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The picture is about the student which is using drill machine.

is the student from polytechnic state of sriwijaya. His major is
electrical engineering because from the wearpack I know he
student from electrical engineering. he is in the workshop
electrical engineering. the activity is conducted when he was
doing workshop lecture. He wear wearpack, helmet and mask to
protect himself from the accident. I think he look happy because
he can learn how to use the drill machine correctly.

There is one people in the picture. He is the employee of the

petroleum company. He is in the company, and he take a photo
in front of the company. He wear a helmet, mask and jacket to
protect himself from the accident. I think he look happy because
he can be one of the employees of the company.

There are four men in the picture. They are a employees of the
company. They take a photo in working area, they wear helmet
to protect their heads from collision and falling object. They also
wear safety boots to protect their feet from sharp object.

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