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Forth Meets Smalltalk (FMS)

version 3.0 October 2010

Douglas B. Hoffman


FMS stands for Forth Meets Smalltalk. Presented here is a "specification" for
the FMS Forth object programming extension. An implementation of the
specification can be done in different ways as long as the behaviors adhere
to the specification. I provide two example reference implementations, each
using different implementation techniques with each technique having relative
strengths and weaknesses. The *use* of each implementation, however, is
identical. Note that this is not a proposal for a Forth ANS standard,
although I suppose it could be used as one.


In the past few years I have written several different object extensions and
looked closely at a few written by others. What I present here is a
specification for what I believe to be an excellent and practical Forth
object extension. FMS is a distillation of what I have found to be an easy to
use yet complete object system. There are strong opinions about what such a
specification should be. So I try to provide rationale for the specifications

FMS syntax often resembles Neon. Andrew McKewan presented a Neon-like ANS
Forth extension in 1997 (Object Oriented programming in ANS Forth, Forth
Dimensions, March 1997). FMS syntax often resembles Neon and the example
reference implementations are loosely based on McKewan's work. But there are
significant differences with FMS.

The FMS class building syntax and behaviors bear a strong resemblance to Neon
with the notable exceptions of object-message ordering and the use of
methodless instance variable access (and a few other features as detailed

Object-message ordering, as opposed to message-object, seems to be a

requirement for a Forth object extension in order to gain wide acceptance.

I agree that this ordering holds some inherent advantages, though not
overwhelmingly so. There are also advantages to message-object ordering, in
particular it makes it easy to do away with wordlists, but using wordlists is
not a large disadvantage. With at least one other object extension the use of
wordlists presents a more serious problem (whether or not this problem can be
resolved is unknown to me). See "THE PROBLEM WITH WORDLISTS" below.
Basically, the problem with wordlists is that there is not an ANS way to have
wordlists persist after a dictionary save. So each Forth will have its own
likely unique way of doing this.

On balance I chose object-message ordering for FMS.

Instance variables (ivars) can be easily be declared as embedded objects

or declared using a generic ivar primitive. This is the way Neon, Mops,
SwiftForth's SWOOP, McKewan-97, and Win32Forth behave, and perhaps others.
The alternative would be to either not use objects-as-ivars, which I think
would be a mistake, or to create the desired ivar object at instantiation
and manually store it in a container-type ivar. The latter is inconvenient,
tedious, and perhaps most importantly does not allow using embedded
objects-as-ivars in dictionary based objects (unless one issues some kind of
renew message at each programming session or each time a turnkey is launched).

When defining a class, messages sent to self can either be early bound or
late bound by using the SELF or [SELF] pseudo ivars respectively.

Some believe that all messages to self should be late bound and I understand
the rationale for this belief. But in practice I think that this is best
specified by the programmer during the design of the classes. Always using
late binding to self is certainly the most general technique as it allows for
maximum code reuse in subclasses. But there is a performance cost because
late binding is always slower than early binding. Also, it is easy to just
redefine specific superclass methods to use late binding to self when an
opportunity becomes apparent for code reuse in a subclass. This is the way
Neon, Mops, SwiftForth's SWOOP, McKewan-97, and Win32Forth behave. Besides,
when methodless ivar access is used, instead of sending a message to the
ivar, we have in essence "early bound" that part of the method definition. So
the only way to remain pure in terms of always having late bound messages to
self is to only use messages when accessing instance variables. This could be
done but methodless ivar access, for non-complex ivar interaction, offers the
advantages of speed and simplicity and also seems to be a desired feature by
most Forth programmers. I do not disagree.

Note that messages sent to public objects are always late bound. However
sending a message to an embedded ivar-as-object will usually be early bound
because we do not expect the class of an ivar to change. But if we are using
an ivar as a container of an object then messages sent to the "contents" of
that container will, and must, be late bound.

Some claim that if we just make late binding fast enough then we should not
care if late or early binding is used. This sounds reasonable but in practice
early binding will always have a significant efficiency advantage.


We will use Smalltalk terminology for most object related discussion and
descriptions, especially the following terms:

Instance Variable (or ivar for short)
SELF (pseudo ivar only used in method definitions)
SUPER (pseudo ivar only used in method definitions)
Message Sending
Early and Late binding of messages to methods

- FMS is a class-based (as opposed to prototype-based) single inheritance

model. Full inheritance of all methods and data (ivars) is achieved in

- A class is not an object. It is best thought of as an object template or an

"object factory".

- Smalltalk-like duck typing is used. Any message can be sent to any object.
If the message is not valid for that object then an error occurs.

- Messages can be ticked and the resulting xt used in the expected way on

- When defining a class, creating a message name, creating the associated

method code, and binding that message name to that code are all done in one
step, as in Smalltalk and SWOOP. There is no need to declare interfaces.
Interfaces are not used.

- If a new method (message) over rides an existing method then the object
system will just handle that implicitly, as in Smalltalk. No manual
programmer declaration of "override" or whatever is required. The intent
should be obvious. Over riding methods is a very common thing to do when
defining new classes.

- Declaring instance variables when defining a class includes the ability to

simply declare the ivar as an object of an existing class. The alternative
would be to first declare a container ivar, then instantiate an object of
the desired class, and finally storing that object in the container.

However, this can easily be done with FMS if desired.

- If an instance variable is declared to be of a certain class then messages

sent to that ivar will be early bound for efficiency (speed).

After all, we do not expect that the class of the ivar will change.

But certainly late bound messages can be sent to the "contents" of an ivar
if that ivar is some sort of container of an object.

- When defining a class it is the choice of the programmer to use early or

late binding when sending a message to SELF. If one insists that all
messages to SELF be late bound, then what are we to make of methodless ivar
accessing? Giving the programmer full control over whether to use early or
late binding, or no binding at all, seems to be more in the spirit of Forth
programming. Note that there is nothing inherent about FMS that prevents us
from making all messages to self late bound.

Admittedly, defining all messages to self as late bound could result in a

possibly easier ability to reuse method definitions later on in subclasses.
This is a real and valid benefit. The downside, in addition to slower
program execution due to many more late binds, is the greater likelihood of
infinite loops when a subclass method uses a superclass method which
references back to the subclass via late binding. In practice it has been
the author's experience that when an opportunity for code reuse efficiency
via late binding to self occurs, it is a simple matter to just redefine the
superclass binding involved by changing SELF to [SELF] just for the
particular method involved, taking care to not produce the infinite loop
mentioned above.

- Sending a message is a "special" event and it should be clear, when reading

source code, when a message send occurs. There are many ways to do this. In
FMS we require that all message names end in colon ( message: ). Some seem
fixated on wanting to hide the use of a message send thus making it
indistinguishable from a normal Forth call. This a mistake, in my opinion.
For example, if we define "@" to be a message then we can wind up with code
that looks like the following:

foo @ \ a normal fetch from the VARIABLE foo, or the address presented
by the execution of foo.

bar @ \ a message send (here, @ is a message) to the OBJECT bar,

or the object presented by the execution of bar.

What if we wish to apply the "normal" Forth word @ to whatever object bar
leaves on the stack? Perhaps more importantly, how do we know, when
reading the source code, if @ is a message or just the normal Forth word
fetch? Bar may be, for example, a rectangle object and the @ message may
return four items on the stack (top, left, bottom, and right coordinates).

It is very simple to mostly avoid such confusion by adopting the

recommended message naming convention.

If there is a name conflict with another word that ends in colon then that
conflict should be handled as you would any naming conflict. For example if
we name a selector FIELD: and our Forth system reports that we have just
redefined FIELD: then we can either ignore the redefinition or choose
another name for our message. Simple.

- Methodless ivar access. Conventional OOP practice would dictate that the
data contained in an object must *only* be accessed via a message send to
the object. This provides a level of security for a program's data. At one
time I felt strongly about this and always required message sends. But
others have convinced me that it is probably more in the Forth tradition to
allow data access without having to define accessor messages. So I have
provided for methodless access in FMS. I would simply say that one should
use methodless ivar access with care.

- There is a way to declare instance variables as members of records with a

REC{ ... }REC syntax. Normally the ivars in an object each have a header
that identifies the class of the ivar. But you may want to use the ivar
list as you would use a structures list, that is with nothing but data in
contiguous cells (with perhaps padding for alignment).

Records allow you to easily do this. The only restriction on ivars declared
within a record is one cannot send messages to the record ivar that also
involve sending late-bound messages to SELF as defined in the class of the
ivar (if the record ivar is declared as an embedded object). For clarity,
this is illustrated in the following example:

Consider a class, named VAR, that is defined as:

:class VAR
cell bytes data
:m !: ( n -- ) data ! ;m
:m @: ( -- n ) data @ ;m
:m print: self @: . ;m \ early bound @: message sent to self
:m printLate: [self] @: . ;m \ late bound @: message sent to self
Note that method print: uses an early bound message to self but method
printLate: invokes a late bound message to self. Now consider a class,
named TEST, that uses two VAR embedded objects as an ivars:

:class TEST
var x \ x is a normal ivar embedded object
rec{ var y }rec \ y is an ivar embedded object as a record

:m printX: x printLate: ;m
:m printY: y printLate: ;m \ this method will fail
:m printY2: y print: ;m \ this method will work

Note that if ivar y above were used as a *container* of a VAR object then
one could use the printLate: message. i.e.,

:m printY3: y @ printLate: ;m \ this method will work if y contains

an object

- If a new message name is created that is the same as an existing

(non-message) public name, then that name conflict is handled just like any
other public name, then that name conflict is handled just like any other
name conflict in your Forth. You may want to observe the "redefined"
warnings issued by your Forth system when compiling an FMS class or making
a new FMS selector.

- Objects may be instantiated as named dictionary-based or as nameless


- Implicit initialization of objects and all of an object's ivars (including

ivars of any superclasses) is supported.

- Indexed ( one dimension) objects/ivars are explicitly supported

- Error checking for invalid message sends and out of bounds indices are

- When defining a class, the default superclass will be OBJECT if no

superclass is explicitly provided.

- Arrays of a class of objects can be easily created in the dictionary using

objArray() example:

:class point
var x
var y
:m show: x @ . y @ . ;m

20 objArray() point points()

0 points() show:
1 points() show:

- PUBLIC and PRIVATE declarations for methods or ivars are not supported (but
they could be). Especially with methodless ivar access, I do not see the
point in trying to make code more "secure" by using PUBLIC and PRIVATE.

- Class instance variables are not supported (but they could be).
- Multiple inheritance is not supported (but it could be).


Some claim that the main value of object programming is for creating
graphical user interfaces. While useful for that, there is no reason to limit
OOP use to GUIs. Some of the important benefits of object programming include
(but are not limited to): A higher order of information hiding and so easier
handling of program complexity; a consistent way to organize code; a higher
frequency of code reuse; a significant reduction in the number of Forth
words to be remembered. For example, the *same* descriptive names for
messages, such as size: or search:, can be reused for an unlimited variety of
data types (objects).


The FMS user words are often the same as in Neon, but there are some very
distinct differences in the usage of some of the words. Below is a list of
the FMS user words with a brief description of their purpose.

Stack effects are not shown. A detailed usage glossary for these words, with
stack effects, follows the list.

1) :CLASS \ begin a class definition

2) <SUPER \ declare the superclass
3) ;CLASS \ end a class definition
4) BYTES \ ivar declaration primitive
5) :M \ begin a method definition
6) ;M \ end a method definition
7) SELF \ pseudo-ivar for early-bound message to self#
8) [SELF] \ pseudo-ivar for late-bound message to self
9) SUPER \ pseudo-ivar for message to superclass method
10) SUPER> \ directs message to a specific superclass
11) OBJECT \ the root class for all classes
12) HEAP> \ instantiate an object in the heap
13) <FREE \ free the memory of an object created with HEAP>
14) IV \ methodless access to an ivar while interpreting
15) [IV] \ methodless access to an ivar while compiling
16) <INDEXED \ declare a class as indexed
17) IDXBASE \ return the address of the indexed data in an object
18) LIMIT \ return the maximum number of indexed elements
19) WIDTH \ return the size in aus of an indexed element
20) ^ELEM \ return the address of an indexed element
21) ?IDX \ perform a validity check on an index
21) MAKESELECT \ create a selector outside of a method definition
22) ERRORCHECK \ user set-able compiler directive
23) REC{ \ mark the beginning of a record list of ivars
24) }REC \ mark the end of a record list
25) INIT: \ this message will always be sent to the newly
\ instantiated object and each of its ivars
26) objArray() \ instantiate an array of objects in the dictionary


:CLASS ( "spaces<name>" -- ) Begins the definition of a new class. This is a

defining word. The name of the new class must come directly after :CLASS. The
class name is later used in the following four ways.

1) At compile time to instantiate a dictionary object. Simply execute the

class name and an unnamed dictionary object is returned on the stack.
The object can be, and usually is, then stored as a constant or in a
value (or any place the programmer wishes to put it).

2) At run time to instantiate an unnamed object in the heap. See HEAP>.

3) To create ivar definitions in other class definitions.

These ivars then behave as embedded objects of the given class,

responding to messages appropriately.

4) As a pseudo object. A message can be sent to a superclass name when

the message is preceded by SUPER>. This will result in use of the
named superclass message.

<SUPER ( "spaces<name>" -- )
Declares the superclass of a new class being defined. <SUPER is optional if
the superclass is class OBJECT. If class OBJECT is *not* the superclass, then
<SUPER must follow the name of the class being defined and <SUPER must be
followed by the name of the desired superclass. All classes must have a

Ends the definition of a class.

BYTES ( u "spaces<name>" -- )
The sole primitive for defining new ivars. Bytes requires the size of the
ivar, in addressable units and must be followed by the name of the ivar. Only
used inside a class definition.

:M ( "spaces<name:>" -- methodXT )
Begins a new method definition. Can only be used inside a class definition.
Performs three functions simultaneously: 1) Defines a new message name only
if it has not previously been defined in any class (message names have global
scope). Note two things about message names: a. All message names must end in
colon. b. The method compiler will detect and warn of name collisions between
a message name and an already-defined non-message name. 2) Defines the method
that is to be invoked when an object or ivar of that class receives the given
message. 3) Implicitly over rides, if necessary, existing methods in the
superclass chain that are associated with the given message.

;M ( methodXT -- )
Ends a method definition and stores the method's XT where it can be
subsequently retrieved.

SELF ( "spaces<messagename:>"-- )
or if no following message ( -- addr ) addr = base address of object
A pseudo ivar only used in method definitions. When it is the receiver of a
message it will compile an early bound message send using the method that has
already been defined either in the current class or in the superclass chain
hierarchy. It cannot be used without a following message.

[SELF] ( "spaces<messagename:>" -- )
or if no following message ( -- addr ) addr = base address of object
A pseudo ivar only used in method definitions. When it is the receiver of a
message it will compile a late bound message send using the method that has
already been defined either in the current class or in the subclass chain
hierarchy. When used without a message it will return the base address of the
object exactly with SELF.

SUPER ( "spaces<messagename>" -- )
A pseudo ivar only used in method definitions. As the receiver of a message
it will compile the method that has already been defined one level up in the
superclass chain hierarchy, skipping over the already defined method in the
current class definition. SUPER must be followed by a message name. If the
<messagename> method has not been redefined then this use of SUPER will be
equivalent to the use of SELF.

SUPER> ( "spaces<classname>" "spaces<messagename>" -- )

Similar to SUPER except that a method of a class from *any* superclass
in the inheritance chain will be used. SUPER> must be followed by a
superclass name and a message name.

HEAP> ( "spaces<classname>" -- ^obj )

Instantiates a nameless object on the heap. Must be followed by the name of a
class and will return an object pointer. <FREE must be used to return the
object's memory to the heap. HEAP> is a compile time only word. It cannot be
used outside a word definition.

<FREE ( ^obj -- )
Returns a heap object's memory to the heap. See HEAP> above.

IV ( ^obj -- ivar-addr ) \ input stream: "spaces<ivarname>"

Provides methodless access to the ivars of an object. Interpret use only,
cannot be compiled. Essentially a programmer's convenience tool.

[IV] ( ^obj -- ivar-addr ) \ input stream: "spaces<ivarname>"

Version of IV for to be used for compilation state.

<INDEXED ( width -- )
Declares the class as an indexed class which each element having the
indicated width in aus. Instantiating an indexed class requires declaring the
number of indexed elements at the time of object instantiation.

All subclasses of this class will have an indexed ivar data area of the same
width and <INDEXED need not (should not) be used again. Subclasses may not be
specified with indexed widths that are different from that of the superclass.
IDXBASE ( -- addr )
Can only be used inside a class definition. Also, can only be used if the
class or a superclass has been declared as indexed with <INDEXED.

Returns the address of the beginning of the indexed ivar data in an object.
See example class dicArray for an example of use.

LIMIT ( -- n )
Can only be used inside a class definition. Also, can only be used if the
class or a superclass has been declared as indexed with <INDEXED.

Returns the maximum number of elements in an indexed object. See example

class dicArray for an example of use.

WIDTH ( -- n )
Can only be used inside a class definition. Also, can only be used if the
class or a superclass has been declared as indexed with <INDEXED.

Returns the width in aus of the elements in an indexed object. See

example class dicArray for an example of use.

^ELEM ( index -- addr )

Can only be used inside a class definition. Also, can only be used if the
class or a superclass has been declared as indexed with <INDEXED.

Returns the addr of the element(index) in an indexed object. See example

class dicArray for an example of use.

?IDX ( index -- index )

Can only be used inside a class definition. Also, can only be used if the
class or a superclass has been declared as indexed with <INDEXED.

Performs an error check for validity of the index *only* if the global
compiler constant ERRORCHECK is set to TRUE. See example class dicArray for
an example of use.

MAKESELECT ( "spaces<name:>" -- )
The recommended way to create a new selector that is not immediately
associated with any method. Can be used inside or outside a class definition.

As long as the message is only used as late bound ( such as ' [self]
message: ' ) then compilation will proceed as expected. But before the
message is actually sent at run time there must be a method defined for the
selector (or message). See example class SEQUENCE for how this may be used.

ERRORCHECK ( -- flag )
A constant used as a compiler directive. If set to TRUE, which is recommended
during development, then error checking will be performed for the validity of
messages sent to objects/ivars and error checking will be performed for the
validity of an index sent to an indexed object via ?IDX. After a program has
been debugged, it should then be recompiled with errorcheck set to false for
somewhat faster program execution.

REC{ ( -- )
Used in the ivar declaration list in a class definition. Marks the beginning
of a record. The following list of ivars will comprise a contiguous list of
data, essentially as in a structure list. The record list is ended with }REC.
It is important to know that late-bound messages may *not* be sent to members
of a record.

}REC ( -- )
Used to mark the end of a record list. See REC{ above.

INIT: ( -- ) \ strongly recommend that INIT: not consume or return stack items

I believe that a proper object system should have a default initialization

method that is automatically invoked whenever an object is instantiated.

In FMS we use the INIT: message. Class OBJECT, the root class of all classes,
has a default INIT: method which does nothing so it is not necessary to
define an INIT: method unless you need it. Also, years ago in Mops it was
observed that any explicit call to INIT: was always preceded by a call to
SUPER INIT: (actually, in Mops/PowerMops it would be CLASSINIT: SUPER ).
Therefore it was decided that whenever an INIT: method was defined then the
object system would also automatically call SUPER INIT: "prior" to sendiing
the INIT: message to the newly created object. If the SUPER INIT: call was
not wanted, then one could undo what it did in the INIT: method of the
object's class. This behavior might best be also explained by an example as

:class var1
cell bytes data1
:m init: -1 data1 ! ;m
:m @: ( -- n) data1 @ ;m

var1 v1
v1 @: . -1 ok \ object v1 will automatically be instantiated to -1

Now consider a subclass of var1:

:class var2 <super var1

cell bytes data2
:m init: 2 data2 ! ;m
:m @: ( -- n1 n2 ) data1 @ data2 @ ;m

var2 v2
v2 @: swap . . -1 2 ok \ we see that ivar data1 was implicitly initialized

From object v2's response to the @: message we can see that v2's superclass
data (data1) was indeed also sent the INIT: method implicitly. But what if we
don't want data1 to be set to -1 in a subclass? Simply override as follows:

:class var3 <super var1

cell bytes data2
:m init: 2 data2 ! 0 data1 ! ;m \ override the implicit super init:
:m @: ( -- n1 n2 ) data1 @ data2 @ ;m

var3 v3
v3 @: swap . . 0 2 ok \ we see that we can override the implicit init: of

Note that it is a "bad idea" for an INIT: method to consume or return stack
items. The reason for this is that in doing so one then makes it impossible
to use that class for embedded ivars. There is no way to pass parameters to
ivars when the ivar is instantiated. Of course one could still choose to pass
a parameter to the newly instantiated object and this will work, but one must
then never use that class for creating ivars.

objArray() instantiation time: ( #objects -- )

or if indexed: ( #objects #elems -- )
input stream: "<spaces>className" "<spaces>name()"
run time execution of name(): ( idx -- ^obj(idx) )

Note that if the errorCheck flag is true then the index passed to "name()"
will be checked for validity.


The following FMS code example should give you an idea of what programming in
FMS is like. Note the syntax similarities to Neon, including simple use of
embedded objects as ivars in class definitions. Also note the object-message

\ Begin definition of a new class, named var. The implicit superclass

is class OBJECT.
:class var
cell bytes data \ define an ivar, named data, using the bytes primitive
:m !: ( n -- ) data ! ;m \ ivar addr is obtained by executing its name
:m +: ( n -- ) data +! ;m
:m @: ( -- n ) data @ ;m
:m p: ( -- ) [self] @: . ;m \ print self, late bound

var x \ Instantiate an object in the dictionary named x.

45 x !: \ Store 45 in object x by sending the !: message.

x p: \ Print object x by sending the p: message.


:class point
var x \ ivar as embedded object of class var
var y
:m show:
x p: \ access ivar via message send
y @ . \ methodless ivar access inside a class definition
:m dot: ." Point at " [self] show: ;m \ this is a late bind of show: to

point origin \ instantiate a point object named origin

\ methodless ivar access outside a class definition
5 origin IV x !
8 origin IV y !

origin dot: \ send the dot: message to origin

Point at 5 8

:class rectangle
point ul
point lr
:m show: ul dot: lr dot: ;m
:m dot: ." Rectangle, " self show: ;m \ this is an early bind of show: to

rectangle r

r dot:
Rectangle, Point at 0 0 Point at 0 0

:class label-point <super point \ the superclass is class point

:m show: ." X" x @ . ." Y" y @ . ;m

label-point poo

poo dot:
Point at X0 Y0 \ demonstrates that show: is late-bound in class point


So the full standard template for creating a class is familiar and is as


:CLASS myClass <SUPER mySuperclass ( "<SUPER mySuperclass" is optional

if mySuperclass = OBJECT ) ( <INDEXED declaration is optional )
n BYTES myIvar1 \ create an ivar using the bytes primitive
myExistingClass myIvar2 \ create an ivar using a pre-defined class
rec{ \ begin an ivar record section
myExistingClass myIvar3
myExistingClass myIvar4
}rec \ end an ivar record section

:M myMessage: ... ;M \ create a message and method and associate the two
for this class

:CLASS \ end the class definition

myClass myObject \ instantiate an object in the dictionary, named myObject

myObject myMessage: \ send a message to the dictionary object

HEAP> and <FREE are used to instantiate objects in the heap and free the
memory when done.

0 value myHeapObject
: test HEAP> myClass to myHeapObject ; \ instantiate an object in the heap
myHeapObject myMessage: \ send a message to the heap object

myHeapObject <FREE \ free the memory of the heap object


There are four techniques for doing this in FMS. Consider the following class

:class Circle
var radius
point center
\ the primitive DrawCircle requires ( x y radius ) as input
:m draw: center @: ( x y ) radius @: ( x y r ) DrawCircle ;m

Clearly there must be a way to set the radius and center of a circle object.
We have four.

1) Just declare the ivar and access it via @ ! C@ F@ etc., one must know the
size of the ivar so that the correct Forth operator is used.

:class Circle
var radius
point center
:m draw: center @: ( x y ) \ ivar access via message send
radius @ DrawCircle \ ivar access via normal Forth word
:m set: ( x y r -- ) radius ! point !: ;m

2) Define methods for ivar access.

:class Circle
var radius
point center
:m draw: center @: ( x y ) radius @: DrawCircle ;m
:m set: ( x y r -- ) radius !: point !: ;m

3) Use methodless ivar access *after* an object has been instantiated.

:class Circle
var radius
point center
:m draw: center @: ( x y ) radius @: DrawCircle ;m

Circle c
10 c iv radius !
25 c iv radius !:

4) Cut and paste the ivar declarations such that they precede the class
definition. This can be useful during development. Note that a public
object declaration is identical to that for an ivar declaration. The
only difference is "where" the object/ivar is declared (inside or outside
of a class definition).

var radius
point center
:class Circle
:m draw: center @: ( x y ) radius @: DrawCircle ;m

Circle c

10 20 center !:
25 radius !:
c draw:

Once the class is debugged just cut and paste the radius and center
declarations back inside the class definition where they belong.


If you are using a Forth in which you can restore all wordlists to their
previous state after performing a dictionary image save, and certainly after
a turnkey application is made, then the issues I raise here do not apply. If
with FMS you wish to be able to keep designing classes and subclasses after a
dictionary image save, then you must implement a wordlist restore as is
specific to your particular Forth. I can only show how this is done for
Carbon MacForth.

However, I have observed at least two problems with using wordlists (in this
context for creating an object extension) that become apparent when
attempting to use an objects extension after an image save.

1) Without restoring the wordlists it is not possible to create new classes.

But usage of existing classes (saved in the dictionary image but wordlists
not subsequently restored) works fine as do any previously defined
dictionary based objects.

2) Without restoring the wordlists it is not possible to either use an

existing class or even use an existing dictionary-based object. In short,
nothing will work.

Issue 1) may or may not be a problem for you depending on how you use your
Forth. Certainly it is not a problem if you are creating a turnkey
application because all existing objects and classes will still work just

Issue 2) is a serious problem and would not be acceptable unless you never
create turnkey applications and you always recompile all of your object code
at every programming session.

FMS suffers issue 1) but not issue 2). Other object extensions that I have
seen (but not all) suffer both issues 1) and 2).

I have been able to avoid wordlists in early versions of FMS by writing a

somewhat complex "method compiler". I do not recommend this approach because
of the complexity involved and ultimately the method compiler will fail
because it cannot recognize all special syntax that might be encountered.
Using wordlists to recognize instance variables during class definitions
avoids these problems.


Two example FMS implementations are provided. One uses dispatch tables for
runtime late bound method lookup and so is quite fast. Some inefficiency is
experienced due to the inevitable empty cells in subclass tables.

This may or may not be an issue depending on the number of classes defined
and the number of different message defined for all classes.

A second implementation uses linked lists for runtime late bound method
lookup. While still very fast, it is not as fast as dispatch tables.

However for a large number of classes and messages the dictionary space used
for the linked lists will be somewhat smaller. In either case I would expect
production code to be tuned for the particular Forth in use with time
critical routines coded in assembler.

Further, there are certainly other techniques that could be used to implement
this object programming model.

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