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June 08 2017 encoded Speech Recognition Software

Flight Recorder Omnipotence Earth SOS June 08 2017 Recorded Transcriptions-

Good morning Evening flight recorder carpet recorder for Stephen Arroyo Steve
conventional verbal of light navigated Jeannie omnipotence, William B. Williamson and
crew cruise are conscious regard to personal DG deities and collective conscious
consciousness because it is we could say desires not to. Yes, I do desire to live. We did
try to abort a few times you hear and surprisingly weak.

I woke up out of it at what we have year and were sharing with her are areas of of
space deities said this area is a worm garden, so to say the parasites very, very large. A
seemingly huge's invincible today is our psych and and setting up a kind of a screw

They call it sometimes very a a murder in fact murder for hire murder anyway they
could. So to say any figurative incident areas manipulative dark salsa grew Ways and
Means financial nothing to do with the fact what they are guilty of fact and in the act of
covering up United States president Donald Trump saw and heard before, way before.
Like every esoteric lying judge 20 473-6526 years ago every day. Our conversations
going back and forth your will would Steve here at we had been summoned to appear
for jury grand jury today saw the reason why we intervened, intercepted or shared,
communicated between the lines within the courts with all to do with aggravate mayhem
and stupefy not enough to describe full steam ahead anyway.

The preplanned 1952 even preplanned screw over Steve, your Stephen as so like
quadrillions of others that are set up like Steve to do them up in a way that is so
excruciatingly the worst killing I can ever be imagined and to do this in a way that
mankind would never ever want to come forward again to so to speak. So is information
shared, Steve. Linguistics is soda areas of objections objection.

We gave he gave his share objection that allowed according to the laws on the record of
the books here California United States. Thou shall not premeditate the collet
premeditate murder of any such to put it in short, to say that that isn't to put in short, any
police that would have a information on the murder. It was clearly describing light tone
such premeditated murder, premeditated hit as to not lie in wait preplanned it, but she
did do that you did try to misconstrue that right there and just did try to make nothing to
do with the fact everything to do that is a fact that we can't you catch it right here in our
bandwidth Beto to especially Beto.

So the Hispanic crews saucer never the one to want to be with. By the way to our very
observant distinction of here. Stephen the one to go with Hispanic areas that they do
very bad. Nothing to do a really human being. Did you know by the way I know to so by
faking you out as if there is an ethnicity that was developing in need of development and
by playing on Hardy and meaning good good meeting intentions Hispanic areas of Latin
jazz fumigation try efforts underway all to why we caught them in court to Santa Ana. By
the way, is a is Deputy Walters away today tonight this evening and trying a fumigation
or is it a fuse dried Obama's again at no to quit and stop making murder tries into her
rectum up. In fact, Giants disguise Ricky Arroyo in particular is big as you wouldn't
believe. Steve shared him. Arts visible capability to very very ominous.

Try to land his penis and skis but ox crack much to do here and there when he could
never to end the world. Here is a collet which did already occur are said to be it already
occur shared insight to what good did would wanted not wanted to occur.

So remembering never to be a murder trial or an assailant looking for a fight or grudge,

but after you been assaulted and poisoned. Steve is been for years on end sometimes
so bad and so terribly by the pre-planners Bob Anderson Ricky Arroyo Charles
chauffeur chauffeur being supposedly is biological father preplanning is image shared
with us preplanned ending it away so terrible like a devil Black Sabbath sacrifice very
very very very bad grown 60-year-old man here Steve on his own business and bother
very much but by their tries and their insecurities like a wild animal, held what first thing
they should be is all happy and omnipotent supernal image with garden phenomena
and exacting intentions capability maps of Africa that could talking intercept and
everyone can have relationship for anyone that was interested to have a reporter with
the omnipotent creator or supernal deity.

Sometimes, ecology ODs and schools. Schools, but no every and all. Unfortunately, in
this very likeness of what it occurred like all the people Steve trying to interested say
they're not people anything to do try to lie real badly about this invoiced and stipulated
enough times that I would stipulate 10 or 20 or 30 times in futures pass in between
sentences to include never murder and never lie in wait to kill especially with the rectal
insemination murder devil like agenda to say, do, and are doing so while it may appear
that anyone around the streets and easing community.

When has any idea what's going on. The likelihood of knowing the right why to write
wind down on the ninth. I suppose they all do suppose that right and I suppose it is very
nice to play a trick like that on me,

especially when I found out my friend that Steve supposedly ionizing maiden created
half the population are seven or quarter. That is why to go around and about filling your
nose up in the air and act as if Steve is a bad guy never knew anything about him, or it
is just unspeakable. It is all that you is to want to fight us lie about that, especially those
that he created. By the way, especially mental health cares wantonness to live in
Diana's diocese kill us in English terms or so to say Gillis instead of ensure public
safety. Re-shortening beta man
about Cardinal Brown.

In the event bad: impunity mailman impunity malicious intent. By the way Pam make the
most of it legal service feeling. I think after but as we see we saw. We shared those
sentiments exactly. Pretty much precisely in those areas of calibrated speech etiquette,
only to see and hear.

They listing right here in our room invisible realm that mental health back down south.
The rector in fact saying and psyching sick in the head lying note to talk about is that
what you say and said F off is what we hear. They did so that really really terrible really
really crime criminal criminal as it gets.

And that is never enough to allow describe Billy's dead or deceased or emulsified star
elders, space people that each and every predicate mental health worker sheriff deputy
is guilty of killing, multiplying, raping and killing billions a day billions a day sometimes
and millions other times that so terrible and so phenomenal and so unwanted and so
necessary as a future try to bite my butt right now Jimmy hit me when they can because
they cannot base their own indignation and shame.
So it seems. It cannot hurt bother him at the same time it one understood there. The
culprits that did take the life of almost every living thing in this area where Steve's are
this so-called so-called planet sphere earth. Now we can call it or maybe there on a
collet realm of the poorest part of the eye can see some areas of depending on your
sentence. Some have it your trespasses and your awareness is in your goal abilities to
believe or not believe in public school systems, lying, conniving, esoteric disguise,
double-sided license purpose.

So, as we say we saw them come out like a black Sabbath. They need to do and and
learn. We've inherently in a mop path. All they seem to want to do is one track mind
revenge and then see if we can do it to SPC so steam is very very very upset
sometimes and comes up with a very mean sounding heating it really meet really easy
credit, like equipment, but real bad. With that, not even remotely close the case if it was
a physical love a physical thing up and heads so that said six years old and with the
wantonness to keep the cemetery areas incoming and outgoing arrivals and departures.
Knowing this in a moving motion on longer-term life expectancies, which is the last thing
the police would ever want to know.

These are all the while in on it and I sit in on it and I'd make a mistake, did I somebody
near the building that one play dumb or stupid or act as if I have a dream and not
anything new at what you're talking about at all. It all.

Not even remotely close as all the lying they can ever ever muster up his word and
where were at with a as that is right right there lie in my face right here at court to the
courts and in junctions to know me is to say, side, make excuses and make threats to
did do to Steve first. First, foremost from day one day one back day one when the first
and most lasting everyone know that you are invisible people from the get-go and any
sign a clue of space visit or got through your defenses and you didn't do them up in the
bed asked real quick. You're going to know someone is keeping an eye as you all did
often last day out is that divine innovation appointment went up transpiring those areas
those times those days that is not a welcome sign today.

Evidently not very happy or friendly about it. One is done away counterpoint. Contrary
are the same very much more so want them done. That is, reprehensible Behaviors.
Those types of threats so ominous in such a need to take a firm hand and quick justice.
But the kind that is not to dangerous gambling, but the kind is not too slow to invite even
more recidivists quantum re-figuration populace enters very high, threatening, so take
Ricky Arroyo out on site guns are anyway possible while I'm speaking all cars, no love
loss, something I personally side because I feel he's personally join in the world, putting
his penis in my rear end area try to let go safety screen have got here. That right there
is were originally written.

Tonight it is June 8 is is about 11 1111 12 opens at 11 PM. It's getting late and main
geocities of deities area of faith, impunity, understanding, wisdom, cleanliness and
superior, and not at liberty as a hear the thunder of incoming's right now protected by a
safety screen very angry president that doesn't want to talk things over and all in all so it
seems that us others make up CONDOR about different stories about why is really a
giant also in disguise. This Newcomb and sodomize him type of deeds and deals more
so than the others never set a good thing. Never.

Is that a good thing to me something to say about standing up to your flag here.
Something about to say about the laws that are on the books say about who's breaking
the law so terribly not allowed a lovely as well. June 8 Sonia, Steven and Arroyo
chauffeur and also will William P. Williamson served like having omnipotence,
aluminum, and, incidentally, none of it is unknown and will again limit and omnipotent
supernal orderlies live in the far in between us of benevolence. Hopefully side seek far
very away as far viewing for murder.

Targeted areas of the trying to do to me this year as we speak. Never look what I want.
While all we tried as we did retreat a couple times and abort something new about of
lien waivers of her hands and disappearing acts be of assistance.

Thank you sir. Thank you. Your next sees supernal deficiencies over net Lord be with us
this these days times ahead. The Quicken announcer of the it is June 8. 2017 11 10
p.m. of announcer.

Flight Recorder Omnipotence Earth SOS June 08 2017 Recorded Transcriptions-

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