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Frederick Douglass High School 1

Academic Improvement Plan

I. Student Information
Student Name: Homeroom: Class Number:
Address and Zip Code: Home Phone:
Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Day Phone:
Grade received First Quarter: Attendance: ______ absent out of ______ days
II. Reasons for Academic Probation
The following factors contributed to my academic difficulties (check as many as apply):
 Attendance
 Behavior Problems:
 Coming to class without the necessary supplies (pen, notebook, etc.)
 Health Problems
 Lack of Focus/Motivation to learn
 Lateness
 Not completing classwork
 Not completing homework
 Not completing tests/projects
 Not understanding class material
 Personal/Family Problems
 Unwillingness to learn and/or participate in class activities
 Other: ________________________________________________________________________________
III. Strategies for Improving Academic Performance
I want to earn a __________ this quarter. I want to improve my academic performance


In carrying out my plan for improving my academic standing, I must (please initial):
____ Attend class regularly, missing no more than __________ classes during the entire
____ Arrive to class on time.
____ Bring all necessary supplies and materials.
____ Follow all class expectations and procedures.
____ I will make sure I complete and turn in ______________ homework assignments this
Frederick Douglass High School 2
Academic Improvement Plan

While in class, I will….

I need help with…

Ms. Ehler will…

IV. Coach Class

I will meet with Ms. Ehler ______________ times per ______________ to receive additional
academic support and to make sure I am meeting the expectations set forth for me in

Because my education is valuable to me, I hereby agree to abide by the terms for this
improvement plan. If I do not improve my performance in Ms. Ehler’s class as agreed upon in
this plan, I understand that I may fail 2nd quarter and have to attend summer school or night
school in order to earn the English III credit.

Student Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________

Teacher Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________ Date: ____________

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