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Unit 4

Purpose : To entertain or to amused the reader ( untuk menghibur pembaca)

Text Organisation :- Orientation ( begining) consist of:
a. A setting (tempat)
b. Characters (Pelaku)
c. A plot
- A complitation (midlde)
- A resolution (ending)
Language Features : - The use of direct and indirect speech
- The use of pronoun
- The use of past tense
- The use of noun phrases
- The use of adjective
Listen to the cassette and answer the questions.
Tom : Oops, sorry. I am sorry.
Tina : Its OK.
Tom : Oh, your books are wet.
Tina : It doesnt matter. Its my fault.
Tom : Here. Ill wipe your books with my handkerchief.
Tina : No thank you. Its not necessary. Dont worry about it.
Annswer the questions:
1. How did Tina probably feel?
2. What happened to Tina
3. Why did she say No, Thank you

Showing gratitude is common thing to do in english speaking countries. People
show gratitude when they accept or refuse an offer/invitation , and when they receive
compliments / congratulations. However, showing gratitude has different form for each case.
In british english, for excample , it is just not appropriate to say youre welcome as the
response of thanks for the following situation
Bus conductor : one pound fifteen
Passenger : ( gives 1.15)
Bus conductor : Thank you
Passenger .............................: Thank you

It is important to use polite expressions in polite situations. When refusing an

invitation , for instance, you dont simply say No, thank you. Pay attention to the excample
of polite refussal .
Yonas : I was wondering, uh, if theres good movie in the theater, would like to see it with
me tomorrow?
Susan : Thank a lot, but Im afraid not free tomorrow night. ( what about)

Fony : Would you like come to the movie with me tonight?

Miss : Thank you, I love it. But Im afraid, Im sick.

Ways to say it: Expressing thanks

Expressing gratitude:


Thank you. - Thanks.
Thank you very much. - Many thanks.
Thanks a lot.
I thank you. - Im very much obliged to you.
Thank you for your kindness. - Thanks for everything.
Thanks for your help.

Showing gratitude when refusing:

Thanks anyway.
No, thank you.
No, thanks.

Read and listen to these conversations carefully. Pay attention to their intonation. Then,
underline the expressions of showing gratitude

Conversation l
John Smith : Hello, John Smith speaking.
Helen Jones : Hello. This is Helen Jones. May I speak to your sister?
John Smith : She just stepped out. I think shes next door. I can call her if you like.
Helen Jones : No, thank you. Ill phone again later. Good-bye.
John Smith : Good-bye

Where are they? Are they at the same place?
How do they get in touch?

Conversation 2
Mr. Yonas : Excuse me, but can you tell me how to get to the museum?
Mr. Iron : Im afraid I dont know, Im new here myself.
Mr. Yonas : I see. Thanks anyway.
Mr. Iron : Sorry I cant help you.

Where are the speakers?
Do they know each others very well? How do you know?

Conversation 3

Jane : Would you like a little more tea?

Bill : Yes, please.
Jane : Please have another piece of cake.
Bill : Thank you. Uhm, Jane, I heard you were sick so I brought you some fruit.
Jane : Thanks, Bill.
Bill : Youre welcome. By the way, this is for you, Mary.
Marry : For me? Really? Thank you, Bill. Oh, a book! How nice of you! Thanks a lot.
Bill : Dont mention it, Mary. Im very glad you like it.
Marry : Well, how about another piece of cake?
Bill : No, thanks. Its delicious, but Ive had plenty.



Where are they?
Do they know each other well?

Conversation 4
Echa : Oops! Sorry.
Jeli : Its okay. Oh, your books are wet.
Echa : It doesnt matter. Its my fault.
Jeli : Here. Ill wipe your books with my handkerchief.
Echa : No, thank you. Its not necessary. Dont worry about it.

What do the last sentences mean?

Conversation 5
Susan : Im going to the post office. Would you like me to post that letter for you?
Narto : Ill go to the post office myself a little later, so Ill take it. Thanks anyway.

What do the last sentences mean?

Conversation 6
Paul : Hi, Vena, are you busy tonight?
Vena : No. Why?
Paul : Well, Im giving a farewell party for Tom. Can you come?
Vena : Yes, Id love to. What time is it going to be?
Paul : At seven oclock tonight.
Vana : All right. I wont miss it. Thank you.

First Challenge. Listen to the following text. Then, answer the questions
LUCY : Hello Yustita!
TITA : (Lucys voice surprised me. Why? She never comes so early like this morning.
She usually comes a few minutes before the bell rings.)
Hi! What is wrong? You dont look yourself today. Why did you come so early
LUCY : My father gave me a lift. By the way, have you heard anything about Elsa?
TITA : What is the matter with her?
LUCY : Havent you heard? Everyone at school has.
TITA : What is it? Would you tell me, please?
LUCY : OK. She is falling in love with Iwan. Dont you know? She is your classmate,
isnt she?
TITA : You are kidding! I cant believe it is true. As far as I know, she is a calm girl.
But how about Iwans response?
LUCY :Wow . I dont know. Please ask yourself. Iwan and you belong to the same
volleyball club, dont you? But I think he pays no special attention to her. Since
. he loves
somebody else.
TITA :Who is she?
LUCY :Well.youd better ask him yourself. The bell will be ringing soon.


TITA :(Lucy is not my classmate. She is in the IPA (science) department while I am in
the language department. The break finally ended. One by one, my friends
entered the classroom. It was very noisy in the classroom. The teacher was
absent and there was no special assignment.)
ELSA : Tita . Are you going to play volleyball this afternoon?
TITA :Yes, what can I do for you?
ELSA :I want to give this letter to Iwan. Will you help me give it to him?
TITA : Yes I will. Believe me. I am as good as Mr. Postman.
ELSA :Thanks a lot for your help.
TITA :No problem.
(In the afternoon, I met Iwan in the volleyball court. He was smiling when I
approached him)
Iwan .
IWAN :Yes? Whats wrong?
TITA :Here is a letter for you.
IWAN :Who is it from?
TITA :Please read it yourself.
IWAN :Well, is it from your close friend?
TITA :Right.
(Iwan was smiling when he looked at me. I was a bit annoyed by his smile. A
week had passed when Elsa came to me and asked about her letter.)
ELSA :How about the letter? I wondered why he hasnt answered it yet.
TITA :Im afraid I dont know. I havent met him for a week. But I promise that I will
ask about it as soon as I meet him.
ELSA :Dont forget it, Tita.
TITA :(One evening Iwan dropped by my house to return a book which he borrowed a
few days before.)
Iwan, have you answered Elsas letter I gave you a few days ago?
IWAN :Sorry, I have had no time to write it. Id rather say . I dont love her, but I
do love someone else.
TITA :May I know who?
IWAN :Well, you will know everything soon. Sorry, . I must be off now. Give my best
regards to your parents. See you tomorrow
TITA :Yes, I will. See you.
(When I was studying that evening, I found a letter in the book which Iwan
returned. I was really surprised when I read it .
IWAN :Dear Yustita Indriani,
Thanks a lot of your kindness. But I am very sorry to let you know that I do
not love your friend.
If you really want to know the girl who I like best, her name is YUSTITA
INDRIANI, the one who is reading this letter now.
Yes, Tita, I do love you. I have wanted to say it to you directly, but you
never gave me a chance to do so.
Well, Im waiting for your answer, dear.
With love,
Iwan Pradita

TITA :(Oh, my God! What must I do? Do I like him? Maybe, but how about Elsa? She
is my classmate and my good friend. It hurts to know this. Oh, no. I will not
do it. And tomorrow I will tell him. I must find time to say it.


Iwan.I dont mean to hurt you. I cant love you. Please dont hate me. Lets be
friends till the end of time, but dont love me.I cant do that, you know. Oh God,
help me explain it to him. I really dont know what I will do if I meet Elsa


Direct speech Indirect Speech
Imperative (Positive)
1. Go away He told me to go away
2. Bring me a book She asked her to bring him a book
Imperative Negative
1. Dont do that He asked me (her, us, atc. ) not to do it
2. Dont clean it yourself He told me not to clean it myself
I am very sorry He said that he was very sorry
I lost my temper yesterday He told me that he had lost his temper the
day before
WH question
Where are you going? He asked her where she was going
How did you do this I wanted to know how you had done that

Yes/No questions
Are you enjoying yourself? He asked me if/whether I was enjoying
Can you hear me myself
She wanted to know if/whether I could hear
What a lovely house! She remarked what a lovely house it was.
Hello! Where are you going? He greeted me and asked me where I was
Oh dear! Ive torn my skirt. going
She exclaimed sadly that she had torn her

Change the following sentences into reported speech with an introductory verb in the past
1. so, what is the smile for? Something funny?, She asked me fiercely
2. You seem Prettier when you are angry., I answered
3. You are crazy!! she cried
4. I know Im Crazy. But do you know who make me crazy? Who makes me like this.
5. You do! I said firmly
6. Ive never seen you cry before, Lina.
7. Tom, I dont mean to hurt you., She said nervously.
8. I see, you are a nice girl. Stop crying please.
9. Ok, Lina. We can meet again at school tomorrow
10. Wait a minute. Tom , Lina stopped me.


Listen to the following . Then annswer thw questions
I Did Not Mean
To Hurt You

Hello Yustita! Lucys voice surprised me. Why not? She never comes so early like this
morning. She usually comes a few minutes before the bell rings.
Hi! What is wrong? You dont look yourself today. Why did you come so early today?
My father gave me a lift. By the way,. have you heard anything about Elsa?
What is the matter with her? I asked. Havent you heard? Everyone at school has, she
What is it? Would you tell me, please? I begged her.
O.K., She is falling in love with Iwan. Dont you know? She is your classmate, isnt she?
You are kidding! I cant believe it is true. As far as I know, she is a calm girl. But how
about Iwans response? I asked her.
Wow......I dont know. Please ask him yourself. Iwan and you belong to the same Vollyball
club, dont you? But I think he pays no special attention to her. Since......he loves somebody
else, She replied.
Who is she I asked.
Well...... youd better asked yourself. The bell will ringing soon, She answered hurriedly
and ran to her classroom.
Lucy is not my clssmate. She is in the IPA (science) deprtment when I am in the language
The break finally ended. One by one, my friends entered the classroom. It was very noisy in
the classroom. The teacher was absent and there was no special assignment.
Tita......... Are you going to play volleyball this afternoon? Elsa Asked.
Yes, what can I do For you?
I want to give this letter to Iwan. Will you help me give me to him?? Elsa begged me.
Yes, I will. Believe me. I am as good as Mr. Postman, I said with smile.
Thanks for your help.
No problem.
In the afrternoon , I met iwan in the volleyball court. He was smilling whe I approached him.
Iwan......I called.
Yes, what is wrong?He came to mewith smile.
Here is the letter for you,I said while handing it to him.
Who is it from Iwan requested.
Please read yoursrlf. I said.
Well, is it from your friend?
Right,I Replied shortly.
Iwan was smilling when he looked at me. I was a bit annoyed by his smile.
A week has passed when Elsa came to me and asked about her letter.
How about the letter?I Wander why he hasnt answered it yet.
I am afraid I dont know. I havent met him for a week. But I promise that I will asked
about it soon as I meet him.
Dont forget it Tita.
One evening Iwan dropped by my house to return a book which he borrowed a fews days
Iwan, have you answered Elsas letter I gave you a few days ago?
Sorry,.I have had no time to write it. Id rather say. I dont love her, but I do love
someone else, He replied.
May I know,Who?


Well you will know everything soon. Sorry,.I must be off now. Give my best regards to
your parents . see you tomorrow.
Yes, I will. See you.
When I was studying that evening, I found a letter in the book which Iwan returned. I was
really very surprised when I read it..
Oh my God! What should I do? Do I like him? Maybe, but how about Elsa?she is my
classmate and my good friend. It hurts to know this. Oh, no. I will not do it. And tomorrow
I will tell him. I must find time to say it.
Iwan.I dont mean to hurt you. I cant love you. Please dont hate me. Lets be friends till
the end of time, but dont love me.
I cant do that, you know. Oh God, help me explain it to him. I really dont know what
I will do if I meet Elsa tomorrow.)

Dear Yustita Indriani,

Thanks a lot of your kindness. But I am very sorry to let you know that I do not
love your friend.
If you really want to know the girl who I like best, her name is YUSTITA
INDRIANI, the one who is reading this letter now.
Yes, Tita, I do love you. I have wanted to say it to you directly, but you never
gave me a chance to do so.
Well, Im waiting for your answer, dear.
With love,
Iwan Pradita

Answer questions
1. What kind of short story is it?
2. What is the story about?
3. Who are the characters of the story?
Write a summary of the previous story (I didnt mean to Hurt you) in your own words.
The storybegins with when Lucy told Yustita tha
The conflict arose when Elsa asked Yustita to give a private letter to Iwan.
Yustita found the reason why Iwan did not answer Elsas letter.


Subjective Objective Possessive Possessive Reflexive Meaning/Arti
pronoun pronoun adjective pronoun emphaty
I Me My Mine myself Saya
You You Your Yours Yourself Anda
He Him His His Hisself Dia(L)
She Her Her Hers Herself Dia (p)
It It Its Its Itself Dia (Benda)
We Us Our Ours Ourselves Kami/kita
They The Their Theirs theirselves mereka

I like that book
He give me a book
That is my book
The book is mine/ That is mine
I bought it by myself

Fill in the blanks with the right pronoun.
Friday morning, I reach school at about six-fifteen. There still wasnt anyone there, or so (1)
..thouhgt. I calmly walked to (2)___ classroom. But as I passed the back window
of my classroom I suddenly stopped.
There was somebody in the room. A girl, and I was knew (3)___. (4)____was drawing
something on the blackboard Slowly I entered the class by the back door. I sat on a chair on
the corner. I smiled as (5)__ relized that(6)___was drawing. She was drawing me. I had no
idea that (7)___ was good at drawing. It resembled (8)__so closely that I almost spoke up.
Fortunately, though, I kept my silence. I didnt want to disturb her. Let her finished the
picture and after that I will ask her some question , I said to myself.
Finished? I asked (9)___. When she had stopped drawing. She was so surprised
that (10)____ face immediately turned red. She looked at me angrily. We said nothing for a
moment. I could see that (11)___was a very good looking girl. But (12)____face full of
anger. I tried to smile as nicely as I could.


Unit 5
Purpose : To describe a particular person/thing
Text organization : - Identification
(Mention the name, occupation, profession, and carrier
- Description
(Mention the physical features, the way she/he dresses and his/her
personality )
Language Features : -The use of adjective and compound adjective
e.g. - Debby is brown skinned
- Debby looks attractive and beautiful
- The use of linking verbs
e.g. She always appear young
- The use of attributive has and have
Say it Right
Feathers -fur -paws
Claws -whiskers -pet shop
Aquarium -scales -beak
Read the text below. Then answer the question
Among Pets., I like dog the best because they are tame animals and they can be trained as a
mans friend. I have a wonderful dog. I named him Volvo.
You know Volvo is the male dog. He is a Pomeranian dog and it is aboutuhn
two years old. That right two years old.
My dog is great. He has grayish-white fur, small ears, and cone-shaped mouth. His
paw are strong.
Well my dear Volvo is a clever dog. He always bark loudly and noisily when there is
stranger coming to my house. You know what? He also can do many thing such as siting
down quietly, bringing the newspaper to me, standing on his two hind feed, and shaking my
I always take him to a grooming salon twice a month to have him bathed and to trim
his fur neatly. Volvo eats dogs food, fresh milk and uhmdrinks fresh milk. I dont let him
eat bone because they are not good for him
1. What is the subject description in the text above?
2. Who is Volvo?
3. What does Volvo look like?
a. His fur
b. His ears
c. His mouth
d. His paws
4. What make Volvo different from other dog?

Moving Forward
Part A. First Challenge. Listen to the cassette and fill in the blanks.

Do you like birds? Do you have one at home? I have one. Its a cockatoo. Its the
most (1) ____________ bird I have ever had. I call it BB. Well, BB is originally
(2)_________ to the Philippines. BB has a stiff feathered crest and (3)___________ hooked
beak. Her body size lies between 30 and 32 centimeters. You see, BB is a (4)_________
cockatoo. She is clever at mimicking a humans (5)________. She can say, Good morning.
How are you today? or sing Twinkle, twinkle little stars. She (6)________ very loudly


when she is (7)_________. Every body finds her (8)________ BB has (9)__________
feathers. She has blue feathers with bright markings. The combination of blue, orange and
pink makes her look cute. You know what, she can (10)__________ up two ears of corn
every day and she drinks a lot of water.
Answer the questions below
1. What is BB?
2. What does it look like?
3. Is she a clever cockatoo
4. What does she eat?
5. Where does the bird come from?
6. How big is BB?
7. What is the speakers purpose in thi spoken text?

Part B. Listen to Belle again. While listening, check () the boxes. Then, answer the

Do you like birds? Do you have one at home? I have one. Its a cockatoo. Its the
most beautiful bird I have ever had. I call it BB. Well, BB is originally native to
Philippines. BB has a stiff feathered crest and powerful hooked beak. Her body size lies
between 30 and 32 centimeters. You see, BB is a clever cockatoo. She is clever at mimicking
a humans speech. She can say, Good morning. How are you today? or sing Twinkle,
twinkle little stars. She whistles very loudly when she is cheerful. Every body finds her
amusing. BB has wonderful feathers. She has blue feathers with bright markings. The
combination of blue, orange and pink makes her look cute. You know what, she can finish up
two ears of corn every day and she drinks a lot of water.

1. How did the speaker start the story? greeting Telling the topic
2. Who is the subject of the description? BB Belle
3. How big is the cockatoo? 30-32 cm 13-32
4. What can the cockatoo do? Mimicking a humans face singing
5. How did the speaker end the story? Saying thanks No closing

When we describe a person, we commonly mention the general features first.
e.g: Aulia is tall and fair. She is slim and beautiful and has long black hair.

The following groups of words and phrases contain characteristic for a general description.
Look over them
Complexion : fair, Dark
e.g: - Whitney has a dark complexion but Julia has a fair complexion
- Whitney is dark - skinned but Julia is fair skinned
Height : tall, short, of average height, of medium height
e.g: -Tony is tall but Peter is medium high
- Fanny is not short but she is average height


Age : old , young, elderly, middle aged, older than his/her age, younger than his/her
e.g :- Paul is 24 years old but he looks older than is age
- My aunt, Susan is an elderly woman
- My aunt is 30 years old, but she always appear younger.
Build/Figure : small, tiny, diminutive, big, stocky, stout, muscular, straight, bent, skinny,
slim, slight, slender, plump, fat, obese, straight
e.g : The old woman has diminutive and bent body
The soldiers body is straight and muscular.
Looks : attractive, beautiful, greet looking, charming, pretty, cute, cool, sexy, plain,
unattractive, ugly.
e.g : Jeli Looks beautiful with her red lips
Paul is cute and cool young man
Part of Human Body (compound adjective)
For hair: brownish-black hair For leg : long-legged
Pitched-black hair style footed
Grayes-haired Knock -knee
Blonde hair
For eyes: bright eyes Others: bald-headed
Cross eyes middle -age
Far sighted broad-sholdered
Hear sighted clean-shaven chin
Amond-shape eyes
One-eyed man
Pencil-thin eyebros
Work in pair, Fill in the blanks with appropriate compound adjectives. Number one has
been done for you.
1. Agni so was bright-eyed when she heard she was nominated as the best of the years.
2. Mr. Adam always appear neat with his____________because he always shaves every
two days.
3. As a postman, Arnol is________
4. Mr. Darma is no longer young. He is___________________man
5. She really look beautiful in her_____________
6. Anitas hair is no longer________________ she coloring it

Think about it. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks
Anisa : Wow! Thats a (1)_______dress, Dinahyu. Is it new?
Dinahyu : Yes, it is. (2)____________.
Anisa : The color and the model (3)_____________________ on you.
Dinahyu : Oh, do you really think so? I am really fond of this dress.
Anisa : Did you make it yourself?
Dinahyu : Certainly not, Anis. My aunt gave it to me as a birthday gift.
Anisa : Did she? What a (5)__________________________ you have!


Ways to say it: Expressing compliments

Expressing compliments
Thats a lovely cake. - That was a nice lunch.
You look good in that dress. - What a lovely garden.
Youre really a good cook. - Youve done a great job.
You did it very well. - Well done. Youre doing just fine.
Youre doing great.
Responding to compliments
Thank you. -Im glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks. Do you really think so? - Thank you very much. Its nice of you to say
Im glad you like it. - Thanks a lot.
You : Hi, Sari! How are you things?
Sari : Fine, and you?
You : Im feeling great today. How was your weekend at the beach?
Sari : Terrific! We had a lovely time there.
You : Really? Hey, what a beautiful blouse you are wearing. It matches your skin.
Sari : Thanks, my mother gave it to me on my birthday
You : Wow, thats wonderful. Oh, sari, I almost forget. Can I asked you something?
Sari : Oh, sure. Whats up?
You : Have you finished typing the annual report we made last week?.
Sari : Yes, mean this.
You : Yeah!, Hm, I think this report is excellent. Thanks a lot Sari. You did a great job.
Now I have to give it to the director immediately
Sari :Ok. Youd better hurry. He may be waiting for it.
You : Well, he probably is. Thank again , sari. Have a nice day.

Dian, a three year old girl, has been reported missing. She has short curly hair and
dimples when she smiles. She was last seen wearing a white shirt and red shorts.
If you see a child who looks like the little girl , please called the nearest police
station or Mr. Jeckly at 9333333-33333


Unit 6

Stage 1
Getting Started

Part B. Listen to a student talking about her school. Fill in the blanks.

Let me tell you about my school. My school is located in a 1. ____________ near Mahakam
Street. It is near the 2._________________. It is one of the 3._______________ in our town.
Uhmmy school is not4. __________________. The 5. __________is in front of the school
building. Oh yes, I almost forget, it has a cozy 6.______________ at the back and 27 large
classrooms to study. There is a large 7.__________________ in the middle. Two toilets, one
for males and the other for females. And of course, it has 3 (8).____________ for chemistry,
biology, and physics. The school building consists of (9)____________________________,
upper classrooms and lower classrooms. (10)._____________ is the students most favorite
place. Thats all about my school.
Your Assignment
Underline the adjective use in the spoken text above
Talk about the location of these place in your school
Jely : could you tell me where the canteen is?
Paul : It is beside the music room, at the end corridor
Canteen parking area for teacher
Court parking are for the student
Field teachers office
Toilet SMAs class atc.

Ways to say it
Asking for information
Id like to know . - Im interested in ..
Could you tell me .? - Do you know .?
Could you find out ? - Could I ask ?
Do you happen to know ?
Id say - Could it be
Perhaps its - I think its
It looks like - Its difficult to say, but Id guess
Right or wrong
Thats right. - Right. - OK.
Yes. - Exactly!
No, Im afraid not. -Not quite. - Youre close.
I dont know. - Im not sure.
When you are surprised:
Really! -Are you joking?
Oh? - Where? Show me.
I cant see that. - Goodness!


Grammar in Action
Ways to say it
Useful phrases to express location:
to face (is facing, faces) -to be opposite (is opposite, are opposite)
on, at, in - under, beneath
over, on top of - at the top of, on the site of, at the bottom of
inside - outside
beside, next to, near, in between -in back of, in the middle of, in front of
(to)(on) the left (of),(to)(on) the right (of) -across from
(at)(on) the corner of - at the end of
to be located (is located) - to be situated ( is situated)
to lie (lies, lie)

Ways to say it: Expressing congratulations

Expressions of congratulations:
Congratulation on your promotion.
May I congratulate you on winning the contest?
I must congratulate you on your success.
Please accept my warmest congratulations on your wedding day.
I congratulate you on your being admitted in one of the favorite senior high schools in
our district.
Please accept my heartiest congratulations.

Respond to congratulations:
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Moving Forward

Say It Right
Million -climate -district -high-rise -open space
Unique -business - antique -section -duty free
Restaurant -weather - European
Part A. First Challenge. Listen to this monolog and fill in the blanks. Then, answer the

Have you ever visited Singapore? Well, if you havent, let me tell you about Singapore.
Singapore is an 1.____________. city. Its population is about three millions people. Most
Singaporeans live in high-rise 2._____________
UhmSingapore is a beautiful city with lots of parks and open 3.__________. It is
also a very clean city. You know, the business 4.__________ is very modern, with lots of tall
and new 5._________________.
Now, let me tell you about the old section of the city. In Chinatown, there are rows of
old shop 6.____________. The government buildings in Singapore are also very
7._________ and 8._____________. They date from the British 9.____________ days.


Shopping! Wow, this is the part that I like very much! Singapore is 10.____________
for its many good shopping centers. Most of the goods are duty free. Its a heaven for
What about food? Uhmm ..yummy..yummy. Its 11.____________. Singapores
restaurants 12.____________ Chinese, Indian, Malay, and European food, and the prices are
quite 13._______________. I bet youll like it.
Well, since Singapore lies near the equatorial line, of course, it has a tropical climate,
with a nice weather in both dry and 14.____________________season.

Look at the following invitation card. Complete the dialogue with congratulation expression.
Then answer the questions.
Mr. Jacksion : Well Mr. Sunton, ,________________on the opening your new brance office.
Mr. Sunton : Oh,___________________ Mr.Jakson. Im glad you could come . I really
appreciate you.
Mr. Jakson : Thank you. By the way, how many brance do you have now, Mr. Sunton?
Mr. Sunton : Uhm. For all together, this is the four one
Mr. Jakson : Well, you have done a greet job, Mr. Sunton_________________once again
and all to best to you.
Mr. Sunton :________________

The chairman and Director

Of General Marcantile Ltd.
Request the presence of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jakson

To the opening ceremony of

The branch of General Mercantie
at 300, Victoria street, London. E.C. at 7. Pm
on Thursday, 1st April 2007.

Evening dress RSVP To the secretary

1. What is the invitation about?

2. Who were invited to the opening ceremony?
3. Who had the opening ceremony?
4. Where and when the opening ceremony held?
5. What did the guests wear on that occasion?

Part B. Second Challenge. Listen to the following conversation. While listening, fill in
the blanks. Then, answer the questions.

Belle :
Have you ever been to Singapore? Im 1.__________ there in June.
Mike :
Actually, I was there last April.
Belle :
You were? 2._________. What was it like?
Mike :Oh, its terrific. Singapore is a 3.___________ city with lots of parks and open
spaces. The city is so clean, and you know what, the business district in Singapore is
very modern, with lots of tall buildings everywhere.
Belle : Where did you go, Mike?


Mike : Sentosa Island, Esplanade, Chinatown, Kampung Melayu in Bugis Street, Orchard
Road, 4.______________ district.
Belle : Sounds great! And how did you go around the city?
Mike : Its easy. I 5.____________ MRT. Its one of the cheapest transportation choices in
Belle : How about the food? What is the best food in Singapore?
Mike : Well, you can find Chinese, Indian and Malay foods at 5.___________ prices
Belle : 7._____________. I also want to buy a camera. Where do you think I should go?
Mike : Well, there are lots of camera shops in the Orchard District with an excellent
selection. You can go there.
1. What is the topic of the conversation?
2. How did make describe Singapure?

Hand in Hand

Part B. Active Listening. Still in pairs, listen to the tape and complete this text.


Do you know the (1)_____________ of England? Right. London is the capital of the
United Kingdom.
Look at the map carefully. Here is London. Can you see it? It is (2)__________ in
(3)__________ England along the Thames River. London is a (4)_________city with a
population of about 7 millions. It is the largest city in Europe. Although it is no longer
(5)___________among the worlds most populous cities, London is still one of the worlds
major financial and cultural capitals.
Are you still with me? OK, thank you. Lets continue. Londons climate is generally
(6)__________and (7)___________ although it can be (8)___________. London is one of the
(9)__________parts of Britain. However, the weather is generally cloudy, and sometimes it
rains on half the days of the year. With the (10)_______________ in July of about 18 C
(about 64 F), London has warmer summers than most of the island. Its (11)____________
during winters in London. (12)___________ frequently develops in winter.
Now let me tell you about the city. Londons metropolitan area (13)____________ for
more than 30 miles. Most of Central London is located north of the Thames. It
(14)__________the City of London, the City of Westminster, and (15)___________ in the
West End. The City of London is the heart of the city. The City of Westminster is the
(16)_____________ of the national government.

Grammar Action


Degree of Comparison
Positive degree / setara, sama, biasa
Comparative/ lebih
Superlative / paling
One syllable / satu suku kata
Positive degree : as.as
- Echa as tall as Jely
- Echa sa old as Jely
Comparative : .+ er + than
- Echa is taller than Echa
- Echa is older than Jely
Superlative : the + + est
- Echa is the tallest in our class
- Olga is the oldest among us
Two Syllable / dua suku kata
Positive degree : as..as
- Echa as clever as Jely
- Echa as simple as Jely
Comparative : .+ er + than
- Echa is cleverer than Echa
- Echa is simpler than Jely
Superlative : the + + est
- Echa is the cleveretest in our class
- Olga is the simplest among us
More than two syllable
Positive degree : asas
- Echa is as beautiful as Jeli
Comparative : more + + than
- Echa is more beautiful than Jely
Superlative : The most ..
- Echa is the most beautiful among us

Irregular Adjective and Adverb

Positive degree Comperative Superlative
Good/ well better best
Bad/ hadly/ill worse worst
Many much more most
Little less least
Late later latest
Far farther farthest
Old older/elder oldest/eldest

Gunung Abang is 1717 meter high
Gunung Batur is 1717 meter high
Gunung Agung is 3752 meter high
Gunung semeru 5430 meter high

Unit 7


News Item
Purpose : To inform readers , listeners, or viewers about events of the day
which are considered
Text Organization :

Stage 1
Getting Started
Say it Right
Listener -tune
Submarine - newsworthy
Evidence - catastrophe

Part B. Active Listening. Listen to the following news. While listening, complete the
missing words with the words you hear. Then, answer the questions.

Good morning listeners. Its ten oclock in the morning and youre listening to
Headline News in 007 Archid FM. Im Mike Tjokro. The first newsworthy event comes from
Moscow. A Russians journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe,
which killed ten sailors and contaminated an entire town.
Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the
explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of Shkotovo 22, near Vladivostock.
The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread
radioactive fallout. The base and nearby town, were covered up by officials of the Soviet
Union. Residents were told that the explosion was in the reactor of the Victor submarine. It
was said to be a thermal and not nuclear explosion. Those involved in the clean up operation
to remove more than 600 tons of contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.
A board of investigators were later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of
the Soviet Navy.
OK listeners, thats the first news for today. I am coming back soon with some other
important news. So, stay tuned to 007 FM Archid Radio Station.

Ways to say it: Expressions used in an interview

Opening the interview:

Good afternoon.
Excuse me, I didnt quite catch your name.
Have a good time.
Thanks for your .
It is a big surprise.
I congratulate you on .
Asking for information:
Could I ask?
Where was it?
Im calling to find out .
Do you realize that
Actually .
Well, let me see .


First/then/after that/at the end

Ways to say it
The expressions used to say believe or not believe are:
Asking if you believe or not:
Do you believe it?
Wouldnt you believe it?
Can you imagine that?
You dont believe it, do you?
Dont you think its odd that ?
Responding to believe or not:
No, I dont believe it. -Are you serious?
Are you joking? -Are you kidding?
You must be joking/kidding! - Oh, no! Thats not true!
You dont say! - Seeing is believing.
Woman : Do you believe that a letter can reach your hand in 45 years?
Man : You must be joking. Why would it take that long to reach a person? What

Ways to say it: Expressing being surprised

Telling surprising news:
Guess what! -Surprise!
Ive got news for you. -Do you know what?
You wont believe it!
Responding to believe or not:
Oh, no. Thats not true. - You dont say.
Really? That sounds interesting. - Really? Its surprising that.
Seeing is believing. - Good heavens.
My goodness! -This is really a surprise!

Moving Forward
Part A. First Challenge. Listen to the news. While listening, fill in the blanks.

Hello, listeners, youre still with me Mike Tjokro from 007 FM Archid, the one and
only radio station for all. Thanks for joining with us again. The latest news for today comes
from Kendari, southeast Sulawesi. It is about the Kendari SAR team that have found three
more victims. Here is the news in detail.

On Thursday a search-and-rescue team found three more victims from a ship that sank
in the Banda Sea. They had been missing since the accident occurred on Friday last week.
They were Aris Triono, the captain of the Amami Cargo ship, Yakub, a crew-man, and
Suharto, a passenger.
They were found on Thursday floating in waters close to Menui Island, Central
Sulawesi province. The province is adjacent to the southeast Sulawesi province and the
Banda Sea.
Two other victims were earlier saved by the SAR team in the Banda Sea on Saturday
last week, only a day after the ship sank due to bad weather.
The SAR team is still searching for ten crew members and a passenger still missing
from the incident, said Rocky Asikin, the head of Kendari SAR team.



Hand in hand

Part B. Second Project. Listen to the following news. Pay attention to the newscasters
intonation. Then, work in groups to complete the following news using your own words.
Read it in front of the class.

Actress and model Cindy Maroon has been banned from visiting Tom who has been
sentenced 15-year jail in an island prison, on Thursday.
The head of the Central Java Justice and Human Rights Office, Marsono banned her
visit after hearing with members of legislative.
He said Cindy, who divorced businessman Setiawan Djodjon in 1999, visited Tom
and stayed for two days.
Marsono said he then ordered prison warden, Sugiharyatmo, to ban the actress from
visiting Tom.
Tom was jailed for 15 years for graft and order for murder of a judge.



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