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Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

A Physics of
The only path to understanding
(since consciousness is its self the

Jim Beichler, PhD

Professor of Neurocosmology and Theoretical Physics

Abstract: There are two possible approaches to the scientific study of

consciousness: Bottom-up consciousness, from the individual organism or
being to the physical universe, and Consciousness from the top-down, from
the physical universe to the individual. This may sound rather esoteric and
even spiritual, which is normally considered non-scientific by definition in
western science, but it does seem to match ideas in eastern mystical
thought. Yet it fits the qualitative aspects of mind that we normally
associate with consciousness even better as well as the direct
characteristics of consciousness, at least to the extent that they are known.
The first clue to understanding is that consciousness, whatever and
whichever it is, must be physical at some level because it interacts and
intervenes either directly and/or indirectly in the physical/material world.
Science needs to find a balance between the esoteric clues to the nature of
consciousness and the physical results of consciousness perceiving and
interpreting the external three-dimensional world, which it normally deals
with, so we can maximize the effect of the new scientific revolution as well
as the evolutionary leap in human consciousness that are coming. The main
problem is that, in this case, the consciousness under observation is the
same consciousness that is doing the observing and interpreting of itself,
which opens the subject to extreme obfuscation in the minds of scientists.


Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

The western approach to consciousness, following the characteristics of

western science, is more objective and reductionist, while the eastern
approach to consciousness, following eastern scientific and philosophical
traditions, is more subjective and holistic, yet both approaches are valid and
necessary for a complete and comprehensive scientific understanding of
consciousness, its role in human events and in the universe in general. The
basic western approach is to find consciousness in the brain, if not to
reduce consciousness to an epiphenomenon of the brain, or at least its
neural correlates in either case. However, there is a trend, due to the
quantum theory and its Copenhagen Interpretation that it takes
consciousness to collapse the wave function, to find some form of universal
Consciousness in the very fabric of reality or perhaps even beyond and thus
explain nature and our physical reality at the quantum level of our material
being. Otherwise, there is very little information and/or data to develop a
scientific hypothesis or theory to explain consciousness of any kind or type.
The problem for hard core science is that neither the mind that seems to
generate consciousness nor consciousness itself are directly observable
and, of course, that is just the conundrum a century ago that resulted in the
new science of mind, psychology, to be based on behavior as the product of
mind while purposely ignoring direct references to either mind or
consciousness. This means that western science and philosophical thought
literally lost consciousness and even lost its mind after 1913 when the new
science of psychology founded itself upon behaviorism rather than directly
addressing the mind and consciousness issues.
In a very strict sense, consciousness supplies a much wider context than
just an individual persons self which mind creates. Consciousness is both
separate from mind in the sense of a higher Self as well as the self
associated with just mind and brain/body. This is also a problem since
science only knows of consciousness indirectly through its influence on the
mind, brain and living body, which constitutes a case of mind influencing
mind its self. Is this true? It is true only if science defines its own limited
way of knowing and understanding the external world (everything that is
not consciousness itself) within its own limited and overly restricted terms
and concepts. After all, the terms, concepts and methods of science were
developed solely to explain and understand the external material/physical
world rather than the internal world of mind and consciousness. In other
words, science alone does not even have the language or the conceptual
tools to completely and comprehensively describe consciousness. Or does
it? There are many mental effects that science presently labels
metaphysical, if not paranormal, that science normally ignores as non-

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

scientific. So, consciousness is known, and quite well, in western science

even though both consciousness and its direct effects are considered non-
scientific by western scientific standards.
Given this information, consciousness would seem to be at least non-
material and probably, also non-physical, at least that is how consciousness
is treated by many of the few western scientists willing to tackle the
subject. However, consciousness must be physical at some level of reality
since it interacts with mind, brain and the material world in all our
experiences of reality. So, consciousness must have some effect on physical
reality, if only indirectly, through mind and possibly directly through brain
and body for it to perceive, interpret and understand our physical/material
reality. In this regard, the main problem is that many of us do not
distinguish between physical and material and assume, mistakenly, that
they are synonymous. However, what is material will always be physical, but
what is physical is not always material. Take for example classical physical
fields such as gravity, electricity and magnetism. These are not in
themselves material, although they operate through material bodies. They
are non-material, but still physical even though they do interact through
and on material bodies. This fact seems to imply that mind and
consciousness are themselves field effects and that conclusion fits them
both quite well given what little we know of them.

Clues to scientific understanding

Consciousness is also affected and/or influenced by what and how much
we know, i.e., our own individual innate storage of knowledgeour
memories. It seems that the greater (quantity) and more extensive (quality)
our knowledge of the external world, our selves and our material
environment, the higher we can evolve our own individual levels of
consciousness. Consciousness is a matter of complexity of knowledge,
thoughts and memories. The broader and more intense the learning and
experience that forms memories, the more chaotic new memories would be
against the background of older stored memories which would
grow/expand/evolve older deep-seated memory complexities and lead to
new higher level memory complexities, all of which would increase a
persons awareness of consciousness, if not consciousness itself.
Experience, which is a whole-body effect, would be stronger, i.e., have a
more intense effect in the brain, than rote learning, which would be more of
a whole brain effect alone. Experience would thus affect the evolution of
consciousness more than rote learning of data, i.e. learned or memorized
knowledge. If that knowledge, whether learned or experienced, leads to

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

new novel ideasunique new complexities of thoughtit would be an even

more valuable contributor to the growth and evolution of consciousness.
But we also know that rote knowledge, in the form of philosophical
knowledge of consciousness, does not necessarily offer a direct path to
higher levels of consciousness, as if other physical factors (whole body
experiences) are necessary for a new complexity of knowledge to emerge as
a higher state or level of consciousness. In the case of spiritual or mystical
enlightenment, which amounts to an intense and profound leap to a higher
level of consciousness, rote knowledge alone is not enough to initiate the
change. In other words, neither science nor humankind in general needs the
accumulation of more data and facts alone, either about consciousness or
the physical context of consciousness and physical reality, to reach higher
levels of consciousness, either individually or collectively, but rather the
emergence of a new physical context (scientific theory) of both
consciousness and the universe in its wholeness that better relates them
together and explains their connection.
As a case in point, we need only look at the historical example of
Huineng, the sixth and last patriarch of Chan Buddhism in China. Huineng
(d.713, Ghangzhou, China) was spiritually enlightened spontaneously as a
young boy after hearing a public recitation of the Diamond Sutra. Born to a
poor family, he was completely illiterate, so he went to the Shaolin Temple
to learn about his experience. The fifth patriarch alone recognized his
enlightened state and only admitted him as a servant, for reasons of temple
politics, rather than a novice who could become a monk. When the fifth
patriarch grew too old to continue his duties, he posted a poetry contest to
decide his successor. The head monk wrote a poem explaining
enlightenment in a philosophical manner that was praised by all the other
monks and novices, but learning of the contest Huineng wrote a counter-
argument poem based on his own experience of enlightenment and posted it
on the wall in secret.
The monks and novices in the temple were aghast at Huinengs poem,
but the fifth patriarch knew who wrote it because only Huineng, of everyone
in the temple, had truly experienced enlightenment. So, the patriarch gave
Huineng all the heirlooms and marks of the patriarch office, making him the
sixth patriarch, and told him to leave the temple and run for his life.
Huineng became the sixth patriarch, but abandoned the temple in fear for
his life, taking with him a few followers and becoming the last patriarch of
Chan Buddhism. However, the story did not end with this event. Huineng
later authored the Platform Sutra, which has become one of the greatest of
all writings on enlightenment in all the Buddhist faith, thus gaining for

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

himself reputation and influence on collective human thought beyond far

beyond his own history. Philosophical knowledge is knowledge based in the
mind itself about itself, either directly or indirectly, so, rooted in the mind it
does not necessarily offer or guarantee an effective path to the
enlightenment of consciousness.
The point of Huinengs story is simple. The experience of spiritual
enlightenment, even without any formal learning, goes far beyond normal
learning yet has nothing to do with the development of any philosophical
knowledge of enlightenment. A philosophical knowledge may be helpful for
understanding and/or attaining enlightenment, but it is not a necessity. That
is because philosophical understanding may well be part of the illusion of
our reality since it is created in the mind and reflects the minds limitations.
However, natural philosophy, or what we call science, is different from other
forms of philosophy since it is restricted by nature and the external reality
and thus subject to external natural limitations, not limitations of the mind.
Therefore, science can grow and evolve as our own minds grow and evolve
as well as evolve our minds and brains and bodies to conform to the natural
world, even against the logic of the mind, which is more conducive to higher
levels of consciousness. Since human and normal consciousness is a product
of evolution, whether internally (genetic) or externally (natural selection)
inspired and influenced, true knowledge of the external world is not
necessarily an illusion as is our internally motivated and constructed
philosophies and therefore true science need not inhibit and should even
enhance consciousness, higher levels of consciousness and even offer help
along the path to spiritual enlightenment. It certainly wouldnt complicate
the path as normal and other forms of philosophy do.
Huinengs story also shows that the highest level of enlightenment can
also come spontaneously, although spontaneous enlightenment is rare. This
implies that the human brain and mind are highly capable and already
primed for spiritual enlightenment through no more than evolution, while
practice of special methods and some types of learning are more
advantageous than just rote philosophical knowledge. The brain and mind
are also primed for developing science or some similar form of interpreting
and explaining nature and the natural world around us in concert with
developing consciousness. The western sense of enlightenment has
traditionally been based on philosophical rather than spiritual
enlightenment. The only proof of this necessary is a clear recognition of the
historical Age of Enlightenment in European history, which was based on
the liberal philosophical and political thoughts of the German and French
philosophes in the eighteenth century. These philosophers never came

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

close to the true spiritual and/or mystical enlightenment experienced by

people in non-western cultures, although there have been a few spiritual
masters in the west that have reached that pinnacle of consciousness and
influenced western thought, albeit in a religious rather than a scientific
From these examples, it should be evident that pure philosophy and
metaphysics do not and cannot lead to either an understanding of
consciousness or the experience of pure consciousness as in spiritual and
mystical enlightenment, or at least there is no record of this ever having
been accomplished. However, the same cannot be said for natural
philosophy, which is based upon nature and natures rules of action and
change. How the human mind perceives and interprets nature, called
natural philosophy, is thus different from other forms of philosophy that are
purely products of the mind without natural or physical limitations. The
same can be said for pure mathematics that has been rigorized and stripped
of all references to physical existence. That leaves physics alone, the
modern heir of classical natural philosophy, in its attempts to describe and
explain our commonly perceived and experienced physical reality. Physics is
the only legitimate path to the scientific understanding consciousness and
develop a science of consciousness although the direction that path takes
can and should be guided by those have directly experienced spiritual and
mystical enlightenment.
In any case, developing higher levels of consciousness does seem to
follow the same paths by which we normally gain knowledge, learn about
the external reality of the world and the internal world of self, but a
learning experience that goes beyond normal rote learning of facts and data
increases consciousness more rapidly and completely and even makes the
leap to higher levels of consciousness, such as spiritual (mystical)
enlightenment, more probable. Philosophy is not always the final product of
rote learning, but rather develops when rote learning is placed within a
specific mentally developed context of learning and knowing and this
context mostly interferes with advancing and evolving consciousness to the
spiritual or mystical level because it offers a specific way of interpreting
new learning and experience in an antispirituality manner. It logicizes the
intuitive after its own manner despite the independence of intuition from
normal philosophical forms of logic. Why is this so? Because nature, rather
mysteriously and it would even seem with purpose, gave us large and
complex enough brains through evolution to be able to define, explore and
understand consciousness it self, our internal heritage of sensing and
experiencing the universe in it wholeness, beyond our mind generated

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

selves, and perhaps even more as well as the external world around us in
which we find our self through comparison.

How does this work?

Given our present state of science and knowledge, as understood by
western science and philosophical thought, all knowledge comes to us from
the external world through our five common senses and sensations. This
type of knowledge is logically interpreted by our minds and brains. Thus, we
try to logically understand the world around us, our interactions with the
external world and our interactions with others, as does science. But
science carries the understanding further and develops hypotheses and
theories to explain the external world and how it works and then tests its
theories and hypotheses to verify the degree of their ultimate accuracy and
truth relative to nature. So, if any form of human thought is free from the
illusion of human mind, science is, and thus theoretical science, not
philosophy, offers the best road to understanding consciousness.
Within this context, learning and experiences of the external
physical/material world become memories stored by the brains neural nets
and thus part of the context of our knowledge of the world, which amounts
to individual thoughts in mind merging together to form whole brain
cognition, before rising to the level of consciousness. The pathway for this
to occur is simple: From the external world via our senses by hearing,
seeing, smell, touch and taste, along neurons to neural nets in the brain
where reconstruction of the outside world begins, and then to mind as new
memories form against the complex context of older memories and thoughts
before whole brain cognition, which is represented by waking or conscious

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

But there is another way of learning and knowledge gathering that is not so
easily explained since its source is unspecified.
We also have intuition, imagination, internal senses, gut feelings, and
other ways of knowing that are not so easily understood. Some of this
knowing may be due to genetic memories whose existence has been
demonstrated by science, but the mechanics of genetic memory is unknown
so it cannot explain all the other forms of knowing such as intuition. These
forms of knowledge and knowing follow a slightly different pathway. They
proceed from consciousness, to the neural nets where awareness of
consciousness, if not individual consciousness itself, first arises, then to
mind and whole brain cognition. So, it seems, and can be scientifically
verified, that individual neural nets play an extremely important role in
knowing, learning and the gathering of new knowledge as well as a bridge
between consciousness, mind and brain.
Given the special role of science in general and physics regarding our
need to understand and further the development and/or evolution of
consciousness, space and time (but not matter) together rise to the top of
the list of physical/mental concepts that can best be used to further develop
a science of consciousness. We normally sense that the external world
consists of a three-dimensional space due to the relative positons of three-
dimensional material objects and that the positions and the material objects
themselves change over time. This knowledge follows the normal pathways
of learning and building memories that expand consciousness, but the

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

commonly experienced three-dimensions of space and the single dimension

of time both seem to disappear when we note the unspecified source of
intuition and things that we know without knowing how we know them. Yet
these are exactly the things we need to fully explain and understand to
evolve science as well as both the science of consciousness and our own
individual consciousnesses.
All that we truly know of space is that it contains distinguishable objects
of matter and material bodies that are themselves three-dimensional, so we
assume that the space between those objects is also three-dimensional and
allows relative change in position of those material bits and pieces. So,
space is at least a construction of mind developed to conveniently order
objects that we sense, or is it real independent of the human mind? There is
certainly no reason that it cannot be real and it is very convenient for
physics and science to think that it is mathematically real, so we assume
that it is physically real. In either case, true space could be any number of
dimensions, even without dimensions altogether. However, a two-
dimensional sheet of paper which must have a thickness, however small, in
the third dimension of space to be real, otherwise it reduces to just an
imaginary mathematical two-dimensional plane or surface. By analogy, our
three-dimensional space, a geometrical surface of types, must have a small
thickness, no matter how small, in a fourth and higher dimensions of space
to be physically and not just mathematically real.
This bears repeating: Our three-dimensional space, like that piece of
paper, must have a four-dimensional component or thickness, no matter how
small, to be real and not reduce to an imaginary mathematical form.
Therefore, our thoughts and consciousness, being physical but non-material,
beyond just the mere materiality of the world, must have some component
in the higher fourth dimension of space. This component could not be time
(as in four-dimensional space-time), since time must already account for
relative changes in position in three-dimensional space without
simultaneous reference to the higher dimensional component. The
extension of space to four dimensions must be related to consciousness in
some manner, although it need not and cannot be consciousness itself. This
would mean that consciousness is and corresponds to that part of three-
dimensional mind that extends along the fourth dimension of space in which
three-dimensional space is embedded. In any case, the sophistication of our
scientific concepts of space and their relationship to our material world and
our self still offers a good measure of the overall level of our
consciousness, despite this.

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

Time is fundamentally different from space, but it is intimately tied and

related to space. Time is fundamental to and at least directly related to
change, if not a direct measure of a necessary element of change. Time is
always changing, moving forward at a constant universal rate as far as we
know, in lock step with changes within and the changing wholeness of the
universe, i.e., both in and against the changing background of space that it
causes. So, time (universal clock time) changes even when there is no local
change in relative position or location of material bodies to perceive that
change. Time change does not require a corresponding space change. Yet
when an object changes position in space, it must be accompanied by a
corresponding change in time, which demonstrates a major difference
between space and time despite their intimate physical connection.
Furthermore, the way we perceive and interpret time change mentally does
not always correspond to real universal time change.
If we are happy or sad, time perception adjusts to seem faster or slower,
respectively, than ordinary clock time. When we are bored, mental time
seems to go much, much slower. This alteration in time perception is called
the specious moment and seems to be a clear property of consciousness. In
other words, states of consciousness alter the perceived flow of time in our
minds. So, it would seem and we can safely assume that the sophistication
of our scientific concept of time is also a measure of the overall level of our
individual as well as collective human consciousness. That our concepts of
space and time are measures of our level of consciousness, an evolutionary
level of human progress since the development of consciousness is
generally considered a characteristic of the highest level of human
evolution, is the message given us by both the external world of nature and
the internal world of self and awareness of self, literally the point where
the inner and outer worlds of being come together.
Within this new physical context of space and time, we can draw a more
accurate and truer picture of how we learn and gather knowledge. Those
things that we know without knowing how we know them, before attributed
to intuition and related aspects of consciousness, can now also be attributed
to a sixth sense that directly interacts through consciousness with the
external fourth dimension of space and our world, just as the normal five
senses interact with the external three-dimensional world of matter to bring
us information in the form of new learning and experiences.

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

In other words, we can also learn about and experience the three-
dimensional world through our four-dimensional connections to the world,
but only after we have directly experienced fur-dimensional reality and/or
otherwise learned a sufficient (scientific) amount about it. The ideal, of
course, is both.
We have historically and traditionally learned about our external habitat
and world through interactions with matter and changes in material
positions, but matter is restricted to three-dimensional relative space and
time affects all four dimensions of space differently. So, we normally think in
terms of three-dimensional material clock time, which is the time scale used
by mind. Time is three-dimensionally the same, moving forward at a
constant definable rate, but not necessarily the same over the fourth
direction of space, which explains the specious moment of time.
Individuals consciousness is a non-material four-dimensional extension of
our three-dimensional material bodies and brains and thus physical without
being material. So, consciousness can perceive and interpret time
(temporality) differently than the brain and mind, even though it
experiences the same three-dimensional constant forward rate of time.
Given these differences as well as the similarities, both paths of learning
and knowledge gathering through experience primarily through simple
three-dimensional material neural nets, where the inner and outer worlds
come into contact within our brains and minds.
Simple neural nets hold a special place in both sequences and our basic
neural net patterns are inherited, which means that we are born equipped
for learning, experiencing, general gathering of knowledge and the ability

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

to grow beyond our present limits and evolve to higher levels of mind and
consciousness as well as higher levels of science which are more accurate
and truer to nature. Developing and advancing science is as natural to
human culture and society as increasing our own individual levels of
consciousness through learning and experience and these two aspects of
mind and consciousness seem to go hand and hand through the advance of
time and history. As we learn more, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the
neural nets rewrite themselves to accommodate the new knowledge against
the context of older knowledge wired into the brain via the neural nets.
When that learning and experience is very profound, both quantitatively and
quantitatively, it can radically change a persons basic consciousness or
waking awareness of consciousness by rewriting or rewiring more of the
brains fundamental neural nets.
This rewiring occurs to some degree for all learning and experience, but
in the experiences of NDEs and spiritual enlightenment, the changes are so
profound that the experiencers personality and values, both are important
aspects of consciousness, can change radically due to the extensive and
complex rewiring. In both cases, NDEs and enlightenment, the individual
has experienced direct physical contact with the higher fourth dimension of
space and the experience is so intense and profound that the experiencer
has a waking or conscious memory of that contact, which rewires some of
the most fundamental neural nets to make that experience an important
part of the persons overall waking consciousness and context of self. On
the other hand, an experience such as war or disaster can cause the
opposite to happen which results in mental dissociative behavior such as
Moreover, since the basic neural nets can affect genetics, changes in
levels of consciousness can also act as a driving force in evolution. This
would amount to evolution from the top down, rather than the normal
scientifically accepted theory of evolution from the bottom up through
genetic mutation and genetic drift resulting from natural selection. There is
an ever-increasing amount of scientific evidence that the rate of human
evolution is increasing, which would seem to confirm these findings that
both science (physics) and human consciousness are following the same
path forward, into the future, at approximately the same rate of
development, hand in hand, toward the same end. Knowing (science) and
experiencing (enlightenment) the universe in its wholeness and this quest
are even reflected in our genetic heritage and its relationship with the
complexity of neural nets in the brain where our awareness of
consciousness, if not consciousness itself, arises.

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

In the end, it does not matter whether an external Supreme

Consciousness exists that acts through us or whether our individual
consciousnesses act together in a concerted collective consciousness to
bring about a higher level Cosmic Consciousness, they all act through
simple neural nets in our brains to either create or perceive our external
world. Our genetics and genetic heritage thus expresses itself consciously
through changing neural nets, which further means that consciousness can
control and/or direct (top-down) evolution since we have discovered that
new learning and experience can rewrite our neural nets. So, the science
(physics) of consciousness must begin by understanding neural nets and
their role in the functioning of our brains, how they work and how they
interact with our abilities to explore the world that nature has provided us.
Nature must have had a reason to give all of life this ability, but it seems
that only humans have taken this ability further in defining and
understanding our world and selves.

East meets west

Western science has been developed and has grown increasing
importance to culture and society within this context. Western science is
based almost completely on what we normally perceive of the external
material/physical world, as filtered and limited by our sensations of the
world, although it has taken a turn for the worst in the last several decades
and is now basing some very new modern physics on mentally derived and
thus rigorized pure mathematics alone, without being filtered or checked
against the natural world. This new science is philosophically based rather
than based on nature and thus upends the fundamental scientific method
upon which science is supposedly based. Science is still reductionist and
relies on inductive logic, which is bad for any scientific study of
consciousness because consciousness is, for all intents and purposes, a
holistic, non-reducible and non-materialistic aspect of all living organisms.
So, the best that science can presently do is look for consciousness or
think of consciousness in terms of the smallest logical unit in the brain,
where each one of us becomes aware of our body, mind, consciousness and
our self, which is the simple neural net.
In other words, western science has finally set upon a positive course for
understanding consciousness, in at least a minimal way, by settling upon
and considering the neural correlates of consciousness in its search for the
source and meaning of consciousness, rather than depending upon purely
philosophical knowledge, metaphysics and speculation. Almost
simultaneously and thus seemingly with specific purpose beyond mere

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

coincidence, individual human consciousness has reached a specific natural

tipping point whereby a new leap in evolution (top-down) is sure to occur.
Given this coincidence in timing, if ti is a coincidence at all, western science
needs to look at eastern perspectives of consciousness, which have taken a
completely different historical path than western science, to help guide and
prepare for the possible negative effects of both the new scientific
revolution and the evolutionary leap forward. Undoubtedly, it is within the
neural nets that we first become aware of consciousness where
consciousness first emerges in conjunction with the evolution of body
(brain) and mind, even though consciousness is thought to be four-
dimensional and thus external to the three-dimensional mind.
This view is fortunate because one of the primary problems of
consciousness is how it can manifest itself in thoughts, i.e., bring thoughts
to mind. Any external signals detected directly by consciousness must
interact with as many neural nets as possible and have enough individual
activation potential to bring a thought, idea, feeling, memory, or whatever
to the conscious mind & whole brain cognition. The question that science
needs to ask is how do people normally grow, evolve or increase their level
of consciousness? The answer is now simple to see by inducing or
influencing in some way their brains to rewire themselves for greater effect.
Traditional way to do this is through lengthy meditation, which naturally
drowns out interfering signals from the three-dimensional external world so
we can better listen to and cognize knowledge input from the fourth
dimension. Successful meditation practices end activation competition in
the neural nets between three-dimensional sensory input and four-
dimensional conscious input, which sometimes allows consciousness to
emerge in conscious thought. Knowledge input from the fourth dimension
(the universe) is more accurate (truer) because it has not been sullied by
interference from three-dimensional contextual biases of language and
interpretation, other mental and emotional biases, and material limitations
of the normal five senses.
Whole body meditation methods combining mind and motion, that also
work at a lower level of cognition, have also been developed in other parts
of the world. These range from Tai Chi, Yoga, Aikido, Kung Fu and other
martial arts to Sufi dancing and so on. These arts increase the overall
number of activating neural nets in the brain instead of deadening outside
sensations, i.e., they entrain coherence in the brain through whole body
coherence, when done properly. Whole brain cognition and coherence which
has been induced by whole body cognition can also stimulate the direct
experience of consciousness as well as stimulate the immunity system to

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

heal mental and physical problems. The message for western science that
comes from all of this is that everyone needs to do anything and everything
that enhances and strengthens rewiring of the neural nets in the brain in a
positive manner where mind and consciousness have their strongest (but
not their only) activation possibilities.
For quite a long time, science believed that the human brain was only
being used at ten percent of its overall capacity, even at the best of times.
This belief was a myth. Our whole brain is active at any given time, but only
about ten to fifteen percent of the brain is in a state of whole brain
coherence which gives rise to thought and/or streams of thought at any
given time. The rest of the brain is just background noise (think of snow on
old fashioned television screens) from the electrical firing of neurons when
they communicate with each other and under normal sensory input from the
external three-dimensional world. A persons waking consciousness must be
brought up to a minimum level of whole brain cognition or coherence for a
person to become consciously aware of pure consciousness in a waking
state and this is very hard to do.
We come closest to doing so naturally when we see something in the real
world that makes us happy, such as a cute kitten playing. When this occurs,
a persons whole brain is in a state of higher coherence that resonates
positively with what the persons eyes observe in the external reality. This
resonance influences that part of the brain that creates mood chemicals to
release the chemicals that make the person happy. The same is true when
we sense the awe of something that we are watching or experiencing in
the external world. Love, compassion and empathy, which are also
properties of consciousness, also fall into this category, and when we sense
this resonance of whole brain coherence with the external world, we are
rewarded by a rush of biochemicals from the brain that make us feel good.
That is how we tell that we have just experienced the resonance. The same
is true for science done correctly in matching the reality of the natural
world and establishing resonance states with the external physical world.

Science done correctly

Science both begins and advances by observation of the external world
(from external world to mind/consciousness/self) which is then subjected
to the logic of the scientific/experimental method for building theoretical
models of physical reality. Science is done correctly when its theoretical
models better reflect the true nature of reality. A more accurate scientific
model works like a coherent thought in your brain that resonates with the
three-dimensional external reality (the Eureka effect), while whole brain

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

coherence is even greater when it resonates with the four-dimensional

reality of the universe in its wholeness (Satori or Nirvana). So, science
(natural philosophy) can get us further along the path to consciousness and
awareness of consciousness than just a purely philosophical understanding
of consciousness because it deals directly with physical reality, although it is
still not as effective as the direct experience of our higher dimension of
reality, which leads to immediate spiritual or mystical enlightenment.
This also means that correct scientific theories reflect external reality
in the brain and so affect the brain in a way different from incorrect or
partially correct theories. The more correct the theory, the greater the
brain resonates with nature and the wholeness of the universe, and the
more consciousness evolves which influences neural net growth and
complexity toward enlightenment. Our western science is presently attuned
to a three-dimensional reality with time (the quantum and Newtonian
paradigms) or a four-dimensional space-time reality (the relativity
paradigm), while the wholeness of the universe is a four-dimensional space
with time or, better yet, a five-dimensional space-time. In the case of
modern science, modern scientists and their philosophical and
mathematical counterparts are being fooled by partial harmonies with their
purely metaphysical models of modern physics, which they think will
eventually lead to a purely physical theory of everything, but have not yet
come even close to realizing the fullness of their theoretical explorations
into nature because they are three-dimensionally limited in a four-
dimensional space.
The clear majority of modern theoretical physicists are satisfied and
happy with partial harmonies with the reality of the universe created by
their own mental biases, but they are only fooling themselves into a false
and egotistical dead-end for science. The degree to which a theory of reality
is incorrect, does not match nature and the real external world, causes
disharmony and even severe dissonance (greater chaos depending on the
degree to which it is incorrect) between whole brain cognition and the
external world as well as between their minds mental pictures of the
external world and the truth and wholeness of the universe that
consciousness conveys directly to mind. In other words, we also observe
nature internally (through mind/consciousness by the greater four-
dimensional self) over a more general landscape of reality which needs to
be included in modern science. Not having been clearly defined and studied,
such internal observations and additions to science in the past have been
misrepresented and misinterpreted. Unfortunately, science sometimes
convinces itself in its brains picture of reality that its theories or

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

worldviews are correct and thus tries to tell nature how to act and react
at specific points of reality instead of observing how nature acts and reacts
in its wholeness and developing a new theory. Science can convince itself it
is correct when it is not as correct as it thinks, as in the present situation
in physics dominated by the quantum field theory and the Standard Model
of point particles as well as that physics that has been mathematically
extrapolated by superstring and other purely mathematical theoreticians.
In the dominant paradigm of physics for the past half century, the
quantum study of point particles and quantum fields and the myth that it
has created has progressed to near religious fervor, but that fervor is based
on a false assumption that quantum point events occur in an unspecified
absolute three-dimensional point generated space with separate time. This
new view of an absolute space is completely ignored and denied by quantum
scientists, if it is even acknowledged by them to exist. Most do not even
suspect its existence, so great are their mental blinders and still believe
that the Standard Model, based solely on discrete events, is without any
geometric content.
Our minds perceive the world geometrically as either discrete points or
relative extensions and that is an illusion since space-time is one, not split
between points and extensions. Within this mind-created geometrical
context, mind cannot normally perceive consciousness directly although it is
aware of consciousness existence, because mind cannot imagine the
oneness of a universe where points and extensions are mere mental
illusions produced by the three-dimensional materiality of our brains. So,
while the normal three-dimensional world studied by science is based on the
extension/relative part of reality and our world, the internal world of
consciousness and self is based on point/absolute part of reality and our
world, and it is only through points (rather than the extended whole) that
we can directly experience the higher fourth dimension of space and how it
varies over time. It is only in three-dimensionally spatial points where
consciousness resides as a four-dimensional extension of our three-
dimensional material bodies.
Alternately, the traditional path to higher consciousness and
enlightenment is based completely on direct experience without any
scientific explanation of what that experience means. So, people who seek a
higher level of consciousness need to pay more attention to science, at least
now that science is advancing in a direction toward understanding
consciousness. If humanity is to evolve any further as a whole toward a
higher inherited level of consciousness, and even enlightenment, western
logical reductionist science and esoteric intuitive thought as displayed in

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

eastern philosophies need to come together. Scientists need to train their

intuition (consciousness not just mind) as well as train themselves to listen
to their intuitions more closely for science to progress any further than it
has up to and including the Second Scientific Revolution (1900-1927) and
the subsequent advances that revolution has made possible. Western
science needs to be more subjective and intuitive than it presently is, but
even more it needs to go beyond its present level of intuition and develop
new intuitive tools of exploration and application.
The Second Scientific Revolution only maximized the amount of knowing
that we can get out of our three-dimensional biased brain/mind complex
about our three-dimensional external world, and that is the paradox upon
which the science of the last Revolution that we experienced now stumbles.
The last revolution in science was plagued by shortcomingspositivistic and
materialistic attitudesand those shortcomings now necessitate our going
beyond the ordinary three dimensions of space and one dimension of time to
incorporate and understand the true physical five-dimensional space-time
material reality in which we truly exist. But science has been limited
because mind is extensive in the natural three-dimensional world, like
matter and tied to matter but not itself material, while consciousness is
pointive, in the points of space within all living beings bodies, but neither
matter nor material yet still physical itself.
That is why consciousness is so hard to deal with in a scientific and
logical manner, and seems so strange and foreign to us and to our minds
that we cannot even find the language to adequately describe
consciousness, let alone the direct experience of consciousness through
satori and NDEs, even though consciousness is directly connected to the
mind where language originates. In other words, to understand what
consciousness truly is and can become we need to work both ends toward
the middle, reduce the duality of a physical universe that is both three and
four dimensional, to a singularity, which concludes with whole brain
cognition or coherence in the form of the most correct and accurate
scientific model of our total physical reality (not just our three-dimensional
material reality) that is possible. The type of knowing and knowledge to be
gained from science done correctly is a mirror image of, if not the same as,
the knowledge and knowing gained from spiritual/mystical enlightenment.

The Age of Obfuscation

Science and western thought have been overly-influenced and even
haunted by the Cartesian paradox that splits our perception and
interpretation of reality into a fundamental duality, which is an earlier

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

version of the learning and knowledge gathering split discussed above. This
dominance still lingers in one form or another even though its usefulness in
separating natural philosophy from religion is long past and thus presents a
problem and challenge for modern science and physics. This dualism has
influenced the direction taken by science for more than two thousand years
even though it was not well defined until the middle of the seventeenth
century by Ren Descartes. Descartes interpreted the split in the terms of
Mind and Matter. He associated Mind with knowledge gathered directly
from God and Matter as Gods creation which we are ordained to
experience and able to understand and manipulate by logic to form
explanatory theories. Explaining Matter in this manner allowed the
evolution of the science of mechanics and physics in general as later
expressed by Newtons physics in relative space, while God, mind,
consciousness, life, and anything considered non-mechanical or
metaphysical was relegated first to the arena of Cartesian Mind and then to
Newtonian absolute space, which incorporated many features of mind which
were valid for study within the realm of science.
This worldview later morphed into a prejudice against certain aspects of
natureanything dealing with the ultimate meaning of life, mind and
consciousness, spirituality, religion, God, the occult and paranormaland
some seemingly unnatural events in the external world. The concepts of life,
mind and consciousness were then taken out of the hands of scientists and
were not even considered valid subjects for western science to study until
the nineteenth century when biology and biochemistry first emerged as
legitimate sciences in their own rights. This prejudice solidified the split
between eastern philosophy and practices and western science, which
through hindsight might even seem to have been necessary for western
science to break its bonds with religion and progress, although it now acts
to slow and unnecessarily limit the progress of science. All scientists need
to look at these taboo elements of nature and our perceived world and
change their perspective, reevaluate their priorities and even the methods
of knowledge gathering in science based on the eastern reliance on
tradition, philosophy and science as related to mind and consciousness.
By the mid-nineteenth century, Newtonian science had become so
successful that the strictures of the duality, the veil between Mind and
Matter, began to weaken and even disappear. A few scientists and the
educated public began to take subjects within the Cartesian category of
Mind seriously as subjects for scientific scrutiny. This change of attitude
was reinforced by a public movement, a trend that the public deemed
scientific to some degree, to replace religion by modern spiritualism.

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

However, a backlash to this movement and the trend toward developing real
sciences of mind and consciousness soon developed.
Ernst Mach, a popular physicist and philosopher of science, argued that
we could not and would never directly know either mind or physical reality:
Science was based solely and without exception on our sensations of
external reality. [1] Many scientists thought as he did, which encouraged his
views to be institutionalized in the philosophical movement of empirical
positivism, which combined with logical positivism to successfully nullify
some of the advances in the scientific study of mind and consciousness as
well as modify and limit the changes wrought by the Second Scientific
Revolution after 1900. So, when John Watson published his fundamental
paper on behaviorism, a concept which is the psychological equivalent to
Machs physical sensations within the newly evolving science of mind, in
1913, [2] psychology turned toward behaviorism and dropped any direct
references to mind and consciousness. All of science then followed this
same limitation and returned to a new rendering of the Cartesian paradox.
It wasnt until the 1960s and 70s that science once again began to consider
the possibility that mind and consciousness could be treated and explained
scientifically and that change of attitude was due in large part to the
western exposure to eastern philosophical, esotericism and religions due to
geopolitical events and forces.
Eastern science (as it presents itself to the west mind) and philosophical
thought has historically taken a different approach and bases its science on
a more subjective perspective to knowing. Eastern philosophies interpret
consciousness and self in a more holistic manner that opens the concepts
to direct influences on physical reality and the universe in the broader
sense of those concepts. So, eastern science and natural philosophy is based
on traditional and more naturalistic perspectives of the external physical
world. Even the eastern interpretation of western science shows this
difference in the basic context of the physical world, i.e., the eastern view of
evolution is different from western modern Darwinism in many cases, so
eastern science also has a lot to learn from western science and vice versa,
especially as western science is about to undergo a new revolution. The
eastern perspective is predominantly top-down subjective and the western
perspective is bottom up reductionist, and their differences only reflect the
same duality that creates mind and consciousness and how they interpret
matter, energy, space and time, as well as interact with each other. In the
end, both approaches are necessary and need to supplement each other if
humanity is ever to break the present stranglehold on science and move on,
especially in physics.

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

The fundamental differences between eastern and western philosophies,

both natural (science) and pure philosophies that deal with morality and
such issues, have developed along historical lines that are easily identified.
During the sixth century (BCE), there seems to have been a small
evolutionary leap in human consciousness that affected the whole world. In
the west, Greek ideas of natural philosophy came to dominate later
philosophical advances including the evolution of science (the Zeroth
Scientific Revolution). This dominance left later western science based on
objective rational logic, which is both reductionist and positivistic and thus
minimizes western sciences dependence on intuition and spirituality.

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

At the exact same time a half world away, India and China were establishing
their own standards of philosophical thought and the beginnings of science.
The Vedic period of Indian history came and went as did Gautama (the
Buddha) and Mahavira, religious reformers. In China, Lao Tzu developed
Taoism and Confucius established philosophies that would eventually lead
China to a more practical science and esotericism that, together with India,
advanced science as a more subjective natural philosophy based on intuition
and spirituality as much as logic, minimizing the central role of western
style rational logic. What is considered metaphysical in western philosophy
and thus non-scientific is considered rational and scientific in eastern
philosophy and thus legitimately scientific, but reality exists somewhere
between and also beyond the two perspectives.
The western metaphysical approach has already moved, or perhaps has
been pushed by developments since the 1960s, onward to a more top-down
perspective of physical reality by its own shortcomings and the failure to
find proper theoretical solutions to some very pervasive physical
observations and phenomena. However, this approach has led to, or perhaps
uncovered would be a better word, new problems and challenges for
science. As far as western science is concerned, the reductionist physical
approach to consciousness is to seek and explain the neural correlates of
consciousness, but this raises the problem of whether consciousness is just
an epiphenomenonan accidental side product of the brains evolutionor
not, and some scientists simply do not like the implications of the not
Another implication is just as bad, if not worseIf consciousness is not
an epiphenomenon, then it could be a top-down product of some type of a
universal Consciousness. If so, then any form of bottom-up consciousness
that we can eventually understand in science completely disappears and we
are reduced to zombies that are slaves to that Consciousness with no free
will of our own. These are the two extremes that science needs to consider
consciousness is an epiphenomenon or we are slave-like zombies that
answer only to a higher Consciousnessyet our reality is somewhere
between these two extremes, although some philosophers and scientists still
debate one or the other of these extremes is our reality.
Within this context, incredible speculations about consciousness have
lately seemed to dominate the popular media as individual scientists and
scholars voice their own opinions of what a universal top-down
Consciousness might look like to a society that is desperately looking for
some verification of human spirituality or excuse to deny it (other than
drugs). The true question is whether these speculations can be developed

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

into hypotheses and even theoretical models that are at least falsifiable, if
not completely verifiable. Otherwise, do they have any scientific value at
all? And the answer to that is a resounding no because any so-called
theory of Consciousness would be beyond scientific verification by its very
nature and thus non-falsifiable. Luckily, both consciousness as an
epiphenomenon and Consciousness from above controlling our free will,
even in the weaker case that we are not consciously zombies, are
completely unacceptable to the clear majority of scientists and scholars
Thank God. (The retort Thank God is a joke, think about it!)
Individual consciousness is undoubtedly real, but beyond our ken at
present so we normally discuss it and characterize consciousness in semi-
scientific or scientific sounding (metaphysical) non-scientific terms and even
a metaphysical theory or two that cannot be verified, confirmed or even
ever tested (as in non-falsifiable), which brings us back to top-down points
of view. The very fact that the top-down possibility exists and is being
seriously discussed belies the fact and the possibility that consciousness is
an epiphenomenon, but what remains is the question of just how so many
things, too many to even seriously, that we could not otherwise know from
the bottom-up approach of our five senses do sometimes come to mind and
consciousness intuitively or by some other mysterious undefined means.
Some people even claim that Consciousness is the only reality so we
are not even zombies but just illusionary dreams, or perhaps one of the
other outlandish possibilities, all of which do no more than deny the
legitimacy of science in the name of advancing science: There is no such
thing as time, our experienced material reality is an illusion, reality might
be a computer program and we are merely its surrogates, information is the
true reality, our experiences are just a dream and our dreams are the true
reality, we are the experiment of some higher form of intelligence, pure
mathematics wiped clean of any reference to nature and the natural world
is the true reality. Do these proposals and pseudo-hypotheses represent real
science or are they a form of escapism for those unable to answer such a
tough question? There is no way to tell the difference because they are not,
nor can they ever be, falsifiable! In other words, they have no real scientific
value. At best, and this could be a stretch in some cases, they might, just
might, eventually have some esoteric value when we reach higher levels of
consciousness than we presently have. These proposals are clearly
premature given our present state of science, if not outright
counterproductive for muddying the waters of the present attempts to
scientifically model consciousness. Putting forward metaphysical models
and hypotheses in the name of science and calling them scientific could well

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

be undermining science as well as the very purpose of science and the time-
tested methods of science.
A person could almost conclude from these strange ideas that we are in
an era of scientific speculations rather than true scientific advance, which
would be true in most cases. This situation exists because such speculations
proliferate as part of the natural course of thought and mind that precedes
scientific revolutions and/or evolutionary leaps. In either or both cases, such
grasping at straws is a sign of the intellectual instability of the science
community fostered by the failures of the present quantum paradigm, which
almost no one seems to acknowledge, to find a valid unified field theory or
other unification model of physical reality. Meanwhile, in mainstream
materialistic physics (without consciousness) the Standard Model of the
quantum has failed miserably in its promise for a quick unification of
physics within one comprehensive paradigm and this portends a new
scientific revolution that is not based on the failed quantum, but an even
more fundamental concept is on the horizon. So, what is the answer? How
do we go about answering the tough questions about consciousness or
should we even try to answer the questions about consciousness in a serious
scientific manner? How do we combine these questions with the search for
a unified theory of physical reality? Real science needs to pay far less
attention to all this BS (Bad Science) and pay closer attention to what we do
know: Awareness of consciousness, if not consciousness itself, arises in the
simple neural net where memories are stored and recalled and recognition
The notion of bottom-up consciousness as an accidental epiphenomenon
may be appealing to some strict materialists, but it gets science nowhere, or
perhaps the strictest reductionists are just zombies (indoctrinated followers
of past learning and knowledge) with no real consciousness and free will.
Even if we can choose between these possibilities, the question of whether
consciousness is physical or not, classical or quantum, still remains as well
as do they exist only in the brain or the whole body or somewhere else? So,
it seems that mind and/or consciousness alone is not fundamental enough to
solve the problem of physics and/or the physics of consciousness, at least
within the present state and worldview of classical and modern physics. But
it is equally true that if we ever hope to truly understand what our
experienced reality is, if we truly believe in the value of science, then we
must also understand what the consciousness that observes and interprets
that reality is, as well as how they interact to create our world and
worldview at any and all levels of reality.

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

The inevitability of consciousness evolution

Science and human evolution, at least from this perspective are, for all
intents and purposes, headed toward the same endpoint of a spiritually
enlightened human species. Homo sapiens could well and will probably be
replaced by Homo paradoxus in the next few generations. If not, the human
species may be headed toward its demise and/or self annihilation. The new
human species would be a paradox because it would still live on as part of
the three-dimensional material world, but would think in a fully functional
five-dimensional space-time framework that is well explained, but not yet
completely explained by modern science and/or post-modern science. The
scientific revolution that will come with unification and an increasing rate of
human evolution based on increasing levels of consciousness within the
overall human population (and other factors) foretell this coming event
when both enter a new phase of Hominid existence together.
When placed in a much broader historical perspective, this inevitability
is all the easier to discern and understand. About one-hundred to two-
hundred thousand years ago, nature mysteriously, for reasons unknown to
us, gave the new species of Homo sapiens (us) a larger and more complex
brain than was necessary to survive. Between forty and eighty thousand
years ago, humans began to think in more complex and abstract manner as
archeologically indicated by cave paintings and burial sites that have been
discovered, excavated and studied. These early humans seemed to know
death and suspect that it was not an end, which indicates that they had
developed a sense of time, and they began to think historically about their
pasts as well as their future, that they were a part of a greater whole such
as nature, which later evolved in our conceptions of space.
Sometime during this period of human development, early religions
(Gods in the form of supermen) emerged to help explain nature, but the
very fact that they sought to explain nature means that they were beginning
to use that newly inherited brain capacity that nature had mysteriously
given them in new and novel ways regarding the universe in its wholeness
and its relationship with the observer/perceiver of its machinations. This
change in perspective marked the beginning of the human concept of self.
After this, the Gods became more human-like and some humans became
more god-like. Heroes such as Arjuna (in the Bhagavad-Gita in India) and
Odysseus (in the Odyssey in Greece) demonstrate that humans had
developed a sense of history as well as independence from the whims and
fancies of nature and/or the Gods. Humans were beginning to think of
themselves as different and separate from the external world in which they

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

existed, with some form of free will in that they were no longer subject to
or dependent upon nature and the will of the Gods.
Religion emerged to explain these new mental abstractions and the
human relationship with the external world, but during the seventh century
BCE a worldwide phenomenon occurred and abstract thought turned the
human/nature relationship toward philosophical abstraction instead of
religious belief in the west and abstract metaphysical thought (esotericism)
in the east. Natural philosophies started to develop and compete with
religion throughout the world, almost simultaneously, as if the human
species reached a new plateau (complexity) in its collective consciousness.
Similar ideas toward this same end sprang up throughout the civilized
world and over the next four to five-hundred years (marking the Zeroth
Scientific Revolution in the west), philosophical wrangling over these ideas
were settled with Greek culture and the west settling on logic over intuition
and the eastern Chinese and Indian cultures emphasizing tradition and
intuition over logic alone as their guides.
Out of this milieu of new ideas and philosophies emerged the ideas that
western philosophical understanding of nature depended on three things:
changes in space (location), time (duration) and matter, all of which
emerged as the fundamental elements upon which western science was
based over the next two and a half millennia. This Zeroth Scientific
Revolution paved the way for the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth
century during which Newton finally defined space, time, matter and their
relationship with enough precision for use in science. Two hundred years
later, Newtonian science had run its course regarding the philosophical
interpretations of space and time due to the advent of non-Euclidean
geometries and the possibility of hyperspaces, as well as the perceived
notions of the mind and consciousness that are perceiving and interpreting
space and time for science.
With the very dimensions of space as well as the nature of space under
question, even to the extent that our sensations and observations of space
were being doubted, a Second Scientific Revolution emerged. Newtonian
concepts of space and time were supposedly overthrown in favor of
relativity, which sought to connect space and time into a single geometric
picture as space-time and then reduced matter to curved space-time, and
the quantum theory, which began to question the relationship between
space and time at the smallest and most fundamental measurements of
them at discrete locations (spatial and temporal in the Heisenberg
uncertainty principle) where material interaction events occurred, i.e.,
events of change at the smallest level of reality, discrete geometric points.

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

If these advances in human understanding of space and time are plotted

graphically and used as markers to show the advance of human conscious
thought, it will be noticed that major changes in the collective human level
of consciousness are growing closer together in time and the periods of
their action are shortening by a similar amount, i.e., their effects are
taking shorter periods to manifest fully before the next major change takes

This plot indicates a pyramidal structure in which human evolution and

physics are advancing toward a single point in time where they merge. The
maturity of science and its accuracy in describing the true nature of
physical reality is thus a good indicator of the level of evolutionary
development of consciousness in the human species as a collective whole.
Coincidentally, this point also corresponds to the point in time that
technicians are calling the singularity, when true artificial intelligence is
expected (predicted) to become a reality.
More realistically, this point in time will mark both an evolutionary leap
which will enter the genetic code of the Homo species leading to a new
offspring of Homo sapiens, as well as a scientific revolution, both of which
will see the emergence of our thinking and capitalizing on a knowledge of
(science) and experience within (enlightenment) the higher embedding

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

fourth dimension of space. The new scientist will be a MYSPHYT

(pronounced misfit), a cross between a MYStic and a PHYsicisT. Such an
evolutionary leap would be expected to cause three-dimensional changes in
the human body and/or brain and these have already been detected.
About a decade ago, brain plasticity was first discovered, [3] although
science can assume that this is not a new but an old feature of the brain. It
was also discovered that the human brain rewires itself in teenage minds,
from back to front, between approximately fifteen and twenty years of age.
[4] This wholesale rewiring process may be a new feature marking the
evolutionary change that is about to happen, but there is no way to confirm
this so it must again be considered an older process of the brain. However,
six months ago a new form of neuron was discovered in the white matter of
mice brains. [5] The new neurons are missing the neuron head with the
nucleus such that these neurons are all axon, which makes them fifty to one
hundred times more efficient than a normal neuron. Then, about two
months ago and other even more startling discovery was made which
sounds much closer to the physiological change that might accompany a
top-down evolutionary leap in human consciousness. Neuroscientists
discovered a single complex neural net that covers the whole outside of the
brain. [6] Such a new element of the brain could easily enhance the
possibility and function of whole brain cognition and coherence that
characterizes higher levels of consciousness. And still other circumstantial
evidence supports the view that this evolutionary leap is coming.
The thin mental veil between perception of our three-dimensional
material/physical reality and our four-dimensional physical reality is
beginning to fade away in some areas of human experience. More adults,
from vastly different cultures and societies, are experiencing and reporting
NDEs than ever before. [7] Also, more children have had and remembered
their NDEs than ever before which has led PMH Atwater, [8] who studies
and documents these phenomena, and others to conclude that a leap in
human consciousness is coming. Furthermore, the birth rate of gifted
children has been increasing for the past decade and a half, since about
2000, [9] as is the rate of children born with autism, ADHD and other
spectrum disorders. [10] However, it has also been discovered that very
high percentage of children with autism and spectral disorders, possibly as
high as 70% in some cases, has been discovered, which means that the
overall rate of gifted children born since 2000 is increasing even more
rapidly than suspected. All of this mountain of growing evidence adds up to
the simple conclusion that nature is about to kick start human evolution into

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

overdrive in a whole new direction and produce humans with higher levels
of inherited consciousness at birth.

An ending means a new beginning

Science needs to, science must develop a theoretical model within the
physics of consciousness as a starting point within a new physics of
unification and to do so science must ignore all metaphysical (including
pure mathematical) speculations and just return to the outdated and
presently unpopular notion of Realism. This return to Realism means that
consciousness, which manifests as our notions of self as opposed to an
external physical world, is exactly what it seems to be! So, science, as
always, must observe, learn and develop explanatory theories with the
information and observations that it has at hand. Within this context, a
proper physical model of consciousness would be based on a unification of
quantum and classical physics because the brain, where awareness of mind
and consciousness arises, is a product of both quantum (point) and classical
(extension) ideas, unified within a single whole commonly referred to as the
physical universe, and within this context the only way to proceed toward a
true physics of consciousness is twofold: (1) Develop a physical model of
how either consciousness or the awareness of consciousness could emerge
in the brain; and, (2) a unified theory of physical reality that could either
verify or render unlikely the possibility of some form of Consciousness that
could externally and directly affect and influence us.
Both have been completed! A Single Field Theory (SOFT) has been
developed that can account for either consciousness or Consciousness
accompanied by a theoretical model of how the basic neural net stores and
retrieves memories and recognizes sensed objects and thoughts (by pattern
resonance) which can account for the awareness of consciousness and the
self. The basic concept in this development that is more fundamental than
all else is the geometric duality of point and extension and how these are
applied to explain space and time as perceived and interpreted by
consciousness. Riemannian geometry, as used in general relativity, is based
only on metric-elements or geometrical extension alone since it purposely
ignores point-elements, while quantum theory is based on discrete points
(or Riemann point-elements) and fundamentally ignores extensions in space
and time. So, the problem is simple to solve: Expand Riemannian geometry
to include both point- and extension- or metric-elements since the Standard
Model and other quantum-only models have failed to extend discrete points
to explain how to build non-zero extensions.

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

In this unification model, our double-polar spherical four-dimensional

space-time continuum (three-dimensional space) is embedded in a higher
five-dimensional spatial manifold (four-dimensional space) that is single-
polar spherical. [12] This configuration gives our real physical universe its
unique characteristics and observed physical properties, which is an
additional bonus when developing a theory of unification. For example,
when SOFT is applied to the Big Bang model predicted by general relativity
theory, it very simply clears up the problems created by the incomplete
individual versions of general relativity and quantum theory to give a
comprehensive model of how our present universe emerged from the initial
Void. [13] The new SOFT model easily explains cosmic inflation and why no
anti-particles were created by the inflation ending event (the Big Blowout)
that created our present universe which is still expanding but at a much
slower rate.
According to the standard Big Bang model, our universe began when a
singularity in the Void and cosmic inflation began, but no further
information can be gleaned from either general relativity or the quantum
theory, neither of which can account for any further events, except by
speculation, until distances and time became measurably large at some
later time. Since quantum theory and relativity theory are based on
measurable quantities, and only measurable quantities down the extreme
limits of zero but not including zero, neither is good enough or complete
enough to go back in time, on the local scale for that time, to the initial
predicted singularity because there must have been a transition phase
taking some amount of immeasurable time (duration) before measurable
extensions of space and/or space-time first emerged. However, SOFT can
take us back to the beginning and build a logical model of the sequence of
events that resulted in cosmic inflation, its collapse and the birth of our
present material universe because it allows us to go back further than the
first measurable moments covered by Riemanns original differential
geometry of surfaces and thus general relativity.
Our understanding of the initial singularity changes dramatically within
the SOFT model. Logic dictates that the singularity must have morphed into
a 0-D point/twist Void after some undefined amount of time (which began
when the singularity emerged) before undergoing a duplicating process that
eventually yielded a large enough infinity of moments and points to
constitute measurable extensions in metric time and space. Each
momentary round of the 0-D point/twist Void duplication process in all four
dimensions of space created the physical conditions, i.e., virtual torques in
both directions of the fourth dimension from which the single field emerged

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

as the collective effect of the four-dimensional virtual torques when the Big
Blowout ended cosmic inflation and created protons, electrons, neutrinos
and the CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background). However, each and every
one of the 0-D point/twist Voids inherited a primal-awareness of its own
existence relative to the Void from which it emerged and the collective
effect of that primal-awareness when the Big Blowout occurred created a
semi-physical pre-consciousness potential field that corresponded point-for-
point with the single potential field from which matter, energy and our
common three-dimensional fields (gravity, electricity and magnetism)
This semi-physical pre-consciousness field later influenced matter to
form ever more complex material systems until a new complexity with
special propertiesLife, or as it is now called, the biofieldemerged imbued
with rudimentary forms of mind and consciousness. The field then
influenced life to evolve ever more complex forms with ever more complex
minds and consciousnesses. The existence of the semi-physical pre-
consciousness potential field alone necessitates the development of a new
expanded version of physical evolution, as part of thermodynamics, [14] to
explain both the evolution of the material universe, the initial evolution of
life and the continuing evolution of life to higher and higher level
One-hundred to two-hundred thousand years ago, the natural physical
evolution of the universe as a whole, as influenced by the pre-consciousness
field, resulted in the emergence of a special mind complexity that
distinguished Homo sapiens from earlier Hominid species. A similar, but
much lower level mind-complexity level, evolutionary event can explain the
Cambrian explosion that mysteriously occurred about two-hundred million
years ago. Since nature is not wasteful and the universe does not do things
without a reason or purpose, nature must have had a purpose when she
gave Hominids such a wonderful intellectual capacity that we would be able
to evolve our minds and consciousness levels to what they are today and
will be tomorrow. However, that wonderful intellectual capacity that we first
inherited all that time ago has now been filled with enough knowledge,
experience of our world and science that explains our world to warrant the
next major step in our evolution to continue fulfilling natures purpose on
this planet. Natures purpose for us and all living organisms seems to be to
evolve higher and higher levels of mind and consciousness, which can only
mean that we and other living sentient beings are the result of the universe
trying to internally realize its own self since it has no external points of
reference to realize its self without us. In other words, our consciousness

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

is part of the universes attempt to internally evolve its own Consciousness.

Since our present science represents the highest degree of knowledge of
the universe that we collectively possess and it is based on a three-
dimensional space with separate time or a four-dimensional space-time
structure, the next step in our evolution should give us the natural ability
and capacity (if the predicted leap is completely successful) to access,
understand and partially manipulate events in three-dimensional space
through the higher fourth dimension of space (the fifth-dimension of space-
time). Individuals already know of and are beginning to understand the
fourth dimension of space through natural means (mystical or spiritual
enlightenment and NDEs), but dont realize that what they have
experienced is a higher-dimensional embedding space.
It is only now, with unification, that science and natural philosophical
thought have caught up with them regarding knowledge of the four-
dimensional space in which we are embedded through the correct
application of the new expanded Riemannian geometry. However, scientists
and philosophers normally do not have any direct experience of the higher
dimension of reality and only explore it with limited three-dimensional
thinking based on a lifetime of three-dimensional learning and experience.
That is why eastern thought, which stresses meditation, enlightenment and
more esoteric experiential disciplines, must now team up with western
science, which stresses the logical approach to explain and understand the
full nature of what they are experiencing within a physical context, for
science and individuals to reach even higher levels of consciousness than
presently possible.
Understanding these higher levels of consciousness and how they relate
to science requires new definitions of life, mind and consciousness within
the context of the new physics of SOFT. So, where is this fourth dimension
of space into which our three-dimensional world (Riemannian surface) is
extensively bent and curved to form our perceived three-dimensional
matter/energy world. It is inside every single discrete quantum point or
point-element (0-D point/twist Void) in our three-dimensional space, yet it is
also outside of our three-dimensional space which is but a three-
dimensional surface curved extrinsically into that higher dimension. So,
consciousness as a four-dimensional extension of our three-dimensional
bodies is simultaneously inside of our three-dimensional bodies (our mindful
concept of self in the world of extensions) and outside of our three-
dimensionally extended bodies (our higher self mentioned in eastern
esoteric beliefs) in the very points of three-dimensional space that are

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

extended into the higher fourth dimension of space. Our living bodies are
thus internally consistent and self-sustaining collections of points along a
portion of that curved three-dimensional surface.
Life, the biofield or the life force, can only be interpreted scientifically
as the complex matter/energy (metric) pattern corresponding to any given
body or organism that is both characterized and ruled by the quantized
curvature of space-time. Mind is the complex electrical (three-dimensional
metric) potential pattern that corresponds to the organism or body/brain
and operates both bio-chemically and physically through stable recurring
electron and ion exchange systems. Mind is almost like an unbelievably
complex bio-electrical circuit (with no wires except for the neurons) that
extends throughout the living organism or body that is interpreted
physically as a single internally varying electric field complexity. And
consciousness is the multi-leveled complex magnetic (fourth dimension
point-by-point) vector potential pattern that corresponds to the electric
pattern, but it is higher order because it can build semi-permanent domains
(structured levels) that become permanent by reinforcing each others
existence when they have become complex enough to sustain life and mind.
Life, mind and consciousness are not the overall varying matter/energy,
electric or magnetic fields corresponding to the bodies, but rather the
extremely complex (emergent complexity) patterns of variation that give
them the special properties that distinguishes animate from inanimate
Since consciousness exists in the very three-dimensional point-fabric of
space-time occupied by a body, consciousness constitutes the four-
dimensional extension of three-dimensional body and brain. Consciousness
is therefore more stable than the other patterns and is not affected by them
as easily as they are affected by each other. It is as if we have two selfs,
one three-dimensional and a more stable and permanent four-dimensional
self, corresponding to our consciousness. Individual consciousness, our
four-dimensional self is directly connected to the universe in its wholeness
and is the source of intuition and other sources of knowledge that do not
come to us as normal sensations, normal learning and normal experiences
in our external three-dimensional material world. Consciousness acts
through the neural nets themselves to influence brain, mind and body.
The primary function of the neural nets, the smallest logical units in the
brain, is to store and retrieve memories as magnetic vector potential
variational patterns in the very points of space corresponding to the
brain/body. They also function to recognize new incoming patterns by a
process of pattern matching, and patch together all memory patterns to

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

give us the memory context for advanced thought and consciousness itself.
We only assume mind and consciousness exist in the brain alone because
the brain is the only organ in the body where the complex neural nets that
give us logical awareness of mind and consciousness can be found. Mind
and consciousness actually exist throughout the body, as does Life (the
The new theory based on this geometric connection will, when applied
to consciousness in the context of its physical interpretation, explain a
whole host of phenomena that are known and or suspected, but have
previously fallen outside the domain of normal science, both classical and
modern. The survival of consciousness in the fourth dimension (with a
virtual three-dimensional mind) after death is strongly implied when three-
dimensional brain/body and mind die by this physical model. Enlightenment
and NDEs result from the direct contact of an individuals consciousness
with all points in the whole four-dimensional universe simultaneously that is
strong enough to rewire the brain to allow for waking awareness of the
In the meditation path to enlightenment, body and brain are both
quieted which decreases the level or intensity of brain/mind coherence,
hoping to reach a mental state of no-self. This increases the possibility of
picking up and recognizing universal patterns in mind through
consciousness and cognizing them since they are far less intense than
normal brain coherent patterns. When detected and cognized, the intensity
of the experience forces rewiring of the neural networks (experiences in
memory are broadened to include the direct higher-dimensional contact) so
the brain is more easily susceptible to future resonance, detection and
recognition of the universal patterns, i.e., rewiring changes the mindful
whole-brain cognition or coherence pattern enough to normally include the
four-dimensional universal connection conscious sensory input through
consciousness. In a sense, you must clear mind of everything (as the mystics
and spiritual masters say) or almost everything before you can hear your
own consciousness speaking to you. Satori and Nirvana result from whole-
brain cognizing a coherent resonance event with the universe, while a
similar lower level event can be initiated by scientific knowledge and/or
worldview based on an accurate and true theoretical model of the whole of
the universe that is kept in mind and controls thought patterns.
In our everyday world, normal is what occurs and is observed in our
three-dimensional world naturally and forms the basis of normal science,
but what is considered paranormal (beyond normal) is still perfectly natural
even though it is not normally observed since it happens in the fourth

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

dimension of our world. Ki, Chi, Prana and other subtle energies are
perfectly natural and explainable in the new science, as are acupuncture
meridians and chakras. Science can now explain how they work and can
possibly even help increase the abilities of people who have previously
learned to utilize them through experience, but only experience and
training can guide a person on how to initially manifest them. They are
consciousness point-by-point controlled mechanisms that occur
simultaneously throughout the body rather than mind controlled through
the nervous system, as are muscles and other body functions.
And finally, we can turn the new physics toward health issues. Brain and
spectrum disorders are caused by miswiring of the neural net, so as we
draw closer to the evolutionary leap, more babies are born with spectrum
disorders as nature experiments on how best to manifest the leap, but also
more gifted children are born where nature has been successful. PTSD and
similar traumatic disorders occur when the basic consciousness pattern of a
person has gone through a period of intense disharmony with the mind
pattern in three-dimensional space and/or the higher level four-dimensional
pattern of the universe in its wholeness. The universe tells a person one
thing while the sensations and brain tell the person something totally
different causing decoherence (miswiring). To cure this lasting trauma and
free the mind of the sufferer, coherent harmony needs to be reestablished in
the brain/mind to rewire neural nets correctly (to their former state before
the trauma or even better a higher state or level of consciousness).
The human immune system reacts to body/brain more intensely when
mind/consciousness are in coherent harmony or resonance. So, anything
that affects whole body and whole brain coherence will effectively increase
(and retrain) the efficiency of the human immune system to better fight
diseases and other negative conditions. Treatments and training practices
suggested by SOFT consciousness are the same as described beforeYoga,
meditation, Tai Chi, Qigong, Aikido, music therapy and the sense of awe,
among othersto enhance whole-brain cognition and coherence and even
the likelihood of enlightenment, and these are already being used
successfully. When combined with scientific understanding and knowledge
(the logical portion of brain/mind) they can be made to work even more
effectively. Natural, psychic and energy healers, energy manipulators,
therapeutic massage, acupuncture and acupressure practitioners, and
similar whole-body method healers have found a way through their own
experiences and/or training to either manipulate their patients chi and/or
release, direct and/or manipulate their Chi to project their own healthy

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

magnetic vector potential patterns (consciousness in whole or part) of a

good health state to cure others.

And lastly, we can now return to the real meaning of Consciousness and
consciousness. Individual consciousness patterns are additive, as are the
domains of magnetic fields, since they are just low level domains in the
overall universe. So, a fully Conscious universe is evolving with our help
and there is no need to postulate some form of Consciousness that existed
in the past or pre-existed before the universe to explain human existence
doing so would be beyond the scope of science and is, in fact, a matter of
faith and personal belief, not science. Humanity is just one part of the
universe trying to realize and become conscious of itself. In this capacity,
every one of us needs to learn as much and experience as much of the
universe as we possibly can, but only if what we learn and experience is not
detrimental to the universe and/or harmful to others who are developing
and adding to the universe (Consciousness) through evolving their own
From this, our innate sense and sensibilities of morality emerge from
our consciousness as fundamental rules to live by. Our senses of eternity
and forever also emerge from this aspect of consciousness. Scientific
predictions such as the heat death of the universe and never ending
expansion until the universe shreds itself at ever-expanding distances
between particles are presently meaningless and counterproductive. These
are old school modern physics predictions of future material states of the
universe, which are distinctly lacking because they depend on either
outmoded or partially correct theories. Instead we have a new universe of
Consciousness emerging, even if the old purely material universe fails in
any way.
In the end, it does not matter whether consciousness or Consciousness,
neither and/or both, are our present reality, or if Consciousness is a later
evolutionary state of collective consciousness. Here and now, whichever and
whatever the case might be, they can only interact with the human mind
and brain through the simple neural net. So, a careful and complete study
and understanding of how the neural net and system of neural nets called
the brain work is completely and absolutely necessary as a starting point for
any realistic physical theory of consciousness. Whether consciousness or
Consciousness of any possible type is the truer reality, only time can answer.

Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

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Jim Beichler Based on a Council Grove presentation May 2017

[12] James E. Beichler. (2014) The Tie that Binds: A fundamental unit of change
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