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Comparative Adjectives

1- Quando os objetos de comparao so equivalentes:

Objeto 1 + to be + as +adjetivo + as + Objeto 2
John is as tall as Luke (= they are the same height).

A forma negative possvel acrescentando-se NOT aps o verbo to be:

Lucy is not as tall as Helena (= Helena is taller than Lucy).

I-Complete the sentences using the Comparative of Equality:

1- The blue car is as fast as the red car. (fast)

2- Peter is not as tall as Fred. (not-tall)
3- The violin is not as low as the cello. (not-low)
4- This copy is as bad as the other one. (bad)
5- Oliver is as optimistic as Peter. (optimistic)

2- Quando um dos objetos de comparao mais do que o outro:

a- se a palavra for curta, tiver uma slaba ou duas slabas terminadas em y, -ow, -le ou er:
Objeto 1 + to be + adjetivo-ER + than + Objeto 2
Luke is taller than Lucy.
Tambm se a palavra tiver duas slabas e terminar em a- final consoante+Y: pretty
b- se a palavra for longa (mais de duas slabas):
b- monosslaba CVC: hot hotter
Objeto1 + to be + more + adjetivo + than + Objeto2
Your book is more interesting than my book. Fixao:
Dry: drier
II-Complete the sentences using the Comparative of Superiority: Fat: fatter
Noisy: noisier
1. Dogs are more intelligent than rabbits. (intelligent) Thin: thinner
2. Lucy is older than Ellie. (old)

3. Russia is far larger than the UK. (large)

4. My Latin class is more boring than my English class. (boring)

5. In the UK, the streets are generally narrower than the streets in the USA. (narrow)

3- Quando desejamos dizer que algo menos do que o outro:

Objeto1 + less + adjetivo + than + Objeto 2
Lucy is less tall than Luke.

III-Complete the sentence using the Comparative of Inferiority:

1. I am less intelligent than her. (intelligent)

2. She is less old than Bart. (old)
3. Brazil is less rich than Germany. (rich)

I-Turn these adjectives into the Comparative of Superiority:

a- Hot
b- Expensive
c- Shy
d- Big
e- Beautiful
f- Happy
g- Young
h- Strong

II-Complete the sentences using the Comparative of Superiority:

a- She______________________(intelligent) the her sister.

b- Today______________________(hot) yesterday.
c- Its not fair! Your chair______________________(comfortable) mine.
d- Dont mess with that guy. He______________________(strong) you.

III-Identify which kind of comparative is being used in each sentence.

a- She is more charming than her sister.

b- That subject is less important than this one.
c- Slvia is less tall than Tiago.
d- Cezar is as funny as Raul.
e- Michelle is happier than you.
f- The dog is as big as the lion.
g- My bag is less organized than yours.
h- My dog is bigger than yours.

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