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Yes My Lord!

Frustrations, Disappointments & Hope In Heavy Metal

Id & Ego
A Photo Essay

"Ano mj pane!"
Frustrace, Zklamn a Nadje v Tkm Kovu
Id & Ego
Fotografick esej
By:- Basil Fletcher

A tall young man walked passed me as I was sweeping the sidewalk where I live, and he
greeted me:- Yes Captain rather that the usual Yes Elder or Yes Sir which are the
typical Jamaican street forms on greetings used by younger people on meeting older
persons. I smiled to myself and responded Yes Sir (Yes Sah is the Jamaican
equivalent. I smiled to myself because of two reasons, namely: - (1) respect was being
shown and (2) I remembered the greetings used by the members of the Bobo Shanti
branch of the Rastafarian movement, which is My Lord! or Yes My Lord!.

The greetings as used by the Bobo Shanti members, not only deliberately reduce the
feelings of ego which the individual member maybe feeling and thus keeps ego in check,
not only seeks to prevent the urge to compare oneself with others, but equally important,
this form of greeting recognizes that the individual being greeted have had to overcome
on a daily basis, challenges and frustration, it recognizes that the presence of the
individual being greeted among free men and women, have good in him and up to the
given point in time has overcome the evil in himself and in the society in which he lives
and thus is deserving of respect.

Too many times feelings of lack of self worth and uselessness comes from the
individuals failure to look back at the challenges he or she have had to overcome, his or
her successful struggle with many negative and harmful urges, and the tendency to
compare oneself with others without knowing the struggles, success and failures of those
with whom he or she is comparing him or herself with. If the private and social failures of
Presidents, Prime Ministers and Billionaires were known, many ordinary person would
run and hide, because of the enormity of the failures of those who they look up to and
compare themselves with.

These photo essay on the Id and Ego is an invitation to us graduates of the Prague
School of Economics and our sister university, The Brandeis University, to look within at
our personal struggles, the frustrations and disappointments which we faced, the hopes

which we cultivate for ourselves and others close to us and our success in defeating the
darkness within ourselves and in the societies in which we live. In going through this
process, we strengthen ourselves as individuals to play valuable roles in our own lives
and in the lives of others.



Kdy mi chodil vysok mlad mu, kdy jsem zametal chodnk, kde iji, pozdravil m: -
"Ano kapitnovi" spe ne obvykl "Ano star" nebo "Ano sir", co jsou typick
jamajsk ulin formy na pozdravy Mladch lid pi setkn se starmi osobami. Usmla
jsem se na sebe a odpovdla: "Ano, pane" - ("Ano Sah" je jamajsk ekvivalent.) Usmla
jsem se na sebe kvli dvma dvodm, a to: (1) ukzalo se respektovn a (2) vzpomnl
jsem na pozdravy, leny Bobo Shanti poboky Rastafarian hnut, kter je "Mj Pn!"
Nebo "Ano mj Pane!".

Pozdravy, kter pouvaj lenov skupiny Bobo Shanti, nejene zmrn sniuj pocity
ega, kter se me ctit jednotlivce, a tm udruje ego pod kontrolou, nejene se sna
zabrnit nutkn porovnvat se s ostatnmi, ale stejn dleit je i tato forma Pozdravu si
uvdomuje, e lovk, kter je pozdravovn, musel kadodenn pekonvat vzvy a
frustraci, uznv, e ptomnost jednotlivce, kter je pivtna mezi svobodnmi mui a
enami, m dobr v nm a a do danho asovho okamiku Pekonat zlo v sob i ve
spolenosti, ve kter ije, a zaslou si respekt.

Pli mnoho pocit nedostatku vlastn hodnoty a zbytenosti pichz z toho, e se lovk
nezdr na vzvy, kter mus pekonat, na jeho spn boj s mnoha negativnmi a
kodlivmi pitalivostmi a na tendenci se porovnvat s ostatnmi Ani by znt boje,
spchy a nespchy tch, s nimi se s nm nebo s nm porovnv. Pokud by byly znmy
soukrom a spoleensk nespchy prezident, premir a miliard, mnoho

obyejnch lid by utkalo a ukrvalo se kvli obrovsk nespchu tch, s nimi se dvaj
a porovnvaj.

Tyto fotografick eseje o "Id a Ego" jsou pozvnm absolvent Vysok koly
ekonomick v Praze a na sestersk univerzity Brandeis University, abychom se podvali
do naich osobnch boj, frustrac a zklamn, kterm jsme elili, Kultivujeme pro sebe a
ostatn blzk k nm a n spch v porce temnoty uvnit sebe a ve spolenostech, ve
kterch ijeme. Pi prochzen tmto procesem se posilujeme jako jednotlivci a hrajeme
cenn role v naich vlastnch ivotech iv ivot druhch.


Frustrations, Disappointments & Hope In Heavy Metal



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