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DOI: 10.5935/0946-5448.


International Tinnitus Journal, Vol. 17, No 2

International Tinnitus Journal. 2012;17(2):169-72.

Subjective tinnitus and its association with use of ear phones

among students of the College of Medicine, University of
Lagos, Nigeria
OGHU Dibaal Sunny1
ASOEGWU, Chinyere Nkiruka1
SOMEFUN Oladapo Abayomi2

Introduction: The ear can be damaged by excessive noise levels. Noise can arise from variety of occupational/ recreational sources
causing tinnitus, hearing loss and hyperacusis. The use of different types of ear phones for entertainment has become very
common/fashionable among our youths. Objectives: This research aims to determine the prevalence of use of ear phones for
entertainment and the prevalence of subjective tinnitus in students in an urban university setting; and the relationship between the two.
Methods: This is a descriptive, cross sectional study of students of the college of medicine, University of Lagos, Nigeria from January
to April 2012. A total of 388 willing participants (203 males, 185 females) were recruited by stratified random sampling from the 14
student hostel blocks. A self administered questionnaire was used. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS version 17.0.1. Results
and Conclusion: The prevalence of earphone use among the students and subjective tinnitus was 95.6% and 20.6% respectively.
More than 90% of the ear phone users had duration of ear phone use of duration of 3 to 6 years.

Keywords: hearing loss, noise-induced, questionnaires, tinnitus.

1Department of Ear, Nose and Throat - Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria. - Lagos - Nigeria. E-mail: drnkiruasoegwu@yahoo.com
2Department of Ear, Nose and Throat - College of Medicine University of Lagos, Nigeria - Lagos - Nigeria. E-mail: aosomefun@yahoo.com Institution:
Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Idi Araba Lagos.
Send correspondence to:
Oghu, Dibaal Sunny.
C/O PO. Box 2832 Surulere Post office Box, Surulere Lagos, Nigeria.
Paper submitted to the ITJ-SGP (Publishing Management System) on August 15, 2013; and accepted on September 15, 2013. cod. 135.
International Tinnitus Journal, Vol. 17, No 2 (2012)
INTRODUCTION environment. It will also form a baseline data for further research
in understanding tinnitus in young people in developing countries.
Tinnitus is an abnormal perception of sound in the
absence of an external mechanical or electrical stimulation 1. It is a Objectives
common symptom in otological pathologies suggesting an The objectives of this study are to determine the
abnormality in perception which may be subjective or objective. prevalence of the use of ear phone and subjective tinnitus among
There are otogenic (local) and systemic causes of tinnitus 2. For the students, and the relationship between the occurrence of
forty three percent of tinnitus sufferers, there is no known cause tinnitus and use of ear phones in these students.
for their suffering - idiopathic 3. For some people, tinnitus may be
caused in part, by noise exposure 3. Majority of cases of tinnitus MATERIALS AND METHODS
with known causes involving the cochlea include: age-associated
hearing loss, noise-induced hearing loss, head/ear trauma, This is a descriptive, cross sectional study of students of
disorders of endolymphatic hydrops, cochlear vascular deficiency the college of medicine, University of Lagos, Nigeria aged 16-35
and viral infection2. years; from January to April 2012. The calculated sample size
Global prevalence of tinnitus is 10% to 33% among adult was three hundred and eighty eight using the Fisher 16 formula at a
population3'4. The prevalence of tinnitus increases directly in prevalence rate of 30%4,5 with degree of accuracy of 0.05 and non
persons with high frequency hearing loss; although, the response rate of 20%.
association between severity of tinnitus and degree of hearing Participants (203 males, 185 females) were recruited by
loss is very weak1. Tinnitus is a frequent accompanying symptom stratified random sampling from 14 student hostel blocks.
in noise induced hearing loss 2. Otoscopy in such a person usually Inclusion criteria were being resident in medical students hostel,
reveals a normal tympanic membrane (unless the patient has had with no active ear disease and giving informed consent. Ethical
previous middle-ear disease) and the audiogram will often show a approval was obtained from the ethics committee of Lagos
dip at around 4-6 kHz in the early stages5. University Teaching Hospital (LUTH). A self administered
The ear is a sound-sensitive organ that can be damaged questionnaire was used. Data collected was analyzed using
by excessive noise levels 6. However, there is biological variability SPSS version 17.0.1 - Dec 2008. The results were displayed as
such that individuals are not affected equally by the same level of tables and tests of association were done at p value of 0.05 for
noise exposure7. Male gender and increasing age appear to have significance.
a positive influence on susceptibility 7. However; with increasing
noise levels above 90 dB SPL a greater proportion of any
exposed population will exhibit pathological changes 7. Excessive
The age range was 16-35 years with a mean age of 21.7
loud sounds (noise) can arise from a variety of occupational and
2.6 SD years. The gender and age distribution of the sample
non occupational sources. Occupational sources are factory
population is shown in Table 1.Fifty one point eight percent
machinery, generators, building sites and high-impact tools. Non
(51.8%) of the studied population were males and 48.2% were
occupational sources include shooting, home power tools, discos
females; giving a ratio of 1.1: 1. The peak age group was 20-23
and personal stereos.
making up 57.7% of population.
Close coupling of sound to the ear when using a personal
The prevalence of ear phone use was 95.6%, and that of
stereo player (PSP) has caused considerable discussion and
tinnitus was 20.6% in this study. Of those that had tinnitus, 93.8%
concern from as early as 1980 in developed countries regarding
use ear phones (Table 2). 20.2% of ear phone users and 29.4% of
the effects on hearing/ear from regular use of PSPs 8-12. Young
non ear phone users had tinnitus (Table 2). Tinnitus was
adults from anecdotal sources, are fond of noise exposure arising
commonest in students that used both ear insert ear phone and
from social exposure, especially use of ear phones for prolonged
head set (32.5%), though those that used ear insert only recorded
hours. A population based survey of 18-25 year olds in
higher tinnitus prevalence (19.7%) than those that used only head
Nottingham (UK) was done that revealed that listening to various
set (12.2%) - Table 3.
devices comprised 58% of the total average leisure-time activity 13 Table 1. Gender and age distribution.
94.3% of Korean adolescents used personal music players14, Gender Frequency (%) Age Group Frequency (%)
66.7% of college students used iPods in USA15.
Male 201 (51.8%) 16-19 76 (19.6%)
Studies on hearing loss and tinnitus have often been Female 187 (48.2%) 20-23 224 (57.7%)
based on occupational noise exposure. With increasing media
exposure by young people like undergraduates, more time is 24-27 79 (20.4%)
Total 388 (100.0%) 28-31 7 (1.8%)
spent on listening to devices for entertainment: radios, televisions,
iPods, laptops and others13. There is dearth of research on the 32-35 2 (0.5%)
level and nature of usage of PSPs in the youths and the effects of Total 388 (100.0%)
such pleasure sounds on the ear in our environment. This study
on tinnitus in students will help to explain any association
between recreational noise exposure and tinnitus in our

International Tinnitus Journal, Vol. 17, No 2 (2012)

Table 2. Prevalence of tinnitus and ear phone use. as shown in Table 2; a similar finding of 22% in Parana, Brazil 17 of
Presence of tinnitus in last Total
a young population (average age of 29). This finding lies within
one month (%)
the limits of global prevalence of tinnitus among adult population
Yes No
of 10% to 33%34. A study on tinnitus in the elderly in Nigeria 5
Use of ear phones 75 296 371 (95.6%) showed a higher prevalence rate of 41.9% in those aged 80 +
Non use of ear phones 5 12 17 (4.4%) years. Aside from the dissimilarity in age of both sample
population, this difference could also be attributed to health
Total 80 (20.6%) 308 (79.4%) 388 (100.0%)
Chi-square %2 = 0.84; Degree of freedom (df) = 1; P value = 0.36.
conditions not found in this study population such as
Table 3. Associations of tinnitus with type/loudness of ear phone.
Tinnitus Tinnitus Fisher's The use of ear phones in this study had a prevalence rate
Present Absent exact of 95.6%, which is high (Table 2). This finding agrees with a study
x 2

in Korea, where 94.3% of adolescents were found to use personal

Type of Ear phone music players14. A population based survey of 18-25 year olds in
In the ear/ear insert 57 (19.7%) 233 (80.3%) 5.141 0.082 Nottingham (UK) found a lower prevalence rate of earphone
Head set 5 (12.2%) 36 (87.8%)
usage of 43.6%13. This could be because that study was
Both 13 (32.5%) 27 (67.5%) community based for all ages of randomly selected 5850
Total valid 75 296 households in Nottingham area. However, for teenagers aged 13-
19 (mean age of 16.1), a younger group, they found a prevalence
rate of 86.1%13. In USA, 66.7% of college students used iPods15.
Subjective loudness of device
This study showed that the most common type of
Whisper 0 (0.0%) 2 (100.0%) 1.281 0.874
earphone used was insert type - in the ear (Table 3); as also
Low 11 (18.6%) 48 (81.4%)
found in UK13 and Korea14. It could be because of better
Talking 39 (19.4%) 162 (80.6%) appearance and cheaper price of the insert type of ear phones.
Shout 18 (21.2%) 67 (78.8%) Tinnitus was commonest among users of both in the ear and
Car horn 6 (27.3%) 16 (72.7%) head set types of ear phones (32.5%) but there was no statically
Total valid 74 295 significant difference in the prevalence rate of tinnitus among the
various usage groups (Table 3). Researchers have found in the
ear type of ear phones to be more hazardous than the head set
While 54.5% listened to PSPs with ear phones at
type10'12. This is attributed to greater coupling of sound to the ear
subjective sound level of talking, 23% at shouting level and 6% at
in this kind of ear phones.
car horn level, 19.4%, 21.2% and 27.3% of each group
A significant difference in prolonged MP3 user listening
respectively had tinnitus (Table 3). 91.5% of the respondents
patterns was found between respondents who had experienced
used ear phones for < 1-6 hours/day while 60.8% used for < 1-3
tinnitus and those who had no tinnitus in USA among 28
hours/day. Likewise 90.8% of the study had used ear phones for
university students18. This was not so in this study as most
1-6 years while 60.1% had used it for 1-3 years (Table 4). There
participants used ear phones and at similar durations. As such, no
was no statistical significant association between the duration of
statistical significant association was found between occurrence
ear phone use in hours/days and prevalence of tinnitus.
of tinnitus and either the type of earphones used, or subjective
DISCUSSION loudness level of used device or duration of earphone use in
hours/years (Table 3). Most of the participants in this study used
A prevalence of subjective tinnitus of 20.6% was found in in the ear type of earphones at subjective loudness level of
this study (average age of 21.7 2.6 SD years) normal / talking (60 dB SPL19) for duration of use of > 1-3 hrs/day
Table 4.<Associations
1-3 of37tinnitus
(20.0%) with
148 duration
(80.0%) of1.159
ear phone
0.984 or 1-3 yrs (Table 4). This listening pattern, being below 85dB/8hrs
use. per day, explains why tinnitus was not reported more by ear
> 3-6 21 (22.2%)
Tinnitus 74 (77.9%)
Tinnitus Fisher's
phone users. Researchers in Australia 20 also found no significant
> 6-9 Present
2 (15.4%) Absent
11 (84.6%) x exact
association between years of use or exposure from personal
> 9-12
Duration of ear phone 2 (18.2%) 9 (81.8%)
usage (Hrs/day)
stereo players and self- reported tinnitus.
> 12-15 0 (0.0%) 1 (100.0%)
Exposure to loud noise is one of the main causes of
> 15-18 1 (25.0%) 3 (75.0%) tinnitus. Loud noise may arise from recreational activity or
Total valid 63 246 pleasure, like using music players regularly. Some researchers
have found that prolonged exposure to loud pleasure sound over
Duration of ear phone usage (Yrs) a long period causes hearing related symptoms like hyperacusis,
tinnitus and dullness of hearing 15,21-23. From this study, it can be
1-3 36 (18.9%) 154 (81.1%) 1.564 0.945
inferred that most of the participants did not use earphones long
4-6 22 (22.7%) 75 (77.3%)
7-9 2 (15.4%) 11 (84.6%)

10-12 2 (18.2%) 9 (81.8%)

13-15 0 (0.0%) 1 (100.0%)

16-18 1 (25.0%) 3 (75.0%) International Tinnitus Journal, Vol. 17, No 2 (2012)

Total valid 63 253 172
enough or loud enough for such effects; i.e. below 85dB/8hrs per http://dx.doi. org/10.1097/AUD.0b013e31817e7409
16. Fisher A, Laing J, Stoeckel J, Townsend I. Handbook for family
planning operations, research and design. 2nd ed. New York: The
population council; 1983. p.45.
CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATION 17. Mazurek B, Olze H, Haupt H, Szczepek AJ. The more the
worse: the grade of noise-induced hearing loss associates with the
There was a high prevalence of ear phone use (95.6%) severity of tinnitus. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2010;7(8):3071-9.
among the students. Nevertheless, the prevalence of subjective DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph7083071
tinnitus of 20.6% among the students was within limits of global 18. McNeill K, Keith SE, Feder K, Konkle AT, Michaud DS. MP3
player listening habits of 17 to 23 year old university students. J
prevalence of tinnitus. Insert/in the ear and head set types of ear
Acoust Soc Am. 2010;128(2):646-53. PMID: 20707434 DOI:
phones were commonly used for durations of < 1-6 hours/day or http://dx.doi. org/10.1121/1.3458853
1-6 years. No statistically significant associations were found 19. Dhingra PL. Diseases of ear, nose and throat. 3rd ed. New
between the presence of subjective tinnitus and either the use of Delhi: Mosby, Saunders, Elsevier; 2004. p.62-117.
20. Williams W. Noise exposure levels from personal stereo use. Int
ear phones, or the type of ear phone used or duration of use.
J Audiol. 2005;44(4):231-6. DOI: http://dx.doi.
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young population is therefore recommended. 21. Vogel I, Verschuure H, van der Ploeg CP Brug J, Raat H.
Estimating adolescent risk for hearing loss based on data from a large
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International Tinnitus Journal, Vol. 17, No 2 (2012)

Gejala Tinnitus dan Hubungannya dengan Penggunaan Telepon
Telinga Antara Mahasiswa dari Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas
Lagos, Nigeria
terkait kebisingan suara, trauma kepala/ telinga,
kelainan keseimbangan cairan endolimphe,
kekurangan pembuluh darah koklea dan infeksi
Pendahuluan : Telinga dapat rusak oleh karena
tingkat kebisingan yang berlebih. Kebisingan dapat
Prevalensi global tinnitus antara 10%- 30% dari
timbul dari berbagai sumber kerja / sumber alat
populasi dewasa. Prevalensi tinnitus meningkat
hiburan sehingga menyebabkan tinnitus, gangguan
tajam pada gangguan pendengaran frekuensi tinggi,
pendengaran dan hyperacusis. Penggunaan
meskipun hubungan antara keparahan dan derajat
berbagai jenis earphone telah menjadi kebiasaan di
tinnitus sangat lemah. Tinnitus merupakan gejala
kalangan anak muda. Tujuan: Penelitian ini
yang sering terjadi pada gangguan pendengaran
bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi penggunaan
akibat kebisingan. Pada pemeriksaan otoskopi,
earphone dan prevalensi kejadian tinnitus pada
biasanya didapatkan membran timpani yang
mahasiswa universitas perkotaan; dan hubungan
normal (kecuali pada pasien yang memiliki riwayat
antara keduanya. Metode: metode yang digunakan
penyakit telinga bagian tengah dan pada
dalam penelitian adalah penelitian cross-sectional,
audiogram, tahap awal sering menunjukkan suatu
mahasiswa kedokteran University of Lagos,
dip sekitar 4-6 kHz.
Nigeria dari Januari sampai April 2012. Sampel
Telinga adalah suatu organ pendengaran yang
yang diguakan sebanyak 388 (203 laki-laki, 185
sensitif terhadap kebisingan yang berlebih. Namun,
perempuan) dengan stratified random sampling
setiap individu memiliki tingkat paparan
dari 14 asrama mahasiswa dan diberikan kuisioner
kebisingan yang tidak sama. Pada pria,
untuk diisi. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis
bertambahnya usia berpengaruh positif terhadap
menggunakan SPSS versi 17.0.1. Hasil dan
tinnitus. Meskipun dengan meningkatnya tingkat
Kesimpulan: Prevalensi penggunaan earphone di
kebisingan diatas 90 dB tiap penduduk, akan
kalangan mahasiswa dan kejadian tinnitus adalah
menunjukkan perubahan patologis. Paparan
95.6% dan 20.6%. Lebih dari 90% dari pengguna
kebisingan yang berlebihan bisa berasal dari
earphone menggunakannya selama 3 sampai 6
berbagai sumber (okupasi dan non-okupasi).
Sumber okupasi/ alat kerja yaitu mesin pabrik, alat
Kata kunci: gangguan pendengaran, noise-induced,
generator, alat bangunan dan katrol sedangkan
kuesioner, tinnitus.
sumber non-okupasi antara lain kamera, alat listrik
rumah, dll.
Tinitus adalah kehilangan persepsi suara pada
Penggunaan PSP bersama earphone menimbulkan
stimulasi mekanik atau elektrik eksternal,
perdebatan dan keprihatinan dari awal tahun 1980
merupakan gejala yang biasanya terjadi pada
di negara berkembang terhadap efek pendengaran
keadaan patologi otologi dalam persepsi subjektif
dibandingkan dengan penggunaan PSP tanpa
atau objektif. Penyebab terjadinya tinnitus yaitu
earphone. Pada orang dewasa, kebisingan timbul
otogenik (lokal) dan sistemik. Dari 43% pasien
dari paparan sosial terutama penggunaan earphone
tinnitus, tidak ditemukan penyebab pasti-idiopatik.
yang terlalu lama. Sebuah survei pada remaja usia
Dari beberapa pasien, disebabkan oleh karena
18-25 tahun di Nottingham (UK) menunjukkan
paparan kebisingan suara. Penyebab utama tinnitus
bahwa 58% dari total penggunaan alat musik
yang berasal dari koklea yaitu : penurunan
dengar, 94.3% remaja Korea menggunakan
pendengaran terkait usia, penurunan pendengaran

International Tinnitus Journal, Vol. 17, No 2 (2012)

pemutar musik sedangkan 66.7% mahasiswa USA Puncak kelompok usia adalah 20-23 tahun sebesar
menggunakan iPod. 57.7% dari populasi.
Penelitian tentang gangguan pendengaran dan Prevalensi penggunaan earphone sebesar 95.6%
tinnitus sering didasarkan pada paparan kebisingan dan 20,6% menderita tinnitus dalam penelitian ini.
akibat pekerjaan, khususnya dengan meningkatnya Dari mereka yang menderita tinnitus, 93.8%
penggunaan perangkat hiburan saat waktu luang menggunakan earphone (Tabel 2), sebanyak 20.2%
pada mahasiswa seperti radio, tv, iPod, laptop dll. pengguna earphone dan 29,4% dari bukan
Ada kelangkaan penelitian tentang tingkat dan sifat pengguna earphone menderita tinnitus (Tabel 2).
penggunaan PSP dengan earphone pada anak muda Tinnitus adalah paling sering terjadi pada
dan efek suara yang terdengar di telinga. Penelitian mahasiswa adalah pengguna earphone maupun
tinnitus pada siswa ini, akan membantu headset (32.5%), meskipun mahasiswa yang
menjelaskan hubungan antara paparan kebisingan menggunakan earphone tercatat lebih tinggi
dan tinnitus di lingkungan. Hal ini juga akan terhadap prevalensi kejadian tinnitus (19.7%)
membentuk data dasar untuk penelitian lebih lanjut dibandingkan yang hanya menggunakan headset
dalam pemahaman tinnitus pada orang muda di (12.2%) - Tabel 3.
negara-negara berkembang. Tabel 1. Hubungan jenis kelamin dan umur
Gender Frequency (%) Age Group Frequency (%)
Tujuan penelitian untuk menentukan prevalensi Male 201 (51.8%) 16-19 76 (19.6%)
Female 187 (48.2%) 20-23 224 (57.7%)
penggunaan earphone dan tinnitus pada
mahasiswa, serta menjelaskan hubungan 24-27 79 (20.4%)
Total 388 (100.0%) 28-31 7 (1.8%)
penggunaan earphone terhadap kejadian tinnitus.
BAHAN DAN METODE 32-35 2 (0.5%)
Penelitian menggunakan studi deskriptif cross Total 388 (100.0%)

sectional mahasiswa kedokteran, University of

Lagos, Nigeria berusia 16-35 tahun ; Januari-April Tabel 2. Prevalensi tinnitus dan penggunaan earphone.
Presence of tinnitus in last one Total
2012. Sampel berjumlah 388 menggunakan rumus month (%)
Fisher pada tingkat prevalensi 30%, akurasi 0.05 Yes No
dan rasio non-respon 20%. Peserta (203 laki-laki,
Use of ear phones 75 296 371 (95.6%)
185 perempuan) menggunakan stratified random Non use of ear phones 5 12 17 (4.4%)
sampling dari 14 asrama mahasiswa. kriteria
Total 80 (20.6%) 308 (79.4%) 388 (100.0%)
inklusi yaitu mahasiswa kedokteran yang tinggal di Tabel 3. Hubungan kejadian tinnitus dengan jenis
asrama, tanpa penyakit telinga aktif dan earphone.
memberikan persetujuan. Persetujuan etis diperoleh Tinnitus Tinnitus Fisher's
Present Absent exact
dari komite etika Pengajaran Lagos Universitas x 2

Rumah Sakit (LUTH). Data mahasiswa diperoleh Type of Ear phone

In the ear/ear insert 57 (19.7%) 233 (80.3%) 5.141
dari kuisioner yang diisi oleh mahasiswa. Data 0.082
Head set 5 (12.2%) 36 (87.8%)
yang dikumpulkan dianalisis menggunakan SPSS
versi 17.0.1 - Desember 2008. Hasil penelitian Both 13 (32.5%) 27 (67.5%)

ditampilkan dengan tabel dan tes asosiasi Total valid 75 296

dilakukan pada nilai p dari 0,05 untuk

signifikansi. Subjective loudness of device

HASIL Whisper 0 (0.0%) 2 (100.0%) 1.281 0.874

Rentang usia 16-35 tahun dengan usia rata-rata Low 11 (18.6%) 48 (81.4%)

21,7 2,6 SD tahun. Jenis kelamin dan usia Talking 39 (19.4%) 162 (80.6%)
Shout 18 (21.2%) 67 (78.8%)
distribusi populasi sampel ditunjukkan pada Tabel
Car horn 6 (27.3%) 16 (72.7%)
1. 51.8% dari populasi yang diteliti adalah laki-laki
Total valid 74 295
dan 48.2% adalah perempuan dengan rasio 1,1: 1.

International Tinnitus Journal, Vol. 17, No 2 (2012)

kondisi kesehatan yang tidak ditemukan dalam
Tabel 4. Hubungan
tinnitus dengan durasi populasi penelitian ini seperti hipertensi.
penggunaan earphone Penggunaan earphone dalam penelitian ini
memiliki tingkat prevalensi yang tinggi sebesar
< 1-3
Duration of ear phone usage
37 (20.0%) 148 (80.0%) 1.159 0.984 95.6% (Tabel 2). Temuan ini setuju dengan
> 3-6
(Hrs/day) 21 (22.2%) 74 (77.9%) penelitian di Korea, di mana 94.3% remaja
> 6-9 2 (15.4%) 11 (84.6%) ditemukan menggunakan music-player pribadi.
> 9-12 2 (18.2%) 9 (81.8%) Sebuah survei penggunaan earphone populasi anak
> 12-15 0 (0.0%) 1 (100.0%) usia 18-25 tahun di Nottingham (UK) tingkat
> 15-18 1 (25.0%) 3 (75.0%) prevalensi lebih rendah yaitu 43.6%. Hal tersebut
Total valid 63 246 dapat terjadi oleh karena penelitian sebanyak 5850
masyarakat semua usia Nottingham dipilih secara
Duration of ear phone usage (Yrs) acak. Namun, untuk remaja berusia 13-19 (rata-rata
1-3 36 (18.9%) 154 (81.1%) 1.564 0.945 usia 16.1 tahun) dan kelompok anak lebih muda
4-6 22 (22.7%) 75 (77.3%) tingkat prevalensi ditemukan sebanyak 86.1%. Di
7-9 2 (15.4%) 11 (84.6%)
USA, 66.7% mahasiswa menggunakan iPod.
10-12 2 (18.2%) 9 (81.8%)
Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis yang
13-15 0 (0.0%) 1 (100.0%)
paling umum dari earphone yang digunakan adalah
16-18 1 (25.0%) 3 (75.0%)
jenis insert - "di telinga" (Tabel 3); yang juga
Total valid 63 253
ditemukan di UK dan Korea, oleh karena
Sementara 54.5% menggunakan PSP dengan penampilan yang lebih baik dan harga yang lebih
earphone ditingkat bicara, 23% di tingkat berteriak murah. Tinnitus merupakan gangguan umum yang
dan 6% pada tingkat klakson mobil, 19.4%, 21.2% terjadi pada pengguna earphone maupun head set
dan 27.3% dari masing-masing kelompok masing- (32.5%), tetapi tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan
masing menderita tinnitus (Tabel 3). Sebanyak dalam tingkat prevalensi kejadian tinnitus dengan
91.5% dari responden menggunakan earphone tiap berbagai jenis penggunaan (Tabel 3). Para peneliti
<1-6 jam / hari sedangkan 60.8% tiap <1-3 jam / telah menemukan jenis earphone yang masuk
hari. Sedangkan 90.8% pada penelitian didalam telinga langsung lebih berbahaya
menggunakan earphone selama 1-6 tahun daripada jenis headset. Hal ini berhubungan dengan
sementara sebanyak 60.1% menggunakan selama jenis earphone memiliki penyambungan suara lebih
1-3 tahun (Tabel 4). Tidak ada hubungan yang besar kedalam telinga.
signifikan antara durasi penggunaan earphone tiap Terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada pengguna MP3
jam / hari dengan prevalensi kejadian tinnitus. berkepanjangan yang ditemukan antara 28
responden mahasiswa USA yang mengalami
DISKUSI tinnitus dan yang tidak. Responden tersebut tidak
Sebanyak 20.6% prevalensi kejadian tinnitus dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini karena
ditemukan dalam penelitian ini (usia rata-rata 21,7 kebanyakan menggunakan earphone jenis dan
2,6 SD tahun) durasi yang sama. Dengan demikian, tidak ada
seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Tabel 2; temuan hubungan yang signifikan antara kejadian tinnitus
sama pada penduduk muda (rata-rata usia 29) dengan jenis earphone yang digunakan, tingkat
sebanyak 22% di Paran, Brazil. Temuan ini kenyaringan dari perangkat yang digunakan
terletak dalam batas-batas prevalensi kejadian maupun durasi earphone digunakan dalam jam /
tinnitus dunia antara populasi orang dewasa dari tahun (Tabel 3). Sebagian besar peserta dalam
10% menjadi 33%. Sebuah kejadian tinnitus pada penelitian ini menggunakan jenis earphone yang
orang tua usia 80 + tahun di Nigeria menunjukkan langsung masuk kedalam telinga dengan tingkat
lebih tinggi dengan tingkat prevalensi sebesar kenyaringan subjektif normal / berbicara (60 dB
41.9%. Disamping dari perbedaan usia kedua SPL19) dan durasi penggunaan> 1-3 jam / hari atau
sampel, perbedaan ini juga dapat dikaitkan dengan

International Tinnitus Journal, Vol. 17, No 2 (2012)

1-3 thn (Tabel 4). Pola mendengarkan ini masih di
bawah 85dB / 8jam per hari, sehingga alasan
kejadian tinnitus tidak dilaporkan oleh pengguna
earphone. Para peneliti di Australia juga tidak
menemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara lama
penggunaan (tahun), paparan dari pengguna stereo
pribadi dengan kasus tinnitus.
Salah satu penyebab utama tinnitus adalah
kebisingan. Kebisingan terjadi dari kegiatan
rekreasi atau hiburan, seperti menggunakan
pemutar musik secara teratur. Beberapa peneliti
telah menemukan bahwa kontak suara keras yang
terlalu lama selama beberapa periode menimbulkan
gejala terkait pendengaran seperti hyperacusis,
tinnitus dan pendengaran turun. Dari penelitian ini,
dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar peserta
tidak menggunakan earphone yang cukup lama
atau cukup keras untuk efek tersebut, yaitu masih
dibawah 85dB / 8jam per hari.
Prevalensi penggunaan earphone di kalangan
mahasiswa termasuk tinggi yaitu sebesar 95.6%.
Namun, prevalensi kejadian tinnitus hanya
ditemukan 20.6% dari prevalensi kejadian tinnitus
didunia dengan jenis earphone yang digunakan
adalah yang langsung masuk telinga maupun
headset dalam jangka waktu <1-6 jam / hari atau
selama 1-6 tahun. Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang
signifikan antara kejadian tinnitus dengan
penggunaan earphone atau headset maupun durasi
penggunaan. Perlu dilakukan penelitian kohort
multi-pusat lebih lanjut untuk menilai kejadian
tinnitus pada kelompok usia muda.

International Tinnitus Journal, Vol. 17, No 2 (2012)


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