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Carlos and Rosa in Remansito

ISBN: 978-99967-

Material developed within the framework of the Tava tesi oiko

Carlos y Rosa en Remansito vyapavpe project. (2016)
Executed by Global Infancia, financed by the Christian Childrens
ISBN: 978-99967- Fund of Canada (CCFC).

Material elaborado en el marco del proyecto Tava tesi oiko vyapavpe. (2016) Story writing: Lourdes Gmez Sanjurjo
Ejecutado por Global Infancia con la financiacin del Fondo Cristiano Canadiense para la Niez
(CCFC, por sus siglas en ingls). Content suggestion: Gregoria Martnez, Mara Anglica de Sim-
brn, Dominga Fernndez, Vilma Beatriz
Redaccin del cuento: Lourdes Gmez Sanjurjo Ayala, Elvira Snchez Galeano, Rosa Gonzlez de Cceres, Mirian
Bentez Bogado, Mirian Estela Contreras, Norma Beatriz Ferreira,
Sugerencia de contenido: Gregoria Martnez, Mara Anglica de Simbrn, Dominga Fernndez, Vilma Beatriz Josefina Escobar Cceres, Eusebia Florentn, Natacha Mendoza
Ayala, Elvira Snchez Galeano, Rosa Gonzlez de Cceres, Mirian Bentez Bogado, Mirian Estela Contreras, Nor- Snchez, Anglica Cardozo, Mirian Cardozo Chena, Miguela Ra-
ma Beatriz Ferreira, Josefina Escobar Cceres, Eusebia Florentn, Natacha Mendoza Snchez, Anglica Cardozo, mona Pando, Narciza Eusebia Lpez.
Mirian Cardozo Chena, Miguela Ramona Pando, Narciza Eusebia Lpez.
Final Revision: Lilian Alfonso Palacios, Johanna Walder and Caroli-
Revisin final: Lilian Alfonso Palacios, Johanna Walder y Carolina Fernndez - Global Infancia na Fernndez - Global Infancia

Ilustraciones: Sofa Machuca Gmez Sanjurjo. Illustrations: Sofa Machuca

Edicin y armado: Pedro Gonzlez Cano Editing and assembly: Pedro Gonzlez Cano

Agradecimientos especiales Special Thanks

CCFC, Global Infancia CCFC, Global Infancia

Remansito, Noviembre 2016. Remansito, November 2016

Esta es la historia de Carlos y Rosa, This is the story of Carlos and Rosa,
ellos se instalaron en Remansito hace they settled up in Remansito some time
un tiempo, they have been together for seven
estn juntos hace 7 aos. years.

Ambos tienen 25 aos. Both of them are 25 years old.

They have 3 children. The eldest kid,
Tienen 3 hijos, el mayor, Ral de 8 es Ral, an 8 year-old boy, is Rosas son,
hijo de Rosa and together they had two more
y juntos le tuvieron a Luca, que ahora children: Luca, who is 5 and Josecito,
tiene 5 y Josecito de 2. who is 2 years old.
Ahora Rosa est terminando el Colegio en el turno noche Rosa is about to graduate from Junior High. She attends to
eso le molesta a Carlos, pero se calla. School at nighttime.
This bothers Carlos, but he doesnt talk about it
A veces, cuando l llega de sus viajes largos de trabajo,
se sienta a tomar cerveza Sometimes, when he arrives from his long-lasting work trips,
He sits down and drinks a beer.
Che kaneo ekaygui tengo derecho a sentarme
con mi cervecita, ac tranquilo dice, pero se le va la mano, I am tired, leave me alone I have the right to sit here, relax,
y le grita cosas a Rosa, enojadoy ella le responde de la and have some beers he says, but sometimes he exaggerates
misma manera Encima que estoy sola ac todo with the drinking and he gets very angry, he yells at Rosa and
el da con el trabajo de la casa y las criaturas! she answers the same way Do you realize that I am alone
every day with the home duties and the kids?
Es lo nico que no le gusta a Ral de su padrastro.
Cuando eso pasa sus hermanitos corren asustados That is the only thing Ral doesnt like about his stepfather.
a meterse con l debajo del poivy When these fights happen his siblings run scared and they
les da miedo escuchar los gritos sneak together under the poivy They are afraid of hearing
all those yells.

Preguntas sugeridas para el dilogo: Suggested questions for the dialogue:

Hay algo que les parece familiar en esta parte de la historia? Is there anything that you find familiar in this part of the story?
Qu es lo que suele pasar si tomamos de mas? What is that usually happens when we overdrink?
En la pareja, es bueno callarse cuando algo no te gusta o te When you are on a couple relationship, is it good to remain quiet
molesta del otro? when you dont like something or when something about the
La crianza, responsabilidad de quin es? other person bothers you?
Las tareas realizadas en la casa es tambin trabajo? Whose responsibility is raising the children?
Can the chores at home be considered a job?
As, en una noche de sas Ral escuch: Just like this, one of those nights Raul heard:
Nambrna, vos, con tu colegio pyhare! Quin sabe Oh please, what about you and your night school? Who
luego con quin te mets ah!. knows who you are meeting with there!

Che jema!... Ajepa nde rova ata!... Nde katu!... So its all on me! Seriously? What about you?
Seguro que con esas traileras te hacs hina Im sure you manage to find an excuse playing your victim
el pobrecito para alzarle role to pick those girls on the roads
And you? You dont even need to drink to be on a bad mood.
Y vos? No necesits luego tomar para ser argel For Gods love, you complain all day long! You will kill me!
Dios mo!... Todo el da ko te plagues!... Che jukta!

Preguntas sugeridas para el dilogo: Suggested questions for the dialogue:

Cul sera el resultado de sta conversacin? What could the result of this conversation be?
Cmo deberamos conversar? How are we supposed to hold a dialogue?
Algunas noches Carlos y Rosa se amigan ms tarde Some nights Carlos and Rosa make amends after the
pero sus hijos no entienden qu pasa, arguments, but their children dont understand what goes
se sienten inseguros, y sin darse cuenta empiezan on, they feel insecure and without even realizing, they start
a gritarse entre ellos tambin yelling each other, too

Preguntas sugeridas para el dilogo: Suggested questions for the dialogue:

Qu creen que pasa con las nias y los nios cuando viven estas What do you think that happens with boys and girls when they go
situaciones? through these situations?
Por qu creen que los hijos de Carlos y Rosa estaban inseguros? Why do you think that Carlos and Rosas kids were feeling insecure?
Es importante conversar en la familia? Is it important to dialogue in family?
Cul sera una manera adecuada de vincularnos con las hijas e hijos? What would be an appropriate way to connect to our children?
La otra noche lleg un to a tomar con Carlos The other night an uncle came by to share a drink with
y en un momento entr a la pieza, Carlos. Suddenly, he went into the bedroom, he sat on
se sent en la cama de Luca Lucias bed and he started teasing and bothering her with
y empez a hacerle bromas pesadas. jokes that made her feel uncomfortable.
Right away, Raul called his father:
Enseguida Ral le llam a su pap: Dad! Our uncle is bothering Lucia! Come quickly!!!
Pap!!!... ac to es pesado con Luca!... Carlos came running, very scared, he lifted Lucia up and he
Pyae eju!!! asked their uncle to leave

Carlos lleg corriendo, asustado,

le alz a Luca y le dijo al to que se vaya

Preguntas sugeridas para el dilogo: Suggested questions for the dialogue:

Si pasa algo en nuestra casa, en nuestra familia, con How would we react if something happened in our house,
alguno de nuestros hijos, Cmo reaccionaramos? with our family, to one of our children?
Sabramos a quin recurrir? Would we know who to turn for help?
Cules seran otras formas de pedir ayuda? Which other ways of asking for help do you know?
Saben de qu se trata el autocuidado? Do you know what self-care is about?
Escucharon hablar de la Percepcin del riesgo? Have you ever heard about risk perception?
sa noche Ral se qued muy preocupado, Ral was really concerned that night. He put the beer away
guard la cerveza y le dijo a Rosa: and he told Rosa: Lets stay with the kids for a while, until
Vamos a quedarnos un rato con las criaturas they fall asleep.
hasta que duerman We dont really know how this happened, but that was the
first of many special nights that came after The family
No sabemos cmo fue, started meeting in the bedroom before going to bed,
pero sa fue la primera de muchas noches especiales increasingly followed, even if it was just for a moment, they
antes de dormir, cada vez ms seguido, se encontraba toda talked, they laughed and these meetings started to give
la familia en la pieza y aunque sea un ratito conversaban, good results Carlos was drinking less and he was more
se rean Y eso empez a dar buen resultado careful with the friends and relatives that he invited to
their home.
Carlos tomaba menos y cuidaba Rosa was trying to scream less and that way, they started
los amigos y parientes que traa a la casa. respecting each other more and more.
Sometimes they could even talk about their things, what
Rosa trataba tambin de gritar menos they liked and they didnt like about each other They felt
y as, de esa manera, empezaron a respetarse ms. they were knowing each other for the first time.
A veces hasta ya podan conversar de sus cosas, hablar
de lo que no les gusta y de lo que les gusta del otro
Empezaban a conocerse.

Preguntas sugeridas para el dilogo: Suggested questions for the dialogue:

Qu cuidados debemos tener con las personas que llegan a nuestra casa? What precautions should we have with people that come to our house?
Solemos conversar en nuestra familia? Nos escuchamos? Qu sabemos Do we usually converse with our family? Do we listen each other? What
el uno del otro? do we know about each other?
Qu recuerdos les gustara que sus hijas e hijos tengan de ustedes? What memories would you like that your children conserve from you?
Qu tiempo le dedicamos a la crianza de nuestras nias y nios? How much time do we spend on raising our children?
Cmo podramos prevenir situaciones de violencia en nuestro entorno? How could we prevent violent situations in our surrounding?
Qu hicieron ustedes que les result? Did you already try something that worked out well for you?
Rosa empez a asistir a las reuniones Rosa started to attend to the meetings at the Community
del Centro Comunitario. Center.
They teach her how to take care of her body and her
Ah le ensean a cuidar su cuerpo y el de su pareja, couples body, how to look after her and her childrens
la importancia de cuidar su salud y la de sus hijos, health, by using protection and practicing hygienic habits
usando proteccin, practicando la higiene When Carlos comes back from his trips, Rosa tells him about
what she listened, learned and shared So far, if he is not
Cuando Carlos vuelve de sus viajes on a trip, he also participates from the meetings.
Rosa le cuenta lo que escuch, comparti y aprendi
Hasta ahora, si l no se va de viaje participa tambin de las re-

Preguntas sugeridas para el dilogo: Suggested questions for the dialogue:

Es importante aprender a cuidar nuestro cuerpo y el de nuestra pareja? Is it important to learn how to take care of our body and our partners
Habitualmente, usan preservativos para el cuidado de su salud y la de body?
su pareja? Do you usually use condoms for your and your partners health care?
Cmo educamos a nuestros hijos en este cuidado del cuerpo? How do we educate our children in this area of self-caring?
Escucharon hablar del VIH/SIDA? Se transmite por picaduras de Have you ever heard about HIV/AIDS? Is it transmitted by mosquito
mosquitos o por tomar terer? bites or by sharing terer?
Existen otras infecciones de transmisin sexual? Are there any others sexual transmitted diseases?
Podran identificar los sntomas? Could you identify the symptoms?
Una tarde, volvan de la reunin a su casa One evening, when they were walking home after a
y Carlos le dijo a Rosa: meeting, Carlos said to Rosa: It turns out I really enjoy
these meetings Everybody talks about their things and
Haba sido da gusto en la reunin... we can make questions too, there are so many things we
todos hablan de sus cosas y podemos preguntar tambin, didnt know, right?
montn de cosas no sabamos, ajepa? Youre right! And this man, Mr. Sixto He is so funny!
And such a hardworking person! He is very wise, too. It is a
Cierto! Y ese Don Sixto!... pleasure to listen him talking answered Rosa.
Qu kachii que es!... Pero ivale!...
Sabe mucho, da demasiado gusto escucharle contest Rosa.

Preguntas sugeridas para el dilogo: Suggested questions for the dialogue:

Les parece til compartir experiencias con los dems? Por qu? Do you find it useful to share your experiences with others? Why?
Y casi sin darse cuenta al compartir Barely noticing, by sharing things at home were
las cosas en su casa tambin iban mejorando despacito progressively improving, too. Because they talked and
porque se hablaban y se escuchaban ms, se respetaban heard more, they respected each other.
entonces sus hijos empezaban a sentirse ms seguros Then their kids began to feel safer, more confident. They
aprendan cosas nuevas, muy importantes que Carlos y Rosa were learning new and very important things that Carlos
les enseaban. and Rosa taught them
One afternoon, Carlos said: Raul, could you get some
En una tarde de esas dijo Carlos: onions from the orchard? I will fry some tortillas for
Ral, pods sacar cebollita de la huerta?... dinner dont forget to wash the veggies carefully!
Voy a preparar tortilla para la cena Lucia used to follow her brother everywhere, so when she
No te olvides que de lavar bien saw the lettuce plants she exclaimed aloud: Mom! Can we
Como Luca estaba siempre detrs de su hermano, eat some lettuce already? Rosa laughed and answered:
al ver la lechuga dijo en voz alta: The plants are not ready yet, Lu!
Mam!... Ya podemos comer la lechuga?... The children were learning to eat vegetables thanks to the
Rosa se ri y le contest: Le falta un poquito Lu!... little orchard they were all taking care of.
A healthy diet became everybodys duty!
Los chicos estaban aprendiendo a comer verduras
gracias a la pequea huerta que todos cuidaban
Comer sano se convirti en tarea de todos!

Preguntas sugeridas para el dilogo: Suggested questions for the dialogue:

Les parece posible tener una pequea huerta en sus casas? Do you think it is possible to grow a little orchard at home?
Cmo sera una alimentacin saludable? Es posible? How would a healthy diet be? Is it possible?
Nos lavamos las manos antes de preparar los alimentos? Las nias y Do we wash our hands before cooking? Do our children wash their
los nios tambin se lavan las manos? En qu momentos? hands too? In which moments?
Siempre tienen agua potable? Qu hacen cuando no tienen? Do you always have clean water? What do you do when you run out
of it?
Mejoraron tambin el cuidado del cuerpo y la higiene de todos Things like body-care and their everyday hygiene became
los das very important
Se lavaron bien los dientes antes de acostarse? Did you brush your teeth properly before laying down?
Dijo Rosa al entrar en la pieza asked Rosa while walking inside the bedroom.
S mam! Dijo Luca Y vos?... Yes we did, mom! replied Lucia Did you?
Rosa se puso un poco colorada Todava Lu, le contest Rosa blushed a little Not yet, Lu she said.
They all began to care about the daily shower, they tried
Todos cuidaban el bao diario, tener siempre la cabeza limpia to keep their heads clean and their hair well-groomed, to
y el cabello bien peinado, cepillarse los dientes, lavarse las ma- brush their teeth regularly, to wash their hands before
nos antes de comer, eating or when arriving home or after playing with the
o al volver de la calle o despus de jugar con el perro dog

Preguntas sugeridas para el dilogo: Suggested questions for the dialogue:

Qu hbito de higiene se practica en nuestra casa? What hygiene habits are practiced in our house?
Cules les parecen ms importantes? Which of them are the most important for you?
Los padres y madres, damos el ejemplo con los hbitos de higiene? Do you know about the human body and its caring? Do you go to the
Conocen sobre el cuerpo y los cuidados? Acuden al puesto de salud health post when you are in need or for routine checks?
cuando tienen alguna necesidad o para controles rutinarios?
Una de las cosas que aprendieron en las reuniones One of the things they have learnt at the meetings is that
es que tienen que conversar claramente con sus hijos y ense- they have to talk clearly with their kids and teach them
arles On a Sunday morning, when Carlos and Rosa were sharing
some mate, Lucia showed up and she sat on her mothers
Por eso, una maanita de domingo en que Carlos y Rosa lap
estaban tomando mate, apareci Luca As they were alone, they took advantage and started
y contenta se sent en el regazo de su mam talking about what happened that night with the uncle in
Como estaban los tres solos aprovecharon para conversar their bedroom.
sobre lo que pas aquella noche con el to en la pieza We want you to know that ANYONE can touch you if
you dont want it, Lu. If that happens you have to call
Queremos decirte que NADIE puede tocarte si vos no quers us immediately, scream just like your brother did that
Lu, night never stay quiet, you should always tell dad, mom,
si eso pasa tens que llamarnos enseguida, gritar or grandma what is going on said Carlos.
as como tu hermano me llam esa vez Lucia looked at them with her big eyes while she nodded,
nunca quedarte callada y siempre contarle a pap o a mam o Got it, daddy!
a la abuela
lo que pas. Dijo Carlos

Luca les miraba con sus enormes ojos

y asenta con la cabeza Bueno pap!

Preguntas sugeridas para el dilogo: Suggested questions for the dialogue:

Tienen sus hijos la confianza y la prctica de conversar con sus padres? Do your children have the confidence and the habit to talk to their
Por qu si? Por qu no? parents? Why do they? Or why not?
As Carlos y Rosa iban mejorando como pareja Carlos and Rosa were doing better as a couple and growing
y creciendo como padres tambin... as parents, too.
They all were feeling more comfortable at home and
Todos se hallaban cada vez ms en su casa having more fun! If there was a fight, they tried to find a
y se divertan: ahora, si se peleaban enseguida way to get along again
buscaban estar juntos otra vez Respect began to save the dignity and the love among

El respeto empez a salvar
la dignidad y el amor entre ellos


Preguntas sugeridas para el dilogo: Suggested questions for the dialogue:

Cules fueron los cambios que notaron en la familia de Carlos y Rosa? What changes did you notice on Carlos and Rosas family?
A partir de la historia que cosas incorporaran a su familia? Based on this story, what things would you like to incorporate to
Qu necesitan para lograrlo? your family?
What do you need to accomplish these things?

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