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Arab Academy For Science AASTMT
College Of Engineering And Technology
Architecture and Environmental Design

Spring Semester April 2017

Pre-Master Course AR-727

Egyptian Regions and Architecture

Dr Shaimaa Ashour
1. Abdeen Palace Museum 08

2. Air Force Museum 16

3. Air Force Museum 22

4. Child Museum 30

5. Gayer Anderson Museum 38

6. Museum of Agriculture 46

7. Museum of Islamic Arts 58

8. National Police Museum 64

9. Railway Museum 70


2 3


Abdeen palace is considered one of the The palace witnessed many important
most famous palaces in Mohammed Ali historical events such as the Orabian
pasha phase. It is located in El-Gomho- revolution where Ahmed Orabi stood in
reya Square, Rahbet Abdeen, Abdeen, front of the khedive Tawfeek requesting
Cairo Governorate. The palace was or- some demands for Egypt and its army.
dered to be built bythe khedive Ismail It consists mainly of 500 rooms, the his-
and completed by 1872 to become the torical defender square and 5 museums
official government headquarters instead with one video show room displaying the
of the Cairo Citadel. It was designed by palaces interior rooms, only 4 museums
the French architectRousseau along are opened for the visitors to explore.
with many decorators from Egypt, Italy, (Shahin, 2016). Also, there are wide open
France and Turkey who wisely created spaces with different fascinating kinds of
strong rich palace. (BoShehab, 2014). trees, flowers and landscape features,

The entrance Lobby is rich in its archi- Starting with The museum of weapons,
tecture details starting from the entrance you will find many rare swords, shields
facade, doors and decorations together and daggers collected from wars, bought
with the palace map which facilitate the from auctions or were just personal gifts
visitor destinations. The first space that from other rulers displayed with some
will cross your vision upon entering is the military suits, another section contains
historical defender square, it is an open the Khedive Ismail and Napoleon fire-
wide space containing many Cannon For- arms back to the 17th and 18th century.
tresses back to the 18th century wars As you continue walking, you will find the
together with their ammunition. Museum of Decorations and Niachen
Moving with the palace flow, you will find containing many Niachen awarded to
the distribution lobby that includes some the rulers of the royal family on different
historical information about the palace occasions, some decorations were exclu-
owners presented by some info-graphic sively awarded to the women named the
maps and contains some statues of them. Decoration of perfection.

Moving to the other building, you will find
the Presidential gifts museum contain-
ing all the gifts dedicated to the Egyptian
presidents from other presidents all over
the world. Also there, you can find the
video show room that displays a short
movie about the palace and its rooms, the
palace is closed except for the museums
and so its rooms details are only showed
to the visitors in this video.
The last opened museum is the Silver
museum. It contains many silver and
gold plated silver eating utensils and dec-
orative antiques used by Muhammed Ali
pasha or bought from several events or
auctions. This museum also contains sev-
eral Giliates rich in their details made
by the French artist Emiel Giliates.
All the exhibits are shown behind a glass
screen with alarm system to prevent bur-
glary and some spot lights to adjust the
light as desired.

After finishing your tour and sitting in Only if you are wandering alone exploring
front of the wide open gardens, you will the palace content, you may be annoyed
be amazed how the palace is rich in its ar- that some maps, signages and labels tell-
chitectural details and its collectibles and ing the collectibles stories are missing for
how they are preserved in a safe well dis- those who are trying to perceive the pal-
tributed entity with an European touch. ace whole story.
The building, museum details, expensive The artworks were rigidly displayed be-
collectibles together with the gardens hind the glass screens not allowing the
with its vintage trees, rare flowers and audience to interact with them, you will
beautiful landscape organization shows find yourself lost in the beauty of some
how the designers and the palace rulers single artworks without getting the big
focused on the richness of the palace, picture for the reason of their connec-
they spent much time and effort collect- tion or why they are organized in that
ing the world wide palace furniture and specific way. There is a strong message in
exhibits and stored them till the muse- the arrangement of the museum, starting
ums was opened for visitors. with the power shown in the weapons

museum continuing with the prestige of
the decorative and the presidential gifts
museum and ending with the rich image
of the silver museum .
The rulers really focused on how Egypt
should look shin y and organized for all
the palace visitors, it is fascinating for
whoever coming and focused on the
strong powerful rich phase of the Egyp-
tian era without mentioning any draw-
backs happening outside its walls, it suc-
ceed in Imitating the European way of
thinking. However, nothing in the muse-
ums content states the Orabian revolu-
tion and how it was a critical posture in
the Egyptian history, or the 1952th revo-
lution that mainly rejected the royal rule
in Egypt and started the republic era and
so, it is strongly obvious how history is
always written by the stronger. The rul-
ers painted Egypts colorful image in this
phase and printed it in the palace details.

- BoShehab, A. (2014). Abdeen Palace from inside and treasures and restoration [Video
file]. Retrived from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TntN8r6hCtM.
- Shahin, E. (2016). 10 facts you dont know about the palace Abdeen. huffpostarabi.
Retrived from: http://www.huffpostarabi.com/2016/05/08/story_n_9858264.html. (Ac-
cessed 8 April 2017).


One of the huge Egyptian military mu- internal one. The journey started with
seums but also on the Middle East .It is a guide to explain what we see with an
supervised by the Department of Military easy way for kids and adults . The guide
Museums. The official opening date was started with the outdoor area which
at 31,may 2016.The Museum located in contained airplanes and helicopters with
front of the Military Academy at Salah its time line arrangement and with its
Salem street ( el Aroba), behind el Galaa information data like name , type , date
Complex in Almaza Airport. The muse- , type of rocket used , the type of en-
um offers a panorama of the history of gine and the manufacture country all this
the Egyptian Air Force. when you visit data on a metal sign in front the plane. It
the museum it make you proud of our is divided to two parts external part and
history and the way of organizing it . It internal one. The indoor area divided to
is divided to two parts external part and four places with another guide.

with another gaide.He talks about the we can learn more if we used the digital
history and the space how it works . screens and the more interactive it there
the guide started with the hall of Glory was a small screens for kids.On front of
which explain the War of Attrition and the library a great wall with drawing and
the 6 of October War by presenting a paints talks about the history of airplane
stereoscopic film and then a real docu- with a model of Pharaohs plane and the
mentary soundtrack in that time on the story of each one of the Scientists and
wall of this hall pictures to all the Pres- researchers who tray flying and end with
idents and inisters who are involved in balloons how it works. The main hall
military aviation and finally their where starts with the end of the wall it display
interactive digital screens to know more the history of Egyption Air Forse its old
informations about air force captains.The letters , pilots suit, the suits of students
second hall was the library with its old lo- and captains ,air planes engines ,egyption
cal journals ,books , magazines , pictures air force achievment air force base and
on wall for wall types of airplanes which its needs and simulation for diffrent job.

the great things in this hall is models it
make the place interacted with the visi-
tors . After finishing this hall there are a
simulation room which is very creative in
Activating tourism through the vision of
Egypt and its landmarks. The great idea
in this hall is models it make the place
interacted with the visitors . After finish-
ing this hall there are a simulation room
which is very creative in Activating tour-
ism through the vision of Egypt and its
landmarks. The last hall was the martyrs
hall which include all names of the Egyp-
tian Warriors with full data on the screen.
This great museum present Egypt in past
and present by displaying the history with
new ideas of presentation starting from
the form of the museum and structure
.The outdoor area used frame trusses
with large spans to be Suitable for the
function (large airplanes). tation and com-
mitment. This museum represents Egypt
in the period of its victory and defeat in
a distinctive and organized way i think
the main reason for this is that the mu-

seum is under military patronage, which References:
represents the system, accuracy, speed Tour guide ( personal communication,-
of implementation and commitment. The march 13,2017)
distinctive view in the display of infor- note:All the guides in the museum are
mation, date and explanation is suitable graduates from the College of Tourism
for all ages from the interactive screens, and Hotels (Guidance Section) and all
which vary lengths to fit children with the information from them or labeled in the
distinctive presentation of the tools used museum.
in the war until the end simulation .
After the end of the tour of antiques
there was a souvenir shop which con-
tains various gifts at different prices and
different ages. After leaving the building
there are large green spaces, play areas,
restaurants and there is also a safe car


After passing by Al-Gala military med- vision without the help of a professional
ical complex in Sal-ah Salem street, to tour guide, who will be waiting for you at
Cairo airport direction, you will find a the ticket booth. But in order to reach
huge iconic gate with enormous monu- this ticket booth, you have to go along
mental wings. Firstly, you wont recognize a boring straight roadway, which is your
what does that gate represent or even only way to start the actual journey.
what does it symbolize. Is it an airport The Journey starts with a friendly pub-
gate? Or it is just a new residential com- lic space, which contains a cafe and kids
pound gate? Surprisingly, a huge sign will playing area.Then, you will find two forms
rescue you from this confusion - it is the of museum displays, external & internal
Egyptian Air Force Museum. One of the display, where each one represents Egypt
newest military force museums which differently. Firstly, the external gallery
has been opened recently on thirty-one which exhibits a sequential real display
of May 2016 under the chairmanship of of the most popular & powerful airplanes
Egyptian air force institution. Its main used across the history of Egyptian air
goal is offering a panoramic view on the force. Secondly, the internal display which
role of Egyptian air force over the past represents the role and victory of Egyp-
decades. However, you wont decode this tian air force in six of Oct 73 war.

Do you remember Antar w Lebleb contain type of each airplane, manufac-
film? This airplane was used by Ismael ture country, date of entering and leaving
Yassin in that film said by the tour guide the air force, and basic Information about
during the external gallery journey. The each airplane/helicopter.You could recog-
tour guide will try to keep linking dra- nize the development of the Egyptian flag,
matically the displayed airplanes with which marks the tail of each airplane/heli-
their role in the mega events happened copter, with the time-line arrangement of
in Egypt and how those airplanes repre- the airplanes/helicopter.
sent Egypt in the war. Also, he will show After finishing the external display, you
you the first Egyptian airplane which has will recognize that you have been rotat-
been manufactured completely in Egypt, ing around a powerful center where the
the largest transportation helicopter in most technological and powerful three
the world with capacity for 50 soldiers, airplanes in Egypt are displayed.
and the utility helicopter which used for
bringing down the fire.
For more additional information about
airplanes/helicopters, you will find infor-
mation signs stand in front of each display,

Then, its time to complete the
6 journey inside museum building
9 where you will find a detailed
Maquette for the whole muse-
1 um in front of the entrance. In
5 addition, you will find a library
11 and four halls which are: Hall of
3 9 Glory, Martyrs Hall,VIP Hall and
main Exhibition Hall.

1.Entrance Lobby. 2.Musuem

4 9
Maquette. 3.Hall of Glory.
4.Martars Hall. 5.VIP Hall. 6.Li-
brary. 7.Main Exhibition Hall.
7 8.Airplane Simulator. 9.Service
Room. 10.interactive screen.
8 12 11.Airplane Engine. 12.Simula-
tion Room.

By entering the circular-shape hall of
Glory, you will find time-line of personal
portraits for Air Force Captains, placed
along hall circumference. Also, you could
know more information about each cap-
tain through Interactive digital screens. A
short 3D movie about Oct 73 war will be
seen with several emotional scenes. This
hall represents the other center within
the museum, where the role of Egyptian
air force in Oct 73 war appears.

And never think of those who have been

killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rath-
er, they are alive with their Lord, receiv-
ing provision Al-Omran. This verse was
placed along the Martyrs Hall, where
portraits for wars martyrs are immortal.

Within the library, you will find some of

the old local journals which have been
published during Oct 73 war. Also, wood-
en shelves contains several old books and
magazines. On the front wall, you will find
photos for all airplanes, which have been
served in the Egyptian Air Force, and two
interactive digital screens for more infor-
mation about each airplane.

The main halls journey starts from the

museum lobby, where a wall portrait
about the history of the airplane, start-
ing from the Pharos primary tool till the
most technological airplanes now, are
placed in front of the hall entrance. The
L-shaped hall contains different collec-
tions of Egyptian Air Force stuff.

The journey among those collections
could be divided into three parts. Firstly,
historical part which will show you the
history of Egyptian Air Force, starting
from the Royal Air Force 1932 till now,
through old royal letters and pictures
from the thirties. Then several specific
stuff of Egyptian Air Force, among them:
a maquette for a whole Air Force base,
Air Force students, soldiers, captains and
pilots suits development over the years,
airplane simulation and its elements, sim-
ulations for tasks distribution room and
operation room for Oct 73 war. Finally,
a complete zone for Egyptian Air Force
achievements where you will find several
medals of honor, and even ruins of Israel
airplanes which represent the victory.

From the emotional experience above, i
can record the success of this museum in
influencing the visitors to feel the victo-
ries of the Egyptian Air Force. However,
it can represent a dictatorial process for
not being a neutral exhibition. A specific
perceived message was directed to the
visitors, and aimed to be engraved in the
Egyptian history.

Egyptian Air Force Museum. Facebook
Official Page. Retrieved May, 2017 from

Tour guide within the museum was a pro-

fessional flight engineer, not a tour guide
from the ministry of antiquities.


The Childrens Civilization and Creativi- the exhibit development and museum
ty Center -or Child Museum- is located operations . It aims to assist children to
in Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt. First opening learn through an interactive multisensory
was in 1996, and then continued for 12 experience representing the history of
years to reach the maximum capacity.The science in Egypt. The museum won the
museum is covering 4,000 square metres UKs Museum and Heritage International
landscape. It was built by the Heliopolis Award In May 2012. My visit started while
Society for all the children of Egypt. The heading to the museum in Abo Bakr EL
museum was designed by experts from Seddik Street, Heliopolis, with the spec-
Egypt, UK and the USA and built by mu- tacular coloured entrance gate that rep-
seum specialists -mainly KD+P, as the resents a pyramid centralized by many
exhibition designers, were teamed with planets orbits representing the cultures
Mallinson Architects for consultation on of Egypt ancient and modern.

First, I made a tour in the huge garden
which is designed as outdoor exhibition.
The Museum Garden provides an inter-
esting space where the children can do
activities and explore the landscape with
a journey through time and space.
The Nile path is a huge sculpture that
represents how the Nile has changed and
formed Egypt in a giant mosaic. The jour-
ney begins at the fountain that is symbol the Nile. Next the path leads to the
of the source of the Nile in Nubia, with beginning of the drying out of the Nile
some animal statues like dinosaur, hippo Valley, savannah formed, Lion and giraffe
and crocodile, then the journey continues appear along the river bank. Continuing,
to reach the early period of settlement the Nile path reaches the pharaonic pe-
by man, the river banks were still humid riod, the surrounding landscape becomes
jungle and elephants appeared beside desert, an oasis forms a small Egyptian

garden with lotus and papyrus. Then, the
path leads to the medieval Nile village
and the modern landscape of Heliopolis
where the new Museum building and the
cinema is placed. Finally, on passing the
Museum the path leads to the Delta land-
scape, with the Alexandria seaside, and
a covered Roman theatre for outdoor
performances. The garden also has some
living displays, of birds, butterflies and
peacocks. Outdoor classrooms provide
crafts and musical activities, while the
Cinema provides a 3D learning films, and
conference facilities.
After I finished my outdoor journey, I re-
ally was excited to start the indoor one!
The Interior exhibition the museum
building - is divided into four floors with
four different themes and they are con-
nected by a central spiral staircase - the
time ramp - that provides a path from the
basement to the roof. The four themes
are: Where am I from? In the basement how Egyptian culture began in the three
floor, where visitors can explore the hid- seasons of the Nile (flood sow har-
den treasures of Egypt, Who am I? in vest), Where am I going? In the first
the ground floor, where visitors learn floor, where visitors explore the future of

modern Egypt and how you choose to Next, children learn about 2D art and
make a difference, and finally, How can Pharaohs drawings on the walls of tem-
I make a difference? In the roof the ples and obelisks through tracing and co-
dome - Where visitors learn how Egypt louring samples of them. In addition, they
has contributed to modern science and learn about 3D art through huge physical
discovery. model of the temple and putting together
I started with basement floor which some statues.
represent the history and the hidden
treasures of Egypt. First, children watch
a short movie about who the pharaohs
are and how the pyramids were built.
Then they go through a stone corridor
like that represents the pyramids corri-
dors and lead them to a connected small
exhibition halls, where children can learn
about different pyramids names and loca-
tions through physical model, interactive
screens and puzzle map of Egypt.

Finally, children watch a movie about
Tomb of Tutankhamen and learn about
mummification process, ending their
journey in the excavation area where
they can dig up for hidden treasures
Unfortunately, my visit ended before ex-
ploring the other floors of the museum
due to its opening hours which ends at 2
pm, and I wish I could visit all the exhibi-
tion halls as it is really an amazing experi-
ence for all the family.

Kraemer Design + Production. Retrieved April, 2017 from http://www.kd-p.com/

Mallinson Architects & Engineers . Retrieved April, 2017 from http://mallinsonae.

com/Museums/ChildrensMuseum/ Retrieved ( April 2017)

Childrens Civilization and Creativity Center (Child Museum). Retrieved April, 2017
from https://www.facebook.com/CivilizationCreativity/ Retrieved ( April 2017)


Gayer Anderson Museum is located with- ment during the early 1930s. In 1935, a
in a historical context that includes the retried English doctor who had served
mosque of Ahmed Ibn Tulun (263 - 65 in the British army, Major R.G. Gayer An-
A.H./876 - 879 A.D) - located in AlKhali- derson, was allowed to occupy the house
fa - and the Mosque of Sarghatmish (757 under the condition that he leaves all his
A.H./ 1356 A.D.). The museum is divided substantial art collection to the nation
into two houses which were later con- upon his death, which occurred in 1945.
nected through a bridge at the third level The house contains Harmlek and
and they now share the name of Bayt. Salmlek Halls - like any other Islamic
Al Kritlyya. Both of them have an open house in Cairo - in addition to a celebra-
courtyard where rooms and halls are be- tion hall, bride room where the bride
ing distributed among it. The two houses used to get ready for her wedding, birth
were restored by the Egyptian Govern- room, office room, painting room, a large

library and a dining room Anderson ta- glass surface on the top of it. Other an-
ble . Moreover, it contains a Sabil - one tiques such as the interior furniture are
of the main building types that used to being displayed in each room separately.
appear in the Islamic Architecture. The Each room has its own decorations and
museum displays interior furniture from furniture according to the style. No one
different styles, each room is named af- is allowed to touch or use these furni-
ter its style; Indian, Persian, Turkish, En- ture. There is a sign in front of each rom
glish, Pharaonic, Byzantine and Damascus that provide anyone to enter. Moreover,
room. Gayer Anderson Museum have also for each group of antiques one can find a
some art collection displayed in different chart that describes each item. This chart
rooms within the two houses; Old Indian is either hanged on walls or being put be-
portraits, some Quranic verses, Chris- side the piece of art. One of the most
tian crosses and photographs of the old unique antiques that is presented in the
house. Most of these art collections are museum is a table made of marble and
being displayed in a wooden boxes with a having some Quranic verses being carved

on the edge of it. Reaching the top of
the house the Roof - one of the most
amazing places having this unique view
of Ibn Tulun mosque - is a room for dis-
playing some Greek and roman antiques.
An old solar clock is hanged as well on
one of the walls where it used to be used
years ago. On the other side of the roof,
the view is fascinating where one can see
the minarets of both AlSultan Hassan &
AlRefaiee mosque. Not only the view
from the roof is overwhelming but also
the accurate details of the Mashrabyya
over there. The roof of Bayyt AlKritlyya
has a combination of Mashrabyyat that
anyone would love to go there. Beside,
the written quote of La Ellah Ella Allah
- No God except Allah gives it a unique
value and makes the view much more at-
tractive than any other Mashrabbya. that
used to be in other Islamic houses (ka-
mel, 2010).

One of the main components of the mu-
seum is the presence of a Sabil inside
the house. This reflected the culture of
the Egyptian at that time. It also shows
that people were keen to give charity.The
house has witnessed the shooting of two
famous Arabic Films; Bayn ALAsreen &
Wa Islamah. Asater Bayt AlKritlayya
is a published book that talked about
the house. I have seen a cultural layer of
Egypt in a specific era inside the museum.
How the bride used to get dressed and
have her makeup, where would she cele-
brate her wedding and at the same time
enjoy her privacy. Tools being used during
birth. A large library were there as well
in the museum with a variety of books.
The smell of this room had the old smell
of things that ages a bit old. The smell re-
minded me of the old houses in Egypt, like
the one you smell in your grand mothers
old stuff (Noshokaty, 2016).

Before entering the Museum, a lot of se- References:
curity steps are being taken in terms of - Howell, M. (2010, November 20). Gay-
asking too many questions about the rea- er-Anderson Museum: Preserving Egypts
son of the visit. This reflects the secruity Cultural Artefacts. Retrieved April 20,
state in Egypt espically in the historical 2017, from Cairo 360: https://www.cai-
places. Moreover, no one allowed to have ro360.com/article/arts-culture/gayer-an-
a walk in the outdoor space of the muse- derson-museum-preserving-egypts-cul-
um as these spaces were storage rooms tural-artefacts/
and seating areas for the workers and the - Kamel, S. (2010). Egypt Feature Story
ladies who are in charge of cleaning. The The Gayer Anderson Museum in Cairo.
house is considered to be a treasure of Retrieved April 20, 2017, from Tour Egypt:
arts and antiques that shows a layer of http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/
the Egyptian culture and traditions. On gayeranderson.htm
the other hand, one can not gather all - Noshokaty, A. (2016, August 25). Is-
these arts and antiques under one type lamic Cairos Gayer Anderson House
and give it a specific title. or a theme. and Museum: The house of 14 legends.
Only a collection of arts that were col- Retrieved April 20, 2017, from Ah-
lected by Gayer Anderson. ram online: http://english.ahram.org.eg/


P assing by it, I always wondered what

was that building with vegetative
ornaments? The corn crop motif has
Designed initially as a palace, the building
was formerly the palaces of Princess
Fatma Ismael, till King Fouad I initiated the
always been an amuse to my eye with idea of building the largest Agricultural
its kernels detail. To my surprise, the Museum in the world in 1929.The palace
Agricultural Museum of Egypt was not a was commissioned to be re-designed
single museum as guessed, but an abundant to accommodate the exhibition needs
complex, housing several museums, all of a musuem by a team from Hungary,
related to the agricultural nature of (Meyer, 2015). Unfortunately King Fouad
Egypt, including the Cotton Museum, the passed away before the realization of the
Museum of Ancient Egyptian Agriculture, museum, and it was officially opened by
the Agriculture Museum proper, and the his successor son King Farouk in 1934.
Museum of Scientific Specimens, which Interestingly, the museum could be
this article is dedicated to. divided into two museums according to

Scientific Collections

Sheep +Birds Insects


Cattle + Camels Dairy Production


Major Irrigation
Main Nile Valley Model Wedding Procession


Ethnographic Content

its displayed content on both its floors.

The ground floor, from which visitors
enter is mainly dedicated to the depiction
of rural life in Egypt along the Nile valley.
That basic piece of information was given
to me by the only staff person I was able to
find, after spending some time searching
for any guide from where to start.

Most socio-cultural rituals and traditions

are portrayed in life-size dioramas,
preceded with an elongated wooden
model of the Nile Valleys rates of
production of wheat, corn, rice, cotton,
and beans. The second floor is basically
a Natural History Museum, with an
enormous collection of mummified
specimens, models of production and
manufacturing processes.

Weddings and other traditional
celebrations such as Al- Mouled -the
Islamic celebrations of the Birth of
Prophet Muhammed- are also depicted,
and even occupy larger space in display
than everyday scenes.

The diorama-tic models are used to The wedding procession is exhibited

portray pictures from everyday life in along the hall, in the center of the ground
most of Egyptian rural villages. Familiar floor, and naturally lit by the light catchers
scenes such as the coffee-shop is present in the roof. On the side of this huge
in full stage, using furniture, fashion, facial setting is a closed door to a mock-up to a
expressions, and enhanced with painted village house, acting as a colorful stage for
backgrounds on the walls that are meant the wedding ceremony, and named Farah
to provide the scene with aesthetic depth. Ibn Al-`Omda, translates to; The Mayors
Also, rituals that have become taboos in Son Wedding. The house is divided into
our days, like Tattoos. They are present as several rooms, each with different actors.
a historic tradition, and is treasured as a This setting clearly represents the gender
an authentic Egyptian profession. spatial segregation between males and

females in Egyptian society, where the groom, the brides father, and the witnesses are
places in the reception part of the house. Meanwhile the bride, her mother, and all the
other women including the belly-dancer are situated in the inner rooms. The house
model is furnished in floral furniture and painted in colorful walls which are all a way
of representation of the influence of the agricultural nature of the Egyptian villages on
its inhabitants.

Coming to an end of the ground floor
exhibit, a change of character appears,
instead of molded human models,
enormous wooden models occupy
the last hall. The last part of this
anthropological smell is coined with
models of the most prominent water
and irrigation infrastructure projects the
Egyptian region has witnessed including
the High Dam, the Aswan Dam, Al-
Qanater Al-Khayriyya and others.

The question came directly to my mind, if these projects models have been imposed as
nationalized development proofs on the museum in a later stage, probably in the fifties?

Going up the first floor, you are greeted
by horns on heads, and mummified
hazel eyes staring at you, Hanged above
solid, closed doors. It is like entering a
hunters treasury.You are no longer in the
ethnographic museum, but rather into
Egypts Natural History museum, where
everything animal-related is exhibited.

In the open hallway of the first floor, which

is more visually open, and continuous
than the previous floor, there was a large
group of students, occupying the ground,
sketching and capturing the still-life of the
soulless creatures. Walking through the
seated sketchers, amusement takes over
my gaze with the variety and collectives
of the displayed animals, with a shake-off
though of; what does this has to do with
the rural life of Egypt, that was modeled
in the level below?
Abbeying to the palaces original design,
Just before passing the pointy horns, you this floor preserves its continuous
meet a situated model/statue of a dark- configuration of rooms, all interconnected
skinned man cross-legged over his camel, internally, with direct access as well
Sending caution alerts of the possible to the outer hallway. The doors of
imperialistic vision imposed on the some rooms were locked, but had glass
museum, as an idea, and transcending windows, from which you can sneak peak
through its exhibited objects. to what is probably inside. With curiosity

raised up high, finally an attempt to the Egyptian premises. Each with its
access one of the rooms succeed, after own derivatives, assisted with a full
finding one of the closed side secondary documentation of origin, variations,
doors unlocked. The door unleashed a habitat, productivity, and, even diseases. It
wide series of sunny rooms, all packed up was the first time my eyes are exposed
with mummified animals in glass boxes to artifacts documenting the modern
and charts on every part of every wall. agricultural scene of Egypt, which do not
Classified by groups; sheep, poultry birds, belong the times of the ancient Pharaohs.
cattle, camels and horses, and insects.
Each room housed a category. After a long interval of unsensed time
passing subsequently from room to
No clear route is assigned to how you room, the wander is interrupted by the
should see the exhibits. Order is absent.. call of closing down the museum doors
Despite that everything seems so orderly for the day in fifteen minutes. Rushing
organized, a sense of direction is missed out of the door to catch up with what
to guide you through the compactness could be remaining, to find a humongous
of display. The rooms resembled more dinosaur-like whale skeleton standing
of an archive of every living species in along the rest of the hallway.

The out call to clear the place from of production stood as evidence of a
visitors was more of a wake-up call to nations once glorious development -or
realize and capture what really amused painted to look glorious, who knows?
me from the beginning. Not it being Info-graphics played a fit role in catching
the specimens collection, but more the eye. By the size, colors, and, symbols
importantly what display-fully held it. used, it felt like the currently computer
An enormous part of the museums generated info-grams but more
greatness belongs to its detailed furniture interestingly in analogue form.
crafts-ship. A wide range of tailored From the numbers these charts beheld,
display methods orchestrate the space. I can only question how all these once
Each seemingly designed specifically to been the crop rates, infection control
perfectly frame its content. From fixed systems, diseases prevention strategies,
to movable fixtures, all display installation and production methods have all fell to
provided unique readability whether it be extinction from the Egyptian agricultural
object, information related to it, or both profile. The Museum of Agriculture is a
together. In a bigger picture, the manual witness to history. A frozen moment of
charts with numbers and percentages what a nation once beheld, aimed for and
representing the Nile Valleys wide range thrived to surpass.


Davies, C. (2008) The Anatomy of Melan-

choly, Cairos Lost Agriculture Museum. Bi-
doun Magazine, Issue 14.
Retrieved April 9, 2017 from http://bi-

Gordo, A.M. (2010) Untitled3 WAM (World

Agriculture Museum).
Retrieved April 2017, 2017 from http://

Meyer, S.D. (2015) The dimly lit marvels of

Cairos Agricultural Museum.
Retrieved April, 2017 from http://www.

Wilkins, O. (2009) The Agricultural Muse-

um, Cairo, Egypt, Est. 1930.
Retrieved April 2017 from http://mor-


Located in the heart of Historic Cairo its collection covering all the branches
in Bab Al-Khalq square, is the largest Is- of Islamic Art throughout the ages. The
lamic Art museum in the world. It was museum has two entrances both on the
established in 1903 by Khedive Abbas main facade, the side entrance is for ad-
Helmy II, and it houses a large collection ministration part of the museum and it
of objects near to a hundred thousand of has wheelchair access. While the main
Islamic antiques and artifacts of various entrance is centered between show halls.
types collected from India, China, Iran,
The show halls have a chronological ar-
all the way to the Arabian Peninsula, the
rangement along the path of the visit.
Levant, Egypt, North Africa and Andalusia.
This path has a spiral journey around the
The museum is considered to be a bea-
main spine that extends throughout the
con of Islamic Art and Civilization for all
buildings width and intersects with axes
times, due to the breadth of coverage of
of Islamic periods stations in Egypt.

In the plan and in facade with a high arched
tower and large doors aligned with axis of
Entrance indicating the begging of Islamic
era in Egypt (1st Station). The first hall fac-
ing the entrance is meant for introducing
collection of artifacts and in the center
of the hall the visitor can see the key to
Kabaa door in a glass box accompanied
with an important invention work like
a compass Qibla finder made of wood
and painted with lacquered finish show-
ing scene of Holly Masjid of Makkah and
pilgrimage. The next hall is dedicated to
Umayyad and Abbasid period, while the
following three halls were dedicated to
Fatimid period (2nd Station) which was a
crucial period for Egypt, as it was a capital
for their rule.

The next three halls were dedicated to
Ayyubid period (3rd Station) which was
a noticed shift in Egypt role as a leading
capital for large part of islamic region. Af-
ter this section the visitor can see the see
the door that leads to second entrance
and side courtyard garden which also
houses some of show objects. Following
is the (4th Station) Mamluk period with
three halls also dedicated for this period.
The following section is transitional from
Mamluk to Ottoman one hall and from
Ottoman to Muhammad Ali three halls.
This lead to the last crucial section (5th
Station) which is the intersection be-
tween the main path and the oblique axis
representing a shift in the leading role
again for Egypt during the colonizing era.
The remaining show halls were dedicated
for diverse collection of artifacts from
various parts of the Islamic world and
Eastern islamic world. Crafts in general

have developed continuously during the
successive Islamic periods, this develop-
ment was clear in techniques and the
range of materials used in creation of
tools. However, the sources of inspiration
were developed and changed remarkably
through the course of time. They varied
between flowers ornaments, geometrical
shapes, stories and events. Islamic pottery
also witnessed a noticeable development.
Adopting the traditional methods and
techniques of the Chinese family Tang
in the early periods and the following pe-
riods, ceramic was used in many different
uses like dishes, pots, jars, tiles and deco-
rative antiques.
Museum Of Islamic Art, Cairo. (2016). Museum Fly-
er [Brochure]. Author. Retrieved April 3, 2017, from


The National Police Museum is located The second hall was devoted to the his-
inside Salah El-Din El Ayyoub Citadel, The tory of the police in Islamic Egypt, where
museum houses collections that aim to weapons of various eras were displayed
highlight the history of the police from and the police slogans were shouted at.
the earliest ages until our modern history, The museum also features stereoscopic
The museum starts from the flag gate to models representing the struggle of the
the right, including the castle prison and police against colonialism in the January
to the left the second wing of the prison, 25 Mausoleum in Ismailia. The museum
The first of these halls is the police hall also contains reports of police and police
in ancient Egypt, which includes weapons in the most famous crimes committed by
(arrows, shields, arches, ballets and ca- the police in Egyptian history, including a
liphate), as well as paintings highlighting report on the story of Ria and Sakina, as
the activity of the police in ancient Egypt. well as pictures of Raya and Sakina

as well as the story of the Upper Egypt lishment of the Police National Museum
and pictures of El-khot and pictures of in the North West of Salah al-Din Citadel
Egyptian police after his death, The mu- in the area, which was dubbed the Square
seum also displays the tools used by the name of science is characterized by this
Egyptian police through the various ages, site that has many historic buildings, civil
from the Pharaonic era through the Gre- and military, set up a museum of police
co-Roman era to the modern era. as the area contained artillery center set
It also offers some archeological seizures up by Muhammad Ali Pasha in the nine-
by the police. teenth century, As revealed in this area
The Police Museum contains many Egyp- on the tower of Sebaa, which was based
tian security apparatuses, as well as tools on the existence of the upper frieze,
used in the police and police depart- which shows the forms of carved and at-
ments, police uniforms and some pho- tributed to the statue of Peppers, which
tographs of famous police officers and was erected in 1260 AD.
criminals. Region selected for the estab-

Summary of the role of archaeological
investigations and legislation for the pro-
tection of archaeological heritage, as well
as a brief description of Adham Sharqawi
and his activity in the region and some
counterfeit currency and machines used
in forgery and the section of political
assassinations and the battle of Ismailia,
Political assassinations (assassination at-
tempt Gamal Abdel Nasser Pistol brand
Walter - assassination attempt Ahmed
Pasha Khazandar 9mm Barta pistol - as-
sassination attempt of Lord Moyne 9-mm
Luger pistol shot empty - assassination
attempt Ahmed Pasha Maher 9mm Barta
pistol), The most common crimes in the
history of the police The most famous
crimes in the history of the police (a ma-
chine to counterfeit money from steel -
a bag with a collection of plant extracts
and narcotic substances and drugs and is
divided from the inside to eight sections
- the killer / Mahmoud Amin Mahmoud -
Ria and Sakina - Upper khot - the battle
of Ismailia January 25, 1952). The muse-
um displays the development of the po-

lice from the Pharaonic to the modern ted with silver, A silver plate is attached
era. The museum also includes a group of to it, and another layer is placed below
halls, Each hall is dedicated to presenting the handle. The Museum of the Police is a
the history of the police in each age (The witness to sacrifices and a repository of
first of these halls is the police hall in an- historical secrets Among its walls are ev-
cient Egypt containning Weapons dating idences documenting covenants and bat-
back to the Pharaonic era-The second tles in the mind, The Egyptians are proud
hall was dedicated to the history of the of them and boast of internal security.
police in Islamic Egypt, where weapons They speak of the years of defense by the
of various eras were displayed and the security men of their profession and their
police slogans were chanted-and also to oaths. In order to learn more about its
show case modern weapons and police contents, in view of its historical impor-
activities). Napoleon Bonapartes weapon tance, and the efforts of the Ministry of
is similar to a flint-fired firearm from the maintaining security over the past years.
crater. The pipe is decorated with gold References:
ornaments and the other parts are pit- Accessed to . 25/4/2017. 10:45. https://sites.goo-
Accessed to . 25/4/2017. 10:45. https://elnass-


Located in Ramses railway station, the

first railways museum in the middle east
and the second railways museum in the
The museum was founded by king
Fouad the first for the celebration of
the world railways conference which
was held in Cairo on the 3rd of January

After about a decade since it was closed the museum reopened it doors on the 1st
of march 2016 after renovation under the supervision of the ministry of transport
with a budget cost 10 million EGP

The first part of the museum shows the models for the old train cars special the
history the facilities used for nine cars of Al Khedewi Ismail,models
Transportation since the ancient Egyptians for the rotating bridges of the railways
till the start of the railways system in Egypt. and the lanterns used in the either in the
Each era is shown by scaled models, repli- train or in the stations , models for the
cas of real things and pictures. One of the new trains and finally some scaled mod-
most important pieces was a scaled model els for the some of the main railway sta-
for the first plane to land in Egypt coming tions around Egypt.
from Europe on 1930 and a replica for an
airplane motor with its real scale. two real photocopiers were also dis-
played, these photocopiers were used to
The second part is specified for railways print train tickets and brochure related
and the trains, it shows the mechanism of to the trains
the train and how it work by mechanically
working models, then it shows the scaled

The next part is the large scaled model for
different functions done through the rail-
ways, the model was formerly a toy made
for Farghaly Pacha since he was so ob-
sessed with railways, and the he gave it to
the museum.
The last part has two real train cars one
was of Abbas Pacha and the other was
a sectioned engine car to show how the
mechanism was working

The contents were either real models,

scaled models, replicas for some papers
and catalogues shown in glass boxes pic-
tures, or replicas of real things such as the
contract of the project and the tools used
by the conductors of the train which were
displayed in glass boxes.

As for the info graphs it is depending only

on the brief information show under each

The museum also has a library having a
lot of books and catalogue which may
supply anyone interested to go through
old information about the railways.

The experience wasnt not very good the

scenario needs to be rearranged this is On the other side i was positive with ev-
related to the bad supervision of the mu- erything that said that Egypt was so beau-
seum, all the people i saw we either secu- tiful during this era and how we were very
rity or janitors of the museum so even if corresponding to the world we were truly
i wanted to ask about something no one the leaders of the middle east.
was there to answer.
I think people working there are not Did the Egyptians change? Do they real-
keen on this place and do not know how ly were like this or we are looking from
precious this place is. someone else need to point of view?

Arab Academy For Science AASTMT
College Of Engineering And Technology
Architecture and Environmental Design

Presented to
Dr Shaimaa Ashour
Presented by
Abeer Adel
Ahmed Abdelraoof
Ahmed Essam
Mohamed Hegab
Mona Sakr
Noha Osama
Nouran Mohammed
Salma Belal
Summer Shoukry
Design and Compile by
Ahmed Abdelraoof - Salma Belal

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