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Lately two of my staffs not performing so well and they need constant reminder on the task that
they have to complete. They used to be a good worker and they always complete their task ahead
time. Due to their poor performance my department missed the target that we should achieved by
end of the quarter. They also often come late to work and also leave early most of the time. When I
confronted them they said they are ok and no issue so far. I also was called up by my higher
management regards to my departments performance and it also impact my performance as well.

This situation really makes me worry and Im a bit confused how to solve this and bring back to
normal situation.


1. Circumstances My two employees performances are going down . As a department we

missed our target for previous quarter. They also constantly come late to work and leave
early. My higher officials called regard my departments performance.
2. Thought I think they dont like their job anymore and also they are not worried about
departments performance. They also dont have respect to their superiors.
3. Feel . worried
4. Action . I tried to ignore them and avoid to communicate with them.
5. Result. They dont respect me as their boss and my department performance going down
and unable to meet our targets.

3. Plan to improve

I will address my employees performance and tardiness issues and I will document the conversation

Action I will call them for one to one session to understand why they are not performing and also
to understand why they come consistently late to work. I also will ask them is there any help they
need for me to help them to improve their performances. I also schedule one to one meeting two
weeks once to ensure they are performing according to what is required .

Feeling I need to positive about bringing the changes in my employee so that they can improve
their performance and tardiness.

Thought I think they are not motivated because theres no one to talk to them if they have some
concerns and perhaps they are too long in the department.
4. Reflections

Prior knowing Thought model I was overwhelmed with my problems and so worried about my staff
performance and tardiness . I dont know what went wrong and how to solve the problem in a
logical manner. I was also so tensed about because I thought I was losing respects among my
subordinates . I also didnt know how to organize my thoughts to look into the problem in a logical
manner and at the same solve the issue.

By knowing and learning the taught model Im able to organize my thoughts in a very structured way
so that Im able to look through the problems. Im also able to recognize my thought pattern about
current situation that could deceive me from looking at correct angle. By identifying the correct
methods to look at the issue by organizing your thoughts Im able to craft my own solution to solve
the problems that Im facing with my colleague regardless performance or tardiness issues.

Thought model give me the correct path to analyse and to come up with constructive action plans
for my challenges. By segmenting issues to circumstances, thoughts and feelings I m able to dissect
the mistakes that Im making each level and correct it at the same time. This enlightens me what Im
supposed to do as the path for solving the problems getting clearer. It also gives me clearer picture
what I should avoid as of my thoughts have very high influence on the decision that I make which
eventually lead to poor performance. The thought models also teach us that 90 % of the issue is due
to our perception about the circumstances and how we act on it accordingly. Hence thought models
thoughts the right thinking and approach we should take to solve our challenges constructively.

When I applied the thought model for my problem solving Im able to see clearer picture what is the
real issue and able to solve it amicably among my staffs and all the plan that I ve worked out
according to thought model worked for me and able to achieve what Ive desired for myself and my
department. Finally the plan worked out as I predicted and expected.

Once I have implemented the action plans . My staffs performances and tardiness improved
gradually . They feel their concerns are being heard and supported by their superior . Hence their
motivation improved. My staff performance and attitude towards tardiness also as per my
expectation and satisfaction.

If the same issues happen again I would straight away initiate one to one session my staff to
understand the issue rather waiting them not to perform well in their duties. The most difficult part
of the entire process is initiating the conversation. Im afraid that they wont respect me as their
superior and I wont get any support and commitment from them but I was glad because the
outcome was opposite to my thoughts.

Through thought model that I ve learned how to simplify my challenges into constructive model
where Im able to see clearer picture where my challenges lies and able to come up with a solution
constructively. I would use this model for all my upcoming challenges.

Im planning to learn in depth about the thought model. This is because I find the model is very
useful to solve my issues and help me to see clearer the problems that Im facing. It does also help
me to construct a solid plan for my challenges.

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