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Sydney Kern

Technology in the Classroom

June 9th, 2017
Using Mullins Library to Find Articles

Part A

URL: http://gm3ed7jh6d.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-
Date Article was Written: September 2013
Title of Article: Integrating Social Media in Education
Author of Journal: Hadewijch Vanwynsberghe and Pieter Verdegem

The article starts by defining the purposes of social media and by identifying the growth
of technology in our world. With these definitions stated, the authors go on to discuss why a
growing reliance on technology effects the classroom setting. The article sites studies that argue
that classrooms should have a limited exposure to technology, as factors like economic variety,
cultural views, social interactions may make uses of social media more difficult for some
students. However, the authors argue that the large impact social media has on our world makes
it important to teach in the classroom. Vanwynsberghe and Verdegem conclude that teaching
media literacy is becoming a key to developing a students analyzation and evaluation skills.

Part B

URL: http://0-
Date Article was Written: 2016
Title of Article: Children with Special Educational Needs and Their Inclusion in the Educational
System: Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects
Author of Journal: Anda Kaulina, Daina Voita, Irena Trubina, Toms Voits

This article discusses special education inclusion and the supports needed to achieve the
benefits of inclusion teaching. The authors introduce their research by identifying the goal of
Sydney Kern
Technology in the Classroom
June 9th, 2017

inclusion teaching practices and by stating their thesis: are these goals being reached with the
current inclusion practices? During their study, the authors found that inclusion teaching was
being practiced but the effectiveness of this method could improve with better teacher trainings,
more parental involvement, and increased community supports. With more community support
and financial stability, teachers could be better prepared to teach in inclusion classrooms, in turn,
this will assist educators to involve parents more in their childs education. The authors conclude
that more studies will need to be done to determine the effectiveness of academic and social
improvements when it comes to inclusion teachings.

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