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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Write the letter
of your choice on the answer sheet provided.

1. The Police seek to prevent crimes by being present in places where crimes might
be committed and by alerting citizens to refrain from practices that make them or
their property vulnerable.

a. law enforcement b. public services

c. opportunity denial d. order maintenance

2. The societys prime instrument for making known what acts are crimes and what
sanctions may be applied to those who commit acts defined as crimes.

a. ethics b. law

c. conduct d. justice

3. A social norm providing guidance for people in their dealings with one another, as a
standard against which actions are evaluated, and as a prescription or requirement that
people act justly.

a. law b. justice

c. ethics d. conduct

4. It is the study of human society, its origin, structure, functions and direction.

a. psychology b. criminology

c. sociology d. anthropology

5. A person who has violated the penal law and has been found guilty by the court.

a. accused b. parolee

c. suspect d. criminal

6. A body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon.

a. criminal psychology b. criminal sociology

c. criminal law d. criminology

7. The reduction or elimination of the desire and opportunity to commit a crime.

a. law enforcement b. crime prevention

c. protection of rights d. order maintenance

8. The primary advocate of the Positivist School in Criminology.

a. Cesare Beccaria b. Cesare Lombroso

c. Henry Goddard d. Augusto Comti

9. The science of classifying human physical characteristics.

a. determinism b. somatology

c. positivism d. atavism

10. Reacting to events with alertness and vigilance and a feeling of persecution.

a. dementia praecox b. hallucination

c. paranoia d. depression

11. Science concerned with improving the quality of human off springs.

a. genetics b. eugenics

c. criminology d. heredity

12. Scientific approach based upon mental processes and characteristics.

a. psychogenic determinism b. emotional determinism

c. biological determinism d. criminological determinism

13. The principle that events, including criminal behavior, has sufficient causes.

a. positivism b. determinism

c. atavism d. nazism

14. Criminals who acted under the impulse of uncontrolled emotion on occasion during
otherwise moral lives.

a. seasonal criminals b. criminals of passion

c. occasional criminals d. born criminals

15. It is the most basic social institution and is the most potentially effective agency of social

a. church b. community

c. family d. school

16. A sub-discipline of criminology which focuses on victims of crime.

a. penology b. criminal psychology

c. criminal profiling d. victimology

17. An irrational fear which is fixed, intense, uncontrollable and often has no reasonable

a. phobia b. delusions

c. regression d. anxiety

18. The principle which states that man, by nature, always tries to maximize pleasure and
avoid pain.

a. utopia b. hedonism

c. socialism d. atavism

19. The mental capacity to distinguish right from wrong.

a. discernment b. morality

c. ethics d. imbecility

20. It has the power to define and punish crimes.

a. church b. state

c. judiciary d. police

21. Which of the following is not a victimless crime?

a. vagrancy b. illegal gambling

c. illegal detention d. illegal possession of prohibited drugs

22. The purpose of penalty in the Positivist School of Criminology.

a. retribution b. reformation

c. rejection d. restitution
23. A doctrine which criminals were seen as distinct types of humans who could be
distinguished from non criminals by certain physical traits.

a. theory of biological inferiority b. theory of natural selection

c. theory of differential association d. theory of evolution

24. Referred to as dementia praecox, which is a form of psychosis characterized by thinking

disturbance and regression.

a. schizophrenia b. manic depression

c. paranoia d. psychopathy

25. It refers to the conscience of man.

a. ego b. id

c. super ego d. spirit

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