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Guideline for Journal Critique

I. Citation
A. Provide a full citation of the article to include author(s), title of article, and name of journal,
volume and pages.

II. Topic
A. Briefly describe the topic of the journal article
What are the underlying issues or major ideas and concepts presented in the paper? Explain.
B. Identify and define the important concepts focused on by the author.

III. Main Ideas

A. Summarize the articles content. In doing so, what is the authors major argument?
B. What are the supporting arguments?

IV. Conclusions
A. What conclusions does the author(s) make?

V. Reflection
A. In your opinion, do the data and findings support the conclusions being made by the author?
B. Are the results thought provoking?
C. What was the most important thing you learned by reading and critiquing this article?
D. What contributions does the paper make to the advancement of knowledge, theory, and
practice? Why?

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