkn, ami mr ered. Experiments have already been carried out for grow-
az amgyis igen hasznos szerkezetek jabb hasznostsi le- ing medicinal plants and herbs on green roofs which is a
hetsgt pldzza. good example for a new type utilisation of these useful

A kpen egy lakhaj lthat Ansterdam

egyik csatornjban. A ftetvel fedett ha-
j mutatja az emberek ignyt a
zldterletek nvelsre. A srn beptett
vrosban nagy fontossgot tulajdontanak
a teleptett nvnyzetnek.

A house boat on a canal in Amsterdam.

The grass-covered roof shows the human
desire for greenery. In the dense city
planted vegetation is deemed to be of
great importance


Tervezsi irnyelvek Designing guidelines
A zldtetk, illetve a tetzldestsek tervezse sorn sz- In designing green roofs designers should get acquainted
mos jszer, szokatlan kvetelmnnyel, jellemzvel kell az and familiarize themselves with several new, unusual re-
plet tervezinek megismerkednik s megbartkozniuk. quirements and properties. Collaboration of architects and
Az ptszek s a kerttervezk munkakapcsolata termsze- garden designers is good a practice in other type of build-
tesen ms pleteknl is gyakorlat - az plet s kzvetlen ings as well - e.g. in designing buildings and their surround-
krnyezete kialaktsban. A zldtetk tervezse sorn ez a ings. However this loose connection will be intensified dur-
korbbi, inkbb rintleges kapcsolat talakul, s a lehet ing designing of green roofs as the design and construction
legszorosabb vlik: minden tekintetben kifogstalan tet- of faultless roof structures is only possible in this way. The
szerkezetek tervezsre s megvalstsra csak gy lehet role of structural and building services is not less important
esly. Nemkevsb fontos a szerkezettervezk s az p- and the design of green roofs from the building physics
letgpsz tervezk szerepe, s a zldtetk pletfizikai (h- viewpoint (heat and moisture control, acoustics, fire pro-
s nedvessgtechnikai, akusztikai, tzvdelmi) tervezse is tection) also needs specialist knowledge.
klnleges ismereteket ignyel. National regulations relating to designing of green
Hazai szablyozs a zldtetk tervezsre vonatko- roofs dos not exist yet but in Western-Europe where
zan jelenleg mg nincs, de Nyugat-Eurpban, ahol a preparation of FLORA roofs is part of the everyday building
FLRA-tetk ksztse mr a mindennapos ptsi gyakor- practice, the most important design guidelines as well as
lat rsze, megfogalmaztk a leglnyegesebb tervezsi irny- technical data and parameters important for designers have
elveket, meghatroztk a tervezk szmra igen fontos already been determined. From among these some exam-
szmszer adatokat, jellemzket is. Ezekbl adunk most ples will be illustrated relating to the most important areas.
zeltt a legfontosabbnak ltsz terleteken.

Ertani tervezs Structural design

Korbban mr emltst tettnk a teherhord szerkezettel The demand relating to the load bearing structure and su-
kapcsolatos ignyekrl, illetve a zldtetk tbbletterheirl, perimposed loads due to green roofs have already been
nem rtunk azonban arrl, hogy milyen ertani hatsok, mentioned earlier. However mechanical effects and stress-
ignybevtelek rik a vegetcis rteget s a nvnyzetet. es acting on the vegetation layer and plants were not men-
A szlszvs hatst a hazai lapostetknl eddig a le- tioned yet.
terhelssel rgztett s a mechanikai rgzts csapadkvz Up to now the negative pressure effect of wind on flat
szigetelsek tervezsekor kellett (kln) figyelembe ven- roofs was to be taken into consideration when designing
nnk. A feladat lnyegben a zldtetknl is hasonl, de itt water proof membrane fixed by loading or with mechani-
a zldests rtegeinek nslya kpezi a leterhel hatst. cal elements. This task is essentially similar for green roofs,
Kis fajlagos tmeg extenzv zldestseknl, valamint but the loading effect is provided by the self-weight of the
kolgiai vdrtegeknl a zldests rtegeinek szraz green layers themselves.
nslya a tetszleken s a tetsarkoknl nem elegend a In case of extensive green roofs with low surface den-
szlszvs ellenslyozsra. A DDV irnyelvek elrjk, hogy sity and of ecological protecting layers the dry self-weight of
ezeknl a szegly- s sarokrszeket betonlapokkal, vagy 50 the green layers is may not be sufficient at roof edges and
millimternl nagyobb szemcsenagysg kavicsfeltltssel corners for the compensation of wind suction. It is pre-


mter - meter PLAIN ROOFS
kN/m2 max. 8 8-20 >20 kPa
Szlszvs Wind suction
sarok rszen 1.60 2.56 at the corner
tetszleken 0.90 1.50 at roof edges
0.70 A tetfelleteken hat mrtkad szlsz-
kzprszen 0.40 0.50 at central parts vs s torlnyoms nagysga a DDV
(Deutsche Dachgartner Verband) irnyelvei
sarok rszen 1.10 at the corner
Guidance values of wind suction and dy-
tetszleken 0.80 at roof edges namic pressure on surfaces according to
kzprszen 0.50 at medium parts the guidelines of the Deutsche Dachgart-
ner Verband (DDV).


kell a szl szvhatsa ellen megvdeni. Ha az pletmagas- scribed in DDV guidelines that these edges and corners
sg 20 mter feletti, betonlapokat kell elhelyezni ezeken a must be protected against wind suction by concrete slabs or
tetszakaszokon. Paplanszer zldestseknl szba jhet a pebbles lager than 50 mm. If the building is higher than 20
mechanikai rgzts s a ragaszts is. m, concrete slabs must be placed onto these roof parts. In
A szlszvson kvl intenzv zldtetk tervezsnl fi- case of counterpane-like green coverage mechanical fixing
gyelembe kell venni a pontszer, koncentrlt terheket (na- or adhesive application is acceptable.
gyobb fk, cserjk, kertptszeti elemek) is, s addhatnak In addition to the effect of wind suction, concentrat-
vonalmenti terhelsek is (pldul a zldestett, s terasz- ed point-loads (caused by bigger trees, shrubs, garden build-
knt kikpzett tetszakaszokat elvlaszt tmfalak helyn). ing elements) must also be taken into consideration as well
ltalnossgban a zldtetk teherhord szerkezetei- as linear-loads (e.g. on the line of supporting walls separat-
nek bizonyos mrtk tlmretezse ajnlhat, hiszen az ing green roof terraces).
utlagos kertszeti s kertptszeti vltoztatsoknl tbb- Generally some oversizing can be recommended for
letterhelsekkel is szmolni kell. Nem szabad megfeledkez- the load bearing structure of green roofs as the subsequent
ni arrl sem, hogy a teherhord szerkezetet nemcsak te- gardening and garden building activities and modifications
herbrsra, hanem alakvltozsokra is mretezni, illetve el- can cause overloading. It must be kept in mind that structu-
lenrizni kell a tervezs sorn: a fdmszerkezet tlzott res must be sized and checked not only for bearing capaci-
mrtk lehajlsa a vzelvezets biztonsgra nzve is ked- ty but also for deflection. Excessive deflection of the roof
veztlen. floor slab may prevent the safe drainage of water .

pletfizikai tervezs Building physical design

A tetfdm hszigetelsnek szerepe: The role of thermal insulation of the roof is:
a hmrskletingadozsok nyomn bekvetkez feszlt- to reduce stresses, and deformations (e.g. crack forma-
sgek, alakvltozsok s elvltozsok (pl. repedskpz- tion) in the structure ensuing as a consequence of tem-
ds) mrtknek cskkentse a szerkezetben, perature fluctuations.
a bels felleti pralecsapds elleni vdelem, azaz az l- protection against vapour condensation on inside surfaces
lagvdelem, that is fabric protection
a kellemes hrzetet biztost mikroklma megteremtse to create a microclimate, providing thermal comfort (to-
(a tetfdm alatti helyisgeket hatrol tbbi szerke- gether with other envelope elements bordering the
zettel egytt), s spaces under the roof) and
az energiatakarkossg, a ftsi higny cskkentse. to save energy and to decrease heating demand.

A tetfdmekre kln htechnikai elrs, azaz kvetel- There are no special thermal requirements specified for
mnyrtk nincs. A htechnikai mretezst szablyoz roof slabs in Hungary. The MSZ-04-140-2:91 standard reg-
MSZ-04-140-2:91 szabvny az llagvdelmi kvetelmnye- ulates fabric protection requirements for the envelope ele-
ket az plethatrol szerkezetekre, a hrzeti kvetelm- ments, thermal comfort requirements for both the enve-
nyeket a helyisgekre s a hatrol szerkezetekre, mg az lope and the enclosed spaces and energetic requirements
energetikai kvetelmnyeket a teljes pletre vonatkozan for the whole building.
hatrozza meg. For this reason there is no specified value for the av-
j pleteknl ezrt a tetfdm tlagos htbocs- erage heat transmission coefficient for roofs: one limit value
tsi tnyezjre konkrt, szmszer kvetelmnyrtk of the coefficient is determined by the minimum require-
nincs, a tnyez egyik hatrrtkt az llagvdelmi mini- ment for fabric protection (to avoid vapour condensation
mum-kvetelmny (a bels felleti pralecsapds, illetve a on inside surfaces or mildew growth even in the most un-
penszkpzds elkerlse a legkedveztlenebb helyeken favourable places) and the thermal comfort requriment
is) s a hrzeti kvetelmny, msik hatrrtkt pedig a while any other limit value is given by building possibilities
beptsi lehetsgek s/vagy a gazdasgossgi elvrsok and/or economic requirements. Based on such estimaties
szabjk meg. Ilyen alapokon lapostetknl az tlagos ht- the average heat transmission coefficient for flat roofs
bocstsi tnyez ltalban 0,20...0,60 W/m2K kztt vl- should be generally 0.2....0.6 W/m2 K depending on the
tozhat - az adott plet, illetve az sszes plethatrol properties of the given building and the whole envelope.
szerkezet jellemzinek fggvnyben. Rgi pletek teljes When renovating old buildings the rate of roof thermal in-
feljtsakor ugyanilyen alapon hatrozhat meg a tetf- sulation can be determined in the same way.
dm hszigetelsi mrtke.


A zldtetknl a nvnyzet teleptse a tetszerke- Settling vegetation on green roofs is unambiguously
zetek hcsillaptsa, a kls hmrskletvltozs hatsnak favourable in damping temperature fluctuations of roof
ksleltetse, azaz a nyri hvdelem szempontjbl (is) structures, and retarding outside temperature changes, that
egyrtelmen elnys. Ilyen szempontbl a termtalaj vas- is summer heat protection. In this respect the increase of
tagsgnak, azaz a szerkezet fajlagos tmegnek nvelse thickness of the roof soil, that is increase of the surface den-
kedvez. sity of the structure is favourable.
Ami a szerkezet legrzkenyebb rtegt kpez The most vulnerable layer of the roof is the water-
csapadkvz szigetels vdelmt illeti, a vegetcis rtegek proof membrane. The beneficial effect of vegetation can be
kedvez hatsa szmokkal is kifejezhet. Amg az egyenes expressed numerically. Whilst the annual temperature fluc-
rtegrend, vastag vdrteg nlkli lapostetk tuation of the membrane of flat conventional roofs without
csapadkvz szigetelsnek ves hmrskletingadozsa el- a thick protecting layer reaches 80-100 K, this value for con-
rheti a 80-100 K rtket is, addig 20-30 cm vastagsg ve- ventional roofs covered with a vegetation layer of 20-30 cm
getcis rteggel elltott egyenes rtegrend tetknl ez thickness is only 25-35 K and for inverted flat roofs only 5-
csak 25-35 K, a fordtott rtegrendeknl pedig mindssze 10 K, depending on the thermal insulation.
5-10 K - a hszigetels mrtktl fggen. During design efforts should be made to ensure that
Termszetesen a tervezs sorn trekedni kell arra, the thermal protection of the waterproof membrane is as
hogy a vzszigetels ne csak mezben, hanem a szeglye- good along the edges, penetrations and superstructures as
zsek, tetttrsek, felptmnyek mentn is megkzelt- in the middle of the roof field.
en azonos hatkonysg hvdelmet kapjon. The favourable effect of the vegetation layer can be
A vegetcis rteg kedvez hatsa termszetesen a measured by the energy saving: the productive soil results in
ftsi energiamegtakartsban is lemrhet: a termtalaj a heat flow density reduction of approximately 0.03-0.05
centimterenknt mintegy 0,03...0,05 W/m2 hramsr- W/m2 per centimetre thickness in the heating season at roof
sg-cskkenst eredmnyez a ftsi idnyben a k=0,3...0,4 structures with heat transmission coefficient of U = 0.3-0.4
W/m2K htbocstsi tnyezj tetszerkezeteknl. W/m2 K.
A hszigetels beptsi helyt s mdjt elssorban The place and way of the building in of thermal insu-
a teljes szerkezet nedvessg elleni vdelmnek, s a csapa- lation are determined first of all by the demand for protec-
dkvz szigetels hvdelmnek ignye hatrozza meg. A tion of the structure against moisture and for thermal pro-
legkedvezbb megolds a fordtott rtegrend tet, ahol a tection of the membrane. The most favourable solution is
teljes hszigetel rteg a csapadkvz szigetels fl kerl. the inverted roof where the whole thermal insulation layer
Ez a megolds azonban csak akkor alkalmazhat, ha - llag- will be placed above the water proof membrane. This solu-
vdelmi kvetelmnyek miatt - a vzszigetels alatt megfe- tion can only be applied, if - because of fabric protection re-
lel fajlagos tmeg (legalbb 250 kg/m2), s/vagy hveze- quirements - layers of suitable surface density (at least 250
tsi ellenlls (legalbb 0,15 m2K/W) szerkezeti rtegeket kg/m2) and thermal resistance (at least 0.15 m2K/W) are
ptnk be. Mivel ez a felttel esetenknt szerkezeti okok built under the membrane. As in some cases this condition
miatt nem teljesthet, ekkor (s rtelemszeren a tetfel- can not be satisfied for structural reasons, roofs with double
jtsok sorn is) eltrbe kerl a ketts hszigetels thermal insulation (DUO) may be considered.
(DUO) tetszerkezetek ksztse.

100 o 35o
80 80

60 60
80o 25o
40 40

20 20

0 0 Lapostetk csapadkvz szigetelsnek

hmrskletvltozsai nyron
-20 -20
Temperature changes of waterproof mem-
0 6 12 18 24 0 6 12 18 24 brane of flat flats in summer


A szerkezeten bell feltorld nedvessg elleni vde- Protection against moisture accumulation within the
kezs a lapostetk sarkalatos problmja. A nvnyzettel structure interstitial condensation is a cardinal problem of
teleptett tetk ilyen szempontbl elvileg kevsb elnys flat roofs. Green roofs are inherently less favourable in this
szerkezetek, hiszen a nagyobb rtegvastagsg, nedves ter- respect because vapour of the thick wet soil can be signifi-
mtalaj prafkez tulajdonsga idszakonknt jelents cant in certain periods. At the same time it is an adventage
mrtk lehet. Ugyanakkor kedvez, hogy az egyhj, that deterioration of the water proof membrane caused by
egyenes rtegrend lapostetk csapadkvz szigetelseinek vapour diffusion need not be considered in the case of
jellegzetes pradiffzis eredet krosodsaival a zldte- green roofs.
tknl nem kell szmolni. Response of the roof structure to vapour diffusion is
A tetszerkezet pratechnikai mkdse szmos, rszben a partly a function of a parameter independent of the struc-
szerkezettl fggetlen tnyez (pl. a kls s bels klmajel- ture (e.g. outside and inside climatic conditions) however
lemzk) fggvnye, de az ilyen szempontbl helyes szerke- basic rules of designing the proper structure can stated:
zettervezs alapszablyai gy is megfogalmazhatk: inverted green roofs or those with double thermal insula-
fordtott rtegrend, vagy ketts hszigetels zldtetk tion should be used (this is favourable also from other
tervezse (ez egyb szempontbl is elnys: mivel ezek- point of view: as there is no vapour barrier is not imple-
nl prazr rteg nem kszl, a teherhord s lejtst mented for such roofs drying up of the floor slab and
ad rtegek kiszradsa lefel sem gtolt), screed is not hindered either up or downwards),
csekly pradiffzis ellenlls csapadkvz szigetelsek water proof membranes with low vapour resistance (e.g.
(ilyenek pl. a lgy PVC-lemez szigetelsek) tervezse, soft PVC insulation) should be used,
kavicsbeton lejtst ad rteg tervezse (fknt azrt, gravel concrete should be used for the screed (mainly be-
mert kerlni kell a j nedvszv tulajdonsg s rossz cause materials with good hygroscopic and bad moisture
nedvessglead kpessg anyagok hasznlatt), releasing properties should be avoided),
az egyenes rtegrend zldtetk hszigetelseknt, illet- materials not (or less) sensitive to moisture should be
ve a ketts hszigetels tetk als hszigetel rtege- used as thermal insulation of green roofs with direct lay-
knt nedvessgre nem, vagy alig rzkeny anyagok alkal- er sequence and as the lower heat insulation layer with
mazsa, double heat insulation,
a drenzs rteg kiszellztetsnek biztostsa, providing good ventilation for the drainage layer,
a vegetcis rteg (talajkeverk, tetfld), helyes megv- proper selection of the vegetation layer (soil mixture, roof
lasztsa. soil).
Ha a nvnyzet teleptse tetfeljts sorn trtnik, az If vegetation is planted as part of a roof reconstruction, then
adottsgok miatt jval nehezebb a tervez feladata, amely the task of the designer is much more difficult. It can only be
hibtlanul csak a meglv tetszerkezet, illetve a megmara- performed properly on the basis of a detailed survey and
d szerkezeti rtegek rszletes fellvizsglata, pontos diag- accurate diagnosis of the existing roof structure, especially
nosztika alapjn teljesthet. of the remaining re-used layers.


A tetszerkezetek lghanggtlsnak mrtke elssorban a Airborne sound transmission of roof structures depends
teljes szerkezet fajlagos tmegtl fgg. A vegetcis rteg first of all on the overall surface density of the structure. Air-
s a nvnyzet lghanggtlst nvel hatsa ezrt kln- borne sound inhibition of the vegetation layer is especially

Lapostetk hanggtlsa

Sound (noise) inhibition of flat roofs


sen a knnyszerkezetes (fajlagos tmeg 50 kg/m2 alatt), significant for light weight roofs (below 50 kg/m2) and for
vagy knnytett szerkezetes (fajlagos tmeg 150 kg/m2 alatt) lightened construction flat roofs (150 kg/m2).
lapostetknl jelents mrtk. Measured results indicate that the transmission loss
Klfldi mrsi eredmnyek szerint a hanggtls mr- can be improved by up to 8 dB in such cases. Experimental
tknek javulsa ilyen esetekben elrheti a 8 dB rtket is. results also show that the sound reflection - primarly in the
Ugyancsak vizsglati eredmnyek alapjn a hangvisszaver- high frequencies - can be decreased 2...3 dB by vegetation.
dst - elssorban a magas frekvencik tartomnyban - a
vegetcis rtegek 2...3 dB-el cskkentik.


A f krds az, hogy vajon get problma-e a zldtetk The main question is whether protection of green roofs
tz elleni vdelme ? against fire is a burning question or not.
Klfldi kutatk gy talltk, hogy tisztn elmletileg akkor Researchers in abroad found that purely theoretically a
keletkezhet a tetzldestsbl szrmaz tettz, ha: green roof fire can occur if:

az ltetett nvnyzet, vagy a vadon ntt fvek teljesen ki- the planted vegetation or grass growing wild are dried to
szradnak: olyannyira, hogy az ngyullads utn gyors, an extent that following a self-ignition total burning up
a tetfelleten vgigfut legs kvetkezhet be (mint can occur on the whole surface (as at railway embank-
pldul a vasti tltseknl), ments).
az organikus anyagokat is tartalmaz termtalaj parzsls- roof soil containing organic material is susceptible to
ra hajlamos (a parzsl tzek knnyen nylt tzekk vl- smouldering (such fires can easily become open fires).
Fires following drying out of the vegetation can be expect-
A nvnyzet kiszradst kvet tz elssorban az exten- ed first of all at extensive green roofs, as here there is no
zv zldestseknl vrhat, hiszen itt nincs folyamatos n- regular cultivation, no regular mowing of the grass and the
vnygondozs, nem nyrjk rendszeresen a fvet, s nem removal of perished plants and parts of vegetation is not en-
biztostott az elpusztult nvnyek, nvnyi rszek rendsze- sured. In contrast with this, intensive green roofs - similarly
res eltvoltsa. Ezzel szemben az intenzv zldests gon- to gardens established on the ground level - are generally
dozsra - akrcsak a terepszinten teleptett kerteknl - sz- well maintained.
mtani lehet. German researchers laid down requirements and du-
Nmet kutatk megfogalmaztk azokat az elvrso- ties to be performed by designers and operators which -
kat s tervezi-zemelteti tennivalkat, amelyek - az lta- beyond the general fire protection prescriptions - are nec-
lnos tzvdelmi elrsokon tl - a zldtetk tz elleni v- essary for the fire protection of green roofs. These are as
delmben szksgesek. Ezek a kvetkezk: follows:

Intenzv zldests, gondozott tetk (pl. tetkertek) ese- In case of well maintained intensive green roofs (e.g. roof
tben kln tzvdelmi intzkeds nem szksges. gardens) special fire protection is not necessary.
Extenzv zldests tetknl kln vizsglat, illetve min- In case of extensive green roofs special investigation or
sts nem szksges, ha a tptalaj 30 mm-nl vastagabb qualification is not necessary if the humus layer is thicker
s legfeljebb 20% szerves anyagot tartalmaz. than 30 mm and contains organic substances not more
pletek vgfalait, tzfalait, illetve a tzterjedst gtl fa- than 20%.
lakat egymstl legfeljebb 40 mter tvolsgban kell Boundary walls and fire walls and firebreaks should be
megpteni, magassguk a talajszint felett legalbb 30 cm constructed at distances not more than 40 m, with a
legyen. Ha az pletre vonatkozan nincs klnleges tz- height of at least 30 cm above the ground level. If there
vdelmi kvetelmny, a tzszakaszok kztti elvlaszts- is no special fire protection requirement relating to the
hoz elegend egy legalbb 100 cm szles elvlaszt sv building, a separation between fire sections of the roof
betonlapokbl, vagy durvakavics feltltsbl. can be created from concrete panels or rough gravel fill-
A tetfelptmnyek s tetnylsok (pl. tetablakok, fe- ing with a width of 100 cm.
llvilgt kupolk, stb.) eltt legalbb 50 cm szlessg, In front of roof superstructures and roof openings (e.g.
be nem ltetett svot kell kialaktani szervetlen, nem g- roof windows, roof lights, etc.) a no planted zone cov-


het anyaggal (pl. betonlapok, durvakavics feltlts, stb.) ered with inorganic, not flammable materials should be
takarva. A paplanszer zldestseknl ez a mret 25 cm. formed with a width of at least 50 cm (e.g. concrete pan-
Az elhalt s elszradt nvnyekbl add tzveszlyt a els, rough gravel filling, etc.). For counterpane-like green
minimlisra kell cskkenteni. Lombhullat s sznsods- roofs this size is 25 cm.
ra hajlamos nvnyzetet nem szabad telepteni. Az elhalt, Fire hazard due to dead and dried plants should be min-
elszradt nvnyeket s nvnyrszeket a karbantartsi imised. Deciduous plants and those susceptible to hay
bejrsok alkalmval el kell tvoltani, az elszradt fvel formation should not be planted. Dead and, dried plant
bortott zldfelleteket sszel le kell nyrni. Rendkvli material should be removed as part of maintenance and
szrazsg esetn a tzveszlyt ntzssel kell cskkente- areas covered with dry grass should be cut in autumn. In
ni. case of extraordinary drought the fire hazard must be re-
duced by irrigation.

Zldtetk falcsatlakozsai - Wall junctions of green roofs

nem ghet anyag falszerkezet

Wall structure from not flammable material 50 cm

kavicsterts, beton vagy mk jrlap,

kavics gyazaton (tzgtl tetsv)
Gravel or cast stone pavement on
gravel bed fire protection strip

Tzterjedst gtl fdmsvok - Fire protectiton strip

durvakavics - rough gravel - concrete panels - betonlapok

1m 1m

Tzterjedst gtl szerkezetek - fire sections and breaks

tzfal - fire wall - fire break - tzterjedst gtl elvlaszt fal

40 m


Szerkezeti rszletek, kiegszt szerkezetek Structural details, installations
Zldtetknl a szerkezeti csatlakozsok, szerkezetvltsok, For green roofs non-conventional solutions can be applied
tetttrsek helyein a szoksostl eltr megoldsok le- at construction joints, structure changes and roof break-
hetsgesek, mivel a zldtetk hasznlati s karbantartsi through points, as the way of use and maintenance of green
mdja, a zldtet-felptmny rtegeinek funkcija s kiala- roofs, function and formation of layers of the green roof the
ktsa, a vzelvezets mdja s kvetelmnyei, valamint a mode and consequences of water drainage as well as pro-
tetszerkezet vdelme ezt szksgess teszik. tection of the roof structure make it necessary and possible.

Falcsatlakozsok Wall flashings

Attikafalak, a tetskbl kiemelked felptmnyek, vagy Water proofing (together with the possible root protection
szomszdos pletrszek s a zldtet csatlakozsainl a layer) should be carvied up over the ground surface at least
vzszigetelst (az esetleges kln gykrvd rteggel 15 cm at functions to parapets, superstructures emerging
egytt) a talajfelszn fl legalbb 15 centimterrel fel kell from the roof plane or neighbouring buildings. Waterproof-
vezetni. A csapadkvz szigetelst a falszeglyek mentn k- ing should be protected with a special cover along the wall
ln vdrteggel kell megvdeni a flje kerl kavicsfeltl- edges which is to carry the gravel filling. Traditional solu-
tstl. Az attikafalak lefedsnl, illetve szeglyezsnl a tions (e.g. thin metal stet with insufficient rigidity) should be
hagyomnyos megoldsok (pl. a nem kell merevsg avoided as cappings and flashings of the parapet walls. For
vkony fmlemez szerkezetek) lehetleg kerlendk. Ex- extensive green roofs parapet cappings and edgings press-

>10 cm

Ketts hszigetels extenzv zldtet attikafal rszlete Fordtott rtegrend zldtet attikafal rszlete
Attic wall section of extensive green roof with double heat insulation Parapet wall section of green roof with reverse layer sequence

Extenzv zldtet falszeglyezse Tetkijrat kialaktsa

Wall adjoining an extensive green roof Detail of roof exit

5 cm
>15 cm


tenzv zldtetknl jl bevltak a flkemny alumniumle- folder semi-hard aluminium sheets are well proven but for
mezbl hajltott fallefedsek s szeglyezsek, de utbbi the latter function extruded polystyrene foam elements (e.g.
funkci elltsra a vkony mkkreggel elltott, s az at- ROOFMATE LG) covered with thin terazzo layer are suit-
tikafal hszigetelsre is alkalmas extrudlt polisztirolhab able (which also serve as thermal insulation of the parapet).
elemek (pl. ROOFMATE LG) is alkalmasak. It should be ensured that the drainage layer is venti-
Biztostani kell, hogy a drenzs rteg a falszegly men- lated along the wall edge through the gravel filling. Insulation
tn kiszellzhessen a kavicsfeltltsen keresztl. Knny- layers should be connected to light construction front walls
szerkezetes homlokzati falakhoz vendgfal kzbeiktatsval by inserting additional wall.
kell csatlakozni a szigetel rtegekkel. Requirements and methods are actually identical for
A falszeglyezseknl lnyegben hasonlak a kve- junctions to walls. For water proofing application of alumini-
telmnyek s mdszerek. A csapadkvz szigetels vdel- um profiles pressed or bent from sheet can be recom-
mre itt is a sajtolt, vagy lemezbl hajltott alumniumprofi- mended also here but special attention should be paid to its
lok alkalmazsa javasolhat, de ezek fels, tmtett lezr- upper sealing.
sra klns gondot kell fordtani. It is advisable to fix and compact the waterproof
Clszer a vzszigetelst s vdrtegt a szegly membrane and its protecting layer below the edge provid-
alatt kln rgzteni s tmteni, hogy a homlokzaton lefo- ing that rainwater flowing down on the wall face should
ly csapadkvz semmiflekppen ne juthasson a szigetels never get by no means behind the insulation that is into the
mg, azaz a szerkezetbe. structure.
A felptmnyek mentn szoksos vzelvezet csator- It is usual to place box gutters along the superstruc-
nk elhelyezse is: ezek megakadlyozzk a csapes kp- ture: these prevent water accumulation in driving rain and
zdst, s tzvdelmi szerepet is betltenek. play also a fire protection role.

Tetsszefolyk Roof drains

A zldtetk vzelvezetse legalbb kt, esetenknt - ford- Water drainage of green roofs takes place at least two - in
tott rtegrend s ketts hszigetels tetk esetn - h- certain cases, at inverted roofs and with double thermal in-
rom skon trtnik. A felesleges csapadkvz elvezetst fel sulation - three planes. Draining of the surplus rainwater
kell gyorstani, akadlytalann kell tenni. should be accelerated and should be unhindered.
Fontos, hogy a tetsszefolyk brmikor ellenrizhe- It is important that roof sumps should allow their con-
tk s tisztthatk legyenek: ezrt a szoksos lombfog ko- trol and cleaning at any time: for this reason in addition to
sron kvl kiemelhet fedlap, perforlt oldalfal ellenr- the usual wire-basket strainer a controlling-cleaning shaft
z-tisztt aknt helyeznek el a kavicsfeltltsben, a veget- with removable grating and perforated side wall should be
cis s drenzs rtegek magassgban. Kszlnek olyan vz- placed within the gravel filling at the height of the vegetation
nyelk is, amelyek - bellthat magassg tlfoly perem and drainage layers. Roof sumps with adjustable overflow
segtsgvel - a drenzs rtegben sszegyl vz szintjt rim are also available for catching the surplus water collect-
szablyozzk a vegetcis rteg lland nedvestse clj- ed in the drainage layer, with the aim of keeping sufficent
bl. water for the wetting of the vegetation layer.

Tiszttakns tetsszefoly Tlfolys tetsszefoly

Roof channel sump with cleaning shaft Roof channel sumps with overflow


Az albbi bra egy klnleges, formasajtolt polisztirolhab The figure below shows a special outlet made of poly-
anyag, perforlt alumnium fedlappal elltott vznyelt mu- styrene foam covered with an aluminium grating. This is a
tat be, amely j plda lehet arra, hogy az igazn j plet- good example of a very good building element which is al-
szerkezetek egyben igen egyszerek. so very simple.
Itt jegyezzk meg, hogy zldtetknl kvnatos a vz It must be noted that with green roofs the full route
tjnak nyomon kvetse, ellenrizhetsge a tetsszefo- of water from sumps to the furthest point of the roof or to
lytl a tet legtvolabbi pontjig. Erre szolglnak a kiemel- the downpipe. This is served by channels with removable
het fedlap, llthat magassg, legtbbszr alumnium, cover and adjustable height made in most cases from alu-
vagy manyag vzelvezet csatornk, folykk, amelyeket minium or plastic, which run not only along the roof super-
sokszor nemcsak a tetfelptmnyek mentn, hanem - on- structures but - branched off - to the sumps and downpipes.
nan legazan - a tetsszefolykig vezetnek. Recently systems with rainwater recirculation, but
jabban kialaktottak mr olyan csapadkvz-vissza- mains connected for irrigation have been developed for
forgatsos, illetve vzvezetki ntz rendszereket is zld- green roofs which can be operated automatically.
tetkhz, amelyek automatikus mkdtetsre van lehet-

Egyb szerkezeti rszletek Other details

Gyakran elfordul, hogy a klnbz talajvastagsg zld- It occurs frequently that green roofs with various soil thick-
tetszakaszokat, vagy zldtetket s tetteraszokat el kell nesses should be separated from each other or from a roof

>10 cm

Polisztirolhab aljzat tlfolys tetsszefoly

Roof outlet with overflow and made of polystyrene foam

Vzelvezet csatornk
Box gutters Zldtet s tmfal elvlasztsa
Separation of green roof and retaining wall

Zldestett tetszakasz szeglyezse tmfallal

Edge detail of green roof with supporting wall

>10 cm


vlasztani egymstl. Ilyenkor kisebb tmfalat kell pteni terrace. In this case a smaller retaining wall must be con-
(pl. kbl), vagy elhelyezni elregyrtott (beton, vagy m- structed (e.g. from stone) or from prefabricated (concrete
kbeton) elemekbl, felvve a magasabb talajrteg oldal- or terazzo) elements in order to contain the side-pressure
nyomst. Hasonl a feladat akkor, ha a zldtet-felpt- of the higher soil layer. The task is similar if the total thick-
mny sszvastagsga nagyobb, mint az attikafal. ness of the green roof is greater than the height of the
Zldtetknl beptett fellvilgt kupolk valamint parapet.
egyb pontszer felptmnyek szeglyezsnl fontos a It is important to raise the base of roof lights or oth-
kiegszt szerkezetek lbazatainak kiemelse a talajsk- er localised superstructure elements above the top surface
bl. E szerkezeteket krben 30...50 cm szles kavicsterts- of the green roof. These structures should be separated
sel kell elvlasztani a termtalajtl, illetve a nvnyzettl. from the soil or from the vegetation with a gravel zone of
Az albbi brk mintegy sszefoglaljk a zldtetknl 30...50 cm width. The following figures summarise construc-
elfordul szerkezeti rszleteket, kapcsolatokat. tional details and joints occurring at green roofs.
Az eddigiek alapjn mr elvgezhetjk a zldestett la- On the basis of the above the evaluation of green
postetk rtkelst is, sszehasonltva azokat a kln v- roofs is already possible by comparing them with no-traffi-
delem (vastag vdrteg) nlkli egyhj, egyenes rteg- cable conventional flat roofs, with direct layer sequence,
rend, ragasztssal rgztett csapadkvz szigetels, nem supplied with adhesive-applied waterproof membrane and
hasznostott (nem jrhat) lapostetkkel. without a thick protecting layer.

30-50 cm

Tetfellvilgt beptse s szeglyezse


Edge detail of roof light on green roof

30-50 cm

Zldtetk szeglyezsei s kiegszt szer-


Edges and supplementary structures on

green roofs

Fels bra: falszeglyezs, jrfelletek,


Upper figure: wall junction, trafficable sur-

faces, separating zones

30-50 cm

Als bra: falszeglyezs, tetsszefoly,

fellvilgt beptse

Bottom figure: wall junction, roof sump

and building in of a roof light


Zldestett lapostetk rtkelse




HMRSKLET INGADOZS A hszigetelsi ignyek kielgtse A zldests rtegeinek hszigetel

(Hvdelem) nagyrszt a hszigetel rteggel kpessge kihasznlhat. Hmr-
skleti cscsrtkek cskkense

HANGTERJEDS Kis fajlagos tmeg = elgtelen lg- Nagyobb fajlagos tmeg, nagyobb
(Lghanggtls) hanggtls rezgsi tehetetlensg = jobb lg-
hanggtls. A vegetci j

T ZHATSOK A vzszigetelst ghetsgi korlto- Termtalaj 30 mm vastagsg felett Nvnyzettel kapcsolatban kln
(Tzvdelem) zs nem rinti, az alatta lv hszi- megfelel intzkedsek szksgesek
getels nem ghet anyagbl
BELS NEDVESSG - Nincs krosods
PRA, P. NEDVESSG Vzszigetels tlzott ignybevtele, Vzszigetels vdett, pravdelem
(Pravdelem) felvls, hlyagosods, tnkremene- egyszerbb
ERTANI HATSOK Intenzv s nehz tetzldestsnl
(Teherbrs- s alakvl- Tbbletterhels nincs tbbletterhels
tozs korltozs)

UV-SUGRZS Anyagok elregedse, lettartam le- Nincs krosods

(Sugrzsllsg) cskkense, fotokmiai lepls (nvnyzet = felleti vdelem)

IR-SUGRZS Vzszigetels h-tlterhelse, kiszra- Nincs krosods

(Sugrzsllsg) dsa, hszigetel anyag alak- s m- Vzszigetels cskkentett
retvltozsai, hre lgyul anyagok hignybevtele, nvnyzet ht
krosodsai hatsa

KLS NEDVESSG Vzszigetels egyenltlen felmelege- Nincs krosods

(Vzhatlansg) dse - hmozgsa, ismtld igny- Vzszigetels h+nedvessghatsok
bevtelek hatsa. Vzmegllsok k- ellen vdett

F AGYHATSOK Vzszigetels ignybevtele, hatsok Cskkentett fagyhats

(Fagyllsg) - vltozsok, mechanikai hatsok Ignybevteli ciklusok cskkense

SZLHATSOK Csapadkvz elleni szigetels rgzt- Kln leterhels csak egyes

(Szlllsg) se szksges, szlkrok tetszakaszokon szksges

KMIAI S BIOLGIAI Vzszigetels elszennyezdse, kor- Vzszigetels vdett, elszennyezds Kros kmiai hatsok lehetsgesek
HATSOK had anyagok tnkremenetele, k- cskkentett mrtk
(Vegyi ellenll kpes- miai elvltozsok

GYKRZET Megfelel karbantarts esetn nincs Gykrll vzszigetels, vagy kln

(Gykrllsg) krosods vdelem szksges

F ELLVIZSGLAT, Vzszigetels ellenrzse egyszer, Vzszigetels ellenrzse nem

JAVTS - FELJTS javts - feljts kevsb kltsges lehetsges, javts - feljts


Evaluation of green roofs




T EMPERATURE Satisfying thermal insulation require- Heat insulation ability of green layers
(thermal protection) ments, mainly by thermal insulation can be utilised. Reduction of tem-
perature peak values.

SOUND PROPAGATION Low surface density = insufficient air Higher surface density, higher vibra-
(Airborne sound borne sound insulation tion inertia = better airborne proof-
control) ing. Vegetation is good sound ab-

FIRE EFFECTS No limitation for the combustibility Special measures are necessary relat-
(Fire protection) of water proofing in respect of igni- Roof soil of at least 30 mm thickness ing to the vegetation
tion - thermal insulation below this is suitable
layer is made of non flammable ma-
INSIDE HUMUDITY - Excessive exposure of the water
VAPOUR, BUILDING WATER proofing - separation, blistering, de- No damage
(Vapour protection) terioration Water proofing is protected, vapour
protection is simpler
STRENGHT EFFECTS Additional load at intensive and
(working load, No additional load heavy green roofs
deformation limitation)

UV-RADIATIONS Aging of materials, decrease of life No damage

(Resistance to UV span, photochemical degradation (vegetation = surface protection)
Heat overload on the membrane, No damage
IR-RADIATION drying out, deformation and size Reduced heat load of the membrane,
(Resistance to IR change, deterioration of thermoplas- cooling effect of the vegetation
radiation) tic materials
No damage
O UTSIDE MOISTURE Unequal warming up and its thermal Water proofing is protected against
(Waterproofing) expansion of the membrane effect of heat and moisture effects
repeated loads. Consequences of
water ponding.
Reduced frost impact
FROST EFFECTS Loading of the membrane - changes, Reduction of load cycles
(Freeze-resistance) mechanical effects
Special load is necessary only on cer-
WIND EFFECTS Fixing of the membrane, wind caused tain roof sections
(Wind-resistance) damages
The membrane is protected, reduced
CHEMICAL AND effects on the membrane rotting of chemical effects Damaging chemical effects are possi-
BIOLOGOCAL EFFECTS organic materials, chemical changes ble
(resistance to Chemical
and biological effects)

R OOTS No damage if suitable maintenance Root resistant water proofing or spe-

(Resistance against roots) cial protection is necessary
Check of water proofing is simple,
CHEKING, REPARATION, reparation - reconstruction is less ex- Check of the water proofing is not
RECONSTRUCTION pensive possible, reparation and reconstruc-
tion is costly


Novk gnes
okleveles ptszmrnk, fiskolai docens

1954 - Budapest

1977 - Budapesti Mszaki

Egyetem ptszmrnki Kar


1983-ig Miskolc, SZAKTERV,


1983-tl Ybl Mikls Mszaki

Fiskola - oktats

1993-tl Az kologikus
ptszet cm tantrgy ok -

Novk gnes
architect, senior lecturer

1954 - Budapest,

1977 - Technical University of

Budapest, Department of Archi-


until 1983 Miskolc, SZAKTERV,

design works

from 1983 Polytechnic Ybl Mik-

ls, teaching tasks

from 1993 responsible for the

subject: Ecological Architecture
Az ltalunk hasznlt anyagok
hatssal vannak a krnyezetre,
s gyrtsuk, szlltsuk sorn
energit hasznlnak fel. Egyre
tbb ptanyag vlik nehe -
zen hozzfrhetv, s nem
csupn az alapanyag, hanem a
hozz szksges energia is
egyre drgbb. Sok energia -
hordoz elfogy majd a kvet -
kez vtizedekben, pedig
ezek egy rsze alkalmas volna
olyan szintetikus anyagok el -
lltsra, amelyek termsze -
tes anyaggal nem helyettest -
hetk (elektronika, stb.).....



The materials we use influ -

ence the environment, and
through their production and
transportation they use up en -
ergy. More and more types of
materials are becoming scarce
and not only the price of the
material is high but also the
cost of energy necessary for
its production. In the near fu -
ture many energy sources will
be exhausted.
ACL: Br nem megjul forrsbl szrmaz anyag, az n- STEEL: Though the cast iron and the wrought iron
tttvas s a kovcsoltvas szerkezetek hossz lettarta- structures originate from a non-renewable source they
mak, s kevsb gondos karbantarts mellett is elfo- are long lasting and acceptable even under less careful
gadhatak. Sokszor gazdasgosan jra felhasznlhatk. maintenance. Often they can be economically reused. In
Sok esetben ezeket az anyagokat kell elnyben rszes- a few cases we have to give preference to these
tennk a modern aclszerkezetekkel szemben, azonban materials instead of modern steel structures though they
ennek htrnya, hogy nagyobb a munkaignye s kevs- are labor-intensive and are not so versatile for building
b vltozatos a beptsi lehetsge. A kovcsoltvas ha- in. Wrought iron has the same advantages and recently
sonl elnykkel rendelkezik, s az utbbi vekben jra it became fashionable again . Steel is often used as a
eltrbe kerlt ksztse. Az ntttvas s lgyvas kieg- generic form to include cast and wrought iron
szt szerkezetek nagy rszt acl-nak nevezik, ezrt structures, so before using one of them we have to
mieltt beptjk, meg kell bizonyosodnunk fajtjrl. make sure of the exact type.

ADALK ANYAGOK (AGGREGTOK): A fogalomkrbe a AGGREGATES: Sand, gravel, crushed stone or brick, etc.
homok, kavics, kzzalk, tglatrmelk, stb. adalkanya- belong to this category. The typical method of
gok tartoznak. Az anyagok nagy rsze bnyszati md- extraction is mining or quarrying, so it might have a bad
szerekkel kerl kitermelsre, ami a kzvetlen krnyezet- effect on the immediate vicinity. We can use less of
re negatv hatssal lehet. Ezrt az ilyen anyagok haszn- these materials in some cases. Old buildings are to be
latt idnknt cskkenteni tudjuk. A rgi pleteket ha kept if possible and we should build new ones only if it
lehet tartsuk meg, s jat csak akkor ptsnk, ha val- is really necessary. If we decided to erect a new building,
ban szksges. Ha j pletet ptnk vlasszuk az acl we should choose steel or wooden frame instead of
vagy fa vzszerkezeteket, s kerljk a beton szerkeze- concrete. Doing this we ensure the re-use ability of the
teket. Ezzel biztostjuk, hogy az plet elhasznldsa built in materials when the building is demolished. To
utn a beptett anyagok jra bepthetk lesznek. Saj- our regret, the regulations of today do not support this
nlatos mdon a mai szablyozk nem segtik az ilyen way of thinking. It is possible to substitute for aggregates
gondolkodst. Lehetsges a homok s kavics adalka- like sand and gravel by-products, for example, from
nyagok helyettestse olyan anyagokkal, amik mellkter- quarries. So the waste will turn into a raw material.
mkei pldul a kbnyknak, s gy hulladk helyett Gravel is the basic material of concrete, sand and clay
alapanyagg lesznek. A kavics legtbbszr a beton alap- are raw materials of brick. Gravel pits ruin the landscape
anyaga, a homok s az agyag pedig leginkbb a tglagyr- and sand could be better utilized in the production of
ts alapanyaga. A kavicsbnyszat rontja a tjkpet, a ho- glass. Abandoned gravel and sand pits can be
mok pedig sokkal alkalmasabb lenne az veggyrtsban. theoretically rehabilitated but the ecological system
A felhagyott kavics s homokbnyk elvileg rehabilitlha- ruined by the mining cannot be restored and the
tk, de a bnyszat sorn lerombolt koszisztma soha subsurface waters, springs definitely suffer a loss. The
nem llthat helyre, s a felszn alatti vizek, forrsok is secondary aggregates are the wastes of other processes.
rkre krosodnak. A msodlagos aggregtok - adalka- Often the remains of a demolished building could be
nyagok - ms folyamatok hulladkai. Sokszor a bontsi used in foundations or in building of concrete structures
trmelkek nagy rsze is alkalmazhat lenne alapozsok which require less bearing capacity.
ksztsnl, vagy kevsb kiemelet teherhord beton-
szerkezetek ptsnl.
ACRYLICS: (See under Synthetics, 147)
AKRILOK: (ld. Manyagok, 147)
ALCOHOL: (See under Energy 127, Solvents 150)
ALKOHOL: (ld. Energia 127,, Oldszerek 150)
ALUMINUM: The production of aluminum is a very energy-
ALUMNIUM: Az alumnium gyrtsa nagyon energiaignyes demanding process, but we need this material because
folyamat, de erre a fmre a klnleges adottsgai miatt of its special features: it is light and durable. During its
- knny, tarts, stb. - szksg van. A gyrtsa sorn t- production we have to try to save energy. As far as we
rekedni kell az energiamegtakartsra. Mindaddg amg cannot find a substitute for this excellent material, we
ezt a kivl anyagot nem tudjuk mssal helyettesteni, have to ensure its re-cycling and re-use. (See also
addig szksg van arra is, hogy a visszagyjtse s jra- Metals.)
feldolgozsa is megfelel legyen. (Ld. mg: Fmek)


ASZFALT: Folys vagy szilrd halmazllapot sznhidrogn ASPHALT: It is a liquid or solid state hydrocarbon derivative
szrmazk, ami a kolajdesztillci mellktermke, de which is a by-product of distillation of mineral oil but it
termszetes llapotban is megtallhat. Az gynevezett can also be found in nature. The natural resources are
aszfalttavak a termszetes lelhelyek, amikor a felsznre the so-called asphalt lakes: the bigger part of the crude
kerlt kolaj nagyobb rsze hossz id alatt elprolgott, oil on the surface has evaporated during a long period
s a nehezebb aszfalt megmaradt. Az aszfalt kitermelse and the heavier asphalt remained. The mining of the
nem energiaignyes folyamat, s a kolajipari mellkter- asphalt needs little energy and the use of asphalt as the
mkknt keletkezett aszfalt felhasznlsa is hasznos, k- by-product of the oil industry means the utlilization of
lnben hulladk lenne. Azonban az aszfalt tartssga waste. However, the durability of asphalt depends on
nagymrtkben fgg a felhasznlstl s a tervezstl. the method of its use and its design. The asphalt of
Az tfelletek aszfalttmege elvileg jrafelhasznlhat, roads is re-usable in principle, but this method is not yet
de ez mg kevss elterjedt. Sokkal inkbb eltrbe ke- widely practiced. There is a tendency now to remove
rl a rgi utakrl s makadm burkolatokrl is a megle- the asphalt from the old roads and macadam surfaces
v aszfaltburkolat felszedse, fleg lakott teleplseken, especially in residential area to let the road surface
mert gy az tfellet is llegzik. Termszetesen a nagy- breathe. The surface of busy roads should continued to
forgalm utak fellett a tovbbiakban is aszfalttal kell be covered by asphalt.

AZBESZT: Sziliktbzis kzet, amit finom szlas formba ASBESTOS: It is a silicate based rock which is heated into
hevtve alkalmas tetfed anyagok, csvezetkek vagy fine fibers and in this form it is used as a fire resistant
tzvd bevonatok ksztsre. Ellenll a vegyi anyagok- layer on roof coverings and pipes. It resists to chemicals
nak s organikus szennyezdseknek. Sajnos csak hossz and organic impurities. We discovered only after a long
id utn derlt ki, hogy az azbesztszlak nem csupn a time that these asbestos fibers are dangerous to health
gyrts sorn, hanem az pletben a hasznlat sorn is not only during production, but also during their use in
egszsgre kros anyagok. A legnagyobb problma, buildings. Asbestos dust settles in the lungs and
hogy az azbesztpor a tdben lelepszik s fokozza a contributes to the development of cancer. Despite this,
rk kialakulsnak lehetsgt. Mindezekkel egytt az az- asbestos can be used with adequate protection and
beszt alkalmazhat, ha megfelelen szigeteljk, s a vele under continuos control. Asbestos can be used in
ksztett szerkezeteket folyamatosan ellenrizzk. Hasz- closed structures, in roof sheets, in insulation of pipes.
nlhatjuk az azbesztet bezrt szerkezetek esetn, tet- Asbestos can be applied with spray gun, but in this case
lemezek esetn, csvezetkek szigetelsnl. Felhordha- the surface should be protected to an increased degree.
t az azbeszt szrpisztollyal is, ebben az esetben a During the mining of asbestos 5% of the lifted rock is
felletet fokozottan kell vdeni. Az azbeszt bnyszat- useful. Some other minerals can be used in the same
nl a megmozgatott kmennyisg mintegy 5%-a hasznl- way, but open quarrying always raise the same problems
hat fel. Tbb ms svnyi anyag is hasznlhat hasonl as in case of asbestos: this activity is very destructive for
mdon, de ezek nyltszni bnyszata is ugyanazokat a the environment. After closing of open mines, in
problmkat veti fel, mint az azbesztbnyszat, vagyis Canada, for example, vegetation is re-planted - but this
krnyezetrombol tevkenysg. A felszni bnyszat is not a regular practice in many other countries. The
utn Kanadban jrateleptik nvnyzettel a terletet, de biggest quarries for asbestos are Brazil, Canada, China,
a legtbb orszgban ez mg nem vlt gyakorlatt. A leg- Columbia, Greece, Italy, Russia, Turkey, etc.
nagyobb lelhelyek Brazlia, Kanada, Kna, Kolumbia, G-
rgorszg, Olaszorszg, Oroszorszg,, Trkorszg, stb.

BETON: A betonra, mint ptanyagra rvnyesek, a Ce- CONCRETE: All that can be read under title Cement
ment cmsz alatt olvashatk. Bizonyos, hogy egyes relates also to concrete as building material. Certainly in
esetekben alkalmazsa elkerlhetetlen, minden esetben some cases we cannot avoid its use, but we have to try
trekedni kell azonban arra, hogy mg ekkor is minl ki- to build in as little concrete as possible, and only in
sebb mennyisgben kerljn beptsre, csak olyan p- buildings designed for long life, as the demolishing of
leteknl, ahol hossz idtartamra terveznk, mert ezen such buildings causes damage to the environment and
pletek bontsa nagy krnyezeti krokkal jr, s bont- the debris cannot be re-used. There are efforts to use
sa sorn keletkezett trmelk nem hasznosthat to- this debris - after removing the metal parts - in road
vbb. Vannak termszetesen trekvsek arra, hogy a construction, or in foundations as aggregate material.


bonts utn keletkezett trmelket - miutn az aclda- The use of reinforced concrete structures in residential
raboktl megtiszttottk - tptsben, alapozsban ada- buildings requires consideration, due to its unpleasant
lkanyagknt alkalmazzk. A vasbeton szerkezetek alkal- reaction to vapour and - with precast elements - the
mazsa lakpletek esetben klnsen megfontolan- reduced possibilities in the arrangement of the ground-
d, leginkbb kellemetlen prahztartsa miatt, s mert plan.
nehzkes vltozatos alaprajzi kialaktst elrni.

BIOMASSZA (BIOENERGIA): A bioenergia keletkezhet or- BIO-MASS (BIO-ENERGY): It can originate from burning of
ganikus eredet szilrd, folyadk vagy gz anyagok ge- organic solid, fluid or gas materials. We can directly burn
tsvel. Lehetsges, hogy a nvnyi anyagot kzvetlenl the vegetable matter, but most of the time we use
tzeljk el, de sokszor ipari, mezgazdasgi vagy kom- industrial, agricultural or communal waste for this. From
munlis hulladkot hasznlunk erre. A biomassza haszn- the ecological aspect the use of bio-mass is very
lata krnyezeti szempontbl klnsen elnys, mivel advantageous as it is a renewable resource.
folyamatosan megjul forrst jelentenek.

BLOKKOK: Az ptsi gyakorlatban eredetileg a blokkok BLOCKS: In building practice blocks are originally those
alatt azokat az ptelemeket rtettk, amelyeket kt building materials which can be lifted by two hands.
kzzel fel lehet emelni. (A tglkat egy kzzel is lehet (Bricks can be moved by one hand.) Later medium and
mozgatni.) A ksbbiek sorn megjelentek a kzp s large blocks appeared, the heavy and light elements and
nagyblokkok, a nehz s knny elemek, s ekkor mr this meant the use of building systems. These systems
ptsi rendszerekrl volt sz. Az ilyen ptsi rendsze- do not respect the environment, their production,
rek nem voltak tekintettel a krnyezetre, ptsk, fenn- maintenance and demolition all constitute a load on the
tartsuk s elbontsuk egyarnt terhelte a krnyezetet. environment. Recently, a new meaning of the block is
Mindezeken tlmenen azonban a blokkok jfajta rtel- emerging: according to GREEN concepts: if waste
mezse is eltrbe kerlhet lassan. A ZLD megfonto- energy is used for the production of blocks, plus the
ls szerint, ha a blokkok gyrtshoz hulladkenergit basic material of the block is a by-product itself, and also
hasznlnak, s a blokkok alapanyaga maga is valamely if these elements need less energy in use - the use of
ms termk gyrtsnak mellktermke, s ha ezek az blocks is deemed to be advantageous.
elemek lehetv teszik az alacsonyabb energiafelhaszn-
lst, akkor alkalmazsuknak van krnyezeti elnye.

BR: A termszetes brk, amiket az llatokbl nyernek LEATHER: The natural leather of the animals is a renewable
megjul nyersanyagnak szmtanak mindaddig, amg az material as long as man can breed these animals. In the
ember kpes ezeket az llatokat tenyszteni. A brk ki- curing of leather salt, lime, alkali and other chemicals like
ksztse sorn st, meszet, lgokat s kmiai szereket, bromine-sulphate are used. For tanning, originally natural
mint pl. brmszulftot alkalmaznak. Eredetileg a cserzs- materials were used, which come from renewable
re termszetes anyagokat alkalmaztak, amik megjul sources. For the further processing both natural oils
forrsbl szrmaztak. A tovbbi kiksztsek sorn egya- (renewable sources) and synthetics (which are harmful
rnt alkalmaznak termszetes olajokat (amik megjul to the environment) are used. The natural tanning
nyersanyagok) s szintetikus anyagokat, amik krostjk a materials would allow us to compost the waste of the
krnyezetet. A termszetes cserzanyagok hasznlata leather and shoe industry and to convert it to soil-
esetn a bripari s cipipari hulladk komposztls improving material as it happened in the past. However
utn talajjavt szer is lehetne - mint azt rgebben is al- now we cannot do this with the wastes containing
kalmaztk - azonban a szintetikus anyagokat tartalmaz synthetics so they should be regarded as dangerous
hulladkokkal ezt nem lehet megtenni, ilyetnkppen waste which cannot be even be incinerated without
ezek veszlyes hulladknak szmtanak, getsk is kro- causing damage. Their proper disposal is still unsolved.
stja a krnyezetet, msfle elhelyezsk egyenlre meg-


BUTIL: Szintetikus gumi, ami meglehetsen vzzr, az izo- BUTYL: Synthetic rubber which is water-resistant and
butiln s kismennyisg isoprene co-polimerizcija so- generated through the co-polymerisation of isobutylene
rn keletkezik. Nem megjul. (Ld. mg: Gumi) and a small quantity of isoprene. Not renewable. (See
also: Rubber)

CEMENT: A cement ltalban kalcium, szilcium, bauxit s CEMENT: It is generally the powdery mixture of calcium,
egyb anyagok por alak keverke, amiben az alkotr- silicates, bauxite and other minerals. The ratio of
szek arnyai fajtnknt vltozhatnak. A cementgyrts- ingredients varies with different types. The mining of li-
hoz szksges mszk bnyszsa a krnyezetet ersen mestone, which is necessary to the production of the
rombolja. Az alkotrszek kztt szerepl szilcium cement, ruins the environment. Some 5% of the silicates
mintegy 5%-a szilcium dioxid, ami bellegezve a tdt is silicium-dioxide which injures the lungs when
krostja, s a szilikzist okoz. A msztartalom miatt a breathed in and causes the silicosis. Due to the lime
por krostja a torok s a szem nylkahrtyjt, valamint content, the powder injures the mucous membranes of
a nedves cement fjdalmas sebeket ejt a brn. A be- the throat, the eyes, and the wet cement creates painful
tongyrts egyb adalkanyagai - pldul a hideg idben wounds on the skin. The other additives of the cement
adagolt fagysgtlk, ktsgyorstk, vagy a bedolgozst production in cold climates- like anti-freeze agents,
segt vegyszerek - brbntalmakat okozhatnak. Minde- setting accelerators and plasticisers - may cause skin
zek a hatsok a vakol munksokat is rik. Egyes vizsg- irritation. Plasterers are also exposed to these harmful
latok szerint a cementgyri munksok gyomorrk miatti effects. According to some studies, the death rate of
hallozsi mutatja 75%-al magasabb, mint az tlagn- cement factory workers due to cancer if the stomach is
pessg. Mindezeket figyelembe kell venni, amikor arra 75% higher than that of the general population. We
treksznk, hogy ezt az anyagot is a lehet legkeveseb- have to consider these facts when we make efforts to
bet hasznljuk, s a leggazdasgosabb mdon. use as little of this material as possible and in the most
economic always.

CFC-K: Halognezett sznhidrognek sszefoglal megne- CFCS: This is a generic term for halogenised hydrocarbons.
vezse. Halognezs: halognatomoknak - klr, brm, Halogenised means: the planting of halogen atoms like
jd, stb. - szerves molekulkba val beptse. Ezek azok chlorine, boron, iodine into organic molecules. These are
a szennyezk - a metn s a nitrognoxidokon tlmen- the substances - besides methane and nitrogen oxide -
en - amelyek a leginkbb eszik az zont, s felelss which eat up the ozone and are responsible for
tehetk az zonpajzs srlsrt, az zonlyuk nveke- damage of the ozone-layer and the growth of the ozone-
dsrt. Ezek a freonszrmazkok tz-tizent v alatt el- hole. These freon-derivatives reach the ozone stratum in
rik az zonrteget, ott az ibolyntli sugrzs hatsra 10-15 years and there, influenced by the ultra-violet
klratomok hasadnak le rluk. A klratomok hatsra az radiation, chlorine atoms split off from them. Under the
zonmolekulk (O3) oxignmolekulra s szabad oxi- influence of chlorine atoms, the ozone molecules (O3)
gnre bomlanak szt. A szabad oxignatomok azonnal split into oxygen molecules and free oxygen. The free
trsulnak valamivel, gy az zon egyre fogy. A klratom oxygen atoms unite at once with something, so the
lettartama hossz, gy akr tzezer zonmolekula tala- ozone is quickly de-creasing. The lifetime of the chlorine
kulst is katalizlhatja. A gyrts s felhasznls azonna- atom is long so it can catalyze the transformation of even
li lelltsa esetn is mg vagy harminc vig folytatdna 10000 ozone molecules. Even if we could stop the
az zon bomlsa. Magyarorszg nem gyrt halognezett production and use at this moment, the destruction of
sznhidrognt, de sokat hasznl fel importbl. A magyar- the ozone would continue for at least 30 years. There is
orszgi felhasznls 46%-a hajtgz (fleg illatszer s fes- no production of halogenised hydrocarbons in Hungary,
tkipar), 3%-a oldszer, 22%-a htkzeg (de mr kap- but we import them. 46% is used as propellants (mainly
hatk a freonmentes htszekrnyek is), 29%-a ma- for perfumes and paints), 3% as solvents, 22% as
nyagfeldolgozs. Ezen anyagok felhasznlsnak cskken- refrigerates (though freon-free refrigerators are available
tsre rtk al az un. Montreali Egyezmnyt 1988-ban, now), 29% is used in the production of synthetics. In
amihez Magyarorszg is kapcsoldott. E szerint 1999-re order to decrease the use of these materials the
felre kell cskkenteni a freonfelhasznlst. Montreal Treaty was signed in 1988, to which Hungary
also acceded. According to this the use CFCs should be
halved by 1999.


CINK: (ld. Fmek 137) ZINC: (see Metals 137)

CSILLM: Nem megjul svnyi anyag, alumnium szilik- MICA: This is a non renewable mineral which contains
tot tartalmaz. Hasthat s palaformban is elfordul, aluminum silicate. It can be split and can be found in the
ezrt egyes orszgokban kedvelt fedanyag. Porr rl- form of slate, consequently it is a popular roofing
ve hasznljk mg festkek s taptk gyrtsnl, vala- material in some countries. In ground form it is used also
mint a csomagolanyag iparban. Az elektrotechnikai ipar in the production of paints, wall papers and in the
is hasznlja. Bnyszata krnyezetre nzve kros. (Ld. packaging industry. The electrical industry also uses it. Its
mg: Vermikulit) mining damages the environment. (See also Vermiculite)

CSOMAGOLS: Csomagolanyagok: fm, veg, manyag, PACKING: Packaging materials are: metal, glass, plastic,
papr s hullmpapr. (Ez utbbi jelenti pldul az Egye- paper and corrugate paper-board. (The latter
slt Kirlysg teljes paprfelhasznlsnak 85 %-t, ami vi- constitutes, for example, 85% of the total paper
szonylag elnys, mivel jrafelasznlsuk megvalstha- consumption of the United Kingdom and is relatively
t.) Mindezekrl a klnbz cmszavak alatt is olvasha- advantageous as re-cycling is possible.) One can read
tunk. A csomagols egyrszt krnyezetileg elnys, mi- more about this topic under different titles. Packaging is
vel vdi az lelmiszereket, s egyb rukat, de anyaguk advantageous from environmental aspect as it protects
megvlasztsa jelents gond lehet. Ugyangy a felesleges food and other products but to choose the packing
csomagols krnyezeti szempontbl elvetend - min- materials should be chosen with care. On the other
den felesleges anyag gyrtsa, szlltsa, eldobsa felesle- hand, unnecessary packing should be avoided from the
ges, msrszt a fogyaszts lnktse egy bizonyos fej- environmental aspect - the production, transport, and
lettsgi szint felett szintn krnyezetellenes. A csomago- disposal of unnecessary material is futile. Intensification
l anyag kivlasztsakor a nem megjul forrsbl szr- of consumption above a certain level is also against the
mazk elvetendk, s ugyangy mellzni kell a tbbfle environment. Choosing the right packing material we
anyagot tartalmaz csomagolanyagokat, mint pldul should reject those coming from non renewable
az alumnium-karton-manyagflia rtegekbl ll - per- sources. We have to reject also packaging containing
sze roppant tetszets s knyelmes - dobozokat, amik different materials such as aluminum- cardboard-plastic
jra hasznostsa ne megoldhat. j megvilgtsba ke- foil boxes which are very pretty and convenient but are
rlnek a CFC-t tartalmaz manyag csomagolanyagok not recyclable. Plastic packing containing CFC - like
is - mint pldul a manyaghab tlck s a rsimul flia plastic foam trays and transparent foils on them - should
- amikbl az lelmiszerekbe is juthatnak kros anyagok. be seen in a different light: the dangerous content of
Ezeket mellzzk, vagy ha mr mskpp nem boldogu- these may also get into the food. We should not buy
lunk, a tartalmt minl hamarabb vegyk ki bellk. Per- these packages but if we have to, we should remove
sze a legjobb az lenne, ha csomagolsra egyltaln nem their content as soon as possible. In optimal case we
hasznlnnak ilyen anyagokat, mivel gyakorlatilag ma mr could avoid the use of such packing materials as today
mindegyik anyag helyettesthet olyannal, amelyik nem there is the possibility to replace them with materials
tartalmaz CFC-t. Termszetesen az lenne a cl, ha a m- without CFC. The aim is to cut the use of packing
anyag alapanyag csomagolanyagokat is egyre inkbb materials with a synthetic base. The re-cycling of
httrbe lehetne szortani, mivel semmilyen manyag j- synthetics or the environment friendly liquidation of
rahasznostsa, vagy akr csak krnyezetbart meg- them is still unsolved. The only exception is the so called
semmistse sem megoldott egyenlre. Ez all kivtel az PET (unipolymeric) plastic which is started to gain
un. PET (egypolimer) manyag, ami mr kezd elterjed- acceptance. In principle, it can be recycled like paper but
ni. Ez elvileg ugyangy recikliklhat, mint a papr, csak- today even the bigger part of the waste paper is thrown
hogy ma mg a paprhulladk nagy rsze is a szemtbe away instead of recycling. Environment friendly
kerl inkbb, semmint jrahasznostsra. A krnyezetba- producers and users know that the GREEN method of
rt gyrtk s felhasznlk tudjk, hogy a paprcsomago- packing is to pack into recycled paper. Recycled paper is
ls ZLD mdja, ha jrapaprba csomagolunk. Mond- a fashion and is a good fashion. It would be good if the
hatjuk, hogy az jrapapr divat, a j divatokhoz tartozik. big paper consumers - offices - could compress their
Ehhez az is hozztartozna, hogy a nagy paprfelhasznl paper waste on the spot so the selective waste
irodk mr helyben tudjk a hulladkpaprjukat prselni, collecting could start automatically. Only the
s gy automatikusan elindulna a szelektv gyjts. Ter- homogeneous paper is good for recycling. Glossy paper


mszetesen jrafeldolgozsra csak az olyan papr alkal- and the paper with metal or plastic content are not
mas, ami ms anyagokat nem tartalmaz, gy nem alkal- suitable. They can be used - after grinding - for
mas a fnyes fellet jsgpapr, a fmrszeket tartalma- producing paper pulp again, or if tree of chemicals,
z papr, vagy a manyaggal kombinlt paprtermk. Az mixing them with earth and composting them for a time
ilyen irodai hulladkok alkalmasak rls utn jabb pa- - for producing soil, and at lastly, for burning to produce
prmassza ksztsre, esetleg - ha vegyi anyagoktl energy. A great quantity of combustible polyurethane
mentes - flddel keverve, bizonyos komposztlsi id foams is used for packing which is environmentally
utn talajknt, vagy legutols sorban tzelsre, s gy undesirable. The classical forms of safe packaging
energia nyersre. Az ghet poliuretn habok is nagy materials like wood-wool or paper cuttings are much
mennyisgben kerlnek felhasznlsra csomagolanyag- more desirable.
knt. A biztonsgos csomagols olyan klasszikus kialak-
tsa, mint a faforgcs vagy paprnyesedk hasznlata kr-
nyezetileg sokkal elnysebb.

DZEL: Szles krben elterjedt nzet, hogy a dzelzem DIESEL: It is a widely held opinion that the cars with a diesel
gpkocsik krnyezetbartabbak, mint benzin zem tr- engine are more environment-friendly than those
saik, de amita Nmetorszgban ezt vizsgljk, egyesek running with petrol, but some tests in Germany should
azt lltjk, hogy rkkelt hatsuk van. mbr nem szk- diesel oil has a carcinogenic effect. Although it does use
sges lom adalkanyagot alkalmazni, s a gz szennye- lead additives and its gaseous emission is less, even the
zse (kibocstsa) is alacsonyabb, mg a jl karbantar- well maintained diesel engines release particulates which
tott dzel zem motorok is kibocstanak parnyi r- can form the base for chemicals such as aromatic
szecskket, mint pldul egyes kmiai anyagok hordoz- hydrocarbon (PAH) which can be carcinogenic. These
rszecskit - pldul az aromatikus hidrokarbontokat - particles are dangerous for people suffering from
(PAH- k), amelyek rkkelt hatsak lehetnek. Ezek a r- respiratory diseases. The reason for the development of
szecskk veszlyesek azokra az emberekre is, akik krni- such particles can be the pollution discharged by poorly
kus lgti betegsgekben szenvednek. A rszecskk ke- maintained diesel engines, the non-perfect combustion
letkezsnek oka lehet a rosszul karbantartott dzel mo- of fuel, the non-sufficiently dispersed lubricant and the
torok szennyezs kibocstsa, az elgtelen gs sulfate and sulfur emission of the fuel. With insufficient
tzelanyag, a rosszul eloszlott kenolajtartalom, s az and irregular maintenance the release of toxic particles
zemanyag szulft s szulfur kibocstsa. Ha a motorok of these engines quickly increases reaching or exceeding
nincsenek rendszeresen karbantartva, hirtelen megn a the prescribed limits. The increase in the price of fuel,
mrgez anyag kibocstsuk, legtbbszr elrve vagy allow substitution of methanol in the diesel oil. This
meghaladva az elrsos mrtket. Az zemanyag-rak would reduce the emission of toxic particles, by these
jelents nvekedse jelenti a lehetsget, hogy a dzel- useful, low consumption engines. Hopefully parallel to
ben jelenlev metanol helyettestsvel cskkenteni this, regulations will prescribe the reduction of sulfates in
lehet a szennyezs kibocstst ezekben a hasznos kis fo- the diesel oil and in the interest of decreasing toxic
gyaszts eszkzkben. Remlhetleg ezzel arnyban a emissions in the future, catalyzers should be built in to
szablyozs is a dzelolaj szulft szintjnek cskkentst reduce the discharge of particulates.
fogja elrni, s a jvbeni szablyozs a krosanyag ki-
bocstsok cskkentse rdekben elrja a katalizto-
rok beptst a rszecske kibocstsok cskkentsre.

ENERGIA: A rendszer munkavgz kpessgnek mrtk- ENERGY: The concept is defined with the unit of the
egysgvel definilt fogalom. Az energiafelhasznls min- capacity for work. All the forms of energy consumption
den formja valamilyen mrtkben rombolja a term- is harmful to the environment but there are renewable
szetet, de egyes energiaforrsok megjulnak, mg msok and non-renewable sources of energy. See the table at
nem. Ezt a szcikk aljn a tblzat mutatja. Pldul a szn the end of this heading. In the case of coal for example,
esetben nmi fejlds ment vgbe a krnyezet terle- there was some development in connection with the
tn - lsd energia forrsok. Az Eurpai Kzssg 1978- environment - see Energy sources. In 1978 the
ban fellltott egy munkacsoportot annak rdekben European Community has set up a group to develop
hogy az energiamegtakartsra dolgozzanak ki j techno- new technologies of energy-saving, alternative energy
lgikat, alternatv energiaforrsokat a folykony s gz sources to replace fluid and gas hydrocarbons. As


halmazllapot sznhidrognek helyettestsre. A meg- renewable sources, the researchers listed the sun, wind,
jul energiaforrsok kztt a kutatk a nap-, szl-, ge- geothermal and water power and the bio-mass. The
otermikus-, vzenergit s a biomasszt jelltk meg. A environment conscious designers give special attention
krnyezetorientlt tervezk az pletek s pletegyt- to the planning of the energy sources necessary for a
tesek tervezsekor klns figyelmet fordtanak az ener- building or building complex. Among the possibilities,
giaszksglet kielgtsnek tervezsre. A vlasztsi le- there are the combined methods for heating and energy
hetsg magban foglalja a kombinlt mdszereket a f- production: solar-power stations, wind-generators, bio-
tsre s energiatermelsre, mint pldul a napenergit gas sources using the methane content of the waste,
ad napermveket, a szlgenertorokat, a hulladk refuse burners. In all cases, however, one of the most
metntartalmt hasznost biogz forrsokat, vagy a important energy-saving factor is the insulation.
hulladkget-mvek energiit. De minden esetben a
hszigetels az egyik legfontosabb dolog az energiameg-
biomassza kolaj kombinlt ft- bio-mass mineral oil combined
tzeg fldgz s herm peat natural gas heating and
szemtfeltltsek szn (ld. Kombinlt methane con- coal heat power
metn tartalma szn-szrmazk ermvek) tent of waste carbon stations
hulladkgets propn combustion of derivatives (see Combined
megjul erdk fa (nem meg waste propane power station)
faanyaga jul erdbl) wood of rene- wood (from
geotermikus wable forests non-renewable
energia geothermical forests)
vzenergia water power
napenergia sun power
hullmerm wave power
szlerm wind power

Kombinlt hermvek: A hermvek ltalban Combined power stations: Thermal power stations
65 % hatsfokkal hasznljk fel az elsdleges energit, s usually utilise the primary energy with a 65% efficiency
a vesztesgek nagy rsze a htvzen keresztl tvozik. and most of the loss goes with the cooling water. The
A kombinlt herm jelenti azt a mdszert, hogy en- combined power station ensures a method to gain back
nek a vesztesgnek legalbb egy rszt hasznostsuk, s at least part of this loss. These stations can be built also
kisebb mretben is telepthetk. Ezek elektromos telje- at smaller scale. The electrical output of a model is 160
stmnye mintegy 160 KW, s ennek mintegy kt h- kW and the heat output is twice or three times more.
romszorosa a hteljestmnye. Egyes orszgokban a sza- In some countries there are regulations that where
blyozsok elrjk, hogy olyan helyeken, ahol a kisebb smaller (sometime privately owned) power stations
(esetleg magn kzben lev) ermvek mkdtetse a seem to be more economic, they should be run as part
gazdasgosabb, gy azokat a rendszer rszeknt kell m- of the system. This rule is against monopoly and the
kdtetni. Ezzel a monopolhelyzet ellen is tesznek, s az energy supply of the different regions are independent
egyes trsgek energiaelltsa nem fgg a kzponttl. from the center. The price of the energy can be
Az energia rt kzsen hatrozhatjk meg. Msrszt a determined collectively. The relatively low running cost
relatv alacsony mkdtetsi kltsgek s a h s ener- plus the heat and energy profit ensure the profitable use
gianyeresg lehetv teszi ezen kis ermvek gazdas- of these small power stations for guest houses, hotels,
gos hasznlatt szllodk, hotelek, lakterletek, egyete- living quarters, universities and other projects of the
mek s hasonl nagysgrend projektek szmra. A same scale. Buildings with minimal energy consumption
miniml energia fogyaszt pletek manapsg kezdenek are appearing now and it became obvious that the
megjelenni, s ez hirtelen nyilvnvalv tette, hogy az buildings consuming huge quantity of energy are the
energiafal pletek mr a mlt maradkai. Pldul az l- remains of the past. With false ceilings, for example, the
mennyezetek lehetv teszik hogy a felettk lev beton concrete slab above it can collect and store heat in the
fdm napkzben a leveg emelkedse miatt ht gyjt- day-time due to the rising air and it can return this
sn s troljon, s ezt az energit ksbb ellenrztt energy later in a controlled form. In case of a building, its
mdon szrmaztassa vissza. Szablyozni lehet az ple- energy input and loss can be regulated with such general
tek energiafelvtelt s leadst, olyan ltalnos eszk- means as formation of wall structures, insulation,
zkkel, mint a falszerkezetek kialaktsa, a szigetels, az dimensioning of windows, design of shading, etc. The


ablakok mretezse, rnykolk tervezse, stb. A mlt buildings of the last century and the turn of the century
szzadi s szzadforduls pletek pldul a nagy tme- can store much of heat due to their mass wall structures
g falszerkezetekkel nagy htrol kpessgek, s alkal- are suitable for energy saving, while the size of their
masak az energiatakarkossgra, ugyanakkor az ablakok windows prevent overheating even in summer. Also,
mrete nem okoz nyri tlftst sem. Msrszt ezek a these wall structures are good from other
falszerkezetek egyb krnyezeti szempontbl is jk, (zaj- environmental aspect: they reduce noise, act as buffers
szrs, pravndorls, stb.) s a szobk kztti zajszige- for vapour, etc. and the sound insulation between the
tels is megfelel (ld. mg: Lgkondicionls, Ftanyag). rooms is also good (see also Air conditioning, Heating
Lteznek mr olyan megplt pldk - pldul Klnben materials). There are examples for the above, for
- ahol egy j irodaplet 50% -al kevesebb elektromos instance in Kln, where a new office building consumes
ramot, s 90%-al kevesebb henergit fogyaszt, mint a 50% less electricity and 90% less heat energy than the
hatvanas vekben plt tipikus irodapletek. Egyes ku- typical offices of the 60s do. According to some
tatk szerint az ermvek privatizcija a fejldst jelen- researchers, privatization of the power stations is a
ti az energiapiacon, ami kapcsolatban van az ipar s fo- development in the energy-market which represents
gyaszts rdekeivel is. A nagy ermvek nagy rsze the interest of both the industry and the consumer.
sznnel mkdik, s ellentmonds van ezek mkdtet- Most of the big power stations work with coal and there
se, a sznkszletek, az esetleges olcs import lehets- is a contradiction between their running, the coal
gei s a krnyezeti hatsok kztt. Valsznleg a kisebb reserve, the cheap import possibilities and the
ermvek s a vltozatosabb energiaforrsok felhaszn- environmental impacts. The use of smaller power
lsa - vagyis az ipari monokultra elkerlse a krnye- stations and various sources of energy - that is the
zet szempontjbl is elnysebb lehet. abolition of the industrial monoculture - may be
advantageous also for the environment.

ENYVEK: (ld. Ragasztk 154) GLUES: (See Adhesives 154)

ESVZ-CSATORNK ANYAGAI: Nagyon sokfle anyagot MATERIALS OF RAIN PIPES: Many materials are used for
hasznlnak erre a clra, s mindegyiknek van elnye s this purpose and each has its specific advantage and
htrnya krnyezeti szempontbl. disadvantage from environmental viewpoint.
Alumnium: Knny anyag, ezrt egyszeren kezelhe- Aluminum: It is light and easy to handle but it derives
t, de nem megjul forrsbl szrmazik, s gyrtsa from a non-renewable source and its production
energiaignyes, ezzel szemben kis lehetsg van az jra- requires a much energy, also it is hardly reusable. Its
felhasznlsra. Elnye, hogy karbantartst alig ignyel. advantage is that it needs almost no maintenance.
Azbesztcement: Manapsg kevsb hasznlatos az Asbestos cement: Today it is rarely used because of
alacsony eszttikai szintje miatt. its low esthetic level and harmful health-effects.
ntttvas: Kedvez megjelens, hagyomnyos szer- Cast-iron: This traditional material looks nice and it is
kezet, amit akkor rdemes hasznlni, ha klnleges tra- worth using in special traditional environments. It
dicionlis krnyezethez kell igazodni. Karbantartsi ig- requires moderate maintenance but at fixing we have to
nye kzepes, de a rgztseknl fokozott figyelmet kell pay attention to the problems occurring due to the
fordtani a nagyobb slybl ered problmkra. heavy weight.
Manyag: Sokfle manyag szerkezet kaphat, s el- Plastic: Different plastic components are available and
nyk, hogy lehetsget nyjtanak a sajt kez, hzilagos their advantage is that no professional skill is needed for
ksztsre. Ugyanakkor azonban nagyon sokfle mret, their use. However, it is necessary to produce many
hosszsg s keresztmetszet, valamint kiegszt szer- sizes, lengths, diameters and fittings structures. Its light
kezetek sort szksges gyrtani. A knny sly s az weight and low maintenance are considerable
alacsony karbantartsi igny mindenkppen megfonto- advantages.
land elnyt jelent.
lom, rz: A rzlemez s lom csatornk azok, ame- Lead, copper: Pipes made of copper and lead are
lyek a tradicionlis stlushoz a legkzelebb llnak. Az closest to the traditional style. The only doubt is that in
utbbi vekben az egyetlen ktsg, hogy a savas esk- recent years they cannot properly resist to acid rains.
nek nem kellen llnak ellent. (Ld. mg: Savas es) (See also: Acid rain)


PTLEMEZEK: Az elregyrtott ptlemezek az pti- BUILDING BOARDS: Prefabricated building boards are
parban szles krben hasznlatosak. A ZLD megkze- widely used in the building industry. According to
lts szerint, ezek krnyezetbart volta fgg attl hogy GREEN views, their influence on the environment
milyen anyagokat tartalmaz s hogy hogyan ptik be, ki- depends on their material, the method of their use, and
vlthatk-e hasznlatukkal a krnyezetre veszlyesebb if they can replace the much more dangerous elements.
Cementktses lemezek: Szles krben terjedtek Boards with cement bonding: They are widely
el a cementktses lemezek, ezzel egsztve ki a favzas, used to clad buildings with wooden structure, or entirely
vagy teljesen fa pleteket, illetve tesznek eleget a tz- wooden buildings and to meet fire safety requirements.
rendszeti kvetelmnyeknek. Ez gy helyes is, ezekkel a This is correct, the only problems with them is that they
lemezekkel az egyetlen problma az, hogy nem jrahasz- are not reusable. (Some can be burnt with other waste.)
nosthatk. (Leginkbb csak az getsk - ms hullad- We act correctly if we use these boards to save
kokkal egytt - oldhat meg, ha mr nem hasznlhatk.). materials environmentally more valuable.
Mgis azt kell mondani, hogy ha ezekkel az elemekkel,
ms krnyezeti szempontbl rtkesebb anyagokat ta-
kartunk meg, helyesen jrunk el hasznlatukkal.
Rtegelt lemez: A rtegelt lemezek idtll szerke- Plywood: They are durable structures, their surface
zetek, felletk eszttikusan kikpezhet, gy sokfle can be nicely shaped and so they can meet various
ignyt kielgthetnek. A rtegelt lemezek egy rszt tr- demands. Part of the plywood is made out of tropical
pusi kemnyfbl gyrtjk, ami kerlend. A flkemny hardwood and this is to be avoided. Semi-hard or soft
vagy puhafk is alkalmasak rtegelt lemez gyrtsra. wood are also suitable for the production of plywood.
Btorpanel, laminlt lemezek: Specilis rtegelt Core boards, laminated boards: It is special
lemez, amely kzps mezjben tmr puhafa rsze- plywood, in the centre of which is formed by glued solid
ket enyveznek ssze, s ktoldalt egy vagy tbb rteg- soft-wood battens and the covering on the two sides is
ben bortja a kls burkolat. Vannak olyan elemek, ahol of one or more veneer layers. There are special
a rtegek kztt prafkez vagy zr rteget is bep- elements where a vapour restraining or blocking layer is
tenek. Az ilyen elemek hasznlata pozitv, mivel megju- also built in. These elements are environment-friendly as
l forrsbl szrmaz faanyagokat tartalmaznak, s hasz- they contain renewable wood and can replace other
nlatukkal ms anyagokat jl helyettesthetnk. materials.
Hszigetel tblk: Alapanyaguk nagyon klnbz Heat insulating boards: Their material can vary
lehet, mgis a legelterjedtebb a faanyag szlakat tartal- various, but the most frequent is the one containing
maz tblk hasznlata. Ezekkel hhdmentes szerkeze- wood fibers. They can eliminate heat bridges in the
teket lehet kialaktani, s az alacsony energiaignyre val structures and can reduce low energy consumption.
trekvsnkben is segtsgnkre vannak.
Gipszkarton elemek: Msnven szrazvakolatok. Plasterboard elements: They are referred to as also
Ahol a vkony lemezek gipsz anyagak, s paprral kas- dry lining: the thin boards are of gypsum and are backed
rozottak. Elnyk, hogy az pts sorn a hagyomnyos with paper. Their advantage is that they replace the
vakolatokat helyettesti, htrnyuk, hogy maguk az ele- traditional plaster, their disadvantage is that the
mek nem megjul forrsbl szrmaznak, s gyrtsuk elements themselves are of non renewable sources and
energiaignyes. their production needs a much energy.
Faforgcs lemezek: Szles krben elterjedt ptle- Wood particle boards: They are widely used boards
mezek, klnbz faanyag felhasznlsval s klnfle made of different kinds of wood and adhesives. The use
ragaszt anyagok alkalmazsval. A faanyag felhasznlsa of wood is economical as boards may be produced out
ily mdon takarkos, hiszen hulladkbl is lehet forgcs- of waste and so it is beneficial for, but we have to take
lapot gyrtani, hasznlatuk elnys, azonban fokozott fi- care of the adhesive. According to some specialists, the
gyelmet kell fordtani ktanyagukra. Egyes szakrtk built in formaldehyde used evaporates for a long time
szerint a formaldehid ktanyag a bepts utn is sok- endangering the health of users.
ig prolog, veszlyeztetve a hasznlk egszsgt.
Azbesztcement lemezek: Olyan sziliktbzis, az- Asbestos cement sheets: They are have a silicate
besztszlakkal rugalmastott lemezek, amelyek hasznlata base, tensile strength provided by asbestos fibers. Once
az ptsi gyakorlatban egy idben szinte kizrlagos they were exclusively used in building practice. Today
volt. Manapsg hasznlatval kapcsolatban sokan figyel- users are warned of the danger caused by the asbestos


meztetnek az azbesztszlak okozta veszlyekre. ppen fibers. This led to their repression. The biggest risk today
ezrt hasznlatuk mr visszaszorult. Legnagyobb veszlyt is the location of the demolished elements.
manapsg a bontott elemek elhelyezse jelenti.
WOOD: Wood is the most environment friendly building
FA: A faanyagok a leginkbb krnyezetbart ptanyagok. material. If we plant it according to plan and avoiding
Ha tervezett mdon ltetjk, s az erdgazdlkodsban clear-felling, we prefer select-cutting, wood will be
is elkerljk a tarvgsokat, s inkbb a szlalsos gazdl- environment friendly not only as a building material but
kodsra gyelnk, a faanyag nem csupn mint pta- as long as it lives it neutralizes a large quantity of carbon
nyag krnyezetbart, hanem amg l a fa, addig nagy dioxide, it produces oxygen, defends us from noise and
mennyisgben kti le a szndioxidot, termel oxignt, dust, and has a good influence on the microclimate. The
vd a zajtl s a portl, s a mikroklmra j hatssal van. ecological advantages of the well planted and properly
A jl teleptett erd, vagy az eredeti erdsgek megfe- maintained forests are immeasurable, these forests
lel karbantartsa kolgiailag nem mrhet elnykkel promote natural eco-systems and we do not have to
jr, kedvez a termszetes koszisztmknak, gy nem kell use chemicals, a diversity of the fauna and flora survives.
vegyszeres kezelseket alkalmazni, s az llat- s nvny- The native species of trees give living space for the other
vilg vltozatossga is fennmarad. A termszetes honos species, too. Long time ago most of the surface of the
fafajok a tbbi faj szmra is biztostanak letteret. Vala- earth was covered by forests. Their clearing was made
mikor a fldfellet legnagyobb rsze erdvel takart volt. in many phases. In the modern times written proofs
Az erdsgek kiirtsa tbb temben trtnt. Az jkor- remained e.g. the Lebanon cedar was cleared to build
bl errl rsos emlkek is maradtak, mint pldul Velen- Venice and its fleet, the forests of Mid-England were
ce ptshez s a hajrajhoz a cdrusokat irtottk ki Li- cleared for the English navy. Today the rain forests of
banonban, vagy Anglia hajhadhoz a kzpangol erd- Central-America are cleared to gain space for cattle-
ket, s manapsg a Kzp-Amerika-i serdket irtjk, breeding which is the interest of hamburger producers.
hogy helyket felszabadtsk a szarvasmarha tartshoz, Forest-clearances contributed to climatic changes and
ami a hamburgergyrtk rdeke. Ezek az erdirtsok a desertification. As a result of forest-clearance, due to
klimatikus vltozsokhoz is hozzjrultak, a Fld erosion, big part of the surface soil vanished in the
elsivatagosodsa ma is tart. Az erdirtsok sorn fellp waters in a short time and some of the native plants and
talajerzi miatt a termrteg j rsze rvid id alatt a wild flowers are slowly disappearing. It is to be feared
vizekbe kerl, s ezzel lassan eltnnek egyes shonos that through the clearance of rainforests plant many and
nvnyek, vadvirgok. Az serdk irtsa sorn nagyon tree species will disappear which are un-known today.
sok olyan nvny s fafaj eltnstl is tartani kell, amit But the known species, which are row materials of
ma mg nem ismernk. Msrszt eltnnek a mr ismert, medicines are also disappearing, though with them we
termszetes gygyszeralapanyagknt hasznlhat fajok could avoid the production of synthetic drugs.
is, amikkel elkerlhet lenne egy sor szintetikus gygy- Historically wood was used mainly in the building and
szer ellltsa. Trtnelmileg a faanyagot leginkbb az furniture industries, neglecting the state of forests.
pt s btoriparban hasznltk fel, kevss trdve az- When a forest was used up, a new one was to be found
zal, hogy az erdsgek llapota milyen. Amikor az egyik - this was the only problem. But nowadays we have to
erdterlet elfogyott msikat kellett tallni - ez volt be more careful. In the past Central-Europe was
az sszes gond a fkkal. Manapsg azonban sokkal krl- covered with forests. In the 15th-17th centuries most
tekintbben kell eljrnunk. Kzp-Eurpa valamikor tel- part of them disappeared as a result of the development
jesen erdsgekkel takart terlet volt. A XV.-XVII. sz- of agriculture, cities and industry. The colonial power
zadban azonban a mezgazdasg nvekedse, a vrosok turned their attention towards exotic trees of Central-
fejldse, s az ipari fejlds nyomn ezek nagy rsze el- America, the islands of the Pacific Ocean and the Far-
tnt. Ezek utn a gyarmatokkal is rendelkez orszgok fi- East. They successfully ruined the forests in many of
gyelmket a Kzp-Amerikai, a Csendes cen szigetvi- these territories. Wood as a building material is
lgnak s a Tvol-Kelet egzotikus fi fel fordtottk. gy environment friendly but we have to consider that the
aztn sikeresen tnkre tettk az ottani erdsgeket is. A new infrastructure made as a result of silviculture and
fa mint ptanyag hasznlata krnyezetileg elnys associated infrastructure: roads, public utilities, dwellings,
ugyan de figyelembe kell venni, hogy az erdgazdasg s processing plants develop new branches of industry.
az j faanyagok felkutatsa sorn kipl j infrastrukt- The drive of the world economy support the formation
ra - utak, kzmvek, lakpletek, feldolgoz zemek of new agricultural areas, so finally we get back to the
stb. - nyomn jabb s jabb ipargak jelennek meg. A irreversible process of wood clearance. We had to add


vilggazdasgi trekvsek pedig tmogatjk az j mez- with regret, that even countries rich in suitable and good
gazdasgi terletek kialaktst, vagyis a vgeredmny quality soft or hard wood contribute to the above
sokszor az erdirts visszafordthatatlan folyamata. Saj- process intensifying the demand for tropical wood. This
nos hozz kell tennnk, hogy sok olyan orszg is, ame- is mainly a fashion. (Why should we plan mahogany
lyik megfelel s j minsg puha vagy kemnyfa llo- doors for a Hungarian family house while we have native
mnnyal rendelkezik hozzjrul ehhez a folyamathoz, a species of the same quality: nut, plum, black cherry etc.
trpusi fk irnti kereslet lnktsvel. Ez nagyrszt di- West-European greens consider the Japanese fashion of
vat is. (Mirt is kellene egy magyarorszgi csaldi hzhoz packing as harmful because there is a separate art of
mahagni ajtkat tervezni, amikor egyes honos fafajtk packing even small things to beautiful coverings,
ugyanazt a minsget jelentik pl.: di, krte, meggy, stb. sometimes to 4-5 layers. This is very sophisticated but it
Nyugat-Eurpa-i krnyezetvdk a Japn csomagolsi needs enormous quantity of material.) The demand for
divatot is krosnak tartjk, mivel ott kln mvszeti g exotic wood is increased also by the fact that in the last
alakult arra, hogy kicsi trgyakat is gynyr csomagol- 2-3 decades the quality of soft woods - mostly the pine
sokba, sokszor 4-5 rtegbe rejtsenek. Ez eszttikailag na- species - has become much poorer due to the
gyon kifinomult, de a nyersanyagignye mondani sem atmospheric environmental damages, first of all to acid
kell, risi.) Sajnos ezt elsegti az is, hogy az utbbi 2-3 rains. Luckily, the forests in North-America has not yet
vtizedben a puhafk - leginkbb a fenyflk - mins- been reached by this damage. In Canada and North-
ge igen nagy mrtkben leromlott. Ennek oka a lgkri America there is the good tradition of silviculture of
krnyezeti krok, leginkbb a savas es hatsa. Elnys private properties and this can be good example for the
azonban hogy szak-Amerika erdsgeit mg ez a kr European countries. This does not mean that we have
nem rte el. Kanadban s szak-Amerikban j hagyo- to stop using tropical wood all together but we have to
mnya van a sajt tulajdonban lev erdk megfelel ke- do it after careful examination. It is obvious that we do
zelsnek, s ez pldt adhat az eurpai orszgoknak is. not have to use tropical wood for producing simple
Mindezek nem jelentik azt, hogy teljes mrtkben fel kell boxes and packing material only because they are cheap
fggeszteni a trpusi faanyagok hasznlatt, hanem sok- at present. We have to consider the following aspects in
kal inkbb tgondoltan kell azt tenni. Nyilvnvalan meg connection with tropical wood: If the tropical wood can
kell szntetni a trpusi fk hasznlatt egyszer dobozok, be replaced by soft wood, we have to use the soft
csomagolanyagok gyrtsra, csupn mivel az jelenleg wood. We have to use the tropical species only for very
olcs. A trpusi fkkal kapcsolatban a kvetkez szem- special, exclusive places. When we use tropical wood
pontokat kell figyelembe venni: amennyiben a trpusi fa we have to be convinced that they come from a
anyaga szerkezetileg helyettesthet puhafval, akkor ne renewable forest. Consequently, we should buy wood
hasznljuk a trpusit. A trpusi fafajokat csak a nagyon from the Third World only if it comes from licensed
exkluzv, specilis helyeken tervezzk be. Ha trpusi fa- territories. In the beginning this will not guarantee
fajt hasznlunk, meg kell gyzdnnk arrl, hogy ezek automatically a real protection of the forests but
megjul erdkbl szrmaznak. Ennek kapcsn a harma- hopefully it will in the long term. Preferably we should
dik vilgbl rkez rukat csak az engedllyel rendelke- buy already processed wood even from these
z terletekrl vsroljunk. Ez eleinte mg nem jelenti countries. Supporting the local industry we do not
automatikusan az erdk valdi vdelmt, de hosszabb intensify the pressure leading to forest clearance.
tvon remlhetleg elvezet ide. Lehetleg mr feldolgo- Thereby, we can also save costs of transportation.
zott ft vegynk ezektl az orszgoktl is. gy a helyi ipart
tmogatva kevsb sztnzzk az erdirtsra irnyul
nyomst. Ezzel termszetesen a szlltssal kapcsolatos
kltsgeink is cskkennek.
A kvetkez trpusi fafajtkat Avoid using of the following
ne alkalmazzuk: tropical species:
hondurasi cdrus (Kzp- s Dl-Amerika) Honduras cedar (Central- and South-America)
benfa (Afrika, India, Sri Lanka) ebony (Africa, India, Sri Lanka)
mahagni (Afrika, Kzp- s Dl-Amerika, mahogany (Africa, Central- and
Nyugat Indik) South-America,West-Indies)
rzsafa (Brazlia) rosewood (Brazil)


A kvetkez fafajtk kisebb mennyisgben The following wood species can be used
felhasznlhatk: in smaller quantity:
afrikai di (Dl-Afrika) African nut (South-Africa)
zldfa (India) greenwood (India)
selyemfa (Afrika) silkwood (Africa)
A kvetkez fafajtk szabadon hasznlhatk: The following wood species can be used freely:
gumifa (Malajzia) gumwood (Malaysia)
teak (Jva s Thaifld) teakwood (forests of Java and Thailand)
zldfa (Rhodzia, Guayana) greenwood (Rhodesia, Guyana)
gerfa (Eurpa, szak-kelet Amerika) alder (Europe, North-east-America)
alma (Eurpa, szak-kelet Amerika) apple (Europe, North-east-America)
krisfk (Eurpa) ash (Europe)
rezgnyr (szak-Amerika) aspen (North-America)
bkk (Eurpa, szak-Amerika) beech (Europe, North-America)
nyr (Eurpa, szak-Amerika) birch (Europe, North-America)
fekete di (szak-Amerika) black nut (North-America)
cseresznye (Eurpa, szak-Amerika) cherry (Europe, North-America)
gesztenye (Eurpa) chestnut (Europe)
szilfa (Eurpa, szak-Amerika) elm (Europe, North-America)
hikoridi (szak-Amerika) hickory (North-America)
hrsfa (Eurpa) linden (Europe)
juhar (szak-Amerika, Ausztrlia) maple (North-America, Australia)
tlgy (Eurpa, szak-Amerika) oak (Europe, North-America)
olajfa (Eurpa) olive (Europe)
krte (Eurpa) pear (Europe)
platn (Eurpa) platen (Europe)
nyrfa (Eurpa) poplar (Europe)
szikamor (fradt fge)(Eurpa,szak-Amerika) sycamore (Europe, North-America)
tulipnfa, rzsafa szak Amerika magnolia, rose (North-America)
fzfa Eurpa willow (Europe)
A legtbb eurpai, szibriai s szak-amerikai fenyfle Most of the European, Siberian and North-American
felsorolhat lenne, de ezeket kevsb vsrolhatjuk a faj- pines could be listed here but they are sold not under
tanv szerint, hanem csak gyjtnvvel szerepelnek. A their specific name but under their generic name.
legjobb fajtkat azonban rdemes megjegyezni, mert al- However, the finest species are worth noting as they
kalmasak a magasabb minsgi kvetelmnyek kielgt- can meet higher quality requirements and are available
sre, s megfelel mennyisgben rendelkezsre llnak. in suitable quantity.
balti feny Eurpa Baltic pine (Europe)
cdrus Eurpa, Kzel-Kelet cedar (Europe, Middle-East)
kolumbiai feny szak-Amerika Colombian pine (North-America)
erdei feny Eurpa, szak-Amerika Scotch fir (Europe, North-America)
kanadai feny szak-Amerika Canadian pine (North-America)
vrsfeny Eurpa larch (Europe)
oregoni feny szak-Amerika Oregon pine (North-America)
parana feny Dl-Amerika Parana pine (South-America)
srga feny szak-Amerika Yellow pine (North-America)
lucfeny, fekete feny Eurpa spruce, black pine (Europe)
nyugati vrs cdrus szak-Amerika western red cedar (North-America)
tiszafa Eurpa yew (Europe)


A ZLD tervezk figyelme egyre inkbb a megjul er- GREEN architects pay increasing attention to the wood
dkbl szrmaz faanyagok fel fordul. Egyes orszgok- originating from renewable forests. In some countries
ban nagy hagyomnya van a lakpletek esetben a fa- wooden architecture has a great tradition in house
ptszetnek. Manapsg ezzel kapcsolatban csupn a fel- building. In connection with this today we think of the
merl problmkra gondolunk - mint pldul a nedves- arising problems only - like damages caused by damp-
sg okozta krok, vagy krokozk miatti romls - de ness or parasites - but these are preventable. If we could
ezek kikszblhetk. Nagy lps lenne, ha a kislptk replace brick and concrete with wood in at least the
lakpletek esetben a tgla s beton anyagokat fval smaller dwellings, it would be a big progress. The
helyettestennk. A jl megptett s karbantartott fa properly built, well maintained wooden house is energy-
plet energiatakarkos, jl hasznosthat, utlag is ta- saving, utilizable, easy to convert and fits into the
lakthat, s krnyezetbe illeszked. Az ilyen plet ra environment. The cost of such building is not less than
nem kisebb a hagyomnyos pletnl, de hosszabb id- that of the usual one, but considering longer term it is
re elre tekintve annl jval takarkosabb. A nagyvro- much more economical. In the streets of big cities we
sok utcin erteljes fstssal nagyon sokat tehetnk a le- can do much in favor of clean air by planting trees in big
veg tisztasgrt: egy nagymret tlgy, hrs, vagy juhar quantity: a big oak, linden or maple tree can absorb
jszaknknt mintegy 12 kg szndioxidot kt meg, ezzel some 12 kg carbon-dioxide per night reducing the
cskkentve az veghz hatst. Budapest legszebb fstott green-house effect at the same time. In Budapest the
terletei s tjai a mlt szzadban s a szzadforduln most beautiful areas and roads with trees have been
kerltek kialaktsra. Ezeket tovbbra is meg kell tartani made in the last century and at the turn of the century.
s fejleszteni kell. gyelni kell arra, hogy a nagy mret These should be saved and developed. We have to
egyedek helyignye is nagy. A trzsk krl mintegy 3-5 know that big trees need big territory. Around their
mter tmrj krben a szilrd burkolatot fel kell sza- trunks, in a circle of 3-5 meter in diameter the pavement
badtani, s biztostani kell a gykrzet tpanyagelltst. should be broken and cleared to ensure the required
A nem lakott terleten vezet utak mentn is fontos a nutrients of the roots. Planting of trees near the roads
fk ltetse. Az ilyen fasorok vdik az utakat a tlhev- outside of the residential areas is also important. Such
lstl nyron, s a tli jszakai lehlsektl, kedveznek a rows of trees protect the roads against overheating in
mikroklmnak, s a tjkp jellemz elemeiv vlnak. summer and cooling in winter nights, they are good for
Ugyangy fontos az ipari s a lakott terletek kztti, me- the micro-climate and become the typical element of
zgazdasgi mvelsre esetleg kevsb alkalmas - eset- the landscape. Similarly, the planting of mixed species of
leg szennyezett - terleteken a vegyes fafajtkkal val te- trees between the industrial and residential zones, in
lepts. Ezek pufferznaknt viselkednek s a mikrokl- areas less suitable for agriculture - sometimes in polluted
mt kedvezen befolysoljk. areas, is vital. The trees serve as buffers and they have
good effect on the microclimate.

FAANYAGVDELEM: A mai ipari gyakorlat, mely kmiai sze- PROTECTION OF WOOD: The todays practice of the
rekkel vdekezik a gomba s rovarkroktl azon a felte- industry which protects wood against fungus and insects
vsen alapszik, hogy a beptsre kerl ft minden k- with chemicals is based on the assumption that building
rlmnyek kztt vdeni kell ezektl. Tbb neves szer- wood should be protected in any case. Several well-
vezet is megkrdjelezi ezeket a feltevseket, tbbek known organizations question this assumption, one of
kztt a London Hazards Centre (LHC) Toxic them is the London Hazards Centre (LHC). In their
Treatments cm mvben. Ebben rmutatnak arra, work Toxic Treatments they point out that the chemical
hogy a faanyag kmiai vdelmt leginkbb a hibs terve- protection of wood is necessary only because of faulty
zsi gyakorlat miatt kell elvgezni. Azt hangslyozzk, design practice. They emphasize that fungus and insects
hogy a gomba s rovarkrtevk kt esetben jelennek appear in two cases: if we use inappropriate species or
meg: egyrszt ha nem megfelel fajtj, s nem kell- not suitably dried soft wood as these really attract the
kppen kiszrtott puhaft ptnk be - ez valban vonz- insects. If we completely close the wood in the structure
za a krtevk megjelenst. Ha a ft teljesen krlzrjuk or protect it with coverings but despite this from time
a szerkezetben, vagy burkolatokkal szeretnnk vdeni, to time moisture can reach the wood, due to either
azonban idrl-idre nedvessg ri - akr tervezsi hiba, improper design or lack of maintenance, the wood
akr a fenntarts elmulasztsa miatt, nem tud tklete- cannot dry out perfectly. The wood which is perfectly
sen kiszradni. Az a faanyag, ami teljesen kiszradt a be- dried up before building in, which is used properly, in a
pts eltt, megfelel mdon hasznltk fel, jl tervez- well-designed structure, the maintenance of which is


tk meg a szerkezetet, s a karbantarts is megfelel, na- suitable - will rarely become the victim of insects or
gyon ritkn lesz a krtevk ldozata. Msrszrl egyes fungi. On the other hand, according to some studies,
vizsglatok szerint mg a legkemnyebb vegyi beavatko- even the strongest chemical treatment can hardly
zs is csak esetlegesen nveli a szerkezet lettartamt, s prolong the lifetime of the structure and the idea of a
a hossz idre utal vdelem is inkbb spekulatv elgon- long time protection is rather speculative. There are
dolsokon nyugszik. Egyenlre llnak mg tbb szz ves wooden structures of hundred years old which are
fa szerkezetek, amik a korszer vegyi anyagok nlkl is intact without modern chemicals but we do not know
pek, de nem ismernk mg fl vszzadnl idsebb ve- structures with chemical protection which are older
gyileg kezelt szerkezeteket. Egyes szakrtk ppen ami- than 50 years. Some specialists are afraid that the
att aggdnak, hogy a vegyi kezelsek normatv elrsa - normative prescription of chemical treatment -
begrvn a hossz lettartamot - mginkbb a rossz promising long lifetime - will lead to the practice of
tervezsi gyakorlat, s a feleltlen karbantarts tjra ve- bad design and irresponsible maintenance even more
zet. Ebben az esetben, ha a faanyag brmi mdon ned- so. In this case, if the wood gets wet somehow and
ves lesz, s valamilyen ok miatt nem tud kiszradni gyor- cannot dry out quickly and fully, the previous chemical
san s teljesen, az elzetes kmiai beavatkozs legjobb protection can only slightly a bit prolong the usability of
esetben is csupn rviddel hosszabbtja meg a szerkezet the structure even in an optimal case. The problem of
hasznlhatsgt. Az ptiparban hasznlt faanyagvd- wood protective chemicals used in the building industry
szerek elvezetnek a krnyezetnkben egyre nagyobb is connected on to the problem of toxic materials of
szmban s mennyisgben jelenlev mrgez anyagok increasing number and quantity in our environment. The
problmihoz. A vegyileg kezelt fval nem az a legna- problem with the chemically protected wood is not the
gyobb gond, hogy a szerkezetben magban vegyi anya- chemical itself in the structure but the appearance of
gok vannak, hanem ezeknek az anyagoknak a krnyezet- these chemicals in the environment, due to uncontrolled
ben val megjelense, melynek oka a gyrts, felhaszn- processes in production, use, demolition, etc. and due to
ls, megsemmists stb. ellenrizhetetlen folyamata, vala- the fact that these toxic materials slowly accumulate in
mint az, hogy ezek az anyagok lassan felhalmozdnak a the interior spaces and their injurious effect on the users
bels terekben, s kros hatsuk a hasznlkra jl kimu- is provable. The aim should be the revival of the old,
tathat. Tulajdonkppen a rgi, hagyomnyos faanyagv- traditional wood protecting methods which took care of
delmi megoldsok jjlesztse lehetne a cl, ami gyelt protecting the wood against dampness and of
arra, hogy a fa ne kapjon nedvessget, s a szerkezet ventilation of the structure. For outer use, the traditional
szellztetse is megoldott volt. Kls tri felhasznlsban bitumen based surface protection or its modern,
pedig a hagyomnyos bitumen alap felletvdelem, microporous versions are advisable, as opposed to the
vagy ennek modernebb, mikroporzus vltozatai kve- acrylic paints which stop the breathing of the surfaces.
tendk, ellenttben a felletek llegzst teljesen mega- There are situations where the wood is completely
kadlyoz akril festkekkel. Van olyan helyzet, ahol a fa- closed, like e.g. light structure panel buildings. In this case
anyag teljesen krl van zrva, pldul a knnyszerke- chemical protection of the wood can be justified. The
zetes falpaneles pletek egy rsznl, ekkor valban only problem in this case is how to protect the people
igazolt lehet a faanyag vdelmben a vegyi kezels. Az in these buildings?
egyetlen megfontolsra rdemes tnyez ekkor csak az,
hogy az ember vdelmt hogyan oldhatjuk meg egy
ilyen pletben?

FAKONZERVL SZEREK: Minden konzervl szer valami- WOOD PRESERVATIVES: All preservatives are toxic in a
lyen fokon mrgez, mivel a lnyegk az, hogy az l way as their substance is likely to destroy living
szervezeteket roncsoljk. A legkevsb veszlyesnek te- organisms. The less harmful materials - which, for
kinthet anyagok - amelyek pldul a vdett fajok kz example, are not poisonous for the protected bat
tartoz denevrekre nem is mrgezk - a br s per- species - are boron and permetrin. But even with these
metrin. Mindezek ellenre elvigyzatosan kell eljrni we have to be careful. Both chemicals can be dangerous
ezen szerek hasznlata sorn. Mindkt szer veszlyes le- for the nervous system and may cause allergy. Instead of
het az idegrendszerre, allergit okozhat. Elnysebbnek chemical, we should use better ventilation, brick
tnik, ha a vegyszerek helyett a j szellztetssel, a leve- ventilators and avoid dampness and heat bridges to
gt bevezet tglaelemekkel, a nedveseds s a hhidak protect out buildings against different fungi. Maintenance
kikerlsvel vdjk meg pleteinket a klnbz and inspection help in our fight against the insects and


gombk megtelepedstl. A karbantarts s ellenrzs fungi. The most important is the good quality wood and
segt a rovarok elleni kzdelemben. A lnyeg azonban a adequate false protection. Thus we can evade the use of
j minsg faanyag s a megfelel llagvdelem. gy el- chemical preservatives.
kerlhetjk a vegyi konzervl szerek alkalmazst.

FK: Minden j fa ltetse egy lpst jelent a krnyezet- TREES: With the planting of every single tree we make a
pts fel. Tiszttjk a levegt, komposztlhat szerves step towards building the environment. Trees clean the
anyagot szolgltatnak, lakhelyet nyjtanak az llnyek air, give compostable organic matter, provide habitat for
szmra, s a szemet is gynyrkdtetik. Van termsze- the living beings and delight our eyes. Of course, there
tesen nhny olyan faj, amit a csvezetkektl s az are some species which should be planted far from
plet alapjtl messze kell pteni, mivel gykrzete k- pipes and foundations as the roots could damage them.
rostan ezeket. A citromfa s szikamrfa nem val utak Lemon and sycamore trees are not suitable for roads
s parkolk mell, mert ragads vladkuk s termsk and parking areas as their sticky discharge and fruit may
problmkat okozhat. A mezei juhar, vagy a juharlevel cause problems. Nevertheless, maple and plane serve
platn j szolglatot tesz az utak mentn. Kisebb honos well near roads. In gardens the smaller local species like
fk kvnatosak a kertekben, mint pldul a hegyi kris, a ash, wild cherry, rowan or crab tree are desirable
vadcseresznye, madrberkenye vagy a vadalma, mert vi- because their flowers and leaves are nice, and their fruits
rguk s levlzetk kellemes, termsk pedig a madarak provide food for the birds. Natural, local types fit in
szmra nyjt lelmet. A termszetes, shonos tpusok better with the environment than the exotic trees as
jobban illenek a krnyezetnkbe, mint az egzotikus fk, they have been part of the environment earlier. They
mivel korbban is a krnyezet rszei voltak, a krtevk can defend themselves against insects and birds live
ellen jl vdekeznek, s a madarak is honosak gai k- among their branches. If our aim is only to delight the
ztt. Termszetesen ha clunk csupn szemnk gy- eyes, we should not shrink from raising a unique type
nyrkdtetse, ne riadjunk vissza egy-egy rdekes fa fel- supposing we can pay great attention to it.
nevelstl, ha mdunk van klns gondot fordtani r.

FELLETKEZELSEK: A felletkezelsek lnyegileg ktflk, SURFACE TREATMENTS: There are essentially two kinds of
vd jellegek vagy dekoratvak. A vd jelleg esetn a surface treatments: protective and for decorative ones.
szerkezetek s anyagok lettartamnak meghosszabbt- In case of the first one their aim is to prolong the lifetime
st clozzk meg s ezzel lehet elrni azt, hogy a vi- of structures or materials and with them the relatively
szonylag modern anyagok is hossz lettartamak legye- modern materials can become durable. Evidently, both
nek. Mindkt jelleg esetn magtl rtetd, hogy kr- for protection and decoration we have to use
nyezetbart anyagokat kell alkalmazni. Pldul biztosak environment friendly materials. As an example, we can
lehetnk abban, hogy paprtapta idelis felhasznlsi be sure that wall paper is an ideal way of using paper
mdja a hulladkpaprnak, de ez a gyakorlatban mg alig waste but it is rarely used in present day practice. It
tallhat meg. A nvnyi olaj alap festk alkalmazsa is would be desirable to use paints with vegetable oil base
elnysebb lenne, mint a manyag bzis, amelynek a instead of synthetic bases as the latter ones production
gyrtsa nagyon szennyez. Sokfle felletksz burkol- is toxic. There are may coverings and panels available
elemet s panelt is lehet kapni, ez cskkenti a helyszni with a finished surface, this reduces the use of toxic
veszlyes anyag felhasznlst, mg ha hozzvesszk a materials in site even if the contamination in production
gyrtsi szennyezseket is. is also taken into account.
FESTKEK: A festkek legtbbje oldszereket, lgytkat, s PAINTS: Most of the paints contain solvents, softeners and
egyb petrolkmiai anyagokat tartalmaz. Ilyen anyagok, other chemicals of the oil industry. Materials like epoxy-
mint az epoxigyantk, lakkok s manyagoldszeres fes- resins, lacquers and paints with synthetic solvents are
tkek az ptiparban s a hzilagos kivitelezsben is widely used both in the building industry and by do-it-
nagy mennyisgben kerlnek felhasznlsra, anlkl, yourself owners without paying attention to the effect of
hogy ezek krnyezeti htterre figyelmet fordtannak. these materials on the environment. The lack of the
Sok nagyon veszlyes baleset s akr hall is lehet az peoples attention to the working conditions resulted in
eredmnye annak, hogy az emberek nem fordtanak many dangerous accidents and even death, as we unduly
gondot a munkakrlmnyekre, mert tlsgosan meg- trust in the easily usable and well workable materials and
bznak a knnyen hasznlhat jl feldolgozhat anyag- modern products. Continuous ventilation is of vital
ban s a modern termkekben. Alapveten fontos az importance during working with paints with solvents.


oldszeres festkek hasznlata esetn a folyamatos szel- Until the perfect drying we should not stay in that room
lztets, s az hogy a vgleges szradsig a helyisgben for a long time, especially we should not sleep there.
ne tartzkodjanak huzamosabb ideig, fleg ne aludjanak Luckily, the paint industry is paying more and more
abban. Szerencsre a festkipar is egyre tbb figyelmet attention to paints which can be developed on a
fordt a nvnyi olaj bzisn kifejleszthet szerekre - vegetable oil base - is this a return to a well proven
visszatrs a jl bevlt technikkhoz? - vagy a vizes old- technique? - or water-based paints which do not emit
szeres festkek fejlesztsre, amelyek a szradsi id- toxic gases during drying. The use of natural coloring
szakban nem prologtatnak mrgez gzokat. Md van agents is also possible (see Coloring agents) though for
a termszetes sznezanyagok alkalmazsra is (ld. Fes- certain colours, which are mainly produced from heavy
tkek s Sznezanyagok), br bizonyos sznek - fleg metals, we have to use polluting processes.
amiket nehz fmekbl lehet kinyerni - ellltshoz Unfortunately, the production of such paints is
mg gy is krnyezetszennyez folyamatokat kell hasz- dangerous to health and the danger extends also to the
nlni. Sajnos az ilyen festkek gyrtsa az egszsgre ve- period of use of these paints. The disposal of leftovers
szlyes folyamat, s ez a felhasznls sorn is megmarad, and wastes is also problematic. If we are aware of these
problmt jelent a maradkok s a hulladkok elhelye- processes we can make efforts not to use such materials
zse, stb. Termszetesen, ha tisztban vagyunk ezekkel a and to find their substitutes.
folyamatokkal, trekedhetnk arra, hogy ezeket az anya-
gokat mellzzk, vagy helyettestket alkalmazzunk.

FMEK: Tulajdonkppen elmondhatjuk, hogy krnyezetba- METALS: We can generally say that there is no
rt fm nem ltezik. Minden fm forrsa a nem megju- environmentally friendly metal. All metals come from
l rckszlet, gyrtsukhoz s szlltsukhoz is meglehe- non-renewable reserves and their production and
tsen sok energia szksges. transportation needs quite a lot of energy.
Alumnium: A fldn nagy mennyisgben ll rendel- Aluminum: On the earth there is a large quantity of
kezsre az alumnium gyrtshoz szksges alapanyag, raw material for aluminum production but the
azonban a gyrtsi folyamat nagyon energiaignyes. A production process itself is very energy-intensive. The
knny - s ezrt sokoldalan felhasznlhat - fm alkal- use of this light - and consequently well usable-metal
mazsa tbb krdst is felvet. ptipari hasznlata a raises more questions. Its use in the building industry is
hossz lettartamot biztost tervezs mellett elfogad- acceptable under conditions of careful design for a long
hat, ha nincs ms helyettest anyag. Az emberi szerve- lifetime - if there is no other substitute. Though it can be
zetben ugyan kis mennyisgben elfordul anyag, de na- found in the human organism in a small quantity, the
gyobb mennyisg szervezetbe jutsa esetn sokfle increase of the quantity in our body may cause
problmt vethet fel, fleg idegrendszeri tnetekkel jr problems, mainly diseases with symptoms of the
krkpeket okozhat. (Egyes kutatsok szerint az nervous system. (According to some researchers, it
Alzheimer-kr tnetegyttest is okozhatja, stb.) va- might cause the Alzheimer disease, etc.) So we have to
kodni kell teht attl, hogy hosszabb ideig alumniummal keep away from food and drink which was in contact
rintkez lelmiszert vagy italt vegynk magunkhoz, s with aluminum for a long time, and we should not keep
ilyesmit alumnium ednyben ne troljunk. food in aluminum containers.
Kadmium: Leginkbb gy ismerjk, mint a cink a rz s Cadmium: We know it first of all as the by-product of
az lom finomtsnak mellktermkt, de elfordul ter- the purification of zinc, copper and lead but it can be
mszetes formban is. A kadmiumot tartalmaz anyagok found in its natural form. Materials with cadmium
mrgezek, s gyrtsa sorn is egszsgre kros anya- content are poisonous and during its production toxic
gok keletkeznek. Egyes festkek is nagy mennyisgben materials arise. Some paints contain cadmium in a large
tartalmaznak kadmiumot. Ezekkel is a mrgez anyagok- quantity. We should keep the rules prescribed for toxic
ra elrt mdon kell dolgozni, s a hulladkokat vesz- materials when we work with them and the waste
lyes hulladkknt kell kezelni. should be handled as toxic waste.
Krm: Leginkbb a volt Szovjetuni egyes utdllamai Chrome: It is mined in the territories of some
terletn s Zimbabwban bnyssszk, s bnyszata successor states of the previous Soviet Union and in
sorn nagyon sok szennyez hatst okoz. F felhaszn- Zimbabwe and its mining causes severe pollution. It is
lja a festkipar, ami szinezanyagknt hasznlja - s eb- mainly used in the paint industry as a coloring agent and
ben a formjban a legklnbzbb trgyakban meg is in this form it can appear in various things from plastic
jelenhet a manyagtl a fm s fatrgyakig - valamint az to metal and wooden objects, and also as a surface


aclipar egyes termkei s vgtermkei felletkezel plating material of certain products of the steel industry.
Rz: A vilg legnagyobb rzbnyi Afrikban s Dl-A- Copper: The biggest copper mines are in Africa and
merikban vannak. Szles krben hasznlt anyag az p- South-America. It is widely used in the building industry
tiparban s gpszeti berendezsekben. Termszete- and in building services. It is also energy-intensive and
sen ez is energiaignyes, s az emberi szervezetbe bejut- getting into the human organism it might cause health
va egszsgi problmkat okozhat, de ezt odafigyelssel problems, but with attention we can avoid this.
el lehet kerlni.
lom: Az lom rszecski mrgez anyagok, ugyangy Lead: Particles of lead are toxic like most of the heavy
mint a tbbi nehzfm. A rgebbi vekben a festkek- metals. Earlier paints contained much lead and even
ben nagyon sok lom volt, s a mai tradicionlis kermi- today the dyes of the traditional pottery industry - like
aipar - mint pl. az erdlyi Korondon gyrtott mzas ke- the glazed pottery produced in Korond, Transylvania -
rmik - festkei is sok lmot tartalmaznak. Ilyen mzas are rich in lead. We should not keep food in such glazed
ednyben ne tartsunk lelmiszert hosszabb ideig. Msik pots for extended periods. Another problem was
problma volt a rgi, lombl kszlt vzvezetkekbl a caused by lead particles carried by the water from the
vz ltal hordozott lomrszecskk az emberi szervezet- old lead water pipes to the human organism: they
be jutva - fleg kisgyermekek s idsek esetben - ideg- caused symptoms of the nervous system of mainly
rendszeri tneteket is okozhat. Rgi plet esetben r- children and elderly people. In the case of an old
demes tgondolni, hogy nincs-e olyan vezetkszakasz az building we have to know if there is a pipe section in the
ivvzhlzatban, ami lomcsbl kszlt, s ha ilyet ta- water system which was made out of lead and if yes, we
llunk, azt cserljk ki - vagy ne csodlkozzunk azon, ha have to replace it, otherwise our child might jar our
gyermeknk hiperaktivitsval borzolja llandan az ide- nerves with hyper-activity, and this may have more
geinket, s termszetesen ennek veszlyesebb kvet- dangerous consequences.
kezmnyei is lehetnek.
Vas s acl: A vas s acl gyrtsa az egyik legenergia- Iron and steel: The production of iron and steel is
ignyesebb folyamat. Azt is elmondhatjuk, hogy a magas one of the most energy intensive processes. We have to
energiaigny mellett az energiavesztesgek is igen maga- state at the same time that besides big energy
sak. A nagy kohk teleptse lakott terlettl bizonyos requirements, energy losses are also very big. The large
tvolsgra kpzelhet el, gy a hulladkenergia felhaszn- furnaces are placed generally at some distance from
lsra nincs sztnz felhasznlsi md. A nyersanyag residential areas so there is no encouragement to use
szlltsa is nagyon energiaignyes, a kohk mkdse - waste energy. The transportation of raw materials is also
akr szn, akr kolaj akr fldgz felhasznls kohkat energy consuming, and the furnaces, - working either
zemeltetnk - ersen szennyezi a krnyezetet. Az rc- with coal, mineral oil or natural gas - heavily pollute the
dsts s a kohszat hulladktermelssel is jr, ami ter- environment. Ore enrichment and metallurgical proces-
letignyes, jabb szlltsi ignyt jelent, s rekultivlsi fel- ses produce much waste and the waste needs big areas,
adatot. Mindegyik fm gyrtsa sorn az elksztshez, az transportation and reinstatement. The production of
utak s gyrak ptshez a krnyezet rombolsa az t. each metal, demands the building of roads and factories
A gyrtsi folyamatok sorn sok energit hasznlnak fel, which led to the destruction of the environment. During
s az energia egy rsze a vesztesgek miatt hszennye- production, much energy is used and part of the energy
zs formjban tvozik. Nagyon vzignyesek az egyes el- is lost in the form of heat pollu-tion. Certain phases of
jrsok, amelyek sorn a nagy mennyisg vzfelhaszn- the production need much wa-ter, so the huge water
lssal egytt risi szennyvzmennyisg is keletkezik, ami consumption is followed by the development of huge
a termszetes felszni s felszn alatti vizeket szennyezi. amounts of waste-water which pollutes the natural
Ezen tlmenen a gyrts sorn mrgez gzok above-and under-surface water supply. Beyond that,
keletkeznek. A tovbbfeldolgoz ipargak, mint a fm- during production, toxic gases pol-lutes the air. The
megmunkls is nagy krnyezeti terhet jelent a nagy reprocessing industry like metal-working is also a big
energiafelhasznls s sok mrgez vagy szennyez mel- burden for the environment due to the large energy-
lktermk keletkezse miatt. Mindezeket figyelembe v- consumption and the poison or pollution by products.
ve kell eldntennk, hogy van - e olyan szempont, ami Considering all the above we have to decide if there is
szerint a fmek termszetesebb, vagy krnye- truth in the view that metals are more natural or
zetbartabb anyagok, mint a manyagok, vagy tovbb environmentally friendly than the synthetics, or we have
kell keresnnk a lehetsges helyettest anyagokat. to continue searching for substitutes.


GZ: (ld. Energia 127, Hulladk 140) GAS: (See Energy 127, Waste 140)

GRAFIT: A szn termszetes elfordulsi formja, fekete, GRAPHITE: A natural form of coal. It is a black, soft rock
puha, tmegesen elfordul kzet, nha kristlyos for- available in large quantities and sometimes it can be
mja is megtallhat. Ipari hasznlata fleg az olvasztk- found also in crystalline form. Its use is very important in
nl, a ceruzagyrtsban, s finomra rlve olajflesgek- industry like in foundries, in the production of pencils,
hez adagolva jelents. Nem megjul termszeti kincs. and as additive to oil products in pulverized form. It is a
non-renewable natural resource.

GRNIT: Kemny kzet, melyet faragssal alaktanak a hasz- GRANITE: It is a hard rock formed to the required shape by
nlatos formra. Ksztenek belle tburkolatot, jrda- carving. It is used for road and space coverings and
szeglyt s trburkolatot. Elszeretettel hasznljk ipari pavements. It is popular as facing on the outer walls of
s kzpletek kls falburkolataknt, mert szinte min- industrial and public buildings as it resists nearly all outer
den kls krnyezeti hatssal szemben rendkvl ellenl- environmental impact and needs only low maintenance
l, ugyanakkor kevs karbantartsi munkt ignyel. Ekp- Consequently, its life time is nearly endless, the durability
pen szinte vgtelen az lettartama, a burkolat idtlls- of coverings depends on the design and fixing methods.
gt a tervezsi s a rgztsi mdszerek szabjk meg. After it is demolished - if it is handled carefully - it can
Bonts esetn, ha gyelnek r, az elemek jra felhasznl- be re-used.

Termszetes gumi: Termesztse s feldolgozsa il- Natural rubber: Its cultivation and preparation are
leszkedik a krnyezetbart folyamatokba, a kaucsuker- the environment-friendly processes. Gum forests are
dk megjul energiaforrsok. A termszetes gumi renewable sources of energy. However, the natural gum
azonban nem alkalmas minden clra, a kolaj s gzipar- is not suitable for all purposes: the mineral oil and gas
ban pldul ezentl is szksg lesz szintetikus gumira. industry will continue to need synthetic rubber.
Szintetikus gumi: Mivel a sznhidrognipar termkei, Synthetic rubber: As the product of the
ezek az anyagok nem megjul forrsbl szrmaznak. hydrocarbon industry, it comes from non-renewable
Lehetleg csak azokon a helyeken alkalmazzuk, ahol a sources. We should use it only where the natural gum
termszetes gumi nem megfelel. is not suitable.
Habgumi: J nhny orszgban betiltottk a btorok- Foam rubber: In may of countries the use of synthetic
ban a szintetikus ghet habok alkalmazst. Ezt helyet- inflammable foams in furniture are banned. Instead, the
testend a sokkal kevsb ghet habgumik alkalmaz- use of the much less inflammable foam rubber is
st rjk el. Ugyangy a gpkocsiipar krpitostermkei advised. Also, in case of the upholstery of cars, safety is
esetn is fontos szempont a nagyobb biztonsg. an important condition.
jrahasznosts: Mind a termszetes, mind a szinte- Recycling: Both the natural and the synthetic rubber
tikus gumitermkek az oxidcis folyamatok eredm- products degrade in time, due to oxidizing processes.
nyekppen bizonyos id alatt regednek. Ezrt nagyon That is why we have to consider for what purpose we
megfontoland, hogy ezeket az anyagokat milyen clra use rubber. In some applications where there is no
hasznljuk. Elnyt lvez a hossz lettartam, mssal substitute we have to give preference to long life
nem helyettesthet alkalmazs. Ezzel prhuzamosan fo- products. In the meantime, we have to search for
kozni kell az jrahasznosts lehetsgt, amire eddig j- possibilities of re-cycling. Up to now, there is hardly an
szerint alig van plda. example for this.

HABOK, MANYAGOK: A manyag habok nem megjul FOAMS, SYNTHETIC FOAMS: Synthetic foams are non-
anyagok, alapveten kt kategriba oszthatk: renewable materials and can be divided into two
Kemny, rideg habokat (polisztirn) rendszeresen hasz- categories:
nljk rteges falszerkezetekben, sokszor az elemekbe The hard, rigid foams (polystyrene) are regularly used in
elre elhelyezhet vltozatban is. Rgebben a krnye- layered wall structures, in many cases in pre-fabricated
zetre krosnak tartottk, mivel gyrtsa sorn CFC-t form. Previously they were considered toxic as CFC
(chloro fluoro carbons) hasznltak. Ma mr szles kr- (chloro fluoro carbon) was used in their production.
ben hozzfrhetek a CFC nlkli vltozatok is. (Ezzel Nowadays variations made without CFC are widely


kapcsolatban az egyes termkeknl a gyrtk ltal meg- available. (At each product we have to rely on the data
adott adatokat vegyk figyelembe). given by the producers.)
Alakthat habok (poliuretn) - szles krben alkalmaz- Workable foams (polyurethane) are widely used in
zk a btorkrpitos munkknl. Sok orszgban ezeket upholstery products. In numerous countries these are
erre mr nem lehet alkalmazni, mivel nagyon knnyen prohibited because they are inflammable, but they can
ghet, de ugyanakkor hasznlhat pletszigetelsek- be still used in the insulation of buildings. This is a
nl. Ez ellentmondsos helyzetet jelent. Ha lehet tartz- controversial situation. If we can manage, we have to
kodjunk a nagy tmeg hasznlattl. Sok esetben a k- avoid the use of these foams in a big quantity. In many
zetgyapot (pl. melegvizes berendezsek s vezetkek cases, rock wool or glass wool (e.g. for the insulation of
szigetelsnl) kellen helyettesti. (Ld. mg: Manya- hot water pipes and equipment) can be a good
gok). substitute as well. (See also Synthetics)

HSZIGETELS: Az energiamegtakarts legfbb eszkze. THERMAL INSULATION: The most important device of
ltalnosnak mondhat, hogy a hagyomnyosan plt saving energy. We can generally say that one third of the
pletek energiavesztesgnek egyharmada a tetn, energy loss of the traditionally built houses is through he
egynegyede a falakon t s egytde a padlszerkezete- roof, one quarter through the walls and one fifth
ken keresztl tvozik. Nhny gondosan tervezett ener- through on the floor structure. Some carefully designed
giatakarkos lakplet plt mr hatsosan tervezett energy-saving houses were built with effective floor and
padl s falhszigetelssel, az ablakok tbbletvegezs- wall insulation, with multiple glazing of windows and
vel, s az ajtk s ablakok kereteinek lgzr tmts- with air-tight of doors and window frames. From the
vel. Ezekre a megoldsokra krnyezeti szempontbl az environmental viewpoint glass-wool and the rock wool
veggyapot s svnygyapot a legalkalmasabb, nagyrszt are most suitable for these purposes mainly because
azrt, mert nem ghet (Ld. Szlas anyagok). A rteges they are not inflammable (See Fibers). Some cavity wall
falszerkezetek egy rsze elnys a h s hangszigetels structures are good from the point of heat and sound
szempontjbl, de energiavesztesge is van a lgmozg- insulation but they produce an energy loss due to the air
sok miatt. Ezrt a lgrtegben hszigetelst kell elhelyez- infiltration. For this reason, insulating material should be
ni. Ez lehetleg ne legyen ghet habostott anyag. A placed in the cavity. This insulation should not be
homlokzaton elhelyezett 100 mm vtg. hszigetels ra inflammable foam if possible. The price of 100 mm thick
hrom v alatt trl meg. j pleteknl megfontoland heat insulation on the facade is paid back in three years.
a hrom rteg veggel elltott nylszrk elhelyezse. Building a new house we have to consider window- and
Sokszor rgi plet feljtsa sorn is md van az jabb door-glazing with 3 layers of glass. Even in case of
vegrteg elhelyezsre. renovation we may have the chance to build in an
additional new layer of glass.

WASTE, RUBBISH: For GREENS, this word symbolizes

HULLADK, SZEMT: A ZLD-ek szmra ez a sz jelk- SIN. Nothing can be worse than useless rubbish.
pezi a BN-t. Nincs olyan rossz dolog, mint a hasznl- Some rubbish-tips or dump grounds nowadays can be
hatatlan szemt. Manapsg nhny szemttelep, vagy richer in certain materials than their original natural
nevezzk akr hulladkleraknak, gazdagabb lelhelye quarries. Some industries have begun the mining of
egyes anyagoknak, mint az eredeti termszetes lelhely. dump grounds. Some of our waste can be processed on
gy egyes ipari feldolgozk mr a szemttelepek bny- the place of their occurrence - like waste heat at home,
szatt is elkezdtk. Egyes hulladkaink a keletkezsk he- in offices or in a factory. Other types, like certain wastes
lyn is feldolgozhatk - otthon, irodban, vagy a gyrban of food products, can be used in gardens after
- pldul a hulladkh. Ms hulladkok, mint pldul az composting. Re-cycling of glass, plastic, metal and
lelmiszer termkek egyes hulladkai, a kertszetekben newspaper is in practice for a long time and is becoming
hasznlhatk, komposztls utn. Az veg, manyag, fm more and more general. Sometimes the useless clothes
s jsgpapr jrafeldolgozsa korbban is ltezett, s and household appliances can also be re-cycled. The
egyre inkbb terjednek. Nha a hztartsban felesleges- mentality reminding us of the golden age - that waste
s vlt ruhanem s felszerelsi cikkek is jrahasznlha- should be hidden somewhere at a low cost and then we
tk. Manapsg lassan mr kezd feledsbe menni az az can forget it - is slowly disappearing. Even if the
aranyidkre emlkeztet mentalits, hogy a szemttel az household and industrial waste cannot be re-cycled, it
a dolgunk, hogy valahov minl olcsbban eldugjuk s can be used as an energy source in incinerators of


aztn srgsen felejtsk el. Sok hzi s ipari szemt, ha special design. In most places, the properly built regional
nem jrahasznosthat, hasznlhat energiaforrsknt, incinerator can be a good solution and the waste heat
klnlegesen tervezett getkben. Sok helyen a megfe- has further advantage. With this method, the waste of
lelen kiptett krzeti szemtget j megoldst jelent- the residential area can help in the energy supply of
het, s a hulladkh tovbbi elnnyel jr. Ez lehetv buildings and households. The wastes of certain factories
tenn, hogy a lakterleten ellltott szemt az p- can be sources of basic materials for other factories. The
letek s hztartsok energiaelltsban segtsen. Egyes first step is the separation of wastes, otherwise because
gyrak hulladkai pedig msoknak az alapanyagforrsai of the mixed materials the value and usability of the
lehetnek. Az elsdleges lps, a hulladk vlogatsa. waste drastically reduces. We have to forget about the
Msknt a keveredett anyagok miatt a hulladk rtke s all-purpose waste-bin and sort the waste at the place of
hasznlhatsga drasztikusan cskken. El kell feledni a occurrence. Architects should consider this when they
mindenes szemtldt, s a keletkezs helyn kell a v- are planning the different rooms or they are mapping
logatst elvgezni. Ezt az ptszeknek is figyelembe kell the functioning of a building.
venni, amikor a klnbz helyisgeket tervezik, vagy az
plet egsz mkdst prbljk feltrkpezni.
Mezgazdasgi hulladkok: A nagy beton hulladk Agricultural waste: The age of the big concrete
s szennyvzkezelk kora lejrt. Helyette jl alkalmazha- waste and sewage-treatment plants is over. Instead,
tk az igny szerinti mretre plt, gyorsan telepthet systems built according to the required size in a short
rendszerek, amelyek vgtermke egyarnt hasznlhat time are preferred. Their final product can be used both
talajjavtknt, illetve a keletkezett metngz melegvz, for soil-improvement and through the methane gas
szrts vagy fts cljra. (Vannak olyan ksrletek is, produced for water heating, drying or heating. (There
ahol egy kis kzssg - 500 f, ami a turista szezonban are experiments where a multipurpose sewage
1500-ra emelkedik - szmra olyan tbbcl szennyvz- purificatory is operated for smaller communities - 500
tiszttt mkdtetnek, aminek metngz termelse teszi people, which may rise in the tourist season up to 1500
lehetv a melegvz termelst, illetve a htvgeken fe- people and the methane gas produced by the sewage
lesleges mennyisgben keletkezett gzt sszenyomva azt plant is used for heating water, and the surplus gas
jrmvek s gpek meghajtsra is alkalmazzk. Ehhez arising in the weekends is compressed and used to run
hasonl ksrletekben a keletkezett szilrd hulladk t- vehicles and machines. In similar experiments the arising
zegszer, szlas anyag, ami egyrszt a mvelt fldterle- solid waste is a fibrous material like peat which improves
teken a termkenysget javtja, msrszt kerti fldknt the fertility of cultivated land or can be sold in packages
csomagolva rusthatk, de getsvel termny szrts- as garden soil, and can also be burned to produce heat
ra alkalmas henergit is elllthatnak. A tiszttkban ke- energy for drying crops. The remaining purified water is
letkezett folyadk tovbbi felhasznlsra, ntzsre al- suitable for further use, e.g. irrigation..
kalmas.) Household waste: The composition of the waste of
Hztartsi hulladk: Az tlagos vrosi hztartsi hul- a general urban household is as follows: 37% plastic,
ladk sszettele: 37 % manyag, fm s veg egyenl metal and glass in equal ratio, 16.3% textile, 14.6%
arnyban, 16,3 % textil, 14,6 % papr, 9,6 % por s ha- paper, 9.6% dust and ashes, 6.7% organic waste - mainly
mu, 6,7 % szerves hulladk, leginkbb zldsgmaradv- vegetable remains and 15.8% non definable waste of all
nyok, s 15,8 % nem definilhat mindenfle maradvny. kinds. Out of these, with adequate organization, bigger
Ezek kzl, kell szervezettsg esetn a papr legna- part of the paper, part of the plastics and metals, all the
gyobb rsze, a manyagok s fmek egy rsze, miden glass and nearly all textiles could be re-cycled as basic
veg s szinte minden textil jrafelhasznlhat lenne, material. From the organic waste, after composting,
mint alapanyag. A szerves hulladkokbl a komposztls methane can be produced but this creates problems: on
sorn metnt lehet gyrtani, azonban a metn keletkez- the one hand, if it is not used, it attacks the ozone layer
se problmkat is felvet. Egyrszt ha nem hasznostjk, az and increases the green-house effect, on the other hand,
zonrteget tmadja, nveli az veghz hatst, msrszt if it is not carefully handled, it can catch fire, and even
nem megfelelen kezelve belobban, rosszabb esetben worse: it can blow up. Municipalities may have a decisive
berobban. A helyi nkormnyzatok dnt hatssal le- role in waste handling, but in most cases it means only
hetnek a hulladkkezelsre, azonban az esetek nagy r- the handling of rubbish, literally, to fill up pits. The
szben csupn a szemt kezelsrl - rtsd: gdrk fel- quantity of waste in Budapest between 1991 and 1994
tltse - van sz. A keletkezett szemt mennyisge Bu- has not increased but this can be attributed mainly to
dapesten pldul 1991 s 1994 kztt nem ntt, de ez the decrease of the industrial production. If the


leginkbb az ipari termels visszaessnek ksznhet. economic development starts at last, waste can be no
Ha mgis beindul a gazdasgi fejlds, vgkpp nem lesz longer handled. The problem of waste should be
mit tenni a hulladkkal. Teljesen j alapokra kell helyezni discussed from new viewpoints. We cannot call
a hulladk krdst. Nem nevezhet szemtnek az az rubbish the waste in value of 23750 million forints per
vi mintegy 23.750.000.000 Ft - ami fejenknt 2.375 Ft - year - 2375 forints per person - which is thrown, buried,
rtk hulladk, amit vente kidobunk, elsunk, elge- burned, etc. annually. Most of this waste could be re-
tnk, stb. Ennek nagy rsze jrahasznosthat, s ezzel cycled and we would save our under and above-surface
vdennk a felszni s felszn alatti vizeinket s a talajt is waters and the soil from toxic materials. Incinerators
a veszlyes anyagoktl. A szemtget csak a valban should be used only for burning of really non-recyclable
tovbb fel nem hasznlhat anyagok getsre kell szol- materials. Who would heat with banknotes - though we
gljon, kinek jutna eszbe paprpnzzel tzelni - mrpe- do this now.
dig most ez gy van.
Veszlyes hulladk: A veszlyes hulladkok krdse Toxic waste: This is a very complex problem which
nagyon sszetett problma. Kezelse kln felgyeletet could be handled by a separate inspectorate of the
ignyelne a krnyezetvdelmi szervezetektl. Mgis, environment, protecting organizations. However strange
akrmilyen furcsa is, a veszlyes hulladkok nagy rsze it is, we shut our eyes to the big part of the toxic waste
felett szemet hunyva, azok keveredve bekerlnek a hz- and they - mixing with the household garbage - get into
tartsi hulladkot get mvekbe, s gy nem lehet a the incinerators which can be no more considered
szemtgett ZLD-nek tekinteni, pedig egyes aspek- GREEN though they are green from some aspects. 5%
tusaiban az. A budapesti szemt 5%-a veszlyes hulla- of the waste in Budapest is toxic, but this part is handled
dk, de a szemtgetben ugyangy kezelik mint a in the incinerator as normal household waste.
tbbi hztartsi szemetet. Nagy gondot jelentenek a ne- Neutralization of the heavy metals, rubber, certain
hzfmek, a gumi, egyes manyagok, vegyszer s festk- plastics, chemicals and paint leftovers or medicines
maradvnyok, gygyszerek rtalmatlantsa. Az ipari ve- causes a big problem. The handling of the industrial toxic
szlyes hulladkok kezelse pedig az egyes trck fel- waste is under the supervision of the different ministries.
gyelete al tartozik. Legnagyobb problmt a radioaktv The most serious problems are caused by the
hulladkok, az alumnium gyrtsa sorn keletkez isza- radioactive waste, the mud arising from aluminum
pok, a galvnelemek, s a vegyipari hulladkok jelentik. production, the dry cell batteries and wastes of the
chemical industry.
Hulladkh: Keletkezsnek f oka a vezetkeken fel- Waste heat: It results mainly from the heat loss of
lp vesztesg. A vezetkek hulladkhje is felhasznl- pipes. Even this waste heat of the pipes can be used in
hat bizonyos krlmnyek kztt, de inkbb a gondos certain circumstances, but it is better to avoid it with
tervezsre kell gyelni. Ugyanakkor termszetesen el- careful design. It may happen, however, that near the
fordulhat, hogy hszllt vezetkek mell olyan helyis- pipes we plan rooms or equipment which utilise the
geket vagy berendezseket terveznk, ami az hatatla- unavoidable heat loss for pre-heating, tempering.
nul fellp vesztesgeket elftsre, temperlsra hasz- Industries which produce the biggest heat loss are
nlja fel. A legnagyobb hvesztesg-termel ipargak, glass production, brick and tile industry, iron and steel
az veggyrts, a tgla s cserpipar, a vas s aclgyrts, production, aluminum production and metallurgical
az alumniumgyrts s egyb fmfeldolgozs. Ezeknl az industries. The waste heat arising in the course of the
ipargaknl nagy mennyisgben hasznlhat fel a hulla- above industrial activities can be used in large quantities
dkh a kiegszt tevkenysgek sorn s a szocilis at the additional working processes and in social
pletekben. buildings.
Paprhulladk: A hulladkpapr feldolgozs a begyj- Waste paper: The utilization of waste paper depends
ts fggvnye. mbr a hulladkpapr feldolgozsa is on its collection. Though the processing of waste paper
krnyezetszennyez folyamat - nagy a vzignye - de az is also polluting - it requires a large quantity of water -
a tny, hogy jabb erdket nem kell a paprgyrtshoz but at least we do not have to destroy forests for the
nagy tmegben kivgni ezt a folyamatot ZLD-d teszi. production of paper. This is in itself GREEN. But the
Mgis a legZLD-ebb az lenne, ha minl kevesebb hul- greenest solution is when we produce less waste.
ladkot - s gy hulladkpaprt is - termelnnk.

ltt beptik a szerkezetbe rovarmentesteni kell, illetve Wood should be cleared from insects and fungus before


meg kell akadlyozni a gombsods kialakulst. Ez a ke- it is built into a structure. With such a handling, wooden
zels megnveli a szerkezetek nedvessggel szembeni structures become more resistant to dampness and
ellenllst, s megnveli a faanyag lettartamt. Elde- their life time will be prolonged. Our elders have made
ink a jl kiksztett tlgyfbl, ms megfelel faanyagbl structures out of well prepared oak and other suitable
ksztettek szerkezeteket, s ezek kzl nhny ilyen si wood, and some of these ancient structures are strong
szerkezet szinte olyan mint az acl, s mg mindig jra as steel even today and they still can be re-used. This
felhasznlhat, de ezek az anyagok ma mr szinte eltn- kind of material has nearly disappeared by now. Soft
tek. A puhafkat fokozottan kell elkezelni. A faipar sz- wood needs more preparation. The timber industry has
les kr tapasztalattal rendelkezik olyan impregnl sze- wide experience in different impregnating materials
rekkel kapcsolatban, amik a rovarkrtevk ellen megfele- against insects which are not harmful to the health after
lek, de nem krosak az egszsgre a bepts utn. A building in. The recommended components of the
konzervlszerek javasolt sszetevi: permethrin, br- conserving agents are: permethrin, boron derivatives,
szrmazkok, cinkvegyletek, stb. (Ld. Konzervlszerek, zinc-compounds, etc. (See Conserving materials, Wood
Fafeldolgozs). processing).

KTRNY: A ksznktrny gyrts termke, amit gyakran TAR: As a product of coal-tar manufacturing it was often
hasznltak fakonzervl anyagknt. Mrgez azonban az used for wood conservation. It is toxic for vegetation, so
l nvnyzetre, gy kiskertben krltekinten hasznl- we have to use it carefully in gardens. If we have other
juk. Ha mdunk van r, hasznlatt kerljk el. solution, we should not use it.

KERMIA: Az ptiparban szles krben hasznlt getett CERAMICS: A series of fired clay products often used in the
agyag termkek sora tartozik ide: tgla, cserp, padl- building industry belong to this title: brick, tile, floor
burkol anyagok, falburkol elemek, szaniter ruk. Ezen covering and wall covering materials, sanity fittings
termkekkel kapcsolatban - tekintetbe vve azt, hogy products. Considering that the production of these
gyrtsuk krnyezetileg rombol, de lettartamuk ceramics is destructive but the products themselves are
hossz - hasznljuk fel a rgit ahol csak lehetsges, s ke- long-wearing, we should use the old materials wherever
vs jat tervezznk be. Minden kermiagyrts rombol- it is possible and we should design in plan less new ones.
ja a krnyezetet, energiaignyes, szennyezi a levegt ve- The production of ceramics damages the environment,
szlyes gzokkal s hulladkhvel, mzanyaguk s festk- is energy-intensive, pollutes the air with harmful gases
anyagaik krosak az egszsgre. Ennyi negatvum utn and waste heat, their dyes and glaze are dangerous to
azonban ki kell trni az elnykre is. Az ilyen szerkeze- health. However, after listing all the negative effects, we
tek s felletek - j minsg pts esetn - nagyon tar- have to mention their advantages. Assuming quality
tsak, knnyen tisztn tarthatk, s kls trben is id- work, these structures and surfaces are very durable,
jrsllak. A szaniterruk s beltri csempeburkolatok easily cleanable and weather proof in outer spaces. The
divatfgg kicserlse idnek eltte azonban nem vall premature change of sanitary fittings products and
kologikus gondolkodsra. Angliban azonban kln ke- indoor tiles to follow the fashion, is a sign of non-
reskedelme van a rgi viktorinus szaniter s csempe- ecological way of thinking. In England the trade in old
ruknak, amik ppoly jl hasznlhatk, mint az jak. but still well usable Victorian sanitary fittings products
and tiles is a separate business.
KNDIOXID: (ld. Savas es 155) SULFUR DIOXIDE: (See Acid rain 155)

KLR: Termszetes formban leginkbb a tengeri sban, a CHLORINE: In natural form it can be found in see salt, see
tengervzben s sziklkban fordul el. Felhasznlsa a fe- water and in rocks. It is used in the production of
hrtszerek, a vztisztt szerek, klnbz savak s decolorants, water purificators, different acids and
szerves anyagok gyrtsnl jelents. A hzi szennyvizek- organic matters. Mixing with the household sewage it
kel keveredve sokszor veszlyes anyagg alakulhat. Sok may turn to be toxic. In many countries chlorine is not
orszgban ezrt a vezetkes vizek tiszttsra nem is used for the purification of the mains water supply.
klrt hasznlnak. Bellegzse tmny anyagknt nagyon Inhaling it in concentrated form is very dangerous to the
kros a tdre. ZLD szempontbl a klr hasznlata lungs. From the GREEN viewpoint, the use of chlorine
mellzend (ld. Vz). A szemtgetkben nem lenne should be avoided. (See WATER) PVCs should not be
szabad PVC anyagot getni, mert ennek getse sorn a burned in the incinerators as the arising chlorine
keletkez klr a lgkrt krostja. damages the atmosphere.


KONZERVL SZEREK: Termszetesen szksges, hogy a PRESERVATIVES: We have to conserve somehow the
beptsre kerl faanyagokat s esetleges egyb term- timber and other natural materials, to protect them
szetes anyagokat valamilyen mdon konzervljuk, vdjk from fungus and insects before building in. But we have
a gombktl s a krtevktl. Arra is gondolnunk kell to think about what is dangerous for one living thing, can
azonban, hogy ami az egyik llnyre veszlyes az a m- be dangerous for the other, too. We have to reduce the
sikra is az lehet. Trekednnk kell teht a rizikfaktorok risk to the minimum. We have to pay regard to the
a minimlisra cskkentsre, figyelemmel ksrve a gyr- processes of production and building in, and the
tsi s beptsi folyamatot, csakgy mint a hasznlat so- possible health problems arising during use. We have to
rn esetlegesen lehetsges egszsgi problmkat, s think of the toxic materials appearing in the re-cycling
gondolni kell az jrahasznostsi folyamatban megjelen phase. (As an example, burning of lacquered parquet
kros anyagokra. (Nem tekinthetjk krnyezetbart jra- can not be considered as environment friendly re-
hasznostsnak a lakkozott parkettk getst pldul.) cycling.) As to preservation accumulated in other
Az egyb anyagokban megjelen felhalmozdott kon- materials, think of the single fact that an average English
zervl szerekkel kapcsolatban csak arra az adatra gon- citizen consumes 4.5 kg preservatives and food additives
doljunk, hogy egy tlagos angol llampolgr vente tlag (coloring, etc.) annually.
4,5 kg ilyen tartst - sznez stb. szereket fogyaszt.

K: A grnit, a mszk, a homokk, a pala a mrvny vagy STONE: Granite, lime-stone, sand-stone, shale, marble or
a kvarc kvek ellltsa mindig felszni bnyszst jelent, quartz always come from open quarries which are
ami a krnyezetre nzve kros (kros a mikroklmra, a damaging the environment (damaging to the micro-
nvny s llatvilgra, a tj kpre, stb.). Azonban hozz climate, to flora and fauna, to the landscape, etc.). We
kell tennnk, hogy a kbl kszlt szerkezetek lettarta- have to add however, that the lifetime of stone
ma gyakorlatilag szinte korltlan, gy a k a ZLD anya- structures is practically endless so stone has a place
gok kztt foglalhat helyet, klnsen akkor, ha ez a he- among the GREEN materials, especially if it fits to the
lyi ptsi tradcikon alapul, s hasznlatval elrhet, local building traditions and with its use the lifetime of
hogy az plet lettartama megnjn. Orszgszerte ta- the building can be increased. We can see stone
llkozhatunk olyan kbl kszlt pletekkel, amiket ha buildings throughout the country which were neglected
idlegesen magra is hagytak, ppen anyaga miatt vsz- for a time, but thanks to their material they could survive
zadokat is tlltek, s hasznlatuk ma is biztosthat. Ha hundreds of years and can be used even today. If the
a kfejts a felhasznlsi helyhez kzel esik, a k szerke- quarry is close to the building place, the stone structures
zetek a termszetes s ptett krnyezet rszv vlhat- may become part of the natural and built environment.
nak, az ilyen pletek esetben nincsenek rejtett klts- There are no hidden costs in case of such buildings. Big
gek. Nagy felhagyott kbnyk gyakran a tudomnyos abandoned quarries often become centers of scientific
rdeklds kzppontjba is kerlnek, ahol a kzetek interest, as the stratification of rocks can be studied
rtegzdst lehet vizsglni. A nagy kiterjeds bnyk, there. The big quarries, especially in which lime stone is
s fleg azok, ahol a mszkvet msodlagos felhasznls- gained for secondary use (for the production of lime
ra (msz s cementgyrtsra) termelik ki, krnyezetileg and cement), are very harmful to the environment. We
nagyon krosak. Azt is el kell ismernnk, hogy a kbl have to recognise also, that building with stone, requires
val pts, s a k szakszer hasznlata egy lassan elt- a special, nowadays slowly disappearing knowledge
n specilis tudst ignyel, ami a modern nagyipari which is hardly profitable at the modern large-scale
ptkezseken nem kifizetd. A ZLD mozgalmaknak building sites. GREEN movements have to concentrate
a szakszer tudsra is sszpontostani kell. A k szerke- also on the professional specialist knowledge. It is often
zetekkel s burkolatokkal szemben gyakran felmerl az, held that a disadvantage of stone structures and
hogy drga. Ez igaz, de az rnl figyelembe kell vennnk claddings that they are expensive. This is true, but we
azokat a rejtett, egyenlre mg nem kifizetend krnye- have to consider the hidden, yet unpaid environmental
zeti rtalmakat is, amik a mestersges anyagok gyrts- damages which appear during the production of
nl fellpnek, s a termszetes anyagoknl sokkal kevs- synthetics and hardly appear during the quarrying of
b. Klnsen, ha hozztesszk azt is, hogy ezeket a ha- stone. What if we add that we do not even know all of
tsokat nem is mind ismerjk mg. A mestersgesen the harmful effects. Artificial stones - like concrete - are
elllthat kvek - mint pldul a betonflk - tmeg- bulk goods and they are really cheaper than stone today
ruk, s valban jelenleg olcsbbak is mint a termszetes but we can be sure this will change. This calls attention
k, de biztosak lehetnk abban, hogy ez megvltozik. to the possibility of producing artificial stone from the


Ugyanakkor persze ez felhvja a figyelmet arra is, hogy a pebble stone and stone wastes of the quarries as this
kbnyk meddibl a grgeteg kvekbl s a khulla- would mean the utilization of waste. (See Granite 139,
dkokbl taln valban rdemes mestersges kveket Lime-stone 146, Lime 146, Slate 152)
gyrtani, hiszen ez a hulladkok hasznostst jelenten.
(Ld. mg: Grnit 139, Mszk 146, Msz0146, Pala 152)

KRTA: (ld. Mszk 146) CHALK: (See Lime-stone 146)

LINLEUM: (ld. Padlburkolatok 151) LINOLEUM: (See Floor coverings 151)

MRVNY: Olaszorszg s Portuglia nagyszer tjainak MARBLE: Many marvelous landscapes of Italy and Portugal
rombolsa a mrtktelen mrvny, grnit s egyb p- have been ruined as a result of the excessive quarrying
t kvek bnyszatnak eredmnye. Ehhez hasonl je- of marble, granite and other building stones. Similar
lensgek ms orszgokban is vannak. Termszetesen a incidents happen also in other countries. The reasonable
mrvny hasznlata indokolt esetben - ami a szinte kor- use of marble is a very attractive possibility and it is
ltlan lettartam, eszttikus s ignyes burkolanyagok allowable- as its lifetime is nearly endless, its appearance
knny hozzfrhetsge miatt nagyon is vonz lehet- is aesthetically of a high quality, and it is easily accessible
sg - megengedhet, de ha a ZLD szempont gondol- - but if we feel a bit like a GREEN we have to do our
kodst is magunknak rezzk, akkor a mrvny burko- best to ensure the really endless lifetime of marble
latok s dszt elemek esetben mindent meg kell ten- coverings and decorating elements. This means, that
ni a szinte vgtelen lettartam biztostsra. Termsze- after the reconstruction or demolition of buildings the
tesen ez azt is jelenti, hogy az plet bontsa vagy t- re-use of such materials is very important. The present
ptse esetben nagy jelentsggel br az ilyen beptett everyday thinking it is just the opposite: demolition
anyagok jra felhasznlhatsga. A mai kznapi gondol- methods should be better called devastation and
kods ennek ellenkezje, a bontsi mdszerek a rom- destruction methods, and it can be brilliantly justified by
bolsi s puszttsi mdszerek cmet kellene hogy visel- the savings of labour which is in itself a nonsense in the
je, s ragyogan el lehet bjni az lmunkval val taka- era of unemployment. The properly demolished old
rkossg mg, ami termszetesen a munkanlklisg elements can be re-used but there is no such a modern
korban nmagban is nonszensz. A megfelelen lebon- method which enables us to , make, marble or to
tott rgi elemeket jra lehet hasznlni, de semmilyen rebuild the demolished hill and the ruined landscape.
korszer mdszerrel nem vagyunk kpesek arra, hogy We have to consider also, that in some areas - and
mrvnyt csinljunk, vagy az elbontott hegyet s le- regretfully, in increasing areas - the use of marble for
rombolt tjat jra pthessk. tgondoland az is, outside should be avoided due to the destructive effect
hogy napjainkban egyes terleteken - s sajnos egyre na- of the acid rains. We hope this process will slow down
gyobb terleteken - a mrvny kltri hasznlata a savas - now in Eastern Europe the economical situation does
es rombol, felletpusztt volta miatt httrbe kell not increase acid rain, but an economical boom may
hogy szoruljon. Remlhetleg ez a folyamat cskkenni result in further devastation, at least in longer terms. Till
fog - jelenleg a keleti tmb orszgaiban lefoly gazdas- then, interior use of marble can be justified. For inner
gi jelensgek miatt a savas es nem nvekszik, de a gaz- coverings, the reviving of the old covering technics can
dasgi fellendls jabb romlst is hozhat magval - leg- be recommended, which utilises also the marble rubble,
albbis nagyobb tvlatokban. Addig is a beltri hasznlat e.g. the terazzo covering and the wider use of the
indokolt lehet. Javasolhat azonban a beltri burkol sometimes already appearing very thin cover tiles.
munkknl a rgi, mrvnytrmelket is felhasznl bur-
kolsi technikk jjlesztse - mint pl. a terrazz burko-
lat ptse - valamint a mr feltn, nagyon kis anyagvas-
tagsggal is alkalmas burkollapok elterjesztse.

METN: Szerves anyagok bomlsakor keletkez gz. METHANE: It is a gas arising at the decomposition of
Ugyangy mint a butn s a propn, termszetes form- organic matters. Like butane and propane, it is also
ban is megtallhat az olajkszletek krnykn, de ki- available in natural form around the mineral oil
sebb mennyisgben. Vrosi szennyvztelepek, s szemt- resources but in a lesser quantity. Through the
telepek, esetleg nagyobb llattart telepek szennyviz- utilization of urban drainage and rubbish-heaps, possibly


nek s hulladkainak feldolgozsa sorn is keletkezik me- also the sewage and waste of bigger animal farms,
tn, ermvi felhasznlsra is alkalmas mennyisgben. Ez methane is produced in a quantity enough for even a
az eljrs is vesztesgekkel jr, mert nagyobb hatsfok power station. This process operates with a loss as the
getse veszlyes mrtk levegszennyezst jelentene. combustion of methane with bigger intensity would
Termszetes a hztartsi hulladk ilyen felhasznlsa ter- cause dangerous air pollution. The utilization of the
mszetbartnak tekinthet, hiszen a szennyez anyagok household waste in the above method is environment
mennyisge cskken, s a ftsi higny egy rsze ilyen friendly, as the quantity of harmful waste is decreased,
megjul forrsbl szrmazik. Tovbbi ok a metn and part of the heating demand is satisfied by this
getse mellett, hogy a metn nagyrszt okolhat a glo- renewable source,. Another reason for combustion of
blis felmelegedsrt, ezrt getse, - a vrosi szemtte- methane is that the methane is largely responsible for
lepeken keletkez metn getse is - alapvet feladat, the global warming, so the burning of it - also of the
ha meg akarjuk rizni a jelenlegi lgkri llapotokat. Eb- methane of the urban waste - is a vital task if we want
bl a szempontbl a szemtgetk mkdtetse is d- to preserve the present state of the atmosphere. From
vsnek mondhat, termszetesen ehhez az is kell, hogy this aspect, the work of the incinerators is also useful but
a kommunlis szemtben ne legyenek olyan anyagok, on condition that the communal waste does not contain
amik getse sorn mrgez szennyezdsek kerlnek a materials which emit toxic parts to the air during their
levegbe. combustion.

MSZ: A mszk, mint a msz alapanyaga tradicionlis p- LIME: Lime-stone as raw material of lime is a traditional
tanyag vszzadok ta, nem csupn mint ptelem, building material for centuries not only as a building
hanem mint a cementgyrts, betongyrts, vakolatok, element but as the material of cement and concrete
nhny tglafle, blokkok s fdmelemek anyaga. A production, plasters, certain bricks, blocks and roofings.
meszet hasznljk az aclgyrts sorn, a mezgazdasg- Lime also is used in steel production, in agriculture, in
ban, a kertszetekben, a vztisztt berendezsekben, s market gardening, in water purification systems and in
mg sok ipari folyamatban. Szles kren ismert fest- innumerable industrial processes. It is widely known as a
kek anyagaknt, ptszeti s tptsi anyagknt, s el- row material of paints, buildings and roads and in filters
terjedt a hermvek lgszennyezsnek cskkentsre of thermal power stations to decrease air pollution. But
alkalmas szrkben is. Ugyanakkor tudjuk, hogy bny- its quarrying ruins the environment, not only the
szsa rombolja a krnyezetet, a tjat, mint lhelyet, s landscape but also the living space and creates an
mint a mikroklmt befolysol tji elemet. Egy-egy na- element of which influences the microclimate. A bigger
gyobb mszkbnya - vagyis egy nagyobb domb, vagy lime stone quarry - the demolition of a mound or a hill
hegy lebontsa hatssal van a lgcsatornkra, ezltal a affects on the air channels, by this it may influence the
kzelben lev teleplsek levegjnek tisztasgra, cleanness of the air of the surrounding settlements or
megvltozik a felszni vzfolysok jellege, s gy tovbb. A the character of the surface streams, etc. Lime is a
msz tradicionlisan j anyag, de bnyszsa problmt traditionally good material but is quarrying causes
jelent. A ZLD gondolkods arra irnyul, hogy a msz problems. According to GREEN thinking we have to
helyett kivlt anyagokat keressen, s olyan formjban find substitute materials instead of the lime wherever it
hasznljuk fel, ami vagy jra hasznosthat, vagy a szerke- is possible and we have to use it in a form suitable for
zetek s felletek lettartamt nveli meg. Vgkpp el- recycling or in a form which prolongs the lifetime of the
tlend a mszk alapanyag ptanyagok - s term- structures or surfaces. The short term use of lime stone,
szetesen ms anyagok is - olyan hasznlata, ami rvid its derivates or other building materials should be
idre tervezett. Ha ilyen pletet kell terveznnk, akkor reprehended. Designing a short-life building we have to
megjul forrsbl szrmaz alapanyagokat tervezznk consider materials from renewable sources. The same
be, s ez mg a bels felletkpzsre is vonatkozik. applies to the design of inner finishes.

MSZK: A mszkvel kapcsolatos gondolatok visszautal- LIME-STONE: Our thoughts in connection with lime stone
nak a msz cmszra. Amikor a mszkvet falszerke- refer to the paragraph ,LIME,. When lime stone was
zetknt, burkollapknt, st egyes orszgokban tetfed used in traditional architecture as wall structure,
anyagknt hasznlta a tradicionlis ptszet, lettartama covering or in some countries roof covering, its lifetime
vgtelennek volt tekinthet. A tradicionlis bnyszat so- could have been taken as endless. Through its traditional
rn kisebb krnyezeti rombolssal jr bnyamvelssel, quarrying the environment was not seriously damaged
a felhasznlsi helyhez kzel es terletekrl vettk a and the raw material was taken from the area close to


nyersanyagot. Manapsg ezzel ellenttes tendencikat the building site. Today there are other tendencies. Lime
lthatunk. A mszkvet egyre kevsb hasznljk fel ere- stone is rarely used in its original state, for structure or
deti formjban, szerkezeti vagy burkol elemknt a le- for a covering element, close to its origin. It is
lhelyhez kzel, inkbb mint nyersanyagforrst tekintik, considered rather as a raw material and its derivatives
s szrmazkaival bkezen bnnak. Nem veszik tekin- are handled prodigally. It is not taken into consideration
tetbe, hogy a mszk krnyezeti szempontbl elfogad- that from the environmental viewpoint the proper use
hat hasznlata nem a standardizlt ptsi mdszerek of the lime stone is the traditional building methods
irnyba mutat, hanem sokkal inkbb a tradicionlis meg- rather than the present day standard ones. (See Lime
oldsi mdokat idzi. (Ld. mg: Mzs 146) 146)

MOZAIK: (ld. Padlburkolatok 151)

MOSAIC (See Floor coverings 151)
MANYAGOK: A sz msik kzhasznlat vltozata: plasz-
tik. Ez az elnevezs utal arra is, amit a kznyelv is alkal- PLASTICS: In many languages the commonly used term for
maz: kplkeny, formlhat stb. A termszet is llt el them is artificial materials. The term plastic refers to
plasztikot - plda erre a tzeg, a szurok, a tej kazein tar- their character: plasticity, shapable. Nature also
talma, a termszetes gumi stb. gy ht plasztikot lehetne produces plastics: see peat, tar, casein content of milk,
kszteni jnhny termszetes anyagbl is, mgis a leg- natural rubber, etc. So we could gain plastic out of
inkbb elterjedt manyag alapanyagok a sznhidrognek. numerous natural materials, but the most wide-spread
A finomtott olaj egytizede a manyagiparban kerl fel- basic materials of synthetics are the hydrocarbons. One-
hasznlsra. Elvileg a manyagok hasznlata krnyezeti tenth of the refined oil is used in the production of
szempontbl nem egyrtelmen helytelen, hiszen a m- plastics. In theory, the use of synthetics is not
anyag zacskk s az egyb rucikkek sokszor felhasznl- categorically wrong, from the environmental viewpoint
hatk, s a manyagok recikliklsa is megoldhat. De a as plastic bags and other products can be used in many
gyakorlatban ez sokkal komplikltabb. sszefoglalan times and the recycling of plastic is possible but in
azt mondhatjuk, hogy ha a manyagok jrafelhasznlsa, practice, it is much more complicated. To sum it up, on
a hulladkok gyjtse s megfelel megsemmistse condition that the re-use of plastic, the collection of
megoldott lenne, akkor a plasztik trgyak hasznlata kr- waste and the proper disposal were organized, we
nyezetileg semleges. De ahogy a dolgok ma llnak, ez could consider the plastics as neutral to the
nem igaz. A manyagokat hrom f kategriba osztjuk: environment. According to the present state of the
matter this is not true. Synthetics can be assigned to
three main categories:
Hre lgyul: Mint neve is mutatja a hmrsklet Thermo-plastic: According to its name, it softens if
emelkedsvel lgyul. the temperature increases.
Kemny manyagok: Amik a magas hmrsklettel Thermosetting plastics: It is hardened by and resists
szemben ellenllnak. heat.
Elasztomerek: Mint pldul a habok s gumiszer Elastomers: Foams and elastic materials resembling
anyagok. rubber.
Mindhrom manyag magas hmrskleten getm- All the three kinds of synthetics can be burned in high
ben elgethet, s gy hasznlhat ht is termelhetnk, temperature in incinerators and thus we can produce
de pldul a PVC getse sorn nagy figyelmet kell for- useful heat but for example, when we burn PVC we
dtani hogy a levegbe ne kerljn klr. Krnyezeti have to prevent chlorine from getting into the air. From
szempontbl azok a manyagok jk, amik jrahasznost- the environmental viewpoint, recycling synthetics is
hatk. Erre plda a kemny (visszavlthat) manyag good. A good example is the hard, reusable plastic
veg. Msik lehetsg a PVC kivltsa a PET - egypo- bottle. An other solution is the replacement of PVC by
limer manyag - hasznlatval, mivel ez utbbi rendre PET - unipolymer plastic -as this is recycled again and
jra s jra feldolgozhat - termszetesen ha mr a gyj- again if its collection is organized. For the production of
tse megoldott. Tegyk hozz, hogy egy PET palack el- one PET bottle we need 60% of the energy necessary
lltshoz 6o%-nyi energia kell, az veg gyrtshoz vi- for that of glass or 25% of that of the aluminium can. In
szonytva, vagy ppen az alumnium konzervdoboz gyr- light of the above, the organization of the collection and
tsnak 25%-a. Ezek utn valban nagyon fontos a gyj- the economic incentives are really very important as
ts megszervezse s gazdasgi sztnzse, hiszen a ki- from the empty bottles and goods for other purposes


rlt palackokbl ms rendeltets elemek is gyrthatk can be produced - like in the USA e.g. out of the
- az USA-ban pldul az ilyen jrafeldolgozott palackok- recycled bottles cable insulation, other bottles, foils are
bl vezetkeket, jabb palackokat s hzott flikat is made. The problem with synthetics used in the
gyrtanak. A hztartsban hasznlt manyagokkal az a households is that they do not disintegrate naturally. We
problma, hogy nem bomlanak le termszetes ton. A have to find solutions for the natural decomposition of
megoldst abban az irnyban is keresni kell, hogy ezek a these synthetics appearing in a great number of
hztartsokban nagy szmban megjelen manyagok a households, similar to the other organic matters. The
termszetben bomoljanak le, mint a tbbi szerves anyag. latest experiment is the plastic shopping bag made of
Erre legjabb prblkozs a termszetes cukorbl ell- natural sugar. These would be bio-degradable, and
lthat manyag, pldul a bevsrl szatyrok szmra, break down in natural bacteriological way. This is still
ami termszetes bakterolgiai ton a termszetben le- under research but expected to spread widely in the
bomlana. Egyenlre ez mg kutatsi stdiumban van, t- future. It would be the primary method of handling of
meges elterjedse ksbb vrhat. A manyaghullad- plastic waste and combustion would be the secondary
kok kezelsnek ez lenne az elsdleges mdja, mg az use.
gets a msodlagos felhasznlst jelenthetn. Az pt- Synthetics from natural, renewable sources re-appear in
ipar egyes termkeiben jra megjelennek a termszetes, some of the products of the building industry. Their
megjul forrsbl szrmaz manyag alapanyagok, base is not hydrocarbon but a natural material like
amik nem a sznhidrognekre alapulnak, hanem olyan casein of milk, formaldehyde of the by-products of the
termszetben elfordul anyagokra, mint pldul a tej- slaughter-houses, cellulose, natural rubber, tar from
ben tallhat kazein, a vghdi mellktermkek formal- natural asphalt or bitumen. These can be considered as
dehidje, a cellulz a termszetes gumi, a termszetes renewable materials and the plastic made out of them is
aszfalttbl vagy bitumentbl szrmaz szurok. Ezek environment-friendly. We can be sure that
mind gy tekinthetk, hogy nmegjt nyersanyagok, hydrocarbons will become more and more expensive
gy a bellk kszlt manyagok hasznlata krnyezetileg through the depletion of resources and the attention
elnys. Biztosak lehetnk abban, hogy a sznhidrog- will turn again to natural resources. Until then, we can
nek a forrsok szklsvel egyre drgbbak lesznek, s try to utilize such environmental advantages of the
a figyelem a termszetes forrsok fel fordul jra. Addig synthetics as thermal insulation, light weight, long life,
is figyelemmel kell lennnk arra, hogy esetleg a manya- which can hardly be ensured by traditional structures.
gok hasznlata sorn rhetnk el olyan egyb krnyeze- GREEN planning means the above method of the use of
ti eredmnyt (hszigetels, knny sly, hossz lettar- synthetics, preferring the simple, recycled materials
tam), ami a hagyomnyos szerkezetekkel nehezebben which ensure a special advantage. We have to balance
volna biztosthat. A ZLD tervezs teht azt jelenti, the possible environmental advantage and the certain
hogy a manyagok hasznlata a fentiek szerint trtnjen disadvantage.
- vagyis trekedve az egyszer, jrahasznosthat anya-
gok hasznlatra, amelyek valamilyen szempontbl kl-
ns elnyt biztostanak. Teht egyenslyra kell treked-
ni a vrhat - krnyezeti! - elny s a biztos htrny k-

NAPENERGIA: A napsugrzs a Fld szmra llandan SOLAR ENERGY: Sun is a permanent energy source for the
rendelkezsre ll energiaforrs, s az ptszet is egy- Earth and the architecture adapts more and more solar
re nvekv mrtkben hasznl szolr paneleket s nap- collector panels and building parts orientated to the sun
ra tjolt pletrszeket a napenergia felhasznlsra. A in order to use solar energy. Solar cells and their
napcellkat s hasznost berendezseket egyre tbb equipment can be used in many places and if we wish
helyen lehet alkalmazni, legjobb ha errl nhny hozz- to design a system for one we better consult with some
rtvel konzultlunk. A legjabb rdekes tervezsi specialists. The newest interesting method is the passive
mdszer a passzv naphasznosts, aminek lnyege, hogy solar utilization which means that the building is
az plet, a befogadhat napenergit, a lehet legjob- designed to utilise the maximum absorbed solar energy.
ban hasznlja fel. Tervezsi elve egyszer: napra tjolt The principle is simple: windows are orientated to the
nylszrk, jl hszigetelt falak, vegezett napterek, kis sun, walls are well insulated, there are glazed sun-spaces,
nylszrk az szaki homlokzaton, pufferznk tervez- small windows on the northern side, buffer zones
se a kedveztlen gtj fel. Ennek eredmnyekppen towards unfavorable orientations. As a result we can


tbbletbefektets nlkl is legalbb 15%-os ftsi ener- save at least 15% heat energy without surplus
giamegtakarts rhet el. Kszltek szmtsok arra investment. According to calculations, in a hectare 24
nzve, hogy ilyen pletek alkalmazsa esetn a terlet solar dwellings can be built in a row and 30 houses in
beptettsge kb. 24 lakplet/ha (ha sorhz szeren mixed arrangement.
rendezik el ket), s 30 lakplet/ha vegyes elrende- With more buildings in a hectare some houses may be
zs esetn. Nagyobb beptsi srsg esetn nehz handicapped. Cost analysis, show that the difference
megoldani, hogy egyes lakpletek ne kerljenek ht- between the traditional and the passive solar buildings
rnyba. A kltsgelemzsek is azt mutatjk, hogy a k- are not significant.
lnbsg a hagyomnyos s passzv napenergia-hasznos-
tsra tervezett pletek kztt az tlagos rtkek krl

NEMEZEK: (ld. Szlak 156) FELTS: (See Fibers 156)

NITRTOK: (ld. Vz 165) NITRATES: (See Water 165)

NEMES GZOK: Nevket azrt kaptk, mert nem kevered- INERT GASES: Their name refers to the fact that they do
nek ms gzokkal. Az Argon, Hlium, Kripton, Neon, Ra- not mix with other gases. Argon, helium, krypton, neon,
don s Xenon tartoznak ebbe a csoportba. Tmnkhoz radon and xenon belong to this group. They fit in our
az kapcsolja ket, hogy a Radon kivtelvel termszetes theme as besides radon they can be found in their
formban csak a Fld lgkrben tallhatk meg. A Ra- natural form only in the atmosphere. Radon is the
don a legnehezebb, szntelen s radioaktv urn boml- heaviest, colorless and it originates from the destruction
sa sorn keletkezik. Ezrt a termszetben sok helyen of radioactive uranium. Thus, it can be found in many
megtallhat, de leginkbb a szikls altalaj, leginkbb places in the nature, most often in rocky subsoil areas
grnit kzeteken nyugv terleteken. Ezrt ezeken a te- based mainly on granite. On these areas, within the
rleteken az pletek belsejben felhalmozdhat, s a buildings radon may accumulate and its quantity may
termszetes httrsugrzs tbbszrst is elrheti. Az reach multiples of the natural background radiation. In
ilyen ptsi terleteken a helyisgek fokozott szellzte- such areas we have to ensure ventilation to a greater
tst kell biztostani, illetve a legjobb eredmnyt akkor extent, but the best is if we can ventilate the space
rhetjk el, ha az plet alatti teret (pinct vagy levegt) under the building (the cellar or the air) constantly. In
folyamatosan tudjuk szellztetni. Sokszor erre a term- many cases, talking about radiation caused by people,
szetes httrsugrzsra szoktak hivatkozni, amikor az this natural background radiation is mentioned. The
ember ltal elidzett sugrzsok kerlnek szba. Az truth is that the peoples prolonged lifetime brought
igazsg az, hogy az emberi letkor meghosszabbodsa about the demand for the decrease of the adverse
miatt is kerlt eltrbe az ilyen terleteken a httrsu- influence of the background radiation.
grzsbl szrmaz esetleges hatsok cskkentsnek

NYLON: (ld. Manyagok 147, Textilek 157, Szlak 156) NYLON: (See Synthetics 147, Textiles 157, Fibers 156)

Nvnyi olajok: Szrmazhatnak llati feldolgozsbl il- Vegetable oils: They may come from processed
letve nvnyi magvak sajtolsbl, mint a napraforg, animal matter, or from pressed vegetable seeds like
repce, len, plma, kkusz, stb. sunflower, rape, flax, palm, cocoa, etc.
svnyolajok: Klnbz sznhidrogn szrmazkok Mineral oils: Common name for different
kzs neve. A termszetes svnyolajok nem megjul hydrocarbon derivatives. Natural mineral oils come from
forrsbl szrmaznak. Hasznlata a gygyszeripar, a a non-renewable source. They are used basically in the
vegyipar a textilipar s a manyagipar szempontjbl pharmaceutical, chemical, textile and synthetic
alapvet, sok esetben mssal nem helyettesthet. A be- industries, and in some cases they are indispensable. The
lle szrmazott termkeket gy kell kszteni, hogy azok by-products should be made for long use, and if they
nagyon sokig hasznlhatk legyenek, illetve ha mr hul- become waste at the end, recycling should be ensured.
ladkk vltak, azok jrafeldolgozsa lehetsges legyen. Part of the synthetics which are produced, processed or


A manyagok egy rsze krnyezetvdelmi szempontbl re-used under the control of environment protection,
ellenrztt folyamatokban gyrtva, feldolgozva illetve can be considered irreplaceable. For many other
jrafeldolgozva szinte helyettesthetetlen. Sok egyb ter- products, mineral oil is an essential basic material for the
mk esetben a kolaj egyenlre nlklzhetetlen alap- time being. For this reason, the combustion of mineral
anyag. ppen ezrt a kolaj getse - akr ermben oil - either in power stations, or in vehicles - is a fatal
akr jrmben - kolgiai szempontbl vgzetes tve- error from the ecological point of view. We burn the
ds. Azt az anyagot getjk el - ezzel mrhetetlenl material - polluting the environment and changing the
szennyezve krnyezetnket s megvltoztatva fldnk climate at the same time - and this material will be
klmjt - ami nhny vtized mlva alapvet termkek missing in a few decades for the production of vital
gyrtshoz fog hinyozni, s utdainkra fog hrulni a products, and we leave the trouble of finding substitutes
helyettests megoldsa. Az risi mennyisg kolaj to our descendants. Transportation of the enormous
szlltsa - akr vezetkes, akr tartlyos szlltst alkal- quantity of mineral oil either by pipes or by tankers may
mazunk, krnyezeti katasztrfk sort okozhatja. A cl cause a series of environmental catastrophes. We
az lenne, hogy ahol lehet, a sznhidrognszrmazkokat should replace hydrocarbons with vegetable derivatives
megjul forrsbl szrmaz nvnyi szrmazkokra (renewable sources) wherever it is possible, as
vltsuk, amit fldmvelssel tudunk ptolni, ekkor lesz agriculture can produce them and thus, enough mineral
md arra, hogy elegend svnyi olaj maradjon specilis oil can be saved for special purposes.
Aroms olajok: Nvnyek illatanyagt is hordoz ola- Aromatic oils: These oils carry the perfumes of plants.
jok. Egy rszk terpn-vegylet, ms rszk benzol. Az Part of them is a terpene-compound, another part is
olajszemt hasznostsa is lnyeges szempont a ZLD benzene. The utilization of oil-waste is an important
megkzeltsben. Ha a hztartsi s konyhai hulladkolaj GREEN view-point. If the waste-oil from the household
a szennyvzcsatornba kerlve visszakerl a felszni s fel- or kitchen through the sewage channels gets back to the
szn alatti vizekbe, ott tiszttsuk szinte megoldhatatlan, under- or above-surface waters, its cleaning there is
vagy legalbbis nagyon kltsges. Ezzel szemben egyen- nearly impossible or at least very expensive. Collection
lre mg nincs kidolgozva az ilyen hztartsi fradtolaj of the household oil-waste has not been developed yet,
gyjtse, pedig risi mennyisgben keletkezik, s ez a though it arises in huge quantities and this will only
mennyisg a gyorstkezdk szaporodsval s a increase with the spreading of fast-food bars. One of the
fritteuse-k elterjedsvel csak tovbb fog nvekedni. A important tasks of the near-future is the organization of
kzeljv fontos feladata ennek gyjtse is. waste oil collection.

OLDSZEREK: Az oldszerekkel szemben tanstott kr- SOLVENTS: The attitude of the environment protectors
nyezetvd hozzlls abbl a tnybl indul ki, hogy az against the solvents is based on the fact that the material
az anyag, amiben a zsrok olddnak, az emberi testre is which dissolves fats is harmful also to the human body.
veszlyesek, vagyis pldul az idegrendszert vez zsr- For example, with dissolving the fat cells around the
sejtek lebontsval ers hatst fejtenek ki. Az oldszerek nervous system they make a strong effect.
lehetnek rvid hatsidejek - ezek leginkbb az ideg- Solvents can be of short action - they attack first of all
rendszert vagy a brfelleteket tmadjk - vagy olyanok, the nervous system and the skin -,or they exert their
amik hosszabb id alatt fejtik ki kros hatsukat - ekkor harmful affect over a longer time - they influence the
fleg a mjra hatnak. Az aromatikus oldszerek szaga liver mainly. The smell of the aromatic solvents is
desks, toulnt, xylnt s benznt tartalmaznak. A sweetish, they include toluene, xylene and benzene.
toulen mrgezs genetikai krosodst okozhat, vagy esz- Intoxication with toluene may cause genetic injury or
mletvesztst, mindhrom alkotrsz megtmadja a unconsciousness, all the three above materials attack
csontvelt is. Klrozott sznhidrognek szrs szag, also the bone-marrow. Chlorinated hydrocarbons
kloroformot, triklretilnt, tetrakloridokat s egyb ve- contain pungent chloroform, trochloretilene,
szlyes klrszrmazkokat tartalmaznak. Ezek hatsa el- tetrachloride and other dangerous chlorine-derivatives.
ssorban mjrkot okozhat, de egyb veszlyes hatsuk They might cause liver cancer, but they may have also
is lehet. Az terek szagt mindenki jl ismeri aki tlpte other dangerous effects. Everybody who entered a
mr krhz kszbt. Minden fajtjuk krostja a mjat s hospital once, knows the smell of ether. All kinds of
vest, de ktsgtelen, hogy nem egyenl mrtkben. Az ether damage the liver and kidneys but not in the same
alkoholok, idertve a metilalkoholt, az etiln glikolt s az degree. Alcohols - including methyl-alcohol, etylen glycol
etilalkoholt is, a mjra s a vesre vannak hatssal, de and ethyl-alcohol - are harmful to the liver and the


nagy mennyisgben az idegrendszert is megtmadjk. A kidneys, but in big quantity they attack also the nervous
metilalkohol klnsen veszlyes, mert vaksgot s system. Methyl-alcohol is especially dangerous as it
mozgsi problmkat okoz. A ketonok is a bels szer- causes blindness and locomotion disorders. Ketons are
vekre - mj, vese, td - jelentenek veszlyt, nhny for- harmful also for the inner organs - liver, kidneys, lungs -
mja mozgsi problmkat okoz. Ezekkel a szerekkel az some forms it causes locomotion problems. One of the
egyik legnagyobb problma az, hogy a mrkanevek nem biggest problem with these materials is that the brand
utalnak az oldszer fajtjra s kmiai sszettelre, en- name does not refer to the type and components of the
nlfogva nehz a hasznlat kzbeni helyes magatartst dissolver, so it is difficult to use them properly. The
kialaktani. A termszeti krnyezet pedig nem egy fene- natural environment is not a bottomless barrel into
ketlen hord, amibe vg nlkl tlthetjk veszlyes which we can freely pour the toxic materials. This is
anyagainkat. Az oldszerekkel kapcsolatban ez kln- particularly true in connection with solvents. According
sen igaz, egyes vlekedsek szerint a kvetkez vtized to some opinions solvents will be the most dangerous
legveszlyesebb krnyezetszennyezit jelentik. A leg- environment polluting materials of the next decade. The
jabb mrsi technikk lehetv teszik, hogy a szerves newest measuring technics make it possible to show
szennyez maradvnyokat nagyon kis srsgben is ki- organic pollutants in very small quantities and we can
mutassuk, s gy megfigyelhetjk, hogy hogyan jelenik observe their appearance in our drinking water and
meg ivviznkben, teleinkben, s lassan gy tnik, hogy food. It seems our Earth is like a barrel full of toxic
fldnk egy mrgez anyaggal teli hordhoz hasonlt, s materials and our so called civilization is busy to fill it.
ktsgtelen, hogy a mi gynevezett civilizcink ezzel Pollution has not yet reached the deadly stage, but in
tlti buzgn idejt. Ma mg a szennyezs nem rte el a some industrial branches of the developed countries
hallos mrtket, mbr nhny ipargban a fejletlenebb workers are exposed to big danger. These problems are
orszgokban a munksok valban nagy veszlynek van- increased by the possible common impact, by a toxic
nak kitve. Ezekhez a problmkhoz hozzjrul a hat- cocktail which we drink every day and which stands in
sok esetleges egyttdolgozsa, vagyis az a mrgez kok- the center of attention of the GREENS. It becoming
tl, amit nap mint nap fogyasztunk, s amire a ZLD-ek clearer that the solvents and other organic remains
oly nagy figyelmet szeretnnek fordtani. Egyre vilgosab- interact not only with each other but still unknown
b vlik, hogy az oldszerek s ms szerves maradv- processes take place in the environment or even in our
nyok nem csupn egymssal lpnek klcsnhatsra, ha- body. Solvents of many kinds can accumulate in the
nem egyenlre mg ismeretlen folyamatok jtszdnak le organs and they may start irreversible processes.
a krnyezetben vagy a tulajdon testnkben is. Sokfle ol- According to the GREEN approach, dissolvents which
dszer kpes felhalmozdni a szervezetben, s visszafor- evaporate heavily into the atmosphere should be used
dthatatlan folyamatoknak lehetnek kiindti. A ZLD as little as possible, like the real poisons and parallel, we
hozzlls szerint azokat az oldszereket, amik a lgkr- have to find alternatives. A good part of solvents is
be ersen prolognak a lehet legkevesebb esetben kell collected, refined and recycled. However, in many cases
alkalmazni, gy mint a valdi mrgeket, s ezzel prhu- the remain are burned or dumped into water where
zamosan meg kell tallni az alternatv szereket. Az old- they cause immeasurable damages. (See Adhesives,
szerek j rszt visszagyjtik, jrafinomtjk s jra hasz- Surface treatments)
nlhatv teszik. Gyakran azonban a maradvnyokat el-
getik, vagy a vizekbe temetik, ahol mrhetetlen krokat
okoznak. (Ld. mg: Ragasztanyagok, Felletkezelsek)

LOM: (ld. Fmek 137, Festkek 136, Savas es 155) LEAD: (See Metals 137, Paints 136, Acid rain 155)

N: Nem megjul, leginkbb a bronz ellltsnl hasz- TIN:It is a non-renewable material used mainly for making
nlt anyag. Az n egyes formit hasznlja a festkipar is, bronze. Some of its forms are used in the paint industry,
ezek ltalban mrgez anyagok. A bnyszsa nem these are usually toxic. Its mining is not so damaging as
annyira rombol mint sok ms anyag esetben, ezrt a that of other materials and GREENS are not against
ZLD gondolkods elfogadja az n alkalmazst nem using it if the final product is not environment polluting.
krnyezetszennyez termkek esetn. (Ma mr nincse- (Today there are no tin cups for wine drinkers, and the
nek n kupk a borivk szmra s a kis, zsebbe simul flat, pocket-size bottles rarely warm up their owner.)
laposvegek sem srn melegtik tulajdonosaikat.)


PADLBURKOLATOK: Az igazsg az, hogy a korszer tech- FLOOR COVERINGS: The truth is that the main advantage
nolgikkal gyrtott, de nem megjul forrsbl szrma- of floor covering elements produced with up-to-date
z burkolelemek mellett leginkbb az alacsonyabb klt- technology but gained from non-renewable sources is
sgek szlnak. Ez fknt azrt van, mert alacsonyabb az the low price, as it need less labour or cheaper labour.
lmunkaer ignye, vagy a munkaer ra. Ha gyapj, For the processing of wool, cocoa, jute or other
kkusz, juta vagy egyb nvnyi szlakat dolgoznak fel, vegetable fibers, more labour is needed, sometimes
tbb munkt kell befektetni, esetenknt nagyobb tvol- transportation for a distant place is also necessary,
sgra kell szlltani, s a termszetes anyagokbl kszlt consequently the natural surfaces are always more
felletek gy drgbbak lesznek. Ezzel egytt, ha figyelem- expensive. However, taking into consideration the
be vesszk a rejtett kltsgeket (mint pl. az esetleg a ke- hidden expenses (e.g. the possible future rehabilitation
letkezett krok elhrtst a jvben) mskpp gondol- of the damages) we would change our opinion about
kodnnk ezekrl az anyagokrl. Mg tovbb menve na- these materials. Also, the interior design of a lot of high-
gyon sok high-tech plet bels tere kszl rvid idtar- tech buildings is made for a short time. The floor
tamra. Ekkor a burkolanyagok mr szennyez elemek- coverings soon become polluting elements. Structures
k vlnak. Az olyan szerkezetek, mint a fa burkolat, pa- like wood, cork, stone covering, brick and linoleum are
rafa burkolat, a kburkolat, a tgla s a linleum re- recyclable and some of them can also be re-used.
cikliklhat, s ezek kzl egyesek jrahasznosthatk is.

PALA: A legtartsabb ptanyagok egyike a termszetes SLATE Natural slate is one of the most durable building
pala. Gyakran hasznljk a tetfedsen kvl kls hom- materials. Besides for roof covering, it is often used for
lokzatburkolsra, padlburkolsra s idjrs elleni vde- outer covering of the facade, floor covering and as a
lemre. Fellete sokfle lehet, a selymes fnytl a ruszti- protector against the weather. Its surface varies from
kusabb felletig. Mivel nagyon tarts, s szilrd - mint a silky to rustic. As it is durable and firm like granite, it can
grnit - szpen fnyezhet, de fnyt nem tartja meg be polished well but it does not keep its shine for a long
hossz ideig. Klnbz helyszneken klnbz szn time. In different places slates of different colours can be
pala bnyszhat. Magyarorszgon csak import pala van mined. In Hungary only imported shale is available.
forgalomban. mbr nem megjul forrsbl szrmazik, Though it comes from a non-renewable source, its
lettartama korltlan, s jrafelhasznlhat. Szobrszok lifetime is endless and it is reusable. A similar material,
ltal is kedvelt anyag. shale, is softer and less dense, is a favourite material of

PAPR: ZLD szempontbl a papr hasznlata ktl dolog. PAPER: From GREEN point of view, the use of paper is a
Egyrszt pozitvan rtkelend, ha megjul puhafa az double-edged matter. It is considered as positive if the
alapanyaga, s felhasznlsa utn gyjtse s jrafel- material of paper is a renewable soft-wood and its
dolgozsa megoldott. Ugyanakkor az erdk irts jelleg collection and recycling after use is solved. At the same
kitermelse fokozza a talaj erzijt, a krnyez felszni time, however, forest-clearance increases soil erosion
vizek savassgt, felbortja az llatvilg lettert, s a mik- and the acid content of the surrounding surface waters,
roklma megvltozshoz vezethet. A paprgyrts sorn it changes the habitat of animals and the micro-climate.
pedig nagyon sok vizet kell felhasznlni, s nagy mennyi- For the production of paper, much water is necessary
sg szennyvz is keletkezik, Ha pedig hfehr paprzseb- and much sewage is produced. If we wish to use snow-
kendt akarunk hasznlni, akkor sok klrbzis szennye- white kleenex, a much chlorine-based toxic chemicals
z vegyi anyagot kell alkalmazni, aminek mellktermke- should be added as a result of which carcinogenic dioxin
knt dioxin keletkezik, ez pedig rkkelt anyag. A fehr appears. White paper and paper textiles - diapers,
papr s a paprtextilek - mint pldul a bbipelenkk s panty-liners - are harmful not only during production as
a tisztasgi bettek - nemcsak gyrtsuk sorn jelentenek they pollute huge quantity of water, but also during use.
veszlyt, mivel a feldolgozs sorn nagy mennyisg vi- If we can, we should choose not the snow-white variant.
zet szennyeznek, hanem a hasznlat sorn is. Ha tehet- We should limit the use of these, too. Why dont we
jk vlasszuk a nem hfehrtett vltozatokat. Persze use textile handkerchief or baby napkins? Reserving us
az sem lenne kros, ha ezeket is csak mdjval hasznl- the possibility to choose paper ones if we are in a
nnk. Mirt ne hasznlhatnnk ltalban textilzsebken- special situation (allergy, travel). There are new technics
dt, vagy pelenkt? Meghagyva termszetesen azt a le- in the production of recycled paper to change the
hetsget, hogy ha klnleges helyzetben vagyunk (aller- mouse-gray color to nice beige. Why dont we choose


gia, utazs) a papranyagt is vlaszthassuk. A gyrts so- recycled letter-paper, envelope and paper napkin? They
rn j technikk is vannak aminek sorn elrhetjk, hogy are even cheaper. Of course, some GREEN movements
az jrapapr ne legyen egrszrke, de kellemes krm sz- are, mildly speaking, suspicious. A new trend is to
n. Mirt ne lehetne levlpaprunk, bortkunk, paprszal- substitute plastic bags with paper ones - and it looks so
vtnk jrapaprbl? Mg olcsbb is lenne. Persze van- GREEN. But is it so? Paper is an energy-intensive
nak olyan ZLD divatok, amik enyhn szlva ktesek. material, we should better use the good old basket or
j mozgalom a manyag vsrl szatyrok paprral val our two hands to carry the things to our car. The most
helyettestse - ez gy olyan ZLD-nek ltszik. De az-e? important principle: the non-used material is the most
A papr nem alacsony energiaigny anyag, hasznljuk in- environment-friendly material! We have to organize
kbb csak a rgi j bevsrl kosarat, vagy az autig ta- collection of the once already used things and give up
ln a kt keznkben is elvihetjk a vsroltakat! A legfon- the evil conditions when it is simpler to clear forests
tosabb termszetesen itt is: a fel nem hasznlt anyag a than to organize collection of waste paper. How can we
legkrnyezetbartabb anyag! Az egyszer mr hasznlt refer to lack of work force if unemployment is
anyag gyjtst pedig oldjuk meg s szntessk meg azt increasing? (Human beings are also renewable sources.)
az ldatlan llapotot, hogy egyszerbb legyen kivgni To sum it up: the environmental advantages of paper
jabb s jabb erdket, mit megszervezni a hasznltpa- consumption are true if it is produced out of renewable
pr gyjtst. Mikpp lehet munkaer hinyra hivatkozni soft-wood or waste paper, with less whitening
akkor, amikor a munkanlklisg egyre n? (Az ember is chemicals, and if recycling is ensured. (See Packing,
megjul energiaforrs.) sszegzsknt: a papr kr- Waste)
nyezeti elnyei akkor igazak, ha megjul puhafbl vagy
hulladkpaprbl, vagy jrahasznostott paprbl szrma-
zik, s gyrtsa sorn a lehet legkevesebb fehrt
vegyszereket hasznlnak fel, s a reciklikls folyamata
biztostott. (Ld. mg: Csomagols, Hulladk.)

PARAFA: Krnyezeti szempontbl elnys, megjul for- CORK: It is an environment friendly material from a
rsbl szrmaz anyag. A paratlgy nev rkzld fafaj- renewable source, the regenerating bark of the
ta krge, ami az egyedeken is megjul. A parakreg lefej- evergreen cork-oak. Peeling off the cork bark, the tree
tsvel a fa nem pusztul el, hanem tovbbi nyersanyag- survives and will be the further source of raw material in
forrs marad, s jabb 10 v mlva fejthet. Kivl tulaj- ten years. Its excellent characteristics are due to the
donsgait annak ksznheti, hogy a kreg apr cellcski small cells filled with air, so, after a load it is elastic:
levegvel feltltttek, gy nagy terhels utn is visszanye- regains its original shape. Cork is light, durable, not
ri eredeti formjt. A parafa knny, tarts, nem ghe- inflammable. Owing to its good characteristics it is
t. Kivl tulajdonsgai miatt alkalmas padlburkolatok suitable for floor coverings, acoustic covers, heat and
ksztsre, akusztikai burkolatokra, h s hangszigete- sound insulation (even for base of machinery), closing of
lsre (mg gpalapoknl is!), veg dugaszolsra, stb. bottles, etc. Its use is environment friendly.
Hasznlata krnyezeti szempontbl elnys. A para- The cork-tree reaches its maximum height in 25 years.
tlgy a teljes magassg elrsig mintegy 25 vig nvek- Its first bark is not suitable for real architectural use, but
szik. Els krge mg nem alkalmas igazi ptszeti fel- as an additive it is mixed with other materials. The
hasznlsra, ekkor mg csak adalkanyagknt keverik be material of the further peelings can be widely used.
ms anyagok mell. A ksbbi fejtsek sorn nyerhet a According to some views, the tree grows it to protect
szles krben hasznlt anyag. Egyes vlekedsek szerint itself against the rather frequent forest-fires in its habitat.
a fa ppen azrt termeli, mert a nvekedsi terletn
gyakori erdtzektl gy vdekezik.

POLISZTEREK: (ld. Felletkezelsek 136, Manyagok 147, POLYESTERS: (See Surface treatments 136, Synthetics 147,
Textilek 157) Textiles 157)

POLIPROPILN: (ld. Manyagok 147) POLYPROPYLENE: (See Synthetics 147)

POLISZTIRN: (ld. Manyagok 147) POLYSTYRENE: (See Synthetics 147)


POLIURETN: (ld. Manyagok 147) POLYUTHERANE (See Synthetics 147)

PRSELT LEMEZEK: (ld. ptlemezek 130) PRESSED BOARD: (See Building boards 130)

PUHAFA: (ld. Fa 131) SOFT WOOD: (See Wood 131)

RAGASZT ANYAGOK: ltalban kolloid oldatok, amik ke- ADHESIVES: Usually they are colloidal solutions which form
mny felletet kpeznek a ragasztand felleteken. lla- a rigid layer on the surfaces to be stuck. Animal glue is
ti ragasztanyagokat a vghidak mellktermkeibl k- made out of the slaughter-houses by-products (bone,
sztenek (csont, br, hal, szaru, stb.) vagy tejipari mellk- skin, fish, horn, etc.,) or those of the milk industry. These
termkekbl. Ezek ltalban vzzel oldd anyagok s materials are usually soluble in water and contain also
konzervl szereket is tartalmaznak. A nvnyi ragasztk preservatives. Vegetable adhesives are also known for a
is rgta ismertek, mint pldul a gumiarbikum, mzga, long time, e.g. gum-arabic, mastic, resin, etc. Water-glass
gyanta stb. A vzveg s a latex gumi szintn termsze- and latex-gum are also natural adhesives coming from
tes ragasztanyagok. Mindezek megjul forrsbl szr- renewable sources (at least until we stop animal keeping
maznak (legalbbis mindaddig amg fel nem hagyunk az and eating meat). Synthetic adhesives are usually
llattartssal s hsevssel). A szintetikus ragasztk lta- thermo-plastics and are from non-renewable sources.
lban hre vltoz manyagok, nem megjul forrsbl Part of them are elastic during use - like polystyrene,
szrmaznak. Egy rszk - mint a polisztirnek, az aszfalt- asphalt derivatives, polyvinyl. Others - like most of the
szrmazkok s a polivinil flk - a hasznlat sorn rugal- synthetic resins, e.g. epoxy -resins, are semi-rigid or rigid
masan viselkednek. Ms anyagok, mint pldul a m- after the chemical reaction. Besides the source of the
gyantk nagy rsze - pl. az epoxigyantk - flmerevek raw material, the other problem with the adhesives is
vagy merevek a kmiai kts utn. A ragasztkkal kap- the use of solvents. These cause problems not only
csolatban - azon tl, hogy milyen nyersanyagforrsbl when we work with them, but all along the use, for a
szrmaznak - a msik lnyeges problma az oldszerek long time. For this reason, in many countries plywood -
hasznlata. Ezek ltalban nem csak akkor okoznak gon- glue-laminated sheets in furniture are not
dot, amikor dolgozunk vele, hanem a hasznlat sorn na- recommended.
gyon sokig. ppen ezrt sok orszgban nem javasoljk
a btorokban a rtegelt-ragasztott lemezek alkalmazst.

RADON: (ld. Nemesgzok 149) RADON: (See Inert gas 149)

RKKELT ANYAGOK: Eltekintve az olyan jl ismert rkkel- CARCINOGENIC MATERIALS: Besides the well-known
tktl, mint a kszn-ktrny vagy a sugrzs, a figyelem carcinogenic agents like coal-tar or radiation today the
mostanban egyre inkbb az elektromagnetikus hull- electromagnetic waves attract attention. These occur
mok fel fordul, ami leginkbb a nagyfeszltsg vezet- mainly near the high-voltage lines. In some countries
kek krnyezetben fordul el. Egyes orszgokban a lak- even the electric network of a household should be
son belli elektromos hlzatokat is csak rnykolt veze- screened. In many the synthetics other kinds of
tkrendszerben szabad kipteni. Ms rkkeltket talltak carcinogenic materials were found, for example in the
a manyagok j rszben, tbbek kztt az lelmiszerek soft clinging foils often used for food packing, and they
csomagolsra is srn hasznlt puha flikban, amik a filter through into the food. These synthetics should be
trols sorn az lelmiszerekbe is tvndorolnak. Ezeket replaced. Also through the production of paints and
ms anyagokkal kell helyettesteni. A festk s oldszer- solvents, and the combustion of wastes carcinogenic
gyrts, valamint a szemtgets sorn is keletkeznek materials appear. Due to the changes in the
rkkelt anyagok. A lgkri vltozsok miatt - az zon- atmosphere, on the influence of the ozone hole, the
lyuk hatsra - a br, szaruhrtya s szem rkos megbe- number of the cancerous diseases of the skin, cornea
tegedsei is nvekednek. and eyes increases.

maldehid (ami a vghidak mellktermke) felhasznl- with melamine formaldehyde (which is the by-product
sval, nagy nyomson kszlt rteges lemezek, a hozz- of the slaughter-houses), under great pressure, in
adott fa vagy papripari alapanyagtl fgg kialaktsban various forms depending on the added wood or paper,


szles krben alkalmazott bels tri felletek kpzsre to form interior surfaces as furniture elements. As they
s lakhelyisgek btorpt elemeknt. Mivel hullad- are made out of waste, they can be considered as
kok felhasznlsval kszl, krnyezetbart anyagoknak environment friendly material.
tekinthetjk ket.

ROVARIRT SZEREK: (ld. Konzervl szerek 144) INSECTICIDES: (See Conserving materials 144)

SALAK: A salakok egy rsze visszakerlt a hasznlatos p- SLAG: Some slags got back to the variety of the usable
tanyagok kz, leginkbb a habostott salakok, amik building materials, especially the foamed slags which also
knny adalkanyagknt jl hasznosthatk. A ZLD-ek serve well as light aggregates. The GREENS agree that
egyetrtenek azzal, hogy a hulladkok szemt helyett instead of becoming rubbish, the waste become
msodlagos nyersanyagforrss vlnak, s nem a tj secondary sources of raw materials and so they do not
rombolst jelentik. ruin the environment.

SALAK BLOKKOK: ltalban Magyarorszgon a kohsalak SLAG BLOCKS: In Hungary the so-called foamed furnace
habostsval, s gy knny alkotelemekbl kszltek slag bricks as building elements are made out of light
az n. kohhabsalak blokkok, ptelemek. Hasznlatuk particles. Two-to-four storey buildings - mainly
sorn 2-4 szintes pleteket - fleg lakpleteket - p- residential - are built out of them. As the raw material
tettek bellk. Ebbl a szempontbl hasznlatuk elnys was waste, the use of slag bricks is advantageous.
volt, mivel hulladkot hasznltak nyersanyagul. A probl- However the possible radiation of slag causes problems.
ma azutn a salak esetleges sugrzsa miatt addott. In some cases, in these buildings the background
Egyes esetekben ezekben az pletekben megntt a radiation has increased. The poor level of building
httrsugrzs. A msik problma az alacsony sznvona- quality has also caused problems: insufficient heat
l ptsbl addott - nem kell hszigetels, primitv insulation, primitive structure engineering solutions, etc.
gpszeti megoldsok, stb. Messzebbrl tekintve a salak From a distant view in principle the use of slag blocks is
blokkok hasznlata elvileg nem kimondottan negatv, ha not definitely negative if we consider also what is written
mrlegeljk a blokkok cmsz alattiakat is. under the title BLOCKS.

SAVAS ES: Jelenleg mg nincs kidolgozott elmlet arra, ACID RAIN: The process of how the rain becomes acid is
hogyan vlik az esvz savass, de a folyamat ltalnos- not yet known, but in general it is the result of the
sgban a kisrszecskknek az atmoszfrba val kevere- mixing of the particles with the atmosphere and so
dsnek eredmnye, amelyek ezutn az es alkotrszei becoming components of the rain. Partly the
lesznek. Rszben a kn vegyletei - amelyek az elgett compounds of sulfur coming from coal burning oil form
sznbl s olajbl szrmaznak - eredmnyezik a knsa- sulfuric acid after they are dissolved in the rain water.
vat, amikor az esvzben felolddnak. A k homlokzatok Stone facades are the most exposed to damage: the
a legsrlkenyebbek: a nedvesedsi folyamat sorn a acid rain reacts with the coal in the lime-stone, dolomite,
savas es reakciba lp a mszkben, dolomitban, and sand-stone containing lime and mortar.
msztartalm homokkben s habarcsban lev sznnel. This acid solution damages the stone and the damage
Ez a savas oldat ronglja a kzetet attl fggen, hogy depends on the porosity and chemical composition and
milyen a porozitsa s vegyi sszettele, s amikor a vz if the acid particles of the rain do remain and form a
bepermetezi a savas rszecskk visszamaradnak s lera- deposit or not.
kdnak-e. Rszben a mszk pleteken a szndioxid s On lime-stone buildings the rain which turns to be acid
kndioxid miatt savass vlt esvz lassan feloldja a kfe- due to the carbon-dioxide and sulfur-dioxide slowly
lleteket. A kfelletek ezutn teret adnak az algk meg- dissolves the stone surface. Later algae settle on the
telepedsre, s zld foltok s nylka tnik fel. A savas stone, green spots and mucilage appear. Due to the acid
es hatsra az lom az pletek kls felletein elv- rain lead on the outer surface of the buildings gets
konyodik s vgl teljesen erodl a folyamatos esvzha- thinner and ultimately completely erodes under the
tsok miatt. continuous rain effect.

SRGARZ: A cink s a rz tvzete. Gyrtsa energiaig- BRASS: It is the alloy of zinc and copper. Its production is
nyes, lettartama szinte minden esetben vgtelen, s a energy-intensive, its lifetime is endless in nearly all cases
legtbbszr knnyedn recikliklhat. sszetteltl - and it can be easily recycled. Depending on its


illetve a cinktartalomtl fggen - alakthat kzzel vagy compounds - or rather on its zinc content - it can be
gppel, illetve kszthetk belle a klnbz kiegszt formed by hand or by machines and different subsidiary
elemek. A korrzinak ellenll. components can be made out of it. It resists to
SDER: (ld. Adalkanyagok 122) GRAVEL: (See Aggregates 122)

SZANITERRUK: Ez az a terlet, ahol a hagyomnyos gon- SANITARY WARE: This is the field where traditional thinking
dolkodst az ipar teljesen elvetette. Szinte sehol nem le- was completely last by industry. It is nearly impossible to
het mr olyan ntttvas berendezseket kapni, ami jav- buy cast-iron equipment which can be repaired from
tsokra is alkalmas, s a zomncozs idnknt trtn time to time and with renovation of the enamel it lasts
feljtsval lettartamuk szinte vgtelen. E helyett ezek forever. These products depend on fashion so they
a termkek is divatfggek lettek, ppen ezrt elavulnak, quickly become obsolete, their lifetime is short, they are
lettartamuk sem hossz, olyan anyagokbl kszlnek, made out of non-recyclable materials and they most of
amik nem jrahasznosthatk, s legtbbszr sszetett the time composite materials. Environment-conscious
anyagak. A krnyezetbart gondolkods nem kerl el- thinking does not appears in the production of over-
trbe a tlzott mret, nagy lehl fellettel rendelkez sized bath-tubs with big heat loss surface and flushing
kdak esetben s a vzbltses WC-k esetben sem. A toilets. So the GREEN builder often visits the second-
ZLD pttet ezrt gyakran vlasztja a haszonrutele- hand stores where he may find sanitary ware in good,
peket, ahol taln mg tallhat j llapot szaniterrut, repairable condition.
ami feljtssal jl hasznosthat.

SZAPPAN: (ld. Tiszttszerek 160) SOAP: (See Detergents 160)

SZLAS ANYAGOK: Termszetes vagy mestersges, hajszl- FIBROUS MATERIALS: These are natural or synthetic
hoz hasonlthat, szles krben hasznlt pt-, s textil- materials similar to hair and widely used in the building
alapanyagok. and textile industries.
FM-, KZET (SVNYI) SZLAK: Minden fmszl gyr- METAL AND MINERAL FIBERS During the production of
tsa sorn keletkezik olyan por, ami bellegezve a szili- all kinds of metal fibers a dust arises which, if inhaled,
kzis klnbz fajtit okozhatja. A portlandcementtel causes different forms of the silicosis. For prefabricated
egytt alkalmaztak acl s azbeszt szlakat az elregyr- reinforced concrete structures iron and asbestos fibers
tott vasbeton szerkezetek esetn. Azbeszt szlakat ke- were used together with Portland cement. Asbestos
vertek bitumenes termkekbe is. A kzetgyapot gyrt- fibers were also added to bitumen products, too. Rock
sa a kzet forrstsval s forgatsval trtnik s az wool is produced by the heating up and rotating of the
elregyrts sorn, valamint hszigetel anyagok gyrt- rock and it is used in prefabrication and for producing
snl hasznlatos. A salakgyapot hasonl anyag, amit a insulation material. Slag wool is a similar material, the
megolvadt kaznsalakbl szlastanak, s ebbl a szem- fibers of which are made out of the molten slag and
pontbl (jrahasznostott mellktermk) krnyezetileg from this point of view (as a recycled by-product) it is
elnys. A sznszlak, amik nem megjul forrsbl environment friendly. Carbon fibers which come from a
szrmaznak ma a keverkek nagy rszben szerepelnek. non-renewable source can be found today in most
A szennyezett krnyezetben dolgozk kztt arnyban composite materials. Among the industrial workers
magasabb a lgti megbetegedsek szma, a gyomor s working in polluted environment there are
tdrk, a szvbetegsg s emsztsi zavarok. A lgutak proportionally more respiratory diseases, cancers of the
nylkahrtya bevonata nagy rszben megkti a szlas stomach and lungs, heart diseases and gastric
anyagokat, amit utna kivet magbl, kivve a finom disturbances. The surface of the mucous membranes of
szemcsket. Az vegszlakban lev szlak tl nagyok ah- the respiratory tract binds most of the fibrous materials
hoz hogy bellegezzk s a tdbe kerljn, de ha a le- and later rejects them, except the fine granules. Glass
vegben nagy koncentrtumban tallhat okozhat br- fibers are too big to inhale and to get into the lungs but
bntalmakat, kellemetlen torok s mellkasi tneteket. in heavy concentration in the air they can cause irritation
Hasznos lenne, ha az ilyen szlas anyagokat gyrtk of the the skin, the throat and the chest. It would be
olyan figyelemmel lennnek a termkek gyrtsa, szllt- very useful if the producers of such fibers would be as
sa s beptse sorn, mintha azbesztszlas termkekkel careful at the production, transportation and building in,
dolgoznnak, gy a folyamatok biztonsgosabbak lenn- as if they were handling asbestos fibers. The processes


nek. (Ld. mg: veggyapot, Hszigetels) would be much safer. (See also Glass wool, Heat
TERMSZETES EREDET SZLAK: A nvnyi s llati NATURAL FIBERS: Fibrous materials of vegetable or
eredet szlas anyagok - mint a fa, szizl, kkusz, juta s animal origin, like wood, sisal, coco, jute and animal hair
llati szr - szles krben hasznlatosak mint tltanya- are widely used as stuffing. If the wood comes from a
gok. Amennyiben a fa megjul forrsbl szrmazik ezek renewable source these all can be considered
mind krnyezetileg hasznosak. environment friendly.
SZNSZLAK: Mestersgesen ellltott anyag, amit legin- CARBON FIBERS: Artificial material which is used to meet
kbb akkor hasznlunk, ha knny sly mellett nagy haj- the demand of light weight and big bending stress. It is
ltsi ignyt kell kielgteni. Nem megjul anyag. (Ld. non-renewable.
mg: Szlas anyagok) (See also Fibrous materials)


Termszetes sznezkek: Manapsg csupn nhny Natural colourings: Today only a few natural
termszetes eredet sznezanyagot hasznlnak ipari colouring agents are used in the industry - like e.g. onion
mretekben - mint pl. a hagymahj, bborcsiga, difapc, sin, mirex, walnut-stain, golden-rod - but even these are
aranyvessz, de ezeket is inkbb a kzmves iparban. A used rather in the handicraft. Purple paint is made mainly
bborszn festkt is leginkbb szintetikus ton lltjk el. synthetically. These vegetable or animal paints are much
A termszetes anyagok sznezsre - mint pldul a tex- more suitable for the colouring of natural materials like
tiliparban a gyapj, s a termszetes szlak festsre - wool and natural fibers of the textile industry, even if
sokkal alkalmasabbak ezek a nvnyi s llati eredet their use is not so modern, efficient or quick but
festkek, mg ha alkalmazsuk nem is annyira korsze- they are simply harmless. It would be beneficial if natural
r, hatkony vagy gyors, csak egyszeren rtalmat- colourings could be revived in cosmetics and household
lan. dvs lenne ha a termszetes festanyagok a koz- chemistry, and the furniture and wood industry could
metikai s hztartsvegyiparban is jjlednnek, s a return to their use.
btor s faipar is visszatrne alkalmazsukhoz.
Mestersges sznezkek: Legtbbjk sznhidrogn Artificial colourings: Most of these can be produced
szrmazkokbl llthat el, nemritkn nehzfmek is out of hydrocarbon derivatives and heavy metals are
felhasznlsra kerlnek. A szintetikus festkek nem csu- also used. They cause problems for the environment
pn a gyrts sorn jelentenek veszlyt a krnyezetre - not only in the production - by polluting the rivers, living
leginkbb a folykat, lvizeket s a levegt szennyezve waters and the air -but through their use, in many cases
- hanem hasznlat kzben is, sok esetben hossz vekig. for many years.

SZNYEGPADL: (ld. Padlburkolatok 151) CARPETS: (See Floor coverings 151)

SZVETEK: (ld. Textilek 157) CLOTH: (See Textiles 157)

SZRK: (ld. Szlas anyagok 156) HAIRS: (See Fibers 156)

TAPTA: (ld. Felletkezelsek 136, Papr 152) WALL PAPERS: (See Surface handlings 136, Paper 152)

TERRAZZ: (ld. Padlburkolatok 151, Felletkpzsek 136) TERRAZZO: (See Floor coverings 151, Surface handling

TEXTILEK: A megjul, s ezrt krnyezetbart textilek TEXTILES :The recyclable, consequently environment
termszetes szlakbl kszlnek. Ilyen a pamut, len se- friendly textiles are made of natural fibers, such as
lyem, gyapj, egyb llati szrk (nyl, teve, kecske, stb.) cotton, flax, silk, wool, other animal hair (of rabbit,
vagy nvnyek szlai (kkusz, szizl, agav, jukka, stb.). camel, goat, etc.) or vegetable fibers (of coco, sisal,
Azok a mestersges szlak, amiket az ember vegyi ton agave, jucca, etc.). The artificial fibers made by man by
llt el mind polimerekbl ll, amit a petrolkmiai ipar chemical methods all consist of polymers which are
llt el. Ezek gyorsan szradnak, tasztjk a szennyet, produced by the petroleum industry. They dry quickly,
knnyen moshatk, de nem lgteresztk. Amg a ter- are repellent the dirt, are easily washable but are not


mszetes szlakbl kszlt ruhanem tengedi a levegt permeable to air. While cloths made out of natural
a testfelsznrl a kls trbe, addig a szintetikus ruhane- fibers allow air circulation from the body surface to the
mk azt megtartjk, gy az ilyen ruhk viselse kellemet- outside, the synthetic cloths retain the air thus wearing
lenebb, mint a termszetes anyagbl kszltek. these are less comfortable.
Pamut: A nagyon finom muszlintl a durva zskvszo- Cotton
nig nagyon sokfle anyag kszl pamutbl, gy a tervezk Various materials from fine muslin to coarse sacking are
sokfle elkpzelst megvalsthatnak belle. Bizonyos ki- made out of cotton, designers can realize many of
ksztanyagok s sznezanyagok fejldsvel a pamut different ideas. With the development of certain
textilek alkalmazsnak kre bvlhet. Jelents mennyi- preparing and colouring materials the adaptability of
sget hasznlnak pldul a farmer-iparban s a kordbr- cotton textiles may widen. A significant quantity is used
sony szvetek gyrtsnl. Mivel alapanyaga - a gyapot - for example in the jeans industry and in the production
a trpusi s fltrpusi gv alatt terem, s termesztse of corduroy materials. Its basic material - the cotton -
s feldolgozsa a messzi mltba tekint vissza (Mexikban grows in the tropics and sub-tropics and its production
i.e. 5700-bl is szrmaznak leletek). A legnagyobb ter- and processing go back to the far past (in Mexico there
melk Kna, USA, Brazlia, Mexik, Egyiptom s Szudn, are findings from 5700 BC). The largest producers are
de Trkorszg, India s Pakisztn is jelents. Sajnos China, USA, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt and Sudan but Turkey,
ezekben az orszgokban nem megengedhet nvnyv- India and Pakistan are also important producers.
dszereket s egyb kmiai anyagokat is hasznlnak a Regretfully, in these countries improper plant-protecting
termeszts sorn. A kutatk f tmja most az, hogy a agents and other chemicals are used during cultivation.
knnyen kezelhet, nehezen ghet, knnyen vasalhat Researchers today try to develop easy to treat, easy to
anyagokat fejlesszk ki. Msik irnyzat, hogy a pamutbl iron and fire resistant materials. Another trend is to
kszlt textilek lettartamt s mossi lehetsgeit vizs- study the durability and washing possibilities of cotton
gljk, s a krnyezetvdelem szolglatba lltsk. textiles, in accordance with environment protection.
Len: A termszetes szlak kzl a legersebb, s vize- Flax: The strongest among the natural fibers and it
sen ez a tulajdonsga ersdik. A pamuthoz hasonl jel- becomes even stronger when wet. Textiles similar to
leg textilek is kszlhetnek belle, megszhet a legfi- cotton can be made out of it, and the finest batiste,
nomabb batisztnak, zsebkendnek, vagy lepednek s handkerchiefs, bed sheets and canvas are equally feasible
vitorlavszonnak is. rdekessge az, hogy minden moss- products. Oddly, a micro-molecule layer separates from
nl egy mikromolekulnyi rteg vlik le minden szlrl, s each fiber at each washing and the material looks as new
az anyag teljesen jszeren tnik fel, anlkl, hogy a tar- without wearing out. In the Hungarian folklore the nicest
tssga vltozna. A magyar npi felhasznls sorn is a table-linen can be more than 50-60 years old and it is
legszebb asztalnemk akr 50-60 vesek is lehetnek, de getting whiter and whiter, finer and finer during use. The
egyre fehrebbek s finomabbak. Nagy elnye tovbb, other big advantage is that it can be especially well
hogy rendkvl jl keverhet gyapjszllal, gy olyan ter- mixed with wool fiber and the result is a soft, crinkle-
mk llthat el, ami puha, nem gyrdik, s jl szell- proof and breathing cloth. Findings which indicate
zik. A len viselsre utal leleteket talltak Svjcban ami wearing linen were discovered in Switzerland and they
bizonytja, hogy mr i.e. 10.000 vvel is ismertk ezt az prove that this material was known already 10 000 years
anyagot. Lenviseleteket talltak Tutenkamon srjban, s ago. Linen cloth was found in the grave of Tutankhamen
a Biblia is emlti a hzi s vallsos viseletek esetn a len and there are hints in the Bible to everyday and religious
textileket. Mieltt az ipar a szintetikus szlak gyrtsba linen garments. Before the industrial production of
kezdett volna, nagyon tg krben hasznltk ezt a textil- synthetic fibers flax was widely used. Nowadays flax as
fajtt. Ma mr a len mint alapanyag mintegy 3%-ra esett basic material in the textile industry represents only 3%.
vissza a textiliparban. Ez nagyon sajnlatos, mert a len ki- It is a pity, as in flax processing we do not have to use
ksztse sorn nem kell veszlyes vegyi anyagokat hasz- toxic chemicals, fibers are prepared while soaked by the
nlni, a szlak kiksztst a lenztats sorn a termsze- natural fungi and bacteria. Like cotton, linen also absorbs
tes gombk s baktriumok vgzik. Ugyangy mint a pa- moisture so it is comfortable to wear and it keeps the
mut, a len is nedvessgfelszv, gy viselete kellemes, s heat off the body which is especially important in hot
tvoltartja a testtl a forrsgot is, ami meleg gv alatt climates. Further research should be directed to finding
klnsen fontos. Ennl az anyagnl is a kutatsokat a creaseless material. Regretfully, polymers based on
gyrdsmentessg irnyban kell folytatni. Sajnos a hydrocarbons push this natural material also to the
sznhidrogn alap polimerek httrbe szortjk ezt a background.


termszetes anyagot is.
Selyem: A legtbb selyem a selyemherny gubjbl Silk: Most silks come from cocoon of the silkworm.
szrmazik. Ennek a selyemhernynak mr csak nemes- Now only a selected type of this silkworm exists but
tett fajtja ltezik, van azonban egy klnleges vltozata there is a special type of silk made out of wild silkworm.
a selymeknek, ami a vad selyemhernybl kszl. A tr- Silk was discovered in historical China and it came to
tnelmi Knban fedeztk fel, s i.sz. 600 krl kerlt Europe around 600 AD. It is a beautiful and expensive
Eurpba. Szp s drga anyag. Akkor hasznljuk, ha na- material. We use it for fine and expensive textiles.
gyon finom s drga holmit akarunk kszteni.
Gyapj: A gyapj a birka vagy brny szrnek fons- Wool: The hair of sheep or lamb is spun and woven, if
val keletkezik. Knnyen tisztthat, j viselet, s j hszi- it is, easy to clean, good to wear and good heat
getel. Ha a krtevktl megvdjk, rendkvl tarts insulator. If we protect it from parasites very durable
ruk kszthetk belle, a ruhanemtl a sznyegig. goods can be made out of it, from clothes to rugs.
Napjainkban az pletek hszigetelsre is alkalmazzk. Recently also used for the thermal insulation of buildings.
Klnfle szrk: A legklnbzbb llati szrk fel- Different hairs: Textiles can be made out of most
hasznlsval lehet textileket kszteni. Az alpaka pld- animal hairs. Alpaca for example, is the hair of a relative
ul az Andok lejtin l lmafle szrnek felhasznls- of llama living on the slopes of the Andes. It is difficult to
val kszl, festse azonban nehzkes, mert nem szvja fel dye the alpaca yarn as it does not absorb the dye. There
a festkeket. Van mg msfle lma is, aminek szrt k- are other kinds of llama, the hair of which is used for
lnleges ruhzati termkekhez hasznljk. Ezt termsze- special clothes. In its original state this may be brown,
tes barna, bzs vagy krm sznben alkalmazzk. A teve- beige or cream colour. Camel hair mixed with other
szr alkalmas ms szlakkal keverve meleg felsruha k- fibers is suitable for warm garments, or without mixing
sztsre, vagy tisztn takark s pokrcok ksztsre. for blankets and rugs. Mohair is made from the hair of
A mohair az angrakecske szrnek felhasznlsval k- the Angora goat. It combines well with other fibers, and
szl, szintn jl keverhet ms szlakkal, rendkvl gives a very light, warm wear. The angora rabbits hair is
knny, meleg viselet. Az angra nyl szre is alkalmas also workable, it is long and especially preferred in the
feldolgozsra, ez hosszszl, s klnsen a ktipar knitting industry. Natural white angora garments are
kedveli. Nagyon szpek a termszetes fehr angra k- quite beautiful.
ttt termkek.
Nvnyi szlak: Textil szvsre alkalmas a kkusz Vegetable fibers: The fiber which covers the coco
hjt bort szl, - leginkbb sznyegeket ksztenek be- skin is suitable for weaving. Mostly rugs are made out of
lle - s klnbz trpusi nvnyek leveleibl, finak it (as well as of the leaves and barks of different tropical
krgbl ztatssal nyert szlak. A jukka s agave levele- plants) through soaking. Rope can be spun and stranded
ibl nyert szlakbl ktl sodorhat. out of the leaves of the jucca and agave leaves.
Mestersges szlak: Az akrilok, elasztomerek, a Artificial fibers: Acrylic, elastomers, nylon, polyester
nylon, a poliszter s a polipropiln szlak mind a mes- and polypropylene fibers are all basic materials of
tersgesen ellltott textilek alapanyagai. Alapveten artificial textiles. Basically they are produced from
kolajbl szrmaznak. mineral oil, i.e. form non-renewable source.

jrahasznosts: A textilek jrahasznostsa nagyon k- Recycling: Reuse of textiles can be very different. First we
lnbz lehet. Elssorban a j llapotban lev ruhane- sell the clothes in good condition, give it as a present to
mket adjuk el, vagy ajndkozzuk karitatv szervezetek- charity institutions or swap it with friends. After washing,
nek, vagy csereberljnk egyms kztt. Esetleg kimos- folding and packing we can carry them to places where
va, sszehajtogatva, sszecsomagolva vigyk olyan hely- they will be surely found by those in need. (Childrens
re, ahol biztosak lehetnk abban, hogy a rszorulk meg- clothes can be taken to kindergartens, schools - adult
talljk (gyerekruht vodba, iskolba, felntt ruht clothes to ecclesiastic organizations, etc.)
egyhzi szervezetekhez, stb.).

TGLA: Ebben az sszefggsben az getett agyag s egyb BRICKS: In this context we discuss the fired clay and other
mszhomok tglkat trgyaljuk. Az ptsi nyelvben az (sand-lime or calcium silicate) bricks. In architectural
egy kzzel is beemelhet elemeket nevezzk tglknak. terminology elements movable with one hand can be
Ami ennl nagyobb, az blokk, vagy elem. Most azonban called bricks. Anything larger is a block or an element.
a kicsi, de beton anyag elemeket nem trgyaljuk. A tg- Small concrete elements are not included. Bricks are


lk jellemzen agyagbl, mszhomokbl kszlnek, ge- usually made out of clay and lime by firing or in some
tssel, illetve egyes esetekben napon szrtva. Ilyenfor- cases by drying in the sun. From this aspect, brick is
mn a tgla krnyezeti szempontbl ambivalens. Sok environmentally ambivalent. It is advantageous from
szempontbl kedvez, de legalbb ugyanennyi szem- many points of view, but disadvantageous from equally
pontbl kedveztlen. Amennyiben az adott terleten numerous points. If it is traditionally used in the locality,
tradicionlisan hasznlt, gy alkalmazsa tovbbra is el- it is advantageous due to the accumulated building
nys a nagy ptsi tapasztalat miatt, s hossz lettarta- experience and because long-life buildings can be built
m pletet lehet ltrehozni belle. Ugyanakkor, mivel a out of it. However, as the mining of the raw material
hozzval anyag kitermelse a krnyezetet s a felszn damages the environment and effects under-surface
alatti vizeket rombolja, valamint getse energiaignyes, waters, also its firing is energy-intensive as well as its
szlltsa szintn, gy ahol van ms lehetsg, ott csk- transportation, we should try to decrease its use. The
kenteni kell hasznlatt. A msik figyelembe veend as- other condition to be considered is that bricks should
pektus, hogy ha tglt hasznlunk fel, azt a felhasznls- be obtained from places close to the building site. We
hoz kzeli helyrl szerezzk be. A tglagyrts nem csu- consider brick production as a non-environmentally
pn az energiaigny miatt nem tekinthet krnyezetba- friendly process, not only because of its energy need,
rtnak, hanem a kros anyag kibocstsa miatt sem, va- but due to the big quantity of waste heat. If we consider
lamint a nagy mennyisg hulladkh keletkezse miatt. all the above and also try to utilize waste heat, out of
Ha mindezt figyelembe vesszk, s treksznk a hulla- bricks we can build a durable, easily maintainable and
dkh hasznostsra is, akkor az getett agyagtglbl reusable (with careful demolition) building. The use of
tarts, knnyen karbantarthat, s vatos bonts esetn sun dried bricks or the modernized version: the
jrahasznosthat pletet ltesthetnk. Rgi j irnyzat stabilized earth brick are old/new trends in brick
a tglagyrtsban a napon szrtott agyagtgla vagy a production. In our area these are traditional and the
korszer vltozata, a stabilizlt fldtgla hasznlata. En- revitalization of these traditions is positive from the
nek nagy hagyomnyai vannak trsgnkben, s ezen ha- GREEN point of view.
gyomnyok fellesztse ZLD szempontbl pozitv.


kok. Kemny vzben nem kpeznek habot. A szappan a DETERGENTS: These are mineral oil derivatives and do not
szdask s zsrsavak keverke, forrsban lev zsrok s make foam in hard water. Soap is the mixture of sodium
olajok alkli szrmazkai. A kemny vzben a szappanok salts and fatty-acids, alkali derivative of boiling fats and
tajtkot kpeznek, aminek a kalcium s magnzium s- oils. In hard water soaps make a foam due to the
tartalom az oka, de a szappan nem kros a krnyezetre. calcium and magnesium salt content but the foam is not
A tiszttszerek msrszt foszftot tartalmaznak, ame- harmful to the environment. On the other hand,
lyek visszajutva a vzhztartsba szennyezik a vzkszlete- detergents contain phosphate which getting into to the
ket. Az Egyeslt Kirlysgban a szappan s tiszttszer waterways, pollutes the water. In the United Kingdom
tartalm (msnven a biolgiai tiszttszerekkel szennye- sewage containing soap and detergents (or water
zett) folyadkokat a vzmvek tiszttjk, hogy vdjk a polluted by biological detergents) is purified by
termszetet s a vztartalkokat. Ez ltalban nagyon treatment plants to protect nature and water reserves.
drga folyamat. A klnsen knyes terleteken, speci- This costs huge amounts of money. In the especially
lis reduklsi folyamatnak vetik al a vizeket, hogy eltvo- vulnerable areas water is subject to a specific reducing
ltsk a tiszttszereket(pl. a Norfolki terleten, ahol az process to remove detergents (for example near
algktl kell megtiszttani a vizet - ami a foszfttartalom Norfolk water should be cleared of the algae the
miatt jelentsen nvekszik). number of which increases due to the phosphates).

TITNIUM: Ezt a fmet nagyon nehz bnyszni, ezrt ki-

termelse energiaignyes folyamat. Az ptipar legin- TITANIUM: This metal is hard to mine so the process is
kbb mint klnleges kapcsolelemeket hasznlja, lvn energy-intensive. The building industry uses it mainly for
ers mint az acl, de annl 45%-al knnyebb anyag, vagy special jointing elements as it is strong like steel but
mskpp: ktszer olyan ers mint az alumnium, de csak lighter by 45%, or in other terms, it is twice as strong as
60%-al nehezebb. A titndioxid a nem mrgez fehr aluminium and only 60% heavier. Titanium oxide is the
festkek kivl anyaga, mert nagyon jl fed. Mgis kr- excellent material of non-toxic white paints as it covers
nyezeti szempontbl ez olyan anyag, aminek hasznlat- very well. However, from the environmental viewpoint,


tl vakodni kell. Sajnos ppen ez az anyag, amit manap- this material should be handled with care. Unfortunately,
sg elszeretettel hasznlnak a gpkocsi kataliztorok- this is the material preferred today in car catalyzers in
ban, annak rdekben, hogy kisebb legyen a leveg- order to reduce air pollution. Considering also that at its
szennyezs. Figyelembe vve azt, hogy legnagyobb lel- main quarry - in Norway, near the mines the tailings are
helyn - Norvgiban - a bnyk krnykn a maradv- gets close to the surface, accumulate and reach the
nyok felsznre kerlnek, felhalmozdnak, s a fjordokon rivers as well as the sea through the fjords get into
keresztl a folykba s tengerbe kerlve mrhetetlen immensely endangering the life of the local fish breed
mdon veszlyeztetik a honos halfajok lett, ami vi- which leads to the demise of the main local industry:
szont a halszat ellehetetlenlshez vezet. Ennek a kt- fishing. In light of the above, the use of this undoubtedly
sgkvl nagyon rtkes s rdekes anyagnak az pti- precious and peculiar material in the building industry
pari hasznlatt a fentiek miatt nagyon meg kell fontolni. should be seriously reconsidered.

TMTSZEREK: A tmtanyagokat ltalban nem tartjuk SEALING COMPOUNDS: We usually do not properly
megfelelen karban s ezrt lettartamuk a krnyezeti maintain the seals, so their lifetime is strongly limited
hatsok miatt ersen korltozott. Nagyon sok olyan under environmental effects. There are many
szerkezet van, ahol a tmtanyagok lettartama a szer- constructions where the lifetime of the seals determines
kezet lettartamt is behatrolja, vagyis elhanyagolsuk- the lifetime of the construction and if we neglect the
kal ezek a szerkezetek is krosodnak. A ZLD tervez seals the construction is damaged. The GREEN designer
ilyen anyagok alkalmazsa esetn megprbl kell infor- tries to collect all the necessary information about these
mcikat szerezni a gyrtktl, s ezek alapjn dnt a materials from the producers and on the basis of this, he
tradicionlis, esetleg rgimdi msfajta megoldsok mel- or she decides in favor of or against the traditional or
lett vagy ellen. Idnknt a hagyomnyos mechanikus old-fashioned alternative solutions. Sometimes, the
megoldsok a nedvessg s pra ellen elnysebbek, traditional mechanical solutions against moisture or
mint a korszer tmtanyagok. Megjegyzend, hogy a vapour penetration are better than the modern ones.
modern ptsi mdszerek elszeretettel alkalmazzk a We have to vote that modern building methods prefer
tmtseket amikor a munkaer igny cskkentse le- the use of sealants when labour can be saved or when
hetsges, vagy akkor, amikor olyan anyagokat lehet gy the use of sealants is the only solution for the selected
bepteni, amire klnben nem lenne md. Termsze- construction. Of course, these are insufficient criteria
tesen ez nem tnik elegend szempontnak, ha a ZLD from the GREEN viewpoint. There are situations
aspektusokat is szmba vesszk. Termszetesen vannak however - like in case of elastic joints of reinforced
olyan helyzetek - pldul a vasbetonszerkezetek rugal- concrete structures - when the sealant ensures the long
mas kapcsolatai esetn, amikor ezek az anyagok teszik lifetime and in these cases their use is absolutely
lehetv a hossz lettartamot, ekkor hasznlatuk indo- reasonable. If traditional building methods will be
kolt. Ha azonban a tradicionlis ptsi mdok jra el- preferred again, these high-tech materials will be less
trbe kerlnek, ezek a high-tech anyagok kevsb kerl- popular.
nek alkalmazsra.

TZELANYAGOK: A szn (ld. mg kln), a kolaj, a pa- FUELS: Coal (See under separate title), mineral oil, paraffin,
raffin, a fldgz, s a tzeg nem megjul energiaforr- natural gas and peat are non-renewable energy sources.
sok. A megjul erdkbl szrmaz faanyag mint ener- Wood, as an energy source from renewable forests is
giaforrs a krnyezetre kevsb veszlyes, de a leveg- less harmful to the environment, but the carbon emitted
be kibocstott karbon fokozza az veghzhatst. A me- to the air increases the green-house effect. Methane
tn - amennyiben biomasszbl vagy a szemtlerakk- coming from biomass or waste is a renewable energy
ban keletkez gz felhasznlsbl szrmazik - megjul source but if it escapes to the atmosphere it increases
energiaforrs, ugyanakkor az veghz hatst ez is fokoz- the green-house effect, (See Waste, Bioenergy). Heating
za kiss. (Ld. mg: Hulladk, Bioenergia). A szntzels a coal from the environmental view is an ambivalent
krnyezet szempontjbl ambivalens tzelanyag, a fel- practice, depending on the way of its use. On the one
hasznls mdjtl fggen. Egyrszt nem megjul hand, it is a non-renewable energy source and its open-
energiaforrs, s a felszni bnyszs a krnyezetet, az cut mining completely ruins the environment, its biota
lvilgot s vzhztartst rombolja. getshez megle- and water supplies. For its combustion expensive
hetsen drga berendezsek s ermvek szksgesek, equipment and power stations are necessary. It is largely
s a savas esrt nagyban okolhat. Msrszt ha lpse- responsible for acid rains. On the other hand, if we try


ket tesznk az energiavesztesgek cskkentsre (mind to reduce energy losses, both during use and
a felhasznlsnl, mind a termelsnl) alkalmazhat, s a production, the waste coming from its mining and
bnyszatbl s feldolgozsbl szrmaz hulladk, mg processing is manageable, as in opposed to the nuclear
problma esetn is kezelhet, ellenttben a nukleris power stations. Furthermore, with the technological
ermvekkel. Tovbb a bnyszat fejldsvel, a feldol- development of mining and the improvement of
gozsi mdszer s hatsfok javtsval szinte minden processing methods and efficiency nearly all kinds of
sznfajta feldolgozhat az energiaipar szmra. Csk- coals can be used in the energy industry. Emission of
kenthet vagy megelzhet a kn-dioxid kibocsts - sulphur dioxide can be reduced or eliminated even if the
amennyiben nagy a szn kntartalma - s alacsony salak- sulphur content of the coal is large, and there are
kibocsts kisebb s olcsbb ermvek is lteznek. smaller and more economical power stations with less
Tovbb, a vrosi hulladklerakk tartalma keverve a waste release. Furthermore, the city garbage mixed with
sznnel, lehetv teszi a vegyes felhasznlst. Van ter- coal can form a useful fuel. Power stations have may
mszetesen kellemetlen hatsa is az ermveknek. Az adverse effects. The dust from the power stations -
ermvi por - ami a fstmentes technolgia esetn is which exists even with smokeless technology - may be
megvan - a krnyez terleteken l lakossg szmra unhealthy for the inhabitants of the neighborhood. The
egszsgtelen. Erre utal a lgti megbetegedsek maga- increased rate of respiratory diseases indicate this. Fly
sabb arnyszma is. Az ermvi pernye a knnybeto- ash from the power stations can be an additive of
nok adalkanyaga lehet, a segtsgvel gyrtott ptele- lightweight concrete, if improves the heat insulation
mek hszigetel kpessge j, de tekintetbe kell venni - capacity, but we have to consider the problem of
a tbbi adalkanyaggal egytt - az esetlegesen sugrzs- radiation. Methane gas is a renewable fuel if it is a
kibocst sszetevket. A metn megjul energia, product of the decomposition of organic matters. But if
amennyiben szerves anyagok bomlstermke. De mint a it is found at the big mineral oil fields together with
propn s a butn a nagy kolajlelhelyeken is elfordul, propane and butane, it is non-renewable energy source
ekkor nem megjul energiaforrsok, br jelents ksz- even if we have large supplies of it at present. The
letekkel rendelkeznk. A metnnal kapcsolatban az a leg- methane which comes from biomass or garbage dumps
fontosabb, hogy ennek az a formja amely biomasszbl is a renewable energy source, but it has a bad influence
vagy a hulladktelepeken felszabadul gzbl szrmazik, on the green-house effect. The increasing number of
megjul energiaforrs. Ugyanakkor negatv hatsa van herbivorous, large animals also effects the atmosphere,
az veghzjelensgre. A nagytest nvnyev llatok (with their intestinal gases) enlarges the green-house
jelents elterjedse szintn fokozza az veghz-effektust, effect. This gave rise to the idea that this caused the
s persze rgtn felttte a fejt az a nzet is, hogy extinction of the dinosaurs. Biomass can be gained from
ezrt haltak ki a dinoszauruszok. Biomassza nyerhet a quickly growing plants produced for this purpose. This is
gyorsan nveked zldnvnyzetbl, amit erre a clra one GREEN possibility to replace mineral oil, releasing it
termelnek. Ez a kolaj egy lehetsges ZLD helyettes- for other uses, such as for the production of widely used
tse, ami lehetv teszi, hogy az olajat ms termkek plastics.
ellltsra lehessen hasznlni, mint pldul a szles kr-
ben elterjedt manyagok gyrtsra.

VEG: Az veg a szilcium, a msz s a saltrom vagy kli- GLASS: Glass is the compound of silicon, lime and sodium
umkarbont vegylete, fmoxidok esetleges jelenltvel. nitrate or potassium carbonate with the possible
A mszkvet gyrtshoz hasznljk. Mind a homok presence of metal oxides. Lime is used in its production.
(kvarc), mind a mszk bnyszsa (kivve a tengerpar- The mining of sand (quartz) and lime stone is harmful to
ti homokot) a krnyezetre kros hats. A termszet re- the environment (with the exception of the sea shore
aglni fog az anyagok kivonsra. A gyraknak nagy fele- sand). Nature will respond to the extraction of these
lssgk van abban, hogy a gyrts sorn mennyi ener- materials. Factories are responsible for the quantity of
git hasznlnak fel. Az nttt veg kevsb elterjedt. Ma- energy they use for the production. Cast glass is less
napsg, inkbb a hzott skveget gyrtjk. Elvileg min- used, today, rather drawn or float-glass is produced. In
den veg jrahasznosthat, ha ms anyagoktl kln v- principle all kinds of glasses are recyclable after selective
logattk. Ezen fell pldul ha egy plet bontsa sorn collection. Also, if a building is demolished and glass is
tblrl tblra szedtk ki az veglapokat, az jra felhasz- taken out plate by plate it can be reused. Producers
nlhat lesz. A gyrtk a sajt hulladkaikat s a vissza- reuse their own waste and returned glasses. Glass
szolgltatott vegeket is jra hasznljk. Az veggyrts, production is heat-intensive and goes with heat loss and


mint magas higny folyamat hvesztesggel s gzki- gas emission. These should be reduced. Certain wastes
bocstssal jr. A gyrtknak cskkenteni kell ezeket az of glass production are also recyclable (e.g. gas slag).
emisszikat. Az veggyrts egyes hulladkai is tovbb- Less sand is required since the production of drawn
hasznosthatk (pldul a gzsalak egyes termkek gyr- glass, (as cast glass needs many sand). Part of the slag is
tshoz.) Amita hzott vegeket gyrtanak, a homok- used by sculptors. If we are designers, we have to
felhasznls mr cskkent (az nttt veg gyrtsa na- understand the characteristics of glass. It is in connection
gyon homokignyes). A salak egy rszt szobrszok is with the wave-length of solar radiation. Part of the
felhasznljk. Tervezsi szempontbl az veg jellemzit received energy goes straight through the glass, another
kell megrtennk. Ez egyrszt a napsugrzs hullm- part is reflected, the third part is absorbed. We have to
hosszval van kapcsolatban. A res energia egy rsze mention here the infra-red domain with longer wave-
egyenesen keresztlhalad rajta, egy rsze visszaverdik, length which warms up the glass. The shorter waves in
egy rsze pedig elnyeldik. Ide rtve a nagyobb hullm- the infra-red domain go through the glass and warm up
hossz infravrs tartomnyt, ami az veget melegti. A the interior. Blinds on the inner side do not influence
rvidebb hullmhossz infravrs tartomnyba tartoz this. Bronze glasses reflect more of the received
hullmok az vegen keresztlhatolva a bels teret mele- radiation but also absorb more energy, half of which is
gtik. A bels oldali rnykolk erre nincsenek hatssal. emitted back to the outer space. Mirror glasses, with
A bronzvegek tbbet vernek vissza a bees sugrzs- their thick layer of silver or gold, prevent looking in and
bl, de sok energit el is nyelnek, aminek a fele warming up of the interior. We should take into
visszasugrzdik a kls trbe. A tkrvegek, vastag consideration all the above during design. Glass as
ezstbevonatot hasznlva meggtoljk a betekintst, s a packaging material is environment friendly if its
bels felmelegedst. Mindezekre tekintettel kell lenni a collection, sterilization and refuse is solved. In the USA,
tervezs sorn. Az veg mint csomagolanyag krnye- amongst others in Oregon recycling, reuse and storage
zeti szempontbl akkor elnys, ha a visszagyjtse s of bottles is regulated by law.
sterilizlsa, valamint az jratltse megoldott. Az Ame-
rikai Egyeslt llamokban tbbek kztt Oregon llam-
ban trvny van az res vegek jrahasznostsra, az
vegvisszavlts s trols megszervezsre.

VEGSZLAK, VEGGYAPOT: ltalban finomszl, gyap- FIBERGLASS, GLASS WOOL: It is a fine fiber similar to wool
jszer anyagok, amit szintetikus impregnl s ragaszt- combined with synthetic impregnating agents and
szerekkel kombinlnak. sszetett anyagok: vegbl s adhesives. Glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) is a
manyagbl llnak. Az vegszl gyrtsa nem teljesen complex material made of glass and plastic. Production
veszlytelen. mbr a szlak mrete a belgzst nem te- of fiberglass is not entirely harmless process. Though the
szi lehetv, a porral val fokozott rintkezstl meg length of the fibers makes it impossible to breath it in,
kell vdeni a dolgozkat, mert egybknt brproblmk, workers should be protected against intensive contact
torokfjs s mellkasi problmk lphetnek fel. Minden with dust otherwise skin, throat and chest problems
szlas anyag gyrtsnl ez gond lehet (ld. szlas anya- may appear. This is a constant problem at the
gok), s a megelzs nagyon hasonl az azbesztterm- production of every kinds of fibers (See Fibrous
kek gyrtsnl szksges megelzsekhez. Ha ilyen szi- materials) and prevention is similar to that adopted for
getel anyagokat ptnk be az pleteinkbe, olyan el- asbestos production. If we use fiberglass insulation we
rsokat kell alkalmazni a gyrtsi krlmnyekre, ami should specify conditions for the production to diminish
ezeket a veszlyeket cskkenti. Minden anyag ami ve- the above risks. All GRP materials containing glass and
get s manyagot tartalmaz klnsen ers, teherbr, plastic may be especially strong, heavy-duty, light and
knny s korrzimentes lehet. Sokfle formban corrosion-free. It is used in many forms for constructing
hasznljk hajptsnl, jrmtesteknl, s a hszigete- ships and vehicle bodies. Though it is from non-
lsnl. mbr nem megjul forrsbl szrmazik - s renewable sources and its production processes may be
gyrtsa sorn is krnyezetkrost folyamatok jtszd- dangerous to the environment, due to the long lifetime
nak le - a hossz lettartam, s a belle szrmaz egyb and other attached advantages fiberglass is less harmful
elnyk miatt hasznlata kevsb veszlyes, mint sok than many other materials. As an insulation material
egyb anyag. Szigetelsi szempontbl pedig nagyon glass wool it has a big advantage: fire-resisting as
nagy elnye, hogy nem ghet, szemben a manyagok opposed to most of synthetics and plastic foams.
nagy rszvel, s a manyaghabokkal.


VEGKERMIA: ltalban fzfelletek kialaktsra haszn- GLASS CERAMICS: It is a special glass made for cooking sur-
latos specilis veg, ami a nagy hfokklnbsget kro- faces. It endures large changes in temperature without
sods nlkl brja, s j htadsi kpessge van. gy al- damages and its heat transmission is good. It is suitable
kalmas olyan tzhelyfellet kialaktsra, ami ignyes, for producing high-level, easy to clean cooker-plates and
knnyen tisztn tarthat, ms drga (krmozott) anya- it replaces other expensive materials (chrome plated). In
got vlt ki, stb. A legtbb esetben ezeket a fzfellete- most cases these cooking plates are electrically warmed
ket elektromosan ftik, de van gzzem vltozata is. j up, but there are also others operating with gas. The
tpusa elektromgneses hullmokkal mkdik, s csak newest types work with electromagnetic waves and
akkor, ha a felletre rhelyezzk a fm ednyt. Haszn- only when we place an iron pot on it. GREENS have the
latval kapcsolatban a ZLD megkzelts ugyanaz, same opinion, as in connection with the ceramics in
mint a kermikkal ltalban. Tervezzk hossz lettar- general. It should be designed for long use, kept in good
tamra, tartsuk jl karban s ahol lehet hasznostsuk jra. condition and recycled wherever it is possible.

VAKOLAT (ld. Felletkezelsek 136) PLASTERING: (See Surface treatments 136)

VAS: (ld. Fmek 137) IRON: (See Metals 137)

VERMIKULIT: Ez a nem megjul anyag, amely hasonlt a VERMICULITE: It is non-renewable material similar to mica.
csillmhoz megtallhat a kzetekben s nhny helyen It can be found in rocks, in some places in the sand, in
a homokban, apr szemcskben. Ha hirtelen 300 0C-ra small granules. If we suddenly warm it up to 300 C its
melegtjk, trfogata hsszorosra nvekedik, s cubic capacity grows to 20 times greater and becomes
knnyv vlik. gy hasznljk knnybetonokban, vako- light. It is used as aggregate in light concrete, plasters,
latokban, hszigetelsre, talajszilrdtsra, festkekben s paints and synthetics, for insulation and soil-fixing. As
manyagokban. Mivel mr nem sok lelhelye ismert, there are not too many of its quarries known, its use is
hasznlata egyre inkbb httrbe szorult. reducing.

VILGTS: A piacon szinte hetente jelennek meg jabb s LIGHTING: New low energy lamps appear on the market
jabb alacsony energiafogyaszts vilgttestek. Ezekrl nearly every week. The producers give provide
a gyrtk megfelel informcikat tudnak a rendelkez- necessary information about them. Besides their low
snkre bocstani. Azonban nagyon kevs az adat arra energy need, we have little information about other
vonatkozan, hogy az alacsony energiaignyen tl, ezek characteristics of these lamps and accessories from
a vilgttestek s jrulkos szerkezeteik ZLD szem- GREEN viewpoint. Using such modern, really energy-
pontbl hogyan rtkelhetk. Mg az ilyen korszer, va- saving equipment we are environment friendly only on
lban energiatakarkos szerkezetek hasznlata esetn is the surface if we design a building, where we have to
csak ltszlagosan vagyunk krnyezetbartok, ha az p- use them continuously though the working hours,
leteket gy tervezzk, hogy azok hasznlathoz folyama- daylight is at hand. When we design illumination,
tosan szksges a vilgttestek alkalmazsa, amikor a primary condition is to utilize the daylight, to design the
munkaid nagy rszben rendelkezsre ll a nappali strength and spectrum of a possible light-sources for the
megvilgts lehetsge. Elsrend szempont a tervezs- necessary periods and the interaction with
nl, a nappali fny kihasznlsa a szksges idpontban, heating/cooling systems. According to the new way of
az esetleges fnyforrs erssgnek, sznkpnek terve- thinking, the use of artificial lighting should be reduced.
zse, s ezek klcsnhatsa a ftsi vagy htsi rendsze- One of the means to this end is the regulated operation:
rekkel. Az j gondolkods a mestersges megvilgtssal we use only as much as really necessary and where it is
kapcsolatban egyre inkbb abba az irnyba mutat, hogy necessary, or only on architecturally emphasised places
hasznlatt cskkenteni szksges. Ennek eszkze lehet where it is important for traffic or safety reasons and we
a szablyozott mkdtets: csak ott, s annyit hasznlni apply only energy-saving solutions.
belle, ami valban szksges, illetve az ptszetileg ki- We have to consider also, if these lamps and accessories
emelt helyeken, vagy ahol kzlekedsi vagy biztonsgi are environment friendly or not during their production,
szempontbl szksges, ott az energiatakarkos megol- operation and after their wearing out. We should not
dsokat kell alkalmazni. Termszetesen azt is t kell gon- raise false hopes that environmental damages can be
dolni, hogy ezek a kiegszt berendezsek s a vilgt- camouflaged by energy-saving. Heavy metals are used at


testek nmagukban krnyezetbartok-e - gyrtsa s the production of many high-output lamps, they contain
hasznlata kzben, valamint elhasznldsa utn - vagyis also CFCs, and their high price inform the buyer that
ne ltassuk magunkat gy, hogy az energiatakarkossg much energy was used for the production. Producers
jegyben a krnyezeti rtalmakat elmaszkrozzuk. Sok j, should be forced to compensate these disadvantages
magas ignyszint vilgtberendezs gyrtsa sorn through further development.
hasznlnak fel nehzfmeket, tartalmaznak CFC-t, s tu-
lajdonkppen a magas r arrl is tjkoztatja a fogyasz-
tt, hogy itt a gyrtsi technolgia sorn a gyrtshoz
hasznlnak fel sok energit. A gyrtkat arra kell szt-
nzni, hogy ezeket a htrnyokat ellenslyozzk.

VZ: Nhny vtizede az ivvz Eurpban nem volt a WATER: Some decades ago drinking water was not a
problmk kz sorolva. gy tnt, hogy korltlanul problem in Europe. It looked we have boundless
rendelkezsre ll. De nagyon hamar r kellett dbbenni quantity of it. But we had to realize soon, that it will not
arra, hogy ez nem sokig lesz mr gy. Ivviznk el- be so for a long time. Our waters became polluted,
szennyezdtt, elszennyezdtek a folyk, a felszn alatti including rivers, under-surface waters, lakes and seas.
vizek a tavak s a tengerek is. Amit manapsg iszunk, in- What we drink today, as a result of chemical processes
kbb kmiai folyamatok eredmnyekppen - j esetben - is rather a drinkable compound than clear water. The
- ihatv tett klnbz vegyletek, mintsem tiszta vz. phosphate and nitrate content of the water caused algae
A vizek foszft s nitrt tartalma algsodshoz vezetett, blooming and this led to abiotic water bodies. As this
ami a vzi lvilg kihalshoz vezet. Mivel ez a jelensg phenomenon is visible, the stress is laid on this in
szemmel is jl lthat, az ivvizek tisztasgval kapcsolat- connection with the cleanness of drinking water.
ban ezekre helyezdik a f hangsly. A foszft s nitrt- Measuring of phosphate and nitrate is not complicated
tartalom mrse knny, de mg mindig nem teljesen limit are not yet established as to from what quantity
tisztzott, hogy mi az a mrtk, ahol az egszsgre mr would be dangerous to health. Problems caused the
krosak. gy httrbe szorulnak az egyb szennyez other polluting materials are not in the limelight.
anyagok ltal okozott problmk. Nagyon komoly prob- Residnes of plant-protecting agents and toxic organic
lmt jelentenek a nvnyvdszer maradvnyok s a matters represent very serious problems. Some of them
mrgez szervesanyag maradvnyok. Ezek kztt rkkel- are carcinogenic. According to specialists, 85% of cancer
tk is vannak. Szakrtk szerint a rkbetegsgek 85%-a diseases can be related to the harmful materials getting
hozhat sszefggsbe a llegzssel vagy vzzel a szerve- into the organism by respiration or with water. Most of
zetbe kerl kros anyagokkal. Ezek j rsze lassan hal- these are slowly accumulating in the body and as they
mozdik fel a szervezetben, s mivel kimutatsuk nehz- can be traced, only with difficulty we know very little
kes nagyon keveset tudunk az ltaluk okozott hatsok- about the effects they cause.
rl. Az ivvz tisztasgval terletenknt kell foglalkozni, The cleanness of drinking water should be controlled
s az ltalnos normatvkat mindenhol figyelembe kell regionally and the general norms should be kept
venni. Ennek eredmnyekppen Magyarorszg nagy te- everywhere. In large areas of Hungary even the water of
rletein a vezetkes vz sem minsl ihatnak, s ve- the mains is not qualified as potable and the people
ges vagy zacsks vizet kell a lakossgnak fogyasztani. have to drink bottled or bagged water. Protection of
Elsrend fontossgv vlt a termszetes vzkszletek the natural water supply is of primary importance. This
vdelme. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a mezgazdasgban s az means that in agriculture and industry (especially in the
iparban (klnsen a nehzfmekkel s veszlyes old- chemical industry dealing with heavy metals, toxic
szerekkel, valamint a klr s fluormaradvnyokkal jr solvents and residnes of chlorine and fluorine) a vital
vegyiparban) elsrend krdss vlt a maradvnyok fel- problem is the processing of residnes and the increased
dolgozsa, s a hulladklerakk fokozott ellenrzse. Ha control of waste stocks. Even if everybody considers the
mindenki gy cselekszik, akkor is mg nagyon hossz id- above, it will be a very long time before we can drink
nek kell eltelni, mg a forrsvzbll jra jt ihatunk. again from a natural spring.

VZTISZTTK: A vztisztt mvekre azta van igny, ami- WATER PURIFICATORS: We need water clarifying plants
ta a vzszennyezsek megjelentek. Tudomsul kell since the appearance of water pollution. We have to
azonban venni, hogy egyenlre nincs arra technolgiai notice that there is no technology for the removal of
megolds, hogy az vvzbl eltvoltsuk, vagy akr nagy toxic parts from the water, or even for reducing their


mrtkben cskkentsk a mrgez rszecskket. A je- quantity sufficiently. Present purification decreases the
lenlegi vztiszttsi eljrsok cskkentik a szilrd rszecs- number of the solid particles and via mixing with
kket, s a vzmvek klnbz vegyi adalkanyagok different chemicals, the waterworks try to reduce the
hozzadsval ellenslyozzk a fertzs veszlyt. Mind- danger of contamination. We should take into
ezt figyelembe kell venni, akkor amikor a vzminsggel consideration the above when we talk about the
szembeni elvrsokrl beszlnk. A fogyasztkat els- requirements of the quality of water. Consumers first of
sorban a vz ze, szaga, klleme s nehzfmtartalma r- all are interested in the taste, smell, outlook and heavy
dekli. Az lelmiszeripar s az dtgyrak ppgy, mint metal content of the water. Food industry and soft-drink
az otthoni fogyasztk, csak abban rdekeltek, hogy egy producers - like the consumers at home - are concerned
j kvt tet vagy dtt tudjanak kszteni. only in drinking a good coffee, tea or soft-drink.

VZVEZETK-HLZAT: Manapsg a vezetkes vz jelenti WATER-MAINS: Nearly everywhere in Hungary the water
szinte egsz Magyarorszg terletn az ihat vizet. Sok coming from the water-mains is drinking water. In some
helyen azonban a vezetkes vz sem fogyaszthat cse- places, however, even this water cannot be given to
csemk, terhes anyk s betegek szmra. Hogyan jhe- babies, pregnant women and ill people. How did this
tett ltre ez a helyzet. Van nhny kzenfekv magyar- happen? There are some obvious explanations. Drinking
zat. A vezetkes ivvz eddig olcs volt a fogyaszt sz- water from the mains was cheap for the consumer up
mra, s gond nlkl hasznlhatta a konyhban, frd- to now and it could freely used it in the kitchen,
szobban, kertben, kocsimossra s egyb ipari clokra bathroom, garden- or for car wash and also for industrial
is. A szk keresztmetszet szennyvz kezels (illetve ke- purposes. As a result of poor sewage treatment, subsoil
zeletlensg) eredmnyekppen a talajvizek - amik j- water which is the main source of the drinking water,
rszt az ivvz lelhelye - elszennyezdtek. Nagyon egy- became polluted. Lets see a very simple calculation: in
szer szmts: a vzbltses WC tartlyban 7,5-10 li- the toilet cistern contains there is 7,5-10 liters of water,
ter vz van, tpustl fggen. Ezt szemlyenknt naponta depending on the type. Each person uses it 12-20 times
12-20 esetben teljesen kirtjk a hasznlat utn. Telje- daily. It is evident, that big part of the flowed 170-180
sen kzenfekv hogy az gy elfolyt 170-180 liter vz j r- liters water was wasted, because with simple means -
sze feleslegesen kerlt a csatornarendszerbe, hiszen egy- like a two-stage button - we could ensure the discharge
szer eszkzkkel - pldul kt lpcss nyomgombbal of only the necessary quantity of water. So the dual
- biztosthat lenne az ppen szksges vzmennyisg t- appliances are to be preferred. The use of the dry toilets
bocstsa. Ezrt a nyomgombos szerkezetek alkalma- is even GREENER, but of course, these can be applied
zsa elremutat. Mg ZLD-ebb termszetesen a only in a few places at present and there are buildings
szraz WC-k alkalmazsa, de ez termszetesen egyenl- where their use would be impossible. Building of double
re kevs helyen alkalmazhat, s vannak olyan pletek, water-system would be also possible - though the costs
amik esetben kptelensg is lenne ennek alkalmazsa. are large - where the cleared gray water would flow
Ugyancsak elkpzelhet lenne a ketts vzvezetk kip- in one of the pipe systems. This would be suitable for
tse - termszetesen ennek kltsgei nem cseklyek - the flush-toilet, for car wash, for watering the garden, for
ahol egyes vezetkszakaszokban a tiszttott szrke fire-protection, etc., while the other system of pipes
szennyvz jelenne meg, ami alkalmas WC bltsre, ko- would carry drinking water. It is very important that the
csimossra, kertlocsolsra, tzivzhlzatban, stb. s a mixing of water of the two systems is prevented under
msik ivvzhlzat lenne alkalmas a magasabb kvetel- circumstances. It is worth mentioning that the first
mnyek kielgtsre. Termszetesen elsrend szem- sentence of the English tea-making rules: take a pot of
pont, hogy a kt vezetkrendszerben tallhat vz ne ke- cold water is based on the hope that the quality of the
veredhessen mg csak idlegesen sem. Megjegyzend, mains water is guaranteed, while the chemical processes
hogy az angol teaksztsi hasznlati tmutat azon t- in boilers and water heaters are not under control,
tele, hogy vgy egy kanna hideg vizet azon alapul, hogy water looses most of its chlorine content and bacteria
a vezetkes vz minsge biztostott, mg a bojlerekben may appear. This is one reason, why mixing taps are not
s melegtkben lezajl kmiai folyamatok mr nem el- used in many places in Great Britain, With these taps the
lenrzttek, a vz nagyrszt elveszti klrtartalmt, s water of the pipes and the stored water mix and we
megjelenhetnek a baktriumok. Ez volt az oka annak is, have to run off a big glass of water before we get to the
hogy Nagy Britanniban oly sok helyen mellzik a keve- clear drinking water. Designing the water-system, we


rcsaptelepek hasznlatt, aminek persze az az oka, have to think of the possible reduction of noise, and in
hogy kevercsaptelep esetben - ahol a vezetkes s a case of old buildings we always have to examine if there
trolt vz rtelemszeren keveredik - egy j nagy pohr is a lead pipe within the system. (See Metals, Noise)
vizet ki kell engedni a csapbl, hogy azt kitiszttva, vgre
ivvizet is kaphassunk. A vzvezetki cshlzat tervez-
snl gondolni kell a zajrtalom lehetsges cskkents-
re, rgi pletek esetben pedig minden esetben meg
kell vizsglni nincs-e lombl kszlt szakasza a hlzat-
nak. (Ld. mg: Fmek)


Irodalomjegyzk - References

ANINK David, BOONSTRA Chiel, MAK John KING Bruce

James & James Limited 1996 Ecological Design Press, 1996


BAGGS Sydney and Joan
University College Dublin, ERG, 1996
Cofaigh, Eoin O., Olley John A., OWEN LEWIS James
The Climatic Dwelling OLIVER Paul
James & James Limited 1996 DWELLINGS
Phaidon Press Limited, 1987
Prism Press, 1991 ZLDTETK
ptstechnika 1991/1
DDV 1990 PEARSON David
DAY Christopher Conran Octopus Limited, 1989
Aquarian/Thorsons, 1993 PEARSON David
Beuth Verlag, 1988 PETTERSSON Bertil, BLCHER Gsta
FITZGERALD Eileen, OWEN LEWIS James Swedish Council for Building Research, 1994
University College Dublin, ERG, 1995 RICHES Anne, STELL Geoffrey,
Materials and Traditions in Scottish Building
FRSTNER Ulrich Alden Press, 1992
Springer Hungarica, 1993 VALE, Brenda and Robert
HERZOG Thomas Campus Verlag, 1991
Prestel Verlag, 1996 VALE, Brenda and Robert
Towards a Green Architecture
HEGEDS Zsolt RIBA Publications, 1991
TIT Pannon egyeslet, 1997
proNatur, 1995


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