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Jerome Kass er

Richa d Kopel a
Joh o g

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Jerome P. Kassirer, M.D.

Distinguished Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Mas~achuselts
Visiting Professor, Stanford University, Stanford California
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, New England Journal of Medicine
Physician Emeritus, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts

John B. Wong, M.D.

Professor of Medidne, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts
Chief, Clinical Decision-Making Division, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts

Richard I. Kopelman, M.D.

Endicott Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts
Vice Chairman of Medicine for Education, and Director, Internal Medicine House Staff Training Program
Tufts Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts

. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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for curren t information, including contraind ications, dosages, and preca utions.

Printed i11 China

Firs t Edition, 1991

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Kassi re r, Jerome P., 1932-

Lea rning cl inical reasoning/ Jerome P. Kassirer, John B. \Vong, Richa rd I.
Kopelman. - 2nd ed.
p. ;cm.
I ncludes bi bliogra phica l refe rences and index.
ISBN 978-0- 7817-95 15-9 (alk. paper)
I. Medical logic. 2. Med ical logic-Case studies. 3. D iagnosis. 4. C linical medic ine-Decision
making. I. Wong, John B. II. Kopelman, Richard I. III. T itle.
[[)NLM: I. Diagnosis-Case Repo rts. 2. C linical Med icine-Case Reports. 3. Dec ision Making-
Case Repor ts. WB 141 KI78L20 JO)
R 723.K3820IO
6 10.J-dc22

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To out wives:

So lying there I knew for the fi1st time the old teacher's frustrations. Just as you
cut a little path in their wilderness, you look up- they'1e gone
and you haven't even told them the most important thing.
Which assumes ofcourse, that you k;ww it.

Reynolds Price, The Tongues ofAngels, 1990


Three quarters of a century ago, T. S. Eliot wrote these prescient lines in his poem "The Rock":
"'vVhere is the w isdom we have lost in knowledge?
'vVhere is the knowledge we have lost in information?"

Perhaps in no time in the history of med icine has information been as prolix and freely ava iiable
to patients, med ical students, house staff, and cl inicians as it is now, rapidly accessible w ith only a
finger click on the computer. Information is emphasized in classes, syllabi, journals, and examinations
as the bedrock of scientific, evidence-based medicine. However, this :i nformation, even if accurate
(which it often is not) is evanescent, always tentative: That is the nature of science; information in
publications and on the Web is also always general and must be crafted, if it is to be useful, to each
individua l patient: That is the nature of humanity.
Expert physicians possess and apply vast amounts of information to patient care by using critical,
analyt ic, and efficient clinical reasoning: It is the ab ility to do this that may be called true knowledge,
and it is developed principally by experiential acquisition of the skills both illustrated and illuminated
in this invaluable book. Drs. Kassirer, Wong, a nd Kopelman ask an essential question: Why, with the
same information available to all, do physicians of varying skill come to quite different conclus ions,
w ith manifestly different implications for patient~?
In the past, medical students and res ident~ were exposed to these cognitive techniques applied
by their teachers "in v ivo" at the bedside and in clinic. They learned by observing these teachers what
no textbook could teach: that the application to a patient of information that you do not really know
is bad science and, not incidentally, bad art.
Medical students and residents shottld read this book. Today's medical educational
environment- rapid-paced, technologically r ich, task-heavy, time-abridged, and algorithmically
monitored medicine- has significantly eroded the time students and their teachers spend together
w ith patients or discussing actual cases. Students of medicine have less opportttnity to learn by ob-
servation and imitatlion of the way good doctors think. T his book can help to fill this gap in their
education. Relatively few clinical educators can articulate their reasoning processes as skillfully as the
physicians that the authors have persuaded to d iscuss the cases that make up half of this book. Still
fewer have the authors' expertise in the science of decision making, and so their analyses of the case
d iscussions provide insights that simply are not ava ilable anywhere except in the pages of this book.
The cases and the accompanying discussion and analysis allow the student to slow down the pro-
cesses of patient care and thoughtfully d igest events that whiz by in today's harried, hurried clinical
C linical teachers should read this book. Thinking quantitatively about clinical information can
lead to unexpected conclusions, such as the surprisingly high posttest p.robability after a negative test
in the patient you were sure had the d isease the test was designed to detect. Medical schools have tr ied
to teach the principles to guide this form of reasoning for 40 years, but on e too seldom hears the words
"pretest probability" at the bedside or in the conference room. T he main reason is that few clinical
teachers feel comfortable enough with the concepts of quantitative reasoning about uncertainty to
apply them to a specific patient. This book can help teachers to internalize these concepts, to watch



them in action in the case analyses, and to prepare themselves to be better teachers and role models
for eager students.
Information and knowledge are fungible. Wisdom lies in knowing h ow to use information and
knowledge, and it is the task of acquiring that w isdom that this volume so ably addresses.

Faith T. Fitzgerald, M.D., M.A.C.P.

Professor, Internal Medicine, and
Associate Dean of Humanities and Bioethics
University of California
Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, California

Harold C. Sox, Jr., M.D., M.A.C.P.

Editor, Annals of!ntemal Medicine
American College of Physicians, !Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Formerly Joseph M. Huber Professor of Medicine
Dartmouth Medical School, H anover, New Hampshire


Learning Clinical Reasoning is devoted to clinical cognition, or clinical reasoning; the book is intended
both for those who learn it and those who teach it. Clinical cognition comprises the set of reason-
ing strategies that permit us to combine and synthesize diverse data into one or more diagnostic
hypotheses, make the complex tradeoffs bet ween the benefits a nd risks of tests and treatments, and
formulate plans for patient management. Tasks such as generating diagnostic hypotheses, gathering
and assessing clinical. data, deciding on the appropr iateness of diagnostic tests, assessing test results,
assembling a coherent work ing diagnos is, and weigh ing the value of therapeutic approaches are
some of the components. Teach ing these cognitive skills is a difficult matter even for outstanding
clinician-teachers. No well-accepted comprehensive theory of clinical cognition exists; even the most
intelligent and thoughtful clinicians are often Lrnaware of the reasoning processes that lead to the ir
conclusions. As a result, they may explicate these strategies inappropr iately or inadequately. Because
most book s that describe clinical reasoning are based on personal accounts of their authors' cognitive
processes, such accounts may be unreliable or incomplete.
G iven these limitations, how can clinical cognition be learned and taught? Often, we rely on
the "see one, do one, teach one" approach , in which students are expected to learn how to reason
about diagnosis and treatment by watching others perform. In this book, we com bine a class ic
approach, namely ela boration of the cognitive principles underlying d iagnosis and therapy, with
another powerful pedagogic method: learning from carefully chosen examples. Because existing
theories of cognition are sufficient to provide only a tentative description of clinical reasoning, we
supplement the description of principles by tlhe method that we use to learn medical facts, namely
learning by instantiation (that is, from examples). We have long expected students to learn clinical
facts by example because comprehension of clinical entities is enriched by repeated experience with
specific instances of those entities. Students a nd house officers "work up" one patient after another
until they understand the numerous disorders that cause, say, jaundice, the conditions that dispose to
early coronary artery disease, and the varied manifestations of acute append icitis. Here we follow the
same pattern, but we do not emph asize medical facts. Instead, we offer specific examples-carefully
selected "paradigm cases" of clinical reasoning. T hese cases were selected not on the basis of their
clinical relevance or for their similarity to a "classical case" but because specific aspects of these cases
exemplify special aspects of problem solving. \Ve believe that exposure to such examples provides
an opportunity to learn much about clinical cognition. In preparing the examples and in explaining
the cognitive aspects of each example, we have borrowed liberally from research on cognition in
d iscipl ines such as cogniti ve science, cognitive psychology, computer science, decision science, and
organizational behavior. Furthermore, we have used methods of cognitive science to analyze in
detail the spontaneous, unstructured problem-solving by expert cl inicians. T he examples of clinical
cogn ition consist of more than 60 real problem cases d iscussed by expert clinicians who were asked
to "thin k out loud" as they contemplated unembellished, real clinical material. To guide the learner,
we accompany the monologue with detailed comments about the cognitive behavior of the expert.
These examples instantiate many inferences and relevant principles. They illustrate not only
optimal reasoning strategies, but also subopt imal reasoning, counterexamples that are helpful in
circumscribing a variety of cognitive concepts. We do not claim that this set of examples provides


a complete p icture of the principles of clinical problem solving, only tha t alert readers can acqu ire
from them many of the cognitive concepts they need as physicians.
Using examples to learn concepts has special benefits. Learning from books or from direct
instruction requires little inference or active participation by the learner, whereas learning by discovery
from examples requires considerable inference and active involvement. Learning through inference
also generates plausible general concepts that students can incorporate into their reason ing processes.
Such learning by discovery th rough specific examples is more likely to "stick."
This is not a book for learning or teaching interviewing skills or physical diagnosis: vVe do not
offer a formula for taking the h istory of the present illness, obtaining a rev iew of systems, or carrying
out a physical examination. We do not d iscuss the personal interaction w ith the patient or provide
guidance for obtaining all the relevant data. The reader should not in fer that we consider these
aspects of a patient encounter un important. Nonetheless, except for m inor departures, we consider
only clinical cognition. For th is decision, we make no excuses: T he cognitive aspects of diagnos is and
therapy are the cardinaH funct ions of the physician, and when they are suboptimal, all other aspects
are jeopard ized.
Looking back on the first edition, published nearly 2 decades ago, we realize that the fundamental
nature of clinical reasoning, namely the diagnost ic process and the tradeoffs between the benefits
and risks of tests and treatments, has not undergone substantial change. In fact, it is not much
d ifferent since the t ime of Hippocrates or that of Maimonides. We gather relevant information from
a sick person, draw a tentative conclusion about the nature of the illness, and weigh the value of
our available therapies. Nonetheless, in the t ime since the orig inal publication of Learning Clinical
Reaoning, profound changes have occurred in th e practice of medicine; changes that shape how we
approach and use these cognit ive tas ks.
The pace of medicine h as reoriented our approach to d iagnosis. Rap id tr iage in emergency
departments and short hospital stays, mandated often by financial considerations, have forced us not
only to be muc h less contemplative and leisurely in our approach to diagnos is, but also to short-circuit
the diagnostic process: Thus, we often shave m inutes off of the history and physical examination
and immediately send the patient for tests. Then we look at the test result~, and if a diagnosis is
identified, we may not bother to complete the history or ph ys ical. "Throughput" sometimes substitutes
for thoroughness. Needless to say, th is swerve toward efficiency and conservation of resources can
sometimes sacrifice accuracy, reduce our opportunity for quiet reflection about what we h ave learned,
and strain the ph ys ician- patient relationship.
This is not to say t h at the venerated approach of ta king a full history and carefully mapping
out all the positive and negative physical findings is better than the modern "get-a-quick-clue-
then-order-a-CT-scan" approach. G iven the exigencies of modern med ici ne and the efficiencies and
accuracies ofsuch tests, perhaps the venerated is overrated. Maybe it even makes more sense, in terms
of diagnostic accuracy, and perhaps even patient welfare, to short-circuit the diagnostic process by
testing even before we have carefully extracted every possible h istorical fact. Certainly, ordering a
qu ick chest CT scan in a 65-year-old long-time !heavy smoker with severe dyspnea and hemoptys:is,
looki ng at the blood smear in a 50-year-old woman referred for mental status ch anges, anemia,
and thrombocytopenia, or checki ng the ur ine sed iment for red cell casts in a 14-year-old boy w ith
hypertension and facial edema cannot be considered bad strategies. vVe are not advocating short-
cutting the d iagnostic process, only making the point that its benefits and r isks have been inadequately
evaluated. We awa it some creative investigators to set their sights on this issue.
In the meantime, as in the first edition, we focus our attention on the cognitive aspects of
d iagnos is and therapy. It is important to be explicit about what we mean by clinical cognition and
clinical reason ing. We are not so naive to claim that we know how expert d iagnosticians th ink. In
the numerous examples, some saved from the previous edition and updated and many new (all based
on actual patients), we show how experts (and some nonexperts) reason out loud as they consider
d iagnost ic and therapeutic dilemmas. 'vVhat is happening in the circuits of the ir brains is, quite


frankly, unknown. In the years preceding the first ed it ion, a rich body of wor k in cognitive science
and cognit ive psychollogy guided how we applied this work to medicine, and in particular to teaching
clinical problem solving. The work of Daniel Kah neman, Amos Tversky, and Arth ur Elstein, as
well as others, provided a solid framework for analyzing real clinical cases.
Since the publication of the first ed it ion, cognitive scientists have shifted their focus away from
analysis of reasoning toward identifying sites in the brain that are activated by various external stim -
uli. In review ing the literature, we were struck by how li ttle any of the recent research in medicine
or cognitive science brings important insights into the nature of clinical problem solving. Several
reformulations of clinical reasoning and how to teach reasoning have appeared but remain similar
to ideas we presented decades ago. However, just as the pace of medicine has accelerated, greater
appreciation for the use of multiple reason ing strategies, from contemplative analytic problem sol.ving
to rap id automatic pattern recognition, has emerged. vVe have, however, examined relevant infor-
mation on cognition from the literature pu blished in the intervening years, and where appropriate,
added references to such work. In th is edition, we have added new citations to both parts of the book.
At the same t ime, however, med icine's attempts to formal ize diagnostic and therapeutic problem
solving have proceeded apace. Driven by the h igh (and increasing) cost of care and by large variations
in how medicine is practiced from one town to another, from one state to another, and even from
one physician to another, attempts have been made to put the practice of med icine on a firmer
scientific basis and to codify or formalize the approach to diagnosis and management. The evidence-
based medicine movement seeks to examine available clinical data, organize it, and even put a value
judgment on it. A new d iscussion on evidence-based medicine is now g iven in the first part of the
book, and illustrated cases are g iven in the second part. T he next step beyond assessing evidence is
applying it, and we also include in both parts a d iscussion of clinical practice guidelines and how
they are applied. An understanding of guidel ines has become increasingly important, in that insurers
and the government rely on adherence to guidel ines to determine what services they will or wil l not
Learning (and teach ing) clinical reason ing is critically dependent on the use of ill ustrative ex-
amples and, in particular, examples of poor as well as excellent instances of clinical reason ing. In our
research that preceded publication of the first edit ion, we published dozens of examples of physicians
getting it righ t or completely missing the mark. We argued t hen that a salient example of a cognitive
error was as valuable a lesson in clinical reason ing as an example of correct reason ing, and we had
published a detailed categorization of cognitive errors in the hope that by identifying them and
categorizing them, it might be possible to avoid making them. As a consequence of several studies
by the Institute of Medici ne, errors in medicine have become a matter of public d iscussion in the
years since Leaming Clinical Reasoning was first published. Although th e focus on med ical errors has
been principally on systemic factors such as record ing flaws, communication fa ilures, and equipment
mishaps, we believe that personal errors in cognition have not rece ived sufficient attention, and we
have added more on such errors to th is edition .
Our interest in dinical cognition has been generated, informed, and renewed weekly by our
regular participation in morning report in the Department of Medicine at Tufts 1-fedical Center in
Boston as well as several other academic institut ions in Boston, New Haven, Cleveland, and Palo
Alto. The format of these teach ing exercises is conducive to identifying instances of excellent and
faulty reason ing, to commenting on diagnostic strategies, to discuss ing the complex tradeoffs between
the benefits and r isks of test and treatments, and to correcting flawed reasoning in a nonth reatening
environment. We have insisted in these conferences to be uninformed about the nature of th e case
being presented, and thus to share in the uncertainties of the case w ith a ll other discussants. By being
"in the same boat" as all others (except, of course, the physician who presents the case), we exhibit
our own m isconceptions, our own lack of knowledge, and our own errors.
The original impetus to publish Leaming Clinical Reasoning came after we published 78 monthly
install ments ofa series called "Clinical Problem Solving" in the controlled circulat ion journal Hospital


Practice. T he series was later adapted for the New England Journal of Medicine, in the pages of wh ich
it continues.
In some languages, the words "teaching" and "learning" are subsumed by the same word. It
is our belief that the best way to teach and learn clinical medicine is by exposure to one case after
another, and that the best way to learn how to reason about clinical diagnosis and therapeutics is
to be exposed, under the tutelage of a seasoned clinician, to multiple examples of savvy and faulty
reasoning. Watching an expert clinician d issect out the important elements of a clinical dilemma,
come to a diagnosis, and treat a patient skillfully is an exemplary experience. We hope that this new
effort affords gl impses of such beauty.



We ack nowledge Samuel Proger, W illiam Schwartz, Sheldon Wolff, Jeffrey Gelfand, and Deeb
Salem, all chairs of Med icine at Tufts University; Ralph Horwitz, chair of Medicine at Stanford
University; and Joh n Harrington, Nicolaos Mad ias, and Michael Rosenblatt, successive deans at Tufts
University School of Medicine for their encouragement and support. We are grateful to generat ions
ofhouse staff at Tufts Medical Center (formerly New England Medical Center) and Caritas Christi in
Boston, Yale School ofMedicine in New Haven , Case vVestern Reserve University School of Medicine
in C leveland, and Stanford Medical Center in Palo Alto for educating the authors and w illingly
provid ing material for many of the cases. We thank June Osborn and George Thibault of the Josiah
Macy Jr. Foundation for the ir support.We thank Stephen Pauker, Mar k Estes, Joseph Renc ic, Michael
Barry, W illiam Mackey, Debra Poutsia ka, Lawrence T ierney, David Battinelli, Faith F itzgerald,
and Robert Utiger for the development or review of case material. Cora Ho helped to discover
important citations. Peter SzolovitsofMITand G. Anthony GorryofRice University provided he[pful
perspectives on t he fields of artificial intelligence and cognitive science. vVe are grateful to Stuart
Mushlin, James Hallenbeck, and Arth ur Elstein for helpful suggestions on the penultimate draft of
the manuscript. We acknowledge the help of Anita Yu for invaluable administrative assistance and
our editors, Jessica Heise and Jennifer Verbiar at Wolters Kluwer, for the ir patience and forbearance .



Part I consists ofa brief overview of clinical reasoning, followed by deta iled discussions of its compo-
nents. All of the principal concepts considered in this part are h ighlighted in bold at the time of their
first use. Definitions of these concepts are provided in the G lossary. Following the subheadings in Part
I, extensive cross-references are given to the cases in Part JI that elaborate on these problem-solving
Part JI consists of more than 60 real cases organ ized in chapters that parallel the cognitive
processes described in Part I. Each case contains edited transcripts of prospective problem solving by
experts, analyses of the clinical reasoning by the authors, and references to the literature. These case
discussions a nd their analyses richly supplement the narrative descr iptions of reasoning in Part I. As
a guide to the reasoning strategies considered across the segments of the book, the outl ines of Parts
I and II are identical: Cases are placed in the chapter of Part JI most appropr iate for the reasoning
strategies they illustrate. Abundant references to the literature are found in the analyses of the case
discussions in Part JI. Case analyses that contain such references are indexed in the headings of the
chapters in Part I.



ForewordbyFaith T. Fitzgerald, M.D., M.A.C.P. and Harold C. Sox, Jr., M.D., M.A.C.P. v11
Preface tothe Second Edition 1x
Acknowledgments x111
ANote About the Book's Format xiv

I The Processes of Clinical Reasoning

1. Overview .... . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .... .. .. . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . 3
lntroducrion 3
Diagnosis is an Inferential Process 5
Problem-Solving Straregies 5
Diagnosis Based on Hyporhesis Generarion and Tesring S
Alternate Conceprs of Diagnosric Srraregies 6
Therapeuric Principles 6
L inking D iagnosis and Trearment 7

2. Diagnostic Hypothesis Generation .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .... 8

Hyporheses and Cues 8
The Cognitive Basis of Hypothesis Generation 8
Hyporheses as a Conrexr 9
Experrise and Error 9

3. Refinement of Diagnostic Hypotheses . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. 11

W here Refinemenr Begins and Ends 11
Conrexr and Diagnostic Classification 11
Hyporhesis Evolurion 12
Sequence of Dara Collection 12
Reduc ing Diagnosric Uncerrainry 13
The Differenrial Diagnosis 14
Relation r.o Formal Probabilistic Approach 14

4. Use and Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests .. . .. . . ..... . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . 15

The Function ofTesrs 15
Quanrifying Testing Decisions 15
Sensiriv ity and Specificiry 16
Bayes' Rule 17
Tesring Principles 18



Bayesian Rev ision for Multiple Resul ts 19

Bayesian Rev ision for Multiple Diseases vVith Multiple Attributes 21
Pragmatic Considerations in the Probabilistic Approach 22
Interpreting Results 23
vVhen to Test 23
The T hreshold Concept 24
The T herapeutic T h reshold 24
Testing Thresholds 25

5. Causal Reasoning ........... . ................. . .................... 28

Definition 28
Usi ng a Causal Model 29
vVhere in the D iagnostic Process Does Causal Reason ing F it ? 29
Explai ning Relations Between Variables 30

6. Diagnostic Verification ... . ................... . ............. . .... . ... 3 1

Definition 31
Criteria of Validity 31
Premature C losure 31
The Penultimate Result: A vVorking Diagnosis 32

7. Therapeutic Decision Making . ..... . .... . .... .. .. . .... . ............. 33

Principles 33
Treatment U nder Conditions of U ncertainty 33
vVhen the Value of Therapeutic Choices is Close 34
Incommensurate Options 34
Quantitative Therapeutic Decision l'vfak ing 34

8. Examining Evidence ....... .. ............. . .... . ........ . .... .. ..... 36

Introduction 36
Evidence-Based Medicine 36
Asking Q uestions 36
Searching for Evidence 37
Summarizing and Appraising Evidence 37
Applying the Evidence 37
Practice Gui de lines 38

9. Cognitive Errors ...... . .... . .. . .... .. .... . .... .. . . ........... . ...... 39

Scope 39
Classification 39
Some Errors may have a Psychological Origin 39
The Nature of Cognit ive Errors 39
Cognitive Bliases in the Laboratory 40
Consequences of Cognitive Biases 40
Strategies fo.r Avoiding Cognitive Errors 41

1O. Some Cognitive Concepts ....... .. .... . ..... . ............. . .... . .... 42
Cognitive Science 42
Studying Mental Processes 42
The Structure of Memory 42


Search Strategies 44
Characteristics of Expertise 46

11 . Learning Clinical Problem Solving . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. .. .... . . 48

Facts Versus Process 48
Pedagogic Principles 49
A Specific Example 49
The Goal Should Determine the Format SO
Learning by Instantiation SO
Learning Cli nical Problem Solving Versus Problem- Based Learning SJ

II Cognition at the Bedside: A Set of Examples

12. Introduction to the Cases .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. 55

13. Diagnostic Hypothesis Generation .... .. .. . .... . ..... . .. . .......... . 56

Case I. Generation of Diagnostic Hypotheses S6
Case 2. Hypothesis Triggering by an Expert 60
Case 3. A D iagnostic Coup 63
Case 4. A Quick and Accurate Solution 66
Case S. Better Late Than Never 69
Case 6. A H it After a Miss 73
Case 7. The Critical Role of Context in the Diagnostic Process 76
Case 8. A Mas ked Marauder 81
Case 9. A Serious Lack of Focus 84

14. Refinement of Di agnosti c Hypotheses . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. 89

Case JO. \.Vhat is a D ifferential Diagnosis? 89
Case 11. An Orderly, Sequential Approach 94
Case 12. \.Veak Reason ing: D iagnosis by Drug Reaction 96
Case 13. Narrowing Down the Diagnostic Options 100
Case 14. A P icture is Worth a T housand Words 104
Case JS. Strategies of Information Gathering 108
Case 16. A Fatal Flaw in Sutton's Law 113
Case 17. How to D isregard Red Herrings 118
Case 18. D iscrim ination: The Problem ofLook-Alikes 121
Case 19. Location, Location, Location 12S

15. Use and Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . 128

Case 20. Interpreting a Negative Test Result 128
Case 21. D iagnosis and the Risks of the Primrose Path 13 I
Case 22. Searching for a Pony 134
Case 23. Interpreting Hoofbeats: Can Bayes Help Clear the Haze? 137
Case 24. Short-Circuiting the Diagnostic Process 143
Case 2S. T he Bypass on the Way to the Bypass 14S
Case 26. It is W hat You Believe That Counts 148
Case 27. Renal Rescue by Reverend Bayes IS2
Case 28. A D iagnostic Fluke ISS:
Case 29. Surprise! IS7


Case 30. T ripping Over Technology 161

Case 31. T he Probability of a Probability 165

16. Causal Reasoning . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . .... .. .. . . . . . . ..... . .. . . . . . . .. . 169

Case 32. Judg ing Causality 169
Case 33. Pose H oc, E rgo P ropter H oc 171
Case 34. T he Case for Causal Reason ing 175
Case 35. T he T r icky Task of Attributi ng Causation 180
Case 36. T he Right Answe r for the Wrong Reason 183

17. Diagnostic Verification . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . .. 186

Case 37. A P oint-By-Point Dissection of Cli nical Reason ing 186
Case 38. Leaving No Stone U nt urned 188
Case 39. Verificat ion 192
Case 40. A 11eticulous Approach 196
Case 41. A Diagnostic Q uanda ry 199
Case 42. D iagnosis by F iat 203
Case 43. Iron Pyrite and D iagnostic Confirmation 207

18. Therapeutic Decision Makin g . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . 209

Case 44. T he Surgeon Opts to Operate: vVhy? 209
Case 45. T reat or Keep Test ing? 211
Case 46. \Va tch and vVait, or Operate? 216
Case 47. An Apple or an O range? 2 18

19. Examining Evidence .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. 223

Case 48. A Difficult Tradeoff 223
Case 49. Making Judgments vVhen th e Evidence is Not Defin itive 225
Case 50. Using a nd Citing Published Evidence 227
Case 51. A L ittle Math Makes the Med icine Go Down 229
Case 52. A Reward ing Pursu it of Cer tainty 234
Case 53. Treati ng Before Knowing 239

20. Cogn itive Errors . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . 244

Case 54. A Defect ive Detective 244
Case 55. Rem ed ies for Fau lty H ypoth esis Generation 248
Case 56. A Disaster Ave rted 252
Case 57. Derailed by the Availability H eu r istic 255
Case 58. Wrong Diagnosis, Wrong Tests, vVrong Treatment 262
Case 59. Reconsidering F ail ures of Therapy 266
Case 60. T he Cheetah and the Sna il 267
Case 61. A Collection of Cognitive D iagnostic E rro rs 27 1

21. Some Cognitive Concepts .. . . .. . .. . . .. . ..... . .. . . . .. . ..... . .. . . .. . . 275

Case 62. A t-.1essage abo ut Methods 275
Case 63. Mem o ry: H ow \,Ve Overcome its L im itations 279
Case 64. D iagnosis a nd the Structu re of Memory; D isease Polymo rphism and
Mental l'vfodels 28 1
Case 65. Intu itive and Insp irat ional, o r Ind uctive a nd Incremental' 286
Case 66. K nowledge and Cli nical Expert ise 291


22. Learning Clinical Problem Solving .. . ........ . ...................... 295

Case 67. Learning Clinical Reason ing from Examples 295
Case 68. l\.tfaking a Silk Purse out of a Sow's Ear 299
Case 69. Optimizing Case Discussions 304

Glossary 308
Bibliography 313
Index 325

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The Processes of
Clinical Reasoning

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INTRODUCTION the hospital with breathlessness is found to have

distended neck veins, pulmonary edema, an S3
Cli nical reason ing is the essential function of the gallop, and a rough 5/6 holosystolic murmur
physician; optimal patient care depends on keen radiating to the left axilla. After intubation for
d iagnostic acume n and though tfu l analysis of the hypoxernia, she develops a picture of cardio-
tradeofts between the benefits and ris ks of tests and genic shock. Treatment with dopamine and
treatment~ . As benchmarks for considering these then norepinephrine and nitroprusside fails to
issues, here are several real examples: raise her blood pressure. Several physicians are
baffled and expect the patient to succumb, but
another physician notices a "spike and dome"
A 33-year-old man presents to the emergency configuration on her arterial tracing, a brisk
room complaining of headache, facial flushing, carotid pulse with a bisferiens quality,and aug-
and urticaria of the trunk, which he had never mentation of the arterial pulse in the beat fol-
had before. Based on these limited data, most lowing a ventricular premature contraction. He
physicians would fail to make the correct di- diagnoses asymmetric septal hypertrophy, stops
agnosis in this patient, but a clinician who had all drugs, including digoxin, and administers
access to only this information suspects an unfa- intravenous saline and phenylephrine. The pa-
miliar disorder, namely scombroid poisoning. tient recovers promptly from the hypotensive
Twenty minutes later another man who ate episode.
bluefish in the same restaurant as the patient A gastrocntcrologist, in reviewing a his-
comes to the emergency room with the same tologic specimen from a 52-year-old man with
complaints. Scombroid poisoning was the cor- acute appendicitis, believes that the diagnosis
rect diagnosis. rendered by more than one pathologist (carci-
A 62-year-old woman treated successfully noma of the appendix) is an incorrect interpre-
13 months earlier for exophthalmic goiter and tation, and he advises the patient against having
thyrotoxicosis with propylthiouracil develops the right hemicolectomy that has been recom-
an alteration in her voice, regurgitation of fluids mended. The patient follows his advice and re-
through her nose, and progressive weakness in mains well with no evidence of cancer for more
her extremities.For I month, several physicians than 30 years.
are unable to determine the nature of her prob- A diagnosis of cirrhosis is made by two
lem, but then another physician immediately physicians in a 37-year-old schoolteacher with
recognizes that the patient is suffering from a ascites, peripheral edema, temporal wasting,
form of myasthenia gravis associated with re- and palrnar erythema. Liver biopsy is said to
covery from hyperthyroidism. He verifies the confirm the diagnosis. A consultant exhibits
diagnosis and treats the patient effectively for skepticism about the diagnosis because liver
this disorder. function tests are virtually normal. He ex-
A 49-year-old man with cholangiocarci- tracts a previously undetected 4-year history of
noma develops renal failure and anemia af- breathlessness and finds distended neck veins
ter treatment with five cycles of fluorouracil, and a cardiac murmur, and an echocardiogram
adriamycin, and mitomycin over a period of demonstrates that the correct diagnosis is silent
1 year. A clinician unaware that such a com- mitral stenosis.
plication is known to be caused by mitomycin A 55-year-old man with a history of alco-
nonetheless makes a diagnosis of hemolytic ure- hol and benzodiazepine abuse is brought to the
mic syndrome and correctly attributes it to the emergency room in a coma and is found to have
mitomycin. profound metabolic acidosis. A physician sys-
A 66-year-old woman with long-standing tematically analyzes the patient's electrolytes,
hypertension and cardiac failure admitted to anion gap, and osmolar gap, finds oxalate


basis for identifying errors in clinical cognition and

crystals in the patient's urme sediment, di-
improving the quality of medical care. 68'1
agnoses intoxication with ethylen e glycol,
Part I of this book describes many of the in-
and treats the patient promptly. The patient
sights identified in recent years. It begins with a
brief overview of the processes of diagnosis and
management decision making and then elabo-
These brief vignettes a re descriptions of ac- rates on five aspects of the d iagnostic process: gen-
tual occurrences. T hey display exceptional cogni- eration {evocation) of diagnostic hypotheses, re-
tive proficiency by some physicians when others finement of hypotheses, diagnostic testing, causal
had exh ibited suboptimal performance, and they reasoning, and diagnostic verification. T he book
illustrate g raphically the critically important na- continues with a discussion of therapeutic decision
ture of the reasoning processes of the physician, 1 making, evidence-based medicine, a nd cognitive
both " intuitive" (rapid pattern recognition) and errors in diagnosis. To introduce the reader to un-
"an alytic" (deliberative a nd exhaustive) reason- fami liar concepts derived from disciplines outside
ing as examples of the extremes of the "cognitive of medicine, we also consider some cognitive con-
con tinuum."2- 7 Few would contest the notion that cepts underlying problem solving, knowledge, and
no matter how competent a physician may be at memory. The final discrussion offers some views on
other task s, outcomes cannot be optimal if these how to learn and how to teach the processes that
reasoning skills are deficient. Indeed, the prime are considered.
function of the physician is clinical reasoning: to Throughout Part I, extensive references are
suspect the cause of a patient's symptoms a nd sig ns, give n to the cases in Part II. These cases gener-
to ga ther add itional relevant information, to select ally are in three parts: real clinical problems se-
necessary tests, a nd to recommend therapy. Al- lected for their capacity to el icit significa nt as-
thorugh no one would doubtthatcognitiveskillsare pect~ of clinical reasoning, prospecti ve discussion
the basis for these tasks, medicine has developed of the problems by exp erts, a nd detailed analyses of
few methods to enhance the acquisition and devel- the reasoning used. The analyses, focused arou nd
opment of these problem-solving skills. Instead of the specific clinical problems, elaborate extensively
discussing how diagnostic hypotheses are initiated on the cognitive principles d iscussed in Part I. As
and refined a nd how testing and treatment de- with a ny new discipline, some of the expressions
cisions should be formulated, teachers of clinical used in this book may not be fam iliar, and some
medicine have substituted standardized histories have not ach ieved universal accepta nce. For m.at
and physicals, book chapters that list the myriad reason, an extensive glossary is provided.
causes of individual symptoms, an apprentice sys- T he book is about reasoning in clinical
tem in wh ich the student is expected to imitate oth - medicine. Because theories of huma n problem
ers, formal approaches to recording patients' prob- solving (including clinical problem solving) are in -
lems, and lock-step algorithmic charts for blind complete, some of the concepts described here must
guidance. None of these methods focuses on the be considered tentative. Although many of these
essential reasoning processes that are critical to op- concepts are new to medicine, m ey are sufficiently
timal performance. T he last several decades have accepted by cognitive scientists to be adapted for
w itnessed considerable growth in our understand- use in learning and teaching. The cognitive as-
ing of human reasoning and, in particular, clini- pects of diagnosis have been studied quite exten-
cal reasoning from fields generally not considered sively, but few studies have been carried out on
part of the fabric of clinical medicine. Research in management decision making, that is, the process
these disc iplines, namely cognitive science, deci- by wh ich physicians m ake testing and treatment
sion theory, and computer science (in particular, decisions. This lack of information on physician
artificial intellige nce), provides insights into the behavior impedes our ab ility to assemble a compre-
critical cogn itive processes that form tl1e basis for hensive description of testing and therapeutic dec i-
both teach ing and learning the principles tl1at un- sion making. Nonetheless, we borrow generously
derlie diagnosis and management. These insights from the principles inherent in p rescrip tive, or
into the process of medical reasoning also form the normative, approaches to decision making such as


Bayes' rule and decision analysis. JO, 11 T hese princi- lored to a particular problem or situation usually in
ples have been elaborated in sufficient detail to ex- the doma in of their expertise. Rather than casting
plain the rationale for many testing and treatment their net~ broadly, experts quickly focus on a prob-
dec isions. lem by recogn izing patterns, formulat ing prob-
lems in semantically meaningful "chunks," gath-
ering data relevant to a perceived specific solution
DIAGNOSIS IS AN INFERENTIAL PROCESS of the problem, and applying familiar, "prepack-
aged" actions.
In the process of d iagnos is, the clinician makes a se-
r ies of inferences about th e nature of malfunctions
of the body. These inferences are derived not only DIAGNOSIS BASED ON HYPOTHESIS
from existing observations (historical data, physi- GENERATION AND TESTING
cal findings, and "routine" stud ies), but also from
invasive tests and responses to various interven- At the inception of a d iagnostic encounter, the
t:ions. Inferential or inductive reasoning proceeds first step is generat ion, or evocation, of one or
until the clinician has identified a "working diag- more diagnostic hypotheses. The d iagnostic pro-
nosis," a d iagnostic category sufficiently acceptable cess focuses on one or more evolving hypotheses.
to establish a prognosis, dictate a therapeutic ac- Typically, the clinician generates init ial hypothe-
tion, or both. 'vVhen mak ing diagnost ic inferences ses merely from a patient's age, sex, race, appear-
from clinical data, the clinician uses many strate- ance, and presenting complaints, but somet imes
gies to combine, integrate, and interpret the data. such hypotheses emerge exclusively from physical
C li nicians mak e extensive use of rules of th umb or findings or from laboratory data. Additiona[ hy-
short-cuts (designated heuristics by cognit ive sci- potheses are triggere d as new findings emerge. A
entists) in the process of gathering and interpreting diagnostic hypothes~s can be either quite general
information. Rather than reiy on statistical data on (such as infection) or quite specific (such as acute
d isease prevalence to generate diagnostic h ypothe- inferior myocardial unfarction). It can take several
ses from a set of find ings, for example, they often forms, including a state (inflammatory process),
assess the likelihood of diseases on the basis of the a cl inical disorder (acute transplant rejection), a
salience of the find ings or familiarity: the resem- syndrome (nephrotic syndrome), or a specific dis-
blance of the findings in a given patient to those of ease entity (polycythemia vera). T he formulation
a known disease. By reducing the need to ask an of a prel im inary h ypothesis on the basis of only
inordinately large number of questions, these rules a few observations is critically dependent on the
of thum b make the tas k of information gathering cognitive ability to relate a new situation to past
manageable and efficient. By and large, judgment~ experience.
based on heuristics are accurate and appropriate, D iagnostic hypotl1eses serve an essential func-
a lthough on occasion they can be faulty. tion: T hey form a context within wh ich further
information gathering ta kes place. T his context, a
diagnost ic category ofsome kind (e.g., acute bacte-
PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGIES rial meningit is), provides a model against wh:ich a
g iven patient's findings can be assessed. The con-
Studies of human cognition suggest that problem- text is m e framew ork for further hypomesis as-
solving strategies depend on the nature of tl1e clini- sessment. It specifies both the findings that should
c al problem being addressed and even more on the be present and those that should be absent if the
expertise of the clinician. Nonexperts tend to use patient has a g iven d isorder. D iagnostic reasoning
!llonselective strategies that, although they are ap- proceeds by progressive hypothesis m odification
plicable across a w ide range of clinical settings, are and refinement. Some hypotheses are made more
!llonspecific, rather weak problem -solving m eth- specific, some previously triggered hypotheses are
ods and inefficient in generating specific hypothe- deleted, and some new ones are added. It is not
ses. Experts, on the other hand, typicall y employ clear how much of the d iagnostic process is dr iven
s trong diag nostic problem -solving approaches tai- by hypotheses as described here and how much is


driven simply by the availabi lity of data from the is open to question. Quite likely, nonexperts rely
patient's history, the physical examination, or the on it considerably more than experts. T he hyp oth-
laboratory. Quite likely, elements of cognitive ap- esis generation/test ing concept came into ques-
proaches driven by hypotheses and those driven by tion because d iagnost ic accuracy seemed depen-
data are frequently intermin gled. dent more on a mastery of content (knowledge
Verifying a diagnostic hypothesis is the penul- of disease and patterns of diseases) than on any
timate task. It creates a work ing diagnosis that is specific strategy. 4 12 Researchers in the field have
used to plan further action. Because the d iagnos- subsequently tried to identify the nature of such
tic process is inferent ial, all diagnostic hypothe- knowledge structures and the mechanisms of their
ses (even those refined by extensive data gathering retrieval. Some suggest that diagnosis proceeds by
and interpretation) necessarily reflect a belief or a matching the characteristics of a new case to a pre-
conviction by the physician regarding the nature viously encountered specific instance or to a gen-
of the condition from wh ich the patient suffers. eral resemblance of cases previously seen. 4 12 Oth-
Verifying a hypothesis is a kind of test of its va- ers propose that clinicians develop mental models,
lidity. It involves assessing a hypothesis for its co- abstractions, or prototypes and use a k ind of pattern
herency (are all physiologic 1inkages, predisposing matching approach to diagnosis. Still others have
factors, and complications appropriate for the sus- hypothesized the existence of "illness scripts"-
pected disease in this patient?), its adequacy (does cognitive structures somewhat analogous to the
the suspected disease encompass all the patient's frame structure ofsome art ificial intelligence com-
findings- normal and abnormal?), and its parsi- puter programs. 13 14 Finally, some workers in the
monious nature (is the suspected disease a simple field have opined that a variety of methods (in-
explanation of all the patient's findings?), often cluding all of the aforementioned) are used flex-
referred to as Ockham 's razor or the law of par- ibly to solve diagnostic problems. 8 12 15 vVhat this
simony, from the fourteenth -century philosopher means is not certain, but w hat does seem to be clear
W illiam of Ockham, who advocated "entia non is that in the absence of an extensive knowledge
sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem," wh ich base for a disease or compla int, novice and expe-
can be interpreted as recommending that the sim- rienced physicians al ik e are more likely to resort
plest solution (i.e., the one w ith the fewest as- to the hypothesis generation and testing strategy
sumptions and factors) may be the best. Verify ing discussed earlier. 12 16 17 Experts who have a finely
a hypothesis also requires eliminating competing honed knowledge of disease probably use this strat-
hypotheses (can any other diseaselsl explai n the egy principally when dealing w ith a particularly
patient's findings better than the current hypothe- difficult diagnostic dile mma. 12
sis?). This process produces one or more work ing
diagnoses that form the basis for the next step in
patient management- arr iving at a certain fore- THERAPEUTIC PRINCIPLES
cast about the patient's subsequent clinical course,
ta king no further action, ordering additional tests, T he principles of diagnosis and therapy are in-
or treating the patient. As noted later, such choices extricably intertwined. Because a diagnos is is an
are a function not only of the probabil ity that a pa- inference about a patient's illness, we can never
tient is suffering from one or more given diseases, be absolutely certain that the disease label we as-
but also of the benefits to be derived from further sign to a patient's illness is correct. For this reason,
testing, the risks of further testing, and the benefits we w ill inevitably treat some patients who do not
and risks that accrue from treatment. have the d isease and inevitably fail to treat some
who do. Both circumstances deprive some ind i-
viduals of appropriate therapy. To the extent that
ALTERNATE CONCEPTS OF the treatment is effective but also produces harm -
DIAGNOSTIC STRATEGIES ful side effects, patients who have the disease for
wh ich the treatment is designated w ill derive the
How much physicians use a general problem- benefit of therapy, offset to some extent by the risk
solving approach such as the one just described of therapy. Treated patients who do not have the


d isease, however, derive no therapeutic benefit but T hresholds define diagnostic and therapeu-
nonetheless are subjected to the risk. tic interactions. When deciding whether or not
to adm inister a treatment for a suspected disease,
LINKING DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT the efficacy and risks of the treatment for the dis-
ease determine how con fident a physician must
The interplay between diagnostic hypotheses and be in the diagnosis to make treating the patient
the benefits a nd risks of tests and treatments can be a better choice than not treating. For treatments
envisioned effectively in terms of decision thresh- with a high ratio of benefits to risks, the thera-
o lds, a concept derived from decision science. A peutic threshold is quite low, and treatment can
threshold is the probability of a disease at the point be g iven even when the probabil ity of disease is
at wh ich t wo choices (e.g., treating vs. not treating; relatively low (e.g., penicillin for suspected strep-
treating vs. further testing) have equivalent value. tococcal throat infections). For treatments w ith a
The threshold is thus a benchmark for action: At low ratio of benefits to risks, on the other hand , the
d isease probabil ities lower than the threshold, one therapeutic threshold is quite high, and the physi-
action is appropriate, whereas at disease probabil- cian must be quite certain that the patient has a
ities greater than the threshold, a different action g iven disease before adm inistering therapy (e.g.,
is appropriate. A threshold can be calculated us- th rombolytic therapy for suspected myocardial in-
ing the methods of decision analysis from data on farct ion). Of course, low efficacy of treatment, high
the benefits and risks of diagnostic/tests a nd treat- risk, or both can contribute to such a low ratio of
ments, or it can be estimated. benefit~ to risks.

_ Diagnostic Hypothesis


In our da ily life, we are constantly generating hy- {Cases 1, 3, 6, 23, 57, 63)
potheses about our environment- about our vi- T he process ofh ypothesis generation is best unde r-
sua~ images, how the physical world operates, our stood in the framework of modern cognitive sci-
expectations of events, and our perceptions of peo- ence, which holds that t he brain is an information
ple. T hese hypotheses provide a framework for processor that manipulates semantically meaning-
interpreting all of our unstructured experiences. ful "chunks" or packets of information. Such in-
Diagnosis, a special case of unstructured problem formation chunks are represented in memory, but
solving, is init iated when a physician evokes, for- theor ies conflict about the nature of their storage.
mulates, or triggers one or more hypotheses from a No matter how the information is represented, ac-
set of cues that emanate from an encounter w ith a cess to it evokes or generates a hypothesis about
patient. 18- 22 T he cues that initiate hypothesis gen- the state of a patient. Hypotheses are generated
eracion are varied. Sometimes a single symptom, rap idly- probably tentatively at first as cand idates
such as dysuria, or a single ph ysical finding, such as for acceptable hypotheses, and then, if they are con-
prominent facial bones, triggers a d iagnostic pos- sistent with existing data, they are accepted as plau-
sibility. At other times, even a single laboratory sible explanations for a find ing or a set of findings.
result, such as an elevated serum calcium concen- Quite likely, only a small number of hypotheses
tration, does the same. Most often, however, the rema in active at any given t ime. G iven the lim -
cues are multiple: T he patient's age, sex, race, ap- ited ability of short-ter m m em ory to manipulate
pearance, and presenting complaints constitute a only 5 to 10 items at a g iven time, one can pre-
fam iliar set. We formulate hypotheses at first con- sume that th is memory restriction also pertains to
tact, and we continue to evoke new hypotheses as diagnostic hypotheses. 23 24 If so, many hypotheses
long as we fa il to satisfy ourselves that we have must be qu ite evanescent as others take their place,
the "right answer." Although hypothesis genera- even though d iscarded hypotheses can and do re-
tion usually is the first step in d iagnosis, it contin- emerge at a later stage in the process.
ues as we refine our existing diagnostic hypotheses Some of the facto.rs known to be important
and eliminate those hypotheses that are no longer in the generation of d iagnostic hypotheses include
tenable. disease prevalence, heuristics (rules of th umb), and
Diagnostic hypotheses take on many forms the gravity or seriousness of a patient's cond i-
and lie on a spectrum from quite general to h ighly t ion. Triggering hypot heses accord ing to a dlis-
specific. Forms include disease entities, syndromes, ease's (or condition's) prevalence presumably is
involvement of an organ system, or even such no- an optimal approach , but it is uneconom ical as
tions such as "healthy," "sick," or "desperately ill." a cognitive funct ion because it requires consid-
Along the scale of specificity, hypotheses m igh t erable memory storage and processing, including
range from a vague notion such as infection, to check ing for consistency against ava ilable clinical
more specific entities such as gram-negative sepsis, data. 2526 Instead of this cumbersome approach,
to highly specific d isorders such as meningococcal we often rely on heur istics to evoke hypotheses.27
meningit is. One commonly used short-cut is designated the


r-epresen tativeness heuristic, an approach that re- or constrain, a patient's problem and provide
lies on the resem blance of a set of findings to those a context (or proble m space) for further d iag-
of some well-defined clEnical entity. T he find- nostic reasoning and exploration.3031 Each d iag-
ings of simultaneous cough, dyspnea, and travel nostic hypothesis evokes a template of possible
to California m igh t trigger the hypothesis "coc- clinical find ings against which a given patient's
cid ioidomycosis," for example, even though the findings can be compared. The d iagnostic hypoth-
prevalence of other diseases that cause both symp- esis "neph rotic syndrome," for example, mandates
toms is far greater than that of the fungal infection. the presence of heavy protein ur ia, typically in-
Another commonly used short-cut is the availabil- cludes hypoalbuminemia, edema, and h yperl ip i-
ity heuristic.27 28 This approach is a function of demia, and encompasses an exceptionally large
familiarity with a g iven clinical entity, usually be- array of syndrome characteristics that include
cause a certain pattern of find ings evokes a read- predisposing factors (diabetes mellitus, amyloi-
i[y recallable, particularly strik ing clinical entity .29 dosis, systemic lupus erythematosus), short-term
T he tr iggering of the hypothesis "pheoch romocy- complications (venous thrombosis), long-term
toma" in response to the find ing of a sudden, se- complications (accelerated atherosclerosis), patho-
vere increase in blood pressure is such an exam- ph ys iologic associations (sod ium intake and
ple. As with the representative heuristic, however, edema formation), and h istopathologic correla-
there is no guarantee that a hypothesis evoked by tions ("spikes" on silver stain in one of the cas.es-
the ava ilability heuristic a.ccurately reflects d isease membranous neph ropathy). T hus, when the
prevalence. nephrotic syndrome becomes a hypothesis, its
Still another short-cttt used in hypothesis gen- many characteristics become a framework against
eration is related to the physician's ever-present wh ich a patient's findings are assessed. vVithin th is
v igilance for life-th reaten ing manifestations or framework, or context, new data are gathered and
complications of a disease. Repeatedly, phys icians assessed and h ypotheses are preserved, rejected, or
engaged in the diagnostic process change from gen- refined.
erating hypotheses based on any of the mechan isms T he value of the context lies in its capac-
descr ibed earlier and instead evoke hypotheses for ity to guide the subsequent d iagnostic process. 32
these diagnost ic imperatives when early d iagnosis The context helps th e ph ys ician to formulate ap-
and treatment is critically important for a patient's propriate quest ions as he or she takes a h is-
well-being. In the midst of t he process of gener- tory of the present ill ness, d irects certain specific
at ing hypotheses based on prevalence, represen- aspects of the physical examination, and iden-
tat iveness, or ava ilability, physicians often evoke t ifies tests that might provide additional rele-
hypotheses that ident ify li fe-th reaten ing manifes- vant clinical data. Evidence suggests that ph ys i-
tat ions or complications. Such hypotheses (sepsis, cians do not simply gather data without regard
shock, pulmonary edema, acute myocard ial infarc- to diagnost ic hypotiheses, and th at they do not
tion, hyperkalemia) may be generated w ithout re- simply accmnulate facts until a d iagnosis be-
gard to prevalence, but th ey focus on the value of comes evident. Rather, they gather relevant data
a lertness to serious events wh ile the "routine" part within a defined context. T he context serves as
of the d iagnostic process is underway. T h is type a guide for pred icting which information m ight
of medical rule of thumb may be merely a spe- be useful to gather, w h ich tests might be helpful,
cial case of known heuristic mechanisms such as and which d iagnostEc procedures deserve further
ava ilability. attention.


(Ca ses 7, 8) (Cases 3, 9, 54, 58, 66)
Given that maximum uncertainty characterizes Clinical experience and expertise clearly enhance
the initial state of a d iagnostic encounter, hy- the quality of hypotheses generated. Knowledge
potheses form an essential function: T hey frame, of the various clusters of cues that should tr igger


certain hypotheses and knowledge of the charac- clinical features point toward a specific diagnostic
ter istics of diseases and syndromes that become entity, the correct d iagnosis often emerges quickly.
the context for further diagnostic resolution fac ili- Neither disease prevalence nor the heuristic solu-
tate the process of h ypothesis generation. 19 "Book t ions descr ibed before guarantee that the correct
knowledge" is insufficient for optimal hypothe- diagnos is w ill be generated init ially, nor do they
sis generation, in part because diseases and syn- guarantee that the correct hypothesis will ever be
dromes vary far more in thei r attributes (combina- evoked. Both rare diseases and common d iseases
tions of clinical findings at onset, clinical course) with atypical manifestations can be overlooked,
than those characterized in "classic" textbook de- and perceptual errors (e.g., fa ilure to recogn ize
scriptions. Indeed, experience with one patient af- that a patient has the classic phys ical features of
ter .another w ith a g iven disease or syndrome pro- acromegaly) can lead to faulty or insufficient hy -
duces the enriched model of a disease or syndrome pothesis tr iggering. No special reasoning skills w ill
aga inst wh ich we measure new cases. suffice to tr igger diagnost ic hypotheses if the phys i-
The process of hypothesis generation, how- cian does not have sufficient knowledge about dlis-
ever, is imperfect. When a patient's disease is com- ease entities or about t he full range of expected
mon and its manifestations are typical, when a manifestations of these entities. A lack of either
patient's clinical findings are representative of a makes h ypothesis gene ration at best faulty and at
certain disease, and when one or more strik ing worst totally lacking.

_ Refinement of Diagnostic

WHERE REFINEMENT BEGINS AND ENDS cific as "unexplained hypoglycemia." The context
frames the problem, c onstrains the number of pos-
(Cases l , 12 , 13, 16, 17, 37, 38)
sible explanations, sets a limit on the number of
After hypotheses are evoked, the process of hy- operations to be appl ied to the problem, and serves
pothesis refinem ent, also known as "case build- as a basis for expectations. 30 - 32 T hese expectations
in g,'' ensues. Hypothesis refinement is an evolving, are the pred ictable, anticipated findings and are
sequential process of data gathering and interpre- based on some mental model of the d isease. W hen
tation. Repeated inferences yield a series of pro- an attempt is being made to classify a given patient
v isional approx imations (intermediate d iagnostic within a d iagnostic h ypothesis, the varied charac-
hypotheses) that are revised continually in an iter- teristics of the clinica 1disorder become the basis for
ative process until one or more d iagnostic hypothe- such expectations. G iven a hypothesis of acute ap-
ses satisfactorily explain all available clinical data. pendicitis, for example, features expected in appen-
The process begins w ith a small number of hy- dicitis (right-lower-guadrant tenderness, leukocy-
potheses generated from .a set of clinical findings. tosis) are sought as more clinical data are obtained.
It proceeds by elaborating questions that elicit fur- In add ition, features not expected in append ici-
ther data and by interpreting the data obtained. tis (disorientation, cough, normal wh ite cell count)
Initial hypotheses are revised, refined, and often can be evaluated and explained. T hus, the repre-
made more specific. Some hypotheses are added sentation of disease entities in memory is a critical
and some are deleted. The process of hypothesis factor.s. 12, 13
refinement uses a variety of reasoning strategies A central question is how new instances (a pa-
(probabil istic, causal, and deterministic) and often tient with certain clinical manifestations) are com-
involves the use of d iagnostic tests to discriminate pared to existing entities in memory and indexed or
among existing hypotheses. After relevant data are class ified. Clearly, the characteristics of the context
accumulated, diagnostic refinement merges into critically determine the efficiency and accuracy of
diagnostic verification- the process in wh ich one diagnostic refinement. If a clinical entity (appen-
or more hypotheses are accepted as sufficiently dicitis aga in as the example) is defined narrowly
valid to permit further decision making (testing, according to its textbook description or accord-
therapeutic, or prognostic). This chapter considers ing to its typical or classical descriptions, features
details of the refinement process. Subsequent chap- that occur in its var.iants (such as d iarrhea when
ters describe the probabilistic approach to combin- the appendix is in a retrocecal location) might be
ing clinical data and the u:se of causal (physiologic) considered to exclud e tl1e diagnosis. Repeated ex-
reasoning in the process. Causal reasoning, wh ich perience with variations of disease entities fills out
depends on the cause-and-effect relations between the expectations, that is, the normal and abnormal
din ical variables, is discussed later because it func- findings that are associated with a given entity.
tions chiefly in the later p hases of the d iagnostic How is such experience stored and accessed?
process as we attempt to verify our h ypothesis. For many years, it has been assumed that informa-
t ion about a new case is compared to some case pro-
totype, or abstract mo de, memory. 6 ' 33 It
1 store d in
has been further assumed that the abstract descrip-
CLASSIFICATION t ion is sufficiently detailed to contain all variations
(Cases 7, 9, 63, 64) of the disease, as well as ru les about how the disease
The context within wh ich problem solving occurs relates to other d iseases or conditions. This theory
is a function of the cognitive representation of the argues that memory consists of abstract descrip-
problem in memory. As noted in C hapter 2, this tions that evolve by compiling and compressing
context can be as general as " infect ion" or as spe- informat ion into a s ingle model, or prototype, as



we encounter more and more patients w ith a cer- natively, h ypotheses deemed interesting initially
tain disease. To the extent that a single abstract may be dropped quick ly when further data fai l to
model could exist, a new case would be assessed by support them. The process should not be viewed
comparison to this abstract descr iption. as an orderly one in which hypotheses that initially
Another theory, based on studies in the are quite vague always are progressively specified.
domain of case-based reasoning, supposes that Although this pattern does occur, others are ob-
knowledge is stored in a symbolic structure known served as well. An initial hypothesis may be h ighly
as a script. 6 1334 In medicine a disease script specific (e.g., Cushing syndrome), and it may not
would comprise patient-specific scenarios con- change as more information is obtained. Usually,
taining personal features, predisposing factors, diagnostic hypotheses become more or less credi-
causative agents, and clinical manifestations tied ble with each new clinical datum, but hypotheses
together both by causal links and ch ronological may disappear only to r eappear later. A given hy -
rela tions. A script might consist of a description pothesis may be considered highly probable when
of an illness, the natural course of the illness, the only a few cues are available; later it may be nearly
possible interventions, the sequences of events, and dismissed only to become prominent again when
the outcomes. Script~ could vary from representing all ava ilable data are obtained. A diagnostic hy-
clinical data in a highly physiologic format on one pothesis may have to be abandoned when data ap-
hand (i.e., containing a detailed causal model or pear that are inconsistent w ith it. In such instances,
physiologic or anatomic model) to a smaller, more replacement hypotheses must be generated to ac-
efficient, highly compiled fo rmat on the other (i.e., count for the data. It seems quite likely that clini-
containing only relations between findings in the cians do not simply continue to collect hypotheses
form of diagnostic labels, e.g., radiologic, patho- indefinitely dur ing a diagnostic encounter, only to
logic, or dermatologic find ings). One recently de- narrow down to one or two after all information
veloped concept holds that much of the indexing has been gathered. Rather, evidence is strong th.at
or classification by physicians of new instances is the cognitive limitation of working memory to a
carried out not against a sing le prototype of the dis- small number of items: constrains the number of
ease but against multiple stored prototypes or even hypotheses in active memory. 27 30 This constraint
actual recalled cases (instance scripts or exemplars) probably pertains to the concept of differential d i-
of the disease seen by a physician in the past. Given agnosis, as discussed lacer.
the range of manifestations seen in a set of patients
w ith a single disease entity (i.e., the p olymorphism
of that disease), the notion that multiple cases are
stored in memory for later comparison with new
cases is attractive. A more detailed discussion of {Coses 14, 24, 45)
the structure of memory is given in Chapter 10, Clinical data need not be accumulated according to
section T he Structure of Memory. a fixed pattern. Although data are typically sought
first from the history, then from the physical exam -
ination, and then from the laboratory, this pattern
of data gathering is more a matter of historical
HYPOTHESIS EVOLUTION precedent than of cogn:itive necessity. In fact, data
(Cases l , l 0, 12, 16, 33) may first emerge from a patient's physical appear-
Although initial diagnostic hypotheses provide ance (gait, tremor, or facial features), from the lab-
the framework for data gathering, they may or oratory (an unexpected low hematocrit or a h igh
may not survive. When new data are consistent serum calcium), or from a test (a blood pressure
w ith an existing mental model (however it is measurement made in a shopping mall). Hypoth-
constructed), the hypothesis remains active and esis refinement demands no special sequence of
may become even more specific. A hypothesis of data collection, although some optimal sequence
"infection" may evolve into "urinary tract infec- probably does exist. Initially, expert clinicians do
tion," then into "pyelonephritis," and finally into focus heavily on data from the patient's h istory and
"left-sided Escherichia coli pyelonephritis." Alter- previous records (a particularly rich data source),


but they readily switch to an aspect of the physical is guided by hypotheses, wh ich may be related to
examination or a diagnostic test in the interest of probabilistic relations between clinical variables.
gathering a pertinent piece of data whenever ap- Diagnostic efficiency requires that the quest ions
propriate. On the other h and, conceding that it is that are asked are the ones most likely to reduce
appropr iate to gather data out of sequence does not diagnostic uncertainty. To do so requires that the
invalidate either the tradi tional questions as ked as data obtained from such a question, whether p osi-
part of a "review ofsystems" or the "routine" physi- tive or negative, should produce the largest change
c:al examination. Such approaches have valid goals, in disease probability. Several strategies for elic-
including gathering of baseline data, avoidance of iting information are used. 35-38 One is a confir-
errors in drug administration, identification of risk mation strategy, in which information is sought
factors, case finding for diseases that are uncom- that might be expected to enhance a h ighl y likely
mon but important to identify, and disclosure of hypothesis. 19 Another is a disconfirming or elim-
critical psychological and social issues. ination strategy, in which information is sought
The sequence of data accumulation has in- to reduce the li kelihood of an unlikely hypothesis.
creased in importance, given the foreshortened Of course, when either of these strategies alters the
pace of medical diagnosis, especially in emergency likelihood of any hypothesis, the likelihood of one
departments, where the rapid triage of patients of- or more remaining hypotheses also must change.
ten begins with a brief acquisition of a patient's A reduction in the likelihood of a leading hypoth-
presenting complaint and is followed immediately esis, for example, forces remaining hypotheses to
by the ordering of one or more diagnostic tests. be more prominent.
Whether it is more efficient, and just as accu- vVhen only a few possibilities remain, a dis-
rate, to "short-circuit" the diagnostic process in this crimination strategy can be invok ed to seek spe-
manner has never been evaluated. Until we learn cific information to discriminate among these
more about the benefits and risks of this approach, remaining hypotheses.19 Frequently these few dis-
we continue to recommend the process described eases bear close resemblance to each other in their
previously. clinical manifestations (e.g., constrictive pericard i-
tis and severe biventricular fai lure; or polyarteritis
nodosa and systemic atheroembolism) and are of-
ten mistaken for one another. In such instances,
REDUCING DIAGNOSTIC UNCERTAINTY differences in the prevalence of the disorders, sub-
(Cases9, 12, 15, 18, 38) tle differences in the clinical ch aracteristics ofeach,
Ea rly in the process of hypothesis revision when and the results of specific laboratory tests may be
only a small set of cues is ava ilable, the number required to discriminate among completing diag-
of possible disorders that could explain this set of nostic entities. In some instances, the response to
cues often is quite large. At this stage, diagnos- therapy becomes a final discriminator.
tic uncertainty is at its h ighest (i.e., differentiation T he process of h ypothesis refinement ca n be
among the various diagnostic hypotheses is at its carried out mathematically, but expert clinicians
nadir) and the number of questions that a physician rarely rely on formal probabilistic models as they
might as k to el icit the data needed to narrow the engage in diagnostic reasoning. Instead, they use a
number of hypotheses is at its peak. T he process variety of rules of thumb or heuristics previously
that the physician uses to gather data follows no described. These simplifications are useful short-
preordained pattern and in this framework can be cuts, and although they are not precise reflectors
characterized as unstructured problem solving, yet of prevalence or other probabilistic associations be-
d iagnostic hypotheses do lend some structure to the tween clinical variables, they are convenient and
process. Most of the time a lock-step or algorithmic frequently correct. As uncertainty increases, physi-
method cannot substitute for this unstructured ap- cians rely even more on tl1eir clinical intuition.39
proach simply because of the large problem space The goals of questioning and data accumula-
(.i.e., the constrained environment that guides the tion are several: to identify highly li kely diagnos-
possible operations and solutions to a problem) in t ic hypotheses, to disprove unli kely hypotheses, to
which the problem must be solved. Questioning forge causal links between clinical phenomena, to


d ifferentiate among existing hypotheses, and, as close parallelism between the implicit reasoning
noted before, to find hypotheses that are partic- processes that physicians use to rev ise and refine d i-
ular ly critical to preserving a patient's well-being agnostic hypotheses with new information and th e
(diagnostic imperatives). 40 formal, prescriptive process that calculates these
. . !?
rev1s1ons. -
Bayesian analysis requ ires that a physician as-
THE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS sembles a complete set of diagnost ic hypotheses
(Cases l 0, 18, 38) that could explain a g iven set of clinical findings.
For each hypothesis, a set of relevant attr ibutes
As attempts are made to refine hypotheses, clini-
is identified (historical findings, physical findings,
cians often assemble a list of surviving, competing
complications, predisposing factors, laboratory re-
hypotheses commonly known as a differential di-
sults) that might help discriminate among the d i-
agnosis. However, no single definition of a differ-
agnoses. T he p retest or p rior probability of each
ential diagnosis is un iversall y accepted. Such lists
diagnostic hypothesis is specified numerically, as is
are assembled ea rly in the process from single or
the probability that eac!h attribute is found in each
mu lt iple cues, and they may or may not be ordered
disease entity (the condition al p rob ability). Then,
according to some hierarchy (such as physiologic
a calculation is made of the likelihood of each dlis-
categories or d isease probabil it ies). Some clinicians
ease entity, g iven the disease prevalence and th e
define a different ial d iagnosis as a small final set
probability of each clinical attribute. The result-
of rema ining hypotheses for w hich the discrimina-
ing revised probabil it ies (the posterior probability)
tion strategy described previiously is used. 41 42 We
represent the likelihood of various disease enti-
prefor to consider the entire process of hypoth -
t ies, g iven the prevalence and the presence of th e
esis refinement as one that d ifferentiates among
specified attributes. T h is process requ ires that all
d iagnostic possibilities. According to th is defini-
possible d iseases be specified prospectively because
tion, a d ifferential diagnos is comprises the entire
omitting even rare possibil it ies may eliminate th e
evolving, sequential, and iterative d iagnostic pro-
correct d iagnosis. As long as a complete set of d i-
cess from generation of hypotheses to establish -
agnostic hypotheses is assembled at the onset of an
ment of the work ing diagnos is.
analys is, Bayes' rule can be appl ied sequentially as
information is gathered. Thus, Bayesian analys is
RELATION TO FORMAL is best applied after considerable data are already
ava ilable. Bayesian analysis seeks to combine in-
PROBABILISTIC APPROACH formation as a clinician would, but accord ing to
(Ca ses 23, 27, 42) formal mathematical rules. A detai led example of
Ir is useful to set this evolving process against an ex- how Bayesian analysis is used in diagnostic hypoth -
plicit process of diagnostic rev ision that is based on esis revis ion when mu] ti pie diseases and multi ple
probability theory and t hat uses Bayes' rule for re- attributes of these diseases are under consideration
calculating the likelihood of various d iseases. T his is given in Chapter 4, se.ction Bayesian Rev ision for
comparison is of particular value because of the Multiple Diseases w ith Mult iple Attributes.

_ Use and Interpretation
of Diagnostic Tests

THE FUNCTION OF TESTS paid to the concept of probability as it applies to

medical diagnosis. A probability is an expression of
Diagnostic testing is an information-gathering likelihood- an opinion of the relative frequency
t.ask that differs from the processes discussed in with w hich an event is likely to occur. In medical
the previous chapter only in respect to the risks practice, a probability is a belief about some aspect
and costs that tests incur. Testing is used in the of a patient's state of health; it can never be known
process of hypothesis refinement to help formu- wi th certainty and can only be estimated. T he basis
late a working diagnostic hypothesis, defined pre- of the belief could ideally be objective from large
v iously as one that is sufficiently unambiguous to collections ofsuch data, but usually such collect ions
set the stage for making decisions about further of data are unavailable or not readily at hand, so the
invasive testing, treatment, or judgments about usual source of these estimates becomes subjective
prognosis. Because d iagnostic tests elicit new in- opinion on the basis. of personal experience with
formation, they usually re duce diagnostic uncer- like cases.
tainty and are often used selectively to distinguish Because probabilities have their basis in. dif-
among competing hypoth eses. Tests virtually de- ferent data sources, not all proba bilities are a like.
void of risk (e.g., those o btained by collection of Some probability assessments can be accepted with
blood and urine) and those low in cost are not considerable confidence and some with little confi-
d ifferent in their informac ion- processing function dence. Our confidence in a proba bility assessment
from the direct questions .asked the patient or from is couched in terms of ambiguity: The greater our
the findings gleaned from the physical examina- uncertainty about the validity of a given prob-
tion. ability assessment, the greater is the ambiguity.
Ambiguity in probability assessments increases
when available in formation is scanty, when data
are unreliable, and w hen the test results, facts , or
opinions of putative experts are conflicting. The
(Cases 20, 23, 26, 27, 29- 31) least ambiguous probability assessments are those
Physicians order diagnostic tests and process the solidly grounded in large bodies of data. Unfortu-
data from these tests implicitly, but we have little nately, such data are not always ava ilable, and in
data on the cognitive basis of tl1e decisions to carry some instances, the physician must accept consid-
out the tests and their inter pretations of the results. erable am biguity in his or her probability assess-
We do have extensive experience, however, w itl1 ments.
the prescriptive, quantitative approaches alluded Probabilistic incerpretation of the results of
to in the preceding section. Elaboration of these diagnostic tests is invaluable in the process of dis-
quantitative approaches yields valuable principles criminating among diagnostic hypotheses because
of diagnostic testing. In fact, because many test re- the approach combines both the physician's diag-
sults are expressed numerically, such data are par- nostic hypothesis before testing and the test result
c:icularly amenable to quantitative interpretation. itself. These concepts are effectively tmderstood
However, data from tests are not the only informa- in terms of certain kinds of probabilities. A prior
tion that can readily be expressed in probabilistic probability is a belief about the likelihood of a di-
terms. The frequency of clinical symptoms, find - agnostic hypothesis-for example, the prevalence
ings, complications of tests, favorable and morbid of a disease such as acute myocardial infarction
outcomes, and the efficacy and risks of therapies among patients presenting witl1 chest pain. This
a ll can be expressed in probabilistic terms. pretest probability may be modified by all infor-
Before describing techniques for combining mation collected up to that point, including symp-
probabilistic information, some attention must be toms and signs. A posterior probability represents



the revised belief in the likelihood of the diagno- SENSITIVITY AND SPECIFICITY
sis {myocardial infa rction) after interpreting the
{Cases 20, 23, 26)
test result (e.g., one or mo.re creatine kinase or
troponin levels). Test characteristics are defined vVhen considering only the presence or absence of
as conditional probabilities, that is, as probabili- one disease, the conditio nal probabilities oftest re-
ties specific to certain (disease) conditions. Con - sults can be described as the sen sitivity and sp eci-
ditional probabilities describe the frequency w ith ficity of a test (Fig. 4 .1 ). T he sensitivity of a test
wh ich a g iven result (e.g., an elevated creatine ki- applies to patients known by some independent
nase ICKI,) occurs in a given disease and in all criterion to have a given disease. It is defined as
other diagnoses of potential interest. In a patient the true-positive rate or equivalentl y the probabil-
suspected ofhaving an acute myocardial in farction, ity of a positive test result in patients known to
for example, alternative poss:ible hypotheses of po- have the disease (a mnemonic is PID for "posi-
tential interest might include angina pectoris, acute tive in disease"). Unfo rtunately, few tests are ex-
pericard itis, esophageal spas:m, and anx iety. Con - clusively positive in patients with a given disease
ditional probabilities for an elevated CK would (pathognom onic) a nd exclusively negative in those
describe the frequency of high CK values in each who do not have the disease (sine qua non). Over-
of these alternate hypotheses. Combining the prior laps are virtually the rule. Negative test results in
probabilities of acute myocardial infarction and its patients known to have the disease are described as
diagnostic competitors with the conditional prob- false negatives. The specificity of a test applies to
abil ities of the CK results in each of the d iagnostic patients known by some independent criterion to
hypotheses yields posterior probabilities (revised be free of the disease (a mnemonic is NIH for "neg-
probabilities after testing) of all diagnostic pos- ative in health"). It is therefore the true-negative
sibilities under consideration. These probabilis- rate or equivalently the probability of a negative
tic data can be com bined implicitly without for- test result in patients known not to have the disease.
mal calculations, but experience shows th at many Positive test results in patients who do not have the
physicians fail to combine such data accurately disease are considered to be false positives. G iven
when interpretation is carried out in an implicit the nearl y universal overlap between test results in
fash ion. For this reason, carrying out an actual patients who have and who do not have the diis-
calculation of posterior probabilities has special ease, it is necessary to define a positivity criteria
ad vantages. or cutoff point above which the test is considered







Figure 4.1 Outcom es of a test with a bina ry res ult (eithe r positive o r negative) in a population of patients
who eithe r have o r do not have a given disease. As shown, patients w ith the disease may have a positive test (true
positive) or a negative test (false negative); patients who do not have the disease may have a negative test (true
negative) or a positive test (fa lse positive). The probability of a true-positive resulrr in patients with the disease
is the sensitivity of the test, and the probability of a negative result in patients who do not have the disease is
the specificity of the test.


A SPEC. 75% positive and below which it is considered negative.

If the cutoff point is made stricte r (i.e., raised),
then the number of false-negative results increases
(o r, equi valently, sensitivity decreases); however,
the number of false-positive results decreases (o r,
equivalently, specifici ty increases); and vice ve rsa
FN FP (Fig. 4.2).
98% SENS.

B SPEC. 90%
(Coses 20, 23, 30, 5 1)
vVe present a specific exam ple of calculations with
Bayes' rule when both sensit ivity and specificity
are k nown. Although this "prostate ca nce r scree n-
ing test" exam ple is si mplistic, it illustrates the rel-
90% SENS.
evant principles. Surveillance Epidem iology an d
c SPEC. 95% E ncl Results (SEE R) data suggest that the preva-
lence of prostate ca ncer is I 08 of 1,000 m en aged
60 to 64 yea rs. Of note, if prior sc reening with
TP a h ighl y sensitive test had been per formed pr e-
viously, the incidence of d isease since the prior
FN screen ing tes t should replace the prevalence es ti-
80% SENS. m ate as the pretest likelihood of disease. In this
case, assuming a screening test I yea r ago, the
Figure 4.2 Inte rpretation of a rest, the results of annual incidence of pros tate cancer would be be-
which arc in rhe form of a co ntin uous function. In- t ween 2 and 9 of 1,000, depending on race. Based
dividuals who do not have the d isease have low test on a published stud y,43 7 1% o f patients k nown to
values a nd are distributed unde r the sho rte r cur ve on have prostate cancer have a positive test (sensiti v-
the left. Patients with the d isease have high test val- ity) and SJ% of patients known to be free of cancer
ues and are distributed und er the ta ller cu rve on the (benign prostatic hyperplas ia IBPHI) have a neg-
right. H owever, test va lues in norma l and in diseased ative test (specificity) (the data are summarized in
individua ls overlap. The vertical lines represent dif- Ta ble 4. 1). In the population described, what is
ferent cutoff points or positivity criteria: for each of the signi ficance of a positive test ? H ow likely is it
the th ree segments of the figu re, any value of the test
that a person with a positive test has cancer ? Ca l-
ro the right of the cutoff point is defined as a positive
culations are shown in the accom pa nying fig ures.
test and any value to the left of the cutoff point is
defined as a negative tes t. Segment B, in the middle
of the figure, defines a c utoff point with equal sensi-
tivity and specificity. \~Tith this cri te rion as the cutoff, TABLE 4.1
the true positives (90% of those with the disease) arc
Data for the Prostate Cancer
to the right of the cutoff, and the true negatives (90%
of those who do not have the disease) are to the left
Screening Test: Prostate-Specific
of the cutoff. As the crite rion for a positive test is Antigen (PSA}
made stricter (segment C, bottom), the specificity in- Prior Probability (equ ivalent h ere
creases but the sensitiviry is reduced. As the cri te rion
to disease prevalen ce) 0.108
for a posit ive test is mad e more lax (segment A, top),
the sensitivity increases, but the specificity falls. FN, True-positive rate (se nsitivity) 0.7 1
fa lse-negative result; FP, false-positive result; SENS., F alse-negati ve rate (I -sensiti vity) 0.29
sensitivity; SPEC., speci.ficity; T N, true-negative re- True-negative rate (specificity) 0.5 1
sult; TP, true-posit ive result. F alse- positive rate (1 - specificity) 0.49


60-64 year-old
Asymptomatic Men

Prior Probabillity 0.108 0.892

10,800 with 89,200 wiithout

Prostate Cancer Prostate Cancer

Sensitivity 0.71 0.29

0.49 Specificity 0.51

7668 with 3132 with 43,708 with 45,492 with

True Positive False Negative False Positive True Negative
Test Test Test Test

Probability of Prostate Cancer 7668

in those with a Positive Test = = 0.149
(Positive Predictive Value) 7668 + 43,708

Figure 4.3 A "tree" or flow diagram approach to Lhe p rostate-specific antigen (PSA) "cancer test" using
Bayes' rule. This illustrates one solution to rhe PSA prostate cancer test described in rhe text. Starring with
a pop ulation of 100,000 individuals, of whom 108 of 1.,000 are expected to have cancer, we add the positive
rests in those with cancer (true positives) to those who do not have cancer (false positives) and determ ine the
fraction of patients with a positive test who actually have the disease (true positives d ivided by the sum of true
positives and false positives). The origin of the data in the figure is shown in Table 4.1. \.V ith the relatively low
specificity of the test at 0.5 1, more than 85% of positive tests are found in patients who do not have cancer. The
low prevalence and the high false-positive rate of the rest (0.49) account for this result.

Th ree different approaches to the calculations in which disease prevalence is low, most positive
are illustrated: a "tree" or flow diagram approac h tests w ill be false positives unless a test is excep-
(Fig. 4 .3), a tabular approach (Fig. 4 .4), and the use tionally specific so that almost all patients without
of Bayes' formula (Fig. 4.5). More detailed exam- disease have a negative test. Indeed, if the disease
ples of the actual use of Bayes' rule, or Bayesian prevalence is extremely low, a test (if it is the only
ana lysis, are g iven in Part II (see Cases 23 and 30). one ava ilable) should not be done unless it is nearly
perfectly specific. Thus, w hen a test is h ighly spe-
cific, a positive test result helps" rule in" a cl isease (a
mnemonic is Positive Spin for "positi ve test with
TESTING PRINCIPLES high specificity rules in the d isease"). Tests that are
(Cases 20, 22, 23, 291 not highly specific are most useful for screening
Bayes' rule combines data on sensitivity and speci- if they are applied in populations with a high diis-
ficity of tests with prior probabilities, yield ing ease prevalence. When other confirmatory tests are
a probabilistic view of var ious diagnoses that ava ilable, a test w ith only a moderately h igh speci-
incorporates the test results. The application of ficity may be worth using (assuming no cost and no
Bayes' rule to diagnostic testing yields important risk) as an initial screening test if it has high sen-
testing principles: The specificity of a test is critical sitivity. For example, screening for HIV typically
for Case finding, especially when screening asymp- in volves enzyme immunoassay (EIA) followed by
tomatic patients, because the h igher the specificity, vVestern blot testing, a very sensitive test followed
the lower is the false-positive rate. In populat ions by a more specific test if the first test is positive


Prior Conditional Product Fraction Posterior

Probability Probability w ith Probability

Prostate 0.108 0.71 0.07668 0.07668 0.149

Cancer 0.51376

No Cancer 0.892 0.49 0.43708 0.43708 0.851


Sum of positive tests = 0.51376

Figure 4 .4 A tabular solution to the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) "cancer test" using Bayes' rule. The
p rior probability of each condition (cancer or no cancer) is multiplied by the conditional probability (in this case
the probability of a positive rest, given each condition). The products arc summed, and the fraction of positive
tests in each condition is calculated. Note the similarity between th is calculation and that shown in Fig ure 4.3.
For interpretation, see legend for Figure 4.3.

for a disease in which accurate diagnosis has a high BAYESIAN REVISION FOR
expected utility or benefit. Thus, when a test is
highly sensitive, a negative test result helps "rule
out" a disease (a mnemonic is Negative SnOut The previous example of prostate-specific antigen
for "negative test with a high sensitivity rules out (PSA) screening in volved the simplest model of
d 1.sease") . Bayesian revision (disease ei ther present or absent;


P(D+) x P(T+ID+)
P(D+IT+) = P(D+) x P(T+ID+) + P(D- ) x P(T+ID-)
P(D+) = disease positive (prostate cancer)
P(D- ) = disease negative (no cancer)
P(T +ID+) = true-positive rate (sensitivity)
P(T+ID- ) = false-positive rate (1 - specificity)
P(D+IT+) = probability of cancer among those with a positive test

For this particular patient:

P(prostate cancer} = 0.108X0.71 = 0.149

0.108 x 0.71 + 0.892 x 0.49

Figure 4 . 5 Solution to the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) "cancer test" using Bayes' formula. Note that
the calc ulation is identical m that shown in Figures 4 .3 and 4.4.


TABLE 4.2 va r iables or patterns (e.g., se rum enzym es, se rum

electrol ytes, elec troca rd iographic stress tests, or in
Data for the Prostate Cancer th is case PSA results) u sually must be broken into
Screening Test: Prostate Specific d iscrete interva ls or d iscrete categories so that they
Antigen (PSA) can be used in calculations. Instead of si m ply pos-
it ive or negative, test results descr ibe several lev-
PSALevel Prostate No Cancer (Benign
els o f positivity. Table 4.2 summa rizes the likeli-
( n g/mL) Cancer Prostatic H ypertrophy)
hood of d ifferent PSA levels for prostate ca nce r
0-3.9 0.29 0.51 and for BPH. 43 Figure 4.6 illustrates the likel i-
4.0- 5.9 0.2 1 0.21 hood of p rostate ca ncer if the PSA is 12 (I 0 o r
6.0-9.9 0.23 0. 18 above). F ig ure 4.7 illustrates the results for a PSA
> JO 0.27 0. 10 of7.0 (fall ing in the 6.0-9.9 range). In these cases,
the interpretation of a test res ult no longe r d e-
test ei the r positive or negat ive). A mo re refined pends on the result sim p ly being posi tive by fall in g
es tim ate of prostate cancer ca n be based on know- above a cutoff value . T h us, the previous se nsitivi ty
ing the actual PSA res ult, o r "how posi tive it was." and false-positive rate ( 1 - specific ity) condition al
To do so, results that a re reported as cont inuous probabilitiescannot be a pplied. Rather,condition al

60-64 year-old
Asymptomatic Men

Prior Probability 0.108 0.892

10,800 with 89,200 without

Prostate Cancer Prostate Cancer

PSA ;;:: 10 = 0.27

PSA ;;:: 10 = 0.10

2916 with 8920 with

PSA :<: 10 PSA :<: 10

Probability o f Prostate Cancer 2916

in those with PSA ;;:: 10 ng/ml = = 0.246
(Posteri or Probability) 2916 + 8920

Figure 4.6 Solution to the prostate-specific antigen {PS A) "cancer test" fo r a specific test range. T his figu re
dem onstrates the benefit of knowing the exact PSA re$uft (T able 4.2). Sensitivity and specificity are typically
defined as test values falli ng above or below a "cutoff" va lue or positivity crite rion. However, in a given patient,
the positive or negative results may be close to or fa r from this cutoff. For a test result of 12 (exceeding 10 ),
w hich is fa r from the 4.0 positivity cri te rion, the likelihood of cance r is higher a t 0.246 than the 0. 149 for a
positive test in F ig ures 4.3 to 4.5. VJ ith regard to simply an entire group of patiem s with positive tes t results,
some have results close to 4 and others have values that a re much higher, greate r than !O. Patients with benig n
prostatic hype rplasia, howeve r, are much less likd)' to h ave res ul ts exceed ing 10, so the li kel ihood of cance r is
this su bset with high PSA (g reater than lO) is conseq uently h igher beca use false positives drop. Note that if 10
we re used as a positivity crite rion cutoff, many patients with ca ncer wou ld have negative tests and be missed, so
choosing a cutoff is a trad coff betwecn false-positive and false-negative res ults, bala ncing the benefit of treating
true positives against the harm of treating false positives.


60-64 year-old
Asymptomatic Men

Prior Probability 0.108 0. 892

10,800 with 89,200 without

Prostate Cancer Prostate Cancer
PSA 6.0-9.9 = 0.23
PSA 6.0-9.9 = 0.18

2484 with 16,056 with

PSA6.0-9.9 PSA6.0-9.9

Probability of Prostate Cancer 2484

in those with PSA 6.0-9.9 ng/ml = = 0.1 34
(Posterior Probability) 2484 + 16,056

Figure 4.7 Solution to the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) "cancer rest" fo r a specific rest range. As in Figure
4.6, this fig ure demonstrates the effect of knowing the exact PSA result. For a test result of 7.0 (betwee n 6.0
a nd 9.9), which falls closer to the 4.0 positivity criterion cutoff, the likelihood of cancer is a bit lower at 0.134
than the 0.149 for a positive rest in Figures 4.3 to 4.5 and the 0.246 for a test resu lt of 12 in Figure 4.6.

probabilities become the li kelihood of a result of and since then noticed a reduction in urine out-
I 0 or greater or the likelih ood of a PSA falling be- put. He g ives a h istory of vom it ing and has b een
tween 6.0 and 9.9 among patien ts w ith and wi thout taking a nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drug for
prostate cancer. arth ralg ias that appeared in the last week. He now
has acute renal insufficiency. His examination and
BAYESIAN REVISION FOR MULTIPLE a variety of laboratory studies have narrowed the
diagnostic possibilities to five conditions: glom eru-
DISEASES WITH MULTIPLE ATTRIBUTES loneph ritis (GN), interstitial neph ritis (IN), acute
(Cases 23, 2 7) tu bular necrosis (A TN), functional acute renal
Havi ng expanded the simplest model of Bayesian fa ilure from dehydration (FA RF), a nd ad1eroma-
revis ion (disease e ither p resen t or absent; test ei- tous embolism (AE). \Ve w ill assess the diagnos-
ther positive or negative) to include ranges of test tic significance of two of his physical find ings-
results, we can consider an even more complex hypertension and livedo reticularis; and two lab-
nnodel in wh ich several dliseases are under consid - oratory results- a ur ine sediment containing few
eration, each of wh ich has two or more attributes. abnormalities and a low hemolytic complement
I ndeed, the physician often considers several d is- level (Fig. 4.8). Let us assume that the prior proba-
eases dur ing the process of d ifferential d iagnosis b ilities of these five diseases are those g iven in the
a nd needs to interpret how his or her suspicion of figure, a nd that the approx imate conditional prob-
each of these diseases cha nges in the ligh t of new abilities shown for each of the clinical attr ibutes
in formation. (hypertension, livedo reticular is, sparse sed iment,
For a specific example, let us consider how and low complement) have been obtai ned from
the d ifferential diagnosis can be carried out us ing a survey of the literature on acute renal fa ilure.
Bayesian analysis. Su ppose we have a 70-year-old T he figure shows the prior probabilities, the con-
man who had a cardiac catheterization 8 days ago ditional probabilit ies, and the calculated posterior



Conditional probabilities

Prior B.P. livedo sparse low Post.

DIS. prob. 190/120 reticularis sediment CH50 prob.

GN 0.29 0.60 0.05 0.01 0.40 0.019

IN 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.15 0.01 <0.01

ATN 0.40 0.05 0.05 0.15 0.01 <0.01
- - ------ ~ ---------------------------------------- - -------
0.25 0.01 0.20 0.95 0.01 <0.01
AE 0.01 0.80 0.60 0.95 0.40 0.977

Figure 4.8 Use of Bayes' rule in the diffe rential diagnosis of multiple conditions when multiple attributes
of each condition are being conside red. AE, atheromatO'us embolism; ATN, acute tubular necrosis; B.P., blood
pressure in mm Hg; DIS., disorder, FARF, functional acute renal failure; GN, glomerulonephritis; IN, acute
interstitial nephr itis; Post. prob.. posterior probability; Prior prob.. prior probability.

probabilities. T his calculation illustrates several Bayesian calculations. vVhenever possible, defini-
features: first, that a "diagnosis" is in truth a proba- tions of disease entities should be based on some
bility distribution for a set of diagnostic possibilities "gold standard," that is, some relatively irrefutable
(in this case, the var ious types ofacute rena l fa ilure), standard that constitutes recognized and accepted
and second, that the estimate of the prior probabil- evidence that a certain disease exists. Hisrologic
ity of any given disorder and the relation between evidence is the most frequently accepted criterion,
the conditional probabilities have major effects although biochemical markers (enzyme analyses)
on the outcome of the analys is. In this example, and genetic markers (gene probes) already have
glomerulonephritis was a likely diagnos is initially, substituted in many instances. vVhen the ques-
and two features (hypertension and hypocomple- tions regarding clinical attributes of a given dlis-
mentemia) argue in favor of this diagnosis, yet ease are being formulated, all possible variations
because a sparse sediment and livedo reticularis in these manifestations must be considered. Dlis-
are rare in this d isorder, the posterior probability ease attributes vary ac.c ording to factors such as
is quite low. More important, atheromatous em- the stage of the disease and the age of the patient
bolism was quite unlikely initially, but because the in whom the disease occurs. In addition, a dlis-
likelihood of most of the attr ibutes was higher in ease may not be stable: Because it may be evolv-
atheroembolism than in the other disorders, the di - ing even as the diagnosti c process is underway, the
agnos is of atheroembol ism after considering these probability of certain attr ibutes may change over
findings is highly likely. T h is example illustrates tune.
how clinical features other than test results can be The formal application of Bayes' rule has
used in formal, quantitative decision making us- many advantages. Vvhen objective data are used
ing Bayes' rule. The analogy of this mathematical for sensiti vity, specificity, and d isease prevalence,
approach to the implicit process of hypothesis re- calculated posterior probabilities represent statiis-
finement described before should be quite evident. tically val id approaches to combining the data.
To the extent that some of the data are not
PRAGMATIC CONSIDERATIONS IN THE solidly rooted in experimental studies, the inter-
pretation of an analysis can be tested by altering
PROBABILISTIC APPROACH the particular variable (e.g., the prior probability)
(Cases 23, 31, 42, 431 and repeating the calculations. This process-
An unambiguous definition of all disease enti- sensitivity analysis- also is used in decision
ties under consideration is an essential element of analys is.


As the acute renal fanlure example illustrates, quantitative approach in some circumstances has
Bayes' rule need not be confined to use w ith clinical merit.
data in the form of sensitiv ity and specific ity. T hese
quantitative techniques also can be applied to clin-
ical rad iologic or pathologic findings. All that is INTERPRETING RESULTS
needed is to specify the probability of any given (Cases 20, 23, 26, 29)
f inding in various competing diseases. As illus-
vVhen we are not certain how to interpret some
trated in the acute renal failure example and in
clinical data or are confronted w ith surprising, con-
Case 23, multiple findings (e.g., results of several
flicting, or counterintuitive results, Bayes' rule is
biochemical stud ies) can be considered simultane-
worth invoking. Surprising results do occur from
ously. Multiple findings a lso can be considered se-
time to time, and the principles of Bayesian anal-
rially with Bayes' rule. \!Vhen such findings are
ysis help with their interpretation. Given a low
considered seriall y, the posterior probability after
prior probability, the characteristics of a test result
one finding is used as the prior probability for as-
critically determine h ow a positive test result is in-
sessing another finding.
terpreted. A slightly positive test increases the pos-
W hen using Bayes' rule, several caveat~
terior probability of d isease only sl ightly, whereas a
should be heeded: (I) Making a calculation w ith
dramatically positive test result increases d1e pos-
Bayes' rule does not require that every possible d is-
terior probability substantially. The latter is true
ease under consideration be listed separately. Dis-
because highly positive test results (e.g., a serum
eases can be combined ancl even a "catchall hypoth-
sodium concentration of 160 mEq/L or a 3 -cm
esis" residual diagnostic category can be included
round, solid mass in ilie k idney on a renal u ltra-
if necessary (such as "other etiologies of acute renal
sound) virtually never occur in normal people.
failure"). Of course, all possible relevant diagnoses
must be included in the list, or else the actual diag-
nosis might never surface. (2) To avoid counting
the same information more than once, each disease
must be mutually exclusive of al l other diseases un- (Cases 23, 25, 28- 30, 45)
der consideration and each cond itional probability The foregoing discussion centers on the interpre-
used in a calculation must be independent of the tation of tests, but decisions to carry out tests are
others. (3) Certain diseases cannot be appropriately equally important. C learly, testing is superfluous
considered simply as either present or absent. Be- when the test result can be expected to have no ef-
cause stages of diseases often h ave different mani- fect on subsequent d ecision making. vVhen a dis-
festations, any quantitative analysis must recognize ease is h ighly unlikely, further tests to disprove the
the clinical manifestations and test results in vari- diagnosis often are lllOt needed. When a disease is
ous stages of the disease. Because of these caveats, h ighly likely, confirmatory tests are also often un-
especially when simultaneously considering many necessary. Increasing ilie diagnostic likelihood of
findings or diseases, mad1ematical predictive mod- a disease to near certainty or decreasing the like-
eling methods such as logistic regression or neural lihood of a disease to virtually zero by successive
networ ks have become preferred. testing is in itself not a rational use of tests. Test-
Although ilie formal appl ication of these ing is most usefu l when the result, either positi ve
quantitative techniques ns an in valuable bench- or negative, can be expected to alter the posterior
mark for all considerations of diagnostic test- probability sufficientl y to influence some subse-
ing, frequently no formal quantitative approach quent decision (usually another decision to test or
is needed when interpreting the results of tests. a decision to treat). Decisions to use tests should not
Nonetheless, because our descriptions of diag- be made on ilie basis of test accuracy alone; the risk
!lloses often comprise rather nonspecific terms such of performing the tests as well as the efficacy and
as "compatible w ith," "suggestive of," "l ikely," risks of available therapies should be in duded into
" highly likely," and "virtually certain," and be- the decision to use the test. Bayesian analysis only
cause physicians often falter when they combine calculates probabilit nes; other methods are needed
probabilistic concepts intuitively, reverting to a to deal wiili these everyday complex tradeoffs.


THE THRESHOLD CONCEPT sumption that we have all of the patient's clini-
cal data and the result~ of a o-dimer test, but th at
(Cases 24, 29, 30, 45, 51, 521
the most defin it ive tests- spiral compmed tomog-
The threshold concept explic itly considers both the raphy scan or pulmonary arteriography- are not
likel ihood of d isease and the tradeoffs between ava ilable. We also will make the assumption th at
the ris ks and benefits of tests and treatments; it the only treatment being considered is the use of
uses simple principles to iden tify when to test and heparin. Our decis ion, then, is to treat with hep-
when to creat. W hen a treaunent for a suspected ar in or to w ithhold treatment. T he factors that in-
d isease is extremely effective and low in r isk and fluence th is choice are im bedded in the th reshold
che probability of disease is quite h igh, it may be concept.
appropr iate to avoid using a risky test and give the
treatment wichom complete confidence thac the
d isease is present. W ich a less effective treatmenc
or a r isky treatment, the physician's confidence in
the diagnos is muse be qu ite h igh to avoid giving (Cases 22, 45, 51)
the risky treatment to patients who do not have the At the extremes of d iagnostic certain ty, the rela-
d isease. W hen assessing a treatment, mulciple fac- t ions between the confidence in a diagnosis and
tors must be considered, including the cure rate, a therapeutic intervention are read ily apparent.
the extension in life expectancy, and tl1e allevia- If one is confident on clinical grounds that a pa-
tion of suffering. In add ition, any measure of the t ient has had a pulmonary embolus, one should be
value of a treatment must represent the net effect of will ing to give heparin as long as the benefits of
both t he efficacy and the ris k of iliat ilierapy. The treatment outweigh the ris ks (e.g., gastrointestinal
cost of a tesc is, of course, a nother factor. vVhen hemorrhage). At the other extreme, if one is confi-
a test is expensive but virtually ris k-free and the dent on clinical grounds that the patient h as not had
d isease sought has a large potential in terms of a a pulmonary em bolus, one should not, of course,
patient's well-being (e.g., an abdom inal ulcrasound give heparin. At likelihoods of pulmonary em -
for abdom inal aort ic aneurysm or CT scan for he- bolism between defin itely present and definitely
man g ioma of the liver), then the use of the test often absent, che decision to treat is a funct ion of how
is warranted even if the condition being sought is likely one considers the probability of an embo-
uncommon. lus, the magnitude of the benefits of ant icoagula-
As d iscussed briefly, che th reshold concept t ion, and the magnitude of the risks of therapy.
combines these issues explicitly. Ic incorporates fac- Indeed, some probabili ty of pulmonary embolism
tors such as tesc accuracy, therapeutic efficacy, and exists between 0 and 1 at wh ich the value of giv-
che ris ks of the tests and treatments and offers ing or w it hholding treatment are equivalent. This
guidance in decisions to use d iagnostic tests. Of "break-even" probability is k nown as the ilireshold
course, some of these issues (the likelihood of a probability, or specifically the therapeucic th resh -
d iagnosis, the efficacy and .r isks of therapy) also old (Fig. 4.9). At d isease probabilit ies greater than
influence decis ions to use a treatment. T h us, be- ilie threshold, treatmen t should be g iven, whereas
cause testing and treatment thresholds are closely at d isease probabilit ies lower than the threshold,
related, both w ill be d iscussed here instead of dis- treatment should be w ith held. As shown in F ig -
cussing testing here and treatment later. To ex- ure 4. 10, the h igher the ratio between benefits and
plann how the interrelations among the sensit iv- ris ks of treatment, the lower che likelihood of diis-
ity and specificity of tests, the ris ks of testing, and ease requ ired to give treatment. T he lower the ratio
the risks and benefits of treatment are merged in (i.e., the lower the efficacy of treatment and/or th e
the threshold concept, we w ill consider a simpli- h igher the risk), the more certain one must be of
fied cl inical situation in which a hypothetical pa- the diagnos is before ad m inistering the treatment.
tien t e ither has or does not have a single disease, in If the suspicion of pul monary embolism is only
th is case pulmonary embol ism: T hat is, pulmonary moderately h ig h and there is no increased r isk from
embolism is either present or not. To describe the heparin, heparin should be given, whereas even if
the rapeutic threshold, we will first make the as- the suspicion of pulmonary em bolism is moderate,


PROBABILITY treatment Treatment
OF DISEASE 0 -----+-----------


Figure 4.9 The the rapeutic th reshold. The p robability of disease is represemed from 0 to I on the horizontal
line. The therapeutic threshold is calculated from data on the likelihood of a given d isease and the benefits
and risks of available therapy. The threshold is a benchmark for action: At d isease probabilities less than the
th reshold, treatment is withheld, and at disease proba.bilities greater than the threshold, t reatment is given. The
assumption is made that no add itional tests a re available to further assess the probability of disease. \.Vhen no
s uch tests are available, the thresholds in th is are appl icable.

heparin should be avoided when the risk of treat- test reduces its likelihood. Depending on the char-
ment (serious bleeding) al.so is high. acter istics of a g iven treatment, the test result may
make the posttest probability of disease sufficiently
high or low to alter the decision in favor of admi n-
TESTING THRESHOLDS istering treatment o r withholding it, respectively.
(Cases 25, 29, 30, 5 1I These principles are embodied in the concept of
A test that can help differentiate whether a disease testing thresholds, wh ich are benchmarks for the
is present reduces uncertainty: A positive result in- use of diagnostic tests. If, as noted in the preceding
creases the probability of the disease and a negative section, the two therapeutic choices for a patient

1.0 ~------------------------.

Cl 0.5


0 5 10 15 20

Figure 4.10 Relation between the benefits and cost (risk) of a treatment and the threshold probability. For
a given benefit/cost ratio, treatment is preferred (T REAT ) when the probability of disease in an individual
patient exceeds the thresho ld va lue. The lower the ratio between benefits and costs, the more certain must the
physician be of the diagnosis before prescribing the rapy. As in Figure 4.9, the threshold is calculated from data
on the likelihood of a given disease and the benefits and risks of available therapy. (lV!odified from Pauker
SG, Kassirer JP. Therapeutic decision mak ing: a cost-benefit ana lysis. N Engl J Med. l 975;293:229-234; with
pe rmission .)


PROBABILITY treatment Test Treat
OF DISEASE 0 -----+-------------

No treatment/test TesVtreatment
threshold threshold

Figure 4. 11 Testing thresholds. The probability of disease is rep resented from 0 ro l on the hor izontal
line. The two th resholds are calculated from data on rhe li kelihood of a given disease, the benefits and risiks
of available the rapy, the sensitivity and specificity, and the risks of a given diagnostic test. As in Figu re 4.9,
the thresholds arc benchmarks for action: At disease probabilities less than the no-treatment/test threshold,
treatment is withheld and the rest is not used. Ar disease probabilities greater than the test/treatment threshold,
treatment is given, also without testing. At disease probabilities between the two thresholds, rhe test is carried
out, and the result of the test dictates the action taken (withholding vs. giving the treatment).

suspected ofhaving a g iven disease are withhold ing treatment thres hold for dec iding between testing
treatment or giving the treatment, and if treatment and empiric treatment.
should be withheld when the d isease is absent and Testing thresholds are a function not only of
g iven when the disease is present, then the "break- factors such as the accuracy of the test (sens itivity
even" probabil ity at which the value of giv ing and specificity) and t he risk of the test but a lso (in
the treatment and not g iving the treatment is the the case of the therapeutic threshold) of the effi-
same as the therapeutic th reshold. If, however, a cacy and risks of treatment. Once the thresholds
d iagnostic test is ava ilable that has the potential are calculated from these factors or estimated by
of alter ing the likelihood th at the patient is suf- the physician, they are interpreted as follows (Fig.
fering from the d isease, then the clinician is faced 4.1 1): W hen the estimated li kelihood or probability
not with two choices, but three: w ithholding ther- of disease falls below the no-treatment/test th resh-
apy, ordering the test, and treating w ithout testing old, t he optimal choice is not to g ive t he treat-
(Fig. 4 .11 ). ment. 'vVhen the d isease probabili ty exceeds the
The dec isions at the very lower end and the test/treatment th reshold, the optimal choice is to
very upper end of the probability scale are not af- give the treatment. When the d isease probability
fected by the existence of th e test: The cl inician falls between the two th resholds, the optimal choice
w ill still withhold treatment when the d isease is is to carry out the test and to either treat or not treat,
h ighly unli kely and still give the treatment when depend ing on the test result.
the disease is virtually certain. In both of these cir- Return ing to the pulmonary embolism exam-
cumstances, the physician should not carry out the ple, suppose now that a pulmonary arrer iogram
test. At intermediate probab:ilities of d isease, how- is ava ilable. T h reshold calculations would include
ever, the test result m ight have an influence on the values, tailored to the specific patient if necessary,
cho ice of not treating or treating, and the optimal on the sensit ivity and specificity of the test, the
dec ision then is to admin ister the test. A negative efficacy of heparin, and the ris k of heparin. De-
test result decreases the chance that the patient has rived from this calculation would be two th resh-
the disease and argues aga inst g iving the treatment; olds: a probability at wh ich the value of the two
a posit ive test result increases the probabili ty of dis- strategies of not treat ing w ith hepar in and per-
ease and argues in favor of giv ing the treatment. form ing the arter iogram are equivalent (the no-
The probabil ity value at which the choice to give treatment/test th reshold), and another threshold at
no treatment and the choice to use the test are equal wh ich t he value of the two strategies of performing
in value is the test t hreshold for decid ing between the arteriogram and g iving heparin are equivalent
no treatment and testing, and the probability value (the test/treatment threshold). T he tr iparrite choice
at which the choice to adm inister the test and the between no heparin therapy and no arteriogram,
cho ice to g ive the treatment are equal in value is the performing the arter iogram, and adm inistering


heparin without carrying om the arteriogram embolism, the choice of w ithholding heparin or
would be made on the basis of the physician's as- g iving it is dependent on the result of arterio-
sessment of whether the patient is suffering from graphy.
the d isease. At low probabilities of pulmonary em- \,Vhether testing decisions are made on the
bolism, no treatment is g iven and no testing is per- basis of formal threshold calculations or im plic-
formed; at high probabilities of pulmonary em- itly, the factors that influence the decision to use
bolism, heparin is given without arteriography; a test are evident in this model of diagnostic and
and at intermediate probabilities of pulmonary therapeutic decision making.

_ Causal Reasoning

DEFINITION physiologic model of reality. T he capacity to make

inferences from the observed clinical findings also
(Cases 32, 34, 35)
depends on the principles embedded in th is model.
The process of arriving at a working diagnosis re- Such models abound in :all domains in medicine but
quires interpretation of new data in light of ex- are especially common in neph rology, cardiology,
isting information and assessment of the relations pulmonology, and endocrinology because of their
among all of the clinical findings. In carryi ng out strong underlying physiologic knowledge base.
these task s, the physician makes repeated attempts vVhen applying causal reasoning, the physi-
to "tie all the findings together." T he probabilis- cian examines clinical variables and includes them
tic approach, such as that d escribed earl ier, rep- if they help to explain the model. A model is cre-
resents o ne of the methods used, and the use of ated for each patient, although a single model can
standard, com piled knowledlgerules or categorical be appl icable for many patients in many clinical
reasoning (e.g., if a patient h as rheumatoid arthri- settings. Such a model is a coherent system that is
tis, splenomegaly, and leukopenia, consider Felty capable of explaining its components, the range of
synd rome) is another. Indeed, much of the rea- possible variations, and the nature of findings in a
soning in medicine depends on probabilistic and particular patient. If the same model is not appli-
categorical assoc iations between clinical va riables. cable for the next patient w ith a problem similar to
Still a nother powerful approach is causal reason- that for which it was created, add itional features
ing. Causal reasoning is an aspect of the diagnostic of the model might be required and some existing
process based on the cause-and-effect relations be- features might have to be deleted.
tween cli nical variables or ch ains of variables. It is To explain how a causal model can support
a function of the a natomic, physiologic, a nd bio- a clinician's performance by simulati ng possible
chemical mechanisms that operate in the normal courses of the disease and its modification by treat-
workings of the human body and the pathophysi- ment a nd how such a model can serve as a co-
ologic behavior of these mechanisms in disease. In herency criterion for h ypotheses about the patient,
addition to its basis in the mechanisms of normal an example is presented here from the domain of
and abnormal pathophysiology, causal reasoning fluid and electrolyte equilibrium. Assume that a
relies on commonsense notions of causality, such patient with clinical and laboratory findings sug-
as the beliefo that an effect is usually generated by gestive of the syndrome of inappropriate secretion
a known cause, that cause and effect are related in of a ntidiuretic hormon e (SIADH) has a hig h uri-
time and space, and that a cause and its effect are nary sodium excretion: Does this finding influence
generally similar in intensity and magnitude. 44 - 46 the suspected diagnosis? We could assess this find-
Certain kinds of clinical reasoning are better ing in a probabilistic framework (e.g., we might say
described in terms of a causal m odel than in terms that 85% to 95% of pat ients with SIADH have a
of the probabilistic assoc iations between variables. high sodium excretion),or, alternatively, by under-
Take, for example, the interpretation of a normal stand ing the pathophys:iology ofSIADH, we could
creatinine level I hour after a patient develops acute exami ne how the finding "fits" with the diagno-
anuria. A probabilistic model that explains this ap- sis. If our model ofSIADH contains (as it should)
parent contradiction (a normal creatinine value in the concepts th at such patients are volume ex-
the face of zero kidney function) would strain cred- panded, that volume expansion promotes sodium
ibility. Yet the physiological explanation is sim- excretion, a nd that sodium excretion in SIADH
ple, complete, and revealing: Because creatinine typically matches sodium intake, we would un-
is produced in the muscle ac a constant rate even derstand readi ly that a high urine sodium excre-
when kidney function is nil, an insufficient amount tion not only is consistent w ith the diagnosis of
would accumulate over such a short time follow ing SIADH, but also that it adds to the credibility of
renal shutdown to produce a perceptible rise in the that diagnosis. vVealso would be in a position to ex-
serum level. This example is based on a causal or plain a low urine sod ium excretion ifthat were the



f ind ing instead. In th is instance, despite the pres- testing it for alternate possible explanations. S im-
ence ofSIADH, ur ine sodium is low, presumably ply because a g iven causal hypothesis appears to
because the patient is ingesting little salt. explain a set of find ings does not necessarily prove
that this causal chain is the correct one. Alternative
constructions of the causal chain must be sought
USING A CAUSAL MODEL and their strengths assessed before accepting one
(Ca ses 1 1, 32, 33, 35, 36) model and not another.
We often are alerted to the possibility that we
should be us ing a causal model when abnor- WHERE IN THE DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS
mal find ings or events v iolate normal expecta-
tions. This deviation produces the context within
w h ich further data gathering and interpreting (Cases 11, 33, 34)
ta kes place. To carry ou t this interpretive pro- Causal reasoning can be appl ied in several steps
cess, we generate a causal model, typ ically a ch ain of the diagnostic process. Early in the pro-
of related features consisting of stimuli and the ir cess, probabilistic reasoning is more likely to be
responses. 44 ' 46 - 48
vVhen invoking a causal hypoth- helpful than causal reasoning in generating hy-
esis involving two or more variables, we assess potheses. Because causal models are dependent
t11e links between stimuli and responses for the ir exclusively on ftmdamental knowledge about
strength. T he strength of th is link can be assessed phys iologic funct ion and dysfunct ion and the
by the satisfaction of several criteria. Is the entire cause-and-effect relations between clinical events,
causal cha in cred ible? Does a given change in a they are specific to d isease entities and indepen-
response correlate closely with the change in the dent of the patient population. By contrast, proba-
stimulus? Is there substantial congruity ofduration b ilistic models are dependent on the specific pop-
and magnitude between response and stimulus? Is ulation from which t he patient is drawn. Because
there close contiguity in t ime and space between diagnost ic h ypotheses are so critically dependent
a response and a stimulus (d id one event follow on disease prevalence, causal reason ing is a rather
another sufficiently closely to allow us to accept weak approach when the required task is trigger-
that the first event caused t he second)? vVhen these ing such hypotheses, whereas probabilistic reason-
tests are satisfied, one gains confidence that a given ing is quite strong. T he assertion, for example,
stimulus and a suspected response are related. 48- 50 that a 60-year-old heavy smok er with hemopty-
Note that in describing the outcome of causal sis is far more likely to have lung cancer than a
reason ing we deliberately use the notion of"confi- 20-year-old nonsmoker with the same symptom is
dence" in the relationship between cause and effect. based predominantly on d isease prevalence rather
We do so because causality virtually never can be than on the mechanisms of bleeding. Nonetheless,
proved; the stronger that the elements of causal- causal reasoning can be useful early in the d iag-
ity are, the more likely it is that the effect can be nostic process when formulating a context: If the
attributed to the cause. rust because a given effect possibility of a pathophysiologic state has been trig-
commonly quickly follows, a stimulus is not suf- gered by some findings, the state may provide the
fic ient justification for attributing the effect to the context for further data gathering. W hen ph ys i-
cause. 51 Common sense does not always lead us to cal examination in a 37-year-old man adm itted for
correct conclusions about causality, as evidenced by cough , hiccups, and extensive lesions in the lung
the mistaken notions thatgetting ch illed causes up- disclosed that the patient had bilateral gynecornas-
per resp iratory infections and that stormy weather t ia, attention immediately shifted to the possibil ity
causes arthritic pain to worsen. Similar considera- that metastatic germ .cell was the etiology of his pul-
tions lead to caution when attributing a rare com- monary nodules. Further studies proved the d iag-
plication to a drug that is new to the market. nosis to be correct. In addition, once a possible cause
In medicine, we are always attempting both has been proposed, causal reasoning allows us to
to validate and to debunk causal relations. Indeed, assess whether the cause can explain the observa-
the fina l step in assess ing a causal hypothesis is t ion. T he SIADH example g iven before ill ustrates


the interplay of these reason ing strategies. Once tration that is only sligh tly elevated, the find ing of
the d iagnosis ofSIADH was triggered, the causal a suppressed level of thyroid-stimulating hormone
model made it possible to check the appropr iate- is a crit ical finding to ver ify the d iagnosis. In this
ness of either a high or a low ur inary sodium ex- instance, suppression of pituitary funct ion by ex-
cretion. Causal models also h elp us to understand cessive circulating th yro id hormone is the causal
when certain find ings do not fit w ithin the frame- link that helps to confirm the hypothesis of hyper-
work of a g iven hypothesis. Such a signal then thyroid ism.
becomes a trigger for generating new hypotheses. Proper application of the causal approach can
W hen a complete or nearly complete causal yield a rigorous guide to therapy beca use the treat-
model can be constructed, it can be useful in the ment can be based on efforts to reverse the string
process of hypothesis refinement. In one aspect of events that produced the disordered state. If,
of hypothesis refinement, namely the interpreta- for example, one understands that chloride deple-
tion of diagnostic tests, causal models can be used t ion is a regular consequence of the enhanced b i-
to check the val idity of probabil istic models con- carbonate reabsorption that accompanies sustained
structed to assess the data from d iagnostic tests. hypercapnia, it follows clearly that replacement o f
As described in the preced ing chapter, probabilis- depleted chloride stores w ill be necessary during
tic models requ ire that each disease under con- any process in wh ich hypercapnia is rapid ly re-
sideration be mutually exclusive of all others and versed. Any probabilistic approach to this thera-
that conditional proba bilities under consideration peutic problem would be, at best, necessarily com -
be independent of each other. Causal models, be- plex or opaque and, at worst, grossly inadequate.
cause they encode dependence among the param-
eters they encompass and because they provide an
understanding of the relations between variables, EXPLAINING RELATIONS
can identify circumstances in which the indepen-
dence assumptions of a probabilistic model are in -
valid and can provide valuable guidance for cor- {Coses 11, 33, 34, 36)
recting a poorly constructed model. An important strength of causal reasoning is its ca-
Causal reason ing may be most valuable when pacity to provide an explanation for a g iven find -
d iagnostic hypotheses are undergo ing fina l check- ing, especially w hen the relation is not immed i-
ing and a "working d iagnosis" is being formulated ately obvious from either probabilistic associations
(see later d iscussion of d iagnostic verification). In or from already compiled knowledge or concepts.
that phase of the diagnostic process, a d iagnosis A causal model also makes it possible to tie various
is assessed for its coherency, namely, whether the clinical findings together in a common framework:
physiologic or causal associations are reasonable, T he effect of dietary sodium intake and sodium ex-
appropr iate, and complete. This step involves de- cretion in patien ts w ith SIADH, mentioned ear-
term ining whether a patient's find ings are consis- lier,issuch an example. A causal approach provides
tent w ith recogni zed pathophysiologic manifesta- a consistency check among related find ings: Two
tions of a suspected d isease. 19 A causal model is common find ings may have a strong probabilistic
essential to th is process: In a patien t suspected of (or statistical) relationshi p, yet they may be causally
having hyperthyroidism based on the combination inconsistent. Causal reasoning can help to identi f)1
of clinical findings and a plasma thyroxine concen- such d iscrepancies.

_ Diagnostic Verification

DEFINITION diagnos is represents the simplest possible explana-

t ion of all the findings. 19 Generally one tries to find
(Ca ses 37- 39, 56)
a single d iagnostic hypothesis that expla ins all find-
Before a diagnos is is accepted as a basis for action, ings, but in some instances several diagnoses must
namely prognostication or therapy (i.e., a work ing be invoked to explain all of a patient's find ings
d iagnosis), it must be subjected toa detailed val idity and to achieve confidence that clinical features are
assessment. The processes used in th is assessment phys iologically and causally consistent w ith the hy-
are described here as diagnostic verification. This pothesized entity. F a lsification is also used during
process makes a final check of a patient's findings h ypoth esis verification. Falsification, an approach
against known patterns of the d isease or suspected commonly used to d iscredit scientific hypotheses,
d iseases. When a given patient's manifestations are is the process by which certain features that are un-
identical to those ofa known clinical entity, further equivocally inconsistent w ith the tentative hypoth-
search for a diagnos is usually is not required, and esis discred it th is hypothesis and thus call for new
action can be taken. When some clinical feature
hypotheses or revision of competing hypotheses.
d iffers from the known pattern ofa clinical entity, T h is process consists: in a systematic consideration
however, a judgment must be made: Is the feature of alternative, feasible hypotheses as a last step be-
merely a variation of that entity, or is the find- fore accepting a g iven disease entity as the wor k ing
ing sufficientl y unusual that it raises doubts about diagnos is. 19 T he cred ibil ity of a d iagnosis is also a
the current diagnostic hypothesis? T his dilemma funct ion of its likelihood. After all information is
is particularly likely when the tentative d iagnostic collected, a d iagnosis with the highest probabil.ity is
hypothesis is a disorder that the physician encoun- the most credible. Many schemes have been devised
ters infrequently. In such instances, deta iled re- to determine when the probability of a d iagnosis is
v iew of d isease manifestations in source materials sufficiently h igh to consider the d iagnosis verified,
may help to determine whether a particular clinical but all are arbitrary. Neither a specific probabil ity
f ind ing is consistent with the current hypothesis. value (e.g., 0.95) nor a scoring mechanism based
on approaches that g ive credit for findings that are
present and subtract credit for findings that are
CRITERIA OF VALIDITY not present have a solid scientific basis as a verifi-
(Ca ses 12, 17, 38-40, 431
cation tool. Beyond verification, these schemes do
not account for the benefit and risk of appropr iate
Given the nature of evidence, one must always treatment for that diagnos is or the risk of harms
maintain some element of doubt even with bio-
for unnecessary treatment.
chemical, histologic, or radiologic confirmation of
a d iagnosis. Several criteria are usefu l in helping to
dec ide whether a diagnostic hypothesis qualifies as
a work ing diagnos is. One "test" assesses d iagnos-
tic adequacy .1q A diagnostic hypothesis is consid - (Cases 5, 8, 12, 33, 39, 53, 561
e red adequate when it en compasses all surviving Accepting a d iagnosis before it is fully verified is
hypotheses and when it accounts for all the pa- often known as " premature closure."52 5.> Prema-
tient's findings, whether abnormal or normal. An- ture closure cannot be avoided simply by avoiding
other "test" or criterion is coherency. A d iagnosis hypothesis generation. Indeed, physicians almost
is coherent when a patient's find ings are consistent invar iably generate h ypotheses early in a diagnos-
w ith the altered pathophysiology of the hypoth- t ic encounter when only a few cues are available.
esized disease state. 19 As noted in the preceding Nonetheless, inappropriate and premature accep-
chapter, it is in th is phase of the diagnostic process tance of a d iagnostic hypothesis may be avo ided
that deta iled causal models are most helpful. Par- if one insists that all data be considered before ac-
simony is another criterion, although no specific cepting a d iagnostic hypothesis as verified. The
guidelines for its assessment exist. A parsimonious "tests" considered in the previous chapter on causal



reason ing, namely adequacy and coherency, are matory data and d iscou nting or ignoring negative
mechanisms that help to avoid ma king a d iagnosis find ings), base-rate neglect (ignoring or not consid-
that is incomplete or wrong. Sometimes, an ac- ering appropriately pretest likelihoods, especially
ceptable d iagnosis may not emerge even after all those that are very h igh or very low), and ordering
ava ilable data have been collected and considered. effect (the influence of the sequence of the presen-
In such circumstances further testing, further pa- tation of information).656
tien t observation, or both may be necessary. Alter-
natively, sometimes a detailed re-examination of
the patient and a reanalysis of the significance of THE PENULTIMATE RESULT:
ind.ividual cl inical features or find ings reveal hy-
potheses not yet considered. Some observers have
hypothesized that seasoned clinicians may be at {Coses 9, 39, 4 1)
greater risk of premature closure. 54 vVorking diagnoses sh.ould be h igh ly likely and
As data emerge, the process of d iagnostic re- parsimonious. They sh ould explain all principal
finement requires probabilistic revision, wh ich can clinical find ings and should be coherent, in th e
be a source for errors. 6 Overconfidence bias refers to sense of causal and physiologic relations. They sur-
physicians having a greater belief in the correctness vive the test th at no competing d iagnostic hypothe-
of t heir diagnos is than necessarily warranted, 55 56 ses are plaus ible. Such hypotheses usually produce
wh ich may lead to premature closure. Conservatism val id predictions, both of test results and of th e
reflects the tendency to insufficiently raise or lower patient's future cl inica l course. After all efforts
the likelihood of a diagnosis as would occur with have been made to ident ify the most plausible d i-
formal Bayesian probabil istic revision. Other er- agnostic hypothesis, considerable uncertainty may
rors include acquiring redundant evidence or confir- still rema in. At some point, desp ite remain ing un-
matory bias (confirmation testing at the expense certainty, prognostic and/or therapeutic decis ions
of elimination strategies), inconect inte1pretation must be made. T he basis for ma king such decis ions
(placing greater weight than warranted on confir- is discussed in the next ch apter.

_ Therapeutic Decision


We make every effort to select a treatment accord-
(Coses 4 1, 44, 48, 50, 53)
ing to scientific principles. We try to avo id anec-
dotal reports of therapeutic efficacy and risk be- Therapeutic considerations frequently focus on the
cause factors such as placebo effect and individual specific characteristics of one or another treaunent,
variation in reactions to treatment can cloud the in- including the efficacy of a drug or of an interven-
terpretation of individual responses. To avert these tional approach, and the risks of treatment. How-
confounding variables, we rely heavily on random- ever, these important influences on choices of one
ized, controlled trials of therapeutic approaches. therapeutic approach over another seldom occur
T o qualify as an appropriate study, patients must in isolation. Treatment decisions often must be
be assigned to treatment randomly; neither the pa- made before a diagnosis has been confirmed; fur-
tient nor the physician must know wh ich treatment thermore, in some circumstances diagnostic un-
is being administered; outcomes must be impor- certainty is never resolved, yet treatment deci-
tant ones (deaths and disability rather than inter- sions must be made. The principles described in
mediate test results); outcomes must be measured Chapter 4 guide decision making under cond i-
a nd defined with precision; a nd analysis of data tions of diagnostic uncertainty. Restated briefly,
must be done using accepted methods. Such tri- they are as follows: When the efficacy of the ava il-
a ls are laborious, expensive, and su bject to flaws, able treatment for a given disease is low or if the
both in design and implementation, yet controlled risk of the treatment is unusually high (or both),
stud ies have provided many in valuable therapeu- the treatment should only be given if the prob-
tic insights. Often, however, even the best of the ability of the disease is quite high. On the other
randomized, controlled stud ies provide only an an- hand, if the risk of t he treatment is negligible or
chor point or a benchmark when it comes to se- if the efficacy of therapy is unusually high, the
lecting therapy for an individual patient. To the treatment can be given even when the probabil-
extent that a given patient differs notably from the ity of the disease is quite low (see Fig. 4.10). 5758
individuals studied in a randomized trial, that pa- Therapeutic implications of test use follow s imi-
tient's response to the treatment also might well lar rules. vVhen the probability of disease is very
d iffer. Patients can differ in many ways, includ- h igh, a negative test result usually will not reduce
ing their age, sex, race, genetic makeup, severity of the suspicion of disease sufficientl y to change the
illlness, and the stage at which their disease is en- original assessment of the need for treatment. If
countered. In add ition, physicians often encounter so, the test is unnecessary. When the probabil ity
a clinical problem for w hich no randomized, con- of disease is very low, a positive test result often
trolled trial has been carried out. When the pa- will not increase the suspicion of disease suffi-
tient fails to match a cohort in a controlled trial ciently to change the physician's mind about the
or when no such trial is available, the physician's lack of a need for treatment. If so, the diagnostic
judgment is the fallback position. The elements test also is superfluous. However, if the test re-
of therapeutic judgment become critical in such sulc can be expected to alter the probability of dis-
circumstances, forming the basis for the ability to ease sufficiently to influence the decision to give
evoke principles in making therapeutic decisions or to w ithhold a treatment, then the test should be
in the face of uncertainty. used.57,59



WHEN THE VALUE OF THERAPEUTIC easily balanced against one another. In some in-
stances, the choice may lie between one approach
in wh ich the risk of therapy is immediate and
(Ca ses 25, 26, 46, 50, 51)
the expected beneficiall effect of therapy is long
Unfortunately, the threshold determinations dis- term, and another approach that involves no im-
cussed in deta il under d iagnostic testing may not mediate r isk but w ith w h ich there are important
provide a defin it ive answer to the dec ision on possible long-term unfavorable outcomes (e.g., th e
whether to g ive or withhold a treatment. Just be- morbidity and mortality assoc iated w ith immed i-
cause a disease probability falls above or below a ate cholecystectomy for asymptomatic gallstones
threshold, the differences in value between giving vs. the later enhanced risk s of subsequent surgery
no treatment and g iving treatment may be quite for serious complications of gallstones at an older
small and thus may be clinically insignificant. 60 age). In other instances, one must weigh the imme-
W h en comparing the choice of with hold ing ver- diate effects of a partic.ular therapy on morbidity
sus giving a treatment or when comparing two and mortality versus the long-term effects of that
treatments, the clinician tries to assess the benefit therapy on the quality of a patient's life (e.g., th e
of one approach over another. In many instances, risk s in terms of morbdity and mortal ity of joint
this benefit is large and the decision is clear. In some replacement for an arth r it ic h ip vs. the long-term
instances, however, no clear therapeutic approach benefit of surgery in terms of improved mobility}.
dom inates. A d ifference of only a few days in life
expectancy between two choices may imply that the
dec ision between the choices is so close th at neither
cho ice predominates. W hen two or more choices
are imperceptibly d ifferent in their perceived val-
ues (or expected utility, in the language of decision {Cases 23, 30, 45, 47, 5 1)
theory), the decision is cons idered a close call, or Many therapeutic decisions must be made before
a toss-up.60 In such circumstances, minor differ- all d iagnostic information is available and before
ences in patients' preferences may help to decide we are confident of a d iagnosis. In many instances,
whether to give one treatment or another. When selection of therapy is simple and straightforwa rd
testing is one of the choices, a desire of the patient because extensive experience has confirmed th e
to k now a test result may lbe sufficient to move value and safety of a given approach. In such in-
the decision toward further testing. T he principal stances, we develop comfortable and fam iliar cate-
problem in deal ing w it h therapeutic toss-ups lies in gorical rules of procedure ("treatments of choice")
judging the clinical relevance of a small marginal that guide our dec ision ma king. G iven the repet-
benefit. A difference of several years of life ex- it iveness of our day-to-clay patient experiences,
pectancy between two treatments seems like qu ite this practice generally stands us in good stead.
a lot, whereas when the difference is only several Nonetheless, situations often arise in which th e
days or week s, the phys ician could easily recom- patient or clinical setting is in some way atyp ical-
mend either treatment. However,even a difference the operative mortality may be h igher th an usual
of a few weeks could be important to a particular because of a patient's r is k factors and comorbid ill-
patient. Given these features of therapeutic deci- nesses, there may be considerable d iagnostic uncer-
sion making, patients' preferences must always be tainty, or the efficacies of alternative therapies may
ca ken into consideration. Do ing so is especially im- be in doubt. Sometimes we are confronted w ith
portant when differences in the outcomes of two innovative techn iques for test ing or novel thera-
cho ices are qu ite small. pies, developments in health technology for wh ich
we do not yet have adequate information. 61 W hen
these problems stretch the judgmental capacities
INCOMMENSURATE OPTIONS of physicians, a quant itative approach to thera-
(Ca ses 46, 47) peuticdecision ma king known as dec ision analys is
Therapeutic decis ion ma king often involves ma k- can be used. Decision analys is applies probability
ing complex tradeoffs between choices that are not and utility theory co therapeutic decision ma king


under conditions of unce.rtainty. 10 11 The process Because computer programs can carry out exten-
requ ires structuring the therapeutic d ilemma as sive calculations w ith combinations of probabilit ies
a decision tree that contains all choices and out- and utilities, th reshollds can be der ived not only for
comes, specifying the probability and the ut ility the probabilities that affect a decision, but also for
(value) of each outcome, and making a calculation critical outcome measures (utilities). If necessary,
from these data to determine the optimal choice. the effect on the decision of variations in multiple
Given the quant itative nature of the data used in variables can be appra ised simultaneously. Even
t11 is decision-ma ki ng process and the ease by wh ich though computer technology has greatly sirnpl ified
computerized dec ision trees can be recalculated, construction and ass-essment of decision trees., de-
t11e data used in the analysis can be tested for its cision analysis for complex cl inical problems must
influence on the dec ision. The process by wh ich be used with considerable caution by inexperienced
t11e robustness of a dec ision is assessed by testing it ind ividuals. Because such analyses are qu ite sensi-
against reasonable limits of the data is called sen- t ive to decision tree structure and the data used
sitivity analysis. In sensit ivity analys is, the effect of in the analysis, it is better to leave such analyses
any single probability or sets of probabilities can to experts. Even experts use the ir common sense
be tested. T he effect of utility values can be as- and clinical judgment in interpreting the resuHts of
sessed in the same manner. One can ask , for exam- decis ion analyses when the outcomes are counter-
ple, whether the decision would be d ifferent if the intuit ive. In such circumstances, the analysts s.cour
probability of a certain therapeutic response were their assumptions, ch eck the structure of their de-
h igher or lower, or if the quality of life (i.e., the cision models, and return to literature searches be-
ut ility) of a given outcome were h igher or lower. fore assuming th at th eir analysis is rational.

_ Examining Evidence

INTRODUCTION dence; and applying the evidence for the patient's

The preceding chapters con sidered the processes
by w h ich d iagnoses are made and described ap-
pro.aches to understanding t he tradeoffs between
the risks and benefits of tests and treatments. How-
T he process starts with a patient a nd his or her
ever, process is never sufficient to deal with cl ini-
clinical problem, leadin g to the formulation of a
cal medicine, even the simplest cases. There is no
critically important q u estion that affect~ clinical
substitute for marrying effective clinical decision
dec ision making. Questions such as "Should my
ma k ing w ith hard facts about d isease entities and
patient receive long-term a nticoagulation for a sin-
the characteristics of d iagnostic tests, therapeutic
gle episode of pulmonary embolism?" or "Should
age nts, medical devices, and surg ical treatments.
my patient have back surgery for severe pa in
In the past, there was a tendency to rely on a physi-
thought to be caused by spinal stenosis ?" or
cian 's recall of facts from h is or her intuition or
"Should I recommend that my patient undergo
experience and their application to the decision at
bronchoscopy for a lung lesion?" cannot be an -
hand, but in an effort to reduce the remar kable
swered w ithout detailed information about the
variation in clinical practice between one physi-
ris ks and benefits of a nticoagulation, t he outcomes
cian and another and between physicians in d if-
of spinal surgery, and t!he chance of having cancer
ferent parts of the country, a new standard of fac-
and r isks ofbronchoscopy, respectively.
tual use has emerged, often called "evidence-based
Evidence-based medicine makes a d istinction
between foreground and back ground questions.
Because our goal in this book is to elaborate
Background ques tions in volve general knowledge
on the processes underly ing d iagnosis and clinical
about a cond it ion, such as etiology, manifestations
man agement, a detailed exposition on evidence-
and treatment- for example, who develops hyper-
based medicine is not appropr iate, but the student
tens ion, what are the symptoms of hypertensio n,
or r esident beginn ing to und erstand these pro-
and how does hypertension arise? Foreground
cesses must also have a framework of how the facts
questions requ ire specific know ledge necessary for
and the processes in tersect.
the treatment of indiv idual patients; for example,
in 60-year-o lds with m ild hypertension (systolic
blood pressure 140to 179 mm Hg),areangiotensin -
converting-enzyme in h ibitors more effective than
beta-blockers in minim izing cardiovascular events
(Cases 23, 48- 50) (or adverse effects, e.g., developing d iabetes)? Ifso,
The intention of this disc ipl ine is to replace in tu- how much more effective? The formulation of the
ition, unsystematic clinical experience, and patho- question in volves four components, often repre-
physiologic rationale with solid, experimental- sented by the acronym PICO:
based evidence for clinicall dec ision making. 62
Patient: Describe the patient or population.
Evidence-based medicine can be defined as "the
Intervention: Describe w hat you want to do.
conscientious, explicit and judicious use of cur-
Comparison: Describe what are you comparing
rent best evidence in making decisions about the
with the intervention.
care of the indiv idual patient. It means integrating
Ouicome: Describe the effect that you want to ex-
ind.ividual cl inical expertise w ith the best avail-
able external cl inical evidence from systematic
research." 63 To practice evidence-based medicine Common categories of clinical quest ions in-
involves formulating clinica l questions explicitly volve d iagnosis, screening, etiology, prognosis,
and searching for evidence that m ight bear on harms (potential r isk or adverse effects), and eco-
the decision; summarizing and appra ising the evi- nomics.



SEARCHING FOR EVIDENCE online and in print to ass ist w ith literature
searching. 66 67 Increasingly, search engines in the
It is often surprising to beginning students that public domain, such as Google and Google Scholar,
the evidence base for many common clinical prob- are valuable sites for starting an evidence-based
lems has many deficiencies. In fact, studies are informat ion search.
a lways underway to fill in the gaps in our knowl-
edge base, as well to keep it current. Nonethe-
less, the strength of evidence var ies considerably
from field to field. To standardize the classifica -
tion of evidence, a scheme has evolved to define the
Summarizing and appraising the evidence com-
strength of medical evidence supporting a therapy
or strategy as h ierarchical, a fundamental princi- b ines clinical expertise w ith knowledge in epi
ple of evidence-based med icine. 64 The highestlevel demiology, statistics, and cli nical trial des ign. Sum-
of evidence is the so-called "N-of- 1 random ized, mar izing the study involves determin ing the study
controlled trial," in w hich a single un ique patient is type in the hierarchy of evidence, patient popu-
randomized to placebo or intervention, such as two lation, inclusion and exclusion criteria, statistical
identically appearing pills for blood pressure. 65 Be- methods, and outcomes. T he appra isal criteria typ
cause randomized,controllled drug tria ls yield only ically consist of a series of structured questions. spe
cific to the type of study being evaluated. For ex-
an average observed effect, some individuals in the
ample, when examini ng a random ized, controlled
study population w ill have a substantial benefit and
trial involving therapy, key questions to assess the
others wi ll have no effect. The N -of- 1 trial clar ifies
validity of the study Enclude the following: (I) 'vVas
defin it ively whether a particular indiv idual w ith
treatment assignment randomized? (2) Were all
h is or her un ique genetic makeup and d ietary and
li festyle habits will indeed respond, for example, to patients enrolled in the trial accounted for and
a particular blood pressu r e medication. The next
their final outcome assigned? (3) Was follow-up
h ighest level of evidence is a systematic rev iew of sufficiently long and complete? (4) 'vVere investi
randomized tria ls of patients w ith a single condi- gators blinded to treatment assignment? (5) Were
tion, evaluating not only repeatab ility of the bene- the patient groups sim ilar at the start? and (6) Were
fits and r isks, but generalizability in d ifferent pa groups treated equa[ly except for therapy? !Vfany
t:ient populations and cl inical settings. Next in the journal art icles and books provide help in apprais-
ing the qual ity of any study. 6468 -71
h ierarchy is a single randomized trial. Subsequent
levels of evidence include a systematic rev iew of
observational studies, foll.owed by a single obser- APPLYING THE EVIDENCE
vational study. Of course, heed must be ta ken of
the potential biases of observational stud ies. Phys- T he medical literature provides evidence of vary
iologic stud ies and unsystematic clinical observa- ing quality, but because of the need for researchers
tions comprise the lowest levels of evidence. to keep the number of variables to a m inimum, the
Search efforts begin by see king the h ighest data in an ind ividual study may or may not be rep
possible level of evidence. In this information age, resentative of any particular patient. Compound-
an abundance of potential sources exist, in partic- ing this application of evidence from one group
u lar on the Internet. vVith regard simply to free of patients to indiv idual patients is that analys is of
public Web sites th at provide ded icated medical subgroups of a study is more li kely to yield spuri-
information, the National L ibrary of Med icine ous results in the absence of replicat ion or statistical
and the National Institutes of Health- sponsored adjustment for multuple comparisons. 71 Moreover,
PubMed (http://www.ncbi.nlm .n ih.gov/sites/ even when results are considered "statistically sig-
entrez?db=pubmed including), wh ich has more nificant," the physician must assess whether any
than 17 mi llion citations dating back to the 1950s, difference is clinicall y significant: Small significant
and the Agency for Healthcare and Quality Gu ide- differences between one treatment and another
line Clearinghouse (http://www.guideline.gov/) may not matter in dec ision making (see Chapter
deserve mention. Numerous tutorials now exist 7). Finally, every patient is un ique in his or her


preferences for risk and the values that he or she and are based largely on publ ished data. T hey are
places on medical outcomes consequent on any generall y intended as an aid to therapeutic dec i-
testing and therapeutic decisions under consid- sion making once a work ing diagnosis has been
eracion. T hus, another fundamental principle for achieved. Because guidelines must be somewh at
evidence-based medicine is that "Evidence is never general, it may be difficult to extract a recom-
enough for clinical decision making." 64 The ulti- mendation for an indiv idual patient, and some ex-
mate goal for clinical reasoning is to use evidence- trapolation may be required. Guideline developers
based practice and integrate the best research with attempt to use systematic and explicit methods to
clinical expertise and patient values for optimum encourage their transparency and acceptance. Most
care. guidelines separate the strength of the recommen-
dation regarding benefits versus harms from the
PRACTICE GUIDELINES certainty of the benefit or precision regarding the
quality of the evidence supporting the recommen-
Clinical practice guidelines are compiled recom- dation.
mendations issued by professional organizations

_ Cognitive Errors

SCOPE multiple errors of different types may be present in

a single diagnostic endeavor, and that many e rrors
Unfortunately, errors in diagnosis and treatment can be attributed to inadvertent cognitive biases. 52
selection are common occurrences in medicine, Many examples of such errors are described in the
a nd in 2000, the Institute of Medicine estimated cases in Part II.
that nearly 100,000 deaths yearly could be at-
tributed to some kind of error.7.l Errors can range
from as important an error as removing a normal SOME ERRORS MAY HAVE A
kidney instead ofa diseased one to as minor an error PSYCHOLOGICAL ORIGIN
as missing a scheduled close of a drug by a few
(Case 5)
nninutes. Some of the many causes of medical er-
rors include poor communication among doctors Errors in diagnosis Can also have their source in
or other members of a medical care team, inad- many factors that are neither "systemic" nor strictly
equate staff, equipment fa ilure, misinterpretation cognitive. A physician may miss a pertinent physi-
of doctors' orders, mistaken patient identity, mis- cal fi nd ing, receive a faulty laboratory result, or be
use of drugs and laboratory tests, and wrong diag- misinformed about factual data. Many other e r rors
!llosis. Many of these errors are "systemic," that is, exist in wh ich a judgment seems to be influen ced
they can be attributed to g litches, flaws , and ineffi- by psychological factors. Such errors have been at-
ciencies in our "patch qui! t" medical care system. 73 tributed to factors such as ego bias, hindsight bias,
These mistakes have been studied extensively, and physician regret, reciprocation, and others. 78 - 80
many methods have been implemented to repair Another error occurs when physicians exaggerate
the probability of a g iven diagnosis when one pos-
the defects. T hese systemic issues, however, are
lllOt w ithin the scope of this book: Here we con- sible outcome is perceived as exceedingly unfavor-
sider onl y the errors in diagnosis and treatment at- able. This error is a kind of value-induced bias.
tributable to flaws in reasoning. However, errors of Here we consider onl y the errors introduced by
both varieties-systemic a nd cogn itive- can coex- faulty information processing.
ist, and often do, as recent studies attest. 52.74


(Cases 31, 36, 39, 54-.58)
CLASSIFICATION Faults in clinical cognition that provoke diagnostic
(Cases 16, 27, 54, 55, 57, 58) errors presumably a re the consequences of inade-
Ifdiseases can be considered errors in normal struc- quate knowledge, defective information process-
ture and function, a nd if diseases can be classified ing , or some com bination of the two. Although we
b y type, etiology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, pre- have little data on the relation between the struc-
vention, and treatment, th.en by analogy diagnostic ture or adequacy of physicians' knowledge and the
e rrors can be considered fallac ies in normal clin- commission of errors, some information on the in-
ical reasoning, and such errors can be organ ized terplay between cogn itive processes and knowl-
a nd classified.52 75 - 77 The class ification of errors edge is ava ilable. In some instances, defective h y-
parallels the categories of the diagnostic process. pothesis generation can be attributed to improper
Such categories include errors in hypothesis gener- interpretation of clinical cues, to failure of properly
at ion, context formu lation , h ypothesis refinement identified cues to raise the possibility of a g iven dis-
(.information gatheringand processing), and verifi- ease, or to lack of knowledge to in voke a disease.
cation. An add itional category called "no fault" en- Another error occurs when a correct diagnosis is
compasses errors that a physician could not be ex- eliminated even though the clinical findings actu-
pected to avo id (Table 9.1 ). Experience shows that ally are consistent w ith this diagnosis. This error
such errors can be identified unambiguously, that can be ascribed to the clinician 's overly specific



close resemblance to other well-defined events. ln

one class ic experiment in the psychology labora-
Classification of Cognitive Errors tory, th is error was revealed by descr ibing the per-
sonal attributes of an introverted and meticulous
Faulty hypothesis generation
Faulty context formulation ind ividual and then asking subjects whether they
Faulty information gathering and processing thought the individual was most likely an engi-
Faulty estimation of d isease prevalence neer, a phys ician, an a irl ine pilot, or a lib rarian.
Faulty interpretation of a test result Indeed, subjects were confident that the ind ivid-
A faulty causal model ual was a librarian even if the description was scant,
Overreliance on a clinical ax iom unreliable, or outdated and even though librarians
Faulty verification, includ ing premature are fewer in num ber than those in the other pro-
closure fessions listed. T he availability heur istic involves
"No-fault" errors assessing the chance of some event or outcome
on the basis of read ily recallable sim ilar events or
outcomes. The event or outcome may be particu -
larly easy to recall because a given event was quite
expectations for the d isease. In such instances, striking or impressive, because a combination o f
physicians presumably have constructed a faulty findings brings it readily to mind, or because th e
model of the d isease. On some occasions, physi- causal connections between events ma kes a g iven
cians fail to recogn ize that observed find ings are at outcome quite imaginable. In a classic laboratory
odd s with those of the suspected disease (a failure experiment that revealed this error, subjects we re
of ve rification). T his error can be attributed to an ask ed to judge how many people on a list were
overestimation of the allowable range of var iation men and how many were women (half were of
for findings in a given disease and is another ex- each sex). Manipulating the list to contain either
ampie of a fauity d isease modei. Rather than the a disproportionate number of famous men or fa-
d isease model being too restrictive like the one de- mous women induced the subjects to guess that th e
scri bed before, the model in th is instance presum- numbers were not evenly split between the sexes.
ably is too broad. Another heuristic identified in these psychological
studies is that of anch ori ng. T his approach involves
assessing the likelihood of an event or an outcome
based on some starting point or some init ial value.
COGNITIVE BIASES IN THE LABORATORY In another classic experiment, one group of sub-
(Ca se 571 jects was as ked to estimate the product of 8 x 7
In the everyday process of problem solving, people x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x I and another group was
use short-cuts known as heuristics. T hese qu ick, ask ed to estimate the product of 1 x 2 x 3 x 4
intuitive judgments are often correct and produce x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8. T he median score of the for-
the des ired result, yet many studies show that mer group was 2,250 and of the latter group was
people (includ ing ph ys icians) sometimes mak e er- 512.
rors in information processing when using these
heuristics. 81 - 83 Perhaps some of t he common
heuristics are best understood in the ir "pure cul-
ture," that is, as they are studied in the psy-
chology laboratory. Investigators have generall y (Cases 16, 43, 52 , 56-58)
used simple problems as their experimental mod- Cognitive biases simila.r to those ident ified in lab-
els and nonphys icians as the ir subjects, and they oratory experiments do taint everyday clinical rea-
identify quite clearly the errors that people make soning and can influence clinical outcomes. In-
when using these heuristics. T he representative- deed, phys icians make many errors similar to those
ness heuristic-a technique used in probability described by the psychologists. In a study carried
assessments- derives from t he practice of assess- out some years ago, physicians presented with a hy-
ing the likelihood of an event on the basis of its pothetical test for cancer (which they agreed was


similar to tests in their everyday practice) made STRATEGIES FOR AVOIDING

grossly incorrect interpretations of a positive test
because they ignored the !base rate of cancer in the
population. Among the cases in Part II, we identi- This book focuses on examples of excellent and
fied errors in the use of both the representativeness faulty reasoning, assuming that exposure to both
heuristic and the availabil ity heuristic (see cases I, kinds of examples sensitizes students to recogniz-
3, 13, 14, 54, 57). Although we did not identify an ing and avoid ing errors. In add ition, we have pro-
error attributable to the anchoring heuristic, other vided descriptions of many of the common cogni
stud ies clearly show that p hys icians do make such tive biases. As d iagnostic processes become increas-
errors. ingly automated, steps are being built in that reduce
It should be pointed out that, by and large, reliance on knowledge and memory, and these ap-
people are excellent problem solvers, and ques- proaches further reduce many errors. Some have
tions have been raised about the applicability of suggested that other educational approaches can
these laboratory exercises to real-world problem reduce errors, such as regularly requiring thor-
solving. Indeed, the real world often consists of re- ough consideration of alternate diagnostic possi-
dundant cues and multiple measures of the same bilities, developing strategies based on specific di-
c:ue, and the context in actual problem solving is agnostic categories, organizing clinical informa-
likely to be far richer in content than that of the tion so as to simplify the cognitive task, monitor-
artificial constraints of a laboratory experiment. ing one's cognitive processes, and regularly rev isit-
Nonetheless, many of our cases and those of others ing important diagnostic decisions before acting on
iillustrate not only the existence of these cognitive them. 7983 T hese ideas are interesting, but, like the
biases in day-to-day medical decision making, but method of instantiation presented here, they have
a lso the gravity of such errors. 82 83 Serious emo- not been subjected to much evaluation, 84 and some
tional consequences and many morbid outcomes are less optimistic about the benefit of "debiasing"
c:an result from such faulty reasoning. to change how we think. 85 - 87

_Some Cognitive Concepts

COGNITIVE SCIENCE diss im ilar to th ink ing without speaking. Although

investigators who use transcript analysis ack nowl-
(Ca se 651
edge that not all menta I strategies are captured by
Cognit ion- the process of perce1v111g and th is technique because some mental processes may
knowing- underl ies all of human problem not be verbalized, such as the short-cut heuristics
solving and decision making. In recent years, at- described earlier,8891 th ey infer that the transcr ipts
tempts by scientists in several fields to understand provide selective glimpses of intermediate points
cognitive processes have converged w ith in the and illuminate states that people pass through as
d iscipl ine of cognitive science. Cognit ive science they solve problems. 90.92 - 94 T hey assume that the
views the mind as an information processor that analysis provides a running series of responses of
receives, transforms, retrieves, and transmits behavior from which one can infer the sequence
information. The d iscipline seeks to learn how of mental states and reasoning processes that op-
information is stored and how the processes that erate in solving problems. In many instances, data
interpret th is information operate. In th is chapter, from transcr ipt studies have been implemented as
we describe briefly some of the theor ies about a work ing computer pr ogram. T his implementa-
the storage of information, the characteristics of t ion provides evidence that the information ob-
memory, the nature of strategies for searching tained in such studies is sufficient to perform the
mat erial stored in memory, the nature of expertise, task at hand, although few would claim that the
and the attainment of expertise. computer program d irectly models the function of
the mind.


Scientists and philosophers have struggled for cen- {Cases 63, 64, 66)
turnes to understand the stru cture and function of T he mech an isms by which knowledge is stored are
the mind. For many years, theories of cognition avidly debated. One hypothesis, the p hysical sym -
were formulated by learned people based on their bol system h ypothesis, argues that information is
personal, introspective theories of the ir own men- stored in the form ofsymbols that represent objects,
tal processes. In recent years, however, the the- events, and relations between these elements. The
ories derived from such introspective approaches form in which symbols might exist is actively de-
ha ve come under considerable question because bated. One such form is a structure known as pro-
of in consistencies between them and experimental duction rules. A production rule (also k nown as a
observations. 88 89 Because introspection is not con- condition- action pair) is a compiled form of cate-
sidered trustworthy, other approach es to under- gorical knowled ge in the form of an "IF-TH EN"
standing the funct ion of the mind have evolved. statement, with the IF part of the statement rep-
Prominent among these approaches is the de- resenting some semantically meaningful cond it ion
ta iled analysis of transcripts of record ings of in - (e.g., a symptom cluster such as dyspnea on exer-
d ividuals who were "think ing aloud" as they t ion and orthopnea) and the THEN part of the
solved problems, including clinical problems (the statement representing some action to be imple-
process of p rotocol analysis, or transcript anal- mented whenever the IF condition is satisfied. In
ysis). 18 19,36,47,61,89,90 Typically a problem is pre- the case of th is particular IF example, the THEN
sented to a subject; the subject describes what he part might be "generate the hypothesis left ventric-
or she is do ing wh ile solving the problem; theses- ular fa ilure." Another form is a structure called a
sion is recorded and transcr ibed verbatim; and a frame. A frame is a list of declarative (factual) and
d omain expert then analyzes the transcr ipt. This procedural (processing) aspects for dealing w ith a
so-called d escriptive approach to the study of rea- given entity. A frame for a disease entity wou ld
son ing assumes that speaking wh ile think ing is not contain some hierarchical structure into wh ich the



entity fits, find ings necessary and sufficient to de- consists of multi ple exemplars, that is, idiosyncratic
f ine the entity, factors that cause the disorder, com- scripts based on actual experience with a specific
plications of the d isorder, approaches to distin- patient (instance scripts). This hypothesis supposes
guish it from other entities, and some mechanism that learning proceeds through a series of transi tory
to score the relative importance of expected find- stages, starting w ith pathophys iology, proceeding
ings. Although frames have been implemented as with a compiled version, and end ing at the h igh-
computer-based diagnostic dec ision support, they est level w ith exempilars.1334 The attractiveness of
have not added much to our understanding of hu- the hypothesis is in the capacity of these multiple
man cognit ion. stored exemplars not only to represent disease poly-
A thi rd symbolic form has been named a morphism, but also to explain expertise. Expert
script, a complex descr iption of a particular k ind of diagnost ic performance, according to proponents
experiential episode, such as a patient encounter. of th is hypothesis, is achieved after accretion of a
According to this hypothesis, our memory does not myriad of exemplars in the form of instance script~.
contain abstract descriptions or models of diseases Presumably experts use pathophysiologic knowl-
but instead comprises ind ividual specific "train- edge only when the problem is difficult and other
ing cases," and we interpret a new case by recall- methods fail (i.e., wh en script k nowledge does not
ing a similar specific instance or example (called apply or is not available). 103 T his concept is con-
an exemplar) for comparison.95- 97 A d iscipline sistent with experiments on expertise in the field of
known as case-based reason ing exploits the no- ph ys ics: Such stud ies show that expertise is a func-
tion of exemplars as an app roach to understanding t ion of k nowledge structures ava ilable in several
reason ing. 98 - 101 Case-based reason ing holds that different forms. 96
the storage of specific cases is important in diag- If there are symbol ic knowledge structures
nos is. T he concept proposes t hat routine d iagnosis in memory, scripts are not the only ones. W here
is done by reference to knowledge structures that no specific script exists (e.g., when an ind ividual
contain case-specific information about the context encounters a new situation), presumably a set of
in wh ich the disease develops, the clinical features, general rules exists to solve the problem. vVe sup-
a descr iption of the malfunct ion, and the d isease's pose that many d ifferent knowledge structures
consequences. 13 97- 102 Such knowledge is thought could be accessed to solve such a problem. Such
to be tied together w it h causal links and organized structures could include items, goals, themes, and
in a temporal sequence th at integrates the events plans.' 02 In med icine, certain forms of k nowledge
as a cohesive story. T h is story is thought to be the that cut across disease entities m ight be stored in
content of a script. Accord ing to th is hypothesis, nonscr ipt form, possibly as rules (per haps the IF-
d iagnosis involves ident ifying the information ob- THEN rules descr ibed earlier). Forms of knowl-
ta ined for a patient, searching for an appropriate edge that m ight be coded in this fash ion include
script by some process of pattern recogn it ion, se- prevalence of disease and characteristics of tests
lecting the script, and verifying the script. Scripts and treatments. It is difficult to imagine, for ex-
can be prototypes of disease (the most general) or ample, that we index the efficacy of computed to-
they can be exemplars, that is, descriptions of indi- mography scans or the complications of various
v idual patients (the most specific). drugs according to specific d isease entit ies or in-
This concept holds that knowledge of clini- div idual exemplars. It seems more li kely that we
c al medicine may exist at various levels and that store the characteristics of procedures and th era-
th is knowledge changes as expertise develops. pies in some kind of generalization independent
The first and most elementary level contains ex- of specific d iseases. Furthermore, it seems quite
tensive pathophysiologic details in some k ind of unlikely that only a single script is accessed w hen
111etwork.47 After experience with more cases, these searching for a solu t ion to a problem. Given the
causal models become simpl ified, compressed, and powerful effect of reminding (i.e., certain concepts
compiled.47 103 T he second level consists of such remind us of others withi n the same doma in and
compiled knowledge constructed into general di- even in different doma ins, just as physical objects
agnostic skeletons that describe either a category of and events have remind ing effects), a given s.et of
d isease or a specific disease entity. The th ird level circumstances can bring to mind a solution to the


problem at hand even if the circumstances and the discussion, we explore the nature of search strate-
problem are not related. 102 Reminding is an essen- gies in solving diagnostic problems.
tial aspect of understanding a new situation as a To set the stage for our discussion of search
function of previously processed situations. 102 strategies, we pose chis simple problem: Suppose
Finally, some hold that the brain is a parallel you are looking in your file of 300 papers on plll-
computational device, and that representations of monary em bolism for a specific reprint. Let us as-
the wo rld are held not as symbolic structures in the sume that there is no other access ro the data. You
form of rules, frames, or scripts but as distributed remember seeing the reprint in your file recently,
patt erns of activity across a network of neurons. but ir is not in the pulmonary embolism folder. No
This hypothesis, known as connectionism or par- one else has access to the file. How do you find
allel distributed processing, proposes that mean- the reprint? You might consider checking each of
ingful patterns are generated when sets of neurons the300 reprints or selecting reprints at random, but
are activated jointly and that knowledge is stored these strategies are h ighly inefficient and rime con-
in the interconnections among a large number of suming. Alrernarively, you might speculate that
processing units, namely neurons. T h is concept you placed the paper in the wrong folder and look
gains credibility from studies in wh ich large, rapid, in other folders that are related to pulmonary em -
parallel processing computers ("neural networks") bolism by some semantically meaningful associa-
have been programmed to simulate a number of tion: for example, anticoagulation, postoperative
functions such as vision, pattern recognition, and complications, phlebothrombosis, or membranous
cognitive information processing. 104 -!06 nephropathy. In the latter strategy, you are making
Storage and retrieval of information depend an educated guess and then testing it.
on the functioning of memory. L ong-term mem- How is this example relevant to searches for
ory appears to be infinite in capacity, and although solutions to medical diagnostic problems? Most
information in it is long lasting, retrieval from it medical problems are not as simple as this. F irst,
is slow. 107 Working memory, otherwise known as many do not have a straightforward solution, such
short-term memory, contains only information un- as finding the one and only reprint. Second, many
der active manipulation. It is w idely accepted char medical problems have more than one solution:
working memory is Iimired in capacity to some 5 Two diseases might interact-one might cause the
to 10 irems, and chat its contents rapidly change major clinical manifestations and another might
as attention sh ifts away from the items.23 108 Re- cause only a few others. T h ird, manifestations th.at
trieval from work ing memory, however, is rapid. initiate a search for a solution are sometimes quite
Skilled memory is a special adaptation of long- specific and other times quite vague. The search
term memory. It is thought to contain chunks of for a solution may be relatively easy when a heavy
semantically meaningful material organized into smoker presents with cough and hemoptysis but
elaborate cognitive structures. In other words, by far more difficult when a previously healthy person
clumping bits of information into easily remem- presents with malaise and weakness. In both medi-
bered salient "chunks," recall of these items from cal examples, of course, :a system atic search through
memory is enhanced. When information is orga- all possible causes of the individual cli nical mani-
nized in this fashion , long-rerm memory becomes festations is neither efficient nor effective. T he "re-
an effective extension of short-term memory. view of systems" probably w ill turn up interesting
and important clues in both hypothetical medical
examples but will not be likely to g ive the "answer."
"Weak" Problem-Solving Methods
The search for a solution to a problem (including An exhaustive or random search is almost never
a diagnostic problem) involves developing a repre- successful except for trivial problems. When such
sentation of the problem, making inferences about general search strategies are applied to complex
possible solutions, gathering and interpreting data, problems, the process takes the form of a com -
wend ing a path toward a solrution, deciding on the binatorial explosion. J09 Nonetheless, a random
"best" solution, and "confirming" the result. In this search strategy is the standard aga inst which all


problem-solving methods must be measured. TABLE 10.1

When we do not k now precisely how to proceed,
we use so-called wea k problem-solving methods Strong Problem-Solving Methods:
that are sufficientl y general to be applied w idely. Terminology
Two recogn ized weak methods are the
Goal Directed D ata Driven
g enerate-and-test strategy and m eans-end
a nalysis. 110 They are useful mainly for general Working backward Working forward
problems that have dear-cut solutions and occupy Top-dow n reason ing Bottom-up reasoning
a small problem space. T he generate-and-test Backward cha inin g Forward chaining
strategy is the least focused and is nearest to the Conceptually dr iven
systematic search, as exemplified in the hunt reasonrng
for the missing reprint. In the generate-and-test Expectation-driven
strategy, one selects almost random ly among all processrng
possible actions and then p ursues them until some [nference-driven
progress is evident. 11011 1 Then one reassesses (i.e., processrng
tests) the situation. In essence, one k eeps trying
d ifferent approaches until something work s. T h is
strategy work s best when the set of choices is small is propagated by ava ilable information.47 112 This
and there is a systematic procedure for ensuring approach assesses the possible actions, chooses the
that each choice is tried only once. one that seems best, observes the action, and iter-
In means-end analysis, one identifies a d if- ates in th is manner to arrive at the solution. [n the
ference between a current state (reprint lost) data-driven strategy., t he solution starts with data
and a goal state (reprint found) and uses vari- and builds up, finding parsimonious structures in
ous mental operations to reduce or remove the wh ich to imbed the data. 107 113 An essential prin-
d ifference. 110 11 1Wea k methods are broadly appli- cipie of such reasoning is the need to account for
cable but not highly specific. Nevertheless, they al l ava ilable data. Expert physicians use th is ap-
impose some order in sol ving a problem in a do- proach: T hey start w it h data, use h ighly elaborate
main that a person k nows little about, and they are representations of a problem, and apply principles
often a vast improvement over exhaustive searches to develop further data. 107 113
or blind tr ial-and-error searches. 111 Goal-directed reasoning (working back ward)
starts with hypotheses, motives, or goals; according
"Strong" Problem-Solving Methods to expectations der ived from t hese hypotheses, it
In contrast to the poorly directed, general, and accumulates data leading to a solution. 18 i 9,6 i, 107, 113
domain- independent nature of the weak methods Hypothetico-deducti ve reasoning is a k ind of goal-
descr ibed, strong methods are purposive, hig hly directed reasoni ng in which a problem can be bro-
d irected, and narrowly applicable. They are char- k en down into smaller unit~ w ith smaller sub-
acterized not only by rapid recognition of patterns, goals, w ith the smaller problems solved first. 109
but also by efficient formulation of problems in Much human problem solving is thought to in-
nneaningful chun ks. Solution of problems by these volve goal-directed reason ing, including computer
nnethods proceeds from available data, hypotheses programming. 114 Many artificial intelligence pro-
about the problem's solution, or both. Which aspect grams are based on this strategy.J09 , 115
of the process (i.e., data or hypothesis) ta kes prece- T here have been conflicting claims about the
dence is not full y underst ood. T he two principal kind of reason ing applied in some doma ins. In
approaches, namely a data-driven strategy and a medicine, some studies have described diagnost ic
goal-directed strategy, are described, respectively, behavior as goal directed, others have claimed it to
as "working forward" an d "working back ward" be data dr iven, and some have found it to be both.
(a list of terms used by cognitive psychologists is At least some d iscrepancies in these conclusions can
provided in Table 10.1). be attributed to artifacts of experimental des ign.
The data-dr iven strategy (wor king forward) 'vVhen little information is g iven, goal-d irected rea-
starts with data, works toward hypotheses, and soning seems to predominate. 181961 'vVhen large


quantities of clinical data are provided to subjects "conditions," wh ich evoke the application of some
(as in our clinical discussion) or when causal expla- established physical principle. 119
nations predominate, the problem solving appears A picture of expert problem solving emerges
to be principally data dr iven. 47 116 Combinations of from these experiments. Rather than rely on an-
data-driven and goal-directed reasoning also have alytic thinking, experts use previously compiled
been observed. 116 mental procedures in t heir domain of expertise.
Trying to unravel how much of our reason- T hey build a representation of the problem in
ing is goal d irected and how much is data dr iven is terms of basic principles and store necessary proce-
analogous to the ch icken- egg problem. Although dures in working memory for subsequent activa-
we are not certain wh ich comes first, there is lit- tion, and their procedures are organized around an
tle doubt that the reasoning strategies often are efficient strategy. 1JO, 11 2 120 The expert has a deeper
intertwined and that the process of discovering so- comprehension of the problem, bases h is or her d i-
1utions to problems can at any time involve data or agnostic approach on a n elaborate representation
hypotheses. In fact, goal-directed processing can be of the problem, and reasons forward at a more ab-
interrupted opportunistically to examine data. 107 stract level than the novice.
This is consistent w ith our familiar practice of In ach ieving these h ighly purposive searches,
attending single-mindedly to solving a problem experts rely heavily on t heir experience with sim i-
wh ile at the same time remaining alert to rele- lar cases. 121 T hey also appear to use various heurlis-
vant data as they emerge. Even an approach that tics. Heuristics are rules of thumb, tricks, strategies,
at first glance might be thought of as strictly data simpl ifications, or dev ices that drastically limit
driven-for example, visual perception-in volves searches for solutions in large problem areas but
substantial conceptual (hypothesis, or expectation- do not guarantee a solurion. 109 General heuriis-
driven) processing. IO?, 117 Indeed , our expectations tics are probably useful in solving many problems.
have significant effects on perceptual recognition: vVhen more and more information is required to
An object that fits its context is perceived better. solve a problem-for example, in chess, ph ys ics
In fact, when the context is misperceived, as it is or medicine- heuristics become narrowly appli-
from time to time during ord inary visual percep- cable in a given domain or even in subsets of that
tion or diagnostic problem solving, gross errors can domain. 11 1
occur. 77 Further research is l:ikely to clar ify the cir- Novices use crude and cumbersome search
cumstances in which various reasoning strategies methods; they are tentative and uncertain. Experts
are used. recognize patterns and are purposive. The evo-
lution from novice to expert problem solver re-
quires both knowledge and experience. To be most
CHARACTERISTICS OF EXPERTISE efficient, soph isticated problem solving requires
(Cases 2, 3 , l l , 66) specialized, domain-specific knowledge and expe-
The game of chess provides a model in which to rience. Experts who have extensive clinical knowl-
explore expert problem solving. Although com- edge typically use compiled mental procedures
mon sense suggests that expert chess players plan (perhaps the "chunked" information described be-
ahead further or consider more moves or think fore) in their domain to build a representation
faster, evidence suggests that experts construct a of the problem in terms of basic principles, store
mental representation of board positions relevant problem-solving procedures, organize these stored
to possible moves. They then recognize these per- procedures around efficient strategies, and use
ceptual units (chunks) and respond when they see domain-specific heuristics to limit searches. E v i-
a certain configuration (pattern recognition). 110 118 dence suggests that experts in medicine also store
Consistent with the limitation of wor king mem- a great number of "illness scripts" that describe e i-
ory to a handful of items (see case 63), chess experts ther individual patients or multiple prototypes of
apparen tly identify six or seven configurations at an illness in wh ich the clinical data are organized
a time and act on those. Experiments show that in a high ly compiled formar. 121 123 By contrast,
experts in physics solve problems in the same fas h- novices have been noted to build elaborate causal
ion: They recognize typical physical situations and or pathophysiologic scripts because they have a


lim ited li brary of compiled script~. Some have ar- has been made (withom giving away the answer),
gued that novices in medicine develop the more helps a person to develop an appropr iate men-
efficient problem-solving strategies characteristic tal rule or procedure. Learning by discovery is
of the expert as they gain experience and store another mechanism that presumably captures se-
more and more compiled scripts. There is little mantically meaningful material and compiles it
doubt that repeated purposive exposure to mate- for later use. "How-to-do-it" information gener-
r ial (i.e., experiences that involve active learning) ally prevails over "how-it-works information." 1IO
enhances long-term recall, which in turn would en- Nonetheless, with respect to learning sk ills, for-
hance problem solving. Studies suggest that other mal instruction d im inishes in importance, and the
techniques may enhance learning. 11 4 Immediate value of purposive practice increases. T he venera-
feedback, which provides a signal that an error ble hom ily r ings true: Practice makes perfect.

_ Learning Clinical Problem

FACTS VERSUS PROCESS vasovagal attack to a life-threatening arrh ythmia,

elaborate lists or even descriptions of the causes
(Cases 46, 60, 67, 691
of individual symptoms are of little value to the
We have centuries of experience in teaching the student.
knowledge basis of medical practice. Lectures, Case presentations and clinicopathologic con-
reading ass ignments, demonstrations, and labora- ferences presented in the traditional style (i.e., a
tory experiments are tried and true formats for format in which all clinical data are presented and
learning the fundamental principles of medicine a clinician discusses the case) also have important
(anatomy, physiology, molecular biology, and ge- limitations. Although this format is effective in
netics). Repeated encounters with patients in a kind elaborating on a patient's ill ness and its manage-
of apprenticeship, heavily supplemented by inde- ment, the presynthesized formulation of the pa-
pendent study, remain the usua l educational ap- tient's findings virtually precludes discussion about
proach for accumulation of the knowledge of clin- the significance of individual findings, sets of find -
ical medicine. There is little doubt that learning ings, and the rationale for gatheri ng information or
medical facts is a critical determinant ofexpert per- selecting diagnostic tests. The rich lode of knowl-
forma nce. Yet biochemical and physiologic prin- edge to be garnered from the process of reasoning
ciples and medical facts represent only one aspect through these intermediate steps about these essen-
of t!he cognitive burdens on the physician. Beyond tial issues is lost in these kinds of teaching exercises.
the substantial knowledge requirement is the need In addition, discussions after the fact (after all in-
to apply that knowledge to solve clinical problems. format ion is ava ilable) are subject to retrospective
This task has many varied components: extracting bias: the appropriate h ypotheses, quest ions, tests,
reliable information, evoking a set ofdiagnostic hy- and treatments always seem clearer when the out-
potheses, synthesizing a patuent's clinical fi nd ings come is already known .
coherently, concisely a nd coherently representing How can we improve on the way we teach and
a patient's problem, 8124125 comparing such find - learn clinical reasoning? As we gain deeper un-
ings w ith accepted models of disease states, select- derstanding of general problem solving, including
ing diagnostic tests that help todifferentiateamong notions of problem framing, inferential reasoning,
hypotheses, establ ishing a diagnosis sufficiently ac- strategies for searching, the characteristics of mem-
ceptable to evoke an action, and making decisions ory, and the application of heuristics, we may be
that encompass the rradeoffs between the risks and able to improve our capacity to teach clinical prob-
benefits of tests and treatments. lem solving. A detailed description of the elements
Ord inarily, little attention is given to teach- of clinical reasoning, such as that given in Part I
ing clinical problem solving. Students and house of this book, also should enhance how we both
officers are expected to learn these concepts by ob- teach and learn the cognitive business of medicine
serving others engaged in the process. Most med- because it provides an runambiguous road map of
ical textbooks are simply compendia of medical processes in volved a nd a la nguage for contemplat-
facts, and many medical journal articles report sci- ing problem-solving methods. Clearly, however,
entific advances, but neither source explains how our understanding of general problem solving and
to incorporate this knowledge into a diagnosis or clinical problem solving as a specific case remains
how to think about the tradeoffs just described. incomplete. Nonetheless, research in these disci-
Some have cataloged problem-solving processes, plines does provide some principles that guide d1e
and some have itemized the diverse possible causes teaching of clinical cognition.
ofindividual symptoms, but because a single symp- If clinical problem solving is an unstructured
tom (lightheadedness, for example) is a manifesta- iterative process in w hich inferential reasoning
tion of so many diseases that vary in severity from a evolves, refines, and verifies diagnostic hypotheses



that lead to a wor king d iagnosis, it follows that that a reasonable set of cognitive concepts will be
simulating the process m ig ht provide an improved covered.
approach to teaching it. 5 8 126 Such an approach
is described here and is abundantly illustrated by
the cases in Part IL It is applicable to the teach-
ing of problem solving in d iverse settings- small
groups of house officers or students doing clini- (Case 69)
c:al rotations, entire classes of students in introduc- Let us consider the approach as appl ied at the un-
tory courses to clinical medicine, grand rounds, dergraduate level with one clinician-teacher and a
specialty conferences, an cl even demonstrations to small group of students on a cl inical rotat ion. The
large aud iences. It should be emphasized that al- student who comes prepared to present the case
though this approach is sol idly grounded in exper- is the only participant w ho has any information
imental studies on cognituon inside and outside of about the patien t and provides all the clinical data.
med icine, there exist no data on whether the ap- Rather than begin w:ith a complete summary of all
proach is a better method oflearning clinical prob- of the patient's clinical fi ndings (the trad it ional case
lem solving than trad it ional methods. On the other presentation), however, the student supplies only
hand, th is lim itation does not d iffer in its lack of the patient's age, sex, race, and reason for seek ing
a reliable evaluative mech an ism from many other medical attention. T h is student subsequently pro-
teac hing approach es. vides only specific information as it is requested.
It should also be noted that flat-footed state- Participants as k questions that produce more data,
ments about how knowledge is structured in but they must first justify the question- the d iag-
memory 48 1333 124 should be viewed w ith great nostic hypotheses they have in mind, t he rationale
caution, and although such theories may be help- for ask ing the question , and wh at they antici pate
ful in th ink ing about d inical problem solving learning from it.
and teaching it, they are Just that- theories- and After the group has concurred on t he appro-
should not be taken as fact. priateness of a question, the student provides the
answer. T he questioner is then asked to interpret
the information elic ited by the question and to
explain how it influences the earlier diagnostic
PEDAGOGIC PRINCIPLES hypotheses. D id it ch ange or modify the current
(Ca ses 60, 69) diagnos is? D id it suggest a need to ta ke some im -
A few principles guide our approach. F irst, to sim- mediate action? Did it make some previously un-
u late a patient's clinical problem realistically, clin- explained finding com prehensible? Did it uncover
ical data are presented, analyzed, and discussed some complication of the patien t's ill ness?
in the same chronological sequence in which they T he serial questioning, justification, and in-
were obtained in the cou.rse of the encounter be- terpretation contin ues until all relevant material
tween the physician and the patient. Second, in- has been extracted o.r until all important diagnos-
stead of providing all available data completely tic and management issues have been d iscussed. In
synthesized in one cohesive story, as is the prac- more advanced groups, such as residents or subspe-
tice in the traditional case presentation, data are cialty trainees, t he instructor can dispense with the
provided and considered on ly a little at a time. h istory and physical rapid ly and focus on th e ra-
This approach is designed to m im ic the actual t ionale for invas ive or expensive tests, therapeutic
process of data accumulation and interpretation. approaches, and the tradeoffa among management
Third, any cases presented should consist of real, options.
unabr idged patient mate rial. Simulated cases or T he emphasis of this d idactic approach is on
mod ified actual cases should be avo ided because assessing information as it is encountered in the
they may fail to reflect the true inconsistencies, false course of a patient's workup. The student learns
leads, inappropriate clues, and fuzzy data inher- how to accumulate and interpret clinical find ings
ent in actual patient material. Finally, the careful as they surface. This ability to develop a fact-
selection of examples of problem solving ensures finding strategy is what students and house officers


must learn: Patients rarely "present their case" to a patient w ith unexplained fever after returning
the doctor. T he method exposes all of the interme- from a tropical country), then it would be appro-
d iate deta ils of the diagnost ic process. W ith guid - priate to offer only minimal information to begin
ance, an assembled group can assess the valid ity of the session (such as the patient's age, sex, chief com -
a questioner's hypotheses, discuss the reasons for plaints, and identity of the country) (see cases 2, 12,
seeking certain information at any particular point, 56, and 60). If the goal. is to contemplate the sig -
or consider the appropriateness of pursuing more nificance of a set of laboratory data, then an alter-
details concerning a certain symptom, sign, or lab- native dataset should be offered initially (see cases
oratory result. When a faulty hypothesis emerges, 23 and 46). If the goal is to examine wh ich tests or
the instructor can promptly explain why it is incor- treatments are appropr iate, then additional h istory
rect. Ifcertain questions fai l to characterize a symp- and physical examination m ight be presented. (see
tom adequately when such an elaboration would be cases 11, 29, and 50) If the goal is to examine d iffi-
expected to yield a great refinement of a d iagnostic cult clinical choices, then a complete h istory, phys i-
hypothesis (e.g., chest pain), the instructor can im- cal examination, laboratory findings, and imaging
med iately point out th is fauk The essence of th is results should be presented (see cases 44 and 49).
format is that any add ition to the student's knowl- Sufficient material should be presented to es-
edge occurs precisely w hen information is being tablish the appropr iate context and properly set up
d igested, not at some later time when the student the des ired d iscussion. Provid ing information such
is try ing to assimilate facts out of context. At any as "A 75-year-old man with fever and a rash" w ill
time the instructor can explain the pathophys iol- be too vague and unfocused for deta iled discuss ion
ogy of certain d isease manifestations, comment on of the patient's problem if the actual information
d iagnoses being considered, ma ke an observation is "A 75-year old man with diabetes, psoriasis on
on the nature of a participant's d iagnostic strat- treatment with immunosuppressive drugs, fever,
egy, identify gaps in available data, describe certain and a new rash." F inally, important h istorical in-
d iagnostic principles, or show how diagnostic hy- format ion should not be omitted in an effort to add
potheses can be used to guide t he quest ions asked. to the mystery of the case. Omitting a drug from
The instructor may also reject a request for results the patient's h istory, for example, when the drug
from expensive or risky tests unt il the set of diag- could be the cause of an adverse event and was
nostic hypotheses has been narrowed sufficiently known at the t ime of the patient encounter should
from other data or when testing is grossly inappro- be discouraged.
For large groups, some mod ification of tl1is
approach is needed. Rather than use an indiv id -
ual to provide the data, the d inical material can be
organized in "chunks," also in the same sequence {Cases 67-69)
in which they were obtained. T he cases in Part II T he use of carefully selected examples is an im-
are presented in th is format. !Rather than have mul- portant princ iple in learning clinical reason ing.
tiple discussants, a single cl inician can descr ibe h is Learning from examp[es certainly is not new in
or her reasoning processes. A skilled fac ilitator to medicine. For years, we have taught clinical facts
guide the discuss ion is usefu l. by exposing students to many d ifferent examples of
the same kind of clinical problem (such as jaundice
or acute renal fai lure) because comprehension of
clinical entities is enrich ed by repeated experience
THE GOAL SHOULD DETERMINE with specific instances of these entit ies. In the cases
THE FORMAT provided in Part II we follow a similar pattern, but
we emphasize reasoning rather than the med ical
The structure of a case presentation should be de- facts. vVe offer multiple specific, annotated exam -
term ined by the goal of the d idact ic exercise. If ples of both optimal and faulty cl inical reasoning.
the goal is to have participan ts extract essential el- Using examples t-0 learn concepts has spe-
ements of the h istory (as it might be in the case of cial benefits. Learning from books or from direct


instruction requires little inference or active partic- these complex processes. Nonetheless, we believe
ipation by the learner, whereas learning by discov- that the issues, princi pies, and concepts we consider
ery from examples requires considerable inference provide a unique framework for both learning and
and active engagement. Because of the active in- teaching clinical reasoning.
volvement, learning by discovery through specific
examples may be more likely to "stick." Learning
through inference also generates plausible general
c:oncepts that, in turn, become useful in future sim- LEARNING CLINICAL PROBLEM SOLVING
iilar and related contexts. VERSUS PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING
We have selected the examples for Part II
carefull y. Although our selection of clinical mate- It is important to explain how the processes of
rial does not exhaustively encompass all cognitive learning diagnostic problem solving and thera peu-
concepts, we have tried to choose patient prob- tic decision making that are described here dif-
lems that instantiate (exemplify) the specific in- fer from problem-based learning. Problem-based
ferences that we wish the reader to make. We learning relies on the direction and supervision
descr ibe a sufficient number of broad examples of a facilitator to guide students in solving com-
to evoke, by inference, a large array of appro- piled clinical problems. T he goals of problem-
priate and relevant princi pies. However, we have based learning are to impart a large number of
avoided describing only examples of optimal rea- sk ills, including careful history taking, efficient lit-
soning because a reader might well overgeneral ize erature searching, independent learning, recogniz-
an inferred concept from such examples. To avo id ing one's limitations, being able to communicate
such overgeneralization, we a lso furnish negative with others, acqu iring methods of problem solv-
examples: In this context, negative examples are ing, and critical reasoning. Because problems are
instances of faulty clinical reasoning. Such coun- presented in their entirety, detailed interpretation
terexamples are helpful in circumscribing the con- and analysis of clinical information as it emerges
cepts that we want to teach. Counterexamples that is not possible w ithout the biasing effect of sub-
are "near misses," namely, negative examples that sequent clinical facts. Often, no universal set of
just miss being positive by a small number of at- cognitive guidelines is provided to the students by
tributes, may be particularly helpful in elaborating the facilitators. By contrast, the learning processes
on a reasoning strategy. described here focus on a narrow domain, namely
Each case covers a small fragment of the clinical cognition. Both by a narrative description
broad range of reasoning processes used in clinical of the processes underlying diagnosis and therapy
nnedicine. Because knowledge of mental processes and by a large munber of carefully selected ex-
is at best incomplete and at worst filled w ith mis- amples, the cognitive tasks of the clinician are de-
steps and blind alleys, we should exercise caution scribed and elaborated. The singular goal is to Learn
in being too confident that we fully understand clinical reasoning.

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Cognition at the Bedside:

ASet of Examples

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Introduction to the Cases

We selected cases in this collection to ill ustrate one tails of each patient and th us places the context of
or more features of clinical reasoning. Each chap- reasoning d irectly "a t the patient's bedside."
ter in Part II is parallel to the detailed summaries It will come as no surprise that the cognitive
in Part I. All of the clinical data in the cases come content of each case is an adm ixture of various as-
from real patients. To preserve important exam- pects of the diagnostic process and/or a mixture
ples of clinical cognition for the ir d idactic value, of d iagnostic and th erapeutic issues. Indeed, the
we updated the clinical material in many of the blending of d iagnostic problem solving and testing
cases from the first ed it ion w ith d iagnostic test~ and treatment dec isnon making is a characteristic
and treatments in current use. As before, nearly all of a physician's day- to-day experience. T he cases
of the clinical material is organized in "chunks," have been inserted into the chapter most suited to
namely, collections of semantically meaningful in- its discuss ion and to the principles considered, yet
formation organized to reflect the actual sequence a given case often crosses over into several d iffer-
in wh ich data were obtaEned. To the extent that ent chapters. Because many cases were published
th is sequence mirrors reality, the reader should at- originally as a self-contained, monthly journa l in-
tempt to confront and solve the same d ilemmas stallment, in some instances a given concept is dis-
as did the physicians origunally responsible for the cussed in more than one of the cases. D ifferences in
patients' care. Because the reasoning behi nd the orientation of these discuss ions ofclinical cogn ition
solutions to these quandar ies cannot be identified justify th is occasional redundancy.
in real time, we presented these ch unks of infor- As in Part I, definit ions of unfamiliar terms
mation to a clinician (in most instances an expert are found in the G lossary.
and in no instance one of us) and asked hi m or her Because a complete theory of clinical reason-
to "th ink out loud" as they solved the problem. We ing has not been elaborated but many important
recorded their utterances., transcribed them liter- principles of cognition are recogn ized, the cases
ally, and edited them lig htl y to maintain a con- in this part provide invaluable specific examples
sistent style. 'vVe then analyzed the content of the of these principles. Finally, because they were dis-
transcripts and described many of the cognitive as- cussed by real clinicians, they provide ins igh ts not
pects in some detail in an accompanying comment. readily gleaned from a straigh t declarative descr ip-
In each case, the analysis focuses on the specific de- t ion of how doctors are supposed to solve problems.


_Diagnostic Hypothesis

CASE 1. GENERATION OF that it is not a metabolic problem related to his al-

cohol abuse or smoking. 'vVith the information at
hand, I am concerned about the possibility that he
A 52-year-old man exp erienced gradually p ro- has a space-occupying lesion on the left side of his
gressive loss of control of his right arm and brain in the part of the cerebra I cortex that would
an:ou11t for the loss offu n ct io n ufh is right ar m and
leg over the last 3 months. H is family reported
heavy alcohol use, up to 1 pint a day, for more leg.
than 20 years. H e had no k nown history of I would want to examine h im, and I also
trauma, hut he did complain of intermittent would push a little b it more for a history of trauma
occipital headaches. The patient had smoked to evaluate the possibility of a su bdural hematoma.
approximately on e pack of cigarettes p er day
Physical examination was unremarkable, ex-
for the last 30 years.
cept for right-sided ataxia with p ast pointing
and impaired rap id alternating movements.
This man had abused h is body for many years Vital signs were normal.No abnormalities were
in two ways- with excessive alcohol consumption eviden t on examination of the lungs. He was
and cigarette smoking- both of which increase not jaundiced, and the liver was not palpable.
the li kelihood of several major medical problems. H e h ad n o spider angiomas and no evidence of
W ith alcohol abuse, the problems of liver disease, portal hypertension. No head trauma was evi-
pancreatic disease, infectious diseases, and hyper- den t.
tension come immediately to mind. Smoking in -
creases the risk of ischemic heart disease and can- It is suggested that there is no evidence of al-
cer of the lung and of other organs, particula rly coholic liver disease because of the absence of the
the genitour inary tract. This patient is, therefore, usual stigmata ofalcoholic cirrhosis. He is not jaun-
at much greater r isk for those problems than any diced, he does not h ave an enlarged liver, and he
52-year-old man with no h istory of alcohol abuse does not have spider a ng iomas. There is no evi-
and smoking. dence of head trauma, and we are back to a primary
This patient's symptoms were gradually pro- neurologic p roblem. Now we are told that he has
gressive, and I th ink that is the key point, at least righ t-sided atax ia w ith past pointing and impaired
in the context of his h istory. As a nonneurologist, rap id alternating movemen ts, wh ich is more con-
I like to divide central nervous system problems sistent w ith the h istory than the earlier informa-
into acute problems- such as strokes or hemor- t ion. This does sound li ke loss of control of h is
rhage, or ischem ic episodes either from th rombosis righ t arm and leg rather than loss of funct ion in the
or embolus- and ch ro nic problems. The ch ron ic extremities. Nevertheless, I am still interested in a
problems could range from metabolic disorders to problem on the left side of the bra in. T his raises the
tox ic problems to space-occupying le~ions and, I problem of localization, in that the problem may
am sure, a variety of other things. I w ould be par- be more cerebellar than cerebral. I do not k now
ticularly concerned about space-occupyi ng lesions the results of h is Rom berg test and wh ich side he
in this patient. The fact that the symptoms are uni- fell to. G iven this information, you have to be sure
lateral suggests th at it is not one of the global dis- th at there is no mass lesion in the head. I would be
orders that affect alcoholics, such as vVernic.ke en- interested in a chest x -ray, as well as a head scan,
cephalopathy or Korsa k off syndrome. He has lost because I believe the most common brain tumor
motor control w ithout, at least as fa r as we are told, is not primary but metastatic, with lung being the
any change in mental status. T his again suggests most common site of the original d isease.



mor secreting erythropoietin or an erythropoietin-

T h e h emoglobin was 18.1 g/dL, hematocrit
like substance. It would be interesting if we had a
58%, w hite blood cell count 9,200, and platelet
measurement of erythropoietin, but I do not th ink
count 181,000.
it would affect my approach to the patient.
I suspect I would have been more interested A computed tom ography (CT) scan of the head
in looking at the chest x-ray first, for the reasons showed a cerebellar mass.
I stated. Now we know that the patient has poly-
cythemia; h is hemoglobin and hematocrit are ele- T h is result accords w ith the physical findings
vated without any change in white blood cell count of right-sided ataxia and impaired rap id alternat-
or platelet count. This is consistent simply w ith ing movements. The question is whether we need
hypoxemia from the long h istory of smoking. I to invoke anyth ing other than the cerebellar mass
must say I am impressed by a hematocrit of 58% as the cau~e of his neurologic symptoms and poly-
in somebody who to our knowledge has no respi- cythemia. I think this is certainly a sufficient ex-
ratory symptoms. That hematocrit level seems a planatio n for his neurologic abnormalities, and it
little h igh for the k ind ofhypoxemia that one usu- could also expla in the elevated hematocrit. I do not
all y sees in a patient who smok es, but that would have a list m my head of all of the tumor-associated
probably be the most likely situation statistically. causes of polycythemia, but I think some cerebel-
A more intriguing possibility is that if this patient lar tumors have been associated w ith the release
turns out to have a space-occupying bra in lesion, of eryth ropo ietin or some eryth ropoietin-Iike sub-
as I think he w ill, a potential cause of the increased stance.
hematocrit would be a metastatic renal tumor that As I stated earlier, brain tumors are still more
is also secreting eryth ropo ietin. That is specula- likely to be metastatic than primary. I would be
ti ve, but whether or not I found an abnormality on interested in a CT scan of the abdomen before
chest x-ray, I would need to make sure that there doing anything to determine what is going on in his
is no lesion in the k idney as well. Renal cell cancer head. W hether he would requ ire an arter iogram
notoriously metastasizes to the lung and can then or whether an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
metastasize to the brain. scan would be able to make a clearer diagnosis is
beyond me. I would need help in deciding that.
A ll liver function studies were normal, as were
k id ney function studies an d uri nalysis. Chest x- A t surgery, the p atient was found to have a large
ray and art erial blood gases also were norm al. cerebellar hemangioblastom a.

T his normal information is helpful. First,

it aga in lowers the likelihood of a ny problem Analysis
from alcohol. I should have mentioned earlier that T here is little argument that the initial cogniti ve
alcoholics with cirrhosis also have an increased tas k in the process of diagnostic problem solvi ng is
incidence of hepatomas, despite normal physical the generation of one or more hypotheses, a process
examinations and normal liver function tests. That variously described as evocation , hypothesis gener-
is unlikely, however, in this patient. The normal ation, hypothesis formulation, and, in the language
kid ney function and urinalysis are not very help- of artificial intelligence, triggering. 26 - 22 127 - 132
ful. Most patients with renal cell tumors have a Such hypotheses are generated in response to cues
normal urinalysis. The arterial blood-gas determi- (typically a patient's appearance, age, sex, race, and
nation is qu ite helpful. I previously observed that presenring complaints) but sometimes by one or
polycy themia could be caused by either hypoxemia more laboratory or rad iologic find ings. In fact, we
or some nonhypoxic stimulus to the bone marrow, argue that generating hypotheses from laboratory
w ith tumor-assoc iated production of erythropoi- findings alone is an entirely legitimate enterprise,
etin a good possibility. The normal arterial blood even though conventional teaching warns us to
gases mean we have a distinctly unusual cause of get and interpret the laboratory data only in their
polycy themia. A major possibility would be a tu- proper sequence (see case 14).


TABLE 13.1

Sequential Hypotheses Proposed in a Patient with Gradually Progressive

Neurologic Symptoms

Major med ical problems Alcoholic liver disease

L iver disease Head trauma
Pancreatic d isease Primary neurologic problem
Infectious d iseases Problem on the left side of the brain
Hypertension (Mass lesion) more cerebellar than cerebral
Ischemic heart disease Mass lesion in the head
Cancer of the lung Primary brain rumor
Cancer of the genitour inary tract Metastatic rumor
Acute central nervous system (CNS) problems (Metastatic) lung (rumor)
Strokes Hypoxemia (from) smoking
Brain hemorrhage Space-occupying b rai n lesion
Ischemic CNS episodes Metastatic re nal rumor that is also secreting
(Cerebral) thrombosis Eryth ropoietin
(Cerebral) em bolus Problem from alcohol
Ch ron ic CNS problems Hepatomas
Metabolic disorders Renal cell tumors
Toxic problems (Polycythemia related to) hypoxemia or some
Space-occupying lesions n onh ypoxic stimulus
A variety of other space-occupying lesions Tumor-asmciated production of
A variety of other th ings (involving the bra in) eryth ropoietin
Space-occupying lesion (of the brain) Unusual cause of polycythemia
Global disorders that affect alcoholics Tumor secreti ng eryth ropo ietin
Wernic!<e encephalopathy Tumor secreting eryth ropo ietin or an
Korsa koff syndrome eryth ropoietin-like substance
Metabolic problem related to alcohol abuse Any th ing other than the cerebellar mass
Metabolic problem related to smoking Tumor-asmciated causes of polycythemia
Space-occupying lesion , left side of brain Cerebellar tumors
Subdural hematoma Brain rumor . .. metastatic
Primary brain rumors

In several cases, we give specific examples of t ic exercise described. A total of 52 hypotheses

hypothesis generation for patients w ith both com- were mentioned as the discussant reacted to the
mon and rare diseases (see cases 2 and 17). We data provided to him (Table 13.1). The initial
also g ive examples of faulty hypothesis generation, cues provided were a r ich collection of facts about
some of wh ich led to unfortunate outcomes (see the patient, which included seven items: the pa-
cases 16 and 27). In this d iscussion, we pay attention t ient's age and sex, the progressive nature of h is
to the initial phase of the diagnostic process, namely complaints, che location of the wea kness in h is
hypothesis generation. Fortunately, research on righ t arm and leg, and a h istory of both alcohol
the organization of memory (see cases 63 and 64) abuse and cigarette smoking. In response to these
and a series of studies on the nature of hypothesis seven cues, the discussant raised 28 hypotheses, of
generation mak e it possible to dissect th is initial wh ich the 21st (space-occupying lesion of the brain)
process and to identify some of its components. eventually was found to be correct. Several as-
As a prelude to th is discussion, we first con- pects of the problem-solving exercise are notable
sider the hypotheses generated in the d iagnos- from the standpoin t of the h ypotheses that were


generated. First, the alcoihol and cigarette add ic- the theories produced from them provide interest-
tions were powerful hypothesis evokers. Approxi- ing and relevant insights into the medical diagnos-
mately 24 of the hypotheses mentioned by the d is- tic process. One model of the nature ofhypotihesis
cussant are consequences of use of these agents. generation that satisfies the experimental findings
Second, a large (possibly even disproportionately in humans has the following components:
large) number ofhypotheses- 16 in all- were can-
Plausible candidates for active hypotheses are
cer related. Third, the dis.c ussant made use of two
retrieved from memory in a recursive (i.e.,
c:atchall hypotheses. The significance of these will
repetitive), relat ively slow search by some as-
be covered later.
yet-undefined executive process that initiiates,
The reader should be cautioned against as-
guides, and ends the search.
suming that the hypotheses generated in the
T hese plausible candidate hypotheses often
foregoing transcript are necessarily an accurate re-
are generated with only minimal and incom-
flection of how the discussant usually solves diag-
plete cues, and thus the candidate hypotheses
nostic problems. First, the case material was d is-
may not be consistent w ith all the ava i!able
cussed as part of a didactic exercise, and it seems
likely that some of the discussion was directed at
Given that the cand idate hypotheses may be in-
displaying a complete differential diagnosis and
consistent w ith all the data, a consistency c!heck
possibly even displaying the discussant's knowl-
is used to determine whether the data are ex-
edge. Second, the cl inical. material was not gath-
plained by the hypothesis. If they are, the hy-
ered by the clinician in the usual fash ion (i.e., from
pothesis becomes active.
the patient, by an interactive process) but rather
In contrast to the initial search for candidate
was provided in chunks on a set of slides. The lat-
hypotheses, the ch eck for consistency is a h igh-
ter concern seems less important as a factor that
speed process, probably because it involves re-
interferes with the veridicality of the process (i.e.,
lationships already in active memory.
its reflection of real-life clinical problem solving)
Because some of the candidate hypotheses will
because the discussant is quite likely to receive
not explain all the data, some will be rejected.
information in the same fashion when he func-
Compiling a set of active hypotheses often in-
tions as a consultant and has cases presented to
volves add ing a catchall category to the list-
that is, a hypothesis that encompasses possibili-
W hat prompts the generation of these hy-
ties that have not yet occurred to the reasoner.
potheses? Are some clues more important than
Hypothesis generation occurs far more fre-
others? Do people hold off evoking h ypotheses un-
quentl y when the plausibility of a set of hy-
til considerable data are available, or do they often
potheses is low than when it is high.
generate hypotheses with only flimsy data and then
Finally, the mode! proposes that active hypothe-
c.heck them by some process when more informa-
ses are linked w ith a cluster of data rather than
tion becomes available? Do features that increase
only a single item. 25 26 133134
the plausibility of a lready held hypotheses have a
greater impact on the generation of new hypothe- G iven the limited capacity of work ing (short-term)
ses than features that reduce the plausibility of such memory, the munber of hypotheses retrieved from
hypotheses? Are searches for new hypotheses con- long-term memory would be excessive if hypothe-
stant throughout a d iagnostic problem-solving ses- ses were generated from a single item. 23 Single
sion? Are there heuristics in hypothesis generation items-cough, for example- evoke an enormous
that reduce the search for plausible diagnostic pos- number of possibilities, whereas cough, fever, pleu-
sibilities? How is the plausibility of a hypothesis ritic chest pain, and blood-streaked green sputum
assessed? evoke far fewer. This model is supported by exper-
Research on hypothesis generation has been imental studies using college students as subjects,
done chiefly in nonmedical domains. Although it and the reader is referred to these studies for fur-
has been confined to the psychology laboratory and ther evaluation. 25.26
has for the most part encompassed hypotheses acti- T h is model answers many of the quest ions
vated by a single cue, the results of such studies and posed earlier. Still unexplained are the factors


that elicit hypotheses. Evidence from a variety of occupying lesion to explain the findings. We can
sources suggests that heuristics play an important only speculate why, because he offers no clues. Per-
part.27 T he representativeness of a set of cues w ith haps these diagnoses came to mind simply because
respect to a recognizable pattern is known to be a of the prevalence of tumors and cancers in the pop-
powerful stimulus, 135 and ava ilability- the resem- ulat ion of patients fam iliar to the discussant, or
blance to read ily recallable items in memory- is perhaps only a single one of the init ial cues (gradu-
another. 2'.2 8 In fact, studies show that when physi- ally progressive) was so representative that it alone
cians generate d iagnostic hypotheses, they do so by pointed to this h ighly plausible possibil ity.
recalling those d isease processes most prevalent in T he generation of hypotheses is one aspect of
the ir institution. 29 diagnostic reason ing that can be studied fruitfully.
Thc;c psyd1ulog ical swJ ies uf Lhc process uf A valiJ, relc va11L, and a ppropriaLe sel ufhypu d 1eses
hypothesis generation confirm the results of earlier is critical for the next sequent ial steps in the pro-
studies of cl inical problem solving that d iagnos- cess, namely gatheringand interpreting further in-
tic hypotheses are generated in response to only a formation and selecting the appropriate diagnostic
small number of clinical cues. 1819 Many of the hy- tests.
potheses are el im inated as new data become ava il-
able, but retriev ing many hypotheses and retain ing
only a few appears to maximize diagnostic perfor- CASE 2. HYPOTHESIS TRIGGERING
The opening discussion d iscloses some of the
features outlined in the model just descr ibed. The
d iscussant generated a large number of hypothe- A 24-year-old Chinese man came to the Emer-
ses from the init ial seven cues provided to him. gency Department complaining of weakness of
Some of these hypotheses (stroke, intracerebral his arms and legs for 10 to 12 hours.
hemorr hage, and isc hemic heart d isease) appear
to be qu ite ephemeral. Those trans ient hypothe- T here are so many causes of wea kness that I find it
ses presumably did not survive a consis[ency check difficult to be very specific. I ta ke it, however, that
and were d iscarded. By contrast, other hypothe- we are dealing w ith real muscle weakness and not
ses (brain tumor and space-occupying lesion of the simply a general feeling of fatigue. Two features
brain) survived the checking process, are cited re- are helpful: The weakness is in all extremities, and
peatedly, and presumably remain active through - it is of recent onset. It would be useful to know
out. T he d iscussant does make use of two catchall whether the patient had had sim ilar episodes in
hypotheses, presumably to formulate a full set of the past and whether the weakness was more pro-
poss ib le diagnoses. At one t ime, he considered nounced proximall y than d istally. Proximal weak-
"a variety of other th ings," and at a nother time, ness suggests a myopathy and distal weakness a
he considered "anything other t han t he cere bellar neuropathy. [t is also possible that the wea kness is
mass." a manifestation ofa metabolic d isturbance or some
Finally, we can speculate on w hat cues and other systemic process.
associations evoked the various hypotheses. The
patient's age and sex probably had little relevance, A resident came to assess the urgency of the
but the gradually progressive weak ness in the arm patient's condition. Deciding that the patient
and leg probably were powerful cues. Although could wait until other, more urgent problems
the alcohol and tobacco abuse probably were irrel- were under control, the resident requested that
evant in this patient, th ey were powerful cues that several laboratory tests be performed pend-
evok ed many hypoth eses over a broad range of ing examination. One hour later, the labo-
d iagnostic possibil it ies involving multiple organs. ratory reported the following results: sodium
The elevated hemoglobin and hematocrit were also 143 mEq/L, potassium 2.0 mEq/L, chloride
important cues that generated several hypotheses, l 08 mEq/L, total C0228 mEq/L. Blood urea ni-
but over a much narrower range. T he discussant trogen (BUN) 13 mg/dL, creatinine0.7 rug/ dL.
repeatedly invoked a cancer, a tumor, or a space-


that he had trouble lifting objects over his head

Hemoglobin 16.7 g/dL, hematocrit49% . White
or combing his ha ir, we would be even more con-
blood cell count 9,000. Erythrocyte sedimenta-
vinced that he has proximal muscle weakness. The
tion rate 1 mm/hr.
travel history sometimes can be important.Hyper-
The most impressive value is a serum potas- thyroidisrn can be unmasked when a person moves
sium of 2 mEq/L, which is very low. The other from an iod ine-deficient area to an iodme-replete
electrolytes, in particular the normal bicarbonate, area, by providing the thyroid with some su bstrate.
suggest that the hypokalemia is a n isolated finding In this case, however, I doubt that this history is
not associated w ith an acid-base disorder. Renal relevant because Hong Kong is not a particularly
function is normal. The patient is not anem ic. T he iodine-deficient area, nor is England.
sed imentation rate is normal, as is the whi te count. The current episode of weakness began several
A low serum potassium alone can cause weakness. hours after the patient had eaten a dinner con-
One possibil ity that comes to mind in a Chinese sisting of rice, pork, and two bottles of beer.
patient wi th muscle weakness and a low serum Mild weakness that evening was followed the
potassium is hypok alemic periodic paralysis. This next morning by difficulty arising from bed and
disorder occurs either alone in a fam ilial form or, in inability to walk.
C h inese patients in particular, in association w ith
thyrotox icosis. Typically, in hypokalemic periodic As I mentioned, a h igh carbohydrate load is a
paralysis w ith or without thyrotoxicosis, the weak - typical precipitating factor for the weakness of hy-
ness comes on over a short period of time, either pokalemic periodic paralysis. Typically, the symp-
after a carboh ydrate load or after vigorous exercise. toms are progressive and may lastupto24 hours but
OF course, there are many othe r causes ofhy- usuall y n ot longer than that. It would be pertinent
poka lemia. We need to consider disorders that pro- to ask whether this was a n unusual meal for him
duce excessive loss of potassium from the gastroin- and whether there were comparable antecedent
testinal tract or kidney. I would like to know if factors in his previous episodes. Even though at the
there is a history of diuretic use, and if the patient peak of the weakness he had difficulty even ar isi ng
is h ypertensive. Hyperaldosteronism and Cushing from bed, he may have been recovering when he
syndrome should be considered, a lthough the pa- was being evaluated in the emergency room, since
tient does not appear to be alkalotic. If he is nor- the resident fou nd that he was not extremely weak.
motensive, Bartter synd rome would be a possibil- U nder these circtunstances, no urgent therapeutic
ity, hue this disorder is extremely rare, especially intervention would be necessary.
for h is age. Finally, we need further information
to evaluate the possibil ity of thyrotoxicosis. The history was negative for vomiting and di-
arrht:a an<l us.: uf i:athartii:s au<l <liurctii:s, au<l
Returning to the patient immediately after the patient had never been hypertensive. He de-
receiving the laboratory report, the resident nied having polydipsia or polyuria. The family
learned that the patient had been born in Hong history was negative for any disease character-
Kong. He had lived in England for the last ized by weakness.
18 months, and hehad been in the United States
for 2 weeks. The patient said he had had similar All of these are important negatives that ex-
episodes over the last 2 years, characterized each clude the more common causes of hypokalemia.
time by weakness sufficiently severe to prevent I think we can be quite secure with the diagno-
him from climbing stairs. He claimed that the sis of hypokalemic periodic paralysis. There are
current episode was the worst he had experi- three forms offamilial periodic paralysis, which are
enced. distinguished by the serum potassium concentra-
tion during the attacks of wea kness: hyperkalemic,
The history ofsimilar episodes is quite he!pful. normokalemic, and h ypokalem ic. The periodic
Also, the fact that the wea kness prevented the pa- paralysis in hyperthyroid patients is of the h y-
tient from climbing stairs strongly suggests that he pokalemic variety and usually is not familial. In this
has proximal muscle weak ness. If we were to learn patient, the family h istory is certainl y aga inst the


fam ilial form of hypokalemic periodic paralysis. disease. The fact that the thyroid gland contained
That being the case, one would want to look care- no nodules certainly is compatible with Graves
fully for signs and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. disease.

Review of systems revealed only that the patient Two hours after the initial laboratory re-
was more anxious than usual, that he had lost sults were obtained, serum potassium was
several pounds over the previous 6 months de- 3.4 mEq/L.
spite a good appetite, and that he found warm
weather difficult to tolerate (he was seen in T he serum potassium returned toward nor-
July). He was constantly warm and perspiring. mal w ithout any specific treatment, concomitant
with the improvement in muscle strength. T h is is
At this point, I would say that thyrotoxicosis is typical ofhypokalemic periodic paralysis. I am sat-
a very li kely diagnosis. The physical findings will isfied w ith this diagnosis. The links between hy-
be of obvious interest. pokalemic periodic paralysis, thyrotoxicosis, and
the peculiar ethnic prevalence are not well under-
The patient was thin. His temperature was stood. T he cause of the h ypokalemia in this dis-
36.6 C, blood pressure 142/70 mm Hg, pulse order is equall y obscure. W hat we know is that
100 per minute and regular, and respirations the total body potassium is normal, and the hy-
20 per minute. There were no abnormal eye pokalemia seems to reflect a pronounced shift of
signs. The thyroid gland was palpable and potassium from the extracellular to the intracellu-
not overtly enlarged and contained no nodules. lar space. T here is some thought that this shift may
Cardiac, pulmonary, and abdominal examina- somehow be linked w ith abnormal calcium fluxes
tions we.re norm:il. Muscle strength h:id im- and that abnormalities of intracell u lar calcium
proved markedly: Strength in the hands was pools may be responsi ble for the muscle weak-
judged to be normal, and in the arms and legs, ness, but the precise details have not been worked
it was 4+ on a scale of 5. Deep tendon reflexes out.
were reduced in both the arms and legs. The
remainder of the neurologic examination was The following laboratory results were reported
normal. the next day: total thyroxine 13.6 ,g/dL (N =
4.2 - 12). Thyroid hormone binding ratio 1.92
His pulse pressure is mildly increased, and as- (N = 0.82 - 1.2). Free thyroxine index 26.1 (N
sum ing he was resting and not anx ious, his pulse = 5.5 - 11.5). Thyroid-stimulating hormone
rate of I 00 is high. In a young person with thy - (TSH) <0.35 ,U/mL.
rotoxicosis, the resting pulse rate is almost always
over 90. T h e thyroid g land is usuall y but n o t always T hese resul ts confirm the cli nical diagno -
enlarged. He still had mild weakness of his arms sis. The greatly elevated binding ratio i:ldicates
and legs. Muscle weakness, particularly proximal, that the serum concentration of thyroxine-binding
is very common in hyperthyroidism, and it often globulin is abnormally low. T h is finding is most
ta kes specific questioning or formal muscle test- often famil ial, but there are some drugs that can
ing to elicit it. One would have expected the deep give this picture. This illustrates the importance of
tendon reflexes to be abnormally brisk. They are using the thyroid hormone binding ratio; when
described as reduced, perhaps because of persistent people who have low tl1yrox ine-bind ing globu-
hypokalemia-induced muscle weakness. T here is li n levels become hyperthyroid, the total thyrox-
a d istinction in the extent to wh ich the extrem- ine level does nor accurately reflect the degree of
ities move during the reflexes and in the timing thyrotoxicosis.
of the movement. It is the timing of the reflexes Now that the diagnosis has been made, one
that is most reliably abnormal in thyrotoxicosis. should treat tl1e thyrotoxicosis because the peri-
If the patient is hyperthyroid, Graves disease is odic paralysis disappears when patients are ren-
the most li kely cause, especially in a young person. dered euth yro id. Interestingly, beta blockers have
No abnormal eye signs were found, but they are been reported to abort the attacks of weakness in
present in only one third of patients with Graves hypokalemia, perhaps because of their effects on


potassium d istribution. If the attacks were fre- that the kind of h ighly directed diagnostic prob-
quent wh ile the patient's thyroid disorder was lem solving exh ibited here requires considerable
being brought under control, beta blockers would experience, knowledge, and expertise. The apho-
certainly be indicated as part of the regimen. Dur- rism that "when one hears hoof beats on the street,
ing the course of treatment of the thyroid disease, one shouldn' t look for zebras" is a good and solid
the patient should be instructed to avoid vigorous clinical rule. It is striking, nonetheless, how in this
activity and h igh carbohydrate loads to prevent re- instance a "zebra hunt" paid off.
current attacks.

T his diagnostic problem-sol vi11g session is 110L an
ordinary one, and not many physicians would have
A 38-year-old man with a history of a car-
approached the problem in the same fash ion as
diac transplant for dilated cardiomyopathy
the clinician did here. Before we disclose why the
5 years earlier and renal failure secondary to cy-
session is unusual, it is worth describing how it is
closporine toxicity complained of diffuse mus-
unique. Notice that after the first chunk ofdata was
cle p ain and weakness.
provided, the clinician jumped to the conclusion
that he might be dealing w ith a metabolic distur-
Knowing why the patient had dilated car-
bance and that after the second chunk , the first di-
diomyopa rhy might be helpful. lfhe is an alcoholic,
agnosis he posits is the correct one- hypokalemic
for example, that might affect my interpretation of
periodic paralysis w ith thyrotoxicosis. Here is a
subsequent events. In my experience w ith patients
highly specific postulate- a rare condition- yet it
with muscle disorders, cli nicians frequently do not
is the lead ing diagnosis for this clinician and the
report patients' actual symptoms. Myalgia means
diagnosis on which he focuses throughout the rest
the muscle hurts. It does not necessarily signify
of the diagnostic encounter. In fact, he discards
that the muscle is weak, and it does not :lecessarily
many far more common causes of hypokalemia
imply that rhabdomyolysis is present. ft is possi-
and te:rnciously builds a case for the rare disor-
ble to have severe myalgias and still have a normal
der. Few students and not many house officers
CK (creatine k inase) level and preserved strength.
would h ave been so confident and so narrowly
T he same is true for muscle weakness, wh ich is
a loss of power. It does not necessarily have any
Two aspects of this direct approach are worth
implication for either pain or ch emical evidence of
considering. The first is that this clinician happens
rhabdomyolysis. Clearly these symptoms and signs
to be an endocrinologist and as such is intimately
can overlap. We must remember that the patient
familiar with the syndrome. Studies of specialists
is immunosuppressed. I would want to know how
show this behavior clearl y: Solving clinical prob-
he looks, and how he responded to viral infections
lems in their field, they as k fewer questions and
in the past. Statisticall y I think a viral syndrome
mention the correct diagnosis sooner than special-
would be the most likely cause, given the li mited
ists in unrelated areas would in solving the same
informat ion so far, even in a cardiac tra:lsplant re-
problem. 19 Second, the initial clues were far more
specific to this clinician than they would be to the
majority of less experienced or less expert physi- For the past I to 2 months he had some diffi-
cians. Weakness alone would have been a rather
culty arising from a chair, and during the past
nonspecific finding, but to the expert, weakness in week he had a 2-day episode of diarrhea with
an Asian male patient conjured up a rare diagnostic mild nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea resolved,
possibility. but the nausea and anorexia persisted. For 2
Lest the uninitiated conclude from this exer- days, the extremity weakness worsened, and he
cise that every patient first should be assumed to developed diffuse myalgias. He also said that
have a rare disease before common ones are con- he had mild difficulty swallowing. He had no
sidered, they should understand the medical cliche paresthesias.
that common diseases occur most commonly and


The month-long history is very valuable. Dif-

He did not appear in distress. Blood pressure
ficulty arising from a chair implies a real myopa-
was 106/72 mm Hg with no postural changes.
thy or muscle weakness. In myopathies, we often
Pulse rate was 84 per minute and regular, and
see predominant involvement of the larger mus-
he was afebrile. Except for a 2/6 systolic ejec-
cles, so it is not uncommon to see symptoms re-
tion murmur, the remainder of the general
lated to the pelvic g irdle or shoulder. We should
examination was unremarkable. He was fully
also keep in mind that patients who are receiving
oriented to time, place, and person. Cranial
cyclosporine may also be receiving corticosteroid
nerves were intact. A gag reflex was present.
therapy, and we need to keep steroid myopathy in
His muscle strength was diffusely 4/5. His
mind. The 2-day episode of diarrhea, nausea, and
pinprick sensation and vibration sense were
vom iLi11g makes me: wonJc:r if Lite patienl c.:ould
slightly decreased in his hands and lower legs.
be on colchicine. I think there is a slightly h igher
Reflexes in the arms and legs could not be
incidence of gouty episodes in patients who have
kidney fai lure and are receiving cyclosporine. If
he is receiving colchicine, this is exactly the set-
He appears to have evidence of both a neu-
ting in wh ich we see colchicine myopathy, an en-
ropathy and a myopathy. T he etiology of these
tity that is probably a lot more common than we
problems could be one of the drugs he is taking, or
it could be t he disease that resu lted in h is needing
The patient had been on peritoneal dialysis for a transplant m the first place- for instance, amy-
renal failure for 9 months. He had a history loidosis. I am still interested in knowing if there is
of hypertension attributed to cyclosporine, a any evidence of rhabdomyolysis.
seizure disorder attributed to an old cerebral
infarct, gout, hypothyroidism, chronic anemia, Admission laboratory data: white cell count
and avascular necrosis of the left hip that had 4,200, hemoglobin 13.6 g/dL, hematocrit 38%.
required hip replacement. His medications in- Sodium 135 mEq/L, potassium 2.9 mEq/L,
cluded cyclosporine 300 mg daily (qd), meto- chloride 97 mEq/ L. Total C02 23 mEq/L, BUN
prolol 50 mg twice daily (bid), levothyroxine 37 m g/dL, creatinine 12.0 mg/dL. Sedimenta-
0.025 mg qd, colchicine 0.6 mg qd, amitripty- tion rate 73 mm/hr. Calcium 7.9 mg/dL,serum
line 50 mg qd, famotidine 20 mg qd, hydrox- albumin 1.8 g/dL. Phosphorus2.4 mg/dL,mag-
yzine 25 mg bid, folic acid, multivitamins, fer- nesium 2.8 mEq/L. Bilirubin 0.5 mg/dL, ala-
rous sulfate 325 mg qd, vitamin D30.25 mcg qd, nine transaminase (ALT) 43 IU/L, aspartate
calcium carbonate 1,300 mg thrice daily (tid), transaminase (AST) 53 IU/ L , lactate dehydro-
and Epogen 4,000 units twice per week. genase (LDH) 310 IU/L, CK 693 IU/L.

The peritoneal dialysis clearly puts him a risk I am assum ing his renal disease has no re-
for infected dialysate, but the patient usually knows versible elements. I always want to make sure the
that because the fluid turns cloudy. Why did he possibility of obstruction has been ruled out. T he
have an old cerebral infarct? Was it due to ac- potassium level of2.9 mEq/ L is interesting because
celerated vascular disease that is common in such severe h ypokalemia can be associated with mus-
patients, or might he have had an embolic episode cle weakness, but it is not assoc iated w ith muscle
related to h is cardiomyopath y? The history of thy - breakdown. This patient has some rhabdomyolys is
roid disease is interesting because if he were taking and some myopathy. I think the first thing I would
too much levothyroxine (although his dose cer- do at this point is discontinue the colchicine. One
ta inl y sounds reasonable) he could develop a my- remote thought I just had was the possibility oflead
opathy and diarrhea. I already discussed a possible intoxication, wh ich could cause both renal failure
contributing role for colchicine. The history of a and gout. This would not have any relac ionsh ip
total h ip replacement raises the possibility of an to his heart d isease. At this point, a muscle biopsy
infected prosthesis. I am interested in knowing h is could be done, but I probably would just stop the
CK level. colchicine and observe the response.


k new the patient was tak ing the drug, and despite
Serum potassium was restored to normal with-
opinions to the contrary, he stuck to th is diagnos is
out a change in symptoms or physical findings.
as Velcro to Velcro. He seemed so confident that he
Upper gastrointestinal (GI) series showed poor
was satisfied not to subject the patient to an invasive
peristalsis of the esophagus and some penetra-
procedure, and would have just stopped thedrugto
tion of the barium into the trachea during swal-
determine whether the pain and weak ness would
lowing. Both the patient's physicians and an
vanish. How d id he do th is?
infectious disease consultant thought that the
T he discussant is a general intern ist, not a
patient had either some type of polymyositis or
specialist who regularly looks after transplant pa-
a myopathy. A consultant neurologist thought
tients or patients with chronic kidney disease, but
that the leading diagnosis was Guillain-Barre
h e explai 11eJ that i11 his cu11su ltatiu11 pranice, he
had seen sim ilar cases. Still, h is performance is ex-
It may be difficult to distinguish polymyositis emplary. W hat gave h im the clue' \!Vas muscle
from colchicine toxici ty w ithout a muscle biopsy. pain and weakness in association w ith diarrhea
T he esophagus appears to be involved, which is not a pattern he recogn ized? \.Vas he just lucky, and
totally surprising since it conta ins a large amou nt the d iagnosis readily came to mind because of h is
of striated muscle. It also ra ises the possibil ity of experience with like cases? H is d iagnostic confi-
something li ke a mixed connective d isease or scle- dence seems to instantiate the notion that diagno-
roderma, wh ich could have been the cause of his sis is ach ieved only by qu ick pattern recognit ion, in
heart problem. But again, I come back to the pos- turn based on know ledge and experience.40126 , 136
si bility I already mentioned. I doubt that he has In other words, if you know about an entity or have
G11 ill:i in - Fbrrf. syn<lroml". experience with it, you will recogn ize it; if you do
not k now about an entity or have experience wi th
Electrophysiologic studies showed a mixed pic- it, you will not recogn ize it.
ture consistent with an acute myositis superim- Studies in cognit ive science that use physics
posed on a longer-standing axonal neuropathy. as a domain have ident ified several aspects of pat-
tern recognition as a problem-solving tech n ique. 137
The neuropathy could be drug induced, or it
T hese studies propose t hat k nowledge is stored in
could be related to h is long-standing kidney d is-
long-term memory as cond it ion- action pairs. A
ease. T he myositis could be caused by colchicine, it g iven cond it ion is a recogn izable pattern; the ac-
could be steroid induced, or it could be an inflam- tion is whatever concept or act follows from satis-
matory myopathy such as polymyositis. But I keep faction of the cond it ion. This concept asswnes that
coming back to colchicine as the cause.
when a condition is perceived or identified, the ac-
A muscle biopsy from his left thigh showed tion is evaluated a n d executed. According to th is
an acute vacuolar myopathy consistent with theory, memory is accessed by an index t hat con-
colchicine-induced myopathy, and colchicine tains the cond it ions. Such condition- action pairs
was discontinued. The patient's muscle pain could also unde rl ie the qu ick recogni tion of med-
and weakness gradually improved. ical en tities. Fever in a patient who has no spleen
immediatel y suggests infection w ith an encapsu-
Interesting. In the last case of colch icine my- lated bacterium; hyponatremia with a BUN of 8
opathy I saw, my initial d iagnos is was polymyosit is. immediately suggests the syndrome of inappropr i-
ate antidiuretic hormone secretion; chest pain de-
Analysis scribed as "crushing" immediately suggests coro-
It took days for the patient's clinicians to come nary artery d isease. Maybe muscle pain and weak-
up with the correct diagnos is, and they were not ness in a patient w ith k id ney failure should tr igger
convinced that they had the righ t one until they "ask about colchicine."
had gone as far as they could go, namely to muscle Alter:iatively, consider the following possi-
biopsy. By sharp contrast, the discussant, to whom ble construct. The d iscussant certainly real ized
we presented the same clinical in formation, ra ised that this patient had multiple medical problems
the pmsibility of colch icine toxicity even before he and was li kely on a variety of medications. Quite


possibly, he may have thought th rough a "causal proaches that have provided so much understand-
cascade" in wh ich "mult iple d iseases" tr iggered ing of d isease mechan isms, provides far more
"multiple drugs," which in turn tr iggered "con- accurate and richer insigh ts than any intuit ive
sider drug complication." Or the cascade m igh t approach. 1819116 141 Al though such experimental
have been "kidney fa il ure," w h ich triggered "drugs studies are not sufficiently advanced to assess wh at
are poorly excreted," which in turn tr iggered fraction of clinical problem solving relies on pat-
knowledge such as "colchic ine is one such drug tern recogn it ion and how much on hypothesis gen-
and it can cause myopathy." All of this reason ing eration and testing, these stud ies demonstrate sev-
is more or less instantaneous, and, bingo, the cor- eral features of d iagno stic behavior. They show,
rect diagnos is appears. first, that experts often apply a narrowly focused
Alternatively, perhaps the narrowly focused approach characterized. by a "chaining together" of
(and accurate) approach by the discussant is a func- rules.19116 Second, they show that hypothesis for-
tion of one of the heuristics or short-cuts that we mulat ion is used in diagnos is, although they have
d iscuss in Chapters 2 and 9. Here, th is particu- not yet shed ligh t on how often, by whom, and in
lar short-cut would be the "availability heuristic," what circumstances th ese alternative approaches
namely a mental process that rel ies on fam iliarity are employed. It seemsclear,however, that hypoth-
w it!h a given clinical entity, usually because acer- esis formulation and inference are as important
ta in pattern of find ings evok es a readily recallable, in medical d iagnosis and medical manageme11t
particularly strik ing clinical entity.1728 T h is men- dec ision making as they are in problem solving
tal process seems like a special form of pattern for simple aspects of logic and arithmetic. 30 At-
recogn it ion. The use of th is rule of thumb can be tributing the process of diagnos is simply to knowl-
incredibly accurate, as it was h ere, but because it has edge and experience ab rogates any attempt to un-
no in herent notion of prevalence (among patients derstand and teach it. A detailed elaboration of
w it!h myopathies, colchicine toxicity is undoubt- the process by experimentation has the follow-
edly not the most li kely cause), such a d iagnosis ing major advantages: It provides a deep under-
migh t be wrong more times than it is right. standing of the diagnostic process, a format for
Pattern recognition, underpinned by knowl- discussing it, and a la111guage and vocabulary for
edge and experience, is almost certainly not the teaching it.
exclusive basis of all clinical problem solving. Hy-
potheses and inferences are also crit ical aspects,
as t hey are an established part of the scientific CASE 4. AQUICK AND
method. \Ve prefer not to accept the opinions of ACCURATE SOLUTION
clinicians, some qu ite distinguished, who have de-
vised concepts of clinical cognition based on their A 38-year-old man with a 12-year history of
personal theories of how the i.r m inds work.4o. i 3s, 139 ulcerative colitis was admitted to a commu-
For many years, experts in cognitive psychology nity hospital with bloody diarrhea and abdom-
and computer science have advised us to be skep- inal pain. Campylobacter was found in the
tical of personal theories of the m ind. stool. He was treated with erythromycin for
A lthough modern scholars have been devel- 10 days, but the diarrhea worsened. Sigmoi-
oping extensive theories of how the ir minds work doscopy showed diffuse, erythematous, friable
since the time ofDescartes, detailed studies of prob- mucosa, and biopsy was consistent with ulcer-
lem solving in humans show that such theories of- ative colitis. Steroid treatment was begun. Ab-
ten are seriously impoverished or grossly incorrect. dominal pain and diarrhea persisted, and an
One modern expert has critic ized such theories in abdominal plain film showed distention of the
these terms: "We often confabulate, we tell unwit- transverse colon with air-fluid levels. The white
ting lies and we are often simply in the dar k; we cell count was 14,600 with 58 polys and 6 bands.
have no idea at all." 140
We and others believe that an experimen- \Ve are not dealing w ith an undiagnosed
tal approach to the comprehension of clinical patient. Apparently he has had ulcerative colitis
cognition, analogous to the experimental ap- for a long time and th en went on to develop a


Campylobacter infection. I assume that this repre-

sented real infection because in the adult, Campy -
lobacter is simply not a commensal organism. Even
though the bloody d iarrhea and abdominal pain
seem to be correlated with the infection, treatment
with appropriate antibiotics did nm result in im-
W ith respect to etiology, the first question
is whether the Campylobacter somehow exacer-
bated the ulcerative colitis and produced this
picture or whether distellliun of the colon is
related directly to the colit is. A third important
possible etiology of this exacerbation is antibiotic-
related coli tis, for example, one a~sociated w ith
Clostridium difficile overgrowth. The antibiotic he
received- eryth romycin- is one that can produce
that type of colitis, and we certainly would want
to check a stool titer for C. difficile to rule out that
A re we deali ng with a toxic megacolon? If
so, how should we proceed? First, we need to Figure 13. 1 Abdominal plain film; case 4.
know how sick the patient is. On examination,
how much abdom inal tenderness and distention
are there? Are bowel sounds present? Is he febrile? with diffuse tenderness. No bowel sounds were
How many bands and toxic polys are there? Also, I heard, but no rebound tenderness was elicited.
would be eager for another sigmoidoscopy, to look Rectal examination disclosed liquid brown
for pseudomembranous colitis. stool that was guaiac positive, and there was no
localized tenderness. Sigmoidoscopy was un-
Parenteral nutrition was instituted, and he was changed.
allowed nothing by mouth. Sharp left upper
quadrant pain with shoulder radiation was \,Yell, forgetting the Campylobacter for the
treated with meperidine. moment, we are dealing w itl1 a patient with toxic
megacolon. Our goal here is to save a life. Once
I am not certain what to make of the left up- toxic megacolon develops, a patient can perforate,
per quadrant pain because this location is not a
deve lop diffuse peritonitis, and die. The approach
dominant site of pain when the bowel is inflamed. should be to direct efforts to maximal intensive
Nonetheless, the pattern of the pain worries me be-
therapy, look for improvement, and, if there is
cause it could be caused by microperforation of the
no improvement in 24 to 48 hours, recommend
colon atthe splenicflexure. I suppose he might only
surgery. So in my mind this patient will be a can-
have a large pocket of gas and flu id in his transverse
didate for surgery unless he improves in a hurr y.
colon, but in the presence of a toxic megacolon, a l\tfy immediate approach would include antibiotics
perforation is of great concern. I reall y would like for possible microperforation, intravenous fluids to
to see another KUB (kidneys, ureters, and bladder) restore extracellular volume, colloid replacement,
radiograph. and continued steroid therapy.
In relation to operating on this patient for the
The repeat KUB (Figure 13.1) was said to be
consistent with toxic megacolon, and the pa- acute problem, the long h istory ofcol itis would lead
tient was transferred to Tufts Medical Center. us toward this option. Any patient w ith a 12-year
On admission, he was afebrile, and vital signs h istory of ulcerative colitis has other factors to be
were normal. His abdomen was distended, weighed when colectomy is being considered. First
and foremost, there is a possibility of malignant


degeneration, which occurs at a rate as h igh as 2% in ulcerative coli tis should be considered a surgical
per year once the patient has had col itis for l Oyears. disease unless optimal medical therapy produces
We were not told the extent to which the patient improvement within 48 hours.
has had low-grade morbidity over the 12 years, but
to the extent that he has required steroids or felt The C. difficile assay obtained on admission
generally bad, total colectomy might completely was reported to be positive. The p atient was
restore his health and eliminate both the chance treated with oral vancomycin (500 mg four
of death from a perforated colon and any anx iety times a d ay) and followed closely. After 2 days
about the development of cancer. of therapy, abdominal pain began to subside,
The colon is very dilated, and I do not see air the patient remained afebrile, and there was a
under the diaphragm. Unless there is rapid reversal decrease in the d egree of the left shift in the
of the dilation soon, I would get surgeons involved white count. After I week, diarrhea began to
and plan on surgery. I would want the patient and diminish, the KUB began to show fewer abnor-
his fami ly to be fully informed of where he stands malities, and the stools became guaiac negative.
and of our thinking. The patient was dischar ged after a 3-week hos-
The films were thought to show a dilated as-
cending colon and transverse colon and a "very This case illustrates some important clinical
large" aneurysmal dilation ofthe splenic flexure points. First, we always must be on the lookout for
with air- fluid levels throughout. Blood pres- reversible causes of extreme colonic dilation in the
sure was 115/75 mm H g, pulse 100 p er minute, patient w ith established ulcerative colitis. I men-
and temperature 38 C. White cell count was tioned the possibil ity of C. difficile colitis early, and
7,200 with 60 polys and 19 bands. An emer- this d iagnos is proved to be correct. In fact, if this
gency total colectom y was recomm ended. diagnosis had been considered highly likely from
the beginning, therapy with vancomycin might
I find it very hard to agree, disagree, or give have been started even earlier. Second, d1e case
a strength of agreement in dealing w ith a patient illustrates how patients: w ith toxic megacolon fre-
like this unless I examine him. It is just a thing quently are on the verge of requiring surgery and
I h ave about whether or not to do surgery. The how the presence or absence of certain "soft" clin-
"textbook" response is that .immediate colectomy ical findings- such as how the patient looks and
is a safe decision because h is risk of d yi ng without how the abdomen feels- can move the choice to-
surgery is much greater than his risk of dying w ith ward or away from colectomy. Total colectomy
early surgery. cures the problem, but it is associated with risks
What are the clues that I get from examining and postoperative morbidity, and we try to avo id
the patient that are important? First, does the pa- it when possible.
tient look terribly sick or not? Is he sweaty or pale? T hird, the vigil should not stop in a patient
How tender is the abdomen? How much resistance with toxic megacolon if the C. difficile assay is pos-
is there in the abdomen on examination; are bowel itive because those patients too can perforate and
sounds present or absent? One must always re- require emergency colectomy.
member that steroid therapy may mask some of the
findings on an abdominal exam. Is there evidence Analysis
of chronic inanition, which would suggest that he In this discussion, we can observe the phenomenon
has had a debilitating disease for a long time? vVhat of hypothesis generation, and in particular, we
is the personality of the patient like? How can he be can focus on the part of the clinician's response in
expected to respond to the suggestion that he have wh ich the correct diagnosis was first entertained.
a total colectomy? Unless some of the tests that we In fact, he mentioned C. difficile enterocolitis as
have done demonstrate some unexpected result, one of the possible diagnoses in his first response.
on the basis of what I've learned so far, I would vVe know little about how diagnostic hypothe-
not quarrel with the surgeon's recommendation ses are initiated, but we can speculate about the
for emergency total colectomy. Toxic megacolon process.


One possibility m ight be that th is d iagnosis patient may improve initially but relapse later and
comes up every time as part of a general d ifferen- require surgery (false positive); the patient may fail
t:ial d iagnosis of bloody diarrhea. A second, more to improve initially and have a laparotomy but not
attractive notion is that this d iagnosis is tr iggered require colectomy (false negative). By and large,
by a pattern (i.e., a constellation) of clues. For ex- however, response to therapy is often a rather good
ample, the onset of diarrhea in a patient previ- test.
ously treated with an antibiotic brings a d iagnosis T he clinical assessment of the patient with
of C. difficile enterit is to th e fore. T his pattern may toxic megacolon is t he final subject of th is com-
have been based on a pathophys iologic lin kage at ment. T he clinician's assertion that he bases th is
one time (antibiotics suppress normal bowel flora assessment on how the patient appears to him
and allow C. difficile, ever present in the colon, is somewhat analogous to the concept that many
to proliferate and to cause d iarrhea), but the ex- clinical judgments are based on an "overall impres-
perienced clinician may no longer require th is re- sion" or on some kind of mysterious and never-
turn to "first principles" after he internalizes the to-be-unclerstood "inmition." T he cl inician's elab-
physiology. oration shows otherwise. In a few sentences, he
Another possibility is that the tr iggering pro- explicates many, although perhaps not all, of the
cess is based on a simple cl inical heuristic (i.e., a components of tl1 is assessment, including many el-
rule): Ifa patient has diarr hea and has been treated ements of the phys ical examination and some psy-
w ith an antibiotic, raise the diagnost ic possib ility of chological features. This kind of experience argues
C. difficile enteritis. (If that sounds like a statement th at, if only for didactic purposes, we should en-
in a computer program, it is no accident. Some deavor to be as explicit as possible about how we
computer programs designed to carry out med- make our clinical decisions.
ical d iagnoses incorporate statements remarkably
similar to th is one.) Other possible explanations for
the behavior underlying hypothesis generation are
possible, but investigation of th is important process CASE S. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER
has stalled.
A second interesting feature of th is diagnostic/ A 43-year-old woman with a long history of
patient-management problem-solving exercise is episodic shortness of breath, lightheadedness,
the selection by the clinician of an all-inclusive and tingling throughout her body was seen in
term for the patient's condition: tox ic megacolon. follow-up in the neurology clinic for another
Long before the data g iven to him provided th is episode of loss of consciousness.
des ignation, the clinician used it in assessing both
thed iagnosisand the management. Although toxic A long history of paroxysmal dyspnea brings
nnegacolon is not a specifuc h istopathologic entity, to m ind some form of chronic anx iety or perhaps
it is a clinical entity. Proposing toxic megacolon as an arrhythmia. The lightheadedness and tingling
the princ ipal problem permits the cl inician to assess ra ise the question of a seizure disorder, but ar-
w hether the patient's findings are consistent w ith rhythm ias or anx iety, perhaps assoc iated w it h hy-
th is disorder and to weigh appropr iate therapeutic perventilation, are still possible.
options. "Toxic megacolon" becomes a context for T he loss of consciousness puts a different per-
th ink ing about the problem. spective on the h istory. I would want to know more
Finally, interesting features of the d iagnostic about the nature of the loss of consciousness. Was it
process are readily ident ified here. One, the use sudden, or was it assoc iated with other symptoms?
of therapy as a d iagnostic test is well illustrated. Did she injure herself when she lost conscious-
T he cl inician is willi ng to treat the patient w ith ness? I find that k ind of information helpful. Peo-
fluids, antibiotics, and steroids for 48 hours and ple do not have protective reflexes during cardiac
assess h is progress dur ing that t ime. If the patient syncope; thus, if someone recovers from a syncopal
gets better, surgery is postponed or avoided; if he episode with a bruise on the nose or a laceration, my
does not, total colectomy is carried out promptly. suspicion of a cardiac cause increases. T he patient
T his test, li ke any test, may have false results: T he with vasovagal syncope commonly sinks slowly to


the ground. I also would be interested :n knowing

closed no abnormalities; an MRI scan was nor-
if the re was any positional com ponent to the loss
mal. The diagnosis was changed to temporal
of consciousness.
lobe seizures, and she was treated with pheny-
The history disclosed that the patient had been toin. Phenobarbital and primidone were added
seen frequently for the same complaints in early when her episodes failed to diminish in
the past. The episodes began 16 years ear- number or severity.
lier, shortly after her first child, a 7-month-old
daughter, died of infantile motor neuron dis- T here are EEG patterns that are rather spe-
ease (Werdnig-Hoffmann syndrome). When cific for temporal lobe epilepsy, but the findi ngs in
the patient was first seen, she admitted to be- th is patient, as I recall, were not the class ic ones.
ing nervous. The episodes, then designated T he most important part of the h istory is that when
"fainting spells," were repeatedly attributed she was treated with a variety of antiseizu re med i-
to hyperventilation syndrome, although one cations, she did not improve. T he lac k of response
neurologist tried to reproduce her complaints to those drugs d iminishes the likelihood that she
by voluntary hyperventilation and \Vas unable has temporal lobe epilepsy. 'vVe now fall back to
to do so. th in king that she is just an an xious person, and I
do not th in k we can justify continuing the med i-
The fact that at least one neurologist was un- c.anons.
able to reproduce the symptoms with voluntary
hyperventilation bothers me. Clearly, it is easy to Her usual episodes (shortness of breath, light-
attri bute her ent ire symptom complex to an xiety, headedness, and tingling throughout her body)
b ut when she actually h as loss of consciousness (if recurred approximately once a month between
that is a new symptom) we have to ma ke sure that 9 and 3 years ago. During that period, three
we do not ignore the possi bility that she has some EEGs showed nonspecific abnormalities, and
organic disease. one done 3 years ago was normal. At that
The question is: W hat would I have done time the antiseizure drugs were discontinued
then ? I would be interested in some further car- because she had had no new episodes of un-
d iac evaluation. I need some information from her consciousness and because a new neurologist
physical exam inat ion. For example, does she have doubted the diagnosis of epilepsy. No new di-
murmurs? Could she have valvular heart d isease agnosis was offered to explain her episodic
or hypertrophic card iomyopathy? I would want to spells.
make sure she does not have an atr ial myxoma. I
also would wa nt to get an even t mon itor to make I do not have any add it ional though ts at this
sure she is not hav ing episod ic dysrhyth mias, ei- point, bur I am glad to see that the diagnosis of
ther tachyarrhythm ias or bradyarrhy thmias. If I epilepsy has been challenged. I would like to k now
had to bet on one type of arrhythmia in such a what happened to the symptoms when the anti-
you ng woman, it would be bradyarrhyth m ia be- con vulsants were discontinued. D id he r episodes
cause supraventricular tachycardias usually do not change in frequency? D id they still occur once a
produce loss of consciousness in young patients month?
w ithout underlying heart d isease. I would wan t
to look at her postural reflexes to ma ke su re she is Now, 3 years after the antiseizure drugs were
not having autonomic dysfunction with postural discontinued, she returned to the neurology
hypotension. clinic because she had lost consciousness and
fallen, injuring her head. She described increas-
Nine years earlier, after she lost conscious- ingly frequent episodes of shortness of breath,
ness for the first time, an electroencephalo- lightheadedness, and tingling sensations dur-
gram (EEG) showed bilateral asynchronous ing the previous 6 months. Physical examina-
spike foci. Family history disclosed that a cousin tion and routine laboratory tests were normal.
had epilepsy. Careful neurologic evaluation dis- An EEG and electrocardiogram (ECG) were


normal. A Holter monitor study for 24 hours The patient was admitted to the hospital, and
(during which the patient had no symptoms) a DDD pacemaker was implanted. All her
disclosed no abnormalities. No further studies episodic attacks ceased, and loss of conscious-
were done. ness did not recur. On several occasions during
monitoring, the heart block recurred, but the
Her physical exam inat ion and routine labo- pacemaker took over, and the patient did not
ratory stud ies are unremarkable. None of the test develop any symptoms.
results are particularly helpful because none of
those tests are very sensitive. vVith a:i episodic dis- I suspect that they justified using the DDD
order such as this, a routine ECG that represents a because of her age. T hey probably felt that since
15-second sample of the patient's cardiac rhythm she is young and active she could beneflt from the
does not tell me very much. An isolated 24-hour extra atr ial "kick" that the DDD pacemaker pro
Holter monitor reduces the proba bility of a cardiac vides. I w ill be provocative. Would it be outrageous
cause only sl ightly, but the patient had no symp- to have considered inserting a pacemaker in this
toms during the period of testing. v.re are deali ng patient empirically before it was ever proved th at
w ith a sampli ng problem. It probably wou ld be she had a rhythm disturbance? At first blush, th at
necessary to obtain several Holter monitor studies suggestion seems absurd, but it is not, to my mind,
or better yet an event or loop monitor in an effort illogical, and it raises the more important issue of
to pick up an abnormality in the tracing during the how certain we must be that a patient has a rhythm
time that she has symptoms. disturbance before we recommend a permanent
pacer. Conventional wisdom holds that we must
Two weeks later, she began to have one or two fully document a pacemaker-treatable rhythm dis-
of her usual episodes every day without loss turbance before inserting the device, yet a decision-
of consciousness, and she returned to the neu- analysis study showed that the indications need not
rology clinic. The neurologist ordered another be so stringent because therapy with a pacemaker
Holter monitor study. During this study, she is quite safe. 142 Indeed, even a moderate suspicion
experienced several of her typical episodes but of a pacemaker-responsive disturbance was shown
no loss of consciousness. One segment of the to be a sufficient indication for pacing. In the pa
study is shown in Figure 13.2. tient we are discussing, it appears that the suspi
cion of a rhythm disturbance was so low in the first
Although increasing symptoms are distress- 15 years that she never would have been consid-
ered for such an approach. She is fortunate not to
ing for the patient, their occurrence is a great ad-
vantage from the diagnostic poi nt of v iew. vVhen
have succumbed to a fatal event before rhe correct
diagnosis was made.
the frequency of symptoms is high, we are more
likely to be able to make an ECG or EEG record-
ing wh ile an event is ta king place. The tracing is Analysis
a case in point. The basic rhythm is normal sinus. In retrospect, although many excellent physicians
However, early on lines 1a nd 2 there is evidence of took care of this patient, they seem quite inept for
a P wave w ithout a Q RS and w ithout a change in hav ing missed the diagnosis for 16 years. By con-
the preced ing P-R interval. That complex proba- trast, the discussa nt raised the possibility of a car-
bly represents Mobitz type II atrioventricular (AV) diac etiology after he had heard only a few facts .
block. Later in the strip, we see a long period of The discrepancy is readily expla ined by the retro
complete heart block. P waves are occurring at the spective approach used in case presentations. Fre-
appropr iate times, but there is no conduction at quentl y, as in this case, the newest manifestation of
all to QRS. An extraordinary thing about the trac- a patient's disease is described as a presenting com-
ing is that during a JO. to 15-second period of AV pla int, and it becomes the focus, as it should, for fur-
block, there is no ventricular escape. The patient ther questioning . The discussant knew drnt the pa
clearly has intermittent complete heart block, and tient was now being seen for loss of consciousness,
that could easily expla in her symptoms. whereas the physicians who wereseeingthe patient


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Figure 13.2 Holte r monitor study; case 5. (continued)

over the years were evaluating her vague, episodic In this exercise, it is particularly interesting to
complaints (s hortness of breath, lightheadedness, follow the reasoning processes of the discussant. He
and tingl ing throughout the body). Getting the is no ordinary clinician. He is an expert dec ision an-
right answer looks easy retrospectively, but it is alyst, and his expertise in this field is apparent from
not so easy prospectively. 143- 145 his comments. Although he rarely uses numbers to
In fact, one of the principal d ifficulties in this solve the problem, he describes how he is th in king
case was suspecting the correct diagnos is. Because about the various diagnoses in ways foreign to most
the symptoms were not representat ive of those seen clinicians. He uses prob ab ilistic comments exten-
in patients w ith heart block and because they were sively ("my suspicion of a cardiac cause increases,"
rather vague, they were attr ibuted to either anx iety "the lack of response to those drugs dimin ishes the
or seizures. The fa il ure here, probably w ith little li kelihood that she has temporal lobe epilepsy,"
fault on the part of the patient's phys icians, is that "none of those tests are very sensitive," "how cer-
the correct diagnos is was not "triggered" for years. tain we must be t hat a patient has a rhythm distur-
Fai[ure to raise the possibili ty of a diagnosis leads, bance before we recommend a permanent pacer").
of course, to fa ilure of follow-up questioning and He also has a way of looking at certain problems.
test ing. If we do not th ink of a d iagnostic hypothe- On the basis of decis ion-analysis data, he ra ises the
sis, we cannot test it. Albert Einstein said it best: "It possibility t hat pacemakers may be underused in
is the theory which decides what we can observe." some patients, rather th.an overused. 142 In doing so,


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Figure 13.2 (Continued)

he integrates d iagnostic uncertainty (how likely is perventilation, or epilepsy that a card iac cause
ic that the patient has pacemaker-respons ive syn- was not entertained strongly enough and rele-
cope?) with the potential benefits (elimination of vant studies were not done. Ultimately, a new
the spells) and the potential costs (dollar costs and staff neurologist, d issatisfied w ith the ea rlie.r d i-
r isk). If a spectrum of clinical thi nking can be en vi- agnosis and suspicious of a cardiac cause, per-
s ioned with our trad itiona 1implicit approach to de- sisted desp ite two fa[se-negative results (the ECG
cision ma king at one end and formal quantitative and the first Holter study) until she uncov-
decision analys is at the other, the approach used ered the rhythm d isturbance- fortunately fo.r the
by the discussant lies between those two extremes patient.
and leans toward the quantitative approach . For
many, it represents a real advance over the tradi-
tional, implicit approach. CASE 6. A HIT AFTER AMISS
We prepared this case not only because it pro-
v ided an opportunity to describe mult iple false A 38-year-old Vietnamese p astry cook sought
starts in diagnos is and management, to talk about medical help for fatigue, stiffness of his arms
"triggering diagnostic hypotheses," and to ob- and legs, and lightheadedness. These sympt1>m s
serve a quantitative th inker in action, but also had been worsenin g for l year.
because we were so fascinated by the patient's
clinical course. There was enormous inertia in Because he is Vietnamese, one wonders how
the assumption that her problem was anxiety, hy- long he has been in th is country. Do we need to


consider this background, at least from an epidemi- know about his alcohol intake or ingestion of any
ologic standpoint? Second, he has a chronic illness compounds that may lead to renal fail ure.
that is rather nondescript in presentation, cha rac-
Through an interpreter the doctor found that
terized predominantly by fatigue, some stiffness-
the patient also had three-flight dyspnea, a
not well described- and lightheadedness, what-
long history of constipation, and occasional low
ever that means. This seems to have been a pro-
back pain. The patient had a positive PPD
g ressive sy ndrome for I year.
(purified protein derivative; tuberculin) test
on arrival in the United States from Vietnam
The doctor found no abnormalities on physical
10 years earlier. He thought he had been treated
examination. Several blood studies were per-
with one drug but could not recall how long
formed. The findings were as follows: hema-
he took it. A follow-up chest x-ray was said
tocrit 33% , mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
to be normal. He denied alcohol or tobacco
89, white cell count 4,600 with a normal dif-
ferential. Bilirubin 0.2 mg/ dL, alkaline phos-
phatase 33 IU/L, AST 108 IU/L,ALT 53 IU/L, So, wo rking backward, at least one toxin
LDH 245 IU/L. Creatinine 2.2 mg /dL, choles- seems to be excluded from the list, namely ethanol,
terol 332 mg/dL. Hepatitis A immunoglobu- as a cause of hepatic injury. Of interest is the fact
lin G (JgG) positive; IgM negative. Hepatitis that he comes from an area tl1at is endemic for
B surface antigen negative; surface antibody tuberculosis, and he apparently had been treated
negative. The patient was treated with iron and at least for a positive tuberculin reaction. One has
referred to a medical clinic. to be concerned about reactivation of tuberculosis
in this setting. Although I could perhaps explain
The hematocrit of 33% is low, and a n MCV the liver function abnormalities, and maybe even
of 89 is within the normal range. AST and ALT the chronicity of the ill ness and the mild anemia,
are somewhat elevated. The creatinine of 2.2 is el- on this bas is, I would be at a loss, given the infor-
evated, and the cholesterol of 332 also is elevated. mation we have so far, to relate the elevated crea-
He has evidence of exposure to hepatitis A with a tinine to tuberculosis unless he has renal involve-
positive antibod y for IgG a nd a negative antibod y ment.
to IgM, which indicates that he had remote rather
than rece:lt exposure. His hepatitis B surface anti- On examination, the patient's blood pressure
gen and antibody are both negative, which implies was 110/70 mm Hg without postural changes.
that he had no previous exposure to the hepati- Pulse rate was 60 per minute lying and 72 per
tis B organism. I would li ke to know whether the minute sitting. He had no thyromegaly. A 1/6
patient is raking any herbal medications. And I systolic. ejer.tion mnrmnr was present at the
think we would need to obtain add itional history apex. Abdominal examination was unremark-
to explai n a chronic syndrome w ith fatigue, muscle able. Neurologic examination was normal,
stiffness, and mi ld anemia. None of these features including motor strength. Rectal examination
is particularly characteristic. He does have some revealed black, guaiac-positive stool (l+ ).
evidence of renal insufficiency, which may actu-
all y go together with the anemia. (What I mean is It seems peculiar that the stool tested only
that the renal insufficiency might be the cause of sl ightly positive for blood, g iven its color, but this
the mild anemia.) His liver function tests are ab- find ing does nevertheless ind icate a source of blood
normal: H e has evidence of an active, most li kely loss and may explain the patient's anemia.
inflammatory, process in the liver, with an iso- Additional tests: hemoglobin 12.7 g/dL, Hema-
lated elevation of tra nsaminases. We seem to have tocrit 38% , MCV 98. Direct Coombs negative.
excluded at least hepatitis A as an acute cause fo r Haptoglobin 39 mg/dL. Serum iron 56 ,g/dL,
these findings and also hepatitis B. Again, it makes transferrin 313 mg/ dL. White cell count 4,700,
me wonder about what this man does in his bakery platelet count 172,000. Erythrocyte sedimen-
besides bake. I would like to know whether he has tation rate 14 mm/hr. Creatinine 1.4 rug/ dL.
ingested any potential toxins, and I would want to


He seems to have responded to thyroid re-

Urinalysis: normal. Bilirubin 0.9 mg/dL, Al-
placement, though the persistence of h is fatigue is
kaline phosphatase 43 IU/L, AST 71 IU/L,
hard to assess because it is such a vague symptom.
ALT 94 IU/ L, LDH 263 IU/L, cholesterol
So it appears that the patient presented with rather
371 mg/dL, Triglycerides 90 mg/dL. Elec-
subtle symptoms of hypothyroidism, presumably
trolytes, calcium, phosphorus, albumin, and
secondary to an inflammatory thyroiditis.
uric acid were all normal. Chest x-ray showed
minimal blunting of the right costophrenic an- Analysis
gle.Follow-up stool guaiacs were negative.
'vVe w ill pay special attention to only two parts
of the clinician's discussion: the segment after
These find ings document a mild a nemia. T h e L11e in itial serwu d1ulesterul (332 mg/ dL) uec.:a111e
liver function tests again are consistent with a available and the segment after the second serum
very mild hepatocellular inflammatory process, cholesterol (371 mg/dL) became ava ilable. The
bur they are not very stri king. Follow-up stool test~ first markedly abnormal cholesterol value showed
for blood were negative, which suggests that GI up as part of a panel of screening tests ordered
bleeding would have to be intermittent to expla in by the patient's physician. Our discussant imme-
his anemia. Let me think a little abour h is elevated diately commented that the cholesterol was ele-
cholesterol level. It could represent a primary phe- vated, but if his thinking aloud is any reflection
nomenon, or it could be secondary to a disease of h is thought processes, he d id not give the ab-
process that is causing fat igue, slowing down of normal cholesterol value much (if any) consider-
activity, and a general feeling of reduced energy. I ation. Instead, he focused on the abnormal liver
would be interested in the patient's thyroid func- enzymes.
tion tests. 'vVhy did he ignore the cholesterol) One pos-
sibil ity is the limitation of working memory-
Because of the hypercholesterolemia, hypothy- perhaps because he was incorporating so much
roidism was suspected. Additional laboratory new information that the limited capacity of his
results: free thyroxine index 1.4, TSH 238.3 short-term memory simply could not hold it all
U/mL. Antithyroid antibodies 1:100, antimi- (see case 63). A second possibility has co do wi th
crosomal antibodies 1:25,600. Thyroid replace- how we store information. Some cognitive scien-
ment therapy was started. tists and artificial intelligence computer experts
have proposed that we store compiled informa-
So we seem to have come up with a n explana- tion in the form of condition- action pairs or rules
tion for some of h is symptoms of chron ic lethargy, of procedure. 21 107
slowing down, and stiffness. Namely, the patient is T hese rules take the form if (a certain ob-
hypothyroid, and there is evidence that there may servation is made), then (a certain action follows).
be an active infl ammatory process involving the Indeed, it is interesting to speculate that much of
thyroid gland, w ith elevation of antithyroid an- the clinical reasoning we do from day to day in-
tibodies, as well as of antimicrosomal antibod ies. volves this kind ofalready compiled, rule-based (de-
T he question is, Does he have an isolated thyroidi- terministic or categorical) reawning. 103 If we make
tis or a more generalized autoimmune process? this assumption, we can infer that the discussant
Perhaps even a vasculi tis? does not have stored in his memory one of the fol-
lowing rules (or perhaps another quite similar):
Two months later, all of the p atient's symp- (1) If an adult has a high serum cholesterol value,
toms, except for the fatigue, had disappeared. then consider the possibility ofhypothyroidism; (2)
Follow-up laboratory results showed that his if a patient is a recent immigrant from a country
free thyroxine index was 9.6, the TSH was 1.1 in the Eastern Asia and his or her serum choles-
J.l U/mL, and creatinine had fallen to 0.9 mg/dL. terol is not low, then search for a disorder that can
AST, ALT, and LDH had returned to normal, explain the d iscrepancy; (3) if a patient who com-
and cholesterol was 132 mg/ dL. pla ins of fatigue has an elevated serum cholesterol,
then consider the possibility of hypothyroid ism.


Of course, there are other possible explana- CASE 7. THE CRITICAL ROLE OF CONTEXT
tions for the failure to consider the diagnosis of hy-
pothyroid ism when the first high cholesterol value
was observed. The clinician may well have stored
the rule, but the information that normally triggers A 72-year-old woman was admitted to the hos-
the rule may have been lacking. pital for abdominal pain, vomiting, and he-
No matter what the cause of the failure to matemesis.
recognize the possibility that the patient had hy-
pothyroid ism after the first serum cholesterol was I am deali ng with an elderly adult with an
observed, the discussant did not fail to make the acute illness. [am focused on two things right from
cu1111ect iu11 the se<.:urn.l t ime around. T h is time, the outset: My first concern is to gauge the mag-
however, he did so in an interesting fash ion. Hav- nitude of blood loss immediately because I want
ing fa iled to arr ive at a diagnosis that was coher- to stabilize the patient if necessary. Second, I want
ent, adequate, or parsimonious (see Chapter 6), to learn more about the setting in wh ich this pa-
he reverted to an examination of each laboratory tient presents. Many things come to mind when
test or set of tests. He commented on the pa- one hears about abdominal pain, vomiting,and he-
tient's anemia and on the possibility that inter- matemesis. I would want to know about the char-
mittent bleed ing could be a cause, and then he acter of the blood and whether the patient had any
mentioned the liver function test~. Next, he ap- previous illness that might give me a clue to the
preciated that the cholesterol was elevated and- source of the bleed ing.
so far-unexplained. Then he connected the high
serum cholesterol w ith one of the patient's present- The patient first developed nausea and vomit-
ing complaints-fatigue. The diagnosis of thyroid ing I week before admission. Three days before
disease was triggered, and the discussant asked for admission, middle and lower abdominal pain
stud ies of thyroid function. developed, and immediately before admission,
W hy did the discussant get a hit after she vomited blood. She had not tried to take
he missed the first time? vVe can only specu- antacids to relieve the pain. She did not move
late. Presumably, he retrieved the diagnostic her bowels in the 3 days before admission.
hypothesis- hypothyroidism- from long-term
memory, checked it aga inst the available data, and I do not know anyth ing yet about the patient's
found it to be plausible (see case 1). Wh y then? medical history, but I now have a senseoft.l1edura-
By the time the second serum cholesterol became tion and course of the current illness. This informa-
ava ilable, the discussant had generated many tion helps a little but not much because the descr ip-
diagnostic h ypotheses, but none quite fit the bill. tion is not very spec ific. If I were at the patient's
After he was unable to come up with a reasonable bedside, I would ask her to localize the pain more
diagnostic hypothesis, the discussant seemed to pay specifically: "vVhat do you mean by lower abdomi-
more attention to individual test results. Finally, he nal pain? What do you mean by middle abdominal
began to be more analytic about the findings when pain?" I am told that at least it is not epigastric or
he was about to strike out, and this careful analytic upper abdominal pain. We do not know anyth ing
approach paid off. Although these explanations are about maneuvers that would either accentuate or
reasonable, alternative constructs may be equall y relieve the pain. I do know t.lrnt the problem is
cogent. not painless, and maybe there is something go-
Some distinguished clinicians have taught ing on distal to t.l1e duodenum. Again, the thing
that when we are unable to solve a difficult diag- that brought her to the hospital, despite wee k-long
nostic problem, it sometimes helps to "start from sym proms, was an acute episode of vom iring blood.
scratch"- to review the entire record, take the pa- vVe know that she was constipated. But this symp-
tient's history again, and repeat some (or all) of the tom is not particula rl y helpful w ith respect to the
laboratoqr tests. In this case, a second chance was cause of her symptoms. So, I am still faced w ith
afforded by a second, still-h igher, serum choles- some of my original concerns. vVhat are the na-
terol concentration. ture, character, and quantity of this blood? vVe


need to localize the bleed ing in the gastrointestinal that the patient has some other lesion. r still would
tract. not be satisfied w ith a diagnosis of gastritis and
It helps considerably to frame the diagnosis. would try to document the cause of the bleed-
In a 72-year-old person who presents w ith lower 111g.
abdominal pain, even w ith vomiti ng of blood, I
would also think of vascular problems, such as On admission to the hospital, the patient was
aorto-enteric fistulas or ischemic disease of the lying on her side and was in moderate dis-
bowel. I do not think of these when I see a 28- tress from abdominal pain. Blood pressure and
yea r-old person w ith similar sym ptoms. I need to pulse rate were, respectively, 130/70 mm Hg
know more history. and 116 per minute when lying and 110/60
mm Hg ::ind B 2 per minute when st::inding.
The patient had been treated with aspirin for Respirations were 30 per minute. Temperature
compression fractures of the vertebrae, and was 37 C. Abdominal examination revealed
3 years ago she had been admitted to an- moderate distention, diminished bowel sounds,
other hospital for upper gastrointestinal bleed- and diffuse tenderness. The abdomen was
ing thought to be secondary to aspirin therapy. soft, and there was neither guarding nor re-
In the past several weeks, her back pain had bound. Rectal examination showed no tender-
been particularly bothersome; she had been tak- ness. There was no stool in the rectal vault.
ing increasing amounts of ibuprofen and had
T he patient is obviously sick. She has ortho-
been drinking four beers a day. She had also
static blood pressure and pulse changes. She has a
been taking a calcium preparation (I,500 mg
distended abdomen with diminished bmvel sounds
per day) for osteoporosis.
a nd diffuse tenderness but does n ot have a n y of the
findings of acute periton itis.
I now know that this woma n has had a symp-
T hese find ings are disturbing, in that she has
tom complex similar to what we see now, at least
lost enough blood or had a sufficient decrease in her
w ith respect to upper gastroi ntestinal bleed ing.
fluid intake because of the gastrointestinal symp-
Hematemesis would suggest that she is bleeding
toms to become dehydrated. On the other hand, we
from the upper portion of her gastrointestinal tract.
appear to have some time to work out the cause:
Her ea rlier upper gastroi ntestinal bleed was at- There is no indication, at least at this m oment, th at
tributed to asp irin therapy. The word "thought"
she has perforated a viscus and developed peritoni-
ma kes me question how well that diagnosis was es-
tis. Thus, I th ink that we can pursue the source of
tablished. Did she have endoscopy with the find ing
th is bleeding . We are not forced to rush in and do
of gastritis and no other bleeding lesion ? For the
something urgent because of a finding of some-
moment, I shall assume that she did h ave aspirin -
thing like free air in her peritoneum.
induced gas tritis.
We know that she has been ingesting three Initial laboratory studies: hemoglobin 13 g/dL,
agents that could be noxious to her gastrointestinal hematocrit 44% . White cell count 9,700 with 31
mucosa. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs can segs, 56 bands, 7 lymphs, 4 monos, and 2 meta-
induce a defect in the mucosa! barrier of the gas- myelocytes. Sedimentation rate 20 mm/hr.
trointestinal tract and cause a bleeding tendency. Amylase 33 U/L, calcium II.I mg/dL, creati-
She also is drinking alcohol in sufficient amounts nine 1.9 mg/dL, BUN 35 mg/dL. Serum elec-
to potentiate gastritis. Finally, she is tak ing a cal- trolytes (mEq/L): sodium BI, potassium 4.0,
cium supplement, and there is clear evidence that chloride 82, total C0 2 28. Abdominal plain film
exogenous calcium can stimulate acid secretion. showed a nonspecific gas pattern without di-
Thus we have a com binat ion of factors that could lated bowel loops. There was no free air. The
be inducing gastric irritation. film was repeated in the left lateral decubi-
Many clinicia ns who have seen patients w ith tus position after 200 mL of air was injected
upper gastrointestinal bleeding have been led into the nasogastric tube, but again, no free
down the garden path of assum ing that the gas- air was demonstrated. A nasogastric tube was
tritis is secondary to alcohol or drugs, only to find


inserted and showed material of the consistency not have a bowel movement. The abdomi-
of coffee grounds. The drainage was guaiac nal plain film also showed no changes. Repeat
positive. blood studies showed hemoglobin was 9.8 g/dL,
hematocrit was 38%, and the white cell count
Despite her bleeding, she is not anemic. I sus- was 9,800 with 10 segs, 83 bands, and 7 lymphs.
pect that she is hemoconcentrated, however, and Except for an AST of 116 IU/L, all other liver
that once her volume is restored, she will become function studies were normal. Repeat serum
anemic. She does not have a remarkably elevated amylase was 35 IU/L. Calcium was 9.6 rug/ dL.
wh ite count, but she does have a prominent left A hydroxy iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scan
sh ift, with 56 bands. This finding could be a re- was normal. Treatment with clindamycin and
sponse to acute stress with a demargination of gentamicin was begun.
wh ite cells. I am not going to place much empha-
sis on this finding for now. Despite the abdom inal
As I mentioned earlier, I am never com-
pain and bleeding, her serum amylase is normal.
fortable invok ing the noxious effects of exoge-
The normal amylase is reasonably reliable evidence
nous agents as the cause of upper gastrointestinal
that the abdominal pain is not caused by pancre-
bleeding until I am quite sure that other disor-
atitis. There are occasional situations in wh ich the
ders have been excluded. I think that her doc.tors
serum amylase does not reflect what is going on in
were similarly concerned. She continued to bleed
the pancreas, but I would expect her serum amy-
and was still afebrile, and the abdominal examina-
lase to be substantially higher with this degree of
tion remained unchanged. She has no peritoneal
compromised renal function. Her serum calcium
signs, and the abdominal plain film does not show
is slightly high. Ingestion of calcium supplements,
any evidence of free a ir, but she does have a very
as I mentioned, can be associated with increased
quiet abdomen. Her wh ite count has not increased
gastric. acid secretion. In add ition, people w ith hy-
much but continues to show a spectacular sh ift
perparathyroidism and a high serum calcium may
to the left. The fi nd ing of 83 bands 2 days into
have peptic ulcers and possibly also gastritis. T h is
her course is not someth ing that I would easily
serum calcium may be telling us something about
wr ite off as being due to a stress response to bleed-
an underlying condition.
\Ve are given a little more information about
I think her phys icians are appropr iately con-
the source of bleeding. W hen we think of coffee
cerned that she has sequestered somethi ng in her
grounds, we think of blood that is mixed with acid .
abdomen. T hey instituted treatment with a regi-
We are also told that some attempt was made to
men of anti biotics directed at a soiled peritoneum.
determine whether she had perforated a viscus, but
T he choice of this particular :rntibiotic com bina -
I doubt that air injection is particularly reliable. I
tion, especially the gentamicin, is not optimal, in
am still focused on her upper gastrointestinal tract
my view, because of the patient's elevated creati-
and a possible relationship between her h igh cal-
nine. The use of empiric.al antibiotics for peritoneal
cium and gastrointestinal disease, even though I
soiling is common, but I would have gotten more
know she has been ingesting several drugs that are
information before initiating this therapeutic ma-
toxic to the stomach.
neuver. In patients who have intra peritoneal soil-
ing from a perforated viscus, one would expect to
The history and findings were thought to be
see some add itional clues, such as peritoneal signs,
consistent with gastritis secondary to nons-
free a ir in the abdomen, and localized tenderness,
teroidal antiinflammatory agents. The patient
but she seems to have none of these. vVe are told
was treated with intravenous fluids. On the
only about a quiet abdomen w ith an atonic. ileus
second hospital day nasogastric suction contin-
ued to yield large quantities of guaiac-positive and no localization of symptoms. I do not see much
material. The patient remained afebrile. The evidence other than the spectacular left shift that
abdominal examination remained unchanged. makes me think she is in fec ted. I do not have any
Bowel sounds could not be heard, and she did indication that tl1is woman has an intra peritoneal
infectious disease.


Gastroscopy showed mild gastnus. A large but later that evening she developed a cough
quantity of brown fluid prevented an adequate productive of purulent sputum.
examination. The duodenum could not be seen.
I think that the issue was and continues to be
Despite the original assumption that she had the source of the bleed ing. There was sufficient
gastritis due to the ingestion of multiple noxious concern to repeat the endoscopy. Although the re-
agen ts, gastroscopy d id not demonstrate the proxi- sults reassure us, we really do not k now any more.
mal stomach wall to be the source ofbleed ing. T he vVe are told she did not aspirate dur ing the proce-
blood appears to be coming from the distal part du re but developed a cough and purulent sputu m.
of the stomach. The original d iagnosis of gastritis Despite the fact that the patient d id not aspirate
appears to be incorrect. I th in k the source of her overtly, everybody aspirates with a tube that ele-
bleeding needs to be pursued further. In the ab- vates the epiglottis. T he things that come to my
sence of peritoneal signs, I am concerned about a m ind when someone develops a cough in th is set-
possible vascular etiology. Very often, patients w ith t ing are, first, aspiration and, second , a communi-
a communication between the intestine and blood cation between the abdom inal cavity and the pleu-
vessels w ill present with explosive bleeding. Oc- ral space above the d iaphragm. I do not want to
casionally, such patients have had repetit ive small invoke an enteropleural connection at this poin t,
bleeding episodes from such a fistula. My en th usi- and I thi nk that aspira tion is most likely. I would
asm for pursuing the site of the bleedi ng grows. also have gotten a chest x-ray.

On the second and third hospital days, the Chest x-ray showed gas underneath the left di-
patient remained afebrile. Abdominal tender- aphragm. The gas under that hemidiaphragm
ness subsided considerably. On the third day, moved but not in any pattern consistent with a
the abdominal plain film was still unchanged. viscus. CT scan confirmed this finding.
Hemoglobin was 10.2 g/dL, hematocrit was
29%,and the white cell count was 9,200 with 73 vVe now have evidence for perforation of a
segs, 15 bands, 9 lymphs, and 3 monos. Despite VISCUS.

the apparent improvement, the patient had no

The patient underwent laparotomy that
bowel sounds and passed neither gas nor stool.
evening and was found to have a 3-mm perfora-
tion of an anterior pyloric canal ulcer. Purulent
T he patien t is now improvi ng both symp-
material was present throughout the peritoneal
tomatically and in terms o flaboratory studies. She
cavity. An omentopexy was carried out. After
has less tenderness, a nd the w hite count reflects
prolonged hospitalization, she recovered and
less of a left shift, although it is still presen t. We
was discharged.
have little evidence at this point that she has an
intraa bdominal infection. She still has obstructive She indeed had a pyloric ulcer tha t could not
symptoms; she has no bowel sounds, has a n ileus, be visual ized on gastroscopy and that had perfo-
and is not passing gas. Although she is getting bet-
rated. Surprisingly, she had rema ined afobr ile, and
ter, I continue to be concerned because the source
the only clues to peritoni tis were an ileus and a
of her bleeding is not yet identified. Attributing
large shift to the left with ba nds. She d id not man-
her improvement to antibiotics without any doc- ifest most of the oth er important signs and symp-
umentation of fever both ers me. The shift to the toms seen with peritonitis secondary to a perfo-
left, with no evidence of peritoneal soiling by peri- rated viscus, incl ud ing rebound tenderness. One
toneal signs, ma kes me concerned about what is could speculate that those symptoms d id not occur
going on in her abdomen. But I do not think she is because of all the anti inflammatory agents she re-
in fected. ceived. I suspectthat the aggressive use ofempirical
Gastroscopy was repeated on the fourth hospi- ant ibiotics may well have helped this woman, but
tal day but showed no more than before. The they also may have masked some clinical manifes-
patient did not aspirate during the procedure, tations a nd delayed the establishment of the correct
diagnos is.


disease entity, a syndrome, or a general operating

Analysis diagnostic category (e.g., an acute inflammatory
We intentionally selected th is case because the di- disorder). T his context serves as a basis for expec-
agnos is of perforated ulcer was missed for days tation, presumably by configuring a set of find ings
and was d iscovered only by chance when a chest that should be present a nd ident ifying find ings th at
x-ray was obtained for an unrelated clinical prob- should be absent if a gliven d isease or cond it ion is
lem. 'vVhat went wrong? At least in retrospect, the present. Presumably, it also weighs the importance
events seem quite dear: On admission, the py- of each of these findings in confirming or negating
loric canal ulcer was bleeding and probably had the diagnos is. These characteristics of the context
already perforated. T he abdom inal pain, the per- th us set the stage for ask ing further quest ions and
sistent ileus, and the large number of bands in the performing further tests that will either confirm or
d ifferential count would be consistent w ith th is deny that the disease is present. In th is case, the ini-
interpretation. Nonetheless, the phys icians tak ing t ial context appeared to be upper gastrointestinal
care of the patient and our d iscussant were fixated bleeding-an appropr iate choice, g iven the acute
on the gastrointestinal bleed ling and either ignored bleeding and the h istory of th is disorder. Since th e
or downplayed the possibility of perforation. W hy patient had abdominal pain and had not moved her
were they blind to the significance of the abdomi- bowels for the previous 3 days before adm ission,
nal pain, the ileus, and the presence oflarge num- the context probably should have shifted away
bers of bands, and why did th ey assiduously follow from isolated upper gastrointestinal bleeding im-
the wrong path and repeatedly study the patient mediately after th is information (inconsistent w it h
for bleeding by gastroscopy rather than carry out th is d iagnosis) became available.
contrast studies? It is interesting to follow our discussant's logic
In this analysis we elaborate on one particular as he tries to explain the patient's findings. On
error, namely, incorrect fram ing of the problem, or several occasions, he expresses concern about th e
an incorrect identification of the "problem space." possibility of perforation, and he even says on one
Less techn ically, we might descr ibe the error as occasion that "it helps considerably to frame th e
the commonsense concept of "starting off on the diagnos is." Yet h is conviction in perforation as a
wrong foot and never tak ing the r ight step." diagnos is wavers. After he learns that there are
W hat is "framing a problem," and wh y is it 83% bands but that the abdominal plain film is
so important? Fram ing a problem involves select- unreveali ng, he says, "We are told only about a
ing the context in wh ich the problem is li kely to be quiet abdomen," and ihe acknowledges that her
solved. Studies of humans sol ving simple problems ph ysicians "are appropriately concerned that she
ha ve shown that this context, or the cognitive rep- has sequestered somethi ng in her abdomen." St ill
resentation of a problem, is an essential element in later, he worries again about perforation but dlis-
the process of problem solving. This representation m isses it ("I don't see much evidence other than
has been called the problem space. 3031 146 One use- the spectacular left shift that makes me thi nk she
ful work ing definition of "problem space" is "the is infected") and continues to focus on the gas-
su bject's representation of t he task environment trointestinal bleeding. He says, "I don' t h ave any
that permits the consideration of different prob- ind ication that this woman has an intra peritoneal
lem situations and sets limitations on possible op- infectious disease."
erations that can be applied to a g iven problem."30 However, our cl inicians and the d iscussant a re
Identifying the correct problem space is not always not all to blame for this one. Nature, unforrunatel y,
obvious and simple, but it is a critically impor- does not always follow the rules that we have de-
tan t beginning. 75 124 147 Indeed, one study demon- rived from repeated exposure to her tricks. One -0f
strated that correct ident ification of the problem these useful rules is that "bleeding ulcersdon't h un,
space was a major determinant of a subject's sub- and hurting ulcers don't bleed." 148 This heuristic
sequent correct responses to a problem set. 32 is a valuable one, and it provides a useful guideline
Stud ies of clinicians solving cli nical problems for the study of patients w ith upper gastrointestinal
show that the problem space, or the context, is se- bleeding. However, it is not an invariable rule; it is
lected with only a few clues. 181q It consists of a only a heuristic, a rule that works most of the t ime.


In this case, it faltered because the patient had a n portant flare of his rheumatoid a rthritis nor sep-
ulcer that not only bled, but induced pain as well. sis. Kidney stones seem unlikely w ithout any gen-
It also faltered because the patient had a perfora- itou rina ry symptoms. vVe still do not know what
tion w ithout all the classic systemic and abdom inal medications he may be taking, specificall y corti-
signs that we assoc iate wi th peritoneal soiling.Un- costeroids or other immunosuppressive agents.
fortunately, many of the patients we encounter do
not ha{e "classic" manifestations. le is this varia- The patient had had seropositive rheumatoid
tion, among others, that evokes the need for the arthritis for 3 years, with intermittent synovi-
human problem solver and befuddles attempts to tis involving both hands, wrists, elbows, shoul-
convert all medical problem solvi ng into computer ders, knees, and ankles. H is symptoms had
prog ram s. responded to prednisone and hydroxychloro-
quine. H is medical history included a mi-
tral valve replacement, coronary-artery bypass
CASE 8. A MASKED MARAUDER* surgery, a septa! myotomy for hypertrophic car-
diomyopathy, a cholecystectomy, and gastroin-
testinal bleeding due to peptic ulcer disease. His
A 61-year-old man with seropositive rheuma-
current medications included prednisone (5 mg
toid arthritis consulted his rheumatologist be-
per day), hydroxychloroquine (200 mg twice a
cause of a 3-week history of pain in the right hip.
day), timolol (10 mg twice a day), isosorbide
dinitrate (20 mg four times a day), digoxin
My first concern would be to find out whether (0.25 mg per day), nitroglycerin, and warfarin.
the hip pain is related to the rheumatoid arthritis. I
woul<l wa11L LO know w hc:Ll1er die man 's rig hL hi p Except for the warfari n, I see no obvious direct
was involved in the past and whether there was a connections with his current presentation. Patients
history of recent trauma. If the patient h ad been who are receiving anticoagulants can bleed into the
treated w ith corticosteroids, I would wo nder about retroperitoneal space, and bleed ing into the psoas
aseptic necrosis of the hip or in fection. muscle can certainly cause hip pain or pain referred
to the scrotum. The care of patients who have a h is-
The pain was severe and localized to the right tory of gastrointestinal bleeding and yet need long-
lateral iliac crest, with occasional radiation to term anticoagulation can be extremely d ifficult and
the scrotum. At times, the pain increased when complicated. T he prednisone still makes me worry
the patient lay on his right side, but it was not about an infectious complication, although the ab-
affected by weight-bearing activities or walk- sence of constitutional symptoms lowers this pos-
ing. He had no history of trauma. He had nei- sibil ity on my differential-diagnosis list.
ther pain in his other joints nor gastrointestinal,
There was marked point tenderness over the
genitourinary, or constitutional symptoms.
superior aspect of the right iliac crest with
some fullness of the overlying skin. The full
Pai n radiating to the scrotum can be a clue to
range of motion of the hip joint was retained.
a retroperitoneal or intra-abdominal process, and
l nitially,mild right-lower-quadrant tenderness
the localization to the right lateral iliac crest may
was elicited, but this finding was not repro-
not be so important. The lack of an effect of weight
ducible. There were no abdominal masses or
bearing or wal king and the increase in pain when
peritoneal signs. The rest of the examination
the patient lies on his right side make me think of
was unremarkable. X-ray films of the pelvis
referred pain. Without a history of trauma, frac-
were normal. The physician was not certain of
ture is far less likely. T he absence of symptoms
the cause of the pain and recommended anal-
in other joints suggests that this is neither an im-
gesics and local heat.
*Originally published by Pauke r SG, Kopd man RI. N Engl J
Mt'tl 1994;330: 1596- 1598. For references, see http://content. T he point tenderness over the right iliac crest
nejm.org/cgi/content/extract/330/22/1 596. Reprinted w ith wi th full ness of the overlying skin cannot be ig-
permission of the Massachusetts Medical Society nored or minimized. On the other hand, the full


range of motion of the h ip joint is somewhat re- ture is somewhat atypical of infection because the
assur ing, given the possibility of a septic joint or patient has not gotten worse and because ~ystemic
fracture. The absence of abdominal masses or peri- symptoms, such as fever, have not developed. T he
toneal signs does not rule out the possibility of a wh ite cell count, again, makes an in fectious pro-
retroperitoneal process. A positive psoas or obtu- cess less likely, but the sedimentation rate is not
rator sign would make me th ink that a substantial very helpful, especially in a patient w ith rheuma-
hemorrhage had occurred. toid arth ritis. Although I would need to keep
infection on my list, an inflammatory process is
One week later the pain was unchanged. A now more likely. T he slight right-lower-quadrant
bone scan was reported to show "slightly in- tenderness is nonspecific but does raise the possi-
creased uptake in the right hcmipclvis and bili ty uf a n iu1ra-auJum i11al process.
right lower extremity of uncertain signifi- T hree week s seems to be too long to wait for
cance." Two weeks later the pain was so se- the abdominal CT scan.
vere at night that the patient would occasion-
ally have to sleep in a chair. On examination, The CT scan of the abdomen strongly sug-
there was marked tenderness over the right il- gested a perforated appendix with a fistulous
iac crest with overlying induration, warmth, tract leading toward the anterolateral abdom-
and erythema. There was slight tenderness in inal wall. On examination, the patient contin-
the right lower quadrant. The rectal examina- ued to be afebrile. Fullness persisted over the
tion was normal. The right lobe of the prostate right iliac crest. Only minimal tenderness was
was larger than the left, but no nodules were elicited over the right lower quadrant, but sub-
felt. The white-cell count was 6,000 with a nor- cutaneous crepitation was palpable at this site.
mal differential. The erythrocyte sedimenta- At surgery,a retrocecal appendiceal absce.ss was
tion rate was 43 mm/hr. The results of liver identified and removed. The patient's postop-
function tests were normal. The physician pre- erative course was complicated by angina as-
scribed oxycodone-acetaminophen and recom- sociated with an unexplained decrease in his
mended that the patient increase his prednisone hematocrit, but he was discharged on the 16th
dose until a CT scan of the abdomen could be postoperative day with no residual abdominal
obtained; it was scheduled for 3 weeks later. or hip pain.

If J were concerned about the possibil ity of Even in retrospect, I am surprised by this
retroperitoneal bleed ing, J would pursue it more find ing, although appendicitis can be chronic and
aggress ively and not just follow the patient's clin- have uncommon, atypical presentations. Fortu-
ical course. I am n ot surpr ised that the pa in was nately for this man, the process was caught in time.
unchanged after a wee k, but I am glad that it had
not worsened. The results of the bone scan are Analysis
not helpful. I am intrigued that the pain later be- T he patient's ch ief symptom, a few words, or a
came so severe that he had to sleep in a cha ir. T his brief glance can establish the context in which the
suggests that extension of the right leg at the hip clinician interprets clinical find ings 111 (the refer-
is more painful than flexion. The psoas sign ex- ence numbers refer to those in the paper cited in the
tends the h ip and should produce d iscomfort if a footnote giving the source of this case). Such con-
retroperitoneal hematoma or appencl iceal inflam- texts are often quite narrow. If they a re too broad,
mation is present. Because the patient seems to be even an experienced clinician can find it difficult
more comfortable with his hip in the flexed posi- to sift through large amounts of sometimes irrel-
tion, the psoas and obturator muscles are probably evant information and formulate a coherent pic-
involved. The greater prominence of the fi nd ings ture. W ith the ready access to information that our
over the itiacc rest implies that the underlying pro- journals and reference-retrieval services now pro-
. .
cess is progressmg. vide, expert physicians are distinguished from
Although both inflammatory and infectious novices mainly by their skill in separating rele-
processes can cause these findings, the whole pie- vant clues from reel herrings. That skill depends


crit ically on maintaining the diagnostic focus on they can make an acute abdomen more d ifficult to
a small number of items. However, as with all recognize. 'vVhen it was made clear what drugs
problem-solving strategies, such a narrow focus the patient was tak ing, the d iscussant was side-
can lead us astray. Sometimes the cl inician fore- tracked into considering another set of iatrogenic
closes consideration of important diagnostic possi- complications- those related to anticoagulation.
bilities prematurely 12,31 because one hypothesis is Having raised the possibility of retroper i-
especially attractive. W hen the focus is so narrow, toneal hemorrhage, the discussant apparently
the clinician may consider important clues irrele- placed complications of steroid therapy in the back-
vant or may misinterpret other findings from the ground. This should not be surprising, g iven the
erroneous perspective of presumed diagnost ic cer- observation that humans are incapable of juggling
tainty. a large number of items in working memory simul-
Following d ifferent cognitive paths, the rheu- taneously 121. W hen clinical findings or specific
matologist caring for th is man with appendicitis hypotheses can be organized into meaningful or
and the general internist discussing the findings "ch unk ed" constructs (so-called working hypothe-
both failed to d iagnose an atypical presentation of ses), however, the experienced clinician can ex.tend
a ruptured append ix w ith formation of an abscess worki ng memory and often can even recall a pa-
that almost produced a d isaster. Of interest, nei- tient's presentation in surprising detail. W hen no
ther physician showed signs of premature diag- single hypothesis is available, however, apparently
nostic closure in h is clinical reasoning 121. Neither unconnected findings can be dropped (somet imes
seemed to be in hot pursuit of an overriding al- inappropr iately) from consideration. The discus-
ternat ive h ypothesis, yet both were concerned that sant seemed to reserve a place in the d iagnostic list
the patient could have a serious illness, and neither for iatrogenic d isease, but he d id not seem to k eep
of them could quite get the find ings to fit together. the compl ications of two d ifferent drugs in m ind
Why, then, did both clinicians d iscount the vague at the same time.
pain in the r ight lower quadrant and continue to T h is patient's clinical course was atypical even
rely on the absence of systemic signs of infection in for a perforated append ix, probably because it was
a patient they knew was rece iving corticosteroids? mas ked by the long- term steroid therapy and the
The patient's new complaint of h ip pain w ith retrocecal location of the patient's append ix. T here
unremarkable x-ray films, the bony tenderness, were no signs of peritonitis or evolving sepsis; fever
and the absence of abdomunal findings presumably and leukocytosis we re absent. Most li kely, the pa-
led the rheumatologist, who had been following tient's appendix had perforated early in his course,
the patient, to view the problem from the perspec- and the cl inical picture was one of a slowly evolv-
t.ive of rheumatologic disease. Once the rheuma- ing, localized periappendiceal abscess. It is easier
tologist thought that a fracture or a septic joint to see in retrospect that the severity and the per-
had been ruled out, he seemed to consider the sistence of the patient's pain, its radiation to h is
patient's ill ness minor, as we can infer from his scrotum, and the mild r ight-lower-quadrant dis-
actions. Even w hen the patient's symptoms per- comfortshould have suggested append icitis earlier
sisted, the rheumatologist prescribed only symp- and should have led the clinician to obtain an ab-
tomatic treatment and a small increase in the dose dominal CT scan much sooner.
of corticosteroids; an imaging study was scheduled Abdominal pain, no matter how tr ivial, can-
some weeks in the future, just in case the problem not be neglected in patients ta king steroids 171. A
d id not resolve with time. simple rule - "Lower your threshold for testing in
The discussant focused immediately on the a patient tak ing steroids who has an und iagnosed
potential complications of steroid therapy 14-61 illness"- implies th at casting a broad net with
but seemed more concerned with complications imaging stud ies may be an important strategy
ca used by steroids than w ith the possibility that in help ing the clinic ian overcome too narrow a
some condition could be masked by steroids. Cor- diagnost ic focus. However, selecting an appropr i-
ticosteroids can mask chronic infections, such as tu- ate imaging study is especially d ifficult if acute
berculosis; they can make patients more susceptible appendicitis is the issue at hand, because that d iag-
to new infections; and, by masking inflammation, nosis is made primarily on the basis of th e patient's


history and by examination of the abdomen. Most

next week, the pain became so severe that it
imaging studies are unreveali ng until late in the
prevented him from sleeping.
clinical course, certainly far later than would be
optimal for diagnosis 17-91. A recent small study
Depending on d1e time of year, this com-
suggests that graded-compression abdom inal
mon presentation raises many different possibil-
ultrasonography may be useful, but even that
ities, such as mycoplasmal or streptococcal throat
test was insensitive in patients with a perforated
infections, or influenza wh ich are relatively minor.
appendix 1101.
Resolution of h is symptoms after a 5-day course of
Twenty years ago, our diagnostic tools were
antibiotics may be indicative of a bacterial infec-
so limited that the diagnosis of perforated ap-
tion. I would not necessarily link the respiratory
pe1H.lix in a patiem with sud1 li111ite<l signs au<l
symptoms w ith the subsequent development of the
symptoms would nearly always have been made
back pain. I would want to know ifthe pai:l is con-
at postmortem examination. However, the imag-
stant or if it is made worse with coughing or a Val-
ing stud ies ava ilable today allow clinicians to make
salva maneuver. In terms of the back pain, I would
obscure diagnoses almost by chance. Here, the clin-
try to think anatomic.ally. I wonder if he had an
ician bumbled into the correct diagnosis when the
underlying illness with a bac.teremic. episode that
CT study, performed late in the patient's course,
then settled into his thoracic or lumbar spine, pos-
revealed the abscess. He might have insisted that
sibly resulting in an epidural abscess; that would
the study be performed earlier ifhe had g iven more
probably be the most worrisome disorder and one
we ight to the possibility that corticosteroids might
that could be easily missed. If the symptoms are
be masking a lurking disaster.
not related, he could have had a traumatic. event
that exacerbated an underlying abnormality of his
thoracic.or lmnbar spine. The tingling sensation on
CASE 9. A SERIOUS LACK OF FOCUS the surface of both thighs could be a marker for the
site of the lesion, probably at or around L3. The
A 28-year-old previously healthy man pre- dysesthesias suggest the possibility of a primary
sented in August with a 6-week history ofinter- neurologic. process, possibly related to a mass lesion
mittent fever, night sweats, malaise, and diffuse in h is lower back. I would also consider the possi-
myalgias. bility of a tumor or a lymphoma. Lymphoma is an
interesting possibility in view of h is fever, malaise,
Ifthe 6-week history can be taken at face value, and myalgias. It is possible that he has Lyme dis-
the patient might qualify as someone who has a ease: T he tingling, the fever, malaise, night sweats,
classic fever of unknown origin. It would be nice and generalized symptoms are consistent with that
to know whether fever was documented. I would diagnosis, although I think that the degree of pain
be interested in his past medical h istory, as well would be a little atypical for that disease.
as any history of travel or exposures to infectious
Over the next 3 weeks, he again developed fever,
night sweats, and malaise. His appetite was
Six weeks previously the man presented to a poor, and he lost 10 pounds. Myalgias persisted,
local clinic with fever, malaise, night sweats, and he developed diffuse headache, retroorbital
generalized myalgias, sore throat, and a non- pain, and mild photophobia. He also experi-
productive cough for a few days. H e was given enced neck tightness and cramping jaw pain.
a five-day course of an antibiotic, and his symp - His temperature ranged from 38 C to 38.5C.
toms resolved. Three weeks later while on a He had no gastrointestinal symptoms, joint
train, he developed severe mid and lower back pain, skin rashes, or productive cough. H e had
pain, and over the next few days the pain in- tried ibuprofen and aspirin without relief of his
tensified and radiated to both flanks and the symptoms.
abdomen. He also noted a "tingling" sensation
on the anterior surface of both thighs. Over the There are some aspects that are causing me
to think more about Lyme disease. The diffuse


headache, cramping jaw pain, neck tightness, and and neuropathies, and tuberculosis should al ways
even the retroorbital pain are consistent with that be considered in the evaluation of a patient with a
diagnosis. Having said that, Lyme disease infre- fever of unknown origin.
quently presents as a classic fever of unknown ori-
gin. Vasculitis could also present in this fash ion. I On examination he appeared ill, but he was
am moved a little away from considering an epidu- not in acute distress. Blood pressure was 110172
ral abscess, unless he has a parameningeal focus mm Hg, pulse was 88 per minute, respiratory
w ith tracking. But if that were present, I would rate was 14 per minute. Oral temperature was
have expected more neurologic findi ngs. T he de- 38.3 C. No skin lesions were noted. One small
gree of pain and fever argues aga inst other pri- anterior cervical node was present, as were small
mary ne urulugi<.: <l iagn uses sud1 as mulLipk sde- ::ixilbry lymph nones. His neck W::I< supple.
ros is. Endocarditis must be considered since it can His masseter muscles were slightly tender. His
bea great mimic of many disorders. W ith the flank lungs were clear. Cardiac examination was nor-
and abdom inal pain, I would be concerned about mal. His abdomen was tender in both outer
an intra-abdom inal process, but I have a ha rd time quadrants, but no organs were palpated. Rectal
linking that diagnosis to his headache, retroorbital exam was normal, and stool was guaiac neg-
ative. Extremities were normal. His back was
pain, and photophobia.
diffusely tender over the lower thoracic and up-
His past history was unremarkable. He was per lumbar vertebrae and flanks. Neurologic
self-employed and owned a windsurfing shop examination was normal.
in an old converted warehouse in Boston. He
G iven his symptoms, I would be surprised if
had no history of back trauma. He had wind-
h e really had a normal n eurologic exa m. [ woul d
surfed locally, from the Charles River in Boston
want to know whether the back pain was exacer-
to Martha's Vineyard. He was heterosexual and
bated on movement, and whethe r the re really was
had been tested negative for HIV infection dur-
no sensory deficit. These findings can be subtle.
ing an insurance examination 6 months ago.
The described findings again suggest chat some-
His only pet was a healthy goldfish. His only
th ing is goi ng on in h is back, such as an epidu-
travel outside the northeastern United States in
ral abscess or osteomyelitis. T he finding of lym-
the past year was to Georgia.
phadenopathy is agai nst those diagnoses, unless
they a re part of systemic response. The enlarged
J rnspect th at w indsurfers probably have fre-
nodes certainly a re consistent w ith Epstein-Barr
quent unrecognized back trauma. Could he have
virus (EBV) or cytomegalovirus infection.
had some trauma leading to some source of seed-
in g of a bacterial process? He has not been in White cell count was 9,200 with 85 polys, 10
a climate in wh ich he could have been exposed lymphs, 4 monos, and 1 eos. Hematocrit was
to an unusual organism such as Vibrio. I su ppose 39% . Urinalysis was normal. Sedimentation
that he could have encountered aerophilus or some rate was 53 mm/hr. Albumin was 3.2 g/L. Glu-
unusual g ram-negative organism that could have cose, electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, liver func-
penetrated his skin. Tropical fish fanciers are at tion tests, and CK were all normal. Chest x-ray
risk fo r atyp ical mycobacterial infections, espe- was normal, and KUB suggested a mild in-
cially Mycobacterium mal'inum , wh ich would usu- crease in liver size. The patient was admitted
all y present as a nodular cell ulitis. In his travel to to the hospital for evaluation of "fever of un-
Georgia, he could have been exposed to a fungal known origin."
disease, but his manifestations are not consistent
w ith a fungal infection. Being in Martha's V ine- U nfortunately, the laboratory results are not
ya rd and the Boston a rea would put him at risk for very he! pful. He has no red cells in his urine or
L yme d isease. H is findings do not rem ind me of sediment abnormalities that might lead me to con-
babes iosis or tularemia. Some viral disorders such sider endocarditis. The fact that h is liver function
as cytomegalovirus infect ion or Epstein- Barr virus tests a re normal argues against a diagnosis of liver
infection can be assoc iated w ith prolonged fevers abscess. He is not anemic. He does not have any


atypical lymphocytes, wh ich leads me away from

and fever persisted. His hematocrit fell to 34%,
EBV infection. A retroperitoneal lymphoma is still
and the reticulocyte count was low. Studies for
possible, but it reall y does not explain fi nd ings
hemolysis were negative. An abdominal CT
such as the tightness of the masseter muscles. I
scan showed no adenopathy or organornegaly.
would order blood cultures and evaluate his back
Antinuclear antibody (ANA) was positive in a
and abdomen wi th either a CT or an MRI. If you
titer ofl:l60 in a nonspecific pattern. Antistrep-
think of this patient in the context of a fever of un -
tolysin 0 (ASO) titer was normal. An absolute
known o rig in in conjunction w ith his constellation
CD4 count was 471, but all total percentages of
of sym ptoms, you would estimate that infection
T cells were normal. Echocardiogram showed
would constitute 20% to 25% of the cases, and en -
no evidence of valvular abnormalities. A bone
Jocarditi~ a nd tuberculosis would probably be the
marrow aspirate showed reactive hyperplasia
leading two infections. Solid nunors, lymphomas,
with no evidence of lymphoma. EBV lg\1 was
and vasculitis must also be conside red.
negative and IgG positive. Sedimentation rate
Over the next few days his back pain contin- remained at 75 mm/hr. No specific diagnosis
ued to be severe despite oral narcotic adminis- was made at discharge. He was scheduled for a
tration. Flank and abdominal tenderness and gallium scan as an outpatient.
fever persisted. Blood and urine cultures were
negative. Throat culture grew beta-hemolytic The mildly positive ANA in a nonspecific pat-
streptococci group C. PPD was negative. X-rays tern is not helpful. In general, a CD4 count as a
of lumbosacral spine and sacroiliac joint films screen ing test for unknown diseases is not useful.
were normal. Hepatitis A, B, and C serologies, vVe do not have a good idea about the k inetics
cytomegalovirus titers, and a monospot test of CD 4 cell counts in most infectious and inflam-
were negative. A Giemsa blood smear showed matory disorders other than to say that patients
no evidence of babesial parasites. A right- wi th bacterial infections often have lymphopenia,
upper-quadrant and abdominal ultrasound ex- wh ich is associated with a reduced CD4 count.
amination was normal. T he CD4 counts can be reversed and look consis-
tent w ith HIV infectio n in patients with CMV and
T he presence or absence of group C hemolytic EBV disease and other viral diseases. I doubt that
strep in the throat is not helpful d iagnostically. a gallium scan w ill be useful: T he differential d i-
The monospot is not a particula rl y sensitive test agnosis in this patient is such that no matter what
for mononucleosis; it is positive in onl y about one you fi nd on the scan, you will be forced to pursue
half of the patients. An initial CMV serology does other k inds of stud ies. I think a lumbar puncture
not rule out CMV infection, although if he has the would have been a reasonable test to perform. This
infection, I would have expected a positive serol- workup appea rs to be ve ry diffuse.
ogy by now. I would have performed a CT or MRI
as opposed to the ultrasound stud ies. I also would Twenty-four hours later the patient returned
have ordered an aldolase or CK to look for evi- to the emergency room with a "crooked smile"
dence of myos itis. G iven his history, I would have and difficulty closing his right eye. Examina-
gotte n a Lyme antibody titer for what might be tion revealed a right Bell's palsy. Lumbar punc-
intermediate or late disease. I also would have ob- ture showed 260 white cells with 70% lymphs,
tained a neu rologic consultation to evaluate the 28% monos, and 2% polys. Cerebrospinalspinal
dysesthesias and confirm or deny any subtle local- fluid protein was 282 mg/dL, and glucose was
izing find ings. One might consider an echocar- 58 mg /dL. Gram stain was negative.
diogram; culture-negative end ocarditis does oc-
cur but much less frequently with modern culture
These findings are consistent with Lyme
disease. This rei n forces the idea that a lumbar
Over the next 3 days back pain began to re- puncture could have been performed earlier. These
solve, but flank pain, abdominal tenderness, results are also consistent wi th syph ilis or per-
haps sarcoidosis, although the normal chest x-ray is


against a diagnos is of sarcoidosis. Chronic menin- Nonetheless, this case is representative of the
gitis is also possible. sometimes-frustrating sea of uncertainty in w h ich
clinicians often must swim. As we struggle from
Serum Lyme titers, obtained on the previous day to day to discover the cause of a patient's prob-
admission, were reported. There was signifi- lem, the patient may lose ground, and the need to
cant elevation oflgM with minimal elevation of "get the answe r" and g ive the right treatment be-
IgG. The spinal fluid contained IgG, IgM, and comes inc reasingly urgent. lmbedded in medical
IgA antibodies to Borrclia burgdorferi. The folklore is the notion that the diagnostic insight that
patient was treated with ceftriaxone. After 4 g ives the "answer" usually appears early and that
weeks, he had full resolution of his symptoms. if one does not have the d iagnosis after completing
Six months later, he had suffered no long-term the h istory, physical exam ination, and a few well-
sequelae. directed tests, the diagnosis will not surface u ntil
much later, if ever. The patient described here is a
case in point: Many d iagnoses were considered and
One must always be aware of the accuracy of
many were excluded as test results returned., but
the laboratory in wh ich the antibody testing is done
the diagnosis was m issed for weeks. T h is delay in
since there is great variability in the reliability of
diagnosis must be considered a medical error; for-
testing for Lyme disease. Nonetheless, th is appears
tunately, the patient suffered no long-term adverse
to be a n atypical presentation of Lyme d isease. It is
clear that patients such as this one need to be treated
Many factors cause delays in diagnosis, and al-
for a long period of time. A large portion of them
though they have not been studied systematically,
w ill resolve their symptomatic d isease, but some
several can be identlified: (I) The clinician has an
people will relapse even w ith this kind of fa irl y
erroneous hypothesis, based either on erroneous
aggress ive approach. I do not think that we know
data or on faulty int erpretation of accurate data.
w hat the optimal therapy is for th is d isease.
(2) T he hypothesis is incorrect, and it stays th at
way because a patient's clinical manifestations are
Analysis h ighly atypical. (3) The physician's h ypothesis is
You have to sympathize with the discussant, who appropriate, but the choice of the testing sequence
kindly and gentl y declares, "This workup appears is not. (4) The hypothesis a nd the test selection
to be very d iffuse." Indeed it is. T he physicia ns tak- are reasonable, but one or more test results may
in g care of t his patient m issed the boat for months, be mislead ing or frankly erroneous- a glitch that
seemed bewildered, a nd ordered every test in the may d ivert the clinician from the right track for
book, including some that had no chance of ill u- days. (5) The h ypothesis and test selection are ap-
minating the cause of the illness. Using h indsight propriate, but test results are not ava ilable for days.
b ias, th is d iagnostic workup is a classic example (6) The patient has a truly obscure disease, and
of excessive testing, and if the nation al estimate even the best of us would overlook the correct di-
is correct that about 30% of tests are unnecessary, agnosis without ex haustive and sometimes un ique
th is patient's evaluation contributed su bstantially test111g.
to the excess. Even a prospective examination of the It is fa ir to point out tlut the patient's man-
workup suggests that testing was unfocused, and ifestations were not typical of Lyme disease. He
the discussant pinpoints w h y. The discussant com- had no h istory of a t ick bite and no rash, and his
mented earl y that Lyme d isease was possible but neurologic symptom s seemed to appear earl ier in
complained that the patient's symptoms were not h is course than usual. Still, atypical manifestations
adequately assessed by a careful neurologic exam- are no excuse for missing the diagnosis for so long.
ination. It seems qu ite likely that if the discussant Diseases often do not show up w ith classic text-
had been in charge, fewer tests would have been book manifestations. Polymorphic manifestations
done, the diagnosis of Lyme d isease would have are probably more common than we have been
been made much earl ier, the patient would have led to believe, and it the clinician's responsibil-
suffered much less, and hlis illness would have cost ity to appreciate the disorders tl1at are especially
much less. Expertise in this case was sorely lacking. protean in their man ifestations. Syphilis used to be


considered thegreat imitator;now lupus and Lyme incomplete; the tests seem to be ordered in a blan-
disease have supplanted it. ket, nearly random fas h ion; and many tests were
Many errors can be identified in the care of superfluous. F inally, a Lyme titer was ordered, and
this patient. The correct diagnosis was not trig- if not for a crooked smi[e, this too might have been
gered for months; the examinat ion was probably overlooked.

Refinement of Diagnostic

CASE 10. WHAT IS A DIFFERENTIAL the chest x-ray showed small nodular densities
and, significantly, bilateral hilar adenopathy. Hi-
lar adenopathy is rather special in relation to res-
piratory tract infection or in terms of systemic dis-
A 34-year-old coal miner from West Virginia
ease because it makes one think of processes like
was in good health until 4 weeks before admis-
sarcui d , w h ich sometimes can appea r a cutely wi th
sion, when he developed fever (40C), drench-
h ilar adenopath y and fever. Typically, such pa-
ing night sweats, diffuse myalgias, arthralgias,
tients have the uveoparotid fever syndrome with
and nasal congestion. He failed to improve after
uveitis, parotid swell ing, fever, and small nodu-
a 5-day course of an oral macrolide antibiotic.
lar pulmonary densities. Could this man have ac-
quired silicosis as a coal miner and now have mil-
This man's occupation might provide some
iary tuberculosis as an explanation fo r the nodular
clues, but g iven his fever of several weeks' dura-
tion, I cannot think of anything to wh ich he might
Other infections may produce mediastinal
have been exposed. If he had been in a n old coal
adenopathy. For example, does he raise rabbits,
mine where there were a lot of rats, he could have
wh ich could have exposed him to tularemia? The
been exposed to leptospirosis. T he acute onset of
slight enlargement of the liver a nd a palpable
fever and night sweats su ggests e ither a n acute vi -
spleen are both consistent with these possibilities.
ral illness or perhaps bacteremia. He had diffuse
Of the infections that I mentioned, neither tu-
myalgias and arthralg ias, which a re not of par-
lare mia nor miliary tuberculosis would respond
ticular value in d iagnosis because they occur in a
to this a mibiotic regimen. I would like to know
var iety of systemic infections. If he had some ob-
whether he had parotid enlargement. Could he
jective sign, such as tenosynovitis, gonococcemia
possibly have Sjogren syndrome with parotid en-
might be an interesting possibility. T he n asal con-
largement and respiratory tract involvement? I
gestion suggests a viral respiratory tract infection,
would also like to know about his joints. For ex-
but a fever of 40 C seems quite high for that. O ne
ample, if he had tende rness over h is costochondral
would like to know whether this illness occurred
junctions, or if his nasal congestion actually rep-
in the winter, when influenza A virus was around,
resented involvement of a cartilaginom structure,
because this infection could produce a fever that
one could oostulate something like polych o ndritis,
high. So, at the moment we have a febr ile illness
but I am ~ot overly impressed by that possibil ity
of obscure origin.
at present. The unremarkable bronchoscopy is not
surprising because the onl y radiologic abnormal-
Two weeks before admission he had a non- ities were small peripheral nod ul ar densities. 'vVe
productive cough and pleuritic chest pain. A still have an unexplained systemic illness with hi-
chestx-ray showed diffuse, small nodular den- lar adenopathy. I would want to know at this point
sities and bilateral hilar adenopathy. On ex- about h is wh ite cell count because that can help in
amination, his liver was slightly enlarged, and sorting out a variety of systemic infections. 'vVe
the spleen tip was palpable. The antibiotic
also certainly wa nt to know the results of blood
was continued, but fever and symptoms per- cultures.
sisted. Bronchoscopy showed no abnormality,
and transbronchial biopsy material was nondi-
Liver biopsy revealed noncaseating granulo-
mas. Stains for tubercle bacilli were negative.
The patient was treated for granulomatous hep-
The development of pleuritic chest pain sug- atitis with oral prednisone, 30 mg daily. After
gests the possibility of an atypical pneumonia, but



agnosis even further. One can have noncaseating

4 days, h e showed no improvement and was
granulomas from malignant disease in the liver. [n
admitted t o a hospital.
Hodgkin disease the Reed-Sternberg cells can look
somewhat like the giant cells of tuberculosis. \!Ve
If we take noncaseating granulomas as a should also consider an uncommon but treatable
jumping-off point for differential diagnosis, we form of granulomatous hepatitis. This disorder is
have to think first abom infections. \,Vhat in- responsive to corticosteroids and must be consid-
fections can produce noncaseating granulomas? ered.
From a therapeutic point of view, the major con-
cern would be tuberculosis, but the granulomas At this point additional history revealed that
are not caseating. 'vVith miliary tuberculosis, gran- over the last 4 weeks, the p atient had severe
ulomas in the liver are usually not caseating, bm anorexia, mild dyspnea on exertion, dry eyes
in chis case, the stains for tubercle bacilli were and mouth, and a weight loss of20 pounds. He
negative. had smoked one pack of cigarettes a day for
What other infections should we think of? 15 years and rarely drank alcohol. There was
A variety of mycotic infections can produce liver no history of other drug use. He lived alone on
involvement with noncaseating granulomas. Epi- a farm and raised chickens and pigs. He had
demiology can be important. In a person from served in Vietnam. His father had silicosis, and
Bloomington, Indiana, one thinks of h istoplasmo- one brother had diabetes.
sis; in someone from the M ississippi de lta, one
thinks of blastomycosis. In someone from the The severe anorexia and weig ht loss malke
San Joaquin Valley area, one thinks about coccid- one think of more serious disorders, such as tu-
ioidomycosis. This patient comes from \!Vest Vir- berculosis and Hodgkin disease. The dry eyes and
g inia, and I am not sure which infections are en- dry mouth make one think of keratoconjunctivitis
demic there. I think cryptococcal infections exist sicca ofSjogren syndrome, w hich can be associated
there, as in other parts of the country, so I would with a variety ofsystemuc manifestations, including
like to have this h istological section subjected to fever. U ltimately, atrophy and lymphocytic infil-
PAS (periodic acid-Schiff) staining. tration of the parotid and of the subl ingual glands
There are other bacterial agents that produce occur, and patients also may have recurrent c:y-
noncaseating granulomas. If the patient had re- cles of parotid swelling and shrinking. So I would
cently visited Italy or Portugal or ifhe had eaten want to test the capacity of this patient to generate
unpasteurized cheese or milk, one would have to saliva and tears. His joint manifestations could be
invoke brucellosis. Tularemia can also produce a feature of the same process.
noncaseating granulomas in the liver, as can sec- Are there any diseases tlrnt one tl1inks about in
ondary syphilis. Some patients actually present assoc iation w ith exposure to ch ickens? Salmonella
w ith a clinical picture that is consistent with viral infections are transmitted by chickens, though
hepatitis but turn out to have secondary syphilis. farmers usually do not get salmonellosis. One can
A rash may be a clue to that diagnosis. have viral infections, such as Newcastle disease, but
Some viral infections h.ave to be considered. that disorder primarily involves the eyes and usu-
Mononucleosis, for example, can produce non- ally h as a short course. Swine exposure raises the
caseating granulomas in the liver. In addition, one question of Bruce/la, because one of the forms of
has to consider a noninfectious process, such as brucellosis is Bruce/la suis infection. The history of
sarcoid. If he had worked in an old manufactur- service in Vietnam might have some significance,
ing plant and been exposed to the material in flu - possibly because of infection with Burkholderia
orescent lights, he could have berylliosis. Fortu- pseudomallei. This was a problem for some of the
nately, that is not a problem now in the United mili tary in V ietnam in the 1960s, manifested as
States. system ic infection or localized pulmonary lesions
What are the possible implications of the de- that looked like tuberculosis. For a decade or so
cision to treat him w ith prednisone? T h is strat- after the return to the United States, patients expe-
egy encourages me to expand the differential di- rienced relapses of these infections in the context


of some other event, such as severe influenza, a

grew Candida tropicalis. Pulmonary function
thermal burn, or diabetic ketoacidosis. Too much
tests revealed mild restrictive lung disease.
time has elapsed to make this possibility cred ible.
Finally, in an y patient these days, one wants to His PPD sk in test is negative, w hich could
know about the possibility of sexuall y transmitted mean that he does not have tuberculosis, but we
diseases and HIV infection, but apparently he is cannot say that ifhe is immunocomprom ised. The
not in one of the high-risk groups. culture that grew C. tropicalis probably is related
to his recent treatment with an antibiotic. So far,
On physical examination, he was a thin, ill- th is syndrome is suggestive of sarcoid. Could the
appearing white man. His temperature was mild elevation of ACE be due to any thing else?
37 C, respiration rate 18 per minute, pulse 90 vVe know that ACE levels are increased in pul-
per minute, blood pressure 120/70 mm Hg, and monary p rocesses other than sarcoidosis, includ-
weight 51.6 kg. Skin, HEENT (head, eyes, ing various granulomatous processes. So I would
ears, nose, and throat), chest, and cardiac ex- be thinking strongly in terms of sarcoid, although,
aminations were all normal. Liver span was unfortunately, the histologic diagnosis of sarcoid
12 cm and not palpable, spleen tip was palpa- is not specific. Sometimes you stumble on the d i-
ble, and there were no palpable nodes. Chest agnosis when there are hard gra nulomas in or-
film showed multiple pulmonary nodules up ga ns other than the liver. By hard granulomas,
to 5 mm in diameter, as well as bilateral hilar I mean noncaseating granulomas with surround-
adenopathy. White blood count was 5,100 with ing margins of dense fibroblasts. T hose could be
30 segs, 3 bands, 45 lymphs, 12 monos, 9 eos, and seen perhaps in a mediastinal or hilar nod e biopsy.
1 baso. Hematocrit was 37%, mean corpuscu- vVr .~hn11 ld h ~vr mnrl" ti ss11r to l"X~minl" M rhi s
lar volume (MCV) was 92, and platelets were point.
362,000. Alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydro-
genase (LDH),aspartate transaminase (AST), Prednisone and the macrolide were discontin-
and alanine transaminase (ALT) were normal. ued on admission. The patient was afebrile,
Serum calcium, 24-hour urinary calcium, and but his other symptoms persisted. An ophthal-
total serum protein were normal. Angiotensin- mology consultant found no evidence of ocu-
converting enzyme (ACE) was 133 (normal lar sarcoidosis but noted slightly decreased tear
44- 125). secretion. Bronchoscopy was normal, and bron-
choalveolar lavage showed a slight increase in
His chest film could be consistent w ith a mil- lymphocytes. Transbronchial biopsy was non-
diagnostic. On the sixth hospital day, a tho-
iary problem of mycotic or mycobacce rial etiology.
racotomy was done for lung biopsy and left
He has relative granulocytopenia, which could be
hilar lymph node biopsy. The lung biopsy re-
consistent with hypersplenism or an early lympho-
vealed noncaseating granulomas with giant
proliferative d isorder if these area II Blymphocytes.
cells. With the silver stain, small yeastlike or-
T he platelet count does not suggest hypersplenism
ganisms were seen.
but does show the expected changes in response to
acute-phase reactants. Ifhe had sarcoid, we might
Lymphocytes seen on bronchoalveolar lavage
expect him to have hypercalcemia or h yperglobu-
might be consistent with sarcoidosis. The lung
linemia, but he does not have these findings. T he
biopsy results seem consistent w ith sarcoidosis, but
ACE level is slightly elevated. O ne would like to
the silver-staining organisms could easily represent
know, in pursuing th is diagnosis, whether the pa-
Candida or, if they are smaller, h istoplasmosis. It is
tient is anergic.
important to know if any budd ing organisms were
The purified protein derivative (PPD) test (5
tuberculin units (TU]) was negative, and spu- The organisms seen on lung biopsy were
tum produced negative smears for acid-fast thought to be Histoplasma. Similar organ-
bacilli. There were no malignant cells. Culture isms were found in the original liver biopsy.


list contains all conceiva ble diagnoses that could

Cultures of blood and bone marrow were neg-
apply, no matter how likely or unlikely each one
ative for H istoplasma. A diagnosis of dissem-
is. 149 Inclusion of exceed ingly rare entities in the
inated histoplasmosis was m ade. Aft er treat -
list ensures that such disorders are not overlooked.
ment with a course of ant!ifungal therapy, the
Such a list may be formulated informally during
p atient improved clinically and regained the
a diagnostic exercise, but extensive lists have been
weigh t he had lost. 41

compiled to cover all contingencies. 15 For ex-
am ple, it is easy to find lists that itemize the dif-
Histoplasma capjulatum in the U nited States
ferential diagnosis of gynecomastia, hypok alemia,
can produce a fungemia that can be identified w ith or fever of unknown origin. 149 ISO For the most
special blood culture techniques. In some cases, the
part, such lists are unordered- that is, they are
org.anism can be found in bone m arrow, but it was
not ranked according to either the probability or
not found in this patient. In view of the persis-
the clinical importance of each disorder. Instead,
tent symptoms and the finding of organisms in the
they are usually ordered according to some h ier-
original liver biopsy, I agree with the diagnosis of
arch ical structure, such as pathophysiology .42 150
disseminated histoplasmosis and with the decision No matter what the h uerarch ical structure of the
to treat with antifungal age nt.
list (or for any form of differential diagnosis), the
list serves as a focus for further diagnostic refine-
Analysis ment: to "prove" one d iagnosis and el iminate the
In th is discussion, we consider a single concept, others.41
namely a differential diagnosis. We use the term A second differential diagnostic concept con-
daily, we te.ach it to our students, a nd yet a close sists of diagnoses formulated in response to each
loolk uncovers its imprecision s. Indeed, casual con- of a patient's relevant clinical findings, including
versations w ith experienced .clinicians indicate not e.ach symptom, physic.al sign , and abnormal lab-
only that no universal definition ofa differential di- oratory result. 149 If a patient's manifestations in-
agnos is exists, but also that we often use the term to clude abdom inal pain, fever, and hepatomegal y,
mean different things. Before considering the var- for example, a set of possible causes of each clinical
ious usages of differential diagnosis, let us briefly attribute is generated. The integration of these sets
review the diagnostic process. It begins w ith the by the ph ys ician is expected to suggest a d isease
evocation, or ge neration, of hypotheses. T hroug h entity or a clinical syndrome.
a sequential approach in wh ich new information is A third differential diagnostic concept con -
gathered, some hypotheses are refined (specified), sists of all possible diagnoses that might explain a
some are dropped, a nd new ones are added. T his set of clinical findings, much the same as the first
process proceeds until one o r more diagnostic hy- concept, but this list is ordered according to the
potheses are acceptable as the basis for further test- likelihood that a patient w ith all the clinical find-
ing or for taking some therapeutic action. 18 19 1 3 ings observed has each disorder. This list could be
If we accept this construct, where does the used in a Bayesian analysis because, in principle, it
time-honored concept of a differential diagnosis fit should contain the correct diagnosis a nd because it
in ? Exactlywhatisadifferentialdiagnosis? How is is already ordered probabilistically.
it defined? What is its purpose? Ratherthan re ly on A fourth concept holds that a differential d i-
dictionary definitions, it might be enl ighten ing to agnosis consists of a small set of hypotheses that
describe how the concept is perceived. According remain after others have been winnowed out. 42
to o ne view, a differential diagnosis is a compre- This small set is the final result of analysis and
hensive, perhaps exhaustive list of diagnostic hy- interpretation of all of the patient's clinical find -
poth eses that could explain a set of sal ient clinical ings. With this short list, the physician must pro-
findi ngs.41 42149 T hese hypocheses could be assem- pose tests that can distinguish among the diagnos-
bled at any point in the diagnostic process, but pre- tic possibilities.42151 According to this usage, many
sumably not so early (i.e., when only a few of the rare or common diagnostic hypotheses would a l-
patient's clinical manifestations are known) that ready have been elimin ated before this list is con-
their number becomes unmanageably large. The structed.


W ith any of these approaches, further refine- Bayesian analysis; (4) a short list of diagnoses re-
ment of hypotheses could proceed on the basis maining after a large bulk of cl inical data has been
of probabilistic concepts. As long as the "correct" digested; and (5) an evolving, sequential list of d i-
d iagnosis survived on the list, and the list is or- agnostic hypotheses. Each has its merits, wh ich we
dered probabilistically, the correct diagnosis could describe here briefly.
emerge in a Bayesian analysis as the most likely T he exhaustive list has the advantage that
hypothesis. it reminds us to consider some hypotheses that
How do any of these concepts of d ifferential we might otherwise overlook. It is d ifficult to re-
d iagnosis fare in the ligh t of modern cognit ive con- member, however, and not readily amenable to
cepts? In Chapter I0, we noted that working mem- further refinement. The probabilistically ordered
ory has a rather limited capacity. T he best guess is list is also exhaustive, but it offers a template on
that ord inarily only five to n ine items can be kept in which further information can be interpreted. The
mind at a given time. 23 Although we certainly can short list is used primarily for fi nal d iscrim ination
recall a list if 15 to 20 d isease entities, can we really among similar cl inical entities and serves an im-
manipulate such a large number effectively? Var- portant purpose. The evolving sequential concept
ious stud ies suggest that the number of hypotheses is a more realistic model of the d iagnostic process.
kept active at any one time is small; they do not T he opening c.l inical discuss ion provides an
simply pile up into a large list. 18 1 3 The d iagnostic opportunity to view one physician 's notion of dif-
process is an evolving, sequential process of hy- ferentia l diagnos is firsthand. Over the course of
pothesis generation, deletion, and refinement, not h is d iscussion, h is set of hypotheses changes. New
a process that grows a large list of hypotheses for hypotheses are added, some are never mentioned
subsequent assessment. 103 , 131 again, and some are m entioned several t imes. Some
The studies also suggest that the dynamics of are not only mentioned but also considered in some
d ifferential d iagnosis encompasses three factors: a detail. Embedded in the evolving process, h ow-
drive to find h ypotheses th at are high ly likely and ever, is a trad itional "list." vVhen the d iscussant
to exclude those that are h ighly unlikely; a dr ive to learns that noncaseating granulomas were found
identify d iagnoses that represent serious threats to in the liver, he develops a list of diagnostic hypothe-
the patient's health; and a drive for efficiency in ses (h istoplasmosis, blastomycosis, coccidioidomy-
information gathering and interpretation. If we cosis, etc.) ordered in an informal fash ion ac-
accept th is construction, we might ra ke a radical cord ing to disease prevalence (our third category).
(.fifth) view, namely that a differential d iagnosis Subsequently, he returns to the evolving sequential
is an evolving set of diagnostic hypotheses. Ac- mode when his original list fa ils to provide an "an-
cording to th is concept of a d ifferential diagnos is, swer." Of note, the correct diagnosis was a member
there is no single set list of hypotheses. Instead, di- of this init ial list.
agnos is is dominated by a flexible, ever-changing Needless to say, the d iscussion here is only a
set of hypotheses driven by probabilistic reason- single example of the one c.linician's differential
ing, causal reason ing, and concern for the patient's diagnos is. It illustrates, however, the rather fuzzy
welfare. 18!03 and incomplete nature of our concepts of a d iffer-
Clearly, a d ifferential diagnosis means differ- ential d iagnosis. One expert in cognitive psychol-
e nt things to d ifferent people. Some m ight argue ogy characterizes the need to embrace common but
that one should not try to elaborate on these con- fuzzy concepts:
cepts since the term seems to be understood. In-
T he: fuzzier the concept. the 111orc read ily it scen1s to be
stead, we argue, one should be explicit about the used. The foct tha t the se terms a re employed so frequently
value and usage of all parts of the d iagnostic. pro- isa good imlication th<tt they indeed fill a need, which would
cess. We have outlined five forms of d ifferential be better served if the term were m ore clearly delineated,
broken do\vn, and its connections \Vith related concepts
d iagnosis: (I) an exhaustive list, not probabil isti-
made more explic it. 152
call y ordered, of d iagnoses that could explain a
set of clinical findings; (2) a list of diagnostic hy- vVe need to determine what place each con-
potheses for each important clinical attribute; (3) a cept of d ifferential diagnosis has in our day-to-day
probabilistically ordered list a kin to those used in diagnost ic encounters.


CASE 11. AN ORDERLY, SEQUENTIAL replaced. vVe want to be quite confident that he
does not have some sort of cardiomyopathy sec-
ondary to chronic volume overload, ischemia, or
A 64-year-old man with valvular and coronary alcoholism.
heart disease documented previously by cardiac To ensure that his cardiac status is optimal
catheterization developed increasingly refrac- preoperatively, I would do the following: Check
tory cardiac failure and was admitted to the to see that his electrolytes a re normal, determine
whether he has undergone maximal diuresis, and
hospi talfor aortic and mitral valve replacement.
reduce his cardiac work as much as possible. I as-
He had abused both alcohol and cigarettes and
sume that the hydralaz ine and nitrate com binat ion
was known to have chronic pulmonary dis-
was being useu fur afte rluau a uu prduau retluctiun.
ease. H is medications included digoxin, diuret-
I would change his vasodilator therapy to an ACE
ics, hydralazine, and nitrates. On admission, he
inhibitor. Finally, because of h is h istory of tobacco
was in moderately severe respiratory distress.
Temperature was 36.5 C, blood pressure was abuse, I would ascertain whether he needs bron-
180/70 mm Hg, pulse was 60 per minute (ir- chodilator therapy. In summary, efforts must be
regularly irregular) with a collapsing quality, directed at maximizing his medical status before
and respiratory rate was 24 per minute. He had any surgical intervention.
rales bilaterally to mid-scapula and percussion
Laboratory results: hematocrit 38%, white
dullness in the right chest. Cardiac examination
cell count 6,100 with 79% segmented neu-
disclosed a right ventricular heave, a 3/6 dias-
trophils, 13% lymphocytes, 7% monocytes,
tolic murmur at the upper right sternal border
radiating to the apex, and a soft systolic mur-
1% eosinophils. Sedimentation rate 68 mm/hr,
electrolytes normal, creatinine 1.5 mg/dL, and
mur at the apex. No S3 or S4 was heard. The
blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 27 mg/dL. Stool
liver was moderately enlarged, and there was no
edema. guaiac was negative.Urinalysis: specific gravity
1.021, no protein, no red or white cells or casts.
The patient clearly has congestive heart fa il- Liver function studies were normal. Electro-
ure and valvular heart disease. With cardiac cardiogram (ECG): atrial fibrillation, rate 52,
surgery being considered, some important ques- QRS 0.08, ST-T changes compatible with is-
tions need to be addressed on adm ission. First of chemia, strain, digitalis effect. Chest x-ray: car-
all, I want to know if the failure is due solely to diomegaly, moderately large right pleural ef-
the natural history of his underlying heart disease. fusion, vascular redistribution with Kerley B
As a corollary, I would question whether he might lines.
have a su? erimposed problem that is contr ibuting
to h is decompensation- for example, thyrotoxi- Most of rhose studies confirm the physical ex-
cosis (particularly in a patient w ith atrial fibril - amination findings of congestive heart failure. I
lation), endocarditis (especially g iven his valvular th in k the find ing that needs further consideration
disease), multiple pulmonary em boli, dietary indis- is the sedimentation rate of 68. An elevated value
cretion, or noncompliance with his medications. I is unusual in uncomplicated congestive heart fai l-
also wor ry about the possibility of poor control of ure. In fact, patients w ith congestive heart failure
his ventricular rate, with a rhythm I assume to be classically have a low sedimentation rate. l am in-
atrial fibri llation. Although his rate is slow at rest, terested in his heart rhythm because h is resting rate
it might increase w ith moderate exertion to such with atrial fibrillat ion is a little slow. I would want
an extent that he is unable to maintain sufficient to be certain that he does not have regular ization
cardiac output. of the rate or some other ECG findings that would
Second, we need to determine the patient's suggest digitalis intoxication.
risks for valvular surgery and then maximize h is I would also obtain an echocard iogram to
medical therapy beforehand . We also need to assess evaluate h is cardiac status. I would probably get
whether his myocardium is strong enough to main- some blood cultures somewhere along the line,
ta in an adequate cardiac output once the valves are given his elevated sedimentation rate.


The patient was given intravenous diuret- Twelve hours later all blood cultures were re-
ics and increasing doses of hydralazine. His ported to contain gram-positive cocci in pairs.
weight fell, the chest findings improved, and Echocardiography disclosed no vegetations on
his breathlessness abated, but 24 hours after ad- the cardiac valves. Treatment with ampicillin
mission his temperature rose to 38 C. Exami- and gentamicin was initiated.
nation was otherwise unchanged, and the white
count was unchanged. T he lack of vegetations does not dissuade me
from the diagnosis of endocarditis. Some time ago,
there was great enthusiasm for the prognostic sig-
In terms of h is fever, one of the first things to
n ific:rncr of rnch vrgrrn rion s. P~rirnrs who h~vr
come to mind is endocarditis. The fever increases
echocarcliographically visible vegetations seem to
my desire to get blood cultures. O ther things to
do worse than patients whose echoes do not show
be considered are multiple pulmonary em boli, not
them, but the absence of vegetations certainly does
a n uncommon problem in a patient with advanced
not rule out endocarditis. I have no objection to the
congestive heart fa ilure. Pulmonaryemboli some-
combination of ampicillin and gentamicin, pend-
times can present with fever but without signif-
ing sensitivity studies. This choice of antibiotics is
icant respiratory symptoms. The more common
reasonable, especially because the combination is
causes of fever must also be considered. Vve wou ld
effective even against resistant organisms such as
want to get a nother look at his chest x-ray and also
see if there is a ny sputum ava ilable to rule out a
superimposed pneumon itis. His urine should be
One day later the organisms in the blood were
examined. Finally, one must consider whether or
identified as Streptococcus bovis. Other cul-
not he has a drug fever or a lupus-like sy nd rome
tures were sterile.
secondary to the hydralaz ine.

Strep. bovis is an interesting organism. Be-

The resident asked the intern to obtain cultures cause of its unusual assoc iation with gastrointesti-
of blood (several sets), urine, and pleural fluid. nal adenomas and malignancies, any patient who
The next morning the attending physician sug- has Strep. bovis endocarditis requires studies of the
gested that this testing approach might have gastrointestinal tract for malignancy.
been a bit overzealous.
The resident next ordered a colonoscopy. The
I think that w hen one seriously entertains the attending physician pointed out that the pro-
diagnosis of endocarcl itis, one must get several sets cedures posed some risk to this patient and
of blood cultures. Most patients who have cult ure- that the stool guaiac had been repeatedly
positive endocard itis have consistently positive negative.
blood cultures; although in some patients multi-
ple blood cultures are required before one culture I do not think that the attend ing physician is
turns up positive, this pattern is clea rly the excep- correct here. I think the presence of Strep. bovis en-
tion rather than the rule. Nonetheless, g iven the docarditis requires evaluation of the patient's gas-
seriousness of the infection a nd its therapeutic im- trointestinal (GI) tract. I think the attending physi-
port, it is my practice to get four or five sets of blood cian is correct, however, with regard to the risks of
cultures when I think endocard itis is a real possi- the procedures. Cardiac patients occasionally have
bility. The necessity of culturing the urine would worrisome arrhythmias dur ing these tests. In add i-
depend more on what was in the urine sediment. If t ion, there is at least a theoretical risk ofbacteremia
the sediment examination was unremarkable and from the procedures. But in a patient who is already
if a G ram stain of the urine was negative, the yield receiving ampicillin and gentamici n, the latter risk
from a urine culture would be low. I agree w ith from GI sn1dies is minimal. Therefore, I think that
the decision to tap the pleural fluid and send some when the patient's cardiovascular status is stable,
of it for culture. he should undergo this workup.


"end ocarditis," and the remainder of the diagnos-

Colonoscopy disclosed a 2-cm, nonobstructing
tic encounter encompassed further efforts to refine
lesion in the distal sigmoid colon. Biopsies
the endocarditis hypothesis, down to identifying a
showed a villous adenoma with no evidence of
tumor in the bowel responsible for the particular
bacterium on the valves. T his high ly d irected ap-
proach is strongly dependent on a substantial base
I think that before the patient undergoes
of knowledge a nd experience.
surgery for his colon ic lesion, an upper GI series Experiments in the game of chess illuscrate the
should be considered to ascertain that no other le- importance of knowledge in the problem-solving
sions are present. In deciding whetherro do the car- process. vVhen novice players and chess masters
d iac surgery or the bowel surgery first, I would be a re show n a d1essboard with pieces arranged in
strongly influenced by the degree of cardiac com-
a rand om fash ion, both groups do equally well
pensation after h is endocarditis h as been treated
(or poorly) in recalling the positions of the pieces
and h is medical management optimized.
on the board. However, when both groups are
shown a board wi th the pieces distributed as they
Analysis might be in a real game, the masters recall the po-
This problem-solving process exemplifies an or- sitions of the pieces fa r better than do the novices.
derly, sequential diagnostic approach. T he clini- Presumably, the positions represent known strate-
cian senses immediately that the patient is not in gies that the masters recognize readily. 118 153 T he
optimal medical condition a nd sets out to find out correlation between such behavior in chess a nd
why. He initiall y considers a wide range of possi- the clinical behavior observed here should be
bilities that might explain the absence of optimal evident.
cardiac function. Endocarditis, the actual cause, is
included. After he receives the next chunk of data,
he focuses on the high sedimentation rate, wh ich is
highly atypical of patients in cardiac fa ilure, a nd he DIAGNOSIS BY DRUG REACTION*
requests blood cultures. Clearly, endo:arditis has
become the leading diagnostic possibility. When he A 40-year-old H aitian woman who had never
learns that the patient has fever (qui te moderate, in smoked had respiratory distress at work and
fact), his interest in endocarditis continues, but he was taken to the emergency department by am-
cautiously considers other common causes of fever, bulance.
including pneumon ia and a drug reaction. A com-
T he fir~t th ings that come to mind are the
ment by another physician, who is not convi nced
usual causes of respiratory distress, such as pneu-
of the need for so many studies, fo ils to dissuade
monia, congestive heart failure, or a pulmonary
him from thinking that the blood and other cul-
em bolus.
tures were appropriate. Although the blood cul-
tures are positive, the echocard iogram discloses no Two days before admission she noticed chest
vegetations; even this fact does not dissuade the congestion, a cough productive of yellow spu-
clinician from his growing suspicion of endocar- tum, and shortness of breath, which progressed
d itis. until she could no longer talk. While receiv-
The orderly process continues after the clini- ing oxygen in the Emergency Department, she
cian learns that the organism recovered from the could communicate with difficulty; she said
blood is a Strep. bovis strain. Knowing that Strep. that she had not previously had any similar
bovis endocarditis is highl y correlated with bowel symptoms, chest pain, or asthma. She did report
lesions, he immediately considers the possibility of a lump in her throat and occasional difficulty
such a lesion and recommends studies to determine
whether one exists.
o riginally published by Pau ker SG, Kopelman RI. N Engl f
To recapitulate, the initial diagnostic hypoth - Med 1993;328:336-339. For refe rences see http://content.nejm.
esis was "some condition that worsens cardiac fa il- org/cgi/content/extract/32815/ 336. Reprinted with perm ission
ure." T h is hypothesis became further specified as of the Massach usetts Medical Soc iety.


swallowing. T wo weeks earlier, a doctor had 63 mm H g, and partial pressure of carbon diox-
told her that she had an enlarged thyroid bu t ide ( PC02) 38 mm H g.
that her thyroid function was normal. Other-
w ise, she said, she was in good health. H er slightly low hematocrit could be due to
many things. I am su rprised that her partial pres-
There is nothing to suggest a chronic illness. sure of carbon dioxide is 38 mm H g in the face of
The congestion and shortness of breath make me respiratory distress and severe hypoxia. She should
th in k of a lower airway problem, but the sensa- do a better job of blowi ng off carbon dioxide with
tion ofa lump in one's throat, especiall y if stridor th at respiratory rate. She may well have an ele-
is present, would localize the ca use of the respira- ment of alveolar hypovencilation. There is no evi-
to ry distress to the upper airway. T he d ifficulty in dence of pneumonia or upper-airway obstruction,
swallowing makes me wonder about an esophageal but ast hma can produce substantial ai r trapping
abnormal icy causing aspiration or an enlarged thy- without wheezing. She probably has an element of
roid, but th is wou ld not fit the acute onset. Viral ai rway disease, and perhaps her chest film is nor-
thy roiditis and myocarditis might tiethe symptoms mal because she is dehydrated. \Ve may be dealing
togethe r, but the thyromegaly and the respiratory with an infectious p rocess, possibly viral, because
distress may be totally unrelated. the white cell count does not suggest a bacterial
problem. Legionella infection is possible. Finally,
The woman was sitting bolt upright, gasping in she could have thromboembolic disease in spite
obvious respiratory distress. H er blood pressure of the absence of overt thrombophlebitis. Given
was 120/80 mm H g, her pulse rate was 120 per the severe hypoxemia and a substantial alveolar-
minute , and her respirations were labored a t arterial gr:idienr, I :un inclined to put pulmonary
40 per minute. H ertemperature was36.9C. No embolus ac the top of my list.
stridor was noted. T here was mild, diffuse thy-
Because she had progressive respiratory dis-
romegaly. Coar se, harsh rhonchi and bronchial
tress, the patien t was intubated in the E mer-
breath sounds were heard throughout the chest.
gency Department. Direct laryngoscopy was
No crackles or w heezes were heard. T here was
no evidence of thrombophlebitis. The rest of negative. Gram staining of the secretions
the examination was unrem arkable. revealed moderate polymorphonuclear neu-
trophils, with some gram-positive diplococci. A
The rhon chi and bronchial breath sounds ventilation-perfusion lung scan, obtained dur-
both suggest large-airway lower resp iratory tract ing the trip from the Emergency D epartm ent to
d isease. The abse nce of stridor makes me th ink th e m edical intensive care un it, was interpreted
that t he t hyromegaly is unrelated to the shortness as i ndicat in g a low prob ability of pulmonary
of breath. The physical findings do not suggest a embolism. H ertem perature rose to39.7 C. Cef-
primary cardioge nic problem. triaxone and erythromycin were administered
T he laboratory results included the following:
hematocrit 32% , hemoglobin 10.7 g/dL, white I assume she was intubated because of exhaus-
cell count 8,000 with 82% polys, 11 % lympho- tion. There is no evidence of upper-tract obstruc-
cytes, and 7% monocytes. BUN 7 m g/dL, cre- tion. Given the magnitude of the alveolar- arterial
arinine 0.6 mg!dL, sodium 138 mEq/L, potas- gradient, if she had had a pulmonary embolus, I
sium 3.2mEq/ L,chloride 103 mEq!L, total C0 2 would have thought chat che scan would have been
22 mEq/L. An electrocar diogram appeared abnormal. The Gram stain raises the possibility of
normal, revealin g no acute changes. T he chest diplococcal pneumonia and even early adult res-
film was normal, dem onstrating no in filtrates. piratory disrress syndrome, not yet visible on the
W ith the patient breathing oxygen at 10 U min chest film. I agree with the choice of antibiotics.
by face mask, the arterial blood gas values Cefcriaxone would give good broad-spectrum cov-
were pH 7.39, partial pressure of oxygen (P02 ) erage, and eryth romycin wou ld cover the possibil-
ity of Legionella.


Over the next 18 hours the patient's condition more proximal than distal. With repeated test-
improved. Her temperature fell to 37.8 C. On ing, fatigue was noted in all muscle groups. The
40% inspired oxygen, her arterial blood gas val- reflexes were in tact.
ues were as follows: pH 7.40, partial pressure
of oxygen 189 mm Hg, and partial pressure of vVith her enlarged thyroid and the possibil-
carbon dioxide 38 mm Hg. Her respiratory me- ity of a mediastinal mass interfering with phrenic
chanics were thought to be adequate: Her inspi- nerve function, I might wonde r about Eaton-
ratory force was - 24 cm of water, and her vital Lambert syndrome, but this sounds like ruyasthe-
capacity was 0.63 L. The ventilation tube was nia gravis to me.
removed, but over the next hour, she had diffi-
An edrophonium test was positive, and an elec-
culty coughing and clearing her secretions, and
tromyogram was consistent with myasthenia
she was inmbated again. Her diaphragm was
gravis. Acetylcholine-receptor antibodies were
noted to move paradoxically with deep breaths.
present. Erythromycin was discontinued, but
Paradoxical movement of the diaphragm the course of ceftriaxone was completed for a
could be due to a mediasti nal mass affecting her presumed bacterial superinfection of viral bron-
phrenic nerve. After reintubation, I would get chitis. The patient was treated with neostig-
a computed tomography scan. T he low inspira- mine, prednisone, and plasmapheresis. She un-
tory force would go along w ith the abnormal di- derwent a thymectomy, but no thymoma was
aphragm movement. vVe do not h ave any evidence found. After the patient's condition improved
that she has a neurologic d isorder to account for with treatment, she admitted that she had been
these find ings. ignoring her symptoms because she was afraid
of losing her job if she lost time from work
Two hours later, the patient was noted to have because of illness. In the anxious moments in
bilateral ptosis and was slumped forward in the Emergency Department, she had neglected
bed. Because these new findings suggested a to mention her previous episodes of weakness.
neuromuscular disorder, the house officer ques- Several months later she had no weakness, and
tioned the patient's sister about earlier episodes plans were made to taper the steroid therapy.
of weakness. The sister then stated that 5 years
earlier the patient had had an episode of severe
weakness in her arms and difficulty swallow- Analysis
ing, clearing her throat, and drinking through Although an image is sometimes said to carry
a straw. The weakness had waxed and waned far more information than thousands of words,
over the next few years. At times, she was unable clin icians have long recognized that the physi -
to pick up a baby. cal examination , even when supplemented by x-
ray images, is far less effective in establishi ng a
W ith her potassium level of 3.2 mmol/L, hy- context for diagnostic reasoning than a deta iled
pokalemic periodic paralys is comes to m ind, but I history. We teach students to take the patient's
doubt that is the problem here. At this point, the history first; we begin every presentation with
picture looks more like a neuromuscular disorder the patient's chief complaint and a h istory of the
w ith a superimposed acute event, something li ke a present illness; as consultants, we dogged ly ask pa-
myasthenic crisis. Considering the history of dys- tients to retell their stories and sometimes uncover
phagia, I am now most concerned about myasthe- nuances that clarify their diagnoses. However,
nia gravis, multiple sclerosis, or even amyotrophic medical emergencies demand rapid and effec-
lateral sclerosis. T he waxing and wa ning of her tive therapy. W hether patients are threatened by
previous symptoms could certainly be seen with pulmonary insufficiency, hemodynamic instabil-
myasthenia gravis. ity, arrh ythm ia, hemorrhage, or metabolic chaos,
A neurologist observed that the patient had we must quickly sta bilize the situat ion, often be-
moderate muscle weakness in her extremities, fore the d iagnosis is clear. Acute respiratory dis-
tress is particularly problematic because effective


therapy- intubation- can impair communica- lowed the house officer to recognize the clinical
tion and make gathering additional historical in- picture of myasthenia gravis 12,31, wh ich was then
format ion from the patient difficult and sometimes confirmed by the neurologic testing. Until the pa-
a lmost impossible. tient's presentation ra ised flags that could not be
In the case of this woman, the recent onset ignored, there was lit tle reason to doubt her initial
of respiratory distress and dysphagia led both her statement that she had had no similar episodes in
physicians and the discussant to focus tenaciously the past. Perhaps with a clinical picture so littered
on pulmonary parenchymal and upper-airway dis- with inconsistencies, the house officer should have
ease despite several inconsistencies. T he patient returned to the patient or her family for a more
was breathing40 times each minute, but her partial detailed h istory, but the combination of intubation
pressure of carbon clioxicle was nearly normal 111 and a language barrier raised the threshold for such
(the reference numbers refer to those in the paper pursuit.
cited in the footnote giving the source of this case). Within the first clay after her presentation to
She had severe hypoxemia despite clear lung fields the Emergency Department, this woman's myas-
and the absence of cardiomegaly on the chest fi lm. thenia waxed and waned, at first requiring tra-
A lthough there was no overt thrombophlebitis, the cheal intubation for respiratory support, then
large alveolar- arterial grad ient strongly suggested allowing extubation, and finally requiring rein-
a pulmonary embolus. That diagnosis was aban- tubation. When the diagnosis became evident, the
doned, however, when th e lung scan was inter- clinical picture of bilateral ptosis, a slumped pos-
preted as indicating a "low probability" of em- ture, and paradoxical diaphragmatic movement
bolism. vVhen the patient became febrile, early was far more suggest ive of neuromuscular disease
pulmonary infection was in vok ed to expla in the than was the woman's presentation in the Emer-
hypoxemia in the face of a normal ch est x-ray fi lm. gency Department. If the house officer had seen
W ith the development of fever and result~ these more typical findings initially, the diagnostic
of Gram staining consistent with pneumococ- context would probably have been quite different,
c:al infect ion, broad-spectrum antibiotic coverage and the definitive diagnosis would almost surely
seemed appropriate because the short-term risk of have been made far sooner.
using ceftriaxone and erythromycin was consid- Although myasthenia appears in most text-
ered to be low. When the patient's condition im- book discussions of respiratory failure 141 and
proved with antibiotic therapy, the presumptive di- although many physicians, when pushed hard
agnos is of early severe pneumonitis seemed correct. enough, would add that possibility to the differ-
The woman's frightening downhill course seemed ential diagnosis, the relative infrequency of that
to reverse, and the standard gambit of early extu- cause as compared with pneumonia, obstructive
bation was chosen. The clinicians seemed to make and parenchymal puilmonary disease, heart fa ilure,
little of her somewhat low inspiratory force and vi- or even pulmonary embol ism would place myas-
ta l capacity. Something appeared awry only when thenia near the bottom of the list, especially for
pulmonary insufficiency recurred. The discussant patients not already known to have neuromus-
remarked that the paradoxical movement of the cular disease. It woruld not be a diagnostic con-
patient's diaphragm could reflect either systemic tender unless some qu ite specific aspect of the pa-
neuromuscular disease or local involvement of the tient's presentation raised its likelihood above that
phrenic nerve; both would explain her low inspira- of other possibilities. In retrospect, there were sev-
tory force and the need for reintubation. Without eral clues in this patient's clinical picture (dyspha-
e ither a history of the patient's earlier episodes of g ia, an unexpectedly near-normal partial pressure
weakness or the striking bedside picture of ptosis of carbon d ioxide, hypoxemia despite a clear chest
and abnormal posture, wh ich beca me evident soon film and a low-probability lung scan, a low in-
thereafter, the discussant pursued the more likely spiratory force, and a sudden need for reintuba-
c ause- phrenic nerve d isease- with computed to- tion), but none was sufficientl y specific in its effect
mography. on the clinicians' intuitive diagnostic process runtil
Once the bedside image suggested general- the overt signs of neuromuscular disease became
ized neuromuscular disease, a focused h istory al- apparent.


If none of the earlier i1wonsistencies were spe- only to consider the findings m a different se-
cific enough to elevate neuromuscular disease into quence.
active diagnostic contention, why was the cumu- vVhy did this woman's muscle weakness
lative effect of these cues a lso insufficient? The progress so markedly during her first hospital day?
explanation lies in the incremental nature of clin- She was not exposed to am inoglycos ides, muscle
ical reasoning. On the basis of a patient's initial relaxants, pesticides, tainted food, or other sub-
presentation, clinicians formulate an array of di- stances known to impede neuromuscular trans-
agnostic hypotheses, which can vary from broad mission. Fever can occur with either myasthenic
categories (such as a irway obstruction) to rather crisis or infection, and under the stress of infec-
specific disorders (such as Legionella pneumonia). tion, myasthenia gravis is often exacerbated 131.
As add itional clinical data appear, clinicians mod- T he consulting neurologist offered the most likely
ify their estimates of the likelihoods of those hy- explanation. He recalled several report~ that sug-
potheses, often categorizing a new find ing as being gested that intravenous erythromycin can uncover
eith er consistent or inconsistent with each hypoth - or exacerbate myasthenia gravis in children 161and
esis. Sometimes specific new findings bring new adults 17,81. T h is rather recent observation is not
possibilities to mind; for example, this patient's se- yet reflected in standard pharmacology references
vere hypoxemia in the face of a normal chest film 19- 11I.
suggested pulmonary embolic disease, and the de- As this patient's clinical course evolved,
velopment of ptosis suggested myasthenia gravis. intubation was not the only iatrogenic risk. Em-
However, sometimes we merely place rather non- pirical antibiotic therapy w ith relatively benign
specific inconsistencies on a mental list of items drugs exacerbated her myasthenia in a way that
requiring later attention. few physicians would anticipate or recognize.
Many physicians learn to keep their d iagnos- However, with careful reasoning and consultation
tic focus quite narrow, using specific cues to shift about the patient's progressive weakness, that un-
from one hypothesis to another. Even for experi- expected drug reaction. actually led to the correct
enced clinicians, the cognitive task of abandon ing diagnosis.
all current hypotheses and going back tosquareone
can be so daunting that we usually avo id it. Our
working memories are limited, making it hard to CASE 13. NARROWING DOWN THE
manage all but the simplest case descriptions as iso- DIAGNOSTIC OPTIONS
lated find ings. Perhaps to compensate for this lim-
itation, we quickly formulate hypotheses, wh ich A 37-year-old p ostm a n, a military veteran, was
serve as contexts for reasoning and provide a for- seen in the E mergen cy Dep artm ent for mid-
mat for recalling the patient's findings. Although abdominal p ain, nausea, vomiting, and watery
these reasoning contexts can obscure the broader diarrhea that had persisted for the previous 11
diagnostic horizon, we cannot abandon this ap- hours.
pro.ach to diagnosis because our wor king memo-
ries are so limited. Realizing the danger of pre- T he sudden onset of mid-abdominal pain,
maturely foreclosing consideration of additional nausea, vomiting, and watery diarrhea brings to
possibilities 151, we try to validate our d iagnoses mind gastroenteritis that could be viral, bacterial,
carefull y and sometimes use rules of thumb or re- or protozoa! in orig in. Unless the patient appeared
fer to textbooks and review articles to widen our extremely ill, had severe abdom inal pain, or re-
view. When a case just does not hang together, quired fluid replacement, I most likely would not
we Consult colleagues; they sometimes bring more put h im through a vigorous diagnostic workup.
special ized knowledge, but more often just a fresh vVhile he was being evaluated, however, a few
perspective- a new d iagnostic context. Occasion- studies would be useful. I am a believer in the rule
all)r, simply organizing the case sufficiently to re- that anybody who complains of diarrhea shou ld
fer it to a colleague or creating lists of findings have a stool specimen examined both grossly
and differential diagnoses allows us to see tl1e pa- and microscopically for blood, polymorphonuclear
tient from a new perspective. At times, we need leukocytes, and parasites. Polys in the stool wou ld


suggest inflammatory d isease of the colon or pos-

were no masses and no palpable organs. The
si bly the lower ileum- wh ich could be caused
stool was guaiac negative. The remainder of
by a variety of d isorders, including inflammatory
the examination was unremarkable.
bowel disease, protozoa! disease, c. difficile colitis,
and infection with Shigel/a , Salmonella , or Campy - His significantly elevated temperature would
lobacter. Of course, a hematocrit and wh ite cell argue for some form of bacterial gastroenteritis. I
count would be in order. would stilt be interested in the quality of his stool,
and the high fever would prompt me to obta in
The patient had thalassemia minor and a long
some blood cultures to look for Salmonella , for ex-
history of depression, and he had been seen
many times at the hospital for various muscu-
loskeletal complaints. Two years before admis- Initial lab studies revealed the following: hema-
sion, he had an episode of nausea, vomiting, and tocrit 43% , white cell count 16,300 with 74
diarrhea but without abdominal pain or fever. segs, 6 bands, 8 lymphs, 11 monos, and 1 ba-
Those symptoms resolved without treatment. sophil. Amylase 85 IU/L, creatinine l.l mg/dL,
BUN 15 mg/dL. Serum electrolytes (mEq/L):
I am not sure what to make of this informa- sodium l 41, potassium 4.4, chloride l 05, total
tion. The factthat he had a singleepirndeof nausea, C02 23. Four blood cultures were obtained.
vomiting, and diarrhea I year ago does not influ-
ence me in any way. Does he have any risk factors T he leukocytosis w ith a slight shift to the left
for diarrheal diseases? Has he traveled recently? suggests infection. His diarrhea apparently was not
A ny unusual food exposures? Is he infected w ith severe enough to cause much volume contraction
HIV? Is he on a ny medications? Once again , the or e lectrolyte imbala nce. I await the results of the
extent of my work up for those common symptoms blood cultures with interest.
would depend on how sick he appeared to be.
Chest x-ray was normal, and abdominal plain
On the evening before the gastrointestinal film showed no abnormalities. There was gas
symptoms began, he ate some hamburger of throughout the colon. Viral gastroenteritis and
questionable freshness. When he awoke at 1:00 inflammatory bowel disease were the leading
a.m., the pain was severe but not crampy; it did diagnoses. The patient was treated with in-
not radiate. Neither the vomitus nor the stool travenous fluids, and by the next day, he had
contained obvious blood. The patient began to stopped vomiting. Fever, diarrhea, and dif-
feel chilly while he waited in the Emergency fuse abdominal pain persisted, but on examina-
Department. He had taken no medications for tion, the abdomen was soft and there was nei-
several days before the onset of symptoms. He ther guarding nor rebound tenderness. Bowel
had no turtles or any other pets. sounds were hypoactive at some times and hy-
peractive at others.
The fact that he had eaten some food that was
possibly contaminated would alert us to the possi- I donotseeanythingunusual about this case so
bility ofbacterial d iarrhea, wh ich can be associated far. T he patient improved with intravenous fluids,
w ith toxin production. Organisms responsible for vomiting resolved, but the other symptoms per-
that kind of diarrhea include clostridia a nd staphy- sisted. I would continue to watch the evolution of
lococci. h is symptoms, observe h is temperature and wh ite
blood cell count, examine h is abdome n repeatedly,
On examination, the patient was curled up in and obtain the results of the blood cultures as soon
the fetal position. Blood pressure was 120/84 as they were ava ilable.
mm Hg, pulse was 100 per minute, respira-
tion was 18 per minute, and temperature was On the second hospital day, all blood cultures
40 C. Abdominal examination disclosed nor- were found to contain Escherichia coli. The
mal bowel sounds and diffuse lower abdominal urine was sterile. The infectious disease con-
tenderness without rebound tenderness. There sultant wondered if the clinical picture might


teremia is due to a perforation, it is usuall y from

be consistent with either biliary tract disease or
the colon rather than the small intestine.
a pathogenic toxin-producing E. coli infection.
Treatment with antibiotics was initiated. On the morning of the fifth hospital day, ab-
dominal p ain recurred, requiring meperidine
This finding of E. coli bacteremia forces me
for relief. A social worker noted that the pa-
to reevaluate my d ifferential diagnoses. I suppose
tient was angry and that he felt that, as usual,
one must consider biliary tract disease, although
nothing was going well for him. An abdominal
I should think that a young person with biliary
computed tomography (CT) scan was consis-
tract disease would have some suggestive mani-
tent with acute appendicitis. The p atient under-
festat ions. I am not familiar w ith the clinical en-
went surgery and was found to have retrocecal
tity in which a pathogenic toxin-producing E.coli
appendicitis. H e recovered uneventfully.
causes bacteremia. I wonder about a couple of
other things: One is retrocecal append icitis or a
One of [he points to be made here is that in
retrosigmoid ruptured appendix. Both could cause
the differential d iagnosis of diarrhea, append icitis
an irritative diarrhea and bacteremia. The other is
should be on the list because a retrocecal append ix
whether the patient was a drug user and had a
can cause an irritative d iarrhea, thus making the
bacteremia for another reason, with coincidental
presenting manifestations atypical for append ici-
diarrhea. vVe would also have to consider divertic-
tis. In addition to atyp ical symptoms, the !Jh ys ical
ular disease, although he is rather young for that.
examination can also be misleading; that is, the
abdominal findings may not localize to the right
Bilirubin 3.3 mg/dL, AST 40 IU/L, ALT 20
lower quadrant over the McBurney point. Most
IU/L, and alkaline phosphatase 98 IU/L. U l-
important, retrocecal appendic itis is a d isorder you
trasound of the biliary tract revealed no dilated
do not want to miss. In practical terms, how far
ducts; the gallbladder and p ancreas appeared to
would you proceed beyond getting the blood cul-
be normal.
tures? You are certainl y not going to get a CT scan
The minimally elevated alkaline phosphatase on every patient w ith diarrhea.
would argue against obstruction. An elevated My experience with this disorder goes back to
bilirubin in the presence of other normal liver the second week of my internship. T he surgeons
function [ests raises the possibil ity of Gilbert syn- were discussing a young man whose temperature
drome or low-grade hemolysis. My approach to had been 103C to !04 C for 4 days, and I, fresh
that bilirubin would be to ask for a breakdown of out of medical school, naively suggested a diagno-
direct and indirec[ fractions. I doubt that the hy - sis of retrocecal append icitis. I got a lot of sneers
pcrbili ruhincmia is sign ificant, given the meager and scorn, but when they finally operated, they
evidence for biliary tract or liver disease. were nice enough to invite me up to the operating
room, because that is just what it was. T he lesson
Over the course of the next 2 days, the patient is that this diagnosis should be entertained when
began to feel better. The diarrhea subsided, and fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain persist into
the vomiting did not recur. His temperature fell the third and fourth days. In addition, when I see
to normal, and his appetite improved. Although E. coli bacteremia in that setting, I ask this ques-
abdominal pain decreased, abdominal tender- tion: W hat in the bowel can perforate and produce
ness persisted; an intern thought that tender- diarrhea? My first thoughts are the appendix and
ness was localized just to the right of midline. a diverticulum.
Despite the improvement, a gastroenterologist
thought that the patient should have further Analysis
gastrointestinal studies. Several features of this problem-solving session are
worthy of consideration: (I) the "case-building"
I agree with this plan. When considering a process employed by the discussant; (2) the d i-
possible septic source due to a perforation, we can- agnostic value of a "gestalt picture" of the pa-
not exclude a lower ileitis- although when bac- tient; (3) the approach to diagnosis of a disease in


evolution; and (4) the use of heuristic solutions to is the source of the problem. In this sequence, the
clinical problems. problem-solving features of hypothesis activation,
The process of taking the history ofthe present prediction, data acqu isition, and hypothesis revi-
iillness is an unstructured problem-solving task that sion are clearly evident.
involves generating d iagnostic hypotheses, testing T he second interesting feature of this session
them, rejecting weak ones, and refining the sur- is the reliance of the discussant on a general clinical
v iving hypotheses into coherent diagnoses. T he impression of how sick the patient is, a concept we
initial diagnostic h ypothesis is critically important described before as a gestalt picture of the patient.
because it forms a context in which data gather- In some cases, the gestalt picture can be broken
ing takes place. Indeed, the data-gathering pro- down into its component part~, such as the patient's
cess is guided by predictions- based on the initial demeanor and the presence or absence of sweating
hypotheses-of wh ich the cardinal clinical features or pallor, which could provide specific clues to the
are likely to be either positive or negative. If these nature of the problem (see case 4). W hether there
concepts sound arcane and nonspecific, they are are clues from the "gestalt picture" of a patient that
iillustrated clearly by the discussant's approach to a clinician uses is a subject for further study.
the patient in this exercise. Another feature of this session that deserves
His initial reaction to the patient's present- comment is the evolutionary nature of some d iag-
ing complaints is that the patient has gastroen- nostic entities. Many disease processes attain rela-
teritis. However, he quickly qualifies his remarks tively steady states: Both the disease and its clini-
by explain ing that if he thought that the patient cal manifestations remain relatively constant over
was qu ite ill, he would be more vigorous in h is time. Chronic renal fai lure, chronic h ypertension,
workup. vVe interpret this qualification as h is real and stable angina pectoris might be examples of
hypothesis: that the patient may have a serious gas- such disorders. For those conditions, the diagnos-
trointestinal disorder, as yet unspecified. As infor- tic process might be v iewed asa relatively static one,
mation accumulates, it strengthens h is conviction wh ich does not require that the manifestations of
that this hypothes is is correct (i.e., the probability the patient be assessed repeatedly. On the other
increases that the patient has a bacterial infection), hand, diseases in evolution do not attain a steady
and when he learns that the patient has a h igh fever, state, and the affected patient's clinical manifesta-
he asks for the results of blood cultures. This re- tions may change abruptly. In such disorders- for
quest does not sim ply come "out of the blue"; it example, unstable angina, septic shock, and acute
is presumably based on the prediction that if the pericarditis- the patient's clinical state must be
patient has a perforated viscus, blood cultures are assessed repeatedly, and the diagnosis may have
likely to be positive. It is also presumably driven to be revised as often as manifestations change.
by a new but tacit hypothesis that whatever has A static approach to diagnosis is simply nor ap-
produced the initial symptoms has also produced propriate in such cases- exemplified by the one
sepsis. presented here- and the clinician has to be will-
The impression that the discussant suspects a ing to re-examine, reassess, and revise the diag-
septic process gains credence when he repeatedly nosis and the therapeutic approach at a moment's
as ks for the blood culture results, and his suspicion notice.
that the sepsis is originating from a bowel perfo- Finally, the discussion also shows the impor-
ration is evident from his assertion that he w ill ex- tance of one's previous experience in the approach
am ine the patient's abdomen repeatedly. His sus- to problem solving. Many of us, when we read
picion of a perforated viscus is enhanced when he about disease entities, remember them in the con-
learns about the positive blood cultures, and the text of our experience. We can recall the typical
strength of his conviction is evidenced by the fact as well as the atyp ical features of particular cases.
that he is not dissuaded by the incorrect opinion of In the case under discussion, the discussant clearly
an infectious disease consultant or by the transient is fam iliar with the manifestations of retrocecal
improvement in the patient's clinical condition. Fi- appendicitis, but his recall is greatly influenced
nally, the CT scan provides the "smoking gun"- by his earlier exper:ience w ith a similar patient.
that is, the penultimate evidence that the append ix In solving this problem, the d iscussant relies on a


common heuristic (a mental aid to the solution to

a problem), known to cognitive psychologists as CASE 14. A PICTURE IS WORTH A
the "availability" heuristic.27, 28 It is based on the THOUSAND WORDS
concept that recall of events is biased toward items
that stand out particularly strongly in our memory. The flow sheet shown in Figure 14.1 on a 53-
Sometimes it produces errors because what we re- year-old man was left on the desk in the in-
member most clearly may not be relevant to the tensive care unit. What are your impressions?
problem at hand. Often, however, as in the case
discussed here, the approach produces dramatic \.Veil, this is not the usual way we look at clin-
results. ical information, but let us see what we can learn

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Figure 14.1 Flow sheet of parienr data; case 14.


from the data (Figure 14. I). Events described here toxemia also can produce respiratory stimulation,
occurred over a 10-day period, from February 2 it could be related to sepsis.
through Febr uary 11. I will start at the top of the He had a high w h ite cell count and probably
page and interpret changes in the parameters over was infected. T he question is, W hat kind of infec-
t:ime. His hematocrit was low but relatively stable, tion would we worry about in a person who has
and h is wh ite count was elevated, in the range of liver d isease and who may be septic? Obviously,
22,000 to 29,000. He initially received cefoxitin and I think we would be concerned about infection in
gentamicin, but on February 4, that regimen was the biliary tree or the gastrointestinal tract. The
changed to one that included clindamycin, ampi- urinary tract is another obvious site of infection,
c:illin, and gentamicin. On February 4, he had a although we have no evidence for or against that
hypotensive episode. possibility. If we assume that he had cirrhosis and
The patient's weight increased dramatically, probably ascites as well, he could have had spon-
roughly from 79 to 85 k g by February 5 and to taneous bacterial peritonitis. The fact that he was
87 kg by February 11. There was obviously a lot treated with clindamycin suggests that his physi-
of flu id retention. T he urinary specific gravity on cians were concerne.d about devitalized bowel or
February 2 was 1.016, but later it was 1.025 on two sepsis involving fecall flora.
occas10ns. Now let me turn to his renal problem. He
Initially, arterial pH was 7.42 with a P02 of was given gentamidn for a few clays, and he had
64 mm Hg and a PC02 of 34 mm Hg. T he P02 a hypotensive episode. Subsequently, he had acute
changed some: it fell as low as 58 and rose as high as renal failure, a complication that could be related
78. The PC02 also was initially low and generally to the gentamicin or the hypotension or some other
remained low. T he patient's pH fell a bit from 7.46 factors we have not yet heard about. T he picture
at its h ighest to 7.40 in conjunction with a mod- could be consistent w ith acute tubular necrosis, but
est increase in arterial PCOz. Serum sodium was h is urine sodium concentration was quite low and
e levated and rema ined moderately high. Serum h is urinary specific gravity remained quite high.
potassium started out at S mEq/L and fell to 3.3 I w ill presume that specific gravity measurements
to 3.5. Serum chloride was elevated initially and were check ed with a measurement of urine osmo-
then fel l. Total C02 was persistently low normal. lality and that the urine actually was qu ite concen-
BUN initially was 31 to32 mg/dL w ith concomi- trated. I would want to make sure that we were
tant creatinine of I. On February 5, the creatinine not being fooled into thinking that the urine was
increased to 1.9 mg/d L and continued to rise. T he concentrated when, in fact, he had received con-
BUN increased to 94 mg/ clL. The patient was hy- trast material, which simply increased the specific
poalbuminemic, and the serum calcium was about gravity. I will assume that he had a highly concen-
normal for h is serum album in. Serum phosphate trated urine. We have a clinical picture consistent
increased progressively. Total bili rubin was quite with progressive retention of salt and water; the
high, and alkaline phosphatase was slightly ele- concentrated urine a nd virtual lack of sodium in
vated, but ALT was normal. AST was elevated, the urine are simply manifestations of fluid reten-
however, and both prothrombin time and partial tion. One would be worried that h is urine volume
thromboplastin time were prolonged. was probably fal li ng simultaneously, althoug h no
Now that I have a feel for the data, let me such data are given. The one disorder consistent
t.ry to summarize my thoughts. This 53-year-old with all of these find ings is the hepatorenal syn-
man had a hypotensive episode and obviously was drome. I suspect that this d isorder was the cause
thought to have some kind of infection. I w ill come of the renal fa ilure. I think I have gone as far as I
back tothat issue in a minute. Given the h igh biliru- can with the available data.
bin, the low albumin, and the elevated prothrom-
bin time, liver disease is a virtual certainty. His low Case Summary
arterial PC02 and h is slightly elevated blood pH The patient had a long h istory of alcohol abuse with
suggest that he is hyperventilating. The hyperven- resultant cirrhosis, ascites, and esophageal varices,
t:ilation could be related to liver d isease and some and he was admitted to the hospital for manage-
abnormality of hepatic function, but because endo- ment of upper gastrointestinal tract bleed ing. On


admission, in addition to the finding of chronic At the same time, her PaC02 is much lower
liver disease, he was found to have right upper lobe that I would have expected for someone with a
pneumonia, for wh ich he was treated with the an- plasma bicarbonate of 10 mEq/ L (it should be
tibiotics listed on the flow sheet. He was also given a around 22 to 24 mm Hg if she had only metabolic
benzodiazepine for impending delirium tremens. acidosis), and her blood pH is on the alkaline side.
Initially, all cultures, including those of the urine I conclude from this anal ysis that she has an inde-
and peritoneal fluid, were negative. His condition pendent ventilatory stimulus, therefore a concomi-
stabilized until February 4, when, as shown on the tant respiratory alkalosis. To summarize, she has
flow sheet, he experienced a hypotensive episode. an "anion-gap metabolic acidosis" and superim-
Hypotension was accompanied by respiratory ar- posed respiratory al kalosis. vVhat could cause these
rest, frulll which h e was successfully resusciLateJ. a lmurmalities? Salicylate i11 wxicatio11 a11J seps is
Because of unexplained hypotension and the rise with lactic acidosis are the two leading contenders,
in his white blood cell count, on February 4 h is though other complex mixed acid-base disorders
antibiotic therapy was changed. All subsequent are also possible.
cultures also were negative. His urine output de- T he firs t thing I would do is find out whether
clined markedly after the hypotensive episode, and she left any medication bottles behind in her apart-
in spite of adequate hemodynamic support, his cre- ment. T he fact that that she is not hypotensive ar-
atinine rose inexorably. He was thought to have gues against sepsis, although her blood pressure
hepatorenal syndrome. Supportive care was main- could drop precipitously at any time.
tained, but he had a fatal cardiorespiratory arrest I would get a salicylate and lactate level im-
on the 20ch hospital day. mediately.


Salicylate level was 82 mg/dL. Treatment con-
A 66-year-old woman was brought to the Emer- sisted of saline, mannitol, and cautious alkaliniza-
gency Deparunent from her assisted living fa- tion of the urine. The patient's fingers were not
cility. She was stuporous and tachypneic. She deformed, but she had been taking large amounts
was not febrile, and her blood pressure was of aspirin for arthritic pains. She recovered com-
160/90 mm H g. The admitting physician drew pletely.
blood but was called away immediately for an-
other patient with massive bleeding. By the Analysis
time, she returned to this patient, the follow- \!Ve anticipate that some educators w ill object to the
ing tests were available: creatinine 1.5 mg/dL; format of this exercise. In both cases only fragments
electrolytes ( mEq/L) : sodium 140, potassium of clinical data were presented to a discussa nt, and
4.1, chloride 106, total C02 10. pH 7.54, partial he was asked to "think out loud" as he studied the
pressure of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood laboratory data. The sequence of data presentation
(PaC02) 12 mm H g. The resident immediately is qu ite unconventional, especially to those w ho
made the diagnosis and began treatment. believe that all diagnostic evaluations should be-
gi n with the ch ief compla int, followed in lockstep
There are only a limited number of disor- fashion by the history of the present illness, review
ders that present w ith these findings. The pa- of systems, social history, family history, and physi-
tient has a mixed acid-base disorder. Let me start cal examination. Here we provided no complaints,
w ith the most abnormal result. T he bicarbonate of and in the first case, the only clinical informat ion
10 mEq/L is unequivocal evidence of metabolic ava ilable was the patient's age and sex, the nota-
ac idosis because plasma bicarbonate never gets that tions that he had a hypotensive episode on the third
low in respiratory alkalosis, and the calculated an- hospital day, and that he had been given various
ion gap of 24 mEq/ L is increased by about 14 ant ibiotics. Despite tl10se meager clues, the discus-
mEq/L. These findings, in the face of a moder- sant interpreted the I00 or so laboratory results and
ate increase in creatinine, are the hallmark of an arrived at the correct diagnosis, that is, hepatore-
organic ac idosis. nal syndrome. In the second case, with only 14 bits


of data (the patient's age, sex, her living arrange- in patients without neurologic symptoms), some
ment, two symptoms, two physical findings, and to prevent complications (the history of drug aller-
seven laboratory tests), the discussant narrowed the g ies), some to screen for disorders low in prevalence
d iagnostic possibilities to only one. but disastrous in outcome (breast examination for
How concerned should we be about this cancer), some to identify predisposing or risk fac-
unconventional presentation of clinical material ? tors (family history of d iabetes or heart attack), and
Will it g ive students and house officers the wrong some to alert the physician to psychological factors
idea about how to approach the evaluation of a pa- that may affect the patient (social history). Indeed,
tient? Will they believe that it is okay to "look at the exact reasons for many of the questions asked
the numbers and not at the patient"? during the traditional routine history have not been
By teaching the lockstep approach to diagnos- fully expl icated.
tic problem solving, we ignore what good physi- Our principal point is that the sequence in
cians actually do when tlhey are engaged in this wh ich data are interpreted is not important; as long
process. Studies of cl inical problem solving show as they are obtained without risk, it is reasonable
that physicians frequently sk ip around during a to interpret data from the history, the physical ex-
h istory-taking session and that they feel qu ite com- amination, and the laboratory in order of availabil-
fortable about asking for data "out of sequence." ity. Thus, we should always gather any laboratory
In add ition, some of our more successful teaching results that are ava il.able and interpret them even
conferences are based on sequences of data presen- before we examine the patient. Indeed, if we know
tation that are totally different form those that we beforehand that a patient has been found to be h y-
use to teach our students. X-rays are sometimes percalcemic by a laboratory screening test, we are
presented first at clinical gastrointestinal confer- likely to ask far-more-intelligent questions and to
ences, echocardiograms at cardiology conferences, examine the patient far more specifically than if
and electrolytes at nephrology conferences. In each we were merely search ing w ithout direction for
c:ase, clinical historical data are sometimes with- causes of weakness and joint pain. Accordingly,
held until after a clinician interprets the laboratory we felt justified in ask ing a clinician to interpret
results. a panel of laboratory tests and justified in display-
Perhaps we should stop as king students to "do ing his responses even if this exercise is shown to
as I say," and instead ask them to "do as I do." 1 medical students who are being taught to narrowly
This is not to say that we should stop teaching a follow the rules- that is, to ask all the quest ions
systematic approach to history taking and diag- and to do a complete physical exam ination before
nostic inquiry, but simply that we should expla in even thinking about wh ich laboratory tests might
why we recommend that students follow certain be appropriate. Of course, not all physicians would
parts of the "routine" examination. Instead of in- agree with our view. 154
sisting that somehow the data derived from the T he interesting approach followed by the dis-
history, the physical examination, and the labora- cussant in the first case of this exercise provides
tory are different and dis ti net types of information, evidence that interpretation of laboratory data
we should adm it that all of those sources merely alone has great value. The clinician spent consid-
supply data, essentially without risk. W hether we erable time first simply describing the data. He de-
begin to incorporate laboratory data first or clin- fined whether certain values were high or low and
ical data first seems quite irrelevant, at least w ith whether there were trends over time. In the early
respect to the processes of diagnost ic hypothesis part of the session, h e offered little in the way of
formulation and testing. diagnostic hypotheses. However, after he had inte-
If we are w illing to approach d iagnostic prob- grated the levels and the trends, he launched into a
lem solving in this manner- that is, by incorpo- brief but superb differential diagnosis. He inferred
rating any ava ilable data into our thinking- what that the patient had liver disease from the liver
do we tell students about the need for the routine funct ion tests and bolstered this view by the pa-
parts of the h istory and physical examination? We tient's ac id-base status. He built a case for infection
should tell it as it is: Some are designed to obtain and suggested sites of possible sepsis. He appreci-
baseline information (the neurologic examination ated that the patient had acute renal insufficiency,


toyed w ith the possibility of tubular necrosis, but- and for the sequence of questions that a general
noticing the high urine specific gravity and low internist used when taking the history from a pre-
urinary sod ium concentration- came up with the viously ill physician. T h en, we review some of the
(correct) diagnosis of hepatorenal syndrome. And studies that bear on the experimental approach to
he did so knowing only a few standard items of information gathering.
clinical data.
The discussant in the aspir in intoxicat ion case Patient: I ama 34-year-old physician. I sought med-
seemed to follow a "diagnostic prescription," or ical attention because of the 5 days of fever,
algorithm. He zeroed in on the low bicarbonate, chills, m yalgias, and p eriumbilical cramping
decided it had to represent metabolic ac idosis, then pain, followed by 3 days of profuse watery di-
decided that the disorder must include an organic arrhea. I have been a resident of Boston for the
ac idosis when he found that the anion gap was in- past 2 lf2 years. I traveled to Texas for a m eeting
creased and could not be explained by k idney fa il- 2 1/2 weeks before symptoms develop ed.
ure. Then, appreciating that the patient was hyper- Discussant: I. Did you feel well before that time
ventilating more than expected from acidosis, he and upon returning from Texas'
diagnosed a mixed ac id-base disturbance, wh ich he Patient: Yes.
then inferred would be caused only by a small num- Discussant: 2. vVhat were your general activities
ber of disorders. 'vVas h is ana lysis algorithmic, or is upon returning to work ? W hat kind of expo-
it something simpler? Both of these discussants are sures did you have?
seasoned nephrologists, wh ich probably explains Patient: During that period, I was not working
their rapid and expert problem-solving abilities in with patients but h.ad been in the laboratory,
their domain. The discussant in the asp irin intox- working mainly on studies of leukocytes.
ication case seems to be describing his sequential Discussant: 3. Did you h ave any exposure to an i-
reasoning, but it is uncertain w hether his theory of mals?
how he solves problems is correct. More than many Patient: No.
special ists, nephrologists deal with sets of numbers Discussant: I am obviously worried about an expo-
every day and, like seasoned chess players, probably sure to some infectious agent. Of course, the re
recognize typical patterns. It certainl y is possible are many other things to consider. The patient
that the striking pattern of the patient's chemistries apparently had not been sick before. I am won-
evoked the representativeness heuristic rather than dering whether he had traveled somewhere
leading to a sequential reasoning process, instead where he may have come in contact w ith en-
yielding a simpler process th.at might be described teric pathogens or w hether he was exposed to
as "it looks like salicylate intoxication, so maybe such agents in the course of his practice, h is lab-
t hat .s w hat It
. .IS. ,, 135 oratory work, or his social life. Apparently, the
Is it appropriate to ignore the patient and at- fever preceded the diarrhea, beginning at the
tend only to the laboratory result~? Never. Is it same time as the abdominal pain.
sometimes appropriate to scrutinize the "numbers" Discussant: 4. W hen the diarrhea began, was it
as diagnostic clues even before completing a full bloody? \.Vas it watery?
history and physical examination? Sure. Patient: It was watery, .nonbloody, and at its p eak
occurred about 16 to 17 times a day.
Discus>ant: That description makes me worry more
about some kind of toxin-producing agent or
CASE 1S. STRATEGIES OF something that is in vasive, producing a mucoid
Discussant: 5. Were you taking any medications at
IEmil Our goal in this exercise is to consider a the time your symptoms developed'
neglected aspect of diagnostic problem solving, Patient: I had been exposed to tuberculosis and had
namely the strategies that physicians use to gather converted my PPD, and I had been taking iso-
data as they confront a diagnostic dilemma. First, niazid and pyridoxine for 3 m onth s before this
we analyze the rationale for individual questions illness.


IDiscussant: I would like to know more about Patient: No parasites were found. Over the next
the medical history.I 3 days my illness quieted down, and the di-
Discussant: 6. Have you ever had inflammatory arrhea subsided somewhat. At that point, the
bowel disease, ulcer disease, biliary tract d is- stool culture was negative for Salmonella and
ease, or any similar problems? Shigella.
Patient: I had none of those problems. Before com- Discussant: 11 . \Vere other organisms look ed for in
ing to Boston, I spent a year on the Cambodia- the stool? For instance, was there any evidence
Thailand border as a refugee worker. of C/ostridium difficile? vVere cultures obtained
Discussant: 7. Did you have any significant illness for Yersinia?
during that time? Patient: The physician who was taking care of me
Patient: I had dengue fever. I had no problem with was concerned about the possibility of Campy-
malaria, but I took malaria prophylaxis. lobacteras well as Salmonella, although the first
!Discussant: T he d iarrhea seems rather exten- stool culture had been negative for Salmonella.
sive. At this point, I need to know more about Discussant: We probably should think a li ttle more
the physical examinat ion. I about why this patient had watery d iarrhea.
Discussant: 8. What were your vital signs? Did you Could he have an infectious agent that pro-
have postural blood pressure changes? Did you duced an invasive lesion of the bowel wall,
have any skin rashes or lymphadenopathy? Did wh ich in turn produced slough ing of the cells
you have any heart murmurs? vVhat was your and leakage of fluid? T his does not sound very
abdom inal examination like? W hat d id the rec- li kely. Could he have had something that was
ta l examination show? producing a toxic effect on the bowel? Such
Patient: I did not appear ill, and my blood pressure an agent could cause watery diarrhea by stimu-
was 120/80 mm Hg with no postural changes. lating excessive secretion of intestinal flu id. Did
My pulse was 70 per minute, and tempera- he have an organism that was producing watery
ture was 37.5C. I had no skin rashes or lym- diarrhea but would not show up in a stool ex-
phadenopathy and had no heart murmurs. My amination or culture? Some such organisms are
abdomen was nontender with normal bowel recovered only from an upper gastrointestinal
sounds. Rectal exam w.as normal. The stool was asp irate. As for endogenous materials causi ng
guaiac-negative and minimally greenish. a d iarrheal state, there is no reason to think the
!Discussant: It appears that we have a patient patient has a vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-
w ith a h istory of fever and d iarrhea who looks producing tumor. Furthermore, there is no rea-
pretty well. With the history of frequent watery son to think that the patient suddenly deve loped
d iarrhea, I am somewh at surprised that he does inflammatory bowel disease, which is givi ng
not have any evidence of volume depletion. It h im this type of picture.
seems to me that the patient has most likely been Discussant: 12. Did any of the other people who at-
exposed to some type of in fec tious agent. I tended that meeting develop sim ilar problems?
Discussant: 9. Did anyone look at the stool ? vVhat \Vere any other results of stool cultures ava il-
d id routine tests show? able? Were a ny tox ins searched for?
Patient: The stool was not examined then, but a Patient: Nobody else was ill, as far as I know.
sample was taken for culture. Laboratory data No toxin had been looked for. Cultures for
showed a white blood cell count of 7,000 with Salmollella and Shigella were negative at this
66% polys and 12% bands. The hematocrit was point. No result had been obtained from the
normal, as were liver function tests. Serum elec- Campylobacter culture.
trolytes and urinalysis were normal. Discussant: If I tl1ought tl1at the patient had
IDiscussant: These data do not help me much, Campylobacter, f would consider g iving a
except that they do not g ive any evidence of any macrolide antibotic because of some ev i-
major chronic disease. His electrolyte loss d id dence that the treatment could shorten the
not appear to be very dramatic. I would still like illness. Nonetheless, that infection usually
to know what was found in the stool. I resolves on its own. The question is, which or-
Discussant: 10. Did they look for parasites? gan isms would cause an infection that is not


self-limited? Could he have acquired any or- talized. By then diarrhea had decreased to ap-
ganisms from seafood obtained from the Gulf proxinrntely six watery stools a day. I was given
of Mexico? There have been report~ of Vibrio intravenous fluids, and the antibiotic was con-
infection in that area. tinued.
Discussant: 13. Did you eat raw seafood while in Discussant: 16. What did the physical examination,
Texas? especially the abdominal examination, show
Patient: No, I ate nothing out of the ordinary. By now?
the eighth day of the illness, I began to feel Patient: Upon admission, my temperature was
worse again. My temperature was as high as 37.8 C. Once again, I had some right lower
38.5C, and chills, myalgias, periumbilical pain, quadrant tenderness. The white blood cell
and diarrhea returned. I was seen again by my count was unchang,e d, and the sedimentation
physician at this time, and except for the el- rate was 40 mm/hr.
evated temperature, my physical examination Discussant: T h is really seems like too long a nd too
was again unremarkable. My white count had severe a course for the standard type of infec-
not changed. The rest of the laboratory tests tion. Localization of pain to the right lowe r
showed only a slightly elevated AST. I was seen quadrant is bothersome to me. We we re told
again on the 10th day of my illness. At that time, that the patient had a positive PPD. I guess we
abdominal examination revealed mild tender- should wonder whether or not he could have
ness in the periumbilical area with pain re- tuberculosis, although nothing suggests active
ferred to the right lower quadrant. At this point tuberculosis in other parts of his body. I wou ld
c ultures were again negative for Salmonella, be more concerned about appendicitis at th is
Shigella, and Campylobacter. Cultures were point.
obtained for Vibrio and for Yersinia. The white Patient: On the same d!ay, a stool culture submit-
blood cell count on the 10th day of the illness ted 10 days earlier was found to be positive for
was 10,000 with 70% polys and 8% bands. Yersinia enterocolitica. My convalescent sera
Discu,:sant: In a n adult w ith fever, abdom inal ten- later agglutinated Yersillia in a high dilution.
derness, and negative stool cultures, one must When the result of this culture was obtained,
also think of an end ogenous source of inflam- the macrolide was discontinued, and a 10-day
mation. O ne obvious possibility is append icitis. course of doxycycline was started. After 3 days,
Discussant: 14. Have you had your append ix re- my abdominal symptoms abated, and my
moved? Is the examination of the right lower bowel function returned to normal and stayed
quadrant abnormal? normal.
Patient: I've had no surgery. On palpation of the
right lower quadrant, there was only minimal
tenderness, more as a referral from the perium-
bilical area. Rectal examination was still nega- Rationale and Sequence of Questions
tive. T he discussant as ked 16 questions (or com bina-
Discussant: A retrocecal appendicitis is still possi- tions of questions) during the diagnostic appraisal.
ble. I would be interested to know whether a Each question is numbered for the reader's con -
surgeon had looked at the patient. vVe certainly venience in tracing our line of reasoning. T h e
n eed to k eep append icitis in mind, but I am still principal hypothesis, re flected as early as the diis-
wondering whether there are other kinds of in- cussant's second question, is infectious d iarrhea.
fection that we should be think ing about. I'm Questions concern ing this hypothesis (the correct
curious to know why we are having this much one) dom inate both early (questions 2 and 3) and
rrou ble culturing some of these organisms. late (questions 9 to 13) in the transcript. Enhanc-
Discussant: 15. What happened to you next? ing the hypothesis of infectious diarrhea appears
Patient: On the 11th day, I was given a macrolide to be the goal of these questions. Early questions
antibiotic to cover Campylobacter. Over the and even two later ones (12 and 13) concern histor-
next day, I developed orthostatic hypotension, ical featu res, namely various exposu res, that m ight
and on the 12th day of m y illness, I was hospi- increase the probabil ity of an infectious cause,


whereas later questions (9 to 12) seek information confirm or deny the hypothesis of appendicitis if
from the laboratory to differentiate one infectious the patient's appendix is still in place.
cause from another. In any d iagnostic encounter the quest ions
Even a brief perusal of the transcr ipt reveals, asked have multiple, complex goals. In this tran-
however, that the discussant strays from the line of script, we have tried to isolate primarily those ques-
questioning about infectious diarrhea. Her inter- tions designed to gath er information relevant to the
est seems to get d iverted repeatedly from the main diagnostic dilemma at hand. vVe identify not only
theme, that is, from her main hypothesis. W hy th is what seems to be a hypothesis-directed line of rea-
d iversion? Many explanations come to mind. (! ) soning as a principal strategy but also interpolated,
Changing to questions that explore other hypothe- seemingly spotty questioning directed at multiple
ses could be only an artifact of the method of the hypotheses other than the principal one. T he re-
case presentation. (2) The switch might be related lation of these findings to experimental studies of
to the d iscussant's desire to consider the implica- informat ion gathering is considered next.
tions of new data she had uncovered. (3) Perhaps
the d iscussant is only "marking time" because she Comments on Information Gathering
is temporarily stymied and needs to think ofa use- Some physicians seem to arrive at diagnostic con-
ful line of questioning. (4) Perhaps the discussant is clusions after ask ing a patient only a few ques-
simply bound to tradition and is only asking ques- tions, whereas others are unable to come to the
tions in the sequence expected ofher (first historical same conclusion without extensive questioning.
questions, then those about the ph ysical examina- Being efficient in di agnostic information gather-
tions, etc). ing and processing is one of those cognitive sk ills
There are other possihie explanations for fail - we prize, yet we do not understand it very well.
ure to pursue a single line of reasoning. The How does the efficient diagnostician choose w h ich
d iscussant seems unwilling to dismiss entirely the question to ask at a given rime? If we knew, per-
hypothesis that the patient is suffering from a re- haps we could all become more efficient, and we
current illness, and in questions 6 and 7 she returns would have a basis for teaching this trait to our
to this notion and seeks further information. She students.
a lso interrupts questioning about infections to as- Early in the diagnostic encounter- after the
sess how sick the patient is, and after receiving patient voices his or her principal compla ints-
some data from the physical examination, she con- physicians often face a bewildering array of d iag-
c.ludes that the patient "ilooks pretty well." T he nostic possibilities, and they could ask many hun-
latter tactic is well known. 19 dreds of questions to elucidate the cause of the
However, are there explanations for questions complaints. At this early point in the diagnostic
that go beyond these and at the same time provide process, the d iagnostic uncertainty- that is, con-
dues to her strategies of information gathering? fusion or entropy- is high. In fact, uncertainty
Possibly so. We think it is reasonable to interpret is highest when all possible diagnoses are equally
some of the diversions from the "infectious diar- likely. A diagnostic hypothesis, however, is not a
rhea" hypothesis as attempts to quickly rule in and single entity; it can be likened more to a motion
rule out competing d iagnostic hypotheses. Con- picture than to a snapshot. It is a pattern of prob-
sider questions 4, 5, and 14. For each of these ques- abilities that evolves as information is requested,
tions, answers d ifferent from those obtained would obtained, and digested.
have drastically altered the discussant's diagnos- Take a 30-year-old man with crushing chest
tic hypotheses. These questions can be likened to pain. Initiall y, the pr obability of coronary disease
"surgical strikes"- guick and clean ways of clear- might be considered quite low and the probabil-
ing the field of existing, potentiall y important hy- ity of noncardiac pain might be quite h igh- say,
potheses. Examination of one of these questions 0.01 and 0.99, respectively. vVith a family history
( 14) is particula rly noteworthy. T he discussant asks of myocardial infarction at an early age, the prob-
whether the patient had an appendectomy, but in abilities of the two disorders might shift to 0.4
the same breath, she asks what the examination of and 0.6, respectively; and if a history of a prev ious,
the right lower quadrant shows- presumably to well-documented myocardial infarction were next


revealed, the revised probabilities m ight shift to 0.7

and 0.3, respectively. Rev ising these probabil it ies, The Descriptive Approach
g iven the new information, can be accomplished T he descriptive approach uti lizes observations of
according to Bayes' rule. 155- 157 But Bayes' rule, as problem solvers as they select questions to as k. ln
useful as it may be, merely elaborates on the mean- an early study of the clinical problem-solving pro-
ing of a g iven piece of information; it does not cess, we identified several tactics that were used
help decide wh ich of many questions to as k and in th is process of information gathering. 157 vVe
thus wh ich of the many pieces of information to described a confirmation strategy- a method by
gather. wh ich a clinician apparen tly attempted to prove a
The goal of selecting a g iven question at a hypothesis by matching the patient's characterlis-
g iven t ime is to obtain data that w ill reduce di- t ics to a model of the disease. vVe also descr ibed an
agnostic uncertainty and point to a work ing diag- elimination strategy- a method by wh ich ques-
nos is that is both coherent and adequate. 158 Here t ions were directed at excluding hypotheses th.at
we explore two approaches to the selection of competed w ith the lead ing one or ones.
questions. One is a prescript ive method based on Studies in psychology have elaborated consid-
signal theory and decision d1eory, and the other erably on these information-gathering processes.
is a descriptive, experimental approach used in Although they are des igned principally to prob e
med icine in studies of cl inical problem solving 18 157 the information-processing strategies of people at-
and in psychology in stud ies of social information tempting to identif)1 certain personality tra its in
gathering.35 37 38 others, the insights from these studies may well
be applicable to the d iagnosis of medical prob-
The Prescriptive Approach lems. T he studies identified two strategies for
In one computerized application of the prescriptive gat hering information: a "hypothesis-confirming"
approach, an exclusive set of attributes of patients strategy and a "diagnosing" strategy. 3537) 8 T h e
known to have a g iven cli nical syndrome (acute hypothesis-confirming strategy focuses only on th e
rena l fai lure) was identified, and all questions that hypothesis under current consideration. In th is
cou Id be as ked to explore these attributes and th us strategy (which is analogous to the "confirmation"
d iagnose a specific cause of t he acute renal fa il ure tactic described before), one seeks information th.at
were specified. 159 To establis h wh ich question was is probable, g iven the work ing hypothesis. W hen
optimal, the computer program first used Bayes' a question is asked to elaborate on the hypothe-
rule to calculate the posterior probabilit ies of ev- sis under consideration, a positive response thus
ery possible answer to each question. This pro- enhances t he likelihood of the hypothesis. Some
cess yielded multiple sets of d iagnostic probabili- psychologists argue that this kind of confirmation
ties.; each of these probabilit ies was then converted strategy is a reasonable and efficien t one. T hese re-
into a numerical index of diagnostic uncertainty. searchers argue that, rather than gather evidence
Decision analysis was then used to select the best that disconfirms a hypothesis (the "el im ination"
of many possible questions.For each question, the strategy described before) and th us requ ire th.at
cha nee of getting a posit ive (or negative) answer negative evidence be brought to bear, people prefer
was computed, and the reduction in uncertainty to request positive confirming information that is
achieved by the answer was used as the util ity. familiar and presumably carries more weig ht than
Calculating the expected utiili ty for each question disconfirming data.
in t!his fashion yielded the optimal expected ut ility T he d iagnos ing strategy is an alternative ap-
among all the questions and thus identified the best proach to information gathering that involves col-
questions. To summarize th is complex calculation, lecting data about features that are most d iffer-
the best question was an incegrated combination entiall y probable, give n both the hypothesis and
of t he one t hat was most likely to be positive (or its alternatives. When using this strategy, peo-
negative) and t he one that would most reduce di- ple gather information that w ill help them best
agnost ic uncertainty. This prescriptive model con- distinguish among hypotheses, whether or not
ta ins many assumptions and has not been used the response confirms: their current hypothesis
mu.ch to solve clinical problems. or an a lternative one. The diagnos ing strategy, a


mathematical formulation based O:l Bayes' rule, more likely with watery diarrhea- Crohn disease.
assumes that a g iven question's value is a func- Disease of the gallbladder also could present in this
tion of the probability of getting a response to that manner. In addition to bacterial infection, one par-
question (similar to that described before for the ticular parasitic infection could account for these
prescriptive approach to the diagnosis of acute re- symptoms: giard ias is. The patient's travel history
nal failure) and the conditional probabilities of the might be interesting.
attribute being assessed. Studies suggest that peo-
ple making social d iagnoses use the d iagnos ing The patient was in good health until 1 m onth
strategy far more frequently than the hypothesis- before admission, when she became anorectic;
confirming strategy. 3538 In add ition, those studies since then she had lost 5 pounds. The pain was
tel l us uut only that people te1H.l W rcyucst Jata that worse on inspiration and radiated to the right
w ill maximally separate two or mo re hypotheses, shoulder. It diminished when she sat and leaned
but also that g iven a choice of questions, people ap- forward. She was nauseated and reported hav-
pear to select those that tend to produce the greatest ing night sweats. The diarrhea was not accom-
possible separation of hypotheses. panied by tenesmus or bleeding, and she had
The finding that people select a rational strat- not vom ited.
egy that can be approximated by a probabilistic
Anorexia and weight loss could be nonspecific
model when making social inferences is interest-
consequences of her underlying d isease, wh atever
ing. vVhether physicians use the d iagnosing strat-
it is. T he pattern of her pain- worse on inspiration
egy is uncertain; however, such an approach is
and radiating to the rightshoulder- suggests some
probably less likely to introduce bias into infor-
process under the right d iaphragm. It could be in
mation gathering than the hypothesis-confirming
one of the spaces below the d iaphragm or in the
strategy. We have little information as to whether
liver. W hen I see a patient whose chief complaints
e ither the hypothesis-confirming or the d iagnos ing
are d iarrhea and right-upper-quadrant pain radi-
strategy is used in medical diagnosis. In the fore-
ating to the shoulder and that patient has traveled
going case discussion, it appears that both strate-
to areas in wh ich parasitic infections are endemic,
gies were used in the same diagnostic encounter.
one of the first things I think of is an amebic liver
It seems qu ite li kely that both (or possibly even
abscess. If she had experienced a previous episode
more than two) strategies are used in the process
of abdominal pain, I would wonder if in the past
of medical d iagnosis, depending on the kind of in-
she had had either biliary tract d isease or acute
formation being sought. Perhaps diagnosing, con-
appendici tis and was now presenting with a right
firmation, and eli mination strategies are only some
subphrenic abscess. The night sweats also suggest
of the tactics used to dec ide which question should
that she has some type of infection, possibly in or
be ask ed next.
around the liver. T he diarrhea might be only an
accompanying symptom.
I suppose she also could have pericard i-
CASE 16. A FATAL FLAW IN tis, since an inflammatory process below the di-
SUTTON'S LAW aphragm could involve the pericardia! area. I must
adm it that although pericarditis could conceivably
A 35-year-old woman was admitted to the present w ith anorexia, night sweats, and diarrhea,
hospital with right-upper-quadrant abdominal this diagnosis would be low on my list. She could
pain and watery diarrhea for the previous 3 have pancreatitis, however. I should have included
days. that diagnosis earl ier when I raised the possibil ity
of biliary tract disease. I think I would need a lit-
A long list of diagnoses comes to mind.
tle more history and f indings from the phys ical
First, any of the infectious diarrheas, particularly
the bacterial diarrheas, could induce right-upper-
quadrant abdominal pain and watery diarrhea. A Three months earlier, after she had been in Por-
second group of diseases to consider are the inflam- tugal fora month, the patient and several of her
matory bowel diseases: ulcerative coli tis and-


T he one other thing we should do is ascer-

traveling companions had developed an illness
tain that her lungs are normal. On examination, at
characterized by fever, nausea, and watery di-
least, there was no fluid or evidence of consolida-
arrhea. Those symptoms subsided over a few
tion. I am cautious about this issue because it is bad
days without specific therapy. She previously
practice to plan surgery and then find on chest x-
had been well. She was taking no medications
ray a right-lower- lobe pneumonia that presented
and did not use drugs or alcohol. She had had
with intraabdom inal manifestations. At this point,
no exposure to hepatitis, and none of her friends
I would like some laboratory data, including a com-
or family members had been ill recently.
plete blood count and a microscopic examinat ion
of the stool.
She was previously healthy, wh ich leads me to
think tha[she acquired one of the "traveling" types
Laboratory studies revealed the following:
of diarrhea in Portugal. I am not sure of the organ-
hemoglobin 11 g/dL, hematocrit 33%, white
isms that you can pick up there, but Salmonella
cell count 11,500 with 81 polys, 13 bands, 5
and amebae are among them. I am sure you also
monos, and 1 atypical lymphocyte. The sed -
can pick up a lot of the other infectious diarrheal
imentation rate was 44 mm/hr. Stool guaiac
d iseases as well. In most cases, travele r's d iarrhea
was negative, and no polys were seen on the
is caused by one of the classic bacterial or parasitic
stool smear. Electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, Ii ver
pathogens, but it can be caused by a virus. In fact,
function studies, and amylase were normal. On
up to 80% of people traveling to any of a num-
urinalysis, the specific gravity was 1.026, pH 5.0,
ber of different countries can get severe diarrhea.
ketones 3+; 2 to 5 white blood cells (WBCs)
I suspect she has one of the bacteria- or parasite-
and 2 to 5 red blood cells (RBCs) per high-
causecl cli~rrheas because of the complications that
power field ( hpf) were found in the sediment.
developed subsequently.
Chestx-rayand upright KUB (kidneys, ureters,
The physical examination revealed a thin and bladder) radiograph were unremarkable.
woman who was experiencing considerable dis-
comfort. Blood pressure was 110/70 mm H g, Her hemoglobin and hematocrit are slightly
pulse was 80 per minute, respiration was 16 low, her white cell count is increased, and there
p er minute, temperature was 37 C. She was is a sh ift to the left. She has one atyp ical lympho-
not icteric. Chest examination showed no ab- cyte, but I really cannot make much of that. Her
normalities. Abdominal examination disclosed sedimentation rate is high, which also suggests the
marked guarding in the right upper quadrant, presence of an inflammatory process, and the shift
but there was no rebound tenderness. No masses to the left suggests that it is a pyogenic infection.
were presen t, and b owel sounds were normal, T he urinalysis is not very reveali ng, although the
as were rectal and pelvic examinations. combination of two to five white blood cells and
two to five red blood cells is probably abnormal.
Once again, the findings focus our attention I would want to h ave this finding confirmed, and
on the right upper quadrant, and some of the dis- if the specimen was a good dean-catch urine, we
eases I mentioned earlier are the ones that continue would have to make sure she did not have some-
to concern me: biliary tract infection with a stone in thing going on e ither in the kidney or in the blad-
the common bile duct, with or without pancreatic der. She could have an inflammatory process in
inflammation; acute pancreatitis; li ver infection; the abdomen w ith extension around the bladder.
and, if she d id have amebiasis, an amebic liver ab- M inor urine sed iment abnormali ties can be found
scess. She could well have an abscess in the right even with an infection outside the bladder; such
upper quad rant that does not involve the hepato- find ings can occur in patients with appendicitis,
biliary tree, and such a lesion could have resulted for example. Incidentally, the normal amylase re-
from a previous intestinal perforation. Of course, duces the chance that she has pancreatitis.
her diarrhea and other symptoms that developed Because I suspect a collection of pus in or
in Portugal could be the consequence of inflam- around the biliary tree or in the subphremc space,
matory bowel disease or even append icitis. I would like to go right to that area to study it.


T he most d irect method, when physical examina- Rocky Mounta ins, Greece, or Turkey. I am not
tion a nd rout ine x-rays a re negative, is to do a CT sure whether this parasite is ind igenous to Portu-
scan, which is more effective in detecting intra- gal. I would also want to re-examine the x- rays to
abdominal abscesses than an ultrasound. If CT make sure that there are no calcifications in the
were not available, ultrasound would be my second liver. One would not want to insert a needle into
choice. Interestingly, when ultrasound is done in an echi nococcal cyst and spill its contents.
add it ion to CT, no addi tional diagnostic informa - You might attempt to aspirate this patient's
tion is obtained. A gallium scan would be o flittle lesion ifit is accessible. T he ideal location of a lesion
value in this situation, since both false-positive and for percutaneous asp iration is the surface of the
false-negative rates are high. liver, but the real decision to go ahead w ith this
pruceJ ure h as Lo be:: made in cuujuuctiun with the::
The initial diagnosis was either acute chole- echographer who performs it.
cystitis or an intestinal infection. A hydroxy We are faced with a previously healthy
iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scan and stool woman who has multiple defects in the liver re-
specimens for Giarclia, Yersinia, Entamoeba vealed by ultrasound. T here are no clues that she
histolytica, Shigella, Salmonella, and Campy- has a carcinoma anywhere. We are told that the
lobacter were ordered. pelvic examination was normal and that there are
no genitourinary symptoms, so I think I'd home in
The advantage of the HIDA scan is that it can
on the liver a nd search for an infectious process-
be clone in a couple of hours, and it may tell you
especially an amebic abscess- because she has been
whether the gallbladder is working well. If it is
in an area where she might have developed ame-
negative, we would still have to get a CT scan. If
biasis. She does have many symptoms that could
the HID/\ scan is positive, I wou ld suspect cholc-
be indicat;ve of a pyogenic infection of the liver.
cystitis, but because of the atyp ical presentation, I
O n the basis of the find ing of multiple small le-
would still want to k now what the anatomy was.
sions, I would say that the likelihood of amebiasis
In particular, I would want to make sure that there
goes way down and the likelihood of a pyogenic
was not a collection of fluid above or in the liver,
infection goes way up.
so I would encl up doing a CT scan anyway. Direct
observation of a stool smear might have been re-
vealing. If the smear was negative, we could pretty The next morning, the patient's abdominal
much exclude a d iagnosis of amebias is. We are pain was less severe and diarrhea had not re-
going to have to wait for the Yersinia , Salmonella, curred. Her abdomen was less tender. Repeat
Shigella , and Campylobacter cultures for at least 24 hematocrit was 27%, and the white cell count
to 48 hours. I think I also would obtain blood cul- was 7,100 with 80 polys, I band, 14 lympho-
tures at th is time. cytes, and 5 monocytes. Repeat urinalysis was
The HIDA scan could not be performed, and
the radiologist did a right-upper-quadrant ul-
trasound study instead. The gallbladder was T he fall in her hematocrit from 33% to 27%
normal, but the right lobe of the liver showed might be only the consequence of hydration, but I
multiple hypoechoic masses, some of which ap- would want to make sure that she was not losi ng
peared to be confluent. No subphrenic collec- blood somewhere or hemolyzing. Her white count
tion was present. The revised diagnoses, given has dropped to 7,1 00, and she sti ll has a shift: to the
these new findings, included liver metastases left:, although it is not as impressive as it was a day
or abscesses, and discussions were held with the earl ier.
echographers about needle aspiration of one of vVe have to fi nd Out what those lesions are in
the lesions. the li ver. Vve should either try to aspirate them or
do some other stud ies to find out whatthey are. Us-
A( this point, I would like a little more his- ing Sutton's law, if the patient has defects in an area
tory. I would want to make sure she had not been in wh ich she is hav ing all of those symptoms and
in an area endemic for ech inococcosis, such as the there is strongly suggestive evidence of infection ,


I'd want to get a specimen and decide what this Although the correct diagnosis was neve r
lesion is so I could recommend specific therapy. even entertained by the discussant, many valua ble
lessons can be derived from his broad consideration
On the second hospital day, both an abdominal of the possible diagnostic hypotheses because the
CT scan with contrast and a technetium scan process he used is representative of the approach
showed a single large lesion (9 x 12 cm) in the that characterizes mucih diagnostic problem solv-
right lobe of the liver, which had the character- ing: consideration of multiple competing h ypothe-
istics of a cavernous hemangioma. Clots were ses. Newell and Simon's studies of people as they
thought to be present within the lesion. All stool solved simple problems in chess, cryptarithmetic,
culmres were negative. and logic, as well as several studies of medical prob-
lem solving, show that the diagnostic process fre-
So she has a cavernous hemangioma that bled. quently proceeds in much the same fashion as the
This lesion could account for her pain and the fall in process of scientific inquiry. 1819,30, t60 T he initual
hematocrit, but I do not understand how a bleeding approach, to paraphrase Karl Popper, is not simply
hemangioma causes diarrhea. to accumulate facts and then build theories about
them, but to start out with some conjecture that
Nothing further was done. The diarrhea goes beyond the available facts and either proves
ceased, and the patient recovered uneventfully. or disproves the hunch. 161
The nature of her lesion was explained in detail, Indeed, the discussant made liberal use of con-
and a MedicAlert bracelet was ordered for her. jectures and hunches as he evaluated the data in this
Two months after discharge she was asymp- case, and it is possible to enumerate many of his
tomatic. Her hemoglobin and hematocrit had competing h ypotheses and to rank them progres-
returned to normal. sively from the most general to the most specific. As
shown in Table 14. 1, he offered more than 30 sep-
We still have not explained the d iarrhea. arate and distinct diagnostic hypotheses through-
out the session and repeated some of them several
Analysis times. At least seven categories of hypotheses are
It is worth contrasting the tactics used in this discernible, some quite general and some more spe-
problem-solving exercise w ith those used in an ear- cific.
lier example (see case 2) because in both cases the In order of progressive specificity are the
patient had an obscure disease. In that case, the pa- following (rather arbutrarily chosen) categories
tient was a young Chinese man who complained of and examples: a general diagnostic category (in-
weakness, and after only a few manifestations were flammatory process); diagnoses that consider only
described, the discussant- an endocrinologist- disease location (collection in liver, something in
immediately reached the conclusion that the pa- kidney); unclassified d iseases of specific organs
tient had periodic paralysis w ith hyperthyroidism, (gallbladder disease, biliary tract disease); a kind of
wh ich was the correct diagnosis. He then spent the disease of an organ (Crohn disease, pancreatitis);
remainder of the session confirming the diagnosis. general etiologic hypotheses (infectious diarrhea,
The presentation of wea kness in an Asian male pa- li ver abscess); specific etiologic hypotheses (amebic
tient represented a pattern that the endocrinologist li ver abscess, Salmonella diarrhea); and finally-
recognized immediately. presumably the most specific- causall y related d i-
In the foregoing session, the discussant fol - agnoses (subphrenic abscess caused by previous
lowed no such h ighl y directed approach. Instead, append icitis, pericard itis caused by inflammatory
he selected an erroneous etiologic category (infec- process below the diaphragm).
tion) and spent the remainder of the session propos- Although the discussant wavered a lot and
ing one infection after another w ithout making the offered a large number of competing hypotheses
correct diagnosis. He is in good company. The cli n- as more informat ion became ava ilable, eventually
icians taking care of the patient also were confused hed id home in on a space-occupying process in the
and stumbled on the correct diagnosis almost by li ver, a rather specific entity. It was at this juncture
accident. that he invoked Sutton's law, and, in our view,


TABLE 14.1

Diagnostic Hypotheses Proposed for a 35-Yeor-Old Woman with

Right-Upper-Quadrant Abdominal Pain and Diarrhea
General hypotheses Inflammatory process
"Location" hypotheses Something under diaph ragm
Something in kidney
Collection in Ii ver
Collection above liver
Disease of an organ Gallbladder d isease
Biliary tract disease
Kind of disease of an organ Inflammatory bowel d isease
Crohn disease
Ulcerative colitis
Pericardi tis
Biliary tract infection
General etiologic hypotheses Infectious d iarrhea
Subphrenic abscess
Traveler's d iarrhea
Liver abscess
Pyogenic infection
Inflammatory process around the bladder
Pus in biliary tree
Pus around biliary tree
Specific etiologic hypotheses G iardiasis
Amebic liver abscess
Salmonella d iarrhea
Yersinia diarrhea
Viral diarrhea
Parasitic diarrhea
Bacterial diarrhea
Causal hypotheses Subphrenic abscess caused by appendicitis
Pericarditis caused by inflammatory process
below the diaphragm

h is d iscussion aptly illustrates a serious flaw in th is b iopsy the lung; if the patient has evidence of liver
law. disease, biopsy the liver. The notion is, "go where
W illie Sutton, for readers who have not heard the money is."
h is "law" quoted before, was a notorious bank rob- Certainly, there are situations in wh ich fol-
ber who, when asked why he robbed ban ks, is said lowing that clinical d ictum is appropr iate. But we
to have replied, "That's w he re the money is." Many have serious reservations about invoking it un-
are fond of quot ing Sutton's law in medical con- critically as a d iagnostic strategy. C li nicians some-
texts: Ifthe patient has a diffuse pulmonary process, t imes use Sutton's law to convince less experienced


physicians that if they had only "gone where the First, I would need to know whether or not
money is" instead of ordering less useful tests, the he has already undergone any diagnostic workup
correct diagnos is would have surfaced sooner. Un- and would fall into the classic category of a fever
fortunately, such d iscussions often are held only of unknown origin. In young patients, the major
after a tesc has identified a lesion. T he point here is causes of fevers of unknown origin are infections,
that Sutton's law frequently is confounded by sub- tumors, and vasculitis, more or less in that order.
stantial retrospective bias, a problem we comment In older patients, malignancy occurs w ith greater
on in other discussions (see cases 5 and 46). In fact, frequency. G iant-cell arteritis must alway~ be con-
we suspect that th is law is applicable principally in sidered in the evaluation of fever in an elde rly pa-
retrospecc. tient.
W h y is Sullou's law less applicable prospec-
tively? Because this concept implies that the an- The patient recently returned from a week-
swer to a diagnostic dilemma is predestined. If end trip to the Oregon coast. While there, he
purchased raw oysters at a roadside stand and
you are confident that a patient has a right-upper-
ate them fully cooked. Two days later, he de-
quadrant abscess, for example, go after it. Unfor-
veloped intermittent fever as high as l02F,
tunately, because of the unstructured nature of the
anorexia, and mild nausea. These symptoms
process of diagnostic inquiry and because usually
persisted, and he went to see his physician.
so many diagnoses are possible, we often do not
know precisely "where the money is." Typically,
\.Vhen I think of diseases assoc iated with oys-
we make some good guesses and some bad guesses;
ter ingestion, I think of bacterial infections such as
we make some false starts, we backtrack, and some-
Vibrio vulnificus and Listeria, as well as viral hep-
times, as he re, a chance occurrence makes us (and
atitis. Because fever came on relatively soon after
the patient) lucky. The flaw is exposed when our
the oyster ingestion, viral hepatitis becomes a less
confidence encourages us to "go where the money
li kely possibility. Of course, ingestion of oysters
is" but the "money" simply is not there; then the
may be totally unrelated to the fevers.
patient pays a penalty for the erroneo LL~ approach.
That flaw is illustrated vivid ly in the case discussed He had no abdominal pain, change in bowel
here. Following Sutton's law could ha{e wrought habits, headaches, jaw pain, skin rash, arthral-
a disaster: The act of puncturing a hemangioma gias, or other symptoms, but he had lost
might have produced a life-threatening hemor- 6 pounds since the illness began. Two years pre-
rhage. This example should be humbling to those viously, he had coronary bypass surgery, and
who frequently rely on that old clinical saw. he also suffered from atrial fibrillation, con-
Sutton's law is not always faulty. In two ex- gestive heart failure (currently stable), gout,
amples in this series, we present cases in which it au<l hyputhyroi<lism. Me<lil:atiuus iudu<le<l
worked (~ee cases 24 and 45). In one case, the chance hydrochlorothiazide, captopril, levothyroxine,
of a specific diagnosis (pulmonary em bolism) was allopurinol, and warfarin.
extremely high, and the clinician proposed by-
passing intermed iate, less accurate (and minimally The weight loss is bothersome. The absence
risky) diagnostic tests (ECG and blood gases) for a of headaches and jaw pain is against the possibil-
more accurate one (lung scan). Thus, we can safely ity of temporal arteritis, although this diagnos is
invoke Sutton's law from time to time, at least can exist w ithout the classic symptoms. Ifhe had a
when the risk of doing so is minimal and when typical bypass surgery with a median sternotomy,
we are sure that there is "money in the bank." the possibility of a chronic occult infection with an
agent such as !11ycobacterium chelonae must be en-
CASE 17. HOW TO DISREGARD tertained. T he presence of atr ial fibrillation raises
RED HERRINGS the possibility of multiple emboli. Gout can present
as a febrile illness, but usually would be accom-
A 70-year-old man presented with a 4-week panied by acute inflammatory joint symptoms as
history of intermittent fever. well. Any medication can cause a fever, and in this
case, allopurinol would be the most likely culprit.


Perhaps che oysters are in facnhe mo'. luscal equiva- of lym phoma. The ralcs could be chronic due co
lent of a red her ring. I wonder if they are unrelated his w1derlying lung disease o r could reflect a new
to the presencing symptoms. process. He appears co be in atrial fibrillation bur
not in congestive heart failure. The murmur raises
The patient lived on a farm with his wife. H e the issueoiendoca rditis. With these sympcomsand
recently slaughtered a pig for hi sown consump- findings in a chroni c smoker, he could well have
tion (he does so once a year). H e drinks well lung cancer with a postobstruccive infection. The
water. H e traveled co Mexico 18 months pre- other historical info rm!ltion may be irrelevant.
viously and Hawaii 6 months ago. H e drank
two beers a day until his illness began and had The initial white blood cell count was 24,000
s mnkl'n r.ig:irt>ttl's, hnt not for Ol'c.anl's. His wifl' with 50% rosinnphils.
was not ill.
H e has an absolute eosinophilia. Eosi nophilia
People living on a farm can beat ris k for devel- has a long d iffe rentia l dia gnosis and often is
oping brucellosis, Q feve r, or cecanus. The slaugh- nonspecific unless it ge ts to extreme levels such
tering of a pig raises che possibility of trichina infec- as t hese. When 1 enco unte r eosi nophilia of chis
tion. I wou ld expect chat if chis man and his wife magnitude, I always recall the phrase, "worms,
cooked che oysters completely, th en th ey would wheezes, and weird diseases." In vasive parasitemia
have been just as di ligent in cooking the pig. Al- can certainly do chis. An allergic reaction can
though well water could ha ve exposed che patient also give rise to marked cosinophilia. This man
to a variety of toxins, including mercury or sele- takes a nwnber of drugs, of which allopurinol
nium, rever is nor usually a manifescacion ofheaV)' is a potential culpric. There are a va riety of ru-
metal intoxication. People tra veling to Mexico can mors associated with eosinophilia, including lym -
get infections wich Salmonella or rr.alaria, bur an phomas a nd cancer of the lung. Vasculitis, espe-
18-month inte rval before the infection manifested ciall y of the Churg-Strauss va riety, could do this.
itself would be quire unusual. I do not know of any H e could have one of the eosinophilic pneumonias
unusual illnesses endemic to H awaii. His lack of or the hype reosinophilic sy ndrome with infiltra-
interest in d rinking beer makes me wonder about tion of the hea rt, lung, or other tissues. Eosinophilic
th e state o f his liver. Although he gave up smoking fasciitis from L-tryptophan ingestion is possible.
cigarectes, he probably is still at increased risk for Eosinophilia does nor occur with incraluminal par-
lung o r bladder cancer. If his wife is well and also asite infection o r with sequeste red parasites such
ate the oysters, his symptoms are less li kely to be as an amebic abscess, but it docs bring us back
related to th M m eal. to the recently slaughtered pig and the possibil-
ity of tri chinosis. N onetheless, trichinosis usuall y
On examination , he appeared elderly. H e was
is associated w ich mya lg ias, swelling of the eyelids,
in no distress. Vital signs were normal. H e was
and splinter hemo rrhages. H e has none of chese
afebrile. A few ecchymoses were noted on his
extremities. HEE NT examination was normal.
There was no lymphadenopathy. A few rales Captopril, allopurinol, warfarin and hy-
were beard at the left lung base. Cardiac exam- dr ochlorothiazide were stopped, hut fever per-
ination revealed an irregularly irregular pulse sisted, and 1 week lacer the patien t was ad-
with a 2/6 systolic ejection murmur at the apex. mitted to the hospital. Physical examination
There was no organomegaly or abdominal ten- was unchanged. Laboratory data: white cell
derness. There was no peripheral edema. coun t 17,800 with 35% neutrophils, 13% lym-
phocytes, and 52% eosinophils. H emoglobin
H e is now afeb rile and does not appear "toxic." 14.6 g/ dL. Platelet count 280,000. Electrolytes
The ecchymoses could be related to wa rfarin ther- were normal. BUN was 77 mg/dL, creati-
apy. 1 assume chat there was no temporal artery nine 1.9 m g/dL. Urinalysis was normal. Total
tender:iess and thac che funduscopic examinat ion bilirubin 0.8 mg/dL. Alkaline phosphatase 211
was unrem arkable. The absence of lymphadeno- IU/L (normal32- 110),ALT130I U/L (normal
pathy is important in considering rhe possibility


osinophilic syndrome and would consider a my-

6-42), AST 95 IU/L ( normal 11-39), LDH
ocardial biopsy. I am not sure the abnormalities
440 IU/L (normal 100-240). Albumin 3.6 g/L.
seen on the echocard iogram can all be ascribed to
Chest x-ray was unremarkable.
h is coronary artery disease. One might empirically
try him on steroids, but I would like a closer look
His medications were stopped on the assump
at his heart.
tion that his symptoms and eosinophilia could be
a drug reaction, but that thought did not pan out.
Bone marrow biopsy revealed an anaplastic
He returned clinically unchanged, with persistent
large-cell lymphoma. The p atient was started
fevers and eosinophilia. He is not anem ic. His
on a chemotherapy regimen.
BUN and creatinine are high with a normal uri-
nalysis. He could have some prerenal azotemia.
T he lymphoma was probably producing an
The elevation of his alkaline phosphatase and the
eosinophil chemotactic factor.
mild transaminitis suggest a hepatic process, but
viral hepatitis does not usually cause eosinophilia.
Maybe he has hepatic congestion from congestive
heart fa ilure. Does he have tumor in his liver, either Internists love diagnostic challenges. The initial
context for diagnostic problem solving in chis case
from a gastrointestinal source or from a pulmonary
was "fever of unknown origin," a favor ite of all
lesion not seen on the chest x-ray? A medium- or
internists. This diagnosis conjures up a long list
large-sized vessel vasculi tis, such as polyarteritis
of possible causes and necessitates an exception-
nodosa, can produce hepatic dysfunction, as well
ally detailed history, includ ing an extensive travel
as eosinophilia. Or perhaps he has the hypere-
history, exposure history, and medication history.
osinoph ilic syndrome w ith infiltration of his liver.
This patient's history was dotted with intriguing
I am beginning to think of vasculitis as a major pos-
possibilities and false leads, including his exposure
sibility or idiopathic eosinophilic syndrome acting
to raw oysters, consumption of well water, slaugh-
like a malignancy. Lymphoma remains a possibil-
tering of a pig, and travel to Mexico and Hawaii.
ity, as does a solid tumor. Parasitemia seems less
vVhen the eosinophilia was discovered, the number
likely to me, g iven the clinical state. Trichinosis
of possible d iagnoses narrowed and attention was
seems less likely, although Strongyloides infection
focused on "worms, wheezes, and weird diseases."
is remotely possible.
T he job of the clinician was to find the overlap
Stool for ova and parasites contained a few between fever of unknown origin and ''worms,
Blastocystis hominis. Three sets of blood cul- wheezes, and weird diseases." Although she men-
tures were negative. Abdominal CT scan with- tioned lymphoma more than once and even sug-
out contrast was unremarkable. An cchocardio gested the possibil ity of eosinoph ilic syndrome act -
gram demonstrated global hypokinesis with an ing like a m alignancy, ultimately she never made
ejection fraction of 20%. Moderate mitral re- a firm diagnosis of lymphoma.
gurgitation was present, as well as inferior and One possible explanation is that she lost sight
posterior akinesis. Trichillella antibody was of several critically important findings, some of
negative. wh ich she actually mentioned, namely cardiac dys-
function, renal insufficiency without abnormal i-
Blastocystis hominis is a relatively harmless ties of the urinary sediment, and an elevated alka-
commensal organism. The negative blood cultures li ne phosphatase (possibly a manifestation of liver
are against bacteremia. The abnormal echocardio- infiltration by tumor). It is not easy keeping ev-
gram makes me wonder about infiltrative cardiac ery finding in mind, g iven the limitation of work-
d isease. I think the Trichinella ant ibody test is a ing memory, and for this reason, it always makes
reasonably good test and probably rules out trichi- sense when trying to solve a diagnostic quandary
nosis. One other disease that I have not mentioned to go back to the data, review all the pertinent pos-
and just came to mind is Addison disease, but itive and negative findings, and summarize them.
the eosinophilia in that d isorder is low grade. At In this case such a list might include we ight loss,
this poim, I wonder about the primary hypere- fever, severe eosinophilia, evidence of infiltration


of the li ver, and possibly also the k idneys and

emboli. Medications on admission to the hos-
heart. 'vVhen you put it this way, diagnoses o flym-
pital included insulin, heparin, intravenous
phoma and/or the hype reosinoph ilic syndrome al-
nitroglycerin, furosemide, and diltiazem. On
most jump out of the page.
examination he was in no distress. Blood pres-
Wh y the reference here to red herrings as
sure was 130/80 mm Hg, pulse was 72 per
false clues? Smoked herrings, otherw ise known
minute, irregularly irregular, and temperature
as red herrings, have a strong odor, and in I 9th-
was 36.7 C. The rest of the examination was
century Britain, some unscrupulous hunte rs some-
remarkable only for bibasilar rales. Admission
times dragged these fishes behind their horses
laboratory data: WBC 10,300, hematocrit 36%,
to divert rival hunters' oncomi ng hounds onto a
electrolytes normal, creatinine 1.4 mg/L, biliru-
fabe paL11. Although Mother Nawre <loes 11ol an
bin 0.8 rng/dL, alkaline phosphatase 86 IU/L,
unscrupulously, she frequently does strew false-
AST 18 IU/L, ALT 76 IU/L, amylase 139
positive clues across our diagnostic path. Chapter
IU/L, International Normalized Ratio (INR)
4 descr ibes how to recognize and deal w ith such
1.7, partial thromboplastin time 67.4 seconds,
false leads.
and platelet count 147,000. Chest x-ray showed
mild vascular redistribution.

CASE 18. DISCRIMINATION: THE T he myocardial infarction has been character-

PROBLEM OF LOOK-AUKES ized as nontransmural. T he patient has a history of
pulmonary em boli, but I do not believe that helps
A 53-year-old man transferred to the medical us w ith his current problem. He does have a history
center for treatment of persistent chest pain fol- of paroxysmal atrial fibri llation, wh ich raises the
lowing an acute myocardial infarction experi- possibility of an embolic even t. We are told that the
enced severe abdominal and back pain IO hours initial exam ination was remarkable only for basi-
after admission. lar mies in addition to atr ial fi brillation. 'vVe are
My first concern is whether he is hypotensive not told specifically what his abdom inal findings
were and whether he had bowel sounds or what his
and might have developed ischemic d isease of h is
small intestine. I would wonder if, on physical ex- stool guaiac was, so I shall presume that his initial
abdominal examination was normal.
am inat ion, there was anyth ing to suggest that he
had an abdom inal aortic aneurysm as a complica- I am still interested in knowing whether there
tion ofhis arter iosclerosis. I need to know his blood was any evidence of an aortic aneurysm. His age is
pressure on adm ission to the hospital and would somewhat aga inst his hav ing an aneurysm, but he
like more data abou t his hemodynamic status in does have severe vascular d isease. I would at least
the face of his persistent chest pain. I would like to like to see whether he had evidence of vascular
know what his gastrointestinal status is by physical calcification and whether his aorta was palpable.
exam ination and whether h is nasogastr ic content~ 'vVith the information we have so far, I am still
a nd stool are guaiac positive. Mostl y I am wor- concerned about ischemic or em bolic disease in his
ried about two catastrophes: ischemic bowel d is- gastrointestinal tract. I would like to know where
ease a nd rupture or leakage of an abdominal aortic the back pain is and how it relates to his abdominal
a neurysm. Ei ther of these could be related to or complai nts.
somehow coincidental with the acute m yocardial
His chest pain subsided shortly after admis-
sion but was replaced several hours later by
Three days earlier, the patient had been ad- severe, dull, constant upper abdominal pain,
mitted to another hospital with chest pain and which later became sharp. The pain was in
paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, and he was found a bandlike distribution across his upper ab-
to have a non- Q-wave myocardial infarction. domen with radiation to the back. He com-
He had a history of diabetes mellitus, recur- plained of excessive belching but no nausea,
rent deep venous thrombosis, and pulmonary vomiting, fever, or chills. On examination, he


was still afebrile. He had right-upper-quadrant unchanged. HIDA scan was normal. Antibi-
tenderness with guarding and decreased bowel otic coverage was broadened, and heparin was
sounds; Murphy's sign was positive. There was stopped.
no costovertebral angle tenderness. Laboratory
findings were unchanged. His stool was guaiac I am stuck now. The presumed acute chole-
negative. A right-upper-quadrant ultrasound cystitis would have a terrible prognosis if any sur-
revealed gallstones and a thickened gallblad- gical intervention were required in the face of an
der wall. The bile ducts and pancreas appeared acute myocardial in fa rction. T he cardiac catheter-
normal. ization is interesting in that d1e patient had onl y
one-vessel d isease but a reasonably poor ejection
We :iow h ave an exceed ingly difficult situ- fraction. I assume that there were no clots in the
ation: a patient who has some findings consistent ventricle or atri um. I would continue to follow the
w ith an acute abdomen. T here is evidence on right- patient. I am still concerned about his gallblad-
upper-quadrant ultrasound of chronic biliary tract der, as well as his pancreas. I would like to know
d isease with gallstones and a thickened gallblad- whether there had been any change in his serum
der wall in a man who had a n acute myocardial amylase. I should have asked earlier if he had any
infarction only a few days ago. Operating on such a h istory of alcohol intake, wh ich would ma:~e acute
patient carries a prohibitive mortality risk. I would pancreatitis a more li kely d iagnosis. The medica-
sim ply observe the patient for now. I wou ld mon- tions he is receiving are not helpful to me in at-
itor h is abdominal findings carefully over the next tempting to make a ny kind of diagnosis.
24 hours. I wou ld also follow his white count, hep-
atic enzymes, and amylase. One could occas ionally On the next day pain and abdominal findings
miss kidney stones in this kind of situation, so I persisted, and an exploratory laparotomy was
would check his urine for any red cell~ . performed. Nonocclusive vascular ischemia of
O ne of the things we could do is to further the distal third of the small bowel was diag-
evaluate the possibility of an acute embolic event nosed, but there was no perforation or peri-
would be to perform echocard iography to assess tonitis, and a postoperative abdominal arteri-
left atrial size. I believe there are some data sug- ogram was normal. Over the next few days
gesting that the larger the left atrium, the greater fever (38 to 39 C) and abdominal pain per-
is the likelihood of clot formation and subsequent sisted. White cell count was 12,000 to 13,000.
em boli. Since the patient just had a myocardial in- INR was 1.8, partial thromboplastin time was
farction, one could also look at his left ventricle to 41.6 seconds, platelet count was 56,000, throm-
see if there is a h ypokinetic area w ith intra ventric- bin time was normal, and fibrin split products
were elevated. Other laboratory findings were
ular clot formation. T hat is a nother possible source
of an embolus. I would not do anyth ing further at unchanged. Culnues from multiple sites (in-
this time except follow him closely over the next cluding blood) were negative. Blood pressure
24 hours. required pressor support. The cause of the fever,
abdominal pain, and hypotension was unclear.
The patient was treated for presumed acute
cholecystitis with intravenous fluids, anal- I am not sure I would h ave performed a la-
gesics, and ampicillin/sulbactam. Cardiac parotomy, but that decision would obviously de-
catheterization on the third day after transfer pend on seeing the patient and evaluating his pain.
showed occlusion of the right coronary artery At this point, it seems reasonable to d iscuss the hy-
but no other significant disease. Ejection frac- potension further. I do not think that hypotension
tion was 40%. Abdominal pain persisted on the is card iogen ic. In spite of the recent myocardial
night of the catheterization, and the patient be- infarction, his ejection fraction is 40%, which in
came febrile for the first time (40 C). Physical the absence of an y other abnormalities should not
examination was unchanged. WBC was 12,000 result in this degree of hypotension. Even if he
with a slight left shift. Liver function tests were had cardiogenic hypotension (and I do not believe
that this is the case), that would not account for


the fever and abdominal pain. Furthermore, there to treat h im for this d isease earlier in the hospital
is no evidence of hypovolemic shock, w hich also course. We still have a patient who appears to have
would not adequately explain the fever and the sepsis and is not improving after two laparotomies.
abdominal pain. T he only possible site of infection we have so far is
I am left wi th a septic type of shock as the most the perforation of ileum, but r am a little worr ied
likely cause of the hypotension, fever, abdom inal about blaming all of the patient's problems on a
pain, reduced platelet count, and the elevated fib- localized, sealed-over perforation. wa~ there any
r in split products. T he specific site of infection is evidence of true abscess, and if so, how big was it?
not clear. It still seems to me that vascular disease Did it need to be drai ned? On the other hand, was
of the small bowel could be inferred. Although the tiny perforation clinicall y irrelevant? r do not
there was nu perluraLiun initiall y, uue cuulJ have believe we have a Jiagnosis al this point. T he in-
occurred since then. The gallblad der could be a travenous hydrocortisone is being given either for
source of infection, but I heard nothi ng abo ut the gram-negative sepsis on the minimal evidence that
gallbladder in the report of the exploratory laparo- it works or for the remote possibility of adrenal
tomy, so I shall assume that it was unremarkable. insufficiency. I have heard nothing to make me
T he pancreas is another possible site, but it would suspect adrenal insufficiency. r do not have a d i-
have been examinedduring the laparotomy as well. agnosis. I would still be following h is abdominal
In a febr ile postoperative patient, all the con- examination to see what happens.
ventional causes of infection would have to be con-
sidered: pulmonary infection, sepsis related to an Over the next 24 hours, the patient's blood pres-
ind welling vascular catheter, and urinary tract in- sure was more easily controlled with pressors.
fection. Undoubtedly, by th is time, the patient h ad His systemic vascular resistance increased, and
a Foley catheter in place. I would carry out a de- his temperature started to fall. The value for
tailed workup to identify any infectious cause. I plasma cortisol in blood drawn before the sec-
would be interested in his urinalysis, h is urine and ond operation (when the patient appeared sep-
blood cultures, and whether he was having a ny tic) was reported to be 0.6 ,g/dL.
deterioration in his rena l function because of the
G iven that the patient was hypotensive and
prolonged hypotension. I am still concerned about
appeared septic, this cortisol level is inappropr i-
doing the exploratory laparotomy in the first place.
ately low. Adrenal insufficiency still surprises me,
In retrospect, it was not helpful and could have
but much of this patient's complicated course could
been harmful in this high -ris k patient.
be explained by relative or absolute adrenal insuf-
On the eighth day, laparotomy was repeated ficiency. I do not remember an y comments about
because abdominal pain and tenderness per- h is electrolytes. Adrenal insufficiency has such a
sisted. A localized, sealed-over perforation of low prior probability these days that r do not think
the ileum was described, and a closed ileostomy ofiteven when I should. vVhen I was g iving the list
and cholecystectomy were performed. The gall- of reasons for hypotension earlier, I did not even
bladder was not inflamed. Postoperatively, the Iist it.
patient continued to appear severely ill. His
CT scan of the adrenal glands was consistent
temperature was 39.3 C, and his blood pres-
with bilateral adrenal hemorrhage. Retrospec-
sure required pressors. Cardiac output was
tively, the patient's abdominal pain, fever, and
10 Umin. Systemic vascular resistance was low
hypotension were attributed to acute adrenal
( 432). White cell count was 8,500 and platelets
hemorrhage, probably related to anticoagulant
were 36,000. INR was normal. Antibiotics were
therapy. The patient had a prolonged hospi-
changed to allow for more anaerobic coverage.
tal course. He was discharged approximately
The patient was given intravenous hydrocorti-
2 months after admission, on cortisol and min-
sone empirically.
eralocorticoid replacement. When seen by the
endocrinologist 2 months later, he felt well and
The patient apparently did not have chole- was recovering uneventfully.
cystitis, altl1ough I believe that it was appropriate


Obviously, I missed it cold, and if I had an- resembles Bartter syndrome, exogenous insulin ad-
other 3 hours to think about it, I do not think I ministration resembles an insulinoma, atheroem -
would have come up with bilateral adrenal hem- bolism resembles vasculitis. In many of these ex-
orrhage as the cause of his pain and hypotensive amples, considerable energy has been poured into
episode. In retrospect, I woulld be even more inter- developing methods to distinguish one from an-
ested in the electrolytes to see if they were helpful in other.
any way. The risk ofbilateral adrenal hemorrhage Not surprisingly, diagnostic computer pro-
and insufficiency from anticoagulant therapy must grams based either on Bayes' rule or on the arti-
be exceedingly low. ficial intelligence/expert systems approach wou ld
be expected to make the same error. In one case
Analysis a probabilistic computer program for the diagno-
The cause of this patient's clinical manifestations sis of acute renal failure confused the renal disease
remained obscure for many days to the physicians of scleroderma with malignant nephrosclerosis. 159
responsible for his care, and our discussant also had In another case an artificial intelligence computer
considerable difficulty in deducing that hypoten- program designed to identif)r the causes of edema
sion had resulted from adrenal hemorrhage. Such confused constrictive pericarditis w ith severe car-
difficulty in diagnosis is not surprising: Except diac fa ilure. 162
in patients previously treated with steroids, acute If we have two disorders that resemble each
adrenal insufficiency is rare, and adrenal hemor- other both clinically and in the results of common
rhage is a reportable complication of anticoagulant laboratory tests, how do we distinguish between
therapy. them, and under what circumstances is it impor-
One of the interesting features of this patient's tant to do so? Transcript analys is of physicians en-
course is a clinical conundrum that has received gaged in the diagnostic process has identified a dlis-
scant attention: namely, the close resemblance of criminating strategy for dealing with syndromes
one clinical entity to another. In the patient pre- with similar findings. 19 First, we should search
sented here, both physicians responsible for his care the clinical findings w it h great care for subtle dif-
and the discussant focused appropriately on the ferences that might distinguish one disorder from
possibility that the patient was septic: Certainl y, another. Second, we should pay close attention to
sepsis is a far more likely in-hospital cause of hy- differences in prevalence between the two disor-
potension than acute adrenal hemorrhage. Indeed, ders: Geese are more common than swans (at least
the clinicians and the discussant agreed on treat- in the United States), a nd if a given creature re-
ing the patient for sepsis, and we suspect that many sembles both, it is more likely to be a goose than a
others also would have acted simila rl y. If not for a swan.
resident who spent time going through a long dif- However, just because one disorder is consid-
ferential diagnosis of persistent hypotension, the erably more prevalent than another (e.g., diuretic
correct diagnosis may h ave gone unnoticed. abuse vs. Bartter syndrome), there is no guarantee
Let us explore the error of confusing one disor- that a patient w ith all the clinical manifestations
der with its "look-alikes"- namely,disorders w ith of the more common disorder actually has th.at
clinical manifestations that are quite similar. For disorder. Because prevalence alone often is not an
clarity in the discussion, we shall consider disor- adequate discriminator, tests other than the "rou-
ders that closely resemble each other but differ tine" laboratory tests may be required. Curiously,
sufficiently in their prognosis or their response to the guideli nes for carrying out such tests relate as
treatment so that differentiation between the two much to the characteristics of the treatments for
entities is worthwhile. both conditions as they do to the characteristics of
How often do we confuse two look-alikes? the test. Certainl y the accuracy and risks of the
What is the nature of this error? Do we already test are important determinants of the decision to
have effective mechanisms for dealing with the use it, but the efficacy of treatment and the con-
problem? No catalog of look-a likes exists, yet sequences of not treating are equally critical. If a
many come to mind: Constrictive pericarditis re- test is highly sensitive and highly specific but is
sembles restrictive cardiomyopathy, diuretic abuse somewhat risky, we may be willi ng to use the test


if identifying the current diagnosis allows us to (I)

The patient had finished playing soccer and
use a highl y effective treatment, (2) avoid a high ly
complained to his parents of dyspnea and tired-
risky treatment, or (3) avoi d missing the opportu-
ness and he said he was sick to his stomach.
nity to (reat a treatable disorder. Thus, the accuracy
He had a poorly characterized headache and
and risks of further testing (perhaps also the cost of
said his stomach and legs hurt. When he got
further testing) and the therapeutic efficacy of ap-
home, his oral temperature was 39 C. H e had
proaches to both the common and rare look-ali kes
no cough, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. His
need to be considered.
past history was unremarkable. His immuniza-
As a practical matter, we may be w illing to
tions were up to date. He was not taking any
subject a patient to card iac catheterization to d is-
medications. No one else at home had been sick.
ti ngu ish L>t: l ween cun slriCLivc: a nd restrictive car-
d iomyopathy despite the substantial risk of car- T his is still pretty nonspecific. Headaches in
d iac catheterization and pericard iectomy because a 5-year-old are not that common. Things that I
the benefit of surgery is su bstantial if the patient would think of in that context wh ich could be se-
has constrictive pericarditis. The lost opportun ity rious would include the early onset of bacterial
of treating such a reversible disorder is far too meningitis. In a ch ild, that would mean organ isms
costly. Although considerable attention has been such as meningococcus, Haemophilus influenzae,
paid to the diagnostic procedures required to sep- and, less commonly, pneumococcus. Bacteremia
arate one look-alike from a nother, we have paid without an obvious focus could present with a
less attention to the more d ifficult task of weighing headache as well. Being on a soccer team means
the tradeoffs between the risks and accuracy of in- that he obviously has been in contact with other
vasive tests and the risks a nd benefits of alternate children. I am specificall y interested in knowing
therapies. if he had the vaccinations against meningococcus
Fin ally, the process of identifying look-ali kes and H. influenzae, wh ich cannot be assumed from
could be vastly improved. Rather than search our the statement that h is im mun izations were up to
experience to come up with examples, it might be date.
beneficial to compile lists for each medical domain.
At the very least, such a compilation might wa rn His parents (both are internists) initially
us that we may be missing a disorder for wh ich thought that he had a viral infection. His fa-
there is an effective treatment. Replacement steroid ther, however, remembered that 10 days ear-
therapy for acute adrenal insufficiency certainly is lier during their trip to the Smoky Mountains
one such example. in Tennessee, the boy's mother had pulled a
nonengorged tick from the boy's hair. Since
both parents had gone to medical school in
CASE 19. LOCATION, LOCATION, North Carolina and had seen critically ill pa-
LOCATION tients with Rocky Mountain spotted fever, they
became alarmed about this possibility.
A previously healthy 5f2-year-old boy suddenly
developed malaise, headache, abdominal aches, I would like to know what kind of tick this
and shortness of breath. These symptoms oc- was. A dog tick could be the vector for Rocky
curred at the end of April, in Massachusetts. l\tfountain spotted fever. Certainl y North Carolina
is a hotbed for Rocky Mounta in spotted fever, but
T his is a fa irly nonspecific presentation. Even I am not certain about Tennessee. T h is is a reason-
though it is almos t May, an influenza-like illness able thought. The incubation period seems appro-
could account for al l of these symptoms. Respira- priate. He has part of the triad of fever, headache,
tory syncytial virus could also g ive a similar pre- and ras h that is seen in about two-thirdsof patients
sentation in a child. I would li ke to know more wi th the disease. O bviously, I want to hear about
about his epidemiology, incl ud ing sick contacts in h is physical examination. Does he look toxic? Is
his family or school. W hat is his travel history? Are there a rash ? Mak ing a diagnosis can be difficult.
there ticks out yet? Serology takes too long to be practical in making


the diagnosis acutely. If you really think this is the

that the drug company no longer made the oral
d iagnosis, you should start treatment. The usual
suspension. The parents began to have second
treatment would be doxycycli ne, wh ich is prob-
thoughts about this course of action.
lematic in a you ngste r d ue to the potential toxicity
to h is developing teeth. So wh at do the parents wa nt to do? It would
The boy was seen by a pediatrician, who noted be really important to me to see the patient and get
him to be somewhat fatigued and withdrawn. a better sense of how sick he looks. I still do not
Physical examination was unremarkable. No think we h ave ruled out meningitis because early
rashes were noted. White cell count was 10,800 on in meningitis, meningismus may not be present.
with a normal differential. Hematocrit, platelet Of course, in early meningitis, the cerebral spinal
count, electrolytes, and liver function tests were fluid may not be overly abnormal. I would like
all normal. some more data before decid ing on what course of
action might be most appropriate.
The lack of rash a nd the normal platelet
A pediatric infectious disease expert from the
count are somewhat agai nst the di agnosis of Rocky
father's institution returned an earlier page and
Mountain spotted feve r. T he presentation here is
when told about the case he stated that he never
still quite nonspecific. Ifit were a deer t ick, I would
used oral chloramphenicol because of evidence
also think of Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis, al-
that the oral form had greater risk of the drug's
though I'd have to check on the incidence of Lyme
known toxicities. He stated that if he felt that
disease in Tennessee. Babesiosis could also be trans-
the child really had Rocky Mountain spotted
m itted by a deer tick, and, once again, I would
have to check to see if it is found in that part of fever, he would admit the patient for parenteral
chloramphenicol. He agreed with not using
the county. T he normal laboratory tests are a lit-
tetracycline. The parents decided in consulta-
tle against ehrlich iosis and babesiosis, but I would
tion with the initial pediatrician and the last
keep these diagnoses in the back of my m ind. A
infectious disease consultant not to administer
non-arthropod disease must be kept in mind.
an antibiotic and to follow the child closely.
Two infectious disease consultants both agreed
that Rocky Mountain spotted fever could not be T his is a dilemma. I feel uncomfortable that
ruled out at this early stage. They agreed that we do not have a complete enough work up. I might
tetracycline was contraindicated because of the be inclined o n what I know to empirically treat the
child's age, and both recommended treaunent patient for Rocky Mountain spotted fever, if not
with oral chloramphenicol for 5 to 7 days. meningitis.

The patient did fairly well over the next 24

I agree that if you think Rocky Mountain spot-
hours as long as his fever was suppressed with
ted feve r is a reasonable diagnosis, then it should
acetaminophen. No new symptoms developed.
be treated, but I would also wa nt to do addi tional
At one point, 24 hours after the onset of the
workup, including blood cultures, chest x-ray, and
symptoms, his axillary temperature was 40C.
urinalysis. One could look at a blood smear for ev-
Observation was continued.
idence of Babesia or Ehrlichia . A Lyme titer could
be sent, but even ifhe had Lyme disease, it may be It is good that he is at least stable. We still have
too early for him to have seroconverted. not ruled out a v iral process. He could have acute
cytomegalovirus or Epstein-Barr infection.
It took the pediatrician 45 minutes to find a
pharmacy that could mix an oral suspension Over the second 24 hours, his temperature fell.
of chloramphenicol. When the parents arrived He received his last dose of acetaminophen
to pick up the prescription the pharmacist told 48 hours after the onset of his symptoms. His
them that his only use for the suspension for mother called the park ranger in the Smoky
the previous 3 years had been for veterinarians Mountains and was told that they had not
who used it in bird feed. In fact, he pointed out had any documented cases of Rocky Mountain


the parents' memories of serious cases of the disease

spotted fever in recent years. The child recov-
evoked this diagnosis, despite the low prevalence
ered uneven tfully from h is p resumed viral ill-
of the disease anywhere in the United States (there
n ess. T h e parents wondered if their m edical
are only 250 to 1,200 cases in the United States a
background h ad been an asset or a nuisance in
year, according to the Centers for Disease Control
this case.
and Prevention). 163 E ven more interesting is how
It certainly worked out okay for the patient the consultants seemed to be drawn into the same
and the parents were rig!ht that he probably had domain, even going so far as to recommend hospi-
some type of viral infection, the exact etiology of talization and the intravenous use of a fai rly toxic
w h ich we will never know. Did the parents inter- antibiotic. It is as if the parents and the consultants
fere? Yes. I still think it would have been better were caught up in a bizarre epidemiologic delu-
to be more aggress ive in the workup and possi ble sion. Fortunately, Mom kept a cool head, checked
use of empiric therapy. Intravenous chloramphen i- the incidence of Roe k y Mountain spotted fever in
col is not to be taken lightly, but neither is Rocky Tennessee, and found a cipher. Mom saved theday.
Mountain spotted fever. Although we have made light of this experi-
ence, we qu ickly point out that assessing the inci-
Analysis dence of disease is a fundamental diagnostic strat-
It's a good bet that any 5-year-old child in Mas- egy. Given the extent of world travel, we must
sachusetts (or just about anywhere else in the be aware of the incidence of infectious diseases in
United States, for th at matter) with a bell yache, countries other than our own. W hen foreign cit-
fever , and lass itude has a self-limited viral illness, izens arr ive in our country w ith febr ile illnesses,
but many parents fear the worst when a little one we must be aware of diseases in the countries from
gets sick. Physicians, like the parents in this case, wh ich they came. W hen our own citizens travel
are especially likely to worry that their child h as a abroad, the same holds. A febrile ill ness in a trav-
dread disease. Surely, from an objective viewpoint, eler could be malarua, dengue, or (epidemio logi-
not only the parents, but the various consultant~ cally) something much worse.
nnust have appreciated that, in terms of prevalence, Regions of a country do matter, of course.
a viral ill ness was overwhelmingly likely, yet they Connecticut is infa mous for Lyme disease,
were sidetracked into worrying about a rare (but Martha's V ineyard for babesiosis, the San Joaquin
potentially fatal) d isease. valley in California for coccidioidomycosis, and
Their trip into "Rocky Mountain spotted North Carolina and Oklahoma for Rocky Moun-
fever land" was initiated by two recalls: the discov- tain spotted fever (most cases are seen in these two
ery of a tick in their child's head and a salient mem- states; curiously, few cases are seen in the Rocky
ory of patients they had seen with the d isease. It Mountain states.) However, common d iseases are
is well known that memory is fac ilitated by strong still most common, and we might save ourselves
emotional experiences, an d it is not surprising that much grief if we keep that in mi nd.

~Use and Interpretation
of Diagnostic Tests

CASE 20. INTERPRETING A NEGATIVE syndrome, and certai n cancers. O the r than th e
TEST RESULT mild anemia, the complete blood count (CBC) is
not ve ry helpfu l. The differential does not sug-
gest something like a lymphoma, where one might
A 72-year-old woman with a history of mitral
see more of a lymphocyte predominance, and the
valve prolapse presented with a 3-week history
sligltd y elcvau:d plau:lt:t t:uL111t i~ pruuauly t:u11-
of almost daily fevers and night sweats.
sistent w ith an in fl ammatory process. Blood cul-
In a pati ent like th is w ith 3 weeks of fever, t ures are usually a good way to pick u p a bac-
acute infectio ns seem un likely. Disorders such te remia, especially if they are collected and plated
as pneumonia o r a urinary tract infection (UTI) properly. The negative cultures could be compat-
would present much soo ne r than that. I would ible with a fastidious orga nism such as one of the
lea n toward a ch ronic infection or a malignancy HACEK orga nisms (Haemophilus species, Acti-
as the cause of her feve r. The history of mitral nobacillus acti11om)'Cetemcomita11s, Cardiobacterium
valve pro:apse by itself does not strike me as overly hominis, Eiktnella co1Tode11s, and Ki11gella kingae).
importa nt at this time unless it was associated with Salmonella, if present, should be relatively easy
significant mitral regurgitation, which might in- to culture from the blood. The visit to the den -
cre:1se her ri sk of b:icteri:1I endoc:irditi>. tist is a l way~ interesting, but it appears that her
fevers predated her visit to the d entist. Since the
W e b egin the history of her present illness on blood cultures were done before she got the an-
May 4, when the patient had a normal rou- tibiotics from the dentist, a partially treated endo-
tine examination by her primary care physi- carditis with negative cultures is pretty much ruled
cian. O n May 9, she developed a self-limited our.
" intestinal flu" with 2 days of diarrhea and ab-
dominal cramps. Shortly thereafter, she devel- She had a long history of mitral valve prolapse
oped nightly fevers, flushing, drenching night with an associated murmur of mitral regurgita-
sweats, and bi frontal headaches. On May 22, she tion. Her right eye had bee n enucleated decades
again saw her physician, who obtained the fol- ago for a malignant melanoma. She was on no
lowing studies: white blood cell count (WBC) medications at the time of the illness. There was
6,000, hcmatocrit 30%, platelet count 405,000, no history of recent travel or unusual exposures.
sedimentation rate 115 mm/hr. Two blood cul-
T he previously known murmur mak es th e
tures were negative. She also saw her dentist
m itra l valve prola pse more bothe rsom e. Until the
because she thoug ht her symptoms might be
recent practi:e guidelines were published, mitral
due to a dental abscess. She received prophylac-
valve prolapse with a murmur was considered to
t ic cephalexin. No abscess was found
be an indication fo r prophylactic antibiotics, but it
The recent history of diarrhea raises the pos- no longer is. H owever, many physicia ns still like
sibility of a lingering gastroenterologic infection to give prophylaxis in patients with these fi ndings.
from an orga nism such as Salmo11e/la. That or- Drug fever seems unlikely unless the patient is tak-
ganism can be associated with mycotic aneurysm s, ing some type of medication we are not aware of,
and hence I would wonder about some type of en- such as herbal medications. W e have nothing to
suggest a tra vcl-rclarcd in fectio n.
dovascular infection leading to persisting fevers.
The elevated sedimentation rate is striking. It is On May 24, she was seen at a hospital clinic
not chararte ristic of any specific diagnosis, bur lev- for further studies. Questioning revealed that
els above 100 make me think of diagnoses such as she also had diffuse muscle aches, decreased
end ocarditis, osteomyelitis, tuberculos is, nephritic



energy, and mild nausea. On examination, On May 25, a transesophageal echocardiogram

she was in no distress. Oral temperature was showed no evidence of endocarditis. 'The work-
38 C. Blood pressure was normal. No tempo- ing diagnosis was polymyalgia rheumatica, and
ral artery tenderness was noted. Lungs were prednisone 10 mg daily was begun.
clear. Her systolic click and murmur were un-
changed. No petechiae were noted. There was G iven the negative transesophageal echo, it
no lymphadenopathy. Repeat laboratory stud- appears that endocarditis has been ruled out al-
ies were as follows: WBC 8,200 with a normal though a nother endovascular source of infection
differential. Hematocrit 32%, sedimentation such as a mycotic aneurysm is still possible. I think
rate 121 mm/hr (1 year previously, her hemat- the initiation ofsteroid therapy at this point is rea-
ocrit was 40%, and the sedimentation rate was sonable, given the possibil ity of temporal arteritis
17 mm/hr). Liver function tests were normal. and its associated risk of blindness. T he dose of
The leading diagnoses at this time were suba- JO mg is more appropriate for polymyalgia
cute bacterial endocarditis, giant cell arteritis, rheumatica than temporal arteritis. I think she
and polymyalgia rheumatica. should have a temporal artery biopsy. We still
have not ruled out an underlying malignancy, and
further stud ies, including CT (computed tomog-
Diffuse muscle aches are noc very specific, but
raphy) scans would be reasonable. The clinicians
if there was localization to the h ips or shoulder g ir-
taking care of the patient also seem focused on
d le, I would certainly be suspicious of polymyalgia
polymyalgia rheumatica at this point, although we
rheumatica. T he temporal headaches raise the pos-
should consider other diagnoses as well.
sibility of temporal arteritis, although the tempo-
ral arter ies were not tender. We must remember, On May 31, the patient reported that the fevers,
however, that they are not always render in that myalgias, and headaches had persisted. Two
disorder. 'vVe now have confirmation of fevers, al- more blood cultures were drawn. A chest x-ray
though she does noc yet meet the classic criteria was negative. The patient was scheduled for a
for a fever of unknown origin, g iven the minimal temporal artery biopsy.
workup to date. She has no skin manifestations of
bacterial endocard itis, although these findings are I agree with drawing more blood cultures. I
not very sensitive. would want to make sure that the microbiology
Ac this poi nt, I would repeat blood cultures lab was holding on to the cultures long enough
and obtain an echocardiogram. A transesophageal to make sure that we are not dealing with fastid-
echo would be more sensitive than a transthoracic ious organisms. The utility of placing a PPD (pu-
echo, although most clinicians would start with the rified protein derivative skin test) is questionable.
latter, given its nonin vasive nature. If the workup The normal chest x-ray would make tuberculosis
for endocarditis were negative, I would proceed extremely unli kely. It also makes a thoracic lym-
w ith a temporal artery biopsy. Given the lack of phoma less likely.
tender:iess on one side, however, we may need to
On June 1, the patient had an ophthalmologic
ultimately do biopsies on both sides.
examination and a 0.5-cm biopsy of the right
temporal artery. The eye examination was nor-
On May 24, a transthoracic echocardiogram
mal, and the biopsy showed no evidence of giant
showed mild mitral valve prolapse. A small
cell arteritis. On that day, it was reported that
echo density was noted on the anterior mi-
one of two bottles from one of her blood cultures
tral leaflet. The report said that if endocardi-
contained gram-positive cocci. The patient was
tis was "clinically suspected, a transesophageal
admitted to the hospital for further evaluation.
echocardiogram was recommended."
The right temporal artery biopsy does not rule
The finding of the small density of the mitral out temporal arteritis. Even tl1ough it was negative,
leaflet does merit further evaluation. I agree w ith there is always the potential for sampl ing error.
performing a transesophageal echo. The positive blood culture, once aga in, raises the


possibility of endocarditis, if that culture is not a nated the clinicians' thinking throughout, and that
contaminant, wh ich will depend on the organism they persisted in pursuing this diagnosis even when
that is cultured. If the organism is an anaerobic the "gold standard" diagnost ic tests for the condi-
one, I would wonder about a dental infection that tion failed to disclose characteristic findings of the
had spread. My previous thought about Salmonella disease. This directed approach is the hall mark of
seems even less likely since that is a gram-negative clinical expertise. 1936
organism. vVe use the transcript here to illustrate prin-
ciples of interpreting negative test results. In other
The patient's physicians thought that the blood cases, we discuss the importance of the preva-
culture result was probably a contaminant, and lence of a di~ease (the prior probability in a g iven
no :mtihiotics werf' given. Her ph ysici:m s :ind :i patient) w hen interpreting test results. We have
rheumatology consultant continued to be con- described the pitfalls of overinterpreting positive
cerned about temporal arteritis. A daily dose of test results when the prevalence of the disease is
60 m g of prednisone was started, and another low. In one of our examples, the possibility of
temporal artery biopsy was requested. a pheochromocytoma was raised when vanillyl-
mandelic acid (VMA) excretion was found to be
I think further blood cultures should be drawn
elevated, even though the prior probability of a
to make sure the initial ly positive one was a con-
pheochromocytoma was extremely low. The h igh
taminant. I agree with the rheumatologist that a
urinary VMA excretion ultimately was found to
negative te mporal artery biopsy on one side does
be a false-positive result (see case 23).
not rule out the presence of arteritis.
vVe selected this case because although a posi-
A 1.3-cm segme nt of the left temporal artery tive test resu lt on the first biopsy would h ave been
showed disruption of the internal elastic lam- extremely important and meaningful, yet the first
ina with associated neointimal fibrosis. Al- biopsy result was negative. T he posttest probability
though no giant cells were seen, the ch anges of a disease after a negative test is a function of the
were considered to be consistent with healed test's sensitivity. By definition, the greater the sen-
arteritis. Prednisone was continued. The final sitivity, the lower is the false-negative rate. 155 156
blood culnue results showed a coagulase- Although neither the treating physician nor
n egative Staphylococcus. the discussant commented specifically on the sen-
sitivity of a temporal artery biopsy for temporal
In light of this biopsy, the diagnosis of tempo- arteritis, they ignored the negative test and recom-
ral arter itis is the most likely one. Treatment w ith mended a second biopsy, implying that the test is
high-dose prednisone is appropr iate. not highly sensitive. If it were, in a patient strongly
suspected of h av ing the disease, a negati\'e result
The patient responded to the therapy. Her would have virtually excluded arteritis as the cause
symptoms all resolved. One month later, her of the patient's manifestations. All these phys icians
hematocrit was 40% and her sedimentation rate knew that arterial inflammation can be spotty even
was 7 mm/hr on a tapering course of steroids. in patients with severe manifestations of temporal
arteritis, that a random biopsy could miss an in-
The patient's course is certainly consistent volved site, and that a negative result could be a
w ith the diagnosis of temporal arteriti~. A chronic false negative. Let us try to be more specific here.
infection would not respond to steroids in this Assuming that the prior probability of temporal
fash ion. Some malignancies, such as a lymphoma, arteritis in this patient was approximately 0.65
might show a response to steroids, but it does ap- and the sensitivity of temporal artery biopsies is
pear that this patient has temporal arteritis. 0.75, the false-negative rate would be 0.25. Assum-
ing that the specificity is 0.99, the fa lse-positive rate
Analysis would be 0.0 1. Despite a negative biopsy, the prob-
In this case, we focus again on the interpretation ab ility of temporal arteritis would still be approx-
oflaboratory test results. To preface this commen- imately 0.3, and at that likelihood further study
tary, it is worth noting that one diagnos is domi- would be warranted, g iven that the disease is risky


(i.e., untreated it can lead to blindness) and treat-

pain presented to the Emergency Department
able with corticosteroids.
with hemoptysis.
Although histologic evaluation generally is
highly sensitive, sensitivity is eroded and the false Hemoptysis in a patient with a history of to-
negativity increases when the sample is a small bacco use raises the possibility of cancer. Hyperten-
fraction of the lesion, when the histologic changes sion can be associated w ith hemoptysis if a patient
are not always evenly distributed, and (in other has concurrent severe heart disease. I cannot find
instances) w hen analysis of the sample is prelimi- a way to attribute hemoptysis to Graves disease.
nary or incomplete. In this case, the patient's doctor Chronic back pain also raises the possibility of ma-
and the d iscussant both recognized that the biopsy lignancy. The commonest cause of hemoptysis in
fi11Ji11gs had u11ly a muJest sensitivit y, cumiuued the United States is probably bronchitis, sometimes
to operate on the strength of their convictions, and assoc iated with bronchiectasis.
arranged another biopsy.
W hy was their conviction so scrong that the The patient was in his usual state of health un-
patient had temporal arteritis? We posit that a til he awoke one morning and began coughing.
constellation of findings, namely fever, headaches, He coughed up bright red blood, about the size
muscle aches, and a very high sedimentation rate of a quarter, mixed with sputum. He had sev-
in an elderly woman, is a characteristic pattern eral similar episodes throughout the day and
of tempora l arteritis. True, other disorders men- came to the emergency department. He had
tioned in the transcript could h ave caused all these no history of upper respiratory infection, nasal
manifestations, yet as disorders such as endocardi- trauma, fever, chills, or night sweats. H e had
tis and salmonellosis became less and less likely, had no contacts with ill people. His last episode
temporal arteritis became more and more likely. of bronchitis was 6 months previously.
And phys icians are always searching for reversible
d isease. I wonder ifhe has a daily cough because of his
The "take home" lessons: W hen the clinical smok ing or whether there was something acute
suspicion of a disorder is strong, the sensitiv ity of that caused the cough and hemoptysis such as a
a test determines the impact of a negative result pulmonary embolism. Perhaps he aspirated and
on the therapeutic approach. If the test is hig hly now has a lung abscess that eroded a pulmonary
sensitive, a negative result can exclude the disease vessel. The bright red blood could be coming from
from consideration and argue aga inst treatment anywhere from the nose down to the alveoli. Each
for that disease. If the test is not ve ry sensitive, anatomic site would have its own differential di-
a negacive result only slightly lowers suspicion of agnosis. Hemoptysis could even be a manifestation
the d isease, and p lans for treatment can proceed of gastrointestinal bleeding with some degree of
unchanged. The management of a patient is most aspiration, although in this instance I would not
likely to be affected by a negative test result when have expected the blood to be bright red. At this
the pretest probabil ity is neither very high nor very point, bleeding does not seem to be massive, but
low and the pretest suspicion of a disease is close I always worry that it could change. The patient
to the threshold probability for treatment. 5859 In could have a coagulopathy or some type ofsystemic
such circumstances, a negative result will provide bleeding disorder. He could have mitral stenosis,
sufficient evidence that the optimal choice is to one of the classic causes ofhemoptysis. The history
w ithhold therapy. is not suggestive of infection such as tuberculosis.
T he previous history ofbronch itiscould have g iven
rise to bronchiectasis that might cause hemoptysis
periodicaliy. Goodpasture syndrome and Wegener
grau ulumawsis are other rare<.:a uses ofhemopt ysis.
He had a history of chronic back pain and had
A 54-year-old man with a history of smoking, had four laminectomies with chronic arach-
hypertension , Graves disease, and chronic back noiditis and spinal stenosis. He was on disability


is slightly low, ra ising the possibility of iron de-

for this condition. He had smoked one to two
ficiency or even lead toxicity. T he h ypox ia rein-
packs of cigarettes a day for 30 years. He previ-
forces my expectation that his hematocrit should
ously worked removing lead paint. His Graves
have been h igher.
disease had recently been treated with 1-13 1
ablation. His medications on admission were His chest x-ray showed a right-upper-lobe bulla
atenolol, hydrochlorothiazide, ranitidine, and with an air- fluid level.
one aspirin a day.
It is not clear to me if this is a new find ing. An
The history of heavy cigarette smoking brings abscess could be possible w ith erosion of a vessel.
up a ny of a number of tumors located from the It could be a tumor. An upper lobe cavitary lesion
oropharynx to the lung. T he disability i~ interesting always raises the suspicion of tuberculosis. At this
to me because it appears that people who do not point, I would put the patient in respiratory iso-
work seem to get sick er than people who do. I lation until I ru le out tube rculosis. A>pergillus and
do not th ink I ca n tie in the exposure to lead paint Actinomyces infection are other in fectious possibil-
with hemoptysis. His medications should not cause ities. Vasculitis with pulmonary involvement such
hemoptysis, although aspir in use may affect h is as occurs in \Vegener granulomatosis must also be
platelet function a nd exacerbate whatever bleeding considered. At this point some clinicians may opt
occurs. to go right ahead and perform a bronchoscopy or
consider a percutaneous aspiration if feasible.
On examination, he appeared in no distress.
Vital signs were normal. Head, eyes, ears, nose, On the night of the admission, he was given
and throat (HEENT) examination was unre- ceftriaxone for a possible bacterial infection.
markable. There was no lymphadenopathy. He Sputum was sent for acid-fast bacillus (Al'B)
had decreased breath sounds bilaterally with- smear. A chest computed tomography (CT)
out wheezes, rhonchi, or rales. His cardiac scan showed a right apical thin-wall bulla with
exam was normal. The rest of the examina- an air- fluid level. A 4-cm right-upper-lobe
tion was normal. Electrolytes and liver func- mass located 4 cm above the carina adjacent
tion tests were normal. White blood cell count to the bulla was noted. Patchy air space disease
was 9,200, hematocrit was 36% , and mean cor- in the right upper lobe, possibly representing a
puscular volume (MCV) was 77. Platelet count postobstructive pneumonia, was present. Small
was 267,000. His electrocardiogram showed no mediastinal nodes were noted. The working
acute changes. His arterial blood gases on room diagnosis was bronchogenic cancer.
air were as follows: pH 7.47, partial pressure of
A tumor certainl y seems to be the most likely
oxygen (P0 2 ) 72 mm Hg, partial pressure of
diagnosis. T he anem ia could be a manifestation of
carbon dioxide in the arterial blood (PaC02)
h is tumor or could represent metastatic disease. I
think a biopsy would be revealing .
His lac k of distress presumably means that AFB smears were negative. Bronchoscopy
he is not hav ing massive hemoptysis. H e appears showed bleeding from the right upper lobe with
to have no obvious bleeding source in h is head minimal secretions. An endobronchial biopsy
and neck. T here is no evidence of petechiae or ec- showed no evidence of malignancy. Routine
chymoses. T he decreased breath sounds could be cultures were negative, as were stains of the
a manifestation of chronic obstructive pulmonary specimen for acid-fast bacilli and fungi.
disease. The absence of w heezes, rhonchi, or rales
is not helpful. Although h is cardiac exam ination These find ings do not mean that he does not
was described as normal, one can easily miss an have a cancer. H e still could have a malignancy
opening snap. H e is anemic, which appears to be or a ch ron ic infection. Sarcoidosis would be ex-
particularly pronounced since I would have ex- tremely unlikely in th is setting. I think the house
pected a patient w ith this smoking history to have officers and attending caring for this patient prob-
a hematocrit as high as 50% or 55%. His MCV ably believe that these results represent a sampling


error and that a malignancy is still the most likely a bacte rial infection and have looked for tubercu-
d iagnosis. losis. If he is doing well, we could cont inue our
current treatment and let time show us what is
The patient underwent a CT-guided needle
gomg on.
biopsy. He developed a pneumothorax, and a
Heimlich valve was inserted. The fine nee- Cardiac catheterization revealed a 20% left an-
dle aspirate only showed fibrous tissue, skele- terior descending lesion and a 60% to 70% large
tal muscle, and occasional histiocytes. A second first obtuse marginal lesion. Medical therapy
needle biopsy provided insufficient tissue for was recommended.
At least he did not suffer a complication from
This man is on the slippery slope of iat rogen ic the procedure.Fortunately, h is cardiac disease does
d isease. How far are we going to go to make this not seem to be serious.
d iagnosis? Fibrous t issue could just represent scar
The patient returned 1 week later for a wedge
tissue. Could he have reactive hyperplasia that can
resection of his right upper lobe. The specimen
occur with a gumma? Skeletal muscle and fibrous
revealedsubapical scarring and an emphysema-
tissue mak e one wonder about a hamartoma. T he
tous bulla (7 x 7 x 3 cm) containing a blood
h istiocytes ra ise the possibility of a disorder called
clot. There was no evidence of malignancy. The
malignant h istiocytosis X, wh ich can be a devas-
patient's postoperative course was uneventful.
tat ing illness. An exami nation of the bone marrow
could help make that diagnos is by showing ery-
So he just had ben ign disease, and he went
throphagocytosis. At this point, I would stop and
th rough all those tests and procedures at consid-
reevaluate w h eth er to go any furth er.
erable expense. This gentleman did get onto the
The patient was continued on ceftriaxone. He slippery slope. One of the other thi ngs we have to
was presented at tumor conference. The deci- do, not only because of cost containment, but also
sion of the group was to proceed with a right up- for better-qual ity med icine, is not to as k wh at a test
per lobectomy, but with surgery to be preceded will show, but whether the test and the result will
by a cardiac evaluation. Pulmonary function benefit the patient. Do we h ave to know the an-
tests were normal. swers right away? T he main reason to know r ight
away is if it is going to ma ke a d ifference in the
Now he u ndergoes a cardiac evaluation. T hey therapy or well-being of the patient. Sometimes
wanted to make sure he could survive his r ight up- just knowing the facts does ma ke a d ifference in
per lobectomy. Are they going to find occult m itral the well being of the patien t even if he or she has
stenos is? I am surprised the pulmonary function incurable disease. On the oth er han d , th ere are a
tests were normal, in view of h is smoking history. number of people who do not urgently need to
know the diagnos is and w ho can tolerate the wai t
An echocardiogram was unremarkable. Dur-
u ntil the answer surfaces.
ing a dobutamine stress test, the patient reached
67% of his maximum predicted heart rate and
developed chest pressure. The scan showed a
medium-sized, moderately severe, reversible Here we have a prime example of the losing bat-
tle aga inst excessive diag nostic testing. Looked at
inferior defect.
from a standpoint of d iagnostic efficiency and cost,
T his endless workup continues. Is all th is go- we would have to conclude that there was much
ing to benefit the patient? He is on a sli ppery slope waste in the wor kup of th is patient. He ended up
of one complication after another. Is he now to un- hav ing a ben ign lesion, but to come to that con-
dergo a cardiac catheterization? One could opt to clus ion his phys icians carried out a bronchoscopy,
watch and wa it. If he has a primary mal ignancy bronchoscopic biopsy, chest CT, two CT-guided
of the lung with possi ble med iastinal metastases, b iopsies, an echocardiogram, a stress test, a car-
the chance of a cure is low. If he has a lymphoma, diac catheterization, and finally a wedge resec-
maybe he can be helped. 'vVe are treating h im for t ion of the lung. The hospital bill must have been


enormous. Fortunately, in the process, the patient ued diagnostic exploits on miniscule probabilities
suffered only one potentiall y serious complication. of a long-term positive outcome. \,Vith respect to
You can nearly hear the frustration of the d iscus- the cost of all this testing, our health care system
sant as she complains about the testing decisions puts no sk ids on test ordering. G iven that no such
along the way. constraints exist, decisions such as these ultimately
In retrospect, of course, all this testing seems come down to difficult judgment calls. If the pa-
superfluous, yet even in retrospect, it is difficult tient had been older and sicker and was highly
to know when to have stopped the cesting cas- li kely to have lung cancer, choosing to do no tests
cade in this patient. Diagnostic problems do not might have been right. But he was not.
present retrospectively, and that is why in virtually
all uf Lite cases in Lit is book, we presem Lite clinical
story as it unfolded to the physicians in charge of CASE 22. SEARCHING FOR A PONY
the patient. W here could the diagnostic cascade
have been shortened or interrupted? It is hard to A 62-year-old man was admitted to the hos-
argue that no tests should have been done; after all, pital with a 4- to 6-month history of progres-
the man was relatively young, and even though sive changes in mental status, emotional lahil-
bleeding was modest at the beginning, it might ity, gait disturbance, and visual impairment.
have become life threatening. Should they have
stopped testing after the first bronchoscopy was These symptoms make me think of central
unrevealing? No, not if the test was thought li kely nervous system disease, and I would like to think of
to reveal the cause. T he same logic would apply to reversible central nervous system disease~. Could
the CT-guided biopsies: Once the physicians de- he have nonobstructive hydrocephalus? The pa-
cided that the test was li kely to provide a definite tient has a gait disturbance, but there is no h istory
diagnosis, repeating the biopsy seemed rational. of urinary incontinence. I w ill have to keep that
Could the cardiac evaluation have been dispensed diagnosis in the back of my mind. Unfortunately,
w ith ? T his decision is clearly a judgment call, but normal-pressure hydrocephalus is analogous in
it is at least understandable, given the nature of certain respects to emboli of the small bowel; by the
the proposed surgery and the patient's risk factors time you diagnose it, it is usuall y too late to treat it.
such as hypertension and smoking. Lastly, there is In this case, we would have to think of a gamut of
the critically important question that the discussant central nervous system disorders: mass lesions, de-
asks. \,Vhat disease could be found that would be generative disorders, and inflammatory processes.
treatablei T he work ing diagnosis was lung can- Incidentally, manifestations of 4 to 6 months' du-
cer, and if this were the only possible diagnosis, ration would be a bit long for the last. Vascular
we might have argued from the beginning that no disease such as multiinfarct dementia, however,
testing was worthwhile, given the marginal im- could produce th is picture. I am not sure what to
provement in life expectancy and quality of life make of the visual impairment.
from treatment of such cancers. However, here is The patient had a 6-year history of insulin-
the trap that we all fall into: Suppose it is not a lung dependent diabetes mellitus. He had not used
cancer, but a treatable infection or a lymphoma for over-the-counter medications or illicit drugs.
wh ich treatment is quite effective? This reasoning He drank alcohol on weekends. He denied ho-
is what d rives us to "go down the primrose path,"
mosexual contacts. Family history was nega-
as some call it. T he discussant was not sure that tive. Medications on admission included NPH
continued testing was the right choice. She won- insulin, furosemide, and potassium chloride.
dered whether a more appropr iate strategy would He was wheelchair hound with a stooped pos-
have been to cease the testing, follow the patient, ture. He had poor comprehension and cried fre-
and, as she describes it, "let time show us what is quently. Vital signs were normal. Visual acuity
going on." was 7/200 in both eyes. There was no retinopa-
Many physicians are reluctant to give up on a thy. The rest of the examination was negative
54-year-old man with a potentially treacable lesion. except for a wide-based slow gait with ataxia
Sometimes they go too far, basing their contin-


on turning. He swayed on standing with eyes normal, including electrolytes, liver function
open and closed. Motor strength and reflexes tests, thyroid function tests, cerebrospinal fluid,
were normal. Babinski reflexes were absent. serology, arterial blood gases, chest x-ray, head
Fine movements were curtailed because of a CT, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
terminal tremor. scan.

Over the last 4 to 6 months, the patient appar- He has a normal hemoglobin and hematocrit
ently has gone from engaging in normal activity to with a normal differential and ind ices, without an
being wheelchair bound. We have a progressive, elevated mean corpuscular volume, wi thout hv-
serious neurologic d isorder associated w ith emo- persegmented polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and
tional !abili ty and a variety of abnormal neurologic without macrocytosis on the blood smear. I think
find ings. I cannot relate much of this to central ner- we probably can exclude vitamin B 12 deficiency.
vous system complications of diabetes, wh ich usu- His blood sugar is under good control. There is
all y involve cranial nerves. There is no evidence no uremia, wh ich is another potentially reversible
of diabetic retinopathy; if it is carefully looked for, cause of altered mental status. T he other studies
that is the best sign of microvascular disease out- are normal, and this finding addresses many of the
side of a biopsy. This condition looks like an acute diagnoses I just considered.
degenerative process of the central nervous sys- T he d iagnosis of exclusion is Alzheimer dis-
tem that is rap idl y progressive and needs to be in- ease. T he gait disturbance would imply something
vestigated aggressively. Let us try again to think more than that, but some degenerative d iseases of
of reversible disorders, enumerating the screen- the central nervous system may be in the category
ing tests for medical causes of a bnormal mental of Alzheimer disease. I am bothered thatthe MRI is
status. Vitamin B 12 deficiency is always a possi- normal. Does it show anything? In any of the other
bility, but the poor visual acui ty perhaps is a little disorders, we would expect to see white-matter
atyp ical for this. How about h ypothyroidism o r dysfunction, but none is visible here. I would ask
even myxedema madness? Some of the fi nd ings my neurology colleagues for some help. I am con-
are compatible, but some are not. Again, the poor cerned that we are looking at irreversible or idio-
visual acu ity is disturbing to me. pathic dementia associated with a motor disorder,
Electrolyte disorders? I do not think so. Neo- but I cannot pin a diagnosis on it.
plastic disorders? Syphilis or other infections of the
Additional laboratory studies included serum
central nervous system? Possibly. Lupus? I do not
B12 level 67 mg/L (normal > 190 mg/L) and
think so. Lupus is possible, but the patient is male,
serum folate level 15.6 mg/L (normal 2-
and this presentation would be unusual. In a pa-
16 mg/L); homocysteine and methylmalonic
tient with lupus, the sudden deterioration of higher
acid levels were elevated.
cortical functions could be ascri babletocentral ner-
vous system lupus. So vitamin B 12 deficiency is an T h is patient's problem defies the rational ap-
interesting thought. Again, there are features here
proach. It troubles me that we could not have got-
that do not fit, such as the emotional !ability and
ten here without ordering a vitamin B 12 level. I am
the decreased visual acu ity. It certainly would be
surprised to see a case of vitamin B 12 deficiency
worth at least looking at a CBC (complete blood
wi thout hematologic manifestations. I would be
cou nt) and a peripheral smear and also getting thy- interested to know what happened to the patient
roid function tests. after vitamin B12 replacement.

Laboratory results were hemoglobin 14.4 g/dL, Outcome: After 2 months of vitamin B 12 ther-
hematocrit 41 %. white blood cell count (WBC) apy, the patient's mental status was normal, and
7 ,500 with a normal differential; indices and he was walking without help. After 4 months,
blood smear were normal. Fasting blood sugar his emotional !ability was almost gone. His vi-
was 131 mg/dL, and blood urea nitrogen sual acuity had improved, and he was again able
(BUN) was 24 mg/dL. Other studies were to drive a car.


applied in a population w ith a h igh prevalence of

Analysis the disease in question. The cost of the test and its
Works of art, literature, and music endure when risks are other factors, as is the availability of other
they continue to provide society with special mean- confirmatory tests.
ing or value. T he same can be said for common In the case of the cobalamin assay we are con-
aphor isms and even jokes. At first blush, a clin- sidering, risk is not a factor, and for the sake of diis-
ical di lemma such as that described above seems cussion, we shall assume that cost also is not a factor
a far cry from a joke, yet the analogy strikes us in making the dec ision to use the test. Aside from
as a sound one. The joke, w h ich has endured for accuracy, cost, risk, and the availability of confir-
decades, describes a young boy toiling for hours, matory tests, a critical element in the decision to use
digging happily into a deep p ile of manure. vVhen a test is its therapeutic im plications. Here we return
asked why digging knee-deep in manure seemed to the possibil ity that there might be an exception-
to be such an en joyable task, the boy replied, "vVith ally valuable payoff(such as a pony in the manure).
all t h is manure, there must be a pony around some- G iven that cobalamin deficiency is acknowledged
where." In case the analogy is lost on the reader, the to be a rare cause of dementia, and given that nor-
common thread, we propose, is the combination of mal red cell morphology is rare among patients
a low-probability outcome (cobalamin-responsive with cobalamin deficiency, we must be dealing
dementia; finding a pony in a pile of manure) w ith with a low-probability event. One could argue,
an outcome that is exceptionally valuable (cure of therefore, that unless the test is nearly perfect, we
dementia; discovery of a pony). should not use it.
In the patient presented here, the issue is In a situation such as the one described here,
how far to proceed in d iagnostic testing for re- however, one can make a convincing case that
versible causes of neuropsychiatric symptoms. In the test still should be used. First, even if many
particular, the question is w hether to study pa- positive tests are not true positives, the associated
tients for cobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiency if tests (plasma levels of methylmalonic acid and total
their hemoglobin is normal and if the morphol- homocysteine, response of these plasma concen-
ogy of their red blood cells also is normal. This trations to cobalamin therapy) w ill be helpful in
patient teaches us at least one thing about the an- weeding out the false results. Second, g iven the
swer to the question: namely, that at least in one exceptionally high payoff of finding a case of re-
instance, cobalamin deficiency can cause reversible versible dementia and the effectiveness and safety
dementia in the absence of any obvious abnor- of cobalamin in revers:i ng neurologic abnormal i-
mali ties of hemoglobin concentration and red cell ties, we should be w illing to accept even a rather
morphology. Other reports of similar cases con- high number of false-positive results. Thus, one
firm the existence of this clinical phenomenon, could easily make a case for testing all patients with
although we have little infor mation about its fre- new dementia and other neuropsychiatric symp-
quency.164 toms for plasma levels of cobalamin.
Should we test all patients w ith unexplained One has to have considerable adm iration for
neuropsychiatric symptoms for cobalamin defi- the general internist w ho discussed this case. He
ciency? Taking it a step further, should all patients raised the possibility of cobalamin deficiency twice
w ith unexplained neuropsychiatric symptoms be but dismissed the diagnosis when the hemoglobin
g iven an empiric therapeutic trial of cobalamin? and blood smear were reported to be normal. A l-
Well-defined principles underlie testing decisions. though he did not request e ither a cobalamin level
The accuracy of the test is one important consider- or other related tests, h e gave thoughtful consid-
ation. Unless a diagnostic test is exceptionally spe- eration to the possibility of dementia secondary
cific (i.e., the test g ives normal results in virtuall y to cobalamin deficiency. No doubt he learned the
all people who do not have th e disease in question), same important lesson as anyone who reads the
it w ill produce a large number of false-positive re- transcript.
sults if used in populations w ith a low prevalence Finally, should every patient w ith newly diis-
of the d isease. Even for tests that are not excep- covered dementia or other neuropsychiatric symp-
tionally specific, the test still might be useful if it is toms be g iven therapeutic doses of cobalamin to


assess its possible effect? Should we even bother

Except for the hypertension and mild osteo-
testing? Is the therapeutic threshold so low that
arthritis, the patient had been in good health.
we should treat without testing? Given the low
He described himself as highly stressed and
cost and virtual absence of toxicity with cobalamin,
compulsive. He regularly monitored his blood
such an approach would be hard to criticize.
pressure at home. His drugs had included
enalapril, diltiazem, and nifedipine. With each
drug, his blood pressure fell but then gradu-
CASE 23: INTERPRETING HOOFBEATS: ally returned to pretreatment levels. Over the
CAN BAYES HELP CLEAR THE HAZE?* previous several months, he had reported mild
diffuse headaches but no excessive sweating or
The physician of a 59-year-old man with a long palpitations. Physical examination revealed a
history of mild, labile hypertension became con- strong, well-muscled man with a blood pres-
cerned when, despite drug therapy, the patient's sure of 162190 mm Hg and a pulse of 82 per
blood pressure remained persistently elevated, minute. The fundi were normal. There were
reaching levels as high as 180/120 mm Hg. He no carotid, thoracic, or abdominal bruits. The
ordered a test of urinary vanillylmandelic acid heart was normal, without murmurs. The kid-
(VMA) excretion and was surprised when he neys were not palpable. Pulses in the arms and
received a report of 20.9 mg/day, a value twice legs were strong. There was no edema.
the upper limit of normal.
All of this is consistent w ith anxiety and essen-
V\1A is the end product of catecholami ne tial hypertension, but I am still worried about the
metabolism, and its excretion is increased in a possibility of a pheochromocytoma. I would try to
large proportion of patients with pheoch romocy- find out whether the patient is taking anyth ing that
tomas. When we collect 24-hour urine samples for would increase the excretion of VMA, although I
VMA in hypertensive patients, especially those un- adm it that most laboratory tests for VMA are fa irl y
der some stress, we frequently get values above the speci fie now and a re not affected by drugs, bananas,
upper limit of normal. Most often, when we eval- or the li ke.
uate those patients, they do not have pheochro-
mocytomas. In add ition, when we do urinary cate- Laboratory results included the following:
cholamine or metanephrine studies in hospitalized BUN 13 mg/dL, creatinine I.I mg/ dL, sodium
patients, we may find somewh at elevated values 141 mEq!L, potassium 4.6mEq/L,chloride 104
because such patients are not in a basal state. But a mEq/L, total C02 30 mEq/L, calcium 9.2 mg/
urinary VMA of 20.9 mg/day is very abnormal. dL, phosphorus 3.1 mg/ dL, and glucose 96 mg/
With this high value, there is ample reason to dL. The 24-hour excretion of both catechola-
suspect that the patient does have a pheochromo- mines (51 pg) and metanephrine (220 pg) was
cytoma. The question is w hat to do next. We could normal. The physician was concerned about the
repeat the VMA, obtain urinary catecholami ne severity of the hypertension and the possibility
o r metanephrine stud ies, or perform a clonidi ne of a pheochromocytoma. Despite the normal
suppression test. T h is may sound heretical, but I values for catecholamine and metanephrine ex-
wonder whether do ing that makes sense. Should cretion, he started the patient on 20 mg of phen-
we just get a CT scan of the abdomen? Even oxybenzamine per day.
though such tumors are rare, in a patient with a
As the patient's doctor apprec iated, we now
VMA excretion this high the chance of a pheochro-
have a problem: The VMA excretion is elevated,
mocytoma might be as great as 40%. Of course,
but both the catecholamine and metanephrine ex-
we must keep in mind th at laboratory errors do
cretions are normal. A patient witl1 a pheochro-
mocytoma can have some elements of this pic-
originally published by Pauke r SG, Kopelman RI. N Engl j
ture because the mix ofVMA and catecholamines
Mt'tl 1992;327: 1009- 1013. Reprinted w ith perm ission of the excreted in the urine depends on the extent
Massachusetts l\'led ical Society. of catecholamine metabolism by the tumor. If


the rate of conversion of catecholamines to fully done and read, then the probability of his
VMA and metanephrines is relatively low, nore- hav ing a pheochromocyroma drops quite substan-
pinephrine and epinephrine, the two principal cat- tially. Needless to say, the patient could have a small
echolamines, w ill be released from the tumor. In tumor in the adrenal or a pheoc.h romocyroma in
that case, the clinical diagnosis of pheochromo- locations other than the adrenal, such as the chest,
cytoma is likely to be made early because the bladder, or paraganglionic region. Pheochromo-
catecholamines produce symptoms, severe hyper- cyroma is less likely, but the question is how much
tension, or both. If the conversion rate is rela- less likely. I would review the CT scan with an
tively h igh, then the major products of the tu- expert.
mor will be inactive metabolites. W hen d1is occurs,
Re.c~ nse. of this c.onfnsing pic.tnre., th e p:iti e.nt
the pheodtromucywma may escape early Jeteniun
and grow qu ite large. Urinary catecholamines will was referred to an endocrinologist. Careful in-
then be low, and VMA excretion may be dispro- quiry by the endocrinologist disclosed that nei-
portionately high. ther the p atient's brother nor his father had
In this patient, however, there are two had a pheochromocytoma. On close question-
discrepancies- namely, hypertension with normal ing, the patient indicated that his initial urine
catecholamine excretion and high excretion of one collection included the first morning voiding
metabolite wh ile excretion of another metaboli te is on both the day the collection began and the day
normal. T his brings the VMA analys is into ques- it ended. The total creatinine in that specimen
tion. Could one of d1e drugs he has taken pro- had been 3.3 g for this 102-kg man. A repeated
duce a falsely elevated VMA? How reliable was 24-hour urine test revealed normal excretion of
the laboratory in which the tests were performed? fractionated catecholamines (epinephrine <5
I would repeat the tests before I did anyth ing fur- pg, norepinephrine 41 p g, dopamine, 327 pg).
ther. On the basis of this flimsy evidence of a The total creatinine in that specimen was 2.3 g.
pheochromocyroma, starting phenoxybenzamine The endocrinologist believed that urinary cate-
seems premature. Phenoxybenzamine, a long act- cholamines offered the best screening test for a
ing alpha-blocker, is very effective in controlling pheochromocytoma and, given his low level of
hypertension in patients with pheochromocytoma, suspicion, thought that no further testing was
but I would not use it unless I was quite confident n ecessary. The urinary VMA test was not re-
of the diagnosis. peated.
Given the patient's labile blood pressure
While he was taking phenoxyb enzamine, the and inconsistent response to drugs, the endocri-
p atient's blood pressure was approximately nologist thought that there was a substantial
130/90 mm Hg at home, but it was 142/103 mm degree of "white-coat h ypertension." A trial of
H g on a follow-up visit to the doctor's office behavior modification therapy was suggested.
several days later. At that visit, the patient men- The p atient seemed pleased with this and re-
tioned that both his brother and his father had turned to his referring ph ysician for follow-up.
had "adrenal tumors."
If you look back at the discrepant laboratory
This is a diagnostic roller coaster. Early ev- studies, the negative CT scan, and the accurate
idence argued against the diagnosis of pheochro- fami ly history, d1e likelihood of a pheoc.hromoc.y-
mocyroma, bur the patient's response to phenoxy- toma becomes remarkably small. Imagine what a
benzamine and the additional fami ly history argue better history taking would have accomplished in
in favor of it and raise the possibility of a fam ilial this patient! Both the abnormal VMA excretion
form of pheoch romocyroma. and the pseudo fam il y history could have been dis-
covered, saving substantia l expense and aggrava-
An abdominal CT scan was unremarkable,
showing normal adrenal glands.
The patient's blood pressure remained labile.
From 90% to 95% of pheochromocyromas are One year later, it was 140/80 to 140/85 mm Hg
in the adrenal gland. If the CT scan was care-


tat ions is not precisely known, the clinician often

when taken by a nurse, but it was as hig h as
makes an intuitive estimate. However, the heuris-
150/ 100 mm H g when taken by a physician.
tics (rules of thumb) we use to judge the likelihood
No medications were prescribed.
of diseases such as pheochromocytoma may well
produce a substantial overestimate because of the
salient features of the tumor, its therapeutic im-
Analysis portance, and the intellectual attraction of mak-
H ypercension is ubiquitous, affecting about 15% to ing the diagnos is. Even w ith a markedly elevated
40% of the population. 165 Identif)ring a reversible level of VMA excretion, confirmation is essential
cause is a prize obtained in only I or 2 of every JOO because many other d iseases mimic pheochromo-
hypertensive patients, but finding a pheochromo- cytoma.
cytoma, an entity with a prevalence of ! 4 per 10,000 When a relatively unexpected (but not ur-
hypertensive patients, 166 carries for the patient a gently abnormal) laboratory value is obtained, the
chance of curing a potentially fatal condition and clinician has several confirmatory strategies ava il-
for the physician the intellectual thrill of "bagging able: The test can be repeated (as suggested by the
a big one." Most primary care providers may see discussant), a supplemental or confirmatory test
only a couple of adults with pheochromocytoma in can be performed, or treatment can be initiated, ei-
their professional lifetimes. vVhen the armamen- ther as a diagnostic or as a diagnostic and thera peu-
t:arium of antihypertensive drugs was smaller, less tic maneuver. T he choice of strategy depends on
potent, and far more likely to produce intolerable urgency, risk, cost, and even the clinician's style. In
side effects, we often searched for secondary hyper- most scientific endeavors, measurements are repli-
tension beneath every blood-pressure cuff. For the cated, and measured responses are calculated as
last 2 decades, however, we have been more selec- means and variances. In individual patients, h ow-
tive in our workups, reserving screening for young ever, physicians must often react to single va lues,
patients, those with severe or poorl y controlled hy- and they respond, more often than not, by ordering
pertension, and those withsymptoms, signs, or rou- expensive and perhaps even risky tests and thera-
tine laboratory evidence that points strongly to a pies. Leaving aside life-threatening abnormal ities
secondary cause. 167 The tr iad of headache, sweat- that require urgent action, when should one sim-
ing, and tachycardia occurs in 90% of patient~ w ith ply repeat a test w ith an abnormal result and when
pheoch romocytomas but in only 6% of other pa- should one move down the diagnostic or therapeu-
tients with hypertension. 168 tic path? The answer depends on the information
Although experts may disagree about the opti- the various alternatives could provide in a patient
nnal way to screen for a ph eochromocytoma, labile known to have an abnormal test result, as well as
blood pressure that is poorly controlled by a vari- on the risks and costs. T he most likely result of
ety of agents is sufficient justification to begin the simply repeating the urinary VMA test would be
search. Here, urine was collected for VMA testing, either a similar value, a lthough one perhaps not
and a level more than twice the upper li mit of nor- qu ite as abnormal because of the sampling phe-
nnal was found. Although urinary V1'fA levels are nomenon of regression toward the mean, 169 or a
less likely to be falsely elevated by drugs and diet normal result, suggesting that the initial abnor-
than are urinary catecho lamine levels, no test is mality may have been a laboratory error. Even if
perfect, and one must pause to reflect on the impli- the repeated VMA test was normal and the preva-
cations ofan abnormal result, even a very abnormal lence of d isease low, the physician might still feel
one. The interpretation of any imperfect diagnos- compelled to examine a third collection or per-
tic test (or for that matter any clinical information) form another test to "break the tie." On the other
depends both on the characteristics of the test (its hand, a confirmatorv test whose results are li nked
sensitivity and specificity) and on the probability to whether a pheochromocytoma is present and
of d isease before the test result is revealed. Because not to the results of the initial VMA test (e.g., an
the probability of pheoch romocytoma in a patient abdominal CT scan) can sometimes provide much
w ith poorly controlled hypertension who does not more information whether it confirms or refutes
have weight loss, paroxysms of sweating, or pal pi- the VMA determination. The choice of diagnostic


TABLE 15.1

Characteristics of Tests for Pheochromocytoma

L ikelihood Ratio"

Sensitivit y Specificity Positive Negative

Test (%) (%) R esult Result Reference

Vanillylmandelic 81 97 27 0.20 Young et al., 173

acid excretion Kaplan 170
Catecholamine 82 95 16.4 0.19 Bravo,168
excretion Kaplan 170
Metanephrine 83 95 16.6 0.18 Young et al., 173
excretion Kaplan 170
Abdominal 92 80 4.6 0.10 K aplan, 170
computed Feldman 171
tomography scan Stewart et al. 172
" The likeli hood ratio for a positive result is the sensitivity divided by I m inus the specific ity; the ratio for a negative result is
I minus the se nsitivity div ided by the specificity.

strategy can be problematic, however, becausecon - the sensitivity of the test. The probability of a pos-
finnatory procedures are often more expensive and itive test result in patients without disease is, sim i-
more risky than simply repeating the original test. larly, the false- positive rate, or I - specificity. For
Here, the confirmatory urine-chemistry tests are a positive test result (u.e., one that increases the
riskless and are in fact hardly more expensive than likelihood of disease), the likelihood ratio is then
a second VMA test, each costing less tha n $30. Nei- (sensi tivity)/(! - specificity). For a negative result
ther the urinary catecholamine tests nor the ab- (i.e., one that decrease!; tl1e likelihood of disease),
dominal CT scan (which costs substa ntial ly more) the likelihood ratio is (l - sensitivity)/(specificity).
confirmed the diagnostic hypothesis of pheochro- In Table 15. 1, 170- 173 we summarize the sens i-
mocytoma. tivity, specifici ty, and likelihood ratios for each
As each new clinical fact is uncovered, the of the four tests that presented the diagnostic
physician should ask two questions. First, does the problem.
new information increase or decrease the likeli- T he joint likelihood ratio for a com bination
hood of each diagnostic hypothesis? Second, how of test results is simply tl1e product of the sepa-
mu.ch does the new information change the like- rate ratios, 174 assumi ng that the likelihood of on e
lihood? The information provided by a test result test's being positive in patients with disease is not
can be summarized as the ratio of two conditional affected by whether a nother of the tests is also
likelihoods: the likelihood of that result in patients positive. 175 For the three urine tests that presented
who have the disease under .c onsideration a nd the the problem here, there are eight such com bina-
likelihood of that result in patients who do not tions, and the joint likelihood ratios are shown in
have the disease. Likelihood ratios can range from Table 15.2. In this case, the ratios are roughly re-
zero to infinity. Ratios grea ter than I indicate an lated to the number of abnormal test results. If
inc reased likelihood of disease; the larger the ratio, all three tests are positive, the joint likelihood ra-
the grea ter is the increase. Ratios less than 1 indi- tio is 7,400, wh ich would make m e presence of a
cate a decreased likelihood of disease; the smaller pheochromocytoma virtuall y certain. If two tests
the ratio, the greater is the decrease. A ratio of are positive, the likelihood ratio is between 53 and
exactly I implies that the test result provides no 85, which would raise the likelihood of disease sub -
diagnostic information. The probability of a posi- stantially. If only one test is positive, the joint lik e-
tive test result in patients w ith disease is, of course, lihood ratio is between 0.6 and 0.92, wh ich wou ld


TABLE 15.2

Likelihood Ratios Favoring Pheochromocytoma for Combinations of Urine-

Test Results

Vanillylmandelic Catecholamine Metanephrine Number of Likelihood

acid Excretion Excretion Excretion Abnormal Results Ratio
Elevated E levated Elevated 3 7,400
Elevated Normal Elevated 2 85
Elevated E levated No rmal 2 79
Normal E levated Elevated 2 53
Elevated Normal Normal I 0.92
Normal Normal Elevated 0.6
Normal Elevated No rmal 1 0.6
Normal Normal No rmal 0 0.007
Boldface type ind icates the results in the patient under stud y.

lower the likeli hood slightly. If no tone of the tests is accomplished by constructing a small table,176 as
abnormal, the joint like lihood ratio is 0.007, which shown in Table 15.3. Column A conta ins the prior
would ma ke pheochromocytoma approximately likelihoods- in other words, the chances of d]s-
150 times less likely. ease before the test result is known, which, in the
One can interpret tests-eombining the like- absence of clinical information, is the prevalence of
lihood ratio ofa test result wi th the prior likelihood disease. Column B contains the likelihood ratios,
of disease- using Bayes' rule, which states that in this case relative to the chance of the observed
the likelihood of d isease in a patient with a given result in patients without disease. By definition, the
set of find ings ca n be estimated as the proportion entry in column B corresponding to the absence of
of patients with the same fi ndings who also have pheochromocytoma is I. For each row in the ta-
the d isease. T his sequential process is most easily ble, column C is the product of columns A and B.

TABLE 15.3
Using Bayes' Rule to Interpret Diagnostic Tests
A. B. D.
Prior Conditional c. Revised Percent
Likelihood Likelihood Product Likelihood
of Disease of Finding (Ax B) (C/Sum x 100)
Typical patient with hype rtension
Pheochromocytoma 14 27 378 3.6
No pheochromocytoma 9986 1 9,986 96.4
Sum 10,364
Patient under stud y
Pheochromocytoma I 0.92 0.92 0.9
No pheochromocytoma 99 99.00 99.1
Sum 99.92
For the t)pical patient w it h hypertension, the fi nd ing is an elevated van illylmandd ic acid (VMA) level; for the patient under
study, it is an elevated VMA levd plus normal catecholam ine and metaneph rine levels.


Als-0 in column Care the sums of these products. li hood ratio for an elevated VMA level is 27, and
Finally, column D contains the quotients of each the likelihood ratio for a normal VMA level is 0.20.
product and that sum. Each quotient represents If we consider the two collections to be indepen-
the revised probability of the diagnosis- that is, dent tests, the joint likelihood ratio is 5.4 (27 x
the probability based on both the prior informa- 0.2), not 1.0, and the combination of a normal and
tion and the test result. The first part of Table 15.3 an abnormal result makes the chance of pheoc.hro-
demonstrates how this technique can be applied mocytoma some five times higher than before the
co interpreting an elevated 24-hour VMA level in VMA determinations were performed. In general,
a population of unselected hypertensive patients, if a test is repeated and the two results differ (one
among whom the prevalence of pheochromocy- positive and one negative), the results cane.el each
toma is 14 in 10,000 (0.14%). 166 The jointlikel ihood other out only if the test's sensitivity and speci-
ratio (27) is greater than I, and, as seen in column D, ficity are equal. 177 The simple heuristic method ,of
the chance of pheoch romocytoma increases from counting the number of positive and negative re-
0.14% to 3.6%. Incidentally, if the urinary VMA sults is incorrect because it assumes that sensitivity
excretion were normal (with a likelihood ratio of and specificity are equal.
0.20), the chance of pheochromocytoma would be Astute clinicians will recognize some sleight
less than 3 in I 0,000 (0.03%). of hand in the foregoing calculations. The patient 's
In the patient described here, both confir- VMA excretion was more than double the upper
matory urine tests failed to support the diagno- li mit of normal, not simply above that limit. Values
sis of pheochromocytoma. As seen in Table 15.2, of more than 20 mg/day were found in 25% of one
the joint likelihood ratio for the three results is series of patients with pheochromoc.ytoma. 178 Such
0.92, a value very close to I, implying that the values are almost six standard deviations (SDs)
two negative confirmatory t ests together balance above the mean of the n ormal range, making their
the effect of the elevated VMA level. The preva- chance occurrence in a patient without pheochro-
lence of pheochromocytoma among patients re- mocytoma seem most unlikely. Obviously, errors
ferred for scintigraphy or CT scanning is approxi- in urine collection must occur more frequently
mately 6%.173 The chance that this far-less-typical than one time in a billion, and the li keli hood -0f
patient has a pheochromocytoma must be lower. a result so far above the mean of a normal distri-
For the sake of illustration, in Table I 5.3 we as- bution is a substantial underestimate of the chance
sume a prior probabil ity of I %, a value higher of this finding in a hypertensive patient wi thout a
than the prevalence of pheochromocytoma in un- pheochromocytoma. The explanation for this dlis-
selected hypertensive patients. As seen in column crepancy is that patients with either inadequate or,
D, the revised likelihood is approx imately 0.9%. as was the case here, ex,cessive urine collections do
Had the clinician performed this calculation, he not appear in published series. vVe rarely ac knowl-
would probably not have prescribed phenoxyben- edge this important omission.
zamine. As the case evolved, the negative abdom- T he incorrect urine collection only partially
inal CT scan (with a likelihood ratio of 0.1) re- explains this urinary VMA level. In a IOO-kg man,
duced the li kelihood of pheochromocytoma even creatinine excretion sh ould be 2.0 to 2.6 g/day 179
furcher, to 0.09%. Finall y, the normal fractionated (as was found in the second collection), suggest-
catecholamine excretion made the chance of a tu- ing that the initial collection was perhaps 50% too
mor virtuall y zero. large. If we adjust the VMA excretion for the c.re-
With these likelihood ratios and Bayes' rule in atinine (assuming that both excretions are in the
hand, we are now in a position to consider the diag- same proportion throughout the day), we have
nostic implications of simply repeating the VMA a VMA excretion of approx imately 14 mg/ day, a
test and obtaining a normal value on the second value still above the upper limit of normal. How-
determination. Many physicians might reason that ever, that level would not be markedly abnormal,
the positive and negative results would cancel each and the Bayesian analysis performed here wou ld
other out, leaving simply the initial low likelihood be even more comforting and consistent with the
of pheochromocytoma. However, such reasoning consulting endocrinologist's decision not to repeat
would be wrong. As seen in Table I 5. 1, the like- the study. Had that not been the case, the next


step in the diagnostic evaluation would perhaps

The rest of the examination was normal. Stool
have been a clonidine suppression test or a nother
was guaiac positive.
imaging study, such as iod ine- 131 metaiodoben-
zylguanidine scintigraphy, 180 to attempt to local ize
So now I think we have clearly focused on the
the tumor.
possibility that this man has a primary abdominal
Although the most common causes of unusual
problem, probably located somewhere around the
test results are random variation and laboratory
pancreas. I guess you worry a great deal about car-
error, clinicia ns should continue to hunt for un-
cinoma of the pancreas in such a patient, with a
usual and therapeutically important ga me. Hoof.
gradual downhill course over a period of months
beats usually signal the presence of horses, but the
and a lot of weight loss. You rarely feel such a tu-
juJiciuus applicaLion uf Bayes' rule: can help pre
mor. The guaiac-positive stool might make sense
~ent clmicians from being trampled by a stamped-
if he had a lesion of the ampu lla, but it may also
111g herd that occasionally includes a zebra.
be a red herring. We see a lot of positive stool gua-
iacs. If you routinely test the stool for blood in all
patients who do not have any symptoms, approx-
CASE 24. SHORT-CIRCUITING THE imately 2% of them are positive, so false-positi ve
DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS results are fa irl y common.

Laboratory data: hemoglobin 12.2 g/dL, hema-

A 63-year-old man sought medical attention
tocrit 36%, WBC 35,000 with 85 polys, 3
for anorexia, abdominal pain, and weight loss.
bands, 8 lymphocytes, and 4 monos. Platelet
Six months before, he had begun to have dif-
count was 812,000, and blood glucose was
fuse, burning abdominal pain that was associ-
135 mg/dL. BUN and creatinine were nor-
ated with nausea and early satiety and was ag-
mal, and electrolytes were normal except for
gravated by eating. During this period, he lost
serum potassium of 3 mEq/L. Calcium was 6.3
40 pounds. He also noted increased frequency
mg/ dL, phosphorus 1.7 mg/dL, and albumin
of defecation and occasional bloody diarrhea.
1.9 gm/dL. Liver function studies were normal
except for an alkaline phosphatase of 204 IU/L.
Diffuse, burning abdom inal pain associated
Serum amylase was 64 IU/L.
w ith nausea and ea rly satiety suggests a gastric
problem, although we are not told where the pain
His hematocrit is sl ightly low, and his wh ite
is localized. Early satiety is one of the ea rly symp-
count is quite high: It almost qualifies as a leuke-
toms of gastric cancer, but that, of course, is not the
moid reaction. He a lso has a marked left shift. I will
onl y possible explanation.
assume that the cells are normal and that h e does
In addi tion, he has occasional bloody diarrhea.
not have a myeloproliferative disorder. Remem -
We are not told how many bowel movements a day
ber that this man is afe brile, he has h ad a chronic
he has, wh ich might give us a clue as to whether this
course, and he looks ch ron ically ill, so it is hard to
is a secretory type of diarrhea. We might be making
believe that such a white count reflects active infec-
a case for pa ncreatic disease here. We clearly need
tion. For these reasons, I suspect this is most likely
to examine the patient at this point.
a leuken~oid reaction. My suspicion of malignancy
Vital signs were as follows: blood pressure is very high, but we w ill go on.
145/75 mm H g with no orthostatic changes, His serum calcium is a little low, but he clearly
pulse 122 per minute, respirations 18 per has marked hypoalbuminemia caused by either di-
. 0
mmute, temperature 37 C. The patient was etary factors or protein loss. We have to find out
cachectic but not in acute distress. His abdomen wh.ich. P.rotein could be lost either through the gas-
was slightly distended and diffusely tender. trorntestmal tract or perhaps through the kidney. I
Bowel sounds were normal. There was volun- wi ll assume his urinalysis is normal a nd, therefore,
tary guarding, but no organs or masses were that he either is losing albumin in the gut or has
palpable. No bruits or pulsations were detected. marked malnutrition secondary to a poor appetite,
wh ich may be more likely.


The liver function tests are within normal lim- correct diagnosis (see case 16). Its adherents would
its. Alkaline phosphatase is m ildly elevated. His argue that the r ight test, virtually from the begin-
amylase is normal. T he alkaline phosphatase is ning of the history, would have been a gastroscopy
helpful because it suggests some ductal obstruc- and that mmt of the other tests were superfluous.
tion, although his other liver function studies are T hey would decry the d iagnostic strategy in this
normal. I think at th is point that we have focused case as the "shotgun" approach.
the problem to the m id -epigastrium, probably to On review of the patient's workup, it is d iffi-
the pancreas, in a man who certainly seems to have cult to deny that some unnecessary tests were done.
malignancy. My first d iagnosis is cancer of the pan- Yet, as ide from the expense, the patient really was
creas. not exposed m substantial risks. So why the fuss?
Is th e cu11ccm fur cxccssi vc testing in th is pat icm
Results of the ini rial studies: abdominal ultra- simply making a mountain out of a molehill? Is it
sound normal (no masses or aneurysm) ; ab- much ado about nothing? 'vVe th ink not. Our vig-
dominal CT, distended stomach with partial ilance in deterring excessive testing must be main-
obstruction; upper gastrointestinal ( GI) series, tained not only to control costs but also to avoid
pyloric narrowing. possible compl ications.
First, let us review the diagnost ic strategy and
The ultrasound and CT really have not helped
consider how it might have differed. In particular,
us very much. It is a bit of a disappo intment if
how migh t a more direct approach have evolved?
we are considering carcinoma of the pancreas, al-
T he discussant raised the possibility of gastric can-
though I would not be d issuaded from that diag-
cer with a minimum of clinical data, including
nosis on the basis of these stud ies ifI really felt that
symptoms of anorexia, burning abdomina l pain
that was w h at he had. Some pancreatic cancers arc
aggravated by eating, and early satiety. Yet he d is-
hard to see. CT, in my experience, is much bet-
m issed the importance of the guaiac-positive stools
ter than ultrasound in mak ing this diagnos is, so a
and focused instead on the possibil ity of pancre-
negative study is a point against the diagnos is of
atic cancer. Probably neither the d iscussant nor the
pancreatic cancer. Pyloric narrowing probably is
physicians responsible for the patient should have
an important clue, especially g iven his symptom of
bypassed that diagnos is so readi ly, because the al-
early satiety. Could th is man have a gastric carci-
ternative diagnoses suggested d id not explain the
noma or perhaps a pancreatic carcinoma involving
find ings in the patient nearly as well. Gastric can-
that area? Given these find ings, I would do a gas-
cer would have explained all the patient's findings;
pancreatic cancer would be a far less li kely expla-
Gastroscopy revealed an infiltrating adenocar- nation.
cinoma of th e stomach. Given a reasonable suspic ion of gastric cancer
at the outset, what would constitute an appropr iate
That is interesting because I cannot remember work up? Let us take a rad ical viewpoint for the
the last t ime I saw a patient w ith gastric carcinoma. sak e of having a target at which to shoot. Let us
That d isease is rare now in the United States, and argue that the first, most appropr iate step was im-
I th ink the decline in incidence is continuing. On mediate gastroscopy. This strategy is the essence
the other hand, the incidence is very h igh in Japan. of Sutton's law: Go for the money. Although it
strikes us as eminently reasonable, it~ appropriate-
Analysis ness is principally a funct ion of how strongly one
W illie Sutton, the infamous bank robber, would believed, on the basis of the patient's initial com-
have shaken his head in disbelief over this patient's plaints, that gastric cancer was a li kely possibility.
workup. Sutton, when asked why he robbed banks, 'vVe get some indication at the end of the transcript
replied, "That's where the money is." Sutton was why the discussant abandoned his provisional d i-
anathema to the police but has becomeacul theroto agnosis of gastric cancer, even though the clini-
those who prize d iagnostic expertise. Sutton's law, cal manifestations were classic. In an afterd1ought,
alt hough fal lible, assumes that a physician should once he has been told of the correct d iagnosis,
be able co order the test most li kely co reveal the the discussant explains that he cannot remember


having seen a patient w ith gastric cancer in some experienced considerable anxiety about the several
time and that the tumor has become uncommon. "positive" tests. In other cases, the consequences of
Although his decision to drop the d iagnosis unnecessa ry diagnostic tests might be even more
of gastric cancer may seem appropriate in view of distressing.
his correct assessment of its low prior probability, If our discussant and the patient's physicians
the characteristic symptoms and findings (bleed- had accepted the initial complaints and clinical
ing) probably should have been sufficient to keep findings as credible, a more direct approach might
that diagnosis active; gastroscopy might then have have been adopted, even though, adm ittedly, the
been a!\ appropriate next step. Indeed , one could prior probability of gastric cancer was low. The
even raise the question of whether this procedure prevalence of gastric cancer may be declining
sltuulJ have been carricJ out before a ll the rou- rapidly in die U niteJ Stales, but as we have seen
tine tests were ava ilable (except, perhaps, for the here, the d isease has not disappeared.
hematocrit). Too often, we are locked into our tra-
ditional d iagnostic strategies (first take a complete
history, then do a complete physical examination, CASE 25. THE BYPASS ON THE WAY
then do the routine laboratory tests, then choose
the nonroutine tests). We should be willing to g ive
up this traditional approach when it is opportune
A 47-year-old man consulted a physician for
to do so. In this case, the risk of gastroscopy is
heartburn brought on by exertion and relieved
very small, and its abil ity to diagnose gastric can-
with rest or burping. He had experienced the
cer is quite good. Because of those advantages, the
symptoms for 3 months.
threshold- that is the diagnostic suspicion of gas-
tric cancer required to recommend gastroscopy-
This patient is the appropriate sex and age to
is quite low; even with a rather low level of suspi-
be a prime candidate for coronary disease, but he
cion, gastroscopy would have been an appropriate
could have gastrointestinal disease. It is interesting
that the sensation is described as "heartburn" be-
What would immediate gastroscopy have ac-
cause the word obviously suggests the possibility of
complished? Many of the tests that were done
a problem with either the heart or the gastrointesti-
would have had to be performed eventually to
nal tract. Nonetheless, the fact that the discomfort
assess the extent of the patient's malignant dis-
is exertional and relieved by rest makes angina
ease. Specifically, routine blood tests, liver function
more li kely. Burping can be a function of upper
stud ies, and CT scan would have been required,
gastrointestinal distress, such as gastroesophageal
but some tests might have been avo ided, and the
reflux, but it also can be related to cardiac disease.
patient and h is family would have known the an-
I would lean toward a cardiac origin.
swer a little sooner. It is difficult in this case to
imagine any therapeutic gain from this short-cut The discomfort did not radiate and was not
in the workup, although such a gain certainly is associated with shortness of breath or palpita-
conceivable in other situations. tions. It had not occurred at rest. There was
In the patient described here, the correct di- no apparent relationship to food intake. The
agnos is was made after h is physicians ordered a patient had no history of heart disease, but he
"battery" of tests desi gned to uncover an unknown
did have long-standing hypertension that re-
abdominal ailment: ultrasound, CT scan, upper GI cently had been brought under control with
series, and, finally, gastroscopy (when the upper GI an angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) in-
series and CT scan focused attention back to the hibitor, a beta-blocker, and a diuretic. Eval-
stomach). The patient did not sustain any unto- uation of the hypertension had revealed a
ward consequences of excessive testing, but in this physiologically insignificant right renal artery
respect, we simply can consider him fortunate. In stenosis. The patient had smoked one pack of
case 29, we describe a patient who was led on a cigarettes a day for many years. His father had
diagnostic w ild goose chase by a series of vague, died at age 49 years during open-heart surgery.
slightly positive radiologic images. That patient


90%. Whether it is significant coronary disease is

His mother and two of his three siblings had
another issue, which would need to be evaluated.
myocardial infarctions at early ages.
On physical examination, blood pressure was
The lack of radiation of the pain and the lack 120/90 mm H g , pulse was 66 per minute and
of dyspnea and palpitations slightly diminish the regular, and weig ht was 110 kg. Lungs were
likelihood that tl1e pain is cardiac in nature, but we clear. Cardiac examination was normal, with
must remember that the characteris tics of ang ina no murmurs or gallops. Soft bilateral carotid
can be ext remely variable. Pain did not occur at bruits were noted. The abdomen was benign.
rest. Angina at rest could be a sign of instability The rest of the examination was normal. Com-
l)r ir upc:m liug iu fan.: tiuu. The: lm;k l)f apparent re- p lnt> hloon r.onnt, r rt>:itininr, l'lrr.trnlyt..s, g lu -
lat ion to food intake does not rule out gallblad- cose, and cholesterol were normal. Urinalysis
der disease, pancreatic disease, gastroesophageal was also normal. Electrocardiogram revealed
reflux, o r ulcer disease, but it does make them less normal sinus rhythm with nonspecific ST and
likely. T -wave changes.
Eve n though we are told that the patient has
T he physical examination adds another risk
no history of heart disease, it is my g uess that he
factor to our patient- namely, obesity-and the
does have it. l view any history of hypertension,
be it long-standing or of short duration, as a posi- carotid bruits raise the possibility that he has diffuse
tive cardiac histo ry. Control of his hypertension re- vascular disease. The rest of the examination was
quired several drugs, including the ACE inhibitor, unremarkable, although I would have expected
which suggests that the hypertension was moder- him to have an S4 gallop. I did not expect to gain
ately severe. It would not surprise me if he had much informacion from the physical examinacion
both significant coronary disease and left ventric- because it often is normal in patients with extensive
coronary artery disease.
ular hypertrophy. The fact that he is on a diuretic
The ini1ial laboratory evaluation also is not
also raise! the issue ofhypokalemia, although ACE
ve ry helpful. H e does not have overt diabetes, and
inhibitors tend to raise serum potassium.
his cholesterol is norma l. The electrocardiogram
The patient is a smoker. Too bad because
' is nonspecific, but I still think the patient has coro-
that adds the worst risk factor for coronary disease
to the second nastiest, hypertension. Even without
nary artery disease.
\Vhat shou ld be done next in this case is an
a family history, this fe llow has at least a six-to-
eight-fo ld g reater risk of coronary d isease than do in teresting question. Many phys icians would re-
subjects of the same age, sex, and weight who are flexively o rder an exe rcise tolera nce test and, if it
n o rmoccnsive and do n ot smoke. was positive, proceed to c~1 rdiac catheteri za tion.
His father d ied at age 49 years during open- If the test was negative, they would do a more
elaborate exe rcise study. Finall y, if all tests were
heart surgery, but I wou ld consider that history
negative, they wou ld sit around and worry about
relevant only if it were coronary surgery. How-
what to do. As I inte rpret this patient's find ings,
eve r, the fact that his motl1er and two of his three
I think his chance of co ronary disease is so high
siblings had myocardial infarctions represents an
that I might well skip the exe rcise tolerance test
extremely strong family history, even if his father
did not die as a consequence of coronary disease. and recommend coronary angiography directly. I
1ow we have to wonder wh y there is so much probably wo:.ild do a coronary angiogram even if
coronary disease in this family at such an early age. all the nonimasive studies were negative. D espite
We need 10 know whether there isa predisposition, all the criticisms of coronary surgery, I believe it to
such as hyperlipidemia or diabetes. be highly effccti ve-and I am not even a surgeon!
So we really should find out whether this patient
Given his suggestive symptoms, the strong
has an operable lesion.
family history, and his hypertension and
smoking-even before any further diagnostic A stress test was carried out. During stage 1 of
tests- I would estimate th e probability of his hav- the test, the exercise reproduced the patient's
ing corona ry disease to be 70% to 80%, maybe eve n


Ifme lesions are not accessible to percutaneous

substernal burning, but there were no electro-
approaches, the question is whemer to perform by-
cardiogram (ECG) changes (659t target heart
pass surgery. If he were symptomatic, there is no
rate). The patient exercised for 5 minutes and
doubt that I would recommend surge ry. If medical
stopped because of fatigue. During the first
therapy controlled h is symptoms w ith only mini-
2 minutes of the recovery period, I-mm ST de-
mal side effects, the decision would be problematic.
pression in leads II, a VF, and V 4_6 developed
In terms of survival, m ixed results have been doc-
and persisted for 3 minutes. Neither arrhyth-
umented in such patients. A 2007 meta-analys is
mias nor hypotension occurred.
suggested that tl1ere is no significant gain, 182 but
other studies report some gain in surgicall y treated
I am not surprised that the patient's heart patienls. 1R1 This is 11ul a n easy choice. Ir you w ishe<l
rate did not increase much, since he was receiv- to define what he has as single-vessel disease, a
ing beca-blockers, and exercise never proceeded bypass graft would not be indicated to prolong
beyond stage I. The fact that his pain was repro- survival. If he had three-vessel d isease, left main
duced in stage I is enormously significant and indi- disease, two-vessel disease with a severe left ante-
cates that he does have angina. I am not quite sure rior descending lesion, or a proximal left anter ior
what to make of the lack of early ECG changes, descend ing lesion (the so-called widowmaker), I
again because he was tested while on beta-blockers would recommend bypass surgery. But the choice
and ach ieved only stage I exercise. However, hedid in t wo-vessel disease in volving the mid-right coro-
have ECG changes during the recovery period, and nary artery is not easy to make. If his symptoms
they persisted for a long t ime. Sometimes one sees were readily controlled, I probably wou ld go no
changes during the exercise period and sometimes further.
dur ing recovery. Clearly, the test was positive, and
cardiac catheterization certainly is in order now. I The patient was treated with long-acting ni-
still think we wasted hundred of d ollars by doing trates, with marked improvement in his symp-
the stress test. toms. The lesions appeared to be accessible to
coronary stenting, and if angina increased de-
Cardiac catheterization revealed 95% mid- spite medical therapy, coronary artery stenting
right coronary artery stenosis, 50% mid-left an- was planned.
terior descending artery stenosis, 25% proximal
first obtuse marginal artery stenosis, and 100% I think that plan is reasona ble. I suspect that if
proximal second obtuse marginal artery steno- one presented the same patient to many d ifferent
sis. Ventricular function was normal. cardiologists, opinions as to how to best manage his
coronary artery disease would not be uniform. 184
The 25% lesion is not significant, and the In fact, although many would decide "on paper"
50% lesion is marginal, so basically we can con- not to recommend invasive therapy, in practice
sider the patient to have two-vessel coronary d is- the great majority would recommend scenting or
ease and normal ventricular funct ion. What should surgery. Because the decision is a d ose call, many
be done? I am not sure I know. 181 Ifhe had symp- physicians bow to societal pressures and m patients'
toms that were not responsive to medical therapy, I preferences in making the final choice. None of us
would do an invasive procedure. Notice that I said is particularly pleased about the ambigu ity that sur-
"medical therapy," not maximal medical therapy. rounds the treatment of this k ind of patient. But
Maximal medical therapy is likely to make the pa- decisions still have to be made.
tient so miserable and symptomatic that it might
compromise his lifestyle sufficiently to push us to- Analysis
ward more invasive therapy, that is, either percu- Of the many interesting features of the problem-
taneous coronary intervention or bypass surgery. solving process illustrated by this session, one of
My first choice would be scenting if the lesions were the issues raised in volves the decision to perform
approachable, but I would have to get the advice a common diagnostic test, namely, whether to
of an expert in tl1is procedure. conduct a stress test before resorting to cardiac


catheterization. T he physicians responsible for the He proceeds directly to cardiac catheterization not
patient's care performed the test: The discussant only because he has an extremely high suspicion of
would have bypassed it. Some reasons for the dif- coronary disease (and would not be dissuaded by
ference in approach form the basis for this com- a negative stress test from h is decision to catheter-
mentary. ize), but also because he thinks that the patient w ho
Many factors drive the decision to conduct di- does have a surgically treatable lesion w ill derive
agnost ic cests, including the accuracy of the test considerable benefit from coronary artery bypass.
results, the clinical suspicion that a patient has the Presumably, the same principles apply to coronary
condition being sought, the value of the therapeutic angioplasty, wh ich is an alternative therapeutic ap-
choice dictated by the test result, the risk of the test, proach considered briefly.
au<l the cusl of tlte LC::sL. Wh ich uf d1o>e demems
apply here' T he discussant raised cost as an issue,
but only to bolster his view that the test was un - CASE 26: IT IS WHAT YOU BELIEVE
necessary. He d id not cite risk as a serious concern,
and he hardl y mentioned the accuracy of the test.
Indeed, the main issues here are the clinical suspi-
cion that a patient has the condition being sought A 70-year-old man presented with new exer-
and the value of the therapeutic choice dictated tional shortness of breath and substernal chest
by the test result. We have no way of know- pressure for 5 days.
ing whether the physicians caring for the patient
had a different view from that of the discussant vVe have a new pulmonary and chest symptom
about the probability of coronary disease in this in a 70-year-old man. He has two things against
patient. The fact that they proceeded with stress him, first, he is a man, and second, he is 70 years old.
testing and catheterization certainly illustrates that \Ve are not told any other medical h istory, includ-
their suspicion was h igh. But how h igh? Not high ing risk factors for heart disease or lung disease, but
enough, we might presume, to convince them to at the top of the list would be exertional angina. In
proceed directly with cardiac catheterization. h is differential diagnosis, exertional angina would
Is that the only reason for the d ifferent ap- be at the top of the list in terms ofl ikelihood, but in
proach? \Ve think not. We think that a major fac- add ition, I would consider other lung pathology or
tor is the attitude of the discussant toward the effi- even esophageal reflux disease and other common
cacy of therapy for coronary disease. Consider two entitles.
physicians- one who believes that a treatment is
highly effective, and the other who believes that the The patient was a retired policeman and usu-
same treatment is only moderately effective. The ::illy rook long w::ilks two or rhre.I' rime.s ::i we.t>k.
first should be w illing to treat when the suspicion These new symptoms occurred after walking
of the disease is only moderately high, and the sec- 25 to 30 yards and were relieved with rest after
ond should be will ing to treat only when he or she is a few minutes. The pain did not radiate. He felt
quite sure that the patient has the disease. 59 In this slightly dizzy during these episodes. He had no
case, recommendation of cardiac catheterization is nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, nocturnal dysp-
tantamount to a treatment decision because the re- nea, orthopnea, or pain at rest.
sults of catheterization dictate whether to proceed
w ith surgery. (Admittedly, there are differences of The exertional nature of these symptoms and
opinion about the value of bypass grafts for some the fact that they were relieved w ith rest after a few
lesions, 185, 186 as brought out in the discussion of minutes are consistent with angina. Since he had
this patient, but for purposes of exposition, we will previously taken long walks without any difficulty,
assume that no difference of opinion exists with re- it is suggestive that he has developed progressive
spect to surgical indications.) It is our presumption, stenos is of his coronary arteries. The absence of the
therefore, based on the strong statements by the other symptoms except for slight dizziness does
discussant favoring surgery for coronary disease, not necessarily lower the li kelihood of the cardiac
that h is view of therapy is a commanding issue. diagnosis.


The patient had a history of diabetes mellitus 72 per minute and regular. Respirations 20 per
with peripheral neuropathy, hypertension, hy- minute. 0 2 saturation was 98% on room air.
percholesterolemia, benign prostatic hypertro- General physical examination was unremark-
phy, gout, and nephrolithiasis. Five years ago, able. Lungs were dear. Cardiac examination
he was admitted to a hospital for syncope, which showed a soft 1/6 systolic murmur, which he
was attributed to hypoglycemia. At that time, had had before.
his echocardiogram was normal; ejection frac-
T he physical exam is notable for systolic hy-
tion was 60%. Four years ago, he had a normal
pertension. In someone w ith diabetes and a history
nuclear stress test.
of hypertension, you would aim to have a systol ic
The top ten diagnoses now are all exertional blood pressure goal of 125 or even 120. The remain-
ang ina given his history of diabetes, hypertensio n der of his exam is pretty much noncontributory. At
and hypercholesterolemia. The only thing m issing this point, I am looking forward to other laboratory
here is a smoking h istory. At least some of these test~ and probably an exercise test.
common r isk factors are seen in the vast major-
Laboratory data: Electrolytes, BUN, creatinine,
ity of patients with coronary artery disease. T he
and CBC were normal. Electrocardiogram was
negative nuclear stress test 4 years earl ier suggest~
normal. Chest x-ray was unremarkable. Recent
that he probably did not have disease at that time,
cholesterol was 185 mg/dL with high-density-
at least not hemodynamically significa nt disease.
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol of 51 mg/ dL.
T he stress test has a sensitivity of approximately
Recent hemoglobin Ale was 7.6%. Initial crea-
80% to85 % and a specificityofa bout90% in a man.
tine kinase (CK) and troponin levels were nor-
However, he could have had less than 70% steno-
sis at that time that has now progressed to more
than 70% stenos is, lead ing to h is exertional a ng ina. T here are no acute ischemic changes on his
T hese findings would represent slowly progres- ECG. His biochemical markers CK (MB pre-
sive atherosclerotic disease, as opposed to what is smnably) and troponin were also negative. His
seen with sudden death or an acute myocardial in- hemoglobin A le of7.6% reflects only moderately
farctio:i . At this poin t, I would perform another well controlled diabetes. Ideall y, we would aim for
nuclea r stress test. an A I c of less than 7%. We are not given his LDL
cholesterol, but he is probably pretty close to an
Review of systems was otherwise noncontrib-
LDL cholesterol of JOO.
utory. He did not smoke. He had a remote
history of excessive alcohol consumption. Med- The patient's doctor was concerned that this
ications on admission included insulin, ator- man was presenting with new onset angina pec-
vastatin, lisinopril, terazosin, pioglitazone, and toris. Three sets of cardiac enzymes were nega-
aspirin. tive. An exercise stress test was ordered for the
next day.
The absence ofsmoking helps a little bit, butas
I mentioned before, he has all the other important O ne issue would be whether to order the
r isk factors for coronary disease. Give n these risk exercise stress test with or without imaging. In
factors, h is target LDL (low-density lipoprotein) this particular case, given tl1e high suspicion for
cholesterol should be less than 100 mg/d L- some the presence of new angina, I would likely or-
would say less than 70 mg/dL--give n the fact that der the tescwith imaging, increasing thesensitivity
he is d iabetic. of the exercise test from perhaps 60% up to as high
Aspirin is obviously ind icated because he is in as 85%.
the h igh- ris k group for heart attack and stroke,
The patient exercised for 7 minutes on a Bruce
given his diabetes and hypertension.
protocolto a heart rate ofl20 per minute, which
On physical exam, he was in no distress. Blood was 80% of his predicted heart rate. He had no
pressure 158/60 mm Hg and nonpostural. Pulse chest pain or ECG changes during the test. The


vessel disease w ith depressed left ventricular func-

p erfusion scan was normal with no defects. Left
tion. He has a normal ejection fraction. I still feel
ventricular ejection fraction was 56%.
comfortable enough with the diagnosis of exer-
tional angina to manage this patient medically.
So this man h as clinical symptoms that are
highly suggestive of exertional angina, but he has
Cardiac catbeterization revealed a 70% stenosis
a "negative" exercise test. Factors that are under-
of the left main coronary artery and 40% lesion
appreciated about exercise tests are the duration
of the proximal right coronary artery. Ejection
of exercise and the impl icat ions for prognosis. In
fraction was normal. The patient underwent an
particular, he only achieved 80% of his predicted
uncomplicated coronary artery bypass surgery.
heart rate. Based on his symptoms and his risk fac-
In the s hort term, his chest discomfort did not
tors, I would still have a very h igh suspicion for
exertional angina. The issue at this point could be
summarized as follows: vVould I treatthe patient Left main coronary disease was the first coro-
for presumed exertional angina w ith medications nary anatomy for a survival benefit with coronary
or would I recommend cardiac catheterization? revascularization which was found. It is worth not-
I would probably feel comfortable enough saying ing that there is generally a misconception about
that this is exertional angina even w ith a relatively the understanding about stenoses and causes for
negative exercise test. I would probably attempt to myocardial infarction that has evolved over time,
manage his new angina medically. I would proba- with the initial concept of the disease being one of
bly add a beta-block er to his regimen. In add ition, gradual progressive obstruction of coronary arter-
I would probably drive h is LDL cholesterol lower, ies. Over the last 15 years, our understanding of the
toward 70 if h e could tolerate stat ins without myal - disease has evolved toward the development of un-
g ias or hepatitis. And I would probably prescribe stable or vul nerable plaques. Many friable plaques
nitroglycerin and warn him to present promptly that can lead to heart attacks are obstructions that
w ith recurrence of his symptoms if they recurred are less than 50% to 70% of the lumen. Jn fact, the
and were unrelieved by rest and/or nitroglycerin. risk of a heart attack from those lesions is actually
But ifl had to guess, he probably w ill get a cardiac greater than from arteries that are completely oc-
catheterization. cluded or those that are occluded 70% and higher.
So if the goal of therapy were to prevent heart at-
The doctor was concerned that the scan could be
tacks, revascular ization does not help, and medical
a false-negative test in this high-risk individual
management does that more often. In this partic-
and asked for a cardiologist's opinion regarding
ular case, left main disease is one of the findings in
cardiac catheterization.
wh ich there is clearly a survival advantage for pa-
The issue here is whetl1er the cardiac catheter- tients who undergo revascularization. To get that
ization would change management and benefit advantage, however, patients have to be willing to
this 70-year-old man. I feel comfortable w ith a di- subject themselves to the risk of coronary bypass
agnos is of angina. Because he has diabetes, his risk surgery, which includes surgery-related mortality,
of complications from revascularization is rather strok e related to the surgery, heart attack at the
high. Patients w ith diabetes w ho require revas- time ofsurgery, and also sternal wound infections.
cularization benefit more from coronary bypass
surgery than from percutaneous revascularization. Analysis
The benefit from bypass surgery in these patients Chest pain is one of the most common symptoms
is probably mostly for symptomatic relief, and I encountered by clinicians, and the choice of diag-
would think that this patient has not had an ade- nostic tests represents a critical aspect of making
quate trial yet of medical therapy to try to prevent the right choices. In this d iscussion, we focus on
the occurrence of exertional angina. In add ition, the ordering and interpretation of the exercise tol-
the revascular ization itself carries risk for stroke erance test. vVhen this patient, who had multiple
and heart attack. From a survival standpoint, he risk factors, presented w ith new exertional chest
would benefit only if he had left main or three- pain, both the clinicians caring for him and the


d iscussant felt that he had classic exertional angina the optimal choice if the stress test had been
pectoris. After all, we are all taught that angina in markedly abnormal (e.g., if it showed exercise-
most cases is d iagnosed from the history, and that induced global ischemia or substantial left ventric-
coronary artery disease is more common in the ular myocardium at risk). Medical management
presence of typ ical angina as opposed to atypical would have been preferred if the test had shown re-
or nonanginal chest pain. Indeed, in a 70-year-old production of symptoms w ith a reasonable work-
man with typical angina, the prevalence of coro- load and only a smal I area of noncritical ischemia.
nary artery disease exceeds 90% based simply on In fact, the stress test showed no evidence of is-
age, gender, and characteristics of the chest pain. 187 chemia. It is here that the clinicians and the discus-
W hat to do next is the challenge. vVhich sant varied in their approach.
patients should undergo exercise testing or car- T he clinicians may have felt uncomfortable
d iac catheterization? Which patients might ben- with the normal result since they were confident
efit from e ither percutaneous or surgical inter- that the patient had coronary disease and they con-
vention, and wh ich might do just as well with sidered the negative test "nondiagnostic" in pro-
medical therapy? Even "front-line" cardiologist~ vid ing prognostic information, hence their request
d iffer in their testing and treatment approaches: for cardiac catheterization. T he d iscussant, on the
Some only adopt new technology cautiously, some other hand, did comment that the patient may not
are the first to employ it, and some are just more have exercised sufficiently since his heart rate only
aggress ive ("in vasive") than others. Just as cardiol- increased to 80% of predicted, thus compromis-
ogists vary, patients and their primary care physi- ing the sensitivity of the test, but at the same time,
cians a lso may have particular attitudes, beliefs, he recognized that a shortened exercise duration
or preferences about the risk s and benefits. Often increased the risk for subsequent cardiac event~.
there may not be an absolute right or wrong. From Nonetheless, it appears that the discussant thought
one vantage point, one choice of treatment may that the patient had exercised enough so that if he
be best; from another, a quite different treatment had the severe lesions he was looking for, it still
looms as most desirable. From the perspective of would have some degree of positivity.
overall benefit to the patient, the choice of one ap- Yet it is hard to fault the discussant, who, while
proach or another might not matter because the recognizing the limitation of nonmaximal testing,
two approaches would be equally beneficial. 60 may h ave interpreted the test as sufficiently low-
In this instance, there was no disagreement ering the likelihood of potentially life-prolonging
about diagnosis. Neither the clinicians nor the dis- surgical disease so thatcatheterization was not pur-
c.ussant felt that the patient h ad unstable angina sued. The discussant considered all of these issues
that would necessitate urgent catheterization. Nor meticulously as he tried to decide whether to rec-
had the patient had a trial of medic.al management, ommend medical therapy or proceed to cardiac
so c.atheterization for medically refractory angina catheterization. He says that he probably would
was not indicated. T herefore, the principal choice treat the patient medically, yet before he is in-
about add itional testing, namely, the decision to or- formed of the results of card iac catheterization,
der a stress test, was made t o stratify prognosis. T he he raises all the right issues, including his convic-
a im of the stress test was to use a noninvasive test to tion that the patient does have coronary disease
stratify risk- in other words, to identify whether and the possible benefits and risks of surgery. He
the patient might fall into one of those high-risk even states that cardiac catheterization would not
categories for which surgical intervention would be an inappropr iate choice. The decision whether
improve life expectancy. or not to proceed w ith cardiac catheterization in
If the cl inicians were going to have the pa- this patient is clearly a close call,60 and examining
tient undergo definitive anatomic testing (card iac it prospectively as we did shows how difficult it
c atheterization) regard less of the exercise test re- was and how h ighly qualified physicians can come
sult, there would have been no justification for to different conclusions from the same or nearly
the stress test. Instead, they chose to do the stress the same clinical information.
test because it would have helped direct their T h is case illustrates the use of testing not for
next step. Cardiac catheterization would have been diagnosis but for prognostic risk stratification. It


also demonstrates the importance of test interpre- of anticoagulation. Two important questions come
tation and how clinicians presented with identi- to mind immediately. First, why did she develop
cal informat ion may arrive at alternative clinical hematuria? When a patient on ant icoagulants has
approaches. Finally, despite all of the elements of a bleeding complication, one must wonder if some
the clinical problem-solving process that this case underlying pathology is being revealed. I need to
provides, one is left wondering about the basis for know the patient's INR (International Normal-
the discrepancy between the clinician and the dis- ized Ratio) and whether it is in the therapeutic
cussant recommendations. Is it what they perceive range. Ifit is, I would be more incl ined to work up
about the patient, what they know aboutthed isease the hematuria aggress ively, looking for such things
or patient, or what they believe about the benefits as a tumor of the genitourinary tract. The second
au<l risks of LreauueuL LhaL cou11Ls? criLical issue is wheLher we can proceeJ wiLh car-
dioversion. Assuming that the anticoagulants have
not yet been withd rawn, can we proceed with the
CASE 27. RENAL RESCUE BY cardioversion whi le she is still protected, rather
REVEREND BAYES than stopping warfarin, work ing up the hema-
turia, and then facing the issue of ant icoagulation
A 75-year-old woman who had been treated all over again? If we must stop the warfarin, should
with warfarin for 3 weeks in preparation for we try emergency cardioversion? I should add that
conversion from atrial fibrillation to sinus everything I say about chemical cardioversion ap-
rhythm was seen in the Emergency Department plies equall y to electrical conversion. There is no
for gross hematuria. difference in the risk of embolization from either
modali ty.
This common problem raises a number of im-
portant issues. Because the risk of systemic em- Three years earlier she first developed atrial
bolization is increased in patients w ith atrial fibril - fibrillation after an uncomplicated emergency
lation, amicoagulants typically are prescribed. The appendectomy. Antiarrhythmics were given,
risk of embolism is a function of the underlying and sinus rhythm was restored. Several months
heart disease, and the greater that risk, the more later, the drugs were discontinued, and the
urgent is the need for anticoagulation. Restoration patient remained asymptomatic. H er cardiac
of sinus rhythm reduces the likelihood of systemic rhythm wasnotmonitoredclosely. Threeweeks
embolization. The risk is not eliminated because before the Emergency Department visit her
the patient can still revert to atrial fibrillation, but physician found that atrial fibrillation had re-
usually it is low enough to avoid the need for long- curred at a rate of92 per minute. Thyroid ftmc-
term anticoagulant therapy. T h e risk of long-term tion tests and an echocardiogram were normal.
anticoagulation is quite high in elderly patients. As The doctor prescribed diltiazem and warfarin;
I recall, annual mortality from treatment alone is the warfarin dose was regulated in outpatient
I % to 2%. So my preference would be to cardiovert visits.
her for that reason.
Since there is always some risk of embolism It is not clear why this patient developed atr ial
during cardioversion, the patient ideally should fibrillation initially. Was it the stress of surgery?
be ant icoagulated for 2 to 3 weeks beforehand. \,Vas she in congestive heart fa ilure? Did she have a
During that time, all loose clots presumably will myocardial infarction or underlying heart disease,
become fibrosed and bound down, and the conver- such as mitral stenos is? Did she have a pulmonary
sion will not generate emboli. T he optimal dura- embolus, or was she thyrotoxic? I would be inter-
tion of anticoagulation is not clear. The usual 2- to ested in the answers to those questions.
3-week period is not derived from solid data. Fur- The current treatment and plan strike me as
thermore, how long to maintain anticoagulation appropriate and reasonable. Diltiazem was started
after conversion is not well substantiated. to control the ventricular response, and warfarin
The patient under discussion had developed a was prescribed to decrease the risk of embolization
problem that may or may not require withdrawal at the time of cardioversion.


initial problem, that is, the conversion of her atrial

On the day of the Emergency Department visit,
fi brillation, and follow her urinalyses. If the hema-
gross hematuria developed, and the patient was
turia persists when h er INR is in the therapeutic
admitted to the hospital. Examination disclosed
range, I would investigate her genitourinary tract.
no abnormalities other than the atrial fibril-
lation at a rate of 120 per minute. The urine
CT scan of the abdomen showed a left in-
was grossly bloody and! contained clots. INR
trarenal mass in the mid lower pole that in-
had increased from 2.3 one week earlier to
dented the pelvis; otherwise, the collecting
6.3. Hematocrit was 35% (it had been 44%).
systems were unremarkable. Further studies
Stool was guaiac negative. Creatinine was
confirmed the left renal mass and were con-
1.3 mg/dL. Sedimentation rate was 90 mm/hr
sidered to be consistent with a renal cell cancer.
(the value 4 years earlie.r was 43 mm/hr). The
Two urine cytology studies were negative for
INR promptly returned! to normal when war-
tumor cells.
farin was discontinued.

So, she was stud ied- and the imaging pro-

W hat impresses me about th is examination is cedures suggested renal cell cancer. Nonetheless,
that the patient now has atr ial fibrillation at a rate two urine cytology studies were negative for tumor
of 120 per minute. As I recall, her heart rate was cells.
92 three wee ks ago, and now, during treatment I think this is an interesting issue. We know
w ith diltiazem (wh ich would be expected to lower there is a mass in the k idney that is big enough
the heart rate), it is even faster. I wonder why. to be displacing the renal pelvis, and we have to
Perhaps she bled a fair amount and is h ypovolemic. consider whether it is a cystic mass or a solid mass.
Heavy bleeding from the kidney is unusual, but U rinecytology is not a very sensitive test, and g iven
her urine was grossly bloody and contained clots. that all three radiologic tests were thought to be
Her hematocrit is now 35%, down 9 points. There consistent with a solid tumor, I think there is a
could be a further dilutional d rop. reasonable chance that the lesion is indeed a renal
She was overtly overanticoagulated, but it is cancer. I am nottotally at ease about that d iagnosis,
not clear why that happened. Could she have taken however. I would wa nt to do a Bayesian ana[ysis,
the wrong warfarin dose? Did she start taking any although we would have to look up the data. We
new medications that could accentuate the anti- could calculate the likeli hood of renal cancer in a
coagula nt effect of warfarin ? Did she change her 75-year-old woman who has a lesion with these
d iet or cont ract a viral infection? Does she have radiologic characteristics and two negative ur ine
liver d isease? T he fact that her INR promptly re- cytology studies.
turned to normal implies that her liver function T he point is that we have two conflicting sets
was grossly intact. I am impressed that there was of diagnostic studies- findings consistent with re-
no evidence of gastrointestinal bleeding even w ith nal cell cancer and negative cytology exam inat ions.
the excessive anticoagulation. To understand the s ignifica nce of normal cytol-
The sedimentation rate of 90 mm/hr is very ogy examinations, I would need to know before-
h igh; the value of 43 four years earlier also is high. hand the likelihood that there would be no cancer.
Sedimentation rates increase w ith age, but a value First, what are the data on elde rly women with re-
of 90 raises the possibility of infection, vasculitis, nal bleeding with excessive anticoagulation? How
collage n d iseases, polymy:algia rheumatica, or ma- many have a cancer, and how many have other
lignancy. I am not sure wh at to make of that find - lesions? Second, we are not told specifically w hat
ing. the arteriogram showed, and I do not know w hat
Should we work up the hematuria now? I do "considered to be consistent with a renal cell can-
lllOt think I would. I am not convinced that hema- cer" means. Consistent could mean that the Iikeli-
turia occurring in the presence of an INR of6.3 has hood is 30% or that it is 90%. I need to know w here
the same implications as hematuria occurring w ith she is in that range. If there is a very strong suspi-
a therapeutic INR. I think we have some time here cion of a tumor, I think one has to consider doing
for observation. I would continue to take care ofher a biopsy or exploring to see what's there.


The discussant provides some important clues

Radical left nephrectomy was carried out with-
to his reasoning processes. H e acknowledges that
out complications. No tumor was present. The
the rad iologic findings might well be representa-
sp ecimen showed only focal n ecrosis and h em-
tive of a renal cancer, but even with the vague recol-
orrhage within the hilar fat and the submucosa
lection that the sensitivity of urine cytology studies
of the renal pelvis.
is not very high, he is concerned about the discor-
dance. He wonders about the prevalence of the var-
Interesting. T he surgeons obviously felt so
ious lesions that could produce urinary tract bleed-
confident that the patient had a renal tumor that ing as a result of excessive anticoagulation. The
they performed a radical nephrectomy. As I stated, statement that he might not "work up" a patient for
a careful Bayesian analysis b efore surgery might renal bleeding ifit occurred w ith an extremely h igh
have put the likelihood of a renal cancer in a dif- INR implies that he considers the probability of a
ferent light and hence affected the choice of pro- serious renal lesion to be low. Finally, wi th these
cedure. I am assuming that a thorough a nalysis of suspicions heightened, he begins to wonder about
the pathology specimen was performed. We must the interpretation of the rad iologic studies: What
be certain that we are not dealing w ith a sampling does "consistent with a renal cell cancer" mean ?
error if we are to accept the p athology report as the What k ind of concept is that? He wonders whether
gold standard.
that assess ment represents a very high (90% lik eIy)
or only moderate (30% likely) suspicion of a cancer.
T h e p atient recovered u neventfully. W hen
Finally, he says that he might be able to resolve his
seen 4 months later, she was in sinus rhythm
d iagnostic concern by a Bayesian analysis.
on an tiarrhythmic dru gs. Anticoagu lants were
Many clinicians, we suspect, will be confused
n ot restarted. H er sedimentation rate was
by his interest in using Bayes' rule because it is
commonly assumed that Bayesian ari thmetic is re-
served for binary (i.e., positive a nd negative) test
It is not unreasonable, once she is converted,
results and that unless test results can be expressed
not to put her back on ant icoagulants. However,
in terms of sensitivity and specificity, the Bayes
she has had paroxysmal fibrillation at least twice,
formulation cannot be applied. That assumption
and I am not sure that I would leave her off a n-
is incorrect. Bayes' rule can be used to calculate
ticoagulants. With no bleed ing diathesis or other
the likelihood that a given disease is present from
bleed ing problem, my major concern would be to
any number of relevant clinical characteristics, in-
keep her carefully controiied on some ant icoagu-
cluding laboratory test results, radiologic studies,
lants for a few months and make sure that she is
and clinical attributes. In fact, any test or clini-
not slipping in and out of atrial fibrillation. I would
cal attribute need not be represented by a positive
obtain serial H olter monitor studies because, even
or negative resu lt and can be denoted in grada-
in the absence of underlying heart disease, parox-
tions, such as blood pressure between 90 and I 04,
ysmal atrial fibrillation represents a great risk for
between 105 a nd I 19, and greater than 120 mm
precipitating embol ic events.
Hg. A Bayesian diagnosis of acute renal failure
published at a time wh en Bayes' ru le was first in-
Analysis troduced in med icine, for example, considered 14
In t!his case, we will focus only on a single statement. clinical states and 31 clinical cha racteristics, many
W h en the d iscussa nt first learned that the fi nd ings of which were distributed among more than two
of the CT scan and other studies were thought attributes.159
to be consistent with a renal cancer, he observed, 'vVhat would have been required to perform
'Tm not totally at ease about that diagnosis." Now a Bayesian analysis in the patient described here?
that we know that the patient had no tumor and First, we would need data on the prevalence of
that she lost her kidney unnecessarily, we need to the va rious renal lesions that bleed during exces-
explore h is reaction and ask ourselves whether this sive coagulation. If possible, such data would best
unfortunate (but not disastrous) outcome could be age specific- that is, based on data not from
have been avoided. the general population but from elderly patients.


T hose daca would provide the prior probabilities. ened the suspicion that the bleeding lesion was be-
We also would need as complete a set of diag- n ign and might have inspired a mo re conservati ve
nostic possibilities as is feas ible. In particular, it approach.
would be essential to have as one of the possible
disorders "no significant pathology." vVithout that
"diagnosis," the analysis could never identify the CASE 28. A DIAGNOSTIC FLUKE
correct answer, no matter how much evidence built
up to support it. Next, we would need interpreta- During his yearly routine examination of a
tions from the radiologist~ . Instead of a blanket symptom-free, 52-year-old advertising man-
opinio n about whether the studies were consistent ager with recurrent colonic polyps, a physician
w ith rtnal cance r, we wuulJ collect their upi11iu11~ palpated what he thought was an abdominal
about each of the studies that were p-:rformed. We aortic aneurysm. To the physician's surprise,
would inquire about the probability of the spe- abdominal ultrasound showed a solid echo-
cific findings of each test in each set of diagnostic dense lesion in the liver but no aneurysm.
possibilities. 155 188 T hose assessments would be the
conditional probabilities. For example, among 100 So we are faced wi th an unexpected finding in
patients with renal cell cancer, how often would an asy m ptomatic man. T he major concern would
you expect them to have this particular CT scan be that he has a quiet colon ic neoplasm and metas-
appeara nce? Such language avoids the overinter- tases to the liver.
pretation of descriptions such as "consistent w ith
cancer" or "cannot exclude the possibility of can- The patient had a history of peptic ulcer disease,
cer" and highlights the importance ofreviewing ra - and he was known to be hepatitis antibody-
diogra~hic findings with a radiologist. Then, w ith positive but antigen-negative. H e had not trav-
the d ata assembled, we could use Bayes' rule to eled abroad in more than 30 years, and he had no
calculate the posterior probabilities. known exposure to vinyl chloride. The results
Suppose thecalculation had been done- How of the physical examination were normal, and
would we have used the data? If the result showed all laboratory tests, including all liver function
a n overwhelmingly h igh likelihood of renal can- studies, were normal. Stool guaiac was nega-
cer, we would proba bly have proceeded precisely as tive.
the patient's physicians did. vVith a near certainty
In terms of h istory, primary hepatoma is not
that the patient had a renal cancer, the reasonable
likely; note the lack of vi nyl chloride exposure a nd
choice would be not to disturb the lesion a nd risk
the hepatitis serology profile. T he peptic ulcer dis-
spreading tumor cells w ith further diagnost ic stud-
ease is not particula rl y relevant. We are not told
ies but to remove the tumor e n bloc. What, o n the
what hepatitis antibody this is, whether it is hep-
other hand, would we have done if the a nalysis
ati tis A, B or C , and I think that would be of in-
had demonstrated that renal cancer was still quite
terest. If it is hepatitis B, he has undoubtedly been
likely but nowhere near a certainty? \.Ve wou ld
exposed to this agent, but the fact that he's surface
have wanted addi tional confirmation of the diag-
antigen-negative a nd not a chron ic carrier lowers
nosis before proceeding w ith nephrectomy. T he
the index of suspicion that this could be a primary
consequences oflosing a kidney are not extremely
serious, but we cannot be w illing to sacrifice a k id-
ney lightly, and we should not subject a 75-year- Blood pool scan showed no accumulation of
old woman to unnecessary major surge ry if we can isotope and was thought to exclude a heman-
avoid doing so. In this situation, we would discuss gioma. CT scan of the liver was done next
w ith the radiologists, the cytologists, and the urol- (Figure 15.l).
ogists how to get the add itional data.
A Bayesian analys is was not done preopera- T he contrast CT scan shows what appears
tively in this case. Nonetheless, the mathematics to be a contrast-enhanced mass in the center of
formulated by the Reverend Thomas Bayes more the right lobe of the liver. My concern is that this
than 200 years ago189 190 might well have height- would be consistent with a neoplasm in this patient


a central island of normal Iiver. The patient was

treated with praziquantel, 75 mg/kg in three di-
vided doses over 24 hours.

In this case, a diagnostic procedure was done

for the right reasons, and a surprise was found.
The find ing illustrated how long this organism
can survive in the human body.

In the case described, a diagnostic fluke led to the
Figure 15. 1 Computed tomography scan of the diagnosis ofa fluke I 'vVas the discovery worth while
liver; case 28. or important? This one is hard to call: Either the
physician responsible for this patient was on a w ild
goose chase with no clinical relevance, or he was
with a h istory of colonic polyps. A fine-needle, CT-
lucky to stumble on a finding that eventually would
guided biopsy of the liver would be indicated.
have caused considerable morbidity. This patient's
CT-guided biopsy of the liver disclosed eggs of medical problem illustrates how several common
Paragonim us westerma11i (Figure 15.2). When clinical d ilemmas can intersect in a single patient.
this parasite was discovered, additional ques- These issues are as follows: how to interpret
tioning revealed that the patient had been unexpected and surprising results of diagnostic
stationed in Japan in 1952. Because Parago- tests (see case 29); how to dec ide how far to pro-
nimus typically does not produce a mass lesion ceed with diagnostic testing when the potential
in the liver, the CT scan was reviewed. It was payoff is almost certain to be qu ite small 191; how
reinterpreted as consistent with fatty liver, with to decide whether to use a particular drug for a
given clinical problem, w ith respect to the spe-
cific tradeoffa between toxicity and the potential
benefits of therapy 5859 ; and how to revise our hy-
potheses, g iven new data that are at odds with our
current hypotheses. 19
T he firscdecision by the patient's physician-
to obtain an abdominal ultrasound examination
when he mistakenl y identified an abdominal
aortic aneurysm during a routine physical exami-
nation- cannot be fau lted. Missing such a lesion
has an extremely high disutility, palpation for such
aneurysms has a low sensitivity, 192 ultrasound has
an exceptionally high sensitivity, 192 and the test
is risk -free (though obviously not cost-free). The
second decision was to obtain a blood pool scan.
Because li ver hemangiomasare frequently asymp-
tomatic and because of the danger of proceeding
with invasive studies in such cases (see case 16), the
blood pool scan is warranted, even though heman-
giomas of the liver are rare.
Once the physician was convinced that the le-
sion was solid, he faced an interesting problem,
namely, whether to proceed further with the elu-
Figure 15.2 Live r biopsy specimen; case 28. cidation of this unexpected finding. The principal


issue he faced was to assess the likelihood that the

croscopic hematuria and recommended further
lesion was significant in terms of the patient's out-
come. In this assessment, the follow ing questions
had to be considered: How likely is it that I w ill The information that we h ave here is scant.
find a lesion that w ill cause future morbidity? (It I w ill have to take the epididymitis at face value.
certainly was causing no morbidity at present and Most patients with epididymitis complain of pain,
had nm in the past.) How risky will it be to find out swelling, or dysuria. T he microscopic hematuria
w hat it is, and how likely is it that I can find a treat- is of concern because the new onset ofhematuria
ment that w ill cure the disorder w ithout hurting raises the possibility of a number of urologic dis-
the patient? eases. A malignant disease anyw here from the
A lthough this reasoning process is correct, Lite bladder to the ureters to the kidneys could present
first procedure that wi ll be needed isa liver biopsy. with microscopic hematuria. In add ition, many
Liver biopsy is not risk -free, although the risk of a nonmalignant diseases, including interstitial cys-
serious complication is extremely low. Given even titis, nephrolithiasis, tuberculosis or another infec-
a small chance of a safely treatable and potentially tious disease, and benign recurrent hematuria with
correctable disorder, therefore, b iopsy seems an ap- proteinuria wou ld be possible. I would like to know
propriate choice, even though the patient is basi- whether proteinuria was detected. T hen a series of
call y healthy. We must recognize, however, and other tests needs to be done to look at kidney struc-
we must inform the patient, that we may end up ture and function.
in a succession of tests w ithout any benefit at all. I would be interested in the patient's physical
Indeed, the decision to test or not to test in these examination, including h is blood pressure. Does he
circumstances should be made by a fully informed have an enlarged prostate or prostatic nodule on
patient whenever possible. 193 rectal exam ination' As for tests of renal function, I
The next decision was to treat or not to treat. would like at least a BUN and creatinine. I would
T he patient had had an asymptomatic parasitic in- like a urinalys is, looking for red cell cast~, a CT scan
festation for more than 30 years. Chances are that to look for stones or a mass lesion, and probably a
he would not have experienced any complication cystoscopy.
of this parasitic infection in the future. Because
praziquantel, the drug used for this infection, is Cystoscopy was negative. The CT scan of the
highly effective against flukes and because its toxi- kidneys, liver, spleen, adrenal glands, gallblad-
city is low and dose is proportional to the degree of der, and the body and tail of the pancreas was
infestation (presumably mild in this case), therapy unremarkable. The head of the pancreas, how-
was admin istered. ever, appeared "generous and bulbous, and
Finally, we see how diagnostic hypotheses are there is poor definition and loss of sharpness
revised in the light of new data. Because this par- of the medial aspect of the head of the uncinate
as itic infestat ion does not produce the kind of pic- process. On one or two cuts, there is a question
ture seen on CT scan, the radiologist reassessed of whether there was some extrinsic pressure
the interpretation and decided that the findings on the lesser curve aspect of the second por-
were most consistent w ith fatty liver. Indeed, if tion of the duodenum. A good cleavage plane
this incerpretation had been the original one, no between the vena cava and the pancreas is not
further studies would have been done, and the pa- appreciated. We are mildly concerned about the
tient would still have his parasite. appearance of the head of the pancreas."

Let me ignore the pancreas for a moment and

CASE 29. SURPRISE! look at the information about the kidneys, because
that is where we started. We have a patient with
A 50-year-old, previously healthy business con- apparent epididym itis who has microscopic hema-
sultant and decision analyst saw a urologist turia. I would be more concerned if there were 50
for epididymitis. The urologist detected mi- to I 00 red cells on sediment examination rather
than only 5 or I 0 red cells. I would like to know


something about his urinary protein excretion, but

alanine transaminase 22 IU/L, INR 1.4, and
for the moment, I will assume it is normal. The
amylase 74 IU/L and li pase 4 IU/L ( normal
kidneys appeared unremarkable on CT scan, so I
ranges, 10- 85 and 0- 19, respectively). Urinal-
would noc evaluate the genitourinary tract further.
ysis was normal except for 10 to 15 red cells per
Now we have a new problem that has been
high-power field.
raised by the CT scan. The report described the
head of the pancreas as "generous and bulbous," I should ha ve commenced previously on the
and the radiologist was "mildly concerned about laboratory data. My assumption was that in a non-
the appearance of the head of the pancreas." All drinker they were goi ng to be normal. I still would
we know from t he history is that his only symptom not change my opinion rega rding further workup,
was cpid idy111iti~. Pa11nca lit: t:arn;cr c<:nainl y can and I would still watch h im for 3 months.
appear out of the blue without much in the way of
a ny prodromal symptoms. Does th is patient have The patient was referred to a gastroenterologist,
a ny risk factors that would increase the li kel ihood who noted that there was moderate enlarge-
of cancer of the pancreas? Is he a smok er? Does he ment of the pancreas on the CT scan that was
consume 1ix alcoholic drin ks per day, which might "significantly abnormal to justify further eval-
increase the risk of cancer of the pancreas? uation." H e raised the following possibilities:
Assuming that none of those risk factors is subclinical inflammatory disease of the pan-
present, I would not go any further. I would first creas, stenosis of the pancreatic duct, pancreatic
have the CT scan reviewed by an expert. If we tumor, and pancreas divisum. The gastroen-
are still left with the same information that we are terologist recommended an endoscopic retro-
given her~, I would repeat the CT scan in 3 months grade cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).
or some other reasonable period to see if there has
been any change. 1 think one can go overboard I remain dubious about this recommendation.
with this kind of interpretation and wind up even I am at a disadvantage because I have not seen the
performing exploratory surgery in a patient whose CT scan or had an opportunity to review it with a
pancreas is perfectly normal. radiologist. I would still stick to my guns.

The patient was skeptical about the recommen-

The patient's only other complaints were "si-
dation. After discussing the problem with two
nus trouble," occasional discomfort in his right
physicians, he assessed the base rate of cancer of
knee, and some low-back discomfort after
the pancreas and adjusted this rate for his scams
heavy exercise (he is a runner). He had no pre-
as a nonsmoker. He used Bayes' rule to calcu-
vious history of gastrointestinal or liver disease.
late the probability of a treatable lesion and then
H e had no abdominal complaints or change in
made a calculation of the average gain in life
bowel habits. H e consumed little alcohol, and
expectancy if any treatable lesion was found.
he was a nonsmoker.
This calculation included a sensitivity analysis
The essence of this information is that the of the conditional probability of a large pan-
probability of pancreatic cancer in this man is not creas in an otherwise healthy person. The pa-
ve ry different from that in the average asymp- tient concluded that the maximum gain in life
tomatic SO-year-old person. Beyond pushing for expectancy (given the assumption of the preva-
a better interpretation of the CT scan, I still would lence of a slightly enlarged pancreas in other-
not do anything for three months. wise healthy people) was as little as 5 days or as
much as 50 days. H e argued that the procedure
The following laboratory results were obtained: was unnecessary.
h emoglobin 15.4 g/dL, hematocrit 46%, WBC
6,200, bilirubin 0.6 mg/dL , cholesterol 211 mg/ I am impressed that a layperson could make
dL, albumin 4.3 g/dL, globulin 2.7 g/dL, alka- these calculations; most physicians would not be
line phosphatase 60 IU/L, lactate dehydroge- able to do so. I agree with the decision a:ialyst. I
nase 11 2 IU/L, aspartate transaminase 16 IU/L, think a repeat CT scan in 3 months would be area-
sonable compromise between the aggressiveness


of the gastroenterologist and the skepticism of the clinical problem? vVhat can we learn from this
dec ision analyst toward not doing a:iything. kind of experience that would help us make the
optimal decision the next time we are surprised by
The physicians thought he was "nuts." They an unexpected result of a diagnostic test? Should
both opined that the chance of cancer was much the ERCP have been recommended? Instead of
higher than the patient had concluded. an ERCP, was it even necessary to repeat the CT
scan in 3 months, as recommended by our discus-
The concept of probability, unfortunately, has
sant? Should the patient simply have been told that
not gotten into the brains of some physicians. I am
the chance that the CT scan findings represented
d ismayed that some primary care clinicians do all
anytl1ing serious was small enough to warrant ig-
the histories and physicals and obtain the baseline
uur iug tht fi nd ing em ird y?
in formation and then relinquish their power to
Probability theory provides a framework for a
the next consultant, the gastroenterologist or the
rational approach to this problem. As we expla ined
rad iologist in this case.
before, the probability that a patient has a g iven
The patient reluctantly agreed to have the disease when a certain kind of abnormality is found
ERCP. The study was uncomplicated, and no on a diagnostic study is a function of t wo variables:
abnormality was found. The patient continues (I) the probability of the disease before the test and
to be well 15 years later. Hematuria has dis- (2) the probabili ty that the same test result occurs
appeared. He wrote, "The cost of this was lost in the disease under quest ion and the probabilities
time doing the tests and about $2,500 of medi- th at the same test result occurs in all other possible
cal bills, which I paid myself." The biggest cost, "diseases"- even in normal subjects.
he wrote, "was strain and anxiety associated Let us consider surprises analogous to the one
with the possible diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, faced in this example by the business consultant's
which I knew was very serious. The perceived physician. That is, we w ill consider cases in wh ich
seriousness was heightened by the fact that I the probabil ity of a disease before testing is small.
had lost my father just a year before to cancer Cancer of the pancreas in this patient is such an
(lung metastasized from bowel) after watch- example; cancer of the k idney in one of our other
ing him painfully waste away over a six-month cases is another such example (see cases 23 and 27).
period. More than anything, I had the ERCP Consider this patient: G iven his age a nd the
to eliminate the anxiety. I doubt that I would lack of any manifestations even remotely related
have been anxious with good data and a sound to pancreatic disease, it is overw helmingly likely
analysis." that he has no serious disease of the pancreas. To
simplify our consideration of the problem, we will
assume him to be in o n e of two states: Either he
Analysis has pancreatic cancer, as suggested by the result
What a su rprise I T his unfortunate man went to his of the test (CT sca n), or he is healtl1y. Because he
physician for scrotal pain, and a few days later, he seemed healthy and had no predisposing risk fac-
was informed th at he might have cancer of the pan- tors or clinical manifestations, the pretest (i .e., pre-
creas. Being an intelligent fellow, experienced in CT scan) probability of pancreatic cancer is quite
dec ision making under conditions of uncertainty, low (roughly equivalent to the prevalence of pan-
the patient doubted this conclusion. However, hav- creatic cancer in his age-, sex-, and race-matched
ing been rendered anx ious by the abnormal find - population); the pretest probability that he is nor-
ing on CT scan and cowed by the insistence of two mal is correspondi ngly h igh.
physicians that he undergo further diagnostic eval- vVhat characteristics of the CT result deter-
uation, the patient submitted to having a study he mine whecher we sustain our belief thac he is nor-
considered unnecessary. mal or wheth er we begin to believe st rongly that
Did the patient go to see the wrong physician? he has pancreatic cancer? Given the low pretest
C lea rly, if our discussant had bee n his physician, probability of cancer, the extent to wh ich the test
the ERCP would not have been done. What are result deviates from normal provides the critical
the d iagnostic principles underlying this common clue. A slightly abnormal test result will increase


the posttest probability of cancer only minimally expected utili ty because the risks of the tests exceed
because the likelihood of this result in healthy per- the benefits of testing) compared to testing. For
sons may be h igh, or, at worst, quite similar to that any disease probability greater than the threshold,
in patients w ith cancer, making the posttest prob- however, further testing has a higher expected util-
ability at best identical to the pretest likelihood of ity than no testing, and thus the choice to test is opti-
can.cer. By contrast, a dramatically abnormal test re- mal. To make a choice, then, we must compare the
sult w ill increase the posttest probability of cancer probability of disease at any stage of the patient's
substantiall y because the li kelihood of this result workup w ith the derived value for the threshold.
in pancreatic cancer is high and in healthy persons To illustrate further for this patient: Suppose
it is quite low. that the pretest (before CT scan) probability of pan-
In the case we are discussing, the result is a creatic cancer in this man was I in 1,000 (0.0010)
radiographic finding, but the principles for inter- and suppose that the no-test/test threshold was
preting such findings are not different for other found to be 5 in I 00 (0.05). Then, if the probability
test results. A sedimentation rate of 40 in an ap- of pancreatic cancer after the abnormal CT scan
parently healthy 60-year-old woman probably has was still judged to be lower than 0.05, no additional
little significance, whereas a sedimentation rate of ERCP testing would be warranted. However, if the
120 in the same woman is h ighl y likely to be a probability was thought to be greater than 0.05, an
manifestation of some serious disease. 194 ERCP would be ind icated. In this framework, the
This explanation, although it satisfactorily an- significance of the degree of positivity of the CT
swers how to interpret an unexpected and sur- scan can be understood. Note that the post-CT
prising abnormal test result, fails to illuminate scan probabil ity of pancreatic cancer becomes the
the process for dealing w ith the interpreted result. pre-ERCP probability of pancreatic cancer. T h e
Suppose we correctly interpret such an abnormal more abnormal the CT scan, the higher w ill be the
test result. What action should we take based on posttest probability. Presumably, a slightly abnor-
this result!' In the patient considered here, w hat ap- mal result would not raise the probability of cancer
proach should we follow to decide whether to cease above the threshold and an ERCP would not be in-
testing or to test further (i.e., perform an ERCP?) dicated, whereas after a markedly abnormal test,
Except when the probability of disease is virtually the post-CT scan probability of pancreatic cancer
zero, the probabil ity of disease alone clearly is in- would exceed the testing threshold and the clear
sufficient. choice would be to carry out the ERCP.
Instead, to make this d ecision, one needs to Finally, how can we account for the discrep-
assess the consequences of each possible action, ancy between the recommendations of the patient 's
wh ich in this case is either further ERCP testing physicians and our discussant? The patient's physi-
or no further testing. The consequences of further cians insisted that he have the ERCP; the discussant
testing include the frequency of false-positive and would not have clone it. T he patient's phys icians
false -negative results, the risk of the ERCP tests, may have overinterpreted tl1e positivity of the CT
and the therapeutic benefit of finding a presum- findings and thus may h ave in their own minds ex-
ably true-positive, early, potentially curable cancer. ceeded thetestingthreshold. 57 T hey may have been
The important consequences of no further testing following a common but imperfect clinical dictum
are principally those that fol low from ignoring a that abnormal findings must always be followed
potentially curable lesion. up, no matter how unlikely they are to ind icate a
The process of combining these data is now a treatable disorder. T hey may have been concerned
standard one and is accomplished by decision anal- about their vulnerability to a malpractice action
ys is to calculate a no-test/test threshold 59 (see Chap- if some, even unrelated, disorder showed up later.
ter 4). The testing threshold is first calculated by They may have been in the "regret" mode, in wh ich
decision analysis. This thresh old is the probability missing a lesion is perceived as far more egregious
of d isease at which the benefits and risks of either than testing inappropriately, even if testing com -
no further testing or of testing are equivalent, so for plications ensue. 81 139 It is even conceivable that a
likelihoods of disease below t h is threshold, no fur- financial incentive may have tipped them over the
ther testing is preferred (i.e., has a h igher value, or testing threshold if their suspicion of cancer was


at or near the threshold value. W ithout further in- ASuccinct Description of the Dilemma
format ion on their reasoning processes, however, T he patient had no manifestations of pancreatic
we can only speculate. disease: He had no weight loss, gastrointestinal
Medical surprises abound in day-today prac- symptoms, or abdom inal pain. The likelihood that
t:ice, especially as rout ine imaging studies for com- he has a silent pancreatic carcinoma, identified al-
mon complaints become more widespread. Some- most by chance by a CT scan done for hematuria,
t:imes they are important to the care of the patient, is remote. Ifby some chance he does have pancre-
and sometimes they send us down blind or even atic cancer, however, it would probably be an early
dangerous trails. How can we tell when a find- lesion; the chance of cure might be considerably
ing is not clinically important? As described here, h igher than it would for a lesion that presented
we must have a framework for assessing the sig- with typical symptoms. The equivocal CT find-
n ificance of surprises and taking the appropriate ings alone do not make the diagnosis.
action. To expect perfection- always ignoring IfERCP is performed, an early cancer might
misleading test results and always following up well be diagnosed; but if no cancer is present, the
surprises that are clinically relevant- is unrealistic. patient w ill have been exposed to the small risk
However, thoughtful consideration of the proba-
and moderate discomfort of the ERCP. Accord-
bility of the diseases, the test results in question, and ingly, the decision is a tradeoffbetween potential
the consequences of our clinical choices is essential life expectancy gained if cancer is present and the
in making the fewest testing errors.
morbidity and inconvenience ofERCP. In our re-
analysis of the problem, we used dec ision analysis
to obtain a quantitative answer to the same ques-
CASE 30. TRIPPING OVER TECHNOLOGY tion: How high must the probability of pancreatic
cancer be, given the results of the CT scan, to justify
Case 29 describes a patient in whom technologi- proceeding w ith ERCP?
cal advances in diagnostic testing yielded subop-
timal medical decisions. T he patient was a 50-
year-old business consultant who presented w ith The Decision Tree
epididymitis; in the initial workup, his physician vVe structured the problem as a dec ision tree
d iscovered microscopic h.ematuria (in retrospect, that defined two competing strategies; either per-
probably the consequence of long-distance run- form ERCP or observe without ERCP (Figure
n ing). T he patient had no abdominal or gastroin- 15.3). T he tree represents false -positive and false-
testinal symptoms or abnormal physical find ings, negative results of the CT and ERCP and exam-
and an abdominal CT scan showed no abnormal- ines the probability that pancreatic cancer is either
ities in his k idneys. However, the scan yielded an present or absent. Al though the gastroenterologist
unexpected finding in the pancreas. It was de- considered several other diagnoses, the most im-
scribed as follows: T he head of the pancreas is portant possible diagnosis is pancreatic cancer.
"generous and bulbous, and there is poor defini- T he schema represents the choice between
tion ... of the uncinate process. On one or two ERCP and observation. If the patient undergoes
c.uts there is a question of whether there was some ERCP, he may or may not survive the procedure.
extrinsic pressure on the lesser curve aspect of the If he survives, he may have a positive or negative
second portion of the duodenum ... We are mildly test, depending on w hether or not d isease is actu-
concerned about the appearance of the head of the ally present. Ifthe ERCP is positive, we assume that
pancreas." This surprising finding led a consul- an exploratory laparotomy will be performed; the
tant gastroenterologist to recommend ERCP to patient may or may not survive the procedure. Ifhe
rule out pancreatic cancer. In the discussion, the survives, his subsequent life expectancy is modeled
editors argued, using nooquantitative reasoning, according to a !11arkov process 195 (a given outcome
that the chance of cancer of the pancreas was so is estimated by calcul.ating the number oflife-years
small that the decision to perform ERCP was in- a patient can be expected to spend in various health
correct. Here we present a quantitative analysis of states). If the choice is to observe, the patient's sub-
the same problem. sequent life expectancy is again modeled according







Figure 1S.3 Decision tree for case 30. The vertical rectangular node at the left denotes the choice that
must be made between carrying out the endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogra phy (ERCP) or not. The
nodes to the right of the brackets attach to each of the end branches to the left of rhe brackets. The arrow-
cirde symbol represents a ''tv[arkov" node. All horizontal rectangular symbols denote outcomes. P ANC CA,
pancreatic cancer.

to t!he same process; the pert inent probabilities re- males, and only 14% of patients are alive 1 year
flect survival with or without untreated pancreatic after diagnosis. 196 These data can be used to esti-
can.cer. mate the prevalence of pancreatic cancer in a pa-
tient cohort, and our calculations yielded an esti-
The Data mate of about 13.3 per 100,000 (0.000133). Because
To analyze this problem, we need the follow ing some pancreatic cancers may go undiagnosed, we
crit ical data: the probab ility of pancreatic cancer assumed the prevalence to be somewhat h igher and
before any tests were done, the sensitivity and speci- used a "baseline" prevalence of 0.0002 for our cal-
ficity of the CT scan in detecting pancreatic cancer, culations. (To the extent that this value overesti-
the risk of ERCP, the probability of a cure of an mates the likelihood of cancer, it biases the analys is
early pancreatic cancer if one is present, and the risk toward ERCP.)
ofsurgery for pancreatic cancer. First, we elaborate
on these data (summarized in Table 15.4). The Sensitivity and Specificity of CT Scan and ERCP
vVe culled estimates of false-positive and false-
The Prior Probability of Pancreatic Cancer negative rates for "equivocal" CT findings that
The probability that the patient had pancreatic suggest pancreatic cancer. Two reports give false-
can.c er was assumed to be very low because he positive rates for an equivocal CT scan in the
had no symptoms or physical findings referable to diagnosis of pancreatic cancer of 55% and 73%,
the pancreas. The annual incidence of pancreatic respectively . 1<17, 198 CT sensitivity for pancreatic
can.c er is approximately 11 per 100,000 for white cancer is about 80% when unequivocal findings a re


Da ta Used in the Decision Analys is
Baseline probability of pancreatic cancer 0.0002
CT scan: false-positive rate for "equivocal" result 0.64
CT scan: true-positive rate (sensitivity) 1.00
ERCP: true-positive rate (for cancer) 0.90
ERCP: false-positive rate (for cancer) 0.03
Probability ofERCP-associated mortality 0.002
Probability of operative mortality associated with pancreatic cancer 0.20
Probability of a resectable pancreatic cancer 0.26
Monthly probability of death with unresectable pancreatic cancer 0.06
Monthly probability of death with resect ecl pancreatic cancer 0.03
C T , computed tomography; ERCP. endoscopic retrograde cholangiopa ncrcatogrnphy.

used to define a positive r esult. 199 200 If equivocal simple observation, che curability of an early can-
f ind ings are included as positive d iagnos is criteria, cer found w ith ERCP must be h igher than usual
however, the sensitivity approaches 100%. 197 We to justify the inaccuracies ofERCP, the morbidity
used I00% forthe sensit ivi ty, a value that also biases and mortality ofERCP, and the operative r isks of
the analysis toward the ERCP strategy. The sen- laparotomy if the ERCP is positive.
sitivity of ERCP for pancreatic cancer is approx-
imately 90%,201 - 203 and the ERCP false -positive The Risk of Pancreatic Surgery
rate is approximately 3%.20 4
Operative mortality for pancreaticoduodenal re-
The Riskof ERCP sections averages 20% in most series. These proce-
dures are also associated w ith h igh complication
T he most common complications of ERCP are
rates: Fistulas, hemorrh age, infection, or other
pancreatitis and cholangit is, wh ich occur in ap-
complications occur in more than half of those
proximately 3% of examinations. ERCP mortality
patients. The mortality for an exploratory laparo-
is approx imately 0.2%.
tomy is approximately 0.5%. We assumed a sim-
The Curability of Pancreatic Cancer ilarly low operative mortality for patients who
undergo laparotomy for evaluation of a positive
For testing to be worthwhile in th is patient, the po- ERCP.
tent ial gain in life expectancy consequent to early
d iagnosis of the cancer must be greater than the
r isks associated w ith evalluating and inappropri- The Analysis and Interpretation
ately treating false-positive test results. No data As we explained in our earlier d iscussion of th is
are available regarding treatment outcomes for in- case, the analysis proceeds in three steps. First, we
cidentally found, asymptomatic early pancreatic assess the posterior probability of pancreatic can-
cancers. Approximately I 0% of pancreatic cancers cer given the CT findings; next we calculate-
are resectable. There is some evidence that pan- from the benefits and risks of treating pancreatic
creatic malignancies that appear localized preop- cancer- how h igh the probability of cancer would
eratively may have a h igher resecrabil ity, possibly have to be before proceeding w ith further testing
as h igh as 26%. Resectability does not mean cur- (the testing th reshold); and then we compare the
ab ility, however; the I-year mortality of patients two probabilit ies. If the posterior probability of
w ho have undergone successful resection still is ap- cancer is less than the testing th reshold, the net ben-
proximately 30%. If further evaluation is to yield efit of further observation exceeds the net benefit
substantial gain in life expectancy, compared w ith of testing, and we would not recommend ERCP.


It if is greater than the threshold for testing, ERCP Sensitivity Analysis andInterpretation
would be the optimal choice. 59 T he calculations were based on fairly pessimistic
estimates for the resectability and curability .of
Calcwlation of the Post-CT Probability of PancreaticCancer a pancreatic cancer found early in its course.
The first value we need is the post-CT probabil- Nonetheless, the choice in this case is quite insen-
ity t hat the patient has pancr eatic cancer- that is, sitive to the data used in the analysis. As the prob-
g iven the results seen on CT, what is the proba- ability of successful resection approaches 100%,
bili t y that a cancer (CA) is present? T his calcu- the th reshold for proceeding to ERCP decreases
lation is made by straightforward application of to only approximately 0.024. In add ition, as the
Bayes' theorem. JO, I I In th is s imation, in which we cure rate improves, the t h reshold for proceeding to
are primarily interested in the presence or absence ERCP drops further. If we assume that a success-
of cancer, Bayes' theorem can be written as follows: fully resected cancer is cured and the probability of

P (CT result ICA) x P (CA)

P (CAICT result) = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
p (CT result ICA) x P (CA) + P (CT false-positive rate) x I 1 - P (CA) I

where P (CA ICT result) is the probability that can- successfully resecting the early-identified cancer is
cer is present, g iven the CT findings; P (CT result I approximately 0.70, the probability of cancer for
CA.) is the sensitivity of CT for pancreatic cancer; which ERCP should be underta ken drops to ap-
and P (CA) is the basel ine probability of pancreatic proximately 0.022. In our patient, the probability
can.c er in an asymptomatic man. Accord ing to the of h is hav ing pancreatic cancer remains far below
values from the table, the patient's li kelihood of th is threshold. T h us, not testing remains superior
having pancreatic cancer is to testing.
(1.00) x (0.0002)
- - - - - - - - - - - = 0.0003 Analysis
(1.00) x (0.0002) + (0.64) x (0.9998)
Thus, with an equivocal finding as described on T he results of this analys is confirm our decision
his CT scan, the patient's likelihood of harboring that ERCP was unnecessary; yet, the choice to
pancreatic cancer still is approximately I in 3,000. avo id the test is only marginally better than the
choice to perform t he test. The reader now can
Calcwlation of the Testing Threshold appreciate the complex.icy of the assumptions th.at
The testing threshold (the probability of disease at were weighted in th is a nalysis. Some assumptions
wh ich the net benefits of not testing and testing are were unobtainable from any source in the litera-
equal) was calculated by a computer program us- ture. Should that lack of data deter us from car-
ing t he decision tree shown un Figure 15.3 and the ry ing out such analyses? Admittedly, we must be
data in the table. T he probab.ility of pancreatic can- careful not to be seduced into t hink ing that our
cer would have to exceed 0.025 before the ERCP numerical estimates are "hard numbers," but if we
strategy would outweigh the observation strategy avo id this trap, the estnmates form a basis for ex-
(Figure I 5.4). After the CT scan, the probability of amining how variations in these values influence
pancreatic cancer in the patient (0.0003) was con- the results of the analysis. As it turned out, exten-
siderably lower than this threshold value. Thus, sive sensitivity analyses d isclosed that the choice
avoid ing ERCP is the optimal strategy. of ERCP was not the better one, even though it
tra iled only marginally in expected utility behind
Expected Utilities the choice of avoiding the test.
W h en the baseline assumptions shown in the table Here we have an illustration of advanced tech-
are used, the expected util ity (in th is case, life ex- nology yield ing confusing and equivocal resul ts,
pectancy) of proceeding with ERCP is 26.53 years, which in turn leads to excessive and ris ky test-
and the expected utility of avoid ing ERCP is 26.59 ing. However, how "wrong" were the patient's
years. The d ifference between these choices is ex- physicians in recommend ing ERCP' Could fac-
tremely small. tors other than those we considered in our analys is


Sensitivity Analysis



26.6 ---1( OBSERVE )


Life 26.2
(Years) 26.0 ERCP


Baseline= Threshold=
25.2 0.0003 0 .025

0 0 .01 0.02 0 .03 0.04 0.05

Probability of Pancreatic Carcinoma

After CT

Figure 15.4 One-way sensitiviry analysis for case 30. At low probabilities of pancreatic cancer, the optimal
choice is not to rest, and at h igh probabilities, the optimal choice is to carry out the rest (endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography [ERCP]). The th reshold denotes the probabiliry at whi ch the two choices are equal
with respect to the patient's life expectancy. Note that the baseline probabili ry (the estimated probabili.ty in
the patient) is well below the threshold, suggesting that the optimal choice in the patient is nor to rest. CT,
computed tomography.

have influenced their decision? If we assume that choices about testing and treatment is warranted.
there was no financial motivation for doing the test Such research may help explain wh y we somet imes
and that concern about a malpractice claim was not stumble over peculia r resu lts of diagnostic tests.
an issue, what other motivation could there be?
We suggest that reduction of uncertainty is
one possibility. Physicians are so accustomed to re- CASE 31. THE PROBABILITY
duc ing uncertainty before embarking on a course OF A PROBABILITY
of therapy that they have become compulsive about
" knowing for sure." In one cognitive study of de- A 67-year-old man presented to the Emergency
cision making under conditions of uncertainty, D epartment with diffuse, burning abdominal
physicians were confronted with a patient who had pain. During his evaluation he was found! to
an unidentified pulmonary infiltrate. Required to be in atrial fibrilllation; serum sodium was
choose between gathering further information by 124 mEq/L.
invasive testing and treating the patient empiri-
c all y, they selected the in vas ive tests and never even Some intraabdominal process is presumably
considered empiric therapy. 205 They chose to test going on to expla in the burning pain. I would like
even though a formal decision analys is d isclosed no to know how long he had the complaint and how
substantial difference between the expected utility long he has had the atrial fibrillation. I do not know
of testing and treating empirically. why his serum sodium is low. It could be caused
Further research into the intrinsic value of by sodium depletion, water intoxication, adre-
information above and beyond its value in making nal insufficiency, the syndrome of inappropr iate


a ntid iuretic horm one (SIADH), or a va riety of

The patient was admitted for evaluation of
other causes. I am not sure I can tie these fi nd ings
atrial fibrillation and abdominal pain. The
atrial fibrillation reverted to sinus rhythm spon-
taneously, and the patient was treated with
The patient had had diffuse, burning abdom- diltiazem. Myocardial enzymes were not el-
inal pain for 3 weeks. He reported no nausea, evated. Thyroid function tests were normal.
vomiting, weight loss, hematemesis, melena, or An echocardiogram showed normal valves and
change in bowel habits. He had a remote his- ejection fraction and a left atrial size of 3.7 cm.
tory of peptic ulcer disease. He denied recent The gastrointestinal symptoms resolved, and
alcohol use but had smoked one to two packs of his stool became guaiac negative.
cigarettes a day for several years. His only med-
ication was an occasional aspirin. On physical T he pain is gone w ithout treatment. These
examination, he was not in distress. His blood find ings are compatible with many things, but I
pressure was 150/88 mm Hg, and his pulse rate would be interested in knowing w hat gastroin-
was 130 per minute and irregularly irregular. testinal wo rku p he had. T he atrial fibrillation ap-
The lungs were clear. No murmurs were heard. pears to have been adequately evaluated, but the
The abdomen was benign. Stool was trace gua- low serum sodi um appears to have been lost.
iac positive. The rest of the examination was
normal. One month later, the patient returned with re-
current atrial fibrillation and abdominal pain.
In view of the seemingly ben ign history and Once again, the stool was guaiac positive.
findings, I do not know why h e came to the hos - Sodium was 128 mEq/L, and serum osmolal-
pital at this time complaining of pain, unless an ity was 268 mOsm/kg, with a simultaneous
acute onset of atrial fibrillation caused some new, urine osmolality of 384 mOsm/kg. His cardiac
unexplained symptoms. I still do not know how rhythm reverted to sinus rhythm with antiar-
that would relate to the finding of the low serum rhythmic therapy after initial heparinization.
sod ium. The stool remained guaiac positive. The pos-
sibility of an occult gastrointestinal lesion was
Additional laboratory data: WBC 15,200, suggested as the cause of the apparent syndrome
of inappropriate ADH secretion.
hemoglobin 15.5 g/dL, hematocrit 42%, glu-
cose 128 mg/ dL, sodium 124 mEq/L, potas-
T he osmolality studies are certainly compati-
sium 3.7 mEq/L, chloride 91 mEq/L, total
ble wi th SIADH. I am notsureaboutanassociation
C02 20 mEq!L, BUN 6 mg/dL, and creatinine
0.9 mgidL. Urinalysis: specific gravity 1.020 wi th gastrointestinal lesions. I am much more fa-
and pH 7; dipstick and sediment examination milia r with the association w ith pulmonary lesions.
were unremarkable. ECG showed atrial fib-
Colonoscopy revealed multiple adenomatous
rillation with frequent premature ventricular
polyps with no evidence of malignancy. A bar-
contractions. Chest x-ray was compatible with
ium swallow revealed right-upper-quadrant
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A retro-
calcification and a large hiatal hernia with gas-
cardiac hiatal hernia was present.
trointestinal reflux. Follow-up serum sodium
was 132 mEq!L.
The high wh ite cell count suggests the possi-
bility of an infection, but the differential isn 'tgiven, I suppose h is abdominal burning could be re-
and it could be helpful. T he high specific gravity lated to the hiatal hernia with reflux, but I do not
of the urine is inappropriate for the hyponatremia. see an explanation for his low serum sodium and
Since the patient was a smoker and lung cancer is apparentSIADH. Ifthere were no evidenceof ma-
a frequent cause of SIADH, I thought he might lignancy (and I assume all the polyps were removed
end up hav ing a lung nodule. Apparently, one was and examined microscopically), I would not do any
not seen on the chest x- ray. further gastrointestinal workup. I would consider


getting a CT scan of his ch est to make sure he does sion could account for these find ings? One might
not have an occult neoplasm in h is lung. guess that they had I ittle confidence.
T h is case raises an issue that we have not
The patient was seen at follow-up 4 months explored- confidence in probability judgments.
later. He complained of poor appetite and a T herefore, we shall discuss the concept of ambi-
12-pound weight loss. Chest x-ray revealed a guity. vVe think that the patient's physicians fa iled
2-cm mass in the right hilum with collapse to consider this concept in their d iagnostic hypo-
of the right lower lobe. Serum sodium was theses.
122 mEq/L. Biopsy of the lesion on bron- A busy clinician makes dozens, perhaps hun-
choscopy showed a poorly differentiated squa- dreds, of probability assessments each day on an
mous cell cancer. Hyponatremia was treated array of probabilities: thar one or more d iseases
successfully with demeclocycline, and a workup may be present; that a patient will have a positive
for metastatic disease was negative. A right or negative (or some other) result of a diagnost ic
pneumonectomy was performed; 2of13 carinal test; that, given a certain test result, one or more
nodes were positive for tumor. The patient was diseases are present or absent; that there mighr be
given radiation therapy. an adverse reaction to a test or a treatment; that the
patienr might or might not respond to a regimen;
I wonder if the mass could have been hidden and the probabiliry of survival. Typically, each as-
o n the chest x-ray by the hiatal hernia. I would sessment is made w ithout reference to a numerical
be interested in review ing that w ith a rad iologist. value for the chance of the outcome. Instead, the
In retrospect, should SIADH have been work ed probability is either categorical (high, very small,
up more aggress ively earl ier? I might have got- and practically n il) or ordinal (higher than, lower
ten the chest CT earlier because I am not familiar th an, safer tha n). 61
w ith gastrointestinal lesions causing SIADH. T he Even given the implicit categorical and ord i-
colonic polyps just d id not make sense to me as the nal descr iptions oflikelihood that we use everyday,
cause of the h yponatremia. on the surface all probability assessments seem to
be similar. Each requires the physician 's judgment
Analysis about the chance of some future event, and each is
In the patient presented here, the correct diagnosis presumably grounded not on ly on personal experi-
was missed for 5 months, and a "far-out" erro- ence, but also on the physician's understanding of
neous d iagnosis was macie instead. In retrospect, the pertinent medical literature. To be sure, they
the physicians responsible for the patient's care are beliefs about the state of a given patient rather
seem foolish. The patient was a heavy smoker, his tha n "hard data," and they all require a judgment
chest x-ray showed evide nce of chronic lung d is- based on medical data.
ease, and he had SIADH. Lung cancer, especially However, are ail! assessments of probabilities
small-cell cancer, should have been strongly con- really the same? Even if we were to state our views
sidered, and the physicians should have been un- of the likelihood of several different outcomes in
w illi ng to give up on this diagnosis-despite the numerical rerms, wou ld we h ave the same confi-
"negative" chest x-ray- unt il they had performed dence about all of our judgments? If the initial re-
a ll reasonable tests (such as bronchoscopy or CT action is that all probabil ities have similar meaning
scan). Instead, when the chest x-ray showed no to us, ponder this: Suppose we can choose between
obvious tumor and an unrelated finding (intesri- two treatments for a g iven disease. One treatment
111al polyps) was uncovered in the process of an in- has been used for years, and considerable data show
vestigation for guaiac-positive stools, the SIADH thar ir cures 65% of parients. A second treatment
was attributed to "an occult gasrrointestinal !e- has been introduced recently-only two stud ies
s ion." U ndoubtedly, the physicians knew with con- have been published, each a small series- but the
fidence and with little ambiguity how high the success rate is 70%. Are the two probabilities, 65%
likelihood of lung cancer was in a male smoker and 70%, comparable?
w ith SIADH. However, how confidenr were they Most would agree that they are not. Large
of the likelihood that an occult gastro intesrinal le- experience with the first trearment gives the


physician confidence in a 65% probability of suc- Many reasons have been advanced to explain this:
cess. In the second treatment, there may be much (I) People may reason that it is better to have more
uncertainty about the probability of 70% success, information than less; (2) they may be concerned
g iven limited data. Any probability needs to have that if not all informat ion is available, they w ill
a built- in factor that determines the confidence in have less control; (3) they may be concerned that
wh ich the value is held. The confidence in a prob- their judgment will be evaluated by others (or even
ability often is described in terms of ambiguity. themselves after the fact); and (4) they may wish to
Ambiguity is uncertainty about a given probabil- avo id uncertainty. 210 211 Although some of these
ity. It sometimes is thought of as a "second-order" seem to predominate in experimental settings in
probability, or as a probabil ity of a probability. wh ich subjects are as ked to participate in mone-
A certain amount of ambiguity characterizes tary lotteries, we suspect that all or at least most
all assessments of chance outcomes. Nonetheless, obtain in day-to-day decision making.
considerable ambiguity is likely to exist when ava il- Thus, we are left with an unresolved problem:
able information is scanty (e.g., when the sam- Ambiguity in assessing li keli hood in clinical prac-
ple size is small), when data are unreliable (e.g., tice certainl y exists. It influences how we th ink
when the credibility of the source is questionable), about a g iven disease, test, or treatment, but we
or when facts or opinions of pmative experts are have not yet learned how best to express the un-
conflicting. 206 All of these are encountered regu - certainty in our probabil istic beliefs. W hat do we
larly in medicine and may contribute to variation do in the meantime? We can identify situations in
in c:are. 207 wh ich ambiguity is likely to be greatest (few data
How to express ambiguity in probability as- ava ilable, unreliable data, conflicting data) and ap-
sessments has yet to reach consensus. Some argue preciate that confidence in judgments about the
thac the uncertainty of a probability should be ex- probabilities of medical outcomes in these situa-
pressed in terms used for characterizing outcome tions may not be unshakable.
uncertainty, namely, as a probabil ity range. T h is vVhen undertaking formal decision assess-
would require establ ishment of a range for a given ments, we can test the most ambiguous variables
set of probabilities (hence, the probability ofa prob- by multivariate sensitivity analyses. Or we can
ability). F inally, a measure of confidence h as been even use the so-called Monte Carlo simulation,
applied by some to rate the degree of amb iguity. 208 wh ich carries out sensitivity analys is on all vari-
Although a confidence rating seems superior in ex- ables simultaneously. 10212 At the very least, an un-
perimental settings for expressing uncertainty in a derstanding of the root~ of ambiguity should ma Ike
probability, its relevance to the real world is un- us aware of the potential limitations of our assess-
certain. ment of probabilistic clinical data.
Many experts in probability have figuratively Perhaps the diagnosis of lung cancer would
thrown up their hands when it comes to assessing have been made sooner in the patient presented
amb iguity. Some have suggested that we simply if the concept of ambiguity had been considered.
ask people to state their views directly. 209 Some ar- Perhaps the extreme "softness" in the probability of
gue that such verbal answers may or may not reflect an occult gastrointestinal lesion as the cause of the
beliefs and judgments.5 Some suggest that the only SIADH would have led h is physicians away from
way to be sure how a person feels about a problem this hypothesis toward others. Given the type of
is to observe what action he or she takes. 209 Others the patient's tumor,earl ier diagnos is and treatment
point out that many probabilities for observable probably would nothaveextended his li te by much,
events cannot be identified simply by observing if at all. Yet because a similar error could well have
behavior. substantial implications for a patient's survival or
Does it matter whether we recognize ambigu- even for a patient's quality of life, we should be
ity in assessment of likeli hoods? It probably does alert about how avid ly we accept our numerous
because people generally try to avo id ambiguity. probability assessments.

_Causal Reasoning

CASE 32. JUDGING CAUSALITY \Ve need to find out ifthe patient mdeed has
recurrent tumor in his liver or if there is something
A 55-year-old man with cancer was admitted hepatotoxic about th is chemotherapeutic agen t.
to the hospital for progressive jaundice. Clearly, a major hepatotoxin would not be the best
chemotherapeutic agent to choose for intrahepatic
Progressive jaund ice in a man with cancer has infusion. T he other possibil ity, since he has cancer
many possible causes. His jaundice could be due and an implanted catheter, is an infection, e ither
to excessive red cell breakdown. Some cancers, bacterial or viral.
particularly the B cell lymphomas, may produce
immunoglobulins that cause a Coombs-positive Over the next 4 months, the patient received
hemolytic anem ia. More often, cancers infiltrate FUDR by continuous infusion for 2 weeks, al-
the Ii ver and cause either hepatocell ular disarray ternating with saline for 2 weeks. During this
or obstruction. In add ition, he could have a n un- interval, he felt well. Serial studies showed the
usual cholestatic jaundice, such as that wh ich rarely following (ALT, alanine transaminase):
occurs w ith renal ca ncer. The other question that
always should be raised is, vVhat therapy has he Months Alkaline
been on? Has he been on any hepatorox ic therapy? before Bilirubin ALT phosphatase
H as he been to a "specialist" in complementary Admission (mg/dL) (IU/L) ( JU/L)
a nd alternative medicine who is g iving h im hepa-
totoxic drugs? Among these are two vitami ns that 18 0.5 8~

are hepatotoxic in high doses: Excess vitamin A 5 0.9 208 64

can lead to cirrhosis, and h igh doses of niacin can 4 0.3 23 135
cause inflammatory hepatitis. One would wa nt to 3 0.4 16 154
take a careful history not onl y about the cancer, but 2 1.6 630
also about the cancer therapy. 1 3.5 155 588

Twenty-four months before admission, the pa-

One month before admission, he complained of
tient had a left hemicolectomy and local irra-
low-grade fever, and right infrascapular pain
diation for Dukes' C2 adenocarcinoma of the
developed 2 weeks later. Pain persisted, and
sigmoid colon. Five months before admission,
jaundice became clinically apparent two days
a wedge resection of the liver was performed
before admission. H e was admitted for studies.
for recurrent tun~or. A catheter was inserted
into the hepatic artery, an infusion line was im-
planted, and a course of intra-arterial floxuri- Serial stud ies show a gradually rising biliru-
dine (FUDR) was begun. bin assoc iated with an initial elevation of ALT,
wh ich subsequently fluctuated . His alkaline phos-
T he use of intra-arterial chemotherapy for tu- phatase, on the other hand, is rising steadily along
mors is controversial. The goal is to provide the with his bilirubin, wh ich suggests that someth ing is
drug through the hepatic artery and to perfuse stimulati ng those cells within his biliary rad ides to
the tumor in the liver without necessarily affect- produce a lk aline phosphatase. Obstruction would
ing the rest of the liver or organs perfused by the be the most common cause of this picture. I wonder
systemic circulation. In theory, other organs can who was looking at him I month before adm ission.
be spared beca use the live r extracts these toxins vVith a bilirubin of 3.5, most jaundice is clinically
and prevents their access to the general circulation. apparent, but subtle jaundice is not always obv i-
T he success rate ofimrahepatic infusion (and I am ous to those who are seeing a person regularly.
not that fami liar with this particular technique) In retrospect, some obvious malfunction was oc-
has been variable to the best of my knowledge, curring I month before admiss ion or even earlier.
although experts might argue with me. The patient had infrascapular pain and already had



abnormal li ver function studies. In fact, he was al- does not have biliary tract obstruction of the usual
most certainly clinically jaundiced at that time. sort.
Why is jaundice occurring? Is it hepatotoxi- Now, what could do this? Is there a biliary
city from the infusate? Is it a complication of the cirrhosis-like phenomenon occurring with this
instrumentation? One might wonder about hep- drug? Frankly, I do not know. I would have to
atic artery occlusion, but thrombosis of the hepatic look it up. Could he have another cause of a dilated
artery usually is not a serious problem because the intrahepatic ductular system, such as a sclerosing
portal vein is the major route of blood supply to cholangitis or a rare condition called a Klatskin-
the liver. type cholangiocarcinoma, wh ich can produce a
Does he now have an infection? T he right in- similar picture? Perhaps he has a history ofinflam-
frascapular pa in suggests that some prucess in the mawry uuwd d isease predispusing him w cancer uf
dome of the liver was irritating the subdiaphrag- the colon. I ra ise this possibility because ulcerative
matic surface, causing that classic referral of pain. coli tis is assoc iated w ith a sclerosing cholangitis.
Could he have recurrent tumor to account for low- Again, one would have to demonstrate what pre-
grade fever? All of these possibilities come to mind. cisely was going on there. In this circumstance, I
would ask the oncologists whether the drug could
On admission, the patient was overtly jaun- do it.
diced. T h e liver width was 14 cm by percus-
sion and was palpated three fingerbreadths be- Transhepatic cholangiography revealed multi-
low the costal margin. No other abnormalities ple stenoseswithin the intrahepatic ducts and at
were n oted on physical examination. Labora- the bifurcation of the intrahepatic and common
tory studies showed hematocrit 32% and white hepatic ducts.
cell count 6,600; normal electro! ytes, blood urea
'vVell, something is stenosing those ducts and
nitrogen ( BUN), and creatinine; bilirubin 8.0
producing sclerosing cholang itis.
mg/dL, ALT 230 IU/L, and alkaline phos-
phatase 735 IU/ L. The findings were considered characteristic
of FUDR-associated sclerosing cholangitis.
The normal wh ite count argues aga inst in- Chemotherapy was discontinued, and a drain-
fection. The bili rubin is now 8.0, so it has gone age tube was left in the biliary tree. A re-
up rather precipitously from 3.5 one month be- peat cholangiogram 2 weeks later showed
fore admission. His ALT is now high , which sug- progressive stenosis; serum bilirubin and al-
gests hepatocellular damage, and his al kali ne phos- kaline phosphatase increased to 10.2 mg/dL
phatase is h igh. IfT were dealing with this patient, I and 923 IC/L, respectively. Subsequently, the
would seek the help of chemotherapy experts as to patient was s tricken with biliary sep sis, Pscu-
whether the drug could be doing this. If the drug is domonas endocarditis, and massive hemato-
not the likely cause, could h is hepatic artery be oc- bilia. He died approximately 3 months later
cluded? Would there be some value in opacify ing from uncontrollable biliary sepsis.
the infusion line to see whether the hepatic artery
is patent? I would also li ke to visualize the li ver by In some cases, it is possible to reduce obstruc-
scan to look for recurrent tumor or infection. tion surgically in patients with sclerosing cholan-
gitis; that is, it is possible to relieve some of the
Both computed tomography (CT) scan and most obvious of the obstructive lesions. Theoret-
ultrasound revealed dilated intrahepatic ducts ically, if the stenoses are relieved, survival can be
but a normal-sized common bile duct. Residual extended. Evidently, that was not possible in this
tumor, not in a position to obstruct major bile patient, presumably because of the multiplicity of
ducts, was demonstrated on the CT scan. his lesions and his other medical problems.

So he has residual tumor, but we do not know Analysis

if it has been reduced in size in response to ther- Here a general internist, unarmed w ith experi-
apy. He has dilated intrahepatic ducts but evidentl y mental evidence that the chemotherapeutic agent


floxuridine induces toxicity to bile duct epithelium of the cause-and-effect relation between the drug
and unaware that the intraarterial infusion of this and the jaundice yields only a probability that an
drug in the hepatic artery already has been solidly effect is linked to some cause.
implicated on clinical grounds as a cause of scle- Several measures make it possible to test the
rosing cholangitis, in vents the correct causal con- strength of the link between a cause and an effect.
nection, and then becomes con vinced that FUDR Many of these measures were satisfied in our jaun-
is the cause of obstructive jaund ice. diced patient, particularly the relation in time and
Causality of clinical events or clinical entities is space between the stimulus (intrahepatic FUDR)
a n essential ingredient in clinical cognition. 44 45 47 and the response (cholangitis). Of course, these re-
A useful framework for provisionally attributing lationsh ips are only correlations. Indeed , care must
causality includes these components: a causal field , be taken to avo id using spurious correlations to en-
cues to a causal relation, and factors that influ- hance causal strength.
e nce causal strength. A causal field is a context or Finally, the stren gth ofa given causal hypoth-
problem space in wh ich reasoning and judgment~ esis must stand the test ofalternative possible expla-
about probable cause occur. In this instance the nations. The fact that a single causal explanation
causal field could be construed as a chain consisting appears to account for all of the observed find-
of multiple intermediate steps (drug causes arterial ings does not ensure that this causal chain is the
damage, which in turn causes ischemia of the lining correct one. Alternative constructions of the chain
of bile canaliculi, which in turn causes fibrosis of must be sought deliberately and tested for the ir
canaliculi, wh ich in turn causes biliary obstruction, strengths. The discussant raises many alternate
which in turn causes reduction of bile excretion, causal explanations for the jaundice: At various
which in turn causes bile retention, wh ich in turn points she considers hemolysis, tumor infliltra-
causes jaundice). Or it might be viewed at a lower tion, tumor-related cholestasis, vitam in overdose,
level of understanding- a shunted version w ith drug-induced hepacocellular damage, catheter-
only a few links (drug causes biliary obstruction, related pyogenic infection, catheter-induced hep-
which causes jaundice). Which of these context~ atic artery occlusion, and viral hepatitis- but close
is selected is determined largely by the purpose. scrutiny fa ils to enhance the causal strength of any
The causal field also is important in setting the of these entities.
number of alternative explanations for a n event Reversion to "first principles" sometimes pays
or fi nd ing. For example, .i n the cause we are con- off, but assign ing causality is fraught w ith difficul-
sidering, the presence of cancer in the liver offers ties. Multiple approaches, as used here by the dis-
a n obvious alternative explanat ion for jau nd ice, at cussant, are minimal criteria for beginning such
least before the CT scan result was availa ble. If the assessments.
patient had been an acknowledged alcoholic or if
he had received several blood transfusions in the
preceding months, other a lternative explanations CASE 33. POST HOC, ERGO
nnight also have been appropriate. In the case of PROPTER HOC
our patient, there was concordance between stim-
u lus and effect. Chemotherapeutic agents are cer- O n her sixth hospital day, a 26-year-old wom an
tainly known to have multiple toxic effects. T he on th e urology service gradually developed a
infusion of FUDR direcdy into the liver over the flaccid qu adriplegia and required intubation
time interval immediately preced ing the develop- for hypercapnia.
ment of jaundice provides evidence ofconcordance
both in space a nd in time. Thus, the cues all point T hat is a dramacic development. I am goin g to
to a causal relation between the FUDR and the the bedside to try to find out about the catastrophe
jaundice. Necessarily, this relation is a probabil is- that has just happened to this young woman, and
tic one: On the basis of the cues alone, we would I am wondering why she was in the hospital in
be justified only in being suspicious that the drug the first place. How did this whole illness start?
caused obstructive jaund ice. As w ith most judg- I have to make that assessment quickly because
ments about the state of the wo rld, our assessment there is a sense of urgency here if we are to have


any hope of reversing the process and avoid ing a the physical examination and some laboratory data
further catastrophe. pretty quick ly.
The first two questions that come to my mind
are, Why is she in the hospital on the urology ser- On admission, the patient was alert and ori-
vice, and what would cause her paralysis? I have ented. She was not febrile. Physical exami-
three basic pigeonholes that I wi ll use to explain nation was unremarkable except for massive
the orig in of this patient's flaccid quadr iplegia and obesity. She had normal muscle strength. All
flaccid diaphragm. One is an intrinsic lesion of the laboratory studies were normal except the urine
spinal cord, such as a vasc ular event or possibly sediment (which showed 15 to 20 white blood
a transverse myelitis. A cord lesion would have cells per high-power field) and the urine culture
w be fai r! y high, al about C2, lO give her a Oac- (which contained more than 100,000 colonies
cid diaphragm as well. The second is an external per milliliter of Proteus mirabilis). Treatment
lesion compressing the cervical spinal cord, and with gentamicin was begun on the second hos-
I may learn someth ing more about that from her pital day. On the second day, a nephrostomy
history. T he third is some metabolic reason for flac- tube was inserted into the right renal pelvis.
cid quadriplegia- that is, a disorder in wh ich the Saline was infused for 3 days, and on the fourth
spinal cord and its pathways are all intact but for day, the saline was replaced by an antilithic so-
some reason end-organ sensitivity has been lost. lution, intended to dissolve the stone.
Those are the three broad categories I would be
thinking about as I was running to the patient's Again, I need to focus on the cause of her
bedside. quadr iplegia because that is what is jeopardizing
her life at the moment. I now know that she had a
normal neurologic examination when she was ad -
The patient had had a gastric bypass operation
mitted. She had significant bacteriuria, for which
for morbid obesity, and she has a history of re-
she received gentamicin. Four days before the on-
current Proteus urinary tract infections compli-
set of the acute neurologic event, an invasive pro-
cated by struvite stones. An abdominal CT scan
cedure was carried out, and on the day before the
showed a largeright staghorn calculus with par-
event, she received the anrilithic infusion.
tial obstruction and scattered calcifications in
I am still convinced it is not a vascular event or
the left kidney. The patient was admitted for
a compressive lesion. I am concerned that it might
treatment of the staghorn calculus.
be a problem of neural transmission. I have not
been told anyth ing about her mental status; if I
Now I know why she is in the hospital. Pa- knew whether she was awake and alert, [ would
tients with certain types of intestin al bypass opera - know w h ether or not sh e has cortical dys function.
tions have a variety of metabolic imbalances, wh ich From what I h ave been told so far, there is no
I may hear more about in the upcoming labora - indication that there is cortical dysfunction. She
tory studies. She also had Proteus urinary tract in- received some drugs in the hospital. Gentamicin
fections complicated by struvite stones. That kind has various kinds of neurotoxicity, most commonly
of stone is common with urea-splitting organisms in volving the eighth nerve; it probably causes di-
such as Proteus, wh ich alkalin ize the urine and pro- rect toxicity to nerve cells. In add ition, like all
mote the crystallization of struvite. the aminoglycosides, gentamicin has been assoc i-
Can I make a connection between the infor- ated w ith disruption of neural transmission. That
mation that she had a partially obstructed kidney complication has usually been observed with in-
w ith some calcifications in the contralateral side traperitoneal infusions. In these cases, patient~ are
and her subacute to acute neurologic deteriora- suddenly unable to breathe because the am ino-
tion? It certainl y makes me think less strongly glycoside interrupts neural transmission to the d i-
about a vascular compromise, and it gives me no aphragm.
clue that a mass lesion is responsible. I am inclined However, I have never heard of flaccid
to think that this clinical picture falls under the quadr iplegia developing on the fifth day of intra-
rubric of metabolic causes. I want the results of venous gentamicin therapy, so I do not think that


drug is the culprit. Nevertheless, it is an interven-

of carbon dioxide (PC02) 79 mm Hg. Blood
tion that preceded the development of paralysis,
glucose (after two ampoules of 50% dextrose)
and knowing that the drug can be neurotoxic, I
460mg/ dL.
must keep it in mind.
I am not sure what the antilith ic agent is. I am
T he most striking abnormality here is the hy-
concerned that anyth ing that preceded th is sudden
percapnia. She has a PC02 of79 and a pH of7.32
neurologic event could be related to it. I would get
with a bicarbonate of38. That is somewhat surpris-
more information about the agent. \Vhat is it, and,
ing. As I recall, th is patient had normal baseli ne
specificall y, does it pose a r isk of acute neurotoxi-
chemistries. She now has a striki ngly high bicar-
bonate level. She could not have retained all that
The patient did well on day 5, but on the morn- bicarbonate that fast in response to an acute r ise
ing of day 6, she complained of increasing fa- in PC02. Derangements of the serum !JOtassium,
tigue and weakness. Neurologic examination especially hypok alemia, can sometimes cause flac-
disclosed no abnormalities, and the remainder cidity. T h is woman does not have that. T he wh ite
of the physical examination and the laboratory count of 28,000 is not readily explained. She re-
findings were unremarkable. Aside from the cen tly had a ur inary tract infection, but that is an
antilithic and gentamicin, the patient was also awfully high wh ite count for that. Could she have
receiving alprazolam and an antacid. developed an acute infection? T he glucose of 460
shortly after twoampoulesof50% dextrose is what
I guess the problem developed subacutely, I would have expected. I do not see a dear expla-
w ith increasing fatigue and weakness. I am still nation for her flacc id paralysis, and I am still not
very much concerned about these medici nes, espe- sure w h at is h appen ing. I would still be h ot o n the
ciall y the gentamicin and the antilith ic. I am not trail of drug- induced d isease.
aware that an tacids a nd alprazolam are associated
w ith acute neurologic abnormali ties such as th is. Serum magnesium values were being checked
daily. On the day of the respiratory arrest, the
Over the next several hours, she became more laboratory called to report that the patient's
lethargic and later had no spontaneous respira- serum magnesium was 19 mEq/L. They also
tions. Blood pressure was 110/70 mm Hg, pulse had renm the magnesium level from the pre-
80 per minute and regular, temperature 35 C. vious day, reported originally to be 1.7 mEq/L ,
Neurologic examination disclosed that she had and found the value to be 12 mEq/L. A nephros-
a flaccid quadriparesis with areflexia; she was togram disclosed that the catheter had slipped
able to open her eyes and blink on command. out of the renal pelvis. Contrast material extra-
vasatcd into the rctropcritoncal space.
T he areflexia is important. Ifs he had an upper
motor neuron lesion, she would have been hyper- \Veil, that is a spectacular find ing! A mag-
reflex ic instead of areflexic. \Vh at I am left w ith is nesium level of that order of magnitude is higher
one of my ea rl ier hypotheses: that she has a prob- than I have ever heard of. Extremely high levels
lem with neural transmission. I am concerned now of divalent cations can inh ib it neural transm ission.
that she has drug-induced neuromuscular block - I think we should now focus on the hypermagne-
ade. E ither she can not secrete acetylcholine or she semia as being causally related to her quadriplegia.
is wuesponsive to it on the other side of the neu- How did she get so hypermagnesemic? Look ing
romuscular junction. at input and output, she either has taken in a lot of
Laboratory findings: hematocrit 37%, white magnesium or has not excreted it-or a com bina-
cell count 28,000; sodium 132 mEq/L, potas- t ion thereof- to get to that level.
sium 3.6 mEq/L, chloride 79 mEq1L, total C02 I need to know whether the antilithic has mag-
38 mEq/L, and creatinine 1.5 mg/dL. Blood nesium in it. vVe know that her serum creatini ne
gases (on room air): pH 7.32, partial pressure is slightl y increased, a nd she may not be excreting
of oxygen (P02) 49 mm Hg, partial pressure much magnesium. I th ink she must be getting a
large amount of magnesium and is not excreting


much. Could hypermagnesemia in any way be as-

still given today for a variety of indications, in-
sociated with the gastric bypass? I do not believe
cluding acute m yocardial infarction, asthma,
that such patient~ have spontaneous hype rmagne-
and severe headaches, we have preserved this
semia, so I would say that this occurrence repre-
case from an earlier edition. The following
sents some k ind of infusion and inability to get rid
analysis remains relevant.
of it. There must be some relationship between this
infusion, which is now not being retrieved from the
nephrostomy irrigation, and absorption of an ex-
orbitant amount of magnesium. I want to find out Analysis
the composition of the anti lithic. Two key methods of clinical problem solvi ng are
evitlem in th is transcript: assess ing causali ty 011
The antilithic, which contains high concentra-
the basis of antecedent events and reverting to
tions of magnesium carbonate, was being ad-
first principles to establish diagnostic h ypotheses.
ministered at a rate between 30 and 90 mL per
Because both of those approaches are aspects of
hour. She received a total of approximately 2 L
the process of "case building," or hypothesis re-
of a standard solution over a p eriod of 45 hours.
vision, we introduce them briefly by considering
The magnesium concentration of that solution
how physicians construct, reject, and reconstruct
is 550 mEq/L.
diagnostic hypotheses as they gather and interpret
clinical findings.
It is now clear that the hypermagnesemia re-
After generating one or more h ypotheses,
sulted from the retroperitoneal infusion of the an-
clinicians select those questions most likely to add
tilithic and caused a failure of neural transmission,
thus producing the quadriplegia. to or detract from those hyporheses. 1819 In do-
ing so, they identify existing findings that tend
The antilithic was discontinued. Quadriplegia, to confirm that the patient has a given disease.
respiratory paralysis, and hypercapnia were at- Subsequently, they search for add itional findings
tributed to magnesium absorption from the that their hypotheses lead them to believe should
retroperitoneum. Metabolic alkalosis was at- be either present or absent. The findings that
tributed to alkali (carbonate) overload. She are assessed in this process are many and var-
was treated with mechanical ventilation, intra- ied. They include simple clinical manifestations
venous fluids (including hydrochloric acid), (historical features, physical find ings, and labora-
and furosemide. She had a large diuresis and tory resu lts), predisposing factors, known com-
improved remarkably over the next 12 hours. plications of the disease, and certain temporal
Serum magnesium fell progressively to normal relationships. In other cases in this book, .ve have
over a 72-hou r period. She also was treated for considered some of the techniques physi cians use
an aspiration pneumonia, extubated the next to combine those findings and build a case for one
morning, and discharged on the 14th hospital or more diagnostic hypotheses. Here, we focus on
day. only one of the findings they use to make that as-
sessment: namely, the temporal relationship be-
Well, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. tween clinical events.
The major therapeutic intervention was directed Every experienced clinician uses antecedent
at lowering her serum magnesium and correcting temporal relationships as a d iagnostic tool. In
her metabolic derangements. The fact that she im- confirming a diagnosis of acute tubular necro-
proved with this treatment val idates the hypothesis sis, we look for a preceding hypotensive episode;
that hypermagnesemia caused the failure of neural in evaluating a new rash, we inquire about the
transm1ss1on. recent addition of new medications; in confirm-
Note: The patient described here was treated ing a diagnosis of worsened cardiac fa ilure, we
more than a decade ago, and the intravenous an- look for excessive sodium intake or a preceding
tilithic solution is rarely used today. Nonethe- infection; in confirming a diagnosis of gout, we
less, because intravenous magnesium salts are look for rece:n initiation of diuretic therapy. Each
medical specialist knows and uses those temporal


relationships, often w ithout makinga special men- transmission. Unable to establish a precise etiologic
tal effort. diagnosis, he reasoned that some agen t had e ither
The identification of disease antecedent~ interfered w ith secretion of acetylcholme or had
probably represents one of the most useful tools for blocked the ability of the neurotransmitter to react
case building, and in the foregoing transcript, we with its rece ptor. In this circumstance, the discus-
can appreciate the power of that strategy. The dis- sant precisely identified the site of the neuromus-
cussam correctly assumed that the patient's paral- cular derangement, even though the correct diag-
ys is was the consequence of some untoward event nosis escaped him. T his is one instance in wh ich
that occurred during the hospitalization, not an reliance O:l "precompiled" diagnostic and thera-
event that just happened by chance while she was peutic decisions would have faltered badly.
hospiLalizeJ. Furdtennore, he uel ieveJ Lhal the IL is reasonable Lo assume that h aJ our Jisn1s-
paralysis could be related to some antecedent ther- sant actually been responsible for the care of this
apeutic maneuver. Initially, he considered the pos- patient, h is identification of the antecedent cause of
sibility that gen tamicin might be responsible but the disorder and his capacity to reason back to first
quickly dismissed it. Subsequently, he focused on principles and determine the nature of the paralysis
the antilithic as a cause, even though he was un- would have led him quickly to the correct etiology
aware of its composition. The temporal association and the correct treatment.
between the adm inistration of the anti lithic and
the onset of quadriplegia was so compelling that
it became the basis for a causal explanation of the CASE34.THECASEFOR
Admittedly, temporal assoc iations alone can-
not be taken as ironclad proof of causality. The A 71-year-old man consulted h is physician for
phrasepost hoc, ergo propterhoc (afterthis, therefore swelling of his legs and feet and a 30-p ound
because of this) is often cited to warn the uniniti- weight gain over the p revious 2 m onths.
ated not to assume that a clear antecedent is neces-
sarily causally implicated. The importance of an- vVe have a man w ith weight gain and lower-
tecedent events in a case-building strategy is one of extremity edema, but no mention of shortness of
the underdeveloped and untested aspects of clin- breath, so there is no de fin itive evidence ofbiven-
ical problem solving and has been under investi- tricular card iac failure. Ifhe had dyspnea, I would
gation for some time. 44 47 How often we interpret worry about a cardiac basis for the edema. Of
antecedents appropriately and how often we are course, he could have predominant right-sided
led down the garden path by relying on tempo- fa ilure secondary to left-sided failure without dys-
ral associations alon e is an interesting subj ect for pnea, but that is clearly uncommon. If we explore
further research. the history of a patient who presents with right-
A second significant aspect of the problem- sided fa ilure, there usually are some symptoms or
solving exercise in this case is the discussant's re- signs consistent with left-sided failure. This patient
version to "first principles." As noted, he correctly also has no manifestations that suggest pulmonary
associated the antilithic admin istration and the disease, which argues agai nst the possibility that
paralysis temporally, but he was unable to extend cor pulmonale is tl1e cause of the edema.
that relationship further. He did, however,exclude Finding no obvious immediate explanation, I
structural neurologic disorders as the cause and would examine the mechanisms that could explain
hypothesized that the disorder was metabolic in edema of the legs. I would think about four con-
origin. That judgment in itself is not particularly siderations. First, he could have increased hydro-
impressive because many neurologic diagnoses are static pressure in the leg vessels, witl1 consequent
frequently considered "toxic" or "metabolic" by fluid accumulation in the tissues. Second , he could
exclusion alone. However, in this imtance, the dis- have decreased oncotic pressure secondary to a low
cussam came closer to a true functional classifi- serum albumin. If h is al bumin were low, we would
cation of the neurologic disorder by identify ing try to determine whether he had decrea~ed synthe-
the disturbance as one that affected neuromuscular sis of proteins, for example, as might occur in liver


d isease or in malnutrition. Alternatively, he m igh t der of concentrating ability, but I do not see any
have lost albumin; the two sources of albumin loss reason to consider any of those yet. T h is much noc-
would be his k idney and his gastrointestinal tract. turia suggests either that h is bladder is not holding
Third, he could have increased vascular perme- the volume or that he is excreting larger than nor-
ability secondary to inflammatory d isease or some mal amounts of ur ine.
kind of injury, although I adm it that a localized
inflammatory process could not explain th is much The patient had a 150-p ack-year smoking his-
weight gain. Finally, drainage from the interstitial tory and a history of heavy drinking, but he had
space could be reduced if he had lymphatic occlu- not smoked or used alcohol in 2 year s. Stage D
sion or lymphatic disease. cancer of the prostate had been treated 2 years
So the main concern is why h is vessels leak earlier by orchiectomy; he had neither symp-
fluid. toms nor signs of active disease since, and his
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was not ele-
The patient was short of breath when he vated. He had no history of hypertension. His
climbed stairs but not on or dinary exertion. He family history was unrevealing.
denied orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dys-
pnea, and chest pain. He w as eating well and vVith that smok ing h istory he could well have
taking no medications, and he had no gastroin- ch ron ic obstructive lung d isease, but he does not
testinal complaints. H e did have nocturia, four have much dyspnea, cough, or sputum production,
to five times a night, but no other genitour inary wh ich still leads me to bel ieve that he does not have
symptoms. severe enough pulmonary d isease to produce cor
The shortness of breath does not seem im- He did use alcohol until 2 years ago. Could h e
pressive and could simply be related to the need have cirrhosis with hypoalbuminemia? Could a
to carry an extra 30 pounds of weight. It is hard low albumin account for the flu id in h is legs? \Ve
to tell: He may well h ave m inor chronic lung dis- certainly have to keep that in m ind. He stopped
ease, but those findings are not consistent with pul- drin king 2 years ago, and assuming that he eats
monary disease severe enough to account for th is well and has no other stigmata of cirrhosis, we w ill
degree of fluid retention. The shortness of breath put the d iagnos is of cirrhosis on hold.
suggests the possibility that he may have volume vVe do h ave to concern ourselves with the pos-
overload rather th an retention of fluid secondary sibility of obstructive uropathy. It could explain h is
to a low oncotic pressure. O f course, he could also nocturia; in add it ion, the early p hase of obstructive
have pleural effusions or ascites secondary to hy- uropathy is associated with retent ion of sodium
poalbuminemia, and either of those could make and volume overload.
h is respiratory function a little poorer in response vVe must concern ourselves w ith h is smoking
to exercise, but there is nothing at the moment to history of ISO pack -years, which suggests the pos-
suggest that possibility. sibility of some tobacco-related malignancy, par-
Frequent nocturia suggests prostatic obstruc- t icula rly a pulmonary mal ignancy. Could such a
tion. I would be interested to k now whether he malignancy explain some or all of his cl inical man-
urinates frequently during the day as well. Ob- ifestations? T he answer is yes, on two counts. F irst,
structive uropathy could expla in salt and water re- he m ight have neph rot ic syndrome associated
tention and could produce a volume-overloaded with a pulmonary malignancy. Histologically,such
state. M ild congestive heart fa ilure m ight also ex- lesions are either membranous glomeruloneph r i-
plann the nocturia. Patients w ith congestive heart t is or membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis,
failure may be operating at t!heir peak card iac out- wh ich can produce the classic picture of neph rotic
put most of the time and may fa il to concentrate syndrome with proteinur ia, low serum albumin,
the ir ur ine at night. That disturbance can produce and peripheral edema. Second, he m ight have
some degree of nocturia, though four to five times salt retention secondar y to a pulmonary lesion;
is more than I would anticipate from urinary tract he could have a tumor that is producing ACTH
obstruction. Of course, he could have some d isor- (adrenocorticotropic hormone), which in turn


would lead to a mineralocorticoid effect with

bin 0.4 mg/ dL, alka line phosphatase 64 IU/L,
sodium retention and potassium loss. T h e sodium
lactate dehydrogenase 487 IU/L , and aspartate
retencion could explain the edema, and potas-
transaminase 55 IU/L. In ternational Normal-
sium depletion (rather than nephrocic syndro me)
ized Ra tio was 1.0, and partial thr omboplastin
might explain the polyuria because we would ex-
time was 22 seconds. U rinalysis: specific grav-
pect a somewhat red uced urine outp ut in nephrotic
ity 1.015; trace amounts of protein and glu-
synd rome.
cose. Urine sediment was unremarkable. The
His blood pressure was 190/92 mm Hg, and electrocardiogram showed sinus arrhythmia,
his pulse was 84 per minute. He was obese and left axis deviation, and nonspecific anterolateral
not jaundiced. N eck veins were not distended. T -wave changes.
A few early expiratory wheezes were heard in
both lungs; cardiac examination revealed an S4 T he patie nt's serum :ilbumin is slightly low,
gallop but no $3 gallop and no murmurs. The but it is not in the nephrotic ra nge, and h is urine
abdomen was obese, with no palpable organs protein is neglig ible. I am now satisfied to exclude
or masses and no evident ascites. Liver size was the diagnoses of neph rot ic syndrome a nd cirrhosis.
apparently normal. The prostate was hard and H is hemoglobin is at the u pper limit of normal for
nodular. There was 4+ pitting edema up to the a m an his age. Ifhe does have pulmonar y disease,
knees and none elsewhere. it is probably not severe. The hemoglobin suggests
one of three things: (1) he is more hypoxic than I
Given that he did not have a h istory of hype r- though t;(~) he has a lesion that is causing h is hema-
tension and now has a sligh tly elevated diastolic tocrit and hemoglobin co be elevated (the lesion
and mildly elevated systolic pressure, I suspect that could be a m:ilignancy chat is producingeither ery-
he ma), in fact, be slightly volume overloaded. The thropoietin or cortisol excess); or (3) he has hemo-
p resence of an S4 gallop with no S3 gallop m ig ht concentration, which does not sound !ikely. H is
be consistent with a recent rise in blood pressure, wh ite count is slightly elevated, and he has a signif-
bur it also might mean that his left \ entricle is less icant left shift. His blood sugar is mildly elevated.
dis tensible than norm al. C learly, he has no evi- T hese fi ndi ngs also go along with excess cortisol.
de nce of ca rdiac fai lure, and I am now willing to
Routine admission electrolytes: sodium 150
exclude this diso rder as a cause of the edema. His
mEq/L, potassium 2.1 mEq/L , chloride 93
abdomen is obese, but he has neither hepatomegaly
mEq/L, total C 0 2 45 mEq/L. Blood gases (pa-
nor nscites, and I th ink that we also can eliminate
tient breathing room air): pH 7.62, PC02 46
liver d isease as a cause. W e know that he has 4+
mm Hg, P02 57 mm H g. Calculated plasma
pitting edema onl y in the legs. T he edema could
bicarbonate 47 m E q/L.
be t he nonspecific consequence of renal salt and
water retention and thus be dependent edema, or
Ahal T hese data give us the answer! G iven
it could be the result of a m echanical obstruction
this serum sod iu m, the fi ndi ng of sodium reten-
rh ar li mits it to h is lower extremities. Although
tion, hypercension, and the othe r fea tures suggest-
he had ca ncer of the prostate, careful exam ina-
ing volume overl oad, a pattern of p rimary sodium
tion disclosed no lateral extension of a mass along
retention emerges. This, in combination wi th se-
rhe pelvic floor that might have obstructed either
vere hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis, implies
lymphatic or venous return, and his PSA was not
an acceleration of sodium exch ange with potas-
sium and hydrogen ion that is typica:ly seen in
Laboratory fin dings at this time were as follows: hypercorticism. Because the patient had been a
hemoglobin 14.9 g/dL, hematocrit 50%, w hite heavy smoker, the first diagnosis that comes to
cell count 11,900 with 83% segs, 5% bands, 5% mind is a neoplasm stimulating cortisol production
lymphs, and 7% monos, BUN 23 mg/dL, crea- di rectly through ACTH secretion. H e could have
tinine 1.2 mg / dL, fasting glucose 133 m g/dL, an ad renal lesion, bur 1 chink that is a less likely
albumin 3.2 g/dL, calcium 9.3 m g/dL, biliru- possibility. Yo u could also get edema with catha r-
tic abuse. T here is no doubt tha t this is a picture of


corticoid excess, and the only question is whether certainly caused by the pulmonary neoplasm. T he
we are deali ng w ith a primary adrenal lesion or patient has a neoplasm that is producing ACTH,
with another neoplasm that is stimulating the which in turn stimulates the adrenals to produce
adrenals (h rough the production of ACTH. The cortisol at an unremitting rate. T he h igh cortisol
150-pack-year h istory ofsmoking suggests that the levels lead to salt retention, potassium wasting, and
latter is more likely. salt- resistantalkalosis. Most people would "escape"
from the sodium-retaining effect of cortisol, but if
Urinary electrolytes (spot specimen): sodium he has mild cardiac dysfunct ion, he migh( not es-
77 mEq/L, potassium 48 mEq/L, chloride 58 cape. The other possibility that might explain the
mEq/L. edema is severe potassium depletion. The mech-
an ism of sai l retention in p0Lassiu11H.lcpkte<l pa
G iven the senun potassium of2. l, a urinary tients is not known, but in some patients, potassium
potassium of 48 represents overt potassium wast- replacement leads to a striking d iuresis.
ing and is most consistent w ith hyperadrenocor-
ticism. The urinary chloride concentration of 58 Outcome: Bronchoscopy revealed multiple le-
is even more interesting from a diagnostic stand- sions in the right-upper- and lower-lobe bron-
poin t. Most patients w ith hypok alemic metabolic chi. Biopsy of the lesions revealed small-cell
alkalosis of this severity have virtuall y no chlo- anaplastic carcinoma; prostate-specific antigen
r ide in their urine, and the absence of chloride is stain was negative. Large quantities of potas-
a good indicator that they have lost chloride as sium chloride were given to treat hypokalemia
a consequence of vomiting or the use of diuret- and metabolicalkalosis, and spironolactone was
ics. Such patients are ch loride dependent; you can added later. Normal plasma potassium and bi-
treat them w ith either sodium or potassium chlo- carbonate values were not achieved. The patient
ride and readily correct their alkalosis. Bur there was given a course of chemotherapy, but he died
is a subset of patients who are sod itm1 chloride at home several weeks later.
resistant- that is, their alkalosis does not correct
w ith sodium chloride administration. These in-
dividuals have significant amounts of chloride in Analysis
their urine, as this patient did, and many of them This patient suffered a tragicoutcome, but we offer
have adrenocortical hyperfunction. the d iscussion of his case as an excellent example of
causal, or physiologic, reasoning. We h ave much to
The chest x-ray revealed bilateral interstitial
learn about the kinds of reasoning that phys icians
changes and nodular densities in the right lower
use to build a diagnosis from the clues they abstract
lobe consistent with malignancy.
from the environment. Elsewh ere, we describe
Bayesian (or probabil istic) reasoning, a diagnostic
This finding support~ the suspicion that a tu-
approach that relies exclusively on the statistical
mor is causing the hyperadrenalism. All we need
relations between clinical findings and ignores a
are the hormonal data.
pathophysiologic explanation (see cases 23 and 27).
His plasma cortisols were as follows: ran- For example, in the Bayesian framework, hyper-
d om morning value 46 ,g/dL; evening value tension might be viewed as correlated with renal
56 ,g/dL. After dexamethasone suppression artery stenosis w ithout acknowledgment that the
(1 m g, overnight): morning cortisol 46 ,g/dL. stenosis was the proximate cause of renin release,
After 0.5 m g, every 6 hours, for 2 days: morn- wh ich in turn produced the elevation of blood pres-
ing cortisol 48 ,g/dL. After 2 m g, every 6 hours, sure. Pulmonary edema might be viewed simply
for 2 days: morning cortisol: 50 ,g/dL. ACTH as a likely finding in patients with cardiac fa ilure,
500- 922 pg/mL (normal < 130 pg/mL). Plasma without any acknowledgment that the h igh pul-
renin and aldosterone normal. monary venous pressure produced the capillary
leak in the lungs. T his probabilistic approach is
This is an obvious ACTH-producing lesion, valuable, especially when causal relations between
and the high level of ACTH production is almost clinical variables are uncertain or unproved, bur


in our everyday lives, our commonsense reasoni ng peradrenocorticism. Finally, he made the correct
probably is not characterized largely by statisti- causal connection bet ween excessive production of
cal associations. Indeed, it seems quite li kely that ACTH and certain cancers and concluded that the
causality dominates much of our routine problem patient must have a lung cancer that was causing
solving. vVe are qu ite accustomed to causal con- the h yperadrenal state.
nections that describe the real world: What goes He d id not explain why he selected lung can-
up must come down; black clouds and thunder cer as the li kely cause, and we can only guess at the
portend rain; the faster we drive, the worse the reason: Perhaps he used the observation that lung
crash. Causal reason ing is important in medicine; cancer is h ighly correlated with heavy smoking (a
w itness the amount of time devoted to physiology statistical correlation ); perhaps he used the obser-
and biochemistry in med ical schools. Despite the vation that most extraadrenal ACTH-producing
emphasis on physiologic principles at the under- cancers are in the l Lmg (another statistical cor rela-
graduate level, causal reason ing has received little tion), or perhaps he u sed the observation that some
attention as an approach to medical diagnos is. lung tumors actuall y secrete ACTH (a causal re-
The transcript presen ted here provides a su- lation). No matter how he made the connection
perb example of how probabil istic relations take a between hypercorticism and lung cancer, he ap-
back seat to physiologic reasoning in solving some peared to employ causal reason ing as a diagnost ic
d iagnostic d ilemmas. Although the case we se- tool and as a means to justify h is approach.
lected is ideally suited to this ki nd of approach, T h is transcr ipt aptly illustrates the value of
the discussant's bent toward physiologic reason- causal reasoning in d iagnostic problem solving.
ing is evident early in the exercise. In th is case, vVe have yet to ident ify which kinds of problems
the etiology of edema was an uncommon disor- are best approached with causal reasoning, w h ich
der; after taking a brief stab at t he possibility that k inds should be appr oached with Bayes' rule, and
edema was cardiac or pulmonary in origin, the d is- wh ich should be approached with other techn iques
cussant reverted to a consideration of the possible (e.g., flow charts or algorith ms). Because causal
physiologic causes of salt and water retention (e.g., reasoning is based not on associations that must be
increased hydrostatic pressure, low oncotic pres- committed to memo ry but on p hys iologic relat ions
sure, increased vascular permeability, obstruction and concepts, users always can return to first prin-
to lymphatic or venous outflow). He then consid - ciples to solve the problem by a commonsense or
e red and rejected many of those possible causes. logic.al process.
Later, when he learned that the patient's blood In another d iscussion, we quote the master
pressure was h igh and he h ad no previous h istory of of deductive reasoning, Sherlock Holmes (see case
hypertension, he considered the possibility that the 54). Not Lmexpectedly, Holmes had great regard
patient was volume overloaded. With a volume- for causal reasoning. In "The Five Orange Pips,"
e xpanded state in m ind, he used the high hemat- Holmes expla ined to Dr. Watson,
ocrit, the left shift, and the m ild hyperglycem ia to
The ideal reasoner would, when he had once been s hown
support the possibil ity th at hyperadrenalism pro- a single fact in a ll its bearings. deduce from it n<>t on ly a ll
duced t he volume expans:ion. F inall y, he pounced the chai n of events which led up to it but also all the results
on the serum and urinary electrolyte abnormal- which would follow from it. As Cuvier could correctly de-
ities as convincing evidence t hat a hyperadrenal scribe a vvhole animal by the conte1nph1tion of a single bone,

state existed and correctl y proposed lung cancer as so the obse rve r who has thoroug hly understood one link in
a series of inc idents should be able to accurately state all the
the cause. other ones, b<lth before and afier.213
There is little evidence that he was th ink ing
probabilistically; rather, he seemed to follow causal Yet Conan Doyle appreciated that to solve complex
(ph ys iologic) paths throughout. Though he was problems by causal reason ing, an individual re-
lllOt explicit about it, he knew that cortisol stimu- qu ired command of a certain body of facts. Holmes
lates erythropoiesis and produces leukocytosis and continued,
hyperglycemia. He correctly identified tl1e alkalo- To carry the art, ho\v<.-:ver, to its highest pitch, it is necessary
s is as the chloride- resistant variety and appreciated that the reasoner shou ld be able to util ize all the focts wh ich
that t his acid-base disturbance can be caused by hy- have co1nc to his kno"~lcdge;a nd th is in itself implies, ;,1s you


\.viii read il y see, a possession of all kno\vledge, '" hich, even

inflammatory drugs, then asept ic meningitis due
in these days of free education and encycloped ias, is a so1ne ... to these medicines would be a possibility. T he
\.vhat rare accon1plishment. It is not so impOS!.ible, ho\vcvcr,
combination of gastrointestinal bleeding and back
tha t a man should possess all knowledge that is likely to be
useful to him in his \\'Ork, and this I have e ndeavored in my
pain ra ises the possibility of some type of inflam-
case to <lo.213 matory bowel d isease and a concomitant spondy-
loarthropathy. Possibly wh ile in the hospital, he
Although these comments were made by a not-so-
acqu ired a nosocomial infection, perhaps related
successful physician reflecting on detective work,
to the endoscopic procedure, and the complication
the sciemific basis for causal reasoning and the
is only now becoming clinically apparent.
place of knowledge in human problem solving is
well described. 4647 137 214 H is current symptoms began 1 month later
The lesson from this transcript is a simple w hen over the course of 2 days he became in-
one: When possible, use physiologic principles and creasingly lethargic, confused , and ataxic. At
causal relations to solve diagnostic problems. Not work, he was found sitting at his computer
only is such reasoning sound, but also the diag- not knowing what to do. His temperature was
nostic process one follows can be justified readily 39C, and he was taken to the hospital.
on the basis of these principles. The lesson from
Conan Doyle for students is equally clear: Causal If the current symptoms were related to his
reasoning is an ideal aid in the deductive process hospitalization a month earlier, then we are deal-
that underlies medical diagnosis, but you have to ing w ith an indolent process. On che other hand,
know pathophysiology to use it. it may be totally unrelated. The confusion raises
the question of some type of encephalopathy. T he
atax ia make~ me chink of something going on in
CASE 35. THE TRICKY TASK OF his cerebellum or perhaps a peripheral neuropathy
ATTRIBUTING CAUSATION or perhaps some type of ear infection thac has led
to a brain abscess. I am chinking about the pos-
A 44-year-old man was transferred to the hos- sibility that some drug could have caused these
pital for recurrent episodes of fever, malaise, symptoms. I do not think that proton pump in-
headache and confusion. hibitors could be responsible. Ifhe were achlorhy-
dric from the proton pump inhibitor, he might be
This could be a serious situation. In anyone more susceptible to an infection like tube rculosis.
w ith fevers, headaches and confusion, I would be My main concern at this time is some type of basilar
concerned about central nervous system infection. meningitis.
Since he was transferred from another institution,
I would wonder ifhe has already been stud ied, and He was very lelhargk but awake. He ha<l diffi-
if no cause was found, he might have an unusual culty saying "Methodist Episcopal." There was
mild left- right confusion and difficulty in re-
central nervous system infection. Ifhe has had these
peating. H e was diffusely weak with no other
symptoms for some time, then bacterial infections
focal findings. The remainder of his physical
such as meningococcus infection is unlikely.
examination was not revealing. Complete blood
The patient was in good health until 6 weeks count, blood glucose, electrolytes, and serum
prior to admission, when he was admitted to calcium were normal. Lumbar puncture was
a local hospital with gastrointestinal bleeding normal, and a toxic screen was negative. The
from gastritis that was attributed to aspirin and neurologist was concerned about encephalitis
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs that he and initiated acyclovir therapy.
had been taking for chronic back pain. He also
had a long history of depression. He appears to have a diffuse encephalopa-
thy with signs of bilateral cortical dysfunction. He
It is hard to know if this history is rel- could have a vocal aprax ia or someth ing more seri-
evant to h is current symptoms. Certainl y if ous like a loss oflanguage itself. The diffuse weak-
he were continuing to take nonsteroidal anti- ness makes me think of some type of toxin w ith


systemic effects. Could he have one of the viral

Two days later he returned with the same symp-
encephalopath ies? Does he live in an endem ic
tom complex, including slurred speech, ataxia,
a rea? Is it the right ti me of year? H e does not
and confusion. Meanwhile he had been given
appear to have any metabolic abnormali ties. Given
paroxetine 30 mg daily for depression and pan-
the potential seriousness of he rpes encephalitis, the
toprazole 40 mg daily for his stomach symp-
ini tiation of acyclovir seems reasonable since the
potential benefits outweigh the risks at this point.
Finally, could he have some type of a paraneoplas- I am still wonder ing about und iagnosed basi-
tic synd rome? lar meningitis, central nervous system tubercu losis,
and fu ngal infections. Prior to HIV d isease, crypto-
Head CT, magnetic resonance imaging coccal d isease often occurred in immu nocompetent
(MRI), and electroencephalogram (EEG) hosts. Is the patient tak ing any illicit drugs?
were unremarkable. Chest X -ray showed a
possible right basilar infiltrate. Blood and cere- The patient lived with his wife and worked as
brospinal fluid (CSF) cultures were nega- a sewer inspector. He had a distant history of
tive. Acyclovir was stopped, and ceftriaxone cigarettesmoking. He denied recent travel, sick
therapy was initiated. His symptoms gradually contacts, or pets. He had abused alcohol in the
improved, and he was discharged. The final past but had been sober for 6 years. He exercised
diagnosis was probable viral syndrome and de- regularly before his recent illness.
G iven h is work as a sewage inspector, lep-
tosp irosis immediately comes to mind. T his can
T he presence of a possible pulmonary in fil -
be a relapsing illness associated w ith confusion but
tra te a nd neurologic dysfunction makes me won-
also hepatic and renal d isease.
de r about the possibility of a Legionella in fection,
Has he been b itten by a rat and acquired
although the atax ia would be unusual. T he im-
rat b ite fever? I doubt it. T he regular exercise
provement of his sym ptoms in the hospital could
makes one wonder if he were us ing performance-
be related to the antibiotics or could just be coinci-
enhancing d rugs such as anabolic steroids or the

He returned one week later with similar symp- He was in no distress. His blood pressure was
toms. Blood and urine cultures were negative. 100/65 mm Hg, and his heart rate was 54 per
Mono spot and thyroid-stimulating hormone minute with no orthostatic changes. He was
were normal. Lyme titers and a purified afebrile. General examination was unremark-
protein derivative (PPD) test were negative. able. He was oriented but slow to respond. He
Other routine lab studies were unremarkable. could not remember his phone number. He was
Chest CT raised the question of a right- ataxic and unsteady on his feet. The rest of the
middle-lobe consolidation, and he was given neurologic examination was normal.
clarithromycin. By the third hospital day he had
improved remarkably, and he was discharged. His atax ia appears to be central in origin. Cen-
t ral nervous system in fection still is on my list, but
Does he have some type of relapsing disease, or could he have one of the avitaminoses, such as th i-
could he have a partially treated infection ? Could am ine deficiency, or another nu tr it ionally related
he have some type of occu lt absces> that is caus- illness'
ing intermittent symptoms? Is he being exposed to The following laboratory studies were normal:
some kind of toxin? Still disease could be associated electrolytes, glucose, liver function tests, serum
w ith in termittent fevers and back pai ns, but not calcium, serum magnesium, and creatine ki-
central nervous system sym ptoms, and vascu litis nase. White cell count was 7,400 with a nor-
must always be on the differential of inte rm ittent mal differential. Complete blood count was un-
febrile illnesses; it can involve the central nervous changed. Sedimentation rate was 53 mm/hr.


is a signal to in voke a classic causal h ypothes:is,

H epatitis serologies and HIV test were neg-
namely "post hoc, ergo propter hoc" (after this, there-
ative. Brucella titers were negative.
fore because of this). There are not many disorders
that fit a relapsing and recovering pattern, but ex-
If h is outside studies have been reviewed and
posure to a toxin (and subsequent elimination of
are normal, then repeat imaging studies are un-
the toxin) is one. Examination of the literature on
likely to be very helpful. Is he taking any health
the toxicity of these herbal substances is frustrat-
foods of any kind?
ing principally because so little research has been
On further questioning, the patient's wife said done on the side effect s of these materials. Most
that 2 months previously the patient had started sites list no side effects of valerian root and only
ta.king kava kava and valerian root for his de- li ver toxicity for kava k ava. Yet the case for kava
pression. Each time he was admitted to the hos- kava and/or valerian root as the toxin in this case
pital, he stopped the herbal medications and his is quite convincing, based on the return of symp-
symptoms subsided. No further tests were per- toms after exposure and improvement after cessa-
formed, and except for drugs for depression, no tion of the herbals. In essence, this is the nature
other medications were given. As before, within of the "challenge-dech allenge- rechallenge" con-
2 d ays the neurologic findings disappeared. He cept, the idea that the strength of a causal attri-
was advised not to take the herbal products. The bution increases if the response disappears when a
patient subsequently had no recurrence of his stimulus is removed and reappears when the stim-
symptoms. ulus is reapplied. 216 In this patient, dechallenge
and rechallenge occur.red twice after the initiial
event, providing convincing evidence of a cause-
Analysis and-effect re lationsh ip b etween the herbals and the
Inferences about causality have long been known patient's illness.
to be essential to every-day experiences. In the great Given the multiple recurrent episodes, it is
novel J.Var and Peace, Tolstoy wrote, "The totality safe to make the causa I connection here, but it is
of causes of phenomena is inaccessible to the hu- critically important not to become overly enam-
man mind, and w ithout grasping in their count- ored with the "post hoc, ergo propter hoc" notion,
less complexity the conditions of phenomena, of simply because an inference between a single stim-
wh ich each separately may appear as a cause, takes ulus and a single effect could well be coincidental,
hold of the first, most comprehensive approx ima- and because of such random effects, invoking the
tion and says: here is the cause."215 This caution- causal connection is frequently a logical fallacy.
ary note applies in medicine as well. From minute T hus, it is generally hazardous to attribute causal-
to minute, we make inferen ces: W hich medicine ity solely based on the order in time in which events
caused a patient's blood pressure to fall; wh ich test occur. Other factors must always be taken into ac-
caused acute kidney damage; why did a patient count in making causal attributions.
on .a steady dose of warfarin start to bleed? The vVhat are these faccors? 44 45 47 A useful frame-
patient described here provides an unusual oppor- work for considering causality has the following
tunity to consider causal relations. Three times the components: a causal field, cues to a causal rela-
patient presented w ith confiusion and ataxia, and tion, and factors that influence causal strength. A
twice he improved during a short hospital stay, yet causal field is a context in wh ich judgments about
the physicians caring for him did not recognize probable cause are made. The causal field is anal-
the nature of h is illness until the third time he re- ogous to or possibly even the same as the context
covered. The discussant seemed w iser; even after or problem space in which probabil istic reason-
she heard the information from the patient's first ing takes place (see case 7). A context is thought
admission, she raised the possibility of "some type to be triggered by unusual, unlikely, or abnormal
of toxin," and she repeated t h is concern when she find ings or events that produce recognizable dif-
heard about the information from the second and ferences in background, violate expectations, and
third adm issions. Rapid improvement in symp- thus arouse an interest in causality. In the case pre-
toms during hospitalization on repeated occasions sented here, repeated relapse and recovery sets up


a cause-and-effect hypothesis, a causal field, or the nations. The fact that a single causal explanation
context, wh ich then demanded satisfaction and ex- appears to account for all the observed findings
planation. The causal field in this instance could be does not ensure that this causal cha in is the correct
construed as a chain consisting of a simple expla- one. Alternative constructions of the chain must be
nation, namely, could a toxin at home be the cause sought deliberately and tested for their strengths.
of symptoms? The causal field also is important In the patient presented here, other explanations
in setting the number of alternative explanations gained little cred ibility.
for an event or finding. For example, in the case Detailed rules for causal attribution in
we are considering, numerous possible diagnoses medicine are not available, yet physicians assid-
were raised, from serious infections to vasculitis. uously delve for causal explanations of the clinical
Cues tu cuusulity are pruuauilistic i11Jicawrs phe110111e!la they observe. Such searches for a cause
of cau~al relations. Factors frequently considered not only are the basis for understanding the patho-
cues of a relation between an observed effect and a genesis of clinical manifestations in individual pa-
putative cause include a comparison between the tients, buc in some cases, also may be the modality
intensity of a cause and the extent and severity of by wh ich new hypotheses about the mechanisms
an effect, the contiguity between cause and effect in of disease are first identified.
time, and the contiguity between cause and effect
in space. In the case considered here, the intensity
of the stimulus and the result are probably concor- CASE 36. THE RIGHT ANSWER FOR THE
dant even though data on the toxicity of the herbals WRONG REASON
was d ifficult to come by. Necessarily, this relation
is a probabilistic one: On the basis of (he cues alone,
A 36-year-old man with a history of multi-
we would be justified only in being suspicious that
ple hospital admissions for drug overdose was
the herbals caused the central nervous system man-
admitted with lethargy and incomprehensible
ifestations. Nonetheless, as with most judgment~
speech. He had taken excessive amounts of a
about the state of the world, our assessment of this
drug or drugs, otherwise not identified.
cause-and-effect relation yields only a probability
that an effect is linked to some cause. vVe are g iven a lot of information in this first
Several measures make it possible to test the sentence, mainly that this patient has a long history
strength of the li nk between a cause and an ef-
of drug overdoses and that h is physical and mental
fect, the third component of the framework for
states are consistent with a drug overdose.
assess ing causality. T he cred ibility of the entire
causal chain, as well as that of the each li nk in the The patient had a history of drug abuse, de-
chain, is one such measure. T he covariation be - pression, and suicide attempts. He had had a
tween two phenomena is another: When a change cholecystectomy followed by a hepatojej unos-
in a response correlates closely w ith a change in a tomy for a common bile duct stricture. His re-
stimulus, the stimulus can be construed as a more cent medications included thioridazine (50 mg
probable cause of the response. Similarly, if there three times a day) and alprazolam (as re-
is substantial congruity of duration and magni- quired). He h ad taken lithium at some time
tude between a response and a suspected stim- in the past.
ulus, the strength of the cause and effect is en-
hanced. Many of these measures were satisfied in The questions we would have to raise are
our pa(ient, but the relation in time and space be- these: Does he still have access to the lithium, and
tween the putative stimulus and the response was has he in fact ingested any of the medications that
the most potent. Of course, these relationsh ips are he has on his person? T he history of common bile
only correlations. As noted, care must be taken to duct stricture is the only other thing of note here.
avoid us ing spurious correlations to enhance causal Occasionally, stricture recurs, and this can be a
strength. source of infection. But our index of suspicion for
Finally, the strength of a given causal hypoth- biliary disease is not terribly h igh right now, g iven
esis must stand the test ofalternative possibleexpla- the patiem's history.


So, clearly, lithium was found. Presuming that

Examination showed the following: blood pres-
this was a reliable assay, he appears to be a victim
sure 110/80 mm H g, pulse 64 per minute, respi-
oflithium intoxication.
rations 20 per minute, temperature 36.6C. He
was lethargic but arousable and was mildly ag- Because of a gross discrepancy between the
itated. Deep tendon reflexes were slightly de- patient's clinical status and the lethal lithium
pressed, but the remainder of the neurologic blood level, a resident questioned the d iagno-
examination was unremarkable. The neck was sis of lithium overdose. After some investiga-
supple. Skin turgor was normal. There were no tion, the resident found that the heparinized
abnormal physical findings. tube in which the patient's sample was sent
for blood-gas analysis had also been sent for
The physical examination, other than show- analysis of blood lithium. The anticoagulant in
ing some depression of consciousness and de- the tube was lithium heparin. Another lithium
pressed deep tendon re flexes, docs not yield any level from a properly collected specimen of clot-
localizing findings. He is not febrile, and again the ted blood was less than 0.2 mEq/L.
major concern is that the change in this patient's
mental status can be explained by a drug overdose. So this error was the consequence of faulty
I think we should find our ifhe has anything in his blood collection- not of l:iborarory measure-
stomach and get some blood studies. ment!
Laboratory findings were as follows: complete The patient's men tal status improved over the
blood count normal, BUN 8 mg/dL, creatinine next 12 hours. H e said that he had ingested
0.8 mg/dL, blood glucose 103 mg/dL. Sodium 50 alprazolam tablets in a suicide attempt.
was 142 mEq/L, potassium 4.3 mEq/L, chloride The alprazolam blood level at admission was
110 mEq/L, total C02 29 mEq/L. Blood gases: 280 ng/ mL (therapeutic range 19- 55 nglmL).
pH 7.32, arterial PC02 46 mm H g. The chest x- Serum electrolytes at follow-up were sodium
ray was normal, as was the electrocardiogram, 142 mEq/L, potassium 4.3 mEq/L, chloride 109
except for a Q-T c interval of 0.46. Toxic screen mEq/L, total C0 2 22 mEq/L. The calculated
on seru m, urine, and gastric contents showed anion gap was now normal (11 mEq/L). The
no identifiable agent. A serum lithium level, patient was transferred to an inpatient psychi-
not par1 of the toxic screen, was requested. A atric unit for further therapy.
blood sample for alprazolam was sent out for
analysis. An interesting lesson.

The o nly t hing of note in the laboratory d ata Analysis

is that he has a slig ht res piratory acidosis, wi th a There are sever:il interesting aspects of clin ical
pH of7.32 and a PC02 of46. We a re not given the problem solving here. The d iscussant, an able clin-
P0 2 . His anion gap is 3, a low value, and the pro- ician, immediately discovered that the patient had
longed Q- T interval is of interest. T hese findings an abnormall y low anion gap, :i finding that few
make me wonder what is contributing ro the serum other clinicians not working in the domain of fluid
sodium. Is this an artificial elevation as recorded and electrolyte mec:ibolism would ha ve appreci-
by the autoanalyzcr? I will be most interested in ated. The discussant promptly raised the possibil-
this patient's lithium level. ity that lithium in the patients plasma accounted
The patien t was treated with charcoal, sorbitol, for the low anion gap: a rational and appropri-
magnesium citrate, naloxone, thiamine, and in- ate hypothesis, gi,en the information at hand.
travenous fluids, and he became less lethargic H owever, later, when the lithium level was re-
over the next 2 hours. At that time, the serum ported, tl1e same discussant failed co comprehend
lithium level was reported to be 11.9 mEq/L. the significance of the result. I nscead of appreciat-
The patient denied taking lithium, but he was ing the discrepancy between the patient's clinical
not fully alert. manifestations (quite mild reduction in co:1Scious-
ness) and the remarkably elevated plasma lithium


level, his initial reaction was to attribute the cen- the plasma lithium level is greater than JOmEq/L,
tral nervous system manifestations to lithimn over- then search for some laboratory error.
dose. A superb performance followed by a missed T he knowledge could, of course, be in a quite
duel different form, such as some algebraic relation be-
Why the error? Here we have an opportunity tween lithium levels and a patient's status. Other
of seeing the interaction between knowledge, the forms are also possible.
generation of diagnostic h ypotheses, and the evo- Should the discussant be faulted for failing
c:ation of clues to a causal connection. An accepted to appreciate the discrepancy between the lithium
model of the process of h ypothesis generation re- level and the patient's clinical state and thus fa il-
quires that some prior knowledge be imbedded in ing to appreciate that an expectation had been vi-
long-term memory and that plausible candidates olated? Should such knowledge be stored ra ther
be evok ed and activated into work ing memory by than merely accessible in books? To answer this
a process that involves checking against incom- question, we should explain aga in how these pro
ing data. 105 On the other hand, causal hypotheses, tocols are collected. We present clinical material,
w h ich tentatively attribute a given effoct to some organized in "chunks," to clinicians who have no
specific cause, may be evoked by a somewhat dif- advance preparation, and we ask them to t!hink
ferent mechanism. A causal hypothesis, it appears, aloud as they try to solve the clinical problem. We
is evoked when expectations are violated. To fit record their comments, transcribe the tape verba-
these seemingly diverse concepts together in the tim, and edit the remarks only slightly; we are care-
context of the foregoing exercise, we offer the fol- ful not to change the content.
lowing construct: Most of the discussants are academic clini-
cians, w ho are accustomed to making their thought
I. T he d iscussant knew about lithium intoxica-
processes expl icit as part of their didactic role.
tion, h ad the abil ity to recognize when abnor-
G iven the spontaneous nature of their comments
mal amounts oflithium are in the bloodstream
and their inability to use their usual sources of in-
(via the low an ion gap), and knew that plasma
formation when they perceive their knowledge in
levels oflithium were useful in identifying pa-
a certain area to be insufficient, we cannot know
tients w ith a lithium overdose.
whether the clue missed in this format would be
2. T hediscussantdid not have an accurate work -
missed in the clinician's natural setting. Only a
ing model of the relation between lithium
detailed aud it of an individual physician's prac-
blood levels and a patient's clinical state.
tice would identify such errors. We are not aware
3. As a consequence, the discussant fa iled to ap-
of such a peer-reviewed analysis of an individual
preciate an essential clue that the resident iden-
physician's practices over a prolonged period.
tified: namely, the discrepancy between the
T he discussant, a distinguished internist, was
li thium level and the patient's status.
in the right church but the wrong pew. He posited
4. This essential piece of knowledge, when miss-
immediately that lithium must be present in the
ing, failed to evoke a clue to a causal relation
plasma, but the lack of a single piece of informa-
(or, in, this case, the lack of a causal relation).
tion led h im to believe that it got there from the
In other cases, we have discussed some of the theo- patient's intestinal tract rather than from the tube
ries that explain how such knowledge is stored. In in wh ich his blood was collected. T his unusual er-
this case, such knowledge might be in the form of ror provides an important lesson. No matter how
a condition-action pair, such as: If a patient is still accurate any laboratory test is, a mishandled speci-
conscious (or alive), and plasma lithium concen- men can produce just as confusing a false-positive
tration is greater than 6 mEq/L, then the lithium or a false-negative result. Even the most sensitive
level must be a laboratory error. Or, it might be in tests (e.g., polymerase chain reaction) are suscepti-
the form: If a patient is stilll conscious (or al ive), and ble to such errors.

_Diagnostic Verification

CASE 37. A POINT-BY-POINT DISSECTION features (lack of fever) reduce its likelihood.] T he
lack of peripheral edema does not affect my think-
ing about left-sided failure since not all patients
l&J VI!e depart here from our usual framework with left heart failure, especially when more acute,
have pedal edema due to right-sided heart fa ilure.
of first presenting sequential case information and
[Here she returns to her first, temporarily favored
accompanying d iscussant's remarks with analysis
hypothesis, pointing out that the lack of a com-
tacked on at the end. Instead, the a nalysis of the
mon finding (pedal edema) does not dissuade her
d iscussant's remarks is presented directly in the
from a diag1iosis of heart failure.] Signs of right
text of her remarks. T he comment~ in bold ital-
heart fa ilure due to left heart fai lure usually occur
ics represent an analysis of her reasoning in "real
. "
in more chronic settings. T he shortness of breath
on exertion makes me think more strongly about
A 77-year-old man with asymptomatic mitral a pulmonary process in add ition to a cardiac one.
regurgitation secondary to mitral valve pro- Interstitial lung d isease or pulmonary hyperten-
lapse was seen in clinic with insomnia and sion comes to mind. [Here she posits that more
shormess of breath for 5 days. than two conditions (cardiac failure and lung dis-
ease) might coexist, presumably because she be-
My first thought in this setting would be con- lieves that the symptoms are too extreme for one
gestive heart fa ilure. [Here, with no more tha11 the condition alone. She has also replaced the hypoth-
patient's age, sex, one historical fact, two symp- esi s "a pulmonary process" with two 1nore specific
toms, and the time course of symptoms, she offers disorders, interstitial lung disease and pulmonary
her first diagnostic hypothesis-cardiac failure.] hypertension.] If h is mitral regurgitation was due
W hy he would go into CHF (congestive heart fa il- to rheumatic heart disease, he could h ave some
ure) is less clear with this limited in formation. He mitral stenosis as well, but he den ied symptoms of
could have progressive mitral regurgirntion lead- orchopnea. His being a former ti le cutter brings en-
ing to pressure buildup in d1e lungs and even pul- tities like asbestosis or silicosis to mi nd if he had the
monary edema. If so, we would also have to figure proper exposure. T hese could result in pulmonary
out why his mitral regurgitation would be getting pathology that could present with dyspnea on ex-
worse. [Here she is apparently reasoning causally, ertion. [Here she offers evidence that might argue
trying to understand why the conditio11 in her first in favor ofinterstitial lung disease. Note that so far
hypothesis might have occurred.] her differential diagnostic list contains only three
hypo theses.]
He denied chest pain, orthopnea, cough, fever,
edema, or history of similar symptoms. He was On examination, he was in no distress. Blood
short of breath when walking across the room. pressure was 144/84 mm Hg. Pulse was 100 per
The murmur of mitral regurgitation had first minute and regular. Respiratory rate was 28 per
been noted 9 years earlier. He also had benign minute. He was afebrile. There was no jugu-
prostatic hyperplasia. He had not smoked in 40 lar venous distension. Lungs were clear. Car-
years and did not drink alcohol. H e was not diac exam revealed a regular tachycardia. A 4/6
taking any medications. He was a former tile holosystolic murmur was present at the apex
cutter. and radiated to the axilla. There was no pe-
ripheral edema. The remainder of the examina-
The absence of orthopnea makes left-sided tion was unremarkable. Complete blood count,
CHF less likely. The lack of cough is nonspecific electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and
but with the absence of fever makes a pulmonary creatinine were normal. Stool was guaiac neg-
in fection less likely. [Here she examines her sec- ative. Electrocardiogram (ECG) showed si-
ond hypothesis, namely pulmonary infection, and nus tachycardia. Left atrial enlargement and
considers it probabilistically, arguing that certain



a blood gas for starters. [She asks fo r th.is test, per-

possible left ventricular h ypertrophy were
haps susp ecting that rhe result will help contum
noted. There were no acute changes. Chest x-
her susp icion of disorders that cause p ulmonary
ray showed a tortuous aorta, left ventricular h y-
pertrophy, and no evidence of heart failure. The
physician wondered if his symptoms were due Blood gases on room air were pH 7.41, partial
to p rogressive mitral valve disease and ordered pressure of oxygen ( P02) 61 mm H g, partial
a stat echocardiogram (EKG) . pressure of carbon dioxide ( PC 0 2) 34 mm H g.

The vital sig ns are noteworthy for the mi ld T h is blood gas implies some sort of ve ntila-
tachycard i:i and increased respiratory rate. H eap- t ion/perfusion (V/Q) mis nutch . The different ial
pea rs to be in mild respiratory d istress. T he de- is long here, but the possibility of pulmona ry em-
scribed murmur sounds like his known mitral bolism is hig h on th at list. Th is would present with
reg urgitation and, g iven its loudness, ma kes me a w idened A-a (a lveolar- arte rial) g radient and a
th ink his mitrn l regurg itation is fa irly severe . I am significant degree of hypocapnia. Tn addition, se-
trying to reconcile the lack of orthopnea with h is vere pulmonary disease from many causes can re -
severe regu rgitati on. [Another use of causal rea- sult in this type of gradient. [Cardiac Failure has
soning to explain an apparent discrepancy.] The disapp eared From her differential diagnosis; now
exertional nature of his symptoms makes me won- th e list contains di sorders that cause pulmonary
der if an exertion induced tachycardia makes his hypertension and interstitial lung disease.]
mitral regu rgitation transiently worse. The lab re-
sults are not really surprising. The EKG is w hat I A V/ Q scan revealed multiple perfusion d efects
would have expected. The lack of CHF on x-ray with a normal ventila tion sca n; high probability
could be consistent with pulmonary h ype rtension. for pulmonary emboli.
[H ue she cites a negative tmding to support
her la test, most- favored diagnostic hypothesis.] I It appears that chis pacient has suftered from
would like to see an ambulatory oxygen satura- multiple pulmonaryemboli. l suspeccthacthis pro-
tion in a patient like this to see how much hy- cess has been going on for more than a day or two .
poxia he has with exertion. The high respiratory At this point, the patient should be sta rted on hep-
rate makes me think he has a significant degree arin. His previously noted guaiac-negative stool
of hypoxia. [H ere she uses her model of the dis- makes the risk of anticoagulation reasonable. He
ease e11tity- p11lmonary hypertension- to predict should have an overl ap of hepa rin and warfarin
expected clinical findings.] therapy for approximately 5 days. [Satisfied that
rlie scan clinches tlie diagnosis of pulmonary em-
E chocardiogram revealed a normal lefr ventric- bolism, she recommends standard treatment, but
ular ejection fraction, 3-4+ mitral regurgita- first assesses the risk ( possibly because th e patient
tion and 3+ tricuspid regurgitation. The es- is elderly aiid thus is at greater risk of anticoagula-
timated peak pulmonary pressure was 64 mm tion ?).] The question now is what is the cause of
H g. Beca use the pulmonary hypertension was his pulmonary emboli? In an elderly patient, we
the only new finding compared to an echocar- need to chink about the possibility of an unde rlyi ng
di ogram done I year previously, the echocar- cancer. Adenocarci nomas a rc the classic cance rs as-
diographer thought that the pulmonary hyper- sociated with a hypercoagulablc state. Other causes
tension was unlikely to be due to the mitral of a hypercoagulable state wou ld be less likely in
valve disease. this setting. [On ce again, she reasons in a causal
framework beyond rhe unifying diagnosis ofp ul-
As I mentioned, in a patient like this, we need
monary embolism to consid er why the patient de-
to consider pulmonary hypertension. Why he has
veloped the disorder.]
the new pulmona ry hypertension is the next ques-
tion we have co answer. [H er suspicion of pul- The patient w as admitted and treated with in-
m onary hypertension now con firm ed, she looks travenous heparin. A D oppler study revealed
for a causal explanati on.] I would b~ interested in


a deep venous thrombosis extending from the complicated, and he was referred for follow-up
left mid thigh to the level of the groin. chemotherapy.

I am not sure I would have proceeded with the T he insertion of an IVC filter at this point is
Doppler studies. Since we knew the patient has had certainly appropriate, given the problems and risks
pulmonary emboli, the results of the Doppler study with anticoagulation in this patient. The whole
were unlikely to change my therapy. [She makes presenting picture of this patient now makes sense.
a relevant point here: unless the result of a diag- [Finally, she asserts that all the linkages are coher-
nostic test changes the app roach to therapy, what ent: all the positive findings and negative findings
is the point of doing it?] I do not think this patient are consistent with the working diagnosis, and the
needs to be considered for an IVC (inferior ve na diagnosis is parsimonious, that is, it is a simple ex-
cava) filter at th is point. I would only consider that planation ofall the findings. Unfortunately for the
intervention if the patient does not respond to our patient, a rapid and correct diagnostic approach in
therapy or developed a contraindication to antico- this instan ce provided Ii ttle benefit.]
agulation. [Again, she is reasoning prospectively,
weighing the benefits and risks of this therapeutic
On the second hospital day the partial thrombo-
plastin time (PTT) was greater than 2 minutes A 66-year-old woman with schizophrenia was
and the patient's stool became guaiac positive. brought to the Emergency D epartment from a
The combination of a deep venous thrombosis psychiatric day hospital because of increasing
and gastrointestinal bleeding provoked by an- paranoia, confusion, and disorientation.
ticoagulants raised the possibility that an occult
gastrointestinal neoplasm had induced a h yper- vVhen a patient is transferred from a psychi-
coagulable state. Studies of the gastrointestinal atr ic day center because her clinical state has de-
tract were initiated. teriorated, I think about the possibility of physical
and organic causes along w ith psychiatric disor-
Onceagain,adenocarcinomas, especially from
ders, but that is as far as I would be willing to go
the gastrointestinal tract, can be assoc iated with a
at this point.
hypercoagulable state. T he bleeding, even in the
context of a prolonged PTT, raises the possibil- She had had a mitral commissurotomy and
ity of a colon cancer or a gastric cancer. I would aortic valve replacement 8 years earlier and
proceed with endoscopic evaluation of the GI (gas- was receiving diltiazem and warfarin. She had
trointestinal) tract. [A set of findings triggered the had adult-onset diabetes mellitus for 3 years,
hypotl1esis ofpulmonary embolism. This diagno- which was controlled with oral hypoglycemic
sis in turn triggered the hypothesis of a hyperco- agents.
agulable state. The diagnosis of a hypercoagulable
state triggered a diagnosis ofpossible cancer, wl1ich So we know that she h as heart disease with
in turn led to diagnostic testing.] previous valve surgery, has diabetes, and has been
Colonoscopy revealed a large polypoid tumor receiving certain drugs. Adult-onset d iabetes mel-
at the splenic flexure. Biopsy showed adeno- li tus is not likely to get out of control suddenly,
carcinoma. Abdominal computed tomography although it certainl y can. Also, oral hypoglycemic
(CT) scan showed no definite evidence of agents can produce complications, so high or low
metastatic disease. A Greenfield filter was in- blood sugars can be a possible explanation. I doubt
serted because of the risks of continued antico- that she has diabetic ketoacidosis. Diltiazem and
agulation. He then underwent a left hemicolec- warfarin typically do not cause paranoia, confu-
tomy. Liver metastases were found at the time sion, and disorientation. Other cardiac changes
of surgery. The postoperative course was un- leading to increasing paranoia would be possible
but not too likely.


occupying space in the plasma- such as lipids or

Sh e was well dressed and cooperative, but she
proteins? That does not seem likely, but a plasma
was drowsy, h ad slurred sp eech , looseness of
osmolality would settle the question. If the osmo-
associat ions, and delusional thinking. H er af-
lality corresponded to the serum sodium concen-
fect was inappropriately elated . The artificial
tration, it would rule out hyperlipidemia or other
valve sounds were heard on physical examina-
kinds of artifactual hyponatremia. Assuming that
tion, which was otherwise normal.
there were no signs of hyperlipidemia, the osmo-
The physical disorders that might lead to dete- lality wo1tld be approx imately 240 to 260. Could
rioration of her psychiatric condition are not likely hyperglycemia be the cause? No, because the blood
to have manifestations that would be easily found glucose is not high enough to cause any transient
on physical examination. I am afraid th is informa- shift uf wate r uuL uf LI 1c cells LU <lil utc the: su<l ium in
tion provides no particular dues. the serum. So if we exclude these pseudohypona-
tremias, we are left only with hyponatremias that
Arrangem ents were m ade to admit the patient result from elevated antid iuretic hormone levels.
to the psych iatry service, but before she was ad- Then it is ou r job to decide whether the elevation
mitted, a battery of tests was ordered . of antid iuretic hormone was appropr iate or inap-
What type of tests would one want to get in a Appropriate elevations might be found in pa-
person like this? I would be interested, of course, tients with circulatory insufficiency such as might
in her diabetes, so a blood glucose wo uld be im- result from dehydration or heart fa ilure, perhaps a
portant. I would certainly want to see an INR circulatory abnorma lity, liver disease, or nephrotic
(International Normalized Ratio). Check ing her syndrome. Except for her heart history, we do not
serum electrolytes and renal function makes acer- have clues that any of those is present; her kidneys
tain amount of sense. Except for studies of thyro id seem fine, given a serum creatinine of 0.6 and a
function and a drug screen, I cannot think of other BUN of 8. 'vVe will keep in mind the possibil ity
laboratory tests that might be used to ascertain psy- th at she h as some cardiac or circulatory abnormal-
chological abnormalities. ity and consider especially dehydration. vVe are not
L ab oratory findings: Serum electrolytes were told anything that would help us decide whether
sodium 121 mEq/L, potassium 4.9 mEq/L, or not she is dehydrated. Ifs he had been g iven a di-
uretic for her heart disease, the drug could produce
ch lorid e 84 mEq/L , total C0 2 23 mEq!L. Blood
enough volume contraction to give her a circula-
glucose 180 m g/dL, BUN 8 mg/dL, creatinine
tory abnormality, which in turn could produce an
0.6 rng/dL. She was adm itted to the m edical
appropriate ADH release, but we have no such
information. However, s he has ser ious psych iatr ic
I presume that the leading diagnosis was in- illness, a nd she could be ta king diuretics at home.
appropr iate antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secre- If at the same time she had been drinking a fa ir
tion of some sort. For the hyponatremia to ex- amou nt of water, she could certainly have induced
plain her worsening confusion and disorientation, this clinical and chemical picture.
one might guess that the sodium level had fallen
abruptly, because most people can tolerate a serum A call to th e psychiatric facility d isclosed that
sod ium of 121 or so without too much psycholog- the patient was receiving the following med-
ical malfunction if hyponatremia develops slowly. ications: trifluop erazine 25 m g d aily, lithium
However, she d id have schizophrenia, so maybe 600 mg daily, trihexyphenid yl 2 mg daily, dil-
it took onl y a small additional stress to make her tiazem 120 m g daily, warfarin 5 mg daily, and
worse. chlorp ropamid e 250 mg daily.
To sort out different kinds of hyponatremia,
we would first want to know whether the patient Now we have other possible causes of inap-
actually had hyponatremia with respect to plasma propriate antid iuretic hormone. Of these multiple
water or whether the low serum sodium was just an drugs, trifluoperazine in ordinary doses, as well
a rtifact. In other words, could there be something as diltiazem, war farin, and trihexyphenidyl, have


little effect on the kidneys' excretion of water. So do I. [fl had been the intern, I would have
Chlorpropamide and lithium do, but they have first called the laboratory and asked them to save
opposite effects. Lithium causes an inability to all the blood for repeat testing. I would also go
concentrate the urine and to retain water. Toxic back and look at her inta ke and output. I would
amount~ of this drug would lead to dehydrat ion, inquire whether this sudden change occurred in
wh ich ordinarily would lead to hype rnatremia relation to a seizure. Serum sodium conce:itration
rather than hyponatremia. lflithium were at fault, can rise abruptly after a seizure; that would sug-
she would be expected to have a large urine vol- gest that the muscles have become permeable to
ume and accompanying thirst. It is thought that a water, which consequently has entered the muscle
primary effect of lithium is stimulation of thirst, compartment.
as well as impairment of die ability w concemrate Another explanaLion for the rapiJ change
the urine, but I doubt it. might be a sudden reduction in the volume of her
C hlorpropamide has the opposite effect. It extracell ular fluid compartment. In other words,
may enhance the effect of antid iuretic hormone, if water did not leave her body, water might have
so that even with small circulating amounts of the left the extracell ular fluid and thus raised the con-
hormone, the kidneys do an extra good job of con- centration ofsodium in the plasma. The most com-
centrating and thus retaining water. W ith contin- mon cause of such a shift is glucose. In her case,
ued habitual intake of water, the syndrome ofinap- blood glucose fell only from 180 to 142- not nearly
propriate antidiuretic hormone is produced, even enough to account for the change in sodium con-
though the absolute amount of the hormone re- centration. But before invoking internal shifts, we
leased may not be unusually large. In other words, should try to find out whether she excreted the
the effect of small amounts may be amplified by water.
the chlorpropamide.
Schizophrenia itself may have some effect on The intern assumed that he h ad identified the
cause of the patient's hypo-osmolar state and
her fluid intake, and it would be interesting to
its rapid correction when he discovered that
know whether she habitually drinks a lot of wa-
the admission urinalysis showed specific grav-
ter. Not uncommonly, patients who are habitu-
ity 1.001, osmolality 52, pH 7, no glucose or
all y big water drinkers do not h ave any difficulty
protein, and no sediment abnormalities.
excreting the water until somebody gives them a
diuretic (which produces a modest degree of de-
I do not think he did discover it. Presumably,
hydration and circulatory impairment) or chlor-
her urine output during the 4 hours was very large,
propamide (which enhances the effect of the tiny
but we would have to measure it and calculate
amount of antidiuretic hormone that may be nor-
whether the loss of water was sufficient to raise
mall y released). At that point, h yponacremia may
the sodium concentration from 121 to 141. Even
be precipitated, and sometimes it is quite severe.
if the change in the external water balance was
So I would guess that the patient is a habit-
consistent w ith the rise in sod ium concentration, it
ual water drinker and that in the pre~ence of the
does not explain why she got so hyponatremic to
chlorpropamide she is retaining water- probably
start with. It only means that whatever was wrong
with no relationship to her lithium therapy.
has gone away, and we have the same speculations
as before.
Fluid restriction was initiated. Four hours after
admission the laboratory results were as follows: The psychiatric resident later reported that the
sodium 141 mEq/L, potassium 4.9 mEq!L, patient had had a long-standing relationship at
chloride 106 mEq/L, total C02 24 mEq!L. the day hospital with a male patient who had
Blood glucose 142 mg/dL, BUN 6 mg/dL. psychogenic polydipsia. The patient had ap-
Creatinine 0.7 mg/dL. Because the electrolytes parently mi1nicked his habit of drinking large
quantities of water.
had changed so rapidly, the intern wondered
whether the initial laboratory results had been
It is hard to believe that she could have be-
come this hyponatremic from polydipsia alone.


The findings are more consistent w ith some con- mental state. Not surprisingly, given the enor-
comitant impairment in her ab ility to excrete wa- mous number of disorders that could explain these
ter, though she did not !have much impairment nonspecific symptoms, he mentions several het-
dur ing the 4 hours in the emergency ward. I would erogeneous disorders, including h ypo- and hyper-
guess that she did have as light impairment of wa- glycemia, heart disease, and thyroid disease. After
ter excretion before she came in. Ordinarily, this the plasma electrolytes are presented, however, he
defect is the result of muld volume depletion. It focuses on the hyponatremia. He decides(!) that
c:ould even be caused by the chlorpropamide, ex- hyponatremia could and probably does cause the
cept that the half-life of the drug is so long that the new central nervous system dysfunction, (2) that
effect would not wear off as quick ly. I suppose it the h yponatremia is real,and (3) that his job is to de-
a lso could have been related to psychological fac- termine how hyponatremia developed. In the last
tors that cause release of antidiuretic hormone, but task, he adeptly displays the discrimination tactic
I do not know how that disorder would be sud- and the concepts of coherence and adequacy.
denly turned off. A discrimination strategy is a technique that
narrows down diagnostic possibilities from many
H yponatremia did not recur during the re- to a few and then (when possible) a single one. 19
mainder of her hospitali.zation. The patient re-
The li terature on discrimination strategies is rather
turned to the day hospital.
incomplete. T he discussant does not use a statisti-
cal method that we h ave discussed earlier, namely
The final possibility is that the entire syn-
Bayesian analysis, to discriminate among diagnos-
drome was caused by an enormous water inta ke.
tic options. Instead, he relies exclusively on his
Her urine osmolality was 52, an extremely low
knowledge of the pathophysiology of water bal-
value. If she was excreting urine w ith an osmolality
ance. F irst, he excludes kidney and liver disease;
of52 all the time and was eating a normal amount
he considers diuretic therapy as a cause and comes
of food (which produces 800 to 900 mOsm/day),
back to it later. T he n he concentrates on various
she would be able to excrete 600 to 700 mL of fluid
drugs the patient h as been receiving. At one point,
per hour w ith no problem. But if she drank more
when the serum sodium quickly returns to normal,
over a short period, would she get into trouble? I
he even begins to question h is earlier judgment that
guess she could. Certainly, that possibility would
the hyponatremia is real. However, he soon gets
explain all the facts.
back on the track; after he learns about the rapid
spontaneous correction ofhyponatremia, he again
!ml Chlorpropamide, the drug that was puta- accepts that the hyponatremia was real and trues to
tively partly responsible for the patient's inability explain its pathogenesis. Because he understands
to excrete the large volume of water she had in- what is required to produce the combination of
gested, is rarely used today, yet the example of rapid and spontaneous correction ofhyponatremia
a patient receiving a drug and later developing and a dilute urine, he further narrows the diag-
water intoxication is so common, and the cogni- nostic possibilities to three: mild volume contrac-
tive aspects so compelling, that we opted to pre- tion, resolvi ng syndrome of inappropriate ADH
serve the case. Currently used drugs that have the (SIADH), and extreme water loading. F inally, he
same effect as chlorpropamide on water excretion ends up with only the last two hypotheses, and at
include tricyclic ant idepressants, phenothiazines, the very end, he appears to concede that massive
serotonin reuptake inhibitors, carbamazepine, and water loading alone m ay have been the unique ex-
cyclophosphamide. planation. This discrimination strategy appeared
to be based exclusively on tl1e physiology of water
Analysis balance and its aberrations.
This case illustrates several problem-solving tac- The discrimination approach is one of several
tics, including diagnostic discrimination, diagnos- "case-building" strategies- tactics used by physi-
tic coherence, and diagnostic adequacy. Early in cians to evaluate and refine hypotheses, incorporate
his responses, the discussant "fishes around" and new data into existing hypotheses, and modify or
tries to fix on a cause of the patient's disordered eliminate hypotheses. Concomitantly, physicians


seek to evaluate diagnostic hypotheses for their I have limited amount of information at this
coherence and adequacy, and these attr ibutes of point. I would like to know whether these signs de-
d iagnostic problem solving are well illustrated by veloped over 20 minutes or whether they had been
this session. A diagnosis can be considered coher- increasing in severity over the past 2 to 3 wee ks.
ent when the links between the clinical findings If they had come on only 20 minutes ago, I would
are appropriate- when physiologic li nks are sat- be more concerned about an acute ischemic event.
isfactory and when predisposing factors or com- If they had been developing over a long period
plications are sensible and acceptable . .'\diagnosis of time, I would be more concerned about a toxic
can be considered adequate when it encompasses problem such as alcohol or a more serious prob-
all the surviving elementary hypotheses and when lem such as a brain tumor. I cannot go any further
it expla irn all Lite almurmal anu 11ormal clinical Ll1a11 that, but I am obviously focusing 011 a neuru-
findings and test results. Indeed, one of the im- logic process as the immediate cause of the patient's
portant judgments one can make of a diagnosis is problems.
whether it meets the rigorous criteria of coherence
and adequacy. The patient had felt well until several weeks
We use the transcript presented here as an before admission, when he began to have tran-
example of these diagnostic attributes because the sitory difficulty in walking and slurring of
discussant is so dogged in h is zeal to satisfy these speech. Over the 3 days preceding admission,
criteria. T hough he probably does not appreciate he noticed dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. He
that he is doing so, he satisfies the concept of di- denied headaches.
agnostic coherence by carefully exploring the lin ks
It appears that the problem is more of a chronic
between water intake and water-excretion defects
one. T hat makes an acute isch emic event much less
and by considering the factors that might predis-
li kely and a space-occupying lesion more li kely. I
pose to each. He satisfies the concept of diagnostic
would still be interested in knowing more about his
adequacy by h is tenacious attempt to account, in a
h istory. Specifically, I would question the patient
single "package," for all the findings and all the hy-
about drug ingestion and obtain a cardiac history.
potheses he offered earlier. Indeed, he persists long
T he presence or absence of headaches is not im-
after many would have given up trying to explain
pressive to me. U ltimately, I shall need the results
how the patient became hyponatremic. At first, he
of a physical examination.
holds fast to his belief that some defect in water
excretion must have been responsible, even after The patient had been told he had severe hyper-
he learns that the metabolic disorder corrected it- tension 5 years earlier. He was on therapy for
self rapidly after admiss ion. W hen the patient's 2 years but was lost to follow-up thereafter. He
psych osoc ial history was consistent with a huge had a family history of hypertension and had
water intake, the discussant conceded that mas- smoked one pack of cigarettes a day for several
sive water intake alone could be responsible for all years. He was taking no medications. He drank
the findings, although he explains that a preexist- half a pint of whiskey per day.
ing water-excretion defect cannot be excluded. His
unwi lli ngness to accept the simple answer of exces- vVe now have a history of high blood pressure,
sive water inta ke as the cause of the hyponatremia although I do not think that is directly related to
was justified by his accurate comprehe:lsion of the what is going on. If he had an intracranial hem-
physiology of water balance. orrhage secondary to hypertension, I suspect the
symptoms would have been much more acute in
onset. T he history of cigarette use simply would
CASE 39. VERIFICATION increase the likelihood of cerebrovascular or car-
diac disease. He was taking no medications, so I
A 54-year-old man was admitted to the hospital do not have anything to point to, such as pheny-
because of slurred speech and difficulty walk- toin intoxica(ion. The consumption of a half pint
ing. of whiskey a day certainly raises the possibility of
alcohol intoxication. That, however, would also


be much more acute in nature, and thus I would

dL, creacinine 2.2 mgldL, and cholesterol 266
be worrying about some chronic neurologic prob-
mg/ dL. Urinalysis: specific gravity 1.015, pH
lem related to alcohol, such as cerebellar degener-
7.0, 4+ protein, and 1+ blood. The sediment
ation. Even so, I would still be concerned about a
had 20 to 30 red blood cells (RBCs) and 5 to
space-occupying lesion. On physical examination,
IO oval fat bodies per high -power field, free
in addition co knowing his blood pressure, I would
fat globules, and no RBC casts. H ematocrit
be particularly interested in the appearance of his
was 50%, and white cell count was 8,000. The
optic disks. I have not ye t homed in on any-
ECG showed left ventricular hypertrophy with
thing specific beyond a relatively chronic neuro-
strain, and echocardiogram revealed concentric
logic problem.
left ventricular hypertrophy with a normal ejec-
On examination he was in no distress, but his tion fraction. Chestx-ray showed moderate car-
speech was slurred. Blood pressure was 255/176 diomegaly. H ead CT scan revealed a lacunar
mm H g, and pulse was 116 per minute and infarct in the left internal capsule and a possi-
regular. H e had bilateral hemorrhages in the ble hypoden se area in the left cerebellum.
fundi and papilledema, right greater than left.
Visual fields were intact, and lungs were clear. T he cerebellar abnormality would acco rd
There was a 2/6 systolic ejection murmur. No with the patient's clinical findings. I would have
abdominal masses, tenderness, or bruits were to discuss the significance of that with the radiol-
noted. There was no peripheral edema. Pulses ogist to see whether it is likely to be a tumor or
were intact. Neurologic exam revealed normal whether this is consistent with alcoholic cerebellar
orientation. H e was ataxic on the left side and degeneration. The patient clearly has evidence of
mildly hyperreflexive. end-0rg:rn damage from hypertension. He has hy -
pertensive retinopathy. His kidneys are damaged,
He has extraordinarily marked hypertension as reflected b)' hcmaturia and an ele\ated BUN and
with hypertensive retinopathy. This complicates creatinine. The data are consistent with both pri-
matters a bit diagnosticall y, but I do not be- mar y and secondary causes of hypertension, and a
1ievc it docs therapeutically. By this I mean chat more thoroug h history is required. In addition, the
papilledema in a nonhypertensive patient might patient clearly has cardi:ic hypertrophy according
strongly suggest a space-occupying lesion. In chis to ECG, echocardiogram, and chest x-ray. I would
patienc, it probably is part of his hypertensive pro- bring his blood p ress ure down wh ile I continued
cess. At any r:1te, his blood pressure needs to be his evaluation. I need to learn more about the sig-
broug ht down r::ipidly to respectable ranges by in- nificance of this '' possible hypoclense area" in the
trave nous anti hyperte nsive m edications. The rest left cerebell um.
of the examination is not as markedly abnormal
The patient's blood pressure was aggressively
as I would have suspected. H e has minimally fo-
lowered and eventually controlled on sev-
cal neurologic signs w ith left-sided ataxia. Can
eral antihypertensive drugs. R enal ultrasound
one have focal abnormalities with hypertensive
demonstrated norm al kidney size bilaterally
encephalopathy? The answer is yes. So we have
with no obstruction; 24-hour urine protein ex-
at leas1 one ve ry good diagnosis. The only ques-
cretion was 4.2 g; serum albumin was 2.8 g/dL.
tion: Arc we still missing something' I would
T he patient was considered to have malignant
bring this patient's blood pressure under control,
hypertension superimposed on essential hyper-
and I would still be concerned about a space-
tension and was followed as an outpatient.
occupying lesion. I need to know what his renal
function is before doing anything, such as contrast
H is allegedly normal kidney size is consistent
wich an acute deterioration in renal function sec-
Laboratory data were as follows: sodium 138 ondary to relatively acute elevation of his blood
mEq.'L , potassium 2.9 mEq/L, chloride 102 pressure; by "acute," I mean present for no more
mEq.'L , bicarbonate 30 mEq/L, BUN 28 m g/ than 2 to 3 months or so. The protein excretion
is a little high, but with malignant hypertension,


you can get a glomerular pattern of proteinuria. If some acute renal process that triggered the acute
the malignant hypertension were the cause of h is episode.
proteinuria, I would expect that the protein excre-
tion would resolve over the next month or two. If A renal biopsy revealed advanced membra-
it went up to I0 to 12 g as his blood pressure was nous glomerulop athy and moderate to severe
con trolled, I would get suspucious that I was miss- nephrosclerosis. The revised diagnosis was
ing some primary renal disease. Following him as membranous glomerulopathy with secondary
an outpatient is reasonable. I have no further in- malignant hypertension. H e was treated with
formation regarding the interpretation of the CT prednisone, 120 m g every other day. Five
scan finding in the left cerebellLUn. months la ter, when !his prednisone dose had
been decreased to 20 mg every other day, his
Three months later all neurologic symptoms serum creatinine was 1.8 m g/dL and his 24-
and findings had resolved. On the same medi- hour urinary protein excretion was 2.66 g.
cations his blood pressure was 130/80 mm Hg,
but 3 to 4+ peripheral edema had developed.
Oreatinine was 3.1 mg/dL, and serum albumin Analysis
was 3.3 g/dL. Urinalysis now showed specific In this discussion we deal with the process o f
gravity 1.020, pH 5.5, 4+ protein, 0 to I white diagnostic ve rification and fai lures in the pro-
blood cell, and 0 to I RBC per high-power field, cess, a notion sometimes described as "premature
many oval fat bodies, 2 to 5 fatty casts p er high- closure." 217 The physic ians caring for this patient
power field, and free fat. The 24-hour urine fa iled to keep an open mind about the cause of the
protein excretion was 5.6 g. patient's hypertension and simply assumed that h e
had primary malignant hypertension. The discus-
There are several key observations here: His sant, however, was far more cautious. At the time
blood pressure is well control led, and I shall assume of the patient's discharge, he was willing to accept
that it has been well controlled since the first week the provisional diagnosis of malignant hyperten-
or two of his hospitalization. Despite that control, sion superimposed on chronic essential hyperten-
however, his k idney function has deteriorated and sion, and he pointed out that the available data
his 24-hour protein excretion may have risen a bit, (including presenting symptoms, h istory, and lab-
or at least it has not fallen. I would be willi ng to oratory data) were consistent with that diagnosis.
follow the 24-hour protein excretion for another Nonetheless, he made the point that the wor king
3 months, but the rising creatinine bothers me. In diagnosis would have to be confirmed or reevalu-
patients with malignant hypertension whose blood ated depending on the patient's subsequent course.
pressure is promptly reduced, it would not be sur- He stated that if the protein excretion did not
prising to see the creatinine increase from about 2, decrease as the blood pressure control was main-
where it had been on admission, to 3 or 4. How- tained, he would be concerned that he "might be
ever, I would expect to see some improvement in missing something." Here is a careful clinician. A l-
rena l function over a period of time. I would be though he missed the sig n ificance offat in the urine
interested in seeing a series of serum creatinines. (it probably was a clue that the patient had primary
That would tell me if the creatinine had gone up renal disease), he was not willing to accept his pro-
right after his blood pressure became more normal visional diagnosis as verified; he certainl y was not
or if it has been sneak ing up over 3 months. The guilty of premature closure.
latter would be a bit unusual for malignant hyper- Verification is the concept that has thwarted
tension and would make me think that I might be international attempts co control the proliferation
missing something. At that point, the question of of nuclear weapons. It also is, we shall argue, a
renal biopsy would come up. At this time, I would concept that embraces both the deepest reaches of
probably not do a biopsy, but if the serum crea- science and the humblest diagnostic efforts. vVe
tinine reached 3.5 to 4.0, I would step in and be also point out that the frustration with this con-
more aggressive. In fact, one could argue that h is cept in foreign affa irs, science, and medicine is an
hypertension got so bad initially because he had inevitable consequence of a fundamental notion:


namely, that absolute verification of hypotheses is a highl y significant "p" value truly confirms a sci-
unattainable. entific hypothesis. Sometimes theories can be dis-
Because our concern is problem solving in proven, however, if strong evidence is adduced to
medicine, let us first focus on the problem of show that the hypothesis is false. 161 This approach
confirming-or verifying- a diagnosis. To state is useful, of course, only if convincing evidence
the issue explicitly, at what point in the d iagnostic opposing a theory appears; until it does, one is jus-
process should we be satisfied that we have arrived t ified in retain ing a theory der ived by induction
at the correct answer? How early should we close from a set of observations. 11 1 So, here is the bad
our m ind to collecting more data? Is it appropriate news: Even in hard s.cience, there are no absol utes.
to accept a d iagnos is before we have examined all 'vVe can identify theories that are parsimon ious,
the collectible data? How about all the risk -free that are qu ite consistent with the observable data
and low-cost data? Do physicians keep an open within some criteria of accuracy, that are highly
mind- do they even try to do s<>--when they are probable, and for wh ich no detracting data exist.
involved in the diagnosti.c process? Is premature However, no matter how convincing at the t ime,
dosure a real issue in diagnos is, and, if so, what are we should not delude ourselves into believing that
the r isks of jumping to premature conclusions? we have an ironclad answer. Despite t wo centu r ies
When are we justified in conclud ing that we need of vigorous debate, ph ilosophers of science have
to go no further? not ach ieved consensus either on what constitutes
Concepts of diagnost ic "adequacy" and "co- a verified induction or on whether verification is
herence" are useful in th ink ing about verify ing even possible. 111
d iagnostic h ypotheses. "Adequacy" is a test of 'vVhat h ave we done in medicine to explore
w hether all the clinical findings are explained by when to accept or reject a diagnostic hypothesis?
specific diagnost ic hypothesis. "Coherence" exam- Not much. Although some physicians have argued
ines whether a d iagnostic hypothesis is pathophys- th at we should refra in from making even diagnos-
iologically consistent with all the clinical find ings. tic hypotheses before a complete list of problems
Once a causal relation is established, for exam- has been formulated, 219 others have shown th at
ple, between some effect and its putative stimu- clinicians instinctive.ly do not behave in that way.
lllls, coherence test ing should ascertain w hether any Instead, they generate d iagnostic h ypotheses with
causal relat ion other than the currently accepted only minimal data and rev ise them as they collect
one can expla in the same find ings. additional clinical information. 1819 Confirmation
W hat constitutes "proof" that a d iagnosis is of d iagnostic hypotheses has received only passing
correct? Before we elaborate on medical efforts to notice. 19 Despite the ambiguity and arbitrariness
grasp th is problem, it will be fruitful to explore the in the process of verification, phys icians must come
most sophisticated approach to th is problem- the to a conclus ion about how to proceed and thus how
one used in scientific discovery. 111 Once an induc- to define a "working d iagnosis," which, although
t.ion is made and a theory is "d iscovered," scien- perhaps incomplete and imprecise, forms the basis
tists ta ke on the task of confirm ing the theory. for needed action (usually therapy).
Because a un iversal generalization can never be Failing to find a vigorous approach to verifi-
verified unequivocally by a finite set of observa- cation of a diagnostic hypothesis, how can we test
tions, verification usually .is considered in a frame- whether a given d iagnosis is sufficiently verified
work in wh ich the weigh t of evidence favors the to be useful clinicall y? Here are some useful crite-
theory or opposes it. Attempts to verify a theory are ria: (1) Is the wor king diagnostic hypothesis highly
usually based both on probabilistic and statistical likely? (2) Is it the most parsimonious explanation?
approaches. In the Bayesian model, evidence accu- (3) Are there other hypotheses that cannot be easily
mulates and progressively increases the probability dism issed? (4) Does the worki ng diagnos is explain
that a given hypothesis is correct. 21 8 In the statisti- all the principal clinical findings- positive, nega-
cal approach, according to the null hypothesis, the tive, and normal find ings? (5) 'vVithin th is diagno-
harder it is to explain a set of observations by ran- sis, are all the cl inical features pathophysiologically
dom processes, the more credible the hypothesis consistent? (6) Do causal links fit, or are there other
becomes. Of course, neither a h igh probability nor causal explanations that are equally convincing?


(7) Do predictions based on the hypothesis come

The following laboratory results became avail-
to pass? (For example, does it correctly predict test
able before the translator arrived: hemoglobin
results and prognosis?)
9.6 gm/dL, hematocrit 27%, white cell count
Ifa given d iagnostic hypothesis passes all these
4,100 with 42 polys, 3 bands, 17 lymphs, 2 atyp
tests, we gain confidence in it and accept it as a
ical lymphs, 5 monos, and 31 eosinophils.
working diagnosis. However, we must be cautious
not to hold on too avid ly to a diagnosis, even if
it seems quite attractive. As the distinguished au- The patient is moderately anemic and has a
thor Primo Levi explained, "There is trouble in mild neutropenia and a strikingeosinoph ilia. Ifshe
store for anyone who surrenders to the tempta is both dehydrated and moderately anemic, we w ill
tion of lllistaki11g an deganl h ypothesis fur ace r h ave w follow her helllatun il dosdy Juriug rehy
tainty." 220 dration because it may fall even more. Eosinophilia
We must appreciate that, no matter what we of this magnitude in a woman from Hong Kong
would like to believe about the accuracy of our raises the possibility of parasitic infection. If she
verification methods, accepting a diagnosis as con- does have a parasitic infection, the workup can be
firmed remains an act of fa ith. No matter what done at a somewhat leisurely pace. Adrenal insuf-
methods we use or promises we receive, we could ficiency is also a possibil ity. As a rule, Addisonian
say the same, of course, about the verification that patients are salt depleted, and therefore there is a
certain countries have suspended their plans to rea l danger of circulatory collapse, which is unpre-
produce nuclear weapons. In medicine, such un - dictable; it can happen even over a period of min-
certainty must not, however, paralyze our w ill to utes and can be fatal. Salt alone helps prevent the
act. circulatory collapse that occurs in patients with Ad-
dison's disease. Therefore, for hydration, l would
use normal saline, with or w ithout glucose.
CASE 40. A METICULOUS APPROACH In the initial blood studies, I would obtain a
plasma cortisol assay and an ACTH (adrenocorti-
A 55-year-old woman who had immigrated to cotropic hormone) level. Ifl were concerned about
the United States from Hong Kong 3 months circulatory collapse from Addison disease, I would
earlier presented in the Emergency D epartment also g ive dexamethasone-approximately three
with anorexia, nausea, and light-headedness. times the physiologic replacement dose. Because
She spoke very little English. Before a transla- dexamethasone does not interfere with the cortisol
tor arrived, the house officer did a cursory ex- assay, that intervention would allow me to treat the
amination and found that the patient appeared patient, and, at the same time, it would not confuse
to be dehydrated and had postural hypotension. my diagnostic evaluation, w hich would probably
The physician ordered several laboratory tests include an ACTH-stimulation test. The ACTH
and observed the patient closely. test would help me to determine whether there is
glucocorticoid deficiency and, if so, whether it is
The woman appears to be moderately ill. We a primary adrenal disease or ACTH deficiency.
have two areas of concern: First, w hat is the nature One adm inisters cosyntropin, a synthetic analog
of the acute illness, and what therapeutic measures of ACTH, 0.25 mg intravenously, and measures
should be initiated before we arrive at a diagnos is? plasma cortisol and aldosterone at the timeofinjec-
Second, how should we proceed to determine the tion and again 30 and 60 minutes postinjection. If
cause of the underlying problem? I would start an there is primary adrenal damage (mainly Addison
intravenous infusion after blood is drawn for initial disease or destruction of the gland by tuberculosis,
laboratoqr tests and begin to hydrate the patient. h istoplasmosis, or tumor), neither the cortisol nor
I need more of her history and a more detailed the aldosterone will rise. ACTH deficiency w ill
physical examination. On the basis of the ava il- blunt the no rmal rise in plasma cortisol. Beca use
able data, I do not know whether the patient has a aldosterone secretion is primarily under the con-
cardiovascular problem, an infection, a metabolic trol of the renin- angiotensin system, plasma aldos-
abnormality, or some other disorder. terone would respond normally to ACTH. I would


therefore pursue both d iagnostic and therapeutic Rarely, posterior pimitary deficiency can occur as
approaches, specifically considering Addison dis- well. It is not possible to predict which of the an-
ease. I still need to know more about the history terior pituitary hormones will be deficient; almost
and the general physical examination because we any combination can occur. \Ve now have a rea-
certainly cannot exclude parasitic disease or other son to suspect ACTH deficiency and consequent
causes of marked eosinoph ilia. glucocorticoid defic iency in our patient. We also
have to consider the possibility that some of her
The house officer was not surprised to learn that symptoms are due either to effects of radiation on
the patient was hyponatremic (serum sodium, the brain or to metastatic carcinoma. The anorex ia
122 mEq/L) , but she was confused when she may reflect a rad iation effect on taste sensation.
le:i rn r.n th:it the Rl JN w:is ~ mg/nl. :inn th e c:re- T h e fact drnt she had HUL takeH diuretics ur other
atinine was 0.4 mg/dL; she had expected both drugs leads us to believe that the h yponatremia is
values to be increased. not drug related and that it probably reflects hor-
monal deficiency.
The house officer presumably thought that
if the patient was dehydrated, she would exhibit
Ifshe had deficiency of multiple pituitary hor-
mones, the one that should be treated immed iately
prerenal azotemia. These find ings, however, are
is the ACTH deficiency. In this setting, thyroid-
consistent w ith glucocorticoid defic iency, in which
stimulating-hormone deficiency is usually not so
hyponatremia results from a disturbance in free
severe thac patients are at any considerable risk of
water excretion. In Addison disease, muscle mass
myxedema coma. Therefore, if she is hypothyroid,
tends to be decreased, so a low BUN and a nor-
it may be contributing to the symptoms but does
mal creatinine are not unexpected. I must adm it,
not need to be treated immediately. One certainl y
howeve r, that if the patient is really severely de -
would want to evaluate that, however. I might add
hydrated, I would expect both the BUN and the
that severe hypothyroidism also can be associated
serum creatinine to be higher. If we are consider-
with a water-excreting defect.
ing adrenal insufficiency, we also should be alert
to the possibility of hyperkalemia, wh ich can itself
Examination disclosed a thin woman with d ry
be dangerous.
skin and dry oral mucosa. Vital signs were
Now that we know that the patient is hypona-
(supine) blood pressure 108/60 mm H g, pulse
tremic, we should consider other possible causes
100 per minute; (standing) blood pressure
of this metabolic abnormali ty. Included would be
60/0 mm H g, pulse 112 per minute. Bilateral
the syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion and
6th nervep alsies and right 12th nerve palsy were
the tumors assoc iated w ith it, as well as the many
medications that can cause defects in free water
excretion, especially diuretics.
T his confirms the previous observation ofor-
The history disclosed that 16 months earlier, thostatic hypotension. T he supine pulse was rapid
the patient had a nasopharyngeal squamous cell to begin with and rose when the patient stood up,
carcinoma and was treated with radiation over although not as much as I would have expected,
a 3-week period. In the last 6 months, she had g iven the drop in blood pressure. The bilateral 6th
experienced diplopia, nausea, anorexia, fatigue, nerve palsies and the right 12th nerve palsy are con-
and weakness. She had not taken diuretics or sistent with the history of diplopia. A rapid ly grow-
other drugs. ing pituitary tumor can cause 6th nerve palsies, but
I do not believe that would ever cause a 12th nerve
Now we have considerably more history. Al- palsy. Therefore, I think that finding reflects ei-
though it used to be thought that the anterior pitu- ther metastatic disease from her nasopharyngeal
itary gland was relatively resistant to radiation, we carcinoma or radiation effects.
now know that patients who receive several thou- I presume there was no hyperpigmentation.
sand rads to areas near the sella turcica for treat- If there is ACTH defic iency, one would not ex-
ment of tumors either in the nasopharynx or in pect hyperpigmentation. If there is glucocorti-
the brain can acquire anter ior pituitary deficiency. coid deficiency from adrenal damage, one would


expect ACTH to nse and its melanocyte-

3.5 ,g/dL (normal, 4.2- 12.0) Thyroid-hor-
stimulating activity to be expressed as hyperp ig-
mone binding ratio 0.94 (normal, 0.82- 1.2)
mentation. Certainl y, we have no reason to suspect
Free thyroxine index 4.1 ( normal, 5.5- ll.5).
that primary h ypoadrenalism is present.

Furtherlaboratory data were as follows: sodium T he rise in plasma cortisol is subnormal. I

120 mEq/L, potassium 3.4 mEq/L, chloride 85 consider a normal response of the plasma cortisol
mEq/L, total C02 24 mEq/L. Urine specific to be at least a doubli ng, w ith the stimulated value
gravity 1.016. Urine sodium (random speci- being greater than 18 at I hour after cosyntropin
men) 35 mEq/L, potassium 14 mEq/L. administration. I assume this test was done w ith
a bolus in jection of the ACTH analog. A more
The serum and urinary electrolytes are in- prolonged infusion would give a better indication
formative. The normal serum potassium suggests of the state of adrenal responsiveness. T hedata are
that neither aldosterone deficiency nor primary most consistent, however, w ith secondary adrenal
adrenal damage is present. Typically, with adrenal insufficiency. A normal aldosterone response to
insufficiency secondary to pituitary disease, there cosyntropin would be even stronger evidence of
is enough aldosterone to enable the kidneys to ex- pituitary disease. The low free thyroxine index also
crete potassium. G iven that the patient was not points to pituitary damage.
taking diuretics and did not have renal disease, the T he data imply that this patient will need both
high urinary sodium excretion argues against vol- glucocorticoid and thyroxine replacement. vVhen
ume depletion because sod ium excretion is close to such replacement is to be used, one should g ive
zero in the volume-depleted state. T he combina- the glucocorticoid first since there are reports that
tion ofhyponatrem ia, renal sod ium wasting, and a giv ing thyroxine first can occasionally prec ipitate
urine more concentrated than it should be strongly Addisonian crisis. T hose reports are from the older
suggests that the patient has SIADH. In th is dis- li terature, made at a time when thyroid hormone
order, sodium excretion reflects sodium intake in replacement was given in higher doses than we use
the steady state. today, but there is every reason to be prudent and no
particular reason to be aggressive w ith thyrox ine
Additional studies: reticulocyte count 1.6%,
therapy, especially if one considers the mild nature
mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 56.8, se-
of the thyroid defect. A TSH (thyro id-stimulating
rum iron 45 ,g/dL, iron-binding capacity
hormone) level would be of interest. If the patient
165 ,g/dL , serum folate 8 ,g/d L. Serum fer-
has secondary hypothyroid ism, the value should be
ritin 245 ,g/dL. H emoglobin electrophoresis:
normal. Lactate dehydrogenase 197 IU/L. To-
tal bilirubin 1.7 mg/dL. Random blood sugar CT scan of the head sh owed a mass lesion in the
67 m g/dL. sella turcica that had invaded the sphenoidal si-
nus and the clivus and extended anteriorly into
The patient's anemia is accompanied by a low
the pterygoid region and posteriorly along the
reticulocyte count. Patients with hypop ituitarism
foramen magnum. Sinus biopsy disclosed a ma-
can h ave significant anemia. W ith an MCV of56.8,
lignant tumor suggestive of a poorly differenti-
I also wonder if the patient has thalassemia trait,
ated carcinoma. Lumbar puncture showed the
which is not uncommon in Asians. T he blood sugar
following cerebrospinal fluid values: protein
is low, but not dangerously so. One occasionally
125 mg/dL, glucose 45 mg/dL, 22 white blood
sees severe h ypoglycemia in Addison disease or
cells (84 lymphs, 16 monos), and 287 RBCs.
in hypopituitarism, and if the patient h ad been
severely ill and comatose, I would have given her Here we have anatomic evidence of a tumor,
glucose immed iaLely. wh ich could certainly cause damage to the anterior
Additional blood studies: plasma cortisol pituitary and explain the biochemical findings.
(morning value) 3.0 ,g/dL. A fter cosyntropin The histology of a poorly differentiated carcinoma
stimulation, 10.2 ,g/dL. Plasma thyroxine and the location and extent of the tumor are con-
sistent w ith my earlier remarks about a 12th nerve


palsy being unusual for a typical pituitary ade- became volume expanded w ith the syndrome of
noma. T he histologic finding of poorly differen- inappropriate ADH secretion. In this context,
tiated carcinoma is compatible w ith the nasopha- the dry mucosa must be viewed as a misleading
ryngeal carcinoma that was diagnosed before. We finding.
need to keep in mind the possibility of a pituitary T he synthetic approach used by thediscussant
carcinoma, although those are very rare. \,Vhen in this case deserves comment. As she assembles a
present, they can be very aggressive and can present diagnosis ofhypopituirarism, she takes great pains
w ith a nasopharyngeal mass, but statistically, one to be sure that the diagnosis is both adequate and
would certainly more readi ly suspect a primary coherenr. 1 '~ A diagnosis can be considered adequate
nasopharyngeal lesion, especially in an Asian. when it encompasses all of the elementary hypothe-
ses aml acrnunls fur all (or al least nearly all) of the
The patient's fluid intake was restricted, she normal and abnormal find ings. In this instance,
was treated with levothyroxine sodium and we have one diagnosis that accounts for virtually
prednisone (in "replacement" doses), and ra- all of the findings: an invasive nasopharyngeal car-
diation was directed at the tumor. Within days, cinoma. A diagnosis is considered coherent when
plasma electrolytes returned to normal, postural physiologic links are appropriate (e.g., high urine
hypotension disappeared, and the cranial nerve sodium is related to volume expansion; normal re-
palsies partially resolved. sponse to cosyntropin is consistent w ith primary
pituitary, not primary ad renal insufficiency). A di-
The response to glucocorticoid replacement agnosis is also considered coherent when predispo-
occurs within minutes. The response to thyroxine sitions or complications associated with the disease
replacement occurs more slowly, over a period of entity areappropriate. In this instance, the patient's
weeks. I think the patient's presenting findings are race is an appropriate predisposing (ris k) factor for
due to hypopituitarism secondary to her tumor. the carcinoma, and the pituitary dysfunction is an
She had evidence ofSIADH, wh ich responded to appropriate complication of the cancer.
hormone replacement and treatment of the tumor. Apparent also in this problem-solving session
is the care with w hich the discussant seeks to ex-
Analysis plain every finding accord ing to her proposed h y-
T he discussant who solved this clinical problem pothesis. The major find ings- including the elec-
did a superb job ofsystematically working through trolyte abnormalities, the hormone results, and the
its complexities. She quickly appreciated that the anem ia- either are used to solid ify her hypothesis
patient had adrenal insufficiency, identified its or are explained by it. This meticulous interpreta-
cause as disordered pituitary function, and then tion of all of the data is the hallmark of an excellent
discovered other, related hormonal disorders. She cli nician.
accomplished this task despite conflicting clinical
data. On the one hand, some data- hyponatremia,
postural hypotension, and dry mucosa- suggested
that the patient was volume depleted. On the
other hand, the metabolic data argued strongly
against volume contraction; the patient's lower- A 52-year-old machine shop owner was evalu-
than-normal BUN and serum creatinine indicated ated for recurrent fever, chills, and sweats for
a supernormal glomerular filtration rate, and her 6 years.
urine sodium concentration was moderately high.
Although there is room for argument, we are in- Six years of illness seems to me a very long time
clined to believe that this postural hypotension was for an infectious disease, unless it is something like
caused not by a volume deficit bur by a deficit of tuberculosis. It also seems too long for the usual
adrenal hormones and that the patient did have malignant process, so I tend to think of something
SIADH w ith volume expansion. If that physio- 1ike a connective tissue disorder or perhaps some
logic construct is valid, the patient had a water- type of occupational exposure to fumes or other
excreting defect secondary to hypopituitarism and organic substance. Those are the things that occur


to me off the top. I would like to have more data pational exposure, and I would like to know if he
befo re I really try to guess what has been going on. ever took time away from his usual environment
and noticed any cha nge in h is feve r during the past
He was well until 7 years ago, when he was
3 yea rs. The rash does not help me much; I think
admitted to a hospital for chest pain. On the
it would be compatible w ith lupus or vasculitis.
basis of electrocardiographic findings, he was
People with Dressler syndrome do not usually get
said to have sustained a myocardial infarction.
cutaneous manifestations, so that disorder becomes
Six years ago, he reported the first of several less li kely.
episodes of fever and pleuritic chest pain, diag-
nosed each time as pneumonia and treated with Extensive tests both in and out of the hospital
antibiotics. Sometimes the fevers were associ- failed to disclose the cause of his complaints,
ated with pain in his calves, thighs, and arms, and the patient was treated with a variety of
and on other occasions with pain in his wrists, medications. Colchicine and dapsone had no
knees, and ankles. This set of symptoms usually effect. Prednisone (up to 25 mg daily) and in-
resolved in 5 to 10 days. domethacin (up to 125 mg daily) relieved the
joint pains but offered only slight relief from
Some ideas come to mind. If we assume this is fever; steroid therapy induced muscle weakness
all part of one problem and the myocardial infarc- and diabetes mellitus.
tion set off period ic episodes of fever, we could con-
sider the post- myocardial in farction, or Dressler, Some patient~ wi th connective tissue disease
synd rome. That d isorder is probably some type or vasculitis might not respond to the prednisone
of allergic response to myocardial tissue. The pa- dose that was g iven. I need some serologic data or
tients usually get plcuritie pa in and fever and som e - some tissue. I would li ke a biopsy of the rash or of an
times a pulmonary infiltrate. I must adm it that I organ if I can get some indication that the organ is
have never seen one that went on for 6 years, but worth looking at. I wa nt to see if h is alkaline phos-
that would bea possibility. Another thought is that phatase is elevated to give me some idea if some-
maybe they were wrong the first time around and thing may be goi ng on in his liver. I would want to
what he had instead of a myocardial infa rction know whether he has hematuria or something else
was pericarditis. Conceivably, he could be hav- that would make me want to look at his kidneys
ing recurrent episodes of pleuropericardial disease. or some ch ronic cutaneous lesions that I could per-
W ith the arthralgias and other symptoms, I think haps biopsy. I have a sense that I am dea ling w ith
ofsomethi ng in the lupus fam ily. There is a remote something in the polyarteritis or lupus fa mily a nd
possibility that he had a vasculi tis that somehow af- that I will need either serologic or pathologic in-
fected the myocardial vessels and now he is hav ing formation before I can make a diagnosis.
other k inds of problems related to vasculitis, but I
His only foreign travel in recent years was to
think that is highly unlikely.
Aruba 8 years ago. He had not been camping,
Three years ago, he began to experience almost and he lived in a city. He had a history consistent
daily fevers as high as 40C with chills, drench- with Raynaud phenomenon. His family history
ing sweats, and migratory polyarthralgias. Dur- was unremarkable.
ing at least one febrile episode, he complained
T he rest of the information does not help me
of exquisite pain above the right shoulder and
very much. The foreign travel makes me think
right hip, but x-rays of those regions were nor-
that whoeve r summarized the history was think-
mal. He recalled a fleeting red rash on his trunk
ing about an infectious problem, but I think the
during some episodes of fever.
answer is elsewhere. Raynaud phenomeno:l would
I must admit that I have never seen a nybody cc::rtai11l y fiL in w id1 a prc::sumcJ t:u1 u1c::cL ivc:: Lissuc::
w ith lupus or polyarteritis who had been sick with disease.
daily fevers for 3 years, but I suspect that may reflect Physical examination was unremarkable.
my limited experience. I am still most interested White cell count was 12,000 to 14,000; on two
in that possibility. I am still concerned about occu-


occasions, there were 51 % polys and 24% bands. Abnormal studies included low titer antimi-
Hematocrit was 36 to 38%. Platelet count was crosomal antibody (one occasion). Abdominal
350,000 to 430,000. Sedimentation rate was 70 CT scan 8 months earlier disclosed normal-
to 90 mm/hr; ct1- and ct2-globulins, C-reactive appearing liver, but the spleen was enlarged.
protein, and antinuclear antibodies were ele- Liver biopsy 8 months earlier yielded two dif-
vated when measured during one of his hospi- ferent interpretations: (1) chronic inflamma-
talizations. tory changes secondary to systemic inflamma-
tion; (2) acute and chronic changes suggesting
It surprises me that he had such a h igh per- a "primary hepatic process." (Neither acid-fast
centage ofbands. T hat suggests more acute inflam- bacilli nor granulomas were seen.)
mation, but h is low hematocrit is consistent with a
chronic illness, as are the elevated ct-globuli ns and I do :10t get any more thoughts from these
sed imen tation ra te. None of th is really changes my additional data. I am slightly concerned that th is
mi nd, and I am still look ing for info rmation about could be a lymphoma, bud still th in k I would prob-
a connective tissue d isease or a vascul itis. Nothi ng ably proceed with a renal aneriogram. It m igh t be
here so far makes me wan t to look for an infectious useful to ra ke another look at the spleen to see if it is
or malign ant cause. indeed en larged, but the CT scan of th e abdomen
and pelvis should have revealed that, and I suspect
All of the following studies were normal or it is probably not enlarged.
negative: urinalyses, serum albumin and elec-
trolytes, renal function studies, liver function On the basis of the fever, leukocytosis, anemia,
studies, thyroid function studies, pulmonary evanescent rash, polyarthralgias, and evidence
function studies, angiotensin-converting- of chronic inflammation in the liver biopsy,
enzyme level, rheumatoid factor and antinu- adult-onset Still disease was diagnosed. High-
clear antibodies, urine for light chains, serum dose salicylate therapy was recommended.
iron and iron-binding capacity, rectal biopsy
for amyloid, hemoglobin electrophoresis,
T h is impresses me as a long time for Still dis-
multiple blood, urine, and stool cultures, stools
ease to be going on without the development of
for ova and parasites, hepatitis antigen, and
more joint symptoms. In most of the patients I
antibodies, multiple chest x-rays, hip x-ray, up-
have seen with Still d isease who present wi th a
per GI series, CT scan of abdomen and pelvis,
feve r of undetermined origi n, the rheumatic ill-
electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, bone
marrow biopsy, febrile agglutinins, Brucella ness usually becomes a little more prominent after
a year or two.
titers, Blastomyces antibodies, antimalarial
On 15 aspirins per day, the patient's fever and
arthralgias disappeared. He remained some-
T his is a rather extensive work up. O ne test
what weak but returned to work 2 weeks after
stri kes my eye. T he an tinuclear antibod ies are neg-
starting salicylate therapy.
at ive, which means that either he has one of the
mixed connective t issue diseases or he has an un-
usual form of lupus. There is noth ing here that T h is is an interesting case- dearly not one
helps me ru le out polyarteritis. I suspect that we that I would have diagnosed on the basis of the long
are going to have to get some tissue. One of the h istory and the rather minimal rheumatic com-
th ings one could do to investigate polyaneritis is pla in ts. The response to salicylates is gratify ing,
perform a renal aneriogram. Another possibility, and I would be very interested in seeing what hap-
wh ich I should have mentioned earlier, is a fac- pens to the patient over time. Should he become
titious fever. T here was no documentation of the ill aga in, I would still be in terested in looking at
fever anywhere in the data. I am still leaning to- h is renal arteries to see whether there m ight be
ward something like a vasculitis, however. evidence of a vasculi tis.


ings whose conditional probabilities are far h igher

Analysis for diseases 2 and 3 than for disease I) could reduce
Even after all the history, physical findings, and the probability of d isease 1 and raise the probabil-
extensive laboratory findings were available, we ity of d iseases 2 and 3, such that the probabilities
still are not confident that we know what is wrong of all three diseases end up the same or nearly th e
wit!h th is patient. We chose such a patient for pre- same. T h is situation- equal probability of all d i-
sentation because, from time to t ime, we do find agnostic possibilities- describes maximum diag-
ourselves in just such a d iagnostic quandary, and nostic uncertainty, or a quandary li ke the one we
we w ished to explore how we deal with it. are considering.
W hen a physician begins to explore the cause In our second model, the probability of each
of a patient's complaints, he or she does not start of the th ree diseases at a given point in time is th e
w it!h a "blank page." Instead, a patient's age, sex, same, namely 0.33. If the conditional probabilities
principal complaints, and physical appearance, as of some din ical find ings identified thereafter are
wel I as a myriad of other subtle (and frequen tly h igher for one of the possible diseases (say, disease
not expl icit) clues, suggest certain diagnostic pos- 3), that d isease becomes more likely and the other
sibilities. Complaints such as dysur ia narrow the two diseases less likely. If additional data emerge
possib ilities greatly, but other presenting manifes- later in which the cond it ional probabilities of th e
tations, such as weakness or fat igue, are far less findings favor one or both of the other two diseases,
d irective. No matter what th e starting posit ion or the probabilities of all th ree d iseases may end up
met hods that are used to gather additional data, equal or nea rly equal again.
we usuall y wind up with enough information to If, for example, a patient is considered to
formulate a working d iagnosis, one that allows us have an equal likelihood of hepatitis, cholestatic
to take the next step- that is, to treat the patient jaund ice, and extrahepatic biliary obstruction, an
or perhaps to proceed with a r isky, invasive diag- elevated alkali ne phosph atase would reduce th e
nostic test. But what if no clear diagnos is emerges? chance of hepatitis and increase the chance of ob-
How does such a quandary occur, and when it does struction (either type), but the subsequent finding
occur, what can we do about it? of a very high a lan ine transaminase (ALT) might
First, we will develop two models t hat explain reduce all th ree diagnostic possibilities to equiv a-
how we end up w ith an uncertain d iagnosis. To do lent values. Clearly, these models are merely two
so, we must assume that at an y given point in such examples of how a diagnostic quandary can be
an exercise, an intermediate or tentative d iagnosis reached.
can be represented as an array of possible d iseases, vVhat should be done, then, when we do not
each associated w ith some probability, and that the have a definitive diagnos is? Man y have been puz-
sum of all such probabilities is 1.0. 156111 In such a zled, in such situations, to observe senior clinicians
scheme, we devise two models, each of which con- who have no difficulty with such quandaries: They
sists arbitrarily of th ree possible diseases. In the first declare tl1e patient to have a certain disease (usu-
model, the probabilities of the three d iseases at a ally one that cannot be either proved or d isproved)
g iven point during the collection and interpreta- and recommend treatment based on the diagnos is
tion of clinical data are d isease 1, 0.8; disease 2, 0.1 ; they have designated. This practice is analogous to
and disease 3, 0.1. In th is first model, any clinical the apocryphal reply of a baseball umpire: vV hen
finding w ith a likelihood ratio that favors diseases ask ed how he decided whether a p itch was a strilke
2 and 3 will lower the probability of disease 1. or a ball, he declared, "They a in't nothing unt il I
If, for example, one is inclined to believe that calls them."
a patient has idiopathic neph rotic syndrome and Clearly, just g iving a patient a diagnostic la-
serum complement is found to be low, the diagno- bel does not necessarily ma ke it so, and although
sis oflipid neph ros is becomes much less li kely and some seasoned clinicians seem to have a way of
that of mem branoprol iferative gl ome ruloneph ritis intuit ively sensing the correct d iagnosis, such an
mu.ch more likely. It is easy to imagine in th is model approach does not read ily lend itself to objective ex-
how a set of clinical findings more h ighly corre- amination. Another of the interesting approaches
lated w ith the other two diseases (specifically, find - in such a situation is to wait it out- that is, to


continue to observe the patient until findings In some cases, we may be forced to acceler-
emerge that clarify the p icture. T his practice of- ate the diagnostic work up, us ing risk y, invasive
ten is referred to as us ing "tincture of t ime." A tests sooner than we would have li ked. In a patient
th ird approach, closely allied to the second, is typ- with progressive, severe weight loss, for example,
ified by a one-liner attributed to the distinguished delay ing those tests may compromise the patient's
clinician Robert F. Loeb: "If you don't know what chance of recovery even more than immediate ex-
to do, don't do anyth ing. " 222 posure to the risk y procedures. Many of these dec i-
When all is said and done, what should we do sions can be aided by decision analysis. Ifa full set of
w hen we do not have a clefinite d iagnosis' Some the d iseases that could be affecting the patient can
expert cl inicians who often deal with such patient~ be identified; if the t herapeutic approaches, the ir
(e.g., those with fever of undetermined orig in) ad- efficacies, and complications c.an be ascertained;
vocate tak ing a fresh approach and "starting from and if the values (utilities) of all outcomes can be
scratch"- namely, tak ing the h istory over again, specified, then the optimal approach w ill be the one
repeating a complete physical examination, and with the h ighest expected utility. Even the val u e of
reordering selected laboratory test~. Its occasional combined therapeutic approaches- that is, using
success is explained by several possibilities. F irst, more than one treatment-can be assessed with
the fresh look may be more extensive than the ini- this tool.
tial evaluation and may u ncover previously over- Fortunately, the incidence of frustrating d i-
looked h istorical features (e.g., an exposure to a agnostic quandar ies that stop clinicians in the ir
certain infectious agent) or physical findings (e.g., tracks and lead to paralysis of therapeutic decision
a patch of chorioretinitis). Second, some tests that making is small and. getting smaller with the ad-
were either posit ive or negative earlier may g ive vent of non invasive scans and m inimall y invasive
d ifferent results because th e initial results were ei- b iopsies. Nonetheless, we k now little about how
ther falsely positive or negative. Third, the patient's to proceed in such ci rcumstances. \!Ve do not even
d isease may still be in evolution, and new, d iagnos- have a means of identifying them when they oc-
tically helpful findings may have developed. cur, and we do not h ave a classification for th em.
The adv ice not to do anythi ng when the di- Clearly, we need to learn more about th is interest-
agnosis is in doubt clearly was never meant to be ing and potentially important dilemma. Folklore
universally applicable. In fact, almost everyone ap- is no longer a sufficient basis for medical decision
preciates that not making a dec ision is tantamount making.
to making a decision, namely, not to change the
existing or current approach. vVhen the patient's
welfare does not hi nge on an immediate change CASE 42. DIAGNOSIS BY FIAT
in therapy, t incture of time is certainly appropri-
ate, and reassessing the patient repeatedly for new A 39-year-old woman with a history of
find ings is warranted. hypertension, asymptomatic proteinuria, /3-
Unfortunately, we are not always afforded the thalassemia trait, and h ypothyroidism pre-
luxury of extra time. Both acute and ch ronic situ- sented with a 3-week history of shortness of
ations that demand immediate action despite un- breath. She was fou nd to be in congestive heart
certain diagnos is read il y come to mind. We must failure.
choose a therapeutic approach immediately for a
patient who is unable to provide a coherent h is- My first though t is tl1at the /3-thalassemia trait
tory and presents with shock from an unknown probably has noth ing to do with the development
ca use. In such cases, we treat all the manifestations of the congestive heart fa il ure. Second, the conges-
of shock and often resort to treating all the likely tive heart fa il ure presumably could be related to
ca uses until we are able to get more data. \,Ve may the hypertension, altihough I have no history of the
be forced to treat a cancer patient blindly w ith radi- severity or duration of the hypertension, and I do
at ion therapy if a lesion threatens to compress the not know whether it has been treated and whet her
spinal cord, even though the lesion has not been she was on med ication. Sim ilarly, hypotl1yroid ism
identified by biopsy as metastatic. could be important, but then again I do not k now


how long she has had it and whether it has been

cholesterol was 206 mg/dL. Antinuclear anti-
properly managed w ith replacement therapy. Con -
body was 1:5,120 in a nucleolar pattern.
gestive heart failure could be due to many things,
a nd it may be unrelated to the history that is avail- T he low thyroxine index, elevated TSH, and
able at this point. positive antichyroglobulin antibody suggest thy-
roiditis or some type of auto immune d isorder.
Blood pressure was 164/110 mm Hg. Rales were
There appears to be a renal lesion causing pro-
present over both lung fields. Cardiac exam-
tein loss in the nephrotic range, but I would like to
ination revealed an S3 gallop with no rubs
know what the protein is. The patient is a young
or murmurs. The spleen tip was felt. Slight
p~cfa) ~cil'm::I W::IS pr~s~nt. foiti::i) fahor::itory woma n, a nd the question of lupus comes up, but
the nucleolar pattern of the anti nuclear antibody is
data were as follows: white cell count 10,400,
not the pattern typically seen w ith lupus. The nu-
hemoglobin 13.6 g/dL, hematocrit 35%, MCV
cleolar pattern could be seen in a variety of other
77, and platelets 91,000. Electrolytes were nor-
d iseases.
mal, BUN 19 mg/dL, creatinine 1.6 mg/dL,cre-
atine kinase (CK) 863 IU/L, MB 10.3%. Uri- The following studies yielded negative or nor-
nalysis: specific gravity 1.020, pH 6.0, protein mal results: CHso, C4, C3, C2, Clq, rheuma-
> 100 mg/dL. Sediment examination revealed a toid factor, hepatitis B antigen, anti-dsDNA
few white blood cells. ECG showed sinus tachy- (antibody to double-stranded DNA), anti-ss
cardia. T-wave changes consistent with inferior (single-stranded) DNA, anti-Ro, anti-La,
and lateral ischemia were present. anti-Scl-70, anti-Sm, anti-RNP.

The low MCV is consiscent wi th the cha- T hese resulcs arg ue aga insc mixed connective
lassemia tra it. T he low platelet count suggests an tissue disease, aga inst systemic lupus, and against
add itional process and may be relaced to the pal- scleroderma. W hat do they suggest? It is still pos-
pable splee n. T he h igh CK might indicate m yo- sible that she has an auto immune thyroiditis, but
cardial damage, especially with the elevaced NfB that does not accou nt for the protein loss in urine
percentage, or it might be related to inadequately or explain the whole picture.
treated hypothyroidism. The proteinuria suggests
A consulting clinician felt that a definitive di-
thac the patient has some kind of renal disease, but
agnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
we do nm know whether it is secondary to hyper-
could not be made because the patient did not
tension o r whether the hypertension is secondary
fulfill the American College ofRheumatology's
to the renal disease. The palpable spleen and the
(ACR) criteria for the diagnosis of SLE. A re-
low platelet count could go together, but I cannot
nal biopsy was recommended to help clarify the
relate these findings to an y of the other informa-

Cardiac failure and hypertension were aggres- I guess the main purpose of the renal biopsy
sively treated with diuretics and vasodilators. would be to clarify the nature of the renal disease
An echocardiogram revealed a moderate-sized that is causing a lot of protein loss but not really
circumferential pericardia! effusion. Concen- impair ing renal function that much. It is possible
tric left ventricular hypertrophy was present, thata renal biopsy is not going to be of much help in
with a hypokinetic inferoposterior wall. Ejec- the management of the patient. I do not remember
tion fraction was 65%. Viral titers were nega- all of the ACR criteria, but I believe they include
tive. Cardiac catheterization disclosed normal skin involvement, joint involvement, a nd probably
coronary arteries. Free thyroxine index was 0.8, some specification of the type of autoantibod y that
TSH 227 ,U/mL, antithyroglobulin antibody is seen. It typically should be anti-dsDNA in an
1:25,600. Thyroid replacement therapy was ini- abnormal titer. W ith active disease, I would think
tiated. Her 24-hour urine protein excretion was that CHso and the C3 should be down, but I do
2.5 to 4.2 g. Serum albumin was 3.4 g/dL, and not remember if they are in the AC R criteria for


SLE. Should the consultant be criticized for mak-

A renal biopsy revealed diffuse thickening
ing an inappropriate judgment with flimsy evi-
of capillary loops consistent with membra-
dence? Retrospectively, of course, it seems quite
nous nephropathy. Subepithelial, subendothe-
obvious that h is recommendations were appropr i-
lial, and mesangial deposits were found. The
ate; indeed, he appears almost prescient, because
patient was thought to have the membranous
within 2 months the patient manifested flagrant
glomerulopathy of lupus. Therapy with corti-
costeroids and immunosuppressive agents was
Here is the issue raised by this case: How ap-
propriate is it to require that a diagnosis fits the
I think the rheumatologist was correct- that fixed criteria of some defined recipe? How crit-
the whole picture does not meet the criteria. ic.:al are Liu: c.:011J itio11s for setting up suc.:lt crite-
ria? W hen such criteria have been esta blished for
The patient refused treatment. Two months a given cli~ease and a g iven patient fails to meet all
later, she presented with vasculitis that pro- the criteria, should we not diagnose that disease?
duced ischemia in several fingertips. She was Should we simply keep the diagnosis "on hold"
treated with plasmapheresis, prednisone, and unti l more data appear?
cyclophosphamide, with a good response. Over T he practice of making diagnoses by adher-
the next several months, she had intermittent ing to set criteria has been appl ied in several
exacerbations of her disease, characterized by settings. 22; 224 Some of the purposes of establish-
recurrent vasculitis of her fingers, decreases in ing fixed diagnostic criteria are as follows :
her serum complement activity, and increased
I. To make a diagnosiS that will be a guide to ther-
proteinuria. Her anti-dsDNA levels remained
apy. Criter ia h ave been fash ioned to d iagnose a
normal. Nine months after her initial presenta-
number of diseases, including acute rheumatic
tion, she was in remission on prednisone. Her
fever (the venerable Jones criteria),225 aller-
antinuclear antibody titer was 1:640 with a nu-
gic bronchopulmonary asperg illos i~,22 6 Beh<;et
cleolar speckled pattern. Her creatinine was sta-
. n 7 r heumato1'd arth nus;
d 1sease; ns a nd sys-
ble at 1.1 mg/dL with a 24-hour urinary protein 229
temic lupus erythematosus.
excretion of 2.1 g.
2. Forcimical research. For this application, crite-
In this case, I would be more comfortable us- ria usually are used to identify a homogeneous
patient population for study.
ing a broader term than system ic lupus and say that
3. For reimbursement purposes. Cod ing into cat-
the patient had an autoimmune disorder that cer-
egories by set diagnostic criteria provides
tainly affected her thyroid and her kid neys and
poss ihl y ~ffutt>cl ht>r ht>~rt. Sht' clicl nor h~vt' ~
an unambiguous approach to identification
of patients who are el igible for insurance
number of features that most people recognize as
components of the diagnostic entity systemic lu pus coverage. 230
erythematosus. T he second purpose is essential to proper clin-
ical research; the third purpose also seems rational,
Analysis especially when done carefully and thoughtfully.
T his patient presented with proteinuria and de- However, the first approach- namely, setting cri-
clining renal function secondary to an immune teria solely for the purpose of fitting a patient into
complex glomeruloneph ritis, which a renal pathol- a diagnostic pigeonhole-deserves comment.
ogist identified as consistent w ith lupus nephri- A fundamental concept in the definition of a
tis. Her antinuclear antibody titer was markedly disease is the notion of a gold standard. This stan-
elevated, but no other clinical manifestations or dard is often based on histologic features and less
laboratory evidence of SLE were identified de- frequently on specific radiologic features or even
spite an extensive search. A consultant recom- on a particular response to therapy. Once the gold
mended that the patient be treated aggressively standard is established, the clinical and laboratory
for I upus nephritis, even though she failed to sat- features of the d isease can be identified. Because
isfy w idely accepted criteria for the d iagnos is of not all features are invariably associated with the


d isease in a given patient and because some mani- lupus, what else could it be? What are the other
festat ions occur in one stage of the disease and not in competing d iagnoses? T hi rd, the criteria are sim-
another, it is convenient to descr ibe the occurrence ply add it ive: If the patient has fewer than a g iven
of cl inical features and laboratory manifestations number of criteria, the diagnosis of lupus should
in probabilistic terms. not be made, whereas if the patient has more than
Among patients w ith lung cancer, for exam- the sufficient nLUnber of present criteria, the diag-
ple, how many have Horner syndrome? How does nos is of lupus can be made w ith confidence.
the frequency of this feature vary with the loca- Yet the Bayesian model shows quite clearly
tion, duration, or type of tumor? How often is that unless likelihood ratios for all clinical find ings
Horner syndrome associated with other tumors? are the same (a d istinctly unusual phenomenon), a
W ith other, non- tumor-related d isease? Once we simple arithmetic combination of individual crite-
know these probabilistic assoc iations, we are in a ria (whether cl inical or laboratory) does not ade-
position not only to interpret cl inical signs and lab- quately descr ibe how a feature affects a given d i-
oratory abnormalities, but also to engage in d if- agnostic possibility. In fact, it is the strength of th e
ferential diagnos is- the process of d ifferentiating correlation between a given feature and a given dlis-
among the many d iseases that can produce sim ilar ease that determines how a single feamre should
clinical and laboratory manifestations. be weighted. T he presence of a feature that occurs
The process of interpret ing such clinical data in 99% of patients with lupus and 0.00 I % of pa-
and integrating t hem into a coherent working di- t ients w ith another d isease (such as h igh levels of
agnos is (i.e., a d iagnosis that is a guide to further double-stranded DNA) is a far more powerful ar-
test ing or therapy) is often performed implicitly gument in favor of a diagnos is oflupus than is th e
and w ithout calculation but Can be conducted for- presence of a feature that occurs in 80% of patients
mall y by means of Bayesian analysis, as descr ibed with SLE and in 6% of patients with diseases th at
earlier. 156176 T he Bayesian approach has special often are confused with lupus.
value as a model of the diagnostic process be- Given these shortcomings of d iagnosis by fiat,
cause it identifies many of the traps behind the what can we offer in its place? Careful Bayesian
integration of clinical and laboratory data. It re- analysis is one approach. D iscrim inant analysis is
quires, for example, that the diagnostic possibili- another because it combines the gold standard w ith
ties form an inclusive and complete set and that careful studies of the frequency of manifestations
man ifestations included in any calculation be mu- and th us g ives appropriate weight to find ings th.at
tually exclusive of each other . 103 The latter requ ire- are either present or absent. Short of using these
ment avoids "double counting" for the strength quantitative approaches, the best guidelines are th e
of two or more d ifferent manifestations that are following: Consider all relevant diagnostic possi-
fundamentally part of the same phys iologic dis- bilit ies, weight each manifestation according to th e
turbance. The benefit of the Bayesian framework frequency w ith which it occurs in al l the compet-
is that it focuses on the interplay among all the ing d isorders, avoid double-counting physiologi-
d iagnostic possibilit ies: Once a complete set is as- cally related manifestations, and remember th.at
sembled, evidence favoring one d iagnosis over an- features derived from the h istory and physical ex-
other must, pari passu, yield a reduction in the amination may be as d iscriminating as those de-
likel ihood of one or more alternative d iagnostic rived from the chem istry laboratory or imaging
possib ilities. unit.
Against this Bayesian model, let us consider vVhether the patient descr ibed here has lu-
d iagnosis accord ing to fixecl criteria- in particu- pus or some yet unnamed disorder is uncertain.
lar, the diagnos is of systemic lupus erythematosus If it is not lupus, as our d iscussant argues, it is a
by the ACR criteria. Compared w ith the Bayesian close relative. No matter whether we d iagnose by
model, the ACR criteria appear flawed. F irst, they fiat or by combining probabilistic variables, it may
were not originall y based on a gold standard. Sec- not be prudent to sit and wait for new manifesta-
ond , they stand in isolation rather than in relation t ions to appear before treating. Even though o u r
to other diagnost ic possibilities. T hey th us fa il to confidence in a given d iagnosis may be enhanced
ask the important questions: If this is not systemic by watch ing and waiting, the golden opportunity


for intervening in a poten t ially lethal d isease may other biopsy specimen was thought to be consistent
sometimes pass us by. with pheoch romocytoma. Because of recurrent
bleeding, an oncologist was consulted. T h is ph ys i-
cian though t that the clinical course was inconsis-
CASE 43. IRON PYRITE AND tent with a pheoch romocytoma and requested that
special h istologic srudies be done on the original
t issue specimens. T he special stains disclosed that
the tumor was an angiosarcoma, not a pheochro-
Example 1
mocytoma. (Note: An extensive d iscussion of th is
A 28-year-old woman was adm itted to the hospi- patient can be found in case 66.)
t.al with a IO-wee k history of nausea, vomiting, and
abdom inal bloating. Six years before admission she Example 3
had undergone laparoscopy for abdominal bloat- A 52-year-old man had a laparotomy for acute
ing; no abnormalities were found. Two years be- appendicitis. T he specimen showed acute inflam-
fore adm ission she had had another laparoscopy for mation and a t iny perforation, but it also con-
a righ t tubal pregnancy. She had been well other- tained a tumor. The pathologist described the
w ise. On adm ission, her abdomen was d istended. lesion as a carcinoma of the appendix that orig-
A fluid wave and m ild diffuse tenderness were de- inated in a villous adenoma, and he recommended
tected. Abdominal CT sc:an confirmed the ascites further surgery. Postoperatively, the surgeon rec-
and d isclosed a 5 x 3.5-cm right adnexal mass. A ommended that the p atient undergo a right hemi-
CA 125 level was 800 (normal, 0 to 35). colectomy.
Exploratory laparotomy d isclosed a r ight cor- T he patient's gastroenterologist was skeptical
pus luteum cyst and multiple whi te implants on of the d iagnosis of cancer of the append ix because
the parietal and visceral peritoneum. A frozen th is d isease is extremely rare. He reviewed t he h is-
section of one of the implants in the cul-de-sac tologic sections and concluded that the find ings
was reported as "consistent w ith adenocarcinoma thought to be consistent with cancer, namely g lan-
of unknown primary; cannot rule out acute in- dular structures in the adventitia, resulted not from
flammation." On the basis of th is find ing, a to- metastatic spread of the tumor but from an artifact
t.al abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo- attributable to the techn ique by which the sp eci-
oophorectomy were performed. T he postoperative men was sectioned. The gastroenterologist recom-
d iagnosis was adenocarcinoma. mended observation only. The patient has been
Rev iew of the permanent sections revealed entirely well in the 25 years since.
only mult iple noncaseating granulomas involving
the fallopian tubes. There was no mal ignancy. T he Analysis
patient was treated for granulomatous peritonitis T hese th ree examples ra ise a problem rarely dis-
w ith anti tuberculous medications and adrenal cor- cussed and for which we have few data: the clinical
ticosteroids. situation in which a usually impeccable and reli-
able "gold standard" turns out to be simply wrong
Example 2 and the patient suffers because of the error. All
A 44-year-old man presented with righ t flank pain th ree cases illustrate the same fundamental prin-
of3 months' duration. Abdominal ultrasound and ciple of clinical decision making, yet in each the
CT scan revealed a solid I I-cm right adrenal mass. outcome was determined by whether the ph ys i-
H is history was unremarkable. Plasma cortisol lev- cian respons ible for the patient's care recogn ized
els and ur inary excretion of catecholamines, vanil- that the standard was not gold but only looked like
lylmandelic ac id, and metaneph r ines were all nor- gold.
mal. A righ t adrenalectomy was performed. T he T he patient with the granulomatous lesions
pathologic diagnosis was p heochromocytoma. on her peritoneal mem brane lost her uterus and
Six weeks later the patient had an episode of fallopian tu bes unnecessarily; the histologic inter-
intraabdominal bleeding, which necessitated a re- pretation on the frozen section was not defin i-
peat laparotomy. No bleeding site was found. An- tive (adenocarcinoma or inflammation), yet the


subsequent surgery was done for cancer. A defini- cancer, the rarity of the lesion should have raised
tive reading of the biopsy as inflammation came more questions about the validity of it~ designation
on! y after the fact. as malignant.
The patient with the abdom inal angiosar- In all th ree cases, tiherefore, some feature th at
coma was subjected to a delay in the administration was not fully consistent w ith the suspected diag-
of chemotherapy. The correct d iagnosis was made nos is migh t have been the essential signal that a
only after a consultant recognized that pheochro- new diagnost ic hypothesis should be entertained.
mocytoma was not a plausible explanation for all F inally, all three examples of erroneous interpre-
of the patient's clinical find ings. tation involved rare d iseases: granulomatous peri-
The man with an appendiceal adenoma en- tonitis, abdominal angiosarcoma, and append iceal
dured the anxiety of th ink ing that he had cancer villous adenoma.
and that he would require another laparotomy. In One of the problems encountered here is a
th is case, the unlikelihood of cancer of the append ix special case of a concept we have considered be-
led the gastroenterologist to search for a more plau- fore, namely the notion. of adequacy of d iagnosis 19
sible d iagnostic hypothesis. The gastroenterologist (see cases 38, 39, and 40). Adequacy is a crite-
was confident that the h istologic findings were far rion that ask s the following question: Are all th e
more consistent with a benign villous adenoma. findings in the patient explained by the work-
We have argued that a d iagnosis is a belief in ing diagnos is? Clearly, in one of the cases we de-
the state of a patient and th at certainty in diag- scribed (the angiosarcoma), all findings were not
nos is is difficult, if not impossible, to attain. We adequately explained by the working d iagnosis. In
have also laid out ground rules for the verifica- another case (the append iceal lesion), both cancer
tion of d iagnostic hypotheses (see case 39). Here we and adenoma would have explained all the find -
offer th ree specific examples in wh ich tissue his- ings, but the gravity of the cancer diagnos is led to
tology, putatively our most reliable confirmatory a search for a d ifferent, equally plaus ible explana-
d iagnostic a id, yielded an incorrect initial diagno- tion.
sis. Even the final arb iter- rhe pathologist- does Here are some lessons from the tarn ished gold
not always have the right answer. We see from standard: (I) Beware if t he criterion of adequacy
these examples that it can make a difference: In is not satisfied. If it is not, seriously question th e
one case, a patient had an LUrnecessary hysterec- work ing d iagnosis and search for a more plaus i-
tomy and salpingo-oophorectomy; another patient ble d iagnostic hypothesis. 26 134 (2) Exercise speclial
nea rly hada partial colectomy. W hat signals should caution when ma king a diagnos is of a rare d isease,
we look for in identifying such problems? particularly when the prognosis for that d isease is
Some clues can be found in the th ree case poor. (3) Beware of positive find ings in tests or-
h istories. In the patient w ith the granulomatous dered for the wrong reason: As we noted before,
peritoneal lesions, a n equivocal histologic interpre- posit ive results often turn out to be false positives
tation should have been a signal to study the tis- (see case 23). (4) If you are not certain whether you r
sue further before proceed ing w ith more surgery. find ings match a given d iagnosis, consult your col-
In the patient w ith the abdominal angiosarcoma, leagues, the experts, oir the literature. It may be
atyp ical clinical features should have suggested the dangerous simply to assume that d iscrepant or un-
possibility that the tumor was not a pheochromo- explained findings just represent variations on a
cytoma. In the man with suspected appendiceal theme of d isease.

Therapeutic Decision

CASE 44. THE SURGEON OPTS tion of the bowel. Probably, broad-spectrum
antibiotics a nd complete bowel rest should be
prescribed and the patient followed closely for a
period to see if the abdominal findings will resolve.
A 38-year-old man with a 12-year history of ul-
Otherwise, it is probably important to have a sur-
cerative colitis was admitted to a community
g ical co11su1Latiu11 ea rly lU make sure that if sy mp -
hospital with bloody diarrhea and abdominal
toms and signs progress despite optimum medi-
pain. Campylobacter was found in his stool,
cal management, preparation has been made for
and he was treated with a macrolide antibiotic
for IO days, but the diarrhea worsened. Sig-
moidoscopy showed a diffuse, erythematous, Parenteral nutrition was instituted, and the pa-
friable mucosa, and mucosa! biopsy was con- tient was allowed nothing by mouth. Sharpleft-
sistent with ulcerative colitis. Treatment with upper-quadrant pain with shoulder radiation
steroids was begun. Abdominal pain and di- was treated with meperidine.
arrhea persisted, and an abdominal plain film
showed distention of the transverse colon with Parenteral nutrition is important in these pa-
air- fluid levels. The white cell count was 14,600 tients, although it is a little unclear how acute the
with 58 polys and 6 hands. need for parenreral nutrition was in chiscase. Ifche
patient was otherwise healthy and he was in good
A:ly time a patient with ulcerative colitis
nutritional shape, chat probably would not have
presents w ith exacerbation of symptoms, regard-
been my cop priority. T he emergence of sharp left-
less of whether the disease has been active or in-
upper-quadrant pain in this setting is strongly in-
active, several things should come to mind. For
dicative of perforat ion. The shoulder pain is related
starters, it could be just an exacerbation of the
to diaphragmatic irritation from an inflammatory
d isease, wh ich w ill respond qu ickly to medical
process in the left upper quadrant, and in this set-
management with steroids and bowel rest. T hese
t ing, it is almost certainly related to perforation
patients muse be closely followed in the hospital
of the colon. I th in k treati ng with meperid ine is
because of the potential for complications, such as
not going to do anyth ing but mask the symptoms.
toxic megacolon and perforation. It is probably not
appropriate to attri buce the worsen ing of symp- I would ge t a repeat plain film of the abdomen
and prepare the patient to go to the operating
toms in such patients to infectious causes wi thout
clear-cut documentation that their ulcerative coli-
tis is quiescent. I think, therefore, that the Campy- Repeat plain film was said to be consistent with
lobacter here probably is just a red herring. T he toxic megacolon, and the patient was trans-
d istention of the transverse colon assoc iated w ith ferred to Tufts Medical Center. On admission,
the elevated white cell count is a n ominous sign: he was afebrile, and his vital signs were normal.
T he evolution of toxic megacolon in this setting His abdomen was distended, with diffuse ten-
can be rapid and life threatening, especially in pa- derness but no rebound tenderness. No bowel
tients on steroids, wh ich might mask the clinical sounds were heard. Rectal examination dis-
progression of the disease. It is important chat the closed liquid brown stool that was guaiac pos-
patient be followed closely with serial abdom inal itive. Flexible sigmoidoscopy was unchanged
films. from before.
A( this point, I would not manipulate the
colon any further and would not use any an- T he :iatient clearly has toxic megacolon. I
tidiarrheal agents, especially any antichol inergic would not be misled by the face that he is
agents that might further depress motor func- afebr ile and has normal vital signs. T he patient is



probably on fai rly high doses of steroids, so the vi- probably going to lose his colon some time in the
tal signs and temperature can be deceiving. The next I 0 to 15 years.
abdomen is distended, w ith diffuse tenderness. I
believe the patient probably already has a perfo- Analysis
rated bowel, so I do not think it was necessary to Internists sometimes consider a surgeon's clinical
do a sigmoidoscopy. Assuming he has had a good judgment that differs from theirs a consequence of
physical examination and if h is abdomen appears an undefined but widely acknowledged "surgical
to be that tender and distended, I think that perfo- mentality." Likewise, surgeons invoke a "medical
ration has to be the leading diagnosis. If the colon mentality" when they judge that an internist has
has perforated, the surgical mortali ty increases to used medical therapy too long before referring the
50% LO 70%, cumpareJ with a fai rl y acceptable rate patient for puss iblc surgery. Sume surgeuns even
of probably 12%, maybe 18%, for non perforated acqu ire a reputation of being "medically oriented"
toxic megacolon. I think it is important that the pa- and some internists are considered "surgicall y ori-
tient be evaluated for surgery on a relatively urgent ented." Indeed, these designations sometimes even
basis. evoke pejorative connotations. Perhaps we should
not be surprised that strong opinions sometimes
After admission another abdominal plain film exist when the alternative choices- typically med-
showed a dilated ascending colon and trans- ical therapy versus surgical therapy- imply such
verse colon and a very large aneurysmal dila- different approaches and potential outcomes.
tion of the splenic flexure with air- fluid levels Applying quantitative approaches to clini-
throughout. Blood pressure was 115/7; mm H g, cal decisions has made it possible to assess some
pulse rate 100 per minute, and temperanue of the factors responsible for these differing
38C. White cell count was 7,200 with 60 polys judgments,231 but here we use another approac h,
and 19 bands. namely analyzing the "thinking aloud" behav-
ior of physicians engaged in the decision-making
I thi:ik that this patient is in serious trouble process. 61 The patient described in this tran-
and should be operated on w ithout delay. script was managed by an expert gastroenterol-
ogist, and the surgeon to whom we presented
Because the p atient had been treated with the clinical material is an expert gastrointestinal
antibiotics 2 weeks earlier, the possibility of surgeon. Of course, the internist had the advan-
Clostridium difficile enteritis was entertained. tage of a di rect patient encounter, whereas the
The C. difficile stool assay obtained on admis- surgeon's encounter was in the form of a "pa-
sion was reported to be positive. The patient per exercise." Nonetheless, the surgeon's explana-
was treated with oral vancomycin (500 mg four tions of his opinions reveal differences from the
times a day) and followed closely. After 2 days internist's judgments. The discussant appears to
of therapy, abdominal pain began to subside, have a lower threshold for intervening and clearly
the patient remained afebrile, and there was a would have recommended surgery earlier than the
decrease in the degree of the left shift. After 1 internist.
week the diarrhea began to diminish, the plain Several factors appear to account for this ap-
film showed fewer abnormalities, and the stools proach. First, the surgeon viewed the chance of
became guaiac negative. The patient was dis- perforation (or incipient perforation) as being quite
charged after a 3-week hospitalization. h igh and based this view largely on the location
and radiation of the patient's abdominal pain. By
I think you were lucky. It is nice that the pa- contrast, we know from the hospital record that
tient was able to keep his colon, but I suspect he is the gastroenterologist was impressed that the pa-
going to lose it in the not too distant future. He is tient was a febrile, that vital signs were normal, that
38 years old and has had chronic ulcerative colitis no rebound tenderness was present, and that the
for 12 years. His risk of colon cancer now is prob- white cell count was normal. He judged the chance
ably in the 10% range, and by the time the patient of perforatio:l to be low. Second, the surgeon con-
is 50 years old, it w ill be close to 40%. Thus, he is sidered unlikely the possibility that a treatable


and reversible infectious cause of toxic megacolon CASE 45. TREAT OR KEEP TESTING?
could be responsible for the acute clinical mani-
festations. Third, the surgeon raised serious con- A 64-year-old woman was admitted to the hos-
cern that a delay in surgery would be associated pital with knifelike anterior chest p ain accen-
with an increasingly h igh, unacceptable surgical tuated by moving, coughing, and deep breath-
mortality. ing. The pain was accompanied by shortness
In fact, after the surgeon learned that the pa- of breath, and, the night before admission, the
tient had recovered from toxic megacolon w ith cough was productive of white, pink-tinged
medical management alone, he expressed the view sputum.
that both the gastroenterologist and the patient
were luc.:ky. T he implication of this remark is that vVhen evaluating patients with pleuritic chest
the ourcome would have been adverse more of- pain, I thi:lk about illnesses that cause inflamma-
ten than favorable in comparable circumstances. tion of the pleura-either direcdy or indirecdy by a
Finally, the surgeon, after learning the outcome process that in volves the underlying lung. vVhen a
(perhaps guided by retrospective bias 143, 144 ) opines patient presents with shortness of breath, pleuritic
that the patient w ill eventually require colon resec- pain, and pink-tinged sputum, one would be most
tion to avoid colon cancer. Thus, he impl ies that concerned about pulmonary embol ism. Another
even if the colon had been unnecessarily removed strong possibility would be pneumonia, especially
on this occasion, it would have been justifiable for if the patient is febr ile and her sputum is purulent.
other reasons.
Of course, a transcript such as this fails to un- Three weeks before admission, while attempt-
cover much of the reasoning of both the internist ing to board a train, the patient fell and sus-
and the surgeon. vVe do not know whether either tained a subcapital fracture of the left hip and
of the physicians considered other relevant factors: a left Colles fracture. She underwent a closed-
the morbidity of surgery, the impact of colectomy reduction internal fixation with a two-hole side
on the quality of the patient's life, and the risk of plate. She was in Buck traction for 2 days, was
recurrent episodes of toxic megacolon. It is quite ambulating with the aid of a walker on post-
likely that these factors were considered, albeit not operative day 7, and left the hospital on hospi-
explicitly. These issues may well have had an im- tal day 13. In the period between discharge and
portant impact on the therapeutic choices of both readmission, she had been walking on crutches.
the gastroenterologist and the surgeon.
Clearly, this level of analys is merely scratches Because the patient has just suffered a major
the surface in analyzing differences between med- trauma, namely, a hip fracture, I am even more
ical and surgical approaches. Nonetheless, it points concerned about pulmonary embolic disease. At
this point, I would want to see just how sick she
up the fact that such analyses are feasible. In our
view, they are also desirable. We believe that it is so I could get some idea of the urgency of her
problem. In terms of diagnosis, our options include
is intrinsically important for physicians to iden-
o-dimer, ventilation-perfusion scan, or computed
tify and explain differences in clinical judgment.
Moreover, because the "territories,"' or domains, tomography (CT) pulmonary angiogram. In the
meantime, I would empirically treat her with hep-
of the internist and the surgeon intersect in many
common clinical problems (e.g., acute pancreatitis, ar in, assum ing there were no obvious contraindi-
upper gastrointestinal bleeding, and acute abdom- cations, because another pulmonary em bolus could
inal pain), such an elaboration of judgment should prove fatal.
serve the patient's best interest. At the time of admission, chest pain had been
A:ly parent of a growing ch ild knows that he present for 3 days. She had not had calf or leg
or she can no longer sing "the dog chased the cat; the pain, fever, chills, weight loss, edema, noctur-
cat chased the rat" when the child reaches age 5 or n al dyspnea, or orthopnea. Her vital signs were
6 years without explaining why. vVe look forward normal. Examination of the chest revealed de-
to detailed studies of clinical judgment that probe creased excursion on the right side, decreased
the explanations of physician behavior.


breath sounds at the right base, and a localized ma! limits. The azygous vein is not distended.
right anterior pleural friction rub in the mid- The main-stem bronchi are not especially
clavicular line just below the breast. Cardiac splayed. The heart is normal in size. The right
examination was normal. Her legs were nor- costophrenic angle is blunted. A pleural effu-
mal, and Homans' sign was not present. The re- sion that layers out in the right lateral decubi-
mainder of the examination, including a pelvic tus position is new since the previous admission.
exam, was normal. An electrocardiogram (ECG) shows normal si-
nus rhythm, rate 72, axis 0 degrees, no Si. QJ,
The first thing that occurs to me is that no one T 3 pattern, and no other abnormalities.
actually measured the respiratory rate. With ma-
jor embolic disease, it is unusual for a patient not The chest x-ray is helpful because it excludes
to have tachypnea and a respiratory rate greater the possibility of pneumonia. It is a little surprising
than 20. Most such patients also have tachycardia, that her pulse rate is only 72 because sinus tachy-
although less consistently. Occasionally, patients cardia is so common in pulmonary embolic dis-
w ith massive pulmonary embolic disease have a ease. Occasionally, especially with overwhelming
right vemricular heave and accentuated P2 due to pulmonary hypertension a nd multiple emboli, one
pulmona ry hypertension. Neither is described, but will see a pattern of right ventricular strain. Axis
I would wish to confirm their absence personally deviation occurs in 10% to 15% of patients. Ac-
rather than accept that observation from another tually, left-ax is dev iation is about as common as
observer. The fac t th at the examination of the legs right-axis deviation. The classic S1, Q3, T 3 pattern
was not informative does not d issuade me from probably occurs in no more than 5% to I 0% of pa-
considering pulmonary em bolic d isease the most tit>nts, :i ncl rht>rt>fort> irs ;:ih.<t'n r t' is not nfrt>n 11st'fol.
likely diagnosis, since examination of the extrem- T he ECG findings are not particularly helpful in
ities is notoriously unreliable in thromboembolic th is patient; I am still eagerly waiting for the results
disease. Because the patient was a febrile, pneumo- of a lu ng scan or a CT scan. I suspect, given the
nia is less likely. sequence in wh ich the data have been presented,
however, that I will next be given the results of
Hemoglobin was 12 g/dL, hematocrit 36%, and arterial blood gases.
white cell count 12,400 with 67polys,1band,28
lymphs, 2 monos, and 2 eos. Blood urea nitro- Blood gases (on room air): pH7.51,arterial par-
gen (BUN), creatinine, electrolytes, and blood tial pressure of carbon dioxide (PC02) 32 mm
glucose were normal. Sedimentation rate was Hg, arterial partial pressure of oxygen (P02)
70 mm/hr. Sputum examination revealed scarce 65mmHg.
white blood cells, scarce red cells, and no bacte-
na. The patient has moderate hypoxemia and
mild respiratory alkalosis. It used to be thought
I do not find these data very helpful. T he di- that patients with pulmonary embolic disease al-
agnos is we are concerned about here is pulmonary ways had an arterial P02 of less than 80. W hen
em bolism, and one therefore has to e ither obtai n we exam ined patients who presented in our emer-
a lung scan or a CT pulmonary angiogram or gency room with lung scans positive for pulmonary
treat with anticoagulants on the clinical suspicion embolic disease, 10% to 15% had a P02 greater
alone. I th ink a chest x-ray might be useful, bur than 80. T he patient's blood gases are consistent
most of the other tests that are often ordered re- with a d iagnosis of pulmonary embolism. The in-
flexively in patients with simila r presenting symp- crease in her alveolar- arterial oxygen gradient,
toms are much less helpful in pursuing what seems however, could also be caused by underlying lung
to be by far the most likely diagn os is in this disease.
A lung scan was carried out (Figure 18.l).
Chest x-ray: The right pulmonary artery is
a little prominent but probably within nor- There seem to be major defects in the left
u pper lobe, probably at the right base, and at the


Figure 18. 1 Ventilation-perfusion lung scan; case 45.

right apex. The right basilar defects are difficult to therapy, g iven that her surgical procedure was
interpret since we know that she has an effusion in done 3 weeks ago.
that location, but clearly the left side is very abnor-
mal. I would be quite w illing to treat her for pul- The official reading of the scan was as follows:
monary embolic disease on the basis of her history "Decreased ventilation to the entire right lung,
and these findings. An interesting question would possibly compatible with reduced volume sec-
be whether to use thrombolytic therapy as opposed ondary to atelectasis. Perfusion scan showed
to conventional heparin treatment. In view of her
bilateral multiple :small defects that were in-
recent h ip trauma and surgery, I would tend to determinate in appearance. In conclusion, low
use heparin, although I am not sure whether there suspicion for pulmonary embolus."
is an absolute contraindication to thrombolytic


I have reservations about this interpretation. tematized approach that we teach our students:
I think the scan is more suggestive of pulmonary Obtain a complete histo ry, do a complete physi-
embolism than did the radiologist. IfI had read the cal examination, order all the "simple" laboratory
scan myself, I would have treated the patient w ith tests, and only then order the expensive and risky
anticoagulants on the basis of that scan. Given this ones.
different interpretation, however, I would review Should we be dismayed at the discussant's de-
the study w ith the radiologist. Ifhe or she was con- sire to bypass this orderly process, or can we learn
vinced that the suspicion of pulmonary embolism something from it? It is our view that the "shunt-
on the scan was quite low, I would do the definitive ing" process he used is one that characterizes the
study- a CT pulmonary an.g iogram- because of expert clinician and that we should acknowledge
my strong clinical suspicion that the patient has a that this process is not only valid but also often
pulmonary embolus. desirable. In this instance, we have notable clues
to the rationale for requesting data "out of step."
In spite of the "low-suspicion" lung scan, the T he many negative physical findings did not dlis-
clinicians taking care of the patient felt that suade the discussant from h is conviction that the
the likelihood of a pulmonary emholus was so patient had sustained a pulmonary embolus, the
high that they initiated heparin therapy with- ECG findings were not helpful, and the blood gas
out performing a CT scan. The patient had an analyses did not alter h is opinion. Apparently, at
uneventful recovery. this point, he implicitly used a valuable clinical rule:
Choose a safe test with the h ighest possible infor-
mation content, that is, a test that is most likely
Analysis to confirm or exclude a h ighl y probable diagno-
The solution to this patient.,s clinical problem il- sis with the least possible harm to the patient. A l-
lustrates multiple aspects of the clinical problem- though the ECG and the blood gases were risk-free
solving process, includ ing ( 1) the overt violation tests, their interpretation was not likely to convince
by an expert of the data-gat!hering rules we teach him that he was right or wrong,and thus he was not
our students, (2) the w illingness of an expert clin- particularly interested in the results. This kind of
ician to rely on clinical convictions rather than on experience suggests that we should begin to teach
laboratory tests, (3) the folly of trying to separate di- students how we actually solve problems, not what
agnostic reasoning from therapeutic decision mak- the traditions dictate. \Ve might paraphrase a fa-
ing, and (4) the concept of the "threshold" approach mous expression as follows: "Do what I do, not
to t!herapy. what I say you should do."
Even before the discussant learned that the T he second feature of this clinical problem-
patient had undergone an orthopedic procedure solving session is the strong reliance by the dlis-
3 wee ks preced ing the onset of dyspnea, hemop- cussant on his clinical judgment when it came to
tysis, and pleuritic chest pain, a diagnosis of pul- initiating lifesaving therapy. He announced h is
monary embol ism was uppermost in his mind. His desire to initiate heparin therapy when the only
concern about this diagnosis increased on learning information he had was that the patient sud-
her history, and before he lea med the remainder of denly developed dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, and
the history, the data from the physical examination, sl ight hemoptysis 3 weeks after ortl1opedic surgery.
or the laboratory findings, he asked to see the lung vVhen the official interpretation of the scan was
scan. However, the sequence in which the clinical less confirmatory than h is, he remained convinced
data on the patient were obtained did not match that the patient had a pulmonary embolus, and
this request, so the discussant waded through the he w ished to explore the official interpretations in
other data, w illingly interpreting the usual se- more detail. He was even w illing to recommend a
quential findings obtained in the workup of such CT pulmonary angiogram despite a low-suspicion
a patient. In doing so, he displayed impatience scan because he was so confident of the diagnosis
at not being given what he apparently perceived of pulmonary embol ism.
to be the critical data, namely the results of the \,Vas he simply being stubborn? We think not.
scan. He was clearly violating the standard, sys- His assessment of the probability of pulmonary


embolism, principally on the basis of the history, pulmonary em bolism, and he announced his in-
was so h igh that even a low-suspicion scan failed to tention to continue tlhe ant icoagulants. He did not
d issuade him of the diagnosis. In Bayesian terms first make a firm d iagnosis and then decide how
(:in w hich the prevalence of the d isorder is tak en to treat; he made a preliminary d iagnosis, recom-
into account in interpretation oflaboratory results), mended treatment, :added further support to h is
the low-suspicion scan did not importantly lower diagnos is, and then would have continued treat-
the probability of pulmonary embolism from it~ ment. In fact, he never made an unequ ivocal d iag-
extremely high a priori value. It is equally inter- nosis, yet he made several therapeutic dec isions.
esting that the clinicians w ho were taki ng care of T he relation between the certainty of d iag-
the patient were so convinced that she had a pul- nosis and the characteristics of a treatment that
monary embol ism that they did not feel obliged to governs therapeutic dec ision making is aptly ill us-
carry out a CT ang iogram, even when their own trated by the problem of pulmonary embolism and
rad iologist interpreted the lung scan as "low sus- by the case presented here in particular. For a g iven
picion for pulmonary embolism." disease for which there exists treatment with de-
The emphasis here should be placed on the ne- fined efficacy and risk, cl inicians should be w illing
cessity to interpret test results in the context of the to g ive the treatment if they are certain that a pa-
clinical situation. Although the scan was consid - tient has the disease. And, of course, they should
ered "low suspicion," the pretest clinical context not use the treatmen t if they are sure that the pa-
was a h igh prior probability of pulmonary em- t ient does not have the d isease. When the disease
bolism. In the Prospective Investigation of Pul- is neither defin itely present nor defin itely absent,
monary Embolism D iagnosis (PIOPED) study, the decis ion to g ive or with hold treatment should
40% of patients strongly suspected of hav ing pul- depend on the degree of certainty of the diagnos is
monary embolism who had low-probability scans and the efficacy and risk of treatment.
had pulmonary embolism .232 Only a completely If a treatment is not very effective and is
normal scan in such circumstances would be suf- also risky (e.g., some forms of chemotherapy)., one
fic iently sensitive to "rule out" pulmonary em- should treat only if one is high ly confident of the
bolism. diagnos is. If a treatment is h igh ly effective and
Another interesting feature of th is problem- is also qu ite safe (e.g., penicillin for streptococcal
solving session is the tightl y integrated consider- pharyngitis), one need not be h ighly confident th at
ation of both the d iagnostic and the therapeutic the th roat infection is streptococcal before prescrib-
dec ision-making tas ks. In an effort to be explicit ing penicillin. The h igher the benefit-to-r isk ratio
about both of these tasks, we often arb itrar ily sepa- of a treatment, the lower must tl1e probability of
rate them. For years, students in the ir first clinical disease be before one recommends therapy. W hen
rotations have been told to ignore therapeutic issues no tests are available, those ch aracteristics of the
and concent rate on d iagnosis. The protocol pre- treatment will define the th reshold probabili ty of
sented here, as well as otlher experience, suggests disease- above which, treatment is the more ap-
that expert physicians do not make that distinc- propriate choice, and below wh ich, withholding it
tion when they solve cl inical problems. 19 If that is more appropriate. 58
is true, why continue to teach these practices as In circumstances in w hich a lung scan, spi-
separate and d istinct? W ith little more than a few ral CT scan, ultrasonography, or o-dimer test are
symptoms and the history of the recent hospital iza- available, the decis ion ma king is onl y slightly dif-
tion, the clinician announced that he was ready to ferent. Do not use heparin when you are qu ite sure
give the patient an ticoagulants, at least until he was the patient has not experienced a thromboembol ic
more certain that the patient either had or d id not event; use it when you are qu ite sure he or she
have a pulmonary embolus. He was w illing to treat has; and use the test when your assessment of the
(assuming there were no contraind ications to the probability of th romboembolism falls somewhere
use of anticoagulants) because even w ithout proof between "quite sure it's present" and "quite sure it's
of the d iagnosis, the net benefit of treatment would not." The test result merely increases or decreases
be greater than that of not treating. Later, his in- your suspicion of em bolism. If it increases your
terpretation of the scan enhanced h is suspicion of suspicion, you treat; if it decreases your suspicion,


you do not. Thus, when a test is ava ilable, there CASE 46. WATCH AND WAIT,
are two thresholds: one that represents a probabil- OR OPERATE?
ity of disease below wh ich you withhold treatment
and above which you perform the test, and another
that represents a higher probability of disease be- A 71-year-old woman was seen in consultation
low wh ich you would test and above which you for hypercalcemia, which was initially discov-
would treat. 59 ered when routine chemistries were ordered
Those thresholds are ull ustrated here, even during her first evaluation 1 year earlier. Since
though the discussant never mentioned the con- then, her serum calcium concentration had var-
cept and used no formal analytic methods. He was ied between 10.6 and 11.9 mg/dL (normal
quite sure that the patient had pulmonary emboli range, 8.8- 10.4 mg/dL) and her serum phos-
but not so sure that he was will ing to commit her phate concentration had varied from 2.6 to 3.7
to a full course of therapy. He used the lung scan m g/dL (normal range, 3.0-4.5 m g/dL). The
to a lter h is view of the probability of embolism; history disclosed only untreated labile h yper-
his interpretation of the scan enhanced h is suspi- tension and fibrocystic disease of the breasts.
cion ofembolism, and he recommended treatment. She had no history of kidney stones or peptic
W hen this h igh suspicion was questioned by the ulcer disease. Although she reported no bone
official scan interpretation, the discussant wanted pain, she did complain of stiffness and pain in
another test done, that is, a CT pulmonary an- her knees, hips, elbows, and shoulders. She was
g iogram, to confirm his high suspicion and thus taking no medications other than a nonsteroidal
his decision to treat. The unteraction of the ef- anti-inflammatory dn1g on an as-needed ba-
fectiveness and the risks of treatment is also ap- sis. Her blood pressure was 140/88 mm H g.
parent in the decision he made regarding throm- Joint findings were consistent with osteoarthri-
bolytic therapy. Although thrombolytic therapy tis. Other findings were normal.
may lyse clots more quickly than heparin for pul-
monary embolism, the discussant believed that it vVe have here a fairly common situation of ap-
was riskier, given the patient's recent surgery. This parently asymptomatic hypercalcemia discovered
threshold approach can be applied explicitly, with during a routine evaluation. This biochemical ab-
numerical values for benefits, risks, and disease normality had been present for a year in an e l-
probabilities, as well as in the manner considered derly woman whose only complaints were joint
here. stiffness and pain and whose only physical find -
This exercise in thresholds is relevant also to ings were consistent with osteoarthritis. Her serum
the issue of certainty in the diagnosis of pulmonary phosphate varied between normal and slightly low
embolism. As in this case, many clinicians do not values. In a woman this age, one of the common
feel compelled to order a CT angiogram in every elements of the differential diagnosis would be use
patient suspected of hav ing a pulmonary embo- of a thiazide diuretic. I raise that possibility par-
lus. When the suspicion on clinical grounds com- ticula rly because of the h istory of labile hyperten-
bined w ith noninvasive tests is sufficiently high, sion; however, we are told that she was not receiv-
they treat. After all, it is the overall outcome that ing such medication. Of course high on the list of
a clinician seeks to optimize, not the diagnostic causes of hypercakemia would be primary hyper-
certainty. parathyroidism and malignancy-induced hyper-
Finally, in this case we must be impressed with calcemia; less likely would be sarcoidosis or other
the discussant's confidence in h is diagnostic acu- granulomatous disease, hyperthyroidism, hyper-
men. He dismissed the normal respiratory rate, vitaminosis D, and chronic lithium therapy. The
arguing that it probably was never actually mea- negative history helps to differentiate among these
sured (he was probably right), and he was ready disorders. T he longer the hypercalcemia has been
to do battle with the rad iologist about the scan stable, the less likely it is to be malignancy induced.
interpretation. We presume that this behavior, en- By contrast, stable hypercalcemia is common in
hanced by years of experience, is the essence of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. The
good clinical judgment. constellation of the joint findings and the slightly


high serum calcium concentrations would make perparathyroidism in this woman is convincing. It
one wonder about pseudogout, which may also is, of course, usuall y caused by a parathyroid ade-
occurs in patients w ith primary hyperparathy- noma. In passing, one should consider whether she
roid ism. Without further information, however, might be a member of a family with multiple en-
I would guess that the joint manifestations and the docrine neoplasia type I because patiems w ith h y-
hypercalcemia are unrelated. T he key test in this perparathyroidism in these families tend to have
patient is measurement of serum parathyroid hor- parathyroid hyperplasia rather than a parathyroid
mone. The results ofserum protein electrophoresis adenoma.
and measurements of serum 25-(0H)-vitam in D To decide whether she should be referred
and alkaline phosphatase would also be of interest. for parathyroid exploration, two issues must be
cons iJerc::<l: Does she have any com p lirntio11s of
Laboratory findings: hemoglobin and white the primary hyperparathyroidism? vVe already
cell count, normal. Urinalysis: specific grav- know that she does not have kidney stones or
ity 1.013, no protein, rare granular cast. Serum compromised renal function as a consequence of
calcium 10.6 m g!dL, phosphate 31 mg/dL, al- nephrocakinosis or chronic h ypercalcemia. Her
kaline phosphatase 119 IU/L (normal range, urinary excretion of calcium is consistent with hy-
40- 100 IU/ L), parathyroid hormone 72 pg/mL perparathyroidism, and her bone density study is
( normal range 10- 65 pg/mL) , creatinine 0.8 unremarkable. So what should be done with an
mg/dL, electrolytes normal. Serum and urine asymptomatic patient w ith primary hyperparathy-
electrophoresis, normal. ECG, normal. Re- roidism and with mild hypercalcemia? Clear in-
peat serum calcium 11.3 m g/dL, phosphate dications for surgery are bone disease (which she
3.5 rng/dL, parathyroid hormone 74 pg/mL. does not have), renal impairment (for which there
Her urinary calciwn excretion was 365 mg/day is no evidence), and moderate or severe h ypercal-
(normal range, 100-300 m g/day). Bone densit- cemia, usually defined as serum calcium concen-
ometry reveals T scores of - 0.5 to -0.9 in the trations greater than 1.0 to 1.6 mg/ dL above the
spine and several regions of the hip; the score upper li mit of the normal range. 233 She does not
for the total hip is - 0.7. have this either. Among patient~ w ith lesser ele-
vations, progression in any way- more severe h y-
These biochemical findings establish the diag- percalcemia, onset of nephrolithiasis, decrease in
nosis of primary hyperparathyroidism to my sat- bone density- is unusuaJ. 234
isfaction. In favor of this diagnosis are her mild vVhat to do in this situation is controversial.
chronic hypercalcemia, intermittent hypophos- Administration of estrogen or raloxifene can lower
phatemia, and slightly h igh serum parathyroid serum calcium concentrations by about 0.5 mg/d L.
hormone concentrations. Keep in mind that pa- Cinacalcet, which directly in hibits parathyroid
tients with hypercalc.emia of any other cause have hormone ~ecretion, lowers serum calcium concen-
low serum parathyroid hormone concentrations. trations by about 1.0 mg/dL, has side effects, and
But first, I want to digress to consider- principally, is not approved for treatment of primary hyper-
to exclude- a diagnosis of malignancy-induced parathyroidism. Treatment with bisphosphonates
hypercalcemia. The malignancy that most regu- raises bone density in patients w ith primary hyper-
larly causes hypercalcemia is multiple myeloma, parathyroidism, as it does in other patients, but has
and the normal serum and urinary electrophoreses little effect on hypercalcemia. Whether one should
exclude that diagnos is. Other tumors, such as non- recommend parathyroid surgery at this stage is
small-cell lung cancers and breast cancers, secrete debatable. There is controversy about whether
parathyroid hormone- related protein, which has patients with so-called nonspecific symptoms of
similarities to parathyroid hormone but is not mea- hypercalcemia such as fatigue, weakness, and de-
sured in parath yroid hormone assays. Parathyroid pression improve in response to restoration of nor-
hormone- related protein can be measured, but I mocalc.emia. I suppose her joint and muscle aches
see no reason to do that in this case. might improve, but that outcome seems unlikely,
Given the long history and the other negative and she will probably remain stable and never
findings, I believe that the case for primary hy- have any complications. On the other hand, she is


basically healthy now, but ifin 5 years she develops probably die of some unrelated d isorder. If that
symptomatic hypercalcemia, she may then have course is the most li kely one, why put her through
other med ical problems that would make her a unnecessary surgery? He is not explicit about the
poor surgical cand idate. For now, I would not rec- negative aspects ofsuch surgery, but he is u:idoubt-
ommend surgery. I would urge her to maintain a edly aware that they include short- or long- term
h igh fluid intake because the most frequent seri- hypocalcemia, vocal cord paralysis, and cardiovas-
ous threat is dehydration, but I would not restrict cular complications-not to mention the morbid-
d ietary calcium. ity associated w ith neck surgery. Against those fac-
tors, he weighs the r isks the patient will face if
Follow-up: The p atient w as followed for 6 either the hyperparathyroid ism or the hypercal-
years. At age 77 years, when last seen, she con- cemia Joes cause ser ious complicaLious sud 1 as se-
tinued to be in good health. She had a cystocele, vere hypercalcemia, neph rolith iasis, osteoporosis,
which was repaired uneventfully 1 year earlier. and fracture at a time when the operative risk may
H er serum calcium h as varied between 10.7 and be prohib it ive.
11.6 mg/dL, and her renal function is normal. T he decision is d ifficult for two reasons: First,
Repeat bone densitometry on two occasion dur- each choice may have negative sequelae, some
ing follow-up revealed very small decreases in of them quite onerous. Yet the probability of
T score; she does not yet have osteopenia, much each is very small. Second , the value (in decision-
less osteop orosis. analysis terminology, the expected uti lity) of the
two choices is nea rly the same. In other words,
I am not surprised and am a little rel ieved, there may be no d ifference in average overall out-
and I would continue to follow her. come; the choice may be a toss-up.<'
The uneasiness with which the discussant
Analysis made th is choice is well illustrated by h is expres-
This case ill ustrates the didact ic value of assess- sion of relief when he learns that the outcome was
ing clinical material prospectively, and it under- good. It should be emphasized that the favorable
scores the problem of trying to be objective about outcome in this case does not prove that the dec i-
the process of cl inical dec ision ma king when the sion to follow the patient was a good one. Such a
outcome is already known. The d iscussant eval- conclusion can be drawn only after careful analys is
uating t he cl inical data in th is case quickly made of data from studies of large groups of compara-
a diagnosis and then struggled with the principal ble patients. Few such stud ies are available, but
d ilemma: whether to recommend parathyroid ex- those that are available do not reveal much ben-
ploration for what is almost certainly a parathyroid efit of surgery in patients with mild primary hy-
adenoma. Before he knew that th e patient did well perparathyroidism, and little progression in those
for the next 6 years, the choice was not an easy whoa re not operated on. The choice in this exercise
one. If the follow-up data had been available be- was, however, a thoughtful one, and its rationale
fore he expressed h is opinion , there is some chance was carefully explicated.
that the favorable outcome m ig ht have biased h is
viewpoint. 144 T he problem of retrospective bias af-
fects discussants at cl inicopathologic conferences CASE 47. AN APPLE OR AN ORANGE?
in wh ich the patient's entire clinical course is pre-
sented before the d iscussion is held. T he advantage A 50-year -old woman with insu lin-dep endent
of the format in th is exercise is that the discussant diabetes mellitus of 16 years' duration was ad-
has no advance information. mitted for rep air of a displaced right ankle frac-
W h y is the decision so difficult in th is case? ture. Because of this admission electrocardio-
Primarily because there are competing risks. The gram (Figure 18.2) a medical consultant was
d iscussant reasons that because the patient was 71 asked for " preoperative clearance."
years old when the initial recommendation for or
aga inst surgery was required, she m ight neve r have T he fact that th is patient is d iabetic puts
complications ofhyperparathyroidism and would her at increased risk of a variety of problems,


1-11-1 1 aVR-aVL-aVF

v j ' I II "
' l i

A l..1 D
'I v '


I I~ I .I II I../ u
' UI '

Figure 18.2 Electrocardiogram; case 47.

includ ing coronary artery d isease. The electrocar-

fore admission an echocardiogram revealed a
d iogram demonstrates normal sin us rhythm. Some
48% ejection fraction with inferoposterior hy-
repolarization changes represent the most strik-
pokinesis and mild mitral regurgitation. The
ing abnormality. There is ST-segment and ] -point
patient was obese and had a history of mild hy-
depress ion in leads V5 and V6 . I do not think
these electrocardiographic changes are "nonspe-
cific." Rather, they may well be consistent wi th is-
'vVe now know that this obese, hypertensive,
chemic changes. T he fact that the Twaves are still
insul in-dependent d iabetic woman has a previous
upright and the ST segment is both depressed and
h istory of ischemic heart d isease. A recent car-
downslop ing is wor risome. A preoperative electro-
diac eval uation revealed m il d ventricula r dysfun c -
cardiogram is done to screen for card iac disease.
tion and mitral regurgitation, perhaps secondary to
We must say that the screen ing test is positive in
papillary muscle dysfunction. The fact that her ST-
this case, and now we have to look at the patient
segment abnormalities were more marked than in
in more detail and see what is going on.
her previous tracing ra ises the question of an acute
The patient had fractured her ankle I month event, whether it is an infa rct or only active is-
earlier. Since then she had put weight on her chemia. I do not think she had a non- Q-wave in-
farction because in that circumstance I would ex-
foot and had subluxed her talus. In the last
month, the patient had no cardiac symptoms. pect to see persistent T -wave inversions or changes.
The ST- and T -wave changes on her current The current electrocardiogram is more consistent
electrocardiogram were more pronounced than wi th ongoing ischemia, w ith the persistent ] -point
those on an electrocardiogram I month ear- and ST-segment depression. Because the patient is
lier. The patient had an episode of pulmonary diabetic, she could have an autonom ic or sensory
edema in 1982, thought to be secondary to a neuropathy and may be having silent ischemia,
non- Q-wave myocardial infarction. She had w hich is a d ifficult problem to manage.
no previous history of angina. Six months be- 'vVe need to weigh the urgency ofsurgery ver-
sus further workup and evaluation of the patient's


cardiac stability. I would play a waiting game. As foot. How important is some stiffness in her an-
far as I can see, there is little urgency for immediate kl e, when compared w ith taking what might be
ankle surgery. First, I would measure some car- substantial cardiac risks? If she were my patient, I
diac enz1rmes and obtain serial electrocardio- certainly would include her in the decision-making
grams to see if any further cardiac problems were process.
developing- although clearly, if an event hap-
Cardiac enzyme determinations revealed no ev-
pened during the last month, it is unlikely that we
would catch anything by measuring enzymes. The idence of acute infarction. The ST and T waves
likelihood that we would find evolving electro- returned to their original configuration. Re-
cardiographic changes is also small. The decision pair of the foot under regional anesthesia was
woulJ be easy if we diJ because dtal woulJ con - accomplished uneventfully. The patient's in-
vince me that the risk of proceeding with surgery ternist, concerned about the possibility of silent
was too high. I am stalling because I am not quite myocardial ischemia, ordered a dipyridamole
nuclear scan. The scan revealed a fixed infero-
sure what to do. I do know that the more I stall,
lateral wall defect, mild left ventricular dilation,
the safer it is for the patient, from a cardiac point
of view. and partial redistribution of flow to the lateral
wall. Consultation regarding cardiac catheter-
The possibility of a silent non- Q -wave my- ization was requested.
ocardial infarction sustained over the preceding
I did not think she had a recent infarction,
month was raised, and the p atient was trans-
and I still do not. She most li kely had active is-
ferred to the medical service for further evalu-
chemia, wh ich quieted down after adm ission. T he
ation. The orthopedic surgeon stressed the im-
possibility of silent isch cm ia is a real one in this
portance of early surgical repair of her ankle if
diabetic woman, as I mentioned before. A dipyri-
she was to regain adequate function.
damole thallium scan reall y is no d ifferent from
an exercise ~tress test. T he patient cannot exer-
I would discuss the timing of surgery w ith the
cise, so instead of using the stress of exercise, one
orthopedic surgeon. I need to know quantitatively
uses dipyridamole to maximize blood flow and
the likelihood that her leg function w ill decline as
reveal ischemic areas. The scan revealed a fixed
a result of delaying surgery. Just saying that it will
inferoposterior wall defect that corresponded to
decrease is not enough. T he question is: If we de-
the area of hypokinesis on the echocardiogram.
lay surgery 2 or 3 wee ks, does the chance of a good
T he important finding is the partial redistribu-
functional result in this patient fall from 90% to
tion of flow to the lateral wall. The lateral wall
10%? If I am going to g ive an optimal preopera-
matches the area of the changes on the electrocar-
tive evaluation, the orthopedist and I will h ave to
diogram, so now our suspicion of ischemiaappears
balance the risk of a bad functional result in the
leg against the chance that she will get into signif-
The question is whether cardiac catheteriza-
icant trouble. W hat trouble could she get into?
tion should be performed. I think so. She is a rela-
If she has had a myocardial infarction recently
tively young diabetic with known coronary artery
or if she has active ischemia, there is a markedly
disease. I am concerned about the possibility of
increased risk that she will have another infarc-
multivessel disease and would want to look into it
tion or ischemic event during an operation. The
more recently an infarct has occurred, the greater
is the risk. If surgery is needed, how can we mini- A consultant felt that it was highly unlikely
mize the operative risk? I would explore whether that the patient had a life-threatening (i.e., left
surgery can be done under local as opposed to gen- main) lesion and recommended medical man-
eral anesthesia. I would try to do the least-risky agement. The patient was transferred to a re-
operation. habilitation facility.
I also would ask tl1e patient how she felt about
the possible functional loss in the face of an in- I am not sure I totally agree w ith the con-
creased o~erative risk. She is not going to lose her sultant. The consultant seems to be satisfied w ith


medical treatment because the patient has no is complicated principally because we do not have
angina. But this woman is a d iabetic who may have all the facts, but from the remarks of the discus-
a defective warning system and th us may be expe- sant, we can ident ify the facts that we would need
r iencing silent ischemia. I get a little nervous w ith to mak e an informed recommendation.
such patients because I cannot use their symptoms F irst, we need co know several th ings a bout
to monitor disease activity. the d isability. How severe is it likely to be? W hat is
Although the defect on the thallium scan was the effect of waiting? W ill the disa bility increase as
on the lateral wall, I do not thi nk that excluded a result of the delay in surgery? If so, w ill the dis-
a problem with the anterior wall circulation, as ability be severe or only m inor? That information
would be seen with a left main lesion. I do not thi nk would be obtained from an expert- the orthope-
that the sensitivity and specificity of the dipyri- dist. F inally, how does the patient feel about having
damole thallium scan are sufficiently high to con- a permanent d isability? After all, it is she who must
fidently exclude left main d isease. live w ith it. How much is she w illing to risk :for a
Furthermore, this patient has at least t wo- good ank le?
vessel disease. T he old inferior myocardial infarc- Second, several issues have to be weighed with
tion probably represents disease in the righ t coro- respect to the cardiac risk. Has she had an acute
nary artery, and the lateral wall defect seen on myocard ial infarction or only an acute ischemic
the thallium scan implies disease in the circum- event? Does it matter which she has had in terms
flex artery. If we factor in her d iminished ejection of the card iac r isk ? How high is that risk , and
fraction and m itral regur gitation, I am not sure what exactly are the serious consequences? If one
that I would not consider surgery or angioplasty. of the serious consequences does ensue, how likely
I would need to look very closely at the data. My is the patient to die? Is there any r isk of per ma-
approach would be influenced by my opinion that nent d isability from cardiac disease if she sustains
coronary surgery is an extraordinarily good oper- a perioperative acute myocardial infarction? Is she
ation, and as much as I hate to admit it in light of prepared to accept possi ble lameness for the rest of
the economics, I tend to be very aggressive in my her life to avo id a one-t ime, short-term r isk even
approach to patients like th is. if the risk is small?
Clearly, we wou ld have to ask those quest ions
Analysis if we were to carry out a formal analysis of the
T here is an old adage that one cannot compare ap- problem by means of a quantitative method, such
ples and oranges. 'vVhere th is notion orig inated we as decision analysis. Each event would have to be
do not know, but in our view, it isa fatuous concept. descri bed in terms of its proba bility and its util-
I n everyday life, we frequen tly find it necessary to ity (value). The short-term events would be rather
ma ke d ifficult choices between disparate items. So, easy to define because the principal worry is death ,
too, in med icine, and the problem presented by the an anchor point in many decision analyses. Long-
patient here is a classic example. Her ankle requ ires term disa bility can a lso be expressed in numerical
surgical repa ir to prevent a significan t long-term terms as an adjustment to the quality ofa patient's
d isa bility. T he orthopedist would have proceeded life, with input from the patient.135 T he principal
immed iately to fix the an kle, but on admission, issues are as follows: on the one hand, an uncer-
she was found to have an abnormal electrocardio- tain chance of chron ic disability w ith an uncertain
gram, wh ich probably represented at least acute is- severity of d isability; on the other, an uncer ta in
c hem ic heart disease and at most an acute myocar- chance ofa serious card iac event w ith an uncer ta in
d ial infarction. If we wait to fix her ankle, there is severity of a complication. How both the physician
some chance that she w ill not rega in full function. and the patient view th e r isks and consequences
If we operate immediately, there is some chance of each of the outcom es should determine w h ich
that she will have some serious complication of choice is made. In the patient d iscussed here, the
ischemic heart d isease. Here we must compare ap- procedure ultimately was carried out under local
ples and oranges. We must balance long-term d is- anesthesia, and we can assume that the physicians
ab ility in one foot aga inst the short-term r isk of a responsi ble for her care thought that the r isk could
li fe-th reatening card iac complication. The choice be m inimized by doing so. Thus, they found a way


of avoid ing the more d ifficult choice between a catheterization, so we were unable to compare the
long-term quality-of-life issue and a short-term arguments pro and con. Even if we had all the facts,
disastrous consequence. we may have come to an impasse. Experienced car-
Finally, we apprec iate that we have avoided diologists have vastly differing views about how to
discussing the issue of cardiac catheterization. The proceed in the same patient. We explored some of
omission was not acc idental. We did not have a full the reasons for this disagreement in another d~s
explanation of the consultant's opinion to withhold cussion (see case 25).

Examining Evidence

CASE 48. A DIFFICULT TRADEOFF flights w ithi n a short period. 237 The vVRIGHT
findings are based on epidem iologic studies in-
After spending more th.an 8 hours on an a ir- clud ing a population-based case- control study, a
plane, a 75-year-old physician w ith a passion for retrospective cohort study among employees of in-
rock climbing had a pulmonary embolism. He ternational organizations, and a retrospective co-
d id well with anticoagulation, although he noted hort study among professional p ilots.
some residual shortness of bread1 w ith exertion. More data are available. In a systematic re-
H is evaluation for possible clotting abnormalities view of25 randomized, controlled trials and cohort
was negative. His physician recommended that he studies, the r isk of symptomatic venous rhrom-
continue to take anticoagulants indefinitely. Be- boembolism was 27 per I million rravelers. 238 Lo-
cause of h is roc k-climbing avocation, however, me g istic regress ion analysis identified d1e following
patient preferred not to. An analysis of the data risk factors: mean duration of air travel less than
defin ing the benefits and risks of long-term anti- 6 hours (odds ratio !ORI 0.01) or greater than
coagulants was made. 8 hours (OR 2.3), prior deep venous thrombosis,
hereditary hypercoagulable d isorder, body weight
Analysis less than 90 k g, limited mobility, and cancer or
T he analysis of the seemingly simple choice- large varicose vein (OR 3.6). From these data, it
long-term anticoagulation or not- is not so sim- is reasonable to conclude mar even normal people
ple. It involves assessing w hether the pulmonary can develop rh romboembol ism after plane flight~,
embolism can be attributed to a prolonged fl ight, but usually after long fl igh ts, and that the patient's
determining the optimal anticoagulation reg imen age, mult iple consecutive fligh ts, and flight dura-
for such an embolism, find ing data on the risks t ion may have enhanced his chance of developing
of long-term anticoagulation, adding in the pa- one.
tient's preferences for possible outcomes, and, fi. Next, we examine t he evidence of efficacy of
nally, making a recommendation after weighi ng long-term anticoagulation after pulmonary em-
all of mese factors . bolism. F irst, here are recommendations from
First, we examine pulmonary embolism re- guidel ines. T he Seventh American College of
lated to air travel. vVheth er prolonged travel in- Chest Physicians Conference on Antirhrombotic
e:reases the risk of venous thromboembol ism re- and Thrombolytic Therapy recommended that all
mains controversial. 236 Some studies suggest that patients w ith a first episode of pulmonary em-
the ris k is increased, others found no increase, and bolism from a trans ient or revers ible risk factor
one rev iew found increased risk only when travel should receive anticoagulants, specifically a vita-
exceeded I0 hours. In eight prospective stud ies of m in K antagonist, for at least 3 months. 239 How-
fl igh ts exceeding 4 hours, asymptomatic deep ve- ever, if the cause cannot be identified, then long-
nous th rombosis was found in 2.2% of 3,05 I fliers. term anticoagulation should be considered for
T he rate was 1.4% in the 2,056 travelers with no those w ith ach ievable monitoring and no r isk fac-
r isk factors and 4.0% in 995 fl iers w ith pred is- tors for bleeding. Both of d1ese are strong recom-
positions such as prior th.romboembolism, recent mendations based on clear benefit from random-
surgery or trauma, cancer, estrogen use, older age, ized, con trolled trials that d id not have impor tant
obesity, and th rombophilia. 236 The 'vVorld Health design lim itations. This guideline also states ''that
Organization Research In to Global Hazards of patients w ith first-episode idiopath ic pulmonary
Travel (vVRIGHT) project on a ir travel and ve- embolism be considered for indefinite anticoagu-
nous thromboembolism confirmed m is find ing lant merapy." T h is recommendation was an "in-
from eight prospective tria ls: For healthy travelers, termed iate strengm" recommendation, in w h ich
the r isk of venous rhromboembolism for flights the best action may depend on circumstances or
greater than 4 hours was I in 6,000, but it in- patient or societal values. In a 2008 guideline, "in-
creased wim longer travel duration and multiple termed iate strength" was elim inared. 240



There are few randomized, controlled trials Mathematical models based on prelimina.ry
of long-term anticoagulation of only patient~ w ith studies have identified risk factors that are assoc i-
pulmonary embolism. The first task is to catego- ated w ith an increased risk of bleeding. In one such
rize our patient's embolism so we can compare h is study, risk factors were increasing age, gastroin-
condition to those in published studies. In one trial testinal bleeding, a serious comorbid condition,
of extended ant icoagulation beyond 3 months after and past or present stroke or transient ischemic
the first episode of venous thromboembolism, ve- attack. Based on this one model, the patient would
nous thromboembolism was defined as idiopathic have a 3.6% annual bleeding risk. 245 Anothe r
in the absence of a lower limb fracture, bed con- preliminary study identified hypertension, cere-
finement for more than 3 clays, general anesthe- brovascular disease, isch emic strok e, heart disease,
sia, and a hereditary hypercoagulable condition and renal insufficiency as risks for bleeding. At
or malignancy. 241 In another study of extended present, these studies cannot be used for sol id pre-
anticoagulation after a first pulmonary embolus, dictions, at least not until validated, that is, un-
a rDsk factor was defined as immobilization for til they are applied to other patient populations
more than 7 days. 242 T hus, because exclusion cri- and found to yield accurate predictions. However,
teri.a in these studies would have required immo- two validated models h ave identified risk factors
bilization for 3 to 7 days as opposed to a long plane for ant icoagulant-related bleeding as age greater
ride, this patient's pulmonary em bolus could be than or equal to 65 years, female sex, a h istory of
classified as idiopathic. (!\Tote, however, that these gastrointestinal bleeding, a history of stroke, and
stud ies were not limited to only patients with pul- recent myocardial infarction, renal insufficiency,
monary embolus.) Nonetheless, if we accept an "id- severe anemia, diabetes mellitus, and coexisting
iopathic" classification for our patient, then based malignancy. The likelihood and consequences of
on these randomized trials, the likeli hood of re- a major bleeding episode vary among studies and
current venous thromboembolism would be 4% to depend in part on the indication for the anticoagu-
27% per patient-year untreated versus 1% to3% per lation (whether for prosthetic heart valve, atr ial fib-
patient-year among those treated w ith a vitamin K rillation, ischemic heart disease, or venous throm-
antagonist. 241 - 243 Among patients w ith untreated boembolism). In a systematic review of 33 stud-
proximal deep venous thrombosis, about 50% ex- ies, major bleed ing had a fata lity rate of 13%.
perience clinically detected pulmonary embolism. The death rate was 46% for those with intracra-
Finally, the death rate from pulmonary embolism nial bleeding and 10% for those w ith extracra-
is high: In the only randomized trial comparing an- nial bleeding. 246 In another study, the morta l-
ticoagulation with no treatment, mortality without ity from intracran ia l bleeding was 26% in patients
treatment was 26%,244 w ith no embolism-related who were not anticoagulated versus 52% in those
mortality in the treated grou p. \Ve conclude from who were. 247 From these data, we conclude (mostly
this analysis that the patient does not fit the pro- based on our patient's age) that he faces an in-
file of patients in these studies precisely, but it is creased risk of bleeding from anticoagulant ther-
safe to conclude that anticoagulants, if taken long apy, and if a major bleeding episode occurred, it
term, have a good chance of protecting the patient could lead to an extremely serious outcome.
aga inst recurrent embolism. Given the patient's high level of intellec-
Of course, the analysis is incomplete without tual and physical function, he said he equated
an assessment of the risks of the proposed therapy anticoagulation-related intracranial bleeding lead-
itself. Two studies show that phys icians have d if- ing to a long-term d isability as being equivalent to
ficulty estimating the long-term risk of bleeding being dead.
during outpatient anticoagulant therapy. 236 Esti- A final task is to incorporate this informa-
mates of long-term bleed ing risk typically arise tion into a recommendation, making certain not
from observational studies in cohorts of patients only that the patient's preferences are taken into
on anticoagulants. These patients differ from pa- account, but also that tihe patient understands the
tients fulfilling enrollment criteria in randomized elements of the decision and makes his own choice.
trials, which typically restrict inclusion to those at First, the guideline recommendation for indef-
low risk for bleeding. inite anticoagulation after idiopathic pulmonary


embolism was of intermediate strength, according

tract symptoms with poor force of stream and
to which the optimal choice depends on circum-
nocturia. He had a history of angioplasty and
stances, patient values, or societal values. T he
stent placement of his left anterior descending
guideline recommendation explicitly states that it
(LAD) artery. His prostate was large (40 g~,
is based on placing a relati vely high value on pre-
smooth, and symmetric with no nodules. Hts
ventin.,. rec urrent thromboembolic events and a
I:> d . prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was 5.7 ng/mL
relatively low value on bleeding and cost. Any ec1-
(previous PSA readings had been between 4.1
sion, however, must consider a substantial element
. or va Iues. 193.248.249 and 5.1 ng/mL). A prostate biopsy was rec-
of personal choice H ence, th e
ommended, although the urologist thought his
patient's preference to avoid disability and death
mildly elevated PSA could be secondary to be-
/'rum imrauau ial h e morrhage a uJ his pass io n fur
nign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).
rock clim bing must be weighed in the clinical de-
His biopsy revealed a small amount of car-
cision on whether to continue anticoagulation for a
cinoma. One of 14 cores contained carcinoma
prolonged period. F inally, the patient n:u.st m.ake
with a Gleason score of 6. The therapeutic op-
that choice in partnership w ith the phys1c1an, 1de-
. . ma k 'mg. 250-253 tions were discussed with the patient. Given his
all y through shared dec1s10n
relatively young age and good health, the urolo-
As in case 30, a formal decision analysis was
gist recommended a radical prostatectomy. The
performed at the Tufts Medical Center to help the
urologist was concerned that the sensitivity of
patient make the difficult choice of tak ing long-
the biopsies might be limited by the patient's
term anticoagulantsor not (theanaly~ is is not shown
large prostate. He also felt that in view of the
here). In add ition to the intermed iate-strength rec-
patient's prostate enlargement, a seed implant
ommendation from the guideline and the signifi-
would not be feasible. The urologist acknowl-
cance of patient preferences, the analysis extrapo-
edged that surveillance was an option, but he
la ted the ra ndomized, controlled trial data that h ad
did not have hard data to make that recommen-
at most 4 years of follow-up to a lifetime. The anal-
ys is aim allowed for switching from no therapy
The patient and his wife discussed the
to anticoagulation (and vice versa), depending on
options and did their own research. The pa-
the therapeutic strategy selected in the event of a
tient decided that he wanted to wait and not
thromboembolic or serious bleeding event.
undergo surgery. A big factor in his decision
By quantifying the patient's preferences and
was his concern about the risk of loss of sex-
explicitly incorporating the probabilities of harms
ual function with surgery. The urologist ac-
and benefits as described previously, the result
cepted the patient's preference. The plan was to
supported lifelong anticoagulation as the optimal
check his PSA every 4 to 6 months and repeat a
choice. Based on the decision anal ysis, the patie nt
biopsy in a year or so to reevaluate the histology.
opted for long-term anticoagulation. His comment
He was treated medically for his symptoms of
on h is involvement in the decision analysis was,
"For me, it helped greatly in accepting a major
Over the next 3 years, his PSA stayed in the
life long (hopefully long lifelong) therapeutic deci-
4 to 6 range. He had two subsequent biopsies,
sion." In follow-up I year later, he had had no more
both of which were identical to the original,
embolic events and no bleeding and was plan ning
with a small focus of carcinoma in 1 of 14 sam-
to participate soon in slab climbing rather than face
ples with a Gleason score of 6. The patient opted
for continued surveillance.

T h is patient faced a challenging decision

CASE 49. MAKING JUDGMENTS WHEN about management of clinicall y localized prostate
THE EVIDENCE IS NOT DEFINITIVE cancer, diagnosed as a result of PSA testing. He
was not alone; in the United States, widespread
A 57-year-old white man presented with a 6- to PSA testing has almost doubled the risk a man
12-month history of progressive lower urinary will have to deal witl1 a prostate cancer diagnosis
. 11
over I11s . ?54


Favorable prognostic factors known at base- ma] decision for a g iven patient is "preference
line included a relatively low PSA level of5.7 ng/ sensitive."
mL; an apparen tl y slow PSA rate of rise based on Given th is man's relatively long life ex-
the previous values; a nonsusp icious d igital rectal pectancy, his urologist raised the concern that h is
examination, making the cli nical stage Tic; only cane.er might be "a wolf in sheep's clothi ng." T h at
I o f 14 cores posit ive on the initial biopsy; and a is, since even modern extended-patterned biop-
Gleason sum of 6, for practical purposes the low- sies only sample a small percentage of prostate tlis-
est value assigned by modern pathologists. On the sue, perhaps he might have had more extensive or
other hand, at age 57 years, even w ith coronary h igher-grade cancer missed by the init ial biopsy.
artery disease status post revasc.ular ization, the pa- In fact, up to half of Gleason 6 cancers may be
tien t probably still has a life expectancy of up to 20 upgraded when tl1e entire specimen is examined
years, over wh ich even an indolent cancer m igh t after surgery. 259 For these reasons, active surveil-
cause trouble. lance strategies include careful mon itoring by d ig i-
It is iron ic this man's prostate cancer was prob- tal rectal examinations and PSA measurements, as
ably diagnosed th rough serendipity. 255 In all like- well as periodic. repeated biopsies. The stable PSA
lihood, the PSA was elevated not because of the level and similar results from t wo follow-up biop-
c.an.cer, but because of coexisting BPH, judging sies over the next 3 years provide reassurance th at
from h is lower urinary tract symptoms and the en- active surveillance remains a reasonable strategy
larged prostate. In fact, h is "P SA density," derived for him.
by d ivid ing the PSA level by the prostate volume, vVhat is t he prognosis for men d iagnosed w it h
was just under 0.15 ng/ mUg, more consistent with clinically localized prostate cancer who elect active
BPH than cancer. 256 However, as the prevalence surveillance? vVhat is the li keli hood their cancers
of underlying histologic prostate cancer is at least will "escape from cure" despite close monitoring'
30% among men in their 50s, a biopsy done for a Most prognostic data available for men with clin-
PSA elevation driven by BPH has a good chance ically localized cancers not initially treated come
of d iagnosing a prostate cancer too small to be re- from the pre-PSA era. E ven with t hese older data,
sponsible for the PSA elevation. the likelihood of dying of a Gleason 6 prostate can-
Men with clinically localized prostate cancer cer left untreated has been estimated at about 15%
like th is one face a bewildering choice of man- over I 5 years. 260 However, when me effects oflead
agement options, including radical prostatectomy t ime and overdiagnosis attributable to PSA test-
(using an open, laparoscopic, or robot-ass isted tech - ing, as well as the upward "creep" in assignment
n ique), radiation tl1erapy (external beam rad io- of Gleason grades over t ime, are considered,261262
the rapy us ing a 3D Ith ree-d imensional! conformal current models predict few if any prostate can-
or intensity-modulated tech n ique, brachytherapy, cer deaths would occur among such men over 15
or proton beam therapy), and c.ryoablation. 257 An- years.263 However, predictive models cannot sub-
other option to consider, part icularly for men w it h stitute for prospective outcome studies.
a favorable prognosis, is a strategy of expectant vVh ile many acad emic medical centers are
man agementrererre C d toas " a ct1vesurve1
"11ance. n?58
- now reporting series of prostate cancer patients on
W ith active surveillance, attempted curative mer- active surveillance, 264 few have adequate follow-
apy (and the possible side effects of these mer- up. In one of the most m ature series from the Uni-
apies) is deferred unless and until there is ev- versity of Toronto, initiated in 1995, criteria for
idence that me cane.er is progressing or less active surveillance (for men under 70 years old) in-
favorable prognostic features become evident. Un- cluded a PSA less than 10 ng/mL, G leason sum of
fortunately, mere are no random ized trials com- 6 or less, and stage T ic or T2a cancer. Criteria for
par.ing these management strategies among men delayed treatment have evolved to a PSA doubling
w it!h cancers detected through PSA screening. As t ime less than 3 years, progression to G leason 7, or
the relative effectiveness of these strategies is un- patient preference. PSA and DRE (d igital rectal
certain and the side effect profiles vary, informed exam) are mon itored every 3 monms for 2 years
patients can reasonably malke different decisions and then every 6 mont!hs; repeat biopsies are per-
about the ir preferred option; that is, the opti- formed at I year and then every 3 years. After a


median follow-up of5 years, about one th ird of pa- atherosclerosis, including hypertension, diabetes,
tients have opted for active treatment; the 8-year and cigarette smoking. Her carotid bruits are both
actuarial prostate-cancer specific survival is esti- a marker for generalized atherosclerosi~ and a spe-
mated at 99.2%. 265 cific indicator of stroke r isk. The presence of the
This patient's urologist is to be congratulated carotid bru its gives evidence of generalized in-
for borh respecting and actively supporting h is volvement of her vascular system with atheroscle-
choice of management. rotic d isease and should prompt an investigation
to prevent the complications of that process. The
Six years after his original diagnosis, he un- most important investigations should focus on
derwent a transurethral prostatic resection for her coronaries and her carotids, but she may also
progressive obstructive symptoms. A ll of the h ave luwer-extrc::111 ity arterial J iseasc:: a nd a n aort ic
specimens from the operation were negative for aneurysm.
tumor. H is PSA levels fell below 1.0 ng/mL. Initial management includes risk factor anal-
Eight years from the original diagnosis, he ysis and control. Her d iabetes, h ypertension, and
continued to do well. His latest PSA was smok ing ~hould be assessed. In addition, a li pid
0.67 ng/mL. profile should be obtained. Careful control of her
hypertension, d iabetes, cholesterol, and triglyc-
Analysis: The dramatic response of the pa-
erides is essential. If she is on oral hypoglycemic
tient's PSA level to transureth ral prostatectomy agents, some though t should be given to switching
confirms the suspicion th at BPH, rather than her to insulin to optimize control. Statin therapy
prostate cancer, was driv ing the PSA elevation. will almost always be started, and, especially in d i-
BPH starts in the peri-ureth ral trans ition zone abetics, therapy targeted at reducing t riglycer ide
of the prostate, and as the benign prostatic t is- levels is also important. She should be urged to
sue coalesces and expands, it compresses the pe- quit smoki ng immediately, and adjunctive smok-
r ipheral zones of the prostate, which are preferen- ing cessation treatments should be offered. An
tially affected by prostate cancer, outwards against electrocardiogram should be performed to look
the prostate capsule. In th is case, a small volume for evidence of prior myocardial infarction or is-
prostate cancer was probably left behind when the
chemia or any myocardial conduction system dam-
central benign prostatic t issue was resected; thus,
age. If she is not already on asp irin, it should be
the negative pathology report. The PSA value fol - started, although the optimal dose is not clearly
lowing transurethral resection can now serve as a defined.
baseline for further active surveillance of th is man's
T he specific qualities of the bru it may provide
prostate cancer, w hich certainly still seems like the some clue as to its significance. The p itch of carotid
preferred management strategy. bruits is important. Low -pitch ed bruits tend to be
associated with less significant disease, wh ile h ig h-
pitched bruits tend to be associated w ith more sig-
CASE SO. USING AND CITING nificant disease. T he duration of the bru it is also
PUBLISHED EVIDENCE important. Short bru its may represent transm it-
ted heart sounds or external carotid lesions, wh ile
A 67 -year-old woman was seen for a general holosystolic bruit~ and bruits extend ing in to d ias-
medical evalu ation. She had hypertension and tole are often associated w ith more severe carotid
non- insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and disease. Also, the location of the bruit is impor-
was a smoker. Her review of systems was nega- tant. Bruits that are loudest low in the neck often
tive, with no neurologic symptoms. On physical result from subclavian or common carotid origin
examination, bilateral carotid bruits were heard pathology, whereas bruits loudest at the angle of
and neur ologic examination was normal. the mandible tend to be associated with disease
in the carotid bifurcation. A h igh-p itched bruit
The approach to the patient with asymp- that extends th roughout systole into d iastole and
tomatic carotid bruits should be individualized. is loudest at the angle of the mandible is generally
Certainly, th is patient has many risk factors for assoc iated with about 80% stenosis.


TABLE 19. 1 randomized to medical management versus med i-

cal management plus CEA. After 5 years of follow-
Duplex Velocity and Waveform up, stroke or perioperative death had occurred
Criteria for Carotid Stenosis in 6.42% ( 0.70) of the CEA group and 11.78%
Determination (1.0) of the medical management-alone group
(absolute difference = 5.35%, 95% confidence in-
Stenosis PSV EDV
terval ICII = 2.96%- 7.75%, P < .0001). 268 Based
(%) (cm/sec) (cm/sec) Tur bulence
on these data, left carotid endarterectomv can be
<30 <120 Any Minimal recommended to this patient with confidence.
30-50 <120 Any Present The presence of ulceration and/or hemor-
50-79 >120 <140 Presenr rhage JtuLcJ 011 Jupkx ill the kft carotiJ playuc
80-99 >120 > 140 Present is significant. In general, echo-dense or calcified
plaques are more likely to rema in stable and are less
EDV. end diastol ic vdocity; PSV. peHk systolic vdocity.
li kely to be associated with symptoms. Echolucent
plaques are those w ith intraplaque hemorrhage or
large, li pid-debris-fi lled cores, and these tend to
The optimal study for evaluation of asymp-
rupture with embol ization, result ing in transient
tomatic carot id d isease is duplex ultrasound, per-
ischemic attacks or overt stroke. Plaque ulceration
formed in an accred ited vascular laboratory. Du-
may result from prior plaque rupture, so such a
plex is non invasive, readily available, and, when
find ing in an asymptomatic patient is of uncer-
performed by experienced technicians, h ighly ac-
tain significance. Still, the presence of plaque ul-
curate and reproduc ible. There are standardized
ceration should be considered as an indicator of
criteria for determ ining t h e severi ty of t h e carotid
prior and potential future plaque instabil ity and
stenosis based on duplex-derived velocities and
would be another factor favoring surgery in th is
waveforms (Table 19. 1). 266 267 In addition, duplex
images yield important information regard ing
Of course, the patient's operative risk must be
plaque morphology.
taken into account prior to making a recommen-
Noninvasive studies were p erform ed. There dation for surgery. Exclusion criteria in both the
was a 30% to 50% right internal carotid artery ACAS and the ACST included age greater than 79
stenosis with ulceration and greater than 80% years, significant heart, lung, k idney, or liver fai l-
left internal carotid artery stenosis with ulcera- ure, any d isease process anticipated to cause death
tion and/or hemorrhage. The patien t remained within 5 years, or excessive operative risk (usually
asymptomatic. related to coronary d isease). W hen consider ing the
ris k -to -benefit analys is for pat ients with asymp -
Two large-scale prospective, random ized tri- tomatic carotid d isease, the magnitude of the ben-
als permit evidence-based dec ision making in efit assoc iated w ith surgery should be considered.
th is case.168 269 Both the Asymptomatic Carotid Even though the benefit is statistically significant
Atherosclerosis Study (ACAS) and the Asymp- in both ACAS and ACST, it is not large. In ACAS
tomatic Carotid Surgery Trial (ACS11 compared for example, the absolute r isk reduction is 6%; the
the results of med ical management alone and number treated to prevent a single stroke is, there-
med ical management plus carotid endarterectomy fore, 16. Thus, patients should be selected carefully
(CEA) in patients with 60% or greater carotid for surgery. [n th is patient population, especially
stenosis. In both tr ials, surgery was shown to be in the presence of d iabetes, preoperative risk strat-
beneficial, w ith approximately 50% relative stroke ification w ith radionuclide stress imaging seems
r isk reduct ion at 5 years follow-up. In the ACAS, prudent. Perioperative beta-blocker, asp iri n, and
834 medicall y managed patients had a 5-year stroke statin therapy should be routine. Surgeon-related
r isk of 11%, wh ile 825 patients undergoing surgery factors should also be considered. Surgeons in the
had a 5-year stro ke r isk of 5.1 % (P = .004). 269 ACAS and the ACST were selected for partici-
Similarly, in the ACST, 3, 120 asymptomatic pa- pation based on the ir past performance of carotid
tients w ith 60% or greater carotid stenosis were endarterectomy w ith very low ( <2%) stroke and


mortality rates. In current practice, combined pe- utterances, and then transcribing and editing the
rioperative stroke morbidity and all-cause mortal- discussant's remarks. Instead, we gave the mate-
ity for endarterectomy in asymptomatic patient~ rial to an expert in carotid artery disease (a sur-
should be less than 3%. geon) and asked him to analyze the material as
More recently, carotid scenting has been sug- he would if he were the patient's physician. What
gested as an alternative to carotid endarterectomy, emerges is an exercise in evidence-based medicine,
especially in patients at high surgical risk. One ran- as described in Chapter 8. The discussant begins
dom ized trial comparing carotid endarterectomy h is analysis by noting that he is undoubtedly not
and carotid scenting in patients at high risk for en- dealing w ith isolated carotid d isease and notes that
darterectomy due to anatomic factors or medical attention must be paid to other arter ies, including
c.:omorbidities found that steming was associated efforts w stop the progressio n of disease with d1er-
w ith a statistically significant reduction in the inci- apeutic interventions (cessation of smoking, use of
denceof periprocedural strok e, MI (myocardial in- statins). T hen he launches into a detailed analys is
farction), or death as a combined endpoint. 270 T he of diagnostic issues, bringing evidence to bear on
d ifferences in the incidences of individual end - the patiem's disorder.
points fa iled to reach statistical significance. More His analysis, with data and references pro-
than 70% of the high-risk patients in this trial were vided, examines data on the outcomes of two major
asymptomatic. The lack of a medical-treatment- clinical trials, and he compares the patient to the
on ly arm in this and other similar stenting trials cohorts of patients in these trials. His decision in-
makes their results difficult to interpret since many cludes a thoughtful risk/benefit analys is and a con-
high- risk patients are probably best treated w ith sideration of alternate approaches.
medical therapy alone. At present, there are insuf- vVe suspect that he h as internalized all the
ficient data to permit definition ofa role for carotid evidence to wh ich he refers, and that on a day-
scenting in asymptomatic carotid disease. to-day basis, he does not need to go through this
detailed exercise. Nonetheless, having his decision
She underwent an uncomplicated left carotid process made explicit shows how even someone
endarterectomy. Three years later, she has con- with lesser degrees of expertise could approac h a
tinued to do well with no neurologic events. similar problem.

The long-term stroke risk in patients who

have undergone carotid endarterectomy, that is,
the stroke r isk in the ipsilateral hemisphere, is ap-
proximately 1% per year. vVith current surgical
techniques, the incidence of clinically relevant re-
current carotid stenos is should be less than 5%. T he A 44-year-old previously healthy man pre-
natural history of her right-sided carotid lesion is sented with a 3-week history of fatigue and
most often benign. In a patient with less than 50% temperatures as high as 38.2 C (100.8F). The
contralateral stenos is, as in this case, the annual in- man was a medical resident at a municipal
cidence of contralateral carotid -related symptoms hospital.
is less than 5%, and the probability of progression
to 75% stenosis (or more) over 5 years is 14%. 171 272 Despite the long list of causes of fever and
T here is significant controversy as to the most ap- fat igue, I would be most worr ied about occupa-
propriate follow-up forthis patient. In our practice, tionally related illnesses, such as primary human
we would get a follow- up duplex at6 months and immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and hep-
then every 2 years unless the d isease progressed. atitis in its prodromal phase.

Analysis *O rigina lly published by Kopelman RI, Wong JB, Pa uker

SG. N Engl J Med 1999;34 I :435-439. For references see
In this instance, we departed from our usual prac- http://con tent.nejm .org/cgi/conte nt/extract/341/614 3 5.
tice of presenting the clinical mate rial to a clini- Reprinted with permission of the Massachusetts \lec.l ical
cian, recording the d iscussant's "thin king aloud" Society.


The fevers usually occurred at the end of the day electrolyte, creatinine, and calcium levels were
and were associated with myalgias and chills. normal, as were liver function results and a com-
The patient began to take acetaminophen. He plete blood count.
was seen at a local emergency room for epigas-
tric pain, where a physical examination, a com- I continue to be concerned about the possibil-
plete blood count, electrolyte levels, and radio- ity of acute HIV infection and tuberculosis. Vari-
graphs of the kidneys, ureter, and bladder were cella is possible but unlikely in the absence of skin
all normal. In the previous week, he had noticed lesions. I would obtain a chest film, especially g iven
some shortness of breath when he was climb- the patient's occupational history. Varicella can
ing stairs, a dry cough, and a single episode of cause a severe pneumonia, often assoc iated w ith
night sweats. He had lost 2.7 kg in weight in the hemoptysis. In its wa ke, the findings on the chest
preceding 6 months. A review of organ systems film are almost pathognomonic, w ith very tiny (2
was otherwise unremarkable. to 3 mm), densely calcified, perfectly round lesions
that are too small to be anyth ing but varicella.
At what time of year did this occur? Nor-
mall y, body temperature peaks in the evening and A chest film showed numerous small nod-
is lowest in the early morning. Swings in body tem- ules bilaterally in a miliary pattern. The right
perature tend to be a little wider in febrile states. hilum, right paratracheal region, and aorti-
Dyspnea suggests the possibility of viral pneumo- copulmonary window appeared slightly larger
nia, but I am still focused on the occupational risk than they bad 1 year earlier and were thought
factors. to reflect the presence of enlarged lymph nodes.
An infectious disease consultant thought that
The patient grew up in India, where he had
the likelihood of tuberculosis was high.
received bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vac-
cine as a teenager. Twenty years earlier, he had
I would test the patient for tuberculosis while
had a positive skin test for tuberculosis with pu-
the workup proceeds. The diagnostic yield of a
rified protein derivative (PPD). He had lived
sputum specimen from a patient w ith miliary tu-
in Barbados, Jamaica, and the Bahamas before
berculosis is not as good as in patients w ith cavitary
coming to the United States 3 years earlier. He
lesions. I would like to recheck the results of this
had no recent history of travel or needle sticks.
patient's skin test~ because a negative result could
His clinical rotations over the last 9 months had
mean that anergy has developed. T he PPD test is
been in municipal and Veterans Affairs hospi-
usually positi ve in patients with miliary tubercu-
tals. He did not recall caring for any patients
losis, but in this patient, it could also be positive
with active tuberculosis, but had been exposed
because of the BCG immunization. At this point,
to varicella in the previous month. He smoked
the likeli hood of tuberculosis is roughly 70%. If this
a half pack of cigarettes daily and was taking
patient were in Cal ifornia, fungal diseases, such as
no medications other than acetaminophen.
coccidioidomycosis, would be higher on my list. I
Exposure to BCG vaccine can permanently would dilate his pupils and search h is optic fundi
affect the results of the PPD skin test, so a sk in test for gra nulomas, which, if present, would rule out
the possibility of varicella.
might be useful at this point to dete rm ine whether
the patient is ane rg ic. Sch istosomiasis and strongy-
The results of the PPD skin test were nega-
loidiasis are endemic in the Caribbean. It is incon -
tive, with a positive reaction to control anti-
ceivable to me that this man has not been exposed
gens. Bronchoscopy revealed mild to moder-
to tuberculosis, given his personal and professional
ate bronchial inflammation; examination of
bronchoalveolar-lavage fluid was negative for
The patient appeared to be in good health. His cancer. A transbronchial biopsy revealed com-
vital signs and temperature were normal. Phys- pact, noncaseating granulomas with occasional
ical examination was unremarkable. Serum giant cells, consistent with the presence of


ceiving adequate ant ituberculosis therapy, so the

sarcoidosis. Staining for acid-fast bacilli and
progressive symptoms could indicate a resistant
methenamine staining for fungi were negative.
strain of Mycobacterium. I would obtain another
Although noncaseating granulomas are com- chest film.
patible w ith the presence of sarcoidosis, they are
The patient's symptoms improved markedly
also compatible with the presence of many other
after 3 days of treatment with prednisone. After
things. The negative acid-fast stain does not rule
6 weeks, the cultures for mycobacteria were still
out tuberculosis. This man does not have anergy,
negative and the antituberculosis medications
and I wou ld have expected his PPD skin test to be
were discontinued. The working diagnosis was
positive because he h ad received BCG vaccine. Tu-
berculosis can occur in people who have received
BCG vaccine. I would still treat h im for tuberculo-
The problem we often have when consider-
sis until the results of the culture become ava ilable. I
ing a diagnosis ofsarcoidosis is how much evidence
would also seek additional evidence of sarcoidosis,
is enough. Is a finding of granulomatous tissue at
such as skin lesions or abnormalities on sli t-lamp
only one site in a patient with a somewhat atypical
examination of h is eyes. A finding of noncaseat-
clinical story enough ? The patient clearly seems to
ing granulomas at another site would be helpful.
have had a good response to the corticosteroid ther-
Whether to begin treatment w ith corticosteroids is
apy. Fortunately, tuberculosis seems to be highly
problematic without a more definitive diagnosis.
The angiotensin-converting-enzyme level was
normal. Treatment with isoniazid, rifampin, Analysis
pyrazinamide, and ethambutol was begun. The Distinguishing between pulmonary sarcoidosis
patient was advised not to return to work for and pulmonary tuberculosis can be a ch allenge,
2 weeks. His wife was asked to undergo a PPD even for experienced clinicians. The main effects
skin test and chest radiography. of both diseases typically are in the lungs, in associa-
tion with predominant symptoms of fever, malaise,
The angiotensin-converting-enzyme level is anorexia, weight loss, and, depending on the de-
neither specific nor sensitive enough to rule out gree of pulmonary involvement, dyspnea or cough.
sarcoidosis because it can be abnormal in any pa- Both diseases can involve the same organ systems;
tient with a granulomatous process. I would still both can produce granulomas, which may reveal
seek further evidence ofsarcoidosis: I would check neither caseation nor organisms on histological ex-
the patient's al kali ne phosphatase level and exam- amination. Both can m imic a variety of diseases
ine his lacrimal and parotid glands. If his wife's I 1- 4 I (the reference numbers refer t o tl10se in the
chest film is also abnormal, the likeli hood of tu- paper cited in the footnote g iving the source of this
berculosis would increase. case).
Although ordinarily a specific diagnosis is
The patient continued to have fevers, and 2
made before a treatment is chosen, we must often
weeks later, his shortness of breath became more
make therapeutic choices before the diagnosis has
severe. Cultures for mycobacteria remained
been established. As evidence become~ available,
negative. Treatment with 60 mg of prednisone
we interpret it, decide whether to gather more
per day was begun because of the possibility of
information, and choose whether or not to initi-
sarcoidosis. Because the patient was not anergic
ate treatment. As the clinical picture evolves, we
and had potentially been exposed to tuberculo-
constantly balance the benefits and risks of ad-
sis in the past as a physician and in India, an-
ditional tests against those of immediate therapy.
titn hr.rcnlosis th f'.r:ipy w:is c.ontinnf'.O p l".ntling
Some decisions involve determining whe ther one
final culture results.
disease is sufficiently likely that the potential bene-
I am in thorough agreement w ith this fits of trea011ent outweigh the potential side effects
approach. What does alarm me, however, is the and complications 151. As was true in the case un-
patient's increasing dyspnea. He appears to be re- der discussion, other therapeutic decisions may be


requ ired when there are several diagnostic alter- the probability ofeach find ing in the presence of tu-
natives, when each has its own risks, and when berculosis and sarcoidosis, both individually and in
the treatment used for one possibility could pose combination. A Bayesian calculation (Table 19.3)
an add it ional r isk to the patient if one of the other shows that if rhe probability of tuberculosis on clin-
d iagnose~ is correct. ical grounds is 70% before the three results are
Both the cl inicians caring for th is physician known (a value suggested by the discussant), the
and the d iscussant were strongly attracted toa diag- revised, or posterior, probability of tube rculosis,
nosis of tuberculosis. The basis for that belief may wh ich includes the information on the joint prob-
have been the possibility of an occupational expo- ability of all th ree find ings, would still be quite
sure or the patient's h istory of travel, in conjunc- h igh: 37%.
tion with h is S)' lllptums anJ finJ ings on Lite <:h esl What Joes a posterior prubabi li Ly uf tuber<:u-
film. W hen the PPD sk in test was found to be non- losis of approx imately 40% tell us about the adv is-
reactive, the ang iotensin-converting-enzyme level ab ility of treatment w ith antituberculosis agents or
was found to be normal, and noncaseatinggranulo- corticosteroids? Because neither tuberculosis nor
mas were identified on transbronchial lung biopsy, sarcoidosis was an established d iagnosis, the dec i-
should the clinicians have abandoned the d iagnosis sion hinged on the tradeoffs w ith respect to the
of tuberculosis? benefits and r isks of both proposed treatments.
A simple Bayesian analysis offers some assis- T he fact that mil iary tuberculosis is life threaten-
tance. Let us assume that the patient h ad either ing argues strongly for the use of antituberculosis
tuberculosis or sarcoidosis. Table 19.2 summarizes therapy, at least until the diagnosis can be ruled

TABLE 19.2

Probabilities of Various Findings in the Presence of Miliary

Tuberculosis and Sarcoidosis
Probability of Finding with Probability of Finding
Finding Miliary Tuberculosis (%) with Sarcoidosis (%)
Nonreactive PPD skin 25 95
Noncaseating 20 JOO
Normal angiotensin- 95 20
All three find ingsd 4.75 19
"The likdihood of a negative purifieJ protein Jeri v'1tive (PPD) sk in test in patients w ith mil iary
tuberculosis ra nges from 10% to 62%, with a n average of25% [6- 101. About 10% of patients who
receive bacille Calmette-Gutrin vaccine become nonreactive to PPD alter JO years, anJ nearly all a re
n<>nreactive after 25 yea rs r11 l Becau se sa rcoidosis docs not result in a positive reaction to PPD and
bemuse the patie nt in question had been vaccinated 30 years earl ier, the likel ihood of his being
non reactive to PPD is 95% if he has sarcoidosis.
h Approximately 20% <)f patients v.:ith mil ia ry tuberculosis w ill have noncaseating granulomas without
it.len tifiable acid -fast bacill i [12 1. Virtually all patient5 with sarcoidosis will have noncaseating
granulomas on biopsy.
c A ng iotensin.-convcrting ..enzymc levels a re nor ma] in 20% of patients \.V ith sarcoidosis. \vhcreas the
level:. ""c uo1 1 11~.I iu 95% uf palic 11t:') \\' ilh tuLc1Lulu:.i:-.I 13].
a Each value is the prot.luct of three indiv idual probabil ities, as.rnm ing that each one is int.lependent of
the othe rs.
Prom Kopdrnan RI, Wong JB, PaukerSG. A little math helps t he medic ine go Jown. N Engl f Med
1999;34 I :435- 439. For references see http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/extract/341/6/435. Reprinted
with permission of the Massachusetts Med ical Societ)'.


Calculation of Revised Probability of Tuberculosis in the Presence of Various Findings

Initial E stimate of Joint Probability Product of the Initial
Probability Based of All Three Estimate and the Revised
on Clinical Findings for Each Joint Probability of Probabilityh
Diagnosis Grounds (%) Diagnosis" (% ) All Three Findings (% )

Tuberculosis 70 4.75 332.5 37

Sarcoidosis 30 19 570 63
Total 902.5
a Each val ue is the product of three indiv idual probabil ities, assuming that each one is intlependent of the <>thers.
bThe rev isetl probability was calculated by d ivid ing the prod uct of the initial esti mate and the joint probability of all three
find ings by the total.
F rom Kopelman RI , Wong J B, Pauker SG. A little math hdps the med icine go down. N Engl J Med 1999;341:435- 439.
Reprinted w ith permission <>f th e Massach usetts Medical Society.

our I 1,6-101. Although isoniazid -related hepatitis h igher in Asian me n, perhaps 2%. Each pa tient
is not infrequent, in a young man who would be in whom isoniazid- related hepatitis develops h as a
dosely followed , there would only be a t iny chance 7.6% risk of dying from that complication. T h us,
of a fatal reaction wi thin the relatively short period the overall mortality rate among all Asian men
before culture results became ava ilable 114- 161. If who take isoniazid is 2% x 7.6%, or approx imately
the patient had tuberculosis, the balance between 0.15% 115- 171. Patients who are treated for m il-
the benefits and risks would clearly favor the use iary tuberculosis but who actually have sarcoidosis
of antitube rculosis t herapy; if the patien t h ad sar- would be exposed to this risk w ithout any benefit.
c.oidosis, treatment w ith isoniazid would expose T he benefit-to-ris k ratio for treatment is t herefore
h im co unnecessary r isks. roughly 200 (30% ...;... 0. 15%). Thus, the therapeutic
Somewhere between these two diagnostic cer- th reshold for antituberculosis therapy is 0.5%, or
ta inties, there must be a probability of tu berculosis I -:- (200 + I). Work ing bac kward, we can see that
at w hich the benefits of treatment equal the risks. as long as the clinical probability of tuberculosis
This level is called the therapeutic th reshold 151. (the probability before the find ings of the non-
For values above that th reshold , antituberculosis reactive PPD skin test, the normal angiotensin-
treatment should be given, and for lower probabil- converting-enzyme level, and the noncaseating
ities, treatment should be withheld. T he th reshold granulomas on biopsy have become k nown) ex-
value depends on the benefit-to-risk ratio (B:R) for ceeds 2%, adm inistering ancituberculosis therapy
the treatment and, in fact, equals the quotient of is appropriate.
the following expression 151: I ...;... (B:R 1). + T he d iscussant estimated that the clinical
How can one estimate the benefits and risks probability of tuberculosis was 70%. Certainly, that
in order to determine the therapeutic threshold? value far exceeds th e therapeutic threshold and
Once aga in, we w ill assume that the patient has ei- is at a level at which therapy should provide a
ther tuberculosis or sarcoidosis. If we also assume substantial benefit. Even after the results of the
that treated m iliary tuberculosis has a mortality PPD skin test, the serum angiotensin-converting-
rate of20%, as compared with a rate of50% with- enzyme level, and the bronchial biopsy became
out treatment I 1,6- 10 1, then treatment is associated known, the probability of tuberculosis was almost
w ith an absolute benefit of30% in terms ofsurvival 40%, a value that was still well above the very
if a patient does have tuberculosis and rece ives ap- low therapeutic threshold. Viewed another way,
propriate treatment. Ison:iazid-related hepatitis is if the proba bility of tuberculosis is 40%, a cohort
the main risk of treatment. Although the ris k of of 10,000 similar men would include 4,000 with
th is complication is typically I %, it is somewhat tuberculosis and 6,000 w ith sarcoidosis. W it hout


antituberculosis therapy, only 2,000 of those w ith benefits and risks of each proposed therapy quan-
tuberculosis (50%) would survive. \.Vith ant ituber- titatively. Sometimes, rather than choose between
culosis therapy, 3,200 would survive (80%) but S two therapies, the best strategy may be to give both
would d ie of isoniazid- related hepatitis. On the treatments and wait for more information, as was
other hand, among the 6,000 men with sarcoido- done in the case under d iscussion.
sis, 9 would die of isoniazid-related hepatitis. For
the cohort of 10,000 men as a whole, the use of an-
tituberculosis therapy would imp rove survival by CASE 52. A REWARDING PURSUIT
I, 186 men (I 200-5-9). Of course, if there were ad- OF CERTAINTY*
ditional benefits of antituberculosis therapy (e.g.,
if Lreau11e11L also preve11Led th e Lra11s1111ssio11 uf i11 - A 53-year-old, previously healthy college pro-
fection to others), the net benefit of therapy would fessor was brought to the emergency room in
be even greater, the benefit-to-risk ratio would be status epilepticus. He had no history ofseizures.
higher, and the therapeutic threshold would be
even lower. After g iving intravenous medication to stop
If the patient had tuberculosis but was treated the seizures, I would obtain some medical and so-
with corticosteroids for presumed sarcoidosis in cial history. Does the patient have hypertension or
add ition to antituberculosis drugs, what would underlying vascular d isease? Is he a drinker or a
have been the risk of disseminated tuberculosis? user of recreational drugs? T hese days we must
The risk of corticosteroid therapy in patients with always keep the possibility of human immunode-
pulmonary tuberculosis, especially milia ry tuber- fic iency virus (HIV) infection in mind.
culosis, is far lower than is generally believed. Stud-
ies extending over four decades emph asize the Three weeks earlier he had seen his physician
safety, if not the benefit, of corticosteroid ther- for new bifrontal headaches that were relieved
apy, as long as antituberculosis therapy is given with aspirin. His physical examination was nor-
concomitantly I 17- 20 I. On the other hand, if the mal at that time. On the day before his seizure,
patient had sarcoidosis, would initially w ithhold - he awoke at 4 a.m. with a diffuse, piercing
ing corticosteroids have posed a risk as long as headache that was relieved with aspirin. He
his cond ition remained stable? Aggressive treat- then felt well enough to work that day. In the
ment of patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis who emergency room, the patient's wife said that he
have progressive respiratory symptoms decreases had had neither constitutional symptoms nor
the extent of permanent end-organ damage 13,21 1. difficulties with his gait, vision, or speech. He
The benefit-to-risk ratio for the use of corticos- had no history of head trauma but had played
teroids in the presence of progressive dyspnea, touch football a few weeks earlier. Twenty years
such as occurred in the patient under discus- ago, he had undergone orchiectomy for what
sion, would be h igh, and the therapeutic thresh- was said to be a benign lesion. He smoked one
old would be rather low. On this basis, we might pack of cigarettes a day and had done so for 30
conclude that once progressive dyspnea developed years; he drank socially. He took no medica-
and the probability of sarcoidosis exceeded 60% tions. He had three children.
(Table 19.3), the clinicians did select a superior
I would want to know whether the orchiec-
management strategy: They added corticosteroids
tomy was performed because of an undescended
to the antituberculosis-drug regimen until the re-
testicle or a lesion in a descended testicle. If it was
sults of mycobacterial cultures became known
for an undescended testicle, the risk of cancer in
and the diagnosis of tuberculosis could be ruled
the contralateral testicle is increased. Even at the
patient's age, germ -cell tumors can present w ith
The key to approach ing patients who are
acutely ill and in whom the diagnosis remains un -
o riginally published by Pauker SG, Kopelman RI. N Engl f
certain is to think probabilistically. F irst, use the Med 1993;329: 1103- 1107. For references. see http://cuntent.
ava ilable information to estimate the likelihood of nejm.org/cgi/content/extract/329/15/ l l 03. Reprinted w ith
each disease. Once that is done, assess the potential permission of the l\fassachusetts Medical Society.


central nervous system metastases. The fact that these normal laboratory values. Melanoma could
he has th ree children is of interest because J5% present with a metastatic brain lesion without ob-
to 20% of men w ith testicular lesions are infert ile vious evidence of a primary lesion. If he has a
before their diagnos is. metastatic germ-cell tumor, the chest film should
Aspirin helped his headache but could also not be normal. Certainly, a primary tumor of the
cause an occult lesion to bleed, although there is central nervous system is possible.
no h istory of a stiff neck. He has had no symptoms Because of the possibility of increased in-
suggesting a systemic illness, but the subacute h is- tracranial pressure, I would order a computed to-
tory of headaches suggests a mass lesion, perhaps mographic (CT) scan of his head before attempting
from an infectious or neoplastic process. Ch ronic a lumbar puncture.
men ing itis tl ue LU a n organism such as Cryptucuccus
seems less likely. CT scan of the head with contrast showed a
well-defined 2-by 2-cm lesion in the left pari-
The seizures were controlled with diazepam, etooccipital region. There was ring enhance-
phenytoin, and phenobarbital. After they ment around a large area ofattenuation (Figure
stopped, the patient's blood pressure was 140/ 19.1). An additional 1-cm area oflow attenua-
70 mm Hg, his pulse rate was 70 per minute, and tion without ring enhancement was seen in the
his respiratory rate was 12 per minute. He was left temporal lobe.
afebrile. Physical examination was unremark-
able except for a blurred nasal portion of the left He appears to have multifocal disease. The
optic disk, an absent left testicle, and moderate differential diagnosis includes a brain abscess
prostatic enlargement with no nodules. He was
drowsy and had a decreased attention span. He
responded to questions with one-word answers
and did poorly on tests of comprehension, abil-
ity to name objects, and ability to repeat a list
of items. He did not follow commands. The re-
mainder of the neurologic examination showed
no focal findings. The complete blood count,
differential count, blood glucose and blood urea
nitrogen (BUN) levels, and serum electrolyte,
creatinine, calcium, magnesium, and alkaline
phosphatase levels were all normal. The ery-
throcyte sedimentation rate, chest x- ray film,
and results of urinalysis were normal. A stool
guaiac test for occult blood was negative.

A[ this point, the patient's altered mental state

does not help me distinguish between a mass lesion
and meningitis. His normal temperature argues
against many infections, although a patient w ith
a suppurative brain abscess could be afebrile, as
could a patient w ith toxoplasmosis. T he blurred
optic disk raises the possibility of increased in-
tracranial pressure. The rest of his physical find -
ings are not helpful. His impaired sensorium could
just represent a postictal state.
From an oncologic viewpoint, it would be un- Figure 19.1 Contrast-Enhanced CT Scan Dem-
usual for a patient w ith disseminated cancer, espe- onstrating a 2-by-2-cm Lesion in the Left Parieto-
cially one originating below the neck, to have all Occipital Region. Case 52.


(eithe r bacterial or perhaps resulting from Toxo - out further proof. We still have to look for occult
pla,-ma infection), lymphoma, and a glioma, which infection.
can be microscopically if not grossly multifocal.
Ring enhancement suggests that there is an inflam- The patient felt well. A repeated CT scan
matory component a nd excludes the possibility of showed resolution of the edema. Blood cultures
causes such as a bland in farct. Even though the pa- were negative. Plans were made for a brain
tient is afebr ile, septic em boli are possible, but the biopsy before beginning radiation therapy for
normal blood count a nd sed imentat ion rate a rgue the presumptive diagnosis of metastatic cancer
against that. from an unknown primary site.

The patient was treated with dcxamcthasonc.

A tissue diagnosis is obviously necessary be-
Over the next 24 hours, his mental stan1s cleared fore rad iation therapy is even considered in this
man. H owever, infection has not been excluded. I
and his neurologic results returned to normal.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the would still like to know whether he has any risk
factors for HfV infection and whether he has trav-
head was interpreted as strongly suggestive of
a metastatic lesion in the left parietooccipital eled recently. I neglected to ask earl ier whether the
region and an old infarct in the left temporal patient had any dental work done befo re the onset
region. of h is recent symptoms. I raise this question be-
cause brain abscesses can originate from infec tions
around the teeth.
The MRI suggests that he may not have mul-
tifocal di~ease. A search for a primary tumor may Brain biopsy showed necrotic material but
not be p roduct ive. I would draw an a nalogy to no tumor. Staining revealed long, filamentous
patients who have adenocarcinomas of unknown branching rods that were gram positive. Un-
primary orig in; there, the yield ofsuch ~earches has til culture results became available, the patient
been low. Because it would be n ice to find a site was treated with penicillin and a sulfonamide.
other than the patient's bra in to biopsy, I would
look elsewhere for possible infectious or neoplas tic T he results of Gram's staining raise the pos-
causes, even though the yield is likely to be low. sibility of actmomycosis or nocardios is. T he initial
I am uncertain w hy the M RI scan was inter- antibiotic coverage seems appropriate.
preted as suggesting a neoplastic as opposed to an
infectious cause. Although we have to be careful Cultures were positive for Actinomyces odon-
not to overinterpret radiologic studies, my expe- tolyticus. On further questioning, the patient
rience has been that MRI is fa irly good at distin- recalled that he had had a tooth capped 3 months
guishi ng tumor from infection. earlier. Although the patient had no pain in this
tooth, the cap was removed and an apical ab-
A chest CT scan was normal. An abdominal scess was found and drained. Those cultures
CT scan revealed a 1-cm cystic structure in the were also positive for A. odontolyticus.
right lobe of the liver and a 1-cm cystic structure
in the superior pole of the right kidney. A pelvic A large percentage of primary bra in abscesses
CT scan was normal. A bone scan showed mild are of dental origin. In retrospect, it is unclear
uptake in the lower lumbar spine but no dis- whether the wor kup of this patient should have
crete abnormalities. The prostate-specific anti- been differe nt. Some clinicians might have pro-
gen level was 6 ,g/L (normal range for men ceeded to brain biopsy sooner and thereby reduced
older than 40 years old is 0.5-4.0 ,g/L). the duration of anguish of the patient and his fam-
ily over the clinical assumption that the mass was
The prostate-specific ant igen result is irrele-
vant. In the absence of bony lesions, the chance The patient received penicillin for 6 months. He
that a patient with prostate cancer has an isolated had no further seizures and no residual neuro-
bra in lesion is extremely low. I am still reluctant logic deficits. Anticonvulsant medications were
to label an isolated bra in lesion as neoplastic w ith-


One fifth of brain abscesses are sterile 13,6,71. Toxo-

discontinued. At the end of his course of ther-
plasma is becoming a more common agent as the in-
apy, a CT scan showed only a small glial scar.
cidence of acquired :i mmunodeficiency syndrome
increases 161. Actinomyces is an unusual cause of
brain abscess but a common inhabitant of the oral
Analysis cavity and a common cause of dental and cranio-
Brain abscesses are uniformly fatal if not diagnosed facial infections I 14, 151. Actinomycotic brain ab-
I I,21 (the reference numbers refer to those in the scesses can arise from either contiguous structures
paper cited in the footnote giving the source of or hematogenous spread from remote sites I 16-18'1,
th is case). Over most of the last half cenmry, the as was presumably the case here. Although cran-
c:ase fatality rate of bra in abscess was fai rly con- iofacial actinomycosis has been reported in associ-
stant, approximately 30% to 50% I I- 51, but in the ation w ith HIV infection 1191, its incidence does
last decade it has dropped sharply, to the range not appear to be consistently increased among im -
of 10% to 15% 12,3,5- 101. T hat improvement has munocompromised patient~ 1141.
been ascribed to the early d iagnosis made possible T he first prior ity in a patient w ith status
by modern imaging studies, to early surgical inter- epilepticus is to cont rol the seizures 120 I, but the
vention, and to improved antibiotic therapy 13,81. next order of business is to identif)1 the cause. In
T he ch ief risk of brain abscess is that of an expand- adults, the majority of grand ma! seizures are in
ing intracranial mass, not of infection I 1,2,4 ,6 1. patients with preexisting epilepsy 121,221; the un-
As was the case w ith t h is patient, most patient~ derlying cause is found in only one fourth of adults
w ith brain abscesses have headach e or lethargy with new seizures 123,241. T he majority of the
12,3,61, but fewer than half have fever, focal neu- causes are relatively evenly d istributed among vas-
rologic signs, signs of inc reased intracranial pres- cular d isease, trauma, tumors, and alcoholism 122].
sure, or altered mental status 12,3,6,9, 11I. One th ird Only a minority are caused by degenerative disease
have seizures 12,3,61. Ten percentofbrain abscesses or infection 121,22]. The causes ofa new seizure dis-
are caused by penetrating trauma to the skull, and order depend strongly on the patient's age f23,24].
20% are cryptogenic, but fully half arise by con- Among neonates, birth trauma and infections are
tiguous spread from the sun uses, the mastoids, and common, but in early childhood, head trauma and
the middle ear I 1,3,7,I 0-121. Of interest, the 20% idiopathic epilepsy are more likely. Among young
that arise by hematogenous spread from a remote adults, brain tumors and alcohol w ithdrawal are
site are more ins idious in the ir onset, and patients the predominant causes, only to be overshadowed
w ith such abscesses often present with seizures or by cerebrovascu lar d isease in m idd le age and be-
status epilepticus 171. A common source is dental yond.
infection, but lung abscesses, abdom inal or pelvic G iven t he history of headache and a blurred
infections, osteomyelitis, and occasionally endo- optic disk but the absence of fever, meningism us,
c.arditis can also be t he source I 1,3,8, 10- 121. Patients and laboratory signs of infection, the clinicians
w ith right-to-left sh unts caused by pulmonary ar- worried about the risk of hern iation as a com pli-
ter iovenous fistulae or cyanotic congenital heart cation oflumbar puncture and first obtained a CT
defects are particularly prone to brain abscesses, scan I I,4,8,121. As shown in F igure 19. 1, the scan
especially if the sh unt is large enough to cause revealed a parietal occipital lesion with radio[og ic
polycythemia 13,7, 10, 11 I. Hematogenous abscesses signs of inflammation and edema. Brain abscesses
often fall within the distr ibution of the m idd le cere- commonly demonstrate a th in ring of en hanced
bral artery and occur at the junction between the uptake of contrast on CT scan, but th icker, more
brain's white and gray matter, where capillary flow irregular rings can a lso be seen in patients with
is slowest 13,7,131. brain tumors 113,251, especially if an area of central
Streptococci, Bacteroides, and gram-negative necrosis is present. MRI is said to dist inguish more
species, such as Proteus , Klebsiella , and Pseu - clearly between abscesses and tumors, demonstrat-
domonas, are most commonly cultured from bra in ing a th in capsule pointing toward the ventricles
abscesses, althoug h staph ylococci predominate in the latter I 13 I, but findings can overlap. In one
w hen penetrating trauma is the cause 13,6-11 I. study that applied Bayes' ru le to distinguishing


among brain abscess, tumor, and vascular disease, cases, these r isks are small because a patient w ith a
the find ing that discrimina ted best was the uni- rap idly fatal disease has little to lose as compared
formity of th ick ness of the r ing-enhancing capsule with what a patient with a treatable d isease has to
caused by brain abscesses 126 1. In th is patient, when gam.
the MRI scan was interpreted as strongly sugges- A rough approx imation can be made by com -
tive of metastatic disease, the clinicians at first ap- paring the potential net benefits and r isks. This
peared to foreclose other d iagnostic possibil it ies. patient stood to gain rough ly 20 years of survival
However, after a cursory search for bacteremia, with treatment if he had a brain abscess. (This n.et
they planned a brain biopsy. Their assumption was benefit of therapy is calculated by multiplying h is
that they would find metastatic cancer and then normal life expectancy 124 years I by the likelihood
proceed with radiation therapy. of his surviving a bra in biopsy 199% 1 and by th e
Although the identification of Actinomyces on likelihood of his surviving with a treated brain ab-
the brain biopsy was a surprise, the d iscussant had scess 185%1.) H is net r isk is the loss of only 0.005
persisted in h is concern about central nervous sys- year if he has metastatic cancer. (This value is cal-
tem infection all along. It is not clear why, because culated by multiplying the average life expectancy
the h istory is certainly consistent w ith the possi- for such patient~ 16 months I by the chance of dy-
bility of another intracranial mass lesion, such as a ing from a brain biopsy 11 %1.) If brain biopsy can
tumor. Had th is been a brain tumor presenting as accurately identify a brai n abscess, then the test-
status epilepticus, the prognosis would have been treatment t hreshold 129 1can be calculated as I -
quite grim. With the possible exception of a germ- (0.005/20), which means that if the chance of bra in
cell tumor 1271, a cancer with two intracerebral abscess is greater than 0.005/20, or 1/4,000, a bra in
metastases but no established primary lesion rele- biopsy should be performed. Even if brain b iopsy
gates almost any therapy to t!he realm of palliation. could identify on ly three fourths of bra in abscesses,
Perhaps that k nowledge led the discussant to fo- the th reshold probability of brain abscess wou ld
cus on the patient's orchiectomy. However, with only r ise to 1/(4,000 x 3/4), or 113,000. Because th e
h is llong history of tobacco use, the lung would cer- clinicians could certainly not deny that the prob-
tainly be the lead ing source of cancer in a man of ability of brain abscess was h igher than these ex-
th is age. traordinarily low values, they were obliged to car.ry
In any case, before the cl inicians abandoned on the search until they were qu ite sure of the na-
furcher d iagnostic studies and resigned themselves ture of the brain lesion.
to treating a disease with as poor a prognosis as It is not always reasonable to pursue every d i-
that of metastatic cancer, they wanted to be qu ite agnostic possibility. At some point, we abandon th e
certain of their d iagnosis. Foreclosing consider- chase and turn our attention to providing comfort.
ation of some d iagnoses too soon is a common However, in a patient with no evidence of can-
cognitive error known as premature closure 1281. cer elsewhere, even fai rly ch aracteristic imaging
In effect, clinicians are probably guided by what studies do not ra ise the chance of a brain tumor to
we might call a th reshold of d iagnostic abandon- sufficiently high levels of certainty. In this patient,
ment. Only when the likelihood of the untreat- it was necessary to estab lish a t issue diagnos is, but
able and presumably rap idly fatal disease is above was a brain b iopsy the best diagnostic test? Should
that t hreshold do they feell comfortable resort- a less in vasive course have been followed? Perhaps
ing to pall iative therapy. The threshold of diag- a detailed h istory could have revealed the recent
nostic abandonment is analogous to a probability dental procedure; perh aps a "shotgun" series of
of d isease known as the test-treatment th reshold, imaging studies would have d iscovered the ap i-
above wh ich empirical treatment is indicated 1291. cal abscess. Even if the dental infection had been
If t!he benefit of identifying a treatable d isease is ident ified , should the clinicians have assumed that
large (as in the case of patients with a brain ab- the patient had a brain abscess? Would it still have
scess), then the th reshold of abandonment should been necessary to get a tissue specimen from d1e
be high , unless the r isk of performing the test brain? The infamous bank robber W illy Sutton,
or the r isk of delay ing palliative therapy in the when as ked wh y he robbed banks, answered, "Be-
event of a false-positive result is very h igh. In most cause that's where the money is!" W hen tissue is


needed to confirm a diagnosis, the patient is often

showed bilateral infiltrates. The patient re-
best served when the doctor follows Sucton's law.
fused admission and was given a prescription
Brain biopsy in volves some risk 130- 321, but the
for cephalexin. Respiratory distress developed
risk is quite low when the procedure is guided by
overnight, and he was hospitalized.
modern imaging studies 133- 351, especially relative
to the information the biopsy provides. Greenish sputum bespeaks an infection; in a
Except for small brain abscesses, multiple le- bacterial infection, brownish-red sputum can be
sions, and abscesses located deep in che brain, sur- assoc iated with hemorrhage into the in fected alve-
gical drainage is the treatment of choice 13,71, olar spaces. Although h is condition deteriorated,
followed by an intense and prolonged course of ap- the patient had not been taking the a ntibiotic very
prupriaLe a1 niuiuLics J ireneJ al Ll1e urga11ism iuen- long. In a previously healthy man w id1 bilateral
tified. In this instance, knowledge of the causative pulmonary infiltrates and brownish-red sputum,
agent led to add itional focused questions about re- pulmonary hemorrhage comes to mind even with-
cent dental work, to the appropriate choice of an- out frank hemoptysis. Diseases associated w ith pul-
tibiotics, and to a cure for the patient. In many in- monary infiltrates and hemorrhage include We-
stances, the quixotic quest for d iagnostic certainty gener granulomatosis and Goodpasture syndrome.
leads us to perform many more tests than neces- But bacterial pneumonia is h ighest on my list.
sary; most of the time we learn li ttle from these
superfluous studies 1351. In this case, however, the The patient's hypertension had resolved 5 years
clinicians' persistence unti l the cause was uncapped ago after he lost weight. His last kidney stone
was the key to a successful outcome. developed 13 years earlier. Recently, his crea-
tinine level had been 1.3 mg/dl, and urinalyses
had not shown any hematuria. H e worked as a
CASE Sl TREATING BEFORE KNOWING* clothing shipper. He did not drink and had not
smoked for 10 years. There was no history of
drug abuse, and he had not had sex with men.
A 52-year-old man with a history of mild hyper-
tension and nephrolithiasis presented with pro-
T he history is consistent w ith mild essential
gressive dyspnea, productive cough, and fever
hypertension. T he serum creatinine may be nor-
for 3 days.
mal if he is a large man. I would dismiss chronic
renal stone disease as a cause of renal failure and
The first thing that comes to mind is pneu-
volume overload. Patients with ant i- glomerular
monia. An upper respiratory tract infection does
basement membrane (GBM) antibodies are more
not usually cause dyspnea unless there is under-
likely to have pulmonary hemorrhage if they have
lying cardiac or pulmonary d isease. Hypertensive
an underlying pulmonary injury, such as that
cardiomyopathy can produce congestive heart fail -
caused by tobacco abuse. He does not appear to
ure, but this man has only mild hypertension.
have risk factors for human immunodeficiency
Nephrolithiasis can cause advanced renal disease
virus infection, wh ich would predispose him to
and h ypertension but may also be a n incidental
opportunistic infections.
In the emergency room, the patient was
Two weeks before admission the patient had
markedly dyspneic. His blood pressure was
fatigue, myalgias, and nasal congestion. Four
174/101 mm Hg, his pulse was 98 per minute,
days before admission he noticed shortness of
his respiratory rate was 30 per minute, and
breath and a cough, productive initially of his rectal temperature was 37.3 C. H is skin
greenish sputum, which became brownish red was warm, and he had no rashes. Diffuse
the next day. At a local clinic, a chest film rales were present bilaterally. The rest of the
physical examination was unremarkable. Other
originally published by Pauke r SG, Kopelman RI. N Engl J laboratory data were as follows: hemoglobin
Mt'tl 1992;327: 1366- 1369. Reprinted w ith perm ission of the 11.3 g/dL; hematocrit 34% ;and white cell count
Massachusetts l\'led ical Society.


white-cell cases reflect renal parenchymal injury.

17,100 with 78% polys, 12% lymphocytes, 1%
\.Vich glomerular disease, the sediment typically
atypical lymphocytes, 7% monocytes, and 2%
contains more red cells than white cells, and one
eosinophils. The platelet count was normal.
would expect co see red-cell casts. \.Vith inflamma-
The electrolytes were normal. The BUN was
tory tubu loimerstitial disease, there are more white
34 mg/ dL, and the creatinine was 2.0 mg/ dL.
cells than red cells, and one would anticipate see-
The chest film showed diffuse bilateral infil-
ing white-cell casts o r renal tubular epithelial casts.
trates consistent with pulmonary edema. The
White-cell casts can be seen both in interstitial dis-
electrocardiogram showed no acute changes.
eases, such as interstitial nephritis or pyelonephri-
On room air, the arterial blood gases were as
tis, and glomerulonephritis, but in the latter case
follows: pH 7.42, partial pressure of oxygen
us uall y wltc:11 there ;1n:: red -c.:d l c.:a~ts a~ wd l.
27 mm Hg, and partial pressure of carbon diox-
With so much he maturia and this pulmonary
ide 39 mm H g.
picture, Tsus pect that t his patient does indeed have
a glorneruloncph ri tis, although the absence of the
r do not think the infiltrates would be so dif-
red -cell casts is wo rrisome. If no red-cell casts are
fuse with bacterial pnewuonia, but viral pneumo-
seen on repeated urina lyses, these urina ry find -
nia could give this picture. The patient is a little old
ings would suggest hemolytic uremic syndrome,
for Mycoplasma pneumonia, but Legio11ella pneu-
but neither the childhood nor the adu lt form of
monia is possible. I would try to distinguish be-
hemolytic uremic synd rome, which may resem-
t ween noncardiac and cardiac pulmonary edema.
ble thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, fits the
Despite severe hypoxemia, he is not hyperventi-
pulmonary picture. The only thing I can think of
lating, which suggests inadequate alveolar venti-
that explains the whole picture would be rapidly
lation. Some patients with cardiogenic pulmonary
progressive glomerulonephritis with pulmonary
edema are unable to hyperventilate, and respira-
rory acidosis develops. I would expect more focal
T would order serologic tests for the various
findings if this were pulmonary hemorrhage. I am
forms of glomerulonephritis, but I would not rush
eager to see his urinalysis. If the elevated serum
to do a kidney biopsy if the patient remains stable.
creacininc is a manifestation of rapid ly progressive
g lomerulonephricis associated with Goodpasture
Serologic studies were ordered of antinuclear
synd romc, therapy needs co be begun immediately.
antibodies (AN A s), C3, C4, total complement
With supplemental oxygen, the partial pres- (CHso), anti-DNA antibodies, anti-GBM an-
sure of oxygen increased to 100 mm Hg. Ery- tibodies, and antineutrophil cytoplasmic anti-
thromycin and ceftriaxone were begun. His res- bodies (C-ANCAs ). l mmunosuppressive ther-
pirarory status deteriorated shortly thereafter, apy was considered for a "pulmonary-renal"
and he was intubated. The sputum was brown syndrome.
with streaks of blood. Gram staining revealed
moderate numbers of polymorphonuclear neu- In Goodpasture syndrome, prednisone and
trophils with gram-positive cocci and gram- cyclophosphamide c11 n suppress antibody forma-
negativc rods, but no predominant organisms tion and plasmapheresis can remove pathogenic
were seen. Dipstick examination of the urine anti-GBM antibodies. But chis therapy needs to be
showed 4+ blood and 3+ protein. The urine started early. If we wait until the patient's creati-
sediment contained 10 to 15 white cells per nine level is greater than 4 mgldL, until he is olig-
high-power field and 15 to 20 red cells per high- uric, or until crescents occupy more than 80% of
power field. Numerous coarse granular and his glomeruli, then renal function will be lost, per-
white-cell casts were seen. There were clumps haps forever. Witl1 Wegener granulomatosis we
of red cells but no red-cell casts. have more time because the prognosis for recovery
of renal function is good even if therapy is delayed
T wo:.ild continue broad-spectrum antibiotics. unti l renal fai lure develops.
Acute renal failure has been associated with Le- If th e patient had a negative C-ANCA test
gio11ella and viral pneumonias, but granular and and a negative anti-G BM titer, then the remaining


immune-complex diseases might be managed w ith The kidney biopsy is the gold standard for deter-
prednisone alone, so these serologic tests m ight mining whether a patient has a disease caused by
keep us from resorting to k id ney biopsy, if we could anti-GBM antibodies, and a negative result sug-
get the results back quickly. If his creatinine con- gests that he does not have rapid ly progressive
tinues to rise, I would opt for the biopsy. glomeruloneph ritis associated w ith Goodpasture
syndrome. There is no evidence of lupus, end o-
On the second hospital day, the pulmonary- carditis, or cryoglobul inemia. The normal serum
capillary wedge pressure was 31 mm Hg. C4 level in the face of the low C3 suggests acti-
An echocardiogram revealed normal valves vation of the complement system by the alte rna-
and normal ventricular function. Vigorous di- tive pathway. The anti- streptolysin 0 and strep-
uresis was begun. An indirect immunofluo- wzyme Lests inJicaLe that Lite patient was Lruly
rescence assay for anti-GBM antibodies was infected with streptococci and not just colonized.
negative, but repeat urinalyses showed defi- I suspect that light microscopy of the kidney-
nite red-cell casts. Pending a specific diagnosis, biopsy specimen w ill show a diffuse proliferati ve
plasmapheresis and immunosuppressive ther- glomerulonephritis. Electron microscopy of the
apy with cyclophosphamide and prednisone specimen wi ll clinch the diagnosis of poststrepto-
were initiated. Plans for a renal biopsy were coccal glomerulonephritis if it shows subepithelial
made. deposits, although I would have expected the stai n-
ing for IgG to have been positive.
A Swan-Ganz catheter can be useful in
In children, hypertension a nd pulmonary
separating card iogenic from noncardiogen ic pul-
edema are classic findings in poststreptococcal
monary edema. The echocardiogram implies that
glomerulonephritis, a diagnosis that brings the
this is not pr im ari ly cardiac disease, but rather fluid
whole clinical picture together.
overload due to the kidney disease. The red -cell
casts validate the diagnosis of glomerulonephritis.
The renal biopsy showed exudative glomeru-
If a patient has anti-GBM antibodies, there is a
lonephritis with subendothelial, subepithelial,
60% chance of detecting them w ith indirect im-
and mesangial electron-dense deposits. Granu-
munofluorescence. The negative result does not
lar deposits of C3 were noted along glomeru-
reduce the probability of glomerulonephritis suf-
lar basement membranes. The findings were
ficiently to warrant wi thhold ing therapy.
consistent with postinfectious (poststrepto-
The results of serologic studies of samples coccal) glomerulonephritis. The patient's
drawn on admission were reported on the third antibiotic was changed to penicillin, and im-
hospital day: CHso 156 (normal 150- 250); C4 munosuppressive therapy was discontinued.
0.33 (normal 0.15-0.54); and C3 0.42 (normal His pulmonary infiltrates cleared. At discharge
0.87- 2.20). The assays for ANA, C-ANCA, on the 13th day, his creatinine was 1.4 mg/dL.
and cold agglutinins were all negative. A per-
cutaneous renal biopsy was performed, and the
preliminary findings were negative for anti-
GBM antibodies. Staining for immunoglobu- O ut of context, even the most familiar friend can be
lin A (IgG) and IgA was negative. Antistrep- difficult to recognize. Presented w ith the picture
tolysin 0 and streptozyme assays were positive. of glomerulonephritis in a child with hyperten-
A culture of sputum obtained at the local clinic sion and edema, few physicians would fail to place
on the day before admission was reported as acute post~treptococcal g lomerulonephritis near
growing moderate amounts of group A beta- the top of their list of suspected diagnoses. 273.274
hemolyticstreptococci and a few gram-negative Even in a patient older than 50 years of age, acute
bacilli. lmmunosuppressive therapy was dis- glomerulonephritis presents primarily with acute
continued. renal fa ilure, hypertension, and edema. 275 How-
ever, an acutely ill, middle-aged man w ith pul-
The negative C-ANCA assay argues strongly monary edema evoked other, quite appropriate
against a diagnosis of Wegener granulomatosis. diagnostic hypotheses. Once it was clear that the


patient had glomerulonephritis, the discussant one possible disease empiricall y wh ile ordering d i-
maintained a narrow focus because he perceived agnostic studies to confirm or exclude alternative
a need to identify rapidly progressive glomeru- diagnoses. Occasionally, the physician can begin
lonephritis assoc iated w ith Goodpasture syndrome several empirical therapies at once to cover several
quickly and to begin therapy before irreversible re- diagnostic possibilities. Perhaps the most common
nal damage occurred. 276- 278 Although he weighed reason for this latter strategy is the selection of an-
the possibility of other "pulmonary-renal" syn- tibiotics in a patient in whom sepsis is suspected
dromes, such as vVegener gr anulomatosis, and ar- before bacteriologic confirmation ofsepsis is avail-
gued for the continuation of antibiotics to cover able.
his most likely diagnosis of pneumonia, he appears In the simplest case, choosing whether or not
not to have considered poststreptococcal nephritis to begin therapy depends on the li kelihood of dlis-
until the rather specific complement and positive ease and the benefits, r isks, and costs of therapy.
streptococcal titers became available. When a diagnostic study might be performed, the
Of interest, the discussant raised the specter optimal solution depends on the costs and risks of
of Goodpasture syndrome before any clinical find - the rest and the diagnostic information it might
ings suggested renal involvement; the case presen- provide. vVhen the delay engendered by perform-
tation included only respirawry distress, hemopt- ing a diagnostic rest can d iminish the benefits of
ys is, and bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. Although therapy, the decision a lso depends on the dura-
this: cut to the chase was a surprising anticipation tion of such delays and their effect on the patient 's
of the patient's renal in volvement, it is perhaps un- prognosis with and without the use of empirical
derstandable that pulmonary hemorrhage would therapy.
suggest a pulmonary-renal syndrome to a nephrol- This patient's initial presentation led his doc-
ogist. By the same token, however, a specialist in tors to perform two invasive procedures and to ad-
rena l disease would be intimately familiar with minister potentially dangerous immunosuppres-
acute poststreprococcal glomerulonephritis, so it sive therapy. Neither [he doctors caring for chis
is surprising that that possilbiliry was initially ig- patient nor the discussant had foreclosed possibil-
nored. Perhaps concern about a rapidly progressive ities other than Goodpasture syndrome, even as
disease with potentially irreversible consequences they pursued that diagnosis and administered ap-
was too great for other possibilities to be consid- propriately aggress ive and timely therapies. They
ered. Perhaps the clinical p icture of a middle- continued giving antibiotics to treat bacterial pneu-
aged patient w ith respiratory distress was too monia; they inserted a pulmonary-artery catheter
disparate; not many patients with acute poststrep- and performed an echocard iogram to evaluate the
tococcal glomerulonephritis present as this patient possibility of intrinsic cardiac disease.
did., and extremely few middle-aged adults w ith T he rationale for both renal biopsy and em -
these clinical manifestations have acute poststrep- pirical immunosuppressive therapy turns on the
tococcal glomerulonephriris. li kelihood that the pat ient had the rapid ly pro-
Selecting a management strategy when the gressive glomerulonephritis of Goodpasture syn-
spectrum of diagnosis remains broad is a complex drome. Although he was incubated, the patient ap-
task. At one extreme, the clinician can defer ther- peared clinically stable, allowing the doctors rime
apy and gather more information, e ither perform- to obtain the results of serologic studies. Although
ing diagnostic tests or observing the evolution of immunosuppressive therapy and plasmapheresis
the disease process, as might be done when a pa- might be begun w ithout histologic confirmation
tient presents w ith acute abdominal pain but has of Goodpasture syndrome if anti-GBM antibod-
no llocalizing findings. Ar the other extreme, the ies were present on ind irect immunofluorescence
clinician can begin therapy empiricall y, either to assay, renal biopsy can be helpful in treating a
use the patient's response to therapy as a diagnos- patient who has acute glomerulonephritis of un-
tic marker or because the likelihood of disease ex- known cause. 279 The discussant mentioned that
ceeds some therapeutic threshold at wh ich the ben- the indirect immunofluorescence assay had a sen-
efits of therapy exceed its risks or costs. Sometimes sitivity of 60%. If the specificity of the test we re
the clinician settles on a mixed strategy, treating 100%, a negative result would reduce the odds of


anri-GBM disease to roughly half the ir previous glomerulonephritis. 273 280281 With that evidence
level. (If the test were less specific, it would have in hand, the clinicians ordered serologic tests for
less effect on the probabili ty of anti-GBM disease.) streptococci and discovered elevated titers. The re-
Since the negative indirect immunofluorescence sults of the culture of sputum obtained some 5 days
studies lowered the likelihood of d isease and since earl ier confirmed the presence of infection with
there was no evidence of progressive renal fail - group A beta-hemol ytic streptococci.
ure, it is interesting that both the cl inicians and the In retrospect, the patient's h istory of hyper-
d iscussant still opted for empirical treatment with tension may have obscured the nature of his new
c:yclophosphamide and prednisone. It is not clear disease. Nondependent edema is less frequen t in
w hy. older patients w ith acute glomerulonephritis than
As the patient's clinical course evolved, in children and young adults. 275 Had the positive
the first suggestion that he had postinfectious sputum-culture results been available in a timely
glomeruloneph r it is arose when serologic stud- fash ion (within I to 2 days of admission), the cor-
ies revealed a normal C4 level wh ile C3 levels rect d iagnosis probably would have been obvious
were low- evidence for a ctivation of the alterna- far sooner, and the patient m ight well have avoided
tive complement pathway. That pattern suggest~ the risk s entailed by renal biopsy, plasmapheresis,
acute post~treptococcal or membranoproliferative and even brief immunosuppressive therapy.

_Cognitive Errors

CASE 54. A DEFECTIVE DETECTIVE that I would do. I probably would try to elicit ten-
derness in the back before spending a lot of time
Here we present two independently recorded dis- taking the history. T hen I would want to know
cussions of a renal diagnostic problem, one by a when all the manifestations started. I would want
medical intern and the other by an experienced to know whether he has a history of back trouble
nephrologist. Although we know li ttle about the or a ny similar episodes, and I would explore the
phylogeny of d iagnostic acumen, it is instructive course, the pace, and the nature of the pain.
to compare the consecutive responses to the same
The patient had felt well until the night of ad-
clinical data of two individuals wi th w idely differ-
mission, when he consumed large quantities of
ent tra ining and experience.
alcohol and used cocaine. Twenty to 30 minutes
A 40-year-old man who was known to abuse after his first cocaine injection (with a dirty
alcohol and various other drugs was seen in needle), he experienced severe, persistent, bi-
the emergency room for excruciating back pain. lateral flank pain, which increased on motion.
The orthopedic resident as.ked the medical res- His urine was described as cola colored, and
ident for help when he found a creatinine of pain did not increase on urination. He contin-
3.7 mg/dL, a blood urea nitrogen (BUN) of 47 ued to drink alcohol a.nd shoot cocaine and also
mg/dL, and no evidence of bone or joint disease. took tranquilizers and an antibiotic. The severe
pain persisted, and he came to the emergency
Intern: 'vVe are called to see a patient with room.
back pain, a BUN of 47, and a creatinine of 3.7.
I would certainly wa nt to know where the back Iiuern: I assume that h is urine previously was
pain is because if it is in the fl a nk, that may suggest not cola colored. This sounds like an acute event
a renal etiology. O ne of the first things I would characterized by dark urine and acute flank pai n.
want to know is whether the elevated BUJ\Tand In a patient who abuses intravenous drugs, the
creatinine are new findings o r if they have been a find ings suggest the possibility of impurities in the
chronic problem. First, I would wa nt to find out material he was injecting, although I cannot m alke
how long he has had the bac k pain a nd whether a connection immediately between such impuri-
he has had fever. I would a lso want to know if ties a nd the bilateral fla nk pain and dark urine.
he h as had any urinary symptoms. All those fea- Dark urine could contain bili rubin or blood. I still
tures wou ld favor an acute renal etiology, althoug h would li ke to know his white count and whether b e
I recognize that he may have chronic renal dis- is febr ile. I continue to worry that he h as bilateral
ease. T he location of the bac k pain may be use- pyelonephritis, although I admit that the diagnosis
ful information. H e could have pre renal azotemia is not terribly likely. Another thing I continue to
or pyelonephritis. I would want to examine the wonder is w hether he has some sort of a n acute
patient and order several other laboratory tests, reaction to an injected impurity.
particularly a CBC (complete blood count) and Nephrologist: So the pain was increased by
differential count, chemistries, and urinalysis. motion. A nd the new information answers the
Nephrologist: Excruciating back pain with question about the du.ration. He had not had it
dysfunction of the kidneys makes one wonde r more than an hour or so, and it came on wh ile b e
whether it is the kidneys tha t are hurting. I would was consuming large qua ntities of alcohol and us-
be interested to know the location of the back pain, ing cocaine. We know that he is taking many other
whether there is radiation, a nd what factors exac- drugs and that he used a dirty needle. H e certainl y
erbate or relieve the pain. I would want to know if could be infected w ith a variety of organ isms.
there is accompanying tenderness. If I found that The cola-colored urine is perhaps the most
the pain is localized to the costovertebral angles specific finding and suggests that he is passing e i-
and that there is tenderness in the k id neys, those ther blood or bile. We are not told whether b e
findi ngs would guide a lot of the history tak ing is jaund iced. Barring a few rare disorders, the



cola-colored urine probably represents hematuria. that he had shortly after his intravenous cocaine
So my initial concern would turn toward solving a injection.
problem consisting ofbilateral severe renal pain ac-
companied by renal insufficiency and gross hema- In the preceding 15 years, he had had the follow-
turia. \Ve do not know whether the hematuria pre- ing illnesses: an abdominal stab wound, hepati-
ceded this episode or not. I will not speculate about tis B, an abscess in the arm, syphilis, and gon-
what it means if it did go back in time, because the orrhea. H e had no history of kidney disease.
history suggests that he took one injection, got se-
vere pain, and then passed dark urine. I am a little
Intern: Neither the history of an abscess in
the arm nor the h istory of syphilis and gonor-
worr ied about this assumption, however, because
the serum creati11i11e of3.7 aml the BUN of 47 sug- rhea is particula rl y helpfu l. It could be impor-
tant to know when and where the abdominal stab
gest that something has been going on for a long
wound occurred and w hether he had any dam-
age to his kidneys. With respect to hepatitis, if
he had chronic hepatitis with an exacerbation, he
On physical examination, he was extremely
could have bili rubinemia and bilirubin in his urine.
anxious. Pulse was 100 p er minute; other vi-
However, I do not think this history tells me a
tal signs, including temperature, were normal.
whole lot.
There were no murmurs. Moderate paraspinal
and costovertebral angle tenderness was
Nephrologist: T he history of an abscess in the
arm, the syphilis, and the gonorrhea is probably
elicited. The remainder ofthe examination was
not relevant to the current problem. Some of these
findings do raise the possibility of a sexually trans-
miue<l Jisease a11<l the possibility of HIV infection.
Intern: Again, the observations are nonspe-
vVe have not been told about HIV risk factors.
cific. Ifhe has an infection, I would expect him to
be febrile, but he is neither febri le :ior hypother- L aboratory findings were as follows: white cell
mic. His vital signs are normal. Most likely he is count 10,900 with 84% polys, 10% lymphs, 6%
not septic. I am now less concerned that he has an monos; hemoglobin 15.4 g/dL; hematocrit 45%.
infectious process, but I would not be w illing to Electrolytes were sodium 133 mEq/L, p otas-
exclude one. I would still want to see the white sium 4.8 mEq/L, chloride 100 mEq/L, total C02
count and more laboratory data. 20 mEq/L. Urinalysis: specific gravity 1.012,
Nephrologist: So, he is not jaundiced. We protein 2+, blood 3+, negative glucose, 2 to 5
have to assume that some asymptomatic disorder white blood cells (WBCs) and 5 to 10 red blood
of h is kidneys predated this recent illness in or- cells (RBCs) per high-power field, numerous
der to explain the serum creatinine of 3.7. I wou ld granular casts, and a few cellular casts. Chest
have to conclude that he had some preexisting re- x-ray and electrocardiogram ( ECG) were nor-
nal failure, and that he had either a subacute ill- mal. Abdominal plain film showed kidneys of
ness or an acute illness that occurred over the past normal size and no abnormalities.
few days. He could have glomerular disease, ob-
struction from stones, or embolic renal disease. It Intern: I am unimpressed with the wh ite
is probably not an infection. Glomerular disease count and the electrolytes. His urine contains 2
would include disorders caused by intravascular to 5 wh ite blood cells, but there is no mention of
infections such as endocarditis. Infection also could bacteria. It concerns me that his urine tests 3+ for
play a role in the genesis ofglomerular disease if he blood and contains 5to10 red cells. Bilirubin is not
had hepatitis, but we have li ttle evidence to support mentioned, so I suspect it is not the causeofhis dark
this possibility. Renal impairment could be the re- urine. I think the dar k urine is caused by blood. I
sult of ingestion of a nephrotoxin. We should keep am puzzled about the cause of h is problem. One
in mind that drug users and alcoholics are more thing we have to think about in an intravenous
likely than the general population to be exposed to drug user is endocard itis. But he has no murmurs,
a variety of toxins. None of these diagnoses, how- he has a normal wh ite count, and he is afebr ile.
ever, accounts for the sudden bilateral renal pain This is not a diagnosis that I would entertain


seriously. At this point, the question is what we studies clearly are warranted. The first thing th.at
should do to evaluate his bilateral flank pain and we should be sure of is that he does not have uri-
hematuria. r would have to consider other tests to nary tract obstruction as a cause of renal fa ilure.
assess the anatomy of his urinary tract. T he first study that I would order at this point is
Nephrologist: Now here is the first startling an abdom inal ultrasound, wh ich would also g ive
item. I assume the cola-colored urine does contain a us an indication of k idney size.
fair amount of blood. Although if tests only 3 out of Nephrologist: Things are changing rather
4+, which is not the strongest reaction, this finding rapidly, thus confirming that this is an acute event.
is far beyond what r would expect from 5 to 10 red If h is illness had been evolving for a few weeks
blood cells per h igh -power field. These findings or even for a few days, one would not expect
suggest that some substance other than the few red such a rapid rise in BUN and creatinine over
cells is contributing to the color of the urine and a matter of a few hours. The combination of a
the positivity of the dipstick reaction. The principal h igh serum phosphorus, slightly low serum cal-
candidates are either hemoglobin or myoglobin. Of cium, rapidly rising serum potassium, and h igh
course, lysed red cells could produce the same find - uric acid is consistent with the dumping into the
ings, but because the specific gravity of the urine is blood of potassium, purine metabolites, and phos-
1.012- that is, approx imately isotonic- there is no phate from some compartment. The slightly low
particular reason for lysis of red cells. I would try to serum calcium probably is the consequence of hy-
find out whether there is evidence ofhemolysis or perphosphatemia. The rate of rise of the creatinine
release of myoglobin into the blood. At this point, and BUN suggests that he has essentially no renal
the most helpful information would include a function. Even w ith no renal function , the rate of
plasma haptoglobin and a serum free hemoglobin. rise of the serum creatinine is a little rapid, wh ich
I suspect we w ill find a normal haptoglobin and suggests that there is rapid delivery of intramus-
negative serum free hemoglobin because hemoly- cular creatinine pools into the blood. Again, this
sis is not very likely, g iven the hematocrit of 45. find ing is consistent with myoglobinuria.
The pigment in the urine probably is myo-
globin. T he electrolytes are not remarkably ab- Other results were aspartate transaminase
normal. They give us little information about the (AST) 1,160 IU/L, alanine transaminase
duration of the renal disorder. The fact that the (ALT) 369 IU/L, lactate dehydrogenase
kidneys are normal in size argues that this is an ( LDH) 1,900 IU/L, and creatine kinase (CK)
acute problem. It would be interesting to know if 42,000 IU/L. On repeat urinalysis, there was 3+
they were larger or smaller tlhan they were the day blood, zero to two RBCs per high-power field,
before. and numerous reddis!h-brown casts.

Serum findings a few hours later were creati- Intern: We do not know w hat his bilirubin :is,
nine 4.8 m g/dL, BUN 56 m g/dL, potassium 5.4 but most likely, he has acute hepatitis. A CK of
mEq!L, uric acid 14 mg/dL, calcium 8.4 mg/dL, 42,000 in somebody who has been drinking heav-
and phosphorus 7.5 mg/dL. ily could be caused by rhabdomyolysis. Excessive
alcohol inta ke is a common cause of rhabdomyol-
Intern: He has a rapid ly rising BUN, crea- ysis. The CK cannot be elevated on a cardiac basis
tinine, and serum potassium. 'vVe do not know because a CK of this magnitude would imply such
wh at h is uric acid was previously, but this value severe muscle necrosis that a patient would not
is quite h igh. Serum phosphorus also is very high. survive such a cardiac event. Rhabdomyolysis also
He clearly is in acute renal failure. occurs in elderly people who lie in one position and
There are some things r should have checked in patients with sepsis and hypotension. Because h e
earlier. I assume he did not h.ave postural hypoten- is an alcoholic, there is a good chance that he fell
sion because his vital signs were normal, but one and sustained trauma. Such an event would ex-
of tlhe things that I should have looked at first was plain the CK of42,000. I would still want to know
his state of hydration. At this point, he has rapidly h is bili rubin, and g iven tl1at his repeat urinalys is
progressive renal fa ilure, and I think that renal showed red cells and reddish-brown casts, I am


suspicious that he has acute glomerulonephritis. I So what caused the back pain? It could be the
would still want to see a renal ultrasound study. kidneys' response to damage by myoglobin. Some-
Nephrologist: All of this argues for t issue de- t imes such damaged k idneys do produce pain be-
struction, probably muscle destruction and proba- cause they become swollen. But pain also could
bly causing release of myoglobin into the blood and emanate from damaged muscles. A CK of 42,000
hence into the urine. It would still be n ice to know implies substantial damage of muscle mass, and
the serum hemoglobin, haptoglobin, and aldolase, if the necrosis was widespread in his back, severe
a lthough I doubt that the .results would contribute back pain could occur. It seems li kely that some
much. I think it would be useful to try to figure combination of the alcohol he was dr ink ing and
out whether the source of back pain is h is kidneys the shot he gave h imself caused sudden and non-
or his muscles. specific muscle damage.

The patient's peak creatinine and BUN reached Analysis

9.2 and 83 mg/dL, respectively. He was not olig- Clinicians and detectives have much in common.
u.ric, and he did not require dialysis. He did not Both deal w ith problems that may have subtle and
develop hypercalcemia in the recovery period. well-h idden solutions. Both take detailed h isto-
Back pain resolved slowly over a 2-week pe- ries, examine physical details, and apply diagnost ic
riod.Follow-up values for creatinine and BUN tests. Throughout our comments about the com-
1 week after discharge w ere 1.6 and 23 mg/dL, parative problem-solving capacities of the intern
respectively. The patient was followed jointly and the neph rologist, we w ill interject some com-
by psychiatry and social service in the substance ments by t he most famous fictional sleuth of all,
abuse clinic. Sherlock Holmes. That Holmes's words should
be directly applicable to med ical problem solving
Intern: I am afraid I have not managed to should be no surprise to Sir Arth ur Conan Doyle's
arr ive at a totall y satisfactory diagnos is. One of the readers; terms common to medical d iagnosis and
first th ings that I would have done in a patient like criminology, such as "facts," "deduction," "infer-
th is is to send off li ver function tests. His AST is ence," "clues," "hypothesis," and "discrepancies,"
very high, and other enzymes also are abnormal. I are sprinkled li berally throughout h is writ ings. Of
still wonder what is wrong w ith h is liver. more than passing interest is the fact that Conan
IAt th is point, the intern was told that the Doyle was a physician.
correct d iagnosis was acute renal fai lure secondary 'vVith regard to the case at hand, we would
to rhabdomyolys is.I be unwise to generalize about the comparative
Oh, of course, I should have gotten the diag- problem-solving approaches of interns and subspe-
nos is much earlier! We should have alkalinized his cialists on the basis of t his limited sample, but cer-
urine early on. We woulci have had the CK result tain patterns of the ir remarks are worthy of com-
in an hour, seen that it was 42,000, and at that point ment. Clearly, the neph rologist was qu icker, more
a lkalin ized the ur ine immediately. T his treatment accurate, more efficient, and more complete than
might have helped deter the development of renal the intern. The patient's initial d iagnostic find ings
failure. were confusing: T he high creatinine led away from
Nephrologist: Now tlhat the d iagnosis is clear, a diagnos is of acute renal fa il ure, and back pain
it would be interesting to try to wrap up the loose (never fully explained even later) is a nonspecific
ends. I wonder if the whole th ing could have dated symptom. Nonetheless, the neph rologist summa-
from the injection. The sudden back pain was said rized the problem as one consisting of back pain,
to have begun 20 to 30 minutes after th e first co- renal insufficiency, and gross hematuria. The in-
caine injection, but he continued after that to dr ink tern at th is stage had only a poorly formulated
alcohol and shoot more cocaine. The entire clinical hypothesis ("some sort of acute reaction to an in-
course seems to have evolved over a period of a few jected impurity") and was considering the rat her
hours. It is d ifficul t to imagine that the serum cre- improbable d iagnosis of bilateral pyeloneph ritis.
atinine increased to 3.7 in a period of a few hours. Considering the fact that problem formulat ion
T his rate of r ise is qu ite fast, but it is possible. is an essential component of the problem-solving


process, it is not surprising that subsequently the intern performed poorly and the nephrologist ad-
nephrologist was better prepared than the intern mirably.
to receive and evaluate new data. vVhat factors account for the superior perfor-
Indeed, the next remarkable difference was mance of the expert? The extent of knowledge
their interpretation of the urinary findings. The must be one factor, pattern recognition (positive
nephrologist recognized promptly that there was occult blood test with few red cells in the urine)
a discrepancy between the 3+ test for blood and probably is another, and experience w ith similar
the finding of 5 to 10 red blood cells per h igh - cases (the availability heuristic) is still another. 27 ,28
power field; the intern thought that the urine con- Other factors undoubtedly are involved. Holmes
tained blood but failed on two occasions to recog- would have had no difficulty explain ing the less-
nize the: t!iscrepam:y bc:t wc:en the: occult bluud test Ll1an- perfen performan ce uf the: i11Lc:m. In The
and the microscopic findings in the urine. In fact, Sign of Four, commenting on the capabilities of
he posited a diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis only after the promineat French detective Franpois le Vil-
the remarkable CK results became available, and lard, Holmes said, "He possesses two out of the
even then, he never connected the rhabdomyolysis three qualities necessary for the ideal detective. He
with the acute renal fa ilure. had the power of observation and that of deduc-
Holmes would never have missed this impor- tion. He is only wanting in knowledge, and that
tant clue. In A Study in Scarlet, he remarked to In- may come in time."284
spector Lestrade of Scotland Yard (as the nephrol-
ogist might have explained to the intern)
All th is seems strange to you because you foiled at the be-
g inning of the inqu iry to grn:>p the in-ip<)r tunce of the single HYPOTHESIS GENERATION
real clue that was presented to you. I had the good fortune
to seize upon th~1t, and everything that has occurred since A 61-year-old woman was being evaluated for
then hai seemed to confirm m y o riginal supposition, and mild anemia and an elevated sedimentation
indeed, was the log ica l sequence of it. H ence, things that
have perplexed you and made the case 1norc obscure ha ve
ser ved to en lighten rne and to strengthen rny conclusions.282
T he connection between the abnormal ities is
The nephrologist's approach probably would vague. IfI assume they are related and do not rep-
have seemed impressive to the intern. In The resent an acute process, many diagnostic possibil i-
Crooked Man, Holmes explains to Dr. Watson, "It ties come to mind. Treatable disorders with these
is one of those instances where the reasoner can abnormal fi nd ings include polymyalgia rheumat-
produce an effect which seems remarkable to h is ica, temporal arteritis, connective tissue disorders
neighbor, because the latter has missed the one lit- such as vasculitis, and chron ic infections such as tu
tle point wh ich is the basis of the deduction." 283 berculosis and osteomyelitis. Of course, we would
By the close of the diagnostic session, the in- have to think of malignancies, especially lym-
tern still was puzzling about the enzyme abnor- phoma or multiple myeloma, when the sedimenta-
mali ties and perseverated on the presence or ab- tion rate is very high. I obviously need much more
sence of jaundice. By this time, the nephrologist data.
had "wrapped up" the diagnosis and was attempt Nine months earlier her hematocrit was 35%,
ing to explain many of the previously obscure find - and 5 months previously, when her doctor saw
ings. her for upper respiratory tract symptoms and
This exercise should not be used to denigrate weakness, it was 32% . Treatment with iron
the intellectual capacities of house officers. vVe se- seemed to relieve her weakness somewhat. Two
lected the transcript from several we had recorded months ago, her major complaints were tinni-
w ith interns specifically because it illustrated faulty tus and anxiety. She was still receiving iron, and
problem wiving. In any g iven case, an intern might her hematocrit was 38% . The mean corpuscular
be a far more effective problem solver than a highly volume (MCV) was 78, reticulocyte count 2%,
trained and experienced subspecialist. Even ex- platelets 400,000, and white cell count 12,000
perts make mistakes; nonetheless, in this case the


whether she has experienced vertigo, wh ich may

with a normal differential. The sedimentation
produce a vagal response and near-syncope. At a
rate, first measured at that time, was 83 mm/hr.
minimum, I think she needs to have an evaluation
There are two pieces of information that I for a cardiac arrhythmia, w ith long-term monitor-
find intriguing. T he most striking number is the ing. Additional h istory would be useful in evalu-
MCV of 78, wh ich implies some problem w ith ating the possibilities of hypoglycemia and ortho-
hemoglobin formation. If she had iron-deficiency static hypotension.
anemia with an MCV of78, I would have expected
The hematocrit was 40%, MCV 79.7, WBC
the hematocrit to be lower. She could have tha-
11,200 with a normal differential, and sedimen-
lassemia minor, but there the MCV typically is even
tation rate 49 mm/hr. Urinalysis: I + blood and
lower. Other causes of microcytic anemia include
zero to three red blood cells p er high-power
pyridoxine deficiency, lead poisoning, and ch ronic
field. Serum calcium, electrolytes, uric acid,
d isease. I would want to look at a peripheral blood
and glucose were normal. Liver function and
smear for more information.
thyroid function tests were normal. The stool
The sed imentation rate is obviously abnor-
was guaiac negative. Radiologic studies of her
mal, and my earlier differential diagnosis still
gastrointestinal and urinary tracts were nor-
holds. I am not sure w hat to make of her tinni-
mal. Cystoscopy disclosed only chronic cysti-
tus. T hat symptom can be seen w ith quinidine or
tis. Chest x-ray was normal, and purified pro-
salicylate use but not w ith iron therapy, to the best
tein derivative (PPD) test was negative. The
of my knowledge. There is no information regard-
ECG showed normal sinus rhythm, nonspecific
ing headache or hearing loss that would make me
ST and T -wave changes, and right ventricu-
look for cranial nerve pathology. I still need more
larconduction delay (incomplete right-bundle-
information in order to decide on the extent of my
branch block [RBBB]). The ANA titer was
1:16, with a diffuse pattern. Serum protein elec-
She was admitted to the hospital. On admis- trophoresis showed no spike and high levels of
sion, she complained only of anxiety and tinni- alpha- and gamma-globulins.
tus. She was postmenopausal. She did not use
alcohol or other drugs. A detailed review of I am struck most by the enormous amount of
systems revealed only that she h ad sustained effort that is going into evaluating a woman who
two episodes of near-syn cope in the previous 6 does not seem to be terribly ill. From what I know,
months. She did not think that she hyperven- it is not clear that hospitalization was necessary
tilated prior to the attacks. Her appetite was at this point- unless her doctors were concerned
g o od, and her weight was stable. On examina- about her syncopal symptoms and felt she required
tion, she appeared anxious. Blood pressure was long-term monitoring. The reason for the GI (gas-
150/88 mm Hg, pulse 92 per minute and regu- trointestinal) wor kup is not clear to me either. It
lar, and respirations 18 per minute. Head, eyes, is possible that the iron therapy corrected a preex-
ears, nose, and throat were normal. The thyroid isting iron-deficiency anemia, and the physicians
was not palpable. Lungs were clear. Cardiac wanted to rule out an occult source of blood loss.
exam revealed no murmurs. Abdominal exam The guaiac-negati ve stools, however, decrease the
was unremarkable. Neurologic exam disclosed likelihood of find ing significant pathology.
no focal findings. I am not sure what to make of the microscopic
hematuria. r suspect that given her age, the physi-
Given the new data, I am concerned prin- cians involved in her care were concerned enough
cipally about the two episodes of near-syncope. that they felt it was important to look for upper
There is no doubt that people with syncope due to a tract disease and do cystoscopy to rule out a blad-
cardiovascular cause have an increase in mortality der tumor, which, although more common in men
over the subsequent I to 2 years, whereas syncope than in women, clearly becomes a problem at her
due to orher causes tends to carry a fa irl y benign age. r would have predicted, however, that those
prognosis. Given that she has tinnitus, I wonder tests would have a low yield.


The low tite r of antinuclear antibodies is non-

was found to have a paroxysmal supraventric-
specific, and I doubt that it is of any significance.
ular tachycudia, which responded promptl y to
The sedimentation rate has fallen, and I probably
therapy w itli antiarrhythmic agents. Physical
would not pursue it further at present.
examination was unchanged. Hematocrit was
Nothing here really helps me evaluate her
39%, and sedimentation rate was 52 mm/hr.
episodes of near-sy ncope. There is no evidence
on elect roca rdiogram of a major conduction prob- I still think we are probably dealing with two
lem. An incomplete right-bundle-branch block is problems. In se ries of patients w ith a rrh ythm ia
a common va ria nt, especially in women. I still feel and syncope, tach yarrhythmias arc about twice as
that more evaluation for the syncope is needed. common as bradyar rh yrhmi as, a nd many patients
If d1t: ti1111itu> i> ,ig11ifica11L, the po~> iLi li ty of a n with sup raventricubr or vent ricular tach ycardi as
acoustic neu rom a m ight be considered. In that case, prese nt w ith sy ncope without other obvious ca r-
an aud iogram or a CT (computed tomography) diovascul:ir sy m ptoms. Rh ythm d isturbances can
sca n mig ht be indicated. also present as nea r-syncope, althoug h loss of con-
scious ness typica l! y is rather precipitous in onset in
The patient was discharged without a defini-
patients with arrhythmias.
tive diagnosis and followed as an outpatient.
P aroxysmal sup rave ntricula r tachycardia is
Over the next month, she complained about
not usually associated with any medical problems
an occipital buzzing ("like a bee in my head").
and does not usually lead me to do an extensive
She was seen by a neurologist, who found no ab-
workup. To decid e whether the patient had a
n ormalities and felt that some of her symptoms
supraventricular tachycardia tlrnt was due to atri-
were related to anxiety. Audiometry showed a
oventricular nodal reentry or perhaps due to con-
mild b1lateral high-frequency hearing loss. The
duction through an accessory pathway, both the
etiology of her symptoms and high sedimenta-
rate of the mpraventricular mchycardia and its
tion rate remained uncertain.
morphology may be helpful. Distinguishing be-
The audiogram described is consistent with tween these mechanisms might affect my choice of
her age. There is no evidence of a lateralizing therapy. I still think that the elevated sedimenta-
problem. The mildly elevated sedimentation rate tion rate is a separate problem, and my thoughts
is still unexplain ed. The possibility of polymyalgia about it are unchanged.
rhcunutica or temporal a rteritis still exists. Indi- An echocardiogram (Figure 20.1), performed
vidua l cra nial nerves can be affected in temporal to evaluate the new rhythm disturbance, re-
arter itis, which is so rt of a cousin of polymyalgia vealed a minimally enlarged left atri um that
rheum at ica, and I wonder if her occipital buzzi ng, c.ont:iinl'rl ;i brgl' p rrlnn c:nbtrrl, frl'l'ly moving
w hich I suspect is just severe tinn itu~ , could be mass originating from the atrial septum. The
related to this kind of neuropathy. I think any mass had the characteristics of a myxoma.
dec ision about proceeding with a tem poral artery
biopsy wou ld be conditioned a great deal by talk- Aha! This finding expl:iins all. Patients with
ing to the patient and finding out whether she has an atrial myxoma can present with va rious charac-
the othe r symptoms that you wou ld expect to find teristics, including those manifested by this patient.
in that ill ness, such as shoulder aches and pains, They may have low-g rade fever, chronic elevation
chronic fatigue, headaches, or irregularity of the of the sedimentation rate, and sometimes a rthral -
temporal arteries on palpation. Finally, I am still gias. I am not sure that the arrhythmia was due to
concerned that the syncope, which could be a very the myxoma, but 1 guess the tumor could create
significant symptom in a 6 1-yea r-old person, seems the conditions conductive to a reentry pathway. I
to be lefc unexpl:iincd. a111 110L aware uf a11y <t))OCiaLiu11 Lctwcc11 ti1111iLu>
and myxoma.
One month after discharge she came to the
emergency room complaining of palpitations The left atrial myxoma was removed without
and increasing anxiet y and was readmitted. She complications. Five months later the patient's


Figure 20. 1 Echocardiogram; Case 55.

not because t hey suspected an atrial myxoma. W hat

hematocrit was 43%, MCV 89, and sedimenta-
defect in d iagnostic reasoning was respons ible for
tion rate 13 mm/hr. Anxiety and tinnitus per-
th is fa ilure? We speculate that th is defect is a "trig-
gering" error. At th e inception of the diagnost ic
process, certain find ings (h istorical data, physical
Except for the persistence of some symptoms,
findings, laboratory results) produce important d i-
th is is a nice outcome for the patient because she
agnostic clues th at tr igger one or more diagnost ic
suffered no serious complications from the myx-
hypotheses. Those hypotheses serve in turn as the
oma. T he hematocrit, tvfCV, and sedimentation
framework for furth er d iagnostic inquiry. A com-
rate are now normal. I must adm it that in my clin-
b ination of we ight loss and anxiety might tr igger
ical practice I have had very li ttle luck in finding an
"hyperthyroid ism"; d iarrhea without a nocturnal
e tiology for tinnitus or in treat ing it. Hence, I am
component might trigger "functional bowel dis-
not surprised that her symptoms persisted. Finally,
ease"; and sudden severe muscle weakness in a
I feel that since the etiology of her near-syncope
heavy smoker m igh t tr igger "Eaton- Lambert syn-
is not clea rly due to the tumor, a valid a rgument
drome." Throughout the d iagnostic investigation
could be made for further evaluation with Holter
of th is patient and th roughout the d iscussion by
mon itor ing.
the consultant, the possibility of atrial myxoma d id
not surface. In retrospect, every good cl inic ian can
Analysis identify the telltale findings: m ild anem ia, near-
T he d iagnosis of atrial myxoma was m issed both syncope, and persistently elevated sedimentation
by the clinician who discu ssed this patient and for rate.
some time by the physicians ta ki ng care of her. T he If the defect lies in faulty triggering, how can
patient's doctors stumbled on the d iagnos is only it be avoided? Certainly, atria l myxoma cannot be
after they ordered an ech ocardiogram as part of considered in every patient for whom there is no
a "routine" workup of a new rhythm d isturbance, evident explanation for a high sed imentation rate.


Neither should the evaluation of a patient w ith a this patient, certain causes of chronic liver disease
high sed imentation rate include routine echocar- would come to mind. Does this person come from
d iography or chest CT scan. How, then, can the an area where hepatitis C is endemic? Or does this
physician become more alert to this diagnosis? Al- person come from a place like the Caribbean or
though atrial myxomas are rare, they are extremely South America where sch istosomiasis is endemic?
dangerous, and they are curable; thus, the pre- I like to view the patient in the context of his cul-
mium for thinking of the diagnosis is great. Per- tural background, native diet, cultural exposures,
haps the d iagnosis would be triggered more readily and belief systems. I would wonder whether the
if texts and training programs emphasized the con- man might have a genetic pred isposition to certain
stellation of clinical findings that should do so-- types of diseases.
for example, pulmonary ernboli w iLl1uul an obvi-
ous source, a right atrial lesion (tumor or throm- Seven years ago he developed fatigue and jaun-
bus), system ic emboli or acute pulmonary edema dice while in his native Puerto Rico. He was
without an obvious source, or a left atrial lesion. diagnosed with hepatitis A and B. His jaun-
Atypical presentations of vasculitis, endocard it is, dice resolved, but his fatigue persisted and he
rheumatic fever, and cardiomyopathy and unex- has been disabled ever since. Five years ago,
plained central nervous system manifestations in he developed abdominal distention and edema,
a patient with a high sedimentation rate are other for which he was given diuretics. There was
likely constellations. no history of gastrointestinal bleeding or en-
Once the diagnosis is suspected, the stumbling cephalopathy.
blocks are not passed. Although noninvasive car-
Given that he comes from Puerto Rico, it
diac studies have enormously enhanced our abil-
makes me think more strongly of sch istosomiasis.
ity to confirm a suspected diagnosis of atrial myx-
It is somewhat unusual to be diagnosed with both
oma, they are, like all tests, imperfect. In some
hepatitis A and B. Hepatitis A is usuall y an acute
instances, thrombi, mitral valve vegetations, and
disease and does not usually progress to chronic
even metastatic tumors can m imic a myxoma on
li ver disease. Hepatitis B can certainly lead to cir-
the echocardiogram.
rhosis, as well as to complications such as por-
Atrial myxomas were once a medical curios-
tal hypertension and hepatomas. Maybe this man
ity: a challenge to diagnose and a hopeless prog-
had chronic hepatitis Band then got superimposed
nosis once discove red. Because of the success of
acute hepatitis A. Hepatitis C is still a possibility,
surgery and the high accuracy of noninvasive tests,
given the information we have at hand. H e has ab-
the triggering mechanism is the essential step in
dominal distention and edema, wh ich imply por-
their diagnosis. Unless the disorder is considered,
appropriate tests w ill be delayed or even not done;
tal hypertension with ascites, but at least so far, he
has not had va riceal bleeding. The absence of en-
the consequences of delay in diagnosis are grave.
cephalopathy is interesting to me because usually
The patient under discussion was fortunate that a
by the time someone gets severe ascites from typ i-
rhythm disturbance, perhaps not even related to
cal cirrhosis, encephalopathy often occurs as well.
the tumor, led to the diagnosis and to the prompt
By contrast, in cirrhosis caused by toxins or schis-
and uncomplicated removal of the lesion before
tosomiasis, or in the entity known as cryptogenic
life-t hreatening consequences supervened.
cirrhosis, the re tends to be much more scarring and
less parenchymal dysfonction.

CASE 56. A DISASTER AVERTED Two years ago, endoscopy showed no evi-
dence of varices. A liver biopsy 18 months ago
A 31-year-old Hispanic man with a history of showed inactive cirrhosis in a mixed macro-
cirrhosis was admitted for possible liver trans- micronodular pattern. At that time, CBC was
plantation. normal and the platelet count was 284,000.
Serum creatinine and urinalysis were normal.
My first question relates to what is meant by Bilirubin was 2.2 m g/dL (mostly indirect),
Hispanic. Depending on the country of origin of


tives. The lack of fam ily history of liver disease

alkaline phosphatase 89 IU/L, ALT 42 IU/L
is aga inst disorders such as Wilson disease, alpha-
(normal 0- 25), AST 55 IU/ L (normal 0- 25),
! antitrypsin disease, and hemoch romatos is. The
and serum albumin 2.0 g/dL.
occupation h istory is intriguing, and I would need
T he biopsy is disappointing because a compe- to do more exploring about exposures to glues or
tent h istopathologist should be able to at least see h ydrocarbons, some of wh ich are hepatotoxic.
sch istosomiasis. He or she should be able to distin-
On examination, he appeared chronically ill.
guish the different arch itectural disarray that oc-
Blood pressure was 110/76 mm Hg, pulse 76 per
curs in the liver in these d ifferent d isorders. Maybe
minute and regular. The skin was nonicteric.
the patient has combined disease, or may be he has No spiner ::ingio m::irn or p::ilm::ir erythem::i were
chronic hepatit is B or undiagnosed hepatitisC or E.
noted. Lungs were clear. Cardiac exam was nor-
I sti ll would li ke more history, including exposure
mal. The abdomen was soft, nontender, and
to exogenous toxins, medications, herbal remedies,
mildly distended. Shifting dullness was present.
a nd alcohol.
No organomegaly was appreciated. There was
Paracentesis showed that the ascitic fluid was mild proximal muscle wasting and 2 to 3+
a transudate. Alpha-I antitrypsin level was pedal edema. Neurologic exam was unremark-
normal. Hepatitis C antibody was negative. able.
The Fe/ total iron-binding capacity ( TIBC)
Interesting, he does not have the kind of an-
was 64/265. Copper level was 67 mcg/dL (nor-
g iogenic findings we would expect in chronic liver
mal, 70-158). Antimitochondrial and antinu-
disease such as palmar erythema and spider an-
clear antibodies were negative. Over the next
g iomaca, both of w hich are thought to be caused
18 months, the edema, ascites, and fatigue per-
by an increase in estrogenic substances that the dis-
sisted, and he was referred for possible liver
eased liver fails to break down. In addition, he is
not icteric, wh ich I find surprising. He certainly is
not a typical patient w ith end-stage li ver disease.
Can I assume that this man was not found to
have a history suggesting exposure to benzene or
I might have expected to see splenomegaly from
portal hypertension, although sometimes it is hard
hydrocarbons of any kind and he was not a big
to feel the spleen in the presence of ascites. The
drinker? Based on the laboratory tests ordered, it
mild proximal muscle wasting goes along w ith a
appears that h is physicians are looking for possible
causes of cirrhosis including, alpha- I antitryps in chronic disease of any sort. I am missing something
deficiency, hemachromatosis, W ilson disease and here.
immunopathic liver disease. Laboratory data: WBC 4,700 with a nor
His past medical history was unremarkable. His ma! differential. Hemoglobin was 14.6 g/dL,
only other hospitalization was 8 years previ- and hematocrit was 42% . Platelet count
ously for a stab wound to the chest. He had was 227,000. International Normalized Ratio
never had a blood transfusion and he did not (INR) was 1.2. Electrolytes were normal. BUN
drink alcohol excessively. He did not smoke was 19 mg/dL, and creatinine was 1.2 mg/ dL.
or use illicit drugs. He had no family history Bilirubin was 1.9 mg/dL (all indirect). Alka-
of liver disease. He worked making wooden line phosphatase was 84 IU/L, ALT was 19
chairs in a factory and was exposed to a number IU/L, and AST was 33 IU/L. Serum albumin
of unknown chemicals. His only medications was 3.2 g/L.
were bumetanide and triamterene.
He still has an elevated bilirubin. I am sur-
In the course of the stabbing, could he have prised that this chronicall y ill man has a hemat-
been exposed to the blood of the attacker? T he ocrit of 42. I wonder if he has a hepatoma that
absence of blood transfusions is im;)ortant. If we is produci:lg eryth ropoietin. The platelets are not
can believe the history about no drug use or al- terribly elevated, but they are not terribly de-
cohol abuse, those are important pertinent nega- pressed either. Ifhe had splenomegaly from portal


hypertension, I would have expected thrombocy - seen more frequently in Puerto Rico? The preva-
topenia. Something is not working for me here. lence of diseases obviously may vary among geo-
graphic regions, a nd we constantly need to remind
Hepatitis B surface antibody was reactive.
ourselves of that.
Hepatitis B surface antigen and hepatitis Can-
tibody were negative. Herpes simplex and vari- Given the echocardiographic findings, a cardi-
cella zoster antibodies were positive. Toxoplas- ologist was consulted. The cardiologist found
mosis titer was positive, and cytomegalovirus the cardiac examination was normal. She
(CMV) titer was negative. Alpha-fetoprotein specifically noted that the patient's jugular ve-
level was 4.8 (normal 0-9). Serum ceruloplas- nous pressure did not appear to be increased.
min was 51.4 mg/dL (normal 23-44 ). HIV an- Ac.he.st C.Tshnwe.n pe.ric:irni:il thic.ke.ning :inn
tibody was negative. calcification. On cardiac catheterization, mean
right atrial pressure was 24 mm Hg with a
He apparently can mount an a ntibody re- prominent x and y descent. Pulmonary artery
sponse, as noted by the positive herpes antibodies. (PA) pressure was 42/24 mm Hg, wedge pres-
He does notappearto have HIV disease. Toxoplas- sure was 24 mm Hg, and left ventricular pres-
mosis is fai rly common, so the positive titer may sure was 115/26. The findings were consistent
not mean anything . The normal alpha-fetoprotei n with pericardia! constriction.
makes a hepatoma unlikely. I do not reall y suspect
W ilson disease, although I do not know the preva- Now it is starting to make some sense. T he
lence of 1.Vilson disease in patients from Puerto patient does have a picture consistent w ith some
Rico. type of pulmonary hypertension. Pericard ia! con-
striction could be id iopathic or postviral. \Ve must
Pulmonary function tests showed a mild restric-
consider tuberculosis as well, especially in a man
tive defect and a moderate reduction in diffus-
from the Caribbean. Finally, this could be due to
ing capacity. Echocardiogram showed the right
the stabbing he received in the chest.
atrium to be mildly enlarged with findings
consistent with elevated right-sided pressures. The findings were consistent with cardiac cir-
Systolic function was normal, as was valvular rhosis. The patient underwent an uncompli-
cated pericardiectomy. He did well clinically
The pulmonary function tests could be im- and said he "felt great." All of his symptoms
portant. Does he have a form of pulmonary hy- resolved.
pertension that could lead to congestive hepatopa-
thy, wh ich could lead to hepatic cirrhosis? Usuall y Analysis
the al kaline phosphatase is a little higher. On the
Imagine how tragic the outcome would have been
other hand, pulmonary h ypertension can be seen
if the diagnosis of the referring physician had not
in patients w ith underlying cirrhosis due perhaps
been overturned at the referral hospita l. The pa-
to inadequate breakd own of vasoactivesubstances.
tient might have had a liver transplant that he did
The gastroenterologist to whom the patient was not need and would not have had the surg ical pro-
referred did not think that the patient's findings cedure he actually did need. It is always important
were consistent with the admittingdiagnosis- to step back in instances such as this and analyze
cirrhosis. He pointed out that the patient's hep- how something as dangerous as this misdiagnosis
atic synthetic function was not seriously im- occurred, as well as how it was corrected.
paired, and his platelet count was normal. There certainly was logic behind the original
diagnosis of cirrhosis. T he patient had had hep-
We have been putting a lot of emphasis on atitis B w ith jaundice, followed 2 years later by
the findings in one li ver biopsy. Do we have confi- edema and ascites, and a liver biopsy at that time
dence in the reading of that biopsy? 'vVas it read by showed a picture of " inactive cirrhosis." Looking
an experienced hepatopathologist? 'vVas it read by at the diagnosis of cirrhosis retrospectively, it is
someone who is fami liar w ith diseases that may be certainly appropr iate to as k whether the histologic


d iagnosis was correct or whether the original agnosis that could explain all the findings instead.
biopsy might have show n the telltale characteris- vVhen the clinicians finally did so, even then not
t:ics of passive congestion and thereby might have all the findings were consistent with constrictive
signaled a closer look at an alternative diagnosis pericarditis, an often-neglected cause of periph-
of cardiac cirrhosis. The previous h istologic diag- eral edema and ascites. The liver biopsy failed to
nosis of cirrhosis and the same admitting diagno- show passive congestion (was it overlooked by the
sis ra ise an important issu e for any physician tak- pathologist?), and the patient had minimal neck
ing a "hand-off' of a patient from another source. vein d istention, one of the hallmarks of pericar-
The problem is that once a specific diagnosis is dia! constriction. As noted, not all of the "classic"
made, it can easily be perpetuated unless someone findings need be present, and one missing physi-
is alert to the possibility that the existing diagnosis cal finding certainly would not exclude a diagnosis
is wrong. How to avoid such errors is rarely con- when all other manifestations fit.
sidered, but some rules might be as follows: Keep We pay a lot of attention to positive findings
a n open mind; approach a new patient de novo as we wend our way through the diagnostic pro-
as much as possible; exam ine old records, not just cess, bur we should pay just as much attention to
hearsay; reexamine biopsy material and scans with negative test results, normal findings, and lack of
experts. It is always wise to recall one of President certam. c 11111ca
. I mam. f"estattons.
. 188 S h
, uc a compre-
Ronald Reagan's favorite caveats, namely, "It's still hensive approach to diagnosis should help us a void
trust bur verify. It's still pl.ay, bur cut the cards. Ir's the kind of potentially disastrous error that char-
still watch closely. And don't be afraid to see wha t acterized th is patient's course.
you see."285 Although he app lied these warnings
to United States- Soviet relations, they are just as
relevant as diagnostic principles. CASE 57. DERAILED BY THE
In th is particular instance, as the patient's fluid AVAILABILITY HEURISTIC
retention became refractory to treatment, he was
initiall y considered to be in the late stagesofcirrho- A 78-year-old man sought m edical attention
s is, yet more and more inconsistencies and discrep- because of interm ittent nausea, shivering sen-
a ncies in the diagnosis of end-stage liver disease sations d uring the d ay, dren ching night sweats,
became evident. More than the clinical manifesta- and weigh t loss.
tions and laboratory findings that the patient had,
it is the disease attributes that the patient did not The first piece of information leads me to focus
have that should have alerted h is physician that he my attention toward a disease affecting a particu-
was barking up the wrong tree. vVhat are these lar age group, the eld erly. A constellation of symp-
negative attributes? They are the absence of pal- toms, rather than an y one particular symptom, is
nnar erythema and spider angiomas, the normal or offered, a nd they are fai rly nebulous. Intermit-
near-normal liver function tests, the normal INR tent nausea, sh ivering sensations during the day,
a nd platelet count, the lack of esophageal varices, drenching n ight sweat~ , and weight loss imply sub-
a nd the lack of hepatic encephalopathy. Any one acute or chronic duration and make me think of
of these features could be m issing in a patient w ith things that haven't been going on just for hours.
advanced cirrhosis, but surely not all. Although it The com bination of shivering sensations (wh ich
took some rime for our d iscussant to mention the I interpret as ch ills) and drenching night sweats
correct diagnosis, namely constrictive pericard itis, often is associated w ith an inflammatory process.
she was skeptical all along that cirrhosis could ex- vVeight loss would certainly go along with that,
plain the entire clinical picture. On two occasions and I wonder if he is having fevers.
she expressed his frustration by saying, 'Tm miss- I would like to know quite a bit more history.
ing something here" and "Something is not work - vVas the man well until these symptoms devel-
ing for me here." oped? Is this his first encounter with medical dis-
This k ind of response should al ways alert the ease? I would like some more information ab out
clinician to look sk epricall.y at the current diagnos- the duration of the symptoms and some objective
tic hypothesis, question it, and look for another di- data to convince me that he has something ser ious.


I would like to focus for a momem on his

H e was a heavy cigarette smok er for 45 years.
weight loss. The patient notes no difference in his
Fourteen years ago, a routine chest x-ray dis-
appetite but has lost 5 pounds. I do not have an
closed a coin lesion in the left lower lobe, and a
impression of a person who is clearly losing more
localized small-cell carcinoma was removed by
material than he is taking in- from diarrhea or
lobectomy. He stopped smoking at that time.
malabsorption, for example. It bothers me that the
Except for mild dyspnea, he had no complaints
weight loss appears not to be related to decreased
in the interim period.
caloric intake. I would add that a 78-year-old man
whose wife is not able to cook may in fact be eating
He had a lung cancer that was resected 14
less despite the fact that his appetite is unchanged.
years ago, and I think for all intents and purposes
OLlu:rw isc, I woulJ be: nmccr11c:J LliaL he: was in
that he was cured of that disease. He stopped smok -
a hypermetabolic state, which would be consis-
ing at that time. T here is evidence that his risk from
tent with his original presentation. T hyroid dis-
smoking has abated to that of the general popula-
ease comes to mind, but aga in, it does not usually
tion. I am going to assume the symptoms developed
present with drenching night sweats. I am think-
in an otherw ise healthy person.
ing he has an inflammatory disease w ith secondary
When elderly persons present as this patient
hypermetabolism, but I need to keep in the back
did, many of the inflammatory conditions that
of my mind there may be some noninflammatory
come to mind, such as tuberculosis, can be sub-
cause of his manifestations.
acute. It is important to know whether he has an
abnormal chest x-ray to start because one of the
He had no other complaints (including ab-
things that I suspect will come up in the evaluation
dominal p ain, diarrhea, anxiety, heat intoler-
w ill be a chest x-ray, and I need to k eep in mind
ance, and fever), and he had no respiratory
that he had a resected lung cancer.
or genitourinary complaints. Physical exami-
Two weeks before the sweats and weight loss nation was normal. He was not febrile. Labo-
began, his previously healthy wife was hospi- ratory tests, including complete blood count,
talized with a stroke that left her aphasic and urinalysis, electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, and
hemiparetic. The patient was concerned about chest x-ray, were normal. Sedimentation rate
his wife but claimed not to be depressed; except was 10 mm/hr. An antibiotic was prescribed,
when he awoke with night sweats, he slept well. but it did not affect the symptoms, and weight
He thought his appetite was unaffected, but he loss continued.
had lost 5 pounds.
T his additional history addresses many of
I am getting a better feeling about the subacute my concerns. Diarrhea was not present. The ab -
nature of this illness. I know that there has been a sence of heat intolerance seems to rule out hyper-
course ofseveral weeks' duration. I also have a feel thyroidism, but in the elderly, that disorder can
for the patient's social setting. He must be upset by present in an apathetic state. Also, I am told that
his w ife's illness. Elderly patients w ith depression he did not have fever. So, many of my original
may not always present w ith classic early-morning ideas about trying to categorize this illness have
awa kening, loss of appetite, and some of the other not been further developed by add itional history. I
symptoms but just w ith we ight loss. The patient am forced to turn to the laboratory data, and I am
denies depression, however. given a variety of important negatives. Ifindeed he
One of the things that run through my mind is has a serious inflammatory disease, I would have
whether there is any assoc iation between his wife's expected some add itional clues: a low-grade fever,
illness and what happened to him. It appears that an elevated wh ite count and sedimentation rate,
she had a fa irl y straightforward vascular event, and an abnormal chest x- ray.
and I cannot easily connect what happened to her Despite this array of negatives, his physician
w ith her husband's current symptoms. However, gave him a therapeutic trial- something I would
we should always think of what is going on in the not have done at this point. In any event, ic had no
patient's environment. effect on the symptoms. I would keep going back


and focus on the magnitude of h is weigh t loss and charges of some substance into h is bloodstream
on some of the en vironmental issues that I as ked may be occurring. However, when I th ink of the
about. W hen I am facing a weigh t loss question, th ings thac make people either suddenly flush and
I always wonder about caloric inta ke, and since I sweat or suddenly vasoconstrict and sweat, I th ink
know that there are complicating social factors, I of th ings that also affect the blood pressure-
suspect that that is not normal. pheochromocytoma or tumors that liberate h is-
tamine or an adrenergic substance.
Six weeks after the onset of night sweats, the Despite the absence of vital sign changes, I am
patient had lost 15 pounds, and he consulted becoming increasingly concerned that this man has
another physician. The same laboratory tests a mass lesion releasing a vasoactive substance that
were again normal, as were thyroid tests; no is musing th e weight loss auJ o t he r symptoms.
evidence of malabsorption was found.
The patient continued to lose weight. After he
The second doctor was similarly focused o n
had lost 20 pounds, more tests were done. Multi-
the combination of n ight sweats and weigh t loss
ple culmres of blood and urine were sterile, CT
but could not find anything either. T h is is a fa irly
scans of the chest and abdomen were negative,
generic description of thyroid tests, and I would
and CBC remained normal. Bone films showed
want to ma ke sure a T 3 level was drawn because el-
a small lesion in the pelvis that was attributed
derly patients w ith thyrotox icosis occasionally have
to Paget disease.
normal T4 levels. Similarly, the physician focused
on the question of a balance between intake and
vVe a re not making a tremendous amount of
output as a cause of the we ig ht loss. I imagine a
progress with th is man. He has lost more we ight
o- xylose test or somethi ng lik e that was done h ere,
and is contin uing to go downh ill. I agree with h is
and perhaps an examination for stool fat. So again,
ph ys ician's concern. Mult ip le blood cultures were
we are faced with someone still hav ing a lot of
done for evidence of some k ind of subacute infec-
sweats a nd who now has lost IS pou nds. I am back
t ious process, such as endocarditis or salmonellosis.
to wanti ng to know more about caloric intake, but
T hose cult ures were negative, as I would have ex-
in the back of my m ind I am still qu ite concerned
pected in the presence of normal CBCs and sed i-
about all those sweats.
mentation rates. It is quite surprising that th is ap-
A physician observed the patient on two oc- parent degree of severe illness is not reflected in
casions during one of his "spells." The first, the patient's blood count or sedimentation rate.
during the day, occurred in an air-conditioned Despite a negative chest film on two separate oc-
environment. The patient was shivering and casions, the phys icians contin ued to look for some-
a ppean:<l (;yauotk au<l vaso(;oustriue<l; he wore t h ing in his ch est, for reasons that are not clear.
a towel around his neck to soak up the sweat. Now we know that he has a lesion in the
Vital signs were normal. The second observed pelvis that is attributed to Paget disease. T here are
episode occurred when the patient awoke in the other lesions that are called Paget disease on bone
morning. He was covered with a large mun- films but that turn out not to be Paget d isease after
ber of blankets, and he and the bedclothes were b iopsy. I have had experience with some such cases.
drenched with sweat. He had no fever, and vital Certainly,one would want to pursue the abnormal
signs were again normal. bone film a little bit more. A bone scan should p ick
up both an inflammatory process and a Paget dis-
I am now qu ite concerned about the magni- ease lesion, but perhaps not in the same way as if
tude of these sweating episodes. I do not th ink that th is was some kind of metastatic d isease. We are
something as simple as poor d ietary intake from told the lesion is in the pelvis, but it i~ not more
depress ion and a change in social situation can to- specifically localized. The pelvis is a common site
tally explain his illness. In the sequence of events of Paget disease, as well as metastatic lesions, but
descr ibed, he sh ivers, becomes vasoconstricted, and it is not a usual site of infectious lesions.
sweats. There is no fever and no change in blood vVhere could th is man be h id ing a tumor
pressure. It almost sounds as if intermittent d is- or an infectious process that migh t give him th is


combination of symptoms? The gastrointestinal

tient had few sweating episodes, and he began
tract comes to mind and has not yet been studied.
to regain his lost weight. H e continued to take
I am movi ng further and further away from an
inflammatory process and more and more toward
a neoplasm that is consuming him metabolically, He appears now to be on the way back to good
is releasing a vasoactive substance, and is related to health. Two things have happened. One of them
the pelvic lesion. I will need to pursue that. was a therapeutic trial of an antidepressant, and
The patient continued to have severe sweating the other was an important change in his social
spells and lost more weight. Total weight loss situation. His w ife is back home, and he now has
was 30 pounds. He was referred to a consultant some responsibility and reason for his existence.
in infectious diseases, who repeated many tests vVe need to remind ourselves that the psychoso-
and still could find no explanation for the spells cial situation is of concern in patients of all ages
or weight loss. but particularly so in adolescence and older age.
T h is man went through an elaborate workup for
The only additional information I am given an illness that appears to have turned out to be de-
here is that this subacute to chronic disease is not pression. I must say I am still a little bit co:lcerned
going away spontaneously but is continuing un - about what those "spells" were, but in view of the
abated. Again, there is less and less indication that long-term follow-up, the other d iagnostic possibil-
he has an infectious or inflammatory disease. ities seem increasingly less likely. If he did have a
metastatic illness or an inflammatory process, one
Concerned about the continued weight loss
would not expect that this intervention would have
during the next 2 months and having no better
gotten him better.
idea what to do, the patient's physician pre-
scribed amitriptyline, 50 m g daily. His wife died. The p atient continued to take
amitriptyline for an additional 6 months and
This brings us back to some of the earl ier dis- then discontinued it. He had regained all the
cussion concerning the possible role of depression weight he had lost. In the subsequent 10 years,
as a cause of the patient's weight loss. The physician he continued to be well. Neither the sweats nor
has now made a second attempt at a therapeutic the weight loss recurred.
trial. However, I would not really be happy with a
therapeutic trial until I knew more about h is gas- I think that one of the major concerns of a
trointestinal tract and the lesion in h is bone. I am physician is not to miss a diagnosis. One should
disturbed by the sweats and the observed cyanosis. I constantly re view the situation when pieces of data
would li ke to know more about the alkal ine phos- do not fit together terrifically well. In thi.~ case, I
phatase and a couple of other blood chemistries, am reassured because the initial symptom complex
although I am told that all of his chemistries were did not recur and he continued to be well. The fact
normal. \Vh ile I subscribe to therapeutic trials in that his symptoms did not recur when he stopped
patients who are not terribly ill, I think that this taking amitriptyl ine after h is wife's death implies
patient is continuing to do badly enough to con- that over time he adjusted to the social situat ion
traindicate such act ion. But I can understand the created when his w ife had her strok e and that he
physician's frustration in not being able to make was able to cope w ith her death.
a diagnosis. I would have pursued further testing
before this therapeutic trial. Analysis
Within 2 weeks the patient's sweats began to The symptoms manifested by t11is elderly gent1e-
abate, and within 3 weeks his weight stabi- man usually are associated w ith organic d isease,
lized. One month later the patient's wife re- but in this case, they were caused by depression.
turned home, still paralyzed but less aphasic. Our discussa:lt was increasingly suspicious that de-
The patient took over the responsibility for her pression was me cause but was thrown off track by
total care. During the next 6 months, the pa- the striking description by a physician who ob-
served the patient during two sweating episodes.


To make it possible for the reader to analyze it "appears to have turned out to be" depression.
th is interesting derailmen t in clinical reasoning, He becomes convinced that h is d iagnosis is correct
we present our analysis of two elements of the only when the patient's recovery is sustained.
problem-solving process: the hypotheses under By contrast, the discussant's acceptance of the
consideration, and the d iscussant's assertions (i.e., diagnos is of a non in flammatory, serious organic
h is tentative conclusions) about each of those disorder is modest to begin w ith ("need to k eep in
hypotheses. the back of my mind," "concerned that he was in
The discussant weighed th ree major hypothe- a hypermetabolic state"), and it increases dramat-
ses: (I) an inflammatory process, (2) the combina- ically after the striki ng descr iption of the sweat-
tion of depression and decreased caloric intak e, ing episode ('Tm becoming increasingly concerned
and (3) other serious, no n.i nflammatory d isorders, that th is man has a mass lesion"). Later, when de-
such as h yperthyroid ism and tumors. We did not pression and poor d iet become a more likely expla-
include every hypothesis raised by the discussan t nation, h is acceptance of the hypothesis of a seri-
in these categories; we believe that such omissions ous organic d isease falls off. Although he "would
are minor and do not contribute to the understand- have pursued further testing" and al though he as-
ing of the diagnostic reason ing. Figure 20.2 shows serts that he remained "still a little bit concerned"
both the hypotheses u nder consideration and the about the possibility of an organ ic cause, he finally
d iscussant's assertions about those h ypotheses as adm its that such disorders are "increasingly less
he is g iven data. It is easy to follow the d iscus- likely." Thus, a careful inspection of the transcript
sant's impression about each principal h ypothesis strongly suggests th.at the d iscussant was shunted
from this array of assertions. The correlated curves from an on-target hypothesis to a n incorrect (al-
represent the approximate strength of the d iscus- beit plausib le) one by a vivid descr iption of the
sant's conviction in each of the three d iagnoses as patient.
those impressions ch anged w ith the information vVhy d id the d iscussant err? We suspect th at
provided. he, as well as the ph ys icians caring for the patient,
The discussant views the possibility that the was tripped up by t!he ava ilability heuristic. The
patient h as an inflammatory process as rather slight concept of heuristic methods in problem solving is
at first ("come to mind"), but after the th ird chunk a valua ble by-product of research in artificial intel-
of data it gains strength ('Tm th ink ing he has"). ligence. To solve a complex, ill-defined problem,
However, after the rev iew of systems and labora- as exemplified by diagnostic problems in medi.cine,
tory tests are found to be u nrevealing, an inflam- methods must be used that limit the number of
matory process fades in interest ("would have ex- questions we need to.as k and the n umber of tes ts we
pected some additional clues"), and it never rega ins need to carry out. Those methods, called heuristics,
prom111ence. use information about the nature and the structure
The discussan t's tenacity w ith respect to the of the problem domain (in our case, the specific dis-
hypothesis that t he patient was depressed and eases under consideration) to lim it the search.
had been eating less undergoes far more striking Heuristics have been defined variously as
changes. Init ially he is only mildly interested in the rules of thum b, strategies, tricks, or simplifica-
hypothesis ("may in fact be"), but after he learns tions. Heuristic meth ods generally improve th e ef-
that routine studies, thyroid tests, and .absorption ficiency of the problem-solving process, and they
stud ies are unrevealing, his interest in th is hypothe- offer solutions that are "good enough most of the
sis heightens ("wanting to know more about"). T he t ime. "2728 Indeed, th e occasional lapse in efficiency
111ext fragment of information, however, changes and accuracy of our cl inical heur istics, which in
h is opinion completely about depression and inad- turn produces cogn it ive errors, is the focus of our
equate caloric intake. After the stark description of concern in the case presented here. Cognitive er-
the patient's appearance during a sweating episode, rors have been studied extensively by cognitive
the d iscussant declares that the psychosocial fac- psychologists, but there are few descriptions in
tors could not "totally explain h is illness." Even medicine. 28 56 109286 Several heuristics have been
after the ant idepressan t h as had a salutary effect, identified, includ ing those termed availability, rep-
the discussant is not totally convinced. He says that resentativeness, and .anchoring: In another case we


Diagnostic Assertions and Estimated Likelihood

Highest I
LikelihOO "would have expected
- - - . . . . . . .tional - -"

/ \
'Tm thinking
I \
"often is associated with ..." he has.. :
"would certainly go
along with thar' "come to mind"
"always wonde "wanting to know
"I suspect that t h a \ - -
more about..."
- -- - -
"may not always present not normal" _......,....
with classic..." I ....... ....... _
"may in fact be... / / .~ I I I I I I I I I
despite the fact / ./' I I I I I I I I I I I

- .. -.... I I
th t "
"concern that he
I' I.:
I ,a, 'i ' I I I I I I ..... I I I . I I I
I I ' I I I I

. can p~esent
"make sure a...
was drawn"
"for all intents and
purposes that he was in..." I in an... "in the back of my
was cured of..." "need to keep in the mind I'm still
"need to keep in mind" back of my mind" quite concerned
about.. .''


Chief Cancer Wife's Review of More Weight

Complaint History Illness Systems Negative Loss
Inflammatory Process Other Serious Disorders

Figure 20.2 An example of hypothesis revision in the case of an elderly man w ith weight loss and spells of
sweating and shive ring. The hypotheses unde r conside ration were an inflammatory process (Jolid line), depres-
sion (dashed line), and other serious disorde rs such as a sec reting tumor (dotted line). The figure shows seq uential
revision of these hypotheses as new info rmation became ava ilable to a physician discussant. The ord inate de-
scribes the approximate likcli.hood of each of the three hypotheses. The sequential attributes of the patient's
illness made available to the d iscussant a rc plotted on the absc issa. The assertions by the clinician/discussant
arc given in quotes. Note that initia lly depression was not even considered, but by the time all the information
had been prov ided, it was the :most likely diagnostic hypothesis. Note also the striking effect on the discussant's
view ofrhe likeli hood of a secreting tumor afte r he learned about the striking character of the patient's "spells."
Case 57. (continued)

describe a diagnostic error accountable to the rep mind. 27 28 287 Because, as a general rule, frequent
resentativeness heuristic (see case 23). events are easier to reca ll or imagine than infre-
In the patient describecl here, we believe that quent ones, availab ility is a valid approach for
the cognitive error can be accounted for primarily judging frequency. 27 28 287 But it is not infallible.
by che ava ilabil ity heuristic, which, used to judge In a classic illustration of an error attributed to
frequency and probability, relies on the ease with the ava ilability heuristic, subjects presented w ith
wh ich instances or occurrences can be brought to a list containing equal numbers of males and


as Affected by Sequential Data Provided

.. I. I I I I I I I I "I am reaJsured
"apparent degree of , , "would have becausy... "
severe illness" n1 "~u~.-1 fwthM
"more and more testing" ' I

toward ..." I
.... "Still a little;,;,
concerned about...,/
...... "increasingly I
less likely.. .'"..
"don 't thi nk .1
can totally explain
his illness" _..
-- , ......
I .,

...... I
"appears to hav~
"\ turned out
"almost sn 11 ~~~ ~~if . to

IJC . '
. ....
"becoming increasingly "brings us back I ....
concerned that... "
to ..." I
I ....
\ "moving further and
"vu;~ not ..... ~;;1 / ....
\ f urther away from ..."
be happy with
until I knew _
more!!- /
/ .
\ ~
\ "less and less i ? <
that he has... " ,-

\. _, "' "i-- .....a ... :. . ,., 1\, . .........

'\ /
/ "would not expect that this intervention
' would have gotten him better"
Stark 20-LB 30-LB Therapeutic Improving Conti nued
Appearance Weight Loss Weight Loss Trial Improvement
- - - Depression and Poor Caloric Intake

Figure 20.2 (Continued)

females guessed that the list contained more of one Imagine first how a psychiatrist might have
sex when it contained a disproportionate number evaluated the patient presented here. Psychiatrists,
of famous persons of that sex. 27;28 In the case pre- of course, would be expected to establish an emo-
sented here, we believe that the ease with which a t ional disorder as the predominant hypothesis.
secretory tumor was brought to mind by a physi- G iven that orientation, it seems quite li kely that
cian's vivid description of the patient produced the psychiatrists would have weighed far more h eav-
cognitive error. ily the recent history of a remarkable change in the
Clearly, we must strive to avoid errors in judg- patient's life and related it to depression. In addi-
ment that delay or impair our capacity to make t ion, they would have delved more deeply into the
an accurate d iagnosis. Observations suggest that it patient's symptoms to assess whether additional
may be possible to minimize such errors if alter- manifestations were consistent with depression.
native outcomes are considered actively and if we How they would have accounted for the striking
pay increased attention to certain types of usually sweating episodes is uncertain. Nevertheless, they
ignored data. 288 How can we make these recom- would have embarked, we suspect, on a far more
mendations in clinical practice? directed, efficient d iagnostic process.


We must learn from our mistakes. Perhaps

bruits were heard over the left carotid artery
next time we wi ll enhance our sensitivity to the el-
and the mid-abdomen. Laboratory values were
derly patient who develops an unexplained illness
hemoglobin 11.8 g/dL, white cell count 12,200,
after a traumatic personal experience, and we will
creatinine 1.5 mg/dL, and BUN 7 mg/dL. The
consider the possibility of depression sooner when
urine contained no protein, red cells, or white
what seems to be a physical ai lment fa ils to con-
cells. The history disclosed that she had had
form to a dea r, well-recognized pattern. Perhaps
a stroke 10 years earlier, multiple transient is-
next time we w ill dig deeper for signs of depres-
chemic attacks thereafter, and a left carotid en-
sion when we suspect it. Perhaps the courage of
darterectomy I year before this hospitalization.
our convictions w ill be sufficient so that a single
Five years after the stroke she had had a coro-
Jescr ipLion of the patielll wi ll nuL be weigheJ in -
nary artery bypass graft, and she had had per-
appropriately and throw us off the track.
sistent angina since. She was hypertensive, but
Perhaps this process hones our expertise. Per-
her blood pressure was controlled with anti-
haps that is what is meant by "practice."
hypertensive drugs. For several years, she had
had headaches; her sedimentation rate had been
persistently elevated, but temporal artery biopsy
CASE 58. WRONG DIAGNOSIS, WRONG was not revealing. Members of her family had
TESTS, WRONG TREATMENT coronary and cerebrovascular disease and lupus
A nephrologist was asked to see a 61-year-old
woman on her 13th hospital day. She had hema-
turia, impaired renal function, fever, confusion, This information is helpful. The patient has
and purple spots on her toes, which are shown extensive vascular disease. She has already ex-
in Figure 20.3. perienced many complications of coronary a nd
cerebrovascular disease, and the diffuse bruits on
This constellation ofsigns and symptoms sug- ph ys ical examination are evidence that vascula r in-
gests a diagnosis of vascul itis. Since the neph rolo- volvement is widespread.
g ist was ask ed to see the patient on her 13th hospi- The initial serum creatinine of 1.5 represents
tal day, I presume that those problems developed a modest decline in glomerular filtration rate for
during her hospital stay. a woman of her age. On adm ission, however, her
urinary sediment exam ination showed no evidence
The patient had been admitted to the hospi- of a n active process. I think we can infe r that she
tal for increasing angina. On admission, her started out with modest renal damage, possibly
blood pressure was 150/90 mm Hg and her related t o n ep hrosclerosis.
pulse was 72 per minute. She was obese, and T he hisrory of headaches and a persistently
elevated sed imentation rate and a family h istory
oflupus suggest the possibility of an inflammatory
vasculi tis. Temporal arter itis was an appropr iate
diagnosis to consider, but temporal arte ry biopsy
was negative. Although a negative resuk makes
the diagnosis of temporal arte ritis less likely, one
should remember that biopsies can be negative in
this d isorder because of the "skip nature" of the
pathologic fi nd ings. In other words, even in pa-
tients with documented temporal a rteritis, some
segments of the temporal arteries fail to show the
classic findings on biopsy. T he results of antin-
uclear antibody (ANA) and complement studies
may be of interest. However, I would ha{e diffi-
Figure 20.3 Discoloration of toes; case 58. cul ty integrating the appeara nce ofhemacuria and


purple toes with temporal arteritis into a coher-

found to have a blood pressure of 2501130 mm
ent diagnosis with inflammatory vasculitis as the
Hg and a pulse of 200 per minute. Her blood
underlying theme.
pressure was quickly brought under control and
If! had to choose a dominant diagnostic theme
her pulse fell, but the patient remained confused
now, it would be cholesterol em bolization. T he
and agitated. There were no focal neurologic
manifestations of atheroem bolism can be protean;
signs. On the third hospital day, the patient's
they depend on the distribution of the atheroscle-
level of alertness was variable. Her left hand
rotic lesions and the nature of any invasive pro-
was noted to be cyanotic. Her temperature was
cedures performed on the patient. If there is sig-
38.8 C; her white cell count was 36,600 with
nificant carotid disease w ith ulcerated plaques,
12% bands. Sedimentation rate was 129 mm/hr.
cholesterol emuuli can Lra vd w th e eyes a nJ pro-
The urine was grossly bloody; it contained 2+
duce transient visual changes. Examination of the
protein and many RBCs and WBCs per high-
fundu~ in such patients can be diagnostic: Bright
power field. Creatinine was 1.4 mg/dL; BUN
orange collections of cholesterol crystals sometimes
was 17 rng/ dL.
are seen, frequently lodged at the bifurcations
of arter ioles. If you tap on the eye, you can of-
A severe hypertensive response during car-
ten knock the embolus loose. Cholesterol emboli
diac catheterization is a rare event. It can result
also can cause transient ischemic episodes. Occa-
from dissection of the aorta or renal ane ry by the
sionally, atheroembolism causes pancreatitis or is-
catheter. It also can result from renal atheroem-
chemic d isease of the bowel with guaiac-positive
bolism: T he embol i partially obstruct flow to the
stools. Em boli also can lodge in the arms, legs, or
juxtaglomerular apparatus and activate the renin-
skin. It is worth noting that on occasion the process
angioten sin system. A ll of the f indi n gs are con -
of cholesterol em bolization can be precipitated by
sistent with atheroembolism, including the cen-
tral nervous system manifestations, cyanosis of the
Renal insufficiency frequently occurs, some-
hand, and hypertension. Leukocytosis is probably
times accompanied by flank pain and hematuria.
ind icative of segmental renal infarction, and the
T he renal manifestations probably are a function
blood in the urine is consistent w ith that interpre-
of the size of the embol i. If the embol i are la rge
tation. It is surprising that k idney function was not
enough to occlude major branches of the renal
artery, segmental renal infarction with flank pain
and hematuria result. If the emboli consist only On the fourth hospital day, her mental status
of cholesterol crystals that partially occlude renal remained unchanged. A neurologist found no
arter ioles, renal isc hemia results. In such patients, focal signs and made a diagnosis of "acute en-
hypertension and renal insuffic iency are the pre - cephalopathy" but appended a long differen-
dom inant manifestations; hematuria often is ab- tial diagnosis. The left hand remained blue.
sent. If the embol i reach the small vessels, kidney A rheumatologist suggested ordering the fol-
biopsy will show characteristic clefts: T he choles- lowing tests: assays for C3, C4 , CHso, anti-
terol that previously inhabited the clefts is d issolved DNA antibodies, hepatitis B surface antigen
out in the fixation process. (HBsA g), and cryoglobulins. The treatrnen the
Although atheroembolism is the most attrac- recommended- methylprednisolone (100 mg
tive diagnosis, we should keep an open mind. per day) and cyclophosphamide (100 mg per
Hypersensitivity vasculitis remains a possibility. day)- was initiated.
Other disorders, such as urinary tract obstruction
and drug-induced renal disease, can produce both T he rheumatologist obviously was willi ng to
hematuria and decreased renal function. treat empirically for vasculitis w ith immunosup-
pressiveand anti-inflammatory agents. I would not
On the patient's second hospital day, cardiac have given those drugs without stronger evidence
catheterization was carried out. During the pro- for an inflammatory process because the treat-
cedure, the patient became hysterical and was ment has substantial potential risk. I suspect that
too much weight was g iven to the sedimentation


Figure 20.4 Renal a rter iogram; case 58.

Figure 20 .5 Renal arre riogram, postinjection
phase; case 58.
rate. I still think the patient has cholesterol em -
bolism to the brain and k idneys and probably has
extensive but asymptomatic embolism in other or-
On day 6, both legs and feet appeared mot-
gans as we!I.
tled, and the toes took on their purple appear-
On day 5 the creatinine was 2.1 mg/dL, BUN ance. CT scan of the brain showed a left oc-
was 56 mg/dL, and the urinary sediment con- cipital infarction. Between days 7 and 13, the
tinued to show red cells, too numerous to count. encephalopathy persisted, and the mottled ap-
A renal arteriogram was performed for diag- pearance of the left hand and both feet remained
nostic purposes. The arterial and parenchymal unchanged. Hematuria also persisted; creati-
phases are shown in Figures 20.4 and 20.5. nine ranged between 1.9 and 2.1 mg/dL.

I assume that the arter iogram was done in the I am even more confident that the patient has
expectation of finding renal arterial aneurysms, widespread atheroembolism now that we know
thereby hoping to confirm a diagnosis of pol- that the vessels of both her brain and legs are
yarteritis nodosa. Obviously, I would not have affected. I am less clear about whether she had
done thac test- first, because I think that diag- a single shower of em boli initiated by the car-
nosis is unli kely; and second, because I believe diac catheterization, a second shower of emboli
the patient had atheroembolism. The strong pos- from the renal arteriogram, or multiple episodes
sibility of atheroembolism is a particularly com- of embolism. The history strongly suggests two
pelling reason not to do further arterial stud ies. independent episodes. It is reasonable to assume
Her aorta must be full of friable, loose, ulcer- that the confusion and hypertension resulted from
ated atheromas that can be fragmented by stiff cerebral and renal embol i secondary to the car-
catheters, thus risking acceleration of the embolic diac catheterization because both manifestations
process. followed shortly after this procedure and both the
The study shows patchy ischemia of both k id- CT scan of the head and the renal arter iogram
neys w ith marked attenuation of d istal renal arter- showed evidence of blocked arteries. The legs were
ies. Given this patchy cortical fill ing, my suspicion not apparently involved before the renal arter iog-
of atheroembol ism is further enhanced. raphy, but afterward the classic picture of livedo


This prob'em-solving exercise provides a rare op-
portunity to trace the evolution of an inappropriate
diagnostic and therapeutic course that had a fatal
outcome. Simultaneously, we can observe the rea-
soning of our discussant, not only as he proceeds
correctly but also as he criti cizes the actions of those
w ho rook the wrong path.
As the discussa nt asserts, an important error
was ruaJc aL du; >Lan. Ald1uug li die pliysi<.: iau>
involved in the patient's ca re correctly identified
the system involved (arte ries and arterioles), they
Figure 20.6 Renal biopsy; case 58. m istak enly assumed t hat the vascu lar involvement
was an inflammatory o ne. That assumption led
reticula ris evolved , and the toes became blue. The them ro trea t the patient with a d ru g regimen that
kidneys appear to have suffered fro:n both proce- had no potential benefit and was, at th e same time,
dures. Scrum c rea tinine increased only after the potentially harmful. It also led them to perform
renal artc riogram- but because progressive de- ren al arteriography, which ou r discussant correctly
cline oi renal function can occur after even a single assumed was done in an effort to identify renal
shower of emboli, the deterioration in renal func- a neurysms. Given the final diagnosis, the rest was
cion could have resulted from the first procedure, of no value and almostccrtainlycontributed to late r
chc second one, or both. mo rbidi ty.
Although some of the early findings (mul-
A k idney biopsy, shown in Figure 20.6, was tisystem involvement and a hig h sedimentation
carried out. rate) were consistent with vasculitis, other man-
ifestations were not explained by this diagnosis. In
I do not think a biopsy was needed, because particular, it was not rc:isonable to attribute the
the case is such a classic. onetheless, what we see sudden change in clinical manifestations after car-
here a re choles terol emboli. The vesse ls are nea rly diac catheterization to vascu litis; at that point, the
or tota ll y occl uded by crystals, debris.and a reactive correct diagnosis should h:1ve surfaced. Indeed, it
e ndothelia l proliferatio n. This is a case in which a is an excellent ge neral principle that any sudden,
serious error was m ade at th e beginning. When I unexp la ined change in che cl inical course of a hos-
hea rd the initial constellation of symptoms, I also pirnlized patient should raise th e possibil ity of an
thought of vasculitis. When I heard more history, iatroge nic complication. 28'1 Drugs and diagnostic
however, 1 reconside red my initial presumption. procedures arc m ost freq uently at fault.
Although vasculitis was still a possibility, in a pa- Why the striking d isc repa ncy between the in-
ti ent with angi na, a stroke at the age of 51 yea rs, correct approach that contributed to the patient's
d iffuse bruits, and a family history of vascular dis- death and the skillful app roach of our discussant?
ease, cholesterol embolization immediately came Our discussa nt is a ncphrologist who is intimately
to mind. familiar with the synd rome of cathete r- induced
atheroembolism. Although vasculitis was his first
Outcome: Meth ylprednisolone and cyclophos- diagnostic choice, he quickly abandoned that hy-
phamide were discon tin ued. One mon th later pothesis when the history disclosed extensive vas-
the patient remain ed confused . H er skin le- cular involvement by arherosclerosis and posited
sions were slowly resolving. C reatinine was the correc t interpretation. Familiarity with the fea-
1.8 mg/d L. The patien t's mental function de- tures of diagnostic entities clearly is an essential in-
clined progressively, and she died 3 months gredient of the diagnostic process. Those clinical
after discharge. features serve not only to trigge r :i di:ignosric hy-
pothesis, bur also :ire essential to the confirmation


ofsuch hypotheses. Clinicians presumably remem-

alcohol. Fifteen months ago, she was treated for
ber complex patterns of d iseases and syndromes
abdominal pain and severe regurgitation with
aga inst which they match the findings in an indi-
H 1 -blockers, but these drugs failed to relieve the
vidual parient. 162 In the patient discussed here, ev-
sy~ptoms. She began losing weight. One of her
ery su bsequent manifestation in her clinical course
sons and one of his sons have celiac disease, and
apparently matched the pattern of atheroem bolic
though the patient complained of constipation
d isease conceptualized by the discussant, and he
and no diarrhea, celiac disease was suspected.
became convinced that h is diagnosis was correct-
After a duodenal biopsy done 12 months ago
so convinced, in fact, that he considered the final
showed "mild villous blunting and nonspecific
proof (kid ney biopsy) unnecessary.
chronic inflammation," she began following a
This d is<.: ussiuu provides a u example of ho w
gluten-free diet, but her weight loss continued.
the quality of medical care can be assessed by
Six months ago, she was subjected toa fun-
a prospective approach. Most attempts to deter-
doplication procedure for her regurgitation. It
m ine the quality of care have centered on measur-
also failed to relieve her symptoms, and her
ing the number of tests or treatment~ given to a
weight loss continued. She began having up-
patient o r on medical outcomes in patient popu-
per abdominal pain and flank pain. Several ob-
lations. In this instance, our discussant judged the
servers noted that the abdominal pain was par-
quality of the medical decisions prospecti~ely an~
ticularly prominent after eating. When seen,
repeatedly. H e first disagreed w ith the d 1agnos1s
she was complaining of diffuse abdominal pain
of vasculitis (the most serious error because it led
that was aggravated by eating, moving, and ly-
to multiple errors) and criticized the dec ision to
ing down. She had been anorexic and had as-
treat wi th steroids a nd cyclophosphamide. Later,
sociated nausea and constipation. She appeared
he criticized the decision to do renal arte riography
emaciated and pale.
and the renal biopsy. H ere, a n expert is reviewing
Blood pressure was 138/78 mm Hg; pulse
the quali ty of dec isions as they were made rathe r
was 68 per minute. Bilateral carotid bruits were
than after the fact. T he value of th at approach as
present, left louder than right. Radial and pedal
a tool for assess ing the quality of medical decision
pulses were diminished. The digits appeared
mak ing is clearly evident. Indeed, the d iscussant
normal. The remainder of the examination was
could have commented on other decisions but did
unremarkable. Except for a BUN of 31 mg/
not. For exam ple: Was coron ary arte riography in-
dL, the rest of her laboratory studies were
dicated? Was a renal a rteriogram an approp riate
within normal limits. A CT angiogram demon-
test, given that polyarteritis nodosa was strongly
strated severe stenosis of the superior and infe-
suspected? T his format deserves study not only as
rior mesenteric arteries and moderate to severe
a cool fo r determining the quali ty of clinical de-
stenosis of the celiac trunk.
cisions, but also for teachi ng decision making to
After a period of hydration and total par-
students and house officers.
enteral nutrition, a bypass graft was inserted
between the left iliac artery and the superior
mesenteric artery. She recovered uneventfully
CASE 59. RECONSIDERING FAILURES from surgery and gradually lost her abdomi-
OF THERAPY nal pain. On follow-up 6 months postopera-
tively, she was eating normally, had no abdom-
A 59-year-old woman office manager was seen inal pain or reflux symptoms, and had gained
by a gastroenterologist in his office for se;ere 25 pounds.
abdominal pain (9/10) and a 60-pound weight
loss. She had a history of hypertension and mi-
graine headaches, and had a coronary angio-
plasty 22 months ago. She was known to have bi-
lateral carotid bruits. She had smoked 1/2 pack of In retrospect, the diagnosis of mesenteric ischemia
cigarettes per day for many years but did not use seems so obvious. T he patient not only had clas-
sic symptoms, namely pain after eating (a form of


abdominal angina), but also readily available evi- It goes w ithout saying that optimal diagnosis
dence of severe vascular disease, including a history requires getting all the relevant informat ion and
of coronary disease, carotid bruits, and reduced pe- a careful physical examination, but when tests of
ripheral pulses. We might speculate wh y this ob- treatment fail, it is time to go back to the drawing
vious diagnosis was missed for two years (did her board. Start from scratch. Scour the old records,
physicians fa il to examine her pulses? did they for- talk to the patient, check her pulses.
get about her coronary d isease and bruits?), but in-
stead we will focus on two other examples of diag-
nostic errors, namely failure of a therapeutic trial. CASE 60: THE CHEETAH AND THE SNAIL
Once a tentative diagnosis is established, it
sltuulJ be subjecteJ LO a simple e'aluatio11: Are
A 35-year-old, previously healthy male pre-
all the patient's manifestations explained by the
sented with an 8-month history of vague ab-
diagnosis? Are all the positive and negative find -
dominal discomfort, fatigue, malaise and a
ings consistent with the diagnosis' T hat is, is the
40-pound weight loss.
diagnosis sufficient to explain the patient's illness?
Often these questions are supplemented by a test of
In a patient with these kinds of constitutional
treatment. If a specific treatment is available for a
symptoms, the differential diagnosis is quite broad,
condition and the treatment improves the patient's
symptoms, this response provides further support but in a 35-year-old, a malignancy would be less
likely, although it cannot be excluded. G iven the
that the diagnosis is correct. If, however, such a
longstanding presentation, I think more of chronic
treatment is applied and fails to improve symp-
diseases such as collagen vascular disorders and
toms, the diagnosis should come under suspicion.
endocrine disorders. The history ra ises the ques-
In esse:lce, the test of therapy becomes just a nother
tion of adrenal insufficiency, which can present
diagnostic test.
In the insta nce, we have two such tests of ther- with vague abdom inal discomfort with fatigue
and mala ise. The degree of we ight loss strikes me
apy: H i-blockers and fundoplication for gastroe-
as a little extreme but could be seen with severe
sophageal reflux disease (GERD), and a gluren-
adrenal insufficiency. There are no specific colla-
free diet for celiac disease. Both fa iled. GERD was
gen vascular disorders that jump to mind,although
an appropriate d iagnos is, given the patient's initial
symptoms, but fa ilure of treatment should have I guess polyarteritis nodosa among the vasculitides
should be considered. Rare disorders such as fam il-
triggered the suspicion that some other condition
ial Mediterranean fever can cause chronic, hard-to-
was at play. Despite the fam ily history, celiac d is-
diagnosis abdominal d iscomfort. Ch ronic infec-
ease seemed an unlikely cause of the patient's man-
ifestations, espec ially because it is usually accompa -
t ions could also be possible but are less li kely. I
still think that g iven h is age, malignancy should be
nied by diarrhea, not constipation. When the diet
further down the list.
failed co improve the patient, it too should have
been a sign that the physicians were barking up
Eight months prior to admission the patient
the wrong tree.
noticed vague periumbilical discomfort, worse
Wh at should a physician do when a tenta-
in the morning and sometimes associated with
tive diagnosis no longer becomes tenable and the
halitosis. He also had mild fatigue, dizziness,
patient continues to suffer? Needless to say, the an-
lack of appetite, and mild nausea with motion.
swer is: Look for one or more diagnoses that might
At that time, his physical examination was un-
be. In the case of this patient, a thorough look at the
remarkable. Laboratory studies showed a low
patient's record might have revea led the history of
white cell conn tand mild transamini tis. He was
vascular disease, a carefully taken history would
not a nemic, and his T~ level was 5.3 pmol/L
have turned up the classical pain pattern, and a
(normal 4-12 pmol/L). He was given a diagno-
careful examination would have demonstrated
sis of functional dyspepsia and was prescribed
diminished pulses. Fortunately, one observer did
an H 1-blocker with relief of his abdominal dis-
put all this informat ion together, m ade the correct
diagnosis, and probably saved the patient's life.


The additional history is still relatively non- abdomen is unlikely to be helpful unless he has
specific. T he vague periwnbilical discomfort and an underlying malignancy or some process such
ocher symptoms do not point me in any one direc- as lymphoma, which would be associated with
tion. The dizziness makes me wonder if the pa- lymphadenopathy.
cienc had some mild orthostasis. I am not surpr ised
chac che physical examination is normal, given the Seven weeks before admission he saw another
presenting symptoms. The low w hite counc is in- physician, who obtained the same history. The
ce resci ng. HIV-related disease must always be con- patient had begun to notice some tingling of
sidered in situat ions like this. I would be interested his legs and arms, especially when in bed. He
in his CD 4 count to see if he is at risk for oppor- had always preferred warm weather but began
lUuistic.: iu fc:c.:Liuus. T ltc: u1i ld lrausa111iu itis is uul to notice an extreme sen s itivity to cold. He de -
helpfu l to me since it is so nonspecific. He does not nied fevers. He stated he had no interest in eat-
a ppear to have hypoth yroidism, although I would ing and felt his memory was slipping. H e was
like to sec a TSH (th yro id-stimulating hormone) taking no medications. H e did not smoke and
to be su re of that. At this point, the treatment with denied alcohol excess. The patient had begun
an H 2-blocker seems reasonable, and I see no need to lose time at work and was unable to perform
fo r furthe r aggressive workup at this time. his normal leisure time activities. H e defiled
marital problems or depression. ln fact, he had
The malaise, fatigue, anorexia, and exces- seen a psychologist for an opinion as to whether
sive eructation persisted , and 4 months before the symptoms were psychological in origin. H e
admission his gastrointestinal discomfort re- just wanted his problem "to be fixed." Family
curred. Additional negative studies included history was positive for a father with h ypothy-
HrV, CMV, and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) roidism and a sister with a congerutal heart
antibody tjters. After recurrence of symptoms lesion.
despite the H z-blocker, switching to a proton-
pump inhibitor had no effect. H e began to no- The additional history is interesting. The tin-
tice weight loss. gling makes me think of a peripheral neuropathy.
I would like to know more about the distribution
If he had longstanding HI V iniection , the of these symptoms. Were they stocking glove in
HIV antibody cesc should h ave been positive. distribution? Diabetes does not seem likely to me,
Since I did noc think he had acute HI V infection, give n the rest of the picture . ew-onset diabetes
the negative cesc should allow us to eli minate HIV should not be associated with a ne uropathy. Could
from the d ifferential. The negative CMV and he have B12 deficiency, which can be associated
EBV titers nre helpful in th is pntien t, who could with Crohn disease due to involvement of the ter-
have had a mononucleosis-li ke syndrome chat minal ileum ? Could he have some cervical spine
ca n be assoc iated wich mild transaminitis. J am process lead i!lg to a myclopathy of some sort since
not surprised that the omeprazole d id not help. he appears to have a bilateral process in volving both
The weight loss raises the concern for significant the a rms and the legs? I have a hard time tying that
underlying pathology. With the vague abdom inal idea with his abdominal symptoms. The sensitiv-
discomfort, we should consider things like inflam- ity to cold raises the question of hypothyroidism
matory bowel disease, more likely Crohn disease again. Could he have cryoglobulinemia presenting
chan ulcerative colitis since the latter is more likely with some neurop:nhic manifestations? The mem-
to have diarrhea and bloody stools. Jdo not think he ory problem> arc consistent with Bu deficiency.
has chronic pancreatitis. The weight lms makes ir- This illness appears to be having a major impact
ritable bowel syndrome much less likely. The eruc- on the patiem's life, including his job, which makes
tation m akes me think of something like gastro- a functional clisorder much less likely. The father's
paresis, bur I have not heard about things like early hypothyroidism may indicate that the patient is at
satiety, which could go along with it. J would be greater risk for some autoimmune conditions.
interested in more laboratory data, especiall y a
His physical examination at that time was de-
cortisol level since adrenal insufficiency is my
scribed as normal. His abdominal examination
leading diagnosis at present. CT imaging of the


have had an elevated TSH earl ier, but it had not

was benign, with no organomegaly or tender-
been checked. T he patient likely has a predispo-
ness. The physician was not sure of the cause of
sition to autoimmune disorders. I do not think
this chronic illness. He postulated a metabolic
that hypothyro idism explains the whole picture.
illness, a depressed cardiac output from a car-
It is not usually associated with weight loss but
diomyopathy of some sort, an internal malig-
rather weight gain. Abdominal pain is not usually
nancy of the abdomen, or a lymphoma.
present. Could the patient have a pituitary pro-
cess contributing to multiple endocrine disorders
Ac this point, my top considerations wou ld
by way of compression? If so, then he would have
be inflammatory bowel disease or adrenal insuffi-
to have a TSH-producing pituitary tumor with
ciency. One rare disorder that can present w ith ab-
assoc iateJ au renal insufficiency frolll the mass ef-
dominal symptoms is acute intermittent porphyria.
fect of the tumor. I would be interested in seeing
We really do not have a history suggestive of
whether or not the patient had any hyperpigmen-
episodic symptoms. I still think malignancy is less
tation that would help us to distinguish between
likely because of the age. Hypothyroidism is not
primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency.
usually associated w ith weight loss. Apathetic hy-
perthyro idism can present w ith fatigue and weight A diagnosis of severe hypothyroidism was
loss, but that is usually a disease of the elderly. made, and the patient was started on levothy-
roxine. Over the next 6 weeks as his TSH was
Laboratory studies were as follows: WBC 4,700
falling, the patient felt progressively tired and
with 62 polys, 28 lymphs, 4 monos and, 2 eos;
anorectic. His abdominal discomfort increased
hematocrit 48% with an MCV of 88. Sedi- '
and his weight loss accelerated (to a total of
mentation rate 5 mm/hr. Sodium 133 1nEq/L,
40 pounds over the course of his illness, from
potassium 4.7 mEq/L, chloride 91 mEq/L, and
210 to 170 pounds). In the week before admis-
total C0 2 26 mEq/L. Serum glucose 78 mg/dL.
sion, he developed frequent nausea, vomiting,
BUN 15 m g/dL, creatinine 2.0 mg/dL. Biliru-
and poor oral intake. When he was first seen he
bin 1.1 mg/dL, alkaline phosphatase 91 IU/L,
appeared chronically ill, and his systolic blood
AST 91 IU/L (normal 15-46) , ALT 87 IU/L
pressure was 70 mm Hg. H e was given intra-
(normal 7-56), and gamma-glutamyltrans-
venous saline and admitted to the hospital.
peptidase (GGT) 23 IU/L (normal 8-78). Cal-
cium 9.6 mg/dL, phosphorus 4.1 mg/dL. Uric
T he treatment of the hypoth yroidism was
acid 6.3 m g/dL. Cholesterol 402 m g/dL. T 4 less
generally appropr iate, but in this patienc, in whom
than 1.17 pmol/L ( normal 4- 12), TSH greater
we are considering adrenal insufficiency, the thy-
than 50 ,U/mL. An abdominal CT scan was
roid replacement could have caused more harm to
the patient. Increasing his metabolic demands with
thyroid replacement can exacerbate the adrenal in-
The laboratory studies are helpful. The nor-
sufficiency and cause a crisis. T he increasing fa-
mal w hite cell count is not surprising to me. T he
tigue, we ight loss acceleration, and increase in his
patient does not have an anemia of chronic dis-
abdominal discomfort are compatible with adrenal
ease. T he normal sedimentation rate indicates the
insufficiency. This patient may have a poly au-
patient is unlikely to have a significant inflamma-
toimmune endocrine disorder, which needs fur-
tory disease. T he slightl y low sod ium level may
ther testing, especially with a cortisol level and
be due to a mild degree of volume depletion, al-
an adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimu-
though the physical examination did not document
la~ion test. I am concerned that he is presenting
that. Diabetes seems to be ruled out. The slightly
with an adrenal crisis. I want to know if his glu-
elevated creatinine w ith the markedly elevated
cose is low, if h is potassium is high, or if his sodium
cholesterol makes me wonder about an underlying
is lower.
nephrotic syndrome. A mixed nephritic/nephrotic
syndrome is more likely to present w ith an ele- He had a sallow complexion. His blood pres-
vated creatinine. Of course, the cholesterol could sure was 90/60 mm Hg supine and 85/60 mm
be due to an unrelated process. The patient now Hg standing. Pulse was 85 per minute supine,
has developed definite hypothyroidism. He may


reader has not identified its uniqueness, it is worth

rising to 100 per minute on standing. He was
explaining in some detail. First, in contrast to the
afebrile. Other than evidence of chronic weight
nearly disastrous diagnostic strategy of the physi-
loss, his physical examination was unremark-
cians caring for the patient, in whom they nearly
able. No skin lesion s were noted. There was no
missed the diagnosis of Addison disease entirely,
lymphadenopathy. The abdomen was benign,
the discussant not only jumped on the diagnosis
with no tenderness or organomegaly. Rectal ex-
immediately, but also mentioned it repeatedly until
amination was normal.
tests proved him right. We should give the physi-
His blood pressure does not meet the strict cri- cians caring for the patient the benefit of the doubt:
teria for orthostatic h ypotension, wh ich is usually Although the patient's clinical manifestations were
associated with a greater drop in blood pressure yuiu: dtaracu::risLic fur Addison disease, Lite disease
and rise in pulse rate. Nonetheless, I would give is rare and difficu lt to diagnose.
him fluid replacement. The physical find ings are However, there is a second, even more con-
compatible w ith an endocrine disorder. Crohn dis- vi ncing explanation for the seemingly "eagle eye"
ease has fallen down on my list. approach of the discussant. In contrast to the physi-
cians caring for the patient, who extracted one ele-
Laboratory studies: white cell count 4,500 with ment of the h istory, one element of the physical
50 polys, 42 lymphs, 6 m onos, 2 eos. Hema- examination, and one laboratory test at a time,
tocrit 47%. Platelet count normal. Sodium our d iscussant was given a compiled summary
133 mEq/L, potassium 5.6 mEq/L, ch loride of the patient's clinical course. In one fell swoop,
100 mEq/L, and total C02 23 mEq!L . BUN he learned that the patient had an extended his-
25 mg/dL and creatinine 1.4 mg/dL; glucose tory of abdom inal discomfort, fatigue, and ex-
53 m g/dL. Serum albumin 4.3 gmldL. Biliru- tensive we ig ht loss. This combination of findings
bin 1.5 mg/dL , alkaline phosphatase 55 IU/L , led him to suspect the d isease from the begin-
AST 44 IU/L,ALT 50 IU/L. Free thyroxine in- nmg.
dex 8.0 (normal) and TSH 17.0 ,U/mL. Chest There are important lessons in this exercise.
x-ray and electrocardiogram were normal. The first is that when patients present difficult di-
agnostic di lemmas, it is useful to summarize the
The laboratory findings ofhyponatremia, hy-
observations to date: Such summaries often trig-
perkalemia, and the low sugar are all compatible
ger diagnostic possibilities hitherto unconsidered.
w ith adrenal insufficiency, probably on a primary
Indeed, in such cases, other common conditions
basis. T he abnormal enzymes bring to mind the have often been "ruled out," thereby increasing
possibility of an underlying myopathy from the
the likelihood of other, often rarer causes. Second,
endocrine dysfunction. vVe cannot say for sure we sh ould apprec iate that h ow case material is con -
whether the enzyme elevations are due to liver
structed for purposes of teaching clinical reasoning
or muscle pathology. T he TSH is improving, sug-
can profoundly influence the reasoning processes.
gesting that his hypothyroidism is being treated
Multiple compiled cues, as in this instance, provide
and the patient is closer to being euthyroid.
a far richer context than extracting informat ion
Morning cortisol levels before and after admin- piecemeal from a patient. 39 The former is much
istration ofsynthetic ACTH were un detectable. more analogous to the approach appl ied when one
Adrenal insufficiency was finally diagnosed physician "presents a case" to another physician,
(in addition to his hypothyroidism), probably the latter is more analogous to an Emergency De-
on an autoimmune basis. Replacement steroid partment, private office, or clinic first encounter
therapy was added to his levothyroxine. Heim- with a patient. In the latter instance, because un-
proved and was discharged. certainty is maximized, the task is simply more
From a teaching standpoint, neither approach
Analysis is better, just different. However, when we con-
What is so different about this discussant's tran- struct d idactic cases, we should do so w ith aware-
script from almost all the others in this book? If the ness of the pedagogic goal.


CASE 61 . A COLLECTION OF COGNITIVE required intubation. After a period of slight im-

provement, the ventilation tube was removed , but
within an hour, she had to be reintubated. The
Twenty years ago, we published a classification of correct diagnosis- myasthenia gravis- was trig-
cognitive diagnostic errors based on the aspect~ of gered subsequently, only after the patient devel-
the diagnostic process in w h ich the error occurred. oped bilateral ptosis. Multiple clinical clues to the
As we selected cases for the second edition of this correct diagnosis had been missed.
book, we often included cases w ith cognitive er-
Context Error
rors, in the belief that demonstrating such errors
A 35-year-old man (see case 60) presented with
and pointing out how they occurred would offer
an 8-month history of vague abdominal discom-
special insights into their identification and possi-
fort and weight loss. His examination and routine
bly to their prevention. Off the 41 cases with cogni-
test~ were unremarkable. Initially he was treated
tive errors in the second edition, 17 are holdovers
from the former analysis. 77 for gastrointestinal reflux. After studies showed
As we repeated the task w ith the cases in that he was hypothyroid, he was g iven thyroid re-
placement, but he continued to have abdominal
this ed ition, we found again that most cases con
t.ained more than one cognitive error, but experi- discomfort and lost more weight (the cumulative
ence has shown that the decisions about where in deficit was 40 pounds). On readmission he was hy-
potensive, hyponatremic, h yper kalemic, and hy-
the process of diagnosis the errors occurred are not
poglycemic, and finally a diagnosis of adrenal in-
dear-cut. Although all three of the authors agreed
sufficiency was made. In retrospect, he probably
on the classification (Table 20. 1), we concede that
had adrenal insufficnency from the beginning, but
others might have a different interpretation than
the diagnostic contexts were gastrointestinal dis-
ours, and we welcome such interpretations. We
ease and thyroid disease.
have made similar, somewhat arbitrary judgment~
about the consequences of the errors. T here is yet
Error in Data Interpretation
no scientific bas is for these decisions, but that does
not mean that errors should go unclassified. A 59-year-old man (see case 23) with longstanding
We also make no claim about the frequency hypertension was evaluated by his physician for
of such errors or about the overall importance of a possible diagnosis of pheochromocytoma when
the patient's blood pressure reached a sustained
cognitive errors in diagnosis among all d iagnostic
level of 180/120 mm Hg. A measurement of vanil-
errors in doctors' offices and in hospitals. Although
lylmandelic ac id (VlvfA) excretion was twice the
this issue is important, our goal is pedagogic, not
administrative. upper limit of normal, and despite subsequent nor-
mal values for excretion of metanephrines and
The rationa le for using the clinical cases to an-
catecholamines, he was started on phenoxyben-
a lyze errors is described elsewhere, 77 and we will
not repeat it here. However, based on the errors zamine. Additional diagnostic studies, including
identified in these cases, it is possible to provide measurements of epinephrine, norepinephrine,
stri king examples of errors and their in fluence on and dopamine and an abdominal CT scan, were
carried out and were normal. The final conclu-
individual patients. None of the followi ng exam-
ples are taken from previous wor k. 77 sion was that the first measurement of VMA
was a false positive. In this instance, overin-
terpretation of a d iagnostic test led to exces-
Triggering Error sive and unnecessary testing and inappropr iate
A 40-year-old woman (see case 12) who had never treatment. Fortunately, the treatment caused no
smoked had a 2-day history of dyspnea and was harm.
admitted to the hospital gasping for breath and
breathing at a rate of 40 per minute. Examina- Error in Estimation of !Prevalence
tion of her lungs and chest x-rav disclosed no ab- A 5 1/2-year-old boy (see case 19) developed malaise,
!llormalities, and despite high concentrations of in- headache, abdominal pain, and shortness of breath
spired oxygen, she remaillled severely hypoxic and after returning from a vacation in the Smoky


TABLE 20.1

Summary of Cognitive Errors in the Cases

Hypothesis Generation
Data Estimated Faulty Testing: Test Causal
Case Trigger Context Interpretation Prevalence Threshold Interpretation Model

3 v' v' v'

5 v'
6 v'
7 J
8 J v'
9 v'
12 v'
19 .J
21 v'
23 v' v'
24 v' v'
26 v' v'
27 v' v'
29 v'
31 v' v'
35 v'
36 v' v'
43 v'
48 v'
54 v' .J v'
55 v'
56 v' v'
57 v'
58 v' v' v'
59 v' v' v' v'
60 v' v'
63 v'
64 v' v'
65 v'


No Diagnostic Excessive Delay in Inappropriate Risky
Case Verification Axiom Fault Delay Testing Treatment Treatment Consequences

3 J J
5 ,./ ,./
6 ,./
7 ,./ ,./
8 ,./
9 ,./ J
12 ,./
17 J
18 ,./
19 ,./
21 J
22 ,./ J
23 .J
24 .J
31 ,./
35 ,./
39 ,./
43 J
44 J
51 ,./
52 J
53 J ,./
54 ,./
56 ,./ ,./ J
57 ,./ J
58 J ,./
59 ,./ ,./ ,./
60 J
63 J


Mountains in Tennessee. Hus parents, both physi- No-Fault Errors

cians, recalled removing a tick from h is scalp dur- \,Ve class ified several cases as no-fault errors undoer
ing their vacation, and given their experience w ith the supposition that the physicians responsible for
Rocky Mountain spotted fever in an endemic area the patient's care, no matter how expert in their
during their house staff training, were concerned diagnostic capabilities, would not have arrived at
that the child might have this disease. Discussions thecorrectdiagnosis. Examples includeonepatient
were held about giving the child a risky ant ibiotic, (see case S) w ith complete heart block whose symp-
but fortunately it was discovered that no cases of toms were vague and whose tests failed to identi f)1
the d isease had been seen in the Smoky Mountains the cause for years, one patient (see case 21) who
for years. No antibiotic was g iven, and the ch ild was thought to have a lung tumor but ended up
recovered uneventfully. hav ing only a blood clot in the lung, one patie11t
(see case 22) who had vitamin B12 deficiency w ith
Error in Causal Attribution
neurological manifestations but w ith no anemia,
A S9-year-old woman (see case S9) w ith severe ab- and one patient (see case SS) who had an atrlial
dom inal pain and weight loss was treated for sprue, myxoma- a rare cardiac tumor.
wh ich she d id not have, and fundoplication for
gas t roesophageal reflux before the correct diagno- Analysis
sis was made, namely mesenteric ischemia. There Inspection of the table shows that cognitive errors
were two errors in causal attribution. Both were can have diverse and serious consequences. De-
the assmnptions that her symptoms could be ex- lays in making the correct diagnosis and unnec-
plalined by two cond itions despite defic iencies in essary or excessive testing were the most common
evidence for either as the cause of her symptoms. consequences, but delays in beginning treatment
Ignoring findings of overt vascular disease was an- or inappropriate treatment were quite frequent.
other error. Some cognitive errors led only to unnecessary anx-
iety, but in other instances, they led to grave out-
Error in Verification (Premature Closure) comes, including premature extubation, unneces-
A 3 1-year-old man (seecase56) adm itted to the hos- sary surgery, and loss of a normal kidney.
pital for a liver transplant had a previous extensive Avoiding the cognitive errors illustrated here
medical evaluation. He had been previously been is not easy, and there is no tried-and-true method
jaundiced and had been diagnosed w ith hepatitis for doing so. 290291 As we have argued, exposure to
A a nd B and subsequently developed ascites and salient examples such as those in this book might
peripheral edema. A liver biopsy was consistent heighten the student or physician's sensitivity to
w it!h macro-micronodular cirrhosis. For 2 years the kinds of errors. Providing extensive tables of
the asc ites, edema, and wea kness persisted, but he possible errors and biases has a similar bas is. 79
had no varices, and when admitted for transplan- Other procedures have been proposed. Some sug-
tat ion his liver function was only mildly abnor- gestions are to use a strategy of stepping back from
mal. Echocardiogram on that admission d isclosed the problem of the moment and only making an
an enlarged right atr ium and findings consistent action-oriented decision after careful reflection on
w it!h elevated right-sided pressure. Although jugu- the problem; providing training to identify specific
lar venous pressure was normal, cardiac catheteri- reasoning flaws; decreasing the reliance on mem-
zatlion d isclosed findings consistent with constric- ory by substituting cognitive aids; and providing
tive pericarditis, and the patient improved after rapid and reliable feedback at the time that the
pericard iectomy. A primary diagnosis ofliver dis- error is made. 179 192
ease was incorrect. This conclusion was reached Although some of these techniques may be
prematurely without considering that various fea- helpful, none has stood the test of scientific evalu-
tures did not fit this d iagnosis. ation.

_ Some Cognitive Concepts

CASE 62. AMESSAGE ABOUT METHODS Neither liver nor spleen was palpable. Rectal
and pelvic examinations were normal
An 18-year-old woman with a history of acute
lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) was admitted to T he abrupt onset sounds more bacterial than
the hospital with fever, chills, sweating, myal- viral, but maybe not. A fever with chills and sweat-
gias, and headache. ing also sounds more bacterial than viral, but myal-
g ias are more commonly viral. It sounds like a viral
Wi th these symptoms, it sounds to me as if she is in- infection, but because she has leukemia, she could
fected. It could also be her underlying disease, but have a number of different opportunistic infec-
that usually does not present in this way. She could tions. The fact that she does not have a stiff neck
have a disseminated bacterial infection or certainly does not mean that she does not have meningitis
could have a viral infection, g iven the myalgias and either.
the headache. Ifit was in the springtime, it could be
a n adenovirus infection. If it was in the summer- Laboratory studies showed hemoglobin 10.1 g/
time, it could be a Coxsack ie virus infection w ith dL, hematocrit 29%, white cell count 13,700
aseptic meningitis. But it could be other th ings as with 70 polys, 15 bands, 7 lymphs, 5 monos, 1
we ll. eosinophil, 1 metamyelocyte, and 1 myelocyte.
Platelets 173,000. On the blood smear, teardrop
The patient's leukemia was diagnosed 3 years forms and a few nucleated red cells were seen.
earlier and was treated effectively with chemo- Electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), cre-
therapy, including intrathecal methotrexate. atinine, coagulation studies, and liver function
Bone marrow morphology remained normal studies were normal. Lactate dehydrogenase
every 3 months thereafter until 4 months be- (LDH) was 383 IU/L; Creatine kinase (CK)
fore admission, when she had a relapse. Pe- was 90 IU/L. Chest x-ray and lumbar puncture
ripheral counts at that time were hematocrit were normal.
25%, platelets 81,000, and white cell count
4,600. At that time, malignant cells were again H er hematocrit is 29%, which, w ith her fever,
present. Chemotherapy induced another remis- is probably why she has a systol ic ejection mur-
sion. One month before admission, the fol- mur. T he white count of 13,700 with 70 segs is im-
lowing values were obtained: hematocrit 39%, portant. It pushes me immediately in t he bacterial
platelets 249,000, and white cell count 4,200. direction, away from th is being a virus, although
Bone marrow was hypocellular with decreased the flu sometimes wi ll g ive you a left shift. But 7
myeloid precursors. During the week before lymphs, 5 monos, I eosinophil, I metamyelocyte,
admission, the patient had been taking thiori- and 1 myelocyte are a little much for that. The nu-
dazine in doses as high as 600 mg per day. cleated red cells could mean that she is activati ng
her bone marrow to put out a lot of white cells, or
This fever is not thioridazine induced. I am it could mean that she has a myelophthisic process.
not sure why you are telling me that. O r it could be just a result of the bone marrow's
On the day before admission, she had abrupt recovery from the chemotherapy. LOH was ele-
onset of fever, chills, sweating, myalgias, and vated, which would go along w ith her hyperactive
headache. She had no neck stiffness, sleepiness, marrow production.
change in mental status, or joint pain and no I would get cultures. So far, there is no ob-
cardiovascular, pulmonary, or gastrointestinal vious focus of infection. If she has just come off
symptoms. H er temperature was 39 C, pulse chemotherapy, she certainly could have small gas-
130 per minute, and blood pressure 130/90 mm trointestinal ulcerations, with easy access to the
Hg. Examination disclosed a grade 2/6 systolic bloodstream of the gram-negative rods and other
ejection murmur but no other abnormalities. things in the gastrointestinal tract. vVith the left
shift, this really concerns me. vVith that fever



and that shift, I probably would treat her broadly

her original malignant cells. A new course of
with antimicrobial therapy to cover gastrointesti-
chemotherapy was started. Three days later, her
nal pathogens, and also cover for Pseudomonas,
fever disappeared, and 7 days later, her blood
although she is not neutropenic. What about fungi
counts reverted toward normal. A bone mar-
in a patient with ALL? T here is nothing in the
row study done after 2 weeks showed that the
chest. \,Vhere would the fungus be? vVhere would
bone marrow also had reverted toward normal.
it be coming from? I do not see a urinalysis report.
Her fever and constitutional symptoms were at-
There was no d iarrhea. T his could be candidiasis.
tributed to relapse of acute leukemia, but drug
One infection to consider when the bone mar-
fever or an intercurrent viral infection could not
row is act ive as in this patient is tuberculosis.
be excluded with certainty.
Wr:: have sr::r::n JisseminateJ TB (tuberculosis) fre-
quently in our AIDS patients. She could be at high
risk for disseminated TB. We do not know her She did have a myelophthisic picture. Rather
than having an organism in the marrow, however,
PPD (purified protein derivative) status. So tuber-
she had lymphoblasts in there; I agree that d1e fever
culosis, fungal infection, and gram-negative sepsis
was caused by a relapse of the leukemia. What is
without hypotension are all on my list. I would not
surprising to me is the abruptness of the onset of
treat for a fungus or tuberculosis yet, but I might
the symptoms. That pushed me much more toward
go ahead fai rly soon and look at her bo:le marrow.
The fact chat she has nucleated reds on her smear hypothesizing some infectious cause, and che sh ift
could mean that there is something invad ing the to the left pushed me toward a bacterial cause. I
marrow. It could be Histoplasma or any organism would have felt obligated to do what her phys icians
did ' namelv. m culture and to treat expectantly. It
such as that.
looks to me as if the lymphocyres were acting like
Thioridazine was discontinued immediately, an organism in terms of the production of tl1e fever.
and cefepime was started on the day after ad-
mission. Subsequently, four blood cultures and Analysis
one urine culture were sterile. Spinal fluid also \Ve put a premium on efficient and accurate di-
was sterile. Antibiotic therapy was discontin- agnostic problem solving. Thus, we must ~lace an
ued. Fever (39 C) persisted for the next5 days. even higher premium on understanding the men-
The white count was 13,800 with 83 polys, tal processes chat we use to solve such problems.
6 bands, 8 lymphs, 2 monos, and 1 basophil. T he question is how to learn about these men-
No ne\\" symptoms appeared, and physical ex- tal processes and states. Traditionally, we have
amination did not change. trusted the how-to opinions of expert cli nicians,
who have relied on their introspective accounts of
The four negative blood cultures and one neg-
how the process operates. 138' 139 y et we hav~ reason
ative urine culture reduce the likelihood of gram-
to believe that such accounts are not what they are
negative sepsis in this patient. I would have been
cracked up to be. Seve ral lines of evidence suggest
more concerned about it ifshe was neutropenic, but
that people have limited access to the workings
she is not. She has lymphocytic leukemia, which
of their minds and that they have no privileged
pushes you more toward the infections seen in
knowledge of the factors that influence their cog-
AIDS patients. She has persistent fever. She really
nitive behavior, yet they readi ly offer extensive ex-
does not have any evidence here of reactivation of
planations of how to proceed in making diagnoses.
her leukemia to explain the fever. I think she is
Such explanations, one assumes, are inferred from
going to have something in her bone marrow, and
personal concepts of tl1eir internal processes and
I think it is going to be a fungus, or it might be an
state of mind. 88 89 91
ac id - fast organism.
For several decades, psychologists have
On the fifth hospital day, a bone marrow as- viewed introspection on the state of one's mind as
suspect, or at least serious . ' 91 A ny stud y
. Iy d e f"1c1ent.-
pirate showed that the marrow was packed
with lymphoblasts that again were similar to designed to detect and interpret mental states must
rely on the integrated response of an individual to a


particular stimulus, that is, the implementation of reservations about the validity of protocol ana[ysis.
the content of a mental process. Missing in such re- The technique diverges from traditional scientific
sponses, presumably, are the mental processes and approaches that rely heavily on statistical studies,
the mental states themselves. and thus the analyses lack a certain objectivity. No
How can we define the nature of these pro- generally accepted conventions for reporting the
cesses and states as they relate to the diagnostic pro- data have been developed; thus, the ability to re-
cess? Verbal protocols have been used in medicine, port and compare data from more than one study
as in other domains, to understand the structure has been hampered.94 Collecting and analyzing
of sequential cognitive processes. 18 1947 6189 T he protocols is a tedious, time- and effort-consuming
general procedure is to present a clinician w ith au- task. Analysis requires the participation of a per-
thentic clinical material in a chronological fash ion son who is professionally familiar w ith the subject
that mimics a patient's workup. As the clinician material. 3661
responds to the material, he or she thinks out loud, T here are other reservations about the content
and the monologue is recorded and transcribed of transcripts. Often there is no record of a subject's
verbatim. The protocol, or transcript, is then ana- planning process; usually there is no way of observ-
lyzed by a person who is trained in transcript anal- ing a subject's unstated confusion or expressions of
ys is and fami liar w ith the medical domain. difficulty.94 Another concern is that the findings
This commentary provides a running series of can be mislead ing if a subject g ives a "cannecl," or
responses that, in theory, can be used to infer the precompiled, version of problem solving instead of
sequence of mental states and the processes used to an ongoing problem-solving strategy. 61 One also
solve a problem. 90 An assumption of the method is must recognize that because subjects cannot be
that thinking wh ile speaking probably is not un- expected to report all their reasoning as they are
like thinking without speaking. T he analys is of thinking aloud, at least some intermediate steps in
protocols proceeds as follows: First, we observe their reasoning processes w ill be omitted.36 More-
what data a person pays attention to and assume over, cognitive biases such as ava ilabil ity, repre-
that this information exists in working memory; sentativeness, anchoring, om ission, or framing all
then, from this information, the analyst infers a se- occur unconsciously and hence are unli kely to be
quence of states; finally, from these sequential de- articulated and capmred. 88 91 Finally, in analyzing
scriptions the analyst attempts to understand the a protocol, the analyst must pay particular atten-
general rules that the person used to solve prob- tion to those aspects in w hich the subject is us-
lems. Note that in this approach the analyst, not ing his or her medical knowledge and concentrat-
the subject, makes the inferences about the mental ing on explanations rather than on those aspects
processes involved. in which the subject is opining about his or her
These experimental procedures probably are mental processes. 89
best at generating hypotheses, that is, plausible Despite these reservations, transcript analy-
analyses of the subject's problem-solving processes. sis has provided not only interesting hypotheses
Such procedures are weak in their capacity to de- about the reasoning of physicians, but also valu-
velop, test, and reject competing hypotheses; other able insights that have been the basis of didactic ap-
nnethods must be used for hypothesis testing. In a proaches and computer programs that model clini-
few instances, individual subjects have been stud- cal reasoning.1. 162 Studies of the diagnostic process
ied repeatedly, and their problem-solving ab ilities have identified many of its features and the com-
in narrow domains (recal ling sequences of digits) plex interactions among hypothesis generation, hy-
have been characterized extensively. T he gener- pothesis testing, and hypothesis verification .18 19
a lizability of this characterization across subjects The cause-and-effect relat ionsh ips between clin-
and domains, however, is yet to be determined.92 ical variables, so critical to medical d iagnosis and
The most optimistic view of protocols is that therapeutics, also have been studied by transcript
they can provide selective glimpses of intermediate analysis. 47 89 T he result is a deeper understanding
points in clinical reasoning, thereby illuminating of how physicians apply causal reasoning in d iag-
the states that people pass through in the perfor- nosis and how they revert to "first principles" when
mance ofa certain task.93 94 Indeed, there are many precompiled reasoning processes are insufficient


to explain peculiar ities in clinical data. Indeed, the explanations for some of the cognitive biases in-
implementation of the causal model from these herent in the physician problem solver. 61
analyses as a working computer program demon- No analysis can be expected to identify all
strates that the data obtained from the transcripts the reasoning processes or all the data used in the
are sufficient to model the detailed causal reason- process. The best we can hope for is to achieve
. used by th e p h ys1c1an
ing . . su b.iects:36 some insights. T he transcript just given contains
Finally, even the reasoning that physicians use many such insights about how an expert c.linician
to make complicated tradeoff~ between the choices assembles a diagnosis. vVe identified all the verb
of tests and treatments under conditions of un - phrases in the transcript and then assembled those
certainty have been subjected to transcript analy- that related to any diagnostic hypotheses. By se-
s is. Such stuuies suggest that in 111akiog det:isiuns let:ti11g such phrases, we ga in assurant:e that Ll1e
about the benefits and risks of tests and treatments, subject is using her medical knowledge to explain
physicians use an incremental planning approach the clinical find ings. The results are displayed in
that sometimes ignores the "big picture," and Table 21. 1.
that they sometimes disregard appropr iate ther- Note that a large number of the verb phrases
apeutic approaches in favor of invasive diagnostic are used fo r generating diagnostic hypotheses
approaches that are no more valuable than other (could be, might be) and that many others make
therapeutic measures. T hese stud ies also suggest assertions about existing hypotheses (pushes me

I Verb Phrases Describing Hypotheses
It could also be her underlying disease it sounds to me as if she is infected
She could have a disseminated bacterial sounds like a viral infection
infection It pushes me immediately in the bacterial
certainly could have a viral infection direction, away from this being a virus
it could be an adenovirus infection which would go along with her hyperactive
it could be other things marrow production
she could have a whole host of opportunistic She does not really have any evidence here of
infections I would be very concerned about that
doesn't mean that she doesn't have She would be at high risk for disseminated TB
meningitis pushes you more toward the infections seen in
It could be a number of those things AIDS patients
reds could mean that she is shifting I think she is going to have something in her bone
it could mean a myelophthisic process marrow
it could be just a result of I think it is going to be a fungus
she certainly could have small That pushed m e much more toward some
ulcerations infectious cause
What about fungi in a patient with ALL? would have pushed me toward a bacterial cause
This could be candidiasis
thing that you think about when you talk
fever is not thioridazine-induced
about the bone marrow
there is no focus for infection
are all on my list
really rule out gram-negative sepsis
could mean that there is something in the
It could be histoplasmosis abrupt onset sounds more bacterial than viral
it might be an ac id-fast organism maybe not (more bacterial than viral)
also sounds more bacterial than viral


toward, founds like, think she is going :o have). Some serted, lead ing to pain reduction and improvement
of these asse rtions are qu ite strong (/ think she is in the precordial ST-segment depressions. T he pa-
going to have), whereas some are considerably less tient then has another episode of chest pain that is
strong (sounds to me a,- if). Still stronge r are asser- not responsive to nitroglycerin, beta-blockers, a nd
tions that a certain hypothesis has been excluded morphine. It seems to me that he has a fairly esta b-
(really rules out). Finally, some assertions are in the lished lesion, and my guess is that this is not due to
form of ordinal descriptors, that is, comparisons be- simple varnspasm. I would be suspicious that the
tween clinical disorders (sounds mol'e . .. than ... ). patient has a localized lesion due to thrombosis.
Of course, the monologue by che discussant
Cardiac catheterization disclosed complete or
contained verb phrases other than those that de-
suiue<l hypuLl1eses. We iJc::mi fic::d (but c::xduJc::d nearly complete occlusion of the left anterior
descending, the right coronary, and the circum-
from the table) ph rases that described conditional
flex arteries. The ejection fraction was 50% ,
probabilities, select ion of diagnostic tests, causal
and the inferior wall of the left ventricle was
attributio ns, and comments cond itional on find -
akinetic. Nitroglycerin, morphine, and propra-
ings that m ight be present. T he asse mblage of verb
nolol were continued. Although the patient re-
phrases descri bing hypotheses provides glimpses
mained hemodynamically stable, he appeared
into how one clinician generates a va riety of hy-
plethoric and somewhat cyanotic despite ad-
potheses. She juggles man y hypotheses, occas ion-
ministration of oxygen by nasal prongs at a rate
all y assesses one type of d isease aga inst another,
of 4 L/min. The arterial partial pressure of oxy-
a nd rejects some hypotheses unequi~ocally. Even-
gen (Pa02) never fell below 69 mm Hg.
tually, she accepts the weight of evidence as favor-
ing a single hypothesis. These aspects of d iag nosis
His Pa01 is69, a nd yet he is starti ng to appear
are similar to those identified in earlier stud ies of
cyanotic and plethoric. With this slightly cyanotic
the process. 18 19
appeara nce, I would be concerned that he is get-
ting high doses of nitroglycerin, wh ich produces a
dilation of h is capacitance vessels and causes a cer-
CASE 63. MEMORY: HOW WE tain degree of venous pooling. T he extraction of
OVERCOME ITS LIMITATIONS oxygen is probably increased, but I would be wor-
ried that with all the intravenous n itroglycer in he is
A 54-year-old man was admitted to the hos- getti ng, methemoglobinemia might be developing.
pital with persistent crushing chest pain. An \.Vi th cyanosis in the face of a normal Pa02 (or at
electrocardiogram (ECG) showed an acute in- least an acceptable Pa02, one that should not g ive
ferior myocardial infarction and 5-mm depres- h im cyanosis) and w ith a reasonable blood pres-
sion of ST segments iu V 1 lo V 4. lutraveuous sure, I would be concerned that we a re overdoing
nitroglycerin, 5 ,glkg per minute, did not re- the nitroglyce rin. I would order a methemoglobin
lieve the pain, but insertion of an intraaortic level at this point.
balloon I hour after admission led to reduction
in the pain and less extreme depression of the The patient was taken to the operating room.
precordial ST segments. Three hours later, se- The surgeon had painted a dark picture of the
vere chest pain recurred and the ST segments patient's prognosis to the family, but he was
returned to their original configuration. Pain astounded when the blood flowing from the
was not relieved by intravenous nitroglycerin initial incision was neither red nor blue. It was
(30 /t g/kg per minute), intravenous propra- black.
nolol, and large doses of morphine. The pa-
T hat suggests to me that indeed the patient
tient was hemodynamically stable and had no
had 111ed1c111oglubi11e111ia.
rhythm disturbances.
The cardiothoracic surgeon made a diagnosis
T he patient appa rently has an acute infe rior my- of methemoglobinemia, stopped the nitroglyc-
ocard ial infarction. The ischemia seems to have erin, infused methylene blue, gave several pints
been relieved after an intraaortic balloon was in-


state in wor king memory as long as attention is

of blood, and bypassed all three occluded coro-
devoted to it, and then it fades rapidly thereafter
nary arteries. Review of the record disclosed
(e.g., a new phone number). 108 11 5 For reasons that
that the patient had been receiving as much as
have not yet been identified, working memory is
50 ,g/kg per minute of nitroglycerin. The pa-
thought to hold only 5 to I 0 items; this capacity h as
tient recovered uneventfully. He had no ev-
been validated repeatedly by memory experiments
idence of brain damage postoperatively, and
and is now a widely accepted value.13.24
chest pain did not recur.
Long-term memory, on the other hand, is
thought to be both long lasting and unlimited in
Well done. I cannot remember what the ap- capacity .294 Information appears to be stored in
propriate dose is, but I think that dose was much
long-term memory as a network of associations
too high.
among concepts and is retrieved by a spreading
activation from working memory through that
Analysis network. 295 Retrieval from long-term memory is
He re is an interesting paradox: On the one hand, slow.
our recall of various items (the name of a person T h is description of memory fails to account
we have just met or a new telephone number) is for the remarkable capacity of clinicians to manip-
rather poor, whereas facts about a new patient seem ulate the large amounts of information obtained
indelibly etched in our minds. If we contemplate when attempting to solve a clinical problem-
the clinical problem-solving process, we appreci- for example, trying to come up w ith a diagno-
ate that as we solve diagnostic problems, we must sis for a patient with a set of complaints. T h e
be manipulating an enormous number of details apparent shortcoming probably is explained by
about a patient garnered from the history, physi- what is defined as a chunk of information and by
cal examinat ion, and laboratory tests. Even more methods for organizing know ledge in long-term
impressive sometimes is how we recall most of the memory .1 08,296
patient's present illness with unerring accuracy and Studies show that persons who memorize a
the results of electrolytes to t!he nearest milliequiv- string of random digits by attac hing a semantic
alent. W hat do we know about this paradox? W h y meaning or label to short sequences of the digits are
should we care about it? What re lation does mem- far more efficient at recalling the digits accurately
ory have to our ability to solve clinical problems? than others who try to memorize the digits without
Studies in cognitive science have yielded con- developing a meaningful framework. 1082% T h e
siderable information about memory and have led chunk is defined as a particular amount of informa-
to the notion that the mind is a powerful informa- tion that has semantic meaning.23 24 296 According
tion processor but that its processors have sharply to these concepts, working memory and long-term
limited capacity. 108 T h is notion becomes less am- memory can act symbiotically to accomplish effec-
biguous when it is understood that memory can be tive problem solving w hile handling a large m ass
subdivided into two distinctive parts: short term of informat ion. They do so, it is thought, by an ap-
and long term. Short-term, or work ing, mem- proach known as skilled memory. Skilled memo.ry
ory is the part that holds only information cur- is a process by which experts develop elaborate cog-
rently being processed, and long-term memory nitive structures in long-term memory where in-
is the storehouse of all our factual knowledge. 294 formation with semantic meaning is stored.J0s,u 7
Those distinctions, wh ich have become some- By "chunking" information into meaningful se-
wh at blurred, are useful in understanding our mantic units and by the use of these cognitive struc-
information-processing capabilities. tures, long-term memory becomes an efficient ex-
Working memory is wh ere we store the items tension of short-term memory.
(or "chunks") of information we are manipulating To what mental tasks do these rather esoteric
as we are trying to understand or decode them. concepts relate in the clinical arena? Detailed, com -
Working memory is both evanescent and limited parable stud ies in medical problem solving have
in capacity, but retrieval from it is rapid. A new not been clone, but some relationships seem ap-
piece of information is maintained in an activated parent. First, we do tend to chunk informat ion


into meaningful or semanticall y significant units. Indeed, it is quite likely that some chunks sup-
C h ronological accounts of patients' illnesses and plant and replace ones created earlier. 294 For ex-
groupings of test results under the function of a ample, "irreversible myocardial lesion" probably
particular organ fit this description. Furthermore, supplants "acute myocardial infarction," and
m edical experts, like chess masters, recognize cer- "methemoglobinemia" probably supplants "cya-
tain patterns of findings because presumably they nosis w ith normal Pa02." It is interesting to ap-
(like the maste rs) have stored in long-term mem- preciate how easy it is to contemplate those sets
ory patterns of findings that are meaningful and of chunks and how they illustrate the d iscussant's
readily retrieved when new information demands problem-solving approach.
their attention. 118 137 Patterns ofliver function test~ We should try to learn someth ing about clin-
and electrolytes come to mind as examples. Quite ical problem solving from this information on
likely, the chunking of darn and their storage in se- memory. T hese experiments seem to indicate that
mantically significant units accounts for the ability what is important is not what you remember, but
of the expert din ician to recall unaided and with how you remember it. vVe should try to design
near precision the laboratory results for several pa- experiments to learn wh ich cognitive structures
tients, whereas the student must resort to his or her are useful enhancers of work ing memory, and we
c:lipboard for the data. should try to find out how best to organize infor-
The transcript of the discussant's immediate mation so that it has semantic meaning. By doing
responses illustrates some of the features we have so, we might improve the performance even of our
considered. We get a few gl impses of the content experts.
of his long-term memory, although we can learn
little about the structure that houses the knowl-
e dge stored there. In addition, although we can
glean few ins ight~ into the structure of his work -
ing memory, we can dissect out of the transcript
w hat appear to be some, and perhaps even most, POLYMORPHISM AND MENTAL MODELS
of the semantic items- the chunks that he manip-
u lates as he solves the diagnostic problem of the A medical consultant was called to evaluate a
patient who turned blue from excessive doses of 69-year-old woman on the Gynecology Service
n itroglycerin. After he is given the initial clinical for syncope.
information, he describes the follow ing semantic
T he differential diagnosis of syncope is extremely
Acute inferior myocardial infarction long. I am not sure what the connection is w ith a
Balloon-related pain relief patient on the Gynecology Service. T he only thing
Recurrent pain unresponsive to drugs I think about in somebody this age is a large ab-
Irreversible myocardial lesion dominal mass, either from an ovarian carcinoma or
Coronary thrombosis a large fibroid uterus, pressing on the inferior vena
cava and causingorth ostatic hypotension with sub-
Later, when he is given the follow-up data, he de-
sequent syncope. Otherwise, I would say it is the
scribes the following semantic units:
usual long differential diagnosis of syncope.
Pa02 of 69
Plethoric appearance The patient had had a total abdominal hysterec-
Large doses of nitroglycerin tomy 6 days previously for endometrial cancer.
Venous pooling Since then her course had been uncomplicated.
Cyanosis w ith normal Pa02 She was preparing to go home (standing, wash-
Methemoglobinemia ing herself in the bathroom) when she was
overcome by a "wave of weakness" followed
How many of these chunks he retains in work -
by "blackness"; she then lost consciousness for
ing memory at any give n time we do not know,
several minutes.
of course, but it appears t!hat the number is small.


These symptoms are consistent with an ortho- tion. Bleeding is still a possibility, and I would like
static picture, in that she subsequently just stood to see a hematocrit, although the sudden onset of
up, felt a premonitory syndrome with a wave of symptoms points against that.
weakness, blackness, and then subsequent loss of
consciousness. T h is episode sounds very much li ke Review of her past history disclosed that she
it was caused by depressed cardiac output. Losing had experienced two to three episodes of light-
consciousness for several minutes is significant, and headedness and one episode of syncope 1 year
is not the usual orthostatic picture, but the time previously; each of these episodes were related
course can sometimes be confusing. I would try to to defecation. She had a history of atypical
el iminate possibil ities such as seizures, especially if chest pain with a positive dipyridamole thal-
110 one wiu1esseu a seizure or oth er central nervous lium scan, bu t a recent cardiac catheterization
system events and assume that this is a cardiovas- was normal. She had a history of mild hyperten-
cular cause of syncope. sion treated with metoprolol. She had received
subcutaneous heparin since surgery and was on
Her blood pressure was 80/60 mm H g, her pulse no other m edications.
rate was 90 per minute, and her respiratory
rate was 20 per minute. Her blood pressure in- She did have some symptoms in the past that
creased after infusion of saline. She was afebrile. could be consistent with orthostatic hypotension
After she regained consciousness, the physical or vasovagal episodes. Her atypical chest pain ap-
examination was unremarkable except for an pears to have been worked up. Even though she
occasional extrasystole. had a positive dipyridamole thallium scan, the nor-
mal cardiac catheterization makes it very unlikely
The hypotension is a little bit disturbing. The that she has sign ificant coronary artery disease. An-
heart rate is slightly up, and the resp iratory rate ap- other possibility would be valvular d isease, but we
pears normal. Another thing I was thinking of was have no information yet about that. Aortic stenos is
whether ~he had an atypical presentation for a pul- is certainly a possibility because chest pain, syn-
monary em bolus after hav ing undergone surgery, cope, and congestive failure are the classic triad of
being at bed rest, and then subsequemly standing its presentation. I would imagine that dur ing the
up. I do not think that we can exclude a pulmonary cardiac catheterization they carried out a left ven-
embolus based on the data at hand. I know that in triculogram, and thus we should know whether or
terms of the differential diagnosis of syncope, pul- not she had significant aortic stenosis. Metoprolol
monary embolus is a cause, but it is a rare cause. certainly could be a cause of orthostatic hypoten-
This diagnosis is still possible, but her :10rmal res- sion. She was not taking any other medications that
piratory rate points aga inst it a little bit. The oc- could contribute. T he fact that she received sub-
casional extrasystole really is of no help diagnosti- cutaneous heparin lessens the likelihood that she
cally. had a pulmonary embolus, although I am not re-
ally aware of the data on subcutaneous heparin as
The patient had no shortness of breath, chest
prophylaxis against deep venous thrombosis after
p ain, palpitations, perioral paresthesias, bleed-
total hysterectomy.
ing, or symptoms suggestive of a seizure.
Laboratory data: white blood cells (WBCs)
As I mentioned, seizures are an uncommon 8,900, hematocrit 30% . Sodium 138 mEq/L,
cause of syncope, and it is hard to make this diag- potassium 3.8 mEq/L, chloride 103 mEq/L,
nosis unless there is a w itness who identifies tonic- total C02 25 mEq/L. BUN 11 mg/dL, crea-
clonic activity. Usually patients w ith seizures also tinine 0.8 mg/dL, calcium 8.7 m g/dL. Chest
have a postictal picture. The fact that she had no x-ray normal. ECG: normal sinus rhythm with
shortness of breath or chest pain is against a diag- frequent premature ventricular contractions
nosis of myocardial infarction or pulmonary em- (PVCs). Anterior ST -T wave changes, con-
bolus. T he lack of palpitations is fai rly unreliable sistent with ischemia. There is a new S1 Q3
from a diagnostic standpoint, but the lack of peri- pattern.
oral paresthesias does argue against hyperventila-


The laboratory studies are normal, except for is difficult to explain. The fact that she needed in-
the slightly low hematocrit, wh ich probably is con- travenous fluids to raise her blood pressure points
sistent with the postoperative state. It is not low to a significant suppression of her cardiac output.
enough to cause syncope. The normal chest x-ray I agree that the new S 1 Q3 pattern on the ECG in
is not very helpful. Frequent PVCs are not very a patient with a normal coronary arteriogram sug-
predictive of anything. The anterior ST-T wave gests a pulmonary embolus. Left calf tenderness is
changes are consistent with ischemia, but like- often nompecific, but if it is truly new, it could be
w ise are not very specific. T he S1 Q3 pattern can significant. I do not think that there are convinc-
be seen w ith pulmonary emboli, especially when ing data on the value of proph ylactic heparin in
there is right ventricular strain, and that may be patients after total hysterectomies. vVe know that
what the ST-T wave cha11ges refer LU. T hat may it fails fur other forms of pelvic surgery, am.I it
be a strain pattern from acute right ventricular would not surprise me if it failed in this setting as
overload, which might be seen with a pulmonary well. So I certainly agree that the patient should be
em bolus. So that is a li ttle bit worr isome to me. T he evaluated further for a pulmonary embolus.
possibility that she had a myocardial infarct, I sup-
pose, is still there, although I discounted it earlier The consultant recommended aggressive hy-
on the basis of the normal cardiac catheterization, dration, oxygen, stool softeners, transfusions as
and I still think it is unlikely. necessary to keep hematocrit at 27% or higher,
and the following additional tests: three CKs
The pa tien twas transferred to the intensive care and ECGs at 12-hour intervals, repeat hema-
unit. Blood gas analysis showed pH 7.42, Pa02 tocrit, and 24-hour Holter monitor. He also
55 mm H g, and arterial partial pressure of car- agreed that a CT pulmonary angiogram was
bon dioxide (PaC0 2) 38 mm Hg (on room air). indicated.
The patient was started on intravenous hep-
arin, and a stat computed tomography (CT) vVe need to look at the tl1 ings that we need
pulmonary angiogram was ordered. to work up aggress ively and urgently. The hema-
tocrit was greater than 30% at this point and we
All of this is consistent w ith a pulmonary em- have no indication that there is any bleeding, but
bolus. There is a large alveolar- arterial gradient, I agree that a repeat hematocrit after rehydration
and I th ink it is appropriate that the patient be is indicated. The CKs and ECGs at 12-hour in-
treated w ith heparin immediately. tervals are going to take a long time, and g iven
the story, l think a myocardial infarct is unlikely.
The medical consultant was less certain of the I would just put the patient on a cardiac mon-
cause of syncope and his note was more contem- itor and skip the Holter. The CT scan is ind i-
plative. He wrote, "probably hypovolemic eti- cated, and I think it should be done urgently be-
ology.... I suspect venous pooling upon stand- cause of the serious implications of a pulmonary
ing, with known falling hematocrit,accounting embolus.
for her syncopal event. However, this does not
explain the hypoxemia though I suspect post- The CT pulmonary angiogram showed multi-
op atelectasis and hypoventilation in an obese ple bilateral filling defects. It was considered to
person lying supine ... is the most likely expla- be "very high probability for pulmonary embo-
nation. Yet, the S1 Q3 pattern on the ECG is lus." The patient was treated with anticoagu-
new and there is left calf tenderness in a patient lants. The remainder of her hospital course was
obviously at risk for DVT though on prophylac- uncomplicated.
tic heparin. As such, P .E. cannot be confidently
ruled out without further data." G iven the previous surgery and her clinica l
course, I would feel comfortable treating her for
There are some features in this patient's course a pulmonary embolus based on the noted defects.
that do not fit together particularl y well. The dura- I would not perform further studies at this point
tion of the loss of consciousness for several minutes and just mainta in her anticoagulation.


simply an outlier withi n that particular diagnostic

Analysis category? (5) Why do many discussants in clinico-
Both in the clinical material presented here and in pathologic conferences (CPCs) in the New England
the transcript of the discussant's reactions to this Journal o_fMedicine ignore textbook descriptions of
mat erial, we see evidence of "waffling" over the disease entities and dig out individual cases compa-
diagnosis. After all the information is known, few rable to the one they are discussing? Though some
clinicians would doubt the diagnosis of pulmonary of these questions sound frivolous, we believe they
embolism in this patient: s!he acutely developed are interrelated and important in understanding
hypotension on the sixth postoperative day, and the connections between memory and the diag-
she was found to have a large alveolar- arterial nostic process.
gradient, an S1 Q3 pattern on the ECG, and a In large part, diagnosis is a classification task.
strongly positive CT scan. Through the "retro- It is the task of recognizing a newly encountered
spectroscope," arr iving at t h is diagnosis is easy, instance of illness as an example of a known disease
but prospectively it was not. W hy not? In part, class or entity. Class if)1ing a patient not only avoids
the difficulty stems from the fact that among pa- the need to create a new diagnostic category, but
tients with pulmonary emboli, syncope is an un- also allows one to bring to bear whatever knowl-
usual presenting complaint, occurring in just 8% of edge we have of the existing category. Whatever
patients w ith acute pulmonary embolism. 297 In this it is that we retain in memory aga inst which we
instance, the complaint was sufficiently unusual measure or we igh a new case must capture the
to cast doubt on the correct diagnosis long after variations in all clinical manifestations within a
many of the typical findings were already known. single category. Such variations include the rec-
W hat do we do when patient~ fa il to fit our pre- ognized variations in the factors that promote the
conceived notions of a g iven disease? 'vVhat exactly development of the disease, variations in patients'
are these preconceived notions? How do we clas- symptoms (syncope, e.g., as a sign of pulmonary
sif)1 unusual instances of disease into existing cat- embolism), variations in the appearance of mani-
egories? How are these categories represented in festations over time, variations in physical and lab-
memory? oratory findings, and variations in the course of
A loose end in the process of diagnosis is how disease and its response to treatment. W henever
we store our knowledge about disease entities and we see a patient, an essential aspect of our task is
how we use this stored information when we en- to decide whether he or she fits into a stored d i-
counter a new patient. 'vVhy should the process of agnostic category (such as pulmonary embolism).
comparing a new patient's findings to our mental 'vVe have to decide whether a given patient's man-
model of various diseases be so difficult at times? ifestations are sufficiently atypical to exclude the
The number of diseases is finite, and because long- patient from the diagnostic category or whether
term memory is thought to be infinite, we should the patient is simply an outl ier yet still must be
be able to remember all patterns of all diseases and considered to fall w ithin the bounds of the cate-
to readily assess a new patient against these pat- gory. Whatever we store in memory must permit
terns. As we contemplate these heady diagnostic us to make these distinctions.
issues, a series of questions surface: (I) Why is it 'vVe do not know precisely how we store dlis-
that we encounter "classical" cases so infrequently? ease models agai nst wh ich we compare new cases.
(2) What are the characteristics of diseases (such as As we discuss elsewhere, memory is considered by
syp!hilis and vascul itis) that induce us to call them some to be composed of symbols and by others to
the "great imitators"? (3) lhat is the conceptual be represented in the connections between sets of
d ifference between an acute inferior myocardial neurons. No matter wh ich concept (or some other)
infarction and syphilis? Between an acute inferior is correct, we can explore some of the ways we
myocardial infarction and a new U.S. $20 bill' (4) might store disease categories for use in identifying
W h at is the basis for the "We see this" assertion by and classifying a new patient. How do we reason
senior clinicians when explaining that a putatively from what we have learned? The most common
atyp ical patient actuall y fits within a well-defined concept of the structure of memory holds that in
diagnostic category, implying that the patient is the process of learning medicine we compile and


compress "training" cases into some abstract de- cases, expert clinicians recogn ize that these text-
scription; then, by comparing a new case to the ab- book descriptions (and those we obtain by as king
stract description, we infer whether the new case a ph ys ician to describe a d isease category) are ex-
can be subsumed under t he abstract description. cessively simplified. These experts know not only
Indeed, if one as ks a physician to descr ibe a clin- the typical case, but also about anomalous cases
ical entity, he or she can read ily invent such an and exceptions to the rules.298 By long experi-
abstract description. Such a "typical case" would ence w ith d isease polymorph ism, they develop so-
be replete with all the pred isposing factors, clinical phisticated and flexible category definitions, and
features, physical find ings, laboratory abnormali- their accumulated experience allows them to for-
ties, and responses to therapy. mulate an extremely deta iled model of various
The problem in understanding memory as a diseases.
set of monolithic, abstract descr iptions is that (as T he polymorph ism of certain diseases is sim -
the patient w ith pulmonary emboli exemplifies) ply too complex to descri be in a textbook or in an
substantial variability exists among well-accepted oral descr iption of the d isease. Yet, in real ity, sub-
instances of d isease entities; in mrn th is variabil- stantial variations exist by w hich d iseases mani fest.
ity makes it difficult to learn a fixed, uniform set Some d isease entities are probably more polymor-
of conditions that are both necessary and suffi- ph ic than others. On e can assume that acute in-
cient to classify a new instance as an example of fer ior myocardial infarctions are less polymorph ic
a known d isease. How are these variations rep- th an syphilis (the "great imitator"), as also we can
resented in memory? As noted before, a widely assume that new $20 bills are less polymorphic (vir-
accepted view is that we store an abstract model tually no discern ible variation from one to anot her)
that is sufficiently complex to contain all possible th an Dalmatian dogs (wh ich vary in size, age, and
clinical variations of disease entities. T h is model pattern of spots) and. that Dalmatian dogs are less
presumably also contains rules that allow us to ex- polymorphic than humans. Among disease con-
c:lude a patient from that d isease category when ditions, many manifestations vary to produce th is
certain criteria are not met (if a patient has all the polymorphism, inclu d ing factors that promote the
criteria for nephrotic syndrome, e.g., except heavy development of the d isease, symptoms, appearance
proteinuria, the diagnosis of nep hrot ic syndrome of manifestations over time, physical findings, lab-
is excluded). A second view is that variations in d is- oratory find ings, the course of disease, and its re-
ease categories are stored accord ing to some prob- sponse to treatment. A clear description of disease
ab ilistic scheme-not necessarily represented by polymorphism was written a lmost 250 years ago
actual numbers, but perhaps by semiquantitative about a disease we rarely see today, namely scurvy.
categorical expressions of probability such as "fre- T he description of polymorph ism is so apt that we
quently," "common," and "rare."61 The problem reproduce it verbatim here:
w ith a probabilistic. represen tation is that although
The d isease so freq uently attend ing a ll long voyages, and,
it does express how often certain findings occur in so particularly destructive to us, is su rely the most sin.gular
various diseases, it does not descri be satisfactorily and unaccountable of any that affects the human body. Fo r
how disease attributes vary together. its symptoms are inconstant a nd irregular; for sc~1 rcc:ly ~Jny
Neither of these notions- namely abstract t\vo persons have: the sa1ne cornpla ints, and \.vhc:re there
hath been fou nd some conformity in the symptoms. the
descr iptions and probabilistic associations- fully
on.ler of their appea rance has bee n totally d ifferent. How-
satisfies the complexities requ ired to store a rep- ever, though it frequently p uts on the form of many other
resentation of disease. Another concept of mem- diseases, and is therefore, not to be described hy any cxclu ..
ory is directly relevant to how we store d iagnos- sive and infallible criterions; yet there arc so111e symptoms
tic categories and how we use these categories to \vhich. more general than the rest, and therefore, occurring
the oftenest, dese rve a more particular enunieration.
classify the illness of a new patient. To expla in
th is hypothesis we will introduce a concept we al- Although we kn ow such polymorphism t-0 oc-
luded to earlier but did not name, that is, d isease cur, we have only a gross quali tative view of the
polymorphism.98 Polymor ph ism refers to the large polymorphism of certain diseases. Although we
number of variations in the form a disease takes. suppose that some d iseases (syph ilis, vasculit is, lu-
A lthough textbooks describe "typical" or "classic" pus) are more polymorphic than others, we have


no well-defined measures of the degree of poly-

a right ureteral calculus complicated by Es-
morphism by disease.
cherichia coli pyelonephri tis and urosepsis, and
The concept of d isease polymorphism ex-
she had been on an antibiotic since discharge.
plains several questions we posed earlier. We
Other medications included glipizide, metoclo-
encounter "classic" cases so infrequently simply
pramide, and a stool softener.
because the textbook descr iptions of disease are
idealized, and patients with only the manifesta-
tions described in the books are rare. Student~ first T he most important piece of information is her
learning clinical medicine come to believe that dis- 30-year h istory of diabetes. Diabetics are prone to
eases follow the monomorphic textbook descrip- a number of different complications, and the scant
tions. InJeeJ, studies show tltat those firsl learning i11for111aLion we have a bout her righL jaw swelling is
medicine readily dismiss correct diagnoses that ex- at least consistent w ith some problem related to the
perienced clinicians do not miss because the experi- diabetes. vVe need more information about that. In
enced clinician whose disease category definitions the diabetic patient who comes in w ith lethargy,
are richer and more flexible knows when a given nausea, and vomiting, I would think about prob-
patient is simply an outl ier w ithin a diagnostic cat- lems related to the metabolic consequences of the
egory rather than truly outside the category. 77, 300 diabetes and then to its nonmetabolic complica-
Thus we understand the occasional assertion by an tions, such as urosepsis. Lethargy, nausea, and
experienced clinician, "We see this," a comment vomiting are nonspecific and could be consistent
that confirms that some apparently atypical find - with anyth ing from hypoglycemia to ketoacidosis
ing is still consistent with a diagnosis. The answer to sepsis, so I would be interested in knowing her
to the question of why many discussants in CPCs blood sugar, serum electrolytes, BUN, and creati-
in the New England joumalofMedicine ignore text- nme.
book descriptions of diseases and d ig out individ- An infectious complication would be my ma-
ual cases comparable to the one they are discussing jor concern for several reasons. First, she was hos-
should also be apparent: In many instances even ex- pitalized just a month earlier for a renal calcu-
pert clinicians who encounter uncommon diseases lus and E. coli pyelonephritis, and she has been
do not have sufficient personal experience with the treated w ith antibiotics. vVe do not know what
polymorph ism of these diseases and, rather than her urine culture showed, and we do not know
rely on their own knowledge or on textbook de- whether that calculus passed. I assume that it e i-
scriptions, they turn to individual case descriptions ther passed spontaneous! y or was extracted, but we
to get a more complete picture of the disease's var- do not have that information. So one complication I
ied manifestations. 301 All of these feamres simply would worry about is recurrent urosepsis. Urosep-
po int to the complexity of the storage mechanisms sis in a 60-year -old, non- insuli n -dependent dia -
of disease entities. betic certainly could present w ith lethargy, nausea,
and vomiting. vVe would expect some other abnor-
malities, including fever and tachycardia, which I
CASE 65. INTUITIVE AND would want to know about.
INSPIRATIONAL, OR INDUCTIVE The other reason tlut I would be co:lcerned
AND INCREMENTAL? about an infectious problem is her right jaw
swelling. I do not know whether it is in the jaw, the
A 60-year-old woman presented to the hospital parotid gland, or a submandibular gland. There
are parotid complications in diabetes, but [ do not
with a 4-day history of lethargy, nausea, vom-
iting, and swelling of the right jaw. On ad- recall them now and would have to check on them.
mission, she was markedly confused. She was The medications that she is taking do not pro-
known to have had non- insulin-dependent di- vide many leads. The fact that she has been taking
abetes mellitus for 30 years, complicated by an antibiotic raises the possibility of overgrowth,
mild renal insufficiency and gastroparesis. She such as Candida infection, and would also raise the
had been hospitalized I month earlier for possibility of other infectious complications of d i-


The patient was obese, in mild respiratory dis- bar puncture and CT scan of brain were nor-
tress, oriented only to person, and rambling in- mal. Blood, spinal fluid, and urine culmres were
coherently but was able to follow commands. obtained
Her temperature was 37 C orally, blood pres-
sure was 158/72 mm Hg, pulse 125 per minute T hose data a re helpful because they tell us
and regular, and respirations 20 per minute. not on ly that there is a nonmetabolic complica-
She had a 6-cm mass at the angle of the right tion of di abetes (i.e., whatever is going on under
mandible, which was tender, fluctuant, and her right mand ible), but also that she has diabet ic
warm. Carotid pulses were symmetrically re- k etoacidosis: Her blood sugar is 763, bicarbonate
duced. The remainder of the physical exami- is 11, an ion gap is elevated, and serum acetone is
nation was normal; except for the mental status posit ive. T he blood pH is acidic, and the arter ial
changes, no focal deficits were present. PC02 is appropriately reduced for that degree of
hypobicarbonatemia. BUN a nd creatini ne a re el-
So she seems to have an infectious process. evated and are consistent with prerenal azotemia
She has a 6-cm tender, fluctuant, warm mass at from the glucosur ia that one would expect, first
the angle of the righ t mand ible. In terestingly, her by h istory a nd now demonstrated on ur inalysis.
temperature is not elevated . T he fact that it is an Sepsis is one of the class ic pred isposing causes of
oral temperature m ight explain a normal value, or ketoacidosis in a d iabetic. T he common causes of
it could be an early-morn ing meamrement. We sepsis are pneumonia and uroseps is, but any type
have to keep in mind that d iabetics sometimes do ofsepsis could cause the same problem. My current
not do what nondiabetics do; for example, they th ink ing is t hat the leth argy, nausea, and vomiti ng
may not be as fe b rile as non d ia bct ics. are the remit of severe d iabetic ketoacidosis. The
Nonetheless, the mass in the neck would be questions are, what is the pred isposing cause of the
the focus of my concern. In add ition to the th ings ketoacidosis, a nd what is the cause of the right jaw
that usually are near the mandible, we would also swelling? As a n aside, I do not understand wh y a
have to th in k of parotid duct obstruction , although CT scan of the brain was done in a d iabetic wi th
the size of the mass is extraord inarily large for ketoacidosis.
that k ind of problem. I would also like to know
whether one could see anyth ing on the inside of The patient was treated with intravenous flu-
her mouth, whether there is a ny abnormali ty of ids, insulin, and ceftazidime. The right mass
the ducts coming from the parotid glands. T he was found to be an abscess, and it was incised
mass still could be an enlarged parotid gland, an and drained; cultures of the purulent material
enlarged node, a cricopharyngeal abscess, or a cyst were positive for E. coli. Antibiotics were con-
tha t had become obstructed and in fected . tinued.
Results of a complete blood count were WBCs
13,500 with a normal differential, hemoglobin T he fact th at the organism is E. coli is impor-
9.4 g/dL, hematocrit 30% , platelets 89,000. tant. E.coli is a uropathogen , not an oral pathogen
Serum electrolytes were sodium 132 1nEq/L, or a "head and neck" pathogen. This find ing sug-
potassium 5.1 mEq/L, chloride 98 1nEq/L, gests that dur ing the episode of E. coli infection
total C02 11 mEq/L. Blood pH 7.26, arterial I month earlier, the patient had septicemia and
PCOl 21 mm Hg. Blood glucose 763 mg/dL, E. coli localized in some abnormal site, such as a
serum acetone positive at 1:16 dilution. BUN pharyngeal tumor or a cricopha ryngeal cyst. I
60 mg/dL, creatinine 3.4 mg/dL. Urinalysis: would also be interested to know whether E. coli
specific gravity 1.020, protein 3+ , glucose 3+ , grew out of her blood. All we are told so far is
ketones 3+ , pH 5. Urine sediment showed no that blood cultures were taken. We also do not
bacteria (on Gram stain) and no white cells. have the results of the urine culture. My guess is
Chest x- ray was normal. ECG showed sinus that the u rine is sterile because neither bacteria nor
tachycardia but was otherwise normal. Lum- wh ite cells were seen. I would not be surprised
if the blood cultures are negative, because the


septicemia ma)' have cleared and lefc us with only There i~ another striking finding: In 3 days,
a residual abscess. her hemoglobin fell from 9.-1 to 5.5 gldL. She has
How much further I would go would depend mild renal insufficiency, but such severe and rapid
on what happened to her clinically in the next development of anemia is coo much for the mild
24 hours. renal insufficiency, and it suggests that she bled.
Bleeding could occur in three sites. First, she could
Ultrasound studies of the gallbladder and kid- have bled in to the gastrointestinal tract; second, the
neys were normal. A 4- to 5-cm aortic aneurysm aortic aneurysm could have ruptu red, even though
above the level of the renal arteries was ob- 4- to 5-cm aneurysms typically do not ru pture;
served. The patient improved for 3 days af- th ird, bleeding could be occurring locally, wi th the
ter n eck e xploration, but then hyp otcn sion a u:.cess i11 vulvi 11g Li u:: t:aruti d anc;;ry.
suddenly d eveloped (50 mm H g, systolic),
and she sustained acute respiratory arrest. H er Gastroscopy revealed a blood clot in the cardia
hemoglobin had fallen from 9.4 g/dL on admis- of the stomach but no ulceration in either the
sion to 5.5 g/dL. Nasogastric tube drainage was stomach or duodenum. CT scan of the abdomen
negative for blood. demonstrated that the aneurysm was in close
proximity to the third portion of the duodenum.
During the first 3 or 4 days I would have
followed che same plan, namely co try co find out Interesting. The patient has blood in the gas-
the source of che E. coli abscess. The places that trointestinal tract, with no obvious source of bleed-
were looked ac were the kidneys (which makes ing found in the stomach or duodenum. I am not
sense because she pre,iously had had urosepsis) tnlci if thrrt w:i< g:i<triti<. Mn<t p:irirnt< whn hlrrcl
and the biliary trace. In face, biliary trace disease in from the stomach have gastritis. I will assume that
a diabetic is a common cause of E. coli sepsis. no lesion was seen chat could account for the blood
The aortic aneurysm is potentially important clot in the stomach.
because if she did seed a lesion in the neck with The CT finding of an aneurysm in close prox-
E. coli, she also could have seeded an aortic imity to the 1hird portion of the duodenum raises
aneurysm. As long as che aneurysm is small the possibility of an aorcod uodenal fistula. Such a
enough, I do not think we need co worry about ru p- perforation would flt with our earlier hypothesis
ture. But something d isastrous has happened. Pre- that the patien t had E.coli sepsis a mon th ago a nd
su mably, the patient was getti ng better, and then that she seeded not only the mass in her neck but
she sudden ly became acutely hypotensive and had also the aneurysm, and now a mycotic aneu rysm
a respiratory arrest. It could be from an overdose has eroded into the duode nu m . T hat is a tough
of psychotropic ogcncs, but th at seems unlikely. It d iagnosis co make, but it ca n be m ade by a rteri-
could also be in conju nction with a stroke. ography. At this t ime, the emphasis shoul d be on
I am try ing to put together the neck mass w ith first maki ng sure that she is appropriatel y intu-
the resp iratory :irrest, but I am hav ing a prob- bated and chat t here is nothing in her neck that
lem doing that. The only way t hat I co uld even is interfering with ventilation, stabilizing her as
speculate on that event is that a communication much as possible, supporting her b lood pressure,
developed with the carotid artery and she bled and then either doing an arteriogram or, if one felt
from an extension of the abscess into the carotid strongly enough that she had an aortoduodenal
artery or possibly that the mass lesion obstructed fistula, taking her directly to the Operating Room.
her trachea. l think either one of these possibilities
is remote. onetheless, it would be important to The patient was taken to surgery, where she
know whether pulsations could be identified over was found to have an aortoduodenal fistula.
the mass. I suppose I should have asked that early The aneurysm was resected, and the specimen
on. Also, we should be able to tell if the artery is was thought to be consistent with a mycotic
visible ac the base of the abscess. Finally, if she was aneurysm. Postoperatively, her course was com-
easily intubated, it is unlikely that a lesion could plicated by acute renal failure and pulmonary
account for the respirato ry arrest.


them special cases of well-defined problem-solving

embolism. The neck abscess eroded into the
tactics, not unique qualities of the individual clin-
right carotid artery, and. the patient died.
ician. We have argued that we should be trying to
understand those insights so as to better use and
teach them (see cases 2 and 3).
Analysis In imaginat ive experiments, cognitive sci-
In this clinical exercise, an acute life-threatening entists, neuroscientists, and computer scientists
problem, namely an aortoduodenal fistula, man- have explored the nature of classical scientific
ifested several days into the patient's hospital discoveries. 111 We describe their studies in some
course. The clinician, a general internist, ini- detail here because it is our conviction that if some
tially focused qu ite appropr iately on other fea- of the critical historical " insights" in the hard sci-
tures, including the neck lesion, the previous uri- ences (physics and chemistry) can be shown to
nary tract infection, and the patient's metabolic represent examples of already defined problem-
state. W hen the patient became hypotensive and solving techniques, it will be even harder to argue
the aortic aneurysm was ident ified, however, the that clinical insights are intuitive and undiscover-
c:linician quickly raised the possibility that a my- able aspects of the art of medicine.
c:otic aneurysm had eroded into the duodenum. Using the computer as a laboratory for studies
How did this possibility occur to him? vVas it an of cognition is now a well-recognized and accepted
intuitive flash of insight, an inspiration? Or was technique that produces interesting insights into
it by an ordinary process of plodding induction, human behavior. 293 IE.lsewhere, we refer to parallel
built on a solid foundation of clinical findings and processing and connectionism as a model for hu-
hypotheses? These two metatheories reflect the man reasoning; here we d iscuss the application of
e xtremes of the "cognitive continuum" or dual- computers in processing symbols. Because behav-
processing approach ranging from purely analytic ior can be simulated in the computer by manipula-
to intuitive. 2.3302 tion of symbols, such.a simulation can be used effec-
This problem-solving session provides a fine tively to simulate cognition. 36 111 In one study, the
opportunity to explore clinical insights. The investigators reasoned that if they could emlbody
startli ng revelation that came to Archimedes in the extensively studied and well-accepted problem-
publ ic bath about how to measure the volume of solving tactics as computer programs and could
an irregular object is familiar to every schoolchild. then derive some of the classical discoveries of
Arch imedes' discovery and his famous cry of hard science by presenting experimental data to
"Eureka" ("I have found") as he ran through the the computer program, the problem-solving tac-
streets of Syracuse in the third century B.C. have tics they encoded would be considered sufficient
become synonymous with the "flash of insig ht" to account for the d iscoveries of the laws of sci-
that characterizes some forms of human problem ence.
solving. In medicine, too, intuition and creativity T he principal problem-solving tactics on
have received credit for the almost magical perfor- wh ich these investigators focused their attention
nnance of certain physicians w ho seem to come up were heuristics and induction. Heuristics, as we
w ith a particularly important insight that others discussed earlier, are short-cuts that drastically re-
have missed. duce the number of steps needed in a search for
The notion that the practice of medicine solutions to a problem (see case 57), and induction
is as much art as science is probably as old as is the process of making a general ization from a
Archimedes' insight, but even in recent times the fin ite body of data.
e xceptional prowess of some physicians-in com- The two problem-solving tact ics-heuristics
ing up with the right diagnosis or selecting the and induction- that scientists use to guide their
right treatment- is still perceived by some as an search for regularities in data were modeled in a
undecipherableart. 40 In these cases, we have shown list-processing computer program as a set of"pro-
several examples of flashes of clinical insight, and duction rules" in the following general form: 1/ (a
probably because we lean toward explicit analyses certain pattern) is found or is present, then (iden-
of clinical problems, we h ave tended to consider tify a goal, or establish a law, or define new terms).


These " if-then" rules gather and record data, de- we must keep in mind that medical problem solv-
tect regularities in the data, assess relationsh ips ing and the scientific d iscoveries descr ibed he re
between sets of data, and compute the values of may or may not be analogous. Indeed, the com -
those relationshi ps. For example, these rules assess puter stud ies were almost all data driven. In other
whether clusters of data exist, whether a g iven set words, a set of data points formed the material pre-
of values is either increasing or decreas ing, and sented to the programs; no hypotheses predated ex-
whether two sets of values are li nearly related. posure to the data. It seems quite likely that some
Using a series of computer programs that con problem solving in med icine fits th is data-dr iven
ta ined many "if-then" rules, considered by some format, but that a substantial element is hypoth-
to be analogous to concepts used by h uman prob- esis driven. 1819 We have little ins ight, of course,
lem solvers, the investigators tested either physical into what fraction of our diagnost ic competence
or chemical data; the data in some instances were is based on inspiration and how much is based on
identical to those available to the scientists who common induction; there is reason to believe th.at
orig inally d iscovered a particular law. Most of the both elements are at work. 5'4
data presented to these computer programs were However, what of the cl inical problem -
quantitative, but some were only symbolic. solvingexercise that began this d iscussion? Was th e
The results of the experiment were intriguing: clinician's "discovery" of the correct diagnos is th e
The computer programs presented with raw data consequence of a flash of insight (an insp iration),
"d iscovered" several h istorically important physi- or d id it resu lt only from progressive induction?
cal laws, including Boyle's law, which relates the Based on the transcript, we migh t conclude that it
pressure of a gas to its volume; Oh m's law, wh ich was that latter, that is, a stepwise, cumulative, and
relates current, resistance, and voltage; Galileo's work man-li ke inductive process. The clinician, we
law of un iform acceleration under the force of bel ieve, was fully prepared to accept relevant data
gravity; and Kepler's laws of planetary motion. when the life-threatening problem- namely rup-
Even when early k nowledge about the nonquanti- ture of a mycotic aneurysm into the cluodenum-
tative relations between acids, bases, and salts were developed. vVhen considering the jaw mass, h e
modeled as a computer program, the program de- ra ised the possibility of infection. W hen consider-
fined abstract classes of chemical compounds and ing the E.coli cultured from the abscess, he posited
formulated reasonab le laws stated in terms of these a previous ur inary tract infection and transm ittal
classes. Thus, the programs were applicable not of organisms via the bloodstream to the abscess.
just to a single aspect of scientificd iscovery, but also vVhen the aneurysm was first identified, he hy -
in several contexts: find ing quantitative laws, gen- pothesized that it too could have been "seeded"
erating qualitative laws, inferr ing the components by E. coli. Finally, after the CT scan showed th e
of substances, and formulating structural models. aneurysm in close prox im ity to the duodenum, h e
Those results imply t hat the basic processes concluded that a mycotic aneurysm probably had
underly ing scientific d iscovery do not have to be ruptured into t he duodenum.
explained as intuition, inspiration, creativity,or ge- T he foregoing analysis, however, ignores
n ius but can be explained as examples of"normal" an evolving body of information on h uman
problem solving adapted to a particular scientific intu it ion. 237 Based on a series of ingenious exper-
domain. In other words, no special process needs to iments, some cognitive scien tists have posited th.at
be invoked to explain such discoveries other than much of our intelligence and problem-solving ca-
the plausible heuristic search strategies and induc- pacities are not conscious but are based on heuriis-
tive approaches used by intelligent h umans. T hese t ics, namely h unches, gut feelings, and intuition.
stud ies m igh t lead one to conclude that that the T hey argue that our ability to recogn ize su btle in-
mental phenomena to wh ich the terms "intuition" format ion from the environment (e.g., visual, au -
and " inspiration" are applied can be explained in ditory, or tactile cues such as body positioning, tone
termsofinformation processing, either by the brain of voice, or response to physical exam ination) h as
or by the computer. been undervalued, and that a "recognition heuriis-
W hat are we to infer from th is experiment t ic" plays an important part in how we process in-
about expert problem solving in medicine? First, format ion. A recogn it ion heuristic is analogous to


appreciating the "if" concept of condition- action

or family history of hypertension or endocrine
pairs (or production rules) that we described before
disorders. Plasma cortisol levels were normal,
(see case 48). According to the hypothesis, once a
as were 24-hour urinary excretions of vanil-
person appreciates a due from the environment,
lylmandelic acid (VMA), metanephrines, and
the brain fills in details and makes predictions
catecholamines on two occasions. The patient
based on rather limited information. 6 In contrast
was normotensive, and physical examination
to quantitative approaches to solving clinical prob-
revealed no abnormalities.
lems, such intuitive methods are faster and might
even be more accurate. 303 T he inferences are in the
The normal plasma cortisol probably excludes
form: I know the meaning, I act on it, but I do not
know how I k now it. 7 How much uf our clinical
a cortisol-producing tumor. Similarly, the normal
VMA, metanephrines, and catecholamines would
reasonmg is intuitive, how much explicit, and how
exclude a pheochromocytoma. T here still is a pos-
much driven by accumulated data is not known.
sibil ity that a tumor of the adrenal cortex that pro-
How accurate are our d iagnostic hunches? In cases
duces aldosterone or an androgen-like substance
throughout the book are examples of striking accu-
could be present. I think it is less likely that such
racy and striking m istakes. How to use our clinical
a tumor would produce aldosterone without any
intuitions and their value are subjects for further
h istory of hypertension, but I have not yet learned
whether the patient is hypokalemic.
It would be exceedingly unusual for a tumor
of this size to be either an aldosterone-producing
tumor or a pheoch romocytoma. It wou ld also be
CLINICAL EXPERTISE unusual for ei ther of those tumors not lo have re-
vealed itself via a hypertensive syndrome. It is true
A 44-year-old engineer was evaluated by his
that in some studies, 50% of cases of pheochro-
local physician for right flank pain of 3 months'
mocytoma are diagnosed at autopsy, but most of
duration. Ultrasound evaluation and CT scan
those patients have a history of hypertension. I be-
of the abdomen revealed a solid 11-cm right
lieve there are cases of spontaneous bleeding into
adrenal mass.
a pheochromocytoma that could explain this pa-
At this point, I certainly want to focus on the solid tient's flank pain, but I think that explanat ion is
I I-cm right adrenal mass. I think the d ifferen- unlikely.
tial diagnosis would include a large tumor of the As for other possible causes of solid adrenal
adrenal cortex, which could be producing excessive masses, tuberculosis and h istoplasmosis are two in-
cortical hormones. It also could be a tumor of the fections that involve the adrenal gland and usually
adrenal medulla, possibly a pheochromocytoma. produce adrenal insufficiency. However, I have
I th ink that if it were an adrenocortical tumor, never heard of an I I-cm adrenal mass being caused
it would be producing aldosterone, and the patient by either of them. I find it hard to explain the
would have electrolyte and fluid abnormalities and mass on the basis of any infectious agent. Another
would be hypertensive. If it were a pheochromo- common cause of adrenal masses is metastatic dis-
cytoma, I would also expect the patient to have ease. Again, the size of the mass argues against a
symptoms ind icative of that. metastatic lesion, although metastasis should be in
The flank pain could certainl y be caused by the differential.
this mass. A tumor could cause pain solely because
of its size and pressure on adjacent tissues, but it At surgery, the adrenal mass was adherent to the
could also cause obstruction of the kidney or other liver and retroperitoneum, hut it was removed
Jiswnion of the urinary tract. At this po int, I Jo uneventfully. Pathology reveale<l a pheod1ru-
not know ifit is benign or malignant. mocytorua.

The patient had a remote history of episodic

paroxysmal atrial fibrillation but no personal I guess this is one of those unusual cases of
pheochromocytoma, but I am a little confused.


Most patients with a pheochromocytoma that is

Bleeding continued. Cytologic studies per-
not diagnosed during life are nonetheless hyper-
formed on a cell block from the abdominal
tensive. It is possible to have a pheoch romocytoma
fluid were consistent with pheochromocytoma.
and still have 24-hour urine collections that are
The following laboratory results were obtained
within the normal range; the tumor might not be
shortly after surgery: 24-hour Urine VMA 8 mg
active or only episodicall y so. Nevertheless, 90% to
(normal, up to 6), metanephrine 189 ,g (nor-
95% of patients w ith a pheochromocytoma have
mal 65- 300), normetanephrine 4,908 ,g (nor-
elevated metanephrine secretion. Recent stud ies,
mal 120-400). Plasma norepinephrine 890 pg/
however, suggest that plasma catecholamines are
mL (normal 167- 515), plasma epinephrine
a more sensitive test.
35 pg/mL (normal 20- 109). The findings were
011 Lhe basis uf the la burn wry studies, I would
attributed to a metastatic pheochromocytoma.
think this is not a catecholamine-secreting tumor.
An oncologist was consulted to assess whether
I wonder whether there are differences between
chemotherapy was feasible.
hormone-secreting pheochromocytomas and those
that do not secrete excessive catecholamines. I won-
'vVhile the urinary metanephrine is w ithin the
der whether the nonsecreting ones are more li kely
normal range, the VMA is slightly elevated, and
to be malignant- although with these particular
the normetanephrine excretion is vastly elevated.
tumors, malignancy is defined by the presence or
T he plasma levels show that norepinephrine is
absence of distant metastases.
elevated, while epinephrine is not.
I need to know some fact~ before I try to inter-
Six weeks postoperatively, the patient's ab-
pret these data. For instance, were the blood sam-
domen was reexplored because of an intraab-
ples simply obtained at the time of random blood
dominal hemorrhage, but no obvious bleeding
drawing rather than accord ing to a specific proto-
site was found. Cells identical to those seen in
col ? It has been well demonstrated that for one to
the original specimen- again, considered char-
measure catecholamines in the blood, the patient
acteristic of pheochromocytoma- were identi-
must be supine in a dark room w ith a needle placed
fied in tissue taken from a clot near the liver.
in the antecubital vein 30 minutes ahead of time.
Postoperative studies revealed no evidence of
If this protocol is followed, one can more easily
disseminated intravascular coagulation, clot-
interpret the data in terms of the sensitivity and
ting factor deficiency, or platelet dysfunction.
specificity of the elevated levels as either indicative
Intraabdominal bleeding recurred, and the
of a tumor or not.
patient was transferred to the Tufts Medical
T h is patient was in a postoperative scate and
had ongoing hemorrhage; I doubt that such a
protocol would have been followed in those cir-
We now have two problems: F irst, in view of
cumstances. T herefore, I am not sure how to in-
the fact that more pheochromocytoma cells were
terpret these elevations. Nonetheless, the eleva-
identified in the tissue, it appears that the initial
tion of normetanephrine is striking, and I would
tumor was inadequately resected. Second, what is
have to say that the findings are consistent w ith
causing the hemorrhage? It is important that the
metastatic pheochromocytoma. I do not know
patient did not appear to be bleeding at sites other
whether me tas tatic pheochromocytomas have a
than the operative one. T he blood studies do not re-
propensity for hemorrhage.
veal any evidence of a coagulation disorder. That
does not rule it out, but aga in I thin:, the over-
The oncologist was skeptical of the working di-
all picture makes a systemic clotting disturbance agnosis because recurrent bleeding is rare with
unlikely. The bleeding most likely is due to the tu - pheochromocytomas and more common with
mor or to an actively bleed ing vessel. At this point, other tumors. Slides of the original tumor were
therefore, I would ask whether the onginal diag- obtained. Stains for chromogranin, keratin, and
nosis was correct and, more urgently, how we go S-100 protein were negative, and cytoplasmic
about stabilizing the patient so that further bleed- staining for factor VW- related antigens was
ing does not occur.


pert is knowledge, and we can presume that the

p ositive. Those find ings, the histology, and the
oncologist was a more accurate problem solver
clinical pattern were considered consistent with
than the others because he simply knew more.
U n fortunately, we know little about what is al-
most certainly an exceedingly complex relat ion-
Well, that is interesti ng, I guess this case is a
shi p between the extent of an individual's medical
good example of accepting somebody else's con-
knowledge and his or her capacity to solve clinical
clusion and findings. Obviously, however, many
problems, but we can gain substantial insights into
aspects of the case were unusual. I commented be-
th is relationsh ip from attempts to model diagnost ic
fore on the normal stud ies of catecholamines in the
problem solving in the computer.
preoperati ve evaluation, a nd certainly the patient's
T h is branch of computer science is subsumed
clinical course was unusual in that he appeared to
under the rubric "artificial intelligence" (Al ). A
be bleeding from the tumor, wh ich is unusual for
computer program that behaves in a fashion such
a pheoch romocytoma.
that its output would be considered intelligent if
O utcome: A trial of chemotherapy was insti- it had emerged from a human brain generally
tuted, bu t the patient did not respond. Bleeding qualifies as an AI program. In medicine, although
into the abdom en continued, and he became many prototype AI programs have been written
increasingly lethargic. H e died 3 weeks after and tested, few are in active use. Rather than elab-
admission. A n autopsy was not performed . orate on the accomplishments of those programs,
we w ill describe the organization of knowledge in
the memory ofsome AI programs. If the represen-
Analysis tation of knowledge in human memory is similar
The physicians responsible for the care of this pa- or even analogous, we might deduce a better un-
tient before the oncologist was consulted probably derstanding of the efficiency a nd accuracy of the
w ill never forget that bleeding into the abdomen expert human problem solver.
is not characteristic of pheoch romocytoma but is a In several AI programs, knowledge is stored
feature of some abdom inal sarcomas. Despite the in the form of symbolic rules. 304 305 An example
lack of any clinical manifestations of pheochromo- of such a rule relevant to the patient under dis-
cytoma, these physicians accepted the pathologist's cussion might be, "If a patient has an abdom i-
d iagnosis as correct and sought no further confir- nal tumor resembling a pheochromocytoma but
nnation or refutation. Our discussant performed has no hypertension or increase in blood or uri-
somewhat better but was not sufficiently suspicious nary catecholamines, the cha nce of his hav ing a
of the fi nd ings to offer a better diagnosis. pheochromocytoma is 0.01." Another rule m ight
The oncologist who saw the patient immedi- be, "If a patient has an abdomi nal tumor that pro-
ately "smelled a rat," as ked for additional histo- duces intraabdominal hemorrhage, angiosarcoma
logic studies, and confirmed h is suspicion th at the is likely, wi th a probabil ity of 0.4." Some combi-
tumor was not a pheochromocytoma but instead nation of those rules, either by a computer pro-
was an abdom inal sarcoma. Here we illustrate un- gram or by a clinician, might lead to the inference
equivocal dominance of an expert in d iagnostic that pheochromocytoma in un likely and sarcoma
problem solving, a phenonnenon ide ntified in some is likely.
formal stud ies. 19 11 6 In this case, tl1e expert quickly Another sym bolic knowledge representation
recognized that there was a discrepancy between in AI computer programs is a so-called "frame." 306
the accepted diagnostic h ypothesis (pheochromo- A frame is a detailed description of the attributes
cyroma) and a single clinical finding (abdominal one would expect to find in a g iven disease or clini-
bleeding). Indeed, the notnoncologists appreciated cal entity, as well as the attri butes one would expect
that their work ing h ypothesis was rather weak, yet to be absent. A pheochromocytoma frame might
they had no other reasonable hypothesis to take its include hypertension and increased Vl'vfA excre-
place. t ion as find ings that typically are present; findings
Clearly, an important difference in problem- that should be absent are persistently normal b lood
solving ability between the expert and the nonex- pressure and inrraab dom inal hemorrhage. Each


finding, either present or absent, may be assigned As noted elsewhere, research on knowledge
a we ight to be used to compute a score. and pattern recognition in chess provides some ad-
To solve a diagnost ic pr oblem, the computer ditional insight into the process we observed in this
program assembles the characteristics of an in- transcript. W hen chess grand masters and novices
dividual patient and then matches those charac- study a chessboard on which the pieces are ar-
teristics to one or more disease frames. 162 It is ranged in a random fashion, there is no d ifference
easy to imagine how such a program- assuming between the rec.all of the position of the pieces by
that its frames for pheochromocytoma, sarcoma, the experts and the recall by the novices. W hen the
and other tumors contained the requisite accurate pieces are arranged in a pattern that could exist
data- would go about solving the problem in the in a real game, the grand masters outperform the
patient presented here. T he pheoch romocytoma novices overwhelmingly in recalling the positions
frame would be a poor match. Even if the h istology of the pieces. 118 T he chessboard pattern consisting
resembled a pheoch romocytoma, the clinical and of the clinical manifestations of the patient pre-
laboratory features would not, and the combined sented here was immediately recognized by the
score of the findings in the pheoch romocytoma oncologist but not by others.
frame would be quite low. By contrast, sarcoma Finally, we note that an ord inarily reliable
would be a better fit: Both the clinical and the lab- "gold standard" fa iled the clinicians who were tak-
oratory characteristics would exist in the sarcoma ing care of this patient. As we assess various results
frame, and the score would be high. of our clinical inquiries, we do so against some
Drawing analogies between AI computer pro- standard: A lung scan may have as its gold stan-
grams and clinical reasoning is not merely an ar- dard a pulmonary arteriogram, and a pulmonary
cane exercise. If a theory of c.linical problem solv- arteriogram may have as its standard an autops ied
ing can be modeled as a computer program, the lung. In many circumstances, the histology of tiis-
performance of the program can be considered a sue is the ultimate gold standard, and we thus rely
test of the validity of the theory. 36 For the pro- heavil y on its interpretation to confirm or deny our
gram to work, the c.linical knowledge and the tech- clinical suspicions. In this case, the gold standard
niques to manipulate that knowledge must be spec- was tarnished: The rea l gold standard in this pa-
ified completely and unambiguously. Efforts to test tient was not the routine h istology but one that
theories of clinical cognition w ith this approach was h ighl y specialized. Inappropriate reliance on
already have been desc.ribed. 36 Although wr iting the routine histology submerged the uncharacter-
such programs sounds straig htforward, the com- istic clinical picture and led to a long-sustained
plexities of clinical medicine make a complete rep- incorrect wor king diagnosis. But the oncologist
resentation of even a single disease formidable, and was not tricked by "fool's gold": Recognizing the
as a consequence, diagnostic computer programs discrepancy between the clinic.al find ings and the
based on symbolic representations still perform histology, he dug deeper unti l he struck the real
only marginally effectively. thing.

_Learning Clinical Problem

CASE 67. LEARNING CLINICAL th is should not delay empiric admin istration of
ant ibiotics.
On physical examination, the patient's blood
A 48-year-old man presented with a 2-day his-
pressure was 120/70 mm H g without ortho-
tory of headaches and neck stiffness. H e also had st:itic ch:inge.s. H is tf'm p e.rntnre. w:is ~9.5 C..
a mild sore throat, a dry mouth, and a temper-
Examination of the head, eyes, ears, nose, and
ature as high as 39 C associated with chills. H e
throat was unremarkable. Papilledema was not
had no confusion, nausea, vomiting, or changes
present. There were scattered non tender cervi-
in mental status. There was no history of homo-
cal and axillary lymph nodes. Nuchal rigidity
sexuality, intravenous drug abuse, recent travel,
was present. Lungs, heart, and abdomen were
head trauma, tuberculosis, or exposure to tuber-
normal. The neurologic exam indicated that the
patient was oriented. Cranial nerves were in-
Wi th the symptoms of fever, headache, and a stiff tact. Muscle strength and deep-tendon reflexes
neck, my first concern is abou t a central ner- were normal.
vous system in fection and possible meni ng itis. I
T he ~catte red lymph nodes cou ld be impor-
would perform a ph ys ical examination fi rst, fol -
t ant. If we are t alk ing abou t sh orty nodes of
lowed quickly by lumba r puncture. In the emer-
0.5 cm or la rge r, we may be talking about dif-
gency room, I would exami ne the fundi, looking
fuse lymphadenopathy, wh ich would change the
for venous pu lsations. I fl d id not see papilledema,
list of possible pathogens but not the need to do the
I would do a lumbar puncture. I am concerned that
lum bar puncture.
th is patient has an infection of the central nervous
system; if he has bacterial meni ng itis, it is a bona The following initial laboratory data were ob-
fide medical emergency. The h istory ofa mild sore tained: 'Vhite blood cell count was 4,300 with
throat suggests a variety of pathogens, specifically 71polys,22 lymphocytes, and 7 monos. Atypi-
meningococcus or pneumococcus, the most com- cal lymphocytes were noted. H emoglobin was
mon causes of adult acute bacte rial men ingitis. A 12.8 g/dL, hematocrit 38.2%, and mean corpus-
sore throat can be the presenting sign of men ingo- cular volume (MCV) 85. Serum electrolytes,
coccal disease before cen tral nervous system symp- blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and crcatininc lev-
toms appea r. The numerous negati ve symptoms els were normal. Serum glucose was 68 mg/dL,
and history reduce the li kelihood of opportunistic calcium 8.8 mg/ dL, phosphorus 3.7 mg/dL,and
pathogens associated with acquired immune de- magnesium 2.1 mg/dL. Liver function test re-
ficiency synd rome. I would not expect this to be sults were normal, with the exception of a lac-
tuberculous mening it is because its man ifestations tate dehydrogenase (LDH) of 467 IU/L. To-
a re not so acute. E ncephal itis is less likely because tal protein was 7.4 grn/dL, and serum albumin
the patient's mental status is normal. I would take was 3.6 g/dL. International Normalized Ratio
some more h is tory and prepare to do a lumbar (INR) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
puncture after I ascertained that his vital signs were normal. The chest x-ray was normal.
were sta ble. If papilledema were absent, I wou ld
not perform a head CT (computed tomography) T he normal chest x-ray is useful info rmation.
scan before the lumbar puncture. If there is con- Jn pneumococcal meni ngitis, a p ulmonary infil-
cern regarding increased intracranial pressu re, in- t rate or pneumonia is frequen tly a primary event,
troduci ng the risk of hern iation in the course of with hematogenous spread. T he CBC (complete
lumbar p uncture, a CT should be performed , but blood count) is t roublesome. There is no m arked



leukocytosis. There are an adequate number of cially in the lymphatic system. There is nothing
lymphocytes- that is, about 1,000 total lympho- atypical about tuberculosis here except the acute
cytes, if we are concerned about AIDS. In view nature of the illness. The d iagnosis of viral menin-
of the atypical lymphocytes on smear and the sore gitis is one of exclusion, so we have to be careful
throat, we certainly cannot ignore the possibility of not to miss a pathogen. I would worry about Cryp-
mononucleosis and Epstein-Barr virus infection. tococcus, and we also have to worry some about
Thus, the possibility ofa viral, or aseptic, meningi- AIDS, although now it is low on the list. My ap-
tis certainly has to enter the differential diagnosis. proach would be to look for Cryptococcus first and,
The serum glucose is normal or on the low side, ifl found it, then to order the HIV test.
and that will be important in interpreting the spinal I am comfortable that the patient does not
Oui<l g l unJse cum;entraLiou. h ave a l.mcterial meningitis that must be treateu
Is there a ch ronic infection? Are we look - immediately. The Gram stain of the spinal fluid
ing at some ch ronic inflammatory process? A is an important test; in the bacterial meningitides
hemoglobin of 12.8 in a man is a little low, again that are likely to affect people in their 40s (includ-
suggesting a chronic illness. Results of the liver ing some unusual organisms such as Listeria), we
function studies and coagulation studies are nor- might expect to see the organism on smear. 'vVe
mal. T he white cell count may be indicative of might even see the organism before we saw the
overwhelming sepsis, but we have no picture of cells in the spinal fluid, especially in pneumococcal
that. It may be indicative of vira l infection but also meningitis, where, earl y on, there may be an over-
might m ake us think a bit about HIV infection. If whelming proliferation of pneumococci a nd only a
we believe the history, I would not get an HIV test modest inflammatory response. We should a lso see
because this man appears to be in a low-risk group. meningococcus. Haemophilus is a rare pathogen in
this age group, and other bacterial possibil ities in
The resttlts of the lumbar puncture were as fol- someone without either an immunocompromised
lows: white blood cell count 187/mL with 19% state or head trauma become small. I am wor-
polys, 65% lymphs, and 7% monos; red blood ried about tuberculous meningitis. I am worr ied
cell count 111/mL; glucose 40 mg/dL, protein about the chronic meningitides. The diagnosis of
42 mg/dL. Acid-fast bacilli (AFB) stain, Gram exclusion is viral meningitis. A PPD (purified pro-
stain, and bacterial antigen studies were nega- tein derivative) test and a cryptococcal ant igen test
tive. Blood culnue and urine culture revealed would be next on my list.
no growth. A throat culture was negative. A
rapid plasma regain (RPR) test was positive at
The patient improved slightly with intravenous
1:1 dilution. Fluorescent treponemal antibody
fluids and was allowed to go home with a
(FTA) was negative.
presumptive diagnosis of viral meningitis. His
condition deteriorated, however, and he re-
The patient certainly has a pleocytosis in h is turned to the hospital within hours. His tem-
spinal fluid w ith 187 wh ite cells, w hich is abnor- perature had fallen to 38 C. He had a persis-
mal. T he CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) glucose is 40, tent headache and a stiff neck. The physician
wh ich is just less than two thirds of the serum con- noticed some increased lethargy and difficulty
centration of 68. There is no reportofa cryptococcal in concentrating. The patient's laboratory data
antigen being drawn. We cannot take much com- were essentially unchanged, with the exception
fort from the fact that the AFB stain is negative. of mild hyponatrernia. A repeat chest x-ray was
I would want to obtain a sk in test for tuberculosis normal. A head CT scan revealed normal brain
in this patient, although if the patient is immuno- parenchyma. There was no midline shift. A
suppressed, it might be nonreactive despite infec- mass was noted in the right maxillary sinus.
tion with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. T he chest A repeat lumbar puncture revealed mild lym-
x-ray is normal, but tuberculous meningitis can phocytosis. Protein was 215 mg/dL, and glucose
present with a picture like this. In addition, in was 28 m g/dL. The AFB stain, Gram stain, and
HIV-infected patients, it is not unusual for tuber- bacterial antigen testing were negative.
culosis to present as extra pulmonary disease, espe-


He probably has the syndrome of inappro-

was no evidence of right maxillary sinusitis.
priate antidiu retic hormone secretion (SIADH),
The patient was transferred to the in tensive
which is seen in all sorts of central nervous system
care u nit, and treatment with isoniazid ri-
(CNS) processes. The highest prevalence of this
fampin, ethambutol, pyrazin amide, pyridox-
syndrome associated with CNS infections was seen
ine, and dexamethasone was begun. A repeat
in an epidemic of eq uine encephalitis in Dallas,
lumbar puncture revealed increased pressure.
Texas, where 60% of the patients had at least tran-
L ymphocytosis was noted. Protein concentra-
sient evidence ofSIADH. Tuberculous meningitis
tion was increased, and glucose was decreased.
is another wel l-recognized cause ofSIADH.
An AFB stain, Gram stain, bacterial antigen
The chest x-ray remai ns normal. A CT scan of
study, and cryptococcal antigen tests were neg-
th e lic;iJ w<1~ 11uw du11 e- apprupria1d y, I thi11k. A
mass was noted in t he rig ht maxillary sinus. In view
o f the CSF findings, 1 have to be ve ry concerned At this point, what could we be missing that
abom tuberculous mening itis, but what is this mass we could treat? I do not think we would ha ve
in his maxillary sinus? That becomes an important missed a bacte rial mening itis on three lumbar
q uestion. punctures. H ow about fungal meningi tis? We
Antibiotic coverage was started with ceftri- have looked for the im portant one, cryptococco-
axonc and vancomycin. The maxillary sinus sis. The cryptococcal antigen, which is a sensiti ve
was drained, and cultures revealed Staphylo- test, is negative.
coccus aurcus sensitive to nafcillin. The hypo-
What abouc herpes simplex encephalitis with
natremia was controlled with fluid restriction. a meningeal reaction ? 1t usually presents with focal
ne rvous system lesion~. specific::illy in the tempo-
A P PD was negative. An HIV test was positive
both by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ral lobe, but there have not been any such lesions
(ELISA) and Western blot. An HIV viral load in this patient. This is now looking like a menin-
and CD4 count were pending. goencephalitis. The urinary incontinence troubles
me. We a re told there is no hydrocephalus and no
This combination of antibiotics seems to ha ve evidence of cerebral edema. I cannot think of any
a b road enoug h spectrum. H e does turn out to other infections that r could treat.
have S. attreus in his maxillary si nus, which mig ht I do not th ink I would treat for toxoplasmo-
dictate the use of an antistaphylococcal agent. It sis without a positive rad iographic study but feel
also raises the possibility of a parameningeal fo- that an MRI (m agnetic reso nance imaging) of the
cus, namely sinusitis, as the cause oihis headache brain with gadolinium is indicated. Primary HIV
and feve r. The positive HIV test is confirmed by infection of th e centra l nervous system as the cause
\.Vestern blot, which makes it almost certainly a of this syndrome is possible but unlikely.
true posit ive; 1 would treat it as a real finding. As I
Over the next 24 hours, the patient became in-
recall, the patient denied that he was homosexual
creasingly confused. An MRI of the head re-
and den ied 1V drug abuse. I do not recall a his-
vealed an area of demyelination in volving the
tory of transfusions, but he probablv did not have
right frontal lobe adjacent to the Sylvian fissure.
any. We either have to discount aspects of the his-
The patient's serum sodium fell to 119 mEq/L
tory o r wonder whether we are looking at a patient
but subsequently rose to 126 mEq/L with fluid
who acquired H 1V infection through heterosexual
spread. In view of the positive HIV test, I am con-
cerned about what organism is infecting the central
I am beginning to worry and wonder whether
nervous system and whether it will be sensitive to
we a re looking not at tuberculous meningitis but
trad itiona l medications.
rather at HIV meningoencephalitis, for which-
Over the next 24 hours, the patient became in- as far as I know-there is no effective treatment. I
continent of uri ne. A repeat head CT scan re- wou ld continue the antituberculosis therapy, how-
vealed no hydrocephalus or mass lesion. There eve r. I wo~1ld go back and try to get more history.
It is difficult to turn to the patient's family and


friends under these circumstances, but I would

volving the brain. The organism was found to
want to know what the patient's hepatitis B serol-
be Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which was sen-
ogy was because that is a kind of marker for both
sitive to all of the antimberculosis drugs that the
intravenous drug abuse and sexual promiscuity. I
patient had received.
would li ke to find an explanation for this patient's
HIV infection. Given the uncertainty of the diag-
vVhat we are looking at here is the fact that
nosis and the progressive nature of this illness, a
brain biopsy should be performed. immunocompetence is important in treating this
infection since the appropriate medications were
On the fifth hospital day, generalized tonic- unable to cure it.
clonic seizures develop ed. The neurologic exam
revealed bilateral clonus and positive Babin- Analysis
ski reflexes. A repeat head CT scan revealed One could hardly argue aga inst the virtues of
a nonenhancing lucent area involving the left teaching climcal reasoning- how to do it right and
head of the caudate nucleus and anterior limb how not to do it wrong. Yet major impediments
of the left internal capsule (not seen in the two
deter even outstanding clinician-teachers from im-
previous studies). The lateral and third ventri-
parting those skills. First, a comprehensive theory
cles were dilated.
of clinical cognition is not available (indeed, a com-
The characteristic lesions of toxoplasmosis are prehensive theory of human cognition is yet to be
en hanc ing; so are tuberculomas of the central ner- formulated); only bits and pieces exist. Second, the
vous system. Nonenhancing lesions might suggest clinical reasoning process is sufficiently complex
non vascular tumors, infarcts, or a series of other to virtually preclude a step-by-step analysis and a
things that I do not think I can list on the basis of complete descr iption of the process. vVhat is the
the data here. alternative? Textbook learning is only the initial
step in developing the requisite clinical cognitive
On the sixth hospital day, the patient un- skills. In fact, the bulk of the learning process con-
derwent placement of an intracranial bolt for sists of refinement of the cognitive skills by prac-
obstructive hydrocephalus. Ganciclovir was tice. None of these concepts should be particularly
added to the medical regimen to empiri- surprising. Anyone who recalls learning to drive
cally cover both herpes encephalitis and cy- an automobile w ith the goal of passing a licensure
tomegalovir us encephalitis. The results of cere- examination appreciates that one really learns to
brospinal fluid studies were unchanged. The dri ve solo after passing the test.
patient was considered too unstable to undergo How can students refine their cognitive skills
a brain biopsy. if we cannot g ive them someth ing to memorize and
cannot impart it in our lectures? In carrying out
Patients being considered for brain biopsy of- this task, medical education departs little from un-
ten look well for a long time and then rapidly be- dergraduate education. vVe teach such refinement
come "too unstable." I do not think I can quarrel by example. In geometry and calculus, we solve
w ith the antiviral drug, but I think it is not going one problem after another until we "catch on" to
to make much difference. T he laboratory findings the generalities of problem solving; in medicine,
continue to point to a viral, or possibly malignant, we "work up" one patient after another until the
cause of meningitis. I do not have further sugges- process becomes "second nature."
tions for therapy. The pri:icipal problem w ith learning by ex-
ample is the examples. We may select the exam-
By the seventh hospital day, the patient was re-
ples on the basis of the case types they repre-
spo nsive only to deep pain. Apneustic breath-
sent (gastrointestinal bleeding, acute appendicitis,
ing developed, necessitating mechanical ven-
hepatorenal syndrome), but we rarely select them
tilation. The patient continued to deteriorate
for the cognitive processes- good or bad- that
and died on the ninth hospital d ay. At autopsy,
they illustrate. As a consequence, our teaching
he was found to have extensive tuberculosis in-
of clinical cognition with the most powerful tool


available- the clinical example- is often incom- a student m ight well overgeneral ize the inferred
plete and, at best, spotty. Perhaps we have paid too concept from such examples. To avoid such over-
little attention to this valuable didactic modality. generalization, the teacher should also provide
Perhaps it is time to take a page from other ed- negative examples, namely instances of faulty clin-
ucational d iscipl ines and carefully scrutinize th is ical reasoning. Such counterexamples are heilpful
teach ing tool. in circumscribing the concepts we want to teach.
W hat value, for example, is the case presented In fact, some have argued that even more help-
here in terms of understanding the diagnostic pro- ful counterexamples in avoid ing inductive over-
cess? The d iscussant is a seasoned infectious disease generalizations are "near hits"- namely, negative
specialist, and her reasoning processes seem trans- examples that just m iss being posit ive by a single
parent. Once she narrowed her hypothesis down significant attribute. 309 3!0
to a central nervous system infection, she began to Let us proceed from the theoretical to the
identify the organisms that produce clinical syn- practical. T he cases .descri bed in this book are all
dromes similar to the findings in the patient at examples of med ical problems, each with a built-
hand. In the course of her analysis, she mentioned in lesson. We bel ieve that there is no better ap-
about a dozen different infections, and, notably, proach to teaching clinical problem solving than
she mentioned the correct diagnosis no less than teaching by example. The teaching need not be
six times, indicating that it remained, or kept pop- confined to published examples, as in th is series,
ping up, in her work ing memory. On top of specific but can be adapted for small group sessions, grand
pathogens, she also considered purulent meningitis rounds, and demonstrations for as many as 1,000
(a summary hypothesis that includes many others) ph ys icians. 1
and ch ronic meningitis. T he transcr ipt d iscloses a In these cases, however, it has been pos.sible
typical diagnostic approach used by specialists in to p ick and choose examples that explicate many
th is field, and it is one that a student could begin different aspects of the clinical problem-solving
to learn to emulate. process. 'ivfany sueh cases have been " positive
. ' " ex-
How is it best to learn th is aspect of medicine? amples (see cases 4, 34, and 40), and many have
T he ability to learn is one of t he most fundamen- been negative examples or counterexamples (see
ta l h uman attributes. Learning by rote or learn- cases 27 and 58). Indeed, several h ave been near
ing from direct instruction requires little in ference h its (see cases 11, 17, and 44). From these cases, the
on the part of the learner, whereas learning from student can infer, by induction, many problem-
analogy or learning from examples, when done solving principles. W hen t he princ iple is particu-
actively and in tentionally, requires considerable la rly opaque, we have provided some illumination
inference.21 307 Learning from example is simply in the form of ed itors' comments. We do not c.laim
a special form of inductive learning, one that gen- that this series of cases provides a complete picture
erates plausible general descriptions, concepts, or of the concept of clinical problem solving, only that
hypotheses- wh ich, in turn, become useful in a alert readers can acquire many of the cognit ive con-
predictive mode:!OB,.!09 cepts they need as physicians.
To provide the optimal learning experience,
examples should not be produced randomly. Ifthey
are, there is no guarantee that a comprehensive set CASE 68. MAKING A SILK PURSE
of concepts or hypotheses will emerge. Instead, a OUT OF A SOW'S EAR
teacher should select the examples that fully in-
stantiate the inferences to be made- that is, are A 55-year-old physician asked his primary
sufficiently broad to evoke by inference the appro- care physician, whom he had been seeing for
priate and relevant principles. 10 years, if he should have an electrocardio-
W ith respect to the cognitive aspects of graphic (ECG) stress test.
med icine, t he examples should instantiate an ac-
cepted, tested, excellent problem-solving strategy. T h is is an exam pie of caring for the "wor ried
However, inclusion of only such positive exam- well." If I were h is physician, I would say no, un-
ples is probably not sufficiently instructive because less he was having symptoms. I th in k the data are


fai rly convincing that exercise testing for coronary Again, I worry about doing a stress test in this
d isease in asymptomatic individuals is not cost- patient because of the h igh li kelihood of nonspe-
effective. In a patient with a low prior probability cific find ings and false-positive results commonly
of coronary disease, false-positive result~ are fre- seen in the presence of mitral prolapse. It is reas-
quent, and in such patients, the costs of testing suring that the test was negative then, but of course
far exceed the benefits of early detection. In ad- that does not tell us for sure that he does not have
d ition, the evidence that intervention ea rl y on in coronary disease now. He could have had insignif-
the asymptomatic state alters the natural history of icant disease that progressed. T his history does not
coronary artery disease is also scanty at best. Gen- change my estimate of the probability ofsignificant
erally, I would argue that if you uncover d isease in coronary disease at this point in time. and it does
this ea rly sLage, it is JtUl al a state ill which illle r - llUl chaJtge my v iew aUUUl his JtecJ for a stress leSl
vention would make a difference. So, unless this now. IfI can use this opinion as reassurance for the
patient is having some symptoms, I would recom- patient, that is fine.
mend no test. But whether he is really symptom-
free is one of the important things to be sure of. If Ten years earlier, the patient was deemed
someone had been followed for a long time and all overweight and was advised to lose weight.
of a sudden asks if he should have a test but de- The following values have been obtained since
nies symptoms, be suspicious. Go hunting for the (HDL, high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol;
symptoms. T here is something that may be mak- LDL, low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol; all
ing that patient worry now that he was not worried measurement except weight in mg/dL; weight
about before. in pounds):
It is important to uncove r whether in fact the
patient thinks he may have angina and he's denying Years Choles- Triglyc- EST
symptoms. But maybe he is asking for the test and Ago terol erides HDL LDL Weight
thinking that he w ill find out first whether there is IO 267 168 39 173
anyth ing to worry about before he tells you what 3 266 309 178
is really going on. Maybe his father died at 55 of a 2 287 293 37 191 174
myocardial infarction and that is why he is worried. I 235 290 31 146
Then that is an important thing to talk about, but Current 231 290 31 146 182
even if this history were obtained, the test is still
not necessarily justified. During this time, he received only antihyper-
tensive agents.
The p atie nt had no chest pain or dyspnea. He
was riding a bicycle 25 miles per week and walk- His weight has gone up, his HDL cholesterol
ing as well. On a recent trip, he had jogged for has fallen, his triglycerides h ave risen, and his to-
several miles along a beach without difficulty. tal cholesterol still is around 230. So, this patient
He had long-standing hypertension that was clearly needs some counseling. He is worried, and
under excellent control with enalapril. he has some good reasons to be worried. But rather
than do a stress test, I would emphasize dietary
management. He is exercising, and maybe he needs
I am reassured at least up to this point that
to exercise more. Clearly, however, he needs to deal
he is not symptomatic and is really physically ac-
with the issues of diet for weight loss and choles-
tive. So my first inclination is reinforced, namely
terol control.
that a screening exercise test is not indicated at this
particular time. Family history: His father developed angina at
age 50 years but lived to age 89 years. Uncles
Ten years earlier, during an evaluation for mild on both his maternal and paternal sides had
mitral valve prolapse and atrial premature con- suffered from myocardial infarctions. His older
tractions, an ECG stress test was performed and brother had a coronary bypass graft for angina
was negative. at age 51 years.


So he has another reason to be worried, and self-fulfilling prophecies. But at least if you refer
because he is a physician this is probably something someone, you then can throw up your hands and
that he is very aware of. Men in his fam ily had say, "I d idn'tmake the dec ision; someone else did."
symptomatic manifestations of coronary disease in
the 50s,and he is 55 now. Again, rather than pursue A nuclear stress test was carried out. It showed
the exercise test at this point, I would try to use this an inferior defect with p artial redistribution;
information to provide the incentive to him for there were no Q waves in corresp onding leads
lifestyle modifications and behavioral changes that in the ECG. There also was evidence of lung
stand the best chance of imp roving his long-term uptake of the isotope, signifying left ventricular
outcome. dysfunction.

The primary care physician was not certain Well, now we got what we asked for. Are we
what to do. H e was reluctant to recommend
happy or not? T he patient underwent a nuclear
the test, given the absence of any symptoms.
exercise test w ith greater specificity and sensitivity
H e wondered about the implication of testing
than the standard stress test. If his basel ine ECG
based on risk factors alone. He wondered about
was entirely normal, I would still argue that if one
what to do if the test were positive, given that
were going to do a stress test, that the appropr i-
most of the data in the literature on such tests
ate one would be just an ECG stress tes t. Since we
were derived from patients with chest pain. He were told that he had mitral prolapse, he may have
wondered about the obligation to carry out re- some baseline repolar ization abnormalities and, if
peated tests if the test was negative. so, if you were inclined to do a stress test, then
choosing the test w ith h igher sensitivity and speci-
Well, these were a ll issues that r alluded to at
ficity might be warranted as your first test, even
the beginning and show why I think the screen-
acknowledging the greater expense.
ing stress test is not an effective strategy. There
G iven the result of this test, the probabil ity
certainly are times when, in order to take care of a
of coronary disease is probably 90% or 95% cer-
particular patient, we do something that we wou ld
tain. It appears to be limited to one vessel, at least
not recommend as a universal strategy for health
by the perfusion abnormali ty. The infer ior wall is
care. I (hink that is an important issue to acknowl-
often the hardest one to interpret, particularly at
edge. Assuming that I knew the patient well, I
the apex. Movement changes can make the inter-
would first spend a lot of time talking to him. I
pretation of the nuclear scan in the apical region
would explain to him all the implications of doing
difficult. The increased lung uptake ofien reflects
the test. Only then would I do something that I
evidence of more extensive coronary disease and
would not generally do in everybody else. I have
significant left ventricular dysfunction. It has been
been in situations in which I have decided to go
shown at least in postinfarction patients to be a
ahead and do a test I usually would not do, but
powerful prognosticator for future events because
in such instances, I have done it because I think it
of its h igh correlation with significant three-vessel
is an effective strategy for managing a particular
disease. vVe have a dissociation between the extent
patient. But I would also spend a lot of time w ith
of the perfusion abnormality and this increased
such a patient before I gave in. I would encourage
lung uptake. We have to dec ide what we are going
him to exercise more and give him incentives to
to emphasize. To some extent, the interpretation
modify his lifestyle.
of these findings depends on personal bias. If you
The primary care physician referred the patient tend to be aggressive, you might synthesize the
to a cardiologist. findings thus: "Here's a 55-year-old man with sev-
eral risk factors who has a positive stress test with
Now, that is li ke choosing your confessor! We lung uptake. He must have extensive coronary dis-
know in our own institutions wh ich cardiologists ease, and we'd better carry out cardiac catheteriza-
are aggressive and invasive and which ones are t ion." Or, if you tend to be conservative, you might
conservative and have a preventive medicine ap- frame the problem another way: "Here's an asymp-
proach. So again, as an internist, referrals become tomatic 55-year-old man w ith a li mited perfusion


abnormali ty. He may have coronary disease, but

internal mammary arteries were graft ed to the
if he has, it's limited. Because he's asymptomatic,
distal circumflex and the left anterior descend-
a conservative management is in order." I would
ing arteries; vein grafts were used to bypass the
choose the latter approach because he is asymp-
right coronary, obtuse marginal, and diagonal
tomatic and has a limited perfusion defect. Yet
arteries. The p atient recovered from surgery
he probably has coronary disease, but it's proba-
uneventfully and left the hospital on the fourth
bly limited. What he needs is dietary counseling,
postoperative day.
lifestyle modification, and medications.

The coronary arteriogram revealed the follow- \!Veil, the patient and his doctors were lucky.
ing stf'.nos~s: 75% 11".ft m:iin, 75% proxim:il lt>ft In this particular instance, the exercise test and the
anterior descending (LAD) , 40% mid-LAD, cacheterization yielded a favorable outcome. But
80% left circumflex artery, 75% proximal right there is a danger in using the outcome of a deci-
coronary artery (RCA) , and 80% distal RCA. sion as che measure for the valid ity of the decision-
making process. Even after seeing the outcome, I
So he went to an aggressive cardiologist, and believe that by and large a conservative approach
we have evidence of three-vessel disease. I am sur- to a patient like this is che right approach. G iven a
prised at the extent of disease. Clearly, the increased population of similar patients wich his fam il y his-
lung uptake on the nuclear study meantsomething. tory and laboratory find ings, che number in whom
In patients w ith diffuse coronary artery disease, the you are going to find unexpected left main disease
scan may underestimate the severity of disease be- is very, very small. Nevertheless, the experience
cause it is dependent on comparisons of perfusion. with this patient illustrates why it is so difficu lt co
In recrospecc, the scan underescimated che excenc make hard and fasc rules char govern how you are
of coronary disease because the myocardium was going to approach all patients.
more symmetrically hypoperfused. T he increased
lung uptake was indeed a marker of the extent of Analysis
che coronary d isease.
vVith respect co the varied aspects of the clinical
This example indicates the messiness of clin-
problem-solving process, ch ere are few, if any, is-
ical medicine. Whac lesson should we cake home
sues raised in che discussant's remarks that we have
from thisexperience? One possible lesson goes li ke
not covered before. Familiar items that quickly
chis: "You never know who has disease and you
surface include interpretation of test results, ef-
better exercise everybody, and perform catheteri-
ficacy of therapeutic approach es, patient involve-
zations and operations on more people." I would
ment in decision making, excrapolation of data
be reluctanc to provide that as che message from from existing stud ies to patients who do not fit
chis patient.
precisely the study group, and the occasional dis-
W hat we have is an asymptomatic patient
crepancy between outcomes and choices in medical
in whom we have almost accidentally discovered
decision making. What is special about this case is
severe and potentially life-threatening coronary
thecontroversy it produces when used to teach clin-
d isease. \Ve know that we can prolong life w ith
ical problem solving. Some observers are laudatory
surgery in symptomatic patients with left main and
about its use in the didactic mode, but others have
three-vessel disease, but whether this result is the
been strongly critical. The argument of the critics
same in asymptomatic patients is simply unknown.
is simple. They argue thac it broadcascs the wrong
Nonetheless, the survival data in symptomatic pa-
message, namely, that the exercise rest was an ap-
tients are so impressive in that group that even
propriate choice in chis asymptomatic patient and
a conservative cardiologist like me would recom-
that students or physicians who pay attention co the
mend surgical intervention in th is patient w ith the
resting approach in this patient would extrapolate
expectation chat bypass surgery would prolong life.
the same approach to other patients. T he ultimate
The patient had five coronary artery bypass outcome of this lesson would be excessive and in-
grafts 3 days after cardiac catheterization. The appropriate testing, presumably resulting, overall,
in more harm than good. Because the only purpose


of presenting th is particu Jar patient was to teach, student~ to "work up" until they become com fort-
th is criticism deserves serious assessment. able w ith the clinical entit ies. In another instance
In another instance (see case 67), we point out (see case 64), we d iscussed one add it ional possi-
the value of teaching clinical reasoning by exam- ble rationale for this pedagogic approach , namely
ple. \,Ve emphasized that, because a comprehensive the nature of storage of information in memory. If
theory of cl inical problem solving is yet to be for- memory of reasoning concepts cons ist~ of a poly-
mulated, it is d ifficult to teach all the elements of glot of images of the concept rather than a single
reason ing, but because many aspects are well rec- model (or a single generalization) (as proposed for
ognized, that using specifnc examples to teach clin- memory of facts- see case 64),3 11 then presenting
ical reasoning was an alternate approach that can concepts using multipie examples (good or bad) or
be used today. vVe also made three other points: presenting concepts from multiple vantage points
(I) W hen using specific examples to teach clini- should be beneficial to the learner.
cal reason ing, the examples must be selected with Before trying to decide whether the decision
care because not all cases are parad igms of specific making by this particular patient's physicians was
reason ing strategies. (2) vVhen selecting examples, optimal or suboptimal, let us first examine the con-
the choice should include not only samples of op- cepts generated in th is particular instantiation, as
timal reason ing, but also samples of poor reason- generated by the d iscussant. Table 22.1 contains
ing and "near h its," namely examples that m iss by a brief description of many of the concepts ill us-
some small attribute. Such counterexamples li m it trated by the discussion. T he reader can identify
overgeneral ization and falsify incorrect ideas. (3) at wh ich point in the d iscussion these issues were
Teach ing reasoning by instantiation (use of spe- considered by reference to the "chunk" of infor-
cific examples) is not d ifferent from, and simply mation that preceded the discussion of the concept.
an extrapolation of, the way we teach the facts of Note that each concept is different, that the total set
din ical medicine, namely by selecting a series of embraces a large and important group of clinical
cases of, say, Jaundice or acute renal fa ilure for problem-solving principles, and that, in all, at least

TABLE 22.1

Examples of Problem-Solving Concepts in Response

to Information Chunks

Chunk Concept

Cost-effectiveness of exercise testing in coronary artery disease

High likeli hood of false-positive results in patien ts with a low prior
probability of disease
Efficacy of coronary bypass grafti ng in asymptomatic patients
I vVhen to be suspicious of a patient's h istory
3 In terpretation of repetit ive tests over time
4,5, 7 Conservative vs. aggressive approach of certain phys icians
6 Departure from common practice in ind ividual patient
6 Importance of sharing information on risks with the patient
8 Sensitivity and specificity of one test vs. another
8 Posterior probability after a positive test result
8 Test result~ that predict the severity of disease
8 Alternative interpretations of compiled cl inical data
9 Using established clinical data as an anchor poin t for a patient whose
clinical features differ from established data in some essential respect
10 Just because an outcome is favorable does not ensure that the decision
was optimal


I 4 items were considered. Considering the "down same thoughtfulness and energy in preparing cases
side" of presenting this patient that we alluded to to teach clinical problem solving. Although grand
before (putatively it teaches the wrong message), rounds forme rly was a venue for such didactic ses-
are the benefits listed in the table sufficiently large sions, it no longer is. Over the years, many hospita ls
to outweigh the negatives? C learl y, this choice is a have given up patient-oriented grand rounds.312
matter of judgment. We believed that the benefits Sometimes a patient's history is still the focal point
substantially outweigh the risks or we would not for discussion, but often no live patient is pre-
have used the example. Others may not agree. sented. The patient has often been replaced by
Finally, we admit we may have invoked a an isolated lecture on a new research approach,
"straw man." We have dee.Jared the case to be an ex- a disease entity, a new treatment, or a new diag-
ample of inappropriate patient management, and nostic procedure. Many factors are responsible for
by the title, we have implied that we have used a this evolution: shorter hospital stays, concern for
case of poor (or at least debatable or controversial) patients' privacy, clinicians' uneasiness with im-
medical practice to do good clinical teaching. But promptu case discussions, and reduced availabil-
was the practice of medicine in this patient flawed? ity of house officers to present cases. The ease o f
Cle.arly, our discussant would have opted for a far giving "canned" talks, the time-consuming prepa-
less aggress ive approach involving exercise, diet, ration of a detailed discussion oriented exclusively
and weight loss. Yet, even sh e acknowledges that around a single patient, and discomfort w ith a free-
clinical medicine is messy and that, from time to wheeling, unstructured discussion may have con-
time, it is appropriate to violate general rules for tributed. Nonetheless, conferences devoted to dlis-
ind.ividual patients. Clearly, the decision to test was cussions of individual patients still survive but are
a borderline one, yet the cardiologist felt strongly now usually in intimate settings with small groups.
that testing was in order. Our discussant sensed Morning report conferences in departments of
that there might be more than meets the eye when medicine are prototypes of such discussions, and
she warned us that when a patient "all of a sudden in many institutions, such conferences have more
ask:s ifhe should have a test, but denies symptoms, or less supplanted grand rounds. Such conferences
be suspicious." T he discussant was aware that the are ideal for teaching not only the nuts and bolts
patient is a physician. Physicians, other health care of clinical medicine (pathology, mechanisms of dlis-
workers, and well- informecl individuals from the ease, pathophysiology, drug doses), but also aspects
lay public probably qualify for special attention. of clinical reasoning. To do so, however, case selec-
W h en these individuals raise concerns about test- tion and sequence of case material are critical. An
ing, one should be aware that some clinical infor- approach that has been widely adopted across the
mation may be hidden, either consciously or not. country incorporates the following attributes:
The cardiologist who saw the patient in consul-
An exclusive discussion of the clinical and cog-
tation actually wondered if he had obtained the
nitive aspects of a sin gle case
"whole story," and this suspicion pushed h im over
Careful selection and preparation of patient
the testing threshold. 59 Quite likely the patient's
problems for presentation
life expectancy was extended as the consequence
Presentation of clinical material prospectively
of this decision. Bad medicine? Good medicine?
Impromptu problem solving by participants,
Judge for yourself. Good teaching material? We
holding any "canned" discussions until the end
think so.
Active in volvement of participants

One such format is completely unstructured. The

CASE 69. OPTIMIZING patient selected for presentation is intentionally
CASE DISCUSSIONS known only to a restricted number of people in
attendance. Information is made available corre-
W h ereas teachers of clinical medicine recognize sponding to the chronological sequence in wh ich
the importance of careful case selection and ad- the data accumulated. No advance information is
vance preparation in teaching aspects of physiol- given to anyone who will be discussing tl1e prob-
ogy and pathophysiology, we should expend the lem. Participants are in vited to "think out loud"


as they interpret the available data; they are en- Another major criterion for case selection is
couraged to as k for information, but in doing so veridicality. All cases should be real, and all rele-
explain why they ask ed it when the rationale for vant clinical material should be included. Delib-
their question is not immed iately apparent. T hen, erate omission of critical data (a classic ECG in
once they have been given the new information, a patient w ith pericarditis, a remarkably elevated
they are asked to interpret the data in light of creatine kinase in a patient w ith rhabdomyolysis)
the current d iagnostic strategy. All members (ex- converts the exercise into a guessing game. Indeed,
c:ept those who know the details or outcome of the the roads of the real world of medicine are dut-
case) are ask ed to participate: to offer opinions, ask tered w ith enough red herrings without creating
questions, challenge interpretations, comment on new ones. T he goal is not to trick the participants
pathophysiology, and make predictions about the but merely to provide powerful examples of the
patient's outcome. real day-to-day inductive and inferential process of
All elements of d iagnostic and therapeutic solving cl inical problems. T he ability to correctly
problem solving, including the k nowledge re- interpret and overcome these natural h urdl.es is
quired to solve the patient's problem, can be ex- precisely what we wish to convey in teachi ng ex-
plored in a session of this k ind. If the session ercises.
is conducted properly, th e participants foe! little Another format also works exceptionally well
pressure,and the problem-solving session proceeds and has been used for more than 20 years at the
w ith good humor in a congenial climate. annual meeting of the American College of Ph ys i-
The most important aspect of selecting a case cians. As characteristic of most of the cases in the
for d iscussion is the lesson it teaches. Cases should book, material is presented in chunks that simu-
be selected if their exposution and solution expli- late the chronologica I sequence ofdata that became
cate something special about medical k nowledge, available. In some in stallments the initial or early
d iagnostic reasoning, or therapeutic dec ision mak - clues consist only of laboratory data (see cases 2,
ing. These "paradigm cases" should not be canon- 14, and 34), but often the presentation is initiated
ical examples- that is, they should be selected not by a slide containing only the patient's age, sex,
merely on the bas is of their similarity to a "classic race, and presenting complaints. In the expos it ion
case" but because they exempl ify some special as- of the sequential information, special care must be
pect of problem solving. 298 For example, a patient g iven to the rea l mystery and drama involved in
w ith hemoch romatos is should be selected not on explaining discrepancies, d iscovering the diagno-
the basis of the prevalence of the disease but be- sis, and elaborating on testing and treatment op-
cause of the interesting way a cl inician happened tions. Preparing material in th is fash ion generates
to th in k of the diagnosis or because of the partic- interest, creates anticipation , and engages partici-
u lar way in which the clinician made a dec ision pants in try ing to unravel the dilemma. This case
about the ris ks and benefits of various therapeutic. construction capitalizes on one of the fundamental
approaches. Presentation of rare diseases w ith no motivations of ph ys i.c ians to practice medicine: its
intrinsic lesson (e.g., tularemia meningit is) is likely intellectual challenges.
to fa ll flat; a routine case of a disease presented only 'vVhen possible, material presented in th is
because of its rar ity may not contain an important fashion should disclose the nearly subl im inal dues
lesson about clinical reason ing. that led a clinician to generate a hypothesis that
This book provides numerous examples of no one else had considered, the reason why a clin-
paradigm cases. Table 22.2 lists those cases and ician avoided using a test that m ight have been
the problem-solving goals that they were des igned disastrous, or how a clinician weighed the benefits
to illustrate. T he goal need not necessarily fall into and r isks of two or more therapeutic approaches in
one of these formal categor ies. Cases can be selected arriv ing at a d ifficult decision. Our cases were in-
because a serious outcom.e was narrowly averted frequently constructed according to the traditional
(see case 16) or because a find ing was startli ng and package containing a chief complaint, a history of
unexpected (see case 67). Even the most mundane the current illness, a review of systems, a fam ily h is-
case can evoke exciting discussions if a special as- tory, a social history., a physical examination, and
pect of the problem is h ighlig hted. the full battery of laboratory tests. Construct ions


TABLE 22.2

Paradigm Cases and Associated Problem-Solving Acquisition Goals

Goal Case Goal Case

Diagnostic Issues
Generation of d iagnostic 45 Physiologic reasoning in 32,34,36
hypotheses hypothesis assessment
Single cues or clusters of cues that 1, 11 ,63 False-positive cues in the 17
yield new hypotheses h istory
Variations in clinical attributes of 13,64 Persistent diagnostic 9, 4 I
a disease uncertainty
Influence of prior probability on 21, 26, 29 Discrimination between 18, 38
data interpretation hypotheses
La boratory results as clinical data 14 Interpretation of d iscrepant data 40
Cognitive Errors
Defective hypothesis generation 5,55 Error attributable to the 57
Faul ty context formulat ion 7,9 availability heuristic
Faul ty assessment of prior and 27 Error attributable to faulty causal 58
conditional probabilities reasomng
Failure to appreciate the 39, 54 Faulty appl ication of a clinical 16
significance of a single cl inical axiom
cue Faulty hypothesis verification 43,52,56,66
Error attri butable to the 23 (" p remaru re closure")
representativeness heuristic
Testing Issues
Screening for rare d iseases 22 Influence of therapeutic efficacy 25
Concept of test or treatment 24,45 on testi ng decisions
threshold Interpretation of false test results 20, 27, 36, 51
Therapeutic Issues
Tradeoffbetween immediate and 46 Tracleoffbetween risks and 44,50
long-term ris k of two benefits of surgical vs. medical
therapeutic approaches treatmen ts
Tradeoffbetween quality ofl ife 47
and immediate risk of death

conforming to th is approach often m iss the drama and treatments were selected and wh ich laboratory
and, more important, the crit ical problem-solving tests were positive or negative g ives major clues to
aspects of data presented in a ch ronological mode. the thin ki ng of the clinicians caring for the patient.
The "CPC mode," a valuable teaching venue Second, the availability of all the data in h ibits a
itself, is not ideally suited to teaching clinical rea- clinician from d iscussing h is or her rat ionale for
soning. In the typical clinicopathologic conference, collecting such data. In addition, a CPC discussant
all of the patient's data are pred igested, and the is always looking for "zebras" and often fails to
problem solving begins after consideration of all, consider the ac tual prevalence of d iseases likely to
or almost all, of the patient's findings. For teach- be encountered. 313
ing clinical problem solving, the CPC mode has Finally, the sequence of materials should be
several disadvantages. First, retrospective bias has clinically logical. If an expert clinician might im -
a powerful influence on the problem-solving prac- mediately order a CT scan of the head for an
tices of participants. Merely know ing wh ich tests alcoholic or AIDS patient with new neurologic


f ind ings, there is no need to insert a lot of extrane- veyed. Judging by tihe attendance at conferences
ous clinical material before g iving the results of the of this k ind and by the comments after each ses-
CT scan. Ifa good clinician chose to order a serum sion, the exercise is a popular one. T he value of
potassium and thyroid function studies in a young educational innovations is extremely d ifficult to
Asian man who presented with muscle weakness, assess, however, and. we have no data to substan-
it would be appropriate to present the data in that t iate our assumption that people acquire knowl-
sequence. Failing to follow the logical sequence of edge and problem-solving skills from these ex-
the d iagnostic (or therapeutic) process may stifle ercises. Furthermore, we have no evidence that
the d iscussion. they learn more facts or different skills (problem
In this format, it is useful to have someone solving) with th is format. Some notable ecluca-
act as a discussion fac ilitator. If the partic ipant~ tors have descri bed this approach as more s.how
are unable to explicate their reasoning tactics or b iz than education. Perhaps so, but since "80%
are unable to explain the findings, the fac ilitator of success is showing up" (vVoody Allen), the au-
c:an quickly advance the slides and disclose more dience response encourages us to recommend the
information. T he facil itator can also keep the d is- method. Lack of an evaluative mechanism has not
cussion on course by m inimizing bl ind alleys and deterred curricular reform in the past, and we
d iscussions that m iss the mark. The facilitator can believe it should not. 1 Thus, we make cautious
a lso enli ven the exercise hy challenging or ques- claims about the benefits of th is didactic approach.
tioning interpretations of data and even by gently New foatures of this refined format include sug-
puncturing irrelevant comments (e.g., a participant gestions for case selection and case construction,
w ho regularly posits a d iagnosis of amyloidosis). a series of published examples of case types and
Properly conducted, such problem-solving constructs, a fac ilitator to direct the discussion,
sessions can be informative, exciting, and enjoy- and a framework of cognitive research as the ba-
ab le. Clear expositions of d iagnost ic and thera- sis for the diagnost ic and therapeutic aspects to be
peutic reason ing, examples of faulty reason ing, explicated.
and communication of k nowledge can be con- Try it; you w ill like it.


Adequacy: Diagnostic sufficiency. An adequate riences act as exemplars on wh ich to base later
diagnostic hypothesis is one that encompasses decisions.
a ll elementary hypotheses under consideration Case building: The process of revision and refine-
and accounts for all of the patient's findings, ment of diagnostic hypotheses in response to
w hether abnormal or normal. accumulation of clinical data. See hypothesis
Ambiguity: The degree of uncertainty in a prob- refinement.
abil ity assessment. The degree of confidence in Catchall hypothesis: A diagnostic category consist-
a probability assessment. A second-order prob- ing of a group of closely related, undiscovered
abil ity; the probability of a probability. hypotheses.
Anchoring heuristic; anchor point: T he likelihood Categorical reasoning: Compiled knowledge from
of an event or an outcome is assessed based on any source in the form of unambiguous rules;
some starting point or inntial value. see rule-based reasoning and deterministic rea-
Artificial intelligence: The br anch of computer sci- soning.
ence that programs computers to carry out tasks Causal model: A chain of related features consist-
chat would require intell igence if done by hu- ing of stimuli and their responses. Frequently
mans. Principal themes of artificial intelligence applied to physiologic systems.
include the organization of knowledge, search Causal reasoni ng: Forming inferences, judgments,
strategies, the control of the order of processes, and conclusions that depend on the cause-and-
and learning. effect relations between variables. T he cause is
Availability heuristic: T he likelihood of an out- a condition whose presence makes a critical dif-
come is assessed on the basis of the ease with ference to the occurrence of the outcome.
which readily recallable, striking, or impressive Chunk: A configuration or package of infor-
s imilar outcomes come to mind. mation, typically organized in a semantically
Bayes' rule (Bayes' theorem; Bayesian analysis): meaningful form.
An algebraic expression for calculating poste- C lose call: Toss-up.
rior probabil ities of a set -0f disorders (d iseases, Cognition: The process of perceiving and know-
conditions, or syndromes) from data on the mg.
prior probabilities of eacb of the disorders and Cognitive Science: T he discipli ne that views the
t he conditional probabil it ies of various findings human mind as an information processing sys-
in these disorders. tem and studies how the mind receives, stores,
Bayesian revision: The process by which diagnostic retrieves, transforms, and transmits informa-
hypotheses are revised and refined using Bayes' tion.
rule. Coherency: A coherent d iagnosis is one in wh ich
Bias: A process at any stage of inference tending a patient's findings , risk factors, and complica-
co produce results that var y systematically from tions are consistent with the altered pathophys
the true values. iology and causality ofthe hypothesized disease
Case-based reasoning: A problem-solving method state.
chat involves recall of a previous similar situa- Compiled knowledge: Already synthesized, pack-
cion and application of the results of that situ- aged information. Accepted rules of proce-
ation to the current problem. Individual expe- dure.



Condition- action pairs: The statements in produc- the form of rules of procedure. See compiled
tion rules that define the feature or features to knowledge and rule-based reasoning.
be identified and the consequences invok ed by Diagnosis: An iterative, inferential process of de-
these features. See production rules. termining by examination the nature and cir-
Conditional probability: The probability of a find - cumstances of a d iseased condition.
ing among patients with a known disorder. Diagnostic hypothesis: One or more disease en-
Confirmation strategy: A tactic in the process of tities, cond itions, or syndromes that could be
hypothesis refinement in which questions are responsible for causing a patient's clinical fea-
used to seek data that are expected to enhance tures.
the likelihood of a diagnostic hypothesis. Diagnostic uncertainty: Lack of distinction or dif-
Connectionism: A theory of information, storage, ferentiation; diagnostic entropy.
and retrieval based on the anatomic structure Diagnostic verification: The final step in the diag-
of the brain. Such models process information nostic process in w hich one or more hypothe-
through the parallel activation of simple pro- ses are accepted as sufficiently valid to permit
cessing units (neurons in the case of the brain) further (invasive or risky) testing, therapeutic
through excitatory and inh ibitory connections. decision making, or prognostic judgments.
Concepts and entities are represented by a pat- Differential diagnosis: A set of surviving, compet-
tern of activity distributed across many units. ing diagnostic hypotheses.
Context: The cognitive representation of a prob- Discrimination strat egy: A tactic in the process
lem, wh ich frames or constrains the solution to of hypothesis refinement in which questions
the problem. In medicine, typically some diag- and diagnostic tests are used to distinguish bet-
nostic category such as a disease entity or syn- ween two or more competing diagnostic h y-
drome. potheses.
Data-driven strategy: A problem-solving reason- Domain expert: An individual with special skill
ing approach that begins w ith data and works or knowledge in a specific field of thought; a
toward a hypothesis. specialist.
Decision analysis: The formulation in quantitative Elimination strategy: A tactic in the process of
terms of the principles of reaching optimal de- hypothesis refinement in wh ich information is
cisions in the face of uncertainty. An explicit sought to reduce the likelihood of an unlikely
prescriptive approach in which the problem is hypothesis.
broken into its components and typically rep- Exemplar: A specific instance or example.
resented as a decision tree. Chance events are Expected utility: Averaged outcome value result-
represented as prohahilities and the values of ing from a choice in formal decision analysis.
outcomes as numerical utili ties. Expert: An individual w ith special skill or knowl-
Decision theory: The set of ax ioms and logical rela- edge in some particular field.
tions (probability theory and utility theory) that False-negative result: Negative test result in a pa-
form the basis for decision analysis. tient known to have a g iven disease.
Decision tree: A structure used to display the log- False-positive result: Positive test result in a patient
ical and temporal relat ions in a decision prob- known not to h ave a g iven disease.
lem; in this structure, all relevant choices and Falsification: The process during hypothesis revi-
their outcomes are represented and the expected sion or verificat ion by which certain feamres,
outcomes of the choices are calculated and an- clearly identified as inconsistent with a hypoth-
alyzed. esis, discredit the currently favored hypothesis
Descriptive approach: The method ofstudy of clin- and thus call for revision of competing hypothe-
ical reasoning in which theories are generated ses.
about clinical problem-solving strategies from F rame: A list of declarative (factual) and proce-
experimental stud ies of individuals actually en- dural (processing) aspects that describe a g iven
gaged in problem solving. entity. A frame for a disease entity would con-
Deterministic reasoning: Inferences about clinical sist of some hierarchical structure into w h ich
problems that are already compiled and are in the entity fits, findings necessary and sufficient


to define the entity, factors that cause the disor- Learning: Any process whereby people increase
der, complications of the disorder, approaches their knowledge or ]mprove their skill.
to distinguish it from oth er entities, and some Long-term memory: Information that remains
mechanism to score the relative importance of out of the immediate sphere of consciousness
expected fi nd ings. for minutes to years and then is retrieved or
Fran1ework: The context within which a problem brought back into conscious attention when it
is likely to be solved. is relevant to some ongoing thought process. A
Generate-and-test strategy: A problem-solving store oflarge capacity and relatively permaneJ1t
cactic. that in volves unmotivatedly selecting pos- storage but slow access time.
s ible actions, carrying each out until progress is Markov process: A mechanism in decision anal-
apparent, and then reevaluating the problem ysis for making choices between strategies in
s ituation. One of the "weak" problem-solving which future events that occur at various in-
methods. tervals from some reference time are modeled.
Goal-directed strategy: See top-down processing. Patients are considered to be in one of a set of
Gold standard: A relatively irrefutable standard discrete health states; the rules that govern the
chat constitutes recognized and accepted evi- movement from one state to another are defined
dence that a certain disease exists. as a matrix of transition probabilities, and cal-
H euristic: Rule of thumb, or short-cut, used to culations of the expected utility of all possible
make inferences about d ata; a judgment that outcomes determine the optimal strategy.
appeals to an intuitive sense of plaus ibil ity. Means- end analysis: A problem-solving method
See representativeness heuristic and ava ilabil- by which the ind ividual selec.ts operators
ity heuristic. (means) that will ac h ieve the solution (end) to
H ypothesis: A proposition or set of propositions the problem. T he principle of operator selection
set forth as an explanation for the occurrence of is to reduce the difference between the current
some specified group of phenomena. state of the problem and the desired end, or goal.
H ypothesis confirmation strategy: See confirma- One of the "weak" problem-solving methods.
tion strategy. Monte Carlo simulation: A form of sensitivity anal-
H ypothesis elimination strategy: See elimination ysis in w hich dependent variables (probabilities
strategy. and utilities) are varied randomly and simulta-
H ypothesis generation: Evocation or introduction neously.
of d iagnostic. hypotheses. Triggering. Normative models: Prescriptions for ideal perfor-
H ypothesis modification (hypothesis refine- mance.
ment): Sequential revision of diagnostic hy- Ockham's razor: T he law of parsimony; the sim-
potheses in response to accumulated clinical plest d iagnosis that explai ns the patient's find-
data. See case building . mgs.
H ypothesis revision: See hypothesis modification. Parallel distributed processing: Simultaneous acti-
H ypothesis verification: See diagnostic verific.a- vation of units w ithout the control of a central
uon. mechanism. The units are neurons in the brain,
Inductive reasoning: Inferential reasoning pro- and microprocessors in computers. See connec-
cesses that extend an ind ividual's knowledge tion ism.
in the face of uncertainty. Parsimonious: Economical; the simplest possible
Inference: Reasoning process by wh ich conviction explanation.
in one set of beliefs comes to affect conviction Physical symbol system hypothesis: The concept
in another. that mental activity and intell igence can be ex-
Instance script: A script that captures informa- plained in terms of sym bols (objects, events,
cion about a specific event or phenomenon. In relations between objects, relations between
medicine, a script might contain information events) manipulated by an information process-
about a single patient. ing system.
Instantiate: Exemplify; prov ide a specific. example Polymorphism: The qu ali ty of natural concepts of
or exemplar. being variable in observable features.


Posterior (posttest) probability: T he li kelihood of Rules of p roced ure: See determ inistic reasoning
a g iven disease after test resu lts a re known. and com piled k nowledge.
Premature closure: Accep ting a diagnosis before it Script: An o rganized knowledge structure that
is fu lly verified. captures ge neral info rmation about a routine
Prescriptive approach: A no rmative approach to series of events or recurrent type of even t. In
d iagnosis and therapy based on probability and med ici ne, a script m ight con ta in in formation
utili ty theory. Bayes ian analysis and decision about the course of a particula r illness.
analysis are two examples. Se.arch strategies: Methods of find ing solutions to
Prevalence: T he freq uency ofa g iven disease in the problems.
population of interest a t a g iven point in time. Sensitivity: T he lik elihood of a positive test res ult
Prior (pretest) probability: T he li kelihood of d is- in a patient known to have a d isease.
ease before a g iven test res ult is available. Sensitivity analysis: T he p rocess in dec ision a nal-
Probabilistic model: A re presentation of clinical ysis of assess ing the effect of variations in prob-
data in terms of the probabilis tic relations be- lem structure or d ata (probabilities and ut ilities)
tween variables. on the choices in a decision; a method of as.sess-
Probability distribution: A n exhaustive set of d i- ing the stabil ity of the conclusions of a decision
agnostic possi bilities and the probabilities asso- analys is.
ciated w ith each. Short-term memory: T he site in w hich we store
Problem sp ace: T he subject's representation of the the items of information we a re ma nipula ting
task environment tha t permits the consider- as we a re tryi ng to unde rstand or decode them;
ation of d ifferent p rob lem solutions and set~ a sensory store of short duration and li mited
limitations on possible operations that can be capacity.
applied to the p roblem; a sort of maze of men- Skilled memory (working memory): A n efficient
ta l activity th rough which ind ividuals wande r extension of sho rt-term m em ory created by
when searching fo r a sol ution to a problem. "ch unk ing" together semantically mea ningfu l
Production rule: Com piled k nowledge in the form units in long-te rm memory.
of an "if-then" statem ent, w ith the if part of Specificity: T he li kelihood ofa negative test res ult
the statement representing some semantically in a patient known not to have a g iven d isease.
meaningful cond ition and the then part of the Stron g problem-sol ving meth ods: P urposive,
statement representing some action to be im- h igh ly d irected, and dom ain-specific ap-
plemented whenever the if condi tion is satis- p roaches to p roble m sol utions.
fied. Sutton's law: A clinical axiom of uncerta in val idity,
Productions: T he stateme nts of production rules. w hich asserts th at a decision to focus a diagnos-
Protocol analysis: See tran script analys is. tic test should be based on the "obvious" loca tion
R andom search: A strategy of d iscovery based ex- of a pathologic process. Based on the su pposed
clusively on cha nce. reply of the in famous ban k robber W illie Sut-
R easoning: F orm ing infe rences, judgments, and ton, who, when asked why he robbed banks,
conclusions from facts or prem ises. answered, "1' 11at ,s w here th e money 1s.
. "
R egret: A bias introduced in to clinical decision Systematic search: A strategy of d iscovery based
ma king when the decision make r (usually the on investigation of all possible solutions to a
physician) is uncom fortable about the possibil- p roblem.
ity of an adve rse patien t outcome. Testing threshold: T he probabil ity o r utility value
R epresentativeness heuristic: T he likelihood of an at wh ich the expected uti li ty of per forming a
outcom e is assessed on the basis of the close given test is the same as not per form ing the
resemblance to other well-d efined outcomes. test. T he alternat ive choice often is either to
R etrospective bias: After- the-fact reason ing; con- give a certai n treatment or not give the treat-
sidering or critiquing a process a fter the out- m ent.
come has been revealed. Therapeutic threshold; treatment threshold: T he
Rule-based reasoning: Categorical o r determi nistic p robability or utility value at which the expected
strategies based on com piled in formation. utility of one cho ice (givi ng a certai n treatment)


is equivalent to another choice (giving another True-positive result: A positive test result in a pa-
treatment or giving no treatment). tient known to have a g iven disease.
Threshold: A reference value for clinical decision Utility: A numerical expression of the value of an
making and sensitivity analysis. A probability outcome used in decision analyses.
or a utility that, when exceeded, calls for one Weak problem-solviing methods: General
choice and, when short of the value, calls for a problem-solving tactics used for attack ing
different choice. At the t hreshold (the break - problems. They impose order on the process
even value), the choices are of equivalent value. of using what one knows when it is not clear
Top-down processing: Search strategy driven by how to proceed. See means-end analys is and
hypotheses, expectations, or inferences. generate-and-test strategy.
Toss-up: A cirCLunstance in decision making in Working diagnosis: A diagnostic hypothesis suffi-
which the expected utili ty of one choice is not ciently accepted to form the basis for planning
substantiall y different from the expected utility the next step in patient management- to order
of a competing choice. additional tests, to arrive at a certain forecast
Transcript analysis: The detailed examination about the patient's subsequent clinical course,
and interpretation of transcribed material from to observe the patient w ithout further tests or
r ecorded "thinking aloud" sessions of individ- studies, or to embark on a course of treatment.
uals engaged in problem solving. Working memory (skilled m emory): An expan-
Triggering: See hypothesis generation. sionofshort-term memory made possible by the
True-negative result: A negative test result in a chunking together of semantically meaningful
patient known not to have a given disease. information.


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Page numbers followed by f demote fig ures, and those followed by t denote tables.

Adequacy of d iagnostic hypothesis, 19 1 studying ment;1) processes, (cases 62, 65)

Ambig uity, in diagnosis. I5 theories on. 8-9
Anchoring heu ristic, 4) Cogn itive errors (ste u11dtr Errors)
A rtificia l intelligence. 4, 6, 45, 57. 75. 124, 259, Cogn itive science
293 defin ition. 42
Ava ilability heuristic, 104, 255- 262 information chunks in (see C hu nks of
Bayes' rule. I 7- 18 Coherency
advantages, 22- 23 d iagnostic hyp-0thesis
caveats, 23 language used in. 32
in diagnostic tests, 14 1- 143. 141 t Compiled knowledge, in reason ing, 30
in hyp<)thesis refinement, 14. 22 Computer programs '"'e td.so Artificial intellige nce)
Benefit-risk ratio 'eealso Threshold) for study of problem-solving processes. 277
diagnostic tests, 25f vs. bra in function, 44
treatn1ent, 36 Conditio n ..action pa irs (seralso If..Then statements: production
Bias, 32 rules)
in rnernory, 65
Case..hased reasoning. in hypothesis refinement, 12 Conditio na l probability, 14, 19f. 23
Case buildi ng vee Diagnostic hypothesis, Confidence, in d iagnostic tests, 167- 168
refincrnent) Confir1nation strategy, in hypothesis reftne1ncnt. )3
Catchall hypothesis, 23 Connectionisn1. in men1ory, 44
Categorica l ru les, in reason ing, 75 Context
Ca usa l field, 171, 183 ca usa I field as, I 7I
Ca usal reason ing/rnodel for information gathe ring
definition, (cases 32, 34, 35) d iagnostic classifica tion a nd. I 1- 12
explaining relations between variables. (cases 11 , 33, 34, 36) hypothesis generation and, 9
in hypothesis refinement, I I language used in. 48
in hypothesis verification, language used in, 31 Costs, diagnostic tests, I 5. 25f
physiologica l mechanisrns in, 3 1 Criteria, for hypothesis ve rification. 31
using a cau sal model, (cases 11, 32, 33. 35, 36)
'iv here in the d iagnostic model docs causal reasoning fit?, Data .. d riven reasoning, in inforrn ation processing, 45- 46,
(cases I I. 33, 34) 45t
Ca usa lity, cues to, 183 Decision analysis
Ca use-effect link , strength, 183 in treatment. 22 I , 225
C hunks of information, 55 , 280 th reshold calculation, 26, 34- 35. I 60
c:Jinical reasoning, defin ition, 3 Decision 1na king (sec also [nformation processing Problcnn
Cl inicopathological conference, as teaching method, 218, solving)
284,306 close-call, 34, 147
Close call decision, I47 in test ordering, 134
c:ognition in treatment. 4
definition, 42, (rnse 65) in u ncertain conditions, 22. 23
expertise in, 43, 46. (rnses 2, 3, I I, 66) quantitative, 34- 35
in problen1 solving, 5 toss-up, 34
sea rch strategies and , 44-46 trnde-t)ffs in, 34
structure of memory, (cases 63, 64, 66) Decision theory, 4, 34, I 12



Decision th reshold (see Threshold) errors in, 13, 124

Decision tree, 35. 161 - 162, 162f evolution in, 12
Descriptive approach hypotheses active in, 93
to information gathering, 112- 113 hypothesisevolution, (cases I. I0. 12, 16, 33)
to reason ing stu<l y, 42 language used in. 99
Deterministic reasoning, in hypothesis refinement, ) 1 priority assignment, 14
Diagnosing strategy, in hypothesis ;-efinement, l 12- J13 probabilistic approach in . 14
D iagnosis reducing diagnostic u ncertainty, (rnses 9, 12, 15, 18. 38)
as probability d istribution, 22 relation to formal probabilistic approach, (cases 23, 27, 42)
differential, in hypothesis refinement. 102, 119, 124 sequence of d ata collection, (cases 14, 24. 45)
inference in, 247 testing in, 12- 13
DiagnosLic classification w here refinement begins and ends, (cases I , 12. 13, 16, 17,
context for information gathe ring and, 39, 111- 112 37. 38)
DiagnosLic entropy reduction, 111 triggering, 60-63
D iagnostic hypothesis, 111 verification, (see also \iVOrking diagnosis)
adequacy, 76. 87 after refinement. 11
al ternati ves w, 112- 113 defin ition, 11. (cases 37, 38, 39, 56)
as framework, 183 e rrors in, 32
basis for, 66. 68, 73 , 74, 83 final,31, 191
coherency, 76 language used in. 155
disca rding, 8 premature closure in, 31 - 32, (cases 5. 8, 12, 33, 39, 53, 56)
evolution, 12 u nclea r diagnosis in, 236
falsification, 31 va lidity criteria in, 31, (cases 12, 17. 38, 39, 40, 43)
forms for, 8 work ing J iagnosis, (cases 9, 39, 41)
function, 31 D iagnostic tests
generation, 56-88 ambigu ity in. 15, 147, 167
causal reasoning in, 29- 30 Bayes rule and, 17- 18, 142- 143, (cases 20, 23,30. 5 1)
classification. (cases 16, 27, 54, 55. 57, 58) Bayesian revision for mu ltip le disease w ith multiple
cognitive basis, 8- 9, (casts I. 3, 6, 23, 57, 63) attributes, (cases 23. 27)
context for information gathe ring, 111- 112 benefit-risk ratio, 25f
cues for, 100 confirmatory, 18, 23. 136
errors in, 9- 10, (cases 3. 9. 54, 58, 66) cost, 136
expertise for. 9- 10, 60- 63, (cases 3. 9, 54, 58, 66) decisions to perforrn. 4
fa lse starts in, 73 d isease prevalence in, 5
hypotheses a nd cues, (cases I, 2. 3, 4, 16) errors in, 13
hypotheses as a context, (cases 7, 8) expected utility, 11 2. 160, 164
in atypical disease, 83 false nega ti ve/positive resuLL~, l6f1 17) l8f
in life.. threaten ing situatio ns. 9 fo r multiple d isease with multiple attributes, 21 - 22
in rare disease. 63 fu nction, 15
infor111ation gathering for, 93 gold stanJard in (,sec gold standard)
lang uage useJ in, 57, 66 interpretation
models for, 202 causal reason ing in, 12
short cuts in, 8-9 J isease stage and, 23
in:tc rrned iate, 86 language used in. 48
p;,irsimonious, 76 probabilistic, 15- 16
premature closure, 31 - 32 interpreting results, (cases 20, 23. 26, 29)
pr io rity assign111ent, language used in, 209, 237 negative resu lts, 16f, 20f
re-appearance: during evolution, 12 positive results, 20f, 25
refinc:mc:nt pragmatic considerations in probabilistic approach, 22- 23.1'
boundaries. I0 I (cases 23, 31, 42, 43)
causal reasoning in,) I, 93 preva le nce of disease and, 1.27
context and d iagnostic classifica tion. (nises 7, 9, 63, 64) principles, 18- 19
context for information gathe ring, 111- 112 qu:mtif)'ing testing decisions, 15- 16. (c<1ses 20, 23, 26, 27. 29.
d,lta collection sequence in. 12- 13 30, 31)
d iag nostic entropy reduction in. 13- 14, 111 sensitivit)', 16-17. (cases 20, 23, 26)
d ifferential d iagnosis, (cases 10. 18, 38) specificity, 16- 17, (cases 20, 23, 26)
d iscrimination in, language used in, 12 1- 125 testing principles, (cases 20. 22, 23. 29)
d iscri1n ination strategy in, 13, 14 testing thresholds, (cases 25, 29, 30, 5 1)
d isease: variations and, ) ) therapeutic threshold and. 24- 25, 25f, (cases 22. 45, 51)


thresholtl concept and, 24, {rnses 24, 29, 30, 45, 5 I, 52) H ypothesis elimination strategy (sa Confirmation strategy)
true negative/positive resuk,, 16, 16f H ypothesis generation, 9- 10, 39, 40t, 56-88
w hen to test, (cases 23, 25, 28, 29, 30, 45) H ypothesis modification, 5
Diagnostic u nce rtainty, 13- 14, 33, 73, I I 1- 11 2, 202 H ypothesis verification, 3 1, 277
Differential d iagnosis, in hypothesis refinement H ypothetico-detluctive re.1soning, 45
language used in, 99
Discri1n ination strategy, in hyp<>thesis refincrncnt, 191 If-Then stateme nts
Disease stages, test i nterprctatio .n a nd . 23 in computer program, 289- 290
Don1ain expert, transcript analysis by. 42 in me1nory, 42
Inductive reason ing, 5
EliminatiMt strategy, in hypothesis refinement, I I 2 Inference, in diagnosis, 5
Entropy. d iagnostic reduction, I. I I Information, interpretation (see also Diagnostic tests,
Errors interpretation)
cogn itive, 39- 4 I Information gathering (see also Diagnostic tests)
classification, 39, 40t, (case' 16, 27, 54, 55 , 57, 58) context for
consequences, 40-4 1, (rnscs I 6, 43 , 52, 56, 57, 58) d iagnostic classifirn tion a nd , I 1- 12
in hypothesis ge neration, 39, 272t hypoth esis generati<)n and , I 85
in hyp<>thesis refinement, 272t in abnorrna l situation:, 11
in hypothesis verificati()ft, 277 language used in, 34, 48
in laboratory, 40, (case 57) errors in, 39
nature of, 39-40, (cases 3 1, 36, 39, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58) for decision ana lysis, 34
psychological factors in, 39, {case 5) for d iagnostic clas.sificat ion, I 1- 12
n<> fault, 39, 40t, 274 for hypothesis refinemc:nt
types, 39 descri ptive approach, I 12- 113
Evolution, diagnostic hypothesis, 12 p rescriptive approac h , I 12
Examini ng evidence sequence, 12- 13
Ev idence-based medic ine, (cases 23, 48, 49, 50) in med ical education, 298
Examples, in learn ing problem solving, 49- 50 strategies for, 290
Exe1nplar, information sto rage in, 43 lnforn1ation procc:ssing (stc tA!so decision making:
Expectctl util ity problem solvi ng)
diagnostic tests, I 9, I 60 cognitive scie nce vie\.V, 42
treatment, I64, I65 errors in. 274
Expertise expertise in, 291 - 294
characteristics, 46-4 7 memory in (see Memor~')
in hypothesis generation, 63 search strategies in, 44-46
problem solving, 48 top-down, 45t
Information storage ~<ee "/Jo C hunks of information: lVkmory)
False negative/positi ve results, d iagnostic tests, 16- 17, 16f in scripts, J 2
Falsification, diagnostic hyp<nhcosis, 31 Instance scripts, infonnation storage in, 43
1::-rarnc Instantiate (i nstantiation). in learning prob1c:rn solving, 51.
in arti ficial intellige nce, 293- 294 Interpre tation, diagnostic test (see t'11tler Di~1gnostic tests)
in memory, 42-43 Intuition, in problen1 solvi.n g, 13

Genera te and test strategy, in information processing, 45 Language usc:<l in diagnosis, 34

Generation, hypothesis (.re undrr Diagnostic hypothesis) Le<trning clinica l problem solving
Goal-driven reason ing, in inforrnation processing. 45-46 facts versus process, (cases 46, 60, 67, 69)
Gold standard, di~1gnostic tests btrning by instantiation, {cases 67, 68, 69)
unreliability, 294 pedagogic principles, (cases 60, 69)
Gra nd rounds, as te,tching method, 49, 299, 304 spec ific example, {case 69)
Long-term memory, 280- 28 1
H e uri stic(s)
anchoring ivlarkov process, in decisio n ana lysis, 16)
cogn itive emm and, 40 l'vleans-end :m:tlysis, in infcmn:Hion processing, 45
availability, 40-4 I, 66 1Vlemory
expert use of, 46 connectionisrn in, 44
in diagnostic hypothesis generation, 59 in hypothesis refinement, I 1- 12
represe ntativeness, 60 limitations, ) 2
H yp<>thcsis, diagnostic '~-cc Diagnostic hypothesis) long -term, 280, 284
Hypothesis confirrning Strategy (see c:onfi rmation Strategy) neu rona l functi<m in, 249- 250


Memory (Conlinued) bra in function in, 44

paralld distributed processing in, 44 case selectio n for, 304- 305
short-term, 44 clinicopathologic.al confere nce in, 48
sk illed (working), 12, 44, 46, 75, 83, JOO. 120, 185, 277. examples for clin ical rotation group. 49
2 80- 28 I, 299 facil itator role in, 5 I, 307
slructure,279- 281 facts vs. process in, 48-49
working (skilled), 12, 44, 46, 75, 83, JOO, 120, 185, 277, format preparation for, 299
280- 28 1, 299 gra nd rounds methods in , 49
NleAta l processes, in reasoning (fee also Information prc:><.:essing: insta ntiation in, 50- 5 1
n1emory; sea rch strategies) language used in. 48
Models. causa l (<ee C:iusal reasoning/motld) petlagogic p rinciples in, 49
Monte Carlo simulation. I68 techniques for, 47
Mul'tiple diseases, test interpretation in, 21- 22 vs. problem- based lea rning, 5 1
mental processes in. 42
Negative results, diagnostic tests, I 30- 13 I strategies for, 5
No fau lt errors, 40t, 274 strong methoJs for, 45-46
weak methods for, 44-45
Ockham's razor, 6 Problem space, in hypothesis refinement, 13. 80
Production rules (ce lll<o If-Then statements)
Parallel distributed processing, in memory, 44 in mcn1ory, 291
Pars imony, diagnostic hypothesis, 3 1 Protocol analysis, 42. 277
Physica l symbol system hypoth esis of memory, 42-44 Psychological factors, in e rro rs, 39
Physiological mechanisms, in causal reason ing, 28t 29, 30, 31,
37 Quantitati ve decision 1nak ing , 22
Po ly n1orphism, in disease
memory storage and, 281- 286 Reasoning
Positi ve results. diagnostic tests case-based, in hypothesis re:finen1ent 12 1

le vds, 25, 25f causa l (sa Causal reasoning/model)

Posterior probabil ity. 15-16, 19f, 20f, 21f,22f, 22, 23, 232 data .. driven, in inforrnatiori processing, 45-46
Premature closure, d iagnostic hypothesis, 3 1- 32 Jefin ition, I79
Prescripti ve approach, to informati<m gathering. I 12 deterrninistic, in hyp<>thesis refinen1ent, 75
Prescripti ve process, in hypothesis r efine n1ent, 14 expertise in, 46-4 7
Preva lence of disease goal-driven, in informatio n processing, 45-46, 45t
diagnostic tests and, 127 ind uctive, 286-291
in hypothesis ge nera tion, 142 n1e ntal processes in, 42
in hypothesis refinement, 15, I 7, 18, 29 search strategics in, 44- 46
language useJ in, 48, 57, 66, 155 Rcfinernent~ c.l i~1gnostic hypothesis Vee u111ler Diagnostic
Prio r probabi li ty, I5-16, 17t, I 8f, I9f. 20[, 2 If, 22f; 22- 23, 123, hypothesis)
130, 142, 145, 155, 162, 215, 228 Regret, as error foctor, I60
Probabilistic approach ReminJ ing ,,ee lll<o Triggering)
ambiguity in, I 5, I68 in infor1nation processing, 4 3-44
disease polymorphism and , 28 1- 286 Representativeness he uri stic
i1> d iagnostic testing, 15-16 cognitive errors a nd, 40, 4 I
in hypothesis refinement, 13, 14 Retrospective bias, in reason ing, 40, ) 18, 21I
vs. rn usal re;1soning, 28. 29- 30 Rule-based reasoning, 75
Probability Rules (sec lllso Production rules)
contl itional, I4, I6, I 9f, 22, 22f, 23, I I3, I55, 202, 279 in artificial intell igence, 124, 259, 293
posterior, 15- 16, 19- 2 l f, 22- 23, I 12, I 55, 163, 197, 232 proced ura l, in treatrne nt, 42
prior. 15- 16, 17t, 18f, 19f, 20f. 21f,22f, 22- 23, 123. 130, 142,
145, 155. 162,215,228 Script, information storage in
threshold (therapeutic thresholJ ). 24, 25f, 26f, 13 1. insta nce, 43
215, 238 Search strategies, in informatiron processing, 44-46
Proba bility d istribution. 22 Sensitiv ity of d iagnostic tests, lf>-17
Problem-based learning, 5 I Sensitiv ity analysis
Problem solving (see also Decision ma king; information in test interpretation, 15 1- l 52
processi ng) in test ordering, 134
expertise in, 46-47 in treatment, 151
intuition in, 13 Short-term memory
learn ing, 51 in d iagnostic h ypothesis generation, 75


S killed (working) memory, 44, 280 caus~1 l reason ing in, 28- 30
Specificity, d iagnostic tests, 1&-17 close choices fo r, 34
S trategy decision analysis in. 7

confirmation, 13, 11 2 dec ision rnaking in, 23

diagnosing, 112- 11 3 tli agnosis li nked to, 7
discrim i n~1tion, 13, 191 expected utility, 164
el im ination, 13, 32, 112- 113 in u ncertain conditio ns, 33
search, 44-46 incommensura te options for, 34
S trong problem-solving methods, 45-46 patie nt preferences in, 226
Sutton's 1'1w, in d iagn<>sis, 113- 11 8 reliance on randomized controlled tria ls, 33
Systt1natic search, in i nforrn~1tion processing, 44-46 sensiti vity a nalysis in, 35, 164- 165, 165f
th reshold concept and , 24
Testing threshold, 25- 27, 26f, 160, 163- 164, 164f withholding, 24- 27
Therapeutic decision 1nak ing T riggering, di;ignostic hypothesis, 60-63
inco1n n1ensurate options. (cases 46, 47) T rue negative/Positive results, dit1gnostic tests, 16- 17,
qu:mtitati ve decision making, (cases 23, 30, 45 , 47, SI) 16- 17f, 18f
treatment under conditions o f uncertainty, (cases 41, 44, 48,
50, 53) Uncerta inty (see t1/so Entrnpy)
w hen value of therapeutic ch<>ices is close, (cases 25, 26, 46, language expressing, 34, 57
50, 5 1) treatment under, 33
Therapeutic principles, 6- 7 Utility, expected
Therapeutic threshold , 24- 25, 25f. 233-234 diagnostic tests, 164
Threshold treatment, 164
definition, 7
function. 7 \lariables, relations bet\\ een. causal reason ing and, 28, 30,

in dial!nOstic testing, 24 178-179

testing, 25-27, 26f, 160, 163- 1.64, 164f \lcrification, hyp-0thcsis (see under Diagnostic hypothesis)
therapeutic, 24- 25
Top-d<>wn processing, 45 Weak problem solving rnethotls, 44- 45
Toss- up decision, 34, 218 Working tli'1gnosis, 5, 32, 195, 208
Trade-offs, in decision mak ing, 34 causa l reason ing in, 30
Transcript ana lysis, 42, 124, 277- 278 coherency, 28, 30, 3 1- 32
Treatm<:nt criteria, 31
benefit- risk ratio in, 25 Working (sk illed) memory, 44, 280

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