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Professora: Elisangela dos Santos Aluno(a):

Ingls AVF02 OBJ.1 1 Tri / /2017 8Ano___ 100%

Contedos: Modal SHOULD/SHOULDNT, reading comprehension, clothes, shoes
and accessories, present and past continuous.
Desconto na nota final (3% a 10%) ortografia e pontuao.
De 1 a 3 erros 3% De 4 a 7 erros 5%
De 8 a 10 erros 10%
Assinatura do responsvel: _____________________________________________
Questo 01: valor 10%
Read the text and write TRUE or FALSE.

Dear Doctor Anne,

Im 15 and I have a problem. My mother works from Monday to Friday. My father

works from Monday to Saturday. I have two little brothers too. I always go
directly home after school. Im a good student and always do my homework. I
cant go out with my friends on school days because I take care of my brothers.

On Saturdays and Sundays, I usually help my mother with the housework. I

prepare dinner during week too. I set the table before dinner and then I wash
the dishes. I fight with my brothers because they dont help me. They dont make
their beds or clean their rooms.

I cant stand this! I want to leave home.

What should I do?


a. Becky is 14 years old. _______________

b. Her mother stays in house all days. _______________
c. She has two brothers and one sister. _______________
d. She leaves the school directly home. _______________
e. She isnt a good student because she takes care her brothers. _______________
f. She always helps her mother. _______________
g. She cant go out with his friends because her brothers. _______________
h. Her brothers dont help her. _______________

Questo 02: valor 10%

Find in the text. (Procure no texto)
a. A week day: _____________________ d. A verb: __________________________
b. A family member: _________________ e. A frequency adverb: _______________
c. A verb to be: ______________________
Questo 03: valor 10%
Number according to the text the chores Becky does to help her parents.(Numere de acordo com o texto as
tarefas de casa que Becky faz para ajudar seus pais.)

( ) washes the dishes ( ) takes care her brothers ( ) sets the table ( ) prepares the dinner

Questo 04: valor 10%

Complete the list of suggestions for "Trick or treat". Write: should or shouldn't in the gaps: (Complete a
lista de sugestes para Trick or treat. Escreva should ou shouldnt nas lacunas.)
a. You _________________ wear a Halloween costume.
b. You _________________ play really mean tricks on people.
3. You__________________ wear black clothes at night.
c. You ________________take a bag with you for sweets.
d. You ________________ go on your own.
6. You ______________stay out very late.
e. You _____________ always go with friends.
f. You _______________ always tell an adult where you are going.

Questo 05: valor 10%

Make sentences with should or shouldnt. (Escreva frases com should ou shouldnt)
a. PEOPLE / WATCH / LESS TV __________________________________________________________
b. BOYS AND GIRLS / GO / TO DIFFERENT SCHOOLS ______________________________________
c. WE / DESTROY / NUCLEAR WEAPONS _________________________________________________
d. WE / STOP / TESTING MEDICINE ON ANIMALS _________________________________________

Questo 06: valor 10%

Match the problems with advice. (Relacione os problemas aos conselhos.)

a. Im tired ( ) we shouldnt drink it.

b. That T-shirt is dirty ( ) you should go to bed.
c. Its going to rain ( ) you shouldnt wear it today.
d.The milk doesnt smell good ( ) they should take their umbrellas

Questo 07: valor 10%

Write the clothes, shoes and accessories names. (Escreva os nomes das roupas, calados e acessrios.)

b c d e
f g h i j

Questo 08: valor 10%

What part of body can I wear the clothes/shoes/accessories in exercise 7? List them. (Em quais partes do
corpo podemos vestir estas roupas/calados/acessrios do exerccio 7? Liste-as.)
a. _____________________________ f. _____________________________
b. _____________________________ g. _____________________________
c. _____________________________ h. _____________________________
d. _____________________________ i. ______________________________
e. _____________________________ j. ______________________________

Questo 09: valor 10%

Present continuous. Look at someone in your classroom and describe what he/she is wearing. (Olhe para
algum da sua sala e descreva o que ele/ela est usando.)

Questo 10: valor 10%

Past continuous. What clothes were you wearing yesterday afternoon? (Quais roupas voc estava vestindo
ontem a tarde?)

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