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Access to and Use of Health Services Among

Undocumented Mexican Immigrants in a US Urban Area
I Arijit Nandi, MPH, Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH, Gerald Lopez, JD, Vijay Nandi, MPH, Stacey Strongarone, JD, and Danielle C. Ompad, PhD

Between 1990 and 2000, the United States at-

tracted almost one third of the world's immi- Objectives, We assessed access to and use of health services among Mexican-
grants, and the total number of foreign-bom born undocumented immigrants living in New York City in 2004.
residents in the United States increased by Methods, We used venue-based sampling to recruit participants from loca-
tions where undocumented immigrants were likely to congregate. Participants
57%.'-^ Contributing to the overall increase in
were 18 years or older, born in Mexico, and current residents of New York City.
the foreign-bom population has been a rapid The main outcome measures were health insurance coverage, access to a regu-
rise in the number of undocumented immi- lar health care provider, and emergency department care.
grants living in the United States. Since the Results, In multivariable models, living in a residence with fewer other adults,
mid-1990s, more undocumented than legal linguistic acculturation, higher levels of formal income, higher levels of social
immigrants have arrived each year.^ These support, and poor health were associated with health insurance coverage. Fe-
trends hold true for people arriving from Mex- male gender, fewer children, arrival before 1997, higher levels of formal income,
ico, the leading country of birth among foreign- health insurance coverage, greater social support, and not reporting discrimina-
bom residents ofthe United States. As of tion were associated with access to a regular health care provider. Higher levels of
March 2004, approximately one half of Mexi- education, higher levels of formal income, and poor health were associated with
emergency department care.
cans living in the United States were undocu-
Conclusions, Absent large-scale political solutions to the challenges of un-
mented, accounting for 5.9 million (57%) of
documented immigrants, policies that address factors shown to limit access to
the 10.3 million undocumented immigrants es-
care may improve health among this growing population. (Am J Public Health
timated to be living in the United States.^ 2008:98:2011-2020. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2006.096222)
Identifying cind studying undocumented im-
migrants is so challenging that a paudty of evi-
dence exists about the health status of undoc- undocumented Mexiccin immigrants living in New York City who reported being bom in
umented immigrants in the United States.^ The New York City, where the Mexican foreign- Mexico. Partidpants were recruited in com-
best available evidence suggests that undocu- bom population increased by 275% between munities with large populations of Mexican
mented immigrants may represent a vulnerable 1990 and 2000.^' The Behavioral Model for immigrants. Venues were selected by a 2-
population at higher risk for disease and injury Vulnerable Populations^^ was used as a theo- step procedure. First, we used US Census
than either documented immigrants or nave- retical framework for our hypothesis that the data to identify the 12 neighborhoods in the
bom US citizens.''^"'^ Yet, despite early recogni- likelihood of health insurance coverage, ac- dty, as defined by the New York City De-
tion of the potential vulnerability of undocu- cess to a regular health care provider, and partinent of City Planning, with the highest
mented immigrants and their rapidly increasing emergency department care among undocu- concentrations of Mexican immigrants.^'^'
prevalence in the United States, the determi- mented immigrants living in New York City Second, we conduded at least 2 walk-
nants of access to and use of health services in is shaped by a hierarchy of predisposing throughs of all streets in each of the 12
this group remain poorly understood.'^' Most characteristics. These characteristics indude neighborhoods on different days and at
research about access to health services among temporally distal determinants such as sodo- different times of day to identify neighbor-
undocumented immigrants has used samples demographic factors (e.g., education) and im- hood venues with heavy volumes of foot
of immigrants of diverse origins and of vary- migration fadors (e.g., year of entry into the traffic that might prove amenable to con-
ing immigration status; although these studies United States) and are likely to influence ac- ducting interviews.
generally find that the legal status of undocu- cess to health services through more proxi- Outreach workers trained in data collec-
mented immigrants is an important barrier to mal enabling (e.g., income) and health-need tion recruited partidpants between October
accessing health services,'''''''^'^ little is characteristics. 8 and December 5, 2004, with street out-
known about the demographic, economic, so-
reach techniques common in research in-
cial, and health-related determinants of access METHODS volving immigrant populations*^'^^'^^ and
to and use of health services by undocu-
other hard-to-reach populations.^'^^ Partid-
mented immigrants. Sample pants qualified for the stijdy if they reported
We assessed the determinants of access The sampling frame consisted of adults being 18 years or older, bom in Mexico,
to and use of health services among (18 years or older) from all 5 boroughs of and current residents of New York City.

November 2008, Vol 98, No. 11 | American Journal of Public Health

Nandi et al. \ Peer Reviewed | Research and Practice | 2011

Twenty-minute interviews were conducted

TABLE 1-Sample Characteristics and Bivariate Associations Between Covariates of in either English or Spanish by trained and
interest and Prevaience of Access to insurance and Reguiar Providers and Receipt of Care supervised interviewers who used translated
in an Emergency Department Among Undocumented immigrants Born in iVIexico: New Yoric and back-translated structured question-
City, 2004 naires. Fewer than 2% of interviews were
conducted in English.
Receipt of
Access Access to Care in an
to Health a Regular Emergency iVIeasures
Insurance Provider Department Predisposing factors, defined as character-
Totai Sample, No. (%) % P % P % P istics that incline people to use health
services, induded sododemographic charac-
Total 431 (100.0) 10.5 36.5 13.0
.22 .24 .37 teristics and immigration factors. Sodo-
Age, y
104 (24.2) 12.8 36.9 13.9 demographic characteristics induded age,
25-34 177 (41.2) 9.1 38.9 9.7 gender, educational attainment, marital sta-
35-44 112 (26.0) 8.0 29.4 16.4 tus, number of children, and number of
>44 37 (8.6) 18.9 46.0 16.2 other adults living at the current residence.
Gender <.O1 <.O1 .04 We inquired about the respondents' legal
Men 299 (69.7) 7.7 28.4 10.9 status and the year they first entered the
Women 130 (30.3) 17.5 54.3 18.1
United States and dichotomized year of
Education .84 .90 <.O1
entry as before or after January 1,1997, to
Less than high schooi 358 (83.1) 10.2 36.9 12.5
reflect relevant changes in US legislation.'^
High schooi or GED 43 (10.0) 11.6 34.9 4.9
30 (7.0) 13.3 33.3 30.0 We assessed levels of acculturation with a
At least some coiiege
Marital status .60 .76 .90 modified version of the 12-item Welfare Re-
Singie 177 (41.1) 10.9 38.5 12.1 form Baseline Interview acculturation mod-
Married 218 (50.6) 11.1 34.9 13.6 ule, developed for use among Hispanic pop-
Divorced/separated/widowed/other 36 (8.4) 5.6 36.1 13.9 ulations.^ Linguistic acculturation was
Chiidren, no. .17 .11 .71 assessed by 7 of the 8 items that asked
None 141 (33.2) 11.3 38.6 15.0
about the preference for other languages as
1 64 (15.1) 17.5 48.4 14.8
compared with English (e.g., "What language
2 95 (22.4) 7.4 35.1 11.7
do you usually speak withfriends?").The
3 63 (14.8) 11.3 25.8 14.5
4.9 32.8 8.2 item on "language spoken" was excluded be-
>3 62 (14.6)
Other adults in the residence, no. <.O1 .01 .73 cause it lacked variability. We assessed sodal
1-2 100 (23.6) 21.0 52.0 15.0 acculturation with the 4 items that asked
3 80 (18.9) 8.9 60.8 15.2 about preference for Mexican, Latino, or
4 ' 96(22.7) 8.4 61.7 11.7 Hispanic groups as compared with other
>4 147 (34.8) 5.5 72.6 11.1 groups in a variety of sodal contexts (e.g.,
Year Immigrated to United States .01 <.O1 .02 "Your dose fHends are ...?"). The Cronbach
1997-2004 276 (66.0) 8.1 29.2 10.0
alpha for items used in both scales was 0.92.
1970-1996 142 (34.0) 16.2 48.6 18.3
The linguistic and sodal acculturation scores
Linguistic acculturation/preference ievei <.O1 .76 .80
16.4 36.9 13.7
were summed and divided into thirds for
Low 106 (26.8)
160 (40.5) 4.4 34.2 14.5 analysis.
High 129 (32.7) 13.2 38.3 11.8 Enabling factors, defined as characteris-
Sociai accuituration/preterence ievei' .74 .52 .57 tics that enable or impede use of health
Low 172 (43.7) 9.4 34.1 11.8 services, were measured by asking respon-
Moderate 106 (26.9) 11.4 41.0 15.7
dents about their economic and sodal re-
High 116 (29.4) 12.2 36.0 15.5
sources. Respondents reported income
Totai formal income in past year," $ <.O1 .01 .12
earned in the formal economy (i.e., re-
None 246 (57.1) 7.0 29.6 11.5
70 (16.2) 15.9 49.3 9.0 ported and taxed income, induding public
10001-20000 34 (7.9) 17.7 50.0 26.5 assistance) and in the informal economy
> 20 000 17 (3.9) 29.4 41.2 17.7 (i.e., nonreported and nontaxed income).
Legai income not reported 64 (14.8) 9.4 40.3 14.3 For the analysis, we categorized both for-
mal and informal income as none, $1 to
$10000, $10001 to $20000, more than

2012 I Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Nandi et a/. American Journal of Public Health | November 2008, Vol 98, No. 11

TABLE l-Contlnued 0 days, 1 to 5 days, or more than 5 days

for the analysis.
Totai informai income in past year,'^ $ .03 .01 Access to and use of health services was
None 112 (26.0) 12.6 47.3 10.8 measured by 3 variables. We assessed re-
1-10000 135 (31.3) 13.5 34.6 14.6 spondents' insurance coverage by asking if
10001-20000 69 (16.0) 2.9 21.7 8.7 they had health insurance coverage of any
> 20 000 22 (5.1) 22.7 40.9 9.1
Informal income not reported
sort during the past 6 months. We assessed
93 (21.6) 6.5 36.3 17.4
Heaith insurance coverage in past 6 months access to a regular health care provider by
<.O1 .05
No 382 (89.5) 32.5 11.9
asking respondents if they usually went to a
Yes 45 (10.5) 68.9 22.2
doctor's office or clinic, Medicaid or health
Day labor employment in past 6 months .01 <.O1 .45 maintenance organization (HMO), emer-
Yes 103 (23.9) 3.9 18.6 10.8 gency department in a hospital, drug treat-
No 328 (76.1) 12.7 42.1 13.7 ment center, nowhere, or other location for
Money sent to family/friends in Mexico <.O1 .03 .74 medical care. We considered respondents
No 64 (14.9) 20.6 49.2 14.3 as having access to a regular health care
Yes 366 (85.1) 8.8 39.5 12.8
Social support
provider if they reported going to a doctor's
.02 .01 <.O1
low office or clinic, Medicaid or HMO, emer-
150 (36.7) 6.1 30.6 10.3
Medium 137 (33.5) 8.9 gency department in a hospital, or dmg
33.6 8.8
High 122 (29.8) 16.4 47.5 20.7
treatment center and seeing the same doc-
Oiscrimination experienced'' .48 .02 .64 tor, nurse, or physidan's assistant more than
No discrimination 171 (40.6) 13.0 42.9 13.0 90% of the time. Respondents were also
Race 52 (12.4) 9.6 35.3 9.8 asked if they had been seen or received
Language 106 (25.2) 7.6 24.8 11.5 care in an emergency department during
Immigrant status 67 (15.9) 7.6 43.3 16.9 the past 6 months.
Other 25 (5.9) 16.0 24.0 20.0
No. of days activities were limited by .06 .55 <01
poor health in past 30 days Statistical Analyses
0 333 (78.7) 9.1 35.1 10.7
We calculated the overall prevalence and
1-5 47 (11.1) 10.6 42.6 10.9 the prevalence according to the covariates
>5 43 (10.2) 20.9 39.5 32.6 of interest of our outcome measures (i.e., in-
oie. GED gnerai educational development.
surance coverage in the past 6 months, ac-
'Assessed with a modified version of the 12-item Weifare Reform Baseline Inteiview acculturation cess to a regular provider, and emergency
Formal income is all reported and taxed income, including public assistance, department care in the past 6 months) and
^informai income is all nonreported and nontaxed income.
used the 2-tailed x^ test to test for bivariate
"Respondents were asked whether they experienced discrimination and, if so, what form most affected their iives.
In multivariable analyses, we developed a
series of 3 multivariable logistic regression
$20 000, or missing (not reported). We doing something, hassled, or made to feel models for each outcome variable. In the
also asked respondents if they had access inferior because of age, race, language, im- first model, we regressed the outcome vari-
to health insurance of any sort in the past migrant status, gender, sexual orientation, able on predisposing characteristics, in the
6 months, if they had worked as day labor- poverty, drug use, having been in jail or second model we regressed the dependent
ers in the past 6 months, and if they sent prison, religion, mental illness, physical ill- variable on predisposing and enabling char-
money to family or friends in Mexico. To ness or disability, or other reason. We acteristics, and in the third model we re-
evaluate sodal support, we asked about asked respondents to identiiy the form of gressed the dependent variable on predis-
emotional (e.g., "someone to love you and discrimination that most affected their life posing, enabling, and need characteristics.
make you feel wanted"), instrumental (e.g., and categorized this as either none or dis- This modeling approach allowed for the es-
"someone to help you if you were confined crimination relating to race, language, im- timation of overall, adjusted, and direct as-
to bed"), and appraisal (e.g., "someone to migrant status, or other. sodations between predisposing, enabling,
give you good advice in a crisis") support in Need factors were used to evaluate re- and need characteristics and our measures
the past 6 months.^^ We summed re- spondents' health. We assessed respondents' of access to and use of health services.^''
sponses and divided the combined sodal health status by asking about the number For parsimony and to avoid unstable esti-
support score into thirds for analysis. Re- of days that poor physical or mental mates, only variables statistically assodated
spondents were asked if they had ever health limited usual activities in the past 30 (P<.10) with a particular outcome variable
been discriminated against, prevented from ^^^ Health status was categorized as were retained in subsequent

November 2 0 0 8 , Vol 9 8 , No. 1 1 | American Journal of Public Health

Nandi et al. | Peer Reviewed | Research and Practice | 2 0 1 3

TABLE 2-iyiultlvariable Associations Between Variables of Interest and Access to Insurance
Among Undocumented Immigrants Born In iWexIco: New York City, 2004 Sample Characteristics
We recruited 505 persons for this study.
Modei 1, Model 2, Model 3,
OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI)
All analyses were restricted to the 431 re-
OR (95% Ci)
spondents who were undocumented immi-
Predisposing ciiarocteristics grants (based on self-report of legal status);
Age, y their characteristics are shown in Table 1.
18-24 (Ref) The mean age was 31.7 years, 30.3% were
25^34 0.73 (0.24, 2.16)
women, 83.1% reported "less than high
35.44 0.52 (0.14,1.96)
school" as the highest level of education
>44 1.35 (0.28, 6.60)
completed, 50.5% were married, 66.8%
Men (Ref) 1.00 had at least 1 child, and 76.4% reported
Women 1.97 (0.83, 4.70) that they lived in a residence with more
Education than 2 other adults. The median year of
Less then high school (Ref) 1.00 entry into the United States was 1999.
High school or GED 0.54 (0.13, 2.34)
A majority of respondents (57.1%) re-
At least some college 1.25 (0.32, 4.87)
ported that they earned no formal income in
Marital status
the past year, 52.4% earned informal in-
Single (Ref) 1.00
Married 1.69 (0.66, 4.31)
come in the past year, 23.9% worked as a
Olvorced/separated/widowed/other 0.89 (0.16, 5.17) day laborer in the past 6 months, and 85.1%
Children, no. sent money to family or friends in Mexico. A
None (Ref) 1.00 1.00 1.00 majority (59.4%) also reported that they ex-
1 0.86 (0.26, 2.79) 0.79 (0.24, 2.62) 0.83 (0.26, 2.70) perienced some form of discrimination, with
2 0.28 (0.07,1.10) 0.35 (0.11, 1.18) 0.44 (0.13,1.46)
25.2% identifying language discrimination
3 0.44 (0.11, 1.76) 0.55 (0.16, 1.93) 0.77 (0.24, 2.44)
as most affecting their life. Approximately
>3 0.27 (0.05,1.40) 0.22 (0.05, 1.08) 0.41 (0.10,1.67)
one tenth of respondents reported that poor
Other adults in the residence, no.
1.00 1.00
physical or mental health limited their usual
1-2 (Ref) 1.00
0.41 (0.13,1.30) 0.44 (0.15, 1.30) activities for more than 5 of the past 30
3 0.32 (0.10, 1.05)

4 0.35 (0.12,1.04) 0.28 (0.08, 0.94) 0.38 (0.12,1.20) days (10.2%) or that they had health insur-
>4 0.31 (O.U, 0.86) 0.40 (0.13, 1.20) 0.29 (0.10, 0.82) ance coverage in the past 6 months (10.5%).
Year immigrated to United States Slightly more than one third of respondents
1997-2004 (Ref) 1.00 1.00 (36.5%) reported access to a regular
1970-1996 2.88 (1.18, 7.03) 2.02 (0.79, 5.19) provider, and 13.0% received emergency
Linguistic acculturation/preference level' department care in the past 6 months.
Low (Ref) 1.00 1.00 1.00

Moderate 0.22 (0.08, 0.64) 0.20 (0.06, 0.60) 0.20 (0.07, 0.58)

0.58 (0.22,1.56) 0.55 (0.19, 1.59) 0.53 (0.20,1.4) Bivariate Anaiyses

Social acculturation/preference levei' In bivariate analyses (Table 1), health in-
Low (Ref) 1.00 surance coverage in the past 6 months was
Moderate 1.24 (0.44, 3.49) assodated with being a woman (P<.01),
High 1.09 (0.42, 2.81) living in a residence with fewer other
Enabiing ciiaracteristics adults (P<.01), earlier year of entry to the
Total formai income in past year," $ United States (P=.O1), levels of linguistic
None (Ref) 1.00 1.00
acculturation (P<.01), higher levels of for-
1-10000 2.21 (0.66, 7.43) 2.33 (0.76, 7.18)
3.25 (0.91, 11.64) 4.51 (1.30,15.67)
mal (P<.01) and informal (P=.O3) income
3.82 (0.69, 21.25) 6.20 (1.27, 30.38) in the past year, not working as a day la-
> 20 000
Legai income not reported 4.58 (1.11, 18.96) 2.43 (0.73, 8.06) borer in the past 6 months (P=.O1), not
Total informai income past year,'^ $ sending money to family or friends in
None (Ref) 1.00 Mexico (P<.01), and higher levels of sodal
1-10000 1.38 (0.48, 4.00) support (P=.O2).
Women (K.Ol) and respondents who re-
ported living in a residence with more other
adults (^=.01), an earlier year of entry to

2014 I Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Nandi et al. American Joumai of Public Health | November 2008, Vol 98, No. 11

TABLE 2-Contlnued levels; 95% CI=0.07, 0.58), high levels of

formal income earned in the past year
10001-20000 0.35 (0.06, 1.97) (OR=6.20 for more than $20000 compared
> 20 000 0.96 (0.15, 6.36) with no formal income; 95% CI=1.27,
Informal income not reported 0.59 (0.14, 2.42) 30.38), not sending money to family or
Day labor employment in past 6 months
Yes (Ref) friends in Mexico (OR=0.40 for those who
No sent money; 95% CI=0.16,1.01), higher lev-
2.27 (0.57, 9.04)
Money sent to family/friends in Mexico els of soda] support (OR=3.57 compared
No (Ref) 1.00 1.00
with the lowest levels; 95% CI=1.25,10.21),
Yes 0.39 (0.15, 1.05) and more days in which health limited usual
0.40 (0.16, 1.01)
Social support activities in the past 30 days (OR=4.54 com-
Low (Ref) 1.00 1.00 paring more than 5 days with 0 days; 95%
Medium 2.20.(0.69, 7.05) 2.26 (0.77, 6.66) CI=1.50,13.74).
High 2.68 (0.88, 8.11) 3.57 (1.25, 10.21) In multivariable models (Table 3), having
Discrimination experienced''
No discrimination (Ref) a regular health care provider was assod-
Race ated with being a woman (OR=2.96; 95%
0.72 (0.18, 2.86)
Language 0.92 (0.30, 2.82)
CI=1.69, 5.16), having fewer children
Immigrant status 0.58 (0.15, 2.24) (OR=0.3 7 for 3 children compared with
Other 0.92 (0.14, 5.89) none; 95% CI=0.16, 0.82), entering the
Health need United States to live before 1997 (0R=
No. of days activities were limited by 2.35; 95% CI=1.33, 4.13), low levels of
poor health in past 30 days
formal income in the past year (OR=2.18
O(Ref) 1.00 for $l-$10000 compared with no formal
1.05 (0.27, 4.19) income; 95% CI=1.07, 4.45), health insur-
4.54 (1.50, 13.74)
ance coverage in the past 6 months (0R=
Note. OR-odds ratio; CI confidence inteival; GED gnerai educational development. Model 1 regressed the outcome 2.96; 95% CI=1.34, 6.55), and not experi-
variable on predisposing characteristics. Model 2 regressed the depend variable on predisposing and enabling
characteristics. Model 3 regressed the dependent variable on predisposing, enabling, and need charactenstics. Predisposing
encing discrimination (OR=0.51 for those
characteristics incline people to use health seivices, enabling characteristics enable or Impede use of health services and who reported discrimination relating to
need charactenstics identify need for health care. language; 95% CI=0.27, 0.98).
'Assessed with a modified version of the 12-item Welfare Reform Baseline Interview acculturation module.^'
Formal income is all reported and taxed Income, including public assistance.
In multivariable models (Table 4), emer-
"^Informal income is all nonreported and nontaxed income. gency department care in the past 6 months
"Respondents were asked whether they experienced discrimination and, if so, what form most affected their lives. was assodated with higher educational at-
tainment (OR=3.01 for those who reported
at least some college education compared
with those who had less than a high school
education; 95% CI=1.20, 7.53), moderate
the United States (P<.01), moderate levels (P<.01), an earlier year of entry into the levels of formal income in the past year
of formal income in the past year (P=.O1), United States (P=.O2), health insurance cov- (OR=4.12 for $10001-$20000 compared
no informal income in the past year erage in the past 6 months (P=.O5), higher with no formal income; 95% CI=1.54,
(P=.O1), health insurance coverage in the levels of sodal support (P<.01), and poor 11.00), and more days in which health
past 6 months (P<.01), not working as a physical or mental health that limited their limited usual activities in the past 30 days
day laborer in the past 6 months (P<.01), usual activities for more than 5 ofthe past (OR=4.75 for more than 5 days compared
not sending money home to family or 30 days (P<.01).
with 0 days; 95% CI=2.14,10.59).
friends in Mexico (P=.O3), a high level of
sodal support {P=.O1), and not experienc- Multivariable Analyses DISCUSSION
ing discrimination or experiencing discrimi- In multivariable models (Table 2), health
nation relating to immigrant status (P=.O2) insurance coverage during the past 6 months Predisposing Characteristics
were more likely to report access to a regu- was assodated with living in a residence with Sodal and family networks may be key
lar health care provider (Table 1). fewer other adults (odds ratio [OR]=0.29 for determinants of access to and use of health
Emergency department care during the more than 4 adults compared with 1-2 services among undocumented immigrants
past 6 months was more common among adults; 95% confidence interval [CI]=0.10, living in urban areas. We found that women
women (P=.O4) and those who reported a 0.82), linguistic acculturation (OR=0.20 for were almost 3 times as likely as men to re-
higher level of educational attainment moderate levels compared with the lowest port access to a regular health care provider.

November 2008, Vol 98, No. 1 1 | American Joumal of Public Health

Nandi et al. \ Peer Reviewed | Research and Practice I 2015

Although it is possible that women's needs

TABLE 3-Multlvariable Associations Between Variables of Interest and Access to a Regular for obstetric and gynecologic services may
Provider Among Undocumented Immigrants Bom In Mexico In New Yori< City, 2004 drive some of their greater likelihood of re-
porting access to a regular provider,'^ evi-
Model 1, Model 2, Model 3,
OR (95% CI)
dence suggests that male Mexican immi-
OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI)
grants living in New York City are joined by
PredlsiMsIng characteristics their spouses and children after first estab-
Age, y lishing themselves,^' a trend that has been
18-24 (Ref) observed more generally among Mexican
25-34 0.91 (0.45,1.80)
immigrants to the United States.'"* There-
35-44 0.66 (0.29,1.54)
fore, it is possible that more women than
>44 1.02 (0.33, 3.14)
men in our sample had the sodal and eco-
Men (Ref) 1.00 1.00 1.00 nomic resources and the attendant stability
Women 3.29 (1.85, 5.85) 3.17 (1.68, 5.97) 2.96 (1.69, 5.16) that may be important to accessing health
Education services. By contrast, research suggests that
Less then high school (Ref) 1.00 Mexican immigrants, particularly men who
High school or GED 0.61 (0.25, 1.49) have recently immigrated to the United
At least soniie college 0.46 (0.17, 1.25) States, are more likely to live with extended
Marital status kin and unrelated persons than are US-bom
Single (Ref) 1.00
Mexican Americans, possibly as a practical
Married 1.02 (0.55, 1.92)
solution to changing levels of acculturation,
Divorced/separated/widowed/other 0.86 (0.31, 2.40)
resources, and the need for privacy over the
Children, no.
None (Ref) 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.94 (0.41, 2.15) 1.05 (0.48, 2.29) 1.08 (0.51, 2.30)

1 Predisposing characteristics predicted ac-
0.81 (0.41, 1.61) 0.73 (0.37,1.43)
2 0.46 (0.20,1.06) cess to and use of health services even after
0.21 (0.08, 0.56) 0.37 (0.16, 0.87) 0.37 (0.16, 0.82)
3 accounting for enabling and need character-
0.54 (0.21, 1.42) 0.64 (0.28,1.48) 0.60 (0.27,1.35)
>3 istics, induding finandal and sodal re-
Other adults in the residence, no.
1.00 1.00
sources, implying that other mechanisms
1-2 (Ref) 1.00
0.71 (0.33,1.53) 0.84 (0.40, 1.79) may be operating here. One potential path-
3 0.66 (0.31,1.40)

4 0.62 (0.29, 1.29) 0.83 (0.40,1.73) 0.84 (0.41,1.71) way linking predisposing characteristics to
>4 0.44 (0.23, 0.86) 0.55 (0.27,1.10) 0.65 (0.33,1.27) access to and use of health services may
Year immigrated to United States be the ability to navigate the convoluted
1997-2004 (Ref) 1.00 1.00 1.00 US healthcare system. Our finding that re-
2.35 (1.30, 4.26) 2.20 (1.23, 3.93) 2.35 (1.33, 4.13)
1970-1996 spondents arriving in the United States be-
Linguistic acculturation/preference level" fore 1997 were more likely to report access
Low (Ref) 1.00
to a regular health care provider is consis-
Moderate 1.16 (0.60, 2.24)
tent with previous work that showed that
High 1.64 (0.81, 3.35)
access to health services generally improves
Social acculturation/preference level'
Low (Ref) 1.00 with increased time of residence in the
Moderate 1.33 (0.72, 2.45) United States.'^
High 0.85 (0.46,1.57) Access to health services among undocu-
Enabling dnracterlstlcs mented immigrants may improve with in-
Total formal income in past year,' $ creased time of residence because of in-
None (Ref) 1.00 1.00
creased integration and improved familiarity
1-10000 1.83 (0.88, 3.83) 2.18 (1.07, 4.45)
2.33 (0.97, 5.58)
with the US healthcare system over time.
10001-20000 1.94 (0.79, 4.77)
0.66 (0.17, 2.61) 0.76 (0.19, 2.95) However, our findings may also reflect
> 20 000
Legal income not reported 2.49 (1.05, 5.92) 2.02 (0.92, 4.43) changes in legislation in the past decade. In
Total informal income in past year,'^ $
1996, the United States passed legislation
None (Ref) 1.00 1.00 that further restricted the provision of many
1-10000 0.51 (0.26,1.03) 0.63 (0.33,1.21) publidy funded services to undocumented
immigrants, making it perhaps even more
difficult to obtain health services than it
was before the legislation.^'''*

American Joumai of Public Health | November 2 0 0 8 , Vol 9 8 , No. 1 1

2 0 1 6 I Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Nandi et al.

socioeconomic factors are important determi-

TABLE 3-Contlnued
nants of health care use among immi-
10001-20000 0.48 (0.21, 1.14) 0.61 (0.27, 1.39) grants'^ and Hispanics^ in general.
> 20 000 0.60 (0.19,1.93) 0.73 (0.24, 2.28) We observed a positive dose-response
Informal Income not reported 0.48 (0.21,1.12) 0.56 (0.25, 1.22) relationship between the total formal in-
Health Insurance coverage In past 6 months
come earned in the past year and the likeli-
No (ReO 1.00 1.00
hood of reporting health insurance coverage
Yes 2.34 (1.04, 5.26) 2.96 (1.34, 6.55)
Day labor employment In past 6 months
in the past 6 months. Those earning more
Yes (Ref) 1.00
than $20000 per year in formal income
No 1.61 (0.82, 3.17) were more than 6 times as likely to report
Money sent to family/friends In Mexico access to health insurance as those earning
No (Ref) 1.00 no formal income in the past year. We also
Yes 1.39 (0.63, 3.05) found that health insurance was the most
Social support important predictor of reporting access to a
Low (Ref) 1.00 regular provider, a finding also consistent
Medium 1.02 (0.54,1.92)
with prior work.''^ By contrast, respondents
High 1.56 (0.82, 2.98)
Discrimination experienced'
sending remittances to family and inends in
No discrimination (Ref) Mexico were less likely to report health in-
1.00 1.00
Race 0.94 (0.43, 2.10) 0.82 (0.37, 1.81)
surance coverage, and those earning more
0.56 (0.29, 1.09) 0.51 (0.27, 0.98) informal income were not any more likely
Immigrant status 1.02 (0.49, 2.12) 1.01 (0.49, 2.09) to report health insurance coverage or ac-
Other 0.26 (0.07, 0.93) 0.46 (0.14, 1.51) cess to a regular health care provider than
HeaKhneed were those who earned less informal in-
No. of days activities were iimited by poor
come. Together, these results suggest that
health in past 30 days
undocumented immigrants' financial re-
0(ReO 1.00
sources, and spedfically their capadty to
1-5 1.48 (0.68, 3.22)
>5 obtain formal employment, may be central
1.16 (0.51, 2.60)
determinants of their access to health
Note. OR-odds ratio; Cl-confidence interval; GED-general educational development. Model 1 regressed the outcome services and likely of their health status
variable on predisposing characteristics. Model 2 regressed the depend variable on predisposing and enabiing
characteristics. Model 3 regressed the dependent variable on predisposing, enabling, and need charactenstics. Predisposing
characteristics incline people to use health services, enabling characteristics enable or impede use of heaith services, and Perhaps not surprisingly, delays in seek-
need characteristics identify need for heaith care. ing Ccire may be related to fears of discovery
'Assessed with a modified version of the 12-item Welfare Reform Baseline Interview acculturation module.^'
''Formal Income is all reported and taxed income, including public assistance. by government offidals. Thus, undocu-
'^informal income Is all nonreported and nontaxed income. mented immigrants' anxieties about ob-
Respondents were asked whether they experienced discrimination and, if so, what form most affected their lives. taining care may represent a significant
barrier to accessing health services in this
group''*; this previously was shown among
undocumented immigrants with tuberculo-
We found that respondents who m- focused exclusively on undocumented immi- sis.'^ Although we did not spedfically ask
pleted at least some college were more grants, among whom there may be substan- about respondents' fears about obtaining
likely to receive care in an emergency de- tially less heterogeneity in acculturation lev- services, we found that those with more so-
partment in the past 6 months than were re- els than in samples that include documented dal support were more likely to report ac-
spondents with less than a high school edu- and undocumented immigrants. cess to health services. Undocumented im-
cation. This observation may reflect greater migrants with more sodal resources may
knowledge about the US healthcare system Enabling Characteristics be more attuned to the risks involved in
and the types of health services available Our findings suggest that personal re- accessing spedfic health services and more
among better-educated undocumented im- sources, including financial and sodal re- likely to overcome the fear assodated with
niigrants.' Previous work suggests that lim- sources, are important determinants of such attempts at access. By contrast, those
ited English proficiency and lower levels of health insurance coverage and access to a experiendng sodal insults, such as discrimi-
acculturation may limit access to health ser- regular provider among undocumented nation, may be less likely to access health
vices among immigrants.''^ Our results did Mexican immigrants, even after accounting services. In our sample, respondents experi-
not confirm these findings. However, it is for differences in health need. This finding encing discrimination with respect to lan-
important to emphasize that our analysis parallels past studies that showed that guage were less likely to report access to a

November 2008, Vol 98, No. 11 | American Joumai of Public Health Nandi et al. \ Peer Reviewed | Research and Practice | 2017

regular health care provider than were

TABLE 4-Multlvariable Associations Between Variables of Interest and Receipt of Care In those who did not experience discrimina-
an Emergency Department Among Undocumented Immigrants Born in Mexico: New York tion, suggesting the profound need for lin-
City, 2004 guistically appropriate health services.
Modei 1, Mpdei 2, Modei 3,
OR (95% Ci) OR (95% Ci) OR (95% CI) Need Characteristics
Undocumented Mexicans in New York
Predisposing characteristics
City with more health need were more
Age, y
likely to report health insurance coverage
18-24 (Ref) 1.00
0.94 (0.37, 2.43)
and emergency department care, but not
35-44 1.26 (0.43, 3.70)
access to a regular health care provider.
>44 1.34 (0.32, 5.60) This is consistent with previous research
Gender among Hispanics showing that greater
Men (ReO 1.00 1.00 health care need is assodated with emer-
Women 1.87 (0.90, 3.87) 1.79 (0.78, 4.11) gency services use.''
Education The dependence on emergency services
Less then high schooi (ReO 1.00 1.00 1.00
to address health care needs among un-
High schooi or GED 0.43 (0.09,1.99) 0.13 (0.02,1.03) 0.35 (0.08,1.57)
documented Mexicans, although under-
At ieast some coiiege 2.40 (0.88, 6.50) 2.03 (0.78, 5.28) 3.01 (1.20, 7.53)
stiindable given the barriers to regular-
Maritai status
Single (ReO 1.00
care access, may exacerbate the burden of
Married 1.36 (0.60, 3.08) pathology in this group because care is de-
Divorced/separated/widowed/other 1.35 (0.38, 4.81) layed until illness is severe enough to war-
Chiidren, no. rant emergency care.20
None (Ref) 1.00 1.00 1.00

1 0.69 (0.23, 2.02) 0.76 (0.27, 2.18) 0.94 (0.36, 2.45)

2 0.50 (0.16, 1.51) 0.52 (0.20, 1.38) 0.95 (0.41, 2.22)
There were several limitations to this
3 0.56 (0.18,1.78) 0.66 (0.24,1.80) 0.90 (0.36, 2.24)
study. We used venue-based sampling to re-
>3 0.29 (0.07,1.10) 0.31 (0.09, 1.08) 0.55 (0.19, 1.64)
cruit partidpants and were unable to calcu-
Other adults n the residence
1-2 (ReO 1.00 late a response rate. However, our sampling
3 0.91 (0.34, 2.43) method may have provided a more repre-
4 0.94 (0.36, 2.45) sentative sample than alternative methods
>4 0.93 (0.39, 2.23) such as telephone interviews. The fact that
Year Immigrated to United States 85% of people recruited for this study were
1997-2004 (Ref) 1.00 1.00
indeed undocumented immigrants suggests
1970-1996 2.15 (1.01, 4.58) 1.75 (0.82, 3.73)
that we were successful in identifying areas
Linguistic accuituration/preference level'
where undocumented immigrants congre-
Low (Ref) 1.00
gated and in recruiting undocumented im-
Moderate 1.18 (2.76)
High 0.70 (1.86)
migrants to partidpate. Furthermore, the
Sociai accuituration/preference \evef demographic profile of our sample was
Low (ReO 1.00 consistent with what is known about undoc-
Moderate 1.67 (0.74, 3.77) umented Mexican immigrants living in New
High 1.33 (0.58, 3.03) York City .2'
Enabiing ciiaracteristics
It is possible that undocumented immi-
Total formal income in past year,'' $
grants may underreport key areas of concem.
None (ReO 1.00 1.00
In antidpation of this possibility, we used
1-10000 0.82 (0.29, 2.32) 0.83 (0.30, 2.28)
3.31 (1.17, 9.36) 4.12 (1.54, 11.00)
in-person anonymous interviews that in
> 20 000 2.28 (0.44, 11.77) 2.61 (0.60,11.28) past research have been shown to be an ef-
Legai income not reported 0.77 (0.23, 2.51) 1.10 (0.42, 2.86) fective approach to establish the sort of
Totai informai income in past year, $ trust necessary to inquire about sensitive
None (Ref) 1.00 1.00 topics, such as legal status, and eUdt accu-
1-10000 1.55 (0.59, 4.04) 1.69 (0.70, 4.10) rate responses.' In addition, the cross-
sectional design of our survey did not cap-
ture temporal changes in the ability of

2018 I Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Nandi et ai. American Journal of Public Health | November 2008, Vol 98, No. 11

About the Authors

TABLE 4-Contlnued Arijit Nandi is with the Department of Epidemiology,
fohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
10001-20000 0.75 (0.21, 2.63) 0.96 (0.30, 3.05) Baltimore, Md. Sandro Galea is with the Department of
> 20 000 1.09 (0.19, 6.22) 1.07 (0.19, 5.96) Epidemiology, University of Michigan School of Public
Informal Income not reported 2.79 (0.91, 8.49) 2.44 (0.90, 6.58) Health, Ann Arbor. Gerald Lopez and Stacey Stron-
Health insurance coverage In past 6 months garone are with the Center for Community Problem
Solving, New York University School of Law, New York.
No (ReO 1.00
Vijay Nandi and Danielle C. Ompad are with the Center
Yes 1.27 (0.49, 3.29) for Urban Epidemiological Studies, New York Academy
Day laborer employment in past 6 months of Medicine, New York
Yes (Ref) 1.00 Requests for reprints should be sent to Sandro Galea,
No 0.78 (0.33, 1.85) Dept of Epidemiology, University of Michigan School of
Money sent to family/friends in Mexico Public Health, 109 Observatory Street, Ann Arbor, MI
48109 (e-mail: sgalea@umich.edu).
No (Ref) 1.00
This article was accepted May 16, 2007.
Yes 0.86 (0.32, 2.28)
Social support
tow (Ref)
A. Nandi performed the data analysis and was the
Medium 0.61 (0.24, 1.55) lead author. S. Galea, G. Lopez, S. Strongarone, and
High 1.90 (0.83, 4.35) D. C. Ompad developed the research topic, designed
Discrimination experienced'' the study, and supervised data collection. V. Nandi
No discrimination (Ref) 1.00 made significant contributions to the analysis. All
authors helped to originate ideas, interpret findings,
Race 0.87 (0.28, 2.78) and review drafts of the article.
tanguage 1.30 (0.53, 3.16)
Immigrant status 1.45 (0.53, 3.94)
Other Acknowledgments
2.00 (0.58, 6.88)
Tliis research was supported in part by a grant from
Health need the National Institutes of Health (DA 017642).
No. of days activities were limited by poor
health In past 30 days
Human Participant Protection
1.00 The study received institutional review board ap-
1-5 1.02 (0.35, 2.94) proval at the New York Academy of Medicine and
>5 4.75 (2.14,10.59) New York University. All study partidpants provided
oral consent during the interview. To preserve partid-
Note. OR-odds ratio; CI confidence inteival; GED general educational development. Model 1 regressed the outcome pants' anonymity, no identifying information was
variable on predisposing characteristics. Model 2 regressed the depend vanable on predisposing and enabling collected about partidpants.
characteristics. Model 3 regressed the dependent variable on predisposing, enabling, and need characteristics. Predisposing
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2020 I Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Nandi et al. American Journal of Public Health | November 2008, Voi 98, No. 11

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