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RMLNLU February, 2010 LLB/ SEM -II/ 09-10/MT/Bco-I ‘TIME: 1% HOURS MAX. MARKS: 60 Answer all the questions Figures in the margin indicate the marks (Section A) (Answer in approximately 300 words) (1.x 20) 1. “The labor and capital of a country acting on its natural resources produce annually a certain net aggregate commodities, material and immaterial including services of all kinds.’ Whose name is labeled with this statement. Explain the concept of National Income. Narrate the methods of calculation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), or Keynesian economics is based on the criticism of classical economists which dominated ‘economic theory and policies before and during the Great Depression. Do you agree with this statement? Present the main propositions of Keynesion Theory of Employment and explain in detail Liquidity Preference Theory of determination of rate of interest. (Section B) {Answer in approximately 50 words) 6x4) 2. Write any two criticism of Classical Theory of Employment 3. If supply price of capital asset is Rs.12, 500 lakhs and expected yield from capital asset is Rs.825 lakhs, calculate the Marginal Efficiency of Capital (MEC).. 4, Explain cost-push and demand-pull inflation. 5. Give the formula and calculate the value of Multiplier if the Marginal Propensity to Consume is 7/8. 6. Calculate the GDP at constant price: GDP in the current year 2008-09 was Rs. 96, 048 lakch. Index number of the base year (2000-01) was 100 and for current year (2008-09) was 180. (Section C) (Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be) (10 x 2) 7. Itis a state in which the value of money is falling and prices are rising: (a). Deflation (b)Reflation (c} Inflation (qd) Disinflation 8. Concept of ‘Wage Flexibilities’ was given by: (a) Pigou (b) Marshall () J.B. Say @ JS. Mil 9. Marginal Propensity to Consume is always: (a) 0>MPC<1 (by) O> MPC >1—()_ O< MPC <1 (d) O< MPC >1 10. Disinflation is a situation which is known by: (a) Natural rise in price (b) Natural fallin price _(c) Deliberate rise in price {4)_ Deliberate fall in price 11. Effective Demand is determined at the point of of ADF and ASF curves. 12. Autonomous investment is regarded as: The investment done by-~ 13. The policy of ‘Lasseiz-faire’ was propounded by ‘economists 14. Hyper inflation occurs when increase in price is more than- percent 15. As per Marshall’s definition, the problem of double counting is related to the calculation of national income: (True/False) 16. One of the causes of inflation is deficit financing. : (rue/False) RMLNLU. Time: 1% Hours February, 2010 LLB/ II SEM/09-10/MT/ENG-II ENGLISH- I Answer all the questions Figures in the margin indicate the marks Max. Marks:60 (SECTION A) (1x20 marks) (Answer in approximately.300 words) 1. Answer the Following: To be, or not to be, - that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them? Categorize the literary piece of art above. Is it a prose piece or poetry? Justify What is denotative & connotative meaning? Pick out the examples from the piece of work above to illustrate and explain the same. (ii) What are study skills? Do they help you in anyway to make possible interpretation(s) of the lines given above? (iv) Prepare four questions to test your comprehension skill. OR Format of a case comment: Introduction | Background | Presentation of | Analysis ‘Conclusion’ the court's opinion (On the basis of the requirement of the format given above, prepare the write-up with reference to the case of Jasbir Singh v. State of Punjab, (2006) 8 SCC 294 (SECTION B) (5x4 marks) (Answer in approximately 50 words) 2. Ina GD organized in the class of B.A.LL.B. (Hons.), some students were found speaking in their monotonous voice, whereas some grappled slow speed with a low pitch. There were students who took upon ascending tone, high pitched & assertive in their behaviour and yet there were others who were very abrupt in their speech and still there were those who did not make any effort to either actively listen or speak. Comment on the observations made with a special reference to your study of voice modulation and the corresponding connotative behaviour. Raising too many queries regarding the question paper in the examination hall by the interactant reveal certain strategic subtext, Mention the subtext to improve upon talk tacties. P.1.0. 6. il. 2 13. 14, 15. 16. ‘A survey/research was conducted regarding the annual project work pertaining to different topics/issues/laws/reviews, etc. submitted by the students of Dr RML NLU, Lucknow(UP), India, Enumerate salient features of a good Position Paper in this reference. Discuss in brief, two-parody lawyer’s speech & legitimacy of suicide with reference to the grave-digger scene in Shakespeare's Hamlet, Identify the reading skills (Skimming, Scanning, Intensive reading, and Extensive reading) required in the following reading situations. Justify your response. (i) Anarticle in National Geographic magazine about the Roman Empire ) A good friend's homepage on the Intemet (iii) The opinion page in your local newspaper (iv) A railway timetable (SECTION C) (2x10 marks) (Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be) Identify the figure of speech: Substituting the word “euthanasia” for “mercy ki ill” O Goddess of Leaning! There is no end of reading to illustrate Apostrophe. beg a thousand pardons for asking you to attempt this question. Who in the course of one revolving moon was a lawyer, statesman, fiddler and buffoon? Differentiate Metonymy from Synecdoche with an illustr Substitute for one word: Murder of one’s brothe Signature of someone else’s name without his/her permission Of doubtful meaning. One who is treacherous: One who uses deceit-— 1g" or “killing the terminally in each case. RMLNLU February, 2010 LLB/II-SEM/09-10/MT/Contr-1 TIME: 1% HOURS Law of Contracts-I MAX. MARKS: 60 Answer ail the questions Figures in the margin indicate the marks (Section A) (Answer in approximately 300 words) (1x20) 1. A group of 300 students from Lucknow University visited Dr. RMLNLU. The Canteen of Dr. RMLNLU had displayed the food items along with the price for each of the items, The instructor organising the group visit demanded 300 Hotdogs which was in the list of items of Dr. RMLNLU canteen. Mr. Sanjay the canteen contractor did not expect the visit. If Mr. Sanjay met the order, he would not have the stock of Hotdogs for the next three days for the students of RMLNLU. Hence, Mr. Sanjay declined to serve Hot dogs to the Instructor. The Instructor instituted proceedings against Mr. Sanjay and contended that he had a contractual right to be served with 300 Hotdogs. Argue on behalf of Mr. Sanjay and decide in the light of the relevant Judicial pronouncements Or Mr, Sindu litigated his father over his right on HUF (Hindu Undivided Fat During this period Mr. Hindu rendered him great assistance and remained with times of distress’. Afier the litigation was over, Mr. Sindu promised Mr. Hindu to pay him Rs, 25,000 for the services rendered by him. Can Hindu recover from Sindu Furnish reasons. In the example mentioned above if Mr. Hindu rendered assistance without the desire of Mr. Sindu and later on Mr. Sindu made a promise to pay Rs. 25,000 to Hindu to recompense for his services already done. Can Hindu recover? (Section B) (Answer in approximately 50 words) (6x4) 2. A says to B “I will not take my Contract Law book back fiom you for 4 more days for a price of Rs. 50.” B says, “All right” Explain this example in the language of section 2(a) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. a. Mrs. Kavitha responded “I accept the offer but I will confirm it day after tomorrow”. Subseqluently, Kavitha did not get back to the offeror. ‘The offeror claims that a contract is formed between the parties when Kavitha intimated her acceptance. Is a contract formed between the offeror and Kavitha? Fumish reasons. 4, Mr. Zindal makes an offer to sell a land to Mr. Gaur for Rs. 2,00,000 Mr. Gaur said, “Let me mobilize money and confirm it to you in the next 3 days. But you do not revoke the offer in the meantime.” Zindal said, “Yes I do not withdraw the offer for the next 3 days”. But, he sells the land on the next day to another person and revokes the offer. Can Mr. Zindal do so? Give reasons. 5. Explain the doctrine of privity of contract in the light of leading Judicial pronouncements, 6 Write about the law developed by the Judiciary as to an exemption clause in the standard form of contract with the help of case law. P.T.O. 10. i. 12. 13. 14. (Section Cc) (Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be) (10 x 2) ‘An agreement to do an act which the promisor is under an existing, obligation to a third party to do, may quite well amount to a valid consideration. Do you agree with this statement, Mention one case in which this type of consideration is accepted. ‘What is a leading Indian case relating to the Privity of Consideration, ‘What does “the doctrine of Fundamental Breach” mean? What principle is laid down in Balfour Vs Balfour (1919) 2 KBS71. Karthik offered to sell his vehicle to Kranthi for 2 lakhs. Kranthi signified her acceptance after six months. Mearnwhile, Karthik sold the vehicle to another person. Kranthi claimed damages for the breach of contract. Was a Contract formed between the parties? Why ? What will Courts presume for an intention to create a legal relationship in Commercial transactions. Radhika Book sellers made an offer to Dr. RMLNLU, to sell 160 copies of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 (Bare Act) for Rs. 6,400. The last line mentioned: The offer is open till, 1-00PM coming Friday”. Dr. RMLNLU Communicated its acceptance at 3 PM on Friday. Was a contract formed between the parties? Why. Renuka, a customer says to a seller in a shop, I can not buy this dress for Rs. 1,000 will you sell it to me for Rs. 900”. The seller did not say anything but put the dress in a bag and delivered it to Renuka. What does the seller intend? A, the proposer requires an acceptance by express telegram and the acceptor sends ;ptance by ordinary post. What does the Indian contract Act speak of on this point. C, a Coolie, takes up the luggage of Vandana, a student of Dr. RMLNLU, to be carried out of the railway station. Vandana keeps quite. Whether Vandana shall pay for C’s services? Why. RMLNLU February, 2010 LLB/II SEM/09-10/MT/HISTORY-II ‘TIME: 1% HOURS MAX, MARKS: 60 Answer all the questions Figures in the margin indicate the marks (Section A) (Answer in approximately 300 words) (1x20) ing of 1857 Mutiny? 1. What were the Politico-economic grievances that led to the Ri What in your opinion was its nature? Or Account for Gandhiji’s early career and a subsequent experience in India. m and its significance for his {Section B) (Answer in approximately 50 words) 6x4) What was the nature of the Civil Rebellions witnessed in the early years of the British Rule? Describe the Munda uprising of 1899. ‘What is the Safety Valve Theory? What was the programme of the Congress in its early years? ‘Gandhi Was born in India but made in South Africa’. Comment aaa (Section C) (Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be) (10 x 2) 7. Which were the two Portuguese Settlements that were captured by the Marathas in 1739? 8. One of the major causes of Civil Rebellions in the first hundred years of British Rule Was... 9, Some Tribal insurrections had messianic character (True/False) 10. An objective of the early Congress wa 11. Name any of the newspapers published by carly Congress leaders. ‘was one of the earliest leaders to put forward idea that Britain was draining ofits wealth 13. Gandhiji’s political activities from 1894-1906 may be classed as the .. phase of his struggle in South Africa. 14. In which agitation was passive resistance used for the first time by Gandhiji? 15, Find the odd one out. a. Landholders Society. b. Bengal British India Society. Indian Association British Indian Association. 16. What was the nature of the Faraizi Movement? RMLNLU February, 2010 LLB/II SEM/09-10/MT/Psy-II ‘TIME: 1% HOURS Psyehology-I MAX. MARKS: 60 Answer all the questions Figures in the margin indicate the marks (Answer in Approximately 300 words) (1 x20) 1. Describe the clinical picture of Post Traumatic Stress Disorders among rape victims. Or Compare and contrast the clinical picture of Generalized Anxiety Disorders and Panic Disorders. {Section B) (Answer in Approximately 50 words) 6x4) Distinguish between: Necessary, sufficient and contributory risk factors for abnormal behaviour. Reliability and Validity of taxonomy of abnormal behaviour. Role of enmeshed and disengaged family as social trigger to abnormal behaviour. Additive and interactive models of abnormality. Adaptive fear and maladaptive anxiety. aeeer (Section C) (Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be) (10 2) 7. Word insanity is synonym to. 8. Distal causal factors of abnormality contribute to. 9, ‘Agora’ is a greek Word f0F....sssssessssssssvsssssessi 10. Claustrophobia refers t0............ +206 11. Alllostasis is the process of... 12. Major phases of General Adaptation Syndrome are.. 13. De-Realization is the symptom of .. 14, Comprehensive understanding of psychopathology deren upon. 15. Reuptake process is slowed down by consuming. 16. a is described as ‘what if illness. RMLNLU February, 2010 LLB/II SEM/09-10/MT/LL. ‘TIME: 1% HOURS Language of Law MAX. MARKS: 60 Answer all the questions Figures in the margin indicate the marks (Section A) (Answer in approximately 300 words) (1x20) 1. Write a legal document declaring its author’s intention to pass on his house and land as also his other worldly possessions that he owns to a specified person or persons that may take effect when he ceases to exist. Use precise language of law in accordance with appropriate legal terms. Or Draw up a legal instrument in which two persons agree to carry on a business sharing equal profits or losses and designate the funetions of each of them, If ever there is a dispute then they will settle it by arbitration, Use legal terms in executing the agreement, (Section B) (Answer in approximately 50 words) (6x4) Interpret the meaning of the italicised words in the given context: 2. Explain the meaning of Federalism. 3. What do you understand by an Act ‘being void ab initio? 4. Explain that the petitioner questioning the validity of the impugned statute as ultra vires of the constitution 5. What is the ratio decidendi of the judgment? 6. The old law on pollution of environment has been repealed. {Section C) (Answer the correct choice, as either ‘true’ or ‘false’) (10 x2) 7. Anaccomplice is one who enters into an agreement with a business partner to carry on a lawful trade. (True/False) 8. Mortgage is a transfer of property pledged as security for the payment of a loan. (True/False) 9, Intestacy is dying without leaving a will (True/False) 10. Real estate means landed property. (True/False) 11. Polygamy is a sport played with eleven persons on each side throwing the maximum number of balls on each other's net. (True/False) 12. Apostasy means desertion of one’s religion. (True/False) 13. Conviction is a pronouncement of being guilty of a crime by a court. (True/False) 14, Alibi is a defence that the accused could not have committed an offence as he was elsewhere. (True/False) 15. Legacy is a gift of property by means of a will. (True/False) 16. Cypress doctrine means where the intention of the deceased testator cannot be carried out then it should be carried out as nearly as possible in the way it was desired by the testator. (True/False) RMLNLU February,2010 LLB/IISEM/09-10/ Pol. Sc.-II TIME: 1 % HOURS Political Science -II MAX. MARKS: 60 Answer all the questions Figures in the margin indicate the marks (Section - A) (Answer in approximately 300 words) (1x20) 1. Describe the various types of Realism in IR Or “The world is witnessing recolonization through globalization”. In this connection, write a critical note on Dependency Theory in International pol (Section-B) (Answer in approximately 50 words) (5x4) Write short notes on the followings: SWFs versus IMF Clinton doctrine Identity crisis of Pakistan Axis of Evil Flat World Platform, ayeep (Write the correct choice/answer as the need be) (10x2) ‘The book “Six books on the state” was written in the year What is MEN? 9. Give the full form of C4ISR. 10. What is Beijing consensus? 11. Name the person who gave the concept of five monopolies in the hands of PS countries. 12, Name any one Singapore issue. 13, Who has floated the concept of ‘League of Democracies’ as an alternative to UN? 14, By 1998, the top 20 percent population of the world consumed 86 percent of the world’s resources and the bottom 20 percent were consuming 2.3 percent of the world’s resources. (True/ False) 15. Name the person who dubbed US as a ‘Rogue superpower’. 16. Trade diversion is related to WTO. (True/ False) RMLNLU Time: 1% HOURS February, 2010 LLB/II-Sem, /09-10/MT/SOC-II Sociology: Answer ail the questions Figures in the margin indicate the marks (Section A) (Answer in approximately 300 words) (1 * 20) 1. The crucial problem with quantitative research is the failure of its practitioners to address adequately the issue of meaning. Discuss. Or How far does a stratified random sample offer greater precision than a simple random sample? (Section B) (Answer in approximately 50 words) 6*4) 2. What is meant by objectivism and constructivism? 3. What is meant by cross- sectional research design? 4, Why are closed questions frequently preferred to open questions in survey research? 5. What do you understand by content analysis? 6. Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research. (Section C) (Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be) (10 2) 7. Ethnography is a term that refers to both a method and the written product of research based on that method. (True/ False) 8. Interviewing in qualitative research is typically not of the unstructured or semi-structured kind, (True/ False) 9, The focus group is a group interview that is concerned with exploring a certain topic. (Lrue/ False) 10. Sampling error increases as sample size increases. (True! False) 11. There is no difference between a research method and a research design. _(True/False) 12. Quantitative research is deductive in nature. (True/ False) 13, TAT and Ink blot tests are the examples of projective technique. (True/ False) 14. Case analysis and content analysis are the same. (True/ False) 15, Dependent and independent variables are important in experimental research design. (True/ false) 16. Hypothesis is a theory. (True/ False)

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