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RoIh'iI E. Gross

A Memorial to the Founder

of the

^ecKfit'ea S'/tfi fo//

BiisiiR-ss AdmiiiisiratioM Library

Los Angeles

lo^ .^>

T -r 4'

med the Art,or Dcfcription^ofln-

Itrumcms and Prcfidcnrs,

Collecfled by
of the Inner
\V i l l
Temple E s
i a
i r
e s

And no^ ncr^ly augmented ^ith dinars Prefdents

touching (Ji^er chants affaires.

All) mulca pcrficiunt : Nos nonnulla cooamur :

Illi polTunt Nos volumus.

jHgenij cibus Studium^pudijqtte dili^entid.

Printed for the Coropanic of
'nfjcimoD tjfh lolb^in
t .*. r J*^*- ".'. ii"r t
Viro lunTprudcntia ^ pietate , authoritate
pr^fi^ntiHinw, Edmundo (lArjderfon z5\<[iUti^
Regime Maieftat ludici primario ciuiiium adionum,

wdiiijs diu acfdliciter ftitfidcrc
ex aniwo opt at,

Efqtiiamiis iam eU (yir orrati^ime) ex

quo primum hoc opus SjmboUographi^
cum opet'a curacj. mea fub faujiifjimii
twminis tui aulpicijs in lucemfocHciur
prodiji:. Cogititri cercc quidem <vix po--
Ci^U quanta bomhnim jtudlo at: que ap^
pLuiJu {te p.ttrono) fucrit acceptum^U'*
dco yt mini
<^nquam eiujdem generis
ipfisgViitummagfs aut prohxitum hiibtraw. Veruntamen que-^
admodum altjs etiamin rebus nj[u Venire nffolec^mbil prinw Dt
ndjcaturpcrfc^um : Itidcrn ct in hoc ncgotlo nonpotuitnon con-
tingere^quin nonnuUa nee plene^nec accurate fattspolita at que
dejcripta ejfent : ^Hiinimoplurmht^ partim quidem dcfider^ta,
pimim yeroredunditntiiijpartim etiitmindigefla efjhit. ^i-
bus quidem inconwwdis ipfe aliquando mcderi conftitturam ,

quo due integere pr<cTLire potiurim^ rnukame etiambaBcnus

impediwit. Nam (fi quodnjcrum e/l liber cftteri licedt) quam
primum Tjpcgraphus exempla ommapriora{jpe citius)diUrax->
iffet^ nejperatam inde lucrum diutius expetlaret^ me tandem ex

improuijo nil tale adimc (omniantem, immo alio dejiinatumy de

noua etiam edit lone jiatm ineundajummonuit^yekementir ro^
^1 eit^ffs
gitmy^t teneram atq-, infomem ijlm prole m, Uto ruuitu

agnofccre/auore,acad ofiu inUarrelmbcrcnon dedignarer.


autem petithm honeft<c certc, (tnihi tam:n tunc temporis


plurimis tmgni momcnti negot'ijs implicato nonjatis ^qtu) non

potuiajjfemrc-^. quo enim banc commc?itcmdi prouinclam

Jmelfulccpifam, nihil pr orfus mihlpot'm stent andurn yidcba-
tur.quam yt in quo congerendo aliquanttdnma mciameMwror
diutins ad
turn eftjn eodem ctiam digercndo at que honejlnndo

hucimmorarerJpfumquedcmiot)pis excufum miBiorem .ddeo--

que emendatiorem exhibere curarem. ^c
igiturtantillo tem-

pore ad banc rem conferrepotuit men tcmdt.ts,eaomnia libentif-

fime contuli Cumque in ilkpriore cditionc Ucbr^a aliquot^ Gi\c-
\a autem nonpauca interferuijfemJUa nunc omnia ne imperitio-
rumftudia acprogreffi/s.objcuritatisfpe. iejinguarum ignoran

tia remoretur.peniti/sfiiJJuli : ipforum potius n.)tilitati^ quam

mccc Mimationi injeruicns. Nam ^tcjje res habet^ex yju ?nihi
omnia ccflinMnda atque approbanda yidcntur. Qnod^eroiam
pofiremum at que omnium adeo maximum efl (yir illujlrijsime)
rvt bos meos labores qualefcun que ^mn minores, quamillos in ge-
nus prior esj?enignit ate excipere^iy patrocinio iamfecundo tin
tariyelis^te etiam atque etiamrogo. Te dcwque(Jur/fcon[ul-
tifiime)ceternnsJndexnon Anglican:) tantum Regno ^regi^que
Mais^atiferemf^m^^fedVniuerlh quvque^er.e lun [pruden-
quam diutipme (eruet incolumem, Vale^Ro-
tly yerii fludiofis
thcr^Hiix^Maij odauo,

Tui honoris ftudiofiflTitnus



?^ The Table of the firftparc ^l
of Symboleography. tSvifc^^

ictrrril of 3ttarncp to tatic ;jro? pjomotionof^arifaae; IfT^tSirtif

Acquitancc?. aDminittraticn. <-?) ji, t^'^^tI'
Leuers of Zftmimftraiion. ^aucDfj.irmelcfrcof3[ncuma ^'^'^**<*K
05p8n?tnr.!iUJc, Sclho 650 b;flnceff. 1^0 >^i-
4^4 ^slungai^cOjnlbc^arfon. ^ -(-Hi***^'
Jn DifcljaTije of an 3tn Aduowfons. joS / r,
nuitic. 5'=o iPoireltanng. ji tw.^XiM
IPpanStturnfF. 5-- Of a Ccanncof flCoIIct>sc. J^o; Dmmclftoici. 318 /-r-t^^".
aBralSaplifr. 4^(> -^; Piolciuitio. ^09 - a " -
^f rtje farmtof aCcntficf. 7nff:. 3^^ 'SToyongcrfonnrff.
f^ f*^^

5P0: creation raoncp of an Cfaparfonagc. 331 arariantfoit payment t!)CTtf. rt..v(iff

Ofarl:. 49 x)f ap;cbojD inaCoUcDgc 57^'^*%'
IFpaDcportf. joi 35J Apparancc. v ,
Ofpattof aocbt, 4y Cfflwluaragc J54
^f rtconipcncc of JDotcci:. >^6 l?tfo;ct!;f j.Counfcll. 104 >t#^^^

i?f exhibition moncp. Vj Annuities; llntbcConimcn place, loj Q./ff

(Scnctalllk:itt)np;outfo.49^ SIponajLantat, 209 ,^c^A^
Cofaufbirmclcfff. jci 5cqtiitflncetl;crfof. 4S4 <i)fpp;8t0. %ix u^thX*^ ~^^
:fo:Iat\D8mo?g(igtO. 4*^3 j o jl-c^t^pcacf. , a8$bH/>mff^
iDf a Ifgacic 499 25argam anb falc thereof. (Ucvrt*^* /7
)f moMp anoib".
to rcpap j97 Appropriation. Ci^Trn *T p
15paa5ifl)op. iji
JDutbpUlccognifancc. 498 Pro ConTiho & uxilio

J07 )f aparfonagc. jjj ^*^^x'^2rt-

IPp an Obligor. 49? jix ^^1^^^-
>farrnt. 4'-><$ 'CobJngljtfrf. t Afl'igncmcnt. obj^f^an^
Ofarcntcljargc. 488 (0 begin aUcrbcat^j. 310 CbdefTcc 0)311 not affigne; ''o^t?:*^
^pcf an. 497 i
1 jif Jt4wVvVtY
}0f (tfntl)c0. 494 '3naIlo1ranccofDo&er.4K5 iTfglcbcana Ccntlj0. 4J* i.&7^>
JBpaCllicar. 4^; Upon conDiUon tocUimc no H^urtngniinojitic 4H ^jJ**H
botocr. :}C9Of^tauii.B. 4^^
Adminiftratlons, Carle Jl3irn)a II. jji OfaU'?rD. 4i1 ^
<rtmntflibcif8f. a^^.joi ^0H<<)fC|r. 4SI ^ ,,^,.,
^P t^K trcljb. of Cantnb. Ciiiib a pcnic. ^o
6^1 i>ntoftI):1^3mpcr. 578 Auourncmcnt. v^fr"^^
tBptlit^tcl^bif^jopjfi'o^Ue. OatoflanbD. jio vtWr^
^jj ^o;tcrwtoflit. jii IDffincD. ^Sxf -^^^^tii


tier. ^i
'tTotttaKeaneftatc. 144
Df tenant foj life.
i'ojfmtljcraffnrancc. 14^
GonJicions of Obligation;
and Kecoenifances. i?0?maKtnfiOfalcafC, 147
110 'Co iierfo^me an ejccljangc.
3y cfincD.
Coparmcnepataccrtame 148
111 Corccnfcaffe. 14?
BargaineandfaiC. pgp
SUt tSoo Dapcfl.
1 11 Co
graunt ainnuttic. 1 5

397 Co pap t>tU CofrrenBcrcuaomarplaDfi

fll^onep atiD
/^f ainnmtic. 401 $oo.i. ^'3 _ *J*
re^ Coniafecal5o5t. 15^
'93 iFoitbefarmc of &itie,
393 Dclwcruoftl)em,o?raoncp. Connfeenn cttace oflantee
"* b^> Snc. I J ?

}o6 Cormimeitl;eepfo?incncp Cematie rcpsrations^J fcn^

3H "' CC5. I s

400 (^op3pinon2p,ojhno?lcDge Co Warrant lero&jijt anp tibe

35> aaatineftaple. ^^
pa? moncp bj> a bap, 0? to Co Soarrant tl[;e (ale of a (bpp
? 99
404 pcctDtoanarrcft. 17
3Rntruftofmfc0 484 ~:.i}papmoaepfo? acbatncof
'a^ofnlepInnDsQUtctlp, M7
dDfaaxjatlit^tp. 401 golo bpon Difccni of lanbcs M9
40J To b3 ^if- ^ ^ ^ }2>caccablp to cnto? o?m 0?
405 Co yap after cuittton. iw ^^^j^^* J5
4o5 Copapmonep a:tcr rcttirns 'Cofuacrone tocmoplatiDc
from i:.no. 111. tit \)\svc^ rscoKcr cD. 160

SecAUenaiionsandLcafes. retumc,nia:tagco?Dcatb.
f ;';"'^f '"Jlf^^- ^
lanDcs bee oifc^argfD.

^CopaptbiiCjcns pacta. 124 i^i


S-oaffiiOjou. 101 Co pap a rent. Co befctiDt!;: title crianDcs


Siubbaptsof papment, anb Co^.^-.~-x>

pap njinnaitte, ar.b n:
rccoucjco anD to pap tbe

loz t'jVu'e aKepIeginre,&c.ii<5 CoQcatl;ercof. 163
SDefineb* loo Co paD mancp ri ccuico Saul; Co p.ip moncp f 3? marriaBC
3Inbctcii. 101 ai^jtnticc. '*7 iH
Co ^^eixbantie;. 102, Co LcUucc jfagottf* 2.8 CobcQUC3ti)gcDl0to6Sjjife.

:JFojmijnepleit. loi Co p(U ano feooo.mnfec f

fell i6s
101.102 Deluicr jFagot0. ^8 Cogrttbeaffctof tbeCouct
^siaititbont a penalties ICI Co Df'.iua- Colfin> 133 ofwarDscolethnDff. i5tf
iji tbc oecuparion ef tf&o
Co t^e latznz 102 3ltlflSoirt,aJmon.

jacnonncmg ^antfnarp anO )pl:c.
pjOtCttlOTJ. loi jLcnt.
Co a )^cnfc. 10 i ^3it,o:topaptnoncp. I n Co pnrc^^-ife an?)fell, i68
lol 5c>latcicn:. 13 ii^ottopurfaeanappfalc.idp

d5ptb?ectotb?se' JOl Co?ne. 136 i,5at to i.7ofctttc aap a(t;on

102 ij7 in fpitiiuall Court. 170
3i3pt5ototSt)9. 10 1 o]t3, 158 Q;opefio;fiiCiOUiiiiiiiauJ7i
loz Cocarrfecoletf; 159 CopcrfozmcanarDarD. 171
j8DffaIt 4jS CoreaIean>bltgationSz)ub ^ pccfo^me an aioarb of
afnretie. 140 Iant)0,anOtd fbefo cntocn^
Certificate. Cocaafconeto fealqanHDb- ccs. 17;
./^^Fropallaacnt, 574 itgacton. 14 r Cbatapjtcnttcefb'tlnotSDaS
60$ CovMe^fe. 14 ^tsma3erj?ooD$ 174
Thfi Tabic.

i:ff 0? a fcriitnt o? apprentice, long 04. at tlje ^cffionif, ^0 tjfcjj, a^ j

i5ot to iitfainail a fetter of Coappeareatt^eneyt^efs

2}t{turm?torcceiiisOJbtfi zo5 Copies of Comt roll.

176 Coappcaremt!;c!^.:S5eHcl)
fo^Znn\iS. 177 to? tyc peace. ^7 ^argainc enS (ale of Ccp^*
Cjperf j?mc a fetll 178 anD ifo? bc;;au(c? , anb not to rc-^ ^oio lanD /or
(timl)ixmz\zazt\)z tjitiix-- fo?toct:l;sflf0t)Qu:coS caa^ata
<ro?iboD:r (0 ^oj
to?stl;2rcof. 179 'aoappcareonajLatirat.no l^nsccnfcfficrr 617

^n to tneotle ioitt; cjcccu; (0 remrne catuilreplcmjD. ifcoffemeiu tl/crcof. -45

to?Qj(p. ^*^-^, *,^
in 3nurcobpfine '76
ii^ottoooeanp e* a3ej;rcH. d;3t
|3p?ats OjMl appcarc Cotl)c!)ufb3n6anDS<fc.6zo
to? Sitl;ouc content of atnectgaolcDcimcrte 211 3!nftrn*ions
foz inahmg
" of
cotjcccuto?. 181 I>farccosnifancefo?25?ca)3 '^^ ^
^ottofeilJLanbsbnttotlje ing
^ij-^H JFc?t&ol(ae0. 6in
cbligcefc? a fum certain:. OJ^mo^Quh Uccpcr
215 iSpamnnsnbljiB&tf?. ^il
182 OLuU.ibmcat, r?'nbc, anoo^ OdeafcbpCopir. ^28
Clj3t a mansfipifc 0)31 claim t^aneccffaric^DurinijUJe ccutl; rctnatnoer. 620
tioboxocr,bi:rrcl:arcbpcn ^'.9.-10 Cfjetcnant rcpar?tncT. ^i^
cequcd. i^^s ^olfancljiOirlfe S^j^t!; Cljeftilctbereof.
^UJtancftatctU seoD, ano ^^'.^^ il3a&ebpt^cS)nrtirpor (?i?
tbe S:(e Q;3ll clninic 't:ol'iBcrl;:s&(fcfoKif:ben Ci;cEo?dto6nDtmibcr.52*
nolDotocr. 1^4 fe'il:ii^-c?to guie ccitam
ii^ottobcfurctie. 8 J BOJOot>an;igljaiifc. 2^4 5^5
iBattoplapatOice. 18^ 'S:opa.fean account, *i>?o^ fl)fanabmittcncc(nfce. 607
'Copa^monpojfmebactnc*- chic bifci;a;se to? a ^i)C-- afrcrafrtfiire.
feiTcofaWccognifacr. 187 tifc.
"5 l^nfecbptbcao?b. 6ii
CofawcljartnclciTcofabonD. ire? erccntjng of a 115apiir tn auncient Dcmcfnc. 614.
^ *'- <^-
icVS iojckc. x'.6.xiy ^'
)fabonifo?tbcpca:e. i8>? Co rcfiflne a aknrage. i' Jntailc 5(th IRcmapnbcrs.
CoIaacba.mcUffc a tarctu CorcnriDfuiciic0, a:^ . 616
lyo COtJlurufc^,

intI)C>3ulOb^U "
ajJ-V-f Sec Surrender.
^ooifcbirg"btfl ban:0inf
lltngs 13cncb 191 Confirmation. Couenants.
Cofauv' Ijts baue barmcltU:,
anorenocr Ofan<TnntjittcinaI!o&3n:c d7efc.?aotbereof.
^iinfclfe p?tfo c8
ncrtfjr. 19^ offcoircr 4J liBtttoecnctiDoanO tbo. 58
l^ofanr liinucfcfTe of coue= ^ptl)cll>.n?op,IDcane, onD If;cticenctl)?an0tb?ee.f8
nant5 fo?tb:lalfOiirQ3jff <!ri;3p:cr. ^4? HBetfoecnc Cicccuto?;?. '59
I9^offltercgi.lIaKCC 194. ^f6-&- 45 7 Cofac iStfatateff. efo
of Debts anOtrgicies 105. lurec. 457 ,'^oOiIcbargc r]ccciito?0, ano
J96,fiomfiuteml,T?. 197 if'p tic >?tiinarie anb i?a= p?ecure lacleafe. 61
Cohccpetbepcace, nnD.-.p tron. 4^9 ^op?9fecntc fait. 61
pcaictotljc ^. Coiinccll. iI'ftl;eofF;ceoftfjfeffpcrota i'Cof;rcnb:c<iropi!)OlDl3nD.
19S par6c,bjpli:c,anbftcxa?arb. 6^
Cohscpctbepci^ce 199. nnb 4,7 'Coaching tbaffigncmcnt of
tobeofgojDabcnringioo. eicccuto?[ibtp- 64.
20S Conucyances. :Jpo?fpccOic triall, anT) quiet
j;0? apparnncc in tljc fe.bcc!^ occapalian m ineanc time,
nnb goob nbcanrg 201 . m JpotSoit^ont confcnt cf Jn f j
ibc Common ylace. zoj Ijobitantij, ^289 ^omaheaiTarance. 66
jCos'ns cmoe^soBAinftifc tl^pontvuft. '284 'CoattureiOj3tofiiMCl?3vm
f 4 ItfTc
leS^ Qtmimmme. ^i 9^.a t^at m comke tbail ^IjaJ ^fy que vfc
grant t\}<i lanos in tatle c
m\ tiU
pofe tlje pjtoets fo? cDucnti*
(^omlhT aUumm in tailc
on 0! t^ feo8o?s cljllo?fn.
68 97
V after a 6ncbnotyUDgeD.
tothcUentice. JLimltfng bfcs of fines f vc> j^8
fell bat ^ ,
cou2nca,Soitl;ncoacnant jl^ottobarojcjtinsatEbWefl
mainDcra. 269
mt to take atmantage
of to rcftraiiitljc liberty t!)ec-
of. 98 Cfjatfcoffccofnbrefbelicoe
former cocnant0,tnTml)3
7^ SLlmltuigbfcs tn tailc not to no act to frnttrate tofefl.170
otfcenD not
Co (bcS) ctti&cncctf to mam= be atfcontmncD. 9799 ^W t^c leifcc mag lop icajDSf

tamcanotfitr0intcreft. 71 Co agree topon an artion. ^5 _, ^ , ?'?

/Co ficlioer aPjlttngfl tJpon Co Do futt^ct art0. 6jCpt tfjc IclTo? tap enter ana

notice of foit. 7* Co Dim&e parts topon agrees mcifee fallo&es. 3 14

went. Ci)8t leflct a;aU not afftgne.

Co leaae 31con miltf furntl^--

CO tnBefatJ'.t of pagnicnt.75 Co ftant) botma fo^ accompa s '^

CobeftifeDtot^aJcorjcffccflf !iQ)mentcf3c. - ^o ^j? t^eleflfa to Depart. 31^
perform ingcoaenanttf. 74 Cobcarccljargejsinpjofecas
j3)fanilnOeva;entoc;cccutc ting. ^i Debt.
l^fiB office, anD to fatie tljc CocijargelanDs.
60 j^CfpitcD bpon a fafe cons
l)igl)5)icrifel)armeus.7j CofeeepeaCourt, 68 Dit 32^
Coniafeca icaCc fo? pears b? /^oneoifefojlittcSjO^tpeares.
fincof COppbolD IsnOC. 7<S S2 Dcfcafances.
Ciat tbc feoeo? bat^ Bone no Co occupic grade in common V ?3on bargame ano fale.408
art:buttbatbei0lcifcD,ano 6^ Co mabe a sLcafc acco;t
foJsjUlcentinne. 77 Coiimcli^ap. 6j bmgtoanolDleafe. z^x
il^ottofeilanDSbottoCIS. ijiiettberpartie to !)nrtotI;cr. ^im^bugation, 230
itbowtbto licence 65 JfaKecogmfance. ji
Oi^etSoecne tbc Scatter of tlje iFo;i bifcbarging of 3incuni: ^fa rentbpobtapninseftate
Court of t}acD0,anDtbera b^ances. 66 inianos. 407
itpon linerie to bee fueo. 3?o?qatctinioping. 7S.30J )faftatutaap!e.i?j.feno^a
So tiilmonepparcD. 288 IcDgcb before tijecl^iefjua
^f^^atriage.aniJlIopnture CoputcbafelanDStotljCbas ftice,?c. zj^
tobemabc* bi. 2,8 5.8. lueof,(rc. 26 j Sec Statute Staple.
87 Cofaaebatmclcffcjoi.oflei
:fHtartiage of aiding. 8^ gactes. fp Executors*
Co mafee Jiopnturr, 88 CofinDneccirnries. 424.4<5
)fmarringc,?toleuicafinf, :JFojqutct occupation, iop.66 cEe Conditions.
anbfufferarccouerie 88 )iDf|lSartncrQ)ip, 510
Copapcon^ttionallp. ^g Co reenter fo^befaolt of ilTue Executions.
Co Icab ti)c bfe of a 6ne, ano male. 68 See Couenants.
to icuie tbe lame. 9 Co Depart bpon repayment.
Colenieafine, anD tomafee 31^ Exchange.
otljcrconueiancc0tocontts Co
(lanD feifcD.77.fo; Jtefanlt 31 grant thereof, fir.r13.fi4
nuc tl;c lanDcs in Ijis fir^ of ifftjj:. Si dEfrangcs incjcc^ange. f la
name. 91 ipottotrauell^w. 6f iSDflanDs. jij
3Limittng f!)e bfc of a finglc Colcaueljis toifc Soo?tl^, f c, .

CnelenicD bp tf?eljB(banO 2z Fecfarmc.

anD 5BiEe. 92 Cljat rent ccafc bpo saidion TB
^^^oztgage. 410
C^at bpon agreement to fell, 4.4 -^iFcoffcment tljercof. 42
en eeatetball ccafc. pj Cljattlje Mo? map enter anb
Coleoiea fine bpon gr aunt
falloto. 446 FcofFemencs.
anDrcnDer. 94 aHJ^icljmapfae bfeDinleafe ^naoncientDemcfne 14^
Colejitcaenejtf.^j.tobfes 4jo ;i>f Copgiljoio lanes. Mf

iOfatccrtf. a?!? <Bxcl)tqmt. 3^6 >fatcHcrfi0tt.t9i.2p2.5oj,

3l5pe]cccBfo?if. 41 CfalSftlpleufee. 545 tcnDcr. 196 /

Jnfce 158. in fee faxmt, i2)f S,ibmie to a 2i5onDman. j^farcntcfjargCj-oy, &Uba

4o 380.J81 ^omim^ene. 304
:foj maintenance of ^ig!) ;?nCapice. ^S6 30
ionics. I'^P ^f otitis of ^9tlifemc )f a fee;^ rljkfr rent Seitl^
jJ>fftnJ^unD;tcD. mj oftl;c OFycijcqufr, jufiuc homage nnD(;rtiice. 517
Co tl;e l?irfbanD en& voite. in<<rCjlaecptrofCaftlcs Df S^rcctttec ant> ^rftepoj
*44 5C. 550 fc)lt!)fcC0, :.77
DfldriD0B:fccnt)CD, >f ([;c C'.crKc-gjrp of ilje iDfafafcconftti*.
2:56 jsy
iDflanD0purfl}afcD. 237 Pcafe,j47.of rtjc l^atiiper. j3>f ^>fcit?arD{!;ip 540. of a
iiul;al^ettci<f ^ttHrncp. 375 Corporation 541.^88. Dtt=
ajS >iQ(jrol.atton,- 5?7'354 ntiffpicalurc. 544

3:n?Lon5cn. 24* 5^^ ^fn Scribe ojlRcgtftetr.348

l2)f a il^ano? rccontrct. 240 i^f a Common 291. fo?f!;cfpe >f^ij;ticroj:n;ip. 549.3^4
ISO 294 jDftttrbartc. 293-374
dlntill inonr p be tJ^6. 260 )f aCcntlnbie,ant)amafttr iiDfCIimctftcioartifbip.
(3Jot6fC'?nenpa^mciit 2^5 ofafo?cft. ^63 fnwal^O;ip. 5*7.318
)flauDflgiucnb^te(tamnit. Ofn^orobie. 5.24 ajitbrnage. 331
140 fiDfCuflosioiuIortira. 546 ^oriifcfett^'DiU impeacl)met
Ad intcntitoiKm refcoffaiidi SDffincO. 290 ofSoaft-. '
J47.24S i>f(iBtif;arge. yu flDfaavarrcn, jyp
5ro?l)ifcl)argeof Ce)ccfl anD iPf a:farr. 361 i*)fafpcciaUmerie?ouacrle
^fiftanpsec. 289 D3Jfcilo^n;ip. 376 mamc. 395
3!n trull to tfc0. 289 )f(15(tiD0. 425
Co bfcc alterable h^ tljc fcofs sDf l^crbagc anb pannage or a Indentures.

ioh 271 parkc. J 74

)f an Jbcot 3^j. fejitl^ btc :ffo? a i^jcntice. 582.585
Gifts. lanbo. 3^3,370
!f tlje ^incorporation of a Inucntari.
115 5?fanbmatiagc. 2 y8 C&5ne, 390, bptljc Hing.
)'ga)bff. 413.424.42y. 392Dfgoob0. 6^4
4<5 jDf ii)e tuition of a Eimas Co
c;cfjibitc an 3!nttentatie.
3InfpccioIUaiIe2 56,257.'3Fe ttcltC, 3*59, bt0 :f amilte. 546
ncrall;54iD!tl; rematnbcr 370
otter. 255 )flibertittorfpatrc, 526 lointurcs*
:2)fa:fcT[9anorP?3lobgc, ^yy
Grams. 373.s89.!tt>itljtf;aDHoli;fon. 5? cotienanto, conbitton^,
3.'7 anDbfc0.
jS>f 1Jlbuo?fon.332.33j,?34. Pf manage. S'-9-33
3iUii^-3i^''>97 )fanicflnagc. ^yj Lcafes,-
35Dfan31nntiit:f. 29S.299. aDf tbe Carle SJ^artbals of*
301. 50j.;o6.jo7. 308.^09. fice ano Ijonour SoitMn- A^^'Sntnentto bfetf. 187
3io.31i.j1a. 313. 318.320. nnitic. 3y5 IRcfcrmng^Sarlcp. 43J
31i.3xa.53i.5j3. 334.33y. iDfa|2)arberf!)fp. 372 iDfai?rt^hofc. 4JS>
3?6.338. 373 iiDfcbartfrIan^0. 443
>fpartofan^nnmtic. 300 ^fa|)atron8gcc. 3^^ )fCornc. 438
ipjanannuititoufoftbclja-- )f tbe office ottl)e pipe fncc= CoaenantsofEcafcjof. 4yo
pcr,fDtneoutof tl)e]^.celi ueiHon 379 :2l3p a IDeanc ano (Canon0
lerac. 378 >faparfonagctnptttcaIaic0 4?^- ^itb tufpcnfatton of
>f a penfion in rccompcncc 3y7 21.1^8. 36
of an appropriation. 313 i^fap^cbcnb; 358. Co trie a title bp 4Eie(ttone
^f9n3mDttor(^tps^79fthc 360 fittnc 449

S^JlSi" 447 CoBeliucrpoffcffion. sH^fiCD. 48J

4I1 ISeuobet,.
537^fafecfarmc. 410
j^r a)flan5s, 4n.4i3.4iMi8.
^ttlbanU.f Cof11e.534.to a court,
Siucnbpth firft .

conuepcD in truft.t!)at l;er

(Co>:I;tbitcaisiU. H^ 419
(cU it tiot, ^fCMiarrantsofUlttnrncg. Cofindmcat. 414
" hanjano
' a?d SJponparment. 41341?
'Yii fi-iiffitnfleauofiopntnre- Letters MltTiue. ^o faunjnrujclf (Tc, 41
28f ^oMBafcuotofon. <564.68<J iRcJcale bp tljc ^ojtaag"
i,ibcrt(eromafeeicafcj9. 175 'Coall5ifl)op. 587 47
28i Co a JDeane anU Cljaptcr. Obligations.

4^o.43? :i5p tl;c Sing. J84 Offices.

to tljeol&e a5ct5ecne fnbtcri-0. 5^8 s>cc^ratints.
^tjDc acco^otns
^1a,Cjfe. *J- 3Lel-3 OflnbaittUtCn. Sl^
3Bvtheaattonanljparfon,c. gt5fene copartncrf. ^37

447 Licences. 2i5ciio>Mne lomttnants.

444-44? _
, ^,, . .,
5*7 si?fIan60DfccRDeD. 504
jLeajsjj. ^4 Cofell^lc. 557 >f MnDs pordjafeo. 509
3!ntl)eConrtofai2JiarD0.437 Cohcepcan^Ul^oufc. sjS aittJongft4. paicjji^crfif, 5<Jo

^Dfa^varren. 440 i^o^^appariell. 540 rattnciHilp.

jjlt^XJtll. "^^^ ipGjiDaDgcrjBofcojnc. s^s Coucnantfl thereof, jio
iDartantCoDcHqcvaJlcafe. Cobcggc. 5^9-5^0 . r.ifpoit.

534 Cob^we. 5T4 Scc licences.

^vartflmofattJlrn<ptom3Ue '^totoeaceaCflp. J91 pawnes.
jLcafejBf. J3** :fo;ia:rofrebo>. f47543 >facljalneol30tO<, 4^9
^o? ?:)c^vear(. 84 Cobupl^atsfcj^onDfca. 561 Df plate. 417
-ffrompcaretoycare. iji Co purcl^afc in ^ojtmame. Petition.
Legacies. fj6 ^Fo? erf (tmg q^cUooIc, J(jtf

^ixConttttoniSjCottenantfi Cobenonrcfibtnt. 553 Pi dentations.

Comalica|34i:Kc&tt!jmli: CoanSrcbJ^cacon. 590
LcttcisofAttuiney, berticfl. $^^ CoaCIj.intCJf. 594
Cobe8bfentfroml2)atUaiht igpamafterofftnljofp, 555
CoacCOtnpt. H^ 5^'* Poft mortcraiiKUitibentis. J9
ComaUeacqttitance. 530 Corctainemcn. 550 S:^^tiB toucl^iua pjclcntatt-
;:fo?fpectailDcbt. 510 (Cotcac^anbcrcft^cljnslej. jonff. 198
Corecciuecicbtflf. J30 5^4.5<^5 '<ioa|S>arfonagf. 589.IP3
'Cocnterfojnonpapmet. 519 Cofbootml^amiginincsj. J49 Coa^jcbcnD. J9J9^
529 Colicepca Caucrne. 5>-? CilaiDbprcfignation. ^oi
pcj:cclo?f. 5Z2 warrant fo^ a Un;e to elcrt Scdcvacante. J99
(BenaAll J3j a2l5.ryop. 57 ^ ^eeaiDuofejfORtf,
S^o alien lan^fl?. jjz Co tranfpojil; oaioeU. 5^; Rccognifanccs
Coouerfeclanbjtf. 5i9.\?pon ''Co&CHii(efo;ij;carcy. 61^ piDjgocD bearing. 104
tSjclt.Uctncc. 5:13 Liuerieoffeilin, Jintljc ^Emiraltie. loj
^ga^l^aioj^nnOCommiltp. iDefinco, iji ^^JcquUanccohr.or.p DHCtI;era
5i3.CntrtngtI;crofi?porttI)eBa'0 fep. 198
Co rccelttc woncp. J17 tnaDc in perfwi 25a. bpJM* :(rc;t4iU^ourciS. 1P4
!^o?&nece(fatc. jkS tcrncp. 553 efo?c fbc ilSaronjJ of tlje
Co feale an obligation, srji Marriage. Ciccljeq. 104
CorccctucpQfrcflf.jij.coflsf C<!?cCcOttion0,Conen8raf, 3!nt^cCbancerte. log
oftltJcRjcrtfe. ^z6 0raBt0ant);^opriHtc. ZDcfeafancc/i; thereof. 231
f^Ot3&cpoffc(r.529.oMan06 I^ortgage, PeSBCO, loj
' . ^

The Tabled
Co gfoc cm'l)ccc. 104 JDefineD, Joj Cfdfe tjpon DifcoBtfttuance
Ji5cfo:ca3;uGtccoft^e corns
won picas. _ 104
SLanDg ejctcnlieD
lotf 85,84
bp ^tatotc 3In confi&cvatio of Debts. 2.^7
jingle before a 3!nft. of 0 5i8 :JFcoffemeutstobfcs. 59 *
loj 2J{lismcnto{ftaiatc0, 4?^ trull to bfc389.iffurcnctf''
llanos adnrcD to fane I;arme' Stacucc btaplc. be faucD ijartneleile. 261
leffetbcreof. ^7 JDcSnco. lot :<forianto{ia[uetoceaf6. 99
:fFojttbe peace 104 :^o?Dcbt. 108 iLtmitaticntl^ercof. 17^
Co nppearc at S>effonS.io4 3:P;op. 109 iiSccouertctebfcs. 8
^ojHapmsaCaHcrnc. 104 wbereans&I)cttboiD8gnin(i ^tanD feifeD toDfes 84/ of
Keleafcs. putcifa^va, 508 HcfTeeC. 74
5f all actione, 471 ^ecDefeafance ISi fee Juie limiting bfcs. a^a.
)f 2PmerciamentS. 478 Subfidics. 26^
JDf an appcalc. 474 CsttiGcat fo? paiinent tJjercJDccIarco bj) Ccftamcnf. 177
3;n performance of auaituarb of 651 iDtncrs clnafcs touci?ing ij*
477 Surrender. , ffxr. - 841
JBpcopic. 628 ^ponconotttoii. 464 t^^oaifcfo;tjFcoffoj tn&fe to
JDeSncD. 4^6 jiDut Of court. ^2 1 maUj annuities anD icin:
)fS)o5cf. 6jo iDcSncD. 4^<^ tnits i7^- ksfcs. vJ.iSa
)frro?s. 4S1 )fntifftatcfo?nfe 45r
31navc>?ttofcHtrie. 4^0 [)f Jcafca fp> pcarcB. 465 ^ Warrants.
OiSciSoornc fcoSao, 476 .Co one in remainder 4^a 'TO pajiannuitte.
C5cncrnU. 45 1 Cooncmrciicrfion. 4''^? if 0? rcpall affcnf. 575
ail5cticf nc toint Icffd tf. 475 ^tfo?ctbc^teu?arb. 618 :foKlCftionofa215ifl;op. 571
^f comumtation of matrim. ^koiicnatian ano Copies iFo?a213uhe.
47? of Court IRoU. IDo^innr.t. fjj
JiBptbentojtgaga. 470 Tuift. Co nrrctt a fugttiiie. J78
>ftbeptacr. 4 79 pCoffcnjcnt in trnft to bfcs <^o tetmnt a lurp. 580
)fap;itroncr. 54i 89 '(Lopapmoncp, 570
[)f a Quare impedir. 47* ii^ct ffofftEt-s in truft afuc i'oHbc peace. 577
)frigbtmlanD. 465 Deatlj. 1^9 CowaUcrcpicuin. jSi
Co tenant offrefljolb, 467 3lcafcs in trud fn (Iced of 'Coti^beabagabonO. 579
Co tenant fo;t peaces. 466 totnturc. 286 Warrants ofAtturncy,
Cot^ebcnOcie. 459 j&ct:Bargainc?0aIc,3Lca= ^opitofccutc actions. f4j
Kcfcruation, fesanDbfcff. Co rcuobe 3Dminiftration.
Comahelcafcs. 84 ,
Tclbmcnts, 5^44
jS^mtofco-ittreferneb 291 ^ecaa?iiJs. Co Odiucr a Icafe. j^o
Rcfignation, Vfe?. Co nialie Icofes. 5:38
>fabeneiic1^. ^01 yl^on alienation. ^^4 CorccciucpofTciTion J41
Rcucrfion, ^ ftcr alienation, bflvgaine Co rclcafc a p^ifoner. y4a
i^ee grants. oj file n)an ccafc. 99 Co ocliucv onb rcccitic io^U
Rcuocation, S'lTtgnmcntof aIcafeto\)fco. tings. ^4
>faominftiation. - i^> ^oeicttcrisof aiitarncp.
)faicttcrofiUtturnep. j 37 Conuciane^ to bfco in ioui*
Sales, turc, ' 84 Wills and Teftaraents,
Y?2>onconbit(on. 417 SlltertBanbcreatebnc^.a?^.
IRefcrutngrcnt. 4^ 27^^74.179.180 ipcrfcctfojmestbereof, <^4i
)fatenerfion. ^p? E-wnitationofbfcc. 78 6^^.6^4'Hl
SBill of fale. 47.S Coucnant to alter anb ralfc CoDicilS bcfc;c ar.b aftct;
^ce'JI5argatneanbS)aIc bfiS. 179.280 23tiiis. 6^^.2,6^^
Statute Meichant. g^jouifofo? oifcontiwnancc of iDonbtflin SoillS rtfolttcb l?
$lnQ&lcogcbbefojeH5ailifcs bUe. 281 ejcfcuto^s. ^^t^
106 ^^ilibertiebp bfetomabe lca= 3giftopeifo?icea&ill.4H
Cwti6wtt^ereQ(i lof Up., CobinoianD/5bp5pjll. ^41
Infirumcnts added concerning Merchants af&ircs.

a man. ^^4 % procuration fc ? tccooerp of

3n obltsatton fo) ^oncp in aDcbtbepDnb^ea. 671
jIFcenclj. 66y % certificate of Dcpunttons ef
% faie o{ a fomt!) art of a ^n otltgation 'txH^iXt tl^e cons Sottneaca, laaw^ a p;ocnra<
fi\\\xtQ} 10 cli^argcD foiitbe tionanneiccb. 6-jz
Debt. 666 Ci;e ttlte cerU6cate in anoa
3P.faUofa^?)ip, ^'i^
% CcCtton of a reft ofanac t^crfojnte. 6yx
llibmof>;cl)anBC ^^o count in iFrcncl;, 667 %
conSitutton of i^ercbanttf
Smwi of crcoit. ^6i 3 l^^ocoratton bp a ;^er: of a facto; to ocaic fo; tbcm.
3(1 p^oteft. fo^ not acceptins a cUant to a Jfacto^ <568

bmof<2jccljaiiBe. e^i i^ccnenantbp a facto; tore: :$(ubflitnttonbpl)tm toil^o

SUn afTurance f o^ gooD0 in a turne ^eccijanbifes. 6^9 a p;ocuiatton IB maoe. 674
HL p;iocaration to reconer ano %
reaocaiion of a former (aba
^naKnrancelipon t|ie life of reccttie bebw. ^70 ftitmtoN. 6-pi


. :

Method and forme rcquifitc to be obferued in ma-
king of Inftruments cxtiaiudiciall,

TVhat -SjmhoUografhie is.

Ymbolafography 15 an Sttc? cunning , rigl)tlptofo;me Scft.i.
anomakftoiitten gnllruments*
Symbol apograph) if citt)cr iaDtcisU o? ertrainDidalU
S> mbolicography ErtraiuDicial,i5 tbe ffrtt part t^crof,
\x>\)i\\) 10 aitogetl}er occapitD in t^e Dsfcription of Tuct) Binltiaments,
85 conccrne matter not vet iuDiciallp in controuerffc
tBl)ub be of tluc fo3t0, r.amdp, 3nttrunicnts of agrdcmcnt^, oj
Contratt0,anD of Cedaments 0; latt Millf^.
i^ojtbceaficrbnoerftanDinglubercof, bcfo2etoe fafec in ^anDto
defcnbc tt)cm,it fecmct^ ccnuenicnt m
foinc fo;t bjicflp to perufe anu
fee Dotonett^egenerall natures of Contracts and lad ^tlls, anD of
fuc!) ^Dbtigattons m
lato, as ttjr p b:eeu tl)c lluffc oj matter (tobcreof
(uc^ 3intti;umentd are to be mane :) beginnmg U)itt) )bltgation0*


The defmition or defeript ion of Obligations ^ and

the caufes thereof,

is tt^e f econo beau, in tobicb tbe rigbf Se^. 2. of

AiI5 )bligatien tliercfoje
perfoni0fecnc:aU loljofe fubttanccconfittctt)nutintt)is,tbaC
It (^oulD make anp boof 0; ferutce our0,but to bmoe another to t5,ta

SiucjOoejOj perfojme fometbing.

thereupon an )bUgation is DefincD,tbc rigbt of a pcrfon bp tobicf)
be batb anott}er perton bound l)nto ^im,to pap tt)at be oUietb*
janD ii ftanOEt^ \x^ tbis point,tbat fom tbing be none qi ptrfojmefi
auo tl)e fame citt)er a t^mg j a perfon,aHD eitber tl)c tl)ing it felfc,o>

Snu all \^t Doctrine of ^Dbligations confiffetb eitber in making of
an S)bltgation,oj in t^e Dillolaing of tbc fame tuben it is mace*
Sr^e conttitution 02 making of an Dbligatio.n rcCet^ in t^c caufe

anomancc of making tljercof


Symb. Fad of Man. part primx

%^t fap jeame caufe (totiicl) is alfo common to all ot^er cfferts of
\ Iato)tfingtit,ttieinferiourcaufetl)ereofi0tl52a(t of man, to^icljra^
^ inDncetlj t\)t fame
tbcc giuet^ octafion of tl)e ^bUsation,tt)cn
mafeiug of Dbligations, tt)e mino ano toili of
iFoj altlioHgli to tt)0

t)ercf arifett) tl)c Dblisatton,not f o; t{)aC

man be bcrie neccCfarie,^ et f

a man iDillcttjjbut fo? rigbt ? fact grantctt) fuel) Dblisatio to arife

ano on t\}t Dtl)cr Ooe it man toil not be bouno,

Ijappcnetl) oftcn,tl)at a
neucrtbeleHc i0 bounD if l)ee commit ar;i> fuel) tl)tng bp iubitlj
ano \>tt

risl)lJ)iUl)aucl)imtobe bouncasin Obligation luitl) oifcnce0

iltgbC tl3erefojc is t^e ct)ief2tt caufc of DbUsation0,tl)c fatt of maw
t\}t remote caufe/mc qua non:tl)at t^e principal caufe, t^iiR t^c f^con*
0nu tberefoje it is f ermeD tl)e bono of rigl)t,o; laiD
if idDbligations,fome bcfimple,ano fomemirt
fimple o; finglc ;S)bligation is tbat UJbul) leancty tjpon rig^t on^
l^,tt)at is naturall rigljt,oj ciuUl rigbt onlp
cabicb fo is either natarall oj ciuill.
%J9t natacall Obligation is tbnt tpbcrebp a man id bonnD to peela
tbat enel^ tDbicb be otoetl) naturally : ano tl;at is alio calleD tt)e cigtit
of tljelato of nations.
0cinill Obligation 10 iDbereb^ a man is bouno b^ ciuill ILa^yto
render tijat tobictj be ougbt ciuillp.
mirt Obligation confiCtetl) of botl) laU)es,natnrall ano cinill.
in euerp Obligation tbe one 10 calleD tbe creDito2,o} obltgdc,tt)e 0^
tbcr tbe oebtoj oj obUgoj : anu bp oiuers otl)cr moje fpeeiall names,
accojDing to tbc funD?p fojmcs of Obligaticns ano Contract0 : as fe
fifo;anDfeofee,lefro;anDle(ree,graunto;anD grauntee, Dono; ano
ijona^jbenoo; anu bentiee,! c*
%\)C creditor is Ije to lobom an^ t^ing is Due b^ Obligation
snie Debto; Ije tbat 10 bounD.
^ncb t0 tbe DifttniXion of obligations by tbe evident ano o;igtnall
eaufe thereof
Se^.5 VJ^to \%z fact of tljnt pcrron5anDt^c pcrfon Hmfelfe,ate to be con
i\lfiDereD.2Uijefact istljc couenanto; agreement;, o;tljC offence,
onelp toap making Obligations.
tD^tct) ttpo are tbe
%\^z perf on is be Ui^ic^ eitl^er agreet^ 0? offenDet^,ani) bedoe l)im
0nD botb map be bonno eitl)er meDtatelp 01 itrntiebiatelv
ImmeDiatdp if %z tuljicl; is bounu doc agree
Liber Couenants&c.
ipet)tatel^,to^cn it tie tD^tc!) b? nature Dt^Peretl) from ^xmMt net
bp laljp, U)t)crcbp n^hv (ome bent) fjce is faineD to be all one perron,
totb contract ojoffeito, offel)icl)fojtinfsm8afesbgtl)oCetDl)U^bc /
in our pol)3er,as a Istfc, a bonDtnau, fcrnant; a fatto;, an ^ttnrne^j
0? |a?ocurato?,ej;cEetiing t\)tiv aut^o^itie

OfCeuenAnts and Agreements ,anii'a>ho mny make them,

AConenant 10 tl)econfent0ftloo; nio;e,mone felfe t|ing,tfl Se^V.^.

gtne}0; to ooe fometu^at*
%\)\$ ronfent is \)txt of t^ejn, \x\^\tM botb bp nature mar content,
ano to iD^om it 10 b^ latu permttteo to confent.
Siti all U)l)icl) bp nature can cottfcnt,cannot alfo confent bf lafe.
)i5ut nil mav confent of U)^at ^cr foener tt)cp be,tnalc o; female*
)15at age l)tnD;etl) feme, anD (ome tbe Defect of tbe bo^p^as onmb^
Me(re,Deafeneire, blinoneiTe, ano fome tljeoefeet of minD,fo tbattlje^
cannot confent.
0ge l)inC3etf) t^ofe tol)ic!) be tuitbin tt)e age of rrj. peare : S^efett
of tbe mint) tt^ofe tubtcl) be of full age.^no nature botb^toitli tt)e con^
fent cf laUi,bnt not all after one fo^tt
gnfaritg tobicb bnoerftanD not totiat ii Done,ran tl)erefc;e neither winor.

mafee )bligation,no; Coucnantjcitljer ciuil oj naturall, tobidJ map

take begtnnmg at tbeii perfons, ^rcept fuclj as be of tl)c age of Dif^
tretion, tbat is,males of tbe age of riiij. peaves, ano females of x\i*
peare0, tebtcb map couenant ano be bouno in fome cafes . as fo; ne<'
ceffarp foot),rapnacnt, fct)oolin0,in(tru(tton,f mariage,fco;a0e]ce^
s:bebiccoj Defect of tbe mino, as spaDncae,=llunacp,31Deocie,l)in^
D;etb tbe mafeing of ^agreements ano Contracts " 1^".'"'*

OfConfe'/it true orfeignedyOr indeed rr/tdin Law,

Ftl3rtbcrmo;e , tbe confent in Couenanfs,isttooloapcsconOte^ Sca.5.

reo tbe one as
: \i \% true 0; feineD , tbe otber as it \i> pure o; con^ confcnfus.
31 ^nDetffanD tbat to be a true confent , tulbicb commetb bnto tbe
fact of man,appo\ntcD bnto tbat eno, tbat bp tbe fameb^ w^^P be faiD
to confent : of tobtcb (o;t it is,almoli in all Couenants.0nD tbis true
confent isfomctimes ej^pjedeD, ano fometimes concealeo^oa ixiv

9i a ^trwe
cymb. Obligations. Couenants. part.primac

ja true confent erpjcffeii in tJjat ll)icl) is Declareu bp toojD o j dccd:

moat^,o; fljetocD bp to|itting o; meffcnger
tp tooji>,eitt)er Dttero bp
o; concealeo, is, to^cn cift tiotl) confcnt bp not
\ tte confent fccret,

Diaenting : Mbereas in tl)e mcanc time \)t niislJt i)ae IjinDjeo ttjact
^0 tbat an cicpjeffc confent is alluatesm DccD, anDafecmcon^
iFojtl)ep, betloGnelDl)om tljcrcis notljirg erpjcflpagreeDjCon
rmngt^c nature anD effcnce, toi)icb a couenanttiatl)bp!lalD, are

tnoerftooD f ecretlp to confent to tljc nature of i\)z Couenant U)l)icl; is

appointeD bp ilatu.
Fiftus con- 2El}e faincQ confent is bp 3laU) foj fonie fact , tsibcn t^e confent of
n?us, botb parties appcaretb not , antj pet in as mutt) as tlje fact is tone,
tbep are bp 3laU) botb feineo , ano Df emeD to confent, fo; tbe nature
mib reafon of tbe buanefre,tobicb is bctlueenc tl)cm botb
3na true confent U)e maUe t\)o\it luitb taJbomtoetoillconenflnt:
3nafeineD consent Vue ^^ppcn bponbim cafuallptSntbe true con*
fgnts oar toiUs coniopne bs : ^n tbc f emeo , fortune, o; ratber (Sons
p;ouiDence. 3n true confents toe begui at tije fatt of man : 3in tbe fci

of pure obligations and (^oHenants

Sca.6. A i^^ s^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ confent \b citber pure

fome Couenants
oj coni>itionall,fo
ano )bligation5
x\farre fojtbbp tbatqualitie
be purcanD fome other conuitionall.
Obligatio puia, pure )blis ation \$ tbat, tobicb is, ano batb being
fojtbtoitb^not being fufpenscD o? ftapcD toitb anpConnitien.
tKflbicb fometimc is pure finiplp, iDben tbe agreement is fucb,tbat
bp fojce of tbe iDbligation it map bp ano bp be perfojmeo tuitb eflfect:
^omeJimes pure after a certaine manner, ano tbat bp tbe aoomg to
oftimecertaine. Unto tobicb not tbe IDbligation (lububalreaDieif
maoe)but tbe performance tbereof is oeferreo*

of conditionall obligations or Csnents.

Sfft-7 A Conoitionall IDbligation is^bat tobicb is Deferrebto fome

/\tbance,tubofc U)l}olc effect reftetb in tbis, tbat if tbe Conuition
bappcn , it map be ojatone backe to tbe berp time of t^e agrccmcntt
ano be bolne i, t^m ns tbe agreement b so beenc ojigmallp pure
^ut tt bebaouetb tbe Conoition to be po Sible in beeo ano in ilaU)
otbectoife tbe agreement is boio.
Liber Promifes. Agreements. Contraifls. primus
of bare promifes,
AConfent couenant is fometime alonci fomctime toit^ caufe. c n. o ^
fote confgnt conCftetti in p^omife ano agreement.
c!nfe* fu$ fo **'
0p?oniifc is a couenant otfercD bt? one ficeb , totirl) is of none 1$" ^" "*
effect in ttje lato to pjoDuce r.n Dbligation,if tl)ere be no caufe tuljp it i*oliciiaiio.
Of bare agree ments.

A0 agreement bp fole confent,i0 a couenant confitting feit^in t^c SeCi,9

tounDgano limits ofbispleafurctljatmafect!) it : Hnn tl)erfo;e Paaum&pia-
it is calUD toitl) tg Nudum partum,tot)icb of t)i0 otonnature b?t)et|i "tum.vci pa-


proquo,H.5.fol.j4. i?o;ifaman p?omiretoOoeo;maheanptl)ing,
and no agreement being maDe tut)at \)t (l)aU baue fo? tiis labour, it is
Nudum paaum, 1 5.H.6.3 6. }f \3)\)i(\} fojt bin all naturall Dbligati
oust as recompenfing, requiting, ano otl;er bare promifes tt)itt)Otit

A Couenant 0; agreement lDt)tct)l)atl} a caufe,is termeD a Con

nothing elfc but an agreement toitt a latofull
tract, tD^ic^is
caufio;confiOeration. Doa.anD Stud.lib.2.cap.24.
caufe is a buCnes tat)i(t) being app;oueo bp laijD,maltet^ tl)e ^\}*
ligation rife bp tbe contratt,ano tt)e action tpon tt)e obligation.
2rf)ere are ttoo pjincipall beaos to be obferuei in tl)e learning of comraaum
(ontratts : tt)e one pertametl) to t^eir fubffance 0; nature,t^e ot^er to diOributio.

t^eir atiinncts 0? acciocnts.

Theffibfiance of Contrails.
fubffance of all Contracts confidetl) in confen(,astl^eirmat^ SeA.i
Tl^e Materia
& for-
ter,anr) in tbe caufe o^ bufineire,as tl}cir f oime.
f et fl)at confentlDl)ict) is common to all contracts, alfo oiHingui*
fi}ett) tt)em,anD tt)at bp t^e DiuerGtie of t^e maner of content lDl)ic^ ts
tfcD in Contracts.
i?03 confent is fometime bfeo inDeeb,ant) fomctimes feineo, as in
laU) : fo of conf ratts,f ome be true, ano f ome be feineo.

SCrucContraaSjbe Contracts bauing a true confent ojDainco to Contraflus

tbat eno ttjat tt)e Contract map be matie,anl) t^erof an ^'bligation 0;
Sffil^icbtrue confent is allnaies intcrpofeo of bot^ fioes, lulietber
it be bjieflp oj fecretlp : in fomutl) , ttiat if tt)cre be anp erroj 0? Deceit

tn t^c confent oj tbing, foj toliicb tbe contract is entreo into,t^at con*
tract is either maoe altoget^ernonejo; of none effect*
a 3 SCIic.
\ Symb; Contrads. part.prlmae

\^ srtierefoje t^c ttuc contracts be tljofc,tD^ic|j are bp mutual confent

of bot^ parties : iubicl) fonfcnt t5 tljercfoje interpofeo tljat tlie tow
\ map bee boanO tbwebp,
tracts map be,anD tbat eitber botb o; tbe one
ano from
botb of tbefetbingfi eucntbe bcgmuing.
Contraauum 315ut if pou mavUe tbe eno ano effect of contracts, tbcre is no oiffe?
cfteans, rence amongft tbem at all, but all equally, afSjuell fcineD as true con
tracts bjecD obligations,tobtcb obligations fo bjeD b;ing fo;tb actios.

Contraauum 0gaine,true contracts be oiftinguilbeD bp tljeir caufe, iubicb i^ co^

caufa cororau. mou to tbem all in 6enerall,namelp, t^at in all contracts, (ome tbins
nis, be ginen o; bone : but in fomclalju batbfct 9 oidinguifbeb tbe ba(tne0

e; caufe in certain limits, in lbicb batb fojfa^n i^t

it tmo
j^nD an act,fo long as it appearetb not lub^tber it map be referreb to
anp certain buOines tieSneo tuitbin certain limits, 0} no,is left in
common nature: as fo^ ecample,t])bcn HI gin^ 31^
generall UinD>i tbat
^monep tbat be map giue me fome tbing of bis, BBn gentrall certeis
tt}is contract is,3l giue tbat be map giue. IBut lubcn laVu batb feuereD

9 oefineD bp certam notes tdis buOnes,luberin a certain p;ice is giae

name, it map be
fo; a certain tbing,anD batb giue tberunto a peculiar
calleb buping 1 f elling.^e are not noU) to loike bacbe to tbe generall
name,^ giue tbat Bl.&.map giue.but to tbe lolueft fpecies 0; Uino tbat
is buping,fclling,i tbe nature tbcrof.But giue tbee a tbing,tbat
if 35

tbou maiett giue me a tbing of tbine,tbat act 03 bu&nrs abioetb in tbe

generall name,Bl giue,tbat tbou mapeft giue, becaufe tbe lal batb ^et
siolon no certain contract tubcrbp one tbing ( otbec tben monep) map
begiuenfo;anotber,neitbcrtruclp bp nature coulD certaine names
begiuentoaUanb6ngalarbuOncdes7fo;tbat tbep bee infinite: but
tDO)O0 0} names be infinite,ano circumHances Diuers*
^et profit ano tbe frequent bfe of certaine bufinedes, bat^b;ougbt
to pffe tbat a certaine fo^me ano name migt)t bee, ano slfo is, giuen
bnto tbem*
^ence of true contracts,rome be namei),anD fome bnnameb*
Of named Contrafis.

Sea.12. VT0meD contracts be tbofctubicbbaue a caufebplato Defined, ano

i\| tbep are calico bp certaine names.
SCbe fame alfo be termco certaine,becaufe tbep are certaine in ttieir
fo;me,certainc m tbeir number,anD b;icflp certaine \x\ tbeir name*
SScfioes tijefe.all tb^ reft are bHcectaine,ss ftaping in tbat tbeir ge
nerall appellation 0; name.
;^no u is to be bnoerftoiD of naireo Contracts, lobicb is faio in tl)e
(ulc of contratt;^;tt)at in aperfsa contract tj^ere \i no ^ Uce fo; repen^
Libcv Contracts; primus.
tancc,tl)att0, ti^at amanxannot fluaraefrom a Confrart nameu per^
fect,eit^cr partp being t)ntoiUmg,no} crcept al things be iubollp re^
Co2eD,but fame mntt altogctl;er bcc c onfamatcanD eitbec
ttjat tljc
tbe tbing c ontcaiteD be perf o;meD, 05 if ttjat cannot, in fteeo t^jcreof,
f ^e tntereS 0; Damages tbercof
iano fboogb tbofe fontraff5oncl^bcnametJ,tDbicb banc rccctttcD
botb name ano fojme of one Cinill Lalu, anD tljercbp it is to be efta^
nieD,U)befber tbep map be faioto be contracts nameoojbnnameD:
pet limt tbep not al one felfc bcginning.i^o? feme be faib to be of t^e
llatD of j]^ations,anD fome of tbe Cinill llaU)*
O/ Centrals efthe Law ofNations.
Tl^ofe Conf ratts be of tbe llalu of natios, toljicl) bane ttjeir canfe ScV. r
j 2;
bp tbe 3laiu of ii^ationsjccceiacn toitb al men,but Ijane recciaeo ContraftuJ
t^etr certaine fojnie ano certaine name from our Cinill lalD* ^ui^ gentium;

Mlbicb be tioofolD, fo; certain are maoe bp tbe tbing,anD certaine

bp con rent.
zmerilp tbere be Diners f ucb contracts tbat map be mabe bpon fome
tbing,neitber \9 tbere anr tobercm it is not nceofnll tbat confcntbe:
but tbe fame in fome mo;e, ano in fome letTe*
0s toncbtng tbofe tbat arc p^efcrrcD bp tbe tbing, tbe matter Qan^ Contra^us
Detb tbaSjtbat tljeir canfc ( that is to fop ) giuing, conQttetb in tbis '^''
point,tbat it bebconetb tbe tbing allDaics to be p;erent,anD necedari^
Ip belincreD to perfect p contract.X5ut in otber Contracts,albeit tbep
bemaoe concerning fome tbing,pet \i is not necDful tbat tbct^ing be
p}efent,bnt it map be in one place, ano tbe contract ccleb^ateb anD
perfecteD in an otbcr. ^berebp ;t bappenetb tbat tbe Contracts per^
fectcDtoitbtbetbing, anotbetbing it felfelubcrfof tbe Contract is,
tino tbeberp contract it relfe,are oftentimes calico bp one felfe name,
iDbicb is ot^ertoifc in tbe Contracts.
I^crrbencetocmapncfinercall contracts to be contracts tobmfap f^aks *

tbe tbtng being DcUuercD % accepteD, ioe arc bouno to tbe rcftitution
oftbefametbtng,bnttf tbat cannot be, tbe talueonntercft tbereof*
^bcreof tbere be tluo binDs, tbe one confidetb in loane ano leno^
tng,tbc otbcr m oifpofTtion ano gaging.
Ilcnbing is rifpecteD in tbe tbing,anD luitboat tbe tbing.
3n tbe tbing is cofiDcrcD,citbcr p p2opcr!p tberof,o; tbe tfe tbcrof.
a^bcpjopcrtpoftbetbingis tranffcrrcb in loane bpDelinerpbnio
|im lu^icb bojroteeD iX* ] wI

'ii\it\i'it of tbe tbing in comnioDation,tsapplieDt)ntot)irabnto

4 tKait^ont

N Symb. Lending. part.pritnac

Mtt^ottt tl)c t^ng t t\)z tjceping ant> tljc fccuritie t^creof,calleD

Dcpoficum,to^tc^ is a tljiKg it :t in anott)cr mans feccping , ano ti)i0

\ istermeDapleDge,ga5e,o?paUjne,
Co all lDl)tc^ iiih^ binos t^ts one t^ing ong^t to be common , tbat
tl)ep be free luit^out tjfurp anD pjice:foj if anp p;ice oj tbing be giucn
tberefo?efo2 tb^m,t^ep Degenerate into t^ie nature of otlj^c cotratts*

OfMnttiation or Lending ofthings rvkich cannot berefiored.

Sea. 14- LDane o; lenuingjMutatio, is a real centratt,lM^erebp iue fo giue

Mutuatio. a tbing conQSing in qaantitic, tbat belobicb receiuetb it, ma?
tenoec tbe fame againe to tl)e lent)cr,tn kino f nature,but not tbe feU
fame tbing in Ddeo : tijc tbing t^at is lcnt,is pjopcrl? calleo Mucnatu,
betubicb ginetb,tbc lenoer,anD be tobicb receiiietb, tbe bojroUier*
Mutuum. Bin loanetermeD Mutuum, tbe lender muQ beotonerof tbe tbing
lent,ano alfo in oeltuertng of tbe tbing, be muS conuep tbe p;opertte
tbereof bnto tbe bo;roU)er : becaufc tbings To lent are (o gtuen to be
t)feD,tbat tbev eanot be bfeOjercept tbe? be confumeo* ^no it is tbete^
fOJC calleD Mutuum, qudfi ex mco tuum fiat;Dol.5c St.li.z .ca. 28.
i5nt no otber things map be giuen in loane , but tboCe onelp tobicb
conGS in quantitie,tbat \b^ tbofe isbicb ate toont ( map be nnmb;eD,
loepeD,o2 meafureo : as mone?,co3ne,ljDine, cbeefe,leao,f c
j^no tbofe map receiue funaion ingcnerc,tbatis,onemapbe,anD
aUotruelpisbfeofo) anotber,tbat altbongb tbat tbe tbing re&o^eo
is otber tban tbat tobicb toas receiueO in fpccic infima, feu mdiuiduo.
pet in tbat,tbat a tbing of tbe fame UtnD,g(iiones,anD qaalitie is ren*
i;eD,it feemetb to be altogetber tbe fame.
B|nloanetberefo;c tbe fame quantitie ano qualitieooecaafe tbat
tbing being Diuers in indiuiduo, to be all one in genere. !^enceit is
tbat tbe fame tbings are re&o;ed tbat toe lent, not in indiuiduo, ( be*
canfe tbat gngle tbing tbat toas lent cannot be retto^eo , fo; fo mncb
a0itt8confumeDbpt]fe:o;tfitbenot confumeo, pettbepjoj^ertie
tbereof is conuepeo bnto tbe ceceiaer) but in bind ano goDOneflfe.
i^umber is attcibuteo to monep $c. 9^eafure, to co^ne^toine^ople
tc. Weigbt,to cbeefe,leaD, and fucb like of tbe fame fo)t.

Of Commodation or lending of things tvhich may he refl$red.

Scft.i 3'. y^)mmooati6n is a contratt teall,tobcrebp anp tbing iti graunfeO
Commodario. V^fceelp to be bfed of anp onctbat cu^n tbe berp felf fame tbing m
deed map berello2ed,$ nottn lieu tbereof auotbec of tbe fame kind,
as a bo^fe9abooUe,fcDoa.6cS(ud.lib.2.cap.28.

Liber Dcpoficlon. Sequeftration. primus.

Snt)e tiling lent tBcalleO Comrr.odatum , t[)elcnDer Commodans^
t|e bo;roU)et Commodatorius.
S5at Commodatum, is pjopcrlp, lul)cn a tfiing is beliaercD to an /
tre anD purpofe certatne, U)^icl) at t^e lad beinjQ^enoeo,tt ougt)t to be
retto;eD,ano not before*
iFojiftbetbingbefo DdiuereDtobc tfeD,tbat it yiott be reffojeo
to tbe Unoer to^cnfoeasr it (ball pUafe ljiu!,tt)en it i$ teroieo Praeca- Pr*"""'

OfDefoftion or leaning mth another'

DCpofition 10 a contraa reall, in iDbtcb a tbtng moneable i0 free^ Sc^.i ^.

Ip giaen to be kept, tbat tbc f elfe fame thing be retto;eo lubenfo ^^po^i^on-
toer it lljall pleaTe bim tbat To leaaetb iU Doa.^c Sr. lib. z. ca.2 S.
2Dbe tbing left i0 calleD Receptum, Commendatum, o? Dcpofitum,
t^eleaaer,'Dcponcns,tberccciuer,Dcpofirariiis,tbc Ucepcr (bereof.
aCbe nature of tbi0 Contraetts in tbefree beeping of tbc tbing left,
ano neither in tbe t)fe,no^ abnfe tbereof.
SCbiB bepping is eitber of a tbing Litigious, oj not Litigious, tbe
tiling not Litigious it pjoperlp tbat tobicb toe call Depofuum, tobicb
i0 fometimea left of fgt pnrpofe, ano fometime tb;oagb b;gent necef^
fitie,a0 in t^efe t^;ee ca(e0,of mine, a)iptD;ache,anD burning.

Of Se^ueflratian.
beeping of a tbing Litigious is calleo Scqucftratron, tobicb i0 ^^^- ^7
T^e tbercfoje oefineo tbe oepoOtion of a tbing in controuerfie*

iilbtcb \B eonuentionall o? iuDtciaU.0 oepofition conuentionall id

inaDe Initb tbe tbils of tbe parties betluecn tobom tbe controucrfte it*
%\)\t Dotb taUe tbe podedion from tbe parties m coHtrouerrie,anD
giuetb tbe fame to tbe &eque(ter,o; inoifferent man,to tbeno be mtnf
Dcliuer tbe fame to bim tbot reconeretb it, ercept percbaunce it be tx*
p;e0p fo agrecD,tbat tbe ^cqucQcr Qjall onlp Detcine i not poUefle it.
0inDictaU Sequeftrationismaoebp tbe aatbo;itte of a competent
$pagiffrat,enen againd t\it luill of botb,o} of tbe one of tbe parties.
HEbis taUetb not atuap tbe podefTion, but becaufe it ts doubtfulUit
leauetb it in f ufpence, bntiU tbe parties be eitber frienoly agreeo con^
cerning tbe fuit, o; it be Declareo bp tuDgement , U)l)o is ano ougbt to
^cqueltration iubictall ougbt not to be made , but tpon b;gent
canfes^as to auoio figbtu^g no b;icn(b<)f peace,9.. o? if tbe oeSruai^
onoft^et^ing Litigious bcfeareo, e;tl;c pat tie furpcrteo to become
jj.ymi). Pledges. partprimar

fugittae 0) infotficicnf ,o?^if ttiere be an^ otticrtJangcr in wlap : ICuf

Depoationof ttjings moucabU onclp, ano fequcftratton map be of
\ tilings trnmoueabte*

^tCt.x S. A pictigc ifi tafeen fometimes generally, ants fomctimt fpectallp,

Pignils, ifjlano bott) of tt}em arc fometime of tbe coucnant, ano fomctimciJ
of tl)et!)tng tul)tcb comrnett) into tt)ecoenant,Doft.&Sc.li.2.ca.2 8
Pignus gencrallv tafecn,ts a couenant bpto^ic^ rigbt ts appointed
to tbc crcDitoj in tt}c things of another nian,t^at W
Debt in bint map
befo mucb tt)e CurenlDbub berprigbt is not felDomccaUeb apieoge
fo tbat a plcDge map be of c coaenant,o; of tbe rigbt of a tbmg,anD
b;ieflp of tlje tbing m
tJ3bb tbat rigbt i appointee.
i^no a pleDgc is either p;oper 02 improper : 0n improper pUoge (6
Hypotheca. faUeo Hypotlicca,li3bub isofatl)ing notDcliuereo,Ujbtcbi5maDe
ana perfecteb bp couenant onelp, 06 in flaufes of Diftrelle, claafe of
noininaepcnie,(totl)0r penalties foj not performing of conenatofc
3Bt is citber erpjeffco 02 implieo.
CijpjeffeD is tUat,tube it \b erpjcflp agrab, of iubat f bing it (boalD
be,as a clauf e of Diftrede f 02 rent ttiarge.
ano t!)is is altoapes bp crp2e(Ie confcnt of tbe parties onelp
:antmp2opcrplcDgeimjpliEti,tstl3at lut-icbts inoucebbpt^eJLaUi
alone,pet bp fome occaOon tberennto giuen bp f ome act of ma, tebicb
is not p2innpaUp,nnD bp tbe tnill of man appointed to maitea plebge:
Done,tbe man ooing it is p^efn^
alttiougi) tbat bp tt}at tbing ijobtcb is
nieotoagreetotbepleDge:as tob^ngooos be b20ugbtintoanotber
mans lano^liable to tbc Di(tre(re of a ftranger,fo2 rent 02 otber mone^
able tbings bound bp tl)e operation of ilato.
pledge fo termed fpeciaUp,is a pledge delincred to t^e creditor
fometimes bp tbe debto2> and fometimes bp a ^agittrat*

Of T* ledges neceffary, orvolunturie,

Sc&,i$i A ^^ t^^r^fo^c a pjledge is eitber ncceflariejo; bolnntaric 02 con^

necetfarte pledge is tliiaf to^icli in receined bp compInGne antbo^
pledge bolnntarie 02 connenttonall,is a pledge belinered bp tbe
couenant of botb parties* '^
pledge iB enec of t^e debt020olim t|iing0>namelp of Tac^ as m^t
fee bongbt and told
Liber Contrads. Buying and Selling, primus
i?o} t^e gaging of t^e goJDfi oFanot!)cr man is Uoio,(f it be not luit^
tt)e iDill ano confent of t^e oluner ttjereof.
0nD a pleDge msp be patoneo to anot^ei::,pet fubiect to tl)e fittt con

5itlon,f02 prior tempore eft potior iure. ^

ifraitjs ano things groUjing map be plcHgeD

Offledges generaltaKdfpecialL
a pUDge map either be genecal^Uibicb is of all a man0 go)O0> SeA.20^
D; fpcciaUjto^icb /0 of fomc part of t^cm onelp
<3hd all tbe rigbt of pleogcs 0? gnges,conQttetl) in tbe fecuritpanD


SVc^ be tbe Contracts bp tbe llato of nations lubicb are perfected Sel.2 1.
toitb tbe tbing. SEbofe iDbicb are petfcaco bv conUnt do f oUoi]).
0nD Obligations accruing of tbefe are faio to bee contracteobp
confent, not becauf e t^efe alone baue confent in tt)em, but fo; tbat to
tbeir p;otection,tljc pjefence of t^e tl)iiig U)l}crof tl}c contract 10 maoe
10 not DelfreD,no^ Idojos no;lettet 0, but f ole content (ufficctb^ lobict)
pet manp times is interpofeo Uiitb t^c tbing,anD bp tbe accede tljere^
f^creupon contract0 bp confent are oedneo, Cotracts baaing canfe
ttii0 eno ano intent, tbat a buQnede certaine
placeD in fole confent^to
map be none*
0notberecontratt0bp confent are partlp in tbe tbing^anopartlp
about tbe tbing.
Bn tbe tbins,namclp eitber of tbe p2opertie, 0; of tbe bfe tljcreof
j^bont tbe tbing,a0 of communication o; fact.

of buying and felling.

CiOntracts of pjopcrtic,arebuping 05 felling :)fbfe,are letting, Sea.2 2.
tabingjo; biding : ^f communion,focietie : iaDf fact, is commmv
0nDbuping anD fellig,Emptio,vcnditio,is a contract bp confent p^nptio.
Of tbe bauing of a tbing,bp o> fo; a ccrtaine pjice Ycniiiu?^

Bin tobicb be Ib^t mufi Dcliuer tbe tbing \& namsDibe feller,anD bee
tbat ougbt to pap tbe p;tce tbereof,tbe buper*.
SUbefQbaance of tbis contract confi(ttb intb^ tbinsfolOp ano in


Symb. Things fold. Letting or hiring, part.prim

JVhat things may befold.
Sea.2 2.
A lLltlnngstrsapbgbougt)tanDfoltiU}l)crcofainantt!ap^aaep?o^
x\pertte o; oUinerftitp, a0 tio^fe, kine, (c. co;ne grotoing lipon tt)e

011 g(Dd0,ci)attcl5 immoueabl0,bont)men,anD otljec things not be^
tng bp latu p$ot)tbitcD (a6 ftolne g(D05,t}o;res, in ^cotUno freemen
<airo a man cannot bu^ t}i5 olune gcoos*

Prctiom. ^Lbc p?tcc in buping ano felling is monep.

5ro^ one tbing giuen fo? anotber,i0 not p2tce, neitber if it fo bap'
Prcmutatio. pen,i0 it buping ano felling,but ercbanging.Permutacio.
Cbe p;ice is certaine iDlien it i0eitbsr erpjeffeo ir^ tbebargatne,
botD mucb a i0)O9 ougbt to be : o; if not certainly ei:p;e(teD, yet fome
relation 10 matie to fome tbitig, lob^rebp H map be maoe certaine* 0s
if tbe ^enoo; faitb^b^ felletb it fo; fo mucb a0 bee bougbt it, 02 fo; (a

mucb a0 BE^*fl]aU arbitrate : B^t \b certaine enougb till 5I* ^baue oe^
meo to declare tbe certainep;icc thereof, 14.H.8. 1 p.

ofpayment and deliuerie of thingsfold.

Scft.t4. T^^^epapmcnt of tbe moncp I deliuerie of tbe tbingfolo areeff^tti
X of buping f fclUng,but not tbe t)crie fubftance tberof, 14.H.8.1
fo; buping ano felling 10 pcrfetteo, b^ tbe certaine appointing of tbe
tbingtobefolD,anDtbetarattonoftbep;icetbereof,tDitb tbe mutu>
allconfentof tbe bupcr ano feller , lubicb confent in ano about one
felfe fame tbing luo;ketb all*

of kiting or hiring,
Sci^.2/. T <l^tting and biring,Locatio, conduaio, 10 a contract bp confent of
l^tliemaHing c; bltng of fome tbing fo; a certaine rent, bite, 0;
l^e tobicb lettetb>leffetb,o; fettetb anp tbing to be made 0; bfeo, i
called p;operlp Locator,tbe leffo; 0; letto; : ]^e tu^icb tabett) 0; biretb
itjConduaor.tbclellee o;birer*
^letting and taking is eitbcr of a tbing, 0; of tbe diligence of man
0nd all tbing0 iDbtcb map be bougbt and fold, mapalfo beletten
ercept fucb onelp a0 confume bp bfe,a0 co;ne, luine,ople,monep,ano
fncb like, U)|)ic^ map not be letten : but bcufe0, and land, and quieke
beaa0,a0 ttjeepe 1 open Iw^icb bp nature peeld increafe,map be letten
STbe letting 0; biting of a man0 labour, 10 a0 it toere tbe bfe of a
man in tbe making o;domgof fomet^ing,^0 in t^e making of an
Libel* Societic, primus
i)oare,a clocfee, a satmenf, tn ooing of a tia^eis tt)o;&c bp a laborer c*
)j t^etjfe flf fln^oof0,of lanD5 1 c.fo? Ufe,peer0,o; at toill fojcertaine

OfSociettf, CommHnion.or VelUrvihif,

S^cietp 10 a centra^ bp eonfcnt about a tl}ing to be ^ao an^ tfeo m ScA.2 ^.

common on botl) QDe$* Sodetas.

S3nD t^e focietic 02 communion of things map Ijappgn betluecne

manpofoiuers caufe0,oflDl)ict),ttoobemoilp;incipaU:)ne bpiic*
reoitarp Difcents o; erecoto;n)ip: as lanos oifr cno to ^cire 0;

copartners, o? lMl)en a man mafeetf) oiucrs crccnto?s, c; aDminillra*

tion (5 comraitteD to Diuers.2:t)c ott)er,Vut)en a tl)mg is purcl)afeo,o;
gotten bp Dtucrs, bp gift 0? Ugacic,o? fome ottjcr fuct) (ingle title.
515at t^at ontlp is pjopetlp calleD S>oc(cti0, 1dI)!c|) bp mutuall con'
rent is appUeO to t^at enfi , t^at tljcre map be partnerOiip oj felloUj^
d^ip amongll tl)e perfons contracting : U)l)ercin fo rone astl)epare
fHllp ai(eeD, one is p^operlp calico tbe ott^crs fclloiu.

0nD tbe fame m

tte gcoos ano tl)ings of al tt;e compant^

ons , 0? of one, 0; fome of tl)cm onclp , ano in tt)e labour to be Dene

bptbem all, one, 0; fome of tbem, about fuel) goooso; tilings, ano
againe,in communicating of gaine ano lolTe after tl)e putting of fuc^
tbings in felloiDtbtp} 0; barter, ano perfourming of tlje labour tbere^
00 in focietie are regarceo i^,t gooDs 0; things of Ivbtcb tbe com^
mnnion is maHc ano tlie oiligcnce ano labour to be implopcD in ano

about t^tm.ant) tbc Damage 0; p;oat ttit}ict) of tt}em botb^o^bp tbe oc^
caDon of tt)em, o? tbe fame Tocieue contracteD, map groto 0; arife*
0nott)eU)bolc Dotbconnain negotiation: as in buping , felling,
traffique,o; mercbanoije.

a. Societie genertiUorf^ecialL

S^cietie in refpect of gooos, \% eitbcr generall 0; fpcciall.

agenerall&ocietieofgooos, is of all gooos : lubicb contrart Sca.27.
batb tbis one tbing peculiar bnto it fclfctbat fo foone as tbc partners
are agrees tbereupon, all tbetr gooos are bp laU) common,in p^oper^
tpanobletoeacbano euerpof tbem, tuitbout Deliuerp of anppart
thereof to caafe a p^opertie.
^ fpeciall focietie of gooos> is of c^rtatne gooos onlp, ano tl}e fame
Svmb. Gaines and Damages. part.pnma
to & bought:;; of feme
either one t^ing onelp,a of an Wit,oxt,%c*
certainefeinoofmerclianoi^eiJjO} iparei5,o;o(i)crtMnsg,aB cojnc,
againe, tl)cgcnerall focictieofgootiswfoof all, t^af it ertentittfj
te all tljings of ttjc partner 03 fellotos^^ut in t\)t fpeciall focictie of

gooD0, it tna^ be tW t^ionc onl^ conferrct^ tljc gooti0,anD t^e ot^ec

no gooi3S,but beaotjpetl} onel^ t)iB labour ano oiligence,\o^ic^ t^en i&

iro? labour is oftentimcg of as gojD regaro a0 ttionp,PEa ano f owe*
times mucb better, tjobtcb caufetbjtbat cuen tbe poo?e being inouttri^
oug,map Ijciuc feUotoOjip toitl> tbe riclj

l^beref o?e in general focietie of gooDs,tbe one of p partnem (ome

times ^alDetb moje gooi>s,t tbc otbcr leffe,tt)e iant lubcrof is intcn*
sen to be fupplieD b^ tbc otber parties labour ano Diligence, al tobic^
Depeuoetb bpon tbc agreement ano toill of tbe parties tt)(reunto*

Ofgaines anii ^Damages.

^^"^ ^^ ^^^* ^W^ rcmainct!) Damages anir^ence5

S a 28 *
C^ toljcn all

^^ ^^"^ ^^^ pjiucipall 0? gooDs put in barter, are ocouaeo.

Damnum. J^amage is tbat iBbicI) iDantctb toben tbc crpences arc i^alsne
from tbe pjinctpall,oj things put in barter n fellotoftip
of Commdndemcnt 6r (^ommiffion.

ACommauni^ement oj Commiftion, Mandatum, is a confra(t,b^

eonfent to ooe fometljing gratis o; freely*
!^e lubicb commaunDctlj is callcD Mandans,o; Mandator, be tobicb
is commaunDeD may be calkD Mandatarius.
Commaunoements o; Commiffions Doe pjoperl^ red in tbe DeeD,
ano notintbe tbing , albeit tbe tbing Doc fometimcs cometmto tbc
^nD tbat f att commaunoeD \$ eitber in inDgement,o; out of tuDge^
;a Mandate o; commaunDement tberefo^e is eitber toucbing tome
controuerfie,o; tbe Doing of fome otber buttneffes*
^nnener^ commaunDement is generall o^fpecialUjSnD V^t%z\\t>
tall eitber toitb free aDminiCtration,o2 toitbout it.

0nD tbe otber perf on Co commaunoeD map be termeD an 0tturne^,

^joctoj, g?ocarato?, ^fetoarb, 3il3ailifc, iFacto?, ;uerfecr, oj 0o*
Liber Contra<as. prinaMs
u^rnour of ot^er mtns huUnttits*
fo} an attarnep is \)t ^Wi) aDmintllret^, oj m\) another mans
bnnneflTe b^ t^e comnianoement of tljt oioner t^ettot
3ftt)cpartiecommaunBeD ^aueanp t^ingfo; twpaincitw not
tl)cnp?operlpcQmmanDcmnt,but location anDcontiurtton.
sn^efe manoatfljie contractg arc oeterminED bp Dcatl) oj 1]dUI> of ei*
3^ tseatb naturalU
315ptljetoill of ttje parties, asif citlier f^c Cemmaunoo? reuofec
bis mandate : o; t^e partie commauntieD renounce anorefnfe to cp

OfCotra5is named of the Quill Law

of Stimulation.

StScb are Contracts namco of tbe JLatu of natious , STbofe folloto

tobicbarcoftljc ciuilUlaiu, tof)"^ contracts are eitljermaoe bp ^
Stipulation is a contract maoe bp tuojoes ondp,bp an 3ntcrroga=
tiono?queflion p;occeDing, ano a et anftocre to t^c fame following,
fo) t^e ftiuing oj Doing of fome ttjing 03 buGnclIe : as, giuctt tijou i 31
giue : tiDilt t^on Doe t^is i B! toill : tu^icb i^ no binoing contract in our
^ato,if nola1(ufnUconl{Deration p;oceeDe, but Nudum paaum^ of

of Contra^s by rvriting*

T!^{ofbercontrartofCiuill3latoismaocbptu2iting, ast^efoj^
^ ^
mcr is maoe bp U)o;ds. 2nD ttjat ratbcr fo; tlje Declaration auD' ^ ^ ''

p;(Dfe of tt}e contract before maDe,tl)an fo; tt)e eHentiall making of

t^e Came*
i?o?a U);itten i5onD,is a contract loliercbp anp man confclTetl)
bimfclfe bpbtsU);iting o^oerlp maDe,rcaUD, anD DeliuereD, to oloe
anv tiling bnto^im luUl) lubom l)c fo contraitctlj.
jauD if tl)c Due bcf0;c tt)e making of f acb to?tting, (|jcn
tt)ing luere
fucb Duetie, loben fucb tutting is fo maDc,is Due botl) bp t^e caufe fo;
febiclj it became fofirftDue,anDbp fuel) iu?iting, tobercinitis foDe*
CiriUeD : bp tbt firft naturally, bp tljis cinUlp> 0nD if it iDcrc not Dtse
l9efo;e;>tt)enitlJDasnotDonecinUlp, bpbertueof tl^e U>;itiHg^ onelp*
5ymb; Cofitrads. part.primac

i^euert^clcffe it is to be noteD^tfeat hv accepting Df lujiting of a pae

ceDeut ContcattjO? of anp part t^erco'f of tl)c partie, 11)8 Contract pje*
ceuenti0altogeU}er 0etermineDt^erebp,5.!^4* ^7* 2 9^.Sbatnot
ifattranger be bounD,^p.iJ.8.fo2 no contract can bceappojtioneOo?

?bUgatton5 anD Contracts Doe not fo;tbtoitb fpjing of all Uind of

tojitings mutuant giocn bp tlje parties, fo? fome are mace onelp foj
tbe f ellimonie 02 nicmojp of tbtngs Done,to tbe cno to pjeterue cbem,
ano totn creoit tnto tl)em,bQt not to tbe eno to procreate o; b^eeo an^
bono 0; contract,as tiitto^ies^pjluate inaento;te0,p2tuate notes of rc^
memb2ance,f ertificatcs f c.
IBwt it Bl .0.b^!)is to;iting Duelp fealeD anb DeliuereD confede btnt'
felfc to o\i3e to %*0* tX* tbe pjojfc tljat fje mane tbc fame bono, ma*

lietb btm Debtor of fo mucbjalbeit tbere luas neuer an^ otbec contract
thereof bcitoeene t!)em,bnt fucb touting onelp : neither is it neccffa
rietl)attl)ecrfDito) p;oue an? mojj, but onelpt^e oeliucrieof luc^
bonus 02 U};itings ttiereof.

Of namelcjfe Conlra^s,

Scft. 3 2. A #0 true Contracts namei>,bc of f uclj fojt x befioes tobicb aU t^e

jr\reftbebnnameD,iMl)icb be true Contract9, bauingnocirtaine
namebptbeCiuillilalu, ano pet containing in tljem a ciuiU bufi"
nede, tul)Qrefo}meiS9eneraU,notDefineD U)itt)in anp certaine \v
)f tobic^ ro2t be all tbofe contract, of iDbicl) it is cither ooubtfuU,
e^elfc cectainetbattljep can bee referreo to no CirnU Contract na<
Ctuill bnfinelle is, if an]? tbing be to bee ginen 0; Done fo; fome
^ftbefebnnameD Contracts tbere be tu.10 ltinDS,tbeonemap be
termeD a Contract b^ion ibe caufe o; permutation*
^Contract bpon tbe caure,ts a contract bnnameD.mabe bp content

toboUp fo? fome lalnfuU confiDeration, toben feme tbing ougbt to bee
giuen 02 Done,o; not to be gtuen 02 done, as a(f umption ano oatbes*
^(Tumption is maoe fo; tbe molt part \x^ii\i fucb U)o;Des as 3B gioe
tbee tbat,tbat tl^ou giue 03 do tbat : 0; gl Do tbis tbat tboo llialt giue 0}
Dotbat, i[0if3D.&.receiueof^.2r>an bo;fe o;anp otbettbing,anD
p;omirein congDeratton tbereof, ettbcr to Deliuertbe bo;re founD
againe> 0; fo;tie (billings :o; if 3|.^. giue ^*E^ ten (biUings,tni
Liber Exchange. primus
conitDeraticn tW lefl^al gtue l)tm Tome otfier tt}WSy o; rm (om act foj
2:^efe contracts inrefpect of t^e fumme certain erpacireD,refcmble
tljecontractofbapingano felling: anDinrefpectoflabo?tobetaben
about t^e noing of t^e fact,t^ep counterfeit ilocation,anu conouctioti
bp reafon of t^e iDa&es : U)t}icb if it luere not fet DoU3n,t^e^ IdouId re^
p;efentcommannDement0,tu^icl) nenerttjeleUe fuU^ tumpe not loit^
an? of tt}ofe t^jee contracts named , neither nia^t^epctjj[)tlsc|al^
iengeanp of tf)eic names*

OfPermutation or Exchange,

PErmutatio.pecmutation is a namelefTe contract,conCflfing in t^c q ^ -

tbing anD confent, bp tobicb one certaine ttiing is giuen ano zt*
cbangeDfo?anotber,as an Dre fo? an ^ojfe, oj bjcao fo;flefl&ic.
lobicl) name of )3ermutation, alt^ougb it feeme 6t fo} tbis buftnelTe
petitidrigbtlptermeDa nameleffe contract in llaU) : i?o; albeit it
counterfeit bnping ano felling Derp neei c, fo; tbat ettbec tbing giuen
in ercbange refemble botb tbe luaces ano tbe p^ice, ^et becauCe it can^
not bee DifcerneD tberebp Isbetber i$ tbe buper, ano Isbetljer tb)
feller^it cannot bfurpe tbat title.
0nd fo tbofe contracts of tbe Care,0irumpt(on>anD \permutation,
be tb^tsfo;e faio to bee nameles, becanfe tbeir appellations o) namea
bee fo generall , tt)at no one nameD contract is able to comp;ebeno
tbem,petisti)ebnotDlebgeti}ereoflDonDerfaU neceSariefo; t\)t a^ft
framing of 5in(lrnments*

Of improper Contracls.
T\k\xt 0} p;ieper contracts are f o oefcribeb : contracts improper o;
feineb fccceeD*
contract bnpjoper, \& a contract mabe bp a confent feincD bp tbe Scl.54^
latUjfo; fomc Deeo bappcning in tbe fame, tbat is to fap, in tbe lobicb
tbere is no manifeS certaintie of botb parties confent : but pet acco3
bing to x\^t reafon ano nature cf tbe bufmcS) a confent is bp latu fei^
neo to come on botb Hoes, as tbe abminiQration of anotbers buGines
luitbont requc(!,f garoenfbip^tbe communion of tbings, as amongH
3Sointenants,:oparcenecs,tenants in common, ioint e):ecuto;s, ano
tointaDmim{trato;s,ioint legataries o; Donees, bp payment of tbat
iubicbisnotoue, tbe receiuec isbounoto maftereffitntion^anb be<*

tetning of goios m U)l)ict) anotl)er batb pjopertie*

B Of

Symb. Contrads. partprimac

Of^ontra^s mediate und mmediate,
'^l^jre be aUo Contracf of t^c fact : anu a fact clcauetlj f tl;c pec^
<: A
2 ^
j^ fon,anD is in it,fiomVD!)tct) it is ngnci: fcparateu : bnt W)t rigbt
iubic^ refembUtt) ano arifctl) of tijc fact of tl)c contract,namcly tl)e ob
mnDe tbc contract
ligatiuujttiap be gotten to anotbet tban biw tbat
0m3 fomefime it commctb to parfc,t$)at cncnianbargamet!}, anD
anotbcr man obtninetij tbeS^bligationjtBbctbci* tbat ot!)er be bonno,
0; anotber by tbe fame contract be bounD to t}tnt<
an )bligation bp contract is gotten eitbermeDiatclpejimmebi'
mans otonc pjoper contract
3mniei5iatel^,bp a
^eDiatclp.to^ere tbe contract is maDe bp snctber, as a Contract
maDe bp tbetuife toub berbufbanDs commanDement, confent, o;af
fcnt,2oH6.2i.27.H.8.fol.25.cii.H.7.fol.4o. i4.H.7.i.R.4.o;bpa
5i5ailw fenovone, 27. AfT.pl. y. 0; bp bis fcruant,i?acto;,o; attournep,
8.E.4.foi.i J, 22.Ed4.fol.6.

Of the aditmSls of Centrals.

Sca.3(J. \ baue bitberto fpofeen of tbofc things tobicb pertaincto

V7\VJ^^ tbe conftitution of tbc beric fubftance of Contracts : tbeir
abinmts foUoto.
)f bubicb aciuncts feme be tntecncanb fome crtetne.
^ tobicb^ fome bee Contracts bon^c fidci, otbers be ({v\Ci\ iurij
SDbofe be contracts bonae fidci, by tobicb tbat is perfojmctJ tobicb fee*
ictb equall ano gooD,altbougb it toas not once tbovgbt of b^ anp cf
tbe parties at tbe making of tbe contract.
^f tobicb fo^t bee accommooation, oifpoCf ton, pleDges, buying,
commaanDcment , permutation, af
felUng,letting, biting, focietie,
fnmptions,anD otber contracts bpon tbe cafe, gart>enfljips,toing of
otber bnCneffes, communion of tbinos bcrctiilarie, anD all otbet

Contracts of tbe ftrict lato,are tbofe by tobicb tbat onely is perfo;^
fojmeDjtobicb is erpjefiy couenanteD.
Df tobicb hitib be leniing^anD all otber befices fbofe aboue mentis
oneo,3n tbefe tbe rigo? of tbe ilaVu, in tbofe equitic rnlctb. &unii;ie
otber Contracts tbere bee of tbisMnc, tobicb to auoiDteoioufnefle Bl
C^rterne abiuncts be tbofe,tobicb arc fo iw tbe contract, ^ tbcp mag
aUo be abfent from it : bnt init onlj? tbcn,toben it is fo couenateo*

ifo; but tl;at it is fo coucnantcD^tbeytooulo eitber altogetbemot

Libcr Contn&s. primus
be t^(rem,o) if tljep lucre ifjcrcin, it l^oulD be bp t^e onel^ autljojittc
8nD t^ifpoHtion of tfie laUi.
S>ttittt ertccns aoiuncf 0,fomc map be aniopned to euerp contrart
tofjic^ arc calico conimon,i fomepjopcr to certaine contracts onlp.

Common crtcrnc aomnt0, be copenants, acccaiong, ano oelaies

awncreo to Contracts
;)f aDiunct0,rome aODe fome things bnto tl)e contrattfi,fome taUe

jaoinn(t0tol)tclf atoc fome tbintjto fontract0,are penalties, txjar^
ranttesyo; etber fecurttics^
^oiancts taking from contracts > be fncb as Diminifb tbe pnce a^
jgreso bpon in t^t beginning.
Of Accejpons to(^0ntraffs.
ACceCtionSjAcccfTisncs contraauu, to contracts be tbofe things ^^"' ^'^'

lEljtcb be rcqniretJ bcCnc tlje p;incipal tbmgs tbemfelues,to!)er^

of tlje contract is mauc : 0s all coUs ano Damages , fruits groljDuig
bpoccafiou tbctcof, >; limitation of circumftances of time, place,
perfon,fcto perfo;mc contracts.
Of delay es.
DClap (Mora) is lingring 03 p jolonging of tl)C performance ScCl.j 8/
of Contract8,U)l)icl) bappenetb bp tbe flatUncffe eitlier of tbe ere?
^uc^ mo:e migbt banc bcene faio of tbofe contracts anD offences,
of tDbtcb Dbltgations fp^ing anD arile, all lDt}icb Ine U)iUinglp bane
omittcD, asnotmocbneccffariefo?onrp2efentpiirpofe. ^ntbisoif?
canrfc of contracts ncccffaril^ (as toe tbinhe^Uje are in like maner to
intreat b;icfip of ettatcs,pore{fions,anD p;operties,bp tDl)icb,tbings
are coniopneD bnto pcrfons*
Of SJiates and properties vmHerfall.arjdfceJirKple.
dominium, propnctas, is tljat rigbt anD potocr Se^.55?;.
effate, Status,
U)bercbptucbauetbep;opectiee; pcdclTion of things : tbat is,
tobercbp loe be oioners 0; podcdo^s tbcreof.
jail Cltafcs be eitbcr bniucrfall ej particuler:0n bniuerfall effate

\i an cffatc in fee fimple, iDljicb is, htljcn a mm

batb lanes 0; otber
tbings inberitable , to Ijim anD Wbeircs for cuer , fo tbat tberebp it
is perfcalp b^Jf otrne : anD tbetefojc \sz call it bniuerfall, becaufe it
of particnicr fiates,and ofFee taile,

A Radicular Cftate is enetp cffate tobicb is not fo bninerfal, anD Sed.40,

mapaUo belaiDtobeof ttoo forts, ttiat is a particular eltate of
515 z int)eri
Symb. Eftates. part.primx
tn^0ritance,attti ofa ferme*
parttcnler eSate of inheritance , id an cffate taile, o; limitteO)

tt)at i6an (date erp^eding in cectaine , ioWt idne , ano ef to^at itt
fi^allin^erite, ano it i0 generall o; fpccialU
generall edatetaile o;limitteD, iBtu^entbeeSatelimitteDcr'
p^elTet^ not betiDo^n tobom tt)e ifTue intieritable muft be ingenDereo:
hs if tbe gift o; conactance be to a man,f t^e beire o; betrcs male0,o2
betrs females of bis boDte latofuU^ begotten,not naming bpon lo^at
U)onian:); to a iDoman ano to tbe lieire o^ beires male0,o2beire0 fe^
males of bee boole blufullp begotte, not naming tbe man,b|? Inbom
it n?oulD be begotten, in iobtcb cafe, euerp beire of tbetr booies lalD^
fullp begotten mapinberite, bp lubatUiife o^bufbanDfoeuer. D;
(bo^tlp tbu5 : 0n eSate in genecall tatle is , bg Ui^icl) any iCTne of t^e

Donees boDie latuf ullp begotten map inberite*

0n eSate tatle fpeciall ts,\uben tt is certainelp fet Dolune betUieen
lobom tbe ifTue inbetitableHjalbe ingenD;eo. ^notbis fpeciall ettate
taile is eitber erpjeflfeD o; implpeo. 0n eQate in fpeciall tatle erpief^
fcD is,tubere it UmittcD lubat iffue of tbe Donee (ball inbe
is fpcci \\[v
rite*0n eSate in fpectal taile implpeD i0,U)bere it is not erp^effeD fpe^
ctall]^ iDbat idues of t^e Donees dial inberite : as bp gift in fcanHmo^

riage, lu^ict) is, tobere a man giuetb lanDs iDitb bis E>angbter,o; o*
tbec kinfelnoman , to an otber in frankmariage, U)t)tcb U)(CD franks
tnariage amountetb to afmucb* as if be baD CaiD to tbe Donees ano t\)e
lieires of tbetr ttoo boDies lalofuUp begotten. Lice Sea. 1 7. as if tbe
conueiance luere maDe to a man anD a looman.anD tbe Metres of tbeir
ttDoboDies lalufullp begotten: 0; to a man anDtbetltueii)bicbf}efl[)al
beget bpon ttje booie of SL,W* i^oto map no ilTae tahe anp benc6t bp
t^at conaepance, but fucb onelp as are bettoeene t}^tm ttoo latiifullp
begotten. 0nD tbts maner of eSate i& p;operlp calleD a fpeciall eQate
taile: ^Qt if either of tt}em Die before t^cpbaue fucb idue bettoeene
tbem,tben tbe partie furututng is bnp;operlp calleo a tenant in taile
anD tbcrefo;e fo; Dtttinttion fake, U)eeterme fucb (uruiuo; tenant in
taile after poaibilitie of iane eirtinct

of Eftates offreehtU.

Seft.41. A particular to^icb

\ terminable bg limitation of time,anD
i^ but onelp a terme , is an effafe De#
it is of ttoo f o?ts : namclp
m (Gate franUtenementjO^ a
of c^attell*
Liber '^m Eftates. primus
ancttate of franhfeticmenf, is to^ere a man Wi) tijc frceljolD of
lano, ano itis t\i\)tt an eSate of franktenenient^cieateD bp t^e operai>
tion of tlje lalu,oj b^ t^e act of t^e particg.
0nttatc'offranfetenementcreatfDbpt^e operation of tl)elaU3, is y
either bp tlje common lato,03 bp llatutc.'^ an cttate of franbtcncment
bpfl;e common latUjtseitljer byt^c curtcfte ofCiiglano
0nettatcinDsU)r,i5U)l}cre iaifeisenootocoof t^etbiropartof

facb lano as bw bafbano bao anp fatb ttatc of inbccitancc in, as tbe
iffuc iDbicb bp polTibiUtte ll)c mtgbt banc baD bp bim, migbt bp polli'
hiiiiit bane inecntcD tbe fame lano of tbe fame cftate : fo; Dotuer ex
aflcnfu patris, ad oftium Ecclc(]ae,6c de la plus belle, aS fclOomc ftfeD at
tliis Dap,3i omit
0n ettate of franbtencment bp tbe Curtcfte , is an eSate fo? tbe
tecme of life of tbe bufban^ in all bis toiues lano tobom be furtiiuetby
{waning bai)iiTnebpberbo?nc aline, lubirb migbt bp poffibilttieif it
bat) liueD,baue baD,anD inbcriteo tbe fame laros of fucb eftate as tbe
motbec tberein bao,Daring tbe coucrtore
j^n cftate of franfetencmcntbuttatutciscitbcrbpbertoe of a bonis
]knolDUDgeD,acco;oing to a Qatntc, o;: bp reafon of fome erecutiom

franfetenement bp ltatute,iseptbec bp bertue ofaCtatnte^ta^

plcoj of a Statute g^ercbant.
0franktcnementb^tertueof an erecution, is eitber bp reafon of
fome Blnbgement in fome of bis ^aiefties Courts of iSeco;o, 02 elfe
bp reafon of fome rccognifance tit is iDbcn tbe moitie of tbe Uecog^
mfo;s lanos be Deltuereo to tbe i^ecognifee^to bolD to bim as bis f ree^
bolD till bis oebt be paicD.X3ut tbcfe eftates of frecbolo grotvtng t^vis
bp ftatute,are not p;opertr but bnp}operlp tcrmeo frecbolD.
^n eftate of franbtcncmtnt groining bp tbe act of tbe parties is an
cftate fo; tbe terme of a mans oVunclife,o; fo} terme of anotber mans
life: fo} tbe tcrmcofa mans olune life, as if lano bee leafeotoanp
Bian to baue atiD to bolo to bim During bi^ life*
^n cftate offranbtcncmentfojanotbcrs life, is tobenlanos beaf*
fnreD to bim fo? tbe life of 31 05*0) anpotbcr tban tbelefteebimfelfr*

Of spates of chattels.

Apart icnlar eftate tobicb iii onelp a Cbattell, is eitber certaine Q% Se A.42.
tncertainc,anD it groUietb eitber bp tbe act cf tbe parties, 0; b^
S5p tlje act of tie parties \si a leafe fo; tbe terme of certaine peares,
315 3 bauing
Symb; Eftates, part.primsc

^anhtg a ttttmt limitation tohen it fljall bf gi!i,anD U)l?en U (bal enD

m Detcrmme; 00 if lanes be leafed to 5.(2?.to ^suc anD to 1)cId to lytm
ans t)t0 aiTigncs (rrm fucb a Dap^uaming fome D?.p crtainr,|;att,pjCi
V fen^,o2to come,ioin;bytsieB,oi anp Dti}er mtame umber of pears
agreed tjpon be tlDceuc tt^e ^^ja'ojanD it ctSee -^,

partuulprcttutccmatnec^rolictng bp isto, is tbaf cttatc toi)(ii)

t^c C^^roian batl) in Us )siaxtiS kn^SjDuriwg f)i5 nanag:?
^ {jattUulav eUats uuertainejtfi an eSate at liU,o} at fufferante
Ofpgjfefsion in Uw,And in deed.

Jt\ tbtngsi to tije UaHeeito ^aue auo to tjoio to l;im,at tbe ioiU of tt)e
0nt) it 10 to bee veiemb;ted, ttiateftetes ma^ foe in poUgltionjand
sntofpoifeilion. |i:s^eSnmn:inlabDo;indceQ.
0nD a polTcltton in lato is b)t)eii tlje UkU ovielv is
tbe efficient canfe
tbereof,ant) if bp cotrrnon laVu, o; b? ilatDte* 15|p rommott
is eitbcr
laU),a0 if t^o fatljer o? otber amucl!o} Dtc feafso of laHDd,tbe lain ca
fietb tbc podellton in U\ t^pon f be beirc befo;e b^0 cntre, bp ro;cc
iDbereof be is tenant to cnerie mans Praecipe : bp l!atute,i0 tb^t poCn
fe(rtontDbicbCcfluyquevrc,bntbinlan&0limiteD to bim intfe, ^7.
H.8.cap, 1 o.befo:t bi0 sc^us*^^ c^^trc into tbe fnaie. 0n aauall poflTelTi'
Dn 0) a poffeflfton in eeeD,is boben tbe oluner entrt tb into tbe im\i iw
nttn* an e(f ats out of poUemon 10 of tljuo f 0^10, to boit^in reruainoec

Of Remainders and Reuerponi*

'Sc(^.44. A^ eSateont of poileaio in remainder, 10 lobt fl particnlar tftofc
i\ i% granted to one oian;tt)e remaindci* tc dnotber at tb( fame time
bp one Deed,as if a grant b^ made of lands fo) peares, Ufr ,02 in taile
t0 S.&.tberfcmaindcctbcrcof to E^.jjiJoj life,i?eare0,fee,o}intaile*
^ renecfion is fucb an cftate depending lipon Uttg particular cftate,
l)ut not being created all at one time^fop one deed : as if HI .^.fef fed of
lands in fee ,graunt tbe fame to SE./5.ffl? ^earci, life, 0; in taile,tbat

tDbicbafti^rfurb Particular eftateremam^tljm tl;egraunio;,t0Are'

0iroener^e(!atei0 citbcr en^ecnted maintenant^o: cr^cutojiebp
Umtt^tonofbft.iot) cbbeHetbinpofrstrion bg ber^ue oftbeftatkUe
of 27vH.8.;^nd U(lip,?uerie edate (0 (;itt)er abfolute 0; condttionaiU
Liber Diftribution of Inftruments, primus

Of Injirttments^thsh' aefiutiofj^andcAufisi
H3aiigfl)u6gcneraVipaiiOb5ifa^irun0Ur{(jetioctditeof<irfon* - .

rrafts.iDbltgnttotic,poffeaions,eftates,anD pjopctties fo favre ^^^3^*

fo?t^ as ikiDm, be(j(D3fui fn tJje Df fcr^ption of tfee feuer<ill Blnttru^ '^

inents of all manner tH Cantnitat^i isnotDtmie to cuter into tlj^

tifcoacfc of 3nilruu!cnt:j t^|^ifl^2l^e5, ifje tjerp p;opeu matter gnjj
object or^pmyoleciir^p^p.
Sii ^n3iqj:j2nt t'rciert-yii,!!^ r toimoXl tDjiting maoc paper oj m
parcI)ment,tDt)eri:marc co'.if'^n^? Defcrtbeo can?rciit, couenants
lall toils, 03 otbcrr"sct08U3 tljUxQii ct perfoa, fo^ U)$ uiSimonie o?

mtmont ti^ereou
9i\\n firft toerai?tti3affl?mslfentiii3, to BifimgoiJI) 3lRaraaient3
from ojDinaAtc lctters,p;iu?,tri0vc,iecBi3ning6, au3 remembjances
maoe bp ani^ fo? a mans o^n^ pnaat tife ano nicwo;ie , ano from all
bcoUcs of act0,f)iGo;ie3,Dittiniti?,pUl!Jfcpl)iE,Gnoliicb UUc,
&ccontilp,m4Cc fcpon p::pcr <>; parcbmcnt, foj t?)at, tbat befo;e t^c
inncrttion of p2n?r fljpircbment, men tJ'eD to lojitc fometimes tipon
b(0:d5 FubbcDbucr I'Utl) toare , fooiecimci Upon ttones, fomettmejS
fepon mctt ill, ano fctr.ctimgf \i^oxi tbe inner rinos of t\)t barbes of
traff : ano fem.'timcs at t^lst^atj Upon tables, Goncs, oatalUc0:
none of all tobicb Uinos of Initttne^ mt ^ere meane^ but (ucb onl^ a0
are mat)e bpon paprv 02 picij;iicnt.
2[:inrolp,?nfar.5ti;ac an inStrumeJit r ompjebenoctt) tbittfftf con^
fracteD : it fettetl? befo?i' car ei-eff, iuljat tbe UcLicmattcvfl, buQne5,f
a(tftbe,lnI)creofru':ij ^nCinmenidmalibemaoc : namclpofagree'
mentB f c6traot,g-anfsf,linl, plpaD!ng8,n.UJI)ic^mapb?atJ Qbli>
6atton0,f not of bare rp^ei)e, comiunnic/iticns^o; puuat notes*
irourtblp,tt)c toe ?o(^erroii0)poiutetti to t^: t^ft'icient canfe of tijeft

CoucRHnts ano Cuntraas

i?iftlp,tbat tobul) enfuethteacljct^ts t^e tJcrp finalUatife,tol)?
fnt^ ^nffvnmtnts toere firftojdetnco, tbi<t is, to tbe enDtbc acts ano
tilings tisercin compjifeo might bott) \no:t rertainelpbf licpt mme*
mojie, ann moje cafilp be pjojucD : fo; tyc pjfofe of tbe Jnftrumeuts;
onelpp^ouctl) t^e Contracts therem rontraneo* ^no il)erefo;e JEn^
(trnmcnts are a bint) of p20Qfe in all liases
SEbcf o?mc of Jnftcuments Dotb plamelp appeare at ful, in tbe 6e>
fcription of ^nftrmncnts tb:oogbnut ttie lecono boofec, in tobub poti
niapfeetbemanet, fojmc, ancfafljionof eucrpbmoof Jinftrawent
313 4 Of
Symb. Diftribution oflnftruments. partprimar
of the diftribtitionoflnftruments.
. -Tj^ttrumentfitljercfoje of t^eic effects be eittierconttitutiueamj ma*
Sea.46. j ^(ng,o2 remiffo?ie ano liberatojic*
V ^n Inttrumcnt conftitutiue, ts fuel) an Bitittrnment bnoer flje p2o*
per Ijano of tlje partie as auD tiefcribetlj
tettifietl) fomc contract of
fome Debt 0; tiutie to be paiD,o; fome fact to be Done 0; perfojmeD^as
an obligatton,bill of Debt,ic*
0nD of |nltrument0 conSituttue, fome are creating, anD (om$
a conftitnf tue 31nftrumenf creating, be f bofc toberebp anp cttaic,
p^opertte, poloer, 0? obligation, not baaing an^ eHence 0? being be*
fo;e,i0 netDlp ratfeD anD createD , as tbe firl! grannt of a rent, com^
mon,ljoap,$cIe(late taile,fo;life, ^eare0,anD fucb like,Marrantd of
BlnQruments conKitutiue conueving,are tbofe b^ tobicb elates,
properties, 0? poiDcrs, being alreaop createD, are tranCferreD 1 con
uepeD to otbers, 0s Binfi^ruments of feoffenients, bargaines i (ales,
a(rignements>anD graunts oaer, 0; furrenocrs, confirmations, fnb
ftitttutions anD Deputations <c.bp tpl)icl) ettates,p;opertie0, anD an^
tbonties are eonuepeD ouer to otbers*
0nDan Inttrnment rcmiffo2ie,isan31n(vrument bnDer tijc par?
ttesbanD, oefcribing 1 tcftifping fome p^eceoent contract of a Debt^
Dutie,o? fact to be papD, perfo^meD, Done, releafeD, 0; DifcbargeD : of
tpbicl^ fo3t,be all acquitances, releafes,f otljer matter of Difcljarge.
&econDlp,of tt)e efficient caufe, 51nff rumcnts be either pnblibe o;
pnblicbe Slnffrument , \^ an 3!nCrnment maDc bp publicbe m>
t^o;itieof a^agiffrateo^ BiuDge, as all grants icbarters of tbe&*
^aiefftetinDerbisbtgbnes great reale,03bnDertbefealeoftbeE>u?
tbie,orofan?ofhtst)igbncs Courts of UocojD, $all DecDsanDcbar/
tersl^noluleDgeD i inrollcD in anp of Ins ^ateflties courts of reco;D.
^acb publicUe BInftruments of tbeir oU)ne natnres p^ouetbe facts
oj contracts tberein containeD , anD arc of fuel) anD fo great credit of
no p;oofe at all.
t^eir olone naturrs^tbat tljcp tbemfelues necD
p;tuat Blnffruments,are Blnftiuments maDe bet\])cenc pnuat per^
rons,bp tbe pjiuat auti)ojitie cf the contractors tbefelues onlp,lDitb?
out publicke autbo;itie , lobcrcfore altboujjb tl)eH being p;ooueD bp
lxiitneffes,or otbcrU)ife, Doproue tbe retracts anD facts of tbe pactted
tberein mentioncDt^ct of tbemfelaes U}itt}oat (nc^ proofe,tt)ep p;oae
itotl)in0 : as dccds of feoffementpObUsationft;aiQiutanc?,Ujiis,ic.
Liber Diftribution of Inflruments.' primus
2:|)irDlp,31nflramentsbecttl)er of fac^perfonijas^aaenaturgU
capaciticbpbirt^,tol)tcl)eacrie liege fubuctbang bojneicitI)int)<s
Sj^atcfiies Dcminion, Ijatt) bf Ijifitiatioitic.
D? bp making, as timit ttranger bo^nc f)atl), being b)? act of par^ /
liament natucali^eD,02 maDc a E^cnijcn. ^
i^i elfe of fact ag tjane onlv ctuill capacitic,as of all Cojpojations
0? ciuill boDiejfjf latDfull fociette5,collcDgcs,guilo0,fratermtie5,felj
lotul^ipg,! fompanieg inco;pojate:a0 fl^aiojs t ComunaltieB, iai.
Iifc5 1 bargcfle0,2Dean0 f c!)aptcrs,X5ia)ops,p8rfQns,t}itar0,(f ct al
focb 80 banc fucceff ion perpctuall, $ tafee to tljcm tbetr fucceffo^s
ifoartblp, Binftrpments beeitlier fealcD ano DeUuercD,o?notfea*
iFiftlp,oftbeir fojmeairo,3lnfli:umcnf0be eit{)erpolleD,ant)nn*
gle>ea tnDenteD/
polUD Dceo, i0 a DeetJ tettifping , tbat onclv tl)e one of tlje parties
to tbe fame batl^ put Ijis feale t^creanto,after t\)t manner following:
& fiituri, quod ego W.W. dc K.in com C ^enero-
Sciarit pfcntcs
fus,dcdJ,concefll,&hac prcfcnci charta mea confiirh T.D.deS. in eo-
dcm com armig', vnum mefuag',xx.acras tcrf cum pti fi in R. priedift'
in praedift' com C. Habend & tcncnd tcfic prxdi^' cum pcrtin prxf.
T.D. hatred* 5c afljgnatfuis imppct, adfolumpropriumopus&vfum
ciufdcm T.D. hxrcd & afllgnaf (uorum imperpct, Tciiend' de capical*
dhis feodi illi'us, p fcruitia inde prius
debita, &: de lurc confuer. Et cctq
vcropfaf W.W.&hacredesmei tehtpr?ed' cumptinpfat T.D.hiered
& affignat fuis contf omncs homines warrantizabimus, imperpctuum &
defcndcraus per pfcntes. In cuius rei tcftimoniumhuic pfcnrichartac
mcxfigillummcumappofui. Datum ;o die Main j, Anno regnidfiae
noftr^ Eliz.Dci gratia Angliac,Franci^, &Hiberh Reginae fidei defcrt-
EtjCfe DCCD0 pollcD,are alfo termed Chartac priuat^ & fimplices^be^
caufc tl)crc is onlp owe part tljereof Ujl)icl) ougbt to remainc luitl) tlje
^nti poll DecDS map begin t^US, Omnibus Chrifti fidehbus ad quos
prefcntes literscpcruenerint. W. W. &c. falutcni in dcmino fempitcr-
nam. Sciatismepbtum W.W. &c. )jtbu0, Pateatvniucrfisperp-
fcntes me W.W.dcdiffcjSf c.D? tl)U0, Omnibus Cbrifti fidehbus pre-
fcntes litcras infpefturis.

D?tbu0bpa noble mm, placing bi0 name U)itb all t>i0 titles of
^Dnoj at tlje beginning tljercof , Pricnobilis Gilbertos Com Salop,
dns Farniual, Vcrdbn,& Strange dcBluckincrc, dhs Luttofr, nobi-
!is .
Svinb. -, Deeds.' part.pritnse

liscqucftrisordinJs Gratcrijfodalis, Reglac que Maicftari alocnscon-

riii)^6cc. Saluttm cxc. Sciadsrae pfat Comiteju&c. HDtliEllUeof 0*
iDltbag, Chrillianisvniucrr.prelensfcripiuinfpeiturisliuc
V aiuhtuf&c )jii)uS,HaccbillatcH-t,quod&c.
0?tt)UBbpa<ojpi.'3ation, Nou rintvimierfipcrprarfcmcsnosR.
I.Maiortutbiirgj dt Doncaft<Sc Coinmuiiitaieciufdcm buroijcxvn-
aniu.inonf conicnlutScjnenrUjdcdrTc.&c.
iD J bp tbe aliiJEciJC, g? bv cnp otber Uing oj }^^inct tt)us,ElizabctIi
dcirr.ftia Anglic.x.Franciie, dc Hcberii Rtg.Hdci defcn(or (Sec. Omni-

bus ad quos picrtlKcf noflfpcriiencfjialutcm. Sciatiosnos,);Sciatis

quodnos&c.DUi)UB> Elizabeth &c. Archicpifcop, Epitcop, Duci-
bus, Comitibiis, B-irnonibib, Miluibiis,&c. Sciatisqclnos^'C. Dj
t^Ufi,R^g- vniucrr.&fingulisIuQiciaiij3,^^Cuftod forqlt^f, Maiori-

bus,Coionatoiibus,E(chaetof, Vjcccorh, Fcrcftarijs, cuftod;bus pacis,

vcndiconbus vl^uar& cariag ,acon)niumaliarumrcruiu quarumcuri-
queproexpcnfis hufpici)no{}ri,Conftabulaf,Balliuii,Officiaf,Mini-
ftris, &oronibus lubdicis noftris qinbulcunquc , cam intra libcrtatcm
quara extra, ad quos &c.Sciat)S<5cc.
^n^ in nianp otljcr lifee fojmes accojDing to tl^e quality of tljc ptt*
fo,tfl lt)C!mt}critgl)nire]^atentB arc Diretteo. Blntoljic^Ujl^ofo
Defirefb lo be furtljcr inttruacDjmav pleiitifullp be fatifficD bg ptxvi^
ling of tt)e Uigiftci^f c.
^nDt^cfcalingof t{)eiaccne3 Ictfcrfi parecommon!|pconcltt
tCO toitl) t^efc OJt^cliUcU)o;D0 {viz.)ln cuius rci rdbmoiuum has li-
tcras nollras fieri fcciniui patcnct s. Tclte mcip(a apud W. 3 . die Maij.
Annorcgninoftri 36.
janD t^e cufealing of OffU by a Corporation tlju0. In cuius rci tefli-
moniumjf^illnni noftrum commune prxtcntibus appofuimus. Datum
in Guildhalda Bur gi pr^-sdict j,&:c.

Of D eeds indented
Seft.47. A S^a^J inTscnf CD is a DecD of tbjo parts 0; mo!c,in tobtc^

j\ u IS ctr2caeD ,tbc parties

ttjat to fame Dceo tiaue to cueric

part t^ctcof iucrc^angs;ablp, oj feuerallp (et tt)cir f cucrall Sicalcs

^no tbep arc moft commonlp maoc in tl^is fojme,( >. >)
I i^ec Indcntura fa^a inrer A. B dc C. in coraicaiu Ebof H. ex vna
parrc,&.F dcG.in comitacH yeomen ex altera paite,Tcftatur quod
uit ^fato E F.&h acred* fuis 20. acf terf &c. Habend' &c. In cuius rci

icftiinoniura partes ptxd' figill' Ua prefcntib' altcrnatimappofieruc.

Ljbcr -^q Deedcs-. "

Datum &c Q; tl-ngtln cu'mreitel^i^ vni psrtihuius prxlemis
demur pents pni.E.F.rtroah pwTdV^ ,B figiliua .ppo(uic. alicri vcio
parti ciufd. ti) Indcnruf pcnji pracf. A.i3, rtinftii pr^f. E, B. figiii'luum
appo(ait;Dafxx.dicIdn.Ai.n&G ":.:. Uw

>i t^e Date tbereof iiiip be put tn tt;e beginning of it)e DceD tlju : y^
Hare Indentura fafta xx die Ijd. Ani.o rcoiu &c. Inter A. B. &c.&
C.D.&c.Tcftjf&c :^cfe ceeces inccntcD, 03 BJnDcnturcs, ano
pdUniap be mace m tljc Silt perCon alfo, but are moft VfnsUp
maDcmt^et^uD perfon. :anD in tbe fittt perCon be oftljisfojme,
OrnnibusChiiltifidelibiisadquos hocpra^Lns Icnptuu], ^; prselens
charta,iDj pr^lcntcsliter^ indcntats peruencrinr, A de B. &c. lalu-
tcminDomin fcmpiternam&cSciati^ rac prscf. A. B. dtdjflo,con-
ccflj(rc,& hacplcnticharf mca indent confirniafle CD &c.xx.acras
tcrf&c.Habend&tcncnd&c.z'f/yrc, Scianrpr^tcntcs &c. fiuun 6cc.
WNoucrint vniucrfi per pfcnccs &c. z^r/ Patcat vniuerfis 6cc. quod c<^o
A. B.dc &c. dcdi, concefli, 6c hoc prxfenci (cripto mco indcntaco con-
fn-mauiCD xx. acras tcrrae &c. Habend&c. In cuius rci ttitirrion '

tamcgoprxfat A.B. quainpricfatC.D. his Indcnturis OgilJa noftra

alccrnattm appofuimus, Datum dec. vel fcy In cuius rci tefljmonium
vni parti huius pfacicntis Indcntuf figillnra mcuni appcfui , altcri
vcro parti ciufdcm Indcntur^T prsctatusC.D. figillum luiim appofuit,
0nobotl)partof ftff^Dectjs inocntcD bee t^e DeeDeg of botlj tbe
parttc5 to tt)e fame :0nDeucric part of fuct) 5nocntures istbeoeeo
of eitt)er of t^e faiD partirs : auD cacb part ts of aa muc^ fo^e ano tV
tecc alone,anD as beneficiail to eitt)er ef tl}c faiD partie0,8 bott) parti?
thereof togettier.
I 2;i)efe DeeD0 inDcutcD are not onelp bppartitc, as ttjefe abouewcii
tioncD-,bat aUo mav bcniaiic tripartite,tt)at i5,or thjrc pacts, oj quju
D;apartire,quinqaEpartUe,o;ofa8manvpartflaBftiall bfnccDfitl.irt
fojme aboutCaiDjMutatii mutandii (Sccas bp funo;p c^cmplc tt)i5 m
pjcfentoifcourfe mapflppenre.
jSlno tbefe oecos mo(nteD,o; HnoentutcMrcmodcominonlpin^
t)enteDe;cutoneoftt)eniinto anotl)cr. X3ut tbe cutting of n^eui iw
tl)at manner onelp Dotl) net fufficc ta niaUe tbcni Of eD0 inocntcD, noj
t^c calling oftbemfobptbe parties, \f ibc putting to oftbeftaud m
fojtneabouefaiobenott^etjn fjcpjeCeO. E1)nmwOfifneialli? fo; ;

V^% feuerall fo;tm of oed0*


Symb.' AdditionSj&c. part.primae

Mi:; Q.lffermtidns nece^arie for

the making of Inflruments.

1^ tie fojm of euecie gnttrument it feemett) nceDfall to coHfiDer t^e

1 fubaancett)ereof,anD of title aDtuncrs. 2i:;oucl)ing t^gfabftance,a
2ieeDDotl3ccuQ(loftU3o pnncipall pacts, namclp t^ep^emiff^sanD
\ confeqjicnce thereof.
Slbc pjemtffec of an ^ntlrament
j. q r



anD t

comnionlt' faiD to be all tt)dt tu^icl) pjeceacttb ttjc Habendum o; limp

ttttionof tbeeftatc.
^ntbcpjcnnCTcsof 3Cn((ramcnt0are pjinctpallpto bee conGoereO
2Cbe firft t^c pcrfon contracting, nert ttje tbing, matter, o? fart

lubfrcoftbc contract ifi to be maoc,anotl)en tbe topjoes toitl)to^icb

tbe faiD contract ig to be DcfcribcD.
C^epetfotts arc ttetjcrie efficient caufc0 of t^e Jnttrumentfi, b?
tobofc confent tbc? are agrecD bpon anD maoe.
. jano tlje perfonsf to ^nttrument^ be eittjer aitine o? paffiae
SCtje actiue perfon in inftrumcuts is be lubicb mahetl) tbc inttrti?

fetb,lenDetb,Deliuerctb,lettetb, Departetb toitbi comnantetb, oj pjo:
mifctbanvtbins* ojnjojtlpbcc iubicb mabet^ an^ contract oj bar*
gdine,t0,o2 luttt) an^ otljer^ ar.b is nameo acco;Dtng to tbe contract
<a tbe bono jjfeoffojjleffo;, obltgo;, releafo j,granto3, conftrmo;, ftl
SEbe pafTiue perfon in inSruments, ia be, tinto to^om t^e Blnttra>
ments be maoe^ano tnl)icb taketb tbercbp, tij^o ii$ ltkelife Dinerfli?
nameb^acco^Ding to tl)e fcuersU natares of t^e contracts, to, o) toitti
gin t^e perf6ni3,ttD0 tbings are tobeebeebeo: t^e capacities and
lLOucl}ing capacitie,con6oeration is to be bab, tl)at tt^e actiue per^
Xons tubirb (boolo make anp oecbs^be perfons able to Doe it, namely*
tl)attbep be boiD of all impcDtmcnts.eitlier natnrall o; ciailUof ts^ic^
toe bsue intreatcD bcfo;eamongOp Contracts*
0nDtl)epa(riueperfons bee fuel) as bee capable of things iDbicf)
CbonlDbegiuenojtranffcrreDbnto tbem, anb l9oiD oft^elibeimpe^
fiiments^anb not oeao pcrfons in latp,a9 ^ontui^if cier0,i^uns,ano
rucl)fnperGittousbotaries. v'.._
' .;

Ofthe names and i^dditionsofperfons.

Sel.49. A ipb touching tbe names o? 0bbitions of tbe parties to inffru*
r\ ments^it is requtftt t^at t^e^ be certainl? nameo bp t^eir names

Liber Additions^ primus

of bapttfttte f rurnme(,tDit^ a latofnl i fufficient adOtttons of place,
ellate,Degcee, miaerte, o; occupation, to QidingutO) t^em from all
ott)er pecfons of like name / loliet^er fuel) pcrfon be !^ing , ][3;ince,
jBDnbe,sparqucfte, Cl;arle,:iatcount,115aron,o2 3LojD5tDl)icl) be name* /
of great j^obilitie anD honour : >; t)e be a !!itiJsljt,Cfquirc,oj >en* ^
tleman , lu^tcb fo; Difference are termeo names of Icde nobiUtie o;
i)onor* ^2 tie be a peoman,l)uf bant)man,Brtificcr,o; labo;er ^2 elfe:

if itbe anp Ccclefiatticall pecfon, as arcbbia)op, ilBifljop, arc^Dea*

con,^eane5iaarfon,^icar,ClerIsc,f c. ^^ if it be anp Corporation,
02 boote ciuill o; politique, Waning Coucnt i common feale, as ^ai^
life, ano )i5acgeae0, ^aio; t Communalttj.c; otl)er b;otl)erl,'(DO,|c
0nD for tbe anopDing of confufion ano error-, tbus : Sciant cc. quod
cgoW.W. dcR. in ComE gcn,Dcdi&c.T. N.dc R.incodcmeo-
mJcatuTailor SccanD fucb like.
ofthe matters and things or faCis yvhereof InfirHmeats be made. Sc^. 5 o.
Ai^Das concerning tbe matters, things, i facts tuljercofSInftra^
mets are to be Dercribeb,are alfo to be coQticreD 2. tbin0s:iFir(E
ttie tbings or faets tbemtelues,! tben tt)etr neccdarie circumdances*
3nD as for tbe tbings tbemCelues, it is to be tDeigbcD,tDbcti)cr tbe
terp boDies of tl)e tbtngs tbemfelues be to be contracteo for,BS laos,
or gobs f c. or tbe rigbts pertaining to tbe pecfons tn tbe bre of ^ bo^
of tbings:as U}ares,bre,fruits,i profit^,lpbicb lue taUe tl)ereb^*

j^nc tn tbings \& to be noteo Uibetbcr tbep be corporal or incorpor al.

Corporpall tbings, are fucb as of tbeir olune nature map be felt or
feene,anDtbey be either moaeable or immoueable.
Snbings moueabIe,are tbofe tDl)ub map be remojueD out of one
place into anotbcr:as garments, fruits of tbe eai:tb,bea{ls,rcnts,f c.
^btngs immoueable,bc fucb tl}ings as cannot be rcmooucD from
place to place,tubicb be tbereforc calleo tbings of tbe foile or grouno,
as tbe bcrp grouno it felfe , anD tbings 6rcD to tbe fame , lubicb can
not be remcDueD toitbout tbe Deflruction tl}crof:as trees plantcD tbcr^
in,boufestbereapon builocD,u*
STbingsincorpnllbefucbiasbp tbeir otonc nature can neitbcrbs
fecn nor fcU,i arc comprel)cnDeD onlp bp bnOerfianDing, % tberefore
can neitljer be DeliucreD nor DcuibcD : as property, po(re(Iion,inberi'
tance,feruice,aDuotDfon9of Cburcbe0,U)arDfljips,rbebfc $ fruition
of tbings ciuill, obligations, contraas, alienations, ano at a U}o;D
all rigl)ts,a(iuell to baue t^e berp tbings tt)emrclues,or tbe bfe t^erc^
of : as libertie to go tbrougt) anotl)cr mans foile,common of pafinre,
luap,libertie to batDke,bunt,er ^^%i* ndttoit^aanoingtbatt^e
Symb. Deeds. part.primac

fubtett^ tutieteunf tijcvbe anncrcti ate co;po}aU t as ttie fotle o; m

po;ti\Upi ti)t xiQ\)t to inio^, oj intientc fame incojpalL

W\)\c\) tt)tngj5 being t^jougljlp farueteCt^e twjitcr mull ^aoc fpe*

\ ciaU regarDjlutiat wancr of be contrasceo fo? : Uj^ett)er it
tt)ing is to
bel)ono?,caQle,mano;, l;ou(e,lanD,nieoDotD, paHure, farme, parfo
lDart)ft5tp0,mari3sc0,tjj8ye0, commoit, 03 etljer tfjings to^atfocner,
retting tDcm Detune Up (l)cir apt t3f uall names, if tljep ^auc anp, oj
bv nts anD circnmSauces.as ma^ certainlp Defcribe^
fuel) ottjcr acctDL

anDt3iQtngui(^ti}cmfromallott)er,astt)e2DoUine, l^amlet, ano

Countir U)i}erc i\}t tljing liett), bufting it at tt)e enos, ano binoing it
attt)efii!es(ifnecD bc,)anDtFpjc{rmgintel)ofe occupation it is 0;
i)at^ bin,VDt)0 Ujas tl)auncient otuner tljereof 5c. 2ls vnum mcdiagium
cumpcrtinchinS. Jnci>HiC.voc*it Cowhall, iacch inter tent l.S. ex
partcBorcalij&tciuiiniT S. ex parte Auftralf, &
abuttat ad orient
caput flip tehtuD.D.& ad Occident caput fup tchtumL.T.quae nup
pquifiui niihi, &hcrcd' meis de N.N. &
nunc funt, vcl nup fucf in oc-
cupatione S-T. vclaflignat fuof&c. ei;p3i(ringalltting0cerlainelp
toitl) apt fignificant U)o;ds, anD tfjcrein cfctjcVuing all cpEtapl)ojical,

lf(guratuic,anD bo;roU!CD Tpoccljes, anD all Uio^os of Diuers 0; Doubts


fVhat words are to be vfed in the rnakinq^ oflnflnimeKts.

Sea '^ '

C m
b iMO^Ds muft be bfeD euerp 3;naranient,a0 t^e nature of t^c
3 a l^jleasjRemifi, 0; Relaxaui, &c. Jn a Confirmation,
Confiiinaui,Ranficau],&c. ^W. bargaineanD fale, Barganizaui Vc- &
didi,&c. &)oofotl?crintt)c pjtmiffes, anDlibe,iDitSfncbU)o;Dsa0
be requifUc^anD arc crpseOTeD tn t!)e ot^er parts of DeeD0.
f the corifecjucfice of^ecds.
*T^^ninuff)toncliing t^cpjcmiffeSjOjSrftpartofjnarnmcntg.
Scft '^-2 *
1 i^olB let ijscr.tcr into ronfiDcration of tbc fubfequence 03 fe*
quele tl;ercof l!El;e later part of 3KnCtruments , anD confeqnence
tf^ereofisallt^atneccdaril^ follotoctt) tbe p;emiircs,anD t^at is tlje
Habendum, in irljiclj is limittcD anD crpjeffeD U)^at eftatc 05 pjopcc-
tie ti>e partie paHiue Q)all baue : a0 fee,taile,f c*
0nDtbati0 tlDofolD,namelPtbe limitation of t^e llate,( of tt)ufe
2Dt)e limitation of tbe e0atei0 to limit anD erp;e(re in certaine>
Uj^at eftate tbe partie (ball baue in tbe tbing contratteD.
ST^e limitation of %\^\x{t i0 to e):p3eile in t^e fatb Habend'.to 0; fo;
lD^or$ tfe f benefit ^e C^all l)aae tl)e fame eaate^.reciting ivit^all t^t
Liber Deedes. pntnus
t^fng grantefi bg fome Tufficicnt general name t ait Habcd* tenend| &
prxd'mancf impcrpcc ( if a manno; begrantec in tlje pjemtffes) pd'
Hicruag'cumjptihjoi tcnra prjed'curn ptin,aB tl)e cafe reqniretb,p^l'S.
& hxrcd' & afligfi fuis impcrpct,adopus& vfum pd'I. S.hacrcd' &af- y
fignatoffuof jmpcrpct. ^^
^ >,,|,^ , ^. ^
0///?<f adiunEis er accidents ofInflrMment.(.
are t^eeffcntiall pacts of Snarnmcntg oifcuffc^ SC^eafi^Sca.jg.^
tun(t0 noio come place, \x\

tdbereinaccalltbofc things tuliuljcometo t.!)C inff coments, be*

ficc ttie cUentiall paits t^creof,tDt)ict) UUeivifc be of tteo fo;t6 : foj ci*
be aDian(t0,coninion to either cfttis TaiD partiea,o^ proper
tber t^e]^
0otuna0 common are tii}o,ti)e Date of Deet0,anD tt)e conaoeratton
of tl)t: contract.
of the date 9fD cedes.
Date is t^e Deft riptton of tbe time in toas mate, Sca.;^:
Tl^e toliicb tccD

UJbic^ is Done either br ^ pcre of p iiojD, oj { pere of tbe ipjinccs

raign,f it oagljt eitbei to be placcD in the beginning of X\\t pjemilles,
fljint^eenDoftbecofcquencCjOftoljicbfce eramplestberofenfuing.
Ojthe CAUJc of coyijidcrations of Deed.es.
motioc caafe,fo) tubic^
Ti^e conCDcrations of inftrnments is tbcot^er
tbe KnJtcuments arc maDcns moncp o; 0QjDS,affection na*
turallo;(uctjlike,luf)itb is mottcomnionlp,anD in mp conceit moft
aptlpcrpjeffcDintijcpjcmiffeBjanDtobicb neuertbelette map be put
in t^e confcquence,anD m
mant cafes be omitlio. Df botb cramples
thereof are man? in tbe feconD X5a)Uc.
of t^diUM^s proper to the confequence of Infirtiwents.

AE^iuntts of t^ ccufeqiTtnce of Knlfruments are fucb as aremoft $^.5 5.

commonlp fet Dotone after y H.ibed.jano tbep be of Diucrs fo;jts. ,

as tbe rcferufltion,rcdd',if ang rcntjfuitjOi feruice be rcfcrueo.

STlje reentric*
SEbe nomine pcr.^.
2Ebctened',Q)cUnng tbelanD is bo'Dc tombing fbing^iinbcritabli?. ^^a.^e,
SCbe claufc of Inarrantie gcncraU,oj fpccialljO? partuolar.
SEbe cor.Ditions ano pjouifocs.
2UCoucnf.ntsaritobemaDesfeitljer fite acco?Dingfoenerpfe
uerall Contract.
as,to be fam D barmclette 0? DifcljargcD, to be feifeD in fee i c.

2LDl)au0ptoejtof8U, ^^

Symb; Deedes. parcprima:

%o be otoner of tije tenements o; ct)attef0 folo*
Co maUe further adurance*
Ko be kikt to tbe alienees t)fe*
\ iFoj quiet enio^ing i c.
0nD enerte ott)ci: ncceffaric couenant acco;oing to tbe nature anD
qnalitie of t^e t^ing o; fa(t,U)^ereoftl)e contract t0 niaDe,f tbe manec
of t^e contracts maoe liegarDing [jeeofuUp all
: circnntttanres of tbc
tton,acco;Dtng to ttje true meaning anD agreement of tt}e parties ca^
rioufip li)itl)out p;eiuoicc,pactialitic o; fauour to eitljer of tbem
SCljen foUoluet^ tlje ojalums offuc^ BCnffruments in foibie after
Tome pjeQDcnt enfuuig,as t\)c qualitie of tf)e fact 07 contract eractet^ t
to^etl)ec it be a feoffemcnt, grant, releafe i c.o; anp otfjer tnffrnment
2n^en muft fuel) firft Djaugtjt be circumfpf ctlp craminco, perufeO,
concluDeD^ano agrceo bpon bp tl)e parties 0; tbctf counfcll.
^ben fucb Djaugbt is fo agreed bpon, tbcn it is to be faire tu;itten
t ingroffeD in paper 0; parcbmcnt, tuitbout blotting, rating, enterli*
mng,lD;iting cuerie U}o;d plainlj^ at lengtb, Uiitbout an? abb;euiati
ons,cipbers,rigncs,o; notes,lDbicb ma? b:eeD anp fcropte 0; Doobt
Cben tbcp mull bee ano p^cifelp reao ouer, anD eramineD
ttoife 01 tb;ife at t^e leatt, left anp tl)ing be inferteo, DctractcD.omit*
tsti,altereD 0; niiQahen,Dtffertng from tbe parties goD meaning.
i?o23nftrumentsoncerealeoanD oeliuereD,ma? bee altereoo^a^
011 tbings being tijus oifpatcbeD, tbe BInftruments aretobetnb^
Tcribeobptbe parties.
0nD bp tbem fealeo toitb barD luar like to continue long.
jano toben jnftrunicnts are fcalco ano fubfcribcD, tbcp mutt be 0

penlpreaoano publiOjeO in tbe bearing of Diuers CubftantialcreDible

ti)itncffes,anD afterU)aro Deliucreo in tbeir p;efence, as tbe acts anD
teens of tbe parties.
STbefetbings fo finilbeDjtbe fealinganD oeliuerie offucbfeeDes
mutt be certtficD Upon tbe bacU fiDe tbereof, 0? in tome otber conneni
cnt place tbcreof,tbns : fcalco ano DeltucrcD in tbe pjefence of 0.115.
C.E>*CEiF.f c.ano cbufe altoaies fucb ?ong toitnettes tobicb can fub
fcrtbe tbeir oUme names if pou can get tbem.
SDeeDsinolD time tuere tuontto bee Deliueredtn tbe p^efence of
tnenofgreatettcrebit ano Uio^lbiptbatcontDbe gotten: ano man?
times in open Courts , 0; great attemblies of people, fo; creoite ano
The end of the firft Bookc.
Thefirft part of SymboJseographie, con-
taining Inftruments Extraiudiciall , Agrec-

^-^^^^ Lrhough by order vvclcarnc bovv to do things,

and then put the fame in praaifc, yet the vetic
\iQ^^ ^^i^^ns themfcjucs arc worthily
y^l^^^($h deemed farrc
/^ rf-f^ ,mcre<=xcdlent and honourable than the bare
^ V^^'^ l<nrvvlede;c thereof: by fo much as thccndis
r^^X^y\\i^j' ore precious than all the raeanes by which
^ff^ ^ ^^\ the Lme IS attained.
't>^N'-i?-<--^--v For as inSchoolcs,in vainc Hiould children
fpend their time in learning the rules ot Grammar , touching either the
Etyraoloo;ie or Syrtjxis thereot,if they did not after apply their know-
ledge to the vfc of fpcaking and writing.
And as Phyfitians fhould vnprofitubiy ftore themfelues with the
vnderllanding of the fcuerall natures and properties of hearbes and
roots, and other limplcs,or of the Art ot Pliyficke, if ihcy did not fhevv
vsthcvfe and fruit thereof in curing difeafes, and rcHoring health: fo
dcubtlcfic the dodrineofall other Arts and Sciences, is idleand barren
ifvfc and praftife be not therewith conioyned. And therefore vveal-
vvaies account thofe things vvhich are vvrctight by Art, of farrc more
palsing cxcellencie than we doe the Art it felf e.
Neither doth any doubt, that it is harder to praOifcan Arc, than
onely to learnetheTheorickc part thereof ; For neitlcr they which
know the feuerall kindcsand rceafuresof VcrfeSjWiththelawesofver-
fifyingjarethercby f^raightwaies Poets r.or th^y which bane lear-

ned by heart all the tropes, fi^i^nres, and precepts of Rethorike, are by
and by Orators : for to their knowledge they muft needs couple long
vfc and cxercife, before they vvjnne the names ofperfeft Poets,or elo-
quent Orators.
Euenfo, it fufficeth not for a Notaric to know onely what Inflru-
mcnts and Centralis be, what things and A^s they may bcc made of^
C and
Symbolaeographiac pars primi.
and by what pcrfons, with fuch other generall notions. For erchecbc
worthic that name, hcc rouft throughly know the fcucrall tenors and
formes of eucrie fpeciall Inftrumcnt, in each kindc of Contrail and
Wherefore as heretofore I haue generally in fome mcafure laidc
downc thedo^rineof Inftruments fo in thcfc which follow,! intend

to Oievv certain formes of euerie kind of Inftrumcnts,as they haue here-

tofore long time bcene vfcd and approued by learned men of great ex-
perience jfrom vvhofe found examples therein, 1 thinkeit not good
raflily to fwerue,becaufe it is a farre furer courfe, to retainc thofe certainc
formes which continually haue beene many ycarcs put in
vre,thcn to dcuife new : forthat,time, who is the
touchftonc of all Arts, hath con-
firmed thefe.

OfCouentSjArticles,?romifes, Contra(3s,
and Agreements c^c,

i^D foj fo mucl) as Coaenants are mferteti w c-a

to allmanerof HnKruments, Slt^inbeitgooD
firtt to 1ft Bto craniples t|jereof,ljamtig DefineD
iuljat manner of gnacumcntfitljE^be.an 3m
ftrument of Couenantss t^erefo?c, is a fo;mal
Df eo contapnii^g an agreement of oiuerfi per*
fons, lx)^erebptt)c one Dott) pjomifcojcoue?
nantlDit^tl)e otl^erto Doe oj omit fome act oj
a(f,t^ingo? tljinggj in fuc^foitag tl)epl)aue concluDeDtf)ercofa*
wongft tljcmCelues : ano tbep are mott commonly mafie toltt) t^efe
tPo;D0 fi3llotDmg,o;t^e like in effect.

The Twirds rpherewith Couenants be made or ypritten.

THis Indenture maDeic.Bccwccne3.i5.ofC.fc.ont!)e one parfp,
ano C.E>. of i r. on t^c ott)er partie, Wkneflet h, t^at tl)e faio k*
^fo; t)tmrelfe, bis beires>'recuto;s,anD aDminilirato)5, ano euer^
of tbem,tiot!) bp tbefe pjefents coucnant, grant, pjomife, ano agree,
to ano iuitb tbe faioCD. bis beires,creeoto;s, anD aDnnniSratojs,
f C*an0 euerp of tbem,tbat t^e faiO ja.X5. (cxprcfllng the thing agreed
vpon by apt words.)

OrtljMs beirpeene two andtrvo.

Wjtncd'cthjtbat tbe faiD a.X5. anDC.Dt)oebvtbefcpjcfents,foj
f bemfelucs, and citbcr of tlici:i, anD tbc t)cirf s, erccutojc,ano aDmi

niftratojB of tbem anD eiit)cr of ll)cm , ano cuerp of Kjcm concnant,

grant, pjomifc, ano agree, to ano iDitb tbe faio C.i^. ano d?.^. ano
citbcr of tl)cm,anD tbe bnres,crccutojs,ani3 aomimftiatoj^ of tbcm,
an D of eitbcr of tbcm, ano euery of tbem, tljat tbcy tbc faio 0.5i3.anD

Or thttsbetvpeene three and three.

WitncfTcthjtbat tbe faiD 0.I5.C.E>. ano Cir. fo? tbemfelues,anO

cuerpoftbcm,anDtbeb2ircs,ercfutoj6, anoaominiftrato^SjOftbem
ano euerp of tbeni,Do bp tljcfe p^cfents coucnant,grant,p;omife,anD
agrce,to,anDlDttb tbc faio C>.^.3B.B, ano ii.^. ano euerp of tbem,
ano tbe beires, erecuto^s, ano aominiftrato^s of tt)etn, anoeuer^of
tbem,Cl)attf It bappen %u
^ 2 CenenAntt
Symb. Coucnants. part.primac

(^oHenantsbetrfieene Executorsytvherethc enegrAnteth theaoodstothe

other, heing bomjd tape/forme the IVUl,

g fv . -y His Indenture inftDe fC Bctweenei^,&.f ^,^.fC WitnefTcth,

' *'

1 tbat tot)creas CS. note DeccafeD, late bjotticr of t!)efaiDUm
1)10 life time oiomaUeUislatt lull <inDtcaamet in U)jiting,anDti)r
in matie i ojoaiitcD tt)e taio U 1 3I tl}CH toife of tl)e faio ST^ano noUj
luifc,oftl)efait)l^.erecuto2fi ll}crof,?5S bp tl)c faiD tcftamcntanDlaff
ixjill appcaretl). 0nD Ui!)ere nlfo t^e faiD l^.f Bl.tjaue i cniop not onlp

all foci) goDS f chattels to^ict) tl)e faio SC.DiD giuc anD baqueatl) bnto
t\)Z faiD 3i.but aUo all pjatcmonei?, 5 al otfjcr gooDs f cbattels iDl)ic^
ipcixoftbefaio SD. ^attl)ctimcof t|is Deceafc:tOefaiDparticto
tl)efc pjefent BJnccntuieg bin conuifcenDeD ano agrecD in manner anD

fo;mc follotuingttljatisto fap, 2Cl)e faiD l!5.Sli).fo?binil}ifi e)cecato;

anDaominiarato?5,anD euerp of tbem oot^ coucnant ic to anD toiti)
tl;e faiD l^.&.^iis crecutojs anD aDminiffratojs anD enerp of tl)em fa)?

tljefc p2rfets,tbat ^;C tbe faiD iK).anD 3.l)is toifc, oj one of tl)cm,oj t^c
anD luill content ano pay 0? caufe to be pateD tjnto tljc faiD U.&.i)i
ei;ecuto?0,O2aDmtni(!rato;s,o2 to tbc c)ccfuto)0 of tl)e ftiruiuo; of the
faiD cj;eOto23fo?tiepounQS of tc.U)itl)in6.niontl)5 oei't after tlic lul
age of <0,anD ^.^Jons of tt]c faio2:&.o2 of cither of tijem, if thep
0? citl)er of ttiem fijall fo long line, 0; els luttljin one f earc nept aftei'
tt)e Deceaf c of tbe f uruiaour of tl)ctn tt)c faiD tEi.anD !^. if botl) ft)? iaiD
(I^.anD l^.S>. Ojall Die before citljcr of tliem fljall come to, ano bee of
^10 faiD full age Promdcd altoatcg, anD tl)e faiD 1^.315. fo2l)im i c
Dotl) coucnant ic fl)at if tt)e fame 3* "ovu luife of tbe faiD ^^. (ftall
Depart tt)ifii pjcfcnt life bef jc ti)c faiD C5. anD i^.>.02 ritbcr of tijem
Iball come anD be 02 l)td faiD full age, ano t^e CaiD (^. % )^.&.o2 cither
i)f tl)em furutuing t^cfaiD 32* 2i:bat t^cn tlje faiD l^.S]^. l)i tieires f c

fljall content ano pay,o: caufc to be contenteD i paio bnto tt)c faio ^*

of t^ee]cecuto;softl)efamel^.^*t^efummeofrrX.cc* tottlnnone
^earenert after fuel) Dcceafe of tfje fame J. And oner tl)is,tt)c faio ^
^fo? ^im f c.oott; cousnant l^.^.anD 3.t)is iolfe
sc. tijat tjc tljc faiD
anD f^eir crecuto26,aominiftrato;3, ano aSignes,! cuerp of t^em,of
|>i0,!)er,anD tbeir pjCiicc caflc c!)argcs,Durirtg tl)e niariagc betlDirt
^tm t^s faiD l^^anD toe faiD J-fftall luel anD fnff icicntlp fuaaine,anD
maintatne tl^e Doufcs anD bailDtng0,\x)t)tct) be fet $ builDeD bpon fuel;
cattomarp lanos anD tenements in ttSC.in tlje fato countp of jji.lo^ic^
ti)e faiD $.^t| 51* in tl;e ngl)t of tl)e fatD 31* hoU) l)auc ano do 1;oId fo;

Liber Coucnants. fccuiidus
ferme of life of t^e f aiD 31 0nD t[)at !)e tfje faiD !^#. and 31 .no; either
of t^em Ojall DO no mancr of toaft in o; tjpon a)c faio cuComarp lanos
no tenemcntfl,o? anp parcell thereof. And alfo toljere t^c faio l^,^.
togctl)ecU)itl)3.15of^.anD BB^fiD.of m*liptl)elriujiting^blisa*
(ojie 00 ftano iointlp ano feucrallp boimo tjnto tl)e faio U. &, in i oo, *
poHn05 of gcDD ^c,\i)it[) ano Upon conoition thereupon inoo^feo foj tl)c
(rue performance of tl)e couenant0,grants,paimcnc0, f agreements,
containeointt)efep?efent3nDcntures on ti}t part of tfjefaioi^.sp,
1)10 l;cire5,crecuto?s,aDminiaratojfi i airignc0,o; anp of t^em to bee
perfo}meo,paieO oj fecpt,a3 bv i\)z faio U)jiting ;2Dbligatojie,ano con*
oition afojefaiD,mo;e plainly it oot|j ano map appcarc : Clje faio 1^.
^.fo?l)imfc.Dot!)couenant|c.to anoloitbt^e faio K.fe>.fc.tljatif
anp ttoo of tlje perfons bouno in o; bp t^c faio tu;iting Dbligato?ie,
o;anpttuoofanv otberperfons bereafter tote bouno, in, o; bp anp
otber looting )bligato;ie to be maoc fo; tbe fame purpofe,(bal bte,f
Depart tbiflp^efent life before all tbc couenants, graunts, articles,
payments ano agreemcnt0,in tbefe p^efent BInoentures eontatneo,
fliall be toeU ano truclp pcrfo?mcc ano kept, tljat tbcn tt)e fnruiuo? of

tbeperfons bouno by anp fucbti);ittng)bltgato?ie, Q)allU)itb tlDo

otber fufficient fucetie0,lt)itbin tUio peare5 nert after fucb Departure
0} oeatb as is laft afo^efaio, bp tbeir fufficient ano lalufull U);tting
i^bligatojte become iointlp i feuerallp bouno to tbe faio U&biBep
e(uto;0o;aomtni0rato;totbe eicecutojsoftbe furniouc of tbe ere*
cutojs of tbe faio H.fe. in tbe fumme of f c. luitb ano bpon conoition
in effect as is afo;efaio,ano fo often to fino anb lap in f net) bonos toitb
facbfuretie0adisafo;efaio,a6anpfuct)Oeatbo;bcatt;S)a0 is afoje^
faiO,n)aU bappen as is before ceclarco, During tbe faio time* 0no o*
uer tbtstbe faio iv&.fo; bin] ic.Dotb couenant to anotuitbtbefaio
I^.^^Mbat be tbe fame \a*^\)\b itc.fball acquite, Difcbarge, i from
time to time fo; eucr fane barmeUs tbe faio !^. sp. 1 3 biiJ toife, ano
(itber of tbem,f all tbe crecuto;s,aominif!rato;s,i affignes of tbem,
f eit!)er of tbem,againa t^e faio (25. C. f l^.&. i eitljcr of tbem, of all
ano Gngular legacies, gifts, i bcqucfls tubicb tbe faio ST.tbeir fatbec
oio bp bis laff U)il ano teOtamcnt giue ano bequeatb to tbe fame (0*(r*
ano^.&.anoeitberoft^cm. InwitncffeUjljereofic.

of CoHenantsto ffie Stattites*
THis Indenture made &c. betlDsene U. E>. ano Mt* ^* on tt)e one St(X, do.
par(p,anDK.)15.on tbe otber partp,Witnc{Tctb,tbat tobereas tbe
faio i^.is UtotnUp intituUo to a certain oceo obligato;p, maoe bp tbe
C 3
Symb; " Couehants. part.prlmae

faio 2It.^.a(f05Ding to t^e ttatutc of Aaon Bumd.f acbnotuUogco,

c.befojc ]^.fl.tt)cn ^aio? of Cfcc Citie of C \)nto p S). in tl)c fum of
$c.(ommonly calleD a ftatute mercl)ant : bp mcane tD^crcof, i\)t faid
?IICI.p.at ttjisDap,i0,i foj a long time t)ati) bin grieueo, iFo; f bettec
belp I eafb^ tobcrcof ,f fo; Diucrs etber condoerations, tbe TaiD partud
euerp of ttjem mouing,tl)cp are conoifccnDcD f agcecD, in manner f
fo;m folloU)ing,tl)at is to luit : SL\^t (did ^. f l^.anD citbcc of t^em,
are lueil pleafeo,contenteD)f agrecD,! further couenant i grant,to,f
ioitb tt)c faio U.tl;at tuljat time it fliall pleafe tl)c faiDK. i as oft, ano
at all ano cuerp time ano timc0,a0 '^e (l)al fa plcafc, ano luben ^c Q)aU
tl)inUe it moQ to bim conucnietU to lue fojtb erccution, bpon tbe faio
ftatute mercbant,! to do bis bctt, i bttcimoft cnDcuour fo? tbe obtep*
iting of tbe fame, % finguUr tbc lanD0 1 tenements
alfo to e^teno all t
U)bicb luere tbe faiD ^.^.at making of tbe faiD Sa*
tbo time of tbe
tute mcrcbant,02 at an^ tiuie fttbencc, as far fojtb, f in as ample ma^
tier I tDi(e,ns tbe lalucf!,brage&,f cuftomes of tbts realme loill beare

$ permitjtbat tbe faiD W*

i U. no; anp of tbcm, (ball not in any toife
binDer,lct,o.: gainfa\? i^ fame. anD tbc faio U. couenantctb f cp be tbe
faiD i^.n)al,bpon tbe fame crecution fuebjurtber bre,Do,crtcD i fbeU)
all (ucb fauo? bnto (> faio S^f.in refpctt of ^ impjifonrnt of bis perfon
as be latofnUp mnp,t as bp tbe fame H.| ^l.o; tbeir learneD counfeW
jii tbe IcarncD counfell of eitbcr oftbcm Hinll be DeuifeD o; aDuiCcD^fo
t tbe fame be not burtfull no; p;eiuDicial to tbe faiD erecutiO)no; map
be DeemeD o; conftrueD a gcoD i fufftcient matter, to auoiD i fruQrats
tbe fame.0nD fni tber,tbe faiD tl.Dotb f c.^^ be fliall i luill from time to
time,i at all i eucrv time $ times, as be (^all be reafonably requireD,
fcptbe faiD IS.biiS t c. ano after tbat be tbc faio U.batb eptcnbcD o; cau^
(eD to be e);teDeD,fu(t) lanDS i c.o; any part o; parcell tbereof, ns at tbe
time of tbe bnotuleoging of tbe faio ttat.o; at anp time fitbenceiUierc
tbeinberitanccoftbefatc^l.inolobe tbe lanDsi tenements of t^e
faiD iS.t in bis feifin t poffcfrion,aiue,grant,call anD euerp tbe faiD
lanDS ic.bnto tbe faiD H.} bis tr.to b^^uc i to bolo tbe During all fucb
terme,9timeas tbe faio l\, flioulD b^ue by tbe la\us, flatutes,t;fages,
f cuftomcs of tbis realm tn ibc p;cmiaes, by tbe fojce of tbe faiD Ctat.
f ertentjf to Do,fuffer,f maUcfeale ano JscUuer all Tucb affurances in
t^t laU),fo; tbat purpofe, as iTjall be ccuifcD o; aDuifeD by tbe faiD ^
o;bisafTignes,o; bis o; tbeir learneD counfell, at bis o; tbeir p.^oper
tofts ic.in tbc IvAtD. 0nD i lio y faio u. Dotb coucnant f r ^ aftcrioaros .

\)t tbc faiD ivby bertue of ibc ftatute afojefaiD,tbail bauc foib 15ds ic

ix\ eirecntio, lu^ict) at t^ie fo;efaiD time of \^i UnoUileOj^ing of tbe faiD

Liber Couenants. fecundus
fiataf c niercljanf lucre tf)t (nfieritanr e of t\)t faiD C^.c^^^.fef ,lping,oj
bciiis m C234n ic To haue and to hold to tlje faiD i^.anD bis afftgncs
Uuring all fuc^ tcrmc i time,aj3 tt)e faio H.l^al be latofuUp intituleo
bp tlje faio crcciition, to ^aue tte fame. And alfo tl)e faio U.out^ co?
uenant tctljat t)e,no; tl)Gp,(l)all do no act no; acts, tljing 05 t|jing6,to
cuoitj 0; fruCratc tljc fo^cfe^iD grants,! affigncmcntg, 0; anp of t^cin
to be jtiaDe bnto tl^c faio U.ano l)i0 affignc55,of tljc pjemillcSjtn man^
ncr Ifo;m afojcfaiD,aftcr ttiat ttje fame be IjnD f niaoe, to tl)e faiD i^*
f to f);6 aatgnes,as is afojcfaio. And t^jc faio 5ISII.f Kan conQoeratt*
en of t\)t fauo? \i)\)it\) i\)t faio Vu !jatl) in tl)efc inDcnturcs f oaenan*
teD to fl)cUi,Do,tfe,f crtcD bnto tlje faio CCl.as afoje appcarctb. i3nD
alfo in confitieration of tfje faio grant to be inaoe bnto tbe faiti iS as
libetoife is afo:e cvpjeffcD, toljerby tbc faio^u fball beocfenDcD fro
funDjp Damages, tlje faio uXl^i U. ano cueri? of tbcni,couenant ic.to
pap to tt)e fatD U [)i6 e]cccuto;s 0; afligncS; tbc fumuic sc. in maner 1
fo;inefoUoiDing,viz rr.S&arbcsb^peare,vcrclp,bptl;cfpaceoffiuc
peres ncvt infuing,at ij.termes in tbc pcre,to be nominntcD f appoint
tcD bp tbc faio U' f r.^' tbe nert peare, immeoiatlp foUcluing tbe fain
b.pcree,attj.termesasafo?efaiD.AnltbcfaiO(:iU.tU.t)o couenant,
tbat Ije tbe faio U.fo; tbe true ano gooD papnient of tbc faio fumtne ot
f c.to be conf cntco t paio,a afo;efaio, a)al 1 luil cborgc al i Ongnlac
bis lanos t tenenicts,tDbicb be batb in tbe faio Countp ofC.f to ooe
all ano eucrp act ano aas, tbmg ano tbings, to; -ano to tbat purpofe,

tonuenicnt ano appertapning,froni time to timcas fl^all be oeuifeo,

0; aOuifco,bp tbe faio U.o}bi(learneo counfcll, at tl}e proper cods
atiOfbarges in tbc laU),oftb faio W.And alfo tbc faio lI.anoUDoc
couenant ano grant,fo; tbem^ano cucrp of tbem^to ano luitb tbe faio
Ufrom time to timcto beare no pap tbe moitie nno one balfe of tbe
cbargcs in tlje latu, U)l)icb tljC faio Iv.niaU be put to in tbe fning fojtb
of tbe faio erecntion,anocrtent And alfo tbe faio tl(l]l.fU.oocoue
nantic. tbat tbe faio U. at tbc rcquettcftbc faiou.rtjallbcofcoun*
fell luitb biot, in tbe fuing fojtb of tbc faio crecution ano ertcnt, ano

labour ano traucll tuitb bim in tbe fame, as appertainetb to a Ccun^

cclloj.And tbe faio IX. ootb coneuant fc.to inlarge,ano oifcbarge tbe
faio tKH.out of pjifon, li bcrc be noto remainetb, at tbe rcqueCl of tbe
(aio^K^.ano U^ojeitbcroftbcm. And fo; tbe full ano true accom^
pUtbmcnt of all ano fingular co<ucnants,graunts,agreemets,f atti?-
clcsmentioncointbefc 3;nocntures, cucrp partp couctiantetb^oo'^
tber to fltan^ bouno in tbcir fcucrall oecos Qbligatojp, in tbc fumme
of lobearingoatetoit^ tljefepjefcnts Jnwitncdctoljereoffc
Symb. Couenaiits. patt.primx

Couemttts to dtfcharge Sxectttors.mdproeurereleafe.

T^HIs Indenture maDCfc. Bccwccne'^.^. ontljeone porticnnD
^ c.ll54atc toifc of U. 115. tlje laR toill f
DeccafeD, anD epccutrir of
tettamcntoft!)cfameU.015.of tlje otl)Er partie, mitncaetb.SEljat
Ujl)cre tl)c faio l^. ^. tua in bis life time
put in truft, as one of tl)c
pjofits of ccr
K& cfquircDcceafeo, toleuic i recciae tijc
feoffees of
taine lanDsanD tenements to tl)e fame feoffees affurcy, f o? Cr laine

fuisofmonep,tott)et)fe,ant) fo;tljepjefcrmentof tbe mariage of

i^.^*1** f !a.&. fiucof fl)C Daughters of 3(. ^. i bpt)ertoctl)crcof
f)atl) receiueo anD leuieo, tt)c fumme of f c. nno t)at^ in,anD out of tl)C

fame DtfburfeD fc. totl^e tfeof tl)e faio feuerall Dang^ters , as in a

fceoule annercD to tljefe p^efents appearet^,anD fo bao remaining in
t)is l)anDS,at tl)C time of bis Deatl), ano toticrcUiitt) tbe faio C.as tiz
cntojjto tbc faiD H. 31B. reltetb e tjargeable ano anfloerable to tbe faio
fcueralloaugbtersintbc fumme of ic. Andtobereaf tbefaio3I.S&
b}otber to tbe faio ^.ca.f ^ . asl)ee affirmetb, batb oifbarfeo an5
paio fo; tbe pjcfcrment of tbe mariage of tbe faio 3. latclp marieD to
% .^. tbe fumme of ic. % is to receiue tbe fame againe of ber po2tion>
f tberebp claimetb ano oemanoetb of tbe faio C.^tbe faio fumme of
f c.auD tobicb tbe faio C
515 bpon reaf onable Difcbarge, is agreeo f

pa^,tbe faio BB.fe.rict^ 5r2 bp "tbef e pjefents, not onlp confeaing ano
actr.Oibieoging,tbat tbe oav of tbinfealing of tbe fame, be batb recei*
neo ano bao of tbe ClS.tbe^Cummc of c. to tbe bfe of tbe faio 3 bi
otber bis (iaers, as tbe fame of rigbt is oue tjnto , ano
fiff er,oj f ucb

tbereof,anD of euerp part tbereof ootb acqnite ano Difcbarge tbe faio

C)15bereFecutoj6 ano aDminiftratojs, but aUoootb confeffeGno

cKnotDleOge, tbat be batb taken ano receiuco cf t^^ laio C^. a full
e perfect accompt of all tbe receipts of tbe fais U.15. ano all tbat tbep
Oifborfeo, bpon tbe fame iuftlp % truelp mat)e,as in tbe faio fceoule
annereo appearetbjacknoluleogetb tbe faio fumme of t r.ano no meie
remaining in tbe ^anos ef tbe faio C.15. as erecntrir of tbe laS toill
anoteftamentof tbe faio W.^. And tbe faio 3..^* ootb furtbercouc'
nant ano grant fo;bim, biserecQto;s,f aommidrato^sbptbefepje*
fents, tbat tbe faio 3^*bi(erecato2s, aDminillrato;s,o;a(rtgnes,
not onelp oifcbarge, Oefeno, ano faue barmelp tbe faio C* 15*
againft tbe faio ^^*^^<B* 1 0. anO euerp fucb pcrfon ano
|)ec (c.artoell
^erfons,as noU) batbi oa hereafter Ojatl marrp anp of tbem,tl)eir,ano
cuer^ of tbeir erecutojs 9 aomimltrato;^, as aUo againd&ir Wi*1l5*
bnigbt,ano tbe erecato}s of i^.ll. 0loerman oeceafeD,anD otber0 tbe
feoffeeaof tlje fame 3Er^.oeceafeo>of7 ano from all (uit0,f ocmanos,
I ano
! ihr;
.lUVl Coiienants. fecundus
ano al ctjargcs t^crbj> to be fuu^inci^jtobicl) Ojalbe p;iofccutcD againa
recciuins of tljc faio fuinmc of f c 02 an? part 0; parcell ll)creof,but
alfo Ojall pjocure to be fealeD f Oeliuecco to tije Tatu f :55*toit^m one ^
t'Care ncrt cnfuing tfje tatc tfjcrcof, a latofuU 1 fufficient general uV
quitacc from al f eucrp fuel) perfon f pcrrons^aB lalofuUp canjCoulD,
0; migbt clatme,afke,o; Demane^anr part 0; parcell of tbe faio fum of
cbp tbe faio l^*^a0 is afo^cfsto receiueD, ano bp^er to tl}e falD %
^.paiD. In vvuncH'c iut)creof,f c.

His Indenture &c. iBetluecnc 3C513.anD 3^. of tc anO C'.ii^on Se^.5?.

T tbcotber partie. Witncircih,tt}atU)l)crea6abont tbc^o.peare
ottbe ^ueene0 ^ateSie5 ratgne t^at notbie, a certaine offence,
PIfjacteo; robbeneloa0 committeo bpon tbe&eas bpon tbegooDs
anDtnercbanbi^eof one ^^. ano ^.2D. in tbe gooo Ojip calleD tbe
^agoalen bpoiuer0perfons,U)l)ercofcertaine fo;tbe fame offence
toere erecateo,! certame pet remaine Sano inoirteo, as bp tbe Ue^
co;d of tbt Conrt of |c*.mo;e at large ^tb appeare. Now tberefo;e it
if cenenanteD and agreeo betloeen tbc faio parties to tt)efep;efent0
in maner i fojme foUotBing tbat is to fap,s::i)e faio SiS.ff!j!:/un ic.

io?r.riteib,tbat be tbe faio 3(.^.from time to tiv.: upon tbe tequctt

of tbe faio il.^.flja'l not onlp bp tbe autbr/iiie potoer to bim maoe
hf tbe faio 31^. t CQ.D. 02 otb^r^ife, attacb, impjifon,f piofecute
in oueo^oir of lain, ad t\*z [aio g. ^. (ball Direct bimjall f euerp tbe
perfonano pcrfon , 0; anp of tbem tobicb ftano inoictf d fo; tbe faio
offence,! all ( euerp offender t offcnoers toucbmg tt)e pp;acp,f tbeir
acce(ro2iesi,ano euerp of tbem bnt alfo Q)aibeaioing,aai(tin0,coun

celling,! belping tbe faio 'i, SJ^.inall ano euerp act, tbing, ano oeuife
tbt tbe faiD 3. ^. (ball latofuUp goe about to ooc, perpetratc,o? ere*
cute,abOQt}toucbing 0; concerning tbe faio p2emi(re0,o; anp of tbem*
Andtbattbe faio 3.15. bis erecutojs oj alTignes fball not at anp
timcbercafter releafe, 0; otberluifc Difcbarge anp of tbe perfons fta

Ding inoicteo fo) tbe fame offence , oj anp acceffojp to tbe faio offen^
l)o;,no;anp offenDojo?offcnDojsU)bicbtoa0 at tbe fiorobbcrie,
0200 perpetrate o;comtmt, 02 iDillm^lpfuffcr anp tbing ojttjings
tobeDonetoacbingtbep}emiae0, 0; anp of tbem, 0; anp matter, ac
tion,agrament,o; otbec tbing teucbing tbe p)emiffe0, e; tbe perfons
inoicteo foj tbe pjemiflcj, oj otbers, concerning tbe faio offence,
Symb. Couenants^ part.primac

crccuto:g,aijm{ttiarato)0 oj aSignco, firft ^aD anft obfaineD in \}i}it*

tm8tinDe;:i.l;eir^ai\D0iIeale3fojtl)c tame. And nio;eouer,if it fo

l)e,tl}at anp agreement Ojal be 1)80 fo) tbe p)emifle0 '02 anp of tl)cm,o?

otbatoifcljQlrjfoeucr bj5 meanc ojcolonr of tl)offencc afojcfaiott^at

tticrccompence , fummc oj lums of montp 0; ottjcr thing bpon fuel?
agreement paio anD icccincD^rgriU be Deaioco intot^jce equal parts,
totjercof one parttticrof tbefaio K'XS.aiaUfecepe f Dctainein biolun
l)ant;sf 0? [)iB olnne part tl;creof. tTljc feconD part tl)crcof l)c tlje faio

i.lB.^ifl erccnto30, oj aonnntaratojs, (^all pap to tt)c faio 3.^. \)\s

crccutojg ir. iuitbin 4.Daiesaftcr t()e rcceittl)ercof in tl)C(Il)Urcl) of
)i5.f c. and t\)z 3 part ibcreof t\)Z faio 3.)15.fl)al pap to tlje faio C>.K.

jc. In confidcration of alllDbicI; p^miCffS, t\)t faio 3;.^. foj \)mn*

coticnantctl) re. to ant tuiit) tt^ufaio 31XB. ^igmcutojg j affigncs bp
ttjefc v?cfcnt tbat I'c tt)e faiD 5.Q9. Ijtss ic Ojall beare 1 Difcbargc all
cxptmcB, tljat Q)al bcreaftcr be Difburfeo, papcD,oj
f oftcs,cl)argvj0,i
crpenocD, in 02 about t!)c pjofecuting of ttje p;emitIes,o? anp of tljem

at aU,anD eacric fuel) time ano ttmes^ siet tlje fame Hiall be DiCbucfeD
ano pajJD from time to time. In witncflc &c.

(^oMenatits to furrender Co^jhoU lands.

Scft.(53. "TPHis Indenture maDc)15ctU)CencSn.S^.ia.&.ffAVitncncth,Ebat
i tbefaiDSC.^.inconfioerationof i2o.pouDBtC'Sot^fo;t)imfclf
it* couenant t c. tbtit ^t t\)t faio S:. 02 l)i0 btires, befo2e tbe feat! of
<Il;.nej:t cnfning tbc Date Ijerccf; f^all f U)ill acco2Ding to tbc cuttomc

of tbc mano2 of &. m tl^ faio countie of ^, (orrcnoer into i\)t banotf
of tbe 1L02D of tt)c faio mano;,al tbofe CopibolD lanD0,tenemft0,me^
5olue0,paKure0, i bcrfDitament0,Vuitl)intbe^oheof afo;efaitJ,' C
notD ojlatelpin tlicfcucrall tcnnre0 o2ocfMpatton0olfit.Il.l^.fi^.
ISiiB.i E>.iC02 of anpof ffjem, 02 of tl;c affignes of tbcm, 02 of anp of
t^em,U)l)icbnolubc,o?l)cretofo2ef)auebin tbclanO0fc. of tbc faio
2E45.02 of 3!,cp.bi0latefatbcrbeceafeD,totbebrc fbeb^feoftbe
(aiD U.^. W
btirc0 i afrtgiU0 fo2 euer, acco2bing to tbe cnltome of
manoj of fe. And tbat be tbc faio ST.qj.f bi0bcirc0,njaU ano
tbe faio
iDill at all ano cueri/timc i times bcrcafter,li3ell ano fnflficicntlp 00,
- mabc,fenolulcogc,finifl&,f erccut0,f caufc^f fnffcrto bceootte,maoc,
fenotolcDgeD,f(ni(bco, ano eicfcuteo, nil anocuerp fuct) furfbcr rcafo^
nablc art ano acts, tbmg ano tbings, oeuife ano ocuifcs, conuepance
ano cenaeiancci^,furcen tier f furrcnDer0>a(ruranceanb a(Tafanre0in
tbtlatDjiDf tbc faio tenements anb pjemiltcS;, toitb tbe appiirtcnan''
ce5;to2tbc abfolate>0ooo, ano perfect adnrance ano connepancf of al

Liber Coiierants. fccandu^

H)t faiD tenimcnff! f p;emiffc,UJi'!) tlieappurttuanccg to t^cfaio K;^'
^i$ t)eitcd anD aUtgns fo? euet;,acco;Duig to tt)e faio cuQtom of tt)c fntd
mannojof^.Voitijoatan^nianerofcontittton tl^ereunto anneji;eMi$
Hjallbes teuifed, aouifeDo; requireCi bp tljefaio \^^* \}is\)t\xtsoi
adtgneS:, o; bp t)t6 o; t^cii' oj anp of t^eir CoutKcU Uarneo in tt}e ^
UU)e0oftl)ei^ea(mefC* ,;.)....; ;.jj.. ;;,.wf.; n;v>- ... >

Hereunto may be added fiich other cotiefiams W

the deliiTcrrrtgof
copics,and being feifed in fee, according to ibc cuftoine, and tor quiet
cnioying,andfauing harroclcflc of incumbrances &c. as bccnevfcdin
the fale ofcharter lands Mutatis mutandis : or m
the Conditions or Ob-
ligations for fuchpurpofc &c. k '^ i.^ :|{ :i J
. -
! "^

CoHenants toHchwg the nfpanemer.ts of SxecuiorPnp,

THisIncIcnturc&c.SBgttoeeneMI.CfCrC)cectttojofiJ:claftlDiU| Se^/4,
tettament of fe.^.(IP,Decea(cD,of tt)e one partic, anD 2:.C of tl)c
ot^erpartie,Witncileth,tl)atU)l)ere t^e faio &.Bl.CDDiDbu!)i0laft
U)Ul anD teSanient,bearing Date 9cniaUc,con(litnte,o;Detne,ano ap^
pomttt)cfatDC<W.C,!)i6fclccrccnto; of bis loftlDiU anoteftfmcnt:
i^oU) tbe fain ^ C fo;i3iuer8 gmocaufcs anD(ouQDcratioiist)tm
rpedallp ttioutng,t)atb giuen c.bnto tt)c faiD IT.C^^is erccnlojs ano
afrigwe0,all and Gngular (Ije gcoDs, cljatf el0,lcafcs,impler.;cntSj anD
titsntild of bouQ)olD,Debt0,Dutie0,anD crcDit0,li)l)icb lucre to tt;e faiD
B[.C>.at t^e time of t)id Deatb, otbec tbcn Cucb goicig, cbattel^, anD im
plcments of boufliolD ttuffc, onclv it t'je balue of f c. a0 bin alTtgncD,
anD appointed to Dame 0. (r. late toife cf t^c faio S-C^. in fatiffaction
of c.to l)cr couenanteD to be paieD.j^nD alf otbcr tljen all Cud; g(DD09
cl)attels, anD Debts, anD otber tbing3 of tbc faiD STettato;, as the faiD
M.Cbatt) bcrctofo;c aDminiOreD,rtinguifi3CD, anD rtleafcD, being
tontainco in tt)e fccDulc 3;nDenteD,bcunto anncveD-ETo baue anD to
^olD f e. (ercept befo;e crcf pteD)to tljc faiD H.C.bie crccutojc anD af^
f(gne0,in aa large anD ample maner anD fojme, as \)z U;e faio "(XX* C*-
tbeDapof tbeDateoftbefe pjefents^^att} 0} bp atip latofnlltuares 02
meanesmigljto; ougl^tto baue tlje fame. :3nDtbcfaiD 2KIT.C. Dutlj
alfo bp tbefe p;efent0 graunt anD autbojife, as nuub au in t)(m lietbr
anD ootlj conftif ute, make, o?Dainc, appoint tbe faiD K.* to be bis
true t lalMfall 0tturncp,to arrctt, fue, impU Dc bpon iiitt caufe, anD
to DefenD 1 anftoere m lalDfoil tuife, in tlje name of tbe faiD 2Itt.C oj
anp ^is erecuto;s 0; aDminiftcato;s,aU anD ail mancr of tuft i laUiful
a(tioo0,fuit0,p2ofecuticns, anD DcmanDs, tbat at anp time bcreaftcr
Sjalbe b;oug^t t (ommcnceD in Uje name of t\}z faiD mr* 0; anp l}\s^
Symb; Couenants. part.pnm
b^ tlje nieane^of t|)e faiD C* * Wtxtcutoi o; ar^
crccuto;^;, e^tljer
as emuto; of i\^z fato ^. Bl o^ an^
figne5,o;i againll ttje faiD SISLC.
i)ismcute3So;aDaiiniQrato2S fojanp matter o; caurtjinan^tuife
touching OKoncermngt^eCaiD ^C^bpreafon of t^e emuto^H^tp
oftteratD^.3C.o}bvrcaron of 11)0 fato latt lDillo;tel!ament,o; anp
tbingtbcrein contatneD,Uutt}outtt)0t)oluntarif ccuocation, nonfuit,
o; oentall of tl)e TaiD M*
C. o; m^
\)is erccuto^s o; aDminittrato;^,!

luttt)outaitv account peeking tnto tt)e fato W. C bis crecato^s o;

acimiarato30,ojanvoftt)em,fo? t^efamcat anytime. SnDfur
tber,tt)e faio m* C. tiotb ccucnant f c. tbat tije faiD 0.1. Cbi wccu
toj;,ic. o; anp of t^em, ftial not at anp ttme bereafter tclcafe,acquite
ano Difcbargc any perfon, foj anp Debt,o;Duetie, Due fo tbe faio ^. BR
erceptbeo;tbcv^f^i^fo?ftD,o2DcreD,ojaDiuDgcD bp anpfentencc,
iuDgenient-ojDcr, o? Dcccecto bee bao oj maDc, bp anp Court in tbts
Mealnic^cclcOatticall o; STempojall, no; toittinglp o? luiUinglp
(ball DOC anpotbero?futtbcract,o; tbing, in anp luife toucbing o;
concerning tbe erecution of tbe faiD latt boill f trftament, o; anp part
(bcrof,o; tbe reuocation of tbefe pjcfcnts, tuitbout tbe atrcnt,aDaice,
oj confcnt of tbe faiD K* * bi erecutojs o; aDminiftratojg. And tbe
faiD K.* fo; tbe confiDerattons afo;e in tbefe p;efent BEnDentures
fpBcificDjCOucnantctbfo; ictbat tbe faiD CCT.bi erecuto; ic. Qjal (
loilUat all time an D times bercatter, fufficicntlp acquite,Di(cbatge,o;
Upon UnoluleDge gtuen,faue barmcletK tbe faiD M.Cbt^ bcird? anD
recuto)0,of,anD from all maner of actions,fuit i DemaanD0,tubat*
foeuer it be,bp rcafon of tbe faiD laft luill anD teCament, o; bp colour
o; caufc of anp aDminiftration,meDUng,o; DcaUng,of,o; toitb tbe faiD
gQ3D0,cbattel0,o;otbertbingflof tbefaiD SCettatoj, o; bpreafon of
anp action o; fuit,to be baD i pjofecutcD in tbe name of tbe faiD ua.C.
oj bis mcutoj0,bp tbe meaner o; pjocurementof
tbe faiDJC.C.l^itf
tc,o) bp reafon of anp otber action o; fuit to be baD anD ttirrcD againtt
tbe faiD ISl.C.o? \)\& erecufo;s, as erecutojs of tbe faiD ^. 31 ftall at

anp time bereafter,bp anp tuaies o; meanes,bappcn to come,arife,o;

tobeecommenccDo; pjofrcuteD againtt tbe faio M.o; bis erecuto;
toncbing 03 concerning tbe fame, o; elfeat tbe leaftluitbin one mo^
netbnert after fenotoleDge baD bp tbe faiD SC.bis emufojsojaDmi*
niarato;s,ofanp trouble o; fuit bereafter bappeningto tbe faiD cr.
Cbw erecuto;0 o; alli9ne0, bp reafon o; occafion of anp tbe faiD ejre*
CHfo;16tp,aDminiftrationojcaufe0abouefaiD,ftaU recompence anD
allot!) bimfucb cbargesasbeftallfojtune o;
necellanlpbe occaCo^
neD to futtainc anD be at,bp reafon of tyt faio faite o; foites,; caofes
Liber Couenants, fecundus
abotteCaiD, Hn^ article oj tl)ing in tWtvitttntt metioneu to tlje con<
trarie nottoit^ttanuitig And tl)c faiD 2CC.fo? l)im i coot^ cencnant
2C.C l)i crwutojs o; affigne5,Iftall ano tDiU,at
I c.2]:t)at ^e t^e faiD
all times l)ereafter,pap o; DifcUargc all legacte0,ano all ot^cr t^ingg
fpecifiei) anD containeo in tfje laft toil ano tefiamcnt,accojDing to
true iutcnt i meaning tl)erof50tl;er tl}en t^e legactc of t^c fait) ^.C
and ll^e legacieof 3CD.fcconD fonof tf)e faiD fir j (0. In witne(Tc&c.
CoHcnants for fj^edte triall, and c^uiet and indt^erent occupation
in the meane time,

T His Indenture maDe ic. WitncfTeth, tJ^attotjercasljecetofojeDi^ Seft. dj.

ucrg contrcucrOes,fuite6,f troubles |}ane rifen,$ [jet be bcttoirt
t^e faiD partte0,of,abont f concerning one fartnc,lping t ijeiug in l^^
feitl)in tl;e totontftip of 3 in tl)c Countie of 3>. in tlje tenure % occu

pation of tlje CaiD SC^U.SCo tot)ict) farmc ttje (aiD i?.li. mahetb claim
I pjetcnoet^ title % rigl)t:2i:o t^e intent p tbe fo^cfatD p;j9tenDeD title
I rigbtjin f to tl)e fojefaiD faniumap qa^etl^ be trieD betiairt tbe faiD
partiefi in fome of tbe iTiuans Courts, accojDing to tlic lalua of tbt{
lftealme,UJit^ as mucb fpao as tljc laUj ioUl tbe fame permit i fuffer,
U)itt)out anp oela^ to bee fougbt 05 baD bp citber of t^e faso parties,f
to tlje enD lljat fauoj, fricnDlI)ip, anD ncigbbojlp louc migbt be m tl)s
meane time continncD betlueene tbe faiD parties, tbeir feruanis fa i;

milies,qnD t^at alltjnlatufuU f fo;cibleattcmpt3,enfries,f bjeacbes

of tbe ili.peacc map be cfcl)clucD,i all otlicr ciiojmities ano barmcs,
tbattbereupon mtgl)tgro^$come,efcapeD,IciscouiiianteD|c* auD
citberof t!)emfojl)imfelfeic Dotb couenant|c.tt)atantl)el^aptbac
if 0; fljal be gottcn,m,i bpon tlje faiD farme in tl)is nert bap baruett,
fijall be motoeD,maDe, anD inneD at tbe mDifferent cofts % cbarges of

botl) tlje faiD parttcs,f bp tbeir mutuall confcnts,agreements,f com

manoemcnts, laiD in fome one conuenient place fo; ttjc p^eferuation
of tlie fame bsitbm t^e faiD farme, Vuitliout all couin anD Deceit* ^nD
t^at alltt)e faiD I^ap fo inneD 1 placeD (as is afoKfaiD) (balltbere re^
maincinDiffcrentlp 1 fafelpUeptbnoccupicD bp eitljer of tijcfaiD ^ar^
ties,tt)eir ic. tntill fucb time as tt)e faiD pjetenoeD titleanD rigl)t be
tl)2ougt)'p I latofoUp tdcD anD fenotun betU)irt tbe faio parties, f beis
fc mratbtntl)efaiolr)aptobe DeliucreDtQbimo;tbem,t[)ctr$cac^
cojDingtotljeirfeucvaU rigbtstberein.lD.tboutallceuin Andalfa
tbe faiD parties fliall ano map occupie anD eat alltt)e grade
tl)at tl)ep

groluing,in,f tpon tt)e faiD farme, iDtti) tbeir beads anD cattell toge^
tber in cSmon anD tnoeuiDcD, taittjont anp oifturbance oa lt,ba9 oj
maDe bp t^onc of tl)Qtn to tl;c ot^er of tt)e, % loitijout an^ Didmbance
Symk Couenantsi partprihax

02 let to be maw b? W^tita ic. of tl)one of t^em to theirs f r of t^tbct

of tt)em,t)ntil tl)c faio pjetenDeD ngl)t i title bnto t^e faio farme,fl)al
be fuUp 9 latDfullp oif f affeo, tneD,f knotoe bettDipt tbe faiD partie0,
t^cir t.accojDing to tijt latocB of tbi8 realnte. ano tlicn i after tbc
faiD title i rigl)t full ^ t latofuUp tricD anD etiDcD
bt t\)t Intucs of tlj(

realme,tbat it (ball i map be lalwfol to t foj tl)c faio parties, oj eiiljcr

of tbem,tl)eir l}eircg o; atTignes, To hauc i r. t^e (aiD farme, toitb tlje

appurtenances to tl)cm, tl)tir Ijeires o; aaignes, o; ttieirs 02 affignei
of tbenTjOj eitljer o( tt)cm fo? cuer, accojoing to t)is 02 t^eir rigbt anfi
title fo to be trieD ano founii,toit()out an^ fnrtljer (uit 02 trouble. And
alto tt)at tins agi dmet,no2 tlje inoifferent poUeffton of tbe faio farm
to be oc(upicD as is befo2c erpjeffeD,ft}al not at anp time Ijercafter be
tJ2eiuDiciall 02 burtfull to either of tbe faio parties tbeir beirs 02 af*
fignSjtoucbing 02 concerning tlje trials of tbeir titles f rigbts,02 tbc
titU,rigt}t,f poaeOio of either of tbf 5no2 1 tbe oncfball tabe 02 fsebc
anpaouantageintbelalntberebp agamttttje Dtber,SBut^ either of
tl)e (bal } map bauc 1 tafec lifee aouantage in tbe lato 0/ tbis l5i>,tbona

againft tbe ottjcr, in as ample i large maner,f in none ot^er toi;e oj

tnaner,tl)an astbongb tterebaoneuerbin anpfuctj 02Dcr 02 agree
niento2 occupation of tl)c faio farmes mcoeo2 taben bctluccne tbe
faio particsjtbcir bcires 02 afligns : anp tbmg in t}^is p2erent ^noen
tare to tbecontrarie notUiUbftaflOing. And aUo t^at tbc faio SE.U.f
i?.U. I eitber of f bem, ibeu bcires 1 atttgnes t^al furtber f batt toitb
as mucb f p^ro as in tt)em,02 either of tl)im is i map be done,baD,anD
fuffereo bp tbe lali) of tl;is rcalme, al % euerp fncb attion,fuit,o2 com
plaint,afi is 02 Ujai be commcnceo i begun bcitoeen t^em,their beirs
02 alligns,f02 tbe fpcemcr 1 better trial of p faio p2eteDeD rigbt,title,

02 poffcflion of ttc faio farm,al oclaies in tl)C faio fuit,action,o2 com'

plaint fct apart. janD alio ^ fome one action ftjall bragreeobpcnbe'
tU)een ti)e faio C W. i? .U.tobcre in tbe faio iF. (balbe plamtif 02 nv
tnanoantjbp tbaonifc of botb tbcir Icamco coiifel in tl)c lalu,U)berebp
tbe fatD pseteDeD rtgbt t title to tl;e faio farm map be bed i moQ Cpee^
Oilptciei; f foCto out,acco2t)ingto tbe laVos of tbis realm,U)itbout all
couin. And p tbe faio CU.f if i^. ll)all bebaue tbefelues frienolp f
louinglptbonetolMrDtbe otl}er,bpi during all tbe time of tbefaiD
trial,acco2Ding to tbe latus of (0oD < tbis realm. And ^ fo2 tbe better
perf 02mantc fulfilling of all* fingular coucnants,grants,f agree

mcntscontameti anofpecificD luitbin tbefe p2efent 32noentures,ac^

co2Dittg to tbe true meaning tberof, citber partp (balbe boiio to otber
int^e fum of 4ooti. of laUjfull ngUfb monep.In wimcfle &c.
Liber Couenants. Tecundus
CoHenants tom^^ks ajfurance,

THis Jndcnture maDE |C Witncflc th, iJjat t^e faiD *fQl f m

f onC* Seft/^.
Deration of it^Dotlj fo; bimf elfe ic. couenant i c. tliat tljc faio C.
atiD ^i5 teircs,f p.noU) ^ts toife,? cncrie of tt)em,at all % euerp tiwic t
anD times Ijereafter f c.fljall f toill Do,mat^e, knolDleDge, Snti^ i ere^ ,
cote all ano cueric reefonablc act ant) aas,tl}ing i ttmgs,couctancc f
coaeianceSjaffurace f alTaraccs m() laU), fo; ip gmD f perfect alTurace,
f urttp,fare making % conaeiancc of all $ Gnguiar t^oCe meOTuages %c*
tD^creofojtol)cremtt)efaiD3.1oaseuer in!:i3lifetimcreircDofanp
eftate of inl)critance,to tl)c faiD )&,<^. l)is tjeires oj afftgncs, % to fuel)
otl)f r perfon i pcrfon,i t)ig i tljeir tjcircs ic to l)is
f tt^eir onlp bfeiS,
btito to)t)o t^c faio d^.f 3. ^is late luite DeceafeD, oj cither cf tbel)aue
^trctofoje alieneo, oj bp anp otljcr toapcs i nieancs h)l)atfoeucr con^
acpcD 0? affareo t^e faiD temments o;t anp part tl)ereof, as bp t!}e fato
(E15bis beire* OJ affignes,oj bp tl)c faio fuel) otbcr pcrfon t peiTons,
tbnr beirs t a(rign0,\}uto Vubom tt^e faiD 0.X5.f ^. o; citi)er of tbem,
bane fo (a0 is afojcfaio) aliened o; ronue^eD tbe faiD tenements o^ n^
Hf parttbercof,o?asbpH.3XII.anD2E.lDo?tberuraiuojoftlicmniall
bercafonablpDcuifDo;aDuircD. So tbat tbc faio general affuran*
ces 02 conae^ancrS:, no? anp of tbf ni, crtenD not to btiiDe bim tbe faid
C.oj bw beires o; anp of tbenvto any furtber 02 otbcr U)nrrantp,tbaH
enelp againft tbem,tbeir beires ano affigncs. And fo,tbat tbc faiD
no2 bis beires be not enfojceo to traucU f 0^ tbc making 02 UnoU)IeDg
tng of anp facb affnrancc oj affuranres aboue rrmilce from 115. afojc^
faiD, And tbe faiD C.foj bimfelfe jc . ootb couenant K-tbat it Q)aU anD
maip be laUifull to ano fo; tbe faio <2> .bis bcirs i c.f cuerp of tbem,anD
aerp fncb otber perfon anis perfons bnto tobom tbc faio C>. % a.oj tv
tber of tbem baoe beretofo;e alicncD,conucpeD,o2 bp anp otber luaiesf
0; mganes afTnreD tbe faiD tenements f p^emitles, 0; anp par t tberof,
at all f enerp time % times bcreafter peactablp f qnietlp to bae,bolo
occupp,! eniop tbe faio tenements f p;cmiffes, ano eucrppart tberof,
toitb tbe apportenances. And tbat all tbe faio tenements f c. nolo are
anD be,anD fballano map fa; cuer bcreafter ftanD,remainc,fontinuc,
i be Unto tbe faiD C15 .c.clcerelp acquiteD,DifcbargeD,02 otbcrUJtfc
tuell f fufftcientlp faneD,i kept barmclcflc of 1 from all 9 all nmncr of
former bargaines,fales,gifts,grants,leares,feoffements,iointiicci^,
Dotoer,Catatcs,recogniraccs,bonDs,rets,fcruices, nrrerages of rets
tfermces,intrurions,fines,fo;feitares,iaues, amcrciaments,iuDge
nients,conDtmnattons, executions, rigbts,b)ills, eSates, i;fe?,in'
4aiuS|titUS9eiiCries>i conDitions^i of 1 from
all ott)er titles, charges
Symb. Contrads. partprimx
anuinconibjsnccs to^atfocncr ^ao 6i maue bp t^cfaiD .\iii fc.oj
b^an^ot^eiperfono; per(on(l)Dt)atfoeuer,laU)fall^ t)autneo; cla^*
ling t^c faiD tenements oj anp part thereof, iMit^ tl)e appurtenances
bp,frora,o; tnoer tt)em o; anp of tijcnijO? bp t^e mean0,affentjOj pjQ^
urementoftljcmo;anpoft^em lawitnctlcUj^creof,!^

Couenants toaure lands tofaue harmelej[e of recogmfances.

. T'His Indenture tripartite (f c bctlxjeen j^.Srof f c .ano ST^&^C^.iF^
^ m.^.iF.tlsai.cnDi^.m.offc. Witne{reth,tl)at IcJjere tbefaiD
S:^.tiail.^.f ir.^HiSI.bp one obligation oj recognifuncelaCclp maoe
anDp^ouiDe&bpllatute fo;rccouerte of sebts, baring Date fcEtanD
U)l)ercalfo ttje faiD SL^j^, C.^. ano (0iF. bplifee bono n;tccogni
{met latdp maDe ant) p;ouiDeD bn (tatutc fo? recoucrie of oebti5, bea*
tins Date ^t* fiano iointt^ ano f eueralip bounD ta tt)e faiD 1^. il i.u t)e
Cum f c*Ncucrtheles it i0 noU) couenanteD i c bettutrt tt)c fatti psrtied
anDeuerieof tt)ctn>fo;tl)cm fc. in manner tc. tt)at to to fa^, t^e faio
2i:.i;i.fD)bMtifclfe If. to ano tottl) tbc raiD K. fe>. f.i^.5Rai^.i'.fflI.
anu C'.^El tl)eir c. tbat ()ce tl)c faiD ST. i;>, before tbe feaft cf tc ncict

cnfuing afterlife Date {jcreof, at tl)e totts ano cb^rges in t^claUiof

tbc raiD C jF2.l}io \)mtQ and adtgncs, fljall make 0; caufe to be maoe

to tbe faiD 2:.&>.<I'.iF(2a.p.i^.^UanD to ifJ.&.ano to tbeir Ieire0,a

g05D,fure,fufi;icient,anD laUiful cttate in tt)c latUjin fee fimple,of,anO
inalltbatt)t5nianno;ofic. to tt)e Dfes ano intents bcreaftcrfotloU)
ing,t^at is to rap,to tlje bfc of tt)e faiD n:i]^.anD bis beiriw fo long.ad
tbc TdiD L.jj5,bi5 crecto5!3,aDminiltratDjg, o; afTignes, Do tocU anO
trulp acquitc,Difcbargc,ej fauc barmclcCfc ttjc faiD 2E.fe.(S5.i?.?lM!t.^.
iF*^4anDC^tt)cirbeires,rrecuto?0,anD aDminifltrato^s, anotbe
C)ceuto2s ano aDminittiatojs of cuerp of tbcni,againft tbe faiD l^.il*
bis ercf utojs ano aominittratDjs, of tye faio feiicrall recogmfances,
ano cittier of tbem, ano of, anD from all manner of fummes, Debts,
penaltics,anD all otber Ductics containeo in tbe fame. And if tbc f alD
SD.jji.bis beir5,evectojfl,oj aDminittratojs.Do faile 0; make Default,
anD Doe not Uiell anD truelp acquite, Difcbarge, 0; faue barmeUffe tbe
faiD SC;.&>. C^.iF. M.p. if.?!IS3.anD C^KI. anD cueric of tbcm, tbeic
ifcires, (ii:ecuto?s, anD aDminiarato;s , anD tbe beires, erecato2f(,
anD aDminiftratojs of euerie of tbem,again(t tl)e faiD l^.ll.bts b^its?
erecutDjs,aDmini(trato;s, ano aflftgnes of, ano from tbc faiDfeue'
rail i&ccogKiianccs, anD cuerie of tbem,anD of ano from all ano all
uiannerofDebtSpfummcs ofmonep,ano otber Dneticiii ano penalties
Liber Coucnants. fccutidus
contatneD tn tl)e f ai( feaerall l^cogntfaticei^, atiD eaer^ of t^sm, t^at
tt)e raid C&.0iF.5KIl.|3.iF^.e#ano W.K.ano tijcir ^eirea O^ial
ftAnDanobcretreD,of,anDtnt^erame manno; f c< to t^e bfe of t^cm
t^e faio C^.ioanD of t^eir ^eire0,anD of ttie ^cirg of euerp of t^em,
tntill fuel) time as t^c faiD 2n,fe>.f c. Ijis Ijcirefs, erecutojs o? aDuiinis
ftrato3jj1)aue fullpand clecrclp pcrcciueD,receiueD,lcut eo and taken,
all and euerp fuc^ fummcs; of monc?, debt, fo;fetturc0, and penal*
tietl)ereof,a5tl)cfaid2E,& fc.o?anpoftI)eni,tl)dr t2trc0,erccu
to;0,o; admtm(trato20,o;tt)s t)etre5,emoto;s,o; admimarato;0
ofeuerieoftl)em,n)allbeateuerie time compelled bpanpmaneraf
niear.fi,topap,fuftaiBC,o? beare bvfojcroftbcraiofeucralliaecoj
nifance,o; bp fojce of eittier of tijcm And furthcrmorc,t^c faid Cjll
fo; btnijbig teirefi and erccutojs^ceucnantctl) and grantctb,to i iutt^
tbe raid r.^4 c.tt)eir l^cires,
eiecuto;:^, and a&mtntQratojs of enene
of tt)em,bp tbefe p}ef(nt0,tt)at t^e faid mannojis i c.tbe dap of tbe ma*
femg thereof, ate fullp and rlcerlp difc^arged of all fojmer bargainee
tc.bac,made,done, o; fuffered to be done bp tlje faio ST. j|5. o; anp t)t0
and fcrnues from tbenccfejtb to be dne to
auncc(to26,tt)e cbtefe rents
tbecbicfeilo2do)lLo;idsoftbcfccfojtlitpjcmiire5,andall IcafcB fo;
terme ef pcara^life o) ltue0,tuberupon tt}e old accuftomed pearlp rent
o;mo2ebcen rererned,andtbe faid feuerall recognifanresonlpercep^
teo. And alfo t^e laid SC. ^* fo: bim^ bis beiccs, and erecutojs, coae^
nantetb f c to and U)itb tbe faid SE.fe.ic. tbeir bcires c. tbat all fncb
perfons as notu Sand and be feUed of and in tbe faio manno; u* (ball

fiand and be feifed of, in tbe faid manc<; tcto tbe bfe of tbefe ^ndem
ture0,andoftl)e articles and couenant0comp;ifcd in tbe fame, 0nD
tbat all cftates thereafter to be made^of,f in tljefaid mano; |. daring
tbelifcof tbe faid )^.IL. (bal be to tbebfeand intent nuticned in tbefe.
p;efeRt0,and to none otber bfe no; intents In wicnedc iiutereof f c.

Ceuenoffts to nuikf ajfurancei taile, after afine kporvleJged.

T His Indenture made


fc. bctlueene f c. Witneffeth &. tbattbep Sea.68,
be f aid SJH.^.bcf o;e tbe featt of I c.bp fine to be leuied bef o;e tbe
our&oueraigneHadptbe ^aeenc^of ber common place
at oaSeitmintter, (ball acknoU)ler/ge tt)e capitall mefuage fc. bpt^e

name of f c* to be tbe rigbt oftbe fatd ^ . Ij^* ic* As m other coucnants

coieuiefinci furcognifancc dc droit come ceo &:c. U)itb releafe and
toarrantie. Aiid tiiat tbe faid fine fo Unotoledged and tngroffed of
t^e p;cmi(re09 D^all be to t^e bfe of tbe raid C ^* ana i^* %* and of
^ymb. Couenants. partprimx
t^(ir tieires onel?,anD to none ott)er ^fe* And t^i faio C ano SH.fo;
t^emfc*toanD luitt) ttie rato ic^t^at tl)e ralDC^ano K* ano t^eir
|;etre0,anot^cl)eires of fnrmuo; of tt)em, tutt^in one monctt)

tiejct ano ingroileD, as is afo;efato>

after t^e (aio fine (o UnoUileogeo
bp tl)eir oeeo mDenteD^fufftcient in tbe IaU),in one fojme to be maoe,
8;all ano toill gtue ano srannt t\)i lain capital!, mcfuage, ano all ano
fingulactt^e faio tenements auDp3cmilIe5 to tl)eni to bee aauceo, dit
us afo;eraio,to tbe faio ^^^.ano to t^e tjeirs males of bis boDg laU)^
fullp begotten. To haue and to hold tbe fato capitall mefuage, ano all
otbettbep;emi(reslDitbtbetrappurtenances,to tbe faio^.i^p. ano
to tbe beires males of bis boDp lalufnll? begotten, to bolo of tbe faiO
C. ano K* bp fenltie onclp fo; all fetoices* Ycelding ano pacing
tberefojc pcardp to tt)e faio C'.ano SC.oj to tbe furoiao) of tbem,tbeic
beires o; allignes xx* s. of ic. tbat is to Tap, at tbe feaft of ic. bp euen
portions to be papeo ( boitb a (nflficient claufe of DiHrelTe to be contain
payment thereof att^e oapes anO times
tied in tbe (ait) oec09fo2t(]c
afo;efaiD)lDitb ap^ouifo becontnineo in tije lamcOeeo) That
alio to
IfUfliallbappentberaio ^l.^p.o? tbe beires males of bis boDplalu^
fuilp begotten, to fuffcr anp recourrie againlt tjim o; tbem of tbe faio
fapttallmefuage,o^otl)er tbe p;emi(re67o;anp part o; parcelltbere-'
of,D?bpanpotberl))aieso}meanesmakeanp alienation o; Difconti*
naance of tbe fame p;emiircs,02 of ant> part o; parccll tbcreof, ano af^
fertoato (ballbappen to Die tuit^outilTuemaleof t)isbooplaU)fuUp
begotten, tbat tbcn (tbat is to fap)immcoiatelp after tbe oeceafeof
tbe faio ^*^. anDtt)e beires males oft)is boopluUifuUp begotten,
ano after tbe faio Hate taile maoc,as is afo;efaiD,ttje fato dccd moen*
UD fpt nt,eKecateo ano Dctermtneo> ano not before, it (ball be laUiruU
C ^.ano SS:.U. to enter o; reenter into tbe (aiD teni^
fo} tbe faio
ments ano p;emt(Ies,ano itjem to bane againe ano repoaeco to tbem
- ano to tbeir beires : anp tbing tberein to tbe
tbe faio occo inocntea, 02
contracietbereof notU)itbttanDing* And C*^. anoH^*
alfo tbe faio
3l&.fo2 tbem 9C tbat tbep ti}e fato .ano HL* tbeic beires ano allignes

iDttbin foure oarcs ntrt after tbe maUicg of tbe fame oeeo inornteo,
i ano of tbe erecution of tt)c faio e&atc cf tbe fato capitall mefuagcano
all otbec tbe pjemilTes to tbe faio m.ano to tbe ^eirs males of bis bo^
npsas is afojefaiOjbp one otl;er Oeet) fufficicnt in tbe laU),reciting t^c
gratmtbptbemmaoeto tbe faio ^.^ ano of tbe beires males of
Ilis booie latufollp begotten,as iis afojefaio, Ojall giue ano gratmt tbe
teueraon of tbe faio tapitell meruage^anD all ott^er Ibe p;emi(ret(>tO'
setl^et boitj) t^e peailprnt Rfo;efaio to i^s faio 1^* ^* To hauc and

Q so
Liber Coucnants. feciindus^
toholdtlefaiDrcuerfionof t^e fame capitaU!eJaagc,antJaUotl;ec
t^c p;cmiffc0 to tl)c f aio l^. gp ^is ^eircs ano affignes fo? caer. And

ttit (aiD cza.^.fo? ijim f c.c oucnantetlj i c . tljat Ijec tljc faic M*
in Due
fo;meanDojDcrof Lato, fljaUbponreafonablcrequttt toljuntobee
maDc bp tt)e faiu l^,sp attcrnie tenant bnto t\)t faio l^*g^of tfee p?c^
tniffes, anD Hjall pap to ^im,tis ^ccs a Jligucs tW&i^ ^txt\^ rent
to be rcferucD bpt^c fatb cdtD incentcD, anti to be granted to tlje Caiti
%^M9 beircs ano affigne^, as is afojefaiD. And alfo fliall permit
snD faffer tbe faib l^.^p.bts bcirs ant) a(lisne0,lo;oa of tbe reQDne of
tbe mano; of i;5.afo;eratD, ^erelp attlDo (cuerall times in tbe ^eare,
t^at ii to fap, m one oap bettoeen tbe feaft of (c*anD in one otbcr oa^
bettoivt tbe fcatt of ccbpon rcafonablc tuarnmg giucn to tbcm of tbe
(aiD oap.to kecpe bis Conrt fo; bis tenants of tbe faio mano; of Sloan
tbe l^all of tbe faio mano;, toitbout let o; DiSarbance of tbe faio WSi*.
^ano of t)is beires males latofuKp begotten, 02 of onv oiber perfott
0; perfons bp b^s con(eut,p3ocurement, 0} commsnoement. Further.
tnorc,tbefaio C.^. anD 2C.}i5 to; tbem t c* tbat tbe fail) capitallme'
fnage e.at tbe time of tbe mabing of t^e faio ettatc,to ic*

^ Couendnt tofell but ttthe vrtdee.

Af^h tfjcfaio BB.Is. Dotbconenantjc tbat bee tbe faio 3('03l)is s^a.^o*
one tobo^c I'f are nert after tbe teatb of tbe faio
bicires,if toitbin
8i.bi0 mtbcr,tbe faio ^. bis betres f c* Qjall not Uicll ano truelp baQ(^
paid tonto tbe faio i^.bis b^ KC0,at)minittrato3S ic* tbe faio fumme of
f c*f (bal maUe 0; caufe to be maoe one gooD, fare,furecient,abrolntey
f inoefeafible ettate 0; aflurance in tbe la\o in fee flmplc,of,i in al tbe
aboue bargainee tenemento ano p}emi(Ics,f cuerp part tbcreof toitjj
tbappurtenanccs bnto tbe faio i^,^ bts tjeires 0; a(rignes,o; to fucb
otber perfon o; perfon0,as tbe faio i^.bis l)eits o; affignes Qjal nanid
0) appoint,to bis ano tbcir obone onlr pjopcr tfc nno bcboDfc fo2 cucr
%z* Andalfotbat ncitbertbcfaiD J'^'OoJbis beircs,at anytime o>
times bereafter,(baU,02 toil giae,grant,bargaine,mojgage,fel,alte,
fct oaer,aUtr,t;ifcontinne,o? Depart toitb anp part of anp tbemefua*
gf s,lani)s,tcnemenfs,anD bcrcoitamf ts aboue bcrein mentioneb to
be bargained ano folb,o)toberefo;ebeetbe(aiD 3inotottanDetbanD
is fcifeo to anp perfon oj pcrfonSjOtber tben onlv to tbe faio i^.&>.o)
bis tjeires, if tbe faio /^.o>bi beires toillgiue fucbpjiceano p;iceft
f02 tbe fame,as (ball be let t)otone,maDe, appointee bp K.m*^*<^*
.55,nnD i^, fomanp of tbtm asHallbappentobee limng,at

t^e time of (uc^ (ale an? alienation to be maoc , toitl)out ttje efpcciall
JO a licence
Symb. Couenants. part.primae

licence of tt)efaio /pt.^*o}^ifl(t)eite0firSl;Of obtameointD;iting*

tACoHenantnot to take adttantage offormer coueHaatSyiflands def-

cended not, and to Attire more Imds tofupfhe the vaIhc.

^ Ct o T)^"^^^^ neucrthcledc, and it is cQuenatitcD jc. SCtjat if tl)e faiD

teD to be to tbe bfe of tl)c fain <Ii;.fs is afo;cf3iD,fl)al not br,cotitinae,

rcmaine,f come to tbe fait) Cfrom Deatb of tlje fa-) i^.&.
f after tlje

of tbe cloere percl^ talue of one C*marke0,ouer an^ aboue al cbargetf

anD repjifes (as ig afojefaio ) Ebat tljeii tbe f aiD 5 ano l^.noj eitt)er
of tt)eni, no} t^e erccnto?s no? aDminiftrato:6 of cither of ttjem, fball
tafee anp benefit oj aoaantage of tt)at part nf ttje couenaiit befo:e
fBenttoncD in ttjefc p2efcnts,U}t)ccebp tbe faio ii.^j.bio coiicnar ano :

agrff,tbattt)efaiolanD6,tenement0, anDbereDit'imer,ts,bpfo;eairu*
rco to t^e faio Cl
tlje faio beires males of ber boop ("^s is afo2rfa;o)

be o; continnc,of tbe clerc pcrclp tj-^lue of one Cmarh'^ itboiie

alUbargisanDrcpnfeSjlft^efaiD ia.^.i)(0t)drf0,erccutoi,o?af>
figne,o? alip of tl)cm,fo often as tbe faio lanos.tenemcnts, t bereni*
taments,tDitb tt)appurtenances,(bal bero ne of a lefler ^eretp ^alue,
onet anD abene all cbatges ano rep;ites,tban of tt)c i^erelu bainc of ei
bnnojetb marbes, Hiall ano VdIU at tbe cods ano cbarges in tbe iLaVu
of tbe faio W.bis beireg,e):ecut8js,03 affiffnes, affare to the fa'fti J^S^
anD ii^.^.anD to tbeir bcirsjto t!)s bfes bcfo;c erp;effeD,otber lanus,
tenements , anD bereDitaments Iwitb tbappactenances : lubicb faiD
otber lanDS,tenements,ano bereDitaments, togetber loitb tbe ianos
anD tenements befje in tbefe pjcfents attureD , totbebfcafojefaiD,
Iball anD ma^ be of tbe verel)p balae of one buno^etb marKs,ouer ano
^boneallcbargesanD rep^ifes , loitbin tU)omonetbs,nert after re^
queft to be maDe to tbe faiD 1$. bi0 beires o; crecuto^s , bp tbe faiD I
^ano )^^ .0; eitber of tbem, tbeir beires,e)rectite}s,o; alTignes.

A CoHenantfor the (heyving of Etfidences, for the mainte' ;

nance oftiKot her smtereji. !

T^Vrthcrmorc, tbc fatD V< E> couenantetb anD grauntetb c.td anD
iTtDitb fc.bp tbefe p;efents, tbat tbe faiD U*2DanD bid beireSjOjall
at all time anD times bereafter , tubcn, tobete ^ ano as often as neeD
ftalrequire,foj awD During tbc tpace of Fpcres,nc):t enfuing tbe Date
hereof, tpon reeffonabic reqaeCt to tim m
tbem bereafter to be maoe
bptbefaiD )ft.SD(}}t)igb^ires,o}attbecoftsanD cbargesof tbefatD

Liber Couenants. fecundus

ttartcr^jtujftingjjjCffrf pft, cfcrolules, ums.tomt rolls, cuttoma^
ries^tranfcripts of fincs,cremi:lifiicationfi of recojD, snD muniment,
a0 DO in anp Ujife touc^ oj f oncerne tfje pjeniiires5,o; anp part tlierof
iS>i 30 manp of tljc fame as; fljall be ncceOTarie oi ndcDfuU fo; tl)c main ^
tenance of tbe ttate,interea,rigl)t,titlc,oj potlcffion of t^e faiD ]KS>
ano of ttje t)cires ano afrisne0 of ani? of t\)tm , in , oj to l^e pjemiSe?
Uiitl) ibe appurtenance0,ami cnerg o? anp pact o; pat cell thereof

/4 Couenfint to deliHerWritingi zpoKotice erfuit.

ANd p.il.f
tlje faio coucnantc.nott) t c,tl)at if it f^al fojtanebere^
Sc^ 72
OfObpan^mancroffrntojartion, luittjout t^e confent uf ttjem t^ic
raio3.13.anD3il.fo3tljelanD0 ttcnemcnt0,m tbefe pjefent0 com-
pjifcDjO; anp part 0; parccll tl)crcj)f, o; foj, 0; touching anp tlje iaue0 I
and fame tt)en tlje faiD
pjofitc0 of tl)c : pJL. I)i0 f)eire0 oj alTigne,

DponrcafonablslDarning ano motion to t)im 0; tbcm giuen tt)ereof

bp tbe faiD 3fe>l)i0 l)circ0,ei:ccuto;0,o? aominittratojg, (ftall Deliuer
oj caufe to be DeliuercD to tl)c faio 31 .13. ano 3. i^. 0; to tl^e furuiuout
of tbem,o;j tbcir beirc0,all fucb Dccus, euioencc0, U)jitmg0, cbatter0,
tcrrar0,anfi muniment0,toacbing oj concerning tbe fojcfaio lanoe0,
ten2ment0,anD l)ereDitament0,fo2 tlje onclp purpofc ano intent, tljat
tbep tlerctoitl) ftjallano mapttje better DcfcnD,n)aintaine, ano pje^
ferae tbeirtitle0,tntere(l0, l)fe0, po(re(rion0,anooccapation0toge^
t^ier,ano tabing tbep;ofitestbereofagaintf allperfon: )ot!)att!)e
fame DceDe0 ano ott)er lu;iting0 be fafelp ocliuereo againe tinoefaceo
ant)bncancelleo tinto t^e faio ^.Ii.bt0 6eire0 ano aflfignes^in coueni^
ent time,! c*
^(^ouenant to leauejron ^iiUsJHrmJheci^in
default offAjment.
ANdfurthcrjif tl)c faiD S>. i^. bis bcire0, erccufojs, oj aDminiffra* Sea.73.
to;0 faile,o: make Default,of, oj iw payment of tbe faiD fums of
lean part oj in all,contrarie to tbe fo?m afo2c(aiDiS:bat tt)en tt)e faiD
&.K.i)i0 betre0,crecato;0,anD aDminiftrato?0,f caerie of tbcm,n)3U
not onlp leane Unto tbe faiD HX^. Ijic !)circ5,erecutoj0, ano airigne0,
tot)t0 ano tbeir olone bfe,aU f neb fo;ge0,miU0, tuater0, ano all otber

ingin0 anD ncccffarie0 aa be noto bfeo ano bao, bp tbe faiD &>.U bis
crecntojg 0; alTignobpon tlje p3cmiire0,o; anp part tbercof,about t^e
getting 0: making of p^on tbere, iDitbout bnrttng, fpoiling,o? impair
rin5,oj Defacmg tbe fame,oj anp part tberof , i tuitbont anp redaime
fHit,(l;aUcnge;o; Dcmano t^erefo^c to be maoe bp tj^e faioe ^* i^- bis
E> 3 Iieire0>.
5yinb; Conenants. part.primx

l)cireg,cp0f uto;s,farmer0,tcnanf 0,0) arrigne0,o? anp of tljem, 02 anp

ACouenant to befeifedto the vfe of lefees perfor.
ming Covenants'

Sc^ 74
A ^^ sranteD c.bp
^^ ^^ all tlje faiD part iea, tl)at t^B faiD conuep
/\ ance0 ano allnrantc0 bp tljefc pjefent0 coucnanteD and agrccD,
to be niaDe of t^c pjcmiffe0 bcfoje wentionen, bwto tbe faiD J.C. anD
lS,!^,fijaUns coiucrningtl)elsnt)0 ants tncnient0,anD otljcrt^epje^
tnideoin fo?me afo;c(aitJ,bc ocniifco ano granteD. ^nD tljat J.C. ano
lSi^.anD ttje f uruiuo j of tl)cm,anD tbeir beirc0, anD tl)c beire0 of tlje
furuiuo; of tbcm,n)all dano anDbe feifcD tl)erof,to tt)e bfc of fucb pec
fonanDperfonSjtolDbomanvfncl) Deniifeoj leafc fijr.ll be maDe,DU'
ring tlje continnancc of anp fuel) Dcmifc 0? leafe, acco?oing te t^c true
meaning anD effect of t^cfe pjefent0, ano cucrie fucb Bint^enture. &o
l^nt fuel) Icffccs nno gi antees During bis oi tbeir feuerall leafc o) lea^
fe0,grantojgrantg,tt)c rents refcrucD onD ei:p5EireD,in, anD bptbc
Snoenture of bis 0; tbeir faiD leafe 0; grant,Do pap o^ caufe to be paiD
to fucb perfon oj perfons, to UjI)5 tbe imnicDiate reuerfion 0; remain*
Der of tbe faiD pjemilTes fo DemifeD 0; Uafco, fball bp tbe purpo;t anD
true meaning of tbcfe pjefents belong oj appcrtaine. And uoealfo
yerfojme tbe conDitionSjCouenants ^anD grantB,acco;Ding to tbe pur
pojt anD true meaning of tbtso? their 3nDentre0 of leafc, ano tbat
a0 loell concerning tbe rcucrfion 0? reuerfion0,remainDer 0; remain^
Ders of tbe fame pjcmiflcs fo to be leafcD f granteD, anD of tbe rent0,
Dnette9,anDfermcestbcrcupontobc rcferucD, ojlotbc fame rtncr
lion 0} reuerfion 0,reinainDcr 0; rfmainDer0inctDent, Due 0; papa
blebpreafon of eueric fucb leafe 0; grant, During tbe continuance of
tbe fametntere(l,a0 alfo after tbe expiration anD Determination of c
uerie fucb leafes 0; grants,tl)e faiD affurance tbercof fball be, ano tbe
faiD 3B.C.anDU.l> anD tlje furuiuo; of tbcm nnD tbeir beires, anD
tbe l)eire0 of tbe furuiuo; of tbem, (ball bee feifcD tbercof, to tbe onelp
bfe anD bebfflfe of fucb pctfon ano perfons, to U)bom tbe fame pjcmif
(e0 in fo;meafo;efato to be IcafeD anD grsuntcD,(bonlD bp tbe purport
anD true meaning of tbefe p^cfents baue DefcenDeD, remaineD,reuer'
ttHyOi come, tf no fudi leafc 03 grant bao tbcreof beenc maDc oj gran^
Der0,tn like anD in tbe fame o;Der anD Degree, anD tn fucb maner anD
fojme to all intents anD purpofc6,aG if no fucb leafc oj grant baD ban
tbereof t)aD 0; maoe : anp t^ing in t^efe pjcfent ^noenturcs to tlje
f ontrarie
Liber Coucnants. fecundus

CoHcnants ofan Vn(ier(hfnfe to execute his office, and tofaue

the high Shenfe harmelcffe,

THis ladcmure maDc tc.betluccne iF.&^ tc. f^xxH of t!)c counties SeC^.rs
of W.anD il.of t!)OHe partp,anD a.cSJ.of a.ic.on tljott)gr partte, '

Wkncffcth.tljat it 10 cownantcb ic. t^at is to fap, tt)c faiD iF.uotl) bp

tbefc pjefcnts ojoaine, conttitute. Depute, ano mahc tbe faiD 0(2>,to
be t):s QlnDcrfijerifc in t^e faiD counties of CCranD il.anD to bau^,oc?
cppp,anD eniop tfje faiD office of anDerfljedfe tljcre,to ttie faiD aDu^
ring all fucb time as5 tt)e faiD i?. aiall continue anD be in autljojitie of
tt)e office of tlje faio ^Ijerifc of tbe faiD counties of 3i. anD WiM
tue anD autl)o?itw of our faiD foueraignc llaop t^e letters patcts,
of tbe fljerifs office tl)erc to t)im DirecteD, bearing Date i c And alfo ^
faiD if.Dotb bp tbefe p;efeNts graunt c.to tbe faio 0.tt)at be Qjal anD
map tabe anD baue During tbe faiD tcrme,all maner of farmes,vents,
rees,relDarDs,anD p;ofits,la\Dfullp to tbe faiD office of Ojerife, o; of:'
feruing, erecuting,oj rcturne of anp manec
fice of t)nDerfl^erif,o? fo;
of tujitSjUjarrats, pjecepts, 02 pjoccs in tl)e faiD Cauntics of il^anD
ISK.belonging 0; appertaining. And alfo al felons gooDs t ef cljeats
tbat fliall bappen (0 be latDfullp,Due to tbe faiD O^erife During tbe faiD
time,tDitbin tbe faiD counties of CQ.ano II. And tbe faiD i^.Dotb bg
tbefe p;efents grant,alltgne, anD Depute to tbe faiD ^. tbe laVufull m*
Der,cuffoDp,anD gouernment ef al anD fingnlar maner of gaoles5, p;t
l"ons,anD of tbe pjifoncrs nolu 02 bcrcafter to be tbcnn,to be latoful*
Ip iDulp ojDtrcDjUept, anD DemeancD bp tbe faiD iil.uj bis Dcputie oj
Depoties,feruant 0; feruants. During tbe terme tbat tbe faiD i?.0)aU
baue tbe faiD office 03 tbe cuttoD)?, ojDcr, anD gouErnment of tbe faiD
gaolc,p;ifcns,anD pjifonerSjbp bertue ano autbojitie of tbe faio of^
ftce 8f fl)crife,anD letters patents afojcfaiD. Inconfidtration tobereof

tbe faiD a.Dotb bv tbcfc p;cfcnt5 graunt, to anD iuitb tbe faiD j^.tbat
be tbe faiD a. ano bis affigncs, (ball at all ? (ingular time anD times,
from imt to time,aftcr tbe Date of tbefe pjefe ts,conferue,Difcbarge,
eroneraf c,fane barrack 6,anD acqnite tbe faiD 5^.bis bcirs,crccntojs,
aDnunifltrato:s,f atrigns,anD cuerp of tbcm,anD tbe (urctics of i\)tm
anD cocrp of tbem,of,fo;,anD from all, anD all maner of fojfaitures,
paiments,! fincs,painc6, penalties, amerctaments,cbarges,leafes,
iaues,Damagcs,incutt!bjances,i DemanDsiDbatfoeuer, in anp luife,
in anp court,o2 elfetobcre,to be fet,paiD,anD fuftaineD,fuffrcD,o3 baO
to onr faiD foueraigne ilo;D anD ILaDp tbel^.ano .^aieliies,! tbe
iit ang
beirs ano fucceaojs of tbcm, 0; to anp otbcr per fon oj perfons
jE) 4 toife,
Symb. Couenantsi partprfmac

toifejfojantitjport anpefcapcs,ci:ecatioiis,oj returned of U3jit0,comj

lj)arrant5,bp anp U)aic3,niancr,oj means,to,o3 t3pon ttjc faio i^.foj,
bponto; tnoer tl)c f^io office of aijerife in anp luifc Directco, nameo,
ojljao, fo; anpatt, matter, fiefauU, office, oj t'oing,to be committed,
Donc,necilectco,o; (uffereD,yerpetratco,o; bao bp tbe faio a.oj ani) of
^ig faio feruant0,mimaci'0, Deputie3,o? aUignes, ouring tl)e time ^
tl)efaiDa.fljall continue intbeic faio autbojitie oj office, oj anpof
tbem And alfo t'oe faio 3. in conRoeration afojefaio, ootb bp tbefe
pjefents gcant,tbat tbe faio a.a)aU oulp pap,enter into,Dj maUe per^
fect,finiQ},acquitc,ano oifcbarge, fo? ano in tbe bebalfe of tbe faio if
in tbe Q .court,noU) commonlp calleo tbe d^fcbequecano elfetobere,
allano fingular,anD all rtuner of profits, rcntSjOebts, outie0,ano oe>
manD0,accompt0,coa0, cbarge0, f0e0, recognifance0,ano bonO0,fo}
ojbpontbc faio lbcrife,ojanpbisfurctics,o) bpieafono?mcane
oftbefaioofficcoffi)ciife,of,anDintbcfaioCountie0of ^.anon
o; eitbcc of tbem,o ^ of anp officer o) miniQei; of tbe faio (l)erif0 office
in an^ tuife oue oi ocmanoable, ouring tbe time tbat jF.ftal baue tbe
faio office of tbe faio &becife,of tbe faio comitie0 of 223 i iLo; to be

accomptable tbercof. ano tbat tbe faio a.fball oailp,laU3fullp,ano in

conuenienttimcbp biitfelfe, oj bis affigne*, bjmgbnto tbe faio i?
bt0 beirc0,erecutoi0,o; aomtniarato;0,bi0 f tbeir latuful acquitance
ano oifcbatge fo; tbe accompt0 ano outie0 of tbe faio a)ii:ife0 office of
botb tbe (aio ^ijixc of ^.
ano IL. fo; tbe time tbat tbe faio if. (ball
baue bcene ^berife tbere bp tbe faio Lctter0 patent0. And tbe faio
0,CI5.ootb bp tbefe p;efcnt0 grant, to, i toitb tbe faio f-, tbat tbe faio
maUe, p;ouio,fu(laine,ano maintaine
0*a)all Uiell ano iDo^tbipfullp
at all ano Ongulartimc0, ouring tbe time tbat tbe faio iF^fball baue
tbe faio office of tbcrife of tbe faiocountieof ^.bptbe faio letters
patent0,conuentent ano competent mcat,o;inUe, looging,fa)0,fuflte^
ttance,ano intertainment of tbe Hlufltice0 of aatfe0,iiuaice0 of gaole
eliuerie^ano tbe Clerhc of i:Tffifc0,an5 foj al ano euerp tbeir clerbs,
mtm(ter0, ano f eruant0 of anp tbe Bl iillicc5 ano Clarlie5,ano fo; tbe
bo;fe0 ano moilc0 of tl)em,ano,euecp of tbem,anD fo; al otberattetw
oant0,at ano about tbe faio 3uftice0 of ;aiTifc,02 gaole oelierp,at,oj
Uiitbin tbe faio counties of SCI. ano it. ouring Jbe faio time t times,
at ano bp tbe oaerfigbt ano appointment of tbe faio i?. o; fucb otbec
perfono; perfons, 30 tbe faio irfl) all tbereanto nominate jaSigne
Prouidcdalwayes, anoiti0 graunteOanoagreeo bp tbefe p;efent0,
bettQeene tbe faio iF.anD;34^attt)e faio ;^o;anp ot^crperfon in bis
I^ beiialfei

Liber Couenants. fecundus

make oj rgf arnc anp ott)et pancU, iuxk.o; tuquelf
bcljalfCjlfia tiof
fo;,in,ojtjponanplij)itof Venire facias,o? of anp otljec pjoceffe pur^
fneD,DirctteD,oj l)aD,Dnn!ig f Ijc time of t^e faiD S)l)erife of t!)c Coun^
tieoftiSH.oatof anpttje Si.^aieaic0Cort$, commonlpcalUDt^e
Ct)ancerv,?iimg3 115enc!),Common place, ojCpcl3eciuer,bnleffett)e
fame panel,iarp,o; inqueC (Ijalbe conGgneD toitt) tbe ^ano of ttjc faiD
i?.ojoffomeottjcr partiettjat^eHjall nominate o3appotnf.^o3tt)c
faiD a.noj anp perfon in W
beljalfe,tt)al in mw
toifc oo 03 caufe to be
l)one,tDitboattl)e fpeciall licence of ttjefaiD jP.s.ficaobtaineDanD
plainlv baD,Done,o; appointeD,anp att,matter,02 anp tl)ing bpo anp
0; faitjtbat in anptoife,maner,o; means njall bc/o;, oj agamtt anp
of tbe Carles of ^.^. fc. 02anpoftl|cm,o; fo;, oj againttanp otbcc
perfon oi perfon,tbat is,oj bereafter ajall be bnotune oj Declared to
tbe faio 0bp tbe faiD i^. to be bis fricno And it is alfo pjouioeD ano
agreeb bp tbefe pjefentfi.bettoeene tbe faiD f\^,f a.d^.ttjat tbe fai&
iF.fbal awD map mafee, ojoatne, conCtiiuf e,anD appoint from time to
time Daring tbe time of Ijis office bp tbe faiD letters patef s,fucb per*
fon,tDbicb baring tbat time, baue,occiipp,finioptl)eti.bailpinibei8,
anD offices of lBailie,of, anD in tbe iiojebs of U.ano !^. 1 eitl)er of
t^e tuitb tbappurtenances in tbe countp of ?il2II.afo;efato,'anD tt)at tlie
fame perfons tbnll l)aue,take, occupp,anD iniop tbe faiD 15ailptoi^ff,
awb eitber of tbem,togetbertoiflj al anD lingular maner of p;ofits,c6^
moDitieSjf aDuantagcs luitb tfiappurtcnancc appcnDanf to tl)c fame
3l5ailptoih5, oj eitber of tljem, in anp toife concerning, groU)ing,be*
longing, oj During tbe time , ouer anD beSoes tt)at (ball be to tlje 5
matcfltctanptbingitt tbefe pjefents cotaineDto tbecontrarpinanp
tuife notjritbftanDing.And tt)efaiD f, Dotb mojeouer grauntbp
Ibeft pjefents to tbe faiD 0. ttjat be tbe faiD jF.ano tiifi aHignSjAjal in
Dae anD conueniet time, as (bojtlp anD conucnientip as map be after
tbe timeof tt)e faiD office enoeDjaccompt anD declare to tlje faiD 3.(2
manno?of^.^tbe true balue anD rent of
oj bis affignes, at tbe faiD
allanD Gngular rents,rcncnucs,DnCics,f fo2faitures,Due to be paio,
anD tben leut$D o} leuiablc to tlje :ueencs q^aiettics bfc 0; bebalfe,
tDitbin tbe coantp of IL.fo?,bpon,in,o2 bp tlje office of ^berife tbere.
Daring tbe time tijat tbe faiDir.lrias,asisafo;eraiD,>berifef^er?,
anD fomacb of tf)e rents, rcuenues, Duties, anD fojfaiturcs tb:ittl)e
faiD iF.o;bi afftgncs fball pap*,o; caufe to be paieo tbcn to tl)c faio 0.
as tbe fame iF 07 anp otber perfon to bis bfc tbcn batb receieD,ano
alU^ereQoue of ttie faiD rents reuennes^Dueties, anD (omitme&
Symb. Couenants. part^primr
tliere,lalic^ conuenientl^ fball be leuleD^tije fame C^all ranfeto bee
pnieD to tlje (aio ja.oj ^ia a(rignc0, fo (Ijojtlp anu fpeeDilp as map bee,
after t!5t time tljcp !I)all conuenicntlp be leuicD anD galbereD tl)ere*
And tt)c fato 2i* Dotl; by tl^cfc pizfentg coucnant anD jjraunt, tbal tbe
faii>i^.l)iscrecutojfianD naiBnc5,fballU)itl)m fo;tie Dates nertaf*
tectijc fatDaccompts fo; tljc fr.lD office of tl)c ^berife of tbcfalD

Countiea of Ut!. anD it. fiin tfl)cD oi DctermtncD, pate, o; caofe to bee
patcDlDcllanDtrnel^totl)e faiD i^* ^. bis erccu'to^s o; a(Iignes,ail
manner of allolrance, commoDittes , ano aDuantages, tbat
tnanp Uitfc fballbe aDmitteD, DeDutteD, o;alloU)cDintbcfaiDac'
eompto;accompf0, o^byanpparttbcceofm tbe toiD C^fcbequer fo)
tbc Diet of anp t^c lufticcs of 3fiife,o; saole,o2 anp of tbctr cUrkes,
feruants,o;attenDant0, tu citber of tt^efaiD Counties > o2fo;anp
Staple of rttoarD, oj fo; anp fommons of Prapc ipc, o; of anp grccne
lDare,03 of anp fucbUUc matter 03 t^ing, in eitber of tbe (aiD&bires
ofW*D}% Andairotl}e fatD 0.Dotb bp tbefe p)0(ent0 grauntto
fbefaiD f* t?;atl)eetbefaiD ^, at lead in oneoapineuerieoneano
fluentic Datrs,Dnrtng tbe time tbat be (lall beebnDcrQ)erifc,a0 is a*
fo^efaiD,anD perfonallp bee iih 0; ncare bnto tbe faiD Countp of Mi
(ball come tt)tncc bnfotbe faiD i^.anD ontljatoneDap^btteranDDe^
flare tbe date of tbe faiD Countic of M. anD tbe affaires concerning
appurtenances tbereof. 2nh tbat aUo tbe faiD
tbe faiD office luttb tbe
0,toitb all bis Dfficers ano tpinitters, anD poUier of tbe faiD Coun^
tie,Q)allDueltanDDiliscntlpattenDtott)e CaiD office, if anp toarre,
rebellion, o^otber notable matter 0; occafion During tbe time of tbe
faiD office (bal arife oa be in eitber of tl^e faiD Counties of ^*noi fi*
o^tbercabouts. And alfo tbat tbe, tatD0 (ball tucU anD Diligently,
boneQlpanDiuftlp, occopie, ferue, anD erecute tbe faiD )fficeof
vilnDcrlbcrifeof tl}e faiD CTountie of ^.anDboneftlpbebauebim^
felfe in all points, During time tbat tbe faiD f* (ball con^
all ttje faiD

tinueanD be l^igb ^bcrtfe of tbe faio Counties of ^.anD IL.bp \3tv

toe of tbe faiD letters patents , anD notbing Done bp bimfelfe,oj anp
otberperfono; pcrfons , in anp luifc concernmg tbe faiD office of
^berife,o; tUlnDerfberifecf tbe faiD Countte of ^.lbicb fball be to
tbe Di(tDo;(btp of tbe faiD f-* 0nD alfo tbat tbefe alterations of mat^
ters,arttcles,anD tbings, in tbefe p;e(ents in anp tuife mentioneD 0}
contatneD,map 1 (balbe refo;meD $ baD at anp time fro time,to time,
bp tbelearneD counfell of tbe faiD i?* fo; tl^e better anD mo;e perfect
Difcbarge anD fauing barmcleffe of tl)C faio iF*bid beires ano ereca^
Co^stpoH tbe pjemiffes 9 o; anp of t^tm, tuf)ic^ tbe faio j^.grantetb
Liber Coucnants. fccuudus
bpt^efcpjcfentg,bp,anutnaU tfjingsto obi^, perfo;me, ano falfiU,

9^ Couenmt to mahe a Leafe byfine of CofiholdUmdjforyears.

THis Indenture maOC fcBctwcen C!;C .SllD C. Ijtfi totfe, Of V^t mt Q A ^

partie,anD i^.ca.on tl;e otljer
parfpAVitnefTcth.ttiat U)&era0 ttie
^ ^^

faiD ^.M.a5 Copit)oH)er,anO tenant bp copic of Court roll tjnto tl)c

fai0CC.anD<iI;.l)i5lDife,asoff{ictrmano^ Df<r.afo;cfaiDj!)atl;ano
^oloetb to Ijttn % to bifi f)tires,nfier tl)G f uftonic of t^e faiD rtiano;,onc
tnefaage tottl) ccrtaine Ijoafcs ?c.fct,lping,anD being jc Tlie faio d;.
Canu t^c faio C'.ljis Ujifc,fo;,anD in conftocration afluell of tl)e per
fo?manccofrcrtainccouenant5,grantSjaiticlcB,t agreemcntSjmen^
ttoneD and contatneD in a patre of gnoen tares, l)aD f ma^e be tUicene
tbc faiD C^.CanD tbe faio C^.ljis totfe on t^e one partie, auD l^^.tlSilUon
% x\)z fum of an C.Cof lalufuU moiu' of Q^nglano,
otber partp.as fo;
to t^e faiD CC^bcfoje banD paiD bat^ DemifcD, granteD, f to farmc

letten tnto tbc faiD l^.2!C!.all anD finguler tbe faiD mefuagcs f c. ana
fOngulartbcpjcniilTes before reciteDlDitb tbcir ai:purttnance5.
To hauc and to bold tbe faiD mcfuagcs If. anD all anD lingular otbcr
tbepjemiCTec luitb tbcir appurtenances, bnto tfje faiD \^,Wi, bis ere^
cato;0 anD a(rigncfl,toitbout anp impeacbnient of any luatt, from t^e
featt of f c.bnto tbe cnD ano tt rme of biij-yearc ttjen nert enfuing, ful?
IptobecompleatcanDcnDeD. Ycd ding anD papingpearelp bnto tbe
of f c.of latofull monep of CnglanD : (tbat is to Tap ) fo; tl;e faiD me
fnagcs,lanDs,anD tenements toitb tbeir appartenances.in tbe tenure
oftbcfaiDll^.^.tfcuenticfbillingsic. ^nDfo; tbe lanDs auD tcnc^
mcntsinfbe tenure of ic.tij.tbtllings, ft. r.ll lobicb maUctbDptljc
faiD fumme of f c. 2Cbe faio pcarclp rent to bee pearelp paicDat tbe
ftatts of &ainC ^artin in ^SHinter, anD pcntecott, bp euen portions.
And if it (ball fojtunc tbe fame peareliTcnt of %u As induufescf
djftrcfTr. And tbc faiD CC. anD CE. bis luiff , fo? tbcmfcluc^ %z. Dee
touenant f c.to anD toitb tbe faiD l^. 51^. bis crccutojs anD affignes,
tbat tbe faiD C^C. anD tlje faiD C. bis Uiifc,bpSne Duefojme of m
!LatDtobeleaieD,(ballat tbe cods anD cbarges of tt)c faiDl^.^.af^
(ureanDconuep,o;caufetobea(rureD anD ccnuercDtbe faiDmefua^
ges,lanDsanDtenemcnts,anD otbertbe p?emifrcs,bp t^iefe p;efents
DemifeD anD letten to tbe faiD ^* ^I^. \\^ cvecuto;s anD aCTignes^ fo;
4nD During tbc faio termc of eigbt i?earcS; in manner ano fo;mey
Svmb. Couefiants. parcprimsc

grant anDrenoer t^e(aiD (ctierall csnU befo;ettwn

tion0o,n)aU be feuerallv referuco^in maner ano fojme as is before in
ttjefe pjgfcnts mentioncp.
Couenant that thefeoffor hath done none all!, hut that he is
Jcifcd, and fomll continue,

ScCl.77. \ Nd tl)e fait) U.jr.not^i further couenant if. tljat |e t^c faiD U.if.
l\l;atl)notDonc,no; fuffereDtobeeooiie, anp act o) acts, tb.ing 0;
tt)ing0,battljntttteraioi^.isnoli)laU)fullp feifcD to bts otune oncl^
tfe, of, ano in i\)t im itm\r\z\\{& % p;emiae0, aiiD euer^ part tbereof,
tn tl}c latu in fee fiinplcnfi be tbc faiD ir.batb bp V^z fiift anb graunt of
tbe faio UC.f fo toiU CanD,remainc,continac, 1 be ibercof fo fcifco,
tntiUtbefameberuffictentlp conucpcDi alTurcobnto tbcfaioU.U*
ano a(rigne0,acco;Ding to tbe true meaning bcrecf ic
|;t0 l)eire0
yl Couenant for cjuiet eniojmg in a fpeciAf/m^ner,

Scft.7 8. 'T'Hat t^c faio U.^.anD (I5.ano eucr'p of tbem, ano cacrp otber per*
X fon nno perfon0,bnto lubom anp bfe) intercQ, eftate, 0} title, in
0; to tljc nianno20,mefu8gc0, lanD0, tenements, bereDitament0,
ano p;emi(rc0 Icitb tl)e appurtcnance0,o) of,in, 0; to anp part tberof,
80 10 aboue in tljcfc p;:rent3uDenture0 limitco,appotnteD,intenDS09
o;meant,(}}allanD map peaceably ano quietlpt)aue,occupie, ano i|i'
top fucbJ nianp, ano fo mucl; of tbc faiD mano30,mefnage0, c.as is
bptt}cfcp3crent0 to btui>t}er,c^ tbem ItmitcD^appointeD^intenogDjo;
ineant,outtng anD accojDing to bts^bcr, 0; tbetr feuerall l^fes, inte^
re(t07eflate0,nnD titles tV)crctn, ano acco^oing to tbe true meaning of
^ Coi/enant not tofell Unds but toT.R, wtth-
out hu licence.
Sea.7p. A ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^'^"^ il.couenant c. SIbat ncitber tbep tbe faiDe
l\ i^*f ^.no; tbe one of tbem, at any time bereafter During (be life <

nalurall of tbe faiD 2r:.K.a)all nc luill giue,graunt,fell,Difcontmue,

onuet?o;atrure,infeermiple,oj fee taile, anpmefaages, cottages,
feraiccs,oj bcreDitamentfiJcituatejliung cj being ic. (otber tben
tbcaboue folD pjemiffefi) tobcrin tbev,o; eitber of tbem,tbe Dap of tbe
Date of tbete p;efent0,baae anp etlate of inberitance, in poae(rton,re<
werCon,rcmainDer,ojintfe,nojtbereuer0on 0; remainDcrtbeceof,
ojofanpparltbereof, nojtbarge noamcambertbefame, noj ante
partt^ereof^toanpperfono;perfon0;oti;ertl)entoti)e (aiDjSD.i^* 0;
Liber Couenants. fccundus
I)t8 ^eirei,09 to fuc^ et^tx perron and p(rron,anD tl^etr ^eire0,as|ic
t^e faio 2CU.o; ^i0 |eire0, tiaU fo; t^at parpofg name i appoint,! c
e^ Indenture betweene the CMafier ofthe Court of Gardes, and
LtMeries,and the Hdre^vpon Liuerie to beftted.

THis Indenture maDe f C^Bctwccnctlje cifi^t t)on02abIe &ir Wi** Se^.So..

kntg^t,^.15. ^o;d ^reafurer of CnslanD,anD gaffer of tl^c
^*^aie(tte0 Court of Maroes and II uicdes, ano SE.^.QErq. ^ur^
nepo; of tt)e famelliaerte0, fo;,anDm tl^c nanis % behalfe of our fatD
^oueratgneHaDptbe ^neene ontt)ceiie partte ^no ^C.fonnef
nejct fteire of 3C* late of M in tl)8 Countte of ^ .yeoman OEceateD,

ontbc otberpartie, Wimc{rcih,tt)atlDt)creaourfaiD&oaeraigne

l.aDtet0agrffOto sraunt tntotije (aio ^. ng^cnccallHiuertetobe
^aD,of)ano in all (ac^ Hojon^ips, mano;^, lanos, tenements, vents,
reaerCon0,rernice0, ano otber bereoitamentd, Ujitb tbe appurtenant
ce0,tDbtc^ to tbe faiD ^- DerccnDcDanocamc,inbrc,po(reaton,o;re^
uerfion, from tbe faio 3. as fonne t ^eire of tlje faio ? a0 in tbe faio
Seneralt liuerie nio;e plainclp it it containto. NcucrthcIcfTe, fo}
tl;at our faio &oueratgne HaDtc n^oulti not be occciucD, but tbat ber

grace (^ealDbaue perfect bnolulcOQc mio buDcrQantitngofaUtbofe

lo;t)lbtp0i nianno;0,lanO0, tenements, rents, reucr(ion0,ferutce0^
and ottjcr bcrcDitamr nts, ano tbe pcarclv baluc of tbe fame, tnbeie^
0ftl)eraiD ^. tDiUctbano tntenoett) totaUeanpaouantage, benc^
fit,p;ofit, o;commoDitie, bp reafon 02 colour of tbe faio generall %i*
aerie. And alfo to tbe intent our faio &oueraigne^aDie(boulDnot
be DeceiueD of an^ otber (o;oQ)tp0, manno;0, lanDs, tencmcnts,ano
ot^er bereDitaments,U)birb beene oefcenoeo ano come to tbe fato p*
b^ and after tbe Dcatb of tbe faid^f.inpoffcltion ojreuerfion, ojm
bfe of pofleflion , ojtnbfcof rcucr(ion:^2of anp lo;DQ)ip09 man*
no;0,|c.U)bicb b^uebin put inanpfeoffement,ftne,o;recouerie,tQ
anpperfono2perfons,totbebfe of an^sf tbeauncefto;s oftbtfaid
i^.Vubofe beire be is, foj tbe performance of anp U)iU , j otbertuife,
in tifc,poffeffion,o; otbertoife, tobicb tball, map, 0; ougbt to defcenn
remaine,reuert,oj come bnto tbe faio 5p.o; bis bcircs, after anp fucb
tuill perfojmeo, ojbfc tbereof determined, ojof an^ ilojdtbipSjff*

tobereoftbe reuerfions defccndedand came bnto tbcfaid^?.bpand

after tbe deatb of tbe faidj. The faio fil?. C
batb deliuered tbe oag
oftbedatebereofbntot!}efaid2!5(.ll.^. JLo}d2Ereafurerof Cng'
land,nndS:.fe.a tenting in patctment indented, bcrenntoanncrcd,
in tobicl) tbe faio q^.conenantetb and p;omifet^, t^at tljerein be con*
Symb. Couenants. part.priinx

taincD ano (pecifiet),aUtl;ore iilo2Da)ip0,f c.Urit^ tl)epeairel^Balae of

tt)e (ame,lu^tcb t^e faio ^.\DiUet^ o; intcnDet^ to t)ane,03 6)al ^aut

oat of tl)e ^ ueenes ^ateftea ^anos o; poCrcCfton bp tl)c fatD genecall

iltume* And alfo of all thoit !lo?Dll^ip6,mano;8,tc anoot^er i)erc>
titamtnts, anil tt)ei>erd^t)alueoftf)e fame, tobkl^^aae been put in
anp feo(rcttient,fine,o? rccouerie, nno oti)er conneiance, tol^reof tb0
tmmeotate bfe of t\}t poae(Iion,02 U)^ereof tbs tife of t^e reaerfion of
t|ic po itcaton in bcfcenDeo anD come bnto tije faio p.by and after tbe

neat^of t^efaiD BE,o;U.l}ei of ti3urebp 9 after tl^cDeat^ of an^ tenant

0; tenants fo; tcrmcof life, o:t after an)? otbereftate,l)Dill,mfent,o;
tfe thereof oetertii;neD,ll^altniap,o; ongl)tto oifcenDireuert^Q; come
1)nto tbe faio^ano tfis \)eitts, 0; to tbe ^eiren of \)is boo^ latofnll?
begotten,o; anp ot^er of \)\b \)tivt* And tt/at t^e faio lo;D(|)ip( t r*
in tbe fame U);iting inoenteo, mentioncD anDcomp^ifei) beene t^ere
balueototljettterniolt anD beStaloc* Andoucr t^at,tl)e faiD^*
Cconenantett) ano granntetl) fo; t^em,tl;etr beires, erecutotir09
anDafftgnc5, toanoiottbtberaiD ^*ILo}D]15*lLo20rreafonrerof
C]^nglanD,ano C&.
tbat one 0uDtto; o; 0aDito;s bp our faio ^oat*
ratgnc^aoicto bee aH'gncD, o;auDtto;of tbe ^uecncB^atelttei
Court of Faroes anD ^iuectes fo; tbe time being , 0)all at tbe coS
anD cbarge^ of t^e faio ^.ano at f ucb time as it (ball pleafc our faio
^oueratgne HaDr, ber bctres anD fucceito;^ lyings of tbt0 Uealmej
^ueenes Court of QlznaroesanD ^inerietf,
0; tbe faiD )^ailter of tbe
anD ^urnepo; of tbe fame ILmeries fo; tbe time being, to appoint,o;
otljertuifc to featcMieto, anD baluc tbe true baluc of tbe fame anD .

t^at if tpon anp fearcb, bicto, anD balue tbcrcof to bee appomteo bp
our faio ^oueraigne JinDie,o; bp tbe Sl^aifter of tbe ueenea Court
of MlarDes ano lliucries, ano S>urueio; of tbe fame iLiuerie,it can
bcp;oucD,tbatanp lo;DfbipB, manojs, tc. ano otberbercDitamentg,
anDtbepcarelp balue of tbe fame,iDbcreof tbe faiD2paitter,o;anp
otberto bisbfe taUetb,o; bcreafter (ballo; map latofullptaUeang
aDuanfage,benefitc,p;ofit, 0; commooitie, bp rcafon 0; colour of tbe
faiDgenerallJliueric, beoniitteDanonot containeD anD fpccifieD in
tbe fame to;iting inbentcD bercunto annercD : );elfc if tljatanf
llo;Dtbip0,ic*intbe fame tD;iting fpccificD, bee of mo;c better anD
larger f carelp balue, tbcn in t|e fame i;iting is limitteD : ); elfe,
anp lo;Dlbip, f c lubic^ toere of tbe inberif anc^ of tbe faiD 31.
if tbat
anbtobicb bp anD after bi^Dcatb DefcenDcDanDcamebntotbefame
^an t)fe,poiremon, 0; otberUjifc, beeomitteD o;,bnDerbalueD in tbe
Cmeto;itingta;^en ouc faio ^oueraijjneJtaDplbaU be bpt^t faiD
Libcr Couenafits. feciindus

^M^ mcntoii oi a(rigne0,trnlp anfloereD ano fatiffieo of t^e ^ear^

Ip talne of all t^ote lo)OS^ipi,manno^5,lmiD0 1 c. fo omittco o; \3Mto
MsXutn* 0no alfo of all ano ener^ of t^e faio lojofl^ips t c to t^e (aio
t0;tting,tl)atbeo)(ball^app$nto betnoecMueo, and t^at from t^c
Cteat^ of t^e faio Bl.tjnto i\)c triall ano fenotulccge of tl)e fame. And
oner t^at,t^e (atD ^.Ccouenantett} ano crantetl),fo? t}im,t)ts Ijtitts,
ano rr0cato;0,to ano toitb t^e faio m* llo^o 315. ^c^d H:reafo3cr of
CnglanD,anD C^. tl)at fo? t^c concealemeut ano odfence in t^at be^
l)alf0,if anp fuel) (ball appearc 02 be p;oneo, tbe faio ^. SH. (ball con^

tent ano pap bnto occ faio f oueratgne llaop, tbe oouble of one j^eares
talae of alltbofe lo;o(l)tps u* fo omttteo 0; tjnocr'oalaeo, bntill fact)
timea0tbefaiD^.(ballbaueagreeo,toano loitb tbe faio M.tLojo
lig.ilojoCreafo^erof^nglano, ano 2D.^. o;otbeci)tftccr0oftbe
^negnes ^ateQtes Court of Faroes ano ^iueries, ano ^uruepo;
of tbe fame )linerte0fo;t^e time being, fo2 tbe faio baluc anoouep
plasoftbelanO0,tenementd,anobereoitamcntiSfo omttteo o; bnoer
talueo 0no (ball fino fufftcient fnretiee fo; tbe papment of all fncb
fammeBofmonepasCbalbeagrceobptbefaiD^pallcrof tbc^ueenes
Court of mnxntB ano iliacrie5,ano ^arueyo; of tbe fame ^iuertetf
Andfurthcrtnorc^tbe faiD ^ ** couenantetb 9C* to ano Uiitb tbe faio
^.Eo;o li.ilo;o SCreafojer of cDnglano, ano ST. ^. tbat ncitber be
t^gfaio^.o;anpotber pecfono)perfon0fo; bini, o;tnbt0name,o;
^bi0 confent^^all Dnqatet, moUa,o} ottturbe, anp tenant ojte^
nant0 in ootoer^o; fo; terme of life,in tbe name of Bi ointare0,of tbcir
latofoU polTeaion 0; intereff, tbat tbcp 0; anp of tbem baue^of, in, o;
toanp lanO0o; tenements comp;ifrD in tbi0 &ceooleinoenteobere*
nntoannereOjOianpparf 0; parcell tbercof. In wimeffc tobercof to
tbe one part of tbefc gnoenturcs, remaining to ano Icitb tije faio
S0** tbe faio m * ilo)0 15* ilo)0 inreafo;er of CnglRno>ano .&*C
I^aue fet tljeic banoa ano fealc0 : ano to tbe otber part of tbefe 3^x\ttnf
tuxtB, remaining to tbe ^iueens bfc in tbe fain Court of maroa ano
Jlinerie0, SEbe faio ^. ^at^ fet to Wjm^ ano f eaU tbe oap^ano perc
And the like of a fpcciall Liucric, Ullutatu mutandis.

^oHCfMnts ofMarriage ^and loynture to be made,

THisIndcmurcinadc&c.betUjeenEr.l9.anoS:.&.c. VVitncflcth, Scd. 8r.

tt)at it i0 coaenanteo,contlnoeo,ano agreeo, bp ano between tbe

lAiopartie0,inmanngranofoamefollotoins,ti)ati0 to fag: tbefaio

Sytnb; Couenants. parcprimae
M*l@.coneiiantet^ (ctbatu.^ .<c. hv tbe fnfferance of jaittiis^tie
>0D,(]^aU efpoufcniarricanD take to\x)ift<5* &.f c anD l)er efponfe
anDtoeD after tt)elLatoe0 of tt)e Ct)urcl)of Cnglano^tiefoaet^efeaft
fcif ttjcpfolotigfljaUliuc, anDtl)efaiD(25.&. toill thereunto confcnt
ano agcee,anD tt)e iiaa^es of C>oD anD i)oly C^urcti toill iW
And t|)e faiD IC.^^Dott) Uhctuire couenant c. ttiat C15.&.f c*0)al mar^
rieanDtafeefo!)crt)urbanDtlif fame H.\3.fc.if|c And tl)c faio 5iair
p.fo3tl)eonOocratiortfi5bcucfaiD,anDfo?a Jofnture tntot^efaiD
(0.&* to bee l)ao ano maoe, fo2 ^tmfelfe f c* Ootb couenant, graant,tc*
tbat t^c faiD ^.\9 o; t)is hcires, toit^in one ^care nert enfamgtbe
Date l)cceof,at tl)c ano cbargeg
reafotiable reque(l0}Coa0, m
tbe ilaU)
of tt)e fate SC.^.t^ts erecutojs o; aDmtnil]^rato;5,a)aU ano totll fuffer
2E:.M*inoi|.a.ia.^^.anDCI5.1^.tucU ano fnfficientlp to recoacr to
X^tm ano ttietr t;eire0 to; ener,aU tbe mannojs, mefuages^icbp tojit
ofEntrcfurdiffeifincnlcPort, to bee baoano p;ofecuteD bptbein a*
gain(tt^efaiDlEi.p.befo;e tbe ^wHitefi of tbe ^ueenes d^aieate
tbat notu t0, \)tx beires ano f ucceffo;^ , of tbe common ]^\att f o; tbe
time being^bp tbe name o; names of (c* o} b^ tbe like name o; names
tneffett,o?bpfomeotber fufficient name oi names, tnto tubicbtbs
faioM)H).(baUnppearein p;operperfon,o; bp bis 0ttttrnepo;0ti
turnies,anD boucb tbe common toucbee to Uifirrantte,acco20tngto
tbe bfuall fo^me ano o^oer of common recoueries in facb cafes bereto^
fo;e bfeD,anD tbat t^e fame recouerie (ball be eirecnteo accojotnglp bp
JHabcrcf4cias(cifinam,anDtbatbe U)ill Doe ano fuffer all anoeuerpo*
tber tbing,lubicb in tbat bebaUe (ball be rcquiQte o; neceffarie. And
tijt fato ^(p.f c.botb couenant cnno it is tbe true intent ant mea^

nlng of tbe faio pf.rtic5,anD of tbefe p?cfcnts,tbat tbe fame recoueris,

fo to be fufif ei eo,baD ans{crccuteD,as it ato?efaib,anD tbeedate of tbe
faiD 2i;.^.3|.0.U.l^.anD Cp.ano enerie of ttiem, aitt of tbe beires
of tt)em,ano euei v of tl)em, of, ano in t^e faio manno^s f c. bp fo;ce of
the faio recoueris ano crecntion tbereupon to be ^ao, (ball be anD in^
nre,anD tbe faio CM* 31:^* i^*^*anD >. p* tl)e recouerers in tbe
faio recouerie to be nameo, anD tbe fnruiuo; of t|em, ano ^isbeires
(ball ItanD anD be tbereof feifeD,to tbe onelp bfes, intents ano purpo^
fes, bereaftcr in tl)efe pjefents mentioneD, limiteD, anD erpaefTeD,
anD to,o? f0} none otber intent o? purpofe : tbat is to rap,of, anD in all
t|ie faiD manno2S of ft. ercept one mefuage ano all lanoes thereunto

belonging tn ^.in tlie faio Conntie ic. to tbe onlp p;oper bfe antKbe^
|0fe of tl^e (atD M.p .anD f^i aaignes. Dating anD Imtill tbe feaft of
If *to t^e onel^ p^operHfe anb bef^ofe of t^ fai( %* j^* l^is eirecnto^ts,
Liber Couenants. fecundus
ai)mini0ratoj5,anu affignes,iinring anti tntiil t^t full eno anis tennc
offoutcpearcs,tl5cr4ncj;tanDimmEi!iafelpenfaing,anD foUp to bee
complete anoenSeD 0nounmeDiatlpfrom ano afccr tljs eno ano c
piration of tt}e faio tcrme of foure vcarcc, to tljc onelp proper fcfe ana
btWt of ti)e faiD la.p.ano (S?.^. anD of tljc l^eires of ttje boo^ of t^c
fatD l^tlatufuU? begotten, ant) to be begotten on tljeboi;}^ oft^efaiD
C'.^. anD fo? lacUe of f ucb iffue of tl)e boDp of tbe faiD il.|5on tbe
boDp of tbe faiD ^*&lalDfuUp begotten, tot^ebfe oftijefaiDM*^.
anD cf tbe fgtits males of t)is boDp lalofullp begotten $ to be begotten
ontl)eboDpofq^.noU)bisli)tf 0nDfo; Default of fueb ilTuemale,
t^en to tbconelppjopcrbfe anD bel)feoftbcfaiD Q.^^anDoftlje
Ijeires males of bis boDplatofnUr begotten anD to be begotten. j^nD
fo; Default of fuel; iaue male, tben to tbe onelp proper bfe anD beboofe
of tbe faiD tl^K.l^.anD of tbebcires of bis boDplaiufnllp brgotten,i(to
be begotten.^no fo; Default of fucb ifiTue, tben to tbe onelp p;oper bfe
anDbcbcDfeoftberigbtfceiies oftbefaiDwCI.p.fo^cuer. And of anD ^

in tt)t faiD i c.befo;e in tbefe p;efents ei:cepteD f c. to tbs onelp p;oper

t)feanD bebcBfe of tbe faiD tcH.p.fo; anD During tbe terme ofbisua
turall life,anD immcDiatelp after tbe Deatb of tbcfaiDm.^.totl)e
onlp tfe anD bebtofe of ttie faiD H.l^.anD of (b beirs of bis boD^latP^
fullp begotten, anD to be begotten on tbe boD^oftbefatDO.^.auD
fo; Default of |C. (to fuch other vfc as it lliall be agreed) anD tO,OJ foj
none otfjcr bfe, intent,o3 purpofc. And tbe faiD esiL p. fo; bimfclfe
cDotb couenant jc.tbat be tbe faiD :. &. bis crtcutojo f c. (ball anD
map baae (c.to bis 03 tbtir oume proper bre,bcb(Dfr,anD commoDitie,
from,anD after tbe faiD featt of $c*fo;anD Daring tbe fpaceof foure
pearesfljcnce nert cnfuing, mannoj c. lubicb tbe faiD U*
all tbe faiD

p.anD^.^.ojeitbcroftbcmnolDbatb, oj bercaftcr iijaUbaucDn*

ring tbe terme of foure veares,nertenfuing tbe faiD feadof tc.tmCb'
out paring anp rent, monev oj otbcr tbing tbcrcfojc, anD toitbout
rcnD?ing of anp account tbcreof 0; tbcrefo;e,to any peifon o> per?
fons. And in confidcration of tbe pjemiffes, tbe f aio ^, ^, fo? l3im
c.Dotb couenr nt jr. tbat bee tbe fatD SI. &. bis erccutojs 02 aDmini*
ftratojs,H)allanDU)ill turmgtbc faiD terme of foure pearcs, nert
enfmngtbcfaiDi^eadoffc. atbis anD tbeir otone proper coQes anD
fbargcs,finDanDgiue,o2caufe to bee founD anD giuenbnto tbe faiD
K.|D.anD 0.^.fufficient meate,Djinbe, loDging,anD all otbcr tbings
necefTariefo^eitberof tbem, at fucb place anD places, as bnto tbe
faiD ST.fe.o} bis erecutojs (ball feememoftmecte anD conuenient, if
tbe faiD IS.p .anD C^.^.to'll tljereunto confcnt ano agree. And liUe^
Symb; Conenants. part.primae

toifc onrfna: f?}e fnin tiw.t n'lio fpacc InCt bcfo?c tmnftoneo, at ^io ano
tl)ir lihc proper corts ano flj'^.rgcfl, fljnll conueiuentlp place ano pjo^
tiioc fo? tt)e faiD U.]D.at foinc g,ooD &rbole,o; ot()cr c onucnicnt place,
liil)crctl)e faio U.p. iiici^>bce tfiusl>t, cDtcateO, ano bjougbttpm

t)Ertueani)leai:ningt-,ift!}C fnto 43. IwilUljcigunta fufl?ituntlpen*

oeuour bmifelfe, confent ano agree. And oucr this t|)2 raioCCl.p.
fOiicnantctljano graiwtcf!}, tl)aC \ft\)t faiu t|E^auo;ano otl)CCtl)ep?e^
mifffi;(crccptbcfo2ccvccpt0) be not oftbe rUcre vcarelpbalueof
onebunDjeDpounos, ouer all cbnrgcs ano cppenccs^tbat tbe fame
Gtl.p.ttGnat the riafonabtcrcquctt of i\\i fame 2C.&.ic.o;anp of
tbcm,QiaUmafep,oicanfc to bee mase like fnreeftatcouttatc0,of,
ano in other lannp ano tenements iuitbin tlje faio tlountic, of as
mucbcleercpcarelptJalucastl^efaiDmanoj ano otbcr tticpjemiffe*
(ercept befojc crceuttti)!$bnt!er ano lathing of tlje faio rearelpta*
lueofonel)ano;cDpounD0,totbcfaio Cccr. ic. ano tb^ir bnre$^
to tbc ^fe bcfo;c Ceclaree. And alfo Iball fuffcr tbc faio .& at ber
Itbei'tieanD pleaftire to inarric one Cbercangbtcr, toanp pccfon
tbatitfljall pleafcbcr. l3nD oifpofc furb nioneu ano pjo6tcs,afl (l)aU
fojtunc^obegrauntcDano pjomifeo fo; tbemacrijigcof tbcfaioCi;.
tbe Dangbter, attbelibertieano pleaftire of tbe fo;efaiD >.&.tbc
mctber,lDitbout fontraoiction oj Mflurbanre of tbc faio I5.p. 0; anp
pcrfonbpbiscon'iHauuDcment, pjocnremcnt, 0? nllcnt. ^notbat
^ctbcfaiDtl.^. fballnotreceuieno^ baacanv monrv ^J relrcittjfo?
tbe faiD marriage. JMorcoucr, tbe faio CU.p. conenantetb f. tbat
ifit fortune tbe faiO C5..tbeuiotber,aftcrtl) fniD mnrciagcffilem*
ni^c:> tlic faio U.p. fo oer eafc out of tbi? iuo;lD in
bettoeene ber ano
tbe life oftbc fame U.
p. bcrbufbano, tbat then tbc faio U.l).ll)all
gtoelicence,pDliicr,an0 8utbo?i(ietotttfaiD O.. befojrbecDcatb?
toraaltea^eftament,fontaimngberla(lU)Ul>ano bv tbc fame SCe
ffament to giue^ano oifpofc at ber plearure:,of tbe gooos t cbattcU f
tbe faio U. ^.amounting to tbc balue cf a bmiojeo poimcsj Cterling.
And tbat tbe faiD il.p. fijallfufiferfucb peifcns 20 tbe falDC^&
flj6llnamc,to banc nuD to Doc tbe trccutionano Didnbntionoftbc
f8mc,acco?Ding to ber minDc anD pleafurc. And tbat after l)er Dcccafe
tbcfaiDlvp,fi)allgtuf, Deliucr, papanDtrecutc to fucbpcrfons as
tbe fame Cp.^. fl^all beqneatb ano appoint, to banc ani> cf tbe faiD
gcoDSjcrtenDing to tl:c faio fummt of an bunbJcD pcunc. Prouided
f.lfo,anoieuertl)clcfrciti0 couenantcDanD agrccD, bp ano bctliirt
tbc parties to tbefe5Dcntares, tbat if it (boulD bappcn tbe faiD <!?
^ to oictuitiioutifTue of i;cr boDis bp t^c fsiD iA.p U*ifullr bc^
Liber Couenanfs. fecundus
gotten >bcfD;cfl&c (t)ai ac compliH) tier age of toitic ycarcs , t^at tljcii

fromt^eDeatl)Qftl)efatoC?.^.foDping,bsfo;e ttjefaioascof fo^tic

^earf0,U)itljout ilTuc of tier boDp latofuUi; begotten, t^c faio K.Wi
^i ccfeoffecs fijal ftanD ano be fcifcD to t^ctjfcof tl;jraiDC2I.p,l}ts

ti:ecutG?5,aDtntniarato?5, ant>aUignes,oftl)efaio ntano? ic.Oudng

tt)c life of tlje longer liuer of tljc faio SSH.p. ano ^, fi o tl}cnccfojat(),

t^at 15 to toit , from Uje Dap of tl)t oeatlj of tlje longer liuer of t^cm
t\)t faiD wm* ano $p. K*1M* ano bis faiD cofcoffas to H^nD
tljg faio
anDbc(eifeototl)conclpbfcof tt)c faio K*^A)\s ercr uto5$ ano af*
(!gnc0,oftbefaiDfc. oaring anDbnliU facbtimeasbefljallijaucrc*
reuieo tbcfnmme of CC.pounos of bis rents ano paofits of tbe fame
rentSjtobccacconipteDatcojDing tottcvcarelp rent of tbe pjcmif*
fes.SnD tbat tbc faio finc,rccoaerie,feoffcaTf nt, ano all ano Ongnlar
ctberatlurances tubatfocuer to bcbaO,mai>c,UnoU)leDgcD, erecutcD,
rnffereD,nnD permittco, of tbc faiD lanes, tenements icfball be to
tbcfato feuerallbfcsabonc rccitcDtani^-ibing tbcrcin rontaineD,o;
cnpotbcratTuranectobcebaO e; maoe conccrniug tl)c pjenitlTcsto
tbe contrarie nottuitbttanoing Prauidcd furthermore, ano lihc*

of tbc faiD parties, 02 botl) of them , at fud) time ns tbev (liall accom^
plifli tbe age ano vcarce of confent, tbat tbc faiD manage fljall not,o?

tioe not tnfec efftcr, 0? it ip renfon of confent ano sg? ecment of botb of

tljC faiD i\.li:%anti C^. lljat tbc faio mari.^gc iioc,c: itjall taUc effett,
ano tben aftcrUjnrDC if it fijrll happen poCTibiliip ot iffue to be ertinct,
bp ccatb ct Ibe one,o2 bott) of tbeni, oj bp anp otbcr irnies 0; means,
Itat tben in;neD:ntU) bponiutbpofllitilitp of illuc trtina,oj tbat tbc
faio n ariage fbal not taUe eficct m
fojme afo.:efaiD,2r.:i. j otbcr bi6
faio cofeoffces J ttcir bcrcs, tbc btirs cf ibe fuiuiuoj of fbem,n)all
ftano f be feifeO of all tlje faiO lanDs % tencme ts3,t otl;er tbe pKnutfed
as tbcp tl;en fboulD bappen to fall 1 come !n rourfc,in mancr j fojme
abouc mentioneD foj pcarcs i ternie of life onliMubercbp tbc faiD ST.
$D,Yii& erecatD:6 0? alTigncf!, fljall ? mr.p be luUpfatiffieO f paic of tbe
faiDfunimcofnionepto i)unbero;e Unuttiobv Ibefep;cfent3[n0cn'
onclperccptcototbe bfc anDbel;feof tbefaiDCCl.p.btsbeircsfo;
cucrianp tbmg be tem eontaincD to tbc ccntrarie f bereof in aup teife
nqtUntbaanomg. And alio tbe faio m*]p* fo; bim le. tbat if it (ball
bappen tbc
faio C^.oaugbfrrof tbe faio Sr^toocceafcojDicbe*
fo^elbebatbjOj Ujr.ll fullp acfomplifi) tbe age of rtiijpeares,D2 befojc
llje faiD manage bao ano foUirmijeo betiuecn tei ano tbc laio C%p
C' z tbat

Symb. Coucnants. part.primae

tl)at ti)en ii)e f aio %* &. I)t5 eicecnto; 02 adtgncs^Durins tibe fpace of
anD tmmeDiallp f ollotoing 02 cnfu*
fiue pear00,froii tl)encefo;tl) nert
ingtljeDcat^oftl)cfaiD ST^S). njallanomai' quictlppcrceiucUuie,
ano tabe tbe rents,iilue0,reenue6, anD p;ofits of t^e faiD nianno;0,
lanD5,tenenicnts,aD otlier tlje pjcmiiles appurtenance,
toitl; ttieir
AndoiJcrtt)i5 tljefaiD ^.p fo;lnin If. couenantetb f f . tijat fuc^
jnano2s, lanos, and tenements, ijs^creof tl)e faio WH, \p*xio\3> is ki*
feffin poffeffioa o; rcuerCon of anp ettate of in!)critance, ano not be^
fojcintbefepjefent 3lnDentures ot^erloifc erpieffeo, limitteD,o;oc^
tlareD,U)l)ic!) to tlic faio SCI^p.Difcenueooj came, in poireffion,re*
uerQon,o2 Ufejfrom mv of tt)e ancettojs of ttje faio z^*]^* immeDiat*
Ip from f after tl)e Deat^ of tlje fame m* ^* fijall DefcenD,rcnert, o)
cometjnto t^e faio .dffil.p.tn poUeSio 0? reuerOion of fuct) ettate of in*
l)eritance,afl tijc faiD mT.l^.featt) lljerein, if tlje faio mariagc tafee ef
fect,tf)efamenuno20,lanD0, tenements,! t)ercDitaments at lifetime
of t^eoeatl)of tl)c faiD 2l2I.p. being clccrelpDifcbarseDanoctonera
teo of all anD eucrp former bargaines f c. Crce^/t ic.In wicncffc 6c c.
Hereunto may be added fuch Couenamsof being fcifed,and owner,
of quictinioying.and fauingharmclelTc,or to be fei(ed to the vfcs aforc-
faidafterihefaid Manage, and fuch like, as arcnccdfull, arcordingto
thcagreemcntof the parties, with all nccciTaric exceptions and condi-

CoiiC/tAnts of^JAiAYutge,

Sert.82. TrHis Indenture fc. WirnelTcch, t!)atin cOilGOcration of a 29a*

1 riagc ic SZtje faiO S.2l. couenantctl) tc.tljat be tl)c faiD SC.sn.
atanpttmeDucinstbc Cartage bettueentbe faiD S^.anotbc faio Q^.
toill not alien,fell,giuc,grant, 02 otbcrtoife Difpofe,cnoignc,marrp,
02 Defeat tbe luarDOjip of e. Ia. fome ano beirc of J^. U. oeccaftD, to
anp perfon 02 pcrfons, from tbe faio C
cycept it be bp tOe affcnt ano
agreement of tfic faiDC And itjefaio 2C2l> furttjer couenantctb
ictbat ncitbei* be tl)e faio SC.S. no2 anp otljec perfon 02 ptrfou3,bp
bis p2ocurement, at anytime During tbe faio ^ariage, (ball Doe 02
mafeeanpbolunt?rp Ujalt,o2ffile, of, 02 in anp of tbduajoa 02 bou>
fe0,lDbereoftbe faiD (!!;. IS noli) feifeDo; po(reffeD,erceptitbebptl)e
affento; agreement of tt)c faiD C Andalfo tbc faio H.ST^coue
nantetb i^tbatOeetbcffiio SC^IE at anp time During tbefaio^ari*
age,(ball not bargaine,fell,giue,grant, 02 otbertoife alien anp Icafc,
lcafes,02 farmes,lul)icbtbe faio (li?* batbojpoflfcftetbitbcDavof
%%% Date of ll;efe p^efent, eii^cept it be b^ V^z aflfent atiD agreement of
Liber Couenants. fecundiis
t^efaiDC And tlje (ainSd'S:. farther cpiin^ntctljfc4l^at|jice?^c
faiD 2:.2: at
. fuel) time ano times as tlje fa^(i. CtjaU ajgpfimt,
pap,o; caufe to be paveDiOf ttie legaciesrbeqacatt^p bg ^^.fdmttiiie
tuf banc to tbe f am e. (ucb, and fo nuul), anD in fuc^ inaiur , as tl^s
* JaiD G(t}all affignc ano appoint,in
U)jU^S fabJcribeo tuitb Jer IjaRD,
. atartfe'time curing tljeCaio iia^riaotc. And alfoj^- tfce raip C. i^aH
ntDjitingfnbfcribcDipitbbcrhancaflignejDjtipp'oint ti)at(,l?efaili
^C to pap to tbc faio (B* iii. tbc fqmmc or 4:c pouuDs of laiu^
fnUmonepofCnglanD, ojanpleffefummcofmoncp, tljat tl)en tljc
faio II..2r, t)is t)cirS, crecuto;s, aDminiftratojs, 05 affigncs ^all
:fattrfieanDpap,o; caufe to bepaieD,to ttje (aio C
.U toUjacDsbis ao^
uancement,tbc faiD fumme of CCfponnOs, cc fuel; otber ^elTe Cumme
ofmoncp^astbetbefaiDC.intDjittng, (iibrcribtD tuitlj Ijcr ^atiD at
anp tmt During tbe rate marriage, Hiall aCTigne ano appoint tj^e faio
C.ST.to pap, anD at fuel) time ano times, ano in manner ano fojme
a0tl)e^alOdl^bptt)e^amelu;itlng rubrertbefi lutt^ l}er t^anCi,(^aU
afiTtgneanD appoint* And tbe faiD SE K, alfo couenaiitct^ ano gran^
tetbyfo^bimf cXt)at be tbc faiD K,%.o} t)is l)eirs,tDitl)in ttoo pears
ncrt enfuing tbc bate bercof,fball allure ano conuep, oj caufe to bcaf'
(ureDfconuepeDbp gooDanD fufficicntafTuranceanDconuepance in
tbe lato to tbe faio C. fo; terme of ber Ufe,o; to otber perfons, 1 ttieit
- IjcireSjto tbe bfe of tbe faiD C
f 0; terme of ber life f 0; ber 3ointurc,

ofpcb mano;s,lanD6 9 tencnicntSiUntb tbc appurtcnaiues, % otber tbe

pjemifles in tbe faio Countie of ip. U)bieb Qiall amount to, ano be of
tbe full ano cleerepeareipbalue of one buno;:eD pounds, of labufuU
monep of CDnglano, ouer ano abouc allcbdrgesauDrepnfes* And
oalfo if It fbal fo;tune tbe faiD C%to f uruiue and ouetUue tbe faiD l.SC
^:tbat tijentbe faiD SE.SE.lball as luell Icaue tbe faio C
luo;tb as amcb
'<fiei;xts,goods,anDcbatMs>anD otber fub(lances,as tbc faiDCfAjal at
tbetinieoftbemariagebecleerelpU:io;tb : Sis alfo glue, granntibeo
.fjaeatb,o? otbctimfe nirure,to Icaue to tbe faio Couer and aboue tbc
<: (aid debtd,QOOtis,cbattels,f otber fubaauce,as mucb goods, cbatfels,

f otber fub(tance,as (ball amount to tbc balue of i tboufandmatkcs

iicflalufull monep of (Cngland. Promdcd alwa)cs,tbat iftbcfaidE^
."SE.atanp time during tbc faio marriage, (ball bp tbeafient intoji*'
ting of tbe faiD (i};*fabferibeD U)itb ber band , purcbafe anp lands, W
nements,o; bereDitamcnts,tbat tben fotnucbof tbe debts,goodS,
cbattelsJ I fubftancc,\btcb tbe faiD SZ.il.bp tbefc pjcfents batb cDue^'

nantcD to leaue, aSigne, 0; affure tinto tbe faiD C

as tbe fumme o;
funime0OtmoMep(otobepaieD,fo;,o;bpreafonof tbe faio purcbafe
(5; 3 0>
Symb. Couefiants. part.primae

02 purfl&afes,(l&al amotint tnf o,(l)allje ucfalfeebjUtbncteD f fojcpjifeu

out oft^cfaiDDebtgjg-flODSjdjattelSjanDfabttanccfo couetvanieDto
le lcft,grantcis,o) affarcD bnto tt)c fato C
anD out of t^e tjalue ott\)Z
fame,anD tl)c fait) K,'Z.\)\ik\}ti\:B anD afftgnefi,to b^ of fo mnclj tyep
DfDifcljargcD.anv tbingiu tl)efe pjefents to t^c conlrarienottoitli
' ftanDing. And t\)t faio S:.SL.lfo coaettantct^,tt)at t^ t!)C fate 2C. JC.
(l]a!l fuffcras 1dU alUbe mflno:s,lnnD0,ano tpnemcm3,tol)ercof tl)e
(etc SD.CnoUi at t^is pjefcnt is feifeo of any c&atc of int)Entancc,a
alfc all ot^er mano30,lanDg,tcncmcnt0 1 tercbitamcntB, t^at at awp
time Ijcrcaftcu tl)e fain s:.^. dial fortune to !}auc bp oifccnt from anp
of ^i ancefto30, in poffcIKion, reuerfioti, tcmaiiiocr, o?, ottjciluifj to
i)irccnD,reniatue,o; come in podcfTton^rcuGrfton, o; icntatnoer^to i^e
^citca males of tf)C faiD Sl.S: .toljicb liall be bee ottcn of tbe boDie of
tl)c faiD ID.C clccrel^) ricotieratcD anD faueD baraiclerfc tcof i^c. And

it p;ouiDeDfcouenanteo fctljatit Q)aU be latufuUfo) t^ie

15 further
faiD S^.SL.During l)i llfe,oj h\il)\s latt toill auD tc aan;cnt,to Demifc,

grant,Deuife,o?Difpofcb^*tl}e affcntaiiD agreement of tbc fatoC^to

tbeirc^ilD;enMicbt^e faiD 2n. St. fljall beget oftt)e botyoftliefatD
Co; to anv of tbem fo; tcrme of t^eir lines, o; fo; terme of life of anp
of t^em,anp pact o; parcels of tbe faio mannojs, lanosic. ( epcept be
fo;te ercepteD) an^ eouenant,graunt,f c. befoae mentioneD, to t^e con^

traric in anp toife notb)itl)ttanDingAnd it is alfo furttjer couenanteo

(c.tbat faDljere ti^e fniD El.iE bp ^is U};ittng obltgato;te,beanng Date
ortt)efep2efent0, OiinDett) boluen i bounD bnto tt)cfaiD fc*in tt)g (urn
ofa^.matUs of lalufull monef' ef CnglanD,boitl) conDition tbereup
on enDo;feD,fo;tl)eperfo;ming anD fulfilling of all t fingnlar tljear
ttcle0,coaenants i c.berein rontniniD, on bis part to be obferucD aotr
Itept,a0 bp tbe faiD U);tting obltgato;ie it Doll; mo;e plainlp appears,

ifinto;itingCubfmbeDU)itbtl)ebanDsoftl)e faio at anp ttm^otu

ring ^er life,it fi)al be DeclareD anD et:p;e(reD:4t)at tt)e (aiD lu;tting ob
ltgato;ie from tbencefo;t|) (ball be toiD,a; t^at n)etl)eraiDC.tBoult
^ane f be faiD Uinting obligato;ie to be toiD, tbat tbe:,! from tt)ence^
fo;t^ t^e faiDtD;iting obligato;ie O^all be ttteclp toiD f of none effect*
Prouidcd altDaics,tl)at if at anu time hereafter it fljall be Declareo in
U)}iting,rubrcribcDl]uit|)tl)el)anDoi'tl)e faio (^.t^at^er meaning o;
intent is^t^atanp couenants,grants,articles,o; agreements in t^efe
mentioneD,(b^l be boiD anD of none tficd^tW t^en i from
tl)cncefo;tb, fucbanD fo manp of t^e faiD eouenants, articles,^ agrees
ments,a fljalb? erp?eireD,mentioneD o; onf ainco in anp fur ^ Detla^
ration,aialbe^fcoaiti)enecf8;tt)tJttetlptoiD ? of nonceffetttanp tt^ing
Liber Couenants; fecundus
int|?efc p;efcnf5 containeo to tljt contrarte in an^ iuifenottoit^aan^
ting. Prouidcd alwaics, ano it IS fuUp agreeD,bp anfi bcttoirt tijc fat*-
parties to tfjcfc p?cfcntfl,tl)at it a)al be latofulMo ann foj.tl)^ faio X.

2:.fc? t!)c ancnt,confcnt,ano agreement of t^e faio e.to alien,reU,oj

occbangcanp part 03 parcell of tlje faiD manc;5, lanD,tcncraenUJ jO j
tf)eCountis^f (c.ano tbe oemeanelanDS of i^.afo;cCaio,f aUlan'o0>
tenetncntB, ano t)ercDitamcnt5, accompteo, reputeo, 0; ocrupieo as
ijemeane lanw of i^.afc;efaiD,at anp time toitbin iJo.pcareglattpaft
ljefo3ce^coatet)rcQf:anDalfo erccptttiefaio ^efttagcic. ^oal*
toaie0,t^at t^t faio K.K. ano l)iB yeirs, bv rcafon of tlie faiD alictta*
tion,faU,nj tj:c|}ange,Do 1 Ojnl rcccinc,taUc,f bauc in licto % recom>
pence t!j:rtof,otl)cr lauDS,tencment/?,u fo mucb in quantitie,i of fo
tnacl) ^eaalp talue, 0; better, i like cftate 0; better,a0 t\)t faiD lanos
(0 alteneo, folo , 0; erc^angeo Iccrc of , to all refpetts ano purpoCes^
Prouidcd alwai,t^)at itCgall be laiufull,f fo; tljc fsiD SC.SE.bp bi$
falficienttu;iting inoenteo, fealeo toitbbt^ fealc, i latufiUlp erecu^
tcB,to 0mife,graunt:,9 let to ferme,all $ Qngalcr tbc p^emilTeB loit^
tl)appurtenanf C5, 0; anp part 0; parcell tljcreof, crcept fuc^ as be,o)
(ball be alTurea to tbe (aio C fo? ^tt 3Cointure,ano crcept tt)e faio tne^
(uage, lanDs, f c. to an^> pcrCon 0; pcrfons, fc; tcrme of tb;ee liue6,o}
tmDer,o; fo; rrl.pcres 0; bnocr, in poGTcffion onlp anD not in rcuerCi
fin,fo t^at t|)e auncient pcarelp rents jCu(fonie$,&nD rcruices,o; nio;e
bercfcrueoo^papablebpon cue rp fucb oemifc, oilcafctobaaeconi
tinuance During tljo termc tljerof, 1 To t^at anr fuel) ocmife f leafe be
notmabe toit^iout impcacl)ment of loa(l,i alio to aflfure ano conuep a
parcel of lao calleD H.lping 1 being in Cto tljcbfe of tbe faio Cfo;,
termc of ber natorall life, fo tbat tbe fame bee not maoc luittjout im^
pe acbttient of Ujaft. Prouidcd a!fo,anD it is agreeDjbp f bettoeene ttje
parties to t^efe pjefents,^ itflialbelatofolfojtbefaio2:.:.bpl)is
tu;iting,o) lujitingcfealeo toitlj l)is fealc, 0; bp I) is laft ioil i SEetta?
ment in U);iting,to giue^raunt,ic.to cuerp ano eitbcr of bis pongee
fons of tbc boop of tbe faio Clatofullp begotten, not being tbe beirc
apparaat of tbe faio dT.
one annnity o) rent ctjargc of v'.Pi. bp tbe
5crr,fo;tl)c tcrme of tbe natural life of cucry facb fon,to tobom fuc^
gtft,grant ocuifc,o; beqncC rtjalbt abe,illuing 1 going out of anp f
mano;s,metuage0,lantis,tcnemfts,t bercoitamcts of tbe faio 'SE*%^.
rrcept befoje ercepten* And alfo if it ijappc 515.C.tiaugl)ter of tbe faio
2:,s:.nct to be maricb in tbelife time of tbe faio S, ST. ^ tbcn it fljal
UfeeiDifc be l&totoll,to ano fo; t^e faiD SEX.bp |iis iujiting inccntcD,
^ 4 fealrt>
Symb. ^ Couena^tss part.primx
realcD toitl) ^is feale,o j
latt toill ant) S;eff amcnt tn iujittng,tQr
to ttiefaiDXB.onpannuitte 02 rent
charge of fojtiefl^aifeesbpvcarctjntiUtbefummeof CC. ^arhes
to fap, foj t^e tcrme of fiuc peares : Pro-
Ic leotcD ariD paico, tbat is

ui'dcd^tiatif fniDiB t)appn to CiebefojeCbcfljall be mancD,tt)at


t!)crt tbe faio annuitieo? ret

cbargc to ccafe ano be t)oiD,am) tljc fnio
fummc of ic^sparbcs, to be grauntcD anc affurcD tjnto !icvifoj,anD
totoarDs ber pjcfermcnt in mariage, 02 otberluife.

faio %*%* Dotb coucnant and graunt,fo2 ic. to ano teifj tc tp tt)cfc
p;L*f etltJ^jtbat if tbc faib manage tafec cffeit,:one tt^irD pact of aR a^U
lingular H)e gooDS, cbattels reals ano perfonals, nio.neableanDi)n*
iiioueabU,ietDCl3, plate, f impicmEnts cf boafljolDjirl tt)2cc parts to
be DeuioetJjtDticreof tbe faio s:.C Iljall be poffeffeD at tbe tune o/^ia
Deatb,02 bi er:ccut02S,U)itbin one peare ncjrt after btsDeceafctuitb

oqt frauD 02 r ouin,njall rcinaine "be bv fo;ce of tbe 6ift,6j of tt)e latt

totllahp Celtauient of tQe faiD s:. 2:.t)nto U.fonne aob bcfreappa*

rant of 2r:.'Sn.fo2, anu in tbe name nf fncb t^eitt lomtSfl, ao IboulD ani
ougbttobelcftbp tbe faio IC.Ctjntobimtbe fai:)U. Andiaaip^
tbe faib 2i:.Cfo2 bis part,D0tb coucirant ic.bptbefe pjcfentAjtbatif
it fo2tunc ttie faio .SC. to oeceafe in tpc
life of tfje faio CIC. ^iifSf

tbcf,Waning any ilTue in life at tbe tintc of tbe Dcccafc of tbe fnio S.
S:.^tbentbc faiioCSr.at tl)creafcfiablerctiuctt of tbefaio&irj,
iMMs f)eircs,02 erecato2S, lljall 1 toill lalnfullp i fufiftciehtlp giue,
graimt,affurc,anoconueutjntoanponeof tbe fonncsof tljcfaio 2j.

crcept tbe eloeft fonne t bcire apparant of tbe faio U.C one pcarclg
rent cbarge of 1 c. iffuing i going oat of t\jt faio m3rt02S*, mtfuagcs,
lanotfj ano tenements, ercept bcfo2C crccptco. To'liauc arid to hold
t^e faio rent cbarge.tmmeoiatlp frim ano after t^e oeceafc of (l)e faio
U*^*fo2 anoouringtbenaturatlUfeof euerptbefonnesof tbefaio
ll.2^,to Uibom tbe fame fball be graunteD,cona^geb,o2 affurco. Ai)d
alfotbatif it fo2tune tbefaio ^,VZ, tooc.ee.^fe'tnfbelifeoftljcraio
C.C.ijis fatli?ctl;cnlifecli)ife f^e^be fail! ^.St^tJpbn tl^^
of bim tbcf^i^^ir g.^-bis betres oj iiccatbhy fij'all ano fcuill lata?
faUp,ano fnffi;;icntlp giue, s^^^Unt, aCTure, t cpnuep Unos ano t^nc^
tneut0 of lt)e eleere pearclg baVa^ of ic. not before erccpteo,bnto fuc^
Jjerfbns ano tbt^rbetrc^i 5s tfje faip'^.\r B^. i:i2l. fbaU nominate jr ap

pointjto tbe fife of cbe f^io pccfoi,T^,f62'attb bntilfiic^ time as t\)t\ak

liicfonfi^tbetr beiref'02Afl(t^eS:,'(I)'aU 02iiia^ \ii(t\t receiueD,lcnieOrl
^ao of t$e itTu^s ano p2^&^ tijerbf, fttcb f fo greatfums of monep,ad
i|)allaho taill Amount 1 elcten^ ? td content ano pap to cuerp one of
Liber ---^ Couenants. fecundus
t!)eDaugI)fcr6 oftl)c faiD l^*K. tl?atfljall
bappcntobcbnmarigD to
tl^maiiagcmonep bnpateOat tljetimt of tt^eocceafeofttjcfatDk
s:t^e full fumme of CC.fi a peece tocucrp one of tlie faio
tets, t\)t fato fummc to be paico at fuel) time, as ttjep fl^all
afcompliOjanDcometotljcage of jcbiii scares, to anofoi ttjeirpje'
ferment tn manage, 0? ott)crtoife InconfiderationofUibtc^l^an*
agcjfo be bao anb folcmnijecanD of tbe conucpances, giauntSjartii
tlcs,anD agreements afo3EiaiD,tl)c faiD ^u-B;C2JDotbcoucnantfc
to content .fatiffie, ano pap, o? caufe to bee c ontenteb , fatiffico,
paiDbntotbefaio ST. ^.biscveUtojs,aDminiarato3s,ojam0ncs,
being fufficientlp autbojtjeb bnoer bis bano i fealc , tbe full funmie
of ^oo. lu in manner ano fo^me foUotDlng , tbat is to rap,if. And
morcouer'it is couenanteD ic tbat if it fball bappcn tbe fato to CX
Dcccafein tbe lite time of tbe faiD C^baumga Daugbter oj oaugl)?
ters,of tbe faodp of tbe faiD C . tbat be tbe faio ST.C bv bis laft toill
anD Ccttamenf, dj otbcrtoifc bp fome act to bee Erccutco,oj caufcb to
beerecateo in bis lifetime, C^allmaUefucb conucpancc,a(rurance,o>
p;outfoe0,tbateuerp fncb bangbtec o; Daugbters,atberoUbeic fe^
oeral agejf of rbi^.peares,map be truclp fatiffieo .contents o,i paies,
of tbe fummc of a C. tu f c. to ano foj tbcir pjcferment of manage.
And it is further concluoeo betlMipt tbcfaio parties, tbat it Ujatl anD
map be latofuU to tbe faiD ^T.SZ.bptbcconfcntof tbefaiD H.S.bis
(onne, tocrcbangeanp part of tbe p3cmi{Ic5fo2otbcrlanD6(ercept
before crceptcD)fo as tbe faio S.HT.tahe f baue to bim anb bis bciies
males , affureD lanD^ ano tenements, ofasmucbbnlueo;j mo;e,as
tfjelanDs o; tenements iubicb be tbe faio CSCaiall giuc aluap tx^ m
cbangc, Ojall amount bnto : anp tbing f c.nottoitblf anoing. And tbe
faio SC.C alfo couenantetb ano grauntctb, to ano toitbtbc faiD f c
tbat iuitbin one S9 onetb ncrt after tbe folcmnijatton of tbe Cartage,
be t^t faiD ST.SE.lball grant bnto tbe faiD a.iB. bp bis fnfricicnt DeeO
in Uniting, anotoitba fufficientclanfcofDittreflfe, onc^nmiitico;
rent ci)arge ofonc C
.f i.to be going out,anD to be pcrcciucn otitof nU

tbe faiD manojs, lanDs, tenement, ( tbe Joinfnre of tbe faio . nno
all lanbs lubcretDitb (be batb, o? fballbauc nnp cftatc foj tcrmc of ber
life,as is afo3^faiD,ontlp ercepteD) During tbe life of tbe fato J^.iS.to
tabeff)t^p;efentlp after tbe folemni^ation of tbe raiD^aringe,anD
to be payable at tbe featta of ic, bp caen pcjtt or.s : ^\)z fitfl papment
tbereof to bee at fucb of tbe faiD fcaCs, asfirtt Iball tjappen after tbe
faio ^aciage*!;! wicnefl'e b^^eteof ic
Symb. Couenants. part.primac

CoHenants of tjl^anage of a Kff*

ScCt. 8 2 . T T Ec Indcntura faVa inter prxclati(r.& fcrcnifT.Dci gratia IS. Rc-

X jLgcmexvnaptc, & dominam M. cadcm gracia excellent, potcnE,
ac incciiedifl.Principis H.dci gratia Regis Anglix,Franci2C,& Hiber&
&C.& PrsecharilTim^ illuflriflimae dhaeE. nup Rcgih Angl*,confor-
tisfuz filiam primogcnitara, & pfaf RegiS.per verba depfenciMa-
trimoh contraft' difponfat ex aliapte,Teftatur quod cum pfa!rcre
nifljmS.Rexperlfas fuas paccntes,magnoSigillofufigillat,acfi^o
fuo maniiali fubfcrip? Dat apud E. die mcnfis I. vltimo, Dederit
, &
conccfTcrit pfafM.principi Caftrum &
villam de D. &maneria dcN.
& F.in Regno S. cum fuis mcmbris, iuribus, proficuis, commoditat,&
pertinent quibufcunquc annui valorisfex railliumlibraruiD, legalis&
vfualis monetae S. iaro currentis &
habentis curfum in regno Scotise, Et
qu^ conftituunt duo millia libf fterling' , 8c iam currentis habentis &
curfum in regno Anglx-.Habcndu&tenendupfa! Sereniff.Principi
M.adterminumvitacluas raturalis, proutincildcmliteriij Patenribus
inter alia plcnius apparcrepotcrit Pr3cfatM.Princcpsbono,lacto,&

pergratoanin]otradidit& dimifu^&p pfcntcsconccdit pfaf illuftrifl.

principi S.Rcgi,omncs& (ingulostruOus, rcdditus, &prouentuscx
pdif^is caftris , villis, doniinijs, roancrijs, teiris, & pdiftis rcdditibus
prouenientes& crefccntcs, Saluis 6ccxccpiK,& pfatM.durantevica
fua naturali referuat ad vlum fuum propnu de eifdem fruiflibus, reddi-
tibus,6c prouenientibus furamamillelibraru, legalist vfualis Monet^
S.iamcurrcntisSc habentis curfupi in regno S. qfaciunt &conftituunt
quin<eniasMarcos ftcrliiigoiu moncte iam currentis habentis ciit- &
fum in regno Angliac P.tcipend' annuatim p di<fl' Regem S.velpcr

dus dcputatos feu feruicntcs, pfatM. principi, ad vfum fuupropriu,
ad fcfl:aPafchz,& Archangeli ^quis porcionibus deli-
S. Michaelis
bcraud'Sc foluend'. Et prcter &: vltra dirtas millc libras monetxS.
fupportand'jcxhibend*, pr^fland',6cminiftrand*, fappoitari, cxhiberi,
pracftarij&rainiilrarifacicndo, durante vita ipfius illuftrilT. Principis
fumptibus & expends eiufdem Regis pfat M. principi, omnia & {in-
sula quae ad apparatura corporis (ui , ornatum domorum fuarum,vc-
huras, equitatus, fuppellcftilcm, vtenfilia, viftum, ac vcftitum , ac rem
farailiarcm & domefticam & alias res quafcunquc, fecundum hono-

remjftacum, gradum, & dignitatem ipfius M. Principis neccffaria fue-

rint, feu quomodolibet condcccntia : Nccnon familiaribus domefti-
cis & Ceruiccibus fuis,tani viris quam foeminis,qaoruin quidcm fcmienC
Liber Couenants. fccuudus
viginti& quatuor cmnt Anglici, partira vin,partini ftminscad op-
cioncm&elcaioncmipfius M. prmc^is, cfcuicnta, poculcnca,ftipcn-
dia,veftitus,vefturas,cquitatus,ae omnia & fingula alia quae cildcmfa-
niiliaribu$,dorafticis,& feruicntibus fccundum honorcm & condccen-
tiamftatus& dignitatis ipfius M.fimilit neceflaria fucrint fcuconueai-
cntia fupportando,cxhibendo, pracftando, &
miniftrando, fupportari-
uc&cxhiberi pracflari & niinidrari
faciendo. Et quoties quando &
contigcritaliqucm vel aliquam dift'fcruienc fuorum Ano^robirc, ton-
es & tunc liccbiteidcmlVi. durante vita fua in loco deroortuof vel de-
njortuaruni vfquc ad nuracrum duodccem pcrfonarnm alios vcl alias
Anglicosvd Anglicasad fumptus & expcnfas praedia'fubftituerc, &
fubrogarcliccbitque pr^fat M.pracdia'fummam mille librarum
quaralibctindeparccUara de tempore in tcmpus durante vita prxfafil-
luftrif.principisS.Regis,invfus ipfius M.proprios &. alicnos vfus fine
impedimento ipfius 1S. Regis vcl cuiufcunquealtcrius libcread voium
fuumcommitterc&difponcrc. Etficontingatprcfatam M. principem
pracdift'(ereniiT.regcm S. fiipcruiucrc &
poft mortem cius fuperftitcm
mortem ciufdcm I.Rcgis S vfeCi a re*--
forc,liccbit prsef.M.principi port
alcra & corporalem podenionem Oatum & titulum fuos m pracd'dcmi-
nijs,villi$,maneri)s,tcrrispraedifti$&rcddibus durante vita ipfius M.
principii continuarc &
rctincrCjfruOufqcxitus, proficua, redditus &
ex cifdcmproucniencvbicunquepraefatMpof} mortem ipfius S.Reo>is
habitare vcl morari, vel ad quaecunqucRcgna vel partes extra idem
Rcgh S.fi: transfcrrc vcl migrarc placucrit, vcl contigerit, pacifice inic-
grc& plcnc fine aliquali diminutione, impedimcnto, cxpulfione, in-
terruptionc vel contradi(^ionc hcredum vel fucceflorum pracfaf (erc-
niffimidomini regis S. velalicuius aut aliquorumaliorumquorumcun-
que durante vita jpfiusM.principis ad vfum fiium proprium pcrcipc-
re & habere, iftapraefcnti conccflione feu dimiflioneinaliquonon ob

AconuejAfice in iojntnre to fundr'te vfes reflrain'mg alienAtion, andre-

ferumg porver to make iojftttures and leafei.

T His Indenture &c.5l5ttteeneir^anD 0.t)t tDife,nnD<a;^o

fmtne ann ^etre apparent of ttie fatD f. ^ anD 115. ncUi lutfe of
t^e faio Q^ sp. ano oans^ter of H. &. on tl)e one partte, aiU) ttie Tato
^^^ont^eol|er partte,WitDefrcth,tl)at in fonfioerationcfsmai?*

riase alreaoie ^ao anD (olcmni^eo bet^seen tt)e (aio C.^.an^tl)e faiD
3&^^*ano fo) a compettnt ant) (ufiftctent to^nture to be ^ao ano mmz
Svmb. Coucnants. partprimsc
foanDfo>t^fMo^inrafc,(]|>iCiI)aU happen to furaiae o; ouerUa
tl)e faiD C.ljcc l)u(banD : ^nD foi a iointurcalto
to be ^ao anD maoc to

ano fo? tbc CaiD ^* if (lie tt)e faiD ^, Ojall fortune to CaruiuE ano OBcr^

liuc tl)e fame if* And m

couCoecation aUo t^at t^en]ano;0, i c. ^cce<'
attccmcntioncDUiallanDniap fs; fo long time as it lljall plcafe 01^
mi&t)ticClPOD,be,rcmaine ano conti,nue in ttjc name, blmD , ano Uin*
ojeo fif ti)c faiD parties, f cucrt of lt)em,a0 hereafter in tl)eCc p^cff ntg

i0 eypjeffeD ano Declacco. 3t ig nob) tljcrcfoje coucnantcD, grauntcD,

concluDtD, ano fullp rcrrccD bp ano bcttoecne tt)c faiD pQrtie^,to t^cfe
p;e(cnt 3i;nDcnturr0, ^no cueric of tt}e faio parties, fo; tiimfelfe, ^is
l)Eirc0,f r:ccutoj0,aDminiflrato53,anD afl"ianc0, ano cueric of tt)cm b^
tt)efc p;efent0,Do,tt) coucnant,g rant, con claOe, ano agree to ano luit^
t\)t o(l)er of tt)em,l)i0 t)6ire0 f c.ano euerie of tbcm bp t^efe p;efent0 in

mancr ono fo;me foUoiuing, (tl}at io to tap ) Firfl, tl)e faiD i?.fip fo?
ti^ecaufesano conOcerations t)erein befo;e fpeciftco, anD tottjein
Untt}i0l&ltiuiUmapbee perfo;meD,fo;t}i(nfelfe,bi0 ^ciresic. anO
euerie of tbcnijDotl) eoncnant,grant jConcluDc,anD agree, to ano ioitb
t[)t faiD It.B. {)iB bcii es,crccuto30,f aDmmiftratoj0, t eucrv of tbcm

bp tt)efe p}efent0,tl)at tlje faiD i^.^. o; \)i& ^tixts, at tbeir o; fomeof

tl)eir otone p;oper coflc0 ano cljatgcs in tt)e latu on t^i0 fiDe, o; befo;c
^ tbe fcaOi of f c.ncrt coming after tt)c Date t}ereof,bp \)W o; tl;etr Deed o?
of^r conuepance o; adiirance fufficicnt in tbe laVo, (l)all ano luill w\
ano fufficicntlp conucp ano airure,o; caufe to be conuepeo ano adarcD
tnto CCanO j^.Cano tl}eir t)eirc0 fo; euer, all tt)ofe tt)e mano;0 f
lo}D(l)ip0 of,f c.;9no alfo tl;c feueral moitieg of all tbofe tbe tnano2s f
io;Dnnp0 of $c!l1nD tt)at tbe faio DecD i otber conueiancc ano aOTurace
befo;e tncntionco to be maoc,ano cuerp of tbcm,!l}all be i inur^, and
Hjall be aDiuDgeD,e(teemco,enD taUen to be i inure0nQ alfo tt)at tbe
faio I![:ano la.Cano ettber of tbem, ano tbe furuiuo; of ti)cm, ano

bis l)eire0,ano all i cucii> otljer pcrfon f pcrfone nolo ftanomg o^ be?
ing fetfeDf,o; in rt}e faio manno20 ic ano otber tbe p^emiflfes o; anp
parcell tt}creof,fo; tbe faio confioerationg l)freinJ)efo;c erpjcflfeo, at
alltime0 from ano after tbe faio (eail0 of c.nert comming,of,from f
after tbe faio conuci^ance ano affurance bao oa maoe, as is afojefaio,
lubicb foeuer of tbem fbal flrlt bappen,(bal ftano ano be fetfeD of, ano

in tbe fanie,sno cuerie part tbcreof, to tbe bfes 9 intents bet rafter in
tbefe p;e(ent0 erpjefTeo, Cbatis torap,totbebfeanDbeb(ofeoftl)e
ano ofbisadignesjfo? ano During tbe ioint lines of btm
faio ir.SI^*
.^. bis fonne, toitbout tmpeacbment of
tbe faiD i^.fip.ano tbe faio
anpmanec of tuaS* 0nD from ano after tbe beceafe of t^e faioiF.in
Liber Couenarits. fecundus
f afet^c faiD jr.n&al fortune to Depart tljis p;efent life,t>anng ttielife
of tlie CB'^'^is fonne: C^en, as fo; ano concerning t^e fatD tna^
no; ano ilo?Dlljip of C \x)it\^ all ^ig rijjljtg, members, ano appurte*
nanceg, to t^ctjfe f befjoofe of tfje faio a.notu tuifc of t^c faiD i^.^
ano of ^er allignesjfo; anD During of t^c tcrtr.e of Ijer naturall life,(tf
tbefaiDCSp.tljefonne fijalltiappenfolongtoliue. ) 0nD from ano
after tljcD0Ccafe of tbe faiD C^^.ttjen, asfo; anD concerning tJ)e
&ctteo2ct)iefemanOon^oufe c.totl^e onclp bfeanDbeboofeoft^e
faiD )15fo;terme of bet nataral life,fo?,anD in ful fatiffaction anD re^
compcnce of all fncb jointure ano SDotecr, as to tl;e fati^e 215.njall,o;
of rigbtougbt to belong oj appcrtainc,bp,frGm ojafiertbcoeceafc
of tbe faiD *^* tjtz bufbanD 0nD as fo; ano concerning tbe reGDue
of tbe faiD mano^ of it* to tbe onlp tfc ano bebcofe of tbe faiD H and
ofbera(rign0,abfolutelpfo;ternie of ber life in full fatiffaction of tbe
Blointare of tbe faio X And as fo; anD
concerning tbe reuerfion ano
reaerdons remamoer o;t remainoers of tbe faiD niano;ic* as tbe

fatD bfes,eltates, anD intereltstl;ercofberein befojelimitteDo^ep

p^eHeDjtball be fallp enDeo f DeterniineD.^nD fo; ano concernmg tbe
faiomanojoffcastbe ettates finterettstbeieof before limitteDoj
erpJcJIcD in tbefe p;elent gfnDcntures ftall fullp eno ano Detcrnune:
SCbentotbebfeanD beboofe of tbefaiDi^.^.fo;ternicofbisnata^
rail life,U)itbont impeacbmcnt of anp mancr of toatt. 0nD from anD
after bis Deccafe,tben to tbe bfe ano beboofe of CD.Sp.foj tcrmc of bis
life,U)irboat impeacbment of anp manner of Uuaff. ^no from anD af^
ter bis Deceaf e,to tt]e bfe anD beboofe of tbe 6r d fonne to be begotten
bp tbe boDv of tbe faiD (H;.^. anD of tbe bcires males of tbe fame firft
fonne laUifallp begotten.SnD fo; Default of fucb ilTue, tbcn to tbe bfe
anD beboofe of tbe f econD fonne to be begotten bp tbe boDp of tbe faiD
C^^.anD of tbe bcires males of tt)e fame feconD fonne laUifullp be'
gotten ;anDfo; Default of fucbiffueic. (totlievfcoffomanyotl er.
fonncs as fliali be thought mcctc, informe aforcfaid, &c. ) 3nD fo; DC?
fault of focb iffue, tben to tbe bfe anD beboofe of cuerp otbcr tbe tons
to be begotten bp tbe boDp of tbe faiD (^.^, fuccefltuclp as i[}t\} (bMi

be in fenio;itp o; age,anD of tbe beircs males of tbcir feueral bodies,

lalvfullp begotten. ^uD fo; Default of fucb iHue, tben to tbe bfe ano
beboofe of all anD rucrp tbe Daugbters lubicb tbe faiD (^.^.(ball^
baue begotten on tbe boop of tbe faiD 15* at t^e time of bis Deceafe be^
ingtbcnbnmarieo, ano of tbcir affignes, from anD after fucb time
aseacbof tbemfballbaue accompUfbeD tbeir feuerallagesofrbii^
peares,o; be marieo,to,t bniil fucb time as caerp of tbe fame oaugb^
Ccucnnnts. part.primae
finiojitieoj in
tct:!Jfuccc(IiuconcfiftcvanoM.}ei:, as U)p (ball be in
of ttjeic otone pjo^
8Bt,a)sU d; map Icuip, rrcciue, ano take to cue tp
lit(Dfcs,ot tbe rcnt0,p;om0,anD iCTuefi of t^c
per biC6 and
of currant rao'
pounD0 a pace
tne fcueiall lunmirs of tljict l)unDjctt)
nepofen6lanD,oictt)crtoirefljaU bee faUpfatiffieD,contenteD,
yaicDoftl^cinmefeuerall fwmBjbp fucl)perfonojpcrfonsto tobam
t^c pjemifTcs ttjaU
tbc ncjct ant) imai eciaie rcucrfion oj remainDer of
tbei'.bptbE intent auD tcne meaning of ttiefe pjefcnts of tigbt
time as tbe (aiD feuerall
long I appertains 0no from anD after fucb
J paicD,
turns of ttjjee bunDjetl; pounos rt)nl be f ullp leiueD,teceinet),o
as isafojcfaiD c And foj Default of fucb oaugljterslubicb foeucr of
tljem fballfii ft bappe" :. SSljcn to tbe bfe anD beboofe of SD.tp^fecono
Conneof tl;cfaiD i'.a^.fojterme of bis naturall life,\itboutim*
peacbmentofaiipmanerof Umtt.aiio from i after bis Decea(c,tben
tbe bo!)p of
to tbe bfe anD beboofe of tbe firft fonneto be be jjotten bp
tbefaio 2:*15.anDoft!}cbeires male of tbe booieof tbe
to other
tonnelatofuUp begotten, ianofo; Default offucb iffuec.(
ionms;)ndc!jiij;htcrs, as here before, And to to as many fonncsofthc
donour bynamcasiliall fcciDC crood, in manner abiHicfiid.) ^nOfo)
wfiiult Of fud) iftue, tben to tbe bfe ano beboofe of tbe faio C'.P*ano
ofbibeirefifo)eucr Andas fo; ano concerning. tbc faio moinc0
of tbc faiD *c. to tbe onelp bfe ano beboofe of tbe faio f* sp. ano
naturall life toitbout
bis aSigneSjfo;, anO During tbc termc of bis ,

impe^icbauntofaHpmancrofVuaft. ^ii 6 from ano after bis Dcceafc?

tbentotbebfeanDbtbosfcoffleoaugbtersoftbefaio /^.tbati
10 fa^-jCi^.C'.i'.anoC.nnD of il.fp. Daughter of tbc faiDe.spislbaU
bebmnarieDat tbeDeccnfr of tl-efaiD f-,^, anDoftbeiraffignes,
foj,anDbntillfutbltnicascuerpof tbe faio Bauggtersfo bnmaricD
at tbe time of tbc Deceafe of tbe faio f. 5p. one after an otber,as
tbep Qjall bee in feniojitie , o; in age, fball o? map fullp baue, leuie,
receiue,anD taUeoftbe rents, iflues, anD profits tbereof,fo;,nnDto^
toarDS tbeir feuerall preferments auD maintenance, tbcfummeof
tbjee bnuDntb pounDs a ptccty of gooc f r j^uD from anD after fucb
time as tbe faio feuerall fumnus of tbjee bunD?etb pcunDS a peece,
(l)3U,o;mi)pbecbaD,UuieD,of taUen, as is afoaefaiD : STbenfotbe
bfe auD beboofe cf tbe crecutojs and aDnrintffratoas of tbe faiD
ir.gp.fo;, anD During tbc terme of tcnnepeares, tben nert foil oto-
tng, f0), anDtoiuarDStbcpapmenf of tbc Debts of tbe faio i^.sp.
tbe J^atberrauDfojanD tcbonrDs tl:.e peifojmanteof bislaft 2!C(tU
ano^eUaiiunC. janDfcomar.D after tbe eno ano erpirattcnoftbc
Liber Covenants. fecundus
faiotermeoffen^fijrc0,s:i)en to f)cbfe ano bcljcfccfttefaio (
^.fojtcrire of Ms unturall life, tottl-out impesc^ir.enfofanpma
nerof 2Claft* 3nD from ant) after \)\s ctwafe, (bm to tljebfe ano
bel)a)fe of tUc firft rcnnc,f o br bcgcttt n by tte buDie of tt)e faiD C^,
anD of tbelieircs males of tlje boDtcof ibc fame firft fonnelaVxjfall^
begotten, ^no foj Default of if. vt fnpra. And ttje faio if.^.ttjeljv
are r.Dnuniarai;oj<5, coue*
tVjttfoi Ijimfclfe, \)iB beire<5, ercciito;s,
nantetl) eno graontetb,to anolmtb tl)e faiD Ix ^* l)is heircs anO
affignes, ano eu^rie of tbem bp ttjefe pjcfents, :bat ^ee tt^e fa ID f*
^.tbe fatber, bis beires^crecutojs, aDnnninrafojs, oj ailisnes,
o5fomeoftt)em,n)oUanD iDill at all times, from, nno after ttjcoe-
fcafeoftbefaiD C^p. tocll atiD fufficicntlp arquite ?.n?j Difclji^rge,
ojfaue bartticlelle tbe faio manffcn buuie, lances, if. ano all otbic
tbc pjemiffes bcrein before UmiteD o? appcmteD, to, ano foj tlje w^Wf
turc of tlje (aio X3. cnD enerp part o? patttll tljerr of, of, ano from all
anD all maner of fojmer bargain cs,f r lubc^tfotuer, l>eD, maoe, Done,

faufcD,ojbnotelcDgeDbptl)ef2iD i^.iip.o; anv' ottjer pcrfon o;iper^

ionsyhf \)\B title, affentjUieanes, 02 procurement. :fc)e lenisanD
feruicesfromtbenfefojtl) tobeeou? tot}e cbiefe Lojo 03 iojDs of
tl^e pjemiffcs, 2ir\ti ?f . onelp fo^fcpjifeo ano erccpteD.
tbc fee 02 fees of
Andfurthcr^tbatbfe tt)c faiDi^ sp, anJ) bisl}eireSrnDalItgnS,anD
cncrieoffc. foj furitifr aflurance in tbe lato, furctie, fure making
ano fonucping of all tl}c fai?) mannojs, tenements, nno otter
tbe p3emiffts,anD euerie part tbf rcof, to bee eoiuieyco ano affureo to
tbefenerallbfes.purpofes, ano intents bcrem before erp^eflfco, ano
accojDing to tbe intent ano true meaning of tl}efe pjcf.ntfl, ii:ceit
bpfine ic. NciJcnhelclTc,it is alli'5vn:s pKniteo, tbc;t it foall ana
mapbclatofulltoanofojtbc faiD .iSp. ST.cp. U.iSp. Ctp. ano
i.sp.tbc fonnes, ano to ano fo? tuerie of tl.nn, ano to cno fr^ all anD
eucne of tbe itlucs males, toiDbomanvuitcreft oj e&att is bercui
bcfo3elimitcointl)cp3emilles,oj anj^part tt)cuof,anD being feifeo
inoemefneofanvcftatcof frcel)clo,cjinl;eritance, of, 03 intbcp^e'
miffes, o?anpparfclltl)erccf, not being frpeaanf: bpon anp otljer

cUate 0? eftates, at bis ano tbcir, t eucrp of tbcir Irce icU5,lilitiLJ,

anD pleafurcSjto mabeanplcafc 0; Irnfes fo: tctn.e of 10:1 e hues, oj
rri.pf ^^'ff s,02 ijnDtr, ano not cupunilbablc, neitlier toittout iarptacb^
ment of U}aft,to anp perfon 0; pccfons,of all no n.r.gular tt|c f^iD nm^
no;s,lanDs,tencment0,anO other tbe pitmifTe m ::.. jc. (\ tiupra)
bsro;ementionc03f euerp 02 anp of tljem,02 anp part 02 parcel Uicrof,
fltljer tben of tbe fciteo; oemealnc lAnoesi, ^Ct U)l;ereu^qu tirC tls nno
Symb. Couenants. part.primae

acctiComcD pearl? rentg 03 mojeOjall be rcfecutD to continae nmm

i\)t fame leafc oj leafes to be ^aD 0; maDc.anO
tl)at all fuel) leaf cs f to

be maDcHiaU be gcos anD aaaileable in lato, to aU intents ano purpo*

res. Andtl)atatalltiir.c0fromanD after tl)e makmsofalUnoeue*
nc fact) leafe oj leafes,t^e faiD conuepancc ano affurance njal be,anD
tbefaiosr.C.anDa.C.aniitbeirbeires ano affisne0,anD cuerteof
tl}cm,anO all anu euerp otbcr per fon anu perfons tbcn ttanomg 0; \it
ing feifeo of,oj in tljc pjemiffcs fo to be DemifeD 03 Ictten, uj anp part
c? parccll tl)creof,fbaU ftano ano be feifeo thereof, 1 of euet p part ano
parccU tt)ercf,a8 fo? i concerning onlp all cueric of tl)e fame lano,
tGnemcnts5,anD tjereoitamcnts, fo to be oemifeo oj leafeD,afl is afoje
aomini(Ji:ato20,o;afrtgncs,toUit)omanp fact) leafe ozleafesftallbe
fotbercofniaoe,anl>acco30ingto tlje true intent ano meaning of all
ano cueric tbe fame leafe oj leafES,anD of tbefc pjcfentB ^0 alttjaies

as tl)e fame leffees,tl)cir erecntD2S,aomtniftratojs ano aOigns,! cac*

rfe of tb^m,Doluel ano trulp vcclD 03 pap,02caufe to be valocD 1 paid
t\)z fcucrall rent ano feruices in tbe fame leafe 1 Icafes, ano cuene of
tbemtobcrcferueDtofmt)perfon ano perfons fo;tl)etimcbeing,a5
bptbeintentano true meaning of tljcfc pjcfcnts Ojall banc tljenert
ano immeoiate rcuerfion 02 rcmainDsr of tl)e fame p;enuffcs fo to be
leafeo,attt)eDapesanofca05tcbecomp}tfeoin all f enerp tt)e fame
IcafeSjOjiyitbinrLOtipes ncrt enfmng cueric of tbefaiooavesanD
feafts.^no after t'jc trpiration of tbe fame leafe 0; leares,dnD eucrie
of tbem^as tber fliall fcutrallp cno ano Determine, tt)en tbc faiD con
uepanccanoalfiiranccfballbranD inure, fInDtbefaiDSr.CD.anDa.
C.anc all and ciieip oll)ei cvfon ano pecfons,tl)enffanDing 0; being

feifeo of,o2 in tl)epjemifTesfo to be DemifeD oj lettcn,03 anpparcell

tbercofjilmll at all timer from tl^encefojtb ttanD anD be fcifeo of, ano
in tbc fantc ano euerp part o; parcel tl)crof,to fuel) t)fes,porpofes,anD
intents, as bin before in tbefc p^efents erp^eHcD ano DeclarcD, ano as
bp tl)c true intent ano meaning of tbefe p;efents tbep ft)oulD oj ougbt
tobaucDone, tfnofucblecfeoUeafcs maDetbereof at any timebao
bin maoc, anp matter j tbing to tbe con traric tberof in anp luifc not*
tuitbttanoing. Neucrcheldlc.it is altoaies p;ouiDeDanofullncoue'
iianteDfcbpanDbettDcene tbe faiD parties to tbefe pjcfcnt^nDen*
tnrcs anD euerie of tbem,tbat if tbe faiD C.SU.^.l\. ^(0. ano S^.
oi anp of tbem, 03 anp tbe beires of tbeir feuerall boDies to lobom
anp bfe 03 bfes,eitate 03 eftates, of, 0; in tbe faio manno;s, lanDs,f c.
before menttoneOjOjanp parCo} parcell thereof bp tbefe pjefentsts
Liber Couenahts. feciindus

limiteDjOeclareDjappointcu, oj agrt cD (o be conue^eD in manner an&

fo;meafo;eraiti,(^aUatanp time after tt)e faiD aHQrancetiacimade
as 10 afo2eraiD,aDutreDlp,U)ittinglp,Determtnatel^, l effectually piQ^
cure ojairent,to,ojfo?anp art ojaasjt^ing o; t^tng0, fo; anp bar*
gainCjfaU, cifcontinuanrc, alienation, erc^angc cj fo;fcitnce to bee
^aD oj mauc of ttje fain manno;s,lant)s, tenement0,l)crcDitament5,f
otf)crtl)e befojcnarocDp;emiffcs,o? anp part 02 parcell of t\)tm 01
anv of tl)eni,to btm,tt}eni,o; anp of tbem ss is afo^efaiD, hv tt^efep^e^
rents limtteD,DeelareD 0; agrecDto be conucieo tntfe o;tn polTeffion,
tol)ercbp anpcflatc of tt)c pjcmtcrcs, oj anij part oj parccU tijcreof, in
t)fe , mcntioncc, limiteo, 02 DeclareD b-^ t^icfc pjefcnts,
0? peffeffion
mtg^t in anp lDtre,o; bp anp means be bnoone^Oircon'
hnueD,barreD,tctermineD,o? fojfeitcD 3no t^c fame bargaine,fale,

Dtfcontinuance, alienation, erc^angeo; forfeiture, 0; anp otl)ereffe^

(tua!lt!)tngo; act toU)arD0tt)e fame effect, fl^all attempt, caufe^pje'
rurc,commanD,o2 toittinglp 02 toiUinglp allent bnf 0, 02 fuffer to bee
attempteD, gone about to be erecutcD, perfo2mcD, p2orcuteD, o; pu(
in b2e,bp tbe t^notoUDgeing of anp note 02 notes,of, 0; fo2 anp fine 02
fincstobelcaieD,o2bpbnolJDleDging of anp tuarrant 02 tonrrants,
6f0tto2nieo20tto2nies, fo2 anp rceouerie 02 rccoueriestobepur*
fneD,02 entrie into anpluarrantiebpanp meancstubatfoeuer,o2 bp
fenclDlcOginganp Uiarrant fojtliefame, 02 bp anp purcbafeofanp
U}2ito2U)2its, bpll)emo2anpoftl)cm,o2bpanp ott^er bp t\}t\x 02 a*
np of tbeir aflent 0; c onfent, bp apparance 02 otljerloife, to anp tu2it
02 lD2itff of tbc p;cnu(res,D2 anp part o; parcell tIjcrcof,02 to anp tbing
in tijcm 02 anp of tbem, 02 bp bnolylcoge of anp DtcD 02 Decpcs,tu;i
ting 02 iBjitings to be inrollec, 02 bp anp ot^er effect nail act, 02 act^,
fl)ai anD map enfue:
tjifcontinuance,alicnatlon,f rctangc 02 fo2fciturc
SCbat tben immeotatlp from ano after tbe time of fucb p2ocarmg, at^
tempt ing,cauCng,ccnianDing,tDillinglp affcntirgjriuTering 0; gaing
aboutjin maner ano fojnie as is afojcfaiD, auD before anp lucl) bar"
gaine, f ale, Difcontinnance, alienation, cvcbangc 02 fo2feiture perfc>
cteD,erecutct),comm(ttcu,Dj tione,tljc faiD bfc 9 bfes, eCtate 1 ffates,
linuteDanDDeclareointtjefepjefcnfs bnto t)im,02 t^em, anDto a0
manpasfo (ball attempt, caule, procure, commaunD,o2 Inillinglp
affent 02 fuffer anp fuel; tbings to bee pjofcc uteo,
act 02 acts,tbing 02
crecuteD,perfo2meD,Done,o2 put in b2e,02 gone about to be erecnteo,
Doi;e,pcrfo2meo,o2 put in t)2e, in maner ant) forme befo2e Dedareo,
\vbereupon anpbargaine,fale,Difcontinuance)alienation, erc^ange>
Symb; Couefiants. part.primae

oj forfeiture fljalljttiavo) raigl)t cnfue, contrarie to tbe true intent

anD meaning of t^efe p^efentSjOf, ant in fuel) anD fo muct) of t^e faio
manojfi,lanD0,tenenienti,nnt) tjerccitamentSi toitl) t^e appurtcnan?
CC0, fo? tt)c iDl)icl) anp t^e tljing o? tilings afojefaiD Q)al be Co attempt
teD,caufeD,pjocurcD,comuiaunOeD,airentti o? fuffcreD to becrecu?
tcJ),perfo;meD>Donc,o? put in bjcoj gone about to be eyecutctijpcr^
f ojmeOjOone o: put in bje, contrarie to tl)e true meaning of tl)2fe p?c?
rentgjOjall ceafc as inrefpect onelp, ano bauing rcgaro to fucb per*
fon ojperfonSjonclp fo attemptingjp;ocuring,caufing,commant)ing,
iDillinglgallentingto, fuffcringo; going about anp fucb act o;att0,
ttjing o; tbings afo3efaiD,as if fucb perfon oj perfdns fo attempting,
cauQ;ng,commaunDtngo; procuring, tuere naturally beat), anbnot
otbectuif e* And tbat tben anb in fucb cafe it (ball be lalufull to ano fo;
cucrt> fucb perfon ano pcrfons f o lubom tbc bfe anb potTcffion tbereof
(IjoulD come,grotu, 02 be bp tbe true intent anD meaning of tbcfe p;e?
fentSjto enter ano to enioy tbe fame, as if fucb perfon oj perfon^ tbat
foftjall procure o;racnt to ojfojanv fucb art o} att,tbingo;tbings
to be Done 0; attemptcD,b}cre naturally beab, ano in none otberiDtfe,
nnO of fucb ano tbe like eQate ano c{tate(, anu in like maner anb form
to all intents ano parpofes,ftx)itb liUc remainders in t)feouer,ano
ipitb like limitations ano cont)itions,as tbc fame (^oulb baue comcti,
grotuen o; been,if tbe fame perfon tbat fo Cball procure 0; adent to o)
fojanpfucbattojarts,tbingo3tbingstobeDone or attempteb, at or
immebiatlp before tbe time of fucb p;ocuring or alTcnting fcaere natu?
rallg beab,anb in none otber manner.
AndtbefaibK.&.on bis part,anDin confiDcrationoftbc faio mar^
ciagMotb for btmfelfe,bi^ beires 1 erecutors,coucnant,promire,anD
grant to anb tuitb tbe faio i^.Sp.bis beires ano alIignes,anD euer^ of
tbtm b^ tbefe prefents : Cbat be tbe faio 1^. &. or \)is beires, at l}is or
tbeir,or fome of tbeir oluneproper coO^s ano cbarges, ^al anb toil bc^
fore tbe featt of (cnert camming after tbc bate bereof, Isell anb fuffi
ctentlp conuep ano affure,or caufc f c. (vt fupra,li!cc in all things to the
making of the coniicyancc made by the faid F. M.) ^bicb conucpanct
ano alTurance fo to be b^b ano maoe of tbe faio manor of Cic
ano all
otlier tl)e pjemiCfes laft before mentioncb,or anp part or parcell tberc*
6f,astsaforcfaiD,^np all otber connepance anb affarance tbereof,or
of anp pact tbereof to bee bab or mabe^ at any time or times on tii$
fibc or before tl)c fcaft of scfijall be, ano ill perfons ftanoing or bdng
feifeoofortntbcfaiopremitreslaK menttoneo,or ofan^ partttjereo
of,at all times from ano after tt)c faio feaS^ or from or after t^e faio
Liber Couenants. fecundus
connr^atrceanDsdurancelaS menticnersjo fjtn nwnmnnt^titiiB a^
f02efaiD,U)l)ut) focucr fljall fiift tjappen, fl)8ll UanD auD be tljcrof ano
cf en eric part anD parcell tijercof, feifeD to t\)t t)fc3, intents, purpo^

fes,Ijcrrafter in tljefc pjefents crpjelTeD i DedareD, ano o? fo? none U

otl)erbfe,tntent,o2purpofe: t^atistofap^SEo t^ebfcanDbeljcofcof
tljcfaiDH.^.anD of 1)10 a(rigne5,fo; anD During tte tcrmc of^isfna
Jural lifctuitboat tmpcacljnicnt of anp mancr of iuaC^nD fiom anD
after tl)tDeccafe of tljcfaiD i\,&to tljetfeanD beljoofc ofttieeicecu^
tO20,nDmtniftrato3s,f adignes of tbc fniD U.&. fc^ anD tntill t^e full
cnD anD terme of fourc peares , nert t immcDiatlp infning t^e Deceafe
of tijefatDU.^.anD from anD after t^e faiD terme of foure scares be
tng fullp enoeD 9 crpiccD, STtjcn to tt)e tfe bcl)oofc of tfje faiD C^.
ano)i5.anDoftl)c t)eirc0 males of tt)c boDie of tbe faiD ^.bptt)e faiD
.^<lalDfullp begotten. 0nD (oi Default of fact) idue, tt)en to i\)t t)fe
anD bcl)oofe of tlje beircs females of tl)e faiD 513.bp t^c faiD (!l;.fip.lalu*

full? begotten, j3nD fo; Default of fuel; ifl[uc,tben to t^e bfe t bcljoofe
oftbc^ciresoftbeboDpoftl)efaiD)!5.lfltufuUpbegotten. anDfojDc
fault of fuel) ifrue,tt)en to tbe bfe anD bctjoofc of C-.&.toife of !>).&
anDi?,!^,nDU)tDifeof 5. l^ ot^er ttuo of tljc DaBgl)ters of ttie faiD
M.^.anD of t^e l^eires of tljeir ttco boDies latufullp begotten. 0nD fo;
Default of fuc^ iflfue^tljcn to tl)c t fc of fuc^ pcrfon 03 pcrfons^anD t^eic
|^etres,a0 tijc faio U.^.njall bp bis latt tuil auD teftament in lujiting,
o;bpanpotl)erl)isDeeDinDcnteD,bpl)imtobc fealeo auD fubfcribcD
U)itbf)i name anD proper bnnolwjiting, fljall bee totl)atenDnamco
anDappointcD,8nDtl)atin fuc^fo;t,Ujitl) fuel) limitations anD con/
Ditions,a0 tl)crin fball be namcD ano appointcD.^nD fo; tuant of lM?i*
ttn0,anD fuc^ latt toill anD teaamet,anD after tl)cbfe i cftatec Ijcrein
ijefo;e in t^efc pjcfcnts limiteD 0; erpJcilcD being fullv cnoeD : s:i)cn
to t\)t onlp bfe 1 be^oofc of tl)c faiD U.^. ano of l)is bcirs ano afltgns
foj euer,anD to none ot^er bfe, purpofe, 0; intent. Piouidcd al waves,
ttjatiflcC^. (vt fupra ex parte F.IVl.) Ar.d moreoiicr.it iSCOUe*
nantcDjgraunteDjContluDeD, r onDifcenocD, ano fullp agrcco, bp nnD
bettueene ttc faiD parties to tljefc p?cfcnt Jnocntures, f eueric of tlie
faiD partiesjfoj l)tmfelfe,l)^s fteircs t aaignes,Doilj coucnant, grant,
ccncluDe,anD agree, to ano toitb tljeot^er of tbcm,tl)eirl)circ0 ano
airignes,nnD euerp of t^cir Ijeires anD alIignc,anD euevic of tljcm bp
p2cfents,tbat as VdcU tbe faiD i^.^ anplX.&. anD t^eir beires,

ano tt;c fjeiVes f affignes of cit^icr of t^em, as all anD euerp otbcr pcr^
(on nnD perfons,noio ftanoing 02 being fei(eD,oj at anp time 0;

times,from anD after tfie faiD fcaft of ic.neyt comming after tlje Date
Symb. Couenants. part.primac
thereof (^allCaitD o; bge fcifeo, of, o; in t\)t faio
lanDSjtcnements,! otl)cr t^e pjcnullc0 befoje in tljefe pjcfcntis mcn^
ttoneoo;e):p?eCreD,o2euerp,o2anpparto;varcell thereof, ir)t)ict) bc^
fo;et^(aiD fcaftof ic.ncrt comming,fl&aUnDtbcfufficicnth'con*
uepeDanD affureDt)ntoti)8faiD 2D.(E.anDa.(iI;4tt)eirl)circs,totl}C
feueraU bfes, purpofe, i intent?, t)crcin befoje crpjetlcD at all, anD
fucr^timeoj times, from ana after tl;C fain fealt of f c ncpt com-
ming, fo; tl)E consecrations afojefaiD, (l)aU ftcino anD be fei(cD,of,oj
in tlje fame i encrp part ano parcell it)ercof,to tt)c bfcs,purpor00,anD
intents bcfoze tjtvz in tljcfe pjefents erpjeffeD t DcclareD , accojoing
to tbc intent! true meaning of ttjcfe pjefcnts,t to noneoMjertjfe^,
intents, I purpofcstanp matter oj tiling totliecontraricttjcreofin
anp loife notiuitbitanoing In witncile inbercof tl;e parties afojcfaift
to tbfep;efent jincenturea intercbangeablpbaue fcttbeir bands i
feales. Dated tbe Dap anD yeare 6rCt aboue lu;itten.

Couen:intsfor 'sJlfariag/,ar:dfor a lointure-

THis Indenture maD8 f c. Bccwecnc li.C.of tlje one partie, anD Z*

C.of tbe otbcr partie, Witneileth.ic. fQ% ano in conuDeration of
iDbicb mariage fo to be bao anD ColemnifcD betlocene tbe faio parties
in fo;me afojefaiD, 0nD fo;, anD in conQDeration of tbe fummc of 6ae
bunDaeD ^arbes of f cbefo;e banD paiD, tobereof tbe faiD $c. ;dnD fo;
tbe natural lone f affection lubicb tlie faiD^C.bearetbbntott)eraiD
i?bis bjotlier f bcire apparant, ^nD foj a Jointure to be maDc after
martage baD to t()e faiD 0.tbc intenoeD U)if e of tf)e faiD ir . ano f o; tbe
crtingni^tnent of one annual rent o; annuitie of rl^*o; tbereabouts,
clatmeobptbe faiD i^* out of tbe UnDs, tenements, fb^rcDita^nents
oftbefaiD3I.C.bprea(onof tbe lalttDiUiteltamcntof Bl.C.Dccea'
feD bis late fatber anD otbera)i(e,anDairofo2Diuers otbergoDDcon^
flDerations bim mouing,bee tbe (aiD 3!. C. fo; \)\\x\ bis bcires, erecn^
to;s, anDaDmini(ltratc;s, ano euerie of tbem Dotb bp tt)e(e p;efents
couenant,graunt, p;omtre, anD agree, to ano boitb tbe faiD U. C* bis
beires,epccuto;s, anDaDminittratojs, anD euerie of tbem,tbat be tbe
faiD 3C. is latufuUp feifeD of an eftatc of iubcritance, of anD in tbe
mano; of iF* ^c.anD of 9 in Diners i c. of tbe cleere ^eareln balue of an
C.f i*o; mo;e ano tbat be tbe faiD 31. C
bis beires 0; acrigne6,luitb^
info;tieDaiesnert after tbe folenmi^ation of tbefaiDmariagetobee
baDbettu^enetbc faiD ir. anD a* in fo;meafo;e(aiD,lballmabe anD
tjcecnte, 0; canfe to be maDc f crccuteD bnto tbe faiD if . anD ^^^^fi
~ intenDeD b)ife,Qne gooD, fare,(aU)fall> f (utficient oeniife^o; leafe in
Liber Coucnants. fecundus
S^ma jST^atiD t^e lope liuer of f ^em,
iu;itinff f o) t^e lints of tl^t faiD
0nD n^al tt)ereaponcrecute cffate of t^ie fame bp Itacrie of feian,anD
bp aCturnement of t^c tenants t^grcof, oi ot^ettoife in One fojme of
latomabe fuftictcnt affurance t conuetance of all t^at t^faioiiia#
no? of icanD of i cdSrccpt f rTo hauc& to hold t^c faio manoj of jf
f allttje laD3, tcncmenf^,! otljerbereDttament,UJit^t^capparte^
nancc0 t^erante belonging oj appertaining,(c):ccpt befwe ercepteo)
to t^efait) if .C.ano a.^is intenoeD toifc fo; teem of t^eic ttoo lioe0,

anD t^e longer liner of tbcm,rcferuing in t^e faio leafe of t^e faio 3..
C.ano ^is attigns ouring ^xb life i\)t ^tttl^ rent of i;r*r*at tiuo f)fual
feaSs in tbe peare to be pato : tbat is to fa?,at tbe feaft of j^atnt pbi'
lipanDBIacob, atiDattbefeaa of ^aint ^tcljaelt^earc^angellbf
euen pojtions, with a claufe of diftrelle and nomine poenx to be con-
tained in the faidleafcjtbat if t^e faio rent o}an^ part thereof beebe^
^ino at an? of t^e faio feafts , oaring tf)e life of tbe faio 3 before \v
mtteD,anD bp ttje (pace of f o;t^ Daies after, it being latuf allp demam
Oeo,tt:at tt)en tbe fata f* C* ano . t)is b)ife, ano tt)c longer liuer of
tl)em, fljall fo;feit ano pap to tlje faio ?> ^10 Ijeires ano affignes,
ouer ano aboue t^e faio rent fo being be^ino and bnpaio b.^ .of laiu'
fall Cnglii^ monep nomine poen?, and with a claufe ofdiftrcffe.afwcU
forchefaidfummcof fiue pounds nomine poenx, as for the faid yeare-
lyrcntof twenty pounds fo to bee rcferucd by the fayd Icafc. Andalto
iDitba eonenantto be containeo Uhtbln tl)e faio leafe on tbebebalfe
oftbefapo if.anDj^.tbattbtfapD jp. ano ^a.auDtbe longer liner of
tbem Q)all from tt}encefo}t^ fufficientlp rcpaire, bp^olD , maintained
ano kspetbe faio mano^Mno all otber tbe pjemides tuitbtbeirap^
ano fences belonging to tbt fame, in al manor of neccdaric cno noeo^
full reparation0,t9ben and fo often as nerofdall require, During tbe
fail cffates fo? life of tbe fapo iT. ^no 0* ano tt)e longer liuer of tbem
befo;eltmiteD, at tbe p;oper eo(t0 ano cbacgesot tbeCaiDi^. ano
0.anotbe longer liner of tbem* ^notbat tbe faio if* ano 0. ano tbe
longer liner of eitber of tbem, (ftall alfo During tbe cttates of tbe Ion*
ger liuer oftbcm pap all manner of oatrentsouetobdc papDanDgo^
ingout of tbe paemides before limiteo* ^0; tbe better perfecting
ano affurance of tobicb fapo Icafe^ anofo) tbeafluranceof sijovn*
tare to be maoe to a.notD luifeof tbe fapi i!*C.anD fo^tbeertinguiib'
ingof all titles of SDoloer of tbe fapD 0.noU)U)ifeof tbefapDB!*in
all tbe bercDitament0 in .anD ^*afojefatD, ano in all otber tbe ma^
no}0anD ijereoitaments of tl)efaiDi*C*)3[nofo) t^c Defeating ana
if 3 mafeinu
'^Synib. Couenants. partprimac
mafein^ toiD of all fojmer fuppofeD auncicnt intailcfi to^atfocucr, o(
tit faio mannoj0,lanDe , ano
lieccDitaments, before leafen bp ttjefe
P2cfnt,inmancranofo;mc afo;cfaiD, to^crebp tlje fatD lcafe map
t^cbetUrbe psrfectcD ano ma&e fure, toitljoat aup fcruplc o; Doubt
inlato ^ntjfojtbfieffablifijmentofagrcatpart oftbem^critanceof
tbe faiD 31bereaftec mentioncD to tt)c \}mts males of bttf Ijoufe,
foj Diocrsotber gooD raufefi ano confiocrattons bim momng>bec ttjc

faio I.C^tJOtb furtljcr coucnant ic^tljat be Ibe faio 3 ano tbe faiD

0.bi5 toife,at tbe onlp cotts ano cbargcs in tbe lato of tbc faio S>ir K*
C.ano bis bctres, (ball toitbin one balfc pearc nejrt aftec tbc marri*
ngeafojefaiOjatfenQtoietigcanoleute a fineiuitb p2oclamation0,ac
tojDing to f be statute intbaf cafe pjouiDet^ befo;s tbc BJuttices of
tbe common plcis at OSlIeftminfter in Doc fo^^meofitato, accojDing
to tbecommon courfe offinesinfucb catcg tfeD, bnto 31.2E. U.fe.
l^tai.anD0.C^ao logllof ano in tbe fnio mannoj,anDaUotbec tbe
pjemiileB toitb tbe appurtenances in p,nni 15* afojs faiD, being noto
oftbetalueofC.fasaUooftbemanno?of l^mttbtbe appurtenant
CC5, oueranDaboucaUpearelv cbargcj anc rep;ife^,bv tbe names
of tbemannojsofi?=.anD r.lj);tl) tbe apvnrtennnccSjic 02 bp tbe
lihe names in effect, bptobicb Sue loitb pjo.lamations o;cbeUbein
effctt,o)bp anp other name oj names Uibf* Toeucr, fo to be leuieD anD
hnobQleDgeD in fo^me abcatfato , bee tbe Kiio J.C (ball UnotoUDge
tbe fame muno;s anD ail otbcr tbe pumKTes Untb tbe appurtenances
hv tbe names afo?cfaio, oj ibe liUe in effect to bee tbe cigbt of tbe faiD
ionuf0es,o; one of tbcm,asibattbc faiD conufees baoe of bis rigtjt.
0nDbptbe fame fine (l)aU remife,rdeafe,ano quite claimctbelaio
iiianno}0,lanDs^ tenements, ano bercoitamcntSi ano allotber tbe
|)}emtflestottbtbeir appurtenances, from ijmi, ano bisb^ires, to
t^efatD Conufees anD tbeir beires, 0; to tbe beiresofoneoUbent
fo; ener* And fuctbet (ball bp tbe fame fine (0 ro bet iemeo anD
ItnotDleDgsD in fosme afojefaio, tuarrant tbe faio manno^s, lanoes^
tenements, anD bereDitaments,anD all otber t^ep^emiCTes, tutt^
t^eir appurtenances to tbe faiD Conufees anD tbeit beires fo^^
net againff all men : lubic^ faiD fine Imtb |^;oclamatton, 0? t^e
lilie in effect, fo to be leuieD anD bnolnleDgeo fo; tbe conOoeratuiH
abouefaiD ll^all bejano tt)eConafees tberein namcD, tbeir beires anD
8Crtgnes,(ballli^anDanD be feifeo bp bertne ano fo^ce tbereof,to tbe
feueraUbfesauD intents, ano bpon tbe conQocrations in tbefep^e^
fents bereaftet feuerallp crp^efTeD ano DeclarcD, ano to none otbcc
bfe> intent, 0; pur^fe i^^at is tofa^,of ano in t^e (aio^anno^
Liber Couenants." fecundus^
off^.ffanaof fc^fot^etteano feel^oofcof t^cfap6 3!.canuofthc
5etre0 males of t^cboDieof ti^efameSI latofallp begotten,
Default of (m\) iflfuE,to t^ctjfcann bel)fe of tlje faio iFC and
of t^je
^eireg males of ^ts booie latofnllg begotten, anD fo; cefanlt of fuc^
iffucjto t^e bfe ano beboofe of tbe faio 3!.C.anD of bis beires foj
ano of ano in t^e faio manoj of s:.f c. and of all ic* to tbe onel? We
and beboofe of tije faio 3! C and a. nolo bts icife, and of ttjcbeires
malesof tbebodicof tbe faid^.C* begotten, fo;, and in fnlUecom
pence and fatiffaction of all titles of SDotuei and B!ointore of tbe faio
a,of,ano in all tenements and bcrccitaments of tbe faid 31 0nd foj
default of f utb iffue^tben f o tbe bfc and beboof c of tbe faid i? Canrj
of tbe betres m^les of bis bodie latofallp begotten , and fo} default
of fucb tfltue, tben to tbe bfe and bcboofe of tbe faid %* and of bis
tigbt betres fo; euer. And tbe (aid3l*C* odotbcoaenantfc. tbat
tbe (aid nianno;s of fcnotube,and at tbe fimeoftbefa^d leafeanD
affurarrcp to be made, (ball be, and fo (ball and nia^ continue and bee
fouucr beua.'ter cleerelp acqmted, oifcbarged fr*andincumb;an
ces iDbatfceuec bad, maoei o; done bp tbe faid g; C* o; b^ an^ otbers
fo; bi'n, m bis name , o; b? bis meanes, affent, o; pjocnrement f c
and tbat tbe fapd i^*and a* and tbeir aflfigncs, pairing tbe afo;cf ai?o
rent of ftoentie pounds, at tbe fealfs afcjcfaid, ftall, andma^du*
ring tbeir lines, and tt)e longer liuer of tbcm, at all times from and
after tbe faid mariage fo bad and folemni^ed,bane,bold,and inio^ tbe
faid manno; of f*n* (err cpt bcfo;e erceptedjaccojdtng to tbe tntcn*
tion of tbe leafe afo;efaid , iBitbout anp latofaU let o; tnteriupttott
of tbe faid 3E C^ biiS beires o; affigncs* Prouidcd a1waics,anDitis
conenanted, grauntcd, condifcended, concluded, and fullp agreed
betlDcenc tbe fapd parties to tbcfe pjefentc , tbat if tbe fayd 3.C. o;
-sn^ tbe betres males oftbe bodie of tbe fapd 3Clalufull^ begotten at
anytime bereafter , (ball earne&l? and c(fcctuall{? b|> open deed o;
act, intend, goe about, o; attempt anpacto;tbing,deet!e,o;deuife9
tobedone, o;fuffeted, toberebpt^efaidmanno;sof iF.and(c*o;
lubercb^ snpbfe o; bfes, eftateo; effatcsof tbe fame manno;s, o;.
an^ of tbem,o; an^ part of anv of tt)em, o; otber tlje p^emiHes in tbe
fapd SIEotPnes laS recited, o; an^ of tbem, Ibould, migbt, o; iljall be
difcontinned, aliened , anoidcd, cbanged , o; determined, ^i otber^
luifefbalUbargeo; incumber tt)efamemanno;s, o;anpoftbem,D;
anp part of an^ of tbem,o; otbct tbe p;emi(tes in tbe faid SIEoUjnes of
ir.)li$.ari^.^.ii.a and &.afo;cfapd, olberluife tben Uiitb fucb
charges and incumbjances as (ball onfp indute, during tbe life of tbe
f 4 ^^^
Symb.' Couenants. part.primae

l*'Ol tiuringf^e onelpUfe o?Uue0of (atWitss

afo itjall
afo?efaiD, ej ot^crtoifc t^cn \x)it^ faci) in*
charge o;- incumber, a5 i^
cumbjances bp leafcs , as bee noto left at m libertic of f be fame 3
luit^ leafed of tbe f aiD manno; of s:.o3 of
to Doe bp tbefe p jefents,oi
aviwpatcell of tbc pjemitte0in SD.Ir.ia.lM^S.anO^.fojttoentic
one pcares at tbe mott, tober^opon tbe accuQcnicD rent o; mo;e Ojall
be rcferaeD ano papablc During tbe terme tberof:2Dbat tben ano
from tbencef ojtb tbe bfc of tbe fame 3C. ano 3. bi< toife, anD of tbe
beireB males of tbe boDie of tbe faiD 3* infucb of t^e p?cmilles a0
f^all beintcrpjifeD ano bfeD contrary
to tbe true meaning afo;efaiD,

(ball from tbencefojtb ceafe, ^nD tben anD from tbencefojt^ tbe faio
'3,%M*^ .^^* anD ^(25. anD tbeir beiretf, (ball UanD anD be feifeD
fiftbefameniano2s,anootbcrtbep)emiae,anDeuerp partofeuerg
oftbemfointerp3ireD,02bfeD,rontrarf to tbe meaning afo}efaiD,ta
tbeonelpbfeoftbefame 5? anD tbe beires males of tbeboDieoftbt
fameiP4alDfuUpbegotten.0nDfo: Default of furbi(rue,totbetfeof
tbertgbt beires of tberiDBI*C*fo;ener* Prouidcd alfo^anD it i$
couenanteD,graunteD,conDifcenDeD, concluDeD, ano fullp agrsD be'
ttoeene tbe faio parties to tbefe p;erents ic. ( vt fupra for the other
lands.) anD fo) tbe p;efermentof t\it beires males of tbeboDieot
tbe faiD iF.C.inremainDcr after tbe Deatb of tbe faiD 3ICbaoiwg if'
fne male of bis boD,ie,be tbe faiD BJ.C* Dotb furtber cenenant, graunt,
(onDifcenD, anD concluDejfo^bim^bis beires, erecuto;s,aDmint'
ltrato2S, anD adignes, to anD toitb ti)e faiD ]^.C bis beires , erecu^
to;f,aDminittrato;s,anDaatgnes bp tbefe p?efents,^bfttif itfo^
tune, tbat tbe faiD BI*Catanp time bcrcafter During bis life to bane
np idue male of bis boDie lalufullp begotten, tbat tben bee tbe faii>

Bl*C*bi0 beires, epecutojs, o; aDminiSratojs , luitbin one peare nert

after fncb iflne male of bis boDif fobaD, anD it being tben in life^
H^alltpontbereafenablerequellof tbe faiD i^. anD of bisbeires,a0
loell bp fine as otber gooD,laU)fuU, anD fufficient aHurance ano con
ueiancetntbeBlaU),attbeonclpcoIls anDcbargesin tbelatD of tbe
faiDBl*C*fufficientlp allure , ano conuep, o;caufe to bee affareD o;
conoepeD to certaine feoffees bp tbe fame K* bis beires o; alTignes to
benominateDano appointeD>certaine otber lanos, tenements, ant
^erebitaments to tbe full ano t\mt pearelp balueof rr* fi* ouer anD
aboueallcbatges ano rep:ifes,to tbeonelpbrc of tbe faiD3lCfo)
terme of bis life,tDitbout impeacbment of Ijoaff. 0nD after ijis Deatb>
tbentot^ebfeanD beboifeof tbe fame Bl*anDof tbe beires males of
^\3 bobie lalufnllp begotten? fo}^ ano bntill fac^ time as ttie fame Sf*
Liber Couenants. fecundus
ftallbaaeiffacof t^eboDieoFl)imtt)e raiOif,anD Jf)cfaiD0,IatofnU
Ipbegottcmjanoaftertotljebfcof t\)t fame iF.fo;terme of Ijiis life,
tott^oatimpeactjttifnt of toaff, 0no after !)w Deatb to t^et}feoftt)c
^eirc0 males of ttieboDpof tt)e fatoil'.laiDfaUp begotten of t^g faio
0, ;ano foj Default of fuel) illae, to tlieBfe of ttjeri0l)tl)eircs of t^c
fame 3lfojeaecotfc^ai:geD, ojotljertuiffi from time fotimettience'
fojc^ to be faneo Ijarmelelle of al incumb;ances,!)aD5 maDe,fuffereD,
p;ocureo,o2 oone bp ^z fame I ^i5 l)eire5 ic .In wjmcflc to^erof ic

^ottemnts of CHuriage,

THis Indenture maoe fC. Bccvvecncp*&,c]^.^.anb 3l.^.on Se<a.8(5.

tl)encpartie,anD2C.10.t!jeelDer,anDU.3:.on ttje otl)erpartp,
Witnc{reth,tl)at to^ere \\)z faio ^,bp C0odb grace fljall l^o^tlp marrp
anD taiie te i)idtotfe3.^*t)oiD8lo,anD UHetoiretbefaiD^a.fc. In
conlideracion of to^ict) martage to be l;aD ano rolcmni^eo, it is coae^
nanteD ic* (tliattsto fap) tbe TatD |^.jb. qp.^T. ans ii.^, f euerp of
t^em fo; f c*t^at t^e faio .at,anD immeoiatl^ after bts oeceafe Q^all
leaue tnto t^e faio ia.to ber otonc proper bfe, if (be be tben liuing,all
ant) iingalar fact) leafe ano leafes, gcoDs^cbattels, plate, iclx)els,anD
tnonp,a0 Oje dal b;ing iDitb t)er to tbe bte o; podelTion of tbe faio p
tbe trnet)alae to^ercof are erp;efl"cD, an?) ooe appeare in an 3lnucn^
tojie inoenteo to tbefe pjefents anncreo, o; tbe traebalueoftbe
(ame,acco;oiug as t^e fame are balueo in tt)e faio Binuento^ie,lDttb'
flut anptoilfnll luatt, fpoile, bettruct ion, oj Diminution ti)ercof,o; of
an^ part thereof to bee bat>,maoe, o; Done, of, in, o; bpon tbc rame,o;
an^paft tbereof bp tbetaio ^.o; anp otberbp bis procurement o;
mcani,to tbintcnt to DefrauD tbc fame 9,02 bcr anifines of tbe fame
And alfo tbat ^c tt)e faio p. fbal tben at ttje tim^ of bis oeceafe leaue,
giue;,e3 labofullp connep ano allure bnto tbe faio 0,to l)(r proper bfe,
.gbs,c^8ttels,plate,ietoels,taop mon v of tbe pjoper gooDs of ttje
fame p.to tbe balue of 2oo.r .ic ouer % aboue tbe faio Uafcs,gooDS,
(l)attel0, plate, ietpels^anomonepfpecifieo in tbe fame ^nncntojie,
t9itl)out an^ frauD o) guile bp bim t c* bone 0; ln;oagl)t tbercin to oe^
fraubber of tbe fame. And alfo (ball immeoiatelp after l)is oeccaf
Uane3giue,bequeatbi 02 bp ott)er lalDfuU meanes in tbe latu,aaure f
tonagptotbefaiDa.to^crp;operbfe,alltbeiFarme o;mino;ofic.
f all bi0 Uafe,o) terme of pear es t^at Ijc b8tb,o; iben Ojall i^auz in %t*
f t^attbeemntojso} abminiarato^sof tbe faio p.tballUiitbin one
Salfe verc next itUuing after Ijis oeceafe, Iwel % trul|? ocUucr, 0^ ceufe
Symb. Couenantsi partprimx
to beoeliuereD to tl)e{)ant)09 tfe, anD poltedtonaf tl^e (aio SiA\\t fato
go D0(c*tot^eraiot}aluc of CC^^i* anoener^part tt)ereof. 0ntt^e
3iinDcnturcof ttjefainlcafeof t^e faiomannojofic tu^oWafejano
DncanceUeo ano tn full foj je f ftrcngtt), foj a0 manp pergB as ftal bg
at 1)10 Deceafe to come of t^e afo^efaiD tertne^toitbout an^iict,tl)ins,
cjtl)in03, frauDoj comn,bpl)imojttjem,D?an^oft!)emtobeDonc,
cj luilUuslv fuffereo to tbe coutcaric And furthermore ttje fapo
^*&.{^*OT*nnD !l.g>. fo2 tl)eni f c. couenant t c 2Cbat If it (tjall fo;^

tunc tljc faiD ^,at an^ time after tbc faio martage bao betioeenc \)m
anottie fisyo ^. During tbeirttooliaes to parcbafg,cbtaine,gct,oj
Ijaue an^ lanD0,tcncment$, po((e(rion0,o} bereditaments.iu fee Om^
pU,o? an? eftatc of intjcritancc, tbat t\)en tbe faio partial UJttbin rca
fonablc time after tl)c (a^o purcbafe,obteimn3,oj getting of tbe faio
lanos sc.from time to time caufe tbe fame Uno0)c. to be alTareo ann
maoe fure to tbe faio ^< ano 0* ano to tbe beires of tbetr tluo booies
laiufuUpbefibttcn, ^no fo? Default ot fucb betres to tbe rigbtbeire
oftbcCapD\0. And furthermore tbe fapD ^^jp.M anD iL.&, fqj
tbem f f.couenant f c tbat if tbe fa^D p.at anp time bcrcaftcr bp tbe
consent of tbe faio ^l.niall parcbafe,03 bap an? mannoj6,lano0,tene>
ment0,oj bereDitamct3,U)itb tbe mon^,gooD0,ietoel0, plate,oj cbat^
tel0,befo;e bi>tbefcp;crent0 couenanteDf agreed to belefttntotbe
favD a .being mentioneo in tbe fame BCnuentojp, tbat tben tbe faiD ^*
(ball alTure,! conuep,o? caufe to be affuteo o; conuepeD all tbc faiD ic*
iDttb tbcir appurtenances fo to be purcbafeD i bougbt at a reafonable
time after o) bpo tbc purcbafc tberof f o bao f maDe,to tbe faio ]p*f 0*
totbc bcir0 of tbeir ttoo boDies bettoeen tbe latofullp begotten,anO
fo; Default ic (vt fupra.)Prouidcd alwaics,anD it i0 fullp coaenantcD,
toncluDeD,an9 agreeD between all tbc faio partie0 bp tbefe p;efent0>
tVif tbc faiD pfl)all nt any time bcreafter bp tbc confent o(i\)t faiD 0*
bcfioli} anD implop all o; any of ber faiDgooD0, cbattel0,mon^,plate,
ieU)el0,o; leafed, before bp tbcfe p;efent0 couenatcD ano agreeo to be
left to thefame 0an,o? ^pon tbc purcbafc of tbe mano;0 icanD tpon
o; after tbe faio pnrcbafe do adurc, f conaep tbe fame mano;0 fo pnc
cbafeDfc. totbefatDp.anD0.anDtotbebeire0 of tbeir tinoboDtet
latofuUp bcgottcn,anD foj Default ctbat tben tbc faio p.^.anD il*
tbeir bcice0 %z* ano tberecutoj0 f cof cuerp of tbe,after tbc fame pur^
cbafe f aaurance fo baD i maoe to tbc faiD |3*i a.in maner ano fo;me
afojefaiD, (ball be DifcbargcD of tbe paiment i Deliuerie of fo mucb of
tbe fame monep ic. aboue limiteo to be left bttto ber,a0 tbe fame ma
R920,|Ctfo pnrci^af eo ano adureD to tt)e faiD )aanD ;^i to t^eir beirs
Lber Couenants; fecundus
lafojefaicCjaUbetJuelppjoncutoljauecoUatt^iefimc oftljebuwng
and pucctiafe cfi\)z fame,toitl)out frautJ,contn,o; gnilc, anp t^ing xt*
^carfcD to t^jc contrarie i c. And furt^crmojc tt)e faiD p ^, flp anD
3l4c.coucnant tc tijat ijee tl}s faiD p. no; Ijig afTignefii, noj anp ot^ec
perfon o; perCon bp bw o? tbcir uicancg;, confunt o? p jocarement O^all
Doe 0? commit, oj teilftilly permit dj fuffcr to be t)one anp att o? act,
tbmg o; t^ingctotjccebp fuel) Uafe oj terme of rcarcs as K* 515iatc
tiufbanu of tbe fatD i3.DtD gtue bnf o ttje faiD ^315tbeir Daug!)ter after
t^e Deceafe of tbe faiD H^bp bis lall toil fm tcttament migbt be Dgter*
niincD,farrenD?eD5Cttinct,o?impaireD,but { ttjt faio manno?,lfQfc,f
terms of pear,immeDiatlp after Deceafe of tbe faiD 0.(ball $ map

ceme to tbe faio flp.acco;Ding to the Iml tefJamcnt of tlje faiD K.HB^
3noalfo (ball oilincrtntotbe faiD p at tljcDap ofljer marriage,oj
tuitbinonepeareaftcr,tberenDueof allfucb gooDs,monep,plate,o;
^aaiolD flnffc,a5tljefaiDCliB.!)cc late fattjerDiD bcqncatbtoijcc
bp ^in laltUiill anD teftament, being Daclp p;cutD to ^aue comcn,anD
r(matne,anD be in tbsi^anDs anD podelTions of tbe faiD |DanD 0. And
fnrtber tbe faiD p*^*flp*anD IL*ic.couenant f c tl)at if it (ball fortune
tt)efaiD0*tooeceafe o; Depart tbts mo;tall too;lD bcfo;et{)rfaiDp>
fottbont anp tfTae of tbetr ttoo boDtes bettxjcene tbem lalDfullp begot^
ten,tbat tben tbe faiD p*tDitbin one monetb ncrt enfutng after tbc
Deceafe of tbt faiD afljall giuc anD pap,o; caufe to be paieo to t^e faiD
sp.rl.f .f c.to iwp a nett of gobletg. And furtber if itOjall fortune tbe
faiD 0.to Deceafe befo;c tbe faiDpabat tbentbefaiDp.ttjalllccnce
tbe faiD 0.befoje ber Deceafe, to Declare anD make ber laft luill ano te"
ttamentintu;iting3anDbptbefameto giueanD bcqueatb to anp per*
fon 0? petfong, legacies to tbe balue of i c at ber pUafure, tbe fame
latt iDill anD teftament f o maDe anD DedarcD f ctbe faiD |0 fbal u\ all
tbings perfojme anD fulfill, acco;Ding to tbe teno; anD troe meaning
of tbe fame. InwknefletDb^reofjc

Couenants of marriage.
THisIndcntiircfc. WjtnfTeth, 2Ebatit iiscoaenanteDanDgraun* Sc^.870
teD,concluDeDanDagreeD, bp anD bettoeene tbe faiD par ties to
tbefe p^efentSjin maner anD fo}m roUotoing.j^nD firH tbe faio IBM.
fo^ binifelfe tc.Dotb couenant $c tbat %*%* bis fonne anD t)eire ap^

paraaC,ato} before tbe (irt Da^ of BBune nert enfuing tbe Date hereof
^all (bp t1)e grace of CI^oD)marrp anD tabe to bistoife 0i^*Daagt)ter
of tfje faio^*)^4f (be iutU tberunto alTent, f t^e la^cs of tbe Cburc^
^ill tbat petmit And tbat be tbe faio 3* ^* W beires 0; alftgaes,
Symb; Coueoants. part.primac

before i\}t 0t:t Da^ of |. at t^e reafondblc cottn ant) charges in t^e lat
Gf tbe faiD jOE.li.^is crccnto;^ o; aommtarato;^, (l)aU and U)iU mabe
oa caufe to ht maD^,ru(l) a 6(sg,rutc,rQiftcient, f lalDfcU rftate of all
\)i9 (nano20 ano Eo;D(I)tp5 of B*ic*tnto i^.&.^j.il* i&.l^. f 2D.1K. and
tt)eii: t)dreB fo; cuer^ass (Ib^U be reafanabl^ Dcutfeo, aOaiftD, 02 requi

reDbptl)cfaiDSr.U.o}l)is^eirei,o2bpt}tso} t^etr counrelllcarnco

in t\)e latued of t^i5 tt8.\mt, to tbe onlp f)fe5 anD bebo)fc0 b^r^after in
tbefe pjcfcnts Dcclareo,tt)at 13 to \s)iU tbat ^ faio fcoffaa, tbeir beiw,
f adigues Ujall If ano t be fctfeD of all tbe faiD mano}5,tenement0,t)e>
reottament0 1 p;cmiacs,lDitb tbe appurtenanccg in ic.to tbe life and
beb(Dfeoft!)efaiDX5.s:.anDbi0(ietr5,fo;an2)^ntill tbe Dapoftbefs'
lemni^ation of tbe fsio tnartiage, ano from ano after tbe (olemni^ati^
on of tbe faiD marrlage^to tbe onlp bfe anb bebofe of tbe faiD CCf
0. fo; anD onrins tbeir ttoo lioei3,i DurtniS ^ li^^ Df tb^ longer liner of
tbem.ano from anD after tbeir oeatbtf, to tbe onelp bfe 1 beba)fe of tbe
faiD SC.E.anD to tbe betre0 males of tbe buDpef tbe faiD CC
of tbe
boop of tbe faiD a.latufullp begotten, f fo; Default of fucb tflTue male,
tben to tbe l)fe 1 bebffife of t^t (aiD X5*Si:.auD tbe lieires males of \ii

boDp lali)fnllpbegotten,^nDfo2 Default of facbiffne male, tben to tbe

t)fe of tbe rigbt b^ires of tbe faiD ^.C
anD ^it beires foj ener. With
acouen3ntcofaucharmclcr[e,Crccpt tbe iopntore 0) DoU)er,o; title
ofiointareo;DotDerof iL.notDlmfeof tbe faiD 313. anD erceptalllea*
fes fo2 pearcs 0; liuee ic* 0nD rrccpt all fncb auncient edates tatle a0
baueieen beretofo;emaDe of tbe TatD tenements anD p2emille0, o) of
anp part tbereof bp anp aunceffo} 0^ aanceSo;s of tbe faiD ]5* 0nD tv*
cept all fucb annctcnt toates anD commons of patture, eSoaers,qnar
r^,anD tarbarp, as baue time out of minD beene rigbtlp bsD anD tfeD,
in 02 tb;ougb tbe fame 0; anp part tbereof, if anp fucb be 9nD ercept
tbecbiefe rents anD reruices,anD otber rents of ancient time,Dne and
accnttomcD to be patco,berenfter to become Due o;papable OHt of,o)
f02 tbe p;emi(feS Oi anp part tbereof. Here may bee added Coucnancs
of being fcifcd&c. and of fbrchcr aflurancc to thevfcs aboucfaid &c.
and for quiet enioying &c.anD of, auD in one Otber tenement in i c. to
tbetjfeoftbe faio 315. During bis life, anD after tbe Deceafe of tbe faio
315.tben to tbe bfe anD bebofe of tbe faiD SC.d of tbe betrs males of
bis boDie,on tbe boDp of tbe faiD 0*latDfullp begotten, anD fo? Default
of fucb i(fue,to tbe Dfe of tbe iffnes females of 1^ faiD CST.of tbe boD?
of tbe faiD 0.lai])fnllp begotten, fo;,'anD During tbe fpace of fo man?
peares after tbe Destb of tbe faiD C* X, ano 315. as t^ere lliall bee fe^
neraUiffoesfimalesoft^e boDies oft^efaiDC2i:.anD;3*lali)fullp
Liber Couenant$. fecundus
begotten liaing after t^e Deat^e0 of t!)c fa(o SC. 2:. anD 315 ift^cre
Uuing mo;c tijen one, aiio tjnoer fine f net) iffues females,
Oialbe ttjen
0nDiftt)ereflbaUbe liuingaftet tl)et)cat|)of tl)e faio)15ano2i:2D.
lDit|)out iffae male of tlje booics of ^im, a latofuUp begot
i t^e f aio*
ten,filne,o)mo3e, facb tffues females; of booiea lalDfuUpbegot^
ten,tl)cn to tbe tjfe of t^e faio flue o? moje fuct) iaaes females of t^eic
Deatljsof the faio 2:s:.anDi3 And if after ttjcDeatbo of tl^efaio
)15anD SC.Si:. toittjoat iffue male of tbe booies of tbe faio ^.K*% 0.
latDfullp begotten, ttjereIftall be liutng one onlp fucb iffue female of

tbeir boDicfl lalufuU^begottemarUcn to t^c oncl^' bfc ano beljoofc of

t^e fame one fuc^ iffue female, curing ttiefpace or tlwoluljalepearcs
nert after tbe Deaths of tbe fdiD 13. f SE.s:. And if after tbe Dcatb of
t\)t faio a:.2n.tl)e faiD 315.being tben ocao, tl)ere Qjal be no iffue male

ojfemale of tl)e booies of tt)C faiD CSC.f 3 liuing : Ct)en to ttje onlp
tfeof tucb bis Daughter o; Daughters being bo;ne aliucastbefaiQ
0.a)allbelDitt)cl)ilotuitbbvt^efaio^X. attbettmeofbisoeatb,
During tbefpace of tlDO ^earea nert after tbeoeatbes of tl)efaiD2i::*
2EfanD)15.ift^efaiD Daughter o; Dauo^bterSiO^anpof tbemfolong
Do liue.^no from I after tljeeno of fuel) peares,as be fobcrebp before
litntteDto tbebfes of tbc faiDiffac onffaes female of t(}c booies of
tljefaio Car^anD aaalnfull? begotten after tl)eDeat|) of tbefaio
3l3*totbebfe of tbe faio SC* ^.ano of tbe^eires males of tiisbooie
latofollp begotten 0no fo; Default of fuel) iffue male,tl)en to tfje tjfe
oftbcnertiffuemaleoftbeboDieof tbe faio X5. lalDfuUp begotten,!
to t^e ^eires males of bis booie laUjfull^ begotteti.^no fo; default of
(ucb iffue male, tben to tbebfe of tbencrtbeire male of tl)efaiD)5*
ano tbe iffue male of tbebooie of tl;at beire m ale laiJofuU^ begot ten
0nD fo; Default of fuc^ iffue male, ttien to tbc bfe of tbe faio ^. f l^is
rigbt beires fo; euer,anD to,o; fo; none otber bre,intent,anD purpofe*
Prouidcd aiwaics ano bpon conoition following , ano ncucrtbe*

leff^ it is tbe true intent ano meaning of tbefe p^efent gnotntures,

ano of all tbe parties to tbe fame, ano of all t!)e affurances bereafter
to be maoe bp tbe faio B. of tbe faio manors, lanos, tcnements,ant>
t)ereDitaments,lnitb tbe appurtenances in ^M,^,(B,j^.^*^*^*
^^f). afojeraio, ano of euerieo; anppart tbereof, tbat it roall ano
mav be laljofull bnto tt)t faio 115. at all times bereafter During tl-e life
ofti^efaiD)l5tograunt anbaffurc bnto JlX. tbc younger fonne of
tt)e faio W* one pearelp rent, oj rentcbarge of tb^entic S^arhcsof

Ulwfull Cnglil^ monev> loit^ a claufe of Diltccffe foj t|)e fame, to be

Symb. Coucnants. part.primse

tfrain0,pcrceiucb, ^aD, antj taben bp i\)t faio IL.o? !)i alTignee, from
Cue!) Unit Es it Ojal plcaf c tljc faiD 315.1)1' bw fain srsnt to limit fame
^crclp to begin, During tljc life of t^g faio iL. 02 During any nfiber of
vcts,tt)at tl;e faio JS. fljal tberfoje fet Doton,nanic,o? appoint, if tbe
fain L* R)aU fo long ltue,cut of all, 03 anp of t\ft faiDBiano?6jlant,
tenements 03 tcrcDitaments in ^lU.fe.e.i^.ii.&.SC.l^.anOip.o;
an? of tiitnh^i out of anp part of tl)em,02 of an? of tljem. And t^at it
fljall anD map be latofull, to ano fojtbe faiD ^*K* anD \)\8 affignetf,

accojDirgtotbcpurpoj?! meaning of futt)grauntoftl)efaiDrentfo

to bim to be maDe,as is afojefaiDjto Dtftraiue foj tl)e faio rent f arre
ragc0ti)ereoflt)but} (^allbappcntobebeljinoelinpaiD inanppartof
t\)t CaiD laC recitcD pjcmilTes : an? l)ing in tljefepjefents containcD,

0; an? conuciance 02 affurancebereaftcrto bebaD oi maoe of tbe p^e

ni;l!e,oa anu pact tbereof, to tbe contrarie in an? Uitfe nottuitbttan
Ding. Anci tbe faio 1B.E3. fo? bimfelfe f c. ootb couenant ic. tbat be
tbe faiD )15. btBcrccuto;o; a(rtgne0,(l)allanDtuiUeitberb?bt0Uft
tuill anD teffament,o; otberluife, ajs Q)al be reafonabl^ Deuif et) b? tbe
faiD 2r. IS. tbe cloer, bis bcircs ic. 0? b? bis 0? tbeir ceunfcll learneD
in tbe latoes ic. giuc, conuc?,ano affurcall 02 fo mucb of tbofe mefn*
age0,boufes,l3nDs,ic. iubicb tbe faiD 15.anD bis afftgnes noU) bane,
l)olD,anD occupic,Untbin tbe totoncfielos, parilb ? f territo;ie5 of &.
fc.afojefaiD, bp Dcmifc, grant, 0; leafe fro tbe^ucencs spaieftietbat
nolo is,fo2 tbe term of anp?eres, to tbeiaiD SC.SC.t bis beirs males,
immeDiatl? from after tbe Dcatb of tbe faiD "HBMnn tbat be tbe faiD
SC.IC.njall anD ma? from after tbe Deatb of tbe faiD 315. \mt, bolD,

poffctrc,anD inio? tbe fame lea(e,lanDs,tenements ic.from anD after

tbe Deatb of tbe faio 315.anD ^ tbe faio SE.SL.fljal tben bc(if be tbe faiO
2C.2C.fo long Doeliue)DifcbavgcD o; faueDbarmele0,of, from al fo)*
nier bargaine3,grants, leafes, c bargcs,f incumbjances tDbatfoeuec
beretofo;cfitbencctbe6Da?of ireb.lattpatt befoje tbe Date bereof,
anD bereafter to be baD,maDe,Done,fenotoleDgeo,o2 Ujillingl? fuffreD
of tbe fame pjemi(re0,o2 an? part tberof b? tbe faiD 3i5.oj bis affigns,
iuitb a p;ouiro 0; conDition in fiicb ronnciance 0? alTurance tberof to
be containeD,tbat i\}t faiD S:.2C.(ball a Jligne fo mncb of tbe faiD term
aslbalbetocjrpet^.Dat tbe time of bis Deatb to tbe beirs males of bis
boDie laUjfuUp begotten. And tbat be tbefa?D 15.
0; bisailignes,
HjallaHDUjillatbtsanD tbeir oU)nepjopcrcoasanDcbarge0,giue,
finD,anD alloUj to t^t faiD X,K. ano 0.anD to one man fernant,one
U)omanferuant,anD allfucb cbilD^enastballbebaoanD begotten
bettoeenetlje faiD 2D s;gnDj9.DnringtU>elae peaces ne>;tenfoing

Liber Covenants. fecundus
(oXmni^ntm of tlje fais marrias^^if tl)e fain JB.fo leng
t^e :)ap of t\}t
DOC liue,fuc^ fufftcient,tieccflraric,anD conucnicnt l)oufercDme,meate,
t>;mkc longing, at o?w tt)eno1jD DUieUing ^onfc Dfl)imtljefaiD3!5
SE.of &4S,afojefaiD,o?elf0iDt)ere t\)t faiB 315 ftall remain ano oiue!,
aB^ett}efaiD3i5.2E;.ajaUp3omDefo?t)imfclfc f l)isfarailp,anDtt)at
te tfjc faiD ^.ttjall lifeetoife During t!ie faiD ]r^.yearc0, if cither t^e co*
ucrtare bettocen tlje faio S.SIT.anD 0.fo long do continue, oj tl^e faio
^facuioing t^c faiD SC.ST^Do fecepc l)er fclfe fo long a lDiDDoi,giue,
finDe,anD allot to tljcm t\)t faio ST. ST. to tlje faiD 0. furuiuing tl)e

faiD CCroc^ cenuenient ftablc roime, bap, pjoucnocr, ttrato, anD

graircfo}ttDOgelDing6,^o;fciti,o} mares of tbe faiD K. C o? 0* t)tm
(araimng Daring tbe faiD fpace of tijoclue pcares nert cnfumg tbe
Dapof ttjefoUmnifationoft^efaiDmnrnage? if tbe faiD ^.fo long
Datt) litie,anD in fucb place attD maner^aB tbe riDing bo^fes^gelDtngs,
anD mace of tlje faiD iS.SL.Ojall baue (tabic- roonie,p joaenocr, bap
ItratD anD graffe During tbc faiD ttme,o; if eitbei tt}e faiD 15. fbali Dif^
Itbeo) refnfe to peelD to f fo; -^ faiD KM,^ 0. tbcir faiD cbtlD^en^fer^
nant0,9 bo;fef jfacballoloance ai; id afo?efaiD,o; to tbe faiD @:^:nL.f ;^
0) tbe faiD 0*furniuing tbe faiD K* %, fball DifliUe o; refufc to accept
oxtabe fncb allolDance as is afojefaio, ^ tbcn tbe fatD ^* euerie peare
ortbefaitir^.peareSyintDbtcbbclballnotperlD to ttcm fucb alloUi^
ancea0i0afo;efato,iftberaiD}i5.fo long Doeliuctballfo; tbe fame
pap 0) canfe to be paieD to tbe faiD SE.E^.anD :^*During tbe couerture
9 to tbe faiD 0.furuiutng % beeping bcr fclfc fo long a tuiDDoia) rl.f of
lalofnll Cngli0) monep,in i^ noU) cioeUing boufc of tbe faiD 115. in ^*
&afo;e(atD,at tbe feaft of p^anD ^* bp euen po;tion0. And tbe fait
SDUtt)e elDer,fo; bin^^clf, bis ejcccuto^s ano aominiffrato^s ootb co^
nenantjpjomife % agr^,to % toitb tbc faiD 15.i:.bi6 crccutojs nnD ao*
mtni(trBto?s,tbat tbe faiD 0.U. (ball i loUl bp tbe grace of (ID>oD,at,o)
befoje p faiD (Irt Dap of Biulp nol nert comming, marrie f tafee to bcc
IjafbanD tbc afojc(aiD :. Sl if tbe faiD SE.ST. UjiU tbere unto aHent i

agtee^anDitbelalues of tbe Cburcb Imll tbat permit ano fufer,?.

Here may be further cxprcffcd fuch further confi derations as be yeel-
ded on the daughters behalf e^ and fuch other couenants and conditions
asfhall be requifite on that pare.

Covenants u 7ake loynturea

'HislndenturcinflDefc.bettijecneM.!^*ff. of t^eBtieparfp^antr ScflJo

SC.^.anDl.Jl.oft^e otl)ecj)attie,WitnciTeth, tijat tbe faiD IH

Sytnb- Couenants. partprimx

^.fai anu i{\ f onfiDcratien of iointorc to bee maoe to 35. 1^10 toifc, foj
Ijimfelfe ccouenantetb c.ttjat tie tl)e faiD M.
1^ t)i0 l)cire ano af#
figncfi,befo?e tl)c f eaft cap of tc.ftjall maUe o) caufe to be maoe to tbe
faiDlI.&anD31 il.agcDO, perfect, fare, t fufficientettatein tbelato
in fee fimple,of,anD in all ^10 mano; of ^.fcSCo ^aue ano to l)oU t^ie
raiDuianno?0,lanDs, tenements, ano all and ftngularttjep^emifretf
toitl) tbc appurtenances to t^e faiD2C.&.f 33l.to t^c onelp tre of t^e
faiD212ir.l^.anD3.t)i0 toife, Duringt^e UfeoftbefaiDBI.anDtotlie
^eiresof tljc faio M.l^.foj euer Andfo; furllier airurance,fecuritp,
anD f ur e maUing of tl)e fatD manno;, lantis, tenements, ano all ottier
t\it pKmifTes, to bee^ao anD maDe to t\)t faiD SE^. anD ^ ano to tbeic

i)t\xsy to t^e ^Ce ano intent afo;eraiD,i:be faiD m^Aoi btm i ccone^
nantetl)u.t^att}et^efaiDSIZlM^.^tsl}eire0 ano adignes from time
to-time, anD at all times During tt}e fpace of t c. bpon reafonablere^
quett | .as in couenants of further a(Turance,and fauing harmclcilc.
Except tt)epearelv rents, cuftomes, anoferuieefllJo^ift)^ertaft
fl^all be Due, 0? going out of tl)e pjemtlTes, o) of anp part 0} parcell
t^ereof,to t^e ^ ueenc our foueraignc llaDie,o; to tl}e llojD 0; ILe;D0
ano grants b)? coppof a Court
cf tbe fee 0; fees. i^nD ercept all leafes
roll of tbe fame manno; maoc, 0; to be maoe, tu^ereapon tbe accnfto^
meD rents be 0; ll)all be refcrueD r. 0nD tbat tbe faio mano; 9c. nil
at tt)emaktng oftl)e faiD affurance, (ball be of tbc cleere pearlp Dalne

offc.oueranDaboueallcbarges anDrep?ifes,anD fo (ball anD ma^

continue anD be,During tl)e life naturall of tbe faio 3* tuitbout frauDe
ojcomn. AndtbcfaiDCd.i^.fojbtmfelfeif. couenantetbic. As in
Couenants, that all other conucyanccs Oiall bee to the vfcsabbue*
(aid Prouidcd alwaycs, anD tpon ConDition folloluing, it is foll^
(oncluDeDanDagreeD, bp nnDbetluecnc all tbe faiD parties to tbefe
paefentg, SUbat if tbe faiD g. furuiuing tbe faiD W* ^. b^r W*
banD,U)itbin tU)o monetbs after tbe Deceafe of tbe CaiD Wi^' Doe not
b^betfutficientDeeD 0; oeeDes, releafc ano farrenDer to ^\s beires
o?a(lignes,anDtbeirbeires fo; eaer,all bcr eSate, rigbt^title inte
re0, anD DemnnnD, of, in,anD to all lanDes,tenements, anD bereoita^
tnents,U}itb tbe appurtenances, lubicb tjc tbe faiD Wi* ^* During tbe
eouerture beilocene bim ano tbe faiD 3i. toas (eifeD oC facb eftate,
as tbe tbe faiD 3Smigbt tbereof latufullp bee enDotueD, otber tban tbe
faiD manno;, lanDes, tenements, ano bereDitaments aboue in tbefe
p;rrents mentioneD, to bee afltnreD bnto ber fo; ber faiD iopnture
n^it tben immematelp from ano after tbe eno anb erptration of
tl^e faiD tU)o monetbs, nt%t after t^e oeatb office faiD m* ^* no fncb

Liber GouenantsJ fecundus

releafe^a^ is ^o^MnMiH ^o ^^^^:> tl)c fatD ttoQeta and t|)e rdrnt'
*uo;of tijem anD ^isfjeirc^, ftall be feifcD to tbe pnely tfcof tljcrig^f
tjcireaoft^cfaio m*
f^.ano of t^eir j^eires fo; euec t anp tl)mg in
tlierg pjefents containeD to t^t contrarte tt)creof in anp tjoife RotUiiC^'
0anDtng Inwkncdc&c.
CoHenartts ofmarriage ^and to leuie a finCy andfujfer
a recmenc,
THis Indenture fripartt(CfCBccweenc (25.^. anD CX*
on tjjefirft Sc^.SS.
partie,anD C.D.ano 31^- on t^c fecono partie, anti iF. 5I2Il.aHD
iF*W.C.515. anD /^.U. on tt)e tbiro partic, VVicnelleth, ttjat ii t0 couc
nantcD^concluceo^anD agreeD.bp ano bettucenc tbe fato (0.^.anD t^e
faio C^. m maner ano fo;mc following : ttjat 10 to far, tl)e faio (E>
&.on bi3 parftc Dotl) touenant f c. tl)at f l)e faio CI;, sn, Ojall marrie ic
;anO in iifee maner ttje faiD C.).f c.tljat tljc fa'.D 3!.D. fljall macrie c
3ln ccnftDerauon of U)t)icb faiD marriag0,tbe faiD (0.&.Dott) coaenant
fctbat be tbe faiD vI3, S>. anO tbc fait) C, 2l, bpon reafonablc rcqnett
to tl)cm to be maoi- bp tbe faio C.^, ano at tbe coCtes ano cbarges in
tl)e laU) of tbe faiD C.^D.OjaU anD toill befoje tbe featt of c. leuie one
fine,02 feuerall fine if. And tt i fullp concluoco, couenanteo f ctljat
t^e faiD C^. anD ip.lu 6)aU ft oui ano immcctatlp after tbe Icuping
anD ingrofTing of tbe faio fine oz fenerall fine0,o; citber cf tt)eni,ftanD
ano be feifeo of tbe faio manors ano p^cQiiOTes, ano of eaeriepart anD
parcell tb^reof ano tbat ttie fame Cine 0; feuerall flne> il)aU be to tbc

^feoftbe faiD C^*

anD ii^i.U. anD tbe beircsoftbefaiDC^. totbe
onlp intent ano purpofetbAttbe faiOiT.ilS.ano/i.U.flball ftano anD
be aDiuDgeD perfect tenants of tbe frtxbolo of t!je faio niano;6 ano p;e^
tni(re0,anD of euerp part tberof,t)ntill a perfect recouerie map be lato^
fallp baD anD crecntcD of ttje mannojs anO pjcmiiTcs againtt ttjc faiD
a: 315. ano ipi, K. And tljC faio O. ^. Dotb roucnant %u tbat tbe faiD

if .M.f tbe faiD i?)^.o; anp otber perfon 0; pcrfons , iDbicb tbe faiD
C^.fbal nominate ano appoint, fhall ano iTi.ip at tbe coCs % cbarges
in tbe iLatD of tbe faiD C.O-bis erccutojs 03 affignes, commence anD
pjeflCUte one t!R!!l;it 02 feuerall OT?it0 of Entrcdirdiileifinmlepofl,
after tbe maner anD courfe of conmion reconciles againtttbcfaiD
2C.3l5.anDj^.U.tubcrebi^ tbcp fljoulD oemauno agamft tbe faiD ST.
anD i^.tbe faiD mannojs, lanos, anD p;emifle0, anD enerie part anD
parcell tbcrcof, br anp name 02 names lnbatfccuer,bntotobubfaiD
U)2it 0? feuerall uijits, tbe faio 2:.X3. t jJJ. H. ll)nil appcare in p;oper
perfon,o}bptbeir0tturnef 0? ^tturnies, latDfullp ano fufirictentli^
antliojifcD. 0nD(l)aUboncb to U)arrantte tl)e faio >.^. ano (I^.C
Symb.' Couenants.^ part primx
ano tljat t!)c (aio (^.^anD (3;.a)aU appcare t)po tl)e fame boac^er in
proper pec(on,o? bp tl)eir attntnep o; atturntcB latufallp autt)o?i((D,
bond) to toarrantie tlje common bcuctjcr.^nt) ttjat iljc common

boucljce Ibal appeare ? imparle,anD afterluarDS maUe DcfanU,VDljcre'

bp a perfect iuDgcmcntma|^ be l)aDanDg:iuen foHt)e DemanDant0in
tic fame tojit oj bojits againtt tbc faiD HlB.ano i];i.l;4o? the rccouc*
lie of ttje faiD manojs i pjcmifTcs.ariD libeluife fo; tt)c 'aio S.)15. ano
ipi.U.to rccouer in baluc againft tljc fato 0. &. C. ST. after t^e ma*
ner ano courfc of ccmmon lecouericfi in fucf) cafe bfeo,! it is futlp co
f luueo f c.to t^efc 3CBDcnturee,foa tl)cm ano tijf ir feuerall !)eirc8,an0

cuer^ of tt]e fato parties Dott) feuerallp coucnant f conduce, to $ tuit^

lljc ot{)crg,anD tocir fcuecall beirs,SLi)at tl)c faiD rtc ouerers anD tf^zit

l)eire0,a)al from ano immeoiatlp after fenoluleoging f perfecting


cf t^e faid recouerie o; recouerie0,ttano ano be feifeo of tbe faio man^

no;5,rc(tO3ie0, f pacmiCfes^anD of eucrie part i parccll tl)ereof , f t^at
t^e fame recouerie o? recoaerte0,iuDgement o; iuDgements,rtcouerie
Di recouertea in balue, anD eucrp tt)tng ano matter thereupon p^oceeD^
ing,(bal tfjcn ano from tljcncefo;tl) be DecmcD,batJ, ano taken, ano in*
lire to tt)ebfe ^ bljorfe of tt)c faio 0. &. ano [)i9 afrtsne0,fo}, i Daring
all tljeterme ano fpacc of So.pears, if tbe faiD (II5.&.(l)all fo long line*
0nD after tbe ceat^ of tbe faio (0.&. to tt)e bfe of C^*
t of t\)e \)tites
il)icb be fljal beget of tbe boop of tbc faiD? .>.anD fo) Default of fucb
i(Iue,to p bfe of tbe r igbt bcira of tbc faiD C-Cfo; cucr. Prouidcd al-
waycs,t^at tbe faiD (D.^.ano CS^.o; eitbcr of tbem>(ball not be com
pellcD to trauell from tl)e place U)beretbcpo? eitbcr oftbemfballre^
mam o; DiDel at tbe time of fucb requelt o; requeQ5 to be maDe fcj tbe
leuving,bnoU)leDging, oj executing of tbe faio 6ne o; bntg, bjarrant
o}lDarrantie0ofatturncp,rccoucrtco;rccoucne0, o;tanpoftbem,o;t
fo; Doing anD performing of anp act o; tljing tbercupon DepenDtng
And tbe faiD CD.^.Dotb alfo couenant ic.tbat iDbereas tlje faiD (D.^*
^atb beretofojebybi^ great anDgcnerallconuepance being maoefo;
tbe ftaping anD intailing of tbe moft part of bis inbcritancc , atlurcD
bnto tbe faiD (^.IliT.anD ta tbe bciris monies ot bis boDp itroing,&ll tbofc
jc^tljat t\)e faiD lanDs icbcrctofojc alfurcD bnto tbc faiD CSC.anD to

tbe bcires males cf 'oi& boDy itruing,sno tbe faiD lanou j c*coucnantcD
bp tbefe pjcfcnts to be conucicD,ns is afo;efaiD.togtber tuitb all fucb
otber manojclanos f c.as tfcc fnio CD-.^.tlisl aiiD bjill in bi life time
affure f coucp bnto tyc fdio C^ST.oi an cttate of iubcritnacc,are noto,
0} at tbe time of tbc raiD fineo} Urns, ano aCTurance o; adurdced to be
Liber Couenants. fecundus
pounQ0,oncr ano abonc all cljargcs nno r ep;ifei. And tiiat Ijc Jl)c faia
0,S>.ljatl) not l)eretofo;c Done, no; Ijcrcaftcr fl^al Do anp act oj t^ing,
iD^erebt? ttjc fatD mano?s,lanDs, tcnemcnts,anD pjcmifics, Hial not,
no? m?p not after tlje u^ at^ of t^z im C5.^.ano folcmni^a tion of tl)c
faiD madagCjrcmam an9 continue,to fuel) bfcs, intent?, cnD parpo^
rc0:,a3 in t^t3 3;nDenture arc mcntioncD anD erpjcileD, accojDtngto
tl)ctrue meaning tjcreof. And ttjefaio (!?.&> fojiljeconCDcration a*
fo;ef3iD,Dotl) furtljer couenant a goD ano perfect aUurance
ft, tl)at if
anD coaeiancc Qftl)t fata manors i r anD pjcniiffes befo;e mentioneD
f be affurcD bp tt)c faio cS.^.anD e.S, be not inaDe,ano fuflftcientlp

perfetfeD befoje tt,e feall of ic.to bee affureD bp tl^is inDcnture, l^all
not be conaei2D anD maDc rnre,to fuel) l)fcs,intent5,anD purpofe5,as
in tbifi SnDenture arc mcntioncD ano crpjelTeD,acf o?Ding to tlje true
meaning l)ereof,tbat tben anD from tljencefo^tb tbe faiD>.&anD <B*
2CanD tljeir feucral Ijcireg, anD all anD eacrp otljcr perfon i pcrfon^,
anD bis anD tbeir beirs tbat noU) be,anD before the faiD feaft of icfljal
UaD o; be feifeD of tbe faiD jr o; of anp part tbcrof,bp, f rom,o; tnoec
tbe faiD (I\S).(bal from i immeoiatlp of ter tbe faiD feaC of jc.ftanD f
be feifeD of tbe faiD ic^pjcmiffec befoje metioneD,to be affureD bv tbe
faiD 0.&.anD (B*K* anD of eucr^ part anD parcell tbereof, to tbnfe^,
tntent0,anD purpofrg,i tpon conDition ano conDitions in iUs imm
tme mentioneD anD crp^clTeD, i to none otber bf e,intent,o; purpofe
And furthermore, t\)t faiD (^.S). Dotb couenant fc. tbat be tbe faiD (D*
^.anD ci^St anD tbe bcires of tbe faio (0.).tt)al anD toil ic.(as m co-
uenants offunhcr aflurancc)bnto tbefaio i^^M.anD ir.U. anD 2D.515.
f ^*Vk*% to anp of tbrm,oj tbcir beiru, oj to tbe furuiuoj o? furniuojs
flftbem,o J tbeir bcirs, o j anp otber perfon oj per f ons tbat tbe faiD C.
tbereunto nominate o; appoint, i bis i tbeir beirs.to tbufes,
intents, anD purpofes in tbis BlnDenfure mentioneD tmDcrp;effeD,
anD accojDing to tbe true effect anD meaning of tbtfe pjcfcntstfo tbat
fc. And it is fartber agrccD,bp,anD bcttoeenctbe faiD parties to tbis
3!nDenture,fo} tbem anD tbeir beires,^ euert> of tbe faio parties Dotb
fcuerallp couenant ano o*icluDe,to, anD toitb tbe otber, i tbeir feuc*
rail bcirs, t^
all anD cuerp fine anD fines, recoucric recouericsjconi

uciace ano alTnraccbcreafter to be maDe i crecuteD of tbe faio f c.be^

foje mentioneD to be aCforcD bp tbe faiD CS>,C%2:;.02 of anp part
0? parctll tbcrof b^ tbe faio (2?.^.! *%*oi bp tbe faiD 2^.515*f ^*^*
02 bp anp of tbe, o; bp anp otber perfon oi perfons,bp tbe appointmet
f nomination of tbe faiD C^^D.bts beirs icafter tbe folemni|ation of
t^e faiD mariage fbalbe,lnD tbe faio recouerersji tbeii beirs,i^al fro
CD 2 ano
Symb. Couenants. part.prim^
anu immtoiafelp after tl)C execution f perfecting of t\)z faiD recoaer?
o; recoveries of an)? otticc eQate o; edateS) 03 conueiances tljereof,
from ano after t^e (olcmni^ation of t^e faio mariage,SaD,c be reifeo
of tl)e faiD manoj ano pjemiffe5,anD partanD parcel! tl)er of,
of enerv
to tljeonclpbfes, intents, j purpofcs, m
tbis jtnoenture menttoneo
ano crpjeffeo, ano to, ano foj none otljcr life , mtcnt , o? purpofe

And tl)C faio .> in confiDcration of tbe (aiD mariagc, Dot^ on l)iB
partcauenantctt)atti)e faioC^^.tpon reafonablerequett tobitn
to be maoebp tl)e faio (!I5.&.anD CC 0; eitt}er of t^em,at t^e coftes
ano cbarges in tbe lato of tlje faio >. & ano CX.o? of ttje one of
tl)em,^aU ano iBill befo;etl)efeallofic.leutcafineinoue fo;meof
latoto tije faio S. 515. and ^.U. ofalltljofe fc. A$ in couenants co
leuic fines, And it IS fnllp COuenantCO f C as in couenants limitting
the vfes of fines. ^nD tt)at tbe lad reciteo fineD diall be ano mure to
t\)i Dfe of tbe faio SC.^lS.ano jpi.it .ano of tt)e beires of tbe (aiD C)I5.
ano ii5.tt.to i\)t onclpintcnt ano purpofe, ^ tbe faio ST.lB.ano jji.tt
fl)all ftano ano be aOiuDgco perfect tenants of ttje freet)olo of tbe faio

f c* ano pjemifTts befo;e mentioncD, to be a(IureD,o} conue^eo bp tbe

faio C* ^. ano euerp part ano parccU tbcreof, bnttll a perfect reco^
nene belatufuUp bao ano p^ofecntco of tbe faio laft reciteo mano;ii
ano pKmifTcs, agBiuH tbe faio SI^. ^. ano ij5.1&. acco;Ding to coarfe
of t\)e Common llalu. And tbe faio C.). oot^ furttjer coucnant f c*
asin couenants for the knowlcdging of a Rccoucric vtfupra. And ,

it is fuUp concluoeo ano agreto,b^, ano betineene ic. as before in the

Couenant limiting the vfcs vpon the Rccoucric Sec. djaUti^enanO
from tt)encef(D}tI} bzt oeemeo,bao,ano taUcn,anDinare,totbet)fe
anobei^oofeof tl)e faioC.i^. anobiseuTignes, fa;)anoouringtt|e
terme ano fpace of foarefco;epearcs tben nert tnfuing, if l;e t^>e faio
C).(i)all fo long Uue,0no after t\)t oeat|) of tbe faio C.D.ano after
t^efoUmni^atiooftijefaiomariage^to tbufeof tt}eraioCSr.anOof
tie faio Bl'^* ano of tbe beirs of tl^cir tloo booies lalufullp begotten*
iSno fo? oefault of fuc^ idue^to tbe bfe of tt)e (aio 3B.ano of l^er Metres
fojeuer. Prouidcdalwaics anobponconoitionfoUoUjing , t^attl)e
faio C.D.(baU not be compelled to trauailefiom tbe place fc. And
tt)e faio CD. Ootb fartber couenant ic . as in couenants for bcingfei.
fcd,andcjiiictinioying, difchargcd&c. Prouidcd alwaycs, anOitiSfi
(oncluoeo ano agr eeo, b^ ano betiuetne tbe faio parties to t^ts Bin'
Oenture,fo}t^em ano tbetr beires,tt)at it O^all ano map be laU)fall,to
ano fo; U*>* fo? tbe terme of tier life, in confioeratton of t)er ootoer,
ano tnt^ename of tieriointure>to^aueanotmopalUf^ofelanos,anD

Liber Couenants. fecundus

tcncmcnWnJS.fc 0nD fljat alfo it map be InbfuUfoMjimt^efaiB
C .^.to conuev anfi affure to rfjc Dfc of t^e faio 1^ competent i fumci^
cntloogingstoittjmtljefc.foberfelfe ano Ijerfamilp, fo? tcrme of
tljelife of t^c faiti iS. anp tt)tngm tfjts SinDenture to tfec contraric
nottoitljttaHDing. Prouided aUo, anD it i& f c. tljat it fljali ano mag
be lalufuU to tlje faio C.D. to connep ano affure all Ijis faio lanos ano
|)ereDitamento in f>^^> t %, to fe,D. ttjc ^'onger Dsugljter of t^e fain
C.).fo5,anD During t^e life of tl;e faiD !S. o; ot^icrioifc to grannt an?
rent o^ annuall pa|?ment,toitl) claafe of oittrelle in i\}t faio lanoa f cl
in i^^^.ano H. to ttie faio ^* ^is saugt)tcr, foj, ano During l)er life
anp tljing befo;c to tlie contraric notluituaanoins And tl)e faio C.
).ootbfurtl)ercouenant ic. t^atifagojo ano perfect affuranceano
ccnueiancc of tbe faio |c.mano;s>lojD(l)ip0, lanog, tenement^,! pjc^
mentioneD,to be atfureo bp tbe faio C^.be not maoc t
nnflTes befo;e
fuficientlpperfecteDbefo;etbe feafl of fcVDbereb|> tbe fatOfc. laf
mentioneo diall not be conucpeo ano maoe fure to fucb bfcfs? intents,
ano puri3ofe5,afi in tbis SinDenture are mentioncD i crpjelleD, acco;*
Ding to tbe true meaning b^reof : tbat tbcn, an^ from tbcncefo;tb tl)e
ftiD C.DbSbetrefi,f all i eucrp pcifon 9 perfong,ano bis anb tbeic
t)etres tubtcb nolD be>o; befo2e tbe faio feaQ of }c. (ball ftano 0; be fei<

feb of tbe faio manors anp part tbcreof,bp,f rom,o2 bnber tbe
f c.o; in
faio C.E>.ft)al from ano immebiatlp after tbe faio fcaft of f c.lf ao ano
be feifeo of tbe faio raannojs c. befo;tc mcntionco to be aUurco bp tbe
(aid C.i^anb of euerp part tbereof,to tbe bfcs, intents, 1 purpofeSjf
bpon coDition $ conoitions in tbis gniienture mcntionco 1 erp^efleb,
ano to none otber bfe,intent, f pnrpofc. And furthermore tbe faio *
)COUCnantetbfCAs in couenants for further afTurance f c. tbat be tbC
faio C^S'.ano bis beires f c And it is fullp agreco, bp, ano lietkueenc
tbe faio parties to tbis fC. limiting the faid fine and rccoucrie to the
vfcs ofthis Indenture 6cc. 0notbe faio c25&.in confiDcration of tbe
faio mariage botb couenant t c. tbat tbe faio C?.&. 02 bis alTigncs Uial
U)cl ano trulp content ano pRp,o; caufc to be ccntcntco ano paio bnto
tbe faio d^.SC.o; bw affignes,tbe annual ano pcarlp fummc of 4oo,t.
of latofull Cl;ngli(b moncp,at tbe fcafl of f c. bp eucn pojtions pcarlp,
fo2,ano ouring tbe Uucs of tbe faio 6. &. ano % C togctbcr fo; tbe
pearlp maintenance of tbe faio C ano i.from tbe oap of tbeirmarrt^
agCjVnttUtbeOcatb oftbefaioCP.^. And tbe faio C^.^.oetbcouc*
nanttc. tbat if tbe faio annnall 02 pearelp fumme of 4oo,r,benot
toell ano trulp paieo ano anftocreo Onto tbe faio *K,W beires ano
atfignes at tbe faio feaff s (c. 02 Imtbin tenne bates next after anp of
(0 a t^z.
Symb; Coiicnants. part.primac

t\)t faio f eaff any time finring tl}e liucfl of tbe faio CiJ.Ji-.amj (il;.^:.
anoourmstt)c(airi marriage : STbatt^cn^anDfrom tl)enccfojt|j,tl)e
faiD recoucra s auD tl)eir tjeirs Iball ftanD anD
be feifeD of tl;e faiD ma*

no? of ^.anD of all ot^er tlje pjemirrcs bcfoje mttioneo, to be aflui rD

bp tlje faiD (Ii5.fe>anD C'.il. anD of eucrv part Dj parcell thereof. i!nD
tl)c faip reconerp ano rccoucries flja! be alfo cccmcD anc taUcn to tljis

intent anD purpofe : tbat is to fap,tt}at it Ojall anD ma? be laVufal,fo;,

anD to t^c faiD C.S.anD l)is aatgne5,into tl)e faiD manoj of ^anB all

p3cmiffe5 bcfo;c nientionco,to be affurcD bp tlje faiD O.&.f

otljcr tbc
CD.C^anD euerj? part tl)eiEof,to enter anD Diftraine f c. As in claufes o(
diftres ^c.from time to time Dcring tlje life of tlje faiD d^.&.anD ^.JHC
And tbe faio 0.fe.Dctb furtber couenant ic.t^at if it Kjal fortune tlje
faiD C^C to Die bcfojc tbe faiD ^I'^ anD after tlje faiD foUmni^ation
oftbcfaiomarrin0s,tbat then anD from tbcncefojtlj tbefaiD^.fball
l)auc peacelp papcD bnto tier o j ber aiTigncs at tl)c cljurcb of (be an* &
nuall rent of CC.E.of latofull CBnalin) monep,fo3,anD During t^e life
of tbe faiD 3S.!.at fbc fcatts of $c.bp cucn pojtionc : tbe firft paiment
tbereof to begin at citbcr of tbe faiD fcafts, Uibub fljall ncvt enfae t^c
Dap of tbc Date of tbc faioCX. Prouided alwaycs, anD bpon conDi'
tion, anDitiDconcluoeDanDagrceD,bp, anD bettoeene eucrie of tl?e
faiD parties to tt)is ^nocntare bp tbefc p;erent0 , fo; tbem anD tbeic
beires,tbat if tbe faiD annuall o; pearelp rent of CCpounD5 f c. limi-
ting a diftrcllc, and the v(c of the premi lies, t/r///;?^-,?. ilnDfo;loant of
fufficientDiQretrr,tbentotaUeanD ceceiue tbe rents anD p?ofiU0 of
tbe faiD la(emano;fcof&.afo;efaiD,a{; Q}aliruffice anD anituere ta
pate tbe faiD pearelp rent of tUio bunD;eD pounD6,anD tbearieragc0
tl^crcof to tbefaio J. pearelp, During ber naturall lift. And tbe laiD
C*)*on bis part furtber couennntetb f c. tbat tbe faiD D. bi0 txv
tn(o;0O2aDminiftrato.:0,a}allfiinDeo? pjouiDeat bi0o; tbeir proper
(o(t0anDcbargcsintbebotifeoftbefaiDC>*fo; tbe raiDC!;.CanO
Bl.i^.anD fo; cigbt feruants to attenD bpon tbem, fufftctcnt meatc,
t3inbe,anD loDging,curing tbc fpace of tljjee pearcs nert enfuing tbe
faiDmarriage,\intb fufficient bo^fc meat During tbe faiD terme* And
tDbere tbe faiD G*^in furtber confioeration of p faiD marriage, bat!>
lx)eU anD trulpcontenteD anD paieDtnto tbe faiD C^D.tbe fumme of
(jc. Now tbc faiD C.sID. Dotbfouenantjc ibat if it fortune tbe faiB

Bi.toDieluitboutiiTuc of ber boDie lalufnllp begotten bp tbe faiD C&.

HD.tbat tbcn \]t tbc faiD C.).bic t^ ftoU luitbin tb;ee pearc^ nert af*
ter tbc Deatl) of tbc faiD 5.fo Dping iuitbout iflue of ber boDp, Jrell anD
trulp repap bnto tbe faio O.^Aji ic ti}e fumme of ic<at,oa in tbe $r
Liber Couenants. fecundus
And t^e faitj C
) M\) conenant f c f ^at if tlje faid *^* \)is i coj
f omc of tfjem, Doe not rcpap t^e nsio fumme of ^c. at tfjc place afoje*
falDjtnto ttje fato (0. ^. tis ei:ccuto;3 03 affignes , iDit^in ttie faio
fermcof t^^es yrc,nErt after tlje Deatlj cf tl;2 faiD % D^ing toitljoufi
iffac of tjer boDie lalDfuUp fatgotten bp t^e fait) C'.SC.accojDfng to tljc
true meaning QH\)i5 3InDenture:t^at tljen ano from tbenccfoojt^ t^e
faiD recouererfi anD t^eir Ijcircsj , r^all Cano anD be feifeD of t^e faiD
mancj^, ano otljer t^t pjemifrcs befo;e mentioneD, to bee affureD b^
tlje faiDC.]anD of euer^ part anD pavcelltijereof,to tl;i0 intent anD
purpofc foUotoingttbat is to fap, tljat it R)al anD map be latofnlljfoj,
ano to tijc faiD C15.^^isfc.to enter into tt)cfaiDniannoj6ic.befo3e
mentioneD, to be allureD bp tl)c faio C.^.anD into anic o? cuerp part
tt)erecf^anD to tabe anD receiue t^e rents, iffucs, reucnue$,anD p^o^
fits tfjereofjcomming anD ariCngto tt)c proper bfe of tfjc faiD.(2?.g>*

^15 crccuto^g, aominiaratosis, 0? adigncs , tsntilL I)ee o; ttc^ be fullp

fatiffieD anD paveD, tt}e fumme of ic of tt}e fame rents ano p^fits of
tl)e fame lanog 1 pjcmiCfce latt mentioneD. And lattlp tf)e faiD <d*^^

on bis part Dot^ rouenant$c tljat Oetbe faiD^.^.o; l^is aCfignes

n)allU)itbin one peace nert after t^e folemm^ation of tt)efaiD maci^
age? pjoniDeanDfctfoojtl) fucfja conucnicntbonfeat 2C.|c.fojtbc
faiDe2i:.anD31,^.U)itbtbcircl)ilDjen anD familie to dUjcU in,DU'
ring t^e life of tt)e faiD C>.&*ast)e ti)efaiD^.&.n)alltl;inketobec
mate anD conucnient f 0; t?)cir ellatc ano Degree In wkncde tl)erof
to t\)e firtt part of tbis BlnDentnre tripartite, remaining Initl) tbe faiD
(5*^*mti>K* tbcfaiD C^. anD 3*^*f.m*\X^^*K.lil5*mn^.
Jft, baue put tljeir banDs ano (eales,!anD to tbe fccono part tbereof re
waining U)itb t^e faiD C.DanD 3l.D.tbc faiD O.^.anD C SE. baue
pattotlieirlianDsanD feales,3nDtott)ctbirDpart of tbefamejin^
fienturc remaining Uiitbtbe faiD f,wa*fM*K*y5*mn i;>.U.tl)e
faiD CI5.&anD e.:^.C.>. ano Bl.O fjaue put to tbeir bancs 1 fcaUs
t|)c Dap anD peace 6rft aboac tojitten In witnelTe luljcreof tc

Couenants to pay condition Ally.

PRouidcdalwaies.antiifisfulIpconcluDeDjfonDtfccnDeDjtagrccD. Sea.Sp.
bp,i bctiuecntbe faio patties to tbis 3!noenture,fo?tbem t ti)cic
l)eire0,JCbat if it ajali fortune l^<f . tbe pongee to Die loitbout ilfuc
malij of bis boDielabif'illr begotten, % to b^ueiffue bnt one oaugbter
liuing at tbe time of bis Deatb, tbat tbe tbe nect iffuc male in remain^
^zx^t ajal 0; ougljt to inljecit (\)z faiD manojs^lanDS 1 paemiffes,n?aU
<d 4 toell
Symb. Coucnants. part.primae

tucl anu trul\? pa^,oj caufc to be paiu (o tljat one Daagbtcr tljc fumtne
of f c fuel) timtas tl)e faio DaugDtoc fl)all accompliOj t^e age of ic.oj
be madetJ. And if it fijall J)appcn.t^e CaiD U. sp. to Die lDitl)out iHae
male of 1)1 boDp latofullp begotten, oj to Ijaue iffue no Oaugbter but
one lining at tbe time of bis Dcatb,2:bat tben fucb ncrt iffue male in
reniainDer,tbat tball q} ougbt to inbmte tt)c faio niano;5, lanoB,ano
pjemiffea, t^nll Ujcil anD truclv pap, 03 caufc to be pa(D,to be equally
DiutoeD amongtt fucb oaugbtere, tbe fumtne of ic. of f c. at fucb time
oj times ag tbc fame Daugbters of tbc faiD U/^^Ojall accompUfb tbc
feuerall ages of f c.to bee marico. And it is furtl)cr agrao t c.auD tbe
faiol^^.Dotb couEuant tc. tbat tbe faio 2C.&.anD bis cofeoffcctf
anD tbcir beires, from ano after tl)C oeatb of tbe faio l9.^.ano after
tbe Dcatb of tbe faio U.Q9. tbe i>oungcr, oping tottbout iauc males of
bis boDplatofuUp bcgotten,fbal ftano aao be feifco of al anD lingular
tbe faio manojs ano pjcnnfres,(tl)c faio lanos ano grofioa appomteo
fo; tbe jointure of tbc faio f* 0^. crccpteD.) ano after oeatb of tbe

faio jP.anobcr iomitarelanos crcepteD,to tbe intent tbat if a.oaugb*

tcr of tbe faiDU. ^.tbe poger, be not lucl ano truly f atiffieD ano paiD
tbe fumme of c 0nD if tl)crc be no moje Oaugbtcrs but one,tben tbe

faiD fumme of t c. at fucb time ano times, as fucb Daugbter 0; Daug^>

ters fbal accompliHi tbe feucral ages of jc.to be maricD,tbat tbcn anD
from tbenfo;tb it iball be lalofnU fo; fucb oaugbtcr 0; oaugbtcrs to

enter into lanos ano pjcmtGes,otbcr tbcn tbc faiD lanos ic.ap
all tbe

pointeD foj tbc iopnture of tbc faio j?.^. ano to rcceiuc ano take tbe
rcntSjiffues, ano pjofits tbercof, to ber o) tbcir ctonc UfcbntiU fucb
time as fucb Daugbter of tbe faio U.^.bc f ullp fatifficD ano paico tbe
CaiD fumme of tc.ano if tbevc be mo;c oaugbters tbcn oictben Until
tbe faiD Daugbters bauc fobaOanDrccciucDtbe faio fumme of fc of
tI)erent0,i(rues,anD p;ofits of tbe faiD mano;0,lanO0,anop;emiac0.

Couertdints to lead the vfe ofa Fine, and to leuie the fume.
maoe f Betwccnc U.lS.fc. on
Seft. po. T"^" Indenture fcppartitc c

tl)C firtt

JL partp,anD J.^.
feconD partv, of ic. on tbe tbiro partj?, ano cCl.j?. on tbe
ano SD.ii.
fonrtb partp,anD St.^.offc.on tbe fiftpartie,anDSL.alIof icon
tbe firtb partie , Witnefleth, tbat fo? oiucrs fuflficient conSacrationfj
it is matnallp couenantcD, concluoc^, ano agideo, bp ano betUjcene
all tbe faiD parties.tbat tbe faio }^.lia.Bl*^f*^*^*^*^-^*i^*anD
SC.^.at tbeic inoiffcrcnt cofts ano cbarges,befo;e i\it 2 z .Dap of ipto^
uemb^rneiftinfuing t'9eDate^ercoi,6[}al knoUilcDge^anDleaie afine
Liber Coucnafits. feciindus
tDitl) proclamations accojcing of t^e ^fatnf c in f l^at be^alfe
Deo after t|jc commo coarfe of i^tncs in fucb cafes bfeo, Unto
tte faiD
fact) coalesanocoaU-mineg in tlje common
SE2iaffof all
of <0.afo2cfaiD, a rometimcs ioere one 3.f*of &an
t^je faiti countic
CDfq.Deccafet),Of all mcfuages,lanos,tenemct5,nicnotus, padnres,
io(DD0,t)nDectoooDfi,commons, rente;, rciierfions, s f}ereoitament0,
appurtenances of t\)t faio K.ii, atuate,lping, f being in (0.
luitl) tlje

anDnoto in tfjc tenure 0? occupation ofu.3,oj of {)isaffignes,anD of

bnDeriDooDS,common6,rent8,reacrfion5, f l)ercDttaments luitl)
appurtenance0,fcituat,lping,ano being in C.afo:efaiD,intl)e tenure
o; occupation of ^, C. oj of t^is alligneg, tutjici) tbc faiD SE^s.latelp
porcbafeooftbe faio U.li5.anDofallt^ofcclofc5,lant!s, tenements,
meDoVDSjpattares, |t}creBitamcnt3tDitbtt)c appuitcnances calleD
Copleps,containing bp eftimation ;o. acres of groun9,fcituateilpj
ing,i being in tt. in tbe faio county of ^.nolu in tije tenure i occupa--
tioK of tbe faiD SKJ.j^. o? l^iB alttgnes, i \x>])i&, tlje faiD ^.i^^atelp
purcbafco of t^e faiD U.IS. ^nD of all tl)ofc cloreSjlanDSjtcnementg^
tncDots,paftnre,ano f^ercDitaments toitb tbe appurtcnaccs of tbt
faiD SC.fl.calleD f c.containing icfcituatc ic.tnf)icb the faio K, Tf .anD
tbefaiD ^.i^.nolu^aueof tljcgrauntanDDnnifeof tl;efaiD2r.ll.
And alfo it iB fuUp coaenante&,c6claDcD,anD 2grecD,b^ nnD between
all tbe faiD parties to tbcfe pjcfcnts, tt)at tbe faiD fine io to be IcuicD,
fljalbeano inure,;anD tbe faioST.tO.tlje conufee m
tbe faiD fine to be
nameD,f t)i8 bcirs, at tt)C berp tune of leuping j UnolulcDging of ibe
fame fine,anD eucr afterluar Ds (!jaU ttano i be fcifeD bp bertue j fo;cc
oftbefaiD fine,of,anDin all tbe faiD mcfuagcs ic. toitl) t!)e apurte-
fents containeD, erpjeCTeD, limitcD, appomtcD, i Dtr larcD, anD to, o;
f02none otbcr Dfe,intent,oj purpofe tbat ts to fap,of,anD in all,f nil
matter of coaUs i coal-mines to be fOHnD,in,o; bpon tlje arrable Ido,
parcel of tbc p2f milTer Iping in tbc como tolunfielDS of <25.afojefato,
lDitl)freetab(olutepoU)er,interea,f l(bcrty,tofcarcb,Dig,loaD,ano
carrp ateaptbc fatD coale0,at alf cnerpreafonablc time i UmeB Ijere
aftcr,not fpoUing o? dcttroptng inv co;n Inbicb bercafter ibal bappt
to be 03 grolOjin, o? bpo tlje faio arrablc lano, oj in,oj bpon an pait
tberof)to t^e ontv p?oper tfe t beboofc of tbc faiD U
.515. bis beirs f af*

0gn0 fo? cner. 3nD of,anD in al tbc faiD mefuagcs ic.of tlje faio H.ll*
fcitnatjlping, f being m C>.afo?efaiD, in tbe tenure 02 occupation as
isafojefaiD^ef tbefaiD ]ft.0. o; ofbistaffign^s.ano of 1 in all tbc faio
iymb. Couenants. part.primge

iofcs>lanOfi,fcnemcnt0, meootoB, pattures, f l)cre6itanicnt of tlje

faiD 2E.1lcalUD f c containing |c. fcituatc ic* \3)\)ii\) i\)z Tato WEH*^*
ano 1C.3. noU) l)fluc , as ic ao;cfaiD , cf ti)c Damifc of t^c faiD K*^*
(fuc^ Itbertic, title, ana irttcrcU in t^c p;iemiffes m
0. afojefaio.as
bef jc in ti^eic p jef ct0 10 linutco,to tt)e bfc of tije f aio ia515 ijis tjeira
an?) aaigns oul^ evccpteo) to tl)onl^ pjopei: tfe anD bel^tof of tt)c faio
2D/^Lf of tt)c l)eirs 0; l)is boDu lalnfullp bcgott8n,anD to be bcgott c,

ianD fo? Default of fuel) iirue,to ibe oncl^ p;opet: bfc ani bcbcofc of tt)c
cig^t l)eir5 of tl)e faifi 2i:.!L.foj eucr:*lnD of,ano in al tbe faio mefua?
6esfc.l!)ltl)ti;eappurtcnanccs,fcituatefc. inttjc Um<co} cccupati^
on of Ji^.Co;; of bi5 aft'igne3,toi)icl) t\)c faio 2S.^.(a0 obouefaio)puc'
tljafcD of tbe faiD U.^. fucb libcrtic, title,anD inteceff tl)ercin,as be?
f ojc in t^cfs pjefcnts is limitco to tt)e bfc of t^c faiD i^.l5.l)i5 bcires
ano affigna onli? ex;ccpteD, to tbe onlp proper bfe 1 beboofe of tljc fato
2CS>.t)ifi Ijsirs 1 affigns fo; r ucr.ano of 1 in all tlje faio clofss.lanDS,
fc.toitbtbc appuitenanccB, calico iccontaining ic.lcituate ic. noto
in tbc tenure f occupation of t^c faio a.i^.o? of bis affign6,f iuljicl)
tt)c faiD S5II.i?.(a5 abonefaio) pnrcbafcD of tbe faiD li.16.to tbe onelp
p;opcr bfc ano bcboofc of ti)e f aiD GCl. ir .t)i0 bcirs ic.fo; caer,anD to,
And tbat tljc faiD fine ano fine5,f all
oj fojtiouc otiicc bfCjinicnt, it*
otbcr ccnucianccs anD aauranccjjbcfojcremebjcD, Ojall onlpepteno

to tljcpieiiuQfesbcfojecrpjeiiED ano ccmcbjcDintljefepaefeBt Jnoe

tares,! to none otber lanDs,tentmcnt0,o} bcceDitaments,ef tt)e faia
dJ.l^.intlje totuncs afojcfaiD* Inwitnellcboljeroftotljefirftpartic.

Coucna'tits to lenie a Fmr, and make other confteiancfis to the

intent to contf/i'^c the Linds in his Surname.

Sca.5>i. THis Inclentuie inaDe 4c. Bctwecnc D. jji. of ^.

of tl)e oiw partie,
anD li%.^.ll.ip.anD l^^* o ^^)^ o^^^r partie. Witncffech t^at
a0^cUfo;tljercuiuinganD continuance of an ancient intaile to ti)e
^eires nuVies of tbc faiD ).anD bis anceQo^s, of, ano all tbofe ma* m
no;s, H* iDbereof tbe faio W3i>^* father of tl)e faiD i).DieD feifeD, Ip^
ing ano being in ibe Cofitie of S> as aUo fo?, % in confioeratio of tt)e

continuance Qii'^t fame pjmiiiles m

tljc furnamc of tbc faiD j> anD

fo;tbc better continuance cf tl)e famel)oufeof ^* in bis name anD

blooD,anD f o; Diucijs otb^r gooD caufes f confiDcrations bim tbe faio
D.fpeciallp momng,be i^t faio D. /15. Dot!} bp tbefc pjcfents couenat
tottb tl)e faiD U.U .anD l^.ano cucrg of tbem , ix^ tijls pjefent STcrme
of ^aint pictiacll,anD in tlje fiytpcare of tbe IXaigne f c.p ^e tbc faiD
^. ftiall a^^uobdleDgc bv 6n( ? in tue fojme of llaVu to be leuteD be^
Liber Coucnants.' fccundus
^mtim SluCtccfi of t\)t c cmi)ioti place at mtU*
minttecjcfallie mano; ? c.of tljc fame D in tl;c faio countte
ierie tl)e
of t^0 manoj of ic .tDittj f ^e apportenances, in,
iD^crcbp |C And alfo tm
1)0 tt)c fato ^D^Ojall ano toill on ti)i0 fiDe
featl of f cnert co inming after tlje oate hereof, bv f)h fuflftt ient occoe
m latojtnfeoffetl^e faio l^.lK.ano ^^of ano in all Uisfs ^ig aianoas jc*
Iptng I being f c. Xo banc and to hold all tl3c fame ianus, tenements,
ant) ^ercDitamfts comp;ifeD in tijc faiD DceD offeoffement, to tSje faie
M.M.ano l^.anD to tl)eicl)eire0, ondp tfc $ fceljcofc of fuc5) pec^
to tlie
fons anc t^eit^cire, ano in fucb manner ano foime, a^ in tljefep;e^
fent0 fl^al be hereafter reciteD mn erp2circo,tol)il) faiD affuranc c ano
conoeiaHcesoff^epjemiffesfobaD j mace,anDinancfo?meoflaUj
epecuteo^njall be to tije feaerall tks bereafter in tljefe pjcfents mm^
tioneo And alfo it i0 conenanteu, ccncluDcD, ano agreeo, bp anD be
ttoeene tlje fain parties to tbcf c pjefcnts foj; tbemfelnes, anu tbe faiD
^^.anD l^.ooe conenant c Cbat fbe faiD alltirance 5 ccnuepances
of tbe faiD p^emillefi ftall be le. And alfo tbat tbe faiD K^JS.ano ^*
anD tbeir l)eire,from anD after tbe fame fine hnoUjleogeD, ano after
tbe famcfeoffemcntereiteD,lbalftanD 9 bcfeireD,of,anDinaUtbofc
faiDmannojs fC.fcuerallpcontaineD,fpecifiicD,anD mcntioncDin ttje
fine ano feo(fement,to tbet)fe0,intent5,effect,anD meaning b^rcafter
in anD bptbcfcpjefentsmentioneDano erpjeffeD,anD tononeotber
t)fejeffect,meaning ojpurpofe : tbat is to fap, To tbe bfe cf tbe faiD
).ifi,onc of tbe parties to tbis^noenturefo; termeof foitiepeares
ifbe fo long Doe hue, toitbout tmpeacbment of tuatl. j3nD after bis
Deatb)totbet)feof tbebeires males of bis boD^ laiufuUp begotten*
0nDfo> Default of fucbitfucto tbe bfe of (i?.jj5.b;otl)er offljc faiD^D
foj tbe ( if bee fo long Doe line.)
termc of c. 0nD after bis Dcatb, to
Ibc bfe cf bis bcircs males of i^is bcoie lalufullp bcgotten.QnD fo? De^
fault of facbiffue male of tbe boDiccf tbe faiD C5.jj>. laSofuUpbegat^
ten,tben tbat btc tbe faio *KanD!^.anD tbeir beires, OjaUasnD
ano be feifeD of^anD in all tbe p;emilies mentioneDano contained in

tbefaiD fine ano DeeD of feoflfemcnt,to tbe bfe of i^j^,anD of tbe beirs
wales of bis boDie latofullp begotten. SnD foj Default f c. ercept ic.
Prouidedalwayes^anD it iB ncuertbcleffc conDifcenDcD anD fully a^
greeD f Crfoj tbem ano tbeir bcircs.ano tbe beirsof euerp of tbeni,tbat
if tbe faiD <I5ii5*after tbe neatb of tbe faio D* toitbout bcir maleof bis
bQm fc.mabe 0; caufe to be niaDe to anp tbe iuife of tbe faiD d^.one
iUta^tc fo? terme of life of futb life fo? ber istnture, of, 0? in anp part
fljparccU of tbe p3emi(Ies> amounting to tbe ^carel? balue of zo.L
Symb. Couenants. part.primge

atio not aboue,am) not being tbe mano}0 1 Deme(nr0 offc.no; parccll
tl)ercof. <? of t^e faio d?. after tt)e Deat!) of tt)C faiu flD. toltljout iffuc

male of 1)10 boDie, DOC make 0} Declare a ^ti^iU o; H:ettamentintD;i

ting,of lanD3 f tcnemcntB parcell of t^e p?emiffe, o; of a pearlp pjo*

fit to be rccciueD o? tabcn out of tl)e fame, to tl)e peareb balue of rr.l'.

anonot aboiie,oucr ano about all cljarges rcpjifcs, Untill fucb time
as cutj ? eucrp ot tljc faiD Deugbtcrs of t^e faiD C!5.oucrliuing i\)t faiD
^.tbe fame J^.oving luitbout itTuc niale,a0 is afo3efaio,n)al be fatif^
fico of one ^unDjcD marU3,foj anD toluarDS tbeir mariagC8,as bp tl)e
fame Hedament ttial be limiteD f appoints^ tbat ttien 5 nolo, ano

nolu as tl)cn,tl;c ia\D luU.anD !^. ano tbcir betr0,anD tl)e tjcirg oft\)t
turuiuo; oftijcmCbalKtanoanobe leifeDof facb tbe pjemtHestot^e
faiD rcucraUt)re0,$ fo (ball bemeant,limiteD, adigncD, o) appointeD>
f to none otljcr bfc,intent,o; purpore,fo; inijat time o; times fo limi*
tcD,a(TtgncD, meant, o;appointeD. Frouidcd furtbermojc, auD iti
furttier agreeD betUieene tt)e falD pai-tte0,tl)at ifan^ oftbefaiDpcr^
fon0,ott)cr tl)en tl)e faio ^.to toljom tljis reuerCon befoje mentioncD
(ball cbance to come to rematne,bo refufe to be bouuD to Bi.SD.f Jl.E)*
o;to eitbec of tbem,o; tljcir betre0,in tbe fumme of CCC- of latofuU
ic.bp ixcognitance o; b|? ftatute, toitb conDition tbereunto enDo;feD.
That ifbeo;anpoftt}cmo;tbeirbeire0 Doc not alien in an^ toife tbe
P2emi(le0,o; anp part o? parcell thereof, contrarie to tbe true inttnt f
meaning of tbis p;cff nt JnDenturc , but (uffer tbe fame, f euerp part
anD parcel tberof,to Defceno^come anD remaine, acco;Ding to tbe pur^
po^tjcffect, anD true meaning of tbts ^noenture, Cbat tben tt)e fame
Kecognifance t ttatutc to be tooio anD of none effect,tbat tben a0 note,
9 nolu a0 tbcn,bpo{i (ucb rcfufalljibe faiD U.U.f iP)4 tbcir beir0,anD
bt0 beir0 1 euer^ of tbr, fDall alluair0 from tbencefojtb SanD f be fet'
feD,of all I fingular ibe p;cnii(rc0, after tbe Deatb of fucb as before 10
fpoben of loitbout idue male, to ^ onlp tfe of bint p is nert tn tbe nert
remainDcr bnto bim tbat Hjall o; Dotb maUe fucb refufalUf of tbe faiD
I)eire0 of bi0 booie latufull y bcgottcn,luitb liUe remainDer0 ouer,anD
l])itblibecoDttion0 i p^ouifocs to bim i enerie of tbem,otber tben tbe
partie fo refufing, ac(o;Ding as is befo;e erpjcdeD : anp tbing in tbi0

pjefent JnDcnture to tbe contrarp in anp tuife nottoitbftanoing.Pro^

uided furtbcrmo;e,anD (t is fo agrocD ctbat if tbe faiD D. j^.part]^ to
tbe(ep;efent0,(ID>./pi0) anp otber tbe perfon0 befo;e rebearfeD, to
Ijubom tbe remainDer o) rematnDer0 of {? p;emi(te0 befo;e in tbefe p)e'
fcnt0limtteD in bfe, o; anp of tbe beir0 male0, o; bcir0 of tbe boDieo;
ho^its of anp of tbe perfon0 before limiteD c latofuUp begotten^being
Liber Coucnants. fccundus^
inheritable to anp eSate in pofTedion o} centrfion in t|e pitmidtByb^
foict of tl^efe p;erentii,0^al Do,atan^ time o; times t^eveaf ter paitife,
parpore,o; gee abontbp fine o; fines, feotfement toitl^ lx)arrantp,o}
anp ot^er art in Deco,oj in JlaUj,to l(Dfe,aUer,cl)aBge,Difcontinue,oj
barre anp of tt)e faiD cHates in tl)e pjemtffes,05 in anp part o? parcell
t^cteof,to permit o; fuffer atip reccuerie to be l)aD againS t^em,oa a^
np of tbem as tenants in oe^D o? in \m of t^e paemiacs,o? of an? part
02 parcell thereof , >; hv boncljer in anp action oj fuit, to^ercbp anp
of t^eeSates befo;e limitteD,0)all oa n\&^ be in anp ioife loll,rec&eD,
altereD,cbangeD,o; barrecano not ^ane t^eir ful continuance^accojp
Ding to tbe limitation, intent, ano true meaning bcfojc crp:effcu,as
loell to tbtm,anD euerp of tbeni,ano to ti^t U^ires males, c; ^cires of
tbeir bootes, as to all otber bcfo;e erp^elTeo in remaihoer, i to tt)eir
lieiresmales,02 tbe beires of tbpir boDies lalDfullp begotten, accoji>
Ding as ts befo;e eirp}effeD, otbertoife o; in anp otbcr fo;m tljen is be^
fo;e in tbefe paeCents erp;e(leD ano pjouioeo : Cbat tben as ii^ell tlje
perfon o; perfons, bis t tbeirbcirs fo purpofing, p;nctiltng,c2 going
about anv of ttiefaio oeuires,o; p;ocurtng,o2raffctingtl)cramc,o}
confenting tt)ereunto,as alfo all ot|er perfons ano tlpcir beires tben
feifeD,of,f in tbe p;emiffcs,f cucrp parcel tbcrof,(l}al tberupon Sao,
remain,! be reireD,of,anD in al ano Qngnlar tbe fame nmno;s,UnDS,
tenements,! bereoitaments, tobelott, rccouereD,bnoUileOgeDrnlte'
reD,DifcontinucD, cbargeo,oj barrcD,to tl;e onelp bfe i beboofe of tijc
itert perron, b ing bp tbefe piefents t meaning b^reof inbcritable to
t}^e fame p^emiffes, bp fo)ce of tbis p;efent gift,bv oifcent oi reuerO^
on after ttjc occeafe of tljefameperfon o; perfons,U)bicb fo lljallpur^
pofe,pjaaife,o; go about,as befo;c metioneD, anB of tbe l)e^>tfi ^nalcs
of tbe fame n^rt perfon latofull? begotten,in fncl) f0;t ano fo;ni as is
bcfoje erpjeffeo. And tbat i\}\i pjef cnt concition, as toutljtng alic^
nation,; ot^er tbe pjaetifes o; Deuifes afojefaiD,n}al aano,reamtnc,
anobeinliUefo^cealfoagainStbe fame perfon o; pevfons,^!}it:ti fo
ftal bane o? taUe tbe benefit of tbe fame conDition,i againft ttse binrs
malcs.ano beires cf bis boDte latofullp begoiten, i^nD fo from *eirc
to beire,anD fro reuerOon to reuerrton,ana tbcir bcu6,fo long as tt^e
p^efent gifts Cballo; map bane anp (sntinuance. And tbefjiD^D
^*foi bim,bis beires, ano aominillratojs, ano t^e faiD iX.U.ano \^*
ano tbeir beirs, bo couenant ano grant, to ano H/itb eitbcr ucrp of
t^em,tbcir beirs,ano atlignes, tbat all ano Cngular acts ano things,
aflurances ano connelances berecf to be Done 02 fuffercD ubatfoer4Cc
of tbe p?emifl[es, 0; anp part 0; parcell tbcrcf3nD all 1 euerie otbcc
Symb. Couenants. part prJmat

perfon 02 pcrfenfi nolu fcifcD,ojl)ercaf{cr (0 bt fcifeD of atig cftate 0;

cftntes of int)eritancc tobatfoeuer, (ball ttano t be aoinDgcD to be fei^
rcDto tbeonelpbCe, intent, atiD true meaning of tl)ipjcfent JnDcn*
tucCjatiD to none ot^jer bfe, intent, ano parpofe. Ir wicncflc Sec

Couenants limiting the vfc efa finable fine Jemed hy

the hufhancl and wife.
ri yHis Indenture &c. WirncflcthScc.Mfjereas tlje faiD SC.l^.anD
I 5g jjg^jj fpifjjjin tt)cir Demefne ^s of fee, in ttie rigl)t of tlje faiD
515.in all ttjat tfjc manoj of ii.f c. anD m
tt)?ec mefuagcs ic.in tl)e coii*

tit of S>.an5 tbc fait^SCTC ano 5i5.fo being tberof feifect^c faio 115
foj g(DD caufcs minoiitij to aouance luitt) liec faiD l:inD!5,!)cc IjufbanD,
ano tl)e iffueof ^ic faotJic, foj toant of ittue of l)ec olun booie laUjfullp
iffuing:Now it is tljerefoje couenantcD ic.bcttueene tbe faio parties
totbis^nDc^^tuvejanocucrpoftijem. And firfttl)cfaio 2IIIl2n.anO
niftratojcof tVcm,anD citbcc of t{)em,ooe conenant,p?omife,an&
grant,to,anD ti\itl} tOc faio CU.ano ^.i^.ano citljcr of tbem,anD to,
ano toitt) tljeir bcirs8,crccuto;s, ano aDminiftrato;5 of ti)cm,anD ti*
i\m of tt^em bp tbefc p^eCentSjtbat tt}e faio Sias.ST.anD 'il5*\i\% b)ire,on
tbififtoc ano bcfo3Ctl)cfeaOroffc.atl)ts o;jtl)cirotunepjopci'cottes
an?> charges in ttic latD,Q)allpcnnit ano Cuffcrtl}efaiDl\.SLanD3l

i?.tii t^eir oU)ncname0, to purfue ttoo fcuerall o^iginalto^ittf of Co^

ucnnnt againtt tbc faio Cli:ix. ano IB.ijis luifc, fcnerallr to be oirco
tcD to i\)Z ^^erifcp of iji^ano il.nnD \i^ i^e amc feuerall lD)ttg it fljal
be Dcnia\ioeD,tl)at tl)e Cain ca.Hi:. ano )15*(bal bolo coaenant loitl) ttje
faio i:.lS.anii 3.i^bctluccac tl}em maoc, of nil antJ fingalar tbe ma*
nojs^c. bptI)cnamcof fc. ojbpanpotl)er name 0; names tobatfoe
uer.^no of all % Ongular tbc ianos f c.of t^e faio WLM* t ^<o; of et^
tl)cr of tljcm in f^c fnio Countic of il. bp tbc name of ic oj by anp q*

tber name 0? nnmcs U)l)atfociicr, tbc fame lujits to be returnable, oj

returneD befoie tlje ^ueenes ^aietties 31u(licei( of ber Common
JOlees at CcHcftminHcr, accojoing to tbc conrfc of tbc common latu,
in fuel) cafes bfcD,f tticrajjon tbc faio ^.ST^ano ^.fliall fenololeogc
bp ij*fean:all reco)Os anD fincs,ti)e faio manors t c. to be tt)e rigbt of
tbefaiiiS^lc And further iti^couenanteo tct^attbe fametluofe'
Hf rail fines fo to beleuieo,ingro(TcD, ano etecuteo in Due fojm of lato
fljalbe anD inure icSlnD tt)5t tbe fame ST^i^.anD ^.i^.ano tbcic beiciS,
from <\ after tbc Icntnng of tbc fame fincs.fljaU be feifeD of al tbefuiO
uiano^s ican tbe faiD tld feuerall fines fo to be mctioneD^anD of;,anD

Liber Couecants. fecundus

in tutxic vmtW tljcrof fo fuel; tfcs anD intents, a6 tercaftcr t^cfe m
p;efent5arefpeafiD anD oeclareD, anD to none otfecctjfe, intent, o)
pucpofe I tljat i0 to (avjto t^c Ufe of ty e faio m.%*mii ^.%t*

A Couemnt that v^on agreements to feUan eflate, (^dl ceafe,

PRouidedalfo,tIjatif after fuc^ repayment of tlje faio famms of Sca.pj,

f (to be maDe to tl)e faio irl^,o; t)nto l^ts erecutojo o; a(rtsn0,at

t^e Xxvc^z ano place bero;e erp^edeo, it r^al fortune tt}e faio BD4)i0 ere^
cuto;jE5 0^ atrignessjto make^np bolmitarie pjomife, tonclufton, o; a^
firainent,fo?,oj concerning tl)e felltng^granting, oj alienating of t^e
faio moitie of t^e fate Ue(to;ie ano p^enii(Ics,o; of anp part o; parcell
t|)ereof,o;of anppjofitesso} commooities belonging to ti)efatDpar
fonage,eitber tonci}ing tl^e U}l)Oie ettate tijerein, o; toucl)ing anp part
thereof, ttiat tlien p^efentlp tpon fuel) p;omife,conclunQn,o? agrees
ttient,tt)cttafe ano int^reftoft^c faio JD. bis erecutojeano afftgncs,
inland to all tbe lobole moitp of tbe faio Ue(to;ie l^al baue no further
beingibut(]ballbeoeenieD,eSeemeD,anD aOiuogcDin tbefaiDi?.bi0
CKecnto;0anDaomtnt0t:ato;s, aa tbougbno fucb repayment of tbe
faio tnonep ^ao beene niaDe,anD p^efentlp bpon fucb p;omire, conclu^
fion 0? agreement,it l^al ano map be latefuU to tbe faiD jP*U.bi0 tn>
tntoj0,arimimarato35 1 affigncs, to enter into tbe faio moitie of tbe
faio Uecto;ieano p;emi(le0 , ano tbe fame tobaue ano entoptobi5
ottme t)fe,tt)itbout anplet o? interrnption of tbe faio )D* o; of anp ^

tt)er claimmg anp tl)ing tberein> bp,from)0; tmoer bim^

(^0ucnants to leuie a fine vpongratmt andrender,

THis Indenture maDe fcBctweene ^.S. % 0 biS toifcanO DiS.
<f 3! bt0 toife of tbe one partp,anD dp.C-. of tbe otber partp, Wic-

nelTetKtbat it 10 contsircenoeD ( agrecD betlvirt tbe faio partus, tbat

tbe faio <5,Ka 0.bi0 ii3tfe,H>.li5.f 3.bi0 toifc, bcfo;c tbe cud df^Lw
nitie terme nert enf uing tbe Date breof,a)all Icuie a fine ir .2uD fo? ^
knoU)Ucge,veleafe,Quit-claini,finc-,tDarrant conco;b,tbe faiD 0.(2;
Ibal bp tbe faio fine grant to p faiD 2:.| ^\M l^^ifCj tl^r faiD f cnemers
ttJitbtbe appurtcnancedjf tbe fame bu tbe faiD&ne (lialairorcnDerin
tbe fame Court to tbe faiD (2?CanD ;2.bi3 luife. To hsue 2nd to Jwld
to tbe fame ST.foj tcrme of ic. 0n:) after tbe fcimc terme cr.Dcc;,tbe
faiDtenement0njaUremainetotbe faiLD.i^.cr.D3*bi0 torc,nnD
to tbebeire0of tbe famcE>.fo3 ecr : ^ibicb f.iie fo to be lcmD,an is
afojefaic,anD all ano eaerie otber i?ine fo to bee UuieD bp t^J^ faip
Symb, Coucnaiits. part.primac

Cf.Cic.to t\jt fain (25.Canu ^i0 Metres of t^e fame lanD in i?. bp tlje
name o? name afojcfaico? bp anp ot^cr name 03 names, toitJ) rloec
fi; toittjout rcnDer,02 otberU)irc,bifojc t^e eno of tlie f atu ncjt terme,
cmeptenfningt^e Date hereof, Oiall bee to t^e onelp t)feanobet)fflfe
liereaftcr ei:p3eircD,anD to koiic ot^er bfe ano betjfflfe: t^at 10 to fap,t8
ttjE tife of tljc faifi d^.SC.ano a.t)iB loife, fo) anD During tbe
laiD terme

ofoncmcnctl)nei:tcnfuingtgcleuping f ingroatng of t^e faiD fine.

0no after tlie eno ano tc rme of tfjc f aio monctl), t^en to tt)e bfe of tbc
faiD]SD.^.anD5.bt0U}ife,anDtl)e tieireB sf tl)e f aio 2)015. fo^eacr*

Covenants to leuie a fine.

Scft.pj. 'THis Indcntiif c tripartite maoe i cbettoeen C^.fe. % C^.feitf toife on
1 tbe firS partie,ano i^.i^.on tbe fecono partp,anD Bl.^l^.anD D.t0*
on tbe tt)iru partp,Wuncnctli,tt}at t^c faiD parties arc conoifcenoeo,
toncluOcD,anD agrceo in maner ano fo;mc follotDing.aiiD tljc f aio
^.ano CD. fo3 tt)em ano tijcir t]eires ooe coaenant tr. tt)at t^e faio (t*
^.ano <^\^i& toifc, 0)^11 before tt)e fcad of ic.at tl)e equall cofts anD
cbarge in tl^e loU) of tl)e Taio C&.ano C.j?. tl)eir beicfi ano afTigns,
leuie a fine before tbc til^ueencs spaiefttefi BEuHices of t)er common
placcat^cttnuntter,of tticmcinnoj of C
ano of tr. Andtbattlje
fim toTo be lcuieo,nial be to tl)c onlp bfe ano bebcofc of tbe fato ji.anD
SC.tbeir IjcireB ano afftsncis fo;t cucr. 0nD tbe faio BJ.ano SC.ano eue
rp of tt)cm,fo; tl)cm, tl)cir I)cirea,anD crccuto;9,oo coaenant % grant,
to ano luitl) tl)c faiD 0. bis bcircs, crccuto;0, ano adignes^and to anD
tbittt) tbe faio CD.b'-^ bctrc(,ri:ecuto;s, ano affignes, tbat tbep tbc faiD

3!.anD2i:.fl)nUbcfojetl)Gflr(tDapof i^eb;u(iric nertenfuing ttjeoate

of tbcfep;cfcnt0, oenufc, graunt, ano to farme let bp tl)cir (ufificient

teeo inoenteD.in cue fo;me of llatu to be maoe to tbe faio 0. tt)e faiD
manno; U)itb tt^e appurtenances, ercept ccrtaine parcels of tt}e fame,
ano certaine profits 1 otber tbmgs tbcrunto belonging,in fucb maner
ano fo^mc,a0 is after in tbefe pjefent Blnoentures erpjetTeo ano con
taincD m tbcfe too^os folloloing : tbat is to fap.This Indenture maoe
tbetentb Odpof ic.bettueene I* ano SU. of tbe onepartp, ano 0*if .on
tbe otijer partie^WjcnefTcth, tbat tbe faio 33. ano C
as tuell in perfo}
mance of t^e fattbfuU ano fpeciall truff in tbem in tbat bebalfe put bp
tt)e fato C'.^.ano C.bis toife ,as in fulfilling part of tt)e couenats ano

grants ano agceer4!cnts, ano of tbe intent in certaine Blnoentures trie

partitc,fpccifieo,l)aD f maoe betiveene tbe faio C^.f Cbis ^tfe on
tl)e firaj^attie^anot^e faio 0*iF of t^e fecono pactie, ^not^efaiD

Liber Gnienants; feciin.dus

3;.^.t2C*l^*ent|)et^itupactie,lM^ofciiatc are t^t firCDapofE>e^
cembectn t^e fitft piarc of t^e ratgnc $ c!^aae Bcmifeft, granteMna
to farmc letteiijann bp tWt pjcfents co ticniifc,0rant,ano to farm let
tnto t\)t faiD 0.bi^ txkixto;s mn
aUtgne^, tbe manno; of * \3iii\) tbe
appurtenances in tl;e countte of 115* lottl) all t^ofe our lano^, c* ^tf
pt,fo;jcp;ifeiJ,anD refcrueo bnto t^e faio 3*2r:.anD t^e Ijeires ano af<
figncs of t\)t faiD 3. all ttiofe t^t ^iXls ir* Slo tjaue ano to bolo t^e
faiD manno; ano ot^er ti)e p;emiae5 ( mept before crccptao) bnto
t^e fain 0.t)t5 erccato}( ano afftgne;,from tbc falt,$c. ^eclDing ano
pacing If. ianDifitftaUt)appenic And tbe faio 5,anDC.fo;t^cm
fccflncnanticX^att^efaio BI*anDir.o;tl)efurmuo; oftbem,Q}aU
t\)t tent^ Dauof tlje faio motctl) of )3Deccmbcr $c. bp tbetc oceo
fufficicnt in tl;e lati oj otljettoifcas tuellinfeoffc 1 allure ttic rclt,of
t^efatDniano;iot^erit)ep;emiire0,a6 alfo l!)all grant o;otberl3jtfe
adareall fncb 0; fo muc^ of tt)e p2emiife0,a0 alio (bal be Co cemifeD 02
letten bnto t^e faio Z.f*t\9 is afojefaio, toitb t^e rent referueo bpon
t^e Caio leafc to tbe faio *mMi Cto baue ano to ^olD tlje fais reuer^
fion,conimoDitie6>anDrentB,antiaU tberettof tbe p^emiffesluitbtbe
appurtenances bnto tbe faio Cano at. ano to t^c ^cires of tbeir tU)a
boDieslalDfnll^ begotten* j9no fo; Default of fucb ilfuetot^e rig^t
lieires of t\}t faio (*fo; euer* In wkncfTc iD^ereof ic

CeueftJMts to leuie a fine tovfes,

THis Indenture maOe icbettoeene ii^.i^^of f ^c one partie, anb !^*

5^^ ^^
tlHU* M>. ano K i? of tbe otber partie,Witneflcth,tljat toberfi
t^efaioi^*aBljDellfo;tbeaOuancementof BI*noU)bis lDife,a0of oi^
tiers oftbe monger (ennes ano Daugbtcr6bpl)ini begotten of t^ebo^
DpoftbefaiDHi^atbalrc80icafftgnto, anoappointcDlo bis faio liJtfe
ano cl)ilo;en, certain po;tions of bis mefuage, lanos ano tenements,
parcell of bis inberitancefo; fucbettate ano intercfl,ano inline ma^
ner ano fo;me,as bereafter in tbefe p;ereHt Blnocntures fbalt be par^
ticnlarlp mentioneO ano erp;e(reo, tbe fame to be aCTurco ano conuei^^
totoeuer^of tbem, after oueo;oeranofo;nic of ^ak) , fo tbat tbep
niavl)aue anocnio^ tbe fame quietlV) acco;oing to bis minoe ano
pleafure, tDitt)outleto;oiSurbance of bim, 0; of bis beires o;af'
fignesintimetocome, Ijobicbfaio aflurance is tbougbt b^ counfell
learned erpsoient to bee maOe b^ fine to bee of tbe faio lanos lenieo
2rberefo;etf)e faio ipi5F* fo; tbe fare maMng of tbe conue^ance a
fo;efato,conenantett) ano grantet^,fo; |)im,^is leires ano erecnto;09
$ ta
Symb; Coiienants. part.primx

to ann \3^iib, t\}t fatfi l^,m. M.CC5. auD U. if?. t^cir mcutojs ann af*
fignes b\? t^efc p2efents,tl)at ^e f^e faio /5. oj l^i tetreg, on tt)t0 fioe,

anDb8fojetl)efea(tof pentctoftnert enfmng attcr tlje oaleljcccof,

fljall hnotDleOGcan^ ^tuit to ttje faiD ^.5M. ?I2iI.t25 ano K.iF.ano to

t^c tjctrcsof t^E faio ID.onc fine ic. And tlje faio l^C53.m.(0. anD W*
^.fo; tfjeni,ttictrt)eirc ano frcfutojs,coucnant i ct^at tljcp tl}c faio
i!?.OT.M.*anD K.i?.anD t{)ftrl)cire5 imtncDiatlv from, ant after
tljc leophig ano ingrofTing of t\)z fain fine, to be Icutco of ti)c pjemif

fcs irtf Djme afo?efaiD, (Ijall ftanD ano be fcifco of, ano in ttje faio mc
fuages m 15. f c. e rccpt one clofe in 3. calleo t c. to i\)c tjfe of tl)c faiD
j!5.anD3!.notDfjt3tDifs,fc2t!).cternieof t!)cir liuea, ano of ttjclongec
Unei;tjftl3cm,nnoafffertbdrDeccafe tottjebfeof J.i^.fonnc of t\)t
faio iJJ.ano of ttjct)C!re5 males of biJf booie latofullp bccottcn. flno
fo;DgfaultoffiKl)i(rue,totl)ebfeof ia.^-.one other of ttje fonnefl of
tbc faioi|5^. ano of ttje beirca males of hie boote latoftillp begotten
^nO'fo; Default of fuel) ittnc, to tbcbfe of ^fa.jr. one otljcr of tbc
fonne tf tbe faio ^. ano of tt)e f r . 5(nD f oj Default of fnrb iffue , to
tbc rtgtjt bcttcs of^ttje faio jli.fo; eiier. ano alfo tbat tbc faio W).m*
52a.C!5,anoi^.i^,anDtt)eirbeires, manerftano ano bee
fljall in like
feifeO of all tbofe me(Tuages,lant)0, tenements,! c. tn ^. afo;efato f c*
totbsfereoftbcfaio|.5^.oneoftl)c fonnes of tbe faio j^. ano aftlje
teiresmalesoftbeboDieof tbefaiD ^*f, lalDfullp begotten, anD
fo2 Default of fucb ir. ^no tbat tbc faio ^,Wi. tKl.d:. ano K.iF.anD
tbcir beireSjll)all in like mnner immcoiatlp after t^c leaping ano m^
grotring cf tbe fame fine, flano ano be feifco of, ano in all ttje rcfioue
DftbefaiomclTuage, (c. to tl;e tfe of tbe faio i^.fojtearme of bis
life, anD after bis oeceafe to tfiebfc of tbc faioiS.f'.ic. nnD fojbe^
fault fc. And it is fnllp conoifcenQcoano agreco bcttoccnc t^c faiD
partics,tbat after tbc ingtoffing of tlje fame fine, tbc faiDj^.jF. anD
tbe faiD 31.l)is knfc,3J U.ano m* fonnes of tbc faio jl^.ano C. ano 315.

^is Daagbtcts,ano euerie of tbem,rt)aU from ano after tbe ingvoamg

of tbe faio fine, peaceably bane, bolD,occupie, ano eniop tbe faio mc
faageSilanDMno tenemcnts,to tbcmnnociierp of tbern feuerallp af?
ffgneOjtoitbout anp Ut,interraption,o; impcoiment of tbe faiD ^^.^jat
f l&.iF'O; an^ of tbcm, o? of anp perfon o; pcrfons claiming b^ t'bem,
infbeirrigbt",o;bptbetr pjocnremcnt, accojoing to tbe trtrc intent,

pnrpofc, ano Declaration oftbe fcncralltifesafo;e mentionto. In

, ,

Liber Coucnants. fecundus

CoHenants to htiie k Tine to zfet^^ndth^t the Cognifee
Jhallgrant the lands tn TaUc ^r
His Indenture maDc %U Bctwccnc2iai,sp.|jf t&tfii;ttpartp,anO Sc^.p7
T !^^. of t^ fecono partp,ana C3p i %*%, of tl) t^irD part^
Witneffeth, tfjat it ii conDifrctiDeDjConduDeD, anu agceeo betUJcenc
t^e patties afo;efatD,m itiancr ano fo;me following , t^atte tofag:
/irittfiefaiDMt.^auD l^sp fo;t^cmfluesfcoocoanantta/
t^at t!)ep t^e faio HT^anD l^ befo;c tijc featt of if.bp fine to be
befc;c onr ^oucratgne ilaoie i^ueenee ^atetticB Bludtces of

tlje Common pleas at ^eflmin&er, (l^all knoiuleoge t^c capitall o;

tnanfion boufe fc.bpt^cname of ic. (n3i5.anbC.tobf t^ecig^jtof

t^C faiO C^.
f c. ( cxprelTing the Concord. ) WK^XiX) fine fo fenotu^
Uogeo anoingroaeb of tbe p^emtHes , r^allbetotljebfeoftbefaiD
C^anD SL.^.anoof t^eirbetresoneb,anDtc,o? fo; none otf)er
tfe, intent, oj purpofe* And tjjc (aio CanD2C.fQ; tt)m ic. t^at
tl)eptt)e faio C* ano %- anDtlieir beireft, ano tbe beires of tbe fnp
uiuo; of (bem,\joitbtn one ^ponetb foUoU)in3,after tbe bnololecging
anb ingroding of tbe faiD fine, a0 is Afo;eraiD,b^ tbciroeeotnoen^
tto, Cuffictent in tbe iLatx)^ in Due fojme to be maoe, (ball ano loiil
giue ano graunt t^e laiD niefuage^ano all aniD fingalar tbe pjemilles
bp tt;e faio fine to tbem to bee adigneD , as is afojefato, to t!)c faiD
^.^.anoto tbebeires males of tjis boDie latuful'.p begotten. To
haucand co hold tbe faiD capitall niefuagc,anDall otbcr tU p;cmiffe5
toitbtbeir appurtenances to tbe faiD CCl.iSp.anDtotbcbcircsnales
of bis boDv lalufuHp begotten. Ycelding and paying tbccefojc perelp
to tbe faiD CD.anD ^.o;to tt)e furuiuo; of tbem, tbeiibeireso^af^
fi[gnes,tlDentie fbillings of ic. at tlie feaQs of ic.bp euen portions to
be papeO t ( with a (ufficicnt claufc of dulrcflc to bee contained withifl.
the faid deed for the payment thereof at the daics and times afore,-;'

faid, with a prouiCon therein to be contained, ) SEbatif itfbnUbap*.

pen tbe faiD M.^.o}t^et;eires males of t}is boDielatfnUpbegot^

ten,to fnffer anp Uecoueric againft t)im 02 tbem of tl)e faiD capitall
mefnage, o;otbertt)e pjemiffes, 0; anp pact o;parcell tbereof,o^
bpanp ot^ecljoapes 0; meanes, Iballmabe anp alienation 4); Dif^
continuance of tbe famcp;cmi(Ics, o}of anpparcelltbereof , ano
aftertoarD (ball bappen to Die U)itt|out iduemaleof \)\& boDie lalD
fuUp begotten :E^^attt)cn, t^at is to fap, immeoiatlp after tbe oe^
ceafe of tt)e faio W.* ^. ano of tt)e fjeires males of bis boDie ialo^
fullp begotten, ano aftet: tt}e faiD eftate taple maDe, asisafoae^
faio bp t^e faio oeeoinoenteo> fpenf , erecuteo, ano oetefmineo,
^ 2 ano
Symb, Coucnants. part.primat

anonot befo;e,tt)at it fb all be latDrnll^to^anDfojtfieratDC.^p.anD

SC.U, to reenter intotbe faio capitall fc* And al(o tlje (aiDC'.f^
and %* fo) tl)em i c. ttjat t^cn t^e faio C auD iC t^eir t)etres atiD
afftgnef ,tDttt}in foure oapes ncrt after tt)e imbmgof tt)e Cato oeeo
inoenteo, antlo^ttJerccationoftl)e (aiocttatcof tl)c fapo capitall
niefuffgc0,ano all ot^er tbe p;emiire5, iQ tljc faio SCI.anD to tijc I)cir0
males, as 10 af ojef aiO : 3ntt bp one otljer ooeo faff icient in tlje iLato,
recitinj5 tl)e graunt bp tl)em made to tbc fapD iK3. ^. anD t^e Ijeirefi
males of ^isboD^ lalsfullp begotten, as is afo^efaiD^Qjallgtue anD
graunt tl)ereuerfion of ttje fame capitall mcfaage, anoallotljertbe
pjemictes U)itt)tl)eperelp rent afo;cfato, to tbc faio !!;).C^. Tohauc
andcoholdtlje faio reucrCton of tl)c faio capitall mcfuages, anD all
ot^er ttjepjemifTcSjto tl)C faiol^.q^.ljis bcircs ano alTignes fojcuer^
Andtl}8 faiD sza.^:!?. coucnantett) ^r. tl)?.t l)e tbe faio (KH.m gcoD ojoer
of 3lato,(l)allattQurnc tenant tntotbe faio p.tp.of tlje pjemiffes,
anoujalt paptmto l)im, t)is t)circff ano affigncs, tbe faio pearel^^
rent to be obfer ueo bp tt)e faio Dcco intenteo, ano to be granteD bnto
tbe faio !^^2p bis Ijeires ano atligncs, as is afojefaio. And alfo Qjall
permit ano fuffcr tfjc faio ^0> ?0. bisbcires anoaffigncs, ILo;d0 of
tbe reftoue of ^, ano 15. afo;cfaiD, pearelp at tluo fcuerail times in
t^e peare : tbat is to fap,f c. tipon reafonable loarning to tbem ginen
fo; tbe faio Oap to Ucepe bis Court of tbe faio ^anno; bpon anp part
of tbe p^emifTcs , U)itl)out let 0; f c. of tbe faio ^t.^. %u o;'of tbe
fjeiresmales of btsbooielalofullp begotten, e; ofanpotberpcrfon
ojpcrfonsbpbisaffentjc. And further tbe faio C^.anoST.B.fo;
tbem %u tbat tbe faio capitall mefaages, ano otber tbe p;temi(res,at
t^etime of t^e making of tbe faioeSatetberfofto tbe faio ^.9^*
ano to tbe b^kcs males of bis booie latofuUp begotten afo^efatOjOjal
be cleerelperonerateoiciTo; tobicbgift ano graunt of tbe capitall
mefnages, ano otber tbe p;ciiii(te0 , to bee maDe ano conucpeD to tbe
faio {!IS(.^ ano t^ebcires males of bisbooklatj^fuUp bcgotten,iii
fo;me afo;ef aio, tbe faio ^. batb truelp contenteD ano pateo to btm
Ibe (aio !^. at tbe infcaling bereof tloentie pcunos of gooo r. of
iD|)tci)tlDentiepounDst^e faio l^*^knolDleDgetbbtmfelfeic* In

^ComteUnce to vfcs ofan ejlate Taile not to be dtfcontinued

S^'5>^ "TPHis Indenture maOC |CIktvvcnc3J.jdD.of tfjeoneparfp,! ^HI.C

JL M.^ifi2^Uof tljcotljer partp, Wicnc(Icth,tl)atit is cone*
Liber Couenants. fecundus
nantcOjCcntiifcetiDeDanDagrafibyanDbettucenet^e faiD partieam
mancr f fojme follotoing,tl)at is to fap,tDl)erastl)c TaiD B!.Dtt)etiap
of t^e Date fjereef t)att) bat one onlp cI)Ud ^.E> ^ts fonne anD tidr ap^
parant,anD 10 fnllprefolueD ano oeternunco tjoto ano in lu^at man*
nert)islo3t)ajip5,manno20, lanes, tenements anD tercDitamcnts,
Ojall bp tl^c grace of CpoD,continne, rcmaine ano be as tucll in tbe life
time of flje faiD 3 ano tbe faiD sp. l)tsfonne,as after tbeir Deaths,
anD being toitball greatlp Defirous to continue anD fta^ all ano Cngu^
iac bis faiD lo?Da)ip0,mannoj0,lanO0, anD bereDitaments in \)iB fun
Bame,anD torettralncasfarrc fojtbasbelatofullpmap,tbegramv
ting,felling,oj giuing atoap of tbe faiD lanDs an^ inbcritance,Dotb as
iDell foj tbe conGDerations afo;efaiD, as alfo foj tbc natncall anD
bjotberlp loue tobicbt^efaiD31.bearetbto(^.2DbtBfa?Dtber,anDfo?
tbe bartie affection tbat bee batb totoarD l^.S>.bi feinfman,anD otbec
bereaftcr nameD in tbis 3nDcnture, Dotb couenant anD grant fojbitn
anDbibeire0,to anD iDitbtbcfaiD^.tKII.s:.0.?J5!l.if.anD2CK
tbeir beires anD aaignes,tbat be tbc faiD 31^ anD bis beires, anD all
anDcucrvotberperf0nanDperfons,anD tbeir bnres tbat nolu (!anD
e^ be feifeo of,o? in all anD lingular ttjofe bi5 lo;Dfbips ano mannojs,
of f c. ); tbat bereafter (ball be feifeD of tbe faiD lo^Dlbips, manners,
anD p;emiffeSjOj of anp part tbereof,lball ftanD anD be feifeD tbereof,
anD of euerie part tberof,to fucb bfcs^intents anD purpofes^anD bpon
fncb conDittons i limitations of tfes, as in tbefe pjeftnts (Iiallbe tx^
p^eHeD anD DeclareD, anD to none otber tfe^ intent anD purpo(e,0nD
t^atallellatesbereaftertobcmaDe 0; fuffereDoftbefaiDlo^DH^tps,
manno20,anD p?emi(Ies,o;an^ part tbereof bettoeene tbe faiD par^
ties, o;i to otber perfons, at tbe nomination 0; b^tbeconfentof ante
tf tbe faiD parties,(l)all be DeemcD, aDiuDgeD, anD taken to be anD im
nte,to tbe tfes, intents, bpon fucb conDitions as bereafter in tbefe
p;efents are erpjeffeD.SEbat is to fap, to tbe onlp bfe of tbe faiD 3E)
fo; anD During tbe terme of bis naturalllife,tpif bout impeacbmentof
luaa,anD after bis Deatb,tben to tbe t}fe of tbe faio ^.^.fo; ano Du^
ring tbe terme of bis naturall life,0nD after bis ccatb) tbcn to tbe bfe
of tbe firft begotten fonne of tbe boDp of tbe faiD sp.SD^latufullp to be
begotten-^anD of tbe beires males of tbe boDie of tbe faiD firft begotten
fonne lalofnllp iO'aing* 2lwti fo;t Default of fucb iltue male, tben to tbe
tfe of tbe feconD fonne f c* i to tbe bfe of otber f onnes f c 0nD fo? De^
fault of fucb tdue male, tben to tbe life of tbe nert beires males of tbe
boDie of tbe faiD BlE>*berearter latofullp to be begotten. :SnD fo; De^
fanlC of fuel) ifTne male,t^en to ttie tife of tbe faiD C15.|D.i of tfie beires
^ 3 male
Couenants. ^- part.primaJ
wale of ^is bottplatofuUp begotten. Slno fo) uefctiU of fuc!) iffuc
malefi, ttien to tt)e bfe of tt)c faio i^. SD. ano of tbc tjctrc meles of
!)i5bo0iclatofullp begotten ano fo; Default of fuctitaue male,tt)cn

tOtbetfeoffC. naming as many in like manner as Hull bcc agreed.

Proiiidcd alujapts , ani nencrtbdeffc it is coucnantco, conDif t enDeo
anoagreeo, bp ano bcttoecnc tbe faio parties to tl)efc p;ertnt3;n*
iientnrc,tl)at if tbe faio p ,0, o? aii^ i^\it male cf t^e fato ^. o; tbe
iaucsmalefiofanp of tl)cir bodies latofullp begotten, o; anpotbec
pccfono)perfon\wl)icb bcreaftcr Hall bace anp ettrtfe, tntercff, oj
tttle.in o; to tbe faio pjcmiffeSjOj in, oj to ant part tljercof, bp rcafoti
cjtcrtue of tbefe p;efent Jnoenturcs, oj of anp tbing tbercmcon
taincD, otber tbcn tbe faio D. Doe bcrcaffcr alien, bargaine, o) fell
tbe p;cmi(le0, oj anp part ibcrcof , oj ooe malseojp;ocare to bee
mace anp feoff ement,leuie anp fine,rn(fer anp recouerp,oj put inbje,
o;goe about bp anp ouertluapeso;meanes to put in b;e o; p;a(tife
anp otbei' aao;9cts,aaarantc oj affuranceB, fo? tbe oeftraction,
t)eterminatiou,Oifcontinuance, o; alteration of tbe faio eQatc0,o; in^
tai!e3,bfc o; bfes afojefaicoj to barre tbe faio intaiU o; anp of tbem,
0} to alter o;t cbange anp of tbe faio efltatee , o; anp bfe o; bfes afo;e'
faiOjlDbcrcbptliefaio pjemilTefl oj anp part tbereof,o2 tbebfe,bfe5,
0) e(late0,maoe o} to be maoe of tt)e fame as is afo;efaio, Q)all be alt
neD,oircontinaeo,altereo,cbangeD o; tranfferrco from tbe faio per*
fons before nameo, to lubom tbe p?emiae0 arclimiteo tobeaflTureD
bp tbefe pjefcnts, in anp otber manner o; fojt, tben tbeparelimiteD
ano appouiteo bp tbefe p;efentB , contrarie to tbe true intent anD
meaning of tbe fame,bnle(re it be fo; leafes fo) one i tiuentie pear(0>
referuing tbe accuttomco rents, 03 mo;e foj tbe fame , 0; foj tlje ioln
ture of anp of tbeir luifc 0; tuiues, fo; terme of life onelp of f ucb ^ifi
ojboiueS) net amounting aboue tbe pearclp balue of one bunO}CQ
^arhed , tuitb liH^ remainoer ano limitation of bfc0 after tbe
oeatboffucb \uifeo;luiue0, as is afo;eraio : SEbattben ano from
tbencefo}tb tbe bfe, intereft , eUate, ano taile limiteo in tbefe p;e^
fents to bim 02 tbem, tbat fa tball oie tnitbout idue, 0; (ball mahe a
np alienation, oif continuance,bargaine,o; fale,o; ooe o; put in b;ea*
np0(to)acts,oeuifeo;oeuifes, 0^ p;a(tife anp matter o) matters,
fo; tbe oe(!rnctiono? alteration of tbe bfesc; cltatcs limiteo, intcn*
Deo 0; implieo,as is afo;efato,o; ooe anp act 0: aits, tbing o} tbing0
QS is afo?efato,tontrarie to tbe true meaning of tbefe p?efents, fljall
ceafeanobeoctermineo. 0no tbat tben tbe bfe, intercJf, ano potTef*
Gon of all ano Itngnlac t^e p^emides loitb tbe appurtenances fo
tibcr Couenants^ fecundus
|ilten0O,altereti,cl(angeti,o; af tcmptco to ht altcneD, altereo^o;
^cD,a0t0 afojefaio ,(!jaU tmmeDiatlp DircenD, remaine, xttxctt, anD
iometafaclipcrfonsto U)|)omtt)e fame l^onlD t^en ncrt Difcenu o)
temaine^acco^Dtngto ttjetifeof tl}e rematnDec anDettatelimttteD,
intcnDeOjOjtmpUeD bp tl)cfe pjcfettWtuitlj remaintier0oaer,a6i0
afo;eraiD Prouided alvvaies, atiD ticnert^eUfTe it is concluDenano
agreeDjb^ ano bettoeene t^e faio parties to tt}cfe Blnt)entare0,t^a(
it C^aU anD map bee latofall , fo; , and to tl)c faiD B|.^* at anytime

During 1)10 Ufe,bp t)t0 tenting 02 ix)}tting0 tnDer ^10 ^ant) ano (eaU,
to DemifcanD graunt ttie fato ]Lo3D6}tp0 , n)annour0,anD p^emiffen,
02an|^part K parcel! tf}ereof,fo;tcrmeof oneanDtli^entieveares
to bee acconipteo from tl)e making thereof at t^e mod) to^creupon
ttieolD, aancient, and accuQtomeo ^earel^ rent 0; mo;e (ball be
referaeO, 02 bp bi0 lafi ^tUano :^e(lament inluziting , togiue
ano bequcatb J^nnuities to t)i0 feruants fo; tcrme of life 0; Uue0 of
n^fuct)rernant,o; feruant0, ilTuing ano going out of tt;e(aiD p;e^
nitflf(0)O; an^ part thereof* Andalfo tt)at it CtisiW ano ma^belaU)^
fullyfojanDto tbc faio BiBD*to grmmt ano aduretbefaiD ilo;Dlbipi$
nop2emt0e0, 0; anp part thereof, not amounting aboue balfe of
tbe faio }lo;t)(bip0 ano pjemides, toanpfuct)tooman,o;lDomen,
toife o;Ujiue0, astbefaio 3132D.ajall bcrcaftcr fojtunc to marrie,
to? terme of life>02 liue0,onelp of fucb toife^o; iDtues, fo;,anD in con^
0ocrationofber2>oiDer ano BCointnre Prouided alwaics, ano it i0
tulip concluoeD,meant,anD agrsO,bpanD bet&oeenetl^e faio parties
to tbefe inoentures, ano t^eir i)eire0,tbattf tbefaio i.H>*atanp
time bereafter During bi0 life,(bal be minoeo bpon tebatfoeucr caufe
0; occafion feeming meetc 02 conuenientto t)im,toaDnulUmabe
ftoio, alter, o; cbange ttje tfe, eUate, bfcs 0; e(tate0,o; anp of tbem,
limitteD , raifeo , intcnoeo, implieo, 0; maDc b^ tbefe pjetents,
touching the Uit)ole Ilo;o(bip0, mannour0,lanD0,tenenient0,ano
^ereoitaments, anootbertbepjemitTes contciineointljcre p?efent0,
ojelfe toucbing feme part, oj anp part tbcrcof onelp, ano tbere^
upor.bpbifi bDjitmg tJUDcr bi0 fealc, ano inanpof tbc Courts of
li^eco^Dof our&oueraigne^aop tbe s^ueenesspaitttie, berbeires
ojfucce(to30tobe inrollcD,ooe1(igni6e 0; Declare, tbat bistoillano
plcafure is , tljat tbe bfes , ano eftates , 0; anp of tbem li*
intent0 ,

tnitteotn tbcfe p?erents,fbaUbe boioe, ano of none effect toucbing

tl)e faiD l!)o\e pjemiffes, 0; toucfjing fome , oj anp part tbereof:

STbattljcnanD from tbcnccfojtb alltbeUfc0,beboofes,intents,anD

c(lates,mnDe,UmitteDpauD appointeo,in,o? bp tt)efep2efents,(bal be
^ 4 btterlH
Symb. Couenantsi part.primac
ttterlpboioanDof none effect touc^ngtbc fail 1m?)oIc pjcmiffe^joj
fucb part thereof, in to^ic^ tljc faio 3.E^. fljall fo Qgnifie ano Declare
t^at ^10 IJDill anD pleafare id^t^at t^e Mit$, be^oofes^o; gftates afo;e
raiD,oj anp of tbem, ftjall be boio ant) of none cffectjano tbat ttien all
ano cucrie otl)er perfon o;perrons,t^at nolo (lano o; be feifeD,o; tljat
liereafter (l)aU ttano o; be (eifeo, of, ano in tbe faio !lo2OQ)tp0 , tna^
no;,f p?einitre,o? in anp part,oj parcell thereof, fljall from tbencc*
fo;tb ttano ano be (eifeo of all ano (tngulnr tt)e faio !io;!DQ)ip0 , ma
no;0,lanO0, tenement0, ano t)ereoitament0 , ano of all otber tbe p;e'
mitre0,in lobicb tl)c faio ST^. lljall fo fignifie ano oeclare^tbat t)i0 luill
nno pleafure is,tbat tbe bfe0,bel)oofe0, o; cQates afo;c(dtD,o3 anp of
tbem,(lbalbe boio ano of none effect, ^; of fucb part thereof in Uibic^
tbe faio B!.H>. lljall fo Ognifie ano Oeclare^tbat tt}e bfcs , beboofe0,o;
effate0 afo2efapo,o) of anp of tbeni,a)all be boio ano of none effect,to
tbe life of tbe faio S^^* ^n of bi0 betre0 ano aaisne0 fo? ener : anp
tbingbercin siojefaio totbc contraric bereof inangluifenotUjitb'
ff anoinj.
in vvltncilc tobereof |c.

Couefutnts limit ting the vfesof Tines 4nd Reconeries lettiedy with a
Coue4nt to refir.tine the libcrtte thereof.

T'His Indenture maoeic. Bctvvccncj.j.fc.ano&.CIJ.ano dB.SD
1 ic. W)tncncth,tbat iMberc tbe fapo 3.;?. i0 feifeo, f r ano . Ujbere
aUo tbe fapo ^.C anoCp.D.bauepurfueooutoftbe Queenc0^a
teffie0 court ofCbauncetie, againff tbe (af 31.SI. one lJD;ite of ntre
fur dideifin en Ic poft, bearing Date oj tefte tbe roap of ic. oirecteo
to tbe ^berifeof tbe Countie of ^. Deniaunoingtbcrebp tbe faio
inano}0,lanD0, tenements, te. bptbe name of tbemano;of 0* ic*
tbe fame lujit being retournable bcfo)etbeiuane3 93aiettie0 3u'
ffice0Of tbeCommonl5encbat ^ca:minifferintbebta0or ^amt
comming, to tbe intent tbat tbe fapo
$picbaell tbe arcbangell nert
te.C?.ano CII;.jD. fball rccoucr tbe faio lanofl, ano tbe pjemiffe0 toltb
tbe appurtenances, ajainft tbe fapo 3.3 after tbe courfc of tbe com
mon recoueries, bfeo fucb caf e0, Uiitb boncber ouer to toarrantte
of one l^.&.tbc common boucbee. And iuberc nlfo tt)c fago &.CC^
ano CD. baue purrueo out of tbe faio court of iIbauncerie,one U);it
of Couenant againff tbe fapo BI.3. bearing bate 0; teffe tbe ic* it^
rccteofc. oemanoing tbercbvtbatbetbe faiD33.ft)OulObolOcoue*
nant 5.&. i Ci;. of tbe (ato tluo cbamber0 tc* tobub tbe
tuitb tbe fa^o
faio j|*motber of tbe fapo BB.S^noto boloetb in ootoer fo; terme of ber
life bg tbe name of Wie mcfuage |C. (naming the land certaincly)UJitb
Llbcr Couenants. fecundus
tl}t apparfenances ic tlje fame to;if being lifectuife returnable before
t^e faio ^ucenes c in tbc ttas of & ^icbacU nert comming after
tl)e u* to tl)e intent t^at lie tf)e faio 3*3. (ball leuic one fitie tuitlj pao*
tlamation acco;Ding to tlje common courfe of fines Weo in fuc^ cafe
oft^cfaiDmefnageanD pjemiffcs toit^ tlje appurtenanceSjtinto t^e
faiD &>. ano *U>* antJ to t^e Ijctres of tl)e faio S>, toitt) loarrantie
Dft^efaiD3!31anDbis beirc5 againftall men:3ltisnoUJcouenan
teDjgraonteD, conoifcenoeD,! agreed h^ tl)efe pjefents bettueene tbe
faio parties to f^efe 3lnoentures, tbat tljc fato recouerie fo to be IjaD,
recouereD, ano erecuteo bp tlje faio &*<5* ano i? R), againtt tbe faio
3l.3I,of tl)t faio manojs, meltaages, lanos 1 tenements, ano t^e p;c'
tni(fementioiieDint^efaiDiuMtof Entreof difTdfinenle Poft,anD
tt)e erecation of tbe fame, fl^all be to tbe p;oper bfe ano be^ioofe of ttje

(aid Bl*3Bt^i0 lieires ano altignes fo? cuer,anD tbat tbe fame fine fo to
be leaieo b||^ tbe faio %%ot tbe faio lanos, tenements, ano pjemitfes
containeo in f be faio tojit of Couenant bnto tbe faio &.(II5anD (B*^*
ano to tbe b^ires of tbe faio &.d)A[[ be leuteD,t{noU)leogeo, reco;oeo,
^ao,ano erecuteo, to tbe proper ano onelp bfe ano beboofe of tl)e faio
3l.3!,anobiJfbeires fo; euer. Andalfo, it is fullp agreeo byalltb^
(aio parties to tbefe pjefent Snoentures , tbat tbe faio ^dD. ano C
)^ano tbeir beires, after tbe crecntion of tbe faio recouerie, ano tbe
leping of tbe faio fine, (ball ftano ano be feifeo of tbe fapo mano;Sj
tnefluages,ano of all otber tbe pjemtdes, to tbe onelp bfe ano bebcofe
of tbe faioB3*31*bi0 betres ano affignes fo; euer, ano to none otber bfe
0; intents. Prouidcdalwaics, ano it is furtbercouenantcD, graun
teOj f agreeO, bp ano betu>it;t tbe faio parties to tbefe p;efents, tbat
neitber tbe faio fine f to be lenieo, no; tbe f apD recouerie to be fuffe^
reo,in maner ano fo;me afo;eraio, (ball not in anp tDtfe be aoiuDgeo,
tonftrueo 0; taken, to oeueft, tranCferre, giuc, o;'affure from tf)t faio
^.3, o;bi5 bcires,an? otber lanos, tenements, 0; bereoitaments,
tbenintbefaio reciteDOeeoinDenteoof bacgaine ano faile be contain
neD,bargatneD, ano folD,anD erp;e{reD,ano tbat tbe refiou^ ano ouer^
plas of tbe faio lanos ano tenements , containeo 0; fpecifieo in tbe
faio fine ano recouerie fo to be leuteo , ano not in tbis oeco inoenteo
mcntionto,meant to be conueyco to tbe faio 3 31 ano to tbe beires of
tbe faio ^. ll^all be to tbe onelp ano pjoper tife 0; bfcs of tbe faio 3.3!>
ano of bis beires fo; eucr, ano not to anp otber Ofe^o; tjfes^ intent^o;
purpofe In wkncfle U^b^rsof ic

Symb. Coucnants. part.primae

Couenants limit ting Vfcs in TaiUy nat to be dtfcontinucd.

^cSi.^9. T'His Indenture tripartie maDc fc. Bctwccnc l^ ^, on fl^ie fictt

1 particianD ^iv 3.^. on tt)c feconD partic, 3nD J.C.on t\)t ttjtro
partie, WitnelTcth, tt)at tubcre tlje faio i$* ^* 10 lalufullp fcireo of an
ftate of inl)ritancc, of, ano in Diuer lanos, tencmcnfg,! IjercDita*
tncutfi tuitij tljeic appurtcnanceiJ in ^\^.auD f,in ttje faio Countig
of il.ano being tl}ereof CcifeD, i ^auing no iCTue pjcfcntl^ of bia
tjc To

bo&ietaU)fullp begotten, calling to remembrance tl)Ct)ncertetntieof

tl)t5p?cfentlifc, ^atl) tljougljt it erpcDient bptbeaouicc ofbi0 Oare
fricnD3,tofettljcfamcinfucb gcoD ojDccf ftap,ti)at after bis oeatt
tbcie Ojall arife no controuerGc 0; futc to; tip pjermffes amongtt ^is
kinffolUcs 02 frienu0.I1: is therefore faetlodene bim tl)c fame l^.l^.anD
tbe otl)er parties abonc rcmembjeo, bp tljefe pjefcnts fuUp cooenaa*
tcD ic.ttjat is to fap, ^Ijt faiD K^^l^.coucnantetb |c.tl;at bee t\)B faio
i^.l^.bcfojc tbc featt of ic. ajall permit 1 fuffer tbe faio BB.& to pur*
fueoutoftbc Q.$paicCic2Ct)ancfrp,U)itbinberbigbneffcCountic
palatine of JL.onclu;itDf Emrc furdilTcifincn Ic Port, retarnable
atacertaincDapbefojc t\}c 2^.?patcftie/5 3lnaicc0tl)erc. Andbptbc
Tame tojit (l)aU Dcmauno againft tbe faiD \ir^.\$, fourc meCTuageB f r.
tuitbtbc appurtenances in ^l^.| i^.intbcdountpofil.SDolubicb
lD;ittbcfaio^).lt%fi)allappeareinp;opcrperfon,ojbpbi0 3itornep
fufficientlp autboji^eo fo; tbc fame, ano Ojall boncb to loarrantie im^
meoiatlp bpon bis appearance tbe common boucbcc, as in fucb cafefi
i0 bfeDbi' tbc common bout bcr. And tbat tbc fame toucbcc fl&all ap^

peace in p;opcr peifonbpon tbe fameboucbcr, and Ojall tbercupon

<mparU,f after maUc Dcfault,tQ tbc intent a perfect 31aogement mag
be bao fo; tbe bemniDdnts in tbe famc,f fo ouer agamft tbe faiD com'
inonboucbffjacco;D;ngtotbccourfc of common rccoucriesinfuch
cafes pjouiDCD. Vpon Uibicb faiD rccouerie fo to be bao f fuflFercD,a0
is afo;efaiD,}lt is feucrally coucnanteD ic.tbat tbe faio g.C anb bis
^eires,bp fo;ce of tbe faiD rccouerie, 1 of tbe faiD iuogcment f erecu^
tionoftbefamciljal muncDiatlp ftano f befeifeD,3f,anDintbcfaiD
niclfaage ic.fo tbe bfcs ano intents bcrcafter erpjeHeo i Declareoin
tbefc p;efents,f to none otber bfe,intcnt,03 purpofc:tbat is to fap,to
tbe bfe of tbc faio ^^tc. Prouidcd a! waies, f c. tbat If tbe faio Coj
anv of tbc fonnes 0? oaugbtcrs, to tobom tbe faio meCfuage u* be bp
tbffc p;efent6 limitteD i intaileD,in maner anD fojmc afo;eraiD,Do at
anp timebcreafter Die toitbout ittue of tbcir bob\cs latofpllp bcgottc,
0; tbcp,oj anp tbe iCue of anp of tbeir booics Utofullp begottcn,inbc^
Liber Bils and Obligations. fccundus
rifabie tp tout of tljc altcnatiiyi afo^efaiD,anu of t^efepjefentscffec*
(uallp attempt,p;actif,purpore antf go about Co alien, bargain
02 fell
tlje p?emiCfe0,oj anp pact oj parcell tI}ereof,o? oce 0;
mafec anp
to;itttig,o;Uoieangfine,o;fnfFer anpreconeric againatbcm of
fain lanD;,tencment0,aiiDi)ereDitament5, c; ofanpparcellt^erof,oj
b? anp frauD 0? comn,a(tBjact2i,tl)tng 02 thtnga iuljatfoener,
foa tlje
Dfftroction,barreo? Deferraination of anp of tf)e intaile^cf tl)epjc*
inif[e0aboaemcntionED,o;arpotl)crtoU)ljcmanp remainder ojtjfc
is Umitefi 0? appointeD bp tljefe pjefentc : ifiat tljcn anD fiom tljencc^
fo?tb t^e bf e,intereft, f title limiteD bp tljefe pjefcntg to btm 02
tbat OjaU fo Bie toitljout iffue,o? Ojall barjjaiue,alicn, o; fell, oj otljer^
toife incunibec tbe pjemiffcs^o; anp pact tljereof, as is afojefaiOjCon^
trade to tt)c true meaning of tbefe pjefenfs^ttjall Dctcrmin,ceafc,anD
be clearclp fruftrateD,in lifee mancr ano fo;nje,nsif l)e oj tbe bao titti
iuitboatillaeofbis onto bodies. 0nD iljat tljen tbe tifc, intcreff,
ano poffelIion,of ano in tbe pjemiircs,Ujitb t\^t appurtenances,^albe
fmmcoiatlp from ttjencefojtb in bim nert in remainoer, art ejoing to
tbc fame bfe,remainDer,intcrca,anD eCate, to bim 0; ber limUeD bp
tbefepjefents:anptbingbereincontaincDto t\)i contrarie bereof in
an^ Ivife nottoit^aanoing ic*

Bils obligatorie,and Obligations,

fVhAt Bills and OhligatioKS be^ and what isfpecialh to he

confidered therein,

A Bill or Oblieation (which be all one,fauing that when it

glifhjit is
ligation) is a
commonly called a Bill,and when it is

in Latin, sn
dccd.vvhcrcby the Obligor doth knowledge himfelfe to

owe vmo the Obligee a certaine fummc of money, or other thino^. In

which bcfidcs the parties names are to be corifidcrcd^thefumraeor

thingduc,andthetime,placc,andmanerofpaymcntordeIiucric therof.
Obligations be either by matterin deed or of Record. AnOHlio^adon
by matter in deed is cuerie Obligation v?hich is not knowled^ed and
made in fom court of Record,as in the examples next hereafter enfuint'.

A BiltOyiigatorie bj one to one,

oiDe tjnto m^Wi. of )15. in tbe fai& conntie (0ent. ^ '*
r t, of lalufuU
Cnglilb moneg : foj tlje pagmsnt iuberof, 3 bind me an9 mine fjei^^s.

Svinb. Bils and Obligations^ part primac

Inwltnc(Tclbljercof,5taucl)creanto put mp ^nxin and feale t^e firff

Dap of lanuar ie,in ttjC mij pf arc of tlje raignc of oar foucraign iia

1 a.5E.oU3ctnto)D.515.r.E.oflalufuU CngUCbmonep, fojtljepap^

1 mcnt Ujlicrof,? bmce nic anD mp l)cirs.In wimdle &:c.3, ^auct)ere^
unto put mt banu ano fealc tl}c rr-oaj? of i c

Or /A^J" indi nted^cofjtajnwg Aayes andfUces ofpayment,

with a pena/tie.

T_ i^il!BillmDcnfeDmaDe i\}t rbiO.rapofi^.fntljerrr^.peareof

tberaigneofourfoueraigncl.atp(II;li5. Iptlje grace ofc0oD of

CiiglanDji^rancMnD JrelanDSiueencoefcnoojof ttje faitljfc. Bc-
f 2n.2n.ofU.afo;efaiD$>comanontljeoil)er partic, W]tne(Tcch,tbat
t^t (mmUMi,HDi\) ow
tnto tbc faio ST. ST. r.f . of latofull Cnglifl^
monev,tobcpateotot!)c faiD SE. CT. bts crccutojsojaDimnittratojs,
in tl)C >oiJtl) po?cl) of Ct}urcb of U.afojcfaiD, in maner ano
tljc pavifl)

fo;nic follotuing: :f)3t 10 to fw, tpon tl[)e fird Dap of ^arc^ mtt tn>
fuing tt)c Dr.p of tl)c Date bcrcof b.f . thereof, anD bpon tl)e feconD Dap
of^ag.tbennertfolloUnngotberb.r.tljcreofrcriDue: i^o)il)etii^ic&
patments IdcU anD trtUp to be niaDe,tn maner ano fo;me afo2ifaiD,I)e
tbc (aiD 2Iin.tICT.Dotl) bv tljefc p:cfent0 bino binifelfe, bis beir, erecu*
to}0 anD aDminidrato^F^onD rucric of tljcm firmly bptbefe p;efent6,
in icr^^of like lalufuU engliO) moncp.te be fo^feiteD anD paieo to tbe
(aiD 2C.Cbis erccutojs 0; nDminidratojg. In witncsto^erof tbc faiD
parties banc bcrcuntotnterct^angcablp put tbeir banD anofeaUftbe
Dap ano pcare firtt abouc iD^itten*

Or thtiiy rrithofft a penaltie.

knotone t}nto all men bp tbefe pjefents tbat Bl*0^. of 2D.tn

B tbe countte of &. |3coman,Doe otuc tinto Bl* &. of tbe faiD tolune
anD coantp gcntleman,one bnnD;cD pounDs of gooD ano latofall f c.to
be paiD to tbe CaiD %^M9
beire8,e):ecnto20, 0; aDniiHiffrato25,bpoti
tbe feaG of CaSer Dap nert commtng after tbe Date bereof : fo; U)btcb
papnientlucllanDtruelpto bee maDe, BlbtnDeme anD mtnebeires
firmelpbp tbefe p;efent0* In wicnedc tobereof Bl bane bereunto put
tnp banD ano feale:E)ateDtl)e fictt Dap of HIannsrie,in tt^s tU)oanD
tbictiett) peace of fc*
Liber Bils and Obligations. fccundus
Or thtu by two tp two,
^noluen %t. ^^atioe W.ano ^*%z* oii}e,o;ate inoebteD iQ
B'(t ^*31*anoC*U*gentlemcn,(nr.^t. of laU)fuliensU(^monep,to
U papeo to t^cm,oj eltl)cr of t^cm,oj to tl)cir :atto2nep,ei:ecut0?s,oj
aOminiftrato5S,ti)e 6. oap of spap neict infuing af!er tOc Date hereof,
int^e&out|ipo;c|i of tl)e padfl) Ct)urcl) of K.tn t^e County of ^o;H:
i?o; tl)e iDtjict) payment lycll aiiD truelp to be maDc, tue binD ^0,ano
eitbcr of i)0, onr b^tres, cmuto3$, ano aDmtnt&rato;5,anD euerp of
l)s totntlp ano feuerall^ fo; tbe lutloU, ano \\\ t!)c Votiole, by tbefe ^iz*

fentfl In vvitncde U)bOf |C.

Or r/?;^ ^^ r^r^(? to three.
bnotoen ic Cbat luce 3.515.C.^anD Cl;.i^f c.ooe obe ano
B(t ii

areinoebteo ijnto 2E,^.|?Ii.anDll.^an r.i^.oflatofuUic.to

bepapeototbe faio SH.^. 5!.!^* atiD !l.cp*o:an|7oftl)em,o;tott)etc
jattarnpe0,eFecuto20,o? ic. oj an of t^cm,l)pon tl)e f f . iro? tbe ttuc
payment tDbci^sof)^^^ bino bs^ano euery of ba touulv ano feuerall^
bp tbcfe p;e(ent. In witnciTe lDl)ereof ic
^ Bill for '.Jl loney lent.

it knoloen bnto all men b^ tbefe pjefent^, tbat 0li5f c. at ano

B bgfo;e tbe making bercof batb rcceiueoano bad bpVoayof free
loane of C.J3Dfc* one bunDjcDpounooof latofuU Cnglifl) monct,
iDbicb bunojED pounos tbc faio 3.315. bptbefcpjefentsUnotulcDget^
himfelfe to oijoebnto t^e faio CE'.to be paicD to bim, 02 \)\& certaine
^ttutncp,bis erccuto30,o3aDmini(trato)0, bpontber. oapof^ap
wtxi infuing tbe oate of tbefc pjefentg.ano fo? tbe true payment tl)CP
of Dotb by tt^efe p^efents, 6rmely btno bim, bis beirs, erccuto;0,aKD
aomittittratojBjano eaery of tbem. In witneffc tob^rsof r
A Bill for things Itnt,

fenoUjen dc.SCbat a.515.tc.tbe Day of tbe maUing bereof batb

B<t if

recciueOanobaD by Uiay of frank ano frienDlyloane of CSD.one

i5ible,containing tbe olD ano neto SCeftament in tbe (Sriicfec tongue,
bounD in patt anotn blacfee leatber, to b^e bfeD by bini till if* During
iDbicb time tbe faio ^. %. Dotb by tbefe ipjcfents fc j bii" bts ^recu^
to;0,anD aDminiffratojjj, ano tuery of tbem couenant,pjGmife,anD
agree,to anD bjitb tbe faio C. ^. b^fi %u \well ano fafcly to feecpc tlje
faio 315oobe,anD it to reftoje ano reoeliuer to tbe faio CHD^o^ bis ttv
taine 3tturney^bt0 erecutojg>o? aDminittratojs, in fo gooo plight as
f be Came noti) is, % i\m to pay to tbe faio CSD foj tbe feme boofee
jcl.0.oftcFor the performance of tobicb couenant anD agreement, tbe
faiD ;a.315,Dotb by tbefepjeCcnts bino bimfelfe,bi5 epfcutojs,! aomi*
Symb. Bils and Obligations. part.primac

marato;5,antjeuer^of ttemin pUs^of latofuU C^ngUIft nioncp,to

bepaieDto t\)t faiD *^M& erecutojs o) aDmimarato)In witncflc
lPt)$reof ic.

j4n h ligation hy one to one

Scft.102. V^l Ouerint vnlueifi per prsEfcntcs me W. G. dc R. in Cofnitatu S.
i% gencf, teneri & fii miter obligari W.B. in dcccmhbfbonae&lc-
galis monctx Anglic Soluend' cidcm W.B.aut fiioccrto AttornaE,

m fefto S.Mich.Archang' proxim futuro port datup-

vel executor fuis
fentiu. Ad([uamquidcn] folutioncmbene&fidclicerfacicnd',obligo
roc, hxrcd* , executor , & adminidracof rocos firmitcr per prxfentcs.
Sigillo meofigillatjDar tcrtiodicla.anno rcgnidhac noftrxEliz;^b.
Dei gratia Angliac , Francix, &
Hibcrniae Reg. fidci dcfenforis Sec!
XXX vj.
Orthw to a Shirife.

NOucrintvniucrfi per pfcntesmel.L dcC. inCom E.husband-

man,tencri & firmitcr oblig' T.C.Milici, Vicccom Com E.in xx.
libf,bonae &c Soluend' eidem ViCccom, autfuoccrto Atcurnat, vcl
exccutoribus fuis. Ad quam
qnidcm folutioncm bene 6c fidelitcrfa-
cicnd',obligomc,hjcredes,cxecutores,& adminiftratores mcos firmitcr
per prxlentcs. Sigillo meofigillat,Dat&c.

Or thus Of^trfon ar.dgoods

: r enouncing fanElHarie and proteBien.
Oiicrintvniucrfi per praelonces, quod ego A.Bnon coadus.ncc
N: compuifus, nee aliqua alia mala imaguiationc adhocindu'lus,
fedmcra, propria, &rponrancavoluntate,&certarcicntia cognofco,
ac p-ibmjSc public e confitcorme tcncri, &per ptentcsfirmiterobli-
cari DE.in quin2;inc libf le^alis monetxAne;liac: Soluend' &refti-
** tuend' cidem D. E.aut fuo certo Atturn.i!,procurat nuncio, hxrcd*,
velexecutruis,autlatori prxfentium in fefto P.proximfutuf, fincdila-
tione vlceriori. Ad quam quidem folutionera bene fidelitcr faci- &
cnd'&perimplend'in forma praedifta,obl5go me, hxred', &cxecu-
>. L-j*i,. torcsracos, ac omnia bona mobilia mea prae(cntia& futuf, tamvltra
goodi itfee^ jVjare, quam citra, m quocunquc loco vcl lurildictionc muenta rucrinc
mtth bttier to capiciida & diftringcnda. Et fi ( ejuod abjit ) Ath(k\x% fiat infolutionc
wikt conditio
j,(Ji^a vltrafeftumfiucterminufupiuslimitatu, tunc qu^cuquc dam-
m faeijerof.
j^yjj, Cumpjus, &intcre(rc didus D.E. patietur,aut pati potcrit vcl
dcbet,pro tcn9rc defertus, ilia omnia &
fingula ego diftus A.B. tcneor
& firmitcr obligor per pfemcs folucre &fidelit fatisfac ,ficuc dc dcbito

Uber Bils and Obligations. fccundus

principali: Staiut,priuilcgijs,acconruetud' quibufcunq; CiuitatisLon-

don,(cu cuiufcunq alter Ciuitatis,vill^,patriae, vel loci ad hoc contrarijs

non obftantib'. Rcuoco iam rcnuncio omnes ^teiliones,dcfcn(io-
nes,fanduaria,franchcfias,libcrtates, fubuetiones, & priuilegia quectiq,
p quae ego pofHni in hac part tucri, aut cautclas feu dolum malum facerc
in daranu &. piudic*pd'E. credit mci dc pmifTis. In cuius rci ccftim &c.
Or thus, hy two to two,
NOucrint vniuerfi per plentes nos W.M.de C. in comitatu L. Yco-
tran,5c T.R.de R.in comitani pdift* Taylor,tencri & firmirer ob-
ligari S.1.& OR.gcnerof.in xl.li.bonsc & Icgalis monetae Angliae. Sol-
uend' eifd' S.I. 6c C.R. feu corum alteri, vcl corum ccrtis Atiornat , exe-
cutor, vcladminiftratfuis. Ad quamquidcm folutionbene &fidelit fa-
cicnd',obligam'' nos,& vtrumquenfm p fc,^ toto& in folido^hcrcdcs,

uin ObligaXion, yohere two orcners ofa (hip are hound

to two t^ier chants,

NOuerint vniuerfi per pfentcs nos LB. &R.T. dc villa Hull' mari-
nariosacpoflcfforcsliueproprictaf cuiufd'nauis vocat |p;tnirofe
of I^UllfCtcncri &firmitobligari W.C.& I. C.McrcatoribusviUacC.
inxl.li.legalismonctxAnghjr, SoIucnd'cifd'W. C. I. C. feu corum &
alteri, vcl corum cert A ttorii, haered' feu executor fuis in feftoPafchx
proxim futuf poft datum prcfcntium. Ad q'lam quidem folutioii bene , , a^ conditio

cj -f A*
j> II-
vtruraque noltrum
Ie,jp toto
in p & mliakfemnb
folidojacnaucm pd' cum toto apparatu eiuldcmjhacrcd',exccutof,& ad- norefure than
miniftratofnoftros, ac omnia bonanoflra, tarn vltra marc quam citra, ^^'^^

vbicunquefuerintinuentap prcfcntes. In cuius rci 5cc.

Or thus, where three are hoMndto the ^t*eene^and others.

N Oucrint vniuerfi &c. nos A, B.C. Mercatof dc Vent?, tcncf

firmitcr obligari exccllentiffimsc Principi Ebzab. dei gratia An-
gli3e,Franciaf,& Hibcrniac Regnxfidei defcnfori &c.acT.B. H. &

Ccolleftoribus&cuftomarijsSubfid'ciufd'Dominac Rcginx inpomi

Colccftnacin vigimilibf flcrlingorum Solucnd' eildera Dominx Rc-

ginac& cuftomarijs,aut corum vni,vcl corurti ccrtis attornatis. Ad quam

quidem folutioncm bene &
fideliter faciendum obligamus nos 5c

^ijcmlibcc noftrumpcr fc, pro toto in &


Symb. ObllG.a:iiKi\s part.prlmac

Si adniiniftratorcs noflroj p prcfcntcs. In cuius rci tcftimoniuna 5cc.

Or thuSyby three to three*

^Oueiipit &c.nos 3cc. A.B. CD. & E. F. Militcs,tcncri &:c. G.H.

N' .l.K.&L.M.gcncrofisinxl.Ii.ftcrling*. Solucnd* cifdcroG. I.&
L.fcu alicui corum,aut fuo certo Atturh,vcl executor omni-
fui?, in fcfto

um fan^of, proximo funiro pod daf praefentium. Ad quam quidcm

tes.ln cui' rci tcftim huic p fcnti fcripf nf o figilla nf a appofaim'.Dat &c

Or thus, with dttj/es of pajment ani apenaltif.

NOuerint vniuerfi per pracfentcs nos A.B.C.D.&EF.&c.tcncri

& firmit&c. G. H. I.K. &L.M.in
C.li.lcgalis monetae An-
gliar.Solucnd'cifdcmG.I &L.in forma fubfcripta , viz. in fcftoan-
nunc' bcatx Marisc Viiginis nunc proxira fcqueii, quinq libras In fc- :

ftoPafchactuncproximfequch.quinq libras, in fcllo NatiuicatisS.I.

Baptift'tuncproxnhfiirufquinqlibraSj&ficdc fefto in fcflum, viz.in
quolibrtfeftofeftofillof quinq libras, quoufqdnfl* C. li. plenaricfic
pcrfoluantur : Ad quas quidcm rolutioncs,& quamlibet earum (vt prac

mitiitur) bcne^ fidcliter facicnd', obligamus nos & qucmlibet noHnim

&c. Ec fi comingat nos pracfat A.B. C.D. & E. F. dcficcrc in aliqua
folutionc folutioh picdi^' in parte vcl in toio,contf formam praed',cunc
volumus & conccdimus,nos tcncri & qucmlibet noQrum per fc, pro coto
& infolido per prarfcntcs lirmitcr obligari pracfatis G.I.& L. in praedicE
C. li. Soluend' cidcm G.autfuoceit Atturnato, executor aut aflignat
fuis. In cuius rci tcdimoniuro&c.

jOr thns^to a Bifhop,or others.

NOuerint vniuerH p pfentes nos Ric' I. dc I. de S.in comitatu Ebof

Taylor, R.I.de R. in eodcra comitatu Taylor, R. S.dc S. pracdiii'
husbandman,&R,EI.dcS.in comitatu pracdilo,tcneri &c.reucrcn-
diflimoinChriftopatri &domino,doraT. perrailTioncdiuinaEboruni
Archiepo Angl' primati & Metropolitano, & Magiftr W. I. in Icgibus
Baccalaureo Scaccaf diftiReucred'patris apud Ebof comiffario re- &
cept gcncf,& W.&
Llibcris N.I.dc R.in 3 oo.li.bonx legalis monet^ &
-Angr,Solucd' eif(J Rcucre^ patri,& Magift' W.I,conii{r.ac liberis f <f

Liber Recognifances. fccundus

aut cortJiTi cert attornaE,exccutof &adminiftraf fuis,in fefto Santi Mic.
Archan!cliproxiiTifururo port datum prcfcntium. Aclt]uam quidcm
pro toto & infoIido,h^red',cxccutof,& admimftracof nfos firmit per ^-
fcntcSjfigiir noftris figiUaf. Dat&c.
Sr^u0 muct) of i^bltgattoniS no( being of i^eco;t>,U)t)ertmto faccsD


^^K^ ^tingobligato;p,UnoU)lciigeDtinYollcDinfom
C'bligatton bp matter a ton* o^a ,.
of iSeco^o, is
^iy^l of k)is iPiitcft.courts of Ueco?^ before aiSaDge
o;ott)er officer, Ijcutiig autt)o}ttie totattettie
acbuoVDlcDgenient tberef. BnD is ettber a Viz*
cogiufancco; a statute, 3 n a Hecognifnncc,
l)e istf^ Uecognifo; U)t)Uti bnoU)let)gi;tb it,

anDl}eett]e Uecogniiceto Uiijomit idknolo^

leDgcO.^nt) a Ucfognifancc is a bono of Vaccojd teUifying the ISccog*
nifo: to oU)e bnto tlje Uccogn* fee a ccrtninc fuiiimr ot niotjf^), ano is
linoU.lcogcDinfomecourtofii\cc32D,o2 tcfojc feme Jutige o? otljer
offic8roffud)coutt,i)auing anthojitiefo tabc ti)efanie:ast^cSp
ttersoftbi Clianceric, tt)e Jufgcs of citl/ei XSr.ict), Ugat ens of tlie
CErct)equcr,5utt'ces of ^earc ic. 5nD t^ofet^atbemerettccogm*
fanccsarenotfealcDjbutacEinroUeD anDcrecutton bpfojrctljerc^
of,i0ofalUt;c )^tcognifo;s gtsos ano ct^attcls, crcept bis u:augbt
bta(ts,anD mipkmcnts of t)aibanD;te, ano t^e moitte of t)is lanos

A Recognifance in the Chancerie*

IOh.A.dc A.iri Comitatn SuHcx Armigcr, coram Domina Rc;ina in
Canccllaria (ua pcrfonilitcr condit, rccognoi)it
dcberc I. B.Ciui fc &
Groccf London,ccnturh& non3f^intalibrasbonc& Icgal'monctsc^ An-
gliae,Soluend'eid' IB autfuo cert attcina6, h3?red*,exccut, vcl <lfll^naE

fuiSjinfcfto Purification bcat^ Mari<j v'rgih jpox)rn fiituf port dat hui*
recognition. Et nifi ita feccrirtjVult & conccd' ^ fe,hacrcd',cxcc',& ad-
niininratfuisp pfent,<q|d'di^t'runccnt&nonagintlibrafJeuitur&re-
cupercmr dc mancrijs,rncriUrfgi)s,tcrrjs,tcmmtis,boms,cataliisA hacr?
I ditauicnf
Liter Recognifances.^ fccundus

ditatnent ipfius I.A.hacrecl',cxecutof,& afllgnaf fuof vbicunquc fucrinc

inucnC per prcfcntcs. Tcftc diOa Domina Rcgina apud Weft, vltiroo
dieD cceinbris.Anno Rcgni ciufdcm Domih noflf Eliz. Rcgin' xxxv).

A Recogmfance in the tyidmiraltie.

DTeMartisvij dicmcnfisM. AnnoDfii 1 580. Rcgniq ScrcnifTimx

dhac noftf Eliz.reg.&c Ann. viccfmio coram DL. Lcgum
tcrrio ;

doif^of tupreih Ciif Admiral' Angl'Iudicc, nee non vnoeCommida-

rijspropiratijs.dcpdatioh&c. inxdibiisfuis&c. in pfcntiamci Willi-
hclmi H.notari) publicidift'cuf Rc2,()oris, comparaucruntpcrfona-
lit WillihclmusA.de Cm comitaf SuiT. gencf,T.S.dcparochia.Sanft'
Mildredi in Pultria ciuit London Ircmongcr, Will' A. de T. in dift' co-
niit Sufl. gencfj&T.M.de A. in com Glamorgan gcncf, ac rccognouc-
runt fc dcbcf did* fercnifTiih dhat noflf Eliz. reg. 5cc. (umroam duccntaf

libraf : Soluend' cidem doni reg.aiitfuoccrtoattornut, hxicd'vcl fuc-

ccfloribus fuis prim die proxim futuf mcnfis Aprir,Quam lutn quilibct
cof rccognouit fc dcbcrc. Et nifi haec fcccf &c.

AJlnqte Recogmfance hefore lufticcs of the peace,

MEmorandum qd'fcptimo die Ian Anno rcgni domih noflf Eli.dci

gratia Angl', Franc ,& Hibern* rcg.fidci defe nforis &c.xnx vj. vc-
ncrunt coram nobis C.B.Mlif,&W.JVl. armigcf lufliciaf dict'dom*
rco-.adpaccm in com E.conferuand' affignat I.Sdc B.in com E.ycoman,
& W.S.dccodcm Wcaucr,ac R.D. dcSin com pd' Taylor, Etrccog-
libfj&pdift' I.Sdcccm libf boa &
legalis monct Angl'. Soluend'cide

doib rcgin in feftoPiirificaf beat Mariacvirginis proxim futuf port dat

fifcntium. Et nifi feccrint,concciTerunt &c.t//yi//T4.

v4 Recogmfancefer the peace ^aad to appcare at the next Sefsions,

Sel.I04i ^ JEmorandumquod4.dieIulij, Anno Rcgni domin' noflf Eliza-

jLVibcth. dci gratia &c.xxxvj.R. P. de I. in com E. yeoman in pr)pf
pcrlona fua , vcnit coram me G. M. vno luftioanof di^l'Dominac Re-
gins ad paccm in difto comita! conferuand' affignaf , 5c affuropfit

Liber Recognifances. fecundus

pro fcipfofub poena xx.li. Ec H.I.dcL incoifipraedi^'ycoman.EtL
EdeM.incoclemcomitatu husbandman, tunc & ibiminproprijspcr-
quilibeteorum fcpcratim fub poena centum folia, Quod idem R.P.f
fonalitercomparcbit coram luihciarijs diCV dominreg. acpacem, ad
proxiingencralera Seffioncmpacisincomitatupdift' apudM.ccncn-
dam,ad faciendum & recipiendum quod ci per Curiamtuncibidein-
iungetur.Ec quod ipfe interim paccmdil*dnacrcg cuftodiecergaipfa
dominam Rcgmam & cunftura populum fuum & pcipue verfus M.N.
del. pdiftaycloman.Et quod damnum, malum aliquodcorporale,auc
grauamcnpf.M.N autalicuidepopulo'diil' domrcg.qdinlcfionem
autpturbatpacis jpfiusdhxreg.ccdcrcvaleac quouilmodononfacict,
nee ticri procurabit, Quam quidem fummam viginti libraf pdii^'R.P.
&quilibctmanucaptoru pdi^orum pdiiflasfcpcralcs fummasccmum
foiid recognoucrunt fcdcberediA' dfiiercg.detcrri$&tcnemet,bonis
&catallis{uis, &quotumlibct&cuiuflibct eorum, adopusdiit'dnae
rg. hatred'& fuccellorum fuorum fieri &
Jeuari, ad quorumcunquc
manusdeuencrintficotigerit ipfii R.Ppmiir.vclcorualiqdinaliquo
infringcrc,& indc Icgicimomodoconuinci. In cuius reiceftiraonium,
ego pdirt'G.M. pracfentfigillummcumappofui.Datapudl.prxdj^'
die Sc Anno primo (upradi^is.

Or thm a little differing,

MEmorandum quod quarto die &c.A.B.deI.&c.&C.D.dccadc

ycoman,v:nerut coram mcG.M. &c.& manuccpcruntproLS'
nupdcL.&c.quodipfcpcrfonaljc comparebitcoramc pfacG. VI. vel
dom rcg.ad proximam gcneralcm Scflloncm
focijsmeislufticiaf pacis
&c. Et quod ipfc interim geret paccmerga cunfium populnmdiftae
dhac Rcgin?,& precipue crga R. S.&c. viz. quilibet manucapt pd fub
poena xx.libf , Etpr^didl* I.S.afTumpfit pro fcipfofub .poena xLlibf.
Quam quidem furama xl. libf pracdift' I.S & quilibet manucoptorura
f dift'didam fummam xx.libf,rccognouerunt6cc. vtjupru.

Reco^nifattcefor the good Abearing,

MEmorandum quod /. die mcnfis lulij Anno rcgni Elizab, &c.

xxxvj. venef coram nobis E.N &W.S. &c.quod idem R.G.
coram lufticiaf di^3c dominae Reginae ad
pcrfonaliter comparcbic
paccoi&c, ad proximam gencralcm SefTioncin&c.Ecqdipfe interim
I 2 Cc
Symb, Rccognifances. part.pricnx
febene gcrat cr^a ditam domiiiam R eginam, & cunftum populum fu-
um,& prccipue crga I.B.dc C.&c. Et tiuod ipfc non mfcrccncc inferri
procurabit,pcrfe,ncc per alios, damnum ali^uod feu grauamen prxfa6
I.B. feualicuidepopuloipfius dorain Reginacdc corporibusluisper
infidias,inrultus,feii aliquo alio modo, quod in lefionem feu pturbatio-
nem pads diil^'dnarRegiii cedcre valeat qiionifmodo
: viz vterquc
did' H.C.&l.S.fub poena C.li. He pracdiOus R.G. (ub poena CC.
libf.Quas quidcmfcpcralcsfumraas centum hbrarum.vrcrqucpdifto-
luH C.&l.S. (vtpraedicitur)pfcacpdft' R.G.diftasCC.h. recocr-
uoucruntfe deberc diftx dhxRcgih, dcccrnsSc tencmcntis, bonis &
cacjliisiuis, &quorumlibet & cuiufl bcc corum, adopusipfius dirtx
dhx Rcgifijtieri & Icuari, ft contingac pFat R.G.inaliquo praemillotu
dcficcre,6c in iclc^itiniomodo conuinci &c. In cuius rei &c

j4 Recogntfance togine in enUence againfi one that

Emorand' quod xx. die No. Anno regni diiac noftrc Elizabcthat

LOei oxn Angr,Franci,Sc Hiber' Reg.fidei dcfcnfor (3(c.xxxvj.

R.T.nuper deC.in com pdi^' yeoman, venit coram me W.M armig'
vno luftic' domih rcg ad pacem in com p<t conferuand' affrgnaf,
Etrecognouit fe deberc dil' domih rcg.quinquc libf Jcgalisn.-oncf
AngrSubconditione,qdipfe pfonalitcr coniparcbit cora nic6cfocijs
meis luftic' pd,ac proxima gencraiem gaolera n comitatu pd rencnd':
Et ad tunc& ibidemoftcnd' in cuidenc',(ccundu formani ftaruti, verfus
D.E.in com fKJ,qui modo attach. Scfufpc.t' Feloniac gao)^ dictxdhac
Kegin com pdid' coraraiilus exiftic.quod tunc&c.alioquin 6cc.

A Recogntfancejor kf^ping ofa TAuerne.

Eraorandum quod 4. die Fcbruaf Anno rcg. domin noftf Eliza-
^bcthac Dei gratia Anglix,Pranci.T,&HibcThrcgin?fidei dcfcn-
fons&c.xxxvj. vcnerunt coram nobis CB
&H. W.Milit, lufticia?
dift* dominac tcginac ad paccm diftx doming rcgin^ in Comitaf Ebof
conferuand',Nccnon alia malcfa<^aac diuerfas tranfgref pcrpctraf au-
dicnd aflignatis, A. B.dT. in comitatu prxdid' L. &
& cerminand
R.A. in comitatu prsediCt' H.& W.T.de cademineodem comitatu
Weaucr. Etmanuccpff(videlicet)quilibetmanncapt pr^ditVfub poe-
na quinquagint folid'. Etpracdi^t'W. T. aflumpfitprofefub poena
quinqucl bf, quod ipfe W.T.bcnc gerat Tabcmam ftcundum for-
mafD (tacuci.Quas quidem fcpcraics fummas quilibcc coram cognouit
Liber Rccognifanccs. fccundiis
fcdcbcrc di^l'dom Rcgin, Atqucvolunt& conccdunt dc terris&te-
ncracncisjbonis &catallisruis&:cuiufli bet eorum fieri &; luari,(ipr2d'

e^ Recognifancefor Alehgufes,

MEmorandum quod 7-dicSep.^c.AnnoRcg.&c.I.L.Bakcr,6c I.

G.loincr de &c.in coiuitatu prxdi^t', vcncruiu coram nobis W.
K.oc A.Biirraig', duobus lufticiaf dorh rcg &
manuccpcrunt pro R.D.
de Sccquilibeimanucapt pdid' J.K.& l.Jj.fub poena decern Jibf,&idc
R.D.manuccpic pro fcipfo fub poena viginf libf ,qiiod vbi praedict R.D
per pdiift'lufticiar nunc adniiflus clt ad cuQodicnd cominuh dosnum
Seruiti? fiueTipland', fecunduro formam ftatuii in anno y.& d.doiiiini
regisEdwardi (cxtiedit/i praedift'R.D. dcinceps non cuftod* nccfrc-
in dome fua aliquos vacabundos, fine ociofas aut fufpcdtas perfonas, nee
cuftodit aliquam malam requiem in donio [ua,durantc termino quo ipfc
occupaucrit conrjmuncm dcmum Scrujc' fiue Tipland' Et fi dctcl'fiac :

inaliquo fiue ahquibus pmiff. tarn mamicaptpra:div^*,quam R.D.cog-i

nouerc fumiHas pracd leiiand dc bonis &
catallii,tcrriSj& tenemcnti8,ad
opus & vfutn di^' dhae regih 6cc.


Emorandum quod x.dicIan.&c.A.&c.vcnerunt coram nobis W.


_ _lK.&A.B.armig'duobusIunic',& A.B & E R&c.&manuc'pro

I.H.viz.quilibct manucapf Tub poena Vj.li.& praf d' I.H.per feipfumaf-
furoplit Tub poena x.li. quas Sccfi 6cc.

Jl Recognifance before a lufiice oj the common Flees,

MEmorandum quod viij.dic Martij,Ann. regni Elizab. &c. xxxvj.

A.B. de C.m comitatu D.Miles venit coram me R H. vno lufti- .

ciariorum dift' dom reg. de banco in propria perfona fua,Ec rccognouic

fc dcbere E.F. armig fexcenf libras legalis monetar A.ngl' Soluend' cide
E.executof vel aflignaiisfuiSjinfcftoNatiuitatis fan<f^i loh.Bap.proxira
futuf.Etnififcccf,conccdi6,profe& hxred* {uis,qiiod p<f fexccnCIibf d*
tcrf &
catair fuis ad opus &
vfuro pd E. &
executorum iuorum Icuemur,
ad quorumcunqucmanus dcuenerinc&c.
/3 ^
Symb. Statutes Merchant. part.primx

A Recogmfancchefore the Barons ofthe Efchet^Her,

MEmorandumquodl M.gcn,noroinat'Balliuus & coUeftorrcd-
dit & rcucnc* mancri) de B.in comitat E. nupcr parcel!' poflcflioh
nupcr Monafterij dcP.in Coinicatu pra d'C.I.dcSincomitpr^d' gen,
&: F.S.dc C.in codcm comitat gch.vencrunt coram Baron dc Scacc' do-
minie reoinsc nunc apud Wcllmonaft. dccuno nono die M. Ann. rgni
didt' doroifi rcgin^c nunc viccfimo nono in propri}? pcrfonis furs. Et rc-
cof^nouerunt (e coniun^im ik diiiifim dcbcf cid' doni reg.&c. Solucnd'
ciddoihrco^.infefto&c.proxiihfutuf. Etnififccerint.conccdut&qui-
libcc coriim conccdit^fc hxrcd &
cxccuc (uis, qd' Baroncs huius Scac-
cafdcccrri5,&teiKmcntisfuisdcquib'ipfiauteofaliquis, autaliquii a-
Ijus/iuealiquialijadcofduecof alicuius vfiini adprxfcns fcifit cxiftit
aut fciftt cxiftunt,ac dc bonis &catallis fuis :*d quorumcunquc man' dc-

ucnerint di^los dcnarios fieri facianc ad vrum dominae rcginx Icuari.

Statutes,and Statutes Merchants

/'^'^^^ ^"^K~s^ is a bonfiflfl(^cco}Dfcalt&,tcQif|?in0

^(^Y^^^\)^y tt)cDcbto; to otoe bnto \\z CrcDitoj a rcp

tnincCumme of moiu^^. 0no tije fame bono
10 UnolulcDgeD befo;e fuel) pccfon0 , anb tn

fuel)tnauncc ad is appointDbp Statutes in^

bcbaUe made, ^nd t^crero;c bccnefncb

bonb0 termed Statutes : ano ttjep be of ttoo

fo;t0,tt}at 15 to fay, statutes ^crcbant , ano

^tatatc0 staple. j3 statute ^*er(l)ant is a bono Imotuleogeo be

foje one of t^e Clerks of tbc ^tatutea S^ercbant ano ^apo; o; cbicfe
^arben of t^c <:i:ittcof lioncon, o)tluo ^ercbant^oftbefato Ct'
tiefD?t^atpm*pofeaaigneD,o;btfo?rt^eCpavoj, cbtefe 5ilaroen 0;
^aftccofotbec Cities a; ga)DSLotone5, 0; otbcr fufiiicient menfo;
tbfitpurpofcappointeb* anbfealebtDttbtbe feale oftljeOebte;,anD
oftbe ^ing, tubicb i0oftU)o pieces, tbe greater i5 bept bp t^efaio
^aio^, cl}iefc ^arben ic. ano tfje Icffei: piecs tliercof bp tbe faio
Clcrbes. 2:befccfo;tbefaib^ealeisfo) Statutes knolulebgeo in
iFaiL'e6>8f cutrtepounoonebaUepenie, ano out of i^apjes of cuerie
pounD ose farthing. 2Ct)e ewcution bpon fetatutcs^^crcbant 15
firfttotaket|iebscicoftt)e^ebto3^ift)csbelap, &nb can bee founo.
Liber Statutes Merchants. fecundus
if ot^crtDtfM t)en Dpon ^is Un ts 1 0000, 1 3 .. r. cnp^ 0nD i( i0 tnaDe

yt/ Statute AicrchdKt.

NOucrincvniuerfi&c nos A.B &C.D. tcnefj^cppfcmfcriptuclc Scft.Io6.

ftatiicMercafof tirmif oblig. W. P. in quinquagin! libf ftcilin-
gof.Soluend cid W. P.aut fuo certo Atturnat hoc Icripl oftcnd, execu-
tor vl adminidrac fuis, in i^\o P. prox. /utuf pofl: daiu pfeniiu. Ec nifi
ftccf voltimus
, &
p p(ent conccdim', quod currat fup nos vtruniquc &
ftaiuc dom Regis apud Afton Burncl ct Wdh
pro Mcrchandifis xdi-
10 tempore domini d. quondam Regis Anglisc,progcnitoris dominx
Rcginx nunc cxiQch In cuius rci teltimoniu huic pfcnf fcript ineo fi-
giir nieii vi^i cum figill' did* dcmnoflfrcg. dc Rccogn debit viilac dc
K.fup Huir^d ^kv\l appenf. D^t cora R.I. Maiorevillar dtK.luper
HuU'pd.&l.L.cleric'adhmodi rccogh dcbitpro Merchant in cade
cmpcrecupcrandordinatct prouif.accipiend deputat jo.dielan. An.
rcg.diA*domih Rcginac xxxvj.

Or thtu.

Coram A.C.dc K.t'^ /coram Cuftod* figill* dom rcg. nunc dc Mer-
catorib*inNundinisdeK.6c C.D.clcricoeiufddomreg. ad huiufmo-
ili rccogh &c.

Another Statute Merchant,

N Ouerint vni'ucrfi p pfcnt me I. W.de &c. tencf

de Statu! Mercatoffirmi? obligaf W.C.
p pff n$ fcriptvim
Angl*. Soluendcid W. autfuoccrto Atturnst, liacrcd vel txeciuof fuis
ID fefto P.prox.futuf po(l datu pfeniiu. Et nifi fcccro, volo et p pfentes
concedo qd currant Tup me,ha:red ct executor mcos.diftriftiofi &
na prouif. in ftat dom reg. apud Ado Burncl et Weft pro.McrcaC^dif,
Etfada fuithxc rccognie' coram I.F.& W.C.tunc Bali'viirG. pd,
cuftod raaiof pecix figill* did' Statut, & m
T.R cicrico dc reg.cultcd

ininofpecixfigiil'ciufdftatufadrecoghdebitof McrcatofapudG.p-
giir did* Statu{ ^pponi procuraui. Dat G.dic &c.anno ^c.

/4 vi
Syrab. Statutes Merchant. parr.primse
A Stat ute knowledged before Bayltfes,

NOuerint vniucrfi f)
pfentcs nos H.L. de B. in comicat S.gcfi, I. P.
dcM.incomR.gchJ.PdeNouaviirincoin&c.aimig I.Ap.E.
W.in com S pdift'gefijLD. dc I. pdidl' in codcm com S.gch, O.Ap.
MdcW.pdia'incoihS pdia*gcii,M,Ap.I. dc W. pdja'jncomS.
pdift*,yeoman, tcncrj & lirmitcr obligari H.T.& R. r.armig'in&c.
Saluend eifdcm HA R.autorum vntjcueorumccrto Artiirnaf,cxe-
cutof,fcu afTignat rui$,in fcfto P. proxim fucuf port datum pfcntium. Et

Jfi volumus & concedim' qd currant (up nos,dc qucmlibec
nofti um,&hxrcdc!snfos,diftria'<Sc poena prouif.inftatut pro Mcrca-
cof apud Arton BiiTncl,& W.tcmporcdni Edw. quondam Reg.Angl'
ardit rccupcijnd.Ec h(\.ii hiir hacc rccognitio coram R.M.& I. H. balli-
uis dnx reginx viHit fuac de L cuHod raaioris pecisc figiH' l^ttiti Mer-
caf quod dorn debit Mcrcat ipud L. pdilt'dcputcf, ac cuftodminoris
pccixfi'MirciulcJftatut. Iiicuiu>rci tclltmoniumhujcplcntfcriptnfo
fi'^iir nfa apporuiiii',ct pro maiore fccuntate figillum Sfati|t Mtrcatof

quod U\% apponi procurauim'.Daf xx.die 6cc.

villae In An, regni dia*
domih rcg &C.XXXVJ.

A Statute Merchant knowledgeibefore Bayhfes.

NOuerint vniucrfi per pfcnccs me W.C. dc Sin coin S.ycoman,tc-^
neri^cfirmitobligafl.B.dc S pd Mcrcacof StapurCalic'in&c,
Solucnd cid I.aut fuo certo atturnac hacrcd', vel cxcutof Tuis, m fcfto B.

proxim Futof poft datii pfenc'. Et nifi kccro,volo qd currant fupcr mc,
hxred& executor mcos,pocna 6c diftriaiohprouif.in ftatufdhiRcg.
E.apud Afton Burncl pro Mcrcatof ardif,6c poftmod apud VVeft.rcci-
tat.In cui** rei tcftimoh tarn figillum pd dhi rcg. pro hmod cauC ordi-
nal qui figilluramcumpfentrunt appcnf.DatapudS. dccimodie&c.

A Certificat of a Stattite.
VEncrabili&honorabiliviroN.B.Milif, domino cuftodmagnifi-
^illi illuftrifllmJE dominie nnrtf regi/iac Angliac, Ad vfam dcnomi-

nac'mandat parat O.H.6c E.P.Balliui diOac domm^noilfrcg.viir

fuacS'Sc A. M clericusadrccogh debitor in cademaccipiend dcpu-
tat, rcucrentiaiD 6c honorcm denominac vcilrx Sjgnificamus quod

dccimo die &c. An. regni Regis Hen, yj j. pofl conqucftum AngP 6cc.
W.C.de villa dc S. in com. S.gfii,vcniccoraN.W 6c H.W. tuncBalii-
uisvillxS.&cognouitfedcberelB. dc S.Mercaf ftap\ijac Calic'&c.
quasidem W.C.Ojluercdcbuicin fc[ioP.prox.futuf,6ccasqd W.cidc
l.nondum foluit vtdicit,& quiapf.W.folutionfux terrain c^uod I.non
Liber Statutes Staple. fecundus
obftruauicdenominac vf am honorabilem humilitcr deprsecamur
tcnus prsefat W.ad difti debici fui foluc pr^f. I facicnduiD,iuxca forma
ftatuti pd compcUcre, vcllcrctdominac* veftra.

Statutes Staple.

either properly Co called,or A Sta-

Statute Staple is improperly :
g^^ * , qj^
tucc Sraple properly fo cal led, is a bond of Record knowled<'cd
before the Maior of the Staple, in the prefencc of one of the two
Conftables of the fame ftaple, for which fealc thefccisoftucry
pound,if the lummeeKceed not i co.li one half penny. And if it exceed
too.hofeuerypbundonefarthingsandby vrrtueoffuchatlaiiitftaple,
the Creditor may forthwith after certificat thereof into the Chanccrie
hauc cxccucion of the bodie,lands,and good $ of the Debtor, 1 7 .E. 2 .ca.
9. And the Statute ftaple properly fo called, is made as tblloweth.

A Statute Staple foK ^f ^''

NOucrinc Yniucrfi per pfentes me I.ffi.t!3L. in Corh SufTex armio' Sed.108*
tcneriSc firmiterobligaril A.m&c. SolucndeidemLA.autfuo
certo Attu. ii hoc fcript oflcnct, h^red' vcl executor
fn is in fclb Purifi-

caf beat Mar virginis

proxira future poft daf pfcntium. Et fi defccefio
folutione debit pd.voloetconcedo quod tunc curratfupme h.Tred^t
cxfcutofraeos poena in ftatuto flapul'de dcbitis pro nicrchandifisin
eadcmpiis rccupjnd.ordinacet prouif. Datxj.dieFeb. an. rc<y.dnx
nfx Eliz.dei gratia See.
j^otetljat'ifanp statute ^ercfiant,o: of t})c&taple, iutffilttzi..;.

fl^onct^ attec tljc UnoUJleDging ti)crof,be not b;oii3l)t to tl)e Clacfe

of Uecosnifancc8,tafecn acco;Dingto tl)c Statute of 2?.H.8.cap.-$.
02 t)i55DEputie,anDtl)c true copic thereof tl)crceutrcD in tf)eboolje of
t^c faiD offitc,lyitt}i" ^J' ^onetljes after tbc faiD UnoujlcDging tf)cr^
of,tt)cni5t^c fame tbercbptjoio again ft purctjafcrg of lanosU?l)lcl)
oti)ecbDtfc(lboulobetbcreuntolyable.7 7.Elizcap.4,

ofa hondyVKpropcrly called .^ Statute Staple.

A Statute Staple improper, is a bond of Record founded vpon the a

(tatutcofi^.H.S.cap. 6. of the nature ofa proper Statute Stapli^
as touchnig the force and execution thereof, and knowledged before

oncofthechiefeluflices, and in their abfcfnce before the Maiofbf the .

Staple^andthe Recorder of London, inihis maner.


Symb. Conditions. part.priflSae

Noucrint vnitif tfi p pfcnc nos A.B.& C.D. aim tencf 5c firmi!obli-
gari l.S.in C.li.ftcrling. Solucn*! eld luiut fuo cert attorn hoc fcript o-
Send,hqrc^ vcl executor fuis in fcfto Paf. prox. fiituf poft dat pfeiitiu,
Et fi dctcccria)'(if ttoo o; mojc be bounD) o; fi dcfcccro (if one onlp)in
& conccdOjZ/r/voIiHims ct conccdini'qd eur-
folutione dcbiti pct,volo
ratfupcrmc, hcrcd 5c cxcciuof mcoszr/ fnpcr nos & vcrunqucvcl
qucmlibct noOrum hxrcd & cxccutorcs noftos poena m (latuco llapul'
dcdebin'spro nicrchandifis in eadcni cinptis rccupcrnn^ ordinaf&:
prouif Datum &c.

Conditions of Obligations and


HIthcrtohaucwc ifhcwcd the feucrall formes of Obli^ationSjRe-

cognifanccs.and Statutes: And now forfomuchastncrcbefun-
drjc Conditions & DcfcaCinccs made to defeat the fame , It fce-

mcchmecte in this place cofhcvv the fcrmcsof fomanyofthem

asfecmc neccdaric for our inflru<^:on in the making the rof, Jcauingthc
which be almoft infinite,to be made as occasion Hial be offered.
0CflnDitioii,Conditio^0t!)erfo;c generally arule,maner,o;laiii,
anncrtr) bnto mens acts, llaping and fufpcnoing f|ie fame, i mabinj
it bncertaiiu lD{)ctl)er tbcp ftal be o; no.f o; n CbnoUion in p;operlp
faiD to be,U)t)en anp tt)tng is refcrreo to anp incertaine cbance,lD^tc^
map t)appen,o} not t}appcn. llout tuc omitting curiouflp to fearct) oat
tbc Diuecs figniftcations anD manifolo DiuiQons (I)ercof,tjDill in tbi0
place onlp touct) Tome fiub ConDitions a^ luap concerne ^bligatids
ant) l&ccognifances. ^
Condition of an Dbligation o; ttecognifance
is fact) an agreement of bott) ttic parties to tbe Came , as Sapetl? anD
Delapetb tt)e effect t^ereof,\)ntill tt)e condition I}appen to be fntfiUeD:

andtsDf funD;pfo;mes. S5ut firdlDeUiill tjandle fucb a0 concerne

patmentof ^onep, o;t)eUuerpofga)d0o)ott;ertbtngs*

%ACondition to pay afumme of LMonej At a

<;ertAine day.

iU%t tuitbin bofio

T%t condition of tl)is )bligation i< fact) tijat

0.SB*ii0l^eire0,crecato30,o; adminiltrato}0,o; an?of tbem doe

toell ano trudp pap,o; caufe to be paio t)nto tiie toit^in natneo C|i>*
Liber Conditions. fecundus
o; \ds cettme Moimv^maxtois oj aDminiif rafoj5,o; feme of them
i;.fonatofuU englitb nioncp tpont^e firft Dapof )ctobcr
fuing t^e Date l)cof,at,o) in tljc &outt) pojcl) of t^c parilft Cl)urcb of
antl)eraioConmieof^*ffi:tiatt^entl)wp;cfent )bligatwn to be
ttterip t)ot0 wiD of none iffett,oa elfc to ttano, reinaine, ano be of
fo;ce,ff cengtb) poiuer ant) tertnr.
Note that fuch Conditions a$ be fiibfcribcd or written vnder the ob-
ligations vpon the (arac fide cf the parchment or paper th Jt the obh^^a-
tion is written vpon,are commonly called conditions, bur fuch as bcm-
dorfcd.or written on the other fide thereof.aie called indorfcments and :

then is the fame made in this fore.

'!^c Condition of tbc toitbtn l;itten obligation is fur b.tbat if t!)e

toit^in bonno 3.5l3.fc,to t iuit^in namcD C.Df c.as next abouc.

^ Condition of4 Recogttifancefor the payment of

monej at two dayes.

T!5e<CenDitionoff!}i Ueccgnifance i fucb, n:()atif tijeaboue Soa.uz.

bonno I^.CD. l)ifi l^eireo, crcf u(c;s*, aDminittrafojB o? affigncs,
0; anp of tbem,00 toell ano trulp pa^ o; caufc to be paico to tl}c aboue
named H.C.l)i^fi:ccuto;s 03 aaiBnc0, o;anpoft!jem,at,ojUjitr)in
tbe meroage oj manfion boufccommonlp^callcD /^. tbe place lBl}crcin
ip.0.toiDOoto noto otoeUetb/cUuate t being in p. ^artine Ic grand
toitbin tbc Citp of ii onDon,tbc f umm t of r t. of laUjfall Cnglilb mo*
ne^jln manct ano fojmc folloU)ing: s: ^at 10 to fap,on tljc r.Dap oiS).
tl)c Date aboue to^itten, at tfjc place
i!r>:tcomniing after afojefaio,
betUiane tbe bourf 3 of cigbt of tbc cloche in tbe fo;ena5nc of tljc fame
Uap,anDfiQeoflbe cloche in tbe aftcrnooneof tt}cfameDap,bfi.of
latDfuUengUQ)monep,anDin tbetentbDap of i'cbjuarie tljcnnert
foUotoing,at tbc place afo;cfaio,anD bettocene tljc Ijcurr g afojcfaio 0^
tbcrb.f.Ebattljen tbisl^eco^nifancetobee tooioano ofnonecffetf,
iano if effloltbemaDein paiment cf tl?c (amcr. f . 0; anppart tberof,
contrary to tbe o;Der auD fojmc afojcfsiOjC^en i\i\% pjefent tlecogni*
(ance to Sano^remainjccntinue ano be in fal fo;ce, Srengtb f tiector*

A Condition to ^aj money and deliner vh>oII.

Conoition boano )^.&.|^t0 f c.ooe tuell Sea.

f c.SDb&t if tt)e Inif bin
trnlH content % pap^o^canfe f c.tmtc i\)% ]9it j^in nameD i^tC*
1 1 j

Synib. Conditiois. parc.primac

atic.tIjcfummeofj:.f.of5tDD jcatttefeaftof (?c. and alfo Doctoell

nnt) triiel^ Dcliucr o% canle to bcc celiuereo tjnto t^e faiD 1^. $c. at ctje
Vlrcc afc;e(aiD, on tW ttoe tl)c faiD feaS of f c. o} iDtt^in fonre oaief

nm enfuing aftcc tbe faiu ftad nl.ttone of g0JD,merc^atablc, anDper*

ffiflcccc U;ocn ,\u:itout tarce ca locUfi,bcin0j VutU, ckanc, anD foffi

ttentl^ UjaHicD anD pcrfcrtli? D;iet3,2:!jatt^cn f r.

u4 Condition/or thcfarme ofKine,and deliuerie of

them or monej.
Sea IT '^'
1 tofarmetotljc bounDC.X5.t^2eemiUl)fetn fo^tefme

of fenen pcares ucrt cnfuing after tt)c fcaft of t c. if tbe faiD C. ^* ^i5
l3Eires,emutojso;uDnniCrato;s,D0tocU truli? content anOpap,o)
caufe to be conteteo $ pato tnto tt)e faiD ^, C* bt0 erccnto^s o; aHisns
):s.bi^.t!of sooo CEnglill} nionej? parlp,anD cucng pearc During tt)e
faiD terme,fcj tl)e farme of tlje faio it|.milc|) liine.ana alfo m t^e eno
of lI)C fniD tcrmcDo Deltuer o; pap^o; caufe to be Dcliucreo o; paio ba^
to t^e faiD :a.C.t}ts crecuto:3 02 affignes, tt;;ee gcoo % able niUctj bine,
0; elfe t^e fumme of tc.fo; ano in conQDeratton of tbe faiD tt);eenuU^
laine fo DcmircD , at tl}e tlcuion of tl)e faiD ^. C. bi0 ejcecuto;^ o) aC^

A Condition to ddtuer Sheefe or money, and thefamte.

TT^^^I^ottC^^^o'^ of tbts^Dbligationi fuel), tbat lustre tbctoit^in

Sea iir.
1 nameD^1[I2i:{.l;atb lLlten(efarme,anDDeliuereDint8tbe^an))0
anDpofTedionoftfjc \3:i{\:i\x{ bounD(Il;.).rl*gooDanDfouno CUt0,
tot)aue,f)olD,anDtotaUe tt}e lubole commoDities anD profits of Vs^t

(aiD^l.Ctue0;from tl)e feaft of ic.laflpaa before tbe Date hereof, fo;

ano During tt)e tot}clc time anD tcnne of fiue peares from tbencc t^en
nen folloiuiKg, anD fuli y to bee enDeD,if tt)e faiD Uis |ietr(0, mt\x* C
tO20,aDininiltrato;0:,o; aHigncs, do content 1 pap, 0; caafe to be con
tenteD ano paiD tnto tbe faiD 'iLA)\Q erecuto;^ 0; aHigntd 3 o0. of %u
at tbe feaC^ of ic.nert cotiiming, ano f fo;tt) pcatlp, anD euerie peace,

fame feafti c. 30.0. fo; tl)e pearlp farme of tbe faiD Sjecp Daring
at tbe
tbelctoletermeof t^efaiD 5. peares : And alfo at tbefamefealtof
fC.attbecnDof tbefaiD ^.pearedjlrU^b f^allbee in t^e pearc of one
ll*<DoD1 594*Do Deliuero; caufe to beDelturrcD tintot^e fame SC*o;

to t)i0 certaine :attornep,c]Eecnto20,o; ailignesjicL fufficient ano goo

CUje0>tDt)oU ano (onno, 0; elfe in recompence of ti^e afo^efaiDs
Liber Con*f^0fi5. fccundus
ttmn ano taken at ttjc eUrtion ano free t^oife of tl)e fa pd SU.bw bm#
fttto;5 o^affigneSjC^attiienif.

yf condition topajf l^ionej^or knowledee a

Statute Staple.
Tl^ccenDittonif* 2Et)atif tl)e teittjinboutiDcn
M.a,l)tscmu^ Sc^.n^.
to?s 03 alTtgncs on t|)ij8 fioe tlje fcatt of fe>, toitljin i;itten,ooe
toe ano trnclp content ano pap, 02 c aafe to be paieD tjnto tOe
nameD K.&. W
crecuto?0 0; affjgncc C.f i.cf ic. at one
Ujljole ano
intire payment : iDj els if the fp.p Ml. a. on tl)i8 aoc t^e fapt fcaft
^IftallbpaccrtaincSDblisation 0; Uecognifanrcoftljenatureofa
ftatntcoftbe fetaple,ojDaincii t pjauiueD fojtbeve.oucrieof Debts,
fnffiCientlprccognife'anD bnolnleDgc before tbe cl)iefc JuQice of
fliocenes Court of tbepUe of t;erroU)nc to bcho:Dcn,D3befoj$
|cr bigbt^eiTc cbiefe 3!uftice of ber Court of Common pices at MeS
minftcr in tbe Countie of :^iDD bimfclfc to otuc bnto tlje faya JS.bis
Metres, erecutojfl, oj affigncs, one banD;ctb pounos of jr. to be paioe
Dnto tbc (aio iR. 0: liis certaine attarnc)|?,bi8 ei;ccuto;s, oj allignes,
at tbe featt of tbanunnciation of tbe blelfeo tirgm sparictobici) (bal
be in tbe peace of our JLojd od i
59 3 S:i)at tbcn t c.

Jl condition to ^ay iMoney by a day, or els toyccld

to an arrcfl.

Tt^eeonbttion f cl^bat if one 3.iKI.of U.n^all on i\)t fcaff Da? of Scft.i 17.
I c tobict) ftjall be m tbe peere of *c. toell auD truclj? content ano
pav,o?caufe to be contenteD ano papcD to tbe toitbin nameo (^*Aiid
erecut02So;afftgnrfiiii|.fi,of |c.acco?Dingto tbctcnojof aceitaine
tuniing obligato::e,becringDatC3c. loljcrcin tbe lame BB.ftanoetb
bounDtotbcfaiDC.C.^^j elstf tbcfaioj.iXI.QjaUontbcfaio featt
Dap of ic,tn proper perfoncouiei repairetinto tbe CHiilDballoftbe
Citic of ii.aiiD tbere (Ijall remaine f com r of tbe cloche %u bntiU x\\*
of tbt cloche at nmne of tbe af ojcfaio featt Dap, reaDp to pcelD bim(elf
to be artefteD,to anfiuere unto fucb
aaion ano actions as Qjal becom*
iaenceDagainftbV'"at tbcfuitof tbefaiDG;.bpontbeafo;eraiD toai*
ting obligatoiic, SEbat tben tc
Acondittm to piy UKonejfor a Chain e ofgold upo/t
defcent of lands to his vntfe,

Tt^eConbitionjr, Cbattobere tbe toitbin nameD 3!Cbstbgi' Sca.ii8.

uentotbc toitbin boimo 'X,^. oncCbaineof solC:,iftbe faiD
Symb. Conditions^ part.primse
X*'^)M* crecufojgojatiminiffrafojSjtn conODcration f rrconij^cncc
of tl)e faiD Ct)aine, luutnn one moneil) ncrt after anp of tt)c lanos, te?
nement0 , o? l)creDitainentfl , iDfjicfj late toerc ttje inheritance of one
mi.C.ft)al tn t Hfe of tlje faio V:.}^ .remainc,eirceno,reuert,o;
to janoti)toifeof fl)e faioS.lP.bp cig^tof tntjEritaiucoj ae l)tkz to
tl}e fatD WiUH* ooepap,oj caufe to he paiD to tl;c faio J.C.t^c fumme
4)f):Uf.of gooD u*^W tl)cn ic
vf condition to fay after eui^ion.

T Recondition tc. STljatUj^erctf^eaboae bounD J^a.ljatb lafelp
b.irgaincD, granteo, anD folD tjnto
ti)c abouc nameo IvC. ane to
tjiBtjCiiesfoj eucr,i.lltt)atnjefuagcanDagaroctn
thereunto abiop^
ning, ano another gacDein late r.ano a field calico tbc I9all
ano a nicDOohJ, a croft calico CO?, ano otber IjereDitamcntfi
in %.
aboue namco,fo; lt)e fumnjc of ir. of lalufoU monep f c. ae m
a paire
of^nDcnture0tf)ereof maoebetVDeenctl)eraiD parties, bearing
Date bereof, plainly appcatetb, 3f tl}erfo?c ttje faio
tenements, ano ott^er ilje p;cauQ0, o; ang parcell tbertcf,
be at an
time o; tiuicg t)treafter,latof ullp cuiiteo, ocuefteo, oj iaht
aioap fc5
tbcpoffcmon of tl)e faio U.l;i3btirc5, crmito;0,o3 flfrigne0,tDitbout
anp couin,oeceit,o; frauO,ano after notice of fucb faio euiction o; ta*
bmg atoap tbereof inaOe to tlje faio ^ bi0 beirc0, cmntcj0,o) aomi^
Hiftratois , at tbe panaj cl)urclj of 15. afojcfaio , bp tbe faio
la. bi0
l)eir0,ei:ecuto?0,aonuiuaratoj0, o; aff (gnc0 : SUben if
tbe faio J.bi
l)eire0,crccuto;0,o; aDminiiirato^0,ti)itl)ui one
quarter of a pere nert
after fucb notice giuen, ooe U)eU ano triieip content
f pap, o; caufe to
be contentecano paiobnlo tbefaio
fignc0,attl)ei^ontftoneintbcCatbeo?all Cburcbof
3lonoon,tbe lumme of c.of latofal moncp jco? a0
mucb of tbe c c a0
tbe part o; parcell of tbe faio mcfuage.lanO0, tenement0,o;
!iient0,as ato;efaio, fo latofullpeuKtco ojtafee atoap,
aftertbcrateof tbefojefaiobaigaineD;purcbafe,Si:batt^cnic.

^ Condition topdj money after returnefrom R &c. .

Ua 120 X^^""^^^^""*^*

in nameo m.. bt0 ej;ccuto20 oj aCfigne*,
o; to anp of tbem,tbe fum
Of icof laUifuUfc.at oneemier papment,

Liber Conditions. fecundus

from U in {^c parts of Jtalpinto
afecrtlje returns of i})e faiD Sim.
englanDjano true notice tijcrwf giucn bp tlje faio m**to tije famfi

yf Condition to pay money at his returnefrom

ConDition of tbt obligation is fiicb, tljat toberas tbc Iwitbin
Tl^c Sc^ a li
nameo jD.^.iB not mtwoeo to traucU perfonallp to tbc Cittc o?
2CotDneof3.intbcpjomncec3countrep foinctime calico 3.0? to tbe
place iuberc i\it faio Citic 0; STotDii fomtimc luas fcitaate ano ftooo
ift^erefoje tbc toitbin boim^a.315, bis beiicg, frcfuto;ig, acmini*
ttrato2S, 0; affigncB, o; anp of tbcm, fijall lueU ano tcuclp contcnt,fa*
tiffic oj pap,o; canfe to be contcnteD,fatiffieD 0? pate, bnto tbc aboue^-
faiti)^.febwcrccnto;s,aominiffrato;s 02 affignts, tt}c fummejr.
flf lalDfnll ic.teitbm icncrt after ano enfuiug tbe Dap of tbc returne

of tbc faio 2).fe.into tbc rcalme of Cnglano, from ?be fail* place, anu
baue Idtofollp p?oueD:^ete0 1 oeclarcD o;i pubUrbeo bnto ibc faio S\*
JlB.biB erecutojf ic. bp certificate o? tcOmiemjll tnDcrtlje fcale of
tbc faio citit oj totonc of 3.0; of i%t rcrt cttie,toUjne,oj placcbauing
a common feale,t}nto tbe place tobere tbe U\^ citie 0; toionc of 5.U)s
fcituatc ano ftooD,oj bnoer tbc fcalc ot tbc ftate of tbe citic of Uenice
in 'iitnlie,o;rbp etber fufficf cnt oj true pjoofcSjtl^at tbe faio D.^.bcJtb
bm pcrfonallp at tbe faio citic 0? toiune of 3.0; at tbc place toberc tlje
fame toUine 03 cttie (omtime loas fcitnate ano builoecSCbat tbcn ic*

A C^ftdifi^^ofAj money at his returne ^marriage, or dcAth.

T^cConoitionictbattobcrctbcliuitbin nameoi^.&.batb bar* Sea.122,

gatneo ano (olo to tbe toitbm boano l^^. 515. on 0olD ring fo; tbc
fummeof i^.Eof gooo ic.if tber2fo;ctbe faio l^. bi bciresfc.Doc
tocll f trulp pat oj caufc t r .bnto ^ faio i^.S).biB crccutojs oj affigng,
tbe faio itj.tinmancr ano fo;me follotoing, bij. at ano bpon tbc oa{?
0f tbc comming 02 arriual of tbe faio ji^. into 31. from i^z citie of U.oj
loitbin Daie0 ncrt after tbe faio arriuall, 0^ at, t bpon tbe Dap of tbe

celebjation of tbe marriage of tbc faio i^.a>.o; at,oj bpon Dap of tbe
fieceafe of tbe faiD il^.bij.at tbe firft of tbe faio oaiefi oj terme lobiclj
Cbal ncrt bappsn to com to padcSUbat tben 9c.

tyi Condttiontopay money vntill,andiit nturriage, or after death.

T^ecoDition of tbi0 )bligation 10 fucb>tbat if p luttbtn faounocn s^a.j 25,

C^.p.ic.fljalUieU ano trulp content ano pap,o;caufe icto (il;.^*

Symb. Conditions. part.primac

Daufit)tec of t|)e lMitl)in nanuD 31^.02l)cr aflign^ i:F.0.ftcrling,pcaa#

\v ano cuectc veare at t^c fead of $c. bntill tt}C cap of ttie martiage of
t\}t faiD ^. tl)e firft payment tl)erEof to begin at tljc featt of C. ujitgrn

iDjittcn ^no alfo ftall truelp content ano pap,oj caufe to be con- cn
tcD ano papeD to t^c faiD Coj^er afftgns d.f .of ic.at ic.\)pon tt)e oap
of tt)c marriage of tljc faio G, ^noif it ftjall fojtanc tlje faio Cto oe?
part tl)i0 U}o;irD bcfo;c a>ce lliaU be inarrieo, tt)en if ttje laiD cp t)t0
beires f c.o;i one of tl}cm fliall tcuelp content i pap, o; caafe to btton^
tcntco paio to tfjc faiD 3-&'^is crecutojfl o? atligno, t)c faio fammc
ofrl.f.tcit'otnonc mcnett)ng;cnftevttcDccear6oftl)e iaxi^Q^* SL^at
tl)en ic*
>4 Conrlitinrt to p^y chtldrens parts.
Seft.12^. npil^cConcition of ibifi obligation iE fucl),tbat if ttjeabottcbpuno
1 ]^.|3.t)i0bsii^c0>cr((to?s,aDminiacato;0, o; anieofct)em,oo
pa^ ano Dcliuer,o^ coufc to \it paio f ocliuercD bnto t^e aboae nameo
CCl.C'.fip.anoia. naturallcbilDjcnof tlje abeue nameo J^. late of tt.

afo2efaio,tbeirlatefatbert)eccareD,tl^eir fenerall filiall po;tion0 o;

c^ilDspart0,of tl)c g(DD5 auD cbattclsof tl)eii; Taio late fatt)er,acco;
Ding to tt;e 3nucnto;ie tt]ereof. And aUo account i cenoei' bnto tbttn
of all otber tl:0ir ttgt)ts one bnto t(}em,o; to anp of tbem,bp toectue of
t!}clattU)itl| teftamcntoftbeir faiofatber, tolien tljet come to laUj*
full age of rrj'pcaregjo; be marcicCjOj require tbc fame. And alfo ^)o*
nefllp)acco;Dmg to tl}eir DegrccsxDucatc % b;tng Dp tbe faio cbilo;en
turingtlje time of tl)eirnonngc,tuitbmeatc,D;inbe,apparcell, anO
Icanung.Andifiifojtuneaupoftbc faiOtbilDjen to Oiebefo;e tbep
come to a lalnfull age, o; be marrico, sm is afo;efaiD, ILben if tbe faio
li.^^.ooe content ano pap the poiition, ano otber fuel)rigbts ofbim^
]^tu^l tljcm fo c^nng,to U)l)n tt}e lato fl)al appoint tbe fame to be patD,
anoiDbubofrigbtougbttobaue tbe fame. And alfo fautanobeepe
l}armcU(IetbeabotfenameOreuerenD/^atl;er in (0oD palter^*iB*
Commiflfarie abouefaiD,all otbcr t)i0 officers ano minifler5 againS
all men bp reafon of tl;e p;cmi(re0,s:bat tt)en f c*

Conditions to pay a rent.

- A T~^!^cccnDitionof}c.tbatll)cretUjitbinbotsnDcnia.513.bat^)lateli^
sctt.i 25.
j^ jg^^^^ .^^ UKXi\t fo; tbe tcrme of bj.pcai 5, of tbe Irntbin namcD C
)BD*one tenement, feC ano Ipmg in tbe SLolune of Wi,%t* fo; t^e rent
of rUs.pearelp to be paio, as in a paire of Jnocntures tbercof maoe,
tDboCc Date i0 1 c.plaiutip appearetb : Cbat if ttie faio 0. l&.u? bis er*
Ecuto}0, oo.Uieil ano trnlp ^ap 0; caufe to be paiD to t^e faio M>* x^xs
Liber Conditions.' fecundus
|etre5 mtD afft^neSjt^e aro;erait) pear!p rent of fojtie fl^tUmg0,at tl^e
fiape0 anD termer accuttomeo, acco;Ding to tlie teno; ano effect of t^e
fatD 3lnDentnre ic* SC^at ttjenic*

A Condition to^aj nn AmftitieyOnd net tofue a Replegiare &c,

Deed inseteD, beacins tbe Date of tl^ts obligation, bat| gtaenano
sranteDtot^etDitbmnameDI0*oneannuitteo?annnaU rent of ic*f.
0f latofall monep of nglanD,to be pearelp paieD, af in tt)e faiD DeeDe
tooenteD plainly appearetb*3f tbcrefo;e ttie fatD Blp* W
Metres, ere^
cnto}0,o) afltgne0,Doe luell anotruelp content anD pa^, o; caufe to be
contenteD o; pateD,tt)e fato annaitte o? annuall rent,tDitbont (uing a^
ntt Dcliucrancc o; Replegiare,fo2 anp beaff09gooD0,o; ctiattels at ang
tin bereaf ter to be DiltratneD fo; tbe fame rent,o; fo; an^ part tbere*
0f,anDtt)itboot mabing an^ refcous of anp Di(tre0, o? DiQrelTeS) tbeco
of to be taken^anD tottbottt anif maner of inclofer,Denier,fo;eQaUtng9
o^etber Diltocbance o; interruption of tbe faiD Bl.|).bt0 betresjcrecu'
to20,o?aSigneM2an^otber perron o}pecron0,bp bt0 o^otbertbetc
p}ocaremenMfl^cnt,o}>agceement.nbat tben c*

A Condition to repay money receinedrnth a Prentice.

Ti^eCottDitiontc.SLbattubtreoneC^. Connc totbetoitbin na< c ^ -
meD2L.&.bpbt0BlnDentureof appjcntucbtuD, bearing tbe Date
bereof,batb put bimfelfe apprentice to tbe tuit^in natneD ^. after tbe
maner of bi0 apprentice to Dluel toitb^ano ferue t}tm, from tbe fcaft of
^.Cbomao tbe 0poQle laQ paS befo;e tt)e Date of tbefe p;erent0,bn9
till t^e enD anD tcrmc of cigbt ^ears tbence nert enfuing^ano full? ta

be compleaf e f cnoeD, as bp tbe fame inoenture more plainly appear

letb* ^notobereaUotbe faiD K.^A\)z Dap of tbe Date bcreof tjatb
papcD anD DelinereDtjnto K* &. tbe fnmme of 3 0. t. of f c. to occupte
anoimplop tbe fame to bis olDnebfc, During tbe (aiotermeof cigbt
^eare0,if ti)e CaiD SC.anD Cf long Doe line,anD tbe faiD C^. Do fo long
Dtuell Uiitb bttn tbe faio 2:.&. anD tubere aUo tbe faiD S::.&bp ^b?
ligation bearing Date t c. bcrcof (f anoetb bonno to tt)e faiD C^. fo?
tbepapmcntof coXoffc.to be papeD to tbe faiDCfe> bisbeircB*
erccuto}0,o2 a(ligne0, tbe tentb Dap of ic. nert coniming after tbe
Date bercof,a0 bp tbe fame ^bligation more plainlp appearetb^to tbe
intent tbat bee tbe fame %* map emplop tbe fame to' bis olDnc bfe Du
ring tf)e (aio terme^if tbe faiD C*anD E.Doe botb fo long liue^ ano tbe
^ fame
Symb. Cofiditionsi^ part.primae

fame Ao long abiije toitt) f t)e faiD tC^HIjf tcfajc if it fortune tbc faid
^*$^.o; tt)e faio (II;o; cither of t^Gm,to oie 03 Deceafe Vstt^tn
tt)e latD

terme of eigt)t peares^o; if tlje faio C lJDitt)iti ttje fame tsrmc of etgtit
^earc0,n)aUI)appentoberetouer to any ot^er per(ono; perfons (o
feruc oat t^eir pears,o; fuc^ part of t^c f aio teem a ^e Oial tt)eii ^aue
to feraco; if tt)e tame C^'Do Depart from t^e fernice of tt^e faio SH ^ia
faiD maaer,Darmg t^e laio tcrnie,o; if t^e (aio terme n)all be erpireot
t^enif t^efaiD SC.0*^iderecuto;0, at)mimltrato;0 0; a(rtgnc0,U)tt^'
in tbirtie oaies nert enrutng,af(er (tub oeccafe of tbe faio 0; C^. C
0} from tbe fetting ouer of tbc fame Co; tbe Departure of tbe fame C*
out of tbe fernice of tbc fato K.^, as 10 afo^efaiD, 0; tbc erpiration o(
tbe faio terme of eigbt ^eared,lbicb of tbem (ball fir(t cbance to come
0} be after tbe Date bcreof,Do toell ano trulp pap, 0; canfe to be paieo
to tbe (aiD 2D.&* btis erecuto;^ 0; aaignes? as lucll tbe faiD (umme of
3opounD9,aS alfo tbe (aiD (umme of 2o*pounD0 of |c*l]Uti)X)ut fruitD.
comn,o;Deceit,C^attbeti <(.

j4(^odition to delifier Fagott.

^A 8 npi^e conDitioniCtSnbaf if tbe toitbinbonnDiFi^.bi0tc. Doe toeU

5ect,i 2 .
Ji ^^^ ix\xt\^ Dcliaer,02 caufe to be t cone tbonfano iFagotg of tooju
of oatie,a0),o} elmc,of able gcoD ftnffe,af ter tbc rate of ten bunojcD to
tbe tbou(anD,anD Qr fco^e f oure fagots to cuecie bunD;cD,cuerie fagot
to containe in lengtb iiti.fot ano a balfe at tbe IcaS^anD i.parD toitbitr
tbe banD,anD to be toell maoe, % full anD (nff uientlp fklleD 1 boanD,at,
0) on tl^is fiDc t^e fea(t of cat tbe manfion boute ic SLbat ti^en f c*

ji Condition tfi fill Andfellypoodjmake and deltuer Fagots.

"" T^l^c ConDition %t* Cbat iubcre tbe luitbin bonnD 3. C. tbe Dap of
^ ft
j^ tbeDatetoitt)into2ittcn,fo;a ccttatnc fammc of montp to bim
bp tl)e toitbin nameo C*S^ at ti)e infcaling of tbefc pjerents, lucl ano
truelp paieD,lubereof tbc (aiD B1>C* bnolulcDgctb bimfelfe to be (ati(^
CleD anD contentcD, b^tb bargatneD anD (oloe to tbc (aiDC*^. all
tbo(e bis tennc Ddkcs,nolx) QauDing anD grotuing Uttlc ^.in tbc m
countie of ij^.in a certaine lucoOjtbe paccell of a tenement tbere calieD
C.as tbc (aiD tcnne ^i-Ms be alrcaDie mnrtuD, out of tbe (aiD Cto be
felUDbptt)egrcunDm barUing time, E-tie larUe to be pUlco from
tbem, anD toe toppes or i^e fdiD tenne )al(es to be maoe into i^agot
iDffiD, calico balfc buni KD u^oiD. auD otber blochcs mecte fo; tbe fire,
to be OiiiucieD to tbeiaiD C^* b^s/erctulo^s 0; a(ligne0> at ttie
Liber Cbuenants; fecundus
manOon fioufe of tbc fain
hJithin tlje Ciefeof i|5 af the coCcjs mn
tliargeBof t^efaio 3!C.I)isemuto;so;affignes, befojef^efcaltof
i0,f c Tliercfore if tl)e fato 3- t)is crcriitojs o; afiigiieg, at Ijiu 03
t^eir p:opcr cotts ano cljargcs, befojc tlie faio feaft of |9.f c.QjaU fell,
6J caufeto be felleD Ijaro bv ttje grounD in barUing time, tlje faiD tea

^DheBjianDHjall batbc fromt^emtotljeKiottaOuauntascof

pill t^c
tbe faiD >*t)ts erecuto;s o; aaignes* SnD make,o? caofe to be matsc
allanD lingular ttietoppesoftbefalD ten )bes, into goo ano fnafict^
ent fagot U)ooD,calledbalfe t|nno;eD Iuood, anoot^erblocUesmeete
fojtiiefire. And oucrtbat,tftl)e fato 31. ^i0emutoj0o?alligne,
atbi0o;ttietcltbe proper coa^ano charges befo;et^e(aiDfealtof

I^.O^al Deltuer,o;caafetobe DeltnereD to tljelato ^*^A)istxtt[\toiB

01 aCCtgnes, at tbe manOon t)ou(e of tbe laid C.tDtt^in tbe cttie of j^
80 U)ell all anD Ongular tt)e booies of tlje faiD tenne i^Ue0,anD euerte
of tbem, toitb t^e barke from t^em to be ptlleD,a0 alfo all ano (tngu
lartbefaio fagot tDOoD,cdlUDl)alfebano;cD luooD,anootber blocks,
comtning ann ariling of t^z topper of t^e fato ten ^Jit, ano twt^

y/ ^ndition to deliner (^odde Tifh,

Condition Sca.130.
bargained ano
fc. srijat lubere tbe luitfjin bonnti ST.HS.feat^
folD bnto tl)e iDttljin nameo W^^&* one t^oufanD
Cob-fil^ , commonlp , gooD and mercbant^
calleo 3iaanD CoD-fiQ}
able,anO Uiell ano fufficitntlp (ai:cD ano D;ieD ,to be clctteD t cbofcn
out of tbe i'id) (bat QisU be b;oagbt from pano, in anie of tbe tt);ee
il)ip0of tbe faiD ^]i5. tDt)icb be calleD bp anp of tbefe name0,bi^ %u
to be ca(t out after tbe tfe and o^Dcr in tbat behalf bfeo, tbat is to fap,
all (binnes ic* 0nDabunD?eDoftbatiuo}aCoD-fi0)e0to be call out
of tbe tbournnD,oaer anD beliDe tbe tbonfano remaining* If therefore
tbe faiD C115* bis erecuto}0,aDminiarato}s,o; a(lisne0,at 0; on tbift
fiDe tbe featt of ^)15*t^npoIlle tuitbm lu;ttten, do toell ano trulp De
ltuer,o; canfe to be Dcltt;eteD bnto tbe faiD ^.!^.bi0 erecuto^s 0; af
0gn0, at a certain place calleD i cone tbonfao CoD-fi(b?of goD Suffe,
ano mercbatttable,tDcll and fufiftcienttp falteD anD D;ieD,to be cbofen
out of any of tbe afo?efaiD /ifb^oj out of tbe faio tb?ce fl)ippc0,bp tbe
faiD M.bi^ erecnto;0 0; affignes, anD to be caft out after tbe o;Der a
l)oue p}efcribeD9 acco;Ding to fucb manner ano bfe, as in tbat be
(jalfe 10 bfeD amongli iFilbermen 0? fanners anD a(co;Dtn0 totlie

true meaning ^ereof> SC!;at tl)enic*


Symk Conditions. part.pnmx

c^ Condition to dc liner a lafi of Salmon
Sea. 131 1 oaj) of tftc Date U)itl)in tojitten,l)atl) bargainer) 1 folD to t^c fcoit^

in nameo l^.^.one laft of ^almon,accomptmg I : .barrels fo2 a laft,

g(DO,falt,flDcet,anDniatcl)antable, tobetraelu pacUeoinbarrclflof
asifeof tbe great bounD, fo;tbe Ui^icblatto? Salmon tbefaiD!^*
bnotD!eDcetbl)imfelf trubtobcratirficD,rotcntcD,fpaieD,iftbcfaiD
Wi^VSX* bis crccutojs oj affisnSjOoe tuel f trnelp toitboat anp oelap,
tieliuer,o; caufe to be DeltnercD to tbe (ato jl^.l^.02 to bis amgne0,bp
tbe feaft of &.]2etcr toitbin to?itten,tbe CaiD latt of &almo,ga)0,falt,
ceD,(U)et,anD mercbatitablc, f rauk 1 free at ^onoo n^SCbat tt)^n %u

A Condition to delifter Ojles,

ji^ D^nj.atanptimcbefojetbcfcaaof &.S0icbaeltbarcbagelncit

commtng after tbc Date |c.Drliuer,ouaarctobe oeliocreDbntotbe

tDttbin nameo ^.i^* bi0 ei^^catojs, aDminidratojs, 0; affigne0,at,
ot H.ten tnnnc0 of )ple,ciuilUgo3D, fuieet, mercl)antabU,full,anD
iDell boano accP2Ding,^bat ^ben t c.

A Condition to deliuer Lead,

TTl^e Condition ic.2Cbat if tbe about bounDcn38.^bicrecuto}f
Sett.i 53.
J[ p, a(rignc0,Do toel ant) trnclp Dcliaer,o; caofcto be fieliucrcD to
tbe aboue nameo f* U. bis crecutojs o) adignes, bpon tbc Q. Dap of
^a^ nept infuing tbe Date bereof,ten fotbcrs of goco,pare,anD men
comonlp cnlleD tbe boole toeigbt?
fb&Dt^able boole lead, of tbe lucigbt
moft commonlp bfco luitbin tbe Countie of iSDerbp, tbat id,&fter tbe
rateanD toeigbt of ^0. foot to tbe fotber, euerp toot to containe 6.
ftone,anD euerp Hone to containe 14 pounD9 , at bis boole btUC
l^^arDlDuhe in tbe faiD countjf of B>* tobece commonly bee t}fctb to
bnrne bi0 ileaD,^bat tben %u

A Condition to de/iuer Saltier paj Money.

Set.T34. X fljallDcliitertotbetoitbinnameDa.tt.bifc.t>i9.fco?etDcitof
bap fait, gooD anD tnercbantable , after tbcrateof rri^fojttoenttey
0; if tbe faio l^to; 3Bt!)eir ^eires 0} irecuto;0;Do not ottioer, 0} catife
Liber Conditions. fecundus,
fo be5eUarreototl)efojcfaiDn.8nDl^.fc.befc5g{!}c faiDfcaaofM
&aiaf0,tl)e faiD eigbt fcoje tocies of fait, in manner anD fojme afo;e^
faiD : i^l)en if t^e (aiD IS. anD 3. f Ijeir tjeires 0? c vccutojs, pay to tl)s
abouenamcD0,l\.fc.fo?antj in confiDeiation of tl)e fai& cigljtfcoje
iueies of ba^ falt,in t^e feafi of ic.6o.t\ of ic. SL'ljat tt)en ic.

e^ Cendition to rede liner Plate lent.

Tl^eConDit(onfc.tl)at iul)ercas tfjc aboae names ^.IQI,^at^ c^^'^

* i,-
UntanooeliuercD&nto t[)e about; bouno^. |D.ceitaine parcels
of filuet plate Ijece^ftgr mentioneo, luetgbing ^^^. ouncca ano a
^abcrocpois lt)eig^t,of lbs Dalue of 6 S.pounDs, t ten QjiUinqs,

tatofuil CngUri) money, after tlje rate ef b|. 0. fo? eueric ounce of tbe
(ame l]ueigt}t,a0 particularly bereafter follotuetb : tbat is to fay, one
liuerie Can guilt:,\ueigbing 44*ounce0 ano a balfe : ou^e otber liuerie
Can guilt,lDeigbtng 42 .ounces ano a balfe : one otber D;tnking Can
(Tc^f tberefojc tbe faio %*]^* bt^ erecuto;0 0; abminiQratpas, 0; anic
of tbcir,t)oetritbtn tenDayes nertcnfuing tbc oate breof,U)cll ano
truly reDcliuer,o? caufe to be reoeliucreo bnto tbe faiD M. ^.
c? bis
certaine jattnrney,erecuto;0,o; abminiftrato^g, 0; fomeof tbem,iti
tbe ^all of f c.^ll tlje fame parcels of plate, in fucb and To gooD pligbt,
maner^nD fo}me,in all refpeas as bs tbe faiD g. p* n any otber per
rono}perfon0,fo;bini,o; to bis t)fe,o} by bis appointment, l)atbo;
(ball rcceine tbe (ame,2Cbat tben <c*

A Condition to deliuer CorH0,

Condition c SDbatif tbe toittjin boanD3*&.boUjcll ant Seft.ig^^
truelyDeliaer,o;caufetobet)elinereDtnto tbeluitbmnamsol
^.bis f ctljuentic quarters of iDb^ate, tubite anD reD, fiyueete, cleane,
D;ie and merctiantable toitb tbe bed, on t^is fiDe tbe feaft of u, 2Lbat
t^en IC*

A Condition for the deltuerie of Come.

T^econDitionof fbis obligation is fuel), tbat if tbe toif bin bounD n^r^ ._.
3.2D.biserecuto;so?aDmimftrato2s, DoeUjellanDtruclyDeli' *

uer,ouau(etobeDcliuereD to tbe U)itbin nameD)i5.C>.biscertaine

0tturneyoKrccuto;s,attbemanrtoHboufe of tbe faiD (0}15.tttbtn
t^e Citie of jj^.ten Combes ofUie,able,gooD(tufife7 mercbanfable,
!^ 3 faire,.
Symb. Conditions. part.primae

faire,tlcanMWD bp a latofnll butbell mcafurct, anT) alfo ten combe

of malt libc ftaflfc,merc^antablc,clcanc finecanu bp a lalufull baOjcl
meafurcD,after tbe accnftomeD mcafnre in tbe faiD citie of /pi. in ma
ncr ano fojnic follo\uing tfjat is to far, ^n t^is Coe tt)e fcaft of tbc

jl^atiniticof onr3l02DC?oD,t^craiD ten combcBofUic, ^no ontliii

fiDc tbc fenC of Cfl)Gn next foUotoing the faiD ten combe o I malt,flf>
tec tt)e rate anomcafare afo^cf^iD, TZ\)ai t^en ic.

^ Condition to dcliuer Coales.

ni^^^ conuition clio Dcliaer,o; caufc f cSCCb f f

'^.Q(^.^ ^ 2.
af a cerfaine
' ^"
1 piaie mibc tear of CUjittjinttjecitie of iL.comonlp calico ano
bnoUnic bp tt)c nnmc of tl^e common td^arfc,^ o. cbalo;on0 of coif 5,
coirmonlp calleo j^clucaOlc oj &en coalcg,U)ell ano trulp meafureo,
rno B0 g(DD,great anD large meofure,a9 10 commenlp maoe ano Deli
WtTDattl}cliepriDcincreat|t)armoutb,of bcricgfflD,able (tuffe,antr
mticljantable Ujitlj ttjc rctt,on tljic fioc tl/c featt of t cHljat t^cn tc.

j4 Condition to ctrrie coales.

Sea.i:^. T^i^cconDition fc.EbatiftbetoilbmbounDSL^C.bi^mcatojBo;

1 aBmimftratoj,ojanpofti)cm,atl)t6 anDtbciroBlppjopcrcofta
anD cbargeS; do lcaDe7carrie,b;ing anD Dcliucr, o) canfc to be leD,car'
YicD,b?ougl}t,anD DcliuercD to tt)e faiD t^if .QZIl.bis crecutojs c. fo;tie
gQ9D ano f uff icient uHaine loaD0 of ^ea-coales, cnerieloaDtljcreof
contaming one lDl;olc ruche of coales, o;imo2e, from tbt; coale pit,
commonlp(aUeDB.coalepit0,intl)e ^o;DQ}ipDflB.&fo:cfcitD,to t^e
noU) DUiclling Ijonfc of tlje faiD C^.tU.in H.afoiefaiD, at the fcue rail
times b^reafter erp;eGrcD : tbat is to fap, ten loaDes of tbc faiD fo;tic
loaD0 parcell,befo;e tbe fcad of pentccod nert enfuing tbe Date bere<
of,anDotberttoenttrlonD0oftl)eraiDfo;tic loaD0, before tbe feaSof
^.^icbael tbe ^rcbangel noiu nert enfuing^anD ott^ec to) JonD0 of tl)e
bcint^cpEareofourLo;D(SoD 1597* 3nD otbcrfourcloaDsof tbe
faiD fo}tieloaD0refi our, before tbe feaQof &.^ict)acIl,lui)u^Q)all
beintbe^eare tc* ^Ubattben^c.

ui Condition tofeale tin OhligAtion vcith a Suertie.

Se^.t 40.' *p|^ cottDition of i\^\& Obligation is rucl),<l)at if t^e luitbin bouutJ
X %*^^ t)isbeire0, (ji;ecute;0> o;aDmim&rato;09 anD one ot^et
Liber Conditions. fecundus
gfflD, able, I fofficiet perfon ioitfj t^c faio C&* on i^is Coe tfjc fa2
of If .DO fcale,anD as tl^eic DeeO0 fnflftciet in t^e latD,DeliDer tmto !l)c

iiti)in nameD 3:.C.I)i0 erecufoas oj affignes, one gooo,laU)fuU,cnti

fpfficient fcu;itin!j obligato;iein tbe lalu, tuOerein tt)e faio 2C.^.ano
otber gcDD, atU, ano fufticicnt perfcn,aiiD t^eir i)eirs,ot:ccuto3fi,

and aOinintllratoas,anD enerp of t^em, l^albc ano Qao boimo totntl^

ano ff uerallp bnto i\)z fatD 3. C.fjts crccuto;^ ano aDmim(lrato;0,in
tlje fummc cf one Ijunojeo sparhco of gooo CngUfft moner, inoo;cco
Ii)itl)onoitiontnoco;Dcran5foiniecf lato, fojtlje true payment
offoatieP.oflike monrptobe paicD Unto tj?e faio i.C^tjt^erecutojs
o; aaiflnc5,in mancc ano fojme f oUototng : tl)at is to fap, at tbc fcaff
tcten poanoa, at tbe feaS of i c.tt}cn neict infuing ten ponnO0,anD (o
from t^cncefojtt) verelp,anD eacrp pcre tben nert ano immeoiatlp fo?
loU)tng,at tt;e fcad of i c.ten pounOB of Uhe uionev,bntiU tl?e faio fo^
tic ponnDB be fuUp fattffieo and paieD , E^at tt)en t c*

j4 CorMtioKi to CAufe one tofeale ah Obligation,

conoition ir,2D!)atiff!)etoit^inbonnDB(.C.b8fo?et^sfcaU Sca;.i4i;

of nert xomming after tbe oatt Ijcrcof caufc W.^* tc to
ip. ,

bebounobp.bts lD;ittng obligato;^ fufftcientintt)e lalD,anoU)tt^

Ilif feale tnfealeo bnto t^e luitt)in namco %^ in fo;tie of c. to be

paieo tt)e tentt) oay of 0. c. 3nD alfo before tbe faio fealt, c&ufe tbe
raid ^* to oeliuer tbe fame Dbligation fo2 bis oeeO tnto 2ilKof l^
to tbe t)fe of t^e faio SE 2Ebat tljen \u

A Condttion to releafe &c,

T^^econoitionic* SCbatif tbciuitljin bonno 15.C. ooccaufeS!. Sca.142,
$^<ano (^ . W
^ife, before tt)e fcaQ of Catter nertcommtng at
tbe roa^i ano (bargc<> in tt)e latx) of tl)c faio X5.bp tl^ctc faff tctent oeeo
in tbe laU), to releafe, remit , ano quite claime, to tbe luitljin nameo
C.E>* 9C* ano tbeir beireS) all tbeic rigbt, title, ootper, ano intereC^,
lubitb tl)e faio ^^* ano C
bis toife, 0; eitbcr of tbem, baue, bao, 02
ma^ baue^of^ano in all fucb lanD5,tcncmentd ic* E^at tbcn %u
A Condition to make a lojntnre,
T!^c condition %u tbatif tbctoitbin bound m*^*%t* o? btsbeires
coda 1 cbarge0,befo3 tbe feaftof c^.nertaf^
at tbeic oton proper
terttiedateMbinlojitten^maUe, o^caufetobe maoef)nto;3)i5.fc
^ 4 a 0000
Symb. Conditions. part.primae

a gooo,farc,faffcciet, anD latufuU cttafe in tt)e latD,of, ano in all ano

fingulartl^ofc lanos, tenements, tctoit^ ttje appurtcnatncs inilje
Citie of li^of tl)c perelp tjaluc of i o.t|c. ouet ano aboue all cljargcB
anorepjifes. Tohaue ano to !)oloaUtl)2faio lanos ano tenements
luitt) t^e appurtenances tnto tlje TaiD aB.|C. foj termc of i\)t life of
ilp.c>.to ttje bfc of tl)e fame !5p.(^.ant) to {)er aiTigaea fo; tcrme of Ijer
Ufctljetoijicbn^.bp tlje grace of (!!?oo,li)aUm3rricanDlaketo Ijaf'

bauQ tbe faio m>n* And alfo if tl)e faio m,l\, after t^e fait) eftafe,
of,ani) in tl;e lanos ano tenements afo3c-rel)erfeD, Doe,fufifer i caufe
to be ooncall ano eueri> fuel) tiding ano tbtngs, as Cball be aouifeD bp
tl)elcarnct)counfclloflt)efaiD ^.15.C.)5D.}c. tljcir^eircsanoerccu*
tojs,to"iaUetl)c afojcfaioCate fure to tije aboue namcoa.HB.tottje
Ufc of ttje fanie e^.f oj tertue of ber lif e,be it bp recouerie, finesjfeoff^
nicnts,releafe,confi[rmvition, ano Dccos inrolleo toitl) toarrantie, o;
U)itl)out tDarranticjOj anp of tl)cm,o; otticrtoife, STtiat tljen tc.

v^ Condition to make an Efiate.

Sea. 144. bounoC.^.o;l)is^circ0,
np^econoitionic t!)atif tl)c toif^in
JL lJDit^tni^.Daiesfc*Doeniakeanot)eliaer, oKaufetobemaoef
Ueliuereotjntotlje toitljinnameD 2n.l^.anDt)ifilieirs,agoiD,perfett,
fure,anii laVufuU eftate in foe fimple,of , ano mtba roDs of free lanD
in C.calleo W.to tl}e onlp tjfe of tbe fato ^,^Mq bcires anD affigns
toi eufcr.^no alto if t!)e faio M.oj Ijis afrtgncs,fljal not impairc anie
oftl)epjemifles,bp felling of anvtooooo; timber, 0; otljeciDifc be^
fo;e 02 after tl)8 nuUing of t^c faio eftate, KW t^cn f c

A Condition to maks <* lojnthre.

ScA.14/. 'T^i^e conDition tc. nt)at Uil)cic tl)e toitbinbouuD 31.C.b^t^e
A grace of CoCfliall marrp ano tafee to luife CT.dS.Daugbter of tbc
ft)itt)tn nameD X^M* Blf tt)erefo;e tbe faio HI C.^is t^eires 0; aOigns,
lDitl)intt)etermeofonepere ncrt after t()e oate tDitt)intDjitten,Doe
conuep ano affure, nameo H.dl;. ano j^*
oj caufe f c. \jnto tl)c U3itl)in

Coj tljeir beirs,^ mucb lanos,tencmcts, ano t)ereDitameat0,l|?ing

intbccountieof jj^^astbsnat tl)c affurancc mafei!ig,(T)all be,anD fo
continue to be of tt)e vearelp bnlue of ic.b^ pere, ouer all cl)arges ano
repjifes. To Hjuc ano to bolD tl)e faiu lanos, tenements, ano bereoi'
tamcnts tnto tbe faio It.d;. ano ji^.Q;. ano tl)eir Ijcires, to tbe bfe of
tt)eraio^Cano.an^tbeir()eiire3 fojeuer. AadalfoiftbcfaiUHI.
C.ojl}i6be^re6,tuitbmbj.|r?r?3fcfftalp'jrcbafefdmuci3 0tijierlaiTbs
ano tenements, as O/ail amouat t t^^e Utilae of 3 cpoiioi^ of gooc ,
Liber Conditions. fecundus
mti 0)aU maUe tl)c liUe conneiance mn a!ItiVe of f!jcm to tt)e CaiD U*
ano iji.ann tljeic l)eir53to tt)5 tjfc afojefaio, 2i:i)at tl;en ic

>4 Conditionforfurther ajfnrance.

'^'^ *
inconQocrationofa certain fumme of money to l)impaiobj>tl)e
iDttbin natneo U.C^batt) bargatneo ano ToId Unto'tlje faio H> all that
C.bisluife, late Daughter oftt)efatDU.cp. an Dtl)cbeirci& of tt)em,f
eucrp of t]^em,tuitt)in t^e fpace of i c f^all do nno fuffcr50j caufc to be
DoneanofttffreD,allanD eucrgtl)mg $c. li3l)atfocuer,tot)ut)ft)allbe
DeuifeD,aDnifcD,o; requircD of tbe faio ^fflT.^ts Ijeirs oj j;ecutoji5,bg
tbe faiD H*(^.t)i0 beirs o; afttgns^o; tbe Icarneo coufel of tbe faio 1^*
bi0 ^eir0 q% a(rign5,at tbe coOt^t i cbavgea in tl)c laU) of tbe faiD i^.bis
^eir0o;allign,fo2t^e good ano perfcrt ccnucping anDaffunng of al
ano Qngular tbe faio mefuageg ano p^emifTes tuitb tbapputtenaces,
to be tnaoe fure ano perfect to tbe faio U.<;B.t)i5 beirs anD aaigne)S,to
tbe onlp bfe of tbe faio U.bis bcirs ano affignes fo j euer,be it bp fine,
feofiPement,DecD,o;inDenture,recouerietDttl) toucber o^boucbers,
confirm9tion,releafe tuitb tDacrantic,onclyagaintt tbe faio CSl.U. i
l^i0beirff,o3bpanpotbcrU)apo) means tu^atfocucric And|c.(As
in Conditions to faue harmelcflc,) Cbat t^cn |C

conoition f c SEbatif fir^i.C.UnlgbtjbuJ bcirsojacrignes, q^^^
Tl^c "
btreofj caufc ojp?3curc U. j;5of ic. to fiirrcncer, cancell, ano to
maUcfruftrate,one SInocnture of ^eafetobim nuDc bp tbe faio fir %
of fonre clofeB,lping ic. ant) of all otljcc tbe grounD0,teneu]ent5,ano
0nDmojeoner,if tbe faio firB! bisbeiresoj affigneSiDocbcfojettc
rr.Oapof Dctob.ne)ct infoing,nii'iKe,fealc,ano oeliucr unto tbe abor.e
nameo UCl)i0 rtcuto;s 02 afrtgn0,one gooo eitO fufficicnt leafe bp
incenture of tbe faio ii^.clofes, 1 of all ano Hiigular otber tbe linos,
tenements,! bereDitament5, containeo in tbe aio fo;mcr inocutMrc

of leafe,fo? tbe termeano fpace of rrj v^ares, to begin ano tafee effect
from tbe feaft fc.tuitb a claufe of refcruatton of tbe perelp rent af VT

tb-^ faio Blnbeitturc : !Ebe fame le<ife,grou5i5i3,clo?

0.to be infecteb in
re0,anD pjemttreitd be ti^in Ditcbargco of al fu^n; jr l^'ar^^, cbarg es,
Wrgains,ant?incwmbjar.ce0, l)aU;mriCe,L; oc ;i l;^ tljc faio fir ^M^
^mc0 ,
Synil?, Conditions. part.primx
%zim ann a(lign,0nt) UCly, if t\)t iait fie 3.1)U l)cir0 anD afftgncjJ,
anDtucrrofti)em, do from time to time, times after tf)efato
i at all
feattof ^.^ict;all tl^arctjangclljlDiibin time anD fpacc offiaa

peccfi nert infuing t^c Date hereof, crecute, foffer, anD mafee,o; caufe

f call ano euerpCuc^ frtt)eract anD t^tng tc C^attticn fc.

^Ccnditton toferforme tici Exchange.
Sca.148. T^ii^cconDitionfc. 2:t)at Inhere tt)cafaoue bomiD 1^.55.1)311) giucn
A anD grantcD in cpc^angc to tl)e aboue nameD 3.^. all tl)ofe ic*
arecontaincD anD ccrtainclp crpjcffeD in one 31nDenturc of
all UJl)icl)

tbc 5atc of tbcfc pjefcnts,niaDe bettoccne tl)c faiD |^.315.ica0 b^ tbe

fame moje at large it appcarctl). S^f tl)crefo;c t&e fair ^.15.Do not at
anp time berraftar Difagrcc from tbe fame ercbange, no; do not bcre^
after fuffer to be Done,angtbing 0; act totjerby tbe faiD ercban^e fljall
Di map be maoc toiD oj fruftrate 3nD furtbcr,co catife anD pjocnrc

allanD eucrp beirc anD bcircs apparant of tbc faid l^.b?ing ot tljc ful
age of i c. to ratifie, tonfirme, ano mabe perfect foa euer ibe faio t%*
cbangetoitbin oneic next after fucbl)8to; tieircs apparant l^all
atrDmpUt^ t\)t fait) age, SC bat tben c.

Ji Condition toreinffojfr.
SeC^,^9. nr^eronDition fc STbatlufjcrcas tlje toitbin nameD 1^.0.%pbiiJ
X DecD of feoffement,batb giuen,granteD,anD confirmeD,anD Deli
nereD bnto ttje aboue bounD C^.
all tbat mano;, capitall mefuagey

tenement tfMrniCjtalleD 03 Unotocnbptbe nameofD.iDitballanD

vi^c-^fH-^^*^ Ongnlar tbappurtenance0,anD alfo all otber tbe mefoages, lanD0,te*
5e4 i.y- nemcnt0,anobercDitamel;jU)hatroeuer,tx)bicb notDbe,o;latelDere
accepteD,reputcD,b[eD, Unoluen, 0; IctCe, toMt\),oi as part,parcelU
02 member of tbe fame mnno;, tenement,o; farme^toitb tbe rent0,re'
uer(?on^,anD ':eruice0,totbe fame belonging 0; appertaining.l^nD al
tbofelanD0jtenement5;anD bereDitament0 in i^.in tbe faiD countp of
It* To h2ue anD to balD to tbe fame (tMB beirs ano allign0,a0 bp tbe
TaiD DdeD of feoifnirt it mnp mo^e plainly appeare^if tbe faiD *oi bid
l)etre0, befo;e tbe fiirllDa^^of c. nert infuingtbe Date bereor,(ball
tnake,onaafetobcmaDe,attbeco(!0 1 cbargesint^elatoof tbefaiD
^a.furb furei lalufal eQate in fee (tmple,\0itbootconDition 0; mo)*
gage,to tbe onlp bfe of i\}e faiD ^,^, l)xs beires o; affigncs foj euer,
of,f tntbe faiD mano;,cbiefe mcfusge,tenemcnt,farme,anD all otbec
tbe ptmiitcs loitb tbeir appuctenlce0, a0 10 0; Witt DeuifeD 0; ao
uifcD b^ tbe faiD l^.bts b^tre0 0; aaignes, bp tbe eonnfel learneD of a
^^ of tbem.janD aUo if ttie faio manoajanD alot^er t|e p}emi(fe0)anD


Liber Conditions, fecundus

tactic part fl)rof,af t^t time of tlje fate cllate i ofljer arraranfctJ>er

cf nisttc,n)all be cUcrIp ciconeratf D anD DifctargeD ef all fojmcr bar^

gain0,ralcj3, charges i incumbrances Isbatf oeuer, bai>9 niaee. Done,
p}0CureD,o; futfereo to be Done to tbe fsio CD.Si:* (tbe title of Dotuer of
^tbetinfeoftbcfaiDCl!;. onclpmcpteD.) Andalfotf tl)efaiD(^.2n
anD S).nDlJD ^is iDifc,ano all anD cncrp ottjcr pcrfon anD perfonc noto
bauing anp ri^bt 03 title, in, 02 to tlje pjcnuHes, bp, oj from tbe faio
C.S^.from tinie to tiuie, anD at all times l}treaftcr, toitbtn tlje fpace
of ttoo vtatd nc rt enfuing tljc Date Ijcreof , \ubcn ano ag often as tl;ep,
0; anp oft\)tm,ibni be tbecunto reaf onablp requireD b^^ tlje (aiD ^.l)i0
beireso; afifigneSjlbalUt tbe coCs $ cbatgcs in tbe laU) of tl3c faio ^,
0btB beires 0; a(rigne5,Doe,m^ke,^noU}leDge, ano fufifrr tc be Done,
all I euerie focb aa 0; acts, tbing anD tbtngs, fo? tbe mo;e better ano
furtber adurance of tbe p^emides, to be baD anD maoe fure to tbe faiD
0.bisbeire0anDaiIignes, asbp tt}e connfell learneD of tbe faio ^*
0*bi0 betre0,erecuto;s, 0; aaignes, (ball be reafonably DeuifeD c; aD'
tiireD,beitbpflne,feoffement,releare luitb tuat:rantie,o;otbcrUnfe*
And dlfo if tbe faiD CD.SC.lball foj euer bcrcaftec acquit,Difcbargc ano
fane barmde(re,as Uiell tbe faiD i$iX ^\& beires anD aHignes, a^ t\)t
P7emiaes,anD enerie patcellt!}erof;fQ?, anD concerning fucb intercity
Dotaer,anD title of oolner, as i\)t faio ^. noU) tbe iuife of tl;e faio *
fballo}mBpbaue,in,o;totbe p^emiCTes^bp^o^afCettbeDeatbof tbe
(aiDCX* rbattbenc*
9y^ Cenditiott to graunt an ^nnuitie.
Ti^eConDitionic. SCbatifttjelMitbinbounD 2Sl)!5ianDir.)i5 $^.150.
o?one of tbem,o; tbe beires,erecuto3S,o2 aDminiftratojs cf ante
of tbem,en tbis ODe tbe fcalt $r.Do Duly i lalvfallp grant,conuep,anD
a(rure,o; caufe $c. tnto one *\^* of t c ano ^.bis tDtfe,b^ gcoo 9 fuf ^
fictent affurance in tbe lalu, one f earelp rent 0; annuitie of xX. bp ttie
pere.te be go:ng % iffuing out ot tt)e lanDfi 1 tenements of tbe faiD WSl
3!B.anD if .315. in ctjultbin tbe count ic of i?i. noto being, ano iubieb
bereaf tf r fc: euer fljal continue ano be of tbe deer pearlp \)alue of rr.f
of f e.ouer all cbavges % rcpjtfes, of tobicb faiD lanos t tenements tbe
ting anD afferingjlbalbe lalufullv bp gcoD, latofuU f fure intereft nnD
any conoition 0? limitation,tohicl; map alter n
Determine tl)e fame
STbe faiD rent o? annuitie to be paiD bnto tbe faio C.^bis iwife, 0; to
one of tbcm, % to tbe longer liuer of eitber of tbem, at tbe feafts of c#
bj.encn portions, To hauc,bolD,receiue,nD eniog tbe faio annuitpoj
Syfnl>, Conditions. part primac

muwallrcutof |c. tnfothc faiDCano ^. anBtl)eicairignc5, and fo

l)?,ao mtx^ vcare MxiXiQ tl)c naturall lines of tljc faio C. anD sp.anD
ti) Icngfei- A nd alfo if t^e fail)
liuer of cit^ec of ti}cui ^.
ano ft* 07,
one of tt;cu at U)e faiD affurar.cc mafeing,tl)allljau.c full potucr,rig|)t.
aKOl.ilufullatotl)c;ttic,toronucpanD aOfiue t^c faiD pcaul^nento;
aniuUtictobciffmHg out o|ttje faiD lant)5 anD tenements afojefaiD,
tnto tl}e faiD C.anD ^}\\)is toife,anD t\tl)tt of tl)cm,anD tl)c longer li^
tieroft';cm. AndaUoif lljcfciD2II.anDi^D?oncoftljeni,attt)efaiD
grauntinganDalTnranccoftl)cfaiD annuifie, fljall anD toilltliergby
cbarge tl)e faiD lanes 1 tenement j5,U)ifl5 afuffident claufe of Dittrefi,
t^atif tt:c faiD rent anD annuitic,Q;anppatt thereof, Ujallbe at anp
time bcf)inD \i3l;en it ougl)t to be paieo : SEbat t\}m it fljall anD map be
laUifuUbnto tbe faiD CanD sp.anD eutrie cf tbcm, anD tbc longer li#
ueroftittieroftbcut, to enter in anDbpon t!)elnnD0 anD tenements
afojefaiD,anD tbercto DiCtiatn.anD tbeoiCtrelle ano Diftrcltestl^erc fo
founD,to taUe,leaDe,D;iue,c^a(e, anD earrie ^U)apanDli)i|b tbsm and
eitber of a)em,anb tbe longerliuer of (!)em, to luitbbolD anD Deta'ne,
Until tbc faiD CanD tp.anD l\)t longer liuer of tbcm,fl)albe of tbe faio
tcaclp annuttp of i j.l'.anD dUo of 4o0.in tbc name of apaine fojeue^
rie fuel) Default of |3?.vc"^^osttl;er loitb t^c arrcragcs tberof,if ang
fljall bappen to be fuUp fatiifieD ano paiD. And alfo if tbe faiD ?I2I.an&
iF.o? one of fj^em, at tt)c faiD granting ano aCTuring of tbc faiD rcitto)
aur?uitie,nfl is cfojcfaiD, (balbe anD CtanD labDfollpfeifeD of tbelanDS
anD tenemenrs^luljercor tbe faiD rent 0? aunuitie Qjall be fo ifTuing 0}
ItmiteD to iffue,a0 is afo;e(aiD,tn ibeir Dtmcfnc as of fee to tbeir oluti
tfcs,tuitt)out ani' conDition 02 limitation, bp gsoD, latafull, fare inte^
rett^anD perfect rigbt anD title,DifebargeD 0^ faueD barmeles f02 eusr^
of , anD from all maner el)argcs i incumbjances, e);cept tbe rents anD
feruices to be ic.anD ercept tbe (aio rent r? annuitie,2nt)at t^en ic.

^ Condition to fnrrfnderCuflomarieUnds.

Sx^itl^ixi bounD 3 Vi*

Sea T^"^^ Conoition ic. is fuel;, STbat tobv^'c t^c
1 batb bargameD anD folD to tbc tuitbtn.^lameo C
il.^U tt)at |)is
meafe toitb ^b*^ eDificc0,anD foure acres ano a Ulfe of arrablc lano |c
tuitb all tbeir appuitchances ic TohaucanD to ^olD tbc faiotcnc^
ments ano p;emtllcs,tx) tbe faio ^ano fo bis beirs,at tt)e iuill of tbe
ILo}D ano llo^DS cf tbemanors U)l)ereof tbe fame bin boloen, after tbe
cuttomeof tbefaiomano; 0; manors lubereof tbep be pareell, if tbe
fame l*U*at t^e nept court oa (outts to be t)olDen at X^z fame manno}
Liber Conditions. fccundus
o; niano20,tio furrender and prelo into tt;e \)m^ of t^e llo^D o; i.o;ds
of tl)e faiD manoj fo^
time being, all t^c rigbt ff to tl)e bfe of t^e

a$ tl;e k'ame ^.o; ^b \)tUt6 fl^all ano

(aiD 2D*^ts ^eirci,tn fuel) iDtfe,
map be aomitteo tenants of tbe fame,to bolt) tbe fame to tbem ano to
tbeir ^eirs, at tbe iDtll of tbe Ho^tis efo?eraiD,af tcr tbe cu0ome of tbe
faio manno?0 0no alfo if tbe faiD %* o; \^is beir^S;. O^all at all timed
i^ereafter oifcbargetliie p^emiltes of all fo;niec bav3ained,rale0,io{)n*
tnre0,ftolJD;ie0,rent5,fined>fo^feiture0,paine0, ano amerciaments,
ano otber cbarse0,bao,oone) canfeo^o^maoe, at anp time o; times
bfo;e tde faiD farrenoer, Cbat tben tc*

^ ConditioH to make ^ Boat,

Condition^Cbat if tbe abooe bounoen 31*^*f
<c. tbeir o ~
erecatoj5oiallign0,o;aii|?oftbcm,tso,fl)al,anDtDilU)cUf trulp
'^^ '

fM2be f mnbe,o; caafe to be toell i trnlp U);ou6()t f maoe, at t^e onlp

proper cott0 ano cbarges of tbe faio %9 3^* tbeir erecutojs 02 adigns,
one gooo,fatficient, f perfect X5oat calico a Catct), to /ano fo; ti)onlp
proper bfe ano be^oofe of t^c aboue namco &*^* 0nD tbe fame boat
0} catcboo,f (ball iDojke ano make in greatnes and goooneo^botb in
lengtb^ano b;eadtb4 bnrt^en,litae bnto a certaine boat called a catcb
of 0*!^*notD alreadp made lujougbt* ^nd tbe faid boat 0; catcb tioe
and Ibal make b;oader in tbe botome of tbe fame, tbe tbe faio boat o)
catcb oftbe faid 0.1^. nolo is by tbe quantity of one bandb;eadt^,f
00 and fbal tDOjb 1 make tl)c Tame of 30oD,f uftnntiall,and fcaronable
timber luood, and all ot^er (tufife requtnt i ncccCTarp fo; tbe making
tl^ercof,anD of fo goodiDcjkmanlbip in al points and p^opcrtie0,and
to all purpofes,and int jnts,a8 tbe faio boat 02 catcb of t^e faid ^.11^.
not is made and lo^ougbt of, toit^ont all comn, frauo 1 deceit. 0nd
tbe faid boat 0? catcb, toellj futficientlp, * pcrfealp U);ougl)t 1 maoe,
as is afo;cfatd,do, and (ball Uiel i trul|? deliuer^^o; caufe to be dcliue^
red before tbe i y.dapaf 3!icat S^.in t&c faid countp of jj5.to tbe fato
^,^,}^iB crecutojso; aCEigncs toitbout furtber delay :&otbat tbe
faio ^^bisJ crecntojs oj aCignes, oi anp of ibcm,doe, at,anD bpon
tbt dcliuerie of rbe faid boat 0? catcb, tuell and pcrfealf \M;ougl)t and
made, as in af ojefaio, content and pap, 02 caufe to be contented and
paied to tbe faid 3.^ , anu 3i.5i5.tbeir eyecutojs ic.llje iufi and toboie
fummeofbiXfc. Cbattbentc
A Cottdttiontomfik^ an e^ate of lands hj Fine,
Tl^e Condition ic.ariat luberetlie aboaebounoenOTf.p^batb
rcceineoof t|ie iDitbinnameo i^.^abefummeof <c tf t^efaio
Symb. Conditions. part.prinix

Hi.^.anD W'W ^i^^i i" conCoeration of tbc faio fumme of c. be*

m llato
fojc tt)c feaa of f cDo t3iaU2 a fufficient ano latufuU eftate t\}e

in fee Qtnple bv fine in one f o;me of HaiD^to be leuteo at tb^ coSs anD
cbargeg of t!)8 faiD U.L.to 3.30. ano n.5lof , anD inU^elanus ano
tcntrntnts in i^* in ttjc Countp^f jji.being of tbe inberitance of tbe
faiD spanD of tijc pcrelp baUie of ?c. to tbinCcnt that tbe faiD 3l^anD
^.il.lball b^ tbe fame fine, grant anD venoec againe tbe fame lanDS
anotcucnienistotbc faiD ^KI-^ anD ^DnringtbeirUiie0,ixjitboat
impeacbment of toaff, tb^ remainDec after tbe DeceaCc of tbe faiD M*
anDCp^toCB.tbelDifeoftbefaiD 1^.31 Daugbter of tbe TaiD M.ano
sp f 0; tcrme of bcr life, i after tbe Deceafe of tbe faiD d;. tbe remain^
oer to tbe faiD ii.il. ano to tbe beires ir.janD alfo if tbe faio 2l.|0.bc'
f o^e tbe faiD feaS of i c. maUe a laUifull graunt to tbe fato H.ll.of all
|ii0U)bol^tsi^ni^^nointereaof peare0,iubi(b tbe faiD StiS.ip.batb of
tbeDemifeanDleafeof our ^oueraigneLo^Dtbel^tngytntbe^elt
granfie,latelv belonging to ic. 2:bat tben tt*

A Condition to make reparations andfences,

ConDition ic SDbat tobere tbe^aboue nameo Ci^, batb and

Seft. T 54- ir^^
i boloetb, 0; bs^teafter (ball baue 1 bolD one tnefuage, n* acrs0 of
arrable lanD , anD one acre of meoolo, in ^.ano &. in tbe Countie of
^.fo; ccrtaine ^earcs pet inoaring, foj a certaine perelp rent,tbe rc#
mamoer 0; reuerOio tberof belonging tnto tbe faiD ^.)15. ano 2i*^{i
tuife,aiui tbe beirs of tbe faiD ^.S5. as bp a certain fine bnottleogeD
befo;c fir (^. 2i* ^\m\)U i^o^D cbiefe Bluiltce of tbe common )dU80 at
tiaeam.anD otber tbe ueens maiefties Bluttices of tbe fame bencb
of tbe fame pjcmiCfc0,fo2 tbat purpofc, in tbe fame terme of &. 2Eri#
mtiela(fpatf,t)pon graunt anD renDer, plainly appearctb* If there-
fore tbe faiD 21:.^* bis erecuto}^, aDmtmftrato;s, 02 adigne^,! ener^
of tbem.atbtd anD tbeirotone proper co($ anD cbarges, ^allatall
times bereafter During tbe continuance of tbe faiD terme of pearea,
in tbe faiD fine erp^cfieD, lueil anD fnffictentlp mabe,repaire,fuSain,
fence0,Ditcbe0,anD lJoatcr-courfes,anD bnilDtngs, in, ano bpon,anD
about x^t DemifeD pjemilTea* 0nD in Viyz enD of tbe fame terme leane
i}^z faioboufes anD bciloiugs fo fnffictcntlp repaired , fufiaineD
tnaintatneD ano t)pbolDen,anD tbe Ditcbes, loater-courfes, bcbges,
ano (ences^lDeU anD fufftcientlp amenDeDjfconreD and maDe. And al.
(o if tbe fa.D :.!^.i)is erecuto3/^,aDmini(trato;0,o; a(Iign0,anD euer^
i)f tj^em^Ojall orin$ t^c terme afo}efaiD;paH,anD bears aU fubfioies
Liber Conditions' fccundus^
oatrenfs^tdreMnD all ot^ec djargcs tu^stfoener, tCtatng ouU of, oi
from ttie p?emt(re0,o; anppart tbercof,anD tl)erof oitc^arge ano (aae
^armelefe t^e faio M*(0.anD l)t0 lutfc>anD t^e Metres; of tt)e faio (S2^*

v^ (^miiitionfor the rvatrantie ofWead, or any like thing.

T!^eConDittonfcX^atiDl)eret^elDttl)m boanDjF.tiatl) bargain ScA.T5d.
neDanDfolD,anDDeUaereDto tl}c toitljin namcDH. loco.baled
0f ^^olonCe liJoaOyOf t^e marges of fonrc l^nots cuerie bale, ano batb
pjomtfeD and toarranteo fento t^e fame H. tljat eucrte fct of tlje fame
^oadQjall niake,tDi)cti it 1$ let ant) pjoucti, fours poumi5 $c if it be
(o V^dt enerie fet of tbe fame ^oaD , tul^en it is fet cnD p;onco,make
t^e faib luarrantie of tiQ. ponnos fterlmg f r* o; if anp (et of tbe f o;e^
faio tsoao (reckoning tbJee bano^cD fo; a fct) make not trben it is fet
and p^oaeb tbe faio toarrant of \\\;* pounos (tcrling. ^nD tl;cn if tbe
fo;efiDir^rom time to time, bpon Due t^noloUDge thereof tobim
ttiaoe anb ginen b^ tl)e fojefaio l^.o? bp bi^ aaisne0,Do biel ano trul^
{ieliaer,o} caofe to be oelinereo to tbe (ato ^. o; to bis certaine 0ttur'
ttep,o} to bis erecnto30,at tbe ^^ioge fcote in tbe Citie of it. as macb
2DboloHfe lJDoaD,of tbe gmonclle ano toarrantte afo:c(aio,after i\i)S*
0erlingfoKnericracbbtino;eotDeigbttbereof,as(ball lache inanie

ui Condition to warrant thefale ofa Shr'p.

T^t Conoition c. tbat tobere tbe teitbin bouno 3. 515. f oloc bnf o 5^^^
tbe toitbin nameo C 2D.a cecfain fbip calleo tbe p of Cano all
j - 5;

manet ofbatteUin0rumcnti,fui'nin)ments,f apparrcllof tbe fame

appurtenances, fo; a certain Tumme of monep bcttueen
ilbip,U)itb tbe
tbem acco;tieO,as in a bill of fale tbereof maoe,platnlp ootb appeace,
C.B^.toell ano peaceablp map bauc,t}OiO,cntop,ano poflfetTe
if tbe faio

f bim,bi beircs ano affigne, all tlje faiO ftjip, battell mftruments,
apparrel,f appurtenances afo;cfaio,loit^out contraDiaion,let,o; oi*
Hurbance of anp perfon oi perfons,bp reafon of anp laUifuIl clatme 0;
intcreff in tbe fame,bfo;e tbe oaic of tl)c(c pjeftnts bao 0; maoe, ac*
cojoingto tbe tcno; ano effect of tbe faio )15iU,Lbat ti^n ic*

y^ Condition to n:ioj Unds qtmtlj.

Tli^c tottoition f c. tbat if tbe toiti)m n^jrteo a.mcp baue,bolT),ano Sct^.i ;/,
peaceably po(reire,to btm ano to \)\% tieirea f afTtgn0 fo; etier, all
tbofe fine mefnage5,loitb appurtenac^s, to^icb fomtune ^vere tbe

toili)in boaon iQ*!^. Ujitljout an? oifturbar.ce> Ut^intcrruptiGnj

Svmb. Conditions. part primac

cutiitfon,ei:pttlfion,impleauinj5,moletling,t)ei;atie o) gciefe,eit|)er of,

a bv m faioC. l)w l)eirc0, o; anp ot^cr pcrfon oj perfon lul^aUoe^

er,l;auin0 o? p?eteiiDi?-g anpmanecrigljt, title, tfe, claims, ojinte^
o? parcel of ttie (awe.
reftjof auD in tl)e f aiD fiue mefuajjc,oi an? part

tyfCo^Mtionpeaceai>/y /* f/oj' Ctfrw? r Grajff.

Scft m8 "npl^e ConoiticncCt)sttot)et^etoit^mbounDenK.Cb|? bt

1 U)jitinsin5cnttD,bcnrmg Bate tbe Dap of tbe Date ^crcof,am6gft
otbcr tbingsbatlj bargaineoano folObntot^eU)it^mnamco3.C.aU
bis barlep srolDing t}pon ^c.acres of Una, parcell of tbe manno) late
ofC anotbcpeafc p.nDfitcbcg grolsjingtjponfc. parcell of tlefaiD
niano?,anD t^e graffe groUjing bpon all tbe meooto grounos belonjj<'

ing to tbe f aio manno j, ano tbe bsmp grotoing bpon ttoo bemp UnM
<&> parcell of ttje faiDmano;,comatmngbpfc.asbptbe (aiolontinaim
^ oentetimojeGuitisntlpappcaretb 3if tbefaio Bi^Cbwerecnto; ano

affigne0,a)allojmag^pcaceablpanD qnietlpfelUcarrie atoap,baae,

bolcano eniot; .to b tm> bis crecutojs ano afftgnes fo) euer,all tbe faio
co;ne,gra(re atiD bcnip^luitbout an? labafnll let, interraptiom Dittop
bance,troQble,o} bcration of anp perf on 02 perfons. %^9i tben tu

A Condition peaceahlj to enioy lands,


1 bis l))ife,bp tbeir oecoe of feoffement inoenteo, bearing Df te %u

bane erecuteo ano maDe an ettate t)nto tbe battbin nameo Wi* f* and
CD^bis U)ife,of a ccrtainc tenemcnt,anD tbe moitie of a ^ell in i^ in
tbe f c*aB bp tbe fstne ocec it Dotb ano map appeare, if t|)e faio ^*anD
^ano tbe betres anD aCTignes of tbe faio Ml. (ball ano map fo} enec
b(reafter,bane>bolb,anD ciiiop all ano fingular tbe p^emilFes, ano z
Kcrie part tber cof jaccojDing to tlje teno3,fo;me, and effect of tbe fame
deeoinDenteo,biCcbargeo,o)otbcrlui(e(aueD barmetelTe fo;euer,of,
ano from all maner of cbarges,trouble0,ano incumb;ace0,bao,maDe>
Oone^o; (uffereo bp tbe (aio s:. ano ^* 0; eitber of tbem,t^ rent ano
(ernices from tbencef o;tb to be Due 0; papabU fo; tbe p;emi((c0j 0; a<
np part tl)ereof,to tbe cbtefc ilo^o 0; iio;O0 ic

ty4 Condition tofnjferoneto enioy lands recquered.

Tl^eConoitton tc.Cbatif tbeix)ttljinbonnoenfir?S^.p
cnto;0,aomtm(lrato;0,iaa:!gnc3,feuerp of tbem,oo permit ano
W tw
fuffer t^t tit|(n nameo ^^1^10 ^tixzs, erecnto^s, aDmtni{^tato;0,
Liber' Conditions. lecuiidus
farnicrs,tenmits,f afrignes,anD eaer^ of f Ijenijpcatcablp $ qutetlp to
|)auc,t)olD,occupie arte eniop,U)itt)oat Ut,Dtfturbanfc,t3ej:ation oj in
terruption of t^e faio ^,mi*^*\)is $ ctl)e manno? of C. noiu in tfce tec
narc anD occupation of ttjefaio >.i]5.anD U)l)tc^ latelp bclongeoto
tbe Cliantri?,p;oucane,oj CslUDgc of C.in tbe faio countp, i Mi\)\t^
one 3i.C5cntlcman latelp recoaereo, amonaft ot^er lanos and tcne
nient0,bp a tujit of Entre fur dlffcifin CD le Poft againll (B* 0. Clerbe, '

late p2ouoft of tljat faiD Ct)antrv,10;oueftrp,o? Coltcogc of C.afoje*

faio,acco;Ding to tt)e true mcaning,cflfect,anD intent of a paire of 3n
Dentures of aU)arD,inDentco i maoc bettoeene tbe rtg^t bonojable &.
2:.^.i^mgt)t,anl)^.CS^iS. bearing Date ic. And aUo if ttie faiD
^*^.Doveaclpfc;eucr acquit anODifct)argetl)e faios^.i]^. ano^is
\)t\xcs, of ano from all fuel) tenths as Hjall be parable ano Demanoeo
on t^e bc^alfe of our |a>oucratgn ii aop ano ber rucce(ro;s,of, in,o; f o>
t^e fato manno?,tanD0,anD tenement0,C^at tl^en ic*

/i (Condition tofauf harmelejfe,

T^eConotfionof fct^tDl^erc fbe lDit!}in bounD M.E^. ^^^^Scft.ifii.

bargaineo ano folo to tt)e iDitbin namcD H! H:*aU t^ofe^is mefa^
agc0, lanDS, tenements, f bereoitamcnts, bott) frdct)olDanD copi^olo
ift l^.lL.C.ant) !&an t^e conntie of il^.tobicb m\,l^* Deceafeo, i^atlicc

to tbe faiD W*n anp otber to \i\& tfe, toere feifeo of, as b^ an ^Inoen'
tare maDe tbereof,beartng Date f c* mo2e plainlp it Dotb ano map ap^
peare,tf tbe U)ttt)in bouno l^.his beires^crecutojs, ano afftgnes Cball
from bncef o;tl))from time to time acquite, oif charge o? faue ^arme^
lefle,a0 toell tbe faiD lanDS,tenements,anD berecitaments ano euerp
parcell thereof, botb freeboloanDcopibolD, asalfotbe fatD3.Ci)is
tieires ano a(rtgnes,again(t 3* tbe late U)ifeof tbe Cato Wi> ^. orcea
reD,anD againlt all otber perfons, of, ano fo2 tbe Dolucr, title, tttate i
intcrett of ooU)er,Uibicb tbe faio Bfl.tbe late luife of tbe faio C2i .p. oe^
b^tb o; is intituleo, o} ougbt to baue, of, in, ano to tbe faio
lanos ano tenements, anD all ot^er tt)e premises, o? an? parcell ttje^

A CoMcittioft that Urtds be difcharged.

T!^eConDition fc* 2Dbat DDt)erea0 tbe totfbtn bouno C*^* bp Sea.i<52.

bis DeeDe inoenteo, bearing oateic tiatbrnaoe anoet^ecuteD an

eOate bnto tbetuit^innameo il Wi* of ano in fonve tenements? Uiit^
Symb. Conditions. partprimas
t\)tixapvnrtMianccs Iping in i]5,f f . tnfier a r ertainc ccjiDif ion in ttje
falD tiaD crp2cKeD,as bp tt)c fanic oau.at large DotljanD map appcare.
3f tl)crfo2e t^ie faiD f cure tenemcnt0 iit^ all ttjctr appuctcnancc0,at
tt)e time of t^e fait) eQateanDfeoffemcnt making, IvereclecrelpDir^

ct)argco of all former bargaines,falcs, title0, ooloerH, iointureSjfta^

ttite mcrl)ant8,anD of ttie ttaplc, annuities, leafes cnD of all otl;cr
troubleSjC^argc, % incumbrances, U)t)atfoeucr tljep be : t^e faio con*
oilion,anotl)e rents anoferuicefl to be Doe, ano going out oftl)cp?e'
miCfe3totl)etl)iefcllo?Doftt}efaofthefanie onelpercept. Andalfo
if ilje faiD S^.jED.anD (iD.notD Ijis U3ife,Upon tije Default of papment of
anp fumme 02 fummes of monp in tlje faio DeeD of feoffement contai?
nct),fl)all maUe o; caufe to be maoe to bfe of tl)e faio H. ^.I;i5 tieirs
anDaaigns,fucl)furtljer,scDD t fuflicientairurance,ofanDint^ep)c*
mifle^janD cuecie part ano parcell tt^erof^as C^al bi from time to time
furtljcrDeuifeoouequireDbp tl)cfaiolt.OT.l)is Ijeiresojaffignw,
02 bp [)\B o; tt)Lir IcarncD counfcl, at tt)e cott anD charges in t|ie ilato
ofvl^e faiD Il.mio2bt0 iieires 0; aaignes^Ctiat tt)en fc.

^ Condttie'/i to defend the title of lands lately recoueredy Mttdta

pay cofis expended a^eut thefame.

nni^cConDition t . C^at toljere tl)e toif^in bounDcn ^.^Sffltr

S ft i<5
1 anD<I^.2D.latelprecoaeriDtycmannojof(l^.|Diacr0otl)crlanDd
nnD tenements in C.afo;efaiD,bv a common losit of Cntre t^e pod m
againlt t^e aboac nameo C.2L*anD <3*%* tobici} recouerp toas l)aD to
tlje bfe of tl)e faiD C^.SE.fo? terme of bi0 ltfe>l])it()out impeachment of
SM&y% after ^is oeceafe to ttie bfe of ttie aboae nameD CSU.fo? terme
of ^i0 Ufe,if tl)e faiD g>.tlt2II.^anD CBD.t^eir erecuto;d,aDminiftra^
tO20,anD a(Iigne0,anD euerie of t^em, Doe l^ereaf ter at t^eir COII0 aod
cl}arge0 in tl)e labP,latDfullp DcfenD ti)e faiD CB JC. ano <5* %>. againfl^
all fuel) perfon0 a0 l)ereaf ter Qjall make anp latof ull entrie, in, 0; to
t^e faiD manno20,lanD0,anD tenements, 02 i^tX Qjall commence anie
action, bill, 02 plaint againft i\)t faiD CSE.anD t5> tl;eir tenants, far^
mers 02 feruant0,concerningtl)e occupation, title, 02 tntereQ oft^e
faiD CanD alfo if t^e faiD &. ^U^. anD > E> t^eir erccuto^s, and
afrisne0,oo Ijereafter trulp content anD pap to tlje faiD (I];.aRD (0.t^tr
emato;0 anD affigne0,all fnc^ latufull co(t0 $ ct)arge0 as tl^epl^ert^
after (ball happen to beffots f fpenD)in, anoabonttlie Defence of t^dr
intereft ano title,lt)ict) tbep |)ane in, anD to t|ie faiD mannoftf^lanos
nDtenement0,Cf)atti)en %u
Liber Conditions. fecundus
A Conditiontopay t^oneyfor MarUge,
T^t Condition %u
a02 one
SCIjat if t|)c toit^in bound C%^.2E.!^.f m. ^
of tl)em,t^eir l)eir,c.oa anp of tf)em,Do luellano ^^^'^ ^4
Ip content f pap,o? caufc to be contentcD i paio to t^e Ucceiuer gene*
vail of t|e ^.^autties Court of Wttaros ano ILmerie0,oa to
bt0 laiu*
fall Depntie fo? t^etime being , to ^ler t)tgl)nc5 bfe,
at all feattB of tc
iD^icb ftall be inpere of our JIo;d c^od i c.t^e fumme of icin part

ofpayment,of tc.fo;t^e fineoftbe licence of martageofC.^tUte

iDife of sr.^.Cfquire Deceafeo, ST^at tljcn i c.

A Condition to bequeath goods t9 a Wife,

T^^e condition ic, 2i:battft^cti)it^inbounoM.Ca)allgtue,be Seft.KJ;.

queatb, anD appoint, bp bi laa 23 ill i STeftament, bnto 0,^
tobonitbefaiD SSH.Cintenoctbto tafeeto Uufe,ifit pleafe C0ooto
fpare bim ltfe,ro mucb of bis proper g(nti0 ano catteU ti (ball rrtenD
I be lJDo;tb one C*^arbe0. 0nD tbat tbe faio 0. i ber erecuto;s aftec
tbeOcceafeof tbe faio M*C. (ball 9 map qaietlp baue,intop,ano pof^
fede ti^e fame gooD0 f (attel0,scco;oing to tbe fame la(t tuil i Cetta^
inent,tDitbout let 02 interruption of tbe erccuto^s 0; aDmmt(lrato}0
of tbe (aiD Wi**Q% of anp ot^er perfon 0; pcr(on0> SLbat tben i Ct

A Conditiontoget the ajfentofthe CoHnfellofthe Court of

T^Ards, to let certaine lands,

T '!^c condition fc SCbaf tDberea0 tbe rame3E.515.bpberfueDfa Scft.i^^.

S^eafetobimmadeoutof tbe Court of Wlarost jLiuerie0)bn*
dec tbe ^eale of tbe fame court, i0 at tbis p^efent time polTclTo;, fo;>
and during tbe s^ino)itic of ST.ii^.tbc Siuecnes spaicfties U)atd,of,
and in one great,largc,f capitall meafe, farmc, 0; tenement ia QJH.a*
fo;efaid,f of oiuer0 paSure0,clofe0,land0, % tcnement0 in Mt*afo;e'
committer tbereof 31.CZ3, nolu i0, 3n lubicb lleafc tbcrc is a p?ouifo
0; a condition,tbat be tbe faid iB^B.tbalUne map,tuitbout tbe f peciall
licence of tbe Ccunfel of tbe faio Court of ^ardfi 3liuerie0,aliw,
bargaine,oa fell bis (aid intcreftano tcrme,of,and iw tbe faio p;c
mi(re0,tc anp perfon oj perfons, bndec paine of forfeiture of tbe (aid
intereft : Ifthcrcforc tbe faid 3I.515.at, 0? bcfoje tbe dap of i c ncrt i^^
fuing tbe date aboue lujiften, do procure andlatufullp get 1 obtatne
tbe good toils and aaents of tbe Counfell of tbe faid court of m\
and J.;ueries,f 0; to aUen,giuejand graunt bis faio intereC and eUate
jL 2 nt
Symb. Conditions.' part.prim^
DMn,anDtof^efaiD capitaU mtafe ano pjemttTes (o t^c faiD3f.M,
ano biiJ atrigng,anD at, oj before t^c fame Dap of caffure i latofuUp
conuep ttic fame Ijis interett i eltate, of, f in t^e fain pjemiffes.togc-
tl)cr Ujit^ t^ie oao of tl)e Icafe ttjerof to tbe faio 31.m. t to Ijta bfe,Dif*
ctargcDjOfjanD from fojmer bargaines,fale/?, cl)argeB,anD imu*

bjanccs U)l)atfoeaer,bp btm ttje faiD J.liD.oi bp t)i0 coiifent o; means

Don,foffereD,03p2ocureD,falfo,at,o2 before tbefaio Dap off c.Deliuec

onaufctobe DsUuereDto tbe bfcof tbe faiD35l0.bi8cmuto;so;
airi0ne0,ttc faiD Deeo o; BB^^enture of tt)e (aio iLcafc, Sbat t\)zn c

A Conditiofor the occupying oftrvo BoateSyand certaine Nets,

Scft. 1^7. npi^^ conDition if SCtiatluberc t^e toitbin bounDi^,^^, anDt^e
1 U) tl)in nameD 3E> of one Boat calleo t^e
i^* are proper oloners
0.o7 tbe burtljcn 02 lueigbt of fir snunne,02 tt;eccabout0,\DitbfaiU0,
tacUlings, cables, anD anhere, ano otberappareilanD furniture to
tbe fame boat belongtns^anD alf o of Irtl. ^erring net0,anD ^acbrel
net0:anD\Bl)ersas alfotlje faiDlh).anD 3.are liUetoife otoners of
tbjee part0 of an otbcr 115oat in foure Diuioeo calleD tbe ^of tbe bnc<
tben of an C tun, Ijpttb ttie tb;ee p&rt0 of all manner of faile0, tack
ltng0,cable0,anD ankers, ano all otber furniture anD apparell to t^e
fame boat calleo tbe ^. belonging ic. 0nD U)i)erea0 alfo tl)e faiD 3S*
WSiM p;oper otuner of one i^et calleD a fet net-,lDitt) tU)o anker0,anD
necedaries tt)eretinto belonging, lut^icb boats anD net0,bp tl)e
confentofbotljtbefaiDoloners, arcputtotl^etireof tbefaiol^.l^.
fo; tl)g affaire0 f bopage0 of 611) ing, calleo i^errttig raire,anD ^acb^
rell faire, to be maoe from time to time, artoell fo? t[)e benefit i com*
moDitie of tbe (aiD I* as toi tt)c commooitie of tbe faiD ^>\$> Now
iftbe(aiD!^.^l)i0ei:ecuto;0,fc. doc at all times tiereaftertott^out
frauOO) guile make a iviSt accompt, ano true ano perfect reckoning,
to tbe faiD Bl* t)ts erecuto;0, (c* of, fo;, anD concerning tl)e benefits,
p;ofits,anD commoDitiesof euerpbopage calleo l)erringfmackrell
fatre,from time to time,U)t)en l}e fbal be t)ereunto laU)fullp reqaireD,
ano DoepeelD ano pap bnto tl)e faiD B!> ()i0 erecntojs f c. t^c mottle of
euerp fntb profits ano commoDities baD anD maoe of euerp fuc^ bop
ages U)itl)out frauD oa collnfion , anD fball be anfioerable to tt)e faiD
31.l)is ereccto2S, ic. foj tl)c moitie of ttje faiD Boats, j^ets, ano ap?

parell,VDbf " ^e Aall be tbercunto lalufnllp reciuireDtCIDrcept altoatefl

tt)e miCfo;tnne,anD cafualties of t^e ^ea to be at f ^c aonenture of t^e
faiD 31* 2D|iat t^cn ic
ji Condi'

Libct Conditions; lecundus
A Condition to fur chafe dndfeU,

T^eConD(tiottc s:i)atift^etuit^m UounD&*Cat ante time

hereafter D08bupo;parcl)afe to Ijimano l)is ^leirefifojcuect^e Sc^.ii58.
tnano; of C.toit^ tlje appurtetrances in i? Ujit^in lDaitten,ttien if ttie
fatoC*st tlje requeS of t^e toit^in nameD B!*>*oo bargain $ (el^gine,
0rdnnt,anD lalnfuUp affnre to ttie loitbin nameD Bll to ^\9 X^zixtB fo;
tbe faiD manno2>fo; fo mact) monep,ano as gooD cticape as tl)e faiD C*
Oot^ bu|> tbe fame parcell of tt);ee acre(, after t^e rate of tt;e purc^afe
of tbe faio tubole mano;,anD not ctt}erU)tfe,fo tbat tt^e monc^ be paieo
to t^e faiD C* at tt)e time of tt)e faiD bargaine o; cQate tbereof^ to bee ^:

maDe toitbont anp frauD o; oeceitXbat tben ic*

A Rendition to pnr chafe an apfeale

ConDttion f c.Cbat if tbe abouc bonnd ^M> no? anp foj ber, Seft.i 5o
o; in ber name,to ber fcnotuleDge, o; bp b^t meaner, aDaice^

fento} p;octirement,Do from b(ncefo;tb lDilUnglpcommenee,p;efer9
p^ofecnteojfoUotDan^ inDictment, appeale, t% anp otber action o;
fmt,neitberbolnntacilpgtue,o2 procure to be giuenanp eaiDence o;
p;oofe againS tc.no? againS anp cf tbem, fo: o; concernini tbe Deatb
02 killing of^l.^ .tate buf bano tu tbe faio 0*^.nc; voillinglp Doe o;
canfetobeDoneanpact o? tbing lobatfoener, fo; tbefurtberfuingo)
inDiting of i r*fo; o; concerning tbe ceatb o; killing of tbe faiD WiM*
A Condition not to frofecHte any aElion in
thefptritfia/l Court.
T!^eConDitionfc.E:battobcrcbtrctofojetberc bafbbinpjoccffe Scft.iy*.
p;ocreDbptbeabouebounD:.^. fo;tb of tbe Ducencs ^m>
fiie^Ccclefiafficall Court at ^o;ke, againS ^^ntB tben calleD bp
tbnamcof0.2izn\pl;om tbe aboue namcDC2iaiIhatbnolucrpGa'
leo f taken to bis U)ife,tpon pretence of a precontract rarniiCcD tp tbe
faiDC^.tobemaDebcttoeenebim tbe faiD 2l. anD tbe faio 0gne0.
3ftl)ctefo?ett;c faiD C&. no; anp fo; bim o; in bi^ name, bv hiB
meanes o; procurement, Doe from bencefo;tb p;ofecute anDfoUotu,
o;cauretobep;orecnteD ano foUolucD,tbe faio fuit againU ttje faio
ja.no; againttanpotbcr pcrfon o; pcrfons tbat bcretofojebauebaD
mip Drilling in tbe faiD futtcj matter, on tbe part anD bebalfe oftbe
faiD 0.110; boe at anytime bf reaf ter p;ocare 0; commence, no; canfe
tobcp;ocureDo; ecmmenceD aup otber fuit 0; p;oce(re fo;tb of tbe
^ il 3 foine.
Symb; Conditions. part.primac

fame (!l;cclc(ial!all Court, oj an^ Court Ijaning att)Djitic to ^olD

plcatbereofagainfttl)efatoCi5.^anD ja.noto ijis Ujitc, oj agamft
anp ott)er pecFoti o? per fon9,ti)at t)auc traucUeO 02 Dealt in tt)at caufe,
againft ti)r faio S:.&.o3t^at Daue traudUo on tt)e bct)Glfe of t\)t

fain 51. And morcoucr if tl)C faio SC.&.Doe at cU tune t'Crcaiter toity*
in one pcare ncrt enf uing tl)c Date tt)crcot, 00c, ano fuffi r be Done,

all anD cucrie anD acts,tbtng ano tljing0,as brrcafu i fl)i'U be

furl) att

tieuifeDo^aouifEOb^tberounfell oftbe faio d^. ano !3>fo; tl)rrleere

anD btter DEtermination ano DUrbargc of all furl) p?EtcnDD rigt)t,oj
claimcafl tt)e (aiD SL.&.^atb) niigbt, 0; map t)aue, rbalUnge 0; mokz
agatnft tbe faiD 0. b^> bertue 02 rolour of anp p;erontra(t 0; p;omife
lietU)ecne btnt tbe f aiD CanD tbe fatD 2i* lurmtfcD 0; p;etenLcD,o; bp
reafonof anpotbcr matter iDbatforuer bcretofojc l)aDo; moucDbc*
ttueenetbefaiDSE.&.anDtbefatDa.at tl)e cotts ano (barges mt^e
laU) of tbe faio C>.^.Ct)at tben $c.

ACondttion toderforme Covenants,

Scil ' T7I.' np^^ <JConDitton f r. Ctjatif tt)cU)itbin bonnDSn.i^.ic Joctuell

^ 1 anDtrulPbolo,perfo;me,obferue.fulfillanDUeepallanDftngular^
^jj^/k (iuK-,.rr.e ^y >- touenantfi, gcaunt, artfcleu, paimcnts, pjomifes, ano agreements,
' " iDbicljontbepattanDbcbalfc oftbefaiDCir.l)ibeircg,trccuto?0,
>f:'.'?( -li^-^"- -^^'"^ ^"P ^ ^^^^" arctobce boloen, pcrfojmeD, obfcrueD, fulfiUeo
*'fi^'^^^^fI:S^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ipecifieomon^aire of
"' " ' '*3;nDcntures,beanngDatefr.maDcbettuccnctbeJaiO ES^i^of t^eone
partie, ano tfje luitbm nameo &.E. on tlje ot^ef parrtejJ^aojDmg to
t^c teno;, purpon, true intent ano meauinj^ of v^t faio jitfoenturts,


Seft.172.' nr!^eConDifton$r. ETIjatiftbeaboue bouttOd;. JLl)ii5mrufo?0,

i ano aDminiflrato;0^nD cucrie of t(}cm,ro; l}is anD tbetr pact anD
faebalfe,in all tbmga DoelDcli ano trulp llano to, obey, petfo;!ine,ful
fill cnb t\Eepe tbe aluatD, at buremcnt, ojDir, ruU, Dcome ano luDge?

mcut of ^* C* :a.p. 1:3. ) ano i\. S>. aroitrotcifi moiffcrcntlp cbo'

(cn,aslriillonU;epirt uftbefatoCBl.on tbe onepartte,ason ti)e
part of tbeaboue nameo 3.3. on tbe otber partie, to arbitrate, a*
U)aiD,o;tiei,inDiuDseof,an^bpon all, anD tW manner of atttons,
fulls, oebt,ac(ompt9, trcfpaffes^ controuer&es ano bemaunbs,

Liber Conditions. fccimdus
tuljatfceucr,!)2t',mcDurtJ, oi oepencing, ci twS)itlj migljf ^auc bin Jjao
cj wiooueD bttluccne fame parties , at anp tunc bcfoje tlje Date

abou tu?tttcn : S>o alUiair0 as tlje fame Qrbitratojs Doe make tticir
atuarD anD iDgcment0,of, antJ concerning tbe p?EnuiIcs,bp tuntins
inoentefi bnDcr al f bcir I;anti5 f f^les, on tfeis fiDc tlje ttoentiertj Dap
of 3ane nert commiKij, anD one part of tije faio lujitmg tuDcntcntcD
tonoer all ttjeir banDS nno feaied ,ano tbe fame neltasr, oj caufcto be
DeltuereD to fbr faiD Cll.ojbis aGigng,rcqairig tljefamc,t)pon tbc
fame ttoentietb Dap of 31unc mict comming, at tljcnotoDloeUtng
iioufcof tbefaia 0.p*fet anD being in cl^aftcbcape in IlonDon, be?
ttoeenetbebotoersof 2.anD5. of tbe cloche in tbc afternooneof tbe
fame Dap And alfoiftbe faiD Cl;.l.DoenotDifrbargetbefaio;arbis
trato;57no; anp of tbem in tbe meane tttne,Cbat tben ic*

A Condition toferforme an Award ofUnds^and

tojbew Enidence,

Tl^eConDifionic.Cbatif tbeU)itbtnbounD^.31 anD3l.^lioe Sea. 173.

cianD to,obsp,perfo?me, feffpcano falftil tbe aU)arD,firbitremet,
D;Dinance,rulc,f iuDgenient,of li5.2K3^.f c. anD D.,flp arbitrators in^
Diffcrcntlp nameD,eleitcD,anD cboren,a(\]uel on tbe part of tbe tuitbin
tiamcDU*ason tbe part of tbe faiD il^*3C to arbitrate, e^Deinc, anD
Deenie,orU)eU of, anD tpon tberigbt,title,interett,t}re,anD podcQion
ofagarDen,lplngic. asof,anDt)ponallactions,trerpa(Ies,quarrel0,
fnit,Debates, Debts, Dsmanos, anD all otber griefes, anD inconueni^
ence0,baD, niooneD, ttirreo, 03 oepenDing bctuiernc tbe faiD partieo,
concerning tbe fame garoen And alfo tbe faiD 1^.3 before tbe featt
of (Salter nert coming fc^Cbelubnto tbe faiD ^rbitrersaUfucbUjji
tings as bebatb m
b s poflfcffion concerning tbeir ngbt,t;tle,bfe,in^
tereft, or podefTion of tbe forefaio garDen , in fucb tut(e tbat tbe faiD
arbifrers be not DeiapeD to maUc an acbitcrmcnt, of, f in tbe pjemif?'
fesforlnantof tbefigbt&f tbelatolnritings anDeuiDences : ^oab
iDates tbat (c* ^bat tben f c*

A Condition that a Prentice /hall not rvafi

his Maflers goods.
Sea. 174.
T^^eConDtHon llbatlnbcrcone lSs>. fbcfonncof tbeiu^tfjin
faoimD 0.& uplnslDiiting (nDeutcD.bei.nng Date tbe Dopoi tbe
Date of tbis present obljgatiojbatl) put bimfrlfappjettce to tbetoitb*
innflineDU(Il;4otbecrattof aCutler,fiomtbefeaftof ^.^tcbiieU
% 4 ttje
SymK Conditions!^ p.irt.primae

tl)e jarcljaugeU latt paff , bnf ill t\}t terme of feuen peares
tlic cno of
from thence nctt following, as bp fame Snuenture nioje pUinelp

appcnr(;ti) 3!f tbc faio B!.& (tjall at an? time During tlie faiB terme,
Mlinglp oi ncglientlp caftalDap, confume^oj toall anp of tlje gmOtf
o;ct!att?l0of tl)efaio lrt.Cl;.tl)eniftl)cfaiD 0.^l)ici:ecatojso:aD^
ininiarato;s,tjpon a latofall pjoofe maDe of t^c cafti :g aiuap, c onfu*
mtng,03 1 itting of tljc faio gcous o? cl)attels, Ojall content f pag, o>
caufctobecontenteo f paio totljefaiD (i0Ul)i5crccutojfio;aDmi
ntftrato20,t^et)ale of allfnc^ gooos i catteU, as l^all fo fo^tnne to
becaftalDap,toafteo,o? confunicD, from time to tim2,tpontl)efatD
latofuU p^oofe maoe of tbe fame. During l{)e faio terme. Prouidcd
al way cs, tt^at t\)t faio 0* t)t0 crecuto;0 o; aDminifltrato;^, fl^ :)l not be

chargeable o; compellable bp ttiis hDbligation to pap, fatiffie, o; w

ccinpence bnto tt)c faio l\ C
bis cicecutojs o; aDminifltrato)0 aboae
t[)e fumme of ft;tte ^arbes, ^t)at tben c.

^ ^ofuHtiottfor a Sernant, or Apprentice.

Sft.X75. Tp^econDitiottfc. Chattoberetbe tDitbinnamebSJX.befojetftt
1 fealing ano oelinerie of tbis Obligation batt) bireD anD retainet
tbe toitbtn bounD Ml .E> to fcrue tbe faio HI. from tbe Dap of tt)e Date
bereof,fo2,anD During tbe term of ; Uibole pears from tbence nert in*
fuing* If therefore tbefato ^.2D. from tbe Dap of tbe bate bereof,
(ball Dl0eU,tarrie, ferue,anD abioe, to ano toitb tbe faiD Bl*bt0 eicecu^
tojsano alTtgnes, bnto tbe fall eno ano terme of t^jeewbolepeares
not nert infuing ano fullp to be enbeo. i^nD alfo (ball onnng tbe faio
tertne, luell, faitbfollp, ano obeoientlp ferae t^e faio B*bi0 erecuto^js
nb a(tigns,tn all facb U)o;ks,ba(tneaes, anb affatr0,a0 tlie faib tiM*
^all be put bnto, acco^Dtng to tbe poU)er,tDit, ano abilitie of tbe fail
tnx* H>* tPitl)out abfenting bimfelfc eitberbpDapo? bp nigbt,t9itb'
oat licence of tbe faio BE* bis erecuto^s o; adignes oaring t^e fata
terme* And alfo if tbe faio m*
Q)all not ooring ttie faio terme eitber
loatt o; confume t\)z gooos ano cbattels at tbe fame H|. ^is erecnto20
6} affignes , bot (ball bebaue bimfelfe boncf^lp ano obeoientlp tO'
tparos tbe faio |4jis erccato^s o; alignes as a tutt,faitbfttU,( boneft
(eraant ongbt to ooe During t\)t faio terme , to all intents , refpe(t0>.
^4uio parpole03,2C^at tt;en ic*^

Liber Conditions. fecundus

A Condition not to difanuila Letter of Atturney

to receiue debts.

T^^e fonoition %t* %W lu^ere t^e abone boanD Vi.

maDe a ILettec of attarne^ bnto tbe U3itl)tn nameo )Si*f* to re^
315 W *^^^* '7*

(etue of U*C*Qf f c* ano H.^* of f c. all anD angular fuel) futnmes of

monepais are Due anD oUitng Ijnto tl)eraiD i&.313* bpano fromtt)e
faio UC* ano U*^* bp t^ieir t^ijee (euerall Uintings obltgato^te bea^
ring Date tbe t Ct Ijufjerem tbe taiD U ano U* ftanD iointl^ i feuerallp
bonUD t)nto tbe fatD ^*%* anD euerp of Votm in tlie fumme of f c* tn^
OojfeD iDitf) conDttton tn euer^ of ttiem, fo; t^e payment of %t* as b^
tbe fame letter of attornev^ t tuaitings obligato;te afo;eratD,it Dotb
appeare* If chc taiD U*^* Do not at an^ time t)ereafter reuoUe o? Dif ^
nnll tbe faio letter of attnrne^,no; mabe anp letter of attnrnep,con^
cerning anp of tt)e TaiD Vontings obligato;^ to anp perfon o; perfon^
otberttientotbefaiD )^.iFbi0e]cecnto;5 o; aDminittrato;* Andalfo
tf tbere be facb perfonis Duelling in t^e faiD tolnne of !^*a0 be calleD
tiD nameD bp tbe names anD aDDitions of )^*C.anD )S*^.anD nlfo if
tbe faiD tt)2ee anD euerp of tf)em be tt)e
feoerall U);itings obligato;ie,
0ooD,laUifall,rure9 % fafficient DeeDS in t|)e lato of tbe faiD 1SC* ano
]{*^*anD euerpof tbem. And alfo if tbe faiD ]^C*anD U*iiO*tbeir ep
ecato20 ano aDminittraeo;^ , anD etierp of tbeni: nolo be,f (ball com
tinneanD be fnfftcient in babilitie ano fubSance to anfloere anD fa^
tiffie tbe faiD Debts anD cner^ of tbem^ ouer i beQDes all otber Debts,

tobitb Cbt^ 0} anp of tbem nolu^o; b^i^^af ter do o; flbal olx)e,o; be cbar<)
SCO toit^ to an? perfon o; perfons* 0nD fball bane altoaies MzXti ixi
tbeirotonebanDs, occupation, anD pofTcifton, During anD bntill fucb
time as tbe faiD Debt anD euerp of t^em , o; all fucb fummes of nior
ne?asarerpecifieDo;tontaineDintbe BlnDo;ccmentsofeucrpof tbe
faiD bD^itings obltgato;ie,(ballbe full? anfUiereOi fatiffieD, 02 paieo
tnto tbe faiD Ubiserecnto2so} affignes AndalfotftberatDlti.^*
tits e]cecuto;s ano aDminiftrato;s , (ball anD tuill at all times bcreaf^

ter, at tbe coif es anD cbarges in tbe latx) of tbe faiD ^^^ bi^ nttn
to;s 0; aDmini(trato2S , auotx), inltifie, snD piofecute loitb effect to
UnallenD, all leuerpfncb action 0? action 0,ruits>anDplaint0,iuDge^
nients,anD erecutions, as tbe faiD U. ^\b erecnto;s %u (bell caufe to
beattempteDjCommcnceDj^'.ffiruieD, purrucD,alDarDcD o^aDiuDgeDj
in tbe namt of tbe faiD U.)15.bi3cmuto?5o;aDmini5iato2fl,againft
tbe faiD l.C.anDKsp cno citl;cr of tljem, O2tbebetrc0,frecutojs,
saaDmimltratojsoraneof t^em^ fojtberecone^ieof an^rnmmsof

SytnK Conditions. part primac

lu'.t up} ivftix anp nonfuit to le in tbe fame artian, attton, faiW,
VtauMs,iai5gcmEnt5, O2crccuhon0,no; an^ of tl)cm, no? battinot
i;erptofo;e Done,no? hereafter (l)aU Oo,fuffer,oa irabc ant> art o;act0,
f Ijir.g 02 ti)ings,celcafe,o; acqaitancc, lubercbp t^c faiD tujitingc ob*
Iigatojico; an^ of tl^cm , o? an^ fnmme of moncp ititl)0m,oj anfof
tbccn, o; in inDojcemcnt of anp of tbem contalnsD , o? anp of tl)c

fatD attton oj atttcns,fBics, plaints, iuDgemeutg, erccution, 03 anp

otl)cr benefit ariOng bp reafon of. anp t!)e p?emi(IC0, Ujall 0? map be
in anv ijjife rrteafeo, acquitcDjDifcbarscD.barrcOi t)efcateO,oj auop*
tjeD, luul^auttbc confent i agreement of ttjefaio Ji#bis ei;ecnto;d

J aommtfiratojs. And alfo if tbc faiD H. l)atb not rccciucD anp part
of tl)e rumme0 of monep in tbc faiD to^itings oblisaiojiei 01 any of
tl)cm,o;in tbc Btnoojceracnffiof anp of tbcm containeo. And alfo
if tbe faiD U.i5bts crccntoiis a
aominiQ rato;8,nial an^ Uiitl permit
ano fuffcr tbe faio U.i^. \)i& eyccutojs oj aommiaratojs, to receiue
ani3tat$etl)eiDbolc aisuantage $ benefit of tbefato ta;iting6 obliga^
tone,anD fummes of inonep afo;eratD,aaion, artionfs, (uit(,platnt0,
tnDcjEments,anD crccutions,ano eucrp of tbcm,to tbe onlp Ufe of tbc
faiD IX.j^ tjtsJ Erccnto:s ano aDmmiftratojs. An 1 alfo if t[)z faiD K*
315.<T}aU at tbe I'.be cofSes of tbc laiD IS, f, bis e rccutojs anD aomini
llratoae,07 at tbc rcquctt of anp of tbeni,ooG 1 faffec all f cuerp otbec
ano further act ano actSjlobcrebp tbc faio U.jp.bia erccntojs t anmb
ntftrato: jS (ball o;: map attatnc bnto tbe faio benefit ano aouantage of
tl)t p;cnii(res. And alio if tbe foio 1$.^, bis crecuto^s 0; aominiftra^

to;$ dial not at ar.p tiutc bcrcaftcr Demano anp accompt to be peeloen
to b>m,o3 tbem.bi; tbe faio U.i^.bis e]recuto;ts 0; aomini(trato;0>fo;>
03 concerning tbc p)em;{Ie5,ojanp parttf!CfCDf,2Dtiat tben f c

^ Condition not to difanulld Letter ofattturneyfor lands,

Scft.177. 'T^P Conoition f c, STbat iDbcrc4be tottbin bouno B!.515.nnD <!&

JL id.biiwc maoe a llctter of attoarncp bnto tbc toityin namcD csa
Cto re couer all manner of lanbs ano tcnemcnttf tnbntfoencr,lDbtcf)
to tbc faio 3.i5 ano CoifrcnDcO icfinie,o;ougbftol)aiieDifcenDeO
ano cottiC.ac beires of ^l:.tber late fatber oeceafco,a bptbe fame
Itettcr of .ttoiirncp |cif the laio %%, ano C*)i5.oian|>of tbcmOjall
not at anp time^crcartcr reuofee oj DiCannU tbc r^io iieftcr of attonr*
nep: And ^iio If t^c (aio 'i^mi^ Q, oj cu|)er of tiim,lftaU ano UiiU at
Liher Conditions.^ ferunJus

miniftrato3S from time to tiitiM at all ttaics Deccattcr, auoU, iutti*

fite ano p^ofecute liutl) tfect to finall eno, all anD tuttit fuel) attton

ano aaiond, fuits ano plamts,afi tlje fain 021.^15 kmuto?0,D2aDmia

Rifiratojfi,a)aU bjing, attempt, 02commence anp of |iec ^aie*m
fticoCort0,mtl)e names of trje faiD3!.Cano^*againftanp per*-
fon 0? pLfons toJjatfQeucr,fojfberecouem of anp fufbtbelanDs oj
tenEmt;nt0,aB Ujcce tte faio iJ^.HI. And a)al not toillmglp Ij nonfmt
oj fuffer anp nonfait,o; oifcontinnance 03 rctrarit to bee in tt)c fame
attion, actions, fuif6,oj plaints, 0; anp oft^sm* anoaUoiftljefa.iD
il-anfi Cojanpof tbemfliall not t>oc, o? toillinglpfuCfe!: to bee Done
an?acto;actMbtngo2t^msstol)Qtroeacr,U)l}cccbtut)e title, ng^t?
0; interett of tbe taio Jt(t*% eitljer of tl)em,of,in, j to tije uuD lanes
ano tenements afojefato, 0; anp of tt^em, o?an^ a(tion,actions, futt,
oi pUint,commenceDo} to bee commenceo o^attempteDb^ttteCaio
?IHIlaga4nft anp perfon oj pcrfons, m tl)C name of tSje faiD 3C*5ISII
f)baU 07, map \ib letteo, bin&jcc, oifcUargco, nmiiljilatcD, at.mini(I}cD,
liefeateoo;aaoiiieD,tDttt)outtt)e confent 9 agreement of tbefato W3X*
^ts erecnto;s, 0; a&mintltrato;s. 0nD alfo if t^e faiD B!. $ (3;$ cume
of t^em anD tt)eir f)etrcs, 6)all f tuill after fuel) reconerie fo ^aD^os is
afo;efaio,at t^e reaf onable requeH of tl)e faiD tm oi bis l)eircs, con^
ut^'nD alTarc to tl)c onlp tifc of tlje faiD m*
t)ts beircs anD afflgncs,

all ttieir part anD po^tttoo of tl)c lanss ano tenements, fo to be recoue^
rttD,anD all tt)eirrtgl)t, title anD interett Iv^tclj t^e faiD
Bl4 ^oit\j'
tt)eroftbcm,o2an^ ^aue 02 ougl)t to Ijaue,
oftbetrl)eires(l)all tlicn
of ano in tl)c p;emi(rcs,o; anp part 0; paiicell thereof, Ijuut) Coucnancs
ot beingdilcharged &c,

e^ Cctjdition to ferforme a IVilL

Ti^eCfliiDifion oftbis Obligation is fufl),tliattDbiretljet]Ditl)in Sea.i7S.

feouno J*MQjaU (bp tt)c grace of (2pod) macric nnn taUe to U)ife
3Ra.of i^.late tlje luife of C.liiCeccafeo. Sno tubcre alio tt)? faio d;.
K.bpbi6teftamcntanolaflUJill,nan*eD anD oj&aineD tlje saio K.;^
fole erecutnr of tt^e fame bis teftampnt anD lafttoill, anD bp tbe f me
l)at^ giuen anD br queatl)eo to 0. x^X* %t* to be pino %u to f* U r. f

tobepaioic.tftljeiniDi2Ki1bis! er^futojs 03 aDJ2unillratojS;Q;Ml

iucll anD truelp pap to t^e faiD 3 tl)i. mv.xt\t of r. f ^icat tlje faio Sa^
canD to tl)e laiD ^K.rU-t f c. at the faiD Dap ic. i^nD ?lfo if tl;t ?ti=o

i^ttis e)^ecato?s ai aDmintarato^^o^l^aU fulfill i trul^ sccompiiQ^

Symb. Cohdiiions. parc.priraae

nt) pcrfc;nic fpe faid tefltamcnt miD latt loill of t^e (aiD C.U* ano
alfo ttuclv fatiffie, content, onD pap all legacies, gif t, ano beqaeft
containeo atiD fpcctfieD m tl^c iame lad U)tll ano te(tament,acco;Din9
to t!)eteno;,purpo;t,ano true meaning of t^e faioteltamentanolalt

ty4 Condition to ferforme a yvifl^andfaue harmelejfe

the executors thereof.

Scft 1 79 T'l^c Condition ic.s:iiatU)l)eretl)ctDit^iB named 31. ^at^iaa^ C

1 tWteti t^c tDit^tn bonD BD.i^* to folfill t^e teSament ano lall
fjDillofoneC*)l.fati}ertott)e faiDSL.li. inlteeDoft[)Cfam(2L*ano
tiatt) afftgneD all l)i5 rtQt)t of erccutD^Qjip Mo ti)e (aiD&).iF. i^olii if
tbe(aiD)dD.irDoepcrfo;met^e fato tcaatnentanDlatttoiUof t^efaio
2C.)loeceareO,anD alfo oo acqutt,oifc^arge ano fane ^armies (^e fato
2C*il.at all times t)ereaftcr,agatn(t all ano euerp perCon ano perfons
lt)t)atroeuer,of,fo;,o; concerning all a(tion0,rutt0,oemanD09U9acie0
ano all libels hereafter to be bjoug^t againft tbe fato isc* i..bp reaCon
of tbe (aio teltament ano lalt Will of cCbat tben i c*

A Condition not to meddle with Exectttorjoip

Sea.i So. '^^e Conottton of tbis obligation is fur^, tbat lobeceas t^t toit^'
X inbounDSC.SD.^atbalTigneD ano committeo all t^tsrigbtofcp
ecuto;fl[)tpoftbetcllamentanDla(tijDill of &. 3! latg oeceafeO tnto
tbe Inttbin nameo H.l^. ano batb fullp f o; bet part autbojifeo, liceit'

ceD,ano aatgneo tbe faio 1^. onlp to do all ano euerp tbtng ano tbingi
bp bimfelfe ano bis adignrs, concerning tbe crecutton of tbe faio lali
loillanDtedament. ilbat tbercfo;c if tbe faio &.2C.(ball not inters
tneoole U)ttb tbe aominittratton of anp part of tt)e goDS ano cbat^
tels^monep. Debts, o; plate of tbe fato HcQato), toitboat tbo con<
(entof tbefaioia.bis bireso;crecuto;s, but (ball at all times bere
after,anD from time to time permit ano fuffer tbe faio 1& IS. bts ere*
tutors ano a(rignes,to aDmtniflter all fucb goos, (battels, mone]^.
Debts, anD plate, as at tbe Dap of tbe making bereofbeene in tbe tw
aominiSreD, o; in tbe banos o; potfcfTion
ftooie of tbe (aio 1^.1^. to be
ofanpotberpcrfono? perfons, ejrcept fucb gcoDS, cbattels, monep,
ano plate,as bcene in tbe podeffion ano cnOtoDie of tbe fato CS!^. of
tbefaiD rc(!ato?0,U)btcb is 0} are to bee aominillreo, as (ball bee
tbougbt gooo bp tbe faio C. %, And fnrtber if tbe faio 315. s:. bis
l^ircsic.ooenoimrc^argeani^ Debt el t^ faio jCe(lato;s,tanti)out

Liber Conditions. ftcundus

t^c confent of (ijc fair H^la.^g erccufo;^, o? afimfntffrafo^g, no^ anp
action iDljicl) tt)e faiD UiS 02 tjis erecutojs , Oiall tattlp attempt anD
b;ins againft anp perfon 0? pcrfons, to, 0? foj t^c recouerte of anp of
t^e t)cbt5,goiO0,ano cattelB of tlje faio SUcftato?, 2Lt)at tl?en tc

v^ Condition not to doe any a^M Executor^tvithout

' ,
conftnt ofhis Cocxectitor.

T^econDitionfc.2Cl)attoi)treoneC.)15.lateof^.tot^(jtDDccea^<: rv
teo tbetDttbitt bound 3p.^. and tl)e UJitljtnnameo jji.3c.t0 bcrcca<
to;0 of tbc fame bee Sl^eftament anD laQ tuill, as bp the fame latt tutll
Iteftamentamongft otbcr tbingg appcarctb, Jftberame^.llS.OjaU
not atanv tniiB bcreafter mabe, 0? caufctatec maoc, anp releare,ac^
quitacc,o?otljcrDifcbarge to anp perfonojpcrron0,fo:,oz concerning
anpof tbc Debts,g(DO0, oj catteis, tobicb toerc tl)e faio C. iB. tbc Dap
of bw Deceafe,no; (ball Doe, fuflrcr, 03 csufc to Done 03 fnffcrcD to be
Done,anp otber act 0? aits, tbmg 0? tbings, in,03 about tlje erccution
of tbe faiD STeffament anD laft totll of the faiD C.lt)itt)out tbe aftcnt,
confcnt,anU agreement of tbe faiD i^.3i.2Dbat tben f r.

A Condttton not to fell Lands, but to the Obligee

for afumme certaine.

Ti^eConDitionic. Cbatif tbe toitbin bonno 3l.\^.tbeDavoftbc Sca.182.

Dateoftbefepjcfents be true 1 lalDfalloinner of a gcoD, perfect,
abfolate,anDinDefcafiblecftatein fceCmplc,tobis otonconclpbrc,
of, anD \x\ one tenement loitb tbc appurtenances in d. ft. anD batb
ttot at anp time Gncc tbe firtt oap of October latt patt befo;e tbe Date
bcreof, bargaineD,alieneD,folD,o; put aUiap,no;lbaUatanp:irtie
bctcafter alien,fell,oj bp anp toaies 02 meanes put atoap tbe faiD tz>
nementfl anD pjemiffes,oj anp part tbcrof, to anp pcrfon 0? perfons,
otbcr tben to tbe tDitbin nameD <il;.a>. bifi beircs oj affignes S>o tbat :

tbe faiD (!. & bis beires 0: adignes toill content, fatiffie, 03 p ap, 03
canfeto bee contenteD,fatt(fieD, anDpapeD,t)nto tbe faiD ^.^.tbe
fumrae of rl. pounD6,of f c. foj fucb gooD, perfect, anD fufficient atlu^
ranee in tboilato of an eftate in fec,of, ano in tbc faiD tenements anD
pjcmiiles , anDeuerp part anD parcelltbercof, tobeconucpeDfrom
tbc CaiD Hl*^* bis beires anD aaignes,to tbe faio d;.^. biis beirsanD
attignes foj euer,DifcbargeD,of all manner of titles,cbarge0,anD m
tumb3ancei(U)batfoeucr, as (ball be Deui(eD,o} aDuifeo bp tbe faiD
Symb. Conditions. part.primx
^,^Ms t)etres o) altisne0>o} bp l)i0 02 t^gic leatnio CounceU i t^

^ Cenditum that a mansWifeJhall claime m DrnvcTj

bht releafe vpo reejueft,

Condition nu HC^at lol)ere t^e U)it|)in bonno Wi* 0. batb

bargaincD$(olDtotb liiitt)tnnamed 2n.^* all tbofebto lanes
ano tenemcnt0:, afUicll frcel^olo &b coppbolo > in & in tt)e coantie of

^.if tt^e faiD 2i:>tp.l;tis tysires ano affigneS) (ball 0} ma^ at allttmea
bereafter, l)aae, bolOi occnpie, ano intop a0 mucb of tbe fy^emilTei as
be froct)olD,U)ttl)outlcto^ intercnptio of ^nato toife of tbe faio Wi^
o;l}ernat3nc0,bpra(on8f anp interelt 0; title of R)otDer,tbati^e
tbeiaio ^mapfo^tanebereaftcr to claime, ofjo; in tbe fame pje^
mides being freeb^l^^if (beHiallbappento furutue tbe faio i.:^*^.
berbu(banD. And further, tftt}c fame 2D. ^. (ball be minoeoatanp
time toitbin tbe fpace of one perc nert comming after tbe oate bereot
to bant tbe taib ^*to releafe all ber rigbt^title, ano intereQ, of, and
in as mucb of tbe p;emi(Te!S as be frcebolo,tben if (be tbe faio ^*bpon
a reafonable requeit to ber tbereof maoe b^ tbe faio ^.^.bis beires
0} a((i0ncs,fbaU latofullv releafe all ber rigbt and title,of , and in tbe
fame p;amt(tes,to tbe bfc of tbe faio ^.^.bis beires and a(rignes,at
tbeoncl^ codes and cbargesintijeUtoof tbe faidCbis beires and
adtgncs* Andalfoiftbefaid^.attbencrt Court o;Courts.t0^tcb
Cballbebdlfen fo; tbemano^o; manors, tobereof tbecoppboldp^e^
miffes been boloen ( bauing of tbe fame courts fo to be bolden reafo^
nablc knoU)leDge,notice, 02 toarntng to ber gtuen bp tbe faid 2L*^
bis beires ic.)(bal lalufullp furrender and releafe all ber rigbt, title
andtntcreft, of, and in tbe fame coppbold p^emilTes, to tbe bfe of tbe
faid &. ^* bis beires and adignes , tbe fame p;emi(les tben being

cleerelp difcbarged,o; otberloife from time to time fuff ictentlp faned

\i^xtM\ztiZ9 of, and from all former bargames, (ales, titles, fines,
amerciaments , iducs, fo}feitares , and otber cbarges and incum
b;ances U)batfoeaer tbep be, bad, made, done, 0; cbarged b^ tbe faid
tKK*0 0; bp anp otber perf on 0; perfons b^ bis adent 0; commaunde
ment, (tbe fine 0; fines fo;tl)e taking of tbe p^emides being Copp>
bold 0; cudomarie tenure bp tbe (aid 2D* biis beires o;adignes,ano
tbe tents andlferuices from tbencefo;tb to be doe to tbe %m
3Lo2dsof iDbom i^z fame p^etnides beene !^olden onel^ excepted.)
Liber Conditions, fecundus

^ Condition that an efiate ugood^ andthAt the wife

jhall claime mdovper,

T ^^cConaittonic^CM tuyere f ^e tott^m bounu K.& bp ^w DaD o /v o

of fcoffemcntjbearing Date tfjc Dap of ttjc Date of t^ts pjefent ob^ ^^"-^M
Itgatton^bat^ maoeanD crscuteD an eftate m fee (itiiple, totljeloitlim
nameD SE.^.anD bis bcircs-,of,ahfi in ttje tenement f canD tubicb Dio
Dcfceno to tbe faiD K.&. as fonne anD beire of Ji.C. bw fatbcr Decea
fcD,as bp tbe fame DeeD of feoffcment mo?e plainelp appearetb3f tbc
faiD eftate be goD, latDfall,pei:fe(t,anD fure to tbe fato K\ !^. anD bi0
beireg,acco2Ding to tbe tenoj anD efifect of tbe faiD DeeD of feoffcment
And alfo,tf tbe faiD tenement at tbi0 time be cleerlp Difcbargeo of all
fojmer bargainefl, falcB, titles, interellfl, ftatntes, recognifance,
rentcbarge0,arreragt2sof rent0,anD all otbertronblesjcbarges, ano
tncnmbjancestobatfoeaer tbep bee,(ertept tbe rents an feruices
tbeccof,totbei^o;D0of tbefeesof tbe fame from tbenccfo;tb to bee
DneO And if it Cball fo;tune W^z faiD ja. g). noto tuife of tbe fame ii
^tofnraiae tbe faiD la.tben if neitber tbe fame 0.no? anie otbec
perr^o}perfon0,fo;ber,o;tni)er name>(^alltrouble,bere,no; fue
tbefaiDlID!^.bisbeircs,erecoto?s,no;afrtgnes, \\n tbcouinersoj
polteire70 of tbe faiDtenement f c .0; of any part tbereof, fo; ber Dolu^
er,of,o} in tbe fame p;emt(}es,o; f 0^ anp otber title 02 DemanD, in,o;

to tbe fame,o;anp part tbereof^SEbat tben %u

A Condition not to befnertie, "^

Ti^e Conbttfon %t* SC^at tobere i\^t toifbtn C!;.E>. bafl)
Sc^ 18c

betetofoae manp times entreD into boDs,anD become fuertp fo;

Diners perfons,fo? tbe paiment of Diners ftmimrs of monep,a9U!eU
bpto2itingajifU)itbontlu;tting,fotbattt)crebp the fato C.E).batb bin
Ube to fall into Decap 1 poaertie : fo2 tbe anoiDing luberof tbe faiD C
E>*bp tbe abaifement of Diuer^ of bis fnenos, batb tbougbt it gojD to
binDbimfelfeintbe penaltieofaC^totbe toitbinnameo ^.n.to
tbe intent cUerl^ to abttaine anD refraine btmfelfe from tbe afojefaiD
fnerti(btp9 Blf tberefo^e tbe faiD C
BE>* Qjall not at anie time 0; times

i)ereafter giue bis p^omife^o; become boanD,o$ aano as fucrtp bp anp

MnD of ttiean8,U)itbont tbe confent anD agreement of tbe faio m*fo;
an^perfono)per(onsl9batroeuer, fo?o; abonetbe (ummeofj^Us^at
n^one time^e^xept it be fojjone ]^.E>of i^*Ef)at tben %t>

Symb. Conditions. parc.primae

A Condition not to pia^ at Dice,
TincConuitionff* STljat lr{)cre t^e tuit^inbounBBB.BB.ljatbbere'

tofojc acrnftomeD,frcqucnteJ, i JjfcD to plaj) at tt)e nicty caro i

table0,tot)iJ5 great binocrancc anD IcCfcfo t^atjbp ercrcife.tfp,f acta

fiGmablcplafincnttt)OfetjnlatBfuU ganic0,tl)c(ai]D3.iaijatbbecnc
lifec to fall anD come into ertrcmc poucttic ano olbcr Dangers: foj tt)e
auotDingcflut)icl)faiueiuls,tt)efaiD3I.Jli. tl^jougb tlje aouertifemt
of l)is frirnosj^atb agretD to be bouno in tbe fum of rl.f .iuitbtn tojit
tcn,to abftain % clocrlp to abfcnt biitifclfc from tbe places t game of
tl)cmeaet(coftl?em,fo?miotiurtngtbetermeoffcuenpeare0fC. Jf
tl)crcfoje tl)e feio g.ia.fljall not at any time oj times bercaftcr, p;iui
Ip oj openlp,tiuriie tbc fpacc of ki\t pears nert enfuing tlje Date bere^
ofjpIapatanpoftbefaiDtnlatDfuUgames of DiccouacDS, 1 tables,
no; anp of tl)f m,luitb an^ mancr of perfon oj perf ons,foj anp funmie
0} fummes of nionp,oj anp otber goDs 03 cbattels (liber tp fo; pUptng
at carDs fo2 t^e fpacc of eigbt Daies pearelp, nert after tbe feaft of tbc
our ilo2D CDoD, comxnonlp calleD Ct);t(lma0> During tbe faiD
birtl) of

fcuen pcares onelp crccpteo) SEbat tl;cn jc-

.iA(^omitionto paymonej^rfatieharmelejf^ of a Ripca^ifance,

ConDition Cbat lu^eras tbe aboue nameD ^* % att^e xv

qoett anD inffant
anb tbe Debt of tbe aboue bouuD
Defice, fo; 3B.

<a.togetl)cr U>itl) Mm, auD one 3.(10. bp one IXecognifance of tlje Date
aboue lD3ittcn,fenoU)leDgcD in tljc^Jueenes spaicfties bigb court of
Ct}ancerie,fitancctb bounb tnto ^. W3l* in one bunD;eo pounD0,U)ttb
aconDitionfo;tI}cpapmcntoffiftte pounDof %t. bpontbelaft Dap of
BDunc nert enfuing tbe Date aboue lujitten, if tbe faiD 0.81211 anD 0*
ber Daugbter.o; eitber of tbem (ball be tben lining ) at tbe noto Dtuel<
ling boufe of i\.li5aiotarie,at tbe laopall Crcbange in ilonDon, as bp
tbe faiD Uccogntfance mo;e at large mapappeare. Birtberefo;e tlie
faiD 3B.0bt0 beires i c. Dee content ec. to tl)e faiD 0. 0; 0. tbetr ereca^
to}S 0; a(rigncs,tbe faiD fummc of dftie pocnD,of tc.bpon tbe faiD lad
Dap of iEune nert enfuing,nt tbe place afo;efaiD ( if tbe faiD 0.o;.0.u;
eitbec of tbem (ball be tben liuing) in fall Difcbarge of t|)e faio reciteo
ilecognifancejtiiat t^en tbi0 p;efent ]^ecognifance f c.

j4 (Condition tofane harmeUjfe ofa Bond, . rf;,-,

Scl.iS8. 'n^!^eConDittcn icXbattobereas tbe &uttt)in named ipt*Cat t^i

1 inltance ano fpeciall requeft of tt)e toittHn bonno MC4ogetbec
Liber Conditions. fccundus
ipit^t^e fame ^.anDfoat^etebt of tf}c fame W^,h^ acmaineljun'
ting obltgatojtc, bearing Date ic.ano ftanoetb iointlp ano reuerjiUg
bouno tjnto one 3 -^.of ican t\)t furrnne of 3 o. f tuitlj conoition tl)er^
tiponinDo;reD fo; tt)e paiment of rrt|.f of lawful! monc^ of CnglanD,
at f c.a5 bv tljt fame tujiting Dbligatorie,anD tijc inoo^fement tljeieof
moje plainly appcarcttjjif tl}crfo;c tt}e faio C<IHl.C.|)ts Ijcircs ic.IIjaU
at all times hereafter,! from time to timejcleerclp acquit, nifcbarge,
oj fufificientlp faue IjarmcleCfc tbe faio i^^C.tjis l}Eire,Eicccutojs auD
aominiftratojjs,! eaerieoftt)em,uijciinut!)efaiD3.).t)is^drcs,m
f ato;0,aommiarato;5,f cuerp of itcm,of,foj,anD coRcernins tt)e f aid
Ujjtting obligatojie,? tl)econdition tticrcof,auD euerie fum ano fuuis
of mcne)7 in rt)e fame bu;tting obltgato;ie,ano tije int)c;trem^nt ttierof
containeo. And alfo C.bis bEires,ErccutD?fi,o; alltgng,
if t^e faio tIJii.

01 one of tt}em,(b8U loitl)in x,m& mxt cnfuing after ttie faio feall of
&.B!*tdc 0po{lle,Dcltuer, 0? caufe to bee DeliuerfiO bnto tt)e tjanoss of
tbe faio Cbi( b^irrs $ctbe faio U)3itmg obltgato;ie eancellcO:, 0? eUe
fome latDfuU ano fofficient acquitance, 0; otber Difct)arge of anocon^
terning tbe fame,SEbat ttjen i c

/4 Condition to faue harme/ejfe of a Bond jor the peace,

Tl^eConoition i c.STbat lubereas tbc toitbinnamcOffiSK.Ii.af flje Sel.i8p.

inltance, fpedall rcquett of tbe toitbtn bounccn (0D* togetber
Ipitbtbe fame (I^)* ano otber, (tanoetb iotntlpanD feuerall^bouno
fo^tbefaio C>.^* to our foueraigne llaoie i^t ^ueenes ^atcdie
fumme of rr^of f c. luitb condition tbat if tbe faiD
tbat noU) i0}in tbe
<0i^.boe obferue ano beepe tbe peace of our fat& i^oueraigne Haote,
againit all ber liege people, ano fpectall^ againU one C. C* bnttU tbe

fe^S of Cncrtcomming after tbe Date bereof,a5 by tbe fame recog^

nifance appearetb,3f tberfoje tbe faio d^, > bis crecutojs ano aomi
mftrntojs 0? anp of tbem,Do at all ano euerie time 1 iixmB bercafter,
f from time to time cleerelp eroneratcacquit, otfcb^rge 0? otbeiUiiCe
fnfficientlp fane ano beepe barmeles by all Uiaics anc meanes tubat
foeacr,aftecll tbe faio eau.i^.bis erecnto;^ i aDminittratojs,t euerie
of tbem,a0 all f ftngnlar tbe lanfis, tenements, gcoos ano cbattels of
tbe (aibM.l^'b^s erecutojs ano aominittrato}S,ani) euerie of tbem^a^
gaintt our faio foueraigne ilaoie tbe i^ucene, ber beires ano fuccef?
fo?f,byteafonoftbefaio Uecognifance, arO Vuitboutanp Deration,
trouble o;moUliation of tbe faio m.M* bt0 ei^ecuto^do^aomimltca'
to;sr, 0; any of tbem?2C(iat tbcn i c*
Symb. Conditions. parr.primac

tyi ConditioKto faue harTftclejfe a fuertie i thcG(d/d-hal'.

'T-i^eConDitionff.SCIjat lDt)ere one ST.p.icIjatbbjougltJ atiD

J^ ccmmcnccoanrrtionofDcbtof fen P. againftitjc lujtl-m boimo
K.GK.int^ei^UGcncsfpaiGaics Court of tljeC^uilD tjall of tl;e Citic
of il.bcfo^c 2p1t\.anD \^,^,^[)tnh6 of ft?c fauK itic, in i to to^tc^
plaint ttje tuitljin namcD ^.C f U.. at tijc rcqi.ctt of tl;c foio 3. ?X:?

ere become pleD5c0 ano fucrtics foj <iZ\* to anilucrc tnto

t!) faiD 3.
t{;c fain E.p.infame i^bint.Jf tl;eii'c:ctt;c faiD 3,^ZV\}\<^\)t\vts,

trecutojs 02 aHigr.c?, Co at ail timzs IjercaCtci , from time to time,

clcarelperoiicratcacquit.Diffl^argco; faiac IjaumelcffG tlic faioj. C
ano li.C.tbeir t)etrcB,Erccuto;*,f aomimfti atojs, auD cucrie of tl)cm
eT.ainll tte faio iL.p.fjie betres, tpccutojs, ann nDminiftratojb, ano
action>anD all tljinp concevnins tl)^ fame. SEtjat ttjen if.

yf Condition to dtfcharge hia bailes in the Kings Bench,

TT^^ccottOifion^f' ilbnttubrreflieabcaenamcDl^.C'miDonett.
1 il).intl;ciri:;opcrpcrfons !)r.ue tonOcrtaUcn fojtfjcabouebonnD
>f* bp a iS?c0gnifancc uj jnainpjife. tafecn ai!D knoluU D^co betoje
tl)e 3uftice0 cf tbe t-ings 115cncl) at C2Ieaminftcr,tl;at if it bappen ti)e

faio CiF.to be conticmnco in anp action at tbe fuit of H.B. Cfqmrc,

tbattbentbe faio l^.\p.anDl[5.C. Die grant all coltg ar.DUammagt,
anDcvcfution0,Uil)ul)fl5Oulbbc iuCgcD to tl)e faio ST.iiB.intbatbc?
balfcfqoulDbelcu'.cDtotbcbfcoftbe faiDS.15.of tijc lannsf cbat?
Uls of tbe (aiD U.!^. H^.Cif fo it be tbat faio C
i^. Co not pap tt)c
fame Damages bimfelfe to tbe faiD %.^, 0; rt 6o;e ano ysl btmfelfe
cgrinelp mcancs tbereof to tbe pjifonof tljc iH^nrfballofibe^ars
fljalfep.if tbe faio Ci^.bi l}cireg,f c. ano eaeiie of tbem,nt all nmc0
brreafier from time to time, Doe VucU anD trnclp acquite, Dticbargc oj
fucbatmelestl)8 faio l:^.C. ano U.^.tbeirbeircsc. ano ei^ene cf
of tbe fato ilecognifanre anD mainp^iFe, anD of, and fe^ tbe crecutton
offbefa'Dattion,iFbcrcupcn tbe fame iiecognifancc anD mainp;ife
fo ti'.ben anD knoluUDgeD,anD alfo of,fo; I bpon aU otber bonDiS,

obltgations,anD tecognifance9,luberin tt)e faiD il^.C. ftanDetb bouno

to anp otber perfon c; pecfon0,fc;,anD in t^e be^alfe of tbe faiD C.jir.
Liber Conditions. fecund us

A Condition tofane his Ltile harmeU^e^andrender hirAftlfe


T^^ecottDition ic.2:i)at iofaeras tl5ii3itl)mnamD(I^.iFti)t0pjc^ '*5<^^ ^9-*

fentScrnic of ^.^icl)ael, became bounu fucrtie,mainpcrr.c?,
baile, o; ^leogc, fo? tl)c toitljin bound K. f . againfi I^.^.of f c. in
Simenes J^aiettieto be l)DlDen,a6 bp
tt;e<.touttfo;plC6 bcfnjette
tbeHcc?Dstl;ercofapparetl):2:ijat noluifttefaiti K,f^*Wtw
cuto;so? aDminittrato;s fl}aUpap, ojcaufetobepaiDtintot^cfapo
T^.&.t)iB crecuto;s ic. all aao euetp fiub Debts, Damages, fumme o; .

fummed of monep, as Cljall be lecouereo bp tbe fais i^*^.3gainft ttje

fam Kf* \\\ the faio Court, oj peelD bis boote into tljc p;ifon o; hcc*
pingtbc SBparHjail of ttje Sii)arlljalfep fo; tbe
fame, acco;Bing to t^c
ir.tcrtt anc oicaning cf tt)c fame bailc anD iuDgement tljtreupon to be

giotn in tl}e fame Coart, j^nD tt)ereof fo; cucr fauc anD keeps t)arnie^
IcGc tlje faio (^,f-.\^\B beires, emuto;fi,anD aDmimaratojs,f.gainft
tbe (apD Ip.l^.bis emuto;? anD aDminiarato^Sianceaerp of t^em,
2i:t)at tbcn f c.
A Condition tofane harmelejfe of(^o}iaMntsfor the [ale
ef J floods.
KC. dBfquirebpbis DceD inbctcD Sc^.1^3.
conDition ic. SCbat Uj'tjerc
bearing Oateic. batb bargaincD folD to 2:.\^. all tucoD
f tljat bis
anD t)nDcrUja)D,callcD hnoiucn bp tbc name of i c. cotapning ic.fet,
ftanDing,0roiDing,f being trntbin tbe parifb 5 \uooDs of caft bp t!)e
faiD inoenturcs $c. tubicb Idoods tbe faiD 2i:.!^.l;at|) bargaineD anD
folD to tl)c itJttbia bounD 5'P.3f tbc faiD
31p.ir. I cucrp of tbcm doc
loel anD trulp contet pap to tbe TaiD l^.C.o; \)i3 erecuto2S 0; adigns
tbc fumme of cat tbe Dapi timccontaincDin tbe faiD ^ntenturcs,
in tbe nan^e ^^^ bcbalfe of tbe TaiD Sl.i^. 2nD alfo Doc Difcbargc ano
fau2 barmcleffe tbe faiD 2C^).anD bis erecutojs anD aDminiftratojs,
of,to,anD foj all coucnants,graunts, anD agreements c ontcineo anD
fpcifieDintl)efaiD3;nDentureB,U)bicb on fbc part of tbe faiDEC.I^.
^15 ei;ecuto3S,aDnuniffrato;s, anD adignes^anD euerp 0; anp of tbem
are to be obferneD ic* Et)at tben tr.
y^ Condition to fa'rie harmeh^e ofa Rccognifance.

T^t conDition i c# SDbat lubere tbe toitbin nameo a15,af fbe iKk- Sea:.xp4.
aance,petition,anDreque{toftbeiDitbm bounD(i*i^. tfo^bis
Debtbpacectaine Dbligationo2 i\ecognirancemaDebeto;e "^*^*
)aeco;Der of tbecitp of \.% 3B.!^.knigbf)^lc^*Qf ^*in tbe fumme of rr*
l^i*ofc astt)e(ame j9bUappeatetb>iftbefapD C*if*l)ist)eii^esfc*
ip a pap
Symb. Conditions. part.primac

pap tnto tbe faeD C!)amber all tljc afojeCaitJ fum of rr. ft. f alfo fane
I bccpcljarmjUffe tlje abouc
namcD a. ^. from all mancr of tnocmp
nitie,coft0,anr) c{)argcs,of,fo2, t conrerniiig t^e (aio Obligation oj
rccognifancc, f all ott)cr tl)ing0 concerning t^e famcSE^at tl)en i c

9yCoKdUton tofaue harmcleffe of Legactts^andto

pay I he fame to the legataries.

occt. 9$.
nn^^e Condition ic :t)atliJt)ccett)e toitbinbonno )^*lri. 13^*^)10
j^ iijife,t)auerccciucDfl)a0 3ttt)cinfealin5iDeliueticoftl}efcp;e*
fcnts,of ttje luit!)iii namco 3.)iB. 1 5.5i5. aDminiftratojs of t^egmofl
anocl^attilsof one 3.13. late of &.DeccafeD tfjefnmmcofrbiq.C.of
f r.(v.z.)r.li.tt)eonc !)alfc 0; moitie of a Lejarie giuen to BB.IIi.bp tlje

laft U)ill ano SDcftament of tl)c faiD 3.5i3.l)cr late fatl)cr,f big.f i.to be
paiotoone a.a.Dr.ugbtcroftbefaiD ^,\l\^ bpbertucoft^efaiDlatt
toil I STeftamcnt of tljC aboue nameo g.l6. Now ttjcrcfojc^if t^c faio
^i^.llifi ^cirs ic. Doe DUctjarge, acquite, fauc, feecpe barmeUlte t^e
fnio 3.1i5.ano i*^* tl)cir t)eir ic.againft all maner of perfons foj tijj
paiment of tljc faiorbiu.Ei.of i c. ano alfo pap tl)c fame r.Ci.bnto Ijec
tljc faiD 3!.!S.tu!)en a)c (ball accompUOj tl)e full age of ri:j.pece5,if Ojc
To long liae,anD (be fortune to oie before tl)e fapo a^c, tljen to ^^ixtiy

l)er,o; tt)em tl)at can o) map latofrUlp ocmauno 0; claime to t)aue tlje
fapD F.f ! bcfojc rcmcrab3co,anD 3.3.anDt^cirabminiarato?s,foj
i\)z papment of tbe fame f ummc. ^no alfo beare anc f uQatne tbe \^aXi

cljargcs of tbe education ano bjinging bp tbe faio 3. bntill Qje (^all
attaine ano accompUOj tljc faio age of n:).pcrc0,i:^at tljen i c.

A Condition to fane harfnclejfe of debts

find legacies.

Stti^96, Tpi^e Condition f . SDbat if tbe vuittiin bounb Hl^i^ hi9 erecuf ojft
X f c.anD euerp of tbenijlbaU anb totll bpon reafonable rcqueft ano
notice, Vucll ano fufticientlp fane ano kccpe liarmcleffc 1 inoemnifieD
tbe f aid CD.againtt all ano euerp perfon ano pcrfoH5,of , fo?,anD con*
cecning all ano cacrp oebt 02 Debts lubicb 3.U.Decea(eD,latc iFatbcr
of tbe faiB Bl.anD (B. biD at tbe time of biB Deatb oUic unto anp perfon
o;perfon0tDbatfoeuer,anb of, from, and concerning all i euerp fucii
legacies ae are pretended to be gtaen,02 loere giaen 0; bcqueatbed m
bp a fuppofcd U)iU I tcttament of tbe faid iQ.U.dcceafed,f of,fo;,and
concerning t f ^td laH Uitll:o2 els if anp perfon 0; perfons (bal at anp
Cimebereaftet commence 02 fue, 02 canfc to be comenced oa fuedan^
plamt, (uitjo; action agamtt tbe faid *v<*\)zxz%^tvxm d? admim
Liber Conditions.' fecundus
ffrato;g,ffl; o? bp reafon of snp Debt, !cgacic oj otfjcr t^mg Due, pap^
ableo?beqoeat^eD,ojfuppofeDto^c cue, payable, o? bequcjjf^e^ bp
t^e faio 3 M*t[)z fat^er,to anp petfon c; pcrfons, 9 t^c fato e.U ano
^cr irecntojg l^al ano toil from time to time,m conucnient time giae
notice t&erof to tlje (aio 3*W' ttje fomie, fjis ewcato^jS ano a^mmiftra*
to;,f permit 1 fuffer ftif b anftocre f plee to be pleaoco t maDe i;cre^
unto ais l^albc D0uifeo,aDuifeO 0? maoe bp anp Councelloj, 0tturnep,
oj i^jacui ato; t^at ftall foj t^at purpofe be retainec bg tl)e faio 3. J^*
ttie f on,t)i erecutojg, o) aominiaratojg : if il)8n t^c faio 3.U,tljc fon,

^is t>eir(,erecutoji3 icfrom time to time, C&al 1 toil tod f (uflFicientlp

recompeuce 1 alloto Unto tl)e laio (ii;. tjer crecuto^s o? aominiffratojij,
all f euerte f urt) fumme 9 fummes of monep a0 bf o;Der of lato toit^
ont coUuGon ftjulbe recoaereo againtt t)8r 02 tbem, 0; anp of t^em, foj
0; bp reafon of euerie fuct) plaint,fuit,a(tton 0; a(tion0,togct^er toit^
all fact) coft0,ct>argf9 f erpences as t^ep ot anp of t^em O^allnecelTa
rilp crptnDjDiiburfc 03 lap out about p oefcnomg of anp f uc^ plaintg,
S(tton0,f(iit 0; ruit0,o; in traueli about tlie fame, toit^in bj* monetts
tiert after requeit 1 notice tf)creof to tiun tt)e faid B^. H. t^e fonne, t)td
giuen 0; maoe bp
l^eirc0,ei:ccuto;0,o; aominiCtratojs ^0 be t^)e (aiD C
)S*^er Ueire0,e);ecutu;5, o; admintHratojs, ^^at tt^cn c.

-i4 Condition tofane harmeUJfe fromfuits in the Uw cfre,

ttie aboue bound M*2r.l)t0 erecnfo;0, ScA.ipy^

Tl^e ConDitton i c.C^at if
and admini(lrato;0, % euerte of tt7cui, at all tunes thereafter Dpoti
fufficient toarning t requeft Do bp renfonable recompence faue f keep
|)armle0 ( inocnmified eill^.ia*&>. 1 CSD. and euerie of t^em, and
t^eej;Ecuto;0fc.againaclDll5.anD euerie otfjcrpcrfon 1 perfong clai*
tning bp,from 0} bnoer ^im anp rigbt 0; tttle.of 1 from all manner of
fuit0,Damage0,co((0,and cbarge0in tt)elato,ari(ing 0; grotoing, 0;
tot)ic^ hereafter (Ijall ari(e and groto bp meane0 of anp fuite noto be^
tng 0; Depending,bettoeen tt)e (aid ailCanD (E.Sd* 0; tobict) ^creaf^
ter0)al arife 0} groto bettoeene ii)em,of, fo^ 0} concerning tlieeftafe,
tenance0 in ^in (cXtjat tl;en f c

ft^ Ctndition to kfepe thepeace^ and appeare before the

^Hetnes Counjetl.
l^e Condition (c E^at
if t^e tothin bound ^,fl* obferue and Sc^l.ip^

Iteepet^e peace againft t^ei^uecns our foueraigneHadiMno all

S& 3 |er
Symi; Conditions, pnrt.primx

l)2r liege ;copl e,bettcf tA tljifi ano tlic rt.of (ttitttt titxt coinming,anl>
nppcnre bcfojc i iuccuc ant> tjcc moft l)or.ojcjble
ttien to perJonalli)
Counfdl in tlje ^tarre-c Ijambc st sa.anti fo horn cap to Dagjano not
to Depart toit^out licence of tljC faUs Coutt,2Ll)at tt)en ^c^

u4 Condition to kf^pe the peace,

^Onditioiftiusobligationis talis cftjquodfilntcri" oblioaER.dccc-

^eCt T
^ V^ tcro bene &honefte(ch3beat,&paccm Doming Reginscgcrat cr-
gainfranominatl.S 5c VV.R.t^ tcf vtnimq',& omhcsfamiliarcs 6c fer-
uientesfuos,proucordochjritat <?c honcftatisidcm lequinr, acipfc ip-
fos I.& W.feu eof alicruni non hierk vcrbo nccopere, quod in ipforum
I.(ScW.damniimfiuclefioncninoirinis fujjfiue bonx famxaliqualiccr
conuert poterit, ac ctiam fi diOi 1. 6c W. fiuc corum alter p pd' R.aut p
aliqucmalium feu aliquos alios cius caufa, qneicla,.fauore,aiDore,odio,
non ^lequant ncc implacitent pro
infligationcjfeu j^curatione de cct. f
aliquacaiifajqiierelafcu materia quacunq int 6iCi' 1.& W. & pf.R.ante
dafinfrafcript habit, mct,rc:ucxoit,qd' tunc pfcnsobligatiojvacua&^
nulla habcat,&: fi pd' R.contf pmifla (cu cor aliquod in fiuuf fccVfcu fie-
ri jpcurauef ,qd' tunc pfens obligat in omni fuo roborc Act 6c cffcftu 6cc

A Condition tokeepe thepeacCyanci to be ofjroodahe/tfing.

np!^c conmtionic.Ib^at if t^etuitl)inbounDn^fCl;.l)tstotf0,lJo

Sca.ioo. JaingB liege people, ano fpcciwUp
J[ bcepe t^c peace aflamft all tlje

ijgainCt 0.115*C.E>4 c*&nD beare tt)emrclue6 l)otic(!lp ano Daelp^ bot^

in tl^eic Ido^oes ano Deeos, againdtl)? faio 0.115.f c no; flanDer tl)ein,
no? anp of tl)em,of,o?t)ponanv fuel) matter toucljing tl)e Dcatl) of J.^
0} tbc futt about tl)e tnall of t^e f ame,U)l)erciu ttje (aio 3* C.fCtbp tlje
^ueeneis laVucs id cleerelp Detlarco innocent ic*

ji Conditionfor apparance in the Kings Benchjandnoodahearing.

/'^Onditioiftiusobligationis talis eft, quodfi intcrius obligat I.L.

\^>comparcat pcrfonalitcr fub cufloHu infranominati Vicccom' vcl
cius deputat coram Domino re^c in c
ftabis i>. Hiir proximo f utuf vbi-
cunquetunc fucritin A' inucnicndum tunc toram ipfodnoreg.
fufficientcm fccuriratem dcfc bene gi^rendo erga ipium domin\jrn rcg 6c
cunflum populum (uura, jx-a tenorcra breuis difti domini Rcg. pracf,

Vicecomindw dircin:>6cre beneiediiji);niporegrat,6cdidt viccccn>,


Liber Condicions.' fecundus

hercd,ctexccutorcsfuos crga dorainum Rcgemetcun^umpopulum
fuun3de,<ScinoiDnib'concerncntprcmiiIaiuJtnUiC conicnicc, cjd cue
&c. -

A Condition ofthe peacefor the good ^bearing,

condition ft. SC^at
in t^e
if toit^in bouo IS.S^^tio pcrfonallp ap^ Seft.ioz

cnHoou of t^e 115atl^ U)itf}tn Uiaitten, q% of i)ts Depu>

tp,bcfoK t|)c Juftices of our Coucraignc ^o;iD tl)e ti mg f c. t.)e ^mt
Uav f )ft after ttjc jliatiaitie of S^.Jo. ^apttft i cat tl)e tctonc ic to
fitio t^ciebefojc tt)e faiD 3|uftices , gojo ano fufficicnt fuertics of tOe

peace, I Do bcbaue t beare tlimfelfc luell i pcacenbip agatua our fats

foneraigne ilo;o, t all bis liege people, % fpccialip sgainfi a.ll5.i in
tbe meane time Uc^pe tbe peace of our favo foueraigne %tii^* ^nd io
fiob^ncefo;tb(auefkeepc bcirmeleHc tbe toitbin namei> bailie %u
f o; f concerning t^e p;emiircs,t eacr^' pact of tbem,2:i)at t^en ijc*

A Conditionfor apparance in t he Commonplace,

C _
Onditio iftius obi jgationis talis efl,

parcarpcrlonaliccr cora luflic'di.rhreg.apud

dies,ad rcfponded H.B dcpbc
fi inreri^ obligat I.H.cotn-
W.adiePaf. inxv.
debit vcl dctcnc',aut ccinpot, iuxtatc-^
Sel.20 ?


^ Condition to ^ine euidence if.^^ainfl a Felon.

Tl^eConDitionicXbotiftbeabouebounoenSD.Mr tU.Cboc Seft.204i
purine ano gmc fuc'o euiocnce as t^c^ Unoto, at tbc nert gencnl
^effionsfoj'bcComUpof iP.tobe bclocnagamftSD.ijp.anDlS.B^
noiupjifonccsiniibccanic of ^.rontcrningcertainc fcloniouo aiti?

yl Ccndttion to ^iue euidence ^gainfi Felons iit the Seffions,

T^ecotiDitioic.2:t)tU U}bcrctbetoiti)auiaiiu'DU.^an03!.115*
q a
Sect.20;. <

bpbertueof tbttcottucbp iufiruaiongiutnano ccdarcDbnto

tbem bi' mc/^^ iL.et jjv. bcueatt^cbeo f taUen nsa i^clcn oncCi?CI?
cf j^.fo? ano CQJKcrmng I'oi: idbijilmcnt 1 taking eAuci ofn.pceccs
of^lojttcfD,of tbccooceariDflvattclscf oncU2SL-fof j^.SD.bcing
in tbe fafecuficDie ano feffving of ^^^ fa^o iP^lt tf f^ fnsc ji^.s^t tfec
^elTions of tbe peace ovcur lonercignc ^roieiU^i^ccnc Q; ijabttb,
Hfptto be boi^cnat jjiArittjin tlieroun^ic of f cAnttc trrDcitteofJp
in W oit:"^ ^^^W pcvfon 00 ^.p^xari: befcje t^e ^ullice cf peace of
^ ^ our
"Symb. Condirions. parr.primar

oar^ouecatgne^aDp tfje ^a^xnts ^aceSte before t^em,tl)enanD

t^ere to Declare to t\)t Taio Blulttces fnci) pregnant enioenced againft
tbe faio C^.dC^'Of, fo;,anD concerning t^e pjemides, as tie tt)e CaiD ip^*
!)atljpcife(t bnotoleoge of, ouan Declare of a DcrptructbtnttieDir*
ftiargeano acquitmg of tlje fasD ^Ijirifcs , afuitUagainftour faio
^oueiaigne llaDp tl)e dliueene, a againtt all ano eucrp otljer perfon
.anD per(on5 : s:t)at t^en (c*

Conditio quod compareat coram Ittflic* pacts ad

^roxiwam Scjjtanem.
Scft.20(?, ^Onditio iftius obligacionis talis eft, qd qu?d& A.W. &pinffer, fi

V^in propria pfonafua comparcac cora lullic'dom Reg dc pace in

comic N.conleruandafTiL^nri!, nccno&c adproxiih. SeflTione pacis di-
^aedoiiireg.apnd M. enlc &l)trel)Oufcibih prox. tcnendad rctpan-
dendcjnidift'doinrca, quaG. S. dcpljcittranfif/cir. &coDrcpt,con-
tra toriua ftituc fcruient. Ec vltcn' indepncs coicmct intranomiaf Vic*
& '.orum vrrumqur hcrcdisSc exccutfuos, vcriusdi^a driJmRco.&
omncs alios quo(cunque,dc 6c (uper pmiflis, cxcunc prc(cns&c

tAConditionfor apparance in the Kings Benchfor

^ thepeace,

^^^Onditio&c.qdfi infraobligatusI.L coparcatpronalifincu%d

^^^infranominat Vic' dec. coram dom Reg. in oftabisfanft' Muh.
proxiih futuf vbicunqac tunc fucrit in Angl*, ad inucnicnd tiic coram
ipfadoih rcg. Sufficient fccuritaf pacis dom rcg. &dcfcbencgerend
crgaipfaoidomRcginam&cunOu populu fuu, pcipuccrga H.C. &
iuxta tenor brcuis ipiius dom reg.prefat Vic' indc dircA',& medio tc-
pore paccro gcrat,& diCt' Vic',hcred, &
executor fuos ergo dfiam rcg.
cundlumpopulumfuumj&prccipuc crgapdift* H.dc, in orambus &
concemch premiiTa indcmpncs conferuet, quod Sec.

u4 Condition for behaniokr^and not to refort to the

obligees honfe,

^ Q
T^^ Condition
f c, bounu 31* 3L from ijence
SDtiat if tfje toitliin

^onettlp, aflwell in toojoa as in uecDgjfacljaue

1^ jj,^^!^ gj,jj anD
Demesne t)im(elfe againS ttie ljuitl)in nameD mi*^* t from t^is time
fo^U)arD,neitt)er to bebuke,mi(Idp,tl};cat> menace,ne b;anc t^e fame
man^no} t4 ^im anp boDilp ^ur t o) ^arrae Do>o; procure to be Done>no}
. .

Liber Conditions. fecundus

anp aUauU o j fra? t)pon ^im mafee, o j caufc to be made* And alfo Doe
not from Ijenccfojtl) come, refojt, 03 eaaio into t^e^oofe of m tm
san.noj tuitl; l)im,nc anp of tits be accompamcD,eattng,ojtnHms,fa5
milieuTyO} conoerUnt loitbtn tbe fato t)oure, SC^at tben $c*

^ Conditionfor app^rance vpon a Latitat.

T^e ConDitlon ic* aDbattf tbeabouc bonno ^.i^^oeappeare Sct looi
bcfo;e our ^oueratgne i.8Dp tljc^wcencs ^aiettteat M.tbe
SL^urfoap nert after quindena Pdfchxjto anftcer linto ii.Can a plea
of Crefpa((e : 2Dt)at t6en ft*

-^ Condition to be true Prifoner.

ConDttion %u SCl^at if J^* spcrcbant of if .febicb noto 10 in
T^e tbe^lueene p2ifon,tjnDcr feeepingoftl}c birireU)ttl)mUwit
Scft.i lo,

tcn,afU)ell bp reafon of a U)?it of our fcueraignc iLf4Dp tbe Siuecncof

tbe Satute of tbe Staple cotitapning tbe fumme of C. lu t c* as alfo
fo; certaine otber actions, canfcs, anD fuites, on t!)c bebalfe of H*^,
f c.moucD f commenceD, be from bent efo;ti) a true ano faithful p^ifo?
ner,trtpmgano remapning luitbtbefaiD febirifeano bisDeputp,
tilltbe fame ia.& be fullp at an end oifcbargcD f acqaitPD of t\^t faiD
action, ano tben content ann pap to ttic laio tjirifc c. all ano fingu^
lao cottSjtbarges, fees, ann otbcr Duties, in fucb cafes beretofo^e ac
cu(tomeD to be papo : SEbat tben %u

A Condition to retume Cattellreplenied.

ConDition c.SLbat totiere tbe tuitbin namcD febirife^bp berc Sc^. 211,
T^e tue of bis office, % bpon tbe complaint of tbe Ivitbm bounD B^.^*
baD DeliuereD an& repUuieD to tbe fame i tlso bo;fes,anD foure bine,
tDbicb one^.ll54atet(nke,ano tp^ongfullp InitbbolDetb^as tbe fapD
33.&.faptb,31^ tbe fame i* Do purfue bis action loitb effect againft tbe
fapD Wi* iQi tbe taking ano IxiitbbolDing of tbe faio bo;fes anD ktne,
ano mabe retnrnc of tbe fame, if tbe retume tberecf be fo aDiuDgco,
bp lab,anD tbe faio &t)irife,bis betrs 1 erccuto;0 acquite, Difcl)arge
I fane barmlede agninft our f oaeraigne ilaop tbe ^
ano tbe faio Pf
ofanD fo; all % euerp tbtng concerning tbe p;emiffes, SDbat tbcn ic*

t^ Condition thatTyratsfhallappeare at the next

^aole diltHerie.

TIge ConDitionfc, SCbat if tbe aboue bonno ^M notup?ifo^ Sea.auJ

, ner toitb tbe^erieant of tbe jaomiraltp, be fo;tb-coniming, anD

Symb. Condiiions. partprimac

tnofecH0 pprfon?.U spparancc bcfoje tbe faio Sl^att.SDoctoj il.JuDge

CemnuQioncrsfo: . p2afif?,at t^cncrtS)elIionfiof dDaolefieliucrp

tobct)otDcnint!)citior L. o:tf)e 315ojougl)of &oatt)U)arlje,fo2
$par:ae C':}iifre,iinD do nor hem (l^ence Dcpvt linn)out fpccial licecc

ftf It ijao auo obiauuD of ti;.c laio Comrjiiaioncr0,li:^at l^encc f c

yl Condition ofd Rccognifance of an Alehonfe keeper.

^ *T^!^le<ironD'.tionoftl;is l(iLCognifatuci3fucl)5 2Dt)atif tfjcaboue
j^ boimo j.l%appointcotQUccpcanaieljoufc,Oibtrtu:ilmgbonfe,
aftDcU foj i\)i reUctcof tjie pojje neigl;bo;s, as fo; aooD,t)aneft, Uiel
Dirpo(eD tuaifcuing n trauailltig; perfcnis^Do at al tune f times bere^
aftcr,lucpi? ano maintainc in bis main'
l)oufe coucniciit bittual5,ufjt
taining 02 fuffetinj in l)ioanp time oj lime0,anp bnlamfull
gam^s, jj^citt)ec fell oi ttteu any bictuals in time of Diuine feruice to
be cclcbjattD m tl)e panfg (ii)mt\) of {c* bpon tl)e !)olp bai0,cccept
in cafe ot nLceUity.na; in tt)c nig^t after conucnient times, 1 tl)at fo}
InlvrulUaureSjtljat iotorau:aftcrtl}cl;oure0 of ir.of'tljcclocUin tt)e

after noonc of eur i y oa-^ in tl)c &nmmcr time, anD bi^. of lUe clocbe
(n ll)c Cc r.Uci% jjiCitbcr after
; tijc fame Ijourcfi rcceiuc into bis boufc
anv tbec ebaaabonos, rogues, 0^ fufpecteD pcrfon 0} perfons,ta^i0
bnoU)leDge,to plap,eatc,D;irikc,oj looge,anD abioc in tt)e faio ^oufe,
iuitt)out t'.)c comanbcmcnt of tl)e Conlir.ble,o; ottjer officer tbei' c fo;
ttie time being, 03 at anv time 0? times Do fuffer to remain bp fpace
ofri;oiire0inl;i0 t}ourC}anpiDteperfono;p8i'fon0 icX^iatt^en tc*

(t^CoMditioyiofnRecng}:if.ince for Brewing.

"T^l'^'^Co^'Oaion Qi ttji0 Uecoguifance i^fucb, tt)atU)bcrcastbe
Scft 214 '^'1 faioia.jp.isliccnccDbpbs^^i^.anoi'a'i.tUJooftlKiJi.jfcned
upditfticsjifiLtices of peace l]uitt)int|)efaiDCountp of SD tob.*em,
to fell, ano'aeepc a common j3lcI)oufe, acco;Dingtotl)eituutfo;
bjeUJeiij, maDe in t^c f.^carc of tbercigncof oiirlJie foueraigjie
3lo;o IVing (iDDtoarD tbc
firt : Jf tbercfo^c tfje faio 2i.^* fioe b:eiu to

fellauDUccyc a common iilcOoufc ,anD Doc not b^emoj ^u.Tei aw bn?

latofuil games, 0; euiU o^Der U)itl)in bt0 boufe, ojcbaco, 0; gvuoen,
butbfc,main.tainc,anDUeepc gooDojoeranoralc luittiin tljcfame,
accojDmg to tl)c^tatutc,:i;at t\)m f e.
yi Condition of an Alchoufe keeper.

ScCk 2 1 < nr^^^ CcrtDition of tbt0 Uecognifance is focl?, ^ tuljere tfje to'f bm
A bouno3^t0appoinUOtoUeci)cat3mij{gu ^tetjQufeatp. if
Liber Conditions.' f^4:nnuua

honefi rule * conferuation in tl]c fame jaig^oufc, sno ecc not in tlje
fame (nppojt f maintauie, o? f ufifci' to be Uept, cj:erctfD 0? tf cd, anie
tnlalDfuU gair ES aiiD plaies^ag at H)ice,Caros,2Lableg,o? anic olljei:
tnlatofnll gamc0,p3ot)i&itc9 b? tijc lalucj? ? Satutes of t\)\s realms,
anD efpcciall^ bp mens feniants,appjenticcfi, tomon laborers 0? iole
pcrfon3,auD elfo Doe not \i\x\n tipUng, cj refoit of snppeifons in tlje
famejaicl}oufeontl)cljoure0ofDiuiucferutceon toe &abbot{)Da?,oj
otljer feftiuaU oaies, anD Doe not tuitttnglp lotgjj, fnppojt, 0? main*
tatne in tlje fame iaieboufc,men 03 Iwcnjen of euill name,fame 0? con*
Ditiou,iiauntec0oaanpott)Ei-mtfnileD pcrfons , fehoiDtng t^emtobe
of fuc^ ro;t t (onDitiom BnD alfo prepare tvoo bonca beos to loDge in
iutf) traueU<:?g perfons as from time to time flbal Ijappcn to Ijaue naD

ofloDgingjDurmgtIjctermctljatljc Ujall fece^jctlje lame 0lei)oufe,

^ Cotjdition to kliowledgefatisfaEHoyi.

Ti^e conDitionic SDtiatiftbeUjit'bin bounDS:!^.I)ise]cccutojs, Sea.aii^.

0? aDminiftratojSjbefoje tl)c enD of tbe ncrt (i];aflcr term, by M^n
2 t^emfelneg, 0? bp bi^ cj tijcir lalufuU 0tturne^,tt3al in tbe Queens
^aiefties Court of l}er common plccs,confea"c 03 acUnokiUDge ratify'
faction of all fact> BHuDgements i crecutions,as tbe faiD SC^I^.batl) xv
conereD in tbe faiD Court againU one M^.late of iHan tl)e countp of
^Centleman,SEl)att^en dc*

A (Condition to mitke goods fold,worth (jrc.

T^t tl)e
ConDition c.C^at U)l)ere tbe luitbin
Date lDitl)in to?itten,fo3 tt;e
bounD 3. ^. f Ije Dap of Sc^.s 17.
fum of r^pounos i c.t}ntb bargain
tieDjColDanD oeliuereo to t^ic iuitbin namcD ST.p Diners g03Ds, plate

anD jelnels,in a certaine BinDcnture comp?cl)enocD, bearing Dati; u*

tnbcr a ConDition in tlje fam BJnoenturc fpecifieD : Jf tbe f^.io 3;&*
tnabe Default of papment,int^efaio Jnbenture mentioned anD com
pjifcD. 0nDtt)eri if alUbcafojefaiDgoDDCplatc jclucl0,moil?rent
Ip pjaifeD,befouno of lefle talue t^en irfo tbat tbe faiD 3.^immeoi^
atlppap,o2caafetobee paiDtotlic abouenamcD 2rbisbcifcsfoas
muci) gcDD anD Lilnfoll monep, 0? otber Iware, as fljall a;ount to tbe
(nmme of all tbat (ball be lacking of tl;e (aiD ican tl)e gajDSjpiatCjanD
ieU)lsafo;c rebeaifeD : STbat tben ic*
Conditionto jind a Curat to feme a Cure

Tf;)e ConDition tbeabauebounD3l3bisl)cire0,cmu* ^e.^.ziti

tc.SLbat if

to;s^aDmiraftra?c?0,o; a(rigns,oj anp of tl)em, do iueU ano trulp

Svmt). Conditions^ partprimx
from time (o time ,f nf all times bcrcaf tcr,af l)ig tfjcir pjoper tods i
cl)0rgcs,finDfniaintainc one able ano fufiicient Curat oj q^mitter,
lul)icl) fljall lucll ano fafficientlp Difc^arge ano fcrue t^e Cure of tl)e

faiD pariR) <Il)urct) of joaccojDing to t^c Cl;cclertafticaU latoes of t^i6

aacalme,anD U}cll ano trnlv Difc^arge, ano acquitc tlje faiD 0. from
t^c fcruing tl)creof,During all fuel) time afi tl)c faio ;a Ojal be anO con*
tinuc ^^arfon of tl)c faiEi paxiiii* STljat t^en ic.

^ Cotidttion to finde neceffurtesdttriftg life.

Seft ^*
T'^^ Condition i c. S:i)at if tf)C toil^in bounO *f* f cat tl)e W
1 onlucottcf cl)"arge0 of tl)e faiD Ci^ bis erecutoj fc. njall ano
iDill fufifictentl^ anD competently ftnD, p^ouioe, ano giue, o; caufe <c.

Unto ^. noto tuifc of tbe toitbin nameo a:. J. During tbc naturall
life of tl)e faiD Sp.gcDDjfufiftcient, anD competent bouferoimefe^t bcc
Dlueiltng a\iD abiotng, % alTo fufficient ano competent loDging, beD*
Diug,i tobolfome futtenance,meat,Djinfee,apparelUf all otger tbingg
meet rcqnifite^to ano fo; tb^ fuftcntation,Hecping,ano Uuing of tbs
faiD ^.During tbe naturall life of tbe faiD i^.Lt;a( tben ic.

ji Condition to fin i meAte, drinke C^'9.

Scl 2^0 *T"^f ConDitionjc.SLbatlubefcamariageistobcbaDanDcelcbja

1 teObctU3oen tbe tuitbin nameo l^.C'.of tbe one partp,anD one ^.
^one of tbe oaugbtrrs ot tbe Vuitbin bouno .&. or tbe otber partie,
iftbefaiDC*bt0beirc0,crecuto;d,anDa(rtgue0,n]all after tbe Dap of
tbe marriage afoK(aio>to; ano During tbe terme of iti* peared tbence
ncitanDimmeDlatlp toUolumg^fully to be complete ano enoeo^finDe
tnto tbe faiD \^*% ^.f bnto one feruantof tbe faiD 11^ fufficient meat
anDD;inKe,tDitb conuenicnt bcoDingf otbcrneccftariestotbefame
belonging ano appert.uniiig,U)bcn,o? as often as Ibep o: anp of tl}eni
fi)a(( repairs, refo;t,abioc, o; remame, in, o; at tbe manfion boufeof

tbe faiD CcommonlycallcD ano bnoU}ne bu tbe name of ^. o) elte*

iDbere. During tbc terme afo;crniD : 2Ebat tben c* if

^ Condition to Icaue his rpife d-e.

T^^^o'^^^^^o^ofif'SLbatiDDere tbc tuttbinbounDBC.Il.fl&allbp
StCt an.
X tbegraceof(0oD,mariieanD taketoU}ife0.)0.tuiDDolD, tft^e
fatD B3after tbe manage baD ano folemni^eD, b^ppcn to Die befo;e tbe
faiD :^.tbat tben if tbc faio 3l.Do leaue tbe faio a.loojtb an X* in mO'
tiey>o;inmoueablcSiOneranDaboue boufbolD ftuffe,bpUgacieo70'
tberloife,to be DeliuercD bp tbe crecuto;?, o^ aflfignes of tbe faiD BEto
t^$ (ato ;^*iier epecuto^s o; atftgnes, Uiit^in one monett) nert after tbe
Liber Conditions. fecundus
tt&ti} of ff)e (sin 3!to beimplopeD ann DtfpofcD to t^epjopertjfeof
raid ;3[at l;ec *m[l ano pUafure, Ctiat tl)en ic*

.<4 Condition to leMe his wife fur nimni^^goods worth


T^e Condition of fc S:^at to^erc t^e aboue boHttD 31543 bv ^

t^egraceof CD-oDl^ojnpfomarcjJitafeetoUjifelS.l^^nerefemf* ^^^***^.*
iuoman Unto tl^e fato f*}^.% M315ijatb no ml)eEitac0,tol)icb ^e map
latofullp affurc fo? t^e 31opnture of t^e faiD p, noj tobcreof ibe i$ bp
lato to be enDotoeD, ano tijcrefoje Derp carcfuU
ano iuilltng,t^al if tt
pleafe (000 tbat tbe fais Qaa Doeoiebefojetljefaiop. tbatbcmap
ano (ball Icaue (be faiD p fufficicntlp pjoaiDco f oj, refpetting bia a^
bilitie,ano tbe portion be bat) bp ber, 0nD acco;Dinglp batb p^ornireti
to tbe faio if ia#*&ano jff jl^: 3f tberfoje tbe fain ?liai.315,ooe bp \^\%
latt toill atiD teftamcnt in iij?iting,oj ot^ertoife,fuflficientlp ano laUi^
fuUp pjouioe, luitbout all frauD o; pjattifc, tbat tl)e faio pmap baue
ano eniep ts ber otone bfe,immeDiatlp after tbe Dcatb of tbe f apo W^,
S54f fi)e fortune to oaerliuebtm,gmO0 ano (battels amoanting to tbe
cleere rumme ano balae of to aboue all cbarges, Uibtcb (be (ball and
ttiaplatofallppoffeac ano cniop at ber luill ano pleafure, toitbout a^
tip latDfoll claitne,cballenge, o; oemano to be maoe bp anp perfon o^
perrons, ^Tbattbenic

A Condition tofttjfer his wife to maize a Will.

Tl^eConbitionic. Cbat tl)eluitbinbounDK,pDoepermit? Sca.22?.

fatfer one 3p. S). iDbicb tbe faie U bp (0000 grace (ball take Co
ijjifcatanptimebefoje ber tieatl), to Declare unaUe ber iuil, Dcuife,
anD giue at ber plea(urerLEi* of f c. to lobat perfon o? perfons,(| bnto
tobat tjfe anD pnrpofe as (be U)ill at ber pleaf ure.^no alfo permit anD
fuffer ber erecwto?s to pjone, Declare, ano pcrfo;me tlje laft anui bp
ber maDctoitboutberation oj interruption,oenping,oj impeoiment
of t^efaiD U.ano alfo if tbe fame i^.Do pcrfo;me,falfil,obfccac,pap,
ano content tbe faiD x\X\. f o ber affigneo, bequeatbeo, anD tjoiUeo,

to fucb perfon o; perfons, tn fucb maner anD bfe,! at fucb Daies^ ano
lDitbinfucbtime,asbp ber (ball beDeuifeo,bequeatijeD,anDtoilleD,
toitbout anp furtber Delap,Cbat tbcn i c*

A Condition tofujfer his yoife to giue certaine Goods

duringhertifctor by veilL
'l^c ConDition t c. SCbat if tbe toitbin bonnD %* %* after Scft.224*
mariase bao bettneene \m > ^nb ^^ U)iDoU)> late ^tfe to Ct)l5.
Symb. Conditions; pan.prrma?
ticccafeti,oo permit 9 fuff ec tf)c faio 0. to giue, bcQtieatlj, 02 appoint,

b\y bei lattUjiUo; ot^ctU)ife,at anp imt During Ijec lifc,gooD3 5 ct)at*
tciSjtotljctjalusof c.foptt)e fame gift,bcquctt,02 appointment fo
to be bad { maoe, gooo f auatlable to tbe faio partie5,to U)bo
(ball be

tbe Tatti gift, bequeft, 0; appointment fball be fo tnaoc b^ tbc faio 0.

agamft tijc faiD S.)i5. f bis ei:ecutoj5,VDitbout let,i!npeDiment,o; oi*
llutbanceottl)cfaiD:.5i3.ojof bt5Ccecuto;tftc. AndalfoiftljefaiD
2L.i5. &o acconipUIl;5Pscfo;me,ant) fulfil tbe faiDgift,bcquett,o;ap?
pointmcntjbauins ttjeteof notice anu UnolDUDgt bp the faiD a.o; bg
beclaCiUitUlDitblits o\unc proper g(DDS,acco;Ding to tbe intent ana
true meaning of a paire of ^nocntures maoe betU)eene tbe faio 2D*
)16.cftl)eoncpartp,anD i^.K.anoC'.Cl^.of tbe ottjcrpacti?, bearing
A(^endttton to pm^c an Accompt and procure dijcharge

for A Shtnfe.
$^.225. ^t^eConoition tc. Stbatif tljcabouebounD |}.p.bibeire(,
1 erccuto;0,f aomimttrato^s, noemakeatrnet per feet accompt,
of f fo; aboue nameo 2E. bts beircs 1 ei:ecuto;d,in tbe Crcbeqnec

of our ^oucraigne ^aoic tbe :^iieene,anD tbe bcirs ano fucccUo; of

the faio 'S: uttnc,of,foj, 1 bpon all iilurg,tbarge0,fuinme % fumme5,
lubicb be 0; fbal be afUcD,cbargeD,o; DcmaunDeD,of, 0; bpon tbe faiO
%*ixs> late &t)infc of t!)c faio Cottntie, ano get, i p;ocure a fufftcient
Quiccus eft tbcrcof fo: tfje faio ri:,bis beircs t erecutojs. And aio;e^
oner DO \uell ano truclp Difrbarge, faue, 0; hetpe barmelefle tbe faiD
JC.bis beif es c.agamCt our foueraigne i^aop ber bcirea t fucceffo;s
ano all otbcr pcrfon o;i ptrfons of, fo;, anD loncernuig tbe faiD office
of ^l)tcife,anD all tbe receipts anD charges tbereor,Coat tbet} |c.
A Condition for theexccutir.aofa BMljvpicke.
Set226. T^i^cConDition %t* SEbat if tbeaboaebouno BJ.ap.Doe lellanD
1truelp erercife tbe faiD office of ^aiiife ano Colle(to)in tbe
County of l^.bp bimfcire,o;bis fufficientoeputp 0; Deputies, fo;
U)l)om be iDill anfluere, During tSje time t^at be fball continue in tbe

fame* anD Doe bp bitnrelfe,a; bp \)\9 fufficient Depntic 0; Deputies fo;

tobo be iDill liUcU)ife,anfiuer, appcarc perelv at al times of tt)e pere,
befo;e tbe Ueceiuo; of tbe ^nccncs ^aieftics faio rent5,p;o6t0,ano
reuenues fo; tbe time being,bpon tbe p;ecept of tbe fapD )&eceiuo;,o;
of bis Deptitie,perelp, at fucb time ano place teitbin tbe fapo County
of^astbefameUeceiuo; bpbtsp2ecept (ball limit anD appoint to
tbe faiD ^*^*^nl) aUa if tbe (aiD Bl.^Do tben pa^,o; canfe to be paio
to i^z i^ucnes bfe; ^%i ^t\x9 avio fnccefff^s^ to t^e l^ano^of tbe fa^o

Libcr Conditions; lecundus
3Kc:cii:o;,o*fo 1*1)2 IjsntiQfMs fieputic oj Dcpuftefi, all facf) fummes
of moncr one to our ^oucraigne iiaDie tl)e aeenc, at, o; befo;8 t^e
e.reardp, as t^e faio 3 ^. (^all oj may bp anp latofuU oj
fcal! of
Uucracaae0Uuico2recetHe,tDitt}mo? bpreafon of t^e faio office of
31Barlifc ojCoUccto^anD alfo if toe (m j;* sp.bp t)iif elfe> oj i)i0 fuf^
appears ano accoinpt pearlp befoje tbc
ficicnt Depntic 03 Dcpnticfi,tioe
iSn.^^aicfties duetto? DjauDtto;3, 05 the otputieo? Deputies of tbe
Gaeenes^aieftiesaa0Tt0?ojauDitoj0,attbc 0aoitc tobeebolDen
Imtbm tbe (aiti eountp of ^.o? clfciuljcrcas to fjiiji Jl^albe bp the fame
ij5attuttieof ourlLo^D (0od,oj after fuel) iirnc ano place toitbin tfje
faiDcountieof|^asbptbe precept of tije fame :auDitoj cjSuDito;s,
0; of bis ueputie 0? tieputies ilialbe to i)im limiteD 1 appotnteo,of,anD
fo^ all rents,reuenues,anD profits one ano papable,U)itbtn,o; bp rea^
fen of t^e faio office of llSapUre aiiD Coileto;,at,oi befoje ti;e fcaft of
^.Spicbael tbe SrcbangeU ncrt before tfje fame ^aoit . ano 00 \ueU :

ano trulp content ano pa^,o^ canfe to be contenteo ano pato to tbe ^.
^aielliestfe, berbctrcsanofurceJIojs, to tbetjanosofitberccciuoj
of tbe faio rents,reaenoe,anop;ofits,aU ano euerie fuct) (ummeano
rammcsofmonep,asfrom time to time befo;e tbe faio 0uoito; oj
0aoitoj0,o? bi 02 iWv oeputie 03 Deputies, t^all be luftli? founo Due
to tbe^Dtieenes ^aieftte^ber beires ano fucccifojSjbp tbe faio J.sp.oj
^10 oeputie 0; Deputies, bp reafon of tl}e fato office of baplife col* ma
lcct02,tpon tbe feet 02 Determination of earrie
maoe* i^no alfo ooe obferue,pecfo?me, fulfill anb heepe from time to
tinie,alltbings,claufc0 aio article0 tcKcljing ItBaplifes ano Colle
(to;0,containeoanomenttoneotntbeftatutefo2 tbe trueanftoermg
of tbe kings reuenue0,maDe in tbe )0acliament boloen at (Eleftm. m
tbebi|.peareoitbe raigne of our 6oBerai0neJlo^O!feingC. tbe ui
0no if it (ball bappsn at anytime bereafter During tbe time tbattbe
faio 31.p.fbalbcll6ayltfe 1 coUctto;, as is afojefaio, any of t[)e fuertie
0; fucrtics note bounoen fojtbe taio 3,^* to eie, 0^ &ccay, o? Iball be
mifliUeoano tbougbtnot able ano fufficient bp tbe a:reaio;er ano
C^anccllojcftbeCrcbcquecfojtbetime being, to anfujcreanopay
all fucb fumnieD r!ue,o? to te Due, by tt e fato Collecto? fo? bts faio oi
fice, acco;ciug to tbe true meaning bereof: SCben if tbe faio 3.^
DocU)it^inonemonetbnert after tbe oeatb ojoccay of any tl^epec^
for. o;pecfon0abouebnunoen,c; after notice te bim to beegiucn cf

fucb mtOtking, as is a(o;efdto, of any tbe faio perfons To bound,

fi^oe) name^ cauft, ano p;ocme, fucb able ano fnfticicnt perfon.
Svmb. Conditions. part.primac

ann perf ons,a0 bp t^t faio JCreafoKr anfi Cljancello) of tlje faio ^(0
cl^equEC f 0? tt)e time being^ftjall be ttjougljt meet ano conucnieuc to be
fnrel^bounobnto our faio foacratgne iL.^ert)cir0f focce(ro^0,iiit^e
lleeD I place of ^im 0; tl)em fo Deao, DecareO:, 0} mtflibeD ano t^oug^t
infuffinent as afo;efatD)anD in (ucl; Tumme 0? fummcB of monp, ano
t)pon f u(t) condition,? infiict) fo3t,a0 \)to} t!)f p tot)ul) f Oj al be oeao,

Decap0,o; miatbeo, as \s afojcrait), (tcoD, be, \B 0; (ball be boonO at

t'lc time 0; times t^at bee ojtl)ep (ball Die,Decap,o;be miDikeoana

tbonsbt bnmcet as is afo jcraio : ano tbat as otten as any fucb ootb
tecap,o;anpminilungn)all Ijappen oaring tbe time tt)e (aio ^.^
(ball rcmame t be bavUfe 0; coiuao; of tbe p;emiaes,as is afojefaio,
%^at ti)tn tt/is i^ecognifance to be boio ano of none effectjo; els f c.

u4 Condition to exercifea Bajliwike.

T'^^ Ccnoition fcSTbat if tbe toitbin bouno J .3.0o tocll f truelp

Scft 227
1 ercrcife* occupies office of tbei5apUU)iUe of tqe t)uno;eOotC.
tnOer tlje toitbin nameo C'.SL*being (benfe of C* % be reaote f aiten^
Oant to tl3e faio (berif i bis ocputie,at all times U)l}cn be l)albe tequi*
reo,in erecating Ijis faio office of ^IjerifelDiUe, 9 oifi^arge ano laue
barmlef tbe faio Qjerifc againff onr foaeraigne f c. ano all otbcr per^
fons>fo; executing of all maner of p;oces, precepts, luarrants t com^
nianocments,to be oiretteo, erccutco, % cone bp tbe (aio j,.ano of all
pjifsners as W\ be m bis cuff oop,i toell % trulp content % pap to tbe
fltjE(ofttefaiDbunD;eD,U)bcrcof tbe certainties amount to tbe (am of
iiQ.f bp tbe confeffion of tbe faiO bapltfe>to be paio oulp at tbe feaft of
C4c.)3nO alfo leoie,content ano pap to tbe faio ffjerifc,all fucb gr^ne
toare,ptpe(iluer,ano iffues^as tt}e faio fficrife fl)al be cbargeo iDitb in
tbe faio bunD;co, as (ball be ertreateo out to tbe faio )15aplife to ga*
tber,to be paio to tbe faio a}erife afo;e tlie faio f ea(t ic.SCbat tben tc*

yi Condttion torefigne alJictxrage,

T^e Conoition ic. 2ri)at if tbe toitbin bouno (2;. toitbin one &
J^ montbnertaftcrrcquefttobim tobcmaoebptbeiuitbinnameO
^*Co} bis certaine jaiturnep, 00 toe' I % fnffictentlp reftgne tbe fSSX^

carage perpetuall of tbe Cburcb of ]^. in tbe conntie of Cl; in tbe oio
ceffe oi 11*1 Cimo tbe banos of tbe ^Djoinarie of tbe faio place foj tbe
WxM being, to tbe intent tbat tbe fato D;oinarp (ball inffitute ano tn
l>u(t tbe faio ^.oUucb otber perfon as tbe faio ^tball fo; tbat pur^

|o(e name lIAiear of tbe Caio i^icarage^SU^attben ic

Liber Defcafances, fecundus
A Ccndition to renei fuerties.
o;oncofttieM,t|eic6eire0, emutojsfc.cotocU t trulp content Sctt.229.
anD |P) 0; caufe to bee contenteo ano patcD tnto tte.lvitbtn nameo
W^.^k\^ erecutojs %u ttjc fumme of vcX* ic tn manner ano fojme
foIlcU)ing f c And further, if at ante time Ij^reaftct befo^ctbe faio
famme of zcXM fallp paieD, as is afs^efaid, it n^all tjappen tte laiD
3l*^.anD 2^.C*02 either of tt)em co Die,rt)en tt)e furntno; of t^e faio
,&nD 2Ct02etber isit^ oneg(D,able,anD fufiftctentperfono;fuertp.
(^all m SeaD of i^im t^at fi^all (0 Depart, toiti^m tbjae monetbs nert af^
ter tbe oeat^ of bim tl^at Oial fo Departybecome and Sant) bound to tbe
faio Wi* 9^* \)iB erecute?5 0; affignes; b^ an otber gtoo and (nff icient
l2ttingobligato;ie,fo;tbepaimentoftbetaiD]i:r> 0; Comucbtbere^
of,a0 (ball tben be ano remaine bnpaieo, in rucb mancr ano fo^me, to
all intents anb pnrpofes as ace contameo in tbts p^efent obligation,
(tbefaid 02 aStgnes, tpon tbe fealing anb bdiuerie
JSSSi*^i6 ei:ecuto;s

tjf^efaidnebo boating obltgato;te,Deliaeringout tbeolo^bltgati'

on tben rimaimng,to be cancelleb) Cbat tben i c*

i-cVea^, I sJLAxdhttitt-Ht: tf ^n- -|li

A Defeaftiwe of an Ohttgation.
^^:j^3l^2,^^^7^ His Indenture mate fC. Bctweenc C. M.anb Sctt.230.

P^^VT^^J ^.^ Witncflah.SCbPttobcreas tbe faioe

Wi^WSk. aaneetb bouno bnto tbe faio <t*Wi*
bp one Dt)Ugauon,115onD, t% Uj^ttmg j9bltga 9r ncn^t^t^iaJr^^,
to2te, bearing tbe Date brreof, in tbe fumme of
2oo.C.p8vable at tbe feaS of Caffernert em
(uing tbeDate;}errof,as tbeicb^ appearetb:
SLbat ^ct neuertbeleSe^tbe TaiD cB.d^.ts cor^
fenteDi^'.nD fc>;btmrelfe,bi0erecuto}i;,anD aDmini(!rat02s, a<3D caerie
flf tbctitjbstb couenant,grant,p;Qmire,ant) cgr^,to anb Ijuttb tbe faio
tS39.II&%bts beiresfr.b^ tbefe pjefen^s, tbat iftbefaiD^.M.bti'
fcDoeloeUanDtrnlppav^oHaufctobepatcDtntotbe raiDCbt0 9C
CF* of (c* tpon tbe feaft Dap of :be ;3rcention of our )lo?D >ol}9
^ iuMcb Qial be in tbe peace of our llo}0 (Q5ob 1 599 *tn tbe foutb po^ib of
tbe panO) cburcb of iS.in tbe countie ot ^. STbat tben anD tbcncefo;tb
tbe fato ^Dbltgation, bonD, o^ t;itini$ obligato;if to be bttedp boioe
anb of none etfeit in tbe )laU), oa eUe to aanb? remaie,ano be f c* In
N witncflc

Symb. Defeawnccs. parc.primrc

wirncs iwlj crof tfjefaio parties to tljefc p:tfeiil Mucnfures intcrtfjage*
abl^tii^ue rettt)etrt}and)itf(oUs(t!;)eDap peace ficQ abonelvjitcen*

money at (etierall dales.

^ ^ *
1 Countif DfCpeoman,and3*il, ofC.in tbcCbunticafojcfaiD
yeoman, b p a certain rccognifancc p;omDcD fo2 tbc recouerie of Debts
taken^recognifeD ano fealeo befo;e ^ C
M. ^l^ntgbt^ cbiefe B^tiQice
of tbeiliings X5encl),bearii:Q: catc tl)e Dnpcf tljcfe pjefcntB, ttiiuD anD
bciointlp ano fcuerallybounoentjnto2:,iL.ofCmtl)ecountieofC
^eoman,iti tbe fumm e of one bunojeo pounce Q;erlmg,to be paieo a0
tntberameUecogntrancetbcreofmaDe^mo^e plainclp ootb appeace:
jpleuertt)elr(re,tt|efaiDCfo;bim9l>is beircs ano crccato}0,\DilUt^
f grantetb bp tbefe p^erents, tbat tf be tbe faio U. ano 3l.tbeir beicet,
crecuto^s, anD afrtgne0,e? an^ of tbem. Do trulp content and pap, o)
(aafe to be contenteD anD paieD tnto tbe afo;daiD SC* bi0 b^iree, m*
cuto20 Q% allign0,t!)e fuinme of fo;tte pounos of gooanD Utofall mo^
nep of Cnglano, in mancr ano fo^me foUoU)tng : tbat is to (ap,BIn tbe
feaQ of %tMut pounDs,at tbe Dtuellms boufe of tbe faiD C* tobere bet.
nolDtnbabitetb:0nDtbefirftDapof ^pc. fine ponnotfat tbefato
^oufe^anD fo fo^tb from peare to peare, ano balfepeare to balfe peare
tucrieftrSDapof^pap nert anDtmmeDiatlpenfntng oneanotber,at
tbe boufe of tbe faiDC.as \b afo;eraiD,fiae poanoo, iKitill tbefaid
fnmmed of foitte poanos be f uUp contcnteo ano paieo : SE^at tbcn t c*

t/Defeafance to make a Lcafe^ according te an old LeAfe thcYteff

andfor c^uiet oceufation thereof.
^^4Ct\M* 'T'HisIndcmurc&c.bettocene2Da.ano)!5btJf iuife, anO(0.jp.
JL of ic* W)tneircth,tbat lobere tbe fato C^.^.bp bi0 DeeD indenteo,
bearing Date tbe 2 8. Dap of ^.in tbe fourtb peare of tcbaoeDemifeb,
grannteD,anD to faruie letten tnto tbe faiD SC. Wi* ano ^. bis ioife]
alltbofebiti Oieep pafture0>leafe6, fceotngs ano comnion0,ret, Iping,
anD being in tbe manors of ^*ano il^.m 1S>* in tbe (ountic of ^.'iDitb
alUno0ngular ff.Tohaue,bolD,anDoccttpie tbe fame to tbe faiD %*
tzail.anD254beicerecQto}0!inDa(iigne0,trom tbe Dap of tbe Date of
t|e faiD DeeD inDenteD, foj ano Dnring tbe terme of 2 j . peares tbencg
nsrtfolloU)ing,a0bptbeteno;oftbe fame DeeD inocnteo mo; plainer
Ipit Dotb appeare* And whcix;as tbe faiD <D* 2^* perfenaUp ItanDetf)

boonD before i\iz ^Queenes g^aieltie) in ber ^igb Comt of ^bfincerie

Liber Dcfcafanccs; fecundus
bp a Uccognifancctl)eceacUnoU)leogeD, bearing tattu* buto f faia
%*Wi*mt T^M^ tDife,in tt)e (uittme of u*^s bp ttie teno; of t^e fame
Mecosmfance inroUci) in tt;c fatD Court, cotb anb map mo;e plainly
agrsD betloeenetbe fame partte5,aiib tf)e fame CMlf )15.|)i0 lolfe
fo;tbemrglueMbnrfc. fiocoucnantanb sranMoanolJPit^t^efatO
<^*^*^\B f c.t^at if be tbe faib (0*^* bis $c* ijoitbin oite |>ere nert af
ter tbefnl enb,e):pirattoti,i Determination of tbe faiorrjpere0,f af
ter a reafonable i conaenient requcli to tbe Catb <5*^*^iB tc*^ab ano
mabe bp tbe fame C Wt ano id, ^xB ioife , o; anp of tbem , o; tl^e
\)eits f c.of tbem,o; an^ of tt)em, make, (eale,anD beliner,o; canfe to
be mabe,fealeD,f beliuereb,a gob, (ufftciet, fnre,! inbefeafible nefeu
leafe of t^e fame (betpe pafture 9c* bnto tbe fame C*Mt* anb Ji5*W
loife,02 tbe lonselt liuer of t^em, if eitbcr of tbe fame M*
o; ]15 t^en
fortune to be beab* To haue anb to |)olo tbe fame, fo;,anb ouring tfje
terme of xx* percis nert infuing^lDttb oncl^ fuc^ anb no mo^e rent re
feraeb fo) tbrXame^anb fucb l'.ke,f no mo}e,no; otber article0,agr0^
ntcnt5,02 couenants, tben be containeb in tbe inbcntnre afo;e men^
tioneb(t tiames of r^e parties tbereunto* tbe bate i erpiration of t^e
fame neUileafe,! otber tbings of conrre,anb not of (ubftance o; efiTett
onlp to be cbangeb ano altereb in tt)e fame, $ bp tbe alTent o; mutnall
agr^ment of botb tbe paities to tbe fame, acco^oing to tbe true mea
ning f intent bereaf.) And alfo if tbe fame W,MU ano HB.tbeir Reives
c.tbal quietlp baue,bolo,occupp, ano iniop tbe fame pitmide&jh^ at
ttietime of tbe terme of tbe faib n* peare0, accojotng to t^e teno; of
tbe nctu appointeo leafe, p&pii^g fuct) rent as is referueo i containeb
in tbe fame BInoentures, toitbout anp laU)fuU euicticn o^ biSurbance
of t^e faid (S5*^* bis beires o; ai)rigne0,o} anp otbcr b^ bim> l}ii5,o; a^
np of ttieirp;ocurementonommanbement. STbattbenic^
t^ Defeaftwcc ofaft^tnte Stablefor debt.

T His Indenture fc BciwcencC^^C.oftC. anb 3.0. 3.15. attb3l5t5 6^212'

of tbe otber partp, Witncflcth, tbat tobereas tbe faib 3.a.3.315*
anb 3>(. bp one lujiting o; lUcognifance, bearmg tbe bate hereof,

mabe acco;Ding to tbe g)tatate p^ouioeo anb fet fojtb fo? tbe recouerp
ofbebt,fealco, taken, anb acknotoleDgcb before Qr sn*). knigbt,
#aio; of tbe staple at ^eCtm* t ^.i? .cfqutre iacco^ser of tt)e cttie
of ilare, anbftanbiointlpanbfetteraUp bottnbto tbefaio it*Axi
t^eCummeof CC.pounb0,of latDfuUmoncp fc*a$bp tbe fame to^t^
ting 0} i^ecognifance appearctl)Ncucrchclc{rc,it idagreeb bettoeens
t^e faib partie^^ anb t^ie faib C*C* 10 contenteb ano pleafeb anb bp
^ a t^fs
Symb. FeofFcnicnts. part pnmac
iWt p2ercn(g, fo^ ^tm, \^is erecuto;0, re* Dot^ couenant 9c*to f Isit^
tl)c fain 31.0.S'SB3CI5.ano euecpof ti)cni,t^eic tciti maner t fo;me
foUotDing,tl)at0to fap:tl)atif tl)efaiD3!.a.3151S. ano 3.0.o;ang
of tt)em,o; 9C.00 toell ano tralp pap,to cauCe to be paD bnto tt^e TatD
(Q;.*^iB f c.tt)e rnmtnc of one ^unojeo ponnos,of |cat,o; in tt)c notii
DtocUing Ijoufe of C.Cf c in tl)c countic of fean,anD bpon tbe 4.oap
of f(if t^e faio 35.C.anD CC.Daug^ter of tl)c faio CE.C.o; eii^tr of
t!)em (ftall be tbcn lining in tbis tranfitojic Ufc,) SCbst then tbc faio
U);ittng 0) Uecognifance of i c^dialbe bttcrip boio and of none effect^
at tl)ougb tbe fame bao neuer beene maoe. In wicneiTe 6cc.

^ Defeafmce ofa Statute k^owUdg^ed before the chtefe^

InUkeef the commonT^ lees. !t i.^

Se^.2 54*
T His Indenture |C. BecwceneC. Wi* OffC. anb
Witncdcth.tbattobercas tbe faio lESn.W. ftanDetbbonnobn
Wi Of fC.

to tbe faio C% ^33.* bp one Statute, Uecognifance, 02 bono, bearing

Datebereof,bnoU)leDaeD befo;e(trCD.S. knigbt,llo}Dcbiefe3aaice
of tbe common piece at ^edmintter^intb^ fumme of CC. pounD0,
papable at tbe feaS of Cafter nert mfumg tbc oate bcreof, a0 tberbp
appearetb: H^b^t^ct neucrtbelelle, tbe faio (i^*M*i0contentet),ano
fo) bi^r-^tlf ,bi0 crecuto;^ t c. ano euer^ of tbem Dotb coaenant,grant,
p)omire,anD dgcee,to,anD U)itb tbe Taio WL*Wi*\i\f^ ^tixtsk c. tbat if
be tbe faio WS^MX* bi0 bciree t coo boell ano truelp pap,02 caufc to be
paieD bnto tbe (aic C. bt0 erecnto;0 1 cone bunD;eo pounD0 c.bpon
tbe feaff Dap of i c. in tbe &outb po^cb of tbe parifb (buret) of faint E>
fituate in jFleeteSre et in Honoan, ZCbat tben tu
In like manner may all other Dcfeafanccs of Statutes Merchant and
finle Recognifances knowlcdged m
the Chanccrv, or elfewlicre
be vaidCf Mutatis mutandis. And fo we thmkc we naue fufiicicm-
ly difcourfcd of the fundry formes of Cond tions, and Defeafan-
ces of Obligations and Recognifances : vnto which,FeofFemena
fccme by good right worthy to be next placed.


OfFeaffements, audivhat a Fcojfe/fteut is,

Se^.i^r iFeoCfement,Feo(f imentum,o; rather FeafamcBtutnJoj it

feemetb to be beriueb of Fcudum,a C^ottiQ) tDo^o, fo caUto

a fide vd fidelicace>lD^ti i0 OefitieO Of t^ie CiutU Hatoiert,

Liber Feoffements. fccundi)s
aica(ngat>fra0rantofati)ing dtljer immeueable, o^ of lifee ita
turcjbptranffcrring of tlje Ufc auD pjofite tl)Ereof,retamtng t^e Uerte
p?opeitie tinocr tfje Doirg of j?eaUie,snD ott)er feruicejs. 0nj) of fomc
It in faiD to be a Utno or protection o; patronagcfafegars, oj Ijomage,
tubcicbpfomeDtgnitic,p^nnon,o? groutiD, is in fucy mancrgiuen o^
graimteDtoanvHian,f^att}canDljisl)cirs ano poftcntiffijoulo foj
tatx acfenotuUogefo i^ aatt)s? of t^e famca gcoD turne,i Uio^lftipljim
agtljcic patron o? 31o;ei, anDOefenDbispcrfon,t)onour:,lanO0,anD
6Ds ic)i3p iDijicb 31 Feoffamcntum generally fignifietl)
gattier , tljat
donationcm bs if is pjopetlp anj? gift oj graunt, of a
iaidi, jf^ut ^ttlj

nt> bo"s?^) ca&le5, mannoas, meraagc0,lanDs, 02 otl;ec cojpo^all im*

ijieueable t'oingi? of Ufe3 natui:e,f anotber^ano Ijis \)iixtB foj caer,b^
tbe Deliucrie of hx^n mt poflf^dion of $be tbing giuen , tubctbcr tbe
gift be maoe b^ Vooin 0; tDjiting* 0nD tub^n it is bp tp;iting,it is cal^
IcoaDecDof i^coffemcnt. 0nD in eueric ifeoffcmenttbegiueriscab
Uo tbe feofto;,tcofi^ator : anD bee tbat receiuetb bp bertue tbweof, tbe
feoffce^fcofatus ^s in tbefe eramplrs foUoiuing*

u4 Feojftment of lands defcended.

Ciant&c. quod ego I.N. de P. in comitatuN. Yeoman, filius Schae- Scft.23^.

S res R.N.nuper de P.pr^dift' dehinfti, vcndidi, conceiTi, & hac prx-
fcnd charta mca cor6riTiaiu W. F. deccm acras tcrrae cum pertinentijs,
iacen&cxiftcninvilla&parochia deB.incomitatu praedi^*, viz. in-
ter terram&c.Qu^quidem decern acftcrf cum ptinciit nupcr fuerunt
predict R.P.patrismci, &quxpcr& poft mortem ipfiusR.mihi pfat
I. vt filio h^redi eiufdcm R. iure hcreditario dcfccndcbant. Habeii^

& tenend' pr^dift' decern acras terf cum pertinentijs prxf, W.hacred' &
aflignatisfuisin perpetuumde capitalibus dominisfcodi illus, perfer-
uitia inde debica, & de iure confucra, ad opus & vl'um di^i W. hatred
(Scaflignatorumfuorumimpcrpetuum :Eteo;ovci6pia:r:,fI.&bicredes
meipr^dift' decern acras terf cum pertinentijs pr?cfW. hxrcdibus &
affignatis fuis, contra omnes gentes warrantizabimus imperpciuum per
prxfentes* In cuius rei Sec.

A Feojfemetft oflandsfurch fifed according to an Indenture &c,

SCiant 5ccquod ego I.Pad inflantiam & rcquifitioncm W. F. ac in Scf^.a 3 7^

complemencum 6c executioncm certarum conucnticnum&concef.
(ionum contcntaf 6c fpecificaf in quibufd^ Indencur, gcrcntibus datum
N 3 quarto
Symd: FcofTements. part.primac

quarto die I.vltimo pr.Ttcrito ante datum pr.tfemium,ra<fti$ inter me p-

fatuin I.cx vna parte,& pracd.ft' W.cx altera partc,dedi,conct(ri,& hac
pr^fenti charta mca confirroaui cidcni W.totuni mancrium mnifD dc IX
in S.cum pertinemi js in comitatu E.vna cum oranibus terns & tcncmcn-
tis,pratis,parctiis,pafturis,bolcis,6c ful)borcis, rcdditibus, rcucrfionibus,
&fcruitijs^ &
oranibus fuis pertincnti)s eidcm inancriofpc^antibusfi-
ue pcrtinentibus,quac ego prxdift' I.nuper habui mihi, h^rcdibus &af-
fignatis meis , exdonoSc fcofFatnento N.K. Habendum & ccncndum
tocura Sec. vtfufra,

A Feojfement infee, mth a letter of AttHrney,

g O Ciant prgefcntes & futuri,quod ego W.H.generof.dcdi Scc.W.C.nia-
^ '
OneriummeuradcT.&c. Habend'&tcnend'prxdilum mancrium
cum omnibus &c.pr^fat W.C.& I.S. hxrcdibus 5c affignatis fuis imper-
pctuum. Etegoveropracdid'&c. Etvlteriusfciant mc pfat VV.feciffe,
ordina(re,conftituiflc,& in locoroco pofuidc dileftos roihiinChrifto
R.F.& W.S. meos veros & legitimes Atturnatos coniunlim & diui-

(im^adintrand' & pofTcfsioncm capiendam pro me, & in nomine meo,

omnibus fuis pertinentijs, & poH huiufmodi podefsionem fic inde cap-
tam&habicam,dcinde pro me,& in nomine mco, plcnam ^cpacificam
podefsionem & feiHnam inde prxfatis W,& Lane eorum in hac parte at-
turnaC Hueatturnatis deliberandum, fecundum tenorem,vim,formam,
Ck efFe^um huius prxfentis chart mcac : Ratum & gratura habens & ha-
bicur' totum & quicquid pd' Atturnati mei feu eorum alter nomine mco

, fcccrinc,vcl alter eorum feccric in ^mifsis. In cuius rei&c.Dat&c.

^Feejfcment infee on a decree in the Chancerie,

. OCiant&c.quodcgoI.B.adinnanciam&fpecialemrequintioncmR.
Scct.i^p. OP.necnon vigorc5c authcritate cuiufdam decrct fupcrpctitioncm
ciufdera R.P.in CanccH* domih Regifi de &
fuper manef de L.cum pti-
nenCm coin E.verfusmehabit:Tradi<ii,dimin,iiberaui,& hac prxfenti
charta meaconfirmaui eidcm R,pr2edi^'mancfcum pcrtinentijs pr^fat
R.hxredibus ^afsignatis fuis in pcrpauum ad vfum eiufdem I. hzred*
& afsi^natorum fuorum/ecundum vim, for mam & cft'eftum decrcti pr^
diCli. Habendum & tenendum 6cc cuius teilimonium &c.
. Ivt rei *.]
Liber Fcoffemcnts. iecundu

A Feojffment ofthemoitteofa Mxmr receuendby

A writ ofEntrie in the 7ojl,

SCiant&c. quod ego LD.profuramaquadragintalib.&c.roihipcr c^rL , .^

R. F.pra? manibusrolut, dcqdibusquidemxl.li.fatcormc plena-
rie fore fatisfaftum periolui um, diclunique R. hacredcs, cxccutorcs,
& adrainiftratorcs fuosinde efle acquictos &cxoncratospcrpiatfen-
: Dcdi , conccffi ,
'tes 5c hac praefcnci charta mca confirmaui cidem R.
mcdictac mancf dc S.cumpertinenii)S, ac vnius racfuag* , vnius o-ar-
dini,xx.acraf terf,x.acf prati.xl. acf paftuf,&xx. folid rcddic cum
pcrtincntijsinT.&C.incomE. Quamquidcm mcdietatcm omnium
& (ingulorum prxmifTorum cum pcrcincn.cgo pd I.D.in curia domih
rcg' coram I.B. milite, & focijs fuis luftic* ipfius domih rcg' apud
W.nupcr rccuperaui vcrfusN.P. &I. vxof cius,perbrcuedift'do-
min rcg dc ingreffu fuperdiflcifinam inlc Pod, prout inter record
dccermino S. Hillarij.annorcgni Hcnrici Viijf &c, plenius apparcc.
Habendum 5c tenendum totampd mcdietatcm dictorum manef,tcrf,
& tcncmentorum, ac cxtcroruro prarmiHorum cum fuis pcrtincntijs 6f,
R.haercdibusct affignatisfuis inperpetuum &c. vtinalijschArtis fr*-

A Feoffment infee of lands hj Executors c^c,

OMnibusChrifti fidclibus adquos hoc praefcns fcriptum perue< c^a *^--

neritjW. 5cI.cxccutorcs teftamenti R.W. &c. Salutemindho *

fempiternam. CumfdiftusR.pcrtcftamcntum IcftumSc proclama-

tum in Huflingo London certo die &c. proxim poft fcftum SancS
Barnabc, anno rcg* H. viij.&c. xix. dcdcrit&lcgaucritl.vxorifux,
tria tencmenta fua cumpcinquachabuitin dicta Ciuitate, vndcvnuin
tenemcntum (cituatiim f ft ct lacet in parochia S. Mafvirginis ini?att'
C^ellt0ete,intcrtehtum5cc. Etaliud centum fcituat eft &c. Etcertium
tencmcntum fcicuatum eft &c. Habend et tencnd pdi^ta tiia tencmen-
ta cum fuis pertincmijSj pfac. I. adcerminumvitz.lusc. Etpoftdecef-
fumpdicf I.voluit5clegauit antedt^tus telUtor, quod pdicf tria tcne
menta cum pertincnti js A^.ntt fil hatred' dc corporc fuo legitime pro-
creatis integrc rtmancrcntj ct pro detcCtu hxredisdc coiporeciuf-
dcm Agncf legitime prccrcati , voluit &
legauit pr^diftus tcftator,
quodprzdid^a tria tcnementacum fuis pertincnijs, nobispr?ediVis
W.Sc Let cxccucoiibus noftris integrc rcmancicnc ad vcndcndum,
J5 4 5cpccii
Symb. FcolTements, part.primx
&pccuniamfuamindc percipicndaminopcribiis charitatisdifponeif,
proutincodemtcftamentoplcniuscontinetur. Etquia prxdiftusl.o-
bjjt,6c prxdilus A.firailltcrfinchacrcdibu3 dc corporc fuo legitime
procreat deceffic : Sciatisnos prxfat W.& I.cxccutorcs difti tcfta-
rnenti pracfat R.anftoritatc diti teftaraenti, dimififTc, conccfliffc, &
hoc prscfcnti fcripto noQro confirmafle, ac pro quadam pecuniae fiim-
maindc in coraplemcntum executionisdifti tcflamcnti prac manibus
folutVcndidiffc R.LdcLondCiui dc Mercjtori London, prxdift*
triatcnemcntaciiin fuis pcrtincntijs. Habendum 6c tcucndum tidem
R.li3crcd (?cc. In cuius rci &c,

n t ^ Feojfsment in London,

^ rt 'QCiant&c. qviod nosC.T.&K.T. dimi(imus& feofFauimus W.R.


i^filioW.R.I W.iScI.R. dcLond,duotcncmentanoftra cumdorai-
in vico vocaf S M. iiv pdrochia fand' A fiipcr Cornchil Lond, f ciiicct
inter (See. Qi^i? qiiidcm &:c.cum fuis pcrtincntijs nos pr.xd C.T.& K.T.
niipcr habuimuj coniun^iim, exdjmifllonc&fcofFaaienfpracd W.R.
fill) difti W.R. & I-R. f ratris eius, prout in quadam charta per praefac.
W.R.& I. R.inde nobis confc6la, cuius datum eft &c.continetur. Ha-
bendum & tenendum pdidatenementa&c. Da:&r.

A Feojfement infer ofa Hfindred.

SeV.245. /^^MnibusChriftifidclibusadquos pr^fensfcriptu puenericR.R.
V*-/Milcs faluf mdho'. Curadhs rexnunc ? i.dK Mai j, anno rcgni
fuizj. perlitcrasfuaspatcntes dederittkconccllcrit mihi prxfaf R.R.
inter alia Hundred dcB.incomitatuE, cud omnibus iuribus, Bnibus^
amerciamcntis, wrcc' maris, cc alijs emolumcntis &commodatibu$ci-
dcm Hundred debit fpcftantibus fiuc pcrtinenf quouifmodo. Ha-
bend & tcncnd hundred prxd, acctCtcra prxmiila cam pcrtineh mihi
pr3er. i<. R. haercd oc affignatis mcis,dcdiftodnorcgc &haercdfuis,
per feruicia indc ab antiquo dcbita^c deiureconfuetainperpetuums
prout in cifdcm hterisplcnius contincf. Noucritisrae pr^cf. R.R.pcr
p^entcs, dcdiflir,concc(riire,& confirmaffc, & virtutc& auftoritatcli-
mihi per diclum dominum regcm, per di^as litcras fuas patctcs
conccd. rcuercndo in Chrilto patri &
dno R. permiflTione diuina B.&
W. Epifcop, R.L. militi, R.B.I.H ciuibus& A!dermani$ London;
& W.C. Ccruienti raco prxdiitum hundrcdura de B.cura omnibus &c.
Liber Feoffemcnts. fecundus
Habend&tenendidem hundred &c.ac csetera pmiiTa cum pertinent
dido dbmino regc hacrcdibus fuis, per fcruicia indeab amiquo dcbi-
ta,& dc iure confucta impcrpctuum. Et ego vero &c.warrantizabimus
8cC' Et vlterius noueritis rac pr^fat R.R. per pfcntes, feciflc, conftitn-
i(rc,& in loco meopofuiflcdilcdos 5cc.

AFeoffement infee to the humbandand rvife,

SCiant&c.quod cgoR.B dcdi &c A.T. dceadem, & E.vxori fux, ^^^^ ^ *'
cotum illud mcfuag' raeiim quod ego habeo in difta villa de S.fcitu-
atum &c. Habendum & tenendum S<c. In cuius &c.

A Feojfement infee ofCofihold lands.

OMnibus&c.T,B. Miles, doroinusmancrijdeW. in ccmE.falu- S<:^.14<,
temindomino fcmpiternam. Cural.M.ad Curiam tentamapud
mancfdeW.praedift' die Lunac proximo port feilumS. Hill' Epijanno
Sccprsefens in cuffurfum reddidit in nianusdomini mancrij prxdift*
duotcnemcnta Haereditabilia,vnde vnumcncumdpmibusedificat, &
aliud tenementum non cdificaf, acceif tcifraarifc'eildtmtcncmcntis
fpcdanfcum omnibus fuis pcrtincntjjs, quondam vocat H.iacent in
W.prafd ,ad opus W.T. 6:vxof eiuSj&l.^icdfuorum. Quibusdcmi-
nus per Senefchallum fuum conceflltinde feifinam, tenendum cildcm
W.& I. vxori eius, b^re<J afligh per virgam ad volunracem domini,
fecundum confuetudincm manerij per leruitia , &
conluctudines inde
dcbJta,&deiurcconfuetaimperpetuura, proutperrotulum curiae prie-
dicf latius patet. Poftcaquepd I.obijt viucntepraed W. viro(uo,&
idem W.lcgitim poflcflTionatexiftcns, de, &
in jSdictduobus tenemecis
accactcrispmiflis vrpdicteft in forma pdict,eademduoicnementaac
caetera^milla cumcorum pertinent inmanusmeas nuperfurfura red-
didit,ad intcntioncm quod ego pdi<(la duo tencmcntaac cetera prx-
ini{racumfuispcrtincntijs,per chartammeamfigillatamcuidam R. T.
dimittcrm,tradercm, liberarcm,& confirmarem. Supquofciatismc
pfaCT.B.proquadara pecuni^fumma &c, dirairifle,tradidjire,Iibe-
rafTej^chocpfcnti fcripto mco indentato confirmade pfacR.D. pdict
duo cenementa , acpdterf&marifc cifdcmtenementis (peftant,cum
omnibus fuis pcrtincntijs. Habendum &c. praefaf R.D.]i3trcdibus&:
aflignatisfuis libere, quiete', bene, & pacifice per chartam impcrpetu-
um. Reddendo indc annuatim mihi prxfat. T. B. & h acred bus &i

Symb. Feoffemcnts. part.primx
afTignatiinicis dominis mancri) prjedifti pro tempore cxiftcii, decern
folSlcgalis moiuc Angli? ad idhPafch' &$. Mich.archang'pcrc-
<]ualcs portiones , 6c kCiMXi cunx in m.incrio mco prxd cum accideric:
Ac etiam vlcra hoc reddendo ad quamlibsc alicnationcm foi vcnditio-
nempr^di^^t' duorum tcncmenrorum, acc^tororumprzmidorump.
di(fl' mihi & h.trcdibus meis dominis manerij
pracdi^' pro tempore
moncc An^l* pro omnibus ledditjeiuitijs&dc-
cxiflcnvii) s.Ugalis
maiidisquibufcunquc. lea quod fi&quotics contingitpraedictannua-
Icmreddit x.s autpri'dredditviij.s, autdiclamle^amcuf, cumvt
prxfcrtur fo) ui dcbcat,a retro fore in parce vel in coco poft aliqucm ter-
minum folutionis indc praclinuc contra formam pr:editam,qtod tunc
& tocics bene & liceac & liccbif mihi pfat.T.B. h^red & aflignatis meis
dominis mancri) pdifti pro tempore exiftcfi; in pdicc duo tcncmcnca,

terras, Sc marefc' pracd.&inquamljbccinde paicellatn intrare &di-

ftrin^crc, diftriftioncfquc fic ibidcra captas licit'c arportare,abduccrc,
cffugare, dccariarc, & penes fcrecincre , quoufqucpr^drcdditlicarc-
fro extftcn,& omnia indc arrcrag fi qux fuerintjnobis plcnaric fucf fa-
tisfact&pcrfoluf.Ac infupet noueritisme Jjfar.T.B. feci(lc,ordinaflc,
&c. vtinalijschartis.

A Feoffement oflands in duncient demefite recouercd there i'Jffifte,

5eft.245. QCiant&c. quod ego I.D. vcndidi, dedi,concefli,&hac praefemi

i3charcamca confirmaui I S.illastrcstoftas terra: cum pcrtineii voc*
C.prouc infimul iaccnt apud H. infra parochiara dc H. in com E. viz.
inter terras &c. Ac etiam quendam annualem reddic trium folidorum
6c noucmdcnariorumjcuand&pcrcipicnddc tenement fcquent,rcili-
cet dc R.B pro vnc tencmcnto & ceria tcrf in H. vocat G.ij.s. vij. d.
de N.P.pro vno tcnemcnto & vno gardino adiaccntc in H.prxd voca!
P.xv. denaf ad duos anni tcrrai n, viz.ad fefta Pafc' 6c S. Mich.per equa-
tes portiones annuatim folucnd, quz nupcr habui a T. M. 6c A. vxore
cius, virtutecuiufdam finalis concordix fad' in Curia doming K.reg'
Angl* praccharifl'. confortis H.viij. Dei gratia AngliatSccmanef fui
dcH. ibidem tentadccimo die Februafanno regnidi^i dominiregis
q .coram A B.6c C.D. batliuis ipfius reginx mancf fui pdicf ^c P.D.
j- ,

R.C.I W.6cE.K. (edatoribus curiae ilhiSjinter me pfat. I.D. quef,&

pracd c? T' M.6c A.iam vxof cius deforc',prout i) fine pd liquet mani-

icfte.Habeodum 6cc. vt m a/ifs chartu.

Liber Feoflfcments; iecundus

V- t/fFeojfmintt the intent tor einfeeffe,

SCiant&c. quod ego M. C. dcdi 5tc. W. B. totum illud mefuagium

&c. Habcnd' Sccpracfst VV.B.& hsredibus fuis &c.ad cam intcntio- ^^^**i47*
ncm quod idem W. B.aut bxrcdes fui infra decern dies proxim fequenc
'poftdatum huiusprxfcntis chaitiiKae.refeoffabitfcurcfccfFan facietme
prxfat JM. C. ac quofdam I.K. &
A. C. quam quidcm A. idem I. Deo
fauentc ducct in vxorera,de &
in praediilo mcfuagio 5cc# Habcnd' &c.
inihiprzfafM.C.&afsignatismeis, adfolum vlummci ipfiusM.pro
terniino vi! incae abfque impctitionc alicuius vafti. Et poft deccflum mei
ipfius Mcunc habcnd' &
tcncnd' praediftum mefuagium &c prsef.I.K.
& & &
A. corum vtriq; dutius viucnti hf red' raafculis de corporc ipfius
LK. legitime procrcat; ad folum vfum ipforum I.& A- corum vtnufq; &
diucius viucntis &
hxred mafculis de corporc ipfius I.Iegitime procrcaf.
lea quod pro dcfc^u hacred'mafculi de corporc, di A' I.Icgitim jpcreat,
^d mefuagium Scc.poQ dccefTum ipforum I.& A. integre rcmancatmi-
hi pracf. M.& haercd' mcis impcrpecuum ficcz^r tn alijs chArtis.

SCiant &c.quod nosT.P. & W.S. ad fpecialcro inftantiam I. M. di- g^^ ""^
^ 2 ,

mifsirous,tTadidiniu5,fcoiauimus, libcrauimus,&hacpr2rfenti chatS

nodraconfirmauimus cidcm I. ac M. vxori eius cotum illud mefuagium
&c. Quod quidem mefuagium cum prxdilis duobusacristerrz cum
pcrtinentijs,nospr^nominatiT.P.& W.S.nupcr coniunlim habuia-iUS
nobis &hxrcd' noftris impcrpctuum.ex donojconcefllone^feoffamento,
&chaiEconfirmationc I M. proutin quadam charca cuius da! c(l primo
die Auguftivltimoprjetcrito, ante dat pr^fcntiuro indc nobis confcd*,
plcnius apparcc. Habcnd Sic. In cuius rei teftimch^c.

A Peojfemette oflands ^iaen by Tefiamcnt,

SCiant &c.quod cgol. M.dcdijConccffij&hac prsefenti charts mca g^^ j^^^
indcntata confirmauiTP. &
W.S. vnum mcfua' &c. Quod qui-
dcai mefuagium &c.nuperfueruntN.F.defunOi. fir qu^ idem N. per
fuum teftamcntum 5c vltimam voluntatcm fa^um &
dechratum in
fcri|;t,fccundum formam ftatuti indc prouifi, mihi pr^fato I.& hscredib
iBcisnupcr dcdit &
le^auit, prout in tcftaracnto vltimae vofur.tatis
. pr^diilx, cuius dat; cit primo die Maij, anno Domini &c. anno &
- ,

Symb. FeoficipQnts. part.primx

re^niHcnricioaauiDei gratia &c. plcniu; continctur. Habend' fub

fonma c conditionc fcqiicmibus,viz.quod pdia' T.P^ W.S.vcl h.T
rcdcsautaflimatifui cuminde rcquificfucf.rcreofFabuntmcpraEfitura

I.M ac quarijam M.vxorem iiicam,de,^ in predift' mcfuagio &c. Ha-

bendum ^c .tenendum nobis pric{atl.& M.ac h?4-edibus&a%natnici$
piaedictl.imperpctimm. Incuius rci tcftinioniumvni parti praefencis
chart m^x indencat pcnrs prsf.it T.& W.rcmancnt,Ego
prxd* I.M.fi- '

eiliumnieumappofiii. Ec quia idem figillum mcum quatnpluribus eft

incow-nitumjideo fibril la honeftorum viroruQi R.R. R.S. EK- tcftium &

intcl1amento& vltima voluntatc prafdicCN.F.nommatof^&fpcciali-
ter vocatjpracfcntibus appofui 6c apponi procuraui. Ec nos
prxdift' R.

R.&E adfpccialcm inftantiam& pcrfonalcm rogaturu przdift'I.M.

preniibusfi^illanoflraapporuimusin fidclcm &
tcftimonium omnium
pmiflorum AUcri vcro
> inde parte penes me pracf. I.M. refidaitijpraed'
T .P.& W.S.figilia fua appo(ucrunt,Dat &c.

yi Feojfementofa MAumr.

/^MnibusChrifti&c. ad quos&c.perucnerit,E.N. Miles cancclla-

y^riiuCurix augmcntacionum Coronx Domini regis, Salutemin
Domino fcmpitcrnam. Sciatis quod ego prarfatiis E.N. virtuccvigorc
&.uithoritatelicciuia:rcg. ad iniiafcripf hcicnd'prxoiift. habitScob-
tcnf, ac pro quadaro pecuniae fummamihi prxfat E. per I. W. Milit
Thclauraf Curi^ praedicTprx manibus bene &
fideliterpcrfoluf, tra-

didi, feoftaiii vendidi barganizaui ,

, , &
hac prxfeiui charta mca ,
confirraauil. W.totum illud mancrium nieum dc R. in comitacuO.
cum fuis membris 6c pertinentijs vmuerfis, nuper Monaftcrio dc S. du-
dumfpcclanf 6c pcrtmentibus. Nccnon patronat, aduocation, nomi-
nation,pr^fcntatiofi,6ciuspatronatus Ecclcfiae& reaoriaedc R.inco-
mitatu O. did' nuper Monaftcrio de S. dudum fpcaantia 6c perti-
iientia,acctiam omnia 6c fingula maneria, mefuagia, grangia, roolcn-
dina , doraos, acdificia, hortos, colunibaf, pomaf, gardina, terras, tcnc-
inent3,prat, panui", 6c pafciia, bokos, fubbofcos, vias, communias, a.-
quas.pifcafjftagna, viuaf,efluaf, parcos, warren, vafta, moras, iaoiph,
brucf, marifcoSjtam faifos, quam dulces, rcuerfiones, fcruic*, rcddif,
&pro[cua fuper quibufcunque dimifsionibus 6c conccfsionibus refer-
uac', rcddic 6c firmif omnium tenemencorum 6c firmariorum ad termi-i

numvitac6cannoruro per copiani Curiae 5c cuftumaf , reddifj (eruic*,

reddit oncris, reddic (iccos,annuitates, ac fcod' firnij fcod';militum, cuf
Iccas^uiCfranc'plcg'yac omnia quae ad vif. fraiiciplcg'pcineQC;nauuos,6c

Lihet FeoflFcments. iwundus

villanos cum eonim fequel' , bona & catalla waulata bona & catalla

felon 8c fugitiuorum, vtlagatorum, attinftorum, & in cxigcndis pofif

cfchact, rcleuia, cxtrahiif,libertates, franchcf. iuf, iurifdiftioncs, priiii-
Iegia,& oronia alia proficua, commoditates,pofle(Fioncs,cthaercc!i-
tarocnramea quapcunque,cumcorumpcrtincnrij$ vniucrfis, ficuafJa-
cent,& exiftcnt in villa, campis, parochia, feu hamlet de R. parua in ,

difio coroicacuO. Ac etiam rcucrfiones & rcddif omnium &fingu-

lorum praemiflbrum & cuiuflibct indc parcell', ac omncs & fingulos

bofcosec fubbofcoSj^ arboresquafcunque fuptr ei(dem crcfccnf fiuc

cxiftcnt.Adcop!enc,>1iberc, &
intcgte, acin camamplisraodo&for-
ma,ac cum omnibus cifdcm &huiufmodi Scconfimihbushbcrtatibus,
prinilegijSjiurifdiftionibus, franchefijs,iuribus,proficuis cccommo-
ditaribus,quiburcunquc,prout diftus Rex nunc HcnricusoOauu Dei
gratia 6cc. per licerasfuasparentes fub magno (igilloluo Anglijccon-
datumapud Weflmonafteriuradecimoo6Vauodic&c.
fc^Us, gercntcs
annorcgnifui &c. mihi pracfatE N. ac h3eredibus& afTignatis meis
iamdudum inter alia dedit&: conceflir, & adco plcne, liber e, 6c incegic,
dc in tamamplismodo& forma, prouc pracinifTaautaliquaminde par-
cell' modo habeojfeu habere debco,ratione, vigorc, & virtute diftarum
licerarumpatentium indc mihi vt prxfcrtur confeft', autalitcr quocun-
qucmodo. Habendum, tenedum, &gaudendum prafdilum mancri-
um de R.& prafdifta mefuagia, terras tenementa, prata, pafcua, paHu-
ras,reddif,reuerfioncs,ffruitja,aduoc3tioncs, &c. ac cactera omnia prae-
mi^Tafuperius expreiTaec fpecificat, cum eorunipertincntijsvniutrfis
impcrpetuum, ad folum
praefaco I.W. ac baeredibus et afTignatis fuis &
propriumopuset vfumipCus LW.hxredum &aflignatorumruorum
ifflperpetiiuin. Reddendo indc arnuatimdifto domino Regi, h?rcdi-
bus & fuccefloribus fuis x. li. bonx &
Icgalis monetae Angliap, ad dit

Curiam Augmentitirmim reuenc' Coronae Regiac adTeftum SanOi


Mich, archangel' fingulisannis foluend pro omnibus al!)S fcruitijs, fe-

Ais, ct demandis quibufcunquc eidem domino Rcgi, hacrecibus vcl
fuccefToribusfuisquouifmodoreddend, foluend, vel facicndis, Tc-
Jiend 6cc. In cuius rci dec.

bjii:b. Liliericoffcifin. part.primx


SeA.z^f. i/l^vSi H be it oecos of i^eoffement tljutf mane be fealcD an

eeUucreDbp tbe feofo;t7nto H)c feoSee, ano openlp
re^D , ^eC t^e tt}tng0 in (lut) Charters contained}
pa(re,notU)it^oat liuerpof poffeSionanD rei&n,Litc
ScCi' s9'Sc6c. iFojnofcoflfemcntcaiJbemaDeluitl)*'
OQt lliuecte of rei&n,3itidmeetet^erefo}eBlQ)oalD Git\B lx)t)atlti

ueric of rei6ni$,anDtotDt)atent)it tDasinuentei!,anot|otottoog^t

to be maoe . Bit ii termeo in 3latin , Traditio poffcffionis, Inucftitura,
vulgo deliberacio fcifinar, tu^icb iS nott)ing elfe , but datio poffcflio-
nis,fo J Tradcrc non fignificat rci proprietatcm dare, fed rem ipfam ac-
cipienti p.^trigcre, eiufuepoflcflioncmad ilium transfcrrc: iBJ^refOjC
iDe ma^ loel Define Liaerp of feiftn to be aceremonieinourlatOjbfed
tntbe conueping of lanDs o; tenements,o; otl^ier tt}ingi3 co2po;allCfo}
Oft^ir.g5inco;po}alno llinerie o(fei6nmapbe)bpf60fifementfroni
one man to another in fee Qmple, fee taile, o; f o; t^elterme of Ufe,a
an agreement o; token of tbe iDiUingnefTe of tbe feoffo; to Depart
loitMno of t^e feoffee to recetue tbe things lu^erof tt^e feoffment t0
uiaoe.^bicb ^^0 o;oaineD at tl)e fir(t,tl)at i^ common pleople mig^t
tberebp^aue notice of tt)alteratton of fncbeSatea,! fa better knoUi
tntebom t^e rigbt thereof rcmaincD, fo; t^eir common qaiet ano re
psfe, Perkins 209.2 1 o.Braa.li.z.ca. I H.Seft.iz. 2Cbe bfttall manCC
of oeliuerp of feifin of l)oufed,lanD0,tenement0, is, t()at t^e feoffo} f
feoffee if ti}cp be p^efent^o; in t^cir abrence,tt?eir |^2ocurato)0 o^ SiU
turnie0(b^ fufficientiuarrants of i^tturnp in to;iting)ooecome to i
bonCe 02 place \j)\^tttot (ciftn 10 to be DeliuereD : ^no tbere in tbe p;e
fence of funo^p goio toitneHes openlpreaD>o; caufe to be reab,^e
deeo of feoffcmcnt, ano letter of 2tturnep tt)crcof,o; to Declare i be^
tie effect thereof before tljem in C;ngU(b. Wi\)ic}9 being fo Done,tt)e
feoffo; 0; bis j3tturn^p,mull take a clot of eartb,o} nbougt)>Q2 a ttoig
of a tree tljerupo grotoing , 0; tbe ring 0; bafp of t^e Dooje of ^ ^onfe,
anD oeliaet tl)e fame loitb tOe Caio oeeo tnto tt)e feoffee 0; ^10 0ttnc'
nep,f aiding : ^ Deliuer tbefe bnto ^ouin name of poffeffion anD fciCn
of allt^e lanDs anb tcnement0 contained in tU0 DeeD,tobaueantt
tobolD acco;oing to tl)e fojmeanD effect of tbefame DeeD* B!f t^e
f eoffement be luitbout DeeD(a0 it may loell be) tben at tbe time of tbe
Deliuerie of ^eiQn^muffbeeppjeCTeDf bery effatetul)icb tbe feoffee
mna i)aa0 t!)ereb|^*3in oeliuerp of ^eian;al perfon5 i^aninsanp kaui^


Liber Liuerie of feifia fecundus

full poflfcaiott oj fciCit 111 tt50 ti)in5,0f luljf cl) fcifiit is to be Deliuercu,
ougl)t eitljcr to ioine toggl^er in tte making of ttic ILiacrp of feifm,o;
to be rcmoucD t\)tnte,^B Icffeeg fo^ peaces, oj foj life : fo; eueric %i*
serp oog^tlo b;tng an immediate poCfeaion tinto t^e feeafee,Lutleton
Sea.(5i.&4i8* jdiroiftt^cfeofifementbeoftiiuerspareelUoflaniid,
tping mfenerall toU)ne0 in one Countte, lituerie of fetan in anppart
ti^erof fuflficettrfo; aU,if tljcp be t ^en in tije feoffors poffellion anD out
of ILeafe* 3^nt if tfjep be in Diuers counties , o; in leafe, 07 out of t)i0
poireCrion,it t(connenient t^at be enter into euerie parcell tberof,ani>
make ILinerie of feifin in eucrte Teuerall parcell tt)erof,foj be can giue
no pofleffion bnto bis feoffee if be bane it n ot in bimfelf at tbe berp in
ffantoftbe beliuem of feifin maoe, Littleton cap. 18. Sea.i. ^no
Bralon faitb Non iacebic fciiina aliquo tempore medio vacua. }15p
Hnerp of feifin tbe feoffor tranfferretb tnto tbe
feoffee all tbat be batb
in tbs tbingi^ tDbereof tbe liuerie is itiabe, acto;Ding to tbe fiate
tbetenponlimitebt BiftlDofeuerall teeDsof feofifcnicnt beemaDeto
tiDO ft oeral pctfons of one felfe tbing,it padetb bntobim ))nto Uibom
ttiUn if filrtt oeliaerei),acco;t)ing to tbe berf e
Rem domino vel non domrno vcndcntc duobus,
In nirccQ portior,traditione prior.
IBilSlierctbf Stfto;i^rannti0 of lanbefo; tenements in leafe, tl^ti^

fommonlppafU bp^ttutnement of tbe particular tenants tbereof,

anb nol bp lioerie of feifin.0nD tbe like o;Der is to patfe tbings lobicb
cannot palTebnt bp grant in lojiting, as feruices,reuerQond,remain^
tier0,rents,commons <c.of Isbub it 0)all be intreateb in tbe Cbaptec
of Graunts,Litt Sea. 2 8 3 . 0no bp (uecie ilinerie of feifin patfet^ an t>
Sate of freel^oioat tbe lead.

ThemAnner cfindorfng r entr'tng of Liuerie v^on Aeeds

offeojfemetJt hj the feoffor to thefeoffee in
their sTvfieperfen. ^bfSt

MBmerandum , quod decimo die Marti), anfi &c.plf na S<

g ^^
pofTcdio&rejnnade manerio &
tcncmemis inftafpecificac cum
pertincncij5^data& dcliberata per infranominai A. B. infranomi-

naf CD.in propriji perfonis iuis> (ecundum vim, formam, tenorcm, 6c

cfirlum chartse infrafcripE, in pracfemia eotum quorum nomina fub-
fcriptafum,viz.A.B.C.D.E.F.acalioruBi. ^ubftribm^ tbe names of
t|)e litneffesp)eCent tl/ersat.
Symo. Feoffcmcnts. part.primae

McmorintIum,quod dccimo die Mai), anno xxxvii). Eliz. Reg. &:c.

Scft.2 5 3 . plena & pacitica poflcflTio & fcifina dc tcncmcntis intrafcnpf cum pcrtih

&c.data &dciibcrata tuit p E.F.& E H.actorfi infranominat AB.cuida

G.H.atrorninfranominatC.D.vircutefcperal'literaf attornaC cisinde
confcftaf,iuxca viraJormainjCcnorciii, dctffcCivm chartx infrafpcc',&
literaruiw aitornat ^it,vtfnpra.

Per infranominat EF. attornaE prxd A. B. iuxta Scc.vt fftpra. fl); to

t\)tUhe effect in llattn o; Cnglifl).
)f letters of attutncp to giue anD receiue (eiOn^Orall be fpobenin
tteir place tjaibeitt^epinap be infecteoin tbeoreosofi^ecffeniMt,

A (jift or GrAnt in taile. :i ni

Scft. 1 54. |^N4nibiis Chrifti fid elib' ad quos hoc pfcns fcriptum ind^ncaH p<rr
A. tain & in coniidcrationc furrn'ic &c.bon &: Ic^alis monetae Anol'
roihiptComp F.B.& S.gchpracmanibus benc6cmicliCpcr(oluf,vndc
fatcor rae pf. Comitcmplcnaf fore fatisfaOum& pcrfoluC, cundcmq; F.
liaercd',exccuf,(5cadmini(lrjtfuosindepleiicacquicE 3ccxoncrtlIc,^
pfcntc$,quam ctiam inptc complcmerf quarunda comiciKioa& J^g<"<*-

raencof contenf ,dcclaraE,(Sc fpccificat, in quibufd' Indent uf faft' jnf rac

6f.C.&I.D.5c l.L.vxordid'filiam mcaradift'Comex vnaptc,& ff.
F.B. ex altera parte o;crtij daf 5cc. anno regni domiii noftracEliz.Rcg.
nunc q-uintOjiradididc, conccfTiflc, & hoc pracfcnti fcripto mcocopfir-
fubbofcos,hbcrascommunia$, &; hxrcd', iacenf due cxiftcnt in C. &
Sinhocprxfcntifcriptindcntaf inferius cxprcfl. declaraf, fcufpccifi-
cafjommbus&omnimodis hbcrcacibus, regalitaf,iuriiditionibus,pri-
eifdcm terris, tci^eracmjs,& cartens pmif-
iiilcgijs,& franchcri)s,dc,& in
fis,& inquahbet indeparccl'mihi praefat.Com,hzred,&: aHTi^nacis mcis
tantumniodo6comnino except &
rtferuaC, viz. omnia ilia tcrra^tenc-
incnta,prata,parcua,6c pailuf modo vcl nupcr parcel!' terf doniinical'

przdi^imancrijdcS.indi^^ocom S.vocat feu cogniE per nomcn rel

nomiiidcB.ahas^*Qtreet meaDoto, great |0.nieaOohi,pooUf)eaD,
ac ^meaDotD : Ac ctiam totamillam parcel!' tcrr^ ibidem vocafUbtU
tnoerl^* Ac eotamillam aliam parcellam ten x ibidem adiacuif gar>
dinoprxdiCtoF.B.iolongicudine &c. inter domum di^i F. iMem
Liter Fcoflfcments. fecundu^
nouo acdificaE,5c quendam campum ibidem voca?K.& in longitud* in*
tcr irefl. did' F. & al viam ibidem duccnt id &c. Acetiam totam illam
aliamparccU'ccrf ibm vocat le R. Ac cdam totam illam acf terf vafti
ibid'iaccn inter IcB&leC. Ac ctiam totum ilium aqux curfura vo-
cat fiuccognitptTnomen dc leC. pcrvcl fuper dift'acrara tcrf vafti
modo currch cum omnibus &
omnimod' comijs &
proficuis, mem-
bns&commoditatibus &
parccir quoquo modo fpeftah (iuepertiiijaut vt membf,partes vcl par-
tell* prarmiil.priusconccilof, ftualicuius inde parcel!' comrouniC ante

hac habif, cognit, vfitat, locat, feu dcmiff. cxifteh. Ac omnes omni- &
mod' bofcos,(ubbofcos,& arborcs fuas quafcunque, de,in, fuper prac-&
miff.fuper prt^conceff. crcfcen fiue exiftc h, ac folum &fundum eiuldem
bofcj, neciion rem &reuerfiones quafcunque fingulof pmifl. 5c cuiufli-
bet inde parccll', &
rcddit, &. alia annual' profic', quae cum, de, vel fu-
per quibukunque dimitHonibus flue concedionibus p^acmillorum 6c
cuiuflibct inde parcell' quoquomodo rcfcruat Hue habit (inc, vacua,
libera, vcl communia, in omnibus terf feu vaftis meis infra manerium fi-
ue dotninummcum pdi6t',& in qualibet inde pcell'.Habend'&tenend*
omnia 6c fingula pd' tcrf ,tcncmenta,hercditamta,& cetera omnia& fin-
gula pmi{r{uperiuscxpre(l.&fpecificat,cumomnib'& fingulis fuisp-
tinen pr^f.F.B. &
barred' de corporc fuo legit procreat &
t pro remanere inde R.B. fiiio cniufdam R.B. dc
deie(\\i talis cxitus,
B.incomS.gen.&bacred'de corporc fuo legitim procreat, &
and'. Et pro defcft' talii exitus,remanere inde hatred' cuiufdam I.B.pf is
prxdi^' p.B.dcfunft*, &
dc tempore ipfius I. legitim procreat prc- &
creand'. Tcnend' de me pfaC Com A.haered' &
afligh meis vt dc mane-
riomeodcS.pred'indift'cora S. inlibcf focagio&nonalircr,vizpcr
fidclitaf,&fcft*cuf mancrij deS. pdicl*, viz. ad duas cuf ibmfup ratio-
nabiles monition vcl notitiasanhtened' (vocat Ic great Courts) St red-
dend* inde annuatraihipr^fafGomiti barred' &
afllgn nieis &c.adfc-
fta^cc. Etannuaf foluend*perequalcsportionc$, ac rcddend'indemihi
pracfaf Com barred' Scafllgfimeispoft mortem cuiuflibct tench dcprar-
dift' terf,tenement, & caetcr pmiflls vnam Harictam, viz. optimum ani-
mal cuiuflibct tehtis,vel 5 3.i* legal" monciar Angl'proqualibetharict
dcteroporeintcmpuscapiend'fcurecipicnd*,ad ele^toh mci prarfat
Comitbzrcd'&aflign meof capicnd fiue rccipicnd': Ad faciendum
&reddend'mihiprarf. Comiti barred' &
afligH meis omnia alia oncra
&feruitiaqu^propmi{r. feualiqua inde parcell' per hocprefensfcript
prius concert, ante hoc tempore guerf fieri confucf tact per confuctud'
mancf prxdid' pro omnibus alijs feruiti js, rckuijs, cxaftionibus, rebus,
O Side*

^ymhi Feoffemcnts. part.primac

& demand' quibwfcunquc proindc quoquotnodo reddcnd*,rolucnd',v<I

faciendum. Et fi cotingat pr3cdirt*rcddit,fcftam ciif,vcl haricE,vcl fum-
roara prxd'jauc alia oner rcferuat in forma pd', auc aliquam indc parcel
lam arctro fore in parte vel in totopoft aliqd'fettum,aut tempuspdift*
ad q> folui vcl fieri debcac aut debent, quod tunc bene liccbit mjhi pracf.
Comiti hacred afligfimeis,in omnia & &
fingula pr^d tcrf, tenement,
caeteraprxmiff.cum pertih & quamlibet indeparccirintrarc^c diftrin-'
gcre,6c diftriftioncsficibm capt & habit arportare,effugare,6c penes
merctincrc,quoufquedccifdemreruitijs,rcddjt,oncribus, & haritt,&
fumma pr^dicf plenaf fatisfaft' content, & perfolut luero, feu aliquis

nodfpcrfolutfuerit. Acctiamfi contingac pracdict F. B. aut aliquem

hxred dc corpore fuo legit procreat, aiit aliquem h^rcd decor pore
prsfdi 1* I. B- pf j s Icgif procreaf ad alj q> tcmpus impoftcrum pracd terf

tenement, & c?etef pricmill.aut aliquam indc parccll' al icnare, difconti-

nuare,velvenderc,peraliquam recuperationero ad communem legem,

aut aliter.quod cifdem alienationibus,venditionibus,aui recupcratiomb'
non obflanf bcncliccat &
liccbit pr^fac roihi Com, liaered afsigh &
meis in omnia pr.tdic! mcruag*,tcneracnt,& caccera pracmiff.cum pcinn
& quamlibet indc parccll' intrarc &
diftringerc pro cifdem vcl con(i-
milibusrcddit, fecccuf,hariet,fummis,(eruitijs,&alijsoneribusprid,
vt fupradiftum ell ,fecundumvcram intcntioneni hnius pr;fentfcript
mei indc confcft'. Ac fi forte cucniatprxdict reddit, hancJ, fummam,
feft' cur, auc alia feruitia & oncraprxdift'extingcndaut deteroiinand
fore,rationealicuiusrecuperationis,quodtunc eiiam beneJiccat,& lice*
mihi prxfa Com, hxrcd &
afllgn mcis in omnia pdi^* terf,tencmenf,
^c^tcfpracmiff. cumfuispertin,&quamlibej inde parcell' inirarc 6c
diftringcre vtfupradi^ura eft pro tantis &
conlimilibus rcddiC, harictis,
fummiSjfcft'ciifj&alijsferuitijs &
oneribus fuperius per pr.-efent mihi
praefac Com & hatred meis rcferuat, aliquibusalienationibu$,difcon-
tinuationibus,venditionibus,acrecupcrationibusinconcfnon obftantc.
Prouifotamcn fcroper quod ptxdiCi' Comes, h^rcd,ncque affigafui
colore pracmiir.autalicuius ineodcm fpccificat habebunt nequc perci<
pient,ncc habere aut pcrcipcrc clamabunt feu vindicab.^ pracmifT.duos
fcpcral' reddit, fcft'cuf,{eruJc',& onera pr3edil',ncc colore pracmiff.
diftringant aut diftringcrc pollmt feu valeant in pr^miffnequc in aliqua
inde parcell' pro cifdero,aut proaliqua inde parccll* contra veram intcn-
cioncmhuiusprcnrisfcriptiindc conlcft'. Ec ego veto pr^dift' Comes
8t h^red'mci oxnni.' pracdi^t' tcrf, tenement, Hxreditaroen!, &
cxtef p-
miir.cum omnibus & fingulis (uis pertin prcf at F.B.& haertd fuis pr^d*,
Etprodefcft'caiisexuuspr^fatR.B&hacrcdfuis prxdicc^Acprode-
Liber Feoflfements; Iccimdus
fccc talis exitus pr^f.hzrcdpdicc I.B. contra mc JfarCoA&hcrcd
nicos,& contra oroncs arpcrfonam &pcrrofjclara, auhabcntcs,ali-
qd ius, titulum, reftum, vd inccrcffc, dc auc in pmifl. feu in aliqua indc
parccir,pro me prefaf Com.hercd.vel afltgnacis meis warrantiz. im- &
pcrpctiium defendcraus per prcfentcs. Ecvlterius concordatum cft^ &
prxdicf F. B. pro fc 5c hcrcdibus fuis conucnic &
concedicad, 5c cum
pr^f. Coinjiercdibus &
aflign^c fuis, quod fi contingac ^fat f .B. fine
hacrcd aliqijo de corporefuo legitim procreacobire, auc fi comigeric
h^re tJ oroncs de copof pracdjft'I.leg-uimprocrcat fine heredaliquo
obirc de corppribus eorum.aut de corpore alicuius coruro legitim pro-
crcaf^quod tunc ec deinceps praedicc H, pro dcfeft' tal' cxit(vt pfcrtur)
acomncsh^rcddrft'F.B. collatcf,aconincsalVpcrfona& perionae,&
corum kxrcd qui tunc habcbunt aliquod ftatura, ius, t]tulum,feu inter-
efle quouifmodo, de,vcl in prcmifl. f.ualiquaindcpceir, ftabunt&
runt fcifiti, dc, cr in omnibus ct fingulis prcroiflis, ad opus 5c vfum co-
rundcfn pcrlonae & perfo.iarum , ac hcrcd ac affigfi fuorutn,qui aliquo
tempore poiUa habcbunt aliquem fiacuni.vel 5cc.

Agift in getterflU tatie tripArtite^with remainders oner,

SCiant&c. quod ego A.B.dedi,concc(ri,et hac prefcnti charta mca ScCl.zyy.
tripartita indcncaf confitmaui C. B.filio meo, totuiiiilludtchtum
mcuin 5cc in &c. Habcnd' ct tcnend' |>dil' tcncment5cc. pi^fat CB.
& hcred' de corpore fuo legitim prccreat. Et pro detenu hcred de cor-
pore difti elegit procreat, volo quod pdid' centum cum gardih (uif-
qucptihD.B. filiomeonaturainori inte^re remaneat:Habcndet tc-
nend ilii,5c hcrcd dc corpore fuo legitime procreat, de capitalibus do- (

minis fcodi.Et pro defeft' hcrcd dc corpore ipfius D. legitim procreat,

volo quod pdift* tefitum cum gardih ku horto fuifque ptincn intcgrc
remaneathercd' legitim pdift'CB. inpcrpeiuum. Et e^o vcro pracno-
minarusA.B. ethcrtdmcipdicttcncmenium cum gardinSc fuis ptiji
pr^fat C.B.ct haercd dc corpof (uo legitime procreat in foima praedicf
contf omncs genres warrantizabimus, ctinpcrpetuum dcfcudcmus. In
cuius rci tcflimonium duabus partibus huius chartx mcse iripartitsc in-
dentatse penes pf. C. &
D. remanentis , figillum mcum appofui : Tcr-
ti^vcropticiuldcm charta: penes me pf. A,B. remanent, pdC.&D.-
figiir fua appofuerunc. His teflibus &c.

o % A. '

Symb. FeoflFementJ part.primac

uigift in theffecialltaile,

OMnibui&c.DcdKTc&c. etconce(riQc,ac tenor- pracfcnfiunj dare

etconccdcrc A.B.totam dcmum 6cc. Habcnd, tencnd, tto^au-
dcnd* diftara domiim &c.pr.'Ef.A.I.t h jered' mafciilis dc corpore ipfi- j

us A.intcreundcm A. StEliz, vxofciuldemA.lcgifprocrcatisctpro-


An otherforme offfeculltAtle.
PAtcat pfcntibus ct fLunris,quod ego A
B dcdi ct coccflS, ac p prc-
fcntes,doetconccdo chariflimimhi in chrifto D.et A. vxoriciiis,
inancfmcu&c. Habcnd'&c prifat HD.ctA vxorifiac.achaercd
mafculis dc corporibus corum inter cos legitime procrcatis &c.

The forme ofa gift i TrankmariAge.

%zCt,2<%, QCiant&c. meM.H.dcW dedilTcttconccfliircac prefcntichar-^
Ocamca confirmadcI.A. filiomco.et Marg. vxoriciu$,fili3evcracT.
N.inlibcrumMarita^iumjVnumroeruag'&c. Habcnd&c.pracfafl.cc
M.vxoffu^j&hxrcddc corum corporibus Icgitira procrcatis, dcmc,
& hacrcdmcisin pcrpctuum Etcgo prscnominatus W.H.&haercd
mcipdil'mcfuag'&c.f>faf I &M.v>coriruae, cthxrcddccorund cor-;.
poriDus, legitime procrcat, contra omnes gentcswarrantizabimus, ac
aducrfus capital' dominos,cxtcrofquc vniucrf. acqiiietabimus & defcn-
damusinpcrpctuum per pfcntcs. In cuius &c.

^^ Or thm.
^-^ Habcnd&c.pfat H.ct hacrcd quos procrcabit dc corpore M.vxorif
Habcn^ p^af H.ct M.vxori ciu5,& hatred dc corpore pdict H.legi-
Or thus.
Habend pfaf H.& M. vxori eius , 5c hatred dccorporpfoo^ ^cE^
H.lcgitimcprocrcandi$&c. i V ? :-

JPeofeVfetJts to zfe/,

Sc^^.t/p. QCiatvt &c. Quod ego I. B. in comtjlcmcntura & pcrformatlb-

ijncraqaaruhdam conucntiomim, conccflionum,^agrcamcntoiura,
fpcciiicaC ec dedaraf in quibufdam ladencuris , gcrch datum d/e
Liber Feoffcmcnts, (cciindus
dachufuspraefcntis chart indcntarfal' inter me praefauml.B. exviu
parteA VV.P.& G.P.ex altera parte, Concefli, f coft'aui, & hoc pxfenti
fcriptomeo indema!confirmaui cifdcm W.P.& G. B. hxrcdibus & af-
fignaffuis,omnu ilia niefiiag' (Sec. Habcrd& cenend&c.praefaf W.P.
& G B hacred & afTignatis hi!S,ad opus,v(us,intcntioh, ac (ub condition
in dift' Indcntura fpecificat tx declarat/cdm fornaani,cffc^uni,& vera
inccntioh di^e Indenture de capitahb' dais Sec. Ec ego vero pd I.B. &
harred' mei crania & (ingula diil' niefuag',tcrf,(?c tencifita.ac cetera pr^-
iilla,cum omnib" & fingulis fuis pcrtifi praefac W.P. & G.B. harrcd
aflltgnac (uis,ad opii & v!um pd,tam contra me prsef.I.B.h^red & afligii

iDeos.quam contra hxttd 6c affigfi R.B.nup de N. warrantiz. & impcr-

pctuum dfcndeai' per praclences. In cuius rei teOinioniuro &c.

ui Feojfentent vntitll a certaine fftmme of money be fated,

SCiant&c. quod ego I. V. in complemcn! vltimac voluntatis C. D. Scft.a^o

demi(i)Cradidi,liberaui,&hoc prarfenti &c. H.T. I.T. &
quandam paicellam (errac meae arabilis cum pertineh, continent 8(c,
Qiiamquidem parcellam terr^ inter alias terras & cehta,cgopr:edit'
I.V.fimulcuinT.C.&c. iam defun^o nupcr coniunAim habuimus
nobis,h^redibus & aHignatis noftris, ad vfum di^i T. C. heredum & af-
(ignacorum fuorum &adindepcriroplendum vltim volunt ipHusT.

ex dimifl[ione,hberatione,& charts confirmation I. H. fili?e & hzred

I.S. Habend'&tenend' pracdi^lam peciam terf cum pertineh praefa6
H.T.I.T.& I.e. haeredibus aHlignatis fuis in pcrpetuum, de capitahbus
dominis 6cc.ad vfum eorundem H.T.I.T.& I.C.hacred' & afsignaf fuo-
rum,donec 6c quoufque idem H. I.6cl. h^red' 6c afsignati fui, de exit,
rcddit,reuentionibus, 6c proficuis, proueniertibus de prxdi^* parcella
terf cum peninen,(ideht 6c plenarie content fuerint 6c fatisfaft* de fiim-
ma X. Marcarum legal' monctx A ngliac vltra omnia oncra 6c rcprif. iux-
ca volnntatfupradift' T. C. difponcnda. Ec ponquam diftae decern
Marc^ fie plenarie pcrfolutfuerint,quod tunc didi H.T.I.T.6cI.C.
h^red'6cafsigna!fuifint6ccxiflantfeoft"ati,de 6c in prnedita parcella
tcrrac cumpertin ,ad vfum Aliciacnupervxorisdifti T.T. durante vita
ipfius Alici^, 6c pofl eiufdera Aliciac deceflura, ac poftquam przdiftac
decern marc^ fic plenarie perfolut f ucrinc vt prxfcrtur, tunc ad vfum W.
Cfili)pr{di(fl'T.C.achrcd'6c aflignatcf fuorum in perpccuum. In
cuius rci6cc

x^ % A
Symb; Feoffements. parcprimae

ji TeojfemeMt to the vfe ofthe Vendor, ifhefatte hisfuerties

harmc/ejje, andifnotyto the Vendees vfc

_ -
oe .2 ^ I.
^ Ciant&c.qnod egovendicionis
E.M.incomplemfntum&: confirmation cuiuf-
^j^m barganiae & per me R. &c. qiiiburciain B. et .
vxori eius niiper fa^*^', necnon ad infiantiam& rpecijlcmrcquifitioh
jpforum R. B 6c E. vendidj, dcdi conccfli, liberaiii fccft'^ui ,
, hac
, &
prsefcnt charw mea indcntata confirinauipr^fatoR.B.& E. vxofcius,
l.R .& C.S. tcnim lUud 6<c. qux ego prxd ift' E. nupcr
liabui mihi bar-

red' &
aflignat mcis, ad opus
(oliim vJum& mci ipfius EM. htjrcd'
& affign Jtoi um meorum.cx dono, conce(sio:)C, charr^ &
T.M. 5c A. N. prout per quandani chartani &c. Habcnd' tc- &
nciid* pr?edift' &c.prxfat R B. 5c E. vxori eius,b.Trcd &
afsignatis luis,

ad opus 6c v(um,at lub conditionc fecjuenti, videlicet, Quod fi pracdicf

R.B.& E.vxoreuis, h^rcd' vel cxccut lui exoneraucriiJt aut indcmncs
confcruauerintjvel cxoncr2ri,vclindcmnes conlcruari feccrint, vclvnuj
eorum cxoncrauerir,aut indcmncs confcruanerir j vcl cxoncrari autin-
dcmnes conferuari fcccf l.R. C.S.& E B.baercd.ixccutof,^ adminiOrac
fuos,& corum quemlibct, erga mt prxfat E. M. executor adniiniflraf&
mcos, &
abos quofcunque, dc, 5c pro fcpcrahbus fcripc obligat, gerch
dat die dac buius praefcmis chartac, In quibus pi^dift^ R.B. l.R. C.S.&
E, B. coniunOim &
deuifim tcnentur &
obligantur mihi prcnomi-
nato E.M. prodebito antedidti R.B. ac pro pcrquifitione prarmiflr.
inquolibcteoiundcmlcriptoruni obbgatonorum in furoinaxl.IVlarc^
indoifat cum conditione pro foUitione 6cc. legal' 5cc. ad fcrtum &c.
annuatimfo!ucrd,prouc per fcripc pr^dift" nianifcniusdeclaratur, ac
de,& pro omnibus pecuniarunifunrjmjs in fupradidV fcript obbgat; &
corum quobbct rpccificat,quod tunc pracdi<fl' R. B. 6c E. vxor cius
l.R. C.S. 6c E.B. 6c hxred'fui cruntleiflfjde, 6c in di^o mcfuagio
cum aedificijSjgardin, 6c omnibus pcrtinentijsfuis ad folum opus6c v-
fumpracdifturum R. B. 6cE.vxoris eius, 6: hxrcd' fuoruro, 6c tunc
pr?clenschartamcaindcntata,6creifin3,de6cin pracmifHs cumfuis per-
tinehliberat 6ccap{a,firn-)xrunt6c{labilcsadfoliimopus 5c vfumpr^-
di<f^' R.B 6c E. vxoris eius,hacred' 6c afsignatorum fuoium impcrpctuum
Ec n contingat pr^diQ' R. B. 6c. vxorem cius h^Tred, exccutof, &l
afiignat fuo$ minime cxoncrare aut indcmncs confciuatc, ncccxq-
nerari auc indcmncs conferuari faccre predial' I. R. C.S. E.B. &
Hi:cred'> executor ^ 6c adminiflracores fuos^ 6c coruin qucmlibct, crga
Liber Feoffements. fecundus
M. ;x':c'JtGr
iDcpriEta! E. &
adminiftratorsmcos, alios quofcun- &
pro praeditis faiptls obligac, et coiutn quoiiDcr,r dc ct pro
omnibus di<flispccuniarum rummis ineifdeni{criptisobligit,cteolim
quolibetfpec'ficat,qiiodtuncprsdia'R.B. ctE.vxoreius, I R.C.S.
E.B.& hercdcsftii cnmc feific, de et in pd &c. tantum ad folum opus cc
vfumtalium velhmodi eorura I.R.C.S. &E.B hxrcd ctsfTignat Quo-
rum, qui, vel quorum hxv^d execuc, vcl adminiftrat, pro pracdj^*

fcripc obliga!,aiitcorum aliquo vexari,roolcflari , auc indcmiicsnon

conteruari contingent. Ec ego prafdidusE.M. cc hxredcs mci pr^dift*
&c,prxfat R.B.ct E.vxori eius J.R.CS. et EB. hxrtd cta%natisiuis,
advfaro prxdiOum, contra mcechered mcos watrantizabmius &in
perpctuudcfcndcmuspcr prsfcntts. In cuius rfiteftjmoniumvtnquc
paitiliarumcartajumiiidentatjegoprcdnf^usE.M. figillumiiicumap-
polui. Daf&c.

yi Scedule exprejftng the vfes of a Ffiojfcment,

THis Indenture ntaocfcBwcenr3C.!^.anli<25.l3. on f!ic one pae* o f> ^ ^

tie,ano 2:i;5.3,C. inD e. O. or. t^e otter partie, VVitncllab,
tljat iD^ereas t^c faio J.l^^ano O.^.bp ttjeir Deeo of jFtoffcment In^
t)cnteD,tjnto tt)is pjcrcnt&cEDulctntcrtcD cnntrcDjliauemicoffeD
tt)c fdto C.Ccf,anD in the niannoj of ic. t^at tlje in^
SE.i^.J.C. cnD
tent of tte TaiD DcrcanD t^e Itun tc and (ciOn maDe bpon ttje Came t0,
ttiat tbe faio ST^Jii.K.C.cnD G.CI5. ana c uerp of tt;em, ? tljcir IjcircF,
ano tl;C furutuoj of tljeni,f l)ic l-civs, ttanDano be feifco,of ano
in tbc faio nianoj lcnicutioncD in tl)e fame occD of (eoffcmentjto the
tcrrafterin tljisfcccu'.e c rpjeiicD : t^at is to ff=p,;i}nttl:efeiD2r
j]53.CanD C.dD.ano tijefuruiuojof tl)cmnnDt)ii; l;cireg,a}ellat
all tinc0 hereafter from time to time During tijc life of tt)c iaio ;j.i^,

ijDitt)in f cure monetises after tcqucQ; to tl^rm, o;anpoftl)cmmaoc,

bp tbe faio ^.I'^.bis crecutojc c2 allfgncs , (iall mahe all (ucfj

leafes ano ocuiits, affurancec, feoffements, cftntee, ano conuepan*

Ces,5ifti5,anD giaunt,ofanniittifi6fo?termecf life,oj lioe0,o;foj
tcorme of peares, ann at toill, ano m fee fimple,02mtailetuitl)re^
^ maint)er,of,m,cj out of lanDs, tenements, ano otijer tt)e
all ibc faio
^ iaH)p?emuTcj,anoeusrp parceU tl)ercof,tofnrbperfc'nojpctfons,
astijefaiD $. l^^ftial'at nnp tmic curing l)is life nominate ano apo
j)oint ttie lame airurancefi,fefftjnenfs,cftates,conueiances,ocuifES,
4 ^ Uaies,

Symb. Feoftements. partprimsc

leafc0 anD graanf tl)crcof to be mab mi. a
fatii3.b A- - v..ww*>BnDcf)ar0eoft!)e
. ^.^^ *^uaauotponconDitiontt)attl)cfaio 2C.iJ5.3C. and C.
(!]?,ano tl)e furuioo; of ttjcm, ano ^is \)tiHB fi)aU furtl)er make fuel;
affurancc0,conuepances, fcoffcments,cftateB, gift in taiU leit!) xe
mainttXB ouer,o}anp otl)ereSate0,conuevance0,o;a(Iarancc5tn
latOjOf, ointbe faio manojs,lanos,anDtenemcntfi, anooffuerp
parttljereof, tofuc^pcrlonanoperfons, atiDt^eirljeireg, ojtot^je
\)t\xts of tl)ck boDicc latofull? begotten fo? tcrme of ltfe,o; liuec.o;
ott)erU)ifc,to Ujt)om tt}e faio 5>B.alf bp bt laft toiU f STcaament in
tojiting Hiall nominatcalligne, f appoint tl)c fame clfates, affuran-
ces,o} conue^ance to be maocaccojoing to tbe true meaning of (lie
faiDlaft U)iU 1 Ii:eftamcnt of tlje faio 3(.l^. And tbe faio 2[:.ii>.3t, C.
anD CB. 0. coucnant ic tbat tbcp tbc faio SC. j;5.3B. C. ano C (0. at
tbe cottes ano charges of tt)e faio J.l^. bi beires, erccutojs, ano af*

fignE0:,G?attbe coftsnno tbarges of fuel) perfon to lobom tl)c fame

cftate of tl)c p;emia8S fl)albc bp tt)c fame 5. Iri.appointcD to be maoe,
(Ijall crecute f maUc all fucb eftates,conueianceB,ino arrnr.incc0,of,
ano inti)ep;cmi(Ics,o> an^part tt)crof, to tt)c fame f fucl^perfon ta
iBl^om tbe faio afQgneo ano a^pomcco bp tbc fato HI
efltate0 djalbe fo
^^bp bi laH toill t ilettamcntjo; Dtl}crlmfe. And if tbe fapo ST.J^,

J.CanO C.CI5.ll)allrcfufc to crecute ano maUe fucb eftatcBano affu*

rance0)Of ,ano in t^e p;cmi(re0, to fuel) perfon0 to tobo tbe fato 3E*t^
l&all adtgne ano appoint tl)e faio e(!ate0 to be maoe.of, ano faio m
tnano^lanO0,tenement0, ano euerp part tbcrof,in maner ano fo;m
ato:efaiD:2Dbentbe faio ^,0*j,*i*(d*^o couenant tc* tbat tbe^
t^efaio SD.il^.J.Cano C.CI5. (ball after fucb rcfufall, ftanoanobe
rjifeo,of,ano in tbe faio manoj tcto tbc bfe of fucb pcrfan0, 1 t\)eiv
^eire0iano tbe bcire of tt)eir booie laiufuUp begotten, fo; terme of
life,o; Uae0, 0^ peare0, in taile, 0; in fee, accojoing to tbe e(tate0 to
tDbom tbe faio Bl.l^.in bi0 life time^o; otl)erluife,a)al bp bi0 la(t loill
gine,appoitit,o2 aaigne tbe faio mano2, lanO0, (c. befo;e mentioneD
ano rebcarfeo in tbcfe p^cfentsJn wicn.fTclDbeceof <cGiiicn tbe Da^
ano v^are firtt abone bo;itten.

AScedale timittitig Vf<s,

bfe ano intent0 of tbc oeeo of /eoffement tnoenteD tripap

titeberennto annercD;4inotbee(!at(0 tbereuponertcnteDof me
tbe faio <!^.&. named in tbe faio oeeo, i0, tbat tbe faio gift ano grant
4nentionec in tb9 faio oceo>anD tbe eCtate tbereupon erecutco^ofyaito

Feoffements. iecundirs
in tbe capitall mcfoages in & mentioned min faio mn calico t^e
appurtenance, anu of ano in tl^c ^Ul of g>.caUeD
hall of ^.tott^ t^c
&tanfo;D9ill,anu one mcaooUJcalleo ^ill
laUeD ja^ano alUt^r lant>0 ano
tenement0m &
afojefaio ,iiotom
of me t^e a;o (B*^. except one
the tenare,occupation,oj mannrance

anotbeir^ctre0,a)aUaano8nDtl)ereof be fcifeoto t^ejteof

ms tbe (aio (0- &* f o? terme of mp life, ano
after mp oeat^ , to mm
tcrme of ^cr Ufcano after bee
of X.<5.no\s) toife of me t^c
faio diJ.f oj

oeatb.totbcbfeof t^ctieiresof t^cbooieof mc tbe faiO (25aatofallp

bpttotten, ano fo Default of fntb iilue c, toitb remawocroaer*

tljatif it bappcn t^e faio 3-
after t^coeatbof me
asaine,tbattbenano fromt^encefojtbtbt
tbe faio (0.&.to marrie
ettate of tl,e capitall me(uage,^il
faio feoffement,sift,sraunt,ano
itt. afojefaio,intbe tenureof metbe aio
anoi !a^^^^^^
ano faio a.ano tbe faio
S &* C
eet before ) (ball be, tbe

of tbebe?te0 af^^^^^^ of me tbe faio .&. latDfullpbegotten,ano
iirue,to tbebfe of tbe faio U.&.
ano btj bcires
?oVoefaultof fucb
maU0ofbi0booielatofall?bfgottcn, ano fe? ocfault c.
Se faio feoffement,eaatc,gift,ano graat,of
ano m
tbe rett i reftoae
ano otberbereoi,
of alltbefaiomefoaije0,milU6,lanO0,tenements,
tment0 tobatfoeuer tliep be in &. ano a.
mentioneo tbe faio oeeo m
iSSSrt e^ ^f^ befoje intbispjefentfceouleis
^'"^^^^ faio cofeoffccs fb all ftano
tbefaio ^.&,anDof tbebeirei
begotten, anO foj oefaalt of
S?tbeboOtecf metbefatoeiatofullp
faio tt.&. ano of bw beires ma es
f flcb iffae,to tbe bCe of tbe
alwaics, tb^tif tbefaioHl.
l/nttcn. a^ Oefault fC Prouidcd
Sffimet eVaiO(0.'atanvtimeafter^
againe,tbattbenanofrom tbenceroj^^^^^^^^^
feoffement, gift, graant, ano ettate, of, ano mtbe faio rcfioue of tbe
luitb tbe
SMenement5, ano otber tbe pjemiffes
foj terme
of ber life,
to tbebfe of tbe faio?.
oftbe booie ot metbe
nVflfSt bee oeteafe to t^ebfc of tbcljeircf
^^^^^^ fucMHae,tot|,ebfeof

Symb. yfes* part.primgc


. A.coucnaKtiimitingtheVfesto the M0rtgage9ryfajmgcertM*it

money and charges of^^urt^nces.vntttl he pratitfe to
alien or incumber the lands, and then
to the Morgagee,

T3I^<^"f^plalwaics,anDitts ncaertbelefte coacnan(eD,condaDct),

* ''
X conDi(ccnDED,anj}agra:0,bj)anDbctU)ii:ttbefat0 parties to tt)0re
pjEfents, 3rtD tl)c faio ?.ii3. i c Dott)
coaenant ano graunt f c JCtiat
if (t;c faiD U.CD. 0^ tts ^circs, at an^ time luittjin tbe fpace of tenne

peres ncrt rnf uing the Date l)er2of,DDc pap,03 caufe to be paicD tnto
t|?e faiD ](.313. biiit}ctrc0,erecuto2S, o; aflisncs, atone U)l}oleand

intire papniint, afUjeUtt)c faio (umme of tl)irtis poanUfl bp bim

alrcaDp Diiburrco,aj afo;cfait),fo3 tbe faio purcl)are of tlje reuerGon
of iljc p;e!niiir0, in nianer ano fo^me afo;efaio , as alfo all ano eacrp
otbec lucb fumme anD fummcc of moncp, as tljc faiD %
l}atl) alreaD^

oifbui (CD aiiD paieo, o; (ball beceafter be ct;argeD luttb} touching ano
concerning anp inciting, allurance, o; conucpancc,of, o; concerning
tlje faio tenements ano pjcmiUcs, o;anp \dxi tl)creof,niaDc,o;to

bebaoanoniaoe, tuitlnn tenne oaics after tbat a reafonable ]i5iU

thereof Ojall be fl)elucD ano oelinereo to
tlje faio K.CD.oj bis be<re,

bpt^cfaiD 3!.bisl;eirc,erecutojs,o;aDrignes: SC^att^cnana from

tt)encefo;il7 tmnieDlatlp after all fummcs
afo;efaiD fatiffieo ano
papeo to tt)c ano aHignes, in maner ano
faio J.bis l^eires, ct:ecuto;s,
fojmeafo5cfaiD,tl)cfaio 5.i3.bis bcircsano aCTigncsof tljc faio re
ucrfionof tl)e faio tenements ano p;emillcs lDitt)t^eappartenan^
ces^niaiaanoanobe feifco During ttje life of tt)e faiD3E.!3ano^t2B[
anooftljelongcftliucrcf tljcm. Stio after tbeiroeceofcs, of all tbc
faiD pjcmilTcs in ocmcanc anO poCedion, to tbe bfe of ilje faio K.(0
ano 1)18 beiresi tntill fuel; time astbefaiO U* C0.oj bis faio l)Cires
fl)allaDaifeDlv,Dcter:inattl:)., ano confioerailp goe about to ^l^oj^
gage, alun, bargatne, (ell, oj ot^crtuifc to doc, o? put aVna^ tl^e faio
tenements ano piismidee ,anp parcell tljereof , tii potfeflion o}
veueifion, luit^out tbe fpeciaUcoiifent ano agrcc.ncntintDjittng
of fb<^ fiito 3 ^i5. D^bis ^eircsjin t)at beljalfefirtt tjao ano obtap^

ncD : D; tl<all as is aboue menttonco , goe about to cbarge, trouble,

0? \\\ an^ to'fe uunniter tbe faio tenements ano n;emi(res, o: anp

parcell ttieteof > iDUt^out tt)e iiUe conicnt ano licence* ;3no Ojall

Vfesi fecundus

f/,, an affurantc of anp futft ttlojaase. <)atgamc,fale

ibe (oimcpsiue
rharae,oitntumbjantes,gocabouttoMC,l?jastif, o) (Jotintjcoj
about, IjaB, Bone, p?atnftti, ej put mbje,
vmiii"Kl mtt to be gone
ante,aButan,si)atgeojincnmbjame tobetjaDojmaot.
Smeciatl^anecfntD mattcr.act, cjtDmg, fo a ts afojrfa.O

KbvS K.^^.oji,6eirea,tol)eteb. m
(at W.t,..a.o

about togtat,aUen,ntojg8se,bargainc,feU,(l)atge,
Smbrtt,etaiBpwmi(r,oa an part tDttsof: ffiDoanB frflm
fbrntEfo'tb,atti)eUtt!ipjetent affntante
anB connepante,as aUo He
mace ano to be mace
Snc snB all otDtt affurance ano tonuesante
pattell tbereof, fball be ,c. * nd
S tbfp/eZltes, anB eueete pavt anB
taiB tjeires, anB all anB euene
ottct perfon ana
tte fai K..anB ftis
lron baniflg o) latofullt. tlaiwing
an? ettate, tigbt, n
title, in,oj

?o the taiB p;mifl 9,03 mm ttieteof, bp, front, oj bnccc ttje CalB


SmS of faio
te,fi)all ftanB anB be fcif
eB tbe

Matbebfe of tt,e taiB
aMMBinS to t^e pntpojt, tffett,anctrue
3.Dia terrco ano af^
iRtmt ano meaning
aBBfiutOet mosgage


^ Indenture Tripartite ofUnit md tenements

to vfeJ.

Betweene 2C. SC-an ffte flrfl S(&.z6s.

Indenture tripartite waBet.
the tetona
pattie,Mm f^-^-^-J-
S.ST.foj tbe
tbat l,e Datl) in tt,e fa.B a.SS. C.SD.e.Jf
jrecUlUtnS anVconfiDenre
Biaet0 ot^ec bob anD leafonable tan.
^ ffi a anBlL..i.anBfoj
fma 2.
SnB tXtktiona momngl)im,tatb gincn c.bnto (be
To and
!;? ff ..scan ttiofetjislanB, tenements a-

hoMKUtbeoneVt-bfesanB pjoptt btDoofesoftSefatB
life of ttje faiB S.C. ann
faj ano Bu.
1 1^ Sir ng tfenatnrall
an rmmtniatclp lollototng,
^iaihettmie of tiuelne wares, nt aio
aUUfeoftt,eraiDff.3I.anB after ttc Bc3tl,ofti,e
?r i ano nftet ttje (aiB terme

"^Tff^V 2maMB tteitbtirTs.
of vtarc encco sn BetermnuB,

bawTttt to bolB tbe to.B lanaea,

tenements, anB osber tbs
C-S'-'t- 1:"
W"" ''"'' aSignrg, to

tipon conDifon tbat tbe

Synab; Vfcs. part.prim
pf f!)ein,anD^i8 ano ^ix ^dre0,0^all befojc tlie naturall Deat^ of tl^e
faio Ht.SC.ojVDitbin fcocnpcarcs next after tt)c naturall Dcatl) of tlje
fata SD^SC.alicn, Uargamc,anDfcU iijt p^miffw tuttl) tt)e appurte*
nanccfijoafomut^tljcrcofag bp
tlje naturall life
tl)c faio E. C
at ame time During
of ibe faiD CSD.Qjall be Umiteo o? appointee
bp ^tm
bpto;iting o; ottjerlDife^sno after tl?c bargaincfale, 02 alienation
anD maoe, tlje DeCre of tl)C fgiD C.2L.ts,tl)at tlje faio a.SB
c.fo; t^c fpeciall truft ano confiocncc tbat tbc faib SE.C
ootlj put in
tljcnijUjall iuitljin fire nicnetl}S nert after t^c faiD
bargaine aixD fair,
0; aUcnation,purl;afc o? caufc to bee purcbafeD, otbcr lanoef
, tenc*
incnt5,anD !)creDitamentg,of as mucb clcere pearlp balne,aB
tbc piv
ttjat Ojall be fo baraamcD 0; folD bp
tbem, 0; anic of tbeinlftaU
amount bnto : anD tbat ttje furuiuoj 0? furuiuojs of tl)em,Qjal iuitbifi
t^c faiD fire mouctbg,caufetbefaiD lanes fo purcbafcctobebp gcoo
aDtui-ancc t conueiance in tbclato allureD ano maDe
fure to tte bcirw
of tlje faiD an.SCan fee fimple,DifcbargeD of all
cbargcB tneambaan
rc5,bptl)ciiio;bpanpoftbcni,to bebaD,maDe,Doneoafnffereo.
uidcdalwaic$,tbatfo2 Dcfaultof furl) bargaine,
t\)t pjcmicrrfi bp tbefe pjcfentB giucn
0; grduntco, bargaineD 01 folo,
from ano after ibe natural Deatb of tbe faiD ar.ST.ano from
f after tbe
eno f terme of rg.pears nert after tbe Dcatb of tbe faiD :.
SC. tbe faiD
0.)iB.C .3d?.f .anD all ano cuerie otber pei fon ano perfons
tbat fljalbe
feifeD of, 0; in tbe p;emiire0,Qjal ftanD anD be feifeo tberof^to tbe onlp
tife ano bebmfe of tbe rigbt beirea of
tbe faiD K, C. of ano in f much
oftbepjcmiOfefifap tbefe pKfcntssiuen anD gcannteD,
anD ofeaerie
part tbereof,U)berof no bargaine,fale, 0; alienation
fball bebereafter
bp tbe faio a.ll5.C.SD.fc.fo maoe, as i
afo;efaiD,anDtbatalfo tbcn
ano from tbenr cfo;tb tt (ball be latufull fo; tbe
rigbt beiref of tbe faiD
s:>L.to reenter into fo mucb
of tbe pjemiffes, tobereof no
fale,oa almenation Ojal be bereafter bp tbe faiD
a.i5.C.)a).f c .fo maoc
a{i0afo;efcno, ano tbe fame to bane againe
tc. And tbe faiD dD^il^.
3I.anDi.,Doecouenant fcabattbepanoeuerie oftbem,
eftbem, Ojall permit anD fuffertbe faiD
Sa^i'Jl?"^^'""^^"'^"^ a!
2B.C SD.ic.ano cuerie of tbcm, ano tbeir a(rignes,quietlp
to retehie
ano take tbe iffues ano p;e6tcofaU ano fingular
tbe faiD piemito
UJUb^bc appurtenance. During tbe naturall life
of tbe faiD 2C2C;.
ano During tbe faiD terme of ttoelue pcares, toitbout interroution 01
jerfono2perfon,bp tbe meaneto)
pjotorementofanp oftbem, to
*ctmplopeDo>beftotoeD,to (w^Wif anD intents a mnilx.K.
Liter VCqsI fccundus
l)at,anD W\ ntti^mMtniU anf atjpoinf An J (b,t fait CP*!^.3J.ainj
^Ao} ticmtl)eirl)euw ano adigncs f c. Doc conenant ano giauntjto
ant) Uiitl) ti)e faio %*%* anti
to ano U)it^ tlie faio jS*115* ano C* ano to

ant) U)it^ t^c taiD jSD.dD ano i?

ano caerp of t^em, tljat i!^ it fliall foji
tone t^e faio J3*)i5*f C* to osccafe, oucing tije naturall life of t|)efaiD
SCXaiiattlietttlje faio C^. dl^.l^.S ano IS. anotljeir ^eiresano
permit fuflfcr t^e faiD ^..%f* ano euerp
aaigne0,C&aU pesccablv i
to l)auc,taUeanD tcceiue,aU ano angnlac
of t^em,anot^ciraaigne0,
tt)ei(ruc,rent0,reaenue0,ano p?ofits,of allaao fingular t[)e pjemif*
fg,anoeocrp part lyarcell thereof, fo?, ano During tc.Untljontanp
let ic.(vc fupra.)
And t^e faio acX.foj l)tm tc. tl)at tlje faio a.HS.f c.
anDtt)eir^ctre0,anoaU ano euerp ottjerperfon o^ pcrfonsnoto being
ano in tl)c pjemiaes, bp tljefc pjefents bargaincD ano folo,
feifei of,
tliereof ,(^all from tjencef ojtl) ttano^re^
0) of,o) in anp part oa parccU
part thereof, to tbc bfe0,in^
inaine.ano be feifeo thereof, of euery
bc^oofe0 ano conoitiong, in t^efe pjefentg befo;e ej^pjeffeo
mentieneM) wclareD. In witneae 6cc.
Indenture tttaDc Betwccne IX. &. on tbe one partie, ano Se^, z 66.
2CUU ,Vi* ano 21:.. on t^e otl)er partie, Wkncflcth, tl)at tl)iij
?eale, ano affection ttiat be
faiD0 aftoell fo?tl)c naturallloue,
apparant,ano otber tbe iffues
bearetb tjnto *&*\)iB fonne ano beire
begotten,ano tbeir iffue male,anD
male of bi boote lawfully to be
of &. ano bcrp
otber of tb blooo ano name
fo; tbat be is Dctirou0,

follp minoeo,refolaeo, ano

oetermineo,tl)at all ano Gngular bi
titamentdtoitb tbe appurtenances, in tbefe pjefents ci:p;eCfeD,men*
f 0; e uer bercafter,if it ibaH
tioneo, ano t ontaineo, Ojoulo ano migbt
(0 pleafe almigbtp (II5oB,corae,oif
ceno,continac,remaine, f bee bnto
bntofucbitfocs male, as Ojall be begotten of bis
tbctaio d^.fe. ano
boOiB,ano tbeir iffnes male,ano bnto f utb otber perfons, ano fucb of

tbtWooo ano name of ^.as bereafter in tbefe p?cfent31ncentares

arenameO,intenoeo, o) meant, accojoing to true intents ano mea*
couenants,i agree*
ning of tbefe p3efent0,an&bnocrtbeconDitiGns,
nient0,limitation0,p;omQDn0, contingencies, anO true meaning of
mancr nnofojmebcreafler in tbefe pjefent0Ep
tbefe picfcnts, ano in
beclarcb, ano in fucb maner 1 fo?me,i fo long on*
ft^^as in,^ ^tWe p:cfent is limitteo, intenoeo, implieD,oj meantt
p3ci et^
m\i (0 Wtlionc eftate,tttle,bfe,o>interea hereafter in tt)efe
r Umitte&

Symb. Vfcs. partprimac

limittcD o; appcinfco 5<l&oulti in anplmfe be aHertD,ulfcontinucD,
fo3fciteD,v3ciuoicco,tjavrcD, 02 uifappointeD , contcarp to the true
ineanirtg tijcreof The faid
iS&. Dot^ conenant f c. to maUe a fufifi*
cienti'^coflfcmcnttotljcfaiD S.U.H.U.anD SC.O.of allano Cnga*
lart^ofe Uis Q5anoj5,ilo20fl)ip,oj 2joU)nesff. To hauc ano^o
holo all tt>e fato panojfi , ilojofliips, S:otDnc0 1 c. f tl)e faio SC,\!{*

U *i^< anD ^. ano aKigncfi f j eucMn tljc manner ano

wl. tl)ctr Ijeirs
fo;nic,an!) to tljcbfes, intents, ano purpoftfiiljcreafter in tljafcpje*
fcntiS liBntttD,appointcD5intcnDco, auD mcant,nnD tutjcr ano acco;*

Ding totlje conDition3,coacnants,contingcncie0,pjouirion,limita .

ticnSttrue intent anis meaning i\\ tljcfc pjefents erp;efl[eD)an$ te,o)

fo2 no otl)cr tofc, intent, 0; pnrpofe, that \b to fap : Co
tl)C onriie t)fc

anD bct^oofe of ti)e Caio U& fo; ano oaring t)i0 naiural Ufe,\t)it^out
t.npeac!)mettt of anpmatjcr of U)3ft,3nD after bis DcceaCe,to tl)oael?
t^e ano bciioofc of t\)t faio CB.&. ano of t^e t)eire3 males of !>( booie
latnfuUp begotten ^no fo; Default of fuel) idue male of i[)t booie of
tl)e faio C&*la\ofuUp begotten, tben to t'oe onelp Watip be^oofe o(
tlje fccono iduc male of ttjc booic cf tb c faio U.s>. latofullp begotten
ar.oto be begotten. :^noifit{)appenti)efaiofeconoi(ruemaleoft|)e
boDieoftbe (aiDU*&*latufullp begotten,ano to be begotten, to^ie
tuitbout iffuc male of Ijifl bootc lalufallp bcgotte, tl)ca tatbonlvpjo*

per bfe ano beljofe of tl)e tl;iro iuue male of tlje booie of t faioki^.
labofuU^ bFgotten,ani) (0 be begotten, ano of tbc betres males of ^if
bootelalufull)^ begotten, anoto b: begotten, |fo from itTuemaleto
tflfuc male of tt)z faio C
&. lalufullp begotten,io long ad ibere C^all
bsan^fucbiOTuemalcof tl)c booie of tbe faio t$.^* Idtofullp begot^
ten,ciliuc. ianofo^oefaultof fucbifracmalcof tbebobie of t^efaiO
H.^/uia}fullp begotten, ano to be begotten, tt}cn to tbe bfe of 0i^
f of tt}e beircs males of bis boDic lalufuUp begotten, ano to be begot*
ten. ^no fo; oa'ault of fucb idue male of tbe boop of tbe faio S.lato^
fuUp begotten,^ to be begotten, tben to tlje onclp bfe of l^.^.f of tbe
l^eires males ol bis boop UU)f uUp begotten,! to be begottenrj^no fo)
default of fucb ifTue maleof tl^e boop of tbe faio t^.labofuUp begctte
I to be begotten, tben to 1^ bfe of tbe nert beices male of U.&.grand'
fatl)er of tbe faio U.&. t to tbe beires males of bis boo^ Uisfullp be^
gotten, ^no fo^ocfaultof fuel) iffae male, to tbe onlp bfe t be^feof
tl)e rig^t beirs of tbe Caio OB.fo} euer. Prouided altuates,^ bpon coii'

iiition,f It is tbe true intet ano meaning of tbefe p^fentinoeufiireijijF

f al tl)e parties to an^ iflTue male of tt>je.boop<o( iiai^
tl)e f ame,ti)at if

i$.^.laU>fttllp begotten? 0} to bebegotteti; 0; anp ot^er iffueiiiale,oi

Vies. lecundus
I other ?et{on3;petfcns,namcD,intcn5eJj,iiiiplKD,oa
fo to
01 tali"mv efiaic of tnteritancc,bp reafon of l^c (aiD fcofifemcnt
3niienture05 oj of cither of tt)cm,oj of
bwmatjc ,"anD of tt)ef9^jefeiit
terme,eCate,t3fc, o; ott)cr t^ing in tl)em,oj e^^
ante ttmitatioti of ang

thecoftbemcDntamefi,at ante timeljeveafterfljaU
giue,fEU,alicn,foafeit,barte, alter, Diftantiuue, Icafr,
02 ao'about f o
B2 ooe atoav t^c faiD
mauo;0,nief uagcs, lanC0, Untmtm, auo ijere*
i)itamcnts,^anOotI)ert^^paemiffes5, iuit!)tl)e
thereof, 02 t)is o; tl;cir c ftate, tiile, bfe,
temainDer, 02
cart 02 parcell
lanU0, tenement,
f ^c^
interca,of,o2 in ttjc fame iano2S,mcfnBses,
p2emifff s,litl) ttjc appurtenances, c; an^ part ojpac^
cBUtbcreof,toanppctfono2perfon5,byanic toag 0: meanes,

tcrmes,acco30ins to
iDifctbenfo;anpeaateo2Cftates,f02 termeo2
thecoaenant5,conDitions,p;ouiaon5, anD true intent % meaning m
ano intcnoeo : tbat tt)en 1 tbenee.

tbefe P2efent5 erp2eacu,containcD,
tbc ftate,t3fc, interea, ano
Stfon,(o earneltlpano
poffibiUtie of euerie f ttcb perfon ana
VuiUinglinmagunng, cetermiRing,purpo*
abont to
Cn6,intcnDing,cciuluDing,p;actiring,5ciurins, 02 going
leafe 02 ooe aU)a? tbc
S}e l,aUen,fo2feit,alter,Difcontinue,barre,
part tbcreof,contrartcto tt)C
nUaeTtoitb t )eappurtenancc0, ojanie
uSSi^oUion0,true intents
f fo mud) onl? of tlje fait) mano20, mefua^
ien arc0 of,in,ano fo2 fucb

tbet> (ball fortune fo, a0 xb afo;efaio, earneaiy , anD

tenance0!a0 b^^^

ttae intent ana meamng of

ceafe. Determine, ^become btterl.
bcio $ c.fa ear.
tS^M^^\ MUnglpimnginingfc.toaUintent0 f pnrpofef,a0if fu b
lrfranDerfon0l)aonencr binnameD,inDentcD,tmpUeD,02meant


meant fento focb perfon oj pcrfon0.

L^iSiteo implies, 02

mi tbemefojtj?
SL S^^^^^^ tbefuruiao2 of tl)em

an^b fe^feoof fc^ ant fo mucb

fanocSnsrnent0, ano p;emiat0, toi)cm t^c
manors, me u^ges,
of tbc faio
(aio iftate anb m
Symb. Vfes. part.primac

cf fucli perfon o) pcrfcns Ta asig afojefaio, fl&all happen to ceafe and

be cetctinmcDjto t?5C t)fe of Cuc^ pcrf on o; perfons to totiom tlje bfe of
Tame abouc m tticfe p^erents is limitei , intenoeo^ impltcD, o;

meant tobcnei:tinrniiainDer,ifrucl)perfono; perfons flioQlotjaue

t)t(DtDitt)out ttfue oft)i6 0^ tt)eir bcDtes laUifatlp begotten, t^e re^
tnainoer tl)crecf in fo?nic afo?craio,to fuc^ ott)cr perion ojperfons
belongin5,acco;touig to t()C con5ition,p;oui0ons,limitationf ot Ijfe,
tntent,ano true meaning in e^efe pjcfent Slntientures erpjcCfeo anD
fpecificD: anp coucnant,limitatiGn of bCc, o; otl)cr matcer o; t^ins to

tl;econtraric hereof uottoitbttanDing.Prouided dlfo,anD topen conoi*

tton ,anDit is Hit true intent ano meaning of tt}erep}erent3!nDen^
turc0,anDofaUtt)e pnrtici tott}cfame, SL^at it (ball ano map bee
laU/fuU to anD foa tl}e faio i^.&. During bis naturall lire, to make , o;
cau(etobemaDc,anpUarco;learesort^e fmD mannojfl, mefuageSy
lan08,tencment5,snD pjcmi(rc0,o; anp part tl)crcof, to anp perfon o)
perfon0,fo; anp terme o; termes, cftatc o; sftatcs, not crcccoing t\)t
tcrmcofonebunojcopcaregfromtbe Dap of tl)e mateing thereof, re*
feruingDponeutriefucblcafe dj. leafed, t^e olo accuftomeo pearelp
rent,o)mo;e,tobet)ueanD papable Durmg tbe continuance tbcreof,
bp bertue of fucb Icafe o? Ieafe0. And tf)at tbe faiD CU*
iS.H* anD C
tll.anDtbcirt)etrcd,anDtbct}eire8of furutuo;of euerieoftbem,

(Ijall QanD anD be fcifeD of, f in fuel) ano fo mucl) of tt)e faiD mano;0,
mefuagcS:,lanDe0, tenements, anDp;emi(Te0,a0fo bptl^efaiDt^.^*
(l)all l)appen to be leafeo, to tl)c tfe of fuel) perfon t perfon,to toljom
anp Curb eitate fo; t^e terme of peaces (I)ali be fo maoe o; grannteD b^
tlje faiD H.Dunng t^e contmuance of tbe fame leafe o} leafes, anD af^
f er tlje enD,Deteniiination,o; crpication of fuel) leafe oj Icafcs, to fuclj
\)fe anD bfe5,a<3 in i bp tljcfe p;efcnt0 is linuteD, intenDeD,o; meant*
And tt)at it Q)all nnD map be latofuU to anD fo; tt)e faiD K.^.anD eoe^
anD perfon^, tbat tl)e faiD i^ .&n)all tbereunto name
tit otl)er perfon
o; appoint,Durmg t^e naturall life of tt}e faiD \^&. to fell,cut Dolun,
take,anD carrie aU)ap,anD to bargaine,feU,gtue, anD grannt all 03 a^
meU}(DD, tnDcvlUQjos, fp2ing5 oj free grotuing,o; Vubic^ During
tt)e naturall life of ttiefflioK.&.CballgroluDpon tt)e faiD p^emiflfes,
0; in e; bpon anp part tt}ereof,tDitb t^c appurtenance0,to ante perfon
O2perfon0 And t^at it (Iiall beelatofull to; euertc fucb perfon anD
perfonSi to U)|)om anp of tbe faiD Voans, bnDertutBDs, trees 0; fp;ing0
lotime,take,anD carrie atoap t^e fame,anD euecte part thereof, acco3
(ing to t^e effea anD true meaning of enerU fuc^ lea(e> contract, anD
Libci VfcsJ fccundus
bargatnt Hitxtotto ht mnu : anp tMng in t\)tk p^efents cent aincD f o
tl)eccrttr;uic tijereoic in aap Inife notU)itl)llaiieiiig. Prouirledalfo,
anD upon ConBi:iori,anD u intmt $ meaning of t^cfe pje
is tije true
fent 3iniDenturea,auD of all tijc parties to tJje fame, tbat it fijall f mag
be iatoful,t?,4inD fo; m^ mn cnerie fuclj ilTuc cf i^e booie of t\)t im
l^.s^.taiutuUi; bcpttiiijartD f o be begotten,! to, anc io',. cuerie ct^ec
iffnemale,o? of tje: verfon t pi:rfon0,namcD,tntf orD, implicD o; ment
to^3ucojttiijeoHpeiatco^ inl)prit3jKe, in poUeUion, rcaerfionare^
msu< oct:,o^in t)fe,bp resf on of ttj^raiDfeoffementfo to be maoe,tof
p;eicntsj,02ofeitbcrof tl)cm,oj of an^ limitation of anpcttatt,
p2omfo,coni)ition,bfe^c; otber tljing in tbem, 02 eitbcr of t^em being
tticroffcifeDaao2Duglp,tomafeco?caufete bee mace, anplcafc o>
Uafe0>eftatc 02 eilate0-,of ttjefdio mano?0,merudge0,lanD(jtenetnt$,
ano jjjemtffef ,cj of anp part tbtreof, to anp perfon 03 perfon0,fo2 ang
terme oj term' not erreeoing rri.pearc0,from t\)t bap of tbe making
0o aluoates^t^at Upon euerie fncb leafe,tcrnie oj eltate,fo to
tbeceof :
be maDe,tbe olo accuttamco |?eartp rent 02 moje be referueo i paiable
pearl? to tl)fc oujucr o? otunerg of tt)e inberitance tb^reof, During tbe

f ontinumue of f ucb leaf e 03 lcafcs,terme 01 tcrme0, eftatc 02 ettate0,

toitbout frauD 02 collufion. HnD tbat if anp fnrb leafe 02 leare0 as is
afo:cfaiD,tt)sU fohappen to be maDc 02 grauteD, tbat tben tbe faio SC
)$*)^.K.anD :m.anD t\}t rurmao2S t (uruiuo2 of tbem, f \)i.B \}titcSy
Iball ftdnu anD be feifeo of,anD in fnrb f fo macb of tbe faib mannojs,
mgiuages,lanDs,tentmet0 1 p2emi(Ies,as fl)al fobappentn bcleafcD,
to tbe onlp bfe ano bies of eucrp fncb perfon 02 perfon0,to tubom ante
focblear0O2learc0,tErnieo2 Vermes, cftate 02 cttatc0fl)aUbappcnta
be maoe During tbe continuance tbereof, accojDtng ^0 tbe true mtt nt,
and meaning of tbete p2fnt0,anD of fudj l^afc atiO leafcs? anD aftee
tbeetiO I crpiratiQno2 Determination of cacrle fucblea^canDlsafes,
to fncb bfe anD bfeSjas in tbefe piefcr.ts is limitcDjintenDeD^miplteOy
02 meant. Prouidcd alfo,anD bpon conDition,8nD it 15 tbe Uixt intent
anb meaning of tbefe p2eient ^nocnturcs, of all tbi faiD parties to
tbe fame, SZbat it (ball 1 map be lalcfuU fo2 tbe faiD )^.^* During Us
naturall life^to noiDinate,appoint, 1 giue autbo2itie to anp perfon 02
pcrfonc to recciue tbe rcnts,iffues, fines incomes, comoDities,! p20
fit0 of all tbe faiD mano;s,m0tut^ge0,tauD0,tcnemts, bcteDttamentS)
anD p2emi(Ies,toitb tbe appurten&rice0>f of ecerie 0; ante of tbcm, to
tbe tjfe of ttje faiD i^.toitbout rcnD2ing anp account tberof 02 tberefo26
to anp perfon oj perfons,but onlp to tbe faiD IXS> Prouidcd alfo ano
tpon conoitionjunD it is tbe true intent snD meaning of tb^^^ pnefent
^ inoen^
"Symb; Vfcs. parc.prlmaj

Blnt)entnre0,f of all t^e TaiD parties to tf)e rame,f^at it fl^all map be

^ialDfnU to an^ ifltne male of ti)e booie of t^e fato U* ^. latofullp begot^
ten,ano to be begotten, i to eaerie otber iflTue male o; otber perfon o;
))erfon0,nameD,intenl)eo,implieD,o2 ment, to t^aue o; take anp eSate
of tnt)eritance bp reafon of tbe (ato feoffcment Co to be maoe, i of ttiefe
pjcfent KnoentaregjO] eitber of t^em.tobicb bercafter (ball baue mar*
nco anv luoman,to maUe anp eftntc of any pact of tbe faio manno;0,
mtfuaiX5,Un)5,tenements,bcrcDitamcnt,f p;emiffc3 tuitb tbe ap*
purtenanccd fo} tbe terme of life of facb toife o; loiaeB, fo} bero)
tbcir (ointure oj DoU3cr,referuing no ret o? otber tbing foa fo macb of
tbe faiD mariOjSjtc. pjcmiffefi tubercupon anp fucb cftate o? ettate5
(ball bappen be maoe. 0nD tbat tbe faio
fo to KM*
]&.)^*i SC^*anD
tbeir betrcSjf furuiuoj of tbcm t tbeit betrcB, (bnl If ano i be feifeo

of,anD in fucb t fo n^"f of t*^^ ^^^^ mr.no;s,nicfaa0GS ic. ano tbe p;e'
mi(re0toitb appurtenances, tuberupon anpfucb e(lateo;eftat0(bal
bappen to be niaoc in fo;mc afo;cfaio, accojouig to tbe true meaning
of tbcfe p}cfrntB, t of fucb et^ate (o to be muDc to tbe bfe of fucb loife
o;lBiuefo2 tbetermofberi tbcirliuc0.Prouid.d:<;ro,anr bponfur*
tbcr cooifion,! it ie tbe true mtcnt i nifflning ot cbc^c ajc fent jnDcn*
ture0,i of all tbe faio parties to tbe f amc,i of ttjc f dio f e^ ffemcnt fo ta.

be mat)e,tbdt if tbe faio %*\^,^.\^,%KM*d} feme one or tijem,o} tbe

furuiuoj of tbcm,o: bi0 beire0,o? tbe fsio C.&.cj bi0 beires m. Ie0,oj
fome otber perfon tubicb tball niberit tbe ^ lO m&no; f c. o? an^ of t\)i,

acco;Ding to tbe ltmitatton,(rue intent ano meaning: m

tijcfe p;cUnLS

fieclareD,oc not tocU ano trulp pep 02 aufc to be paic 1 00c.;. of f r . in

i\)C&outb po;cb of tljc paritb Cbarcb of Uan tbe f^io torn it uf ^.to
tbe bfe of faio ^*^* at 1 m fucb feati bap, a0 p faio K.^.bp ^iB mi'
ting fcalco (ball name 0? appomt.i to f utb pcrfon 02
perfon0 as p faio
Vi*^* bp bis faiD Vomiting feaUD n^me 02 appoint to receiue tbe

fame i oco.i;.of ic.snbat tben ( tbcncefojtb tbefe p;efent 3i!noentare0

9 tbe faio feoffemet fo to be maoe,to be btterlp boio 1 of none effect in
tbe latD.^no tbat tben alfo ( tbencefo;^) it (bnll t map be lalnfuU to 1
mannojs, mefuages it 9 pjemiiTcs
fo; tbe faio \^*is* into all tbe faio
Ijoitb tbe appurtenance0,to reenter, tbe fame tf> bani^ t^g^m f poffede
a0 in bi0 former eaatc.ano p tben,! tbenccf02tl| tbe faio sn.ia^H. ]^f
%M* $ euerp of tbem, 1 tbe f uruiuo20 1 furciao; of tbem 1 bts betre0
fliall ftano $ be feif eo of,f in qU tbe faio mmo^s u* luitb tbe apporCe
nanie0,to tbe onlp bfe f bcboifc of tbe faio U.^. U^ beirs ano adtgna
fo; eDer,ano to,anD fo; none otber bfe,intcnt 0; purpofe: anp tbing to
t^e contrarie t^crof in anp toife noti)3itl;(tanDtng Jn wicnefle 6cc.
Liber Vks. fecundus
u4 afdraftee to he made to a mm
for term of hU life, and after his deceafe t^
thufe of his children, and to be afuredforpaiment of his debts.
THiflndenturcf f.Bctwtcn tiiailll53f liB.* %.^. on t^e oite patfp, c^ A A-r
ano EC.fe.on t!}oti)cr partp , Wicneffeth tl;at ttie (aiD tiat^ C&
cou0nantD c^rtjat %t ttje i'aiD isn.&. bcfoje tbe jF^atiaitic of ^.^ot^n.
JlBapt.nert infning ttje oateljcrcof, Qiall afUjcU in confiocratton that
all foci) manors c.appointeQ fo? ttic BBomture of JLaoic CnottJ Uiife
of t^t faiD sr.$s>,fbal be acquitca ano Difctjargeo of al ccnt0 ann ctber
charges refolatg,gotng out of tt)e faio laos icano fo; ano conftoe' m
ration of papment of tlje Debts of tlje faio CS>. 0; of tbe mariagc of
%*^* (^ali make, 0; caufs to be maoe to tbe
tbe oaagtitec of tb^ faio
fai8 m*)&*l^'B* % %*^* Q% to fuc^ otber pecfon 0? perfons, as tbcp,
oj anp tiDo of tbe (iall fo; tbat parpof e name oi appoint,a goio, furc,
fufiftcient,! laluful m tbe latu iw fee (tniple,of, ano in
edate 02 eftatrs
tbe Uecto:ip i parfonage of E>*i tbe manors of ^.ano %.%u To haue
ano to bolD al i (Ingni ar tbe afoiefatb parronages,re(to;ies, manors,
lanD0,f c.to tbe faio ^1.115*1*15.1 W,,:^.% tbetr bcirs,o2to (uc^ otber
perfon 0} perfonMtt tbeptO} tbe fnrmuo; 02 fnrniuo^s of tbe,02 t^eic
^pires (ball name f appoint,i to tbeir bcirs,to tbe bfe of tlje faio WX*
i5.3.)15.| %M. fo; termc of tiuo ^eres nert infning f c.to tbe intent
t^at t^ep iDitb tbe rents,iaae0, 1 profits of tbe fame,a}all 1 lutU tuell
ano trul^ content i pap,ducing tbe faio tgrm,all fact) rent0,fee0,and
annuittesjto all 1 euerp fucl^ perfon f perfons as be erpjetteD 1 nien^
tionsD in certain fceoules inDfteo, to ttiefe pjefent BSnDetures annep
e^* And it is fartt)er couenanteD t c* tt)at if anp monep DijaU bappen to
remainet)npaii)tnt|t)ebanDsof t^efaio i!ia3*115*51.1i5.ano C^i^.tbeic
^etrs f c.after t^e faio ^erelp rents i annuities contenteo ano paiD,o}
of anp ot^er perfon ano perfons nameo in anp of tbe fato rceDuUs,to
iDbom anp f(e,annuaU rent> 0} annnitie ought to be palo ano fo;tun(
to oie, fo ^ tbe rent, fee, f annnitie befo;e paiable bnto f)im fo oving
beertinguifbeo^o; iidxif of tl)e faio anntiiries^rents, 0} fees be otber
toife oifcljargeo ojoctermineo : TOat the t faio ^.IB.J.SS.f KM*
V^tix heires %t* Hiall from time to time Ouring the fato terme of ttno
^eres? toell t trul^ content i beftotd the fame monc^ (0 rciitattung f
groining bp Cuch otfcharge, toUiaro the papment of (acb Debts are u
(5taineo % erpjefTeo in one other fceoule inoeteo hereonto annereo,i
tl}e faio annuities % oebts otfcbargeOilljal toel % trnlp perceiue f U^z
the monep fo remaining bnpaio t grotoing,in, % tjpon the pjenit ffes,
totoaros the mariages of ^.0* 1 ^.Daughters of the fato Cs^.ontil
fact) time as t^e^ ^mz receiueo,Uaieo,i tat(f of faio t et^^ icrues^l
Symb. Vfes. part.primae

profits 900. ponnuss of gojD ic Proulded altoaies, ano it is furtbet

touewantei i c. ttjat after tt)e faia annnitic, fa,Dcbt,anD mariagc
monp Difc^argtD paio^t^c faiD ^1.115. 3B.^f 2:,5Ka:.f t^eir Ijeirea,
anD all 1 eucrp otbec per fon $ c. ^^ Ojall be fcifcD,of,f m
tlje p;enuQc0

0; anv P3i*t tl;iceof Qjal ttanD anD be fcifeo,of,t al ano m

Cngnlar tljc
pjcmtlTeB toilb tbcit appurtenances to tl;ufc 1 bet}(Dfe of t^c fait) C
$).During bi life toitljout impeacbment of anv toaft. ano lijat affcc
tbe Deceafc of tbe faiD SE.fe>. tbe^ Ujal ftao t bt feifeo of as mucb tliec
of as Ojal amount fo tbe perclp Dalue of rr.P.of tc. to of iW? m.h*
one cf ibc ponger fonnes of tbe faio C&.
fo; tijc terme of tbe life of
tbe faio 2ei.fe> t of,i in fo mucb tbercof as fljalt amount to otbcr pr.C
of f c.to tl;ufe of V^.S>.one otbcr of tbe younger founcs of tbe faiO JSC
&,fo; term of life of tbe faio lF)sno of tbe rcfiour tberof immeirtatlg

after tbe Dsatb of tbe fai!) 2L.fe. ano of, 1 in tbe pjemiffc^^ppointcD

to tbnfe cf tbe faio 5i2il.s>. cud l>&.to tb'jfe o'. 19.fi>. fon t beirc ap*
parant to ibe faio E:S>.f of tbe heirs of f)i bo lit laiufullp bt.jonen,

fo; Default of fucb iffuc, to tbuic of tbe f -in ZM*^. fecono fon of t lie
(aiu &ano to tbe beireiJ of bis boDt> lalufallp begotte, 1 f 0; oefa-ilt of
fucb iffuc of tbe booic of tbe faiD ca.fe>. to tbufe of tbe fuiD i'.S/. 1 to
tbe beires of bis bonis latofully be gotten,i fc; ccf^u't of fucb iJue to
tbufeof tberigbtbeires of tbe fasD l^.&anD tl)e;r beirs fo2enet ic.vt
fupra. Prouidcd alwaics.ano tjpou conDition felloUur.i^, ano it is foUp
toucnantcD,5rontcD,conDifcenocD,concluOeD,i agra o,b^ t beiujeen
tbe faiD parties to tbcfc pjcfent Jnoentures, it is ^ ^f c intent anD
meaning ibereof, tbat it Ojalbe UtofuUto, f f oj tbe afo;efaiD a.!li5oaf
anp time f euerp time 1 times, ano from time to tuns from becefo^tb
During b^s life, b^ bis ceeo 0; io^iting bp bim fealed before tloo fnffi^
(ient iuitnedes 0; moe, to alter. Determine, DiminiQ), 0; uUarge anp
0; all tbufe,Dfed,caate, eftates, limitations 0; tntents,comp;ifeD in
tbcfe 31 n^cntures, 1 alf at bis tsill < pleafure bp bia osD 0: lu^iting
bp bim fealeD before ttoo fnfficient ii)itnelIcs,o; mocas dfo;efaiD>to
limit t appoint t^ufe o; bfes of tbafo;efaiD mcfnagcs f p2cmi(reB,o;
of anp part of 1^ fame to tbe afoK^faiD perfons 0; anp of tbe,o] to anie
otber perfon 0; perfons in fee Qmple, fee taile, fo; terme of life^o; fo}
peres, 0; otberluife , and i tbcp tbe faio feoffees 1 the fnraiuo;s anD

furuiuo; of tt)em ano bis leirs iball Hann f be fei'co of tbr faiD tene*
msnts,f p;emiltes butb tbappiu tenances,to fuci^ anD tl)e fame Dfes^
tbat in bis taQ touting to be fealeo bp bim bcfo:e tloo fu^icient luit^
nedes 0; moe,n)albe ItmitcD a; appointeD,anD to none otber bfe 04 ti^
(es^intentojifurpgfe: anp matter o^ttiuig, beCo;c in t^cfelnct tares
Liber Vfes. fecundus
tiien(iflneD,to tl^t contrarie ttiereof nottoit!)ttan^mg* In wicnefTc &c.

tyf Ccuenant that cefly que vfefory cares fimll Mfpofe the profit f
for the edHCtition ofthefeasors children.

ANd agreeD
it i
ano ic.to
bettedfn tljc im parties,! tljc faio dp.ST.f c.Dotlj Sc^.2<J8.
toiil) tl}e faiD l^.315.tjis bare i c.to bcttolu tlje
tlTuefi^ccntSjCeuenucs awD p;oftts of tljc pjcnuffiB.t^at U)ep o? ang of
il;all rf ceiae,anD l^all be iiUitlco to ^ane, tafee, oj rccciue,in o?
t^f in
Unrtng tt;e faiD terme of j r .in mancr ano fo;me foUoluingtCljat is to
fap,to pap,o; cauCe to be paieo pearly, after tt)c tjcceafe of tl;e taio ^*
)15*to euerte of t^e UQ.Daugbtei of tt)e CaiD 1^^ nameo 0.(l^.li* ano
Co? to ttje t}re of eitecie of tt}em,to,f fo; tt)eic finoitig 9 blunging tjp,
D.tof ic.tntiU tbeir fenerall ages of rci.pearsiO? tbetr (euerall oaies
of marriage Jo tbat,a5 foDne as anp of t^ein (l)al attatne to ber leueral
age of ]rn.pear5,o; to ber oap of mariage, tbat tbc paimetto ber,e; fo
manp of tl;em as (i)all ccme to full age, 0; be marrieD, to reafe* And
pearclp after tbe Deceafe of tbe faio \^*M>, bnto euene of tbe faio tb;ae
fonnes of tbe fato ^* )i5.nameD ^* ^ ano l^. 0; to tbe Mit of eucrie of
tbcm, to, ano fo; tbeir feueral* finomg ano eoucation i\iX, of latofnll
tiionep of CnglanD, bntill tbe cnD ano oetermtnation of tbe retloue of
tbe faiD terme of i S.pears, tbat Qjall be to come at t time of tbe Deatb
of tbe faio ^.iS.anc if anp of tbe faiD 3B.ipianD j]5.fo;tune to Die U)itb
in tbe faio terme.SLbat bis 0? tbetr part 0; parts of tbe faio pearlp pat
ments fo DcceaQng,to be patD on,V)nto bts o; tbeir nert bsire* 0nD tbe
ouerplusof tbe laio tdues ano pjefits tbat fl^all rematneouer t aboue
tbe taiD payments baD ano made, tbe coQs ano cbargcs of tbe leo^tng
ano recetuing tberof,as U)el( v\ ^ailifes fcrs,as otbcrluife DeouaeOj
SEbe fame to be paio to tbe faio tb?ee fonnes,o} to tbe f uruiuo; 0? (up
uiuo;s of tbem^at ib^ tx^^ of tbe (aic etgU^^ne ^ziiitB ic

A Couenant for to barre or extinguifj Remainders,

ANdfttrtbcrtbefaiDCJ.SC.anDCmn.fojtbcmic. SC^at tbe faio Sea.* ^p.

CSE.ano %.W.*^% eitbcr of tlicmtbeir beire8,crecutc js no? ao*
of tbem,Cbail at anp tune b^ rc^fter accept, icccmc,taUe,oj claime anj?
reVeale; act^mtance, uniting, benefit, aouantage, 0? oifcbarge of ante
CoUfn.ni,grant<arluU^ 0) agreement containeom tbefepjtfents,
tob^b %^\ bar>bmoer,e):ttnguifb70? Determine an^ agi^ment^mtent

Symt; Vfes, part.primx

0) m0amiig,confainco,meant o? implicD,iti, e; bp tljcfe pjefcnt of a#

nicof ttje faiD 0.3sD. \^*Vi fEuerallp,02 iointlipluitt) otl)cr0,tnU(rc;t
be Vwitl) tl)e ful afrent,tcnfent,anu agrcrnient of oUttic Caio crecuto;,
o; of M manp of ti^cm as ^all be tl)en liutng.

^ Covenant that Feoffees in vfepiall not doe any ati to

jrtijlrate vfex.

i\ no; eitlKC of tbcni, noj tl}c tjeircs, ct ccutojs, aDiiunittratojs, of

ll)cni,o;citl)erof tl)cm, fijall at anp time ijercafter accept, recciue,
taUe 0; clatiDC ante relcafc,acquttan(e, bene6te, nouantage, o; DiC'
ct)argc of anp ccKcnant, grcunt,article,anD agreement containcD in
l^cfc pjcfcntfijo; \i)\i\i\) fi)nll barce,t)inDcc oj ertmguiH), 03 Dctcrmin
anp agreement, inten 1 0: meaning, containco, meant, 0; miplieD, bp
tbcfe p;efent0,to ano Uiitt) eacl) of tt)e faio l^.ano U.tubUes tt)p bot^

ty^fcojftment to vfes alterable by thejeojfor &c,

Seft.47i. 'T'HisIncIcnturcttiaoefc* WitnclTcth, tl)atfl)efaioa. )1B. fOJ f c<

1 batbgiuen,granteDfc.totbcraioCD.anDCiF.alLtboremefu
agi;0,tiEHemcnt0 ic.To haue % to t)olD ti;e faio nicfuages 0; tenemrt0,
anDallanDfingulartbe pjemiftes boitt) tbe appurtcnaneesjbntotbe
faiD C.jcD.anD CjT. tbetr belres ano alTignes fo; euer , to fuel) bfef,
tntcnt0,anD purpof$0,as bereafter in tbefe pKfents are eppiedcD, lit
ttiitrD,anD DeclareD,ant) to anD fo; none otber Isfe, intent 0; purpofe
Ibat is to ra^,to tbe tfe of tbc taio ia.Si3. fo;, ano Ouring tbe tcrme of
tb;eefeo;e veare0,nert enfuing ttje oate bereof foUp to be complet ano
cnoeOjiftbe Taio 0.^.ooefQ Ions line, ^no after tbat to tbe bfeofBI*
tioli) toife of tbe faiD il. i5. fo; tbc terme of tb;eerco2e peares , from
tbcncenert folloluing fuUp to bee complete ano enoeo, if tbcfatoBJ.
00 fo long liue.ano after tt)at to tbc bfe of li.^.of ijian tbc countp of
ipi.dDentleman, ano j^.D.of )ain tbe countie of ^.Cemieman, tbeir
ticires ant atfignes fo; euer. Prouidcd alUjaie5 ano bpon conoition
f oUoUJing,ano it tg f uUj? couenanteo,graunteo,conDifcenoeo, concla^
OcD ano agreeo, bp ano betUieene tbc faio parties to tbefe p;e(ent in#
r)entare0,ano it is tbc true intent ano meaning tbcreof, tbatitlbaU
be laU)full,to ano fo; tbe afojefaio 0.]i3.at anie time,ano euerie time
ano timed) ano from time to time from bcncifo;tboui;in0^ii( life
Liber Vks,.. kcundus
hv^istttnoiixiiitwQh^ INmfealcDbefojc (too fu^Picienf iDifncares
o; mo?e,to aUcr,Dcf ermine, Diminilft ,9j tnlarge aup, o; all f Ije bfe,i3^
fe{,eaate,ettate0,Umitations, o) tnten(0,tompji(eD in tljefc BliiDem
!are,0njalfo at!)i0 luill anDpleafuve bp Ijis DeeD oj tojiting bpljtm
fealeD faefoae t**i3o fufifieient luitncdes o; snoc, as afoaefaio, to limit
appoint tlje bfe oj tjfes Df ttie afo3cfaisj mefuae^s p?cmi(rei,oj of a*
np part of tt)e fame totljc afojcfaio perfonjj, oj anp of ifjem o^ tom^^

perfong, in fee fimplc, fee taile, fo; terine of life,o; ofi

ot\)tx perfoii o;

tre0,o; otljerUjif^. And tljat t^ep tl)e faiD feoffees,anD tlje furuiuoii
oft^em,|J)isheir0,lftaU ftanDanobc feifeDof t^e faiD tenemental
pjemiffes toit^ ti}t appurtenances, to fncbanD tl)e famet)fes,tt>ati
ilis faio tojiting to be fealeubpijim before ttuo tufficient luitncCIes,
0^ moe (l)al be limtteDjo; appointeD,i to none otl)cr tfe o^ Dfes^intet,
92 purpofe : an^ matter oi tbing before in tbefe Blnoentures mention

Hcb to tbe contrary tberof notluttbSanoing* In witmilc tobeteof k*

tyf^eed to alter the vfes in theformer Indenture and

to create mrv,

TO all

Chriftian people &c. 0.11B.ofC. fenuetb greeting
lit ont

Whereas tbc faiD 0. 515* bp bis 31ntJcn*

* /

furemaoebetloeenebim tbe faiD jS.li5*ontbe one partp,anDC.E>'

of f r* anD ^,S^* tit c. on tbe otber part^? bearing Date f c.in tbe ; z*
peareoftberetgnecf our foueratgne ilaoie tbe [^aeenes^aie(tie
tbat noU) is, fo? Dtuers gooD caufes anD conODcrations bim at tbat
time m(Duing,DiD gtue, grannt, infcoffe, ano eonfirme tnto tbe faiD
CSD anD C^.^.all tbofe mefuages ic. (as in tbcfojmer 35nDentnte)
intbefaiDComitieof E>* o? elfelob^re iuitbin tbe iaealmeof c!;ng'
lanD,lDbi(b late Uiere tbe lanDs %t* of Cl^* in IL.in tbe faiD Countie
of laD.gentleman* TohaueanD to bolDfc.bnto tl}c faio C.^D.i <^*Sf*
tbeir betres anD aHignes fo^euer, to fucb tfes, intents, % purpofes>
0 be fpecifi[eD,mentioneD, limiteD, $ DeclareD in tbe faiD ^noenture*
Bin iDbtcb faiD BInDenturetbere iscontaineoone p^onifoo^conDitioj
tbeteno;o; effect lobereof is as foUoluetb* Prouidcdalwaies, ano
fepon conDition foUotoing , anD it is fullp couenanteo ic* ( reciting

the Prouifo of the former Indenture verbatim.) Know ^ou nolu tber;
fojebuntbe faiD 0li3*ac(O}Dingtotbe teno;, purport, o true mca^
ning oft faiD inDenture, to be minDeD,DifpofeD,9 fullp Determine D
to alter ctage tbe tjfes DeclareD in tlie faiD 3ntenture:2nD tberfoje
|e tbe fa(o^t)l5*Dotbbp tbefe |!aerent9not;6e:,Oetufie3i Dedare^tbat
^ 4 tbe
Symb, Vki, part.primac

t!)C afojcfaiD mefnagf .tetipments, cottageSi lanijs, meaDoU)e$,fce*

t\)z l)fe in tbe faio fojttier iiioenture crpaeffeo.ano al afforance,ano

affurSces l}er2tofo3el)aD>maoc, fenolDkogcD, anDfuffercQ of tbe laiD

pjemiffefit,02 anp part tljercof, ift Ul from ijcncefojt^ remainc atiD be
to fuct) pcrfon auD perfon0,aao to fuct) intcntu atiD paipofe8,a0 Ijcce^
after in tl)Efe pjefcnts are EfpjclFcD ano oeclarcD : tljejaio fojmcr-3ln*

Oentute,ojanvotl)ec ailuranccojconueiancetiaDof v faictcncmrtg

p?emiae0, oj an^ part thereof to tl)e contrary thereof in anp iuiU
notluit^ftanDinfiXt)atiitofap,tt)2CaiQ mcfuages, cottage3,lanii,
tenements, IjereDitamc.Utf, ano pjemiacs, ftjalbe to tt)ufe of tl)e faio
0.^roj ano During terme of rt.verecnert inf utng tt)e oate ^cre^

of,fuUptobecompleatient>cD,iftl)efatD ijl.^.oofolon^jliue. ano

after to tl)e bfe of Bs^toifeof the faio a.B.fo;,anD During h* 3no af
tertoarDS to tbe bf e of mp U>eU beloueo frtenDs Wi . ^lax* of U. in tlpt
County of |^. gentleman,! C&.of fi>an f c. gentleman,tl)cir l)eir<
anD affigna fo? eucr In wicnciPc &c.

y^ Condition to alter Vfes.

ScA l7^
"QRouidcd couenantcD,graan(eD,f agcecD
alwaics, |iti5 furtbcr
A bcttoeene tbe faiD partieg,t^at fo;tane tlje faio SC.SCat
if it Ojall

any time During t)i0 lifc,bp tD;tting bnDer f ealeinroUeo in anp conrt
of reco)D,to graunt bnto tbe faiD i c o; to anyof tt)em,o; to any ottier
perf ons befo je mentionco, one moitio of f c. Ct)at tl)en,.f fro tbcnce
fo}tt) t^e faiD edate, ano all anD euerp bfes befo;e tt)cfe p}cfent0 m
mentioneD, to be btterlp tioio ano of none effect, f tbat t\^zxiy t from
tl|cncefo;tb,af\Dell tbe faio ic* (cxprcflliig the fcoifees) % tbeir bette
anD airigns,ad alfo all tbeir cllate,anD all otl)er affurancea bereaftec
to be l)aD and maDe,of,o} in tf)e faio tenements anD p)emi(le0,o; anp
part o; parcell tbereof,to tbe bfes afo;cf aiD, (Ijall be to tl)c only bfe of
tt)e falD 2D*CanD l)is c. And tbat tt)en,f frofn tbencefo;tb it (bal be
lalDfuU,to, ano fo; tbe faio D.Sl*ic. to eiierpi}f tbtm to ramter tn^
to ^ faiD tenements anD pjemifles, \ tbe fame to ^aue agame 9 repoD
fdcDasintbeir former cftate:^bcfe Btnoentures 02 anp t^mg iberein
containeD to tt)e contrary tbcrcof in any U)ife notU)itl}(tflnDing f c.


Scft.274. pRouidcdalwaies,! tjpcnconDitionft. tUfttll&aU^ppentt)efaiD

JL E^:SC* tjereafterataii}; time to tiaueidue of ^isbobp laipfnllg
( begotten,
Liber Vksl /ccundus
bf goteew,oj ap lifc\)f t!)0 fatD CCat tljc time of Ijt'tf ftcceafe to i
tnfcintloit^ anp tlTue begotten bp tlje faio C, 2D*
tl)at tbenluitbm
fl>;eS^onctl) after fuel) iffne t)aD, ano after fine buiiDjto ^arbetf
perteo to anp perfon o? perfons , fo? i in ttje name of fitc^ tflfoe to tt)c
faio 0i f ( ojtcnoereo ano rcfnfeo, oj not rccciucD bp tbc faio a, f c
t^etfc of tbe faio lano ft. ft all beano inure,ano tlje faio feoffees i c.
fliall t^erefo^e ftano ano be feifet) to tbe tjfe of tbe ijeires of tbc faio

S:*ofbisbooielatufuU^begottentanOof t^c t)eirei3of tbcir bootee

latofaltp bcsottem 0no f o^ oefanlt of fuel) iGvi2, to tbe teires of tbe
''"- V*;'' <
"-.i ^ ;/.? ';

PKouidcdalwaics,anDtl)etrne intent anomeaning of tbe parties SefV.jyj,

to tbefe p2efent0 ts3no tl)e faio SE.^.ootb tn t)im, i biB betres,
conenant ano graunt, to ano U)itb t^p faio l^|D. bis erecuto^s ano af^*
figne0,bp t^efe pjefents, tbat tbe faio l^.SD. (ball % ma^ at all times,
from time to time, oaring bis life, loitbout an^ let q% oiff urbance of
t^e faio SE*&*bisbeires,erecuto2S,o; nomini(trato.:0,oemife,(jrant,
anoUafv tbe faio manors, lanos, tenements, ano b^reottaments o)
tnvP^i^t 0} parcell tbereof(tbelanos,tennients,ano bereoitaments
a^psinteOtobeconue^eo ano affareo to tbe fsto H. ano Ql; foUerme
ofb(rlife,a0is afo^efaio, i tbe niano;bonfe,fcitc,toenieane lanos
of %.onlp ercepteo; to an^ perfon o? perfons fo; terme of tbiee liue0
8;bnoeM2 fo;tttrmeof rr^pres o; bnoer>in fucbmaner ano fo;me,
as a tenant in taile ma? latufullp ooe, i not otberiJDife>fo as tbere be
referu^Ojinyano t)poi| euet? f ucb ^^afe ano ileafes, tbe t)fnall f olo
accnftom^o rent q} moje, ano appointeo to be papable perelp Ouring
t^eCame terme, to fucb perfon o; perfonc,as bp fo;c ofti}efep}e^
fents,anOtbeconuepancestobe maoe,anoagrofOtobe maoebptbe
fo^ceoft^efepjefents, il^all o;ougbt, after tbe oeceafc of tbe faioH
^ane t^e tmmeoiate reuerfton o; remamoer tbereof : an)? tbing to tbe
^ntrari? lier eof in t^efei^;ef ents containeo nottmtbftan oing.

ji libertie for thefeoffor ix Vfe t9 make avmiittef.


T)R<^4cd alfQ,anD it is cowDifcenocO ano agreeo betioecn tbe faio Sea.275.

>LiP^i^'Mba<tb$ faio i^^.a^al ano ma^ atanpttmebeteafter b^
(lis SpiiilitrBf 0) Ujjitinjjsinoentico^cflW cief^ 1 sffnte^o^ Sjv \s\^ laii^ i"iU
ano ^C^aament^giue^iieiufMno appoint, feticrallp ano nt)t iotntlpi

Vfes. part prima:

to cacrr o: mvm rongcr foiwebegottcnjone
o; foime0 aiu U.of t^c boDie
tff lljc f

annuitie ojpcrelp rent

of the taio a.t)itoifc,lalx)fullp
charge of pounM,to eucrp of tljem fcacrall^ , to be taomg^going
tlje faio maoo;g,lanD0,anD
oat,anD to be pmciocD of,out,ant} Upon
tenements nppoinuo foj tbc
tencn cnts, ( criept it)e faio laiiDU ano
jointure of tlje faio C
to? (ermc of Ufe,a5 ic afojefaio,) fo^^no Da*
f on 03 fonne^.
naturall lif e,D j feucrall liucs of euerp fuel)
riti g all tl)e
AnditiginlihcniannerconDifcenDeo anoagraD bettoeenetbcraid
partieMl)af tot)cre t'ocabouerecitcD lanD0, tenement, ano bcteci^'
tamentc to be alluicD foj tt)e BEointare of tl)e faio e.anD fpeeificD in

tbe faio fcecule,acc ncU? parccll of tl)e

Jointure lanDs of faio a.
ano cec*
full libcrtie to affurc
tbat be tt)s (aio K-E). flrall bau
{jereDitamentg caiuo i&f 0; U)c Biomlure
taine lano jj,tenement0,anD
il.Duringbcr naturall life, in full rscompence ano
of tljc faio
fpecifieo in tbe faio feeoale^flntt
tion of tt)e faio lanos ano tenements
to be aaurco foj tbc '^mtixa of tlje faio (S.a4M&f aio^


Scft 277
T)Rou>ded alfo furttjcr, tbat It Ibalbe latDfol, (0, t foj tbc faiofeir
^ anytime, 0; from time to time at bis pUaftire,Onriil
2r;./|5 at
bis life,bv bis lu^iting inoenteo, 0; bp bis lad toil ano STettament in
cbangcoj ialarge,anp bfe 0; t)fe0,conoittons,ltmitatians,o) intets^
(ompjifeo in tbefe p;ef cnts, tbe faio cftate of 2>. ^'Onelp ercepteo*
And alfo at bis pleafurcbptl)efame bi^iojiting moenteo.ojbpbi*
lad toill ano IDcfltamrnt, fcnleo ano fubfcribeo,as is afo;efaiO, to U
ntit ano appoint, giue 1 grant tbc Dfe of tbe faio manno^s, lanO0, tor
tiements,$UreoitamentslDitb tbeir appurtenances, 0; of an^par*
eel of tbe fame,to tt)e faio perCons, 0; anv of tbem,o; to anp otber peP
(on 0} pcrf ons, in fee fimple , fee taile, fo; terme of life, 01 lines, o)
^eres,o; otbctlnife, (tbc edate ano intercft of tlje faio HD^sp.altoaies
being faueo bnlo ber ) tbefe Blnocntures,o; anp bfe 0} t)fes,tbing 01
matter aboucfaio in tl^efe Jnoentoresto tbe contrary in anpluife-
nottoitljftanoing* And tbat after facb alteration , oeternunation>
oiminiOjing, ojinlarging, limiting, 0; appointing, nnpbfeo^bfes^
conoitions, 0? intents of tbe pjemifTes, c; of anppart 0; parccU
tbereof , as is afo^efaiOi Cbebfeonel^of fo mmb of tbe p^tttiiObi^
tobereof anp alteration: oetermiaattoti,oeminilbitig) o}ihl6rgtns
Cball be fobaoanD maoc, tbatlte to fncb per ton and perfonSjDfe^t
tntcnts,aiio conoition^^as (ball be mentioniO; fpecifleOy 0; Dedareti
iibcr Vies. lecundus
in t^at tojtting inDenteD,o; laft tnill and teffamenf 0ndp,anD to none
Dtljerpccfon oj perfons,Wc,intet,no2p;omfoe.Prouitied furtlicr,
ano it 10 ficclfireo bp tl)efe pjefents, tljat t\)t ixnt intent anu meaning
oftbisBlntentarei0,t^attD|)enan^t}reo?t}fe2 aboue ImiitcD, o;ame
eftate t^eveb^ maDe ojgrotocnjbpbertue o; meaning of tbefc inDcn*
tare0,o;bpanpp2oairoc0,coniitionff, o^Umitattons afojefato, ^all
afe,tnD,f Determint,bj> b.icafcing of ani^pjcuifo o? conoitiontSZliat
t|)cn immcDiatclp tbetjfe offuclj ano fo niucb of ttic p;cmiffe0,to^erc'
of an^ bfe o; eUate aboue limiteD, i^all Co ccafe, eno, o; Determine,
0)811 be immediately, after former liinirattons in bfe, enbeti, ceafcl),
o; Oetermincu, in fmb perfon 03 pevfonc,to Ijuljcm tbe tfe thereof
10 nert limitedand appointed bv t^ele :3^t;Dntur^0, of like c(tate,anD
in manner and fo}me,a0tbe famen}ouldt)auebin,if tt)e famclimi'
tation ^ad bin Uiit^oat any p;ouiro 0; condition, and^ao bin ended

The limitation of ZJfeSt '

ANd it \$ ftirtber eonenanted i c* tl)at tbe fatd feofifdes Ojalbc feifed

of tbe faid mano;0,land0,ic* to tije bfe of tte fatd ^* and tbe raid

iflne0 male0 f c.bntil (ucb time0 as tbe faid 0o^ an^ one 0; moe of l)i0
tirue0 males, after be^ tbep, o;t an^ of tbcm (balbe olDnev0 of tt>ep?e^
tntfle0,o; of anv part 0; parrell tbercof,tn poiTelTion, renerGon,o} xz*
matnder, ^all either doe, 0? fufifer to be done. Tome act o;t act0, tijing
0} tbing0, fo; tt)e difcontinuance of tbe taile of tbe p?emi(le0, 0; anp
part 0; parccU tbereof, 0; foj tafeing atoj^v ^^^ "5^^ f ^t)c p?emiffes,
n% of anp part 0; parcell tbereof , otberiuife tben 10 appointed b^ tbe
0ct of parliament made in tl)c ttoo and tbtrtietb ^eare of tbe raignc
of i&ing i^enrp tlje eigbt, intituled, An Aft that the Icaflccs fhall en-
ioy their Formes againft the Tenant in tailc, or in the right of their
Wiucs, or Churches, tobercbp tbe ftate of intaile of tbe pjemiffes, oj
anppart o) parcell tbereof, oj tbe rigbtof tbe faid ettate in t^c pje^
iniae0,o3 in anp part tbereof limited bv tbeCe pjefents to tbe fatd
la and bisi beire0 male* afojefaid , OjaU not,oj cannot tafee place,
according to tbe trne intent of bi^ deed indented , and tbe mtv.^
ning of t^ faid )15 %t ;9nd tben to tbe We f tbe f c Limiting
other yfes.
Symb. Vfcs. part.primx

tyiCoMcnantrcfersiingfcnvertt alter and raife vfes,

b? bt tcftmwent
PRou Jded allMGicg, if it Qjall tliancc l^c faio 3!- fe.

anD laa tuvll,maDc m lujiting anD fealeo Ujitl; oUmc feami, oj Ijis

bp jnDcnture mtoUcCanD f ubfciibeD toitl) ^10 olunc l)nfi,o) bp DeeD

offccffenient,o3otl}erc8nucranccinU^?itmg, feaUD taitljbw ^a0
anofcalc, to Dcuifc,affurc, appoint 0: conuev,tl)c p;emiffeB, o) anp
anp rcnt,qnnuitiej,fec0, office*, 0; anp ot^er p)0^
parcel! tljerccf ,0)
fits,coui!tioi)UiOo; BOuantages going out, oj comming out otti)e
p;enuRce,o;anyparcclUl)creof, 0; bpanptojitinginDenteCfealeO
b^ tt)e bancs of tl)e (aiD 3. E>. ano (ubfcribeD, anD DeltucteO bpbun,
to Umit,cirpofc,appcint,o2 aCignc ll)c bfc 0? bfc0, of all anD ftngulac
ll)ep?tmiffe0,o;an]^parceU tl}ereof,ojto appoint anprcnt0,nniw^
fie0,offiC6,for0,commoDitie0,p;o6tcso}aDuanta0e0ontof tbei^}e
imffe0,o2anppinttl)ereof,o; tUebfc0t;jercof,inanp ort)crfojt tben
befo;ei6fpefificDintljtfc pjefentB, tbat tbcn ano from tbcncefojtb
asluelltbeafTurancesafo^eraioiball bee, as tbe faio l&.E>*fc. tbeic
l)etre0 anD alTigncs, ^5 alfo all ano cucrie otbcr perfon anD pcrfons,
anDtbcirl)Gircs,oiip tbing lalufulip bauingoj claiming m tbe pje
wilTes , 0; anp part tbcrcof , bp tbc faio i^.)S>. tc* tbeir beirefl 0} aO
figne0,o; after 02 bnoer^tbc ir cltate 0; inteicft, Ojsll ttano ano be fei'
(eD of tte p^emideSjO; of fucb parcell of tbe fame, (0 Demfeo, aIIureD>
conncveDjlimiteDo; appointco, i^nD aUoQjall ttanD anD beefeifeD

to fucb bfe anD anD of fuel)

bc()a)fe, perion 02 perfons , to U)bom fuel)
fo (Ijalbe DeuifcD,conucpcD,UmitcD,aOUireD,o; appointeD of fucb ottat
anDintcrcft.nsin tlje fame conucpance,la(l U)iU, 0; feoffemcnt,o)

intbcfamcU);itmg,anDenerieo;anpoftbem (ball be conuepeD,anD

notott)ettDife,no3inanp otbec manner: anptb^ng to tt)e contrarie

.ui Coue/jant toaiiervfies.

A Nd it is further conDifcenDeD t agreeD betiuiict tliie faiD parties,

Sc.2 80. jf^ai^j, gucrp of ti)cm,fo2 tt)cm' elUi:6,tl;Eir bciresano alligns do co^
uenant ano v^raunt to cacb otijer of tbe fame parties, anD tbeir t}eirc0
anb a(rign0,tt}at if it fortune at anp time bereafter tbe faiD CSE.DU'
ringbi^ ^ ^Sjto D;aU) $ tngroiTc in paicbment, 02 caufe ic. anotbcr \n*
D^nciue U)itl) (grtaincouenants cotameo m
t fame^to leao to t^e bie
Liber Vfes. Tecundus
fif m fame ttconmts, fintf , anti atttxtanct
tljenintf)cfe p:efent iCnocnturcs
in another ten i o;Der
t^cpbclcaD,lmitcD,f bcaotoed'
anotl)cfaifoD3atoenanD ingroITeD OjaUfeaU anD DeUueras
Dseo, t^at t\)tn immefiiatlpUpon t^c fummc of ten (ftillrngs of
fall ic.mfburfct) anD b8aotDDamongftti[)e pm;e
inhabitants of the
mano) of 1^ tt)e fame affurances f enerp of tljcm fljall be, i t^e fame
0.5lBC.E>tt)eir licirg i aaigncs, ano euerp ot^er perfon o? perfons
l)auing 0) iuttlp claiming to ^aue anp eftatc oj tbmg in tbe fame
0110^9) o)anp part tbcreof, fljall ttano anD be fcifeoof fbc fame, to
t^onlpftfegcontaineo int^efc 3Inoentarc6,ano to noneotfjertW
nojintenttf : anpttjingin t^efe BlnDenttires to tbe contrail tljcreof
nottuit^dantiing f c*

Sec more of Vfes in Coucnants to leuic fines and fuffer recoucrics

and in Coucnants :o make Airuranccs,Couenants ofraariagc and lom-

u4 Prouffofor difcontinttance of Vfes.

PRouidcd alUiaiegjtbatif anptbc faiDfonnc5oftbcfaiD3.S>of

^iaboDp latofollp begotten, 0? anpfc* Q)all at anp time tjcreaf^
t^r aDnifeblp.tDUlinglp, tjctcrminatelp,an5 effcrtuallp procure o; af^
fcntjto oj fo; anp aet o? act0, tbing oj tl)ing0,fo? anp bargaine,fatle,
tiircontinuance , alienation , ercbange , o; ro;feit;ure to be ^ao
o; maDe of tbe faiD land(, tenements, Ijercditaments , ano otber t^e
p;cmille0,o) of anp part o; parcell tbtreof to bim o: tbem , o? anp of
tbeni,a0t0afo;e(aiD, bptbefep^^reutslimitteD, DeclareD, ojagreeD
to be conueyed in Die o; poaeffton, lu^erebpanp ettateof ttje p^e^
tniflfes 03 anp part o; parcell tticreof in tfe o; poflclfion mention

neD,limitteD,o: Declareo bp t^cfe p?c(cnt5, map, Qjoulo, o; migl)t bp

anp UiaicSjo; bp anp meanes be bnDonc, DifcontinucD, DebarreOial"
tereOiOeternuneo o? fojfeitiD, auDtbefamebnrgaine, fale,Difeontt*
nuanccaltcnation, frcbange,o; forfeiture, oj anp otbcr osen o? cfFe^
tfuall tbing ojacf totoavM tlje fame effttt fi)ail attempt ic. 03 bp
anp otber cffeituaU art oj arts, tbing 0? tbing lubatfoeuer , tobereaf
oj toberrbp anpbargaine,ralc,Dirconcinante, alienation,n:cbange,
02 fojfeiture, Iballojmap inftietSEbt^t tbcn i?nmeDiatlp ftoniana
after tbe time of fucb p;ocuring,attempting, catifing, commanDitig,
iDillinc^lp aCTenting, fuffering , 0; going about, in manner anid

lo;mc ad 10 afo^efaio ? nno before anp fuel) batgaine >iale ^ Difcontt'

nuance<> .
Symb. Vfcs. part.primac

naanccalicttfltiott, crcljange, o? fojfeitiire, !)atj, maUe, o; perfcrtcO,

f j;ccuteD,committeD,o2 Don, tt)e fatDbfe anD bfesjcttateano ettates,
limitteoano Declareotn ttjefe pjefentd, to^imo;tt)etiitMroa)aU
attempt, f aufe, p^ocare, commano, o j toittinglp attcnt o? fuffcc anp
fuel) art oj aaes, tijing o? ttjings, to be pjofecnteD, crccatco , perfo)
nieo,oonc,o2 put m
bjc, in manner abone DcclarcD, lubcreupon anp
bcUgainc,fale,&ifcontinuance,alienation,ej:c^an5c,oj forfeiture fljal
ojniavmfuccontrarp to tl)c true meaning of tl)efepjefent,of,ano
in rucb,f fo muc^ of t^cmanojs,l^nDs,tencments,anD bcredita^
mcnt8U)itt)tl)c appurtenances, fojtobicbanp of tljetbingB afoje'
fereD to be erecnteo, perfojmeD, bone, o; put in t)?e, contrary to t|>e
true meaning of ibefe pjcfents, n)nll ceafc onlp, as in refpcct ano ba*
uing regard to fucba peifono? perfonjjfe attempting, pjocuring,
f auflng, commanoing toilUnglp affenting to , fuffenng, o; going a*
bout an^ act o; act0,tt}ing o; tbings abeuefaiD, contrary to tbe mtent
ano true meaning of tbefep;efcnts,inrucbfo;t,quaUtp, Degree, ano
tonDition,a0 if fucb perfon o) perfong, tbeir b ire, o; beirfi,fo attep

ting,pjocnring,caiiring,commanoing, toillinglp aflenttng to, fuffe*

ring, 03 going about anp fucb act o; act0, tbing o; tbing8,a0 10 afsje^
fatD,U)erenatnrallpDeaD,f no otbtrtDife* And tben ano in fucb cafe
Ibal immcDiatlp come,srotu,o; be,bp tbe true intent anD meaning of
tbefe p2erent0,if fucb perfon 0; perfon0 tba: fo (bait procure iy% %Qit,
to,o;fo; anp fucb art 0; acts, tbing oj tbing0,tDere naturaltp DeaD,of
fucb like eftate, anD tn like maner anD f o:me, ano loitb fucb libe tt*
tnainDer0 in bfe ouer, anD tuitb libe limitations anD conDition0, as
tbe fame (boulD baue come,groU)en,o2 beene, if tbe fame perfon tbat
fo (ball p;ocure,o;adent to,o} fo; anp fucb act 0; act0,tbing 02 tbingd
to be Done,at, 02 mmieDtatlp befo;e tbe time of fucb P20curing 02 af>
fenting taere naturall)> DeaD,anD none otbertuife*

tyilibertie hj Vfes to make Le/tfes

PRotiided airo,anD it 10 fuUp couenanteD,graanteD,aiTD agreeD b^

all tbe parties to tbefe p2efent0, tbat it (ball ano map be lalsfuU
to,anD fo2 tbe faiD &ir Bl.^^ ^^ biiS t^eeo 02 oeeDS inDenteD,During
tbe natnrall life of t^e faiD &ir Bl* &. to Detttife anD leafe tbe afo2e^
faiDmannojs , lanDS , tenements, anD otber tbe premtdes appoint
leo bjp tt^efs paefents to bee conueieD ano dCTureo to ttie afo2efaiD
Libcv Vfes. fecundus

2i:.f o; ttmt of l)is naturall life , luit^out impeacl^ment of toaa, anD

ftcr 1)15 Dgceafe to tljc tjfe of 3.S).t!)e fonne,anD of t^eir [)tixes male
oftl)ebomeof ttiefaiD BJ.>. tl)c fonne, of t^e booie of ttie faio
latofoHp begotten , ano fo; Default of fuel) Ijetrcg , to t\)t bfc of t^c
lieire oft^t booie of tl)e faio 33,^, t^e fcnne latofullp begotten, toit^
otbereftatesmtfcoft^cfame, asisafojefaiDjtoanp perfonojper*
tbe tccnic of jrrj. yeareg i not aboue, 0; f o? anp Icffer terme 0;
f ons foj

termesfromtbemabingoftbe fame Icafeoj leafe0, tol)ereofttofoa*

nierleaf0anoUafe0,of, aiiD ta t^e famemanno35,lanD0,ano tcnc^
menta, fotobeOeniifeD,lbaUattlietinicof tlje making Dftl)efame
leafe o; ileafe0,baoe being ano continuance. &o tljat bpon euerie tbc
fameleafeaniileare5,fotobemaDe,tl)eolo ano accuftomeo cent ano
re nttf oi moje
fljall be i*efcrueD,to bane continuance, and Oiall be pap

able pearlp oaring tbe fame leafe anolcafcs, fofucbperfonanoper*

fon^ as C^all bane tbe immeoiate renerCton 0; remainoec t!)ereof du^
ring tbe fame leafe o?lcafe0 to be maoe. 3nD fo tbat tbe fame leafe
no2leafe,no?anpoftbem,bee maoc tuitbontimpeacbmentoflraa,
anD tbat tben tbe faio adurance anD aauranccs to beemaDe,a0i0 a^
fo2efaiD,(ball be,ano ttit faiD 2E:,s>. f,s^. SU.iS. anD ll.sp. ano their
beires (ball ttano ano be feifeD,of,anD in tbe p^miffcs fo to be Demt^
feDo?lea(eti,a0 i0afo;efato,to tbcbfeanDbfes of fucb feuerallper^
fenanoperfons, totubomtbefaio p?emi(fe0 0; anp parcelUbeceof
fl^allbe fo leafeOjtbeir e):ecato;0, aDminiltrato;^ ano a(ftgn0,fo; ano
During fucb terme ano termed as beene before DeclareD, 0; bnoer , as
Ojallbelimiteobpon anpfucb leafe 0; leafe0 to beemaoe, as is a
fo^efaib, ^pon anpfucblibefeuerallconDittons tobeannei:eo to tbe
bfes^fojnon paiment of tbe feuerall rents fo to be feuerallp referueo
ponfucbUafes,as(bdllbelimiteDin tbe fame leafes,anD anncreD
to tbe leafe of tbe faiDlanDs,bp tbe tcue intent ano meantngof fucb
leafes : anp tbing in tbefe p;efent0 mentiotreb e^ arp^eflfeD to tbe cen^
trarie in any luife nottsiitbttanoing.

CenHeyancei to vfes.

ANdtopbfe0tl)attbcfaiDM.^.map During bis life make ioin^ Sca.285,

teronointersofallfncb lanos, tenement0 ano bereDttuincnts
in j&aro;efaiD,parceU of tbe premises latt reciteD, being noiD tlje m
poffedion of S^* ^.ano Bl#*b2etb^eA of tbe faio W4o any fud; Uiife
Symb; Vfcs. parc.priraac

o;U3incfi 0 tl)cp t\)t faio SC.anu 3!'^o? citbcr of t^em, l^all fojtane
l;cveafter to mardc o; tafec to Iclfe, fo? f During tl)cir naturall Itfc o;
liucB.aiiD tt)at it fljall lifeetoife be latofalltott)cfaiDM.^.tomabe 1

iointcr o? iointer0 of lanos, tcnementg, anD bcvcDitamcnts in &.anD

l^.parf ell of tljc pjemjaco laC rccitcD,to lt)e pcarlp baloc of c*to anie
luifc 0? laiHCSjt^at te fljall l)erEaftei' fortune to marrie f take to toife
ottjcr tl)crt S^Mb nolu U)ifc,fo? ano During tt)e natural life oj liuc5,0f
any fuel) toiic o; imucs. And furthcr,f!}at it fljall be latufuU, to anD fo)
tl}rfaiD 21211. ^.Daring tjis life,atiD to t^c faiD K.^, [>\b fon anD ^eirc
apparantafterbiDeatt)7 to maheatointero; totntcrs to aniefucb
tDifc o; iDiQES as tl)e faio ^*^ ttjc (on tbal beteafter fortune to map
rif of tbc faio nianojff,lanD0,tcnement,anobereDitamcnt0,parccl of
tbc p^cnuttes lad reciteo, of tl;e pearly' rent of fojtie pounDs abooe all
cbargp0 anD rep}t(c0. And tbot tbe faiD ^.^.Hjal banc in like manec
free libertie anD latoful auttjejitic anD poluer During bt0 natoral life,
of lanDSjtcnetticntfi, t bcrcDitamcnts, pare ell of ttjc pjcmiffefi laftre*
(tteD,of tl:}e pearlp rent of rr.pounDis^to niabe leofss ano grants i\)tx
of to tbc ponger fcnne oj fonncfi of tbe faiD C^l. fo2 terme of tbeir na^
turall life o; liue0,o; tbereof,o; of anp part tbereof, to oeclaie bis US
lDillanotcttanicnt,fo2 tbc performance tbereofanDpaiment of'bis
fiebtfijfotbatitbcbntfojtbcfpaceano terme ofj;r.peare0,o?tjnDcr,
ncrt afier tbe Dcatb of tbc faio :n. 2nD tbat tbe faiO 35,il^. otbcr tbe
(aiDConifetsano tbeir bctre0,(ballftanD anobe feifeDoftbefaiDp;e'
nuirc0,o) anp part tbereof appotntcD, limiteD, o; aSigneo bp tbe (ait)
9iai{.^.fo}tbeioint&ro;iointcr0of bis^ife o;lDtae0oftbe(aiDb;e'
tb^cn,o) eitber of tbcm,o; fo; anp totfe tbat tbe faiD Wi* fl}aU berea(
ter marrie,03 tbc iDifc o: toiur s of tbc faiD ST. ^. oj to bi0 ponger Con
02 fonneSjDurtng life o; liue0,in mancr ano form afojcfaio, to tbe tft

of facb perfon anD perfons a0 tbe faio ^.(ball a(Tign,limtto; appoint

tbc fame During tbe time afo;efatD, anD acco;Ding to t^e Umttacion

Liber Trait. jcotmus


A hargdne And^ale in tru^ to f>fes.

T His Indenture tripartite ic, Betwccnesr.ST.ontljeeirftpartte, Sca.a84.

5i5.C.]B).8noContl)efeconDparti0, anu if.(0.^3ianD^ on
t|ctl)irDpartie, Wimcffcth, tfjat t^e faiDSD.ST.fojttiefpenaUtraff
anoconfioewcet^atl)eel)atl)in tl)c faio a.515C.B>.(l];i?(II5.!^.3S
anDfoat^efumnieoffc. l^at^ gtaen, bargainee, atiD rolDe,anD b?
t^efep?efent5Dotl)6iue,bargaine,anDfU tjntotl)^ faiD a.)15.tcaU
tbofe bis lanD0 c STo baue anD to bolD ic During t^e naturall life of
tbe fate ^^SC.anD fo; ano Daring tbe tcrme of tcnnc ^eares nert ano
immeDiatclp folloUjtng after f be naturall Dcatb of tbe faiD 2:x.0no
after tbe ueatb of tbc faiD 2E.E:.anD after tbe faio tcrme often pears
enDebanbOetermineb, tben to f)aue anbtobolD tbe faib manno;$,
lanbsi f cto tbe faio 0.^tC*SDic.tbeir beires ano airtgne0,to tbe bfe
of t^em anb tbeir l)eire5|cAndtpon conoitiont^at if tl)e faiD (0.!^4
3|.anD l&.anb tbeir beires, 02 tlje furniuo; 03 furuiuo;0 of tt)eni, ano
1)10 anD tbeir beires (ball befo;e tbe naturall Deatb of tbe faiD C* %*
ti initbin (Ire peares nert after tbe nciturall Deatb of tt)e faio ST.ST^a*
lien,bargatne,anD fell tbe p^emtfTes t3)itt) tbe appurtenances^ 0? fo

tnutl) tberof as bp tbe faio SU.ST.fbal be limiteD 0; appointeD bp bini>

bp tt}o;tD 0; bp ljD;ittng,tjDill,o; otberluife, 0nD tbe DeHre anD reqnett
of tbe faiD 2EC iSjtbat after tbe bargaine>faU, 0; alienation fo baD
o?niaDe,tl)e(aiD0.)i.C.|SD4t* fo; tbe fpeciall trud anD confiDence
tbat tbe faiD S^.sn.Dotb put in ti)em, (ball biitbin Ore monctl)s nert
after fucb bargaine, fale 0; alienation , pnrcbafe 0; caufe to be pur^
cliafeD, otber lanDS, tenements, anD b^tebitamtnts , of as mncb
deere pearlp balue as tbe psemides tt)at diall be fo bargaineD 0; folo
bplbemD;anpoftbem ftjall amount bnto, anbtbattbcfuruiuoj oj
furniuo;s of tbcm (bal toitbin Ore monetbs after Curb purcbafej caufe
tt)e fame lanDs fo purcbafeD to be bpgcoD aaurances anD conucpan^

ces in tbe faiD ilato allureD anD maDe fure to tbe beires of tbe faio %*
SL.infeefimpleDifcbargeDofaUmanerof cliarges anD incumb;atv
(^sl3p tbem to be baD,maDe,Done 0; fufifereD*
Prouidcd alUjapes, X\\dX foj Default of fuel) bargains ffllc,oj alte*
nation of tbe pjemilTeSjbp tbefe pjefentsgiucn 0? graf eo, bargaineD
0; fclDe, from ano after t^e fatD naturall Deatl) of tbe faiD %^ ^ano
^ from
Symb. Trufl:; part.prjmae
from antj after t\)t faiD f crme atiD cntj of fen p&riK ncrt after f lie natu#
rail Dcatl) of tt)e faiD 2!:.2E;tl)e faiD i3.^.C awD )BD. ic. and all anD v
nccp perfon ano pei fons tl)fit ftjalUe fdfeo,of,o; in tl)c faio tenement*
anopjcmiHeSjl^allftanD mn be fei'co thereof to tl)conelpt>fe ano
be^cofe of t^e rigbt Ijeires of tt)e fai9 ST. K* of, and in fo mud) of tlie
pjemiffes bp tbefc pjcfentsgiucn oj graunted, tobereof no bargaine,
falc,02 alienation fljall be Ijereafter bp tljc faiD 0.iD.C.2D.tc.fo made
ts is afojefaid 0nd tbat tljcn,and from i\)tx\ttfo)t]) it l^all be lato*
full foj tbe faid rigbt beircfi of t\)t faid ST. ST, to reenter into fo muclj
of tl)C pjemHTegjtobereof no f ucb bargaine, fale, o? alienation,
aa td
afo;efaid, Ojall bee bercaftcr bptl)cfaid 3.515 fo made a0 isafoje'
(aid. And tbc faid (25. 1^. 3- and !^. doe touenaunt re. tbat fljep and
uerp of tbem ftal permit and fuflfcr tl;c faid a.31B.and Ci
c. and tut
rp of tbem and tbeir aCTigns quietlp to recciuc and tabe tbe iffuca and
pjofit0ofallandDngulartl)efaiDp2emiire0Ujitl) tt)e appurtcnancef
during tlie nafurall life of tbe faid SD.SC.and during ttie faid terme of
ten pearcs nert after bis naturall deatlj, Uiitbout interruption o? Di*
fturbance of tlje faid C^.i^.J.and iS. oj anp of tbem, o; anp otbcr pec*
fon 0? perf on0, bp tbe meanes and procurement of anp of tbem, to be
tmploped and bettoUicd to furb purpore0,bfe0,and intenf0,a0tbe
faid SC.Cbatb and fl}all affigne, limit, and appoint. Andt^efaid
<0.l^.31.andife.fo?tl)emfelue0 doe couenantc. Cbatif
tunc tbe faid 0.515.and C.to deceafe during tijt natural life of the
%,% .tbat tben tbe f aid C' .i?.CC?.^.3.and . and ^
tbeir rrecutojs am
aaigne0,a)all peaceably permit and fnffer tbe faid^. C. and iF.an^
cuerp of tbem and tbeir affign0,to l)aue,tafec, and racciue all
and fin*
0ulartbeimie0,rent0,renenue0 8ndpjofit0, of all and ftngulartbe
P3emitre0,and cuecppart and parcel tbereof,fo3 and during
f ctoitb^
out anp let o; impediment to be bad,made,oj procured bp
t^c faid (0.
l^.3!.andia.o?anpof tbem,o? bpanpotber perfon o?
perfon0,bp tljc
meanea oj pjocurement of anp of rtjcm, to be imploped and
to f ucb tfes and intent0,a0 tbe faid SC.SE.i^all
0? appoint bp Irojd o; Ujjiting, And tbe faid ST.Cfo; ^m,
hia beirea
and amgnca dotb couenant c.tljaf tbe faid fc.andeuerpotber
and pcrfon0 note being feifeD,of,anD in m
pjcmidca, o? of,o2 in ant?
part 0? parccll tl)ereof,a)all from benccfojtb IfanD and
be feifed tber*
of, and of e uerp part tbercof, to m
t)fC0, intents, bebojfes
ditiona, in fbefe p3cfent3 befoje declared, mentioned,
and cott'^
and erpjeaed,
and to,ojfcia none ot^erbfMntent,o;purpof:, In
witncfTe to^ereof

Liber Tiuft. fecund us
^oH enAnts to conuey a Leafe andgoods w TruJ},
in Bead ofa lojrttHre.

T His Indenture |f .Betweenc SC.C!?. anD CSt.t-.fC. Wjtneffethjtljat

in confiocratton of a manage to be IjsD % folcmnif cD bctlu^n
fato M!l.of tbe one partic, ann 3!5. 2^ toisjoly, Dang|jfer ef ttje faiD
Sett. 285.

SC^C^of tl)e otber pavtp,5t is ncU) full^^ couenantcD f c^tljat ia to fa^,

ttic faiD uElT.ll f f . Dotl) coacnaitt dc t^at tot)crc 3.515. bp big cecD in

DentcDjDatcD $ cijatb DemtfD,granteD,ano to farme tctCen to tbc faiD

9IT.JL,aUtbatt)i0ianojofC Tohaue arDto bclD?c*asb^tbcfaiD
SlnDenture mojc plainclp Dotb f map appeare,t!)e fsti SM.Ii.iji confi*
Deration of ttje faiD marriage to be baD f foScmnijeD betltjccn bim fbc
faiD (3.!L.| tbe faiD 515.in maner anD fojmc afoKfaiD,! foj t^e great
^cale % looe tbat be bearttb to tbe fato 55. coaenantctb i f.tbat \iu tjjc
faiD m*\Mim tlje feaft of ic.lljall at t^eeoUfi f cljarges of bim tbe

faiD SI^.)L.t)ig erccutojst 0? adignes, bp bis DceD inDenteD, adurc, dc

niife,giue, anD grant to a.anD C.tbe faiD mano; of $ c. togctber toitb
all bifi tigbt,title,interctt,poiIcffion anD tcrme,tobtcb i^t faio 5i2Il.IL
batbtbcom0,in,anDtotbcfamemano2,anDott)ertbe p^emiflfeg. To
haue anD to bolD tbe fame to ttje faiD 0.anD CanD tbeir e]recutoj{,aD
miniff ratojs f atrigneg,DaringtbcrefiDueof tbe faio termc of pears
fame iLeafe fo^ \>m& aboue in tbe faio pjefents recited, bpon conDitt^
on onclptbat tbe faio ^.anD C.anD tbeir erecuto;^ i aDminilirato?0y
ItbecrecaSojgojaDminiQrato^softbe furuiuojo; fnruiuojsof tbe
Qjall Witbin Qre monet^s nert after tbe fame a(rurance,Demife,gift f
grant fo bp tbe faio ^.ll.maDc of tbe pjemiffes to tbe faio 0. ano
inaKe one ot|)er Demtfe anD grant to tbe faiD MI.H. anD )15. of tt)e fato
t}ianno;of9C.totbefaiDM.Il. anD^.t{)cir erecutojs, aomintftra*
to;i0 anD aitigns^from t^e Date of tbe fame Demife aiiD grant fo b^ i\iz

fame 0.i Cto be maDe to t(ie faiD ^.ll.f }15.fo; 1 During tbe rescue
flf tbe faiD leafe anD terme of pears.mcntioneD in tbe faiD fojmer 3n*

Dentures petto come,fallp to beaccoplifbeo t enocD/^n lDl)icb ^x\x^h

tot e0 tbere (l)all be a fuff icient clanfe 0; p^oniio containeDjCbat if it
Ijappen tl)e faiD WX*%*Xq Die,anD tbe faiD ^.bim to ouerlincano tbat
after tbe Deat^oftbe faiD ^l.H.ita^aUbappen tbe faiD X5.to Dtebe^
fo;etl)eenDoftbefaiDtermofpearKcompnfeDin tbe faiD leafe maoe
to tbe faiD tsa.lL.in maner f fojme afojefaiD, tbat tben \H refione of
tbe faiD term of pears^tobicb nial fo bappe to remain % be bnoetermt^
neD at t^e Deatb of ttie faiD ilB.djall remain,go t be to tlje ercf utojs of
t^c faiD 2iait.3l And fattier tl;e faiDM.!l.conenatet|i <c4t)at if it Obal
m. 2 happen
Symb. Truft; part.primae

happen tl)c fail) ^.^ to Dicanut^efaiDlB. to furuiue ano

ffiH.ll.ttj a fl further tn conQDeration
t^e faio ^.li.tt)at tljen t^c TaiD
teftament, f rcclp giue,airare
of tl)e f aio marrtase bp l)i latt toill ano
faiD ^.to tie oUinc proper tfe totoaros ^er lining,
anD affigne to tt)e

at)uancemntanD|?3efermcnt,gmDsano cattcls,t^cn being oifc^ar

ceo of all incumbjance0,ano tobicl) tl)e faio GSH.ll Ojall tbcn baue
tuft title, amounting to tl)c deere pearly ^alue of t c.of tl)c pjo^
gfflO f
per gooDS anD cljattels of tlie faio aU.JL.
And further tlje faio M%*
coucnantet^,! f .t^at after one a(rurancc,grant ano conucpance maoe
of tbe faio terme ano Icafc of t^e faio manojg icbp tl)e faio a.ano C
atto to flje faio a:i.il.ano 515*ano to t^e longer Uuer
of tl)em,in man*

ner ano fojme afojefaio : SEljat tl;en ano from tbenccfojtl) During tbe
life of tt)e faio 2I2a.il.ano 53. tl)e faio m .iL- rtjall not bargaine, fell,

rurrenoer,fo?f cit, giue \m alien tbe faio tenements ano pjemilIes,o>

any part ti)ereof,no5 bis faio tCtate, tcrme o;t intcrcft, of, in,o; to t^c

fame,o? anp part tl)creof,noj fljall m anp luife incumber tlje faio ma*
iio3,oj ot()er tbe faio pjemifTcfijO? anp part t^icreof.but ttjat tl)e ereca

tbe faio 15. as tbe faio manoj ano otl)er t\)t pjemiffcs, ano euerp part
tberof,outing all t^e faio terme of pears, tn,ano to tbe faio p^emidei
limiteo,appointeo, ano to be affureo i conuepeo to t^e faio 15* ma* m
ner ano fojm afojcfaiD,of all tc. And furdicr tbe faio ^.ll.couenan*
tctl) fc.tl)at be tljc faio oart.ll.bis crecutejs ano afftgns, Ojall ano toil
at all times l)ereaftec from time to time. Doe, faffer, ano caufe to bee

Done ano fuffercD, ail ano euerp fuc^att ano acts, Oeuife, tbing ano

tl)ings,as hereafter (ball be reafonablp oeuifeo,o; aouifeo bp t\)C faio

%,<!^,[)iB crccuto2S o; a(rignes,02 bp l)is o; tbeir Counfcll learneo in
f Ijc lato,foj tl)c f urtber ano better affurance ano fure mabing,8f, ana

to tbe faio leafe f terms of pears,of, i in tbe faio mano; of C*|c.to be

alTureo f maoe furc to tbe faio WSl,%* 1 115. anD'to i furuiuo; of tbem,
flj to citber of tbem,in maner anO fojme afo;efaio. Prouidcd alwaics,

ano itis furtber couenanteo f c. bettoirt tbe faio parties to tbefe p^p
fentsff.anotbefaio^.Jl. foM)tni,bis beires,fc.ceuenantetbfc
to,f toitb tbe faio 2!:.CI5.tbat if it njal bappe tbe faio M.%*oi tbe faio
316.^.to ocfcafc, 02 oie bcfo?c tbe faio marriage bao bcttoirt tbem, o;
tbat anp of tbcm (ball rcfufe to marrp toitb tbe otber of tbem,at anp
time limiteofoj tbe faio marriage, ojtbat tbe ilato of ootbemto
permit f fuffer,o; anp otber latofuU impeoimcnt (ball
iiiarrp toil not
bappeujtoberebp t}^t faio marriage (ba! not take etfetttSEljat tben tbe
faio MJl.c.(^aU fatiffie,contfnt, c; otbertoife repapto tbe (aio Z
Libct Trufi:. fccundus
S5.fc.af Wlc*lDtt^in one monst^nert after fticlj teatl), refofail, o^
ot^erfnci^latofuU tmt)e6ttiient,a0 is afoacfaio, tt)e(ummcof(c*of
g(DD f MnfuUpaimentoft^e fatD fummeof t cpatDin marriage l])itt)
tt)efai0 3lDi Inwimeflc&c.
To allure a leafc for a iointure: conueyparceUofihetcrmcto the
wiues friends, if iLc fo long litic, then let ihein rcconucy parccll oi their
parcell to the husband >if he fo long doe liuc.

^ CoKHeyancein trufi by amddow.ofa leafe giuenvnto her jirfihHf-

yandfthat herfecoKii hy.sbmndjhould notfellit awaji,
AS csmmonly it happeneth.

T tm His Indenture &c.3i5etlt3eene0.5i5lrieDolu, late liJife of 2t515. Sca.iStf.

erecatrtr of ttje lad toill ano teSament of tbe fame SC. 315. on
ttie one partie,anu 2:.p.31.)15.anD K.Sn bjctljjen of tljc faio 0, on t^c

ot^er partie,Wjtnc(reth,t^at tD^ercas tl)c faio 2C 315. bp ^10 lafi ioiU

and teitament,beartng Date c.oidgtue lintottie faiDjai 315* alUbat
|)i0tntere(t,lcare,anDtermeof peareslDbtcl) ^tt ^ao of, ano totbe
menti of tiouOfolo tben being anD remaining tbere. Prouidcd al-
wayes, tt)af if \i (^all bappen tbe faio a.S5.to Depart t^is natureU life
befo;eti)eenDanti fermeof tt)e faio peare0fi)OulD bee erpireo,enoeo
ano oetecmineOjtbat tt)en t^e interclt ano terme of ^earcs of t^e faio
0*3154nt^efaiofarmeof $a>.anOfc*(booloceare, anot^en ano from
tt)encefo;tt) lire IvilUo tbat t|)e (aio farme U)itb %u as it came to tlie
faio 0.3^.(boulo remain to ^.3B.l)i0 oaugt)ter,ano ^er beired ouring
t^creGoue of tbe faio ^eara t^en to come in ti^e faio farme $c* Know
^ notD bp tbefep}efent0,tl)attl}e faio 0.315 fo; fmto^v confioerations
|ermot)ing,anoefpeciaUpfo}t[)e performance of t^e faioisiUoftt)^
faio 0.3.acco;oing to t^e meaning thereof, Ijatb giucn, gtannteo %u
ano bp t^efe p;efent0 oott; fullp f c* bnto tbe faio 2l. |)* ^.315. anp U*
2C.aU t^at ter faio rig1)t,title,eltate,intercft,leafe,f terme ofpearc0,
iD^icb tbe faio 0.3i5. batf) pet to come ano crptre of anomtbc faio
mannoj oj farme of &.ano of all ano in all %u Neuerthckfle, tbe faio
2n.i0.Bl.3i5.anD tl.SC.Ooe couenant f c* t^at tbe fame 0.315. ano bcr afo
ltgnc0,ni)all baue tbe occupation ano bfe of all tl)e faio mano?0 $cano
allanofingularotber tt)cp?cmi0e0inttiefaio feaerall lEafe0 fpccifl*
eo,ano (ball ano map bane ano take tt)e p}ofit0 % commooitieo of tbe
fame to Ijcr oton bfe,commooitie ano pjofit During tbe faio terme con*
taineo in tt)e Caio Uafe of ti)e p^emiffea, if t^e faio 0.315* tot^ fo long
^ 3 Uue,
Syrob. Truft. part.primse

line* Proui dedalwaies^anl} it 10 farttjerogreetifcJliat if it Oialltjap*

pen tl)e (aio 2i*W.oi anie l)arbanD o; |)a(banD8 to lio^om t^e faiD 0*
(ball fortune hereafter to be marrieD,to alien, giue,sraunt,o; (ell b
bJboleintcrettanD tetmc of pcarsjto anp perfon o; perfonc of, ano in
ll) p?emiffc0 before grauntED,o; any parcell of tbe fame : Dj if it foj^

tune ti)e faio a.ll5. bo Die before tbe eno of tbe faiD pears contained in
tbe fame leafe : tbat tben tbi0 pjefent gift anu grant of tbe bfe ano ov
cupation of tl;e faiD p^emiftes to tbe faio 04n fo}m( afojefaib, giaen,
inaDe,o;grannteD,to ceafe ano btterlp to be t)oibe,anbt|en it fb^U
be latofoU to tbe faio 2C.p*3!.li5< ano ^*%, tbeir crccuto;^ anb aomi^
niScoto;0,anD encrtc of tbem, into tbe faio mannoje ic. to reenter ic*
And furtbermo2e,tbe faio K,pS.)15. anb U.H^.boe couenant f c.tbat

tbep tbe faio C*9anD !&4 c*tbeir crecuto;iK ic. (ball luitbin one qaap
ter of a peare after tbe Deatb of tbe faio 0. ano at tbe coffs fc. graunt
tnto tbe faio ip.^. saugbt^i^ of tbe tbe faio ^< bee tben lining,
(c* if

tbe faio mnno;0 f ciuid otber tbe pjemtlTed to ber otone bfe, oaring
(o manp ^eares of tbe faio terme of peares, as (ball tben remaint not
(nDeD,of,anB in tbe fame manors,! c* ano p^emiaes, o; in anp of tbf >
btfcbargeb of all f?mer bargaine0,f c. And f urtberniQ;e,tbe faiD SC
|9*3|.S5.anDH.CDoconenantfc.tbatif it foUnne tbe faiD $|^* 313. to
Dcceafe in tbe life of tbe faio a.xa.tbat tben tbe faiD C^.anD i&. tbeir

trecuto;0 fc (ball liketDtfetuitbin one quarter of a ^eare after tb(

OcatboftbefaiD^.]!5.clecrelpconnepanD alTure tnto tbe faiD 0.15*
if tbevbe tbereto requireo bp tbe faio 0* ano at tbe cqUb u* all t^etr
foiD rigbt,titU,f ( In wuncs&c.

u4n afii^ktment fa Leafe id certaine vfes.

Se^.287. npHis Indenture maDe I c.beftiDffncMf.Con tbe one parti?,iiDiF.

1 )&*anD Bl.l^.en tbotber partp,witneireth, tbat tobere tbe faiD Wi*
2n*i0,anD noU) (tanoet^ latofallp poflTeffeD fo; terme of 2 6, pearcB pet
to come>of,tn,anD bpon tbe mano; of U.tt)itb tbappurtenances in %t*
bp bcrtue of one 3BnDcnture of leafe tbcreof maoe to tbe faio MX*
bp f c.bearing Date tbe rr.oap of tran tbe f c.peelDing anD paping t^er
fo;e pearlp f ctbe pearlp rent ano farme of teas bp anD in tbe faiD in^
denture of leafe mo;e at large appearctb : nolu tt)c faiD M.C^fe; anD
in conQoeration of a marriage to be bao sno folemm^cD betluernbim
anD joD.i^.ic.batb giucn anD grauteD,anD bp tbe fe p;efent0 Dotb gioe
anD graunt to tbe faiD i? ]^. $ 39 l^ all ano fingular tbe mefoagei f *
. .

iDit^ tliappnctenances in 2U^fo;efaiD> mentioneo o) containeD in tbe


Liber Truft. fecundus
fat'DBfnwntitrc of lfafe,anli al ^is cCatc,(ntereII,atits f crmc of ym&
pet to come bp bertue of t^e faio ^eafe maDe bp t^e faio f c .in ano to
tbe faifi Ialis,grounD,anD pjcmiCcs in dJ.afojcfai^. To haue ano to
liolD tbe faiomcfuagc tn0afoKfaiD, to ttje faio iF.i^.ano 3J*B,tl)eic
eFecutojg ano affign0,in manec and fojme foUotoing : tl)at ig to fap,
Kc tt)e t)fe of tlje faio ^.C
foj, anO oaring t^e terme ano fpacc of
fojtic pearcs ncrt ano immeDiatlp infaing t^e Date t)ereof,if tt;e faio
m^'SL* Cbal f long liac, i after to ttie tjfe of tijc faio SD. fc;,i Daring
f be terme ano fpace of ot^er fojtp peres tbc nert follolcing, if Gbc
faio BD^lfeallfo long line,' ano,oft?x to tbe tjfeof t^efiraiffuemalcof
tbc faio ^.2i: begotten bpbtiiifcl i> booieoftbe faio SD.fojtbe term
ef fo manp percs ns tljcn l^all be to come, ano l^all ttjen remaine bn^
trpireo of tbe faio lleafe maoe bp tbe faio i c* if tbe iSTae male Doe fo
long Itne^ And tf it fortune tbe fato m*
%* to baue no tdae male
begotten bpbtm of l^e booieof tbe (ato E^.t^ento tbefiratflfnefe^
male of tbe (aiD "m^vt Tupra, %t* Daring ano bnttll (acb iivat as iuli
famme of one bano^eo pounos be fullp baD, recetaeo, i taken,of tbe
tfltnes anDp;o6t8 of tbe faio lanO0 $ pKmifres, fo? ano totoaros tbe

preferment in mariage of tbe faio iaae female, if tbe Caio leaCe maoe
to tbe faiD M*Cbptbe faio t c* ano tbe terme of peares tberetn con^
taineD fball (o long inonre ana continue. 0nD after tbe faio buno^eo
poanD0 fo baD ano leuieD, tben to tbe bfe of f acb perfon ano parfons
10 tbe faiD WSi.K* (ball gine o; beqaeatb tbt fame bnto, fo;,f During
all ti)e refiDue of tbe faio terme ano peres containeo ano erpjeSeo in
t^efaio BJnDentnreof leafe maoe bptbe faiOfc* And tbe faio WX.
IC*Dotb couenant ano graunt for btni t c tt)at tbe faio 37Xtbe Dap
of t^e Date t)ereof,t0,anD Sanoetb latofullppoaelTeD of tbe prtmiffes
ano euerppar(eUtbereof:,in manner anofo^me afo;cfaiD : 0nD t^at
t^e faiD p;emi(re0, ano cuerp parcell tbereof nolo be, ano fo (ball com
tinne ano remaine tobfef ano limitations afo^e rebearfeo^acco;^
ting to f true effect ano meaning of tbefe p;cfent0, cleerelp Di(c^ar
geD,of,anD from all fo;mer bargain0,anD papmeutg of anp rents re^
TerueD bp tbe fame inoenture of leaf e maoe bp tbe faio t c conueian
(e0,anD all otber cbargcs ano incumbrances iD^atfoeacr* And tbat
%t ]$ faiD rm*%*W^ not beretofo;e Done,no} t^at tie no; bis aaignes
bereafter (ball Doe o; fnffer to be Done, anp act o; tbing, tDl)erebp tbe
faiD eltate, bfes, % limitations, mentioneo 02 erpreiTeD, bp, o; in tbts
Binoenture, 0; anp of tt)em, (ball be maoe boiD, f ruttrate, o; iefiW not
take effe(t,02 Binoenture, acco;Ding to^t|e true effect ano meaning of
t^efe preCentSf In wicncfTe &c.
^4 ^Co'
Symb. Truft. " part.primae

A Cottemntfor quiet imojingyXnttill money he paid,

<icrt '>g8
A NdtljefaioCf^&.Dot^coaenant ano grant, fo?^im,l)isl)eireff
jTVerecutoj^janD aDminittcatojMo anoUjitb (?c.S:t)atif it fojtunc
tl^timfrM, ^t5ej;mito?ojallignc0atan?timel)ercaftcr fiuring
tl}e faio termc of 9* peaces to be latofullp emctet) oj Ej:plufeo, of,anD

fiom t^c quiet podcffion o^ acctipatton of tl)c faio mano; 1 pjcmiffefl

oemifco tonto \)m bv i\)t faio fojmcc Ilnocnturc of leafe, tol)ccel)g ttic
faiD iF.o;l)i aaigucs, Ojall oi map not qnietlp perceiae anD taUe t^e
annuall of pcarelp fum of xv^ ?. of tl>e*rucs,rents, ano p?ofit0 of tl)e
faiD rnano; anD pjemiCfes, accojoing-to ttie true effect t meaning or
tbe faiofojmerin&entareofleafc : t tbcn pjcfcntlp tjpon fucb eoicti?

on 0; Erplufion,tl)e faioif W.l)i3 ececatojs ano aOtignSjOjal ano map

qoictlp anD peaccablp l)attc, occupp, ano iniop tlje faio capitall mefa*
age 0; tenement jJcalleDtl)cl^.anD alltl)egrouiHJ,coaU-mine0,anD
t)ereDitaments tticretuit^ DemiCeD ano occupieo, Daring, anDtmtUl
fuel) time as fo muc^ of t^e faiD nine fco^e poanD0 as t^en dial be \in>

receiueo bp t^e faio JTU.l)ts erecutojs oj alligns,ft)albc tDcU i trulp

contenfeD f paicD to tl)c faio jF.U. \)\b erecutojo i c bp tbe faio >.^.
^i0beire0 0; aCttgnes, Difcbfirgeo of all incumb;anced, t)aD, maDe,o;
Done bp tl}e faio (0.^* \)\& beires 0; adignes* Prouidcd,anD it id fo
(oncluDeD ano agreeD,bp anD bcttuecne tbe fatD partie0,tbat if p faiD
if *U*M0 evecutojs anD a(tignd> Do quietlp ano peaceablp occupp anD
tniop tbe faiD mano;orE>* anD otbcr tbe pjemiCted) DemifeDbp^faiD
former inoenture of ieafe,During all tbe faiD terme of 9pere0i acco^
Ding to tbe purport ano true meaning of tbe faiD BInDentuce of leafe*
D) if tbe (aiD (II5.&. bis crecutojs oi affigne0,Do U)eU anD truelp con
tent anD pap to tbe faio ir U bis crecntojs 0; affignes tbe f umme af
nine fco^e pounDBjo; fo mncb tbereof as tben (ball remaine not recei^
neo bptbe faiD i^.bis erecntojs 0; aSignes tbat tben pjefentlp after

tbe enD ano Determination of tbe faiD termc of nine pearesfo quietlp
occnpieDbp tbefatDiF^b^serccutojs o; aa'tgnes, asif(afo;e(aiD,o}
immeDiatelp from ano after fncb papment baD ano maDe,as is afoje^
faiD,tbis pjefent BJnocnture of leafe fljall be btterlp t}oioe,fruCrate,
ano of none effe(t, ano bane no fuctber being : anp tbingafo^efaiDto
tbe contrarp notluitbttanDing In witncfTe &c.

^ A feojfemeni to twelneperfons in trujf to certaine vfes.

Sea.aSp.^ npHisIndensurcf c. Witncflcth, tbat tbe faiD %^* fo;tbc fpeciaU
JL trnft I con^oence tbat be tbe faiD Si.^^b^tb 1 cepofetb in tbe faiD
Liber Truft. fecundus
0.JB.C.S>. <c* snotbeirijciresanDaffignWjfinofojtbc great 5calc
ano g(DD M)k\) tje Uearetb to ttjc poojc people tobu^ noto be,aiid
tol)ic^tiereafter from time to time Ml be inhabiting atiODUielling
toittiin t|)e toUjne of C in coontie of SD. 0no totxjarDs tfje main*

tenance, repapaing, ano making of fuel) bjingen aD ^tgl)Uiape5,as

not be, 0? bereafier fljall becrerteD o? niaae in tbe faiD totone of C.
o?U)itl)in one Ijalfe mile cf tb8fame. ;anD fo;anD tolvaros tl)e oif?
tl)arge,paiment, ano contribution of fifteen0,tarcs,muCfer0,tDar0,
ano otber common cbargeg t impodtions Uj|)rU)itl) t^c fsiD f olune
fifC.ojtbeinbabitantjjtljereof, (l&allojmavbg cbargeD,anDineafe
anD reliefe of fbe pooje people of t^e faio tolune of C. loj tbe time bc^
ing,batl)giaen, grsunteo , ano confirmed, ano bp tl)fe pscfcnts fo;
him ano bi beire0,t)otl) frcelp ano abfolatclp giue, grannt,anl) con^
firmetnto tbe fato 0*)15C.)3D|c*anD tbeir betrc0 fo? cuer , all tbofe
1)16 mefaagM TohaucanDtoliolD fc.totl)efaiDa.lB.C.|Dir
tbeirbctres(anOartgne(fo}e(ier,to tbeonclptfeano bc^oofcoftbe
fatD0*)13.C.jK). %i4^t\K beir^ianoalTigness fo^euerbpontruti, And
to tbe intent tbattbep tbe faio 0S5.C.S> $ctljeir bcirs antj a(Tign0,
Hall iDitb all tbe pcarelp rents, reuenue0,t(rue0,anDp3ofit<$oftbe
fatD tenements and pjemides f c* fuccourano relicnetljefaiDpoo^e
people,tt)bicb noto be,02 b^reafter (^all be inbabtting ijoitbtu tbe faio
toioneofC* anb tbe faio bjiogedmaintaine ano raaUe, anotbcfaiD
|)aiment5)Contribotion0,anD cbarges (bal beare ano fuitaine,in fucb
fo;t ano manner^as O^all merely from time to time fo; euer beagrecD
. tpon ano tbongbt meete bp tbe cbtefelt part of tbe inbabitants of tbe
iatototimeofC*fo?tbe time being. Ancitbe(aib0.115.C.E>$c.ooe
couenantfc* 2Ebatif tbe faio 0^.C.^*lc o}anpoftbem,fball
at anp time o; times bcreafter femobnr, goe,f Depart alDa^ fo?tb of
U)t faio toUine of Cto anp otber place to inbabite and DU^elUnno boe
anb l^all inbabite ano Oluel out of tbe faio toiime of C.tbat tf;en fucb
ano fo manp of tbe faio ttoelue Cofeoffees afo}namcD,U)bitt) il)al fo
depart aU)ap f o;tb of tbe (aib totune of C.ano inbabite $ btoell in anp
otber place , O^all not after fuel) \)is, o; tbeir Departure tbence, as is
ffo}efaiD,taUe,r&ceiue, o; Dirpote^anv of tbe rents, ijOTucs, o; p^o^ts
T tbe fatD tenements i p;emiffes : but at all times after focb bis o;

tbeir fo Departingano going aUjap of bim, cj tbem, as is afojcfaib,

l]&aUgrant,conuev,rrleafe, laffuretotbe rcQDueof tbe faio ttcrlue
pecf ons tben liuing janD tbeir beires, oj to fucb otber ttueluc perfons
; tobicb fi)f.lbenameo anD tbofen br tbe t\)iekit o; mo?e part of tbe faiD
, inbabitantsof tbcfaiotoU)neofC*ti)en foj tbe time being,to befub^
Symt. Truft. part.primae

C?itutetiamjpattti place auD romrof l^c faiupcrfoaoj pcrfons fo

l)cpartitfgd;i5uiwt5,ano of t^crcfiouccf t^cfaiD fcoffac ti)en remai
uifict,oj ftituimnof.^ tljctr lieirEfl, all l)ifl ano ttieir ettatc,tig^t,title,

anbintf rcajof, auo in tt)c faio lanw f pKmiCTefi , UUcl^argeD f tsept

t)armlc(te,of, f from all barGain5,eftate,tttle0,cf)arge0,ttouble0,
artDIncumbjanceg, tbcn !jaD o; ma&c, o; to bc^ao o} ttiaue,bv bim oj
tl)eojan of tbcm, fo Dinng o; Departing atoa^,a afo}efaiD,a iftall
be ceutfco o; aouifro bp tlje cbtefcU o; mojc part of tbfe inbabitants of
tbefaiD totonc of C.efo;efaio foj tbc time beitig,o; bp tbeir,o; any oJ
tbeir f oimfdl learneo in tbe IlaUjeiJ of tbifi l^ealmctCrcept focb Ua>
fes foi (l)C termecf yercfi as Qjall be niaDe acco;Ding to tb^ tenoj anD
true mesnittg cf tbefe pacfentg. And ititart^er mtenoeD, meant,
ano cigr^D, bp i bettod-n tl;e faio parties to ttfztc pjefent0,tbat luben
anD (o often,aii iiims bercafter, fir of tt)e faiD
at iDtjatfoucr time oj
ttoelueperfons afojenameo as feoffees, as afojefaio,ojif anie otber
perfoni bereaffer to be fo nameo as feoffcrfi lbereof,oj nio?c of tbem
n^al beoeaojo; beparteo out of ^ faio tolone of Cto Dluel eUetobere
as is afo;efaiD : Cbat tbcn anD fo often it (^l anD map be lalufaU,to
anD fo^ tbe cbtefeK anD moS fabaanttoU part of tbinbabitants of tbe
faiD totonc of C.fo; tbe time being.to name,elect,anD cbofe 1 2 .otbcc
perftms of tbe inhabitants of tbe faiD totone of C. f o} tbe time being
to be feoffees in CruK^anD to SanD feifeD to lbs tifes afojefaiD^anD be
fuffitutcD anD put in tbe place and roome of tbe faiD fo;mer feoffeei*
0nD in libe maner anD fo;me, election i elections of tbe faio feoffeei
to be maDe,a0 ia afo;efaiD,from time to time fuccelTtaelp fe; euec,ro
oftenasitnjallberequifite. i^notbat after f neb elettiono; elections
of fucb tloelue perfos to be feofees, as is afo;efaiD,maDe bp tbe faiO
tnbabitants of * afo;efatD, facb f To manp of tbe feoffees afo^efaiD
as Ojalbe tben liuing, at tbe reafonable requeS,co(ts f cbarges of tt^e
tnbabitants of tbe faiD tolnne tben being, o} tbe mo;e o; tbe cbtefeS
part of tbe inbabitants of tbe faiD SE^olune foi tbe time being,(^al b^
fnfficient DeeD o; DeeDs, o} otber conueiances o; adnrSces, grat,con^
uep,ia(rurc tbe faiD lanDs ic^anD p;emiftes,tQtbefaiDtlueluepec^
Tons f neU)lp cbofen>f tbeir beirs,to tbnfes f intents afoaefaii^U)^
fac^ conenats i conDttions tberin to be contatneD,as Cbalbe tboug^t
requtfite to tbe faiD cbiefeil part of tbe faiD inhabitants fo^ tbe time
being} o} tbeir learneD omifell,Dif cbargeD of al titles,ct)arges,f in>
cumbzanceSibaD o; maDe, o? to be^aD oi maDe bp t^e,o; anp of tl^em,
otber t^en fucb as fl^all be baD bp tbe toitb tbe like confent of tt)e fail
inhabitants fo; t^e time being, asts afojefaiD* Proaidcd alwaies,
Lihd^^- Truft. fccundus
ano it i icfo tWt pitttntB in manner anti fojme foUofeing : f fjaf is
torap,C^at it fl&all not no; map not be latufuU at anp time o; timetf
tercafterjtOjOj fo? tl)c faiD 0.115 anDljis faiD rofeoffee befo;g nameD,
o;an5oft^em,t^eici)dreso?aC[igncf,oj anp of tbcai, o; anpottier
perfon O}perfon0 to^atfoguer Ijcreaftcr to be nameD,clcttcM? cljofen
Uoffkt of tbe faiD lanii0,tcnemcnt0,anDp;emitrefi,to tbe bfcs aboue
to;itten,to c^argc,conucp,implop o; f onuert tfje faio lanbSjtenemttf,
^txthitamwtB f pjemiffeg, toitb tbappurtenanccs, ojany part ttjecp
0f,o; t^e rent0,i(rtie0 ano profits tl}erof,o; of anp part tbereof, to anie
fitter Dfeo;bfc0,intcnt o? intenti5,o; an? ott)cr ioaies, tben to t^c
tfe^aboaeintbefepjcfent mentioneD , toitbout tbe tonfgnt of tbe
tnoffo}c^tefe(tpartof t^einbabttant0oftt)e faiatotuneofC. fo;tbc
time being tberuntoSrfttiao ano obtaineo, no^toertingutfbjreUafe,
iietermine,frDarate o; mafee boiD an? rent o; rents, conoition o; ton*
littion0,grant,couenant o; agreement referueD,contatneD) mctioneo
0) tmplieD,o} to be referneD, containeDrmentioneo o; implteo, in, o;
bpanpleafeo^leafes hereafter mabe of tbe faio tenements ano p;e^
mi(re0,o; of an^part thereof, no; to make anp nets leafe o; leafcs; of
t^e faiD tenements ant) p;emi(re0,o; of anp part tbercof, befe;e (lu^
time as all fo;mer leafes of fo mncb tberof fo netulp to be bemifeb Ibal
be erpireb,^etermineb,farrenb;eb, o; enbeb, no; fo; anp longer time
o; terme t^en rrjpears,from tbe making of fuel) neln Uafc o; leafes,
no; fo; anplelTer o; (mailer rents,tl)en bin noU) alreaoie rcferueb ano
peelDeb fo;t^e fame,anD fo; ano bnoer fucb conottious ano claufes of
reentrie fo; Default of paiments of ante rent o; rents to bee referueD,
in,o; b]^ anp fncb leafe o; leafes, anb Icitb fnc|i otber conbitions, p;o;
mfoes,anbconenantstbereintobe containeb, as from time to time
fo;euerQ]aU betbongbtmeeteanbrequilite bp tl}eraiDmo;eo;el)t^'
hit part of tbe faio inbabitants of tl)e faib toU)ne of C*ro; tl)e Hint be^
ing. Anclprouidedalfo,anbbponcenbition,anoit is tl)c true intent
anb meaning of tberep;efents, anb of all tbe patties to tljefame,anD
t^e faib inbabitants of t\)e faiD tetune of C*. Doc eonfent anQ a
gree,tbatitfballnotatanicttme bereafter belalDfaUtoanicperfon
o;perfons tbat bereafter f^all be nsmeb, cbokn ano mabe^ Uofiix o;
feofifees of tbe faib tenements i p;emi(Ies as is afojefatD, Durmg fucb
time as l)eo;t^ep fball fo remainc anb be fcoffcE o; fecffces {bercof,ta
^ae,tafee,o;occupie anie part of t^e faiD tenements anb pjemiffes,
bp leafe fo; pears o; otl)erlDife,no; to anp lellce o; farmer of anie part
of tl)e faiD tenements ano p;emi(tes. During fucb time as \^t fliall fo be
a UHee o; farmer t^ereoMo be nameo^c^ofen? o; maoc fcofifee tt)erof,
Symb. Grants, part.primje

J c f anp pcit tt)trcof. And it is furti)cr conclaDeu ant agrceD,bp, antr

bttU)ccu all tit tm partie0 to tjtjefc p;efent0, ano cocrp of tt)em,lDitl;
title confcnt ano agreement of tt)c faio infeabitant of ttje f aio toUrn
f ul

of Ctljat ^'earclp,anD taeric pcarc foj euer beceafter , tU)o of tlje faio
pcrfons being, oi ti}l)ici) (1)311 be feoffees of tl;e p^emiffes^ as is afoje^
faiOjOjall be ct}ofcu by lcrs,anD nemeD tt)e common C^jeeucs of C. to
be (!I5jceucsoj Collectors anbUeepccs of all f neb rents, rcucnues anD
profits as (ball come,arire,o; sroU),of anD fo; tbe fain tenements ano
pj3micre5,to bfes afojefaiDjano to Doe all fncb acts anD things, as

fl)r.rjencc(Ianc,fo? 05 about tbe famcbntilltbe fiiDngnert after tije

read of P.ac vincula,commcnl^ calleD ILammas Dap,U)l)tc^ (balbenept
after cuer^ time of fucb f boif^ of ibc faiD jeetts,as is afo^efaiD, And
tbat eucrp peare bercafter bpon tbe jrriDap nert after tbe (aio fealt of
P.ad vincuia,commonlp calleD liammas oap, tbe (aiD (H5?eeues fo; tbe
^eare tben patt fo; tlje time being ,in tbe p^efence of fo manp of tbe tn^
babitants of t^e faiD teUin of CanDtbe reDfiDue of tt)e faiixfeoffees,ai(
tuill boncb^afs to be tben tbere paefent tbereat,in tbe paciO) cburcb of
Cafo^efaiD, Oial mahc anD peelD bp a in(t anD tcne rcc^oning,anD ac*
rount of all fucb fummes of monp,anD otbec tbings, as tbep (Ijal ttien
baue receiueD,Di(burreo,o; Done,in,fo;, o; bp reafon of ibe pKmideSy
0} an^ part tbercof>bnto tbe (aiD inbabitants>o; tbe faiD reDiDueof t^e
faiD feoereci,n ot being tben (II5;ceues tbere , t to Deliucr all tbe acre'
rages anD ouerplus of tbe faiD recett, bnto fucb tlso ot^ier perfons, as
Ibnlltben nert after tb&m be cbofen C^Keues of tbe pKmifTes^as is a
fo;cfaiD foj cuec Inwicncllc&c.

GrantS5and what they be.

Q A ^
Q \ Grant Ctfcfyj/o,fignificihpcrmiflion,rufFcranc,lcauc,]icnce,yeel-
XAdingorginingoucr of a thing, but fpccially taken, it fignifieth a
gift in writingtuffuch things as cannot aptly padc byword oncly with-
out writing: As rcnts,reucrfions,rcruiccs,aduowfons in gro(Ic,common
&c. or made by fiich perfons as cannot
in groflc, villcinc in grodctithcs
giuebutby.decd:astheKing,andaIl bodies politicke, as Maiorsand
Comminalties,Dcanes,Chaptcrs&c. which diifcrcnccs bin oftentimes
ncglefted,and then it is taken generally to fignifie cueric gift whatfoeuer
inadc ofany thing by any perion whaifoeuer. And he that graunteth,is
itcrmed the grantor,and he to whom the graunt is madc,thc grantee. An
inflrument of graunt^is a deed containing the dcfcription of iuch a gift or
graum^as is aforcfaid.Of the examples whereofgreat variccic cnfueth.
iibcr Grants. fccundus
A CjrMt of a reuerfion and C9mmon mthfuit of
CoHrtrefernedy&c, '

THisIndcnturcttiaDcbfttoeeneif.of ic. anD %* fc* WitncfTcth, -.

t^at t^c im i^^^atl) graonteD,bargaincD dc. all t^ofe mcfnage, ^^"^^ '
f ctoit^ t^e appurtenances fet, Iping, ano being toit^n tbe lloaDlfiip
of 51B.anD in t^e pariflb of a.anD ^
.ann citljcr of tbem, litl)in t^e C
|^anD noto o; late in tlje tenute oj occupation of ^. oj bis aflfigng,

bp fo2C0 of one uemife 02 leafe not pet erpireD, maDe tbcrof to tfje faifi
iSanDl)i0 ailifinesbpC^U.Ic. 0nDalfo f be reuerfion anD rcaerff

fins of all ano Cngalat tbe pjemitTeSjanti euerp part ano parcel t^er*
of,togetbertDit^ common fo; all man er of bcatts of t^e faio U.f cbts
Metres ano allignes, in, and tjpon tbe commons ano toad grounds,
parcel of tbe faio Slo;Da)ip ano ^ano;, 0ud all luapes t pa(ragesf,to
ano from tl)e p;emi(re6,anD cuerp part tbereof, in fucb ample i large
inaner,a0tt)e faio Uat anptimeberetofo;te baue bfuallp ban^bfeD o{
taken tbe fame,fitbence tbe making of tbe faiD JLeafe, togctberMb
one acre of patture Uiitb t^ apptirtenances,lping ixi a clofe of paSure
(alien 15*toitt)in ttje pariCb of i c. To haue anD to i)olD $c. all tbe (aiD
mefnages t c. ano otber t^e p^emtiles, toitb fu^fictcnt common,as is
Af 02efaiD,anD all otber t^ie p^emiCTes befo;e bargained anb fold, loit^
all ano Gngulartbeir appurtenances, ano t^e reuecGon anD reuerft^
onsof tbe fame to tbe faiD SU.fc* Yedding ano paping tt)erefo;e
pearlp bnto tbe faiD if l)is beires and airtgns,)lo;Ds of u* tt}c fumme
oftt);ee(lbUlingspearlpattl)efea(toffc. And alfo coiugfuittotbe
court of tt)e faio mano; at ttoo times in t^e peare^t^pon gencrall Ijoar^
mngtobegiuenfo:tbel)olDtngoftl)efaiD Court, bp tbe ^aplifeo;
otber officer of tt)e faio if .t)is beires 0; alTigns^lLojtis of ti)e faio ma^
nojAndiftbe(aiD2n.bpon fucb reafonablelManung,asafo;cfaiii,
fi)al faile 1 make Default in Doing fuit,as \ii afo^efaio: Hbat tlien anD

(0 often tbe faiD ^*0)all forfeit to {}:^t faiD i? f ciLo;DS of tbe faiD ma^
no;,fo? eucrp fucb Default \\^* i* in full fatiffaction fo; euerp fucb De**
fault. And tbe faiD Cfo;ic.ootbcouenat anD grant,to$c.if.$c.tbat
if tbe faiD pearlp rent of ii).s02 tbe faiD fumme of iiiii}.fe; not Doing
fuit to tl)eCourt,as is afojefaiD be not paiD : 2Lbat tben anD fo often
it (ball be laluf all fo? tbe faiD if *\)iz beires ano a(rttpties,!Lo.}Ds of tbe

faiD mano; into tbe afojefaiD p:emiile0,f tucrp pact ano pardeVtberof
to enter,anD tbere DiOtrain ec.as bp one Deeo tberof maDe ic. bearing
Date f c.plainlp appearetb* That now tbcfaiDif.fojDiuersgooD ano
laiufull confiDeration bin^ tljernnto mouing, batb bargaineo fi folD,

Siuen ano grauttteo to tl;$ faiD IT.ljis iieires ^c. fo; euer, all tbe faio
S^n^K -Grants. part.primac

uitfuagf i5.rommon(,tent0, fuit of Court, tenement, ano ot^cr V^t

pjcmiue6,ant) all l)is rcuerfion ano reucr6on0,or,anDintl)cIame,
ano euerp part tbeicof Vuitl) il)e appurtenances. To haue ano to tiolD
tl)efaioitiefoagcs,tencnients,ano pjeniitles luitM^e appurtenan
tcfi to ttie faiD SE.bis ^cires ano attignc
fo; cuer, to t^e onlp t>fe ano


tyi Grant of the Reuerfion of certaine lands ;K>ith

other iMds in pojfcfsion.

Sea. 202. /^Mnibus ad quos Sec. W.B.L W.W.R.I.S.& I. W.faluf SccCum

V-^JVl.vxorl.W.niipcrvxorl. W.habcat& tcneat pro tcrminovi-
tx fuscex diinifl. &
fcoff^mcnco notlf pdia* W.B. I. W. W.R.I.S.6c
I.W.diuerfasrctf&tentcumfuispcrtinth ni>p didi I.W.virifui,fci-
tuaf&iaccntinviirde S.pdia',rcuerfione& rcmaficorundemtcrraf
& teiuoru immediate pod dcctflum ciufdcm M.ncbis &hcrcd'nfii dc
iurcfpeaantrCumqucctiamnospdW.B. I.W. W.R. I.S.& I.W.
adprc(cnsreifitifumus& polTtflionatiinDhiconoflro vt dcfeodo,dc,
6c in diucrfis alijs tcrris,tcncrhtis,rcddit,& feruic', pratis,pafcuis,& pa-
{tuf,cumfuispcriih,(ciuiatis&iacci tinH.india'coihE.tjnsectianu-
pcrfucruntdiail W.virinupdiaacM. Etqux omnia &fmgula fu-
prad tcrf,tciit,&: cictcra prailla in S. & H. pdiOis, Nos pdifti W.B.I.
W.W.R.IS.&I.W.firaulcuml.W. filionup prcd I W.(quitotum
ills (iium nobis &heicdibiisnf is nupcr conccflit& relaxauii) nup con-
iunaimhabuimusnobis,hcredibus,<?ca(rignatis noftris in pcrpctuum,
cxdono&conceirionCj&chartaecontirmationcI.G.Sciatis nos prcfac
W.B.I W.VV.R.I.S.&LW.dimirinc,tradidi{rc,coccfri{re,liberaflc,&
hoc prefer tiicriptonoftroconfirmaflc prefatI.W.filio,ac M. Cfilix
nupcr I.C.qnam did' I.W. (Deo dante)duccc in vxorcm, taiti omnia
prcd terras & tencmenta cum (uis pertincntijs, quse habcmus in villa de
H.pdi T& alibijQoam ctiam rcucrnone& reucrfiOBCS pdiaarumcer-
raf,tentorum,reddit,lcruic',acceteronim pmifforuminS.pdift*. Ha*
bend'& ccnend' omnia prcd terras 6c cenement^ac cetera premiHain
H.pred, vna cum rcuerfioiie pred tcrf,teht, 6c ccterorum preminorum
in S. immediate com accidcrit port mortem di^ae M.W. prefato I. W.
filio,6cM.C.achcrfd dc corponbus corum inter eoslcgiE procrcatis,
dc capitalibus 8cc. Ec vo!umu$,6c pprcfcntcs conccdimus, quod fi
coniingat diOosI. W. fiiium, 6c M. C.finchacrcd'dccorpof corum
inter cos legitime procrcatis obire, quod tunc omnia pd terf 6c tent ac
cccrj prcnudainHprcdjVna cum rcueiiionc pred terf 6c ccnemeni,
Liber Grants; fccundus
accctcrofprcmiiTof in Spraedift' immediate cum accident poft mor3
tern diaac M. W.intcgrc rcroancat & reucrtant prxdicf I. W. filio dic^
W G.& W.R.nccnon I.S.& T.T.heredibus & affignatisfuisinpcrpc-
tuum^Tenendum dc capiulibus &c. In cuius rci &c.

A Grant ofXur^ar'ie,

T His Indenture fC.Witnc(reth,f^atti)efattJ 0*55. !)at^giuennf0 Cg/v

t^efaioar.^.anstotlje^iircB males of Ijis boep, f c. fufficient
tucbatu,U)it^freetibertietoot6ge anDgst turueg, anD liber tie to

()aiii,reare,U)tnt)2atD,repatreanD fiacre tt)e fame tntues fo DtggeD

and gotten toit^tn tlje manoj of JD.f o often as ndco Hjal require,at all
no ener^ feafonabte ano reafonable time ano times of t^e pere,to be
barnt,(pent,o; bfeo tDit^tn,o; at t^eir manfion tjoufe of ^.in t^e faiD
Countp oflL.ano noteUcto^erejtoit^ free entrp,egrelle ano regreflfe,
in^to^no from t^e fato mano;,mefnage i c*to taUe anD car^ aloap t^e '

faiD turae0,toitt} carts^tuaines, o; ott^erlDife, at ^is ano t^eir toilU

nD pleafnreB^at liUe feafonable anD reafonable times, %t*

A (jTAtit of(Commonfor a hundred, Sheefe,

OMnibiis&c. Seiatisme&c. in confidcrationc boni & laudabilis

confilijper T. F. mihi impcnfiSc impofteium impendent, dc- Sctt.2p4,
difTc, & hoc prefemi fcripio roeo confirmafle eidcmT.F.annuatim,
durante vita ipfiusT.F. cuflodiam debicam ad centum oucs, tarn in o-
uili,falda,& paftura conucnicntc cum ouibus meis per totum annum cu-
ftodicnd&pafturjnd,& infra maneriummcum deD. in comitatuC.
quaro in omnibus & fingulis terris &
tenemcntis meis in D. Habcnd*,
gaudend,&pcrcipiend'cidcmT.F.&afligna:isfuis,^ totavitaipfius
T.F.Et bene licebit cidcmT.F.tocies quoties ei placueritad intrand' in
omnia pr^d' mancria, terras, &
tenenicnta, ad fuptruidend'oucs fuas
prcdiftaSj&easinmeliorempanuramimponend' (fi neccde fuerit)ac
ouespred*& quambbet pccilam earnndem vendere,permutare,6cad
voturafuumdceisfacicnd',ac oucs alias ad numcium centum ouium&
nonvlif,inouil'& paOufpdimponcre&dimittere cuftodicnd'&pa-
flurand' in forma prcdii^a. In cuius rei &c.

A (jrant ofa, 'Renerfton to the ^lueene,

THis Indenture maOe f C Betweene U. ^. one Scft. 2^5.

of E>* f f on t!)0

pactp^ano oncmoOtgratious foaeraigne ilaoie $;*CUiabet^ on

bymb; Grants. part.primac

t^c otl)ec partp, Wimcflcth, tl)at t^e faio H.M^fo), and in confifuera
ttonof accttadie fumme of moneptoljim papeD bv our im^oav
raigncUj^creof l)eacUnoUileDgetl)tt)e receit,anot^rof ano of ewrp
parttWeofDott)dcecclpatquiteanD Difct)argc our faio ^oueraigne !

3laD? ^cr l)eire0 atiD fucceffojg fo? tucr,l|att) giuen,granteD,alieneD,

bargatnccatiD rolD,anD bp tljefe pjefent Dotl) 5tae;grant,alien,bar
gaine ? fell bnto our faio foueraignc ilaDp t^e ^maieftif ,l)er ^jeires
auD fpccccro;0 fo; ettf r,nll tljat clofe of pattnre oi pafture,i all laBD5,
tenements ano l)ereDitamcnts U3t)atfocuer,tDitl) tlje appurtenances,
calleD oi bnotonc bp ibc name 0? namcg of 16. fcitnate, lptng,anD bc^
ing in t^e pand^ and fielos of l^.in t^c C. of |I>. woto oj la(e in tbe tv
nurc 0; occupation of S* ^* 0? ^^ i)i0 alfignes, together Ivjitt) all t^e
tig^t0,niember, and appurtenances of tbc fame. To haue f ta ^elD
tbe faiD tenements anD pjemitrc5,toitl) tlie appurtenances to oar fait
^oueraigne HaDy tl)e ^.maiefltie,t}er beires ano fucce(To;s fo; ener,
tnto tbe onelp proper bfe ano beboofe of our faiD foneratgne IlaD^ tbe
Ci.malf ftie,ljer beircs ano fucccdojs fo; euer. Prouidcd alwaycs.antt
bpon conDition folloi9tng,tl)at if tbe fato \X*m. 0; bis beires, 0; anp
of tbem,Do at anp time bercaftcr graunt bp bts Deeo, to be inrolleo in
tbe .bigljneffe Court of Clanccrie, one annuity 03 pearclp rent of
fc.of latufull Cnglid) money, bnto our faio foucraigne llaD^ tbe^.
bigbneire,ber beires aiiD fucce(fo;ts,iffaing ano going fo^tb of an|^ tbt
lanD0,tcnements 9 berettitamrnts of tbe faiD U. M. o;ufbisbtirc0>
Declaring bis 0; tbeic mtent tbcrvin to be, tbat tbis faib grant to tbe
^.bigbne(!e(balbe boib : ^bat tben tbis p;efent DeeD, 0; grant,bar^
gainc anD falc of tlic faiD p^einidcs luitb tbe appurtenances to tbe ^.
bisbncffe,ber tjeircs and fuccedojs limiteD anD appotnteD, l^albetJt'
terl^ boiD, frnltrate anD of none cfiTect fc.In wimcflc (c.

A Grant ofa Remainder and a Renerjion oflands to the ^ueenes Ma-

iefiie,jor the preferttation thereof b) deedinrolUd^reHe-
cable by tender ofmoney ^e*

Scft.2^6. T'O all faithfull people to

toboiM fc. 3C.ofJl.intbeC.of |?02ke
JL lotbier,fenDetb grating in our EojDC^oDeuerlatting. Whcr-
asone 31 . C.nir fatbcr late of i..afo;efaio, \xk tbe faiD C
of ^o)he De*
ceafeD,loas laiufullp fetfeD in bts Dcmeane as of far, of,anD in certain
clofes anD parcels of lanD,meDDto, anD p3anre,Mng ano being on
tbe ipiojtb fioe of one toatec o; riuei calleD Jl. in ^* toitbin tbe parid)
or l^.in tbe Contie of pojfee. ;attD tlje faio 3I.C. being of tbe lanDs,
Libcr Graunts. fecundus
tenemenf ;,ana ^itmittts To feifet), did b^ ^{0 DecD inoenteD, bearing
Datefc.giue, graunt, anD ccnfirme t[)e faiD p^jmiffe to C% C4i
f onne f natursU bioV^tt Dnto me t\)tim3** Dp t^ie name of **

^w pongee fonne. To haue anD to I}oId all anD fingular t^e pjemilTes
\oith t\)iit appurtenances, to tlje (ma C% * ano to t^e ^eire^ males
ofi)tsboDplal;fultptegotten. 0nDif it a}oulD happen ttiefatDC^C.
to Die toittjoot iffucmale of Ijfs boop latufullp begotten: tbat tt)eH
all tbe afo;efatD lanDs ano tenements ^juitt; tlje appnrtenances^tboulD

remaine to mc ti)t faiD 3,* clDer b;ott)et of tbe faio CD* C. anD to tlje
lieires males of mpboJ3ie latufuUp begotten aDifitfl&oulDbappe
mett)eratD^>C.toDie Ujitl;out i)etre male of mp boDie laUifuUp be
gotten: tt^entbe afo;e'aiolanDS anD tenements Mb
tbetc appurte*
nances to remamc 'o tb^ hzittt males of bint tl)e faio 3;. tbc giuer C
lalBfallpbigottcn :0nD if it fb^ulobappenbim tbe (aiD i.C*toDte
lottbont faco sHae mate of bts hoDie lahifallp begotten : tbat tben all
tbetaiDlanDs^ tenements iJDttb tbe appurtenances, (bonlD remaine
to tt}e teires of rbe boote of tt)c f aiD lalDfullp begotten* 0nD fo;
Default of fucb itTac : tbat tben all tbe fo;efaiD lanDs anD tenements
U)itb tb'<ppurtenan(cfi (boalD Uibollp reuert to tt)e rigbt beires of btm
tbc faiD i.C.ttjc gtucr, Ubercfoeuer tljcpcan be founo fo? cuer, as l)p
thtfatD ceeD uiDrnuo mo2e platnelr appearetb* SEbe remauiDer of
fcbicb faiD unDd J tcnenicnt iDiib tbappuitenanccsjbptiertue of tbe
(aiD oeeD> togetbec tuitt) tbe reucr&oritt)eriof,are expectant bnto me
tbe faiQ jk.C being f enne anD beice Unto faiD J* * tbe gii?cr, ano

iDerbjotberbnto tbe faiDC^C. Know pectberefoae mce tbe faio

%*U; Diners gooo caufesano contiDerations me fpcciallv) mouing>
to baue giuen,grantrD,anD confirmeD,anD bp tbefe pjefents Doe giae,
grant, an& con6rme to out ^oucratgne ^aD^ Cli^ab. bp tbe grace of
C>oDj^uee(ieoffc.allmpreuer(ionanD remainDcr of tbefaiDlanos
f c.anD all mp cigbt^tttle.tntereQ, eQate, bfe, po(re(rion,anD DemaimD
tnbicbSltiolDbuue, o}at anp time beteaftcr (ball baue, 0; ougbtto
baue,of,anDinibcfame. TohaucauDto bolD tt)c faio rcuerfion ano
remainDcr,tufoenroeuer tbe fame aiall bappen,anD all otber mp rigbt,
interelt,ellate,bfe,poffetrton,anDDemanD,Vubicb 31 nota baue, 0? anp
timebereafteriball 03Cugbttobaue,of, ano in tbep^tmifiES,bnto
our faiD &oueratgneiLaDp&D(ll;li^. ano berfucceHo^sfo; cuer,bpo3i
tbis conDifion following : tbat is to fap,if |. tbc faio ^.C^minebctrs

0? aff?gnes,o? anic of fas^Doe at anic time bee eafter, offer 0} cenocr to

papbnto tbc }15arqnsofber^aie(lies Court of Ci;rcbeq 0; to ante
one of tbemnttingin tbe open court tbere,fo?, ano to
W ^aictties
5ym^; Graunts. part.primae

t3re,o? tQ f^ctjfc of !)ct fncfclTojs.t^e fomme of rt .of gooo ano lato*

foil monc^ ef englanu: SE^at t^cn immcUiatlp ano at all timeg after
fuc^ tcr.Der ano offer of payment to beniaoe of ttje fatd fummc of pl.
to \)tv spmettiefi bfc,o: to ttje bfc of ^cr fncceffojSjas afojefaio : K\)iii
p;efent graunt, ano tl)e l^noloUDging ano inroUing tt)creof, ano eue*
rtetljmg ano tt)ing0 therein contameo, to be btterlp tjoio, frnttratcf
of none effect. 0no fuc^ reuerfion, remainoer, bfe,pofreflrion f eftate
lo!^u^31noUjl)aue mt^ep2emiffe0,o2 at anie time Ijeteafter oag^t
to baue (if tbts pjefent graunt luere not inaDe) bp anp polIibilitie,tm'
meoiatelp after fuel) tenoer anD offer of payment maoe (as afojefaio)
fballbe anoremaine tomeanDmp^eir0fo;ener,ani)foto beaoiuO^
get) ano ta^en fo; euer, in fuel) maner ano fo;me, as t^etigb i^XB p;e>
fent graunt I}BO neuet becnei)aB,maDc,UnoU)lcogcD, no; inroUcD:
SEbis paefenttontmgjnoj tbc bnotoleoging o; inroUnent tbercef, o)
anptbingtbereincontaineototbe contrarie tljereoftnanptoifenot'
iDitbftanDing. In witntdctobtreofbnto tbi mp p;cfcnttaj?itiHg,3[
i)aue fet mptjano ano feale. Gmcn tbe ril.oap of Jian tbe peace of tbe
raigneofour fate ^oueraign(^aoieU^abett)7bptt)e grace of C>od.
of Cnglanb c*

uifale of a reherfion,

JScft.jp/. ^^Mnibus&cI.H.falutcm in dho fcmpitcrn. Cum C.M. vidua

^^quacfuitvxorl. M- iuxtavoluntat ciufdcrnl.M. habcat & tcneat
ad terrain vit^ eiufdcm C.cx dimifsionc,traditionC:& chartx indenture
confirtnationc mei difti l.H. ac LB. iam dcfunil', omncs illas terras &c.
qux ego diftus l.H. & prxdiiftus I.B. quondam coniunOim habuimus
nobis hacrcd& afsignaf nollrisin pcrpctuum, ex dono& fcoffamcnto
dift' I. M. in villa & campis &c. & rcucrfionc omnium pracdiftomm
tcrraruro,tcncrocntof,& reddi,poft mortem difti C. nr.ihi praefaf I. H.
& h^rcdibus & adignatis meis dc iure fpc^lanf . Noucritis roc pr^f .l.H.
dimififfc,tradidi{re,libcra{re,&hoc pra^fcnti fcripto meo confirmaflc
N.S.dcN. dift* reuerfionem omnium pdid' 5cc. cum omnibus fuis per-
tinentijSjftatim cum accidcrit pof^ mortem di^^i C.Itaquod omnia fd
terr^ &c. Habend & tenend A\(X reuerfionem cum omnibus & fingulis
fuis przmifsis cum pcrtinentijs poft mortem dift' C. hacrcd', & afsignat

fuis in pcrpetuuro de capitalibus domih &c.In cuius &c.

Libcr Grants. lecundus

A^mntdfun Ammtic,
OMnibus 5cc. T.G. incorfiN.falutcmin&c. SciatismcpfatT.G. $^.298.
tarn pro & in confideratione boni confili) mihi p quendam T.M.
dc p. in Com pdil* gen, ante h^cimpcnfi,& impoiteru impcndend',.
quam pro diucrfis alijs caufis & confidcrationib^ me in hocfpecialitcr
nioucnt,dcdiirc, conccflTifTe, et hoc pfenti fcripto mco corfirmaflc pfat
N& quandamannmtat Hue annual' rcddiS &c. exeunt
afTigaatis fuis,
& annuatum pcipiend dc mancrio mco dc C. in pdift* com N. Ac dc
omnib* incfuag',terf, tcntmenf ei hereditament meis quibufcunquc cii

fuis pcrtinentijs vniuerfis de C. pdict. Habend, gandcnd, Icuan^, fie

percipiend did' annuitate flue annual' rcddit&c.depdid'manef de
C pdid',pr!ef.T.N.& aflign fuis pro termino vitic natural' eiufd' T.N.
p manus iirmarioru,tenentiu, recept, balliuoru, (eu alioru oBciariotu^
occupatoru pmi{roru,aut alicuius indc parcell'^ad f cda &c. aequis por-
cionibusannuatim folucnd. t(i contingat &c. filicitomodopetatur
&c, plenanc foluc fuent , De qua quidcm annuitate (iue annual' reddiE
&c. ego pf^T.G.pofui pfat T.N. inplcnam ct pacifica pofleflioncm&
fcifih,p folutionc fibi la die confeft' pfentium 4. d. nomine (eifih ciuf-
dem. Et vlterius ego pfa?T G. volo concede per pfentes, quod hoc
pracfens fcriptu mcu, vna cum acquictanc pf.T.N. fit fufficiens warrant
cuicunquc firmaf,tcnent,recepE balliuoru, feu alioru officiaf,fiuc occu-

patof prxmifTorutB, aut alicuius indc parcel!' ad oncrand cos,& queli-

bct corum,de, jp, & concern folutione annuitat fiuc annual' reddit &c. \

ac arrcrag* eiulde. Quodqne illi pd firmaf, tenetes,recept,occupatof,

baUiui,feufchae!,& alij officiari) pr^mifTorum^aut alicuius inde pccll',
ac hzrcd, executor, Scadminiflratorcsfui, qui pdicEannuita{ Hue an-
nual' reddit,aut arrerag' eiufdc pracf. T.N.'aut fuo ccrto Atturnato fol-
uerc contigerint,fup monftrac' acquietanc' pdift' T.N. proindc fiend
cxoncrabuiiturvcrfusmcpr^f,T.G.& hxrcdetafllgii mcos,detanto
reddit pracmi(rorum,aut alicuius inde parcell' quantipfiprzf.T.N aut
fuo ccrto atturnat, de pdid' annual' reddiC &:c. aut de arrerag' inde fol-
iicnc,auc foluerc contigerinc &c In cuius rci tellimofi 6(c.

AgratiHt ofan ty^Mnnltie to a Chirnrgion,

SCiatis nos dcdiffe, conceflifre,^ hoc pfenti fcript noftf confirsnaflc g^^^^^pai^
pro nobis & bsrcd noftris, diled' & fideli feruienti nfo D.B. Chi-
rurgo,pro bono feruiti0,confilio, & neccffario auxilio fuo nobis & om-
nibus filijs &filiab*inter noslegif procreaf in nfaneceffitate& corpo-
ris^gritudih impcnfo ^
impollcf impedcnd; quanda annuitate&c.
Symb. Grants. part.primx

migrant of fart of an Annuit'te,

c A. 300.
Sett. \ 1^^"^ ^^ Chriftian people, to
of|c,anD2Dl^*of %u
Ijuljom tl)ts p?efcnt lujiting

fenoett) greeting.
Where t^e faio i^.l^.Dottj ^erclp pap to t^c fait) SD.Duimg bcr life an
0mnnlp 0; y crelp rent of ic. fo?,f m confiocvation of Ijer E>oU)ec of
ttjclanosofJ.U.ljerlate ^ufbanoUcccafcD. And lul}crcaUotbcfaiD
E^.of ^er frcE loill ant) bjncuolence is mincci to giuc bnto oan.p.tjer

bjotbeconc 0nnuitiG oj v^relp rent of fiuc iparfed,patcell of tbe fatD

^nnuitie oj perclp rent of i c. totoarD l^is pjcfcrment % maintenace
oflpuing, to be t)aD ant) receiueD attt)el)anD0oftt)efaio if.Klji
l)eirc 0? atrigne6,toljo \% feerie toell contented) ano plcafcD to pap ttje
fame accojiJinglp. Therefore know you me tbc fate D^U- totjauegi'
wen f granteo, bp tbcfe pjefents Doe giue % grant to tlje faio 2HIIp
^ tnp b:oct}er,tt)c fato annuitic 02 pcrclp rent of fiuc i srhs, parcel of
tbc fato perclp rent of if .to be paico pc rilp bp tt)e f aio iF.U.bi beic0
o; aaignc5,at tbe feaH of g>.spartin t!)c liBiftjop in u31lmtcr,f pete*
oft,bp euen pojtions. To haue f pcrceiue tl)c faio 0nnuttp 0; pcrelp
fummeof ic totlje'aio tcl.p.anoljisaffigncgjfromfc. During tbc
naturall of me tbe f aiD ]S>*if tbe cpariage totjub (lI5oD luilling (bal

bebaD I folemni^eb beiluccnc CO.Cof i r . gcntlcma,anD me tbe faio

^.(ballfolonginDurcf contume. And tbe faiDi^.U.Dott) grant bp
t^efe p}cfent5,foj l)im % bi beire0,tbat if it fo;tone tbe faiD annuitp
02 perelp rent of f c. o; anp part 0? parcell tberof to be bebino bnpaieo
bp tbe fpace of ttocntp Dates, ncrt after anp of tbe faio feaftB 0; Daies
tubereat tbe fame ongbt to be paieDtCbat tben it Ojall be latDful,f o),
anD to tl)e faiD W,*"^^ anD bi( aflfignes, into all tbat bis ^ano? of >
iDit^ t^c appurtenances in tbe faio Countie of E>. anD into all % 6n
gular bis lanos, tenements, % l)ereDitaments in ^. afo;efaio,to en
anD DiQrain, 0nD tbe DiftreflTc tljere f taken,to leaD,D;tue,cbafe,
f er
anD Carrie aljpap,f tt)e Came to impoanD, oetaine. 9 keepe,bntill fuc^
\mt as l)e 0; tbcp of tbe faiD annuall 02 perelp rent of ic* toitt) tbe ar^
terages tberof,if anp fucb be,be fuUp fatif6eD,contenteD,anD paieD,
In witncirclubercof affcuell f^e faiD iF.U as tbe faiD ^.to tl)is p;efrt
tD)iting t)aue put tljeir ^eales, tt^e tloentiet^ Dap of ic

AgrAuntofan Annuitie.
Scct.jOi. /^^Maibus&c. Noueritisme praefat I.dcdiffcconccffiflc, 5choc
V-Xpfcndrcriptomeo confirroaflc C.T.dcD.vnum annual* rcddit,
-ilueannuitatemxl.s'. exeunt dc ^uodamtencmccodue. hofpicio in &c.
Liber GrauDts. fccundus
rcaditum/iuc annui-
Habend',tcnencl*,Sc pcipicnd' pr^diaumaniuiar
tatcmxl.s.depr(^dia'tencmcnto fiue hofpicioctjm fuisptrcmemijspf.
afllgnatis fuis in perpetuum; ad fdlum
C.hxredibus &
beat Marix virguiis & fnai Michadis Aichangcli^per sequalcs per-
ciomsannuacitnfoluend'. Et ficontingat pracdia' annualcm
fenum folutionis,quo folui debcc,in pte
fiue annuitateni xUs.ad aliqueni
quod extunc bene liceat pr^d' Chac-
vcl m
toco a rccro die non lolutum
fiue hofpiciura intraf, 6c
rcdibus aflignac fuis in diauin tencmentum
diftrin'ere,& diftnftioncs ibidem inuetas feu captas alportaf.abducerc,
fucrarc ^ penes fe retmercquoufque de praedift' annual!
redditu fiue an-
nuwcc, vna cum omnibus indearrcragijs,
fucfitfatisfaa'&perfolmuni: de quo quideiu annuali
nuitatc,pofui in R
plenam poflcffionem 6c fcifinaai,pcr rolutio-
ncmfexdcnanoruro&c. In cuius rei ccftimonium

A Grant dfA Reuerfion,

OMnibusChriftifidelib',adquospr?fensfcriptumperucncm,W. .
&c. CuroC.H. pater rotushabeat & teneatproterminovitae

foae q-joddam tenementum cum fuis pcrtinentijs in W. &c. vocatiira H.

reucHiohinde poO fuum deccauromihi &
harrcdibus mejsfpeaant:
p^rtincntijs cum accident polt
T B rcuerfionem diai icnemeti cum fuis
nem cum (uis pei tinenti js cum acciderit.pr^f a! T.B.
h^redibus & affig-
natis fuis in perpetuum,dc
capitahbus &c. In cuius rci 5cc. Dat &c.

A Orant ofm %Ammtie,mth a fAinefor not faying thefame.

fide]ibus&c.E.K.geii,conranguincus 5c bsrcf
OMnibusChrifli ^^(j^^^^^^
H*R.falutero. me prxht E dcQille,conct(rifle,& hoc pr?-

femiftriptomcoconflrmaHe M. B. & I.vxori eius ac nupcr vxo-

ri predia' H. quandam annuitatem fiue annual' rcdditum xxyj.s^ikc.

contentatiofi totius dctis fiue lunauf
in plenum fatistaaion &

K I.poft mone pd H.dc/iue m cmmb' terns & tentis

pd vocat &c.
^ annual' redd.tum
Habcnd' 3c percip.end'prxdiami annuitatem fiue
pt.M B.ac Lvxcf ci',^ tmui viix ipfof M lac aUcnus &
corum diuti^
Syrob. Grants. parc.primx
viuenf .Et fi contingat 5cc. vt in aliiidiFinElionihm, Et vltcrius fciatis inc
pf.E. conctfsiffc, &
hoc pracscnti fcripto mco confif malic prxf. M.& J,
vxoricius, quod quotiefcunqiic contigcrjt didl* annuitatcm fiuc annu-
al* rcddit a rccro iorcnonloiJt in parte vcUntoto port aliquod fcftura

feftorumpracdidorum quo dcbcar, per fpacium (exfcptimana-


rum, tunc Cgo pr?di>'E. acredcs&mci forisfaciemus decern folid'


nomine pcnae pr^lat M. I. &

vxori cius, quos tunc bene licebit rctincre
quoufquc tarn dc praedi(!^' annnitatc fiue annuali redditu xx.s.quam pro
pricdift' x.s.nomine pcnx fie fonsfa^', vna cum arrcragi), mifis,& cx-
penfi j,ea occafione habit ,
plenanc fucrit fatisUl',& folut. In cuius rei
ceOimoDium ^c.

A Cjrant ofa Rent change with a nomine penz, cLcterminAble by paji'

mem ofmoney. And a couenant toleme afinefor theajfu-
rance thereof and thatfor want oj fajment

the grant er may enter

THis Indenture maoe f c Bctwecne (0 . a.on tfec onc partie,aiio ir*

la.on ttje ottjer partie, Wuneffeth, 2Eftat Vat faio CP.ja.fo? ano in
confiDeration of tt)c fum of i c.to t)im bp tijc faio i^.ia. toell ano truelp
contcnUt) ano paiD befo;c tt)e tnfcaltug ano Oeltucrtc t}ereof:of tobict)
faio fumme tbe faio CD^. 0. ootb acbnotolcoge btnifelfg fuUp ratiffieD
ano paieD,anot!)crcof Doll) af quite tlje faioj^. U.bptljefepjefcntg,

tiat^Sinen ano grauntco, ano bp tbie Snoenture Ootb f o; bim ano bis
Metres deerclp gtue ano grant bnto tbe (aio ^* iS* ano bi0 ^tvits-, tbe
^arelp rent o; (nmme t c. tdumg ano going fo?tb of all tbat capitall
niefnageo2t(n(mcnt,U)itbtbc3ppurtcnaiircs,tnlli.afo)era'.o,ui tbc
faiDountieor)3).conimonlp cal^eoano bnolunebptbenameof (0*
|all,anooutofaUtbof Innoes ano bcrcoitanicnts l^. afo;erato, m
^notDns,ccputiD,o; taken as part 0? pniccU of tbe faio tenement) o}
foO(mi(eoo;occupieo, too2U)itb tbe lame, ano iffuing ano going
fo^tbofalltbatmcfuage o; tenement ic. ^no fe?tb of all otbeibis
lanos, tenements, ano beicOitamentBtn !H. afo^efaio, tbe faiD m
Conntie of BD.To liauc,t]olo,petcetue ano entop tbe faio annuali rent
0^ fummc of ic.tnto tbe faio U.j^.bis beirest ano a(Iignee,to tbe onlp
ano p;oper bfe ano bebofe of tbe faiO K.i^. bts beires puo aaigns fo}
cuer^papable ptarlp at tbe noljo manDon boufe of ibe faiO i^ & at&*
luitbtn tbe counttc of SD.at tbc fe(<(t of f c. bp cacn ^o;uon0. E.be ^^ft
patmenttbercoitotcgtnattl;efcaaoffc.Vut)ut}(bAU b inlbepeare
Liber Grants fecundus
And t\}t faio (00 Botl) couenant ic tl)at if it fijall fojtuni^ t^cfaio
annnaUrentojfumme ic. o? any part ojparcdl thereof to be ariere
anD Ijnpaieo bp t^c fpace of rr oaiesi nert after anp of t^e f aio feafls
02 Daises tD!)ercat tl)efameoagl}t to be pa^eDtCbatt&cn and from
tljcncefoatb it (^all be laUj^Ul, foj, ano to tl)e faio jF. U^bis beirea

ano aHigttes into tbc faio mefu3ges,lan03, ano pKmitIes,ano ctserp

part ano parcell tl)ereofto enter ano oiltrame, ano tbe oiftrcles
tbenanotbere founo,toleao,o;iu2,cbafe,ano carrg atoay, ano t^
fame to oetaine ano ticepCjtntiU fuel) time ano iimeB,a0bc oUbe?
befuUpfatiffieo, contenteo, ano payeotbe faio annuall oj pearelg
rent of ic. toitb tbe arrerages tbereof,if an^ fucb be And tbc faio
?, ootb alf couenant ic.to ano U)itb f c s:bat if it Ojall bappen tbe
faio annuall rent c, oj an^ part oj parcell tbereof to be acrere ano
tinpapeo bp tbc fpace of xxv> oaics nept after an^ ef tl)e faio fcaftes
01 oa^cs iBbereat tbe fame annuall rent ougbt to be papeo : SCbat
tben ano from tl)enc2fo;tb tbe faio d^.a bis bcires an o affignes tball
forfeit ano Ifflfe to tbe faio iF,Ubis^ciresanoaffignes,tbcfomm8
ofr.poanO0oflalfaU(il;ngUlft nionev nomine poen^ fo;euerv fucb
Default, AndtbefaioC,^. ooiblilJEbifeeouenant anogranntfoj
bim , ano afltigne, to ano tuitb tbe faio i^.U. ^|i ti^ires
bii5 l)eire
anoaffignesbptbis^noenturct 2i:^atlfit(ball fortune tbe faioan^
nuallrent o} fumme $f. ojanp part o; parcell tbereof, o; tbe faio
fummegofft. tobefojfeitcD nomine poenae, if anp fucb fl}allbe,o}
an^ of tbem to be arrcrc ano tjnpaieo bp tbe fpace of fojtie oaies ncyt
after ang of tbe faiO feaCts , tobcreat tbe fame annuall rent
ougbt to
be paieo; D j if it all fortune tbat no f ufficient oittreffe o j oittredes

tanbcbaoo?taben,in,oj Upon tbe pjemifTeij, accojoingfotbetrue

intcntano meaning of tbefepjcfent 5noentuces:D2if itfljallbap^
pen anp refcou oj pounob?eacbtobeemaoe,oj anprepicuincare*
of anp oittreffe
Bleuins to be faeo o? obtaineO,of, o; fo;.o2 bp rcaf ons
ojDiftreffesto betaben bg bertuc of tbefe pjefents, as \&

SC^attbenanO fromtbcnccfojtbitfljaUanoma^be laU)fuU,fo;,anO

faio lefuagcs,
fot^e faio i^.U. bisbeiresano aCignes, into t^e
lanos, anopjeniiffcs, out of tobicb tbe faio annuall
rent is gumv
ano tbe fame, ano euetp parttticreof to bfe,bauf,anB
teo to enter,
iduf, ano
inioptobitf anotbeiroVcnebfe anot)fc0,anotte rents,
tbereof commmg ano ariQng, to receiuc,anotabe,i tbe
anp accompt
ta oetaine ano feeepe to bi^ ano ibeir otone t)f e,tDitbout
ttiaUing tbereof to tbe faio <5*^* bt0l)cire5oj airgnc0,
anooctupietl^ faiolano^ano pjenuawto^ijsano i^eir
31^ 4

Symb. Grants^ part.prlmx

tintiUfitc!) time as tic faiD annuall rent oj fummc of *c. nno ctic tic

pavt anD parccU tt)erof ,(inD tijc arrcca^cB of r'jc famCjtogctljcr litt)
tljefaiDfuminc ojfummesto be fojfeiteOmminepoen?c(ifaKyfuc^
be) bctntot^faioKat.l)(0^circ0auD aQigne5,fullpfiomtimcto
titnepatcD bv tt)e faiD C5.3. bis heircs, o; afftgncs, oj (D>ne of (Ijcjii:
j^f VDt)ic!) faio fammc of f c. the fait) <3?. 0.. !i:\t!i put tdc fain f, \^,\n
full polTcffion anofeifin,bpths payment i Dtliuecie of tmcluc pence
of lalnfull Cnglifn nioncj.^", being paccell of tljc faio rent, bnto tlje
fato fm, at tl)e tnfcalinj ano oeUueuie bereof. And tlje faiD CI5.0
Dotb furtljec couenant fo; bt^ibis t|circ0fc. tonno luitb tljc fain
i?.U.f}i0 fjcireg c. tljnt t)c tl)c faio <I5.a.fljall luell ano truclp pap, o;
caufc to be paieo t3nto tl)s favo f.\X> bio beiges atto aftisnes rcarclp,
ll)e faio annualt rent of fo?tie pounos , ano eacrp patt r.no parccU

thereof, in, 03 tjponenerrof tbefaiofeaftoaics befo?ementioncD,

ojtoitbin tb^cntic Daicsnert after cucrp of tljcfaio fcaflDnm, at,
ojintbcfaionoluDtMcllingo^manQon boufcof t^e faioi^.U. at&
afojcfaio, loitljm Vie lain Conntieof ^. Ancitl)cfai()<D.a. ootf)
furtl)er couenant, fo? bin?, bi^beires ano adignes, to,anD toitb t\)t
faio JF. W.^ts beires, crccutojis, ano alligncs, Op tbefc p3cfcnt3,tbat
Ije tf}e oap of tl)e Date hereof latufuUp feifeD of a g(sD
faiD C5.^ ia tl^t
anD perfect cflate of inbcritance in fee fimple, of, ano in tlje faiD me*
tn3gcj5 , lanos , anD pjemiffes , anD cucrp part ano parcell tbereof,
2inDtl)attl)e faio mefuase0,lanDfl,anDp?cmi(Te5,otof lobir^t^e
faiD rent of fojtp pounog 10 grantcD, anD enerj> part o;i ^^rcel tljcrof,
at tbe oap of tbc Date bcreof , o) at, oz before tbe faiD fcatt of f c. lubicb
fi)all be in t^epearcof ouri.o;oCI5oMc. Q^altbe, anDfromtl)encer

fojtf) fo rtuiamc atio continue free, croncratco, ano cUerclp Difcbar

geDjOj otb^rluifc faucQ Iji^rmcli^lTc bp tbe faio C?. 3. oj^isbeires,

Erecuto;B, oj a(tigne!5,of,anD from nil fojmcr bargainee, leafetf,
titles, fbargc3,anD i'lcambjaaces ix>batfoeuer : One annuitie oj
% rent cbargc of tc.bp pcare,yearelp going fiojtb of certain of tbt faiD
lanos anfi p:cnn(Ie3 calleD O.to U.tj>. ano b'S beircs, 9nD one oitet
jannniticoj rent cbargeoffc, bp veare,vearelp going foojtb of t'oft
faiD [an^s ano pjcmiffes, to tbe faio U.S>. bis e recutojs oi adignes
from tbe tbiro oap of iDttober nert infamg tbe Date bereof, foj, ano
t)urmgtbetermeanofpacc of fc tben nert anoi'iimeDiatlpfoUotD
ing, fulip to be rornpleat f enoeo : ino ilea'es foj v^earcs beretofoje
inaDe,Motercecoinj tbc number of ten ^earefl fron r^eoatebereof,
iu'jc. etipi;! ffjc act aStom?') pearelp rente 01 m^jc are'referueo : flaD
t^e title of jDjloer of C* aoto luifc of t^e faid <5* ano ti^e rents ano
Grants. fccundus

tent is '
ionecout of totict) fi^ faio S"f 'J^;"''!
tDatgcs, S^^^
Daluc of x\. pounos ,ou anD
aiiowc all
"^ '|,
S^ t^totfocSaaofa8ncttifi^
?.! Ll ti .barctVs of 4 a 8e in Due fosme of lato
faio .a.lcflie
of all ano angU'
n A C^nOKC ano to tt) Dcives of one of tbem,
part par-
fhSmdaagetlanokau PJemilTeB, ana of euecg

c fame fine Btant oj

}^.^ZTJ^"m(Xtl """"'""^ '

toVtfoeo" is meant i "*" ^"^jf^If" ""l

iptontlooe r.no a at* oj t^em
ano cje^rs, tft W^
1 faio fii e,anD

allanoeuet? o"Jn^"l^**J '"T^Zcnetbe faio patlie,oj

tet to V',,"" ton "ri^ hv^ appint'
btttoecne tt.e faio .34 ?1 nt^^r
'^ fJX" ' *' J .aiams of tl,c (aio
nonnnation of tl-e fata ;.^^;^'*^"
,t oj
f^/jo t^Wes.beboofs.
lanes ano pjemiBcs.o j of "^f 5;!'/f " ,L ate m^^^^
p,cnt oneo ano

i)eteaftenn tt,B *n.e

i,,tents,ano putpofes ,

,rpjelteo,ano to ano f o, none ^f'^'^^'^,;'

//f"[l pg.ties to tljis
aato,l)? "" V,l
foctlrct toncluscoano j!^""'^'' \J^ tie3 Dotft
3noentute,foj tDem i tDcx 4^6
'f ^;f,""S .iV tl e,t ano

ttjatisto ''*
intents ano patpoles foUo-anns
Symb. Grants. part.primae

annuall rent oj fumme of rl.pounDS,o j anv part o) parcell t^ereof,oi

fumiw o; (ummcs of r.^^ootiDft to be fozfeiteo no mnc pocn(j,
tbe faiD
Oianvof tt)pm, atanp timeoj tiin8 Ijcreafter flj ill fortune to brie

avrcreanDbnpaicDbt> tljefjjaceof fojtie Dates, nert after an^ oftbe

fail) feafts, lo'qcreat il)e faio annuall rcntougbttobe paicDJtttb^e

plate bcf oie mentioneD : D j if no fuff icient DiarcUe can be founo,aff

afo?EfatD,ojanp rcfcous,pounDb;eacb-,oj repiCuinOiaUljappen to be
Ijao 0? mnDe,a8 is afojcfaio : SIbat tl)en anD from tl)enfcfo;tb,anD at
all ano cucr^ time ano times, ant from time to time it tball ano map
be lalufull to tbe faiD f .U. \)is beires ano aOigns into tbe faio mefn-
age5,lanDs,anD pjemilTcs, out of lubitb tbe faio rent ig granteo,anD
cucrp pact ano paicjll tbcrcof to enter, ano tbe fame ano enerp part
tbereof tobaue pwh iniop, anD tbe rents, ifTues, ano profits tbereof
comming ano arifing , to recciue anD tafee, ano tbe fame to Detaine
anobccpe to bis o; tbeirotoncbfe , toitbout anp accompt making
tbereof to tbe faiD (II5.B.bis beires o; aaigncs, ano to bfcano occupie
tbe fa;D Liiuis ano p5emi(Ics,to bis oj tbcir olonc bfe ano bcncfitc,t)n*
till fucb time anD times as tbe faio annuall rent of rl> pouuDs,anD

tbe arrerages tbereof ,togetber tuitb tbe faiD famme 03 fummes to be

fojfeiteD noniiuc pocn.T \f anp fucb be bnto tbe faio i^.U. bts bf irc8
0? affigncSjUial be fuUp from time to time paieD bp tbe faio (I3.ia.bi0
t)etrcs 0; aHigncs , 0; fome of tbem , acco^omg to t\)c true meaning
Dftbcfev3efcnts,!anDtbat after payment of tbe faio annuall rent of
icl.l'i.ano of tbe faio fumme oj fummes to be fojfeiteo nomine poenx,

fucb (ball be, ano of eucrp part ano parcellDf tbe faio rent anD
if anp
pendtie, tuben ano as often as ttep, 0; anp of tbem (ball fortune to
bcbebino,infQ2meafo2cfaiD, bao ano maoe bnto tbe fato i^..U.bi0
beires ano aCTtgnes, luiib tbarrerag^es tljeceof ( if anp focb be ) 2Dbe
faio fine,ano all f euerp otber alTurance to be bao 03 maoe of tl)e faiti
lanDs ano p;emiUes,o; of anp part tbereof , bp tbe appointment anO
tioniinationoftbe faio ^'U. (b^^U be Dcemeoano taUentobetotbe
t)fe anD beboife of tbe faio 0.!3.bia bcircs ano affigiics fo; euer,U)it^

tbts conoition, limitation, purpofe, H^at it (ball ano map alluaies

belaujtuiuotbe faio jF.u.ljis beires ana aff'.gneSjto enter into tbe
faiolan'^sanripjemifles, our of lubicbtbe faio rent is graunteo fo;
Default ofp8p;iiei\t It The faio annuall rent bptb^fpace of rl. Dates,
at alt aao euerp fucb time anO times as tbe lame (bail be arrcre,anD
to tabe ano reteiue tbe lilars ano p2ofiis,ore, f occupation of tbe faio
I RDs and pjcmiiles, b^uii be 0; tb^p be paieo toe fame annuall rent
%i\i:) [t};'rrera)^cs toereof^i I'gi f aIo fumme 0; (uuimcd to be fojfetteD
Liber Grants fccundus
nomine penae,if ap bM^fi tmvxt part thereof from time to time,ac^
to;Ding to tl)e meaning of tt)i0 31ni>tnture. And t\)t faiod?. a. oot^
furtf)ermo;ecouenantfc*tt)at^ett)efatti(0.0ano ^10 lidrcs, Ojall
ano iDill from time to ttme,at all times t)ercafter,U)t)en ano as often
80 be 02 tl)ep,oj anp of t^em Oiall be ttiereunto reafonablp requireDbp
tbe faiD iFHbis beircs 0; atljgns, tuitbin f be time fpace of y^esxs
mxt enfuing tbe Date bereof,t)oe,erecufe, acfenotuieDgcanD mafee, oj
f aufe ano fuflfer to be D0ne,c)recuteD,gchnoUileDgcD,anD maocall anD
euerie fucb fartber act ano att0,tbing ano tbings of airurance,ueuife0
f allurancM tobatfoeaer, as (ball be rcafonabl v oenifco o? anuifeD bp
tbe faio K.iFbt5 beires o? affignes, oj bp bis oj tbeir counleU fc? tbc
furtber anD better affarance, foertie, i (ure maUing of tbe faiD annu
all rent of (c*t)nto tbe faiD i^.H. bis beire0 03 aCfignes, accojDing to
tbe effect anD true meaning of tbefe p;ercnts,at tbe coffs anD cbarges
in tbe lato of tbe faiD ^.HB.fo tbat tbe faiD (0. be not compeUeo to tra^
uell aboue ttoentte miles from tbe plnce Uibere be noto DtoeUetb , foj
tbc making 02 Doing of anp fucb furtber affuraccs.Proujded alUiaies,
anD it i0 concluDeo ano alueeD b^ aiHD bctUieene tbe faiD parties to
tbiiEs3SnDenture:,fo;tbem,tbeirbeires,anD adignes: Cbat if tbe fait)
<D.04)i0ic.o?ameoftbem,Doe Iscll ano truelp content ano pap^^o;
raufe f cbnto tbe faiD i^U.bts c .tbe fumme of i c.in 0; Dpo tbe featt
Dap of f c.tobicb fijall bee Anno Domini f f at 02 in tbe nolu manOon
^oufe of tbe faiD ir.U.at &.afo2efaiD,betlDoen tbe boures of <f c. STbat
tben anD from tbencefo;tb tbis pjefent graunt, anD all 1 euerie claufe
anD article berein containeD, anD all bonD0 fo; furtber adurance anD
eniomng of tbe faiD annuall rent, to be btterlp ijoiDe 1 of none effect t
tbe faiD fine 0? otbcr conaevancetobemaDe of tbepjemilfeSjbptbe
appointment of tbe faiDj^.li^nottoitbftanDing. Prouided alffl,tbat
if tbe faiD (E^*^Aj\s t c*t)ce maUe Default m paiment of tbs faio fumme
oficbpontbefaiDfeaftofDavfc U^bifblball bee in tlje faiD peare of
our 31o;d 0od ic.at tbe place af o;e(aiD, luberebp tbe faio annual rent
offcbptbe true meanmg oftbis iinoenture) is to continue to tbe
beuks: |ctneuertbclestbcfniDi^lS.isc9ntcu eD,
faiD i^i^anD bis
anD acco2 inglp Dctb coten.nt ano concluDe fo; bim ?c. STb^t if tbe
(aioC5ja.atarp time Durmg bis naturall life, ano During tlje life of
tbe faiD i^.U.togetter-,(bdU bee nrnDeDtbatcbef^.iD pcarelprcnt oj
fumme of ic. (ball anb ba^e no furtber bmng ojcontmuance,
anDtbereupontbefaiDC :a.tuvingtbelireofbim,aoof tbetaio f*
ja.ooe bp btslDjiting bneev bis b"D ano fep^, feeleo m tbe pie^cnc
of tb^ee 02 mot fubaantiull ano creoibU Daitnelfce? b^ion itbec ot tbe
Symb. Graunts. partprimx
rniD (c?ff; tms giuc notice 02 toarning bnto tl)e ffliD f,\^* at Ijitf ROto
mnntiori l)ouf at e>.a{o3cUit> : SlhrU l)c tljc fatD Cms mmciO ttjat t^ie
fnio pen Ip icnt a? fuiiinic of jfi-t.llial ceafe anD l)auc no furttjer being

fcnto i^i laio ^-.U.e; c)i Affigncfl, the fum of 40c. f. 01 l?.U)fuU (a;S' I

lill)moaeu,t,oi tbe faiD noU DUJtllins Ijoufcof tliefaiOiF.tt. ac 1

^'.tjpon ilie fgaft Cnp c? Dap of paiu^f t, rcrt after fucb toarning 0; no
tice giucn,U)itt) itc Ijall pear rent t^at Ojalbe out Upon tbe Ounc fcatt

Dap : :ijat then ano from tbencefo^tl) after fuel) papme^U of tt)e fa
fummcof Jc.l)aD anD maDe in nianciano fojme abouefai&,anD t}poti
tl;e paimciu of tlje faid balfe pcarcs rent, \si\)Ub, ftjall be
uoc at tl)C cno
of tbe faio ijalfc peare,t^e faio peaclp tent of pl.E.to ceafe ano be Detect
mmeu nrj t'uc faio claufe Diftreffcant)
: of all anD cucrp otber article,

. ti)ing>cotunant ano grant Ijcrcm mcntiontD fojgiuing anp benefit to

t^efnioi^.U. 1)13 bcirco?affignc0: anDtljefaiD bonD0 fo; futtljec

flffurancco;conuepance of rt)e faic annaall rent offc.to be bttetlg

j)oto aAD ef none cflfcit : anp tbing tn tl)efe p jefentfl befojc imntioneo
to i^ccontrarp tc. And laftlp,tWfl agrccl^tUiccn tbc faio parties fo)
tben)anDtl)eirljeirc0,*citljtroftbe fameparticfiDotbfeuerallpconi
cluDc anD coucnant, to anD Uiitb tbe olljct parties t^eir l)cire0, tbat
tt}e faiD i\\\t W.D;t uicntionco, anD all ano cucrp 6tl)er fine ano fitie5y

sctanD2;(t0,tl)in;anott)tngs, conucianccanD auurance bereaftecto

be l)aD,HiaDe,o; luiTcrcO,bp, 0; againft tljc faiD C.il.of tlje faio lanOtf
anD p?cnuffcfi,o; of ar.p part tbecof,a)aU be to tbe bfc, intent anD true
meaning of tijcfe p;cfent6,cnD bpon condition auD canDttione \)tmn
mentioncD,! to none otbcr bfe, intent 0; purpolc. In wuncllc U)l)ere^
of, tljc parties auoiic named to tbefcpjcfent inDinturceintcicbiinge
ablp iyauc put l)(ic t)auD0 and fealcs tl)c dap and i^cre aboueiujitteni

y^ Cjrauat ofa rent eh^.rgi,

J ^Uoftcon tl;cotl)erpartic,vyirneflcth, tbatiybcceBfi.H.offc*

bp bi0 bed iiiDentcdjOAieD tbc vr^Dap of i^.in tl;e peaie of tbe rai^n of
9cmaDc bettueen (l}e (aid BC*li.on t^e one partp,ond jF.iil deceafed,of
i&.on t^c Oliver partie,fo;, and in conftderauon ic. batlj giiien 1 gaan<
teo bntp tbe faio ir.i^. and bis beires, one pearelp rent of 3c lOfuiiig
and going fo;tboftbeniano}&cfil.}l^.U)it^tt)appuirsnancc0tnt^e
<ount|^ofp<|fe;t^of(iU|c Toiiau<;|(t^e fatdannuallrentof c*
Liber Grants. fecundus
tnto t^c faio j^MMs Ijeires anD affigitefi fo; cuer^jpapableperelpat
o; in tt)e M.in tlje faio Countie of 2Dan,o?
Ijoufe of f ^c faio i!=5^ in
Upont^efeaftDapof c.anDino^tjpontlje fjaaDapofic bpequall
pojciona, ci toitljin tennc Dates ncrt after either of t^efato feaft
DaiG5,2Ll)e payment thereof to begin at ttie featt of ic. t^en nejct

infningttje Datcof tljc CaiODecD. Andwhercas tl)eraiD 3IL.^at^

bv\)is faio occa coaenanteu anD graunteD foj bim, l}is iieires,emu
to;e,anDaDminittrato20, to anDiuitb tfjcfaiD i^.Ha;ifit)cire5|f.
Cijat if it Cijall fojtune t^c faiD aunuall rent of f r. o; anp part o;par*
celltljereof to be arrereano DnpaieDbp tljefpaceof ttucntieDa^^e^,
ncrt after anp of faiDfeatJs bcfoje menticneo : s:t)at ttienanD

from ftentefojtt) OjoalD anD migijt be lalufull, to, ano foj t^e faiD

i?.U. \)\s b^irsicrccuto?, anD afTigneg, into t^c faio niano^s,lanDu,

anD pjemiffe0 luit^ tbe appurtenances,o? anp part o; parcell tljereof,
to enter anD Dittrainej^nD tbe Diareflfe tben anD tljere founD,to leaD,
D;iae,cbafe,ano carrp aUjap,anD tbe tame to Detaine anD becpcDntil
fucb time ano times as [)t o; ibep OjoulD be fyllp fatif6eD,contcnteD,
anD papeD tbe (aiD annuall rent, Ixjitbtfjc arrerages thereof, if anp
fucb fifeoulobe Andtobercas tbe faio 31,ii.bp bis faiD DeeDbatb
UbetDtfe couenanteD anD graunteD fo^ bim, bis beires, erecutojs,
ana aDminillratoas , to , anotoitb tbe faio iF. K bis beires, crecu^
to2s,aDmintftratojs, anD affignes, tbat if it bappen tbe faiD annuall
rent of one bunDKD pounos , o; anp part 02 parcell tbereof to be ar^
rearcanDbnpaieDb? tbe fpace of tbirtie Dapes, ncrt after tbe feaft
Daics in tbe faio DceD mentioneD : 2Ubat tbenano from tbencefojtb
tbe faiD 3,1i*W beires anD aaignes IboulD forfeit ano Itofe l^nto tbe
faiD ^* U bis beires ano aHignes tbe lumme of ttuentie pounos of
latDfoll(ngli(b monep nomine pens, foj eucr^ fucb Default And
tobereas tbe faiD 3i,lL bp bis faiD Dceo batb alfo couenanteD fo; bim,
bis \)eins ic. to anD toitb fM* bis beires ano aHignes , S:bat if it
^oulD fortune tbe faiD annuall rent of one C.f io? anp part 0^ parcel
tbereof, oj tbe faiD fnmme oj funimes of ic. fojfeiteD nomine poen^e,
tfan|) fucb n^oulo be^o^anpof tbem to be arrereanD bnpaieo, at
tbepltce afojcfaiD, bp tbe fpace of 5f nert after anp of tbe faiD fcaS
Dapes in tbe faiD DeeD menttoneDt^battbenano fromtbencefo;tb
it (IjoulD anD migbt be latofull,to ano fo; tbe faio if.U^bis bcirs ano
atrignes.lBitbout anp DemaunD making of tbe faio rent, into tbe faio
niano;s,lanDs, ano p^emiilcs tuitb tbappurtcnances,anD into al anD
euerp part tbereof to enter , ano tbe fame ano euerp part tbereof, to
tfe^baae^ ano iniog to binb W
beires ano adignes? to bts anD tbeir
Symb. Grants. partprimx
otone tfe,tntillfuc^tirtieiifitl)c faiD annuallrenfojfummeof r.r.
ano cuer? part ano parcell t^cwf,3iiD all fuc^ arceragt of tl;c fame
annuall rent as (l^all groto Due Unto tt)e (aio i^.U. tjis t)circs ano af
fisnep,Dnring fuel) time a5 l)e oi t^cp Ojall ^aue t^c faio manors anO
p;cmi(re0,o2anppart t{)creof,in^isojtl)eirpoCfeffion,iFo>\i)antof
pai'mcnt of t'oc faio rent , together toitl) tlie f ummc o; fummes to be
ano affigncfi fnllp from time to time paied hv t^e faio 3'lt. bis beires
fl; atTisncs,o? fonie of tbem,of Uibicb faio rent
of r^-U tbe faio J.i,,

DiD put tbe faiD jP.U. in full poffcflion ano feifin bp t\}c payment ano
UeUacrieofrij.iJ. of latofullCngliQj manep,being parcellof tbe faio
rcntjtjnto tbe faio jF.ii.at tbe infealing ano Dcliucrp of tbe fato DaO.
And whereas tbe faio 3^.11. bpbis faio oeeD btb furtber coaenanteo

foj biitb bis beircfi, erecuto js, t aominiamtojs, tuitb tbe faio fM*
bis bcires anD nflignes , Sbat be tbe faio 5.IL. tbe Dap of tbe oatc of
tie faio dccd, ujaa lalufullp fcifco of a goo ano perfect ettate of inbe*
ritancc of fa ample, oj fee taile, toitbout reuerfion o; rcmainoer hz*
ing in tbe :^ueen0 s^aiclIie,of, f m
tbe faio mano20,laiiO0,ano pje^
miffegjout of Uibicb tbe faio rent 10 grauntco, ano of eucrp part ano
parcell tbereof,Difcbargeo of all incumb;ance0 iJDbatfoeaer.one leafc
fc.crccptcD ano fo;cp2ifeo. And whereas tbe faioic. tbattbefapo
mano;t0,lanO0, ano p^emifTes, out of iDbicb ti^t faio annuall rent of
one X, is graunteo, tuere ano (Ijoulo continue fabieet ano Ipable ta
tbe oittreffe ano en trie of tbe faio fMA)i6 beires ano airigne0, from
time to time of tbe clccrcano accuttomcopearelpbalueof m*tu
ouei anoaboue alUbargc0.oeouttion0,ano rep;ife0 And whereas
(ftbat betl)cfaio j,iL. at bis pjoperco(te0 ano cbarge*, before tbe
fcaSof pentccoH ncrtinfuing tbe oateof bi0 faiooeeo Cbouloano
luoololemeafine inouefo^meof ^aU) Onto Ql2:i.)l ano ^D* of all
ano OingRlar tbe mano;0,lano0, ano p;emiile0,in tbe faio oeeo men#
tioneo,ano of cuerp part ano parcell tbcrof,ano of all otber tbe anos I

ano bereoitaments of tbe faio 31L U)itbin tbe Kealmc of Cnglano,

bp tbe name ano names of tbe manozs of p. ano 1^. toitb tbappurtc^
nanccs,ano of nx* mcfuage0,ic. U)itb tbappurtenance0in |l^*il.]^*
^.XB^C.C. alias ^.\^.ei5. in 15. ^. alias &,^* anO &. ahas &. bg
iDbicb faiD fine tbe faio g!.&.(boulo recognise ic. tobicb faio fine o)
anp ctbcr fine to be lenieo bp tbe faio 3E* of tbe faio mano;0, lanO0, f
P3emi(fe0,bp tbe name ano name0 af o^efaio, 0; bp anp otber name o)
name0\batfocQer,a)oulobeto tbe intent tbatttie fame M*lt*|c*
^no ttis (urmuo; of t^cm, d^oulo Itano ano be iuo^eo perfect tenanti
Liber Grants. /ecundus^
fi; tenant of tfiefr^e^Dof t^gfaiD manno}i0:,lanoe0ano p;emtirc0>

tnttU facl^ time a0 a ^txUa reconerte mig^t be ^ao ano laU)f ult^ cite*
tuteo of t^e fato p^emiaes againft titie faio m*fi* ano 31. ^*o; tt)e fuc^
8tno? of either of t^em bp 2C.if .of l^anD 2Sa*S>. o; bp etiljcr of ttiem,
and aftei; to tbe t)re,intent0, ant) purpofe in tl)e fato oeeo mentioneo
ano erpjelTcD. Andtutjercac c. tljat t^e faio s:. J?* ana Ml^,
H^onlobcfojctbefeaftaof p. ttjcn nejct enfuing tljeoate of tljg faio
Der),comnicnce ano pjofecute at t\)t cofts f cl)argefi of tlje faio Bj.onc
jDjitofEntrefurdidcifinin le poft, againftt^CiaiO aSHl. i.ailO J.SC)
o; againS tt)e fnrutuo;t of tljem, U)l)erebp tpt^ fi^oulD Deaiauno a^
gaintttbem,o;again(lt^eoncof ttiem ti}e faio inanno^s, UnosanD
p;emi(re0,anD enerie part ano parcell tberof^bp tljt name ano names
befo;ementioneD,o;bpanpott)r name oi names U}i)aCioeuer,t}nto
iDbicblDJittbefaiti m*^* ano 3.E>* ojtbe furutuo; of t\}cm , a}oulo
appears in p;oper perfon,02 bp bi^ oi tbcir atturncp o; atturnies laUi^
fnl(^anOfufficientlpautbo?i^eo,anDil)oulD boucbto luairautiebim
t|)efaiD|ll* 0nD tbat bee tbe (<hd Bl*^. f^oulo appears bpon tbe
fametjoucberin bis proper perfon, 02 bpbis atuirnepo^ atturnq^es
latDfuUp autb02t>eo,i Ojoulo toucb to luatrantie tbe comon tioucbee:
0nD tbe fame common ticutbec (boulo appcare in bi^soljonepeifon
tpon tbe fame boucber, ano Hboulo imparlc, anoaftertuarDstboulD
iiia6eoefault,tDbcrebv) a perfect tuogement migbt be baoanogtuen
U; t^e faio SC^iF.ano im*^* againft tbe faio m*^. ano 3.E> to; re#
concrie of tbe manors ano paemides, ano likCiUife fo; t\}t fiiio Ml.il.
ano3.S>to recouer in balue agamfi tbe faisj.lL.aftcr tbe manner
anocourfeof tbe common reconeriem fncb cafe b(eo,U}bicb faio Uf>
loucric fo to be fuffercb ano perferteo b^ anp name o; names lul^atfo^
euer U)as meant ano intenoeo, ano tbe fato parties to tbefaiooeeo
accojoinglp conclaoeo and agreeo, fo; tbem ano tbetr beires, tbat tbe
fame recoaerie,boaiber,in9gements,ano recouerp in baluc,i all ano
euerie otber matter i tbing tbercupon ocpenoing o; foUoiuing (boulo
&etotbeintent,bre,anopnrpofesintbefato oeeo mcncioneoanoep
pjeffeO And after tbe tfcs, intents, ano pnrpofes mentioneo ano ejc*
p;eaeO in tbe faio oeeo obferueo, ano fullp from time to timeperfoa^
meo,acco;otng to tbe true meaning tbereof, (boulo beeoeemeo ano
tafeen to tbe bfes,intents,ano pnrpofes mentioneo i erp;cifco in one
otber Btnoenture bearing Date of tbe firtt veciteo Oeeo,ano fealeo ano
Deltuereo after tbe famc,maoe betliieen tbe faio BIiL one tbe one par;*
tie,ano!^.115.ofia4ntbefaiocountpofE>.c2?cntleman, ano m^Wl*
ol?iif*mt^ecountieof^*gcntonttieotiiet:party. ^no ^^^reas U^
Symb. Graunts. part.primac

tt)e ficCt cecitcD o^tgiunll tccD it ioas furtf)cr coticlotieD t agrsD b]^ f

partiee to tbc TaiD ticcD,fo; tt)cni and tbeir t)etr0,ani

brtUjcen tl)e Tait)

citt)er of tl3c faiD parties fcucrallp coucnantcD i concluocD,to f toitl)

tl)Ot[)r ii)m tcircs aaigiicD, tljat tljcp tbe faiD recoucrerg ano ttjcir

l)cirg,anD tl)E faiD recoucrccs f t^cir Ijeirs, ( all t cuccp otl)crperfon f

pcrfon0, f l)is t Kjrir tictrcs ttjat tlien iDcrc, oj li)itl)in one peare tl)cu
ncrt fcUouJincllioulD ftnr.D ano be feifeo of tijc pjcniifTcs o? anp pact
tt)erof,Cl)otJlD froai immcDintlp after p faiD ftcoucrp erccutco i per/

fcctcDjflUD from after tt)e faiD fine lcuitD,f!nnD t be f eifeD of all f fin
gnlcr t'oe fails mano;s t pjciiufTeSjCrfcpt m tl}c faiD firtt original DaO
crceptcDjf tbat fame rccouci ic toucbing i^ faiD p;emifre0,erccpt in

tbc {aio firft renteD ojiguial DocD crccptcD,fljoulD from tbciuefojtb be

DeenieD i taUcii to tUfe intents i purpofes fo'lotuing tbat is to iptt, :

tbat if tt}c faiD annuall rent of one C r.o; anp part o; parcf I tberof,o}
tbc faio fummc o; fummes of ic.to be fojfcitcD nomine per(j,oj anp of
tbt?ni,n)oulD at any tunc i tiniee from tbcnccfo;tb be arrcrc f bnpaio
bp p fpace of rUDaies, ncrt after anp of tbc fuiD featt Dapea in toe fato
fcift cecitcD ojiginr.l DiiD mr tioncD,luberut v fsme annual rent ougbt

to be paiD nt ttjc place in tt)c faiD firlt original dccd mcntionco: ^ tben
from tbencefo;tbif at ail i eucrp time ano times iubr fncb ocfaaltof

yaimcnt HjouId be, it fl)oulD i migl}t be laUifull to i foj tbe faiD i^.K.
bis Uues fc.into tbe faiD manno;s icercept in tbe faiD fit (t o;iginall
DseD crcepteD,to enter, t tbc fame baue f entop
9 cuerie part tberof to
to bini,bis bcircs ic to [y.s t tbcir olun bfe bnttll fucb time f times ai
tbe >aiD annual rent of one d.t. 1 tbarreragcs tberof, togetber Isitb ^
(aiD (um 0: fums,to be f o;fettcD nomine penar,n)OulD be bnto p faiD if
li.bis ic.fuUv from timt to time paiD bp t()c faiD J.j^.bis beires |co)
fomc uf tbf U)i(l5 tbaiicrages of V laiD rent p fball grolD Due f paiable

During tbe time tbat tbc faio i^ .li.bis beires i cOjeulD bolD ano enio^
tbc laio lanos 1 p?cmifre8,o; anp part tbeiof m
bis oj tbcir pofTcCTion
And after tbc pnpmt of tbe annual rent of ic.anD tbe faiD fum 0; fums
to be f :2f*nom)h pcnc.if anp fucb IboulD be,f cuerp part of p faiD rent
pcnaltp, lubcn t as often as tbcp 0; anp of tbcm fbonlD fo;tunc to be
bcbuiD,in fucb fc;aie as tn tbc firft rcciteD oiiginall DecD is faio,baD f
niaoe t]nto p idiD f*^, bis bcirs 0; aaigncs,lDitb tbe arrerages tber^
of,if anp fucb UjoulD bc-,tbc faiD
reroueuc f fiitte ^loulD be,ano tbc faiD
recouerets ano recoucrces,f tbeir bcii cs,anD all anD cuerp otber per<
fon f pcrton0,f bis t tbeir beires, tbat tben mere 1 tbencefo;tb il^oalD
SanD f be fciicD of p faiD tobole mano;s,lanDS f p;;emt(res mcntionco
in tbe faiDfird rcciteD ojiginallDeeoiboulD SanDi be fcifcD tbereof,
-ibcr Grants. fecundus
inD of cuerie parC nnh parcel tf)erof,to Caclb fcfe,<nfctif0,attD purpofw
10 arc mentioneo anD erpjeffeo in ti)e faio odecitientioneii to be maae
aettoeenc t^e faio ^s. j^.on t)is partic, tuitt) conDitian, liraitation, ano
porpofctbat it l^oalD ano mig^t belatofuU to t{;e faiD i?. \X* l)iB ^eirs
5ttO a0igr5,to enter into tlje fato mano?,lanosi, ano p;cmtffe5 out of

t|e to^ict) the faio rent \8 granteO,anD euecie part tljercof fo; ocfauU
of paiment of tbe (ato antiuall rent of one C.L o; an^ part t|iereof,bp
ttie fpace of fo;tte Dates tiert after euerie of tt;e faiD fea00, iu^crein
tie ramea)cdobeareate,anDtotiaueanD to eniopt^e fame tobtmy
^iB t)ctrc0 ano aaigne0,to |)i0 ano tt^etr olutie t)ie,bntiU be 02 tbep be
patu tbe fflto annuil rent untt) tbe arrecages t^erof ,if anp fucb (^ould
lejunDtberatDrumnieo} fumnfesofff.tabe forfeited nomine penae
ano etierie part U;ereof from time to time* And tubereas ir. tbat
be t\)t (jto ii.li.i)i betrs, r re(uto;0, ano aDmini&rato;0 ano allign0>
^oulDtDellanbtrurl|)par,(atiffie,anballolii> o; caufeir.bnto tl^e
faiD ir.i&.bi0 beires ano alligne0 perrlp tbe faio annual rent of i oc,r
ano eneric part ano parcell thereof, m
0; bpon euerie of tbe faiD fealt
Daie0 in tbe faio flr0 rcciteD leafe 0; oeeo menttoneo, o; tottbin tenne
Dapeenertaftei' euecie of tbe faiD feaSoapes, at 0; in tbe faio tben
manfionboufeoftbefaiDi^.U.at^. ^.afo;efaiD,anD tbat astuell
Curing tbe tmie tbat tbe faiDBe.bi^beires 03 afftgucB} farniojgo? ttt
nantB (ball baue,Qccu[:tc,anD eniop tbe faiD manno;0, lanD0, ano pje^
miHtSy 30 dlfo During tbe time tbat tbe faiD p, U. bis beires 0; af>
figne0,(l}oi4D ^b^ougb anp Default of payment of tbe faiD rent of one
Cf 0; anp part tbereof, enter into, baue, occupie, anD eniop tt)e faiD
ni8no;0,UnD0,tenement0, ano bereDitaments, 0; anp part 0; parcell
t^erof)tbat tbe fame entr^,occupation i entering of tbe faiD n)ano?0,
lanD0 oj p;cmiCfe0sO3 anp part tbereof by tbe fai!) S^ bis beircs oj af? <

fignes,^onlD not bp anp fufpition make anp ceaftng 03 Defalcation of

tbe faiD rent 0} of anie part tbereof. 0nD tbat tbe faiD ^. %. fboulD
wake furtber aflurance generally, luitb a p;ouifo,tbatiftbefaiDS!
t)i0 otune life, ano During tbe life of tbe faiD ir
IL.at anie time During
U^togetber, OjoulD bee minoeD tbe faio pearely rent of one buno^eD
pounD QjoulD ceafe,anD bane no furtt)C!: be:ng qi conttniiance, 1 tber<
pontbefaiDBiii.Duringt^eltfeoft)im, I oftbefaioj^.i^^togetber
fijoulD b)? bis iDjiting bnber bis banD anD fcale, fealeD in the p;efence
oftb?eeo2moefub(tentiallanDcreDibletuitne(fes bpon eitberoftb*
(aiDfcal! DapeB,gtue notice 0; learning bnto tbe fatoi^. l^. I)i0t)cire0
O2affignc0,attbetbenDtoellingboufeoftbefaiDi^.K at^,ai2l* ao
fo}eCaiD;t^at|)et^e(moM)A0 miuoeDt^at tt)e faio annuallrent

p 8(
Symb. Grants. parfprimx
cff.fi)OulDfMfcarc!)aucro further being oj fontinnancc, t tottfH
all at ti)e time of be faiD notice fo to be giucn (IjoulD toell anD truelf

pap 02 canfe to be pnico bnto tl]c f aio i^.U. oj to \)\s ejcecntojB o; of*
fignc,il}cfummeof fc.attlicttcn tUicUing Ijoufc of tl)e foioi'.W,
at 5a).^l.afo2efaiD,anD plfo fliuulD \rf II anD truclp pap, 03 caufe to be
paid bnto tt)C faiD i^.U.ljiBcrctiitojsoj alTigncs,t^cfum effcat oj
in tbe tt^cn etucllingljoufc of tlje fcMD j'.U.at &. r:2[l. afojcfaiOjtpoH
tbe fecll Dap appomtco foi tl)c pain.ct of ttie faiD t,e,\k prars rent nert
gnfumg after fuel) luarningt notice Biucn,U)itl)tt)c faiDbalfepcaref
rent ll)tcl) HjoulD be cue bpcn Dap,tl}at tU n anD fro tljence
t!)e fc^tt

fojt^ after luc^ pamicnt of ttjc faio fummc of f canD t)pon paiment ef
ttje faio Tumme tc.tjao i maDe in manec anD fo;me afo;efaiD,anD ttbe
toifc bpon paiment of tt)e faiD rent, li)l)icbtt)oulD be Due attljeeno of
t\)e faiD Ijalfe perc nert after fuel) notice giacn,a is afo)efniD,tlje fatO
perelp rent 03 fomme of c. to ceafe t be cctermineD, i t\)t faio claufe
of DiHrclTe % cntrp,f all f cucrp ottiei: couenant 03 grant

therein containcDfo; giuing nnp benefit 03 bfe to tbe faiD f,^,]^ii

btivB 0} adigns, ano tbe ttatutes ano bonDs fo; tt)e further affaranct
ano continuance of tl^e faiD annuall rent of c. to be boiD 1 of nons i^
fcct,tt)e faiDreconeric f fine, 0; anp ot^cr tt)ing befojc mentioneO (0
tljtcontrarie thereof in anp Vnife notb)itt)Sanoing. And tol^criai
f^at tte faiD recoueric ano fine afo3eraiD,&nD all ano euerp act 0; actt,
t^inganD tbingSjatTurance 0; conueiance tbcncefo;tl) to be IjaD, maoe
o;fnffercD,bp,02againfl tt)e faiD B'ii* 0; anp otber perfon 0; perfontf
bp I)i0 affent^nominatto 0; pleafure,of tbe faio mano;0 03 of anp part
tbcreof tlioulD be,3nD tl)at all anD eneric perfon f pcrfone, 9 ^10 and
tbeir Ijeires lt)en feifeD,o) tbencefo;tl) to be feifcD, of anic rftate 03 e#
Hates ofinI}eritdncetut)atfoeaer of tl]efaiDp}emi(re0,o; of ante part
tljiiof (ercept be foje erceptco) to tl)c t)fes,intentc,f true nienning fel
D:tDne aa in,f Ip tijts txQ reciteo o^igtnall oeeO amengd oiuert ott)cr
tt)ing0 mo;c at large it Dotl) ano map apprare. j^oU)
tt)e faio Bf.U.fo)

4 in confiDeration of ti^e fnmme of nb^^tt) bargaineD anD folD,anO b^

tl)cfe p^efenf 6 DotI) fo; bimfelfe ano bis bcires fullp 1 abfolutelp, bar^
gainc bnto tl^e faio JK.^* nnobis beure, the fsio mano;s of il,
t fell
ano ^.luitl) tt]e appurtenances.auD all tliofe lanDs.tcnements ano \^tt
reDttnnen0 in ?i.5!5. C^.
\nM* 115.21?. 12. &. alias ^.inttjefaio
countic of SD.lnbicbat infeaUng anf ^eh^erie of tt)C faio firft o;i#

ginallDPco, lucre tt)clanDS,tenen'cntFi t)ereDitfiment0 of t!)c faiD

Bi.ll.reputeD oj taken fo; ibe mtjeritancc of ttje ia'O 3J.3l.ano r Ifo t^e
faioannuiciso;vsac0lpcnt9o;funmuof<c.i(iui:^g ano going fo;t|r
Liber Grants, iccundus
of tU taio manors of !L,f ^. toitl) f^appurtcnattces,ant) fojf!) of all
ot\)tt lanos, tenements f l)crcDitamcnfglj3t)icf)tt}cu tocrcojtuerc
rcputeD 0? tafeew fo? t^c inljeritance of ttjc fato 3,lL.m 11. B.C!^.!^,
tl)e realm of Cnglao, liis gromiD0f inljcritanccscalUD p.| alibis

lanO0 ano tenements in Id. anu 4. acres of paHurelprngin t|ie paring

of ^. in a ctvtaim place called ^* onelp erpetteD nnn fo3ep3ifeD,to*
getljcr tuitlj tl)e faiQ firft original DeeD. 0nD al t)is rigl)t,title,tntcreffi
anD DemanD,of,in oj to manojs, lanDS,ti;nements,t)ercDita<^
tl)e faiD
iiients,anmjities,rcnts,fumg of moncp,t DemaunDs lD^atfoeucr,to*
getUer UJitt> t^e reciteD DeeD,all oceos, tojitings,! ettrcitsjconcer^
ninginciocnt 03 belonging to tl)epjemia:es,ojmaDe,f82, ouoncer^
ning tljefameXo t)aue fc.t^efaiD mano?s,lanDs,tenements $ bere^
Ditamentg, annuities, rents, fmns of nionep,f pjemiffes before bg
ttjefe pjcfents grauntcD,as is afo3cfaiD,toetl)er toitl) tljc faio oeeDs,

tp;ittng0,i eSreits tnto tt^e faio H.M.bts i)cirs $ adigns fo; cuer,in
as full,large,ample,ano beneficiall manner,s$ tbe afo^efaio i?*U.o}
3i.^.o;an^ ot^er perfon niap,mig^t,ll)ouloo^oug^ttot)aue,l)olo,
perceiue t inio^ t^e fame bv reaCon of tde faio Deed i grant mace bp
tl)c faiD 31. !L. to tlje faio f* U. as afojefaio. And t^e faio 31H.Dotl)

foj f)imfelf f c. tbat be tlje faio ^,Ml* at tbenfcaling of ttjefe pjefents

ftanDeti),ano is feifeo of tbe faio reciteo m
:\nno;0, $ otber tbe p;cmir^
(s(crcept before ercepteo) to tbe onelp tfe of bimfclfc bts beires i c*
as is befoje reciteo. SnD tbe faio IS.^I. bis beirs $c. (ball 1 map qui*
ctlp J peaccablp at al times bcreafter 1 from time to time baue ic.tbc
faio manors ic. befo;e bp tbef c parents granteD,to J^is ano tbeir p30^
per l)fcanDbci}oofc,ti3iti)outtl>claU)faUlt,troobU,cuiction, inter*
ruption, ocniail, incumbjancc,cbavgc 0; ottjer Diftarbancc tobatfoe*
ncr oft faio if iS.oj^.K 03 tbeir 02 eitbec of t'geir bcirs, oj of anp o>
tbcr perfon oj pcrfor;S>bp tbcic 02 eitber of tbeir beircs a^cnt,coni et,
a(t,mcanes;0;p;ocurement,counrcll oi Denife. ^notbefaiDS-U*
Hotb furtbcc ic.tbat neitbcr tbe f^o i?*iA.noj 3lU.no? anp otber per*
fon oj pecfonSjbp tbeir oj citbcr of tbeir acts means 0? pjocuremcnf,
baue conccvecuteo, fenntolctgco oj committco,o? caafeo to br Done,
erecuteO,UnoU)icogeooa comittco, no;^tl;efaioB!.U.no2bisbeiced
(b<<l at anp time bercaftcr oo,cvccute,fenolclcDge 0^ c5mit,02 caufe to

bz oone,erecuteo,k:io\i3leogeD 0; comitteo anp act 0; atts, tt)ings,eD'

iiife g; oeuifes^tDbccbp f faio IS.^.bis beirs o; atfigns i^all 02 map
ijc t)itturbco,lettca,bmD2e?,i cenieo to inior,batie i rcceiue qaietlpf
pgaceablp, al t eaerp of t pjemilTes before bp tbefe pjefits metioneD
a2> ^2 ta
Symb. Grams. part.primac

to be srantcD tnto t^e faio U.^KI.as afojefaio. In witncdc 5cc.

Cencejfioannditat' pr0feruicio, ,

bctt. 3
^^njco,ac intuitu obfcqui j & fci uiti j mihi per S- R.ct I, vx.cius Icrui-
cn incosantchac impcnfi; dcdiffc&c. eifdcmS eti &c. quandam&c.
ad fcfta Sccacquis portionibus annnatim folucnd.Habcnd tcncnd p- &
dift'annuiratcfiucannuarrcdditxl. $. Soluend pFaES.6cI.vx. ciusdu-
rah viC natural' ipfof S. &
I. ct cor vtrjulquc diutius viucrf in form fc,

quch t( fi contjpgai pd annuitafi?a. Prouifofcmpcjdfi pd S.R.ctl.

auc cor alter cbirc contigf rir. Q.uod tunc et dcuKcps lolutio mcdictaf
dift'annjitafxl.s.totalitcr cclTabit Aliquofupcriusmcmoraf fiucin

hoc pf :nt fcrip6 inco fpctifiLaC^in contraf quouilraodo non obftanC, In

cuius rciScc.

tyfCmuul ofanrtHttiefor terme oflife, fr cnJiUo

Cfr auxrlio,

Scft.307. /^Mnibus&c. Sc^atismcprxt. 1. dcdidc&cT.M ^bohconfilio

V-X uo ct in,;cnri nuxilio luo mihi in mca ncccflTitate impcnfo, quanj
annuif.triuc annual" rcdvi It XXX s.legjlismonci Angr.Habcn^.ctpci
picnd &c.dc cxitib', prcHcuis, fi ini ci emolument mancf mci dc S-ip
com tad fcila &c Solucnd c im p nunus racas proprias quam p roanus
bal ntuf, receptor jfirmariof Hue tcncntium mancri) p^ pro tempore cx-

idch Et n contjngat &c.

ji ^rant ojannHtttc mtidc hj a pAtfon ef a Church yU indttrtf iong

A6 he/hall be Parfen.
/^^Mnibu$&c. I. H.dericusref^of ccclef.paroch.de L. in colli S.
V^Salut Sciitis mc p(.I.pro boh confilio dcdilTe &c.ci^ R. quan^

annuitaf&c.habcndprzKR.quamdiuegopdI.reOoreccler pdcxti-
cero,Solucndannuauin&c. Etficontingat&c.Daf&c

ji Graunt ofanftuitie, with cendition that the -mife


Sft ^09.
/^^^nibus&c. H. dcdidc&c.H.M.&c.prinae
Sciatis rac prxfat
V^dic p J quod port
folutionis indeincipicBtt ad talc feftum fcftof
mort mci przd H.pr imo ct prox cu;ncrit, Habcnd et pcipicnd praci
annuitatem HueannuaV reddif xx.li. ad fcfta pd in forma &d. Soiuend
praefaf T.B.cxcc' ct afllgn (uis pro tcrmino virac cuiufdam K. inodo V3C.
mci przdifl' H. ad opus &
vfum ipfius R.adcerminuiDvicxruzpro
Liber Grants. fccundus
& in confiderac' 8c nomine totius dotis ipli' R.habcnd* dc omnibus illis

mancrijs,tcrris,& tcnemcis.quse nuper fiief vcl mode funt mci pd H. Ec

fi contingac pd annuitat Hue annual' reddit xx, li. vel alicuiiis mde par-
ceH'a retro fore pofl mortem mei ipfius H.ad aliquod fcftum&c. Pro-
uifo feinper,quoa fipraed R. feu aiiqua alia pcrfonajfiue perfoh cius no-
mine ec per eius alFenfumja^tumj vel procuration, aliquo tempore poft
mortem diti H. aliquod ius, titul', clameum, aut demand nomine dotif
fuac, dc, & in predict manef,tcrris,tcntis,& cseteris prxmifliSjaut in aii-
qua indc parcclla habere clamaucric, feu dcmandauerit quouifmodojq^
cxtunc & cxinde folutiopraedift'annuitaf fiue annual* reddit pdxx.li.
aut alicuius inde parcell', ceffabit, & ifla praedidt' conccflio eiuidem dc-
inde celFabit & truftrabit hoc praefenti fcripto meo, fiuc aiiqua re fiuc

materia in eodem fcript in contraf fpeciticaca feu exprcila in aliquo

non obilantc. In cuius &c.

^yfgrant of Annuitie made to a woman^to hegm after the

death of her hui band vpon condition,

OMnibus &c. W.R.&c. Sciatis me pr^fa! W. in complement qua- Scft.3 1 <l^

in quibufdam indentuiis, qiiarum dat eft vltimo die Maij, anh &:c. facf
inter T.P. de E. ex vna parte, &
me prarfat W.R. ex altera part, dediflc,
concefriire,6choc praefenti fcripto meo indcntatoconfirmaiTc M.vxo?
didiT.quandam annuitat &c. Habcnd&pcipiend pd&c.pr^fatM.
& allien fuis pro tcrmino vitac diftae M.foluend annuatim ad duos anni
term, VIZ. ad fcfta&c. per equalcs portion in Ecclefia parochiali dcS.
prxd. Et fi contingat pd annuitat &c. Prouifo femp,qd iftaprxd con-
ccflio annuitat fiuc annualis reddjf quacuor marcaf non capiat aliquem
cflFertum, nee alicuius fit valoris durante vita difti T. P. fedimmcdiat
poft mortem ipfius T.Et quod prima inde folutio crit ad primum feftum
fcftofpdJ^ofj|>x!in accident port morteipfiusT. Prouifo etiamfem-
per, quod fi ditta M. aliquo ten:porepoft mortem diif^i T. aliquod ius,
ritul', clameuuvut demand nomme dotis fiuc iun<f^urac fuae, de & in pd
tcrris & tencmcnti3,{eu in aiiqua inde parcclla,per fe ipfam fiuc aliquam
aliamperfonamclarriaueritautvendicaucritquouifmodo, quod tunc&
cxtunc folutio preditfi: annuitat feu annualis reddit quatuor marcaf pre-
dift'& cuiufque inde parcell^ cellabir,ct ifta pdict conceflio ciufd dein-
cepsceflabitctfruftrabit: aiiqua re fiuc materia in hoc pfent fcripSm
contraf fpccificata feu exprcila non obftancc. In cuius rci &c. ve/fc :
S 5 Prouifo
Symb. Grants^ part-primae

Prouifocnam fcmper q5 fi f>d M.aliquo tempore port mortem difti

Tpretextu alicui' iuris,tiE,clami, aut intcrcfle pro,aut in nomine docis
fcuiunftuf fu3e,pl2cltaucrit clamaucrit fiuc cxpulcricquouifmodopd
W.R.hxred vol afTign (uos pro,aut dc yd tetf et tchcis/cu atiqua indc

parcdla, qd tunc cxtunc ilia praedfolut annuitacis&c.vtfupra. In

cuius rci tcftimoh vtriquc parti huiuspfeiitfcripc mci indcnuti figill'
meum appofui.D>;c die.

A Grant ofannkitie to the vfe ofa ypoman to begin after death

of thegrantor,

Scft.Sir; /^Mnib^&c.T.P.&c.Noueritismepr.T.P.dedidc&c.I.M.ctVV.
V-i/R.quadannuitat&c.Habcd'iScc pf.l.etW.ccalTicrhruii protcr-
mino vJt^ A.K.&; ad vfumipfius A.K. pro unih vie fux.qua ego pdict
T.propon(diuingrct) habef in vxof nicarSolucnd (SccPiimtcrmfo-
lutiohindc incipiciiEad illud fcftufcOof pd qd priiisaccideritpoft
morte mei pd T.& iion ancca.Et fi contjngat pd 3cc.In cuius rci Sec.

%/i Grant ofunnm'.icfor terme of hfe, fro confilto impend* &c,

/^Mnibus&c.N.VV.&c.Sciatismcpri^fatN.dcdjfre^&c. procon-
V^iilio fuo impcnfo & impolkrum impend, cjuand aiiniiiiatem fiuc
annualeredd i ^.(olidofexeuiif deoranib*crf,tch,(?c barred mcis in S.
in com E &c.Habend Szc.rcda pl.T. ad ccrih vitx (uacjolucnd &c.Et
fi contingat&c.Dat.iikc.
Notaffi !joe ne z oi/e i^uefon per/on foit charge de cefi annuitie , mes tant-
folementfon tsrre,doncji'csdoit efle titlcUufe efcrie in lefne de fonfatt^Vro-
uifo Temper quod plcns fcriptum, nee aliquid ineofpecificatnonali-
qualit fc exccndat ad oneranduin pcrfonam meam per brcuc annuitatis,

leu alio modoquocunque fed tantummodoad onerand terras &tcnca

fncapddcanniulireddmi pryd&c. Car dont^ues leterr* eft charge ^^
le peri on d^fcharge, C^c,

A Cou(niint th^t the /efee tn^.ylop woods.

Scd '^u ^'
A Nd tl^c fai^ l?. ^.foj !;iui,Ui6 ijcires/ano crecato30,cottenatet^
/\anograr.tct^bptl)Gfcpjefnf(,fo, aitDVuitl)tte faioU.iL.f ^i
crecnto;0:2Lt)8ttt Ojall belalcfuUflj tf)e fa-D I\.il.t)i0 mcutojs ano
nCTiBncgipcarlp During tcrme of rbpear, to crop, nno top all
t\)t faiD
snD finguiac i\)t UiidCs f trces^groluing anD being in f tpon t\)t ^itf
miUtff^m^ taKe af U)cU all t^^ {^rrn lojt'^^cco]^; ano topi?; as alfo all
Liber Grants!^ , fecundus

tjfc viijo Sjel;fflfe of t^e faiD M .il.l/is erccutoas ano aflfiflnea ic

^ Conenant that the /ejformaj enter ^.nd make fallowes.
l^Rouideu alwaics,antJ neuert^dcITe it 10 couenanteD,concIuticli.f c ScV. 3 14.
A bpibe{iijantt}efaiDi>3rti?3totljcfep;efents0nDtl|cfaiDU3!
f 0; ^tmfelfe $ c.Dotb bp t^efe p^cfents f c.to,and lt3itb tbe (ato Wi^W*

t)ts l)drc0 anD cfftgncs f c tljat it Hball ano map be laVuf ulljtOjanD foa

tbe faiDCi:T.(Ki?tjifi tcires i aCigniJjf euerp 05 an|? of t!}cm,at all ano

(uerte time $ time0 conuenient toitbin tl)0 laa ycaie of tbe TaiD tsrme
of 2 J pcare0,tc entct inio,anD bane fo inucb of tl)e DemifeO tcnemets
f p?cmi(re0,luitb tbc a?purtEnariE0,as in tijc fame pere fball be meet
to be fallotoeD, anO to ep7e,plol,anD falloU) tbe fame, 1 enerp 0? an^
part tl)ereof,acco;tiing to tbe bfage ano cudomc of tbe countrep tbere
in tbat bebalfe, iDitboat anp let, interruption, o? Difturbancc of p faiD
M*B!*biiS e);ecuto30 0; aflignsjo; of anp otber pciTcn 0; pecf on0) b^ \jifi
0; t^eicjo; anp of tbcir meane0,afrent,o; pjocurcment
A Coptenant that the Lcjfcejhull not ajfi^ne.
PRouidcdalwaies,tljatt!;efaib^, b^s c)fecnto;0 oj affignegfi^all Scd.31/:
not Demife,fet,lct,aiue,oa grant ig faiD Urf)ole ternie of yGre0, pet
to come, of, t in tbc faiD mano? 1 parfonage, i all otljcr tbc pjemideg,
to anp perfon 0; pcr(on0, ott)er 1}^ i^ il)c lDife,cbilD,o; cbilD^en of tbe
faiD po3 anp otljcc perfon oj pcrfDn0 to anp of tbeir bfc0,crccpt onlp
totl)cfaio3le^. Dj^(.t|). fonne anD bsire apparant of tlje faiD 3 if
tbe faiD |o; \M* luill ginc 1 peelD bnto tbe faio p. itp bis ejecutojB
0; aflignes, n0 nmcb in monep fo; tbe fame, as anp otbec inbifferent
perfon ljaillDo,lDitbout anp frauD,couin,o;col(ufioiT* 0nD if tbe faio
3.0; w.* Doe refufc to ginc as nmcb monep fo? tbe faio tcrme, oj anp
pact tbereof, of tbe p^emifTce, oj anp part tbercof, as anp ctber inDif;
ferent perfon luill, toitbout frauD, r ouin, 0; coUufton, a0 abcuefaio,
tbat tben ano from tbenccfojtb be latofuU to tbe fMo p*bt
it fiiall

crccufojs fc. to giue, grsunt, alien, 0; afftgne tbe faiD ferme,o; anp
part t(}crcof, to anp perfon 0; pcrrcn0, atbi0 o) tbeir plcafure, anp
tljing beretn contameD to tbe contrarp notluitljff anoing And alfo tbe
faiD pcouenautetb %u fo; ljim,bii^ erecuto;0 ic. to % U)itb tbe faiD 3[*
i5^. biJJ erecuto;0 % aDminillratojs, bp tbefe pjefent0, tbat if \\^t faio
pDo Die bna;arieD,f tuittjout ilTiie lajuufuljtbat tben \\ %v\ be lalufull
to tbe faio 3.^. f to bi0 aCtgncs, During tbe life of tbe faiD 3* to eiti
ter into tbe pjcmilTcs,! euerp part tbereof,anD to receiue,leup,f taUe
tbe iffuc0,reuenue0,f p;o6ts of tbe fame,to \i\i onelp bfe auD r ommo*
Oil p,During onlp tbe Ufe of tbe faio 5.paping,per fo;ming^l fuIfiUins

^ 4 aU

Symb. Grants.' part.prima:

taineD i mcntioncD in t^e fapu fojmcc 31aDenturc,of,fo), During tlie
time ano times tl) at ttjefaPD 3.a)aUl)auc,occupie,oj enioptljcfapDe
pjemiffC0,ojanp part o;parcclUl)cceof after tl)cDeat{) of tl)c fa?D p.
tnmaricD,! iiti)out iffue,in maucr i fojm '-ufojefaiiD,o;i els not. iSinD
if ttje fapD \^.t)nppcn to Die bnmarieD i toitt)out itiac, v tf)C p;cniiactf
enerp part tl)reof,Durin5 tlje faiD ternic,Q)aU come,rcmain,f be af

ter t^e Deceafc of tlje faio 3B.to tl)e b;ett)jen of tl)2 faio ^. oj to anp o?
Diners of tl)em,o; to an^ ott)er perfon oj perfons to bis o j tbeir onclp
proper fefcs t pjofitSjiii fuel) Utie mancr i fo?in>as t^c faiD p.fljal dc

uifc o; affigne b^ ^ifi latt toill pacing mv tljm

i teftcimcnt, U)itl)out
foj fame, o; otberUjif c to be cbargeD oj incombjeo bp ant> manner

Bf meanefi oj toaics foj tbe fame , otber tbcn is DeclarcD f mentioncD

in tbe faio fojmer 3nDcntures,crcept onlp foj t^e Due Debt of tbe fayo
l^.toberetuitt) tbe faio p.map bappcn to cbargc ttjem in bis laflc tpill f
teCtament. Prouidcd alwaics, tbat if it biippcn tl}c faio pcarelp rent of
(. 0} anp part oj parccll thereof to be bcbmo bnpaico in part o; in all
fine fojtnigbt nert after t^c latt Dag o; time of anp Dap of paiment ap?
pointcDintbcfaiDfojnvr^lnDcntiircfc. AndalfoifttjefapD p.tjts
c.Do not 0) fljalnot bcreaftcr perfo;m2,falfiill,f erccute all i eucrp of
tbe couenants, graiits,articlc3, j agreements containco f fpecifieD in
tbc faio fo?mer 3DnDctiture,U3l)icl) of tlje pavt of tbc faio 3!*t ^is f c. are
DO not,o; 0)31 not beieafter obfeiue^perfo^m,! fulfil all f fingular tbe
abouefdiD concnat6,grants, articles, t agrccmcts contaj?ncD auD fpc>
cifieDaboue intl}is pjefcnt Inoentiircloljicb of tljc part of tl)c faio 13.

o; [)ia ejrecuto^s i care to be obfcruco, pcrfojmeD,fnlfTlleD i bept:tbat

tbcn I from tbencef ojtb it fljall be laU)fiiU to tbe faiD 3J.l)is u- to enter
into all I lingular tbe p;emiaes luit'^ tbappurtenaces,anD into euerie
parcel tberof,f tl}e fame to retain f ^auc as in bis fo;mer t^att : t^is
3!nDenturc o; anv tbing tbcreincontaincD to tije contrary notiiSffan
Ding. Farther tbe Up l^.^.coucnantetlj ic. fojbim,t)is emutojg,
f canDbJitb tbe faiD J.^bis erccutojs i aDminiftratojs bp tbefc pie>
fents,tbat be tbe faiD p.fbal valD,pap, i Deliuer oj caufe to be Deliuc-
rcD bnto tbe faio ^><0^ . i bis alIignes,our{ng t termc of rr.^jeres nert
tomming after tbe Date bcreof, rbj.quarters of lubeat, ^.quarters of
oatc,gcDD,ftDeet,marcb3ntable,f clcane Digbt, I bj. loabs of toljeate
ftcaU),t bj.leaos of oate (tcalu,at t'oc feaft of 3>. i^, tbarcb. neptcotn

ming after t'oe Date^ereof,f after tl)e feaft of ^.9^. tbarcb. to Deliuer
allt'je (efioueoftl^efa^o co;nc abouefaiD momi}l?,bpeuenpo;tion0
Liber Grants; fecundus
During t\)t faio tmm of rrpere0, Alfo f [je fafD il.c'ou^iiantefd f gran*
m\) i\)at loiien f as often a3 t^e puce of UiljeaC Ojall amount f rife a*
boucbj.0.t3itj.iS a quarter, tuiaic'o is after p. D*. tl)e bufl^ai, i t\)z pjicc
of HDtes Qiall arifc f amount aboue ij.s,tbe quarter,tD^icb itf after i(|.
a.t^e buOjelranijat ttjen tl)e faio | bis erecutoj i airignes,n^aU alloU)
tbe faiD p.afmucb in monep as ^all lo arife aboue tbe pjices afojcna*
ineD, UmiteDjf appointeo, from pere to |?erc. And alfo tbc faio p co
uenantetb ano gcanttb>tbat if it bappen tlje faio %^, to Ucceafe ano
Depart tbis p;efentUfe bntoalmigbtv(IDoD,befo?e(il;.3^.motber bnto
tbe faio p.^.f befoje tlje faio tcrme of rr.pcres be fullp crpireot tbat
t^m ttjC faio p.tbal pe2lo,pap,f oeliuer, pearelp from tbencefojtb ou
ring t^e faio rr.v^ares,bnto tbe f apo C
o? to bcr affignes, ouring fbc
relioue of tbe fat>D rr.mes tben to come,b. quarters of m\)tnt, $ fire
quarters of Dats. Prouided alU)aiefi,tbatiftbefaio31.iC.ooebotb
Depart from tbisp;efent life before tbe faio tcrme of rr*v^res befall^
erpircOjtbat tben i from tbencefojtb tbe oeliucr? of all tbe faio Cojne
ano&tralu,in fo;meafo?efaio,to ceafc,ano not to be Due 03 payable,
SCbefctluo articles o?claufes laS before mentioneo, 0? anptbingin
tbenijo; anp otbcr matter,claufe,o? tbing,Vi)batfocuer it be in tbis in*
Denture contagueoojotl}ertoife to tbecontrar^^ notiuitbttanoing. la
^ Couertant by the Lejfee to depart,

PRouidcd alwaics, gf neaertbeieCte \i is ccuenanteo, conoifcenOeo,

Se^.3 1^^
concluBeo, anO fullp airrcco bctloecne tbe faio parties, 1 tbe, faio
CSD.foj bim,bijJ bii'cs,crccuto2s,ano aominiarato3S,coucnantetb
hf tbefe p^efents, to ano luttb tbe faio :^.^. bis beires,eirecuto?s,aO^
niiniftrato3S,ano aCfigneSjtbat if tbe faio 0.115.bi^ ^circs,erecuto?s,
aominiflrato^s,o^ alTigucd, 0; anu of tbem 00 luell ano tru<l^ contet
ano pap,o; caufe to be contenteo bnto tbe faio (I!;*H>* bis tjeires txuw
tojs,aominiftrato?3,o; ditignes, 0; anp of tbem, Vc^z fumme of tc at
one lubolc ano entice pap J!i?nt,af , 02 bpon tbe oa^ of ic .in tbe ^al of
llincolns 3lnnc to tb^ countic of ^ioolefer, bettoecnc tbe boures u>
iuitboutfrauocjconintSDbat tben 1 from tbcncefojtb ano after fbc
payment of t!)e faio fummc of ic. tbe faio bargain ano falc of tbe faio
capital manfion U)itb tbappurtenances ano al otbcr Vqz afojefaio nw
fuages ano bcreoitamefs lyitb tbeir appurtenances befojc bargainco
ano folo,(I)aU be clcrcU> tjoio ano of none cffert :anD tbat tbem from
tbencfo;t!) tbe faio C.D. ano tiis betres,ano all i euer^ fucb perfon
aa perCons,! t^etr l;eirs,(]^albe,aano, % be feifeo in tije faio Capitall

Symb. Grants.' part.primac

ntanCon, ano ofber t\)t pjcmiffcs, foit^ t\}tk appv.r'ccr.anre?, t tticrp

part anD paccell t^crof, to t^e only bfc of tbc f:.' u il.L^^^sno tljc ^eircd
ann afficncj; of tl)c faift 3.15. fo; euer,ani3 f o no crijrrbff. And tl)at
tl)cn t\)t faiD C.23. tjie l}circs d; affigncc, P.
aU Do; ocr, bj caufe to be
fanto fciD a.llB.o; t^e tjcii i c p2 adigues of tl)e fniD a.)15.
DeliucicD t\)t

allano cutrp fuel) Deed ano oceoe^f, cuiDcuce0,ct)arterB,Ujjitingg,eC

cripts, ano mumment0,concernin2 tl)c p>emi(res5tut)ic|i \}t flbil Ijauc
receiueo of t^c Deliuecie of t^e faio a.:25. o^ ef tlje Ijeirc 6 o? aaignca
of t^e faio 0.X5* 0no fo; Default of payment of tlje faio fumme of c.
tnto t^e faio C^.jaD. l)w i)tixt6 o; affigneOtas is afojefaio^maDc, t not
pgrfo)mcD:2Cl)at t\)tn f from t^encefojtl) tlje faio bargaine,fale,f af*

fncance of t|)e faio capitall manSon 02 oUieUing t)aare , t all otl}er tl)e
p;emi(fe(^ (^all be gooo 1 auaileablc to t^c faio C^. ^. t)i0 b^ireg ano
alIignej5,lo tbeir bfe fo; euer abfolntelp, luitljout any manner of con
Oition : iSno tbat tbcncefojtli tbe faio e.!DA)i5 beireg 1 affigncs, (bal
quietly occnpie f eniop all f fingular tbe p;eniiffefl,toitb tbeir appuc*
tenance, to bis oj tbeir otone bfe 1 bcijajfe,toitbout let oj interrupts
on of tbe faio 0. 513. bis I)clre0 02 affigne, oj any otber perfon 0; per^
fonff, in biJ 0? tbeir name 02 names, interctt, 0;
bebalfe , 0; by bis o;
tbeir affent, meanes, 0? p;ocurcment SIbis 3(nDenture,oj
: any tbing
tberein contatneo, to t^e eontrarie in any U)ire notbitbftanoing. In
witnciTc whereof &c.

yf (Jrant of a fee or chiffe rent with homage atidferuice,

Cg A . ,
- Q Ciant &e. quod ego W.H. dcdi,conccfri, &
Iiac pi xfcnci chaita mea

Oconfirinaui R.M.totum rcddit mcum dc xxx.s.homag' ct libcf fcrui-

tium cxeuntia dc vno cento ct quatuor virgatis tcrrae I.S. Jn D. cum om-
nibus pertih Qiiod quidcm tehtum ct quatuor virgatz tcrrar quondam

fuerum E.S. Habend ct percipicnd' predxft' &c. pr^fat R W. Ii^redib*

ct aflignatis fuis inipcrpetuurn. Solucndo/acicndo.ct reddendo eid' mo-
do ct forma ficut pdift' I. S. ctciiis anteccflorcs mihi ct anteceflonbus
iTicis faccrc,foluerc,ct reddercconfucuerunt. Et fi contin^at pdit' redd*
xxx,s.a retro &c.extunc bene liccai pfat R.W.h^redibus ct alTigu i^uis iu
predift' 5cc. In cuius rei &c.

A Grant ofAnntiitieformlmjlrationofCodsferuice,
ScA.JsS. "O Ex omnibus ad quos prxfcntcs literx peruenerint , faKitcm
Xv Sciatis ^uod nos intuitu charitatis , dedimus ec conccflimus di-
Liber GrauDts. fccundus

leflofubdicnfoT.S. capellanprominiftrationc diuini fcruic infra cc-

clcfiam fanft' G. dc G. inff dominium dc W.ac ad orand pro nobis 6 &
charifsima conforte nfa leg. exituq mo, quand' annuitat x.marcaf fterl*.
Habcnd'&pcrcipicndannuatdurantvitafiiade fcod firrhdhijnfivo-
ca! N.infra coth noftrum E. p man' Vic'firmariof feu aliof occupatofc-
iufd pro temper exiften ad tefta &c. Aliquo aitu,ordination feu ftatui
inde in concraf fal' non obilanft In cuius 6cc.

^ft Ammtic oryearelj/feegiftento a femtimtfor promotion

of a marriage.

CHriftianisvniucrfispracfensfcripfinfpe^luf fiuc audituris R. M.

Armigcr,faluEinauQof fa!uC,& fidem indubiam praefcnt adhibit. SeC^.Jlp
Cum nonulla fpcs matrimonij int R. A.famulu mcum,& A.O. (annucnC
Deo) fumriafFuIget. Scitotc rac eundcmR. (vc qui comodum&vci-
licatdifti famuli meiproptobrequiiiromihi in famulatu fuo ingenue 6c
diligent pdatu plurimaugerevelira,quocommodi'inf cos viucrcc) dc-
diflcjConceflllle &
hoc prsefent fcripto mco confiimaffc pf R. A. 6c A.
quandam annuitat Sccexeunt de mancf SccHabcnd', gaudend,&c.cif-
dem R,A.& Ai.(5c corum vtriqdiuti' viucnti&afligh (uisdurat vitamea
pf.R.ad fcfta &c. Ecfi &quotiescontingat&c. plenariefueritfatisfaft'
6c|>rolutum vnacumdamnis&cxpenfisfuis in ea pte fuftincndis. Pro-
uifofempcr qd' fi dift'nuptiac nonfucce{Icf,necconfummat9fucrint,aut
fi ijdc R.A. & A. p mc auc mca caufa aliquo modo promct fucf fiue ob-
tinucrint,aut promoucri (iuc obtincrc poflint,aut eor' alt potcft, aliquam
annuitat feu anmialcm i-edd,tctf,tehta feu hxredimta, aut aliquam certi-
tudinem vidi^habend eis durante vitamea, annui valor x.li. autmaicf,
qd' extunc pracfcns fcript pcnitus irritum erit,prxmifsis non obflantib'i
In cuius rei tedimonium Sec.

fc^ Graunt ofan Anmitie out of lands,

THis Indenture maoe f cbettoanc 0.C.fc sno S!.C|.on \\)t one Sett. 3 20*
parlp,anD U.sp.on t^ otfjec partp, wltneilah, tl)at tlje fattj ^**
ant) B|.C.a(U}cl f 0; anD m confiDeratton of \\n ful Cam of sne t^oufand
poantss of i c0s alfo foj Dtuers %i* tiat^ giuen ano granfeci, 1 bp t|>efe
pjefcnts Botl) giuc, anD gram fo j bin? I t}ts Jjeirc0 fento t^? faio H^*
lis crccutojs iconc annu' t'c of one ^urtijeD pouno^ of i^bi? ycatjbg
t^ faio ;a,Ctt)t0 l)m$ icf com t!}gncfojt|) ^eavlg to be paicD to t faio

Symb, Grants. pait.pnmac

H. ^*
W crccatojg, atmtniffratojg, 03 affigncfl , bp ano During tl)e
ttxmt of tl)?eefco?e pcrcs fully to be complete ano cnoecat tl)C
bfuall place of receipts ano papments of moncp,fcituate \\\ tlje tXlcft
CUD of tlje Uoial ercbangc in ll.at tlwo equal payments in euerp ^txt:
%\)^t iB to faP)On tl)e laft Dap of ^ fiftie pomiDs of ic. ano on t^e laft
Dap of i^o.fiftie pounDC of libe i c. SCbe ficft paiment tl}ereof to begin
ano be maoe on tl)e lalt Dap of ^ap nert cnfuing t\)t Date t)ercof. anD
fo from ttiencefo;tb tl)e tame annuitie to Ijaue continnancc ano to be
perelp paieD bnto tt)c faiD U.sp.tiig bcires,a:ecuto;s,|c. bpon tl)e fain
Daieg,at tl)c place afojefaiCjDuring t|je faiD U)bole termc of tbjafcoje
peares fullp to be complete ano enDeD* And t^c faiD 2.C.fo; \)\m i r*
Dotl) couenant f c. srbat if ano as often as it lljall t?appen tbe faio an?
nuitic of one IjunDjeD pounDS, cj anp part c; parctll ti)ereof, to be be*
binD bnpaieD bp tbe fpace of eigl^t ariD ttuentie oates,ouer 0; after tt)e
faiD lalt Dap of"^. 0? tbe lall Dap of i^. onct 0; after either of tbcm
STljat tbcn anD fo often as it l^al bappen During tbc terme afo?efaiD,
tbe faiD jtl.C bis beires ic. Oiall fojfcit ano lofe to tbe faiD U. fl^.bitf
$c. tbe fnmmc of xx* marbes of 1 c. in tbe name of a paine. ^no tbeti
ano (0 often fball ntaUe full ano trus papmenf to tbe faiD l\.^,\)\& t c
at tbe place afo;efaiD, as luell of tbe faiD ttoentie marl^s in tbe name
of a paine,as fo; tbat part of tbe faiD annuitie of one bunojcD pounDs
tubcreof Default fiialbe maDe,as is afo2efaie,\uitbin fire montbs nert
after fucb Default maoc, on tbe laft Dap of 2^. 0; lal! Dap of f^^aB is
afo^efaiD* Aiy^ fo; tbe confiDerattons afo;cfatD, anD fo; a gooD anD
tcrfaine fuertic 1 affurance to be baD t maDe to tbe faiD U. ^. bis c
of anD of tbe faiD annuitie of C. to btm 1 tbcm tuell anD truelp to bz
paieD cuerp pcare During ^ faiD lubole terme of rl.pcres,acco3Ding to
tbe pRrpo;t ano true meaning of tljefc pjefcnf s : Ojep tbe fat ^**
auD ? fo; tbem i c. Doe couenant tc. tbat tbep tbe faiD la.CT.anD 3!

C bp fine 0; fines to be Duclp UnoluleDgcD t IcuteD bcfo;c tbe Julli*

ces of tljc uliucenes S^aieltics Court of common plccs at befo;c W*
tbe Dap of S^* mxt cnluing tbe Date of tbcfc p;efcnt3, tuitb p;ocla*

niations baD anD maDe tbcrcupon, acco;Ding to tbe o;Der ano courfe
of tbe lalues anD (latutcs of tbis Healmc, fijall anD toill fufficienllp
anD latofnllp conuep aui affure to ^. j?. f l^.l^.anD tbs beires of one
of tbem,all tbat tbe t^ano; anD iLo;Dn]ip of O. toitb all anD fiingulac
v* fcituate, lping,bcing,arifing5bapp^ning, rcnetoing, grotuing,ojt
in fa;D Couutie of 3l.to f faiD ^ano; 0; !lD;Dn)ip of <5.bf longing

m inan^Unfc an^cvtaitiing^o; occupieD,bfeD,Denfif:D,o; 'cafcD,to 0;

Liber Grants, ^ Iccundus
iDit^ t^famet 03 cffeemei>5tafeen,rcpafeD, accempfeb ojfenoiDn as
part,parKll,oj member t^ercof,o2 of ang part oj parcel!
tticrcof. ano
all $ Cngalar otl)cr mefuage5,miUcs,lanO0,fenement0,meaDoUje,
l)ereDitament0,tDbatfoeaer of t faiD 0,c,f 3C.o; either of
Jbe totone,paril^,fielD0,oj ^alet0 afojefaico; (n anp of t^em,bp fuc^
fafficient ano conaenient name0 ano qualities a0 fbalbe
requcfite oi
meet : ZnD toit^ tuarratitp from tbem ano t^eir beirs againtt al per^
fonstMbicb faio fine oj finc0 f to be bnotoleogeo ano leuieD ftalbe.
And tlje faio ^l^,^. ano 1^.^ ano tljeir beires Iball tbeceupon ttano
ano be feifeo of ano in tl)c faio mannoj i all otber tijc p:emiire0 1 euc*
rp part tbereof,to tbe onelg bU ano beboofe of tlje t^e faio l^,iF. ano
^l^.ano tbeir bcirs bpon trutt ano confioence neucrtbeleffe,f to tbe
sno ano intent tbat tberenpon a gojo ano perfect rccouerie Ojal 1 mag
^e bao of tbe faio manno} f otber tbe pjemiffe0 againa tbem tbe faio
l^iF.ano ^.!^.bpfacb perfon0ano toitb fucbboucbers ouer,ano to
fucb bfes, intents, ano purpofe0 , as bereafter in t bp tbefepaefents
10 eicpjelleo ano oeclareo. And tbe f apo a. C
ano jE.C.fo? tbcm ano
tbeir beire0 ooe fnrtber co nenant i c. Cbat befo;e tbe xv* oa^ of ^
neFtcomming after tbe oatc of tbcfe pjcfcntsagoooanD perfeare*
touerpbptuntof Emrc fur diffeifininlcpoft, accojOing tc as in cow
uenants to fuflFer rccoucrieswith double voucher. And it i0furtber
iDttnefteo, oeclareo, couenantco, conoifcsnoco, coMclut)eo,3no faltp
agreeOjbpanobetloeenetbe faio parties to tbefe p^cfcntt^Hbattbe
fato recouerp fo to be bao ano fuffereo as afo^efaio, ano all otber re^
(oaeri(0,conueiances ano adarances tsbatfoeuer after tbe fato tentb
Dap of ^tobe bao , maoe, lenieo, acknoU)leDgeo o^Tuffereobptbe
faio 0*C.f Bl*C*02 eitber of tbem of tbe p;erata'es,o; of anp part tber^
of,bp anp name 0; names lobatfoeuer,! tbe fal erecution of tbem ano
caerpof tbem (ball be, ano Qjall be aoinogco ano tabentobetotbe
lifes intents, ano purpofes, bereafter in tbefe pjefents limiteo,ap^
pointeo,erp2e(reo 1 oeclareO,ano to none otber Dfe^intet, 0; purpofe:
STbat is to fap,bnto tbe bfe ano beboofe of tbe faio 0*C. ano f betrs
mate0 of bis booie lalnfullp begotten : 0no f o;s oefault of lucb ilfue,
0.C. Cbe fame bfi0 ano
to tbe bfe of tbe rigbt beire0 of tbe faio
eOtatefoto (ontinne onelpbntilloefaalt Hjall be maoe of,oa in pap^
tnent of tbe faio annuity of Cpouno8,befo2e b^ tbefe p;ef ents gran^
t0O,o; of anp part tberof, at tbe place afo;efato,bpon anp tbe \ni oap
of ^*o}t|elaftoapof ipi*o} either of t^^em* 0nobptl;efaiofpaceof
Symb. Grants. part.priraa:

fire ir.ouct^s ncjt follDtoing, oj of, oj in pa^mait of tl)e faiD pn^nc oj

pen.'iltp of tluenticmarlscUjOjanp part thereof as nfo2cfaiD,contrarg
to tl;e true meaning of tljefe p;efrnt5, anD from ano immeoiatl^ after
an^ fuel) Default tn patment ^ao ano maoe as is lad afo^efapd : SCfjctt
tbcfaiDreconertG0,ant)o(t)er t^c affurances afojefa^D fI)allbee,anD
(l}all bee aoiuogeo anD fallen to t'ge onclp auD p;oper tfc mn be^cofe
of t^e faiD U.^aiiDoff)is Metres ano afTtgncs, fo2 anD During tl^e
lubole terme of Vcjcdtat pearcs immcDiatlp from ano after fuc^
HefauU of pa)^ment as is afo;erapD,to bee full^^ complete auD enDeo
anD to none ctt^er tre.intent o; purpofe. 0nD from anD after tt)e enD,
Determination o; lurrcnDcr of t^e faiD tcrme of tt)?ff fco;c yerefi, tljcn
toti)ebreanDbe^oDfeof tbefapD^.C anD tt^e^eircs males of biflbo^
Die laix)fullp begotten. Sinn fo? Default of fucb i(rue,to tbe bfe ano ht*
^(D re of t\)t rigbt \)tixcs of tljc faio a.C.foj eucr, ae if no f uc^ Default
Df paimcnt baD bin : anp tbuig o; matter Usbatfoeuer to tbe contrarie
tl)ereof in anp toife nottoitljftancing And tbe fn^o 2
. C
ano 3.
ano it!)er of tbem fo; tl;eir anD either of tfjcir beire5 anD anfignes doc
couenant,pjomifeanD graunt,toanDluitl)tbe faiD U. Si^ biD beires
crecuto;0anD a(ltgne0,anDeuerpof tl}embptl)ere parents, ti)at at
t^e time of tbe f aiD rccoucrie fo to be bat), tl)e faiD tp./.anD ^i.!^.o;
tt;cfnrLuao;of tbem,n)all(lanDanobclalufullpfeifeDoftbefree^olD
anD inbcriiance of tbe faiDmanno; anD ottjer ttje pjcmitTes : 0nD
l^attljefai>Dmano;o^ iLo;D(l)ip, anDallf Ongular otl)er t^c p;emif^
fesin tljcrc p;c(cnt0 mentioncDlDitbtbe appurtenances, anDeue^
ric part ano member ttiereof, from anD after anp Default of pap^
mcnt bp tbe fpacc of fire monctbejj, contrary to tl)c teno;, fo;me ano
cSfcct of tljefe p^efcnta, of o; in tbe faio annuitie , o; anp part o; par^
celltl]ereof,a}a(l beano rcmainet)nto tbe faiD U.^.^ts^eires anD
afTigncSjfo? anD During tbe faiD termc of rl. pcarcs fret anD cleere,!
froelp anD clerelp acquitcD anD DifcbargcD^o; otberluife from time to
time bpon rcafonable requeft luelianD fuflficientlp faueDanDbept
Ijarmelcffebp tbe faiD ^.C.l^iisbeircsfc. of f from all mancr of o
t\)tv bargains,rale5,granrE, t c K\)t c^iefe rents (c.anD all latofnll

leafes (clubereupon tbe olD renti^ are o; Ojall be rcferneD anD fijal be
pcarclp payable after fuel) Default maDe to ttjefaiD H.^. bisbrtres
foj anD During tt^e faiD tcme ofrl. pcres onelp crcepteD i fo^epjifcD.
And furtt)er tf}e fapD ^.C. anDB!*C (r tbat from anD after fuel) De^
fault maDe,tf)e faiD p;emt(res (bal be anD (ball rcmaine ano continue
tmto t^c faio U.^*bi0 erecuto^s ano a(rigncjS>fo; anD During tbe
XaiD Unnc of tt)2ficfeo;e peres of t|is ful cUre pereip balu^ of one t)uti#
Liber Grana , fcciinJus
njcDanDafticpouniigoflatufunCnglilSmoticpjOUcranb aboue all
fl^argcs ano rep^ifeg.anD mojcoucr ttjat the faiD ii#.t)i0 \)eixcB ano
affiBiieg^njall anu map from tl)encefoji() During t^e faio
tcrme of
makoit pears pcaceablp ant) quutlp Ijaue, Mti, i cnicp a!l an to
gnlar tlje faiD mano? 5 lo^oibip, f ell otljcr iljg pjcnutTes bcfcje
tioncD,5no eueric part, parccll t member tljereof, toUbout anp let
(cjcrept bcf OK ercepteD.) Prouidcd alUfaies, tbat if Uje faiD
a,C. biiS
Metres anDaaignefl,tt)flUmafee anp fudj Default inpaimentas is
fojcfaiD, fotbattbefaiD !^.ipbtsbcitcsiamgnes,bpreafcnoftbe
fame DcfaultjOiall 0; map from bencefojtb poaeae,eniop,rcceiue ano
tabeall ano fingnlar tbe rent 5,reuenues,iirttes $ profits of all anD
gnlar tbep?emiire,toitb tbe appurtenances, acro?oing to tbe true
meaning anD purpo;t of tbcfcpjefents : 2:battbentbefaiDannmtie
hefo;e bp tbcfe pjef ents granteD,a)aU ceafe Determine And rao;eo?
a.C.f %> 1 eitbcr of tbe r. STbat tbcp tbe faiD 0.C^
tier tbe faiD

f 3iCtbeir beirs f alTigns,! all anD euerie perfon t perfcns bauing,

(latmtng:>o;p;etenDing to baue, 0; tubtcb of rtgbt ougbt to baue,
tlaime oj pjeteno to baue anie eftate,rigbt,title, intcreft, t)fe,poffelIi*
on,rener(ifon,rcmainDer,inberitace o? DeraanD of, in,o; to tbe pjemif*
fe5,o} anp part,parcll,oj member tberof,fbal f tuill at all eimes,anD
from time to time, from ano after fucb Default in paiment, as i& latt
befoje mcntioneo. During tbe fpace of fiuc pears tbcn nert inrning ir
Deuife anD Deuifes Ij^batfoeuer, be it bp DeeD 0? DeeDs tnrolleD,o;: not
intoUeD,fine, feoffement, rec ouerie, releafe, confirmation toitb Irar*
rantie againtt all mcn5o; ioitl)out luarrantp fo; t^c furtber,mojc bet*
teranD perfect aflTurance Unto tbe faiD H.^*bis beires ano aaigns fe)
anD During tbe faio termc of <5o.peares,Ujitbout anp conDition, as bp
t\}t faio i&#t)i0 l)eires f C In wicnedc Sec.

O Mnibus&c.G.P.ArcI. D.Decanus
drairS.P.iuxtaD.faluf&c. Noucritis
Dccah&Capifprqdifi'cxvnanimi aflenfu
& capif Ecclefi^ Gathc-Scft.p]

G. Archiepifc*
confcnfu noftris
vo &
hoc prxfenti fcript noftro con*
luntatt toil' C<pit dcdifrc,concc(ri{re,6c
firifi jp nobis & fucc* noflris W. F. vnura annual* redd &c. exciinc

dcexituf dc omnibus mcfl.tcrf, tenement, redd, reiieic', (eruic* de- ,

cimis & omnibus al'js reuenc* & emolument fpiritual' ipfius Archic-
pifcop vcl Archic^iifcfipat fui 6cc.Habend'&c. dc omnibus pted'mcfT.'
^cpixfac' W. aiT. fuis pro term visx ipfius VY Solucnd' &c. ad f e{!a

5ymb. Grants. part.primx

&c.Et fi contingat Scc.vt in a/ijs dtfiri^icm^us. In cuius rei ceftiiTi tarn nos
pf.G.P. Archie pfigiir nfro quamnos pdDecanu$5ccapit figiirnfni
coiDmune appoluimus. Dat dorao nf a capiE & cx.die &c.

j4 Grant ofan AnnHitiefor the releafmg of4 titlt vnto Undy

according t an aw.ird.

OMnibus Chrifti &C.M.H.&C. Sciaiis me pf! M-H. in coiifiderac*

cuiuCd (urfuro redditioh & relaxation mihj pK M. H. & cuid LB.
fic p T.C.&: I.C.& eof vtrumquc fail' d* toto titul'jftaCcIara,
vtriq; nr j!i
trm,dcinand & intcrcdcjqua vcl jd' T & I.C nuper habucrint vcl alC

eof habuit dc aut m

mancf de F.cum pci h in com N.ac dc in oibui ce- &
ncifius&c.ac inpformation&iuxtacft'cflum cuiufd'arbitrijp H.S.&
W.B.ac R.G.& B.C.indc nup confcft',dcd)ne,conccfsi(Ic,&: hac pfcnf
d'&c.curaeof ptin.Habcndpr^f.l.C.excc'&c. Etfi& quoticJcon-
tiD'^.pd' &c. vt in altii dtflnii' &c,

A Grant ofa fenjion tn recommence ofan appropriation.

Scft %2%,
/^Mnibus&c.D.pfrmiffionediuina Abbas Monaflcf bcararM.de
V^M.dioc' & ciud conucnnis,Salutcm in dom fcropitcrfi: Vniuerfif
vix volumus clTc noium, qd'cuni vcncrabilisin Chriu* pf don)i!\ Reg.
dci gratia Eps L.dc confcnfu capituli fui ccc paroch.dc P.dioc*& noftri
patronaCnobisac monaflcf nfocanonicc appiopriauit.&inpropf vfus
conccflerit,cuiTifuisiuribus&pcrtih vniucrf. pcrpctuo tempore poflfi-
dcnd'jConfidcrans quod di^us f pus tcmporibus fuispr^cefl. prardc &
ceflof fui fuis tcmpof fru^' & obuentioncs di A'ecc' de P.tempore vaca-
pccpcrunt,& pcrcipcre confucucrunt a tempore cuius
tionis eiu(d ccclc(.
contrariummcmoria homin* non cxiftit, quosiameoquodpdecdcfia
ration appropnariofi hilidi amplius vacare non potcrit, nee dift' domih
Ef>s nee ei' fucctff. f i;tijf deinccps pcrcipere non potcrintnec habcf a- ,

liaque damna non modica pd* E ps & capitul' eo ptcxC fentif poterit oc*
caHofi appropriac' hmd i iorUn in futuf : Nos abbas & couenC prard' hoc
pleniusattendentes habit circa prarmifT. dc ea contingeh dehberac' Sc
confiiiocumviris pericis, & in dome capitulaf inter nos pleno com-
cnuniconiiho& frequent traOaSconcutrch dc omnibus requific folem-
nitinhacpte (ncdi^'dhusEpus &
capitul' pccxtu di^' appropriatio-
nis damnum fentiant in futuf aliqualitaut ia^uram)conce(rimusprae-
la^ Epifcopo &
capiculo xl f.legalis iBonctae Anglixnosiinc annus
Liber Grants. fecundus

Pcncionis dc ccclcfia dc P. memof in rccorapcnfationcm damnorura

quae per appropriation praed'fcntircpotcrint,& a tcroporepacific^ pot*-
(cfllonisdi^'ccclcfiacdeP. pcrnos vcl fucccdores noftros adcptx ad
duos anni tcrroinos, viz. ad teftaP. &JV1. pcr^quaUs porcioncs capi-
tulo fupradi^lo^ vcl cius procurator qui pro tempore fuef in ecclefia
Cathcdrali prxdift'folucnd. Ad quam quiderofolutionem modis qui-
bujpraEmitticfidelit facicnd' nos&fuccclTof noflros&monaftcfnoftf
pr^dift'imperpct oblig. Subroiitnos& fiicccflbr nollros, ac ecelefias
de L.& P. ptxdiii" per candem obligation iurifdift' &
cohere' Domini
Epjfc.L.& ci' official' ac Arch' L. qui protempoiefucrinr.Vt fi vnquam
(qd abfit) nos fuccefTof noftri in folutioh did' pecuniae loco &. fmih
pocericper fc impcrpct compcllere nos in ecdefi js de L. & P. ancedidlis
perfementiaraintcidi^l'ru(pcnnoh& cxcommunicationis, acper co-
rund' fruAuumfequcflrationem nrcno per alium modum quemcunque
prout melius & facilius pr^f.Epifc' 8i Capic vidcbitur cxpedire, quouf-
queeifdcmEpirc'& Capitulo de diA' pecunie fumma, loco quo proc
mictif ,plenaf f uerit ratisfad%',prccer expenf. quas obinde fecerint&pr^.
ter intcrelTe fuum^pro quibus eiid' nmilirtcncmur integre fatisfaccf nul-
la omnio remiHlone petenda renunc'imperpetuum pro nobis 6c fuccefT.
iioflris,acccclelijsdeP.&L.fupradtam ecclefiaftic*, quam regular &
cuiufcunquepotcQatis feculaf exhibition impcditioh priuileg' rccufac*
fupplicac' in integrum reflitutiohexcufatiohcanccllac'dilec'&exccpc*
per Hos vel fucceffores noftros iropetraEfeu impoftcrura impetrand'om-
nifque iuris & fal' remedquod nos & fucceflores noftros^ac ecclefias de
L.&: P. fupradict contra pr^d folutioh Scobligac'fiue in principal' fiue
in accident emergent qucftion qualicunque& vndecunque tueri poterit
quouifmodo,&qd'praerensobligatiotunc(labitruo robore 8c cfFe^lu.
In quorum omnium robur& tcftim figilla noftra prrefentibusfuntap*
pcnfa. DatapudM. in domo noftra capitulafx. die M6cc.

^ GrdHnt of4 Csrrodie,

OMnibus &c. N. Abbas Monaft. beatac MariaeEbof^ ciufdcm $^.324.
Conuent falutcm&c. Nos vnanimi confenfu & aflenfu no-
ftro coneefliffc, &
hoc pracfenti fcripto noftro indentat ccnfij mafic
W. S. quoddam Corrodium ad toiam vitam fuam , pcrcipicndo dc
nobis & fuccefToribus noftris in dome noftra quolibet die quatuor pa-
nes roeliofpaftusrciiicetdc pane conuent & duos panes mediocris pa-
T ftu5^
Symb. Graunts. part.primat

dcpafi libef fcriiientiura,diia$ lagcnas ccruitinr,vnam dc ce r-

uitia conucntuiliA aliam dc ceruida libcf tcncnt)U_,duoq fcrcula carnea
vdfpicea fecund' qd' dies cxpoftnlauerit : Ec quolibct anno vnam ro-
bam pro fedcrc^aarmig'noltrof pro hycme,&a!iam pro 3cftacc,6c alii
pro famiila fua dc (cfta ibcf fcruicntium noftf in hy cmc,5c vnam
robair 1

togam jP acftatc fuo ftatui competent: Ac duas ch .raiftat ligni tocalis,&

duascharadatfcrni jpcquofuo, &vra charaOaEdraraini^^ Icftofuo
adoftium dom' manlionisfuc. Et fi intra dift' Abbjthiam nrara morari
volucrit^tunc volumus quod ilia domus que vocaf &tpt6n0,cuniraIaTk)
fu|> afdificaf & gardino eis aflignac, fie illi appropriat 6cc.

A Grunt ofSafecondnUjor jeares.reffiiting debts,

TO all tnjcCt);ifttan people, to to!)om t^cfe p;efent

ceme3.515.of)cD.anDC.if.Citi?cn5of iL.
feno greeting in our
]Lo;D(H5ooeaerlalling. Whereas ^. %^in Diners rntnmeB of mone^
to t)0 feuerallp 10 tnccbtcD, \Dt)icl) fommed of monep tt)e faiD <S>^*\9
tioUno; bp llUelil^coD n)aU be of abilitie to pap anti content,t)nU(re toe
gtne 0) grant Dnto bini ouc f auoac ano refpitc in paiment of tl)e fame*
Therefore bnoU) pe, ttiat toe tl)c fatD r reDtto;0 aboue nameD, anD eue^
rtecbone of ts moueo iDitb pitie,in conOoeration of tt)e p2emt(fr0,anD
of tbe 6G9D U)iU anD Defire Vobict) tt)e faiD ^.l^. t)atf) to tbe contentati^
on of ttje fniD Duitics, t)ntt) giuen anD graunteD, ano bp tt)efe p;efentf
giacanegrauntt)ntott)efame C?. l^). bpU)t)atfocuernflnif ojaDDiti*
on tbat be be nameD anD fo to all tt)em tBl;icl) f o; tt)e faiD 0.
o; calleD,
lf).tot)5,o2 to ante of b5(fanDeno; (tanDett) bounDoub^rgeD^oar
fure,frtt,anQ U)l)ole lie cncc,Ubertp,anD fafeconBn(t,a0 mucb aa in bs
10 : ^0 aitnaies tbat tbe f ato (I5.1^^anD all tl)ep Uibic^ fo; bini,o) tuit^
t)im to t0 ttanD bonnDc o; cbargcDt 0; otber t^at be fcrnante, fa(to;0,
anD afTignco of tbe faiD O.l^. toitb goDo, ct^attelSimeicl^an*
all tbeir
Di|e0,Debt0,Ductte0,anD otber tl)tngs,in maner of ptare^ freclp,
qutetlp,tDell anD peateablp at tbeir Itbcrttcmap snD (ball bp Dap ano
nigl)t,goe,comr,abiDe> foto^ne anD Dtoclt, pnlTc no repaffe. in, to, 0;
from ante citte,toU)ne,o:bl!age.o; otber place e; places loitbin t^i0
laealme ot (il;nglanD,o; U)itt)ont. 0nD all tbe goDs, luares, tnerc!)an?
ti^cs,anD all otI)er tbmge as bin aboae rei}carrcD, to Difpofe as (ball
like rnD plcafe tl)c fame CP.anD all tbofe perfou 02 verfons, t^at toitlj,
Dj toi l)im to bs,o; anie of Ds, ftano bounD 1 cbarge c at all times ano
fcafons frum tic Dap oftbe mabtng bereof, buto ibe cnt auc terme of
iucpedi:e^u(.):idnbiamieDiatelp curmng alter tt)eDKpBnDOape.or
Liber Grants. fecundus

payment fpccificD in tfjc fpcctaltpoj fpcdaWksUiljcrcm

oj anp otljer perfons, fo? tbe fame >.in anp toife CanDctlj
bouno ano
ttjargcD tjnto bs.And tijat tsse oj ante of bfcnU in no toifc pucfue,
arrea,attac^,l)urt, U)lt^^l)olD, let, oj grccue, no? anie otijer
perfon oj
perronsfo? ts,DjanpoftJS,o2mtl)cnamcofb0,ojof anpof b0,i)p
tt)caut!}ojiti0,airent,lDiU,anD agreement of bs,o?ofanpofbs,tbe
faiD (2?03 tbofe perfon o; pcrfons, 02 anp of tl)cm, io^icl) fo;
!i;e fame
<0tfl tjs,oj anp of tJ3, in anp tuife ttancet^ bouiifi 0? c^argeD
bp t^eic
boDicsas fngitiac, noj otl}crlDife,nDabpt^cii:ga3D0,cattelB,ttiei;^
cljanDifeSjO? anp otljei: things of ttjeirs, ojofanpof tljemfojpap*
met to be mace to tjs, 03 anp of b, of our faio Diittc0,RO3 any part o}
parcell of t^em,oj fo) to finDc to ba, o? au^ of bs, any ctS)er oj better
^aertr 0? &nertte0 fo; contcntation 1 paiment of tbe fame our Do
tieB,ott)er tlien toe 0; eucriec^ of b5 ncU) banc ano batb fo? tbe fame
papment of our faiD Dutie0, 0? anp otbevluife During tbe terme afojc^
faiDjbp reafen 0:^ occaOon of anp Deed,accempt,recept, trefpais^ bnp
ing,fclling,c6tra(t,oj anp otbec f bing,matter,caufc, 0; groiiD Icbat*
roeueritbe,befo;efbet)atcot tbcfe p3cfcnt;,betb}eenebM2anieo(
bs,anb ttj faio C^.ano tbofe perfons, )xil}k^ toitb,o? fcj tt)8 fame (0.
tob5, ojanpof b^ttano bounD,ctiargeD,o;cbargeaWc, baD,maDe,
woouingjOjBepcnDing. And if itbappcntoitbin tf)e faiD terme, anp
nionepo?goot)0tobeattact;eD 0; arreted in tbe name of bs,o2anie
of bs, oj bp anpiDtber perfon oj perfons in tlje banoe of tbe faiD c^.oj
0ftbem,o;anpof tbem,ljubtcbfo;bimtot0, o^anieofbsHanDetb
bounD,o; be cbargeD, 0? cbargeable by fojce of anr bil 03 biUs,platnt
0? plaints,againft tbem 03 anp of tbem to ]^ leuieb 02 attacl)cD : tbat
tt;en toe,bej02 ib^V of ^3'^" ^^^ "s^8 of tobom aup fucb bill d; bilU0,
plaint 0} plaint0,fball be maDe 0; affirmeD, Cball put in fnertp foj tl}e
fatD bill 03 biUes, plaint 0? plaints, ano fo btterlp Didolue anDDtf^
cl)arge fame attacbment ano attacbment0,b}bcn,anD a0 foone 30

lDe,tbcp,o;^eofb0,int^enamcof lDbonitt)e faiD attacbment 03 at^

tacbnient0 flial be maDe 0; affirmeD.,(b{)ll tbereto Dulp be requircD bp
anp of tbem, tot)"b foj t)itti fo t}0,o) ante of
tbefaiD CDo? bp tljem, o?
b0 0anD bonnD 03 cbargeD, anD euerp of il)cm tbereof tue ano euerie
fif bs djall cUerelp Difcbarge, a0 often a0 anie fucb occaOon 0; canfc
]3}atlbappcn to fall , Daring tl)e time afo^efaiD And morcouci isjt
all tbe Crr Dito;0 aboue fpecificD trill ano graunt,anD euerp of fi0 fo;
|)i0 otone part Ivilletb anD grantetb to tbe faiD (15 bp
. tbefe p;efent0,
t^attfitbappcn tbefaiDd^^c; tl}em,o;atipoftbem,b:)btrbfo; btnt
tob09Ci;anpof bsttanbbcuRDo; cbargeD, in t^eir clone perfon0,o)
X z '
Symb. Grants. partprimx
\B perfon of tbr^o) anp of t^em,o} in, o; b^ tt)e gooDs, cl)attel0,o)

merc^aoUes of tbetit>o; of anp of tUem, at anp time tuittjtn tt)e terme

afo3efatO)b^ b0,oj a^ of bg,o; b^ anp otber pcrfon o; perfon6,bp tbe
to0,oj of anp of b0,againft tlje tcnojjfojm, ano effect of tl)cfe our pjc
fcnt Utters of faf cconuct, in anp Vuife to be arrcIIcD,(ucD,implcaDcD,
l)urt,gricueD,atteinpteD,bci;eD,o? l3inD?cD,ano tljerof after tyc fojmc
abouefaiD,bc not DcUuereD, no; oefenocu IIt)at ben tbe faio (I?.nno
: i

tbofe U)l)icb fo; bim to anp of bs ftano boiino o; cbargco, ano

bo , o;
tbeir beires ano ei;ecato;s b^ tbefe pjefcnt fljal be fo; eacrmoje quit
ano DifcbargeD againft bim, o; tbem, of b0, b^ tubooi tt)e faio CD.ano
tbofe perf on0 Wicb fo: bitn to b0, o} anp of is ftano bonno o; cliar^
fiCD,o; ant! oftl]cm,(l)ailfoag.3intttOEfo;m,tcno?,ano effect of tbefc
our pjefent letters of fafeconouct be attcmptco, bcreo, oj binD;eD,f
tberof not rclcafcD, biCfolucD, noj DcfenDeD,ac:ojDin3 1^ tljc fo;ine a*
boaefaiD,of al mancr actions, fuits, quarrclo,cbaiiens36,recognifa
ces,ci:ecations, ano oemaanos lDl)atiocuer tbev be , from tbe begin'
ning of tbelDo;lt) bnto tt)c na^ of fucb attempting,be):ation,grtcfe,o)
tinoering. In wimclTc &:c.

^ grant ofUbertie to do aSls in ground'

ScCi.y.6, ^T^His Indenture Becwcenc ^^. ^.anD K. (25. Witneflcth, tljat

1 lubere tbe faio U.
\^, batb bargainee ano folD to tbe faio ]^.C>*
ano Ijis bcites f o; eaer, tUio tenements ic* Now tbe fame U*fo; Di
uers gooD confiocrations \)\m nolu mauing,batb giuen,grantco,anD
confirmeo,ano bp tbefe p;efents fo; bimanobis bcires ootbgioe,
graant,ano confirme tnto tbe faio H. <S^. bis beires ano affignes fo)
euer,freelibcrtieof ingreffe, cgretle,f rcgre(re,fojtf)eOT,tbcirbeir
ano aSign^, ano f o; tbeir feruants, at all times neceCTarp ano conne
ment,to enter into tbegronnoano garoein plot, nolo in tt)etennre>
po(re(rion,anD occupation of tbe faio U.!^. to repaire ano ameno tbe
part of tbe f ato tluo tenements nert aoiopning bnto tbe faio garoein
plot,eitbec litb timber VDo;ls,ffone tDu;ke,reeDtng, tbatcbing,DaUi4
bing, o; otberluife. And furtbcr tbe faio U.^.fojbimfc.coue*
nantetb) fc. quietlpto permit anofuffer tbe faio ici.(II5. bis beires,
erecuto;0,ano affignes, ano all ano enerf of t^em, togettier inttb bt0
o;tt)cir tDO}kemen,at all times conuenient ano neetifall,to bane free
igreac,ano regreffe ,in,anD to tbe faio garDein,fojt^e carrying anD
recariage of all f nc^ ttmber,auffe,aone>moater9clap,teeD;o; tbatcb,
Liber Grants. ^ kcundus
iD^icl) ajallbe ticefcfu! at tw)^t\n\t tDtenfceucrjfo? t^ttt^tixntionB a^
fojefaitijfeitijoattteUt.tenialljo; interruption of any perfono^per^
Tons bp ^is girent,ccnfent,p30f urcnent, pjiuitic, o? (ommantieiwet
And further tt!c faiD l^.^fo? |)iui,b'^5 ^ms, atiD crecutsjSjCOuenan^
tett), and free Ubertp giuctlj and graunUilitntot^efaiD 3^*<5*W
Ijnrc0,mcutoj6, anDafitgne5tl)a&ctl)ef'RiDl^.C.l3t0 tjeires, ers*
may, and tl)at it (^all be latDfuU to anD
cnto?g ant) aaigne^, C^ail anD
anD airigne6,to fct t)p,ano reare
foj tbe faio iS.C^!) lJiir05mcDtojs
any laDCer d; laCDerg,Cagc,polcs,anD Gagta toitbin tbc faio garbciii
at gll times nejofuU f ccnuenient, fo? t^c rj painng of t!;e part ottl)Z
faio tUio tenements aoioining nert tbe faid garDein plot* And f tkirx
M*(I?fo2bini|c cot!cnantetbc-t|)atbe tbefaiD i^.C^,l)i6b5ive0oj
affigng, tLutljout frauo o; couin, tball U;itbin tU)o Daics nert infuing
tbeno of any fuel) lc?kc o? reparations maOe ano 0onMn,anD tpoti
t!)e fciD tenenient0,nial'.c clean tlje faio garDein plot fo annoyeo at a*
nytitnebybimoj bisvuojhenienintljctinieof bis faio reparations,
ano tbe foils tbereof to carry aU)ay, o? caufe to be earrieo atuay, out
anD from tbe faiD garDein plot, at tbe only coff s t cbargcs of tbe fo^e*
faio jKC*bis* \}ti^iSi crecutojs ano affigneg In witneilc tobereof ic*

u4 ^rant ofa If^ardJJn-p bj the ^uecne

REx omnibus exad quos fcientia&

&c. quod nosde
faliitem.SciatisDfa m^ ^._ gratia
rpeciali, ac certamere motu dedimus noflris, cc
conccfTimus, ac per prefcntcs quantum in r.obis cfl damus Scconcc-
dimusdilcfto et ildeli fubditonoftro T.F.gcncrofojCuftodiani om-
nium & (inguloriim manericrum, tcrrariim, & ccncmcn:oium,reddit,
reucrc', fcruic', vif.francipleg', !ibertatum,aduocatiofi,patronatccclc-
capit CantuaricnC priorat, f eod milit,& omnium alioru hercdita-

mcntof quorumcunquc cum omnib' fuis jptin in A. et alibi infra terram

noftra Hibcrri,qUcT nup fucrunt RB.de D.defun^i,aut alicuius altcri-
usfiucaliquorum aliofad eius vrumfcifitivclfcificorura,& quae per fi-
nem poft mortem ipfius R . B. ratione minoritatis E.B. fili j hsercdis &
mafcul* dc corpof pdifii R.B. exeunt, vel ratione cuiufdam aftus jplia
mentijvel aliquo a^ lo modo quocunque fiue ratione minoritatis diZl' E.

admanusnofif deucncf fiuc'dcuenifdcbucrunt, ac in manibus noflris

jam exiftunt,aatexi Acre dclscnt, quouifmodoinfuturumad man'nfas
dcucnicnt,autdencnirc debent per fincraE.R. vxoris didi R.rationc
minoritatis di^i E.
necnon cuftodiam &
maritagium dift' E.abfquc
di(paragac'. Habendum &
tcncnd .cuftodiam omnium fingulorum &
T 3 mane-
Symb: Grants. part.primae
ct ccteroriim prcmiflorum,vna
cummaritacyiociufdem E.cidcm T.E.cxccutoribusct adrainiflratori-
bus fuiSjduiantcminoritatcdidiE. etquoufquc idem E.ad fiiaraplc-
namctlco^itimam^tatcm pcrucnerit, ccin manibiisfuis forccontigerir,
ctqnoufqiic Icgalis liberatio prardidorum nianeriorum.tcrrarum, te-
nemcntonim, cc cetcrorum praemidomm hCii fucrit, (ccundum cur-
fum confilijccrracnoflfHibcrnir. Rcddcnd'iiidc nobis, hcrcdibus cc
fucccfToribus noftris anniiatim ad Scaccarium r.oftrum Hibcrnix prsc-
dift'ad Fcftum Sanfti lohannis BapcKht decern libf legalis rronctx
tcrf noflf pixdift'. Ec fi contingat predict E.obirc antcquam ad fuam
plcnametlcgi[imam?crarcm peruencrir, cc antcquam idem T. F. cxe-
cutores vcl aflignati fui cflFcdum raaricagij fui acccpit vcl acccpcninc
hacrede fuo.vel hxrcdibus fuis infra actatcm cxilkntr vcl cxiftcntibus,
tunc dc vberiori noftra gratia damus & concediimis prxfat T.F.cxecu-
toribus vcl affignatis fuis cullodiara omnium terrarum, tcncmcntorum,
& cxteroriim pra-midoriim, cum omnibus fuis pcrtmcntijs (vc prae-
dIftumcft^accu^odiJmlSc maritagiiim hercdisvcl h^rcdum infra a*ta-
tcm cxiRcntis vcl cxillcntium, durante minoritatc huiufmodi haTcd*,
ScCic de harrcdibus in ixrcdcs,qiioiirquc alius, autiiuiufinodi hcrcs ad
plcnam ct Icgitimam ;vratcmpcrujncnt, acquoufquc idcniT.cxccu-
torcj feu afTjgnati (ui cffcdum maritagij vniuscorum acccpit vcl accc-
pcrunt, abfquc aliquo alio computo, (cu aliquo aliorcddif nobis, hacre-
oibuSjVcl fucccfToribus noflris reddendo, foluendojaur facicndo. Infu-
pcr ex abundanti gratia noHra damus &
conccdin:us cidtm T.F. cuflo.
diam omnium inancriorum, terrarum, tcnementorum,& capicroruec hx-
reditamcntorum quoiumcunqucquxadmanus noftrasdcucncrunt.feti
dcucnirc dcbenc rationc cufiodiae terrarum tS; tcncmcntorum picdi^o-
rum, ac c.Ttcrorum prarnnfloruiii, vcl rationc ininoricatis pracdiiVE.
Eo quod cxprcfla mcntio &c.

^ Grant ofa Ward hj the ^lticatf^

Egin3<5cc. Sciatis quod nos dc gratia noflra fpeciali, ac ex certa

^ A'^
5 8 T?
tvfcientia & mero niotu noflris dcdimus & conccfHrnus ac per
, ,

pra^fcntes damus & conccdimus dilcc^o fcruicmi nofiro A. B. vni Gro-

mcf Camera wardum ec maritagium R. R. fi!i) et hacrcdis A,
R. vidux dcfunlx Nee non cuQadiam ct gubemationcm tarn cor-

poris pracdi^i R. quam omnium terrarum et tcncmentorum, pratum,

parcuoruni,ctpa(luffuorufl3quorumcmiquc,iaccmium cc cxiftcmium
Liber Grants.' fecundus
in parochia de B. in Cotnifatu noflro S. vna cum reddltu prolicuo &
eorundem, modo in dono ct difpofitione noftris cxirtcnf, ratione mino-'
ris xtatis prxSCi' R. Habendum ct tenendum wardum ctmaritagium

pr?cdift' R. &:c. ac cartera pra^miffa, cum omnibus et fingulis fuis perti-

nent pracfato feruienci noHro ct aflignatis fuis, durante minore 9tatcpr9-
dift' R.dc dono noftro,abrque computo fine aliquo alio nobis vcl h^rcd
noHris pro pmiflls reddendo, folucndo,vci facicndo. Eo quod exprcila
mcntiolcc. In cuius rei&c.

j^ ^rant ofthe marrUge of an Htire apparaftt,

THis Indenture maDC IC. XScffcoenc 2D.g>, anH W.^* Witneffeth, Sefti 3 i$.
couennnteu, sranntcDjbargameD, ano agmo betiuatie
tljat it i&

tfit faiD parties, in manner ano fo^me foUotoing : tt)at is to ra^,sr^e

faio JT. t)at[) bargaineo arD fclDe , anti hv tbcfc pjcfents faargainctl^
and fellct^ to tbc im Mh
tOc marriage of >. fonne ano Ijeire appa*
rant of t^e faio K* 0nD if ttje faic (3* Hie befoje \)t be marrictJ bp tbe
affent of trie faio m.
o^ tjis aaignee, tljcn t^e faio fijall tjaae t^e m*
marriages of IS. ano 9,oaugI)terfi of tijc faio K*q; tljc fame marriage
of t\iz faio (J5* 0; tbe marriage of tbc faio oaugl}ters, ano of eitber o{
t&em,tobebaoano folcmni^so at futb ttnico?tin;c,an9platc,an0
iuitb fub pcifon,as tl}e faio CKI.oj \)is affignes fijal limit ano affignc
luitbout oifparagementf And tijc faio imA)is erecuto^s 0; adtgnes,
njaUbauetbeguioinganoUeepingof tbeljcireapparant^ojbeirein^
Oeeoe,of tbe faio SH. from tt)c oate of tbefe pjefenta.o; as foone aftcc
as tbe fame bcire map conuenientlp be Oeliuerco to tbe fame W* 02
bis adignef!, be it male, 0; female, 0? females, till t'oe fame beirc, if
it be malcjfliall come to tbc age of one ano ttocntie peares,ano if it be

female, 0; females, till tljep come to tl)eageof fivteene vtBxts. 0nD

bp all tbe fame time , tbe fame Wil* ano f^is aHignfs (l)all 6noe,anD
(aufe to be founo, to tbe faio bctrc 0? b^ites, meate,onnHe,ano clotb
conuenicnt,fo;i bis 0; tbeir oegree t ^no alfo l^all ftno tbem to fcbo^le
ano learning conucnient fcj tbcir ages , after tbe oifcretion of tbe
faio tM* 0^ [)is aflignrs, at tbe rods ano cbarges of tbe faio Wi* 0^
bis affignes* And tbe faiO SH. flijall caufe fucb a fufificient,fure,ano
latDfuU eftate ic to tt)e bfes ano intents folleluing . 0no iw It&e
manner, tlie faio 3 C. ano ^C^Ci;. ano if ano tbeir btires, aftec
t^e faio futetie of t^e faio manno?s,lanos,ano tencments^tuitb tbeic

SyAb. Grants. part.primae

appttrtenance0tot^emniaDe,aiaU ftand feifct),of,attD iw tl)e fame

inano?8,lanU8,anD tenemente, toitb tljeir nppurtcnanccff , to tije tfe
anD intents foUotoing : tbat i5 to fap, of tt)c faiD manoj of IT, anD of
all tl)e fato lanos ano tenements in i c. to t bfc of tlje fniD GCl.sp.ano
1)10 atrignes, from tljc featt of i c latt patt bcfoje tl)c Date of tt)Efe pjc^

fents, till tbe faio O. come to tbe full age of 2 ycarcs, ano after tlje
1 .

faio CS^M of tljat age,tl)en to tl)c t)fc cf tl)c faio C?.anD of Ijcr tl)at n)all
|)appentobcljisU)ife,mameDbptt)c affignementof tbe faib m.oi
iis alIignc0,anD of tbe beires of tbe fame ?. i^nD of tbe faiD manoj
cf ^ano of all tbe lanus ano tenements in C. UJbicb tbe fame lE.pjo
tnifetb to be of tbe pcarel? balue of ic.ouer all c l]ar5CS,ano of tbe ma
noj of p.anD of all tbe lanos antj tenements in p.to tbe Ufc of tbe fain
%*fs till tbe faio (H?. come to tbe age of 8.peares,tben tbc^' to ftano

(eifeD of tbe faiD manojs of l^. ano p. ano of all tbe faio lanos ano
tencments,U)itb tbcir appuitcnanccc,in il3'C;.anop. to tbe bfe of tbe
lame tKU.sp.ano bis affign6,til tbe faio O.come to tbe age of one ano
ttuentie pei'cs, ano after be come to tbat 8gc,tben to tbe bfc of tbe faio
<I5.ano bis beires fo; euer : SZ\)t faio CCil. ^. During bis intercft, ano
tbe faio >. ano bis toife, onring tbeir intcreOs, veeloing fo? tbe faio
wicno; of ^. to tbe faio 23. as long as be liuctb pearelp foure pounO0
at tbe fenffs of i c.And if tbe faio 23. s. oeceafe (as 0oo fojbio) be*
fo)c tbe faio > come to tbe age of eigbtccne peres, tbcn tbep to ftanD
feifeo of tbe faio manojs of Ij). ano p. ano of all tbe lanos ano tcnc*
nients in ^.p. ano C
immeoiatelv from tbe ocatb of tbe faio C^
to tbetjfe of tbe faio d ^ ano bis adigncs, till tbe faio (25. come to
tbe age of 2 1 , pe^ircs ,nno after tbat agc,tben to tbe tjfe of tbe faio (5.

ano of bertbataiallbappen to be bis luife, marrteo at tbe affigne*

ment of tbe faio ^* 0; bi0 alTignes, ano of tbe l^cires of tbe fame <D
fo;eer: janoof tbe faio mano;sof U.i^.ano^. ano of all tbe faiD
lanos ano tenements in Jii.i^.ano ^.lubicb Dame 0. late luife of tbe
faio U. ano motber to tbe faio ^ &. noU) i) oloetb fo; tbe terme of bet
life,asbcriopnture, to tbe bfe of tbe fame 3. foj terme of ber life,
ano afterbcr oeceafe, to tbe bfe of tbe faio K* ^. During bis Hfe,
b)itbout impeacbment of luaSe: after bis oeceafe, to tbe bfe of t^e
faio M.till tbe faio CI?.comc to tbe age of one ano ttoentic peare0,ano
after tbat tbe faio Cd. ftiall come to tbe age of one ano tlvcntie ^eare0,
tben to tbe tjfe of tbe fame C.ano of bis b^ires fo? eucrtano of tbe faio
inano) of C.ano of all tbe reHoue of tbe faio mano?s,lanos,ano tene*
inent0,tDitb tbeir appurtenances^to tbe bfe of tbe faio SU.^.fo; terme
f W ltfe;iuiltiout impeacbment of UHi(t;;^no after 1910 occeafMo tbs
Liber Grants. fccundus
tfe of tit faiD ^*^, till tt^t TaiD (^comc to tlje faiD age of 2 1 ^ere^,
awD after tt)s (ame 0. come to t^e age of one ano ttocntie peare5,tljcn
to tl)c bfe of tlje 0.anD of l)is Ijeires fo;xir And if it tjappen tbc
fato (S. to Dtceafe befojg t)e come to tt)e age of z pere0, tl)en tlje fatD

^q^^ano l)ts offtgnes iljall Ijauc all tljc faiD manors, lanos, ano tt*
ncmctSjUjitI) ti)e appurtenancej,tDl)icl) Ijc t^oulD baue ^ao til tlje faio

0feaD bin of tbe age of 2 1 .pece,if tlje fame clD>.fo long IjaB liueD,t)n#
to tl)e time tlje faio B >anD0.anD citljer of tljcm come to tl^e age of i <?
vearei^. jano if tlje faio dp* Deceafe 0; be marrieo bp t[)c confenC anD
aaent of t^e faio m*
<d* 0; ^is aaignes, 0; if tbe faiD (^, be marrieD
bp anie of tljcir aCTcnts, ano tbe fame 0* Deceafe befojc carnall copn
laticnbettueencbimanobisiwife: 2:bcn tbe faio ^ICT n^all baue tbe
marriages of tbe faio !^ano 0. anD of eitber of tbem, being beice
apparant 0; beire inoc eDe to tbe faio SC^. m^ tbe faiD feofifeeg fijall
tben ftano fcifeD of all tbe faio manors, lanos, ano tenements, to tbe
tfcB ano intents foUotuing : tbat is to far, ^\)c faio manors of 2D*
ano p>* ano of all tbe faio lanos ano tenements tn K. ano p* to tbe
tfc of WM\
tbe faiD oaugbtcrs ano eitber of tbcm be of tbe age of dp
teene ^aares, ano tbep Ojall SanD feifeD of tbe faio manors of ^. ano
of sU tbe faiD lanos ano tenements in !^. to t\)t tjfe of SC. ^. f ill tbe
faiD ^. anD 0.bi^ oaugbters, anD eitber of tbcm , (^all come to tbe
age of Uvtctm ^eares : ^no after tbat eitber of tbem be of tbat age of
1 6*)feare0, tben tb^ faio feoffees l^all aano feifeo of t\^t faio mano;s
of 2D* p. ano !p ano all ano tenements in li;,panD
fbe faiD lanDs
!^* to tbe tfe of tbe beires of tbe faio 1&* ano j^* of tbeir bobies begot^
ten, anD fo; lache of fncb iffue, tben after tbe Deceafe of tbeir bnf'
banos, to tbe bfe of tbe faio ^.^* ano bis beires foj euer : HnD tbei^
Cball aano feifcD of tbefaiDmano2ofir.li*anD &. ano of all tbe faio
lanDs anD tenements in if^iu anD fs* to tbe bfe of tbe faio ^ame
^* fo2 termcof bcr life, 0nDafterberDeceafe,totbebfeoftbefaiD
2D.^* fo; terme of bis life, Initbout impeacbment of tuafte, l^nD af^
ter bis Deceafe, to tbe bfe of tbe faio M^. till tbe fame 1^* ano 0
(i)a\\ come to tbe age of Gfrteene peares , ano tben to tbem, anD to tbe

ijieiresof tbeir bootcs begotten, ano fo; lac^eof fucb beires, to tbe
t)fe of tbe rigbt beires of tbe faio K*&. fo;euer. 0nD of all tbe re(i

Dne of tbe faio mano;s,lanDs, anD tenements, tbep (ball (tano feifeD
to tbe bfe of tbe faio 5p,^. fo; terme of bis life, toitbout impeacb*
tnent of toafte, 0nD after bis Deceafe, to tbe tfe of tbe faio tl^.^^ anD
|)is ntmtoiBi till tbe faiD ^ anD jS ano eitber of tbem, 03aU come to

tbe f ftU ajje ef i

<>> veces,an9 after tbep ano eitb^ ^ tbem fijall come
Symb; Grants. parc.pnmae
to age , fl)cn f o tlie bfc of tijc fame !!* anb 0. ano of the fKircs of
ttjat .

tl)ir booic0 bcgottciuant) fo;lncU of foci) iffue^to tl)ctfeof tbc rigljt

Ijeircs of tt;c faio ST. &. fo; eucr. Prouidcd alwaycs, tl)at it fijall be
latufttll to tbc faio K* S>. to maUc a govnture, 03 to aflignc a Jom^
tnreinbfeof tbe mar.o; of (I?.toitf)tf)c appurtenances, toanleluo?
mantbatfljaUljcccaftcrbc l)ifiU)ifc,ifljc{l)all(;3ptobc marrict),to
l)auctobecfo;tecnieof bcrlifc ondp^o^elfetomaUcaQraimtofan
cnnuitic of rr.pouuusjOj of a rent cbarge of rr. v'ounDs,to be pctcci'
ucDi>erclpoftl)erame manno;, to tl)e famcluomantt^atn^allbciiid
tuifeitf anpfucl)l)apto be, fo^auc toiler fo^tcrme of Ijcrlifconclp,
tljefaio coucnants notinitblfsnoingf* Andif tl)cfaiDe'. ojtl^efaio
Caugl)ter0 , 02 ante of t'oembcincjljctre apparantoj hctrcinOccDof
t|)e faiD ^*&. refafe to bs tnarrteo b^ tbe faio ciHL^.o} l)tg aatsnc(,
anoat ^is 02 t^cir adigncmcnt : Q;\t tt^efaiofonnco^anicof tt^c
faiD Daagf^ters be marrirD at tbe afTignement of anpotf^ccperfoti
tl)f n of t^e faiD uKT. i^. 0; bis aJIignc5 , tljen tbe fame KH.Q^.o) bts

allignc0 C}alU)aacin recompcnfcof facb manage 200. ponnosof

latofull monct> , to be percciuco bp tbe fame ^. 02 \)\9 affigncu, as
itiuillpcarelparifc of tljc faiomamiojgof l^.S.anop.niiDoftlje
iaiolanosanDtenemcntg in IfJ.S.anDp^anDC.immcDiatlpafrer
tlje fame beirc tl)at forcfufetbto bemarrieo bp tbeadignementof

t^efaiD on. fil^.ojljts affigncs, 03 tljat rt)all be marrico bptbcaf*

fignemciit of onic ctber pcrfon tl)cn of tbe faiD U23. 0; his affigncJJ,'
fl)alUomc to tijc full age about limittcD, ICtjatistofau, Jfitbt
l^enr^s. 3nD tl)at tbe faiD fcofTccs immcDiatlp from tljc tiaic ifjat tbe
^eirecometoTu(l) full age aboue limittcD, (ballltanofcifcDmt^e
famemanno2s, lanDosnD tenements, toiljcbfeof tbcfaiD WB*^*
auD \)iB aaignes , till tbe fame <nt. ^. 0; t}is aOfignes baue tecciued
of tbe iiTuesano profits of tbt fame manno2S,lanos,anD tenements .

tUjoljmiDjcDpounD^Jof latefallmoncp: Hno after ttjatCCpounbs

forcceiueD,tbep (Ijall CanD fuctber feifcD to tbe bfc tbat tbe fame
feolfees tball taUetbei(rucsanDp;of(tsof{beramemanno36,lanDS,
anD tenements, tilltbvbiiercceiueD CC
BD as be limittcD Ip tbe laft unll of tlje faio 2:.&.anD if be maUe no
toilUljercof, ttjen it to $c. And if tbe faio 0.15. anD a. l)appen
toDcceafeo;euertbep be mariieo, ano tbe faio iir.i>. banc no iffuc
ofl)isfaoDietl)af mapbe marncD,attl)eaIfignementof tbe faiD ^H*
02l)isafl[igncs: Eten tbe faio ^.02t)is aOTtgnes a)all ^aueinre'
cdtnpence fo; fod; martage 9 ano fo^faci^monep a^tt^e faiD %^,&\l
Liber Grants.' ^ fccundus
|)aaeof fmD tH^. b^l^ts tlDo i)anD;eD poanD to be pcrcctaeo, as it

toillpearelp grolB immcDiatelp after tt)e Deat& of tbe laft !^cire appa*
rant, oj ^circ inoecD of t[)e faiD K* ^. of tlje iffucs anti profits of tfje
fame inaniio;s of l^ 2C aiiD p ano of tlje faio IsnDs ano tenements
in l^iSC^ano ^. ano (Ijst t^e faiD feoffees Ojal ffano feifeo of t^t fame
tnancjs, lanD0, ano tenements , to tl)e fame tfe ano intent And in
cafe tl)c faio <a!5 tl)e faio t^. 95 marrie ont
Deccafc tJnmarricD, ano
of tbe faio Daughters Unto apparant of f Ije fame (M* S^* ano
tl)e Ijeire

t^e faiD sn.^.marric agaitte,anD Ijaueillue male: s:i)at t[)en t|)e faio
feoffees fiiall ftano feifeo of t!)emanojs of i;^*^^anD ST anD of t^e
lanes anD tcnemeRts in ^* 0. suD Si to ti)c tfe of t|)c faiD CI, anD

!)i3a(rifines,t)ntiUti5cpt)auc receiusDof tl)eiffues anD profits of t^e

fame manors, lanDS,? tenements, foj tljc marriage of tfje faio fonne,
;ac>pounDs of latxjfoll monep : For ^h\c\) p3emiiIes,U3cll ano trnelp
to be pel fojmcD on tlje part of tljc faiD 2l .^. tlje faiD im*^* pap Wl
0? caufe to be paicD to tl;e faio S^ 3 cc* marfecs of lalufuU mcne^ In
witncfIctol)ereof fc.

A Gnwnt of Pf^ardjhip md Marriage,

THis Indenture maoe bcttueenctijcmDlf erceUcnf|[^3incefrCjanD Scft.33.0

onrmotiD^eaD ^ourriitgne iinoie Elizabeth bp tbe grace of
(II5oD|c. of tbccnc paitic,anDCii;.I!IEl.c5cntleni2nof tl)e ottjcr partj,

WitnciTccb, S:i)at Ujljercas our fe^oneraignc ?laDie, Uiitb tbaouife of

tl;e Rafter and Com^fcU ofl)er graces Court of QiUarDsanD ^iwzt

rics, bcDntcnteD2nD pleafcDjtograunt, anDbptlicfepjefents.Doe

tommit ano graiint bnto tlje faiD -*W\ .tljc cnftoDie, <i!2i'.arDfl)ip, anD
marriage of ST. ^.tjcr l^igljnetlc (HarDe,fonne ano bcire of <3* \^*
CI5enileman DeccafcD. 0nD if it fortune ttjc fapDe K* i)*XQ Die before
marriage l)aD,oj lcfo2cl)eccome,o3 bee of Ijis full age : 2I!jen t^e
MarD ano martiage of l)is nevt l;eiic mr.l?,anD (0 from ijeircmaleto
Ijeircmalebeeing agcbntiUtt-efspD d^^iM.bi^ferecutojso;
aHignes, Ijane tafeen of tl}c marriage of oneof tljem, tuitlj^
tlje effect

DUtoifparagement,togttl}ertDitljoue ^nnuitie ojrerclprent Mmit

teDanoappointcD bptbefaiD i^afterano Coanfe!!,to bepapcDperelg
tott)cfaiD dtJ. SSL ano lji6aSJgnes,bpt5)eSiueciiec19aieffies"ireo^
tarie of Comttic of
tlje fo; tlje time beeing, foj, ann totoarDs tlje
tjueaticn anD bringing t)p of t|)c (nio^eirc, c;of j^n^ljis ijeire m

Symb. Graunts. part.primae

^txxti male0,^ereaftcr bappcnmg to como (o tljc cuCooie jof tl;e CaiD

0.^. oj!)isacrignc0, bpbeclue of tljiapjcfent grant, not cnecDing
tl)cvcarlv^<^lwcoffircpounDs. And whereas alfo there Doll) net np^
pearc at tt)i timc,tl}at cueric part of tlje int}critancc of tlje faio Cl^>.
tpon t^cDeati) of t)i0 faid if at^er , is come into tljeljanos ano poC^
f cHion of our faiD feoueraignc l.a5ie, no; ccrfauult? m eucric parccll
Df tf)c inljeritancc of tl)c fate l)cires,U)bat ougt)t to be in l}cr l)i!jl)ncCrc
t)ancf ano pDac(rton,bcaufe of fucb ootocrs, fcoffcments ano Iwills,
a0 percafe bin Dcclareo in ttjc fame : tljcrfojc fo: tbat our ^oucraigne
Jlaoie 0)0010 not be occeiueo in that teljalfe, but that her i^ish"^ ffc
lljoulohaue perfect bnotuleoge ano tnoec^aoing of alUuch manc;$,
lanD0,ano hereoitament0,luhich immcoiatl^^ after the oeccafc of anie
pcrfon o; pcrfons,o? after the pcares finiOjcD oj cnocOjO) any lalt tuiU
pcrfo;meo,0)aUoirccno,reucrt:reniaine,o;come tottje faioh^ite in
poffcfliono;rtucrfion,ano the beric bell ano \3ttermoft trnebaluc oC
them bpthcycare,the faio Cll. hath oeliucrco a Iwjiting inocntco,
hereunto annereOjinthelvhichbecnecontaineo ano fpectfieoall fuc^
inano30,lanOMnohercoitanient0, ano the bed ano tttermoQ true
taluc of them, U)hich bccne oifcenoeo, o; hereafter fliall oifccno ano
(omctothefaioheircinpotTctTionoKeucrQon, as 10 afo}efaio : j^ll
luhichniano;0,IanDe0, ano other the p;enu{re0 in the fame lu^iting
tnocnteo,bmbalueo to the belt ano bttcrmetl true t]alue of the fame
And the faio 0. est. fouenanteth ano grauntcth,fojhiiianoht0af^
ItgncB bij thefe p;efLntc, that one ;3uoito2 o; auoito^s , 0? ante other
perfcn o? pcrfon0,appointco ano authojijcob^^thc faiOtj5atteranD
ounfcllfo; the time being, atthccolloano charges of the faio (H^*
zm 0; his aOTignSjOjall fcdrch,t)icUj,ano talue the truth of ttje fame
CJpon the Iwhich fcarch,bipu?, ano bf.lue, if it can bee pjouco that the
faio mannojs, lanos, ano itlier the pjcmiffeg, 0; cnic of them, luhich
0)all 0; ought to oifccno, rcuect, rcmaine, 0; come to the faio heirs in
j3oCrctIion ojreuirCion as afojcfaio, be omittco ano left out of the
faio tD;iting inoenteo, 0; clfe be founo of larger ano better rearlp ba^
luc , then in the faio tojitma0 is limiteo : SThni the faio C?. H:f. hi0
crfcuto;s,o; aflfignes, fljall content ano pap bnto our faio &oue
raignciL90ic,asmch moncpas Ihc ouerplus of tljc vcarclpbaluc
afthcrniomanoj0,lar.D6, anobcrcoitaments fo bnoer-baluco Q)aU
amount tnto,aboue the pcarilp baluc limiteo in the fame tojttinij
tnocnteOjifanpfuchfljall be fonno bpon the faio fcarch ano biclo,
after the rate of thjecyearestjalnc, ano alfoas mnchmenepas the
faiO(ID.:i,o;anHOtt)ertoi)isbfe C&allperceips ano ta^e of thcfaio
Liber Grants. lecundus

mnmis, !anDg,anD !jf tcDitamenf s , foomit(el,anD(|iatfromt|e

ceccflfeof t!}cfaiD f.^anDlifecix)if0tf)eUalueofaUt|)ema!ino;g,
lanos,anD bereDitamcnffi, left out ano omitteD in t\)z fame twitmg
incente9,if anp fact) fliall be founo bpon ttie fearc|j,t)tcto, anotialne
of tlje faiD mannojs, lauog, anu tereDitamcnts , being of f^e in^cri*
tance of tl;c faiD !jdre,\iut)icb fijall l)appen to Difccncreucrt, remain,
c? come to |iim,bcfoje te come ano be of l)is full age of one ano ttoen
tie ?earc0. And tte faiD dE^* couenantet^ anD granntctljfojbinianD
Ilie mQm& hj f l>cre pjef ents, tljat be tbe faiD CD.
ll^aUnotonclp bjingDp ano intertainettjc faiD SC.i^anDali otbtr
m mn bis affigns,

IjiBbcire ojbeircs malej, bercafterbappeniiig to 6etbe ^ueeoeji

^ateHies Mtart'C , c? cotnming to tbe culf ooie of tbe faib (B*Wi* oi
IjiB 8(Tigiie0)bptertueof tbefaiD grannt, ingoDderuDition,t}et
tues,anD Decent qualities, as to tbe ucene;l)ono?intbatbebalfe,
anDtbccftatccf bet bisbnctle publihelueale appertainetb, but alto
80 mucb as in ^im anD tbem l^etb> tball baue anD DefenD all tbe xnn*
no;,lanD5, ano bercDitamentSjOf tbe inberitance of tbc faiD beire,
from all tnlatofull intruftonc; , incrocbments , loaQes , Dscaieis,
fpo^letf, Difo^Ders, ano expelling of tenants* And if atanv time
Ijereafter During tbc faiD graunt, anp bnlalijfull infruGon,incrob*
mcnt0,toaft,Decap,fpovle,Difo;Dcr, oj cupelling tbe tenants be Done
o?maDet)ponanppart o; parcell of tbe faiD inberitance, oMf an^
euiDencefi, muniments, o?b);itinss concerning tbe fameinbert^
tance, be imbeojileD, toitbDjatoen , concealeD, ojmifufeD,totbe
bnotoleDge of tbe (aiD (15*m* 02 bi^atfignea: 2Dbat tben tbe faiD
>.^.ojbisaaigne0, fojtbtoitb after fenotoleDge baD of anpfejcb
intraaqn,incrocbment, txjaC, Dccap, fpoile, Difojoer, 02 erpeUing of
tenants, imbea$iling,U)itbDjaU)ing, 0; mifu(ing,of cuiDencesanD
tojitings, fljall certifle tbe fame to tbe faioipaCrcronDCDouncellfDj
tl)ctimebcing,anDrecciue anopjofccute fartberojDcrfojtbercfo^
mationtbereof , to, anD fo; tbe aDuancementof tbe^ucenesbtgb^
netre intercft anD rigbt , anD foj tbe pjeferuation , fafegarD, ma
tuition of tbe inberitance of tbe fapD l)eire* And tbe fapo dD. SiQI.

conenantetb anD grauntetb, fo;bim, anDbisaaignesbptb^fepje^

rents, tbat nettber be tbe fa^D 5.^.no?bisairigncs,fl5aUgiue,
graunt, commit, bargaine, oj fell tbe faiD graunt , 02 tbe cuHa*
Dikjoftbe fapD C^no?an^otberbifi beire ojbcires males, com^
ming totlie cuQoDie of tbe fayD (3* W* 02 bi^ affignes,b^ bcrtue of
tbe faiD graunt, tinto anp perfon 02 perfonSjbeing nert of feinojeD to

<|efatDi)eire7tol3)|iom tbefaiD inheritance ma? DifceQD, netsaui^

Symb, Grants. part.prim^
tt)cr,l)atun6,p;etcnt)iriB, cj claiming any title oj interact to t\)t faio
ini)cnta!U6,ojanppart i\)t\ihi:0c a)all,Dirpofcinjjiaringc,ojbf
anp pErriwarioii ir.Durc tl)c faio Ijcire to marric, totiere anp caCe of Di('
paragmcnt,o; annoyance, o; Difo^oer map rife,
otl)r Dttritncnt,
tontratptotbeojDtrof t^e Jlato. Andtl)8kaiD0.C2I.coufnantct^
f grnntct^, f o j ^im anj> ^U affigns bp tljcfc f)3cftnts,t(;at luittjin one

pcare nat after tl; oatc liercof, l)c ttjc faio C5. CSH. o; ^10 affigneSj
Ojnllrcpairetcthc faiO Rafter anoCounfcU foj t^c time bang,foj
tbc ^. petncfi tpoicRies 515ill Ggneo, 03 Ujatrant,fo; ber l^igbncfl Ut^
ter0 patents ccnietmngtbc (aiDgraunt, ant)(l)aUp;orecutefa);tb9
anD b;ing twc fMo Letters patent5 fanto tbe auDito; gencrall of tbc
faio Court of CCIaico ano Liueiicfl to banc tbe fame inroUcD,as tbe
fame auDito; map bauc perfect bnotoleoge ano tnocrftanbing botD
to t\)axQt oj ccBua tbc pcrelp alloluancc fo; tbe crbibition of tbe faiD
beire ,coir.mitteD onD grantcD in tbc fame Utters patents at al time0
iDben neeo (ball require. In wundlc whereof to tbc one part of tbefc
gncenturcs, remaining luitb tbe faio O.^l. our faib S)oneraigne
ilaoies fealc of bee gracesCourt of EdarDS f !liocries,loitb tbafi*
mfe of tbe fatter anD Counfell of tbc fame Court,is afifireD anb fet,
ano to tljotlcr part remaining toitb tbc ^uccne in bcr graces court,
tbs faio u^* batb put to bis &eale,ano fubfcribeD is name tbe Dap
of f c. in tbc 3
7.rcare of our (oueraignc LaDics moft gcattous raigne

^ grant ofa IVardwithm a^e.

I. Comes O. faluccm Sciatis roc prcfatiim Co-,
/^~\Mnil)US &c.
V-Xmitcm, proquadam pccunix fuinma mihi per T. M. gcnero-
fum, prx inanibus lolut, dcdifTc, & per prxfentes conccflrifTccidcinT.
cuftodiam W. B filiar&h.trc^ R.B. iam dcfun^i, Ac omnium terra-
rum , tcncmcntoruin , Schcrcditamcntoriim, quae ad manus mcasdc-
ucnirc potcrint, rationcmlroris actatis ciufdcmW.poft mortem di<fti
R.qui deme tcniiit die quo obijc per feiuitiura Militarc.Habcnd tc- &
nend curtodiam pdift',ac maritagium pdift' W. pfaCT.&afTj^natis
fuisquoufquc praedift* W.ad plcnam aetatcm viginti vnius annorum
peruencritj&qviaradiuinmanibus meis forccontigcrit, fcurcmancrc
dcbcrct. Etfi contingat pdW.obirc antcquam ad plena state viginti
vnius annorum perucncnt, here d fuo infra a^catcm cxiftenf, tunc fciatis
mepracfatumCcmiivm, pro confiderationepracdii^ajdcdiflcj&'pcr
pr^icmes concciliileprzfaST.cuflodiam ciuidcm h;rcd>ac omnium
Liber Graunts. , fccundus
tcrran]Bi,tcncmcntoruni,6c hxrcditaracntoriiruprscdift* Yna cum roari.
tagio eiufdcm hercdiSj&lie dc hatred* in h^redcui quoufquc vnus corum

ad plcnam xtarcm viginti vnius annorum pcrucncric. In cuius rci icfti-

nionium6cc. Dac&c.

e^ (jrant oftin Adttrvfon ofa ^arf</nage ^c.

OMnibu$&c.A.P.Doinin*P.(aut A.B.MileSjVclarmigcr,) verus Scft.jjz,
&indubicacu$ patronusRcftotecdcfiseparochialisdc N.Ebora-
cchdioccnsjfalutero in Domino fcrapicernan],Noueriti$nicprxfatum
A.dcdi{rc&c.dilc^* inihi C.P.& E.L. gencf, coniunftim, &
corum al-
teri per fc diuifiro, cxccucoribus&affignatis fuis. priraam &
aduocacioncm,deniitionem, collationcni, nommationem, pr^fcntatioo
ein,liberuroquedifpontionem, predict Rc^orix Ecckfiatparochialis
dcN. Volcns, & hoc pracfenti fcripfmco concedcns, quod bcncliccat
&: liccbic di^' B^ . coniundiro, & corum alceri per fc diui(im> execu-
toribus 5c aflignatis fuis ad przdi Aam Ecclcdaro qnandocunque, quo-
ll]odocunque,6c qualicercunquc, per mortem renguationcm,priuatio-
neBi,ccnionem,pcrmutationcm,diui{ioncm, Hue quocunque alio mcdo,
primo&proxiiiivacari contigerit, aliquem vnum virumhoneOum ^"
literatum prxfentarc, ccteraque omnia quae ad pacroni munus (cu offici-
um fpeftant pcrficere jp huiufmodi prima, proximaquc vacatione tant,
adeo plcne & integrc,licut egomet ea in parte facere fi hoc pra^fcns faip.
tummeumUd'minimcfuiircr. In cuius &c.Dat6cc.

Ofan AdHovffon of a 'DeAnriefProuoUfoi^^or Mafter/hip

cf 4 Ccliedge

REx&c. (vtfupra^ij,/^.) ac tenore pratfcntium damus&concedi-^ Seft.23 3.

mus diic^is (ubditis noOris A.B.&: C-D. armigef primam ac jpxi-

mam aduocationt m fee D^ canar*, Pr^pofirur c, Magifti i,fiuc Prcteituf

Colicgi) aoflf dc N.in com noftro M. Habend &c. vtfufra.

OfauAdtioyvfonofa Farfonage or Vicarage,

REx &c. quod nos &c. dcdimus & conccfllmus, Scft.324.

falutem- Sciatis
ac per damns & conccdimus dileftis fcruicntibus ro-
prxic: tes
ftri$A.B.&C.D. Miht, primam 6cc. vtfufra^ Ecclcfix parochialis,
Sym'o; Graunts. part.primac

Vicara^c) Vicariae pcrpctu^ Ecclcfiac dc N. in Comi? no-

{or ifIt be ofa
ftroKanc'jCamuariehdioccf. &noftri patroh plcno iurccxiftch,vel
iniutcCoron<^noflrsvcl rationc Ducatiis noftri Lancaftf ,vcl ex con-
. ccfhoncA.B.bacvicctantum&c. Habcnd&ccncndpr^dia'piimam
Sccprcf. A. B &
C.D.coniun^im vd diuifim.aut coruni anignaf,& coru
cuilibet,pro vnica &
proxima vacation ciufdcm duntaxat Ita qd' bene

licebiteifdcmA.B. &:C. D.coniunOimvcldiuifim.auceorumaffignaf,

feucorumcuilibctauthorinf pfcntisdoni& conccflTionis noftrat,vnnm
aliqucmidoncum virum ad di^am Ecdefiam dioccfano eiufdcm,aut
altcri ludici inca^tecorcpcicmi pfcntare, euro priino& proximo pfaE
Eccl' (vr pfcriur) per raortcm,rcrignationem,priuation,ce(rion,feu qua-
cunquc alia rationc vacare contlg, eret. Ac omnia alia &
fingula qu^ circa
pr^mifla ncccflaria fucrint/cu quomodo libec oportuna,peragerc iin-&
plere,tam bene,libcre,ac intcgrc,quam nos ipfi pcrageremus, fi prscfens
concclJio nofira ff. A.B.& CD.fa^la non f uiflet. In cuius ^c.

OfA A^avofon ofa Trcbend in m (^oUcd^e.

dediflfe ^-c. dilcAis nobis T.H.&N.

^ A 33 Xi Ex&c. Sciatisnos de&c.

^* 5* JfvM.primam&proxiinam Aduocationemcanonicariis &pracbend

inCollcgionoftroOxoh,vulgariter nuncupaf (IS.l^cncie lt)ecigl)ti
Coll0Dge)ac plenam & integram collacioncm liuiufmodi canonicaC
& prxbcndz pro prima &
proxima vocacionc eiufdemtaBtum: lea
quod bene licebit eifdcm T. H, &N. M. ac eorum vcriquc coniun(ftiin
&diuifiro, cxccutoribus &
afsignatis fuis, ac eorum vtriquc, canoni-

catum pr.Tbcndam praedi^lam fie ( vt prxraittitur) primo &
vacant vni alicui perfonx idonx vcrc 5c adualiter intuitu charicatis con-
fcrre. Necnon litcras collationis ad hoc fufficientes & in iure validas
faccre^ngillare>& tradcre,Decanoque &
Canonicis di)i colicgij noRri
pro huiufmodi perfonac receptionc, admifllah, &
inftallation rcfcri-
berCjCacteraque omnia circa prxmifla ncccffaria faccrc &
cxequi pro
huiu(modi prima vc pracmitticurac proxima vacaf cantum.adeoplenc
5cc. vtf$4pra. In cuius rci &c.

tAGrtrnt ofthe next itduotvfon ofa TarfonAge,

OMtubu$&c. Noueritisrocprnrdiftum T.G. dcdiffeficc. dilcftis

Chrido I.C. & R.G. armig
ipihi in &
afsignacis Tuis^primam 5c c.
in comitatu . Ita quod bene licebit eifdero 1. 5c R. cxccutoribus, ad-
inininratoribus,5cabigDatii fuis quandocunquc ccle(ia5cc. vtfuprs
Liber Grants; , fccundus
vacare contigcrit aliquam aliam idoneatn perfon dc qua flbi melius vi-
debit expedire,ad Reftoriam pd ficvacuam nominarc&pracfcmaf
quoufquc vnaaliqua pfona idonea ad nominationcm&prx'cntacio-
ncin eorundcra I.6c R. leu cof altcrius,cxecutot,adniiniftiatof ,aut aflig-
natof fuorum, fcualterius cof ad eandRcftof cuniptih adinittat,infti-
tuat,& inducat,&.c. In cuius &c.

A Col/at ion or donation ofa Chappell,

VNiucrfis Chrift 1 fidel jb' 5cc. I.N. &c. faint & finceram in diio clia gg^, ^ 7,
ritatcra. Cum Capella libera dcR.diflic dioc(isiaiiivacare,&ad
ineam donationcmplcno iurelpcftarc dignofcit Noueridsmc pd Ca-
pcir cum oibus fills iuribus & pciH viiiucrfis dilcft' mihi in Chrifto R.
C.clcrico,viro tarn probo qua literat donafle &
fentium ipfura R.in corporalem poflcflioh diCix capell^ cumpcrtih in-
ducer e. In cuius &c.

tyigrant of an adnowfon ofa Tarfonage infee.

REx &c.Sciatis qd nos ex gratia &:c.dedim* &C.G.R.& R.B.aduo-

cation, donation, libera difpcfitiofi, & ius patronat ct pfeniadirc^
$6^.3 3 V,

lorix&Ecckfi?cpochiaiisdcD.incomS.Habend&c.pf.G.R.& R.
B.hJcrcd<5cafTighiuisimpcrpctuu. Li cuius &c. ,
^ ]]

An appropriation ofa Parfonage bj the ^ueene,

RE2,ina&c.Sciatisqctnos&c.dedimus&c,Dccano&CapituloEc- ge^.i^o"
clcfiae Caihedra]fs.C.&beataeM.virginisWigorh,aduocationcm

&c.Rftor!ae& Ecclcfiae parochialisD. inComitB.Habend&c.cild

Decano & Capitulo 6c fucceflonbus fuis imperpet.Et vltef (ciatis p p-
fcntes qd nos dc &c. acauftcritacnoflfrcgiadjprcm&Ecclcfiartica
qua nunc fungimur,^ nobis hacrcd &
(ucccflbrib* noflris concedimus,
& liccnria damus pd Decano &
Capitulo et Aicccflorib^^fuis^qd ijdcm
Decanus ct Capitulu et fucccflores lui reOoriam Ecclcfiam prxdicf,
quandocunquc per mortem, refignationem , liue depriuationcm, auc
aliqucm alium niodum qucmcunquc vacarc contigerit, immediate in
fuos proprios vfus tencrc (ibi &
{wccefToribus fuis imperpetuum pof-
fintetva leant, abfque moleftatiohaut impedimentononrobaredum
autfucceflorumnortrof ,hoc abfque aliqua praefemation,indi.^i-
on, fiuc admiflion aliciuus incumbentis ad candem re^toriaro <x-
V tunc
Symb' Grants. part.primx
tuncimpoftcrumficn^. Acvltcriuscxccrta fcicntia&mcromotuno-
nris,ac authoritatc noftra prxd qua nunc f u^imur, pro nobis, harrcdi-
l)us& fuccedorib' noftrispdrcftoriam &
EcclcfiamdeD pracdi-Cl',
prout cxtunc(vt prxfcrtur ) vacarc contigerit,ac &
omnia fingula roanc-
ria,mefuag',tcrras,ccncmcnta, rcdditus, reucrfioncs, fcruicia, glcbas, dc-
ta,poIIcfnonc$, & hacrcditaihca qu^cunque cum corum pcrtincntijs vni-
ucrfisjtamfpiritualiaquam temporaliacifdem re<^ori.T5cEcclc(iac(fic
Vt pr^fcrtur)vacan quoquo tnodo fpcftant fiuc pcrtinch, pixdid' Dc-
n /(' cano 6c Capitulo &fucccfToribus rnis,ac dnHrx Ecclcfiae (wx Cachcdrali
apjPpriam'is,cofolidamus, vnimusSc incorporamm. Habcnd,ccnfn-
dum,gaudend, & conuertendum eafdcm rc<5>oriam Sc Ecclcfiara dc D.
pracdida,ac onania & fingula prs milTa cifde rc^loriac & Ecd' fpcftanc
ctpcrtinehcirdcmDecano &
Capitulo Scfucceiloribui fuisvcpdcft,
in jpprios vfus fuos ablque aliqua pfcncationc, nominationCjindufti-
onCjUticadmiflione alicuuij incumbv'ncis, auc aliquorum incumbentiura
ad can d Ecclcfiam cxtunc irapoftcf Ik'nd. Tcftc &c. Dat 6cc.

%/^ Grant ofa Stnvnrdfjipfor terme of life^with afee

for t heJam e, andfor coHnfutle.

SeV J't
/^^^nibus &c. T B. falutcm. Sciatismc prxfaET. dcdilTej&pcr
V-Zpraefcntcs conccnTilTc A.B officiuni ScncfcIuU' fine Scndchal-
cixoranium & fingulof doiniHiof, mancricf, & hdErcdicamcmoruni
mcof de R.F.<ScC. niCjin S.<Sccurtodiam fine officium tcncndiCu-
,;"? riam, Lcet, vif. franciplcgiof cc fin^ularuni curiarum, vif.franciplcgi-
of&Lcetaf dominioiumct mancriorum pr^di^l'ct corum cuiuflibcc:
Ac ipfura A. Scncfchallinn meum gcneralcm incurijs meis vif.fran-
ciplcg* & Lcctarum infra dominia, mancria, Scharreditamcmamea
praedift' facio, conftituo, cc ordino per prxfcnccs. Habendum , te-
nendum, excrccnduin,ct occupand officium pr^edift'cum pcrtincn-
tijs, vna cum omnibus 5c fin julis fcodis, vadijs, regardis ,proficuis , 5c

aduanta^jijseidcm officio fpcftant fiue perttncncibusprxf. A. pcrfc,

velperfufficicntem dcpucatum fuum fiue fuflkicntcs dcputatos fuos

protcrmino vitacipfius A. Ec vlteriusfciatis mcprxfatT. dcdjflcjcon-

ccfliric, &
hoc pr^efcnti fcripco mco confirraailc prxfiiC A. tarn pro
officio pricd cxcrcend ec occupand quam pro bono confilio fuo mi^

hi per eundcm A. ance hxc tcmpora impcnfo &

irapofterum im-
penttj quAndarn annuicacem Hue annualem redditum ccncum To-
Liber Grant's.' fecundus
lidoruni, excuntium dc ct ex omnibus pr^diS^*niancriis,ct hcrcditamcn-
cis meis in R.F.ec C.pr^dict,adfcfta P.&e. annuatim foluend per luaniis
reccptof:,firmariof,balJiiiorum, feu colk^oruni EDCoriim pF^miflorum,
durante vita ipfius A. Ec fi contingat (vtinclartf, dtftrtEliomSy& nomine
fen4&c.) In cuius &c.

j4 Grant of a StervardJJAf of a Corporation to a Noble-

man tvith a fee,

OMnibus &c. R.I.Maior Burgi dc D.ct Communitas eiufdem Bur- SeA.;4l

gi faluc in doaiino fempiterh. Sciatis quod cum anieccllores noOri
dc tempore in tempus per multos annos iam prseteritos, refpicientes res
pclarasdomi forifqucab illunnfliinis virisjac dominis domino G.quon-
dara Comite S. auo, ct F. nuper Comitc S. nobilifl^mo patre pracdarifli*
mi domini G.nunc Cora S. domidi F. &c. ordinis diui G.cqurtis aurati,
Regiseque Maieftati a iacris confilijs honorificcntifllme pijlfimeque gc-
ftiSjclegcrint et conflitucrint eofdcm Comites Senefchallos fiucRecor-
datores fuos mancri) fiue domini et (ocse vil predict, ac Cur Letarum,

vifus francipleg' vill^ et foc^ pditl', aliarumque rcrumfuarum in villa ct

focapdift'. Nosvcropdi^'noncMaiorct Communitas Burgi predict
animis noftris recolentes ct libcf agnofccntes, quam pic, pacifice, iuftc,
ct atque pracfat Comit Burguni pdift' hominclque ciufdcm Burgi, cum
omnibus mancrijs,domini)s,terf et tcht, et rebus fuis per totum tempus

pdict rexerint ecguberraucrint quantaque beneficia ipfi in burg' pdic

horainefque eiufdem fcpius contulerint,pr^diVufque nunc Comes etiara
nunc indies confert,de cuius probata lidclitatc aclumma in nospietatc
acbenignitatc merito plurim confidcmus. Hi$confideratis,dcdimus,
concefllmus, et Hjc p'cnti charta noftra liberc confirmauimus pLt nunc
Com^qucra antcccfl.nortf aimos abhinc circiter trigint ^d hoc cligerunt
ctordinauerunt,officiumSenefchairm.incr:j, domini), (iuc focac de D.
pdift', Ac orrnium Curiaf Lcr^tf, vifus francipleg', ac cmnitim aliorum
raaneriorum,dominiorum tcrrarum, tenement, et hereditament noftrof,
ct eorum cuiuflibct infra pdac viliam,burgum,fiue foca, mancria, domi-
pmiffa. Ac ciind nunc Com Scnefchairnoftf omnium p5
iiia,ac cetera

noftrorummaneriorum,dominiorum,et (occ pet, ac omnium Cuf Letaf,

vifus franc* pleg*,terrarum,tcnementorum,ethereditamcntorumnoflrof
pdquorumcunque,ctck(!^ion'ct ordination pdiurcoptim'plene ap-
probantcs et confirraantes,facimus,connituimus,ordinauimu<, ct decla-
rauimus per pfentes. Habend ,tcnend,gandend,excrccnd,ct occupand
offic' pd cum ptin*,vna cum oibus et finyulis feod,jpfic',c6moduatibus,

V a e
Symb.' Grants. part.primx
et aduantagi js eidcm officio fpcftant fine pcrtinch prxfac G. nunc Com
dcputat, fine (ufficientcs deputaros fuos, ad
S per (c, vcl per fufficientem
libitum fuiim,de tempore in teropus cl igcnd ct fr.bfTicucrd, pro tcrmino

vkx ipfius tunc Com, tarn honorifice, libcre, &

in tarn aniplis modo &
forma, proutaliquis alius fine aliquialij prxdift'oflkiumvnquam ha-
bucrincfiue tenucrint, autnosillud quoquo modo dare aut conccderc
pofTumus. Et vlterius fciatis quod nos in confidcritionc praemifTcrum,
ac pro officio prxdilo cxcrcendo &
occupando, djmus conccdimns &
pro nobis et fuccefToribus noftris eidcm nunc Com Sc affigfi fuis, quan-
dara annuitatem fiue annualera rcddif &c. exeunt dc &
ex oranib' ma-
ncrijt. dominijs,tcrris,tencmcntis,etllercditamentispr^dlft',curapcr-
tincntijs,adfcftumNatiuitati$Domini annuatim foluentt prxfat Co-
miti, per nos &
fucccllores noflros, feu per manus Rcceptorum Balliuo-
rum & Collc^orum pr?cmi(Iorura. Vna cum omnibus alijs fcodis.pro-
ficuis, commoditatibus, poteftatibu5,authoriMtibus, libcrtaiibus, prq-
hcmincntijs, et priuilcgijs,dignitatibus, ct emolumcntis quibufcunquc

officio pr^djfto quaiitcrcunque, pertiu fine fpcftah . Ac m tam amplis

modo ct forma, proutaliqui ah), feu aliquis alms officiumpdi^lum ante
haccvnquam habuerunt vel occupaucrunr,fiue habuit vcl occupauit.auc
habere feu occuparedcbuit fcupotuit: Ac in tam amplis modo for- &
ma, quam idem officinm ac cnrtera prxmilTj, cum pcttinentijs, dari auc
conccdi pofTunt aut dcbcant. Et vlterius conuenimus ct concedimus per
quod Ci contingat pracdiftam annuitatem fiuc annualem rcd-
ditum&c. aut aliquam indc parcellamarctro fore infolut ad aliquod
in quo vt prnefcrtur foliii debcat durante
fcftum fcftorum prcdi(ftorum
vita pr^fati nunc Comitis,quod tunc ct toties bene liccat et licebiteidcm
ComitietalTignati$ruis in omnia ct fingula predict maneria, doniinia,
tcrf, tenementa, et hereditamenta noflra^cum pcrtincnjntrare et didrin-
gerc, ecdiftnOioncs ibidem captasct habitas, licitc jfportarf, cflPu-

gare, et penes fe retincre donee eidcm nunc Comiti &

affignatis fuis de
pr^difl'annuitatefiue annuali redditu, cum omnibus indearreragijs,fi
qu3efiierint,plenarie fitfatisfa^umctperrolit. Hiimilrterfupplicantcs
quatenus pr^f. Comes pr^diQumofficium,annuitafac cxrcra pr^mifTa
vtteflimonium noftf in ilium qualifcunque gratitudinis ccrtiffimum a
nobis accipcrc, et nos in illius clicntelam fufcipcre dignctur per pfcntcs.
In cuius rci teftimonium has literas noflrns paccntes fieri, ct eidcm figil-
lum noftrum commune apponi fccimus, Dat in Guilhalda burgi prx-
dicf^. dic&c.

- *.^
Liber Grants^ ^ Iccundus

: .
A Grant ej Vtjderfiewardfhif, or Deputation,

OMnibus &c. T. P.falutcm,Cum W. F. per fcriptu fuum gercii dac 56^.342.

&c#conftitucrit&orclinauerit!ncpr^f.T.Scndc'fiium dominioiu
& manerioruni fuof dc B.& S.in Com E.ac oium cur, francipleg*, & vif.
Icctaf infra dominia & iiiancria prapd Tenend',habend', occupand',
exercend'officiumpraed'pcrmcvelpfufficicncem dcputatracum, fiuc
mcos pro ternuno vitac raca: ciftn fcodis, vadijs.rc-
fufficicntes dcpucatos
gardis & proficuis cid' officio fpeft an auc ab antique debit vel confuet

vna cum quodam annuali fcodo xl.s. ^

exercicationc &
occupatione of-
ficii praed' prout infcripto pd' pi cm' apparct. Sciacis mc praehT.fecifTc,

ordina{re,& pcrprxfciitei tonftituifledilc^t' mihi R.S.mcum dcpucatu

fiucfubfcncfchailum dominioruni fiue manerioruin pdoium&fint^ulaf
cuf vif.franciplcg.& Icctaf infra dfiia iiuc mancria praedicf habcnd',te- :

ncnd'jOccupand ,& cxcrccnd' idem cfficium hiiidi deputat fcncfchalii e-

iuf<f R.perfe vcl pcrlufficicntem deputatum fuum, feu fufKciemcs depu-
tatosfuosad tcrminumvitaeroei^d T. pcrcipicndoannuatim durante
tcrmifi pd* pro officio illo cxercendo &-occupando omnia fcoda vadia
rcgarda &proficua eide officio fpeftantia aut ab antiquo debit vel con-
fuet, vna cum pr^dil" annuali redd 4o.s.adeo plcnc& integrc, 6c in tara
amplis modo &
forma prout cgomet nunc aut pantea habui, perccpi, v-
fusfuijVeltaccrcconfucui. In cuius 6c c.

A deputation with authoritie to execute the ojfjce of

an Aulnageor,

T His Indenture ttiaUCfC Bctweenc |c. WitnefTeth t^at t()e fatO Cg^ , .-
I^.^atb DeputcD, i bp tl)efE pjeff nts ooti) Depute t^e faio
(I^.tommtflrer,meDDlc,occupte $ crcrcife ^10 office cf 0ulnage,i feale
of ic(BlUnlott)?0,maDcanD hereafter te be maoe, to be put tofeale
Uiit^in tl)e toUineg or C.afo;efaiD,C.SD* ano l^. in t!}e faio Countp of
^*ano t^e toUines cf i c.in ttje cauntie of C* U3itt) t^ctr members, anD
iettt)in ttoo miles compnac of cucrie of tt)e Tata toUtnes, not being in

anif ott)er wans Icafe oj f8rme,toget^er tott|i tlje tu^ole ^ijircs, anD
Countries of ictljc totune of 5ii.onelp ercepteD 1 rcferutD^To hauc,
t)fe,occupte,an& eter(t<'e t^e faio cfttce of Bulnage 1 fesi iug to t^e faiO
MlC>*UtSC):ecnto:8 ca^gnts from the fra0 off daft paabcfn;tett)e

date t)eceof,tnto t^ecno tnu teime of ruy. ycares, from t^^nte nept

tun^immcoiatlsfoUotuingj&n&fiiliF tobe contplctsano $nO0,tutt^

:,.ji ^a 3 all

Symb, Grauntt. part.primx

all t^e iD^Qle p;ofitiS,reucnne0, idne^, atiD aouantages, t^at of rigtit
{^all ($rolu auD be Doe to tt)e (aio M*
(25* bp reafon of ti)t fato office

turins tl)e (aio tcrmc U}it^out inUtcoption, metilins o; Didurbatue

of tt)e faiD ^^*^'0i anie otber m
name, o? bp t}is (ommanDcmcnt

iFojtDf)ict) p3oCt,reuenuE!,\{Iue0,ano aouantagecto be perceiucD,

9 fafeen in manei- ano fojme afojc eppjcCcc, t^e faiD 3. 0. coucnan*
tetb % grantctl),foj bini,l)i{5 crcciUojg aaigncc,to pap pearlp curing
tbe faio teraie of r4.pearr0,anD foj eucrie of t\)t fame ir.tof goo ano
lalufullmoncpofCnglanDjtobepaiD to tbe faiO i^. ^. \)\Btxtcuto;s
n adigncsjin tt>e bp euen poUion. And in cccupping anD
feaft of f c.
crccctling tlje terme of 1 4. peace tbe faio
faio offtce,During all the faio
^.Hjall not Do,o;t caufc to be Done anp tt)ing contratic to anp art, 0;?
mnance oj ftatnte,afo2e tbic time mauc, bp anp ^arliamcnt,oj bcre*
after to be maoe, ccnccrning tbe faio office,\wberebp tbe faio \A*\^*\)i&
erecuto;0 o;t aiTtgncs, map run in anp contempt, penaltie, 0? Danger,
totuarofi our faio foucraignciiojD tbe iiingjojtolnaros anp common
perfon 0; pcrfone, iDljetebp tbe faio i^.l^.map at anie time forfeit tbe
faio office.Spojeouec tbe faio 5153.(0. couenantetb 9 grauntetb,to anD
iuitb tbe faio W.t^ tl)at bee tbe faio ^l. bis erccutojsojaHignes, at
euerp of tbe faio feafte,Ouring tbe faio terme of 1 4'P?ars,anD fo;cae*
rppeareof tbefamclbal mafeetrue certificate ? sue pjcfcntmenttjnto
tbetaioU.l^.biserecutojBojaHignes, of all tinn cuccicfucb fojfei
tores of tucllen clotbcs,a(l0ell of b;oaO0,a6 of narroios, as (bal come
fo^i0^anoso2knoU)leDge, 02 to tbeb^noeso^tinobtwOge ofbisaf^
Ognr 3,from time to tlme,tDben futb forfeiture o? fojfeiturcs of UjooI*
len clotbcB Ojall bappcn to fa!l,Ouring tbe faio term of 1 4vear5. iflno

itiecoucnanteoanoagrecO) bettDeenetbe faio pai ties, tbat^befaiD

tlotbesfofojfciteo, Ojsllremaine to tbe intent aut.ba\<3bcreafter in*
fuingjtjjat is to fap:2:be one balfc ano moitie of tbe faio forfeiture oj
forfeitures, to tbe bfe of our faio ^oueraigne !lo;0) acco;oing as it
is crpKlTeo in tbeMngs letters patents, maoe to tbe faio U.l^.of tbe
office afojcfaio ano tbe otber moitie ano balfebell to tbe bfe of tbe

faio partie8,equalipt& bee oiuioco ano partcobetU)cenetbem,tbat

isiofap,to tbe faio it. ^^ bis crecutojs oj aCfigncs ibc oncmoitit,
ano to tbe f ^io SSLt.Cc^.tbe otbcr moitie. 0no furtbermoje tbe faio 2Kii*
<!^.conenntetbfo2btnbbise!recuto;sanDa(Itgnes, to ano Initbtbe
faioU.t^4t;istrccuto;s or adignes, tbat bee tbe faio Wi*\)is ztuvLf
to;s or a{rtgncs,no} none otber maner of petfon o} perfonsjinbiso)
< tbeir name or commanoement,(bal from tbencefortb feale anp maner
ofclott^ordotlies^nolomaoeor hereafter to be niAOi ano to be put to
Liber Grants.7-) fecundus
fcalc, but onelp (m\}dot^ anD clotM) as notnare snubeteaKer
fball be maoc anD tlctbeoluitbin t^tk^ms, SCotDnesanD limits a^
how fpecifieD , ano in no ottjer plate, During tl}e faiD tcrcie of riiij
peare8,anpt^ingtotj}e tontrarpabouc eyp^tircD nottoit^CanDing,
anDfo;a(turanre of ail anD fingular coucnantis, giaunts^anD agrees
mcnts on tlje bcl)aifc of tljefaiD 2<iil.i)iscmuto;sanDafriQncBtDil
anD truelp in maticr anD fo^me before re^'^arTeD , to be cbfgrncD ano
l^ept, tbe fojefatD Ml danDstb bounD to tbe fatD U* 1^* in one ebti^
gation of C.f bearing Date tlje Dap of t^is SinDenCuce In wicmlTc


A grant ofa Steward/hip d^ringfleafttre,

OMnibus &c. H. W. miles, Salutcm. Sciatis cfi ego &c. dcdi 6cc. SzC
dilefto mihi T. B omnium dominioriiro& ma-
netiorumiiitorumin coiDitacu E.6c H,ac ipfumT.fcnefchar omnium
dominiorum,&mdnciioruniroeorum pracdift' facie, ordino & coniti-
tuopj^rpraefcntcs: Habcdum &c. offic'piaedid'pracfat. T. pcrfcvd
per (iifficicinem dcputatiuumfiue (i.fficientes deputatosfuosafeftoS.
MicbaclisAichang' vltimo pterito, durance bencplacitoroco cum vad
& feed xiij.lolidorum &
iuj.denariorum per annum percipiend annu-
fttimprsf.T.dcexitibusproficuis, 5:reuentionibusmancnj mcideC.
in comicatu E.praed per manus rcccpt roei ibid pro umpore exiHcn ad
fei^a &c. Mandamus infupcr vniucr{]s& fingulisfirmaris,tencntibus,
& occupatmeis, &
eorum cuilibec ibidem quod praefaE X. dcputaiis &
(uis in nac parte de tempore in tempus afTiftcntes fine , obedientcs , &
axiiiances m omnibus proucdccct. In cuius &c.
A Grant ofa Bailywicke,
OMnibus&c.R.W.&c.Noucritvniuerfitasvcf?raraedc fidelitatc,
^ *^^^"
circumfpeflionc & debito obfcquio dile^i fcruientis noflriG.
A. mihi in poilerum impend plcnius confidcmcmjfeciiTe^ ordinaflc
& per prxfensfcript meumconnituifle ipfum G.balliummeum villx
& mancrij fiue dominiij noftri de R. in comit H.ac collelore,& reccp-
torem,omnium & (ingulorumreddit, finiu,amcrciaiii& extract' duarii
laetarumfiue vif.franciplcgiorum noHrof ibid inde,&qi]orumcunque
alioram proficuoru rationeearundlaetarurafiue vif. francipltg' quali^
tercunque emergent liuc prouenient Habcfid, tenend, exercend , &
occupandofiic prsd cidem G.per feipfum quamdiu idem G. erga
V 4 m^
Symb. Grants; part-primae
meCc bene genfcritjSc fi<^dc compotu dc receptis & recipie5 nobis red-
diderit,ac ea nobis folucrit & plcianc fatisfcccrit Pcrcipiendo dc no-
bis pro vadtjs fuis annuis xl.s ad fefla Sec. ^]ui$ portionibus per manus
mcas proprias poft compotu &
plenariamlulut cuiuflibec dimid anni,
acdona,fcotf, rcgardaSc emolumenca eidcm officio dcbita &: confacta,

ty^^rant ofthe office ofCuJios rotu/orum.

Eginaoibus&c. Salu?. Cumperlitrras patcnccsdni H.S.nuper

Scft.?4^. T?
Ivrcgis Angliacpatrisnfi pcharilTimi,gcrchdatapud W.S.dicI. an
regnilui 2 8.rccitatexiftit: Q_iiodcuni idem nipcr Rex dc gratia fua
fpeciali , ex ccrta fcicntia, & mero motu fuis, necnon in confidcratione

boniSc fidelis feruiti) , quod dilcftus 5c fidclis tunc Ceruicns (uus R.

W.fibi ante tunc iropcndcbac, &
durante vita fuaimpcndcrcintcnde-
bat,dcderit& conceflcritper litcraspatentcspracdidt'cidR.W.offici-
um Contrarotulatoris omnium & finoulorum recognic'plafitof,fimu,
amerciameiitof, redemption, manucapxfionu, rccognic',irrotularacnt&
cxcmplific ,inquific",breuium,proccll.cuftomaf & omniii alioru quo-
rumcunque cora nuper regis vel locu tenent ruis,aut locum
luftic' dice
tenente fuo in c -nil C&
F. coram Camaf ciufdem nuper regis C.& dc-
putat vel locum tench fuo. Ac ctiamcorimEfcaetof difti nuper regis
coinC. &Efcactof fnocorhfui F.& dcputatfuo^acctiara coram vie' p-
dict nuper Regis &
deputat eius, (iuc fubuic'did^i nuper regis de F.de-
putatfuo. Nccnoncora quibufcunque alijsofficiarij$,&miniftfciu(d
nuper Regis in Com pdidt', aut p aliqucm, 5c quofcunque cffic' mi- &
niliffuos infra eoldcm com fnos 5c vtrumque corundcm,aut deputat vel
vniufcuiufcunqiiccfficiaf pd recipient, agend, faciend, 5c excqucnd
tarn indiftis comSc feffijh m com pracdift' ccnend,quam omnibus ali)$
tcmporibus anr.i Necnon omnium 5c fingulof opcrum edification 5c

reparac'dicf nuper regis infra com pr^di^t". Cumqucctiamidemnup

Rex K.8. perliterasluaspatentcspredict'-dedent 5c conceflentcidcm
R. W. plcnam p'>ttftatcni auchoritarem,ac mandatumfuumipecialc

ad videndum lco^endum5ctxammafld omnia 5c finula rccorda.rotu-

los,breui>i,reforh5cmunimentqu!:ainqiu'.coraniofficiaf praedctquo-
libcr corum crtpt, f3(\', capicr.d taciend, feu reman tones quoties

praedift' R. W. placucf : habend, tcnend, 5c gau-

aut cius dcpiu t
dt iid 5c cxcrcend officiumpraedift'perpiardidt' R.W. aurperd<*pu-
cac Ilium vel perdiffit wnf dcpir ! wosproterminovitacfiuidemR.W.
cmn vad 5c feodiieidem offiao debit 5c coniuct pcrcipicnd ctp<:r-
Liber Grants'. fecundus

folucn^ annuatim dcexitib'& reucntionibiis dlCt' nuper regtsex did*

Comitat C.& F.ct debit per manus aliquorum alioruir. rtcc[j=oru,bal-
liuoruui , firmariof, prscpofuorunii, tenentium vel occupntorum fuo-
rumcomliii C autF. pracdift' pro tempore cxifitn ad tcfta&c. per
cqualcs portiones, vnacum omnibus abj^ fcod, proficuis, commodita-
tibus, aduantagijSjhbcrtacet emolument quibufcunquc prxd officio
Contrarotulacons debit 6f confuct, in tarn amplis modo et forma prout
W.B.defun^^us de alta prodit attint* aut attinOuf prxdift* in vita fua
habuic , aut deputatusiuiis , fiue deputat fui, vcl aliquis alius aut aliqui
alijpro officio prxdidi' exercend et occupant , habuit &
pcrccpit, ha-
buenint& pcrcepcrunt, prout per litcras patcntespracd'plcnius liquet
& apparet. Qui quidcm R. adhuc fuperftes &
in plena vita exiftit, ac
de officio pdiit* Sccsetefprxmiffisadpfensfeifituseft mdominicofuo
vt dc libero tcnemento, pro termino vitae fuse. Sciatis quod nos dc fidc-
litate,induftria,&diligentia dilel'fubditinoftri S.&c.qnamplurimu
confidentcs de gratia nofira fpeciali, ac ex certa fcicntia 6c mero motu

noflris dedirous& conceflimus,acpro nobis, h^red,& fucccfTonbus no-

flrisperpraefentcsdamus&concedimas eidrm I. S. officium Contra-
rotiilatof noflri,ac hxred ScfuccefTorum noftrof,& omnium et fingnlo-
rum rccordorum,placicof, finium,amerciamentorum, rcdcmption,ma-
nucaptionum , recognition, irrotulament , exemplification, inquific*,
proccfT. brcuium, cuftomaf omnium aliof quorumcunque cora luftic
iio(lris,ac hxtedSc fuccellcrum noftrof C. &
deputat vel locum tenen
fno,acetiam coram Efcheatof noflro,achxredetfucceflof noftrorum
com Ceftf, &
Efcheatof nol^ro , achaeredetfucceflbrum noftrorum
com noftri F.et deputat Tuo, acetiam coram Vic' noftro,ach2ered&
fucceflof noflrorum& deputat eius, fiue fubuic' com noflri C. ac co-
ram Vic' noftro, achxrcd&fuccefTofnforucorhnfi F.et deputat Uio:
Ntcro coram qaibulcunque ali)S Officiaf etMinillf noflris,ach?ered
CtfuccefTof noflrof in com pdift',aiit per aliqiicm et quofcunque offici-
af ctrainiftf noflros, achacredtt fuccefforum noftrorum infra eofdfra
com noftros & vtrunqnc eorund,ant deputat vcl vmus cniufcunquc offi-
ciaf prxdift* rccipierd, agend, faciend, et exequcnd tarn in difto co-
busanni:Nccnon omnium ctlingulorumoperum, ^dificationum,<3cre-
parationum noflrarum,ac h^-red, 6c fucccflorum noftrorum in'raco-
niita6praedi(t Danius etiampro nobis, h.Trt d Scfucceftofnoftris per
pfcntcs, ac ex certa Icientia 6c mero motu m'ilr i-. conced mus prxht I.
S plcnam porefta^.m & au'hor't^tfm , acniandjfum no^'runilpcci-.
ale per prxfenC ad videndum, Iegcnd,6c exanainand, omnia & hngula-
Symb, Grants. part.primae

record, rotulos,brcuia,rctorn, & muniment quccuflque coram officiaf

prird , &
quolibct corum .capt, faft' aut capiend, fiend (cu remanent,
totics quotics dift' I.S.auccis dcputat melius videbiturexpcdirc. Ac
& &
iam omnia fingula alia cxcrccnd agcnd que ad officium concra-
rotularof ptifi , (iuc confuct fiierint facicnd. Habcnd, tenend, occu-
pand, gaudend, & fxcrccnd officium praed pfat I. S.p re,aut p dcputaf
fuum,vcl per fufficicncdcputatfuos pro termino vicx ciuld I.b.vna cum
omnibus vad& fcod eidcm officio debit aut confuct, aut pertinfiuc
fpcdtah.pcrcipiend&pcrfoluend annuatimdc cxitibusct rcucntioni-
bus com nfof C.Sc F.per manns receptor ,balliuof, firmariof, pporitof,
tencntiii vdoccupatofnoflrof, ach^rcdvcl fucceffof noflrorpdcoin
nfof C aut F.pro tempore exiftcnt, ad fcfta &c per af quales portiancs,
vna cum oibusalijs fcod, proficuis,commodicatibus,aduantagi)s,libcr-
taf, iuribus prxhcmincntijs, priuilcgi)s,<Sc emolument quibufcunquc

did' officio conrrarotularons debit & confuct.in t a ampUs modo & for-
ma, prout R W.aut W.B. Jn vita (ua habucf (cu eoru alter habuit, aut

dcputat fuus, liue dcputat fui, vd aliquisalius,vcl aliquiali), in, &pro

officio pr.Td cxcrccnd et occupand habuit& pcepit,aut habucf & per-
cepcf leu habere aut pcrcipcf debuit vel debuef vllo
, modo Eo qd ex-

preffd mcntio &c.aliquo llatut &c.In cuius Sec.

Arrant ofthe Clerkejhif of T^eace.

TJ Ex&c.omnibusad quos&cfalut. Sciatis&c. dilctonobisT.D.

^cct,347. pacisincoih noftroF.ac
J[\,de&c. officium fiue occupation Clcrici
cciam officium fiuc occupation Cleric' coronac noftrae omnium et fin-
gulaf Scffioh paci snfsc hatred Sciucccflbf nfof coram luftic'adpacem
in dido com confcruand affi^iiiNecnonad diucrf.felonias, tranfgref.
6caliamaIefadaineodcmcoiiiaudicnd et determinandaffignaf,autp
noSjhaered.autfucceflTof noOros impoftef in didocomaffignand: Ac
ctiam coram quibufcunquc luftic'p fpcciale commiffione vel comifHo*
nes fpccialcs noflras,ha:rcd ct lucceflof noftrorum ad Gaolas in com p-
did'affignat ct affignad, etprifohin carcerib' eiufdcmexinndelibc-
rand dc tempore in tcmpus. Etipfum T.D. clericum pacisac dift'
coronae noftr^ in dido coiTi per totura cundem com coram quibufcun-
quc luftic nortrisjhacred fucccflbru noftrof p praefcntes facim',con-
ftiiuimus &ordinamus , ac deputamus habcnd, occupand,
, : cxcr- &
ccnd officia fiue occupation pracdid' eidcm T.D vt clef pacis coro- &
nae in com pr^did' per fc, vel per fufficicnt dcputat fuum, fiuc dcputa!
fuos fufficicnf, pro cermino vies ciufdcm T.D. Habcnd^ recipicnd) &
Liber Grants^ Iccundus
percipiencl*,dc,in,& pro officijs fiuc occupationibus
f d* cxcrcend', ta-
lia,vadjaj6c fcoda,cii)oluint,proficua & regarda,quaha ali) Cleric' pacis
8c Cicrici Coronaj in alijs com regni nfi Angl', pro cfEcijs clcrici pads
& Cleric' Coronx, ccrund alter cxcrcend:, habcncaut habere de-
bcnt fepcratim/cdm vim,formam,<5c tffcaum cuiufdam adus Parliamc
inccr alia confcd*,^ditj& prouif. Et infupcr voluirus & mandam' p pr?-
fcntcs,q)cuftosRotu!cfexiftciiincrmi>d',duranfvitaeiufd' T.hislicc-
ris noftris vifi$,autp ipfum ciiftodfin fiuc culled noftros in hacptecon-
Cflrione,donationc,ordinatione,& deputation pdintcllcft' incontinent
dclibercnt &
tradent/cu tradi aut delibcrari faciart pr^f.T.vel ci' in hac
|>tcdeputa,fiuedeputatfuis, cia&oittjcd record, memorand, & alia
icripta,ad di^l'officium fiuc occupation ptinenf, fiue qualitcrcunque
fpcdtaii.Etquod pf.Cuftos fiue cuftodpmittat fiuc pcrmittatipfumT.
ad libitum fuum ad nfum vfum, & inrcrclTe, ca oia & finpila habere, cii-

fl:odire,retiHcrej&occupare,&cfficiafiueoccupationcs pd*, in compd*

excrccre & gauderc,cum fod*,profic', & aduantag, in tam amplis inodo
& form3,ficutaliquis alius cleric' pacis aut coronae,fiue aliqui cleric* alij

pacis & coroDX in com regni nfi Angrtemporib^ rctroaVis ad an-


tique ha buit& perccpichabucf 6c pr^cerpef^abrq alia contta^ionep-

turbatiohjfcu grauamine inde quoquo irodo fiend'. Prouifo femp quod
idem T. virtuteiftaf litcraf patent, alitcr quam jp cuftcd cffic ftu occu-
paffuof pd'nuUatcn^ oncrct feugrauct,pnos aut hacred'nfos,abfque
aliquocompoto,autaliquo alio jpcfficijs fiuc occupationibus pd' nobis
aut haered' nf is foluend' aut f acitnd' : Et abfq; fine feu feed' ad vfum nf m
pro praemiiliSjfeu aliquo pracmilTof rcddend*, foluend* aut facicnd' : Eo
quod expreffa mentio &c. In cui^ rei &c.T.R.apud Well x.die Mar- m
ti), Ann regni H. B. nupcr Regis Ang*3n.prbrcue depiiuatoSigillo

&:c. Anno (upradift\

ty^ Grant of the office ofa Scribe or Regilier,

PermifT. diuina L.Epifc*, dilcfto nobis in Chrifto W. falu!&

W. bencdiliofi:ob
fcientiam&moiumhoneflatquib'apud '^^^ '34

nos fide dignof teftiin penfantcs indiicimur,vc te fauore beneuolo ^fe-

^ q

quamur Offic* igit Scribac & Regift. commiil. fiue fcqucllratof nfi gc

neral' toti' nfi Archidiaconac' N. cu oibus comoditatib^iurib'^jfcodis,

^ficuis,& cmoluraf qbufcunq ta d* iure qwa de coBfuet Scribas fiuc Re-
_gift.hmdi offic* qualifcuqfpeft'& ptin;fiuc debit & dcbend,tibi dam^
Symb; Graurits. part.primac

& concedimus per prxfcntes. Et te alorum fcribatn hth^i offici j, ac Rc-

gifrr; cuifd^ttJ cuftod' tenorcprarlencium pracficimui &. dcputamus, per
ce.icu dcpu Jt tuum idoncuto qucm admnxcris occupand',tencnd,&

habaid\t5:c.Datuir) fub figiH'noflf quod in promptu lam ad manus ha-

- bcniuSjXij.dicmcnfis. Noucmb.An.Dom.&c.

^ grant ofthe office of a SurHeyorJhif.

ScCt.$yp, Ty Eginaomnibusadquos&c. Salutcm. Sciatis quod nos dc fidelita-

iVttjindiiUria &prculdacircurofpcftionedllcdlnobi$l.T.gcn,pIu-
rlUJiim confident de gratia &c.praEf. I.T. officium particular lupcruilor
tcit &(. icht omnium & fingulorum honor, caftrorum, donimiorum,nia-
ncriorun),cerf,reddiE fcruic*,ac omnium aliorum poileffionuro & h^rcd*
nf,h^'-cd', Sc- fucccflof noftrof quorucun^ in com iifo C. omnibusac in
villis 6c locis quibufcunq cam infra libercatcs qnam cxcra^infra pr^cinc^
limit,& circuit eiufdem coih.infupcruif.ord', & gubcrn cur Scaccarij
Et quae nupcrfucrint in fupcruif. ordinc,& gubcrnh nupCuf Augmcjit
rcucntiohCorofiAngr.adco picnc, libcrc,&; integrc,acincara amplis
iDodoSc forma,proui LS.fiuc aliquis particular fupuifor tcrf pd in die?
com C. per nomcn vni' particular fupuifc f tcrf nup Cur augracntacion
&rcuencioh Corofi Rcginacbabuit, tenuit, vel gauifusfuit, leu habere,
tencre vc! gaudcf dcbuit,ac ipfum T.pariicuiaf fupuif. terf uht pracd &
honorumcaflroinm,dominorura maniof,terf, tencrat,reddif,& fcruic*,
ac aliorum pofTen, <Sc h^rcditamt pdFacimus,ordinaDt^&con(lituimus
p pfcntes. Habcn<i',ccncnd,gaudcnd',&:exerccnd' officium pdift'pr^-
tatl.T.pcr fcjVcl per fufficient dcputaf fuum, fiuc dcputat fuos fufficich
durante bene placitonoliro, vna cum omnibus proficuis cidera officio
quoquo niodo fpcftan & pcrtinch feu incumber). Et vltcrius de ampli-
ori gratia nortra dedimus & conccffimus,& per praefentes damus & con-
ccdimus eidcro l.T.pio cxerc' & occupac" officij pr^dift, qnandam an-
nuitat^rafiueannualefcod'&c.per annum, Ac tot ac tantas denaf fura-
inas pro cxpcn(i fuis,dum idem I. vel deput.tE fuus in equitand', vel alic
circi iicgctia officium prxd' tangeh,de tempore in icmpus fuerint occu-
paf,qu Jt& quonc per difcrctionem T.C.S &B.baroh Scaccarij noftri
pracd' vidcbunt cffe ncccdaf &
fufficieri. Habend', annuitatim pcrci- &
piend'jtam candcra annuitatcm fiuc Icod' &f .quam diftas denariof fum-
mas pro expcnfis (is circa officium pd' vt f^crturcxponcnd'pf.I.&c.


Liber Grants; fecundus


Grants of Offices of Chamhrlaine of the Exchequer Jufiice in Eyre^

Steward, Keeper ofCaJiles, Mafier of the Game, ^c.
PHilippus ct Maria Dei gracia Rex cc Regina Angl'&c. Omnibus o a. .^ ,
"^ '3/
ad quos pracfcntes Iitef perucnerint falutcm. Cumpracchariflimus *

pater nolier prxfac Regifi per literas fuas paccntes fub magno figillo
fuo Angl'confc<ft', gcreh dat apud &c. dcderic ct conceiTerit dilc^to
confanguineo fuo G. Comiti S.iam deftinft', ac praedilefto ec fideli
confanguinco ct confiliario noftro F. Comiti S. ordinis noftri Gartcf
Milici, per nomen F. T. fi!ij et hxxcd apparentis praedift' G. officia
Conftabulaf ct lanitoris Caftrorum fuorum dc R. ct W. ac officinra Sc-
ncfchilli dominij et manerij de R. domini) ct mancrij dc M. dominij cc
mancrij deW. Necnon officium Magillf dc duct fcraf parci difti patris
noflri deO. Ac ctiam officium Magiftri dc duct fcraf in chacca de M.
in Marchia Walli^. Qiie quidcm dominia, mancriajac caetcra praemifla
adtuncfuctuntparceli' com diet patris noftf March*. Habendum,occu-
pandumjCt cxercendum omnia et Imgula pr^diil'officia prasFaf Co-

mitetF. perfcjVcl perfufHcient depurac, feu lufficienf deputatos fuos,

durante vita ipforum Comitis et F. ct altcrius corum diutius viricntis
Pcrcipicnd*inetproofh\ij$ illis cxcrcen<f,vad,fcod, profic', ctcora-
moditatcs cifdem offici js et eorum cuilibct debit et conflict, in tarn am-
plisraodofct forma, prom aliquis alius, vcl aliqui alij,m,ctpro cifdem
eorum aliquohjbuit ctpcrccpit,authabucf vcl perccpcfad

&c. equis portionibus, per manus receptor Com March' pro tem-
pore cxiltch, prout per eafdem htcras patcntes inter alia plenius liquet
ctapparet. Et cum pr^diifi' pater noftcrpr^fatRcgin^, per alias literas
fujs patcntes fub magno ligiliofuo Angrconfcft', gcrch dat &c. dede-
ritetconccilcritpr^fatoG, Comiti Salop,ctpredilcdoct fideli confan-
guineo ct conflliaf noftro F.Comit Salop, per nomcn F.T.armigcri do-
mini T.fiiij fen dicfliG. officium vniusCamerariornm de rcccptScac-
cari) di<^i patris noRri, fine officium vnius C mcrariorum de Scaccario
ciufdcmpatfi^noflri, illud quod E. D.adtunc dcfundl'nupcr habuit ec
pccupauit.Habcnd,tenend,gaudcnd,etocajpand officium pr^dil*,v-
na cum conflitutione ct ordinatione vnius Hofliariorum dc rccept pdict
cum accidcrctjCt cum conftituticnibus et ordinationibus omniu aliorum
officiariorum ct minirtrorum cidcm officio vnius Camcrariof qnalitcr-
cunque pcrtinch Comiti et F. ct corum altcri diutius
fiuc fpelan, eifde
viuenti, per fe,vel per fufficicntdeputatum fuum.fiue dcputac fuos fuffi-
cient,protermino vite corum, ct corum altcrius diutius viucntis. Ac
cum omnibus iuribus, cmolurocntis, robi', vefluf, ct ceteris commo-
dicatibus,aduantagijs,et pcriinciiquibufcunquc cidcm officio quoquo
SymbJ ,
Grants. part.primse
modo debit ctconfuct fine pcrtinch : Pcrcipicnd'in
ct pro officio illo,

taliavrid, tcodjCt regard, ctcifdeinmodo forma, proutaliquis alius


in codem officio ante \\xc habuit ctperccpir, abfquc aliqiio compoto,

lieu aliquo alio domino patri nDflro feu hcrcdibiis fuis indc reddendum,
folucndum, feu faciendum, prout percafdcm litcias p.itentcs inter alia
plcnius liquet ct apparct. Ci'mquc ctiam prxclarillimus frater noflf
Edwardus fcxtus nupcr Rex AiiliT pir litcras fuas pa-
pracfac Reginzc
tcntcsfubmagnofigilloluo Angliscconfeft', gcrch Hat .ipud VVcflmo-
naftcf &c. dcdcrit ct concefTcrit di^o pr^dilefto er Hdcli confiliario fuo
confanguinco noftro F. Comit Salop, officium Ga: diani ct capitalis lu-
llic',ac luftic fui Itinerantis, omnium ct fmgularum forc(taf,parcorum,
chaccarum, ct warrcnnarum fuarum,cum (uis pertinenti j^ quibufcunquc
vltraTrentamexiftcntium, qux diftofratri r.ortro prarfat Reginx in
iurc Coronac (uar, aut rationc alicuius attin^uf, cfchaet, forisfaft',pcr-
quifitioh,excambij, feu quocunquealioraodoperiincbant aut fpc^a-
bant, feu adtunc impofterum ad manus Regih,
di<fl' fratris noflri prefat
hered'autfucccdomrafuorumdcucnirccontigcrint concc-
: Dantcs ct

dcntcs cidem Comiti plenam aui^horiratcro et potcflatcm tcporc diOa-

rumliterarum patcntium, ad omnia eromninioda placita, qu;ctclas,&
caufas forcflarum, parcorum^chaceai um,warrennarum pdi6t',tjm dev'u
ridi gran,quam dc ven3tione,ac dc alij* caufis quibufcnnque infra eafde
fbreUas,parcos,cii3ccas,ct warrcnnas, eucnieh Iiuc emergen, audicrd et
dctcrminand. Cumquc ctiam prxdi^' frater noflcr per eafdcm literas
patcntes dederit ct concefleric cidem Comiti officium Crflc d ct Magi-
flri dc duct onmium etfingularum ferariim fuarum infra eafdcm forc-

ftas, parcos, chaccas^ct warrcnnas, ct corum qncmlibet fcuquamlibfC

feu adtunc cxiflch , ct impoftcrum cxiOendarum. Cumquc vlterius

predict frater noftcrper ealdem liccras patcntes dederit ct conceflerit
pt^tat Comiti, omnia ct finu,ula cndcm Iced, regat d, proficua, rcuerfio-
ncs,aduantagia,commoditJt,et emolumeni^i qurecnnque predict cffi-
cijs,ct corum cuilibct quoquo modo pcrtifi Iiuc fpe>ar,habif,vfirat,de-

bit,incidch, fiuc confuct, in tam aniplis modo et forma &c. prout A. B.*
adtunc defuncf, aut aliqiiisaliujjcafiuc corum aliquod antra habuit, per-
ccpitjfcu gauifusfuit, fiuealiqui alij, cafeu corum aliquod ante habuff,
pcrceperunr, (cu gauifi fucrunt. Qjie quidcm officia ac cetera prcmill.in
dice Uteris patent gercn dat diOo &c. cxprcfl. cum fuis pcrtih, ad(unc
port mortem naturalem Jid A.B.inmanibusctdifpofirioiK di^ti fratrts
noflri exritcrunr,ct cxifterc dcbuerunt. Habcnd,occupnnd,2;.'udcnd,ec
excrcend officia pdift'.ct corum quodlibct, ac omnia ct f'nLu'acxtcra
praemifl. cum fuis pcrtiiipraefat Comif, per fc, vc! per fufficicnt deputat
Liber Grants;
ruuro,fiue dcputat fuos fufficient duranc vitaeipfiusComms. Cumquc
infiiper praedift' frater noftcr per cafdcm
patcntcs dedcrit et con-
cefferic eidem Comiti, pro cxercitio ct occupation' of fie' pracdi^'Gar-
diani cc Iiiftic' difti fratris noftri Itinerant antcdift*, cc ccccf pr^iniflb-
rum, quandam annuitacem Hue annualem redditum ccn! libraf f^erlint^'.
H3bcn<I,tencnd,gaiidend,ec annuatim percipient prxdift' annuita-
tern fineannualem redditum praefaf Comiti duranc vJta{ua,deThefauf
difti fratris noftri, h^redum ct fuccelTorum jfuorum per manus Thcfauf
Cameras fux h^redum ct fuccedorum fuorum pro tempore exiftcn, auc
per raanusliuiufrnodipcrfonac feu aliafpcrfonafjCuivclquibusdicVf ra-
ter noftcr haered ct fucceff. fui officium Thef. pdiCt\ p nomcnThcf. aut
pcraliud quodcunquc nomen illud dare &
conccdcre voluerit,aut ali-
quishaercd'velfuccciTofdifti fratris noftri dare ec conccderc volucric,
ad fcfta fanfti Michaelis Archangcli,ct Annuntiaiionis beatx M.virgi-
nis,per acquales portioncs annuatim foluend',vna cum omnibus praedicf
alijs vadijs, fcodis, regard,proticuis, commoditatibus,aduantag!js, ct c-

molumentis pr.Tdi^'offici)s ct corum cuihbet pertineiijfpcftafi, debit,

incidch.fiuc confuet, in tarn amplismodo etformajprout prasdift' A.B.
auc aliquis aUus fiuc aliqui alj) officia pixdiCt\ feu corum aliquod vcl a-
liqua habens fiueoccupans,habrntes fiue occupantes,habuic aut percc-
pir, habueruntaur percepeiunc. Habendum,occupandumjgaudendum,
ctCKcrccndum, officia pr;xdj^' ct corum quodlibet, ac omnia et lingula
cxccra pracmiflacum fuis pertih pr^tut Comiti, per fe, vel per fufficicnc
clcpurat mum proeifdem ct corum quolibctabfque compoto,feu aliquo
alio inde difto fratri noftrojhaercd vcl fucccft. fuis pro prjemifTiSjfcu ali-
quo praemiftorum dand,rcddend,folucnd,vel facicnd. Cumque ciiam
praediA' frater noftcr per eafdem literas patent dedcrit, ct conccfterie
pro (c, hcred, ct fucccllorilxis fuis cidem Comit', plenam potcftatem ct
aufthoritatcm facicnd , naminand, conftituend,deputand,ct afllgnand,
de tempore in tempus durante vita fua, omnes ct lingulos Subfcncfchal-
los, officiaf, acclcncos cur S winmmotofj ac omnes alios clcricos et mi-
niftros inquibufcunquc itincribus, feu cur difl'fratris noftri dc ftatu fc-
raf,parcof ,chaccarum,ct warrennuf prqdi^'jCt corum feu earum cuiufli-
bet,tcncnd,occupand,et cxcrccnd,ct cos ct corum qucmlibct iuxta dif-
cretioncm eiufdem Comitis amoucndct cxpcllcnd, aliofque in fua vice
vel in fuis vicibus dc tempof in rerapus locand,conftituend, ct poncnd
Cumque ctiam prxdiCi' fraccr noftcr voluerit ct conceffcrit quod virtuts
diOaf liceraf pateii, omnes huiufmodi Subfencfch. clcrici, officiari), cE

Magiftf, ct corum quilibct dc tempore in terapusjiaberetjpcrcipercr^cc

gaudcrt,baberm>percipcrcm,ec gaudcrcnt, vadijs;, fcod,proficuisj
Sym^: <
Graunt. part.primae
rcgardis, & aduamagijscls 6c coruro cuilibct, pro excrcitio fiuc occupa-
tioneofficiorum fuoruni,vcl corum altcrius ab antiquo fo!ut,debic&
confuct. Cumquc vlccrius pracdidl' fraccr noftcr per catdcm litcras pa-
Comiti ,
plcnani& lcgidmana potcftatcm &aiKhoritatem , quod ipfc
pcrtotam vicam (uam procertisfinibusfecum finicnd', &
^i fratris noftri leuand',licitej valcret potuillct de tempore in tempus
cuicunqiic & quibufcunquc fubditis difti fxacris noftrj licentiam darc
fpccialcm, quod ipfi& corum quilibct liciie faccrc valercnt &
quafcunquccopias, omnimocJ arbof bofcorum, 6c (ubbolcorum difti
fratris noftri infra pr^dift*foreftas,parcos,chaccas,& warcnnas,aut coru
aliquod crcfcent. Necnon diftos arborcs, bolcos &
fubbolcos in hu-
iufmodi copicijscrcfccnffuccidcre, proftcrncrc, &
abiiidccariarc fa-
ccrede tempore in tcmpus: Ita tamcn quod(uccinones,proftraciones,
&abcariationesindc fiercnttemporibusanni congruisdc oportunis,&
non in menfibus vccitiSj nec in exilium feraf di^i fratris roiUi ibidem
moramfacere&manere conflict. Acquodcopiciaehuiufmodi conclu-
derent,proutmos eft fecund afllf. Forcfta? difti fratris noftii men- &
fur in eadcmvfitat. Cumqueetiamdi^us fratcr nofter per eafdem litc-
ras patentes conccfTcrit cidem Comiti, quod diOx licentiac per eun-
dcm Coraitem, modo 6c forma pracdift' adtunc impofteruro cuicunquc
autquibufcunq fubditis di<fli fratris noftri concedendcflent adcocfl^-
caces& validacin lcgc&:ianti vigoris, prout fi concef. fuiflentpcrdi-
^um fratrcm noftrum harrcd autTucccf. fuos, fub ma^no
fiaillo An^lia^
cxtfCancclldffuam,proutpereafdemliteraspatentcs tntcr alia plenius
liquet &apparcf. Qui quidcmG.nupcr Comes iam defunftus cxifiit
vt acccpimus, quodquc praediA' F. nupcr Conies S. modo habet &
tenet (ibi & aflign fuis, omnia & lingulacfficia prardift', exdonis &
concelTionibus prsedicf patris & fratris roftrof, dift'doroinac rcginae, in
forma pr^did'faft'&conccf. Sciatisquodncs prsfdidiRcxfic Rcgi-
na, in confidcrationc bcni vcri fidelis &
acceptabilis feruitij quod
pricdiledus &
fidelis fcruicns nofter G. T. Milcs, dominusT.Hlius
&li2eresapparenspr3edi([ticonfil!arij& confang* noftri F.Comitis Sa-
lop nobis ante hacc mnltipliciterimpcnditj &
quod indies impendcrc
intcndit, dc gratia noftrafpcciali,ac ex ccrtafcientia,&.meromotuno-
flrisdedimus& conccfllmus, ac per prxfentes pro nobis h^redibus &
fucceftoribus noftris damnus et concedimus pr^fat G.T.Militi,doRii-
no T.dift' officia Conftabulaf lanitoris praedu^orum caftrof noftrof
deRad,& Wig. acdiftum officiumSencfchairdifti dcmini)&manc-
rij deR.ad domini) & mancri) dc W.domini) & mani) dc A1. dohiinij
Liber Grants. iccundus

&mancrijclcE.dominij &niancrijdcR.dominij5c roancrij de C.T.

doinini)&iDancrijdP.doniinij& manerij de N. dominij 6c mancrij
dcG.dominij&mancrJjdcK.ac dirtum cfficitim cuftod'parci dcW.
acofficiusncuftod eiufdcro parci
: NccnondiftiMagiftri de duft* fc-

rarum didi parci noftri de O. Ac ipfum G. T. Milit dominum T.

Conftrbulaf &
lanitorcm pr^did* caftrorum noftrof de R. & W. ac
Scnefchallumdiftorumdominioruro manef &
parcorum pracd'vltira
fpccificatj&corumcuiuflibct faciiriu$,ordinamus,& conftituimus per
praelcntcs. Habend*, gaudcnd', occupand', &
exerccnd*, omnia 6c
(ingula praedifta officia Conftabulaf 5c lanitoris prxdi^* caftrorura
noftrorum, ac Scnefchallum di^orum dominof mancrioruii),8c parco-

rum predict vltimefpccificatj&coruiiicuiuflibet prscfaC G.T. Militi

domino T. per fe^vel per fufHcienc deputatum fuum, Hue depiitat fuos
fufEcientes, immediate poft mortem difti pracdilefti confiliari) & con-
iinguinei noftri F. Comitis S. poft intercfTe eiufdem Comitis , de ,

& in eifdem officijs praedi 1' vltim recitatis complct & expirat.Et quam
cito dil' o0icia,vel corum aliquod per furfum redditioncmj forisfadluf,
autaliquoalio oiodo primo 8c proxiifi vacari contigerit, pro tcrmih
vit^ difti G.T. Milif domih T. Pcrcipiend annuatim, in, pro &
cxercitio 6c occupation diOi cfcij vltim fpecificat fepcral' vadia^
feoda, proficua, regard', commoditatcs , 8c aduantag' eifdem cfficijs,
feueorum alicui debi^ 6c confuet, aut quouifmodo fpc^ali Hue per-
tineh,intam amplis modo6c forma, prout pr^diil' F. modo Comes
Salop, aut aiiquis alius. Hue aliqui ali), in, 6c pro eifdem officijs, Ten
corum aliquohabuit aut percepit, aut habucrunt 6c perceperunt, ad
fcfta P.6c fan^i Michael' archangel', acquis porcionibus annuitatim per
roanus Receptof comit noftri March, pro tempore cxiftent foluend*.
Acctiam ex gratia noftra fpeciali, ac pro nobis, hacrcd', 6c fucceflbri-
busnoftrispr^dift'Reginac, danius & concedimus pracfaf G.T.Miii-
tidominoT. prxdift'offic'vnius Camerariorum Rcceptorum Scaccaf
noftri,(iue officium Camerariorum de fcaccario noftf illud quod predict
confiliarius noftf F.Comes Salop modo habct, 6coccupat, vna cum c6-
cum accident, 6c
ftitutione 6c ordiuatione vnius hoftiaf recept praedift*
cumconftitutionibus6cordinationibus omnium aliorum ofHciariorum
6c roiniftrorumeidem officio vnius Camcf qualitcrcunquc fpe^tahfiue
pertinch Ac ipfum G.T.MilicdominumT.vnumCameraf derecep-
tis noftf pvxdi&.\ feu vnum Cameraf dc Scaccario noftro facimus, ,

ordinamus, 6c conftituimus per praefentes : Habend', gaudend', ce*>

ncnd', 6c occupand' officium praedid' vnius Cameraf dereccpc Scacca-
rjj noftri praedid', vna cum conftitut 6c ordinacionibi ynius hoftia-
X riorum
Symb. Grants.^ part.prlmac

riorum rccept prsedirt* : Ac cum ordi'nationibus & noininationrbus

omnium aliorum officiariorum cc m;jiinrorum cidLmoliicioqualitcr-
cunquc fpeftan fiuepertih pixfat G.T.Mi!:ti dr.mino T.pcrfcjVcl
per {ufficies.t deoutatum fuum, due dcpucat (uos fufficicntcs immediate
poft mortem difti prxdilefti confiliarij et ft iifsn^uinci noftri F.Co-
mitis S vel pofl intcrciTeciurdcmCom)nsd<r,ct in eodein officio cora-
pkt ec cxpirat: vel qudtn cito diftum ofricium per lurfum-rcdditio-
nem, forishfturam, aut aliquo alio modo primo &i prox;m vacari con-
tigeric, protcrminovit.-efuaediftiG.T. MjlitJomihT.vnacumoroni-
ncn quibufcunquc cidem officio quoqoomodo fpcOah fiue pcrcincn-
tibus debit fiuc confuet, Habendct percipient annuatim, in, pro
cxercitio ct occupationc difti offic) omnia talia fcoda ct regard ci-
dem officio quoquo modo incidenf,fpcftarifiucpertincii, in tarn am-
plis modo ct forma prout , confanguinciis cc ccnfiliarius noftcr F. Co-
mes S. aut dliquis alius, fiue aliqui ali j, in,ct pro codcm officio ante hxc

tcmporahabucruntetpcrccpcruntjhabuit aut pcrcepit, abfque aliquo

compotOjfeu aliquo alio nobis, hatred, auc fuccefloribus nolhis prac-
diA'Reginae reddcndvel facicnd. Ac infuper noucritis nosprocon-
fidcracionc prxdiifl', de gratia nodra fpeciali, ac ex certa fcicntia cc
mcromotu noflris dedinius ctconceflimus.ac per prxfentcs pro nobis,
hcrcd ct fucccf[bnbus ncftris prxfat Regina: damus ct conccdimus

pr^fatG.T. Milif domino T. officium gardiani capitalis lufliciaf ac

omnium et lingulorum forcftarum, parcorum,
luitic'noftri itinerantis
chaccarum, cc warrennarum noftrarum, cum fuis pcrtincntijs quibuf-
cunquc vlcra Trcntam exifteh ,
quae nobis ct in iurc Curiae noHrae,
aut rationc aliculus attinftuf, cfcheaf, forisfa6\ur3e,pcrquifitionis, cx-
cambi),fcu quocunque alio modo pcrtincn aut fpcClafi , feu impoftc-
rumadmanus hercd aut lucccflorum noftrorum di^lcRcgin^
dcucnirc contigcrint fiue contigcrir. Ac ipfum G.T.Milit dominura
T. gardianum ct capitalcm lufticiaf nollrum itinerant, omnium cc
lingulorum foreftarum, parcorum, chaccarum, ct warrennarum noftra-
rum pr^diclaium vltr.i Trcntam piardiftam cxiftch facimus ordina-
mus ct conflituimus per praelcntcs dantes ct conccdentcs cidero G.

T. MilitidoinmoT. plenam potcftatem ct authoritatcm tenorcprae-

fcncium, ad omnia et omnimod' piacita, quaerclas, et caufas forcRa-
rum^ parcorum, chaccarum, ct warrcnnariim pr^dii, tam de viridi
granof, quam de venationc, ac de alijs caufis quibufcunquc infra caf-
dem forcftas ,
parcos , chaccas , ct warrennas noflras eucment fiue c-

iucrgeh,audiend ec dcccrminand. Damus cciam ac per pracfcoces

Liber Grants. , fecundus
proconfideratloncprxdida, pro nobis, hatred, &
flris prxiatae Rcginse , conccdimus praefato G.T. Militi domino T.

prxdift'offic' cudod cc Magiftri dc duft* omninum cifingulafferaf

noftrarum infra prasdift' foreft' , parcos, chaccas, &
warr ennas vltra
Trcntam prxdidtam , et incorumquemiibct&cjuaralibetcxiftcn, &
impoftcrum exittcndf. Ac ipfumG.T.Milicemdorainum T.cuftod
6z Magiftrum dc duft* omnium &
Gngularum fcrarum noftrarum
infra cal'dem forcftas, parcos, chaceas, &warrennas , ct infra eoriim
qucmlibet feu quanilibec, cxifkh &
impoftcrum cxiftcnd facimus,
ordinamus , &
conftituimus per prefentcs : Habcnd , gaudend,
cxcrcend, &
occupand praedi^um ofEcium gardiani cc capicalis
lufticiaf itinerant omnium 6c fingulorum foreftarum, parcorum,
chacearura, &warrennarumpr3cdiftaruiB vltra Trcncam pracdiftam.
Necnonproedil'officiumcuftod& Magitiride duil' omnium etfin-
gu!arum ferarum noftrarum infra cafdcni foreftas, parcos, chaccas, &
warrennas praedit*,&eoruraquodliber,cumcmnibtis luribus.profi-
cuis,commoditacibus, &aduantagijs qulbufcunque ei(dcmofficijs&
corum vtriquc, vel ahcui , modo fpeftan, petinch, inciden, vcl incura-
bcK,iromcdltate poft mortem difti praedilefti Confiliarij & confangui-
nci nf F.comic 5.aut poft intcreflc eiufdcm comit, de, 5c in cifdcm offi-

cijs vltiiTi recitatjComplctj& cxpiraf^vcl quani cito eadem praedi^l' fc-

peralia officia vltimc fpecificat, vel corum aliquod vel aliqua, per
furfum rtdditionem,vcl forisfaft' feu quocunque alio modo primo&
proximvacaricontigcrintvclcontigerit praefatoG.M. Militi domino
T.per fc, velperfufficient deputat luum, fiuedeputatfuosfufficient,
ad terminum cc pro termino vitac naturalis ipfius G. T. Militis do-
inmiT. Et vlceriuskiatisquod nos dc ampliori gratia, ac ex certa
fcicntia& mcro motu noftris dedimu5& conceflimus , ac per prefen-
tcspro nobis, haercd,&fucce{Ioribusnoftrispr2efatReginie,damus&
conccdimus praefito G.T. Milici domino T. pro excrcitio 5c occupati-
one dilorum officioram gardiani 6c capitalis luftic'noftri Itinerant
omnium&finguiorumpraediftorumforeftarum, parcorum, chacearu,
6c warrennarum vltra Trcntam prxdiftam, Ac officijcuftod 6c Ma-
giftri deduct ferarum noftraf infra eafdcm foreftas parcos, chaceas, 6c

warrennas,accctcrorum prcmiftorum vltra Trentam pdidtam, qu?nda

annuitatcmfiueannuakmredditum centum libraru, Jcgarmonct Ang.
6cc. Habcnd, tenend 6c gaudend candcro annuitatfmfiueannuakni
redditumpracfatoG.T. Militi domino T. durante vka/ua dcThefau- ,

rario noftro, hxnd 6c luccefforum noftrorum pr^rit3eRegin2c,p<"r

inanus Thefaurarij Cameras noftrac , h jered 6c iucceflbrani noftroium
X 2. pr^tal
Symb. Grants, part.primac
prxfaC Rcginae pro tempore exiftcn aut per manus cuftod Thc-

fauri noftri ,bacicd, auc fucccdbrum noftrorum aut per raanus huiuf-

modi pcrfoh, fiucillarumpcrfonarum cuivel quibus nos, bxrcd,auc


prxhl Rcginx officium Thcfaurari) prxdift' per

fucccfforcs noftri
nomcn Thcfaurari j,auc per aliud quodcunque noinen illud dare & con-
cedere volunius,autalic|uis hiered vel fucccflorum noftrorum dare &
concedcrc voluerit, ad fefta Sanli Michacr archang. dc Annunc bea-
taeMariac virginis, pcrequales porciones annuacimfoluend prime :

terraino folutionis indeinopicnt ad tale fcftum feftorum praedifkof

quod primo acciderit poft mortem diifl:i C.S. aut port fuifumreddi-
tionera, vel forisfafturam officiorum fuorumpdil' vltime fpccificaf,
vna cum omnibus alijs feodis,vadis,rcgard,proficuis,commoditatibu$,
aduantagijs,& emolumentis eifdcm officijSj& corum cuilibct pertinen-
tibus/pedah, debit, incident, fiue confuct, in tarn amplis uiodo & for-
ma, proutiA.B. aut aliquis alius, due aliquialijeadem officia, feuc-
orura aliquod vel aliquahabens fiue occupans , habcntes fiue occu-
panteshabuit aut pcrcepit, habuerunt auc perceperuntproeifdemSc
corum quolibct, abfquecompoto, feu aliquo alio inde nobis, hxrcd
feu fuccefToribus noftris, dand, reddend,foluend, (cu facieod. Et
vltcrius, damus <3c conccdimus pro nobis, hatred, &
noftris prxfat Reginac per prcfentcs pr2tfato G
T. Milid domino T.
plenara potcftatcm & auchoritatem facicnd , nominand, confticu-
endj^dcputand , & afllgnand, de tempore in tempus durante vita
fua,omnes &
fingulos Subfenefchallos , Officiarios, ac Clcricoscuf
Swanimotorum atrachiament ac omnes alios Clericos miniftros in
, &
quibufcunquc itineribus (cu cufnoftrisdeftatu feraruro, parcorum,
chacearum,&warrennarnmpracdi):' &
corum & carum aiiuflibct, tc-
ncnd occupand,& exercend, & eorum quemlibet, iuxta difcretionem,
ciufdem G. T Militis dominiT. amouend &
cxpellend,aliofquc in
fua vice, vel in fuis vicibus de tempore in tempus locand,iconftituend,
&ponend VoIurausetiam& concedimus, quod virtuteharumli-

terarumnoftrarum,patentiHm, omnes huiufmodi Subfenefchalli, Clc-

rici, Ofiiciarij, &Magiftri,& eorum quilibetde tempore in tempus,

habcat, percipiat, Sc gaudeat,habeant,percipiant,6c gaudeancvadijs,

fcodis, proficuis, regardis, &adu3ntagijs eis,& eorum cuihbct, pro
cxercitio fiueloccupatione officiorum fuorum, vel corum alicuiusab
aatiquofoluffic confuct. Acetiam quod nos devberiori gratia

noftra dedimus &

concedimus ac per prefentes pro nobis, hzred
& fuccefToribus nodris praefac Reginz, damus 6c concedimus prae-
fato G. T. Militi domino T. plcnam 6c legicimam poteftatera 6c

Liber Grants. fecundus

aufthoritatcm,quo(l ipfc per totam vitam fuam procerrisfinibus fecum
fiend.&adopiisnoQrumkuand, licitevalcat &
poflic de tempore in
tcmpus cuicunque &
quibufciinque fubdicis noftris licemiam dare fpe-
alefn,quod ipri&eorumquilibetlicite facere valeanc &valeat, quaf-
cunquccopiciaSjOmnimcdarbof,bofcof,& fubbofcofnodrof infra pr^-
di(fi'fore(\as, parcos,chaceas,&warrennas, auc infra eof aiiquod cref-
cent : Necnon dift'arbores,bofcos, &:fubbofcos in huiufmodi copicijs
crefccntfuccidere, potterncre, &
abindc cariari facere dc tempore in
tempus. Itatamcnquod fuccifione3,proft ration es,& a bcariationes in-
defiant tcmporibus anni congruis &
opportunis, 6cnonin menfibus
vetitiSjOecinexiliumferarumnoftrarum ibidem moram facere>&ma-
nere conflict : Ad quod copiciae huiufmodi concludant , prout luos eft
fecund Afiifam Forcftae noihx &
menfuf in eadcm vifitaf. Concefli-
musetiamperprxfenteseidemG.T. Militi domino T. quoddiftacli-
centiae per eundem G. T. Militem dominumT. modo & formpr^dift*
impoftcrum cuicunque aut quibufcunque fubditis noftris conce-
dend, fint adco cfficaces & validacin lege, &
tanti vigoris, prout
ficonceffac etient per nos , hxred, & fucceflbres noftros fub magii
figillo Angliac extra Cancellaf noftram. Pr^cipimus etiam damus &
per praefentes , vninerfis &
fingulis Archiepifcopis , Epifcopis, Du-
cibus, Comitibus, Baronibus, lufticiaf, Militibus, Vicecomitibus
Foreftarijs, Viridarijs, Regardatoribus, Agiftatof , woodward, &
omnibus alijs Officiarijs 6c fidelibus noftris, tam infra libertatcs
quam extra tcnorc prxfentium firmiter in mandati^ , quod eidem

G.T.Milit domino T, aut deputatofiuedeputatis, fuis in omnibus &

fingulis pracmiflis faci^nd & exequend attendentes, afliftcntcs, con-
fulentes, & auxiliantcs fint in omnibus prout decet. Eo quod cx-
preflamcntio devcrovalore annuo, aut de certitudine prxmiftorum
fiue cor alicuius, aut de alijs donis fiue concedionibus per nos, vel
pcraliqucmprogcnitof noftrorum diftae Reginae pi^dzG.T. Militi
domin T.ante haec tempora faft' inpraefentibus minimfaft' exiftit,aut
aliquo ftaiuf, a6lii,ordrnationc,prouifionc,fiucrcftriftionc indein con-
trarium faft', edit, ordinat, fiue prouifis, aut aliqUD alia re, caufa,vel ma-
teria quacunque m aliquo non obftantc. In cuius rei tcftimonium has
literasnoftras fieri fccimuspatcntcs. Tcftibus nobis ipfis apud Weft-
monafterium &c.

^ ,

Symb.' Grants. part.primx

A GrMUnf of the Baric L^arpjals office and honour

Tvith an annnitie.

Seft,2 y I J p Lizabeth Dei gratia Angliae 5cc. Omnibus ad qiios prxfentcs litc-
JL^rarpcruencrinc, falutrni. Infpcxirnus irrotulamcntutn quarundam
litcrat um pjtcmium, gerch dat apud Wcftmonaftcriuni fccundo die la-
nuarij.anno rconi noftri xv. pr^chariflimo confanguineo &
nortro G. Comici Salop faft', &
in Rotulis Canccllaf noflf irrotulac, in
quo conn ncnirvtfcquimr. Rcgina omnibus ad quosficc. Sciatisqups
nosbona laudibil'&acccptabili^feruitia ficobfcquiaqn^ prxchariffi-
mus confangumcus Conciliaf noJif G. Comes S. nobis ante hacc tem-
pof mu!tiplicitcr & diucrllmodo impcndir, indicfqucirapendcrcnon
dcfiflit intimo mcrito contemplantei, dc gratia noflra rpcciali,& ex ccr-
ufcicntia& mero morunottrisdcdiraus &conccfli.iius, acpcrpracfcn-
tespronobiSjhzrcd.&fucccfloribusnoflris, damus &conccdimus ci-
dcm Comiti S-officmni Comic MarifchairAngli^: Ac ipfum comi-
tem Salop comitcm Marifr hall' Anglia', crcamus, ordinamus,6c confti-
tuimus ptr pr.TfcntcJ, Et ei nomcn,ftyUim,titulum,fhtum,authoritacero,
& honorcm comitis MarifchaH' Angl', via cum omnibus &
fingulis fuis
officijscommoditaiibuSjCmolumcnns, pra:hcmincnf , nominationibus,
ofiici)$ &alijs fuis pcrtinentijs quibufcunque, tarn in curijs noQiis quam

alibi , cidcm officio comitis Marifchall' Angli^ qualitcrcunquc Tpc-

Hxtiiy fiuc de jure ab antiqiio pertinent, per praclcntcs damus & concc-
dimus : Ac in codcm officio , prz-
ac cxteris pr^miffis cidcm officio (vc
mittitur) pertinent ipfum comitcm Salop inucftimus 6c corroboramus
in tarn amplis modo, pot^ftatc, <Sc authontate, proucT.Dux. Noi (T.nu-
perdcaltaproditioneattin(!^', per quamattinftuf prxdiftumofficium
& difpofitio ciuld ad m^rnus noftras dcucnit,& in manibus rfis jam cxi-
ftit: Acintmiamp!i!>,modo, potcQace,5cauthoritacc,prout Dux T.
NorfF. dum vixit,auus difti nupcr Ducis, aut E.nnpcr Dux Somerf.auc
I.M. quondam Dux Norff.vclalquis alius comes MarirthallusAngliac
ante h^^c tcmpora officiQra illud habens fiuc exercens, habuit fiue exercu*
it. Habf nd, tencnd, cxerccnd,& occupandum prxdidum officium, ac

omnia lingulaauthoric?.tjurifdiOiones,commoditatcs,& cxtcra prac-
milTaquecunqac cidcm officio quaiitcrcunque periintntia, fiucde jure
fpe^antj cidcm comi? Salop pro cermino vitae fnae, per fe, vel per fuffi^
cicnt depucatuiii (uuiHpauc per Tufficicnccs depucacos (uos; abfque copoto
Liber Grafts; , fecundus
vcl aliquo alio nobis, hircdibuSjVcl fucccfforibus noftris pro officio
praedifto ec ceteris praemiflis, (eu eorum aliquo quouifmodo rcddend,
foJuendjVel facicnd. Damus ctiam ac per prsefer^cs pro nobis, hje-
rcd, ec fucceffonbus noftris concedimus pracfat Comici Salop, quod
ipfcet quilibec depuratus fuus ratione dili officij, habeat, gerat,ecde
feratjtam in prx'cntia noftra, hacredum , & fucccflbrum noftrorum,
quam in abfencianoftra,hacredum& fucccflbrum noftrorum,quendam
baculum aureum ad vtruraque fincni dc nigro annular, cum figno &
armorum noftrorum, hacrtdum&fucceflbrum noftrorum, in fupc-
riore fin diCti bacuh, &
cum figno armorum diCii Comicis Salopiae
in inferiori fine ciufdera baculi Iculpc &ornat,licite &
impune, abC
que impetJtioncnoftr3,haercdum& fucccflbrum noftrorum, vcl lufti-
ciariorumautOfiiciariorum,feua!iorum miniftrorum noftrorum quo-
ruracunque h^redum vcl iucccflorum noftrorum. Ec quod idem Gomes'-
Salop, vt Comes Marifchallus Angliac iuxw nommis fui decentiam
hac praefcnti charta noftra confirmationis poflit hononficcntius (e ha
bcrc, dedimusScconcefTimus, ac per praefentes pro nobis, h^eredibus,
& fucccfforibus noftris damus 5c concedimus, ac hac praefcnti charta
noftra confirmationis pr^fac Comiti Salop, pro ftatu Comitis Marcf-
chair Angl' manutenend quendam annual e redditiim viginti librarum.
Habend ,& annuatim percipicnd did* annual' reddit xx. hbf pfat Co-
miti Salop, pro termino vicac (ux pr^dift' deexitibus,proficuis,&re-
uentionibusHanaperijCanccliafnoftr^, h^redum &
fucceflbrum no*
ftrorum,prouenichfiuecrefcen,permanus cuftod fiue Clcrici ciufdem
Hanapcri),aut aliorum occupatorum,receptorum,fiue pcrceptorum pro-
ficuorum,& cxiruum ciufdem Hanapcri) pro tempore cxiften,ad feftum
(AnCii M;chaclisArchangcli,&Pafch3e,pcracqualsportioDes foluend
ablquc compoto, feu aliquo alio onere nobis, hacrcdibus, fucccfforibus
noftris pro p miffis, vcl aliquo pmiffor u, quouifmodo reddcnd.fol u ed*,
vcl facicnd*: Eo quod expreffa &c. In cujus rei&c.TeftcReg. apud
Weftmon &c. per brcue de priuatio figiilo. Nos aucem tenorem irrotu-
lamcnciiterarum paten pdi^aru,ad rcquifitioh pf^c G. comitis Salop
duximus exemplificand per pfcntes.In cujus rei &c.Teftcmeipfa apud
Wcftmoh quinto die M. anno regni noftri xxxiiij.

^ CJrfmt jvr life without impeachment ofycafi,

Ciatis 6cc. quod ego T. G. dc N. Gencrofus, pro certis bonis Se^.^/^;

)^ raiionalibus caufis ^ confiderationibits mc fpecialiicr di-

X4 nio-
Symb. ,
Grants. part.primac
mouencibus dedi, conceffi^ et |> banc cbartam raeam indcncaf conHrmaut
B.S. viduae totura illud capitale mefuagium meurn, cum pcrtincntijs, m
T. iuxta N. in Comiiatu N. Habcnd &c pdiCi' Scc.prasbto B. S.et affig-
natis fuis,pro ccrmino vit^ ipfi' B. ad folum opus cc vfum ciufdcni B.&c.
pro certnino vitx ruae,abrque impcritionc alicuius vafli. lea quod imme-
diate poft niortm eiufdcm B pdift' mefuagium (Sec. inccgie rcucrtant
mihi pfa! T.G.ct hacrcd meis impcrpctuum. Tcnend dc capitabb'' dfiis
fcodi dec. In cuius rei &c.

u4 Cjraunt of a LMefuagefcr life,

SCiantpracfentcs ct futuri, quod ego WalterusH.dcWaitamScc.R.

L.&c. vnum mefuagium cum curcilagio ec croftoadiaccnt 6cc. Ha-

bcnd pdift'mefuag* &c. pracfat R. ad terrain vitae fu3e,de me, et hxred
meis, abfque iropetnione vafti. Rcddcnd inde annuatira mihi ct hacrcd
meis vnam Rolara rubeam (fi pctatur) ad fcftum S. loh. Bapt. 6cc. Et
faciendo fcftam Curiae mcac dc W. de tribus fcptimams pro om-
in trcs,
nibus aIi)S feruiti)s,exa6lionibu5,ct demand, tocies quotics di^'Curia
mea ccncri comigcrir. Et port deceflumpr^ditl'R. tunc pdii^'mefuag*
&c. (vtfupra.) Etcgo vero praefaf VV. et haercd mei pdi6l' mcfuag.cuni
curtilajio 6cc. pra^^at R. ad terrain vitac fuac per fcruic* fuperius diO^a et

txprcflajcontra omnes gcntcs warrantizab. tucbimufjCt dcfcndemus per

pr^fentes. In cuius rei 5c c.

The Collation of a Free Chappell.

$^.354. 13 Ex8cC'(vt/upra ;2 7.)liberamCapellamfanctS.apudL. in Com

XVLinc', Habend &c. prcf. A. B. durante vita ipfius, cum omnibus fuis
iuribus ct pertih vniuerfis &c. In cuius &c.

tyf Grauntfor Hues ^

Sel.2C5. 'T'His Indenture fc Betwixt 3,C.| i^.C l3.l)istife,Witnc(reth,

'^ ^>'
J[ 2n|jgt tjjg fajj, J, ^ accomplifijmcut of a couenant i graunt con*
taineD m a pake of gnnenturco, bearing Date tc nxd^ae bctlMirt i\, C.
on tt)e one p8rt)^,anii iijt fame J.C.on tl)c otl)cr pai' tie, )^att) DemtfeD
ano QraunteDjSnO b\> t\:}t(t p;sfeut0 Dotl) demiCe anD graunt bnto the
faiD i^aiUD a* o\\ t^at tl^e manoj of i^.tuitt) ttic appui tcnanfes,in t^e
tamentf^toit^ tl)e apynrtenancesjin if tf }15*iiu(^ Tato ConntiejSCtie
Liber Grants; , fecundus
ttUetne( regardant to t\)t faiD mamio;,ant) all and Itnsular t\)t boon^

Davea ano IwojUcs of t^e tenants ano farmers t^ere,fo? t^c cariage of
ccales,aHaieg fojepjifcD,ercepfeD,i referticD tinto ttjc faio 3* ^10
Ijeires 1 alTignes To hauc and to hold t^E faiD mannoj of i?. anD all
anDfingolarotl)ert^ep?emiircB (encpt befojc crcepteD) totljefaio
i?. anc a. foz ano During t^enaturall lines of t^e fait) if* ano a. and
tf)t longer liner of tbeoi* Ycelding and paying t^erefoje perelp During

t^cnatarall lifeof tl)e faiD Si.CDnto tijefaioBl.C.anD Ijts alTignes,

vx*t* of latofall nq\x(i) monep, att^e feaft of n* And if it Ijappew
t^e fatD perelp rent,o; an? part tl)ereof,to be be^ino 1 not paieo bp tbc
fpace of rl.Daics after either of tlje faiD featta^in iul)icb it ogl)t to be
paieo, I tbc fame being latofullp DemanoeDtSCbat tben 1 from tbence*
fo?tb it (ball be laluf ull f 0? tbe faiD 35 ,* anD \)iB affignes to enter into
tbe p3emi(IeB,anD not onelp to Diftraine foj tbe TaiD rent ,i eucrp part
tbereof, fo being arrere 1 tjnpaieD, bat alfo foj tbe fumme of b. li of
laU)fuU CngUQ) moncp in nomine poen?c, tobicb tbep tbe faiD iF.f 0
gcantetb to pa^ to tbe faiD |.C* anD bis adignes, fo often as tbe fame
perelp rent of rr.lr. oj anp part tbereof fo Hjall be arrere t not paieD bp
tbe fpace of fojt^ Daies after tbe feaH 0^ fealls,at tubt^b it ougbt to be
paiD. And tbe faiD i?*f 0Do eouenant fo? tbem f c. tbat faiD i? 1 21*
anD t\iz longer liuer of tbem,(bal During tbc faiD terme of tbeir liues,
anD tbe longer liner of tbcm,bpbolD,repatre,i maintain tbe p^emides
in all maner of cbarges* And alfo (bal bpbolD,rrpaire,i maintatne tbe
banUc 1 fea-Difee,in fucb maner fojmcas tbe faiD 3C.bts betrs and
allignes ougbt to baue Done, if tbefe pjefents baD neuerbinbaD o^
maOC. In witncflc 6:.

The Kings collation of a Trehendmade caiifa


HEnricus &c. Sciatis quod cum A.B. Rcftor Ecclefi^ parochialis dc Scft.j y 6^
W.N.diocefis,etCD.Canonicns in Ecdefia Cathedrali fanfti P.
L. diocefis,ad Praebcndaf pbcnd dc H.in eade Ecelcfia,intcnd (vt alTc-
runt)beneHcia fua pd ad inuicim pcrmutarc:Nos pbendam pdi^am ad
noftram donationem fpedantem rationc tcmporalium Epifcopat' Lon-
dinenfis fn manii noftra in pfcn! exiftentiunri; prxfac A. ex caufa hraodi
prmutationis,dedimus ec conccfsimus, ac per pfentcs daraus ct concedi-
tuus&c Habendum &c.
Symb. Grants.

ty4Gramt ofa 7arforiage bj the King infure almes,

'Es.Szc.Cvtfupra ;t70 dilcc^is nobis in XpoDccafi&Canonicis

StCt.%<l, X)
JLVlibcrc Capcllx noftf Reg. S- Girov^' infra CaHrum nollriira dc W.
aduocacioh6cpatronaEVicafEcckri3edei>J. inConi H. Habcnd &c.
pr^taf Decah,Canonicis,ec fucccllonbus fuis imperpctuiim,in puram &
pcrpctuam clccmofinam, abfquc aliquo impcdimcnto,impctitionejpcr-
turbatione,molc{bcionc,inqiiiccationc, fcii grauaiijincnoftf,(cu ha'rcd
feu miniftrorum noflrorum, vcl liercd noftf quorumcunque abfquc ap-
porco,firrhjCompoto,vcI ratiocinio,autalioproficuo quocunquc nobis
vel hcred noftris indc rcddcnd /olncr.d/cu facicndo i Statut de tcrris &
tencmtis ad manum mortuam non poncndis apdito, aut aliquo ftatuto dc
poncffionibusalicnigchfa<fl',acdico,fiue^uifo,in contrafnonobftantc,
Ec CO qd expreda mcncio dc vcro valorc annuo, aut dc certitudinc pmif"
forum,fcualicuius corundcm,autdealijsdonisiucconcifllonibuspraef.
CanoniciSjVcl pdeccflbribus fuis.pcr nos,vel ^gcnitcf noUros amchaec
tempera faftis,ni pfcntib' minime fa^* ex'ftic Aut aliquo Oatuto,aftu,

uifis.feu ordinatis,aut aliqua alia rc,caufa,vcl materia cjuacunquc in con-
trariumnonobilantc. In cuius rei &c.

u4 ^raunt of a Trehend void bj ^amotion,

Sc^,9r8. TJ Ex &c.ac intuitu charitatis,dedi(Tc&c. dile^'fcholarinoftroI.L.

XvCanonic' in Ecclcfianonr Cathedral' Sarum,& pbcndamdcH.in
codcm,n)odo per promotion; n)dih(f>i nobis in ChnOoR.T. ducjum,
acvlfimilncuinbcntiscomndcm.ad Epi'.cop. tN.vacantcm,5cadnoflf
donationcm ratione ac in iurc pro2,^t:u^ nofhr Rc^iae fpcftanc.Habcnd
&:tcncndCanonic.uum6c pbcnd pditt, pfat I. adtermifi vitar ipfius I.
vnacum omnibus 5c ommraodis iunbu$,phcmmenti;s,(Sc pertih vniucr-
(is. In cuius &c.

A Cjrmnt of a PFarre.
Ty Ex&c. (vt O^pra ^17.) dileftoa'- fideli noftroT.M.MiIif,qttod
oCC*.559. XViple & hcrcd fui imperpetiium habeant ubcram Warrennam in
^ ^ omnibus dominicis leif Uiis dc N. Jn O
11 E. dum tamcn tcrf illx

non fmt infra metas farefla? noHf^ ita quod nullus intrct terras illas ad fu
Liber Grants.' ^ fecundus
gandum in cis,vel aliquid capiend qi\x ad warrennam pertfncat, fine li-
ccntia 6: voluntate ipllus E.vcl hxred fuof.fub forisfa^ura nobis decern'
libraruro. Qnare volumus 5c firmiter praecipimus pro nobis & heredib*
noftris, quod ipfe Si. hetedcs fui imperperyum habcans: libera warrenna
inoibusdorainicis tcrrisfuis do N.pdift*, dumtamen terf iirnonfint
infra metas forcdac noflf : Ita quod nullus intret in terras illas ad fnt^an-
dum in eis, vel aliquid capiend qd ad warrennam ptineat.finelicentia et
voluntat ipfius T. &
hercd fuof ,lub forisfaduf nobis x, ]ibraf,ficut prcd
ell. HisceQibus^cc.

The grant of a Prehend in a ColUdge.

HEnricus &c. Dile^^is nobis I. O. Decano collegij nfi Oxonicnfis Scf^.J ^o.
vulgalitcr nuncupati (liinfi ^emie t!)B dg^tS ColleDgc) ac cjuC
dem Collegij canonicis/alutcm.Sciatis&c. {vt Jupra 327.) dileft' Ca-
pellano noftro LB.facf Theologiae profcflori, canonicacum fiue pben-
dam in Collegio nfo pdifto, roodo per mortem I. H. vltimi incumben-

tisibidem vacantem, atqj ad donatione noftrsm pleno jure attinentcm.

Habend 5cc. vna cum liofpicio quod idem I. H.rationc did^i canorica-
tus fiue praebcnd nuper poffidcbat. Vobis igitur conjunftim diuifim &
commitcimus et fUiQe mandamus quatcnns pf.LB.ad diftum canonica-
turn fiue pbendam,ftatim (his literis nfis infpc^is) admittatis,necnon c-
undeinrealcraSc corporalepotlcffioh difti canonicatus fiue prebend
juriumqjScptihfuof vniucrfcfmducatis ^puc decct In cuius &c. .

^ g/'aunt of a Fatre.
REx&c. quod nosobfingularcmafFecftione
Sciatis intimam di- SeV, & i6u
quas penes RcuerendifTinium in Chrifto patrem I.

Archiepifcopum Cantuarich Cancellariuni noftrum gerimns ha- &

bcmusde gratia &c.conccflimus, & hac prcfcnti charta noftra confir-
mauimiis pro nobis &hcred nollris pr^f^. Archicpifcopo quodipfcSc
fucceffo-rcs fui in pcrpetuumhabeant vnam feriam fiuenundinas apud
viliamfuamdeS.mcoui K.inquodam loco incommunia viDjeprxd*
vocat le tmine , Ecclefis Chrifti Cantuarienfi pertin, fingnlisann per
trcsdics duratuf , viz. in vigilia, in die, Sccrailintrariflation-is Sanfti
N.viz. nonodieMaij, cumomnib^ libcrtatib^ 6c liberisconfuetudim-
bus ad hujufmodi feriam fiue nundinas pertinent j diini taracn feri2B
fiucnunndin iirnonfint ad nocumenc viciiiaf f^riaf fiuenundinarum
Symb. ,
Grants. partprimac
Quarevolumus &C. vtptpra gyp. quod prncdift' Archicpifcopns 6c
fucccrTorcsfui imperpctuum habeant Sctcncant fcriamfiue nundinas
praediA' apiid prxdift' villamde S. ia pracdift'lococorarnunivillac
pr^dift'vocat le tjinc,fingulis anhpcrtres dies duratuf, videlicet ,m
vigiliia,in dic,& incraftinoiranQitionij fanfti N. di<Cl' nono die Maij,
CU5I1 omnibus libcrtacibus &
libcris confuctudinibus, ad huiufmodi

fcriamfiue nundinas pcrcincntibus , dumtamenfcriaEfiucnundih iliac

non fint ad nocumcnium vicinaf fcriaf due nundinarura fiwt pracdidlu
eft. Hisceflibus&c.

Aleafe to afpirituailperfoftytvith Mjpenfdtio of


^^' Sciatisquodnos&c. R.F. clcrico, mancria, dominia,5c

Scft *^^62 T? ^^
JVccncmenra noftra dc N.&c. Ac omnia &
fingula acdificia do- ,

mos, gurdina, terras, tencracnta,prata, pafcua, pafturas, bofcos fubbof-

cosac rcdditus &
fcruitia omnium &
lingulof tenenf tarn libcrorum ,

Quara natiuof , ac tencniium per copias Rotulorum curiae , csctcro- &

ruai tcncntium cuftomariorii, &
tcncntium ad cerminum vit,vcl ad ter-
minos annof, ac omoes &
fingulos rcdditus 6c firmas fupcr quibuf-
cunqae dimifTionibuSjConccflionibus, fiuc traditionibus dcpracmif-
fis,vcleorumaliquibus faftisquouifmodorefcruatos.Ecinfupcrrcucr-
fiones, fxoda Milit,wardas,marifag, curias, lctas,Yifus francipl',5c
omnia qu^ ad vifum franciplcg pertinent, fines, amcrciaraenf, cxi-
tus, proficua, warrennas, aquas, pifcarias, hbcrtates, franchvfias, ccm-
moditatcs emolumenta,
, &
haereditamcnta noftra qn^cunquc cum fuis
pcrtincntijs difl' mancnjs,dominijs, et tenement dc N.&c ct corum
cuilibct, fiuceof alicui pcrtineii fiuefpe^^anf, parcel!* aut parccU'
corundcm, auccof alicuiuicxiften,aut fercreputa?. Etvltcrius&c.
Rcloriam noftf Eccltfiac parochial' dc N. &c. Habc{.<f 5ctencnd
omnia fingula pracdift' mancria &c. prxfato R.& alfignatis fuis,pro
tcrraino 6c adtcrminum vitac ipfius R.Tcnendum dc nobis Scc.pcr &c.
pro omnibus rcruic',rcdditibus,6c demandis, quibufcunque See. Ac in-
fupcr dc gratia noftra prxdift', volumu<, 6c per prjcfentcs pro nobis
haercd, 6c fucccfforibus noftris licentiam, facultnremqueipccialemb
pracfat R. damus 6c conccdimus, quod idem R.6c jfTignari cius, omnia,
& fingula praedift* mancria 6cc.6c cetera pr^mifla cum fuis percincmijs
., virtute 6c vigore harum litcraf patciitium habere , gau^dcre 6c tcnti
poflint 6f valcant pro term vitx ipfius R. crganos, harrcdcs&fuc-
ccdofnoftros : quodam (lacuto in aano vicefimoprimo regni noOri

Liber Grants. fccundus

xdito, fpiritualcs feu ccclcfiafticas pcrfonas concerncntcatq*, fpcdante
per quod quidcra ftatutum ordinatuni et ftabilicum cxiftit inter alia, qd
null' fpiritualis feu ecclcfiaftica perfona fccularis vcl regularis cuiufcunq;
gradus exiftitj deinceps ad firmam rcciperc poflic fibi vel alicui perfonz
vcl aliquibus perfonis ad cius vfum, cxdimifllonc feu conccffionc noftra
aut alicuius fiuc aliquarum aliarum pcrfonarum per litcras patentes, in-
dcnturas, fcripta,vcrba,vcl quocunque alio modo, aliqua m3ncria,terras,
lencniems/cu hercditamcnta ad terminum vita?,anr.orum,vel ad vo-

luntateni,fnb poena in codcro aftu exprcffa, nonobftantc ; Ac quod

idcniR ctaflignati fui, omnia ctfingulamancria praedici!,fundos,tcr-
ras, tencmcnta, cctcraque premfl. vniuerfa habere, tenere, ct occupare
pofllt et valcat pro tcrmih vitseipfius R. abfque aliquibus primisfru-
(Xlhas pro prxmiffis, feu aliqua indcparcell' nobis hacrcd, vcl fucceflo-
ribus no(lris pro eifdem reddendis feu faciendis : aliquo flatuco 6cc.
vt fftpra 357.

The gift of a Stejvardjhip md ConflabUf and

Afafter of a Forefi.

REx&c. Sciatis quod nos confiderantes fidclitatcm et induflriam Scft.3^3.

prxdilclictfidclisconfanguincinollri R.&c. ex gratia 5cc.con-
ccffimuspr^fatoG.officiaScnefchallifiueSenefchalciae Honoris noftri
dc N. in Comitat D. ct S. Necnon caftf,villaf,dominij,et manerij noui
Cadri fupcr Tinam, dominiorum et mancriorum de W. A. ac omni- &
um aliorumcaftrorum,doniinioruin,niancriorum,tcrraruni, et rcnemen-
torum noftrorum in eifdem Comitat, cum pcrtinentijs, parcelT Ducatus
noftri Lanc':ac cundem G.Scnefchallum omnium officiorumpraediil*
perpr^fentesordinauimus,fecimus,ecconftituimus. Ac etiam concefTu
rauscidemG.officiumConftabularijcaftii noftri dcT.M.etP.magi-
ilrum Forcftarum chaccac noftf de R.acBalliuum noux libcrtatis noflr^
inComitpraedift'. Necnon Magiftrumdcduftu ferarum omnium fo-
reftarum, chaccarum, parcoruro, bofcorura, et warrennarum in ComiE
przdiA'. Ac etiam conccfliraus eidcm G. plenam aufthoritatem ct po-
ceftatcm ad faciendum nominandum et alsignandum de tempore in te
pus, omnes oranimodos foreftarioseccuftodesdi^arumforcftarura,
ferarum, chaccarum, parcorum, et warrennarum Ac infuper dcdimus

ct concefsimus eidcm G. officium Magiftri capitalis Sencfchalli Ho-

noris pracdift*,ac cacterorum praemiflorum omnium cumpertih. Ha-
bend,occupand,ct cxcrcen5,omnia praedida officia et eorum quaclibet
vna cum au^horiuce ec potcftacc praedi^l' pr^fat G. per fc vel per fuos
Synib. Grants^ part.primac

fuflidentcs dfputatos aiit depusatum fuum.protermlnovitaeipfiusG/

percipiend annuatim, in,&'proofficijs pdidVSc coram quohbet cen-
tum iibf&c.vna cum teodo vadio ab antiquo dcbko 8c confucto,tam
eifdcm officfjs&eorumcuilibccquam omnibus alijsofficijsoccupand,
per officijf fiend &
nominandpcr prx/at C.au6^oritate& poteftatcfu-
pradi<ft',& dc exitibu$,proficuis,& rcuciuionibus Honoris praedift',&
cetcroruni prcmilTorum , & eorum cuiuflibct proucnicnt fiuecrcfccnt,
pa- raanus fit niariof,tcncntium, receptor ,fcu aliof officiaf & occupatof
ciufdcm pro tempore cxificnt, ad &c.vna cum omnibus & omnimodis
alijs feodis,proficuis,commoditatibus,libcrtacibus,& cmolumcmis qui-
bufcunqus officijs pr^did* & eorum cuilibet qualiter cunquc pcrcifi,ia
tarn amplismodo & iorraa,prout aliqui ali),fiue aliquis alius officia pd,
feu eorum a! quod ante hcc terapora habucrum fiuc habuit,occupauc-

nint vcl occupauit, acineirdcm& in eorum quolibctperccpcrunt fiuc

pcrripere dcbucrunt vel dcbuit. Eoqdcxprtflamcnciodc vcro an-
nuo valore &c. 05 pou fee aboue Sc^l.s 5 7.

migrant ofaStewardJhip andSurueyor/hif.

Seft." 4<^. Xy Rcnobilis G.Comcs S.dominus Talbot, dominus Furnyual, Ver-

X don, & Strange dc Blackmere, dominus LifFtoft &c. Omnibusad
quos hoc pfens fcriptum peruenerit, falutem. Sciatis me prscL t Comi-
tcm, cam pro hnccro amore et bcncuolentia qua iamdudum affc^' (um
crga W.W. dc R. in Comitat Ebof gencrol. de cuius prouida circura-
Ipciiione, pia fcdulitate, acfingulari in hac parte prudentiamerito
pluriiTi confido,quam pro fiimma illius turn in me,tum in illuftriffiraum
G. nupcr Comitcm S.prcclanfllmum patrcm meuiD obfcruamiafidc
ftudio officio &
pictate ex mcra , &
(pomanea volutaf mca dedifTc
Scperprefcntcs conccifific eid W. W.cfficiumScncfchairfiueScnef-
chalciam omnium &
fingul' domin,mancf,& hxreditamci c mcof quo-
rumcunquemfepcrai'comitacibus E.DN.H. &B.6ccuftod fiuecffi-
ciumtcncndi omnes et omnimodas Cur baron, lctar,vif.fi"anc'pleg',
dominiof &
roancriof pr2eclift',cteofcuiuflibctacgubernatJoncm&
fuperuifionem corundcm. Ac ipfura W. W. gcncralem ac capital' Sc-
ncichall'ac fupcrujiorem meum omnium curiaf, dhiorura, maneriof,ct
haercditamentof meof pr3cdift',facio,conftiuo,ct ordino per prclcntes.
Habcnd,tencnd,gaudend,exerccn<J, ctoccupand officia predict cum
f>ertih vna cum omnibus et finj^ulis fi:od,vadij8,rcgardis,profituis,prc-
icminarijSjCtaduatagijs eiid officijs fpelanfiue|>tinpf.W.W.pfe,vcl

p lufficieijie dcputaf Tuum, fiuelufficieccs dcputat (uos,velp (uffitienc

Liber Grants, lecundus
deputafum fiucdeputatos deputati iiue dcputatof fuorunti pro quorum
faftis mihi respond ere vciic,a dat pr^fcnt durante &c.Mando iniuper v-
niuerfisSc finsiulisballiuiSjpr^pofitjfirmarijSjtenentjbus,& occupaco-
ribus meis praaiilFof& cor cuilibcc,quod pf. W.W.& deputacis luis p-
did' in hac paitdc tempore in tempus afliftentes fint,ebedieiit, & anxi-
liantcs in oidus prouc dccet durant tcrmino praed'. In cuius rei teftinioh
hutcpknti (cuptomcofigillumraeumappolui. Dac2 3.dicD.anhreg-
ni doiTi ood dei gratia, Anglix, Franc' & Hifbcrh Rceincefidd
dcfenfons &c.criccfiino tcrtio,i 59^2.

^ Grant ofan Ideot or Ltinatikc.

REx&c. Sciatis quod cum TP.filius& h^resH.P.nuperdc F. inc^^^ ^-^^
& Ideot exiftit a natiuitate rua,& ca rationc (ui
comita! F. fatuus
ipfius, ac terf, tcnemcntof, bonorum, & catallof (uorum regiminc vacat
& caret, prout coram nobis per tcftimonium fide dignorum probat cx-
iftit.Nosvcroex&c.volentescidcmT.devit^ neceffarijs corporis &
fuiscuftodfecufprouidere, Dediniu$& conccffimus, ac per pr^fenccs
damus&conccdirousdile^o nobis in Chrifto H.I militi pro corpore
noftro cuftodiam ipfius T. ac omnium terraf 6c tencmentof reddituura
& fciuiiiorum cum pertinentijs,qu3e nuper fuerunt pracdift' H.P.&; qu^
camper finempofl mortem ciufdcm H. quam ratione fatuitatis& Idc-
otatis diftiT. ad n)anus noftras deuencrunt, feu dcuenire dcbuerunt
autdcbent. Habend, gaudend,tcnend, &
occupacd , cuftodiam cor-
poris diftiT.ac omnium mancriorum, terrarum, tencmcntorum, & a-
liorum pracmifforum SccprxfatH.!. hatred ScafllgnatfuisprotermviE
natural' dili T.P.abfque aliquo coropoto feu aliquo alio nobis vcl hae-
rcdnottrisindcreddcndvelfaciend. Prouifo fcropcr quoddici' H.L
haered' & aflignati fui de cxitibus manerior,terrarum,tehcorum, 6c caete-
ria, prout dccet in tali cafu,6cquod terra & tenta 6cc. pr^d'manutencant
fine vafto vel deflru^^ion. Eo quod exprefla mcntio dc vero annuo va-,
lore &c. vtfupra 357.

A Grant ofthe office ofone of the Anditors ofthe


REx &c. vt fupra 327. In confidcrationc boni & fidclis feruil^ctt, 3

quod dileft' Icruiens nofter G.D. nobis impendit, & impoftcrum^^

aDpcnd<,c, dediffius & conccfllm^, ac per prxfcntes damus 6c conced im^,

Symb. Grauntt. part.primac

cidcrnC.officiutnvn; Auditor Scaccawjnoftn.qd'R.S.nuperhabuic

&. occupauit,^" in nianibus noftris nunc cxiftit.Habcnd' &
tcnend' prx-
dict officium prxfatG.quamdiu fcbcne gelTcrit in eodem,pcrfc vcl per

fufficicntcm dcputat fuum^cuir fcod' &vad eidem officio ab antique de-

bit & confuctis,vna cum alijsproficuis, comnioditat & aduantagijs eidc
officio pcrtincntibusfiuefpe^ant, in tam amplis niodo& fornia,prouc
H.F.aiit R.S.fiue aliquis alius,fiuc aliqui alijantch^ctcmpora habuit,p.
ccpit.habucruntfcu pccpcrunt.Eo qd exprcffa mcntio dzcvrfupra 357

^ Grant of an Auditor/hip,
^ /^Mnibus&cS.Epifcopus W.Sciatisnos feciffc, ordinate, ccnfti*
<i n'
^cdt. 307. ^^jyijpg^caflignafleR.R. Auditorcmnoftrum ad omnia & fingula
compot omnium rcccptorum praepoficof Ballinorum firmariorum &
aliorum quorumcunqminiftrof omnium &
ncriof,tcif& tchtof nobis compulabil'cxiftcnt infra rcgnumAnglix,
audicnd &
tcrminand ; Nccnonad 01a &
fingula quae natura compof
cxigit& rcquiritfacicnd &
cxcqucnd.Habend', tencnd', excrcendum,
& occupandum officium pd' pro tcrmino vit? fu^, per fe vol per dcputa-
tum fuum pcrcipicnd* dc nobis fucccfloribus nfis pro pracdicC officio

excrccnd, occupand, &

excquerd pro fcodo fuo annuatira quinque

libras,& pro papiro &c. pro rotulis compotof fuperfcrib. dc-

cemfolidosdc cxit,proficuis<Sc rcucnt dominiorum, roancriorum, ter-
raf,& tchtof nolborum pr^dift'pcrraanu$rcccp!,balliuo,pracpofi-
torum &
firmariorum noHrorum pro tempore cxiftenf. Et etiamda-
mus conccdimus per praefentcs pr^f. R.R. feu ei" in hac parte dcputat
qui in hiiidi officio luocxerccndooccupat fucritincund, ^quitand,fiuc
redcndOjViZ.quouis die decern denariospro fcipfo, ac pro quolibct fcr-
uiente iplius R. feu eius'depucat per diem decern dcnarios,mandantes fir-
miter omnibus &
fingulis cfficiarijs &
miniftris noftris prxdiftis,
c[uod&c. vtffipra 3 64,

yi ^rant oj the keeping ofan Ideot with his lands (jrc,

npHis Indenture maDe If J5cttoeenet^erigljtf)ono3aWeS>ir t22ir

Sea. 368. c.!ftmgtit,iLojo515.JLo2D SErcafojer of Cnglano,
J; flatter of t^e
:aeen0 ^atellte0 Conrt of QIZIacDi ano S.iaerte0,anD U.tft.efqaire,
f^uraepo; of tt)e fame Bltnerus, fo; t (n t^e name ano bel^alfe of oac
(aio foaecaigne lloie tj^e iS^neen^on t^ons partie? ano ^1^ b;ott)er
Liber Grants. , fccundus
atiD nerf fjeire of 3!.p* iueot Deccafcu on tlie ot^ec partis WitncfTeth
2E;i)at to^ere our faiD fou&ratgne ilaoie is agrecD to grant ftnto i^ fai&
(0.an Guftcr Ic maine to \)e tjao,of,anD in certaine !anD0 i tenements
t)olDcn of our rate foueratgn ilatl}e D .as of lier (Uprated Callle of %*
pare cU of tjcr ^of H. bp fealtte i rnt,tol)ic^ f o t^c faio (I^.DifcenDeo

I came in bre,pQ&eaion,oj reucrfron from f faiD i|3* ag b;otl)er anD

^eirc of ttjc faiD 3^iDeot,as in tl^e ffliD Oufter le maine moje plainly
10 containeD. ^et fo: tbat onr faitj foueraigne ^aoie OboulD not be
ceceiueo, but t^at l)er (IDrace 8)olo baue perfect haoiuUDge i tjnocc'
ttanoing of tt)e truebalue of tt]s faid lauDS i tencnients,anDall otber
tcreoitamentfi: STlje fsio d?. !)atlj Deliuerco tt)c Day of t^e Date hereof
bnto tl)e faiD ^. il,2i5. ilojo STceaforer of C% ano U*!S. a tojitiug in

par(t)ment inDenteD,t)ercuntoannercD, tuljerein be containeD ano

(pecified ell ttie lanDf f tenements, anD tl)e true pearelp tialne of t^e
rame,ti3l)icb tlje faiD dp. tuilletl) oj mtencctt) to baue,o} feall l)aue,oat
fiftlieineenesipaieaiegljanD0,o3polIeirion,bp tl)e faiD Oufterlc
maine. And ouer tl)at, t^e (aiD (J5* ^* couenantet^ n* to anD tutt^ ic*
t!)atone0uDttojojaaDitoj0,byourfaiD foucratgne ^LaDieto beaf*
HigneDjo; anpHuDito? to tt)e i^ueenes^a'ieaie0 Court of ^arDS

unD iliuertes (oi time being, (l^all at tbe coils anD charges of t^e

faiD <5* anD at fucb time as it ft)all pleafe our faiD fousraigne llaDie,
fecr beire5 1 fucceffojs, lun>,s of tbis Uealme, to appoint by tbe faiD

Rafter of bcc^^igbnelfe Court of t^arDs i llmerie0,anD fnrneioj of

t^e fame Hiu^ries foj tbe time being,o j otbertcife, to fearcbifntucp,
anD bieU) as UieU tbe true balue as tbe tenure i tenures of tbe fame t
tpon \x)\)id} fcarcbanDbietD,tf it can bep^oueD^tbatan^manno^s,
lanDS, tenements, anD Dtl;er bereDitaments, iobcreof tbe faiD (5* oj
any otber pcrfon oj perfons fojbim,tn bis name,o) bytjis tonfent,ta'
feetb^o? bereaf ter Qiall o; may lalsfully take, any aDuantage,beneflt9
pjofit,oj commoDitiejby reafon o; meanes of tbe faiD Oufter le maine,
beboloen of our foueraigne^aDy by ^nigbts fernice in cbiefe>
o; otberlDife in in cbiefe, anD be of mo;e better anD larger
yearely balue tben in 'be fame tojiting is containeD : tbcn our faiD
foueratgne LlaDie Itiall be by tbe faiD (25. p. bi f c. trucy anfluerco
anD fatif6eD,as loeU fo; tbe tenure, as fa; tbe yerely balae of all fucb
\mtsi anD tenements as fball bappen to be tjnoer balueD anD omitteD
out if tbe fame Ujjiting. Andalfo fo?tbeccncealement anD offence
tntbatbel)alfe,tbe faiD (0. l^all content anD paytnto our faiD foue^
raigne iLaDtc,into ber races Court of (HarDs f Jtiueries, t^e Dou^
bleof eneyearesbnlueof all tf)e lanos anD tenements fo omitteD o^
^ t^nDic

Symb. ^
Grants.' part.primas

tnDer-^alu0D* 0nti alfo onr fato foneraisne 3lat;^ d^all ant) may per^
cciue anD take tt)e l]Dt)ole tllaes and p;o6t0 of tt}e lanos i tenements
fo omittetJ anc tjnoer-tJalneD, fcntiU tljc faiD dp, o? l)ic affigncs , ftall
liaue agreco to anD tuitb tlje faio ?El.3lojD )!5.f cnnD l^.li! c 03 otl)ec
t\)t maScrs of t\}t 21 ueenes Coutt of MlaxDsi 5 iliiierie5,anD furuei^

0; of tt}e fame ^iucries foj tl;c time being,fo2 tlje faio Dalue ano ouec
)?lu0 of tl}e lanD0)tenement0, ano t)ereDttametS fo omitteD 03 tmoecf
t)alucJj,anD flaall finD fufficicnt fuertics fo; t^e paimcnt tljcreof to ttje
lneenc0 spatefttcs tjfe* 0nD alfo all fact) ot^er f ummea of moncp as
t^yt^e agreement of ttiefatDmaSer of t^e^ueenesCouct of ^atDS
ant) lltuerie0,anD fnrueto; of tl)e fame Hltueried,0)aU be tareD,afftg
tieo, 0) appotnteo, any tiding Ijcicin contatncD to tt)e contrane not^
foit^ftantJtng In witneflc li)l)ereof,to tlje one part of tl)efe 3ntjetarc0
remaining to anbtoitt) t^e faiD dp* tt)e fato mi* 9c* ano 1^.1^. t)aue
(et t^etr tianttd and fcaUs : OnD to t^e ott}er part of tbefe iCnoentures
remaining to t^e ^ ucenes ^atcQics \)i^ in tlje faid Court of maxts
and 3liueries,t^e faid C']^l;atl) fet Ijis Ijand and fcale die ct anno fu-

Valor fiue cxtcntus annul valoris omnium et fingulorum maneriorum,

tcrrarum,tenemcnrorum, &
c2cteroi iim hercditaroentof quorumcunquc

nuperl. P.fatui ct Ideot dcfunft'jCtincuftodiadhaeEliz. nuncRcgi-

nac ratione fatuicat fuae tempore mortis fuac & quae perfiuc poll mortem
eiufdcml. cuidamG.P.fratri et hcred fuo dcfcendcrunt et defccnderc
dcbentjinvfujpofTefTionc, et reuerfionc. Qni quidcm I. P. obijt &c.
di^oG. adtunc plenc xxj.annorum decirao nono&c.
ictatis, fcilicct

proutpcr inquiiitionem inde capf apud N. in Comitatu N.primo die

&c.plenius poterit apparerc. Et mode viz. vliimo die N.anno &c. idem
G.P. venitad profequend fuum iu(ter le mainc extra manus diftse
domih Reg. dc omnibus pracmiflis fubfcript fccundum communes leges
huius regni Angliae.

'Mancrium dc H. cum pcrtlh,ec alia tcrf, teO'

nemcnta, hereditamta in H. &
C. cum pcr^i
tincn, tench dc Archiepifcopo Ebof , vt de
Cm A^(p/f'.s manerio fuo dc G. in dido Comitatu N. in >vij.li.v.s,
focagIo,pcrfide!itatemctreddit KX s.iii).5.

per annum ^p omnibus fcruitijs: valcnt clare I

(.peranniuiit X
Liber Grants. , fecundus

A Cjrant of the tuithn and gouernement of at Lunatik^,

THis Indenture niflDc bctujcgiie tl)e moS erccUent i0?ince(re,anti Se^V.^^^i

our mod DjcaD foueraigne ilauie Elizabeth bp tl)e grace of C^oo
^neene if on tljecnc jjartie, anD SKU.dl^.geiiUcitia ont^ot^er jjartp,
VVitnedech, f Ijat toljere our faiD fou^raignc 5laDie,lj)itl) t^e aDuifc of
tl;c^fi(IeEanccunfclcf{)er'gracesrourtof?iK!TarBrsansi liuerie^,
15 contenteD i plcafeD to grant, $ b^ tt^efc p^eCentis Qoti) commit auo
grant bwto t!)c faiD ^.(!l?tl;e cuttocp^rulccjccr, ano tnition of Wi*
3K.being a fcole naturalLano JLunatifee, not able to gouernc l)imfelfe,
%i6 mefuagei3lcinDs,tencmts,g(DCS,noj cattels? a0 bp an office tberc^
of founo at Can tt)c Countp of C.tl)c 2 6. cap of October in tlje rl)f tj
pcareofour ^oucraigne %t. moje at large appcarettj 0noiobcreas
aUo our faiD &0U eraigne i.aDp batt) coucnanteo ano granted, ano bg
tl)efe p^efents couenantetb f grantett) bnto tbe faiD ^.d^.atluell tbe
cuttoDp, rulejOjDcr^DccapationjDifpon'tion^anD receipt, of all tbeme^
(uage0,lao0,tenemet0 1 bereDitamentSjanDoftlie rents, reuenue0,
i^mi anD p?oOt0 tl)ereof,Uil)icb tbe faiD W* H 03 an^ otber perfoti 0}
pcrfons to l)ig tire,nofe batb,o? Dugl)t to bfiuc in poffelTio oj reucrfio,
02 tubic^ bp any lalufuU toaics 02 meaneSjir^ap oj ougljt to come,Def*
tcno 0? grotu^ntotbe faiD 01 ti^.iX^'^nDaUo tlje cuftoDte,rnle,ojDer,
anD receipt of all tbegQ)Dfi,cattells,farmSjttocl^is;,(to2cg,pUte,monp,
DebttfjieljuelKK , It^ares, marcbanDifes, anD olber commoDitieis anD pjo
fit0 tobatfoeuer to tbe faiD M.H.in anp toi(e belcging oj pertaining,
anD tbe bfe anD marcban&ijing of Ibc fsmc, to tbe beboofe, pjofit anD
comoDitp of tbe faiD MMR. anD tbe reliefe auD fuftentation 1 finoing
of bis lDife,cbil02n, anD familp, if anp be, anD alfo f 02 tbe p2eferuati
OH, fafegatDanD reparations of tbefaiDmcfaagfc0,lanDS,tenemcnt0,
Daring tl)c life ofjtbc fapo tEltm^l^.SCbc faiD m^H.d?. fo2 tbe better anD
mo^etrue aominiff ration, accomplifbmcnt, anD perfo2manccof tbe
conDitiotiS anD Duefics bp ojDcr of laii> inclDcnt anD belonging to i\iZ
faiD cu(toDie,batb DeliuereD a lD2iting iuDentcD bereunto annereb? \xi

Iwbicb beenc ccntapneD anD fpeciffeD all tbe niefuages,lanDS,tene^

ments,rents,reutrrions, anD tbe particular tjalucs of tbcni, anDe*
lurie of tbcm, anD aUo all tbfe farmes, fiocfeeSjluarcs,gooDs,caf tels,
woncv? plate, ietoels, boufbolD duffe, implements, Debts, anD 0^
t^er commoDitieS:, Duties? anD p2ofitsUjbat(oeucr to t^efaiD W>*'^*
51 a noUJ
SymW Grants. part'.primac

noU) appertaining o)belongin0,o}tDl)tc^ in anteloife ougl)tofri^^t

to appertaine o^ belong to \)\m : U)bicl) tutting tntienteD,ti}c taiD HM
(l^.coa(nantett)tobetrue, ano a perfect Declaration ofalltt)emerua
ge0, lanO0, tenements, rents, reucrOions, feruices, tjereoitamentSr
farme07(tock0,U)ares,ga)D0>cl)attels!,reaDte monp,anD ott)er t^e pit*
tnififeSjUittbout omidton of tt)em, oi anp of tbem* And t^e faiD ^
<i'couenantetl)anDgrauntetl),fo;t)imanD Ijis affignes bp tljefep;e^
rents, t^at tlje rents, reoenues, iffues pjofitcs,anD increafe of t^e \
ionep,ano ot^er tbe pjcmiC[ps,as farre fojtt) as t^c fame U)ill c rteno
farre fo;tl) as (l)all bee nceofuU , requiute,anD con^
ano react),anD as
uement,n)alloailp from time to time Daring tbe ratocuftoDtebeim^
ploieD,conuertcD7f DifpofeDt)pontl)e finmnganD fufientation oftljc
faiD Ml.i^. \)\B U)ife,cl)UD5en, ano famil? (if anp be) Ujitl) tjonctt and
(onuenient meat, D;iu^e, anD apparell, loDging, regarDs, anD necef*
(aries. 0nDlbattl)efato 55111.(115. an d I) is aflignes, fo farre fo^tb as
in bim ano tbem lietO,!l)all bonettlp intreat,o2oer, anD maintaine t'oe
faiD ^.U*acco2Ding to bis Degree,e(timation, fubffance, ano polTef^
fion,as to ttie i^ueencs l^ono^ anD bis Duetie in tt}at betjalfe Dotb ap^
pertaine. And tlje faiD 5.(1:1.0. coucnantetb anD grauntctb foj bim
anD bis afltgues bp tl)cfe parents, tl)at bee tuitbtbc faiD retits, p;o<
filGS,anD increafe,as farre fojtlj as tbc fame Uiill c rteno m reacb anD
fo farre fo;tlj as tbc fame (ball be nr cellar'e, S;all maUc all manner of
necedarie anD neeDfuU reparations, in anD bpon tbe faio mefloages
lanDS,tenements,anD otber (;ereDitamcnts,anD in anD bpon tbe buil^
Dlng,in fact) maner anD foat, as bereafter no Ijuaftc, fpotle, Decap, o)
DifojDer be founD bp tbe Default of tbe faiD WL* (0. o; anie otber bp ^i
meanes oi pjoturcment, ano if anp Dccap be at tbts time, in conueni^
ent anD reafonablc time to caufe tbe fame to be amcnoco i repaireo.
0nD tbc faiD mx .C!5.couenantetb anD grantcib fo) bun t bis affignes
Ip tbcfe pjcfents,tbat tbep (ball not Do no; fuffcr to be Done anp ttrcp,
bereoitaments,u?anpparttbereof,no; tuiUinglp Dccap a4ie rent oj
feruif e belonging to t^z fame,oj eppcll oiJ^put out anp tenant, boloing
anie part 0? parcell of tbe p^emitTeSjnoUi'He anp fines of tbem,o; anp
oftbim,U)ttbouttbeknotoleDgeo; agreement of tbc fatD Rafter anD
Conniell fo; tbe time being. And if at ante time brreafcer, anie
llrep,uD.3ft,fpoile,o} Difo^Der be Done, o? incroc^ment of lanD maDe in
tbep^etuDiceoftbeinberttanceoftbefaiD^.U. o;bi0 beires, tbat
ti)si\t^g I ato ^C^.anD W ^i&^t, a0 mucb as in ^im oi tl)em lietb
Liber Grants.- fecundus
l^atl ^aue ant) tiettnn tl)t fame , ano fo; lacl^e i/f poiuer anD fufftcieni
aat^ontie fo to to-, Ojall toit^ conucnirnt fpato ano eppeDitton certiSe
tlie fame to t^s faio fatter ans Connfcl fo; t^e Came, ano receiut ano
p;ofecutefo;t^ttietro;uer foj rsfojmation iijereof,tfl,anD fo;t^aO*
uanrtmentof t^eCiufcnes^aieatcsinteteft ano rigbt, anofojt^e
p;eferuation,raf0gar6, ano tutticn sf tlie intjeritance, ri6t)t, and title
of tl)e taiD WtU* 0nD tt)e faiD m*<i^* conenantctt) ano srauntett) fo)
^tnianol)i0afl[igBe0bpt^erep;crent0,tl)atljetl}e faiD M^dDtO} ^td
a(ttgne0,tn Kxinitit tormc ncrt commtng c^al b;ing \)is part of tt)ere
BlnDenture()to tt)e;^aotto2 jg^ncrall of tUe ^^ueencs ^aiefties fato
Court of ^aros anD iLtQerte0,to^fiuet^efamet^ere tnrolUo, and
^allmabgatrue ano perfect accompt befo;e tbefato^aoito^oft^e
cents,reoenue0, P2o6t0, ano tncreafe of ttie fato mefnaged, lanC0,te
ncmcnt0 1 ot^ec tt)e p;emi(re0,anti Hjall (tano to t^t o;oer i Diredon
of tbe fato fatter ano counfelUariuell fo; all maner of acconipt0, pat'
ntent0,recetpt0,DemanO0, ano ot^ec niatter0i a0 fo; t^e cuttoote, 0;^
Oersano oifpoGtion of as mud) tbecrof 90 f^al be founo tn t^e accompt
toremainetnbi0banO0, aboucallrep;tre0anooeon(tton0:>fotbat bg
tbe faio ^aSer ano counfell t^e fame may be emploteo ano bellotueo
to t^e moS otilitte ano p;o6te of tt)e faio WM.
ano ^t0 t)eirc0,ano (a
from time to time to make UUe arcompt, ano abtoe like o;oer b)l)enfoo
euer l)e b^ tbe faio Rafter ano Counfell ^all bee calleo to t^e fame*
And tbe faio tISlC>.conenantet^ ano grantetb fo; ^im ano bi0 i^ewtBs
by t^efe p;ef ent0,tl)at ^e tl}e faio m* C^. ano t)i0 a(ri8ne0, Ojall at all
ttme0 ^ereafter,not only permit ano fufi'er t^e faio jailer ano coun^
fell,o; ante otber by t^eir autt)o;itie, to farney tl)t eSate ano bfage of
t\)t faio mefuage0,lanO0, tenement0,ano otljer tbe p;emiae0,but aUa

pay t^e ct)arge0 of t^e fame furuey out of tbe faio rents f p;o0t0,aao
jD^all from time to time pcrfojme f fulfill t^e Direction of l^e faio ^a

Her anO Counfel,fo; ano concerning tt}e reD;Gre i rcfo;mation of all

oifo;oer0 founo bpon tt)e faio furuey. 0no if it fo;tune t^e faio metfu^
age0,lanD0,tenement0,ano t)ereoitament0, 0; anie partoftl)em,by
any fucb furuey to be founo of better o;mo;e yearly balueo; rent, t^^
is befo;e erp;eQfeo in tl)e faio U);ittng inoenteo,o; ^ any part of tl)em,
0; ante otber lanoe tu^icb tbe faio m* U. ougtit to enioy, be onittteo
intbe fameU);tting inoenteo : t^en tt)efaio m*
>.anobi0 a(rtgne09
djall truly accompt fo; i[}t ouerp)n0 of tt)e rent0ano p;ofit0 fo bnoer*
tialueo ano omitteo,ano t^e arrerageo tt)ereof,anofl^all Hano to, ano
sccompliQ) &)cb o;Der ano Direction of tl)e faio mafter ano counfel, fo;
4^ paytng>itii(iioying % beftoluitig of tbe faio rmt0^i^o t^rre rage0

^'Symb.. Grants, pait.prima^

ttyercof ,a (o tl)e faio matter atiD f oanffU Of)aU Utmi e rpeDitnt. And
t^e faiD ^.(S^.couenantcll) anu granteii) foj ^imanD Ijis afftgnis bg
tl)cfep2efer.t0,t^at neither tl)e faiD ?:^.^. oj l)i0 aaignes, fljall giuc;
grant,coucnant,barsain o; fell t^e cufteDicof tt)g faiu H.?(.no?^i
intccett in fame bp bcrtue \)txzoU to ante pcrf on 03 perfons, tuitlj

cut tl)efenolDleDgeanD agreement of t^efaio matter ano counfellfo)

t^e time being. And it \B p^ouioeD in t^e bc^alfe of tbe lmaie(tie,bp
t^e faiD fatter anD Counfell, t^at if at anie time hereafter it fo;tane

t^e faio cotieants,contiitions,graunt5 oj agreemtfi, 0? anie clanfc oj

rricle befo;e mentioncd,\ul3icl) are to be kept on tt}e part ano beljalfe
cf tt)c faiD W*<5 anD bi afligne, to be bjofeen ani bnbept,an9not
refojmeD toit^in ^.monetbs nert after latufuU toarning to bim 0; i\)i
tl)erofgiue,tbattl)ntI)igp2efcntgranttobeboiD anD of noneeflfert.
0nD immeDiatlp bpon fuel) Dcfault,it fbalbe latofal to tbc faiD matter
< comUelUnot on!p to fcqarftcr anD taUc it,z faiD cuOtoDic into tbe
ttiaielticd gift,2nD D;Der, ano tt)C fame to commit 0; Difpefc to anie 0*
tbev perfon 03 perfono. During tbe lonacie of tbe faiD TO.H. but alfo
to Diftraine tbc gooDs ano cbattclg of tbe faio mn.C?.anDbifi affignctf,
anD t^c fame to Djiuc,leaDe,anD carrte atonv,toitt)t30lo, targair e,anD
reU,to tbe bfe of tbe ^I^.maiettie, bnttUber biglmes be fullp anftoereD
and paieo,fo; tlje carnage futtainco bp bjcabing of anie of ti}e faio to*
oenantsln : anp tt)ingb(fo;e
tbele p^efcnt BSnoenturc^ containeo
mentioneDtotbecontrarienottoitbttanDing. Inwunc(Ie&c.

ji '^^'^^i ofthe tftiti^n ofa Lunatfke,hfsfamil)/, Undsjandgoods.

Scft.37- T" His Indenture &c.'z/ni'r/?* 3 <59.anDlC.tI2I jp!.D. IICI.&>. anb

il <I^.^. Cfquiresof tbe otbcrpartie,Witnc{lcthibattDbereoKr

(oaei:atgne)labie,bpinquiQtiontakenat 0antte Countieof^.tbe
1 7.tap of iEane,f n tbe fecono peare of ber noble raignc, befoje 3. 515
C(c^eto3oftbefaiD(ountie,bpbertueoftbe i^.s^auties tojit tc
|im DireoteCjto iniinire of i:.^. Cftiuire, anD bp bsr bt6t}ne0 p;erQ*
{atiuc ropall \$ intitleo to tbecuttonie of tbe faiD H^/(M. t to p^ouio^
tiercoitamentSjgoBDs ano (battels, accc;oing to t^s faiD p^erofatiue,
anDtbelaU)esanDftatatc0oftberealmcint^at cafe p3omDeb,anDi0
contenteD ano pleafeD,to graunt anb to commit bnto i^z faio K*Wi
il^.SDM.&.anD(Iip.it!p.ariDeUt^e cuffoDte,rulc, o:Drr> tuition, ani3
:gouernance of tt)c faiD s:.!::^ .being bptbe faiD iEnqnifitiion founo to
^ A^uuati^c^i imperfect of muiDe ati9 tmmo^e>iiotAbU to goaeme
.,.r^ JimfeUi
Liber Grants. iecurrdus

a0 alfo t^c cuttoDp,rulc,taition,tfe, occRpation,rcceipt tJifpoCtiwi

cf all i mano3;;,lanDji t !}ereoitamentfi,farms,eocfeS5ftojC0,5coDs,
t)8ttel0,mfln2^,platg,^on(|jolDffu&c, atiD ott}er commooiticis f pof
feffions tuljatfoeoer t\jtv be luljid) tlie faiD s:l]atl.noto l)at^,oj bp^u
lip mean B map o; oug^t lalDfuUp to baae, to tt)nfe, p;ofit f commooi
tie ot ttie faio 2L.m^. ^is teircfi : To haue t to ^olD t|je fame to tbe
faio an.i^.tata. ano > tifmng tf;e inccns ^aictties lioUl aiiD plea*,
fure. And therefore tt)c fsib S::ii5,;ia^. ano C fojttic better pccfo)/'
manceof tl)C couenanta i conDittons inciocntanDbelcngii;gtot^e
t^at Ijaue (t)c caUoDp conitttetJ tinto tl;em , Ijai^e Dcliuerco a Uijiting

tnbenteo beceunto anutreD,m tbe U}i)tcb bin contatneD ano fpeaOeD

all tt)e m^nojB, lanos, tenements t beceDttamcnts, being oi tbe in
l)ereD{tan(e of t!;e fato C^^l^.in poaedion ano reuer(ion,ani) alio al
00000 f cbattet 6 of p fnio Z>*^m* jubicb tojitiag itiDeteo tbc fato K*
i^.H^m.aiiD (ID.b^tt)ef^p2erent0 couenant ano grant to be a full f
perfect oeclaration of al tl;e mnno)0, lanDs ano bereoitanients gooo0
anocbatiiUtDitoout omiffton o^conccalementofanppartoftbem*
And tbc faio K* /j5. Z^tia. anc <d* couenant ano araunt foj tbem ano
tbetraarigneS) tbattberen(^, reuenuea, ano profits ano increafe of
tbe (aiD mano}0,lanb6,anD bcrcoitament5,gooD0 1 cbattela^aa farro
fo;tb ns tt>e time toill ertcno ano reacb ) ruo as far fo^tb as Oiall bee
t^eorull,nece(rait), requiGte, o; conucnient, Cball from tmu to time
baring ^ faio cuftoop be implopeo, conDcrteo anO bcSotoeO bpon i\}Z
Snoing ano fuftentation of tbefaio ^,ZlWiM& loife, cbilD;cn,f fa
milp,U)itl) boncttanb conucnientmeate, o;iiife,appareH,loDgijig,re^
garos ano necellariestano tbat tt)e faioSC. j^*^;i^. ano (D.nnD tbcic
affign0,fo far foojtb as in tbcni lietbjlball boneftlp intreat,020cr ano
maintain tt)e faio C.^*acto;Ding to bis De3rdr,cCimation,fiibaace
ano po(f etrton0,in f ucb f o jt,as to tbe i^ * bono; ano tbeir outp in tbat
liet)alfe appertainetb And tl)e faio K* ^* tm* anO (3* tot couenant

anbgraantbp t^efe p;erent0,tbattttbtbe faio renf a.p^ofitf; i iu>

create as far fo^tt) as tl^e fame luill ci^teno, i (o far fo;tb as tbe fame
(^al be neceffarp to tbe Caio W^^.W* ( >*! tbeir atrigns,fbaU mabe
all maner of neeofuil ano necelTarp reparations, mj ano bpon f faio
snano}s,lanos,f otber tbc p;emi(fe8, ano in t bpon al tbe botloings,
fif tbc fame,in facb maner i fo^t , as bereafter no toaft, fpoite o; oifo;^

s:.j]5.5lSi ano <0.o?enpotbcc

Oer be foanobp tbe Default of tbc faio
bp tbeir means oj p2ocurcmct : 0no if tbe oecap beat tbis pjcfent,in
CQUcnif 1 1 ((Af onabU time ta tmiz i f sme to be aitif bcD i repairco^

SynAu o: Grants. paKprimr

Andt^e fato ST. ^.?jaJano 0.DW f onenanf anu graant bp tljefe
pjcfcnts,tbat not do oj faffer to be Done anp arep,U)3ae,o)
tl)ep djall

fpoile of U)(dD0tpon ti)e fato manno^s UnD0,anD l)ereDttdment0,nc


toittinglp oecap anp rent o; (eruue belonging to tt)c fame,noj ccpell .

D;;patotttanp tenant 03 tenants, l;oloing anp part eftbcpjemiffe^,

no; tabe fines of tbem,no; cut oolone anp timber bpon tbe p^emifTcs,
luitboat bnotoleiJge ano agreement of tbe faio matter ano counfel fo;
t^e timebeing. And if at anp time Ijcreafter, anp ttrcp,\o3tte,fpoilc,
o> DifojDcr oj incrocbtnent of lano be maoe to tbc p;eiuDicc of tbe in-
teritancc of tl)e fai9 K*m-o} bis bcirs:tl)at tbcn tbe faio Sn.jF.M
ano .as mucb as in tl)cm Uctl), flj il uiitbllaiiD anD Dcfeno tbe fame
ano fo; lacbe of poiocr (0 to Doe, (Ijall toitb connenient erpsDition af^
tcrknotolcDgetberof baOjcertifietbc fametjntotbefaio patter ano
founfelfoj tbe time being, anD receiueipjofccatc fojtb tbeirojoer,
Until fufficicnt reD^ffe be tbtrein baD,to,anD foj tbe aouancemcnt of
tbeSiuatis^paiettiesintcreft anD rigbt.anDfojtbe fafegarooftbe
inberitance ^ rigbts anD titles of tbe faio 2D m* ano bis bcircs
And tbe faiD SC.jji.^.anD C'.Doe couenant anD grant foj tbcm ano

tbeir aHignes bp tbefe pjefents, tbat tbep tbc fame SC.j^.SM.anD (0.

bptbemf clues 0) tbeir fuSuient Deputies, in ^^icbaelm^s Cerme

nertcommingi^al bjing tbeir part of tbefe Jtioenturesto tbe au*
to baue tbe fame inrollcD ano Ojall make a true ano perfect accompt
bcfoje tbe fame jauDito;,of tbc rent3,reuenues,i profits, lincresfc
of tbe faiD mannojs, lanDS ano bereDitameats,ga)Ds, t cbattels,ajiD
Oball ttanD to tbeojoer anD Direction of tbe faiD spader ana Counfel,
as toell foj al mmer accompts, paiments, receipCs,DcmanDs,anD o
tber matters,as al(o foj tbc cuftoDp,ojDer, ano Difpolitio of as mucb
tberof as fl)all be founo in tbe fame accompt to remain,o} bbicb laU)
fnllpougbt to remain in tbeir banos, abouc all rep;ife0 ano DeDucti'
ons^fo tbat bp tbaDuifc of tbe spatter anD CoanfcU,tbe fame map be
tmplopeDanDbetto\ueDto tbe mottbtilitie ano profit of tbe faiD C^.
t&Sl.anD bis bcires, ano fo from time to time make libe accompt,ariO-
abiDe liUe o^Dcrs tubenfocuer bp tbc fame matter ano counfel beQ)al
be calleD to tbe fame. And tbe faiD H)*i^.M*anD (2?.D0 couenantanOt
graunte foj tbem anD tbeir alligncs bp tbefe pjefents , tbat tbcp
tbksfaiD ^* j^.lSE* anD <I^. ano tbeir attigncs,tt)all at all times not
onelp permit anD fufifer tbe faiD fatter anD CounfeU,o; anp otbet b?
tbe autboii^eDjto furuep tbettate of tbe faiD mano;0,lanDS,ber(Dtca
.sientS;,g0Ds I x^attels>but alCapag t\)t arrerages of t^g faiD furuep
i'>. .. -, out
Liber Grants. lecundus
out of t^e faio rents ant p;ofiti8,ano llbal from time f o time perfo;me
anD fulfil t^e Direction of t^c faio spatter f CQunfell,foj anD concer*
ning t^e reojelTe ano refojmation of all DifojDers fouD tjpon t^c fame
farucp And if it fo;tunc tl)e faio mano20,lanos anD ^ereoifament0,
o; anp part of t^cm, bp anp fuc^ furuf p to be founo of better t moje
Verelp rent, tl)en is befo;e erp?cffco in tbe famelujiting inDenteD,o)
anp part of t{)em,o; anp oi\)tt laos, goiOff, oj cl)attelg,toi)icl) t^e

faio K.m* ougbt to tntop, be omitteb In tbe fame hjjiting inoenteb:

t^en tlje faio S:.i|5.W.ano 0. anD tbeir affignSjUiall tjgelo accompt
of tl)c ouerplos of tl;e rents ano profits fo tjnoer-balueo ano omitted
ano of tbarrerages tberof, i Ojall ftano to f accopUtt) fucb ojoer ano
Direction of tbe faio fatter ano CounfeUfoj tl)e payment, imploping
ano beftotwing of tt)c faio rents ano pjofitg,anD t^arrerages thereof
as to tbe faio gaffer ano Coeinfell flball be tbougbt erpeoient. And
tbe faio 2n.iJ5,M.anO(II5.0oecoucnant anD graunt, fojtljemf tbeir
allignesbp tbefe jp;erents, tbat tbcy tt)e faio 2:.i|5,MlanD(0.anD
tbeir atrtgnes daring tbe faio cuSoDie, Hjall from time to time canfe
tbe Courts beretofo;e tifeo and bao bpon tt)e faio mano; to be yerel?
ttept,ano tbe coart rolles ingrodeD,! f urelp laio bp togctber, inttt) al
otber eoibences^recojDf 9 U);iting8,lubicb tbe faio 2D*i^ .^.ano C>
0; tbeir alTignes map latofall? come bp,concerntng tbe title of tbe in^
^critance of tbe faio w:.M* fo tbat tbep ano euery of tijem map fafelp
tomz f bim f be oeliuereo bnto bim, if a! anp time bereafter be (ball
happen to recouer bis t^nDrrCtanoing ano mcmo?p,o; after bis oeatb
to^isbetrstoit^out conccalemcnt , imbeOlling 0; toitbojaiuittg of
tbe fattj euioences 0? anp part of tbe to tbe fanoiulcoge of tbe faio SC.
^M I C>.oj anp otber b^ tbeir mc3ns,tenotoUDgc, oj pjocurcmet
And morcoucr,tbc faio SE.i^.^^anD (5*0} tbeir affigns,(^al not Doe
ojfuffertobeDonctnto tbeir bnotoleoge^anptbing 0? act tbat map
be to bis l)urt,incumb)ance, ano tmpairemcnt of tbinberif ance of tbe
Caib XM^} bis beices. And tbe feio ST. jli.^.ano do conenant
anD grant bp tbefe piefents, tbat tbep fijall not at ant> time bereafter
gtae,granl,commit,bar0aine, ano fell tbe cuSoop ohbc faio K^.wm*
01 t^eir intereft in tbe fame bp bertue bereof bnto anp pcrfon 0? per*
tons, Ujitt)ont SmoUjleDge % agreement of tbe faiD spatter f Counfetl
fo; tbe time being. Andt^efaiD S./l^.via^.anDC^.couenantenfoi
t^emanDt^eiraffignesb? tbefe pjefentg,tbatifatanpfimcbcreaf'
{i^rDuring tbe faio cottoDp, anplnaro^ benefice 0; fpiritnall p;om6ti>
(iti|^appento fall boiD 02 groto tpon t^c fame manojs ano otber tbe
p;emitt^S9o; anp part of tbem:2Ct)at t^en tt)e faio X*j^Mm*di\Mi C^
Symb. Granrs. parc.pritfix

ant tljcic afTigtt3,imtncDiatlp after fcnotoUDgetfjereof to tl)ztr. gincti

Ojall cerlifie tlje fame te t^t faio spatter anu Counre II fo j t^;;> tiun be
ini5,fott)atttjcpniapUn3to tl)c ucencs ^aieilicjj plt^afui e foa ^cr

=l^igljncae gift,anD ccnfirnung of t^e fame. And it is pjoaiccn en tH

beljalfcof tljcSiuccncs ^atcftie, bptbefaiD fatter auoCounfell,
tbat if at any time tereaftcr it fojtune tlje faiD coitenant,onoiti6,

c; agrecmetg, oj anp claufe oj article bcfoje mentioncD,Vjl)ut? arc to

beUeptontbcpartanDbei)a5fe of tbefaiD 2r.j;>.C5I.anDO.c;tl}eic
affignSjto be bjofecn,brifeept, anD not rrfojnuo U)itl)in tUio monetf)0
tben ncict after laU'fuU toarning tbercof giucn : STbat tljen t^i>* pjc^
Cent grant to be boiD d cf none effect, ant) tbat inimeoia Ip bpon fuel)
default it 0)albe lalufuU to ibe faiD ^af!er anD Coonrel,not onclp to
feqaeftcr anD take tljefaiD cuffoDic into itjc^Tiu.flpa-etlies gift anD
o)Dcr,anDtl)erame commit iDifpofe to anp otberpcrfonojperfon^
During tbe lunacie of tbc faiD CUH. but alfo to Difiraine tt<e gooDS
anD (battels of tbe faio SE.^.tmu.ano C'.ano tbcir atiigne0,anD tf)c
fame to bDitfjbolD, bargauie ano fEll,totbebfeoftbcia^ueencpai
icaicbntill ber bigbtuffe be fullp anfluereo ano pateD to tbe balue of
tbe Damage fuftainco bp tbe bjeahing of tbe faiD couenants : anf
tbingintbiisinDenture (ontaincDtotbe comcarp notUiitbfltanDing*
In witncflc &c.'z^/y/>r<? Scft.3 3 o,

j4 Grant efa Parkerfiup.

$1^.371. J^.N. Miles, dominnsde B. Omnibus &c. NoucritismcprxflE.de-

t diffc, & per prxfcntcs corccfliflc diledo feruicm mco R.C. cuftoiJ
fiiiccfEcium cuftod Parti mci deE.incomiuf E. nccnon fcciflc&con-
liitaille eundcniR.parcaf mcumparcimci pr.x'dift*. Habendum &c.
djftamcuflod fiuc cffic' per level per Aifficien! dcputatum fuumpro
quomihi refpond volncrit, durante vitaeiufdem R. cum vad trium
dcnafpcrquemlibct difin annuatim durante vita fua, prarcipiendpcr
manus receptor, ball', firmaf, (cu alterius occupatof cuiufdara domi-
nijfiuc fiiancrij mcide E- ptxdift' qui pro tempore fucrit annuatim
durante vita didi R. de rcddit &
profic' ciufdcm domifi fiue manef cu
peninenti js ad fcfta &c. per equalcs portioncs Ac vnam robam de fe-

Oa valertof meorum cr ga feftum Natalis domin, quando ego et hxred

mei liberatas huiufmodi dedcrim.us. Etfi^ontingat dec. vtittalijsdi-
Prillionibtu. Diflriflioncrquc ficcapt' licite afportarc,abducere,fu-

garc,et penes fc rctinere:quourqucdevadij$ pr^diclis ct dc omnibus

arrcrag'coiundcmG qu^ fucmnt^ 6bi plciwricfii tofact&^erfoluf.
' " Quart
LiUcr i::.q Graunts. /ccundus
Quare Rcccpc, ball', firmaf, ac alij occupatdf cuicunquc domih fiuc
inancrijmcidcEpraedia'praefcnt&futufmando& pr^cipio quoddc
fxic,rcddic, firmis& proficuis domini; fiucmancrij mciprcdi^'cum
pcrtincniijs foluat feu (olui faciac pracfafR.C.auc aflignatis luis dil* va^
triumdenaf proquolibetdicad fcftapd'^quis porcionibus dc anno in
annunij&tcrmihin terra vJtapr^dift'R.durant. Infupcr noucritis nic
pr^fatE.dediffcj&pcrpracfcntes conceffiiTe praefat R.C.paftuf adv-
num equum quinq vaccas infra parcum pr^d' durant vita dcpafcend.
Habend' cidem R.vica fua durante, cum Iibcris introitu & cxif, ad fu^a-
tionem^Tcfugationcmcorundumabfque contradiftionc aljquali: lea
catncn quod idem R.C.ofEciumpraedid' bene 5c fidcliter cultodiat &
xcrceatpcrfc,feapcrfufficientdeputammfuumexerceri faciat durante
cc.dc cuius fa^o refpondcbit Sic, In cuius rei due.

t^Grant of the office cfkeepif^ ofa Tark^ mthfee.

OMnibusScc.Noueritvniuerfitasvcftra nos intuitu boni obfcquij Seft.372.

dilcdifcruicntisnoftriR.B. ha^cnus nobis in ccckfia noftra ca-
thedral! Noruicchfidelitcr in)penf.p pr.-efens fcripf conccflifle cidem
R^uftodiamparcinoftridcH.adtotamvitam ipfius R. poffidend, p-
cipicnd'annuitatimdcmancf noHrodcH.ad totam vitam ipfius R.pcr
marus rcccpioris feu prarpofiti inaneri j praedift* qui pro tempore fueric
duos denarios per dicmvna cumroba dc fe^a valcdorumnoftrorum,
crga ftftumNatalis Dorami.quando nos & fucecdores noftri liberat hu-
iuSiJodi dederimus. Et nos prxfat W. Epifcop, volumus & per pracfens
fciipturopro nobis & fuccefloribus noftris conccd)mus,quodfididus
annus rcddita retro SicvtindiTiri^ionihiu. Itatamen quod idem R.of-
ficium prscdid' bene & fidcliter cuftodiat &
exerccat, feu per fuum dc-
putatumcxcrccri faciat durante t<rminopratdi^o. In cuius rckcftimo-
nium &c. Datum apud &c. Anno Domin 1/5) 2. anno confccratnoftrc

A Grant for keeping ofa CMAnorJ* arke atfd Lodge.

lM.Carle8f).ll.o;D&ic To all C^)tCtan people to fobomtl^ Se^.375

ip;erenttDiitttig(qmniet^,greettngtn t\xx HoiD (0od tu Whereas
j[.Ut( $avU (K j^*muu ii99ceSo>}tp^orc (0011 and ^%vct 31 ^vnM ^^
Symb. Grants.' part.primx

letters patenti3,oateDA^.gaaeflnD gcaunfeDbntoB|.M[.t|e maSec^

fljippe anD office of tljc keeping of tl)e game
of ^)if |9arbc of iL. in t^e

coimtie of S^.ano of t^e iloDgc Uiittiin t^e faii,anB U)c iBapliclxjicbe

fi:li5aplicfl)ip of alibis matio;oftf. janoaUo bpl^ig faio Utters pa*

ttntdjUja^e, conff itutcD, grauntcD anD o:Datne0 t^e faiD Si*m* to be

bte offictr anD Ucepcr of t^e faiD parfee
anD loDge,to Ijaococf pie anD
eniopttc faiD effice of iSecper,anD LoDgc,to tbe fo;efaiD J.^.anD to
\)it aatgnc0 fci tcrmr of f^ie ltfe,l? binifclfe 03 t)i8 (nfftctent Depntie

0; Dcputie0,Ujitl) all mancr of fccs,U)age3,p?ofite$,anD tommoDitics

to tt)eIaiD office Due 0; appertaining, in a large anD ample manner,
as any perfon oi pttfons before t^at time b^D, occupied, emoj^eD, 0}
pcrcciucD tbe famr Know ycc, tt)at 3 tt)e faiD ^*m* noto Carle of
>,fQl Diners conQDerations me momng,baue giuen anDgtaunteD
anD bp tt)i0 mp p^efent to;iting Doe gine anD grant to mp Icelbeloueo
fricnD:.p.gcntleman,tl)e beeping of tt)emano; of il^anD of ttjefaiD
pacbe, anDoftt}e)3Deerenoltl)rrcin,o; tt)at l}ereaftcrataniettme
Iball be, immeDiatclp after tbeDeatb of tbe faiD Ht* ^*
anD as foone
as tlje faiD cfficcjtoljicl) tl)e aboue nameD 5.^. Dotl) noU) cniop,njall
bappentoleeboio bptl)erurrcnDcroftt}eraiD3!.^.o? bpanieottiec
laUifuUluai^ed ojmeancs: i^nD tbe tame Cp.Doe o^oaine, mabe
anD conffitute bp tt;cfe p;cfcnt6,to be keeper of tbe fame mano;,parb,
loDgeanDoecre,lu^cnroeuerit Q}Qllfir(lt)appentobe boiDe, as is a'
fo:rcbcarfeD Andfurtlicrirorcfenotopctbat gt^e fojefaiD Sl*^
Carle of D.Do gine anD grant bntotbe fojcfaiDST^p^fo; biscrerci
fing anD occupping of tbe (aiD office, tt}e pearelp fee anD toagcs of f r
tmmeDiatip after tbcDcatb of tliefatD 3/aa*luitball pjofttes, fees,
U)ages,rclnarDs,aDuantngcs,8nDcommoDittestotl)e fame office in
anieluifeDnc anD appcttaining,tn as ample manner anD fo}me, a0
tbe faiD %m*o; an^^ otbcr bauing 0; occupying tbe fame office baD,
ojeuerbfcDieniopeD. ^^nDalfotbeberbage anD pnnnngeoftbefaib
parbeofll.immeDiatelnaftertbeDcatboftbe fojefaiD 31*^1 anD as
fame as tbe faio office (ball bappen to be boiD bp facrenDer of t^e fo;g
nameDBI.^.o;b|> anie otljer lalnfall inaieso; meanes. To haue,
bolD,occiipie,anD cniop tljc fame office of beeping of tbe faiD mano;,
parbe,loDge,anD DcerC) immeDiatclp after tbe Deatb of tbe faiD Bl.MT*
anD as foone as tbe fame office Q)all bappen to be boiD, to tbe faiD2C
^.fo; term of bis life,bp bimfelfe 0; bis fufficient Deputp 0} Depnttes,
anD to bane anD to bo^b tbe faiD inages $ pcarclp fee of (c. anD tbe faiD
berbage anD pannage,togetl)er luitball otfier comoDtties,p}ofit0,anD
aDnantai^es^pperfaining to t^t fame, inmiebistl^ afttt-tfjebekt^ (
Liber Grants. fecundus
of t^e faiD t* ^*f c* in u
large and ample nianner,ai t^e Tato 3.M*
o; an^ ott)er pcrfons t'eretofo;e,I}aD,o? occupieD, fo; terme of t\)t life
of ttit faio Cp. t^e fame verclp fee 03 tuages of i c to be paieD bp t^c
l^anDs of ic* of tl)et(rue5,p?ofits>anD reuenueBof tt)efamemanno;of
peare c. bp euen portions : %^$ firQ payment
31 at tU)o feai!5 of t^e
%reof,acco;Ding to tbe rate,to begin at tbe fird featt of tbe faiD ttuo
feaft5,nert after tbc oeatb of tt)e faiD % m*
f c. And 33 Doe bp tbefe
pjefentjS graunt,tbat tbe pai^ttent of tbe fatD pearelp fees 1 luages^fo
hereafter to be maoe bp anp of tt)e faiD Heceiuojsf, )15ailifes, 0} otbec
officers, dial be bnto tbem,i Juerp of tl)em,a full anD fufftcienf toac^
rant f Difcbarge in enerp of tbeir feueral accompt6,fo; fo macb tber^
of as tl}cp,ano cuerp,oj any of tbem,(I)al fo pap,as is afo^efaiD,accoj^
D:ng to i\)t true meaning ijereof And if it bappcn tl}e faiD pearel^ fee
02 bjages of ic. of tl)e feaSs afo^e rebearfeD , at lobi^b if ougbt to be
pai?): tbat tben it Ojalbc latxifullto tbefaiD BJ^mantljeafojelaiDma*

no; of JL f enter 1 Qiftraine, anD tlje Diftreffes tljcre founD, to Djiue,


c irrie,! beare at;od]^, ano njub bim to bolD,keepe,anD retaine,til fucb

ttme ag all tbe pojtfon of tbe fato perelp fee oj inages of ic.fo Due ano
feebinD banDjbe fully contented anD paieo, Mi\) tbearreragesjif an^
tberebe* Inwimeflc&c.

j4 Granntforjeares of the Herbage and, Pannage ofa Parkf, Offd mth

Turbaricjby the ^ueenejVponfnrrender of aformer leafe.

REgina omnibus ad quos 5cc. falutcm. Cum pr^charif. pater nofter Seft. 374
H.8. nupcr Rex Anglie per Literas patentes Tub magno figillo fuo
Anglixconfc(ft',gercncc!atapud Weflmon&c. annorcgni fui&c. dc
aduifamemodilej^of adtunciibi R.S.MiIit.ccT.M. Milit Confi!iaf
fuorumac general' fupcruif. tcrraf fuariim, conccfTerit, tradiderit,&ad
firmam dim)(enc dilcfto adiunc fibi R. C. in Comitatu fuo C. yeoman^
agiftainen!ec pannagium parcorum, turbaf, &c. infra forcftam fuana dc
M.inpr^didoCcmfuoCadtunc velantea is tcnura fiuc occupationc
R.M.cxiftenparccirterfetpoflclT.fuafComPalantinC.pertih. Ha-
bendum et tenendum agiftaracnt et pannagium pi^^, ac cetera pr^miflV
cum pertincnti;s pf R.C. exccutoribus et afllgnatis fuis, a kfto S.Micb.
Archang'adtuncvltimopreritOjvfque ad fincmcttcrminumviginti cc
vnius annorum cxtunc prox* fcqucnt et plcnaric complenct Reddend :

inde annuatim di(^o patri noftro,hcredibus et fucccirorib" fuis ad Scac-

caffuum Cpr^did'x.li.&c.proajtcidem patri noftro adcunc refponC
fiuc, 6c triginta folidos vltra dc nouo approuamcnto per annum ad fefla
Symb. ,
Grants.^ part.prima:
6cc. prout per eafdcm liccras pacentcs inter alia plcnius liquet ct apparec.
Qnas quidcra litems patentcs et dirailljonem dileflus nobis R. D armi-
gcr, habcns totum jus, ftatum, titulura, cc inter e(Tc R.D. deet in praemif-
fis nobis furfum reddidit &
rertituiccancellandum,ca intentionc, quod
nos literasnoftras patenccs, et dimiflionem nortrara dccifdem prxmifT.
cidem R. D. in forma fequent facerc etconcederc dignareniur : Quam
quidemfurfumredditionemacceptamus per prsefcntcs. Sciatis jgitur
quod nos deaduifaroento Thcfauf noftri Angliae, Canc?llarij et Sub-
thefauf Scaccari; noftri pro fine &c. adrtccpt Scaccaf noflri ad vfum
noftrum per predict R. D. folut, tradidimus, conctflimuj, & ad firmara
4imifIimus,acperpracrcntestradimu$,concedinius, et ad firmam diroit-
limus pr^fat R.D. totum pracdift' agiftamenc & pannagium parcorum,
turbaf,feIic*,aopp,& cortric'jinfra pra?dict foreftam noftram deM.in
diQo corn noftro C. quondam intcnura fiueoccapatione predid'R.M.
ac parceir coin Palantih C. pr^dicf pcrtinenr.
terf et poflcflloh noftraf

Haben5 ettenend agiftaraenc &pannaf;ium pr^d'accactcra premifT.

Ciim pcrtiii pr^f.R. D. executoribus et afllgnans (uis a fcfto S. Michael*
&c. ad fincm et terminum viginti ct vnius anncrum extiJc proxim' &c.
Reddendindcannuatim nobis hercd et fiicceilofnoftris&c. ad Fefta
Sec*, ad reccpt Scaccaf noftri, feu ad manus Balliuorum vel reccpc pr^-

mifTof pro tempore exiftcnt per equales poriiones foluend duranc tec-
mino pr^d'. Prouifo fcmper,quod fi contingat &c. "jt in alijs dtfin^io-
rtibt'UyC^MoA tunc& deinceps h^c pr^fens dimiflio ft conccfTio vacua fie

ac pro nullo habcatur ,a!iquo in pfemibus in contrarium indc non obfla-

te, aut aliquo f^atuto vt/upra 557. In cuius rei Sec.

A Gratttof the office of the C/erke of the Hamper.

Sc^.37;. yy Ex Sccvt ff/pra 527. dediraus&c. W.F officiura Clerici hanapc-

XVrij noflri Cancellafnoftfterrx noftre Hibernic.cr cuftodiam om-
nium et omnimodorum breuium, record, billaf,filatiafj fcriptof, om- &
nium aliorum record quorumcunquc inCancellaf ncftf prxdi^'pro
tempore exiilentacipfumW.dericum hanaperijcancell' terras noftrx
pd,& cuftod omnium & omniraodof recced, billaf, filatiaf, fcriptof,
&omnium aliorum record quorumcunq-jn Cancellaf pred pro tem-
pore exigent, fecimuSjConflituimuSj&ordinauimus per pfentes. Ha-
bendum &c.Accipiend, leuand, etannuatimrecipiendtam roagnan-
nuaUa,fccda,vddia,& regard, qualiaN. W. vcl aliquisalius, autali-
Liber Grants; fecundus
qui all j ante hoc ccmpus pd offic occupans fiue occupantcs jp exercitia
ciufdem habuerit fiue perceperic, aut habuerint fiue pcrccpcnnt ad fcfta
&c.pro termino vkx didi W. tam de exitibus, proficuis, aduantagjjs,
cc emolumencis hanaperi) noftt i Cancell' noftf terras Hiberniae pra?dict
proucniencibus(iuccrcfcentibusp manus fuas proprias, aflignac aut dc-
putatonim fuorum, quam dc reuentionibus, fub(idi)$, dcb]tis,decirais,
quincodecimis,et proficuis tcrrxnoftrac Hibaii pd,Thcfaiif,Subthcf.
vel generalis rcceptoris tcrrae noftrac Hiberfi pd, vel eorum vices gcrent
pro tempof exifteiit, vna cum omnibus ali js proficuis,aduantagljs,com-
moditatibu5,etrcgardis eifdem ofhci)s,ac eorum vtriquc pcrtih feu fpe-
Oamibus, Ac in tarn amplis modo et forma, jput di^' N. W. aut aliquis
alius inofficijs illis,aut eorum altcro ante hoc ccmpus habuit fiue percc-
pit,eoqdexprcframentio&c. Ecfpecialiternon obRantc ftatuto,a6lu,
aut ordination in quodamparliamcnto tent apud villam noHram dc D.
in tcrf noftra Hibern pd die Lunac prox' pofi: feftum S. Andf Apoftol'
anno regni pcharidimj patris nortf H.fept nuper Regis Angli^ dccimo,
coram E.D.P. Militi deputat ipfius domini Regis patris noflf tetf noflf
Hibcrn' pd.xdit'in haec verba: Qd abinde et deinceps nullx |>fon' qu^
habent poteftat' ad adminidrand luftitiam in difta tcrf noflra Hibernic,
viz.CancellafjThefaufjIuflic'de BancOjCt dc communi Banco, capitalis
ct fecund Biro de Scaccario noflro ibidem,Clericus fiue Magifier Rotu-
lorum, acomnes offic' computabil', non habeant de c;rrcro aliquam au-
thoritat' intalibusoffici)S fuisperlitcraspatentcs dom Rcgis,ni}ifolum-
inodoad placitumctvoluntatem domini Regis. Et fi aliqua conccflio
nunc fa^a, vel in poficf fiend alicuius vel aliquoruni officiorum pd ali-
cui pcrfon^ In contrarium fit taft', quod ilia conccfTio adiudicetur vacua
etnulliusvjgorisinlege: aiiquaaiiarc,caufa aut materia quacuiique in
contrarium indc non obQante, In cuius &c. has literas noftras fieri fcci-^
mus patent. TcftcmeipfaapudW.3. die &c. anno &c.

Qy^Q'raKt ofa Vellortpn^ in a Hall or QoUedge.

HEnry&c.SDflourtruffpanD toclbeloucD tl)e fatter of our Col^ .^^^

^^^ '^^ -
leugc calleo tl}$ iitngs l^all \&\K\,\\\ our tntiicrfitp of Cabridge,
ano in l)is abf^ce to \)i3 =Ltenteant m ^cputie tl^crcgrceting: iFoj
a0 nmc^ as lue be creDiblp mfojmc?), ^ our tuelbcloucD fubiect ^* W*
&cl)oller of out faio I3niuer0!tp,t3 grcatlp oefirous i minDeo to conti*
nn$ at fcble fo j W farther incrcafc in tertuc 1 Uaraing fee let pou :

to toiC; tW cocernin$ i)i0 bectuouB intent ano {mrpof e^fo; \)i0 better
Symb. ^ Grants. part.priroae

f rijibition in Vn^t bc^alfc, foe baue gtueti 8nli graunf et), anD hv tljefe
P2cfent ooegiueanD0raimttjntol;tmt^crmeof aireUoU},of,ano
iDittitn our TaiD CelUDge, if an^ be nofo totDe, o; eife tl)e rtome of a

IFelloto foit!)in cur faiu ollcCgc,fo!)icl) fi]nll firft anD ncrt fall tjoioe
fit\)in t\)t fame, bp Deatb,Diutftcn,furrenDr,o; otljcrluifc To hauc :

auD tniov t^e fame roome, foitl) all manner rtgl)t0, p2ofite0, emoln'
ment,ano Duties tljereunfo belonging, to ttjt raio^. 515. fo? terme
of t)t0 life : foitb all benefite o; beneftte?, penaoir, o; annuitie,not ex*
ceeDing tbe perelp balue of tenne pounDs,tn as ample i large maner,
as anp ^eref ofo;e batb ba^ a"b enio^'eD tbe rocme afojefaiD, anp act,
ilatute, o^Dinance, 0} anp tbitig to tt}e contrarte t)eceof inanp fotfe
tiotfoitt)(tanDtng. ^brefo;efoefotllanD commaunD pon,tbat nt*
cojoing to f t)c effect anD purport of tljis our grani.pe Do aimit tijc faiD
a3!Btjnto tbc faiD roome of a j^ellofo arcojcinglp. ^nD tbefe our let#

ters fl^albe pour fufficient iDarrant auD Difcbarge in ttjis bet}alfe, (^v
uen it*

A <^rant of the office ofReceinor and Surueior vriihfees^

Cjv 37-^ A^Mnibus&c. R.G. Comes L. falutcm in Domino fcmpitcrnam.

Vw^ Sciatis mc pref.Comitem dcdiflc &c. E H. gencrofo officiiim Re-
ccptoris omnium exiti'.uni,proficuorum,denariorum ct fummanim ercf-
cemiumctperuenieiiciDmdc omnibus mancrijSjterris, ctccnementis,rcd-
didbus^et hercditamtismeis quibufcunque in Com B.&c. Ac etiam offi-
ciumfupcruiforis omnium pdi^ljium raancriorum, terrarum, tencmen-
torum, cc hcreditamcntonim meorum quorumcunque Ac ipfiim W. :

H. rcccptorem, ac fupcruKorem mancriorum, tcrrarum &c. conftituillc

ecordinaflciprout perprt^fcntesordinauimus ct conHituimus. Haben
dum&c. in cam amplis modo et forma, prout aliquis al us, vel aliqui alij
officijs pr^dift*, feu eorum altero ante haec tcmpara vfus fuit aut vfi fuc-

runt. EcvltcriusfciatismeprxfaCC,dcdi(Te&c. praefat W. H.procxc-

curioneetoccupntionc officiorumpr.-ediOorumquandamannuale rcd-
ditumxl marcarum&c. Habendum, Icuandum, Sec. pro tcrmino vitx
fuxnaturalispcrmanusfuasproprias de cxitibusccproBcuisprxdi^o-
rum mancriorum, terrarum, Sec. pcrequilcsportioncs. Et fi contingat
pr^diifl'annualcrarcdditumxl.marcarum a retro fore &c. vtmDiflri-

Liber Grants. fccundus


tAGrAHtofan AmrnitieaHd reward out ofthe Hamper^ Wine

out efthe Kingsfeller X^eluet out ofthe TFardrope,
fee Deere^with licence to hnnt,

REx&cSciatisqd'nos in confidcrationc boni ctfidclis fcruitij p di- ScCt 27S/

Icftum nobis in Cbrifto N.antc haec tepora impenfi,dcdin/ ct con-
ccfllmus&c.cidcmN.quandamannfiitatcmfuic annualem rcdditquin-
quagintahbf &c.anmiatini habendum de cxitib',rcucntionib', et profi-
cuis hanapcrijnoftrj^ tempore cxiftcnt.Habcnd&c.pf.N.&c.dccxi-
cibus &<:.z//y^^r.,ad tefta Scc.ftip fola demonnratione harum liceraf no-
ftrafpatcntium/cucarum irroiulamcntin dj>ohanaperio noftrofa^l*,
vel abbi pf.cuftodi jp tempore exiftenti oftcnf. ablquc aliquo brcui, ycI
aliquibus breuibusleu mandatis, extra Cancell' nfam fup cafdem litcras
noUras patcntes ^fequend.ac pf. clcrico aut cuftodi aliquabc dirigcrd
Dedimus etiam 6c conctHlmuSjac p prxfentes damus & conccdimus cid'
N.pro cerinino vitxfu^>vnum dohura vini Varconien',annuatim pcipi-
end durante vita fua ptr manus pinccrnae noftri Anghae jp tempore ex*
iftrntdeliberand^deillovinoqnod idem pinccrna noAer pro tempore
exidenshabcbit&recJpietadvfumnoftrum rationc cfficijfuipr^di^l*.
Nccnon damns etconcedimuseidem N.jP term virae fujcannuatim tan*
cum ferici Anglice ^eluct^de ferico noHf de garderoba noHf, & tantum
penellam de cadem garderoba noftraannuacim percipienddcdehberad
p manus Magiflri garderob^ noftrae pd' jp tempore exiftenf, quantum
fatis erit et fcruiet ad faciend'
f d' N. vnam togam de ferico.^ Anglice ZUlel*
flet,et penclat^ annuatim pro term vitae fu^ de illis fericis, Anglice Wkt\'
aet,& penuliSjde quibus Magiftcr de garderoba noflf pro tempore exi-
ftens annuatim recipict & habcbitrationecfficij fui pdid'. Ac etiam da-
mus & concedimus eidcm hip.annuatim durante vita (ua duas damas ido-
neas^viz.vnam Anglice a ^ackoffsafottin x()ate,ct aliam Anglice a
jBDoe of feafon in hieme,in magno parco noOro do Win
CoiTi noflro de
Sannuatimcapiend&habena tamper feipfum quamperaliqfiemaliiii
fiuealiquos per ipfum a(Iignand',p cuHodes in parco ncftro ^ tempore
exiftent eidcm N.deliberan. Et volumus et conccdimus q> bene liccat et
licebitpfaCN. 6c alTignaCfuis durante vita fua praedicC, annuatim venari
et eodem parco ncHf pro pdicf duabus damis capiend et inter*
(ugare in
ficicnd',&eas abindccariandum, afportandnm, ct habendum vbicun-
queplacuerit ad voluntatemfuam, (ine impedimcnto noftro hacrird'* &
noOrorum,foreftariof,parcariorum,et aliorum officianorum tt minifti^o-

rumnoRrorum quorumcunque durant vita fua. t vlterius damus 6c

Z conce-
Symb. Grants. part, primae

conccdimuscidcm N. ccmamlibfdc donoet regardo noflrisdc cxiti-

bus,rcucntionibu$,ct proficuis hanapcrij noftri pracdict proiienicntfi-

uccrefccnt, pcrmanus prxdicECIeiicicjufdcmhanaperi) pro tempore
cxiftcnt,foluendi:mctdelibcrand indilate port oftcmioh fibi harumli-
tcrarum noflrarum patentium, abfque compoto feu aliquo alio indc no-
bis vci Uxved noftris rcddend feu loliicr.d pro pr.tmiflis ("cu aliquo prac-
luifT. Et volumus & conccdimus quod prxdift' Clcricus dc H annperio
noftro pro tempore cxi{lcri,&prxdi(flu J MagifUr degardcrobanoOf
pro tempore exirtens hibcant plcnamallocatiinem coram quibufcunq;
Auditoribus &ludiobus noflns in quibufcunquccurijs <Sclocisfupcr
fpecia'.ibuscompotis fuisfacicnd,decxitibus, rcuentionibuT,& profi-
cuis lepcralibus,rationc officioruni fuormi nobis cmcrgcntibus fiuc crcf-
centjbus, videlicet, diclus Clericus lianaperijnoftri pro tempore exi-
flens, tarnpro annuali folutione prxdiOi annuitatis fiue annualis reddi-
W 50. libf,quam pro predict centum libfdc regardo noflroprxfaE M.
yi prxmittitur per nos conccfl Et pracdid'Magiftcr garderobae no-

ftrae praedift' pro deliberatione dili annualis fenci fiuc 5^eloet,&pc-

nularum annuatim ad faciendum prxht N. vnam togam pcnulatam.

Eoquodcxprcilamentiodc vero annuo valore, autaliquaalia ccrtitu-
dincpracmi{rorum,feueoruraalicuius,aut dealijs donisfiucconccfTio-
iiibus,per nos,aut aljqucm progcnitorum noftrorum pracfat N.antc hzc
tempera faOis in pracicntibus minimc fada cxiAitiaut aliquo Qatuto^
&c. vtfupra 3/7.

ji Graunt of the office of the Pipe in


o v TJ Ex&c.Cumpracclaf patcrnofter H.nuperRexAngliaefcptimua

XVper litcras (uas , quarum daE eft apud VVcfimonalterium
15, die M.annoregnifui xxiij.ordinauerit, dcputauerit, & conftituCr
ric dilcd' fibi T. B. ingroflatof magni Rotuli in Scaccario fuo, fiuc clc-

ricum Pipe cjufdcm Scaccari ac cidcm T. officium ingroffatoris mag-


ni Rotuli (iiijfiue Clcrici Pipe in Scaccario fuo prxdift' dcdcrit & con-
ccilerit. Habend&occupand cidcm T. B.per fc, vcl per fufficicntcra
depuiatum luum, fine deputatos fuos fuf^cieiitcs pro termino vitae fuse :
Pcrcipicndinde pro officio illocxcrcend, ftcd, vadium, regardum ,
liberatam,vi^um, & proficua, cidcm officio quoquo modo dcbita,
confueta , liue fpcdanf, intamamplis raodo &
forma, prout aliquis
alius didum otficiurp ante hsec tenipora occupans 6c cxercens habuic
& per-
Liber Grants: fecundus
&pcrcepit, in &
pfb cxetutionc ciufderti officrj i Soltifr^ eideni T.dc
tempore in tempiisannuatim Iimitar.d,p?rcipiend, 3c?-ffi<^riand, ad
tfiminosih dito Scaccario fuoab antique l;mitac,{iipcr ioiadcnaon-
llrationc Uterarum didi patrisnoQii/fiuecarundem irrctuhmcntijin
dic^o Scaccario iuoiiCii &:oftnfi,abrquealiquo breuiaut breuibus,
fine mandate extra Canccllariam djfti patrisnofin fupcrcifdim Uteris
profcqucndjautThefauf &
Baron He Scaccario lno aljquatcnus diri-^
gendjvna cum omnibus 6c otnnimodis all js prcficuis,conirnodi[atibus,
aduantagijs, &: emolumentis, diflo officio qualucrcunquc dcbius^ con-
futc,fiuerpeOantibus, prontinei(d<mlitcrisplcnius continetur, Scia-
tis quod nos ob cercas grandes caufaJ nos Concilium noftrum mo^ &
ucnces,6c inconfidcranone boni&acccptabilis feruitijtam diftopix-
clariffimo pain noftro Henrico nuper Rcgi Angrkptimo, acdomih
E.nuper Regi Angiix quarto Auo noftro, quam nobis ptrdikf^um
feruicntem noftrum-W. P.vnum Clericonim in cflkio priuati figilli
nortri raultipliciter impenf. 6c impoftcrum impendent, de gratia
noftra fpeciali ordinauimus , deputauimus, &
conflituimus praefac
W.P. ingroflatorem magni Rotuli in Scaccario nonrojfiueClericura
Pipjc eiuldem Scaccari) : aceidcm W. officinm ingrollaions magni
Rotuli, fiueClcrici Vipx in Scaccario noftro
prardid'd3iT.us& con-
cedimus per pracfcntcs. Habend6c occupand
officium priedi<^um
eidcm W. pcr{e, vcl per fufficientcra deputatero fiuim, fiuedepu^
tatos fuos iiifficicntcs , pro tcnnino vits (ux immediate port dcccf-
fum iplius T. aut per reftitutionem liicrarum patcrtium di^i patris
noftri eidcm T. inde fatarum , aut per refumptioncm, forisfa^u-
ram vcl dcpriuationcra , feu aliquara aliam caufam vcl matcriam

quamcunquc idem cfficium vacaf, feu ad manusnoftras, aut dona-

tionem, diipofitionem , feu conccflionem noftr^m deuenire , acci-
tlerc, feu pcrtinere contigcnt : Et percipicrd pro officio illo extr-'
cendo , fcod , vadium, regard , liberatam, vi^um, & proficua ei-
dcm officio quoquo modo dcbi! , confuct, fine fpfOart, in taiw
amplis modo & forma, prout idem T. B. aut aliquis alius diftnirf
officium pracantc occupans habuit 6c perccpit, in, 6c pro cxcrcitio
6c cccupatione ciufdem cfficij : Soluend eidcm W. de tempore
in tcmpus annuatim hmitand , pcrcipierd , 6c affigh ad teminos
in 6iQ:o Scaccario nof\ro ab antiqoo limitat, (upcr fola dcmcnftra-
cione pra^fcntium literarum , (luc carundem irrotulament in di^o
Scaccario fat* 6c oftenfi, abfque aliquo breui aut breuibus, feu
mandato extra Canccllariam nof^ram fuper ci(dcm liccris noftris
Z 2 prole-
Symb. Grants. part.primae

profcquen^,autThcfauf 8c Baronibus dc dirto Scaccario noflro al iqua,

tenusdirigendo, vnacura omnibus Scomnimodis alijs proficuis,coni-
moditatibus aduancagijs, ct cmolumcnds dilo officio qualitcrcunquc
dcbins confuef fiuc fpc^ant. Eo qd cxprcda mcntio dc vero valorc an-
nuo, autqiiouis alio valorcofficij,vadiof,feodof,^ficuof,coinrooditat,
& libcrac pd in Uteris noftris pd UCi' minime cxiltu,aiit co qd pd T.B.
adtunc fuperftcs cxiOit^aut aliquD ftatuto &c. vtfupra 357.

A M/tHtniJfton ofa hondw>man,or ff^aunt of Uhcrtie,

VNincrfis & fingulis Chrifti fidclibus pracfcotcs literas infpcAuris
T. R. Miles dominiis S. & M. Comicifla R. vxor <5cc. Cum I. B. a-
diftus 1 B.natiuus noRcr.films R.B.alias A\(X R.B-natiui noftri,fpc.

Oantis fiuc appcndcntis mancrio noftro dc P. in Cora C. in villenagio

eft pro tali 6c vt talis communitcr di^us,tentus,ha-
procreatus fucrat, ac
bitus,&rcputatuipalam,publice,&:pnuate : Noucritis nos T. R.&c.
ccrtisdccaufis vcris&lcgitimis,nos &
animosnoftros in ca parte roo-
ucntibus, pro nobis &haeredibiis noftris impcrpetuumraanumififfeji-
bcra(re,& ab omni ingo feruitutis & villcnagi) exoncraftc prout p prac-
fentes noftras liccras pacenccs manumittimu5,liberamus>Sc cxoncramus
pdi^' I. B. cum tota feqiicla fua procreata &
procrcanda, bonis ca- &
tatlis, tcrris, 6c tenemcntis fuis pcrquincis^fiuc impofterum perquirendis

quibufcunque. Sciatis ctiam nos pr^faf T. &M

remififte, relaxafle^ac

oranino pro nobis.hercdibu*, &

cxccutoribusnoftrii impcrpctuum qui-
et claroaftc, ficuc per przfentes noftras literas rclaxamus, remitCj^c quief
damamus eifdcm I. B. alias di^' IB. hzred fuis, & tot fequelx (use,
omnes 6comnimodasa^iones realcs (Scpcrfonales^rcAas^quarrclas/cr-
uitia, calumniaSj tranrgrcft^a, dcbita, 6c demanda quqcunquic, qu^ vcrfus
cundem I.B. alias dictum I.B. h^rcd feu fequclarura fuarum,
vcl aliquos
autcorumaliquem habcmus,habuimu$>reu quouifmodo habere potcri
mus , ant hxrcd noftri habere poterint in fiiturum , ratione feruitu-
tis6c viUenagi) prxdi^', vcl aliqua quacunque de cauia ab origine
inundi, vfque in dicm confelionis przfcntium. Ira videlicet quod
ncc nos pracdi<f\'T. dominui S. M. Comitifla R. ncc alter noftf,
nee h^rcdes noftri, ncc aliquis alius per nos, pro nobis, feu nomine
noftf, aucaltcrius noftrum, aliquama^ionem, ius, titulum, clameuif),
jnterefte , feu demand , villenagi) vcl fcruicucis per brcue domini
V^y^^i reualiq^o.modo quocunquc verrns di^um L B. aliai dit'

Liber Attorneraents. fecundus
LBai^tfecuclamfuam procreafuprocrcana,bonautcatana,tcrfaut
tcnsnuTita feu perquifita vel in pofterum perquircn^ de cxtcf cxio-cf,

clainrirc feu vinciicarcpotcriniuSjpotericauc vnquam potcrint in futu-

perpetuum cxindepenitusauerfiperprcfen-
ruaijfcd, ccca'icer fimus in
tc5. Ec ncsv;ropui(fl'T.S.&M.&h3erednofinpratI.B. alias diftum
I. B. cum tot fequela fua procrcatfeuprocrcanda liberos crgagentcra
oraneiri wairancizabimus in perpetuum per prxfentes. In cuius &c.

An otherforme ofMrnHmiffion in SngliJJj,

TO all Clirlftian people, to fel)om tl)efe pjcfcntg commct^s 0, e-^ 5.^

Carle H.i.a;D &.anD of U.fenDet^ greeting in ic. 515e it fettoiuen *^ *

tnto all pecple ,ut)at iDtiereastue b^? t^e tnfo;mation of Diners pec^
f 0110 Ijaue niaoe title anD claime to one 3I2C of il in J Coontp of j^,
anD to one SiHl . S, b2Gtl)er to tl)e fame 31.2C. of ^ in tt)e Countie of
Vi.% all tl)eir ilTucd of tl)eir booiea commtng to be biiletn0,anD bonno
tnto t0, ano cppcnDant to our mano; of %i\\ tl)e Countie afojefaiD^
And fo;afmu(l) as Saz fino neither p?oofeno; fufficient grout) iD^ere^
b^ U?e nm bncerSanD tbat t^e (aio Hl. ano xilUtii an^ of tbeir iCfne
CjoulD be billditcs oj bcuno tnto b3, but bp cutocnt pjoofe in funoj^
U)i'e b;ougljt ano HjelueD to b5, ive ratber bnoerQano tbe contrary) to
be true:tt}erefo;etue being oeftrous to (et all Doubtfull matter apart,
f tuillmg alfo tbe fai& 5. ant) CtSto be nc furtl)ergricueD oj molettea
lujangfully luttljoutfutfidcnt i-aufe,anDt|)attl)cp map from [jcnce^
fo^tbltucin faertpoftbc fame, bane remifeD,reUafeo %i,vtfptfram
ti:>efarmer ALinnmiffionof a bond-man.


Theforme of indorfmg or cntring ofAttornement of tenants.

ANd bccaufe lands and tenements and fuch things as naturally lie Se^.jSsi
in graunt, cannot bee transferred from one to another by bare
graunts of the parties, without the attornement and agreement
of others, it is meete fomewhat to difcourfe of Attorncmenf,
An Attornement therefore is the agreement of the tenants of the
land, which is when the feignioric, rent, reucrfions or remainder is
graiuKcdvnto him to whom the fame isgrauntcd. And cuery Attornc-
Symb.' Grants. part.primac

ment is cither aftuall, or in law : An af^iiall Attornemcnt is the cxprcf-

fcd confcnt ofthe tenant to fuch grant in any fiich deed by fomeoucnor
open aft, as by faying,! become your tenant accordingto this deed Or :

that hchketh well thercof,or is contented therewitU,or that he attorneth

tenant to the grantee according to the tenor thereof; giuing to him fome
money in name of Attorncment &c. Littleton 551. Plowdcn tj.a.
544.3. Attorncment in law is when the pcrfon that ought to attornc
doth not by plain and cxprelTc words, as is aforefaid, declare his confcnt
to fuch a grantjbut doth (omc other fuch aft as in law fufficiendy impli-
eth and argueth his agreement thereunto As ifthere be Lord and Te-

nant, and the tenant leafeth for life to a woman, theremainderinfccto

anothcr,and the woman takcth an husband,to whom the Lord grantcth
thcferuicesrOrif thcrcbe Lord and tenant who marricthawife, and
after the Lord granteth the feruiccs to !icr , and her husband acccpteth
the deed: Or if alcafebcmadeforlire or yearcs, and after he that hath
thereucrfionor remainder granteth the fametohisleflcc, who acccp-
teth of the deeds. Thefcand fuch like be Attornments in law. Littlct.

^y^ti ornement for tettantfor Itfe.

Scft.383. ^ i Emorandum
iVltcrme of life of


namcD C% ^* being tenant foj
manno; of ^. ano otlKc tlje lanes * m*

l)entancee)cp?cDrcDintl)i0 31ntJenture, ciotl)e vDayofS^antljispjc^

fent monet^j of Junctbe u.pearc of tbealiuffncsspatcllics ratine
tbat nolD w , atto2neDntott)eUmi)m naincDBB.X5*ncco;Dingtotl)c
effect of tt)e grant nicntioncD in tl)c faio 3(nDcnture: CTiofo? pjoofe
tf)cccof DID guict)ntol)imt!)eraio 3.intl)enanieof*ltto;ncmcnt,tt|e
fummcof iiy.ii.of ijfuallCngliiT) raonc^, intl)cp;efenccof ti)cfcpct^
(one tuljofe names arc fubfciibeD bi^ ;3.X5.C<BD.|c.

Or tht44 by dhtcrs tenxnts.

Memorandum tbat tl)c perfon5 lubofc names arcbnDcrtonttcn,
%, die L (Sc ann &c. Dio attojnc anD become tenants bnto tbc to^lt^m
nameb (ID- %^ ano ^. bis tDife , acco;iDtng to tbe purpo:t of i\i% lesfe
luitbin iiientioneD. i^nb fo; p;i(Dfe tbereof euerp one of tbem DtD gm^
V)nto tl)$ faio C%anD ^. one pennie in tbe name of 0tto;nement '"^

Qr thm in Latine.
Memoran5 etiam quod 1 6. die M. anno fuprd, R.S.G.H.G.G.
See. ten diuerfarum parcellarum tcncmencorum prxdiftonim tx f<^rt

Liber Grants^ fecundus
pcralibus dimiflionibus diV T. W.fupcr tends pd Ce pET.W. T.S*&
indc atturnauerunt tcncnt,ipfique finguli dcderunt pf.X.W.& T.S.fin-
gulos denarios norcinc atturnamenti pd &c.in pfcntia teftium pdil*,&
alioruro,rcilicet A,B. &c.

Orthpts mth Lmerie offeijin alfo.

SCiatis^^cj^ pofTcfllo &fcifina de terris &

tcfttis inrrafcripf,caplj6c dc-

jnde ddiberat fuit infrafcripf S. P. p infranominat W.S. dccimo die

Iunij,an infrarcript,ad vfum infrafcript:,& fccurd tenor huius prsefcntis
chartae indentat' : Necnon code die apud M. pd infranominat T. W. tc-
nens vnius claufi,parceir pmifl. vocat' C^p tmino vice fu^,& vnius anni
vlterius^ eod' claufojtam cidem S.qua intranoroinar E.S.R.G &E.M.
fecund tenor huius chartae indentat attorn &
libet auit eide S. vnu denaf
monct^ Angl* in nomine atturnac' & feifiii rcdditus fui,per ipfutn
annuatim foluend pro codcm claufo durante termino pdift', in pfcntia
W. N. &c.

Adeedeof Att&rnement,

OMnibiis &:c.T.H.&c, Cum ego pd H.habcam & tcneam ^ fmih Sc^t.sS^.^

mce vnum tentum cum fuis pertin in villa de C.voc' D. quod
quide tciuum cum fuis ptin',6c reucrfione inde(cu acciderit)poft mcum
deccff. T.B pquifiuit de W. H. fi!io mco & hered apparcnti Noueritis

me pf.H. poluiflfc pd T.B. in plen & pacific' poiTefllon* & feifin dc rc

uerfionedi(fl:itchti,cum omnibus ruispertin*,p(olutioncm vnius dcnarij
argcnti cidem T. B. In cuius &c.

Another deede of Attornement,

OMnibus &C.H. A.6cc.Cum ego pd H.habcam & teneam ^ tcrmi- $1,385.

no vitx mejc vnum tenememum cum &:c.Cuius quidcm tencmcnti
& cetef pmill. cum fuis pertinen'rcucrfio quibuld R.S.& AN.fpcftat.
Ac etiam cum ego pd H. A. habcam & tcneam pro termino vita? mcje v^
num aliud tenement &c.cuius & ceteroruit) pmifT.reuetfio pf.R.S.

fpf lat. Et quia mihi pfatH.ad pfcns fatis conftat,qd pd R.S. p Jccund
kript fua feperalia,gercii dat &c. anno &c. bargah,dederit,& concclTc-
rit, acp illud fcriptumfuumconfirmaucritVV.P.& A. vxofeius, 5c he-
red fuis, rcuerfionesdiftorumtcnementorum Sccctcrorum pmilToruro,
prouc per fcript ilia liquet : Noueritis me nunc praefaf H. tenentem
Z 4 di^orum
Symb. Grants. part.primae

dilorum duorum tcnciTitorura &

cetcrorum pmlfToruro, cum pcrtihjVt
fidift' cft,ex mcra &
fpontanca voluncat mcx pf. W. P. A. vxof cius, &
ratione dift'conccflioh dil' rcuerfionis, dc, &
in pd tcncmtis 6c ceteris

fimiflis fie V rae iam tent, p folncionem vnius dcnari j attoinaflc,& cjiian-

turn in mc eft, dift' donac', conceflTioh, & coniraft' d'lCt' rcucrfioh tcnc-
inentorura,ac cetcrorum pmifl. cumfuis ptineh in forma pdfaft' aden-
fum;&confcnfuiBpbui{re,&illaapprobafle in perpetuumpcrpfentes.
In cuius dic.

A Grant ofUnh in feefmfle by the King to h

holden in Capite.

g ft
TJ Ex&c.SciatisqdnoSjprumma&c.legalismonct^Angradmanus
* ^ ' XV.Thefaiif Cur norti^ rcnentionura Coronac noftr^ ad vlum noftrum
p dileft' nobis H.W.bcne &fidclitcr pfolut,de gratia &c. dedimus (5cc,
cidem H.W. totumtcitum & capitale mcfuag'maneri) noftri de R.in 11.
in Com noftro N. nuper Monafttf de C. in code Coin noftro N. mcdo
diffolut dudum fpcftant 5f princn , ac parcellam poftcff. inde exiftcnr,
acomncs terras dhicalcs mancrij pd Nccnon omnia
: inc(uagia,domos,
ras,aquas pifcarias,communiaSjiura,commoditates A liereditamta noftf
cju^cunque cum fu is pcrtinentijs vniuerfis in R jn Coin pd,ac alibi vbi-
cunque)neodeCorh,diftocapitalimcfuagio ITiahi) pd qaoquomodo
fpci^antia vcl pcrtineh,cum eodcm capitali mefuag' dimi(Ia,vfitata,feu
occupata exiften,ac nup in tcinira T.H. armigen,& modo in tenura feu
occupationedidi H.W. cum dirto capital imcfuagiocxiftcn, Acctiara
omn^. & c4Tinimodos bofcos, dc, rn, & fupcr dift is terf & ceteris pmiflis
crefceh & cxiftch. Damus etiam ac per pfentes pro confidcrationc pi
concedimus pf.H.W.aduocationcm,donationcni,libcram djfpofitione,
&iuspatronatusRe6lorije&EcclefinEparoch4alis d A. in ditto Com
noHro N. Habcnd &c. fvt m pr<m^J]7s J &
cetera omnia &fingula prae-
mifla fopcrius cxprcffaiSc fpecificata,cum fuis pertinent) js vniuerfis pfac
H.W.hered &:afljgnatilfuis in pcrpctuum.Tencnd dc nobis, hercd,&
fuccedoribus noftris in capite, per feruic&c. Acrcddendindcannua-
tim nobis, her^ctj&fucccftoribusnoflrisxx.s. ad Curiam noftram Aug-
incntatiouum rcucnc Coronae noftf ad feftu &c.fingulis annis folucnd,

pro omnibus redditibus, feruitijs, & deraandis quibufcunque proindc

nobjS; ha^rcdibuj, vd fucceflbribus noftris quoquo raodo reddcndis,
Liber Grants, fecundus
fblucndis, vel facicndis. EtvItcriusvolumiiSjScpcrpraefcntcs conccdi-
muspraefac H. VV. haered & afllgnatis fuis, quod nos & hacredcs &
perpctuum annuatim ,
tucceflbrcs noftri in &
de tempore in tempus
exonerabimus, acquiecabimus, &
indcmnes conleruabimus cundtm H.
W. & affignatos fuos, verfus nos, haercdcs & fucccflorcs no-
ftros,& verfus qualcunquc alias pcrfonas de omnibus & omnimodii

rcdditibus, feodis, annuitatibus, pencionibus, & dcnariorum fummis

quibufcunquc de prxmiflTis , feu de aliquo praemifforum exeunt feu
fohiendis, vel fuperindc oncratis feu onerandis, prseterquam dc red-
ditu & feruitio fuperius per praefenccs rcferuatis . Volentcs ctiam &
firmiteriniungendopraECipiences tam Canccilario
, Conciliodift^ &
Curiae noftrae Augmentanonum rcuentionum Ccron?e nof!f pro tem-
pore exiftcntibus , quam omnibus & fingulis Receptor] bus, Audito-
ribus, & alijs officiarijs & miniftris noftris quibufcunque, haeredj&
fuccefforum noftrorum , quod ipfi eoriim quilqiie fuper folam de-
nionftrationem harum nolfrarura literarum patcntium ^ vel fuper ir-
rotulamento earundem , abique aliquo alio breui fen warranto a no-
bis, haered, vel fucccfloribvis noftris quoqiio modo impctrandjobti-
nend,feu profequend, fuper folutionc didi annui redditus xx.s. no-
bis, haercd, & fucccdoribus noftris fuperius per praefentcs vt praefer-
, plenam, integram, debitamquc allocationem
tur referiiatis defal- &
cationcrn, deduftioncmj&exoncrationcm manifeftam, de omnibus
&omnimodis huiufraodi redditibus, feodis , annuitatibus, pencioni-

bus,&denariof fummis, de praemiflis, (eu dealiqua inde parcclla(vc

prasfertur) exeunt feu foluend praefato H.W. hatred &: afllgnatis fnis
facient & fieri curabunt, Et hx literaenoftracpatentcs&irrotulamenc
carundem erunt annuatim, Sc de tempore in tempus, tam di^o Can-
ccilario &
Concilio n^^ftro diftae Curiae noftracAugmentationum rc-
uentionum Coronae noftrae pro tempore exiften, quam omnibus Rc-
ceptoribus, Auditoribu5,&: alijs officiarijs & miniftris noftris, h^redum
ScfucceiTorum noftrorum quibufcunqiie ,& eorum cuilibet fufficiens
warrant & exoneratio in hac parte. Etinfuperdcampliori gratia no-
ftra damus ,& per praefentcs conccdimus praefato H. W. omnes exi-
tus, redditus, reucntiones,& proficua omnium & fingulorum pr^mif-
forum fuperius cxprcftbrum & fpecificatorum, cum pcrtincntijs, a fe-
fto Sanii Micbaelis Archangeli vltimo praetcrito hucufquc prouc-
nien fiuc crefcen . Habend eidcm H. ex dono
noftro abfque com-
poto feu aliquo alio proinde nobis, hxrcdibus, vel fucceflbribus no-
ftris quoquo modo reddendo , foluendo, vel faciendo. Et vlterius

d* vbcriori gratia noftra volumus y ^ pro nobis &c . per pra^lentcs

Symb. Grants. part.prima!
conccdimus f fat H. W. \^[3. habcat, & habcbit hs< lireras noftras paccnc
fub magno figiUo noftro Angli?c , dcbito modo fa^as & figillat, ab(quc
fine feu fcodo magno vcl panio proinde nobis in Hanaperio noltro leu
alibi ad vfura noftrum quoquo modo reddcndjfolucntt, vcl faciend Eo :

qd cxpreda mcntio (vtfupra 357.) In cuius &c.

^ Grant ofa Martfr with the Aduorffm appfndttnt,

"O Ex 5cc.Sciatis quod DOS cx gratia noftra rpecialij&: in confiderati-
XVonc vcri 6c fidelis fcruitij, quod dilcdusfcruicnsnofter A. B. no-
bis praeftitit, & durante vita fua prasftarc inrendir, dedimus & conccffi-
mus,ac tenore praeCcntium damns tScconccdimus piarfaf A.mancrinm
noftrum de B. cum fuis membris & pcrtinch in Comiratu noftro S. Ncc-
non Reftoriam dc B. in codcm Comitatu S. Ac Aduocationcm Ecclcfi^
de B. praedift', vna cum omnibus & fingulis fuis giebis, dcciniis, obla-
tionibus,mortuaf,porcionibus,pcnrionibus,&: alijs proficuis quibwf-
cunquc eidcmReftoriaedc B.aliquomodopcrtineh fiuefpedantibus.
Ac ctiam Aduocationcm &PatronaiumVicariac dc B. prxdid', cum
pcrtincntijs vniuerfis Nccnon omnia 6c Cnj;ula rotfuag*,
fuis iuribus
& :

terras,tencmenta,prat3, pafcua, pafluras, bofcos, fubbofcos, rcddiius,

iicurfioncs,molendina, feruitia, fcoda Militum, ward, maritagia, rclc-
uiajcfchactas, ccmmunias, aquas, ftagna, vaftas, vvarrennas, libcrtatts,
franchcf. Curias Let , ac pcrquifit Curiae , Adiiocatioh 6c Patroi;at
omncs alias Aduocationcs
VicariaedcB.pr.-tdift', acctiani 6c Pacro-
natEcclcfiarum,Capcllarum, Camuarioium, acalia iura 6c ha*rcdita-
mcma quecunque, cum fuis pcrtinch vniucrils in B
p Jift', ac alibi vbi-
cunqucpdidoiVlancrio,Rcioriie,ViC3ria:,(cu corum alicui fpeftah,
fiuc aliquo modo pcrtinch, aut quae vc membra vcl parcella eorundem
Manef,Rc6lori3C,Vicariac,fiuc corum alicuius liabit3,cognita,fiuc rcpu*
tata fiicrunt : Quod quidcm Manerium dc B. ncciion Rector, Vicarix-,
tcrf,tcncmcnt,6c cetera omnia 6c fingula fmifia cum corum pcrtinch, in-
ter alia ad manusnonrasdeucneruntjaciumanibusnoflris iam fxKKmt
6cc. detcrminoS.TrinitatiSjannorcgninoriri 29.p!ene liquet. Habcnd
^c*(vt fnpra in pr<tmijjis) pracfjt A.B. 6chcrcd mafculis de corporc
fuo legitime procrcatis. Tenendum dc nobis 6c hxrcd noflris in capitc,
pcrfcruic'quint^ partis vniusfcodiMilitis pro omni fcruic*,cxadtionc,
ScdcmandaquacunqucabfquccompotOjfcuratiocinio, fiuealiquoalio
nobis,hcredibus,aut fucctfl. noftris pro cifdem reddendo,vcl faciendo.
cvlcg:iuseK vberiori gratia noHra dedimus 6c concciHjiius, ac rcnore
Liber Grants. fecundus
praefcntium dairnis ct concedimus pf. A. B. otifnes ct fingulos cxitus &c.
vt/npfa proxima Se ^.Eo qd exprciTa memio &c. In cuius &c.

ji (jrant of the Tatronage ofa Parfonane infeeywith dp df-

fignement of a ter meforyeares ofthe
glebe and tithes,

''nr His Indenture ttialfCt!);fCDapof >. intf)Cff.Of tlje ta!gM0Of 5c^ ,288.'
1our^oueraignc 3laDicic.bettDecne(I!5SE. offc.oftljeonepav*
tWj0no %MXMV^t otbtr partic, Wuncilcth, tl)at Ujt)rcas ^2i: of
fc.b^bii^B^ncenture, bearing tsatcic.fo? tt)e confiDerations in t|ic

famcDeeonicntioneo, did giue,graunt,fc. bnlo tbe faiD(25. 2n.l)i0

t)etre$ anD adtgns, all t^at tt)c ^DuolDfon, patronage, free gift, anD
rigbt of p;ef entatton,of,anD to \^z pariO) cburcti of &. in ttie coontie
of |c.| eaate,rigtt> title, t intereft of \\sz faiD i^.ST. of,in,anO
all tije

to tl)e Caniet ITo l^aue anD to ^olD %u tinto tl;e faiD (0. C l)td Ijeires
anDaG[tgne5>tot^e onelp bfe anD be^oofe of ti^ic fatDCl?*t)isieire8
anD 6 ffignesf opener. a:o!)olD?c. Andmo3eopttol)crei!}cfaiDl^#
SnDiD bp tljc fame B^nDenture giue,graunt jr. bmotl)efoiD0.s:.
lji0ic.aUl)i0cttatefcanDtermeofpeareff, tol)icb %tt t^enl)aD,o;of
rig^t oug^t to l^aue t)5D,of,tn anD to tt)e faiD i^cctojie,parronagcano
otljcr glebe lanDs of s>. afojef^io, ano of, in, o? to all anD QngHlar
tl)e titljes of coanc, grainc, t}ap, \Dooll,lambe, milbe, caUe, ano otl)ec

titbeSjboti; pjeDiall anD pcrfonall luhatroeucr, y^zixtX^^ comming,

groluing, aiifing, renetumg, arcreluing oj mrreafing U)itt)in tl)e
toiune, Vetoes, anD partfl; of ^^afojefaiD, anD U)l)icb He(to;ie,par
fonagcnnDglcbclitCf?,tiri)egnnr)otbcr \\)t pjcmiffes, t^e faiD^.
SC.DiDbolDssnDxtilDnbpfojc.eof a Icafe thereof to binv ninDe,bpone
51.(25. tbcn anDttoto pacfonof & afojcfaiti, fo; anD During tf?enatu*
rail life of tt)e faiD iL. 4nD tulKreas aUo in faiD ^ncenture, one

pjouifoluasfontaineD in effect follQluirig, tbatisto fa^, t^at luben

anD as foone as tbc faiDi^.SC.bis l)etres f c.lI^oulD baue faueD barmc*
lelTc,ano full^ Difr !)argcDtlie faio (35. SD. bis btires f f^ anD all tbeir

jjcDca f/tbattel0, of,ano frcin one ^Dtltgation, in tbe faiD 3Cnoenturc

mentioneD , lubereiti anD toberebp tbe faiD (!I5. anD 1^. ftooD iointlp
bounfi bnto one SSJ.C in tbcIaiD 3:nDUture lihetoife'namcD,! baue
fullp perfojmeo tlie conDittong of the fame obligations f euerg of tlje?
tbat tben, tat all times after ib^enfoencrtbefatD CD* bi %^* flJculD i
SnoulD mubc ojxaufe to boc madip, bnto tbe faiD l^ %* bi^ beircs f c.

- fc|) g^Djperfett anD fafficient aaurance t eonueianee in lato, of tbe

Symb. Grants.^ pnrt.primjc

fm 0ouoiDfon,p afronljgr ,f rce gif t,anD ngl;t of i?jcfcntation,to ttjc

Cljurct) of &. afojcfaiD, as ^g t!)c faiD 1^.1)10 tjeircs o: aaignG,ajoulO


reaiOnablp Dcuife <j rcquur And . alfo,il)at l)c l\)z fate Q,\)\b ic(l)OulD
anD tooulD in liUe fojtni3Uc,o3 caufe to be tuacfjtnto tlje faiD ^. l)is
crecuto? i c. fuct) gooD,pcrfect,8nD fuffuitnt conucpancc t affurance
in t^e laU),of tl}e lefo?c mciUioner Uafc of tljc fo;cfaii) parfwiagc of
^.Ujifl) t\)t tpti)C0 thereof, ant) of all otlicr t^ingg, befcjc br ttje faio
3lntiEnturt bargained ane folD, as^be tlje faiD ^K. bis crecutojg, oj
aDniinifti'atoj5,njal rtafonablr ccnifcanD Kquirc,a3 in i bp the faio
reciteD 3inDcntarc,amcnga Diucrs otber tbings,mo;e at large it Dot^
anD map appcare. And whereas tljc faiD Ij o? l)i afftgne8, bac C
not faueD barmelcSCjCj otbcrtoife DifcbargeD tbc faiD cD.ST.from tbe
obligation in tbc faio jnDcntucc incntionD,no; DiD pcrfojme tbe con*
Dition of tbe faio obligation, accojoing to tbe tcno?, effect,i true mca
ning of tbe fame conoition : j^olD tbe faiD CI5.2r. fcj gooD caufc anD
lonDDerations bim fpeciallp mouing,batb giuen,grnuntcD,fc.anD bg
tbefepjefents Dotb clerelp,frcclp,anD abfolutelp,giac,grant,f r.tjnto
tbe faio Z.,WSi.[)iii bcircs i aiTigncs fo; eucisall tbat tbe faiD aDuotu^
fon,\3atronage,f rcc gift,ano ngbt of pjefcntatian, of,ann to tbe faiD
pai'iO) Cbnrcb of &.afo?efaiD.in tbe faiD <oant? of ^.| all tbe efl^atey
rigbt,titie,anD in!:freft of tbe faiD 0.:.of,in,anD to tbefame,anDall
DeeD0 If. fcncf cnmg tbe fame. To hauc and co hold |c. And rooreoucr,
t\)t faiD (sD.SD.fojthe coniiocraticn afo2efaiD,batb clcrclpiabfolutclg
giucn,grannteD,?c. 'jnto tbe faio E.iaGl.bifi ?c. all tbe faio cffate anD
tcrme o^ vcre5,bk. to:e reciteD,anD to tbe faiD Uccto;ic if To hane and
to hold tbe faiD Ucrt3;ic ic.to tbe faiD SE.CSl.bis ercuto:s i affign,
foj, anD During all luc'o tcrme, time, nnD intercft, as are o; Jboulo be
vet to come,bp fo;re cf tbe faio ocnufc i grant maoe to tbe faiD Ij^.SCf
In witncllc Uiljereof |C Hereunto addc neccflanc Coucnants.

j4 CjrAfint of a Uifamr.

/v-ijSo T TEnric'Jsgcc. Sciatis quod nos &c. {zt fupra 585.) per A,B. &
' 3 >
XJ,I. p. vnde factmiir nos fore plcnane faiisfaftos & confcntos, cof-
dcmque A. 6c I. acquietanins, de gratia &c. totum illud dominium &
iBancrium noflriim de F. cum iunbiis, mcmbrisj & pcrtinch vniuerfis
in Comitatu noflro G. nuper Monaftcf de W. in eodem Comicacu
ijof^ro de O. modo dudum fpe^anr & pertinent , ac parecU'
poilcfllonura & rcucndcAi.UE ciuldcra nupcrMonaOef dudum cxiHcFij
Liber Grants: ^ fecundus
ac omnia 5c (ingula mefuagia, iBolcndia.tofc*, cottagia,cuituIag',doinos,
edificia, ftrufturas, columbaf, horf, poinaria, gardin, terras, prata, paf-
cuas, pafturaSjbofcoSjfubbofcos, rcddit, rcucrfioncs, fcruic*, rcddit onc-
ris,rcddjc ficcos,ac redd (iiper quibufcunquc dimiflionibus et conccfli-
onibus,rreruat,annuicaf^acotnne$6c omnimodas decimas ciiiufcunque
generis feu naturae fuerinc : Nccnon fcodifirrcas, aquas pifcaf,iatnpu,
bruef,moras, marifc'jwarreft'j moras, vvarrcnh,corrimuncsvia$,vacaas
fundos,natiuos,villanos cum corum fcqucl', feod Militum,warda,niari
tag',efcheat, releuia, herior, curias let vifus francipleg qux pertinent,

feu in poderuni fpe^lare poflunt aut debcnt, bonaSc catallawauiat>

bona&cacaIlafcloh>tamdcfe, qiiam aliorum feloh, fugitiuorum, con>
uil',auc quoquomodo damnatdrum feu conui^orum extra cur, 6c alia
nodra iurifdi^iones, priuilcg', et libertat^emoiumenca, proBcua, com-
iDodicac, et hzreditamenta noHra quzecunque cum eoruro pertinentijs
VRiuerfis , {ituatjiaceh , & exifteh in villis et campis, parochia feu ham-
letis de F. in diCko comitatu noftro G. codem
ac alibi rbicunque in
comicat, diflis domo & quoquomodo
manerio pertinefi aut fpe^anr>
autvt mcmbrum,par$,velparre]l'eiufdem domus et nianeri) antchac
habi{, cogh, accepf, vfitat,reputat,demi{T. feu locat exiflcnt, aut cum
cademdomo aut manerio, occupat, feu qualitercunque vHtaf Acom- :

nc$ & (ingulos bofcos & fubbofcos , & arborcs noflras quafcunque,de,
manerio et domo, et ceteris pr^miflis, aut aliqua
in, vcl fuper pdift*
inde parceir crefcent Hue exiflcnt : Ac totam terram , fundum, &
folum eorundem bofcof, fubbofcof,&arborum, &eorumcuiuflibet:
Necnon rcuerfionem & reuerficnes omnium &fingulorum prarroifTo-
rum dc cuiuflibet inde parcell' ac reddif, reueriioh, acc^^tera aduan-
, ,

tagia 6c proficua quafcunqne,fupcr quibufcunqne dimifl.conccfl. prae-

nn{r.aut alicuius inde parcel!' facf feu rcfcrudf. Damus etiam pro con-
, ac ex ccrca fcientia
(ideratione pfaednf^' &
mcro naotu nofiris per pra:-
fentesconcedimus praefat A.B-5c L P. aduocationem^donationcm,
praefemationcHi, libcraro difpofitionem , &
ius patronaf Re^ori^Sc

ccleliaedc S in comitatu noftro R. nuper Monaftcfde A. ineodem

comitatu noftro B modo dj{Tolut,dudum fpeftant fiue pertinent. Da-
mus etiam pro confideratione prxdift*, ac ex ccrta Icientia &mero
wotunoftrjsper pracienws concedimus pr^fatis P.oninia& A.B&l
{inguladominia,mancria,mc(uaoia, terras, tcncmeria, prara, paicua,
pafturas bofcos fubbofcos, re Jdit, reuerficnes, feruic , decimas ad-
, , .

Bocaticnes, ac cacicraomnia & fingitlapra?mifljl iuperiusexprefla6c

fpccifica<a curopcrtiiieiwijs, adeo plcne, ht^e,>rt|cgrc, AcHitnianw
Syjiibij.oi Grants.: part.primar

nibw^jJifdcrtlhuiu^rtiocii, & confiniilibus libcttaf &immunltatibus qui-

bufiUJKjuc, ir; tiBi amplis modp^: foima, proutnupcr Abbas diCki nu-
pcrlVlon^iiff cie W. ac vlcimu5 Abbas dicli nupcr Monaflef de A. auc
co*iji alter, autahquiivcl aliqvii pncdcceflorcsfui in iuribuscorun-
dcmmipci-Monafia% leueoriim alterius aliquoccmporc antcdiffolu-
tH?'nt?n}j r!U(;(urlumiicditioncn) corundcm nupcr Monaft<f,fcu
3l{iTm5yVc)anc<4uain nupcr Monaftef ill*, feu coiumalteruui ad maniis
noOras dcut iicf, prxAu z dominium, niefuaginm, tcrras,temnicnt,dcci-
masaduocaciones,accxtcrapr3emilTa,nuc aliquam indcparccllaraha-
buit,tcnuit,vei gauifusfuic, habucr,tenucf,vcl gauifi fucrunc,fcu habere,
tcncrc, vclgaudcre debueru.nt. Ecadcoplcne, libef , intcgrc, acin
tarn anipiis inodo 6c forma ,
prout ca omnia & fingula ad manus np-
ftras raiione vel praeccxtu alicuius chariac, doni, cgnccflion' , confirraa-

tioii, iujc furfum redditionis per diftura nuper Abbat, & eorum
nupcr Conucnt, di\orum nupcr Monalfcf,(cucoium alter fub figiilis

CQimcntualibus auc fub figilio

, Conucntuali eorum altcrms indc no-

bis confcftarum, auc ratione velprxtcxtu alicuius adlus Parliarnenti,

auc aliter quoquomodo dcucncrunt , feu dcuenire debueiunt, af in
manibus noftrjs iara cxiftunt, feu exiftcrc debcnt vel debuerunt:

Exccpcis tamen (cmpcr nobis, hxrcdibus, fucccfloribus nollris &

omnino retcruat omnibus &
fingu'is aduocationibus , donatipni-

bus, pra:fcncaiionibus, &

iuribus patronai quibufcunquc diftp do-
ninio & manvrip &: alccrj pracmitl. autalicui inde parccll' quoquo
modo fpeftanf vl pertincntibus , priCicr prxdid' aduocationt-m,
dpnationcra ,
pr.tfcntationcm , & ius patrpnaf Recloriac & Ecclcfiac
de S. pracdid' . Qu.t quidcm dominium , manerium , raeluagia,
teirsf, & tencmcnta, & ca:tcra prxmifla modo extcndunc ad cla-
rum annualem valorem &c. Habendum, tenendum, & gaudendum
prxdit' dominum, manerium, mefuag terras, ccnementa, prata, ,

p^fcua ,
pafluras, bofcos , fubbofcos, rcdditui, rcucrfiones, (cruic*
deamas, aduocationcs, cur, & vifus francipleg',haeredit3uicnta,|&
cetera omnia & (ingula pr^milTa cum 'pertinentijs, ( exccpcis prae-
cxc^ptis ) A. B. & I. P- hacrcdibus
pr^fatis aHl^natis furs m^pcr- &
petuum, ad proprium vfum iplorum A.& I. ac hacrcduin
loUiro ct
& aflTjgnatorum fuorum imperpetuum Tcnei 4 &c. ( vt fupra .

386.) Etvlterius &c. ( <vt fnpra t,^6.) pr^fat A 5cP.achffredjbus

5c afTignatis (uis quod ijdeni A,
&P. hxredes &a(Tignatifui, habc-
am, teneant J
6c gaudeant, auc habere , cenere , & gauderc valeanc
^.polTum intra pixdiA' dotniniuni, manerium, oiduagia, terras,
Liber Grants. fecundus
tencnicntaiaccaetcrapr5mi(ra,& infra quamlTbct inde parceU', tot ta-
lia, tama, hujultfiodj , Scconfiiuircufjlect, vifus franciplcg*, omnia &
quae ad ciif , leer, S^vifus francipleg* pertinent, feu impoftcrum fpci^are
pofTintautdcbent, fines, amerciamcnf , afllfas panis, vini, fcruiti?,!!- &
bcras warrcnnas, decimas, bona &
catalla wauiat, bona catalla felon, &
wmdefe, quam aliorom felon, fugrtiuorum, vdagac , atcinft' icu con-
ui^*, vvauidS, cxcrahuf, &alia jura , jurifdiOioncs ,
priuilcg*, libcrtat>
franchif.proficua,commoditat, cmolumenra, 5c hereditamcnta quae-
cunquc, quoc, qualia, quanta , &
quae djft' nuper Abbas did' Mona-
fteri) (amcilludadmanusnoftrasdcuenit) in pratdilis dominio,nia-

nerio,& ceteris pr^mifliSjautinaliquaindcparccH', habuit, tcnuit, &

gauifus fuic,habucrunr,auc tenuerunc practcxtualicuius chanae, doni,
conccsfionis, fiue confirniationis, aut litcrarum patentiurh ,
per nps, (eu
per aliquem progenitorum nodrorum prefat nuper Abbati nuper &
Conuen!di^i nuper Monaftef de Weftmonaftcf, aut alcui, vel aliqui-
bus pracdeceflorum fuorum quoquo mode fad' vel conccfT. aut ra-
tions vel prsetextu alicnius prarfcripcionis , vfus > feu confuttudinis,
antehac , aut aliter quoquo inodo Icgicimo habit aut vfitat. Volu-
mus ctiam pro confideratione pr?edidVa (vi/upra 386. j pc^efat A.
& I. P. hacredibus &
aflignaiis fuis, quod nos, haeredes , fuccef- &
fores noflri'imperpctuum annuatim 8c de tempore in tempus ac-r

ouietabioius , exonerabimus , &

indcmnes conferuabireu3,:tam cofr
dcm A. &
P. ac h^rcdes &
affignatos fuos , qiianii pracdicl' domi-
nium manerium, mefuagia , terras, tenementa , Sc cetera omnia
, &
fingula pracmifTa, & quamiibet inde parcell', ami pcrtincntijs, vni-
uerfis*, contra nos , haeredes , & fucceilores noftros , & vcrfus om-
rcai aliam perfonam & perfonas quafcunque de oninib|.!s & oni-
nimodis corrodijs, rcdditibus , feodis, annuitatibus , penfionibusj
porcionibus , denariorum fummis quibufcunquc de prafdi^is do-
minio 6c mancrio , mtfuag' terris tenenicniis ,
, &
caetcris prac-
, &
1^ tniflis,aut dc aliqua inde parcella quoquo modo exeunt feu fol-
ucnd,vcl fuperinde oncraf feu onerancJ, prxtcrquam dc redditu
&feruitijs fupcriuJ nobis &
hxredibus 6c lucceflonbus nofiris per
pracfentes rc(cruat : Ac practcrquam de omnibus 6c finguUs rcddf-
tibus, oneribus, &
denariorum fummis quibufcunquc/ quas aliquis
iirmarius vel firmarij pr^millorum , aut alicuius indc parcell' te-
nctur, feu tencntur foluere , aut aliquo inodo ^oncrantur fohicre,
feu facere. Volumus cnim helper praefemcs fiiniiter injungen^l
praecipimuj, um CanGellario.&Cs, $>t fHfra^\Si*&: '^.^^M.iuerpM'^^)

Symb; Grauntc. part.primac

pfaA.R&I.P.achafrU(iibus&a(rignati5 fuisfaciunt, &de tempo

rinmpuificricaufabunt. Eth^litcrx no(krx 8i.Q,vt fupra SeSi' iS6,
Damns ctiair pro ccnfidcrationc prxdict.ac cxcerta kicntia & rncro

nioui noOris p prcfentcs concedjrr us pracfaJ A.B.& l.P.omnia c^iingu-

lrcdct,rcucrlionc$,ctproficna qu.i cunqiicad pddominia.niancria.mr-
fiia'^'.tcrf tencmayu,accactcraonnia&fingulaprxmi{Ta,ac4uafnlibcc
itidcparccll'curacoriin pcrtincntijj vnuici fis, a fdto Michael' archan-
<rcli, vltiiTi pixtcnC hucufqtic proucnicnf fiuc crckcnf. Habcncf cif-
dcm A. B. & I. P. ex dono noftro, abfquc compoto lioftro, feu aliquo
proindc nobis, hxrcd' & (ucccfloribus noQns quoauo modo red-
dendo, foliiend', vcl facicnd'. Volumus ctiam pro conlidcracionc prx-
diet, accx certa rcicntia& mcromotu ncllns per pracfentcs conccdi-
raus prarbt A B- & LP. quod &c. vt/upra 386. Eo quod ^Q.vtfufrA
L^'tutatu mutandis.
5 j"7.

A Grant of the fncorporati(m ofa Towne.

r;LIZABETH&c. Archiepifcop &c. vtwfra Sea* 3 91. fa-
&c, {vt fftptA 317.) quantum m nobis eft, dile-
Sect. 390.
riurcm, Sciatis
ftis nobis hominibus &
inhabitantibus mfra villam dc R.in comita-
tu nodro deH.quod viila ilia fit villa in'corpcrata de vno Balliuo&
inhabitantibus infra vilbm prxdi^^am imperpetuum. t quod BaU
liuus &
inhabitantt-s infra candcm villam fint, &
ede debcanc vnum
corpus incorporaium, &
vna Comraunitas perpetua, iurc nomine, &
achabiles 6ccapacesinlcgc, liabcantquc fuccelTioncm pcrpctuum. Et
quod vna perfona dcinccps dc inhabitantibus infra villam prxdift' BaU
huusvill^prxdictad regimen eiufdcm villx fiat. Ac no$ tenore prx-
fcntium W.H.noftrumndelcm fcruientem, ac vnum inhabitant infra
villam pr.tdict, acaffignatosfuos pro termino nonagintaannorum im-
mediate Si proximo complend', Balliuum ac Balhuos villx prxdict no*
roinatum,appunftuamus,&ordinarou$ durante term prxdirt* : Acpo-
ftca de Rcgix noHrx potcftatis plci\itudinc volumus, quod vna perfona
dcinhabitamibusvill^ prxdift', ad regimen ciufdemvill^ pro vno an-
no intrgro fingulisannisinfcnoSan^ luhah Baptift. in balliuum villf
prxdi^', pel homines ac inhabitamcs diOx V1II5 elig^t, ac ordinc-
tunnpeiprrmim. Etquod idem Balliuus dc inhabiuntes per numen
TBaJliuiSc inhabitant intra viUamdc R.placitarc poflunt, & implaci-
Cari, inomnibui Cur))S noflnjs^ & alijs locis quibufcuoque^habeantque
'v.. ^gillum
Liber Grants: l__. fecundus
figilluracommune ad negotia villae|>di^k'agcn5^ cradlandum. Ecvltc-
riuscx abufldamiori gratia noftf conccflliiius,&Jiccntiamdedimusac
p pfentcs concedimus , &liccntiam damns pro nobis haeredibusno-
ftrispraedjt',quod idemBalIiuus5c Inhabitanccs&fucccflorcsfui im.
pcrpctuum habcant & ccncant, ac habere & tencrc portinc vnum Merca-
tura fingulis fcptimanisapnd villamnoftramde R.pracdict quolibec
dieSabat annuatim tenend, Scvnam Fcriam ibidem per vnum diem,
viz.infefto Affumptionis beatae Mariae virginis fingulis annistencnd
duraturum.cum Curijs pedis pulucrizat ibidem tencn<f , durante eifdcm
Mercat & Feria,vna cum exitibus,proficuis,etamerciamentis dc hraodi
Mercatu Fcria,& curi)s prouenicntibus,ac cum omnibus libcrtatibus,
6c liberisconfuecudinibus ,
proficuis, & emolumentis, ad hi!iodi Mer-
catum & Fcriam pertmentibus fiue Quare volumusSc fir-
miter pr^cipimus pro nobis & haercdibus quod idem
noftris predict,
Balliuus & inhabitantes infra villam dc R.pdift' impcrpctuum habcant
&tcneant,ac habere & tenere poflunt predict Mercatum & Fcriam
apud di(i>am villam noftram de R.pracdift, in forma pdict tenendum,
cum diiid curia pedis puluenzati, vna cum omnibus exitibus,proficuis,
ficamcrciamentis de hmodi Mercatu,Fcria, & curijs prouenientibus,ac
lumcntisddhrhodi Mcrcac & Fcriam pertin fiuc fpcdlantibus impcr-
pctuum. His icliibus 6cc.

Agrmt of A Corporation by the King.

HEnricus Dei gratia &c. Omnibus ad quospfentes itciaepcrue-I

nerint falutcm. Infpcximus carramdniR.nupcr Regis Angliae, Sc^.3pr.

progcnitoris noflf fail* in hxc verba. Rich.dei gratia Rex Anglix&
Franciae, ccdhs Hiberniae, Omnibus ad quos pfentcsliteraeperuenc-
rint, falutem. Infpcximus cartam dhiR. quondam regis Angliaepro-
genitoris noftri in haec verba. Ric de gratia Rex Anglic , Dux Nor-
maniae,Aquitan, Com And. ArchiepifcopiSjEpifcopis, Abbatibus,
Comitibus, Baronibus, lufiiciaf , Vicecomitibus, ScnefchalT Prac-
pofitis,& omnibus minifif & fidelibusfuis,Salutcm. Sciatisnos con.
cefli{le,& fifenti Carta nfa confirmaffc Burgcnfibus noftrisdcD. So-
camfuam ac D. cum villa de D. Habend & tencnd de nobis et hx-
rcdibus noftris per antiquam fiimamqux tunc temporis nobis red-
debatur, & infupcr viginti & quinque Marcas argenci cum antiqua
Aa firma
Symb. Grants. part.priiTjae

firniareddcnd' nobis annuatim, vt in dc nobis rcfpondcantad Scacca.

riumnoftriim. Pro hac autem conccfsionc noflra ipfi nobis dcdcrunt
&c.Qj.iarcvolumus&{irmircrpra:cipimns,qiiodi)dem Burgcnfcs no-
flri dc Dprxd' Sochani fviara cum villa de D.pd' modo habcanc & tcnc-

anc bene & in pace, libere Sc qrucce, intcgrc,p!cnaric,& honorifice,cum

omnibus libcrtatibus,6c liberis confuetudimbus ad cam pcrtincn, lea
<juod nuUus cos fupcr his diflurbcc. TcQibus his H.Cancujf Archicpo,
R.Aich. Hereford. Will' dc W. Osbcrco fil' H. S.monc dc P. Ric
Barre, & pluribns alijs'. D^ic per manum Magirtf E, tunc agcnC vices
CancJr x'xij.die M apud T .am f. regrni noOri. Nos auccm dilas con-
ccfTion &
confirmation pr.td' progcnit,3C ol. flngula in chart fua pi &
contcnta rata habcntes &: grara.ca pro nobis 5c haercd noflris (quantum
in nobis ell) dilcdtis nobis nunc Burgcnljbus pd vill?pdeD decorum
fucccfl. impcrpctuuni prxItntiumconccdimui& confirmjmus

(proutchaita pr.Tilift" rationa'jilitcrtcffatur)^ prour ijdeni Bure,cnfc$

6cantcccnorci (ui hinJi focamrationabilircr habere & tcncre conkic-
ucrtuK. In cuius rei tcftanoii has literas nfas fieri fecimus patentcs.Ttflc
niripfo apud Wcdm dccimo fcptiih die D. anno rcgni noliri quinto.
Infpcxinnisetiam quandamchartam dniE.nuper regis Angiiafquarti,
progenit nonff'al' in Iixc verba, hdw.dci gratia, Rex Angl' 5c Franc',
dhs Hiberh &c. (z^/y/?nf.)Sciaris ex parte dilcftorum nobis nunc Bur-
genfiuiTi,cencntium,rc(idencium,& Inhabitantium villae dc D- in coA R.

acccpimusqualitcripn a tempore non modico tranfaOo nonnullas li-

bertiucs&liberasconfuciudincshabuefjaccis vhilscgauififucrunr, pr.Tf.
BurgcnfeSjtcncntcSjrefidcntcs, &. inhabitantcs,metucntesfedc& in hu-
& libens confuciudinibus, ob dcfcftu declaratio-
jufraodi libcrcatibus ,

nis& cxprcllationiscarundcm.&alijs occafionibusfutnf temper' mo-

lcftari,picgrauari,impcdiri,6c perturban , nobis b.umillime lupplica-
runt quatenus libertatcs & liberas confuetud;nes predift' Tub verbis fpc-
ciahbus dcclaraf & cxprcfiatis cifdem Burgcnfibus, tcncntibus, refi-
dcntibus, & inhabitantibus, & eorum hered' & fncccfs. in forma fub-
fcqucnticonccdcrc,.& ipfos incorporarc, & pcrfonashabiics6< capa-
ccs cum fucccfs. pcrpciua faccre dignarcmur. Nos fupplicationi lux
in hac parte fauoiabilitcrinclinari,dc gratia noftrafptciali.acexccrta
fciencia 5c mcro motu nof^ris.,concc{rimus& per prxfcntcs conccdimus
pro nobis Sc hqrcd noflris, quod difta villa dc D. libcr burgusfit, &
quod BurgcnfeSjCcncntcs, refidcntcs, & Inhabitantcs ciufdc, di coru he-
red' <3c (uccefs. libcri Burgenf. fine, & Gildam mcrcatoriaro habcant,

& cifdem Jibertanbus 5c libcris coiifuetudinibus gaudcanc 5c vtanc

Liber Grants. fccundus
in codcm Burgo 5 proucipfiSc coruin prx Jecellof ante h^c tcmpora
racioiiabilit^r vifi fum& gauifi. Ecquodjpficx'uncfiriUn rc&no-
minc vniiiTi corpus,& vna Communiras pcrpeiua,& quod eadem Com-,
municas fingulis annis in tjuodam loco ccrto infra Burgum praedift*,
ad libitum (uum cligere'pofTuntde feipfisvnamidoncam perfonarain
Maiof , &duas alias idoncaspfonas in Scruifntes ad claua.s ciufdcm
villx, infra candemvillamcommorant, ad rcgend&gubcrnand com-
munitat predict imperpctuum. t quod ijdcm i\;)aior conimuni- &
tas habeant fucceffionemptrpecuam, &
coirmunc figill' pronegotijs
ditlaecomrcunitatis feruituf imperpetuum.Etfirailiter qd'idcm Maior
& Cooimunicas, & fucccffbrcs fui, p nomcn Maioris & Comniunitatis
BurgideD.placitari, implacicari , ac riidcrc, & rcfpondenpoflint,
coram nobis vcl hxid noftris, ac coram quibufcunq^ludiciaf & ludi-.
cibusnoftriSjhaeredum nforum,ccaliorum quorumcunque, inquibtif-
ciinquc curijs nfis, vel hercd nrorum, &
in cuf aliorutu quorumcunque,
in,&dcomnim.od aftionibus,(cfti!5,qucrclis,& dcmandis,verfus cos, vel
per cos all quo modo profcqucnd, vci impetrand. Et quod ipfi imper-
pctuum habeant ct gaudcant oes & fingulas hbertateSjCt liberas confue-
aidines,quibu5 anteh^c ctrnporaMaiorSc Burgcnfesvi!laeprjedi^
vfi fucruntet gauifi , feu quibu(cunquc alijs noibus cenleantur. Et(i
hmodi Maior infra annum poft hihodi eleftioncm fie faftam dcccfTcrir,

autprononfana gubernationcBurgi pdict, autpro a]iquodelifto,vel

aliqua alia cauiaquacunqueab officio Maioracus depomusvelamotus
fuerit, adtunc communitas Burgip jil' & fucceflorcs fuialiamidonc-
ampcrfonam in Maiorem Burgi pr.-cdift' loco huiufmodi Maioris fie
decedcntis, depofiti,velarooti, prorcfiduo anniillius ad eundem Bur-
gum rcgcrd dc gubernand infra quindecim dies proximpofl hmodi
decedumjdcpofieioncm, fiue amotionem eligcrc pofTint creare, eiC & &
dcm modo et forma fiat in omnibus defcruicntibus adclauasimpcrpe-
tuumcumcafus exigcrit. Ecvltcriusdcvbcrion gratia ncfira conccffi-
muSjSc perpfcntcs concedimuspio nobis etliacrcdibus no({rispra:fac
MaioriSc communitati, ct eorumhxrcd&: fuccdioribus, quod ipfi,
hjercdes ct fuccefiof(ui habeant imppetuumcognitioneomn modorii
placitorum de dcbitOj tranfgrcfT. conuention, et dc omnimodis alijs cau-
fis & contraftibus qtiibufcunqj infra eunde Burgum cotingch aut ctBer-
gehjtencndcoraMaiore ciu(dem Burgi, qui ^
tempore fuerit in code,
tam in pfeniia nfa & hxrcd' rf orum,qu2m in abfcntia nf a hxred nfo- &
rum iroppctuum: & qd'oia piacitair Burgo pdemcrgcnt.fiuc dc tenuf
fuiSyfiuc dc contra^ib'jConucncionib^ tranfgrcd.nccnon dcomnimod
Aa 2 dcbitj
-Symb. '
Grants. part, prima!

debit, ac alijs cauGs & contra 6libus quibufcunmic , feu vadimoh in eo-
dcm Burgo accommodatisinGuilda aula in codcniBurgo,
falis feu
coram MaiorcciufdcniBiirgi pro tempore exiftch placitcntur&tenc-
anturinpcrpcfuuni. Etinfupcr conccfllmus, &per pfentcsconccdimus
praefat Maiori & Communitati , hatred &focce(lfuis, qdipfi, hac-
rcd,5cfucccfl.fui, per fcruicntcsfuos pdiCi' adclauas,habeantpocefta-
tem & auchoritatem attachiand quolcunque viros &
muliercs minus
fufficientes per corpora , inquibufcurquc
fu a placic debitor, compo-
torum, tranfgrpfTianum, convientionnm, detentionum cattail', aliarura &
adlioniim pfonal lum {eu inixtarum quarumcunque infra Burs^um pdict
qualitercunque fafloriim fi jc enicrgcntiiirn, quae tliqijo modo fuerint,

fine moucri contigcrint, coram Maiorc Burgi pdict pro tempore cxi-
ficn Prxterca dc abnndanti gratia noftf volumus, &
p pracfcntes con-
ccdimus pro nobis hxrcdib'noftris, quod quilibet Burgcn. Burgi pdicf,
quicxtuncin Maiorem Biirgiillius cliii;entur, Maior ibiiicxtitcritvcl
fueritipofafto,^ quamcuiusin Maioreciufde Burgi fie elcl'& prac-
feilusiucf, fitextuticCoronatornfi^c liacrcd nfof in Burgo praedict,
durante tempore quo officium Maioratus Burgi pdift'occupauent. Ec
qd' idem Maior Burgi illius &
fuccelT.fui Majores ibid heant in Burgo
illopoteftatcm,iurifdidionem, au^thoritaf &llbertatemfaciend'&cx-
crcend'ola&: fingulaqux ad officium Corona! ibidem ptmcntfaciead
& excqucnd,prout cxtcri Coronat noftri &
h^rtd nforu m[ra Rcgnum
nodrum Angl' habucrunc Sc habere contigerint in futuf. lea quod nullo
tempore futufahquis Coronatoreiu(demrcgni nfi Angliac,nifi Maior
Burgi pdicf pro tempore exiftens ad aliqd,quodadofficium Coronatof
in eodcm Burgo ptinct facicnd feu cxequend, ingrediatur,ncc fe de ali-
quo in eodcm Burgo colorecffici) hrhodi intromittat quoquo modo, lit
quilibethitiadiBurgcnfis in Maiorem Burgi pdict extunccligend, im-
mediate polt hiiiDdi elctlionc de fe faftam, (acramecum (uum tam de fe,
&pro officio Maioratus Burgi pdii^'pro vnoannointegro,autaliqua
parte anfivt pmittitur eli^^^cnd, (]uamde& pro officio Coronat noliri
Burgi pdict bene &fidehtcrfaciend infra Burgum pdict,coramCom-
munitatceiuldemBurgi pro tempore exificnprxftatcorporalc. Acei-
dem Communitati &C {ucccdfuis, qd ipfi & fucccflores fui facf um illud
apr^fat Maiorc &Coronatorc de tempore intempus cumcafusexige-
rlc,recipere poffint.tenore pra fcntium liccnciam dcdimus fpccialem. Ita
quod hmodi Maior pro tempore cxiftcns, vt Maior Burgi,aut vt Coro-
nator noftf ciuldera Burgi ad facfum Maioris vcl Coronatof Burgi
pdtl'plbnd alibi quam infra cundBurgu, feu coram alijsqu^coraoi
Liber Grants. ^ fccundus
communicate Burgi illius pro tempore exiflein nullo irtodo teneatur
feu compellatur , c vlccrius dc abundant! gratia noftra conccfllmus,
& per pixkmci conccdimuspro nobis &
haeredibus noflris pracfatis
Maiori &Comrounitati Burgi prxdifl', &fucccflbribusiuis quod ,

idem Maior &

fuccefforcs fui impcrpctuum habeantrcturna omnium
brcuium, mandatorum, praeccptorum ct billarum roftrorum, , &
harredum noftrorum, necnon oranimo^ fuHimonitioh de Scaccario
noftro &haercdura noftroruro,^ aliorura cxtraftuum quorumcunquc
cxcqucnd infra Burgum ptaedidum, tam ad feftdm noftram hat- &
red noftrorum, per nosvcl hacredcs noftros folos, feupnos vcl hx-
redes noflros coniunftim cum alijs perfonis vel alia pcrfona quam ,

ad feftam alteriws cuiufcunquc profcqucndof, omnimcdas cxccutioncs

brtuinm mandatonim, prxceptorumjtillarum, fumnonitionum,&

excra^tuum pd lucrum Ita quodnullus Vicccomes, Coronator, EC-


chaetor, Balliuus, auc alius mim(ternofter, vcl haeredum noflrorum

Burgum prasdi^tum ingrediat ad aliquod ofEcium ibidem faciend,
nifiindcfeftuipiiusMaiof, vcl (uccellorum fuorum Ecinlupcr&c, .

{vt fupra verhAtim) &

fuccefforcs fui, habeant &
tcncant iropcrpe-
cuumvnam Fcriam apud diiflum Burgum deD.finguIis annisinvigi-
lia, & in fefto, & in craftino Annunciationi beatae Mariae virginis
cenend, Sx. per eo(dem crcs dies duraiuf, cum omnibus iibertatibusct
ad hmodi Feriam pertinent, nifi Fcria ilia Ht ad
liberis confurcudinibus
nocumcntum vicinarum Fcriarum. Quarc volumus&firmiterprxci-
pimuspro nobis & hacredibus noftris predict, v|uodpracfat Maior &
Communitas et fuccclTorcs fui prxdi^' habeant & teneant Fcriam
praediftam apud Burgum pracdi):ura in forma pr^dila, cum omni-
bus hbertactbus & liberis confuetudinibus ad huiulmodi
Fcriam per-
tinch, nifi Feria ad nocumcntum vicinarum Fcriarum ficutpra?-
ilia fie

di^umed. Et prxtcrca dc gratia noHra fpcciali conccffinius, &per

praefentes concedimus prefaE Maiori Communitati & fucccflori- &
bus fuis, quod idem Maior ec fuccedorcs fui fint lufticiaf ad cullod pa-
cis noftr^ infra Burgum pdi\um confcruand. Et quod idem Maior

a fucccfsorcs fui predict habeant iTnpcrpetuum hujufmodi authori-

tatcm & potcftatem infra cundum Burgum ad paccm noftram et h^-
rcdum noftrorum tanturo conferuaiid, &
non aliter , prouc cacteri
lufticiaf fiuc cuftod pacis noftre in hacpaite in aliquo Comitatu
rcgninoftri Angli^ in eodem Coraitat habeant et habuerunt;Quarc
volnmus et firmtter pr^cipimus pro nobis et hered noftf pdiit'quod
pfat Maior ct Communitas Burgi pdic?, ac corumh^tedctfuccefsof,
Aa 3
Symb. Grants. parr.priraac

omnia 5c fmgula lAijufir.odi libcrtatcSjConfucuidincs, franchcfiaSj&pr-

iiilegia,ac omnia alia prarmiila, prouc fupcrius cxprtll. eft, habeanc,
tcneant,& exerceant, ac cis &conim fiiijiiilis plcne,libere , iivtcgic,

pacifice, & quicte imperpeiuum gaudcant tSc vcantur abfcjuc impetitio-

nc,impedimcnto, pcrtiirbacionc, rno!cftacione,vcxaiione,(cu grauaminc
noftri vol h^rcdum noftrorum predict, auc aliquorum alioruni officiari-
orum feu mini riiorum noftrorum,vel hatred' jionrotum auc aiioruqno-
rumcunque : Eo quod cxprcfla mcntio dc vcro vaiorc annuo prsemillo-
rum, fcualiquo alio vaiorc coiundcn),aut alicuius inde parceliae, auc
dcalijsdonis feuconcefTionibuscirdcm Majori & conniDunitati & fuc-
ccfforibusfuis, auc Majori &
Burgenfibus dift^ villx dc D. fucccf- &
foribus fuis, autaliquibusprxdcccfTorum lujrum& fucccfloribus fui$,
per noSjVel per progcnitores feu praEdcccftoresnoftrosantc haec tcm-
pora fact in prcfcntibusnnninic fact cxiftit Aut aliqno Statute, atu,

ordinatione, feu prouifionc in contrarium fact, acdit, ordinal , fuic

prouif. non obftant. His tcftibas &c.W. &
alijs xxx.dic No. ah regni

quandam Carcamdomini Henrici

noftri feptimo. Infpcxirausjnfupcr
nuper Regis Anglic progcnicons noftri fact in bxc verba. Henricuj
Sic. ('^f///^r^)Omnibusad quosprcfentcsliceracpciuencrinr,Salutcni.
Infpcxirauslitcras patcntcsdoraini Rich, nuper Regis Angli^fccundi
pott conqucflum faftas in h^c verba. Rich, (vt/uprti) Omnibus ad quos
prarfcntcsiiccracpcrucnerint, Saluccm. Inlpcxiituj Cartamdomini R,
quondam Reg. Anglian progcnitoris noftri in hacc verba, Richardu$
hoc praefcnti Carta noftra
{vt fupra) Salurcm. iciatis nos conccflilTe,&
confirmafte&c. {vtfhpra) Infpcximusetiamquardam alias literas pa-
tcntes cujufdam Petri de Manlcy quondam Domini de Mulgreenc,
figillo fuo armorum figillaf fiimlitcr fala$ in hcc verba. &act)ant
touted v^^sui^ Qu^ ce(te0 Icttreis tcrront, on op;ont, que uo puts
De ^anUv U qumt ^etgnio; oe l^ulgreenc, ap iclcnCc i quite clattne
aujcpbien as pouers come ac rtcljcd De ta dommtnaltte De la MiWt De
^* le mauuoife cuQomc leuic Dc nu fmc fa tiille Dcuaunt ceur t)enre0
perntes anncefters, la quel nous folapnes refcetucr De touts man^
ners Uegrnto:^ De mefme la Dtlle, 0. )3c(lo;i0, D15>aco2ero;s, X5q'
enters, pefdjouSjCt C(t(U?ci^, ct Dc tout altce manner De rrgrate^
rte* idint que tco auauntDtt piers , ne uul Dc nies ^eires au eel
cuftome aucumtoit nul clapme nc niettrong, Cn teamoignance Dg
quel cl)ofe a cell letter patent ap ieo mis mon ^ealc, pon a )BD.
31eoueD p30Cl)eineap;eslaqmnHcn De ^. S^icl)acll,anDprcigneie
Mo^CDt tierce ap;cs Uconquett quint Nos auccin Chartas hccras &
Liber Grants. fccundus
prsedi^as, ac omnia &
fingula in cifdem contcnta, rac habentes &
grafjca pro nobis &
hacrcd noftris quantum in nobis cft)acccpta-
niijs & approbaraus & , dilc^is nobis nunc M3iori(5cBurgenribus&
Cominunitacprpfdi6l' villrede D. &eorum fucccfloribiis tenorc pr?e-
fcncium racificauimus &
confirmauim' , prout cinnx &
litere pdict ra-
tionabilirer ceftantur, & prout ijdem nunc Burgjenfcs franchcfijs, liber-
tatjbus, & qiiiccancijs in praedift' contends vn 6c gaudcredc-

bcncjipfiq; & corum antcctflcres franchcfijs,liberratibus,& quictan-

cijs hniodi, a tempore confcdionis literarumpdii^arumfempcrhaOc-

nus raciopabilitcr vti &

gauderc confiicuervmt. In cuius rcitcftimon
has litcras noflras fieri fcciumus patcnteSo Tcfte meiplbapud Wefim
J 8. die M. Ann regni noftri 23. Inrpcximusprccerea quandam char-
tanidhi H.nupcr Regis Angli^ icptiini patris noftri fadt'in haec verba.
Hcnricus ( vtfnpra ) Sciaiis &c. ( vtfu^ra SeSi. 3 27. ) Maiori & Com-
iDunicati villac nortrse de D.&eoruni fucccdoribus Manerium, vil- ,

lam, dominiuiD , & Socamdc D.cuni omnibus villis,vi!!atis,hamlcc-

tis,& mcmbris quibufcunque Ac omnia , &
fingula mcfuag", terf, ccnc-
menca, redditus, reuerfiones, Scferuic', manfcos, aduocationcsEcclc-
Carum Cantariarum et Capellarum, pofltfflones, 5c h^reditamenta no-
Itra quscunque, infra pr.tdiO:' manef, dominium, villam,& Socam dc

D.ac infra pracdift' alias villas, viliatas,& membra exiften, vna cum
curijs, ictisjvif. franciplcg*, aquis,molcndinis, introitu&cxitu aqua-
rum ibidem, ferijs, mcrcatis,tolnetis, picagijs, ftallagijs, pontagijs
paffagijs, ac oibus & fingulis proficuis, commcditatibus , & emolu-
ment quibufcunque pdict mahio, dominio,villis, villatis, Sccactcris
praemiflis aut corum alicui qualitercunque pertincnfiuc fpeftah, auc

infra pcin^umcorundem.vel corum alicuiusvbicunquecxi{lcn,vcl ad

nos, h^rcd, vel fuccefPores nfos qualitercunque pcrtifijcu nuppcrtiii,
prout nosea omnia & fingula pmifla , velecrumaliquodhabtmus,(eu
nos, progenitores , autpraedeccfforcs noflrialiquo tempore pr^terito
hucufq-, habuimus, veldeiurc habere debuiflemus Nccnon omnia : &
fingula exitus .reucrfiones, &
proficua, de praedi^' Curijs, vif.frarxi-
plcg',aquis,molendih,ferijs,mercati5, tolnctis, picagijs, ftallagi)S,pon-
tagijs,pallagijs,6c carter p>niilTis, feu aljquo pr^mifTorumjquoquo modo
prouenich Hue emergen. Habcnd 8c tencnd pr2edift' Manerium,
dominium, Soeam, villas, villatas, 6c caeterapmifsa cum eorum mcm-
bris 6c ptinentijsvniuctfis, a feftoPafchx vltimo Jjteritoprxf. Maiori
6c Communitati, ac corum luccelsoribus, de nobi' 6c hxrcdibus noflris
ad fcodi firmam impcrpetuum Reddend indc pro : ommbus ct fingulisi
Aa <f inpras-
Symb, , Grants. part, primae

iploiutn MiibristSt Corr.munitaw, & fuccclTorum fuorum, prouccismC"

lujiVidcbiiiir cxpVdirc. Ec qiicd prxdid' Maior &Conin.unitas,&
<ui.cclIotCi (ui hal)earitScccnwnc Curiam cjualibetfepcimana impcr-
pciuum finii^u'js (rpiunanis, viz. quohbccdie louis imperpcmumin
Guildhaldj pdjcf vdic dc D. omnia &c cmnimod piacira at'tioncs , , &
querelas, cam realcs qudmpfonalcs&: mixcas, coram Maiorcpracdict
nanc!ij, don)iuij,5cioc.Tde D. acc^tcroium prcmill.pro tempore
exiftcn, accoraiij Stnefcl)air,fiuc Rccordacof Maiof, 6cConiniunitat
iDanfnj,domini),ctSoca^irioium, ac caetcroriira pminortnj,vcldcpu-
tacofiuc dcpucads i'\i:s fufBcicnt, fccunduni Jcgr m et confuctudine regni
nollri Aijglix, audicndcc tcrminar<t, per brcueliucbnanfa, hxred
vd fuccelloi um noftrorun) quorumcur que, fine qucrclam aut quafcun-
que querelas, ac iunfdiftionc 3c potedatc cognoiccnd, audiei)tt,(ik ter-
niinand, coram quocunquc juiiadi Scnclchair fine Recordarorc , feu
eiusdcpui3toIufficiencc,autciu$ dcputatis fuffificntib^ omncsSc cmni-
mod ait jones,lcdjs,quci clas,6: demand, realcs, pcrionales, 6c srixtas,-
cam de omnibus ctfingulis &tcncis infra pdid'mancf, dhium,vil-

lam,<5c Socam de D. mebris

aut cotiicum pcrtin,ac pcinft' corHnde, vel
aiicuius corum cxjQch, quamde, ct in oibus &omnimoddcbitij,ad
quacmiqie (umnum, auc quafcunquerummasfcattmgunt,acde,&in
oibus cranfgrcnionibus, dcbicis.detCiicionibus, conipotiS,cOnucntioni-
bu<,dcccptionibu;,contrad!bus, faulis, Scdcmandis, acmjterijs qui-

bufcunquc infra mancrium liuc dhiuni.viilara, &

Socara dc D.ac cxtera
6mill.(eu pcindtu corundcm,ku aiicuius corunde cmergenffiue con-
tingent, Et qd Curia il la fit Cur de Recordo, quodquc quihbct hiiiodi
Scncfchair fiue Rccordaiof pro tempore cxi(tcn ikquiliberdcpucaC

ciiiufcunque hiiiodi Scnefth-ili' fiue Rccordatoris habeant plenam potc-

Oaie 3c authoritatcm tcncnd, audicnd, ct tcrmmand placita ct querelas
ijla/ccundum debita legis formam,3c proccdend ad iudicium,in,& fup
eifdcm, et laccrc iiidc cxeciuiones, prout Icgi noflf concinicaut confuc-
uitEtqdijdemiMaior (IxConiunituSjCklucccflorcsfuiconlhtuac&ha-
beantjac conibtiicf c & hci e ptflint vnu auc duos (eruiemcs ad Clauam

infra mancf,& dnium, viUam, & Socam de D

pdid'jac cxtcf pmifl.ad
attend fup Maiorem VI lisp ^i^'jptcmpojccxifteh; Ecad facicnd&
excquendlummoh, dillndlioh, 6>: attach. ac alia pceptaCuf pdift',c>ni
p corpus, qujm alitcr infra pd dcminjuin,maDcf,viilam,ct Socam de
D. carter piiiill & pcinO' eorundem.viriute warranti fiue pracccpf, ac
CMiufctinque jpccllus auihoritatcfupradift*, ve! alitcrinfra pdmancf,
doiuiniuo), viliam;3c Socam dc D. 3c czceta pmifla, ac jpciiict' eonm-
Liber Grantss fccundus
dem, vel eorum aliciijus,cis aut
corum altcri oTrcift' fiuc dirigend*. Con-
cedimtis infitpcrprebf Majori & Comraiinitati & fuccclTonbus fuis, ad
corum vfum &opus propria per pra^fcntcs, omnia & fingula exitus,pro-
ficua,tincs, amcrciaroenta, &
alia emolumcnta qiiccunqiie in Curia pre-
compote (eualiquo alio indcnobis,hcrcd,vclfuccclIoribusnoftri5,red-
dcndjfolucnd/cufaciend. ConcelTinius ctiam prcfat Majori &C0111-
municatijacfuccefloribus fuis, quod Major villas prcdift' pro tempore
exiftn,ac ScnefchalT fiuc Recordateiufdcroville pro tempore cxiiten,
ac cres Aldermanni cjufdera villac per Majof & Sencfchail', fiue Recor-
datorcmvillacilliusadhocelel:',{int lufliciafScCuftodcspacisnoftrc,
hcred'& fucccffbrum noftrorura infra predict manerium, dominium,
villam,6f (ocam de D.pdicc, ac c;f tera pr?f mifia, ac precintlum conin-
dcm. Et quod idem Iuftic',vcl duo corum^quorum prcfat Senefchairfi.
uc Recordator pro tempore cxiflen,femper fit vnuj , plcnariam habent
poteOaccro & authoritatem ad paccm noftram , hercd' velfucccflof no-
flrorum confcruand. Nccnon omnia ordinationcs & ftatuta fafta & fi-
end pro bono pacisnofire hercd'&fucccITof noflrof, ac qiiictorcgimi-
ne& gubcrnatione populi noftri, hcrcd & fucceflof noftrof, in omnibus
& fingulisfuis articuliSjinfra j>dict raaneriUjdorainium,viIlam, & focam
dcD.prcdicf,<Sccjeteraprxmi{ra,&: pcindum eorundemjiixta vjm,for^
jnam, &cfFe^ucorundcm Statucorum& ordinationum cuftcdicrdSc
cuftodJri facicnd, &
ad omncs illos quos contra formam 6c ordinatione
Hatutorum pdict vcnerint^ aut fcccrint, fecundum legem rerrae puniri fa-
ciend. Et omncs illos qui aliquibus dc populo noftro,vel b^rcd'Icu fuc-
ccflTofnoflrofdccorpof fuis,vcldc inccndijs domof {uaivi.minasfecef,
ad fufEcientfciuritatde pace &
bono gcftu fuis erganos& popuiiiino-
ftru.hcred&fuccefl noltrof jnuenierd coracisvcnire,& fi hmodi fccu-
ritate inuenire rccufauef ,tunc cos in prifoh nfamjhcrcd rucccfi[of no- &
pd villa deD.quoulque hmodi fecuritatinucneDt, faluo cu-
flrof infra
ftodfacicnd. Acomncs matenas,qucrer, defeat' jC3u{dS,&: alia quecun-
que infra diet manefjdiiium^villa.ic focam deD.5f pcintrcoruiid im-
adeo plene & ir.tcgie mquirerd, audi-
pofli'f perpctrat fiue contingcfi,
nd,& terroinand.prouc cuftodcs picis nfac, hxxid & lucccfl. nforu, ad
paceinaliquo com Angrcon{cruandafrign,viitute ordinationu & fJa-
tutof pd,ac !f arupdpatenc' dclfituiaut dcflituen<f,tcrminare
debent&folent,fcudcbebunr,per Majof &Sene(cbairfiiieRecordat&
hmditrcsAldermanosdi^l'viilxde D. pro tempore cxiftcii, vel duos
Sytnb. Grants. part, primae

eoruir,quorum 6iCt' ScnlichaD'fiucRecordatorcm pro tempore cxiften

vnum cdc voiuuius inquirant 5c ccrrainanC, fccundum Icocm confuc-
, &
tuuiiicm rcgni ivjftri Angli?, o juxca formam 8c ordinationcm Statuto-
tuin prcdicc' lea quodcullodo pacis noilaXyhxvcd velluccedorum

nollrorumadhnjulmodi klonias, tranfgrcll. &

predkVfatt.pcrpctratjficrdjfiuc pcrpctrand,audicnd,&tcrD3inand,
dominium, villam,
afll^n vc! aiTignand infra pra:diliim maneriuiri, &
Socam,fcu cxtcra prxmilla, aut prccin^um prcdiftum, ad aliquod
quod ad cuHodcs pacis nodr^c^, tlue luOicuf huiufmodi ibidem pcrcinec
faciend iioii ingrcdiantur, nee fe in aliquo intromittant. Sciatis infiipcr,
quod nos de gratia (vt /upra)< prcfac Major) & Communicaci & fucccr.
cefToribus fuis predict, quod omnia & fingula breuia, precept, warrant,
fumnioh,attachiamenta,& mandata per Majorcm, fiuc per Majorcm
& Communicatem aut per Senefchallum due Recordatorem predict

mancri),dominij,villac,&Socaede D. auteorum aliquem pro tempo-

re cxinch, aut per deputatum Senefchall' fiuc Recordacoris manerij,
viilac,& Socx illorum pro tempore exiftent concedend,vel extraCuf,
fiuc Vilus francipleg' predict, pro aliqua materia, re, vel caula quacun.
quecraanantiafeuprorcquend, aut per prxfat Cuftodes fiue lu^iciaf
pacis predict irancrij, dominij, vill^, &
Socae de D. feu eorum aliquos
vel aliquem concedend, vel extra aliquam SefTioncm, coram eis fiuec-
orumaljqt)ibus,vei aliqtio tenend pro aliqua materia, re, vel caufa qua-
cunq; eraanam ia prolequend vel dirigend,(ei uient ad Ciauas prediOof
maneri), domini), villae, &
Soc^c de D. pro tempore exiflcn, feu eorum
aliciii, juxta, juris exigentiaro dirigatur, 6c per eofdem (eruicntesad cla

uaSjfeu eorum aliquem, juxta vim,form3m,& eflFcftum breuium, pre-

ceptor, warrantorum, & mandatoruro dcbite exequantur &
Itaqd'nulkisVicccomcs Comifnoftri, hcredumvel fucccllorum no-
ftrorumComif Eborum,vel aliquis alius officiarius,feu miniftf noftf,hc-
rcd' veKutcdlorumnoftrorum, iveque aliquis alius , nifi tartumroodo
Scruientes ad clauas, aut eorum aliquis pro tnmporc exifteii in neg. pre-
did' Majoris &
Communitatis,& (uccedorum (uorum in nullo fc intro-
mittat, aut intromittant quoquo modo. Et quod omnia 6c fingula hu-
juimoui breuia , ptafcepta, warranta, (umm,attachiament, & mandata
per hujufmodi feruientes ad clauas, feu eorum aliqucm execut feu rctur-
naf ciufdem vigoris&cffet^usinlcgeexiftant, ac fietijm brcma, prx-
cepta, warrant3,fumm,attachiamcnt,6c mandata Vicecomitibus nortri,
hxrcdum vcl lucccflotu noftroru pr^diftof Com Ebcrum pro tempore
Liber Grants; fecundus
cxiftch, autalicuialij Officiorum feu Miniftrorum noflrorum , hxre
dum, autfucccflbrum nottrorum direft', ac per hmodi Vicccoifi^ Offi-
ciaf, feu Miniftf ,aut corum aliquem cxccuE & rctarnatfuiffcnt. Con-
cefllfnus ctiam de vbcriori gratia noftra cifdem Maiori 6c Communi-
catijac fucceiToribusfuis, quod ipfi & fucccdorcs fui habeanc retoinum,
ac pkrMim rccornu omnium & fingulorum breuium,
ranf,fummofi, atcachiaroent, S,<. mandatorum noftrorum , hzercd fuc- &
ceflTorum noftrorum,ac fummoh,aach,& diftrift ioncs Scaccarij nollri,
haercd&fucceflorum noftrorum,& cxccutioncscoiundcm, infra ma-
ncrium, dominium, villam,&focam deD.&cxtera prxmiflajatprac-
cinftum corundem, coram nobis, aut haercd vel fucccfloribus noftris,
vcl aliquibus lufticiaf noftris,hacrcdum vcl fuccedorum noftrorum,{iuc
inScaccario noftro, h^redjvcl fucccd.noflrorum retornand,tamad
fcAam noftraro , hscred'tSc fucceffofnf , quam ad fcftamaltcrius cuiuf-
cunqoCjfiuc aliorum quorumcunquc profecuf vcl profcquend feu rctor-
nand lea quod nu!lusVicecomcs,auc alius Balliuus,fcu miniftcrnofter,

hxrcd vcl fucccfforum noftrorum,mancrium,dominium, villam, So^ &

cam dc D. prxdiCt', caetcra premifsa, vel praccincf predi A% aliquo
modo ingrcdiatur ad hmcdi brcuia,prieccpta, warrant, fummofi, at-
tachianienta,{iuc mandata,autfummoh, attach.feudiflritioncs Scac-
carij pracdiO', infra mancrium, dominium, villam, &
Socam illam, iiue
praccinclum predict faciend, fiue excquend, nifi fit in dcfeftu ipforura
Maiori8& Communitatis,&. fucccflbrum fuorum. Et vlterius concc-
dimus praef^t Maiori &Comrauniiati, quod ipfi Scfucccfloresfui ha*
bcant Gaolam in loco competente, infra pcinOum difte ville de D pro
quibufcunqne pcrfonis,pro quibufcunquc felonijs,tranfgrcfl.malefad',
& alijs matcri)S &
caufis quibufcunquc arrcftand,fiuc attach', fiue cidcm
Gaol' committend ibidem, fecundum legem noftram, faluo &fecnf
imprifonand &cuftodiend. Eo quod &c. ( vtfnp-a 5^7.) Et volumus
Scconccdimuspcr praefcntfs, quod omnia &
fingula piaemifla fiant&
libcrentur praefat Maiori &
Communitat,& fuccciToribus fuis, fub mag-
no figiljo nofif,abfque fine vcl fcodo,fiue aliquo alio inde nobis,hecred,
velfucccnbribusnofirisin Cancellafnonra,autin hanapcrio CanccU'
nodrXjfeu alibi quoquomodo facied velfoluend.In cuius rci teftimoh
has litcras fieri lecirous patemes. Tcfie meipfo apud Wcllm xiii).
die la. Ann rcgni noftri viccfimo. Nos autera 3cc. {VfrbAttm vt

Symb. Grants. part, priraae

AfpedallLinerie anA Oufler le mnine,

ELizabeth&c.Sciatis&c. & liccmiamdedimus^acpcrpfcnicscon-^

ccdirous , &
liccntiam damus pro nobis haercd, cc fucccfsonbuj ,

noftris <\ u antuin in nobis eft,dilcfto ct fidcli lubdito noft ro R. W.tratri

& proxim hxrcd' M. W- armig' defunif^i, ( Qtii quideni M. W.de no-
inCapicediequoobijt,pcrferuitiuai Militaf)qiiociinc]ucno-
mine,cognomine,riueadditione nominis,idem R.W.nominaf,fiuc nun-
cupat.qd' idem R.VV. incontinent abfqucaliqiia ^bationcsetatis fua?,
&abrqucaiiquaalialiberationc feu ^pfccutionc h^icditatisfuac, vclali-
cuiusindcpaiccir extra manus nolhas, haered vel (uccellof noftrorum,
fecundiimcurfuraCanccllafnfsc, vclfccundum legem &: curium curix
noftrsc Wardorum ct Libcrac'.vcl legem terra: nfac Angl'/cu aliquo alio
modo profcquend, in oia & fingula dhia, maneria, mcfuag', terf , tenta,
reuerfiones,tcocJ firm,villas,villatliainlct,annuitates,reddit, fcruit.hun-
dred,officia,pra,pafc',paftuf, moras, marifcos, bruef , tolnet, cudumaf
vif.francipleg', cuf, efchaec, balliuas, libertat, franchef. warren, viuaf,
ftagna, molendina , feod Milit, aduocationes, 8c patronaf Ecclefiaruro,
vicafjcapcilaru, ct nommationcs ad cafdera : Ac in omnia ct fingula alia
poflcfliones,rcucntjone$,& harreditamenc quaecunquc,cum corum iuri-
bus,membris, ct ptmeh vniucifis infra Rcgmmi nollf Angij^, Walliae,
aut Marchiascorundcro^quxfucrinc pd M. W. &dc quib' idem M.W.
autaliquisjvel aliqui anteccllof pdict R.W. cuius hacres ipfeeft,fuit,
aucfucrunt polltfllanac, velfcifif indnicofuovt defeodo, autinfeodo
quaiitercunque dominico, vel alitcr,diebns quibus feperatim
talliaf, in

obierunt, aut die quo eorum

aliquis obijt, vel dc quibus aliqua perfona
fcifitfuit,aut aliquxpfonsf fcifif fuerunt coniundtim vel icpatim,ad
vfumpd M.W.IeualiquorumantccefrofpdiA'R.W.cniuiy;l quorum
bcresipleell, indnicoiuo vcdefeodo,aurinfcodo, qualitcrcunqjtallia
in dominico,vcl alicer,ad vfum di^' M.W. aut aliquorum hxrea fuoru,
vel ad vfum aliquorum caliura antccefTorura , aut talis anteccfsoris,&
h^red taliuin antcccflorum, aut talis anieccflbris dieb' quibus feperatim
obierunt.aui die quo eoruin aliquis obijt. Et quae p.fiuc port morte ipfi'
M.W. aut antecc(sorumpd R.VV.
alicuius antccefsoris, aut aliquorum
cuius hxres ipfc eli, aut aliquo alio modo ad manus nfas deuenerunt/eu
dcuenire dcbuerunr,autdcbercnt,auc inmanibus noQrisiamexinunc,
auccxiftcre debcnt, vel dcbuerunt, quae pfat R.VV. in pofscffionc, rc-
crfionc, vel in v'u difccnderc, reuertcrc,rcmancrc, ptinerc, feu fpcftarc
dcbenty vel dcbcrcnr, licit e 6c impune ingrcdi^ intrarc^ c fcifircpodir.
Liber Grantsi fccundus
Ac ea omnia & fingula prefat R. VV. & herca^n, prout ipfc in eifdem
poft mortem predict M.W.autaliqworumanteccilorunjprcdi^^'R.W.
cujus vel quorum hercs iplc eft hercditarcxtitic,in poffedioncreucrfio-
ne,aut in vfu, fcifirc,habcre,tcnerc, poflidcrc,
gaudcrc pcflic & valcat, &
erga nos, hered",&fucccflores noftroSj abfque aliquaalia libcrationc feu
profccutionc eorundcm, (cualicujusmdc parccir extra roanusnofiras,
fccundum curfum Cancellaf noft la^ predict, aut legem terrx noflrse/eu
aliquo alio modo per prcdi6Vaspcrfonas,fcuperearumaliquam profe-
qucnd vcl impctrand. Nolcntes quod prefatus R.W.ncchcred fui,ncc
predict quecunque pcrfonae, flue quaecunque perfona, dc ahquibus do-
BJjnijs , mancrijs, cerris , tcnemencis, & ceteris praemiflis, ad vfimi (vt
pr3emitcituf)reifit, vclfcifittxifteS, vclcxiftcnt, rationc ingreflus (iuc
occupacionii & rctentionis predict per ipfos, feu per coram aliquem
faft*,authabit,fieiid5chabcnd,pernos,hcred', feu (ucccflores luftici-
af, Elchactof, Viccccm, Receptor, Baliiuos , & miniftros noftros, hc-
redjVel fucccflonimnr lif quofcunqtiemolcftemur, inquittent, vexcn-

tur, diftringantui in aliquo, feu grauemur, ncc ccrura aliquis molcilc-

tur.inquictt fur, vcxttur ,
perturbetur, diftiingatur in aliquo, feu grsuc-
tur. Ncc quod ijdcmlulbciaf.ErchactofjVjcccoroitcSjReccptof^Bair,
&miniftrinuftri,hered'veUucce{rofnoftf, nee forum aliquis in predict
domini3,maneria,terf, tenemcn!, 6c csetera prxmifl. cum pcrtinefi, fiue
aliquam mde parccll', pro nobis, Icu nomine noftro fc intromitcant, Vl
corum aliquis intromittatjSed quod nos, hsered', 6c fucccflores noftri,
quoadfcincjid 6c c.'ipiend inraanus noftrasprxdi!;t'doniinia,m3neria,
tcrf,tcncment.6c csetera pmirt. cumperiineiijfiuc aliquam inde parcel-
]am,iationc alicuius noftri tituli, clamci, vel intcreffe, qd vel qui nobis,
haEred6cfucce(Ior!busnoftri!> pd^pcrfiucpon mortem difti M. W.vel
alicuius altcrius antecefforis, fiue aliquorum aliorum anteceflof pdR.
W.cuiuSjVel quorum ipic Kaeies eft,aut alicuius akerius perfona^, fiue ali-

qnarumaliarumpfGnaf,dealiquibusdomin,manef,tcrf,teht, advfura
fupradift' feifit,velfcifitnuper cxiftcn,velexiften, accidir, compctit,
feu cuenitjaut accidcf,compettf,vel cuenif poterit, (umus exclufi imper-
petuura per praefentts. Et quod idem R.\V.6c h^ered fui, erga nos^ hxr
redes &
fucceffores noftros pro pra:mi{ns,6c qualibct inde parcell' quicE
6c cxoncrat exirtcnt,6c corum quihbct quiet 6c exoncrat cxiftct im-
perpctuumperpraelcntcs. Et prxtcrca pro nobis, hxrcdibus 6c fuc-
ccdoribus noftris concedimus per prsefcntcs praefat R. W.nccnon pi a;-
diCi' quibulcunquc alijs pcrfonis,6c cuicunque ali) pcrfonae dc aliquibu5
Synitx Grants. part.prirox
clomini;5,niancrijs,tcrris' tcnciiientis,& csetcris prcmiflls, euro pcrcincn-
ti js, ad vf iim fuperins rccitat ieifit nuper cxiftcn vcl cxiftch
, , quod ipfi
Iiabeant,& qui 1 1 bet coc urri habcac dc tcporc in tcmpus, tot & talia brc-
uia, niandaf, jc warrant noftra (ufficich, lufticiaf noftris, Baronibus dc
Scaccario noliro, Efchastoribus , Vicccomitibus, Rcccptoribus, Balli-

uis, & coruro cuilibci dirigcnd, quot 3c qua-

6c niinilhis quibvifcunquc,
& corum cnilibct pro cxoncrationc (ua vcrlus nos, li^rcd', & luc-
lia eis

ccflorcs noftros in ea parte neccffnria crunt & opportuna. Et vltcnus dc

vberiori gratia noflra darrusSc conccdimuspracfatR.W.necnonpr^d'
quibiifcunque all js perfonis^^ cuicunque ali per(onz dc diucrfis manc-

n js,icrris,teiKinentis,& ceteris praEmi(fis,cum pertincnti js,ad vfus fupe-

rins rccitatfcifit, vcl fcjfitcxiQcn, quod hujiifmodiingrcllu^/eilmjpof-
fcfTiOjpci ceptio,& occupatiOj de, 6c in diucrfis mancnjs,tcrris,tnemcn-
tis,&C2rcrispraem)fri$, cum pertincnti js, 6c qualibct indc parcclPper
did' R . W. aut per pracdiOum quamcunquc
aliam pcrfonam, aut quaf-
cimqucaliaspcrfonas, de diucif.mancf,terf,tenemcntis, 6c ceteris prae-
mifl. Hue aliqua indc parceil' aMthoritate harum conccfTionis 6c liccntiz
noflrarum fa^' 6c habitjficnd 6c babend.fit cis 6c corum cuilibet,6c hae-
rcdibus (uis, ac hxicd eorum cu juflibec , prout ipfc in eiidem hzredica
bir V t prxfcrtur cxtirit, adco bonx, validac, 6c efficaccs, ac tanti vigoris
6c cfFcftus in lege, ac fi cadcm dominia, manef, terf, tenement, 6c czte-

ra pr^miff. cum fuis pertincnti js, 6c quselibcimde parcclTin manusno-

ftras debitoraodo capf 6c feifit hiilTent Ac idem R. W. 6c quxcunquc

aliae pcrfon.t, 6c quqcunquc alia perfona de aliquibus diuerf. mancrijs,

tcrfjtcncmenfjadvfumvt pracmittitur feifit, vcl fcifiEcxiftcnjvelexirten
debicam liberationem corundem dominiori)m,maneriorum, terrarum,
tenemcntorum,6c c<jtcrorum pr3cmi{lorum,cum pertincnti js, extra roa-
iiusnoftraSjfecundumcurfum Cancellar' nof!ra: prsdift', 6cfccundura
legem terf noftrar, rite 6c debit profecut f uifTent : Ac nobis dc omni eo
quod ad nos in ea parte pcrtmct, feu pcrtinere pcfTit, debet, aut dcberet,
(atisfact fuilIet6ccontent,aliquancgligentia,omifrioh,mifpnfiofi,errof,
repugnantia,contrarietat,aiit aliquo alio dcfeftu quocunquc Iimitat,vel
limicard.afllghvclafllgnand in aliquo nonobflante: Homagio tamen
6c fidehtat predicf R.W.nobis in hac parte dcbif feu dcbcd femper no-
bis faluis Sc refcruat. Et vltcrius {vt Jupr*) prcfat R. W.omnia6c fingula
cxif , reddit, proficua, reuentiones, 6c emolument quamcunquc omnium
6c fingulorum prcdiftorum dominiorum,mancrior.um,tcrraru, tcnerae-
lof ,6c c^tcrof pmi{Iof,6c cuilibct indc parceir, cum omnibus 6c iingulis

Liber Grants. fecundus

fuis pcrtinen, a tempore quo prardia' R.W. accrcuit plenam actatcm fu-
am viginti vnius annorum hucufquc & cxtimc proucnieh, excu&j emer-
gen, fiviccrefcch, &
nobis qiialitcrcunque debit fiuc fpeOah. Habcnd,
lcuand,rccipicnd, gau(iend,& retincnd, omnia &
fingula eadem exit,
reddit,proficua,reucrfiones,&emoIumcntaeidem R.W. executoribus
&. adignacis ruis,dc dono nollro, tarn per manus fuas proprias, quaro per
manus fcpctaljum, miper nunc &
impoftcrum Erchaccof,Feodvff,Su
pcruifof, Vicecom, Receptor, Ball', &
aliorum occupatorum quorum*
cunquc eorundcm fiuc alicuius indc parcel!' pro tempore exiftent :

Nccnon aliorum oftinariorum noftrorum quorumcunque in kpcrali-

bus Cora, m quibus dift'dominia, mancria, tcrf, tenement, &
prxmifTa cumpertinehexiDunt,nuealiqua inde parcell' cxiHic, abf-
quecompoto, refponlo, feu. aliquo alio nobis, hxred, &
noHris pro prasmifHs, iiue aliquo przmid. reddend', foluend', feu faci-
volumus & conccdimus per praefcntcs, quod tarn pracf.
end*. Et vltcrius
R. W. qOam omnes nupcr nunc &
impoftcrum Efchactof , Feodaf
Superui(of, Viceconi, Receptor , Ball', firmaf&occupatof dc huiuf-
modi rcucntionibus, exit, rcddif, & proficuis, leu aliquo alio prxmiff.
a pr^diO:' tempore quo pr^didl* R.W.accreuit plenam actatcm fuam vi-
annorum, hucufque
ginti vnius &
extunc proucniefi, exeun, emergen,
nuc crcfcen,abfquc compoto,rcfpoh, feu aliquo alio nobis,h^rcd,&
fucccfToribus noftris inde reddend,(oluend,fcu facicnd,erganos,h5-
ted, & fucceflbres, 5c rxecutores noftros quiet & cxonerar exiftcnt, &
corum quilibct quiet 6c exonef cxiftit impcrpetuum per prsfentes.
t vltcrius dc vberiori gratia noftra, ac ex certa fcientia 2c meromotu
noftris, pro nobis, haercdibns,&fuccc(roribu$ noftris, perdonauimus^
remilimusj&rclaxauimus, ac per prxfentes pcrdonamus, remictirous,
(Scrclaxamus pr^fat R.W. omnes & omnimod intrufioncs & ingrcff.
diftum M.W. aut per pr^dift* R.W. cuius harres ipfc cft,auc per a-
liquamaiiam perfonam, fiuc aliquas alias pcrfonas ad eius vfum fcifit'^
vel feific', dc, 5c in pr^ dift' dominijs, maneri js, tcif, tenement', & cactc-
ris pr^miflls, feu aliqua inde parcella,quxdc nobis, vel dc aliquo alio
tcpcnt' qualitcrcunqucante pfemem diem, habit*, fa^*,aut perpctrat*:
Ntcnon omnes & omnimod perquifitiones, alicnationes, donaiiones,
fines, compo*,& forisfa^uf dc praedift' dominijs, roanerijs , cerris,
tcnement',&c^ceris pracmifli^, cum omnibus &fingulisfui pcrtinen,
vel aliqua inde parccll', per dift* M. W.
aut per pr^diO'R. W. aut
pcraliquani aliam antecefTof ciufdem R. W. fiuc aliquas alias perfo
nas, ante mortem di^i M.W.
finelicentianoftra habit', fatY, aut per-
pctrat' : Nccnon omnes &, omnimod aft ioncs,fc^as,quxi clas,impc-
B b cicioncsy

Symb, Bargaines and fales. parMprimac
titionc$.cxcntioncs,fif Aemand quqcuiK]', quas re! qunc vcrfus pf.R.W.'
vt\ aliquc antcceflof pf. R.VV. fiuc aliquas alias pfona* dc &
in pmiflis,

vel corutn aliquo habiiimus,habcmns,fcu in futuf habere potcnnuis vllo

Irtodo. ProuKo rcnapcr,qd har iitcrae nix parcntes.ncc aliquid in cildcm

contenf,aliqualitcr fe extend ad cxoncrjnct pf.R.W. vclaliquaraaliam

pronam,fiucaliquasaliasprona$,aut pdiftadnia,raanef,tcrf,tencinen!,
ik caetcra pmifla,(iuc aliqnS inde parctll-,de,6c pro aliquo dcbit;ratIonc
alicuius recognition* flue obligatichnobis,fiucQlicuijp2cnJtofncftrof,
fiucalicuialijperfonz.ad yfumnoftrumcognitfcudclibcrat.Eoq(icXs' ,

preiTa cncntio de 5cc.

Perbillam Cur Warder &Liberac*6cc.

Bargaines and Tales:

B^rgAtne Andfalc Kvhat ? And of the inrolmcnt thereof.

Grants and Contrafts fnccccd Bargaines and fales, which be
manors,lands,tenemcnts,hcrediraihts, Sc other things, to irans-

ferre the propertic thcrof f rom the bargainor to the bargainee for
money But no
: manors,lands,tencracnts, or other hereditaments,
can pafle,altcr,orchange from one to another,vvhereby any eftate of in-
heritance orfrcehold is made,ortakcihcfFc(flinanypcrfoDorperfons,

or any vfe thereof is madc.by reafon only of any bargainc &

(ale thereof,

except the fame be made by writing indented, fealcd,and inrolled in one

of the Courts of Record at Wcftminflcr, or within the fame Countie or
Counties where the tenements fo bargained do lie,bcfore the Cuflos R-
tul9rum,^tnd two lulliccs of thePeacc,and the Clerk of the Peace of the
fame Couiitie or Counties,or two of them at the leaft,whcreo{ the Clerle
of the Peace to beone, and that within fix moneths alter the date of fuch
writings indented, 17. H.^. cap. 1 6. And they are made as folioweth.

vf liir^.ime tmi f^le ofA AdefuA^e and Undf, C^'C,

Sc^.394 T1 His Indenture maDCfcBctwecnc 3.15. tS^f.B.anOj^^.fif t^cene

part,anD 2C.^. en tt)C otljer partic^ Witnc{Ieth,2!:tiat t^ie faio ?
)15*M.X5*anD ^. fo; atiD in confiocratton of loo.lt.of latDful Cnglt(^
tijcfc pjefentfi we full},', clccreU', ano nbfolutclp,bargaine,f$ll,grae,
anu graunt t)nfo tjje fame ST p. all anu all manner of tljofe mcfu^
ti^9^ lanO0^ tenement^} meoolne?, p8atuc0; feeoingS; ano af I ott^c
Liber Bargainee a,nd falc fecuiidu^

snD being tn tt)e Colons ano fields of ic.o; an^ of t^em,tn tbt Ccunti^
of ^, tol)tcl) late lucre t^e mefuagc0,lanjjS5fr*frf 1&*M* in bfcpontf*
fion,rigljtjruerficn,oj rcniaiuocr. To haucandto hold t\)t fatKCitic*
(uagcs,lanDS,f c*U3itlj all and Sngular tljc apputtettances tc.bnto tiie
fame ST .p.ljis Metres anoadigns fo?eur,tatl)CDrilpt3fcanDbet)fc
of t^c faiD sn.p bis beircfi ano airi3ne0 fo; eaer. Andtbe f&iD 31. 0#
and M.315anD cuerp cf tljem. Do couenant $c. t^at t^cg tlje faiD 3.R
CUD ^.JB. oj one of t^em, nolo bin, o? is true anti dgbtfuU otoncr oj
ctuners i c. of all i c. bcfoje bp tijefe p^efents mer.tioneo to bs bargai*
neD anD rolD,anD tbat tbe tato pjc^iHeKjano euet'i? paiceUberof^nolo
be,anD fo fljall conff^iucclerel^ mfc^argcti anD cronerateD of f from
aUotijerfojmcrbav'gainCfifC* Asincoucnams ro be difcharged with
rcafonablc exceptions. And t\}t faiO UC ^*W* U* t}^t^ t^t faiti tW
3i.15. ^T.Sd. anD t^e furuiuojs of tbcm, and fbc fai^i^. anu alleuc#
rie otl)er pgrfon 02 perfcns, anu tl)2ir l){ice0j noto Waning, e^tobtc^
Ijcre^tter (ball 0; may iudlp cla^me Co baue anp rigbt^ tttU) eiiate, 0^
intjeritancc, in, anu to tijc afoje bargsineo pjemilles, 0; any parcell 1

tbcrcof,fl)aU at all timeSjteittjin f eucn ycare ncrt after tbe Date ^ecs*
acUnotoUDge, tC. As in couenams of further afTurancc.
of. Doe, fnffer,
And|lje fame t^.CS.^. anD ^213. ic* Itat tl)cg t^c faiD f r. c? one
ijf t|eiii,t^cir l)eires,ei;ccntojs,u l^al Dcltuer^oj caufe ir.to tbe laiD
%,^AM I;nre$ $c to t^e bfe of t^e faiD K*^.\)\s btireis anD adign^,
befo;etl^eirealIof fC. As in couenams to ddiuereuidcnces. And tbC
fam lv31.c<nD Wi*ic* tljat if it Cball fortune 0.25. ic. 0; ang of tliem,
iDl^itb Doe c3 (I) all dano ioptlu anD feuerall? bounDen Ivitb tbe faiD
K.C.anD3*115.fot]je faiD ST.p.b^ one iujitiug obligato;ie, bearing
Date icin onei)tit;eD anD P.ftic pcunDs,inDo:ceo toitlj cenDitionjioj
tbeperfo;mingJulfilling,anD keeping of tbe couenants,grannt0,ar^
ficle0,anD agreements containeD in tbefe ic. of tbe part of tbe faiD
fc. tbeir erecntojs u* to be perfo^mcD anD Ucpt, cj eitber of tbem, to
Depart tbis pjefent life, befo;e any perfect, fufficient,anD comienient
sCTurance be mate frsm tbe faiD ic.03 cilbcr of tbem,cj anv ofber pec^
fonojperfoncttiatbcrcuuerfballbe tbe rigbt bcirc ojljciresof tbe
faiD i^.^.o; cf tl}e faiD BR.anD W*
tbat tbcn tl)e faiD 1^. C* g. IB. anD
tiST.^. 02 one of t[)cm,tbcic \)tms ic. of tbem,lballirit||)itt one cjiiar*
trr of a veare ncrt after t\)t Deatlj cf an^ of tbem, tbi faiD )^**iM*
M.^. ^.B.anD ^.if . caufe t\jg furuino; 0; faruinojs of tbe faiD ob^
ligo25,togct^er Uiitb fo man^ ctber gooD anD Tufficient petfons in tlje
IteaD of fuc^ anD i9 mans of t^e faiD oblt$ca5 a (bal be tW DcceafcD,
^b 2 ta
SymK Bjrgames and fales.' part:prim*e

(0 become iofnflp anD fcuerallp bounDcn bp tl)ctc tojiting obligatojte

ae tljcir dccd Sufficient in tt)e i^ato, to tljc fame E:.13.t)i0 erecutojg o;
affigneg,tn i so.potmCs of gooD anu lalofuU moncp f canoojccD icit^
fact) like tt}e true meaning t)ereof, a0
conoition in effect, accojDing to
IS containeo m ttje iuDojccment of fame fezmer obligation:fo tl)nt

t^e fdinc 2E.p .tjtfi crecutoas oj altigneSjloill bpon i\)t Dcliueric of t^e
fame to^iting oblig(ato}ie, Deltuer out tbe fo^efaiD former Obligation
tatbefameU*C*t)i0epecutO20O}a(Itgne0,tobecancelUD* lowicncile

yf Bargatne andfale of Undsforfeited vpo a MtrtgAge,

*T*His Indenture ic.Witnc(reth,snbatiijberca8 one U.515.bpb<0baO

Scft ?gf*
1 inDenteD,2DateDfc.DiDgiucfc.tontotl)efaiD?s2a.jl.lnl)eirctf
anD afftgnes, to t()c bfe of ttic fame ^. ca. \^\z Ijcires ano adignrg,
(rchcarfing the Lands) bpon tl)i6 condition, SSbat if tl)efaiDU115
(!)oulD papjOj caufc to be paicD to tlje faio ^.t3. o; bis cettaine 0t*
tojnfp,ei;ccuto2i?, o? atltgnc0,tbc fumme of ic.in manner ano fo;me
toUotoing : SCDat is to fap f c. at tt)e feaff ic. in full payment %u anD
alfobponotbet conDitions in tbe faiD beeb inoenteD , fpecifieb , ano
mention GbtCClbicb faiD conDitions fo? tfje papment of ti)C faio tc.t^e
faiD l^^.t}atb b;oken,anD not perfo?meD,bp reafon tubereof tbe faiD
tISI.t2H.\0 pjefcntlp feifeD of tfje faiD pjemiHes, toltl) tl)c appurtenant
(e0,to bim ano \m beire0,U)itbout anp manner of conDition,fo; euer
VVherctorc tbe faiD M.^.fo; tbe fumme of ft. Dotb bp tbefe pjefent
BBnDentnrpsplainelpanDfnllpbargaine anD fell bnto tbe faio U.115*
bis beires ano a(rigne0 fo; eucr, tbe lanD0 before mo;tgageD ic. All
fuch coucnants to be put m
this Indenture, as in the Indenture of Bar-
gaincs and Sales before in this Bookc, forays done by the vendee one-
ly . And ouer W^* fo? bim, bis bcires, c Dotb couc?
this, tbe faiD C2I.

nant bp tbefe pjcfents, tbat neitber be tbe faiD WX>W.* ojanp

otber fo? bim, o; lpb'0 commauncement 0; agreemcnt,batb rereiueD
of tbefniD U.^* 0; of anp otber pcrfon 0; perfons, tbe abouefaiD
fuutme of c. at tbe oaies anD times before remmb;eD 0; appoint
teD fo2 tbe papment ti)ereof,no;atanptimc 0; time0 after tbe fame
tiaie0 1 i^o? tbat tbe faiD H)15 0; anp otber fo; bim,batb paiD,o; offe^
reD to pap tbe faiD fumme ic* at tbe Dates anD times afo3efaiD> 0; at
anp time 0; time0 after tbe fame Dap of papment* And ouer this
aUo, tbat be tbe faio ^*^*bi0beire0,erecnto}s,o}affigne0,batb
not niaDe>no} / ereafter (ball make^bnto ttie faio )^. ^t \\% betre0 o)

Liber Bargainesandfdles. fccundus

aCigncSjO; any of lljcm, anp atquitfancc, tlUafe,ojui(c^arge of t^e
fatD fnitinieof fc. o;nnp parcel! tt;ereof, o;of an^conDittonq;conOi
tiiiions fpccifieo in tljc faio cccd inoenteD. In witneffe &c.

^ Bar^^aine and Sale ofa Manor

THis Incicnture w.^^it &c. 3i5etUjecne tlje ^igf)anD mtgl^fp p;inf
ll^*E>ufeeof ^, barques E^ojfetjlio^ti fc.offl)eoiJepartie,an0 Sect.396.
0.i?fWunciIcth,t^at tljcfatD SD^foj^anD in confiDeration as iuell
ofttjefummc fc tcljimbpttjcfaiu^.if^attfjenfealingoft^efepae^
ffnt^noenturcg, tucll sno truly fatiCfico, rontcntco ano patD fjcanD
nUo fo; tl)e fumme of ic. to l)im tl)e faiD B^ to be paieD,in maner and
fcjmeljcreafter in tbefe p?efent Blnocntures oeclarco,batl)6iacn,
granteOjbargaineD, anD fclo, anD fap tljefe pjcfents icto tlje faio ja*
i?'aU ti)at t}i( mano? of l^.tjuitb tl)e appurtenances in tt)e faio coutt^
tyof ^.anoalfo i;i; melluagejgrnnse, cottages, miUesfc* lanos,
tencmentSjmeaDolwes, Icafures, paftures, patUes, commons^lDafte
f rouHDs, furies, Ijeatbes, mariO^cs, luoons, bntierinooDs, tDater5>
leets^titctDS of fran^eplecge, ano all tl)at to l)is tielu of frankpleogc
Dotb appertaine,ga)Os 1 cbatteljs IneyucD and ItrateD^gooDs ano cl)at^
tels of felons.ano fugitiue perfon0,fee0,tDarD?,martagc0,efct)eat0,
reltefe0,t)eriot0,fiue0 j amerciament;):, liberttc5,p;iutlcDge0, ano all
fitter profits,commooities, emoluments, anobereDitamentslubat'
foeuer m
)^*aro;efatD, ano elfelubere, loitbin t^e county of ^afo;e'
faiOjto tbe faio man 0; belonging, 0? in ante bife appertaining, o)
accepteo , repnteo , 02 taken as part, member,o; parcell of tbe fame
mano?,m as targe ano ample maner ano fo;me, as tbe fame E^*bat^
tbe fame ^no alfo tbauotofon, gift, free Difpoation^anD rtgbt of pa
tronage of tbe i^ettoate ano C^urcb of tl)e mane; cf l^^afojefaio.^no
aUo all maner OeeOS %t* As in fale of writings, with coucnant to dcli-
uer them, infra 3 99. b. To haue ano to l)olD tt)e faiD manno;s,[meffa'
ages , %u And
tbe faio B>. %u tljat be tije fame S). bis ^eires ano af^
Itgnes,on tbis aDe,o; before tbe feali of ^z (ball maUe, 0; caufe to be
ntaoe IC As in couenants of affurancc. And tbat l)e tbe fame S^
ano bis beires, aftoell as tlje faiD a^i^.ano bis Ijeires ano afftgnes %u
all t^e faiomanno^s, lanDs, tenements, ano otber tbe p^emtlTcs ano
euer^ part 0} parcell tbereof,(!iaUbecleerelperonerateD fc* Asin
couenants of difcharging,rents,feruices, ano cuff omes,fromtbence^
fo^tb to be paieD,o; going out,o; from tt)e faiD manno;s, lanO0,tene^
tncnt0,o2 ot^er tl)e p^emiffes to n ueene our ^oueraigne liaoie

315b 3 9)
Symb. Bargauies and Tales. parr.prlmae

m to ang ot^cc petfon ofi;ecfons,ant) all Icnf es, grants, fo) terine o(
l?ete,anii life, o? liuc, o; b^ copp of Court UoU of t^e faio manojg,
ano ot^er tl)c p;cnntle0,oj aii^ part o j parcel tl;crof l)cretofo3e maoe,
iu^ercapon tl)e ancient anD accuttomcD rents o; nsoje bccne refcrucD
^erel^j onelp mcptcD. And tl)c fame SD tc tljat tbe f aiD mannojo,
lanus,tcnemct5,anD otbsr ttjc pjemiUcs bin at tlje Cap of ti;)infealing
oftbefepjefcntgnDcntuceSjOttljc clccrctcarclpbalueof rr.f. oaev
ano aboue all yerelp cbarges anD repjifes, ano fo t\)z faiD ^'erelp rent
(ball anD map ff anD anD continue toit^oat frauD oj ceuin In confidc-
ration of bargaine ano fale,anD otber coucnants, graunta,
tl;c Ujl)iclj

articles,anD agreements maDc on tlje part ano bebalfe of tbe faiD SE>
luell anD trulp to be obferucD? perfo;meD, fulfillcD i feept, accojDing
to tl)intent,purpojt, ano true meaning of tl)cfe pjefcnt ^jnDentures
The (aiD 0i?.couenantetb f c.tbat be tlje faiD 2i*f, bis betre s anD af^
0gns,at,Djbefojetl]efeaft of fcnci'tcomnnng after the Date oftbcfc
p2k;fcnts,attbemnnGon IjoufeoftbcfaiD S^.conmionlp callcDfe.in
t^e pariri) of &.%)an tbe ftelD,in tbe county of f c.betlncn tbc boures
of ir.anDrjoftbeciocUeof tbcfo;cncone of tbe fame DaisH) all con?
tent auD pap,o; caufe to be contenicD anD paieD to tbc faio Dtbe fum
of f c* fo) tbe purcbafcdccre bargaine anD fale of tbe fame manno;s,
lanDs,ic.anD otbcr tbc pjemiffes In wimeffc dec.

yl BargAineorftilc of Annuities.

TpHis Indenture 5cc. Witnc(lctli,tbat tbe faiD ^.f OJ bim,bi bctr8

Sect. 3^7
I anD crccutc;s,bntb bargaineD anD folD ic.tbe perelp rent 02 an
going out of tbc nianots of C2:i.anD C. 0no alfo tbc
irnitie of b.P. i c.
(aiD Ml. bargamelb anD felUt^ tconc otbcr annnall oj vearelp rent
0} amiuiti&of r.l^. airo,perelp going out of ic.ano all bis rtgbt,title,
nD intere(t,in,anD to tbe faiD feucrall annuities, atuitoeitberof
tbem. To haue,bolo,iniop, lcuic,taHe, anD rcceiue tbc faiD feuerall
jannuities anD rearelp rents of b. r. ano %,f. to tbe faiD K. ic. at tbe
feattof fc. And furthermore tbe faiD GSl.couenantetbfctbaf hct^c
faiD W*anD bis beires bcfo:c tbe feaft of j c.fl)all mabe a gooD,fure,
miDfufficient eftatc, anD lalufnU graunt in fee fimple to tbc faiD 1^#
anD bis beires anD affigncs,of anD in tbe faio feuerall annuities 0}
pearelp rents of ic. sifcbargeD ic. And fnrthcrraorc tbe faiD M.co^
tienantetb f C* with coucnamsthac the vendor may lawfully diOraine
for the renc,and that he is fcifcd 6cc. In wiwelTe lu^ereof |C
Liber Bargaines and /alesj fecundus

jdfdle of a Remrfien

T His Indenture tc Bctweene |c. Wicnc{reth,Srf)attl^CfaCtt!^*tI)0 Scft.3pS.

Da^of tticmafenigl)i*eof,{)atl) barsaineD i c.ijnto tljefai025ano
f)nto t)ti l^etceK f o? cuecall tt)e ceuerfion tut)en it Gball t^appen to come
ano falljincontinentlgbpanD after t^eDcatl) of I.C'^gcanomotlierto
tlje faiD U of,anD in all ftjofe lanDs,f c atiD all ^is rtg^t,cla(me,title,

t)re,po(re(fion,ano intcrcil, of. ant; in i\)z ranic,iuul)o \% tenant tl^ereof

fo; ttrmc of tier life In witncflc &c.

A bargaine andfale ofa Renerfon,

THis Tndcmuie ixmz f c. Beiweene U315.cf j^an tf)e County of ^ %t0iA^9\
(0entlcman,t Hl)ifi ^ife of f ^e one partj?, 2LS>of (ID.in tl)e C
of ^Ciotljier on *l)c otl}er partp, Wjtnc{Ieth,C^at tbe faio iK515ano
li.t)io tcifejfo J t^e fnmme of $f ^o tljcni bp t^e faio 2C*^U)eU i trulp

tontenteo i paio at tbc enfcaling Ijcreof jtufjercof % lDl)eriDit!) ti)e faio

3U.)115. f iiutis tnifc acfenotoleOgett; t^cmfelues lucll f tralp to be con*

fentcD f paii),0nD tt)ereof,$ of eusrp part i parcell tbereof,i)otl} clereo

Ip ac Quite anD otfcl)arge tt)e faio %.^. fjis teires i ercmtoj0,by tlicfc
p^efents : bauc bargained f folD, anD bp tbcfe paefent BanDentures Doe
bargaine i fell clerclp Unto tlje faiD C^.1^10 bcircg f a!Itgns>t^cUe'
mrfion of all tljofe ttjcir lanDs % fcnemcnts^toif l; tl)e appurtenanceg,
in (^.afo;eraio,calleD i UnctDneby name of $c,tl)crcunto belonging
n appettaining^o; luitl) tt)e fame of late tjfeo, o; to ferme letten, be it
nioje oj leJTejlaf e in \\t tenure t occupation ^\%.^* ano C^.l)i0 toife,
motljer to tlje faio ^u as in t'oe rigljt of tt)e faio ^During l)er naturall
lifco: of tl;eir nllignes,! noiu in f tertnrc of SC.&.foj ternic of were,
l)ct inDuring,of tbe leafc t Deniife of tlje faio S^.C anD Togecher C
U)itl) all fail) DecDg,cb2rtcr0,enit!enfefi,efcript0,tojitings{,anD mnni
mcntS:, concerning tbep^emiiTe0onelp, o^ anppart 0^ parcell tbere*
of,ainoiDbeintl)cpoffeC[lon, cuftooie, ano feeeping of t^c faio K
c; in ttjs cullocic 0? Ueeping of any otljer perfon 0? pecfons f l)i bfe
03 bp bia celiuerie, ano Ivtjttlj ^emap come bp, luitbont anp fuife in
tbe ILaU)* And tbe fame DccDes, cljarterg, euiDences, cfcrtpti?, iuji^
tings, auD munirnents , tt)e faiD U.^ ano f^ i)t0 U)ife, coucnan^
tetb anD grauntetl^ bp p?efent0, to, ano ioitb t^eJaiD 2D ano

Mg l)cire0, to Deltuer, 03 canfe fo be DeliuereD, to tbe fato SC, ^ ^iies

lieives;, epecutoas, aDminiarato?0, 03 aaigneu, before tlje featt of au

^b 4 ^aint^
Bargaines and fales^
Symb.' f part'.primac
faints next comming after t\)t Date hereof. To hauc and to hold tl)e
reuetGon of appurtenance2,to tl)e faiD C&l)ts \)tixts
c. iDitl) t^eir
ani}alIisne$)tot)i6 anD tt)etr ou^ne tfe fo; euer , fo^, o; acco?f)ius
to (m\) tatc anD pearelp tialue, as tlje oacrplaa of ttje faio lanos fo cp
ctiangeD bp t^c faiD U. ^. toitl) tt}e faio 2i:S. (ball come anD amount
tnto, ouer anD aboue tl)e pcarelp taluc of tbe faiD manno2,anD otbcr
t\ic pjemilfcfi, crcl)anseD bp
tt)c faio : &
toitb tbe faiD U* \^* accoj*
Ding to tl)e rate anD extent of 2 0. pearesparcbafe. Prouidedalwaies,
anD it i0 couenanteo anD agreeD bettneene tl)e faiD partieu ST &. anD
^^bp tbefc pjcfents, that tbc faiD lanDS, tenements, anD ot^cr t!?c

pjcmiCTes, fball be rcafonablp gud inDiffcrentlp ratcD, ertcnoeD, anD

talueD : anD tbat after fucb crtent, rate,anD talue of tbc p;emi(reti,Co
l)aD anD maDr, tb2 fatD 2:.^. }:)is bcircfl,erecuto36,oj aDminittratojs,
n^all content i pap to tbe faiD K.^. bis erecutojs oj affigncs, twitbin
t^e fpacc of tluelue monetbs ncrt after notice giucn to tbe faiD C&
bis b^ires oj trecuto;s,all fucb fummes of monp.as tbe faiD oncrplus
(^albe balueD anD ratcD to amount t)nto,in fojmc afojerniD,accojDing
t0 2o.pearespurcbafe And furthermore it is couenantcD c. tbatei^
tberoftbcfa'D parties to fbcfe p;cfcnt6,anDtbebetre3 of eitljcrof
tbem, fball at all time ano times bereafter,During tijc f pace of : peres
m%t enfuing tbc Date bertof, doc nnD fuffer to be Done, nil anD eucrp
fucb reafonablc act oj aiis, tbe one of tbem to tbc otber, as fl)albc rea
(onablp DcuifeD o; aouifeo bp citber of tbe faiD parties, tbe beires oj
aHignes of eitber of tbem,o; tbe learncD connfel of cttber of tbem,fo;
tno^c better affurance anD Ture malung of tbe faio niano:s f c. anD all

otber tbc p2cmi(Tes,Vuitb tbeir appurtcnances,crcbangeD betUan tbc

faiD parties \jv f befe pjefcnts, accojDing to tbe true intent i meaning
tere of , be it bp ftnc, fcfiffemcnt, rccouerie, dccd, o; dccdcs inrolleD,
relcafc, confirmation, o; olbcrlnifc Untb toarrantic, onclp of tbe faiD
parties, anD tbeir bcircs, againft t^emfclucs^ anD tl)cir t)eirc0 * In
wiincffc Ujljcrcof iU

A Bargaine andjale cf the Tdl'Mmage ofa Benefice,

TPHis Indenture maDC fC. in tbCpcarc of fC. Bctwccne ^, ^. OVt
JL tbe one partie, anD l^. &. on tbe otber partie, Witneffeth, Sbat
tl)c faiD ^. E>* fo; certaine conftDerations, anD alfo fo; tbe fumme of
c* batb bargaincD i f olD,anD bp tbefe p;efcnts Dotb clearclp anD fnllp
bargaine anD fell bnto tbc faiD !^ &. all tbat tbe ^Duotofon, )0atro<'
)iage, rigbt of patronage, gift, nomination, p;efentation, anD free
iiifpolition^of^anD bnto \^% pariO^ Ct)nrcl) of ^ in t^e Cpnntie of C>
Liber Bargaines and ifalei. fecundus
toQtt\)tt hJitJ^ all ann all manner of mtitnctfi,titmSj li};tttngg,an^
mantmcnt0 , concerning tl)t faiD j^Duotoron ano patronage of t\)z

<ri)urct)afojefaiD Tohaucandco hold t^cafojefaiD0ouoUjf0n,ana

all otljer tht pjemtOTes,tpttt) tt)c appurtenances, bnto tt;e Tato ^* &*

Ijis t^tkts anD alltgnes.to i\)e onelp Dfe ano bcl)(Dfe of tl)e faio $ ^*
^is ^circ0 auD afi'jgncs fo; euer. in wicneflc &c.

yi Bargaine and ale ofCopyhold lands.

THis Indenture %U Betwccne ^M. iDiDOto,latC t^C loife of S^.IS* c^/^ . ^

U)ljileljeltueD,Citt5en ano STauemerontljeoneparttcanDlS.
i5^erieant at tlje lalu on tl)e otljer partte, Wime{rcth,2E^atfl)c
faio O^.anD K* fjauc bargainen $c to H.3I5*aU tljc nicfuages f c tolje^
(ber tljep Oc frecbolD oa coppt)olt)> o? U)batfocuer tenure t^cp be of*
And tbefaiD sp. anD 25 ic. ll)attl;er l^allmalJetbefaiD K* anD bis
beireSjO? bitn>anD otber perfons ano tbcir beires, at t\)t nomination

of tljc faio lu oj bis beirc0, fare of tbc faiD mefuage |f befc?e ^ feaff

of f c.nert comming,bt> furrenocr tbcreof into tbe ilojDs banDs,to tbe

fife 0 i\)z faiD l^anD bis beire0,to tbe tjfc of bim ano otbcr pcrfons bp

nanieD4 to tbeir beirc3,oj otberiinfe, at tbe crpcnceSjCOfts,

t)im to be
anD cbarges in tbe ilalu of tbc faiD ^ anD %* o? one of tbcm,tl)eir
crecnto;s oj atTigncs And alfoat tbc liUe crpenccs,astoeUf6?tbe
3LP2DS fine,ns foj ott;cr tbings, l^ell caufc tbe JL03D of tbe manno? foj
fbe time bemg,of iuboni tbe faiD mcfuagcnnc all otber tbe p^emides
be bolDen, to hkjUc a furc graunt, feifin, polFcffion, anD Deliuerie, of,
anD in t\\ m^ Ongular tbe fame, to tbc faiD ^. anD bis beires, o? to
bim, auD otbtr perfons at bis nominoticn, ano to tbeir beires,accoa?
Ding to the lau!3abl V\z anD cuUonic of t}]c fame manno; beretof ojc
fefeD And furthermore, tbe faiD ip. CDuenantetb anD grauntetb?
tbat if tbe faiD H. oj fucb pcrfcns at bis nomination,tobtcb Cball baue
tbe faiD mcfuager? h* ano utber tbe p;cmifrci;,toitbout couin oa coUit*
Con, be lalDfullj^ cuitteOj Dif poUcn'eD, oj DifTeifcD of tbs faiD inefuaga
fc before tbe feaftof CDafier nert commingr STbat tben tbe faiD IS
anD bis beires, (ball luitbin tlie fpaceof (bjee monctbs nert after
anp fucb emcticn, Difpoficllion, c; DiffeifinjbaucasmucblanDsanD
tenements of tbc afojcfaiD ^ anD SC. tobicb tbep, 03 eitber of tbem,
bauc oj baD in tbeir poCfeflion, reuerrion,cj \3fe,at tbe electirn 1 plea*
furc of tbe fatD H.as Iball amount to anD be of tbe clearc perely balue.
of tbe faiD tnefuage f c* 0; of as mucb part tbereof, as tbe fo;ef8tD ]^
DballUefolatofuU^euicteDanDDvireifeD of. 0; tbat Hball not beaflPu^
xeD to ti;8 faiD J$ befojetl;? feail of CaScr abcus reljcatfeD* To hauc
SymW Bargaines and fales, part.prlmas

ard CO hold f c. And alfo kt faf sp.bargainttl) i fclletl) to tijt faiD &.
all mancr of auffe,5aj9s,iabilitiient3,i impUuient0,to t^em i eitljcc

of i\)tm vcttainins f belonging, being in t\)i fame mefuage, garDcn,

|^oufei5J,|f at tbc Dap of f ealing of tbefc pjefcnts. And tlje faiD q^.f 2C.

tot^ gcantjtbat tl)ep (Ijall Difcbarge i c.t^e perelg rent of f c And tIjaC
tbe laiD W.ftall baue f tafee tbe pjofite, from tbe feaft of >. S^icbael
laft patt If. jFoj tct/icl) fale i bargaine of all f fingalar tljc pjemiffefl,
on tbe part of t^e faio ^anD ^*to be obferneo^pcrfo^meo,! ttone^t^c
Caio yi* ^at^ contentcD ano paio ic* In witncffc &c.

ScV.402: npHis Indenture 8cc. WunefTethjST^atUjliereoar&eueraigneiLa'

1 l)ie,tl)e Siuccnes spaicttie tljatnoto is, of l)cr fpcciall grace, cer*
tnine fenoteUoge, nitiere motion, bp Ijcr l^igljneffe ILetters patents,
(ealeD iDitb tbe great ^cale of (ii;nglanD, bearing oats f c, oiD giue ic.
to tbe faiD lf)S>. bp ibe name of ber lf)igbncfre faitl)full anD luclbelo?

ueo feruant i^.^ (icfq. tbc cuftoDie of tbe boDi' nno mariage of l[}.iJ
ti^r ^^igbncffc iuard fonnc anD bcirc to i^.tutjo at tlje Dap of b(0 Dcaff)
Die ifolD certain lanDi* anD tensmenffi in IS.of jji^of 3. C. our &oac?
raigne ilaDic tbe ilinccns bisbnetlc luaiD, as of bis mannoj of Biji
tbe faiD county ic* nolo being in tt)c Q
uccns a^aieftics baos, bp rea
fon of tbc minojltie of tbc faiD 3C.C. bp tbe tbirD ijart of one Untgbts
fee. Tohnuc^polTetrcjGnDinioptfeeculloDicof tbeboopanDmarifgc
of i^.C*tjntiU fucb time as tbc faio ^.^is bcires oj aUigns Hjall baue
!)aD, J tahcn tbe effect of tbc faiD mariage of tbe faiD l^. ili. as bp tlje
letters patcts moje plainly nppceretb : SUbe faio tO).&. noU) by tf)efe
pjefcnt 31nDcnturS, fo? tbc fuai of ic. of gmD anD lalufull t r . to bim
bp tbe faiD (il;*li. paieD anD trulp contentcD c.Dotb lilainelp anD full?
bargaincfell, giue, ano grant fento tbc faio G.U^bis crcciito;s TiU n
figncs,tbe cuftoDie ano luatDOjip of tbc boop anD marriagc,U)itbout
fiifparagement ,of tbe faiD Ip.l&^anD alfo tbe letters patents afoje?
faiD : baue, iniov, anD poffcffc tbc fame cuftoDie anD luarDnjip of

tbe boDp ano mariage of tbc faio ii) .li.lDitbcut Difparag^mcutjto tbc
faiD ^M,\M crecutojs, anD a(Tigncs,tintill fucb time as tbe faiD (k*
iSd)is crcruto?s, aDintuiilrato;is, anD affigncs,n)all taUc o? bauc tbe
effect of tbe mariage of tbe faiD l^.la.in as ample ano large a mannec
aiiD fc;me , as tbe faiD l^.&* tbe cuSooie ano toarDfbip, 02 mariage
liatbbp tbe faiD ic-ttrrspatentSjO^otbcrlDife. 0nD tbe faiD Cl^.Dotb
xdiienit ic tl;at ^e tlje faiD 1^^ tc o; ftul} otDcr perfon o; pafons,
Liber Bargainesandfales. fecundus
80 t\it fato K^^^.b^ !)i$ laS tptl ano f eSatliei^)0.i of IjerlDtre,f^U i\}w
unto name o; appoint, O^al ano m^^ l)ane toe cnQoDte, poCTetlton, ano
education of tlje fait) ]^.luDuring t\}t mmojttie of t^e fain ^^^ijuitb^
out ante Utjimpesimcnt o; ottturbancc of ti)e faiD (Bm^o^ anp of t^t*
0nD ttjat fjse tSjc faio i^!is l^is Ijeireg auti affignes , Hiall quietly anD
peaceably l)aue,auo foj cuer iniop all lanocfenements ano IjereUita;
tiientfi tbat to tljeni ootl) belong, luitljout anie let, impediment, oj in?

terruption of ttje fatiD M3 crecutcjs, atsminiftratojs, o; altigne^jOj

anp of tl)em,oj foj bp reafcn of anietjalae of maria0e,oj foafeitme of
mardage f c. In witncHc &c.

ofa Ifargaine off^heat.

T His Indenture maDebctU30ene0515.K.anij C.^.lf. Witneffech,

t[)at tbe faio jil.B.bat^ barsainea ano folOjsnD bp tljefe p?efcnts

bargainetb anD fcUetl) tsnto tf)e faiD C.^. 2 o. c;uarter0 of ioljeat, ana

ao.cjuarters cf ric,s(DO iuljeat anD rie, cleane anti mercl^antaWelisit^

t^ebelf,accnmpting8.bun{elslaitbtt)cbe8pcto enccie quarter 011
iubicl) ao.quartcv0 of luljeat, ano 20. quarter of rie, tl)e faio 0. 315.
uotb concnant tc.ttjat l)c,!it0 erccatojs e? a(rigne0,at l)i0 03 ttjeic ototi
(Oil auD ciiargc,ll)aU eeliucr 03 caufe to be mUucreSJ to tljc fait) C2D
to lji0 eper uto;0 03 a0ignt0, franUe ano fccc,at tl)c oUieUing t)oure of
tl)e faiD C.^D^at ll.afojefaio, befoje tfje feaflt of ic For t^c barsaiue

ano falc of all tobicl) : o*quarter0 of iyljcat ano 2o.quartcr0 of ricjanO

fo?tbcDeltucnetl)erof, innianerauo fcjmcafojeraiCjtljc faiDC^
eouenantet!) i c. to pay m caufe to be paieo to tlje faio 0.i5* bi0 ercca^
to30 03 a(rigncfl,foj enciy qnarter of tije faiD lufjcat cigbt lbiUins0 ft.
ano fo; eueric quactcr of the faio rie,fij;c fbUltng0 sc. \\\ manner ano
fojme foUotuing : tljat \$ to iay,f c In witnefle io^creof %u

A [de of Timber.

T His Indenture mad&c. Witneffeth,

of tbe faio
famme of mony to bim
fl)3t tlje faiO %*%* foj a tZtt Scrt. 404

bano paio by cbs fai& l^.^.lsbcte^

33*5i5.fenoUjlcDgetbl)imfelfe icbatb bargaineo \ foloe, ano
bpt}}efep3cfnt5fo3bim,bi0 bcire0,eirecufoj0ano a(rignc0, foj euer
bar^ainc ano fell 40- oaUs a0 Ibey CanD noto anb grolu in a
Dotl) uu
taine tumo calleo by tbe name of )15.1uitbin tbe parilb of ^*in tt;e faio
conntie of ^4
a0 tbc fame 4c,oafee0 ano eoerie of tbem are befoje X%z
Infealing ano oelinerie of tbefc pjefent 3nocntare0,
Cgnco ano mar*
iseObstl)efaU^entanoagcertiientoftl;eCaiDpactie0 %^ baueano
Symb. Bargainesandfales. partprima?
iniop ttie faiD fojtie ^aUii' fo figncD anD marfecD, toitl) all comooiticB
belonging to tljc fanc,bnto tl)0 faio l^.&.ljis rjcecuto; ano aCigneg,
from tt)c Dap of tl}e Date t caltuel tl)c faio U.^iis erccutojs ano affigns
anD fruant5,to ^aue free Ubertte of acce(re,iece(re>coucre $ rgcouiTe,
at all times at t^etc Iptll anD pleafurejto ano from tt)e faio ukdd calUD
)iD.U3it^oat anp ltt,Deniall o? interruption of t^e faio ^. ii5. t)is t)eires
o; a(Iigne5,ad alfo f o t;etu, fquare, faio ano barUe tbc fame ilDaUes, o;
anie of t()em.^nD alfo to bfe anp oeuife toit^ t)o;rc,cart5,anD \Jomts,
ano all otfjer Deuife0,fo; tbe carrying aloap of tl)e fame fo;tie Dake0,
euerie of tbem0no alfo tbat tt)e faio IS.^.bis eit ccuto;0 1 aflftgnes,
to ^aue free Ubertie bntil tbe feaS ic.to Dig pits calleo faU) pitg,tpitt)>
in tl)e faiD tucoo calleo li5.U)bcrc \)z tbtnbetlj be0>fo tl}at tbc fame pits
be 6lleD bp againe bpbim tbe faio )5* bis crecutojs o; aKignes, loitb^
tnbj.loecUs after ttiecarrpingatDapoftbe faio luooo ano trceiJ* 0nD
tbat t)e tt}e faio )^.&.t)i( erecuto;s o; atftgnes, Oiall fence ano ameno

t^ebeoges ano fences^ in, ano about tbe p;emi(fe0,in all Tucl; placed
ts (l^all be b;oUen, troDcn oolune, 02 o(!}^l]}ife luaffeo bp occafion of
t\)t pjemtaes, at bis 0; tbeir cbargcs, on tbis Hoc ic* taUing (ufificienc

beogebotebpon tbe fame grounosfo; tbe Doing of tbe fame* p?om

Deo nllair0,tbat tbe faio Uv&* biscrscuto;0,airtgne0) 0; feruants,
njallattiotimebereafterlatDfullp Doe any bnrto; Damage, either of
tbc grade o;co;ne,otbertl)en fo;tbe ncceffarie cutting,faU)iug, and
carrpmg of tbe faio Ujooo ano trees. In wicncflc dec,

^A[ale of IVood.
- 'T^HisIndenturc&c.WitncdethJbat tbe faiO 0.113. tl)e Dap Of tfjC
Sea. 305. J^ making bcreof,batb bargainee t folo t bp tbefe p;cfcnt Jnoen?

turcs Dotb clcerelp bargainc f fell Unto tl)c faio C

.all tbofe bis l)}a)Os

ano bnoecUiffiOSjUotD flanoing ano gioluing, m

ano bpon bis groue0
oj beogcgroucs calico tl^.in tbc panO) of j;5. in iljc Countic of C'lTer.
And tbc faio C.Dotb couenant ano grant by tbis BinDenture, tbat bee^
bis crecutojc 0? aftianes fiial Icnuc ftanDing,in,anc bpon tbe fojefaio
lanos calico i^.compctcnt t fufficient ftatbels ano (lowers, accojoing
totbecuQomeintbe fame comitrep beretofo;e bfeo. And alfo tbe
faio d;. Ootb couenant ano graunt by tbis Jnoenture, tl^at be^ljis erg
cotejs 0? allignes, attbeirolunccoflcsanDcbargeSjaUbeogcsano
Defences belonging to tbe faio grcues ano b^bge-groaes,tJuell ariD
fuffrcicntlylballamcno, re0o;e ano rcpaire, U)ben anoasoftenas
neeo ujall require , from tbe Day of tbc felling of tbe faio tuooos > ta
t^z eno ano terme of %u t^en nc);t enfuing ? fo; tije fafe0arD of t^e
Liber Bargaines and /^les. fccundus
fp?ing grotBiitg ftpon t\it fame And t^e faio C m^ further coae#
want f graunt bp tljefe p2cfent,ttiat l)e,t)i0 emato; o; aaignesjfl&al
not fell anp of tl)e faid taooos o; tnDerU)ooO0,bat in Due i feafonable
times of felling : tbat is to fap,pearelp betloecne tlje feaffs of ^. ^u
t^acl t^c acc^angclUf tl)e annuntiation of ouc 315.EaDie tlje tairgin,
from t^e featt of ^.^icbad t\)c ^rc^angcl nert coming after t^e Date
i)ereor,to tt)e eno ano terme of u* from tbence nert infuing,fallp to be
complete anD enoeo. And t^e fojefaio 0.}15*fo3 l)ifi part Dotb couenant
anD grant bp tijis BinDenf ure, ttJf^t fbe faio C.^is crecuto^s f affignei^
(ball bdue free ingreUe ano regreflfe to ano from tt)e faio toooos i tm^
DerlDOoOflijtoit^ bo;fe,cart,anD carrtage,at all times,af cojoing to t)i
pleafure, foj tlje friing,t)cti3ing, rutting DcUjnc, i carrying atoav t^e
fo;efaiD DnoerlJuooDs^in manner ano fo;me afo;e DeclareD,During all
tt)efo;craiDterme,)Ditbout let onnterrnption of anp perfon o; per*
fons For tl)e fale ano bargaine of alltol^icb luooDs ano bnDeclMooD0,
t\)t faioDotb couenant ano graunt bp tbcfc p?cfents,to pap oj icof

^.B. knolDleDgetb bimfelfe tell ano trulp fatiffl^

iD^icb $c* tbe faio
eD ano patcD,anD tbcreof ano of euerp parccll of tbe fame clcrelp Ootl)
acqnite ano oifcbarge tl;e faio ^l)i$ ^cire0 ano eii;ecuto;jE( bv tl;efe p;s^
fent0 In wimeQc ^c.

ui bargaine andfah opVoods,

THis Indenture icWifnf(Iali,2ni)attl)c faio IJ.batbbargatneO anD SeV.4o5;

folo %u a'll tbofe looooa ano bnoerU)ooDs,calleO ano knotune
bp tbe name of f c. crcept tbe lano ano fo*.le of tbe faio Ixiooos ano bn^
DertooooS) ano aUo Inaiuere r allco fTanocrs of c* onetp ercepteo anD
referueo to tbe faio U^ano to bts b^ire5,crccuto;s,anD aOTigne^ And
tbe faio %* coucnantctbi tbat be tbe faio C
(ball fell ano carrie atoap
all tbe faio tDooos ano bnoerlDooos (crcept befoje crrepteo)ti)itbin %*
peares nert inimng tbit- oate of ibe^c pjefcntj?, at mcf t ano feafonable
times in tbe peare,fo tbat tbe fp^ing of tbe fame ioooos map come anD
grot againe in Oue courfe 0no foe fame S:^*coucnantetb c.vt fupra
405. And furth'er,ibe faio 2D.couenantctb ic tbat be tbe faio D*(l5all
acquite,otrcbarge,anD faue barmelelTe tbe faio U. biB emnto;s,anD
alTigns^againff all men^of^ano fo^ tbe papment of airp maner of titbe
iDbicb fball b<ippcn bcreaftcr, 0; rife to be oue qi oemaunoeo. of, ano
folD) as is afo^efaio* Prouided alwaies, ano a is furiber
f c. tbat bappen tbe faio %. bereafter latofullp to be interrupt
if it

teo fc^b^anp perfon q} perfons^paetsuoingan^la^full title to tbe

SymbJ pefcafances. part.primae

P2cimffe05 toit^in one ^earc tiert inf ning tl)c Date of (bKc p?cfeut0, fo
lljat ^c cannot o; mag net laU)full|? tnUe, fll,ano carric aluay tlje faio
lpooD,acco30tngtotl)etruemeantngof tt)^rep;crent0,9 of ibe com*
wants cornpjifeD toitfjin t^e fame : SEIjnt tfjen tljc faio U. o; !)ts ciecu*
t02d 6)aU alloU) ant! pa^ bntc t^e (ato SIH. \)i6 txui\to;B o} adisnca tl)e
tialue of t^e fato toooDS t^at d^all happen to be lalofuUy taken a lua^
from t^e faio Cafter t\)t reafonable rate ano tjaliie of ttje faiD tuoo w
t^at fo tkidM happen to bee latofullp taUcn aluap from tt)e faio K*
^i0 erecnto;0 o} aCfigne^ ? coutrarie (o t^e true meaning of tl>ere pje^
fcnt0 f c


j{ Defeafance ofa rent by obtaipting ejtate in Unas,

T*^'^ Indenture f f.Bctvvccne Sp,^!

3t.^AViinclTeih,t|ia( toljerc
Sca.407. i ^ perfo;mins of part of certaine cone*
j falfiUing I
{^j fgjj, 5j^^

- tiantSjfpecifieOf DeclartDinapaireof^nDcnturcsmaDebcttuantlic
r UL.'*
'^^^^ faiD 3l.lF>on t^t one partp,i tt)e faio ^p.^.on tlje otbcr parti', bp Ijis
5t4 ^i^j.ij 1.151

^^gj bearing Date f c. ballj giuen t grauntcD to the faio ^, an an* m*

nnall oj pcrcl^' rent of f c.To hauc &
to hold tfje faiD annuall o; perclp

rent of ic. to tt}c fniD ^.(La.l)i5 l)circ5 1 alligne0,fo; 1 During ttc life
of C'.^ witli a fufflcicnc claufc of DiHrcflc comprifcd in the faid Grar t
for non-payment of tlic faid ycrdy rent of (Sec. Ncncrrhck (Tc,it is nola
fuUp f oucnanteD,grRuntcO,i agrccD bettulrt f l)c faio parties in man
tier f fo;mc foUoVoingtEtiat is to fap,tbe faio ^^t^l.couenantetl) ir*
tljat if tl)c faiD J.ll'^.at nnp time Ijcrenftcr do obtainc ano get ti)e ettate

anD intcreft of tl)c faiD ,^> U)ljiclj l)e I)at[) iw ano to tl)c faiD mannoj
ac. anD tbercof Do make one fufficient citatc to tbe faiD ^. Durng t\)z
Wfe of tljg faiD G. tbat tljcn t^e faio graunt of tbe faiD annuall rent of
If. ftall from tl)cnvcfo;tl) c eaf e,bc DctcrmincD,anD btterly tjoio anD
of none effect : anp tbing in tbc faiD f ojmcr Jnoenturcs mentioncDjo;
in t!} faiD (DiMunt of annuiticcontaincD,to tl e cojitraric in anp toifc
notujiiljU^nning. And furtlier, tbe faiD ^. Ctl ccucnantetij i c. tbaC
tf it bappea tl}cfaiD ^3*^ \)\s t)eircS)e):$cuto;s,aDmimaratoaS9
oj alTigncs, 0; anv of tbcm,tomake Default in payment of tbefaia
fumme of ir.mentioneD in tbc faio former BnDet)tures>o; of an^ part
tbereof, anb do not make Due paiment tbereof at fucb Daies anD timed
a0 arc wentionco in t^e faiD fo;mer BlnDenture^ : Et^at t^en it fbail

Liber Defeafanccs. v /ecundus

feelatDfuUfotl)efa<Dl!l3.!ji0teircs o? nUi^ms, to xtiuim t^t(m
annuall o? pcadj? rent cf ican tjis oj tljeir pjopct l)anD0 : ano t^c faid
annuitie o; peatl^ rent (^al be fufpcnDeo, ana not ocman^eo noj pai*
able,butil fuc^ tiuie as tl)C faio 3^ l)i0 Metres ic le fullg contentcD,
ratKficD, cjpaicD oftl)efaiD entire fumtueof cauoofeume part
tl)ercof,eucr mh befioe ^is cotts ano cljarges fo; tlje ^jjitljljcloing ano
non-paimentof t^e fame funimcof fc. ante t^tng in the faiD former
31nDcntures,oj in tljc faiD graant of annuitie, oj iw t^cfe BUntienture
nientioneD,to t^e contyarie thereof in anic leife nolUnttjdanDing. In
witncflc whersof (See.

y^ D efeafance vpQn a hargdine iU-A [ale,

T His Indenture &c. )15etU)eette fc
faiD dl^.bp ^is Dcco inticnteD, Dated f c.fo?
fullp bargaineD anD

folo jc. Neucrthekilcjt ig nolo

SCi^at luljerc i\%
fumme of %z. fjst()
fuUp couenanteo

%tX\jdX tbe faiD C?.l)is bcircs ic.do iocl anD trulp co^itent ano pap a^

gaine to t^e faiD D.t)tfi erccntoja ictb8 faio funi of t c. ano eucrp prC
ttiercof, at one lubolc ano ea?ive psinicnt, befojc tljc fcsCt of ic Wc^^i
tljcn it O.f l)is ^eircs,bpon tbc repainicnt of
tl)albe latuful to t{)e faiD

t^e faiD fumme of %tXz reenter into tbe faiD mano^of,ic As in eouc- .

nams of reentric. Slnotljattben ano from tbencefojt^ after tlje rcpap* -

mcnt of tt)i faio (am of $ c.tlje faiD ST^ano t)is ^cues f^all ft ano ano be
feifeo of ano \Xi tbc faiD mano; $cto tbnf e of tbe faio 0* anD i)i0 t;etr0:
0notl)ataUeCatc0,a{lurance f connciiincs tl^ereof tl)enl)aD| maoe
to tbc faiD SCano to l)is l)cii'e0,o? to anie ctl^er perfon oj pcrfongjftal
after tlie repaimcnt of tt)e faiD f um of $c. be to tbufe of tlje faiD (0.anD
cf bis bcicg fo? eaer : anie tljing in t^cfe 3;noentare6 to tbe contrarie
in awic toife nottoitbSanoing. And f ortbcr tl)e faio C^ couenantetb
$cabatifitn)aUbappntbe (aiD(25.bi0beire6fc o} anie of tbeni,to
tnaljeoefattltof repaiment of tbe faio fuaimc of ic vt fupra. SCbat
tbcn \\, fl^albe latoful bnto i%z faio K*% l)is ljcir0,to baue,bolo,occnpp
no iuiop to btm ano to bi0 bcircs f o; euer^tbe faio mano; icU)itb04it
conoition o? mojtgagcjsuo UJttl)oat let o) Diftucbance,o3 interruptio
iif t^c faio dip.bifi bcties f c. oj of anp otljer perfon o? per(ou0, bp ^i% oj

tbeir p;ocurement,a(rent o? commaunoement* And tbat bee tlje faio

Cf.anD bi beire0, % 0 biff teifejSf all iimtz bcreafter tbe faio feaft of
f cbpon Default of repaimenf of tbe faio f umnie of c. fl)all oojfutfer,
^notDleoge,! caufe to be fulfcrcD,Done ano bnoli)leDge| from time to
time,aU tencrie fucb aEt,DCHifc,tbing tl)ing0,ai3 Hjalbe reafonablie
^uifeo oa aouifso ip ti)e faio ^oa iji^ tjeir0 %%M ii bg fine^feoffeiTtf
Symb. Mortgages. partprima:
tecoucrie,releafc toitb toarranticconfirmation feiffj toarrantic, oi o
ttrcrUjifc.anD tfjat tt)e fato mano? at tl)e time of tljc malun^ of tl)e faiQ
afTaranccin mancr ano fo;mc tifojefaiD, fljall tljen be uifctiap

BCD of all incumbaaiK, of VBtjat kmDc,oc8ree,o; natare foeucr tl}cp

bcerccpt leafcs anD cl)icfe rent c. And turchermore^tlje faiD E.coue
nantet^ leaf tt)e faio 5.1)t5 Metres o; ttccatois Doe mabc Default,anti
doe notrepap againe tl)e faiD fummc of i c.to ttic faio lE.tjis f can ma*
ner < fojme afo?efaiD:t^at ttjen tbe faiD C.tipon a perfect anD furtt)ec
affurance anD fure effate of tt)e f aiD mano2 ic. ^aD ( maoe bp t^e faiD
<C>anD 0.1^10 toife to tt)c faiD E^^nno to titB l^eircs, Ojall content i pa^
to t^e faiD Cbis f c tl^e fummc of
ic. in full contentation f papment

f c* fo; ttie mano} ft. before bargameD anD folD to i\)t faiD S.anD
to Iii6 ^eire0, in maner anD fojme bcf ojc reciteo anD DeclarcD in tbcfe
p;efent0. Andfuichcr,tl)efaiD:.coucnantct^lc.t^at if ttjefaiDd?
Do make Default in payment of tbe faiD f umme of i c. anD tt)at t^e faiD
mano; tben after that be Dnlp p;oueD bpon a latufull anD true furuep
lljereof l)aD f maDe,to be of ino;e pcrelp baUie tben ic. bp pcare : tliat

t^en tbe faiD C

^is beires o; erecu^o^s Rjall content f p&p to t\)t faio
Ci.biB l}eire0 o; airtgnc0,U)itbin one yere nftcr tl)c fame furucp,fo; as
Diucf) of tbe fame mano; as Dpon tlje faiD furuep fliall be Duclp,truelp,
>^ yf*t i^^H^*^ anD clerelp pjoueo to be anD amount in perelp balue about tlje famm<
^*?o^ e^ flf it.bp tbe perc,ouer all cl)ar5e0,after tlje rate of t opcrc0 purc^afe*


^ Ulfort^M^e vfon conditisn to pAj /tcertainefumme


/^Mnibus &c. Sciatis nos praffa! T. & L. pno diuerfis bonifquc

5<ct. 4p. y^caufis & confidcracionibus nos fpecialitcr moucnf , vnaninii adcn*
fuctconfcnfu noftris dcdilTe &c. W. M. &c. ha^rcdibus &afllgnatis

fuis,vnumtcnemcntnm cumacdificijs&c. Qiiod quidem tcncmcntum

ciimacdificiji&c. nosprarfatT.& L.limiil cum quibufdam alijs pcr-
fonis, nupcr habuimus nobis, hacrcdibus 6c afllgnaris noftris, ex dono
&C.H. &: P. dc &c. cxccutorum tcftamcnti &vltiin voluntat W.C.
(ubquadam conditionc iam pcrimplcc <Sc pcrformat, prout per quan-
dam fuam charcam nupcr indc nobis did' alijs pcrfonis confcf^', cu-
ius daC &c. plenius liquet & apparec. Habcnd &
tencnd przdiA' rene-
mencumjac cixccra omnia przmifTa cum fuis pcrcih praef.W. M. h^red
Liber Mortgages. fecundus
& afTig' fuis ad folura op^ &
vfura ipfius W. M. hxtcd Sc afligh fuorum.
Sub forma tamcn,&condicionefqiieii,viz quodfinospf.T.D.& L.
uamusfeu foluifaciamuspraed' W, M. execuc, adminiftfvcl afljgh fuis,
invelapudmododomuramanfionsl'ipruis W.M.inciuitIVl.v.h.le<yal'
&c.modo forma feqnen viz. ad fcf]uni &c. prox. fucuf poll datum p-
(entxx.s.&c.in plena (oluc prxdiA' v. li. Q^tod tunc praefcns flatus 5z
fcifinade& in pr^mifTis in forma predict deliberat,& capt, vacuacfint,
nulliufquecflFc^usncquevaloris,alioquinprc(cnsffatns& kifinade&
forma praedift'delibcraf
in praemjfTis in &
cap! firma fine flabil',tan- &
tummodoadopus &fo]umvfumpra'dicTW.M. hatred & affion fuof.
Tenendum SccDatum &c.

Afeefarme in Mortgage,

OMnibus&c. Salut&c. CumC.W.dcdcricScc.gerch dat vltimo $0^,410.

D.antc datum prxfenoum vltim practcrito, mihi pracfat I.
confirmaucrit omnia ilia terras &c. Habend' &
tenendum mihi h^rcd*
&afTighmeisinperpetuum,prouc in eademcharta fua mihi inde con-
fedaplenius continctur. Noueritis me praefat I.dimififTc conceffifTc,
6chocprapfentifcript mcoindcntat coiifirroafle praedid'C. omnia ilia
praedi^* terras &c. Habend' fibi h^rcd' &
afTignaffuis in perpetuum
fub form &conditionefequentibus, viz. quod fi pracdift'Cfoluat &c.
mihi pracfat I. atturnato vcl executoribus mcis in &c. ad fcftum &c.
quodextunc pr^fens charta indentaca, & feifina inde libera! fuum ro-
bur obtincant &: cflPcO* :Et fi defeft' fiat in folutionc prxdift' xx.li.
contra forraamprsedift*, extunc pra^fcns charta indcntata & feifina inde
liberata fini vanae ac pro nuUo habeanf , & tunc bene licebit mihi 5cc. In
cuius rei&c.
)15nttftt)ercbenianie t)ape0ofpatment,tt)en^e map p^orecDeaf^
ter tbW fojmc foUotoing : Si pracd' C. foluat aut folui faciat,hxred feu
cxecutfuifoluant, aut folui faciant, mihi pracfat I. atturnat, feu execu-
toribus meis in &c.xx.li.&c. in forma fubfcripta, viz. ad feflum 5cc.
xx.s.adfeflum&c.xx.s.& fie de feflo in feflum de anno in annum, v-
num poft alium continue fequentem ad quodlibet fcflorum pracdid*
viginti folidos quoufque prqdid'xx.li.plenarie perfoluantur, extunc p-
fens charta indcntata &c. Et fi dcfcft* flat maliqua folutioneprxdj^'
viginti libraf in parte vel in toto, contra formam pr^d', ex tunc &c. f^ /
chart apr<tdiSl.
Prouifo fcmpcr,quod fi pr^di^* C. vel aliquis alius nomih fuo allcga-
C ueric
Symb; Mortgages. parc.primae

ucrit aliquam acquictantiam feu foiucioncm diC\q pecuniz alibi fore fa-
Oam quam Scccontra mc pf.I.quod cxtunc idem C. vulc ct conccdit per
pr3efentcs,quod huiufmodi acquictantia in folutionc forinfcca nullius fit

In cuius 6c

Scft 41
1 C Ciam Sccquod nos W.C. W.W. & M.C.diraifimus, tradidiraus,&
i3libcrauimiis H.M.L A.ct W.H. owncs illas terras & tcfita.rcddif &c.
vocafB.quae nos prxd' W.C. W.W. ct T. C. nupcrconiunilim habui-
mu$ nobis, hxrcd et affl gh noQris in perpctuum, ad vTum mei pr^d' W.
C.hscrcd ct afllgh mcof ex d;miffionc, traditione, libcratione, & chartsc
confirmationc l.H. Habend' ct tenend omnia pd &c.rub forma et con-
ditionefcqucnt,viz.quodfipr2Ed'B.bcncet fidcljtioUiar&c. quod tunc
pfcns charta nollra indentata,6c fcifina fua fup cand liberata ct habita in
omnibus eorumroboribuspermaneant&virtutibu J in pcrpctuuro. tfi
defeft'fi.it&c.Acinf4ipnoucritisnospracf.W.C. W.W.ttT.C.fttillc,
ordinade, et loconoftropofuiffc &c. vt tn Uteris attorn yaAdelil/erttrui*
fetfmamy In cuius &c. Datum 5cc.

A Aiort^Age tofnue harmelc^e ck'C.

Q ri ... Q^Ciant &'c. quod ego T.F. fchde N. Draper dcdi& conccflletbac
'^ *
Opratfcmi charta mea indent confirmaui L. W. Ac N. yeoman,vnura
cencmcntura &c. Habend' &c. yxxhi L. W. hacred & afllgh fuis ad (o-
lum opus & vfuro mci diti T.F.har red tSc alTigh meorum m pcrpctuum.
Sietquamdiucgodift' T.F.Ii^rcdcxccutof vclaffighmcifoluamuslcu
folui fac'eidem L. W.cxccut vel airigh(uisxij. li. legalis moncr^ Angliae
&c. mode &
form fequeh, viz. ad fellum omnium lan^orum quod erit
inannoDom&c.ii)) li.etlicdcindcan^uataddil'fcf^umliij.ll.quouf-
que dift'xi). li.foluantur&c. Nccnon falucinus& indannesconleruc-
niusfcufaluarietindcranesconfcruaf fac' pr^dift'L. W. haercdcs, exe-
cutor ctadminiflratof fuos vcrfus qucndam W. M. deC. cxccutorcset
adminiftratoresfuos, ac alios quofcunquedcct pro quodamfcriptob-
ligatorio, inquoprardift' L. W.ad inllantiam mci prardid' T.F.fi-
raulcuramecodcmT. tenciur6c oblisiac prcfat W. M.in fummaxl.li.
mdorfit cum conditionepro foluc' xx. li. legal' monet? Angl', Alio-
quin fi contingat quod ego didusT. F. h^red, executor vel affigh raei
dcfcccrimusjn folutioneprscdi^'xij.li. vd alicuius indc parcellz in
iorma prcdnfl' folucnd', vel in faluando vel indcmnes conTeruand

Liber Mortgages. . fecundus

pracdiA*L. W. hatred, & cxccutorcs fuos in forma pdiCia , tunc ad fo-
lumopus & vfum ipfius L. W.-Jiaeicd & affignatorum ruorruninpcr
pctuum. In cuius &c.

tyi AdoYtgage vpon "payment hj the LMorgdneor,

SCiam f femes Sec. quod ego L W. (vtfn^ra 412.) confirniaui S.W. Sea.
41 3.
omnia ilia terf& tcncroenta &c. Habendum &c. iub forma & con-
ditionc fubfcquenti, viz. Qwd6. fi ego pdift' 1. fohiam, (cw folui faciam
hatred vel executor mei foIuanr,autfoJui faciam prxfaS S.W.auteius
ccrtoAtturnato, hacredibus vel executoribus fuis, ad fcftum 6cc.in&c.
xx.li. &c. Quod extunc prcfcns chartaindentata , ac feifih inde delibc-
rat callat x fine & vjfi, nulliufquc valoris, ac tunc bene heebie prxfaf I.
&c. vt incoKy,gKtiondm reintrc.tioms.) Etfi defeft' &c. (vtjp.fra ^\o.\
fuumroburo'^tineanr& cfFc^um, JEt tunc bene licest prstiato S.W.
h^redibus&aflls^natisruis eab;ibere &pacificcg5tidereinpcrpeturo.
Incuius rci tcltjUioriuiE vni parti huiuscharrae indent at penes mere-
mah.prxfat S. W.figlUinn (uum appofuic, Alttri vero partj huius chart^
indcntatx penes pi xlii! S.W.rcm:.h, ego pracdi^' I.W. figillumnieum
^polui. Histcitibus6cc.Da!6cc.

jinejlatc zfo condition tojinde Meat^ tfrc,

OMnibus &c. W. P. &c. Noucritis me praefat W.dedi{Te,conccf- Sca.4i-f*

fifTcj&hocprzfent fcript meo indcntatcoofirmaffc T.N. om-
nia mca terf &c. HabendScc, T. hacred &
sffignaiisfuis in perpc-
tuum Sec. fub forma &
condiiionc fcquemi, videlicet, Q^iodprae-
diftus T. exhibeat, feu exhiberi faciat mihi praefat W. durante vita
incanaturaliviftum fufficientem, acflatui mcoccmpetentcm prouc ,

idemT. ad menfamfuamhabet, feu habere confueuit, acqnolibetdie

dominicovnumdenariuproraeis expenfis mihirtddat,nccnonquo-
Ijbet anno erea feflum Natalis Diii vnam togam dc HuITet, vnum paf
caligarum, duo paria calccorum, ccdua CamiGa f)atui mcocompe-
Ten!, annuatim mihi inueniat. c H contingat me decrepitum vel in-
firmum deuenirc, tunc idem C. inueniec mihi vnum leruientcm ad
medcbif modo, proutdecet cuOodierd, acetiamquendam locum in
alta Camera tenement meipr^di^' competent, vbimehnspctero per-
uenirecamis fanKatcquamia xgritudine, (irrulcuin libroimioitu&
Cc cxiM
Symb. Mortgages. parc.pnmae
exiiu omnibii? temporibus Ileitis ad eandcm durante vita mca itiihi re,

fcruand. Et fi W.in cxhibiti(>nc mca pdida,fcu in alique prac-

iniflbrum defecerit,aut ca facerc nolucrit quouilmodo in futurum, quod
cxtunc bene liccbitmihi,hxrcd, 5c aflignatis meis,in omnia pdifta ter-
ras &C. {'^s m Reentries) In cuius &c.
jiUMortgagefor fayment hjf the Mortgagee,

S ft ?
^41 ^* C Ciant 5cc. qdcgoE.M. Sec. Dcdi&c.prarf.R.B.&E.vxof cius,to-
iJtumilludmcfuagiummcum&c.Habcnd&c.fub conditioncfequec,
viz. Quodfipdift' R.B.et Evxor eius,hxred,feu cxecuffoluant, vcl
vnuscorumIo!uat,fcufoluifaciat,mihiprefat E.M autracoccrto At-
turnato,vcl execiitoribus meis Sccmodo 6c forma fequcfi,viz.ad fcnum
Sec. Et (ic dcindc annuatimfolucnd ad quodlibet feftum &c cxtunc
pioxiiTi &: immediate fequen lo.li. &c. quoufque fumma &c.plenaric
pcrfoluat. Quod tunc pfens charta mca indentata, ac ftatus et feifih,dc,&
in pmiffis liberaE/irnin: fint etftabiles,adfolumopus& vfum pdiftoriu
R.ctE. ctaffignatorufuorum inpcrpetuum. Etucontingatpdifl'R.B.
ct E. vxof cius, hxred, cxecut, vcl aflignatos fuos dcfcft' facerc in folu-
tione Sccautalicuius mdc parccll'in forma prxdift'folucnd,q5tunc
^fens charta mea indentata, acnatu$ctreinBa,dc, ScinpmilT.libcrar,
cafl^ fint et vacuae nulliufque valoris, ac tunc bene liccbitmihi pfa!E.
M.&c. (>fj-//?ff/r;Vj) In cuius 6cc.

^ Mortgage sf L^nds cfrc.

Scft X\
nnHisIndemmc fc. Bctwecne %M^M tl)C onepattieintbe %U
"* '
1 atiD ^IcH.jr.f con tl)c other parfie,Witnc{Icth,tl)atU)l)cretfaiD
%M'Oi. bp t)i0 DceD bearing Date tl)S i t Dap of ttjis pjcfent monct^
ofjanua.^atljinfeoffcotm^.if.of, ano intl^e^annojofCtoitball
tis rigbis, members, % appurtenances in tbe faio Countic ic. ano of
ano in tt}e 0ouolfon,gift,free DirpoQtion, ano risl)t of patronage of
tbe Ke(to;p ano ^^aridiC^urci^ofC.afo^efatii* TohaucanDtot)olo,
(as in the deed afore verbatim &:c. ) afi bp tbc fame DeeO moje plainelp
map appeare. And whereas tlje faio 2:l2a.i^. tbe dap of tt)e oate ^ere*
of^atbcontenteD ano p^ieDtinto tlie faio C
U^* tt)e (umme of %u
iPbicl)fumnie of fc.tbefaioSD.lUKtuleDijctt) fc. tl)ereoffc. bpt[)efe
pjefcnts. It is now tt)rcto;e couenantco, conotfcenDcDfctbattbe
faiD D. tata. bcfoje tl)e feaft of Catter %u bp fine to be IcuieD in t^e
fiP.uccns ^aiettiea Court of l)cr Comon plees at CJaic.luljicelj faio
finetobelcuico in fo;mc afoaeratD^ai&Ubc totticu{e$anointent0,
Liber Mortgages. i fccundu s^
in (^efe|);efenter|?eireb^tt)ati0 tuia^^td t^C( of t\)t fatd m^S^*
ane I)t0afftgne8,\;iitiUt^e24*t)af ef ^an^ ft.ano ift^efaiti^.if
ic.no loell sttD tnielp content ant> pap, o; caufe to be ic. bnto t^e fato
SL!il*Miserecuto;fi(,tt)e(umofoneC.t.of gooDfconttje (aid -4 of
Sp.nert enfuing ic.at ic. 2Lt)Gt t^tn ano from t^encefojt^ after fuc^
paiment inaOr,tl)e ratDfinetobelemeDinfo^me afo;iefaid,0)aUbeto
tbc onelp l3fe of t^e faio WSlUf.\)i& beires ano affigneg fo; eoer And
if Default of (uc^ paiment be t)aD and maoe of tt)e fame fumnte ic. o;^

ante parcell thereof, at tbe time i place before limiteo fo; t^e paiment
oft^efame:tbet<anD from t^encefojtlj after fucb Default of paiment
maDf,tbefaiDfinttobeleuteD in fo;mafo;e(aiD,a)albeanDtnurefo)
ener,tc tbeonl^bfe of tbe fatD VCM\M^ Y^titts ano aaignesfo^eHer*
And fnrttjer ti^f^t be tt^e faiD bis beires, anD all f euerie otberpec
fen anDperfona,anD tbcic beires claiming t^e pKnitflfes, bg, o; from
tbe faio 2U*C[2Il*(ball at euerie time anD times Daring tbe f pace of ttoa
pea(0nert after tbe paiment maoe of tbe fatD fum of f can fo;m afo^C'
faiD,tob6n anD as often astbep o; ante of tbem ibalbe tberantoiteafo^
nablp retjaircD bp tbe faiD ^SK.jF.f C.as in couenamsofafluranocs. And
tbe fatD SC.^.furtber couenatetb f c.to i loitb tbe fatD ^*if .$c*tbat
trita)allbappenaS.latetoife of BIilto recouer bp Due ojDer anD
conrfe of tbe laf0,agaiA&tb^ faio Wi^f^B beirs o^affigns^tbetbirD
part of tbe p;emi(Tes!,fo? Doloer to b^r belonging after tbe Deatb of tb<.
faiD BIiL*2Ii:bat tben be tbe faiD!CM.bis beires o; adignes^from tbe
time of f ucb recouerie bao, anb after notice tberof to bim giuen bptbe
faiD ?ItSl.bts betres o; a(rigne5,(ball content anD pap pearlp to tbe faio
WMii beires o; aflTigneis During tbe naturall life of tbe faio 0one *
^t*orga).Dfc. in tbe feafta ofic. 0nD tbe faio I3vMcouenantetbfC*
to f tmtbtbefaiD m^H tbat if Default of paiment te bao ano ma{^ of
tbe faiD fum of one X*02 mv c.>at tbe time anD place before limite{>
fo7tbe paiment of tbe fame : Cbat tbcn ano from tbenrtfonb aH ana
suerie conenant f c. compnfeDin tbis p;erent ^noentureontbepact
oftbefaiD SS^*fc.tobeobrerueDo; performed, ano all ano enerie
iMnDtoberei^tbefatDCtlanDetbboanD fo? tbe perto;manceofti3e
(ame,07enteof t^m,fl^albet)tteilpboiDanD of mine effect* ^no tbat
tben tbe faib m* bis beire0 o? atfignes, (ball tottbtn one monetb neict
after fucb Default of paiment maD^ a0 isafo^efaio, Deliuer o; caufe to
be Deliuerebbnto tbe faiD sr.bi^bcires o; aflrigne0,notonLp tbe conn/
terpaint^tff tbts BtUDenture, feateD b^t^e faiD JC* ano aUfucb bonos
at^erM0^iS}all(tdnDbounDin,totbe4aiDQ![S. fo? performance of
ttfe^tmt^iiantis compaifeb in Wi^m ^^n^^wt^nm^^ irninHzn of
s^iih Cc 3 Unfit
Symb. Mortgages. part.primx
feo&emtnt mate bp tl}e laiQ CDnto t^e (ninm*^^, but alfo all fuc^
tecDg ft. aa ttie faiD 9tSl.iF.fc. C&all befojc tl^at tiuir baae rcctiucD bp
tbe Deliacrie of tbe faiD ST.bw beireie o; aaigncfi. And tbat ttcn,anfi
from tt}eiicefo;tt) aftcc fuci; Default of paiment maoc as 10 afc^cfaio,
tbc faiO Caa.jf . ano bt \^t\tt& HC. as in couenants of aflurancc. In wic-
neflc whcreot &:c.

aO .

THis Indenture fciSetvueene SI.^.anD ^4jt8 toife, atio j^. i^.fc.

Wicncflcth.SUbat tijc f aiD C
ano 3. iDitb tbeir otone toboU con<
fcntimD agreement^fo} tbefumme of c. il^ati) giyen ane scanteiric*
tjnto tbe Cato jii.anD biff bctita foj ctier,all tbat mcfuage <f c. To,hauc
anDtobul^tbe^aiDmcfuase ano Qt^ti tbc p^rmiifcs tuitb tbeir ap
pnrtenances to tbe fatD iF^.iJ^.bis beirea ano adignes , to tbc onelp t)fe
an)bcboofcoftbefamejpi.bibctanD affigucsfo; cuer. Andtbe
fait^C^BB^conenantetb ic.tbat b( tbe fam^jEE. anD:3.biS'tutfe,(baU on
t^tB fiOe t^efeoit of C( as in coHcnan Qinake Eitatcs.) j^eurttbeUft
tbefiiD il^^ooBnantetb f c (as in coucnancs to pay Mqney ) at tbc fealt
of te.S:^$&t tben ano from tbencefo;tb tbt0 p;efent bargnttie % fale of
t^e (aiomefuaee atio otber tbe p^emidrslbalbe cUerlp frodcatejboto:
ano of none effett.^no tbat tb^n aUo br tbe faio j^. bie^betrs i ctottb'
tnS.Dai00ner<Bftcctb<foU paimrntoftbc faio n*l* mfq^mtofoje^.
faititotts^ato^lbaU n[ure t c.o;caufe to e aaurei^fc.tp tbeXaio|I2*f i
^t0t)e4ce0f totbecnelp bfe oftbtfatDST.anD biebnrcofojcuervall'
(ucb eftate tc.of ano m
tbe (aiD mcfuage t otber tbe p;emi(re8, tubtcb
be tbe faiD jji.befoje tbat time fbal bnuc bao 0; rcceiueo oftbe faiD %*
bi0 9c.tbe fame meruagc anD all otbcr tbe pjemiiTes tben being clCDilp;
fiifcbargeo of ail troDble0,cbarge0 f iHcumb;iancc0.ba!)>mAi]ec; oonsr
liptbe faiD ij!i.bi0 beiten 0; aQiguc. AtW if u
OiaU f0;imi tbe (atp
2i:.biiterccuto;0o;an[igne0-, to make Default of paiment of IbefaiD
rr.^in fo^me afo;efaio to be paiD,o; anp part tbereof : Suben t^e faio
S^.coucnantetb f c.bp tt)efe p;eient0,ti)iit tbe faid bargainc anei fate q
tbe ffiiD mcfuage anD ot^et tbe p;cnit(tc0, flt^U flano anD teataine.tii
fuUftrcngtb ano effect fo? eoer. And tben,.fb faiD jpucoufinarrteibfliti
trulpto content anO pop^O} came to becotitetit0 aiK^patuti to^be CaiD
SE.bis fcr'l^.reaoueof tbe UlDm^* .^itbm one mpnctbnirt after
Default offjapRiisnt to be mt\^toi tbe faiD rr. I* 0; anie port tbereof> in
fojmc afcitjaio to be papct:,lfl>jije foil ano citefi^purtbafc of jtbe iiiO
mcfuagcr^ao otbcr tb< pjeeutjr.3)?). Jlnd li;(/^.fRrtbn' icouei$aiitip.iie*
tbatt^gfaio^.&isj^pue6 /^ eji^a^ca^fi l^li:Tlj^A(i jim^jliiiir^
i;fiui^ '^ atUc
^ )

Liber GramsT Va fecundus

after batgaW,fell,alicVTaf0,oj ott)criDifc put atoap tljt faio mefaage,
03 ott)er tbe pjemiCTcs, 03 anp part tljcrcof , to anr peifon oj perfous
but onlp to tl)e faiD ^.IjisJ Ijeires f affigncB : SDtje famej^.tiis ^eires
aiiD affiguf s, pacing to tl)e fato SC.tjis l^eircs, crccotoj6,o? affignes,
fojtl)cpurc|iafeof i^faio mefuagcnnoottjcrtbcpscnnffcs^afiniur^
moncp at foc^ Dates^anD in a0 bmft time as an^ oti)er perfon 02 per!
fonsluiUginemiOpapfo; tt)e (ame,l]pit|}ont frauo 0; toUuQon* In

iyiCMBrtqjtge of Lands,

T His Indenture fc. Witncllet fe, tl)at t^C faiO 0.S5. in CfittflfUerat^
en f c.ljatb bargainee f c. Dnto ttjc faiD C.SD.})i l)eire0 fo? eaer,
all t^at mefaage c, J^nD alfo all ano Ongular tlje rent, reaerfion,
Sea 4.1


A .

anD ot^er ^earcl^ P306ts lo^atfoeuer, referneo bp ariD t^pon iDtiatfo^

eaerle?>res,gifts,03grants,l)aD,inaDe, ojgrantctwfv p3cimlIe,oj
anp part t^cvof f c. And aUo t^e faiD %itX{^i tljc canfiDcration afoje*
(atDi)att) bargaincD %u Dnto tlje fai^C* H>* all bie c&atc,rtgbt,title,
intercQ:,poflclIion,reuerrTon,rcitiainDer, claim,! DcmanD,to,of,attD
in tl)e faio mefaage 03 tenement c And erccpt one cfcriptjObligatij"
en,03 (tatuteof tbe staple, iDbereintbefaiD ]a.B(tanDetb bounD to
one Cfe.in tbe fam of c. 3nD alio erccpt one Mecogni^sncetMbere*
intbefaiD^.lS. ttanDctbbounDto a.2EIintl)efammeoffc And
tbat tbe faiD C.2)bi beirsir^bp f^jce of tbefepjeCent BfuDetmres of
bargain anD fale,anD of otber conaepances of tt)2 p?emt (Tcs bercafter
to be baD anD maDe, Qiall nno mn^ peaceably anD qutetlpbaue, bolD,
fctbe faiD mefuage c^anD ener^ parcel tberof,to tbe onl^p;opcr bfe
of tbe faiD C4ID. Prouided alwaies anD ncucrtbelclTc tbe faiD CS>*

t0 contenteD nno pleafeD, anD fa^ bim (c.couencituetb tt (as mCoue.

nants)tbatif tbe faiD 0.1i5.bi0 beire0,erecuto?sj,a&nuniftrato30,o3 af
(ignc0,Doe toell anD truelp content anD pap f c. SL bat tben anD from
tbencef o;itb5afiuel sU conuepances ano a{rurancc0 maDe bp ano from
tbe faiD 0.XB.anD U^.anD all 3i5onD0,iDbligation5,(lI;ftatiite0,anO
iflcfogni^anfegjlDbereinanD bjberbp tbe faiD ^JB.aDDU.sp^arebp
ant niennes bounD to tbe faio C
2D as alfo tbefe pjefents , sno all
affurancce bereaftcr to be maDe anD paffeD bi bertuebcreof, fball be
ttterlv boio,frafiratc, anD of none e ffE(t,to all intent f porpofes m
tbe lato. anD tbat tben falfo tbe faiD CJBD* bis erecutojs, Dinimftra*
t03S,Q; aflign60,(baU anD toill ^ell ano crnelp Deliuer ^.(as in cotie* ,

nants to dehucr writings) all tbc faio conueianreg ano afforance s bn*
cancelleD;! all t (aiD bonD0,obltgatton0, eftatuts^f Hecogni$ance0>
Cc 4 ana
Symb. Mortgages. partprimoc
anD aU tl)c ane part of i^cfe pjcfcnt^ u
be ^ar cUeD. ^nt) (l)C fatu 3
ie.coucnanmt) ic.tliat if o^fa-iU bj maDe,of,oj in tljc paimcnt of i\)z

faio fumme of Cmarfecain part ojin all, at tljc cap ani) place afoje*
faio contrarv to tt>e fojme afojcfaio appotntco: SIbat tijen as luel tljc

faio conucian3,bon50, obligations, tftates anD recogniranccM

alfo tbefc pjefcnt ^nocntutc , nnD t^e bacgaine an?) fale af o jc wiatfe
flf tt)C faio mefuage ano p jfwifTcs 0)81 ttano, rcmaine,f abiDe in full

lato,to tl)e faio CC.E^.bi t)cirej5 ic In wiuieiTc &c.

'"' qpHis Iruicuture &:c. Wtcnctlcch.tbat tbcfaiU BJ.CfOJfC. to be

j^ luellano truly paiti b^tbcfaiD<Il;arle,l)it)eir,ei;ecuto38,abmi*
Mittratoj0,o? aaign3,to tl)c faio 3I. C.ljis crccutojs o? affign3,in fuc^
nianeci fojmeabcfeaftcri;itbcfepjefents O^allbeeppjcffeof men
tioneOj^atl) bargainco ano foio,an9 bv tbefe pjcfcnts ootb fullp anD
clerclp bacgainc all tl)e Tm mmoh^tVtomdcd altuaie,anD tljc faio
^.to} binUclfe c* ootb couenant f r. tt)at if l)e tt>e TaiD
bis f cDoe .

not toell ano truclp content ano pap, o; caufe to be tnell f cto tbe fain
3^CMfi 1^ tbe fumme of (c* ^) if tt)e faio * Doe fell,o; cut DoUms
of U)ilfulltoatt,in,oj\)pontbcp3cmiacoj anp parttbereofatanp
time bcfoje tljefoltenDanDccpiratioiiof ?. toljole peace ncrt com
ining after tbcDatcbereof,; if tbe faio 3BC. ^is fc.tuel anD trolp co
tent anD pap,o; caafe to be IdcU anD trulp contenteD anD pateD to tbe
(aiD Cbictbcires o; a(rigne0,tbe famme of ic.at anp time toitbin tbe
(paceof tbe fatD 7. toljolc peares ncrt enfuing anD follotoing tbe Date
of t^ete p?efentB, SCbat tben,anD from tbencefojtb ic. (as in claufcs of
Reentries.) And alfo tbat after anp ti)3nt,'Default,o; lach of patment
of anp of tbe faio payments of anp of ^ TaiD fums of monp to be paieo
bp tbe taiD c*bts \)tms, erccato;s,tc. to tbe faio BB.Cbifl erecuto;^,
aDminiftrato;8 0; affigns, itr maner ano f o;me abotie tnentioneD anD
fcp;e(IcD,o;anpmanerof toilfuU toaft to be Done 0; (uffereD to be
Donebp tbs faiD^.bis bnrs>ececuto)0,aDmini(trato;0,o; a(rign(,in
anD bpon tbe p^emiffeSjO^ of anp part tbereof, 0; of tbe true paiment
of f c*to be paieD bp t\)z TaiD Hl.Cbts beirs,eirec,aDmim(trato;0 o^ af'
Qgns,to tbe fatD Ql;.l)i0 beirs, erec, aDminidrato^s o) a(!(gn0,in ma*
ner anD fo;me aboue menttsneD anD eirp^effeo: tt)i0 p^efent bargaine
anD fale^o all ano euerie a(te,i Dceo , anD tbing bereafter bp an?
ineane? to be ^aD, maDe? oone^ 0; fnfifeceDat anp time befo;e tl^e eno
Liber FeeFarmc. \^ lecundus
anD t^c lerpiratioii of feucn reres ntxt commttijj affct tbe Date Ijereof,
foa,o? concerning tbc (aiD mano;, (|)all be botD iCt And t^at tlien alfo
tt)e faio CarMis ^ciref^ f a{rtgne0,anD cnerp ottjer perfon i perCon0,
fl^all SanD ano be poffeCfetranD rctreD,or,anD in t^e TatD mano; of m*
ano all otl)cr tl)e p2tmiffes,in tl^efc pjcfcnfs bargained f folD,to,ano
foj tl)e onelptfe i beljoifc of if faiD 3*Mb Ijcircs i m^ntB fo; euer,
anD to f foj none otber tjfe oj bfeg,
tijts pjefcnt bargaine f fale,03 anp

att,t)eeD,o; tbtng bereafter to beDone, maoe, o j f uffcrco at anp time,

befojc tl)e full eno i Determination of tlje faio 7. peares nejct enfuing
after tbe Date of tbefe paefentg, to tlje contrary tljcreof in anp loife
nottDitbftanDing, And alfo,if tbe faio , \)i0 beires,Emto?0,aOmi'
niftratoj0,o? atligne0,njall not,o; Doe not tuell i truely pap, 0? canfe
to be toell anD trueb contenteD 1 paiD to t^e faio |.. bis be(re0, ere
cnt9;0,aDminiSrato?0, 0? a(rtgne0,tbe faio fumme of ic of latofull
inonep of C^nglanD, in manner i fojme aboue menfioneD i erpjeffeo,
o}Do,o;fl^all commit anp manner of tDaa,in,Qa bpon tbe p;emi(rc0,
befo;e tbe full eno i terme of 7* pere0 nert foUoUiing tbe Date bereor.
Or if tbe faiD Bf.C bis beire0 1 c.(baU,o; Doe toell anD truelp content
anD pap, 01 caufe to be tuelt ano truelp contenteD anD patcD to tbe faiD
* \)is beire09erecuto}0,aDminiltrato;0, 0; aflrtgne0, tbe faiD fumme
flf c* of latofnll ic* in manner ano fo;me aboue menttoneo ano ejC'

pjefleD : Cbat tben ttje faiD (2;. bt0 be(rc0, erecuf o?s, i afftgne0, tljall
lioe,fuffer,anD acfenot3DleDge,all ano euerp fucb reafonable act tc. And
alfo it i0 conenanteD ano agrceo bettotrt tbe faio partie0, tbat be tbe
faiD 51 C. \)i& \)tix6B oi aatgne0:(^all ano map baue,bolD,anD qiiietlp
iniop ano potTeflTe all tbe faiD mano; of m* Uiitb tbe appurtenance0^
anD all otber tbe p?emt(re0 beretofo;e in tbefe p;erent0 bargameD
anD folD bnto tbe faiD ^.C. bis beires, anD aa'igne0,from tbe Date of
tbefe p3efent0 bntill ic. nert follolutng tbe Date bcreof, luitt)out anp
let,t3erati6,trouble,rute 0; DemanD,baD, maoc,o; to be baD,o? maoe,
bp tbe faio (H; .bis beives oj airigne0, bp bertue anD colour of tl)t0 pw^
fent bargaine ano faU Jn witneiTc&c.


A Feojfcment infee Farme

SCiant &c. quod nosI.T.W.T,;&I' M. dcdyn$,cpncefnH1us,&
hac prjefcncicharca nfaindcncaiaiadfcodi firmumdimifiniCiVMH.^
le W. voum gardinum cum percinehvocacM.iaceninN.iiicorjitE.
Symb. / Sales. part.primae
viz. Sec. quod quidcm gardinum Gniul cumalijsterris&tcncmcntis
niipcr liabiiiinus exdono&fcoffamcnco R.r.arroigcri. Habcndfic
tcnend totu praedift' gardih cum fuis pcrtinch pracf. N.h^rcd afllgh &
fuis hmperpctijum.decapitalibusdominisfcod illius,pcrfcruiciaindc
dtbif, 3c dc iure confueta. Reddendo indc annuacim nobis, haercd,&
afllgnatis noftris nomine feodi firmac&c. acquis portionibus,& faci-
cjtido irde fc^am ad curiam mancf noftri de M. in S.bis in anno, viz.ad

proximam curiam ibidetenendpoft fcflu&c. ctadproximamairiam

ibmtcnendpoftfcrtum &c. pro omnibus alijs fcruitijs, con(uctud,&
demand. t fi piqdid'firma a retro fucric in parte vcl in toto per quin-
decim dicspoft aiiqucmtcrminufolutionis quo vt pfertur folui dcbeat,
Auc fi pd feifla nobis hacredibus &
alligh noftris ad aliquam cur in
raancrionodropdidl' bis in anno tcnend, vtprardiflumcf}, fubftra^a
fueritjtnnc vult^ conccdit pfat N.pro (c, hxrcd, & afligfi fuis |> pfcn-
tcs.quod bene Ijceat nobis pfa: I. W. & I.G. & harredibus & affignatis
nodris in &c. et penes fc rctincrc quoufque dc pdifta firma ftp a retro

cxifi;ch,& cius arreragijs fi qua: fucrint, necnon dc (ubftraiCl' Ct(\x pr.X

dift' nobis,li(;rcd, &dfllgnacisnfisplenarie fuentfatisfaftu. Etfiprac-
didl' firma a retro fueritm parte vcl in toto p duos annos poft aliqucm
tcrminum folutionis eiuldcm, aut fi pdift' Icita nobis, hxrcd, aut afljgn
nof}ris ad aliquam curiam inmaneno noftro pditV bis in anno tenend,
vt pdidu eft, p duos annos fiibftraOa fucrit, tunc vulc & concedit pfac
N.pro fe,h^rcd,(3c affignatis luis per prcntcs,quod bene liccat nobis &c.


uijale ofUnds^referMittg Rent,

Sea.421. rT^Hisdecd3BnDentco r. Wltnefrah,fi)at3:.C2r.a(:l.lraegintn

I tcanobptijismr p;:efctit DaDDoegiucic.tol^.M.auD^.
^is tDtfCjOf JS.onc mefuagc c.To hauc and to hold all ano ftn^
gnlar tl)c faio mcfuogc U.f ^. anb to t^c bctres
ic. to tf)c faiD
fC* 0ni>fo?icraaltofruct)t(ruc of tbetrtiDo books bctU)cenctbem
lalDfallp begotten, tbc remainoer of all tbe fato mcfuagc ic aft^r tbc
Deatb of tbe faiD ^,% ^.to Vcit beires of tbc boDte of tbe faiD ^*laU)^
fnllp begotten, ano to brgottentand fo; Default of fucbifTucoftbe
boDie of tbe fsto ^ laU)fuUp begotten , tbe remainoer of all tbe fato
mefuage f c. after tbe oeccafe of tbe faio sp. to tbe rigbt betres of tbe*
faiD U^fo?aer^ Yeclding and payipg tljercfoje pearelp During all
Liber Sales. ^ Iccundus
auD cucrp t|e faio fcucrall cffateies tnfo me tijfe faio SST^MT.ttip ^tkcs
atiD affigncs foj euec ic.t.of latofnll CngUCft monep, at tl)c feaft of ^
iano^eU) tl}e 0pott,ano &.3!,515ap.bp euen pojtionitf, in tlje noto otoel?
ling \)Ouit of U. And if it Oall Ijappen IC. with a claufc ot rccmric if
the rent bee behind. Prouided alwayes, anDtJputl COtlUitiOlt foUoUl*
ing : ttiat is to fay,2Et)st if tl^e faiD ^.ano sp.o; tii\)tx of tijcin^ojtlje
l)cires of ttjeir tlno boDics bcttuecne tl)cm lal]ufult|> begotten, o^ anie
of t^6m,Do UjpU anD truelp pav,oj caufe to be patea to mc it}8 faiD M
m.o? my cettaine atturncp,mine iitms^mmto;, aominiftratojg,
o; anic of tl)eni,tt)e iutt fumme of oiu C.f of it. a? one tobole i entire
paiment fo; tt>e faio annuall rent,mefaage u* in anp featt of tlje faiD
fcaltfi f c.ljereaftcr foUotoingjOiiring tl)e fpac e of Op tutioU pars nejt
enfuing t^c Date l)creof,togctt)er tuit^ b.C. of tl;e faiD icnt in i^c faiiie
feaft of &.anD t^e 0poftlc, oj S>.3! il5ap.to be Due bp tt)efe pjefents,
iittl^e faiD nol Dtoelling l)oufe of tt)e faio m^mAn
ing fitft t^e faiD annuall rent of rf .bp yeare at cnerr of tlje faiD fcafts
anD term0 of paiineiit,in tt)e4t)l)ic^>a0 10 afo}efaiD,tt ongt)t to be paiD
gact)anD enerp^re, in maner anD fojme aboue in tl)X& pjcfent Cbat*
ter limiteD ano ei:p3cffeD,acco?Ding to tbe fo?ce,Effcct, ano true intent
0f tt)i0 pjefet cbarter.0nDalfo giaingto tt)e faiD Wi*mi*\)iB icnotice
anD toarning of ttje paiment of ibc faiD fumme ef ic. in fo?me aboue.^
faiMo lie paiD rU)eeb5 at tbe Ifaft befoje tbe paiment tl)ereof ; SC^at
ti)en itnttieDiatlpafter t^e paiment of t^e faio fumme of ^can manner
j(nfi fo^me afo^cfaiDto be paieD,tt)c faiD vearelp rent of r.p. ano eucrie
parttbcreofto ceare:,beD8tevmineD,maDeboiD,crtingni(l)cD, andtJt^
tcrlpaDnil)ilateDfo;eaerbptl)etep;efent0, o?clfe ttft fametotSano^
rettW(me,ibemt)ifuUfltrengtl),poU)eril3Ertuc. Inwicneflc&c,

'A ^^ *^*^ ^*^^ Bf.^ .Dotb couenant i c. SCbat neither be tt)e faiD Bl.ii. c^^^ ,
"^^ "'
Jt\ no) t)t l)eirs,no? anp of tl}em at anp time oi times t)ercafter fljat
0; tuill 8iue,grat,bargain,mo2gage,fcU, alien Jet oner, nlter,Difcon*
finueyo? Depart teitl) anp pact of enp t[)e mfuage0,lanD6, tencmts, f
}}ereDitam?Rts,aboe bercbp mentioneD to be bargairtcD an^ fslD,Qj
Diil)efbp t)e U)efaiD BC.noto (tanBctb anD is feifeo toan^ pcrfon oj per*-
fon0,otbcr tl^cn onlp to tl)e faiD iJi.E.o? bi&beirsjif ii)e fr^iD ipLo? bis
fC.UjiUgiuefucbp?ireanopjut'efoj tt)efamc,a0 Gjatl be fetDoUjnej
iftaDefanD appointtD bp C<aia3.3*CI5ano jj2.S> oj fo mani of f l^eni a/d
t^al?lftwetobielimng,att!jetimcoffucbfale anD alienation to be
itiaDe,uytt|ducbe fpeciall^ Ucence^f tt)s faiD j]^* ^
0; ^10 %t* Itr-a^aii
Syinb. Gifts. pait.primat

A^cnerall Gift ofgoods.
, y^'^Mnibus &c.Sciatisnicpracf.F. &c.dcdi{rc&c.W.W.&c.oinnii
bca.4 z 3 & &
\J 5o jj ^ catair mca mobil ia iromobilia,viua roortua cuiufcun-
quc gcncnsfcu fpccicijin quornmcunqiic manibus,fcu in quibufcunquc
locis cxiftunt : Necnon totum ius nieum, titul', ac ius tcrrrinof annorum
quoiumcunquc Habend' vt infra ^i j.b.pht W.W.&aflign foisimpcr-
pctuum. Incuiusrci&c.

y4ift ofgoods and chattels, wtth couenants to find the domrnecef"

fartes^and performe hism/i,

THis Indenture matt f c.BctwccncU. * tc on tl)e one jpattic, am

C&.of fc.on l^c ott)er partp,
Wkncfleth, tijat tire faio K. C.foj
tt)econ(iDcratton0 beicafter in t^efe p;eftnt$ erpKaen, t fo; t^ itiit
8ut) true vevfo:niance of fuc^ p;citii(rL'ii, Bi on t^e part ano beljalfe of
t^e faio 2D. \^i8 mtntoiB ano adtgnea are maoe, to be kept to tbe faiD
^.batt] giuen 9 granted c.to tbe faie SC.^.allbis leafes, farme^ianD
termc0ofycarc0, (battels, impUment0,bou(l)olDllaffe,beaSc0 ants
catteli,ano all otber bi^ otbcr qcdub, aftoell reall a0 perfonall, moae^
ablea0t)nmoueabUlubatfoeucr,tbc goloe, Olucr, ana totne,lubtcb
tbefaiDU.noU)batb,o2i0oluner of, 0nD cue mefuage fc. onelpep
ceptcD. TohaueauDtobolDtbe faio leare0, farme0, anDternie0 of
peare0,anDaUant)fingular tbc faio gooD0 ano cbattelf, anootbsc
tbep;emiire0 (crcept bcfo;e erccptco) to tbe faio SU* 1^. bi0 crcca*
toj0 auD affignc0, tobi0 anDtbeir otunepjopcrbfe auobre0. And
tbcfaiD i^.Dotb fortberantbo;i(eano appoint tb$ faio K^fs* ttf afite
ano ocmsuno all fncb ciebta ano fumme0 of monep a0 bee otuing bp
anic pcrfon u; pcrfons to tbc faio U. ^no furtber,to fue ano implease
anie of tbe faio pcrfons 0; Ocbto;0, in tbs name of ttjc faio U. a0 (ball
refufeo^Dela^tbepainientof tbe faib Debts o;futnme0ofmonep,at
bt0 U)ill snD pUafiitr. ^no after tbattbe faio CUjall receiue,obf

taine,gct,anOvccouer tbe faio fumme0 0} oebt0, SLben tbe faio U*

sotb further giue poioer ano antbojttte to tbe faio 2C4o tafae ano heep
tbe fame to bi0 otune tU ano commooitie , tottbottC mabing anie ac
compt tbereof to ibc laiDK.o? to bi0 erecato;0o;ic. And tbefatD
o^ oifcbargt a*
^.ootbfurtberp?on)trcto,tbe faio E.tiot to reUafe
nteoFtbefato Dcbtso^fummes of monei^fo otoing to ^im, loit^out
Liber Gifts &c; \ fecundus
tbe affent ano g(0D toill of tl)e fato C
firH i^ati ant) obf aitieD : |ti con'
fiDerationto^ereof t^efaiD 2E(I^fD;l)mi,tii,l^ fiot^couenantfc.
Si:t)at tt)c raiD C. ano t)t0 crecnto^g^f^aU and ltU ftnD ano p^outDe to
tl)e faiD K* Dnring l)i& naturall life , conucnicnt ano fufficient ineat,
Djinfe,anD apparell. 0D alfo one comcb ano Decent parlo? o? c^am*
ber fo? tljefaic J^. to lie in feuerallp, tuit^ fire ano canDle neceffarie,
tJwring feis natuiall Ufe,anD one perfon to at(f d tjpon Ijim During tl)e
time afojcfaiD Anclinorcoucr,t()at it (ball ano map be latJofuU fo) t^e
fait) \^Ao matte ano Declare Ub laH tl^ill $ Ceftament of gcoDit to t^e

balue of xl ponnD0. 0nD tl}at tljc faiD sr,fi)all ano iwill pap anD per*
fo2me tnfuct) conuenient time , adbptberaiDlaQ^UUnjallbeap^
pointeD,all fucb llegacies ano bequelts, a$ tlje faiD H. lI)aU giue ano
bequeatb) fo tbat tbe fame Doe not amount aboue tl)e f umme of fo^tie
pounD0 And finally tbe faio SE^^ootb p;omife ano graunt fo^ ^im,[)i8
f c* to content ano pap pearelp to tbe faiD ^** During l)\s naturall
life, tbe gearelp rent o? f umme of i c. at tluo feaftsj in tl)e pearc : tl^at

id to Cap,' at tbe feaftss of &. ^icl)ael t^arctiangcU

ano , t^ie j^nnunci
atton of our Haoie^bpeuen po;tion0. In wicnefle &c.

^ gift or grant sfCJoods.

THfs Indenture fcBetwccnc CM of tl)eCountieof^.<II;fquier Sea. 4 2;.

on tbe one partie,anD %WiMMi* t\)t pounger,! C W fonnes
of tbe faiD KMhVcit doer, anD cl;2Ua.M. ano ip,M Daugljters
of tbe faiD 2nC23.tbClDer en t^otber partie, WitnefTeth tbat tl)c faio
%Mi* tbeelDer,afkteU in confiDerattonof tljc naturall loue anD af^
fedoniubicbbebearctb totuaros bis cbilD^en, anD of tbcfatbcrlp
tare U)btcb be batb of tbeir preferment t aDuancement, f 0? Diners u
otber g(DD caufes bim Ijcrcunto crpeciallp mouing, batb giuen:,grann^
teD,f confirmeD,anD bp tljefc pjefents Dotb, giue,grant,anD confirme
tnto tbe faiD 3l.2i:tiatlil*tbepongcr, Co.tiUtlH^CBli? tam.ano ^M'i^*
tbeir erecuto?,aDminiff rato?s,anD affigns,al bis gcoDs ano cbattels
lubatfoeucr Ncuerthelefle, it i0 fuUp concluDeDjCOUDifccuDcD , anD
agrceD, bp % betluecn all tbe faiD parties to ttiefe p?efent0,in mancr f
fojmefoUotumg : tbat is to rap,2L;bat it (i)all % map be latofull to anD
fojtbe faiD KM'i^M]t elDer, at all auD cuerp time % times bereafrer^j
6tf^:ing b0 natural life,tf be remain fo long t)nmarteD,peaceabUr ano
quiellpto baue tlje bfe,occupaticn,incri ai'e^auD profits, of all t^e fati3

gooDsanD cb^^ttdSjlDit^out anrl*^1s)ful' let:, fmtjtroublejerpvaHfin,

Djiricumbjanceof tl;emtbefaiD 3.t:.taan)epomiger,C'D.(a;lH'0*
ano ^^tbciif eicecutojo 0; aDminiacatc;0>o3 an^ of tbenijOj anp otbee
Symb. Pav/p^.'s and Gages. part.primaE
perfon anD perfons t9t)atrocuer , claiming bp, from, o; tnber t^em,
o; anp ef tl)m : Kijtit p^efents, o; ani^ t^ins ttjerein contained to t^
contraciet'^ereofmany tuife notU)itt)ftanDing* Inwitncde&c.

^giftofGoodsyV^ncondUiotttofindeecffari^s ^c.

Sc(k.\i6. /^Mnibus5cc.T.I.fa!uccni5cc.Sciatismeprxf.T proccriis bonif-

VM-Zquc confidcrationibusmc fpccialitcrmouen!, dcdifliZjConcclIiflc,
6chocplenti fcriptomco confirmalTc A. G.dcciuitatc N. omnia bona
8ic.{vtfupra ^ii.verbatim)\r{2h^nS, &tcncnd omnia pdift' bona &
cartalla mea,vbicunqucinacnf fuerint, ac cactcra pracroifla prscfat A.G.
afligiiatis fuis impcrpctimra lea viz. quod ncc ego prxdift' T.I. ncc

exccutof vd adminiihatorcs mei , ncc aliqms alius nomine raco, feu no-
mine corum,aliquidiuf, proprietac, vclclamci,dc, autin prxdift' bonis
Sccatallis, ac ceteris prafinillls, ncc in aliquaindc pcella c'c fXtfrocxi-
gcrCjClaraare, vel vendicarc potcrimusnecdcbcmus quouiinuido infu-
iuf,fcdabomniaftionciuris, clamci, &: demand indc aifutur liubcnd
feu vcndic' pcnitus fumus cxdufi impcrpciuum ptr pr.tfcnces, fub con-
ditionefcqucntjviz. Sipracdjftus A. G.exccut vclairig^natifui mucni-
cni,(euinueniriracient tararoihipJift'T.l.quamcuidjm M.P.vidux
matiiraci pd Sccompcrcnt visual' &vtflif,hofpicium
&cubiliam, ac omnia &
lingula alia nobis &noftrura cuilibct ncccfla-
rio,cam in ^gntudine quam iii(anitate,duraii{ vita nacuraKcam mci di^i
T.I. quam diOx M.P. &
noftrum vtriufqucdiutiusviiicnt, nccnon
fbluactcufoluifaciat omnia hnndi dcbitarafta, nominal &
quadam fccdulahuicpfcntifcripto mco annex* Quod tunc p fens do-

natio bonornm & cacalJorum pd firma fit & ftabilis, ad proprjura vfum
pdi^'A.G.& aflignatornm luorum rnipcrpciuum, alioquin fi:uQrafic,
^cpronuUohabeatur. lu cuius &c

Pawncs and Gages.

^g<igc of Plate andGoods c^c,

Scft.4a7 ^Hislndcmurcmaoeic Witncdcth. tM tl^efatoK. fo;t^cfani

1 ofic, ^at|ibargaineD,folD,giuen,anDgraantco, anDinopen
ipackct of tt)e Citie of ipj. t)atb DcUnereo, ano bp i^efc pjefgnts Dot^
Inllp ano clcccelp bargame,rell,giae, anD graunt tnto tt)c faio K.^*
I)i0 e}:e(uto;0 %u aU iWi parceU of i^UU,i ^st^r impKmeDtiS liere^
Liber Pawnes and Gag cs; fecundus
tintier fped0e{i,viz.on$ botole of Glncr all ^\)iit, one tion^en of Rlacr
tpooneK tottl) fenop5,one UttU ^alt of filnec all U)^ite,contatntng all
together t\Dentt0 nine ounces, one pellolu C^eQ bouno toit^feauen
hioan barrcs of 3iron,anD all ano Gngnlar fac^ peeces ano parcels of
tocoWtn auD linncn Clot^,anD pelDter, as been remaining ano clsfeO
iDttbin t^e faiD Ct)clt,togettier tottt) one Couerlet of SCapiftcp luojb
one HSlaubct of UnQe iDcolfie, ano ftoo if et^erbeDs, f tU)o IDoulders
CnffcO toitl) feathers. To haucand to hold tlje faiD filuer boalc,niocr
faU,anD t\)t faio ocu^cn of filujt fpa)nc0, togcttjer toitb all f Ongular
t^c faio implements nno Huflty ano &U t^c pjcmiQes , ano euene
partanoparcellof tf)e fame, to t^e fsioC^.l)i0 erecntojs, atsmt'
r.ittratojs ano alltgncs foj cuer. And t^ie faio \X.* fo2 ^)im, bis ere*
(ato;0fc<ootb couenant ano gratint b^ tbefepjcfents, toano toitt^
tbe faio %*^*\)\6 ej;ecoto?s c. t^at bee tl}e fafo U at tbc time of f^c
Date bereof,ti)astrQe,fole, ano peeper ob^ncr oftl^e faio porcels of
piate,ano all ano Qngular otber tbep^cmifTeSjano eaerie part $ pac-
cell of tbc fame, ano t^en bao foil polccr, ano gcoo, iu(t, lalofnSl, ano
perfect rigbMitlejano intcre{t,to bargaine,fell, giae, grannt, 5 ntXv
ser,aU ano fingolar tbe p^cmilfcs, ano cueric part ano parccll tbere-^
of, in fojme afojefaio. Prouidcd alwaics, ano it is agreco beitoeene

tbe faio parties i c.tbat if t\)t fnio H.Cbis ecato;s,aeminiarato?0,

0; a(fignes-(l)all tcell ano traelu content ano pap, a; cMic to be paico
to tbe faio C^*bis certaine 0ttutne^ 0; crecuto3S,tl^e fumme of ic*
on tbc fcaft oap of f c Ebat tben tbts pjefent bargaine, fale,gift,ano
graunt of all tbe p?emia"cs,nno cnerie parcel tbereof, to be btteclp fru^-
Urate, boio, ano of ncne effect. And tbat tben aUo tbe faio parcels of
piatCjano all otJier V^e pjemiUss fi-all be bp tt;e faio sr.bis epecutc;s
f c.refcliucrco tc tt}e faio i^A}\s etccuto^s, aomini(frato;$ , c* at t\)z
mminonboafeoftljefaiDCtuitbintbe Citte of j^^.afo^cfato : anie
tbit'g before reciteo to tbe contraric in an|^ IjDife no:U}itbftanoing. In
witncdc whereof &:c

^Bi// ofSale.
BEcitknowiicbnfoallmenbp tbcfc pjefents,at31 3.2p.oflL. Sca.42S.
CD'entlemanjinconfiSeratton of tbe fumme of fii; pounosofla^a^
fullmonEpcfClDnglanOjtomc inl]ano,at ano bcfoje tbe fcaling er.o
Oclioerie berccf,bp J.C.cf JL E>japer,toell ano trueip papeo, luijere^
of ana tobcrelnitb 3 ooe acfenoiclcoge inp fclfe f ulb fatiffiec anu con*
tenteo > bane bargaineo anO folo, ano in plaine ano open ^^arhet
iDitbin tbe Citic of i^onoon 9 banc oelinereo fnto tbe im
Bl. one
Symb. keafcs. part.primae
golDnc of blacke ruffctcollnreti ciot^jfutreD tt)^ougi)otit,anD lateo on
tL}tt^ a bilUment lace,anii one cloaU of fatten, gatoco ijoitl) tU)o sart)5

of teluct rouHD about* To haue anD to t)plo tbe (aio soUine auD cldahe
before folD, auo euerie part tt)eteo<% tmtat^e faio 3.. C t;is ei:ecuto;$
ar.o aUtgneSifreclp^peaceablp, ano quietly, as \)i5 anO tbeu o\i3n p;o^
per gflJDs foj euer,toiit)out any let o? ceniaU of me tl)e faio J. ^. mine
cret utojs ano aO[tgnc^,o; an^ of Ma, anD luitt) lunrtantiL & agamft all
people foj euec bp tt)cfc pzefentsi Prouided alwaics,t|}at if 3 tbe faio
S.^p.mine crecutojg 02 afIignes,o; anie of b0, Co luell anD truly pap,
0; caut e to Ic psieD bnto tt)e faio ^* * bts f c. tljat tben tt)e (ale afoje^
faiD to be boiD t of none effect, 0} elfe to ttano 1 abioe in full Hrengt^
anD bertue ^ealeo toit^ mp feale c. Giucn lyc rj.Dap of #ebfc

-^^^^^ f^ Chaine ofGold.

HiEcIndcnturafaa'&c.intcrR.VV.&B.IVl.&c.tcftacur quoded*
R. vendiditB. quandani Cathcnam aurcatncum vnacruce aurca
fculpt, cum vno cniciHxo ponder in toto quinquc vnc* apprcciat ad C.
li.6cc.PiicdidiistamenB.viiIc& conccditpro(c& executoribus fiiisp
prxfcnccs, quodfiprediftusR.foIuat, feiiloluifaciatpr^fatoB.autfuo
ccrto atturnato,feu cxccutoribus fuis, fcptimo die menfis lulij proximo
futuro poft datum prxfentium x.li.&c. quod tunc pr^di<ft' B.delibcra-
bic feu dclibcrari facicc pr^fat R. auc fuo ccrto atturnato prscd' cathcnam
cum ctucc pd', abfq impetitionc vd contradtionc aliqua.In cuius &c.


A Leafeforjeares of a mefuage by 4 Corporation,

Sca.430. ^^*I"^"t"""^3^ctl)^ W^ nop of aant^02 4
I^Na ^'
veare of f c^Bctwccnc tKU.^.Citif en anD CD^olD?
f mitlj of Ji, Rafter f tbe guilD 0? f raternitie 9f

^ c.anD U.C'Cttt^en0 anD ^ercl;ant SLailo;^ of

il.tSEarDens of t^e faiD guilD oj fraternitie,on

^% tl)eonepartie,anDU*3>.oflL*(!l;fquire,ont^eo'
t^er partie,Witnc{Icth, tbat t^e faiD ^att.ano
^- MlarDeng,foj tbemanDtbeir fucceffoji,toit^
tl)ea(rent,tDill anD confent of allt^e b;etl);en anD filters of ttiefatO
fraternitie 02 8uilD,i)aue graunteD,Demtf$D,anD to farme Utten to t^e
faioi^*^* bf t^(fe p^efentSj aUt^attt^eicmsfungco? tenement ano
Liber Leafcs. ^ fecundus
aoto^ttiti^ Ixjttl) relUr^,roUer0,anD all otl^er apptirf^nances tl^creun^
to belanginc;,calleD 0X5.ret $ being in jTleetOreet in t^e fayt) pari^
of ^.SDttljat is to Uiit, bettuecn tt)e tenement pertaining to t^e oeane
anD Canons of ttie i^mgd C^appell of ^* toit^in tbe f^alace in M*
Bi ^C* on ti)e Cl;aa part, ano a tenement pertai*
tioU) in ttie boloir 6 of
ningtott'e faio fraternity ncto in t^c tenure of %M*mt^Bmt&
garoens pertaining to tbe miftttfo^ craftof C^DlDfmit^ec
f>art,f tl)c
of llonDonontije 0Q7tl) part, anot^e tenementB pertaining to tbe
faio fraternifp, to^erein i*^* toarcbantiler^f l.j? genfnoto oluell
on t^c ^outl) part To baue I fo ^olo tljc faiD mefnage, oj tenement
anootber tbe p;emiCft! aboueletten loitbtbe appurtenances to t^e
faio U*&* \)\s emuto?0 o; aligned? , from tbe featt of tbe 0nnumta'
tion of our blcdeo il* ti^t tirgin lad pad before tbe Date b(reof,bnto
tbeenoanDterme of rrr* i>earestben nertenfuing) ano fully to be
complete Yeeding ano pacing tberefoje |?earelp During tbe fapu
terme to tbe fa^o Rafter anD SSlaroens, ano to tbeir fucceffojs oj af*
fign0 ii^.^. of gcDD anD latufuU money cf CnglanD^at foure times of
tbe yeare,tbat is to ray,at t\}z feaQ of tbe jpattnity of ^Blobn ]15apt
^^icb^tbarcbangellj tbe jj^atiuity of our JLo?D C!?oD, f tbannuncia*
tion of our l^.tbe t^irgm by euen portions. And if itbappentlbc
faio yearcly rent of iig^f to be bebinb i bnpaiD in part oj in all by tbe
fpaceofone mo^ictbnert after any of y faio fealts of payment, at t^
iDbicb it ougbt to be payD : SEbat tben it (ball be latofull to tbe fagd
^afferano ^atDensauD tbeir fucce(lo;0, into tlje faio mefuageo}
tenement ano otbcr tbe pjcmiffesabouc letten tuitbtbappurtenan*
ce0,anD euery parcell tberof to enter anD Diftraine, ano tbe DiOreftes
fo tbere taUen,laU}fully to beare,leaD,Dnue,anD carrie aU)ay,anD t^e
fame to luitbbolD ano beep, bntil tbey of tbe faio yerely rent,anD eue^
ry parcell tbereof toitb tbarrerageg of tbe fame (if any be)bnto tbem
be fully contenteD,fatirfieo ano paiD. And tbe faio U*&.fo; bitn^^iis
erecuf ojs ano affignes couenantetb ant grauntetb to t ioitb tbe fayo
Rafter anD ^aroens anD tbeir fuccc(fo;sbytberep;efents,tbatbe
tbe faio U^&^bis ejrecuto?s anD a(rtgnes,at bis ano tbeir proper cofts
ano cbarges , tbe faio mefuage o} tenement, auD otl}er tbe p^emitfe^
aboue letten toitb tbe appurtenances , luitf) tt^t pauements ano iDy^
&;augbts of tbe fame, in ano by all tl)ings toell ano fufficiently fl^all
repatre,futtaine,maintaine,fcoure,anD cleanfe as often as neeo C^all
require ouring tbe faio terme, atto tbe fame fo repaireo, fcoureD anD
clenfeD,U}itb all glade toinDotoes, y^on Oco^es, locbes ano Ueyes(a0
it w tl)ereof anD tt)ereM|) not fully furniOjeo ano garni(^eD)at tbe
^0 eno
SymW / Lcafes.' pai t priniac

ittD of tl)c fame Uxmt (ball reclu Dp anfi leaae And t^at it fi)all be
latoful to t^c fait) spaftcr anD ffiaiarDens i tl;ctr fucccffoj3,at al time5

turing tl)c faio tcrme at tl)eir libcctp ano pleafurcto rcmc ano to en*
ter into t\)t faio msfuagc 03 tenement, and otljcc tl)c pjemiilc aboue
Ictten toitl) tl)apputtcnanc5,anD eucrp parccll tt)ercof,tl)ere to bieto
sinD fcarcl) U)bat icparation t^all be neeoful to be niaue ano Oonetano
iBpon furl) tieU) ano fcarct) bao , ti)e faio i\*&.fo?bini)l)ii^crccuto;0
8nD afligncs couenantctb ano grantctb to t iwitb tbe fato Rafter ano
tiaHarDens ano tbeir f ucccCCojs bp tbcfe pjefents, tbat tbe fame \ikW
tutvitois ant) adigns at Ins ano tbeir p;oper cods ano cbarge0,Q)aU
tuving i^c faio terrnc toitbin one quarter of a yeare nert after moni*
tion anc Unotole&gc to bim o; tbem giuen b^ tbe faio spaffcr f Mar*
tens , 0? tbcir fucceffo^s , toell ano fufficientlp from time to time re^
paire ano ameno, all fucb Defaults ar.D lacbe of reparations,ao tbere
fljallbapi^enttobc fcuno. And tbat tbe fame l^.tyiscrecutoifli ano af*
OgnciB During tbe faio tecme,n)all peareablpano quictlp permit ano
(nffertbc faio SE.M.f all otber tenants of tbe faio frntcrnitpotoel*
lingtl)ereabout, tobaucbfe, f eniopaU fucb ligbts, pcutboufcs,anO
otber eafemcnts as novo be ano appertain to tbcir fcncral tenements
m manflons,lDitl)out an^' ftopping,DarUcrting,emDav:i?ig,b;cabing,
hurting ano oimmilbing , ano Uiittyoutlet, interruption o;Diflur^
Ijancc of t^c fame l^.bis ere cutojs 0; ftnignce, ojof anp otbcr perfon
o;perfonsb^bi^o;tbeircommauncemnit meaner o] p;ocurement*
Andtbat it fliallnct be lalufnllto tbe fapg tX.bis erecutojcnojaf?
flgn8,tfl bargaine, graunt,altcn,lf t oj fet bis leafe, intereft 0; tcrme,
of ano in tbe fayo mcfuage 0; otber tbe p;cm-lTcs aboue letten, 0}
anp parccll tbt re of , to anp perfon oj pcrfons During tbe faio terme,
bat onclp at toill froiU pesrc to pcr.re, Inttbout tbe confent ano agrees
mentof tbe fapo ^dacraiiOiZ^aaDend 01 tbcir fucce(ro;s,6i ft bao
ano obtainct) in Ui^iting Iwocr tijs common fcaleof tbcfaiDfrater*
nitp. And tlje fapD tpafter qno Lvltar&ens fo; tbem ano tbcir fuc*
eiro2'^,coucnant ano graunNo ano initb tbe faio U.&. bis erccuto;^
c.tp tbcfc pjefcnts, tbat tbe fame Rafter ano C^arOcns $ tbcir fuc^
teffojsattljcirpjopcrcotlsf cbargcs Hjall beats 1 pap all manner of
quit rents , ano otber rents 1 outies if anp fucb be one 02 to be Due,
ano going out of, foj tbe fapo mcfuage 0? tenements i otber tbe p2*
tnitlc0 aboue lettcn Ouringtbe faiO terme, itierecfniall acquitcoif*
tl)arge oj fauebarmclcffetbe faio U.&. bis c. In witncdetnbcrcof ta
tbe onepartof tt)is ^Enocnture remaining Initb tbe fapo S^aftcr ano
Maroons ano t^$ic facvca0;d;ti}c faio m^^^^at^ ]^nt ^i feaUtano ta
Liber Leafes/ \^ fecundus
tl)8 ctljet pnt( of tl^t fame ^uDenture rcmaiiifitg tott^ tljc fame H. tfje
(aiD ^a&ct ariD ^atDeno tjauc put t^dr common ^eale of tt)e fato
IrafciTiiiie* Giueii [\)z Dap anD peare aboue fcDjittcn
ty^ Leafeforye^.res of a ho fife.

T His Menture |f> Betweenc E^.SD.f 0t)tS foifc on tht one partly, Seft.4 2
anoi^*^4Dti tlject!)erpattic,WicnclTeth,s:|)&ttt)e fames:* 1 3
t^e Dap of Jl)e mafeins l)cceof,l)aue DcmifD,betaUen,f f f t^e fato 0*
all f Ijcir mefuageoj ttnctnitMilj all (^cps,cllar3 f c ^to tfje fame be*
longing,fet,l|?ing,oj facing in f c. lul)icl> toas lately in f Ije tgnure 1 oc*
tapation of ^.C To haue and to hold t\)t fojcfaio mcfaage(vt fupra.)
Ycelding and paying tljt^refcje )>eit\^ Daring t\)t faiD terttic.to 2C| 9
todtl)er6f tt)r,tl}eti !}eirc5o^aaignsjti.f.of ic* And if it

Q)al happen ttje f aio ^et elv? rent of ic (as in Diftrcflcs.) in witncffc &c.

u4 Leafeforye^res with exceptions,

His Indenture ff.BctwccneST.I, If. Witne(reth,Sr!)aff^efatD^ ScA.432^

T 38Jo? fc* Ijatb DemifeD icall t^ofe Ijis mBraagc65lanD0,ic*CFcept,
t r.1lDaic0 refcrueD to i\)z fain E^B!onc clofe |c.0nD alfo all maner of
iucD f timber noU) grotDuig:,oj ticrcaftcr tc grotu^in t tpon tlje faiD
p?cmiffc0,D? any pact thereof, togetl)cr luit^ free t greffc 1 resreffe,to
fa^ tlje faiD VL,3A)\^ ei:ccuto?iS,a(f tgne0,feruantff,f U)o?l^emen,to f
fiom tlje faiD pjemiffes, as iacll loiil) fjo^fes carts,
as ot^ertoife, as
tucU foi il)c fcll'.ng,maUutccjf carrying aiuay of Idojd 1 timbcrja* alfo
fo; tl)e repairing 9 amenDtng of tbe eDtfices belonging to ^ p^emiffes*
To hauc and to hold afmuct) of llje faio lanes f tenements,! otljert^e
pjcmiCeSjas be frabolD(crccpt befoie ercepteD)to y faiD J.p.bifi^ txz^
(ulo;s I a((tgnes,from t^e feaS of t c* f 0; ano Daring tl)e terms of uh
^ercsjfrom tlicncc ncrt inf uing,f fully to be complete enDcD.0nD ta
|aue anD tc tolo as mucb of tt)e faio pjemiHTes as be ccpybolD.o? cnCto^
marie tenure^to t^e faiD B2*lp<tlis U* from yere to yere,as t|e fame co^
ppbolD may be lettcn U)itl)cut fo2feitare,anD not otljerluife Yeelding
and paying fe? all fingular tl)ep;emttiefi(ei;cept before ercepteD)bc*
ing frecljolD f c. anD foj all tbs reficuc of y fame pjemito being copy^
^clD ic. anD t^e faiD 3C.^ couenantetb ic. tijat the faiD '^,\)\s> ic Ojall
yeicly,! encrp ycrcDuring ail V^z faiD terme,enD,oj caufc to be foiiD,
one fufficicnt S:i)atcber, % ijis feruitoj, luitb fufficient mcat,Dnnfee,f
l)Pages9tl);ee Dai^s in t^e pere^at conueniint times? fo} t^e repairing
)^D a anD
Symb. ) Leafes. part.primae
ant) amending of tbe ttx^tt % bailding0 of tI)efatD p^tmidts.tl^e fatD
%*'^* finoing Crato i all otljcr ttjins necrllarp foj tl)e fflme iy. Dapcs
l])0}Ue,ano eucr^ of tijcmjroni time to time During all tt)e (ato tcrme*
And further, tljat 1)6 tl^e faio Bl.p.ljis crccuto2s oj affigneBjat ttje cnD
of tbe faio terme of j:tjvcrES,Q)all leauc all tl)c fence3,t)coge0,f gate
belonging to t^e p?emiire0,U)cU anD fufificicntip maoe i repaireD>ttie
fame 1 I)i0 erccuto^s o^ aaigncs , taUinn; in,ano tpon X\)z p;emi(re0,
(uffictent t^ojnes, ann otl}er conucnicnt fenfing ftuffcafi toell fo; tl)c
making ano repairing of tt)e faio fence5,^oges,anD gated from time
to time,tjartng all t^c faio terme,afi alfo fo? tbe leaning of i\)t fence,
|eOge0)anogates,U)ellanDfufficientlp maoe auD repaired, a i a^
f 0}eraiD,at tl)e eno of f)i0 termc^bp t^e aflfignement ano appointment
of t^e faio C. 3. bis c):ecuto;0 oj aHigneg* Prouided alwaies, tl)at it
0}aU be latDfall to tbe faiD 3. )^. tjis erecuto; 0; affignea, from time
to time} During all ttjc faiD terme, to take in ano tjpon tt)e p^emide,
imitfjout anp aCfignemcnt, as is afojefaiD, tbojncs, anD other fenfing
ttuffe, t&i lljc ftoppiiig o|gappes,nnD repairing of tl}C faiD fences anD
tecges, Co tbat tbe Came fenfing ano Hopping Doe not erceeo aboue a
toDDeatonctime:anptt)ing beretofoje in tbefc p^efents menttoneD
Jo tbe contrarie in enp tone notUiitbftanDing f c And tbe faiD 31
couenantetb fc* tbatita)allbclalDfulltoanD fo; tbe faiD %*%

erccutoj0, affignec, fcruants, ano U)O)Ue-folUe0,to entcr,come,anD

8OC into, anD from,tbegrounDd belonging to tbe faiD p^emiScs, fo)
tt^e felling.mafcing.anD carrying aluar of all fucb ioooD anD timber
90 tbe faiD %*%- bis erecuto;0, alTtgnes, anD feruant0,n[)aU from
time to time fell ano make. During all tbe faiD terme, toitbout let o)
interruption of tt^i im ^.^.biserecutojs 0; affigne. And tbat
%t tbe fame% bio erecnto; 0; adignrs, Hiall not at anp time,During
tbe faiD terme, barrp 0; bjeafec bp anp part oj parcell of tbe Clofe,lp
ing at C* B;iDge, parcell of tbe DemifcD pjcmiflfes, tcitbont tbe con
fent f agrffmentoftbefaio2r.3!.bi0erecutcj0oja(rtgnc0. And tbat
tbe muck 0; Dung tbat dial be maDc bp bis t^ojfes oj ^fjieat in i^z time
of tI;cirOanDingi, (ballbcbeftotecDvcrelp inanDtapon tbe arable
lanD belongmg to tbe pjemiffes And furthermore, tbat be tbt faio
% bis erecuto; anD airtgne0, (ball anD map ep;e anD f i^e anp of tbe
faiD arable lanD belonging to tbe faio p2emiffe0 (cri'ept bcfo;c ercep
teu) t|- peres togetber,During tbe faiD terme,anD not aboue, anD after
tbatjlet tbe fame lanD lie one pcre falloto. And tbe faiD 343 coue^
nantdb i c. tbat ^ tbe fame 3'P bis erecwtoj0 1 affignes, fball luell
anD f ufificientl^ paSure % feea ^U^in x\^z p^emide^^to anD f o; tbe fato
Liber Leafes. i fecund U5
jBD.|<^t0 eretatojd 0) flrigiie(,otie C>eIotn9if one nsilcll Cob> ^earl^,
anD taixit pearc tudng t^e faio terme. And alfo l^all fntXv giue ao
lwUaertot6efaio2D3!^iscj:fcuto;fio;airigne0,tU)O goooano abU
flD^ne ^eg9,tDeU i able fatteB at tbe coff ano ctjatges of tbe falD B(
^.^t5 (recuto}0 0) adifi^es.ano alfo one X5oarc gcsD ano able in Itbc
cafe fatteD,! reaote D^ciTecat t^e feaft of tt)e i^attiittte ic.pearlf and
euerte veai:e During all t\)t falD terme of i c <anD alfo S^all ^earclp ft.
tutll able fat,in anD Dpon tbe p;emi(re0, to atio fo; tlje life of tlje faio
S^3l*tli0 mcato;so;a(rtgne0,one)15nllacke, being of t^e ageof tb^ee
j^centobehiUeOji^earel^Deliocct^efameto tbe raio2r*31.bi0(c*
toU^in tUUitt of tbe p}emi(te0 at t^e feaft of f c. curing all t^e fdiD
tecmr* In witncde &c.
v# Leafrforjfe4res,reffrui)i BatUj.
His Indenture fc. BctwecnelS.2C. offc.anD W.0offc. Wit-
T neiTcth.tbat be tbe faib )& batb bemifeo ic.bnto t^e faio W*ia.tett
.crefoflanOfc/TohaueanDto^ola fc.Yccidinganb Delittertng tber*

fo2e.t)nto ttiefatD i^*C*^i0 CKccato^s anD aligns, at tbe late tnanlton

l)onfeof tbefato K.Cf r*bctU)0ene tt;e feaftof jail&atnt;,tubtcb ^^
be in tbepere of our IIo;d (0ud ^^p^ano tlje feaSof tbepuritcation

nf our ilaoie tt)en nert <c*rr.quarters of }15arU^ of gob meafure, ano

goo fiaffe I ttierc^antabltituell cleantcD, anb bp a lalfaU buOjell ts
be niearureD,fo2 tbe 6r(l ^carra farme ; rent of tt^e fame terme : 0nO
lietljueene tt)e feaQs of 011 ^aintd, ano tbe ^Purification of our Habie
t^en nert % immebiatlv infuing rr*qnarteriK or}15arlep of liKc co;ne 1
libe tiieafnre,at tbe place afojefaiD, fo? t^e feconb anb laitmrs farm
sftbefame terme. And if it ^appenti)e faib^arel^rcntfc. ( Asin
diftrefles.) And tl)e fato 21. 0. couenantctl) f c. to permit anb ftififcr
t|)efaiDU.(li5(c.farnier0of tbe folocourfeof (2;.tobauerucl;(l}acke
dpon tt) Demifeb p;emi(re6 iottb ttietr ^bcepe at feafonable anb con^
enitnt titne0, to bee accompteb from ^tct). till tfie Annunciation of
0ur!labie^earelp,aflt)eretofo;ett)ep l)aue Utofultp bftb ioitbin t^e
faib 2CoU)nc.And tt)efaib l^.Cfo? bim tc.couenantetb fc.tbatjbetbs
from time to time bnring t^e faib terme
faib )&.^i0 ei;ccttto;0 f c. (ball
acqutte,oifc^arge 0; faue Ijarmelcde tbe faio ^.bi0 erecuto20 1 c.ano
alfottie bemtfcb pjemilTess of all manner of outrent5,ta];e0,(ubribie09

ttt|)e0,tentbe0>farmes auD (l)arge0,tbat (ball be i(ruing,going out^o)

pa^able)Out,of,o} fo} tbe faib bemiCeb p;emi(re0, 0; anfepart tbereof
lejcceptt^epearelprentabouereferueo. And fnrtber,tl)e faio H.coue^
nantet^ c.tbat it fball anomap bee latufull bnto tbe fame M*btj(
mvoX^t (bftertue |i(reof;toit)aae,bolD, occupie ano inio^ t^e faio
^ ^ bemi#
Symb.' ) Lcafcs part.primat

^emifco fitmiM^ fo)

M^out anp
vcati? rent oj fatitie aboue rcferneD peaces
laUifull let ic ttnring tt^e TatD ternie tc*
abl^ ana quietly
Unitbatttje raidt8SIli3*lDtliruCftdentlyniaMeo;caaretobemaoe a|
trueano perfect SCecrac 03 bonDaneof euecte fenerallpacctllof ic. I
^otu ti)e fame noe Uc rcueraU^,butte,anD bonnD^and beltaei; tbe Tatne |
to tbe jl^.Co; bt5 \)t\xByW tt^e noi)3 oineUmg boufe
Cait) (c* befoje t^e

feattfcneytcnfiim0. In wicnclTc&c.

C//^ Cfiftendrtt that rentjhall ceafe vpon SuiEtion,

StCt 4 4.' A i^b bim

tbe faiD 3l51B.foj
bappe anie of p^emiaes
f c.t^iat if it

bolbeno;beptfrom occupation, pofTefTion o; baaing of ^.<!E*bt0


cicccuf ojs oj affignCjtbat tben tbe rent of tlje fame referueu to be pato
fi)nll ceafe to be paiD, During all fucb time as tbe fame fl)aU be fo kept

from tbe faiD W\ *W

licireB,crccnto> ( afTigne, f tbat tbe fame Wi.
bid u*fi)al qnietli^ banc,occDpie anD eniop tbe fame p^emiffes fo kept
from bim, bis erecnto;^ c* after fucb time as tbe former leafes t in '

terefts (balbe DetermineD,erpireD I enoeD, fo; f bntil tbe full enD anD
terme of tt}e full refl 9 refiDue of tbe faiD rl.vears tben bebtuD % not bp
biut occnpieD, anD fo; bp tbonlp rent afo;e referueD f0; tbe fame t r

yi Leaffforjedres ofa mefuAge and lands,

c. A . - . 'npHis Indenture &c. ISettoeene fsit 5 )S' Df 9t* anD <0. p. fc
1 Witncffcth,tbat tbe faiD 3.515. i c. batb DemifeD tc.bnto the faiD
(!D>^*all tbat mefuage 0; tenement calleD C i one croft calleD l^.ano
);n:acres of lanD tbsreunto belonging f c* To hauc. bolD $c. from tbe
tBf of tbe Date of tbefe p:efent0,bnto tbe enD 1 terme of t c. t fo; t du^
ring all ttie terme of one anD ttuentie t?ear0 tben nert anD immeiriate'
Ip cnfuing, fuUp to bee complete anD cnDeD , Difpunifbable anD loitb'
out impeacbment, of, 0; fo; anic maner of llrf pe, f poile, DeSrnction,
0; iuaft o{ toooDd Ui^atfoeuer* Ycelding anD paping tberefo;e9c*
And vetlDtng anD Doing fuite at tbe Court of tt)e faiD 3B>^* bis
beiresanDaCTignes, tobebolDenat tbe menne;of3.intbeCcantie
ofl^.ttuifeeueriepeareDnrmgtbe faiD terme tpon reafonable fom
monMRO in Defnnlt of eucric fucb fuite fobeebcrcafter maDe, fball
peelDanD pap to tbe fatD 3I*1SB. bis beires anD afifigncs, fo; tbe firG De^
f^tilt fotirt pence, tbe fcconD Default fire pence, tbe tbirD time (luelue

pence, auDfo fe;eucrie fucb Default to bee maDe after tbe afo;eEaiD
tbirD Default to bee maDe inuring tbe faiD terme, tlud fbHlings. Alid
alfo veelDing anD pa^iag bnto tt)e faiD 3^* HB. ^i$ b^ires iD afrigtttf,

Liber Lcafes, \ fccundus

at feaSof tbe i^atinitie of onr lto)D(0oD, \\)k^ 0)811 be in euer^

terme of 1 1 veares rr.0fo3 ano in refpect of a fine

ig*l>eare of t^e faio
anD ^enot,anD fo; ano in Dtrcl)arge of all otlier tt^eir tiutiea^feruicetf
flnes,t)enot0, ano DnianD0,oll)cr tl)en furl) a0 bin before in t^i pjc
TcntBinDcnturcrefcraeD, And ifit^appcnt^efaiDpearclp rcntpf ic
0^ tl)e fum of rr.g.rcferued fo2 and in refpett of a fine ano l}eriot,a0 iB
af02efatD, o; t^e faiomoncr fo} tute of Court , o; anp part 02 parcell
t|eiof to be bebinD bnpaieti after anp of tbe faio feaftg before bp tbefe
p}efent0 ItmitteD ano metioneD in lubicb tbe fame oBgbt to be pateDi
lieinji latttfuUp DcmanDeD at t^c nolo manfian bonfe of t^e p^emiifest
SDbat t^en ic.(As in diftrc(rcs)3!.3iBtbisbeire0,eirecuto;s,aDminiftra
to^0,o; airtgn0,inte tbe p2emiae0 9 oemifeD tenements to enter and
(iarain^anD tbe to Detaine and beepe^lmtiU tbep flball be fatilfieO ano
pateoeftbe fain rents, fines, ano fnmme0afo;efatofo happening to
be bebmd ano bnpaf eD, togetbef toitb i arreragcs tbereof,ir an^ fnc^
(ballbappen to be. And tbe faio B!*S5.$c* conenantetb f c* tbat be faio
B[.l!5*at tbe infealing anD Delincrie bereof Hannetb , ano is fole^onel^
antt tiQ\)t\^ feifep of tbe faio tenements anb pKmifleSiOf an ettate of
tnberitance in fee fimple,o? in fee ta ile generalUtoitb tbe reoerCon 0^
re mainder tbereof to bis"otonelicircs fo? eoer in bis otone riiifbtiano
to bi<g gton bfe toitbonta iii^maner of conoitton 0; ot ber limitat ion of
tjfe lfeicLiW3p alter, cbange, Dcltrog,oj Difcontinae tbe fam c,o; ang

parttbcreof,bpgcDD,perto, ano fufftcientconoelanccan affuranc|

in tt)e ano ^ be tbe faio 3i5. at tbe infealing ano^Delincr^bcrcof
^tbgoob^fall, ano perfect polver, anb latufuUaotboaitie to oemife,
sra^8irtrre,anbtonae^ tbe faib meCuage, tenement0,anD otber^e
P^emilTes ^tnto t()e faio (3*^* bis beires, emuto;5,aimintflrato|S9
anbadtgnes, accojDing to tbe cffedt anb true meaning of tbcCep;e#
finis* And tbat tberaiD3l5113bi3beires,erccutoj0,aOminiarato?s,
ano aflignes, (ball ano Ijoill, at all times bereafter During all tbe faio
terme of 2 i^eares,acquite ano Dircbarge,anD faue barmUire,afU)el
tbe faio (S5.p.bis bcires,erecuto;s, aDmmiarato;i0,anD afftgnes,anQ
all otber occupiers of tbe pjcmifres, as all tbe faio tGnement0,anD
p3emiffes,anb euert> part tbereof,of, ano from all former bargaines,
ges orrent0,anbaUitber cba rges f incnmbjances toSaff^ueryOtbic
tbcntlje rents, fefulces , anoTiimmes of mone^ in tbefe p^efefit %n*
bentures before refcruto ano mejitione^^^nHlbaf^^^
beires, emutojs , aOmini(frato;s> ano aaignes,anoeuer^ of t^em
ftoll ano mas at^l times I)ereafter7anD from time to time^onring tbe
Symb. / Lcafcs. part.prim
(oijLlerme of nU ^eareis, l)ane, l)olD, occup{e,8nt) intop all anD 0n2n<
lart^efatD meruageSjlanDS, tenements, ano ot^ert^efatD oemifeo
P2emi(le0,ano euerp part anD parcell thereof tDitt) t^ie apiiurtenati'
ccs^accojDins to tl)e tenoj,cffett, anD true meaning of tljefe p;efenti^*
toiy^otitanj) nwner of latofoll let,interraption,fqit, tjeration, impe*
jimftjeairtioiboj trouble of tl)e faio 3.S5 o? anp ot^er perfon o; pep
fon0,bf 1)J0 o;jl)eir comjoanDement , mc aneg) p?ocnrement,a<I<nt,
confent,occaQon, 0? agreement, o; UtofuUp clapmmfeoj^^
~oj mag bereafter latufuUp claime, from, bp, o; Unoer t^e falDlW)
~ ~^^

t^Leafe ofLordJhi^s hj a Dettne and(^anons,

^ ^ , Y'His Indenture fc.Bctweenc 3. \0.SDo(toj of tljeciutULatD,)tt)eane

:>ctt.4 36.
J, pj jj^^ CoUeogc c. ano tbe Canons of ttje fame Colle^ge on t^
onepartp,no a.j3D.on tfjotber pact?, Witnc(Ieth,tbatt^e faio ^twt
Canons bp tbeir tDt]ote f umtuall alTrt f*bauc BemifeD fc*t)n(o t^
faiD a.tbeir manOon o; oiueUing place of tbetr ^no; 0; ILojoO^ipof^
E.afo;efmD in V^t faio Countp of XS.latelp calleD f p3io;ie,U)tttr all^
t^e fctte f circuit of tbe fame manfion,bai;ne0,(labUs,ano all t)oare0)
builDingd,varD0,clofe0,o}c^rO0,garDein0, ponD0,anDlieUie0,coti>-
tatneo iuit^in tbe fame fci!e 0? circuite, togetber )s)ttb tbe Demeafne*
UnD0,meaDotDed>f palture9>litt)alUnii Ongulartbe appurtenait^
U0tet^cfaiDmanOon 0^ DU)tllingplac<*,^anno;io;llo;ofl^tp,o;ta;
an^ part 0} parcell tberof , 0? to an? of tbem belottging,o; in anp toif e-
appertaining, ano alfo all ano Sngular tbeir lanos, tenetnentt , me(M
iu)tee0,leafe0,pa(ture0, common0,fifll)ing0,tDitt; all otber ea(emet0^
psofilt0)ano commoDitiemi al otber tbeir bereiitAment0,tubatfoeuer
tbe?be,fet,l?ing, ano being loitbtn tt)e ICclunef fielDsof C
(aiD 1 0nD alto all tbofe tbeit tiuo ^iUe0,caUeD c.toitb all f flngulap
ttieir appurtenance0, profits, t commooities^ano Mb
all otber tbetr

mefoages, lanb0, tenements, mcaootoes, pattures, commonf, eafe^

inent0,p}ofit0,f commooities, U)itb alt Qngular rent0,reaerQon09
remainDer0, feruice0 of al tbe tenant8,a(U)el freeboloers as tenanti-
fo;?ere0,o)rromi>ereto?ere, cop?bolDer0,tenant0atlBill,ootber^
lDife,fet,l?ing,o} being, to be perceiueo 0; taben Uiitbin tbe totuhef^
pariQ)e0 o) fielO0 of 04
c*latel? belonging f appertaining to tbe faio
late ^i\ti%\t of Cafo;efaiD,tDitb all t Qngular t^eir appartenance0,

^anno; 0; }Lo;b(bip ofCluitb alltb^Oemeanes of

anDall tbat tbeir
tbe farne^t all mefuage r c (as ntm ibouc) ani^
t lingular tbeir otber
Mfoallmatier^jf fucHUb^lanosano tenement09tit|^ioUatioit0)
ttmthptm0,nnn tomm^mti lo^af foetter tie? htyiat^e C^nrcM
n( par{onage0 of 0** ano %* o; to an^ of t^iem noto belonging,
02 in an? Uiifc appertaining, o; Ui^ic^ at anp time ^eretofo^e ^ane of
rig^t appectaineo o; belonged to t^em,o; to ant^of tliem: anoalfo all
ano Cngulav penciona ano portions in ll* W
i c* toitb all rtgbt,p;o^
iBttball U1OOO0, t)nDectooob0,U)arreHO,anD ot^er liberties totiatfo^
eaer tbepbe^to tte faio#anno20 0? J.o?i>fl&tp0 of SC^o; c.ojto cither
of t|iettibelonging,oj in anptoifeappertaiBing,o^^ be fet, lping,o)
bMAgln tbe toiune0 f fielO0 of a:, ano !
c. afojefaio,oj in,o; bpon
an^of (be^^emides ic : cBrceptetano altoaies referueobntotbe faio^
JS>eane ano Canon0,ant) to (titir fucccffo^Siall fuc^ rents ano fruits,
pencions ano portions, lobicb be contetneo in a ^ceoule indented
tberof maoe, n to tbis 31 noenture annereo, amounting to tbe pearelp^
tmloe of rr.Ft* 3nO alfo ercept 1 rcferQeD bnto tbe faio S>eane c^all f^
flngtilar felons gt)S,reliefc0,U)atD3,marriage0,cfcbeates,bariot0|
amiotofons,! patronages of CburcbcSj inanptoifetotbe faiOiLojD*
(bipsbriongxnj. To hauc,ho!d,occupp, and peaceablpto polTcfc ano
iniov tbe faio flpannejf , 0? ilo;o(bp0, ano all ano lingular tbe
f cite,

pjenuOffs toitbtbeir appurtenance ( ercept befoje ercepteo ) bnto t^c

faio a.jD. f in as ample ano large manner ano fo;me,ano as mucb


fb: bis commooitte rpjofit, aseucrnpbcingpjio?of2nafo;efaitr,

ojanpoti^ertar-iitr, occupier, 0? pofffcHojof tlje fame^ baue at anp
timeberetofo^c UtofoUp occupieD,po(rcffco,o; iniopeo tlje pjcmilles,
oj anv pert m
parcell tbcrcof. Ycddinj and paping tberefojc pearelp
Unto tMato SDeane and Canons,and to t^eir f ucceffojs ic. And tbe
faid' a/conennte*b f* tbat ^e tbe faid 0. bierecuto;s oj atfignes,
(ball at Hs ojt^eir pjoper coflcs andtbarges , toellandfufftcicntip
^annoj placc,anb all otber boufes,
repatrejfiilt&in, t bpbold tbe faio
lirnes,and (tables, andalmancr oftefiementsano bupldings,noto
bupldeo : during tbe faid f erme of i c 0; to be buploetj to tbe faid ^a
no; of W* and 0; toeitbetof tbembclonging 0; appectaining/dtt*
all maner of bedgts/oitc^es^.and madS,of,anb in ttje faid lands of tbt
faid mano;04 otber t^e pjemiffeiTiduring tf^e (aid terme,and fo being
Idell and fnffirientlp repaired, in tbe end of tbefatd terme 6)aU leant
and pecld biJ tbefame* And tbe (aid S>eane an^Canonstooenant ^h
tobeare artdwaintaineallmmwr of reparattowlof Cbaoncels of all
fttcb C,bwrcbts as belong to an^of <b'faio i^ah^rojSiOMbat itotn bei
Sytnfcu >j: ) Lcafci. . part-primgc
tofepnetf, tiUagM, o; hnwAei before ttitntienf^, 02 bpfln anp t^e foi^
lanD0:,tep6ment0,o; ot^ect^e p;emillef .^ttoalfe t9 otfc^arge 0; faue ^
^antieltffettieraio Q,1S>, ^10 erecuto:^ aiiD aaignes ofall fac^ tbinf ii
80 are Due, bpreafonof compoQtionniatjebettueene it)elattp;io}
6f ^anott>e^arocbian0of fc. beaiinsDatett)etent^DfHlaniiarf>>
An Do. 15 50. as in ttieCaniecompofitipn ntg^ plainelp ie DeclarsD^}
And aUo tl)e TaiD 0. cournantitt) f c* to ncquite and oifc^ai'ge 0; faoc
^armelcde tt)e TaiD E^cane c. of anD fo; all maner of quit rent0,anD
otbec c^argc0 iDtiatfoeuer tt)ep be, Dne o) accufiotneo to be pateo out
of tt)e faiD }3anno}0 0; i.o2i)fl)ip0, 0; out of either of tt)e, 0; otber t^e
p;emiffe0,o; anr parccll ttjereof, to our foueraigne ilaop t^'^ntttiy
tbe ct)iefe llo;o of tbs fee 0; feed tbercof,o} te an^ ot^^r perfon o; per^
fons b)i)at(oeusr tl)ep be During tt}c faiD terme , bauing tt)etr cotnen*
cement beginning, ano being befo;e t^e Date of tl}efe pjefcnts , tbe

tentl)o;tent^e0outofanvof tbe p;emi(le0 Duebnto our foueraigne

LaDpt^e ^.onel^e):cepteD,lDbicl)t^efatD li^caneanoCanondano
tbcir fucccllo30 f^all beare ano pav,During tlje faiD terme. And more-
oucr,tt)e faiD ^cane fcbptt)efe p;^fent0 Dott) licence ano autbo^i^e
t^e faiD j^.snD alfo Dott) coucnant ic* tl)at be tt)e faiD SI* \)\b erecuto;^
0; afltignes, by bt0 o; tbeir fntf icient Deputie 0; Deputie0 , (ball beepe
tbc Court0 f Ecctes li)itt)in t^e faiD ^ano;0 anD ilo;D(^ip0, o^ toitl)'
in citber of tbcm,in tbe name of tbe faiDK^can, tob^n ano a0 often as
it Q[)all feeme gooD bnto tbe faiD 2i* bi0 cpecuto;0 o} a(rigne0, toitboat

feeo; oU)eraUoU)anceDcniaunDing of anp pcrfon o;perfon0fo;tbe

(ame^During tbe faiD terme* And alfo tbe faiD 3. couenantetb ic.ta
UQiejgatber>anDreceine to tbebfeof tbe faiD l^eane anD Canons,
anDtbeitfucceffo;0,aUfudb rent^asue ercepteDanoreferoeoontof
tbi0 BinDenture, 1 mentioneo inibe faiD &ceDule inDenteD, hereunto
RnereD,atfu{bttmea0tbe^a)aIlbe bptbelato recouereD,o;bpang
otbertDapo}meane0 fufficientlp 0; lalofuUptrieDf pjoueDagainll
tbe faiD tenant0 07 Deteino;0 anD luitl)bolDer0of tbe faiD rents anD
Duetie0 to be payable bnto tl^e faiD SDeane ano Canons, tnbicb be tbe
faiD 0.E>. mapobtaine o;get, luitbont cottd f cbarges in 1^ lato to be
maoe bp tbe faiD 0.fo} tbe fame, anD fo; tbe collection tberof to
i}aD 0;
oemanD no fee 0; otber allotoance tDbatfoeuer,of t^c faiD SDeane anD
Canon0 bpon bts accooipt tbereof to be maDe befo;e tt)e Huoito^s of
t^e faiD SDeane anD C&non0f t^eirfncceao;0Ouring tyi faiD terme*
Alfo tbe faiD SL* coninantet^ fe* to make papment,at anD ioitbtn tit
faiDColUDgeof tbe faiD i^earelp rent of tcequail)? at t^etermesct
sasmiHt before f|pc(i^Oa.tsl|et)^^so(tt^)S^Af9^ of t^efaO
'{ " *

Liber Leares. v /ceundug^

CoUeDff^ae W fi^nt peeper cotter ant) charged, loit^ionC alloUiaitce
takttif fo2 t^e fame, Dnritig t^e fato Utmt* And t^e faio H>eane and
Canons, fo;ttiem and t^eir fuccelTojs, Doe conenanticai^at ti^eac^
qnttance mat)e,feaUd, ano (igneD bp t^e Creafo^er^ of t^e fato CoU
tNm to t()efatD 0.tj btJf crecutojs , o;l)Uaf'
lcDfie,oj bp either of
ftgne0,foj t^e paimene of t^c tame pcarelp rent, oa anp patt o; parcell
tljereof^tn^ancr i fojme befo;e mentioneo,fi^lbe a gtDD,fare,$ fttm*
cient toarrant anD Difcbarge bnf o t^e faio Mii tttmtaig f aSttgn,
anDto^isojtbeirDepatte o^ ueputics fo? t|icpatmcnt thereof. And
ifitfcappentbattbefatDpearlprent of fcfobe bc^iinD ic. As in di-
ftrelTes. And if it bappcn tl)C faiD ^earelp rent of if. to bee
DnpaiD, in part onn all, iafter anie of tbofe fe^tta of p atmcntd befo;e
mentioned, bptbefpace of t^;eenionet^0, and lalufuUp a(ked o^de*
tnandcd, at, o; in tl)e fatd manDon toafe of %, afo;eratd, t ne fufftti*
v0nt dtSreSfecan t\)at be found dpon ttie tatd tenemenfs i pjemiflte^,
^'fbjt^e fame rent fo be^indc: SEbat ttjcnec A$ in Reentries. And
tbe faid BDeane and Canons do couenant f t *t^at if t^faid 0 Ijis m*
tutoid i alligneiJ, C&all fjappcn at anie time l)creafter to be euictcd o?
difpeffefled of anie of t^p;emiire0,o? anp part o; parcel tberof, ii?itb*
-oat (outn o; fcand on tbe part of tbe faid Si* \jis tumtoia o^afftgnesi
;Srbattbentberatdrentofir.l!)allbe appo;tioned and ditmnifbed ac<
;'cojdinglp,and after focb rate and pojtion, as tlje quantitie and balug
'B( t^e faiD lands,tenemenC9,rent0,beredttanienti, and otber datie,
parcell of tbe p^entiiles fo eutcted o^ ta^en from tbe pofTelTion o? octn^
pation of tt)e faid 0. bis er^cutojfi o? adtgnes, (ball amoant and arife
tmto* 0nd tbat it (ball be lalDfoU bnto tbe fatd 0. t)is erecuto20 02 af^
-RgntSjto default and retaine fo mncb of bi0 rent at enerte of tbe faid
paimenf0:2Ebi0 3Indcnturc r. nottoitbttaneing And further tbe
faid SDeanc and Canons.fo; tbem and tbeir fuccs(ro;!9,couenant,con
ClndC, graant, and pjomife fC. As in coucnams of further afliirance.
And tbe faid !^.coak*nantetb f c*to 6nde boure,lodgtng, meate, (table,
liap pjoncnJJf r fo; tbe bo;fe0 of tbe faio E>eanE 1 Canon0,ond otber
coming tuitb bin o; tbem inpjogreCfeonre in tbepeare, bp tbe fpace
of ttoo date0 and tU)a mgbt0,tbe faiD E)eanc 1 CanQn0 and tbeir fuc*
ce(lo;0,paping reafonablp fo; meat onelp 1 djinbe fo p;ouiDed,During
tbet(rmeato;e(aid. Andfurtbertbe (aid 0*roaenantetbir*tbatbe
|t0 erecuto;0 f aorigne0, fl^all at tbe end and terme of eaerp ^ peare0

(during tbe (aid terme) deliuer 0; caufe to be deli<ered bnto tbe fatd
^eanefc.tbe court ttoll0ti)ell andtruel^ ingro(r^dtnparcbnient,
at ^i0 and r^eir ci>(t0 anti (barges of fuci^ Court 00 (ball biheptin tbe
^S^imt tc.in manse i)efo; ret^carreO^a true Eerrar 9; bonDaiie cf all
|^eUno0 1 ten(ment,rcHt0 (erm(e0)bcing iparcell , 0; m
ante Uii^
?agf eitaining tp t^e (alD S^ano^* Andtt)e CaiD ,E>eane aoD Canen0
Docouenant (c.t^at (l}e^ (tjaUeliae^joacaufB^toiie Qsliu^reD lintetbB
(aU)d.fc^t(ucl) times afi tt^epO^albel^eunto rrnuireZi, one o) tUuj
iDftbCttmofiituie 2[:errdr0O3bon8acie0,iBi)erebptt)efaid^.bu(ere
cato}0o;a(It8nesmaptl)e better come to knotkHecge of all t^(aid
lanD0,tenemtnt0,rent0>anDreruicej( appectaifiiosJo (be rai(ma<
no20.An4 tbc faiD ispeane 1 Canon0>anD tbeir (accff9;0,all tbe ^ii9
^ano;5 9C* (As in couen^ms of qui^c cnioyingand(auioghatmei((k*)
And aUo tobcte tbe (ai( ja.Qaiioetb bouno tnto tbefaio E^eane tui
Canon0,f tbeic rncce(ro;0,bpbt0 beeoobltgatajte, bearing oatetoit^
Ibefe p3e(ent0,in tbe fumme oNotbe fato K>caQe 1 Canons Dee copc^
nant ictbat if tbe (aid a.biiEt f (Doe biell anutral? ebrerue)i?erfii;inf>
fttlfiUianD l(eepe,aU anD finsoUr (neb coaenants,srattnt0,p)oairoe
articlei^anD agreements conip^ifeDtn tbis Blnbentuces U)bict)ontbt
part anD bebalfe of tbe faiD 2i*\)i$ mcnioit, aDminittratojs^l afftgns
eag^t to be obfcrueD, perfo;meD, fui0UeD # kept 2Cbat tben tbe f Mo

;,;DeeD Abligato2ie to be botD anD of none effect, 0; elfe to itano in ^is-f|tl

firengtlXanD bertue. And tbe faio^eaneanb Canons t. tbat ilOiaU
be laU)full to tbe fatD '\^*\)i9 ei;e(uto;s ano alfigniS,to bauettotabe*
-liHranD t>pon t^e faiD lanDs before letten, competent onD fufficient
^^irebote,cartbote,plolpbDte,anD beDgebote, to be occupieD anD (pint^
^jin, anD bpont^elanDs anD tenements afo^efaiD, at all times fturinK
Q.tiiefaiDterme* InwicQcfTe&c

Leafeforycdres in the Cowt tfffardef.

TpHis Indenture tc. ( ztfttfr^ 330.) anD Wi*^* Of tbe otbcr partie,
^** '
X Wknc{Tcch,i:batourfaiD&oaeraigneJLaDp,U)iit)tbeaDmceof
t^e 1 CounCtl of ber graces Court of SiSIlarDS 1 ILiuerieMo;
S]^ after
anD in conODeration of tbt (nmnie of r. to tbe Kecemo; generaHo(
,t^e ^
.(aiD Court of ^arDs anD liueries^to ber bigbnelf e b(e in ^ano
paiebiis contenteD ano pleafeo to graunt, anD bp tbefe pjefents Dot^
gcant,Demi(e,anD to farme let bnto tl)e faiD ^jid.parcel of tbelanbf
anD poQTeltions late of C.)^. DeceafeD, in tbe Countie of Ci^ereaftec
particnlarlp DeclareD* viz. )ne tenement toit^ t^eappurtenam^^ fc*
-.i(Ricii}gal)(hcljU}dsparciciilarly.) All wlucb pHmiCTta bels^ere^

i citso
Liber Leafes. .-/ [ fecundus
titet),in K.C! 2C amount m f!)cii3^ole(o fb^ clerc pcrelp balnc anD
rent of rtlJt. iij.s being in ti)t Uanna an& poffcllion of car im ^oue?
raigne !Laoie bp tt)e minojitie of SC.l^.tbe ^ucenciS ^aicllies luaro,
ercepteD,anD allDatcs refcrueD out of tl}e (m
grant,all aouotDron0,
pjefcntattonis? nominations, gtfta of Cbnrc|)e0, ano fpiritoall p;o^
niottcn0,U)ooi)0)l)nDerlDoot)(,rauingrnd) 80 are before fpeciall^ na^
meD,toare0,mariage0jfentgt)t0 fce0,reltcfe0,fine0,^criot0, mpnes
of mcttall,flonc,sni3 coalc, rifing aD grotoing in anD fcpon tljc faiD
lanO0,tcnment0,anD otljer tbe P2emi(re0,toitb tfje appurtenancWjOj
anp pat t thereof, During tljcminojitie of tl^efniD tjcire To haueand
to hold t\}2 faio lant!0,tcnement0,anDotl)ertl)p3emiIe0,Ujitl)t|ie
appurtenances {mtpt befoje crcepteD) to tlje faiD Wi*^, and tis af*
figne0, from t\)t Dcatl) of t^e fatD !^. 6 Curing tbe minojitie of fl)e
faiD Ijeirc* Yeelding?nd payjng tijerefojc vf J^^^l^Oiiruig ^ im tcrmc,
to tbe i^u* feoDarie of ti^t faiD Countic of C* o? to bi0 lalDfnll Depuo
tie fo? tbe time being, to ber^igbneJrebfe,t^e fummeof ic. attbe
featt0 of c. b^ eucn portions. And tfje faio SE.|D*coucnanfetU f c.foj
t)im ano ^\& aOfigne0,bp t^iefe P2ercnt0,t^at be tbe fatD ^*p*anD \)i$
afligne0,ouer ano betiDes tlje faiD rent befoje rcferueD, fball alfo con^
tent f pap to tbe Uecciuo; general of tbe i .Court of CS^arDs i Mutt
xm,to tbe bfe of our ^oneraigne II. o^ of ber beires t f ucceflTo^s, all
fucb fumm0 of money,\Dbib fi)aU bereafter be founo Due 9 payable
in tbe faio Coart,foj tbe meanc rates 1 profits of tbe faio lanO0,tenc^
mentSjf otber tbe p;emiffe0,li)itb tbe appurtenanc es,t3ntill fucb time
S0 tbe faiD lanDs $c* be p^ofecuteD anD baD out of tbe bancs anD pof^
feffion of our taiD ^oueraigne il*o? of ber beirc0 ano fucceiIo?sbp %v
uerie,Ouftcr k maincjo; otbcrtoifc.accojDing to tbe o;Der of tbe %&\*
And tbe faiD W^*^* couenantetb icfoi bim ano bis airtgnc0,bp tbtfe
pjefentSjtbat be tbe faio S23.p.f bis a(tigne0,During tbe faiD terme,
bis anD tbeir otune p;oper co jis ano cbarge0 , make, 0? canfe
fi}all at

to be maDe, all manner of neceiTsrie ano nceofull reparations bptm

tbe faiD lanD0,icU)l)en anD as often as neeoefball require, anD fuf^
ficientl^ repaireD^at tbe enD of tbe faiD terme fbal leaue tbe fame, ano
fljall Di(cbarge,content,f p-ap yerelv all rents,tentbs, f ot^er cbarges
laU)fullp DemanDeD, f going out of tbe faiD lanDS,tenements,f otbet:
tbe pHmi(7es,\uitb tbe appurtenances.^no likeUiife alfo fl^al fro time
to time permit t fuffsr tl)z faiD i?eoDsrie,fo} tbe time being,to fnrue^
t^e faio lanDSjf c. as iuell fo; tijt fenoUJleOge of tbe perfojmance of tbe
couenants ccntaineo in tl)is 3!nDenture,on tbe bebalfe of tlje faiD M*
g auD W affignes, as of all Ujaite0,inconimoDitieS;t}wrtS;i Decades
SymbJ ) Leafes. part.priinx

alreacic fallen,ani5 to^cb map rife anD groto.fo tijc ^inDerance of tljc
faiDl)cire,ojtottieiRipaircraefttoni3c^aiccnc6 lic^ijt anD p3Dfii,anD
fl)allataUt(mesl)crEaftfr be contcnfeDta recciucanufulfiU all fuc^
futtl;er ojdecs latiitl) tl)e fain f^aQci aiiD CounccU fliall ta'ue foj t^e
uojclTe of anp fuel} Default fount feptbe faio furuep : S>o as neitljcc
tl)c ^uane,no} ijer !^isl)e6 faio 22aarD,oo futtainc anplolle 0^ pjc*
iuDice bp tt?eir ncgUgenccfoj lacfe of tbcii l;el pe, to tot)om f be cljarge

appsrtainetb. And tlje faio OI.p. coaeitantitb ane !;is af*

ic. fo; f)im

fignes bp ti)cfe pjefentiJjtljat if at an^ time t>ert'aftcr,fap tbe furuep of

t^e faio Rafter f Count cl,oj ^.np otljer bp tbe autl)oji5et),it be founD,
tcnance0,tuf re of nioje,i)ettcr,f perelp tjalne,02 rent, at tbe time cf
t^emafeingbereof,tbpntlje rent befoje leferuflD Dctlj amount bnfo,
o; ttjat anp rent oj p;Gfi:,tDljereof tbc u. cu^bt to be anftuereD, be a*
tnitteb, t not trulp reierucD bpon tljis Heafe : snijat tljen tb faiD Wi*
p. ano bis afftgntfl fljall content f pap pearelp, During tbc faiD terme,
to tbe faio j^eooaric toj tbc time beinij,to bcr ^igbncs bre,at J feafts
befoje limiteD fo? tbe papment of tbe faiD rcnt,tbc oucrplng founo bg
tbe faiD furuep to be aboue t^c faiD rent ft ano Hjall liltetoife content
anD pap tbe arrerages of tbe fame ouerplug from ibe beginning of tbe
3LeafeanD<0raunt.Andfurtbfr,tbatncttber be tbe faiDS2U.i3.noj
l)i0a(ligneB,fiiaUDoc ojfufFertobe Done anp ftrepe,(vcfiipra 3 69.)
And it IS agrceo en Ujc bvbnife of tbe ^u. bp tbe faiD ^. 1 Cooncell,
tbat bctlje (aiD M.p.i bis affigne0,During tbe faiD tcrmetball baue
ano taUe bpon tbe faiD lan?0 ic bp tbc atfignement of tbc faiD ^.auD
Coanccll, 03 anp otber bp tbcm ambo;!|cD, fuffjcicnt boufebote, ftrc^
bated cart^bote, onclp to be bfeo crpenDeD m f bpon tbe faiD lanea
$c. And tbc faiD ^.p.couewantetbic. (vtfuprasdp.) And 0)aU
once in cuerp pere, During tbe faio ferme,bjmg 03 ftnD to tbc SaDitoj
generall of tbc faiD Court of ^laurns f iliueries^bis acquitanceSjDe^
elating papment of tbe rent before rererueD,f bcre&fter grotoing bp*
on aUo bnng tbe fame leafe luitbin one balfe peare nert af*
tbifi leafe,(r

tec tbe Date l;ercof ,bnto tl;c 0uDitc; afojefaiD, to banc tbe fame tbere
inreUci5,a tbe fame SuDitoj mapbaue perfect UnoteleDge ano DnDcr*
CanDing bolu to cbarge anb allcta tbc faiD rcnt,02 otbcr (f;arge riling
Ijpon tbis lea^cat ali tims s,iubcn nees fi)aU require. And it 10 pjotti^
time beieaf ter,curing tbc faiD terme,it fortune tbe faiD rent(as in Rc-
cniriei i3c d jftrcllcs)fcntill bcr ti^igbnes be f ullp anftocrcD f paiD,aftijel
Liter Leafe)?. -/( feoindus

np claufe o^artu!^ btfojc aieutionsD, tljis Uafc oi anic tljiK^t^^rem

contaiujD to ti}e iontrai ie jcJii witndic ^cz/^y^/^r^? 3 3 o. ^.

A Leafeefa Bretvhotife,
T His Indenture &c. 3iee:liJccnga.215.anJJ(!t'.SD. Witncffctfijtljat Sca.438.
tl;e fdo ^.13.l)at^ Oemifco ic.to U)s faiC e.SD. all tljat ^15 bjcto*

l)otsfc,toit^ all alio fingiilai*tl)appurtenattCES csllet jj>.lct,l|nr.g 1 fae^

tug in i?.in ttjc parillj of f ctcgeiijec tuit^ allraaner iJcffcU j tjtenfila

tot|)CfaiDl5acto!3oafe bclon&tng, oj in aivc manner fcuife appettai*
niag^viz. i|.^o?fe ^il0,p3icc c.g.grcat leaoe, piice ?c one maUj fat,
together tuiti) all mancc of beUclg $ bten*
j)?if c f cr. bacrelJ5,p?tce t c

fili,contaiueDtna certainc fceoale hereunto aiimei'cD Tohaiie<3cc.

And tl)e faiD el;. E>. couenaiUett) ic. t^at t)ce tl)0 faio e. bis jr Iball
is;tU,tnielp an9 lafficicntlp laintainc, repaire, anD fuftame tl)8 faiD
l)jcluljoufpjbcffds,tinot)tcalJls securing tijefaioterme.Prouidedal^
laies,t^at if anp of tbe faio beU'els d? btcnfila fijall n<cO, During tl^e

fermc afojcraiD, bp meant s; of ciDnelTt to be renetocD : Slljat tbe faiD

^*%Mb |c. Ojallof bis anD tbeir pjoper coft5 ano cljarges, renelo all
ano euery f ucb bcflicU o^ btenfils to be reuttoeb as oft as nceo Hial xt*
quirt During tbe faiD tcrnic,S)ot^att!)c fame bee not b?.oUen 0? De*
CtoueDbpt!)e Default oj negligence of tlje faiDC* oj (jisfecuants.In
witncfle &c.
A LeafeofCorne or (Jraine bj the King
H^cIndcnturafaftaintdhumicg.cKvnaparte.&I.C.Militcxal- Sc(l:.43p^
tcfpte,Telbf qd' idem dhirs Rex per aduif^intconfili) cur Aug-
mcmac' rcutntioh Coron fi>:K,tradidir, conct fllr, & ad firnia dimifit pf.
I.e. 01a ilia diicent qnarttria hordei, & quadragint quarter frumci boni
&ruaiiisgrani,qu3c fiimariusfcu firraarij Rei'toriaedcO.jSc H.incom
L.pcel'pod.Dupcr MonivHtf deN.in com Ebof pro &
nomih redd (iuc
aniuialis firmae ciufd Rclof difto doniih Rcgi annuatim reddere de* &
fibcrare dtbe.Mt feu debet. Habend,gaudcnd',<Sc anuu af per cipicnd hor-
deucu ^f rumt pd pf.I. C 6c affi^n (uis^a fefto S. Mar Eiiang.vltimo pte*

ritOjVfq ad rincin ierni,& p termxxj.annof cxtunc proxicqucn ple- &

na? complcndof. Reddindcannuatdift' Dfio rcgi> haerrd&fucecflof
fuisxl.li.xiij.s.iiij.d.legarmonct Angrviz.propd'CC.quarterijshor-
dfixxx.li.&propd'xl.quarteffrurhuv.li xiij.s.iiij.d.adteftumS Mar-
ci Euang.& Kathef in hicm.vel infra vnum mefera port vtruniq feftu
feftor iliof ad curiam dVp xquaks portioncsfoiuenci durante teiBiino
prxdido &c vtfii^ra,

Symb; VLeafesi pait.primse

A Leafe ofa IVarren tfConies.

Scft '^^
THis Indenture &c. Witncdcth, t^at t^e faiD 5B. ^af ^ tismifeD,
1 c.totl)efaiD&.3.an?jE:.aUtl)atlDQrrcn called i5.t)eatt)U)acrm
in l^m tt)e faiD countte, bounDen as foUoinctt;, viz. from a place cal
leD CCI.farmc,t}nto a certaine clofe callcD !^. dofe if. tnto a certainc
loDge t^erapon : j^nD aUo tttcUbeitte of hceptng, fecDtng,f hilling of
(ome0,of,anD \ss\X\m t^c fartD grouno rallei} ^.a0 it is before in t^eCe
p;efent0limitcD % bounccn t ;^nD alfo t()e libertie anD rigt)t VubicU tt}e
(aiD Qll.noU) ^atb, o; of rigt)t oiigl;t to Ijauc, to fctc^ ^oriie,o; kill t^e
conies draping in ^.parhe f i^.clofes,o; an^ otbcr gr6unDS,lping on
tbe /lio;tb Ode of tlje beche running from Vuett fenne afo?cfaio,bnto a
b^oge calUD ^. ^tlo;eos bridge U3itt)in tt)e bounds of !^. % ii^.afoje'
faid. To haue and to bold ic. Ycdding f pacing f c. Prouidcd alluap,
and it is agreed betluecnetbe faid parties bptbefep?erents,tt)at tbe
(ame&B!.f E^.tbeirerecuto^sojaaignes, a)all notUiilUnglpruflfec
ante conies to b?eed iDttbin anie of tbe grounds lubcre tbe faid conies
(ball fortune to (trap as is afo^efaid, no; (ball bp tbemrclues,tt)eii;
aOTignes o? reruants,b)iUinglp p;eiudice o; dammagc anp man being
oiDnero; farmer of tbe fame grounds, bp breaking of tbe fences, o;
trigging of bis oj tijcir foilco; bp anp otljer tuaies o? mcanes,as little
as map be. And t^e faid ^.J-and lE.COUCnant C. as m couenants to rc-
pairc.And alfo (l)all leaue ttie faid bo^otucs tbe afo;e(aid ground i^

tbem demifen, lul)ole, tenantable, snd not mangled oj dccoptd. And

tbe faid ^.3i.f SE.doe furtl;cr coucnant ic.tbat tt)n t^e fnio ^.3[. and
2C.tbcirerccato;so? alTtgnes, (ball leaue, in, and bpon tbe demifeD
pjemilTes, ten bundjct; of lining conies, at tlic end of tbe faia terme
recompencebnto tbe faid ^.^.btscrecuto;so? a(tignes,fo; euerie
bnndjcd of tbe faid blacU conies tbat tbcn flialbc luanting liij.s.iitr.o
and fo; euerie buuDjco of grap tbat fljall be luantmg rrr. s tbe fame .

to be ^ietoed bp foure indifferent men, lubereof tluoto becbofcn b^

tlje faid cct.313.| otber tluo bp (be faid ^. and tl}e faid CCT. ^. to be at

And it is agreed letiuecn tlje faid parties bp ibefc

bis cboice tbcreof.
p}efnts,tbatiftbcfaid^. doe make cljotce to take tbemonep t^at
Ibalbc agreed bpon,tn lieu i recomptnce of fo manp of tl^e faid conies
as Ibalbcluanting after tlje rate afojefaid: SEbat tbcn tlje faid S>. 3
9 IC.tbeir e);ecuto;s o; fl(Tignes,(ball bane dap fo; tbe papment of tbe
fame monep agreed bpon,bntill tbe featt of ic. anp tljing befo;c in
tl^efe pjefents mentioned o^ contained to tl)e contrarie in anietvife
Liber Leafes. ^ fecundus
notlDttb/Santsitiis. And it is further agreeD lettodene t^c TatD parties
to tbefe pjcfent0,t^at ttje faiD ^3IsnD SCtIjeir erecutoj o; affigns,
(Ijal t ti;e eno cf eije faiD terme leauc all tt}c traps o? falls nol bging,
o; lt)tc^ Ijereaftcr Qjall be maDc, fet, 02 platiteD^m anD l^pon t^t (aiD
DcmtfeD p3emiaes,ano cucrie part tljereefjtoell anD fnfficientlg mane
anD planted* Inwicnes^cc.
'^ Leafe offijh andponds.

T His Indenture tfipavtlte inucnteo ic betlujxne sp.^.oHt^ene $^.441;

parttcaiifi ^.(JU.on tlje feconD partp,anD
tp,VVitneflcth,f l)at ti)c faiD ^ M
.CSH^cn tlje t^irD par^
l)at^ oemifeo c to t^e faio 2Ci

i^.M.aU tljofeMs 5poDles,ponDS,anDtiam3inp.inti)eotintie

one is caUeo f f.Damuie,tl)e otljcr is callcD %t*mh i^%
of j]5tol;erof tt^e
t^irD is caileD i c.astD are parcell of^, all tut^tci) faio peoUs and Dams
tlje faio ^,^* tjatl) of tl)e leafe ano tcmifc of our foueratgne iia^ftiv

Der l)er (^jaces ^ealc of ic To hauc ano to IjolD t^c faio tl;ace poUtf,
ponS0,ant} cams to ttjc Cao ST.C.^ts l;ctres t afligns^ from t^c feaH
of ic.tiert te.toit^ free entrp,egce(re,ano regreffejtc auD from tbe fai&
pc5le0,tt}3oagljout tt)c faiD pafturcsano clof es of tl)c faiD ^M.af all
times reafonable hereafter from time to time During tl)e faiD terme
In confidcration of tofjicl) leafc SHD DemifefomaDcto ttie faiD ST^
anD i^^uet.in manner anD fojme afojefaiD, tfjc faio 2: (E. m^^*Wi*
feuerallu coucnant ic^t^at t^c faio ^.During tl)e faiD tcrme, if Ije tbe
(aiD i^*Do fo long Uuctljal t}aue i^z t^iro part of tl^e faiD fi(b ttatiljal
com^fall,rifc,f grolu taitl)in tlje faio tl)30epooles,at enerp fuel) tims
as ttie faio sn^C.anD !pMo? anp of t^em djall Ijappen to let out t^e
fam8t^aeepoolS,o?anpoft|)em. Inwitncs&c.
Le.ife for jeArei of lands and Aiillsi

REgina omnibus &c. Sciatisquodnos dc aduifamcnto Canccllaf Sc^.441. &

vnius general' fiiperuifcfac attiirnac Curiae noftrx augmentation
&:rcuenc' Coronx noftf in abfenciaT.M. Militis alterius general' fu-
peruifof ciufdem Curiae pro fine duodccim lib. legalis 6cc. adraanus
Thefauf cur praedid' ad vfum noftruro prae roanibus folutjTradidimus,
conccf. &
ad firmam dmiifim** dilefto nobis A.D.omnes illas C. acf terf
&c.iach<Sccxiftehincommunibus campisdc C.incomnoftroE. &c.
accnam omnia 5c finoula vagaii & cxirah. noftf annua proucnient &
exiftch infra mancr dc C.pr3ed':N< cnon pafsagium aquae noftrae de D.
iuxca caftrum de C. pred cum omnibus & fingulisfuispcrtinmodo vel
nuper in fcpcral' tenuf fiue otcupationibus &c. Nccnon omnia ilia duo
molen noftra acquatica,ac vnum molcndinumiioftrura fullonicum cum
pertiii, ikuati^K cxiftch infa dominium dc C
pr^d*. Ac omnia domos,
EC dificiai

Syitnb.^ VlLeafcs. parr.primae

ficua,c6moditatS, & hereditament noftf quecunquc cum pcrtih diCiis
molend'jfiuceorumalicuiquoquomodo fpcftant ct pertinent aut cum
cifdcm molcndin ante hec dimifl. locat, vficat, feu occupat.cxi(!ch mo-
do vel nuper in tenura fiue occupatione &c. Quae omnia fmgula pr^- &
miffa func parcell* pofleflTiah nonf Ducatusnoftf Ebof. Except tumen
fcmpcr nobis hxred',5c fucccdof noftf &
omnino refcruat omnib' bofc*
txct))iioji~ &fubbofc',de,in,&ruper praeraiiLcrcfcch ct exifteh.Habend ct te-
nend* pracd' tcrf,molendJfi,ac caetera pr^miffa cum ptinentib' ( except
praeexcept) pfat. A.D. Militi, execut &
affi^nat fuis,a fefto &c.poft dat

pfcntium.vfquc fincm, terroinum, et pro termino xxj. annorum cxtunc

proxiihfequcntj&plcnariecomplend*. Rcddcndannuarim nobis, haC"
rcdibus,ct(uccc{loribus noftris,de, et pro prxd terns et ceteris praeroiC-
fisinfeparalib^tcnuffiueoccupationibus prxd &c. vtprcfcrt, cxjfteh,
vj.li.acdcctproprzdift'raolendih ct cxteris premifl. in tenura dift*
&c.vt pracfcrt,exiftch,vj. li. legalis monctre Angliae ad fcfta 6cc. vel in-
fra vnum mcnfcra port vtrumque fcflum fcftorum illorum, ad manus
BalliuorumvelReceptorumpra'mifforumpro tempore cxi(lch,perx-
quales portiones foluend' durante toto termino pracditfl'. Et prardiflus
A.cxecutof,admini(}ratof,et afllgnati fui omnia domos et aedific' prac-

sni{rorum,acomnesillasncce(Iarias reparationcs premiflorum in omni-

bus,& per omnia, dc tempore in tempus, totics, quoties ncceffaf et
opportunum fuerit^bene et fufficicnt fupportabunt, fuftin cbuntj& manu*
cenebunCjdurante termino prxdif^', ac tencmenta ilia ct prxnuIT. rufEi
cicnfreparaf in fine termini prxdift' dimittcnt.Et vlterius volumus,ac p
prqfentcs concedimus praefat. A. D. executonbus ct aflignatis fuis quod
bcnelicebit ek de tempore in tempus, capcre, pcrcipcre,<Sc habere com-
petent Qi fufficicnt houfcbote, ct maererh, ac hcdgcbote,fircbote,plow-
botc,etcartbotc,dc,in, Scfup pd' tent & praif. crcfcent ibidem & non a-
libi,annuatim expend' 6c occupand durante term p>d'.Prouifo remp,qd
(1 contigerit pd fcperalcs rcJdit,aut corum altcrum a retro fore&c.quod

tunc et dcinceps hxc pfrns dimif.ct conccfs.vacua fif,ac^ nullohabeat

aliquoinpfentincotraf ind'nonobfla.te,etaliquoftatuf&c.Incui'5rc

A Lenfejoryearei oj Charter Unds K6 Cofihold,

npHis Indenture 5cc. ilBef tUCCne 3! 513. aD %. !^. Witncffeth, ti)at

ple)Of,anD in t^c xmm% of m^n t^e faio coantie of il^.anD aUo of cer
tain^ msfuage^ f c. in m* afo;efaio ;^no Uij^e alfo ti)e (aio J*%*dX
Liber Leafes. fecundus
ti)t fpectall fuit attt; DeCre of Diuersof ^!i tenmU of t^efaiD mano?,
i0 pleafeo ano contenteo to oemtre ir* t\)t fato pnrct)afeD lani;0to t)i0
faio tenantd>in tl)e manner i nature of copvljolD lanD0 of t|;e faio ma
no;,aB neere ns ma^ be,to ti)e intent:.tl)at tl)ep tl)e fame tenant( ma^
better maintaine tl)eirboufct}olD3 anD fflmilic:l)etl)e famc3!B.bot&
bp tl)efe p;efent0 Dcmife ic^tnto tt)c faio SH.^.onc mefuagc ana fojtp
acres of lano ic To hauc and to hold t[)t faio mefuage i c to t\}t faio
S^.^l)i0 f c. tjntill tl)e eno ano terme of f c. t^en nert following f c
Ycclding and paying t^ercfo^e fc* And alfo pcarelp During t^efaiD
terme, (euen boone oa^es : %\)at i6 to faj^jtlno plolu Daied,tt);ee bar#
ueft oaies, one Ija? Da^,one tuceoing oap,ano in lifec manner f fojmc
as t^e copp^olDer^ of ttie fame mano} oo ano Ijaue tifeo to oo fo^ t^eir
boone oaies. 0no oucr tt^is alfo,ttDO )^ennes ^erel)^ at tbe feafi of u*
0nDalfotcnnegge5atcBafterpearelp During i\)\s pjefent Jleafe*
0nD alfo fuit to t^e Court of t^e fame mano^ yerelp, During t^e faiD
terme, as otl}er auncient cnftomarle tenants doc fo; tljcit Cop^^olDS
of the faio manoj. And tljc fate C^.foj f)im,l)is Ijeircs.anD affigng,
Dot^ coucnant $c.to content ano paV tnto tlje faiD 3^,ys* ft^ l)eire0,
erecuto;s,aDminiftratQ20,anD affignes, otoners anD poCfenfo^s of tbe
(aiD manno?, at all times, ano from time to time oaring tt)i0 p;efent
leafe,at euer^ alienation,Qmife, o^ erctiage, thereafter to be maoe b^
tbe faiD %,^* bis betrs,erecuto;s, aDmintttrato;s,o? a(Iigns,o} an^
of tbem,of t^c faiD cttate, leaf e? o j terme of peares, oj of anie parcell
thereof, o; of o j in t[)c pjemillc0,lctten bp tt)is pjefent 31nDentare,oj
an^ parcel of tt)e fame* And alfo at euerp time ano times tbat tt)e (aiD

ST.l^.tjis crecutojs, aDminiffratojs, 03 aHignc^jHiall Die poffclIeD of

t\)t anp part o; parcell t^cre^
faiD eftatc,leafe,o; tercne of pearefi,o; of
of,o;of,o; in tbe faio p;emifres,o; of an^ part of tbe fame, anD all ano
eaergoti)erl9tpfl Departing bp an\? otljcrmaner of means from tbe
poffeflTionof ttjefaio pjemiffes^ oj anp part tt)erfof,tU30 fillings fc*
fo; euerp acre, in tbe nam e of a fine , anD fo after ttiat rate fo; euerte
part anD parcell of ti)efametobealienateD,e);cbangeD, 0; Departed
latafuUp iuitball bp tl)c faio :.lj% bis Ijcires, erecutojs, aominittra*
tojs, o^adignes, o;anie of tbcm, at anie time o; times bereafter,
iPbereof tbep 03 anp of tbem n^al Die pofTedeD During tbc faio leafe,a0
isafoaefaio Prouidedalwaies, tbat t\)z faiD K*]^*\)is erecato;s,
ano affignes , ano eaerie of tbem ,anD map alien tbe fame piv
tnilTeSjOjanp parcell tbercof,from peareto peare onlp,anDnot otber^
toife Dcmife 0; alien tbe fame pjcmiffes, 03 anp part 0? parcell tberof,
lit^outani>fiineo; (ommeof moneptobepaieDtot^efaiD BI^SB^bt^
Symb. Leafes, partprlmx
|)eite0 anD a(Iigefi,foj anp M oemifc, grant,03 leafe,oj alienation,
from ^eace to i?earc onelp,af5 is laft afojef aiu. And tl)at alfo tf)c faiD
%.'^*\)id eFecttto;5,nDnmuttrato;s,anD aatjjnciJ, ano euerp of ti)cm,
fl^all at all time0, ano from time to time pearelp, During this pjcfent

3leafe,Doe (uc^ fuit to tljc Court of tlje ^^5anno), as \& bcfoje remcm*
bjeo ^nD alfo Doc ano bcarc tljc reparations of tt)cfatDmefaa0e0,
tafeen fromtime to timcbauingfur^ timber as is oj Ojallbegroto?
ingtjpontbe faiD pjemiacs,toUjarDstl)c fame And oner tbat,QjcU
beare, crecutc, ano pay all ano eocr^ t^mg t t^ing is fo; tl;e faio pjc^
luiffcs, taken bptljcfep?cfcnt3noentures,ratablp,anD in fuel) nian^
Mer anD fo;mc, to all intents ano purpofcs, as any of tl)c cuftomarie
tenants i copvljclDcrs of tl)c fame manoj doc o; ougljt to Doe fo; their
cuttomarie latiDs i tencments,parcell of t\)c mano; afajefaiD, of t^e
lifeebalueanDquantitie. And tbe faio ST. fo; Ijimfelfcfc couenan
tctl) ic tljat t^t faio g.lB.f c. fl)all anD map inclofc anD feape inclofeD

fo muclj of tt)e pjemiUcs Icttcn bv tUcfc pjcfent 3SnDentures,as at tljis

time not inclofcD,anD eucrt parcell thereof, foj all tl)e Hiape of tlje
anD aflignes, being oUiner oj oluners of tt)e faiD
faiD 3;.X3l)is tjeires
tnano;s,anD of nil ano eucrp t!)e farmes of tf)c faiD 3 iS.ljis Ijcires o;
allignes, o; anp of tljcm in tlSJ. afojefaiD, parccll,o; belonging,of,8;
to tt)e faio mano? ^txt\}^^ During tl)is pjcfent leaf c,in tbc open time of
t^t V^rCjin as ampl3 ano large maner anD fojmcas tt)c f|iD 3.113. bis
l^eires o? affigncs, Cl)onlD,migl)t, o? ougljt to bauc Done, it tijis Icafc
l^aD neucr bin IjaD ne mnoc And it it ttjall fo;tune,tl;at tbe faiD X,lh
l)i8 crecnto36,aDnunittrato?s,oj affignc0,oj any of t^em, at anp time
02 times Ijcrcaffccr, Dujrtng t\)iB pjefent Uafc,U}illinglpanDaDuireDli>
to interrupt ano Ditturbc ttje fatD 31. 513. i c . 0.2 any of tljem, 0; Ijis oj
t^eir farmojs flfo;efaiD, 0; any of tf]cm,quietly to bauc,bfe,take,anD .

inioy tl}e faio grounds to be inclofco fo.: ilieepe^in fuel) mancr t fojmc
as is befoje oeclarrD Hljat tben be
: tbc faio SC. 19. fo; euerp fuc!) Di*

fturbance oi interrption,as is afo;ermD,fi?al fojfcit i lofc to tlje faiD

3.13.1)15 Ijcires oj affignes,Uo;Ds anD olunecs of tlie faiDmano?,fucb
paine anD fammcs of money, cs bccnc bercafter crpjefTcD : t^at is to
fay, fo; tbe ficft interruption o; Ditturbancc as is afojefalD ru.fi. foj

feconD interruption 0; Difturbance ibit|. li. ano fo; tbe tl)ico inter*

ruption y.s. ano from tljenccfojti) fo; eueris DiOurbance 0; tnterrnp^

tion ttoice Double tlje paine ano fummc ncrt bcfo;e t^e faiD interrnp*
tion* And if it fljall foKunc tljc fnio a^* 113. l)is crecutojs f c. at any
time 0; times bereafter,During tbis p;efent IL eafe,to maV.e Default o(
payment of t^e faiD yerely rent,in fo;me bcfo;e remenib;eD, 0; of tl)e
^ '

Liber Leafes. ^"> iecundus

faio runrnie of monp in t%t name of a fine oj finee, o; of t\)t faiD pains
o; fo^feitares, in maner ano fo;nie before occlareo to be patec, o; to
b;eake ante conenant o; grant before remebjeo, l^bicb on ti}e i^art of
t^e faiD K*'\$,\iis crecatojg,aDmimttrato5S,o? antgne6,are to be pec
fo;mcO,paiO 02 kept : SEt)at t^m it Sjall be latofuU dnto tbe faio J.iS
U^ Metres ano afftgnes, oUiners ano poffefiTo^s of tbe faio manno;, to
enter into all anu fingular tbe faio ic As in diftrc(res,ano tbe fame to
netaine ano heepe bntill tbe faio Cic* tt)e faio veaclp rent Gball oluell
ano truelp content ano pap tnto tbe faio 1. H5* bi0 beireis 0; afftgnes*
0no tbe faio gne0, patncs, forfeitures, ano fummeof tnonep before
rememb;eo, tottb tbe arrerages of ttie fame if anie tball be, ano euerie
parcell tbereof,ano alfo C^all baue maoe a reafonable recompence ano
amenD5 to tl)e faio Bl ^* t}\s \}tixt6 0} afligne0,of, ano fo; tbe breach

ofanie conenant or conenants before remembreo, ano for anie oam

titagebvt)imortt)emfnttaineo bp reafon of tbe fame. And alfo a0
often a0 tbe faio pearelp rents ano farmes, ano tbe faio fines^paines?
forfetture0,or fummes of moncp f^all be bnpaieo, or ante of tbem, 0}
amecouensntorconenantsaforefaiod^all be brolienonring tbe faio
termeof itjrcc peares* Prouided alwayes, tbat if 2C1^. bi^cj^ecu'
tor0,aomim(!rators,or afftgnes, Hjall 00, or toilltnglpor negligently
fuffer to be oone, anp li^aft m
tbe bonfes or builoings'of tbe faio mef
fuages oemifeo bp tbefe prefents.ano tbe f elfe fame luafte Ojalbe laU)<
fullp prefenteo at tbree of tbe mott t (uall courts of tbe faio manor to
be tbere boloen nert after tbe fain toaft oone ano committeo, ano rea^
(onable amerciaments ano paines tberefore prefenteo ano fet bp tbe
homage of tbe faio manor for tbe time being, ano at tbe Courts of
tbe faio manor :0no tbat if tbe faio Ijpafte be not amenoeoano repat*
reo toitbin one quarter of a peare nept enf utng tbe faio feueral courts
before remembreo,anolatufullli}atmng tbereof giucn bv tbe}15ap^
life of tbe faio manor for tbe time being to tbe faio EC.^.bis crccutors

or alltgne0,at tbe faio mefuage : 2Lbat tben it fball bee latufuil to tbe
faio Bl.)15.bis beires ano aaignes,ano euerie of ttiem into tbe faio ma^
no}f( As in Reentries. InwitnclTedcc.

tyfLeafe ofa Tarfonageforjeares,

THis Indenture maOe $c. Bctwccne %* K. anOl^.^Hait. f C Witncf- Scfl;. 444.
reth,2nbat tlje UM.$c*batb oemifeo ic. to tbe faio %M*%u
all tbat tbe C^arcb Uectorie, ano ^arfcnage of %* aforefatOi \x^ tl^e
anO tbe manfton or otocUing bonfe of tbe fame,
faio countie of ^o;fe,
toitl)aU ottiet^oafes, eoiaces? ^no builoingS; orc^aros^garoens.
Symb; "^ yLeafes.^ parr.pnmac

glebe lanoefi ant) ot^et meaeotoes, pattures, cflmmons^tuotjesy

coale, and codU-mme0, ten^, reueraons, (eruice0, titles, fruits,
p2oGte0, oblations, obucntionf, commoDities, emoluments, pojtu
0n0, annuities, franc^iCes, cafualties, loarDes, marriasco, reliefes,
c(cl)eates,^eriots,tD(DQ0,tnDerU)CDds,conrts, perqulGtes of Concts,
anoaDuantageSjtoitt) tfec appurtenances to tljefaio Ct)arcl), laec^
tojic, ojparfonage belonging, o? tliereluitl) berctofojc bfed , let*
teco^ occupieD,anD accepteo,an6 taken as pait, parcell, o;mem'
bertljcrcof,ojofanieparttt)ei;eof :5lnD ^DuoVufon oftlje ;aica*

rage of S^. afojefaiD, in ttic occupation of tc Except onelpanDre*

feroED bnto tt)e faio U. anD t)is affigncs, one Cbamber opening in*

ihi t^.LyjfiCU
totl)eCburcl)varD of 2:afo^efaiD,anoic. titl)fi:ecingreffe,egreire,
anDregreire,toanOfrom tt)e fame. Tohaue anotobol^allt^efaiD
Cbtct),l^eito;ie,o; parfonage, flpanfion boufe, Cottages, CDlcbe
lauDs anD SCit^es, ano otber t^t Demifeo pjemifltes, iDitl; t^e appuc^
tcnances(ei;cept before Bj:cepteD)bnto tl)c faio IS. bis epecutoiSjao*

miniftratojs , ant> affignes , from tl)c feaft of f c. bnto tbe full enD
anoterme of tbaee peaces tbcnce ncjct enfuing fnllp to bee complete
anoenoeoCiftbefaioiS.fo longooe liue) ano (o from tb;ee peaces
to tl)3ee peaces, confinuallp ouring tlje tcrme of one ano ttoentie
pearesnert enfuing ic of f c. if tbe fato H fo long Doeline* Yccl.
ding ano paping (c. And if it bappsn tbe (aiD pearelp rent of ic*
And tbe faio IS.fo^binifelfefc.tbat bee ttjcfato U.bif erecntojs,
aDminiftrato;s, anbnITignes,ano euerie of tl)em, at \)is anD tbeic
otone proper col!es and charges, t^all ano tstll at all anD eaerie time
ano times bereaf ter During tbc faio termes, toell anD tofficientlp re*
pairf,maintainc, bpbolDe, ano Ucepe tlje Cbauncell of tbe parii
CburcbofSTIafojeraiD, anD tbe (aiD ^anOon boufe , anD allotber
bDuresnoU) being feto^buiDeDDpon tbe DemireDp^emitreff, o; ante
part tpreof ( crcept befoje cyceptcD ) U5itb all manner of neceffacig
^tyMirJ repamtions, toitbin reafonable anoconuenient time after foc^re'
parations o^ amcnDment of tl)e premises, o? of ante part tbereof
ttjallbeneeDfull, ano in tbe cnD of tbe faio tcrme fo rnfficientlp re<
jiaireD anD maintaineD to Uane tbe fame* And tbe faiD ^.iS. cone*
nantetbc.tl)atl)ctbe faio Cbis
ano a(Iigns,anD euerie of tbem,at bis anD tbeir onl^ proper cods anD
(barge0,(ballanDtDillfinDanD giuc tnto tbe faio U.M
anD bis af^
fignSjfuflficicnt gtafle auD pafture fo? one gelDing,nagge,o; marc, in
fucb parts of tt)e Demcane lanDs of tbe mano; of E. aro;e(aiD,as bo;^

fes o; ielotngs (bal go ano paflpure in, from tbe firE Dap of ^ap,bnta

Liber Lcafej. fecundus

tlje feaff of &#artm tl^e Bifl&op in tointer, pmlr euerp ^cie JJiiring
al t^e faio tccnieAnd to gine ano oeliutr tnto tfje faiD W yercli? ou*
ring t^ie faio termer, at t^c nianQon Ijoufe of t^sfaiD patfonagcjtiro
fatficient toaine loaos of goeti l)ag,anD tljjec rucfees of goo coale,co^
tnonlg caUeo fca-coale, 03 done- coaU And t^at fje t^c faio KM^
ccatojs, aDminiltrato?fi,snS!airigne0,at l)isant)t^di: proper cotts
anocl^argegjl^aUanDittiU maljc, bcare,anDpar>allmanctotiFirC
fraitSjarent^s, &abfiOtes,iHfCccn0,^tnoD0, l^jojcies, ^cneuolen*
manec of of^cr charges, outif b, papinents,finefi,fummes
f e0,ant) all

aB ot^ertuife, totjic^ uoU) be due, 03 at an^ time |jcre
f fje faio parilli,
after During tlie TaiD terms fl^albe Due 0; going out of t^e faio c^nrc^,
reef 02ie, j parftnage,o; papble fo; , o? bp reafon of t^e fame to anie
perfon 0; perfons Daring tte feiD terme$,ercepf quarter fermon0,bi>
fitationfs,anD feruing of tt)e Cure of f tje faiD parity* And t^e faiD U
fo;ff to,anDtuitl)t^efaiDS:,bifierecuto303aominiaratO3S,anDaf' . 1, j-j,
0gne0,anDeuerpof t^m,paptngtl^e rents, anD perfojming f be con* ^'^'j^^-^-r^
titions ana couenatg in tijefe p^efents trpjcCreD, on t^eir partg to be
paieD anD perfo^nteo During all tbe faiD termer (if tbe faiD l^.fo long
tMs liue ) t^allanP map peaceablp anp nutetlpfaaae , liolD,occuppTano

iniopalltbe faiD C^urcli, l^etto^ie, anD parfonage^manGonlioufr)

cottage, glebe fanD0, \\K\^t% a nDallotHrtbe Dem<fe Dfenemet0 ani>
p^emiffesJpjt^ t be apportenahceg (e rcept befo;e ercepteP) acco?Dins
to t^elrue meaning of tl)efe pjefentKtoitDout an^latofull let, fuite,
trouble, cuittionoj eFpnriton ft^c fatp CTO
CYecuf 020 03 aPm ini^
ttraf 020,0? anpottjer perfon 0} pcrfonsl atpfHlIp baaing any cff ate 0?
ano in tl^c faiD DsmifcD tenements a nD piemtflfeM ? ante
intcrett, of,
partttere of, bp tbegift 02 graunt of t^e TaiD K.dtber tljen t^e faiD C
anDMJ^^.anDttjeiratfigneSjof fncbp^rccllsof t^efaiDp2emitIe0,
a0 are bnto tbemyo; eitt}er of tbem graunteD before ti)e maUing bere*
of And tbe faiD )^. f 02 bimfelfe, bi0 erecuto20, anD aDmini(irato20,
anD euerp of tbem, DotbcouenantanD graunt ic. to ano toitb tljs
faiD 2n. fc tbat be tbc faiD 1^> iuill notatanp time During tlje faiD
terme0, refigne, peelD tjp, 02 ercbange tbe faiD JBcneficc oj tXecto2(e,
02 tafee anp otber 515encfic8 toitb cure of foules , 02 be abfent 02 non-
reCoentfrom tbe fame iSencficc , contrarpto tbe fo2me of ttjc S>ta<
tnte in tbat bebalfe p2outDeD, 02 Doe p2ocure , caufe, 02 futfer to bee
Doneanpotberacto2atte0,bpmeane0 b)l}creof be &)ailo2 ma^plaU)^
fullpbe Difmi(feD,DircbargeD 02 Dep2iueD,of,i from tbe faiD beneSce,
oa^lT^i^^bp t^^ P2oit0 thereof ^all 02 map be lalofuUp fequeSreD
Ce 4 0
^Leales. part.primx
'o;lol)ic^mapoj mifil)t in ametoifcbc pjeiuDtdallojtiurtfulltoti)c
TaiD XMM& crccutojg o; at! gncjj, in t'oe ^aumgano inioping of tie
parfonage ano pjemittcs, oj anp part tt)reof During ttie faio terme,
tontrarp to tl)e true meaning l)creof. And t[)c faio lE.fM^at all t^c
faio glebe lanD0 belonging to tl)e (aiD Uecto^ieQjall bcoccupieoou'
ring all tbe faio ternu0 (o Diftinctly ano o;oerlp,^ tl)e fame ano cucrie
fact tl)erof,fi3aU ano map fufficientlp be fenotor.e to be t\)t glebe laO0
of tbc faio Uerto2te0,ano not to be cofufeolp plotoeo o;mmgleD toit^
otberlan05,to tlje Dif-inberitmg of tbe faio K2I2Il. ano bis fucce(Io;s
parfons tbere. Andtbe fato i^. couenantetb anograntetbbptbefc
p;e(ent0,tbat^etbeCaiD 1^. at all times conuenicnt. During tbe faio
terme0,(ball ano Ujtll oiligentlp teaib ano infoime, m to^iting, rea
Ding,anD tbe Hatin tongue, all a.Vo eucrp f ucb cl)ilo,ano cbiloje of tbe
faio C* as During tbe termer (ball fo^tbat purpofe repairebntobim
tbe faio ]^.in tbe pariO) Cburcb of Cafo2eraio>o) in fome otber place
^-*^ fojtbat purpofe mat ano conucntent. Andtbatbe tljefaioU.^ICl.o;
^ -
Us f nfflcicnt ocputie o; Deputies, fball tocU ano Duip fer ue tbe cure ol

tbe faio cburcb, ano miniQcr all tbe Sacraments ano &acramentali
to tbe parilbioners of tbe fame, at all times During tbe faiotermeas
often as neeo Iball cequice.Which faio perclp rrnt of lo.Lf c.tbe faio
^U. couenantetb ano grauntetb bp tbefe p;efents, to, ano loitb tbe
faioix.trulpto conrent ano pap pearclpbnto tb^faioU.M.atic.at
tbe feaOts ano oaics of papment afo;eraiD , o; U)itbin tbe Cpace of rr*
baies^nert ano immeoiatlp infuingtbe fame fealts ano Dates of pat^
nient,fo), ano bp all fncb time as tbe faio U.U^. (ball continue ano
beparfon oftbe faio Cburcb of S^.fc And tbe faio CH.coucnan^
tetb ic. tbat be tbe fame SU.bis crecutojs ano aaignes,at tbeir p;opcr
cods ano cbarges During tbe termt, (ball finoe an able ano luffutent
p^ielt to fer uc ano bcepe tbe cure of iT.beuig a member o; CbdppcU
of tbe faio parfonage to fino ano rap otuine feruice Dailp,anD tbere to
mintOter oiuine Sacraments ano ^acramentals to tbe paritbioners
tberc inbabitmg During tbe tcrme afojefaio. Andalfoit isagceeD
bet&Deene tbe faio parties ic. tbat tbe fame ST.H.no^ bis ececuto^s ne
affigncSji^all not feUgiue , ne grant Daring tbe faio terme,anp part
belongmg to tbe fa4D parIonage,ne cut ootone anp part
of tbe U)Q)Ds
tberecf,but onelp fo;tbeneccllarieboufebote,beDgebote,ploU)bote,
anofirebote,tobe fpent onelp in ? bpon anO about tbe p^emtaes* In
Liber Leafes. '
. A Vrottifofor a Leafe ofa 'Parfottagi,

e xv
feettoeenet^e fain partieBjanot^cfaiD 3*l^.fo;t)tm,^iicmato;0, '^'^*

aDmtntarato^s anDa(rigne0,anDeaec^ort()em Dott) coaenant,p;o^

anD \Mii^ t^e faiD U.&. t)is crecuto;^ aD aCfigneg
ijiife,anD grant,to
bptl)Cfepjefent6, SEbatitC^allbe latDfuU,t9,anDfo; tfjefaiDK^at
anytime During t^e faiD tcrme, torefcgnct^cfaiD Ucctojig o? pars
(onage of 315anD otfjcr ttiepjemiacs,at ^ia free toil,libertte anD pUa*
rare,toitl)out bjcaclj of anie cooenant in tbefe p;efcnt3CnDenttirc0
containeD : anp couenanCgrannt, article, pjomife,claufe,oj fentence
tn f^c famemwitioneD totljc contrarpt^reof inanie Uiifenottoit^*
ftanDing* In witncfic &c.
ji coHenant that the Leajfor may enter andfallnv.
Prouidcd alfo, anD neucrtl)eleffe it is couenanteD,granteD, tmtW
nD,anDfullpagreeD^ bpanD factUieene tl)e faio parties to tl^efcpje* Scft.445,
fcntfi, anD t^e faiD U3I* fojtiimrelfc, Ijis erecutojg anD airignefi,anD

werp ef tbem Dotl) C0ucnant,graant,p3omife,anD agrectcanD toit^

tt)c ^E5II.^ifl l)eic anD affigns, anD euerp of tljera bp tt)efe p?e*
fent0,t|)at it Ojall ano map be latufoU, to anD fo? ttie faiD ia.M^bis

|)eir0 anD affigng, anD eucrp 0? anp of tl)em, at all anD euerp time anD
times conucntent,li3itbintbelaCtpeareott^efaiD terms of rrj.peres,
to enter into anD l)auefomuct> of tljeDcmifebtencmrtsanDpjemiffeg
toil I) tbe appurtenances , as m
tbe fame peare tftall be meet to be fab
loleD,anD to eare, ploto, anD falloU) tbe fame,anD eueip 0^ anie part
t^ereof,accojC5ing to t|)e bfage anD caltonie of tbe Countrte t^ere in
l^atbs^alfe, toitljoot anp let, interruption,? Dittorbance of t^c faiD
i;l!4^is erecutojs anDafttgnes, ojaf anp otber perfon oj perfons bp
-t)i9 oj t^eir^j aup of t^cir mcanes, affent 03 pjocurement.

A Leafefor yeares by the Paty$u or Varfon.confrmsdhy

the Bijhop, Deane^and Chaffter.

THis Indenture raaDe f Bctwecnc %.it* of Cin tlje Couttfie of

^ojfee efquire,patrtjn of one eftate of inberitance of r^e iSectojp
'fi^parfouHge anDparilbCburcbin 51B.intbecountieof 0.anDS5If
0.clecfee parfon of tbe fame ISettojie 03 ^arfonage anD pacifb cljurcb
afoJefatD of tbcone partie,ianD2i:,^.anD^.16.oftl}eotberpflrtiei
WitiK-fTeih SEbatttjefaiD Ration ano parfon fojfc. bane Demifeo,
gcannteo |iotb^(aiD ^^ilB* an ,iS. if tbeiaectfljieoj parfo^"
luigc anD ^aiil^ \jm^ of ^)^* fojeiaio >ano all-lbeglebe lands vt
Symb. Leafcs. part.prlmae
fupraintheLeafe of aPatfonagc. Tohiucatttlto!)OlD t^C fatD KCJtfl*
lit it* tDtl)cfaio3^.5il5.anoU.^.t^eirccato20|f Ycddingand
pacing tt)ercf02e perelp to tlje faio i9arfon anu ^is fucceffojg i c. And
if it ttje faiD 5X3. &. clcrUe, o; anp of l)i facccffoje ^arfontf
be oifvoretj !)creaftcc to bgepe l)ofpitalitic, in, ano bpon ttje

matifron l)oafe of tt)c faiD ^arfenagc : t^entl)efaiD S:. ano U^iB. foj
t\)tn\, tUdrerctutojdandadisnes tioe coucnantanDgtnant,Co,ano
U)itt}ttie(aiD M*&.
clerUe,^i0(ucceCro20anDafi[tgncsbp t^ercp;e
(ent0,tt}attpon ttootnonet^slDarnitig tl^eroftobegtuentotl)efaiD
^.^. ano UB. tbeir crccnto;0 ano adignes , it Ojalbe latofull to t\)z
faiD ^arfon ano %\fi tu(ce(ro;j?,to b^e anD ounpp tbc !^alt ano 25ut#
f ericanD tbc ii itcl)in,Ujitb otbe r bonff s of office crpeinent ano ncccf*
faric fo; bs anD tbeir bofpitalitie, ano ftnble rmmu fo; tUio geloiugg,
parcel of tbe p}enit(Ie5,U)itb free cntr^itngrefTe ano resrcffe,int07anD
from tbe fame, Daring ano bp all tbe time of bis anD tbeir bofpitalitie
beeping tberc Dnclp,anD no longer : anp tbmg b^tein crpjtltco to t^e
tontrarg noliuUbftanDing. In witncfle 6cc.

The Bij^fopj confirmation ofthe lafl LeaJ e

Et nos R.pcimKTioh diuina C. & L. Epifcopos dioccf. & OrdinariuJ

Ecclcfix paiochialis de B pr.xd, ac RcQof cjufdcm noftrae C.& L.dio*
ccf.vifis & diligent Inlpcft' omnibus & fingulis alis,faftis, geQis,con
diligcnticxaminationc, qui compcrinius cade omnia &fingula ex iuftis
6c rationilibus caufis ivnflc & cllc fad' patrat & conccfTa fupranomina-
tisT.B.&R.B. gcneroi.ac affignatisfuis ad tcrminura fuprafcriptum:
Eadcm omnia dc (inguia, prouc melius auccfHcacius potcrimusGueva*
Icmus/authoritatc nollf Ordinaf &
Pontificar, ad omnc noflf offic'qd
exindcfcqui potent, aut quoquomodolicec feu dcbeac, pronobis&
fuccciToribus noftris quantum in nobis efJ, fcicntcr &
mus,approbamus & confirmamus pcrprsefcntet.In quorum omnium &
fingulorumfi^em & tcflimonium, ac inmaiorem corundcm corrobora-
tionem figiilum noOrurti prefentibus appofuimus
, Dat apud E, .

xxv.dic menfis M. AiiDom 1/92. Etregni illuftriffirrsc in Chriilo

principis,& dominac nollrac Dfiac Eliz. Dei gratia &c.Reg.fidci defen-
fof^ac in teif EccUf. AngV cc Hibcrh fup capitis 2 4. Ac nf^ tranf.prima.

The D eanes md Chapers confirmMtion thereof, .

cnos H.W.Dccanus Ecdcl Cathedral' Lich.^OpituI'ciufdem

Liber Leafcs. -y-i' fecundus
vifis &<Jiligcfttercxaniinat 6c infpcftis Uteris indcntatpraefcntibusiam

annex. vna cum confirmationc domini Epifc' C.& Lich. fup cifd*, habi-
caque fup eifdera dclibcrationc prouida atquc matura. Quia in hac parte
confidcrand' inucnimus conccflioncm & ad firmara diraiflioncm Rcftof
indiftislitcrisfpccific' riteatqueprouidc forcfafl:*, idcirco ca omnia &
fingula in cifdcm contcnta (quantum ad nos attinet) acceptainus,appro-
bamiiSjSc ratificanius,eadeniquc tcnorc praefennum aufthoritatcnoftra
Capitulari&cxxviij.diemcnlis Od' An Dom i ^^i.vtprffxtmofftpra,

ALeafe of lands hj Executors,

THis Indenture ttiaOe|CBetwccne^,p,oftt)C oneparfie, anD!^.
^.awD Ul^of fcej;ccuto;0 of tbe laft ioiU ano tcfiamentof
5i5.bnig^t DeceafeD, late ilojo c^icfe BSoftice of tl)e common place, of
tl)eot^ei;pattte,Witnc(Tctli,tl)atU)berc tlje fumme of m.C.ofic^be*
tns parcel of tl^e lategoDS anD chattels of ttjc fato iS.B.knigl)t Decea
aouancement of certain of tt^e ct)ilo;en of t^e
feD,t0 fo? better faertp f
fato UanD ann conftocrations thereafter erpjcffeo,
foj certain caufeg
t)eltaereDtot^e^anD0ortt)efaio ^. W. b^ o^Der tabcn mtijeljig^
court of Ct)ancerie, b{ tt)e rtgl)t l^omfir j^. %* ^n*lo;D i^ceper of tl)e
great feale of C4 b^ t^e atTent of tbe faio erecuto;^, bpon t^e bearing
of tbe matter in controuerfie bettoeen Sl.^.f E^ame |ab.}15* \^\& lutf e,
late tbe lotfe of iS.X5.of tbone partf , ant) tbe faib navX^i^ on tbotber
partie* And tobere aUo tbe (aiD ^.)0. bp bt0 beed inbenteb, bearing
bate f c.t)atlj bemircD,granteb,ano to farmeletten bnto one (0* %, all
tbat tbe tnano; of &*lDttb tbe members i appurtenances,fet,lpin0,
being in ic.anb all ^\^ merna6e)S,boufe0}builoings,lanD0,tenemet0,.
rents,rensr0on$, feruiceg, % bereOitament5 tubatfoeuer U)itb tbeap^
purt^nancc0,fcituate,lping 1 being Uiitbtn parilb of ^.ojeUelobere
in tbe tountie of l^.^Uo bauc,bolo,occnpp I cniop.ail tbe faio tnano;f
fc.totbefaiD(0.2ID fromtlje Day of tbe Date ft. bntill tl)e cno ano
terms of io^^earSjtben nert 1 immeDiatly ic Yeclding ano pacing
tbercfojC ^eartlp C ExprcfTing the fummc, limiting the place and
time of payment. By fo2ce tubercof tbe faiDe <5,%, in tbe faio %u
befo)eDemifeDbatbcntreD,anDi0tberof pofTetTeD acco;dinglp* Nov^
tl)e CaiD ^^p.t 2n.S2Ittn performance of tbe faio ojDei ano conCoera"

tionoftbefaiDfunmieofjctobimtbe faio Si;, (i^il. papeD bp tbcfaiu

erecuto;s,befo;e tbinfealing bereof as i$ afo;efaiD,l]ubicb faio fumme
qfcafluell tbe (atD^.p. a0 tbe faio ^ Wi ac&noVulcoge to be receio

ueD of tbe faiD erccutojOjf tljercof I of euericpart ano parccU tbercflf

Doe acquitc^bifcbacge, ano reUafe tbe faio ei:e(Mto^0 9 euerg of tbcm^
Y^ cafes. partprimx
t^cip icanD affignefi bp tl)ere p}efent$,^aoe g(uc, graunteu, bargal*
iWBawii:folMrt&bvn)cfepjcfentsfo?tt)em atiD t^etrt|e(rg,Do deed?
gieigrant,an fclito ti^c faio l^.flp.anD iR.^.ano to tl^eir beirefi ano
atrisn0,aU t^t reugrfton,rcttiainDer,rig^t, tjfeano wtereft of t\)t faiD
raanoj of ^. anD otljcr tlje pjemiffes.
And of ainanDg,tcnemcn(0,
aoaoU)fon0,anD ticreDitamentg to^atfocuer of (lie faio sp 19. toit^in
tliefatopatil^ofS>.anDallt^eeftate,title,t)fe, aiiD tntcrett of tt)em
tticfaio ^.ano SE.anD eaclj of tljem,of,ano m
all ano fingular t^efaio

mano;s,lanD5,rcntg,an^ allottee t^e pjemiffw, toit^ t^c appartg*

nances : anc all tl^c Euioences,oeeO0,tojiting0, ano muntment con*
ccrning tl)e p;cnnlle0,o? anie part o^ parcell thereof. To hauc ano to ^

l)oloaUt^c(aiBfc. (ytfupra) anD alltljeir eaiDence0,oaD0,U)jiting,

ano muniments conccrnins tt)c fame,to t^e faio l^.^. anO U.l^ ano
to tl)eic t)etre0 ano a(ftgn0 fo; euermo;e,to t^e p)oper,t)fe ano be^cofe
Of t^e fame l^.ano U.t)i0 ^^ire0 ano alligne0 fo; euer In wicneile &c.

e^ Leafe foryeareSyrchereufon an Eic^ionc firm^ ntAj he hrought, whieh

mufi be deliuered vpon the lands leafed, and cowmenee at fome day
before the date thereof, rvhichfome thtnke to be without the
compare of the Statute ofbuying of Titles

Scft.44p. T^Hirflfldttfitufc 5cc.)15ettoeene (II5.&. on tlje one partie, ano ^.C

1 oftl)eotberpactie,Witnc(rcth,2i:^attt)e(aiD (^.^.tiat^oemifc^
$cano bp t^efe p;erent0 oot^ oemife c. tnto t^e faio .ST. f c* To
hauc ano to ^olo c.tnto t^e faio )0.^* tii0 et:ecnto;0 ic.frotn t^c featt
of 9C*la(t before tl)e oate tiereof, bntot^c full cno ano terme of ic
fullpto be complete ano enoeo. And it 10 tije true intent % meaning ol
ttefe p^fent 3Enoentare0,f of all tl)e faio partte0 to tl)e fame,t^at nei
t^er t^e (aio ^.ST. 01 t)t0 e]cecato;0 1 c ftiall take anie benefit 0? p;ofi|
of i^e faio tenement0 % p^cmiCTeSjO^ ante part thereof to t^is oton l)fe,
bv tcafon 0; bcr tue of tt)i0 pjeCent grant 0; oemtfe, but onelp ttiat ^e,
^iA\ therein tiauc an e(tate,a0 is afo;efaio, % be t^ere bfeo a0 le(Iee,o}
means to tl)e onlp intent t^at ^ ettatea'igl)t, tttle^polTelfion) 1 intereQ
of tt)e faio C&.of,in t to t^e faio tenements % p^emt(fe0 map belato^
full^ trieo ano recouereO:,tDit^ cooenient erpeoitton bp tunt 02 to^its
of Eie^ione iirm2e,02 o(l)ertDife,at t^e onelp COII0 ano cbarge0 of tlie

faio C^.^.bts ^eir0,erecuto2S ano afligns* 0no t^erfo^e it is bp tt^efe

p^efents couenanteo f c.bp ano between tt)e faio parties, ano eitt^er of
Liber Eeafes.^ fccundus

of t^em bp tljcfe pjcfcnts in maner i fojmc foUstoing : tljat i& to fay,

tljatif, I U)ljBn it ajaUl)aps3entl)efaiD ^.SC.ljiSffc.torctoucranDob^
taine tt)e poileirton of tljt tm nzmikn tenements anD p^tmilTe^i.oa o^
anp part tl)erof,ljj? tcafor. oj pjetencc of t^t0 pjefent Demife, in anp a^
tfion 0? fuit tljei'eupou to be coEimicnceD in t^c nameof tlje faiD p.SD .^^
Ijis eicecut030,aDminiffii:atoj5,0? aHignCjO j anie of tljem, tfjat ioitfjiti
2o,Daieg after t^at t\)z faiD px*02 nm of IjiB evecuto50,aDmtnitti'a^
toiHiOi ailigns^l^&albe latDfaUt? ano actually yoa;eiIeD of i\}c faiD tene?
wents,f pjemilleSjO? of anp part t^erof, bp fojce i bertue of an^ fucl^
rccoueric, oj of anp lujit of Habere facias poded, oj otljcr fuc!) crecu^
tion to be fucD out bpon fuel) recouerie, tlji^ p^efcnt grant anD oemife
fi^all ceafe antj be Utterly fruQrate,toiti,f of none effect, to all intentjf

f purpofes.Prouidcd aUb alwaics,? Upon furtijer conDition follolutng,

viz. SEbat if tt)e aboue nameu (iD.ljis Ijeirsfc.Do at an^ time tereaftcr
pa|>oj tencer,02 canfe to be paieD o; teno^eD bnto ti)z faia ^bifi ic.ytj
pence of ^c o? in ^t* fo^ tlje faiD tenements i DemifeD p?emiJ!e5, tbat
tbcn aUo,i tbencefo;tb, anD at all eaer\' timt i times, it t^all i map
be latoful to i foj tbc faiD C!?*S>.bis fjeirs ic. anD eucrp,oj an^ of tbem,
into all tbe faiD tenements i oemifeD pjemiffeSjtuitb i\)c appurtenant
ceSjfeucry part tbereofjtoreenterjHnDtlie fame to banc againe i re^
poffeCTe, as in bis fojmer ettate i rigljt, ano tbs faio SC. p. Ijis txccix^
tojs f c.ano euwof tbcm,tbcrout btterl^ to erpell i amDue,as if tbis
pjefent grant o j Demife baD ncuer bin baD nc mase an? tbing
: iberein
containeD to tlje c ontrarie tijereof in auvtoifencttoitljffanDlng In
witneile &c.
(^ouenants am ConditioMsyvhich may he vfed in Leafes,
It is agreed Sec. K\)dX if it Ciallboufes i baib StV^4a^
bappcn tbe
to tbe fail- fcite of tbe faiD manno; belonging, o? anp of
tbem,at an^ time bcrr after. During tbe faiD termc of %z. to be tuaSeD,
De0ro)^eD, oa ctbatoife DecavcD b^ tljeB fojrainc enemies,tbat tbcn
fo? ail fucb reparations ana Decades of tbe fame, i\\t faiD H 11. to be
clearclparqmtsD i r. an^ ccaenant berctn abouc rcbcarieo to tbe con^
trarie $f . And tbe faiD H. coue nantetb, tbat be t'oc faiD \a* fijall inba^ a
l)ite,abiDe,anD Dluell,in,anD tpon V^t afojefaio manojs,lanr0,tc!it^
ments,ic o? canfe sn able pcrfon to inbafcite anD blucll,in,anD bpon
tbe faiD DemifeD mano3tencmet0,anD pjemiffes, anD to occupy anO
manure tbe fame During t^c faiD tsrmc cf 2 j.ycres ic And airojtbat
neitber tbe faiD U. Jl. noj ic H&all at any imt^ During tbe faiD tcrme dp
i3io,mafee303 caufc to be mabesany tM^J 0? fp oglejinjO^^pontbcpjej

Symb. Leafes. partprimx

miae,ojanppattfl)cr0of Andalfo,tl)af tljep tljcfaio J^.iL.fcanD

A guerp of tticm, anD tljcir crccutojs $c ttiall permit ano fuffcr i\)z (m
^ 0, f c l)is bcircfi ano alligncs, t o feeepe all auD cucr^gJ bcir Courtg of
tl)e faio mano2,at,anD in fuel) places
of tl)C faio mannoj,as t^ev Ijaue
lJemofo;et)feDtot)aucbmbept,anD to ano fo;aUanDcucrpt^c fui*
UX6 of t^e faio manno;,anD euer? ot^er per fen ano pet fons tl)at f^all
Ijaue caufe 02 occadon to come 0; refo;t bnto tt)e faio Courts, ano eue
rie,o;anp of tl)cm,fralp to come 02 go,to,ano from tbe fame,loitl)out
anp let^oiftnrbancctjerationjo; interruption of tl;c faio H. %. f c. l)ig
mcutojcf c. anO euerp,oj anp of tliemrDuring ic. And tl)e faio "^.f c
Dotb couenant c. t^at Ije tt)e faio 1^.11. m* C)all ano maplatufull^ at
all times hereafter, totien, ano as often as neeo fljall require, ourins
^ i^t continuance of tljis pjefcnt ileafe, cleanfe ano rioanp p arto^par ^
Uofitfee faio oemifeojenements ano p;cmi(rcs,of,anD7rbmallma*
ner of b3amble5,b?iers,bua)es,anD tbo;nes,ano ott)er Ibjubs, fo? tbe
amenoing ano bettering of t^e fame tenements ano oemifeo p2emif#
fes, oj anj? part thereof. Andtt)atbctl)efaiOK.!l.l)isic.Q)aUatall
times tjereafter ouring tbe continuance of ic.p;eferuej beepc^arme*
leffe frmn oamage ano burt of cattelljO? otber negligent Tpoile,a]rtf

^ "S^s am bnoeriDOOOS grotning in 02 bpon f c.o; anp part oj parcel!

thereof i cVano tbat no manner of cattcU at anp time 0? times of tbe
pere, faaimg onel? bcttoecne tbe firft oap of i!5ouember, ano tbc firft
Oap of 0pjill f c. 0nD tbat none otber cattcll oj bcatts, but calucs ano
bojf cs onlp.fbal be put 0; fuffcrco to be in tbc fame iijooos ano tinoer^
toooD0,o; anp of tbem ic Prouidcd alwaics, ano Upon conoition fol^
lotoing,viz. STbat if t^e faio !jI. l}is erecuto?s ic.ioitljinonelubolc

pere before tbe eno ano crpiration of anp of tbe faio feucral termes of
/ tbjee ^eres,(l)all gine o; caufe to be giuen to tbe faio H. l)is e]t:ecuto;s9
aominifltratojs, 0? aCfigncs, oj anp of tbem, fuiftcient notice 0; tear*
King to ocpart from tl)e faio |c. at tbe eno of tbe faio terme oTtl^ee
yeres,lD^erein tlie faio notice 0; learning (ball bappen fo to be giuen
And airo,at,oj bcfojc fbc cno ano erpiration of tbe faio tbjee pcares,
Xnljerein tbe faio notice o? learning fljall fo fojtune to be giuen, (Ijall
> iDcllano trulp pap,q^c.aDfe to b-f cutenteo anojaio, tnto tbe faio H*
bis epccutojsiaominiftratojs, oj atrignejj, foj eucrp of tljc faio terme
of 2 ! ^crcs, tobicb atjtbetimeof bis 01 tl^eir Ocparture fronUlje ?e?
wiffcs, (ba ll beto com e ano bneroireo, ttoen tie fbillings o f gooo ano
lalDfull monep of Cnglano, at,'o; in fc tbat tben tbis pjefent Iw*
Denture of oemife, ano all graunts ano couenants tberein containeo,
maoe on tjje part of tl)e faio ^. to ceafc, ano be btterlp fruttrafe^Uoio,
Liber Leafes. fecundus
nm of none effect. 0nJ) tW tljcn ana tljcncefojtli t( fljall anD map be

latof ull, to, anD fo; tlje faiD O. K, l)t6 crecutojs anD aDminiaraf 030,
ana cuerp of flicm,tnto all anD fingular tlje laiD ic.to reenter,anD t^e
fame to fjaue ngaine ano repoffecD, as m ^is <tu And tljat l)c tljc faio
M. t)ts mcuto^s noj aominifiratojs, no? anp of ttjcm, Iftall not, no;
tDiU not, at anp time During tlje faiD tcrme, a(rtsn0,ict, fet,03 graunt
tl)e faiD mefuagc ic* oj anp part tt)creof, oj tljc occupation ttjereof, oj J
of an^ part tljereof,to anj? perfon o; perf one tl)at ft)al inUabitcDtueU,
loDge, 03 lie tljerein, toitt)out ttje confent anD licence of tljt faiD 0. l)t(

Ijcires anDaffignes, firtt fjaD anDobtaincDintDjiting^tjnDer Ijis 0;

tfjcir tiauDs anD fcales. And t^at \)tt\)t faiD H. \)i& crccuiojs
0; aD*
nnniffratojs, befoje tbe iFcaft of >3int i^icbacl tl)carcl)angell next
infotng Date hereof, fljaU anD inill rcmoue anD T^at a toap all fuel?

bnpcr- te nants, a s noto be, anD Dincil, in any part of tfe faiD DemifeD
tenements anD pjermtfea. Prouidcd alwaie?, anD tjpon conDition fol?
tl)at if t^e faiD ^ Ins erecutojs anD aDminis
lotuing : SCljat is to f ap, .

ftratojs, anD euerp of t^m, Doe not toell anD trutlp. During t\)t faiD
terme,pap,oj t aufe to be paiD,t3n to tl)e faip ^.iiis !)cires,DeutieSj|0^
afltgneMle faiD perelp rent of ttopfoure drillings anD foure pencje,
at tbeYeattfi anD times abouefaiD,anD toell anD truelp obfecue,fulfilJ,
anD beepe all tl^c couenants in tbcfe pjefeius containeD, accojDing
tnto tj?e true meaning l)ere2f 2C^attl)en it fljall anD mapbclato^
fnll,to,anD toi tbe faiD 2i* W
t)eires anD alIignes,anD euerp of tbem^
into tbe faiD DemifeD tenements 1 pjemifTes ic. to reenter ic* He tt)e
faiD 0. Dot^ couenant ic tjpon rcaf onable requett,at all times neeDe^
fuWfto aUtgne anD Deliuer, 03 caufe to be alligneD anD DeliuereD to tbe
faiD H.bts erecuto3S anD adignes.lnitbin fonreteene miles of tl^e faio
manfian Ijoufe of tbe faiD manoj of 1^. fufficient t[mbeDtrees fo? tbe
repairing of tbe faiD mefuage i te nemen t* And tbat tbe faib W* fl^att
baue anD cniop from time to time, at all times bereafter. During tbe
faiD terme,tobim anD ^ia erecuto;s,aDmtn\llrato?s,anD a(rignes,tn f.
anD bpon tbe Dolunes, commons, U)a(les,beatbes, anD ^beepe pa^
Cures, belonging to tbe mannoj of s:. in tbe faiD Countie, fufficient
0ate,running,paftare,ccurfe,anD feeDing of a bunD?eD Hjeepe, toitb/
out anp let 03 interruption of tbe faiD 0.bis beires, erecnto;s, anD af^
0gnes,farmers ano occupiers of tbe faiD mannoj anD p3emiires,o? of
anpotberperfon 0? perfons, bpbis 0? tbeir confent, meanes, 03 p?o*
curement,Ujitb free libertp,ingrelIe,cgre(re,anD regceire,into,injanD
from tbe fame grounDs,biiitb all tbe faiD fbccpe, at all anD cuerp time
anD times conuenient: fojtoiiict) paCtureto be ^ao in fo^meafo^efaiD
Symb. '
Leafes. part.primae

t\)t faiD U . coucnanf etl) o cei\f cnt anD pay tnf o

c. bp tljefc pjcfcnts, f

t^e faio ;a. l)i c};ecuto}0 1 c ^crelp at ^.^itlj. During tljc

tljc fcaff ef

faiD terme fo? tt)e pafiure of euerp Qjeep to }te fo paftureo as afo;eraiD
fcurc pence 5C. And ti)at if tl)e faio iS.^is Ijtixa ic.anD eucrp of tt)cm,
not quietly anD pcaccablp liaue, ^olD, occupif ,ana eniOiP t^ic faiD

^ tenements an^ p^emides, toit^ t^c appurtenances, Dunns tye faio

terroc of z scares, acco jDing to ttie true meaning of t^cfe pjefents:
A^rt Jif^^^f^ fv>-i i .

^Tou^ci^X^a_j>^--i S^l)at tticn, toit^in fo^tie Dates after, t^c faio 0. !jis evccutojs oj af?
jp^':5l^7.'^p5^ figncs,(lbalbc lalufullp etecteD,eui(tcD,o; erpolfec from tijc fate Demi*
^^,^^^^^_^^.^uK . jgjj tenements anD p5cmi(res,oj anp part tbercofj^c tljc faiD 5i.p. i)is
tir^S3ej^to2MtJminiftratojs,o; alIigns,o?fomeof t^cmjHjal ano
li^ill tcU ano truel^ pnp anD allota, o? caufe to be payeD and allotueD

Dnto tbe faiD U^^ts epecuto;s,aDniini(trato;s,o; adignes, o? fomc Qt

t^cm,fo? euerp tol)oIe yere of t^e faiD tcrme of z i pe arcSjVoljicf) (ball
be to erpire o? erpenD at tije time of fuel) eicctment, euiction,o? cppuU
f!on out of tl?c p;emiCres,oj anp part tbcreof, 20, fl)iUings ef lalufull
(iBnglilbmoncpjin tlje fnio manfion boufc of tlje pjcmiffcs, anDfo
mucb money as be map tljcn Ijauc fo; fo many of tbe y^rcs of tl)c faiD
terme,as at tbe fame time of fucb e^iaion (balbe bnfpcnt,as tlje fame
Iball be DccmeD to be luo^tb by tU)o inDiffercnt men , tobiclj (ball be
tbofen by bim tbe faiD iX anD 0 bis crccutojs, aDminittcntojs, 0;

Kigncs, baumg refpect fento fucb pjofie, as tljc faio Iv migbt baue
by reafon of tl)e faiD leafe And tbc faiD 0|d.Dotb coucncnt jctbaC
mitberbe tbc faiD CID bis CFccuto30,abminiftrato2s,no? affignes,
^ no? any of tbem, fljaU not, 0? toill at any time. During tbe faio terme
Df one anD ttoenty ycareSjploUijcnufCjnq; fuffcr to bc|iiotocD,tbc faio
clofe,caHeD Si:. 0? any part tl;crcof, U)itl;out ttc confent ofttje faibj.
515.bii3 bcires 0; aO[ignes,6rtt baD anD obtaincD in tojitmg. And tbat
^e tbe faiD C^p*bts e):ecuto;s,at;mini(rato;0,ano aaignes,anD eue^
ry of tbemjlball anD toill, During tbe faiD terme, keepe,bpljolD,cnO
^ maint aine,aUboufcs,t]eDges,an& fenccs3in,anD about ^c fajD tenc^
inentg'anDyjemiffcg, anD in tbc eno of t^c fame terme leauc tbeTarae
tenantablc at tbe GgljtDf ttbo reafonablc mcn,to be cbcfcn by tbe faio
"fi^arRes inDifferentry, to tjicly ano ojDcr tbc fame And tbaitljc faio
3Ubt^ erecuto3s,aDminintratojs,anD 8ffignes,fl)aU anD toill yearely,
SJuring tbe faiD tcrmcpay.oj caufe to be paiD all fucb money aj; fijalbe

f iaefojtbe5:c:iintcrpGitureanDin4aye5,cueo;\)feDtobe paiDfo; tbe

faiD clofe,U;itb tbe appurtenances, calleD %* anD tbereof acquire 0;
fauc barmeleOte, cj oifcljarge, tbe faio 0. l)is beires, e]cecuto;s,aDmi;
lidratcjs^nnD afnsnc0, ano euery of tbem ^uo tb? im^* ic. ootb
Liber: -^-^^ hQ^ksr^J'^^^ iecuadus
totttmnt If .f !)at it r^al anD map frem tfjcnccfojtl) foj ener be Utoful, f
to ano fo; (^e faio l^.^ifli erecutojg ano afftgneg of pjcmidgg
t|)e faiJj
at all timtB |iercafter,f frsm time to tinie,toJaue, anD tafec t^e tonv
moDittcg ano bfe of t^e toatcr, at ano in a certalne pono in ti. afoic
faibjCommonlpcarieD 2:.poD, afiDell fo3 t\)t Catering of ^is f tbeir
iwjtellan^beaftB t^it^er to be bjoag^f, ojiuen o? Uooe, tu^cb at ami
time b^reafterfl^all be kept, remain0,oa b$,ino; bpontbe faiotene^
raenf auo p?emi(Ie, a alfo to fetc^, tafec, ano carrie t\^z faio Uiater,
at ano from tbe ponoafo^efato, tobet^feo o; occupied in ante place:
l^pono^abonttbeTaiODemifed tenemental p?emtlle5bpame tenant
o; tenants thereof, ano alfo fo l^aue t*nnisnient ijoap atio free patfage
from tbe mantton bonfc of ttie faio tenement, to i from tbe faio ponD,
fo; tbe (aio U. bi0 mcuto20 ano affignes, to fetcb? leao, ano D;iue all
no all maner of cattellDnto tbe CaiD pono, ano to fetcb ano carrie tbe
faio toater to be onpieo,as is afojefaio, toitbo ntanieialpfa ll letiT
AiiHTuYlpf (befaiol^.ll.fojfeim icXbatifbereafterit Ojallbappen , ,
t|)efatD^.^i0b<ireso;a(rtgne5,o2anie oftbem,toinclofeaniepar 4
cell of tbe p^emides before b^ tbefe p;erent0 ocmif eo to tbe faio i^^lL* ^
o; anie otber lano 03 greunos in )!5afo;eraiD, in 02 bti2i lubicb grouos

i tenatf of S3.afo;efaio,f)eretofo3ebat^ calSomablp bfeo to baue com^

mon of paffnreJbat tben tbe faio U.ll bis eretuto^B o^adigneftlljalt
not bptertne of tbefe p^efents from tbenei^fojtb pietcno 0; claim anv
title to tt)e faio grouno fo to be inclofeD,as is afo;efaiD* ^at 6)all per^
mit ano faffer tbe faiD Sl*\)is betrs 0} alltgne0,tbe Tame to tnclore,anD
being inclofeo,tbe fame to occupie to })is 03 tbeir oton bre,ljDttboat let
0} interruption of 1^ faio U*ilbts erecuto;0,f c.ouring l^iB faio termer
1^0 tbat tbe faib grounds bp tbe faio :3. Ijereafter to be incloreo , 0)311
not epceeo tbe quantitie 0; number of C*acr es, ano (0 tbat tbe faio 0*
!)is b^ires 0; aaignes,befo;e fucb inclofure,oo adign, appotnt,allolo

ano affurebnto tbe faio UBl bis erecuto;d, aDnnni(trato;s, anoaf*

ligneS)anoeuerieoftbem,fo3ano in recompence of fucb gronnos fo
to be inclofeo,asmucb ano asgooo otber lanoes ano grounosljottbin

tbe pariO) ano fielos of )15. afoiefaio, tobereunto ano from tt)c U)t}icb
tbe faio \^.%^^i9 eyecuto3s,abminSrato}S,ano afttgnes xW
ano ma^
[)ane as free ano gcoo comming ano going as be noliu batb to ano from
fucb of ^ p2emi((es before bp tbcfe p^efcnts to bim oemiCeD, as f (ball
be bcreafterinclofeb^SEbe fame otber lanos to be adureo to tbe i&irx
Rll.bi^eKecuto2S,aomini(lrato}s,anba(rignes9 in like maner and
fo^mMnbtmoerlibeconoition anocouenantsasbee 0; tbeptbouli^
^an^ tiA^ oa imoH^^ tl) Unos o; grounos fo to be inclofed^ if no fnc^
ifl in*
Symb, "^^^Leafcs. paretpririiac

tndofare tD2ce]^ereaffcr ^aD oj mane , anp article f c. And moKoaer

tl)e faiu afo? iimfclfe t c. t^at if in cafe i\)t faiu 0. oeceafe befo;e t^t

cicpicatioti of t^e faiD terme of icoj if tlje (aiD a.at anp time Ijereaftcr
aUen,ciuc o; grant oner \)x& tD^olc interctt anD terme tu^ic^ \)t ^at^
t^en oj jal ^aae,of anD in t^e p;emiae0 b|? tertnc of tljis pjcfent Bln^
Dentare,tl)atttjntl)eerccutoji3 0? affigncjjof t^e faiD a. fljallbaac,
occtjpie oj cniop t!)c fame pearly from t|)encefojtl) oaring fo manp of
tbcfaio pearee as Ojall bee to come of tl)efaio terme ofic^anoOjaU
pearelvpapano Deliaer, ouaufelo beoeliucreD bnto tt)e faio U,j^
02 i)is allignefl at f c rU. gallons of toine facbe, goon and perfect, o)
U r.s.of dc.at t^e fcaCs of i coacr i aboue t^c faio pearlp rent of f c.
fvilies ofthe lejfor and lejfef,

Sck A< I
Indenture. &c. Witneffcih tbat t^t faiO 3. 3!3. fjaf {) DemifeD
CE> SCo bane anD to bolD tbe faiD mefuage i c to
f c.to tbe faio
i\)t faiDC.SD^ano t)t5 aJIigneB fo; t\)t terme of one to^ole peare ntvt
tnfaing t^e Date t)ereof , anD from peare to peare at tbe totU ano pte
fare of tlje faiD a.tS.ano C.iaD Yccl Jing to tbe faiD Sl.15 \^is Ijeires
anD affignes pcarlp caeric peare ttjaf tl^e faio CSD* oj ^i0 affigiiB Ojal
^aaeanDoccoptet^e faiD mefaagetp^emille^ b^tertae ott\^i$}pitf
fent Demife,r.6.ef f cat tbe f eatt fc*
Hcremaybcaddcdaclaufcofdiftrcs nomine fen<t,ox rccntricforthc
rent, and fuch coucnants as are in other leafcs, according to the qualitic

of the cftatc. ~^

A Leafe at the mfl ofthe Lejfor.

^- . ., 'T^HisIndcmurc&c. WimeffethJbaf tbe faiD 0. 3I5 fjaf^ Dcmf fed

|c.onemefaageC4 SEo^aaettobolDtlje faiDmeraasctoitbttie
appnrtenancedtotbefaiDC* ^* from t^e Date hereof, folongafft
t]&aUpleafetbefaiD0.C Inwitnes&c.
3lt 10 neeDf ull to ^ane coaenants tl>at f t)e letfee (ball mafee repaoa^
^ ou..^^fi ^t4 tion8,nD neither do no; permit anp U>att, becauf e \)t is not tberU)it||
c-^^"^" J)argeDbplaUj,batfo;Uolantarietoaa,Liit Sca^i.&Sj.

Symb. Afsigncmentip; ' ^ A parcprirax


A AJfignement of a Leaje fir jeAres.

THii Indenture BctwecncC*]BD.fC.anD

feth > bp
Witnef- Scl.453
BlnDenteD (u^ctentin
tits tiecD
(^.jf, |C

tt)^e ]laU),^at^ Oemifeo, 6raunteD,ano to fccme letten tiuto t^e

fain C.i5D*one mernage t C*(recicing the lands in the firft LcaCe.)
To hame and to hold to ti)e fatD C. )3D. ano ^ts aatgne0,fcom t|ie feafE
offc* tinttU l^eetiD of rvj* peares tl)ennenm(mng,a0tl)erebpap/
pearet^, reCeruing t!)ereb^ tt)epearelp rent of ic, anDiDit^Dtner0
conenant0 and agreements inttiefaiiie Binoentare contained: That
now t^e faio C.SD*fo? ic ^atb gtuen,sraunteti,aatgnei),anD fetonec
tot^tfaiD (;^.if*t;tserccato}ji,aomtniarato?;>antafftgnes(, ttieratti
mefnage t c*ano all ^t0 edate, rigl}t9title,tntereff,terme of pei:ed)ano
oemannOflOf, anc in t^e fame, anc euerp patttljeceof, together lost^
tbefaid tieeo inoenteo Tohaueandco holdt^efaio ntefuage, tene#
tnent0,anD p2emi(re0,anD euerp pact thereof loitt) tbe appnrtenances
to tbe faiD (E*if cDuring all tt)e re&oue of tl?e fatD terme ic*
Ic is rcquiHte herein to haue Coucnantsof th^dignors pare tofaue
harmcleffc offonncr Rents, Grauncs, and charges: torthcdeliueiicof'
former deeds : That he fsowncrjn podcflion, and hach power to grant,
and chat thaCignec may quietly inioy&c. And to make further adu-
ranee &c. And on thaffignces part to pay the former Rents, andpcr-
formc the former coucnants &c. The like ^raunts may bee of Rents
charge , Common, and other things which lie iagraunt, Mhias m^.

An ajfigntment ofa terme dnring Minoritie.

T His Indenture f c Betwecne Mp.

of tl)oncpartr, ano 3Bi^ Of $6^.4/4.
t^ot^er partp,Witne{Ie[h,t^at lDt)ere our fate ^cueraigne ^aop
tl)e^.bp l)er HtnDentare,t!nDertbe^ealc of ber Court ofWarDSf
lliacrte0)beartng Date tt)e p.Dap of ic lad palt,t)atb DcmifcO, grateo,

u^.p* one tenement lx)ttt) t^appurtcnan*

f to ferme let:t}nto tbe laiD
jesjtnt^ tenure of 3i^oftl)evcrelgt)alueoffc.bppcrec.lpingf
being in SD.in ttie Countp afojefaio^parcell of t^inberitance of Ci[^
ber^aiedies toaro Jon inept beire of dS^.l^.Deceareo* To hauc9c4be
(am( P2emiae0> to t (aio M^^* i biiEt adigns^ouring x^z mino;itv of
iff a tlic
Symb.i. V. Aflignements. parc.priraaf

t^e faio 2C, "^* v^elDlits ant> paping t^crcfo;e pcarelp to f)cr Ijis^nelle
t^cfuftime of c.as b^ t^c fame mojc plainlp appcaret^ amonga otljer
tt)ings And after tl^ie ytjj^Dap of f daft paft, ttic faiD M.
p. obtagneD
anDt)aDtI)c licence of tl)efaioapafier t<Counfell of tbefapo Court of
tlSIlarDs I iLtucrie3,to grant,bargatnc,t fell Ijifi lubolc inter eft, rig^t,
and title,of, f in t^e p^enufledjano euerie parcell thereof, Dnting tije
tl)e faio 3. ^* ano \}iB affignes,
minojitie of tbe faio bcire, tonto bp m
t^t inDo?fement of Leafe moje at large appearetb The fa^o
tlje faio
Ml.)d*fo?,anD in conQDeration of a certaine fummt of monep,to bim
tl>efaiDMp before IjanepapcobptliefapD 3* ir.tD^ereoffc^^atft
bargaineDifolD,gtuen,granteD,afirigneD,f fct ouer,f bg t^efe pjefentg
urtb ginc,grant,aaigne,ano ftt ouer ijnte tbe faio 3l.^.l)i erecntoja
oj aaigne0,aU ibat bi5 rigbt,title,intcreft,t terme of pere5,of,ano in
f^efaio pjcmiffegtDitb tl)eappurtenance5,togctbcrijDit|) tbe fapD 3ln*
t)etitnt8,baD0)niaDebnDcrtbefeaUf tbe (aid Court of SZHarosanjD
Uueritsr Jo hauc &
to boltl t^e faio p^emiffes toit^ tbappurtenancM

f t^ef aio Bni)tnture,to tbe faio 3*f,\)ii erecnto;s t a(rign(0,Ouring

tl^minontpof tbe faio sn.^.Cljcfaio 31. f. bis erccttto;s o] affigncJ
pacing tbe ^ereb rent of i c.afo}cfaio,in tbe (aio leafe refcrneD,f per
fo}ming,fnlfilling,( obferuing all otber couenantc i article, contau
neD f erpjedebintbefameSinDentures.And ttie faio tI2I* p. fo; ^iim,
t)t0 f c. couettantetb f grantetb^ti) t U)it^ Ibe (aiD 31* Sf*^w ei:ecoto;r
^- aDminiftrat(gd,^nD *lligne0,tbat \)t tbe faio Bt>ir .tiit fcano uer^ of
tbcm, 6)all quietlp baiTe,occup^,i enio^ tbe faio parcels of lanD0,anD
otber t^e p^emilles toitb tliappnrtenantes befo;e erp}effed,Durtng tbe
minoiit^of tt)e faio bcire. And tbal tl)c fame p?cmiac5,f euerp parcel
tberof,at tbe time of tiie making of ti^is pjef ent gcant is,f (^al| (onti^
na( during tl?c minojitp of ttic faio i)eirc,DifcbargcD c. (vt fupra Sj.)

ey^ft ajfignement of a. If^ard,

SeA*45y TTHis Indenture f c* (reciting the former Indenture till the firfl co-
1 uenant) t^e cuftoDte of f c. as bp tbe fame beeoe in oenteo among
ot^rcooenants and agreements mo;eat targe appearetb* Now tl|e
CaidMl' (^* fo} diuers condioerations bim mouing, batl) granted %u
(vt ftipra) tnto tbe faid 3 SD afiucll tbe f aid cuftooie, (vt fupra 3 69,
verbatim) belonging 0; pertaining,t:ogetber toitb all bis rigbt,title,
nd tntereH^lobtcb be tbe (aid W^* C5* ^atb bp bertne of t^e agreement
from our (aid foueratgne Hadie t\}t ^. To haue % to ^eld ^ fame bnto
tiz (^id ^M>*W epecnto^s i adignes^in ai large i ample manner ano
Liber 4 AfTigncments/ fccundus
fo;aie,afi tfje faio 2K3:<0.^atl) t^e fame bp
anD bertue of tlic faiD
gtaunt And iuljeras t^c faio S<3l.<0.tose'd)cr tnitl) one gj.SD
bp t^cic
DeeD obltgdtojte i c.tlano tointl^ bauno unto ouc i'ato (oueratgHelLa^
Die fc.Ujitt) conoition t^crupon in&ojfcD i c^t^at t^e faio (0. Ojall lucll
ano trnlp (vc infra) t|)e faio 315l> Dotb coucnant %u tt)at ^e tl)c faiD 31
S>.^t0 t)etrj3 ic. 0)31 ano IdUI at all ano euerie time t timc0,anD from
time :o time hereafter IjdcU auo truel^ Ueepe, DefenD, ano otl)erl3)tfe
faue tarmeUHe tbe faio ^U>.l)i0 f c. of anD from tbe fo;fctt anD fo^f*
of tbe fato obligation,! of,anD from arreft0,impjifonmets, fmts, pe
naltie0,oamages, o; otber fo;feiturcs % troubles lutiatfoeuer, Ijpbic^
l^all o; map bece^^fter be baD,maoe, bone o; fuffercD, in anp maner of
U)ife,bp our faio roueratgn llaDp t^e iD* bp r^afon of tt)e fait) bonD,o;
bp anp otber perfon o^ perfon^ m
ber ^aiclties rtgbt, 03 bp ante tea*
fon 0; iiuanra of anie ccumaut,conDition,arttcU,oa otber cUufe con*
taineo % fpecifif m tbe faio Blnoentare maDe i c And finally tt)c faiD
g.E t ouenanrect) c.tbat t]e tbc f^to :4.D. W
ic> flball ano Uitllat all
4nD times ano trom (tme to ttnie bereafter, tuell and ttulp per^

foime.fulfeU Jiiit accomplilb all ano Qngular tbe couenant$,article0,

(ont)iticn&,f agietnients contameo 1 rpcci6eD tn ttie faiD B^nDcnture
tnaDe bettueene onr (aio foueraigne ilaDie tbe ^* ano tbe laiD M*(0*
tije mient i true meaning of tbe fame Jn wunes&c.
ii(co;bing to

An Ajfignetnent ofStatutes,
THis Indenture &. Betwcenc I^^JF^of i^cne par(^,anD <lE.K>.of tbe SeCl 4; 6.
otber partie,Witnc(rcth,tl)at Ujljcrafi C^.f it, by oneftatute %
Saple 0; recognirance,p;ouitieD fo} recouerie of Debts tak(:n,rccogni^
fet) f fealeo before C^.kntgbt cbiefe BI*of Cng.bearing Date f c^ars
% 0anD boiiD bnto tbe faiD ^*f*in ic.to be paiD at a certain Dap nolu
pa&,in tbe faiD Satnte 0; recogntfance fpeci6eD (as bp tbe fame mo^e
at large Dotb 1 map appcare*) 0nD U)bcreas alf one P.i^.of ttie ^a
faiDC.^.areiHanDbonnD bntott)cfatDl^*iFantt)e fum ofsc.bp
Statute of tbe Sapleo; recogntfance p;outDeD fo;reconcip of Debts
taliCirecognifeD 1 fealeD befo^ tbc faiD C.M.Unigbt cbief gl.ot cng
bearing Date tt;e firt Dap of icin tbe pere of $c* as bp tbe faiD Hatut 0;
rscognifance Dotb alf mo;e at large appeare. And Uibereas tbe faio
)^* i?as inDebteD bnto tbe faiD (I0f c.0nD to tbe enD tbe faiD ^^^if^ C
crccuto^s I flDminit!. map be tbe moje affntcD tbereof, tbe laio ^^ if*
l^atb at tbi0 time DeliuereD tbe faiD tU)o tatutes 0; recognifances Dn*
to tbe faiD Cano alf ofo^bim c.t bat tbe faiD f^.jfF.biiSf (anD euerie
fift^em Cball ivill at all timen (lereafter, and from time to time at i
iP f 3 ftpoiv

Symb. Aflignements. parc.primac

tint) cWqt in tl)e lato of (^e (ato

t)pon t^t C6fti txtcwtdiSj aU Mt
tntniSrato^d ano aa'tgn0,tQ(ltfie, perfojme, niaintntne,auoH),and to
allsU) all fuel; actton0,plaint0,att0,tl)tng0,Demires;, p)oce(r(0,iaDge^
ment0 ano ej:ecutten0 a0 t^e fato C^^o; yer emuto}0 tiatb o^ma?
|)aue,o;l)ero;tl)eir UarncDCounfellm t\)t laU), 0ttc;nev o; facto?,
C^aUiiUtjenameof tt)e (atD^.iF*tt((t:scuto;0 o; aDminiftratojtf^
t>em(e,b(e, b;tng, commence, attempt, aCfirme,o} fne bpon o} bprea*
Ton oftt}eraio statutes o; )^ccogmfancc0, o^ either of tt)em,o;fo;y
ojtpon tt)e fumnies of monepin tlje Tame contatneD, o) ante pact
thereof, o; fo; t^e getting o; rccouering of t^e fame* So t^at tt)e

(aio !^.iF.^t0 erecuto^d oi aDmtntttrato;0 O^all not at ante time l)ere^

after become nonCuit in nnp oftt}e faio action0, fuit0, o; plaint0, o)
bp anie meane0 toillingly Dircontinue,mircontinne, o; loitliDjaloe
tt)erame,antitl)atl)el}att) not bao^no; receiuco t^c rnmme0of mo<
tiep,noj anic part no; parcell tt)cceof ano alfo tbat l;ee i\)t faiD !^.iF

t)i0emuto;0o; aDminittrato;0, nettt)cr l}eretofoae t)at^ Done, bCeDj

commttteD,maDe,no; affentco bnio, no; f)ereafterljDit^outtbefpe'
ciall licence tn U);ittng of tt)e TaiD Q, bi0 erecuto;0 o; aDmimSratojd
(ball oocbfe, commit, luo;he, make ano p;ocure,ruffcr, bnoUileoge,
o; a(Tent bnto anie releare, acquitancc, oifcbargc, gracmt, couenantj
a(t, tiling, Deuife o; p?atti(e, to ertinguttb, barre, relcafe, Determine}
auoio tbe faio aatutc0 o; HecogniCancctf, o; cittiet
f o;feit,furpenD, o;
oft^em,o;t^crnmmf0 of monrp therein contameD, o; anie part o;
parcell tt)ercof,Q} anp action o; action0,(ait0,plamt0,p;oce(7e, iuoge^
Iiient0,o;cj:ecution0,lu^icbmap,mtg^t, coulD,o;oua^ttot)au8 been
|)aD,breD,o;pnrraeD fo;, bpon o; bp reafon of tt)e faio (latute0 o;
Mecognifance0,o;eitberoft^em,o;fo;,o;bpon H)e (mnmcs ttiereiti

tontatneD,o; anie part o; parcell tl)ercof. And further, tbat tl)e faio
CD.l)ererecuto;0o;aDminiCrato;0(ball ano map t)aue,bfe,tabe,per;'
leiae anb eniop,to bcr ano ttieir bfe Uiit^out anp accompt to be ^ao o)
demanoebagaina^ero^tbcmin tljat be^alfe , all and Qngularfuc^
l)enefite0,p;ofite0,commoDttie0 ano at)nantagc0, of,fo; anbbpon
tl)eraiD^tatute0 o; Hecognirsnce0, ano tbe fumme0 tiiereincon^
taineD,n0 tbe CaiD \^ if. ^{0 erecuto;0 ano aDinint(lrato20 beretofo^e
(oulo o; mtgl}t, ano thereafter can, o; map l)auc,taUe o; eniop, of, fo;
f bpon tbe fame bp anp maner of toaiG0 o? mcane0 U)batfoeuer And
furtbetmoje that tt)e faio l^.i? bi0 cyecutojs anO aDmmiftr8to20, in
eate tbe faio rcmmea of monep, o; anp of t^em be laliifuUp tenb^eb o;
paid bnto t!)e faio fi^*f*^i tvttatojs o; ai)minil^rato;0 l^all ano U)iU
at all times fiereafter tpoti reqaeH reafonabU to l)im o} to t^em to be
Liber Confirmations. fecundus
maDe, tteltaet, atib pa^ t^efameoaer tot^eratD<l!;*^i0epetnto;(O|
aDniinillrato;0, to ^cr oj ttietr otune proper Dfc And alfo t^at tl)e faio
l^.if.ti^^erccutojsaHD atimtntaratoj0,m (afeanpgooDfi,c^attel0,
lanO(,tenement0,o; t}creDitament0 Ojal be pjifed o; ertenDeD,t)pon>
0) bp tiertue of tije feio Statutes o? l^ecogni^anceSjO? citljcr of t^cm,
flball and luiU at all times t^en after,at,anD tpon t^c leafonabUrc*

que(l,cott0, ano cl^arges in tl)e laiu of tbe faid (^t)er eirecuto;$ o; aD

miniarato30 , make all fact) aCfuranc cs anD conucpance0 int^e lato,
cf,ano bpon all t^e cigl)t,cftatc,tcrnicjtitu,int0rctt,p?opertp,ano De*
manDof ttjefaiD i^.i^. l)i0mcutoasf aCiniiniarato;0,of,tn,ojtotl)e
fame gooD0,cl)attel0,lanD0, ano tencments^as bp tbe fato C.t^er txt*
rtito30 o; aOnum(lrato;6 o; t)er o; tt^etr Counfel leaincD,a)al be Deut^
feD,aDuifeo,o3 rcquircD And mcrcoucr,^ tbc faiD ^,f*\^\s wcotojs
I abmttitl!rato20, (ball ano toill at all time0 l)ereafter tpon f rrqnett
oftbefatD C^* ^er erecutojs o; aDmtnt(trato30, anbnot otbcrluifes
raabe^feale, ano tieliucr f ucb Difcl)ar6e,o; releafe,$ acquitace,of, and
fo}tl)eratd fetatute0 anD Hecognt^ance0, o? eitberof tbctii,03an?
part of tbe rumme0 tt)erdn contatneD, a0 tbe fato Cbcr emuto;0 ei
aominiftrato?0,o; l)er,o; tbeir counftl leameo fljall ecnife 02 require
And funhcrroore tbat tbe faiD Cb^r crc(ute;0 03 aominittraf o;0 Ibal
anD mn|? at all timc0 bereaftcr luttbout fuite, action, 03 trooble of tbe
faio ^i?.bi0 mcutoj oj aDBiimarato30, beepe
ano rctaine tt)e fatSi
^tatnte0o? ^ecognt5ance0 in Ijcro; tbetr banD0o; poCeaton,anD
(KielDtbe (atnefo;tb, at, 03 in anp Contt 03 Courts, tbere tomatn^
taine attion,o3 pjocurc erecutton , u
tbe cafe (ball require, 03 otbec^
We at ber 03 tbetr plealure : !3nD becaufe tbe faiD (l!;.mdv bane lato^
foil aatbo3ttieto (eebe tbe bendita of ttie faiD &tatute0 o3l\ecog
ni$ancr0,acco3Ding to ttjetrnemeaningvpurpojt, ano effect of tbefc
jJ3efent0abouc Deelarco, tbe faio !}^i^.batbnonunatcD, inftitatcD,
anD appointeD,anD bv tbefe p3cfent0 Dotl) nominate, tnftiiutc,ano ap
point, (As in letters of Attourncy.)


now appearcth partly howenery fcucrall Eftatc may be created, _

wherefore fccmethveriemectc,
it fuchEftatcs fliallhappcntobc ^^^* 4/7*

defcafible, to fticw how the fame may be made good, which

may bee
done by Confirmation or Rcleafe of him which hath a better or longer
ff^ cflacc
Symb. Confimations^ part.prima!

cftatc in the thing granted then the Tenant thereof hath for Confir" :

mare by LtttUtons minde, Setl' ^ii. is nothing elfc but ontXxt firmnm

facerc, namely to
t make ftrongand furc fuch an cftatc, as before the fame
Confirmation, was for fomc caufc voidable, and yet not mecrcly voidc.
Decdcsof Confirmation bio madethus.

Confirmation infee,

NOucrint vniucrfi per prxfcntcs roe A.B. ratificafle, approbaflc, 6c

confirmafle CD. in plena & pacifica pollefllonc & fcifih cxi-
fteh.totum ftatumjpofTcirwncm, ScintcrcfTc, quae hibeo, dc & invno
rocfuagio cum pcrtmenrijs in L.&c. SEobaueanD faiome
to t)olDtt)e
fuagc fc. trtbe faiD.2D.t)i Ijeiresano affigncsfojeucr:);t(je
beiresof ^tdboDitio; ottjeituifs, as ^i^cffatL'ais U)lnc^ pun woulD
confirme, iDttt) fuc^ iDorrantp ano couenan SddLxinutUcconnp'
ance0,attbe pleaCure of tt)epar;tc5.
0lfo in Confirmations it is not amille in tljc pjcmilTcs of itjc fieeo,

fpeciallp to recite tbceftafe of tl)e2ntnantlDi)ict) muftbcconfirtnco,

ano alf tbe ettatc of t)im tt)at fl^all conficme> ano to erp;c(re tt)e (onG
deration tt^ereoftif anp fuc^ be.

A Confirmation of the office of m keeper of a Parkejft^arrejt,

Bayltfe^and Steward.

HEnricus Dei gratia Rex Angli^ &c. Omnibus &c. Sciatis qd^cum
dile^tus confanguineus noftf LV. Comes Oxoh.ac Margaret
conforscius Comitifla Oxoh,feifiti de raahijs deM &B.fibi cthxrcd
mafcuhs dc corpof (uo exeunt, rcucrfiohindc nobis &
hacrcd neftns
fpeftahjp h'as fuas da t &c. Dcdcrunt &
conceCTef , per &
cafdcm itcras i

confirroauerunt dilcftisfcruicntruis I. P. LD. & armigcrisofficiu Par-

can) parci fui de M. vna cum officio BjUiui mancriorum de Mct B. cum
cuftodWarrcnn fuaru ibidem, accofdeI.P.& I. Dparcariosparcipd
balliuojpd mancriorum dcJM.&B acSenelchall' ibidem.nccnoncu-
ftod Warrenn fuarum pd,p fcriptiim fuum pdf fcccrit, ordinaucrit,8c
conftituerit.Habcnd,tenend,et cxequcrd difta officia Parcarij.Balliui,
Sencfchair,fcu cuftod di^tarum warrenn fuarum pd l.P.et I.D.duratc
Vitaipforum I.& Lac vtriufque corura diutius viueniis. Percipicnd an-
nuatim m et per occupationem ct exccutione officiorum pdift' ct corum
cuiuilibec, tanta &
talia feoda, vadia Sc regard, proficua, ct emolument,

quanta pdi^tus I.P.pro eifdcra ofiicijs et corum quolibec aliquo ceropof

Liber Confirmations; fccundus
prscante habuic 6c percepic. Redden^ & faclen^ annuacim verum &
fidclccompotum coram auditor difti Comitis & Cowifl. pro tempore
exiftn,in, & pro occiipationc officij Balliuiprxfcrip!- Cumctiam
prxdiil' Comes & ComitiflTa per cafdcm If as fuas dedcrunt & concefTc-
rumprsefac I.D.officium cuftodmancn) fnidcM.pracdift'Habcn^,
percipicndjoccupand, &
cxercend idem officiuro per fe, aut fuum fuffi-
.cientcmdcpueat,durante vicaciufdeml.D. cumoibusSc Hngulis vadijs^
regardis, proficuis, 6ccmolumentiscidcm officio ab antiquo debit &
confuet,prout in cifdcm liccris plcnius cominctur. Poft cuius donum &
ctoncefTionc p5 1.P,obi)t,& pd LD.ctim fupcruixit,& tcnct,occupat,&
poflidet officium pd virtute conccfllonis pracdi^l'perinsaccrclccnd'.
Sciacis nos dc gratia &c. acpro bono lernitio nobis per pdiftuml.D.
impenfo &iropoftcrum impcndcn*, ratificaflc, approbade, confir- &
made prxfaC I. D. officium pdift' pro tcrmino vitac ciufdcm I.cum an-
nual! fcodo decern libf, ac ceteris regard, proficuis, & cmolumcntis
^diOis. Ac ctiamdcdimus& conceffinius,& per pfentes damns & con-
ccdimus^fatlD. quodficontingatpr^diifl* Comit cm & Comitidam
(inehxredmafculode corpore fuo legitime procrc^fobirc, quod tunc
pfdift' I.D. habcbitjtenebit, eipoffidebit pdift'officia & corum quod-
libetjCum pratdiil' vadijs.et decern libf annuatim capicrd.vna cum cac-
ceris vadi)S,rcgardis, proficuis, & eroolumentis cifdem c ffic & eoru cui-
libet fpeftarf fiueptment.Habcnd*,tencnd,& exerccnd pdictofficia&
corum quodJibet, per fe, vel per fufficientem deputatum iuum, fiuc de-

putatos (uos, durante vita ipfius I.D. In cuius rei dec. Tede Sec.

A ConjiYTnAtion ofan AnnmUe;ith agraunt ofa

ether m allowance ofDoer.

OMnibus Chrifti &c. R. A. de E, filius &

bacres R. A. dcfuna'
Sea45 8.
&c. Sciatisquod cum idem R.A. pater meus, per fcriptum fuum
gereh daf &c. dcdilTet, conccfl. & confiimaffet cuidam A. R. quandam
annuitat fiue annual* rcddit xx. libf, exeunt dc,& intotoill' campo
fuovocatC. iacen in Villa dcB.in Com pdift': Habcnd, pcrcipicnd,
Scleuand annuatim, durante toto tei^vicx eiufdem A. ad fcda ^c.
cum claufula diftriftion ^
non foluiione ciufdcm rcddit, prout in code
fcripto inter alia plcnius apparet. Et cum poftca idem R.A pater meus
duxitm vxorem A.R.fdift', etdurantfponlal' inter cos, idem R,A.
pater obi)t,& pd A.jplum fupcruixit,et iam fupftcs in plena vita exifiit,
ac pdiCi' annuaii rcddit gaudeat , & habere dcbeat. Noucritis ergo mc
Symb. Confirmations. pai't.primac

prxfdc R.A.filium^tam ratifica(Ic,approbaffc,&hocpr^fcntifcrJpto

weo confirniafTc eidem Ag. A. vJddu3e,toiu ftatum, tkulum,& inccrtilc
eiurdc,de, & in pdia' annual'rcddit xx.libf, quam dcdillc, conccfnflc,.
&hocp(cncifcrjpto meo confirmairc cide A. quandamaliamannuita-
ccro fiuc annualcrcddit xxx.libraf, exeunt tarn dc,& ex pdid'campo
voca! C. qu^m de, & in omnib^jali js ccrris & tcncwitis incis cum pcrtifi
in B. pdia' Habend gaudend,"& pcrcipied, tarn diet' annual' rcddi
: ,

xx.libf,quatr. pdift'anniutat fiuc annual' rcdditxxx. libf perann pdt

R.A.&airighluis, durante toco tcrmih vitat natural' ciufdcra R. A.ad
p 3rqualcs pore' folucnd,in plcnara & integram allocationcm
fcfta 6cc.
& fatisfaa' totius dotis Sciunftuf ciufdcm Ag. dc, & in oibus & fingulis
tcrris&rcnrmtis, et h^rcditaihris, tam libcris quicuftomarijs, qux tutf
pdia'R.A.patrismci. Etfi contingatpdift'annuarreddit&c (^0111
OittreffeB fo; Uentfl anO nomine pcenac.) In cuius rci&c.

Jl Cenfirm^tiort by the Ordinarie and Outran of

the Tdrjons leafc.


Seft.459. all true ChriQian people tolul^om t\)iii pjcfentlDjitingiftaU

X tome to b0 feene, t)carD, 0; reao, OH.B!. bp tt)e grace of dDoD K*
n)opof S..ano ^;Duurieoft()e lSccCo;iie anDparfonaseof^.tnt^e
Countte of c.anD U.tjerie in!)crito;,oU)ncr,i patron of tbefaio iile#
rte;ieano parfonage of S^Jend greeting f c. Know yee vs tljcfaio IB.
ano p.vuitl? one affent t confent, at 1^ fpecia4l ano inftant Defice aftocl
of oneCas one l.clcrftc, pacfon of .afo;cfaiD,to Ijaue fcene,reao,
erammcD,! pcrfcttlptjnDcrftajDoneJnoentureof a ilcafe,bearwg
tiatc f f.maoe by tlje faiD 3B. bnto tbe faio Cano to l)i aaigrtsa,of tbe
l^ectoiie ^ parfonage of fe.afojcfato.anD ofallmaneroftitt)co?ne,
|)ap,nicaDolDefl(, gUbe lanug^leafurcs, pattures, titbe l)empc,flaj:,ob*
foeucr t\)tv be to tbe faio Ucctonc a-io parfonage belonging f appet*
tai?nin.3[ in &. j^. anD 3i5.afojefaiD,o? elftobere toit^m tbe faiD counCg
If. To haite and to hold ttfc faio Heitojic f ^arfonage,titbe0,anD all
ofljertbt mmStBluitbtfje appurtenances to t^e faiDC^.anDbtffaf
Cfgne, from rbe featt of i cbntilltljs cnD f tcrme of i c. Yecldin and
paying t^erefoje perelp bnto tbe faiD l.ano to bi5 fucceffo;^
f aCTgnetf
f c.tt tlie featt h* During all tbe faio terme f c. Which faio Slnoenfare
of leafc of tbe faio Htaoiit f parfonage, all otbcr p;emitrc
i toit|>
ff.fo tlie fame Hectojie 1 l^arfonage belonging 02 pertaining,ano
anou$r^ tt^in^ I t^infi0, <oenant0;granf0,ano jgreemetai^rcin
Liber Surrenders; fccundus
tontatnD awD fpecifiet),tx)e tlie faiD %'SB* mh f fje faio patron, foj
an) our l)eire0 aiiD facccffo^s bg t^efe pjcfent* no confirme,ratii0,al#
loU) I effaMiftTohauc and to hold tlje faio ^arfonage, glebe lanD0,
f itbe6,obUgattfin0,obuentton0, t all ot^er tbe p;emiae0,mentionet) f
tontaineD in tlje fato SlnDcntnre of iLeafe (aifje faiDC% ^is f recutojs
an) affigne0,from (be featt of icbnto tbe eno f f erme of ic Ycclding
anD pacing bnto tbe faio 3!.anD to bi0 facfro?0 anu to tbeir afftgne
tbe faio gearlp rent of i c. at tl)e Daic0 ano reatt0 in tbe faie 3lnDentur
fpecifleu an) contained, ano all otber pai>ment0 aniD couinanto in t|e
faio leafe mentioneo* In witnes 6c&


fFhar a SHirendtr is,

AN .
Inftrumcnt of Surrender is an inftrunient, ftifying with apt c
words,that the particular tenant of landes or tenements for
ycarcSjdothfufEcicntlyconfcnt and agree, that he which hath the next
life or

^ ^

jtnmediate reoiainder or reucrfion thereof, fliall alfo haue the particular

eftateofihefameinpoffcffion, and that he yecldcth or giueth the fame
vpvntohim. For cueric Surrender ought forthwith to giue a poffcffion
01 thf thing furrcndred,of which be diueis forts,as followcih


THis Indenture inai)eic.Betweene(5,^. of tb one partie, and 335 Sea.4^iii

S?.Daugt)ter of H=E>.of tbotljer partiejWitncfTcth, tbat UJbercas
tbe faiD )i3.E>*i0)ano Sancctt) fcifeD fo; terme of bcr life, bp bertne of
(dd conueiance ano afTurance in tbe laU),of ano in tbe feuerall meru
ages,lanDs,fenenient0,anD bercDitamentfi toitb tbapprtcnance0,Rrf
toate,lping, i being in ^.iti^tJjc countie of (. hereafter fpccifieD anD
mentioneo : tbat 10 to (ap,of ano in t c tbe mcDiate rematnoet tberof
being to fbe faio S>. anD tl)ebire0 male0Dfbi0 boDplatofuUpbs*
Botten,toitb fuuDjie ot^cr rnnaini^erg ouer,an5 tbe remainocr lalllg
to f fjc rigbt beire0 of tbe faio (I0*fe>.fo) cuer. Now tbe faio )!3.HD. foj
anoinconfiDerationoficf fo;funDjie otber soooconCDeration0 ber
Biouingjbatb furrent>;eD,granteo ano CDnfifmeo, 1 bp tberep;efent0
Ootb furrenber^grantjanDconfirmeto tbe faio (I^.^.all 1 fingulartbe
f c* before mentioneo, STogetber loitb all oeeD0, cQtoence ano tD;t'
ting0 lJPi)atCoeu(r> lu^icb tbe faio 3^* 0^ ann otber to ber bfe^o; bv ber
Ubcr Sarrcndcrs. fccundus
oeltnerie o; at;pointnient,o; ttjc Taio it^.jaD^^aue o; ^at^ concerning in
an^ljDi(ett)ep}emi(re0,o} an^ part thereof* To hauc anD to l}olD ic*
:Sno alCo ttie raio i\.E>*Dot^ couenant ic. fo; l)tt}i i c as in coucnants to
dilchargc of incanibranccs,^]w;^67;,.V}fith all other ncccflariccoucnants
and conditions.

* ^
^Surrender to cne in rentAmder.

/^Mnibus SccOim I.K.patcr mcus per chart fuam.fcoffaracntidc-

V^ def & concedcf mihi pf. T.vnum mcfuag cum fuis pcrtih inyilla
dcB.pd', fcituatum inter tcntum R. W. cxpaitc Auftrali, ftratum &
Regium verfus Borcam.Habcnd tcncnd mihi pro term vitac mexjta
quod port deceflum meuni,pr^d' mefuagium euro fuis pcrtih R. H.fratri
mco^hxredibus adigh fuis iropcrpccuum rcmaneret. Nouer itis mc pd
T.conceflTiflc&rurlumreddidiiTc prxfatH.fratri meo totum iusmcu
6c {latum quae habeo pro termin vitae mcae m predil' mcfuagio cum
fuis pertineh Habendum
tenendum .cifdem H. hzrcd 6c afTigh lais
impcrpciuum dc capitahbus 6cc.

%A Surrender to one in reuerjion .

Scft.46?. /^Mnibus &c. K.R. &c. Cum quidam I.R. dc N. Mercer, p charts
V^fuam feoff'jrocntjgereh daf &c.dcdcrit roihi praef. K.R. totu lUud
tcfit &c. Habcnd &
tcnend dift' tehtum cum fuis piiii mihi prxi .K.R.
pro term vit^ meat, lea quod pofl deccdum mei ipHus K. prxd' tent &;c.
pf.LR. 5c hzred (uis rcuerterit, prout p dilam chrrt patet manifeflius.
Noueritis roepracfa!K. R.conccfliflcj&furfumrcddidiflc acperprae-
fentcs conccdcrc & furinm redderc pf. I. R. tchtpr^d' dec. ac totum ius
meum 5c Oatum quae habeo pro term vii^ me^,de,5c in eod tenenito 5cc.
Habcnd' & tenend' prxd' tehtum &c. przfat. I. R. h^red' &
ad folumopus ipfius I.R.Sc hacredum fuof imperpetuura, de capitahbus
dominisfeodiillius per fcruitiaindc debit, 5c de iurc confucf per prse-
fcntcs. In cuius rei 5cc<

-^ Surrender vpon condition by tenantfor life^ to the end a reconerie

may hfued againft him in reuerfion,And the efiate
for Ufe freferued,

Se(Vi4'^4i ' npHis Indenture 5cc.inf^ewfe.pcai;0|c)15rttoeene3l.iF.inD3|t^i

Libera :!i- Surrenders; iecundus
on m otW partio^WitncfTeth, SCfjat to^cre t Je tain
tDife,a0 in t^e rig!)t
%iF.anD 3[ ^{0
fif t^efaiD^.^ifitoifeDot^^olofo) tgrmeoft^e
life of t^c faiD 31* tiifi toife, Diners an^ funojie lanD0, tenements,
hereditaments in M.if.^ant> 2C. toit^in tlieCounticof J.anD
being t^e late inheritance of ttie faio ?a^ t^e immeoiate remainoer
0? reuerfion of all ano Ongnlar t\)z faio lanos ano pjemiffes erpettant
tot^efaiDC.).anoto^isI)eires, o; to t^e Ijeircs of l)is booielalo^
fnllp begotten fo; encr. Now tbe faio 3. iF, ano 3. bis iuife, as
-fenbe confibcrationin tbis 3Inoenfurc mentioneo , as alfo foj tbe
perfecting of an eftate o^ conuetance to be bao mn mtmt in confiDcca
fionof a marriage bereafter bp C^ods grace to be folemnijco , be*
ttoeeneC^SC.anDBl^^^oaagbter to tbe faiD C.^ banc graunteo ano
farrenD)eD,aHb bp tbefe p^cfcnts Da grant ano furrenoer bnto tbe faiD
CflDf bi8bctrw,bpon conoition bcreafter in tl)i6 3inDcnttuemen'
tioneD,aUanD Cngnlar tbe faiD lanDSjtenementc/jereDitamenfsanD
pjemiflfesbefoiein tbisSlnDentnrementioneD, ano catrie part anD
parcell tbereof, 0nD all fucb otber lanDs.tenements i bereDttaments
as tbe faiD 3EiF.anD 31* bi tuife, as in tbe rigbt of the faiD g', baue,oj
ofrigbtougbttobauctberein,fon^e termeof tl;cUfe oftUefaiogj*
being tbe late inbcritance of t|ie f aio U .to;D ).ber late bufbanD,anD
all tbe ettate, rigbt, title, anD intereft Ujbicb tb^P tbe faiD gi.i^^anc 3
bistoife,asin tbe rig^t of t^e faio 203l.^aae,o3of rigbt ougbt to
baue,in,o)tott)ep;emiires,o;anie part o? parcell tbcreof. Tohauc
anD to bolb tbe faiD lanDSjtenements f p;emiffes,anD tbe aate,rigbt,
title faiD 3;. if anD ttie faio 3.bisUjife,in,anDto
anD intereft of tlie
tbe faiDlanDS,tenements, ano pjemiflfes, bnto tbe faiD C. D ano ^is
beires Vpon conDition , tbat if tbe faiD C ^. Doe not tocll ano
trulp content anD pap,02 cauCc to be toel ano trufp c cnfenfcD ano paiD
tntotbe faiD3#anD3I.btsU)ifc, o; tl)eir aff(gnes,t^c fumme of
iooo.C.offc.(A$inclaufesofpaytiient)2]:bat tben anD fromttjcnce*
fojtb tbis pjefent grant anD furrcnoer to bebtterlpboio anD ofnone
effect.janD tbat from anD after fncb Default of paiment of ti?e faiD fum
of looo.C.at tbe time anD place afo;efaiD, it (bal be lalDfull to,anD fo;
tbefaiD3.5?anDBlbistoife,anD tbeiraffignes, to enter into all tbe
faiD tenements ano p;emiffes,anD tbe fame to baoe again, repoffclTe,
anDenio|^,asin tbetrfo;mer effate. And tbe faioc*^* Dotbcoue^
nant ano grattnt,fo;bim,bis beires, erecuto;s, anD aDminittrato;0,
anD euerieoftbem,to anD toitb tbe faiD 3l*iF.anDB!* bis tDife, tliat
Iball permit anb fuffer tbe faiD 3IiF
anD Bl.ano tbcir arrignes,to taUe
tbereHts,iaueS9abp;ofitsoftbefaiD lanbesanD paemilTes to tbcir
Symb. Surrenders.' part, primae

olone tfe, tt)tti}ont an? accompt thereof im'king , tnttll t|)e feait of
^.^artin (c.U)t)ic^ (^all be f c i $P4* if tiie (aio Bl^tlietoiffi do (o Unj^
litie In witncire &c

v^ SHrrender ofLeAfesftryeares,
ScV.4^j'. nrO all Chriftian people to toljom t^i pjcfcnt tojiting Ibail come9
X U*0* ano Bl'l^* feno greeting in our llo;D C>oD euerlaSing*
Whereas bp DeeD inDenteo, bearing oate (c. mace bettoeene C*M*
tieceareD,anD ^* tben bi0 tntfe of tbe one partp, ano tbe faio K*0*oii
tt}e otber part^, tt}e (aid M*DiD Demirc, grant, ano to (erme Ut to tbe

faio H. 0. tbetr niano;of "^M. (joitb tbeir appurtettance0, Iwng ano^

being in 1^. in tbe faio Connt? of c To hauc ano to bolo^ t|e faio
mano;, U.0. ^i0 erecato20 <c* from
9 otl^er tfje p^emifles, to ti)e faio
t^e feaft of^.
^icbaell <c. tlren nert infning , bntill tbe enoano
terme of %xs* peares tben nert f c. fnllp to be complete ano enoeo^aa
b^ tt)t; faio tieeo inoenCeo it ootti plainly appeare* And where alfo bg
oeeo inoenteo, bearing oatt %i* maoe bettoeene t^e faio %*Wi* ano
2D.&*ano ttje faio U*0.f c. tbe faio M^ano C&.oio oemireigraunt,
ano to ferme let bnto t^e faio U*0.all tbofe tt)eir tD(DO)S,bnoerl90O0,
lanod ic* Tohaiieanote bolo tt^efaio toooO0, ano bnoertDOOO0 1 c.
tuto tbe faio IS. t)i0 erecnto30 ano a{rigne0, from t|e featt of f cnert
inraingtt)cDateof tl;c la(t rccitco oeeo tnoenteo, bntill tbeenoanD

terme of one ano tluentie peare0tben nert tn(uing. Except ano al^
toatea referaeo bnto tbe (aio Wi*%* ano to tbeir t)ctre0,aU maner o(
timber trec0, ano trees M^t to p2oue timber trees, of lb^t ^earee o)
grototb (oeuer tipep U)erc,tbcn grotJDing,in,o; bpon tbe p}emille0,aft
bp tbe fame oeeo inoenteo laS recited it ootb anomapappeavefc
ThceSateanointerefltof tbetDbicbfaio U.j^an tbe(aiolanO0,tene'
tnnt0,meaootDe0, paffnres, ano fdcoings, graunteo bp tbe faio reci^
teo oeeO0 inoenteo, tbe faio H!U nolDbatb* Know yec now^tbat
tbe faio U!^. ano 3.H. fo; oiners conQoerationa tbem moning,bau$
giaen, graunteo,ano (orrenojeo , ano bp tbefc p;efent0 ooegiue,
graunt, ano (nrrenoer bnto K*Wi* anO^T.^* all tbeir ris4jt,eftatet
tntereft , ano terme, ano all tbe rigbt, eSate, ano terme of eitber of
tbem,tbat tbep,o} eitber of tbem bao, baue, 0; ongbt to baue,of,in,o}
to tbe faio mano; of i^.li.ano otber tbe p;emi(re0 oemtfeOygraanteo,
0; letten to f arme bp tbe firft reciteo oeeo inoenteo. Except alluaies
atio fo^cp^ifeo to tbe (aio 3^.0 ^10 erecutojs, aomimCti;ato;0,ano
a(figne0, oaring tbe terme of tbe faiolafl^ reciteo oeeo inoenteo, all
li^erig^tytitU^intereHjCftatej ano terme, t^iat^e i\^ faio is*0
Liber ^ Releafes: fccundus
noto l^atl),ma^ I^aae, o; ou0^t f o ^auc, in, nnt to t^e faiti toooDii, tn ^
oeriDOotis, anD ot^er t|0 p^emilTes Demtfeo tjnto t^e fait) )^)9. bp t^e
latt rectteD DeeD tniienteD, to be fjaD atiD ento^eo to t()e faiD IX^* %ii
erccuto;0,f c^acco^eing to tt)e teno;t anD fo;me of tt}e faio latt rcctteo
DeeD tnocnteD To hauc and to hold tf)e fato ^auB? of ^.^* anD o^
tbcrt^e p2f miffes bp tljcfe pjcfenfSjgramifco ano furrenD?cD,U)it^
tbeir appurtenance (>:cept bcfojc crccpteDbpt^efepjefentfi) tnfo
tbe faiD S^.?KIlanD JC.^. tbctr ljeire anD affigncs fo? ucr And tl)c
faiD K.ja.anD i.K^foj tljcm, anD eitlicr of t\)Bnh anD tlje emnto)0
nD aDmtnittrate? of enerp of t^em,Doccoaenant anD grant, to, anD
toitb tbc faiD K*m*mti C^.anD t^t betrcs,ej:cntoj6 oj affignes of
cuergoft|)em,t^ttt)cfaiD ipano? of l^^anD ot^crt^e p;cnnffc0b^
t^efe pjeCent0 granteD anD fnrrenDjcD ( cwept befoje ercepteo) at i^t
time of tie mabing of t^efe p2efent0,be,anD l^all be fo? euer tjereafter
tlccrelp acqnited anD DifcbargcD, o; otbertoife faneD f;armeUtre of ic.
Asincouenancstofauchamiclcs. Inwicnes&c.


fVhat a Releafe is,

ARdeafc is an inflriimcnt, whereby eflates, rights, titles, entries, a-

Oions, and other things bee fon]etiirescxtinguifiied,foractiroej
transfcrrcdjfometinics abridged, and fometiracs inlargcd , of which fee
ihefc examples.

tyfRcleaffffhtde to the tenantfor terme ofpares.

OMnibus&c. CumR.W. de O.tcneat mepracfat I. vnumtenc-

mcntuna cum fuis pcrtincn quod idem R.inhabitat, in &c.pro ter-
mino annof &c. Noucritis me pracfat I.rcmififTc.rclaxafre 5cc. Ita quod
neccgo,ncchcde$mci&c, Sedab omni aftionciuris, clamei&c.
Datum &c;

jireleafe to the tenant ofthefreehold.

OMnibus &c. T. R. filius & hares C. R. armig' dcfunfti falutem

in domino fempiternam. Noueriiis me pracfat T.remifi(Tc,reJaxaf- ^^" '4^7
fe,&:omnino pr6 me & hxred meis iroperpetuum quietum clauiaflc

ptrprxfcnces R. D* armig' in fua plena ^ pacifica polTcflione

Symk.; Bealeafcs. part.ptimagi

cxiftcnt,h3?rc4 & affign fuis impcrpctuum,totufn ius meufn,titulum,c!a-

ipcum.dcmand & intcrcffc.quac vnquam habui, habco, feu quouifmod
i(i futuf habcf potcro vcl potcrint hacrcd* mci, dc, & in tnancf de R. ;n:

ccvfiK.ciiio omnibus tcrri$;tncirentis &c. Ita viz.quod ncc c^oprac^!

't-ncc ^a^fcd* iiici,necaliquis alius per nos,pro nobjs, feu nomine noRro
aliquod clamcum, demand feu intcreffcjdeaut in pracdi^i'
ius, titiilum,

manefde R.cum omnibus terf,tcnememis6cc. nequeinaliquapanefeu

parcella corundcm, dc cactero clamare vcl vendicarc potcrimus ncc de-
bcmus quouifmodo in futuf, fed ab oroni a^ione iuris, tituji, clamei, dc
niandi,& intcrcflejdc, &in eifdem pcnicus exclufi irapcrpct per pr^fcn-,
tcs. Ec ego vero prxd T. &
h^rcdes mei praed manef dc R cum &c.pf.
R.D.haercd' &affignat (uis contra me &hatred meos , ac contra omncs
&: fingulas al' pcrfon fiuc pcrfnas legitime habcnc &clam fiue cxigefi,
fcuquiirapoftef Icgitim habcb. damabunt fiuc exigent, pracmifl. cum
pertih,aut aliquam inde parcellam, aut aliqaid iuris, tituli, (laius^ i^ccr*
cdc.fcu aliquid aliud,dc,m,vcl ex pr^miflis cum percineh^ aut dc, in, vcl
cxaliqua inde parcel*, dc, per, vcl lubmc pr^fafT.R. vel afligh meis,
warranrizabimus &
imperpetuum defcndemus per praefentes. In cuius
rci tc(limonium,Scc.

^ Releafe ofright or intere^ in Unds,
M-. ,:T^-}rn?ir^-->b;'
/^Mnibus&c. A.M. vidua rclift*T. M.noperdcScinComN.d6.
^^ '.4
V-^funV',adraini(lratrix boncf &catellof quae fueruncT. tempore
niortis,fuae,falutcm indho fcmpiternam. Sciatis me pf. A.pro quadam
pec' fumma mihi per H. M. de S. pd' filium meum prae raanibus foluca
& impodef foluend, Rcmifiile,6cc. vtfufra. lea quod nee ego dec. Sci-
atis infuper me przf. A.M. reminilc, reiaxaffe, & omnino pro mc & h^-

rcd' & cxccuf mcis imperpetuum quic! clamafle per pratfcntcs pf.H. M.
haercdibus & executoribus fuis ocs & omnimodas aAioncs, fcO', quae-
rc]asdcbita,compota, eranfgrenioncs,detemiones^ demanda quaecun-
3ue,quae,vel quas verfus ipfum H.vnquam habui, habco,feu qupuifmo
in futurum habere potcro virtuceadminiHraC praed', feu alitcr quo-
cunquemodo,aborigincmundi,vfquc in diem confeOionis pr^femi-
um. In cuius rei teAimonium 6cc.


/^^in^^"^^*^'^'L'<Jc^c.GtiinC.F.deN.haburit& perqif|&
^ Sl 6
^ ^^^ i
^L/ucrit dc me psactaS I. vnura wncmcmum in N. m parociia bcatx
Liber r '[ Relcafts. fccundus
Mariaevirgifijin alto vie' feu platea. Habcn^&tcncndfeidC.h?re^&
afli^nfuisimpcrpctiproutpcrcbartainfcofFcroeti p mc eid Cinde c6-
fcl* cuius dat&c.pleniu$apparer. Noucritisine pd I. remifiile,relax-
aflfe, ct omnino pro me & her imppct quiet clamajGTc pfl C. her
rocis &
aflignfuiSjtotuaiius meum,clatr!cum 5cc. Ita viz.In cuius &c.

ARelea[e by the Mortgagee,

OMnibus&c.Nouericismc pf.&c. p pfentrcmifi{re,rclaxaf.&c.R. Scd.470.

to in O. cum fuis ptinquae nup habui ex don* ec fcoffarato pd R. in O.
p modumorgagi j pro xx.li. ct cjuas mihi iam foluit ct fatistccit qd qui-
dcm tcntu cum luis pcrtin ide R. W. in fua plena poflcflioh iam habct.
Itaviz.qdnccego&c. In cuius rci&c.

A ReleafeofallaUtons*
^'"'47 *
NOucrint &c. rcmiGffe, relaxa(rc,& omnino ^ mc haef mcis impcr-
j5etuu quiet clamafle I. H. dc B. &c omncs ct omniraod aftioncs
tam quam pfonales fcft* querel* debit exec* tranfgf et demand
quas vel qu^ vnquam habui, habeo, feu in futuf quouifmod here potero
verfuspd I.H. rationcaut caufaquacunquc aborigincmundivfquein
die confedionisprcrcntium. In cuius 6(c.

A ReUafe efa ^ftare impedit,

TO all fait^f all people to to|[)6 Wt p;ef et ftal come,f be IjearD, Scft.47s*
reaDjOj feene,|& ef )an tl)e untp of C. fenDetl) greeting in
oar )Lo}& (H^oD eucrlatting* ^^eread fute 1 contioKerrie^ljatl) ^ereto^
fo;e bin moucD ano Depenotng betbeene B!0. on ttie one partp,f tt)e
reaercnu father in dDoD W5I5i(]bopof C.ootbcDt^crpartp,fo5ianD
cocerning tlie collation of one \S.**i\tx^Zy in t to tt)e Cbuvcl) of KM\
t^e fatD cout^of C* U% % cocerning tbelu^ict) p;e(entation>oneQiiaf
imp U)a0 bjoug^t b^ t^afo;tenameD 3|.^agatn(l t^e fatD reuerenD fa^
t^er Ml.)15ifl^*of C. tot^ereas bp f meDiation of V^t rtgbt t}6no;abl0
Hr ^.&*02tier batt) bin taken,in t cocerning ^ p;etni(re0,i al matters
ano tl)ings concerning tbe fame, ^oto fenotu pe, tbat tbc faio 3.^4
accompltfbment, f accojoing to tbe fato o2Der batl) remtfeo, releafeUy
ant) fo; euer qtiite claimeu,! bp tbefe p2efnt0 Dotb fullp,freelv f abfo^
lately, cemife^ leafe^.ano fo; euer quite ciaime to t|e faio renereno
<0 ifatler
Symb. BeaIeafeSi>i part.primx
JFat^er in (0ol, M*
^iop of C. anu to W.Can^ (o citfjer of ttiem,
tl)cu* erecu?oj0 am aDmiinftrotojs,as twell ttjc fapo action of Quarc

jmpcdiMallaric allmancrof Diauibance0,caures{,matter0,f tljingtf

on5,faiti,quarrcl3,iDebt5,trefpairc0,cotrouetac0,f tiemanij0,to^at*
0} anv of tt)cm,at an^ time o; tttnc0, before tl)c Date of tt)e(e p^erents
of all U>t)icb action0,qaarel0, fmtc,controuerRe0,f D8inanD0,afo2ei
faiD,tl)e faiD ^.^.foj l)tmfclfe, fU& t)cir0,couenantetl) ano grantetl;,
to ant) toitb tbe faiD Wi .|5i(liop,anD U.C.tbetr erecutojs f c*anD at al
times ^treafcr,l0eUanDfutfutentl^ to acquitc,o?Difct)arge,o) fant
^armclcffetljefameiBitljop,! U.C.tt)eerecutoj5anDaDmtniftrato;
oft^em^l either oft^embpt^etep^efents. In wltnede &c.

yl Releafe ofa Communication ofMatrimonie.

Sc^.473. TpHisBillmaoefbcMia^of fcantbcicMberasaComunicatioii

X of manage fiatb beretofoje bin moncD, f bat), betUieene ^^* on
tbonepartp, ani)3.C.oftbotl)erpartp,anDt^at tbe fame taket^ none
tfitiU fo; tbat tbe faio &. %* cannot obtaine ano get tbe gooD totU of
tbeirfrient0ant)kinrfolk0,atli3borebanD0 (ucb portion of monepag
to bee of rigbt appertainctb. 10 to be rcceiucD, Wimcffcth tbaf 3 tbe

faiD 1C.boe bcrcbp tediSe 1 p;otei)t bnto tbe loo;lD) aftoell fo; mine
otone Difcbarge a0 bi0;tbat no oitbonelt no; bnlatof ul act,batb at anp
time bin committed bcttoeene bs noj anp contract of matrimony l)aD
0; maDe at all betiuitit b0 , but tbat cucric of b0 map latof ulip at ouc
Mb f pleafnre marcp eUls^ere b|^ (S^oo 1 man0 laU)e0.In wimcilc f c

A Releafe of an apfea/e.
Scft.4741 ^TTHis Indenture fc !ll5etluecne ^.1^. of ff.anuH.C of fC.Wit-
JL ncffethjtbat U)bercl^ e.ftawDctb inDicteD f appealcD, ofanD fo)
tbe Oeatb ano killing lf(*l^*anD tbereupon Diners fuits ano pjoccsore
DcpcnDinganDbanebccneatuarccDagainffc tbe faiD UC i^otufbe
faiD i^. Dotb remiCrcmife, ano clcrtlp anD abfoUitelp foj bim anD bis
Metres veleate to tbe faiD ia. C!;* all appealeo, fuits ano DemanDS, and
otber action0 tobatf oewer : SnD fartber t\^2 faiD i^ il^. Dotb conenant
c* tt}at tobere tbe faiD \^ .^. batb commenceD an appeale agatNtt tbe
fapD U*<2;anDotber0,'ofanofo2tl)eDeatbQf tbe faiD U*^*^i6biQf
t\iix DeceafeD : E^at ne^t^er ^ee t^e fapDe ^A$* no; ^*i^* ano U

Libec, :nr^ Releafcs. fccundus

l^.woj anp of tlctst, no? an^ of^ec fojt^crtt, tiin tUit nanje,no? b?
tliEtrmeaneg, auuife, fenoUslcoge, affento? procurement of angof
t^em^C^all from ^encefo^t^ |);orecate oa fcUolD t^e TaiD appeaU,a2 a^
jn^f ;oced thereupon fiepenotng agatnflt t^i; faio )S.anD fo;t tl)e better
Determining ef t\}t TaiD i3ppcale againft tlje faiD iu.di; ije t^e (aio ^*
^oot^ couenant to ma^e one retrarit, of, ano Ijpon tbe falD 0ppeale
atanp time to^en^e Cjall be tJiercto requireo bptf)efa^tj5^..o;b^
anpfoj^imonn l)i6name Andmo;eoucrt^cfaiD!p.%.?E(,l^,ai>
JiStl^.oocoaenantic. tbatneitljertbefapu ^.'i$*m.^*tii\n\Si*^.(iZ
anp of tbcm,noj an^ tl>eir frientjs, feinffolfees, 02 altc5,no3 mv
perf on oi perfons foj tbetn o? anp of tt)em,oj bp f ^e meanes,confent,
aomfc, fenotelcDge 05 pjocuremcnt of t^era, 0; anj> of tbeni,flbal ooe,
fuffer, J caufe to be Done oj fuffereo anp act oj act0,oj ttjing tobatfoi*
uer,ffl2tbcfurtberfuing,troubiing, bering, ojinoangcringof t^e
faioK.e.of ojfoj tl)8Deatl)o?UimngoftbefaPD U.i^*no;fl^aUnot
gtttc 0; procure to be ginen anp euioence, 0? otber p;oofe agatnd tbc
faiD i^fCfo; ttie oe atb oi feiUing of tbe faio U.^. Bin conaoeration of
fcDbid) faio agreemet, conrlufion, f of all f Ongular otber tbe p?emif<
feg to be toei ano trulp obferueo f ^ept on tlje part $ bebalf of tbe fato
?^.!^.2I2K.^f W.i^ euerp of tljem tbeir frienos ano hinffolUes, tbe
fatb U.C* Dotb couenant fo;bttn biabeiresanoaDminittratorstDitl^
tbe faio l^.i^.fc.to pap to caufe to be paieD to tbc faio I^^K^^fc^cxprcf-
fiwgthc fumme and placcofpayment. In witnclTc fc ^: '

^ Releafe hetveeene ioint Levees.

7Nto all CbJittian people to bobotljts pjefentUjntinglJjaU come,

\ 3iE>.!^BmiDjp.C* ftc fenoerb greeting : 2EU)erea5tl)ecoUe

giatCburcboft^cblcffcD birginof a>Dutbtpell in tl}e county of jj5.bg

^ ^ "^'^''

tbeic ^n^enlure of leafc bearing Date i c uio aniogll otber U)ingi3,De^

mife,grant anD to farme let bnto l^,C. oeccafeD, all ttiattbcir nianoj
ojlojDfiiip of U.intbc county of J3, toitb tljc fcite f circuit of tbe famo
mano?,i al 1 ftnguler tljcir otgerlanO0,tesiemcnt3 ican tljefaio cou?
fg of ^.being part, parcelloj member of tbefato tollegiat Cbarcb of
^.o> repttteo, taken oj Unoluen to be anp part,parcell 0; meber of tbe
faniCjOj of the faiD mano? 0; lojD(bip,o? ang of tbej 0; anp part oj par^
ceUtberof, Ml) all 3 Angular tbeir appurtcnace0,bnto tbe faiD 1^*C*
^is erccuto^s1 aaigncs, fo? tbe tcrmi: f fpace of ic as bt' f [)c fain 31<

eentave of leafen)o;e at larseit appcarctijt ^i^fojcgU^Jiereof tbe

00 a (aiii
Svmk :^L Realeafcs. part.primae
taiD^.C^lDadlatDfullppodecreD of tl)e fatD ^ano; t)fS..anDp}em^
f es accojDinglv.JatiD f o being tl)eccof poffeffeo maDe ^is latt toill ano
SCcCamentintDjitingjanD thereof oiD conftitutei mabc(0.Cof fc
anDC^C.t^cniDife of tte faiD =l^.C. tis erecutojs, ano after Dieo.
0fter tuijofe ^eattl t^e aomimdcation of all tt)e gooOB anD cattels of
t^eCai^o l^.C. tpas committeo to tt)e fato (0.C* ano ** accojoing
to <^e Ccclefiafttcall laUes of t^is laealme, bp fo^ce tu^ereoftbe
fatD C>*ant) <E\])ere thereof latof uUp poaedeo, anD t^e fame tiad ano
snto^eD.^notbepfo being thereof poaeffeobp tbeirBRnDentncg beiii
ring oatc i c.uiO giuc,graunt,afftgne, ant) fct ouer bnto tl^c fa|o 3!.SD.
3ttv3i5.^.^.anD ^iii.of ic. allt^eir iuljolceftatc, intcreftjpno terme
pf^er0tt>tnto come,of anD in t^efaio manno?s,lo;Dft)ipff,lanti0,te
netnents ano pjemifles teitl) tl)C appurtenances ( ttjecote^inecr
ceptco; together luitt)tt)e fato Jnoenturcof leafcmaDctat^efaiOBI.
E>*l&1>5.9(at large appearctt). SElie intent i trae meaning in fiil^icl)

fa\D BlnDenture maDc b^' tl)e fait (25. t (. ae xs afojefaiD, luaa meant
anointenDeO t&attbc fa^o J.SDU.HB.iap.C^anDJ.il^.anoeugrjJOf
tbem fljoulD banc ano iniov fcuerailp tbeir iParmebolocs o^Senc^
mcnts in tbeirfeuerall tenntes ano occQpatifns * 3notbattbere<
fiOue of tbe faiD ^panno^ano p;emiflre0D)oulD be DtmoeD amongd
tbem. il^oUj tberefoje UnolDi^ec \)9 tbc faiD Bl^S^^lt^^liB aw4p..
foj tbe accomplilbing anD fulfilling of tbetrue meaning ans intent
of tbc fa^D conncpancc made bv tbe faiD (0.anD . as is afo;efaiD,to
^aue remifeo anD releafeo, ano bp thefe pjefents ooe clcerelp remife
anorelcafebnto tbe faiDj.i^.bis^recutojfi ano affigncsalioure'
flate, rigbt , title, tjrmc of pearc0 ano Demano Uibicb Ujc b^ue o; of
rigbtodgbt to banc of,in,oj to all tbat one tenement fc.noU) in tbe tc^
nureo; occupation of tbe faio 3l*i^anD of, ano inallotbJ^ lantw^'ana
bereDitamentgtoblcb beaffigneo anonppointeDanotetTojtbiobirtT.
anD tec tbe faiD 3.BD.U.i54#C% Do coiieviant ano grant fdj ^g our
erccuto?0, aDmintSrato^s ano aHignes, anDfo}ti)eet:ecuto;0, aO'
miniftrato;s,anDa(Iigncscf cucrpof b3,tocnDteit;j tbefaiDg.jiS.
biserecutojcaDminittratojB ano r.mgntB , ST-batteetbcraiDj.SD.
U. 115. anD ^.d!;. cur crecutojfi, aoaniuftratojs anD afrigne2,(ball
from time totimeat all times bcrcafttrtobcn ano as often as lueoi
anpof bslballbc tbcrcuntorcqaireo bptbefapD 5 j?^biscrecut8;o,
RDmimftratojs oj affiguc During tbc (aiD terme of pearea, Doe, ttt
xute, anD maUeo; caurcfc* allanocucr^fucb furd^eractanoaas,
tbing,tbing5,ano aduranceas Gjallbercafonoblp anonereirarilpDe*
^mfcD C2 aouifobbp tbc CaiD ^>^.* o; bis txetwto;^ o; adigne^^o; bp bi0
Liber Releafes. lecundus
anD t\}tk Coanfell learned in t^e la^, fo) t{)e fartl^er anb better nw
ranee, raertp anD rure tna&ms of one eltate and initvttt, of ano in ic*
noU) in t^e occupation $cbnto t^e faioBl.il^. ^i0 erectito?0 ano af^
ltgne0 Inwknes&c.

^ Releafe made by the feoffees to one ofthem

OMnibus&c. NoucfnospraefatN.&S.pcrprxfentcsremififfCjrc- $^.47^.
laxaiTc, 5c ajnnino pro nobis & h^rcd noftns impcrpct quiet cla-
inaffc I. S.de O. Iiacrcd & afligh fuis, tot iu$ noflf &c. quae aliquis nfum
habct/cu habcf potcf, in omnib' illis ccrris & tcfitis quae nupcr habuim*
fimul cam pd Lin villa &
in catrpis de I. incomOxon,eK concef.&
feoffamE dora I. B. Capcllani. 6c N. D. dc I.przed*, in quorum quidcm
terf 5c ceneiTitisidcm I. S. iam exiftic in plena poilelT. Ita viz. quod nee
nos prxrac5cc. In cuius 5cc.

AKeUafe in performance ofan award,

OMnibus 5cc. A. B.5c C. D. falutcm. Sciatis quod cum diucrfse litej $6^.477/
motaefucf intcrnosprxfat A.B.ScC.D. ex parte vna,5c quondam
T.P.cx parte altera, dc5cfuperius,tiiulum,interclTc, 5c pofjcf. omnium
5cfingulofmcfuagiof Sccquacfuefin tcnura 5c pofscf. E.F.fuper quae
nos pr^t. A.B- 5c CD. ad fpccialcm inftantiam 5c requifitioncm amicof
noftrof coroprimif.5c ex vnamini afsenfu noflf (ubmif. nos ipfosin arbi
trium ordinat 5c iudicium quorundam E.G. 5c W. F.armig tarn dc 5c fu-
per iure,5c titulo dilof rociuag 5cc.quam de 5c fuper omnib' i^ionib'
pfonalib* 5c realib' antchac in nos motis5c habit fuper pr^miflis feu cor
aliquam parcellam concernentfeu tangent,Sciatisnos pr^f. A.B.5c C.D
in coroplemcn? cuiuld arbitrij,ordinationis feu iudic praed' p pr^f.arbi-
crat ante datum praefenC ex communi alTcnfu nfo hCi\ 5c in fcripc indent
nobi$ tradit.prouttencmur, remin{re,relaxa{re5cc.'i/t/^pr^.

A releafe ofamerciaments,
Eit knownc tnto all men to tljaf 31 dO'.JL^of %u jTarmerof (lie ^,478.
_ pjofitsoft^cCourtoftliemanojofK. tnfc.l)aueuemifeD,relca*
feo^ano quite claimeD,i bp tbefe p^efents doe remtfe $c. ^nto ^.^*
of )^.in tc. all anD all maner of fine0, forfeitures anD amerciaments,
afiferrcDl?pontl)efaiDM^.atanp Courts, iieets^o} Court barons
0 3 of
Symb; Releafcs, parc.primsc
oft^emannojoftt* afojefaio, Wnm tjitl){nf^c fafDmanojatanie

time o; times bcf o?e t^e Date l)ereof In wicncs &c.

^ Reieafe ofthe peace.

Seft.470. XA Emorandum quod tcrtio die Nouemb. anno rcgni Domih noftf
J\(lEliz.decim tcmo &c.venit coram mc W.M. apud GJn com pd,
vno luftic* diiXx Domih Rcgiii ad pacem conferuand in corapracd I.
C.fic paccm quam habcc vcrfus I. C. in ccni praedift* penicus rcmiiic,
relaxauit&c. vtfupra.

A Releafefrom the recouerors in a yvrit ofSntre.

OMnibus &c. W.M . 6cL B. falu tcm in domino fcmpitcrnam, cum

nos pf. W.& I.nuper rccuperauimus coram luftic' Dom rcgmae dc
comraunibusplacitapudWcftraonaft'perbrcuc di6l' doming Reg.dc
ingreflii in Ic port verfus F.F.viduam & I.F. vnum M^f. 5cc. um pcrdii
in C.in com N.proucint placitairroculat coram I.D. Mil.t &
Iijfticiaf diit'domin Rcgih in tcrmino :Santi H. anno rcgniciufdcra
domih Rcgih Ro Cli. plcnius liquet apparet. Et pro co quod recu-
pcratio pr^dift' habit fuic ad folum&propriu opus &
vlu iplorumF.
6c I.F.& hercd ipfius I.Ideo in confidcrationc indc Sciatis nos pr^f. VV.
M.& I.B.remirilTC)rclaxa(Ic &c.as tit a gencrsU releafe* In emus occ*

A releafe of ErrorJ,

Sc^. 481I /^MnibusChriftifidclibusad&c.falutcm,Sciacismcpracf.G.B.pro

V^&c.rcmifi(rc,relaxa(rc,&orah pro roc &
quictc clam pr^fatF.R.& hatred' fuis coturo ill' annualcm rcdditum mc-
um vij.s.ac omncs alios redd quofcunq cxcunt,de tcrf,tenemcnti$ hx- &
redicamentis in B.&c. Ac infuper fciatis mc prae/fatum G.B.rcmifillc &c.
prxfato F.R.totnm ius.titulura, ftatum, intcrcfTc &
demand quat habco
aut clamarc potef aucpoterint haered mci dc & in praed' tcrf,tcncmtis &
&haeredicarocntiJin C.&c Ac ctiam omncs alioh& breuiadccrrorc,
& crroribus & omnes errorcs quofcunquc quos ego &c.aut haercdes mci
habere aut profcqui pocui feu poilumus vcrfus pracf.F.R.aut aflign fuos.
In cuius rei&c.
Liber Acquitanccs. fecundms

ji Releafs generali

NOuerint vniucrfi per prxfcntcsmc V.B. Militn,rcmifi{rc, relax- ScA.48a;

a{rc,& onininopro mcjh^redjcxccutoribus, ct afljgnatis nacis inp-
petuum quic? clai T.H.&c.orancs&oraniiriOdas adlioncSjtranfgrcffi-
oncs,fctas, querelas, debit, debar, cxccutioncs, &
demand quccunquc
quxhabeojhabui, feu quouifmodo in futurum habere potcro, aborigine
mundi vfq^ue datum pfemium. In cuius 6cc.


An acquitaneefor the redemftio of lands


knownc bnfo ttienbpt^efepjefgnts, iW %%\*til%, Scft.483^


<ient* l)aue
tecdueo ano ^aD ttitd p;erent Dap at
tt)e font (tone in

Catteo^all rfjurcl) of & Paul in ^ betloeene tf^e tjotuert; of


one anD fonre of ttie cloche, at after ncone of tt)e Tame Dap,of M
(0.of ^an tl)c count ic of C
pcoman yl.Ct* fo; tlje rcDemptioti ano m
fall fattffactton of all inngDlartt)orelanO0 ano tenements luitbtlje
appurtenances in t^epariOb of ^^an^p* mtl)e TeiD conntteof (ll;*i:al^
leDi^*9 ^ containeo 1 fpecificD tn a paire of inoentureie! of coucr.at,
bearing Date t^e x>i\* oap of B9 an tl;e ri]i' yeare i c*maDe bettueene tl}e
faio ^t<0*on ttie one partie,anD me tbe f aio 3B*^*on Vot ott^er partp,
of? fo;, ano concerning tt)e bargaine anD fale of all 1 Ongular tbe faiQ
lanD0 f tenements conoictonallpjas b^ tl)e fame ^nccntures tbcreof
mace mo;e at large Dotb nppearei^f lut)ici) rl*liin full payment ano
contentation as isabouetaiD receiueo, 3itljefaiD3!.3Lacfenols)leDge
wp felfe toell 5 trulp contcr.tcD, fatiffieD, anD paiD,anD tl3crcfDje,anD
ofeuer^parcelltberof B! clerelpacqaiteanD oifcljargettie (aio M*C>*
|)i0 iicires ano cmuto^s bp tbcfe paeients* In wicnciTe^acc.

An acqHitance of(in Annuitie,

NOucrint&c.mcI K.&c.reccpifreAc. d^H.R.pcrmanusID.fir- Scd.484,

marijmanerijdeR.x.li.in parte (olucioniscuiufdamannuicatis XX*
li.mihiadteiminumvitaenic^per didurn H. concefl. Percipiend an-
nuatitn ad terrainos duos , viz. ad fefta N. &
M. aquis portionibus,dc
quibusx. libf fateor mc content &
folutum, &
ipfum H. hxred cxc- &
cucorcsfuosindein perpetuumcile quiet per plenccsjn cuius 6cc. -
G|g 4 ^^
Symb. Acqmtanccs. part.prlma:

An acqmUHce mad vpon the receit ofan exhihkion gramted to me


A o npHis bill maW in t^e ic Witncffeth^tljat 3C.^.t)aut rcceiueo of
"^ ;. ano mis^tis prince SC.SDuUe
j^ ii,^.rcceiuer generall to ti)e ^igl)

of i^fiueflpacbe0fterling,in fulUontcntationanopapmentor mp
fee,Due to me at tl)e fea(t of ^* ^ic^aell lad paft before tt)e Date ijere^
of,foj one bj^ole peace : totitc^i perelp fee tlje fate SDufees grace of l)i0
gracious gcoDnette ano beneuolence batb giaen ano gr anteo bnto me
tiie fa(D C.totoarDS nip pearelp ert)ibition ixi tbc Blnne0 of Court In
wicnede whereof 3| tt)e faio C^j^'^aue vo^itten t^i0 bill toitf) m^atoit
f c*(Or othcrwire)bane put to m^ t)anD t c

Anacquitanee ofa Rent by a Bay life i o.dic lunij,

Sea "^ 13 (I&ceiueDof2C.jl^.offc.fo;biBbalfeveareflrentDnetobcpapDat
* IVtbe annunciation c.laftpaa,fo2Campnc5 land in il.fc.int^e
Countie of f ct^e oap ano ^eare flrft aboue U);ttten ]P);*(billin00.

Anacquitance ofthefnrme of a Benefice

StCt *' Tl^ " knownc bnto all men bp tbefe pjefents, tbat 3(C.C ^arfon
Oofl^antbecountpof cBffcr,baaereceiuc0anD baotbeDaf cftljc
mafeing bereof ,of 3|.lllr. pounos fterling, f 0; tl)e balfe peare5 farme
ofmpraiDparfunage,tomeDueattbefeaa of ^*^\i\). ttiearcban^
gell lad pali before tbe Date bereof. In wimefTc 6cc.

An acquitance ofa rent charge,

Sca.4SS. THisbill %u Wiwcffcth.tbat 3i.W.(il;.baue receiucD anD bao on fijc

Da? of tbe Date bereof,of %*^* of Sinner temple of ^.tbe fum
ef iiti.pouD of laUiful mon^ $c.oue to mc tbe falD lS.(i^a0 in t\)t rtgbt
of !ft.mp li3ife,at tbe 0nnunciati6 of tlje blelTeD tjirgin ^arp laft pali,
being tbe moitp of a rent r barge of |f bp tlje peace gcanteD to tbe faiD
U.fo^ terme of bee life,out of tbe farm of )15.of tobicb faiD fum of ^.f
ic.of f c. fo bp mc rcceiueo,3i tbe faio U.Doe actmoluleDse mp fclf anD
tbe faiD l&.mp \uife,fullp rattf6eD,contenteD,anD paieD,anD of tbe fatD
fumme of iiQ.E.ano of euerp pact tbereof do acquite ano Dtftbarge tbe
faio %*^,\i\i t)eir0 anD affigncB bp i^ziz p;erentf Iq wicncdc ace.

Liber Acquitances. fccundus
AcquitMce ofAionej receipted to fay to another,
THisBill&c.Witne(rcch,tljat31.2C&ofif toerecewcDaiiDfjaD
Ce<> .0

on^Dapof ti)emafeingt)ereof5of 2C.215.of SD.intbccoutpofaKit,

(fl^fqutre^bp tf)e ^anofi of ic.f Ije fum of i c.to be paicD anD Oifbarfeb bp
me tlie faio C&.fo;t^e faio SC.liB.infucljfojtagUjefantsUiasap*
pjointed b^ t^e faio O154o bg paieo ano oifburfeo In wKncde ^c.

AcqHttanee efa recommence ofT>owey,

T His Bill &c.Witne{reth,tbat 3I^115.|c!)auereceiueDattD

l^alion Sca^oo.

c*after t^e Date hereof, fo^ tbe balfc peares rent to ber tbe faiD 3Ct)ue
anopaiableinrecompenceofbec DoUicr, betljucentb^fato d^.ano tt)e
faio 31.of tobicb taio fam of ic. fo bp mc receiueD, 31 tbe faio ^l5.Doe
acbnoi^aleOge mp fcUe fullp fatifgeo anD pateo, anD thereof ^ano of e^
uerppacttbereof Doe cUerelgacquite,Difcbarge,anD Exonerate tl)c
faio (0l^.biJ5 l)eir0,e>;ecato20,anD aDminittratoj05anD cucr^ of tljem
bp tbefe pjefent5 In wimcfTc &c.

An acquitanc offart ofa deh.

it knownc bnto all men f c tbat 31.ai.515of l^in
BEbaue tbc Countis %u $ta 40 j
recciueo ano bao tbe oa^ of t\^t mafeing bercof of u. sar .of
d^fint^e (aioCoantp ^eoman,QFcpounD0ic.Duetomeontbefcaft
Da? of f Uaft pal! befoje tt)e Date of tbefe pj8fcnt5,iti part of payment
of a greater fum containcD ano fpecifieDinacertainclujtting>bli^
gato??,U)berein tbe faio U.^.Ujitb otbers ttano boano tJitto me : ^f
iDbicb fi^e pounD0 IC (As abouc.)

c/^qttitancefor creation money ofan Earle,

Oucrint vniuerfi per praefentes me G. Comicem S.aHminiflf bo- ScCt,^s>2.
N] i riorum &catallorum G. nupcr Comicis S. patris mei, fiiij & hx-
red raafcul' F. nupcr Comitis S-rcccpideSc habuilTe die confeftionis p-
fcntium deT.C. armig. nuper Vicecomit comit S.xl.libf bonse et lea-
lis monetae Angliae, dc viginti libf annuis I.nupcr Comiti S.& haered

fuismafcur,pcrdomihH. nupcr Regem Anglixfcxmmconccfl. Ha-

bcndSc annuatim percipient dc exit, profic',etrcuenc' comitatS.per
manus vie eiufde com pro tepof exiftet, ad fcfta Paf S.Mie p equal'
pore* .De quibus quid xl. libf pro duobus annis finic ad feftum Sanfti
Mich.arch*,anh reg. Rcgih nunc Eli. xxxij. faceor me praefat Comitem
Symb. Acquitanccs. part.primac
fore foluE,diVumque nupcr Vic'indc acquicta? & cxoncraf per prefcn-
tcs,figillo raco iigillac : Dat x.dic Feb. Anno rcgni di(\x dominae Eliz,

j4n acquitance hj a Vicar or Pafon to the


&c. mc A.B. Vicar Ecdcfii ^jarochiac dc S. rc-

c A
bea^pj. 1V1 ^"^'^"^ vniuctfi
1^^ ccpJfTc & acccpifledic confcdionis pfcntium compot fina!cm&
tocalem W.P. prociiratof vicarixmcq pdift', dcomnibusrcccpc,cxi-
tibus, folutionibus & libcratiohibus pdift' vicar mcx fpcdantibus, dc

tototcmpore qiiodiftus W.fuit procurator raeusibidem.Ita quod co-

putat compucand, 6c allocat allocad ipfum W.& executor fuos dc quo-
cunquc vlteriori compoto rationc prcmillorura mihi reddend, vfquein
diem dat pfentium acquieto, libcro, &cxoncro|> praefcntcs,Sigill' nieo

e^ aeqniunce ofTenthsandSubJleUesfaiedt^
tht CoUeElor.

O dommi
Rc^^s fcriptura tcftatur, quod ego H.H. dccimarum 5c fubfldioruni

Reg. fup omncs pfonas ecclefiafticas. 3c per totam Dioccf.

M.pcrcipicrnf, colledor et receptor general', fufficicnC auftoritatEpif-
copalifulcitus& Icgitim rcccpideG.W.reftof dcBridclpro
dccimi3& fubfidijs eiufdeniEcclef. fu^ dilo illuftrifllmonoftfRcgi
anno domini 1 6oo. &c. ad fcllum Natalis Domini vltimo pteritum^dc-
dequibusquidcin pccunijs fateormc advfuQ) di^idomiii
Regis foluF,& ipfum, &
Ecclefiam fuam pd pcnitus libcram 6c quiccam
per prxfenccs^manu mca fubfcripcas 6cc. Anno 6cc. *

An acqmtancc made hj an Obligee.

Sc^i495* /^Mnibus&c. I.S. falutem in Domihfempitcrnani, Cum W.P.

V-/ieneaturmihiprcfatoF.accuidam H.L. in decern 6cc. folucndis
nobis,aucvni nonrumaddiuerfos tenninos,proutinquaddmobligati
oncdefefancTupcr eand nobis indeconfet' plcnius concinctur. No-
ucritisme pfa I. recepi{Ic6chabui(IedicconfeAionis pfcntium dcp-
fat Wilhclm vigintifolidos6cc. in parte foluticnispracaiA'x.libf,viz.
pro ccrniino Nacal'dxii proxiin fucuf^ dc quibus quidem :QC.5.fatcornie

Liber Acquitanccs; fecundus

forcfolutum,cIi^urnquc W. hsred &cxccutoresindc cffc quiet ctexo-
ncrat per pr^fentes. In cuius &c.

tAgenerall tuc^uitance mth a Prouifo

THis made
Bill &c. Witncfleth, tl)at 3 ^. m* f C. Ijaot Wttlifed
Sea 0.06^*
and releafcD tnto U^Cicall maner of actions, fmts,DeUti8,ac^
conipts,recogHifanres,anD alli allmaner of iaDgenicnt5,ematiou3
ano Dcmaunos Istiict) S tt)e fatn^ ][^. M. map,mts^t,o; oug^t to ^aue
againCt tbe faiD H.Ctiis Jjetcce 0? f recuto^s, oj anie matter 03 caufe
iD^atfoener, from t^e beginning of t^e lnojlo bnto tbe Dap of tlje eatc
of tUefe pjefenf 0* Prouided ttiat tljis acquitance crtcni not to ti)c ep
tingui(bmentanDt>eterminafionofa ccrtaine DceDobligatoaic,bea*
ring Date f c.maoe bj? one Sl-C. ano tlje fatD 3 ^* iulierem tlje faio S>
ano a.ftooD bonnti bnto one 3.&3159p^ ;a515 ano mc tl}e faio l^.m
mt^efammcofjc. Inwimcs&c.

Agenerallreleafe or ac^f^itaKce,mth afpecUll acquitance

therein contaiy^ed.

THis Bill made &c. Witneilethj^at 3 H^i? feaue rcceiucD f l)C

t)apofti)emabingl)ercof,of2Li]i.ano^. IjisiDifemp mottjer, Sea-.497-
wecotrir of tbelaft twill anD tcftamcntof d.f. DeccafeD nig father,
all facl^ iciDls,plate,l)anging0,t)oua)olD-flaffe, 1 all ano eucrie otiier
fiift0,legacic,bequeI!0, tbing ano tbings lubatfocuer tbep be,to me
iije faio U.irin anp Unfc Dae bp rcafcn of a gift 0; luiil of t^e faio C
/of tbe iu^icb jetDcU ic.vt fupra, 31 tbe faiD Ifi.^. Do fully ano cleare*
Ipbp tl)is mp p)efent bill acquit ano Difcbarge tbe faiD Sl. j;5, anD ^*
tbeir bEirc0 |c*And furtber BE tbe fame l^.Su bp tbi0 mp p?efent 315iU
DOC tlearclp rcmife,reUaic anD quite claime fo? me, mp beirea, ntiw^
to30,anD affign0 to t^e faio lE.iF.anD ^. anD eucrie of tf)em, all ar.D
all manner of attions fc Inwimes&c.

An acquitance formoney dHtky recognifance,

THisBill &c. Wltneacth,tbat 31 i^. C. baue receineD tbe Dap of c ^g
t^e Date of t^cfe pjcfcnts of H.it/ti^e fumme of tc.in tbe tuljict) be *

t^efaiDl^.ttanDett)bounDbntomcin acertaine recognifance in tbe

Ct)anc(rie,a0 bp tl;e fame f c*of ljDt)ic^ faiD fumme of $c. anD of enerie

part anD parccU tbfreof,3i tbe faiD l^. Doe confeffc mp felfe Uiell anD
trnlp contenteD,paiD anD fatiJficD, anD t^erof % of euerp part % parcell
thereof do bp tbef e pjefents clcerelp acquit ano Difcbarge !be fatD K
ll.^ii^eireM)^ecnto;sanDaDmtni(trdto;5foaeuervIn wimesacc.
Liber Acquicances. fecundus
Anac^uitancefor a Legacie.
knovvne &c.2Ei)at tDc HC.f a.mp tutMaugl)f cr %z,\)mt xz*
BE it

cciosD anD bat tijc oav of tijemafeing ^ercof,of C12a.f m.p.er^

ccuto20 of tbc tettament i laft b)ill of SE.ia.rl.s f f c in full paimenC
6f )rl.0.giuen and beo.neatbeD bp ttic faio S^.U.in Ijis faio sneftament,
oflot)iclifaiDfumi!,cofrls*m foil paiment auD fafilfartion of all be?
que(t0 an D Ugacks to me giacn m
tbe faiD tcffament, Uie UnotoUDge
our f clues f ullp faiiffeeDjContenteD ic ^ealeo toitb %u

An acquitmce ofmoney receined in difoharge ofan annuitif.

Sea. o
<- . T> E it knowne &c.tbat 3E 0.515 ,of If fole txttwUix cf t[)C latt toil anD
13 teltament of ilC.of &.f date mp ljurbanD,DeceafeD, ^aue recet^
aeo tbeoap of tbe Date bereof,of 3.]^. of Can (1 countie of Jl.gent,t^e
fum of rl.l^.of f c* fo) tt)e full ano cleare Difcbarge ano bctcrnunatton
of one annuitic 03 pearelp rent of bi^.t of currant i c* grannteo bp d^.
tm.bntotbe faio ll.Cm^ late bufbano, to be taken anopercetueDont
oftt)c^anno2ofpantt)efaiDcountieofll.a0 b^ tt^e oecD tnoenteo
tberof maoe^beanng Date tbe f c. tobicb faiD annnitp 03 pearlp rent of
tiij.f.istobeDeteiniincDf ertingaitbeobpon paimentoftbefam of
%\X\>^ tbe faiD ip^biiS b(irc0,erecuto;0 0^ adtgr.s bnto ttje faio 0.C
^i0 ic.ns bp tbe faib DeeD inDcnteD maDe bettoeen tbe faiD iL.C*of t^e
one pnrtp,9 tbe ruiDCl;tE).oftbeottierpartp, bearing Date tl)eDa^ ano
^eare afo;e(aiD,mo3e plainly it Dott) anD map appears^ ^f tot)ic$ faio
fumme of tXX^t* In witncs &c.

e^ acquitanencey mth a couenant tofaue harmelejfe

BEkingknown Scctbat 3
it |.<!5.of f c
l)ercof,of 31.p,to tbe bfe of
baue receiacD tbc Dap of f be ma*
^.516.one (tone 3ug conereD ano
footeD U)itb riluer,anD gilDcD, ano one glade couereD, footeD ano aUo
ribbeo \iiiiV, filuer anD gilDeD,tDbcrof 3; tbe faiD 3.(0. do couenant %u
tbe faiD 3*p.btfi crccutojs, aDmtni(lrato;0 anD aaigncS , f cucrie of
tbembvi^efepjefentsclearelpto arquite, exonerate, ano Difcbarge,
anD U)c faiD 3>P<bt^(t^c:cutD;0,aDnnniarato;sagainfttt)g faiD ^315
|)i0 better ano aaignes bp tliefe p;efcnt$ t c*^eaUD f c*

AnacqHhanceTnadeby an AttPirney.

^ Cttci \ 7^"'^ ^^^ "^^" ^^'^* 2D fenoetb greeting, J^notu pe me tl^e faio
Y ^ |gj^^ jjg ^jj.jj^^ ^^^ autlioaitie of one to>itin0, ej letter of

Liber Partition.' lecundus

^ttarnep tmnt to me U*&. to l^ane ^aD atiD vectintn t^t Dap of t^e
lte hereof of C.Mf c t^e fum i c^torjcrcin i^ Caio COio Itano boniiD
to t^e fate U.&bp^w bill ^bligato?p,oftDl)icl)famfc fobpmerc^
ttmn,3 acl^notDleoge mp felfe in ^ name of tbe fato U.trnelp f fall?
fatiCfieo anD paieo, ano tbereofano of euerppart t parcell ttiereof Doe
tleerelp acquite t Difcbarget^e faiD *m bis betrcs,erecBto;5 f ao^
mtniar3toj,anD caerp of tbem bp tbeCe pjefent0 In witneOc &c.

jicqmtaficehji Sfthfiiiuteor Deputie.

VNco all 6fc.UK. grating ttobewH.^. and fo recite the firft let. Sea. 503.
tcrofattHrney,ano tobere alfo tbe faiD 0,2D.bp bectac of tbc faiD
letter of attojnep DiDbpbtstu;itingbnDcrbis banoanD&ealccon;
llitute f appoint me tbe faiD K,U. bi laiDfull Dephttc fubffituteto
afl^e ic to tbe We of tbe faiD ia.&. Sno DiD giuc me furtbcr autbojitp
to Deale fo? bim in tbe pjcmitfcs , 30 bp tbe fame touting maDe to me
bptbefaio a.2D. appearetb 115p tertueanDautbo^itietobercofnoto
bnoto pee me tbe faiD iK*U*to baue baD %z*


.A Partition ofUfi'ds defccnded,

<^'Tp^Hii Indenture maoe tbe x> Dap If. 315rttoeenc 13. m. <lit\yM of Sea.jo^,;
llonoon,anD ^. bie toife one of tbe oaasbtcrs anD beirf; of ^.
iLonoon ^ercer, anD one of tbe fillers anb bcires of
la.late of
SD.^.tobicb toad fonne $ beire cf tbe faiD aa.U. toben be ItueD
on tbe one partp, anD 3.U. toiDoto (liter of tbc fapo annc, anotbcr of
tbeDnugbtcrs anobeires of tbe faiD CSl.U. anD anotberoftbe ki'
Iters anD beircs of tbc faiD X> l^. ano &Citi5m anD
S19crcer of
3Lonoon,^^.E>japeranD SDjaper,tobtcbtocre of lateen
Bl 515.

feffeDbp tbe faiD J. of tbe moitie of a great tenement ojmef cage fc.
fCetf Ipin^togttbcrintbeparii^of ^515. totbetJfeof tbefn^ 1.
bcr beirs on tbe otber partp, WitnciTcth.tb at it tg concnateo, granfeo,
conDifcettDeD anD agreeD bettoeene tbc faiD parties, fo? a partition
bettoeene tbem to be baD anD maoe of tbe inberitance of tbe f aio tene^
mentatpotbertbe p^emilTesin tbe faiDpari(b,tobicbDifcenDeoto
tbe faia^nne ano Sloan in copercenarie , bp ano after tbeoeatbof
tbe (ato M*^
UieU Dmigblers ano beirs of tbe faiD as ftfters MM*
Synabi Partition. part.primx

mtubJtc5of tbcabouenameu 2rUmmanttcranDfo2meenfuing,

Jivfiit ijf couciiflntfD sno uranteo betUioenet^ faie partus,ano t|)e
(eia^aii;) oet fcofftcg grant bp tt)efc p;efents, ttjat tte faio ^.f Sf
of tl)e un?i.e :ilnne,ft)aUauE f o; t^eir pat tfBiiD p
4vi ti)c vi^lxt
tuafo}euU)ianO0^anD tenements ic* tb;ce DbieUing tenemetc^of tt)e
perel^baluc of ^.pc-unDS:3in one of ttjeUil3icl)faio tenements 3:.E>.
313ar bo; nctu DlccUctl) anD inbabitct^, containing in it felfc rl.fmte of
affife of fqunre ic.^no in tbe atber tenement of ttje t\)i^ Dtuelletb one
flp.a^tuiDoti?, ano it containetl) f c 0nD t^e tbirfi tenement is in tl)e
poUciTicn of il.U.f c.lDljic^ faio ttijce tenements, tuitb tbei>arDS,bit*
c^in0,ct)awbers,f C4 in as ample i large maner anD fo^meas tt|e Ca^D
perfoni noiu DtDcUing l)aue o; occupp,o; tljey^oianp otb^t aforetime
^.anD Si* as in t^e ctgbt of tl)e fame0
ijaue t)aD oi occupieti, tbe faio
Qiall bancanD eniop to b^r anD ber beirs^in full tecompence f s\\Q\a^
ance of,anD fo; \)tx part, anD purpartie tbat to ^er belongetb o) oogtit
to belong^of all tbe faio meares,lanDS,tenement5,f c.bv,anD af (er tbe
Decea(e of tbe afo;efaiD m*^ SD.f eitber of tbem, as one of tbe Daagbi
ters auD betrs f c. And it is agreeD betluecne t^e faiD parties,anD t^^
faio ^.anD ber feoffees bin contenteD ano pleafeD to accept and take in
fulltecompence ano alloUjancc of , anD fo? tbe part of tbe faiD BI*of all
tbe meafes,lanD6,tuicments,bereDitantents anD otber tbe pjemifltei)
aboucreberfcD, totfjCbfeoft^efaiDJ.f ofberbeires,onegreattenc*
ment of tbe Cato tl);ee tenements containing f c*U)itb tbe appurtenant
ces,tn as ample ano large maner as CC.C^entleman noto DtuelUns
in tbe fame o; anp otber ic.And it is fuctber jfullp agreeD,couenateD,
f gcanteD betlucen tlje faio parties b^ tbefc p3efents,tt)at at all times
tonuenient itibalbc laioful to eilpec of ti)em to enter into others part
to tbem aUott6D,toDo reparations anD otbeEbeboofflneeelTariebpon
tt)c mcafes, lanDs i tenements , to tbem feueraltif allotteD, in amen^

Ding,builDing,o; repairmg : o; otl)erlotrc,of ,f bpon tt)eir olune parts

of tbe faiD lanDs, tenements $c. to tbem allotteD f appointeD bp tbefe
pjefents. Andoucrttiat itt3agreeD,couenanteD,anDgrnunteDbe<
ttDcene tbe faio parties,tbat all annnall rents,r.nD feruices Due to tljc
3lo;Do}ILo;DSoftl)efeeic* Iball be equally bo;nebttlocenetbe(apD
0anD HI * anD tbeir beires ano adignes, inbabiters of t^e fame tenc^
;ment it* t^at is to fap, ett^ec of t^em fo} t^^ir part anD portion afo;e
allottCD %t* In witncfTc |c

Liber Partition' fecundus

tAn Indenture ofTartition of Lands purchafed,

THis Indenture &c. WitnefTcth, SCfjat lul)crcai one ST. %*vm \X)t ^^^S^S*
fate 2i:115. iopntlp purcljafcD to t^em anD tibetr ^cireg foj euer,of
one SC.p of ic i>iacr0 mefuagc0,laniis,f c. toitb tlljc appurtcnancea
fcitaate,lptng,anD being in S>. f c. 0no tuyere afterl^^ar os in tt)c life
fif t^efato %. m. ti?. t^e ytjj. cap of sp. ic full ano perfett oinifion,
fepecation,anD partition of all tl)e faio mcfaages i c. anD of all tl)eir

ftate in fame , toas |)aD ano maDe fap, anD bcf Uicene tlje fayDe K*

JIB.anD 2^,316. being botl) tfjen pjefent, at in, atiD Upon t^e fapo mcfa
0e %u tDit^ tbe appurtenanceiJ in manner anD fo?me follotuing,
tbat is to fap, C^at t^e fa^D %* %. tlionlD t^aue anD entop to t)im ano
%is beices fo; etter,quietlp from tl)e faiD SE.I).anD l)i$ l)ctre8 oeutDeO
in feaeraltp, anD not in iopntarc fo; bis fall ano fajbole moptie, part,
pnrpart^,anD portion of all ano lingular tt}e faiD meruage0,$r.anD in
allotoance ano recompencc tbeccof, one boufe in ^. in ttje tenure f c
foitb tt);ee Doles i c*one otber boufe %i* 0nD tbat tbe fa^D ^.115.1bonlD
lane ano eniop to bim ano btjs beirs fo; cuer quietlp from tbe fapD 2D
*X5* anD bi0 beires fo; euer,DiuiDeD in feueralt^ , ano not in io^nture,

fo? bis ful anD labol^ moitp,part,parpartp,ani pojtion of all anD fin*
gular tbe fat>D merua^es f canD in full aUoU)ance,fatiffaction,anD re^
tompencetbereof, one boufe ic. Neucrthelcir^, fojas mucl)a5fome
que(tton,bariance,anD contention batb lately rifen bettueen tbe fapD
parties toucbing ano concerning tl}e quiet occupation of fome part of

^e pjemiffG0 : fo; tbe appeafing tDi)ereof,anD fo; tbe ertinguiflimenf

anDt)tCer anoiDing of al ambtguitics,Doubt0, bariances, anD content
tions, iijl)icb bcteafter migbt c^aunce to aiife, anD fuie confirmation
fif tt)e faio partition fo maDe ajE( is abouefa^D : And fo; a perfect anD
abfolutc partition anD Diuifion to be maoe of fucb parts anD po;tions
of tbe faiD mcfuages ic.as pet remain bnDiuiDeD (if an^ fuct) be) ii is
touenant5D,granteD,p2omifeD anD agreeD,bp, ano bettoeene tbe fapD
SC.HB.anD tbe fa^D jF.anD ^ ttjcir Ijcircs, crecutojs, atiD aDminiHra
to;S5anD eutrp of t^em b^ tbcfe p;efent0 in maner anD fo;me foUfito*
ing, tbat is, tbe f apD r* anD 0 fo; tbemfelucs, ano t^e beireo i c . of
tbe faiD iFDo couenant,grant,p;omife,f c. to anD initb tbe faio S:. 515
^10 beires ctbat be tbe faiD C* SB.b^s tjeircsano aUignes, an9 euerp
oftbemfo;euer,(ballo;mapbAue,bolD,anD quietlp eniop from tbe
$ait^<3[iini} i? anD either oftl)em>anD tbe Nces of tbe fapD if*fo;e*

$ymb; Panition. part.primx

aer,tiuiDcD in (eueralfp not in Btointnre, foi\)is ful ano to^ole moi#

all t fingular t^e fatD mcfaagcs ic.fo
tp, part,pnrpart,ano pojtion of
bp tljem tt)e faiD 2E.5B4 Sr.lB.iomtIp purct)afeD,a is afo:efaiD ano in
full reccaHicnce f fatiCfaction
tt;eteof,anD of euerp prt tljcreof, all f

enflular t^e (aio mcfuagcs, cottageSilanDs f tenements tott^ tUe ap^

purtenames,! euerv> part t!)ereof,aboue b^ tbcfe pjrfents rccitco,ano
to beallotteD,appcinteD,o;fct fo;tt) to; i\)t moitp, part, pucpact, ann
po;tion of tbc Caio 2E*}l5an, i bp,t^e faiD fo;aircpartitton,cUrelp c<
quitcOytiifcbarficDjsno faueD barmeleffe, of, i fromallmanerof bar*
tents ano rerui(cs,annutttes,intru0ons,flnes,fo;faiture0, t(rue8,a
nicrciamcnt<:iuDgcmcnt0,conDemnation0 1 incumbjancestobatfo*
euer,f c. And tbe like couenants ano grants on tbe otl)er Utit, toitb to*
nenants en eitber partie fo; furtber affurance <c*

Partition amcj^fi fiure T*arceners,

-yHis Indenture Qiiidripariitc mabe it* IBettucenc !^. H anb ^

1^ i)i0tDifcontbefirapartic,<ir.l^.fJSbtsli)ifeontbefeconbpar*
tie^i^^^anoS^bi^i^if^) ^^^^ Iviteof ^.&.dccrarebon tbe tbird
partie, anb 2C \^* anb ^* b Js toife on tbc f ourtb partie, Wumffcth,
tbat iDbece tbc mano;(,lanos,tencments,anD bereDitaments, late of
l^ as in tbc rigbt of 0. bi^^ ^\^t contapneb anb fpecifieo in fonre

fcebulcsinDcnteb anncr^ to tbefe i$nDcniurcs, are befcenbebanb

come to tbe fapbe 0* nob) tbe Uv^fe of tbe fapo ^. il.anb ^* nolo tbe
loife of tbc fatb C. i^. % to a.nolD tbc Ivifc of tbe faib i^.!^* f te ^*
nolo tbe loife of tbc fato 21^. as oangbters ano beires bnto tbc fa^D
0.3nDU)beteoftbercbatbbccnc partition fcuerance f allotment fe#
ucrallp mace amongQ tbcmf clues bt adent of tbeir frienos, of all tbe
fapD, niano:s, lanDs,tcncmcnts, ano berebitamcnts bctlutrt tbe fapo
lt^*ano ^.bis Ivifc anDl^* bts tuifc,^. anb 0. tben bis tDifc, noli)
liuife of tbe faiD jj^.anD Cano a^. biic^ toife acco;Ding to tbe ilatoes of

tbis Ucalme,i3no cucrp of tbc faio bulbanbs anb U)iues baue tbereb^
a fourtb part of tte p3emi(IC0,as U)as( fet botone in U);iting, as equal*
migbt be,bp tbem anb tbeir frienbs before tbe fame fo feuerall^
Vi as
came to anp of tbe faib t)nf banbs i tbeir toines bp tbe faib partition f
aUotmentt^^e cbtents of ko^tcl) tojiting purporting ftneral paiits,
Liter Partitions. fccundus
pojtion^, anu purparfkjf of t^e faiD parties in ttntmtn in fcure fcc^
Dnle0 tnoenteD hereunto annercD * And noU) t^e faiD ^*%* ano ^
|)i0toife,C.^anDi&, ^)i5tDife,i^^anD 3.1)1 toifc, ano S:.i^.ano
^.^i0iuife,anDiacrieof t^emfo) f^emfelnes anDt|etrt)etre0,Ooe
couenant anugranntbr tWt p2efent,fo2t^e better cojcobojation
ano confirmation of tl^e faiD partition mat)e,asreeo,anDa(renteD to,
in fnc^ maner ano fo^tne, a0 it lxia0 to/anD \j3\t\} eoerp tbe ot^er of tbe
fail} partie0 ano t^eir ^eire0, to Gano to, ano agree to tie fame partis

tion and allotment To maDe,anD to permit and f ufifer tbe fame to (laD,
remaine,9nD abide in fall ttrengtf) and fojce fo) ener. 0nd t|)at eoerp
oftbem andtbeir bnre0,not allonelp tcboldtbemrelae0 contented
tuitb tbe (aid partition, and (ucb part, po;tion,f pnrpart^,a0 to t^em
t0a(ri0ned,o3come,o} bappenedin feneraltpto be ^olden,bpreafon
of tbefaid partition o} allotment,butairotbateaerpot^er of tbefaid
partie0 and tbeic bsir0)^al bane and bold fucb partpo;tton and pnc^
partie,as to tl)em oi an^ of tbem is adtgned, commen,o) bappeneo in
(eueraltie to bebolden bp reafon of tbe fame partition o; allotment
lubereof t^ep) o} anp of tbem tbe dap of tbe datebereof are feifed in
feaeraltie,bp reafon a; colour tbereof And further, tbe raid tt^vtfu-
ftvi, couenantetb and grauntetb? to ano lottb euerpotberoftbemfe^
aerallp,tbetrreaerall beire0and ei;ecato;0,tbat euerp of tbe faid par^
tie0 bi0 iDifc ano beire0, foj to^om be o; anp of tbem cou^nantetb b?
tbefe Bjnoentures, fball as farre as in tbem , 02 anie of tbem ltetb,o}
Ibal lie,o; be,and at facb time and times as tbe lalD U)ill ruffer,admi^
and accept, daring tb;ee peres nert infutng tbe date bereof,Do,caure,
hno)nledge, and fuffer to be don, al and eaerp fucb tbtng and tbings,

fl(t and a(t0,be it bp fine, recouerp,releafe, con6rmation,tbis deed 0;

anp otber to be inrotled,o; otbertot(e,as Rjalbe reafonablp aduited 0;
deuifed, fo; tbe full and perfect alTurance of tbe faid reuerall po2tton0
and pnrpartie0) to mabe tbe faid partition perfect and firm,ai;o to in^
dure fo) euer, acco;dmg to the due 02der of tbe laU),f acco?dmg to tbe
intent t true meaning of t\iz faid parties. And furthermore, tbe faia
tc* vtfupray feucrallp coucnant and grant, to and toitb euerp otber of
tbem,tbeir (euerall belts and aff igns, tbat tbep l^al 0; map banc and
iniop tbeir faid (euerall portions and purparttes of tbe pjemtfTes fal^
len 0; bappened bp tbeir Taio partitions 0; lot,o2 in tbeir faid fccDulc0
berennto annered contained, from time to time fo; euer dtfcbargcd,
acquited,02 faued barmeleUe, of all fo;mer bargaines, fales, leafe09
cbarges and incumb;ances,bad,made,done,oj fuffered bp anp of tbe,
c^argeable^o; to be c^ar&edt)ereafter,o; intended tobecbarged,o)
1^^ c^argsabU
Syrnb; Partition. part.primac|

cl}argcable b^ t\)i6 couenaut* And tl)at cuerp of i\}t faiD coparcener,

t^cir l)ufbanD!3,anD Jbeirs^lJjaU permit anD fuffer tlje otljer ttieir beir
ant! aSignes, ano
to ^auc, tafee, eniop all euiDcncea, Deeos, and tojp
tingsjonlp concerning fact) ttianc?g,lantifi, tenement, ano ^ereoira
met0,ai3 is fo allotteD to anp of tt)c fain coparceners in pactition,anD

tbe true copies of all otljer cmoencesanDtojitings concerning ttjeic

faio portions anD purpai tics to tt)em allotteOjO? anp.part thereof anD
anp ot^er Innos 03 tenements, at t^e coCes of tl)t Ujjiting of futb co*
pies or tfieni tljat toiU uemaunD t\)t fame, tbc oeliucrp of fuel) euioen
ces, eceoes, tujitings, ano copies to be maoe litl)in tbefpace of tlua
^earc0tiert after tljeoemaunotbereof. Morcoucr tf)efato c.tbat is
to fa) itcuerp of the faiD parties f ?ueraUp foj tt)emfelaes 1 tbeir teirs,
crecutoji,anD adtsncy^coiienantetl) ano grantetl), to anD \xt euerte of
fljotl)croftl)efaio parties feuecallv,tl}cirt)eirs,erecuto;0,i affignes,
t^ot euerp of tt)C faio pflrt(cs,t)is toifc ano tbeir ^eirc0, foa lDt)om!)a
ci anp of t!)em couenantttb 'ii\> tbtfe p2Efents,fi)aU permit and fuffec
peaceablpanD(\uictlpeuerponcoftl)c otbcr iaiD parties 0; coparce*
iiers,tbir l}eires,erefuto3S,ani) aaigns,to banc free iiigrcffe,egrffe,
ano regreCre,U)ap ano pa(rcigc,into,ano from t^cir fcoerall portions,

parts, anD purpurties of tbe pjemiffis containeo in tbc faio fccoules

Itierennto annereo , to tbe lubicb tbep cannot come 03 baue paffrtgc

tb?ougl) tbeir otonc gronno to tbem, as afo?efiipo fiUotteo , from t^e

common lJU2p,in,bp, anBtbJougl) fucb grciaiO ano pjrt of tf)c pcmif*

fe0, to nw\> otber of tbe fapo coparceners allcttcD oj fallen bp tt)e lapo
partition,a0 fball moff rnnucnicntlp fcruc fcj tl)e fame Vo-i^ ano pal*
fageant3 as msp be Icalt bt^tfuU to tl)em of tt)e faio parties, ouer ang
part of iDbofe pojtion,part,o? purpartie of fl)e pjemilles fucb palfage
0} tuap ft)all be t)a^ 02 maoe In witnelTc tobereof to tbe firOt part of
tb^felnDentuiesUntbtbefapD l^.=!l.snD ^. bis luife remapning,
tit faiD C.^.anD ^bis U)ife,!i:\^.anD a.bis baife,anD C^^.ano ^
|)is U)tfe,l)auefet tbeir fealcs c. totbefecono part of tbcfeinDcn^

tores tc.
In this Scei^ule indented Quadripartite, is contcincdandfpccified tJic

part, portion, and puipartieof the manors, l.infls,tcncmcn:s,ard he-

reditaments late of R.H.as in the right of A.his wife, which by par-
^lition, feucrance and allotmenc did fall, and were allotted to H.L.and
'-M. his wife.
Imprimis, tbeliitcbin ano bouUingbonfc fc
StiiU S clofts calleU U'ater Cvoft t C And lo ofeuerie of the fayd C&
Libcr ? Partitions. fccundus

^T^artition betyveene Cotarceners.

His Indenture maocfc. 'BtVoMtm l\.(0.of $f* anoSl.ljtiSlmfe, ^c^./o/.
OH tt^one partp,gnD e.^.anD C% l}t0 \M\it on tt)oti)ec partp,Wic-
tl)ac U)^ere muer s eno f uno?j? nief uages, lanDs, tenements,

ano hereditament jB in jsi>.anD Sl^.tc* be tjifcenDeo anD come to tbe faiD

^.anDC- asj to tlje tltJO cawgtitcrs anMne Oeirc of ^ C
ttjcic fa*
t^er DeceareD,Gnce VDt)orB Deatl) tlje im 0 tjatl) tafecn to Uafbano tlje
afajefaiD U. (0. anD tljc faiD . ano tljc fait) (!]; g* tufje ^aue IjolDcn
anD iniGpeD^anD ^et do I/oId anD iniop tiie faiD mefuage0,lanDs,tene#
tncnt0,gnD l)^reDit^ment0incoparfenanc,a0intl}erig^toftbcfaiD
0,anDC. j]5oUjti)efaiD parties fojDiuers gooDcanfes anD confiDe^
rations (i)em fpectalt^ mooinng)!)aue maDepactition,feperatton,an&
Diaifi'onof the pjenatrcSiaHDbpt^cfc pjcfefs DomaUeDiuifion,par*
tttton,and feperation of iill ti}c faiD lauDs,tenements,bereDttament0
anD oti)er ti}e p^emiOfes, in m^ner anfe f o;m f oloa)ing*FirR it is coue
nanteD,granteD,concluoeD,anD agraD bettocen tbe faiD parttes:^n6
tbe faiD (H^.&.anD Cbis Vife,fo? tbeinfclues,tbeirl)eii*es,ei;ecutojs,
anDaDminiftrato?s,Do conenat,grant,concluDe, conDifcenDii agree
to anD Initb tbe faiD U. (35* anD 0.anD tfjc bcires of tl)c faiD 0anD ^ii5
teircs anD affignes bg tbcfc pjefents, ttjat tbep tbc faiD l^anD 0.anO
% ^eir^s of tbc f(tD ^.(ball tiauk;, occupp, anD inio^ fo; bi^ ano ttjeic
l^art,purpar(^)anD portion, of alltljcCaiD incfnages,IanDs,teneniet$
ano bercDitaments in ^.ano 2C4afo3efaiD , one mefuage c andre-
hearfeiiU the parcclls. ^nDalfoallfucb otber mefuages tc tpb^fo':
aer tbep be iKi ^* afo^efaiD, Inbtcb b^ an^ lua^ oi meanes are Difcen^
DeDano cometinto ti)e faiD 0.anD c^froni fcbe faiD ^.tbeir fatbetj
likecouenant that E. S. and E. flull inioythclands inT. WKhacpuc:-r
nanton cither partco makefurthcr afTurancc. And fojafmiKl|a3 tl)t
lanDSjtenementS) ano b^reDitaments m
Cafo;efaiD, izi foo^tb ano
alotteo fo? tl)epart,pQrpart^,anD portion of tbe faio Cano ber beirs^
anD is to be adurcD tsnto tbe fato (!0anD (ll;.bis U}lfe,anD to i%z b^ires.
of tbe faiD d;* accojDing to tbe coucnants in tl)e 3nDcntare,Do amont
to a mo;e ^earcl^ fnmme o; rent tben tbe faiD lanDs,tenements,ano
bereoitaments in ^afo;efaiD,fct fojtl) anD allotteo vtfupra.%\^z (aio
C.anD d^.bis toifc,fo} t{)emfclnes,tb^?r beires, everntojs, ano aomis
niftratojs in conftoeration tbereofjOotbbp tbefep;efcntscouenant
to pa^ tbe faio )^ano ^ten (l)Uling5 of l^bofuUic Jn wlmcfTe bPbere^
Symb; Partaetftlp. parc.primae
A Partition hehveene lointtenants.
THis Indenture tripartite maue if Bctwccnc ja.HB.ano C.a-of V^z
particanD 315 of t^ie fecono partp,anD (HJ.of V^z tbirD partp,
Witneflcth,tl)at it is coMcnantcD, grantcD, ano agreet) bcttogene ano

amonsG t^e faio parties, ano euerp of t^em fo; l)imrelfe,l)i0 beired,
erecuto;0, ano aomini(trato?0, bp ti^efe pjefents oott) f enerallp cone^
nanf, grant ano agree, to ano Ujit^tbott)er , ti^tjeireaano ztzt\xizi%
in maner ano fo;me f oUoUiing. ^irS, ti)at W^zxz t^e parties befo^g
t^ts time ^aue io]?ntl^ bought to t^em ano to t^eir ^eire0 of 0.)5*tie
mano) of &. i c.f o; tt)e pur cbafe U)t)ereof t^e faio parties l)aue i mnl^
pap ttie fumme of ic. Now it is couenanteo, graunteo,ano agreeo be^
ttoeene tbe faio partie0,ano tbe trae intent ano meaning of enerie of
tf)em i0,t^at fojafmuc^ as euerp of t^e parties aboue mentioneo oot^
ano muif pap t^e fnll ano iol)ole tt)iro part of tbe faio (umme of monp
abone mentioneo,tbat if it fl[)al fo}tane(a6 dl^oo fo;bio)anp of t^e fain
parties aboue nameO to oie before anp partition o? feuerice to be baD
o; maoe amongS tbem,Q)aU baue, occapie , ano receine all rents,p;o
fits,ano commooities off faio manno; ano otber tbe p?emi(res,in af
ample ano large manner ano fo2me,i0 be o; tbep (boalo baue O0ne,tf
^e o; tbep tbat (ball fo oie, bao liueo ano bin lining* Furchermorcit is
couenanteo,granteO, ano agreeo bettoeene ano amongS tbe faio paD
ties,tbat if it be,tbat one o) ttoo of tbe faio parties (ball bappen to oie
befe;epartitiono}feuerancemaoeof tf^ep^emiflTes: SC^attbenbeo;
t^ep tbat (ball furuiue , ano bis o; tbeir beires at all time ano i{xnt&
toitbin tl^;ee peres nert after tbe oeatb of bim o; tbem tt)at (bal fo oie,
fl^all 00 ano fuff^r to be oone,al ano euerp f ucb tbing o^ tbings,a(t o>

(t0,fo) t^e afTurSce ano f ure making of tbe tbir o par t of tbe faio ma
no}of^.toitbtbappnrtenance0, totbebeirsanoadtgnesofeuerpof
t^Mbat fo (ball fo;tune to oie befo;e partition, a0 (balbe reafonablp
zreuifeO o; aouifeobp tbe faio beire0 of bim o; tbem tbat (bal fo ote,o)
bpbiiS 0} tbeir learneo council , be it bp 6neic. o; otberlJDife,attbe
coQs ano cbarges in tbe lalu of enerp fucb perfon o) perfons tbat (ball
require anp fucb affurance* And fo other couenants as is agreed.

Societie or loynt occHpjin^,

^ ^
IT His Indentiu-e Sec. )15etk)eene 3lX*ano (B*90* Citizens ano ^a^
^ beroatbers of i.*on tbe one partp,ano31115^ ano K.3 of tbe fame
Citie (0;ocer0 on tbe ot^er partp, Witncfscth^t^at toljeras at V^z oap

"^v.n^^ of

SymB. Partnerfhip. part.prmi^E

of tt)e mafeitifi !)creof,it 10 accojDeD,couenaiif eD,ic*betU)ecnc t\)c faio
pactie0,anD either of tt)e fame parties,bp Ijimfelfc, foj ^10 cianc pact

coutnantett) fo) limielfe f c. to t|e otl)er, ano etttjec of t^em

t(iat tt)e^

i^aU wintlp as partners occtipie togettjer, as toell in buving,anD fel*

ling of al mancr gooDs, i :rcs,anD mercJ)anDi|eg,as bp facto;ajip,a
lienatton,ercbange,anQ ottjcrlutre, aCtDell bi^pono tt)e&ea,a0Qn tt)i5
floe, VIZ. from ttje my ofttjcmaUingbeieofjtjntotljeenDanDterrae
of due ^ece0 t^en \uxt fciloiDtng, auo f ull^ to be complete auo enDeD,
OunngbDbiclTtimeo) cerms,cttbcr of tt)e TaiD parties 6)aU betuS,
faitbfail, anDtrue totbot^er mboping ana fellmg^anD otbci'iDtre,as
10 ufo^isfaiD* And all fucb lacre,p;ofit ano tncreafe,gatne,aDuatUagej
ano Ijutiintng as (Ijall come i groVu in buying ano (elUng, an^ gooos,
)are0,o) Spercbanot^es, ano otbertoirc, During tberatDtecme,(l)aU
be equally parted ano oiuioeo betlueen tbe faio parties, viz. eitbet of
tbem to baue bis iult ano trae pe^tion 0} part of tbe games afojefaiD,
and at all times Isitbin tbe faio tcrme t^ben it (bal pleafe eitbec of tbe
faiD parties to gineaomonitiono; iBarning to otber , tbcneitberof
tbem to make otber aiud ano trne reckoning ano accompt of tbe bu?^'
ing anb felling of all manner tuares,gooDs,mercbanDi^es,anD otber^^
luife,as is afo;efaiD,ano of tbe increafc ano aouantage tbat (bal come
ano groU) of tbe fame* And alfo it is couenanteo ano agreed betlueene
tb^ faio parties, i if eitber of tbe faio parties at nnp time luitbin tbe
faib terme,bappen to lofe b^ oebts^cafualtie^o} otbertnif e, anp part o;
parcellof tbe occupying in buying ano felling of ante gooosjioares,
ano mercbanoi^es, 0? otbertPifC) in maner ano fo;me as is afo^efaio,
fetbat itbenot b^negligence,colonr,oKaineD pretence, ano tbatim
meoiatl^ p;ooaeo,tbat tbe fameloGte be bo^ne equally bctiueen either
of tbe faio parties. And alfo it is couenanteo, concluoeo,ano agreeo
betljoeen tbe faio parttes,ano eitber of tbem fo; bid otun part permit^
tetbjcouenantetb) anograntetb to tbotber,tbat if any of t'l^^m luitljtn
tbe faio terme y tobicb at tbis p;e(ent time are not efpoufeo, bsppen
hereafter to efpoofe ano marrte a toife : tbat tben fo;tbtDitb it n}ai be
at tbe iDill ano pleafure of tbe otber,tPbetber tbe partte fo ef poufeo 0;
tnarrieo (ball any longer conttnne as partner, acco^oing to tbe teno;
anofo)meaboQerebearfeo Andalfo it is agreeo, tbat if eitber of tbe
parties bappen ( as Coo oefeno ) at any time Ijottbin tbe faio termed
tooie,tbentbeemnto3SO} aominiSratojsof tbegosos anocbattells
fif tbe partie fo oecea(eo,(ball truely tnitbont antec6uineo2gnile>
iiiabta taft ano trne accompt, ano r^aoy payment ano oelinerance of
U (nc| increafe ano jsaines^ as tt)en (ball be remainingjto t^e Uatng.
^^3 And
Symb; Partnerftiip. part.pnmac
And moreouer it is cotteneinteti f agreeD bcttosen t^e fato partte0,t^at
if either of tl)em be fonno tintcue in ^i& reckoning i account, contra*
tie to t\)t true meaning of i\)i^ piefent 3EnDcnture,to tbe talue afxr*^
foann Defcctiuc to forfeit ano pap to tt)e
flctling,tt)e tlje faio perfon fo
ot^er CL(tcrling,\uitt)out anp oelap,acco^Dtn3 to t^e teno; ano true
meaning of t^is pjefent BlnDcnture* 0nD to all i fingnlar cooenants,
p?omife6,cont)itiong,anDpaimet{afoKr4nD,cn ctrt)erparttobetra
Ip tuiCi)out coaine 03 f rauD obtemcD, |crfo?nico ,ful61leD ano bept,in
tnaner auD fo;me afo;cr.)iD,cit^ti partpf o^ t)\m, \)i t)eir0,cicecuto}0,

f c.btnDctti t)imfelf6 to tt)e ott)cr,in t^e fumme of i oc.f fterling,tuell

ano trul^ to bt paiu fap rl)cfc pjefents In witncs &c.
Couenants ofPartnerfnp, or[octet ie tn tr^de,
Sei^.jio. npHis Indenture maoefc BccwcencBi.ssi^Citi^cnf Clofl)too?ker
X of !l*oftbonepartp,anD^^. citizen ano Clotblvo^bcr of ^on*
Hon on t^otber partp, Witnellcth, tbattoberas tt)e (ato Bl* S0anD 2D*
35*baue occupieD together as coparccnerst ano parting fellolus in all
manerof buying, bartering f bargaining, felling, auD Doing of, and
iDitb tbeir (euerall ttocHc0,anD of, ano toitb Dtucrs ano f ono^te otbec
gooD0,lBare0]ano mercbanDifes tahen Dpon tbeir creDite,anD of, ano
ano gained tbat batb rifen 0; grolone bp ceafon
Uiitb all tbeir incrcafe
of tbeir occupying' Except a pacttcolar traDe of occopptng fo; lisle,
iDbicb tbe fato g!.M*t)^tb occupieo feucrailp bp bimtelfe: 0no aUo tv
cept one otber feuerall traoc of retailing,U)ptcb tbe faio SD*li5.batb it
uerallp occupieo Uiitbin tbe (l)op of tbe oiseiling boufe of WSi, in tbe
ntie of il.f com tbe 0rll oap of i.lDbicb li^as va tbe bj.peare of i c* l^nto
tbefilrftoapof|noti}la(Ipaa And l^bcreasaUo tbe faio Bi.lH^anD
S^are noU) cmuenteo,conoefccnoeo ano agreeo to occupp togitber as
coparceners ano parting felloUieiS, in all tbe traoes ano occupying a^
maner of mercbanoifes ( epcept tbe faio traoe
fe2efaio,of,anD U)itb all
of occupying Ccele) from Oap of tl)c Date of ibefc p;efents,bntill tbe
feadoftbebirtbcf onr^o^o (^00, Inbub (ball be in tt)c peace of u*
Whereupon it i0 conenanteo 3C* in maner ano fo;me folloluing, tbat
is to fap,tbat bee tbe faio ^.^l. ano bis feruauts bauc ano batb from
time to time fubcncc tbe beginning of tbis coparcenrfi)ip,truelp ano
|)one&lp breo,imploieo,$ occupieo nil maner of Cucb traocs, ootngs,
ano occopping as from time f time baue 03 batb come to tbeir bancs,
tfageso; Doings, to tbe mod p;o6t 0; aouantageof tbtsioint-occu^
PVing,tbat be 0; tbep coulo oeuife, toitbont anp mantr of frano 0; co'
uine,ano \x{ fucb gooo,ti;ae, bonefttifing, occupying, ano imploping
0f all manner of tcaoes ano ooings^ concerning t^is copaccenftHbiP)
Liber Partnerfhip.l fccundus
l^ail from time to time contin(ie,tnttlltbefntOfeallof$c* AndtbaC
tt)cfatDSl^anQ f)is fcrnsnts, Qjail from time to titjjc During ttje
fato terme^atjano 'cpon tlje latofuU am reafoaabic reqacQ of tl}8 (aiD
%*WM6 erecutojs, and a(Iigned,o^recuanti$,makeanDDecUre,oa
caufetobe made and Declarcobntot^efaio SE.115.t)i{icrecnto?0,and
adijjnegjO.! fctuant0,a true ,tnB^, anD perfect account, i recUsning in
to^itingjOf all tt}e iD^ole occuppmg0,buptn66,rdling;,bargaining69
ano Doings, \jiW^ tl)e faio ^*mu oi \)\s fcruat; baue^o; hereafter be^
fo;e tt;e time of ttje faio t cnQctt,a)all bane Qccupieo,bougt}t,rolD,bac
gaineo, bojcotueo, 0? ejcciiangeo , concerning 1^5 ioint-occappingt
t5v lu^icb account as IdcU tbe namcs,(urnaniei9,fummMnO fumg of
mong, ano qaalitp ano Qualities of isares i mercbandi^ e0,fo bp bitn
ioint occnp^tng,as tbe true,iu(l,ano perfect eftate of tbeir ioint occo^
p^ing,map plaml^, trulp ano euioentlv appeere to tbe (aid C)15t bis
crccuto30,anD alligncs, o; feruants. And further, tbat all manner of
(leere increafc ano gaines tljat t^al rire,come,ano groto, bp reafon of
tbi0 iopnt occupping,(baU be from time to time oinioeo bettoeene tbe
faio pattic0,part ano pojtion lihc. And furthcr,tbat be tbe faio ^M
ti(fc(baU fo; bis part, pa^ anobearcallbis olune proper colls ano
cbargeSjOf borne- keeping ,boare rent, apparcll,rubrtoies,9 fifteenes,
ano tbat toloarDs al tbe famcbe tbe faio i.?E{bis crecuto}S,aomint>
ltrato;s,o;airigns, (bal not in anp one verc taUc 02 fpenD out of tbeir
ioint occapping,abouc tbe f umme of 5 o.E at tbe moft. And further,

tbat be tbe faio i.5I2il.bis f c.lTjallfi om tmic to time pap ano bcarc tbe

moityof allfacb loCtesasUjaUbappcn b^miffo;tmteof tbefea,euill

Debtors, 0; otbeclDife, soucbmgo^ concerning tbe io^^ntoccuppingf
And further, tbat tbe faio 1. W. batb notbeietofoje Oone,oj fuffereo
anp time bereaf ter ouving bis coparcenerfbip?
to be Done, no; fball at
Do,o;fuffer to be Done,anp manec of a(t>fa(t, DecD,o) tbiug,Uibicb is>
(ball, 0; map be anie manerof oammage, burt,c)lofret0tbe(locbe
of tbe faio CilD.ojtotbeiriopnt occapping,oj luberebgtbeiovnC^
occupying (ball ojma^oecreafe, o}be Dinnni(bcD,U}itbouttbccon^
fentano agreement of tbe faio K*3*W i c.fird obtaineD inl0?iting>
And fi)rther,if tba faiD 2E.515. bappen to Die ej Depart out of tbtsmcj*
tall tuojlDbefoje tbe faiDfeaft of tbe X5irtbof ourllojD(^oD,lDbic^
(balbe n* tbat be tbe faio Bl.tKH.oi bis affignes, toitbin one mcnet^
nert after lalufttll rcqueCt to bim 0? tbcm to be maDe bp tbe crccutojs,
aominiftratojs , ojaaigncs of tbe faio 2n)lB.(baU notoneliemafee
ano Declare to tbe fame erecuto;s, aDminiftratouvs? $Ct a true.
SymK Exchange, parr.primac

iulf,anD perfect accompt , ano reckoning in Inittins, of all t^e eUate

cft^idtotnt occnpving ano coparcener(^ip,lDl)erebptl^e names ano
furnameis of all ani euette Debtors anD creDtto;0,anD tbe quanttttc of
gooD0,tDarei, nion^,i merctianoi^e, tbcn being o) belonging to t\fiB
topnt occupying o; coparcenerfljip, cball ano nia^plainlp,trnelp,anD
fame erecato;0,aominiftcatO25, o^ afftgnes,
euioentli^ appeare to tbe
but alfo make a true f i^^rfect oelinerie ano alignment to tbe faio tt
ecuto}s,aDRiiniarato;5, o? afftgnes of t\)t fain CB.of tbe moitte,o)
bpon t^e fain accompt Ojall appeare to be remaining o) belonging
to ttje f alD toparcenerd^tp, oucr anti bcHDes fuel) Debt0,a0 tbe faio co
parceners 0)811 tben oU)e,o; be inocbteD tn,bp reafon of tbeir ioint oc
cuppiug,tn ai large i ample manner, ag if tbe coparcenerlbip bad bin
enoeD,anD ttjc faio C^
remaining aliue* And tbat tbe affignement
of Cucb Debtdasdiallbealotteo to tt)e faiD erecuto;0 o;aDminittra<
to;0 of tbe faio d5'
(ball be maoe,conueteD,anD adureo to tbe fame
erecotojs 02 aominiftrato^s of tbe fame K.Win fucb maner f fojm,
anobp fucb reaCanableconuctance^as bj? tbelearneD Counfell of t^e
fame erecuto^s 02 aDminiffrato^s of tbe fame CB.Oialbe 0emfeD,o}
aootfeD* And further, tbat if tbefaiDSH. ^. ootbliuebntotbefaiD
feaff of tbe birtb of our llo^o C>ot), tobicb fi)albe |c*tbat tben tbe faio
3BMtanobts feruant0tbenbeing>lDitbin one monetb after lalofull
requea to bim 0; tbem maoe bp tbe faio SE.li5(baU make ano Declare
fneb like true, ano perfect accempt,reckomng,anDtbtngs,anDtoatl
intents ano purpofes, to tbe fain n.l5* 0; \)IB affigns, qb \b abouelt'
miteo 0^ metioneD,to be maoe o; afTigneo to tbe erecuto;s 02 aomtni*
4trato20 of tbefaioS^.^^ifbefbonlD bappento Dte,a0 i0afo)eraiD
And Itbetuife tbe faio K^W^foi bimfelf ic.SCbat be tbe faio SC.IS.ano
^i0 feruant0,baue ano batb from time to time, fitbence tbe beginning
all maner of fuc^ traces ano ooing0 te vtft^pra on the part ofijv. In


A grant of Exchange,
^TpHis maoe
^ ^
-, Indenture tripartie fc. Betweenctberigbtl^onou*
* &>.(2;fq. on tbe fecoRD partte, ano la.C. of ^.in tbe Countie of
' C'^on tt)e tfjiro part^jWimcffcth, Eljat t^e faio Or m^W^^dm
Jjhetj Exchange, fccundus
m*^Mvit gtu(ti, grant^D, ano bp tt^fe p^efents not sine and grant
anD ^alfe an acre,ano aUo i .rod 0; pearc^
f^nto t|)0 faiD M*(I5* 5 * acres
of lanti,parceU of ttieir manno; of BD.l^.ano An ^*afo;eratD,in one
bettveenaic. Tohaueandto^oldt^efatotl);eeacre0
fielD called fc*
and a balfe^andt^efaid pearcb of land to t^efaid %^.(115.|)t0 tjeires
and aOTtgnes fo? enernio;e in ercl)ange, f o^ ttuo pieces of land of t^e
faid i^*(0.cotaining Ube quantity of land,lpins tin ic.afo;efdid,in t^e
faid sp.l))l)ereof one peece liet^ betioeene f c* And tf)e faid U.(0.^at^
giuen and grated, and bp tt^efe p^efents dotl} giue and grant bnto tt)e
faid ll.M^and M.^*tbe faidtluopeccesof land,Tohjucf tol)old
tbe one mott^ of t^e faid tlDo pieces of lad to t\)t faio ii.^zdi.ljis beiris
and aaignes fo; enermo^e : 0nd to baue and to ^olo tbe oti^er moitie
of tbe faid tloo pieces of land to t|}e faio (M.& tts t)cirs and aOTtgnes
fo) euermoje in ercl)ange,of,and fo? tbc faid 3 acres and an ^alf acre,
and a rod 0; pearcb of land. Prouided alwaies and euerp of t^e faid

parties fo; tt}em, tbeir l)ctrS and aQtgns do grant and agree b^ t^iefe
p;efents,tl)at if it fortune an^ of tt)e lands bcfojc rebearicd to be e\xv
{ted 02 take aU)ap,ont of tbe poUedion of anp of tl|e faio parties,tt}eir
|)eireso;a(Iignes,b^anuperfon 0; perrons,bp anp former rigtit o;
title^fo tbat tbe ercbange'cannot continQe,o; if tbe ^eires 0; affignes
oft^efaid 31.91211. and uI^.&.oMbetoife of faid^.&.o;anieof

tbem CO difagrce to ttie fojefaid eccbange.bp entrp into tije pjcrailTes,

0; into an^ part tt}ereof,o; b^ anp ctber meanes tbat t^en and from :

and grannt in ercljangejand of euerp of tbc

tl)encef(D;tb tbe faid gift
partics,of tbepjemiffes Oijall be bttecl? boio, and of none effect. And
tbat tben it O^ali be laU)full to eucrp of t^e faid parties, tOctri^cices
andafftgnes, after fucb cuiction 0; difagrorment bad}to reenter into
euerv of tl^cir faid fojmer landSjand tlje fame to bane again and into?
tntbeirfojmereftatc: Ctjis ^Unuentarein anp manner of ioifenot/
iditbttanding. Inwitneflctobereoftotbeonepartic.
granges in Et change.

THj Lndcnturc made Betwccne

one partp,and H.^^of ^.in
f c. tt)e rigbt 1^0. sn.g). f c. of tbe Scft. /
tbc countie of C.of tlje oltjer partp,
1 2.

WitncfTcth, tbat conenantcd, granteD,concluocd, bptbefepje^

It is

Cents agred beitoeen tbe faid C.^.f c. and ^.l^.in maner and fo^me
foUoluinfittbat is to fap,tl)e faid %k) batb giuen,grated,and cottfir*
rned, bptbefe pjefents ootb fullp 1 cleerlpgiue,grant,f confirme to
tbrfaid ik.^.and to bis beirs f affigncs foj euer in e)t'tpnge,foj ccr*
taine land5,poffelttons,f bereditaments, late parcel cf t^c \myi% aiid
IJOfifeffions of 1^*\* attainted and cenoiaed of \i\^\) f reafon,\xjtib sU
^ fuc^
Sy))i}54: 1 Exchange, part.primae
<Ma)anoiD$*itcS:>p2cfcntations,nomination,fceei)ifpofitton,i right
Uf pah ouage cf t^c panft) ctjurdj of &. afojefaiD. And a'fo al anD fin*
gular \)is mei uascftjunlsjtofts, cotages,lanDs,tenements,meDotof,
n)a)?e6,clores,pa(lure0,ccminon!,U)a(lts, l)eat^s, l)etisci5)tu(Dii0,t}tio

i)rUjoot)iJ,rEnt6,rcuccfiDns,rci mcecano all ot!)cr ^ereottaniEnts,U<

fcertics, pcrquifitES, coirmomtics, pjcfit5, atiD appurttnanccs, IjaD,

lsnotlec0co,acccpf ci),iputcD, oj DfcD, afi part,partll;Oj member ot

t\)t Tame mano? of ^oj in anp mancr of luifc belonging oj appertain*
ing to tlje famcmarjo;. ail U)t)icb faiD iwano;, lanes, tencment0,anD
l)reDitament3, auootbcctbpjemi(IciJ,tl)efaiD CS^.tatclpbaOto
iiai,anD to m
l)eirs,of tije gift ano grant of fir H.afenigbt oef eafe^,
iitiD of D.C. gent.ljao anD purc^afea to tl}eai aiiD tbeir t)eir foj eucc,

of tljclate feing of famou5 mernojie Uing H.S. as bp ccrtainc letters

patents tycreaf tat)& to tl)c faio fir U.a^auD SD.CT. ano to t^eir beir,
bearing Date tc.in tljc 30. peare $c.mo;e at large Q[}aU 1 map appeere*
To Iwuc anD to bolo tlje faiD lojofljip, mano;, mefuagcs, miU0,tofti^,
cottages, lanDS, tenements, meaDolues, clores,pattures, commons,
ljeatbs,mQo;(e0,mar(bes, l0ooDS,bnDerlnooDs,rcnts,f c.anD all otbec
tl)e pj^miffes Initt) tbcir appurtenances in ercbange,as is afo;efaiD,
to tl)e faiD U.l^.t)ts tjeires anD a(rignes,to tijc only bfe auD beboofe of
tbc faio t\.!i3.t)is bcircs,anD affigncs foj cuer. All tol)icb faiD manoj,
niefnagcs , lanDs, tenements, anD otber tljc p^mitTcs, ttie faiD ST.^
f 0; btm,bi^ i)eii'es, anD e]i'ecuto}S,couenantetb)anD grantet^ bp tbefe

p^efents, to, anD Vuitb tbe faio U.ip.!)is beires, erecutojs, ano aomi^
uiltrato;s,to be of ttje cltxre vearclp balne of ten E.ouer anD aboac all
cijargesanD rep;ifej,anDfoa)all 0; map continue Ivitbout f rauD 0;
couine. And alfo t{}e faiD S,^* to; bitn, \)iB l)eirs9f c. to,anD Uiitb tbe
laiD H.B.anD bis l)eires,tbat tbe faiD manors, lanDSjtenements, anD
all tl)e p?emi(res,anD euerp parcell tbereof, nolDbe cleerel^ tva
ncrateD anD Dif cbargcD of all anD euerp former bargains, faleSybuils^
ttatutesoftbe &taple,aatute^ercbants,]Secognifances,8nDofaU
otber cbacges U^batfoeuer tbep be, in any Uiife baD 0; maDe b? tije faiD
X,^* 0} bp any of tljcm, 0; by any otber perfon 0; perfons fo; tbem,
tn tbeir rigbt,o; bp tbe pjocoremant of any of ttieir ledars fo^ term oC
peaces, VD^ereupon tbe olD 1 ace uQomeD rsnts 0; mo^e bin referaeD,
anD tbe rents anD feruices from tbencefo^tb Due to tbe cbiefe ilo^D 1
HoaDs of t\)z fee oi Ut9 thereof onely ercepteo* And alfo tbe faiD

^*^.f}ati) cleerebgiuen anogrannteD, and by tbefc p;efents Dotlj

0iue ano grant to t|e faiD U.l^.anD to bii f)eire0,all ano lingular ^ui*
Dcnccs^oeeDs^c^artecSpU^^itings? anD munimcntjef^ conccrninjs onlie
Lifbcr Exchange. fccundus
t^ep2emt(re{(,o; an^ parcell thereof, as not be in t\)t ^anD^ anD pof^
felliono^cuftoDieof 'tl)c faiDSC.fe. oi of anie otlicr to 1)10 t)fe, o; bp
|)i0Ofltuer(e. All atio lingular lt3l)ict) faiD eniDcnces , bceoes, cbar*
ter0,te?tttnQSanDmantnicntg, tt)e faiD e: ^. fo; t)im, ^t0l)eire0)
anDmcuto?s,couenantett)anDgrauntctl) bp tl)cfc p?tfcnt0,to, ano
luit^tljc faioc la.^^.^ifiljeirES, cmutojs, ano aDminiffrato;0 , to
HcUner o; canfeto be&dtueteDtotbefaiDc U)^.btisbcirc0, erecao
tojfl, d; atrigne^, totnjm tl?e fpacc of one pcarc ncrt cnfuing tbe
Oatctjcrcof, In conODcrationofallanti fingular tijc fail) crtljange,
coucnant0,graHnt0, anD agreements befoje in ttiefe pjcfent6 rcct
tab anD fpecifieD on tl^e part anD be^alfe of t!je faitie ^. k>* to be tpell
anDtruelperecnteDjperfo^mcD, obferneD ano kept, t\)t faiD H^
|at| libetoife giaen, graunteo , anD con6rmeD , anD bp tl)ere p;e^
(ent0Dotbgiue,graunt,anD confirmeto ttie fatDe SU.^. anD to bi0
leircB anD aflignes fo? euer in erctiano^jfo? tl)e faio mannojof g>.
luttbtbeappurtenancc0, anD anD nnglar tbe p^emillcs before
(pedfieD,6U tbat t|i0 paflture anD clofe calleD ^. tDttt) t\)t appurtenant
te0, being DinioeD into ttijcc parl0 , anD Iping ic 0nD alfo tbofe
bpon S[:tjame0 notp raft Doli^nc, Iping bettDeene |.
t^ltt loeare0
&* togetber lottb tbe luater-banche0,anD feuerall pircarie0lvitt|
tbeir appartenance0 , commoDitie0 anD p;ofite0. To haue anD to
bolDetbe faiD clofe auD padure, ilnitb tbe appurtenances, lDeare0y
Ijuater-b3nckc0,and feuerail ptfcartes, lioitb tlje appnrtenanceo to
Ibe faiD 2n.&. Iji0 beircs ano affignes, to tl)e onelp bfe anD be^oofe
oftbcfaiDC^, bi0 Metres anD affignes foj cuer* All tl)icl) p;e*
sni(re0laa rcciteD ono giucnbptbc faiD Hil^ totbe faiD ST.^.in
jpcbange,a0 10 sfcjtfaiD t STbe faiD IS.^ fo; bin7,bi0 l}eire0 ano ere*
tute;0,couenantettjanDgrauntett) bp tb^fe pjefcnta, to, anD \xjii^
tbe faiD Si:.&.bi0l)circ0jerecato:0, anD aDmtnilrato30,to be Eftl)e
tleerc j^carlpbalue often pounD, ouer anD abouc all cbargeg anD re*
pjife0,anD fofijallojmap continne toitbon* ff auDe 02 ccuinc. And
tbefaiDelS^l^.foj l)iRt, Ms bcircs anDevecuto30,couenanteib ano
grauntetb bv tljefe p;cfent0, tfiat all anDfitngular tl)c clofe nsD pa'
ttnre,tocare0,toater- banfcc0,anD feueral pifcarie05 anc eucrie parcel
tbereof, net be clearclp ercncrateDanDDifitiargeDofallanDcaeric
former bar gain c0, fales, Mills, ^tatotes of t^e Staple, ^tatatr0
^ercbant, iiccognifanf es , anD of ell otber cbarge0 Vubaifoetter
t|epbe,inanvt63ife^sDo?njaDEb? tbc faiDU*^. o? anie other bi0
aumcttojg , 0; bg anf fucb per fon 03 perfons of toljom tt)c faiD U.i^*
i)aDo; poul^afeD tbefame^leafes fo^ terme of ^eare$> lu^ereupon
Symb. Exchange. part.primse

t!)eolDan^ accu(tottieD rente ojmo^e be referued^anti ttie rents anD

femcfs from tljcncefojtti DuetoUjcc^icfeJLo;DojlLojOf oftl)efee
atiD fees thereof onclp ertepteo And alfo t\)t faio U.\^.!)atl) cleerelp
giatn ano grantee, ano bp ttjefc pjefents ootlj giuc ano graunt to tbe
faiu 2C^anDtol)i5 l)cires,aU ano CngulareuiDcncts, cbarters,
DeeD3,te3itings,anD muninicnt0,conccrning onelp tt)c faio clofe anb
thereof, as noU) be in tbe t^anoa ano poITeffion o;cu(loDteof ttieTaiD
l^*^oj anyotljer to i}iB t3fc,fi; bp bis oeliuerie. All and angular
to^icb faiDeiuD2nces,cb3rters,9eeDs,U);itingfi, imunisnetSjtbefaiD
1^, l!^. fo? binjt)is Ijeires ano crccuto; couenantetb ano grantctb b^
tbefe p;efents , to tbe faio C$&. bis beires, erecatojs, ano
auD luitl;

ainnintQrato;S, to Deliuer o; caufcto be DeltuereDto tbefaioC^.

bis betres,o: affignes, iDitbtn tbe fpace of tloelne peares ncFt infuing
tbeinfealmg of Ibcfe pjcfcnts . And furlbecmo^e tbe faio SE.^.foj
bim,bts c.toanolPttbtbefatD l^*lBbisbeiresanoe);ecuto;s,tbat
fo?af mucb as tbe faio clofe ano pa(!ure,tDeare0,ano otber tbe p;eaii^
fes before mentionco in tbefe p^efents , ano giaenin ercbange bp tbe
fame U.i^. oo erceeo tbe pearel^ balug of tbe faio mano},lanos,tine
ments, ano otber tbe pjemifTes giuen in ercbange to tbe faio iS*!^*
ano Us beires,b^ tbe (ato ll.&Xbat tberefoje fo; tbe equality of tbe
sn.&. bis beires, erecuto;s , o; a(rignes,(l)aU
faio e);cbange, tbe faio
content ano pa]^)0;caufe to be contenteoano paieototbefatOK*!^
bisbeiresfc* Inwimcffc&c.

/i Exchange,
Scft./ 13. QCianc prxfcntcs & quod ego W.A. arraig', dedi, concefn,3c

i3hac prxfenti charC mea indentaca conflrmaui I. S. Milici,duas parces

nianerij raei de O.in comicatuN. cum omnibus natiuis raeis&corum
fcquela tarn procrcat quam procreand, vna cum omnibus tcrris, tcfitis,

rcdditibus, fcruitijs, libcraf, ac duobus raolend vndc vnum vcntriticum

6c aliud aqnaticum, cum fcft' multuf cam libcrof quam natiuorura,cum
pratis, paltuf, vijSjfcmitis, ripaf, aquis ,
pifcaf , ftagn, viuaris,turbaf,
gard , curtilag homag', ward, maritag', communi js, bofcis, fubbofcis,

warrcnh , moris, marifc', rclcui j$, cichaet, cur, &

fcjfl' cuf,cum vif. fran-

cipleg'ycum omnibus alijs fuisiuribuspertineh, confuetud, libercaf,

^commoditatquibufcunquccidemancf fpe^an! Dcdi cciam con : &
cefficideml.R.aduocation ccclcf.dcGpr^dmancriofpeftant, nccnon
rcucriioncm tertian partis prxdidi roanerij, qua A. mater mca tenet
nomine dotis (uae ciiin accident pod dcccdum ciufdcm A.Habcndu &

Liber Exchange.^ fecundus

tcncn^ptx^ duas partes nianef pr^d cum omnibus natiuis meis &c*

cum aduocationc ecclcHae prar <I, ac rcucrfioii ter nae partis ma-
nef prsdcum accidcritpr^f.I.S. cthcrcdet aflignatis fuis impcrpctuum
injcxcambio pro mancrio fuo de H. in comitatu N. quod ego habco ex
dono&fcoffamcnto pnedift'tS.percxcambiumpr9d,dc capitalibus
diiisfodiillius, per fcruitia indedcbi,&deiurc con(uet,fub forma &
condiiioncfcquenf,viz. Quodfipr^draanefdc H.cumfuispertincnc,
vel aliquaindc parcel!* impoflerum dc me , vel de h^redibus meis , auc
dc meis aflignaf iufto tituloex antique tempore motvclraouendper
Icgis procelT. &iudiciumin Curia dift* Reg' reddfiuereddcn^recu-
pef,aut per ftatutumStapur,vel Mcrcatof, recognic', vel conccHioh,
ante hoc tcmpus per poflcflbres diftimancrij deH. faft' fiue cognit,fcu
aliquo modo oneretur Hue extendetur, extunc bene liceat mihi prxfato
W.h^redibus &
aflignatis meis in mancf de O. cum omnibus natiuis

&c. vna cumaduocac'et reuc(ion prxdreintrafetearehabere&reti-

ncrCtVt in ftatu fuo priftino, hac praefenti charta mea indcmat et feifih
inde delibera! vUo modo non obftantc. Et ego vcro praedf W.& h^rcdes
mei przd mancf de Ocum omnibus natiuis 6cc. vna cum aduocac' 6cc.
acreuerc tertix partis cum accidcritpraef. I. h^rcdibus& aflignatis fuis
in forma quod contra omnes homines warrant <Scimperpetuum defen-
dcmus per praefentes. In cuius rei &c.

j4n Exchange,

T His Indenture mDe

fc HBettoecne Cfr i^, ;a.ano

\3i\jtxe tbc faio ^ir C^.a.f ^.ttano feifeo of,

Dame ^*\)is Sc^' r J4

antiintl)emano;of ^anDof onecapitall inefuage calUD CanD t^e

(cite ant) Dsmeane of ttie late DidolueD ^onalterp of c^. in tl)e county
o(^anD of Diners niefnagei,lanDs,tenement0,anDber0Ditament0
in(l!;.&.0ano31B4ntt)efaiDconntp ctm* AndtutierealfotljefaiD
%^Ad anDttanOetl) feifeDjOf, ans in tt)e manojfi of i^.ano ^.anD of
Diueri ott)ermeroage0,lanDt(, tenements ano t}ereDttament0tnl^*
in ttie faiD countie of ^. to^icl^ manojjlantjg tc. in tbe faio Count p of
WSSL.t\3t faiD fir (aanD 33i^.areagreeD Ojalbe affureo ano conueieD,
part thereof to ttie (aid Bl.j^* ano m*f to t^eires of tl)e faiD Bl.^^.ano
another part thereof to tbefaiD3.jl5.ani3l)tsl)cic,inmaneri fojtne,
ano tpon conoition hereafter in t^cfe pjcfent BlnDentures mettoneD
anotbatUfeetoifetbefaiomanojsof ^*f ^.anDofUertfjelanDsanD
tenements aloae mentioned in ^* in t(}e ronntp ol ^* ( ejrcept ^ere^
Synib. Exchange. part.pritiiae

after trceptcti)n3albe aitureD anD cotioctet) fo tl)e faio Gr C%ano jp.m

maKgr^ffl^wic^anDtjpoiuontiition hereafter in tljefeinDciiturcsero
jjjeSeD* And tlienfojg noto in acromplia>mcnt of tl)e fato agrasment,
DiiD iu canaDcratic'T $f ll)e Cum
of i c. to tlje faiD fie d;, b]? tl)c fnto 3
^paiD,tl)e faic Gr ^2 ano ^A}a\xt giaen,granteD, bargainco auD
foli3,an9 b^ tijcU p.5cfcnt ^nDEnturefli uotti giuc, grant,barg.une,ano
fell to tt;c fsiD 3. j*ianD aiCl.auD to ttjc bcirs of t^e faiD J.all tljofe ttoo
clofc0 Iping ncrc to O.in tl}c faiD county of ^.afojc(aiD,uolu oj late
in tl)C tenure aiiDoccupoticn of (iI;.S)gcntlf man anoaltbcfcclofcaoj
gtouDs parcell of \\)t Denuans of tl)e faiti late Diffoluro f[5onatterie,

fenotunel ^^)^ name oj names of tc.bemgp^rtoftl;epeuicancj8be^,

longing to faiDlaic DiCfoluco j^onaflerie of (^.tDitbt^a^^pactenam-
ces , To banc auD to t)Dlo tlje iciD clorcs, mc(ua0cs,ie.suo otl)8r tbe
pjcmilteiei in tt)e faiD Coun^ of WliL lafl b? fojc mentioneD to ttjc faiO
31.j^eantie2lanDto tt>c^i2;rcfianDairisne0of tbc faiD J* f 0; cueMo
tt)ufe of it)efaio3ji!ianD s:i.anDtoll)eI)drs I aHigneiJ of ti^efaiogl,

ji^.foj encr.And aUo ttie faiD Qr C. 3. ano p fo? il)C conftDeidtton a*

fojcfait),baoegincn t grantee , bargaineo anD folD,ano bv ttjefe p)e^
Cents DO gtue,giant,bargatnc ano fell to ti)e faiD 3!i^.all tbat tbe mn^
no? of ^.luitt) tlja jpurtenanecfi m
tbe faiD countj) of 2X21. anD tbe faiB
capitall mefuage callcc dB. auD t\)z faiD Dxmefncs of (aio late oiffoU
ueD mcnatlcfy ot C^. in tt}c faio ccufp of (:il.anD all ano fingulartbeic
ano eitber of tbcir mefuageB,lanos,farme5,tenements,renf5,rcucr*
Concfcruif efi^anD liercDitaments tuitb tbappuctenances in (I5in tbe
laiDcoanfpof CXH.notn oj late in tbe tenure anD occupation of U.C>r
anD of 35i5oj of cither of tbciii : 0lfo al tbofe clofes,lao0,ti3a)Dg,anD

gtounDs, meDcUis anD p^aures iDbatfoeuec late of i.>*anD f*tit ti*

tber of tbem afojcfaio, calleD 0: Unovnne b^ tbe name oi names of f c
anD aifo alt otber tbetr anD citber of tbetc mefuage5,cottaged,ni(lle0,
UnDGiVuooD0, comonSjtDaHe scounD0;moo2e3,bcatb8,fbeep lualUs,
Veaters,pooles,fi(bmg0,rcttt5,reuevaott0,anD all tbeir court0,leete0,

pjogt0,ar(D pcrqniiifes of courts anD leete07luaiue0,eQraie0, libec^

niolument0,$ befs^ttaincatsljDbatfoeucr, toitb aU anDitngular tbetc
apputtcnaces in tbe parilb cf <il;.|c. anD all tbcir ellate,rigbt,titlc,in
fet:cft,claimp,pjopertp anD Demano tobatfoeuer,of,tn,ta,o; out of tbe
faiD manors (t p;emille0 toitb ic. in tbe faiD coiitie of M*o; of,in,t09
0} out of ante part o; parcell tbcreof* AndalltbeDeiDitjeuiDences
chatters f lD3itiiig07toael)ingo}con((rnmg pn^l^t^^^aiD4iiano;8C

Liber Exchange. fecundus

^* aD olijer t\^t fo:cfaiD pjcmiffes Scfojg in t\)tU pitttnts metineD
in fait) countp of C23 oj onlp nnp part o? parccU thereof. To haue i
to^olD t\)i im mano2,(cite,lanDs,ten2m0nti,^ereDitaments,atiD all
ot\)tx ^ pjemilTes in faiu ccfitp of ;MT.bcfo2c,in, o; bp t^efe pjcfentfi
gtncn,gtaiintt!,bargaincD and fDlD,o? mentioneD to be stucn, gran^
teOjbar gained t folD to t^e (aio 3 il^* luitb all i fingular tf)ctr appur*
tenancf 5 to tte faio 3i^l)is i^sitts ano affignec to trie tjfe of tlje farD
31.ii5.fo? euer And tt)e faio 3*M* i" confiocration fjcrcofjano fo? t^ie
fnnimC of ICvt/^/Jr^ ex fane LN.mutatii mtit.vndis..2>\i'^ alfo l)ij5 fiuan
marfe ane all !)i0 ftoans, being o^ t)5ng in i bpcn \\z rtucr of SC. ano
Co; in anp ofbcr place Untljin t^ecoijties of g^.^. j iD.oj anu of t!)e,
ano all l)(8 eOate, rigl)t, title, interett, clfiime, p2opaip ano oemanne
lx)l)atf8eucr,of,tn,to,oj out of tl;c faiti manojis i pjetniifcs in tfje fapD
coutp of i^.o? of,in,oj to an[> part oj parcell tl)ercofj togetljer \6 all i
Cngular t^e tJceDs,cuiDecc3.cl!ai:ter0jtrjuingf,cfcript0 f inunimrtc,
t0Hcl)tng f concerning onlp tlje pjemiffcs i tl^e faio coutp of sp. oj a^
tippart 0) parcel tl)ereof (crcept anD altoaics. refcrucD bnto tljc faiu 3E.
^^1)18 ^eires f c. all ^ capital mefuagc calUD 115.fttnatc,lpins,ant) be^
ing m
c.rogetber tottb all iQngulart^c barns jaaplcSjDOuetjoufcr,
^arDS>curtilage0,mote0,Uiater5, pDnDSjfiflbing0i ojcljaro, gaiCen,
I all ot(}creafc]nt0, commons, fc5mct;itic0tl)ereunto bcloging.)
^no alfo ercept ano referucD to llje faio 31-J^.l)i0 Ijcircs 5 airignes one
j^reat ficlD callea tl;e 15. fide:, 1 .clof0, iljc one calico $f . To hsue ano
to bolE tbe faio nmno50 |f. anD all ano finsuiarotljcrtl}ep3emi!rcs
ipUt) $c. (ercept bcfo;e crc epteo) tnto iljc faio Or CD.il.ano ^.| to tlje
^eires t alTigns Oi the fait fir C0*fo3 euer Prouidoi alijjape0, auD
it 15 fc,bctUjeencttefciiDpart(e0,fccij of tl)em foj tbcm t ttjcir l}eircs
tfocasenat f grant,to jtuitl; ttotbcrs ^ tl)eir Ijcirs tp \%tW p^crcnts,
tbat if anp tbefaiD nianojs ic. bp ttjcfe p;cfcnt0 mcntioncD to ore gi
Ken,f c to tf?o faio fir e.0. 1 4^. 0; citt)er of tljem, He all be at anp imz
0; times bereafter cuic?eD,recocrD,octaineD 0; rafeen aluap from tl)e
faiD ^..1 ^ D;ttl}ec of tljt'U!, oj tljebeires f c.bp r^afon of cnp fo3>
niertitle,caufe,oj tigt;ttol)atfocufr,^;alung being o:t beginning be?
fo^e t^e Date of f cotter lljan bp rcafcn ojtet tae of fuel) ri^ljta jtitleicrs
cauiC0 anD matter a0bcl)creafter crcepfes, tljat tljen f f rom tijcnie='
ano map be latofull,to ana fo? tlje fata fir C'.;3.
fojtlj,! fo often it f^all
mio 2^. anotbeir f c. into fo mq:^ ano fo tnenp acres of gr433rcell of
tbe f c. mentiontls to be grauntetJ,ic.to fbe fais BC.jp. as (berefljall be
acres %u fo rulfteb, recoucretj f c. into fo niucl) anD fo msnp acres of
cbeing parcelloftiielantiaf coft^c favo3.^.cumeo,cecouerS,ic
So rs^
Symb. Exchange. part.primae

to reentet i to t^mZytuUt ano retaine t^e raaie,anD t^t idnes t profits

t^erof,to]^aue f receiue to tfjtix oUin p;oper b(e,fo2 f Dntill tac\) time
es eacrie of iti maplatofullp enter into ti)e mefuages, lanDfi,UJooD0,
siieDDoU)e!,paQarc5,anD f)creDitanicnt5 fo enictei) f taken aiuap,anD
occupie,t)re,iemoptt)efatiiejacco20tngto t^etrue intent f meaning
in tbcfe p3efent JnDentures containeti 0nD tljat t^cn i from thence*
fo;tlj all i euerie perfon ano perfons U)t)ut) dial OanD (eifeO of ti)e faio
IanD0,tcnement5,meDolDCis, paSures, IPOOO0 ano ^ereoitamcnt0,(o
to be rcentrcD tnto,(l)al (tanD anc be (eifeD tbcrof,f of euerie part anD
parcell tt}rvof,to tljiife of tt)e faio ftr C.S.ano ^. ano oft|)e lieirs anO
fiaignee of t^c faio fir Cto, fo;, f acco^oing to t^ purpofes i intents
laft abooe mcniionec. Ncuci chdcs.it is couenanteD ic fo; tbcm ano
euerie of ti^em,tt)eir tjeirg ano afftgnefi, tt)at neitt)er tt)e faio fir C*0*
no; ^.no; ttje Metres no;altisne0 of anie of t^em, Oball enter into tbc
faio capital mefuage calleo C^^no; into anp t^e garoens no; o;c^arOf
belonging to t^e fame^no; into anic tt)e niedDoU)e0 0; pattures Iping
tuitbin tbe eooering Uibcrin tbe faio capital meiuage (tanoetb 1 com^
patfeD about U)itbtt)elanD0,bnleae all tberefioue of tl)elanO0fc.be
fo;e mentioneD,to be bargaineo ano Colo to tbe faio Bl. jfj^. be not fuffi*
dent in balue fo; fucb lanO0 teas be grateo, bargainee 0; folt) bp tbe
faio B!. jji.a0 afo;efaiD,anD Ojalbe euicteD 0; taken atoap a0 afojefaiD*
Prouided alfo^ano it is furtbcr couenanteD, grauntcD, conDifcenOeD,
ano agreeb.bp ano betlvccne tbe faio parties to tbeCe p;efent0, t eac^
Of tt)em,fo; tt^cm ano tbeir beires 00 conenant ano grant, to ano tDit^
tbe otbers 1 tbetr beires bp tbcCe p;erent0, tbat if anp tbe faio lanO0,
izt^tmtx^i&%i*vtfufra,ex parte E.A, And tbefaio fir C. 3. fo;bim
ano bis beireo Do couenant ano graunt, to ano toitb tbe faio B!*i^*
beire0 ano afiignes bp tbere p;ercnts,tbat be t^e faio fir (ID:3* ano bis
bcires,(^all t luill from time to time,f at all times bcreafter acqoite,
eronerate i Dircbarge,o; (ufficicntl^ faue o; keepe barmelefie, as toell
tbe f aiD iil^.bts beires ano afiignes,! euerie of tbem, as aUo tbe faio
mano; of ^^ano tbe lanDs,tencmts ano ^ereDitamcnts aboue mentis
oneD;to be bargaineo ano folD to tbe faiD 3l*i^*of, % from all, i all ma*
ncr of fo;mer bargaines,fc^^>;>r4 no. i)Di)atfocuer,baD, maDe,o}
Donc,tbe rents ano fcruices from tbencefo;tb to be Due to tbe cbtefe
llo;Do; ilo;D0ottbe fee o;fecstbereof.0nD onebargaine ano fate of
tiiuers U)ooDs,bnDerU}ooDS,anD SanoerDs, growing ano being in
oneparkeo; parcell of gronno calleD tbe nelop.anD in ano \)pon
one >roae calleo, $c* being parcell of ic* ercepteD ano fo;cp;ifeD.
And furt|iertf)e (aiD C* fo; i}tm ano Siis }^^\xzfi tiotl) xonenant f c*
Liber Exchange, fccundus
to f tottb tbc faitj 31' iP* l)is Oeirea anD affigne bp t^cfe pjcfents, tljat
t^cp tt)c (aio C'.? ^.tbc te:r3 1 aCfignes of tlje laiD * % all f cuecpo^
t^cr pcrfoii anD perfons, atio itcir tieircs noUj Ijauing c j clauiiing,c;
iobic^ at anp titm? hereafter Ifcali o? map tiaue oj latofuUp claimc to
^&m anp m^ncr of 0ate ci tnti^ielT of fr^t}olo o; int^crttace of, in i to
I fato nianoa,fcite,Dememe lano, tencmentss f brcDitaments aboue
BigntioncDjto bebaigainec ar,D folo to tbe faio g|.i]5lfefill i toill from
time to time, ano at ail ^iueriettineano times t}crafter During t^e
fpficeot fine pearJnijtunc>;tnfuing, Upon reafonablc requcllt^ere'
fo;e to be maoe^ano at ti m {\)t lato of t^e faio |.#*
e cotts $ charges
better anD a(Itgnr6iOoe:,maUe,kncUjleDge, ci:ecute,anD fu^er, o)

cau(ctcbeDonc,k^ioU)li?D6co,anD emutcDall anD euet^ Cucb reafoii

nabUait f act9,tbmg anD tbi(ig5,DeuirganD Dcmfes tob^tfoeuer, fo)
tbefuctber)better,mo;eperfea, anD abfoluteatfurance^fuert^, Cure
making ano conueptng of tbe faio mano2, fcitc, Dems(ne lano0, tene
ment0dnDbeLeDitament0,anD all anD Dngular otber tbe pjemideSy
aboue n:cntioncD to be bargaineD anD folo to tbe fato 3^* i]^ to be baO
ano maoe Cure to tbe faio 3D. Ji* bis bcires ano adignes, acco^Ding to
tbe true intent ano meaning of tbefe p2c(ent0, be it bp DecD oi Deeos,
inrolleD 02 not inrolleo, tbe Blnrolment of tbefe p^efents, fine, feoffe
ment,receaerp iDUb boucbcr o) boucbers ouer,reteafe,confirniation9
o?otbetU)ife,a0bptbefaiD?.i;5bi0bnreso; aaignecojbpbts oj
tbetr CounfeUlearneD in tbe lats, Iball be reafonablp DeuifeDojaD^
nifeOyfo tbat tbe faio *^* ano ^* 0; tbe [)B\ttB of tbe faiD * be not
compelleD to trauell fo;tb of tlje citie of !i 0; county of 9^. in 0; about
tbe Doing o;UnoU)leDgc of anptt^e act 0; acts, tbtng 0; tbings afo;e^
faiD* Ancifurtbertbattbe(aiDC'*0*bisiMbailanD tuill before t^e
fcaftoffc^bponreafonable rcquett ibcrcfo^e to be maDe,De!iuer 0}
caufe to be DeliueceD, toljole anc bncnncellco, bnto tbe (aio 3* ^. tjia
^eires 02 {)(Ttgne0,all fucb DeeCis(,emDen(e0)Cbarter0, lu^itii.gs 1 mu^
niments; iobicb tbe faio Coa anie otber to bis bfc, oj hv bii; ceUueiie,
j)atbo^b^ne toucbing 0; concerning tbe faiD niano; of ^'p.fcitc^lanDs,
tenements, n beteottaments aboue mentioneo to be bargaineD $ folo
to tbe faiD 3!.#o? anie part 0? parcell tbereof And tbe faiD35.i^
fo} bim anD bis beirs Dotb couenant ano grant to ano luitb tbe TaiD 0#
0.bis beires ano aSTigncs bv tbt^fe pjefcnts, tbat be tbe faio BI'i^*{mD
bis bcires (ball ano IjpiU from time to time, anD at all anD cuerie time
ano times bereafteracquitc, eroncrateano Dtfcbarge,o; P fficientl^
(aue anobeepe b^tmelefle aftoeiUbe faio cE*0.r.nD ^* ano tbe better
ano alTignes of t^e faio ano euetie of tbsm^as alio tbe fato msno;,
31 i mefaaj$es>

Symb; Exchange. parr.primac

mefnage09lantij;,fctiements,aniil)crDitament(,ant) all ant) Gnsulac

fitter t^c pjemiCes abouc nicntioncD to bnbargaineD f folD to ttje faiD
C.anD sp.aoD cuei? part i parcell ttjcrof, of ano from all i all niancc
offojmerbargainc5,as incoucnamstofaue harmclcffcjt^e rents anD
fernices from ^encefc;tb to be Due to tbe cbiefe llo;D o? %oitiB of t^e
fa 0? fees tbcrof,anD all copvl)olD0,cuftomarie cttatcgf,rifltjls jsnD tv
ties bp cop? iullhulaimcD bpanpperfon o:ipcrfon0bp topp, acccj^
Ding to tbe cuttoms of tbc f aiD manojs of io.f j^.o? eitbcc of tbemjCic*
ccpteD anD fojepjifED,ano crcept alfo one Icafe mate to 0. 3B.offc.f8j
tberentsof 5o.f*U}l)creoftberet0nataboue ip.peare0 to come, anD
alfo ercept one leafemaDe to ia.315.of^.fo;tbc rent of 5Xbcingnot

aboue is/.^earesrcccmc. 0nDalfoic. And mojeoucr tbe faiD Bl-i^

fo; Ijim auD bis be ires ootb coucnaut anD graunt,to anD iDitb tbe faio
(iD.^.bisbeivesanDallignsbptbefe pjeCentsin maneranDfo;mfoU
lolumgjtbat 10 lo fap,tt>at be tbe faiD BS.iP.auD Hl.nolu bis toife, anD
tbeu' beir0,anD all auD cucrie otber person anD persons, f tbeir bcires
noU) baiUngjX^/zi'/'n? fbi further alluraiicc. In wicncs Sic.

An Exchange eflandsjor) ear es,

%* ofC fC*
T 'His Indenture of trcl)ange
anD 11.^^. of icon tbe
maDC f. Betwecnc !^,
one part ie, Witncilcth, tbat tbe faiD 1^.13.
^atb Demifeisgranteo ano to farme letten, anD bp tbefe p;efnt8 Dotb
9c*bntotl)efdiDU.^.all tbcfc parcelsof lanD b^reafter reciteD,lp^
tng in D.afo2eraiD,tbat ta to rap-,^ c. Slo bane anD to bolD tbe faiD one
acre anD tij.rcDDs ofianDic. U)itb tbappurtenances bnto tbelaiDR*
ip.f cin ercbange fo; certamc ctber lanos bereaftec in tt)e(e p;e(ent0
tnentioncD, from tbe featt of $c. )}nto tbe eno anD ternie of rji;. pcares
fromtbencenert foiictuing anD fullptc. toitboutimpeacbmentofa^
npmanetoftuaSeo^DeCvructiontobecommitteD o; Done bp tbe faio
jf.^. bis beiresic. fcuitbout anptbingpcclDing oj paving bnto tbe
fw^iDl^.lB.fc.Durmgtbefaiotfrnieof jc. In confiDeratioa iDbereof
tbe faio lil.^.t)tb Drmtfec^graunteD i c. ano bp tbefe p^cfents f c* bn
. to tbe faio !^.)15.aU tbofc parcels of groonn bercafter reciteD Iping in
C.afo^efaiDjviz. (naming tbe tanDs certainly) ic. Co bane i te bolt>
ic.tuitb tbe appurtenances onto tbe faiD l[^. %. ic. in epcbange fo; tbe
faiulanDfiraaboue erp;e(reD from tbe faio feaftoffc.bnto tbe eno of
V tbe faiD terme ofrr.peares rrom tbence ic. toitbout impcacbment of
, enpma^croftDu^tto;^eftrultlont8 be committeDoj Done bptbe faiD
$.^ic.U}it^outanpt0ing peUoing anopaping t^et;fo;e ^ntot^e
Liber Letters of Atturney. fecundus
faiD H.^.fc. tunng ic. And tlic fato =l^,515. bott) coaenant ano grant
fr.tt)at tt)efame U.^.fc.l^aU ^aue,occnpp,anDtmo^ all tlje raid
lanQ0 antJ p^emiCTes abouc lettcn bptfec faiD t^.3lDcnto t^e faio ia.bg
tl?i0 inoentarc of cpcl)angc,bi', ono During all tl)e faiD tumt of cm

maner|fi3jmeabcuerccitcD,U)ttl)ontletc2 mterrapt5onoftbfcU0
i^.JB. I)ts Ijcireg , evccnto2S, ?f. And tbt faiD i\.%?. f oucnaiuctb $ c
fame ^.^.ic. Ujall iiaue, bolo, or cupp, auD iniop all i^c faio
tbat tbc
lanD anD p;icnii(re0 abonc (ettcn bp tt}e fato i\. ^. bnto tbe (atD !^*
crcbangc^^ano During all tbe if. in manutc
*bptl)i5 31nDentureof
anDfo;mc abouerecitcD,tx]itl)outanplet D;rititcnuptio of tbefaiu
i1^*ir. And fo? tbc pcrfcjmance of all couenantg, grants, p?omt*
(esjf agccmets on f pa;t of tt)c faio H^.lB.f c aboue rrbearfcD in t\ii$
BBncenturejlucU i trnlp to be obrcrucD,pcrfo2meD,fulfiUeD>anD hept,
accojDing to tbe purport ano effect of tljcfc Blnccntuics, tbe fame 1^
3l5*binDetb btmlelfe f c. tnto t^e faiD IS.^.bts l^eires t c*in tbe fumme
of F.Ci.of laU)full ic And fo2 tbe perfo;mancc of al couenantg vt fupra
on tbe part of tbe faiD 1^.^. tc. aboue rel)earfeD in tbis Jnoentare
loel anD truelp n* vt rupra,accoaDing to tbe purport (c*of tbts inoen^
ture,tt}e faiD ic. binDctbbtnifelfeic bntotbefaiD !^]15* anDintbe
Note that in exchange , it is conucnicnt that the (lates of both parties
becquall. And thatfor the pcrfcfting thereof either particaftually re-
enter into the lands to him tliercby granted.

Letters of Atturney.

JVhat, and how neceffarie %AttHrneyes he.

Hitherto hauc wee in fomcfort intreated of fuchaftsandlnflru- Scft.5i5.

mcnts as are made and done by the parties themfclucs, being
perfonally prefcnt Now we intend to fetdowncfuchlnflru-

tticnts, as giue authority to other as their FaClors or Atturncics

todcethelilceforthem. And that the rather, for that mention is made
before, thatLiucricof feifinmay be made by Prodtorsor Atcurncics,
authorized thereunto by written Warrants. And cuen as L'ueric of
feifin, fo may many other aftcsand Inftruments in ciuilUauics be per-
formed by Atturneycs, which fccmcth veryreafonable, for that that
maiiy times the parties thcmfducs , are fo hindered , cither by irifirmi-
li 2 tic.
Symb, Letters of Atturney. part.primac

tic, orby fuch multiplicitic of bufincfTc and affaires in fundry places

at onetime, that they cannot poflibly be prcfcnt at all: Wherefore A t-
tuiniesbcveric neceflary and profitable for humane focieiie 5 which be
defined fuchperfonsas by thcconfcnt,commandcracnt,or rcqueftsof
the particj,do take hecd,fec to, and take vpon them the charge to doe o-
ther mens and affaires in their abfencc, according totheau-
them committed by the owners thereof. In Inftru-
thoritic and truft to
mentsmakingandordaintngof Atturnics, which bee fometimes called
Letters of Atturnie, fometimes Warrants of Atturnie, fometimes
Proxies or ProcutJtions.fcemc nccelTarily to be confidered fixe tilings,
viz. Firft,thcnamcof thepartic wliichis to make the Inftrument,and
ofhimwhiehistobcmadc Attiirncy. 2. The Atturniesconfentto the
fame ^. A'^ainftwhom. 4. In what matter or caufc. 5. Before what
ludt'C.or other pcrfon. 6. For wharaftor end. All which things will
plainly appearem the enfampUs following.

A letter of AttHrnej to receiue Money.

17". "TpHis Bill mane fc.WitnetTcth, ttjat BBBJ.H^.of ilmcoitiw 3Inne f c.

StCt f
X ijaucconttitutefif maoej.i^.mpfcmancmplatofaliatturnep
to recciuc fo> mc,ano to mp fafcall f ucU fumaies of monep a0 l^all be
Due tjnto me bp one IL.U. of 1). in tl)e |c. be it bp mattec of Uecojo 0;
ott)crU)ife. ^no al(o giuing ^imfuitl)er autl)o;itu in mt name after
t^e papmentg of t^e faio rummefi,to mabc a gooo t perfect acqaitace
02 acquitancei. ^no 3 tt)e faio 35.^^. uo grant bp tfjcie p)efent,to al^
lotDjftano to,anD to iuttifie all fuel) act f acts,tt))ing f tl)in30,f oucbing
anD concerning t^e receipt ano maUing acquitances afojefato.ag mp
atturncp (ball Do,a?; is afo;efaio. In witncffe tobcreof 31 bape
hereunto put mv b^nci ano $a)eale*

tyi letter of AttHrnej by a, Alaior and Commina/tieffor theirj^athe^ ,

ring of their rent and debts. . .


^ '/Xo;
V JOucrintvniuerfi per prefentes nos Maiorem & Coromunitatcm
XNlBurgidcD.inComitatu Eborum, pro nobis & fuccefforibusno-
ftrisfcci{re,ordina{re,conftitui(Te,& in loco nofif pofuifle dilcftos no-
bis in Chritlo W.S.& F.M. dc eadcm in eodcm ComitaE, nfos veros &
Icoitimos Aiturnatos coniuntim &
deuifim, ad pctend&cxigend,
leuand,recuperand,& Bccipiend,vicibus ctnominibusnoflrisj&pi-o
nobi?, & ad vfum noftrura de tempore m tempiis, omnes & fing ulas pc-

Liber Letters of A tturney^ /ecundus

cunquc dc caufa per aliquam fiue aliquas perfonas infra Rcgnuni Angl*,
tarn modo nobis debit et aretro exiftcn,quam importer fucf debit. Et in-
iuperconccdimus pro nobis ct (ucccdof noftrisconiundtim&diuifini,
pknam cc infcgram pottftacem ct auihoriratero ad arreftandum, profc-
qucnd*,implacitand',ctcondcmnarjfaciend',accxccutioncm debit ob
tinend* pro nobis et fucctlloribus noftris. Ac diftrilioneiii ct diftriftio*
ncs pro redd iiibusct arrerag'rcddcnd' nobis debit de tcirpore in tcm-
piis,capiend',imparcand',acrecupcrand*, ac omnia pd debit ctarrerag*
rccipiend',ad vfum noftrum et fucctllof nottrcf. Ec debit acquietanc* jP
fummisfic recuperet cc recept faciend,ct nominibus noftris deliberand,
ac ca omnia et fingula agerc, faccrc, ct pcrimplcre quae circa pr^mifl.nc-
cedaf fucrinc ctoport,adco plenarie et imcgre, ^uc nodnctipfi poflimus
fiuc dcbcrcmus in pmilT.s faeere. Racum c t graium habens 6c habituf to-
tnm 5c quicquid difti Atturnati noltri feccrint, feu eorum alter fecerit in
praemiffiS virtute prxfcntium. In cuius lei tcftimonium buic prasfcnti
fcripto noflro figilium noOrum commune appofuimus, Daf die &c.
Anno &c.

A Letter tffAtturnej to ouerfee Lands, receine Rents

^.nd enterfor non-payment thereof,

BEitknownctoaUmsnbptt)cfcp;efcnfs5,tl)at33 |.^*of 515 iiitfje St(\,^ifi

Conntie of &. yeoman, ^aue maDr,con(lituteD,o2Datneo,anD pot
innipplaccniprig^tlMElbetoueoinCD^oD H. cp.(iUcntUman,m\?trae
ano laU}fuU ^ituincp in ttjts bfl)Blfc, to ouetfcc, rule, anD goucrne
toi mt-, anD tn my name, all \\\v lanDg ano tenenienti8,a0 toell iFree^
^)olDasCoprl;nHj,fct anu Ipiug m tbc STolyne ant! parid) of C in
t^eCoutttu of ^* And alio to Kztmt fo? mc, sno in mp mmti all
t^e rents, i(ru0, comnioDttte0,anD p^ofites, comming aiio grotoins
Df i\}Z fame lanna, ano cucrp pare ell tjjercof And tl)e farir o jg of t^e
fame lanDs,fo3 noupapnicntjto crpell,pat out,anD amouc, ano t^icm
to let to farme to ot^er at l)!0 otone pleafnre ano tiifcretion : gluing
ano graunting tinto m^ faio 0tturnep mp full potocr ano autbojitio,
bptt) tcno? of tl)efe pjefcnts, to Doc ano erecute all ano Ongular
ft(Ep2emiffe0,a5 fullp,ti3^ollv,anDfurcl^,as31tl) faioBl'^'nisl)t
ejoioulODoejif tl^ij5m^p?efento;itingl)aonotbeeneinaoeic In
witneile &c.

3!i 3 ^
Sytnb,' Letters of Atturuey.^ parcpritnx

^ Letter of AtttirmjforfpccUllDeht,
X rNtoall Chriftian people to tobom tl)W pjefeiittojitittg fl^al ccnic,
V l^^oficfen0s;t^ greeting Knowpoumcti^efatDiA.&.tobaue
fenHitutcD,! in m^ ilnce fet ji;p totlbcloueo in Cljjttt a. 2D mptruc
anOlalwfaU DEpulic i ^^tfuinTy, to affec, DemanD, XtwiZy rccoucr, ano
.^ v/i-gyv/^f f^/^^^rf"! ttttxwt foj me f in mp name,! turnip Dfe of Cvm*t)t fc.ttje furame of
f^"^- tc.of laU)fullCnghniinonep,to$tcl)t^cfaioC^l.ol33etl)t}nton]ee,
% to^ercin ^e fiance tl) bouno tnto me bp bis i5Ul obligatojpiGiuing,
and bp tbcfc pjefcntB granting to niP Taio il^tturncp nip lubole potoec
anD autbs;itp in tbe p?cttii(rs5 if ndeo diall require to fuc $ pnrfue tbe
faiD C*^l* Ijis erecuto;s ic.f o? me ano in m^ name in any Court fpti
ritual 02 tempojall, befoje anp 35ge oj 3;afttce3, oj to bfc anp otber
lalufuU buaicf! o; mcaneis fo2 ti)e recouerp of tbe faiD ic* And alfo to
cotitpounO,fealc>i Dcliucr ^Letters of acquitance, o; anp otber labofuU
Difcbargc f o; mc aiiD 111 mp name. Andinorcouerto ojoainetfcti^t*
tarnep c^ ^tturneps, one o} mo2e bnoer ()ini,f at bis pleafur e againe
to reuoUe ceimtecnianD t^c fame.^nD to ooe, ci:ccute,perfojme,i 6
nifl[)fo;raeiinnipname, alliftngiiUrtbingclDbicb fball be e rpcoi*
ent I neceCTacie concerning tbe pKmiiTcs, m
tb^oualjlp 9 toboUp as Bi
tbe fain ^.^.migbt oj coulD Do,in oj about tbe lamc^^nD lubatfoeuee
ttip faiD ^tturni p fiinti ooe 0; caiife to be bone in tlje p2cmiC[c0,3 pjo

mife to alloU),ccnfJrme,perfo2ine, t eltabli(l),anD tbereto ^ bitto oify

wp Ijeires ano eyecutojs bp tljefe pjefcnts. In witneilc &c.
/^ Letter of Attitrney to recoucr an^ret/in: a Deh.
'DEitknowneff. That iDbereas2i2Ii.p. c* isbcniJtinto5^bp
Scdt.252. Jjone >bligation 02 iDjitingoWigatojie, bearing Dote tbe fc. in
tfjefomme of ^00. pDtmO0,tobepaicbto tbe faiD Bi*i^*l)iserecoto;s
02 at)mtm0rato20)O^romeof tbcm,lt)itb conDition tbereuponinDo2'
(eD,a0 tberebp appearetfj That now tbe faio 3f.H. fo2 ano in conitoe*

ration or a certatnc fumme of moncp to \)i\n tbe faio 3,li. bp ii.?*

bfo2ebanDpaie5, batb bargaineo 1 folo,t bp tbefe pjEfents Dotbbac
gaineanbfcUbnfo tbe fnio 15, ^ bis f recutojg, atinimiflrato20, ano
aHignes, tJ)C faiD )bligation,o2 lujtting obitgatojie, of 300, ponnDS
afojcfaio. 0nD alfoDotb bp tbefe pscfents mafee, eonftitute, anD in
^ l)i0 place put tbe faiD It, k>* bis tree ano laVufuli i^ttiirnep, in bid

name ano place to aifeej5emanD,lenic,reoner,anD rec ciue of tbe faiJ>

iiisa[.]t). beires,eyccatg2S,anD abmmiaratojs, anD enerp of ttjem,
tIjefai03oopounDS, intlje r&totoatting obligatojie mcnticneoano

Liber Letters of A tturney. fecundns

erp;effed Andairoaot!)l)ptl)efcp2efcutsgiHe an^gratintbneotl)^
fatDii &. Us erecnto^ganDaDtmmdrato^s^anDeueifie oft{jcm,full
snD iDljoIc polDcr ano autl)03itie in iljz name of ^im ttie rato 5!.i^* to
far, arieff,tnip3iron, anD conocuH'ne, anD f aufe to be fuel), arretteD,
impjifciKOjf concempneo t|)c faio HI p. \)i2 }^eites,tmuto;s, ano
aDiminttrato}5, tpon tljcfattietojUiitgoblrgstojicof ^oo^Cu And
alfotopjccureiuDgemcnianD crcctuionto bc^ao anD maoeagainli
t^z faio W^"}^* t)i0 t)etre0,e]t:e(uto3s,ano asmintilrato;^ fo; tt)erame
3oc.pounl)0Andalfo,fo?,anDm tbc name of l)im tbefsiD3l.a$ to
releafe ano acquitc ttie fata aiT. p. l)iB t^rireg, c jrecutojcanD aDmt
mKrato3i5,anDcuette,o?antcof ttjcmfojt^efame 500.ponnD3.And
reUafe oneleafcs, aiquttanceq^fQuitancrstomaUc,rcale,anDi)e<'
liner tjnto tfjem,anD cuerp,e? anp of tljeni of t!]c fame fnmnie of 300.
pounDS,anD of eucricjo; anp pait ttjcreof. And cue j^Jttwrnep oj moe
fo? tl)e Doing of tbepjemidts, to make, ano tlje fame at \)i& pleafuce
to reucbc,anti nife m t^f Ir place to (ubflitute, i to Do, pcifojme, ano
eirecutc all anD Ongulai: tf)irgstoljtcijfi?all be cvpeDient oj ncceCfar^
concerning tlje p;emi(Tcs,fo fullp, as be tbc faiD ^ nmU
oj cculD
to fame, being pcrfonallp pjtfent at tbe Doing tbcreof. And fur-

ther t^c faiD 3.U. Dotb hv tbefe pjefente giue aiiD giant bnto tSje faiD
iK.^.bis ereeuto;0 anD aDminiffrato3(,g(DD anDlaUifulautborttieto
rccciucretaine, anD be cpc to bis anD tlitir otune pjoper bfe f bebofe
t^f i\je faiD fumnie of co.ponncc,in t^efaiD ^bltgation mentioncD,

Icitl^out anp accompt to bee renD;eDtol)imtl)efaiD^.bt0cre(uto;d

OJ aDnnnifltrato?05 foj tlje fame, 0; anp part thereof. And tbe faiD 3I
l\.fo;binifclfe, bis erecuto^s ano aDminitlrato^B, anD euctp of tbem
Dotb b|?ttefe p2efent0 tonenant, graunt, p?omire,anD 8gree,to, ano
tuitl) tbe faiD 1^.^. bis erccutojs ano acmtnillratoj?, anD euerie of
t^eni, iljat be tbe faiD B;.ia.bi0 erccutoja 1 aDmtmllraroj,anD cueric
of aro ii}iUiufiiip,aUols},rat(fie,anDperfo;meall ano
tljcm:. fball

i^batfoeuer bee tbe faiD \^, ^* bi0 beire0,eKeentD?0, anD aDmintftra^

to?0, fljall latofwUp dp, 0} eaufe to be Done, in o? about t^e pjemiffe0

And tbat neitljer bee tbe fsiD 3.^. bi0 bcire0,creuto30, no} acmini^
ffratoj0, no? an^ cf tbt w, ii?iU icucfee wo; make tioio tbis J^etter of
0tturnep, nojanp antbo3U{eiljcrflggiutntotiniti)efaiDH And
Ibal be tbe faiD U* betb not berctofoje re leafeD, no3
3!. mm
boiD tbe
faiD )ligation, no; tbe faiD fummeof 3^0. pounD0 tberein com
laineD^nojan^partlbcrccf nojbttbDoncnoj fnffercDtobceDone,

noj bereaftcr teiU Doe, no? ft ffer,c2 slTcnt to be Done, sny set o? att0,
tl}irg 0} tl;in609 t\)l}ucby ttcfaiofutrmeof tym |unD;eopounD0

31i 4 in
SymW Letters of Atcumey* pait.primaj

int^cfaitj^bUgationmenttaneo,mapnotbeerecoucreD, obtainco,
ano ^aD bp i\)e faio H.S> t)i3 rccuto;0, asitiir.iaratojs, o; affignes,
03 Tome of tljcm, accojoing tnto tt)e true meaning Ijcreof And to;
t^e perfo;mauce of all articles, concnant0,grantg,anD agreements
Ijcrein containeo, Ijee tt)c faio 3. U. Dotl) b|> tijefe pjcfcnts bmo !)im<'
felfe,t)is l)eirefi,erecufa?s, ann aDmimfltrato^gjanDeuevieoftbem
to tlje TatD tt.^. bis e):ecuto?, anD aDmi'vUttiuto;s,in foure bunojeD
pount)j3of latofullmoncp ic. tobecpatcDtotljcrair)U*^.^tdei:ccu<
to;$ ano aDminiftrato;. In witncCTc &c.

yl Letter of Atttirnejfnadelfj Sxecutors.

NOuerirnvnlucrfipcrpracfentcs nosR.I.Sc Mvxofmcam, niiper

vxof T. S. (duin vixit) acexccutriccm Tcftamcnti ciufdcmT.
affi2;nanc,<cci(rc, &loconodroconflituifTe dilcclos nobis in ChriQo
lohcmC.^cM. vxofeius, noRf fideles& legicim Atciirnat, coniun-
tim&diuilini, ad pcccndjcuandum, & recipiendum vice & nomine
noftro, ad eorun) proprium vfnm, omnia & (ingula bona, mobilia cc
immobilia, huftilimcnn, & ntctdaria quxpracfatus T. dieobiiusfui
habuit, & iibi pcrtincbant infra mcfiia<^inm flue tcncmentum luura in
H.inComitatu F.qnodidem T.pfrTcffamcntumfuum dedit&lega-
uicprsefat I.C.6c M. vxoflu.r.for orieiufdcm T. cum omnibus (5com-
nimodis hihodi huf^ilimentis&boncidcmmcfuag. fiueicneraenco,lig-
nifif cmnino except, &eidcm mduig. fiuc tenement vt appropna?
referuatis, quae omnia 6c fingula dcbita qiix dKfto T die cms obitus
debcbamur, infra Comitatum E predict, prs-di^us T.indiOo fuo
Tcftamento voluit & Icg3uicpr.ffat I.C.&M vxori eius:Dantes&
conccdtntcs prsefac I 5c M. Attnrnat noHriSj ac vtrique eorum, plenam
6c liberam tenore prxlentium pocefiatcm nonr.m, ob d>.fe^u dilibera-
tionis&folutionismhac parte^ficneceflcfucrir, ramomncs 6c (ingulos
dcbitoves, detencores, Sceormnqueniiibrr, omnium bonorum huftili-
mentof, 6c ncceflanof pracdict, accuudibetcorum parcclT (except
6c refciuatpraeexccptis 6c referuatis) qu ^m umne6c fingulosdcbitores
6c detcntores debitor pra^dict, ac qucmlibet eorum arreftan faciend,
imprifonandi 5 6c extra prifonam libcrand : Necnon implacitan5 et
profequcn^ in quibuicnnque Cnrijs, 6c coram qu bufcunque iudicibus
6c lurticiaf quorum inreieO, adeoprecile6cintcgre.ficutlexcxioit6c
pcrmitcit,6c dc recepiis in hacparte. acquietanc'nominc noftro facicn-
di, figllandi,6c deliberjndi^Atturnat quoqiic vnum vcl p'urcs fub fc

confticucndij6c profuo libito reuocandi : Cxteraque cia 6c fingula qx

Liber Lettetsof Attumeyi fccundus
in prawnifTis , &
circa prxtnifla accedaria fucrint, feu quomodolibet
opportuna faciend, cxercend,& execjucnd,adeo intcgre,prout nofmcc-
ipfi facerc po{Iumus,fi prae(cntc$ ibid pfonalitcr intercfl[enius.Ratum&
gratum&c.In cuius &c.

tyl Letter of Attfirr,ey vpe the Kings licence,

VNiucrfis&c.I. P. vnusArroig' pro corporciilufiriff. domini no Seft.pj.

domino fempiicrnam. Cum idem dominus
fin Regis &:c. falute in
nofterRex, pcrfuas gratiofasliteraspaceRtcs, quarum datum eft apud
Wcftmonafteri\im dccimo die Fcbruani,anno regni fui 5 1 .in conlidc-
ratione vcri(Sf fidelis fcruitij, quod ego di^us I-P.cidcm illuftrifljm do-

mino noftro ante hacc tempera impendi, 6c durante virameaimpcndc-

rc intendo,concefric,& iicentiani dcderit mihi pf.I.P.qd ego per me, aut
deputatumfiuedcputatosmeos indigcnasfiucalicnigcnas, numcrum et
quantitate duccncorumdokorum Satis,AnglicevoCat^lOaDdeTho-
lofa in partibus vltramarinis emerc& prouidere, ac eadcm ducenia do-
leade^^oaOjinvnanauijfiucdiucrfisnauibus, deobedientia dnHti do-
mini Regis, aut obedientia aliquorum amicorum &
confcdcratorura fu-
orum cariarc & qucmcunque locum, feuquccunquc
imponcre, ac in
loca hnius regni Angli^, vnavice,vel diucrfis vicibus ibidem ad me*
um maximum proticuum et aduantagium important conducend, ,

& inducend, vcndend, 6c diflribucnd, conduci et difcariari facerc

pollcm &: valeam licite6cimpuiie :aljquo a^u, fiatuto, rcftri^lione,
prohibitione, aur proclamationc in conrrarjum fa^l* non ob(}ante,prouc
inprxdidis Uteris pjtentibus indc conkOis plenius cominctur. Noue-
ritismcprxfat I. P. virtutc &
authoritate djdljrum literaiumpatenti-
um, fecilTcjOrdinaire, conftituilfe^Scin ]oc'.>mcopofuiflc dilcftosmi-
hiuiChrulo A. B.&C.D. McrcatorcsdcH.mcosvcros& legitimes
deputatos,fa^orcs irreuocabilesconiun^^im. viceet nomme meo, ad
fdcicndum, exqueendum,& adminiftrandum, advfus, commoda, &
proficua propria corundcm A.B.&C.D. omnia 6t lingulain dilis
iiteris patentibus contenta ec fpecificata. viz. intaniarrplis modo &
forma,prcutegodilosI.P.fictrepotui(Icm, feu debcrcm, vigorep-
dictlitcrarum patcntium,fi ibidem prefensperfonal.ter jnicrtflcm. Ec
dcputat fmc faZ^orcm vnum, (lue plurcs Tub le conftitufnd*j& ad libita
fua ri.u )C3nd : Qiubus quidem A. B. C. D. & &
eortim vtrique con-
iundim, ego dilus I. P. do,concedo, tranfporco per pr2fentcs,om-
nimodu:mpotcftatcmraeam&3uthcriratcminpricmi(l.Ratum etgratil
quicquid diiti dcputat 6c faclorcs mei no
iwbens 6c Imbiturus^toium
Symb. Letters of Atturney. part.primac

mine mfiofcccrint, feu fieri procurauerint,aut eorum aliquis feccric, feu

fieri procuraucrit inprxmifliSj&inquolibctprscmiiromaj per pracfen-
ces. In cuius rei&c.

A Letter of AttHrnej to delmer foJfeJfh?t of Lands.

Scft.?ft4. V jOucrint vniucrfipcr prxfentesme W.B. &c. affignaffc, fecifTc, et

1\| locomeoappofuilTc, ac conflituiffc per pfentes, dilcftummihi in
Chnft' A.R.mcum verum &
legitimumatturna!,ad intrandum pro ine,
nomine meo,in omnia ilia mefuag',terf &c.Et poft tale iutroitum,
vice ec
ad delibcrand pro rae,vicee nomine raeo, plcnamct pacific' poflcffio-
neiu & feifinam, cc in pd mefuag. ccrf,&c. cum oibus fuis periinch I.B.
anc fuo certo Atturnaco, hxred ec executoribus fuis fcdra vim, formam,
tencH-emjec cffcftum cuiufdam chartx meae^:; r prjef.W.antedicn.B.ct
alijs faft ac,cuius daf eft &c.prouc per infpe^ionem ciufdem plcnius ap-
pdrcbic : Czceraquc omnia ec fingula Scc.Dac &c.

A Letter of Atturney to receiue fojfeffion of Lands,

$^./25. XTOucrincScc.dilcftummihiinXpoC.D.rocumverumec Icgitimii

J-^ atturnat, ad incrand pro rac,vice ct nomine mco, in vnum mefuag.
cumgardinoet (uis&c. ac plena ecpacifica poffcfnohccfeifinaindeca-
piend.Ec poft hilidi fcifam cc polTcffionem fie inde rcccpc ct habit, ean-
ocmadmcumpropriLivfii retincRd ctcuftodiend, fccundiivim, foim,
ct effeffluni cuiridam charc^ mihi ct alijs fact per E.F. gcncrofura, vtper
eandcm chartaindeconfectam, cuius datum eft Sec. manifeftc liquet cc
apparcc : Caeteraq^ omnia &c.

t. A letter of Atturney to receiue foffejfion tind

cofis of the Shertje,

'r>Eitknowne&c.2ri)at31J^*2^c.^aoeconttitufeD,o?DaittfiD, anD
*^ *
dnatjc 3. i? nip latofull 3ttnrncp,fD? me,ano in nip name, to i"

ceiae of t^e ^licctfe of tlje countic of |3.oj ano j^cacc

l)is ocpi:tic,full
able poUedion of one mcfnagco} tenement lijttbtlje appurtenances
in (0* ano fuel) ntonepas ^ liane lecouereo tai \x\^ Damao^cs anti co&s
againlt ^.It toiuoto, in an Eicctionefirm:e,acco3Dingtot^ctcno?,
cfifect,ano meaning of t^e S^iii of out ^oueratgne ilaote tt)e ^^uetn^
0f Habere facias poffeflionem, anO fieri facias lOt^efaiOj^^ChfeDl'
te(t^O Jn wicnefte^c* Daccd %u
Liber Eettersof Atturney.^ fecundus

A Letter ofAtturney to take pojfejfion of lands recmered,

N OucrintScc. nos H. G. ct H. W. fccifTcjOrdinaflTe, ct loco nofiro Scftf ^7

pofuillc dilcct nobis in Chrifto W.P. et I.H. noftros veros ct legi-
times Attornac coniunct ct cliuiliro,ad intrand' vice et nominibus nofths
in manef dc B. cu pcifi,ac in quinquaginta acf terrae, viginti acras prati,
trcccnc acf paftuf, quadragint acf borci,et quinqiic libra! rcddit cu ptiii
in B.i.et R. in Com Equx nos pditt H.C.ct H.W. p brcuc dfii Regis,
de ingrcffu fuper diffeifin in Ic Poft,vcrfus I.C.armig', in Cuf didi dni
Regis,coram Iiiftic' fuis apud Wefiih ccroiino S.Mich.antedift' 6cc.rc-
cupcraiiimus ad vfum I. S. Milif ct hasrcd' fuof ,ac de, cc fuper hiTidi in-
troitu fie fact plenani et pacificam poflefllon , dc et in mancf , tcrf , ct te^^
pd cum pcrtih nominibus nfis capierd et continuand ad vfura pd I. S.
t hacrcd' Tuof, donee alitcr inde duxerimus difponcnd'. Raiu ct gratum
licntcthabituf tot ct quicquid difti atturnaf nfi nominibus nfis fccef,
(cu corum alter fecef in pra miffis, piout ibidem praefentcs peifonalit in-
tercffemus. In cuius rci 6cc.

A Letter ofAttnrncj to receiHepojfeffion oflands extended

bj n Statute A'larchaNt,

OMnibus Chrifli fidelibus &c.T.B.Ciuis et Dra.L. falutcm in dno. SeV.j' 28*

Cu R.E.MilcJ, Vic' Gem H. vircute bfis dhi Regis fibi iadc direct
extendi fecifTet vnu mcf.ct xx. acf cerf cu p;iri m
D.in Com Equ^ fucf
I K. ad valor xl.s. p anh,qd quidc mci.ct xx.atf terf cum pcineh di^us
Vic'.cu ea fie extendi fecilLt.feifire fecit in mwn'dni Rcg.Noucritis mc
pr.r.B.afsignalTcjfecillcjlocoq; meo pofuillc ct conftituiiledilccf Tcrui-
cnc mcum R.B. meum vcru ct Icgitiniu in hac ptc atturnat, ad recipient
jp mc.ct innole mco de pF.R.M.Vic'Com pdjpicnporsefliioh ctfeifih,
dc et in pd mcf.xx.acf terf cu pcifi que milu dc pf.T.B.p dice Vic*,vir-
tiite bfis difti dhi Rcg.fibi inde direct liberaii dcbcnt ct extend':Tcne5

mihictafsighmeis vthbef tent raeu fecund tcnof,vim,formaieteflFcdu

eiofde bfis dhi Regis eide Vic* vt pfertur direct. Dans ct concedcns pf.
aiturnatoroco plena et (ufficicnt tenore pfentium potcflat meara, autho-
ritac ct mand fptci jlc,ad facicrid,exerccndjet cxequerd me^ct in no-^
mine nico,dc et in pmifsis^ct in qualibet pmifsorum, omnia ca et fingula

quae ego pfatus T.B.facere pofscm.fius debercm,fi prxrcns ibidem per-

fonaliier intercfscm . Ratura et gratum habcns ct habiturus firmuBi -
Symb. Letters of Atturney. part.prim^
& ftabile,totum 5c quic<]uid pr^dic! Atiurnat mcus nomine mco fcccric
in prxreiiflfjs per praefentes. In cuius rci tcftimoniuni prxientibus figil-
lura mcum appofui. Dat &c.

A Letter of Atturney to enterfor defunh of payment,

OMnibus Chrifti fidclibu$,ad quos pfcns fcriptum pcruencrif,A.P.

falut in dho fcinpiternam. Cum ego pf. A. nup dimifcrini, fcoffa-
. ucrim, &: p quandam chartam meam tripart!? confirmaucf W. C. vnura
tenement, cum pcrtineh, fituaf in parochia S. Ccddx Salop, viz. inter
tenemcnf &c Habcnd' ct tenend' pd W.h^red ct affign fuis impcrpc-
tuum, fub forma ct condicionc fequeh.viz. Qd
pd W. hatred vel afligh
fui foiucrcnt,aut folui faccrcnt mihi pK A. aut cxccuf meis, in Ecclcfia S.

Ceddse Salop, ad fcfta S. Mich. Arch.prox'futuf potl datum chartac ^S.

x.li. ftcrling . Ec fi pd W.vel atHgh fui dcfcci(Iei,vel dcfcciflcnt m foln-
tione fummsc pd,aut in aliqua inde parcclla,ad fcflum folutionis fuperi^
limitafJ extunc bene licerit mihi pfst A, in pd tcneintumcumpcrcinefi
rcintrare, ct illud in priftino ftatu meo rchabcre, pd charta feofFamenti
ct diraifTionisnon obftantc,jpuc in eadcm charts plenius liquet. t quia
pfatW.folutioncm pd fregit. Noucritismc pf.A.occafionc pmid.atcur-
naffe,ct plcnara poteftatem meam concefliflc dilcftis mihi in Chrifto T.
M.& LP. coniunftim etdiiii(im,adrcimrand,rccl3m,et po(ridcnd,pro
mc,& nomine mco,in pd tento cum pertinen,vc in priftino ftatu meo,&
pfatW. inde cxpellendctamoucnd.di^lumqi tenement in manibusip-
forum T. & I. ad opus meum tcncnd, donee aliter inde duxcrint difpo-
ncnd. Ratum et gratum habcns et habiturus tomm ct quicquid pfaf At-
turnaCmei fecerint nomine mco, feu corum alter fecerit in pmiflis, prout
egomcc f acere polTem H perfonaliter interedera In cuius 6cc. .

A Letter of Atturney to receiue debts,fue, and

make Acquitances.

Sca.5 50.
13^ ^^ knownetjntoallmenbptbefepjefentjsijtljat 3l^S>of c*
JOi^ane mntse, pffigncD, aiiD alTurco, ojDatneD, anu Deputeo, aiiD in
mpSeaoanti place bp tfjefe pjefenteputamJconlrituteDmpiBclbdo^
wet) fr'ti3 anotefrjicn iuSH.ano ^Sl. of r m^ true anu latoJull
0ttumcps trrcaoral'lf? iomflp,anD t\i\)tx of tljcai feucraUp,fo; me,
tm in name^an^ to^^ ^i^ to s^t^c? Uuie? re(oner>ano xumt all

Liber Letters of Atturney; lecundus

snt) lingular ftJc^Debt5,tiufte!,fumnicanDfummS of ttione?,a( are
0? ftisM beDue 0? okiing iJtito nte t\)e faiD !^.D. bpS.llS. C.2D. f c. oj
bp anp otl)cr perfon o? perrons iutjatfoeucr, Giuing, anD bt> t^cfe pje^
fent/5 granting tnto mp faio atfurnies, ano fo either of tljcm iointlp
ano fcucrallp,full poUJcr anD aatl)o?ttie,fo? nie,anD in mp name, ano
to mp onelp bfe to rae,arre(t,impleat),conDemne ano imp;iron euerte
of m^ Debtors afo?efaiD.0nD at t^eit, anD either of tbeir liberties and
pleafure, fnc^ perfon anD pcrfcns on! of p;ifon to oeliuer, oj canfe to
be DelinereD, 0nD bpon tbe receipt of ante fumrae oj fummefi of mo^
nePjtompbfc to be rcceincoof ante of tliepcrfons afo^efaiD, acqai*
tames, o; otI)cr laiofuU mfcljarges foj tl)cfnmc,fo5inc,anDm mp
(tecD anD name,to make, feale, ano Deliuer as my DeeD o; dccds* :9nD
one aitturncp o? moe tnoer tljeni, oj citber of tbem to mafee oj fubai*
tatc,anDattbeir,ojeitt)croftbcirfrecU)ills againe toreuohe: anD
all anD cuerie otber tbing anD tbings, tobicb tball be neeDful 02 net ef^
farieto beDont,in 02 about tbe p;emiffe0,tbc fame to doc as fullp ano
to)bollp,as 3 np (clfe migbt Dae, if 3 toere tljcre perronallp pjefcnt
ftolDingfirmcanDftableallanolDbatfocaer mp faiDatturncpcs, oj
eitber of tbem fljall Doe,o? c aafe to be Done, in, 0: about tlje pjcmiaf s
bp tbeCe p;cfent. Scaled toitb mp feale Giucn tbe
: \3iii. Dap of SD in
tbe 36. peare of tbe raignc i c. i^n2DoT 594.

A letter ofAtturney to feale a Indent tire and Obligation.

knovync &c.Cbaf &.c254c.bane maDe f r .mp true % latufuU Scft. 531,



fcuerallp, to feale ano Deliuer fo; me, anD

in mp name, one ^noenture maDe bcttoeenetr, bearing Date ic,anD
alfo to feale ano oeliuer foj me tc.tc tbe faio ^ir p. one )bltgation,
lDbcreinBltbefaiD&irCI5.ajallftanDbounD to tbe fame feir^Dantbe
fummc of tctoitb conDition tbrrcupon inDojfeD, foj tbe perfo;mancc
of tbecouenants,graunts,anD agreements, compjifeD in tbe faio 3!n*
Denture : W\)\t\^ faiD BEnoenture ano Obligation after tbe fame (ball
be fo fealcD anD DeliucrcD bp mp faiD 0tturnics,o; one of tbem,3D tbe
faiD &ir <25.Doe pjomifebp tbefepjefents, tbat tbe fame 35nDenturc
anD Obligation, ano eitber of tbem, (ball be mp eflfettuall DceD ano
DceDsintbelaUj,anD(baUbe ofasgooDlIrengtb,fo;fc, anoeffetf in
tbelal,to all intents, confltrttctions anDpurpofes,to btnoe me,mp
betres ano et;ecnto3S,8gainlt tbe faiD ^ir p.bid betrs ano erectiky,
anD againjtteua:p of t^em, astbougb 3 t^e faiD feir (S'.ljaD lealsD ano
Deliuireo Sm faio 3lnpentw?,ao ^"^Ximmm (eiCe. in wimcs ace.
Synib. Letters of Atturncy. parcprimac

A litter ofAtturney to alien lands.

Sitxxi, 'O'E'f ^"ownetnto Pll len bp tljcfe p2cfent, tijat % a.HB. of JSD
'^ ' J3ijDitl)in t^c Ccnnt^ f r. f^anr o;D'3tr!cO, conftitutctj, niai3C, anD in
nir pint c putni]^ U5dbclouc& K.>. mv true, fuli, ano lp.lftili attur^
tu v,anD to ^l3e fame U. ^atjc giucn, ono etawntco, full potucr ar.D an-

tl?c;itic to 3iijc, gr3imt,bcirgaine,anD (elljOj bpanpoitjcrlalDfuU

iij'^pojmennesstoslierijconucp,! a(Iiu'Mtt)istoiU,pUafurc,f oiucc^
tton.fo?mc,f in mvname,flU ti;atmpmefua0e,toft,gnrOen,ojcl)ai:D,
r- acres of iuaoc,r.'acrc8 of tjcaltj, futjcs, anD r. fliilltnss rcnt^toitl)
tt)eir appiirtcnsnceSjin (25. in tfje Coimtie of |0, to anv pcrfon o; pec^
fons b3'oatfcuer,nfcc;t)ins bnto ttje liatoeg of tljifi l^ealme. To Mauc'
anD to IjolDto ttje faio pcrfon oj perfcng Ujt)ntrocucr, ttjcir bcircs anD
sUigncs, oj l!jc {)eircB o; oilijjncfi of anp one of tl)cin foj e jc r to ci^e ,

onplpbfc f beboofe of tf^c fnio pcrfon c; pcrfona, to Iwbom foe pjcmtf'

ffsdjall beaUcncD,conucpcD,anDatIiircD,ast5afo2cfntD,to, f fojtbc-
fummc of oo.li.of lalofuU CEngUfi) niontp, to be luell anD trul^paiD

totbefaiD atturnep bp tbefaiD perfonorperfonato tobom tbe faiD

lanDS f tenemcnts,anD otber tbc pjcmitfee^t^albe altencD,conui'ieD,
anD atTureo,as io afo;cfaiD,Ujitbin one monctb aftertbc faio alienati
on of tbc pjcmiffes ninDe,as afojcfaio, to tbe onlp tjfc f beboofe of mc
mp creratojs t ^fftgng. And lui thcr.giuing i granting
tbc ioio i?.15.
to mp faia ^tturnep mp full poboer anD antbontie in tbe p;icmiacs,to
Doe,e)cecutc,perfojme,fufill,coucluDe,t finiflb? fo? me, % in mp name
anD place.as 10 mentioneo,all i fingular tbing anD tbingf tobatfoeacc
Oislbe erpeDient 9 ncccdanc cotTcerning tbc p;cmi(rei;, as tb^ougblpj
iubollp ;f furelp,a0 m^ felfe fljoulD Doe, if Bi nip felfe toerc tbere in m?
ctunc pcrfon p;ertnt, ratifptng % confirming bp tbefe pjefenta, tubat*
foeuec rap faiD i^tturnep (ball do,c; futfer to be Done,in,anD abont i\z
p^emiffe0,in mp bebalfejfo; me,anD in mp name* In witncs &c.

A letter of Atttimey generaU touching Und,

Sft. 533. \ TNiucrfis Chrifti fidclibus &c. P.H. dc R. in Com E. yeoman filius
V R.H.dcfunOi dum vixit dc G. in Com' pd ycoman,falutc
ct haeres

in dfio fcmpitcrfi. Noueritis nic pf P. fecifscjordinafscconftituifsejct lo-

cclltto pofuifsc dilcct roihi in Chriito T.B.mcnm vcrum ct IcgitirauAt-
turn,ad ^fcquedjimplacitad, ct dcf cdend vice et noie mcOjCt inc,in ^
olbuitnngur cur ct placitis,ac cora qmbufcuiMjiludic' ctXuftic',vcrfus
Liber Letters of Attiirney. fecundus
ornnes &fingulasperfonas,crga quas vd quam aliqua aftio, tain realis
quamperfonalismihi quouifniodo clacius,{ertacn,auc defcniioncin per
icgein,clc,& pro omnibus illistcrris&teneraeiis meiscufn fuis pcrtincfj
vniuerfisvocat VV.fituatis,iaccmibus& exiikntibus in villis<5c campis
<ieC. prasdift', quam mihi difto P. iure haercditario difcendebant, per
&pofl: mortem predict' R.patrismei,& quxin pr^cfencia a meiniuftc
detinent: Nee non omnia ditfta terras & tcncmcntacum fuis pcrtincn-
tijSjVicc 6c nomine meo ad intran<J, acpknam Sc paciHcam pofltffio-

ncm& feifmamjde, ct in eifdcm, pro me, & nomine meocapiendiira:

AcommesSc fingnlas perfonas quafcimque lirmarios fiucoccupacorcs
coTundrmabindecxptUcnd, & amoucndum, &
Tuper huiufmodi pof-
fcflioneficcapta&babitaj omnia dirta terras 5c tencmenta cum pcrti-
nentijsad vfum didiT. cuftodicnd, gubernaiid,occupand, & mini-
llrand, Dando,6c per prefentes conccdendoprafdift' ActurnaE mco,
,plcnametintegran)potcri:atcromcam authoritatem & mandatum fpe-
ciaicpr.Tdi^'ptrionas&earum quamlibct,occ3fionc iniuftae detcntio-
niSjCuilodixvcloccupationispr^did' tcrrarum &
tencmentorum cum
peitincntijs,autalicuiusinde partis feu parcell' attachiand& arrcftari
faciend,ac coram ludicibus & liiftician js praediOis compararc faciciid
6c produccnd,ac vcrfus ipfas perfonas, 6c earum quamlibtt occafione
prardift',omnes6cfii)gu'asaftiones,(eftas,placita,6cprofccutiones, li-

cia,requifita 6c ncccilaria in cur praedi^l' vbicunquc videbitur oppor-

cunumiore, viceac nomine meokudnd', affiimand,capicnd, et attur-
nand,6ceasvclcafccundum iuriscxigentiarn,cumqnib,nfcunque inde
circumftantjjsintcrplacitand6c profcqucnd, ac ui$ 6c titulum mcum
praedid'jcorampraed ludicibus ec lufticiarijs dcclarar,d,cxponcnd cc
n6iifiGand*,diftafquc perfonas ct earum quamlibct per legis vigor arrc-
ftand'jimprifonand', &
condcmnan faciend', ac extra prifonam dehbe-
rand Necnon damna 6c expenfas in ea parte habit 6c habcnd deipfis

pcrfonis 6c dc earum qualibct recuperand',ct rccipiend'. Et dc reccptis et

ccupcratis,ac fuper finem 6cc. ;3j5 in Ott)CC.

t/ietter ofAtturney tofnefor lands andgoods*

His Bill 8cc.maDe
faio 31.il.bp
boaiie to tl^e
|C* Betwecne |c. Witnefleth, t^at lDl)grca0
tojiting obligato3ie,beating Date ic*t)ct0f ttan*
(aic SD.in rl.ponnD ?f toitb conDition tbercnnto in?
tl)C ^c^-534^

t)o;ceD,a$ ttjecebp appeacecf},t^e faio ^an couQDsratton ([jereof Ijatl)

Liber Letters of Atturney. Iccundus
conftitotto ?c.in tjer place put ttje fai?) 3 W ttua latofull atturncp
irrcnocablc,tc DnnaunD,fue foj, rcccuer,recciue, obtaine,ano get in
ljernamcanDaceD,tat)isotDnetofc, tDitljeatanp account thereof to
be niase oj renDjeo bnto t^c im J3D bit crecutojg o; aomtnifttato;0,
8(U)cll all iul)lanD5, tenements i t^creoitamentg, tot)ut) fi)c tl)c fail)

3).fbculDojousl}ttot)aucfo;t}crDoUJCio; iopnture, of aniclanocs,

tcucnientg o j l)cr eoitanientc, tutjufj tocre tbe iul)cntance of tbe faio
iSI.iL.Ercept one mefuage f c. As alfo alfo all fuc^ gooDs f cljattels as
tl)craiDE).oiisbttot)aucfoj l)erpatt, of all tlje goDt)0 anDcl)attels

iDbicl)Vutretl)efaiD(::ai.il.at tbetime of Ijis Deatb,etber tl)en(ucl)

goo05 anc l)atteU as ftje the faio BD.nolu batb ceceiueD,nnD tbc ]tl)iro
part of all fuel) Cebtfi a U)cte Due to tbe faifi 2EI 11. at t^c time of bi6

Dcatb. And tbe faio SD.botbbpt^efcpjcfents gioe ano gcauntbnto

tljefalD3.3l'l}frf"llflitHul)olc polner in ttje pjemilTeB ( erfeptbc*
foje c)cceptcD)to arreft,roCjOrclare,impleaD,impjifon ano releafe a^p
perf on i perl ong, fo?, oj bp reafon ot tl)f fame pjcmiffcg, oj anp part
tl)ereof(ci:ceptbcfojeerceptcb) at tlje coftes anOcbargesoftbcfaiD
3.iL.anotl)ercofanOtl)erefo2einljcrname to" releafe, afqalte,com'
pouncano agree tuitt) anp pcrfon o? ptrfons : ano alfo to Do, finiRj,
ano erecutcall anD coerp ot^er tbmg ano tl)ing0,U)l)ict fljal be requi
0teo;necciraiie,uio? about t!)ep;cmilte5,oj anic part tt)creof {tx^
cept before erccpteD) fo fullp anD U)l)ollp,, as if rt)ec t^e faio SD.fljoulD
D;mtgt)t,o;ougt)tto Doe, if (be loere perfonaUpp}efent at tbe Doing
fijerecutmgoftbefame. And furtber, tl)efaiD2D.Dot^couenantfc
tbatl})et^eiaiD|D. (ball ano mill alloln, iuSifie, afftrme, perfo2me,
ratifie,anDe(!ablia),allanDeuerie act anD acts, t^inganD things,
lDl)icb tbe fatD 3!.il .(bal laVufuilp Doc,o; caufe to be Done in ber name,
in,oj about tbe pjemiffes oj anp part thereof ( erccpt befojc crcepteD)
acco;Dtng to tbe true meaning bereof, at tl)e cofts anD charges of tt)e
faio 31.1irAnd tl)at tbe faio H>.fl)all not,no; boil not at anic time \)txz>
after rcuofee oj aDniill tins pjefcnt iLetter of ^tturnep, oj tlje potoec
nD aut^e;itie t^cctbp giuen to tl)c faio 3 In witncflc &c.

j4 Utter efJttHrmy tofite to a Court.

PAteat vniucrfis p pfcntcs, q) ego R. P. atturnaui,et in loco nico con-

ftitui LuKum Atturnaf,ad lclani noroiii nico faciend' ad cur Deca-

ni ctCapituli Ecclefiaebeatsc M.LincdcC.iuxt tcnorebrcuis rcgis,baU

liuis pd Decani &
Capituli curixfuacpd indcdircft*: Ratumhabitur*
ccgracum quic^uid id'X.nomiue mco fcceric in &c.In cuius &c.Da{(&c.
Liber Letters of Atturney. fecundus

A Letter offuhBitution where the Atturmj tnaketh a. dc'

futte vnder him,

VNiucrfis&c.S.F.&cCuiDl.T.&c. per quoddam fcript fuum dc Se^.j-JiJ.

Atturnat fcccrit,ordinaucric,conrtit, &
in loco(uo polueritme pf.
S.ruumvcrum et legit Atturnac, ad petendum&c. vice& nomine diCXi
I.ccad meura propriiim vfum de H. C. x. li. in cjuibus dicT H.perobli-
gationcmfnampracf.I.tentt&obligatjdiftulqucA.p difturalciiptlu-
um de Acturhjdcderic et conceflerit mihi prietaco S. Atturnato fuo, pic
nametincegrainpotenaterofuaniSc authorica^in prxmiflis ad faciendj
agcnd',profcquend &c.ct de recept et rccuperatis, ct lupcr finem et con-
cordiam acquictanc , feu alias exonerationcs nomine di^l' I. compo-
ncnd',ngilland\&dcliberand\ Ecattnrnatos alios, vnumvelpluresiub
mc conftmicnd et reuocantI,prout in ecd fcripc de atturnaCinde confect
plcnius continct. Nouerit mc ph S. vigor ct authoritat d\(X fcrip! dc at-
turh mihi fiaCt',ordina{rc,pofui{Ie,5cc. E-N.mcuro vcf ct legitimfub-
(lif ad petend' &c,ad vfum, commodum ct proficuum dift' E. dc pfi H.

x.li.Nccnon omnia alia & fingula in praeroif. &

circa ea ncccflafjad faci-
cndjcxigend, expedient, ct finicnd, adco plcnc ct integf, ficut ego pd
T.vigoreantcdiftifcriptaaturnatfaccrepoflem (cu debcremfipraclens
pcrConalitcr adeilcm. Racum ct grac Scc.In emus Sec.

A reuocation ofa Letter of Atturney,

VNto ChrlQian people to iD^om t^t0 pufent tonttng Obal come SeA.
all 7.
5 3
a.M.f c.toiDoto,fenoctt) grating : ^l)erea0 31 tl)e faiD 3.tjpon
truftanDconfioenceViJl)ul)3l)aDin ^*Wi>m^ fonne,oiB bprnplet*
ter of 0ttucnepcon(titute ano make tl)e faio d mp lattume^, 3i5ap^
life,i^acto; ano &olltcito} geiicrall,in,fo;,anD of all ano Ongular mp
goOB^c^atteU) Debts, Duties, atiD oemantiSjlancs, tenements, anO
l)ereDitament0 tPt)atfoeuer 0no oto giue t)im further aut^o;ttte ano
polDectoOealefojme, as bptbefaiD isnttngto ^im maoe moje at
large appearctb* Now know ^ou me tt)e faiD 0* W^* fo; t^at tt)e Caio
C.^*^atl)treD()tmfelfebpcoloaroft^e(atDaat^ontpto btm giae
greatly botb to mp otfcomfo^t ano ^tnoerance, ano otl}erU)tCe tt)en
mp trnit anD confioence iuas x\\ t)im : %q b&ue reuobt;t), counterman^
DeD ano maoe t)oiD,anD bp tbcCe p;efents do reooke,countermanD anD
make tioiD tbe (aiD letter of attumep, anD all ttie potuer ano autbon^
tic of i%% faio e.mi*to Dim giuen afluel bp t^e faio lo^tting as bp anp
mb otder
Symb; Warrants of Atturney. part.primac

fitl)errticanclD|)atfoeaer,tol)ccebpljc can ojmappjefcnofoliauea*

np bttiD &f Doing o? oealing,fo} me o) inmp namg toucljmg ang ttjing
t^at is mine In witncffc &c.

Warrants of Atturney.

A fVatrunt ofAt turnej to make Leafes not c tcee-

ding trvcntteyeares.

2S T^ ^^^ ^^*^ faitl)fuU of ^ii^ to to^omt^t0 pjefent tojtting
J[ DenteDn)allcome,a.515.fcnDet^greetmsin our ilojo C>oD eucr*

n^ "53J'
, ,

^ Vfr^^4-i
^ laSJing. iftnototljat 3 t^e faio a. 15. ftaue o?oaineD , conftitatcDano
Ii7 ii
ifJ^^tXf.v In*/ appomfeD 2D.C.m^ttueanDlatotaUattucncp,anD bptl)efep;erentg
tioe0iust)ntotl}e(aiD|D.C' fnllpoUKr anoautt)93ttie fojme, anDin
m^nnmebpU)jitinginDenteli,o; bp fcaerall tojttings inoentcD,to
tiemife, graont, anti to farme let,aU t^ofe tr.p mefuagest icret,t^tn0>
0; being in ttie Conntie tc* 0; in an^ of tbent,o; ante of t\)e p;emi(le0,
agtottjcfaioJD.COjaUfcememeetanD conncnient, to fucljperfon
c*f? gr^^:^^ ^HT^f, _ pj pcr(onfi,anD During fuc^ terme of peares, fo tliat t^e faiD Icafeo)

iea(e0 Doe not erceeotl^e number of ttoentie ^eare0,\vitb fucb refers

nations of rents,couenant0,grannt0,agreements, anD conDitions to
be containeD in tbe faiDfeoerall \u?iting0 inDenteD, as to tbe faiD E>*
C<D)aU be likeU)ife tbougbt nioft meet ano couentent, anD alfo in m^
name to feale anD Deliner as mp Deeo,anD tbe one part of all % enerie
(ac|b}2itingsinDcnteD,a0tot^e faiD E>C.inm^name l^all bee in
fo?meafo;(e rcbearfeD,to anD fo? mpbfe toitbbim to retaineanDbeep^
^SlnD HI tbe faiD 0.^.mp Metres anD afltgnes (ball at all times bereaf^*
ter ratifie,confirme,anD allolD all anD euerie act anD acts, tt}tng anD
tbings tobicb tbe (aiD ^.Ctin mp name (^all Doe in t^e premises* In
witncdc &c.

A Warrant ofAttnrnej to deliuer a leafe vpon the ground.

ScCt. Si9*' TO
all Chriftian people c totobomicM.U.of^.intbecountie

ofE^.CfqmrcrenD greeting. S^battobereas 3 tbe faiD SKU.bauc

niaDe anD feaUD one to^itingtnDenteD, purporting 8 leafe to bemaDe
Dnto sp.^.f c. of all tl)e tenement teitb t^e appurtenance in C Iwitb"
tn tbc mano;of C.Ujttbin tbc parifb of Cantbe Countie of E).j3inD of
S)nDecl)PooD07Comraen0 anD iDalts^anD allottee bercDitamentSpUiitb
Liber Warrants of Atturncy. fccundus
t^e a^portctiancc0 to t^e fame tenements belonging ot apipsrtatntns
f cliJtttjin citl)er ef tbe 10o;D0 of t^t leafe* To haue ano to IjolD $cag
b^ tt}e fame Ijo^ting tntienteo, beatino^ Date f cmo;c plainly t)ot^ ano
mavappeace. Knowycc notutljat 31 tl)cidiit)m*% tjaueojoeineD,
waoejConftituteQj ano affigneo mp lueracloueD ID.p, my tcae i lato*
full atturnep,to enter foj me,ani> in mpname ano tteaOjinto t^c foje
rccitcO pjemiffes tottt) ttie appurtenances, ano thereupon foi me,anD
in my name,! tteai?, to DcUuer tl)cnc part of il)e faiti Uj;i!ting inocteD,
fealeo luitb my feale, tnto t^e foicfaio ^.&.as my bery act ano Dceo,
bponeucryparccll of tt)ep;emt(re0afo;erato,inttienameoff lebole
tntt)e latD U);ttin0 contatneD,anD ttrecupon to tccetuc, ano accept fo;
itie^anD m my name^ fcom t^e faio iip.&. t^e counterpatne of t|)e iD;t>

tmg inocnteD to my tjfe, ratifying ano alloluing all ano cucry act ano
a(t0,(bing ano tl)ing0,U)t)atfoeucr my faiD 0ttuincy Ojall do,oj caufc
to be cone, in, ano about tbe p^emtdes, in as ample maner,i as fully
ano U)ljoly,a6 tl)0agt) 31 my felfebao beenetterepjefentinmyctiinc
perfon. Inwitncdetoljcceof 31t|efaiD?!a:i;3tot^imyp?efentto>i
ting ^&ut put to my feale fc*

A Warrant ofAtturney to deliuer and reeeiue f^Vritingt.

known bnto all men by tbcfc p;cfEt,tbat 3


of C.tbeelOEr,l)aueaut^o2i5CD,DcpteD, ano in
J.ll.of ffiStan tbe
my place
s^^, ^^o,

liauc putmy tuclbeloueo 3 E> aduell to rcceiuc f o j me,in my name,

one oeeo inoenteD,mat)e by ^.&*of C*of all tt]e lanos ano tenements
tobub toere of tbe inberitdce of ^^S). fatbcr to y faio ^.in ^M*^*
C.anB ^togetbecbDitb tbe poffelfion of al tbefamelaDs,!as alfo to
feale ano oeliuer foj me, f in my name, one oeeo inoenteo tripartite,
tnaoe of al tbe f o^efaio laos, to tbe fojefaio !^.^ .Untb oiuers remain^
oers ouer,as in tbe fame Oeeo mo^e plainly appearctb>0no alfo to oo
al $ euety tbing ano tbings, in ano about tbe fame,as dialbe tbougbt
erpeDient,as fnUy,ano in as large mannec,as tbongb Bl tbe faio Bi.i.*
ijDerepecfonallyp;efent* In wimcfTeijubereof to tbismyp;efenttun'
ting31 baue f et my feale,anD f ubfcribeo my name,tbe bay of lean tbe

yeareof tberaigneof our^oueraigne^ojo ic

ty^ Warrant ofAtturney to reeeiue pojfejpo,

TO all CbJittian people to

come , a 116. of
iobom tbis pjefent iD;ifing (ball Scft.;4i
iL. in tbe County of ^. (^fquire , fenoetb gree*

ting in cur llojo >oo cuerlading. Know yce t^at31 tbe fayo0

foa Oiuers ano funo;y is^ooO; fuSftcient , ano reafonablecaufesme


Symb. Warrants of Atturney. part, primac

tijercunf fpaciallp mouing, ^aue autbo2t5cD,conftifuteD,ojDeinco,f

inmpplacepat m^toellbelooeo inCt)?iiH^.^,Df j^,int^eCountp
of ^.gent. mp faitl)full anD bnDoubteo attojnep, to enter fo;iiie,anD
in mp name, into ttie mefnagc of ^* ans into all nno Qngular lanO0,
tcncmcnta, clof e, meaootoes, fecoings, ano pnllure0,ani) all otl)er
apputtenancea thereunto belonging,ia t\)t Countie of ^.late parcell
oftt)epoa'effionsof tlje lateDillolueD ^omfizmot (M. int^efaio
Countieof |^.U)l)icl) BDtfjefaiD 0.baucoftt)sleafe anODemifeofU
Sn.of C.in ti}c faiD Countie of ^. ano tlje poffeCTion of all ano Cngu*
lar i{)e pjcmifTes, to talie foj me , anO in nip name, an o to mp tJfe anO
bct)(Dfe:3nD tt)e pollcllton tt)ereoftuUen,anD t)ao,to retcinc,l)ire,fet,
place,anD appoint one BapUfe o; )aerreer, into , ano upon tbe faio
mcfuagc,|otl)ert!)elanosanD tenements toitbt^eirappurtcnanceg
afoicfaio. 0nD alfo all otljer fciuants, oj laboiecs, neceilarp fo; tbe
(ure keeping, occupying, manuring, ano biTng of t^ep;emiflre0,anD
cuer^ parcell molt anaile,commoDitie,anD aouantage
tl)ereof,fo? tl}e
of a. ratifying, appjoumg, f confirming tobatfocaer mp
me ttje faio
faio j^tturnep (Ijal Doe in tt)e p}emiae0,o; an? of tbem.:^no allowing
al ano euerp act ano act0,fo Don bp tbe faio :^Uurnep, to be bb etietta
all f fufificient in laU),concerning the p;emi(rc0,o} anp part thereof a^
gainft me,o? anp otberper(ono^perfon0,a0tf Himpfelfe toerepje^
fent,ano ^ao Done tbe fame. In witncffc &c.

/i fVarrant ofAttHrney to releafe a Vrifoner,

"Tp O all Chriftian people to Ujt)Om |C. l^. 2D. of 0. in fljC Countte
Sect. 541 faio countie peoman, fenD gree*
j| gf (0.gent.anD H.l^.of 515. in tlje

ting \x^ our S,o:d (II5od Whereas U.2D. of 1^.

euerlafting. tbe Coum m
tp afo^iefaiD Cfquire, aDrntnidratoj of tbe gooDs 1 cbatteU of p.H>*
^nigbt, bis father oeceafeD, bp tbe fufftcient vu;iting , bearing Date
tbeDapof icbatbgiuenbnto^stbe laio l^.anoi^. bptbe names of
^is UielbeloncD Uinfman i^.SD feraant to tbe rigbt bono;able&ic
iS.^.l^nigbt,anD bid (eruant H.le^.bia true % latofull attarnie0,ano
toeitberof bsiointlp f feuerallp, full poluer anDautbo)itiefo;bim9
ano in bt0 name, to releafe,Difcl)arge,rcmit,ano inlarge,onc W>*^,
late of ^.in tbe faiD Countie of CC':qmre,li3bo Ipetb p^ifoner in tbe
i?leete,anD fo batbrontinueo bptliefpaceof tbcfe i c. peare0,being
committeD fo tbe f^me pjifon , bp x^^t late iHo^o n^Sl.tben Cbanceler
of f c. fo;i tbat tbe faiD ISH.^. ref ufeD to ftano to tne o;Der of tbe faiD
IL.5KI(. concerning a ftat.mcrcbant, bnotuiv DgcD befo?c i\)oX time bp
t^e faio m* bnto tbe faiD |^.^.befo;e tbe t^aio; of t^e Citie of C.fo;
Liber Warrants of A tturney. fecundus
t^e ttme being 1 0nD further to ooc all anD Sngular art aiiD ms, t^ing
alio t!)tngi,lpl)atfoener it ^tic, fo?,anD m tl)$ name anD be^alfe of t^e
faiD ii\.BD. cither before tije iLojDC^anceloj of (^nglauD, o? before a
m ot^c Hsalmejtbat ma)? be tjjoug^t
BJaftice o? SluGicf s UJitljin tljis
conuenientj crpeoient, 03 neceCtarie, foj tlje enlargement oj veleafe^
ment of t\)t faio ijlSL^.os if ti}e falD H.SD.IjaD been pjefenl in perfon
l)imfelfe,to ooe,i};ecute,anD conclude tljs fame : allolutng, ratifying,
anD confirming fo?t}ini;!ji0 bette0,ei:ecuto;3,$ aDmintGrato?(,to^at'
foeuer Uiec tt)e faiD ^* anD M HjoulD Doe m
tl)e p?enu(Te$} abfolutel^

iuttbout f onoitionjto al intents anD purpofc?,a6 bp tlje fame tDjifing

moje plainelp Dotb auD map appeare: Now know yee,t^at toe tbe faiD
i^SD^anD l\.^ tpon Due ccnfiDeration baD of all tfjings toucbing oj
concerning tbe p,:emi(res,baue bp fojce of tbe faio letter o? iujiting of
0tturncv, anD b^ tertne 1 autljontie cf ttie fame, fo; anD in tbe name
of tljc faiD H.^. releafeDjDifcbargeD, anD tcmitteD, anD bptbefepje^
fentg Doe releafe,Difcbarge,anD remit ttje faiD E; .sp. not onel^ of tbe
faiD If atute ^')arcbant^ anD of all e!cecutionS,fHtt0,nuarrel0,Debate0,
anD DemanDs concerning tbc fame, anD cf all otber Debts,fuit0jqaar^
rcld^Debategjf DemanDs, tljat tlje faio l\.E)t batb 0; ma^ baueagainft

tbe faiD ul^.^.fo^ l concerning tbe faiD (f atute,but alfo toee tbe faiD
l^SD anD U*^* foj anD in tbe name of tl}c faiD t\. SD. are contenteD
anD agrecDjtbat ttje ^.^.fljall be DirmtdeD anD DifcbargcD out
fet at bis full libertie, anD not be
of tbe pjifon of tbe faio i?lecte, anD
DetaincD tberc an^ longer, ncitbcr fo? oj concerning tbe faiD Catute,
0? bp fojce cf tlje faiD ojDer oj commaunDement of tbc faiD late ILojD
W* 0} fo; anp otber matter 0; caufe lubatfoeuer , tbat 10 DepenDing
bctUjeenetbe faiD H.E> anD tbe faiDM*^*befo;e tbe Dateof tbefe
pjefent0 Inwkneffe&c.

ui TVarrant of AttHrmy to profecute all a5lios, &c

THis Indenture f ( Betweenc %

^* of E>* of tbe one partie5anD $6^.543^ %
SD.of Cof tbe otber partie, WitnelTcth, 2Ebat tbe faiD 3* h* batb
conftituteD,maDe,anD c?caineD,anD br tbefe pjefents Dotb conftif uf e,
o;Daine,anD ma]^e,tbe faiD
from bencefojtb to
BC ^* W latofuU anD generall 0tturnet^,
commence, bjingjfue, anD pjofecafe fo;bifw>anD
in bi( name,all manner of action0,a0lnell reall a0 perfonall, luell u
M;it,)15ill,l|)laint,o?otberl))ife, in anp Court 02 CoQrt0 of HecoaD,
Court of Ueqttelf j^> 0; in an^ otber Court 0; place tobatfoeuer Uiitb'
Symb. Warrants of Atturney; part.primae

in tl)is Bealmc of Cnglanti, aiiD t\)t Tame

actions and fuit{,attD eue^
ano foUctw, foj, ano in tt)e name of tl)e f ato
tie of tljem, to pjofecute
31^. in as large ano ample manner, as tl)e faio BJ. ^.mtgIjtDae,tf
t^c fame Iwereb^ im in proper pcrfon commcnteo, foetijo; taken

And further, ttjefaiDBl. 6 l)Ptl'cfep?cfcntsi5ctl} aUo conftitute, o?^

Daine, ana mafee ttjc f aiD 3! . ED. tjis latutull aiiD generail ^tturncpjto
appearcmafee anfU)cre,ant) to ocfenDjfo^ Ijinijano in Ijis name,\n all
mannct of actions ano rmteslj3'}atfccnertl)cu be, lul)ic^ is, oj atan^
time hereafter iVjall be commcnr cD, (ucD, 03 faUcn agatnil ti)t faio 3^
^bpan^pcrfon ano all tl)ingsljattl)sfiD
oj perrons luljatfoeucr,
3.E>H}all DOC 0; niaUe as ^tturnc^tnto t^c faio ^.&. tl)e faio H!
^.bptljcfep^efentsDotb ratiftc ano app;oue (tje fame to bcljis^e*
tie p.ctu:iU oceoe And further, tl)e fdiD J.^. ijotl) conllitutcmaUc,
autboji^e, ano appoint tbe Cato 3;. D. ta be bis gcncrall g)teluarD
of all bis lanos, tenements, aiiD bcrcDitanients in tbe^^Tounties of
(ll;,2?anft CI;. 0; clfeU)betc luitbin tbc Itcalmc cf (iDnglano,tot)fc
ano occupic tbe ^tctoaro bj? bimfelfe, oj bg
fato cSfice of gcncrall

bis fnfficient oepntiec, Dtirmg tbe pleafure of the faio 3!. &. And
tbe faio I.S. Doti) alfo bi? tbcfe pjcfents giue full poluer ano au*
tbojitie tjnto tbe fnio |. D. ano fucb oepntie ano ocpatics as tbc
faio 3;.)bD beveaftcr Hiall name ano appoint, to rccciuc ano tafee,
ano to aomit one tenant oj tenants b^ Copte o^f Court Holl , ac?
cojoingtotbc cultoujcs oT tbenianncjs afojcfaio, 0; anp of tbem,
ano alfo to tfive ano alTeU'c any fine 0; fines tjpon HTcnant oj Cop^:s
i)OlDer cf tbcfaiD mar.r.o^s, Innos, anD tenements, o<: anj? part o?
Vaccell tbereof , bpon anp interclt, caufe of fo;ifitr, funen
tier, 01 foi tbe bjeacb of anp ConDition, 0? olbcrUiifc by any bn*
latufiill lu^L' 0? meanes U^balfceuer j^no tjuJjat tbing tbe faio 31.

P* bis iscputic 0? Deputies!, Hjail Doc, foj, ano in tye name of tbc
faio ^.^ in en'ccuting anD Doing of tbe p^cmiffcss appoin-eo ijnto
tbe office cf tbe generall ^teb^uD
Bl. g>. Doib ratific ano
, t}}c faio
appjouc tbe fame to be l)i3> otunc mmW
Decce And tbc faio 3.^
fojbim a^ l)isl)eire6, by tbcfe p^cfcnts, Dotb aifo ginc full polucu
ano aatljojitic Unto tbe faio J*0, from time ta tunc bsrcaftcrrto
Demifc, fet,anD let to fanne, fo?, ano in tbe name of tbc faio 3g
^. Cud; part ano parcell of bis faitj mnmojs, lanos, ano tene?
meats, as to tlje faiD Bl 2D f^all fcemc meetc anD lonusnient to be
Demifco ano letten f farms to any pcrfon 02 pcrfcns, foj, ano du<
us tfje terms of peares from t^je maiiins of fuel; leafe ano oemifc.

Liber Warrants of A tturney] feciindus

nnD of nl'DUcrcferuing tjpoii a\m fucl)leafc anb ticmife forlb "carlg

untjanD taking fuel) 6ne fo? tljE fcoie to iljs bfg of tljcfnid 31. ^. as tl)s
faiD Bl'S) fijail i\)\nUt meet anD r onucnicnt to be paieD anD refcrueo
foj ti)e fame* And tl)e faJD 3.fe> Botb furtijer cGn<!itute,ojDainc,sno
make tlje falD 3.HD. to be Ins Kecc iko; generall of all ^10 IfliiDSjCcnei
iiicnts, vcnJs,reocrfions,p3olitcs, Dtbts, anD fiuiimes of moncp,
ii}batfocacrtl;cpbf,ojiJ3l)ici) Ijcreafter (^all oj may in auic l^ifebe
Huebnto t^s faia ^.w> Anclti;attbefritD3.2Db^tIjcfep3efcttts(ftall
IjauefuUpolucranoautbo^itie to recciue auDtaUe, to tlje l3fc oft^e
Taio l.^.attbcbariDs of allanu euede t\)e 2Ccnantff,irarmojs,115ap'
life0anDDebtoj0oft{}ef8io3lg>.aUatiD cueric fuel) fummsojfums
of monev,asnoloi,oUi)at beteaftci'bp ante \mv ojmeanefifl^aU
be Due to t^e faiD %^ And tlje faio 3!. ^. DcUj further autboji^e tlje
faiD3;'2Db|)tl5efepjcfent0,anDtol)tm33^tb giac fBllpolDcv anbau*
tbojifeie, tbat i}e tije faio 3I.2D.bpon receipt cf an|) fumnie oj fammes
of moncp, fobpbiti) bcrcatterto bereceiueD,fI?aUandma^ma^efuc^
fame,by Dccbe, ideafe, oj af quitanc e, in tlic
latofull Difcliaige fo? tt)C
tiameoftbefaioi.^.ojelfe bj? ocUueringo? csncelltngofanieiPji*
ting )bligato;te,o? by any otbci' tsayc^ 0; mcanc5,a0 by tbe fame Bi*
^.from time to time Ujallbee tboug^t meeteanDconucnient to bee
^aD) muoe, ano Done* And lobatfoeuer DecDe 0; Deeded , releafc
acQuitance, 03 ottjcr Difcbarge , to^icb tbe faio 3!S> Ujall mai^e,
fcale, auD Ocliuer foj cancelling of anic tenting Dbligato2ie, oj
byanic otljec tuay o? meanes , ag by tbe faiue %^* from time to
time t^all bett)ougl)t meete ano conueRitnt to bee bad, maoc, 0^
bone, anD lobatfoeuec beedec; Deeoe^, releafe, acquitauce, 0; 0*
tljer Difcljarge , lubicl) tbe faio 3!. K>* fljaU maUc , feale , ojueliner,
foj,anointt)enameof tbefaiD3i.^.toucl)ing J oj in anic toife con
cerning tlje pjemiJTe0 , tbefaioi.&.foj bim,bis eicecutojs mn ao*
mtniftratojgjDotbby tbcfe pjefents from time to time ratific, ap^
pjoue,anoconSt'metbefameto be t)is labafuU act anb oeebe And
t^efaiD 3!'^ bootb furtlier autbojife tbe faib 31. 2D. b^ tljefe pje^
fentg, tbat tl)e faio ^. 2D. Ojall ano may from time to time ^ereaf"
ter tal'.e actompt cf all ano euerie bis JEenants , #ai*moj^f JSay^
Ufes,i^ent-gatljercr0, ano otberoSficevs of tbe faiDi.^.il)atfo^
cuer tbey bce,of,anD foj tlje rcnt0,reuenues,ano profited, o? fumme5
of money bytljeui, ojanie of tbem, receiueti to fbe bfe of tbe faio
i.^. ojlut)ib tbcy , 02 anie cf tl;em fijall bcreafteE recciue to tbe
bfeoftl)efaio31^ And tl;at Ijee tbe faib 31* W* ^pon euerte fuel)
1^ U 4 ^ccompt
Symb. Warrants of Atturney. part.primae

accompt fo b^ ^m to be taken,o} b^ t\)$ receipt of ante fuct) rent, p^o^

fitjO? f ummeg of monp bp l)im to bp tl;c bancs of tbe faiD ^ar^
be IjaD
ino;s,X5aplifefi,s:euants,l\ent-gat|)crcrs,D3 ottjrr officers , to tlje
tCeoftbefaiDi*^* HjaUanDmav bpbertue hereof giuetintoeuerte
fucbifv?rmojo;5i3aplifes,of loljombec fijall take anie fuel) accompf,
oi receiue ante fucb rent5,reneitues,p;o&te0;Oebts oi fummes of tuo^
iiep,aUoi]Dance,fo3,anD in ttje name of tbe faio 3.^.of fo mucb,anD of
fucb part ano portion of tbc faio rents, rcacnues ic. as to tfje fflio 3J
^bp bi^ Dtfcretton ff)al be tboust)t tneete ano reafonable to be giuen
anO allotueo : 0nD ttjat fact) funimc oj
eacric ftjcb altoluancc of cuerie
fuinmes of moncp thereafter bp tbe faio i.S) .to be bao, maDe, ano gt'
nen,(ball be as gooD ano effectuall in tbe lato, to all intents ano pur^
pofcs asatnCt tbe faio ^,^Mb erccutojs ano aDminiftrato:s,anti eae*
i'ieoftl)em,astbou6l) tljefatne allotDancebaDbeenebaD,maDe,anD
fiiuenbp tbc faio 33.S>an bis otone pjoper perfon. And further tbe faio
31^.ootb siuc full potuer ano aiUbojitis bnto tlje faio g.jSD.at all ano
cuerie time ano times bercaf ter to make paitnent ano ocUuerie, fo?,
ano tn tbe name of tbc faio i.^.of euerie facb fumme o; fummes of
tnonepastbefaiDi.2D.bp a letter oj tujiting, fubfcribeo tuitb tbc
i}ano of tbc faio 3.ij5,fball be commanDeO, affigneo, appointeo, o; re*
Quireo to pap o; ocltuer eitber bnto tbe faio 31. ^* oi to anp otber pep
fon 03 perfons Vuliatfoeucr tbcp be. And tbc faio ? S>. ootb furtbcr
graimt up tbefc p3fcnts,tbat tolicn ano as often as tbc faio 3. E>. at
ante time bereaftcrfballmaUe ante paiment 0; oeltucrte out ofbi0
i)anosofaU tbe faio rents, receipts, ano funimcs ofmoncpbereaffec
bpbimtoberecemcDtotbebteof tbe faio i.&. o^anppartojparcell
tberof bp bertne 0; autbo^itie of anp f ucb Inciting, 0; letter fubfcribeo
toitb tbc bvino of tbe faio Bl.^. aDbat tben tl>e faio BJ.jBD.biis erecutojg
03 aominiftrato3s, after fucb paiment ano oeltuerie of anie fucb fum
Di fummcs of monep,(ball be tbereof,ano of euerie part tberof clearlp
oifcbargeo againtt tbe faio 3. ^* bis erecutojs ano aominiffratojs
Iptbcfepjefcnts And further, tbc fai0 3!.^. fojbiman^ bisbcires
faptbcfe pjcfcnts, ootb giue full poluer ano autbo^itie to tbe faio
31.E>. cleerelp to bargaine ano fell all tbat bis mannoj of ^. in tbc
Countieofll. ano all otber mefuages,lanocs, tenements ano bcrc'
Ottaments in ^.afo^efaio, 0? elfelubcre, in tbe faio Countie of ll.o^
anie part 03 parcell tberof,as tbc faio 3B'B>at anp time 0; times bcrc>
after (ball tbinbe meet ano connenient to be folD,ano fo? fucb fummc
o^dtmmesofmonepjastbe fait) BI*lD*^aU tbinl^emeete to be taken
Liber Warrants of Atturney^ fecundus
fo; t\)t fame,to t\)t bfe of t\)t (ain Bl.& 0nD \i)W batgame, contract,
03 falc focuer tljc faiD 3S) flball conclntie ano agree \s3it\) anp perfo
o3perfon0 of t^e rato manoj, ojanppart a parcell t^creof,tl)e fatD
Bl.^.Dott) 5tuet)i(fuUconrenttl)creunto, anDtl^e fame Dotb ratifies
appjoue, anD conficme bp tljcfc pjefcnts. And further tl)e fain 31&*
Dot^conGitutcanoojDainc t^ciaiD 3.E>tobcl3is ^urucpo;of ^tg
pano?0, lanos, tenements, ano ^ercoitaments luliatroeuer ttiepbe
tDiti)m tl)e Healme of CnglanD,anD oot^ gtue fnll potpcr i autljontte
bnto t^e faio BI*S)tomahe(ac^ pjoSt anocommoDitte of t^efaiD
pano3S,lanD;,tenement0, f ^ereoitament0,anD euerppartttjereof,
afUicllm UjooD-falcsifcUtng oftDa)O6$finDcrtuooD0, in, anobpon
tbe pjemiffes, 03 an? part ttjereof, asaUobp allotbcr reafonable
toaiesano meaner tu^icti tt)efaiD ^.E>Cl^aUtt)inkemoamceteano
conuentcnt to be ijaD, niaoe, ano Done, fo; t^c pjofit ano commooitie
of t!)e faio %^* And morcouer tl)8 faio i > Dotlj giue full poioec
anoauttiojitietjnto ft)e faiD3iSD. hv tl^efe pjefents, tbat l)ctl)efaio

ano mnv at al time ano times, ano from time to timt Ijere*

after. Doe 02 make, 03 caufe to be Done 03 maoe , fo3, anD in tl;e name
of tljefaiD B!^-allanDeuer^ fad) act anotbing Irbatfoeuer it be^
iubicb tbe faiD 3J.E>.bp anp letter 03 U)3tting fubfcribeD toitb tbe hanu
of tl)efaiD3^.a}aU at anytime hereafter be commaunDeo,requireD,
UjilleD,o3Def!re9,tomafec,o3Doefo3tl)efaiD3 ^ And Uibatfoeaer
actjOeeo, 03 tbmg,lbtct) tbe faio 3.2D anp time 03 times Ijerc;
ttjal at
after Doe, make, 03 caufc to be Done, 03 maDc, fo3, ano in tbc name of
tbe faiD Sl.^.bp fo3ce of anv t^efe p3Cfents,ant> fucb l;.iting 03 letter,
ncco3Ding to tbe effect, teno3, ano true meaning of ttjefe p3efents,tl^
faiD 3i*^Dotb rati6e,app:oue,allolD, f confirme tbe fame,anD euer^
act,tbing, ano DeeD tobatfocner bercafter to be baD,maDe,03 Done,to
be bis latDfull act ano DceD, ano to be gooD ano effectuall in tlje lalD,to
all intents 1 purpofes, to ano againlttbe faiD 3C.&. l)isl)eireS9<^reca<'
tO30>anD aDmini(tr&to30, bp Uertuc of tbefe p3efents

AJVarraMt of Atturney to revoke Ad"

PAteatvniucrfis perprxfenteSp quod cnra nobilis foemina domiua -

Elizab. reliaanuper prsenobilisviriG.ComicisS.nupcrComitis

Marcfchalli Angliae dcfun6Vi,'adminiftfomniu & fingulorum bono-
rum,iurium, & creditor & catallof, qus fuef di fti nupcr prxnobili^yiri
tempore mortis fuse, infra iurifdittionem Rcucrcndiffimi in Chfiflo
Symb. Warrants of Atturney. partprlmac f

patris & dcmini I. prouidcntia diuina E. Archicpi A. primati & hU-


tropolicani exiftentjpfi pr^fat doniinx E.audhorjcate diCti domini pa-

'1:ris de hftocommicii, ipfaraqueadmrnilhatrictim coriindem bojioiuni
&:cjcterorumpracmi{Ioiiiinordinari &conriitui,procuraucrit&obti-
nueritrNunc ego G.Comcs S.filius &
hseres diiti nupcr prarnobiiis viri
pfis mei dcfundi^dilcdos mihi in Chrifto I S.I.B.W.F.&: E.F notari-
es publicos almac curi^ Confifl'E. procuratorcs generates roeos, ccrws,
legitimoSj&indiibitat aftorcs, faftores, procuratores negotiorumquc
mcorum gedorcs & niinrios (pccialcsacgcneralesad infralcripc, nomu
no, ordino, facio, &
conitituo per praefcntes Dans &
conccdcns cifde

procuratoribusmeisconiunftim&corumcuilibctp fcdiuifim Scinfo-

lid ,Ica quod non fit melior condic'occupah,ncc dcterior iubfcqueri,fcd
quod vnus eorura inccpcritideoruraaliquis per felibcreproiequiva-
leatparit^rr 8c finire, poteflatem generakin&inandaf fpccialepromc,
ac vice, loco &
nomine mcis, coram vencrabilibusIVlagiftroI.B.legum
do^ore,ct M.S.artiura magi{lro,tam almx curix praerog. ArchicpiTco-
pi E.cuftodibus, magiftris, liue Commiffari js, qua ctiam Scaccari) difti
rcuerendiflimi pacris CommiflariSjfeu eorum altcro,vel corumfcualte-
riuseorum furrogato fiue dcpi!tato,aut alio iudice in hac parte compete!
quocitnque comparend Sc intercfTcndjncque a perfonali compar.itionc
in ca parte cxcutandi , ac caufam & caufas abfentix me^ huiufmodi allc-
gand,proponenct,[probandi, diftamquc adminifif &
literas de(up hft'

&obtcnc, potcftatcmque qjaarocunqucdiftoEdominae Eliz. in ea parte

quomodolibet conccllam &
corcmiflam rcuocari, cadari ad omfi ju- &
ris & fafti effect, annullari, ipfan.que admih om.h & fingul' bon iuf 8c
creditof, &
cataHof nondum adminiftf ( qu:fu!:runt didti nuper patris
mcidefunfti tempore mortis fuac infra prouinciamE-exiRent) ipfum-
quc t tcftamcnC fiue vltimam voluntatem fuam qiialiccrcunque tangent
6c concerncnf, mihi pr(jfat G.conrtit, viia cu diCio ceftament fiue vltima
voluntate annex' :ac in complement illius ttftaracnti, aciuxtaformam,
cff<^u,5c intcncionem ciufdem difponend decern 6c committi, petedi,
requirendi,etobtioend,iuramcntumque tarn defidcli adminifit eorund
bonorum, iurium, creditor, & catallorum omnium & fingnlorwrn qua-
cenus ad roanus noftras peruenerint,finc perucnire poterint^qua de fideli
et pleno inuent.if vercquc pleno
, ct fideli compor, calculo,fiuc racioci-
nio de eadem adminifif raea, ac bonis & c3eccrl^ praemiflis j^ loco & te-
pore congruisecopportunis redded 6c exhiberd pro me, acin aniraam
meamprsftand 6c (ubcund, ipiuniquc muentaruim6c'Compotprac-
dictexhibend &
reddend, acme ab vkericri cempo!, calculo,fiue
Liber Warrants of A tturney. Tecundus
raciocinij in eapaiteredditione finalicer dimitti abfolui & libcrarj pe-
tendi, bcneficium infuperabfotunonis a qinbiifcunqucfufpenc jexcorn-
mu/iic'inie int:rdiiftionis mijs latis fen fiend' niihi in;pcnd'pccnd'&
obtin rnd .Q^)odc'jr.que ecianiiiirarnent iicinim cc honenum in animam
incam quotics &
quaridoopus fueric fubeund' &
pra^ftand', Et generalia
omnia &
fingtjla alia f3ciend',cxt'quend', procurand' ^<. expcdicnd' que

in prxmidis aut circa ca n<;ccraria fuerint feu quornodolibet opportu

na, etiamfi mandacde femagis exigant fpccialc quam f'jpcrius eft ex*
prcfluni. Promittoqiic nic ratum gracuni & firmum pcrpetuo habiturum
totum & quicquid didi ^^ curatores mci coniun^^im vel diiufiin in prz
niiffi? feu corum aliquo kccrit aut fccerint fub hypotheca c obligation
omnium & fingulof bonof nicorum, & cautionem expono p
in ea parte
pfenies. In cuius reiccflimonium (quia mcumnon eft autenticum)ido
ligillum capituli Ecclcfise Collegiata: btatx M.de S.in CotTi M. quo ad
caufas vtuntur,pi'3erennbnsapponi ^curaui. Etnoscapituhmjantcdicc
ad petition partis didi pnobilisvindoroiniG. Comitis S.conftitucnc,
iigillum noftrum pdicc praefentibus apponi fccinius, Dat &.

iy^dminijlratidn grauntedbj the ArchbiJJjo^ ofCantcrburie

i>^on renuntiation, the intejlate hautrg goodi
in diuersDioccJfes.

IOhan prouidcntia diulna Cant Archicp totius Angl' prim' cc Metro- Seifl. j^r,
polit dilecE nobis in Chrifto pnobil' viro domiii G. coai' moderno Si
fiiio natural' & lcg;itim' dhi G.nup Comit S.& com' Marefcballi Angl'
pclariqi ordinis Garicri) Milit dtf. Salut. Cum ide dfius G. def. habcns
diHii vixit & mortis fure temper bona iura luie credita in diufis diocefib.
ceftamenc fua in fe continens vltim voluntat,in quo fiue qua E.T.ct H.T,
armig' filios fuos njtiirales ct legitimos nominaucrit, ordinauerit,fcccrk,
& conftituerit e-xecutorcs. Q^ii quideni executor ex certis caufis animos
fuos in iiac parte iuftemouentoneri cxccuc'diifl'teriaracntexpreilerc-
nunciaucrunt. Ciuu ptextu omninrri
- & fingiilorum bonoium iurium &
creditor antcdift'dchplenaiiadifpofitioax'iniiniftrstionirquceorundcm
Comtriffio,Nccnon compoii, calculi due ratiocinijadminiih-atiohhitidi
audicio finalifq-,liber vic fuic diraiflio ab cede ad nos fc!u & in folid& non
adalium nobis infaiorcm iudiccm notorie dignofcunturperiintrc. Nos
Symb. Warrants of Atturncy. part.primac
vcro afFeVantcs vt bona iura &
credita dit' ddundi bene ac fidclitcr
adminiftrentur diftumcjj tcftaracmura pcrimplcatiir/uumque debitum
forciatur efFc(flum , Adadrainiflrand'igiturbonaiura&cicdiia hujuf-
modi iuxta tcnorem cffc^um teftamcnti fupradiOi praefentibLS an-
no:' ac bene & fidclitcr difponcnd* dc eifdem,Necnon credita quaecun-
que did' dcf. pctcnd*, colligcnd*, leuand', ct cxigend*. Ac primo de fol-
uendesalicnuminquoidcnidcf. huiufmodi niort fua: tempore excitic
obligatus, deinde legata in difto teftamcnt prxfcntibus (vt prxfertur)
annex' contcnta &(pccificata;quatcnus boh iut& credita fua huiufmodi
ad hoc extendatit iuxta ratam corundem , Tibi de cuius fidehtat in hac
parte confidimus de bene & fidehter adminiftrand' eadcm, Ac dc pleno
& fidel' inuentorio omnium & fingulorum bonorum iurium & credito-
rum huiufmodi conficiend',Et illud in Curiam Pr^rogatiu^ noftr^ Can!
fecundodiepoft fcftura Afccn Domini noflri proxim futuf cxhiben',
Necnon de pleno vcro Compo,calculo fiuc ratiocinio in ea parte red-
dend' ad fanfta Dei Euangclia m pcrfon mfi G.C. Notari) publici pro-
curaf tui in hac parte legitim' conftitut'iurat' plenara tcnore pr^fcntium
committ poteftatem. TcqaeAdminiftratorcm omnium & fingulorum
bonof iurium &
crcditorum huiufmodi ordinamus deputam\is confti- &
tuimus per prsefcntes. Datum London 23. D. Anno 1/60. Et noftrae
cranflation Ann S.

A Letter of Atturney to exhib'tte a fVtltand Inucnterie^and

tdk^ adminijiration and accompt,

PAteat vniuerfisper prcfentes,qd ego dominus G. Comes S. ac filius

naturalis & legitirans domini G. nupcr Comitis S.defundl' habentii
5CC /4 ,
dumvixicSc mortis fuse tempore boh iufliuc credita mdiuerfisDiocef.
fiuc iurifdiftionibus diledos mihi in Chrifto I. L. T. W. E. F. C. & G.
C. Notaries publicos almx Cuf Cant de Arch* Lond' procuratorcs ge-
nerates meos vcros certos legitimes &
indubitatos procuratorcs aftores
fadtores negotiorumqucmeorum geftores et nuncios fpeciales ordino fa-
cio et conftituo per pr^fcnces, DoqucSc concedo eifdem procuratoribus
mcis coniundl'et eorum cuilibetper fe diuifim poteftatem gencralcm &
mandat fpccial'pro me nomine meo coram Cuf progaf Cantuaf mag*
cuftod'fiue coramiflfario ciufdemfurrogatoautalioludice in hac parte
competcnti quocunqi comparcndi meq^ a pfonali compar^tionc cxecu-
Liber Licences." fecundus
fanc!i,accoractcaufasabfcnti^rnc3e huiufmodi a1lgan5proponcnd&
proband, teftamentumque vltimamvoluntatcm diftidcf.infcripc
redii^* cxhibcndi, ct adrainiftf omnium ct fingiilorum bonoruni iuf et
crcditorumeiufdemdcr.vnaciiintcft'etvltim volumatc huiufrood' an
ncx* niihi committi petcnd &
obtinend'iuramcntumquetaindc fiddi
admininrac'oranium&fmgulcriimbononimiuf &
crcditorum hmod
per mc obeund^quam dc fidel' Inuentario, Nccnon piano ct vcro corop
calculo ct radcwnip onmiura ct fingulorum bonoram iuf & crcditorum
huiurmodipern]ercddend& cxhibcnd pro loco & tempore congruis
5copportunisin anam meam fubcund*6c prcftand'. Inuentariumeti-
am compotum calculum fiue ration huiufmod nomih mco cxhibend
6c incroduccnd', ac racab vltcriori compbonorum iurium Accreditor
huiufroodiredditionedimjtti petcndSc obtinend' beneficium infupcr
abfolutionis a quibufcunque fufpcncionis, cxcommunicationis , vcl in-
terdift' fhtijs in mc qualitercunque latis mihi impend, petcnd,& ob-
tinend, &quodcunquc iuramentum de iure in ca parte requifitum in
afiammcampreftandetfubeund. Etgeneraromnia et fingulaaliafaci-
cndjexcrccndjetcxpcdiendqueinpraemiflis, aut circa eaneceflariafu-
erint/euquonodolibccopportunaetiamfimandat dc fc magisexigant
fpecialc,quara fuperius eft cxprefTum. Promittoque me ratum,gratum,
& firm perpetuo babiturum totum & quicquid clifti procuratores mci

fcccrintjlcu corumaliquisfccerit in hac partefubhypothcca obliga- &

tionc omnium &Cngulorum bonorum meorum, &
in ca paitcaufioncm
cxponopcrpraefentes. In cuius rei tcftimonium figillum exemptae lu-
rifdiftionis prebcndari) Prebend de B.pracfentibusapponiprocuraui.
Et nos prebendarius antcdi<^u$ ad fpecialem rogatum difti conftitueh
figillum noftrum hiiiodi prsefcntibus appofuimus. Daf xxii j. die mcnfis
Deccmbris, Anno domini 6cc.


A TUcard or Licencefor a Crojfeh$yf>

Lizabetb 6cc. Co all maner our Dfficer0, ^\mtctx$ anD fub^

E teit0,ofU)l}ateaate, Degree,
oarlettei:0 Rearing oj femsg,
n conoition
anoeucricoftbeiiiigreetinij. ^Xhzii

be, ttjefe ^eft. /47,


tljat bp tt)e au!l)0}Uie of our tiigt) Court of parliament, it xbqi*

Daineoanoenacteo^t^atnoinannet ofperfon b^on certaine^enaltte
Synib. Licences* part.primac
fball toit|)outocc fpccial licEnce,t)fe o; occupy anp Croffeboto ioit^m
tl)i6our Ucalme, eycept l)e be a llo;D,o; tbat ^e o; anp otber perfon e)
pecfons to t)is bfe l)aiie lanes of fcec{}ol:D to t^e pearelp balue oj ertcnt
cf one tjanojeo pounos, aboue all charges ano rcpjifes,aB in t\}t fain
ait it is crpjeffeD rno;8 at large : |3ctluen0uertbeUrre,of our grace
fpectallfoj tcrtaiiiccaufesanD conlioevationfl bsmouing, tjauebg
tt}erepKfents licciucD our tuelbcloueo Bi.^* to occupy i ererctCe bis
croffcboU) at bis libcrtp, U)itliout anp penaltp o; fo;feiturc fuftaining
in tbe bcbalfe tbe faio arte; anp otljer actcs bcretofoje maoco; paffco

to tbe contrary notUjitbHanoing. LClberefoje iwe iuiU ano commano

|70u,ano eueip of pou,to permit ano fuffer tt)c fame 31to bfeanoiniog
tbe UUjole effedof tbifi our licencCilnitbout anp pour Diffurbanccoj
interruption to tbe contrarr Prouidedalwjics, tbat bnocr colour
bercof ,bc in no toifc bfe bis Croffcbolu toitbin our i?ojc(t,p3rbeg,o)
Cbafcs, totbcDiminiRjingof ourDcereo; game luitbin tbe fame,
bpon pcnalttc of tbe Statute mfucb cafe p;ouiDeD % ojoattUD Giucn
tinber our Signet tbe ic.

^ otlur Placardfor a Cro^ehaw,

ELizabcth dcc.{vtf:ipra) greeting, ^c let pon to lDi(,tbatbp tbefe

Sca.j'48? pjefents Ine baue licenceo our loelbeloueo fubicrt ij^.notonelp to
occupp and ererciCe Q)(Dting in bis CroUebotu in al places from fyincz^
f o;cb at bis libcrtptbut aUo to bane,hecpe,anD retaine tbe fame in bis
t)Oufe>o; eUelubae at bis libertie ano pleafure,U)itbout anp penaltie
0} fo;feiture f uttapNing in tbat bebalfe* Mtbecefoje Uie U)tU anD com<
niano pou <c*

A Licence for eyfppare//,ami tojhoote in Cro^ehiwei


REgina&c. Sciatis quod nos dc gratia noftra fpeciali , accxccr-

tdfciemiactmero motunoftris, concc{fimu$ecliccnciaradedimus
W. B. armigcro, quod ipfc durance vita fuaad libitum volumatcm &
fuara vti, cxercerc,&gaudcrc quibufcunque vcft', apparaf &cathcn:
Necnon fagitcare in quibufcunque arcubusvucac CrofTebotueS? ac in
bombardis vocaris ^anOgunneS^ et eas cuflodire tarn indoniibus^cc
cttencmcmcnta habens ad annu-
alter, ficut aliquis ligcusnojftf, terras
urn valorem ccniumlibrafad terminum vitjCxerceicfagittarc, cuRodi-
rc,& g|udcre,licKC &
iiupunc valcat &
poflic, abfq-, aliqua forisf. poena,
V fiuc

Liber Licences. fccundus

fiuc clperclit,& abfque pcrturbationc, moleftatlone, inquictationc, im-
pedimencp feu grauaminc quocunquc : aliquibus ftdtutis,prouiiionibus,
flue reftri^lionibus JRde faft', xditis, ordinat fiuc prouifisnotiobftanti-
bus. In cuius rci teftimoh has literas noftras fieri fccimus patcmcs,Tcftc
me ipfa apud Wcftm &c.

9^4 licence to reta.ine men

omnibus &c.SciatK quod nosde
ca dcdimus &
racro rootu nfis
gratia noflffpcciali,accxcer-
conccflimus, ac
^ r^
p plcntcs
daraus & conccdim' diled^t' & fidcl' nfo T.E.Militi, vni lufticianof no-
rirof de communi banco, banc libcrcacem quod ipfe durance vica fua ad
placicumfuumde tempore in tcmpus legitime &
impunc retinere pof-
iit vi;inti homines quofcunquc p aliquod fcript,facrara,jpmifrioh, fiuc

aliquoatiomodo quocunquc,cc cifdcm vigint hominib' darcpofsit xx.

libcrataspancllofvclfignavelBageas,cuicunqucqui dcipfo habef vo-
lucrint cafd hberat figna vel Bagcas/iuealiqua feu aliquas ad ipliim fcr-
uiendum,licet non fine nee f uerjnt, ncc fit ncc fucrit baUiui feu balliu' ip-
fius T.E.Ec etiam licet non fine ncc fuerint, ncc fit ncc fuerit cum ipfo T.
E.rctentusad ipfum fcruicndnmin hofpitiofuo auc alit :& eifd' vigint
hominibus concedim'& eofcuili bet authoritatcm&potcftatcm recipi-
ent et vtend' cifdcm libera? figh vel Bageas. Habcnd', tenend\& gau-
dend pracd libcracem authoriratcm pro termino vitae fux, abfque im-
pcdimento,intcrruptione,molefiation, inquictationc, a^lionc vel puni-
tione no{tri,auc h^redum noftrorum, ac mmiftrorum &
fubditorum no-
ftroruraquorumcunque,& abfque aliquo fbrisfaOuro feu indemnita-
tcipfiusT.E.pro excrcitio,occupatione,fiuc faftione prjemiflbrum :
Aliquo ftatutjaftUjOrdinatione^prouifione, fiuc reftri^ionc in contra-
riumantch^ctcmpof fa^lo^acdito, fiueprouifoin ahquo nonobftantc,
autaliquaaliacaula vel materia quacunquc nonobfiante. Eoquodcx-
prcfiamcntiodccertiiudinepraemilTofaHtdcalijs donisfiuc concelTio-
nibus per nos praefat.T. ante haec tempore faftis in praefcntibus minime
fail' exiftir,aut aliqua alia re,caufa,vcl materia quacunquc non obftant.

In cuius rei teftimonium ^,

Per ipfum Regem & dc

Symb, Licences. parr.primac

A Licence to rveare a Cdppe,

Sea.5 5 1 .
C Lizabcth5cc.2roaUmannecourfubictt5,afiDcUof
il^^gnjiiuncc ano Dignitie^aa of ternpo;al aut^o;itp t^efe our lettei0
fpirifaall pje*

Ijcaniig oj fceing,anD eutrie of t^ern, greeting if 03 as umtb toe be

creDiblp ir.fo^meOjtljat our teelbeloueo SC sp. foj Ciuers infirmities
tol)icl) be batt) m bis beaD,cannot conuenientlp toitbout bis great Dan*
get be oifcouereD of tbc fame : toe let ?ou to toit,tbat in confiocration
tbereofitoc baue bp tbefe pjcfcnts ItccnfcD biui to bfe toeare a bonet
at all time c,as tocU in our pjefence as clfetobcre at bi libertie. mz
tbrefo;c toill ano commanD pou f euerte of pou, to permit ano fufifer
bim f to DOjtoitbout anp pour cballengcs 0; interruptions to tbe con
trarie.Giucnbnoer our Signet at our palace at ^.t^err.oapof^
in tbe c*
^ Licence to he abfentfrom the Parliament,

greet pou toell, ano foiafmucb as toee

TRuQy and welbelou6cl,toe
pe bp reafon of pour age,impotencie, ano otber
be info;nieD tbat
ricknes,caunot conuenientlp toitbout great Danger,trauell no; labo;
to our bigb Court of parliament : ^e
tberfo;e in conaoeratiort bare
oflirenccpoubptbefep^efentstotakepoureafe,! to be abfentfrom
Duriaio ipniliament During tbe continuance oj p;o2ogation of tbe
fame: 3npact,ltatute,o;o;Dmanceberetofo;e maoe to tbe contrarie
nottoit^ltanbing. Giucn&c.

A Licence to he non^rejident.
1 Enricuj olauus dci gratia Anglix, Francix ec Hibcrh Rex, fidci
Sect.; 53.
J~j^dctenfor,acfub Chtifto in tcrf cccicf.Anglicansc cc Hibcrh fuprc-
irum capuCjOmnib'ad quos pr^fcnt litcracperucncf Salu, Scianc quod
de gratia nf a fptciali,dcdimusac conccfllmusacperpr^fcntcsdamus &
concedimus pro nobis.cc b^rcd dilc^o fubdito nfo dno
nfis, B. clc- W
nco vic-rio pf rpcc vicar perpet fiuc ccclcfix parochial' dc G.in Comit
nfo E. Londofi diocefis, vt ipfc liber ct licif vaicat port hxc qiiocunquc
temporc.ccquandiufibiplacucffeabfcntarc a didavicaria pcrptt,feu
bcncfic'fuo dcC.prxd'.ncc tcncaturquouifmodo in did* bcncficiofuo
corporalcm faccre refiderttiam, aut perfonahtrefiderc.juaiiiuisautho
ritat vcl mandaC inuit' compeirpoflit vcl cogaiurjCt hoc ablq*, prurbati-
oh,vexationc,raolcftaiioh,vcl contradion aliqua noftf, h^red,offic',fcu
(ubdicotumnoftrorum quorumcunque : (lacuto dc rciidcntione cleric
Liber Licences, fccundus
dc,& fnpcr bcncfici js fuis in parliamento nofiro tcnto apud Weftin anno
ref^ni lifl xxj. au'taliquo alio (}acutOjatn,ordin3tionc,re,caufa,vel mate-

ria quacunque, in contraf ^dit in aliquo non obftante <5cc. In cuius 6cc.

A Licence to Brew,
WHcreas9.2^ofillST*tn(ljcCounfi0of SD.i^ufbaniiman,!)atl| cg^y --.
ti]}0 of tl;e tIDu* ^atcHtcs BlnQtccs of peace toitbin ttje fato Conntte}
anDbounDtl)emreluES in a rccognifance toitl) fufificient fuertic 0, to
b;cto,to fcll,anD feeepe a common i3Ul)oofc, accojDing to tlje Statute
of 3E3etDer05niaDe in t^e ficft pcrc of tl)e r aigne of oar late foueraigne
II03D atiD fcmg <E;OUjarD f be Crt. Now know pou t)5 tbe faio Cr (Q^.ana
iF.lfi.to baue liccnccD tlje faio a.^.to b?eU),to feU,f feeepe a common
0lel}oure, acco^Dtng to ttie faiD Statute* (0tucn tsnoec our tjsnos t^e
1 3. ot 31. in tbe 3 6, pcare of tt)e raigne |c.

^ Licence to kfepe a fVine Tancrne,

TKis Indenture tcipp.rCifcmaDeiC. Betwcene It. (H;. of M in t^e Sc^V.c??,,

Countp of <ll;.(2?entleman,DcpulieI affignceof C.^.CDfqaircto
crecutc fo? bWjt in bis iiame,tbe effect of cci taiue autbojities to bim
giuen,bv certain letters patents bercafter mcnticneD on ^ one paitp,
f Sl.C'.tLlintner of U.tn f Countp of ^.of tbe ot'cer partpjWitncffcch,
%\)sx Ij^bereae our faio f oucratgne Ilao^^ bp ber letters pstentSjOateO
St i^.Court tbe 22 .cap of j^ j;jii,in ttje i ^ .)?etc of ber spaicfties raign,
amongft otber tbtngs tn tbe fsme letters patents (t:p3e{IcD,batb giuen
f grauntcD full f fra Ubtrttc,liccnce,pcluer,f cnt^ojiltc tnto tbe fatO
Cl;.!^. bis Deputie % Deputies, aaignec j adignccs, anD euerp of tbem,

tbat be 03 tbev,oj any of tbem,at sU 1 cuerp time anD litres bereafter,

tiuruig tbe life naturall ofil)e faiD (^.l!?.(l}all mh map at bis anD tl)eii:

libertic ano pleafure, ano fcj furb ccnfioerations f fummcs of monep

to be psieD to bis anD tbctr onelp tjfejas to bim oj anp of tbem fijall be
tbougbtmoftmcetann canucnicnt, giue anD greunt full ano free li
ttRg tripartite tnDenteD>bttoer.e tbe faiD C'.^. bis faiD firputie oj
fieputicSy ft gnet c j effigncs en tbe cnc partie,anD cuerp of tbe fame
pcrfcn cnD ptrfcne, lubicb noto fee, 0? bereafter (Jjall be r.cminateD,
adignec^cj Pi^pojnteobpt^e faiD C.^^ brs Deputie oj affigneSjO)
%\ ativ
Symb. Licences. part.primac

aup of t^cm of t\)t ot^cr part, febcrcof cucric part of f tie fame 3nDcn<
tnce^ (j^all bee fealeD and Deliaereo b^ U)c fato parties, 0nt) ti)e one
part tt)ereof (l)aU be cettifieD nttD oeliuereo mto onr fato ^oucraigne
llafitet^eiSIiucens Court of C.tal:epeci:auei-nc o2S:aturne, ca
to fell atiD Dttcr, tngroffe ano retsilc Voine suD Unnc5, bp t\)t gallon,
0) leffe oj greater meafarc And t|)at all a;iD cucrie t[)c faiD perf on
anDperfonsnoU? ncminatcD,aatsneD.02 appeintcD, o;U)bttb djall
ben9mtnate0,a(iigneo,c;appoititer!,a2 tsafo?efaiD,anD eiier^ asn^
cf tl)em, ano latofullp mar, ouring t!)c naturall life of anj? aim

cuerie of tbe faio pcrfon ano pciTou5 Co nominatcD, appointed, o; a(<

figned, o; ijobicl) flball bee fo nominatcD, alTtgneD, o; appotnteo, bup,
fell, btter, ingroffc, ano retaile bptl^e C5aUon, o; leffer o? greater

itieafure, sll ano euerie gooDanolDbolefome loine anoiuinefi, of

tobat nature , hinoe, o; name focucr tbe fame bee, tntbeCities,
2CoU)nc0 o; places, Ijobere bee 03 tbr (ball bee fo aHigneo 0; appoint
teo, a0 10 abone mcnticneo, at bis ano tbeir pleafurc, ano at,anD fo)
iDbat p;ice ano prices lobatfocacr, tobtsano tbeir moSp;ogt ano
commooitte. The Statute maceintbf fcucntbyearcoftbelatehing
Cotoaro tbe dxt, oi any otber lalu, (tattitc, p;oclamation,rellraint5,
limitation of pjice>o; otber tbings tobatfoeuer, to tbe contrarie in 9*
nptoifenottoitbCcanDing,lBttbtbc furtber potoer, Itcencc^^libertic,
anoautbojitieof our faiD s>oacraignc LaOte, in tbe faioc Hcttcr*
patents erp^eCTeo, fet fo;tb, ano oeclarro in euerp bebalfe, and to e^
werie intent nno purpofe,ano foj tbe naturall lines of fucb pcrfon ana
perfons,as ll^ail bee Ucenceo anD autbo^t^co bt> tbe faio .!^ 02 Ijia
faiooeputie, affignee, 0; anie.of tbem, as b^ tbe purport, true in
tent, (Ignification, ano meaning of tbe faio lojiting tripartite 31n
Oenteo Cball be containeo ano metitioneD, to bee giuen ano gramiteD
Dnto tbcm bp tbe faio C* ^* 01 bis faioe Deputie 0? deputies, affignee
02aflignees,bp bertc, fojfe, ano autbojitic of tbe fam3?Letters
patents, ano bptbc fame ^letters patents mc;e3mpl5fullp,anD
at large appearetb. By aatbo;itie anDt>ertue oftobicbHletterspa^
tents tbe faioC!^. bpbisfemtingef Ocputatton,t!atco tbe tbiroof
^ap, in tbe ttoelftb pcare afo3efaiD,remaining of llccojb iurolleO in
tbe Court of our faio ^oueratgne tlaoie inberCbanceric,b(^bcon
fiituteo,o;oaincD,anomaoe tbe faio H^C^btsoeputie ano agfignce
of, ano fo; tbe erecutton of tbe fame ILetters patents ^n accor/i
plifbmentanoerccutionof lubicb lletters patents and oepatatton,
ano fo3,ao in confioeration of a fumme of raoncp conclnoes,agrcc:>,
ICtbptlje fai031;aD fotljc faio (ll;;^ai)cfaio IX (f as oeputtc and
Liber Licences, fccunelus
affignceof (l^l^anDfo?,antimtI)enatii$of tijcfato (t^^*h^ fo^ce
anD nu!t)03itle of tt)e ratoiietteta |Datcn{0, Dot^b^t^cfe p?ctcnt
nominate, aai0ne,an^ appoint tl)ermD3E.^ U& feruants, I3$putic0
anD a{!ignc83 : 0nti alfo bp Ucrtue of t^e faio Jlct J^rs ^atcnts,a oe^
pntie of tl) faiD (^* ^* Dotl) Qim auD grant fall ano free libcctie, lu
tence, potuer ano att)o;itieUnto tl)c fais 31^ tjis feruantg, Depu^
tic0anoailigiice0, o;an)fof tl^eni) tol)au0,t)fe, andlieepeoneSDa^
erne 02 ^meceller toiiliin t^e faiD totone, buring Ijis naturallifc,
allBell \ji)it\)in Us manDon ^oufe, ns oibetlmfe litl)in t^e faid toU)iT>
anb to buv,rcU,t)ttgr, ingrollc, bp retatle,bp tijc gallon, oMelTco;
greater ttieafKr2,all ano eucrp goco ano lxii)olefoiiic tuine ano toine0,
:> cif lutiat nature, Uinoe, 02 name foeuer tbe fame fball be, at ^i& anO
tbeir pleafare, at fijefe ^nas bcreaftcrmentioncD : tljat istofap,
^rencb iaunc3,(I15afcoigne,(Ii5nien,l^ocl)ell,anD fnct)liUe,asfbalnot
tmtn tbe p2ice0 of 1 6pence tbe gallon, ano all otber loines at tUio

fillings t\}t geilon,fae oncUj JpufbabclUlubicb (^all be at ttuo M

lings tigbt pence tt)e gallon, ano not about : K\)c faio i>atiitc,03 an?>
otberlaU),(tatDte, proclamation, reCtraint, limitation of p;ice,020^
tber tbing lubatfocucr to f be ccntrnric in anp toite notiuitbttanoing.
011 lubicb UbertiCjlicence, poluer,anD autbo3itie,our faib foucraigwe
>1Labie batbpjomifed b^ tbe fato betters patents, fo; ber, b(r \^tixc
unbfucccSojcnot only, tljatbcv^uHiccffjlBarons of tbeCBfcbequer,
^ericantstat^lafe), ^ttarncp,anD^oUcito?gcnErall,anDo(ber lier
learnen ConnceUtn tbel.abo0of tbia i^calme, (ballanDluiUat all
time ano times b^t^after accept ano alloU? in all and enerie Court
nb Courts of l^oco^DS, ano otber places lD|)atfoeuer,a5 a gooD anb
(nfficient barre, releafe, ano bifcbarge againft ber, b^tiieireB ano
fucccflourjf : 115ut alfo tbe Alerters ^atentgi , oj tbe inrollement
tliereof, anb tbis 3!Denturc tripartite being ftetocD fojtb', and
certifleb into tbe fatoe Court of Cbauncerie, (^all bee a fuffteient
toarrant, to, ano fo? tbe faioc 3. ^* bp bimfelfe, ojiointlptoit^
fitbcrs, bauingtbe ano Difpenfation from tbe ^ueene
like licence
i)erbciresano fucceCTours, to bsue bis o?tbeir betters patents tm
ber tbe great ^eale of ctnglanb, in inojc auD better bae fcjmcof
3laluetobeeba!) anDmai)c in I^xb anb tbeir names, accojDingtotbe
purpojt anb true mea^iing of tbefe^jefents, And alfo totbf lto;,D
Cbaunctlloor, enb ilojb i^ceper of tbe great ^eale of (2;nglan^,
anb to euerie of tbcm fo; t^e time being , a fufficient ano im*
msbtate Watrsnt; to niai^e, paiie, ano beltucrtt)s (ameH^tter^
^l 2 (aUnts
Symb. Licences. part.pritnx

jiatcntj} tjnto tl)e fato 3E C tnoer tijc great ^calc of (5;nglano, tDitl)
out bearing oj pacing anp ottjcr djarges tl)Cii onlp fuel) o?cKnarp fees,
fojto3ittug,eraouning,mroUmg, ano infealing of t^c fame, bottiat
tbe Signet, pjiuic &eale,anD great ^eale, as tjcretofojcbatl) becne
accaftomPti,(o tljcre be not aboue tl;c number of r. pcrfons in anp our
^letters patents, to U)ljom t'oe fame Cjdbc maoc oj granteD, VVhcrc-
fjrc tbc faiD 31C. being notu lirenceo to hecpc a 2i;anerne,anD to fell
SHines as afojefnib, Dotl) moll bumblp require, tbat be may bauc tbe
aiiuans l^igbnes Letters patents bnber tbe great ^eale of Cnglano
in Due fojme of Jlalu to Ijini to be mflDc,renD;eD,ano grauntcD,acco;*
Ding to tije purpo;t,tcnoj,t effect of tbis pjcfcnt licence,anD accojoing
to tbc true intent ano meaning of tbcfaioiietiers patents, before in
tbcfe p;cfcnt6 menttoneD. Inwitncflctubereof, asluelltbefaiola.
iDitf)tbe feale of tt)c faiD CD.l^.bp bim beliucreCas bis ^ealc of ofifice
in tbis bebalfe, as tbe fato BB.C to cucrp part of tbe faiD 3noenturc5
baue fet tbeir bancs ano feales tbe oap ano ijeare abouefaio

A Licence to pttrchafe in Afortmaine,

c A *S5 A T) Ex omnibus ad qiiosprefentcslitcr^pcrucncrint 6c c.Sciatisqdnos

^^ *
Xvdc gratia noQra (pcciali.ac ex ccrtafciemia5cmcromotunol}f,ac
ob amorcm quem crga d ilcclos nobis in Chrilto Prjof cc ConucnC dc R.
conccdimus, -jc licentiam damvis pro nobis &
hxrcdibus nollf quantum
in nobis cfr.pfato Priori & Conucntui & corum (uccc(Ioribus,qd ipfi'(Sc

fuccclTorcs dc tempore in tcmpus impoftcruna, qiiando cis melius vidc-

bitur cxpcdire,tcrf,tcncmcnt,&: rcddif,cum fnis pcrtincncij?,ad annuum
valorem centum hbraf vitra reprif. & onera quaecunq; vcl infra, dc qua-
cunq") pfona fine de quibufcunq-, pfonis ea eis dai c,conccdcrc,legare,af-
fignarCjVel alicnarc volenti vel volcntibus, licet de nobis in capitc vcl ali-
tcr mediate vcl irBmcdiatCjautdeipfo Prior.if lluedomo,vci dc alijs pcr-
foh vel ploria tenca!.iur,acquircre &
recipcre poffinttHabend tcnend &
fibi & fuccclToribus fuis Jiidoraus fu^c augmentation flue (uftentatioh.Et
cidem pfonxfiue eildeni pfonis qd ipfa vcl ipfam t<:rf,tent,6c reddif pd
pd Priori &. Conucntui & fuccellonbus fuis ad annuum valor pd vcl m-
trajdarc, conccdcre, legarc, affignare, vcl alicnare pcflint & vaieant. Ita
fcmpcrqd didi Prior iScConuenc vcl fuccefloflijiinftaanfijpxiiiipcft
r.hmdi perquiluioricro,acquifitioni<Sc rcccptioli^tcrraf & tcncmemv f pdj

Libel? Licences. fecundus

addiftiim annuura valorein, vel ad aliqucmalium infra cundem fibi &
fiiccefloribus fuis vtpr^niitdrjr/aft',dent,& conccdantalicui pcrfonse
fiucpcrlonisj&hacredibijsruis, ciii velquibus eis placuericterf &tene-

mei.t ipforum Prioris &

Conueiuus quae iam habent 6c pcfsidcnc in
iurc Priori! iuipredicl'tantiannualis valoris exiftefi vltra omnia oner
&reprir.quanticadcmtcrf6crcnemnt fie per ipfos Priorcni Con-&
ucniumfeufuccclToresfiiosadtunc vtpraemitt pcrqiiifit & rccept vltra
omnia onera<Sc r.cpril.fe attinganc: Statute de terris 6c tencmcntisad
manum mortuam non ponendis, aedito, (iucaliquo alio ftatuto, a^u,fiuc
ordinations inde in central' facl*ordinat,iiuc prouifoinaliquo nonob-
ftantc. Nolentes quod praedidus Prior &
Conucntus vcl fucceflores
fui,aucpredift'pcrlonac,autdi^apcrfonavel b^^rcdes fui vdcorumali-
quipt:rttoSjVelhafredc$noftros,luiliciarios,E(chaetorcs, Vicccomiccs,
GoronaKircs,aut alios Balliuos feu roiniftros noftros,(cu dit of heredum
noftrorumvclfucccilbrumnoftrorumquorumcunque ratione prxmif-
foruravel conim alicuius molcfteniur, inquietcntur, feu grauertur, nee
corum aliquis moleftctur nee in aliqiio graueiur Et hoe abfque fine feu

feodo aSri^no vel paruo in hanapcno Cancellaf vcl alibi, ad opus nofiru
prapr^mifsi$,vcl aliquo pracmifIorum(oIuend vcl facicnd : Et ab(quc
commifsioh noftrarum.h^redum vel fucccflorum noflrorum,fcu alicuius
brcuisnofirih^redum vel fucecfiorum nofiroium in diftam Cancellaf
noftram hacrcdum vcl fucccflorum noflroriim feu alibi rctornand,& abf-
que aliquibusalijs literis noflris h^rcdum vel fucccfTorum noflrorum
patcniibus in hac parte habend, iiT.petrand,(cu prolequend : aliquo fta-
tuto,aQu ordinatione,prouificnc,reftrifticne, feu mandate indc con- m
trarium amebic tempera faft' in pfcntiminimefal' cxiflit, autaliqua
alia,re,caufa,vcl materia quacunque in aliquo non obflantibus. In cuius
xci tcfliraoniura &c.

zA Licence tojell Ale.

Wife*an|)C^.2DtU)o3Bu0ucs of tl)e peace of our^oucvatpc

^uecne in tl)e Countle of W,* STo ali ISagUfg,
ilatJie tUe
Conffable,anD otber tbe Queens ^aiefiitoofficcrSjgreeting in sac
3lo;b C3oo eueilafting. i^uoto pctljat Idc tlje \m tKH li ano (^. ^

i}8ue luenccO) ano bp tt)ere p;iefcnts toe licence (0.^* of ic* (o fell
^letn t)is l)oufe at Cl^.afojefaib, fcj onetoljoletjeatc nertcvJa'ng l^e
,Oate hereof 0no \m.t bouuD ^im by l^ecog.ntfance tKit^ fuertied
:- U
itye Quecnc}} ^aieates trp; tyat ti;cu c^all maimaine 0oo$ \v\&i ano
3, 31 1 3 ot
Symb. Licences. parc.primx

not to tft mv fenlalofull gamcj; o; meetings in Ijis l)onfe, but to doe

accojDingtotl)cftatutep;ouiDcD in tt)atbet)alfe. In witncflc tobe?
of tocljaue fubfcribcD our name0,anDbcr6imto baueput our^eaU

j4 Licenc to keepf an Alehoufe,

Sca.fcS. T"jaU31oaicciofpeacc,spaiojB,&l)infes,O153iUf0,anbaUotb8r
1 ibe ^.maicfties officers ffubiect0 to tDbom it mavappcrtaine,
3.M.bp tl)e fuffrancc of C5oD biOjop of fc.U.ano p efquires, t|. 3liv
^iit^ of tijc peace of our foueraignc laop tl}e !3iuccncfi maiettie in tier
bigbncs countie of (0.fenDctb greeting \n our iLojo C!5ou cuerlaftinj,
i&noto pe, tl)at toe tbe fato BCuftices, of gooo ano crcoible repo;t to t)0
niaDe,a(U)cU bp men of luo^Ojip, as bp otber bonett perfan0,3:bat 3|,
W.* of|c. i6aman meetetobeepeacommon^leboofeintbeboufe
IjDbere b^ noUi Dtoelletb^baue licenccO,allo\DeD,ano aDmitteD,ano b{i
tbefep;erenceDolirence, alloU),anDaDmtttbefaiD]B^ to keepes
common 0leboufe o} tipling bouf e at ^*afo;efaiD fo; one lobole ^ere
nert infuing tbe Date bcrcof, fo tbat tb faio 3e,Q2IT. fuffer not anp bn^
laU)full games to be bfeb toitbin bis TaiD boufe^no; anp euill rule o)
o;Der to be kept toitbin tbe fame oaring bt0 time of tbe faio licence
fo; tbe bfiigng of tob^b licence acco;oinglp, toe bo pou to tott,tbat Uie
baue bouno tbe faio jB.^.ano ttoo otber fufficient furette? in a bnn
D2eO l^illings a peece bp l^ecogntfance to tbe Queens ^aiefties bf^
In wicncfTc 5cc.

A Licence to Begge.

I.CCC. ano 3!*3I (Bfnuircs, BCuttices foj tbe conferaatien of tbt

wvvw^^^r. peace of our ^oueraignc HaDietbe ^uccnes^aiettietoitbintb
Counttc of c.airigncD,greettng:toberea0 tbe bearer bcreof^i];i.of
^.tn tbe faio Countie, being a berp pooje man ano blinb, b^ reafon
tobereof bee is notabUtolabour,no}pettoltneof bimfelfetoitbout
tbe cbarttable reltefe of otbers,i being noto refibent in tbe faio toton
is tberefo;e noto to be celieueo. 0nD being ihetoife info^meo tbat tbe

(aiototonei0sttbisp:efent cbargeD toitbmo;epoo;e ano impotent

folfees tban it is toeU able to rclicue : ISnoto pe tbcrefoje, tbat uie tbe
faio BEuttices bane licenceo nno ailotoeD tbe faio p3o;e mananobis^
leaber to go abjoaD to bcg,gatb ano rcccioe tbe cbaritable almes o

toell DifpofeD people,mbabiting totbtn tbei8unD?eD of f r,in tbe fain

Countie, requiring pounot lom>le(l 02 trouble tbe faiopooje mat
JO} ^is leaoec Ui Co ooing, but 0(6ring ^ou ratber Co relieue t^em it
L-iber Licences. /ecundus
t^eir neceffifp ,a to pon O&al feeme meeteXbifi our licence to reman
in fo;ce one to^ole peare nert infuing tl^e Gate hereof. In wimelle &c.

A Licence to hegge out ofthe tovpne rehers he dwelkth.

TO all Conttables, )15ailtfs, SCptbingmen , anoallotbertl;e^. Sed.j^o.

maiefttes officers \3;^it%m t^e countic of jjli, greeting. Know yec,
tliat tDc M.aUlD. anD %^$
efquires, tlj;ee Bfiuftices of tlje peace

counts, being not only aDaertifcD,but alfo of our oton

Uiitl)in t[)e faio
fenotuleDgc Doe partlp bntierttano tl)at tbere are nio?e impotent peo*

pie abiDing ano intjabtting Initbin tbc faio bo^ougb of spaben tbc in^
babttant0 of tbe fame are loell able to fine ano relieue : 3Cn conQoera^
ticn iubereof,fo; tbc eafe of tbe faio bojoug^, toe baue antbo^t^eD and
licenceD, ano by tbefe p^efents Doe licence i.^. one of tbe faio poo^e
folbes to go aU;oaD out of tbe (aio bojougb bnto (3* ano C* luitbin ic*
afo2cfaio,anD tbere luitbin panO), to afke,beg,anD craue tbe
t\)z faio
charitable almes ano Deuotion of ^ iuell DtrporeD per(on0 toitbin tbe
fame totimes^from time to time totoaros bi( aiD) fucco;,anD reliefe
fo tbat be DO not any tbtng bereby repugnant 02 contrary to tbe lalues
anD ttatoteaot t|)tfl realme,in fuel) cared late maoe ano p;ouiDeD. In

A Licence to hffj/ Hats and Caps heyond Seas, and

tojell them in England, ^
c ix k
RBIgtt rcnereD fatber in 0od, rigbt trufly, anD riglif inelbcloaeD,

U)e greet yon U>ell,letting youtuit, tbat toe of our fpeciaU grace
fo^ certaine conftoerations Ub mouing, bane giuen anD grannteD li^
cence bnto our irelbcloueD fubiert Sf.l^.of our city of JL.attenoing bp*
on our Court tottt) l^aberDaOjery luares, tbat be by bimrelfc,bia fer^
tiant{s,facto?0,o2 atturmciE(,Dent5en0,o2 Qrangcrs^tball purncy f buy
at one ttme,o; Diuers ttmc0,d5 U)ell Uittbin tl)i5 our realmeios in tbe
partdof beyonD tbe ^eas, tbe number of 500* Do^eng of <IapS,9 tbe
number of one bunD;eD Do^en of !^at0,maDe anD U^jougbt in tbe faio
part0of beyonD tbe ^eas, of trbat making foeuertbcy be. ^nDtbe
faiD l^ats anD Caps to fel bnto b0,anD our feruants,anti to otber per*
fons repairing ts our faio coart,\juitt)out any maner of penalty,fo}fet'
ture,02 any otber loffe f be baD oj ftiCaineD in tbat bebalfe : any act,
ttatute,p;ouiOon:o; o^Dinance mabe to t^e cotrary nottoitbtlanDtng*
Prouidcd alwaies,t^atlue be Duely anf (uereD of our cnffoms anD Dne^
ties foj all tbe Cnps anD l^at^ , as occafion xfi* Wherefore toe toill
anD commano you,t^at Dnoer onr p;iuie feaU being in yonr ^eeptng^
%\ 4 ys<
V.Symb. Licences. part, ptirta

^eaODjcttc Ijcreupon onr letters tnto our Cl)suiffnoj of englnnn

commaanoins tjim b^ t\)Z fame, tbat bnDcr cur great fe>eaU,bf mg iw
1}W fetepins, i)c ooe tl)gccupon our lletters patents to be maoc in Due
anDcffcttuall fojmc: SlnDtbcfc our letters fljall be bcrem^ourU^r.r^
rant. Giucn bnoer our Signet at our ipano; ef fc.t^c b\ car of De^

^ Licence or 7>iJj'ort.

ClrlJ.&.of U.toitljm tljc countic of .hnigbt.oneoftljefiueenetf

!j ^aieftic BiuttUed of peace iuitljin tljc faio Cuuntie, to all 3ufti>
ce5ofpcace,^aioj6,515apliffi,Conftable0,t allotbcrberspatefttefl
officers f mimfters to'^atfocuer, fcntsetb greetmg in our ilojD (2?oD
cucrlatting. Forafmuch as tt)e bearev^ereof .id UjidoId, being
bjougbt into great poucrtic ano ncce(litie,a0 tosl bp tbc late Deatl) of
l;erbuf banD,a3 otljcrUiif c,l}atl) DeHreb licence to traucll bnto tbc cit}^
of )15.tot)erca0 one l^.p.po;ter,anD b;otber to ber faio bufbanD inba*.
bitetl|,bpU)bofe gooDueffenje bopctbgrcatlp to be rclieueo ano bol*
pen : 3in ronfilDcration lubercof, bnoUj pc me tbe faio fir ]B.feto t)aue
liccceo t!)e faio G.^". to tcaucl ano p^as the Direct luap from l^^.iuit^*
intbeCountieofif.txJbcreas (be latelpDielleD,bnto tbe faio dtp of
315. f ogctber toitb ber tloo little c^ilojen , fo as ber iournep be not of

longer o; furtl)cr continuance tben ttoentie Dates ncrt after tbc Date
hereof, pjaping pou, ano eucrp of pou to permit, anb alfo to aibe anD
rclieue ano atfift tbe (aiD * in ber loarncp, fo tljat (be (beto l)er felfe
inno refpect offcnftue to ^er ^aie(iicfi iiatocs. In witncs <Scc.

y^ Licence to make a Tarke mthin the Ubertie ofa Forefi.

REgina omnibus ad quos &c. falutem. Sciatis quodnos dc gratia

&c. concediraus
noftra fpecia!i,ac ex certa fcicntia licentiatn dc- &
diiuus, ac per pracfcntcs pro nobis, haercdibus ct (uccelsoribusnoftris
conccdimus 6c licentiamdamusdilcfto noftroI.D. dcD.iivcomitatu
noftro C,armigef,quodip(e,haEred, &:afli^hfui impcrpctuum,habc-
ant libcram warrcnh <Sc hberrac parci ac omnia quae ad libcram war-

renn &libcrtatp^rci fpc^^amct pertinent in omnibus dominicis tcrf

fuismaneri) fuideD. in om uortro C.ac in omnibus tcrris,pratis,pa-
i?- -. . ftuf, & hereditamentis fuis, cognit per nomcn, vel per nomina dc &c.
licet terf i!!x hnt infra mas ilicuiusforcfl^ vel chacc^ noflf i Ita quod
nullus Cuftos , Balliuus , ncc aliquis alius officiaf noftrorum, haercdum,
Liber Licences. fecundus
vel fucceffornm noftrorum forcftaJ noflf de &c.in dido comitatu noftro
C. nee onim dcputatus, vei deputati, feruions autferuicntes vel aliquis
alius, feu aliqui alij , incrent terras illas ad aliquid fugancf vel capicnd,

q^ ad warrenh & parcum pertineat, finclicentia&volunrateipfiusl.

hxitd (3c aflignatoruni fuorum , fub forisfaclura nobis decern librarum.
I Quare volurous,&pro nobis, h^redibus, Scfucceflbribus noftrisfirmi-
ter praecipimus , quod praedjct I. h?ered 6c alTignat {ui, imppctuum ha-
bcanc iiberam vvarr&nh6c libcrtilt parci, inommbus pracdiccdoiDini-
cis,tcrf,prat,pafcuis,pafturis,& hapreditament fuis m D pdid',ac in cx~
tciispmilT. licet tcrfillae fine infra metasalicuiusforeftae, vel chacc^no-
flrx.-Itaquod nulUisCuftos, Balliuus, nee aliquis alius officiafnoftf
h^rcdura vel fucccfforu noftrorum forefie dc 6cc. pd,in difto com no-
ftro C.ncc corum dcputat vel dcpntati/cruiens auciciuientcsnec aliquis
alius, vel aliqui all) intrent terfpd, autaliquam indo parcel!' ad fii^and,
capicnd, vel rcducend, damas, lepores, cuniculos, phafianos, perdices,
vel aliquid aliud quod adwarrenam &
parcum percipeat^finc licentia &
voluntatc ipfius I.hered &
aflignatorura fuoruni/upcrforisfafluram de-
cern libratum. Ac dc vberibrc gratia noftradamu$,& pro no-
bis,haered, & fucccfToribus noftrisconccdimus pfaEI.haercdibus&af-
iignatis Iuis,quod ipfc, h3ered,& aflignat fui iraperpctuum fine immunes
& liberi. Et quod omnia et fingula pmifla, funt&eruntimmunia&
libera ab omni iurifdidionc,pr^fcriptione,controllament, confuctudifi,

A Licence to teach a Grammar Schools.

T51Bptbcpcvm{ffion of <II50tJ0rc^bia)opof ^. p;timate aiiD ^e^ St(^,%64.
tropoUtane of tc. To all true Ctetftian people to toljom tl^efe
j>;efcnt0 ^all come, to be feene, rcaD, o? trcarD , fenisetij greeting in
onrlLojDCoDcoerlafitng. Know ycc, t^atloe ^aue eramtneo WtX*
^.tot)omtoefinD to be (ufficiently inttructeo fo? l)is Icsniingano
knolulcoge of tt)e J^atm , d^jeebe, oj Cb?etu tongucgf,ano liHelvife
cf gcjoo anDljaneft bebauio? : itKberefoietoe t^aue nDmitiCD ?inDuu*
tbojt^eDt^imtoteadi^ctjooleiiianppli'.cc t^jougljonttljei^JboJeSDio
occffc of ^ojbe,reqmting pou Co to taUe ano accept ^}m,fe long at)e
0^aU tjoneftl^ bebaue bimfelfe , anD tertnoaSp eDacate ano battig Up
t^e poat!) cf pour parties, 05 tjnto foc^ time as re fijall be iit|)erU]if3
commauvtueo, if bp anp occ afirotitbe matterfl^all To f sll oat. In wit#
ncddbD^ereof to i^ztz p2efent0iu&l>iuc cauUo t^c^e^letc^tcl^tee
Symb. Licences. part.primae

uoebfcin tl)i0 behalf e tube put. Giucnt^e zy^Oapof 31ne, Anno^

Doroini i;77

LicentU ad erigendam SchoUm CjrammaHcalem (^ CantHt ift

R .cum apprcpriatioxe ccleji, f^ confirm

m^itione DecArti C^r.

ScCl <6(
"CDwardusDci gratia Rex Ajigliae ficFranciae, & DomiusHibcr-
^ ^'
XlLni3C,Omnibusad quospracfeatcr liters pcruencrint, falutcm. Sciatis
quod nos dc gratia nolha fpcciali , &
ad humilcm fupplicationcrn Rc-
ucrcndifTimi patris T.R.Eborum Archicpifcop Canccllarij noftri Ang-
lix , pro quadam fine, feu quadam pecuni^ lumma nobi$ per eundem
Archiepilcopum prx manibus rolutis,conccfliraus,&liccntian3dedi-
mus,ac per prxientes conccdimus, &
damus liccntiam pro nobis & hx-
redibus noltris quantum in nobis eft prxfato Archicpifcopo, quod ipfc
(aut iplo defundo) cxecutores & affignati fui, aut eoruro aliquis, vcl ali-
qui,ad Ludcm, honorem, 6c exaltationcm gloriuiifTimi nommis doixiini
noilri lefu Chrifti faluatoris noftri, quoddam Coilegium pcrpetuum,^
futuris perpetuis lemporibus duratuf, de vnoPraf polite verbi Deipr^-
dicatore, &
duobus Socijs ; vno videlicet corum Magiftro fiucidonco ,

informatore in Graiumatica, altero inftru^orc idoneo in Cantu/eu plu-

ribus alijs focijs.fi Sc prout proucnius &
faculrates eiufdem Collcgij im-

pofterum forfan ampliari,& ad id fufficcre contigerint regendSc guber-

nand, iuxtaordinationemSc conftitutioncsindc, prout infrafcribitur
faciend &ordinand,ad prxdicandum verbum Dei in parochia dc R.ia
coniitatuEbof,ac alijs locis infra diocef.Ebof.Et ad informandosScho-
lares quofcunquejGramtKatic'feu Cantaddifcere cupicntcsvndccun-
que inregno Angliae , &
prxcipuc de diocef. E ad praediOura Colle-
gium (c confer entcs in regulis et inftitucis Grammaiic* et Cantiis gra-
tis abfquc pecuniae aut alterius rei cxadione : Necnon ad celcbraa-
dum & orandum iraperpctuura pro falubri flatu noftro et Elizabeth*
praediled^ conlortis noftr^ ,fill) noftri primogcniti Ed-
ac chariflimi
wardi Principis Walli^ cxterorumquc liberorum noHrorum dura
vixerimus , &
fpecial* difti Archiepifcopi &
bcnefaftorum fuorum
dum vixerit, ac ad alia mifericordiae Sc pietatis opera faciend&cx-
crccnd , iuxta ordinationem &
conftitutiones per roerooratuin Ar-

cbicpifcopiHn ; auc cxecutores Si, aiTignatosfuos ]^x^hCbSi5,zut eorum

Liber Licences. fccundus
aliqucmin hac parte facicnd &
ordinan^, fupcrquoddamfolumrcu
fcitum ipfius Thomae Archicpifcopi , iaccns in villa de R.prsedift':
Quod quidem folum cominct in longitudinc &c. Et in latitudine inter
claufum &c.facere,fundarc, crigcrc, create, &
ftabilircpoflitSc valeat,
fcupoflTint &
valeant futuris tcmporibus diiraiuf. EtquodCoUef^ium
illud cum fit fundatum, crcftum, & ftabiljtum fucrit, Collegium Ic(u de
R.nuncupctur &
appcllctur impcrpetuum Quodque Prxpofitus
foci) huiufraodi CoUcglj prxdirtij&fuccciToresfuijPriepofiti&focij
Collcgi) Icfu de R. imperpetuum voccntur &
nuncupencur, fintquc
vnum corpus in re et nomine incorporatatquc pcrpetuamhabcant (uc-
ceflionem, Nccnon figillum commune pro Icriptis 8i Iitcrisfa6>a5cne-
gotia eiufdem Collcgi),atquc ipforum Pr^pofiti Scfociorumeiufdera
conccrncn! confignandis 8c figillandis. Et quod fine perfonx habilcs &
iapaces in lege, per nomenSc fub nomine Pracpofiti Sc fociorum Col-
Icgij lefude R. ad perquirendum &
recipiendum terras Sctencmcnta,
rcdditus, feruitia, annuitatcs, dccimas, oblationcs, ctaliaquiecunq\ie
emolumcnta , obuentiones, iura, et poflcffioncs, tam tcmporalia, quara
fpiritualia cum pertincntijs de pr^fato Thorn Archiepi(copo,& de qua-
cunque alia pcrlonafiuequibufcunquc all jsperfonis, ea, fibijvelfucccf-
foribus fuis, dare, legarc, concedcrc, vel allignarc, volenti vel volentibus.
Habendum et tenendum fibi et fucceffoiibus fuis Pr^pofitis ct focijs

Collcgijpr^diOiinfeodo &perpetuitate. Acctiam quodijdemPrx-

pofmis cc (ocij eiuWcm Collegijpro tcn)poreexiftentcs,pernomenec
fub nomine Pracpofiti ct fociorum Collcgi) de R.placitate podint im- &
placitari, ac profcqui oranimodas aftiones reales, perfonales,et mixtas^
fcftas, caufas, querelas, et dcmanda cuiufcunque generis fuerint vel na-
turae, in quibufcunquccurijsetlocis, coram quibufcunquclufliciarijs
et ludicibus fpintualibus vel temporalibus, (cu alijsperfonisquibuf-
cunque , ac in eifdcm agere, defendere , refpondcre , nechon omnia alia
facere & rccipere, prout & eodcm modo quo c^tcri ligei noftti perfonae
habiles & capaces infra idem Regnum noftrum placitant Scimplaci-
tantur,refpondentet defend untiir, feu iraplacicarc autimplacitari, re-
fpondcre feu dcfcndi debcant 8c tenenS. Ac ctiani de grjtia noftra
fpecialiconcefligaus, licentiam dedimus , atqueconcedimus, &liccn-
tiamdamus per pr^fentes, pro nobis et haercdibus noOris quanriunin
nobis eft prxfato Thomx Archicpifcopo praedifto, quod ipfc (aut
ipfo dciunfto) cxecutorcs &
affignati fui, aut eorum al'quis, vel

aliqui I po(lquam Collegium prsdiAum lie fa^um^ fundanim,

ere^t;u,n3c ftabilitum fuerit, folum ^fcitum praedift*cum pertinen-
cijs, proutlimitant, qux de nobis immediate non tcncr.t, dare pofflc
aiitpoITint prazfaco Pr^epofito 8c foci)S CoUcgi) antedifti, & (ticcef-
foribus fuis ; Habendum & tenendum (ibi & fucccfforibiis fuis Praepo-
pro fctiu & conftruciio-
"^ '
Tprum ruorumc
Acfifdem Prxpofito 6c focijs, cum fuccelloribas' (uis, quod ipd fo-
ium &
Htumpredift', a prefato Archicpifcopo , cxecucoribus af- &
fi^natis fuis feu corumaliano recipere& cencrc poffintcis
, fuccelTo- &
ribusfuii prxdicJis vt prxcficlup ci\ impcrpctuunij tcnor< prxfentium
liccntiam dainiisfpecialcm, ab(quc,aljqu,o line 6c fco^i^ pro praefcnti-
tuslitcrisjvelalijs nteris fupcrinde conficicndij, ad opii^ noflrum vel
iL-ercdumnoftrorumcapicnd Icii foluend, feu facifnJ, Et'abfquc ali-

quaincjuiCtionc virtuccalicuiusbrcuis noftridc ty^d quod d,imijnfni(tu.

alicuiusalcciiusrcandatinoihiinhac parte capicnd &profcqnend, &
abfciue aliqua alia liccntia nGlTca,rai ali;s Jitcris nQftris-pa'tenti^us eisin
hac parte conccdcndvcl facientJ Statute d'ctcrns&tcn^m?ntis ad itia-

nuin mortuam non ponendis, aut co quod cxpreda rocntio dc vcro va-
lorc annuo foli &
icitus pr^di^oruni in preftntibuj miniine fa^l'cxiflic,

autaliquoalio fta?uto,aftu,ordinatione, prouifione,feureftriOioncin

contrarium faOiiin, Kdita,Sc ordinata, aut aliqua alia re,caufa, vcl mate-
ria non oblhntc. Et vl^cr ius dc vberiori gratia noflra conccffipms, li- &
ccritiatn dcdimus.atquc conccdimus, & liccntiam darcus per prxfcntes,
pro nobis &: ha:redibus nollris quantum in iwbis eft pracfaio Thofh
Archiepifcopo, ac cxccutoribus & afsignatis fuis prsEdi^is^necnon ali)S

perfonisquibufcunquejquodipfi&corumaliqui vcl aliquis aut aliqua,

cum CollCj;ium fauum, fundatMrn, & crciftum fucrit, terras,
predift' fit
tcncmenta,redditus/eruitia,annuitatcSj& alias pofTcflioncs quafcunquc

Cum pertincntijs, ad valorem annuum centum Marcarumvltrarcprif.

licet ea dc nobis feu hseredibus noftris, aut alij'; per (cruic* Militaf, aut a-
liomodo immediate tcncantur in Capite,darejlegare, conc'cdcrc, feu
& poflint praefato Prxpoii^o &, focijs Collcgi amcdidli
aflignare pofTit j

8c fucccllbribus Habcndun; &. tcncridupi fibi & fuccalbribus fuis

'Pr^pofitis 6c focijs dufdem Collcgi) iinpeipetuunf , ad fuftentatio-

ncm fuam, 6c alia pietatis opera, iuxta inordinationem 6c confti-
tutiones ,
per ipfuro Thomam Archiepifcopum , vel executores feu
'alTiznaeos luos , a^it cprufj^ aUqiicn] iinde faciendapi 6ciOrdiiiandani,
Liber Licences. fecundus
facien<f,& fupportand. Etcifdem Prepofito &
focijs, quodipfl&fue-
eadem tcrras.ccnemcritaj reclditjferuic',annuitates,&
ccllores fui p; xdicc
pofTcfTiones fupradiO'jad anh valorem predict vltra reprif. a pfato Tli.
Archiepifcopo auc cxccutoribus fuis, (cu aflignatis fuis, &
caetcris pfonis
'pc{ict,{ueorumaliquovcIaiiqiiibus, aucaiiqua, perquirerc&rccipere
poflint. Habendum ck tenendum eifdcm Pr arpofic &c locijs &
ribiis fuis impcrpet'.iuraj ad fuflcncitionem fuam, 8c alia pictatis opera vc
pra^mitticur facicnd &
fiipportaud imperpetuuin. Similiter concedimus
batione,feu grauammenoftri,vel hxredum nonroTum,Iulliciaf,Efchaef,
ftrcriim vc! diOoriim hrrredum noftrorum quoriimcunqueA abfq; alio
finc&feodopiop(ennbiJS Uteris, vcl alijs literis fuperindeconficicnd,
ad opus noftrnm,lcu haeredumnorirorum capicr;d,(o!ucnd,fcu fticiend.
Etabfqncahqua inquifitione virtute abcuius brcuisnoftri dc ^d ijuod
^^;//;,fcu alicuius alterius maridati noftri in iiac parte capiend& pro-
fcquendi&abfquealiquaalia licentia noflra, feu alijs literis noftris pa-
tentibuseis in luc parte conccdend vcl facicnd Statuto de tcrris
: te- &
nenementis ad manuni mortuani non ponendis, aut eo qd cxprcfla men-
ciodevero valorc annuo terrarum,tcnemsntorum,redditiium,feruitioiu,
annuitatumj&pofTcnionum pdictorum, auceorumalicuiusin pfcntibus
minimcfact exillit, aut aliquo alio Il'atuto,a<^.u.ordmatione,prouiiionc,
feujcftriftionc in contraf fact, xdit, feu ordinat, aut aliqu3 alia rCjCaufa,
vel materia quacunquenonobfl.intc. Nos inlupcr vltra pmill.de gratia
noftrafpeciali, adfiipplicationem pr?cdi<rti Archiepikopi Cancellarij
noftri, ad laudcra & honorem gloriolilTimi ncminus Domini noftri Icfu
Chrifti,conccfllmus,& licentiam dedimus,ac per prxfentes concedimus
& licentiam damus pto nobis Sc'heredibus nollris quantum in nobis efl:,

praedifto Archiepifcopo, quod dcfundo) cxecntorcs&

ipfc (aut ipi'o
air^naci fui, aut eorum aliqais vel aliqui,poAquam Collegium pdi^tum
ficnindatum,ercftum,&(Ubilitum fuerit,Ecclefi an parochial' de Lax-
ton in Cqmitata N. fux diocef ad prcefeniacionem feu collationem fuani
fpcftantem, cirni fuis inribus & pcriinentijs quibufcunquc, ac aduocati-
oncmciufdemEcclefix laicali perfonae memoratXhom' Archiepifcop
pertinent & pcrquifif, licet dc nobis immediate teneatur, dare, concc-
dcre, aflignare, appropriate, vnire,& >rporjf poffit Pra'poficis &

focijs Collcgij & fucceflonbus fuis PriEpoficis & (c.cvs di^i

CoUegi) : Habendum & tenendum eidf m Pra^pofito & focijs & fuccef-

Symb. Licences. parcprimx

foribus fiiis imperpecuum ad proprios vfus , ad fuftcntationem Tuam,
& alia pictatis opera, iuxta ordinationem & conftitutioncsper ipfnm
Thom.im Archicpifcop\im,vclexecutorcs feu aflignac ruos,aiiteorum
aliqiiem indc facicnd&ordinand,facicnd,&riipportand. Ac cifdcm
PrxpoHto & focijs, & fuccelloribus fuis Prarpofic 8c focijs Collcgi)
praedict, quod ipfi aduocationcm & Ecclcfiam pracdiftam, cum fuis
iuribus& pcrcinentijs quibufcunquc, apracfato Archicpifcopo, cxccu-
toribus & afllgnatis fuis, feu corum aliquo recipcrc, & Ecclcfiam illam
nppropriarc,& cam fie appropriat in proprios vfus tcncre pofllc ad fu-
ftentacioncra fuara, & alia picutis opera vt prarmittitur faciend : SimJli-
cer tcnore przfentium licentiam daraus fpecialem abfquc impctitione
noflrjjvcl hacredum noftrorum,Iufliciaf,Efchatt,Vicccoifi, autaliorum
Balliuorum,fcu Miniflrorum noflrorum,vclhxrcdumnoftrorumquo-
rumcunquCjSt abfquc fine feu fcodo pro pfcncibus Uteris noHriSjad opus
noftrum capiend feu foluend,ab{quc aliqua inquifitioiie virtutc alicuius
breuis noftri de ^d (^uod Aamrwm, feu alicuius alterius mandati noflri in
hac parte capiend vel profequend,& abfquc aliqua alia licentia noftra,
feu alijs literis noftf patentibus cis in hac parte concedend vel faciend
Statuto de cerris & tenemcntis ad manum mortuani non ponendis^auc
aliquo alio ftatuto,atf^u, ordinatione, feu prouifione indc in contrarium

fafta, xdiE feu ordinat, non obftantc, Dum caraen di^' Ecclcf. parochi-
alis de L.pcr idoncum Vicar ibidem fufEcient dorac vel dotnr.d dcferui-

aE,ac quod competens pecuniae fumma inter paupcres parochianos ibid

annuatim diftribuatur. In cuius rci teflimonium has litcras noftras fieri
fecimuspatcntes.Tcftemeipfo apud Wcflmonafterium vicefinio fecun-
do die Ianuarij,anno regni nofln xxij. In quorum omnium &fingulo-
rum prxmillorum fidcm tcftimonium prifcnt litcras figiili noftri ap-
pennonc roborari fecimus atquc communiri. Datum in hofpiiio noflro
iuxta Vyftroonaflcf prirao die Februari), anno Domini i ; 82 . Et noflf
tranflacionis tertio.
Et nos Rob. Decanus & Capituium Ecclcf. Cathcd beati Petri Ebof,
indemo noftra Capitulaf,vna cum pfato Rcuerendiflimo patrc de dift*
fund, fundatiofi,ereftioh,creatione,ftatuc,& ordination folcmpncm&
diligcntcm traftatum habefi, prout de h(\o habuimus, iuxca iuris exi
gentiam in hac parte rcquifif,ad pdict fund,fundation,ercdiofi,& crca-
Liber Licences. fecundus
firationcaj,difpcnfacioncm,regiroen,inforniatior.ern,inftru^ioncm, ex-
Ac decree pen fe(jiic{}rationem,cxcoromunicationeiri,denijnciatione,
neiii,crTiendationem,rcfoimationetn, mandat, approbationcm : Infupcr
tioncm,onerationemj &cetera prcroifla omnia &
fingula per prefatum
Reuerendisfimum in Chriftopatren) Arcbiepifcop Priiiiatera Lcga- &
turn antcdict,ac per cum, jputfup recitanturfhct noflrosail6runi& con-
fcnfum exprcflr.pbemus Ac eifclcra omnibus voluntaric alT-rntim'j prc-

inifiaq; omnia &fingula quatenus procederinc, Raca& grata habemns,

paritcr fk acccpca,ac cadem omnia &
fingula quatcnus ad nos attinet , &
dc jure poflumus atque debcmiis, ad orancm juris Scperpetuitaiis effc^'
qui cxindc feqni potcrijt aut dcbebic^pro pcrpetuo fciemer & notoric &
vnamic collaudamus,approbaraus, ratificamuSj5c confirmamus per prc-
fcntcs. In quorum omnium fidcm atque tcftimonium, (igillum noftrum
commune prcfcntibus etl appcnfura. Dat Ebcf in doroo noftra Capitu-
lari XX. dicmcnfijiulij, Anno Domini 1/84.

tyf PetftloKto the TarlLtinent for the ereSlion And /v-

corporation of a Sehoole,

EDwardusfextusDci gratia Angli2c,Francia:,& Hibcrnije Rcx.fidei %%CX.^66,

dcfcnforjSc in terra AnglicanaeEccicliaE& Hibernicae fuprcmu ca-
put.Omnibusadquos pracfcntcslitcraeperuencrintfalutcm. Infpexim*
quoddam brcue noftrum de Ccrtiorand I.M Militi ClcricoParliamcn-
i\ nfi direft',&in filat Cancellsri^ nfae refidch inhacc verba, Edw.fe>a'
Dei gratia AngK,Franci3C,& Hiberh Rex, fidci defenfor, & in terra Ec-
clefiae Anglicans & Hibernice fuprcmum caput, dilcfto ct fideli fuo I.

M. Militi Clerico Parliamcntorumfuarum,veleiusdeputatoibid falu-

lem. Vokntescertisdccaufis certiorari rupcrtcnorcmcuiufdam Aftus
in Parliaracnto noftro apud Weflmoh xxii). die Ian. vltimo practcrito,
& ibid continual vfque ad quinturadccimu die Aprilis etiamvltimp-
tem,concrh qucnd' alum in eodcm Pailianaento pro crc^ionc liberae

Symb. Licences. part.primae*

Seholae JnP.iH ComEbof ni)perqdit:Vobis mandamusjquod trnoicm

aftus praccf nobis in Cancellaf nollra fiib fli^illo vcflf diQmOe 3i aperte
mittatiSjtScliocbrcuc. TeQcmcipfoapitd Wefi in primo die lull), Anno
rcyni nolhi fexto. Infpcximus etiam qtiendam a^tum Parliamcnti, in
Parliamemo nollro apud Weftm tefit:^diCj& in filatijs eiufd Canccliaf
fjmiliter rcfidcn in k^c verba. In Parliamcnto inchoate &tentoapud
Wtftmquarto die Nouemb. an potentiflimi Piincipis Ed. 6. Dei gratia
Angr,Franc',6c Hiberh Regis fidci dcfcnfof, &
in terra Eccicfix Angli-
can & Hibcrh fupremi capitis primo,& p varias ^rogationes coniiniiat
vfqueinxxiij.dicm lanuafanno quintociu{dedhiRcgis,inquarta,viz.
3c vltiina Scflionc ciufdem Parliamcnti, inter alia multa communi oium
procernm & popiili adcnfii fancit 6c ftabil if ,& inaftitat fuit hoc pr^lcns
Ihtutum pro crcftionc Iibcrae Scholae in P.in CoiTi E. ad vcrbum pront
3n mod f)umblc loifc complaining, Ofjcloetl) tnto pour mod ncth
lent !|)tgt)r;C0,rour D;to; i faittyfuU fubicct SC.fcD.of CDrepes Jnne
SEljat luljcrc^.sone Bt'SD^OeceafcO, S^octoj of t^c ilatBC0,fo; l\)t jeale
anD louettiat {)c t)ao to^is Coantrcy,anD to tljc eDucatton f bringing

tp of poutt) in tertuc anD lcarntng,gnae,Qrauntco,cotifirmeD,anD af^

fureD certnine lanofiano tenements in tt^eCountieof^o^kejOf ti)e
clecrc pcrclp tjaluc of fiftecnc pounogjabon*^ all cl^arges ano repjife,
Unto tl)c Sj^aCtcr, i^clloltics, i ^t^oUcrg of > 3Iol)n0 ColleDge in
to banc anD to bolD to tbcm ano tbeic riucc(ro;s fo; cucr^to t$)c intent,
tbattbeptbe faiD aaa(lcr,i^ellolDes,anD&cboUers,anD tbcirfucceC
fo?g fo? eucr,fboulD rctatne anD keepe in tbeir ColleDge fine fcbollcrtf
tbat baD bcene bjougbt bp in tbe (Grammar ^cboolcfreclp crecteo bp
tbe faio J.^.in p in pour (Horaces Countic of ^o;fee foj euer, in fucb
manner anD fo;me,a5 is containeD tn a DecD of CompoGtion quaDji'
partite ^nDenteD of tbe faio 3. 2D. bearing Dste tbe firtt Dap of &ep<
tember, in tbe pere of our iiojD (5od i ; 1 5 anD in tbe feuentb pere of
tbe raigne of tbe late i^tng of famous memo;ie, H^enrie tbe eigbt, be*
(ng titaDe to t\)z faiD 2pafler,i^eUoUjes,anD &cboller0,as moje plains
Ip totb anD map appcarc. ^UD aniongft tbe p?oaiOon0, gratjnt5,arti^
cleg,anD cgrtrmentis of tbe faiD conipoution it is rontaineOjSDbat tbe
5^after,^arDcnB, anD b2efb;tcn cf a certaine jFraternitie anD CI5uilD
in p.afojefniDjfonnDcDUjerebptbefaiD Si^H). bptbe licence of tbe
faiD late i^ing of famous memojte i^.bit|. ajoulDalloap, lu^n t^e
faiD ^(|)oUerd roomcs, o; anp of ttiem> fojtuneD to be boiD bp oeatb
Liber Licences. fecundus
rcfign af ion, forfeiture, 0} ot^etlrife bane tljt clertton,iiomtna(ion,
anD appoiutinent of a ^c^oller, oi io man^ ^cl;oUcrs. as t\)tn migljt
o; tDoula fupplp tbe roome q} roomes of tbe faio ^cl)cUer?,tl)cn being
tjacanto2^oitiiiitt)efaiDCoUeDgc, ^n^ Ujattljefaio ^afterSjiFel
lotscs 5 aiiD &>l)olUr0 of fe>. 3ol)n5 CoUcngc fijonlD altuaiec giue
fenotolccgetJtito tlie spaSer, S2:iarDenfi,anD )15:ett)2en of tt)efaiD
(0uilD, tuticit cny fuci auoioatice fl)Oulo ^lappen to fall bpanp tljc

ijieanes afojefaiD, U)iU;in a terraine HmeappointeDiuitljintljefaiO

cmpofitioii,afi tl}crein mo;e plainelp appearet^. And now mott gra^
f tons ^oueraignc 11 bp veafon of tbe S>tatute maoe in tbe firtt ^satt
ofpoor mod noble VciigncfojtbeDilToluticn or Cijauiitnes,CoUeO*
ges, free Cbappelfi, 0uilos, anU rraternitieB, altljougfj tbe mca*
ning of tbe mafeerc of tlie faiD Statute tuas not to burt , alter , o)
cbange anv fticb gooD anD goDij? founoaticns, maDc onelp foj tbc in*
creafe of learning, but ratber to fojtifie, augment, anD tnlargc fuc^
gotilp foundations anD cjoinanceg : pet tljat notlritbl!anDing, tljc
faio jTcatcrnitic anD CI?uilD>onlp fuuniicD foj tl^c go^ly intcntfi afoje^
faiDjbp tbe faiD S>tatate maoc fo? tije Diffolution of CbauntrieJ5,i^ra
ternities,anDCuiiDg,a6isaii,?efaiD,enloui*ablp bnocr tbe pjetence
of jFraternitie fuperftiticuflp b{eD,i0 novu ciJTolueD anD tafeen aluay*
3nDbptbc meanes tbereof , tbe benefit anD psefermentUibicb tbe
^cbollers of tbe faiD i^ree &cboole in p.afo^efaiD baue allnaicB bao
Ctbence t^t faiD founcation maDe,ij5 lifeclp to be cletelp gone i tafeett
afcap,mott contrary to tbe meaning anD gooD intent of tbe faio goDlp
ojDinance ano founDation. 0nD yet tbe faiD Collc5gc of ^aint ^* at
tbi Dap ig pDffelleD anD fcifeD of tbe faiD lanD0 anD tenemcnt0,0iueii
onely fo? tbe intents anD purpofes afojefaiD, lubic b tbing is Ufee to
enfue, to tbe great Difplenfure anD loffe of tljc inberitance of tbe faio
2LotDneofpanDnf lUtbcCountictberejbnlfCfeitfljallplcafeponc
a^aisRPjtbat tbe faiD goDlp ojDtnance map be p erfeucD,recontinr.eD,
anD eftabltfljeD bp feme gooD f goDlp Dcuife f ojDinance 0nD iobeieas
pour faiD ^Djato? is fetfeD in bis ceraefne as of fec,aflx)el of ii ^t\)(iiitf
boufc of tbe faiD fxie g^rbosle, as alfo of all tbe lanDs anD tenements
purcbafeD bp tbe faiD ^.SD.^ccto? of tbe ilatnes fo? tbe maintenance
of tbefaiDi?rce (rammnr ^cbmle, luitboutanpbfe DerlareD, 0nD
nootber Deuife as petmaDe fo^ fbemoje perfett continuance of tbe
faiDirref C^ramma?: ^ft)le,fo t|]at if pour faiD fubiecf OjoolD cbance
to Die, tobereof \}t is moS f (Tutb, it is not ccrtaine, tbat tbe fam

lanDs niallbeimplDPet) bnto tie t)i<anD goDlp intent afcjefaiD, as

iieretofoje tbep b^as beeue May ii iTitrciorcj^leai^pourmofl;
" ^Tfl^
^m icut
^ymb. Licences. part.prima?

lent ^ig^netle, tcnticrlp confioertnu tl)c p:em(lle, ttiat it ma? be en*

arteo toitti tl^e aacnt of ti)c ^lojDS fpicitaall i tempojalUnno tSc com*
monfl in tt)i p;cfent ^niliament aflemblcD,f bp t^c autl)o;itic of tbe
fame in mancr ano fojme foUotoing. irii*ft,t^nt it fqall $ may be lato'
fullbnto t!;e faiD fatter ano f cllolyes of tljc faio Colleoge of feaint
3ian CanD f beir fucccHojs foj cuer,to nominate anD appoint one cif^
creet anD Inell leacncO man to fupplr tbe roome of (be S)cboolcma(lcr
Dt tbe faiD free (2?rammar fecboole. A nd that it fljalbc lalufull foj tbe
faiD S)f boolematter, Initb tbe CbntcbtonrDens of tbe parittj Cburcb
of y).affijcfaiD,to nomiiiate anD appoint one fufficicnt Icarnet) poung
man to be Oll)cr of tbe laiD j^rce Orammcr ^cboolc. And tbat 0 of;
ten as ^ faiD &>cboolema(ter5 roomc fljall f jjtune to be UoiD bp Dcatb,
rcfignation,o?otbcrtuifc: tbattbcnitfljalbHalDfMU foj tbe faio spa*
flerano i^clloiucc of ^. Bi. CoUcDge, anD ib^ir fuccelTojs fo; cuer, to
nominate anD appoint one Difcrect anD tuell learneD man,as xs afoje*
faiD, to fnpplp tbe roome of tbefaiD&cboolcmaftcrtben temfl boiD.
And iM liUc mancr,! nc often ae it ft)al fojtunc tbe taiD Hilflicrs rtome
tobeboiDbpanptbcmcantfiafojeffliD : ibat tbenitfljaU bclatofull
fo; tbe faiD )cboolemafer0 anD <i:bnr(btoarDcn6,anD tbcic fucccffojg
foj eucr, to nominate anD appoint one tuell t fufficient IcarneD voung
man to fupplp tbe loome of tbe faiD Slftjcr tben being boiD. And tbat
tbe faiD fi^aftcr j alOjct fo; tbe time bemg fo; cuer, fl)al bp tbe autbo<
ritie of tbis pjefent ][3arliamcnt be incD3po;atcD bv tbe name of ffl^a^
ffer f vSltbcr cf tbe faiD i^rcc Oranimar ^cboole of |i).3nD tbat tbep i
tbcir fuccelToiS (ball baucperpctualUucccffion in tbe lame fo? euer
And tbat tbe faiD g)cbo3lcmaftcr f UCbcr of tbe faiD i^ree $S>cboo\e of
^.afo;efaiD fo; tbe tmie being,fi)albe enablcD bp tbe autbo;itp of tbis
pjefent parliament, to rccciue to tbcm anD tbdr fucceffo;s in perpe*
tuitte fo? cuer, of tbe gift anD gramit of tbe faiD il.D.o; of any otbec
perfon o^ perfono lanDS, tenement5,annuittes,anD rents of tbe clerg
perclp baluc of jnc pounD0, anD not abonc, foj tbe { percifing anD bang
of tbe faio roome fioomes of tbe^cboolemaHeri taUjer of tbe faio
i?ree(E5rammar ^cboolc. And tbat tbe faiD reader f UQitx, 5 eitbec
of tbcm anD
I tbcic faccetfo36,anD t^t facccflej of eitbec of tbem,ajall
map be enables bp tbe antbojitieafo;cfaiD tofne anD be fueD,to im*
plcaD f to be impieaDeD,fo;anp matter oa cai:fe concerning tbe faiD
lanDSjtcnemcntfi, annuit(e3,anD rents, 0; anp parcell tbereof, bp tbe
name of fatter anD Grammar ^cboolc iti |3
uSSjer of tbe faiD i?ree
afojefaio And tbat from bcnccfojtb, as often as the faiD 6ue ^cbol#
lers roomes,ojanpof tl;emtoitl;(nt^e(aiD CcIUDjjq of ^ 3 fbali

Liber Licences. fecundus

fo;tune to be toiD by an^ t|;e meaner abonefai&t ti^at then it l|aU anti
ma? be latufuU bnto ttie faiD ^aC^er of t^e faio free dE^rammar fc^cole
in p*anD ^\S fucceffoja fo? eucr |C. Nos autcm tcnorcs breuis 5calus
pd>ad rcqiiifitioncm T.D. gcfi de Greis Inne, duxioius cxcroplificand
per prxfentcs. In cuius rci Sec. Teftc me ipfo apud Wcflm 6. lulij, Ann
rcgni noftri vj.

^ Licence of dlienaticn of lands holden in Cappte.

ELIZABETH Dei gratia &c. Omnibus ad quospracfemcs liters

pcruencrint, faluf . Sciatis quod nos de gratia nolUa fpeciay, ac pro
cribus libris ejc decern folid nobis folut in Hanapcno noftro conccilimus,
8C licemiam dedimus, ac perpraefentes concedimus,acliccntiam damns
pro nobis 6c hxredibus noftris quantum in nobis cft,dilefto noftro E.F.
quodipfc cotam mcdietac manerij C. cumpertinentjjs,ac quadraginta
mefuag^jviginc cotcag',quadragint gardihjquinquagint acf terf,quadra-
ginf acf prati, trccent acf paftuf , xxx. acf bofci,trcfcent acf morac,& vi-
ginti libf reddic cum pettincnti js in W.& alibi,in Cera noftro N. eidera
mcdictat pertincfi fiuc fpcftant, psrccll' dc reputar aut accept exifteii
R.D. 6c I. F. qua? dc nobis tcnentur in Capite, dare poflit & conccdere,
fincm in Curia noftra coram lufticiaf noftf dc Communi banco, auc ali-
f cr/cu aliquo quocunq5 modo dilc^lo nobis E. Habend ct tenend eidcm

E. hacrcdibus 6c aflignatisfiiis dc nobis 6c ha^redibus noftris,per feruitia

indc dcbita 6c de iure confueta imperpctuum.Et eidem E. qd ipfc raedie-

tat manerij pdjac c?eterornm pmiflbrumcumpcrtinen apfatl.reciperc
po{rit,6c tcrere ribi,h3ered,6c aflignatis fuiSjde rrobis & haeredibus noftf,
per feruitia pdict miperpetuum (icut pdiflum eft, tenc re pfcntiuro fimi-
liter iicentiam dedimus,ac damus rpecialcm Nolentcs qd prsedict I. auc

haercd fui^vel pdict E. hxredcs vel afTignati fui pdicf, ratione pmiftoru,
p nos,hafred,vcl iucccffcrcs noftfJufticiaf,Efchact,Viceccm,Balliuos,
aut alios cfficiaf feu miniftfncftros barred vclfuccffloium noftrof quof-
cunque indc occafioncnturjn:oleft<ntur,pturbentur,vcxcmur in aliquo,
feu grauentur,aut cof aliquis occafioneturjmolcfteturjpturbetur,vxetur
in aliquo/cu grauctur.ln cuius rci tcftimon has litcras noftf fieri fccircus
patCMcs. Teflc meipfa apud Wtftm vltimo die 6(c.

Mm 2. A
Symb. Licences. part.primac

tA Licence for Brokers or B^tdgcrs of Come.

Quinco die Aprilis, anno rcgni E'iz.Rcginae xxxvj.

*' '
/\ of &.tl)e Dap r.novearcaboueU)?ittcn,2:,^. of ir.tnt^e County
afo;efaio,i0 Uccncco ano appointeo b? tt;e ^^ix^ias of tt;c pesce of
t\)t faio Countie, to be a common JloaDscr, llaDer, iiecoar, Cairtcr,

25uver,o? SEranfpoiter of all mancr of Cojnc o? Oiaine,in anp spar*

feet 0? i^ap?c luitliin ttjc Kcalme of (2;nglanD,anD t^ie fame fo bougtjt,

to conuert to gpcalc, aiiD tljc fame to carri? to the Citie of llonDon,o2
tbe ^uburbe of lame,02 to anp otljer tparUct 03 i^apje, fo tbat be

tjfe auD ocupic tl;c fomc ec cojoing to tbc tcno; ano true meaning of

tbe a>tatuU lately? maoe in ti)c y .pci e of tbc caignc of our foucroigne
ILojO liing CiiP. tl)C 6, againtt Ucgratoja, j^o;cft3llerfi,f ^ngroffcrfl,
anonotot^trU)\ie: Stje fame Liccr.ct to i)<iue continuance from tbe"
tiatebereof, bntiU tljc ncrt gt-nerall ^eiliousof tbe peace afteitbe
fcattofC.nertccmnnngtobcijolDcn <c. Inwuncflctobereof^tbeSiU'
ftuefl of tljc peace of t^e iaib ^1 ; ti ,\Dijcrcof be one ib of tjje Q^io-
1 r

rum,bcing p;ercnt at tlje i<r.:; giuctall ^t ^i jiis, tobofe names be ton^

bcrlwiittcn, baue (igneo ane fealcD ibis p^cfcnt iiifencc tuitb tbetc
p;opci ^mh5 m^kaits ttjeDopano \jerca'uouclvanten.Djced atC

AgrauKt of a Licence tc trarijport IFooll.

Scd:.$6p, Xy EKon)nibusadquos&.c. SalutcmScc. Scia:isq5nosdegratia no-

fcientia, &meromotn iiofhis,dcdjinus&
JLvftra fpeciali,ac txccrta
conccflimus^&perpfcnfcsddiTius&concediiDusdiieiftorubdif nfoR.F,
licentian7,qd ip(e,a(iigh,vel afllgh fui, faftor liuc faftores fiii, pofTt fiuc
pofl'jnc,portarc 6c rcportarc qaoiibet anno durante c^rniinp fex annoruni
immediate port datum pfcnnum, ducent peer Lan.T liue Lanarum extra
tcrfnfam Hiberni^.ad aliqucm portum fn c crxam in regno nfo Anol',
ad libitum ipfius R.afTigh velaffij^hfuof.fact'imc faftof fnof-folucnd
cuflomas&aliaoncrainde nobis debit. Mandamus eriam orbiis &fin-
que,qdipfi ncc cernm aliquis pd K(l]'^h fiuc aflignato? [uos,fa>of fiuc
faQorcsfuos, inaliqu^ praiil. impcdianc, molcibnt, necgrauenc, contra
formara literarum noftiarum: Eo quod ^c.

Liber Warrants: lecundus



:ourtruapanDtoelbelou0O(Ef il. oarKecciaoj in oar

tbe time bang,gretuig MlcU)ilUnDct)argepou,tljat
ortt}ep2c6(satiDceuenue$ofourltuelpt)ooDtn ^Qwtxz
cetptatctiefeaaofcBaftcr nert (ommtngiotDit^out anplongecDe^
U{;,pe content anD pap t)nto our tuelbelonco ?[I27. i^ ten poano of $c*

tDtiict) le Otoe bnfo ^tm fo; certaine Siifife, to oar bfe of t)tm bougt)C

sno retatneD,anD fo; paimcnt of tbe raid fi^mme, pe take fo; ^n infiv
cicnt 3cquitance,U)^ict) Untl) tbefe anr letters fljall be tberfo?e to poa

fufificienttoacrant anu Difcbatge at your accompts tben ntvi to be gi^'

uenbefo;e our j^uDito;0tl)erefo2tbe time being. Inborn toe toillano
cl)arge to make pou Due allotoance in tljis beljalii; bp ttjefc ourUtters*
Giuen &c. tali die &c.

^yilVarrant topay an Arktiiitid.

W.D.ominib' Rcccptoril)us,Balliuis,flrmarJ)s,praepofitis, mini- ScV. )'7i

ftris,& occupatof quibufcunquc dominiof& mancriofmcof
dc N.&L.in coi!i E.qui nunc funt,& qui pro tempore furuf cnint Salut.
Cura ego pr^f. W.nuper per fcript mcum, cuius daf eft primo die Mai
Ah &c.ordinauerim,feccf,& conftitiierim dilc^l' liiihi in Chrifto CM.
Sencfchall'meum omnium pr^difl'dominiorum &
bend,cenendj6c occupand Officium pd' praefaf C. per fcjvel per fuffici-
cntero,dcpucatu fimm,vcl fufficient dcputatos ruos,quan3ttiu fe bene get
fcfineodcm: Percipiend'annuatim^ officio fuo pd cxcrccnd&cccu-
^pand quatuor libras argcnti,per manus Receptof,Balliuorum,firmario-
rum, feu alioruro oflBciariorum &
miniftorura domiricf, &
ineofpr^diO:' pro tempore exiftcntium, adtminos S. M.arch.&P. per
equalesportioncSjproutinfcriptoprzedift'plenius continetur. Vobis
igitur omnibus & fingulis Receptonbus, Balliuis,firmarijs, prxpoficis,
feu all js occupatoribus 6c mmiftris diftof dhiorum &
mancriorum meb-
rum quibufcunquc pro tempore cxiftefij in futuf cxiftefi, &
^yeftrum mando,onero, & firmitcr iniungo, quod dc tempore in tempiJS
jfcluatis,fea fdluifaciatis, feu vnus veftrum foluat, feu foluifaciacpracfat

Mm 3 Cprxd
SymK Warrants^ part.primsc
formamlcriptnfipre^ (ibiindcconfcfti; Rccipicndindedeprcf. C.
veldcfuoinhac parte deputato acquictancias, fingulas folutioncs quaj
fie fcccriiis rcftificantcs,& per ^fcns niandat mcum volo, quod Audito-

rcs mcijvel Auditor mcusdhiof&mancf mcofprcdqui pro tempore

fuef vd funt : Vobis &
cuilibet vcftmm in veftris compotis, vd in vcftf
cowpoto, dc tempore iiTtcmpusde folunndc &qudUbet indc pared'
facianc fiucfaciat nllocationen}. In cuius rci Sec.

A T Arrant for a Licence to e/eSi a Bijhop,

CHari(firac confanguince &:c. fuppHcaucf nobis humili! Decah &

Capitul' ccclcfi^ noHf cathcdf dcN.vt cum fcdcs Epalis inff Ecclc*
fiam nfam cathcd pre<I,& per morf natural* piacmcmof A.B.vliimi E-
pifcopi ciufd^^ficpaQoris folatio deQituta^alium in locum illius Epifcop
&paftof cljgcndi, facultatcm, liccntiamqucnoftra gratiofe concederc
dignaremur. Nos igitur corum fupplicationibus fauorabilitcr inclinatj,
facultate atque licenti^ noHra hibdi diiximus concedend.Quocirca vo-
bis mandam',qd Tub priuato figill* noftf in cuftodia vf a exiftcnteliteras
&c. Mandanc, vt fub magno figillo nfo in eius cuftodia \r3i cxiftcfi, Iras

nfas patent fieri fac' in hac pte debitas, & in tali cafu confuctas. t hx li-

0nd ve O^all f)nDer(itanD,tbati)ereupon tl}e C^ancello} of QDnglano

Q)allsraanttl)emt^c^ing0 ^etter^ |3atent0 of licence to p;oceeoe
to tbetr eUttton. %^z fe;me Ui^creof appsaretl) in t^e l&egiller,tutt^
tD^ict) letters patents of licence bnoer tl)e great ^eale, Ojall be Tent a
letter miaiue, containing t^ie name of t^e perfon to be eUcteo, as foU

A warrant for royall AJfent,

/^^^"^'"^c&c.Vacantc nuper fedcEpifcopali infra Ecdef.noftr*

CA nt
^* J/J* V>Gath.deN.praorteboHxmemof A. vltimiEpifcopi ibidem, Dc-
can6c Capit eiufd,facult a nobis pn' p ipfos ad aim eligcnd in ipfof -
pifcop & paRore petita parit 6c obtentaivcncrabilc egregiu virum C. &
D.inluumpaftorcelcgerunt&nominaucf* Cuinosclcdioni&virofic
elcfto (humilibuseor intcruenientib* fupplicationib*j Rcgiunoftrura
adhibea/adcritu pari &fauore. cundque cleflum vos commenda-
cum habemiis.Qu jcirca vobis mandamus ^c c.
And t)ponttit$ Warrant tt}e %m C^ancello; of dnglano (ball
Liber Warrants. fecund us
make flie feings Eef f ers patents of f)i' ropall affetit , tirectco ta t^e
^etropoUfane, tocorftrmeanoconfecretc t^elio;DelettcD,o?tf^ge
StU,t^etPO306aftt)e patent map be fetfoo^t^at Ungtt) in t^eMlac^
rant,t^at t^e king ^all ftgne, as foUotset^

y^^ certificate ofroyall ajfent,for the ele Elton and

confecration ofa Btjhop.
REx&c.Reuerendiflimoin Chriftopatri&c.Salutcm. Cumvacauc- $1,574,"
ric nupcr .Ecclefia nf a Cathed' Sancc A.W. per mortem bon^ me-

inori^ dni LC. ciufdcm Ecclefiie du jum Epifcopi, Dccanus ct Capitu-

lum Ecclcfix noftf prxdiil', prius liccntia a nobis per eos alium eligen-
corum Epifcopuro ec pallorem petita paritcr tobtcnta,vencrabi-
di in
lemvirum A.B.inipforum Epifcopumec paftorcm canonicc eligerunc
ct nominauerunt, ficut per eoruro litcras quas vobis mittimus pfentibus
inclufas plcnius liquet. Vobis fignificamus,qiiod d\0.x quidem electio-
ni,etperronnc elects, humilibus eornmmediantibusfupplicationi-
bus, noftrum Rcgium adhibuimusfauorem paritcr etaflenlum.Etcun-
dcra clcctum apud vosrecoramcndatum habcrons.Quocirca vobis roan
damns, qdcaeteraoia quae per vos ad corfirmationcm ct confecration
ciuidcm in dicto Epifcopaiu fieri confueuerunt , fccundum leges et fta-
tuta regni nfi Angl', hac in parte xdita et prouifa.cum fauore& diligcn-
(ia facere velitis Sec. In cuius &c.

3if pee lift to UnotD furtljer after iutjat manec t^c ^rcbbtC^ops anD
S5il^op0 be at tl)ts nap cbofen, nominatei), pjefenteD, tnueSeD,
and confecratcD to tl)e Dtgnitte ano office of an 0rcbbi(|)op,o} S5i'
l%op,pee mutt reao t^e ttatnte t^iereof mane 2 ; ,1^* s*

uir^arrantdorma'/itferaDeerem ,

BEitknownctnto all men bptl)efe p)e(ent,t^atluee ^ir C.^ Se^^.jyj*

t^txXt of E> ano ilojn of ^^l)ane giuen anD grauntto, $ bp tt^eCe
pjefents giae % grannt fento our luelbeloueo 3C^ anD ^.IjisUjife,
one ^tag ano tU)o SBncbejs in fummer 9 ano one l^ino 1 tioo B^oe^
inMinter,pearelpto be ta^eo in tloo parked of onrBiUe of 0.0; in
t^e c^afe belonging to t^e fame,of onr gift,perelp During tlieir \\\xt6t
ano tl)e longer liuer of t^em* And tpe licence ano gine autbo^itie anD
potpcr to tbe faio Bl*anD^*anD eitt;er of tbem During tbetrliues,
anDtbe longer liuer of t^em^anDtbeirfufftcient Deputicperelptntbe
times of featon 1 conaenient, to go into tbe faiD parses 0? cbare,cal^
ling tbc keeper oj beepers tberof luitb tbem, tberc to bunt anD kil tbe
(ame ^eere^i t^em to carr le atuap at tbeir Ubertie anD pUa(nre>it^
i^m 4 fuel
Symb. Warrants. part.primae

fuel)conaenicnt nuwbcc of perfonjj ai fl^all UUc t^em, fo?, anD about

t^e Doing of ttie fame: anp att,ttatutc, o; ott)f r tl)mg maDe to tl)e con*
trarp nottuitt)ftanDing . And further tuc toiU, tt}at if tbe faio J. auD
ip.perelp fomctimcB luill not come tl)cmfclu0,no? either of tl)cm fo;
tl)2 fame:2C^en 3 tDiU,t^at mp beepers of
tl)c fame parbc oj tbafe fo?

t^e time being, topon a bill CgncD tuitb tl)e Ijano of ibe faio 3 .0 j ^.
concerning t^e fame, a)aU Uill ano Dcliucr from peare to ycare,to {\)z

bjingcr of t^c fame letter6,tl)e f aiD fnmmer SDecre, i tointer S^eere,

tuitljout anp reftraiut 0; gainefaping bp tl)em,o; an^ of t^em,tn an|f
toUe to be maoe 0? Done. In witncs ^.c.

^ V^'tirra>itforu Bffcke
Wd; ioill auD cbatge vou, tljat Unto U*^. \i\^iXi of tlje Ctfte
of ii.o; to tbe b}mgcc t}greof,^e Deltuer,oj caufe to be oeU.ue^
reD one iSiicU of fcafon.to be faUcn of our gift luitliin our parUe of ^.
anpreQrainto; otl)erccimmaunDement t)crctofo;e maoetot^econ*
trarp notluitbdanDing. 0rd tijefe letters Ojall be tjntopou a fufficu
cut U) arrant I Difct}arge in t^at bebalfe* Giucn bnber our Ggnet ic*

}yarrant for the Peace.
, rt |> Obcrtus Moore armig*,vnu$ laftic'dorh Reg. ad pacem in com
'J//' XVpdii^'confcnun^ afsign;.! Vic' com pd, Nccnon omnibus Balh-
uis,Conflabu!af,ct all js dift' dom Regih uiiniftf com pd, ct eorum cui-
libct (aliucm.Quia I.T.dc D.in com pr^d, coram me prcftitit facramet
corporal', cjuod ipfcdc vitafua, cc miuilationemcmbiorumfuof: Nec-
l^, i:tt<-" ^'ic'i.l^"'
non de inctndio domoru per T.L dc C. in com pd ycoman,grauiter cc
nianifcfte comminat exiftit. Idcocx parte di ft' dom Regihvobisct
cuilibet vcftnim mmdo^quod praef.T.L. coram me pr^L! luftic' venire
fac'feuvnus vcflrum venire faciar,ad inucniendum fufEcienf fecuritat
pacisvnfus did'dham Reoiniimctcnnftu popuiufuiim, et precipue
verfusprxf. 1 T. Etfi hoc grat facer recufauef, tunc ipfom attach uf feu
vnu' vcftru aitachiet, ct ad prox. gaol' dice dom Regi h m com pd du-
ccnd&c.NullatenusomittdCpericulo incuipbenCrDac^c.
"^ ' .

. *

A VVarranttoarrcft afngttutefefHant,

TJ .C.fcruiensadIcgem,vmisIufticiafdnxRegihad paccH),nccnon
J[^3(l(jjuerfasfelonias,tr3nfgrcfs. eraliamalefa6J:'incomitatN.audi-
^w^ et terminand afllgn, Bailiuis hundred dc B- &
T.H. Conftabul.
de M. m comita! pdil' faluccm. Quia E. L. retcntus m fcruic I.T.
Liber Warrants. fecundus
dcM.p5fibifcruicnd,fecunduforma ctefFeluftatuticIe Scruiemibus
^dicja leruitio I.T. fine caufa rationabili et liccntia ipfi'I. T rcccflit(vt
dicic.)Ex parte dominxRcgihvobisct cuilibct vcftrum pcipio, quod
pf.E.L. ad pf. I. T. Maginrum fuura deferuiend dcliberat faciat. tfi
hoc rccufaucf, tunc cum gaol^ caftri N. duci faciat,quoufque&c. Ita <$
eu habeatis corS meet focijs meis luftic' diftae dominae Rcg.in comitatu \
pd ad proxim Scff.pacis ibide tenend, ad faciend, et recipiend ca quae
ei tunc 5c ibidem in hac parte obijcientur.Sigillomcofigillat.D^c Sec


R.CidcH.in comitatu N. vnusluftic'dnac Reginscadpaccro, ncc- Sel./79.

npnaddiucrf.felofi, tranrgf,& alia makfad'mcom pdaudicnd
in com pd, ct eorura cuilibet falutem &c. Ex parte dnae Rcginae vobis
& cuilibct vcftrum mando , qd attachicc, (cu vnus vcftrum attachict B.
G.vagabund non feruient, nee inferuiiio alicuius rctenf (vt dicit)& cum
defcruirc fac' I.G.fccundum formam ct cflFedum ftatuti de Seruientibus
xditi. Et fi hoc facere nolucf, aut haec facere rccufaucr, tunc cum prox*
qd eum habea-
gaolae dift* dnae Regiuse infra dift'com daci faciat. Ita
tis, feuvnus vfm habcat coram mc &
focijs mcis ad proxim Scffian ipfi'

did>ae dh^ Reg;, ad pacem in com pdi6l' tenend, vna cum hoc mandato.

t/4wArrantfrom luftices ofOyer to returne a, Jurie^

Miles &fpcijruiIuftic*domini Regis ad inquirend pcrfacra/- o ri o-,.

roenf proborum&kgaliumhoimde Cora L-acalijs vijs, modiset "^ '

mcd,ficutmelius fciunt aut poiucf, tam infra libertates quern extra, per
quos rcj Veritas rachus fciri poterit, de quibufcunque murdris, felonijs,
riot.rout, trangref.lcu alijs malcfici js, necnon acccftbf eorum per quof-
cunque&quaiitcrcunquc habit, faft' perpetrat, fiuc commiflis, &
quos^vel per qucm,cui, vel quibuv, quando, qudlitcr,& quomodo,etde
alijsarticuhs& circumftanc' praemiil. qualitcrcunquc concernentple-
nius vcritat dicend, 6c ad eadcm murdf, felon &: alia pr^mifs. audiend

&deterroinend, fecundum legem & confueiud huius rcgni Angli?e,

VicecomL.falutero. Ex parte difti dni Regis tibi prxcipimus,qd non
omittas propter aliquam liberta! inBalliua tua, quin venire fac' coram
nobis apudS.in com I. Scc.viz.x. diel. proxim futufxxiiij.probos&
leg*hoics dc quoUbec hudrcd in com luo, ad inquirend pro diio Regc
* dc.
Symb. Indentures. partprimac
dc prxmifl.&c. Et vltcrius ad facicn^ ea qiix cis tunc &
ibidem obijci-
cntur6cc. Et <^iiodtuctomncs Bailiui Scminiftri luifint coram nobis,
adtunc ec ibidem ad ofHcia vcdra, ec ca quae vobis ad tunc ec ibidem m
iungcmur&c. DatScc.

ty^ warrant to a Bajlife to make a Repleitin.

Q /V I.
bcCt.; R A ^^^'^""'S Vic'
Montague, prjenobilis ordinis Gartcrij Miles ac
ScnefchaU' hundred de G.Ball* libcrtat dhe Rcginac Itun-
drcdi(ui pr^dift', falutem. QuiaH.L.inuenmihipleg'deprofequcnd
qucrclam fuam vcrfus R.L. dcplacitocapiionisctiniuftxdctencionis
bonorura &: catallorum fuorumjViz.xij. caiaccligni vacaf ifagotsfincc-
non dc rcturno habcndo, fi return, inde adiudicciur : Idco ex parte
di^.T dfix Reginx tibi mando quod bona cccarallaprscdift", viz. vij,
caracVlignipf. H.L.replcgiaf facias. Etpone pvadiosetfaluosplcg*
pdict R.S- quod fit ad proximam curiam hundred' fdtenend' &c.ad
refpondendum prxf. H. L. de placito captionis et iniuft^ detentionis
bonorumct carallotumfuorum pdil*. Et habeas ibi hoc pracccptu Tub
(igillo officij mci,quarto die &:c. Anno &c.


Zy^ counaMt ofa prentice.

Sca.;82. T^ His Indenture witncacth , 2Cl)at2]:,&.t^efflnneof 31.&. of&.
in t^e Countp of WL, ^ercljant, Ijatl) pat ^imfelfe appjcnticc
-* m*
toitl) W.* of S). afo;efatD, \\\ t^e Countp of WSX* SCaploj,
anti after tl)e manner of an apprentice U)itl) Ijim to DtoelUf row
tl)e feaft of C^jifimas nejct comming after
t^c Date Ijereof, tjnto t^e
cnD % terme of f euen peces tben nert infuing,ano f uUg
to be complete
315p all iD^icf) fain terme tbcfaiD 2E:,appjcnticetotl5efaiDMa0bi0
falter, todl anti faitljfnUp
fijall fecuc, W fecretc l^all 6cepe,l)t$ co
iaUjfuU ano fjoncft euerp lu^ere Qjall Doe,
intt)c^8ufe(rfUi0faiD gaffer no? toit^out be ftallnotcommtt,burC
to bis faiD m^tx be a)aU not Doe, no? c onfent to be Done to tbc balue
of rij t* bp
. 02 aboue, but be to bis potoer Iball let, 0? anon
tf)C t'earc,
tis gaffer toarne* SEawerHwofcuaomebelbaUnot baant,bntifif
tJeabontbis^aff^rsbuSncffetbereto be Done. attbebicccarDW,
ti ?.x\v etber bnlatofuU games ^etball not plap.SDbe
gooDs of bis faiD
^allrr inojDinateip be fbal not tDaa,noj tbem to anp man
lenD toitb^
out bi8 jipaOers licence, fl^atrimonte iuitb any
iuoman Ujitbin tbc
Caio terme ^e QtalUflf wntratt, no)
efpoufe^inoafwui ^Ui (eruice nei^
Liber Indentures,- fecundus
ft}txby nap no? bp tifg!)t G^oU abfcnt o^ doipe l)uiire!fe,but as a true
anD faitljfuU feruant ou5i)t tobebauc binifelfc, aftoell in Ujojdb as in
tecD And tbe faiD M.bnto tbe faio K* in tbe craft,nipaeric,anD oc
cupatton tl)e tol^icl) l)e bfetb, after tlje b^ft manner t^at tjc can oj mag
(^all teac^ ano tnto;me, 02 caufe to be taegbt sna tnfojmcD, as tnuc^
a0 tbereunto belonset^,o; in any toife appertainett),f in Doe manner
to cbafiice t)im, finning bnto ^is fain feruant meat, nnnlte, linnen,
manner of tbings neceifarie 0; belonging
lDOoUen,bofe,f]boe(,ano all
to a p;entice of fnc^ craft, to be founb after t^e
manner ano cultomt
Cft^eCitteofJl. lowknede&c.

j4n Indenturefor aTrcnfice

HEc Indetura
man^pofuic fe
teftatur.qd G.H.fili'' W.H.dc Cin Com D. IjnrbaD*
ipfum apprencicium . W. Ciui & Haberdafh. ad
Seft. fSj,

artcni Cuam qua vtitur erudiend, & Tecum mcf apprentic'rui commora-
tuf& dcferuit a fcAo Omnium Sanftorum, anno regni Regis H. 8. &c.
vfque ad finem & tcrmih ofto annof cxuinc jpx'fequem picnarie com-
plend. Durante quo termino pd G. pf.E. tanquam MagiOf fuo bene 6c
jfideliter deferuicc, fecreca fua celabir, pcepta fua licita & honcfla, libent
vbiquefacieC;,damh eidem MagiQf fuonon faciet,necab alijs fieri fciet,
ad valof xi j. denariof per anh vcl amplius, quin illud ^p poffe fuo impc-
diet, aut ftatim dift' Magiftf fuum inde pracmuniet, bona did' Magiftri
fui non deuaftabic,nec ea alicui illicice acconsmodabic,fornicacioh in do-

mibudiftiMagiftf(ui nee extra non committct>Macrimohnoncon-

trahetj ad talos (cu aliquaalia ioca illicit non ludet^Tabernas non fre-
qucntabitjcum bonis fuis ^prijs aut alicnis,durante dift' termih,Cne li-
centia di^li Magiflf fui non mat chandizabitj a feruicio fuo pd non rece-
det,nec fc clongabit,fed in oibiis ranqua bonus &fidel' apprcnticius be-

nign fe geret & habcbic p die! tcrmin'.Et pd E.apprentium fuum in arte

fua qua vtitur, meliori modo quo fcincrit aut potcf, docebit, traftabit, &
fibi neccffaria,vt veftem,veftjijli?jum,1ancum,calcianienta,& led u luffi-
cienf p totum dicf tcrmin'. t ad iftas conujentiones omncs & fingulas ex
parte difti apprentici j bch & fidelit tcnend & m
pimplend forma vc fu-
pra idem apprcntic'firmif Ccobligatp pfert. In cuius rei tcftimonptcs
pd his Indcntuf figilla fua alttrnatimappofuef M.D.tunc Maiof Ciui-
catis Lond R.H.H.S. tunc Vic' eiufdem Ciuita!. Da h* die & anno fa-
LetterS' >
Symb. Aduowfous and Prefentations. part.primae

Letters to a Btjho^ kj the King to grannt an Adnorvfon.


Sea 58^. ES^^Sl)t

nm wrai
ifatt)erin <3otJy rigtit traftie, atiD rtgljt
uiribeloneDjlbe greet rotj toell. tl^tjcreas toe be tjcrie
be m
oar tuclbeloueo Cbaplein ja.ll5* ) (0 fa bim farnifl&^
DluitbconucntcntUuingaccojoiiiglpjtoe ijane tt}Dugbt gooa to De^
fire anD pjny v^"^ ^t^Q^ ^tie ratt)er foj onr fafec, anti at tbc contcmplati*
on of tbcfe our iLettcr5,yoa tuUl fo^tbtottb tjnocr pour fnffitient Idju
tingmfeakcgtueanograuntto bis beboofc, tbe nei:t aouoUjfoti of
tbcpjcbeno o^parfonageof ii^.totjerein re (ball ceferue our rigbt

A Letter bj the King to a, T)eane and Ch After.

Scft.sSc. "T^Uullvftuelbcloaebjtijegreetj^outDeUjbeirtpoWWllB^lftop/
1 pjichcofl^ercfojDboiobptbetranflattoaoftbertgbtUeuerenD'
fatl)cr m (IDoD,our rtgbt truftpi rigbt toelbcloueD CbanrcUo; tbelate
IBifljop of tbc famcbnto tbe lisilbopjube of %. GSHe bailing rcfpett
bnto tbp bonett qualitie0,bcrtuc, anD learning of our truftie^ toclbe*
loacD Cbaplcm spaftcr STotto: j^* our ^lmoner^ banc named anu ap
pomteD bim bnto tbe fame ^i(l)op}ick:^bctfo;e Ijoe toil i commano
poa,tbat fojt^luitb tipon tbc receipt bereof, pe pjoceeo to tt)e election
of btm,accb^Dtng Unto tbc teno; 1 purpo;t of our llaUies anu Itatutes
in tbat bcbalfc maDc % p2ouit!eo,anD tijc fame fo elertcD, to certifie ac^
co^Dinglr. ^notbefe our letters (ball be ponr fufficient Uiarrant ano
pifcvarge in tbat bet)alfe(I!5iuen tnocr out Signet i c* tt)e rt)^*! r*

The Kings letters xnifsiue to a 'Deaneand Chapter

for an AdHowfon,

TUu(lteanbtDelbeloncD,U3e greet you iuetl. iFo? asmucbastuee

mucbteuDcrtbcconuenient pjefermcnt of our tuelbcloueD fer^
tiant0^.to tbe intent be map be tbc mo;e inconrageo, anD alfotbe
tno;e able to pjofecute.anD finally to accomplilb t|)e efifect % pnrpofe of
1)10 learning* Mc
baue tbougbt it meet bp tbcfe our Utters to Deftre
anD p?appou, tbat fo^ ourfaUepec toill immcDiatelp t)pon tbe fig^
lereof bnoer pour Chapter feale, conferrgt gmt t|ie nert 0buoU)fdn
fit (lie ]p;ei)enD of Cf 0} of t^e nert l^^ebeno in t^at our C^nrc^^ Wc(

Liber AduowfoDs and Prefentations. fecunjus

(baWbt in pour gift anD Dirporition,to fac!) perfont; as oui: faio (eruatit
Iball name to Ijis bfe ano bcboofe, to^l^rein poo (l^all mimCtcr bnto t)0
a ngl)t acceptable pleafure, to be lytxtnUtx rcmemb^eD in anp poat
laiDfuU fuit5, Uiljcn occaaon Ojall tijercanto fei ue accojoinslp (Di*
en tnoer ir.

Letters hj the King to a Bifiop.for collation of a Benefice.

R3Cgbt rcuercnD i^at^er in C!?oo,ngbt truftici rigbt lelbdousu, ^.587.

pou UjcI. anD to^cress toe be cieDiblp infojmcOitbat tlie
toe greet
benefice of jjS.tB noSu t3oiD, 1 in pour gift f collation, toe muct) tenoc*
ring tbe preferment of our toelbeloueO Cbapleinc i^.113* Defire f pjap
poujtbat foj our faUe,t bpon tbe Rgl)t of tbefe our letterSj^e toil giue f
confcrrc tbe faio benefice bnto our faiD Cl;apleinc , toberebp pon flinll
Do bn to b5 a berr great plcafure,tobicb toe foal not faile to renicmbf c
toijen occafion Hjalbu offereo bnto ttje Came accojoingl^n Oiuen %i

A Letter of ColUtiou bettvecneJttbieCls.

mp rigbt beartie maner 3 ccmmeno me bnto pou. i?ojafmac^ i& Seft. ySS,
3 buDerilanD, tbat tbe benefice of ^. (whicli fuch a Patfon now en.
ioyeth,or which is now void) t3 of pour gift i patronage^S^befe fl^albe
tnitantl^ to Deftre i p^ap )|Jon, ttjat pc toiU t)ouci}fafe to graant me tbe
nert ^cuQtofontljercofjfojto befiototipcn fucbaoncaa^ Qjaltberc*
unto pjefcnt (Or if the benefice be alrcadic void.yc may write) :Ct)nt

f e toill Doe fo mncb as fo? mp fsfee to pjefent :3.5i5.to tbe fame,tol)o i0

m.p tjerp louing fiienD,! fucb a perfon,as botb fc^ bi learning i gooD
manners is bcrp meet f 0; ti}e fame, tobicb coing^pe n)aU ooe bnto me
a rpccial pleafurc,! giae me caufe to rcqatte tbc fame toitb tbanfes ac^
tojoing janD of poar refolute mino beretn38 PJap pou ttjat g! map be
aoaecUieD bp tlje b;inger bercef. SDbus fare poa toelUirrom Jlonbo

A prefentation to a Parfonage.

REucrcndoiiyChriftopatri W.diuinapmifTi-jnC.&Lich.EpOjEC. Scft.'cSp,

arra'jvcrus & indubitut patronus Rectori^ Ecclefipe parDch. de IC.in
Com' D.falut in dno (cmpicernain &c. Ad Ecclcf.dc K.pct vcftr dioccf.
modo per mortem H.C. vlcimi incumbenns ibidf um vaeanf 6c ad mcam
pfentation plcno iure fpc<Clah,dilcct anihi in Chi ifto V/.W.cleric' veftf
patcrnicat pientOjhumiliccr rogans qaatenus |>fat VV.ad diet Eccicfi^in
SyittB. Aduowfons and Prefcntations. parr.primae

admitterc , ipfumquc Relorcm ciufde Ecclcfi^ inftitiii &

induci faccrc,
cumfuisiuribiis &
ptincntijs vniucrfis: Cxicraqiie pcragcre adim- &
plere quae vfo in hac parte incumbunt officio paftorali digncmini cu fa-
iiorc. In cuius rci tcftiraoh pfcniibusfigillum racura appofui.Dat &c,

AfrefentAtion to an Archdeacon

Scft.jpo. TJ Ex&c. Vcncrabili viro doniih W. R. Archidiacano R. cinfuc in

X\.abrentiavicarioinfpiritualibusgcncrali,falntcm, Ad vicariara dc
L.vcftrx iurifdiftionismodo per morccm vltimi Incumbcntis ibidem
vacantem, atquc ad nofiraro donationcm pleno iurc fpeftah, dileA' Ca-
pcllanumnoftrnm A.B. clcricumvobis pfentamus, requirentesquatc-
nusprxfac A.ad Vicariam pd' adraiccere, ipfumque vicariumin cadem
inftituerc, cum oibusfuis iuribus & pertinentijs vniucrfis: Caetcraquc
(&c. (
vtfumi) In cuius &c.

A PrebcKd in iVindfor,

Ex&cSciatis quod nos ex gratia noftrafpcciali&c.dedtm*& con-

S*^59i T?
X\.ceffinius,actenorc pfentium danius & concedimus dileft'Capella-.
no noftf A.B.facrac Thcologi^ Bacchalario, ( D j if l^c be ^OCto;, Pro-
f{rori)canonicatuin (kc pracbcndam infra Ecclcfiam noftram Collegia?
jfiuchbcfCapelbmnonramRegiaSanftiGeorgi) infra Caftrum nf urn
cicWindfor,inodop&c.vacanteii),atqad noflram donationcm pleno
jurefpcftant.Habcnd'&cenend'CanonicaEfiucPraebcndam pd pf.A,
B.durante vita eius nacurali,cum oibus fuis iuribus 6c pcineh vniucrfis. In
A prefentation to a Prehend,

Scfttfp:. I? Ex&c. Rcucredoin ChriflopatriW.Mcncuenfi Epift:opo,eiufuc

XVin abfentia vicario in fpiriiualibus generali, aut alicuicunquepotc-
ilatcmfufficicnccraca in parte habentijfalutcro. Ad canonicatum inEC-
de N.vcftrae diocefis
clefia collegiata &
pbendam dc C.in eadcra p libe-
ram rcfignationera A. B.vltimi Incumbcntis &
pofTcfioris eorundSiara
vacantera,&ad nfam donation raticnc progatiu3cnfseRegiacfpelan6,
dile^lum nobis in Chrifto I. T. in artib* Magiftrura clericum, vobis p-
fentamus inniitu charitatis : Volentes &: rcquircntcs quaten* pf.I. ad di-
ftum canonicatum 8c praebcndam admitterc, ipfuraQ canonicum pr^- &
bendanum corundm,ac in eifdcm cum fuis iuribus ptiii vniucrfis rite
& Icgitirreinftitucrc: Cxtcraquc&c. {vtfupra)ln cuius rci &c.
Tat" C^
Liber Aduowfons and Prefentations.' fecundus

^Trefentation to a Varfortage

REx reucrcndo Chi in iflo patri & dho diio E. permiffioncdiuina E- $^.5^3,
bof Archiepifcopo Ans,!' primati. & Mctropolitano, ciufuc in ab-
fentia Vicario in rebus EccUfiallicis general!, faliit. Ad Ecclefiam paro-
chialcra de N.veftrx diocefis modo p niorccm vitimi Incumbcntis ibid
vacantjSc ad noftf donationcm plcno iurc rpe6:anf,dilc6lu CapcUanum
Boftf A.B. clericum intuitu charitatis vobis pfentamiis* Mandantes vti
diOum A.Capellanum noHf ad pfat Ecclcfiam admittcre,cumq; Reftof
eiufdcm inniiucre,cum fuis iuribus &
pcrtinentijs vniucrfiSjcaeccraqi oc-
pcdire 6f peragere cju^ veftro in hac parte incumbent officio munericjuc
paftorali,vclitiscumfauore. In cuius &.

t^prefentittion to a Chamtrie,

RExreuerendifTinioinChriftopatriE.L.Epifcopo^eiufucA^icarioin Sc^.^'^a^
fpiritualibus general! falut. Ad Cantariam beatac Marix virginis,in
Ecckfia parochial' Sanli O. vcdrac diocefis iani vacant ad noflf do-&
nationcm fpcftant, dilcftum nobis in Chriflo I.H.clericum vobis prac-
fcntamus : rogantcs quatcnus ipfum I. ad Cantariam pd adniittaiis ct in-
ftituatisincadem. Incuius&c.
Hike fo?mc of a p^efcntation t0 of a Cljapi^cU, to^et^ct it be of (|}e

tiings patronagc^o) of a ^ubicct,M-ii:atis mutandis.

A frefentation to a Tarfonage or Vicarage hj a L^iafier of a

Hofpitall and, his brethren, or by a Deane and
(Chapter, orfuch other.

RE ucrcndo in Chrifto patri &

diio d ho N. pcrmifliane diuina, C
6c Seft.; ^ 5.
Lich.Epifcopo, ciufuc Vicario in fpiritualibus general!, vefler hu-

milis &deuotus frater R.T. Magificr hofpitalis N. &

ciufd ConfratrcJ,
fiu2Decanus Collegij de N. capitulum ciufd" 5c c. Lincoln diocefis., om-
Tiimod reucrcntiam tanto pati debit, Ad perpctuam Vicaf Ecclefiae pa-

roch.de N. vefttc diocefis iam p mortem C. D. vltimi Vicarij eiufct va-

cant, ad noftramque prcfentatioh pleno iure fpeitantjdilci^um nobis in
Chrifto I.B. fdCJsTheologix jpfeflbrcm patcrnitati vcftrac pfentarous,
humiliter fuppllcantcs pfat Lad dicf Vicaf admitere,ipfumq;incadcni
canonicc inftituer,cetcraque 6cc. (vtp^fra.) In cuius ^c.
Symb. Aduowfons and Prefentatlons. part.pritnae

'Prefentatim to a Tarfomge poft mortem Incum-

bcntis hy a ^Deane,

REuerendo in Chrifto patri & domih W. diiiina pcrmifl^onc C.& L.

Epifcopociufu'evicario in fpiritualibus ^encrali, vcfterhumilii.&
dcuotus W. W. (acf Thcoloziae Bacchalarius, Dccanus Ecclcdae Cathe-
dral' bcatx M. veriis 6c indubitatus patronus Rclor Eccldix parochiar
dc B. in Comitat D.C. & L. dioccl. omnimod' rcucrcnt tanto patri de-
bit. Ad Ecclcfiam parochial' dc B. vcftf dioccf. modo per mortem vlti-
inilncumbcntis ciufdcra vacant, ad mcam prseicntationcm plcno iurc
fpetant,dilc(flu nobis in Chrifto T.P. clcricuro patcrnitati vcftrx prie-
fento,humilitcr fupplicans vt pf.T.P.ad diOam Ecclcfiam Scc.vt ff^pra.
In cuius &c.

tA gTAUnt of an Aduovffon.

OMnibusChriftifidclibus&c. R.S.falut&c.CumT.B.pcr fcript

fuumgcrendaf xviij.dicS.Anhdhi 1/56. annirq',rcgnornm&c.
dcderit.concefTcrit.&fcriptoilio confirmaiicrit G- B. & M. W. cleric',
primam cc ^xim aduocationem,donationem,nominationem,prentaiio-
nem,&libcram difpoficionera Re^oriae fiiic Ecclcfiae paroch.dcG.in
Com N. jp prima & vnica vice tantum, quae de fuo patronatu extitidct
(^uc per idem fcript plcnius liquet ct apparct.) Cumquc pd G.B.ct M.
logiff Doftoris,qiiam ^ diuerfis alijs bonis et rationalibns caufis ct con-
fiderationibus eos (pecialitermoucntibus, per fcriptuni (uum gcrtndat
primo die Ian. anno Dni 156?. anno regni &c. dederiint, concefTerunt,
& p fcript fiKim confirmaucrunt EB.execut vel alUgh dift' pi imamluis

& jf xim aduocationero, donationciE,pfentationem, & liberam difpofi-

tionem dift* Reftof Ecclefie paroch.de G.m Com N. ^ prima & vnica
vice tantum (prour per idem fcripf plenius liquet & apparct.) Cumquc
idem E. Bprodiuerfis cjufis &con(idcrationibuseum fpccialitcr mo-
uemibus,per fcriptum fuum gerens daf vicefimo primo die S. anno Dni
156:}. anno regni Reg &c. dcdcnt,concc{Terit,<Sc fcripto illo confirma-
uerit mihi prsfat R. S. cxecuroribus &
aflignut neis candem primam 5c
ciufdem Rcftof Ecclef. parochial' de G.indirto Comit N.pro prima cc
vnica vice tantum(proiit p fcript illud pknns liquet 6c r.pparet.) Sciatis
me pf. R. S. pro diucrfis bonis caufis 6c confi Jcrationibus me (pecialiter

Liber AduowfonsandPrefentatlons, fecmidus

moucntibu$,dcdi(Ic,concc(ri{Tc,&hoc pfcrtfcripCnico corfiiroaflre A.
M.pr^clift' priraam &
proxira aduocatjon fine vacqtioii, jc plenzm do-
nation, collatioh,ncminatioh,pracfcnration,&libcran)dirpofitiohdift'
Retof fiuc ccc paroch. dc G
in dift'com VV. cum prim' &
prox. poft
datpraerentium vacate contigcrir,acius pfentandi ad cand Rcifboffiuc
ccclefiam parochial' qu-litcrcunquc, fiuc per mortem, rtfignationcm
ccfTioncni, dcmi(rjon,{cu aliquo alio raodo quocunquc prim & proxim
vacarccontingeii pro prima & vnica vicctantum. Ita quod bene liccac
& licit crit pf. A.M.cxccut & cum diet Reftof(fic vt praemit-
afligfi fiiis

titur)vacare contigcrit,perfonam idoneam quam ci aut corum alicui pla-

cuerit,ad diftamRcdona loci ordinariofiuc Diocefanonominafctp-
fcntafjcumqueincad inftitui faccre,c2Etcraqueoiafaccrect pcrimplcre
in ea parte rcquifit neccf.&: confucr, quoufquc virtutc pfcntationis illius
vn^ad pfcntation ipfius AM. cxccuE Vcl alsigh fuof ad plena & pacific
cam poffcfsiofi prjed' Re dor fiuc ccclcf.parochiai' tucrit adraiflus.infti-
tutus,& indn6\*,int.:ra amplismodoSc fbrma,prout ego pf, R.S. potui
vel cxtcutt f fiuc alsignat mei potucf,fibzc prxfcnsconccUionon fuerit.
In CUIUS rei ic(limonium 5cc.

Notes touching Trefentations,

1i? a Cbutfl) be botu bp reCgnatioWjtben ^e (ball fap^

Modop Iibcram &fpontancamrfignationcra A.B. vltimlncum- ScCl.598,
bentis eic(dcin yacanC&c.
b^ attainoeMben i\m t
Per aitinluram A B- vltim incumbentis ibidem, qui dc altaproditi-
onc nup attinft* fuit, vacant. Etfiede conJimiUbm.
j^KopefballtnDerffanDjtbat tbe l&tngs ^pateSte b^tbas tbecafc
requiretbjfanDjp SCitles to p2cfcnt,fo? forretime be pjcfentclb bp bis
^^erogattue ]^otaU,ant) tben pe (ball fap
Etadnoflram donation, ratione prxrogatiuac noftrsc Reg. fpcOai-
^omctttnebpreafontliattbe ^cnipo;alitte0 of a S5i(bop;kbebe
in W banD0, ano tben ^t (ball (ap*
Rationc tcmporaljum Epifcopatus N. in manibus ncflris cxiflen
Sometime bi0 grace p;erentetbbptt)( grant Of an ^onotDfon of a^
notber man, ant tben ^e (ball fa^*
Ratione conccfsionis A.B.cum idem A. prim ct proxira aduocation
ciufd' nobis largitustftj^c
Symb, Aduowfons and Prefentations. parr.primae

0nD if tl)C mano; to^crcunto tljc auuoiDfon is appenoattt,be parcel

of t\itWm^it of ILancafter, tl)En ^e IftaU fsp,
Etadnoftram donation rationc Ducat noftii Lancaflf fpcftant &c.

3Inap?efentation,bv tl)is toojiiEcclcf. parochial*, is intemjcd al*

ioapeaaparfonagg: !^otobeit,notD atiapcs manp be ioont to lojitc
Ad Reaoriain Ecclcfix paiochialis dc N.lSut if (be pjefentation be tO
a Vicarage, tbcit map ^e not fa^,ad Ecclcf. but ad Vicariam. ^nD tbe
pjefcntment to a tSlkaiagc appcrtainctb of common rigbt to tbe^ar*
fon, fo; tbc Slicar in effect is but tljc pacfcns oeputic : !^otobit,t!)8
parron,tDitl} affent of bis patron i )3Dinar(e,map grauwt atoap tbe
patronage of tbe Glicarage from I)im f bis fucce(lB;5 to anotber man
ant) bis b^ii^cs til (ucced'o^s fo; euer. Sometime one man batb tbe no^

ttiination to a bsncficcano anotber tbe pjcfentationtBEn tobicb cafr.be

tbat batb tbc pjcfntation,can pjefent no otber pcrf on to tbe DjDina'
ne,but fucb as tbc otber man ajall name bg bis fufftcient U);iting bn^
ber feale* 0iro tbe l^inga^all toune Vuitb no man in p^efentment, but
Iliall bane tbe tobole p;cfcntment alone in all cafes,

:anD tf tbe In ing be intituled by reafon of tbc cuSobie of bis InarD,

tbenpefljallfapj Ecadnoflf donationcmrationccuftod'terf &
ciufd Comi de A. defunct, & qui dc nobis tenuit in capit, & in manu
noflra cxiftentiSjfpeO^ant &c.
0nD if tbe ^ing be intitnleD bp reafon of Vc^z tcmpojalties ano pof^
feffionsof anSrcbbiUjopjicUc o; i5ifl)op;icbe, being in time of ba^
cation in bis banos, tben pe tljall fap in tbe pjefentation : Et qux ad
noftrara fpcftat donation rationcEpifcopatCantuaf iam vacant, in &
manu noftra cxiftcn' : ^2,ratione vacationis fedis Cant t3c tcmpora-
lium eiufdem, iam dc iurc & fato vacant, 6c in manibus noRris cxi-
ftcntiutn &c.
ifinaUp,conccrntngCI)attntries,free Cbappels,anD |0jebenos,pc
fbal obferueann lmolD,tbat fome be pjerentatiucano fome Donatiue*
p^efentatiues be of fucb nature, tbat ^e cannot conferre i\)zm but bg
loa^ of pjefentation to tbe i;Dinariei t|e fo^me lub^teof 10 fet fo;tb
befo}e i5ut Cbauntries^free Cbappels, % Ip^ebenos Donatiuc, be of
tbat nature, tbat pe neeo not to pjefent t\it perfon to lubom pe toiU
f Bnferre t\izfame to tbe D3ainarp,but it f utf icetb to giue {\}z fame bg
pour Cbarter of (0raunt bnber pour feale: tbe fojme lubereof infuetb
bcreaf terr515ut taUe beeo pe pjcTcnt not pour Clerfec to tbe 5joinarp
tnto tbat ljDt)icb is oonatinebp pour letters patents fo; if pon Doe,
V^t nature is cbangee, anb pon can no mo?e make collation of it, bnt
Libcf Refignatlons. fecundus

^ou no not initijin fire monet^eis, t^t ^iDimxit map ta^e atuantage
9^Prefentation Scdc vacantc.
HEnricus 5cc. et in tf Ecckf. Anglicane cc Hibcrh fuprem caput,ac g rv ^
verus et indubitat patron' Rcdof fiae Ecc.pochiardeN.in com *S?9*
nfo S.B. ctdioccf. ipfa fc dcB. ct W. iam vacante , Rcuercndiffimo in
Chrifto patri T. Cancarchiep, tocius Angl* primati ciufuc in abfenf vi-
cario dift' fedis in fpiritualibus generali, (aluccm. Ad diet Rcftof fii^c.
Ecclcfiamparoch.de N.modovacantcm&c,

A Signifivauit te the Afetrofelitane vfon a new foundation ef

A Bijho^ricke,

REx Rcuercndi(r.&c. Cum nos nouam fedcin Epifcopalcin infr*Ec- Scft.tfoo8

noftram Cathedralcm Sanft'P.VV. nuperfundaucrimuscc
ercxcriin',ac dileft confiliaiunfm T.T.ad Epifcop iirnoroinaucrimus
et pfeccfjipfumquc in Epum loci illius ct paftoralcm ordinaucf, ct con-
ftitucrimuSjhoc vobis tenor pfcntiu duxiniusfignificandum: Rogantcs,
ac in fide ctdiletione,c|uibus nobis tcncniini fiimit vobis mandamcs,
quatcnuspfac T.T. in Epif.W.confccrare, ipfuniqucproutmoriseft,
Epifcopalibus mfiguijs inueftire, ccteraquc &c, (t'r/Afpr^.j In cuius rci
teftimonium &c. >



His Indenture made

T rifl)

Ctiurcb f patfonage of
^in tbc Ccantp of Cano in t^e
Dioceflfe of ft* on t^e one partic 9 ano B!*^ afojgfatD p^ictt on

tl)e otl)er partie,Wjtnc(Icth,a:t?atl^cretl)efaiD&.att^cin

ttanceof tI)cfaidBl.t)at^re6gneot)ii3(aiDpanQ Ctiurcbano^arro^

iiage into t^e ^^Dinaries l}ant)0 of tbe fame, to t^e intet tbat ttie fato
^joinarie Ojal inftitute $ inontf ttic Caio 31i^arf on of i\iz faio ^arifl^
c^urcHl^arronase,lDl)ercuponitis ccnenanteD$ concluoeoi foU^
agrceo bettoeen tl)e faio patties, ano either of tt)em couenantctb ano.
gtantetl),to,f toit^ t!)e other of tljcm b^ ttits 3,nnenture,in manner f
fojme foUotoingU^at i to toit, t faio ifoj bim ^c.tbat tlje fame ia(
(ttc^ time after ^e f^albe latofnll^ inftitnteo \ indutteo f arfon of tt!e
2 faio
Syirfl). Reiignatlon. part.primac

(aiDpariCbCtjarct) ano parfonagc, njaUmabe onaafetobemaDe

to t^c (aio &.fuct) a goon,rure , (ufficient,anD a latofull bono, as ^all
be rcafonablp aoutreD, o; oeuifeD by tbc faio & 03 [)is Uarnco Coun
rell,fo; tbe a(rarance,fuertie,ano fure paiment of an annuall penCon
. of \iXu ic.tQ be paiD to tl)e Tato &* 02 tjtis aUigneg ,bpon tbe font ttone
in tbe boD? of tbe Cat^eojall Cburcb of &atnt ^ in il. at t\Do terms
of tbe peare : tbat 10 to tDit,on tbe Day of (c* and from peare to peare,
one after an otbcr, fl}cn nert ano immcDiatlp follotoing , Ouring ti)t

Ufenaturall of ttjc faio ^.tljefiracsrmeof payment tbereof tobe^

ginontbefiay of 011 $Q>aintsnoU}nert romming* And alfo tbat tbe
faio 3. anD bis erecnto;^, at all ano
.^jucry tirr e ano timc0 hereafter,

fljall clecrcly acquite, Oifct)arge,f fauc barmclcffe t^e faio^.ano bi0

erecut02S, anoeueryof ttiem>a(loeUagainfttbe^uecneour^oae'
ratgne llaaie,as againtt all ano niery otber pcrfon oj perfcn5,of,artd
foj all manner of ^Difiiic;*, $)ub(ioies, ST arcs, ano !lLaUagc0,ano alt
Dtber cbatge0 iv^atfoeucr tt)cp be, going ano Due to be paieo t bo^nft
out of, ano fo; tbe Tap benefice. And furthermore, the lato ^.roae^
nanteth anD granteti), to, ano ioitb tlje faiD S>. bp t^efe p;efent5, tbat
t^efameBl.tuttbinr.Daieffnert anDimmeDiattp after tbat be Ojall be

fo inOituteD t inDucteD,lball bp bi0 9ceD fuflficient in tbe lato,cleerlp

remit anD releafe bnto tbe faio ^.all, and all maner, actions, fuitrs^
C)uarret0,Debt0, Debates, accompts, trerpaffei;, iniuries^t DemanD0,
toljatfouertbep be,lMbicb againftt^efaiD S^.anDbtserecutojscner
bebatl)baD,notMhatb,o2 liereafterfball banc, aflrell bf rcafcnofDi*
iapiDattons of t^e faio Cborcb 9 parfonage, as bp anp otl}er reafon
0} caufe, from tl)e beginning of tbe U)o;lD, bnto to Daie of t|)e Date of
tbe faiD letters of acquitance. And furthermore t^iefaiD 3fojbim
f c.tbat tbe faiD ^*Qi \)isi afl[igne0,befo;e tbe fealt of (c .ibal Deliuer 0;
caufe to be DilinereD to tt)e faiD &.o; bis aCTtgneB, a gooD, (ate,taffitv
ent,anD a laUifull Decree,bncer ttje feale of ttje faio o;oinaric,tD^)ere'
bp,o} bDb^ts^itb tbe faiD pariO) CTburcb (bal ffano ano be fufficientlp
ibatgeD anD bounD fo; t^s alTurance anD fare papmcntof tbe faiD
pearelppentionofb.Si.tobe paicDbp tl)efaiDg>. o;bi0 a(rigne0,Du
ring tbe life naturall of tbe faio g. after t\)t fo;me abouefaiD. And
alfo tbe faiD 3. coiienantctb r. tijat in cafeone2L.I^*oneoftbepa*
Irons of tbe faiD bencece,bis beires,oj affigncs,Doc not fele tbe pje
" fcntation, toberebp tbe faio 3 tboulD be paefenteD parfon of t^e faio

parift) (irbl} anD^^arfonagc : tbat tt)en t^e faio s>.fl)all be retto;eD

agametotbefaiD benefice tottbout anp let, gam(aping,o; interrupt
fionoftbefaiD 3*0; anpotber perfono^ perfon0,bp,o;fo;titm,tbe
Liber Copies of Court roll. fecundus
fo2cf3ioreSgnat joHjOj f.iip oVm coucnant aboue fpcciftct),tp t^t con* >
f rary inm\^ iuife notljalt^Ctanouig. And tt^c rati ^.fo; \)im tc t|at it
t^e (aio 3!. iDdl nnDtruelppetfoame^obreruet Ueepe,'alUnocuer^
t^ecouenant0,grant3,p3omtfes,i payments aboucfaiD,U)l)ict) on 1)10
^art are to be pei*foj4jiD,obriuD,fal6llcD i UepJ, in mancc $ fojme
aboue ret)earreD:t^at tben an obligation of tlje oate of t^efe p2erent0,
tDbedn t[)c faiD Blf one ^.l]5*be iointip bouno to tbe (aio ^tmon in
*^axktsu* nbaUbeboiDil)nDfc2naugl^t, oa eUe it ^al Hanoi
full drengt^ ano bertuc Ja witncQe 6cc.

^ PrefentatioH to a Parfoage void hj Rejiqnatim,

REueredo in ChriQo patri & dno dho E.pcrmiffione diiiina L.Epif-
copo ciufue in fpritualibus Vicar gencrali Canccll*, veftcr hurailis
& dcuotus W.M.cuflosR.C.fili j Sc haeredis R C.Nccnon cuftos manef

dc H.cum pertinenomnimodas rcuerentias obcdicntias tanto pfi dc-
bitas cum honor Ad mcdietatcm EccFiae paroch'de H. quani nup ob-

tinuic Magtiler I. V.in eadcm Ecclef. paroc. vf^ L. dioccf ac |) liberam


refignatioh ciufiJ Magift' I. V. vacantcm,& ad meani prcfentac' ration

roinoris actatis praf d R.C.rpcfl3nt,dilclu mihi in Xpo Mfm T.H, in
Icgibns Bacchalaurcupaccrnitati vcftrse rcucrend charitatis intuitu prap-
fcnto humir & dcuotcTupplicans quaten' eund Mfm T.H.ad mcdieta!
antedid' admitcereipfuniq; reflofin cade cum (uisiuribus & pcrtinen*
vniucrfis canoniccinftiiuere,Cetcraque&c. v^J^v^ t97

Copies of Court roll.

what a Copiholder is,

EnantbyCopie of Court Roll, is bee which is ad- SccV.^03

niitted Tenant of any lands or tcnementes within
a Mannor, that time out of the meraoric of roan,
bythevfe and cuftome of the faid Mannor, haue
becnc dimifable , and dcmifcd to fuch as take tlw
fame in fee,fectailc,forhfc,yearcs,oratwili accor.
ding to the cuftome of the faid Mannor, by Co-
pic o( Court Roll of the fame Mannor . And therefore they bee
called Tenants by Copie of Court Roll, becaufc they haue no other
"Writings or Euidcncc concerning fuch their Undcs and tcncnients,but
Nn 5
Symb; Copies of Court rolles, part.primas

oncly the Copies of the Rols of the courts ofthe Manors, within which
they lie. And in ancient time, as Maftcr Fitz,h.irbcrt faith in his Natura
bteu'mm fo.i i.they were called Tenants in Villenage,or in bafc tenure,
or by the Verge. And in the Saxons times before the Conquert.fuch
lands were called FolkjUnd : At which time C barter lands were termed
Bockl^ndf Msdcr Kitchinfo/.i iS.b. And Copies of Court Rolles bcc
fuch mftruments as do containe the Surrenders, Prefentations, Admit-
tances, or other aftscntred in the RoUesof the court,within which fuch
Cuftomaric lands lie and conccrne the cftatcs thereof, and be exempli-
fied out of the lame Rolles in forme following, vidthcet.

...o'b.i^i'.'Shefeld. Curia parua prcnobilis C. Com Salop &c. Mancrij fuipr^d,

' tcnEibidex.dieScptcmb.AnnrcgndoiTinfaeElizab.dcigra-
^iliZ . tia Angliac, Francix, &HibcrniaeRegin2Efideidefenrof5cc.

XXX v) .The hl^e Stile mufi be in the head of all Cortes.

Scft 60 At. A DhancCuriamvch A.dcB&furfumreddincademcufvnumc-

X^fuag' &c,in manus doiTi,ad vfum C.de D. & haered fuorii, vcl h.Tf
dc corporc fuo exeunt (vel)pro tcrmino vJt<T fiix 5cc.Et fuper hoc venic
predC.dcD.&cepitdc domino in eadcm cur mcfuag' piaed &c. Ha-
Dend & tenend fibi & hatred fuis (vcl)fibi & hxred dc corpof fuo cxc-
un!(ve1)ribi ad tcrminum vite Scc.ad voluntatem dom, fccundura con-
fueE maneri jpred : Faciend &
reddend indc rcdd,feruitia,& confuciud
inde pn' dcbit,& de iiif confuet &c.Et dat dom de fine &c.Et fecit doiTi
fidclitatcm. Et admiflus eft indc tenens &c.

InflruBions for the waking of Surrenders and Copies,

F3!rtt no?e, ttiat all iljc cnttomc0, Snc5, rents, auD feraiccs, \siW\f
Copi^olDsrs ongt)t to co^bc ccrtaiiielg fet Dotonc in t^eir Copies.
j3[nOtiiattl)elanDsbecertainelpfoounD* :^nD in ItUe manner of all
^pne0 of ^caD,S)3c,s:innc,^;on,ttone5Coalf5,anD quarricsj, f fut^
libe,attD all intabc6,iaclofure5,anD appjouemcntg.
BIf t{)e muS be re^
partie atitnttteo tenant be lDltt)in age,l)is fealtie
fpectet) till ^e be of t^e fall age of jr^j.^eares^anD Co entreo in t^e Uoll
^ncb eftaf e, agv^ment0,couenantg,anD r onDitiong,map be made
of opil)olDlanBs,b^Co]pte7a0arema6e of Charter ianO0bpOeeD9
Mutatis mutandis.
Liber Copies of Court roll. fccundus
3!f t\)t olD Copies cljancc to be lolI,o3 ticff ropeti, t\)t ^tKtoarD map

mafee nefcu sccojDins to tlit mzietit Cciut IAqWzs*

^urrenDersf mag be mace in Court* 0nD bp the Cuffomfi of Binccg
&cigHio;ies=,tbe fame map be mace out of tf)c Court to tt}t S)telijarD,
5atlife, o; Hceue of ti)e ^atto;, o; to oue^tlvo, o; iiio;e Copi^6lDcr0
of t!)c fame spano?, o? befojettoo^oncfimen oft^e fame&eigniojie,
ano t[}en tt}e fame mud be pjsfcnteD at t^e ncrt Court, o; fome ot^ec
court of tfjt fame ^ano?:,a0 tl^e rullome tbertof 10

IB^t^t cuftomeof feme ^anno30,^urrenDeri anD aDmittanceis

of Cop^l)ijloev0 map be mafiebpatturnep, bgiiertucof Jiettersof
in fome ^anno;0,t|}e tenants ^aue tt)e InnD^; graunteD tmfo tt)em
ano ttjeir !)eircs, in fecfee taile, oa foj lifc,o5 pearcc^actojoiitg to tbe
cuSome of tbe ^annoj : Zm not at t^t IsiU of tbe ^o;^,af co:oing to
tbecuttome: Bin U)t)ict) cafe t^e Uollsano Copies ougl^ttobemaDe
^itbinfome ^ano^s tbc Copies l}auet)feo to befealeDljuiti)tI)e
$$eale of tbe ^tetoaro: 0nD in feme not

3n euerp cafe,tfee Cuttome of ttjc ^annojs muff be Diligentlie

tntynireD of, ano Ducip obferuedbp fucl^as malte ^urrenoersanD
Bit is fierp good to {}aue in euerp feuerall ^ano? a Cnffomarp,fatre
ingrofTeD in parcbment,of all tbe cuffomes, ine0,tiuties,effates,anD
feruices, f otber circumffances concerning tbe Copi^olD lanos iDit^^
Bl tern fuclj cKatcs in fee,fee taile,fo3 life oj liues,pearcs,o; at iuil,

abfolute 02 ccnBicional^map be UmittcD aflcell bp Coppass bp C^ar^

Btem tbe namts ano atiDitions of iierfons and lant)S,ant} otber cir^
cumff ances of time $ place map be fet ooUine in Copies,as in Cbar^
ters, Mutatis mutandJs-.Sno tljc fame to be agrcco to bp all tbr Cuffo'
marp tenants of tl)s fame ^anoj, toitb aUcntof tl)eiLojDoft5)e^a*
noj, anD to be pjefcnf cD bp tbe l^omage tpon tl)eir otlies, ano entrcD
in t^e Uolles of tl) Court tijereosfoj tbe certainc infGjmntion of tfje
fim I i)ts tenantSjO? tl)at ougljt to be giuen,taUen,Done,o2 oemaun^
itim t!ic fame refernations of rents, cuttomes, feroicesjljeriots,
DiaeiGns,reentrtes, f otljer tbtjigs, map be containeo in tlje Copies,
as ti;cp be in Ctjarters : Mutatis mutandl
Symbe Copies of Court roll; part'.primae

\A Cope where the heire ii admitted,

AD hanc Cuf copert eft p homag*,q<J ante hac cur I. B.qui dc dom
tcnuitfccundconfuctudmaiieffd fibi ct hcrcd' fui$,vnu tent vo-
cat E.obijt indc fdfitus, 6c qd R.B. eft cius filius ec prox' hercs ct plenae
aetatis tempof mortis patris (iii, {ycl inji-a atatemy viz,, xij. annorffm, (^ in

Hftodia &c. fratrisfuiyvel confangmnei eifts) 5c prefens in hac Curia pcti

admittijCC adniifTus eft indc tenenSjTenendScc.

ji Cepie ofa admittance infee

StCt, 601* A D hanc Cuf vcnit I.T. ct furfii redd in iran'jdom dcce acf tcrf cu-
X3.ftoraaf,ad opus ct vfum R.B. gefi heredu &
afligh fuof impcrpct
vir2;am ad voluntat dni, fecund confuetud manef pd, cuiquidemR.B.
do^pSencfc'fuuraconceflic indefcifih:Habedlibi &
l>ef fuis impcr-

pctuum de diio p rcdd'x.s.p annum. Et dat 6cc.Et fecit &c.

A SuryendervponCendiiion,
Sctt.<Jo8. A D hanc Cuf &cvenit I. B-etfurfu redd' &c.'5'^//>r^,adop*& vfum
jlVID.&: hcrcd' fuof&c. fubconditionibusfequcnt.viz Updl.fo-
Iuat,autfolui faciatpt.I.C.xl.s.adfcnumSan^iIoh.Bap.&omnium
Sanftof prox.futuf poft dathui' cuf ^quis portion, qd* tunc pfcns fur-
tioh pd in part vel in toto,qd extunc bene Iiccbit pf.I.C.et aflignat fuis,
in tenta pdiil* intrare, eadcnique rehabere in prillino fuo ftat : ifta fur-

dilD redo in aliquo non obftante.Et dat 6cc. vtfupra.

A Surrender vnto the Bailife out ofthe Court
Sit<..6o^* A DhancCuf &c.compcrtnm eft &c. quod TC. extra Cuf furfum-
x\redd in manus I.D. Balliui iftius mancf, in prefentia D.R.et aliorS
tcnentium dfii huius mancf hoc tcftaniium,vnam aaani terf 6cc. Ad op*
W.l.cui dorainus dccvtfu^ra,

A Copie after afeifure,

Scct.^ I O.
AD Curiam apud S. A. tent (tcrtio die &c.) preccptum fuit balliuo
/Afcifirc in man' doiTi^ eo quod ipfc alienauerir , 6f vcndidit dift' tch-
tum cuidara T. V. fine liccntia dfii 6cc. Et inde refpondebit diio dc cx-
itibus quoufquc &c. Et quod in ifta cadcm Cuf, dhs ex fua gvat fpeciali
Liber Copies of Court rolL /ecundus
conccffit diftum tcnementura cum peitih ct feifinara Jnde^fatLB, Ha-

ty^ Grant in fee by the Lord.

ADhancCuf tlhus p Sencfchair fuumconcefllt extra man* fuasT. Scft.^ir,
D.& A.vxofciuSjVnummefuag'&c. quib'domp Senefchall'fuu
pd conccflic feilih.Habend fibi & hcredibus fuis irDpcrpetuum &c,

tyi Surrender ej land by the Verge

ADCuf&cvcnitT.B&furfumrcdd'&c adopiisctvfumlL.&c. ScV,^i2:

quipfenshicinciifadmktipctitadpraifrcuidom&c.Habcndet * '

tcnend &c.p virgam 6cc. vtfupra,

iy4 Surrender ofa Reuerfon.

AD banc Cuf &c.Homagium plenrat,qd H.H.qui ^e dom tcnuit fi-

bi et hcrcd fuis reuerliofi vni' claufi paftuf &c.infra iftud niancf,
Seft.6t ?,

quorum I. H.matpd H.H.vid'cftcenesadtermihvit (ux, dieclaufic

cxtrciTi poft vie cuf. EtqdR. H. cftei'auunculusccprox hef/ciliccr,
fratcr T.H.patris pd H.n. ec pleh ^tatis, qui pfens hie in Cuf pecit ad-
mitti ad reuerfioh tciitof pd I. H. matf ditV H. H. cura accidcrit vt fu-
pradift' cftjCui dorainus ^cc.poft mortem &c. vtfupf

A Cope in auncient demefr.e yvhere the tvifejhalbe examined

DAle6cc.AdGu?5cc.T B.dcN.ctE.vxoreiushicln plea cuf, qucc Scft.^14^

quid fola ac fcorfum p Sencfchair cxarainafec confdla furfii redd
&c. qd' nee metu, ncc vi coa^a, nee dolo circumucf fed (cicnt ex niera

ct fpotitanca voluntat fua motuque ad opus VV.C. vndc exconfuctudinc

manerij pd accipit dno vnus equus dc herioc. Et fupcr hoc vciiit diftus
W. C.& cepic dc dom di<^' racfuag di.c.vtfffpra,

A Cepie in auncient demefne rrith Proc/amativns.

AD hanc Curiam See. A. C. venit, ct furfum reddid &c. ad opusT. Seft.dr j^'
H. hcrcd ct aCTignat fuorum impcrpetum , virtucc barganiae fiue
paftionis inter cos fa^3e. Ecfuperhoepubhca Proclamatioincadcm
curia fafta fuit , quodfi quisaliquod mefuagiiim
ius feutitul'ad idcra
&c.prctcndcre voluit vel haberer, vcniict ct audiitt , Et nuUus venit
ad hanc Cuf,pcr quod fccundumconructud mancrijpraedid' mefuag*

Symb. Copiesof Court roll. part.primx

Sec.rcmancrcntin manibiisdomini vfquc adtertiani prodatnationcra
fupereifdemfadlim. Ecfuper hoc dies data ell painbus prcdift'elTcn-
di ad prox. curiam mancri) p<f ad audiend iiidc iudiciuin fim,dc ec fup

Et ad hanc Curiam &c. tam praed A. A.quam T.H. vciKrum, Et fu-

per hoc fccimda proclamatiofada fuitfiipcr prcmifl. quodfialiquis
Sicvt/apra, cc nullus vcnit. Et fupcr hoc dies dat tft partibus praed', 8cc.
EtadhancCuf &c.tanipraed A.A. quampdT.H.vencntnt, Etfup
hoctcrtiaproclamatiofala fuitfuper prcmifl. quodfialiquis Sic.vtff4~
pra^tt nullus adhanc vcnir.
Et fupcr hoc dominus per W.H. Scncfchall' fuum conccflic fciGnam
fuam dcprcd mcfuagio Scc.pref.T.H. tcnencf fibi ctafTigfi fnis fecundu
confuctudincm mancrij prcd. Et dat doih dc fine pro ingrcffu &c. Et
admiflus eft indc tcncns,& fecit fidcHtatem &c.

-^ C^P^^ ^** ^^*^^ ^'^^ remainders

St(k,6i 6, A ^ ^^^"^ ^"^ compcrt eft, quod R.B. de A. ad Cur tcntam &c. fur-

/Vfumrcddidit in manus dhi vnum tciitum &c. ad op* R.C.filij cjuf-

dmR.& A.vxorisfuacquibusdhusconccflitfeifina, tencnctfibiSchc-
rcd de corporibus corum legitime procreatis. Et fi pd R.& A.vxor cius
finchcrcdde corponbustorumlcgitim procreatis obiermr, quod tunc
prcd tenement cum fuis pcrtih rcmancantrcdl' herrd ipfi' R.B.Et mo-
do cur ifta informat per totum homag' quod prcd R.6c A. obicrint fine
hercd int eos procreatis, et pd R.B.fimilic. Et fupcr hoc venit I.B.frater
& hcrcs prcd R B.ct petit admitti, & admiflTus eft tcncns &c.Et p liccn-
tiam dni pf.I.B. petit admitti ad tchrum prxd cum pertih,cui dhus inde
conccflit (eifinam,tcnnd ad voluntatera dni fecund confuctudine&c.

^ SHrrender out ofthe Court.

ScV. 617, A ^^^^^ Curiam &c. compertum eft per Homagium, quod R.R.
x\tfnenscuftoraariushaiusmanerij,cxtracuf furfum reddidinman'
dominijpcr manus W.T.&R.M. duorumcuftomaftencnfhuius ma-
ncrij, fccundum confueiod huius mancf extra Cur, totum illudmefuag'
&c.adopus6cvfumdi(>li R.R. pro terminovitac fuse naiuralis. Etpoft
decefTiim did' R. R. tunc ad opus &
vfum T. B. 8c hcrcd dc corporc
dift'T.lcgitimc procreate f, Et pro defe^u talis exitusde corporc dift'

T.B.lcgit'm procreat.rerriindel I. filioRJ. gcncr hcr:d&a(Iighfui$

imperpctuum. Et dic'^pd R.obi)t,etnuncati itlacufpd T.B. Vnit,&
Liber Copies of Court rolle; fecundus
petit adroitti ad omnia 6c fingulapremid.pdict.EtadhanccufJhus per
JJCfenefchali' fuum concefllt inde ci kiCimm per vi> gam. HabetJ te- &
nend eidem T.B.6c h^rcd dc corpore fuo legitinie procrcsf. Et pro dc-
fe^u tali.? cxitii? remancf adopus 6c viu dift'I.I.6c haered faoium im-
ppctuum.Et pdT.I>.dedicdho6cc.Etadfm{Tus eftindctenens.

tyit Snyrettder before the Steryardout of the Cofirt,

ADhanc Curiam tcdatura eft per WT-fencfchillum, quod W.N.

q a ^
dccimo die A.anh reg. didae dnx Reg. 54. fur- ^*"^' ^*
in extremis iaccns
Turn redd in manus dni,per manus eiufdcm Scncfc. fabfcnte cuf)in prc-
fenc' R.C.R.P.6c CH. vnum teiitum &c.ad op^6c vfum M.vxof fuje,
protermin vitae,6cpoftdece(TumipfiusM.remancreW,N.filiopdW.
patris,6cE. filixciufdW, patrisac forof pdW.filij& hcredlnisfub
conditionetamenfe<jucrit: Quod (icontingstaliqncm prxd W fi!ij6c
E.filix obirc fine haered de corpore fuo cxcunt^quod tunc ipfe vcl ipfa,
qui vel qu^fuperuixcrit,habcbit6<:gaudcbit tent pred libi 6ch3ered fu-
ij. imperpetuum,

Et fupcr hoc venit in ifta cur pdict M.6c petit fc admitti ad tent pre<f
cumpertihjCuidhuspI.K. fcnef fuum conctflltindefeifinam per vir-
gam.Habend fibi in torma pred ad volentacem dom fccudum confuc-
tudinem mancrij.Et dat dno &c.

A Co^ie for two Hues.

AD banc cur 5cc.I.D.6c vxorcius, ipfafola examinata coram fencfc. ScCl.^io
etfurfum redd in manus dom vnu tenf cu pertin in A.6cc. ad opus
6c yfum G.H.6c A.vxoris cius, ad tcrmin vit^ coru 6calteriusdiutitis vi-
ucntis fcdm confutt mancf .Et dam dho &c..

ji Surrender for Hues with remamders,

ADhanccuf6cc.venitA.T.6cfurfumaredd6cc.vnumcf.6cc.vtdo- SeV,^2#
minus faccrctindevoluntatemfuamj&dnundchabuitfcifina. Ec
ex gratia fuafpt'cialireconceflit prcdicf racruag.6cteifpf, A.T.6cI.vx-
ori eius durante vita corumjta quod pert eoruai dcceflu diftu tcnem-
tum 6c terf remancat K.vxori W.durant vita fu3,Et poft dcccdum ipfi*
K.pd terf 6c tent 1 nianeat reVis barred ipfius A.T.imperpctuum.Tc-
ncnd cidcm A.T.6c I.vxof cius durante tota vita ccf per virgam ad vo-
luntatcm dom,fecunci* 6cc.informf d: faluoiurccuiuflibct &c. E pd
Symb. Copies of Court roll; part.primae

t/^ Surrender c^t efthe Courts nnd a remainder

pfith a Condition.

^tCi6iu A Dhanc Curiam &c.quodR.F.langues in extrcmisfurfumrcd^ in

XAmanus B.R. extra cur, per manus l.H.in pfcntia A.B.CD.tcncnt
huiu J mancri j hoc tcftantium,vnu mcfiiagium cu piifi &c.ad op' A.vx
orispd R.F. tcned fibi pro fcruicio ind' dcbif, (cdm confiietucf manc-
pro tcrmino vitae fu^.Ita quod poft mortem difti A.pdift'tr.efuagi-
ri j

um rcmancat Llilio prcd R.6c A. lisred dc corpof fiio legitime pro-
crcatis.Et G cotingat dil' I.obif fine harrede de corpof fuo legicimpro-
crcato,quodtuncpred mcfuag' remaneatR.filioprecE R.& A.&hxretf
dc corpore fuo legitime procreatis. Et fi contingac diftum R.obirc fine
h^red de corpof iuo legitime procreat,quod tunc praed mcfuag' per cx-
ecutorcs,vfcl alcerum eorum diurius viucnc, vendcrcf, & dcnarij indcrc-
cepti & prouenientcs in paupcrcs,& alias eleacmofinas crogentur,difpo-
ncnt,& cliftnbuantur,prout eis melius videbitur expedire, quibus diius
indc conccflic feifinam,tennd,in forma prcd,ad volunt dom fcdm con
fuct mancf .E: dat dfio &c.

ty Copie for life hya man and hi^ wife.

AD banc Cur vcnit I.H.

& R.. vxor eins, ipfa fola cxamlnata coram
G.H.& I. vxoris cius ad terroinum vitae corum,6c altcrius corum diutius
viuent/ccundu confuctmanef.Ec dantdno&c.

^ Copie for three /iues, made hj a Saruejor,

Scft.523. A DCufmancfpdibidtcnC&c.venitl.G.&cepicdednocx tradi-
jLJLcioncR.F.arraig'particular'fupcruiforisterrat dhiibidplitcrase-
fiiffici ent authoritat dames &c. vnu tehtum &c Haben-
iufd dhi patent .

dum & tened omnia & fingula pmiff' cum fuis pcrtiii pf.I.G.& E.vxof
cius acA. filia: corund,ad terin vitae eof ,& altcrius eorum diutius viucn-
tisfucceffiue,ad voluntatem dfii fecundum confuctudincm mancri j, per
redditum &
feruitium indeprius debita &
dc hire conCuct.Ec dat domin
define &c.

A LiceMSto demifefor yeares,

Sztk,6i^\ A ^ Cur &c.ConccditurR.H.vid'potcftas&liccntia dimitccndv-
/l.num clauf.paftuf vocat N. viz.cum pertinch iaccn & exiften infi-a

iftud manium T.P.Sc affioh fuis,a fi:fto &c.vltimpterit,vfquc ad fincm

tibcr Copies of Court rolles, fccundus
termini xxj. annorumtunc proxiifi fcqucn^cplenaiiccomplcnd. Et
dac ilomino dc fine pro hccntia inde habcnd ii;.s. Et lupcr hoc idem hie

For jeares where the LordJhallfndTjmber,

AD curiam dominus per I.F.Sencrchallum fuum conceflit E.R.vcura

mcfuagium Sccvocac A. Habendum & tenendum libi&aflignatis

fuis,afcftolanli Mich, archang'proximfutof port dac huius cuf,vlquc ""

ad fiiicm tcrminu xl. annoru cxtunc proximo fcquentium plenaric &
complcndorum i Reddend inde annuatim xx.s.ad duos anni terminos,
viz. &c. per acquales portioncs. Prouifo fcmper, quod durante tcrmih
fd pd dhs inueniet raatcriam 6c hgna, toties quotics neceflariura fucrit
dift' tenementOjad cmendandura,rcparandum,& fu[tincnd illud. Et dac
domino &c.

A Copiefor yares^the Tenant refaj/ring,

AD cuna nfi R.A Pr^pofiti collegi) Regul'Mariaedc E.iuxta W.in StCt,6z6.

Corn B.dhi ibidem, tcfit ibide tcrtio die 3cc.fic irrot, vcnit N. S &
dat dho define pro termino fibi habedo,dc,& in Tcitu mancrij dc V.&c.
Et dns conccffit pd fcitum mancrij &c. pro termino viginti vniusanno-
rum Habend & tenend pracdift' fcitum mancrij &c.pfat N. S. Sc affii'-
nat fuis pro dido termino viginti vnius annorum^erraino pd incipienie
in fefto Mich archang, quod eric in anno dhi 1199. fecundumconfue-
tudimm maiirj ibid Rcddcnd inde annuatim dho & hacrcdibus fuis ad

terminos ibm vfual' x.li.& fcdam cur mancrj pd bis per annum. Et re-
parandacmjnutcnedo omnia afdificia ibidem raod'aedificat.acomncs
fcpcsacfolLt ad did' terfperiih durante termino pd. Et fufficicnt re-
para! dimittend* in fine termini fui prjcdift'.Et pracdifti N.S.& afKgnaf
fui in fine termini fui pdid* fol'hariot v.s. Et fecit dno fidelitarem,&: ad-
milTus eft inde tencns durante teimino pd &c.

A confejfion of
a, Freeholder and a
(^fy holder.

AD banc cuf vcnit A.B. coram T.P. Sencfchal' huius mancrij,

cognouitfe tcnef dedno vnumefuagiu &c. hberep charcam info-
^ & rv

cagio per redd xij. d,velj.libf piperis,ctfcdaecuri^ bis per annum. Et

etiamdidus A B. cognouitfe tenere de diio ahud mcfuagium ad volun-
tatem dni (ecundum conf manenj. Et perredd &c.
Syrab. Copies of Court roUes, part.prima
.: : , ,

Scc\ 6a8
A DhanccufccnfScc.compcrrumcftquoddhspcrT.P.Scncrchair
/^ (uu ad tent 3pucl C. die ct anfi conccfljc extra man' fuas W,
ciif tali

P.et hx\(.d fuiSjVna peciam trac, continent circa trcJ acf trjliucplus fiuc
min'habcac,quond T.C in A. iacent inter &c. Habcnd et tcncnd &c.
ad voliint.u dom fecund conr.nianij Et poflca vcnit qtied A. W.corara
pf.T.Pi Scncf. dom, et ^tcndit habere ritul' in f>d pecia tcrf, ct hie pre-

Icns ill cur rcmifit, rclaxauit, ci imperpctuu quiet dam W.P.cc h^r* fuis,

B liccniiam dom,ioti!in lus fuiira ct clam quar habct,vcl habuit,vcl in fu-

tuf habere poterit in pd, pecia terf,ct in qiialibcc indc parcella Ita viz. :

quod nee A. nee herednii,nccal iquis alius nomine corura,aIiquod

ius, titul', intcrelTc, vcl clam, in prxdi<rt' pecia dc cctero exig. vcl vend
poterit ff d db omni ace', iuf, feu clain, fine cxchifi per prefcnccs 6cc. Ec
drtf doin &:c.

ji Copif to the hfistafidaMdm/ey with a ReUafe to them

by another,

AD hanc cur copertum eft phomagiu,qd W. H.poft vltim cuf fur-

funiredd inman'doihtehtura&e. adopusctvIumM. vxof ei'et
hcrcd fuof Et fup hoc veh in plena Cuf l.H. qui iamdift' M.invxorcm
duxitcum pd M.etpetutadmittad pmifli quib*dnspScncfc.(uucon-
ceiTic mdc fcifinam. Habcnd et tcncnd eis ct hcrcd didt'M.de dom per

virgam ad volun? dom fecund' eonfuetud mafii) pd,p redd &c. Et danc
dom &c.Ec fee' &e. Et admifiT.&c. Et poflca veh S. r.ec furfunredd rc-
laxauit, ct quiet clam did' I.H. ct M. vxof eius in pleh ct pacifica pof-
feflioneexilten.dc.ct intchtis pd,totum ius,flat,titulu,clameu,intereirc,
conditiones,*ct demand fua quecunquequaehabuic, habet, fcuhabituf
lir^de^ct in tenement &c. Ita quod &c.

A Releafc ofa title of 'Dower.

SzCi,6%o, A D curiam tent &c. vcnit I.T. nupcr I.T.viri dcfunft',ct rclift* fui

x\ pretendit habere in vna dom &c. viz. tertiam ptem oium

titul' tcrf
& tencmentof,rcddit et feruic'cum ptih nomine dotis fuae, ex donatioii
dift' I.T. viri fui, pro quad peeuniaru fumm fibi p W.A. p mauibTo-

luf/urfumredd,remifit, ct rclaxauit pf.W. A.& hercdibus fuif,totum ius

Cuum^ftatum, titulum,clameum, interefte, &
demand' fuaquecunquc,^
quse habuit, habct, feu habitura fie in premifsis ; lea viddiccc quod ncc
ipfaLncc 6cc.('z>^yiyr^,)
Ubcr Subfidic: fecundus

A Certificatfor payment of Suhfidie meney,

Wd^e to^ofe names are l)ere tn^er to;ittcn, Conmiiatonew of
our feuerstgne llaDte tl)e iU0ms (paiett?,Qmong(lot(ier09
s^a,6i i.

fuit^tn t^e countp of WSi* fo; tfie taratton, lending i collection of tbe
fecono patment of ti)e fiirQ of f {je ttpo fubfiDtes grtinteo to tjer maieS^
in tl)e parliament tioloen at M.m t!)c 3 1 perc of tjcr l^ifil)ncj5 catgnc

DO Cgnifie tnto t()e rigl)t ^ono;ablc tlsc iirSLreafoKri tl) ilBarons of

Cf()C(iuer,f to all ot^sr Ijer ipaicfiiee CommiCfionerB i officers

toto^om it (l&all appertaine,tl)at a 315*of Man ttje countp of <M. Cf*

quire,i5 tayeo mXi aCfeffeti to pay to ouv foae:3aigne latJie tl}e Queens
^aieflie,foj tl)e fecono papuicnt of t^e faio firG ^iibftDp, i l^atl) papo
f c.after tl)e rate of ):rltan lanri,amonga t^e inhabitants of tbe paril^
of ^*in tt)e ^uno;eD of i c*in ttie faio countie of ^. at iuljic^ place
fflio0.^*tDa0 altogetber reOoet iDitb bis family ati> time of tlje tap
ation of tlie faio &ub6Die.(0iucn bnoer onr banos f feales tbs l)i*Da^
of j. in tbe ycre of ttie raigue of one faio ^oueraigne iLaoie C^ucene

Laft Wills and Teftaments.

^^I^iamng bitbcvto intreafcD of 3!nlfruwents of fuel) conf raits as Scd. 0*3 2,

^ tafee effett in the life time of tbe parties, tuitb tbeir manif elD
Differences auo cramples: 3!t is noto time to Deals tuitb 3n^
ftvomentstDbiib tafeeeffctt after tbeir oeatbs. ^fluljicbfo^tbclatt
tUltUes ano STeftamcnts, ano letters of aDmintttration : tofjicb \ii a
matter of noleffe ciffituUie tban tbcfe otber, aflucl foj tbeir great Di
netCtie, as aUo foj tbetr obfcurif ie,aaibiguitie,anD incrtaintie:i?oj
man^ times it is ooubtful in toljet fence tbe S^eflato? U)oulo baue bis
tuo^DS tafeen, inf omucb tbat bis toill tberein map ratber bv pjogtgble
argmnent be gbeffcD tban rigl)tlj gatbeceD
51&^meanes bobereof it bappenetb oftentimcfi, tbat tbings locU
meant bp tbe 2ncttatojs,are euitl f oiuerflp fenscrftocd b tbeir potte*
titp ano furuiuojs.^bicb oifficuUp oeceiuetb fometinw not onlp tbe
common fo;t,but cuen men of gooD iungemet 1 3!nfomcb tbat of one
telfe qneftion tbep pjonounce Oifferent opinions.
as if a man oguife lanos to ^. ^* to ^mz 1 to ^ol^ to ijim foj^ueri
Symb. WilsandTcftamcnts. parc.priroat

anu oicauD tl}c cguifee enter info t\)t fame lanfi, fome t^infee ^e l)at^
ano otberfl tt)inU l)e !}atb only an eftatefo; tbe tcrntc of fiig life,fo)
luo^os 'joj cucr) can trtcnD to n^nc ott)er tljcn tUe
tl)cv t)olD tl)at tl)efe
DetuftjCibecaureno itio^e ped'ons be namcD in t^e Deoife.ano ttjat t^c
Ufecfmanintl)ig rcfpetf, is (aifito be fo? euectoitJj Mm. Pakins
Sea. 5 5 7.
'Bxxt (eetng all tlie ambiguitte0 ano incertaintte of ^illeB happen
cticfl? tt)?ouglj tl)c obfcuritic in tbe U)O)O0 0; fentcnces tbereof, it be*
\)(DiMl\) j^otartes,anD fuc^ a0 U);tte ^tl0,to Ijane fpeciall care to fet

BQtunc tt)e s:e(tato;g berie fenfe ano mino bcrp plainl^,U)it^ apt anD
fisniflcant lo;Dd ano pt};are0,omitting all iucl; as be eitber f)arD to be
tnoerftcDC, a
DiuerGpto be taken.
j^otluiti)(tauDtnstbat^il5 being ooubtfnll , are alloaiestore^
ceiue n bcntgne anD fauourable interpjctation, tbat if bp anp meanef
It can,tl}ep map ftano ano be of fojce : fo; mucb better it 15 tbat ^zeiliU
be pcrfpicncus of tbemfelaes, t^en to be inligbtneo b^ tbe trpoQtion
auo alloUjancc of otl)er0
^CFvC toiU tt}crcfo:e tn tt)i0 treatifc, oifconrfe of fome points of tl)(
bottrine ano tramples of laft Mills and Ceftaments plainelp.and
b:t{8p,lcauing pKcifeanc curious qucttions to be banoieo bp others
of better (UilU

0[ciPiUlfficceJfton,and\rhAt Lift mis andTeSaments he,

^ ^tt^^i^lfiia^bSncftamentSjarcaUinoofCmillfucccfrions*
^ L^ if 0} ctutll fuccedion is DtuibeD into fuccedton immeoiatc 0}
laU)full,anD meDiate 0; teftamentarie.
^uccedton meoiate o} (cflamentarie, is tDf)en tbe perfon beceafeD
^l)is batl) bp latu, anb tbat bp mans WLiX Ivbirl) recei'
\i\B rfftcacie

ueti) full arengti) bp and after tbe tcftatojs Deatb,anD no: befo;e,and
tyerefo^e it is calleD a lad ^ilU
:be otbcr is calUD lalufull fucceirion,becaafe it bat^ being bp tl)e
;3no tljc uieDiate ruccelTion,ts termeb tefltamentarie ( bp ^enecDO'
c^e) 0; tbat a teQament is tbe principal! bmo 0; part of lad Mils*
l^erebpttfeemetbtDitbbstbatan erecuto; map be termeo afuc'
eeSo; te(tdmentarte,lDt)icb is maoe bp t^e lad ^ill*
^ntianaominiarato;, afuccelTo} latofull> t^ic!) (U(cee^etl^t)im
to^ic^ oiett) inUKate*
Liber Wills and Teftaments. fecundus
0nD foj as maclj as teljile a teff amcnt is l)opeD,t!)ere is place foj m
latofuU fuccE(Tion,ti}e Doarinc at ttjat oagt)t to pjocecD tl)u0,
j9lailluiUtt)ecfoje(vltimavo!uncas) IS tl)c tiifpofitton o? befiolu
tng 0f a mans otone gmos anD lanO0, taking effect after l)is Deaty
, 0nD it ts iibeftdnuntarie o; CoDiciUaiie : namely U)ljicl) is maDC
|bp SDcft smcnt, o; Cooicill,o; s^cconle.
3 SEeftaiTient is DcfineD bp uicft men voluntatis noflrae iufta fcntcn-
tiajd^eoquodquispoltrroitenifuani fieri vcJit, fe; tljC perfecting of
to^ict) DEfinitfon,ii feemctt) gooD to aODc tl)cfe Ujojos, ( cum exccuto-
ris jn(iitutione) foj toUl}out an creditor tl)ere can be no teSanient,fo;
t^appolntment of an erecuto; is tbe true formal caufe t^ereof,gtntng
2im tt)erefo3e Tome fl^ojtl^ Oefine a SDedament (hxredis inHitutio)
luijic^ is tlie naming of an erecuto},U}t)ereupon toe map Cap, a Cetta^
ment IS a iuS(entence,o} Declaration of our minoe, concerning ttiat
iui)ic^ iDe tooolD baue Done after our Deat^s,tuttt) tbe o;Daining of an
epecuto) tt}ereof.
^; ratl)er a teftament \b a lad tDtll,lubtct) of l)!s otone nature in it
felfecontainett) a Direct inHitutionof an erecntoa*
ST^e Doartne of ^eitaments ftanoetl) tipon ttoo part0,ti)e making
anDDettropingt^erof : botb luljir^^anD alfot^eUiiUof euerietettato;
are to be meafureD bp tl}e rules of ttje lain*
2:bemabingofateftameit,istt)erigl)tU)l)icb giuetb tbecommu^
nion 0} participation of tbe teHament.^no tl)is ifi c^iicfip regar DeD in
tbeperfens, anDtbc fo;me of tl)ete(tament.
0nD perfons are paincipall o; le)Ie principal : t\)t principal perfons
be tbe tettato; i tbe erecuto^jlelle pjmcipall be tlic Itntueftcs anD lega*
to}ies:t)erenpon tbe making onlp of a tefloment is actiue anD paUiue.
SHbeactiucmakingofateHamcnttstbat Uiticb belongetl) to ti}e

tettatoMbat^ebanerigbt anopcUjertumakcatcflaaient.
0nDtt)epa(tiue making of a ^ettament,is tl)at rigf)t lubtcb per^
tainetb to t^erecutp? anD otber pecfons lefTc p;imipall in teftaments,
as tobemaDe emuto;s,Iegato;ieSj0^iDitnefies t^crcof,to tak fomc
legacies o; benefits t^ecebp*

> ^b ,U^Z
. 51
Symb. WilsandTeftamenis. parcprim

JVhut perfons ntay make Tefi^tmentf,


0nti all petfonsaflueU males 80 females; map be teKato^i i make

SiC^*6i^, t6ament0,bnt facb as are p^o^ibtteD : of toljic^ Tom are fo^biDtien to
mal^e teffamcnts bp nature,anD Tome bp latu.
%yg nature,tt}}oiTgl; Defect of mtno o) loticbut no longer ttien fuc^
snije Defect of mint) id tobcnettbcr bis age is fucb tbatbetoantetb
lJircretion,o) being of age toanter!) it bp Chance, ritber natnrall o; ca<
faaU:^ftbeftrftfo;tbecl)ilDacn lubtcb fe"o^ notUibat ttjepfboulo
Do,as men bnoer riitji. vcars olo, ano uiomen Dnoer r^.peares, tobtcb
abouc tl)at age map mnfee STcftamentSjbut not of tbcic lanDS of inbe*
ritmKebcfo;ctt)easf ofrrj.pears,?4.H.8.ca.5.S.li.i.ca.2i.li.2.ca,28
hereunto tnap be aooeo ootmg olD perfons iDanting iuDgcment,anD
Djunfearos boio of rcaion.
)f tbe later fojt be maDc foolcs ano jDcots at tbat time of tbe xm*
SElje Defect of boDpas fucb infirmitp bp tobicb tbe pjinr ipaU fenfw
neceffarie to; tbe maUing of (E^ills are binD^eo, as Deafncd^, bUno
neflfe,anD DumbneOTe
^umb o; Dcafe folkes bp nature can make no teil^aments, but tbep
being fobpcbancco;acctDent map mabeteOaments if tbepbeelear^
ncD,anD can U);tte ano reaDe*
0nD blinD folbes ano Dumbe folkes map in Tome caufes bp 0gnes,
^Bp llalx) are fo^biDDen Tcflari fucb as be fubiect to otbers potoer,
as bonDflaues billaines, (but fucb as be erecuto^s to otbers) ano luo*
mencouert, tuitbout confent of tbcir bufbanDs ( ercept erecutrices
to otberSjOj of cbofes in action) Sl^onfees,Cbanons, jFricrs, t fucb Of
tbcrfuperftitioust)otar!S,i4.H.8.i'5.2.R.2.5. ano fucb as bane no
ettate 0} abtlitie,as traitors, felons conuict,noto}tousberettcl!es, 0^
pofiates,capttues bp tuft loars^perfons outlatoeo o; toaiueo^perfons
impaifoneD bp oures,a f elo of bimfelf: fo? tbefe perf ons baue no goOK

IVho may he executors or legatories ,and rvho ot,

SeCV. 61$, STbepaitiuemaking of a Mill is artgbttotake bp a CeSamenf,

tobicb rigbt aUlopal fubieits baue^as freemenpt)iUeins>men>tpometi
Liber Wils and Tcftamciits. fccundus
Cngle o; marrieD , tIjilDjcn , pea tljotig^ tbcp be in t\)iiv mot^erfi
lDombe,lap men, and clerke(. ^nttraito?s,felon0,^creticke0,apo'
Cates,?erfon5 outlatoeo, auD fuel) otljer0,m0^ not mabc tettamenta,
na^ nciU;$r be cmuto?5 no; legatone0*

fVha tpcrfoMS may be witne^es ofTefiaments.

perfonsleffe pjincipall are toitneffe^ of ttie inabing of tljetella'
^ a /? /;.

inent,Uilj"l) niuft be tl)jee o? fonrco? mcje fufficicnt pecfons bauing ^^"'^3
potoer to make Ce(tament5,anD tjoiDof all natarall ano ctuiU tmpe^
Diment0 iubicb map tmpeacb tbeir creoite anD teffimente*


Wit baue fpoben of 2Cc0ament$ : noto let ScA. 6^/,

tbe perfons requifite in
i) bietu tbeir fo;me e^ maner of making % pobliObtng of tbenu Cbe
fo;me truelp of making of iSTcllamentd, is tte terp DtfpoOtton of tbe
^ellament rigt)tl^ maDe,U)t)tcb i0 conQDereD m tt)e fubQancc ano in
luaro fo;me tbereof , ano in tbe outluaro action of making ano p^tsfe
of the fame Ceftament*
SLbe fubttance o; fo;me of Ccttament^ conGffetb in tbe berp inlh'
tution $ tbe o:Deinmg of an erecuto;, ano in tbe tbings of U^bicb bif^
portion is tberebp maoe*
nt tnfltitation of an Crecuto^^is notbing eire,bat i^t Ceilatojs
naming ano appointment lobom be toil baue to be bis fuccelTo} in biis
Keao to enter ano to baue biisi gooos ano cbattels, bfe actions againd
bis oebtojs, ano to paie bis Debts ano legacies f o far as bis gcoos anD
0nD an erccoto; map be eitber of al tbe SCeSament, ano tben bs ii
tearmeo bninerfall o? of pact, as of plate $c. ano tben be is nameo a

i?uctbermo;e, tbe inSitution of an erecuto^ is pure,02 mirt*
0purein(titution of an crecuto},is,U)benoneo;mo2eerecuto}0
lie flmplpmaoelDitbout time o; conoition: fo; tbe Cedato? map af^

figne as manp eyecntojs asbetoill, being capable tbereof, as if be

(ap , B make ^* )15f mine Crecnto;, o; anp otber too^oes of tbe Uke
SEbemirtinttitutionof aSDeftamentis bpontime o^tponconbi^
znpon time, as if tbe SHedato} make Bl*^* W oiodUt^
(ommetl) to full age^ o) from ^onoon, 02 labile be at
^02 ano
Symb. WilsandTeftaments. part.primat
ant) ftic^ lil^c references to time, as to ma^e ^tm erecnto; oaring ten
pcareSjO) after ten geared $c
xmpon conuition,as lutjen t!)e Ceftato: appointetb 31&
to;, if ^cbefojepjobation of SCeffament fino futficicnt fucrties
W txcca

fo; t\)t performance of 1)10 U)ill,or toUbtbcaDDition of anp ot^er pof*

fible l)one(l conDitian o; con Ditions, fo; impofTible conoitions binoer
not tbe pure maUing of tl)c erecutojs.
0nD as one o? mojecrccutojs map be maDe fimplp o; conbitional^
lp,oj toitt) reference to time, fo mnp legacies anu Denifes be maoe to
one 02 (Poe fimplp oj conoitionallp.o; tuttl) reference to o; from time
0nD note ti)at altijougb ttJ^t w tt)e n^Iignation of cFecuto2S,ano gi*
uing of ilcgicus, ano making of Deuifes, our iLato refpectetb not fo
mucb tt)s natucdll pjopertic anQ ftgnification of WojDs as t^c true in*
tent ano meaning of tbe SCcftato;, U)!)ofe mmo is tbetjcrp life ano
foulc of tbc aCeftament : pet it is altoaies \)er^ requifite tbat tbe ton
tcrsof tclfamentsDoecrpjelTc tbeiame toitbasapt anpfignificant
U)o;Ds as map be,fQ2 auoioing of all fcrupies as map olberU)ife t)ap
pen bp Doing t\)z contrary.

ofmaking ofTcfiaments.

3!t folloluctb to fpeahe of i\)t berie fiction of mabing a SCeffament,

tobicbconflftetb cbieflpin tbe fact tt;ereof, ano putting of IvitnelTei
tbereunto,U)l)icb is to be bone at one felfe time
SC^e fojmc of publifbing a teffamenti6tbcberpactionto!)trebpa
teSament is p;ooaceD,publikelp openeD,reciteo,o; maoe UnoU)ne

of the deflroyi}ig ofTefi'ainents,

Sea.^3 8 i SCbebeftroping o; tocafeening of a 2neftaOTent,is toben tbe perfon

ttameD ejcecuto2,cannot,o; loill not be erecuto2, o; Die before be (ball
tabebpon l)im tbe erecuto}(bip> o; (ball not be capable thereof*

ofa Codicil.

o . T^l^e later feinboj part of fuccellion bniuerf all, is termeDCoDicil

Sea. 63^. 1 larie.
^ CoDicil is an imperfect lalf iBill of cne f cCf ate oj intett3te,nof ap^
pointing anp ert^cuto;, ijal)tc^ m^^ be eitlier Ui^tten o; nnncupatitie*

Liber Wills and Teftaments. fccundus

0nD it ri^iUetf) notitiliit)atpartof aS[:e(!ament(I}terecato;i8na'
mc9 ^olDbett, tt fectnet^ goso to name f)mi in t\)t bcr^ begtnmng,
bccanfe t^e appointing or an crcruto; xb tbe ber^ ^eao ano founoatton
of a Ccttmnent, tDitl)out tlje toUif ^* neitfjcr can it ftanD, no? m\\> nz>
ulfe 0^ legacic b^ effectuall* 0nD againc^aCoouil k$ eitt)er peifciX o;
psrfeit CoDidl (0 a CoDictl bsuing an oblique inditutton of an
txtitttoit SEbiaCoDialrcrsmUetba Eel&anKnt9anDt0tn(leaoofa
:^eilamcnt of one Dptng tntefiate.
0n bnpcrfeit CcDicil is an aDDition annereo to a KtHs^mtnt, ano
it is tcftamentarie o? fuWlDarie.
CoDtcil tedamentaricjts a part of tt)e 2Lcllament,anD an aDOiti'
on 0? fupplemcnt tt)ereunto,bp tot^icb rometbing is aooed to aSCeffa^
ment,o;i f ouie tbing Dstraaeo tberefrom bp tbe te&ato?> fo; tlje eicpla^

nuig 02 amendment tbereof*

fabfioarie CoDial is infcrfcD into a SCeftamentjto tbe fnD,that it
tliat It be not of fo^e b^ tbe tigbt of a 2:)etanicnt,it mapbecffectuaU

as a CoDiciiyaiiD i$ ratb^r termeo a coDiciUarie claufe tl)en a Codicil*

OfTefiamettts written and tinncufattPie*

0nD eucrp STettament is cltbcr tonttcn o? nancupatiuetaiujitten S^(k.6^9i

STeftament t5 tbai l^Mcl) at tbe berp time of tbe making tberof t0 pnt
in ijiting,bp tobicb Uino of ITcftmwnts onelp lanD ans tenements
map be DemreD,fo2 tbep cannot paSe bp a /luncupatine^o; lad I^lill^
nuncupatiue sncffament i, tobcn t!;c tettatoj Dotb bp toojo onlp
iDittjout U);iting, Declare bis iiHUll bcfo;e a fuSfictcnt number of ttz^
OibU l]3ttnetrc5*
2Ue(famentBnuncupatiuc,fo; tbe better pjQjfcfcontinoancetfjf re*
of, ma? after tbe mafeing of tbe fame bcput in tojittng, ano pjoue ot
iDbiib^ncttPttbltanDing tbat tbe? be (o lu^itten^are M calle^,ano arc
inbceOjSreHaments nuncupatiue*

Offnccejjton vmHcrfall lawfully and admmiflraticn.

^ be tbat is Deao,is in teffafe,eitbcr fo? tbat be maoe no Cellar ^^^ $^ j

b en
tnent,o} maoe one, anD tbe erecuto2 refufe to p;oue iU^i o{berU)i(e,i9
of no fo^e: Cben lalufuU c; imoieDfate fucceflfion tal^etb place*
^nd tl)is fncceCTion is calUo ;aDmintllcation ? Ip^tc^ is ti)at f ran
^03 tu^ic^

Symb; Wills and Teftamcnts.' partprimse

iD^lc^ tlie tJjbman? of tbe place iuljere m
inrettaf e t)icD,commitfet&
to anp perfon touctjing t^e f ntettatea g(DD!5,cl)atteU,creDit0,f ristjts:
fo? tp^erefoeuer a man Diett) inteftate, tljc )jomaric of ttat place
map comit t^s aominittcation of t)is gooDS to l)t0 lDifc(if flje furniuc)
t>^ to t^c nE)ct of tl)c intcttatcs feinne requiring tljc famcbp t^c ttatute
0tto tl)e potDer ano ctjargc of an ^Dtntntff rato; 10 equall in eucr^
reCpgtt to l^e potocc ano cljarge of erecutojs,fo? t^ep arc hot\) to ijaue
ano fue to} ijis gcDDs ano oebts iuitlj^olocn from tl)em,anD are bouno
to pap |it0 Debts bp rpcciaUie,acco?Dins to tl)e t aluc of f^is gooo,3 1
Ed.^. cap.ii.
0no fometimcs furtljer bp tljeir oclapes oj falfe plcc to^icfj Ipe in
tbeir otone notice, ano being true, are percmpto^ie barren to tbe cre^
HitojfloftbcirCettatojjO^Hlntcftatc. ilSntljaft Ujce to t\)t fcuerall
fo)meof SCcaamentfijCoDicilgjanD )Sils of <3ominiftration,bfsirt

u4 very perfe l^forme of a Will,

%z(k,6^l\ 1 N the name of God, Amen. EljC 2 ^.Oap of ^pjilljin X\)t pcre Of Our
lilojD ^oD I ;9 2, 3 3.^. tljc bnpjofitable feruant of (0oD,Ujeahe in
boDicbut (trong in mmo, Doe luilUnglp ano tDttb a free !)eart rcnoer
ano giu againe mto tbc banos of mp 3Lo;o (25oD ano Creato3,mp fpb
tit, UJbicb be of bis fflttjcrlp goooneffe gnue bnto mc, iubcn bee firH
talbioneD me in mpmott)erfl U}ombe,maUingmc a lining ano area*
fonablc creature, notOing Doubting, bat tbat foj bid infinite mcr^
ties, fct fonb in t^e pjeciou^blouD of bisDcarclp beloueD S)onne,
3efusCbJiff,ourcnclp^auiopranD l\eDeemcr,beU}iU rcceiue mp
foulc into bis glojic, ano place it in tbe companie of tbe beaucnlp ^n*
geU awD bleffcD faints And a0 concerning mp boote, cucn iDitb a
gooD toill aoD free beart 3 giue it ouer, commcnDing it to tbe cartb
tobcrecf it came, notbing Doubting, but accoiDing to tbe Article of
mp faitb, at \\)^ great Dap of tbe gtnsroll rcrnrrctticn, Vuben toe (ball
appeare befojs ttjc iuDgemcnt feat of CbJilr , 3 Iball rcceiue tbe fame
againe bp i\t migbtie potucr of C15oD, lubcrelintb be is able to Tub*
Dae all tbings tjo bimfclfc : not a coKRptible,mo^taU,tocalje,anD bile
l)0Die,as it is nolu, but an incorruptible, immojtall, Crong,anD
perfect boeic, in all points lifee bnto tbe glojious boDie of mpilojD
auD^auiour lefus Ci^jift Fjrft,as toucliing mp QSiUfejtoit^ tobom 31
V7illsandTefl:aments; fecundus
coitplco ^
mp Celf e in feare of d^ou, rcf aCns all ot^ct
bjonieti, 3
cttate of
lincfeeD mp fclfe tDnto ^er, Uuing Iwitl) Ijec in t^e bUffeO
of dDoB Bl^aoc nohi
^ono?able iS)eOl3tU,'o^ lutjom aUo Op tl)e bieaing
ir*tisill. }L.i*36a*if anoa*
fflure fonncs anD t^jee Daagl)tV0,viz.
Doubt not bat ttjat C^ot; after rr.g cepatture, accojomg
anu albeit 31
father, a patron^ano
to H$ p^omif e.tia be bnto ^er a ^utban,?a a
DefcnoerjanDliJiUnct (D^ei:ttolacUc if(fectrufi,feate,anD
fsjafmucl) a0 (0o0
^im DiUsentlp, calling t)pon ^is bd? i?-am ;

batbbleCeD nit tout)U3o;lolsfubaance,anDU}e umme oUjneael^,

an9tobofop;euiDetbnot{o2bi. Dtmetl)t^efaitb,anD
an HinfiDell: 3tt)erefojcciue ano bqaeatt)bnto
life*,if aie temainc fo long
DnmarcieD , tbe occupation of tbi0 bouie,
iwit^ tlje appurtenam
anbirarmebolDC0U)berein31 noluotoellati^^.
0no alfo the rente ano
ce0,cucn as 3i pjcfentlp occupte tbc fame
pjofitespearelp ariQng of m^ifarmebolDca
in f, m
tbe tenure of

km. iano lihcUjife tl)e occupation of all otber mp lanoes ano tcne^
of ^ in tbeCountic of
mcntsi,ret, lping,ano being in tbe patift
p.nom no liaae, twitb alfo ber tbiios out of all mg gooDs (erccpt

m Jleafes ) obfcruing tbe coBOitions, gifts , bcquettg ,

ciesbcreafteuinfuingan full recompenceof ber tbuDS
anp lega#
o? Dolwer of
ano altoaies referueo to mec
all mv lanojB ano tenements. anD crccpt

ano mine beiiesfojeucr, m ^m of 0olD tobicb 3 bfc totoeare

urnitucc fo; tbe lDarre
anc fealc iuitbaU,anD all mine armour, ano f
fc.U)itballtbeeila!IeanDmainffeoi,in ano about nig boufe at ^.
, ano
annercoto tbe freebolD ttjain^
And if it
asbeirelomcsfompfaiobon^e ano mine beiies fo; euer.
marcic againe ano take an bmbano,
fiiall fortune m^faio iuife to
faio boufe at l^.ano all otbec
Iben mv IdiU ano full minoe is,tl)at mi?
ano farmes at i^. ano ^.afo;efaio,
mp faio lances, tenements,
toitb tbeirp?of(tesano appurtenances, all remaine,OifcenD, anD
come immeoiatclg to tbe l3fe,bet)oofc,ano occupation
of mil. 3.
ano a. mpcbiiojen, curing tbeminojitieofmme
no manner of VDaffe ounng tbe faio terme. ) ano m fuUrecompence
to bane During tbe tcrme of ber life naturall
gaieo vearelp out of mg
tbe fnmme of fojtic ponnos cflalDfuU moncs
0)6 fapet^
fo;efalDlanoc0 ano tenements in ^. anD ^* toberetoitb
ilet tbis fnfftce foj rag
(be is notD rigbt tt'Cll yleafeo ano content cD.
into bts pjo^
iDtuespo2tion,tei)om3iOoubtnot but0oo tuUl tafec
fi)D;t pilgrimafie,tbat
tectton,ano f o pjouice f oj ber in tbe time of ber
(beefl)6U\oantnogooot^ins;ano3beartilg oeOre
^04 QiugenE
Symb. Wills and Teftaments. part.primaB

diligent in trapwingtjp our faio c^ilojen in tije fe^xt f Dottrfne of tfee

510J0, fo <0oD be bnto t)er a l^ufbano, an?! to tbe cljilDjen a ^a*


t^tu Morcoucr, as touching mp cbilojen, albeit 3 am futlp^erfua*

t)CtJ,tbat(25oDacco;Dmgtot)ispJonitfe,lDill be a ifntl^crbntotbem,
anoif tbepltueinbisfcare,bctoiUnot fee tbcm lacUet petfincetbe
latDofdDoDano nature require, tbat3l(l)oulD baueareafonablccaic
of (beni,tberefo;o 3 giucbnto inp eioeft fonne 5^anD to tlje iCfue male
of bid boDie, laUifutlp begotten, all mp lanos, tenements, ano l^ereDi^
taiiient0,tottt) tbeir appurtenances, in }$, anD 3. ic. oj eUelJDl)ere
iDitbintb^i^calmcof CnglanDjpurcbafeD of 0313. ttje pojtionap^
pointeo to mp faio U)ife,fo? ano During ber life bnto ber marnagcas
afojefaicaliwaieg ercept ano fojepjifeo.^no fo3 Default of fuel) idixti
to ?K!!Tmp fccouD fonne,anD to tbc liUe iliac male of bis bo^ic 0nD fo;
tcfault of furb iflfu^ ^o ^* ftp tbuD fonne, ano to tbc liUc illuc male of
|)is boDie.i^nD fo; Default of fucb i^ue,to tbe nert bcires of mc tbe Ui^

3, !^. foj cuer. AncltotbefaiD3C-anQa*l[>.3giiicanobcqncatbtbe

otber tluo parts of mp gocDs, crcept mp lleafes, anD one bm^Djrtb
pouuOsgiuento^.anDil. hsbeieafter is erpjeflfeDanoappointcD
Prouided alwa)cs, tbest if mv Taio fonnes ItUnD L. 0; eitbcr of lijeni,
to t'ojtune to Die befojc tbep fljoU accomplift) tl)e full age of rrj.pcre 0,
tbcntbefuruiaoiof tbemfljall cniop fucb bis pojtion as is limitcD
anD appoinieD to be paiD, tb^t is to fap,fiftie pounos to eaclj of tOeni
And tf it fojtune, C5oD to taUe to bis mercie botb mp faiD pounger
fonnes,bcf<33e tbe accompliftimcnt of tbc faiD xtU'^tns abouc rectteo,
tl)at tben botb tbcir faiD pojtiens to be equallp DiuiDco amongtt mp

Daugbters tbcn liuing. And if it fojtunc mp tuifc'to be luitljcbUD

at tbe time of mp Deaib, tben tbat cMlD to baue as mucb in cucrp re
fpectas tbe faio 3. anD 3. tbJougbout all t^)etU)o parts of mpfaiD
gooDs, anD all otber legacies befoie 0? bcrcaftcr meuttoneD, appom?
teD,anD let out. Prouided alwaics, tbat if 3! marrie anp of mp faiD
jaagbters before mp Dcatb? tben tbat Daugb^er to banc no part of mp
faio tU)o parts of mp faiD gooDS, in anp oti}cc fcjt,ti}n as to baue bci:
part of fucb cbilos portions of mp gcors i-s G^al! iojfunc to Die,as is
l)freafter erpjcltes* Prouided, tbat all nipJleafes fijall be taUen as
ne part of mp gooDs, but Df lioereD bn:o mp ?rpeiUifcjs,fafelp to be
feept to tbe bfe of mp nert beire, Durinn: tbc nonage of mp faiD nert
Ijeire, putting in gooD fuvetics in cweltboufanD 35arhes to mpfaiO
S>upcruifoa6, anD crecutoj5,anD aDminittrcto^s, 0; fome of tbem, to
anftocre to fucb portions anD legacies as bere- :v is tnentioncD,Decla
reD, appointcD; ano giue to t^e tell of t}ts b;et'i};cn ano (ta^rs out of
Liber WiIsandTeftaments. fccundus
mp faiD Icafes, as aUo f rudp to obfcruc furl) limifattons awD ettatea
fljSsljeremarealfoappotnfcD oj fetout And tljat be fljall
uot alien,
bargaine, oj any of mp Icafefi, but tl)af tl)e fame fljall after ^is oe*

cet^fe remainc to m\? nenl)eiremale, fojtlie better maintenance of

tljis mp t)oufc at 1^, auD f o from ^ctre male to Ijeirc male Nor (ball
natmabe an^ leafes abooe tl)etermeef ttoentie anoonepearetfjOj
one 0? ttDo [ims at tbe mod, referuing ti^e rentis notD accuQomeD*
And if be (ball refafe fo to ooe, tbentUJO tobole partes of all mp
faiotPbolelaH^s togoe to ^2li.mpfeconoronne,b5 putting in gooD
(uretteiS as is afa;ifato . 0no in Default tl^ereof tben to 11 UbsUitfe
asaboue is Tito I^em, 3!U)iUtbatm cafettoopattsof mpgooDs
iDillnotanfluereeacr'^of mp bausbterstbe fullfummeofttoobunj'
D^eo pcunDs fn tbcir niartages, tben 3 luill tbat tljere (Ijall be tafecn
out of mine ovune Ijn^s f ouimonlp called SC ttusnite pounos uerelp,
anD oi5t of mpleafe of ti^. vearelp bntill fuel) timi as euery of mp faio
ttooDaugbCciS baue ?}aD tl)t tuft fuinme of fc. foj their faiD filiall
portions. And if \t d)n[i fortune anp of mp faiD Daughters to Die be?
fo2e tlie age of rk.pecrcs bnmarieo, oj maricD oj bauing anp iffue of
bsrboDic UtDfullu bcivoiten: SEbcn^RVDill t^at ber portion foDping
fl)all remdine to tbe itber of bcr b;ctb;en anD Ofters furniuing And

if It tball fojtune? 30 to toUc an otber of mp faiD Daugbters in man^

ner anD fojme abouefaiD SEbat tben tbc feconD oangbCers pojtioji to

Dping niallbc lifeetoifc cquallp DeuiDeD betlueene mppanger fonnes

anDtbeoaugbtcrtbcn fuiuiumg. Prouidcd alU)aits,tOatiftbcfaio
"(M* anD il.oj enpof tbcm Doerefufc to CPanD to tbis nuucappoint*
nicnt:2Ebat tben tbcp to banc onlp tbcir filuU pontons of mp gooD0,
ano no part of mpleafcsoj otber annuities o? legacies in tbismp
tD'll giucn oj bqueatbeo b'lto tbem, oi nnp of tbem, anD tbat tben t\)z

fatD legacies 02 annu'ties apyointcD berem to goe Uibclie to mp

l^augbtcrs, tlWucb ftf^^e Xi* paieEJ
as encrp of tbcmb-'suc tbe faiD
fo? ciicrp tbf ir po:tic^^s. And if mp Uiife beftol anp moje on mp faiO
fonnr?, let it b? bpon tDeir gooD beb^uio^ toluarDiS ber* 0nD pet if it
fortune mp faiD Wife to Die Wau
tbsp 0; anp of tbem Doe accompllG^
tnengy of applpingtbcmreluesobEDicntanDliUetoife
ttltgcntlp at tbeir learning, 3loillt^}cn after b^rDeceafe, tbepanD
cittcrof tv?m fo aplping, anD bdng bnser tbeagc of t\uentie frre
^tpxcs ITjaU baue pauD fojtie HiiUin as mo5c p^relp out of mp moitie
f 15, tntdl incb time as tbep anD citber of tbem Doc acccmplifi) tbc
full age of fojtte pcatc6,if tbep fo long toe hue. Item 3j isjill in
3nfiDsriiti&n of mp faio oaugbtfJ^^ portion foappointeDont of mp
Symf). Wills and Teftaments; part.pritiiae

tain gootJS 1 2Ci)at Wi* t^. m^ fecono &onnc C^all ^aae ene peareUc
annoitie of fiftccncponnD0 curing i\}t minojitie of minetjeicclDljcc*
ofcis^tpounDafireOjiUings anncig^t pence, to le taken of tljcpjc^
fitsarpCngof m^Uafe in JiS.anu five UiQ.i3.iiM*out oftnpmoitie
of a* anu after facl) time as mp f aso Ijcirc Ojall accompUfij t)i full
age , tl)cn anD from tljencefojtb ttjc fait) S^t. to tiaue tfee faio fitteene
ponnDspaicO^carcl^ out of 515 During rig^peares t^cnneptfoltolu^
tng,iftl)cfaiDS<l.fo long Doe liue 0nDif t)eDiebefo;etljcenooftl)e
faioiciti.^earc,ani3leaueiffuc of tiig booie laVufullp i3esottn,t^cn
tl)atiffuetot)aueonelt? fircpounDS tljirfecne ftillings foure pence,
f)aieD ^earel^ During tt)e ^eare0 to e):penD of tt)c faiD tljirteene ^itts^
if tt}ntiaue fo long Dos liue>to be taken of tbep;o6t0 of^.afojeCaiO)
at tde fcaCt of pentecolt, anD fe^^artin bp euen pojtton0 And foj
nonpayment of tl;e faiD Ij^X* anD Ufeeiuifc l)is nert iCue, from time to
ttmCjtoDiftrainebntill ttefamebefnll^ fatiffieo anD paicD toitb tl)e

arreragcs if anp foitunc to betnpaicD Item 31 giuc ano btcjueatb

to3l.!^m^tbirD ^onnc oncgearcl? annuitieof bj.Pi. riyiaiij^ti
tPbereof iiij.pounDflto be paieDpearclpout of mpfaiD leafeof 15.
janDliUcUjifefoureQ^arhesoutof 3.Durmgtl)ennnDjitieofnipneFt
l)cire 0nD after mp f aiD beire Datb accompliU) i}is full age, tben tbe
toljole bj.Pt. rtij'f?. iiij ti luljereof iiij . pounog to be paieD During tbe
termc of xn, peares tben nert follotjaing out of mv faiD leafc of 15.if
iiefo long Doe line, anD if be Die befoje tbecno of tbc faiDtermeof
prr peareg, auD leaue iGut of %is boDie latofuUp begotten^tben tbat
illae to banc onelp Sue ^ar^g ^erelp During tbe faiD yercs to crpenD
if tbe faiD iffuc fo long liue, f to be paicD at tbe fcatt aboucfaiD,tuitb
libc Dittreffe to be taken fo; nonpayment tbereof. And if it fojtune
ani) of ibem to Die bcfojs tbcnD of tbe fai'o terme of rvr. peare0,anD
leaue no iffoe of bis boDie Itutng, anD tbe otber bjotber baling iffue,
tben tbat b;otber furuiuing, anD tbe faiD i0ue fcrliuing to baue ^erel^
During tbe faiD scares to erpenD onelp Urc pcunDs tbirtcene fbiUingfi
anD foure pencc,anD no moje out of )13.afo3cfaiD And if it pleafe (25oD
to Cake to bis mercie i^.mine elDell ^onne Uiitbout illue male of Ijis
OoDie latufullp begotten, as tberebpmj> lanDB Do DifceuD bnto tbe

r^iD W^\)i5 bjotber, tbat tben tbis legacpoj annuity fobequeatbeo

mtD giuf n bnto tbe faiD ^.
anD ^is iCTue, to ceafe, 1 to be paieD to il
auD bis nejrt iffuc in maner anD fo;me as is appoinfeD to tbe faiD W[*
anDbisidue, anD tbe faiolegacieo? annnitiefo ftrtl giacn bnto tbe
laiD 2l.anD bis iflfue to be tJoiD.And if it fbal fortune mp fasD fonne iF
Co Die and leaue iSTue female of ^is boisie UU3fnUg begotten>t()at tt)eti
Liber WiIsandTeftaments; fccundus
tl)efato M*t^ t* fcnfolDljom mv faiD Imu fl&aU come^ojtl^enej:!
t)etre male of tl)cm a^all pa^ bnCo tt;at taae female of t|)e boDie of e^e
fatDi? flue ^tmD;et)^at;ke0,totDQrD0tl)e preferment of t^at tflnc
female, tuitljtnftue ycares ncrt after tl)e fato ttlue female Q)aU ac

compute tl>e age of eigtiteenc ycare^, tijat is to fap, owe ^onDjeD

i|^arke0|?earelp,tf ObeeDoeltae folons, or to tbe ilfue of ^er boote
laU)f ull^ begotten, if ti)at tlTue jfo long Doe ttae 0nD fo; nonpayment
thereof tn manner ano forme abonefaiD, t|)at ttjen tl)at tduc female^
anDtt?'rtftaeof tbat tl^ae female, latpfullp begotten, to bane ano to
IjolD tnto ber, anD tlie beircs of tbe boDie of tl)2 fait) iffue female Into*
fullp begotten, all mp lands tuition tbc 3Lo?M)ipof D purcljafeOof
fc. to tbefaiD iOfae female, ano tbe iCfue tljereoflalxifuUp begotten,
for euer 0nD for Default of fucb iirue,to mpnertbetre malcawD tbeic
beires for cuer Prouidcd alwaies,tbatmpMife n)all baue ti;e oc*
cupation of tbe lanDs ano tenements contain eo in mp faiD ^eafes, to
l)eroUjnepropert)fe,anDeDucation of mp cl)ilDren, fo longasfbatl
pleafe bcr,anD Isccping bcrCelfe bnmarrieD,anD in mp name, paping
after tbe rate of 6ue pounDS lelTe in tbe U>bole pearelp rent tben ano^
tbertuill Doe for tbe fame, anD not otbectoife. Prouided alfo, tbat it
it (ball fortune od to tahe all mmc beires, before t^ep tball baue

ilTue male laVufnllp begotten, fo as tbece be no tlfue male proceeDtng

of fbem,or anp of tbem, fo as tbcrebp mp lanDs Do DifcenD to tbe iflfoe
female: tben tbat iffue female fball iuitbin ttoo pearesncyt enduing
facbcertainel^no\uleDgebaD,dnD bpon reafonable Demauno maoe,
enter irfto bono to pap, or caufe trnelp to be contcnteDano paieD fo
tbe nejct iSm male of mp bjotljer IS i^ tU)o bunDrcD f)arkes of laU)^
full monep of CuglanD* 0nD for Default of fucb iffucmale of mp faiD
brotber, tben to pap bnto bis i^m female an bunoreD ^paiUeSf ;anD
to tbe nertiffue females of tbe abfiucfaiD2:si.atBD3.anD0 Sue bun^
DrcD i^arfeeSjviz. to cuerp one of tbem an bunDrcD ^arUes,if tbe faiD
illues DO line bntill tbep be of t})z age of ninetecne peares, auD if anp
of tbem Die before tbat time, tben tbe furuiuors to eniop tbe portions
of tbem fo Dping. 0no for nonpapmcnt of tbe faiD feucn or five bnn^
DjcD parties, as boucfaio: tiizt\ i\)2 itluc male of mp faiD brotber,
anD females of tup faiD brotber, ano alfo ttjt iffue
liUctuife tbe ilfue
females of tbe faiD Mi.3e.3. anD ^. to enter into mp moitie of mp
lanorof^.anDtbcfametobolD, ocfupie, ano to cnicptoUjcm ana
Ibeirbeires forcuen Sbis feuenorfirebunDreD^arius,asaboue
is mentioneD,3 giue as atcfecn of continuall remembrance of tbe
ttArtic icale? louc, f affection 3, beacc to tbe aDumucment of i\)t i^at
Symb. Wills andTeftaments. pait.primae

getierallof we
and rapfaiocIjilD?ew,as alfo tl)c furnamcanDbljole
blout) cf mc faio ^. \$* anD tl^c ilTue of mp faiQ bjo't)er. Item, 3

gtoe anD bcquentl) tinto mp faiD louing bjot^cr H ^;). if Ije be liuing

at tl)e nap of mp Deatb ? mp beft gotanc jc. Iccm, 5 gtuc bnto eucrp of
nipfcrnantsmtnpbonfc at tlje DapofmpDcatbic. tfttjepbfctijem*
felues Diligentlp ano l)oneftlp totoaro mp Uiifc During one pearc tljen
folloUiing f c. item, 3 gtue to ^.M. mp goDfonne one Colt, of tt);ce

0? fourc pcarefl olo, to be oeliuercD bnto l)im loben bee fi)all nr:om*
pUfl) tbe rge of one ano tluentie peareg* 3no to H. dD. if tljc be iiotng
af tbe oap of mp beatbi one CBtoe. Zn^ to ^% 115. an elo kingtHl. Pro-
uideH alwaycs, SUbat if nip tuife Doc oiafee anp cballenge 0; cinpme
to anp pnrt ofttje tbicDs, eitljer of mp lanes 0; gooos, 0; to anp part

ibereof Lp fojce of being CBtecutrir, ottjer tben befoje is mention

neo auD let out fo? ber 9 ad in fucb lit^e cafes nianp bnUinDe luomen
tjaueocnc, tontrarie to tbegooo meaning, luiU, ano truft of tijetc
l)ufbanD5, in pjciuoice of tbeir naturall cbJlojcn, lubicb mp faio Ujife
batb faitbfullp p;oMiirec to me (tit tuill not ooe, tbe ratber, foj tbat 3I
bane Done notbing berem, but bp ber full confcnt ano agceiment in
suerp bcbalfc : tbat tben fijec to lofe tbe benefit of rill fuel) legacies,
anD commooitics appointeb anD giuen berebp to ber, ano
all otl;er

tbe fame to remaine amongtt all mp cbilD;cn Now a0 toucbing tbe .

poo;e , inlcmucb, as ttiefe IvoUDlp gooDs lucre giuen to me, tbat ^

fljoulD Dittributc patt tbercof to tbeir ncccOfUic, viz. tbe poojcUme,
blinb, anD comfo^tleflfc : 2im albeit 3S baue bin quick in U)o;dd to fucb
ais luere SnvDie bagaboncs ,nnD idle latterer5,lDeU able to get tbeir lit

uing bp tbeir labo^pet 3 bauc not altoijctljer bin brtminDfuU of tbem,

but DiQributeD part of fucb aa ^o^ rentme,bauingalU)aie0tbougbC
it better in tbofe caufcs, to iveikQ tubile B! liucD in tbis tuo^lD , tbeti
bauet!)em Done after mp Departure bp mp creculojs : |^et nottoitb*
0anDing Bl boilt, tbat tbere bee DittrtbuteD ano giuen amongH tbe
pooje \7jitbin tbe parifbes of SI, bpon tbe &. 3 knli r. pounDfi , tobicb
bane beflrolucD in maner ? fo;me folloteing, tbat is to faiscucrp Bunt
Dap During tbe fpace of (j.tDbolcpearea nert after mpDeatb vtu. pern*
iuojtb of b?eaD,tobtcb 3 toil baue bcttotoeotJpon ritj, poojcfoihijviz.
tbe bait, tbe lame, ti}e blino, tbe ficfee, sno fucb otbcr as be meU iCm*
fojtlcdc, anD not able to labonr. 3J tbmfee it alfo a Dceoc of cbsritie,
nD f ommcnDablc feojbe befo;^ ^cD, to repaire tbe bigb lunies, tbat
tbe people map trauatlc fafelp ioitbou? Danger: 3 tbere^ojc gme to tbe
mcuDing of tbe btgb ^srnn about &. )13* ano &.115. at ^* tloentte
t^UUngSjto be implopeo bp tlje DiCcretion of mp louing Ujife.tobom 31
Liber WilsandTeftaments. fccundus
loe o^oaine and mukt mv full erecutrir. And if ()^e refufe fo to bee^
t^en i o;Dame ano make m.%* Bl.anD 0.m^ c^tlD^en to be mp erecu^
to?0,anD mptier^ louing frienois ano coftns 0.15f caitp fupettitro;0,
cbarging tt)cm, ano euecie of tbem in tl)c name of dl^oo, as tbey tuill
anftoere befo;e tlie bisb Bluoge Cbn(l,at t^e o^eaofnU Day of ooome,
tbat tbey, ano enerie of ttjem oo fee t^is my latt ^ill Diligently ano
faitbfuUy fulfilleD in eaerte bebalfe lttl)out rerpett of ante pcrfon o}
perfons tobatfoener. Prouidcclalwaics,tbatif anyperfono^perfons
tobicb fliall inioy any benefit by f ojce of tbi6 my laft mi ill,otber tben
tbeir filial pD?tion,toiUnot be ruUD,af teel m
tl)cir eDucatton ano ma>

rtage, as in all otber lalofuUtbings concerning tbismyladljpUlby

my faiD erecutcir :0noQ)e being Oeao, by my faiD ruperuifojg , o^
tbemoft part of ibem: :anD tbcy being DeaD,by foure of tl)cir bncles,
o^otber t^eirnereftfrienosano aliesinoifferently elcttcD ,ti)e fame
being hnouine to be U)tre,inDiferent,anD of gooD Dif cretion:tbat tben
tbey,anD cueric of tbem fo rijfuling,btterlp to loof e all fucb benefit as
tbey,oj any of tbem migbt baue by fojcc of U)i5 my laft luill ano tetta^
ment, anO tbcfame portion o} benefit fb giuentbemtocemaineto
fucbiano as many as tDiU be
ojocreD i ruieo, as i& befoje mcntionco
ano oetiarco Icem 3 bcqncatl) bnto enery of my faio&uperuifojs
fo; their patnes taking , one goto ring of balfe an omice, tuitb tbefe
iuojos graocn feale-toife tjpon tbe top ef euery tbe faio rings, Efto fi-
diis. ^ni aiio % luiil tbat tbeir reafonable cods ano cbarges bs Duely
anfU}ereO to euery one of tbem ef my lobols gooos from time to time,
ItJitbreccmpence of tbeir trauelU Prouidedalwaics,tbattfitfl)all
fortune any qui tlion, ambignitie, 0; Doubt to arife amongOt my cbtl'
D;ten 03 any otbers claiming any benefit by fo^ce of this my lad luill,
ttjat tbe oncly crpoution^Determination, ano iuDgcment tbereof (ball

be cetermtneOftuDgeo from time to time to tbebilofmyminD,anD

acicii^Ding bnto tbe Uterall fence anO meaning of tbismyla(U)tlltn
eueiy bcbalfe,anD by (b^ erpofition ano Difcretton of my faio fupernt^
Co;s ano otbers , as abouc is faio ano erpjcdeo, ano not otbertnifc*

Prouidcdalwaies, ano my full mittDe ano Determinate pleafnre is,

t^atincafemyneiPtbeiremale, 0; anietbebeites males of bisboote
lawfully begotten, ano lil^etoife my fonnes ?!I2i( ano ^. 0; tbe iHue
mfliccf any of tbem totetommy faiolanos (ball Defceno ano come,
Ooe fccke anie mcanes 02 aouantage by lato o; otber f rauD to condey,
fell, a'jcn, oj otbcttoife to mafee any ettate tobatfoeaec , contratie to

tbe true meaning of tbis my faiD laft toill ano s:ettament,to Defeate,
0} otl-tnbeute any of bid o) V^tit ot^ec b;etb;en,i tbe beiges males of
Symb; Wils and Teftaraents* part.primac

tlietr tonics laU)f uUp bcgotte, 0; anp ot^er befo;e recited, being t^eic
b;etl^;eno; coOns, be tl)ep either males o) females, contrarp to fnc^
limitation, as in tbis tnp CaiD faoill is f pecifieo 1 contained,! do refufe
to enter into bond toitb gooo faerties,in fact) fo;t as mp faio (on ir.is
to Do,tt}en Bi Unll tbat all (utb cftates as be ItmiteD to (ucb pecfons ia
Doing,to be ^tterlp boio 9 of none efifect, 1 tbat tbe ncrt beics males to
l)im d; tbem (ball enter into , ano quietly cnio^ all mp faib lanos i te>
ncments lobatfoencr, in mancr and fo;me before rpccified,and not o^
tberboife, anp act 0; acts done 0; to be done bp tbe faid nert bttre, 0}
t^e beires of bis bodie in anp luifc to tbc contrary nottDitbttauding*
0nd tbe like o^oer to be in euerp point and bs^alfe traclp obfccucd bg
mp (ccond Tonne 0; tbe beires of bis bodie* Iccm,^; ginc to mp llo}d
^.IL bigb s:rearo2erof (England, tfbebelimngattbedapofmif
deatb,andti}e^ueenes^aieGieiu(lip intituled to tbe iMarolbtppe
ana marriage of mp nert beire, ttuentp pounds, in condderatton tbat
mplvtfemiip after nip decearc bauctbc (imardfijip of mp (aid beue,
and tbe lands de(cending to tl^e Queens ^ai^Hie in lea(e,durm8 \)i$
fnino)itp,t)iB ILo;&Q)ippc tabini^^ lubat (ball bc(t like bim fo2 ber btgb'
nelTe. And 51 &oe berebp reuoUe and adnull all fo;mer d^illesJn wic-
nclTc lDbcreofBlbauebcreunto(ub(cribed mpname,anofetmpreale
tjnto tbis mv pjefent laflt taill and tcftanient, tbe dap and pcare flrtt
abouc U);itten,m t^c p;e(ence of ;a.)i5.C.^ if il*anD diuers others*

j^fj other forme ofa fVtll.

Seil.^43. IN the name ofGod Amen. SDbc fecono dap 8f Sianuaric

I /pi

Iiil.U.ll of ic^ficUc of bodie but of gojd

and perfect memo;p (dDod be
pjai(eD)Doemafecando2daine tbis inplattUJill and tettamentinma*
ncrandfoitne folioUnng,tbati8to fap: i^irtt 31 commend nip foule
into tbe bands of Cc5od mp maker, boping affuredlp tbjongb
tbe onelp
mcrites of Blefus Cb;ift mp S>auieur , to be made partaker of life
caerlaftlng. And 3j commend mp bodie to tbe eartb lobereof iti<
made Item, tobereas bp deed indented, bearing date icbaue in*

feoffed 2n. vl2:iand W..^\, of diuers lands and tenements in

3lD to tbe bfe in mp Ua 5I2aill ano :eaament $0 be limitted
and ap*
pointed: ^p toill tberefo;e is, tbat tbep t^e (aid SD.and SQl.QjaU take
tbercnts,iirues,and pjofitsof tbc fame lands and tenements perelp,
bp t^e (pace of ttoentie peares noU) nejct enfoing, and t^erctoitb pap
debts as 31 otocand (uc|i legacies as in t\ixti rap la(t ^lll (^albe
f uc^

contained, (e fSrre fojtj^asti^e p;ofits thereof tottl extend. Atfo3|

sm m ^equeat to ^mi Wz mx^^rkm^m ano \imt% fnc|
Liber Wills and Teftaments. fecundus
part ofmpgooO0 30(1^0 (b^ tl^e llalD)oagl)t to |)ane, if no iegacie
toere tnto l)er giuen* Item c.to %*%* mp (onne ano lieice apparant
allglade anu (deling^in o? about mp bonfe in ^.afojefatDJcem luil j
tbat tbe reGoue of m^ga)D5,i tbe furplnfage of t^t profits of t^e faiD
tanoes (o conuepeo Dnto tbe (aio ^*Wi* ano MMl.lubtcb ^all xe*
main (ro^ Debt,Ugacie8>fniieral eicpences^anD mp Uiines tt)iro pact
paieb ano DeDacteo) (^all cqnellp be parteb ano btuiceD amongS Wt*
3S*^*ano(0*mpcbilD;en, anDfucbc^tloo) cbilbjenasmpiDtfebatl
notu concetneD (if fl}e baae concetueo anp) anD tt)e (aiD portions to be
pateD bnto tbem toben tbep Cball accompliO) tbe age of one ano ttoen^
tie ^earcjK And if an^ of nit> faiD ct|tlD;en do Die before be 03 tbe^ (ball
banereceiueDtbetcrato portion, not bauing anp cbiloe tben lioingj
tben i U)Ul Co mucb of bis o:^ tbetr portion Co n^ing as Hiall bappcn to
be bnpaio at tbe time of bts j tbEtc Deatb? (l)albe patD tnto f reC (ur^
nimng^Prouided di waies,tbat if ettber of mp faio oaugbtere be matted
after tbe (balbe of tbe age of Qrtcen ^cars, tbat tben tbe portion of bee
(0 being marneo, QiaUbe paiD bnto ber iDitbtn one }^^\U peare alter
tbe faiD marriage. And m*
31 ti)tll,tbat tbe faio ST.M. ano WHJX* (ball
tane tbe cuftoote of tbe fato ^.nno U. mp Tonnes, ano of tbcir po;tt^
on0,ano of tbe faio CIL>m^ (onne ano b^ire apparant, ano of all ^\s
lanb0 ano gcsos tjntil be be of full age of one 9 tioentp pear^^ano tbep
to bee b?ouBbt bp ano ojoereo at tbeir oifcretion, tbcp bauing reaCo^
nable alloloance fo) tbe beeping of tbem. And gi toill tbat mv Inife
(ball bauc tbe cn0oDte of m^ (aio oangbteris, ano tbeir (aiD pi);tion09
iflbe fird fino f neb Cuff icient fccuritte to beefo bounoin tbe Double
lialue of tbeir faio portions, bnto tbe faio SD.^. ano W.M\* as tbep
(ball accept ano like of foj tbe paiment of tbeir faiD po;tttons accoa^
btnglp, ano if (be Do fino no fucb rocvtieiS, tbat tben Q^e to bane fo; tbe
beeping of eitber of tbem,fo;tie killings b^^ere,anDtbe faio K*W*
anDM^. tobanetbecultoDte of tbetr faio portions accosoingl^*
And ^ mabe tbe (aio SC.^l.ano Wi*Wi,txttutG}s of tbt5 mr lad UiU
ano tcSament : ano i make ]^*ll.ano i^.W* fuperuifo^s tbereof. la.
witneflc whereof&c.

tAferfeSiTeSiaTnentand UFilVill.

VNiuerfis & fingulis Chrifti fidclibus ad quos pracfcntes Ifac Tcfti-

monialcspcruencrint lohan.periniflionc diuina Cant Archicpifc,
totius Anglixprimas&MetropolitanusSalutcim in domino fcmpitcr-
mm &fidcm indubiam pr^fentibus adhibcri, AdvnimifuatisveftrsE
Syrob. WilsandTcftaments. parc.primae

notitiatn deducirnus & dcduci volumus per prxfcntes quod fcruatore-

tyiftrocun^ progatiuae Cant in Archiuis eiufdcm bene & fidelitercu-
Uoditis con>pcrirnus & inucninriUS euidcntcr inter alia incod(.ni,(]uod

dccin)od^ic&c. Anno &c. coram H. 1. Surrogato venerabilis viri W.

D.legucD do^oriscunseprscrogatiu^Cant magifirt cuftods fiuccom-
miflari) le<^ic dcputac probanim approbaiuni &infiniutnm i<m Tcfta-
mcncumF.R.ndper duni dixit deS. infra parochiam dc W. in comiE
D.Coiich& LichDioc'noftr^quc CantproiiincixdcK habcntisduin
vixit& mortis fuac tempore bona mobiliivcl immjbilu fpintualia Vl-

tcmporalia lura fiuc ci cd;ta quccunqiie vcl qualiacunqoe m diucrl.Dio

ccLfiuciiirirdidiionibuspcculiaribiiSjCommidaqfiiitadminultatio om-
nium & iiiiguloruin bonorum iurium & crcditorum di^i deh & Cm

iustcftamcntum qualitcrcun^ concei h I.R. filio &

exccutori in huiuf-
moditcftdnicntonominato dv^^bcne &
fidcliicr admimftrand eandcm*

AcdepIcno& fidcli InuencarioominiimSc fingulorum bonorum iuri-

um <5c cvedito urn liuiufmcdi conficicnd.Et illud in curiam pracrogatiuaj
Cantcxhibcnd Nccnondc piano & vcro compotocalcuiofiueratio-
cinio inde reddcnd. Ad fanda dci Euangclia in perfona P.l notari j pub-
lici,jpcuratoris(ui in hac parte Icgitin.ec'^nflitutilurac. Cuius quidcin
teftaniciui vtrus tenor in hcc verba (eqmtur.
In the name of God, A men. ri)e tJUi.Dap rf }C.3nD in tbp pearc U*
31 i^.H.DompfecanD Declare tl^iB nip laft toill ^nD teftamrntin Inji*

ttna,reuot{in(( tticrbp bott} tn Dceo 9 in UU) nil ott^er former tuils anD
tcftamcntfi. / irtt J f onimenD mp foulc iototl^fbantig of^lmigtitic
CDoD ic. :oufl)ing mp lanD0, tenements, i t)ereottaments,U3^ere i
^aue ^ccetofose bp mp fcuerall conuetanr es fo) tbaDoancement of m]f
pongee fonnes ^.C k and fA\}t pongee, artureO hip manojs ot^*
HB.auD i^.tn the countieof |5. ;anD all mp lanoe, tcnementB ano bere
Dttamcnts in i^.^.0>.!^.anD ^lo.tn t\)t faiti countie of f^.to fuct) icuv
rail fafefi anD mtentfis, 80 in f bpl1)efaiDfcuerallconutiancesareep
pjcHcD ^p toill anD meaning is, tbat tbe fame affnrance fljal ttanO

anDbecffettoalltot^ebenefiteofrnp faiD c^ilDjen, arcbiDiug to tt)e

(rue intent ans meaning fet Dolune m
tbe fame Unitings,anD i Do bp
tt)t0 mp lal^ U)il rati6e ano confirm, ano further Do mill anD Deuife all
tbcratDmanno;0,UnD(,tenement5,anD tereDttaments to mp faio
fonnesfenerallp, anD fo; fuel), anD tbe fame ettatesto tt)em partica*
larlp ano ftngalar^p as be mentioneD i Umiteo bp ttje faiD conuepan
te0: ano ts^r e in tbaOTacance f mojgage concluDeD betlueenemc ano
%*^*QtnU 31 baueput mpfait^fnll feruants C^.anD Vi** tn truS,
m^ toill ano c^qaclt 10 to t^tm, tt^at t^e^ 00 petfo;m i accompliQ) ttie
Liber Wills and Teftamentsr fccundus
fame ttvttiy anti tio make ouer fuel) eftate ano tntereBE ais tl^t^f^ut h^

t^efatoconaeiance to mpfonne (0.iS*anti to ^t5 Metres males of [)ts

boDte, accc^Ding to m^ true tntent ano meaning , to^creunto Bl ^ane
ma9 tbem p^tute: fo; m^ full ano flattie meaning t5, t^at Teetng t^e
fatD CDa0 mv fird anD eluett tonne b^ mp late toife ^ tbat tljerefo^e
^ (ball be remcmb^eo ano reluarocti as a rcfconoart? elDeli fonne, and
tberefo^e (ball Baue to bim^ano to tbe beirg male of bis boDte,mp fato
^ano;s of ^ano 115*an&all mp lanos, tenements, ano ^ttzniw
ments in ^. 25. anD 2D. j^otinitbffanDing mv meaning ts, ano fo 3(
boeberebplDiU ano oeuifc, tbat bis tvuo monger b;etbjenU.attDif.
map baue 9 iniop out of tbe fame Ceuerallp During tbetr lines eitber of
t^em to^ty ponnos of ic.bp tf)e pere. ^nti tbat be tbe faio (0.Do fee tH
fame paiD acco^oing tompfaio comicpance. And|Deefnrtbergtnc
bnto mp faid fonne (0*all tbofe &tatntes,l^ecogmfances,anD bonos,
tt)at tbe fain ^. ij^. ano Hr l^.H. baue maoe ano UnotoleogeO to me,

0; to anp to mp tjfe f o;t t^e performance of tbofe bargains tbat be paft

between bs,anD g! tuUl tbat tbe fame bonos map be fueti in tbe name
fif m^ (IDmntorSjbut to tbe beneSteof mp fatD fonne >.anD of bis

beires males. 0nDif tbefaiD^.iJi.DoepaptbefaiDfnmmeoffc.a*

erecDbpon,anD tberebpDoereDeemetbe faiDlanDsanoinberitance
tn W STben 3C do giue ano Deuife tt)at mp faiD fonne C0.U. ^all bane
tbe faiofummc of ic. to bis bfe anobcncSt. Alfogi Doe giue bntomg
faiD ^onnel^.i^. allmpgooDs anD cbattelS;, Hocbe ano boufl^onln
fiuffe tDb^tfoeuer t^at (ball be anD remaine at 1^. afo;efaiDattbe
time of mp Deceafe * ^nD 3 ooe furtber giue bnto tbe faiD p.tbe one
balfeanDmottteof all tbe ILeaDtbatfballbeotuingmeattbetimeof
mp Deceafe. 0nD alf tbe balfe benefit anD forfeiture of all fncb bonDS
asanpperfono; perfons (ball Otanb bounDto meinfortbeDelinerie
of anp leaD 0? leaD ore. 0nD lubere Bi of betie fatberlp loue,f tbe ra
tber tberebp to allure btm to ^is booke i lEuOp,DiD allure to mp fonne
i^.tlje elDcrbp mp firft toife, all tbat mp mano: of iiB.toitb t^t appur^
tcnances,anD mp parfee t neto bmlDeo boufe tbcre,ftnce tobicb time
31 baue bin brgeo bu tbe great bntoU)arone(Ie of mp faiD fonne(Bi ti^ii
not bfe anp more bitter iDorDs ) to reuoke ano ma^e boiD t^z fatD af^
(orance, anD nob) baue giucn tbe faiD manor of 115. to 3. i^. mp elDeft
ronne,as bp tbe U)riting tt)creof appearetb^ in U^btcb ceuocation 31 Doe
protelt before C>od, 31000 not hno) anpmanerof Defect or fcrnple
tobatfoeuer, pet toeigbing tbat Durum clum eft ncccfllcas.f tbat Ho-
mo peruerfus fuCcicac litcs^anD laftlp^tbat tbe oefire of f ucb a ^oofe anD
gp inbe*
Symb.' Wils and Teftaments. part.primac
inheritance io^ncu toitt) an^ imagincD title, toillncitlierrcgarD fa*

t^erlp aDtnomtion, no; bjott/trlp affccion : 0nt5 to tl)c intent alfo tljc

(aiD iF*mv Tonne map ^aue (ome tl)ing to maintaine bimCclfe,f applg
^i5 boofec U)it^al,if it plcafe (oD tbat {)t ma^ looUe batU ano cal f)im
felfe to an ojoinarr courfe of Ufc,3i Do tl)erfojE fo? t^efe ccfpctto giue
anD Dcuifc tompfaiDfonne fAl^z tlDcr,ti)8fetluorcntcl)argcsof
ttuentic pounos a peecc, amounting in tbcluliolc to 50^. per annum,
^ae qdwo, fojtl) fcuerallp of tbc lanes ano inheritance of
2C.iL(fnmer,ano CQl.l^.CBf. Tohaue anotoboloto dim fc:an8
During l)ts naturall Ufe.anD mp tnill is furtl)cr,tl)at if tijc faiD ir.m?
fonnc DO giue t^imCclfc to tbcduDp of tt)e common lalus of tbis realm,
lobereanto Bi bnoU) be l)atl; an aptneile bp nature , altbougl) tl)^oug^
enillbebauiouri \jD02recompt)np l)et)atb Q)e\i)eDbimrelft}napt^ere
tofoje, anD DO become citticr UcaDcrin Cl)ancerieonn Court being
tallcDtl5ercuntoo;Derlp,anD performing t^e fame iDitl) gooD lilting
anD opinion of t'gc Ijoufe,! in pjoofe tl)erof Hjal bauc it fo fignifieD bn
Dertbe l)anD0anD realts of fourc iUaDers of CDrapes 3nnefo;tbe
time being: SEbcnBituill f Deuifc tl)efaiD tUi rente barges ofrr.P
totl)cfaiD /U.
anDtol)is bciresfoj euer. 0nD31Doctl)enalfof not
before Deuiiebntobimtbe CtatuCes, recognifancesanD bonD0,U)l)icl)
3 bauc fcuerallp of tIjc faiD ip.ll anD C^.U.fo; tbc payment anD. fcue^
ralladuranccof tt)c faiD tluo rent ci^arges o;annuall paiment,9tt}e
benefit anD forfeiture lubicb (ball groto o) bebp leafon of t^cnot
papmg tl)ereof, 0) bp anpotljer Default committcDbptl)cmo;eitt}ec
oCtt)cm,tl)ciri)eirefl 0; atlignes. Proijic{edalU)aietl)atmpfaiDfon
i?Do ivitbin one ^alfc pcarc nert after mp Dcatt}, tf Ije djaU not maUe
tbefamciu mp life time, rcleafcbntompfaiDfonneSI^U.anotoljitf
Ijeircfi foj ener,aU Ijis rigljt t title tbat l)cl)atb oj map claims tot).iue
in t^e faiD mano2 of B* anD in 0; to t\)t faiD lanD0, tenemcntd, t be^
reiutamentsof tt)e parh? f neto builBcD i)ourcm 15.afo2efaio,oj in*
toanpttjcl)amlct<j 01 billaged aDiopuingtl)ereunto,U)itbU)arrantp
tobctbereincontaineD agatnftinm ibi0i)<Jirc0 fo;euer:SnDbpoti
conDition alfo ttiat l)e tl)c faiD jr. Ijat^ not cl)argeD no; uuumbjcD t^e
faiDnwno3?p2emtfIesin i^.afojefaioojanppart :bereof\uUt) ang
rentct)arge o; leafe iip^atfocuer befo;et^e faiD releafe^Vubcre about
tljjccpeares paft, 31 DiD in tl)enameanDbcljalf0of mp Daugt)teri5.
anD foj bee better p^efcrrcmcntjComluDeanD agree loitl)i^.iFnoltt
DeceafeD , f 0; tbe papment of ic. to mp faio Daughter in t^efpace of
icta0 bp tlje tu;iting0 thereof a^peare, of iDljicb faiD patmeut tlje m^
Lifcer V/ilIsandTeftaments; fecundus
catrijc of tl)e faiD ^* ir i)at[) Ml tiUo ttip^attDH
aitD truely paicd
to t!)et)fc of i!i^faiDDaagl)tcr,t^efummeDl Due at t!)eiFatt of

f c. laft patt, mp IujU ib, tliat if t^c faio fumme of ic be not fap mcc
anffcoerco tom^ faiD Daug|)ier in nip life time: SC^at tljcn t^e famr
(fcallpjefentlpbc papcDbnto ^crbpmpCretutoj affcr mp tjeccafe.;
And mp tDiU is fiirtt)8r, tljat if mv (aiD Dangljtgr U. cannot lato^i
fullp bp o^Dcr of laU) ceconer and obtaine t^e (ato (ummc of $c* reft^
Due cf tl)e entire fumme of ic.ttiat then Hjee (ball be pareD anD ratify
fieD of tbe faio funmie of ic. o? of fo mncb tyeieof a0 (tie tannot ce^
couer of tl}c Isnod o; gooos of t^e faiD a9a(letr i? o? at ti^e l}anD0 of
^is tmuUiVy 01 aDminiltiatojs, fcp mp c ye cato;, tlje fame papmcnf
to bcmaD^UjiSfein ic. after mp Dcatb And morcou;:r, 31 gmc tnto
mp faiD Daugljter an IjunajeD sparUes of u* to mnUe fep ^cr full
anDlal)olepo;tiontotbefummcof IC. And aHo^Docgiaetjntoljec
ti)e Ct)apne of c(olDtbatlI}e commonlp U}earct^,anD all ^cc ijeloeu

of golD, togetijer Ixiitt) ber late motbcrs 115}accUt5 of golD, notloit^^

fianDing mp meaning is> tbat if mp Crecuto; Doe pap tnto i)ertt)o
faiD fumme of u> o? To mtxc\) tbereof, as l^ce (liall 0? map not reconec
Oi obtame, as ts afojefaio , tbat tben mp faiD Daughter Doe affigtte
0; fet oust tbe bonDs anD alTurancc nuDe Unto l)er bp tbe faio ipaSec
if* bntomp faiD CBrecufo; 0? bisaHignes, totli;eenDtbattieemap
tt)en tdke t^c aouantage anD benefit thereof : fo? liUe as mine intent
ts,t^at mp faiD Daug^tier (iioulD be iutllp fatiffieDcf tl;e faioliue
!)unD;cD ponnns, cither bptljc ^eiresanD i;)i:ecutriF of tbe(aiDiF*oj
elfc in Defsalt ttjereof bg mine oicne xtcatoh euen fo mp meaning
ts,not tt)at mp faiD E>angbter be Double paieD tbe faiD fnmme* I doe
giuc Unto mp E>augbtcr '^* ouer anD befiDes tbe (umme of |c to^ic^
to Ijer is affureD bp mp felfe anD mp fonne ^*\^* bp conuepance in mp
life time, tbe fumme of jc toben ftc commetl) to tlje age of c. oj be

marrieD, togctl;er tritb tb^ ^eli^els of golD,anD little Cbaine of golD

iDbicbfejas bcr ^otbcrs. And where 3baueconclDCD iDitbK.ST*.
Cfqutre^ fo; a Carriage (bp tbe grace of C^oo)tobebaD betlneens
l)is fonne 1XSU. anD mp oaugbter . mp toill is, t|jat if tbe faiD mar;

riage Do not taUe effect, tbat tben mp faiD DaugljterC.roalltafeetbe

benefit of all tucb 315onDs anD Uecogni^anccs as tlje faiD Cpaftec
KA)tii\) maDe 0? acknololeDgeD to meti^nD tbat mp CrecutoaDoe
not onelpfufferbi?^ name to be ijCeDfouecouecic tbercof fotbetfe
of mp faiD Daug^t^r, but tbat be alfo and bis affigntS Doe {ol)t3
anD ibrir tttecmoS inoeuour aiDe anD ^fii^ mp faiD oaugbterfo^bc
oUtapningof tl;e benefit ano fo;feitnreoft^e faio ^onoesanoi^et
2 ^p tO0ni2aK{CS
Symb; Wills andTcftaments. part.pninx

cogi(awce0 to l)cc otne bf e . Prouided alwaics, tbat mp faiD uaog^*

ter \m an^ f o; l)er,02 in tier name, do challenge o; clatme anp title
o^intered^in^o^totljefumme of foure t)unb;eDpoQnD0,U)^t(^Bi8io
conuep t3nto ter? to be papeJJ of certaine rent cl)arge0, iDl)ict) j ap?
pointeDfojt^atpurpofe before t^e (aio concluGou of Carriage :fo}
ntp meaning is, tbat feeing 3i tiane tuell ant) traelp paio bnto t^c faio
%. tbe fummc of t c. in confioeration of ttie faiD a^arriage to be bab,
tbat t|)e benefit tbat fliall come to mp faiD Daugbtec ^nx*
bp tbe faiD

timt, oi bp tbe bonus o; couenants tbeteupon concluBeD , (ball ferae

bcr fo? b^r portion $ aDuancemcnt, anD tbat (be fliall itot tahr o; cbaU
lenge any otber fummc oj portion of mg goods o? gift to^atfoeuer,
iDb^rc 3B togetber Ixiitb mp elDeft fonne 3* H* bane pjouiDcD , tbaC m^
foure poungcttDaugbters, to toit.S.C. 31 anD 115. be cuerp one of
tbem paieD to tbe fumme of ic.fo; tbeir aouancement in marriage,at
fncb Daves anD times, as bp tbe U);itings tbereof are erpjeffeb : tn^
meaning is, anD fo BH Doe U)ill anD bequeatb, tbat mp faiD Daugbters
beittfllpanD Duelp fatiffieD tbeir faiD portions in fucb manner anD
fo;me, as bptbe faiD to^itings ts appointeD. j^nD mp ^ill is fttr^
ttier, tbat mp faiD poungeft D^;Ugbters (ball eitber of tbcm be b;oag^t
l)p at m]p l^oufes at m, o; 16. '^t tbe coffs of mp cloett fonne, if tbcp

bee DifpofeD to remainetbere,bntill fucb time as tbey bee fcuerall^

U)(U anD truelp paiD nnD anfvuercD tbeir faiD portions* iU)ill,tbat
loitl^in onebal^c I'c^^re nert after mp Dcatb tbcrc be pjouiDcD bp mp
Crecato^onect)apneof golD,oftl)ebalue of fc* tub id) cbapne BiDoe
giue to mp Daugbter 315. 0nD 3i doc beartilp require anD cbarge ter,
tt)at Unc caufe tbe fame after bcr Deceafe to be bedolucD bpon ^c
fonne anD mine ^.515. 3 boe toill snD Dcuife, tfce pearelp rent cbarge
of c. tobicb Hi baue to me anD mine l)eires aaureD lo;tb of tbe lanDS
anD inberitancc of S.Cl^.dSentlcman, anD tbe pearelp fumme of i c. to
be tafeen fo2tb of fb> ^^annoj of C'. in tbe iuyole per annum tUjcntie
pounDS to bee implopeo fo? euer fo^ tbe maintenance of tbe nets
erecteD >rammar ^cboolc at ^. tbefiiiDing of ttoo ^bollec(bips
in ^aint iobns in Cambjiegc, anD tbe relicfc of tbe poo;e, burt,anD
tnaimeD ^oulDters , tubicb (Uali be fent to tbe Marres out of V^e
SDolcnef^ips of ^* )^. anD QI;. in t^e Countie of ^* tl^at xb, eig^C
pounDS bp tbe peare touiarDstbe famc^cboole, otljcr eigbt pounDS
pcrannum foj tbe InD fowre pounos pearelp foj
faiD Sjcbollerflups,
tbe reliefe anD fnccoar of tbe faiD ^oulDierSt 0nD noU) bpon great
gooD bope anD fatf)erlp affiance tljat J \)aut:, ano truft to finD in mp
(iDcS ^onne %
U totoarDs [)is id;^^m rhd ^ifkiSp ^ ooe make
Liter Wills and Tcftatncnts. fccundus
atiD ojoatne t)tm mv fole ano onelp txetuto^ of t^id mv laft Milt ana
SCeHantent : anD Bt Tap bnto titm, ano b^ |)tni to ell ttje re&ous of mp

.cl)Uo?en,a0 l^alomon faio to l)t0 fonne,Fili mi time Dcuni Rcgem: &

ano in anp h)\h bgluare tt)at pou Ituc not aboue pour limng^anD tij^v
ciallp in tbc beginning, fo; tbat IdiU b;tng pou to tuant ano neceflitie
bot^n tt)e mtDDcS ano tbc enoing
In quorum omnium &(inoulorum pmiflTof fidcm & teftimoniura has
Ijceus nol^ras rcftimonialcs fieri fccimus,ac casiigilio Curix progaciuse
noftraeCantappenc'communiri&.corrobo.rari, dac quoad Icrunniuin
^iigillationcH) pfcntium 28.dieincnfis ApriUs^annodomini 1591. Et

^ g09d Vrefident for a Tefiament.

JNthcnameofGod, Arncn.STbC 2iOapof tl)nionett!i?f ^int^e Scft.^4y.
peare of onr ]L02D (0oo t r. B U.^.^ctcsr ano \i\^txi of llJbcing
of U)bole minD,ic.as before. i?irft,3! commeno mpfoulcbnto almigti^
tie>oD mp maker ano reDeemer, ano m^ boote to be burieo in tbe pa^
rt(^ \fixu^ 0? Cburcf)parD of&atntij^4n tbeCttte of ILonOon Jccm,
Blgiae totuaro tbe reparation of tbe fame Cburcb ):iy04ii){i. Iccmj
tpiU,tbataU fuc^ Debts ano Duties as Blotpe of rigbt 0? of confctence
toanpperfon ti prrfonsjbe tuell ano truclp rontenteD ano pateo bp
mine emttto;s bsresfter namco^o; el0 o;Daine (0 fo; to be paio luit|)
out anp oelap 03 contraoiction* And after mp Debts paieD , ano mp
fnnerall erpences perfo;meD, 3B tnill, tbat all mp gooDs, cbattels^anD
Debts (ball be DtuiDeD into tb;ee equall parts,U)bereof ^ iDill, t^at ^*
mp Me (ball l^aue one eqaaU part to ^er oU)n p;opcr Dfe^in tl)e name
of ber purpartie $ reafon&ble part to l)er of all mp (aiD goiDs^cbattels,
ano Debts, after tt}e lauoable cuSome of ibe Citte of ^loncon belong
tng. 0nD tbe fecono equall part of all mp faio gooDs,cbattci6,f Debts
tobatfoeuer, 31 bequeatl) to C% 1 ^* mp oaugbters, f to tl)e cbtlD nolu
beingintbelDombeof mp faio luife, equallptobe DtuiDeD amongd
tbem, ano to be DeliuereD bnto tbem toiien tbep diall accomplif^ ano
come to tbeir latofull ages of ):r j*peares,o; elfe to be mar rieo ic. And
if a foatune anp of mp faiD cbtloaen to Decea(e before tbep accomplid^

tbeir faio ages, ano before tbat time bee not marrieD : SEbat tben
gt beqneatb b^r part, 0; bis part of tbem fo DeceaGng, to tbe otl)er of

t^em tben faruiuing, to be DeliaereD bnto tl)em toben tbep Ojall ac

compUflb tbeir faio ages of jrr jpeares,oj els be marrieD. 2nD if if foj*
tune aU mp CaiD (t}UDaen to DeceaCe (as (H^od it oefeno) before tbr p ac^
PP 3 (omplii]^
Symb. Wills and Teftaments; part.primac

compUCb t\)tit raid a$e0, i bcfo;e t^at time be not married t C^en 31
bcqueatt) aslDiUallanD Qngularttie TatD part o) portion of mp (apD
(t)UD^cn inmp fo^efaio gooDs,cattel0, anD oebts, as aUo my legacies
to t^em hereafter bequeathed , to and amongS t^e (bild^en latufuU^
begotten of t^e bodte of ^* ^* of &< in tbe Countie of i(.to be pa^ed
and Delidcredbntotbem at like ages, and in like manner as i0 ap
pointed t)nto mine oijone c^ild^en, i eucrp ctjild Ubetuife to be btber0
teire tt^ereof^And if it i^al fortune all tbe ct}ild)en of tt)e faid U.^*of
^i$ boDp lalDfuUp begotten to deceare(tDl)ici) C>od def^nd)befo}e tbe^
tome to tbeir latofnll ages, f befo;e tyat time be not married : C^en
31 toil tbat all t^etr (aid parts and portions of mp (aid goodd,cattel0
and debts , Ojall tobollp be imploded and beftdtued in amending; ana

repap}ingofno|^nou5bt8b toaues nigb aboattl^e Citieof Hondon

and to tbe marriage of poo;e ^aioend,bp t\)z difcretion of mine Cre
tutors and i^aer(0er0, if tbe^ be tben lining, o) el(e bp tbe ditcretion
oft^e lto*^aio;andbis bjetb?entbe*aidermenof tt)e Citieof lon
don. And tbe tbird equall part of all mp (aid goods,cattels,i debts,
3!rereroebntompCrecuto;0, t^eretoitbto perfo^me mp llegartes
and bequeHs b^teaf ter (pecified, tbat is to loit c * The refiotie of all
mp good0f(attels,and debt0,after mp debts be paped,mp funeral er^
pences perf o^med^ano tbcfe mv legacies contained in tbts mp p;e((t
S^eftament fulfilled,3l U)bol!p giue and bequeatb to mp (aid cbild^eny
cquallp to be denided amongS tbem, and to be oeliuered to titm tie
cording asBlbnneaboHclDillcd and declared* Prouided alwaics, and
it is mp berp U)ill,minD,and intent,tl)at Q)0}tlp after mp decea(e, all
and fingular mp loares,({utfe of ^on(bold,plate, i all otber mp goods
tobatfoeuer tbep be,(l}all be pnCeo bp tU)o indifferent perrons, ta htt
named i (too^ne bp tbe llo^d ^aio; of il* i bis b;etb;en fo; tbe time
being, and all and (ingnlar tbe po;tions tbereof appertaining to mp
faid cl)ild2en,astDellmp(econd part, as mp (aid legacie Co to tt)em
made and bequeatbed of mp part immediatlp after tbe appjifing , to
be ordered according to tbe cuitome of tbei^;pbanageortbe Citieof
Hondon bp tbe )te2d ^aio; t bis b^etb^cn. Icea 31 \o\\[ tbat tbe pong
men being free of tbe felioU)Q)ipof Mercers of II. (I)all bane tbe occo
ppingof allmp (aid cbild^ens portions and legacies daring t^eirno>
nages,tbep putting fuflficient (ureties Sberefoje , acco;dnig to tbe
faid cuttome of tbe Citieof II. And 33 toill, and mp mind and intent
is,tbat spaifier !^. il. and ^aifter U*^*o; tbeic a(fignes,(^aU baae
tbekeeping,gonernance,and b;inging bp of mp (aid cbild;en during
t^eir nonages And of tbis mp p;e(ent ^efltmitent Bi maHe ( o;dapne
Liber WilsandTcftaments. fecundus
ttjc f aio 0nip toife,anu t()e faio ^.^,anD U. mine crecutojs. anD 3
bequeath to euerp of ttiem fo) t^etr labo; tn t^at betalferr* U* ani a
black gotDtie^ 0nDeftl)eeretitttonof tt)e Tame, Bl make anDo;Datne
m*'* oaerfeer 0nc 3 tjttcrlp reuofec 1 aonuU anD euerpot^)er fo)
tner SDefiaments, ^^ite, UGactes , bcqacaas, erccuto}^;, ano oaec
frs, bp aie in anp luifc befoje tl^is time namcD, Uiilleu^anD beqaea
t^fOjS^^efe farms iDitnedes.
Memorandum , thacTcftaracnts Noncupaduc arc made by word on-
ly before witneires,in forme aforcfaid.


ANd ifit an? time bereafter an^ aiiibiguitp,DoaW, ttCt.6j^6.

C&al Ijappcn at
0? qneCttotiito grotD 02 artCebp reafon of ttje imperfection o? De^
fect,of,o; in an? tbe 1))o;d5, ano claufed ano renteHce0 in XW mp p^e^
fcnt lad Mill anD SHeSament, 0; mp true intent % meaning tbereof:
SUbat tben t^e further ano better ei;planation,interp2etation,anB co^
KruKicn of tbe faib Donbt anb ambiguitie,^ iDtll tbat m? (aio Crecti
to}0 Iball erpounD,ei:plane,f interpret, acco^Ding to t^eir Inifoomes
Afrouifo to bind Ldnds by Will.
PRouidcd anD mp further toill ia, tljat if it|)er of mp faiD ScV.tf47^
fonne09o;tbebeire0of ettber of tbem,Do attempt 02 go about to
Doe an^ act o^acteg, tbing 02 tbing6,to alien ano Ditcontinue tbe faiD
lanD0) tenements, $ bereDitament0, 0; an^ part 0; parrell tbereof,to
tt)em citber, o;anpof tbem, b|> mcgiuen ano bequeatbcD, in manner
f fo2mc afo;elaiD, eitbcr bpfeotfement, filne,receuecie,o; otberluire
bp anp lpaie0 0; meane0,ro tbat tl)e fame lanD0 ic*anD euer^ part ano
parcell tbereof,c&nnot,o; map not DifcenD3C0Qie,rematne,rcuert,anD
beinmaner'anofo^mebrfojein tbism^ ?SSllill limiteD,DeclarcD,anD
appointeD, anD acco;tDing to tbe true intent ano meaning of tbis m^
gift, toill, at.D laQ tcQament : Cbat tben immcoiatlp i from tljence^
fo;tb tl}e ettate, intereil, ano title of bim 0^ tbem (0 attempting,DO'
tag, 0; going about an^ fucb act 0? actes , tbing o; tljingg, as i0 afo;e>
fatD,of, ano in tbe (aiDlanDs ^c (ballceafe 1 becleerelp oetermineD f
ertingnilbeD, ano tbat tl^en immeDiatlp f from tbencefo;tb tbe fame
(ball remaine, anD be to fucb pcrfon ano perf on0,a0 bp tbi0 mp luill
i0 limiteD anD appointeD,tn fucb maner ano fo^me, anD bpon tbe like
tonDition 02 contitionst a0 tbougb be o; tbep fo attempting 02 going
about anp (neb a(t c; attci:, tbing o) tbing0, in f o;mc afo2efaiD,i]Dete
DeaD in DetDtanp t^mg befo;e in ti^t^ mp p;e(ent lad tvill inentioneD
S>P4 0?
Symb. Wills and Teftamems. part.primx
02 tieclareto' tbe contrarie notb)itl)(tantiing;ieares fo? xtU geared at
t^c mottjanD t3niiEr,oj fo2 onc,ttoo,o; t\)in liue,U)l)erepp0n tijc olD,
auncient,snDaccnl!Qmctjpareli> rent, Djtl)cUalue tl)creof,ojnio;e
Hiall be rcrerucD f adureo to rac'o pcrfon o; perrons,as (^all o) oug^t
to^auet)aDtl)erarae eftatco} eOt^si. 0iro tt)eeaatcoaeaate0t^at
Ijercaftct (ball fojtune to be ttiaDe,to,oj fo? tbsBDoinfure o;31om*
tur05of ad Ojall f octane to be(tl)eli}tfc o2U}iue0of tbeTaiDl^.

ano (0*o; of t^e tietreis of tbeir ttoo booteB,o; of tt)S Metres of t^e boDie
of eitbcr of tbetn lalofall? begotten , fo; terme of tt)e life o) line of
fucti luife 0} U)ine0 onelp eircepteo.

^ Codicilt orfcedule before the making of a Teflament,


T a.HB.bpfbc grace of C>oD foanoittminDeanoboDie,p;aifebbeal*

iniigi)tle C>oo, in tbcfc cooiciU oj rccoole. Doe oifpofe mp latt tBill
a0 touct)ing mp gooo0,a0 folloU)ett)ttt)at is to tap, i^irttS g<ue to C
tup iDife in rccompece of ber tbiros 0; teafonable portion of mp gooo,
one buno^etb pounDg^anotiDoof mp belt(0cltiing8,anDtU)oofmf
beOt^BeDDes fnltp fnrmtbeo* Iiem^giaetoeuerponeofttip^^onnetf
ten pounD0 , ano to euerpone of mp oaagbtets ttoentie poanO0 t*
As legacies be bequeathed in lafl Wilie$.)0nD mp toitl id tbat tbiS Co>
tiicilo? fceonle be,anObeaOtuDgcOanb ta^entobe parcellof mplaH
tDil,ant)tobeof foKebptbe rigbtofa CoDtcao;bpanpotberrigbtf
tntbe beOt manner tbat map be. And ib^^tttlp require mine Ql;i:ccu
to}0, if (000 gine me leaae to mabe a CeSament^ ano in tbis oefaoU
tberof,mtne aomintliratojd, tbat tbep 00 caufe all tbings in tl)i0 fce^
t)ule 0} Cootcil containeo,to be faitbfallp perfo;meD,acco;otng to mp
true meaning, as if tbe fametoere fo oerlareoano fet doljoneinmp
mix ano Ceftament. In witncde to^eretf to V^iii pjefent Cooicil

S fnbfcribeo mp name.

tyf^cdicilmAde after aTefiament or lafi Wilt.

R^ knowne

, tbat tol^ereag 8D S* XB. maoe mp laff saJiU anO STc*
in to;tting (if it be lM3itten,ano if it be not,nuncupatiue,
bearing oate f c. STbat nofio, fojafmucb as Bi baue cbangeo mpmino,
toucbing certainc tl)ingg inttjefame lad Mill contameo* 0nDfo}
' and concerning all otber tbings in tbe faio lull ^^tll mentioned,
(ot^er tben fucb as 31 (ball not berebp otberluire Difpofe of) Bl Dot bp
X\\^ pjefentCoDtciUonfirme ano ratifie t^e fapo la(t S^IIL And
Liber Letters of Adminiftration, fccundus
flrttto^ereas hf mpfaiDlaa mi[\3 &oe giue tnfo )I*SD tlnentte
pcunD^^mvluUl nouiig, tl^aC tje(^all|)auebutonelp ttmt pounD0
thereof And whereas 3 ucuifcDto C. ^ all ip cftate in onc fari|ie
talUD ^t .in E>. c. tc^icly BI ^olo bp Uafc of^. )i5, fo? one anD ttocn*
tiepcar0,niyMl is, t^at beltane it omlp During tennc of tbedrtt
^are0 of tt)e faiti terme, and tbat Q^li^bett) mp taugtiter Ojall baue
ttierefioue of tbefaiotermeof rri*peare0,totoarD0 berpje ferment
intnariagefC*(And fo ofany other Legade, adding, diniini/lung,
orcleanededroying the fanie,orgiuingncw Legacies, with this clauTc
jnthc end , ) 0nD W? Mill IB tC vtfupra in CodicUloante Tefiamefi-^'
And it is to be noted, that a fubfcquent Teftament muft make menti-
on of a precedent Codicil. And fubfequcni Codicils muft make tnen-
tion of Tedaments and of Codicils precedent, if any bee : For one
perfon may make but oncly one laft Will, but as many Codicils as he
will. And Codicils may bee made wirhout any Tcftament, either
precedent or fubfequent.

Letters of Adminiftration.

R.P. LcgumDoftcr Scaccari) Rcuercndifllmi in Chrifto patrisSc

dnidhi E pcrmiflioncdiuinaEbof Archiepifcopi Angliaeprimat
& metropolitan Commiflarius, dikft' nobis in Chriflo D.L. dcS.E-
bof dioc* vid* falutem in domino. Adminiftrationtm omnium & iihgu-
lorum bonorum iurium & crcditorum quae fucrunt I L.nuper de S.prft-
difta mariti fui ab inteftato (vt afferiiur) defunfli tempore vitae &
citfux infra iurifdiciionem difti Reucrendiffimi patris exiften tibi dc
tua fidclitatc plurim confidch in piosvfus diftribuendcommittimuss
Tequeadminiftraf, in, &deeifdem bonis &
ceteris praemiflls prxfeci-
muSjOrdinamus, &
dcputamus per pracfentes. Oneran tc in virtute iura-
nienti tui coram nobis in hac parte pracftiti quod veriim,plenumjntc-
grum, &fiielcinufntarium omnium huiurmodibonoiun3conficias,&
nobis exhibcas, debitaquc ipfius defunct, in quibus tempore mortis fuse
cfifeAualiter tencbatur iuxta iurisexigeh in hac parte bene &
pcrfoluas, necnon compot calculu fiuc ratiociniumdc adminjftraticnc
tuahuiufmodi inScaccarioEborumreddas,cum fup hoc fueris cuocat.
Ac praefaturi) Rcuerendifl. inChriffopatrem&nos, accmnesOffici-
arios 6c Mmiftros noftroi quofcunquc indcinpmm&indenipflesvcr-
Symb, Letters of Adminiftration. part.primx
fusquorcunqiicrationead[iiinidratioms tuxliraodi impcrpctuuro coa-
fcrucs,Sa!iio iiire cuiufcunquc. Dit Eboium Sec.

A deputatioit to a Commijfariey or lyeane.

IOhanncsR. LegumDoftor,vncrabilium virorum dhorum Decani
6c CapituliEcclefise Cathedral' &Metropoliticac Eboruni, cautarum
fiucncgotiommfuorum Auditoffr.fficicnt&lcgitiifj dcpucdtus,dJleClis
nobis m Chrilto H.M.m legibus BaccalaurcoDecano dccanacusdcD.
& l.T.cicrico Rcftoi Ecclcfix parochialis dc T.Ebof dioccf. falucem

in dho Temp iter nam. Ad admiccend ac vice &

nomine noHris rccipiend
caucioncs obligacof prxrencibus annex* cam pro fecura folutionepecu-
niarum fummarum M.I.B& C.B:in cifdcm naminac,accis pro purcio-
nib'fuisalijfque Icgacis&iuribus ex bonis & cacallis MagiQf A.B. (a-
crsThcologiacBaccalaurei nuper Canonici rcndentiarijEccIcilxCa'
thcdralis &
Metropoliticac 5c bcaci Petri Ebof przdi^li p^criseorutn
defun^' dcbi,quam pro indcmpnitace noftra, ac officiiriorum mini- &
ftrorum noHrorum quorumcunque verfus quofcunque, iuxratenores
cautianum prxdiftarum,per quofdam A.S. dcM. in coniitatu E gene-
rof.R.L.deS incomitatu N.gcnerof.&c.inpracdid* cautionibus alias
ctiamnominat &in dioccf. Ebof degcntes accoraroorantespratftandt,
figilland,& fignand Ac ad omnem iuri$
: &
fafti efFcAuni dclibcran^.
Vobis coniunOiiticSc diuifim de quorum fidelitatibus, circumrpe6;ioni
bus,acindu(lri)splurimam con6dimus vices 6caudioritanodrasconi
iT)ittimus per pr^fentes. Et quid inpracmiffis fcccritis, nosfeu locum
nodrum tencns feu tcncnc circa feftum Purificationis beat^ Mariac vir-
ginis proxiroum fntufpofl datum prsfencinm de geftis in hacparcc>
vnacum pr^lcntibus cautionibuslimodi dcblE ccrtificctis, {feufie ) cer-
tificet ille vcftrum qui prxfcntem nofti: comraiflloncm fucrit execuf.
Dat Ebof Tub figillo offici) pr^did' dccimo die roenfis Deccmbris, Ann
Domini 1/92.

%AdminifirAtion by the Archhijhop ofCanterbHricy rvhere

theintejiate had>gofidsin diHersT>i9cejfes,

T. Prouidentia diuina C. Archicpifcopus totius Angliae Primas Mc- &
itropolitanus, dilcfto nobis in Chrifto praenobili viro diio Gilb.
ComJtmoderno S.filio naturali &
legitira diii G. nupcr G)roit S.&
CoDaicis Marcfchalli Aiigr,pclariqucordiiiisgarccn)Milit dcf.Salu-
LibcT Letters of Adminiftration; fccundus
tem. Cum idem dominus G. def. habens dumvixit et mortia fuae tem-
pore bona iura fine crcdif in diuafij Dioccf. Hue iurifdiftionibus fuis
dnraegitinhumanisrKe &
legitime condiderit Tcflameniumfuumin
fccontinensvltimaro voIuntaccra,inc|uofiucquaE.T.& H.T.armig'
iilios (uos naturales ct legitimos nominaueric, ordinauerit/eccr it, et con-
ftituerit executor. Qui quidcmexccutoresexcertiscaufis animos faos
inhacparce jufte raouchontri exccuiionis di^i Tcfiamenti cxprcflc
rcnuRciauf. Cuius pretcxtu omnium ct fingulorumbonorumjurium,
cc credit antedictdef.plenariadi(pcljicioadmmi()rationirqueeorundcm
commifTK}, Necnon compot , calculi, fiue ratiocini) adminiOrationis
huiufmodi audiC^finalirque libcratio Hue dimidioabeadcmad nosfo-
lumetinfolidufD^et non ad alium nobis inferiof ludiccm notonedig-
nofcuntur pertinet . Nos vcro affcft' vt bona,jura, &
crcdita dift* deK
bene et Hdcliter adminiftrrnc di^tumqucTertamcnt perimplcat/uum-
Gue dcbitum fortiatur cff e^um ad admini(trand igitur boh, iuf, et cre-
diflimodijiuxta tenor &
cfFe^u Tenrmci fupradidi pfentibus annex*,
acbene&fideliterdifponenddecifdem, Necnon crcdita qustcunque
di^'dcf. petendjCoUigend, ]eu^nd,&exigerd quzad eundem dcf.
diHnvixit &
mortis fu^ tempore pertinuerunt, Acprimode foluendzs
alien in quo idem dcf. hmodi mort' fuac tempore cxtitit obligaf, deinde
legata in difto Tcftameco, pfentibus vt pracfcrtur annex* content & fpe-
ciincaf, quatenus bona,iura,6c creditafui hmi ad hoc cxtendant iuxta ra-
tameorundem,Tibi dc cuius fidelitateinhac parte confiderous primit'
de bene dc Hdcliter adminiflrand eadem, acdcpleno&fideli Inuen-
tario omnium & finguiorum donoru,iuf,& creditof hradi conficiencl',et
illudin Cur progatiux noHf Canterb. fecundodiepofl fedum Aicch
dni nfi prox' futuf cxhibcnd'.Necnon de plcno &
vcro compoto,calcu-
lo,nueratiocinioin ea parte redden^ adfancfdci Euangcliain pfona
Magifbri G.C.notari j publici procuratoris tui in hac pte condicut ii)ra{
plenam tenorc pfcntiiim committimus poteftatc.Tcq-, adminiftratorcm
omnium & Hngulof bonoi u,iurium,et credit hmodi ordinamus,dcputa>
nius,5c conflicuimus p pfentes. Dae Londih vicennao tcrtio die mends
Dccemb.Anno 6cc.

AdminifirAUon hythe Archbifhef of 7".

IOhannesprouidentia diiuna Ebof Archiepifcoptis Angliar prlmas SeC^.^53*

& Mctrop,dilci* nobis in Chriflo pnobili viri G. Comit modcmo
S ^io natuf dc legiS G. nuper Comiti? 3* ac Comitis Marefcballi

Symb. Letters of Adminiftration. part.prir

Anglix, praeelariquc ordinis Garccrij Miliiis dcF. falut in Domino

Cum dilcOusnplUr I, B. Icgum Do^or Curix Pracrogatiua: noftrat
Ebor' Comaiiflariu5 rite & legitin;c procctlens ex ccrti caufis coram co

ex parte cuaallcgatis & propofi(is&cxalijs)uftis& Ugiumis caudiilp

ScanimiHT) (iium in ea parte mouentibusad pctitionem partis tu^ 1^]^
rasadminirtrationis omnium & fingulorum bonorum juriumSccrcdi-
torum quxfucrunc diQi dcf. in & per lotara prouinciam noftram E-
boiumcxiQcn' alias nobili mulien doming E.comitiffac S. viduac r<li-
ftxdjclidomini G.def. per Commiffariosnoftros Curiae noftr^ prac-
diff S.contt lias rcuocand fore dccreuit &: reuocaucric,acpror<uoca.
tisadminiflrationcm )uris5c fa^i efFeftum ex indc quouifmodo fcqui
valcn' habere voluerit, dcclarauerit, & pronunciauenc. Nccnon ad pc-
titionem partii tu^ adminiOrdtionem omnium &: llngulorum bonorum
jurium &creditorum quae fucr' ipfius def. infra prouinciam noftram E-
bor'cxiftcn faltem non legitime adrainiftrator'tibi dc nouocommic*
tend fore decrcuerit, ac etiam tibi in perfona I. S. notarij publici pro
curacoristuiinhac parte legitime conQituc coram coin fbrra jurtspri-
mitusjurafcommilTcr (juftitiaid pofcenc) Tibiigiturde cuius fidcli-
cateplurimum in domino conBdimus adminidrationem omnium 6( (in-
gulorum bonorum )uriun] 5c creditor' quae fucrunt diOi dcf. infra pro-
uinciam Ebor'exiftcn'habcntisdumvixit &
mortis fuae tempore bona
notabiliaindiuerHsdioccd.nue jurifdi^tionibus infra proumciamno-
Oram Ebor': cuius pr^icxtu omnium 5c Hngulorum bonorum jurium
5c creditorum antcdicli dcfunO:' plcnaria difpoHtio adminiflrationif-
que corundem commiOio, Necnon compoti calculi (iuc ratiocinij ad-
minidrationis huiuftuodi auditio , Hnaliique ab cadcm Jiberatio fiue
dimiHio ad nos folum 5c infolidum 5c non ad vllum alium ludiccm
aotoric dinofcuntur pertincre pknaric ctiam comraitnmus , Tequc
admininratorcm de 5cinci(dcrabonisc?terifque pr^miffis pracficiraus
ofdinamus 5c dcputamus per praefcDtes , Oncrantcs te in virtute ju-
ratncnti tui predict quatcnus plenum verumSc fidele Inuentar* omni-
um huiufmodi bonorum conficias 5c nobis in Curia noftra pr^dift* ci-
tra Feftum Afcenfionisdomininoftriproxim fucur'poftdafpraefenci-
urn exhibcas. Debitaque ipfius dcfunft' in quibus tempore mortis fuae
cfFe^uaiitertencbatur iuxca iuris m ca parte cxigcn, Necnon legata
in Tcdamcnto praefentibus annex* concenca 5c fpecificata juxca
facultaccs bonorum bene 5c fideliter perfoltias . Nccnon compotum
calculum Hue ratiocinium de 5c fuper adminiOrationem tuam prae-
ditam in Curia noftra predict' rcddas cum fupcr hoc fucris euo-
Liber Inucntarics, fecundus
catus, Ac nos & omncs & fingulos officiaf & miniftros noftros quofcunqs
indcmneii),& indemnes vcrfus quofcunq; rationc pmifTorum conferues:
Saluo iurecuiufcunqiie. Dat Ebof fubfigillooffici) noftri prxrogatiuae
pdictvlcimodicmenlis Decemb. AnnoDni i/po. Ecnol^rxcranllac*
ad Archiepifcop bof anno fccundo.

In Dei nomine Amen. AdmiQ^is probationibus de &

fuper faflione ce
flamen! pfcntibus annex', coram nobis LB. legum Doftore M.S.ar- &
tiuraMagiftf Cur prserog'Reuercnd* in Chriftopatris&domin dhiE.
diuina perrailTlonc Ebof Archiepifcopi, Anglize primatis& Metropoli-
tan ComnaifTarijs legitime dcputatisjipfum tednirite fadlum Sc legitime
jpbatum,Nos Coramiflarij antedifti approbamus 6c infinuamus,ac pro
valore eiufdcin declaramus. In cuius rei tcftiraoniura figilluni officij no-
ftri pdic: pfentibiis eft appofitum. Dat Ebof Tub figiilo p,di^^,vltim di^

DienHs Decembris Src. r'! ^

pt' -

^t)u0 mc^ of Cetfament0,Cotiicil0>ano ^letters or SiminifiKfi*


An Inuentarie.
Aipt3Iuentanet0 a t)efcriptioii o?Ucpei:tojic,ojt)crIpttiaDeof Scft.^j-ii
all DeaD mens gooD5 ano c^attel0,p;i^cD bp foare crcmble menj
o; mo}e, lut)tcb enerp Crecuto? I ^Dmimarato; ou^bt to txU^
bite to t^e D;otnarte,at fuc^ time as tic Qjall appoint t^e rattie

0nD BBntientaries ougtit to be maoe fo foone as conuenientlp ma^ be,

after tije parties t;eatt),lca(l tt) gooDs be imbe^ileo. ;9nD fo; t^e mo(

part ti)ep are maoet^us*

snt)e BlnQcntarie of tt)e gocos ano chattels of ^.)1B* of |D

in ttie Countte of C* yeoman DeceareD,mat)e ano p;c9aeD
]t:rrb). ^cace of t\)t raigne of our ^cueraigne llaoie
iueenedi$sbtl),ic i55>4.
Inprimis,inreaoie#onep. r.F
f^isj^pparrelU i;l0*

31tem,in ^ti|5113eo-c^amber,tU)o ttanDing 515elis luitl) JCeftojs ii(iP

3tem,ttoo iretl)erbeos,ani3 oneiS5cii>ne 3l5eO ^f*

3teni,foreteeneSBlanfeets nx*>
3{tem,eigl)tp^rc of dilates* :jv: )rt.0*

Stem, lire C*ou$rlet0; ano ttoobaering0> ^ii*^*


Symb. Marchants affaires. part.primse

3n Itfee mantr cuetp Cl)mg,aj saUen,llmiin,Mmc,<Dile,)i5cerf

tjouOjolo Ctufifa of aUfoif5,a E:abtcs,^angingiJ,Cl)air0,Cu(l,i)n0,

Cl)ttts,potc,panne5,ptottr t3ffel,515?cUnn$ \)eIlEl3,ir!ipUment6
of i^ufbanD?p,=!leafe0,E)cbts Due to ^ Dcao mau,o; fap Ijim Hue to anp
ot^er, Co?ne tjpon ttje gromiD, !}^03fcs,rcn,!iunc,^ljflepc,S>iDine,
^ulUtijf c. ano fo? t^c l)oun)olo ftuffe,cit()cr to fee 5o\unc toljat is in
euerp feucrall rcjme, as cuerv ^3arloj,Ct)ambcr,^tuDic,&l)op,15ut*
tgr l)oafe,^tlfeel)Oufc,f ctierp etljcr Ijoufe: i; el6(lDl)icl) fanietij bet*
ter) tofojtaUttjm&sotonBUinDto0etl)ci;,asall)i5;afre tDgEtber,aU
petottr togetber, all 3i5eDDing togetljer 9c* pji^ing eucrp ttjing fcac*
rallp lip it felfe : 0nD tbcn to fubfcribe tbs fame inuentarie luttb tbc
names of tbe fame pjatjfojs, in ttje pjefence of fufficicnt tuitnciTrg.
0ttd'tbi ottgbt to be oonc [siil) great Diligence, care,i fiUeritie,tbaC
t^e tcue t}alae of euer^ tbing map be knotunc, to tlje enD Ibat tbe Dead
man0 cbilDjen oj Uinffolk6,'gts Icgntcaies t creDitojs,map baue tljeic
oUme,luitt)ontfucb frauoulent concealing, as in like cafes is cmilp
,i,l^iliZ Pcriio$A.B.CDE.F.G.H.

Inflrumcnts in Marchants af&ircs.

yi Chjtrter partis,
the name of-God, Amen. STbts Cbarter partte of
fratgbfment a
maDc bcttoccnc U.iF. of EonDon st^ercer, ano '.Q2L of UeDOcrifc
in tbc Countie of s>. gaffer bnoerx^ob of tl;c goob ^bip calico
tbe K.of 5lof tbe burtben of tb;ee bunojeD 2ntnnc,oj (bercabouts,
iioU) racing at an ancl^oj in tbe riner of ^b^mes of tbe one partic, of
toticb ^btp tbe fa^b U.anD (D.ace partie oluneis, 0no :b0 C ^cd
cer,t IS.^.!^aberDafber, ^arcbants of 3ionDon,otuncrs of tbc otbec
tbe faiD ial.j^.ans G.aci. bane graunteD ano lettcnl:o fratgbt all tbeic
part of tbe faio ^btp bnto tbe faio IC.C f 5U. ^ fo; a bopnge )aix{\} ber
to be maDe(bp<10oDs grace) in manner i fojme fcUotoing t tbat ts to

fapjSEbe faio part Doe cctienant f graunt to

l^i?,ano<lDi:i,'r*foj tbeir
anbloitb tbe faio %.* i la**^. bp tbefe pjefents, Cbat tlje fato j>bip
toitb tbe fii tt gooD tomD f tueatber tbat (0oD (Ijall fcno nejrt after tb?
Datef)creofjajall (bp^objsjgtacc) Direalg failc fvom t^e faio riuer of
Liber Marchants afFaires. fccundus
K^amteAmil) tat\) gooDs f marcljanfiijes as H^albe laDen in l)er,mf o
t^epojt of ILigo^ncmJtalte tinnier t^e Dominion of tljeSDufec of if

9 t|)0re ainli Difcbarge fuel; gooD5 f marctjaoi^es as djalbe appointed

t^cre to be tniaDen, and ftom tt)cnce f^;aU tat^e^er Direct tomii\3iU^
as n.act) conuenicnt fpeeD as map be tjnto ttjc giflc of z^anta in d^re*
tia, bnDci' f be gouernment cf tl)c S>cigno;ie of tElenice , f tbere (ball

tnrric ^ abicc bp U)e fpacc of fojtic luojfeing Daics, nert after bcr firtt
artuall tbc re at an an&er,fo? to bnlaDe fucb sooDs $ niarcbanDii'cs^as
XB^oi (l^albe appointeo tbere to be bnlaDe freigbt fte^* ^nD alfo b)itb'
w t\)e fame time ftall rclaDe gocDSitDarc5, marcbanDife as tbe

faiu SU.f li.tbeir factors affigncs feill tbere cbarge laDe into tbe
fruD l^tp,after tbe rate as foUoiuetbtbat is to Cap : accomptins rrC
net of Cm
ranee foj a tunne,j;b.barrelb of )ple foj a tunnejo maiig
gallons asluill fillfourebcsgelbcaDs foj atunne,anD foiallotbet
^are anD marcbanDife to be laDen in tbe faiD fbip bp tbe fato 2:i i^*
t\)m faaojs ojaCfignes,after fucb rate as ^al be tbot'^ljt rctifonable
f conuenientbi>4 inDifferintperfons, U)l>ereoftU!otobe tljcfenfag
tbe faio 2n. I tX tbotber ttoo bp tbe faio i\ j C^. And tbat tljC fapa
fl)ipUJitbberburtben,(baUIitbtbefirafne]ctgooD toinDitDcatijec
after tberpiration of tbe faiD rl.to)feing Dapes (iip (iDocs grace) Di*
realp faple i come from tbe ^f\t of ^anta, bnto tbe faiD citi of-^^foj
l}er rigbt Difcbargc, o; asneere tberemitoasfbe conuenientlp map*
And tbe faiD 2li liDo couenant $ graunt, f eitber of tljem couenan*
tetb f grantetb bptbefep;efents , SEbattbep tbeir factors, Deputies
03 aff JgneSjOj fome of ibem, (Ijall i loill lueli ano truelp pnp, 03 caufc
to bepapD to tbe faiDlS.ano Co3 to eitber of tbem, tbcir, 02 eitbet of
tbeir certaine 0t(urnep,erecuto;s,o;i aDminiftrato;s^in tbe faiD citiz
of ^ouDon tjj. U- of |c, fojeuerpSCunneof fucbtoares f marcbanDi*
fes as ato^gfaiD, as ftialbe laDen in tbefaiD tl}ip biP tbe faiD CanD )^
tbeir fa(tc3s,?}eputics,02 a(rignes,ratablp,acco;Ding to tbe parts anD
tntcretts of tbe fatD K! CB of,i in tbe faiD fbip^in maner f fomt fol*
k)tDing,tbat is to fap:)netbitD part f bccof tjpon tbe rigbt Difcbargc
of (be faiD fbip^anD one otber tbir D part tbercof \x)it\^i\\ tbe f pace of 6*
iueeHcs tbciinert folloiDing,anD tbe refiDue tbsrcof Imtbin the fpace
of6toeebcstbennertenfning And tbe faiD^iS.Kfi;. Doe couenant f
grant,! aUo SaiarrantjtbaC tbe faiD (bip foj tbeir parts iball be ttrong
i Itauncb? t tuell $ f nfficientlp bictnalcD, tacUleD, t apparrclleD Ijottb
faile,parDS,ankcrs,cableS5ropes,gun0,(bot, artiUctp, gun-poluDer,
f all otber in(ruments,tacUle, 1 apparel necDful 1 neceffarv in fucb a
foj a UUe bopage,2:c3etbet toitb an able matter;; dnicn I a bop,

Svmb. Merchants affaires. part-primae

tDbtcl) mm ano bop Cball be reaDie at al tine timed.Uiit^ tt)e Cocfebo&t

of tlje faio (iMpjto fgrue tlje fate Sfjo.ano iS.t^eir fattojs ano atTigng,
to,and from lano sating tl)e TaiD iiopagc And alfo to Di(ct)arge ano
relaoe {t?e fatD ($tp a5 oppojtanitie (i^all ferue * And to t^e afo^efa^^
r? t^e partiea afo;ef aio^traelp to be |iolDen,bept,anD perro;meD in alt
ti^WQS ns 10 afo;eraiD, tl^e fame parttes Hat btnD t\)tiz[ae& one to t^e
0t^er,t^at xb to fap : Et)e fato U. i Cl;* ano cttl}er of tt)em ooe bp t^efe
p}efent0 bino tbemfelae0,anQ tbeic feaerall erecnto20 ano aa}O0,anD
anD intereil0 in t^e fapo fibtp , luttt) tt)e furniture
t^eir fcuerall partis
fif^be fame, to tbe faio C ano ^* anD to tbeir erecuto;^ and aDmini<
firatojB. And tbe faiD fC* ano )S* and either of tbem Doe liketoifebinD
t^emrelae0,tbeire):ecuto;0,f aDminiflrato;0, t all tbeirgooos to tbe
faiD )^*anD C tbctr mcuto^s, anD aDmini&ratoja, in tbe fumme anD
penaltte of 2000. it* of latofull f c* bv tbe partie 02 parties infringing
(onenant to tbe parties obferuing,trnlp to be paieD bp Dertue of tbefe
p;$fentS. Inwkncffc&c.

jinother Charter partie,

Scd.^;^. IN the name of God Amen X\)\ti Cbarfer partie tnoenteD of a


Ifraigbtment maoe betioeene K* ^* citizen ano 0lDerman of ]Lon^

Don, ano ^, <Z* citizen i B);aper of HonDon, oU^ners of tbe gooD $ip
ralleD tbe |32imerofe of E oncon, of tfje burtbcn of 1 4* S^unncs , o;
tbereabout0, at tbt0 pjefent rpDtng in tbe riuer of ^bames iDitbin
tbe )3o;tof ilonDon,U)bereoft0^aiaertnDer(I5oDfo;tbi0p?efent
topagc ST.^.on tbonc partie, 0ttD 5i5.il. parcbant of p. notu reC?
Dent in ILonDon on tht otber partie, VVitne{Icth,tbat tbe faio )iDner0
ano ^a(!er bane graunteo ano letten tbe faio &btp to fraigbt to tbe
fapD ^arcbant : 0nD tbat tljc faio ^arcbant batb bpjeD tbe faio fltjtp
fojatopagc bertobemaDe,bp(llpoO0 grarc, infojme infuing,
tbat 10 to fa^ 2:be faio ^toners ano spaittcr, foj tbem, tbeir erecui

to?0 ano aDnuniftrato?0,anD enerp of tbem do coaenant f grattnt,ano

uerpof tbemconenantctbigrauntetbbp tbefe pjcfcnts, to , f toitb
tbe faio ^arcbant, ^id erecuto?0 ano aOminillrato^s, ano enerie of
tbem, in fojme foUotoing, tbat Cbat tbe faio S>bip(ball
10 to fa^:

rt>oe anotarrie tuitbin tbe riuer of Cbames, tntill tbe xhu Day of
tbi0 inttant ^onetb of iuUe, ano (ball recetue into ber Uiitbin tbe
faio po?t of Honoon fraigbt free,all fucb gosD0,toare0,anD marcban^
oiieS; as it ^aU pleafe t^z fa^o ^artbant , ^xb tmoiB 0? aflTtgnes^
Liber Marchants affaires. fccundus
t\)en to f!)arge anD latjc into [)er lefoje ^cr Dcpartwre, 0ni3 otto

rccaucmtoljcrbffojeber Departure any t!;cgooD0oj imrcbsnDucs

f anp pcrfon oj pcrfcns, toitljout t^c fpcciall confent anD agrecmrnt
Dftljc faio f)crcfjant,l]is^actcjis,e?airtgnes,ivcept tl)jee pacUegof
mere fjanDi^e fraiigt)t frccof t^epjopcrgootisoft^e faiDM.C And
t^attl^e faiD ^l)ipper!)allluit^tt}erftgooDl3JtRDnnoiDgati)crtl)ae
<^oD Hiall Urn mn after tt}e faio firtcent^ Date of tl)ii faio tnSant
monct^of gulie, ccparfanufaile fromtl)C^ojtof tt;c faioCitieof
ionDon,tiuit{) ^ faiD lecciueD gcoDs of itje faiD ^
ertl)ant tnto C^oje
fttD of tl)ts Kealme, tuijere Hjce fljall f arrie anD abioc bp tbc fpate of
tcnDapcB rcrt tnfuing ^erfirS arriaaUtl)ere,atanSinc|)o;e to re^
tciuc into ^er fr aigl)t free, as muct) Cojne, ass fijec may fafelp carrie
0uer,anDbeGDes|5eri3ictualUtacfele,apparrcU, munition, anDfuP
nitare. And moreouer,tbatt^e faiD S>!)ippe (^aUUntl)tl;c ftrft good
iDinoe ano toeatdec t\)U (2?od fl)aU CenD, nert after i\^Q erpiration of
t^e faiD tenne Dates, Directlp fatle from (Doje enD afo;cfaiD) tmto IL*
intljeHealmcof p^fisnigS) tt)efamc3:ctoneas fl)ce map fafclp ar
riucto make fjErrigtjt Diffl)arge:eKSl)crctt3efaiD S)t)ipflTaUtarrie
anD abtDe by ttie fpace of fo;tie fiiue Dates ncictenfutng^erflraarrt^
wall tfjere at an 3nc!:jo?e,aftocl to Difcfjatge facb goaDB rcc etue d into
ter luitbia tbe faiD po;t of HonDon auD at CDojc enD afo;cfaiD,a0 alfo
to recharge anD receiuc into t^er onetiunD^eDauD rb;tte Dunnes ttt
all, fiub gooDS, luareis, anD percl)anDires, as it fl?allplcafct^c faiD
^crcl)ant,^i3 i^a(t03so3affigncs, tljcrc fettbtn tt;e faiD fo;tic fine

Daies to laDe into tlje faiD ^bippe befo?c bcr Departure, Prouided al-
waies,(jit is agretobctlreenetbe faiD parties to tbefepjcfents, 0nD
t\)z faiD i^isncrs anD gJaSer do coiiennnt anD grant, fo? tbem, tbcic
erecutojs anD aCmimOratojs, anDtuerie of tljem bp tljcfepjcfcnfs,
toanDtJuitl)tbcfaiD2pcrbant,f)iserecuto3S anD afftgnes, SCljat if
tl)efaiD^ercbant,l;isi?acto2S ojaHtgncs, cannot iwitbin tl)c faiD
fojticfiucDaieslaaetbefaiD^bippeatll* afojefaiD, SCfjattbentbc
faiD ^bippeHialUarrie anD abiDeat^* afo;efaiD,by tbe fpace of UU
tcenc Daies nert after t\)z e,rpiration of tbe faiD fojtie fiue Daie0*2t;D
tbat tbc faiD ^l)ippc being as aboue at iL afojcfaiD laDen5fi)aU luitt
t^e fird gooD toinDe anD lueatl)cr tSjat O^all fenD tbercunto mott

apt anD conuenient, ncrtafter tbe expiration of ttjefapD abyomj

Daies, 05 fo foons as Oje Hiall be laDcn,Direttly (aile from tl^ence t)nta
3.o;?lonDcn, to fuel) of tbc fame places, tobere it a) all pleafctl)
faiD ^xrcljan t,!jij5 i?8cto;s n
aaignes, t^at t^t faiD ^^ip l^all mafee
Symb. Marchants affaires. part/prima:
l^erpattof Difcl^argc. In confidcration totjcrcof ft)e faiD ^arcljant
foiiiwhW frecutojB, fattojs, ana airigneg, anufoj eucrpoft!)em
tiott) coucnnt i graunt bp tljefc pjcfcnfs , to ano toitl; tbe faio D^>

Here ano Raiders, tljcircrccutojs, aDniiniftcatojs , ano affignes,

SC^at t;e t^e faio ^arct)ant, ^i epccutojs, oj affignes, Ojall ano toill
aftoeUtDitlnntbs faio pojt of ilonoon, ano at 0266110,36.111^.3?
fo?cf3io,toitt)incumeof tbcfapD limited abpoing 0a^c5,aftDcUDifj
cl)arsctt)efaiDS>t)ip,as recharge ano laoc into IjcroncljimojcDanft
fo;tte 2Uunnefi of U)l)atfoeuer gooos 02 marcl)anDijce,rccboning ano
accounting tluo pipeg foj a Cunncfourc l)oggcQ)eaO0 fo; a SCunne,
puncljione fo; a K\xm\e,(m SCertians fo? a SDunnc , ttoo ano
tl)2f c

ttoentie quintals ano a balfe of tl)e lucigbt of anoolof ca foj a SEunnc:

0no of baggcjs of Apices, ano ct)eft0 of S>ug3r, accoroing to tbc bfe
of ^arcbantfi ano ^arctjanoijc. And alfo tbat be tbc fato cparcbant,
^is iFattojs 02 atTignefl, Ojall toi'l)intbe faio abtoing Oapes at IL*
afojefaiOjO) fofooncastbc fapo ftiip fljsU be tbcreasaboticlaocn,
giuetbeir notice bntotlic faio q^atftcro2l)i6 aaignc5, lDl;ett)cr tbe
fame S)bip Qjall maUe \)tx rigbt oifctiarge at a. oj llonoon . And alfo
ttiatl)Ctl)cfapoSparcbant, bifi i^attojs 0; atfignes, fball ano Ml
truclp pay,ouatcfe f c.tnto tbc faio oluncrs, 03 to one ef fbem, tbeii:
crccotojfi 0) alligncs, f o? eucrie Sunnc of tbc faio f^ips laoing tbat
fljall be oifcbargeb oj bnlaoen at Jioncon afojcfaio fiftie fljillings of

laiufuU monep of Cnglano, Si^e one balfe iberccf toittjin fire Oam
nert after t\)t rig^t oifc!)arge of tbe fame fbip at iionoon afojcfapo,
aino tl)c ott)er balfe tbcrcof, luitbin one monctb nert cnfuingtbe tv*
fame fire oapcfi, togctbcr Iwitb petplooeminage, pjt*
mage, ano oueragcluont ano accullomeo. And alfo tbat be tbe fapo
sparcbant,bi0iTacfoj0o:affigneif, fttditcuelppa?, o;caufc tc. te
tt)c fapD iDujners 03 tbcir afltgnes , fraigbt fo? euerie 2Uunne of t|ie

fapofbip laoing, from iL.afo;efayo, tljatniall beoifc^argeO at a. a*

fojcfapo, Ore ano fiftie fliillings ano eigljt pence, of latufuU monpof
Cl;nglano,o)t^eiua fealneitiereofinmoneptbere currant, tlje one
^alfetbeteof toit|)infirc onycs ncrtcnfuing tl}erigl)t oifcl}argeof tbe
faiO(bipat0.afojefaiD,anot^cotbcrbnlfc thereof luittiin one spo*
netb nert enfuing tbe crpiration of t\)t faio Ore oapes, togetber toit^
petplooeminage, pjimfcgc^ano ouerage, luont ano accnftomeo. And
raoreouer,tljatl)ctt)8fap0^arcl)ant,l)i5i^attc2e oj timgncs, (ball
anoU)iilfo2 euerie oapt^atttiefa^oCbip (liall tarrteast abcue at it*

afoaef ago) euer ant abous t^ faio fojtie fine oa^e?) f liere trulv pa??,
Liber Marchants affaires. fccundus
o; caufe f o be papetj ic.f o t^c faiD ^aCcr,oj l)i aflfigneSjfirc Oacfeats
ofmoneptljere currant, luitljout fcauDoj guile And tlje fapti )Uj?
ntrsanDii^aiilersDoefoiicnant, gra{int,anD U)acrantbptl)efcp)e*
fims,tI}attt)efapD l^tpajall be able to receineinto bcr bnoer ^at*
cbcs at JL.afojcfaiDjOuer anD befice bcr bictnalM acfecIl,anD apparel,
tYjttm quantitie of Cpl. S^unncs 0nD tljat tl}e fapo Oiip is i O^all
b firong, anD Kaancl), anD Uiell anD fuffictentlp bitt ualleD, tacWeO,
apparelleDjsnD furnitbcD tuiib mattes, faple0,faplc- varD0 , ancbo?s,
cablc5,ropes, cojD0,gunnc0,gunne'poU)r)er, fbot, artillerie,tacble,
apparell, bcatc, ano furniture meet anD Decent foj fucb a fljtp , anii
fo; fncb a bo{iage,togrtl^er U)ttb an able matter, tire auD ttnentie able
men,anD a bop : IjDbicb men anD bop (l)dbe reaDie at all times
nient During tbe faiD bciage, toit^ tbe coct^e o^ boat of tbe fapD t^tp
to feme tlje faiD S^arcbantjbis i^actojs f afiigncs, to auD from lanD
And to all anD fingular couenants , graunts, anD articles abouc tx^

pjeffeD, tobicb on tije bcbalfe of tbe faiD DU)ncrs anD Rafters , ano
cnerieof tbtm,are luellanDtruclvto be fecptauD pcrfojmeD ijnall
(btngsasa^boue.tbefa^D it)nersanD Rattlers binD tbemfelue09
tbeir f rccutojs anD aDminiftratojs, anD euerie of tbem,anD efpeciallp
tbe ^bip afo?efaiD,U)itb tbe fraigbt,tacUle,anD apparrell of tbe fame,
bnto tbe faiD ^arcbant anD bid eicecutojs auD aDmintllrato;s,tn tbe
penaltie anD fumme of fcsurebunDjcD pounDsof labufull moncp f c*
tcucip to be paieD bp tbefe pjefcnts And in liUe manner to all ano fin
gular coucnants, graunts,articles,anD agreements abfiue erpjefleo,
tol)icb on tbe bebalfe of tbe faiD sparcbant, bis ^acto? anD afligneg,
anD euerp of tbem, are trulp ic tbe faiD ^arcbant binDetb bimfelfe,
bis ejcecuto^s, aDmmiftrato^s, anD gooDS,anD euerp of tbem,bnto tbe
faiD Cloners, anD to tbeir erecutojs i aDminittratojs in tbe lifee pe^
naltie anD fumme of fourebunD;eDpounDSof $c.truelptobepapeO
b^ tbefe pjefents. In witncfle w hereof, tbe parlies afojefaiD to tbefe
Cbarter parties tnDcnteD,intercbangeablp b^ue fet tbeir feales* ^a^
teD 3. die lulJjjAnno 23. dcmirxnfaeRcginx Elizabeth.

^[ale of a ^mrter or fourth part of a Ship.

TO all Chriftian people

1^ S5 of llonDon C'fq.
!fo iufccm tbi^^pjefcnt to^iting (ball fpme, Se^V.^/y.
tcner at tbis pjefent of one iiuarter oj
fourtb part of tbe gioD ^bip ^l )lBarfee calleD tbe ^inifein of ^onDon^
ano of one quarter oj fcurtlr' part of all ber matts^ faile09 faile^patDs,
^ q 2 tt([)O20>
Symb. Marchants affaires. part.primsc

anc^o?5, cables, topc3,cojt)e0, gunness, 6imne-poli)t)cr,a)ot,arfil<

lerie,ta^le,appauvll,iMunition,boatfUifi;e, mt furniture lKl)5tfo
cttoctQtbcfaiD^ljippcbelongmj; c; appcrtatniim, fenoetl) greeting
inor'iLo3D>oDcueclafttns. Knowyec, tijat 5. t^c faio ^ )13 foj
mn iw confiDeration of t!)c funime of tjitrtic pcuntis of 3c.tol)2rof f c.
I^auegiacn, grnmitco, bargaincu, miD folb^anob^nijefc pjcfents
Doc giBe,stauut, Oargaiue, ano felUnuo tbc faio SC.p tljc faiD one
tiueirter oj fourtl) pait, as Uicllof tl)e faiD ^ijip oj Barlic called tt}e
Amnion, a5 of all tbe mnfles, failea, (ailc vavD3, 5c. ano furniture
iMt)alfoeucr,tott)c faiD ^Ijippe belonging, ojtn an^iuife appertain
iuug4 To haucand to hold tl)C faio one quarter oj fourtl) part af toell
of tlje faiD fl)ippc,a0 of allans fingulavotbcr tijcpjcm^rTcs before bg
t^efepjefentflmentioneDoj intcnDeotobebargnincoanD fclD Dnto
tl)e faiD Srp bis cvecufojs ano a<Ttgnc0, as t)is anD tbeir oUine pjo'

per gooDc, to \^i& nno tl)ar otonepjopcr bfc fo2 cuer. And 3 tl)c faiD
^.liB.fojmeedc. Doecouenantic 2:batStl)e faiDil^.B-t^eDaj^of
t^c Date fjereof, am tlie bgrtCi true, lalufuU, anD pcrfeit oluncr of t^e
faiD one quarter Dj fourtl) part of tbe faiofIiip,anDofaUanD Cngu*
lar otber i^e pjeitiilles bp tbcfe pjefents mentioneo to bee bargair.eD
anD folD,anD of euerie part anD parceil tiiercof. And tljat tbe faio one
quarter oj fourth part of tl)c faiD S>l)ip,anD all Oil)cc \l)c pjemiffes bp
ttrefc pjefents mcntioneD (o bee bargaincD anD folD, teucri? part ano
parceil tljcrcof,tl)e Dap of ti;c Date l)ereof,anD at tbqn fealingauDOe
liucrie of tbef c pjefents, noiu arc anD be,anD fo from ^ncefo;tt) fljal
continue,remaineiQnDbectntotljc faiDS:!^. biucj-ecutojsanD af?
Rgneg,tlcere anD deer! p acqniteD,cyonerateD, ano oifct)argcD,oa fuf*
ficientl\^ (aucD anD Uept barmelede bp mee tbe faiD !^*mine erecutojs
auD a(irgue0, afluell of anD from all anD fingular fo;mer bargainee,
fale5,giftc0, graentc, troi)ble},anD tncnmb2anccstol)atfoeuer,b2D,
niaDe,comnuttcD, cr.ufcD, pjoeurcD, 0? Done bp mee tlje faio ^. oa bg
anpotl)cr perfon oj petfous, bp mp ineancs, UnoU}lcDge,fuflFerance,
confent, 0? pjocurement : Ss aUo of, foj, anD from all anD fingu^
larDcbtesanD ftminicsofmoneptDl)icf)tt)e faio ^!)ippe, m tbefaiu
quarter a; fourth part tljeceof, ano otljer t\)t pjemiffes bp tt)cfc p)c^
fcnts bargaineD ano f 6lD,t3 of rigbt inDebteo, 03 in anv> luifc cl)argc*
able to anp pecfon 0? perfons lubatf oeuer And 5 ttjc faiO !^ mine
crecnto^s I aDmmiftrato;0,anD euerie of ts, t^e faiD one quarter 0}
fourtl) part of tbe faio &l)ip, ano all anD fingular otl)cr tl}c p?emi!re5
before bt> t^efe pjefnitjS mentioneo to be bargaineD anD lolD bnto tlje
Liber Marchants affaires. fccundus
faiD 2Cp.l)ig crccutoas^oj a(Iignes,apina all men tl)at fljall o? ma^
pjefenc oj dmwt m^ latofuU nsl)t,title, o; intcrefi, of, in, o? to ttie
faiD quarter c; fourttj part, as todl of tt)e faiD ^l)ip, aa ottier t^c faio
p^cnnecs, abouEbytliefep?cfentsmentioneD to bee bargaineD anD
folDjOj of,in,oj to any part oj parcdl (l)ereof,U)ttl}in one tu^ole peare
ano a unv mxt cnfuing tiic Date of tljefe pjfcnt0,fi)aU anu totU Uiar*
rant, Difctjarge, anD uefenu bp tljefe pjefents (periU of fcas, fire, ano
enemieg onel^ ejccepteo) In witncffe &c.

AJde of a Ship in ajhortforme,

TO^ames all Chriflian people to iD^omtljifipjercntluaitingfl&alUonie, Sc^.^/8,

j^.Citi^cn ano 3t.of 3lonDon,olDner of ttie gcou fl^ip c alleD
ti)e 315onauentuce of 1^* of f buroen of 2oo,Cunncs,o3 t^iereabouts,

notD riDing at an anc^o? in ttie riuer of SDljames toit^in t^c poat of

H. anD of all anD lingular niaK0,fayles,fsrlci?art)S, ancl;o;, cables,
nitton, boat f funnttare Iju^attocuer to t{)c faiD (btp belongtns

oj appertamtng,fenDet^ greeting in our ILojd CO^ot) cuci latting.Know

yectijat 31 (|je faiD %% foj, i in confioeration of tije fummc of ic. of
lalDfnll money of CEnglanD, to me in ^anD before tl)e entealtng i Deli^
uerie Ijereof truelp paiD bt> ?a3I. H. of JLonDon ^arcl)ant (of tol)icb
fumme 3 tlje fato 3.3.Doe at UnotoleDge tt)c rcceit bp tljefe pjefentg)
^aue bargatncD f folQ, ano by ttjete p^efents use bargatne t fell bnto
t|e faiD M.H.tbe faiD n[)tp,calle3 ttieilB.of l^.anD all anD fingular t|)e
faiD malls, fayles, fayleyaros ic. to tljc faiD lliip belonging o;apper^
tainingto; to o; tuit^ the faiD fl)ip noto bfeD o; occupieD. To haue and
to hold t^e faio fijip callcD tbc XB.fc anD all % fingnlar tljs faiD maftg,
fayles,fayleyarD0,anc^o;0,cable0,ropes, ano all i finsular otber t^e
p;emiffe5 hereby menttoneD to be bargaineD i folD to tlje faiD Wi* Vi*
i)is crccuto?g,aDnnniflratojs, allign0,to anD fo? tlje only anD pjopet

tfeano bcl)CDfe oftlje faiD Sf^l^.anD of Ijis e)cecuto30,aDimniflrato20,

anD atrignc0 fo^ euer* 0nD 31 tbe faio 31 ^* mme cj:ecuto?0 anD aDmi^
MiCrato;0, the faiD flbtp anD ot^cr t^e pjemiffcs l)ereby mentioneD to
be bargaineD ano folD to t^e faiD WiMM&
erecutoj0 ano aominiflra^
toj0 againtt all men, n)all toarrant anD DcfenD by tljefe p3cfent0, fo?
one li3l)ole yearc anD a Day nert enfuing t^e Date Ijereof, accojDing to
tlje lalD of lron (periUof fea, fire? anD enemies onely except.) In

witncffe &c.

Symb. Marchants affaires. part.primx

A Bill of Lading.
Icfus in London the 1 6. of lune, 1575.

X^Donbp!^.aanDU3of lloiioonafo2duiD2^arc^ant6,tjpontl)e
goaij ip t^Ueo t^e OB .of ilonoon afo jefaiD(U)l)erccf is Chatter bnccc
&0D ?l. ^*) tcnne packets of jflavc, cuciie packet containing fojtie
cigljt bunDel0,markeD luitl} t^e nmrkc in tf)c maracnt Ijcrcof, $ cig^
tfenc lattcfl tjf pitcl},being not marUecto be conucicD in tbc faio ft)jp

to tl)e po;t of C.in IBjitaine, anD be ccinfigneD lcU conoiti

tl)ece to

oncD bnto a. 15* /^actoj of tljc faio i^.a. ano It. 3 In witncflc of t^e
trutl)to})crof,tbc purfer of tl)c faiD fljip Ijatl) fermco tU30 515 ilU of one
teno;9 one being accomplia)eD,tt;e otl)er to rcil boiD.

A Bill of SxcJoAKge.

LausDco, in London 26. lutiij, lypS,

Scft 660' A^ Double bfanncc, 31 p:ap pou pap bp tl)is mp firff )i5ill of C'P
XAcl)angc,nipfccoaDanonjirDnotbcin0 papcD bnto K.p. spac
tbatttjOj tbc b^ingcr t)ercof,tljC fummc of one tjunDjeo pounos i?lem^
miO^ niony,cnrrant in l^. fo; ^arcbanoirei,anD is fo^ tbe ber^ talne
tbereof Ijere bp mc icceiucu of (l;c faiD 1?. p St tt)e Oap 31 pjag poa
mafee ^im gQ)D papaient. 0nD tt)uj3 0oD Uapc poa*

Not3,5i5tUcg of CFcbangcarecommonlp oitejteHjanD tobcanftDe#

reb in foure manners, viz,
1. At fight, toljicl) is bpon fljcto of fbe 515ilL

2. At halfc vfance, tDi)ub is at tbeenD Of balfc a monctb after f[)c

3 At vfance, lBl)icb 15 at t^e cnD of a monctb after tbc bate of t^e

4. At double vfancc; tot)u^ (0 at t^e cnD Of ttoo monet[)0 after fi^



Liber Marchants affaires. fecundus

A Bill of credit,

mrai DotncrrSaiJeto $iwit!j U.C% of t^e Citicof 5153ittolj)#gD

ojbnf anp of l)ifi afftgncs to fjis tjfCjsnp fBttims c; fnnjmes of mong
amoanttng fo tl|e futmtie of fice l)unfijcD peunDof laUjfull monj
of nglanD o; iJUDcr, anti fijal t?.fec a bill tuDcr tlje fjaiiB auDfcale oif
fbc fai^ a.B.ronfelTuig ano flielcittg tl)2 ccifaintv t^crof,SL:i)att^eil
3,mtn2 crccut03f 03 sonunillrato?0 l)aKing i%t fame lloill to ts oj a*
up of Sj0 Df liuicD,aiaU immeDiatip tjpon tl)c ret eit of tl)C famc^iU
pay 0? caufe fo be patet) to the fain l^.cD. fiiies crecuto?^ 0; afrtgnes^ &U
fuel) funimefi of inonega^njallbscsntaineDint^efaiDiBilU ^Cot^e
psrjncnt (ruel^ to be maije,3i bino mc,minel)eire,cifCCfojs,

atiDaominiCfcratoaa bgt^efepjefentoJn witncfle&c

A protcfi fornot accepting of a Bill of


]N Dei nomine Amen. Vniuerfis & fingulis prefcns proteflationis in- ScV.5%i^
ftrumcntumvifuriSjkOuiisjfeuaudituris patent cuident, Scfitnotum,
quod anno domini millcfimo quingentcfimononagcfimoodauo, &c.
anno regni dominac noflf Elizal?eih3e,dei gratia Angl', Franci3ej& Hi-
bcrni*eRegin3Efidcidefen(atricis6(c.quadragefimo, nienfisvcro Scp-
tcmbfdieduodecimo.lnmejnotarijpubliciinfranominati, teftiumquc
infrafcriptoium prefentia, pcrfonaliterconftitutiis, prouidus & difcre-
tus vir dominus R.H. de London Mcrcat, habensin raanus quafdam
literasoriginalcs Cambi), fequentis tenoris, viz. Laiis dco in H. tt)e ti^*
Of jgiaguft 1 59 S.jattJfance it map pleafcpou to papbp fbiumpfirtt
115tU of C'rct)nngc,mp fecono anti tbtro not being pateD,t)nto H*!^.o(
3LonD8n^rcIjant 03 to \)\B alTignoSjt^c fumme of Iri^XUerling, f
iBfojfomucbreceiaeDljcreof i^. ^ after rM.tp.rJ. per pound, of
fl}eUit)t(b afo;efaiDfttmmeof Xxvi^X* attb^ciapit map pleafe pou ta
mafec goo5 papment, ano to charge it to pour accouttt, 0nD fo (0o>
feeepe pOU* Subfcriptio crar, per mc Edwsrd' Barutby.' Super-
fcriptio vero , %q t^e UjojC^tpfuU 3* W. ^ercbant in JLonoon*
PriiBo, Rcquifiuic mc diftum Notarium vt fecum & diftis tcftibus
Qjl 4 mc
SymK Machants aflfaires. part.primx
mecontulerlm ad aedcs diliI.W. litas in pbfcamincupaf C.London
Vt eafdem carabi) liceraseidemprcfentarec acccptandas, Quibusquide
>itcris fie prcfcntacis, idem LW. rerpon{umcie(iit& dixit fccafdcmac-

ccptare noIIe,Qua qiiidem refponfione data & per dilura R. H. fir-


luitcr audita & intclc^t'protcUatusefl:, ct fcriep(cntiuiuprotcftatur,ta

contra praediVum E.B.lubfcnbcndum, qi'am contra quofcunquc alios
ad quos quomodocunqucpertinercvtdcbccurde cambijs, recambijs,
omnibufque ali js damniSjexpenfis,araiffis,5ct inrercfie qiiic picnomina'
tus R.H.pairus eftjpatitur,aut polldac adhuc, forte pati cogctur,ob de-
Cambijpr^diftarum. AftafueruthjecLon-
diniomnia&fingula prout fupra tcnbuntur&rccitantur, prcfcntibus
tunc ibidem A.B &
CD.Mercatonbus Londinenfibus^TcUibiis ad p-
mifia vocatisfpceiaiiter,atquc rogatif.

Et ego A.B- Ciuis Ciuitatis Londini pubb'cus dictie Regih

Maicflatisnota^'ius admifTusatq^iuratnSjquiavnacura p-
nomiac Tcftibus premiflisintcrtuijgitur hicmcfubfcripfi
fignumque meum folitum & confuetura appofui, rogatus in
fidcm prcmillorLUi).

j4 ajfnrance or fo/icie vpon e oods Iciden in a. Ship to be tranfported

from one 7*ort to another.

Scft.<J<53^ iNthc name of God Amen.SEl)^ tlDciitietl) tjsp of )5Deceml)er,m t|e

l^eare of onr ILo^D >od one tt)oufant)fcandintl)efo;ttcti)^eare
of t^e raigne of our g)oucraisne ilaoic CBlijabetl; fc Bee it knownc
vntoaUmenb^ tt)efEp;ercnt5,SL^at?X:Ulilaui Cl.of iLonDon ^tv
c^anf, astucUm l^isolDnenameafiintlienflmeof all anDeuerie o
%W perfon anu peifons,of lo^at nation,conDition o? qaalitie focuec
I?eo?tt)S|) bc,toU3l3omitDj>tf), ma)?, ojfljaUappeiUine inpartonn
aU,uotl) mafec affurancc, anDcsufctblji^ anDt^cm, ant) cucrieof
tl)emtobcealIrcDfromt:jc ^Dejtcf ^. to ttjc ^^ojtof lloncoabp*
on fuijcrs ojanp otljcr fetnn of t^erc^ansi^ce \rljatfocuer, laucn oj
to be laDen bp tjtm oj tbem,oj fo; b'ln o? tl;em, o^ in bis oj tbeir, oj a^
tip of tljcir names, oj in tl)e name of anv ott^cr perfon oj pcrfons in
tlje gooD ^^ipps calleo ibc ^M
I), toircreof is spatter Bi.t^.o) to^o^

foeaer djall goe foj Rafter in tbe faiu ^l}ip,anD b^ iiibatft}eucr otbcr
name oj names tbe f aio nnp,o? maimer 5,0; aiall benamcD oj calleo t

315eginnins t^e aouenture fromt^eoaH^outetliat t^efamcgroOtf

Liber Marchants affaires: fecundus
tuere^o; Hjalbe lateen aboo^D tijt fato fbip nt &*afo?cCatD,anD to tawtU
nn0 anD cnDure tntiU fucb time as t^e fame fi)t|) Ojalbe ariueD to tbe
faio poj,t of E.f tl)e gcjcs tljere latD on lanD in goou faftic Touching
t\)t aDitenture raio peril lx^icb t^e Murcrs Ijeceunoer namcD are coiv

tenteo to beavc ano tafec topon t&cm in t\)\s pjcfcnt l30page,is of toar,
ano p?inccs,o? of anp ot^er pcrfon 02 perfon0,)15arratrp
reif raint of
of ^aitrerano ^arineti3,anoof all ottjer pettlls ano fortunes

^batfoeuer t^cp b^e, o?liotofoeuerif n[)allcl)ancc,totl)e^urtoftl)e

iflo gooDs 0? anp part tljercof It is to be bnDerSooD,tt)at tl)is pjefent
tu^itinj (l^albe of afmucb fojce ano effect, as anp otber tojiting of af^
furance is^iclj is bfeo to be made at tbe l^opal cfjccbange in ^onDon,
oj at tbe )15urfe in ^. And fo tl)e faio ^ffurers ace contcntecano Doe
binD ano fubmit tt)emfcluc0,t^eir erecuto3B,aDminitlratoj, 1 gooos.
And foj totfnelTe oftt)e trutb, tiie faio aiturers ijereunuec tball f ub*

fmbctDitl)tt)eiroUjnepjoper banos. (0od fenot^egooo ^bippcin


31lames l^.oo agree f ibis alfurantej foj tbe"

fnmmeof onebunD2eDponnoes,tbcrr. bay of C .

E^ecember, Anno Domini fc 0OU faue tbcf ^

gooD &bip

31 5l5.i^Do agree ifvtantca.

^ ajfuratjce or poUcie vpon the hfeofa man,

for a cert dine time,

name of (2JoD ^men, Bccitknowne tjnfo all men bp tbefe S^CtMi^

pjefents, 2i:batm^u of ilonoon^. Dotbmafee^ffuranceanD
caafetb Ijimfelfc to be aJIareb bpon t^c natural life of 2n.515.fcj,anu
During tljc fpacc of fipe flponslbe?, neict infutng tbe bnoertojiting

bereof bp tbe perfons bcreaftet Cabfcribeo, fully to be complete ano

cnoeo, OTicbfaio2r5i5 i^ note in bcaltb anDts3ell,ano mcanetb
not to trauaile out of Cnglano : S:^b^^^bicl}a(Iurancelee tUpcr^

fonsbcreafternameo, foj, ano in conHDeratton of certaine currant

mont>of(il;nglano,bvl"'srscaueDattl}Cfubfcribingbereof oftbefaio
i&.^T. after tbe rate of G)cg per cent, tol)ercof \iitt acfenoUJleDge our
felues,attD eueric of b3 bp tljef e p?efcnte trulv? f atiffieo 1 paic^co tafee
bpon t0 to beare. jano tuee ooe aHure^by ibc' c p?efents, t^at tl)c falQ
Sl^B. b|? toliat aooition foeuer be is 0; 4albe nami D oj caUeo,^al bg
Coos grace continue in tbis ^i^ natur all life, f o;,i During tbe fpace
Symb. Marchan ts affaires. part.prlmae
of 0]t;crtioncft)5,a afo?efa(u:C;inticffiuUt[)ccf, cuerieoffestlje
affurcrs to fatirfie, content, anfi pap, o; caufe ic.tjiUo tl)? faiD l?. 221.
tis Fccutojs 0? a(Tigns,all fuel) fuirime $ funis of mcnp as toe tlje af^
felues cacl) one foj i)is oton pait, our Ijeirs, crccutojs, i aDminiilra*
to;0 bp tbefe pjefentfl,2Lbat if it t)a ppen f faio E^.i^.to die oj otceafc
cut of t^is pjcfent too3lD,bp an^ toaies o? means UUjatfocuer, befoje
tlje ful Ci: monctlis be full|? ei:pircD,iIEl)at ttjen Voc,oi\t
cnD of tbe faiu
Ijcircs, crecutojs, oj aDminittratojs, toitbin ttoo monef ^s ncj^t after
true intimation tljcreof be to bs, our beirs, c]rcuto;s, o; aDminittra^

tojs latofuUp giueUjCball toell ano trulp content ano pap,o; caufe ic
tnto tbc faifi ]^*Wi*l}is crecato?3,aDtninitti'ato3Jj,o? a(rigncs,all fucb
fummc anD fummcs of monp, as toe tbe affurers Ciall bercaftcr feue#
rallp fubfcribctoitboatanp fnrtljer Oelag* It is to bet)woecaooD,tijat
tbis pjefcnt tojiting ano affurancc being maoe f regiilreo,3ccojoins
to tbe ^ucenes ^aieftics o^Der anD apppointment,(I}albe of afmucb
fo;ce f effett,as tbe bett anb moft fnre policieo; to;iting of aCurance
tobicbbatbbineucrbefetofojebfebtobeinllumbarD ftrect, o?noto
toitbintbeilopallercbangein J^onDon And fotoectljeaaurcrsare
(ontenteo,! bo p?omife anb binb onr felues,f euery of bs,ouc IjtiuBi
crecutojs,ana gcoOes,bp f befe p3efents,to V^t a(rureo,bi5 erecuto;,
amniniaratojs, anb affignes, fo; tbe true perfcjmance of tbe pjc*
miffes, accojDing to tbe bfe ano cuttonie of tbe faio ff reet, oj Kopall
crcbangs: Submitting our fclucs to tbe o3Der,octcrmmination,anD
iubgcmcnt of iucb cpcrcljants as nolo be, o) bcreaftcr Ojall be ftoojn
auD auctbo^i^eb bp tbe llo;ti ^aio; of tbeCitieof ILonbon fo; tbe
time beingjfo? tbe Dccibing and enoing of caufcs of ^ffurancts. And
in tcttimonic of tbe trnetb> toee tbe affurcrs bane bereunf o feuerailp
tnbfcribeb our names anb fummes of monep affureo. Giucnintbe
office of affurancctoitbiu tl)eHopalUi;cbangein3lonoont^c ^.bap
of ipaHi/P^'
SI Blob^B.am content tottb tbts aflturance P
fo? tbe fummecf>il,f*
^S^cb pjeferue)
ftie pounces, tbe 14 of spap xj^^^O

31 SU^o.JL^amcentent ic vc fupra.


Liber MarchautsaflPaiies. fccundus

Ah Obligation inTrcmh^forfayment of a certaine

fumme of Money.

A VNom de D'teu Amen^ Sachent touts prcfefitz^ auemr^que ce

^* l0ur buy dernier dn moyes de Feburier/an de noHre Seignieur le* ge^^.^^^;
/u4 Chr/Ji Mdcmoj^ cens qmtrc vingtz drfept^ ftHe d Afigletertey (^
de Reigne de noftre Serenipme Dame Elizabeth f&r Ugr&ce de Dien
Koigne d Angieterre ^c, l*&n Trentiefme. PardeuarJ moy A.B. No*
tiire (jr Tabeliionptihliq demeurant a Londcrs^par t attthoYitate de h
{Jihiejiie de Udt^e Koigne admys ^ iure ^^ enU pr (fence des tef-
moignz cy deffoubz, nomez comparant perfenAllemef^tyP.B. May chant
de Bottrdcaulx. Le quel comparant defon bc/^grecfianche^c^ hbre vo
hnte^fans mlcune confirAtnte a recogntt ^ confefse deiioir bien ^ loy*

Aulment a honefie homme G, B, MiiHre de ISjiuirc de Bonrdemlx de

prcfent demctiYAnt a Redder if en U Count ee de Surry ^en ce Koymlmt d*
Angleterre a ceprefnt^(^ accept ant Ufommede Treizelienres fix
foulz & hmEl denier sfler lings ^ montant a Raifon de troys efcuz d' or

foL ^ tierspBur
'vn Ufomme de qunrante quatrc efcuz d'er
lieure^ a

fol, (^ njingt fept [culz Tournoys ^ ^

ce pour fer/tb lable fomme que

Com^AYant confefje queledi^ G. B, auoyt paye pour luy a G.H,


MaiHre de Nauire Angloys demeurant a Lee en U Count ee d' EJfex e

cedici Roy mime, LiquclU fufdi^e fomme de quirante quatre efcuz
d'or/bl, 0' vingt fept foulzTournoys ^ ledici Cofnpar ant a promts
^promtt par cesprejentes payer ^ ou faire payer hien (} fidelement
iudicl G, B. ou afonayant caufe, deuant le quatriefme iour de De-
cemhre prochainemcnt 'venxnt apres la date de ces prefentes fans vl-
terieuY delay , apaine de payer oultre ^ o-par dtfftu ladUie Jomme
prtncipalle , toiu dejpens , doi?jages ^ ^ intereftz : Ohligeant a ce
lediB Comparafit /^ perfonne, (^ touts (jr chafcansfes btens men*
hies ^s immeuhles prefentz O' avenir , a e\tre prms fj' vcndm
per I'itiice, come fi parfentence de Judge competent il fufl a ce con"
dstnpne^et ladi^e fentemc fitfl par luy appr ounce et ratafee. Et ied/d

Symb.^ Marchants affaires. part.primx

CompArant d renome^ ^ renomefAY ceUes a touts loiXy droits, etifiu
mes^ benefices^ prtuHegeSy (jr exceptions, qui luy pourroyent feruter

contre t effeEi ie cesprefenteSy^Jpecidlement au droit AtfA^t gene-

ralie renonciation des loix non 'vdoir,fi I'efpecialie ne precede, Le tout
a U bonnefeyfMSfrittdeou collufion.Ce fuit ainfyfacl &pijfe en ce[ie
Cite de Lfindres, es prefences de A,B, dr CV.MArchant z^Tefmoingz
(f cc appellez (^ requit.

In teftimonium prxmifTorum, ego Notariuj publicus fupra-

nominatus przfens indiumcncum (igno ineo maDuali folico
fignaui, rcquifitus.

An Obligation by one in the name of another, by vertue of

'Procuration, -where the Conflitutor is
chargedfor the debt,

N Dei nomine Aiticn, Anno Domini noftri Icfu ChriftijMillefimo
quingcntefimo o6luagcfimo nono, die vcro fccundo mcRfis Scptcmbf
ftilo nouo,qui eft vigcfimus tertius mcnfis Aug. ftilo Angr,comparuic

coram me R.B.Notario ScTabcUione publico,per confilium priuatiim,

nccnonProuincial'DucatusB.admifto& approbate, & tcftibus infra-
fcriptis, G.G.dc &c. vti Procurator ad infrafcripta plene, & fufficienter

conftitutis magnifici D. Ro. M. Scnatoris, Aldermanni & Ciuis Ciuitac

L. vti apparct per mandatum Procuratorium ibidem originaliter exhibit
dcfcripc in membrana fignat & figillat vti apparct,per didum R. M. &
rogatum, manu T. P. Notarij publici Londini, fub diexvj. mends luni j
vltimc practeriti, de anno pfcnti Millefimo quingcntefinio oOuagefimo
nonoj ftilo Angl*, & in ea qualitate fponte 6c deliberate confcffiis cft,5c
coStetur p his prentcs,bene,fideliter,& titulo vei i,iiift i^Sc legitimi debit,
dcberc magnifico D. Bartholemeo BPatricio lanuenfi ibin pfcnti ac- &
ceptanti fiimmara 6cc. legalis monet Angl',jp valore eiufdem i\^mmx ^p
parte diti Magiflri D.R. ab eod Creditorc plcnc & intcgralitcr habito
Liber Marchants affaires. fecundus
& confecuto, acl I'pfius D. cotnparencis nomine, & qualitate qua fupra,
plenaf fatisfactionemrRcminciansad hurrccflfe^um exception! nonnii-
tucratx pccuni?e,& quibufcunq-, appendicibiis einfdem. Quam quidcni
fiimmam &c. legaiis moi^era; Angliae diiftus G.G.procuratorio nomine
pracfentfs, pdjfto MagiUro D.B B. vci action leu mandac Iiuim habenti
in di<fta Ciuicatc Londincnfi, viz. medierat p6i(Xz fumma: (Sec. quse af-
cendic ad 6cc. diftx monetx Angl', die primo mcnfis lanuarij proximo
futuropoft datum prercntium.RcIiquamveromcdictatquscalccndic ad
limilcm rnmmam&c. diCiq monet Angl'jdie primo 6cc. line aliqua con-
tradiifbionc aut mora Auc a!ias(vltra predict fi)mmam)didus D.R.M.

pfato Crcdicori foluere Scfatisfacere tenebitwr,orania ddmna,expcnfa,&

mcerc(Ie,ob dcfefVum d\(\x folucionis, & cuiiiOibet partis eiufde habita
8ipada, feu habcnda vcl paticnda, Ec pro pmillorum plcnaria obfcrua-
tionedi)usG.G,obligauit,&obIigatpp(cntes pfatD.R.M.diuprm-
cipalcm fuofqs |]rcrcdcs,executorcs, commiHos, atqj omnia Sc fingula fua
bona mobilia,6c immobili3,pfcntia & futura, tam vltra, quam citra marc
vbicunq^cxiftenc.Renuncians omnibus &fingul is cxccpcionibiis,!egi-
biis & fauoribus in contraf Petens . &
confcnciens a mc Notario fupra p-
inifla fieri inlhuifita&ada publica in omnimeliori forma. Actum in le-
dibus mei Notarij, in p!atea vocat &c. litis, pfcntibus ibid, A.B.6c CD.
tcftibus ad jpmilTa vocat Sc rogatis. Ec dic Comparens fubfignauit fch^-
dam Procuratorio nomine vt fupra. G.G.

EgoNot3rius&Tabcllio publicusfupr3,& infrafcriptus,

procopia exaOis nicisfidcliter tranfumpta&concordarc
rcperta, hie rac fubfcripfi.
R. de B. NotartPts fubheui.

tyi CeJJion$rTranlport of arefi of an Accampi

due for L^farchandifes,

K TNomde Vieu Amen^ Jlin de U N^t'mite de noHre Setgneur Scft.^i^y.

^^ DieH felon k comfe ^ comfutAtlen de ^aii di Angleteru^ CMil

c$ft(^ cent qmtre vingtz dr cjmtorze^ dr I'a du Regnc d mftrt Se^

Symb. Marchants affaires. part.prima:

yenipme Royne ElizAhet aprefentregnunt xxxv^, le dixiefme mr

de moii ^e Tehurier^ Pardemnt moy A. B. Not aire (jr TAhcllio^ ^ubliq^
par I'anthorite de U d'tteferenijitmc Roym &amU (^ iure^ ^ en Upre
feme de iifmoignz, deffoubz. mmcz cowpurut en propre perfcnne Pi-
erre L. MiirchAnt demeurant en Lmdres^ lequel poar ajjeurer a, F. V,
Marchmt demeurant a Alidilebourgh^ de toutes debtes ^fommes
des denier s par lediB Compannt AudtB F, F. deuez t ant pour Argent
contant^ (^ ioyauLx^ quz auters marchandifes ; Renoncennt en cc a roa

tes excepcions i^uelsconques, en U meilk^ire forme O' m/imere que de

droi6i^ coufiume^ouAnltrementluy foit aucunement permit j,ibrement

C^fianchement^pur ly ^fes hens cr executeurs^a cede ^tr an-

fiorte^ Cede cr tranj^orte par ceHes librement fianchement auMci ^
/*. K {acceptant ^ rectpuant) tout le droit ^ttltre^ (jraBion que le dit
Comparant a^ ou aulcttnement a luy appartient^ ou appartenir pourra^

intentc'e contre Pierre Van G. Marchant demeurant en AmHerdam^

a citufe du relie du compte procedant de Soixant drapz appellez

53CU0nfl;icC ^Hiii^iCent pieces de drapz appellez ISljrdres dou-

zmtes J Trent c^ deux pieces de drapz appellez Nordres Canfees a
Urges lifies^Vtngt pieces de Carifees appellez llCttlG V^\^\U^^&
treize pieces de drapz, de 2{prd appellez ^D^Deil ClOtl), montantz
4 la fomme de ouze cent qmrte vtngtz ^
cuz.eltures (^ diz folzy de
monoye de Flaunders^felon t accctnpt^^fcedule efcript, (jrfoub/cript
de la main propre dudit Comparant^ ^
a ces prefentz attache Lcf :

quelles Carifees ^
draps deffm nommez,^ le dit Pierre Van G, a receUy
come debtens propres dudtt Comparant pour luy en fair e co?npte ^
went come efl iuHe, Conjiituant le dit Comparant le dit Francois Ve-
nant lefeul^ 'vray^ ^ legit time MaiHre^ droiturier.pojfeffeur^^pro'
prlet aire de U ^
ttltre quila^ou afcunementpeultf
dicie aclton^ droit^
oupurroit auoir contra ledit Pierre Van G, tant a caufe dcjdits Carifees
^ draps ^(^ compte auantdity come des de(pens^domaigeSy(ir intirejlz^
qu enferront adiudges ou recouures ; Le toutpour en aire vfer dif- f ^
poner come des propres hiens dudiB F, V, a luy aper tenants^ d* a iuSic
ttltre acquis^et ce autant largement came le dit Comparantfairepouuoit
Liber Marchaius affaires. fecundus
dettant U dde de cejjrefent tranfport^ a k cfjAvge que le d'tt /". V. ayi n

nndre compte^ (^teliqu^ audiil Ctmparant de fur^lm que procedera.
dudici G. a caufe que deffus, Bt le dit Cemparant renounce par ceHes
touts e xccpt ion s^pr milegcs^ et benefices^ des droits que luy pourroyent
feruir ou vdoir contre teffeci de ceHes : Rcquenr^t et cofifefit ant ledit
Comp2iAntde ce que deffm par moy Not airefufdici ejlre expedie In-
ftrumefit^vn ouplufieurs ertfcrmepublique. AmftfaiSietpaJfeaU
maifon de moy Not aire fufdici en Lonhes, en Uprefence de Hubert F.
etA. B. tefmoingz, a ce priez et requiSy I' an et tour que dejfus, Et le
diB Compar ant en plus ample tefmoigmge de tout ce que deffmaces
prefens^a rnhfonfeau etfigne,

Et quia ego A. B. Clericus Ciuis Ciuitatis Londini,

publicus facra Regia authotitate Notarius atque Ta
bcllio admilTus atque iuratus, prteroiffis omnibus 6c
fingulis dum (ic vt praemittitur, vna cum di(5tis te-
ftibus intcrfui , eaquc fie fieri , vidi , fciui , ct audi-
ui : Igitur hoc Inftrumentum confeci , fignoquc
ct nomine meis fignaui rogatus, in fidem praemif-

Symb. Marchants affaires. partprimac

A procuraticti hj a A'far chant to a FaSior, to b^y certAwe

kindes of JUarchandife,

"B N Dei nomine Amen, Per hoc praefcns publicum Inflrumen? cunAis
St(k*66Z lappare2tj& fit noium,Quoc! anno Domini (iuxia curium 8c coniputa-
tioncm Ecclcfiac Anglicanse) Millcfimo quingentcfimo nonagcfimo
iqumto, Annoqjrcgni (crcniflTimie in Chiifto Principis & dominx noftf
Elizabethan Dci gratia Ang1iae,Francije,<Sf Hibcrnix Reginae, fidei dc*
fcnf.&c.xxxvij.racnfisverojMarcijdie xxvij. Coram me A.B. facra
RegiaauthoritateNotarioatqueTabellione publico admilTo at que iu-
rato, tcftjbufquc fubfcriptis, pcrfonalitcr conititutus,comparuir,probus,
& honcftus Mcrcator lohaii D. Ciuis & Mcrcerus Londini, qui fponte,
6c fua cerca fcientia, omnibus quibus dc lure melioribus & cfficatoribuji
potuit,&poteft,vi)s&modi$,tccit,connituit, creauic,nominauit,&fo-
iemniter ordinaiiitj ac prxfentis publici Inftrumcnti tcnorc facitjconfti-
tuitjCreatjnominatj&ordinatjprouidum & difcretum iuucncm Anthoni-
urn F. de G. in diocefi Colonienfi in Gcrmania, beet abfcntem tanquara
prxfentcra,eius verura, ccrtum,legittimum, & rndubitatum Procurato
rcro,aiorcm,faftorcn3,negotiorum fuorum infrafcriptorum geftorera
acNunciumfpecialcm&generalem : Itatamenquod generahtas fpeci-
alitati non dsrogeCjnecccontrajviz.fpecialitcr 6c exprcilc ad ipfius con-
ftituentis vice 6c nomine; 8c pro eo emcndum, & titulo cmpcionis acqui-
rendum Francofurtijud moenum in Nundinis que bis in anno ibidem ce-
lebrantur,omnia Serica 6c raercimonia alia qu^ecunqiie ^put di^o Pro-
curatori videbitur 5c placcbit,ab illo vclillis,6c pro eo prerio vcl prctijs,

6c fub formis6cmodis,6c cum illis cautclis, prout

illis &
ficur d'xdo Pro-
curatoripromaxirco commodo didi Conftitucntis videbitur 6f place-
bit, Pretiumq; coniieiitum, feu prctia conucnta pro diftis Mercibus fol-
ucndura &
numcrandura,fcu ad qucmcunque, feu quofcunquc terminos
promittendum. Acinfuperadvendcndum,alienandum,6ccambiandum
omnia bona 6c mcrces.tam praefentia quam futura di<^i Confiitucntis in
Germaniam tranfmifla;fcu tranfmittcndajcui,& quibu$,6cproilIoprc-
prout 6cficut difto Procuratori videbitur 6c placcbit.
tio, 6cpretijs,
Nccnon ad pctendum, cxigcndum, 6c recipiendum omnia 8t fingula,
6c quaecunque bona, iura, 6c res difto Conftituenti , li quibufcnnquc
perfonis in partibus Germanise dcgcntibusdebita, fine fpeftamia, auc
jmpoftcrum ex caufa quacunquc dcbcoda, foluenda, feu fatifdanda:
Liber Marchants affaires. fecundus
Ec^eneralitcr ad omnia & fingula alia faciendum & excrccndum quae
ipfemct conllituens faccre poflct fi praefcns pfonaliter intcreflcc^ctiara fi

talia forcnt quse mandatum exigcrcnc roagis fpeciale vd praefcntjam

ciusperfonakm : Promiitcns inlupcr&conucniensdid^us conflituens
mihi notario infrafcnpto, vt publice perfonx recipicnti,ct ftipulanti,j{)
omnibus &{ingul is quorum inierejft , intcrit,aut mtercfTcpoccritquo-
modolibctinfuturum,feratum,gratumacque firmum perpctuo habitu-
rum,totum quicquid pdi^u eius procuiatorcm in praemiffis, alum,
fai^um, geftum, procuratumuc fuerit ;Rclcuanrque& rckuarcvolcns
idem conllituens did' fuum procuratorem ab omni oncrc f3tifdandi,&
damni in hac parte. Promifitinfupermihi notario antcdifto, 6c infra-
fcript vt prefei tur recipienti & ftipulanti,fe dift' conftitucnt tempore &
temporibuscongruisctdebitis fideliE cuicunque &quibufcunquccrc-
ditori et creditoribus perfolutuf;, omina debit & pecuniarum (ummas ^p
nomine dift' conftituentis emendis foluenda liuc
diet mercibus pro ct in
debendajubhypotheca&obligatione fuifuorurnqre hzrcd*& execu-
tof,5cbonorum omnium &fingulorum p'cntiu& futurof, acfubomni
iurisetfadi rcnuntiationead haec ncceiraria pariter& cautel9,aOum
Londihinscdibusmcidi^i nbtarij invico vocatoL.fitis, praelcnubus
tunc ibidem A.B. &C.D.tcnibus,ad prarmiffa vocatis,atqucrogatis,
^;ihdic& menfe iupradiclis.Etinmaiorem fidcm praemiHorumdi^^us
conflitucns pfcntibus figiir (uum, & manusfuae fubfcriptioncmappo-

Et quia ego A.B.&c.

tyf covenant by a FaElor to returne Marchandifes broughtfor

theconfittyJor from^artes beyondthefcaSyandto
make afaithfull account.

dci nomine Amen. Per

hoc praefens publicum inftrumcn?cuni^is Se^. <>^P.
INappareat fit&notum. Quod cum probus^ hontftusMcrcaiorlo-
hanncs M. ciuis & M. Londini, per literasfuas procuratorias da- ,

tasnono die Marcijanno domih i 594.feceritetconftituef Anthoni-i

umH. dcG.in diocacci Colonienfi in Germania procurator (uugcnc-
ralcm ad negotia fua omnia facicnda Francofurti ad Maenum in nun-
dimibidtbis annuatim celcbrandis,vti pereafdcmliteraspleniusap-
pareat. Diftus modo Anihonius die menfe dc anhincalce praefeniis
inftrumcnti ccnfcriptis, coram me A.B. notario &c. tcftibufque in-
frafcriptis comparuic, ac omnibus melioribus vijs & modis qujbus
Rr potuic
Symb.' Marchants affaires. part.priraae

potuit aut potcfl:, proroiGt mihi Notario pub.antcdiYl* rccipiemi & fti-

pulantiprodilo lohannc Mfediftum cornparcmem finoulis de hinc

NundinisFrancofurccnfibus, quamdiuat1orl-alorucnegotiorumdidi
lohfueriteideloh. Londihin Angl' cranfmi(rurum,nonfoluni Mcrces
omnes quafcunque vice nomine difti loh.M. pro co cmcndas, fed &
ctiam verum,iuftum,&fidekm compucu caiculum omnium finii-& &
lorunegotiofpcr cundecomparentem pro dido lohannc M.attorn&
agedorum abfquc orani fraudevel dolo maloquocunque: Ethocfub
hypothecate obiigatione fui ciufdcm comparemis, fiioruraquc hxrcdu
ct bonoru omnium &
fingulorum prxfcncium &
futiiroru, ac fub omni

iuris^t fafti renimciatione ad h^c neccflaria pariccr et cautcla. Ic quoru

fidcm cc teflimonium &c.


Jiiiiiil' > .
jifrocurationtorecoHerandreceltieallDebts owing
-?!."}:< : ' i^yacerume^erfon.

g. . 1 N Dei nomine Amen. Per hoc pfens pubh'cum inftrumentu cunlis

Jlappareatec (icnotum, Quodannodomini ifp^-annoqueregnifcrc-
niflun^ m Chriflo principis dfiae noftrae Eiiz.dci gratia Angliae,Franc*,
5c Hiberniae rcgin^fidei defenforis &c. xxxvij.menfis veroMaijdic
dccimo quinto, coram mc A, B. facf regia authoritate Notario atquc ta-
flicutijcompamerunc probi & honcfli Mercatorcs loh. B. ct Pifcc-

narius Londini, & Arthur S. ciuis & Groccf Londini, qui Cpontc & fui$
ccrtis fcicnti js, omnibus quibus dc iure melioribus, 5c tfficatioribus po-
tuerunt,& podunt vi)s&raodis/eccrunt, conQitucrunt,creaijeruntjno-
pubbci inftrumcnti
min3iierunc>5<: fokmniccr ordinauerunt, ac prefentis
tenorefaciunt, confi:uuunt,creat, nominant, &
ordinanc,& corum vtcr-
quefacic,JconQituit, creat, uoroinatjCt ordinal, probum &honcftura
Mcrcatorera Guiliclmum E.in partibus Holiandise rcfidcntcm ( licet
abfenccra tanquara prajfentcm)eiuset eorumvcrum, certum, Icgki-i
mum ccindnbitatum procuratorem, aftorem, fadorcm, negotiorum
, &
juorum iiifrarcriptoriim geftorem, ac Nuncium fpccialtm gencra- &
1cm. Ita tamcn quod generalitas fpccialitati nonderogcc,nec ccon-
tra, videlicet fpccialiter &
cxprefse ad ipforum conftituenci* ct
corum vtriufque nominibus nomine, pro eis& &
corum vtroquc &
pecenduin, exigcndura , Icuandum , rccupcrandum rrcipicnduBi, ,

cc hdbcndun] de Thoma P. Mcrcacorc LonduicnC^?! vel dc ec iii

Liber Marchantsaflfaires^ fecundus
bonis ct rebus fuis cuiufcunquc fine generis, fiuc qualitatis,etinquc-

rumuis inajaibus inueniri poterint, quocunquc nomine fiucaddicionc

nominis idem Thomas P. vocatur fiuc appellatur, omnes <c fingu-
las pccuniarum fiimmas et quanticatcs cifdem conftitucntibus iiuc

corumalccridebitas, competences, ctcompetituras, tamvigorcqua-

rumuis fchedularuni, obllgationuro, compucorunj, 8c fcriptuf lub-
licaru, vcl priuataf , quaraetiam fine Et diftum Thorn P. tarn ct ,

pro corporis, qiiambonofarrcftatiofi et fequcftratioiijfeifiaraentaad

folutionemec facisfactioncra faciendam, compcilcndum, 5c confirin-
gcnd, ct cum tcmpus fuerit rcmittend et relaxand', ac remitti ctrc-
laxarimandandum Ec de recepcis, rcciiperatis, et habitis quietan-

dum, liberandum, et abfolucndum , cum pacto folemni et expreflb

rem Tcmel habitam vJterius impcrpetuum non petciidum j Et fi nc*
cede fucrit pro prjemiflls, omnibus fing^uh's coram quibufcunquc&
Dominis, ludicibiis, Maionbus, Burgi Magiftris, Scabinis, confu-
laribus, &al.jTufticiarijsfiueCommiirarijs , tamordinarijs, quam
cxtraordinarijs , ac Cdm ecclefiafticisqnam
cceteris juflitixminiftris,

fecularibus, quacunque authoritatc fiingencibus & funduris compa-

rendum, agendum, ec cxpcricnd: DiOofquc conftituentes,cteorum
jura in omnibus 5c per omnia defendcnd : Quafcunque prouifiones
& iuris auxilia, arrcft*, fequeflf , dccenciones perfonarum bono- &
rum ,5cquaeuisalia impetrandutu&obtinendum:ljbellos,poficiones,
5c capitula dandum , datifquc refpondend : domicihum eligend:
Litem 6c lites conteftand : De caiumnia vitanda et quoduis alterius
generis licitum iuramentin animamipforu connituenciumfiuecoruai
alterius prxftandnm , 5c ex aduerfo prxRari videndum : Sententias
5c idd quxlibct fieri facicnd 5c exequend ExpenCa, dampna, ct

intereflepctend , 5c taxari faciendum , prottflandum , fcnccntiand,

appelland , 5c appellacioncs profequend : Denique cum eo con*
cordand concludendum 5c pacifccndum
, c infuper omnia aha
, :

a^a ludicialia, 5c extra ludiciaha faciendum, quae merica caufa-

lum iuris ordo, 5c fati quahtas exigunc 5c requirunt : vnum quo-
que vel plures Procuratorem vcl Procuratores loco eius cum fimili
aut Hmitata potcflate fubftituendiim : Eumque vcl eos reuocandum,
prdut ipfo Procurator! mehus vidcbitur 5c placcbit : Et o-enerali-
tcr ad omnia 5c fingula aha faciendum quae ipfimet conftituentcs,
feu corum alter facerc poflent feu podet , fi prxfentes fiuc praefcns
pcrfonaliter intereflent , fiue intereffet , eciam fi talia forent qux
mandatum cxigerent magis fpeciale , vel pracfcntiam eius perfona-
lem : Promittens diCki conl^itucntes 5c corum vterque promutwis
Rr 2 oiihi

Symb. Marchants affaires. partprimse

mihi di^oNotario,vtpublicaepcrronacftipulanti&rccipienti,fc& co-
nim vtrumque ratuni,gratum,validum, atquefirmumpcrpetuohabitu-
ros& habicuf^qnicquid per dift' ^curatorcm in prai{fi$,a^lum,geflum,
procuratumue fuic, iub hypothtca & obligation omnium & fingulorum
bonorum faorum raobilium & immobiliii pfentiuiu & futuroru, ac fub
omni iuris & fadti rcnunciatione ad hxc ncccflaria, paritcr, & cautcla
AtumLondiniinaedibusmei diftiNocarij in &c.ficis, prxfcntibu
tunc ibidem A.B.6c C.D. ttflibus ad premifla vocatis atquc rogatJs,an,
dic,& raenfc fupradict. Ec in maiof fidem pmiffof, dift* Conftitucmes
pfentibus figill' fua, & manuu fiiarum fubfcriptiones appofucrunc.
Et quia &c.

ji procuration for recouerie of a, Debt vpon an Ohligation^in

the farts beyond the Seas,

Sc^ ^71. 1^ ^*^* noTiinc Amen

Per hoc pfcns publicum inftrumt cuni^is ap-

1 parcatSc fie notum,Qj anno Dom I f 96. annoqucrcgni fcreniflim^

in Chrifto principis dhac &nfac Eliz.Dei gratia Angli3r,Franc', Hi- &
bcrh reginxfidei dcfenf.&c. 59. mefis vcro Fcbf die viccfimofexto, co-
ram me A.B.facf regia authoritate notatio atque tabclliofi pub. admiflb
atquc iurato, tcftibufquc fubfcrjptis pfonalif conftitutus, comparuit ^p^-
bus&difcrctvJrHucroM.ciuis& Aurifaber Londini, habcnsinmanu
quandam Obligation conditionalcm m pgameno icnptamjintegf/ana)
incancellat,omniquc fraudis fufpitionc carcntcra,ac figillatjmf mani- &
bus Arthuri S.nupcr ciuis &
Groccri London, &
loh. S. nuper ciuis &
Tcxtoris Londini fubfcript, fubfequent Tenons) vjz.

NOuerint vniucrG p pfent nos Arthur Sciue & Grocer Lon5, & L
S.ciuc & &
Wcaucr Lond.tcneri firmit obligari Hugoni M.ciui &
Aurifabro Lond, in trccentis libris bonq 6c legal' monct Angli^,foluc<f
cidcm Hugoni M.aut fuo ccrto atturnat,cxecut, vcl admmiftr* fuis. Ad
quara quid folutioh bene &
fidelit facicndjobligamus nos &
nf um,p fc pro toto & in{olid,haered,cxecut,& adminiftraf rfos firmiter
p pfent. Sigill' nfis figillat, dat vicefimo die Nouemb, anno regni dnac
noftf Eliz.Dei gratia Angliae,Franciaf,6c Hibcrni^ Rcgih fidei defcnf.
&c.Tricefimo oftauo,

ConDition of

0)bltgatton t0 fnc^
> t!)at if tl)e tott^in
^.o; either of tt)em,o;t^ee]i;ecu'

Liber Merchants affaires. lecuuuu.
to;0,aotmntltrato?0,o?aatgne0oft^ci,o^att^ ottiiem. Doe Ml
anD tf acl^ content ano pay, o; caafe tjo be papsD tnto t^e lutt^tn lu*
meD^ugt) ^^is ej:ccuto?S3?atrigmr3,t^efummeof onel)unD;cD
anDtljirtie pounDs or laUjfuU mor^cp of Cnglans, in, ojtjpontl^e
ttoenUctI) De^ of j|>ouembcr, lutjictj fljsU be initjc wre of oar U.o;D
(!I5oD 1 596.at tl)e notjo clMclling l)ofc of !^>^, rdtHafeano
t[)e faio

being in HonBor.: tl'ljGt l^cntl)ig Obligation tobc&iia ajtDaf nen

rffect : iiD? elfe to ItanD antJ remaine in fui ffcengt[>ano (jcrtae^Subi
fcripcio me 0.& Et pra^ter hxc fobfcriprum fuit.Sigil-
autem crat 5i5p
lauicScdeliberauitinpfentia A.B.CD.&c.Qui qiiidemHugo M.
fpontc ^fuaceitafcientia, omnibus quib'^'cie hire irjc^iofibus^tffica-r
ck)ribus potiiit 5c podit vijs& modis.'R'citijConftitnitf^cfeauitjPomin^^-
Witj&folemniterorelinauitjac jpfentis pub. inftntm6^Hen<>fefacit,con-
flituir, creat, &
ord!nae,probum^ honeflum Mcrcatof Ni-
cholaumdeWiltinpartibus Holland refiden?, licet abfenrcm tan-
quam pnefcntcm chis verum,cemiHi,legitimum;& indubitatu.Procu-
Aulhcf, Fai!^',
ratof, &
ncgociof fuoru infrafcriptorimigcftopem ac
Nunciumfpccialcm, & gcr,eralem,ltatamn qct genc^'altcas fptciali-
tatinon deroget, nee e contra, viz. fpecialitcF, 6c exprefse adipfius
nomiiiA pro co pecend*, cxigcndVicuand*,recupcrand*s
recipicnd'A iiabend',dcprxfat Arthuro S &Ioh.S.6c coru vtroque,
vcldc&boni5 &
rcbuscorum,&:eoruvtriurqucuiur5unquefini ge-
neris flue qualitatis.&'in qiioriirftuis nianibus inueniri potcrinf, (qui-
biifcunquc nominib^ fine addiciofiibiiSjCcuquocurique nomine fi ad-
ditrone.ijdcmArtimf&iIoh.vocarit fine appellant) omnes & fingu-
laspccuniariifumraas & quantitates^eidcm Conftitucnti debitaSjCom-
petentes,6c competituras , vigorc Obligationis fupradift'^fiuealitcr.
Et di^os Arthur S.&: loh.S.feu eo) ii alter, tam p corporisfeii corpof,
qiiam bonof arrcftation, fcqucftratidn, fcifiamenta, ad folutioncm &
fatisfaftioncm facicnd*,compeiIandumj& conftringcnd': Et cum tcm-
pus fucrit rcmittcnd'j& relaxand', ac rsmitti &
relaxari mandand*: Et
dcrcccptis,rccuperatis,& habitis, quietand', liberand', abfoluen- &
dimjjCiim pa^o folcmni &
exprcflb rem femel habitam vlteri^ imper-
petuum non pctendiim ; Et fi neccdc fucrit pro pm iflis omnibus lin- &
gul is coram quibufcunquc doroih Judicibus,Maioribus,Burgi Magi-
llriSjScabinis, Confulanb^, <Sc all js lufliciari js fiue Commiflarijs, tam
ordinarijs, quam cxcraordinarijs , ac ceteris luftitias rainiftris, tam
Ecclcfiafticis quam fecularibus , quacunque authorirate fljngentibus
& funluris comparcndu, agendum, experiendum : Di<^tumquc &
Conftitucntcra,&illiusiura in omnibus &
per omnia defendcndum :
Rr 3 Quaf-
,>yniD. ' Merchants affaires. part.prirhac

Quafcunquc prouifioncs ^cruris auxilia, arrcfti, feo^ucflrijdctemio-

IKS pcifonarura & bonormn, &
qu3cuis alia, impctiandum obti- &
ilepdmiiilibellos, pofitiones, & capitula danduni, danfque rdpoiv.
dcndum : Litem & lircs conteftjnduni : De caliimpnia vitandn, cc
duoduis alteriu generis licitum iuramcntum in animam ipfius Con-
Itijtuemis pr.iftaiidum, &cx aduerfo preftari videndum: Sen^cpcias
& adla quarlibct fieri iacienijum et exccjuendum : Expcnfajdaninai
ctintereiTe pctcnduni, & taKari faciendum, protcftandiim, fcmcn-^
tiandum, appellar.dum, & appellationcs profeqiiend' : Deniqicum
ds feu eorura altcro concordand, concludendum, ^pacifccndum:
Ecinfupcr omnia alia aftaludicialia, & extra ludiciaba faciendum,

qux roeriM canfartjm, iufis ordo.&Faai qualicas cxigunt requl- &

runt vcum quoqiie vcl iplurcs
vcl Procuratoresloco
cius cum fimiliaiit limitata potellat^ fubftituendum : Eumque vcl
cosreuccandum, prouc ipfi procurator! melius videbimr dc place-
bit :Ec generaliier ad omnia &fing,ulaaiia faciendum qux ipfcract
Conftitucns faccrc polTet fi prxfcnspcrfonaliter intereflec, enam fi
talia forcnt quae mandatum cxigcrcnt magis fpecialc, vclpr^fcn-
tiamicius perloqalem: Promitccnsdiiflus Conftitucns mihidiloNo-
tariovtpublicjeperfoncE ftipulanti & recipicini, fe ratum, gratum,
validum.ac firmum perpctuohabiturum, quicquid perdiiftum Pro-
curatoremin pr^miflis a^um, geflum,procuratumuc fuerir,fub hy-
potheca &
Obligation omnium &
(inguloium bonorumfupmm mo-
biliuro&im.mobiliumprjefentium&futurotum, ac fubottoni iurisSc
fafti renunciatione ad hxc ncceflaria parittr&cautelajRogans per
mc Notarium anccdicf fibi indc confieri Inftruracntum.vnu vel plura.
Attum Londiniinc^dibusmcididi NotarijinScc. fltis, pracfencibiis

twnc ibidem A.B.&C.D.Teftibus ad pi-aemifTa vocatisatqaeroga-

ti?, annis, die, & menfc fupradiftis : Ec in maioremfidemprarmiiro-
rum ditus Conftituens prefcntibus figillumfuum Scmanusfuacfub-
Icriptiontm appofuit.

fy^certificat of depfiftims of mtnejfef vnder feale of A

Citie : Aljo a TracHrAtton annexed.

%tOi^C-ji\ Y TNiucrfis & fingulls Chrifti fidelib^pfcntcslitcras vifurisjlc^uris,

V vd audituris, lohanncs B. Eques auratus, MaiorfiucPr^fc<f^us
cclcbcrrimoe ciuitatis Londini in Anglic, ciufdcmque Ciuitatis Al-
Liber Merchants affaires. fecurJus
dairar.ni fine Scnstorej, falutcm in dcrriro fcrcpitcrrrm. Noucrit
Vniucrfirasveflra, qioddic incalcepisEfcmiuin rttrofcripta, coram
r.obis pcrfcnaljtcrccmpanicrurt &
prcfcntcs fucluntjprobi ho- &
rtfliviri, ]oh?nrcs S. Euipfrfis pra:d:di Cim'tatis Lordini, an
rum xxix. agcrsvel circitcr, r>i;pcr IMiniftfr &
/<flor ncgotioium
I.E; JVlcrcatcris Londinerfis, Si G.S. xxviij. arnmagiiis vel cir-
citcr, Minjftcr &
AC\oY ncgotioium Gulicln;i E. probi licncfti&
vin, dz jnfignis Mcrcatoiis piacdiclx Cinitatis Lcndinij Qiiineqj
nictu, dolo, faucre, prccibus, ira, iruidia, cdio, malitia, nee ali-
qua alia finiflramachinationccircunr.iicnti riccfcdu<fli (vtcoram no-
bis confifTi flint &
recognoucrunt) fed ex ccium proprijs 6c fpon-
tancisvoluntat.'bus, & vt Veritas in hac parte cninibiiseuidenterpa-
teat, ac requifiti exjfltntes per predidliiniG. E. ad veritatem in ca
parte diccndam & profercndam , per & fupe r corum iuramenta
modo confucto pixflita, ad fan^a Dei Euangclia coriim manibus
dcxtrispriniitiistafta, dixenint, depofuerunt, declarauerunt, & ccr-
tificauerunt vt fequitur, videlicet: Pijcfatus I.S. in virtute Inflru-
irenticius prqdi^ti dixit, depoluit, dcclarauitj&ccrtificauit; Quod
ipfe in Ciuitatc Hambiirgi in partibus tranf;rarinis refidcns inanno
domini i^j6. Menfe IVIaij, tunc& ibidem pcflidcns omnia 6c lin-
gula ilia bona &mcrcesq!;cinfcribi'ntur6c cxprimuntiirinquadam
fcbardula prarfentibus literis annexa, pro fe &
in ncmine fuoflipii-
lans, vt de bonis fuis proprijs, pro fumnnl 420. libf monetae Fian-
drix fibi per praefatutn G.S. in ncmine precli>i CJC. adtnnc folur,
vendidit, tradidit, Sz liberauit abfoiute &
bona fide prqdift' G. S.
in cad em ciuitace Hamburg! pK^difto menfe Mai j, anno fupradido,
pro vice &
in nomine praediiti G.E. recipientis &
flipulantis om-

nia pracdila bona &

merccs, ad vfum eiuidcm G. E. Et prsedi-
^usG. S.fitnilitcr in virtute iuramcnti eius pr^dicli dixit &c.qu6d
ipfe in przedifta Ciuitatc Hamburg! praedifto racnfe Maij pracdi-
ftoanno pro vice
ij'76. &
nomine praedidi G
E. flipulans 6c re-
cipiens, emit &
reccpit ad vfura ipfius G.E. dc pr^nominato I. S:
prxdiria bona &
mcrces pro prjedifta fumma 420. libf , quam
tunc &
ibidem dc bonis eiufdem G. E. eidem I.S. tradidit per- &
Ifoluic. Etquodviccfimo fexto die fupradi)imcnfis Mai), anno pr^-
!didlo vel circiter , cadcm bona &
merces ( duobus facculis calcii-
lorum exceptis) onerata fucrc in portu , fiue iuxta portum Ham-
burgi priedid*, in quibufdam nauibus Anglicis per pracfatusn G.
S. pro &in nomine, &ad vfumdi^iG. E. fignata cum figno eius
vfuali hie in raarginc confcnpto , 6c de cifdcm Nauibus poftcA
Rr 4 ablat
Symb. Merchants affaires. part.primac
ablatafuerepcrquoftlamadtunc homines diOo G.S. ignotos, antc-
quamNaaes iliac de portuSc jurifdi^tione Hamburg! praedift' foluE
& libcf fucrunt. Ecinfupernoucritvniuerficas veftra, quod dii^o die

incalce prasfentium retrofcripto , coram nobis perfonaliter compa-

ruit, dc pracfens fuit prsnominatus G. E. qui (ponte &

ac certa kientiafua, omnibus melioribus via, modo, Hire, & forma,

quibus magis melius & validius potuit, & poteft, fecit, conftituit,
crcauit,noniinauit,deputauif,& folcmpnicer ordinauit, diledos fibi

in Chriftoprouidos&difcretos viros, I. S. Mercatorem Angli^ H.

commorantcm, 6c G. T. dc praedi^a Ciuicate Londini Mercaio-
rcm, licet abfentes tanquam pr^fentes, fuos, veros,ccrtos, legitimos,
Scindubitatos procuratores,, aulhores, adores, & ncgotiortim fuo-
rura infrafcriptorum geftores ac nuncios generales 6c (pecialcs, con-
junlim&:diuifim,&vtrumque corum, per fc &
in folido : Ita ta-

men quod general itas fpecialitati non dcroget, ncc e contra ,' Et ita
quod non fit melior conditio occupantis nee decerior fubfcqucn.

tis, fed quod vnus eorum inccperit id qinlibet corum libere profo
qui valeat, mediare, finire,6c detcrminare, ac ad cllfedum prod-
ccrc, viz. fpecialiter 6c exprelle in nomine 6c vice ipfius Conflitit.
cntis, ad petcndum, cxigendum, leuandunij recipiendum, recupcran-
dum,6c habendum, achabuiffe 6c recepitTe confitendum: in judicio
& extra, tam in pr^diftaciuitate H quani in quacunquc alia Ciui-

tate,6cinquibufcunqiali)slocis6cpartibus tranfmarinis , a quocuri-

queScquibiifciinquehoniineSc hominibus, loco, corpore communi,
coUcgio , focietate , populo , 6c vniuerlitatc ccckfiafticis 6c feculari-
bus,ac de,6c in bonis quorumcunque, 6c in quacunquc re, omnia
6c fingula praedi^la bona 6c merces memorata in praedifta fcxdula
praefentibus annexa , Ac cmnes , fingulas , 6c quafcunque fummas,
& quantitates dcnariorum, pecuniarum,fummarum, debitorum, rc-
rum, mercium, 6c bonorum quorumcunque fibi difto Conftitucnti
inpartibus tranfmarinis qualitercunque debitaac fpe):ant, ac ip
fius Conflitucntis vice 6c nomine , 6c pro co, omnia 6c omnimoda
caufam, actionem, querelas, pctitioncs, proceffus, 6c demanda quae-
cunque pro praemiffis 6c eorum quolibet , coram quibufcunque

ludicibus vel lufticiarijs quacunquc aufVHoritate fungentibus , ad

profequcndum , implacitandum , agendum, producendum, cxe-
qucndum , dcfcndcndum , cxcipiendum , 6c recipiendum : Libcl-
lum feu libellos, 6c quafcunque alias pctitioncs dandum 5c affcrrcn*
dum : luramcntum cfc calumpnia 6c dc veritate diccnda, acquod-
libcc aUud genus liciti facramenti in animam ipfius Conftituentis,

JLiber Marchants affaires, Iccundur
iDKeftandum.ponendum, & arciculandu pofirionib' aduerfae partis rc-

itipondcnd : Tcftcs,lfas,inftrurata, & alia quxcunquc probation genera

l^diiccnd&exhibcnd , ac jpdu^a&xhibicacxaducrfapartcrcpro-
|t)andj& impugnandjin caufa feu caufis corcludend : fcntentias tarn de-
pnitiuas quam intlocutorias audiend &
fieri pctendu, ac defcftiuas
|)onendum& obijciend, obicftifqucrerpondcnd:damna,cxpcnfa,&
mUtte quolibctpctend recipiend, ludicis officiu iniplorand,& a fe-
tcntijs pred & caru qualibec grauanilne quocunquc prouocadum & ap-
pcllandum : prouocaciones &
appcllationes ipfas profcqucnduin in- &
|hnuanduni,& ipfas fi libucrit rcnunciandum. Et de reccpcis rccupera- &
|ti$,ct rupcrfineetconcordia,acquictancias oppoitunas dandu
licicas &
rconcedendum,etlibcrandum : ct generaliter
inprcmifl.ttcorum quoli-
Ibet, oia et lingula agcndu &
lnuand,finicnd,etcxequend, quae circa prcmi{Ia,et quodi bet fiiniflbrii J

Inecedaria fuerint,ct qwomodolibct opportuna/iuc de ei(dcm depeden-

iciaannexaaut vcilia : Licet talia forent quaemandatexigciet maaisfpc-
|ciale,qiuni pfencibus ejtprellum. Viuimcriam fine pluresprocuratoie
fiue procuracores fimilera fiue limitacam poteftatem habentes ecru locis
|fubftituendum, eteofdem reuocandum. Promittens diftusConftitii-
ens, fe ratum ct gratnm, firraura ct (labile habiturum, totiim et quicqnid

per Attornatos et Procurarores fuos pdilos,vel corum aliquefD,aut per

corum^vel alicuius corum fubditucos, aftura, faftum, geflum, pctitum,
procuratum, aut quomodolibet adminjOraiu fuerit in prxmiflis, aut ali-
quo praemiffof um, ita eft'eftualitcr ficiic ipfemct Conftituens pr^fens et
perfonaliter intercflet. Inquorum omnium ec fingulorum fidcm ct tefti-
lDonium,nosprefatiMaioret Aldermanni Sigillumofficij noliri Ma-

ioratuspr^fentibusapponifecimus. PredidufqucConftituens in raa-

liorem cuidentiam approbationiset con(enfus fui poteftati predict (ic vt
prefcrturfafta^jSigiliumfuumpraercntibus appofuit. Datum Londini
none die Sepccmbris, anno Domini &c. annoque rcgni Reginae Eli-
zabeths 6cc.

t^Coriflitfttionbj Mar chantSy ofa FaSior to deale

generally for them.

N Dei nomine Amen , Vniuerfis ludicibus, Gubernatoribus , ac Scl,<^7^.

^iuftici? difpenfatoribus, tarn per mare quam per terras in omnibus
Rcgnis, dicionibus, jurildidtionibus quibufcunque , T.S. et R. S.
Symb. .
Marchants affaires. . partprimaE
inclit^ Ciuitatis London rcgniAngl'Mercatorcs,Salut,Nouerit vniuer.
iitas \'cflra,nos pd C.&S .pro nobis, nominibus, & vicibus noftrisjcon.
ftituirtc,dcpurallc,ordinaflc,6c harum litcrarum feric dcclarafle,E.L.no-
prccuratorem,6cnfuin ncgociorum omnium 6c finguloruquorumcungj
aftorcm,prout dido E.&.Subftitutis fuis quibufcunqj detepore intepus
opponunuravidcbitnr,.fic tamcn in omnibus ytgencralitasfpecialitati,
6cfpccialitas generalitati nihil dcroget:Dantes6c p pfentcs concedcntcs
dido Procurator! noftro, ac Subftitutis fuis quibufcunquc, totam in- &
tegram potcftatem & authpritatcra noftras in pmiflis, ac omnibus & fin-
gulis rebus, ncgotia noftra tangcntibus agcndi,dlccndi,procuraRdi,allc-
^'cl in corum aliquo vidcbitur neceirarium & vtile, m oibus locis iudicij
(& iuflicif ,5c coram ludicib*" quibufcunque: Necnon Aduocatores,Pro-
curatorcSjLcgifquc pcritos,ad pdida ncgotia noftra conducndi,&pro
nobis & nommibus noftris ^pduccndi teilcs & tefiimonia qu^cunque ad
caufasnoflras rite 6c legitime prouocandas & tuendas,6calia omnia &
fingula quar in pracmiflis, vel corum aliquo pofilm cadere opportuna,jP
nobis & norainibus noftris cxigcndi,pficiendi,& totaliter finiendi, ^put
nofmctipfi potuerimus,fi ibidem pfentes perfonaliter eiTcmus. Rata &
grata, firmaqi 8c ftabilia habcmcs& habituri, totum & quicquid 4i^\M
Procurator notter fcccrit,fcu fieri procuraucrit in pdidis negotijs nofl^i
vel corum aliquo , feu in aliquibus circumflantijs aut ccrcmonijs, cadeoi
vcl eorum aliqua tangcntibus. In cuius rci 6cc.

A SuhBitution by him to whom aTromration -

is made,

ANno aNatiuitatcDomini noflri lefu Chrifti, JVlillcfimo quingcn-

tcfimo &c. viccfimo die menfis Deccmb. Coram me A.B. Notario
(kc.ac tedibus dccprsefcns &
perronalirer Conftitutus comparuitT.W.
Londinenlis Procurator &
procuratorio nomine conftitutus p cgrcgium
virum A.B.de &c. ad fubftitucndum,5c qusmplurima alia facicnd^pro-
curandumquCjprout &: ficut in quodam mandate mihi Notario per pfac
Tii.W.oftenCcotincturjfubfcquef tenof.In Dei noic Amen &c.(nr///>?jT
quideT.W.vigore didi lui madatijCtomni
the Prjocurationverbatim)c^\\
tndiori mQdo,via,iurc,ct forma,quo,qua,ct quib' magis et n)cli' poterif,
tx eiliauitct licec,{ubftituir,ct loco (ui jpfi^poiwt^bos^iieciio difcrcro
-iber Marchants affaires.'' iecui.^us
irosA.B.6c CD. Mercatorcs Middlcburgcnfcs, licet abfemcs tanqi^
omnia ct fingula facidcndu.procurandumquc qu^ ipferoec
)fcntcs,acl ea

Jonftitucns vigorc diii fui mandati facerepoccft,in iciplo nihilom-

nus referuandoec recinendo principali mandaco anccdido. Rogans
permc Nocariura 6cc. a^ilum 6cc.

ui Reuocation ofaformer Troctiration,

VNiucrfis et fingulis &c. Tho. R. Salutcm. Noucrit vniuerfitas Scft^75^

quod die in cake pfcntium rctrofcripto , omnibus meliori^i
busvijs, modoet forma, quibuspotnit ct poteft,reuocauit6creuocat,
omnimodampotcftatcm ct authoritatcm pcripfumTho.R.praeamca
conccflasfiuc datas cuidaml.G.Mercatori, ad prosequendum, agendu,
feu exfquendum, aliqua negotia difti Tho. R. Itaquod di^lusl. G.
port hac ntillam pecuniarum fumraam, bona, feu aliqua alia recupcrata,
rccuperanda,feurecipienda,&ad diftumTho.R.fcueiusiuraqualiter-
cunque debcntia liuc fpeftaniia, rccipiat feu habcat , nee aliquam con-
cordiamaut acquictantiam.prcmifla fcueorumaliquidconcernemem
faciat, delibercr, vclconccdat,{eu aliquidaliud vigorepracdiflae potc-
ftatis,(iuc authoritatis , faciat, agat, perficiat,fcu exequi poffct quomo-
doUbec. In quoru omnium & finguioruixi fidcm, 6c teflimoniutn &c*

F 1 3\C.IS,

Newly corrected and amended
and yerie much enlarged in
dl the foure feucraH

1 Of Fines and Concords.

2 Of Common Recouerics.
3 Of Offences and Indiftiiicnts.
4 Of Compromifcs and Arbitrcmcnts.

Whercunto is annexed another Treatife of Equitic,

the luriJdiBion^andproceedings of the high Court of Chan-
eerie; of Supplications , Bills, and Anfwers ; and of ccrtaine
Writs,and Commiffions illuingthence,and there alfb re-
turnable : Lilcewifeniuch augmented with diuers Pre*
Jidentt,for thefame purpose, hginmn^ at the
1 44. Scdion,aa4 continuing to the
tndof BiUs and AnftPtrs

With an addition of fbme ncceflarie Exemplars to be

vfedtn his Maieiliet C^nrt of EKcbeeiuer , Wards and
Liueries,and Starre-Chitnbcr, ncuec
PrinU'd before.

Hereunto U alfo added a Table for the more eafte

and readie finding of the matters
herein ccntayned.

Jngenij cibusPodium ^findijcfue diligenth*

Printed for the Companie of
Stationers. \ 6 i%.



) '-nr-^'f!

Viro lurifprudcnti^ & pietatis laude illu-
Jlrifumo Edvvardo Coke
ArmigerOjfcrcniflims Regina? Maieftatis
Prociiratori (itauno W^Wi s t vcram ;^

<X3ptac foclicitaccro.

ZJMmijtfere svtffi^fttytjMi iMCkhationetfuM Ae alt'

(jHo dtfci^tiuit gettere inpuhlicum proferunt, in ntore

pofltum efc videtmr ( r/r iSufiriJJime ) vt in Epifiom
lis fuis HMncupatorijt dffff foujpmum fe^uantur :

vwtmf vt mumipfMm.cttinspMtrocim Minftatusmt,

dignit Uudihtu efferaut^ alternm, vt operas ipfas
\gr4t9 tncomio affictAHt : trunS fortaffe ntmnttlU , ^w
idem ame facifndpmt arhitrabuntur') a qmhuTtU'
mtM ego longe diutrfttmfeniio. Vtrumque er.im vt velltm,m4xime certt non
pof/tm : Nam a^ hciiigemoUmeiteMtttM t ab illo,pMdor quidtm ingtnitm
m e remoratnr. Et ver9,fiiM Uudes tuat excurrerem longitUf vtretr^ vt (^
tpff hoc nonpxtererit,Bt egojcum corporis ^tum animi dotiunt^qutis natura ^f-
farint in te tjuafieffitdiffc videtur^multitudine cbrutMs^ne^uey quidpra cate*-
rit dicendftm^neifHe ijuemodo finis faciendwJit,facilr rep<rirfpJf<m .-fiuede
tximia iurix noflrifcientia^fiue deJinguUripietatc tU4 dixere^tjuas i Te (vir
ornAtijpine) 4tM etiamnumintegr4,tam mature nthii exh$huit,vt adquaf"
nis respracUras gerenddi^ nonfdEiwfednatw ejfe 'widearis. ^uarum ve-
Iktt ff*^agijt adpraclara munera iamdudum chcEIhs, alijfajMe , etiamgra*-
dauisy prxUtwJif. Sedquicqmdipfe de te dixero,diClur$u iUudfum tenuius
minHftjMejplettdide^aiitam did deiuiftt, dr ret dignitM pfiffttlaret. Itatjue
mAlnifilerCtac (ingularessH/u animi corpsrifqae ttti dote/ fufpiseret^uam ui*
hildiccnd9,tnfant$am meamprodere, De opeHa antem meagloriofim dicere
nihil att$net, enimargumentum eiufmodi efi,vt nuffiw adeo eommenm

iff rebM trailat , efHa ad-

datiene magnepere egerevideattrr , tjuippe tjModde
pacem d* CMcordiamcum conlfituendamytttm refiitt*endam,fief{antmaxi*
me :Jiue enim traSiatum primnm de finibm : ftue alterurn ittum de reettpera*
timbw,ijMadtcf^ntar . ftuetertittrndecriminihtea & accufattonibtu inde a-^

rimuUerJtHepp^remHmdulpmpromiJps & arbitrijs^9ntempleri4t mhilaH^

% 2.- w4i
ukqitdm qtiietent & tranqmUtatem humane fcciet<ttis,ff)irare'i;identur em'

iua. Namarbitru,lititeafqttefftfcitAtMjeHitercomprmnt -.fines c^recw^c-

TAitones dominia &proprietatesfrmant: accufatie^eSymccntHtTt pfccata de
tegtint i
iitnocentesipjivcl fanentHrt vele medio to/iantHr, nei^orum virpu
proxtmos qnofcjHe velconfigiat velinficiat, Et certc haudfcio, a pace quic*
qaam auoujli:^ ad veram Jtngt4lornm fcelicitrttem excogimri potent , ilia
namque nobifcum commorante omnihus nobir ac commodi r abundamnSyatque
exanifni'fieptentUtfticctdunt.ommii. Atfydklctffima eikscon^uettidmepyi'.
uemHr^eaque a yiobii ex^let,jla.tim hello ^ommbm ntalis atique <zrumnis expo-
Jin vitnm longe mijenmam ducimm, iJModum autem , quo hac tra^aut,

ljitidare,nte(im nonefi \^lmdfiemmis eiufmodiefi.qm tiiit,ati}fqMe bonis &

doBii viris pUceai ,atU.p^r fie ipfum commendatus erit :fm rmnnsy vana rei
no probanda commefidatio,ipfamLftdabi/torem no ejjiciet. DeanimoaH'
tern mco})octHapAcelihere effari libet , vol/tijfeme prodeffe quamplttrimUf
iji AUtent pracipue^quiprima iurisnofiri tjrocinia exercent. ^uod vt tneUftS
tr,n.tre,po^em,iJiei vohi qHalicnnque methodo : cumprofe^o nulla mihivi
dealin' dicendi ars alia ntji methoduj,q(d^ apriorsb/u natura,adproxi^4,
q!U a notioribnSydd tninw notaj ^ua a generaUbni^ adjpcctalid, que afinifif,
adinfimtriy qMiqiieit^ demnm abinjlUHto aliqHogenere admedtUy turn deji'
fiiendo, turn diuidendo, tranjit, donee tandem tn exemplorum injimtate conjt-
ftat^qnam qnid^em difponendirationem ttbi ( vir ornatijpme ) mningramm
fore confidoycum omnes tUtu dtf^mtntioneSfatque adeo diSla omnia dHam ipfam
fuauijjlmefemper^irare vUentur Te igitftr horumxjii^cenatem rogopra
genuina &
UudatiJfimaUU tua is rem literariamjiteratoj jqfte omnes pvemo
uendipromptJttidine,et verapacis amareJtngulaKi,acernmoq!fe iiJoin deh^4
odioyjt alia reipublicagr/tuiora negotia nonimpedtant , hnnc libellunt cognof-
cere,fu/dpere,actfterivelis', qHomihianimosad hacattgenda ^perpoltenda
^ hijs maitra alacriter aggredienda , adda/. Te (vir- iiiriJconfHlitjpme
(eterna pads authoryadftii nornimsgloriam^ecdejidi. cofHmodum^et reipub/ica
franqmlitatem,qf*am diHttJJ^imefentetincoIumeu. Ex edtbus meisFirbeSiu-
cnjibtis hatid longe a Doneaflria bf*rg9,inagro Eboracen/t,poJ^ridie calendat
tJitAias \ Annofalntis per ChriiitfolitfsfangHinetn refiituta, I 5" p 4.

^r^v. .\\wi!ayi T^i deditiffimus,

William Wis T.'

h-ir '



Of Fines and Concords.

Thf definitioH ofFines,

^iditmxt^ta toe I^an^alreaDtem ourficKpatt $ca.f
of Sy n)bolcography fl^etueD tlje fo;^mc of Diners
ConDittons ant) Couenant!,arU)eU fo^ t}^t Xtw'i*
ing ef if inejt of Hants anu a^cnements, as alfo
tctapfeanDlimilt^c tjfes thereof: 3!tnotD for.*

'mett) nereffat:^ toI^eio^oiD tfje/fiotcs of 22ir;its

of Couenants and Conco^ns fo; if ines^ tott^ o^
ttjec neceflfacic Cirtumftanres concerning; tl^e

fame, are to be maoe* ^^erefo;e let t)s Jell

ieante toljaf ,ano Ijolo t8ojtl)ie tljings if ines be ' ^v : ; r -^ !

B Trcmailc 2 i.E.4.fol.4. teatmetl) ^vnz^, Conenants mate befo;t

3uftice0,ant entreo of i^ecojp.
Drovvnc fattf^^iftnes be frud^us,cxicus& finis cfifeflusLcgis, Plow.
fol. 357.
D Gianuil in Ijts eigljt ^ceise ant firftCfjaptet tearmef^ aif ine Ami-
cabilis componcio,6c finalis concordia ex confcnfu 6c licentia dhi Regis,
vcl eiiis ludiciariorum, ^nt Bralon craOacu quinto,Lib.5* Cap. 28.
Sc^. 7, de Exceptionibiis, faitt),- Finis ideo dicicur finalis concordia,
quia imponit fincm litibus, & eft cxccptio pcrempcoria. : rf, ^ ii

^nt Gianuil, Cap. 3. Lib.9.fait^, Talis concordia finalis dicinir, eo

qd finem iroponic negotio, adco vt neucra pars litigantium ab co dc ca:-
tcro potcric rcccdcrc.
Bin tD^icI^ 315c0fees ma^ be feenc tfje ancient fo;jme of lcui?ing S^ints-^ '

fo; ttjei? be as ancient as ani? Court of iKei*

ant tljeic great antiquitie :
co;t,Plowd.fol.3f7.a. 3(58.b. tD^ic!)ioitl;out queftioniuerelongbe^*
^0 tljat if ines ^auing tijeic commencement of Keco;t long before
tl)eConqae(,ener fince Ijauc remainet in great ettimation, as appear
tet^ b^ a ^ine leuict before ttje Conquelt, toucbing tlje polTeS^ion of
tbeiibbev of Ccotulant,ant uiuers otber ancient if ines leuiet befo;8
t^attime,rete]ctant,P]owd.g57a. 3d8.b. .:rC-i;
H iBut cbiefel? lue are to conCscr tbcir effects : ioljif f) be, to mafeecec^s
tmtiz ano alturance to ttie xm\xt& conceaung tt)eir eltat^s in Hants
ant Cenemcnts^ antto gnt coutewticn,mttb?eet peace antleiearitie
toallmem iii;..:^^ ^
:: ;

Fines and Concords. -

0ij apptotl^ b^ ttie statute dc Finibus 27.Ed. I . St. 1 .c. I .tujewilt

^8 t^efe tX)O;jD0,Quia fines in Curia noftra Icuati fincm litibus imponerc

dcbcnt, &imponunt : Idco fines vocanturmaxime cum poftDuclIura
& nafrnam AflUara irvfuo cafuvkimum locum finalemtcneannmper-
pecuum : toitf) lul)ic&^tatut5iagpt|) Braaon traftatu j. Lib.5. c.aS.
Se^.y.dc Exceptionibus.
^mtl^ecefo^e bp tI)rancimtiLate, ifmeanDilionclaimcb^t^e
rpate of a ^eare ant) a Bap U^asf a peremto^e bac to all men,tii|)tc|^ load
ab^ssateo bp t!)e^tatut:e matie 34. E- 3 -c- 1 <^-
Bno at tfji oap ifmeg be of gixat fo^ee,puicranceantJ tuojtlimeflpe
being leuieuanDiiTg^oircD toitl^ p^oriamattongf, acco.:utngtotl)JD

<fctatuteof 4.H.7.C.24' i.Ra.c y. ^iM.^.c s6.SLp.E\iz,Kcg.c. i.

%\)B^ are finallenO0,attD fufftcientlig conclutse^bac an& tifcljacge fo? e.
uec as toell pacttejs ano paiiuesaflxftcattgetg to tljefame, except luo^
;inEn couect(ot()ec tfjen beene parties to tlje ftne0)ano euecie ot^er pei>
Ton at tf>etime of tpzltmm
of tl)e fame fiucbcing iDittjintlje ageof
PPI peaces, o;i in p;ifon,o? out of ttje KealmejO^of tinfounDmino,ano
notpactiejai to fuc^ fines : ^auing tjnto ellcangecs to (uc^ fineiei fuc^
i:igf)t,titl0, claime ano intereft, a0 t!)ep Ijaue totlje tmtmznt^ tljerein
fontaineo a tlje tiiheiif tp ingcoflTing tl^eceof : fb t^at tbep pucfuc tlje
fame bp actton,o; laUi full enti:iekntf)in fiue peces nert aftec p.joclama^
^i tions tjjeceupon maoeacco;Ding to tbe faio ^tatutt : 0no fauiitg to
aUot|)ei:pecfon0fucl^actian,ngtjt,titlc,clatmeanDintci:eff,in ojto t^e
tcnementjsin fucij fines meniioneD^as Sett fl^all gcoto,t:emain,i3eff enb

p^tametot^emaftectljeraiDQneeugcoireDanD proclamations maoe, -

bp force of anp caufeo; mattec l)ao or maoe before tl)c faio fine leuieo
fo t^at t\)cv pucfue tl)eic action , cigijt , or title iuitljin fine^peaces nejct
aftec tljat it is to t\izm ntmtn*
20Jiit.^.U ^p^J)ic!)auti)orities toegatljectliat fines ai:enetl}ingelf0,but 3n^
l6.Air.p.?7 flmmeiits of J^ecoro of agKixments concerning lanos, tenements, or
l)ei;eDitamenfs,oueli? made bptfje things content i licence,anDfenoUj^
leogeo bp tt^s tlje fame tspon a Mint of Coucnant,a WUnt of
parties to
R!ghr,aui2Ilntof CulbmcsanDSeiuiccs,WarrantiaChartaet^ereOf,Or
luftitesof t^eCommon piace,or otfjecs t[)ecunto
fuel) liue,bfo.je t|ie

autliorirea ano ingcoiTeD of itccoro in tl^eXame Court , to enoaUcon*'

tjoueifies tljercof botl) berUjisnct^emfeluestuIuclj be patties anop.ii^
utes to t'gz fame , ano all ellcangers not fuing or claiming in Due time*
^ SD^efe if incs oeftcop eUates tatU(ot|ier t^en fuel; as be maoe bv tlje
feing, tbereuetfion being in tljel^ing, .3 x.H.8.c.t6. Bnootl^cr tljen
:lmcis of (atij3S reHraiueiti&om alienation bp^ctof^arliam^nt,^ 2.H.

3'Pi^T i^i\mi0 bp anJintruDor of lanos feifieo into tbe ^i^ings ^anos

OS bp an (ieirelui)ic^ ^oloetl) m
Capiccbefo;elliueri$fugD> i. H. 7.C.5.
Fines and Concords; x
jf J h^'t^t Prcrogatiuc c. 1 3 . fa^ ^is enftj ne gainetfj ito ftiejert, ) 0^
in ttme become pei:peCuaU bai:0 agatnfi^ all nmi,$m tttitt^muix peace,
ij^eeue fecucittean^ ttmmlitih^o^it^ i$ t!)et)etteftutt,eflrett an^ ttm
of aUo^ool^lUtpesu

of the fartief to fines,

1^ cuetie fine ttoo tfiings arc p^mcipaUr ta be

tegamu jtj^ pecfon Se^ z

perfonfii c|)eifels tegacuen in finejei be tfje patties (0 t^z fine , ano

partieji to tfie fines be tlje Cognifo? ano ttje Cogmfi,to Jicfj ate tbe
emctentcanfestljeteof; J^^:u-;,u:;.V ^^nJ^^
%^t Cognir^ i0 i)t to iD^om t!ie fine is \mm*
3ln t^e patties tljj tilings ate fpecialli? to be tegatoen ; Cfjeit Ca-
paciticSjNamcs anU Eftatcs.
jroucljingi^ Capacitie of tCognifo^,it is to becflnfifeeteDtoletliec
|)e be a petfon able to leuie a fine 0; nomawel^ tiiljct^et ^e be ^oiD of
fuc^ impediments natutal $ ciuill as ma? JjinDet ^im in Doing t^eteof
fVhatferfofismay be Cogmfors^ and what not,

AU petrons,male ano female, ma$ be Cojajnt jojs, hut fMc|i as ate Sc^.
pjof)ibitcti tl)at to Doe bv natute 0^ laU>f

15^ natute tl);toug^ nefect of tiic mmo}of tlie booie^bnt no longec

tjen fuc^ oefert enoucctl)*
%l}isi oefect of tlje mino iseitfjetnatutaUo^cafuall ,


Defects of tlje mino bi> natutMsi)^ agi9t3i)l)ic!r is of Blnfiinfs^ifjat

is^petfons tntjet t^t age of t]t;j.^eaces,asbp Bloeocr^tol^icl) ou%fft "* ^
not to be Cogni^ojs^becaufe t^e HaUi intenoetlj ttje^ toant tjntjecftan^
Oing ano tifccctton toljat to 00 in tljis bel^alfe: ^et if a fine be lenieti b?
an infant, it cannot be teuctfep but^imfelfe h^. ^;ut of Error on^


3mpemmentsoffbemint!ecafuaU,ate fucb as affect ftitiousmaooe

men, ilunatiUcs, BlJseots, men liauing tlje llet^atgie,Ujbetettto ma?
(as it feeniettj) be aooep noting olD petfons itiiantingijifctetion,meti
t;^unfeen,lul)o ouglit not to be Cogni$o>s,fo^ t^eii* fines ate not teuet*
fable, bccaufe tlje fine it felfe atguet^ tl^t liabilities : fo? f be Jlalu ixu
tenoeti),tbat Blntiges tmiU teceiue no ojsai^nm utXuci petfons.
Fines and Concords.
Defetisef thehdif,
T?%CfiKtof t|eiwDie,be fucl^ mfirmitie tljereof b? tufjicl^ ffje p^in^ A
ScCT. y
jLy pall fences necelTarie fo j tjrtoecftanoing ano te ueclare tl)eic toit^
fentd ace tuanttng : j^f tol^icl) fo^t b0 fuel) a;$ are HinD^oeafe o; Dumb^
I&ixt pccfons bline , ueafe, o^ uunibe , acnaentall? mai? mafee cognu b
, fiance, if tl^t? caneippjelfe t^eic meainng bi? to^itms

r . Impediment^ legaR or ciuiB,

Se A ^

T CgaUtmpeDtments be toljen fuel) pecfonj? be p^oj^tbite^b? Halo 80 a
;3nD tl)ev' ate eitfjec b^ ceafon of fubtection o^ ioint poloet, b
Of legall fubieSion.
Scft.7. CtabierttonlegalliiStDljen pecfonsbebnoecfljeruleof otl^ew, aa a
OfeinecouerttoljecbufiJanu, 2.H.5.9.E.3.28. 0biUeintobisllo^5
53 L3. perfon)5ctuill^DeaO,a{ jpi:tec5,^unttc$,sp0iifeesf:,Cl)anons
9;^ofeireii,ano otf)^cltkefuper0tttous(t)otarte0 ,tD^o are in fubtection .

tatjeit^oaecaignes, I4.H.8.16.2-R.J.;. *

of couertHre,
feme couerf tttlHnageoug!)tnotfo leuteafine, 7^
fliecefoje r

cannot teoerfe it outing tlje cociettute,no? after if tt)e

tl)at C[)e

couertiree continue till l^e be of full age; 50.E.3.5. 27.A{l,pla.53:.

jSnt) a feniecouert ougljtnottoleuieafinebHtiuitljljerngljt^uf^ g ,

''-''^' "
bans, 7.H.4-2 3* 4i-E.3Uo;'

3!5utafineleuieubi?af0mecoucrtiuttl)outljerij*:fi)anDof fjerolone
lanDefl toljetein il^eljat^ fit fimpJe , is an ettoppell againS Ijer ano Ijcc
^txtca , il ^et ^ufbaho a^^it Jiiot b^ entrie, 0; otJ)erUure j-^s l^ma^
During 1)10 luiueglifejanD'after Ijer oeatfj Dutina !)is otone life,as if ^e
be tenant b^tljeCurtefie, 17.E.3.52.&78. i7cAfl.i7. 7.H.4.23.
But if liuing i)er fiirtl t)ufbanD (^e take a fecono f)uAianti,ant) %^it]^ }^im
anfi bi? l)is name knololejjge a finc^tljis fine l^nUnQt bino Ijer, fcecaufe
i^e is ntifnameo, 7H.4 2 2 & 2 3 ^tt if ftie luitlj !)cr tigbt Ijufbano
. . .

bi? a \ti;^ong Cbnitian name lenie a 6ne,vI)C is effoppeo During i)er life?
I .A (T.pb. 1 1 . Brooke FiiKs 1 7.

il feme couert mnVc belnare i}ol l^e tmt!) Ijer f)ufbanD doe leuie a i>
flneof Ijet 3iointore,left (^ tljereb^ la^liecDoljJer, Ttiui ixj. Eliz.
Dyerfol.3 59-P^49' ' '

^eitliet ougljttljc J^ufbAflD tm^f^oot f)i0 toifefo lenie an? fine of fict
lano0,fe^C^eanD tier f^eg mav^uoio itafter i)t0&eati[), 3a.H.8.c.28
i2.E.^.i2. 41.E.3.20. ':
. : ,

Fines md Concords, 2
Aipiomtllemesb^fenofeleogmgfacj finw D^oulD pmuDicct^cft Sca.p:
3lo;D6,ti^$te]bHbeceaum0 t^em of t^e i^inD^ aliened, fo; ft^

A ijiu fines leuietj b? pecfons ciufl^ tjeao, are tttetlp tjote* 5 n^

A^otfmeitcoitt|pi^Ucijbi?tf)jeatmngso?mtp;tronmeHf fijoulDbee Sea, ii
aomittefito leutc fine0,t|)eT? C^oulo tl)et;br ^t barred, becaufe ttje
latoeintenDet!) fuclj perfons are at liberty to[)cit t^ci^ acknoUtogc
fineflij 1 7.E. 7. Aff-i 7.

Ofperfonshapiing ioint power, ^

PCcfonspjo^ibiteDtobcCognip^sbt? tgarenoftomtpott)er,are c^^^ 12,

tfjet? f Ijat liaue ioint potoer f aut!)o;itt? toitlj otljers, as t^e Cngic

tnembers of eaecr Co;po?atton 0^ ^octetic, 00 a iBifl^op loif !?out ^i^

SDeaneanD Cljapter, ^cane tutt^out ^i& Capter,att 0bbotojJ0^<^
o;^ lx)it^outI)t0Couent,0)Barfon, ^tcar,p;ebenDact>,o^Ct)aunti:^
p;ueftlDitl)ouf tljetr^^Dinar^, :a ^ano; toitljout j^is Cominalfie,
^afterB ofCoUetigestDttliouttiietr fellolues, ann of ot|)er |boeiette$
4-i3.ii.H.4.^8.i2.H.4.u.& 12.38.E.3.3J.

Ofthe eftatcs ofCogtfiz^rs.

AUbcit euec^ fine be gosD to bind ttje partte0,r et fo^ tlje baliott? of 5^^^ | ,
tt)c fine it 10 conuenient, tljat eitlier ttje cognif 0^ 0; t^e eogwifi
be feifeD of t|)e laitt)0 alicnateo, 4 IT 3 1 4. i 2 -H. d. 1 3

if o;j tlje fine 10 tjoiD if neitl)er of tl)e parties be feifeo at t^e lending
t|creof,4T.E.3.i4 '?3.H.6.i8.3.H.d.27.27.H.8.4.& 20. 37.H.5.
|0ettl)ctjonc!)ec after Ijcl^attjentreo info tt)etjarranfie 5 ma^leu^
a fine tnto tljc DemanDant,tt)oug!; in faao neitljer sf t^cm 10 feifeo
If J fucf) tjoucljoe is tenant in \a\v anD ma^ confeGTe tlje Miction jberaufe
oft1[)ep?euitiebetlDeenl)imanotl)eOcmaHtjant llBnta 6nebi?tjimfo
leuieDtoaneftrangeri0t3oiD5 8.H,4.5H7.4o.
^erfcns attainteu o.ztoaineD in pcrfonal ad:ion3,ma^ alien bv fine
0? otf)ciiDife,fo; tl;eir eftates remaine in ttjem (tiil, tbongl) ti}e^ tXjtt^
b? forfeit tl)ep^ofit0 of tl)eirlanU0,9H.(),io.i I. H.7.7.

0ntj perrons attainted of felony 0.: treafon ma? not be Cogm^o;j0,

b? reafon tljat bt> t^eir oifence0 tl)eir effates be fo;jfeitcD : )i5ut li t^e^
Daj,tbeir fines be gcouagainft all perfons, buttljeiiiingitijelloiUof
lwl)oitljelanos be i^en fo? tl)eir times,8 Aff^plasfoj tljeii; eftats
^3 remaine
. .

im$ and Coiltordsi

ccmatncin tljem uunng t^titlmsk*
Mo tenant fo^ life wai' leuie a fine fur graijm I relets of t^e lanw
tort ^eMo.etl)fo? life, tolwloto tljeepgnifee fo^lifeoftlje tenant
foa life, anD it 10 no forfeiture, 4 4- E. 3 3 <^- :)But if t|)e ellate loece lac^

get:, or tlje fine fur cognisance de droit come ceo que &c. it iuece a fo;^

, . feitui:eofl)t0ei3^ate,4.H.7.foL . . ;.

%[)t fame lain is of fuel; fines bi? tenant in taile after poflTibiUf te,
tmmt in Doli3er,or bi^ tljecurtefie, 39. E. ?.i 6.)15ut fuc!) fine of a rent
fitnietlj to be no forfeiture, 2.H.5.7. |ietaparti^ ""'ir tenant , ^sin
Dotver,l>v curtefie, 0; for life3C?,nnct br finegrarti ^no furrenoer tlick
^Uatesto t|)eoiiiner oftljereucrfton q; reinaini)er, but aiapb^ fine
grantant)releafetl)Cfame, 17. E.3.62.24.E.3.26.2o.E.3.cci4*E.3.
tenant in eomnioa or 31ointenant mwi leaie a fine of f)is part,
^0 ma^ a.Copartnei: of !)i0 part. Dyer 334. pi .jo.Paf. 1 6.E1 ir.
^fine leui^D br tlje fjeirete^o 10 an ^ntiai^cr tjpon t^e feings pof^
fi^pni0-^oiD per Ic Pr.erog.Cap. 15.1. H.7,5, 2 4. E. 3 <?5. ii&utlf fuC^

fine be leuieo lDitl;out intrufion,tt bintiett) tl)e cognifor ano i)i0 l;etr0,

v3!f a oilTeifor leuie aMc

iottl) prorlamation, ant) tl;e oiCCeifee toitlj^

in fiu0.|>care0 after fimnot entpc or clainte, lie^nfi l)t0 t>eire0 be barred

for euer, PJ.fol. 3 5 3 El. inter Siowell
. &
^Ifo fine0ina^ be leuieo bi' tlje tenant in taile generaU,or fpcciall,
^no bp ttnmt in fct fimplc,^no b^ tenant in remainuer or reucrficn
If Haying thus paflcd the capacities and cdaces of Coguizors,let vs
h^^ confidcration how tkey roay be named.

How Cogfdtorsare tobemmed.

np^ucljirsg tl)> names lul^ecb^ parties to fines cug][)t to benamcD,

Sta 14.
4 for fo nuicl) as names be to no ctl)ei eaO inferteo into fines ano q^
t|[e1ttriting0,t^tl)atit mat? be certainly fenotoen, tuijo be ttjepar^
tm tl)etcunto, it is reqwifitciliat tljei? beccctaincli? nameo bp tljeir
rigljt names of baptifmeaiiD furnamcs, iuljetber t^z famebefeing,
Prince, 2Dufee, qparquelTe, C'arle,5Iluont,^aron, ILorD, or J^nigljt^
U)|)iclj be names of Dignitie,( feme of U)l)ifl) ar^ fomeiimes nameD

ijuitl)0utti>eu; furnamcs, as Gcorg. Comes Salop voitl;out l)is fur^

name, lolies DuxLanoaQr',) or fje beau (l&rquirc or CI5entlman,lD!)icl)
bettame0oftDDrn^ip,nobilitie,ano !;onor,i4-H.6.i 5.2 1 .E 4.8.4.
^im^ofea^Ditionsneuectijieleire of rurtefie are commonli? t)feD in
fines, as BIo)15i>ron ^iles^ i#* S>*arjtug %*%, gener.orif^eebga
reoman, ^ufbanomw arttficje> lab^rer^ or an% (^cclefialtical perfoti:

Fines ^nd Concords.

J; an^ Co^zpo^ation, o: baote CtHtlU^olitike, oj Cojpo^af , i^autng
coiient oj common ^ealc : ag llBailtfe ann ilBucgeirea, Spaio,: anu
ConmitnaUw , oj an? otiiecifcatetmfie oj^lB^ottjetljoju, i i.H.4.44.
1 2.H.4.20. 14.H, 4.2 1.7.H.6. 27.
^no albeit it be not nea^CTatte alUiatc0tn fines to gtuetfjepattteis
t^tit p,:oper aDOitions of place^Dignit J0,0ftate,D0gi;ce,miU^ne 0^ otcnf
pation : pet ift^ttt be tUio 0; mo.:e in one ^mG)
ofone name ano ftic^
iiame,it feemet^ reqnilit fo^ Diftinction faKe, to giue tj^em fome adtiti*
ons ic a 3|. ^. Senior 0^ Junior f c ^g if a man fjaue tluofonrtt!$ of
one name , o;^ tfje fatljei; anu |)is fonne be of one name , t^t fat!;et l^all
not cane t^eaooitton of Scnior,but tlje fonne of Junior, ano net t\}t tU
ijerb^otl^cbuttjetongei:, 37.H.<J.2p.47.E.3.i<?.

what prfens may be Cognifees in fines ^ and fecondlj bj what

names they mnB de named.

mrcej3,as pcrfonis of full age,infnntfif, femes couett^mao men. In? Sett. 15.
natiUejiueotSjmen imp.zironeD^men toitljout if)e Kealmcano allCoj^
pojations t ciuill booieg, men at tatnteo of felonte 0? tceafon^men out*'
latueij in pecPonoll acticn0,baltatri0,clecfees e onutctjtjilleins, alienu f r
0nD if a fine be leuieo to a feme couett ^llje naDet!) not to be erami?
net), becaufe ll)e tahetlj b ^ f fje fine : anu if fl)e ijatj an^ better ellate be*
fo^e tl)e ftne,t^e fine (liall not eoncluue [jet to claimeit, 3 .H. 6.42.4 1,
ilieitljec Italian infant bemgcognifee be eraminet, 24 E.?.62. be^
caufetf)efinci$fo;j]^t!benefite. SCenantfo? life mat! be Cognife? in a
fine, b^ iubif!) tlje cogntfo^ ootb coiifetrealll)t0tig!)t, tuljic!) Ijeljatj) in
tl)e lanos , to be tlje cigbt of flje tenant fo^ life', anD ccleafeano quite
eiaime to l)im ano ^10 IjeiccSjano not commit an^ fo.ifeiture, fo^ t^ete^
bi? Ijis fb.zmec eftate is not cl^angeo , ano it ma^ inure to fjim in reuer^

ton 0.: rnnainocr, i.H.y.fol./.

9im m ^bbot, iE)cane ano Cfjapteu, ^aio? anD Comminaltte, ano
fuel) lifee Corporations, map be Cognifees in fines
: but befo.jc tljein?

grofftng of a Corporation , a Wi^ii ougljt.to be oirecteo

tl;e fine to fuel)

tOttjeBIufticcsoftljeCommon^Iace, qdpmiitantfintroillamlcuari,
j.H,7.25.i9.H.6.i5. i(l^rio;ma?beCognifee, 22.E.4.15.E.4.22.
1113ut perfoitsDea0,as ^ponlies^CljanoMS anDifriecs,cannot

be betinoertijeruleof otl)ers,anOtoantcinill
coguifiXiS, becaufe tl)ev
capacttte, 5.H.7.25.19 H.6.25.
2 Cognifei^s in fines xm& bg nameobi^tjeirrtg^t proper names
^ iitj niiD
Fines and Concords.
ant) fnmamed : fo^ a fine being leuteJJlo ^* ann ^tbtUlljue tDtfe(iD|)et
f)0c Cljjtftin name luag 3IfabU ) fea^f I)alDen twiD, i ^Cpl r i .Sec the
Sclion how the Cognifor j are to be namcd,and chac will facisfic you for
the naraing of Cognifecs.

Before what perfoMS fi^es majlie kstowledged,

Scft. 1 6 IJ ^"^"S
XXfo^0 ano
pecufeu i^z capacities , eUates anti namess of cognu
^!) Wi5

cogniteg , it is time to enquire of t^e 31 Ogeg ,. before

luijom t|)i0 buftneEe mat be lianoleD :2Doucl)ing ijpijic^ it i$ to be noted
~ tijat of t^efe,fome ate Biuuges onelv at tl^e time af t^e cognifances and
^no otljecs at t Je time of tl)e conco jo*
m- ^no 3! oges of tl)e cognifancea , are fuel) pecfons as j^aue potoec to
tafee fuel) cogmfance5eitl)ec b^ bertueof tl)ciroffices,o? bi> fomecom^
milTion generall o? fpeciall , granted tinto tfjem b? ^is ^aieftie out of
t|ie big^ Court of Cbancerie

M 0^ ftoo oftfje Eunices of tf)e Common JBlacema^ in open Conct

take knotoleoge of fines ? ano reco^ t^embr bertueof tl^eirpffices,
I5.E.2.C. V V :

0no tbecljiefeSluffice of tlje Common pace,br t(jep;jiuiliogeano

pjerogatiue of Ijis plate ano Dfftce,ma^ tabccognifance of fines an^

place out of tbe Court, ano certifietljefamejluitlboutM^it of Dcdi-

niu$potcftatcra,Dyerfol.2 24.pl.3i.
0nD it fcemetb bs tbe ^tdXwtz 1 5.E.2. SDljat if tlje parties benota*
ble to trauell, tluo of of tije Common )15encl), ioit^ tbe
tlje 3Iuftices

confent of tifje one of i^tm, loitlj a iinigbt, mat goe ijnto tbe
reH, o;j

parties,anOrceiiie ano certifie ttjcirCognifanres into tiiC faio Court,

iDttf^out ant DcdiDius potcf^atem to enable tt)em tbereunto* 'i&wi tiiis
coarfc is long fitfjence oiffontinueo
;3nD it tizxattX)^ tfjat luftices of ^llifcs bt tbe generall too^os of

tl^eir patents mat tafee ano certifie Cogntfances of ifines, feitbout

ant fpeciall Dedimus pote(tatcm, fo? tlje ioo^lis be in effect as foUoiu^
etlj, tl)at iiS to fat NecnonadrecipicRd omnesiines,concordia$,&re-

cognitioncs in circuitu fiio,coniun^'&diuifim, recogniipro ilia vice in

circuitu illo^non obiiantc aliquo a^UjUaTuco^nueordinatione in contra-
^et fucb lattices bfe not uoh fo certifie fbcm,tDitbDut a fpeciall
ti)em,ano giuingtiem f Ijerebt pcluec to tafeei certifie fuel; Cognifa?i^
ces as tbet Ijaue alreabie taken, Dyerfol.2 24.pl.:ji.5.Eljz..i.H.7.p.
^no if ines ^aue bin leuieo before luttices Crrants, Lib. Imrac' ciculo
Scirefac'inAydci. Of
Fines and Concords. ^
of aT)eciimH! foteBatemde Fine lef^ando,
A&pettall Commiffion fo? a fine is a Hint of Dcdimuspetcfta! Scft. 17;
titre(t0D to fome pccfons to tafee tlje sTogniranc es of V^z cognifo^si

t)I)icl) is gcantetj out of tl)eCl)ancci:te,ti3l)en cognifojfi! of fines b? cea^

fon of mfitmitie , 0; otfjec rcafonable raufe , cannot come to t\)z Coutt
tfiecetomaheroijmfancetljeteof 2D!)ig! Dedimuspotcftat muff con^
taine t%z fubftance of tlje Iw^t of CoijenantanD recite tljat it in tljewf
fiepenoing bettoeene tl)e patticis beating Tcftc after tlje lunt of Coue-
nanc : iu^ici)S2Il?itof Dcdimuspotcftatougl)ttobeOicectcDtomcn0f
fi(B5 ccetiite f confcience , $ erpect in tl)e llatoes, tuijo muff cectifie tl^e
fame leitl; t^e Cognifances to tfje 3iufftcc0 of t^e Common piees, as
f^allbe l^etoculjecaftcc.ilnDeuericfucl) Dcdimuspotcflatto afpecial
CommiJTion muff be figneD bi? t^z%* C!)anccU(3.z,o^ it. iiaspecanu 31
cljiefe Mititt &f tIjeCommon J^leesf,o^ br fome of t!je 31ftice0 of tlje
Circuit tul^ecetljelanD l^et^.
iSutnolD man^ WSiiitB of Dcdimus potcftatfotal^efenotDletJge of
fines be ^irectcD to men of mcane tjegcec % fmal JinolMleDg,toitt) te^om
fomtimejj fo,: fuct).commiirion be ioinco ^o^ti0,fenigl)ts
fiaffiionfafee iw

f ot^et of gcuD creoite but be feioom tjfeo in tlje erecution tl[)ecof. 315?

meaner tuljetof oftentimes i^i& buftncs 13 tsnoulv c9recteij,ajtD Uccog^

nifances of femes couert \siit\)in age,anu of otijer tuecmen w\Azt uulg
^ramineDjartS of infants^asalfo of mao men,lunatilj eSjioeots % men
imp.uroneD,are fometimes cectifieD, tufjjc!) VuoulD netier befuffecet!,if
fuel) cognifo^s toece fo^ ttjat purpofe tit\)tt b;oug^t into tl)e Court, oj
befo:e ann of tfje Suffices tl)crof,a; befo.:ean^ ^erieant,o;j 3iinigl)t,o j
man of gceu confcience^ ffirciction,tDl;o SmvXxi fouc peccetrie tljeir im*
perfections, anr^tljerfoae refufe to tahe tt)cic Cognifanccs in Co iDeigl)^
fie matters aff fines be be t^c moff binising banes in f Ijeilalu*
, tvJjict)

fe^eai'carc f fjcsD tljerecf m

m^' con cett is to be i)aD, to tuljcm fuctj au^
tljont? is ca>nmitteD,lcaff it be fo abufcti as is abouefaio-lnS U.\:its of
Error ijaue bin b;^oug^t,becaufe fines tjaue bin Unolulefigen bv Dcdim*
poreftat befo^efuc^astuas neitijer Bluogc,Hbbot,knigt)t no;^erieat
at lato,anDtl)erfo^efucf) reiOgiufanccsf)auebinrcfurctJ,Br.Fincs 1 20
"^ Suffice oj ot[jer pccfon being cognifee in a fine,ma? not taUe ceg^

nifance thereof Ijimfelfe: fo; if ije fc Doe , t!)efinc tl)ercnpcn ieuieo is

^ntr tDf)en an^cogmfnnce of fines is tafeen , it ft^emctl) conuenicnt:,
tljat tl)C perfons before Uil;om the^be !inoUilc5geD,Do figne i\)Z note of

i\)zcogntfance as it is co^mnonli? tifeo fo; ti)ecccDite tljercof, Dyer fol.

32o^.i).H.i5.Eliz, -S'.'
^no nolo) b^ a late o?Der^U*ftnes ta^cii b? Dcdimus poteflatcmb^

Fines and Concords*

i)im tijat ii6f not Hutttce of mi(tintf}t<Zixcmtij)\}mt^ \miilit%
muftbefigneolj? a lattice of tl)atCatuit,DycrfoI.2 2o.pla.T5. %\^z
fo^mie of tt)0 Deditnus poteOatcm appearetl; amonstt tl7$itttm$e0 of

Judges, to whom Cognnfancss are to be certified^aHd hfore

whom they are to be Recorded,

Sel. X t. 1 ^^S^^ ^^^ ^tJC Lxcojuing of fines be tlje Inllicesof t|)eCommo

llglajfontl^,i5.E.2.ca. 0nDtf)ewfo;castti;!fatD,aUCogmrance0
tljweof muff b^ ccttifieo tijitljecfo.z in ttiat Court onl^ all fines are to
be leuieD, notixiitl)ftanoing 3 c.H.6, 3 4.
Wut fiiic0 leuieo in ancient oemefne bp an^ cuftom fame tjoio, 44.
d.3.?8, ^no fo in ot^erinferio^j Courts, 5o.Al?I.pla.f?.
^Ifo b^ a Statute of 2.E.6.C.28. fineief mar be leuieo in fljeCoum
fie galantine of CtjeUer
^ntJb^ 37.H.8.C.19. finesma^beleuieDxif lanDtinfljeCountic
galantine of Hancafter^
;3nob^t|^^tatuteof 5Eliz.c.s7. fines mau be lemeoieitfjinfjc
mnt\z |3alantine of E^urefme^

^ Hailing thus run oucr thcdifcourfcof thcpctfonsvfcd in fines, or-

der rcquireth that wc fliould now fctvponthevcrieaftions of fines

Of the ditiijton offines,

Q*. A t r .
C ^^^*^ ^"^ f iierefo^e is eitl;ec tuitljout proclamations 0; luitjj p;o^

A fine without )^it^& oar afinetnitljoutp.joclamationjlnljic^isalfotecmeoafiitc

proclamation, at t^ Commou ilatii,is fuclj a fine as iii leuieo after fuel) manner anO
forme as tlje^ luere bfualli? leuieo before, 4.H. 7. c. 24. bpon itif)ic^ no
DifcontJnuacc proclamations tocre mane , tjoljicl; fines ^oe Hill remainc 1 fuc^ forces
as tXyt"^ Uiere at t^ Common llato, tooifcontinuctljecffateof tlje
Cognifor ,if t\)ty> becvccuteo, 7.Ed.3.foI.3y.i.R,3.G.7. Dyer fol.z 6,
p.5t.4-Eliz.Pl.fol.2 65.b.4.H.7.c.24.

A fine with ^
^"^ ^^^^ proclamations (tljefame is alfo tennet a fine accoroing
Proclamation; to tl)c ^tntixtz) IS a fine IciiicD liut^ procLimatiou after tl)c forme ano
manei; oroeineD bp t{;c^tatute maDC4.H.7.c.24. 1 .R.3,c.7. Mar.c/.
3 2.H.8.c,36.3i,El.c.2.Plo.foI.i65.b.

Offines exectited^andexecntdrie.
A il^^^"^5fi"^> 'istoelltuitf^proclamationastotttjouf jiseitljcr
/^^^^^(^5 p, eveCUtorie*
, .

Fines and Concords. 6

^ fine ej:ccuteu 10 fuel) a fiii0,as of l)t0 otan p^tknt fb;ce gtuct!j a
'pofStHion (at t|)c leaft in latu) t^nto t!)c CDognifee, fo t|)at I;c ntttctl)
lij?ttofHabercfaciasfcirmamfo;jt[jceFccuttonof tije famcfiine, but
tna^ tntOCOf tuljicl; fo;it iB a fine fur cognifancc dc droit come ceo que
il ad dc (on done, U)l)icf) 10 in Mt^ hczfj tfje fnceft fine of all, 8.H.4.5.
Sfints erecutone befuc]^,a0 of tljctrotunefbjccDoe not execute t^e a finccxecu.
poGTelTlo in tl)CCcgmf0,asfine0 fur cogmfancede droit tantu.J|=ine0 ^^"c.
fur done,sraunc,relcas, co>firmacion,o;i render : fo;^ iffuclj fines be not
leuieo^oj fucl^rentjecmatjc tnto fijc ti^it be in poffeCfion at tljc time of
tlje fines IcnieD, tlje cegmfixs niuU mx^^a fue iii^its of Habere facias
(cifmam, af cojDing to tl)it fcuetall cafes , fo; tl)e obtaining of t^tit
polfeffions ^euertlieles, if at tl;e leui^mg of fuel) erecuto^p fines, tbe
pactie5,tjnto liuljom tl)c eltate is limiteD ,"be in polTeirion of tlie lanOft
pairei>,^cna50tt) no Wit ofejcec ation fo? tljc fame,fo3 tljen fur Ij fineis
IKD inure b? la\? of crtinguiCbnient otxi^)t but alt^c not tiic cftate mcnt.

nogpoffcflTioHof tt)e cogntfee,but pecf^ianfc beUcc itjj.Vi.y. 1 2.and 1 2.

i.E.'3.<>. 2i.Hi3.44..S.H.4.8.4i.E.3.i4.7.H.4.2 3.

Agaiw, fome fines areJingle, andfomedoHhlc.

A Single fineis fuel) a fine bvhil>icl) noticing i^gcanleDj orc^^ Scft.ii

i);e5 bacfee againebr tlje CognifeeSjO? an^ of tl)em,t8 tl)e cogni* ^ ^"^^
fe?0j 0? an\? of tljem, 8. H* 4*8. 24. E 3 2 d

Double fint is a fine containing a gcant ano rentjec back again tv

;a a double fine.
tljec of fometent,common,oj otl)ci: {^\\\% out office lani3,o? of tl^e Umo
oj fonie iJftl)eCogiufo;s> fo; fomc tftatclinntting ttjjfcl^p
it felfe,t*o all

mani^ times remaiwDers to eftiangecs , iyfjicl) be not nameti in tl)e

iu;itofouenant,8,H.4.824E*36and 35

OfthepurtJof Fines, and ofthe writ of Cofienant.

I^t^efo;aiuDofcueci' fine tuec ace toconfioettljep^tncipaU pattes Seft. 22.
t^cceof,anjtl>eic^Diuncts,botl)p;opecineueci?pact, ano common
toall.SDljepnncipall pacts of fines be tlje Ui;it o^action iuljeceupon Part of fines;
t^t concojD is maoe, ano tl)e conco^o it felfe.

Qfvprit/vrhereuptnfinesare leaied.

T^z lu^it is t^e tec^ bafis,gcpuno f fqunoation of tl)e fine,ti?l)cce^

bt? tlje pacties l)aueOar in couct to leu^ tl)efame,f centainet^ tlje
Sea .2 3

pacties ano tljmgs to be paflTeo cectainlr? 0nO it is moft commonly a

to;itOfCoucnant,35y,3.BrFin5S 11 6 ^.% a Warramucharije^ 18.
E.4iii;atojitOfRighc, );a tojitofMcfnc, 2(>,A{l,pla.32tJ)ifl
to;it of CuftomjmICcAii;c5,A^,Aft*plf 37*Pyfolt7J?F^*^'3 -^

Finest^and Concords.
whereofFines he ffcofmded.
T#^t!C!:^ fuel) iDjit tSjeCfentiall parts f V^ii auiunrts ace to be confiDef
24 Iteu :t|)cp;tncipall pacts t^creef be t^e parties tot^efame,iB^eceof
toe ^auc fpoken alceao?, ^t> ti)Z V^in^ tolj^ceof a ftae is leuieo*

O/ M;^<i? /^^^j Fmes may be leuied.

A il^D touching t^e things tt)ereof fines ace leuiable,tjjee ace ficff to
Sc^.z5* eontinecttjenatttceoft^e tilings tj^emfelues 9 to^^t^ect()eytutU
palTc in fim$ o.:no : 0no tl)en of t|)dc names,b^ txj|)icl[) tlje^ ma^ paflpe
o.znot:^nofjotu t^e^ma^ be in Qiut placet in tlje to^jtts ifines
tl^ecefojemai? be leuieo of all tj^tngs inliecitable being in effc tempore
finis, ano cectainl]^ ej:p;effeDin i)^z\3^iit^y 1 8.E.4#2 i.as dcmcduagio,

tofto,colurat)ario,gardino,tcrra,prato,paftura,bGfco,fubbofco, brutra,
inoraj!uncaria,raarirco,alncto,rufcaria,rcddicu,/>tfr Regifirumfol. i.a^ dc
Rel6ria Ecclcfix parochialis dcM.ac de decimis granorura, garbaru,
6c foini cidem Rcftori^ TpeClant^co^cum omnibus decimis grano-.
runi,garbaruni,&focnicidcm Rcftoriae fpe^ant, Thel, Z^^.8.cap.55t.
Set.2.deRctoria2.E. 3. de furlongo tttf^.Wtn.C. i4.depaflagio
vltraaquamdcT. de pafturaad cercos boucs,oues, &
alia aueria, ac de

communia pro otnnibus aniroalibus, vel pro omnimodisauerijs vel de

libera pifcaria, libera warrenna, vel de Aduocatione Eccleliac de D.vel
dealiquoferuicio rpeciali^vcdefcruitio vnius feodi Militis.vnius pan's
Calcarium deauracorum, vel de feruitio inueniendi hominem, cquiccm
velpediccm adeundum, vel ad equitanduoi cum le Cogntf^ inexer-
cituWalliaevclScoticj&c.dePifcaria 13.E. 3. dc officio 17. H.8-foI,
i2.de proficuis officij 12. E.3 dc Aduocatione RegiFi.fol. 1(^5. de
Corodio 18.H. ^. fol.2o.4.E.4. d.dcchimiFiio 2.E.3.fol.49.dcpro-
ficuo tBolendini iS.E.^.fol. 5d.de libero rcddituinbrcui,ani}intl)e
COnco^D, Quod prxdidus A. recogn prcdift' rcdditum cum pertincn-
tijs fimul cum horaagio & fidclicace B. C. &
hcredu fuorum dc totis te-
ncmentisquae&c.i.E 3.fo].i.ct5.defrankfold,i,E.3.fo.i.deNnndinis
&Mercatui.E. 3.fol,^.dcfranchifial E.3.fol.4.dcJVlinera plurobi,&
cuiufcunque generis mctalli cum penincnri js &c. Reg.feL 1 65. de deci-
mis garbarum ad Ecdcfiam de N. qualitcrcunquefpeftant jR<'^./'. 1 65.
de Aduocatione teniae partis Ecclefiae, &c. 0^, de tenia parte Aduoca-
cionis Eccleliar^ 0;^ de medietate aduocationis EcclcHz, 0^, de Aduoca-
3a 2 3 3 H*6fo]i i de Communia 4.
tione mcdictatisEcclcfiac, 45. E.
4(S^decarucaterr^,depa(lura ad cent boucs^dc bomagio, defcod
j^o a fine mar be of a cent (l)acge,txi|)ic|^ |at) no being befo^, 2 ,

i^;ofaxl)i<fi^cento;'itl|)eec)ittnbmn09 i8E.4i^^
Fines and Concords. 7

F S'<J,ofaCi)auntn0, 37.E.3.?3.
G ^ibof mameotljettljmgsma^finfsbelemcD
'H ^no as fines mai> be leaicD of tfjings
in poffelTiott , fo mav t^c^ be
I 0Hd a l^euerGon o; a Uematnoei: Unll paflTe b^ t{)e name of t^t
Imns* 4?-E.3.^2.
K a rcucrfion 0; a cemaintjci: ^ it be^oouetf) tl^t of a reucrflon
5I5utlx)f)ere a fine 10 of
cognifee to fuea Quid iuriscUmatagainfttijc tenant Wi\)mitiisof or remainder. :

cent, a M?itQcmieddituniredclit j^nDUJ^eceof a^eigmojieoj


ferice35Pcr cjux fcruit!a,tofompeUt!)e tenant to attoacw, ag ll^aUbe

L iFinejsf uia^ be leuteo of tlje inljeritance oa fts^ i)olJ) of patfonageg, or Eccicfiafti-
ttcai:age0,poKton0,penttoni($,tttf)e0,oblatton0,o; an^ otl)et: (Bccleflia^ cai lands mads
tticall p;ofite , maoe SDempojall , a!iD aomitteD to abioe in 2Dempo;aU Tcmporali.

f)ant)0,ano lap \i(f:9Mt^)^M\}}6 ano ^tatuts of tl)i0Kealmeof di^ng^

lano, 32.H.8.C.7. .iS'y.rJi.
M ^nD to concluDe , ftne0 beleutable of all t^inQS , to^creof a Precipe ^

quod rcddacl\^ct|),a0 Ipill appcace bv tlje eramples foUoluing.

N ^nDlanD0 bought of tiuei:0pet:r9n0 map paSTe in one finie,ant>t|;en ofdiuers
tljc Wint of Coucn<intmullbeb.Joug{jtbi?aUtl)eljenDee0againftaU
t^0jjentjo;0 : ^nDeaei:ie';3sn*ic.imuftU)acrantasainft|)imanD]^i0
fftitts onelp : fo j it is abfats tf&t oncman (l^oulD toaccant tl^e falc of f ^a
an otljer feitf)0i:t confiocration.

O; ^m fuel) iornt fincfsfitmc reafonable , efpedall^ lu^ei-e tlje feu^raU

purci;arc0 be of fo fniall tjalue u& t^c cljacgeg of a fine U aula eircatj t^z
tiaUic offome of t!;em
P llDUtfiincsmav notbclcuieoof t^ing0inc0Ctaie :a0dctcncnicnto, inecrtainie.
3,E.4.i9. il.H.7.2f. ti.H.y.C. 47.E.3. . Ttncmcnr.
Q^ ^0; of lanDcs giuen in taile b v tfje iliing , foj it i$ tjoia agatnC t^e Taiie by the -

iCfueintailcantitljeJ&ing, 3z.H.8.<-.36.Br.Fincs 12 j.
^ 00} of laniie0 rettcaineo frcmbeing folD br 3ct of J^adiament, Rcnraint.

5 i]5o; Of Ian 00 of tbe fjufbanu 0; of tit5anrelhi;0 afifuietj fo; jointure J^^^cr.

noVuec oj in taile,to anp luoman b^ meanc0 of tjer {jufbano tfe f)i0 ance^ Foikhurc
lto;0 , fo; fuel) a fine feojUet^ a p;e{ent fo z^'crture of fjec eftate, if f^c ^
gtant a greater etJatetlien fo^lecUfir, 1 i .H.7.C.20, Plow'.fo'.4^^. ^-itbuoD a
T #0; of lanoeftfeifto into tl^0lfeing0 j)anD0 befo;e Liucrie 0; Ouftcr Lands fcifcd.

IcmamcfuCU, 24.E.3.6;.
V ^0; of !anli0 in Ancient uemefne : foj if anr fine be fenieu of fuc!) Ancient
lanoffjitnta^bewaecfcob^aMjitof Pifceif,b?cugljtbrtljcii;oi:oof
^-^ '

Fines and Concords.

jattcient Demcfne,! tljecebg f)e(]^a!be ceUo^eo to |)Mi f^tisnio^M it (^*
metl) tQ be tjoio bettueen t^z pairtie0,quia,coram non Iudicc,7.H. 4.44.
8. H.4. a 3 . a I .E. 5 .2 o. Reg. fol. 1 3 .b. tie Tine adnnllando^^c,

^etttwbolocu gojtj to binatljc parties, i/.E-s-s i. and 7.H. 4. Br.

Fines lo r. tufjic^ femetlj rrot to be Ial
Anciet deraeC- But if fnclj Snes be of lartDs in ;3inctent uemefne,anB of lant0 at tlje
AC & lay fee. Common llatU:,tt C^all b$ HtUgcoD fo^ tlie lanos at tl)e Common il^tv,
7.H.4.44. 21.E.3.20.

By veh^t names things maypaffe in Fines,

tl^at itjc f)a:ie pattl^ fet Dotone tofjat ma^pafite in fines , let
tjs fee bD tuljat names t^refame mai? paff^^n Honor,t^i6 mav pa
b^ t^e name of a !?pano.2jO; b^ ^is p;oper name;as dc honorc dc Tick-
hill, 0; de manerio de Tickhill.
Bit fuffifetl) alfo to Demano a Manor b^fjis proper name toitljout
A Manor. naming of t^e s:;otjDne tnfjeiein it l^etlj. ifoj it ma^ be out of ang
^otune^o; erteno into feueraUICotDnesano Counties : as dc maneri;)
dc D. cum jptifi, "^ztit fccmet^ bell to eFp.jeCreall t^e feuerallXotones
jintoU)l)icl)itejCtenOet|) :as dcmaneriodeS.cumprctihinD.6c E i^.
anr of t!)e CotoneSjinto lufjit^
1 6.a. 1 7.b. X I .H.7.foI. 1 2 .b.49 . jf oj if

ti)e ^anno^ ejrten^etl) 9

be omttteo , not|)ing of t^e ^anno; in t|at
2DoVunepairetJ,5.E.4.io3' ifrcj :?!? *

CaftcU Qi a Hundrcd,ma^ be patcell of a spano;j,ani5 plilTe b^ V^t
Hundred. name of t|)e^ano;t,tu]^ei:eof tiieg b^pciueU,2 6.Ail.54-^nti oijei^a<
Manon noania^bepaccellof anotljec, r.E.s.fol.s (S. ^noa Caftetimai? ht%t*
manoeo bi? %is p;opecname : as de caftello dc B. cum |tm, i .E.3 .fo).4.
Hundred. ^W Hundred mai? be OemanDeD bt' it felfC : as dc hundredo dc S.27.
AMcfiwge. Mefuagium is a otoelling f)oufe 3i5r tl)e name of a 0^efuage5ma\>
paCTe aCuctelageja C^arDcin,an ^^c^atij^agDoucboufe^^ ^ljop,a spill
as patcellof an l|0Urc,Brafton.Lib.5.c.2 8 .Scl. T.Plowd.fol.i 6p.i 70.
171. Xltje liUe of a cottagca toft^a cljambec, a eellec f c y>tt ma? t^ei?
beuemanoeu bi? ttieii: fmgle names.
AChappcIl. ja ChappcJl 0; an Hofpitall muft be oemaunoeobgtlie name of ai
A Hofpitall. S^efuagfjM.AlT.i.
A Toft. ^ Toft is tlje place iu!?etetn a iij^efuage l)atb UcdD.
A Curtelage. ^ Curtelage isagaiDen,o^ aratOjO? folDjOjapeeceof a tjoio grouno
l^ing ntoanu belonging to a apefuage^ Plowd.
A Mill Molendinum is gCDO lwit$)OUt aODtng ventriticum, 0? aquacicum : al^
\iz\t t^e la'tec be mo;e t)ruall,44.E.3 .f ol. 1 3
AReueinom ^faKeucrnon>b^t^enim|Qft{)elUnO;o;ott)et:^ire9 45->s-2z.
Fines and Caneords, 8
LaBdi^tobetjemaunoeo b^tljecetfatnemeafuieonije fapecficiaU Land
QUantietl^CCeof :hida,'.auicat3,bouata,vifgata,acra,roda tcrrse.
3[n Ufee mavier boff u3,fubbofcus,brucra, mora, iuncaria, roarifcus, -^ " *

alncturo, et rufcana,ma^ fee Demaanu^o^bi? t|0 nuHtfeec fiiMUB

iC).AlT.9. :,n ..

Tiirbaricmai>beD0mantjcDbptl)enameofMore. -^^i.s.
R<rnc 1)^ tl)c nmltituDs anD iuimbec of tf)0 f Ijingg il)ic[j ace to bee " '"'
renBei:el> :aS5 x, libf, o^fex denar, o; vno obulaf, o; quinquc foiidat *

Hourebotc,Haybotc,|Plowbote,ma^be temaunDeu brltiename Eftouctt.

of Eftouers : dc rationabiii cftoucrio in bofcis, vizin decern acris

bofci ipfius A
in D. &c.

Parfonages, Rcaories, Aduowfons, Vicarages, o^ Ty ths

inmopn^ a Parfonaec
ate, paEfenot br tfje names dc AduocationcEccIefix, butdc Reaoria
Ecclcfia? deS. cumpertin. ;,.: .: ,

ll5uttol)enitis but of a Prefemation , it mutt bede Aduocationc a PrcfematiS.

Ecdefiac de S. anO not cum pcrtin.
anO of all Vicarages endowed, t^ iXXXit muttbe dc Aduocatiofic AVicarage*
^nolMbeceno Vicarage 10 enooUjeUjitpaifetl) tnoectljerelijo^wj
dc Aduocationc Ecclclis de S. &c.
3fanentiei:mano.:,meruage,o? otberenttectljing, beeDtaiOeoo;
pacteUjf aftec a fineis to be leuieo of fome of t^e pacts of tlje tbing fo
feucrcD,tbe mull not tbefiine be de inedi<fcate, 0; quarta pat te, O.J ottjer
part,of tbemano?,meruage, 0^ otljeclbing, but fucb pact mutt be ne*

mauoeo b^ t namz of a iubole tbing as, if ip mano? of )^. be otuioeD

into 2 pactSjtlje fine of tbonepai:t(if tl)c t5iuiaon be fo maoe, (j tfje mas'
noj of ^ pact be not ectinct) muft bede maneno de D. ^0 if a mefuage
ano XX* acces of lanu be pacteD mto tU)o parts, tbe fine of tlj e cm pact 'as^"^ ^^^^''
muH bede vno mefuagioct decern acristeif&c. anOttOtde medietatc '"
vnius mefuagij,6cxx acrarrum tcrf fo^tfje things nelu DeuiQeD fcom

noto become tDl)0le tbings b^ tbcmfelues, tbougb leflTeirt

tbe ceft, ace
quanfitietbent|ietoboleiDasbcfo:ci)tuificntl;.crcofmaDe*3ifatbtng Twice named-
betUiicenametiinaUmtefCDuenant, it buctetbnot: as a ^ano^
ant) an^uno^eopaccelloftbe fame mano;j,27.H.8.iiic; ;'b,oi::u'.., :.-

3if lanosinoiuecfe^bn^fSpalTe, fljecemtiftbe feuecalt tolits of Drwers sliircs

Couenant thereof accojUinglr? anO but one Concord, Dyer zzy. p!a.
ofthe mmes of the f lace -wherein the /andi dee lie.
Ai^o tl^ place toljecein tfje lanos oo) lie, w
ti^\it to be patceU of tbe
5e^, j 7/
nametbeceof:ano tbecfojeuiemutt cegacDtbe places iufjecin tbe piacc!
lanos uo lie^as tje ^[jice;S^oUw,j^aciil^;0? Camlet; fo^ a fine is go
.Fines and Concords.
Towncic- ojtna2DoUjnei5emiei>,7.E6.Br,FiiKS9i.
caicd. ^euecttjeleucitts alfo jjojDtc nanust^cSColunetoljecemffieljam^ B
let w, ag it fceraetli, ano tljattoitt) aoDitioir, foj mdtnction, if tl)cie be
muerB %c\xmt6 of t^e fame name in tfje fame Conntte*
A Manor in ^v.Xi if a ^ano^ ejcteno into uinecs SCoijones : a0,0.B.C. it iu gtou c
diucrs Towncs to erp;eueaU,o; none: as^de Manerio dc S. in A.B.C. fo; if ant' of tlje
SDoiuncs be cmittcD, none of t\}tS^mo} in tt)at SCotune paCTetl; ^et
afineofa^ano; cum pertinchluoulOi)auc cameo ttjetDljole^ano^j
- ^.E.4.6.
Two Manors
afoae name,
3i5ut if a man fjauc nimta ^uno;s of one name: a;,&>out^ ^ ano d
^jt^ g>. it is g(DD, in a M?it of onc of t))z Uimt ^ano;$, to erp;cffe
rei:tainl^Ui[)ic^ofti;emi0intcnocDtobepaltcD,47'E.5. 12. H. 7.6.
Albeit it is tlijougljt gcoo rnougl) b^ t|)e name of tl)C ^ano? of ^.
iuit^out aooition : fo^ cectaintie ib alti>ares beH.

//flw feuerall things mi4sl be f laced in Writs ofC onen^nt.

Sea, iS. VTiiDlxi, ttjat Inc Ijaue partly leariieu,of loljat tljiugs ifincstiiap be x
Orderly pia- i\ ieiite0,aHO b|^ loliat names : it fff-mettj time to l^lUjtn lub^^t 0;^
*'"S ^(x ano fo^me tljep mull be t^eicin placeo one before mtotljer, luljen
tiiuecs tf)ing!5 paffc bp oncU);it,fo^ijDi)ict)ti3emai) obfccuetljere rules*
jf icft, mr;e iyo;itI)fe tl;ings muft be put before t()e things leSTc

Vuo^t^ic: as a ^efuage is ret before a Eano, a (pano;jbefo;e a iS^efu^

agcaCaftlc befo;jcai^ano;5 7.H.r.39. Plow.i^S.iiJ?.
Things gene- ^econdl^ jtl}ings gcnerall befo.:c tilings fpecialUas llanD(being f |^e B
getiecaUjO; genus to mealJOto,paIlui:e,\0,Iuncaria,inari{cus) \& ficft
to-be placco : ^nutDCDD (being t|)e gcnerall to tuajDgtounus, as alnc-
tiim, falicctuiD, &c) isi to be fct befo;je t\}zm in tfae W^zitB*
Whole thiogs. sDljicDlrjentire 0; Uiljcle t!)ings are to be ftt before tljcir parts : as, c
Part5. dc Mancrio dc C. Maneri) dc B. cum pcrtineh 5cc.
5c mcdictate
Things cxccp.
jf ourtl)li?,parts of tf)ings ercepteo,muft fuccao tljofe things out of D
iDljif I) t!)e\? be ciccepteD ^m
if tljere be omers parcels in one m\}ity

tbatparccU, out oflatjtcbt^e exception is to be maoe,ougl)t tobelaH

placeDjHcgiftf fol.c^. aSjdc Mancno de D.cuni ptiii in C.(fXCcpto vno
iiicfuagio,duabus acris terr^, &
aduocationc Ecclcfiac dc C.&c.)
Pcuincntiaf. ^j, ^^^-^ jjj^g erceptcD ougt)t to be rettaincl^ nameo. It natetf) E
not to far cum pcrtih after tf)c tljing^rcepteo, 40.L 3 . 2 5-
^no tljc crccption muftalUn-ives be of fucb tljings,lcl)ereof tI)elo,:it F
foj,2 2 8.2 25/.o[fiD|)ic|) fo;tl;ep;5c nt,t]^clu tl)2eniampleenfuing:viz.
Pricipe A.B. qi'odccm-aC.D. '.'nucnc'&c. dc vno ircfua-
,jtiQ,Vttpcotagio,cttticdiciai4. vi ' ii./u;'j),ci ticctiuacrarum
Fines and C oncords; p
ten X cum pertin, xccpr a vna acra tenx in N. See.
0nD anally t^e fo^mc ano oiDecofplactng tfje paiticuldris in n lw:it RcgiJ*,
fif \DonenaKt,ts malltijingg asiu aPrapcipe quodrcddatoHaniis.
^iiDfuttf)ei:,obfeiuetl[jcr:ulcef tljcRcgiftcrfo). 2. toljic^ partly ap^
pcacetfj in t^cfe teifes cnfutng

fuagiiim, turn, ]cndinura,umbarc, dinu,ra,tum,tur3,cus,ra, Rcgu!^,

Mef, tof, mol, col, gar, ler, pra, paf, bofj bruc,mora

n'a, cus, tnin, caria, ditus.

Innca, marir,alnc,rul,red,(edar prior?,

SCfjetoiitof Coocnant muft beateTeftc before tj^c Uvtt of Dedi- wus:

Rius pottftatcro, 3 5. H. 8 .Br. bine. 1 1 (J.

O/ AdiuftUs prober to the fVrits whereof Fines ^e letiiei.

^omitctsfpjopectotu^itsof Couenant,aiiDoti)ei:in;iifjeit3pott Scft. i^i
Ojf iuSjicl) fines be isfuaUgleuieD, fome be intecna!l ^uitmcts, ano

;it53iunas! iutecwall, be flje Dates ofrefume,aMtl)e Data ^i Tcftc of Adiun<fjs

Bin tljciicturnc it is to be obfcrucD^tljat tljcrc be 15^- Date^af i\t Kaume.

leiiftbetlt?a:nctl)eTcftc,anDtljeDa?ltnntei)fo^ tlje letumc (l;eceof,
I:l;eTe(lcoJDatemuS^nctbetJponan^^unOavJO?otf)el: feteal Ttftc.

\\\ Coutt
^a^, U)!)ic!) 10 not dies iuridicus
Cjrtecnall ^uiuncts to tonts bc,tl)e tujittng,t^e^atine, tfje affida.
uir, o,j compcfrtton, tlje fismng^nnD tl)cpaiimcnt of t^e Sne^aus) tctur^

iung,tl^icl) fcein lifecmancr to ot|)rrtu^tt0

2Douc^titgt!)eto;jitin!5tl^tteof,itism0Cttobe faiie tivntfcji \mi\y Writing.
ontcaftngonntciliningofanrpjiJUtpaUmattectljeicm, fozfuclj la?
j^fc"^'- ^
fingo^ iutciliiUjigViuUoucttlj:Cilu tl;c U)^tt in feme cafcs,4 5- .3- ^- '

iliro it beIjouctl)tt)attl;ere bee no falfeilatine in an^fncl^ SH^ts,

7.y t<^ 34. "

0nD tljerefo.^e fuel; iyjits tl^oulD tjtietefuUs be eramineo tlyfc^ o^ Examinaricn

t^^ice ouec, fo^ feareof ert:o;j5.
^^'' "'
^lie fo;mel3fcD in tberctucning of fKcIj ^ssiii^ teilappeatc amongtt Rctwrn&s*

t^Cjp;tiiicrit0,fD;t!jccctt!rnesarenott):nseire \ii\l tlje ^Ijirifcs au^

fteeies f oudjtns t jjat tljer aie commanuetj to stce b^ tl)c fame lo^its*
tiipQntB!;atUvnts finesma^ belcmeu.
il=e?romucl;a0nofinecanbe leuicD but tjpon fome origin all lirjitvOnginals.
StM. de i inibus, i S.Ed. 1, tue^ieuotu to ccnCoi^^pen tutjat onginal
^ . Ui)its
. .

Fines and Concords,

ImitjSfiHe^accleuiablc. .....
Coucnanc ^\y)nt of Couenant ijj t!)emoat)fuaUljtttol)ereapoii
finw m\v
meD,F!i3.Nat.brc.fo.i46.f.3 5.H.8.Br.Finc$ii<5.CarlicISt.i5.E.2.
^itmarSncsbeleuiC5)t3pona^i:ttofWarraciacartx,i8.H.4.2 2.

aD2tjpoua(:iSrutofMefnc,i8.E.4 2.
Cuftomes and ;;it3pona t^dtde Confutudinibus&Scruitijs, 2 2.Aff.p.37.Paf.
fcru"!cc% 14 El.Dyerfol.i 79. pla.46.
;;t3ponani?^^WsofRiglit,7-E ^^o.3 3f.Plow.fo.358.
53ctTreiiiay!c38umccl)Oloetl),tf)attfin5l Prxcipcqijod rcddat a^
renerCon 0; leniaintcc be ixceiucD,a fine moi? be Icuteo of tt)e lauD be*
ttDcenetl}^Demani)antaBl;im in tl;e ceuecfion 0; rcmainDec, Idco
Qu;ere, ^I.E.4 4
Ql^odpermk- ;3 fine ma^ be t) poll a SCtrit Quod pcrmittat habere chiminura vltra
ccrramlcCogmjOJji.E.S. i9.rj[Z lines 10 1,
The fetierall furwes of Concords,
ScV. 30. A Conco;jo agreement betluccne tlje parties IjoIm tf^c
is tlje ijec^
/\ lanO0 fl^all paCTc, in tljc fo;mc iu^ereof maiip tljings ace to be te*
gacueD :iagifit be fingle,Uit)et|)ei: it befurcogn;zanccdc droit come

ceo que ilad dc fon done, ^h fur graunt, done, rclcas, oj confirmation

^.: if it be a Double fine lxiit[) a render, iDljateftoteis arc to be treateD

tl)crebV5anBoft^ecereruation of l^entS nomine poenac, mtti claufe of
tjiftcclTc anu feruicc0, tuitf) t^e claufe of iuarcantie, if 0; failjicl; it is to

be notcD, ttjat Uiljen afincis leuieu to Diuers Cognifecg) t^e rigljt fbal
be limiteD to one of tljeitt on^lr? ano t))t Siatz Uniitcl to bis Ijeires one^
l)? toI)oferigljt it is fenolwleDgeo to be, 3. H. 6.42. 21.E.3.33. 34.E.
3.11. 24.E.3.64.astl)us
Ec eft Concordia talis, fcilicet quod prediftus A. cogn* tenEf dift'
cum pertih cfle ius ipHus B. vt ill', qux ijdem B.& C.hcnt de done
pred' A. t ill' remific quicc clai^ de (e &
heredibus fuis p^atis B*>
& C. & heredibus ipfius B. &c.
515ut tbe !iings tenant in Capitc mat? bnolDleuge tljc rtgljt of Ijis
lanDs to bee in muersfo;tl)e^uigs benefit, in i^auing manpfac^ t%t
nants in capitc 7.H.7.4.
^no lifectoife tlje celeafc ano Iwarcant^ mutt bee from tljeljeicesof
one of tbe Cogni^ers,44' E. ; 2 1 .fo; iw a fine from Diuocsyttje te^ mull

be ruppofco to be iw one of tjjem oneli^ 2 1 *E. ^ 3 3.

Bin a fine fur graunt (3c rendcr,none can ta^e tbe fictf effate tpon t^e
render,butfonteoftt)eCo9m^o;(0,bittceuer(ion0o; temainoers ani?
eftrangec ma^ tabe: if 0? if ;ai.bnoU?leDge a fine to 3i5.anu iie.renoer to
f|)cfaiD^* Habendum fibi 6c E.vxori cius, ono t|ie|)eireof t|)etrbo

Fines and Concords. lo

hiea f c* h^ t\)is fitiz^t* mutt f^uut notta tHateMcmtt l^e in mt nameo
in t|)e tejit, 24E3i73o-H.8.Br.Fincs io8.7.E.3.<;?,
jSttD a man cannot b^ fine b^ luap of rematnoe): refeciie a leOi^eltate
to l)tmfelfe t^en fee : ^no tf)crefo.:e if . fenoUjUoge a fine to ilBan fee,

anD |je lenow to 0. in taile, tlje tctnainDCK to fjimfclft in life, t^i6 te^
mainbet is tjoiD,fo;i3ljaD fee fimple before, 24.E.?.28. i4.H.4.3r.
^nu a Conco^D cannot be of anp ot|[)ci: t^iitg tfjen i$ containeo in t^
ix)nt of vCouenant, ano not of a fo^rein tl)ing, if it be not confe qucnt
0i in a lo^it of lano? tent, comi^ion, ic^ma^ be reno;eo ilTuins out of V
^no a ConcojD mar be bjitlj an epception of fome part, 44E. 3.21.
amantoiU,^e ma^malie a Slomturebr fine t$u0 : Blfi.leuiea
fine to ^. in fkJe fur cognizance de droit come ceo &c. anO aftCC ^* tm*

ttec to 3! fo; life toitfjout impeacbment of iuaffe, tlje temainoet to 15*

|i0 iDife fo; tetme of ^eclife^tlje cemainoet: to 33* ano tjis Ijeice^, 3 8.H.
S.Br. Fines 108.
tL^t mano;0 ano tenements contained in tl)e Wt map be Diuioeo:
Sin ifa finebeleuieo betlnacn It.f ^*of tlo mano?0,tii[}tcb ^^nolD^
leogetl) all f}is liQfyt of tl)e faio ttuo mano;s to be tf)e cigljt of tlje faio
K.as tbat tuf)icb f ^^<^ ^\}icl) H.gtantetl; ano ceno^etl) t^e one mano^
to^.fo;life,U)itbt\jPopatti of t^e otljecmano;, tol)ic^ ^. i^oloet^
in ootuet,2no baue t^e one mano;,anD tluo parts of tl)e otfjet mano;,to
Sp.fo; life,tl)e cemaintjec aftec fjec Deatlj to ^.in taile, i tljat after t|)e
manec a fine is leuieo of t^e mano; of <S>* cum pcrcinen
0jit) in like

bT?0 tnto C* \3)})it'^ 3*^jnotjDleDget^ t^e tiglit in Cas tljat i canl> C,

gtantetl) ano ceno^ctl) tfjcfameto 3. in taile, Cfjecemainoec office
fourtb pact of tlje mano^f oiuacos tbe Meft to tlje faio ^. f i^ec i^eites,
ttjecemainoec ofanotfjec fourti) pact totoacos tIeQDalt to 3lin fee,tf)e
cemainoec of anctljec fouctf) pact toVuacDs t\\t ^outb to one U* in fee,
ano of tbeot[)ec fouctl) pact toluacos t\}z^o;t}) to XM* ano Ijis l^eices,
iti0g(DO,44A{r.p*ii,D;incectainelrbrt^;eet^icOpacts to 3.i5
anoC in cemainoecfeuecalli?, 18. H.7.Br. Hnc$ j i r.
^ fine leuieo to one in tatlc bponconoitiontoitbccmainoec isljol^
0ent0beg0,27.H.8.24. Plowd.3 4.b.24.E.3.62.Contra pPrifor,
3 3 H.6.5 2. ano 44 E-3 2 ! 315ut a fine toitl) a ceentcie iua ceiecteo,

44. E. 3.42.
jaieafefo; paces mar be maoe bpafine intljisfo?me: JDljeleirec
muft knoteleoge tl)e tenements to be t^e cig^t of tljc le(ro?,as tljat f c*
ano tben tlje leffoj mutt gcant tl|e lanos baefe againc to tlje leffee fo;^ fo
man? paces as ace agceeobpon, tefecuingatent initfiaclaufe of oi^
ttceire : Di5ut t|)is fine UiU not binoe t^e iCTue in taile^becaufe l)e taketf)
yd 1 bu
Fmcs.and Concords*
R8. Br. Fines? 1 8. Plow. 455. 14' Eliz.
y^, a Icafcfonnmsfmar ht maoe b^ fines tobmt5et!)cteiTaiitm
failc, il)iw:'K^& tenant m
tailcanu tijcicfTe^ toUnotulcDgcttjctenc*
inents to be tf)c rigljt of an cUcangcc, as t?)at ic. anu t|)C Cognt^ee to
grant anotcnDcc tic ttnmmiti^ to ttjclciTcefoj catmw'cc^tts^ku
fiing a cent Unt^ a claufe of mOterre, anti tijengcantttjc ttmiUon to
t^ tenant in tailc, 56.H.8.Bj:.Fincs 138.
3i f an cHrangcr, U^!)td) fjatij notljing m
tl;e lanD0,Icutc a fine to ^m
in ttjecematnDCtiu taJle dependant fur cftate pur vicjfur cognizance de
droit come ceo que il ad deibn donc&c. antJtljcCogmfabv tlic fame
fine cenCectO tljeCognt^o; fo;iHtlT0,de coimncnccr al Mich, cnfuanf,
ant> Dtetl), anD all tlje proclamations are maOc aftei: tjis uatfi^^c tzf
nant fo;^ life aftcE fuel; time as t^e faio leafe ts limitteD to hc^in titt}^-,
it is aoiuDgeD a gcos leafe to baite t Ije iflCue in tailc to; tljc termc, 1 4 E-
liz. Plowd.437.b. inter Smyth &Stap!cton^ iDljicl; fcemstl) contracts
to tlje opinion before, Br. Fines 10 6. 118. ':)mic<^.c]:

a, h^ fine grantctl; l)is tenements,lu|)ic!) 3l^f)oItJCt^ fcj li%^ luF)(c

aftec tjis! oeccafc ?: to M
fo; life, tenoning rent |Ct ^Ujj a DiftieiTe/a^
uin0tf)ci^euei;fi0n,44E-3.45. .:? ?.;.';--

jf inefur cognizance de droit come ceo &c, is leute?) fO M* in ftC fCtt^

tJ^inscent, tl)is tjefernation is tjoirj, becaafe tl)2 finziB evxcutcD^fo^ no

refecuatian can be but of a fin^ evecuto^ie, as furtcnDetjjo.E. 5.9. 24.
.3.16. Z9.E.3. 1.
^mD if DiKefs iot?ne in a fine, the iuarcantie mul^ be b^ tl;e, aiJtl^e
one of tliemttiijic!) is (l)fjViirje?:oft^claiVo,44.JEj.i.2i.El
Ijcires of
3*27.41. E.3.15.24. E.3,66.Co:Hriurts:ii'c3de Gautlkindjibrh. "^
^ par ( tcuiai tenfiHt,as f0.: life s;C^tainist fiwztnxitt ^is teinit to fjiifr

in tlie reuei:fiorj o.? remauriiei: h^ Sne ; Bat f)c ii?av grar4; ano releafe if
A /f'yX. iiDnc Conco^D mav' be cf lanssia fciierall Counttcs^, ana t^e fine
A^i^ (/^ t^\tr '
P^o concord'
iicnc' cf allejrtcatitD entticir : ^et i?uffi t^erij be fee^
/ :^j lf\ ^ rail lu;if s of Couenant, returnable ali at die tjar? 6.E]jz. Dyerfo.2 27

rV /<^
.' ^pi.4?.i5-E.4.53
;SnD finally x\\ ConcojtJ, nil tljefpeciall names of tljingscontatne^
in t[)e U);it, iljccci:pcn tl^e fine is leuieJi, are not to be reljearfcDjiSut

onelt7t{;cgcnei'aUli:g^stI)crcm mentionco: as mano;, tenements^

Ecnts, aaucUifon, common5$c.
i'iS luljcre tl)C tv;iit is dc vno nnJduagio, vnogardino,vno poroario,

decern acf icrrze, v. acf prati, x. acf pafturae, luj acf bofci, & coinaiunia
^>aftuf cumpcrtihinC'&c.
^l)eConco;^Ol)atl;^ Ilccogu tehca & coiitn ptaedi^am cum pertt-
'i'l ^ ncnrijs

Fines and Concords. n

ttnentij$effeitis5cc.1l5att|)e ewmplcs foUotuiwg tofll mo^^ plsiintlt

i^ writ efCouenant of '^,meffttageSf4nd ofcommon paflure,

PRxcipc &c.dc tribus meffiiag' &c. cum ptih in D.&.T. & dc com- 5^^^^ ^ ,,
munia paftur' jf omninib' & oranimodis auerij$,ac dc paft',^ 400
ou^b' cum pcin in D. in parochia de C. Et nin 6cc.
^/tftf mt^UAge^ one curtihtgey onegardtn, ofa rent, Mid of
uw . '^ ^

P Recipe dcc.dcvnomcffuag'.vnocurtilagio.vnogardino&c.ac J. li. Scft.31.

rcddi cum pcrtin in F. Nccnon dc libcrt vnius hldagij curfu o- &
uium cum pcrcincncijs in F. c n ifi <5(c
Of Wood, And FoldAge,
P Recipe &c. deccnf acrisbofc' cum pcrtin in N. ac dc libertatc fal- Sc5l. j.
dagij pro 40 ouibus cum pcrtin in S. c nili &c.

PRecipe&c.de&c.ccquatuorvirgafbofc'&cinparochijs deB.3; Sc^.54.'
L. &c -A 'fs

Of I. farts in Imparts dittided of S. acres of landi off afinret Acres ^

And frejb andmAri{h Und,
^Recipe &c. dc duab' partibus in trcs partes diuidend 8. acf cerf,40. ^.^ .

I .acf panuf4o.acf.arundinarumj 1 0. acf marifcifrjfcij&marifci ^1-

ii cum percinenti js in D. Sec. t niH 6cc.

Of A Parfonage impropriate. And of the moitie of

the tithes
PRccipc&c.dcReftoflrapropriaf dc H. cumprlhacdcroediecace g^^ 4
omnium dccim3rura,granof,bladoru,garbaf,6t iccnide tcrf vocaf
lC^4attt>l cum pcrtin in H. petd&c. EtniH&c.
Of AL^Anory ofrent and offree folding for fheepe.

PRecipc&c. dcmancfdc6cc.& decern (olid redd, acdeliberofal- g^^, ^7.

dagio ouiu cuptih inR & ic Hundred dc L.Et ai(i 6cc.
jiWrit cf Couenant l>y one of the Kings SecreMries ofthe %.pArt of^, mef-
fnAgrSy^. cottages y one mtUcy gardens y orchards^ lands. medon>e, pi^ifiuref

mooreyturharie, andrenty the ^ part of the vien.-' offrankf fledge yOf goods

and cattels vpained, felons,f(igttit4esput in exigent y felons de fey deodands,

treafurefonndy extrahttr, and of the third part ofa ParjOttage.

PRacipcW.vS.militidhoM. quod ten. R. C miHti, principal* Se- Sca.38,

Rcoisconucnc*&c.detertiaparte4. mcllaag',4. cotag',
vnius molcndin,! o.gardin, i o.pomaf,: oo.acf tcrrx,2oo.acf pra!, 200
acrispafluf, 30. acrae morar^ 30. acf turbaf, & 5.S. redd cum pcruh
B 3
, y

Fines and Concords.

in A. BCD.ac dc tcrtia parte Vif. franci p1cg*,bonof 5c Gitallof waui.
af, feloJi,fugitiuorum,vtlagaf,in cxigcli poiicorum, fcl' dc fc, deodan^,
thcfauf inuent, ac cxtrahuf cum pertinent in M. &c. Nccnon dc tcrtia

parte Rcftof ecdcfix de K. cum pcrtih. Et nifi &c.

A Writ of Couenant of Tithes,

Scft.3?.' hsic T)RraecipeT.N:Milit,cjdtcfiT.P.caiJCnc'&c. 6e Jp^cuh

JL granor, fceni,lan^,& agnof,ac dc omnimod* a!i)5 Uccimis

cum pcrtinentijs in M. Et nifi &c.

^ tVrit ofcouenant^ ofthe Scite of a AfenaTferie, ofyi<fepiaj^es, efcommon^

ofpujiurefir allmmner ofheafts, of rent, and rent cfhemes,
and rent vror^e.
'Seft.jp VerLff. "pRxcipc A.B.qdteh C.D.conuenc*defcitu Monaft.dcB
JL curn pertiii, ac dc 20. mcffuag' 6cc. ac dc comm psftnf ^p
omnib' animal, ac de ioo.s.rcddif,acdercdditu C. galinaf,& C. opcf
ctimpertin'inE.& F. Ecnifi&c.
H[ Et
d\ Concordia talis, fcz.qd pr^dil' A. B. rccognouit prcd fitum
tchf comoiuniam paftuf, 5c redd cum ivtincntijs cffc lus ipfiiis C. vc ill*

&c. (cum relax' & warrant &c.)

ji Writ of CoHenant againFi the Father and the Sonne and heire appArdnt, of
cottages, toftes,harnes,vi'atermilsy of one rpindrKtil, douehopifes^ gardens
orchards y /and, meadow^ f^fiure, tvood, m^ri/h, fiirres, heathy
moore, rent^ halfe aponndpepp er, ofn^ine ofcoals
and the admwje ofa Church,

SeA.40 Line f. pRaccipcF.M.armig

,6cc. 6cT.M. filio hcredi apparcc &
ciufdcm F. quod ten F. F.
JL &
N. R. gent conucnc' &c. dc
mancf dcT.S. &
H.iuxta N. fupcr Trentam, Ac de 40 mcd. lo.cotag*,
40. toft*,o.horrei$,i.molcnd aquatic', vno molend ventriiico, 3. co-

lumbar', 40.gardin, 40. pomaf,millcacftcrrx,millc acris prati, millc

acrispaflurar, 500. acfbofci, ioo.mari(. 100. iampn' & bfiicf, f oo.atF
alneti,loo.acfiuncaf, ^oo.acf m6rae,4.libfrcddif& reddimld vnius
libr^pipcris cum ptin' in &S. Nccnon dcAduocac* Hcclcfije dc T. &
A vprit of CoHenant of Difmes and Tithes,

Se^4T Notting.f TjRccipcD.E. qiiod&c. tencat R Y. arn^ig!, conucHc'

&c.dcdccimisgarbarum,granorii, &fo6ni cu ptih in
R. &
W. Ac dc decims focni in V. Necrton de dccimis
lani, a2;nof,oblaiionu,obucntionuir,& cinolumcntoru,
Fines and Concords. iz
& de omnibus ali js decimis quibufcunque, vcnicii^ crefccnj^c ce-
nouan' in W. prcd'. Et nifi &c.

A yvrtt of CouertAut againfi the husband 4nd the wife of4 PArftnage^ And of
the 4dmTfon #f m Vicarage^ and of meffuages, cottages,
barnes, and gardens

PRaec' T.B.& A.vxori cius quod ten* C

W. armig connenc' ScV. 42,
&c. de Rector iadcL. acde aduocWicaf de L. ac de decent
nicffuag',x.cot,x.horf,s:.gard'&c.cumptininL. p(f. Etnifi&c.
Prarc'&c. ^ iuftc &c. dc x mer.&c. in W. Nccnon dc Refto-
ria ecdef.de G. ec de decirh granof , foeni,lanx,agnof,ct omnium
aliafdecimarum quaruncunq; in G. pred*. Ateciamde aduoc'
Vicar ecclcH^ de G. pred' cum percinencijs. c nifi 6cc

A jin4 kjiowledged bj one to tvoperfovs, of fixe meffttages, VfUh

varrantie againSi him and his heires,

Surr.jf, "pRafcipc WAV. ^ iufte Scctefi I.L.& A.P. con* &c. dc f<x ScV. 4^;
X meduag* &c. cum pcrtin' in C.W. & E. &c. Et nifi &c.
^ Et eft Concordia talis/c. cp pred' W. recogii pred' tenemenca cum
ptin'cfTe ius ipfius I. vc ilia quae ijdcm & A.habcnt de dono prcd W.

Et iU'remifcf ct quiet clam dc fc &

hered' fuis pred' !.& A. hcrcd'fu- &
is imperpetuu|^. Et pr^terea idem W. concefni ^pfe et heredibus fuis^

quod ipfe warrant pred* I. A. & &

hered' ipfius 1. pred' ten^mcnta cum
pertih contra predicf W. &
hered* fuos iroperpetuuro. Et ^p hac &c.

ji fne by the husband andvpife to tjvo, of mejfuages, toftes, lands,

medorveSyfafiHres and rents yXvithwarrantieagMn^


Surr.f pRafcipcI.T.5cA.vxorieius,cpiufte&c.tcnW.R.&R.D. Sei>.44-

JL conucnc*&c. dequatuormefluag*, quatuor toftis. xl. acr
terrre, xx. acris prati, 1 20. acf paftuf,6c quinquc hhd &: iii). denaf rcdt
dif cum ptrtin in S. Etnifi &c.
Et eft Concordia talis, fcilicet,quodpr?dil'I. 5c A. recogh pracdi-
ftura tencmcntum cum pcrtincnti j$ clTe ius ipfius W vt illaqux; idem
W.&R, habcntdcdonoprxdiaorum I.&A. Etill'rcmifcf ct quicC
clamaurf dcipfis I. ct A. et heredibus ipfius I. pr^fac W.ct R ec heredi-
bus ipfius W.imperpctuum. Etpr3etercaijdeml.& A. conccilerunt ^
ic et heredibus ipfius I, quod ipfi warrant pdiftis W. ct R. ct hered' ip-
fius W- prcd tefituna cum pcrtihcoira prcdift* I.ct A. ct her edcs ipfi" L
B 4 impcr-
Fines and Concords.
imperpctuum. Er pro hacrecoghjrcmiflTi >nc,q).iet f Um ifjwarranf ,fine,
& concord ijdcm W.Sc R. dcdcf pd I.Ck A, ducentas quadragit hbf &

u4finf hy.twb, and the mfi ofone ofthem, ofliindymeadow, pafiure,

and offVoody with warrantie againfi the Cunnjor And
his heir es,

Sca.45 Lincoln, f 0^*^^'?^ R.B.gch, & T.R.& M. vxof. cius quod ten T.
JL B.gch conucnc'&c.detrigint act tcrrx,duabus acf pra?.
triD'Jsacf paftiM:x& fcxacris bofc'jCurapcrtincntijs in
% Ettft Concordia talis, fez. quod pd R.T. 6c M. rccognoucriint te-
nemcnca ^d cum pertin cffc ius ipfiusT. B. vt ilia qusridcra T.habet dc
dono prxd' R .T.8c M. Et ill' rcmifcrunt & quiff clamauef dc ipfis R.T.
fie M. &
hcrcd ipfius R.prcf.T.B. & hcrcd fuis imperpciuum. Ec prctc-
rea ijdera R.T.& M. conccffcf pro fc 3i hcrcd ipfius R. quod ipfi war-
pred cum pertin prefat T.B.& hcrcd* fuis contra pd R .T.& M.
rafi tnta

8c hcrcd ipfius R .imperpe<uum. Et j^ hac &c.

^Jine by one and his rrffe{t-o vne^ofthe renerjionofthe 3 .part ojj, mejfuages,
ofgardens landes, meadow, pafiure, and troodAfter the death ofone, with
Scft. 44> Sttrr, jf,
T)Rccipe T. W.6c K.vxori cius, quod iuftc &c.tcncant G.S,
X conuenc* inter cos fa<^* dc^. partcK'.hiefliiag', 7.g3rdin;
40. arf tcrf, 10. acr praf,2o.acf papftuf,quinqUaginiacf bofc' cuts per-
tin in A.B C.&D.
<[ Et eft Concordia talis, fez. quod pd T.& K. recogn' tcrtiam prcm
"p^cum pertin cfft iusprcd'G. et conceflf. qd cadcm tcrtia pars cum p-
tm, q M.B. vid tenet ad terminum vitac fuac dc hcredii|ipCos K. die quo
hxc Concordia fata fuit, 8c qu^ part mortcm^iufdcra M. ad ipfos T.
K. reuerti debuit, reman pref. G. tt herd'fuis iropcrpctuu. Tcnend'&c.
Pretcrea idcmT.et K. conceff. pro feSc hered* ipfius K. qd ipfi warrar.f
pf. G. et hered' fuis tertiam partem pd' cum pertin ficut pred* eft contra
k & hercd' ipfius K imppetaum. Ec pro hae ^c.
Afine hj a Lord Baron and hu w'rfe, to an Archtifhop and one other, of three
manors, mejfuages, ttftSj cotages, mUies, bares,gardens, iandy nsedoWypa"
fiHre^oodjfHrres,andheAthes^ofrentyoftheadun>Jonofa Churchy and
ofthe view offraneko pledge{tcith warrantieagninjl them and their heirts.'

StCti 47 tJMidd, Jf.

"precipe I. L. Militi dno L.& T vxori eiuj, quod iufte &
i fine dilations t^ncaot R^ucreudo in Chrifto patri T. Y,'

Finsattd6o^n#ofds ij
pcrmi(fione dioina Archicpifc^po Ebof AngRsc'prihiatr, & G.
L.cofluenc* inter cos fa A* dc mancriis dc R. K. &:M. com pertin,
ac dc quinquaginf mclTuagijs, qtMngcntis toftis, duccmis Cotagijj
fcxmulend, qumgcmis horreis, qtiin^cntis gardifij quinqj miUc
acrisccrrx, jmille acris pra?i fex milt acrispafturaf, iriHcacris
bofci, decern tnilleacris latrpnorum &
brutf !iC de quingcnt libf
rcddifcunjpertin.inU.CA alias S.T.V.W,& E.Ac dc aduo-
catlonc Ecclcfi^ dc E, prcd', Ac dc vifu franci plcg' dc R. A. C&
^Et ci\ Concordia ta!i., fez. qiiod
prcdift' I. L. Miles, doaiinus L.ct
f. vxorrecogH miincna, ctnta, rcddituj, aduocationcnij& vif.franc'
pIcg'prcdiA'curapcrtinencflc iusipfiusT.Y.ArchiepifcopiEbof, vt
irquasidcmT.Y-Afchif p(Js6cG.ttL.habcantdcdono prcd*I.L.& I.
vxof cius. Et ill' remifcf T.Y. Archic^o &
G.L. ct h^rcd ipfi' T. Y. Ar-
chicpi iffiperpetuum. Et vltcn'' ijdem I.L.& I. vxor ei'coneff. profc&
hercd jpfiusL.quod ipfi warrantizabtint nianef,tcnta reddif, aduocac^
vif.franci plcg* pd euro ptin pred* T. Y. Archicpo Ebcf, G. L. &
hered' ipHus T. i . Archiepifcopi contra oinnes homines iroperpcttium.
t pro hackee. ^iiiJj^.

Afine i>j tvpo to ene^ of manors, milk J fhoufesi rents ^ and common of pafinre,

with Witrrantie againfithe conufors and the hetres cf them.

cppd A.& B.rccogh pdf mancfjinolcndih,

ET cfl<oncordia talis .fez.

C. vnTr q j-
colun>Tiaf,tfefifiConim j>*fttifcutt) peitin c(Tc ius ipfius i
Scft. 4Sr

dcmC&D.habcnt'dtddnoipforu A.&B. EtilV remifcf & quiet ciara

dc fe et hered ipfius A.pred' C.& D.& hcred ipfius Cimpcrpetunm.Et
prcterca idem A.conccflit^ fe & hered' luis qd' ipfi warrant pd C.& D.

<thered Ipfi* G.pd ntancf,moifjdV<:olunvba!, tcfif, reddif , ccamtti-

^iamp^fiufiCuffa ptih dompafe^cliti-edTuos froperpcrirtm. MfViieritrs
ifdcrD B concifiU, jp fc ct hered fuis Ccc' (vtfi/pra.) - '^iQ^-b la

A fine by one Andhiswife to one of on^ manor, 'of^mejftageSy tofts, cottages^

-T ''Barnes i one tvater milled fuUtffg miil^ d mnde ^iU'i a khfe'fjaftfe, gardens,
,.4frchaMs,Und, meado^v, i>iiiI}(irey\tf>oot^e, fi/rrtr-, he^Jhi^ohre,freJh and

I .fait mari/h, retttyfreefifl^ing,- the adi4ovfJen of -a 'hkr'ch hj t^trneSj rrith 'a


general! rparr^ntie

I^ettom If.
T) Recipe I. H. & V. v^cftri^cias quod iufle &c. ten* R. P. %tCt, 49
ooj. jrKi X gcnerof. conuention'^b.^e^iarierio deB. cutDpc.rtifi,
rv... \. :, jj^. de viginti melTuagijs JiJobiiitolciSjftixcotagijs, 4.hot-
reisyvnoiiioiend'aquacico, vno molfndino vcntritico^ vno
f\ ;o coluinbacio, vigintigardinis, decenipomarijsjccmum acf ccrrx,
P***" ^^^^^ ^^^^^ pi^toj
',. 4cc)fiti.acri$ bofci, viginii
! '^^ jicrisTalicpti, cencun^ acf iampnorum
& brucrqe, viginii acrii mo-
. \ , ^^, vigifiti acris turbaj^iae, triginta acris moijcl, fcx a^ris iuncar,
y; ,

^ . . iqc.atri^,inarifpfri{(:i, Scxx acris marircifalH, duobus acris alnc-

r.[ ."jjtijX.rnarci^i-^dclif cuiDpertin'in B.C.ccD. Nccnonde libcris
,. ,
inaquisdcO.C.&D. Acdefcpcralipifcaf inaquadcS.
/ Necnon dc aduocatione ccclcfiac de B. alcetnis vicibus cuoi acci"

^ Et eft Concordia talis, fc. ^ pred* I. ct V. rccogh mancria 8c tcnc-

mcnra, reddif , ec liber pifcaf prcd' cum pertih ac aduocacionem pra^di-
AamciTc iusiplius R. vc ilia quae idem R. habuitdedono predidorum
I,&V.Btillaremifit&quictcclai^deipfisI.&V,&hcred' ipfius I.
prxdi^' R. cc hcred' fuis imperpetuum. c prctcreaidem I. dc V. con-
cefTerunc pro fe ec hcred' ipliusl. quod jp(i warrant prcdidlo R. 8c hx"
rcd<5cafngnatisruisprcd'manef) tcnementa, redd, etlibcf pifcafcum
percin'jacaduocac pred' contra omneshoroinc!^ imperpetuum. t ^
hac recognitionc, remifllonc, quic! clam, warranf, fine, eoncordiM* &
idem R. dedit prcdiftis I. & V. xl. li.

!/f D caflro vkecomit* de S. cum hundred*, infula de

Fine ky one de honore .

D. haronia de D. hundredo de D. burgo de D .vnofeod' miUt' de D. Scit*^

j^. j^^j.1 itmbii' c^ pre{;fff5i' cf a LMona^erjy^i^attor^thefeiteofjtXJ^ia^orfH

^es, A T^eue-houfe, a Fuliing-milli aJV^terrtnillt 4 W.$ndei>vti(tl ijtiidxif.di


ScA*S^* T TiEc eft finalis ^c. Anno regni &c. coram 3c<;.JfJip*i &'!<) doint-
X XniRcg. dclibus tunc ibidem pri^fentibus, jpte^ I. i^^qucr & M.
B. deforc'deHonoreD. caftro vicccomirac de S.cum hundred mem-
bris 2c pertin fuis, Infula de D. Baroniade D. hundred dcD. Burgo
dcD.vno.feodmilit in D.SciE, Ambit, Freeing' nupcr Monaftcri) &
dc D. mancrio d<; D.. cum pertin, Sciroancri j dc D. g>augia de D. par*
'codcD. prebend dc D. vno capitali melL 2. mcff-^vtofciSi z.cottag*,
i.columb.i. molendinofullonico, i.molend aqu^tjcQ,,i.tuoknd ven
tritico, I . molcnd granac, i,moIendbladaf,j.horj:?o, i,gardin*,T.po-
maf, I o. acf leif i o. acf prati, 20.acf pa(}urae,4.acf bofci,4o acf iamp-
, .

.% ^ i^f &bruerae^3o.acf morac, sq.2Cvfi^i(Qj3i)ily^.dfi:fm^^^

fk(.f^\^Thiiy9.^ftiun(^i,if6,3^i3\^aiJ^^ coo-
p^if, communia piaftuf fifo' omnibius ,v?<jl,i:i:fw>r'0/i!aiumalib', pro
joo, owbiis, I o. cquis, vaccis,pof e^j^ (pad"onilDus,^c. libera warr^n,!!-
^ -

FfnesaildGonCofds.^ [4.
bef pffcaf, libcrt ate faldagl), libera falda, cifiojalm^ylnmbar', aquie fal-
fop^jceo, viginc !ifef * I o;ttlcittaf,Klcccmfolid,vrt6 dttiiha/v JSc
"''''' :r'''Mi;-;i.' /.'? v^tij-.-Tj::--;) :t:m;:''m= ,.,ji t
* Ac rcddjc vnius pjris ChirotKccarum, vniiis pans calcariura dcau-
raf.fagitrc barbate, vra" par caiccorHn?,vni' vomeris, i.librecerc, i.Iibf
pipens!.librecunoini,i.^lauigariophili, I rofcrube, i.acus&fiJi, i,
linarumjmillcouorumj&auc'ai'unicoraipertin'inD. -^ '

Ac dccoiDmpafii]ra?quampdM.B.h3bct& habere folcbatproom-

nib^ auerjis fuis in centum acris pafturae ipfius "
I. A. in D.. '
Ac de omnibus vcl
omnirnodisqblationib', dccimisgriihoturoj'gar-
barum^fdenf^lanaeJinC'canabir. poi-celloruit), auciirufn^ agcllorunj, &c.
& alijsemolumentis quibufcnnqucfpc^afi, pertincii, iVcfcetitibus fiuc
cxiften* cum pcrtincncijs in D.
Ac dcthcolonio,ftallagio,picagio,p6ifitagio, Infra burgum dc D.
fiuiinDr;, ^; /',
corrodio vnius panis.vm^iaocne
cciuifiac prooirpib'^hoiTiini-
');; ' r-.-
> .VJ

Et dc gurgice &
ctirfii aqUx'curi'^rif afli'ib Vqc<(! Hi fnfra^ terf vo-
catK. admolcndvocafS. '"
-*^'' f>=

^^^VVcra fiucveda inD. Acdevif.fran^'p!cg*'Iibifftaic& franchefiji

jnD. Necnon cJc cuflod fiue officio cuftod de3.cufto3prci fore &
ftc dsD. Ac dc officio Senefchalcia: dei3. Balliiia fiiicpfficib ballioalf

NccnondeNiindinisde D. fingylis anriisad f'c'fta de!*?. M. *t)idcm'

tcncnd, Mcrcaf dc D. quic! fiuc libero paflaoio vltra iquani Di IXeiSVo-
th df D. Aduocationc,pfefentati6ne, donatione, libera difpoHitione, &
iurcplticofiatEcclcfiasdcD. quadam^ortione dediiiaVufn ab't pcntic);!

Nccnon dc meditate mancrij de D. cum pertiii,6cdeterria parte tenf
^c C. in tribas p.irtibus diuif Except & omnino rcferuat patronagio v-
nacuH) aduocitione Vicari^ Ecclcfise dcD. 6c Capell%eidcra Rc^oriac

incntvttlagat&wauiat,quibufcunquefcrijs,iDercac,wrccc' maris, actor

&tantisiunbiis,iurifdi^*,pTiuilegi)s, franchef. &ilibcrat lefitprardi^*,
aut alio u'pi ed^iinvconcctneji ScCid^na MlB. & Herpd fuis vt dc maiicrto

iiiitau , ^ .,
, , , . ^ ,, .
iiuncr;uiX};parcurD, prcbcndV tenement
'-" ~~
rcddiV cotQUauma'i^^ pafiur ^J

^V^" Jibcraro
Fines andConcords.
libctan) war renn?Ki libc ram pifcarjt^na liberta! faliii, plumbarunii bul
bf puceun)> rector, dccin}as,ob|arioncs, theoloneutn^iftallagiuni.picagi-i
cm,pontagiuni,corrop,gurgitem,vif.fran,plcg*,libcrtatcs,franchcf. cu^
wrcccum aiciris, mcdiecacem &tcrtiasparcescunipercih:Acaduocati
ones, perfcntationcs, Ubcram dirpofitioncin,iu$ patroh,portioh, 5c pcn-
tioncroprc^ cflc ius ipfius l.Vcilia;<^u?e idem I. habec dc dono pre^ M.^
Et iPrcmlCdc quicf clam dcfciScii^rcxijb'fuis prcd I. & hxrcd'fuisjiD-
c praeccrea idem M. conce^. pro fe &
hxrcdibus fuis^quod ipfc war
rancpfcdi. &
latHj 5<;c. (vc Tupra^ contra fp &
ha"cd'(uos iiDpci;pctuuat Ec h^c r^-

Afne fartnt by an Barle and his nife.

So(V, su Nottwg, ff,

pRaecipc I. Coniitf H Sc doraincK. vxori eius CoiDiti|V

^o\f i-s rf v**^ ^* ^* ^'^^^ ^^^^ ^^

**" C. conucnc*
delationc ten W.
"^ *'
'(8cc. Dc quadraginta libf annul reddiftxcuntis dc manqriis^

,;:v.,t. -1 dcE.&e.Etmfi&c. -.. ft yt., ^,s4v^' ri>V/

<J Et eft Comes ComiikTa rc-
concord ta!is,fcilicct quod praediV* ^
^ognoucruntrcddifpredif^'turiJpcrtiiKntijs cflc ius ipiiu; W. vt ilia
quae idem W. babctdc dono p^a Comitis & Comitirfae. Et ill* remi
(ef 6cquUE clamauefde jStb^rcdibiHruispr^fatW^hxredibusru-
jsimpcrpctuum. Etprctcrcaijdcm Comes &
Comitiffa conccduntpro
fc &haercdib* ipf/ Comitis, quod pfi warrant redd praed* cum per--
tia* prcf. W. c h^cred Tuis coiKra.Qnincs homines impcrpctuum. Et pro
hae occ.

Apneofthe tmrd^^rt pj arent bj the hushandandrftfe,

ScA.t^i. ^f*f'S' O^^cJpe R,&^I. vxori ci^, quod tcgcant H, p. comi<;nc*

&c. dc ^crtja" parte quipqijc ,libf fcjfolid 0^6 denaf &
reddiicumpaiincntfjj excuiq^dc mancrijs de K. Et nifi
&c. '^:t:.', :-.;

^ El eft Concordia talis, fez quodpred* R.&T.'recognoucf tertiaoi

partem pred cum pertin ciTeiui ipliiis H. vt ill' quam idem H.habeat dc
lonb prxdid* R.&; I. fiiill' remifcf & quicf clamauefdc fc 5c heredib'

ipfiusi. prcf. H. 3c hcred fuis impcrpctuum, Et pretcrca idem R.& T.

coweffcf pro fc 5c herc4, ijpfiu^I. quod ^^^^
(iiis prcd tcstiaro part^,cH|?i pc^fjj^^9ntr| ooancs honines iBspcrpctu-

kuj:.:'!,;* -;.*' wi^J
' '

Fines and Concords, 15

jA Tins of a Parfonage c:ctep Hn^^ the adaowfon of the Vi
carage of thefame ParfoKmge.
PRxc*&c.Con&:c.dcRcrton3deT.cumpcrtin,cxceptAc{uoca- Sect, 52,
T. Ec nifi &c.
tione vicar ecclefix dc
Et eft &c. qiiod pd A.rccogn Refloriara prd*cum pertin, (cxccpE
praccxccpt) ellc iuiScc. Ec iirrcmif.Scc. (except p except.) Et pr^terca

idem&c conccff. pro fc&c. quod ipfe warrant pr^did^'&c.Kcftoriani

p.t^dift'cumpcrtincn (except pr^c2ccept)(5cc*

/i writ ofcovenant Irotighx hj three^gaiirfi three of me manor, ten mtfmges

eight cott^ges^andvfUd,me/:idorv,f^J}Mre,mc6re,artdof rent

Bbcr, 'pR^C C.B. & F. vxori cius quod ten E. D. & R. con 5cc. dc Sc^. 54^
JL mancrio dc S. cum pertin, acde x. mcfuag', vii). corag'XC
acf terrac, CC.acf prati, r(Jo.acf paOnrae, 3oo.acfmorre5 6cvj.s,rdd'
c\mi pertinent in A. F. B, 6c C. Etnifi fecerint &c^

A Contord rri'th nR'efrReffcrlifefd the husbajidansithe irife beifig the coym-

fori ofparceli of manors/^nd lands contained in the writ ofCot4ena)Mjbe re*
mmnder to thef.rfl andfecond birgotten fo-^ne of thecomfors in tat/e, and to
the heires males, andfor default offtich ijfaef then to the conufors in aencm
r:Ali taiUt ajidfor d.^aalt of fuch ift^e then to the right heires of the conU'* '

firsfor efier, njith'^rk}7t and ^endfroften Tnefnages, &c, -refidue of the


ET quod prasdiAus T.
eft coacprdi.^ talis fci licet &
F. rccogh ma-;ScV. s<,
,ncf ,teneiT5^ita,& i^da prnrd' cum pertin clTc it!$ ipfius E. vt ill' qii^
ijdcm E. 6cE.'h9r?eatdedonopr.'edi<fl'Ti&F. Etillarcraifef^ qaief
clanidc ipfisT. &F. & hrercd';pi]iisF.prajfatE.&R.& hatred' ipfius
E". imperpetniJnft/Bt prrerci-ea ijdcfti T. & F: conccllcf pro fe &
ipfius F. quod ipfi warrant mantriiim,tencn>t3j & redd' cu-m pnfi |>(3t
E-CcR ct harrcd'ipfius E.. contra ipfosT.et F.baered'ipilus F. impcrpe-
tuuro. Et pre hac rccogn &c: ij^crh
P. et R. conceflcf pracF. T. ctF.ma-^
ncf de S-pa cum pertin acx-mefuag' viij.-cotag' xx.acf terf .xx.acf pra-
ti,! ^cacfpaChire, ^00. scf n3c<f9,6.folid'reddu^ cum ptrrifi in A. ec F.

praed parcelbs mancf, tenemcorornm, ctredd'pd. Et iU'eis rcddidcf'


in cadera curia, ^f^ Habendum et tenendum prefat. T.etF. pro tcrmino

vitxipforumT. etF. &
alteriuscoruindiutius viucDrabfqueidipciiti-
one alicuius vani. Et quod pofF dcceflura prardiO:'T, cc F. t< eomm-
cum pertin retnafipriraogenitofiliodccorporibus prjed T.&F. inter'
CCS rcgitiui procreat, & hcrect mafcurdc corporcpraediiliprimoge
nit fill] & legitime procreat. TenendumScc :?/ Et fi nullus haeres dc
corporc ipfiits priatogeniti fiiiij fucf Ic^ijjmeprocrcat,. praedift parcell'
Fines and Concords
roancf, fcntorum, & reddit prcd euro pcrtin reman fecurdo gem'to filio
dc corporcpred T.&:. F. inter cos legicim procreate hercd mafcur dc
corporc diilifccundigcnitifilij legitime procreac.Tcnerd&c. j^.Etfi
nullus hcrcs dc corporc ipfius fccudi gcniti filij fuef legitime procf,tunc
prcdift* parcel!' raanef tcncmentof,
, &
redd prcd cum pertineh reman
hereddecorporibus pd T. 8c F. inter cos legitime procrcac.Tenend
&c.Etfi nullus here dccorporibus ipforum T.&F* inter cos fuerunt
legitim procreatus, tunc pS parccll'ixianef,tehcof^&rcdd pd cum pcr-
tin remancf inde rc^lis hered ipforum T.& F. iraperpetuuro. Tenend
&c. Et vlterius ijdcm E. R, conceff. pref. T.& F.dcccm mclTuag'&c.
cum pcrtin* in B. & C.prcd rcfiduum pd mancf tcntof redd predial*.
Et iir eis redd in cadem Cur.

-^ Fine of one acre of landt homage yVent, andferuices,

SeV ^6
Saiop. rj^^cipcE.T.armig.quodten'N.P. con'dcvnaacfterf,
1, & quindecimfoiid redd cum pcrtin' in G.&F.tni(i2cc.
c efl Concordia talis/cz.quod pred E.T.rccognouit pd acf terf cum
pertinentijs efTc ius ipHusN. vc ill' quara idem N, habeat dc dono pred
E. Et ill* remifit& quiet clam dc fe &
heredibus fuis perf. N. &
bus fuis imperpetuum.Et pd .conceiric,pf N.pred'redd Hmul cum ho-
niagio ettoto feruicio I. H. cc heredum fuorum dc tot fcntis quot pred*
. prius cenuit dc F. ^d.Habend',percipiend'& gaudend' pd rcddit (i-
mol cum komagio ct coto feruitio pd N. hered* fuis imperpctuum. c
pdE.& hered* fui warrant pdN. &hcrcd* fuis pred* acf terf & redd*
praedi A* cum percin iimul cum homagio Sx. toco feruicio pd (ic ( vc di-
^um ell) contra omncs homines imperpetuum. Ec pro hac &c.
ji Fhte efa Manor and fixe Knightsfees^ homages andferuices in the fame
Manor y by the husband and the votfey and st hers,

Seft. $y. t Ntcr H. W.& I.B quef ,& T.M.miliccm &T.filium eiufdem T. E. &
lvxorcmciufdemT.filij,&W,M.dcforc*,demaneriodcT.cum ptiin,
vndcptacitumconuentionisfumih fuit inter cos ineadcm curia, fcilicec
quod pred'T.T.E.Sc W.recogfi predial' manerium cum pertinenCeife
ius ipHus H. vt illud qifod iidem H. 8c I. habcant de dono pred* T. T.
. & W. vna cum feptem feodis Milirum in eodem roanerio. Ec concef-
ftf pred H.6c I.prcd* maneriu 8c feod'cum pertinent fimulcum homa-
gi)S & omnibus fcruit)jsM.W.^l.N.& heredum fuofjdecoctenemen.
tis quot de pred' T,T.E.&W. prius tenuciaint in eodem manerio. c

ill' ci< redd'in eadem curia.Habendum & tenend* ijfde H.dc i.& hered

ipiius H.de capiC dominis feodi iliius p feruitia que ad predf maneriuim
& feoda perciaent imperpetuum. Et prcterca iidem T. T. . 8c W. coii-
Fines and Concords. 1 6
cefTcrunt pro fe & hcrcd ipHus . quod ipO warf praed H.6c.I.& hercd
ipfiusH.pdidi* mancriiim &fcodacum pcrtincntijs (icuc prxdid'cft
contra otnncs homines impcrpecuum.Et pro hac recognitione, concef-
flonc, warranCjfinc & concordia, ijdcm H. & I. dcdcrunt pr^dift* T, T,
^ & W. vigint libf nrelingornm.

JinoldfiHeinFrank^almoigneofthe aduorvfon of a Church ktisvfledged t9,

A Pnour and his (^hurcb before Indices in Eire,in Anno 5S.

of King Henry the third,
HEccftfinalis Concordia fafti in Cuf domini Regis apud Lincoln Scl. ft,
inOrtab. Safi^iMich. Annorcgni Regis Hcnrici filijRedsIo.
55. coram R.A.G.P.W.W.W.H.&LO. lufticianjs itincramibus &
alijsdomini Regis Bdelibus tunc ibidem prcnnbus,intcrI.D.pcten6,&
Priorcmdc C. dcforc*, de Adiiocac* Ecciefiaedc D. cum pertinentijs
vndeplacitumconuenc fumifi fuit inter eosineadem Cur fez qdpd I.
rccognouit p^ Aduocatioh cum ptin cflcius ipfius Prioris Ecclenx &
fujeSanft'Maf dcC.Ycillaquam idem Prior 8c ccdcfia fua habcnt dc
dono W.filij W.anteceflbris ipfius I. cuius h^rcs ipfe eft Habend & te-

ncrdcidem Priori &fHCCcflori bus fuis& ecclcf.fu^pd, depdil'I.&

hercdibus fuis in puram & perpecuam eicemofinam, liberam 6c quiet ab
omni feruicio feculari & execucione imperpetuum. Et pd I. & hcred fui
warrant, acquietabunt> <Sc defend eielem Priori & fucccd.fuis & ecclef.
fnae predi6lam aduocationem cunti pcrcih &c. Et ^ hac Sec. idem Prior
remitt predi^' I. fingulis beneficijs 6corationibus qux de cccerofiemin
ccclefia fua pd unperpctuum.

A Concord of one meffu^^Ci (^c, in the county Palantine ofLancaster,

Lincjtfier T tEc eft finahs concordia fal' in Cuf doifi Reg. apud Sc^. /9*
X JLL. diclunein quinca fepcimana quadragcfimx, anno
regni Ehzab. dei gratia Angli^, Franciae, &
Hy bern Rcgih
fidei dcfenforis &c, tricefimo fecundo, coram I. Clench tcrtio Barofi
Scaccaf dothRegih & F. R. vnofcruicntium domReg. ad legem luftic*
dom Reg.apud L.& alijs dift* dora Reg. fidclibus tunc ibi plcnirbus in-
ter H.T. & R. H. qucf & W.C. gen dcforc', de vno raefuagio &c. cum
pcrtifi inT. vnde placitum conueocionis fumanii fuit inter cos in adem
caria, fez. quod prcdidl' W. rccognouit &c

ji IcAfefir yeares by fine, if one of the conufors liuefo longy

referuing a rent,

Ehr.f, T)Rxcipc F.T, & M. vxori clus, quod iuftc &c. ten I.H. Scft. ^^
X 6c IC vxori cius conuenc' ^c.
Fines and Concords.
f Ec eft Concordia 5cc.rz.q<f pdUV F.tSc M.eonfed. p6iCk' I.& K.tcne-
mcnt praed^^^c^m percin. H<iben4 tcncnd cidcm L5c K.a f<fflo&c.
qj kin anno &c. conif/lcnt!, CiptxdiCi'M. tarn diu vixcrit. Redden^
inde ad tclla Sec. ^ rqiulei porciones (oiiicnd, durante coto termino pit
Sec Ec fi conring;at &c. ^are iDljetljej: tljig be a gtDtj leafe at t^i nag

V '

foryearts bjjhte of one ine^H.%ge &freeffhitig, refermng n rent miB

Jif /iswy^

a cUnfe of dtf}rejfe,mth a grant of the reuerfion ofthe [aid me^Hnge

And free fijhiyig vto one of tke cennfors- in fee,
^^'''/' r)R?cipeT,P. ain)ig\& W. Q.gctt, quodiullc&c. tchl.
S tit 1^0
X W,&E.M.cpnucnc'&c.dcvn,om:i]uag'5cc.campcihin
H.&B. ac de libera pifcaria in aqua dr B.Et nifi 6cc.
Et eft Concordia calis, fez. quod prxdit' T.dc W, cognouef cehmcfic
& libcrani pifcariam prsdift* cura pcrtincntijs efte ius ipfius I. vc
iliaque idem I.&E.habcnjdcdonopr3edifl'T.& W. Eciirremif. &
quiet clara dc fc &
hcrc<f fuis prxfat I. &
E.^c hcrcd jpfius I. irapcrpe-
- - ;mim.Iitpreteri;aijdttnX.6c Vy.-conccllef profc&hcredipfiusT. qdt
ipfi warrant tcnt& hbcr'pifcaiia pdid'cuni perrin prxf.L& Ec6c he-
red ipfiusl.corifomnes homines imperpetuum. Ecpro hac vccognic',
remifGone^quitt clanij warran,fiMC,<5cconcordia, iide I. & E-coqccflcr
prxf.W.tcfic3clibfpi^caf pndidl' ciioi pertinentijs. JEtill' ci redd^*
def in cademxur. Habend & t encnd tencrnenra ^ libewii) pifc-ariana
prxd cumpercih prjef. W.& affi^h {uis,a fefto fanft i Martini in fr/cme
vltimo pr^ecerico^ vfquc ad finem termini fexaginta annof cxtunc projc.
fequen 6c plcnarie complend. Rcddcnd inde annuatim prxf. I. E- 5c &
hercd ipfius I.quendam annual' rcddic 3 .li.fJ.s. 8.d. legalis inonctre An-
glia:, ad fcfta fanfti Martini epifcopi in hycmc 5c P. p equals? porcio-

nes diuant termino pr^di^l' (olucnd. Et G contingat predict' annual*

reddit J.Ii. 6.s, 8.d. arctro fore in parte velin toto port aliquodfeftum
fcftorumprxdiilof quandovtprefetturfolui dcbcac nonfolutpfpaci-
umyiginti dicf, quod tunc bene liceat&licebitprsefdt 1. 6c E. 6c hered
ipfius I, iii tenement pr2cdil'cumpertfh intrare6c diftringerc, dillri-
clionefquc iic ibidcip.capc 6c habipjlicite afporu.rc,cffugare,abducere,
& poencs fcretinerc, quoufquedcprx^i^l' annuar redd.t 3.11. 6.$. 8.d.
vna ciufdem fi que fuerint nbi plcnariefueritrarisfaft' 6c
ciiEi arreragijs

perfoluf. Conceirtf etiim praedift' I. 6c E. profit T. cam rcuerfionetn

cenciT!cntonim6clibcrcpircaricpra:dit'^um percinenti)$,qu^mpr3rd
reddit ^li.<J.s, .d. fupcrinde Eercruit. Et illi ei reddidcf in cadcm cuf.
Hdbend 6ctencndtararcuerfioncratcnementorum&iibcf pifcaf pr^d
, curopcrdneiit, qllapraed:CV*rcddi3:Ij.<J.s.8.d^-^perindere^cr^atpl-
iwtT.6c hcrcdiuisiinpcipetuum.Tencnd 6cc, vtjhpra*^

Fines and C oncords, 17

A Le^fe for jeares by fine hj otu W his wife

Ehr, Jf. T^Kxcipc C. & A. vxorieius, quod iuftc &c. ten W. S. ScCk.^i'^
X 6c I. vxori cius, conucnc* &c. de 8ic. eirp^cflftng tt)e
tttmmnt$, $c*
^ Eceft coocordiatalis/cz.quod pi C. & A rccognoucftcfitpr^d
cum W. vc iJla quz t)deix) \V. &. I habent de
pertincncijs eife ius ipfius .

dono prxd C.&: A. c rcmiref & quicc cbm dc le & hatred fuis pi ae-

fatW.6cI.c hxrcdipHus W. iaipcrpctuum. c prasccrca 6cc. c pro

hac 6cc. pracd W. &
I conccflcfj cfita pd cum ptincmiis prxhl C. 5c
A.6ciirdsreddidefin eadcmcuf. Habcnd'& tcncnd tenement prxd
cure pcrtincn pfat C.& A. &
afsignatis fuis,a f^o S. Mich. Archangel!
yltira ptento.vfque ad fincm termini &
jp termin xl. annof tunc ^pxim
fequcfi& plcnane compleid. c pcerca i)dcm W.& I. hxredcs ipHus&
W. warrant tentpdict cum ptincnt prxfacis C.& A. ScaGignatisfuis,
duranc cmino pd contra omnes hominei.r pro hac dec. vtfupra,

Ui leafe byfine made by Tenantfor life for xxiyeares^ifjhe iiuefo longerefer-

ninga rent^mth a cUufe efdtjireffeythe reuerfion granted to the ConuforSy
and after the Terme endedy then to one P,for xxi.yearej,referutng aredde
Rofe^and after the end cf that terme,the remainder to E, andM.mfee,

Ehor.f "pRar cipe I. P.gencf & E.vxori eiu$,ct R. L. armig', qd ten I. ' ^ *

1. M.conucnc'Scc.
i|[ t eH Concordia talis, fez quod cum pracdi^l' I. & E. habent &
tenent fibi pro tcrmino vitx ipfius E. praedi) ' tenement & pifcaf cum
pcrtinent,reucrfione inde pod deceflum ipfius . W.T. & hxrcdfuis
fpcftanf,i)dero I. P. & .5c R. conceffcf pracfat I M, pr^dift' tcnemcnf

& pifcaf cum percinenti js : Habend & tenend eidem I. & afsignatis fuis
tota vita ipfius E. ^
Et pr^terea praedift' LF. E. & &
R. warrant praefac
I.M.&afsignat(ui tenta& pifcaf prxdift' aim pertincnificutdiCtum
efl contra pracdiil' I. F.&E tota vita ipfius E. Etprohacconcefl.war-

ranf,finc,&concordia,iderol M.conctflit pracfat R. tenement &piffaf

pracdiil* cum pertinent & ilia ei reddidit in eadem curia :fr Habend &
tencnd tenC& pifcaf praedii* cum pcrcinemijs eidem R. pro fmino 21.
annorumproxim fequen 6cplenariecoroplccd.fi eadem E.tamdiu vix-
crit.;^ Heddendindeannuatimprxfatol. M-&afsigna!fuis i4.1ibfad
fefta &c.pcr equales porciones annuatimfoluend tota vita ipfius .:fr Ec
fi contingat &c. eoncersit etiam praediftus I.M. prarfatis I.P.fict.rcuer-

fionemtencmentorum&pifcariaepr^dift'cum pertinemijs, &redditu

pracdift* fupcrinde rcfcruat,& ill' cis reddid in cadcin curia, ii Habend
C &
Fines and Concords.
6c tcncnd cifdcm I.F.et E. dc capicalibus domrnis feodi illlus per fcruitia
qu^ad pracdi^' ccnemen! 6c pifcafpraedi^' cum pcrdnemijs pertinent,
tota vita ipfius E. ^ Et poft tcrminum ilium finituni,tenemcDCpracdift*
cumpcrtinentljsintcgierciuancbuntP.&a($igna? fuis protermino 21.
annorum poft teftum Sanfti Martini in hycmcproximfutuf immediate
fcquen&pIenarJecomplcnd.* Rcddendindcannuatira pracfatis P.&
E.&hacrcd ipfius P. toto tcrmino praedi<fl* vnam Kofam rubeam ad
feftum Sanct I jhafi Bapt.annuatim folucnd fi pctaiur. ^ Etpoft cermi-
num ilium finitum, tcncrocnta prxdift* cum rema-
pcrtinentijs incegrc

ncbunt pracfat E.& M.& hxrc5 ipfius E. iroperpetuum, dc capital' do-

minis feod ill', per Ceruitia qu ad pr^di6t'(enemcntumpertincnc im-

ui Leafe to thetrifefor xxifj/eares fff two mefttageSy to commence ^er her
httsbrndsdeathrefermitgaRtnt^ with a cUufe of dtflreffe^tht
Cognifees graunt i?ackf the fame reuerfon And rent
to the CvHufors in fee.

SzCi/i^^ ^<fftth.jf. Y^Kxdpe C.G.armig* 3f D. vxori clus, ct R. B. genef quod

A teneantH.M.&C.M,conuenc'&c. dcduobus raefuag'ctt
p if) in parua S Et nifi &c.

EtConcordia falii,fcz 9 pracdi^* G.et D.ei R.rccogn teiira pd
cumpertinemijs cdcius ipfius H.vti!i*6cc.Et ill* remifcf &c. Etprac-
cerea dec, Et pro hac ^c.pr^dicf H'. 8c C- concedef prarfac R. tenement
pd cum ptinentijs, Et ill* ci reddidef in radcm cur. ^ Habend tenend &
uncmentapraedi^'cumpcrtincntijspracfat R. tota vita ipfius R.6t im-
mediate poft decefluni ipfius R. tencmf pd cum pertinentijsintcgrerc-
mansbum M
vxori ipfius R. cxecutoribus vel afsigh fuis pro termino
2 T. annorum extunc proxim Ctquen &
plenariecomplend.^ Reddend
inde annuatim prxfaC H.6c C
&h;rcd ipfius H. quandam annuitatem
fiueannuirrcdditnm v.libf legalismonei^ Angli^.adfefta Sanfti Mir*
tmi Epifcopi &
Pent per xqualcs porciones annuatim duran{ codcro t*
miaofolucnd.primafolutionc inde incipiend ad ^xim tfeftum fcftorii
pd R, ^ l:t fi contingat pd annul! fiue annual*
praedi Aof poft deceftum
^ Conccflcf ciiitm pd H. & G. pfaf
reddif quinque libf arctro fore &c.
C.C,& DtaiH reuerfionem tenement cum pertinenr,quaro pd rcddi^ v.
Etill'eis reddidcruntin eadcmcuna Habcn-
libf fupcrinde rcfcruaf. :

dnm,tcncndum,& pcrcipiendum, prxditam reuerfionem tcncmentof

prdiaorum cum pertinentijs & redditum pdi^um pracfaCC.G. D. &
&haercdibus jpfius Dvimperpf tuun^
Fines and Concords, ^


/./?. ^einj^ iemnt inj^eneraH tnile itipoffeioH the reuerJtoHM fee to C.attdT,
the fame C .andT.bj fine graunt the Und to M. and E, and the (aid M,
and E. render thefime againe to the/aid T. Habendum from a certaine
feafi next after the death of the fayi I rvithout heireef hisbodj^for the

terme of IS OQ jeares^rejeruwgi.d.rent,attd after the end of the terme

toP.T. one oft he tines of the (aid T. for ener,

Ehor.f TJRccipe&c.C.N.&T.T quod ten M.B.&E,D.c0niicnc*

i &c.dc&c.Ecnifi&c
Et eft &c.^ cum I.R. habet & tenet fibi 5c hered* dc corpofc fuo
<jf Sc^.55
legitime procrcat tciif pr^di^t* cum pcrincntijs reman' inde poft deccf-
fitmipiius I.nideml.obicnt 6nc hcrcde tie corpore fuo legitime pro-
crcat pref.C hercd fuis fpeftat,ijdc C
& &
T. concelTef tcncmenta p^f
tMKti pertin prcrf M&E.& hered M.imperpetuum. * Tenend &c.Et
pd C,& hered' fui warran! ptef E.
. M& &
hercd ipfius tcnenienc M ,

prcd' cum p^tineniijs ficut pd eH, contra omnes homines imperpetuura.

* Et
yP hac
concefljone,redditiofi,warranf,fine& concord*,ijdein M&
E.conccllef prcdift'T. tent pred cum pertin,6c ill* i redd'&c. * Ha-
bend*&c.eidcra T.& aflign fuis,a fefto S.Martini in hycme^xim poft
deceftum pdl.n idcml.obierit (ine hercde de corpore fuo legitime
jpcreal vlc] j finem termini &
pro termino miile 5c quingeirt annorum
ex tunc proxim f'^quch &
plcnar^c compled abfquc impetitionc alicn-
ius vafti. *Rcddcnd-jndcannuatimpr^fa| M
5cE.& hered ipfius
M. vnum den4f ad tfftu tj &c. annustim foluend' toto termino predict
(i petatur. t poft termmumiUum finitum, predict' tencroenta cum

pertin integre reman' P.T.vni filiorum pdiii*T.& hered' ipfius P.im-

perpctuum 5:c. vtfufra,

A Leafe of a. mejfuage hj/fne f)rjeare$ to begin at a time

tO'Come^rnth a cUufe of diBrejfe,

North, jf, TjRecipc A.B.&E.vxorieius,quodtehC.p.conucnc*&c gg^.^j^,

i dcvnomcffuag'Src.
^ Et eft concordia talis,fcz quod pred* A.B,& E. conceff. tcnemcn!
predictcum pertinenpretac CD. & a(fignatisfuis,Eti!la ineademcuf
prcf.C.D.reddidef Habcnd* & tenend' )eidcm CD. a U(\o Pcntec*
: ej^

critinannodomiii597.vrqucfincmtermim viginti vnius annorum

cxtunc proxim fequcn & pirnaf cofoplend : Reddend' inde annuatim
pref. A.B 6c E & hxrcd ipfius E fcptem libf legalis monetc5cc. ad fefta
S< Martini Epiltopi in hyemc,N.A. P. cquisporcionibus annuatim du-
rante termino pd'(oluend'.t pro hac &. -<

^l 1 C 2 A leafe
Fines and Concords,

A leafe of one mejfuMge &c. ta differs for 9 0. yeareiy if the teffee his 'mfe,

Andfrvo others ituefo long, refertting d rent, and the hefi SesB after the
death of entry tenant in name of an Heriot, reith a cUufe of diftre^e for
thefAme rent and Hertot, and after grannteth the retterfton to the iefor

and his wife, 9

StCk,67. Lond.f TjRaecipe I.R.arroigef & M.vxori cius,&T.B.quod ten R.

^ t eft Concordia talis,fcz,quod pdift' I.M .& r.recogfi tcnfa pd.

cum ptinch elTc ius ipfias V. v t ill' &c,cum rclaxadonc & warr*. Ec pro
hac&c.i)dcmR.& V.conccflcfpfaCT.B.pdid' tcncmenta cum ptih,
Ec ill' ci rcddidcrunc in eadcm curia
: &
Habcnd* tcncnd* cidem T. Sc
dhi proxira futuf,viq*, ad fincm termini nona-
afligh fuis^a fefto natalis
ginca annorum rune proxim fcquch &
plenarie coinplcnd,{i idem T.^E
I ,vxor ius,B.B &T
Biil ij ipfius T.tam d iu vixcrint.aut eorunaaliquis
cam diu vixcrit. * Rcddend* indc annuatim pd R.6c V.& hzrcd ipiius
V.quatuor libf Icgali'i monetae Ang lae, ad fcfta Annunciationis beatac
ciuicacis dhi,per arquaics porci^nes annuacim foluerd toto termtno ^dV

acfoluend' poftdcccflumT B.p;<tris,& poftdccedum cumflbecmde

cenencisfuum optimil'animdl nomine lierict ^ Ec G comingar pd redd
4.1i.arecro fore m
parcc vcl in coto port aliqd teftu h ftorum pd quo vc
^(er(oluidebcacoonioluf,aut(icontingatpd' opcimu animal nomine
hcriot vtpracfercfoluend'poftdcccffum cuiuflibcc trnrium pracmiiTof
forcinfoiut aucfubtracf.^ Quod tunc beneliccbic pd'R.& V.& baere<$
ipfiusR.in pd' ccncmc cum pcninentijs imrarc 5c diftringerc, diftri^ji-
onefq^ (ic ibidem capf i3c habit iiciceabdiicere,aiporcaTe,Sc cfFugare^ac
penes feretinere,quourq; de pdreddi{4.1i.5c arreragi)sciu;d(n quz fa*
erint)vna cum Optimo aniraaii pd quando contingcrit plenarie fucrinc
fatisfail'&perfolut.. ^
Concellef eriam pr^d* R.& V.prcd* l&M.
leuernonemtenemcntofpraed' cum pertih &
pr^d reddic 4li.acpd
redd optimi animalis nomine hcriot laperi^ rcfcruat. Ec iila cis reddidcf
in ead' curia. Habend&tcnendcifdl.&M.&h^rtd ipfius I. &M.&
hzred jpfiail.dc capital' diiis feod illi' imptrpecuum &c.

A LeafejSr^earestooMeofthcConfifors.ofoemeJff*aget^c, referuingrent,
vfkh a nofoifie pcjenc and a difire^e'fir the vent and paine^trith agrant
the reuerfion to one of the Connfors^ndhis tiife in gencrallfnile,

Scft.68 . Mfdd,f T)R?cipe E.P *Miig . & Vxorfi cius, & K. B. quod teiivam I.
JL R.5cT.S,conucnc'deviioincfli/agV&c*: ^
'.^A t- -'
f Ec
Fines and Concords, ip
i|f Eccft Concordia talis, fcilicct, quod predict, E. P. &M. 5c R.B.rc-

cogn tcncmenta praedic!cum pcrcifiefTcius ipfius I. vt ill' quae ijdcm I.

& T.habem d< dono pracdic!E.M. &
R. ( cura rclaxac' warranr ) Ec &
pro hac &c. ijdcm I.& T. conced. praefaC R. tencmcma predict cum |)-
tincmijSjEc lU'ci reddidcf in eadcm curia Habcnd & tcn(;nd eidcm R.

^fcftoSanftiMich.vltimoptcritoprotcrmino trigint vnius annorura

extunc proxim fcquch 8c plenane complend". ^ Rcdderd indc annua-
tktj predict 1 .5c T.&: hxccd ipfius r.v;ginti libf Icgalis monetae Angliae,

ad duos anni termmos, viz. ad fcftum Annunciationis bcatx Mariae vir-

ginis Sc Sanfti Michaclis Archang per equalcs porciones annuatira fol-
uendcoto tcrmino pdicf. "^ Etfi contingarprxdift'rcdd xx.li.autali-
quam indc parcellam arctro fore in pane vei in toto port aliquod fcHum
feftofprstdift' quovtpkrffoluidebearnonfofuf p [bacm quadragin-
i^ diCrum,^ tunc forisfacict praedift* R.praedifl' l.n T. & haercd ipfius
I.v.li.nominf poenac,& quod tunc &
totics bene licebit pd 1. 5c T.6c he-
red ipfius Ltnpr^dift'tcncmcnta cum pcrtinentijsintrarc&diftringcre,
diftnrtionclque fie ibid c^pt & habitas licif abducerc, afporiarc.cfruga-
re,ac penes (erctsnerequoufquetani depdxx. li. quamde pd quinque
libf nbttiine pocnar, v-^ piei t onsfaft' cui areragi js caru (fi quae fucrint)
plenaric tuerit Jacisfad'&pcrfolut.^ Conccflefetiam pd I.ScT.pd E.
5c M.pd tencmcnta cum pertmcnn js.ac pd i=eddi! xx.l j. fuj^^erindc refer-
uatacpra^diftam fumui^m qninqnclibiaruronomitlcpocnar. EtiU'eis
reddidcf in eadem curi j. Habcnd 5c tencnd cifdcm h. 5c 5c haci d de M
corporc ipfius E.legitinCjpcreaf. Tenerid5cc.Etpro dcfeftu talis exit
reman indc W.W,5c hcntdiuis impcrpctuum. Tencnd 5cc.

A Finewth grannt andrender of the moitie of a manor to the Cottuforfor

terme ofUfeymthout impeachment ofwafl, andfor fxteene yeares after her
deathythefj the one moine ofthefame mottte^to enetnfeeyand the other mot'
tte ofthefaid moitte to another infee.

ShoKJf. TjRaccipeE.A.vidnupcrvxori W.A.Mir defunft' quod tell ScV.<59.

X T.F.conuenc'deroediccatemancrijdcH,6cc.
^ Et eft Concordia talis,fcilicer,q) cum E. A. recogn 5c r. Ec pro hac
Et ill'ei reddidit in eadem Curia : Habend et tenerd praedil' medieta-
temmanerij5cc.prcdift*E.A.protcrroino viiaefuae ipfiusE. abfqueim-
petitioneahcuius vaftide capicalibus dominis feodi illius per feruitia

qtiac ad predift* medietarem pertinent toca vita ipfius E. 5c pro tcr-

niinofexdccimannorum extunc proxim fequcn port mortem prxd E.

Etpoft mortem prcdiftae E. et pofl: pred tcrmififexdecim annof fini-
un5cdttcrmina!^quodiuncvnii medietas prcdi^' mtdictacis manerii
C 3 prcd

Fines and Concords.

pr^^&c.cumptinent reman B.G.modo vxori G.armigVt hxt<d ipfios
B.Tencd dc &c. Ac altera iDcdiccas yd medictatis niancf 6cr.pd tu grih
reman E.G.modo vxori N.G.et hsrcd ipfi' E.Tencd dc capital' &c.

j4 Readier efthree me^uages to one of the (Honufors for life, the remaittder t
cue Afd his heires maltsyt he remainder to another and his heiresfor euer%

Seft 70.
^j(/>xj(j: T) Recipe N. A. etW. quod ten R.C.ctT.C.conucnc'dctrib*
i mefluag*.
* Et pro hac &c.i jdcm R. ct R.conced.pfat W. tefji cum pertinentiis.
Er ill' ci redd in ead cur : Habcd et tened cid W.ct afsigh fuis.Tenend
de capital* dnisrcodiiili^lireruiiia quae ad pd tcnta ptincnt, toia vita
ipfius W.ct poft decelTura ipfius W.c^d tenenit cu ptincnt integf rcina-
ncbunt I.C.ct haered mafculis dccorp* ipfi'l. legitime ^crcaf.Tcnerd
&c.Ec fi nullus hei cs fit de corp'ipfius I.lcgit jpcf,tunc cad tencoic cum
^tincnt integ* reman I.C.fratri pd Let here d luisiiBjjptl.Tcnend&c.

An eliate for life to the Conufor^and after his death to one iJV.whom the^
nufoY iniendeth to tai^e t his mfefor her Itfe in the name of a iointHre,4Hd
after her death to the heires mAles ofthe hodie ofthe CoKufor.

pd &r.cum ptiner! in-

Scft.7ri ET eft concord* talis &c.Et poll deccff.ipfi"
tegf remaneb.I.W.filiac I.

W. nomine luftuf, q,(deo dantc) id LC.

ducei in vxof Tencnd* de capital' &c.tota vita ipfius
. la. et poft dcccflii
ipfius I. pd
Scc.cum pertinent integr' zemaneb. hcrrd mafcul'dc corpof
pd* I.C Icgiiim ^crcaf.Tcnend' de capitalibus dominis &c.

A Fine ofdiutrs manorstmeffua^esyandrent^the.which the Comt ~

fees do render again to the j^onuforSfto the vfe of the wife

oft he Conuforfor her Itfe,

St(ki7%\ ^^/''pRcc* T.C.armig',W.R.armigT.P.af,ct L. B.gcn.quod 6cf

tefi I .D.et E.vxori eius conucnc' dc raaneri js dc C. N. et E.

cum pertineofjac dc duccntis mefT.&c.ct de x. libf reddit cum penincnf

f Et ctt Concordia talis.fciHcer, q? pd* T. C. W. R. T. P. ct L.recog*
roancf,tcnt,eireddjcpd cum ptincnfcficius ipfius I.Etiirreroif.ct qui-
et darti dc fc et de hercdib' fijis przfj? Let hercdibus ipfius I. imperpe-
tuu.Et ^ hac 5cc.ijdem Let E.conccffef pr^d'T.C.W.R.T.P. ti L;^d'
mancf , tenement,< t rcddit cum pertinenti js, et ill* eis reddidi f in cadem
Curia. Habend et tenend cifdcmT. C. W. R. T. P. et L. tota vita ipfi-
us E.Ec pracdia* I .ct hxrcdfiii warranlpr^dia* T, C. W.R. T. P.et U

Fines and Concords.^ zo

j^did^i mania, tencmema 6c redd' cuttipercih (icuc di Aii^ cd , contra
omncs homines duranc vlca pd E-dnc

\Mfne efmejfna^es, cottages, UndeSymeadow.fafiureiivoodMAthJinge^rent

of a ? arfoiMge^emd of the adffon^ft of a Church,

HEc concordia
eft finalis Curia dm Reg. apud W.a
fala In P. Sct.7t
inquindcciindics,AonoRcg.IacobiDcicrratia,A.S.F.6c H,Rcg.

fidci dcfcnforis &c. a conqucftu icrtio, coram E.A. T.M. F.VV, W. P.

Iuftic'5calijidfu Rcg.fidclibus tunc ibi prefentib^ inter LB. gen R. &
Midd* gcncf deforc* dc ceniu mcfluag*, ccntu cotagi js, duob' Enillibus
acf terf,inil}c acf prati,duob' millibus acf paftur^.ccntu acf bofci^miU*
acf ianipnof ct bruer^.Sc ccniu folidis rcddic ajm ptin in &c. Nccnoa
dc Re^oria dcK.cnro pcrtih : Ac de aduocacione EcdeGx dc K. vnde
placit conucc* fumih fuit inter eo$ in cad* Cuf,fcz. ^ p d' R.& R.recog-
nouef pd' tchta,rcddif,5c rcftoria cum prin, ac aduocacioncm pd* cflc
JUS ipnus I.vt illaqus idem I.& Rhabenc de dono^d' R. c) R. c ill'
remifcf &
quiet clani de ipfis R.Sc hcred'fois pd* I.cc R. et hered* ipfius
I.tmperpetuum. '* Ec pterca ijde R.& R.conceiT.jp (e& hered* iph' R,
C. fenioris^cp ipO warran! pd' I.& .cc hercd'iptius I pd' tehca. redd'

6creloriam cum pcihacaduocatpd' contra pd*R&R.& hered' ipfi*

R.C.fcniof imppetuuro.*Et ^
hac rccogh,rcmifliofi,quicCc!arh,war-
rant,fine,& concordia^jdeml.Sc R.dcdcf przd'R.cc R. duo mille libf

^fine by the hfub^tManJ his rrife ofthe lauds ofthe yvife,Tvith grant adrefi*
der of the /\ . pArt oftwo mejfuagesfoHrt toftSytveogardenSy trro orchards
two hundred acres of landitwenty acres ofmedowfourtie acres of pafiure^
iwelne acres of veood.AndoK hundred acres ofmoorein 4 ^arts dmided,the
conttfrs do grant the fame againe to the Conufees fr thetr lines^ vcithout
impeachment of wafl^and after their deaths to one oftheirfonnes in general
taiUfand for default offuch i^Heythen TO one other of the Conufees fonnes
ingenerall taileyandfir default offitch iuey then to the third fonne of the
Conufees in generaUtaiUyandfer default ef fuchiffuCi to the right heires
oft he rrife oftheconuforfereuer.
HEcc{^finaIis<oncord'fa^ain Cufdhireg.apud Weft, in O^jb. Sel.74
S.Mich* Annorcg.Iacobidci gratia Ang*,Scoti^,Franc*& Hibef
dcfenOScca conqueftucertio,coram R, A.T.W. R. VV. 5c TL,
Juft.& dhi reg. iidelibus tunc ibid* pfentibus, inter G.I
ali js W. VV.. &
qucf,& I.C.ct I.vxof def.dc quartaptCjZ.mefT. 4.10ft, z.gard*, 2. pom.
t{iH:c{acf;tcr#,2o,aif prat,4o.aa*paft.i 2.acf bofc,& loo.acf mor? cu
A^ C 4 pertin.
u: Fines and Concords,
pcrtIiiinG.8cL,in quatuorptcsdiuif.vQdcplacuuconuemlonisfuirA
fuit imcr cos in cadcm curia,lcilicet <$ prxd* T. &
I. rccogh prxdiftani

quartam partem cum pertih efle ius ipfiiis G.vt illam quam ijdem G. &
W.habentde dono pdift' L&I.EcitlamrBJifl.&quuCclaHjde ipfe
I.& I.Sc hcred ipfjus J.praed' G.6c VV.& licrcd' ipfius Q.iropcrpctuuin.
Etptercaijdcmlo.&IaxonceiTcruntj^fe&hcrcd' ipfius la. quodipfi
warrant prxd tVG.& W.&hcrc5 ipliusG.pr^d'quaKamparcenacuna"

ptih contra pred' I.& I.6c liercd* ipfius la.impcrpctuum. ^Er jp hac re.
cogn&c. ijdeq3 G.& W.conccflcrum prcdi^' J. &
I.predidt' quarram
parwrncum ptih, Et ill'cis rcddidc f in cadcm cur : Habcnd &cenend*
eirdcra I.6cl.dceapit]ibus dFiisfcodi iilius per fcruitia quae ad pridic^
quartam partem pertinent tora vita ipforum I.& I. & corura altcrius di-
utius viucnt abfq^ impetitionc alicuius vafli. Ei poft dcccffum ipforum^
I.8clpraedquirtap<irs cum pcrtinentijsintegre reman' B.C.filiopr3P^
di (\oY I.& I. ^
licred'de corpore i|>fius B. legitime procrfeat. Tenend^
dc capitalibus dhisf<;odu!lius&c.imperpctuum.*Et fi concmgat qubdj
idem B.obierJt fine hered*de corpore fuo legitime ^creafjtunc poft dc^
ceiTum cum pnh
ipfius B. pet quarta pars intcgre
P.C.al' fil*reman
I.& de corpore&c.Tencnd de'capitalib' &c. irapcrpetuumi
I.6c hcred'
*tficontingatq>'d<|ii P.obicrit&c. tiincpoddeceflum ipfiu*P.p3
quarta pars mtcere rewah R .C. al' fil* prcdiift' 1. 6c I. &
h^rcd' dc cor-
pore 5ec. Tcnend' dc capitdibus&c. imperpctuum. Et fi comrngat e^
idem R.obierit &c. tunc poft deceflum ipfius R. prtd' quarta pars cum
pertih intcgre reman rcftishered'predift' la. Tenend'dc capitalibus
dfiis fcodi illiiis, per feruitia quae ad prcdicl' cjuartam partem pcrtinene
imperpctuum dec.

ui fine of one n^effna^e and of 4thirdp4rt of foNre meffuagss inthntfitrts

(/iui4ed,part i po^ejjlotiyand part inreuerJtOM.of a thtrd part for ternt'e
the life of the tenant inDower,andfor terme of hfe of another tenant for

'- termeof life. - -


Ehr. f. pRaecipe I. W. &

A. vxori eius, q iuftc &c.' ten IL E.E. &
otct.ys J[ conucnc*devno mcftiiag' &c.necnon de tenia parte in ire$
partes diuidend* quatuor mclTuag' cum pertinent S^c.
l([Et eft & A. reccgn tcnc-
Concordia talis, fcilicer,qiiodpredil' I.

menta predi^a ac tertiam partem prcd' cum pcrrircntijs cftifc lus ipfius
I. dc quibus ijdem I.E &
E E. habeant vnum m^fluag* cum pcttiS m
prediilis vill* deT.& B.parccir tenementorum ppcdi^oruro ac pdicf
tertiam partem quatuor meftuag' &c. cum pertihentijs in T.& B. par-
cell* ?cncmcntoruraprediftofdcdonoprdi^o#I.& A. EtiU' reiijifer

&quic!claraauccde ipfisl& A.& hercdifeus^uiiJpf^laC i^E!^ E; E*;

Fin es and Coneords. zi
&:hcrcdLb^ipfiii$I.impcrpctqrn. EtconcciT. ^p fc & hered* ipfius A.q>
viginti acf Krf,fcx acf prati,6f cum ptrtih m p6iCV villa de B. parcel*

teoemcntof & tertia pars pdquc A. & F. vxor eius ccoenc ad ccrmih

vit^ ipfiiis E. dc hered*prtfd A. di?^ao h^c concordia fiiiia fuit. Ec

quae poll dcccfliim ipfius E.ad prcd' I v/i. & hcvcdes fuos dcbuef reitcr-
tere port deccffuna ipllus A.inrcgrcrcro.aneantpred' I.E.& ErE.& he-
red' ipfiui Limpcrpetiiura. * Conceilcf ciiam prcd' I. W.8c A. ^ & fc
hcrcd'ipfius A.quodvnummcfTuag'cumpcin in f>d vill'dc Rrcfiduu
icncmcncorHm|)d* quae I AiWneta,d'wrnunura vitat Ciaede hercd* pd
A.die'qiK>haC co^cordi3ta^afl^w;pofl deccffuraipfius A.integrctc-
inancancpr.'Ed'I.E&E.&hered'ipfiusE.irapcrpniiuiiirv ;;' C '(

jf fine rvithgraunt and render of the moitie of a mannor^reciiing that a rvi-

dovf hath thefamefor her Itfemthoat impeachment ofrvafle^anu after her
death to hen executorsforflxteeneyeres. without impeachment ofvi>afi,and
after her death and the end offixteeneyeres,to two and to their wit4es,and
to the heiresof the wtues : and after the hm bands and their roiHes graunt
the /ame to the tenant for life infee^whogranteth the/ame after the end of
the (atdfixteenejeares vntothe conufors for. the'terme of one and tyventie
jearciw$thotttin^achment$fjate, -' - ' ^
\:-"'y\ l.vj.'y ^^^^1.{ 2;r-""ji ,;rr j'^'j^iifo .Oi;. 'V .'/nKj' -
j^oi-cl*::'^- {

i. tcncant F.A.conucnc dc rocdictace roancri) dc H. cum ^^"'7"

pcrtincntijs&c, ''^'''^*^-^ ' ;i>ni:n:i yvr^tv
^Eteft cQncordi^ta'lis,fcfe.(^'cUrtlE. A.^ldoanupcT vjcor W. A.
-dcfonti,habet & tenet prspdiftao) tncdietatem manerij dc H. cum pcr-
Ac praedil4m riicdictaceni tenemeritorum&pifcari.T prsed' cum

peftih adccrmrnuni vitxruieabfqnciropetitioneaiicnius vadi. ^ Et q>

poftmortem eit)fdem E. pr^di^a medietas mancrij,tcncmcniorurn dc
pifcari^prcdiftorum remancantexccut icftaroenti ciufdcm . ad ter-
roinumfcxdccim annorum tunc proximfequcii port mortem ip(ius E
ibfqucimpetitioncvjfti. Et quacpoftmoriempr^diOacE. A.ad tcr-
minum prsfdidnrum fexdecimannorumadN. G.&: E. vxor* eius, &
VV.G.& B vxor'cius,& hered* dJ\orum E.&B. rcucrt deberent. Prc-
dift' VV. G.& B. vxor eius, N.G.& E.vxor eius, concedunt quod
diiCle mcdictate5 di^orum mancrioriHDjtcnementorum.Sc pKcarigcum

pertifi port mortem pred jE A.& poft prcdiQ' tcrmmum fexdecim an-
Borumfinitum ^ detcrminac ntc2;re rcrnaneantpracf.F.A. & hered' (u-
m *Tenehd'3"^t^|yftar dfiis feod* flipper feruiria que ad predial' rocdi-
etatdiftorum mancrij;tencment&pifcaf cum pertinen pertinent. Et
ilF rcmif.&qtifcfclafVh'de ipfis W.G. & B. vxor eius, N. G. & E. vxor
* i pretcrea
$!).& hiaercd fujs|rfiit F,A. 6c haercd^^fuis imperpetuuro.
-S^ ijdcm
Fines and Concords.
ijdcmVV.G.&B N.G.&E.conccflcr'^rc & hcrcd*ipfiu$ N.^ ipfi
warrant przdid' rcuernonetn mcdictatis drt^orum fDancFij,tentorum
& pifcari^ cum pertinent! prefat F. A.& hercd'fuis contra ipfos W.G

& B.N.G. & E.6c heredcs fuos imppcmuro. Ec hac &c. idem F.con-jip

ccffitpfacW.G.5cB.N.G.&E.prcd' rcucrfionem mcdictatis raaneri),

cehtor',& pifcarix pra^d'cumptih* Ec ili'eisreddid' in eadem Curia.
* Habtcnd* ct tcncnd* cadem reuerHonem roediecatis niancrij.tcntorum,
& pifcariae praed' cum ptih diti$ W.G.& B.N. G.& E. a fcfto Apo(^
Phi].& lacobi^ tunc proxiin eric pod finem di^ortim fexdecem ana
vfq*, ad finem ec term xxj. annor' cxtunc ^xim (equcoc& plenane cd
plend*,abfquciropctitioncalicuiuivafti. : ri.l: -

ji R ender of me^uages tfrc. t the cognifor'for one rreeke, after to afirAnger

for life, and to his wifefor life^ifPie keepe hervftmamed^ the reuer-
Jionto another fir anger and his heir e* of his bodie vfon M, his
mfe begottenj the remainder t{> another and
his heires,

T)Rccipc I. W.& Evxori cius,^ ten W.M.5c O.S. conuenc'

P ^
I acduobusmcffuag &cinS.Ecni(i&c.
Ft proffac &c. ijdcra W.ct O. conceffcrunr pr^faf I.ccnemenI praed*
<:um pertiii: Ec iU'ci rcddidcr'in eadem Curia : Habend*& tcncod'ei-
deml.proterminovniusreptimanZy Ec poQ cerminum ilium Hnicum;
pred' tcnemcuro ptih intcgre rcmancbuncB.Habend'& tcnend'cideni
B- dc^capitalibus dnis fcodi iliius per Ceruitia qux ad pd' ten pertih,
coca vica ipfius B.Ec pofi dccclTum ipHus B.pred' cchta cum pertih incc-
grc reman I.vxori pred* B. * Tcncnd* &c. tota vita ipfius 1. (i cadcro L
cam diu folate inuptavixeric. Ec po(l deceffum Hue fponfalia ipHus I.
ii &
quz fuer'jpr^d' tefita cum ^tih incegrc reman . W.lilio hertdi ap-
parent! pred' I . & hcred' dc corpore ipHus C. dc corporc M. vxoris ciut
incer cos legicime,^creat. Tcncnd &c. EcH contingjc cp idem . obie-
ritfinchercd*dccorp''fuodccorp';pd* M. inter cos ItgiC^creaf, tUBC
poft deced.ipfor* E,& M.tcncm ^d' cum pctcihintegre rcioaii pred'
ScheredTuis. Tencnd'&c.impcrpccuuoi.

jifne of tivoreuerjions of iTvetMeffuageSfOne cottage &e, aftertht


^cCt,7$ E^or.f^ "PRaccipe R. N.& A. vxori eius,quod tenG.E;ConueflC*&c,

Ldc duobui aiciliiag'.vno cocag' Scc.in N..
I[[ Eted Concordia talis/cz. <|uod prsedi^'R^ A.recogh tcneipen*

4 pixdi^' cum pcrcin' cfle ius ipfiu& G.& concclLpjro /c 6c bcrcdibus

Fines and Concords iz
jpGus R.quod prardcotagiiim, viginti acr cerf, decern acf pnxi ^e. par
ccir tcncraencof przdi^of cum Nprc^, qu^ W.B.et A,
pertinentijs in
vxor eius ccncnc ad cerii^inuoivit^ ipGus A. dehcrtditacc prtd R.di
quo hzc Concordia fa<^a fuir,5c quae poil dccedtim ipHus Ar^d predict
R.et hzrcd fuos dcbucrum reiieif,incegrc pod dectfluro iplius A.ad pd
G.ct harrcd fuos remaneanr. Tcncnd&c. ConccflcfaiampradR.&
A.quodprzdici i).Tne(rvuig'&c.rnduatenemenf prxdictcuro pcrcineft
jnN.pr^dict^qu^ W.P.ctD. vxorcius tcnenc ad terminumvita ipHus
D.dc hcrcditatc &c. (vt antca.) Et praftcrca predict R. A. hcredcs & &
ipfius R. warrant tcncmcnta prsdi^' euro pertinentijs prxfaS G. ct he-
redibus fuis ficuc diQum efl,contra przdii' K.Sc A.cc bcrcdcs ipdus R.
iispcrpccuum. tprohac&c.

A^/Uint t the eogmfee and his rvife,4ttcl the heiret eftheir

trvo bodies yivith ivarrautieiutai/e.

Shr.f pRccipe H.E.gcn.quod iufte 5cc.teh H.W. et I.vxori Ci^ con- 5^^, ^^j;
J. tienc &c.de tenr rhtis in S.Et ni(i 6cc.

^ He eft Concordia talisjfcz. quod prsedidl' H.F.concefsicteneisenf ec

reddif pracdi\*cum pertinentijspht H.W. et I. Et ill' cis reddidit in ea-
detn curia.Habend & tenend cifdem H.W.&: J .et hcredibus de corpof
ipforum H.W. & I. inter eos legitime procrcar. Tenend &c. Et pr^d
H.F.& hxredes fui warranf prarfat H. W. & I, & heredibus de corpore
iplofH.W.Sc I, inter cos legitime procreattcnemenf pd iicutdidum
ft.contraomncs hommcs impapenium.Ec pro hac&c.

Jl '^rMtfit rvitb a render Ifack^e agntnefor life^ tfithont impachmtnt

cf VMJiidiuers remainders in taile diniding the lands.

H>r//:/.pRecipeN.B.&A.vxoricis,^tehT.R.acR.G.conucnc'&c Sca.So.,
X dcvnomelluag'cimipcrtifiinE.&c,
^ Et eft Concordia talis/c.quod pr^dift'&c . cum relaxac' & warrant
5cc.Etprohac&c.i)demT.R. conceffcfpratfatN.& A. tenement prap-
di^' cum pertinentijs. EtiU'cisrcddiderunt in cadem curia. Habcrd
cifdem N.8c A.tota vita ipforum N. A. et alterius eorum diuti' viuert,
abfqacimpetitioncvaflitotavitaipnusA. Tenend &g. Etpofldeccf-
fum ipforum N.& A. vnum mcduagium &c. cum pertinent F. pd dc m
tcncmenris prxd parcel* rema h T.B. vni filiorum pd N. ct A, et hcredi-
bus mafculis de corpore p^S. T.tcgitimc procreat, et tunc port decellum
ipfius T.pd tenement de pd tenement parccH* integre reman I, B. alteri
ethxrcd mafcm'dc corpof ipfius I. legitime
filiorum praedift*N.& A.
^crctf Tenend &c.i:t (Icontingat &c-. poft dcccflum ipfius I. pd tcri

Fines and Concords.
dc p^ tenement parcel' irttcgrc rcinanB. F. altcri filio prcd A. ct hcrc5
mafeul' dc corporc pd BuUcitc _^creaf. Tcncnd &c. Et fi contingat &r.
quod tunc tcncrn pd rcma& (to HiuttS Qt\}tts) &: rcftjs haercdibus pd
A.impcrpecuum. Tcncnd &c. Et pjrsetcrcapfatTict R. conccffcf tjuod
poftdccediimprcdN.B.ct A. vxof ciu$44.acftcrf,duae acf prati&c.
cum pcrtiii in B. pd de prsed jiflis tcncni rcfidua integre rcmancbunt pd
B.F.& here d dc corpore (uo IcgiiiraC procrcaf. Tcncrd &c.Et fi contin-
gat quod idem B.obicritfineh^rcd de corporc (uolegitinic prpcreat,qd
tunc poft dcccffum ipfius B.pd tcncmen! rcfidua intcgrcrcmancbum pf.
T'.F.h^red &afi^ign fuis impcrpctuuu).

u4 Fine to entaile lands to the heires of the body of the conufar ofthebodie of
I.Cher hniband deceafed, with remainder ouer y for default of
_.\^"/fich.tJfWitd the right heires ofthefatdJ.C.H^c.

StC(,% 1
. Leicefl.f T) Recipe I.C. armig*,quod ten M.C. viduap conucnc' de trt-
1. busnicffiiag'&F.
If Et eft Concordia talis,(cz.quod pracd I.concefsitpfd M.praed te-
ncmenrcutD pcrtinentijs. Et ill' ei reddidit iii cadem Curia. Habcnd ct
ccnend eidcm M.ct hacrcd dc corpore ipfius M. de cbrpare f G< riuper .

virifuidefundti legitime pr6a'eat,dc capital' &c, Et {icbntHnigatqucid

cadcm M.obicrit fine haercd d corporc fuo dc cttrpbrc ipfias J G. kgi- .

tira procrcac,tuncpoft dcceffum ipfius M.pr^ditlatehta cuib pertin<^nt

integre remancant redis hacrcdibus ipfius I.C.dcfunfti. Teivend &c.Et
pd l.C.armig'ct h^rcd (in warranf pd M
et hatred dc ccrptne tuo dc

corporc praed 1 ,C.dcfunti, ac ctiam reilis h^rcdibus ipfius I C. fi ca- .

dcfn M.obicrit fine h^redde corporc (uo decorporc ipfius LC.dcfun^i

licice procreat;pd tefira cum ptinent (ficut diAuni cR) contra pracdi^*

LC.armig' et haercd (uos iropcrpetuum.Et pro hac &c.

ui ^raunt by a Duke anihis wife as in the riht'efhifWfifb the cognifee for

life ofthe tenantfor lifeyVPtth warrant iey a render to the cogktfbr

for the wmes Itfcyto conttej her title to her hfuband.

Sea. 82. Wiiri.ff. T3 Recipe T.Duci N.et M vxori cius, quod ten T. T. artnig'
conuenc'&c.dctencmcisinW.EtnifiiScc.^' '
J '

^Et c(l Concordia talis/cz.quodprard Dux 6cM'.cottcdr.prdT.

T.tcnemchtapr^d cum per tine h, ccquicquid idem DuxetM.babcrit
intcrtcmentispr^dicliscuro pertih.adtcrrtiinum vitf ipfiusM. Etiil'
eireddidcf in cadcm curia. Habcnd ct tcncnd eidera T. T, ct hertd
fuisdccapitalibusdhisfcodiilliuspcr fcruitiaqu^ ad cadctn tcnemen-
ta cum pertinent ptmenttota vita ipfius M. Etpreterca ijde6iT.erM.
Fines and Concoirds. zj
concefrprofcquocl ipfi warrant fcl'T.T.& haered' fuis tenta ^d'cum
penih contra omnes homines tota vita ipfius M. Et pro hac &c. idem
T,T. concciT. tcntm pr^dift* cum pcrtih praefato Duci. Et ill* ei rcddi
dit in eadem curia: Habcnd'6c tcncnd'cadcm tent cum pcrtih cidctn
Duci hxrcd' fuij tota viu pr^d* M,T cncnd%vtfupra,

A fine of the moitie ofmaftors,fnelfMagesJand/Keadort>,fA^fire;io6J,li^e,

and heat Ij.mooretmmrtJhfAnd rent the adtfoyvjcn of the moitj of a Churchy
the AdfionfoH of the moirie cf a Monafierj or Prtorj tn foffejpon and rC'
uerfion i fee,

HEc eft Curia

nionaftcfincraftinofanA^Trinitat, Anno
Rcginae apud Weft- Scd.83,
finaliiconcordrafaft* in diiae

Dei gra-
rcgni Eliz.
tiaAngIiac,Francix,5cHibcrhRcginx, fidci dcfcnf.&c.a conqucflu
triccnmofecundo.coram E.A,&c.Iuftjc*& alijs dominac Rcginx fidc-
libustunc ibi pracfcmibuSjintcr A.M.& L.H.qucf,&T.N.6c I.vxorem
eius^vnamconfanguinearum&hzred'R.E.deforc', de medietate ma-
nerioruradcW.&R.cumpertin,acdemcdicratc oOaginta raefluag*,
40, acf tcrf, 300. acf prati, 50. acf paQuf, loo.acf boici, 3 oiacf iamp-
norura & brucrx, ido.acr' morse, 200. acr* marifci,& viginti folidof
reddcumpertinin W.R.W.P.r.&c. Necnondc A duocitionc me-
dietas ecclefiar' dc E.W.P.dc R.ac eciam de aduocat medietas Mona
fieri)liuePrioranisdeL.vndeplacitum conuentionis fumm fuit inter
eos in eadem curia: Scihccc,quod praedift* T.& I.rccogn pr^diit'me-
dietares cum petineh, acaduocaciones prxditas elTe lus ipfius A. de
quibus ijdeto A.8c L. habent dc dono medictatcro prxdift' manrti j it
R.cumpertih. Necnonmedictattmolagrnta mcfluag*, 2<5o. acf tcfiP,'
loo.acfpraeij^oo.arf paflurz, 80. acf borci,2oo.acf latopnorumSc
bruerx, i40.acfmarifci,roo.acf mor,5cvi.li.vi.s.rcddif cum periifi,
inR.T.H.&c. AcetiamaduocatiohmedietatisEcclcfi^ de R. ac ad-
uocac*mcdicta!Monaflcri) Pr ioraius dc L.parccU' niedietaSma-.

ner' tcnerocnt,rcdd*,& aduocdt pracdift* dcdono przdiflorutn T.& i(

*Etiirrcmifcf &quictccIaifidcipfisT.&I. &
hatred* ipfius I. pr*-*
dift' A.&L. &
b^redibus ipfius A. imperpetuum. Ec practcrea ijdcm
T.&I. conccfleruntprofc&haercdibus ipfius I. quod medietas mane-
ri) dc VV.ac medic tjo.mcfluag', 250. acrarum terrac, centum acrarum

prati,&c.cumpcrtinenii/$in W, P.E.&W. pracdift',3C aduocationcs

medietatis rcclcfijrum dc P.E. & W.prxdift*, rtfid' mcdietatis mane-
ri6rum,tcncmentoram,rcddrt,& adnocac' pd quae E.E. tenet a'd termi-

nura vit^ fuac dc hzrcditate pr?drft' I. die quo hec concordia faifta fu-
it,& <\mx pofl d^ccflum if^fius E E. ad pracdift* T.& I. &
h^red' ipfius
lidebircrunt reuerttr', p6ft deccfT. ipfius E.E. irtegrercmafltiintprxd*'

Fiftes and Concords.

A&L.&hcred*ipfius A. * Tcncnd' fimul cum prcd'medietatc&ad-
uocationc quae cis per fincraiftum remanent dc capiulibus dnis feodi
illiU5,pcr fcruitia quae ad illas incdictatcs 6c aduocac' pcrtmcrit imper-
pctuum. Er^d' T.& I. & licrcd' ipfius I . warrant prcd* A. & L.& hcred'
ipruisA.pdt(fl'racdictaccscun)pcrtinentijs,acaduocationc pdift'Hcut
prediOiim cft.contta oroncs homines impcrpctuuro. * Ec ^ hac rccog-
A& Lconccflcrunt pr<;dili$ T&
I.pdictmedietatemroanerij dc R &
incdiccatcmprcdiftof cchcof cumptihinR.T.H.&c. pdicc: Nccnon
aduocationcm mcdictatis ecdefix dc R.prcd',ac aduocationcm medic-
tatis Monaftcrij fiuc Prioratus dc L.praedicf, Ec illas cis rcddideruntin
cadcm curia. Habcnd'&tcncnd'cifdcmT.& 1. 6c hcrcd' ipfius I. de
Capitalibus dnis fcodi illiuspcr fcruitia qu^ ad illas mcdictatcs 6c aduq-
cationcs pan impcrpetuum. * Et conccffcf cdam prcd* A.6cL.prcdicE
VV.cum ptin,ac pd mcdiecatcm tch cum ptin
incdictatera manerij dc
in W.P.E.6cc.f>d,pET.&: 1. Ec illas cdam rcddideruntin cadcra curia:

Habend' & tcnend' immediate poft mortem pred* E.E. eifdem T 6c I.

5c hcrcd* ipfius I.de capitalib' dhis fcodi illiu$,per fcruitia q^ ad illam
medietatcgj 6c aduocationcropcrtih impcrpetuum.

A grant of landi^jfine ta twoy-who render to the coptifor iHgeneraH trtiU,and

fir default ofJuch ijftte to R,T, in general tatle^the remainder t the
Sl**eenes Maiefiie her heiresandjitcce^orspr euer*

Sea.84 ET eft Concordia 5cc.^ prcd' A.recogfi tcniprcd' cutn periih cffe
ius ipG' I.vtiir quae idem 1. 6c D.habentdc done predict A. Et ill*
rcmiHt 6cc. Et ^ hac 6cc. ijdem 1 6c D.conccflcf prefal A.tencmcntpd
cum pcrtih. Et lU'ci reddid'in cadcm curia : Habend' 6c tcnend* cidcm
A .6c hercdibus de corporc ipHus A . legitime ^pcrcat , 6c jp defcflu talis

cxitus tunc tenement pred cum pertinentijs intcgre rcmancant hcrcd de

corporc R.T.fili) prcd' A.6c hered' dc corporc corum legitime ^pcrcaf
t ^ dcfcAu cahs cxi! tunc tenement prcd' cum pertinentijs remaneant
doroinae Elizabeths nunc Reginac Angliac,Franc',6c Hibcrn',hcrcd'6c
fucccfloribus fuis impcrpetuum 6cc.

A grant oflands ingeneraH mile, to he holden ofthegranntor in Socage^with

diuers rem flinders oner $n tnile^vrith warranty agamfi all me.

Scft.S^-. ^px.f, pRccipc S.B.;>riii qood ten W*S.coucnc' dc iij.mcffuag* 6cc.

JL cumpemhinC.Etnin6cc.
^Eteft Concordia tali,(cilicfi,quod pdift'S. conccffir prefato W,
conineiKaprcdidVcuin|)ertmcnti))(,6c iilaci reddidit in cadcm curia
Fines and Concords. 21
Habencf 3c tcnend cidem W. 3c hcred* de corpore fuo legitiiuc proaeat
dc pdicC S &
hered' fuis in Socagio per fidelicatem tantuii) pro omnibus

fcruici js 8c dctnandis mix ad pr^dicC cenementa pertinent imperpctuum.

Ec (i concingacquod idem W.obierit ftnc hered decor pore fuo legitime

procreafjtunc poft dcceCTura ipfius W.tcnta pd cum percinentijs integrc
remancbuml.S. AuopdicC W.Sc hered' de corpore ipHusI. legitime
procrca!. Tcnei\d{vt at/tea.) EtHnullusheresde corpore ipHus I, fucf
Icgicim procrcaf, tunc pd ccnta cum pertih integre reucrtent ad pd S.&
heredes (uos quiet dc al' hcrtd pdictorum W. &
I. Tcncnd d capital'

6cc. t przterca pdiflus S. dc heredes fui warranf pi aedicc W. & hered

de corpore fuo legitime procrcat, 5c prcdicC I. &
hered de corpore fuo
legitime procrcrf (i idem VV. obicrit fine hered dc corpore fuo legitime
proaea! pd tenement cum pertih (ficuc dictum eft) contra oroncs ho-
mih imperpctuum. t pro hac &c.

^ graUHt of 1 6. acres efmoort iMgenerall taile to be holden of the grAntor by

Knightsferuiee bjfuit efCsHrt twice Ajere^andvus^reMt.

Effex.f VyXxC I. G. gen, quod ten P. I. con dc fcxdccim acf morx

J, cum pertih m K. Etnifi Sec.
15 Et eft Concordia talis, fc. qd pd I. concetlit pref. P. tehta pd cum Set.$(5.
pertin, & lU' ei reddidit in cadcm Curia : Habcnd & tenend tenement
prxdicf cum pertinentijs phi P. 5c hcrcdibus dc corpore fuo legit pro-
crca!:Tenend dc dito I. &
hcrcdibus dm per feruitium militare feft' &
Cuf fu^ apud K.bis p annum,ac rcddfnd annuatim pfaE I .& hcrcdibus
fuis fcx folid &c. ad fefta &c. p cqualcs portiones annuatim imppctnum

foluend. Et pd I. warran! tenia pd cum ptincntijspfato P. ct hcrcdibus

dc corpore (uo legitime ^pcf (ficut di^ura cfl)contra pdict I. ct heredes
fuos impcrpecuum. Etprohac5cc

A Fine fur reUds ofKnightsferHice,CaSileg4rd,aKd Murage, tf on a Writ of

Cftjiomes and Sermcesfor afuneme of money faied,fAHing Ml other
Services made bj confent of the King*

Curia dominf Regis apud Wcfl- 55^.87.

HEc cO concordia
monaftcf adieSanct Michaclis Anno
fafta in
Regis H.
in xv. dies, rcgni
iTlij Regis I. quinquagcfrrao prim coram G.dc P. & R. dciM.luftic'&
domiri Regis fidclibus tunc ibi praefcntibusjimer
all js de P. quef,& W
H.B. dcforc*,de confuctudinibus ct frruitijs qu^ idem exigcrat dc pd W
H. dclibtrotchrofuo qiod pdict W. tenet in W/ct W. fcz.dcvnofco-
do Militis & dimid cum pcrtmen. Et vndc idem W. exigcbat de prx^
diaoH.quod fdcerctci ad VVardumCaQridc B. qqandocucncrit.&ad
muragi- ~

Fines and Concords.

inuraium ciufdctn caftri cum ncccflccffct quantum ad pr^dil* tcne-
ncntum pertincr. Qu^ rcruitiaidctnH.cinoncognouit. c vndcpla.
cicuiB inter cos in cadcm curia fumraoniC fuit.fciUccc quod prxdidl' W.
concclsit pro fc &hacrcdibus fuis, quod pr^dift' H. &
hacrcd fui, co- &
rum tcncntdc honorc de B.fint quic! dc pracdift' fcruitijs impcrpctuu
Saluis cidcm W. & h^rcd (uis.oninibus ali js fcruic'ad pracdict tcnerocn?
pertinent. Ec pro hac conccr3ione,fine,& concordia^ idem H. dcdit p-
dict W. decern &
ofto marcas argcnf Et h^c concordia Capita fuii ex

adcnfu 6c voluntate ciufdcm doifi Regis cam conccdcncis

. %^is olO fin
is in Dyeij/pJ. 1 79 ,pla.46.

^ Fine ofa Manor in fo^efsion and other landiifireHerftop,

StCk.%%, iJ^A/j.jf T)^aecipc W.B.quodcehF.R. conucoc* dcmancfdcR. cum

JL pcrtincn&c.
^ Et crt concordia tali$,fcilicct,quod prxdiftus W.rccogfi ipancf &
cencmenca p>d cum pertih cilic ius ipHus F. dc quibus idem F. habec p J
mancriumcurapcrtifijduomcff.&c.cumpcrtin in R, 6di A* parccll' te-
nement pdiO:of dc dono praedifti W.Et ill' remir.6cc.t conccfsic profc
6c hxrea fuis, quod duo mcfT.cum perciQ in R.pd rcHdua tcncmet prac-
dilof qu^ A. B. vidua tenet ad tcrminum vitar (uac de hacrcditat &c port
decedum ipfigs A.intcgrc reman pfatF.R. & hacicd iuis.Tcncnd fimul
cum przdi6lo manerio ct tenement parcel' quae ci p fincmiftum reman
dccapitalibusdominis&c .Etpd W.B.ethacrt^fui warranfpratf.F.ct
haeredfuispdiccmancf ettenta cum piin' (icucdidum cd contraom*
nes homines imppecuum. c^hac,6cc.

Fine by the hmband and his iife ofmanorSfmeJf4ges, ^c-'e/the 4^f40}iffuf^

a Church,ofrent,part inpoffefsion^ and part inreHerfion, mtk a render <^*

gainetothecogniforandhis ye ife for their Hues vfithout impeachment of

wajit and after to the heires ofthe bodies ofthe connJorSy and for defofilt of
fnch ifHe to the heires ofthe body ofthe veife of the conufory andfor defanit
offueh ijfaeythen to the right hetres ofT. the cogniforfor etter

5ct.8p. C^Iidd.Jf, TjRaccipc T.M.armig'& M.vxori eius, quod iuftc &c.tca

X &c. A. S armig' conucnc* dc manerio dc W. iuxta Y. W.
inG.&S.curopertincntijSjAcdc CCC.l.rocfl.&c. Nccnon
de aduocatione Ecclcfiac W.in G .in comitat pracdid*,tdc,
manerio dcD.cum jtincntijs,Ac dc3j.m<;{r.6^c.ct vij.s.yiij.d,
ob.rcddcum D. in com. G. Ac dc manerio deS.
cum pertin', Ac dcfcx mcff. &c. cum pertin inS. C. ^ V. in
cofii D.

Fines and Concords. 2jf
^Et cH Concordia talis fciliccc> quod prcd T. & M rccogn mancria,
cencment 8c reddifprcd cum pcrcinentijs,Ac Aduocactonetn pdicf cffe
ius ipfius A.dc quibusidcm A. habct pdil'mancriadc W.fuxta Y.W.
in D.&c. Ac Aduocacionem prcd' in prcd' Coih S. Ac prcdi(^'isancn
urn de South C. ciim pcrtinentijs. Ac prcdil'tcncnicnca cutn percih in
South C.& V.prcd', in pred' Coifi D. parcel!* inanef,tcncmcnt,& red4
prcd*,de dono prcd* T. & M. Etill'rcmif.&c. Ecconccffef pro fc& he-
red' ipfius M quod pred' mancrium de S* pred in pdilo Comitatu S. ,

^ Ac ctiam pred' mancrium dc D.cum pcrtinentijs in predifto Coift G.

refiduura maiicriof,tcnemcn6,& rcddif pred'qusc F.S.armig'& E.vxor
cius tenent ad tcrminum vitx de hereditate prediA' M. die quo
ipfius E.
hxc Concordia fa^a fuit. Ec quae pod decefTum ipHus E. ad prediA' T.
&M & haercdes ipfius M. debucf reuertcre pofl dcccflum ipfius E. in-
tegre remancbunt pred' A.S.& haeredibus fuis.Tcnend fimul cum prcd
manerijs, tenemcntis, &
reddit quae ei per finem iftum reman de capital'
dhis fcod illius, per feruic' quae ad pred' mancrium, tenementa, redd', ac
aduocationem pertinent iroperpetuum. * Et pdicf T.& M. &
hercd' ip-
fius M. watran! pdi Ao A. &
haeredibus fuis pdi^a maneria, tenementa,
redd', cum pcrtinentijs, ac aduocatione pdicf ficut dilu efl contra om-
nes homines imppetuum. *Et ^p hac &c. ide A. conccflit pfatis T.& M.
prcd'maneria,teneiiica,dc redd'^cum pcrtinentijs, ac aduocatione pdil'.
Et iir cis rcddid in eadem Cuf.Habcnd tencnd eifd'T. M.de capi- &
talibus dnis &c. tota vita i pfof T.ct M. et cof alterius diutius viucn abfqj
impetitione alicuius vafti. Et pofl dcccflum ipforum T.et mania,Mpd
teneiTita,6cc. intcgre remancbunt haercdib' ipfius T.dc corporib** ipforti
T. et M. legitime procreat : Tenend &c. *Et fi nullus hacres ipfius T. dc
corporibus ipforum T.& M. fucf legitime jpcf, tunc pdila mania &c.
integre remafi hered' de corporc ipfius M. legitime procrca!, Tenend
cc. Etfi nullus haeresdecorporeipfiusM.fuef legitime procreaf, tunc
i5di^a maneria &c. intcgre reman relis haeredibus ipfi^T.imppctuum.

uififte of a Reuerjlon of a Kenty truing out of a OHaKtr,

and fixe Mefuages,

Efex,f. "pRaecipc&c.qdiufle&c ten conucnc'&c.dcquadraginta g^^.

folidis reddit cum pcrtincntijs,exeuntdcmaneriodcF.ac
de fcxmefiiag' &c. Et nifi &c.
^Et eft Concordia talis, fc.qd pd I. rccogn' pd' redd* cum pcrtin'cfTc
R. & conccflit ^ fe& heredib" fuis,qd' pd' reddit' cum pertin'
ius ipfius
que H.T6c A. vxor eius tenent ad tcrmin'vit? ipfi** A.de pd* I. die quo
h^c Concordia fi^a fuit exeunf dc f d' mahio &c*cuni pcrtin' quem I, H.

Fines and Concords.

Miles modo tenet & qui poft decelTum ipfius A^ ad p# I.F.& heredes
fuos dcbuit reuertcrc poft dcccfTum ipfius A. intcgre remanebic pracd*
R. & hcred* fuis itnppcttm.Ec prcdM.F. et heredes fui warrant prcd' R
5chcrcdfuJsprcdrcddit cum ptihtijsficutprcd* eft, contra I. Abbac.
Monaftcrij &c. et Tucceflbrcs fuos impcrpciuum* Et ^p hac &c.

Afn ofthe Reuerfion ofa Rent,

;5ca.9i. Y fEc eft finalisconcordiafafta in Curia dhircg.apudW.a die P.in
I. M.Iuftic'dhi Regis &
all jsfidclibus tunc ibiprcfcmibus, inter R P.

qucf , &
I. B. deforc'jdc decern marcis red* cum pertin in B qucm P. dc
A.tenctadccrminunnvitf,vndc placitum conutmionis lummfuit inter
cos in eadcm Curia/cilicet, c^ prcd' I. conctflit pro (e hcredibus (uis,
pd reddiJ cum pertinent! js qucm pd P.tenuitad tcrminum vltx exdi-
nu(lion< pd L in pd villa die quo hxcconcordiafafti fuit, & qui poft
dccelToni ipfius P.ad pd I. &: heredes fuos rcaertere debuit poft deccfl",
ipfius P. intcgrc remancat pdict R. & hered' de corporc fuo procrca!
Tencnd' dc capital' dnis feodi illius per feruitia qus ad pd redd' perti-
nent iropcrpctuumEt fi contingat tp idem R.obierit fine hercdc de cor-
porc fuo procf, tunc poft dcceflum ipfius R. pred* rcddif cum pertinen-
tijsinrcgrerctnancbitreftishercdibus ipfius R. tcnend'dc capital' do-
ininis fieodi illius per feruitia qu^ ad predic.reddic pertinent imperpc-
tuum. Ei pro hac concenTione^nne, &
concordia, idem K.dedit praeL I.
centum raarc' argenti.
Af^ne ofRentfertHce^ and ofthe Homages And feruices ofdiuers,
StCti^ii Nott.Jf. T) Raecipe quod iuftc&c. ten' connenc*&c. devndccimfoli-
JL dis reddit cum pcrtincntijsin B- Etnifi priiis &c.
^ Et eft Concordia talis fez. qjpraed.E. recogn'pred' redd cum per-
tincmijscQeiusprcd' W.Et idem E. infuper conceflit eidem W, red-
dit ilium cum pcrtinentiisfimul cum homagio&totisferuitijs S. i. R.
L. &L D.&hercd'fuofjdctot tcnementisquot ipfifcpcratimdcipfo
E. prius tcnucrunt in pred' villa : Habendum tenendum cidcm & W.&
hered' fuis decapitalibusdominis feodi illius per feruitia qua^ ad prcd'
reddit pertinent imperpetuum Et predift' E. & hered' fui pred' redd'
cumpcrtinentijsficutpracdiftumeft, prcf. W.&hcred' fuis contra om-
ncs homines warf impcrpctuum & c.

/ uifineof^.mejfnages, rvherethe hnshfind and the mfe fell the mues

loMture or Dower ahfolutely to him tn the reuerfion.

Scft/93 ^hor, jf.T) Recipe T.G.armig',& B.vxori eius, quod ten' I. VV.&
JL . vxori eius conucnt* dc quatuor mc(Iu3gij'< &c.
^ Et eft Concordia tabs , ftz, quod turn predift* T. &. B. habcam
Fines ancj Conrord$; ztf
&tcneantteneiDcntapdcumpffnadtcrininuio vitae p^B. reuerlfione
inde p^ E &
hcrcd (uispaft dccullum pd B.rpcaanf,ijdcin T.& B. con-
cefl. prd". I.& E. ccncmcnta pd cum ptih,& totum &
quicquid in pd tc-
ncmcntis cum pcrtincmijs ad tcrminum vit^ ipfius B. habcnt, cifdcro L
ccE. in cadcm Curia redd : Habcnd ct tencnd aUiem I.et. etheredib'
ipfius E. durante tota vita ipfiusB.de capital' dnis&c. EtfdT.ctB.
warrant pfaH. ct E. tenta pdcum ptincnc ( fie vt di^um eft.; contra pd
T. cc B. durante cota vita ipfius E. et pro hac dec,

TcMAHt for terme of life^und her htm band ^antethher eiiate for iifeuk j
amAttormt^Hage!rent^c.tooneB,rvhoiconJider4tion ".?
tbereofgrantetbtotheconufor andhisvpifcf '

for the life of the mfe,

Sftff. ff. ir)R?cipe L.H.& D. vxori eius quod tcfi B,B. con dc manerio Sc^. 94.
dc S. cum ptihtijs,ac de fex meffuag' &c.cum ptih in S.
^ Et eft Concordia talis
> fez.
pd L. ec D. conccIT. roaneriuna , cc-
ncmenta, et redd cum ptinent qu^ ijdcm L. et D. tcnent ad terminu vi-
t^ ipfi' D. rcuerfionc indc poft mortem ciufdcm D. cuida R. R. et heted
fuis ipe^auc pF.B.B. Habend fibi &
adtgn'fuis iota vita eiufdcm D. c
pterea jdcir L.& D.conccd. cp ipfi warrant mancrium,tentifita,et redd
pd cum pincntijspf.B.et aflignatisfuis, tota vita ipfj*' D. contra ipfos L.
etD. impel pctuuro. Ec ^p hac 6cc. idem B. concclTit pf. L.ct D. quenda
annual* redd xl.marc' legalis &c. exeunt dc wancf Sc tencmiis pd : Ha-
bend etpercipietideundemannualcm redd' xl. marc'p^af L. 6cD. pro
cerroino vit^eiufdcm D.ad fcfta 5cc.per equalcsporcionesanouiitimro-
lucnd'. Ecfi contingat pd annual' rcdd'3cc.

u4fine of aKeuerfion of one weffftage &c. after the death

of a tenant for life,

"pRjcc' P.A. qd ten* E.S. conuenc* &c. de vnomeduag' &c.
JL ^ Et eft Concordia talis,fc.^pd P. recogn'tenerocnta
pd cum pertinenti js efie ius ipfius E. t concept ^ (e et barredibus fuis,
quod predifta tenementa,qux W. B. et A. vxore cms tenent ad termiru
vit^ ipfius A. de bereditate ipfius P. die quo h^e eoncordia falta fuit, Ec
quae poft dcccf^um ipfius A. ad pd' P. ct htrcdcs fuosdebucrunt rcucrf,
poft deccfium ipfius A, integrcremanebuntpd'E.S. erhcr^d' fuis im-
perpcimimtcnend'&f.Et pd* P. conceflit^fect hcred'luis, quod'jpfi
warranfpd tencmenta cumpertincntijs (fi^vcdi^aiticO),^OIltraom-
nc$hommcJimpe^petuun), C^bac&c. !i,i, .r^
tAfineof AYcnt grMudoHtof A MMorforlife^Vfith^tUuft
of dinrejfefrr thefame rent.
^ . .

%^v, f Ty^xc* A.C vid 9 tch H. C. geh conucnc* annuo reddii

. <!

Seft. 9^0 * A
c eft Concordia talis/c^ pd A^conccfl. pf. H. ^d rcddit cum pcrci-
nentijs. c iir ei reddidit in cad Curia : Habcnd & percipiend pd xl.s.
cidcm H.& afrignacisfaiSjad fefta Annunciationis beat^ Mari^ virginis
dc fandli Michaelis Archangcli p xqualcs porciones annuacim foluend,
iota vica ipfi' H. ct. Ec fi contingat pd redd xl.s. arctro fore &c. qd tunc
bene licebit phH.5c aflignatis fuis^tota vita fua^in pd' manerium cu per-
tinenn)sintrare& didnngerc&c. Ecpd A.& hcredfui waranf pfa^H*
& afTignacis fuis pd reddxl. s. cumpcrtincntijs, He vtdidtum eft, contra
pd^A. SchcrcdTuos jtota vitaipfius H. impcrpetuum &c. Et jp hac &c.

tylfine rvh'erehy three fetterall Annmtiet h

grant edvt of a LManoKf
And after the LManor al(o fs grant edte one E, for Itfe, and
after the death of thefaid E theUMamr &c*

to remaifte to the faid E, and

his heires..

Staff, f T)ll^cipc E.B* vid,E.B. gefi, R.B. ^h. 5c R.B. geh, qd^teii
StGi, p7; XK. G. geh conuenc' de manerio de H. cum pertinentijs,
Ac de dec cm mefuagijs.
-^^^ Et ft Concordia talis/cilicet, quod pd Eliz.Ed.Baldw.Ra.& Rich,

recogh pd manerium,tenemeiKa,Sc redd cum ptinenti)s efte ius ipfi' R.

(cum Releafe and warrant*, ) Efprohac&c. idemRog.conccflltprcfat
dw.quandumannuitatem,{iucannuaIemrcddi|Evj.1i.xii).s.iiij.d. exe-
unt de & in^manerio 5c tentis predi^is cum percincntijs. Et il' eis redd
in cadcm Curia : Habendum Scpercipiendumcundemannualem redd
v).li. xiij. s. iiij. d; prefaf Edw. & afflgn^ttis (lUs tota vita fua ad fcfta Na-

tiuitaf S. loh. B^ptiftc

, &
Annunciationis bcatjc Marine virginis , acquis
portonibus annuacim foluend. Et fi contingat &c. ConcefTic etiamidcna
R. qnandam annuitatem fiue annualcm redd vj.li. xiij^. iijj.d." ( vtfupra.
cnm clanf diHriU, ) Et vlterius idem R. conccfficprcfat R,- quandam a-
liara annuitatem &c. vj.li.xJij.$.iiijd:modo& forma fd. Etpreterca
idem R.conceflut pref. E. pd maHeFiu.cenementa,^^ redd' cum pttnentijs.
Eciir eis redd-in eademCuna : Habend & tcnend^rcf. E. Scaflignatij
fuis coca vitaipfius E.decapitalibus dominisfeodi iUius6cr. Erpoftdc-
cc(T. ipfiusE.pd manerium,tenca^dc redd cum pertin integf reman pref.
E.&hercd'rui;. Tenenddecs^it&c.
Fines and Concords zy
jifme ofa rent out ofLManors to one and his wife in tmie generaH, &for dem
faftltcfftichi^He to the right heires ofthe hmbmdy mtha paineofeight
poHndsfor eheryfueweekes that the rent is behindey andfor eueryrceekf
after thev,vpeeks toforfeit viifM, nomine poena T$th a cUnfe ofdtfireffe^

pro bac See. ijdcm A. &
B. conccd, prcfat VV. &
Rquendara an- Scft. 98.
rcdditu nonaginta libf, de prcdid- maiujs ct tcnementiscu
pcrcinentijj. Ec illas ei reddidcf in cadcm curia : Habend' et pcipicnd
predift'annualemrcddit nonaginta libf, cifdcro W.&F. &hvred* dc
ccrporibusipfofW.&F. legitime ^cf, adfefta S.Mich. Archangeli,
et Annunciationis bcatae Mari^ virginis,p xqualcs portioncs annuacira
folitcnd'. Etficomingatq; ijdcm W.6c F. obicrint fine lured' dccor-
pori-biK fuis legitime procreat,tnnc poft dccefliim ipfof. W. et F. idem
annualis redd nonaginta libf intcgrc remaneat reftis heredibu&ipfius
W. ad fcfta prcdift' annuatim folucnd -^ Et C\ contingat pdift' annual*

redd' nonaginta libf aretro fore in parte vci iu roto p (pacium quinque
feptiman*, poft aliquod feftum fcftof pred' , quo vt prcfertur folui dc-
bcat,nonfolut, (filcgitimmodopctaturapud C. predift') ^tuncctto-
tics pd* W.T.et hercd (ui forisfacient pred' W.& F.5c hered' de corpo-
ribusfuis legitime jpcf,acctiamreftis heredib' jpfi' W.fipred'W.cc
f.obicffinehercd'dc corporib' fuis legitime ^creatisoc^o libf.nomi-
nepoenx.*Etficqualibetfcptimana, poftpredift'quinqucfeptimanas
ofto libf quotics prcdift* annualis redd nonaginta libf aretro foret, qd.
tunc cttoties bene liceret pred' VV. F. & &
hcrcd' de corporibus fuis le-
gitime procreat, ac rtiam reftis hcredib'ipfius VV. fi ijdcm W.et F.ob-
lef fine hcred'de corporibus fuis legitime procf.in predid*n)aneria&
tenia cum pertinctijs incrare, & diflringere,diftriOionefquc fie ibidem
captas 5c habitas , abducere, afportaie,et cffugarCj ac penes fe retincre,

quoufquc tam de predift'annual redd nonaginta libf, cum arera(>ijs e-

iufdem (fi quae fucrint) quam dc predict' ofto libf,vt prcfertur,nominc
poenxforisfadl':,poflpdiV' quinque feptimanas, &
pro olo libf pro
qualibctfeptimanapoftpred' quinque feptimanas,vtpretertur, cifdem

ty^Fine wherein an Annuitie is (granted out offine acres ofUnd^toone

infee, with a. cUufe ofdtBre^efor default ofpayment ofthe
fame Annuitie

^px.f T)Recipe T.S.dc Carroig', & A.vxori eius ^ tcii.W.D.con- 5^^; ^^

JL uene*dequinqucacristcrr3Ccumpertincnti)$inE.&c
4 t cd Concordia calis, fcilicct; quod pred' T. A, recognoucrunt& '""
D3 tcnc-
Fines and Concords.
tenementapred'cura pcrtinentijs, cflc im ipfiusW. vt ilia quae idem
VV.habecdedonopdiilof T, &
A. Ecill* rcraifefct quiet damAUcfdc
feet hcrcdibus fais prcfato W. &
hcred'fuis imperpctuura. Ec praeterea
prcdi^' T. & &
A . conccir. pro fc hered ipfius T. ($ ipfi warrant pref.
W. hercd' fuis tcnemcnta ^di6l' cum pcincntijs, contra omncs homi-
nes impcrpetuum. Ec pro hac &c. pdil' W. conccffit prefato T. juan-
damannuicatcm,fiueannualcmreddicum lo.s.lcgalis monetae Angliac
exeunt & cxituf,de,& ex tcncrocntis predifl' cum pertinenti js. Ec ill' ei
rcddift in eadem curia Habcnd, ccnend, et percipicnd' praed' annuita.

ccm Hue annualcm reddit 2 o.s. pd, prefato T. cc hcred' fuis, ad fcfta S.
Martini Epifcopiinhycme,& Pcntccoft, pet a^qualcs porciones annu-
atim imperpecuum foluend. Ec d, ac quocies^contingat predict annuica-
tem fiuc annualcm reddi! 20.S. pred' arctro fore in parte vel in toco pofl:
aliquodfeftum feftof prcdift, quo vt prefcrtur,folui debcat,nonfolut,p
fpacium quadragima dierum quod tunc et toties bene liceat5c licebic

prefat. T. et hcredib** fuis in pdi^a cencmcnta cum pcinentijs inirarc,&

ailiringerejdiftrictionefq; fic ibidem capf, iicite arportare,cfFugare,ab
ducere, et penes fe rciiner^, quoufq*, de iota pra^di^l'annuitatciiuean*
nual'reddituvigintifolid prcdid' vnacum arrtragijs ciuidem , fiquae
fuerint Hbi flcplenarie fatisfaA'& perfolut^cc.

iy^jine Tvhrem an annttitie is graatedinfee , out ofxx. acres ofland , rfi'tth

fmt of Court y e^' Heriot after deceafe^ recrafe, (^- alicHation ofany
tenant^rvtth a claufe ofdifiresfor default ofpatment,

^ f^
SoHtkff. T) Recipe A.B.& C. D. quod ten. F. G. conuenc* dc vigint a
JL ens tarx occ.
^ Eteft Concordia talis, fcz. ^pred. A. B. &
C. D. rccognouenint
tencifica pred* effc iQs(fr wfie fur recognifance de droit ^Releafe^ fVarm ^
r4^/VjEtprohac&c.predi6l' r.conce(Titprcf. A.B.&CD. quandam
annuitate,fiue annuale reddit xij.d.lcgalis monetc Angli^ exeunt et cx-
itufjde et ex tcnemtis prcd cum ptinenti;?. Et ill* cis reddidit in eadem
curia :Habcnd& percipicnd* predict anruiiratem liue annuale reddit
ii.d.cifdemA.B.&C.D.cthcrcdipfi^A.adreftaS.Mich archang.Sc
Annunriationis beat? Mariae virginis, per ^qualcs porciones annuajtira
foluend.* Ac etiam pracd'F. concefllc fe& hcrcdibsss fuis pref. A. B.
& C.D.& hered ipftus. A. ad facicnd' ieftam annuatim Cuf pdid* A.
B.etCD. et hcred* ipfius A. apud manerium fuum dcC. bis in anno
fuperlicitam monitioncminde prchabituf. Tencnd&c. Acfoluend
po(ldecc{rum,reccfrum,ec alicnationem tam pdi^i F.Sc hercd fuorum,
quS cuiuflibec ^Itcrius cenetis cxiften libcri tenentis centorum predid',
vcl alicuius indc pcU*,optimuin animal cuiuilibct h^dji ccacnE^noraine
Of the Cliatinccrie. 28
Heriot'. * Ec fi conting^t pd annuitat fiuc annualcrorcdd'jarctroforcin
parte, vel in toto.poft aliq) f cft'fcftof pd,quo,vt pfcriur folui dcbc3t,won
folnf,aut fcfta cur pd noii fieri, fiuis herioc' pd cu acciderit nontolui aut
delibcraf .{^ tunc bene licebit pel A.B.& CD. ac hcred' ipl? A, in tenta
pd euro ptincntijs intrarCjCt diftringcre>diftriftioncfq;{ic ibid capt', li-
citc abduccrc,a(portarc,ac penes fc rctinerc, donee et quofu
q tarn de pd j

annuitate fiue annual'rcdd'xij. d. vna cum arrcragi js eiufd',,fi quae fucrlt,

quam dc fed'Cuf ct heriot'pd arctro cxi(lcn',cifd* A.B.ct C.D.ct hercd'
ipfi' A. plenarie fuef folut',content',ct(atisFaft' &c.

tATme Hfherewa Annuitie is granted out of AntanorytneffUages^ and

rent mfee^-pajithle at a certain day ^heure, and lace ^mth
afirfeitfire Nomine pcena ^ for the default
of payment of the Annnitie
and paine.

Warrv. f T)RccipcA.B.arraig*qd'ten'C.D.conuenc'demaneriodc
5^^^ ,q j^
X L.cumpertinentijs. Nccnondequatuortnefuag'ctdcce
folidis redd',cum pcrtinemi js in L. pd' &c.
^ Et eft cone' talis,fc. qd" p d'A.B.recog. ( irt wfineft^r recogni/ance de
droit.) Et pro hac &cidem C.conccflT. f f.A.quand'annuitat' due annual
redd' vi). libi!Iegalis moner Ang. cxenc'& exitur' de ct in manio &tc"
ncmtis cu ptihtijs.Et illi ci redd'in ead'cu!';Habed'et pcipied'pd anuic
fiuc annualeni reddit vi). li. pfato A. hercd' et afsignatis fuis, dccimo die
Sept. inter horam nonam ante meridiem,&: horam tertian) poft meridie
ciufdem diei annuatim, apud doraum fiue manfionalcra vuigaritcr nun-
cupatum S.fituat in fore (uo vocato \z 0^^atfect Uca^ in villa C.in Com
D.folucnd'. Etficomingatpditl'annuitateni fiue annual' reddit vij.li.
aretro fore,in parte, vel in toco, per fpacium xiiij. dicrum, poft pdi^^am
decimara diera Sept. quo vt prcferrur folui dcbcarjnon folur,c]uod tunc
pdicCCet hcredes fui forisfacientcidcai A.ct hercdibusfuis xiij.s.iiij.d,
nomine poenac, tones quoties pdida annuitas fiue annualas redditus,auc
aliqua inde parcclla,fic aretro tore contigerir, Et bene licebit predict A.
etheredibus fiiis in predict manerium, et cetera premiiTa cum pertinehj
etinquamlibet inde parceU*intrare,etdiftringcre, tarn jp pdida annui-
taleiiue annuali r^dditu vij.li. ct
qualibet inde parcel!', quaro ^p prc-
dicfbciij-s. iiij.d. noimine pcenae cidem A* et heredibus fiiis foristact to-
ti Quoties fie aretro fore cotitigeiit non rolutidiftriftioneiquc fie ibidc
cap6, et babif J licitc abducere; sfportareict efFugare, et penes ic retincre,
quoufquetamde predict annuitate fitj^arinuali rcdditiivi). li. quaro pro
pdi Ais xiij. iiij.d. nomine pcen^ totics%riif2ctplenaric fugf eidc A.

'^hrcdii)iJsf*jisfaci?faci6c|:^erfolui^t. ; * ^^ ' '

Fines and Concords.
^/fTine hi rtfhkh the Conufors grant to the ^enufees intAtle , om aunuaS
rent ffonre found ijfffing out of a LManor payable At two
feaf}s in the yeare,mth a claufe of difireffe for
thefaid rent i4ndfor twentiejhitiingf
Nomine poena if the rent
be not pay d.

Staff, (f, 'ORccipc&c. quodiufte&c. tthconuenc*5cc. dcmancrio

Sca.ioz ^ ^
rdcB Etnifi&c.
^ Eccft Concordia talis,fcilic,quod p5 1.B. & E. recogfi manerkini
pd cwm pcrtih cflc ius ipfiiJS R.vc ill* quae ijdem R.& M.habent dc dono
p(!I.&E.Eciirremircf&quictc!amdcipfisI.&E. &
hcrcd ipfius E,
pd'R.&M.8chrc<f ipfiusR.ifnpcrpecuum. Ecprctcreaijdcml.&E,
conccflcf Tc ^ &
hered ipfius E. qd ipfi warrant pd manerium cum p-
tih prcfaf R.& M.& hcred ipfius R.contra omnes homines impcrpetuu.
^ Ec pro hac rccognitionc,reroiflionc,quict clamationc,warf,fine con- &
cordia,ijdein R. & &
M. conccfl.^ fc hcrcd fuis prcf. I^ JE.St hcrcd dc
jpd cum pertincnti)S. Et ill' cis redd in eadcm Curia : Habcnd' pcrci- &
pied'fingulis annisjc. vnam mcdietac inde,ad fcftura S.JV1.& atiam mc-
dictac indc ad feftum Annunciarionis bcat^ Mari^ virginis cifdcm I,& E.
ec hcrcd dc gorporc ciufde . legitime procf acquis porcionibus annuat

foluend'pcr roan** cciitium qut idem manerium cum pcrtih impoftf tenc-
bunr. EtpcrtereaijdcraR.&M. concclT. profc& herd'fuis, ^fipd*
redd' ad aliquenj tminuiD,quo folui dcbeat, arctro fucf in ptc,velin toco
a^ tunc bene liccbit pM. & hcrcd' dc corp* ipfius E. legitime jpf,diftrih
pd' R. M.& &hcrcd riios,ac illos qui idem roahium impoftcf tencbunc

p oja bona & catalia in cod' maneriocum ptinencijs inucif ,^ xx. folid*
nomine poeflae,proquolibcttmino,fic arctexiftentpfpaciu vri'menfis
Ec ca rctinerc v/q ad plcnam foluc' tarn dc pd' quatuor libf rxdd quatn ,

dc pd XX. folid nomine poens quae cis ik aret fucf i^f.

9y4 fVrit of CoHenant for the King^for the Ttth C orne of a Pari^, a\id
the mamr ofthe Effdorfement thereof, i;j his

Seft.103 Bj^e^.i jf./TQRaecipcA.B.etC. q> ten' n^bisconuent Inter nostpfac

X AjctCfa^^amdcomnibiuctomnimoddccimifgranof
rcrqci%',proueniei^',niK: r^ncuan' infra parochiaiixie Hocon.
o!v EtninfcccrintjfuraBfiperbonosfumroonit&c.
./, , Hoc hrcHe i'rtdoreetHr Jic,
IJ* Edwardus Coke armig A^orn' doniin' Rc^. gcnemlis pro eodcm
dxtRiinoRe^efequicur hoc faicuc.
Fines and Concordst zp

LrndtWeadow and pafiurttOnd warranty

againii oilmen,

Sffex, f TjRccipe T. W. af ^iuftc&c. tencatl. R. conuenc'inCcos

5^^^^ j^^
acrispratijccclecero acnspafturae cum pcrtin" in L. Etnifi &c.
^Et eft Concordia talis,fc.quod pd T.rccoenouit tcnta pd* cum per-
tincnti js efle ins ipfius I. vc ilia quae idem I. habet dc dono pd T. Ec ilia
reraiGc ec quiete clamauit dc fe ct hercd fuis imperpecuy m. Et pcerea id
T. conceflic jp fc ct hcrcd' fuis qd ipfc warrant cenemca pd cum ptiiitijs
jEI.ct hered fuis conSomncs homines iroppctuu.Ec pro hac rcco^'Scc.

^ Fine kftonUdgedhy T*B. and E, his wife , of a CMangr^of two meft/ages,

of iaud,paIiMre,ivood and rent, andfiue /hil/tngj rent to I.K. with warranty

agatn^ all men : and thefaid I. K. hy the fame Fine grant eth and rendreth
hacke againe thefremijfes to thejatd Conufors^and to the htiresofthefMci
T, one of the faid Cennfors for etter.

Recipe T.B. E. vxori eius qd iufte &c. ceocant W. L.

P ec I.K. conuentiones int eo fa^' demanef dc W. cum p-

cin' ac de duob'mefuagijS,o(]iagin)a acris terrae^emum acris
ScV, los;

quinquc folid redditus cum
paftur^, fcxaginca acris bofci
jnH.etB. Ecnifi&c.
percin' Jm.u "

^ Ec eft Concordia talis, (c. quod pd T. ecE. recognoucrunt manef

tehta et reddt pd cum pcrtin cflc lus ipfius W. vt ilia quae ijdcm W.&
I. habent dc dono pd* T, et E. & et quietc clamaueruct
ilia remiflerunt
dc ipfisT. E.cthcrcd'fuis prefatW.ct Let hered' ipfius W.imperpc-
tuum. Et prcterea ijdcm T. et E. conccllef pro fc &
hercd'ipfius E.qaod
ipfi warrant inaneria tenement ec reddu' pred' cum pertinentijs prcfat"

W. t I. ct hcrcd' ipfius VV.

contra omnes homines imperpetunm : Et
pio hac recognitione &c. ijdcm W, &
I. conceflcf pd T. manerium

tefienca et redd';^d cum percin' et ilia eireddiderunt in eadem Curia :

Habcnd' ec tencnd cidem T.Cc hered' fuis imperpetuum.

AFine kporvledgedhy H K. and hhUwife^I^ C, andK. hismfe, toR.Cf. of

,^o/}e mefuag^ onegnrde-m of land and paMure^and the fame Counfors for

-theJn.and the hetres of /w; d^e, warrant two farts of the prentt^es in three
faris'diittded to the ^oHiffieaitd his heires againfl oilmen for e/ier,

IpRccipeLH.&T. Vxof eiuj ^ iufte&c. tcn'R.G. conucn' inter cos Sc(k,jo^

MJ faft' de vnojueff vno gatdin 40; acris tcrf , 5c 4. acris pafturx cum

f EC
Compromife and
tfEtcH Concordia talis ,q? fd I.& I.rccbgo* icnta p5 cum ptin'cffc
his ipfius R. vc qidcm R. habet dc dono-pd H. ^ O. & K. & ilia rc-

iniC & qaict clam dc ipfis H.& I.I.& K.& hercd' luis pf. R.& hcrcd fuis
iinppct. Et pretcrca i jdcm H.& I.I.& K.c;>ncc{r. pro fc hered ipfius &
I.^ ipfi warf dius partes tchtof pd cum pertin'in trcs partes diuid'f f.R.

& hered fuis contraotnncs homines imppec. c pro hacdcc

e^Fifte kffn>lei^g(d h IF, Knight and LM. hismfe\and KH.oftwo me^ttm

AgeSiOne gardeiriyone orchardyandof Und^medow andpaSinre^ to T.P. and
J. K. vpith rparrantie agaiftfi aSme. And the Connfees by the Jaid Fine
grant y and render to the /aid R. one of the (^onufors in the Fine fixe acres of
land ^cparcell ofthe ^remijferfir one month to come nextyund afterveards
thefame'toremain to one I. now the wife ofR.N, andR.N.fonne ofthefaidf
R. and /, during their /tfet,and the longer liner of them, ^nd after their
deceafes the fatdfx acres of land to remaine to I.N, daughter of the faid
K, and /. his wife , during her life , referuing a rent with claufe of diHre^e
ySr nonj>aymeKt thereof And the refidtie of the f remises yvix:.. the two mef-
fnageSyOne gardeiny one orchard c^c. the faid Cenufeef grant and render to
R.H. fir one monethyand afterwards to one R.N, and I. hiswife. Tohane .

and to hold to the faid R, and I. during their lines y and the longeB liner of
them, referring alfi thereupon a rent with a claufe ofdiflrejfe fir nonpay-^
ment thereof And laHlj thefaid Conufees dogr antand render the reuer^
fionof the whole premises y and the feuerail rents rrjerned vpon the faid
grants and renders vnto theJaid /. F. and M,
his wife^ two of thefaid ConU'


S a 107.
JL dei).rac{r.j.gard.).pom,xxj. aGrisccrre,viii).acrisprat,&lviij.acris
paftuf cumrertin'inM. Ecnifi&e.
^ Et eft conordia talis, fcz. qaod prcd* I. M. &R. recognoucrunt
tent pd cum ptitt'cfTeiusipfi'T.
vtiU'qid'T.&I. habetdcdonopf.
M.Sc R.Eciirrcmif.Sc quiet daiTi de ipfis J.M.& R.&licredfuis pd' T.
I.& hcrcd' ipfi^ T. imppct. Et ptcrca ijd* I.F.M.&R-conccf.pro fe &
hercd' ipfi^I.^ ipfi warf tent pd cu pti' pf.T.& Let hcrcd ipii^ T. cot
k The render of oei hoks imppef.Et pro Iiac&c ijd' T.Scf.concclT.pd R.vj.acf fre,iij.
-V ^c parcdlof
a<f parf,&4(;.acf pnft.dctciKis pdcuptin'&iH'ci redd inead*Cuf.
> ibcpremifles.
Hg^^t^^^jid H.protmVni^niefisianiprox'futuf.Etpoft tb^'iH'finit

cafd'^.acf 6rac. 3 .3cf prflt',4*?-a^i'paflvCU'piin'irccgf remain'cu^d'I.frodo

vx' cuiufd R. N &cuid R.N. filio corund R.& I. Hend'& tcndpf.I. dc
R, tota vita ipljp^ I..^ Bl.^)^qf altcn' diuti'' viuc^'jEt pp(lilcciI.corund
Let R.cafd^,affffucrf ^.fiffj^pf aii,ct ^tf.a.<^as pjifiiih^im' integre vsr

Ihcrenu ^^^^ |, N/fifix |,fK.ct L vxof cius : Hend' et t^ini'-id';lfiJiae;ota

Fines and Concords. 30
vita ciufd' I. fili? redd* indcannuat pd T. & Let hcrcd' fuis cent 5c 8. s. a clufe of
I Q.d. ad fcftum Annunc' &c. p xqualcs pore* annuati foluend. Et fi c6- diftteflci

tingat pd' annualem rcddif Cviii.s. x.d. vcl aliquatn indc pcella a retro
foreinprevelintotopaliqd.feftumfeftoriim pd quo fiue quibus (vt
prcfcrcur)roIuidcbeMnonfolut.Qd. tunc bene liceatpd T.etlJicred*
&afl[igh(uis tarn tota vita natural! pd.I.&JR.N.modo vxofpdR. &
coru viucn quaoi toia vita pd' I. fii' in pred* 6. acras terf
altcriuj diuti'
&c. cum ptin' et in quamlibct inde parccU' intrare diftingerc, &
di- &
flriftioh lie ibid' capt liccat indc abduccrc efFug'et penes fc retinere
quoufqucdc pd annualireddit Cviii.s. x. d, Scdcqualibet indc pcella
vna cu arrcrag' eiufd' fi q fucrinteis plcoaric fucf fatisfal'& pfolut.Et
^. .
vltcrius ijdcm T. et I. conceffcf pd R. H. duo mcflfuagia, vnum pomaf,
vnum gardin, 1 5.acf tcrf, 3 .acf prati, & i z . acf paftuf refid'cura pcrtin
teiitof pd.Et ilia ei reddidef in cadcm curia: Habcnd'
tcncnd* eid* R. et
protcrraino vniusmenfis. Eipoft terminum eadcmduo raef-
ill' finite,

fuagia,vnu gardih,vnum pomaf, 1 6. acf terf,trc$ acf prati, cc duodecem

acf paftuf rcfid'intcgre reman cuidam R.N.ctl. vxorieius: Habcnd' Rentforthe
ettenendeifdemR.N.etl.cotavitaipfofR.N. et I.ctheredcorualte- rcfidoc.
riusdiutius viuen. Rcddendindc annuatimpdT.ctI.ethcred'eorum a i^"^*^ ^^^^
1 3.s.legalismoncte Angel* ad fcfta pred'per acqualesporcion* foluend. *

Etficontingatprcdannuarrcdditn.s. aut aliquam indcparcellaro a

retro fore in parte vcl in toto poft aliqd. fcftum fcftof pd, quo vr pfcrt
folui debeat non folut.Qd' tunc beneliccbit prcf.T. et 1. in pd duo mef-
fuag*,vnum gardin , vnum pomaf, i > .acf terf, ^ acf praci,ct 1 2. acf pa-

ftntrcfid' cumpertifi, etquamlibct inde parcell' intrare ctdiftringcrr,

diftrilionefque ibidem fie cap! Iicctabindcabducere, cffugare, et pe-
nes feretinerequoulq* dcpd reddit 1 3.5 vna cum arrcrag* ciufdem fi The render of
quefuerintplcnarictuerintracisfdft'&pfolut: Conccflef etiampdT. t^ereucrfion
& J. K.pd' i.F.ec M.rcuerfionomnium cc fingulof teiitof pd'cum ptin*
mifc, amfalT
ctoes reddit pd'fupcriusrcCcruat, et ilia cis reddidef in cad' curia.Ha- the rents re
bend'ettcnend'eifd'I.ctlVl.et hcred' ipfi'I.imppstuudc capital' dnis fcrued.
feodi illius p fcruitii quae ad prcd' tcht cu prin ptinent imperpetuum.
yiJiMe kfJowledged hy G. H. and D . his wife. T.S. E(t^utre,and L^.his vrifo of
xL acres ofUnd to R.B. and IV. N. mth warrantee. And the conufees doe
grant and render to thefaii D. and to his heires ali mines ofcoales in a

cloje p.ircellofthe fremijfes called Stanleyfield , with Itbcrtie to dtg for


P Recipe G.Harm.&Dvxorieius,T.S. 2ri!h.ctM.vxof eius,q'jod

iullc&c.teneam R. B. &
W. W. conucntioncm intei cos faft' dc
g^^^ j^g
* *

40. acris terras cum pertin in Stanley et Spendon. Et nifi &c.

^Et eft Concordia talis, fc. quod pred*GD.TtetM* recognouef
cenementapred' cumperti^cflciusipfius E.vc illaquse ijdcm R.& VV*
Fines and Concords.
habent dc dono p<f G.D.T.& M.>Ec ilia rcmiferunt ct quiet clamauc-
runt dc ipfis G. D.T. et M. cchcrcd* fuis prcf. R. ct WSc hcrcd ipfius
R. contra prcd' G.D.T. cc M. &
hered' ipfius T.imppctuum. Ec pro

Joc^Aunlt hac rccognitionc &c. prcd' R. &

W. conccffcrunt pref. G.D. omncs
rcncfcr coale mincras carbonum vocat all^ines Of coales, cxiftch in quodani cam-
mine in part po parccll' icBcm pracd vocato ^tunlt^ fielD : ncc non libcf ingrcflum
of ihcpreroir. ^ cgrcfTum in etfuper pdcarop dc fodcnd* in mineris iliis pro carbo-
thVconufors nibus illis omni tempore Anni ad libctum ipforum G. & D. crhercd* c-
and libcriie to jufdem D. Et ilia omnia eis rcddideruntni cadcm cur. Habcn^ capiend*
get ibcm. ^ percipicnd' prcd' miner, ingreflus, cgreffus, ac libertac pd cum per-
dfi f G.& D. et hcrcd ipfius D. impcrpctuuro.

lyf Tine knsrpledged hy f^. K, and K. his mfe ofthe third fart ofone meffU-
Mgey one bdrnet one garden ct^c.to I.K. and T. H. rvitb warranty agamft
allmen: and thejaid connfees doe grant andrendcr to thefaidS, one oftioe
cofjftforSythe/aid third part oftheprefftijfesfrom AItch.orThanfincia-
tion C^c. vphich firfi _PjaIIto be next after the death of one E. now
iberpifeof}V.T,fortheterme ofxxi.yeares, refermnga rent jeer ely to
the conttfees with a clattfe ofdislreffefir thefaid rent, t/ind lafilie, the
faid connfees grant and render thereuerjton of thefaid premises to ^. K.
and K. his wtfe, beeing two ofthefaid- conufors in the faidfine , and to the
heires of the aid K. fir euer,

Recipe W.K. & K.vxori cius quod iuftc5tc,tcncantI.K.&

P T. Ho conuentionem inter cos faft' de tertia parte vniiis mef-
fuagi), vnius horrei, vnius gardini, xxx. acrarum terrae duarum ,

acrarum prati, et x. acrarum pafturx cum pertin' in &c. Et nifi

^Et eft Concordia talis, fc. quod pred' W. K. & S. rccognouerunt
certiam partem pred' cum pertin efic ius ipfius I. vt ilia qux ijdem I. et

T. habent dc dono prcd' W. K. & S. Et ilia rcmiferunt & quieteclama-

"Warrantic eruntdc ipfis W. K & S. 6c hcrcd' fuis pf. I. &T. & hcred* ipfius I.
imperpetuum. Et pretcrea ijdem W. K.&S. concefTerunt pro fc &
hcred' ipfius K. quod ipfi warrant terciam partem pred' cum perti*
neiwi js prefat. I. &
T. et hcred ipfius I. contra omncs homines imper-
- . , petuum. Etpro hac recogh ijdem I, &T. concclTcf prcd' S. tertiam
* partem prcd' cum pertin' &
illamci reddiderunt in cadcm curia. Ha-
Dcnd*& tencd eidem S. afefto Sanfti Michaelis Arch, vel a fefto An-
nunc' beats Mariae Virginis quod prius &
proxira contigerit vel e-
rit pod morceni cuiufdam E. modo vxoris W.T. Scouper vxof R.

C. defttnd' vfque ad fiticm^et tertninuntxxi. annorum excunc ^pxida fc-

^ucn' &
picnaf complcnd* : Redden^ ind per Ann*f 5I.&T.xifi
Fines and Concords. ; i

d. ad fcdu Anniintiationis bcatae Maris virginis5c fan^i Michael' A r- Claufeof di-

chang' p xqualcs porcioncs (oluend. Et (i contingat pd annuaicm redd
^^^^ ^^^ *^^
xij d. vclaliquaminde parccllamarcrro fore in parte vcl in toto port A-
liquod fediiDS fcftorum pd quo vt preferiiir folui dcbcat non folut, qd
tune benclieebitpref. I.6cT. hercd&aflign'fuis in tcrtiam partem pd
cum pcrtineh^& in quamlibec inde parccllam intr arc diftringerc , di- &
ftridioncfqjficididcaptliceatabindeabduccrc , cffugarc, afportarc ec
penes fc rctinere, qucufq; dc pd annuali redd xij.d. ct de qualibet indc
pcella vna cu arrera^ijs eiufd fi quae fuerint plcnariceis fuerit fatisfail. ^^* grant of

ctperfolut Conceflefctiampdl.K.&T, H.pd W.&K.reucrfione aidX^em'

iij. pd euro prih (t redd pd fupcrius rcfernaf. Et ilia cij rcddidcf
partis refcrucd vpon
in cadem Curia : Habend et tcnend cifd W. &
K. ct hercd ipfius K.itn- t^e Icafe for

pcrpetuum dc capitaUbus dfiis fcod' illius per fcruic' qiKc ad eandcm ^^'y^^^^"

tcrtiam partem pertincDC imperpetuum.

ty^ Fine knowledge d byfV.P. and Ol/. his vrije, of a UHanor x^c, one rvater
mt/lysne rvinde miH,three douehoufes i:^c,to E.B. and R. C. and the Conu-

fees by the fame Vine de grant vnto the faid lM. a yearelyrent of xij. li.
going Ht of thejaidL^ianor : Habendum from A^ichaetmas or the An-
nnnctationnext after the death ofthefaidJV.P.her hus^dnd^andone oftfje
Connfors in the fatd Fine during her /ife, in thefull recompince of her title
ej Dorver or loynture $n any ofthe Lands of her faid huibandymth a claufe
f Dtilrejfe for the faid rent. And lafllj the faid Cognifees grant and
render againe the faid Manor c^c. to the faid ff^.P. the Conufor^and htif-
hastdto the faid <J[f. and to his heires for euer,

talis/cilicctqdpd'W.&M.rccogrtoucruntmrtne- no.
ETrium Concordia
pd et die
tchta & R.
turn pcrtin ^nae ijdem
lu ipfius E< vt ilia

E.(Sc R. habent de dono pd' W.5i M. Et illaremifleruntet quietccla-

snauef defect hcredfuisprcf.E. &R. et hercd ipfius E. iroperpctunm.
Etpreteria ijdem W.&M.conceflcf^ feet hercd ipfius W.quodipfi ^^^jujantie
watf maneriuhi &
tcnta pdcum pcrtin pf. E. B. R. 6c hercd ipfius E. &
contra omncs homines imprp>etuum Et pro hac rccogniiionc &r.

ijdem R. &
E. conceflcf prcfaf M. quandam annuaUro reddxij. li. cxc-
uhdeprefatMancriocttcncmcntis cum pcrtin. Habendum tcncrd^ &
et annnatim pcrcipiendum pd annualcm rcddi!xi). li. pf. M. alfigh
reftin^rccom- &
fuisa fcfto fanili MichacUs Archangcli vcl Annunc' bcate 'ria? virgi- pence of ioin- M
nisproxim &
immediate fcqucnt poll morm pd W.pro durante vi- turc 5c dower, &
t^naiurali eiufdcm Mariac ad duos anni.terminos viz. ad fcfla fanfti
Michaelis Archangel! ctAnnunc' bcat^ M^riac virginis cqualibus por-
tionibus annuatim folucndum in plenamrecompeniionemtotiustituli
Y?I Icji^fture fiuc dotis
qux -.cidcin M. contingeic dcbent dc aliquibtis
' '^

Fines anJ Concords.

tcrris vd tcfi^i? pd W. P. Ei fi ccnoijg*i fxf annual' redd xij. li. vcl ali-
quaoj inac^pifciiaii) a retro for ^ pd quo fi-
iiiquud tcilum fe(lorutxi
uc QU!bt!s vt prcfcrtur lolui dcbcar. Quod tunc & toties bene licebit pd
M.et afljg?! lu'* i" pd'naancf tenement fiuc inaiiquS inde pcellani m-
trare Sc dinringere , 6c difhi^ioh Hue diflri^icnes (ic ibidem cape ab-
The render of ducerc,cffugare,& penes terctincrc quoufq^dcpd'annuali redd xi).li.5c
the manor &c. jg qualibct inde parcella vna cum arreragijs ciufdem fi quae f uerint plc-
naricfatisfaa'fuerint&pfoluE: Ee vlcerius ijdcm E &R. conceflefpd*
nufor and hi W.manerium ec tcnta pd cum ptin ociUa ci reddiderunt m cadem curia:
hcircs for cucr Habend 5c tcnend pd' mancf cum ptiii prcf. W.& hcrcd fuis impcrpc-
tuuro. Tcoend&c.

t^fine knowledgedhj I. G. & lM. hiswffeto R.R. Km^hf , LardRofene

meffuage,ofoc harncyO^d c.vj. rent^thefarfonag* ofB. and the aduowfon of
the vicarage of B. with warrantie againfi the conufer and his wtfctand the
heires of the hnsband

^ TjRxcipe I, G. alias G.&M. vxorieiusqd ipfe&c.teneat R.

X R.milic Domino K.conuentioncm&c.dcvnomeluagiojvno
horreOjXV. acristerrx v). acris praci, xx. acris pafturz, & v.s. redd
cum penih in B. ac de reOoria de 6. pd' Necnon de aduocationc :

vicaf Ecclef. de B. Ec nifi &c.

% Ec eQ Concordia qd pd'I.&: M. recognouerunt pd tenta
calis , fc.

reda & reloriam eum pnh nc aduocac' pd efle ius ipfius dhi R. vc ilia
qux idem dfius R.habcr dc pd I.6c M. 6c ilia reroiicf quicteclamauef &
deipnsI.&M.6cheredfiiispref. dhiK.ScbercdiUis. t pceria ijdfin
I.& M. conccflcf pro feSc hered ipfius F. qd ipfi warrant f d dno R. &
hered fuis pd tcnta rcc^d 8c rtftotian: cum ptifiac aduoc' pd contra pd
I.6cjM.&hercdipfiusl.impcrpetuum. Etprohac&c.

tAfine Iqiovpledged hy /. .S". &

LM, his vtife of one garden &e. with twofeue-
ra/i jvarranties : The firB warrantic againfl the conufort and their heires
oncly : and tn thefecoud^ the faid L S. ^
UH. his wife grant to warrant the
f remises for them and the heires of the hmbandagaih allmen.

<; ft 11
^ ' ^ \, uenc' inter cos fad' de vno gardino , & decematris lerrx cum
pcrtihinS. Etnifi&c. i';>j in- irp/njcioiinin :S fiit:^r.qi;

The firft war- IJ tt concordia talis,fc. quod pd I. &

efl reco^ooetpiitifcfita pd M .

rantie cum pertifieffeius ipfius N. t ilia rcraiflerunc& quiccc clafedcipfit

I. & &
M. hered fuis prcf aiN. & hered foisimpeipetuun?. Etprctc-
ruijdenal.ScM.coticcn.profc & bcrr:d ipfius quod ipfi warran-

Fines and Concords. ^x
titttunttenta pred* cum pertin* prcf. N. & hcrcd' fuis imperpctuum.
Etprctcrea ijdcm I.& M.conceffer ^ & hcrcd* ipfius
fc I.qd. ipli war- Thefecond
rant prcdift tencmcnta cum pcrcin* prcf. N. & hcrcd*fuis contra oinnes wartantie.

homines imperpctuuin. Et pro hac &c,

Afine kpowledged hj B, R. of a nfanor, ^c. tvpelue me^ttageSyX. toftes^ x.

Gardens, two mndemilles (^c, and fix pofind rent^ with warrantie

PRccipeE.R.armig'.quod iufle &c. cencat H. W. gcii, con-

ucntionem inter cos
faa'dcmancriodcS.cumpcrtJfi, acdc
xij.mcfuagijs, x.tof(is,x. gardinis, duobus roolcnd'ventilibus,
6oo.acristcrr?,40.acrisprati, 6. acrispafturc,duccnf acfbofci
quingert acris iampn' dc brucrae &
6,\\. reddit cum pertin in
Et nid &c.
^Et eft Concordia talisjc.quod prcd' E.R.recognouitmancrjum
iRtactrcddif praed'cum pertincntijseffciusipfiusH. W. vtiirquxi-
demH.habctdedorJOpr^d'E.Etillarcmifit &
quittc clamauitdcip-
fo E. ct hercd' fiiis pracd* H. ct hcrcd fuis impcrpctuum. Et prietcrca idc
E. concefljt pro fe ct hcrcd fuis quod ipfi warr^ntizabunt prcd H. 6t hc-
rcd fuis mancf tf ntni ct rcddif prcd* cum pcrtincntiis, cotra omnes ho-

mines imperpetuum. Etpro hac&c

Afine achjtorfledgedmthm the Cehntie cfChefier hy H. S. Efa. to /F. F.^

H.C.ofdiHerJe manorsi&c. rvith marrantie again/i ali men. And the cO'
nnfors hy the fAme fine, graunt and render thejame manors (^c.vnto the
conufor and his heires males, andfor default offnchheires malet, the to
certaineperfonsjor the Itfe of I. S. brother vnto the faid connfort and after
his death to his heir es males. And if the faid I.S. died without heire
male, then to diuerfe other ofthe name and kindred of the conufor, and to
their heires males, andfor default offuch heirts^ the lafi remainder infee
to the right heires ofthecontiforforeuer.

HEccftfinalis concordia fa<fl' in curia domini Rfgisapud Ccftri-^

an)dicLunx&c. Anno 6c c. coram M.H. milic lufticiario dom r *
Regis cta^iis domini Regis fidclibus tunc ibide prcfcntibus inter W.
R ctR.Cqutf.ctH.S. deO. in com Ccftriaeari!i,dc mancf dc Oct
O.cunipcrtinentiis,acdcxiiii.ra<(ruagiis,5oo.acfterf, zoo.acfprati,
50c. acf paOurac, fio.acf bofci, C. acris mor^ ct marifci , ct ij. s. rcddif
fum pertin in O. O. in C. et W. ac dc mcdictatc mancrii dc E. cum p-
tin'etdc<J.nifluagii8,C. acris tcrrc, C.acfpraci,x>f.acf paftijrae,ij a
cri$bofci,XK.4cris iampnorum ct brucrc cum pcrtincntiis in . Vndc
Fines, and Concords.
pbcicum conuentionisfummonicfuic inter cos in eadcm Cuf,fcili'cec,q^
pd H. rccogh mancf tciita & reddic pd cum pertifi, ac pd mediccacem
^: fuamniancrijdcE.&f)ditt'tehtarinfe. pdiit'cumpcrtiheflc ius ipfitis

\V. vr ilia quae i)dem W. & R.C. habcnt dc donopdift' H. Et ilia rcaii-
fcrunc & quictc clamsncf de ipfo H. & hered'fuis pracf. W. & R. 5c hc-
Warrantle; red jpfius W. impcrpctuuiD. Bt pretcrca idem H. conccfllt ^ fc & hcrcd
fuis qd ipfe & hered fui warrant maneria, tehca,6c reddit pdi^l'ac pred
mcdietatcm pdift* inaneri) dcE.&prcdift'tehtainE.prcdift* cum per-
tin pra? fW. & R. &
licred ipfius W. contra omncs homines imperpetu-
The render, um, c pro hac recoghjremiflione^quicC claiT],(varrant|fine,6c concordia
pred id* W.&
R. incadcm Curia concefiTef prasf. H. M. mancf tenta&
reddic pd ac pd mediccaf pdmanef dc E.& pd cenemenf in E. pd cum
percin', Scilla ei reddidcf m eadem Cur: HabetideidcmH*3chcred
mafculis de corpore Tuo legitime procrcac. Ec d concingat pd H. obirc
Retnaindcrs hered mafculo de corpore fuo legitime procrcat, Quod tunc pdi A'
in.<aile. Qiancfj tchta &
reddif, ac predial' medietas predial' manerij de E. ac

P^ctii^' tntainE*cumpcrtine& poft mortem predict' R
S. R.vS,fi!io

death on. s! & hered appareh T. S. arifij R. S. filio E.S. R.B. E.B. pro &
tcrmino vi-
che Conufors tz I.S. fratris predict' H.remancanc. Ita quod manef cehca&j-eddicpre-
brothcr to the Ji^' ac
f dift'medictat prcdift'raanef dc E. prcdid' icnementa in E.
^""^ pertinentijs poft mortem prcd IS, hered mafculis de corpore prc-
o?thc TitdlS,
Thcotbcrrc- dift' I. legitime procreatremancant.Etficontingac eidcm I.S.Iine he-
raaindcrs ifthc red mafculo de corporc fuo legitime procf obire, quod tunc manef tenc-

without hdrc
"^*"^* ^
reddit pd, ac pd medietas pd mancrij dc E. pd icaemema&
inE pd cum pertinentijs, T. S. de S\armig* &
hered' mafculis de cor-
pore (uo legitime procf remancant. Ec fi contingat predict T.S.Hnc
hered' mafculo dc corporc fuo legitime procf obire, quod tunc predict
manef| teneracnta &
redd, ac pred medietas diet manerij de E. pdicE &
tenemcnta in E. pdict cum pertincii T. S, filio G. S. &
hered' malculis

The laft re-

^^ corpore ciufdera T.S, fil j pdicC G. legitime procf remancant &c. Et

maindcr in fee ficontingat cidcm G, fine hcredc mafculo dc corporc fuo legitime procf
to the right obirc, quod tunc mancf tehta &
redd' pdicf ac pdicE medietas diet ma-

Conufor for^
""'^ ^^ ^' ^
P^'" '" P^^icf cum pcrtin' rcais hered' prcf.
cucr, H.S. remancant impcrpctuum.

J Fine h*iowledged before the Infltces ofChefler by B, P. and . hu wife,

ofa Mfinor^&c. one ^Vatcr-mill, one Doue-hottfe^one Garden,
two Orchards, ^c. with FKirrantie

ScftIJ5. PRxcipc B. P. & E. vxori quod iufte &c. tencant I. S.

eius 1

Arm, conuencionem dc Mancf de O* al'

inter cos facf
O. ac dc vno molcndino aquatico , vno columbario , vno
Fines and Concords, 5j
gardinoj duobus pomarijs, centum acf cerr^ , fexagrntaacf prati,
duccnt acf paOar^e, quadraginca acris bofc'i ccncum acf brue-
more, centum acris turbari^, quinquagima acris
re crefecnE acris
marifci, criginca acris terra? aqua cooperc cum pertinentijs io O.
^Eccn Concordia talis, fez. quod pd B. . recogn' maneriuin6cce;
ncint p(f cum pcrtinefTc jus ipfius I. c ill' rcmif. &
quicf clam de fc
& hxrcdibus fuisprcfac 1. &
barred' fuis impcrpeiuum. Ec prcterca Watrantici-
prcfaf B. ctE. conccff. pro fe &
hcrcd ipfius B. quod ipfi warranti-
zabunt mancria 5c tenementaprcdirt* cum pertinentijs prtfatl. &
red' fuis contra prcfac B.ct E. & herc4'jpriusB, iroperpctLUjpi,.Elpro

ui Fine kjiov^Udged by an Sarle and hit wife of a manery aduewfen, iihrties,

free warren, andfreejifiiing, and a fouldcourfe for loco, fheepe.

PRecipcTho.comjtiSudex & Fran.vxofeiusqoo^iuftc S^Ci,ix6

&c ten Wiir Curfon arm conuenc inter cos fal' de manc-
rio dcB. cum pertihac de So.mcffuagijs, 5o.cofagijs, lo.tof-
tisioo.gardinis, (5o.pomari)$, 400. acris terrae, do.acris pra
ti, 2 00. acris pafturaf, 20. acris bofci, 40. acris iamp.norum &
brucre, 2oo.acrismorc,ioo. acris alowi zo.s.r^dd' cumpcr-
tih in Billingfod alias Billingfortb, Bylowcalias Bylingh,&c.
nccnonadaocatJoneEcclericdcBylirigfoord, ac de libcrtatc
vnfus Foldagij ad 2 o oo, ouium, libera warcnna, &
libera pif-
caria in B.&c. Etnifi&c.

libertateiibf warren & libera pircafpred'cdc ius ipfiuiW, vtilla qu:
idem W.habet dc dono pred comitis & Fr. Et ilia reroifcf & quic! dam
defc&herecf fiiisiinperpctuum. Et prartereaijdcm comes &jbr. coced. WarranilcT
pro fc et hered' ipfius comitis qd ipfi warra?i maniu tcnemehta &reddit
pdil'cumperiih,acaduocationcra, libertatjlibefwarrenny^libcram
pifcafprcd prcf.W.ctbcredTuis contr oej holes imppetuu.Et hac&c. ^
ui Fine kpowUdaed (>y-{he hmbandand the nife, and a third perfon ofcertain
^crejof/am,meadi^rt>, an4w^d,and,the hdib^rtd a/}d the nife warrant
"the lMjdtotheCon'4fe'ei {ifid^'tj)ih^heiresof one of them: and the fame
torntjees granf and-render againe thcrland to B, -firtfeof one ofthe (^a^
nufors from Michaelmas, paji for the terwe of^0' y^^^f^ prifhcut im-
'peachmem ofrvajle, yeeUing a rent to the Conufees, and to t}ff heires
v^ and affgnes of one of therh with a cUufe of diFlreQe for r.en pajmerJ
E of
Fines and Concords.
^fthrtnt : AHdAftemmrds thej grant the r^ttt and thf reuerJUn efthi
lands infect owe 1V,fF,

Recipe W. Walgrauc arm E. vxori cius &

E. E. q5 iuftc &
&c. tcncantR.R.&T.G.conucnc'&c.deduab*acf& di-
^tDid'prati&yo.acriibofcijCumpertihinE.Etnifi &c.

If Ft eft coHCordia talis, fez. quodpred' W. E.
' H. recogrioiief pd &
tencmcnta cum pertift cffeius iptius R.vtilla quae idem R.& T.habcc dc
dono prcd W.E.ct E. Et til* reipifcf quicf clamauef de ipfis W. E.ct
et hercdfuis pd R.&T. & hcrcd'^^ipfius K. iropcrpctuura. Et ptcrca pd
W. et E. conccff. profe et hcrcd' ipfius W. quod ipfi warrantizab' prcd
R.&T,& hered ipfius R. prcdift' tenement cum pertincntiii contra
The render. omnes homines impcrpctuum. Etpro hac recognition &c. prcd R.R.
& T. G. conccff. prcf. E.piJ tenia cum pertincntijsdc ilia ci reddit in c-
demcuria.Habend'cctencnd'eidemE.afcftoS. Michalis Archangeli
iam vltimo pterit vfq; ad flncm &: terminum 95?, annorum tunc proxiilj
fcqtich&plenariccomplend^ abfqj impetitione alicuius; vafii ; Redd*
ihdcannuaf preF^f R. etT.cthercd &
afsignafipfius RI durah toto ter-
fnirto pred'fexaginf folid'& vnum denaf iegalis monetx Ahgliac ad fe-
ftum Annunciationis bcatx Mariae &
S. Michaelis Archangeli acquis
porcionesfoluend*; Etfi contingatpred reddit (^o.s. 5c vni'denarijare-
ftfcffc. tro fort in pane vel in toto poll aliqqod feftum feftomm pred' qiiibus
vtpmitcitur folvii dcbeatnon foluE^quod tunc ben licebit prefatR.& R.
6t hered' 6c afsignafipfius R. in tenta pfed' cum pertih intrare diftrih: &
& diftri^iones ibidem fie cape abduccre 6c afportare et penes fe retinere

The render of quoDfq;depred*reddit'vnacumarreragij$eiufdcmfi quae fuerint ple-

the rent & re- na? futffaeisfaft'conten!, 6c petfoluf. Ut vltcrius ijdemR.'R. et T.G.
uerfion of ihc cohce(r.predreddi!pred'(5o.s. and vniusderiaf ac reuerfionera tcntoru
]andto one in
pred'' cuftj pertinentijs prtf. W, W.
6c hered fuis imperpetuum.
CapE 6c recogniC fuit coram me W. Bcndlofc feruieh ad legem apud
: //
: : ^ ^
S.in^parochia dc B. 6cc,

Afine knowledged bj tveo t/Mtf tme^with "ivarrantid agaihff


Seft. M8 T
in eft concord taliSjfcilicctqdpracd* L.G. 5c T. B. rccognouef tent
Xlpredift' cum pertinentijs cfteius ipfius I.G. vt ilia qux idem lifia-
droit, bet dc lono predL.5c T. Et ilia reroifer6c qukfelarfl dc ipfis L. G. 6c
T.6c hetcdfuis imperpetuum. Et prartcrea ijdcm E.G. <VT. coccff. pro
The warraftiic f^ et hcred' ipfius G.qd ipfi warrafi pdift* I. et hered' fuis tcnclBta prcd*
' '

cum pcrtir?, contf oc$ hoics imppctuu, Et j^ hac 6cc '

' -IJ' .
Fines and Concords; 34.

and the mfcy md diners others, teW.C, withfeueraH wArntHtiei.

PRxcipc R.F.& E. vxori cius&CC.&B. vxori dus qd ten Scfl. 1 1^

W.C.gch. conuenc' &c. dc 2.nic(Iuag'|2.garci\vno.poBa9f|
3o.acris tetrar, i o.acris prati, 40.'acris paftur^, & x6.s.
rcdd'cumpcrtincntijsinW. D. Et nifi&c.
^Etcft Concordia tali*, fez. qdprcdift* R. ScE.G.etB. rccogn te-
nia, prcdift* cum pertincn cffcius ipfiu W. vtilla quae idem W. habet
dedonopredR.&E.G.ctB.EtilIarcniircf&quiccIara de ipfi$R.'& Gcncallwai-
E.& hcrcd ipforum G. E.cc B. pref. W.
et h^rcd fuis impcrpctuum. Et ramie.
prattcrcaijdcmR.et E.conccfl. profc&hercdipfiusE.qdipfiwarran-
tizabut tehtapd euro ptifiprcf.W.&hcrcd* fuis contra ornnes homines ^ .,
imperbetuum. Et vlterius ijdem G.ctB. concefTpro fe et hered ipfius B. tllSL.
qd ipn warrant tcncmt pd euro pcrtin pref.VV.cc hered* fuis contra pd
G. &B.cthcrcd'ipfi'B.impcrpctuuiB. Et pioJj4c;&c,
'':o !.:--

yifite knowlegded effoure mejfuges, one ttfty three harneSy three gardeies,
three orehdrdf &c. t9 fV.S. and N, W. mth warrMtte.

INtcr W.S.&N.W. quicf,& O.B.&: A. vxof eius dcforc* Scft-iio

de 4.mcfruag*, i .toft trib' horrci$,trib* gardinis,trib'' port?-
arijs, 20.acf prati, <^.acfpa(larz cum pertih in K.etB.
If Et eft talis, fez. quod pd O.cf A*, rccognoucf tencmti
fd'cum pertiiieffcius ipfius W.vtilla quae jjdemW.et N. habcm dc Vrjirancl&
dono predict O.ct A. Et ilia remifef^ quiete clamaucf dc ipfis O.et A.
&hcred ipfius A. pred'W.&N.ct baered' ipfius W. iroperpctuum, Ec
prsetcrea idem O.et A. conccft! pro fe & haered' ipfi^ A. quod ipfi war-
rah{predW.&N.& hered* ipfius W. prcd' tencsnenta cum ipertinca
contra p red' 0.& A. & hered' ipfis A. iroperpetuum. Et ^ hac&t

jijim^orpledgedhjtvfohusyAftds and their wines ef iwovte^uageSyand

two gardensf mthfeuerad warranties

Recipe G.F. & R. & vxori cius A.I. &K.

vxori ems quod <,t,itc
P tenant G.T.conuenc'&c.dcduobus mcifuag^ duobs gar-
dinis cum pcrtin in K. &c. Et nifi&c.
^ Et eft Concordia talis, fez. quod pdG. et R. et A.&K.recognouef
tcncmtnt pd'cum ptin cfTc ius ipfius G.vt ilia quae idem G.habctdc do-
no praed'G.ct R.ct A .K.et ilia reroircf et quiete clamaueruct dc ipfis Warranric.
G.&R.et A.etK.et hered ipforum R.&K.pred* G. et hered' fuii
impcrpctuum, Et pr^tcrca ijdcm G.ct R. conccflcf^ fc 6c hered' ipfi^R.
2 quod
Fines and Concords.
wodifjfi warrant predift* G.& hcrcdfois prcd tciita cum peniiicontf
predG.&R.cthcrcd'ipfius R. Ecvlteriusijdcra A. &K.concc(r.pro
(c & hercd* ipfius K. qd ipfi
warf pred G. ct hered' fuii prcd' tcnuntu
cuiu perUB contra prcdift' A. &
Iv. ec hcrcd* ipfius K. iropcrpccuum. Ec

Nota qu^ Dy erchiefc lufticc dlr, qiwc fi 1 femes fuiflTem focrs quae
adonqucs nc bcfoignc double garramic in forme iuandit,mc8

finglegarramiceftalfeis bone. .

Afineknovplegdedbythe husband and hii rrrfe, to amanandhis'mfc of one

mejfft^e, one^ardein, one orchard, one barne, onefiable, one tfbarfe,
'"mth warrmtte,

"pRaccipeR.IAH. vxorieius quod iuQe&c.tcncant A. I.cc

Sci. Ui
JtK. vxori ciu J conucnc'&c. de vno mcfluagio, vno gardino>
vnopomariojvnohorrcojvno ftabulo, vnawharfa, ctvni
acf bofci cum pertincntijs in IC fiiepr K, Et nifi 6cc. >

^Eteft Concordia talis, fez. qdpredift' R. 6c H. rccogn tchca,pre-

dift' cum pertinchcffciui ipfius K. vt ilia quae idem A. ctKhabcnidc
dono prcd R.6c H. Et ilia rcmifcf & quiete dam dc ipfij R. & H. & he-
IVairamie; redfuispd A. ctK.Sc h^rcd ipfius K.impcrpctuum. Etprxtercaijdcm
R.etH.conceff. pro fc&hcred ipfius H.qd ipfiwarramizabutpref. A,
& K.Jc hcrcd* ipfius K.pd tehca cum ptih contra pref.R.etH. & hered*
ipfi' H.impcrpctuum.jt [pro hac&c. *

Afine k^owledged bj/an Earle and hit wife to W, C. ofa rent

offortiefoftndsy goingoHt ofdiuerf manors
with ivarrantie,

>Scftii*S "pRecipeF. comiti H. & doming K. vxorl eiuscomitid^

X H. quod iuftc& fine diiationctcnatW. Car conucnc*
&c. dc4o.li. redd exeunt de raancrijs de B.S.&C-
I[ Et eft Concordia talis, fez. quod pred* comes ^ccomltiffarecogno
nef f edditum pd cum pcrtiricficius ipfius W.vt ilia qua: idem W.ha-
bct de dono prcdcomirisSccomittiflx. Etill'rcroifcf&quicf clama-
ucfdefe6chercdib'fuispief.W.& hcrcd fuis impcrpctuum. Etpretc-
W'ananuCf' rcaiidcm comes 8ccomiti(Ta concedunt pro fe &
hered ipfius comitis
quod ipfi warran!rcddi6 pred cumpercin prcfatH. &
hered' fuis con-
tra omncs homines impcrpctuum. Et pro hac Sec.
Fines and Concords;
Afine knmlegded by the htishandand the mfe^ and one R, DJteR.B, of cHe
manor, &c. one mej^nage caHedLM.&c with Tvarrantte.who grant and
render the/am^ agdiine toRX>,one oftheconujorsjor termeof 2 1 yeres to

begin at a time to come^referning a rent : and afterward the Conufees grant

the reuerjion .ofthe faid manor &c.md the reuerjion to one ofthe Conufon
andhismfct andto theheiresofthehusbandyto hold of the chiefe Lords
ofthe fee,

P Recipe I. F.ctB vxoneiu$&R,D.quodiuftc&c.ten R. Scfl. 124

B. conuenc* 5cc.dcraaniodcC,ctI.curapcrtihac dc duo-
bus raclTuag'jVO cat B. 2omefruag',4o.acrnterf,ioo acrf praE
500 acf pafluf, 200 acrf bofci,&4oacf ian3pnof& brucrae
cum pcrtia in W. F. Et nifi &c.
^ Etcft Concordia talis, fez. quod ^5
I. B,ct R. rccognoucf pred

niancf& tenement cumpcrtihelTeiusipfiusR.B. vt ilia qux idcmR.

habetdedonoprxd'I.ctB.ct R. Scill* rcmifefet quietc clamaucf dcfc
&heredfuisprcdR,etlieradfuisimpcrpctuum. Ec ptcrea ijdcml. ;
B. conccffcriintpro fc ethcrcd'ipfms I.quodipfi warrantizabunt pred
R'.&hcrcdTiiisprcdmaneriiiin&tencmenturn cum pcrtincntiis, con-
traomncs homines impcrpctuum. Et jp hac (?cc.idem R. conccflit pred
R.prcd' mancrium & tcnemcntum cun pcrdnen, &illaeis rcddit,5cc. ,_,

Habenii'&tcnend'praed'R. a fefto S.Michalis Archangcli, qd<#itin dKbe^nL

Anno Domini i553.vrqueadfttieai termifi ii.annorum cxtuncpro- thereof.
ximfcqucn'.ctplenariccoraplcnd. Rcddinde annuatim prcdift' R. &
hcrcd' luis quandam annualcm reddjt 7.1i. & d.s. legalis montce Aii-
ri^ virginis,per aequales portiones,annuatira folucnd' proxima folutionc
inde incipience ad fcRum S. Michalis Archangeli^ quodcrit in Anno
Dbm.i5<j3.Etficontingatpredrcdd 27.1i.8.s.arctro fore in parte, vcl
in toto port: aliquod fcftum feftorum pred* quo vt prefertur folui dcbeat. "
JJf a^
Quod tunc bene liccbic prcfd! R. & hercd fuis in pred manerium & tc-
nemcntacumpcrtihintrare&diftringcre,diftrilionerq; fie indccapt

cthabt licit, abducerCiafportarCjeteffugarc, ac penes fe retinerc quo-

i)fq;depredrcdd'de 27. li. d-s.cumarrcf eiufdcm fiquae fuerint pic- the rcuerfion
rariefueritfatisfaft'etpcrfoluc.ConccflitetiamidemR. pred' Let B. &ihercncto
reucrfionero & teneraentorum prcd,cum pcrtin ac predict' ^^ IJV^H?"^ ^
rcdditfuperiuscxprcfT.etrcferuatet iU'eisrcddid &c. iriduciiu
eisrcaaia occ.
111 & ic-
Plabend tx te- I^^r^!,,,""?
nend* eifderal. ciB.cchcredibusipfiu$I.de Capitalibus dominis^codi &tothchcires
iljius per feruicia &c <^f lie huf-


E-3 A
Fines and Concords.

Afine hftotvledged hy th htisband and his wife to LLMf^nire of twontdm


norSi 4 ,ms^}iagSj 6. cottages^ one done honfe &c.mth yvarrantie^ in con'

JidemUon whereofthe Conufee grant eth a rent of^ o.lt.to the husband and
his wifey and to the heire oft he hnsbandythe faidrent to begin to be paiable
at Michaelmas, and the Annunciation ofour Ladj, which next pjall hap-
pen after the death of the Conpifor and C. his now wife, or any other which
afterwards fhaH happen to be his wife^with a clauje ofdiftreffe for the faid
rent ifit be behinde,andhauing beene lawfully demanded.

Scl.i IS T)RccIpc R.P.& I. vxof. eius quod ten I, L. conuenc'dc

i raahijsdc A.ctW.cumpertihjac dc4.rac(ruag,5.cotag*
I .columbario, 2oo.acf tcrrae,4a. acf prat. 3 oo.acf pafturx,

_ao.acrisbofc*,2o.acfiainpnof Scbruer cura pcriinentijsin

inW.etW. Etnifi&c.
A rent gran- IJ Etcft Concordia talis, fez. quod f 3 R.P.&: Ivxor eiusrccognoucf
ted by the Co-
mancf&jtcnemcntap^cumpertihcfleiusipfius I.vt ilia quae idem I.
habct dc dono praed' R.P.Sc f .vxof eius. Ec ill' remifcrunt &c. Et ptcrea
&c.Etjphac&c.idcmI.L.concc(fitprcfa!R.etI.voxoricius hcred &
When the rent pd I.annuale redd 3 o.li. folucnd' ad duos anni tcrminos c onfuet,viz,ad
fliall begin to fcftum S.Michalis Archangcli,& Annuntiacionis bcatae Mari^ virginis,
be payable. per sequales portiones, prima folucione inde incipiente ad fedum S. Mf-
cha^ Archangcli,aut Annuntiationis bcat^ Marix virginis qd proxira
concigeritpoft mortem pred L.6c C.nunc vxcr eius exiQch vel alicuius
Aclaufeof di-
alteriusquam impoflerum eius uxor fore contigerit.Et n contingacpred
rent after it annualem redd 3 o. li.aretro fore in parte, vel in coto poO; aliquod fe(!um
hath beene feftorum pred* quo vt prcfertur folui debeat non folut per fpacium &c.fi
lawfully dc-| licite petatur, quod tunc 6c.

Afine acknowledgediby the husband and the wife to H. C. ofthe third part of
a Jtent ijfuing out ofa manor, with a warrantie againH all men,,

Seft.ii(i PRecipeR.& I.vxori eius, quod iuflc&c.tencant H.C.con-

uenc'&c.dej.partej.li 6.s. S.d.denariof reddit cum pcr-
exeunt demaniodelC.Ecnifi&c.

^ Et eft Concordia talis,fcz. quod pd R.&I recogn fertiam ptcm

reddit pd cum pcrtih clTc ius ipfius H. vt ilia quae idem H.habet de do-
no pred' R. eil. Et il'rcmif.Sc quiet clam de Ic haercdib' ipfius I. prc-
fatH. & haered'fuisiropcrpetuuni. Ec pretcrea ijdem R.& I. conceffef
pro fe & hercd ipfius I. quod ipfi warran prcfaf H. & hcrcd* fuis pred
Warrantic. tcftiam parte redd cum pcrtih contra omncs homines imperpetuuro. Et
pro hac &c.
Fines and Concords. ^^
[A Fine kntVfUdged by the husband and his mfe^ to we T,H. ofthe thirdpart
ofs^.acresofmeadotvbythe/e words, viz. Genccflcrunt & rcdderuat
&c . during the mue life, yri th vnarrantie alfo during her life.

PRxcipe H. P.& M. vxori cius quod teneant T. H. conucnc* Scrt. 127

,. ^c, dq tenia parte 34. acfpraf, 40. acf ppfturac, &5, acf Ancfurre-
* . I
j;i.ir.F bofcicumpertincntijs inS. Et nifiScc. bi .1 . i

f Ec eft Concordia talis,fDilicct quod prxdiaiH.&M.concefTcrutl^JfJ^f^^^^

ScredderuHttcnemcntaprcd' cum pcrtinprefatT.&hercdfuisduran- Thecftatc.
te vita ipfius M. Ec prcd*. H.5c. M. warrantizaunt tcnemcnto pre- Thewarrantic
dil* cum pcrtincnti js praefat T. &
hcred fuis duratc tota vita ipfius M.

uiTine kporvledged by K K knight, to 7. S. knight, E. G, the ^ueenes At-

tnrney Generally and others of two manors, yc. mejfuages, and cottages
^c. which the Lady K
widow hath fir her life of the inheritance of the
Connfor the day of the concord made : and i^fter her death si to renert
to the Connfor, the which by this fine after the death of the faid Lady V. is
wholly to remaine to aR the Conufetsin thefne, and to the heiresiofthe
faidLS, knight the firH of the Connfees in the faid fine, wtthwarran-
tie againfl all men,

Recipe I. V.K.militi, quod ten* I. S.militE.G. Atturnac Sef^. 128

P noflfgcncraVR.W.armig ScW.K.gencf conuentioncm
Scc.demancrijs dc H. alias dc Prior H.&M. alias Prior M.

ac 70. mciTuagijs cotagijs. & tenant in
^Et eft Concordia talis, fez. quod predift' V. recogw maneria, tcnca. Dower.
& reddif pi;edit' cum pcrtineh cffc iu$ ipfius S. Et concefllt pro fc ec
quodraanef tenemcnta &redd pred euro pertih qu^dna V. Thewidowcs
K* vidua tenet ad tcrminum vitae fuae dc herciitate perd V. die quo h^c Conufors hu
Concordia fat a fuit. Et quod poft deceflum ciuMcm dorainae V.ad heiitancc
prcdV.&heredfuos,dcbuerercucrti, quod port decefTum ipfius l.S,
dominaeV.intcgrercmanereprfdI.E.l<.& W. hcrcd* ipfius I. S. & gran'cXothc
impcrpctuum. Et praeccrea ideraV. coneff. profc6qheced fuis quod ip- raid Conufces,
fe warrantizabit manef, tehtaSc rcddit pd cum ptihpref. I. E.R. & &tothehcires
W. hcred* ipfius I.S, contra onjaes'hpmincs impcrpetuura. Et pro of one of them

hac rccognitioac&c ;: vV

> s < i'-^
Fines and Concords

tyifite kfio'poledged by A mdoTV and we 6ther to the Trefident and [ehoU

Icrscf SJhniColledge'inOxon.ofthe Scite and principal houfe of the
CoHedge commonly caliedy thefVhite IRriers in the fuburbs ofOxon. and 6,
me^Hagcit 6 gardens, 6 orchards &c.alfo in thefamefuburbes mth n>ar-
PRecipcI.P.vidu3C&E.P. gcnq^ iuftc&c. tcncamW.E,
A ne fur cog- PrcGdencicollegijS. lohannis Bapci{%x in AcademiaOx-
oifans de cirdit ofi &
Scolafticis ciufdcm collcgi) conucnc'dc Scku &
lidomocoUcgij vulgaritnuncupattl|C^l)ite if tiers inSubur*
bijs ciuit Oxon cum pertin,ac dc 6.Bicfluagiis, ^.gardinis 6. po-
niarijs,20.acf tcrfji. acf prati, et d.acf paftof cum pcrtih in Sub-
urbiisciuicatprcd Ecnifi&c.
^" Ec eft concord calis/cilicctquod pracd* I.& E. rccognoucf jcncrata
prcdiA'cumpcrtincntijscffc ius ipfiusPracfidcntis 6c Scholafticcf vc
quae idem Prcfcs& Scholaftici habcnt dc dono prcd' I.^c.E. Et

illarcroifcf & quicf claiiide fe&hcrcdipfiusE.prcf. Prcfidi&Scho-

lafticis & fucceflbribus fuis iroperpetuum. c prxcerea ijdcm &E co- I. *

cell. pro fccthcred' fui$,qdipfi warrafiprcf. Prxfidi&Scholaftici$&

fuccedorib^ruis cenemcnca pdil' cum pcrtin contra pref.Lct.& hcrcd'
ipHus .imperpetuum. t pro hac 3cc. *

Afne by two and the wife ofthew, of lands meadow andpa/fure, mth

warrantie again^ the Connforsandtheheires of the husband

Scft.150 pRxcipc R. B.genT.R. & M. vxori cius quod tcncant T. B.

A.fincfurcog- IT gchconuenc*&c.dc 3o.acfterf,2.acf^raf, ^. acfpafturx^
6. acfbofci cumpercinentijs in Et niH&c. C
^Etcft Concordia talis, fez. quod prcdift* R. T; &
M.recogn tenta,
predid'cumpcrcinehcfleiusipiiusT'B. vt ilia quae idcmT. habctde
donoprcd R.T.&M.Ecillarcmif^f quictcclam deipfisR.T. &iVl,
&hercdipfiusR. prcf.T.B.&h^rcdfuisimpcrpecuum. Etprsetcrca ij-
dcm R.T.ccxM.conccff.profc&hercdipfiusR.qd ipfi warrancizabut
tchta pd cum ptin pref. T.B. & hcrcd fuisjcontra pd R.T. &.M.& hc-
rcd' ipHusR. imperpccuum. c pro hac &c.

A Fine knowledged by T. N. knight, to G. T. Efijuire-ofene manors one

mejfffage, c^c, mth rvarrantie againfl aUmen.

PRccipcT.N.militi,q> iuftc&c.tcnat G.T. af conucnc* &:c.

A fine fnr cog- dcmaneffdeT.cumptiiiacde i meflbag*,ioo3cfprafj5o
nifance ic
acf paftuf,ct 30. acfboUi cum pcrtin jnT.ctG.Etnifi&c.
Fines and Concords. 57
ff Et eft coHcordia talis, fez. quod prcd* T.jN. (rccognoucf manef dc
tenta cum pcrciTi elTeius ipfius Gvcil' qux idem Chabet dc dono pred
T. & quicf claraaucf de fc Scheredib' fuis prcf.G. & hc-
'Etiir remifef
tcd fuis iroperpetuum. EcpretereaidemT. conceffef pro fc & hctcd
^^^ warrftfiuc

Cuisquodipn warrant roanef & cehta pred cum pertin contra omncs
homines imperpecuum.'Ecprohac&c.

^ fine knowtedged by T, ^. and K, his mfe to G. S, of the third part ofS,

mejfuages^ 6,gardes c^c. thervhicb one M.B. mdow holdeth fir terme
of her Itfe and which is of the inheritance of the Conufors mifejthe day of
the concord made^ and which onght after the death \ofthe faid wdowe to
renert vnto the Connfor and his wife, as in the right of his wife : and hy
this fine after the death of the faid mdoiv being tenant for life^ is to come
Andremaine tothe faidCoftnfee and his heires for euer, rvtth rvarrantie
again/} aS men

PRccIpcT.W.& K. vxori eius quodinftc&c.tcncancG.S. Scfta 3 3

conucnc' inter cos fa);.detcrcia parte, g.mefTuag, 6.gard,
6. acf cerf, decern acrarum prate 20 acf pafturx, 50. acf bofci
cum ptin in A.B.CT.&c.
^ Et eft Concordia talis, fSlcct quod ipraed' T. & K. recognouerunt a fine of a re-
certiam pcem prcdift* cum pcrtincncffcius pred G.&concclTcf quod ucifion after
eademcertiapars cum pertinentijsquam M.B. vid* tenet ad termih vi- thcdeathof
tacfuacdchcreditatc ipfiusK.dic quo h^c concordia fafta fuit&qux J^ower"*
poft mortem eiufdem M. ad ipfos T.et K. ruerterc debet, reria przfat
G.iSc hercd fuis imperpetuum. Tcnend 6cc. Etprcterea ijdemT. ctK. Wairade.
conccfTefprofe 6c heredipHusK* quod ipH warf prefat G. & hered
fiiis tertiam partem pred* cum pertin' (icut predial' efl contra omncs ho

mines imperpetuum Et ^ hac &c.

A Vine knfftvledged by the husband and the 'wife^ to one
of p. me^uages,
7, 7.
^.gardens (^c, and ofthe moitie of to. tfse^uages ^e, one watermilie
9ne doHehonfe ^rc^ with warrantie againB all men

Recipe I.P.genef &

E. vxof eius quod iufte Sccten I.'L. Seft.i 3 3
P conucnciones inter COS fai*dc noucm mefTuagils, nouem Afincfurcog-
gardinis, trcfcenE acris tetrx, centum acris prati, centum a- "'^^nccdc

n ... 'If' o droit,
ens palturx , viginti acris boici, centum acris lampnorum cc
bruer^ &c. Acdc modietatc viginti meffuagioum,viginti gar
dinorum , vnius roalendini aquatici, vnius columbarij, fex-
aginf acris terr^ , duccn? acris prati , triccnt acris paftur^,
fexaginc acris bofci ^ ccmujn acrts janipnorum &
Fines and Concords.
cumptiainN.B.C.D.&c. Etnifi&c.
quod pred' I. P. &E.
recognoiicf prc5
^ I

if Et eft cncordia talis,fcz. |

thta & medictatcm cum pcrtin cfleius jpfius I L.vcil' quae idem I.L.ha-
bct de dono prxdidl* 1. P.& E. Et ill' remifef &
quief claraaucf de fc &
heredib' fuis pref. I. L.& hered fuis iropcrpetuum. Et prctcrea idem I.
P.& E. conceffcf pro fe hcred ipfius E. quod ipfi warrant pref. I. L/
& hcred fuis pred tchta ct medictatcm cum pcrtin contra omncs homi
nes impcrpetuum. Et pro hac &c.

The order oftakjng the knowledge ofa Fine hy Dedimus poteftatcm dire^
Bed to d'mers, bm t he knowledge taken onelj hy tvno ofthe Commijfioners,
md the certifying thereofby the Commiffioners that tooke the knoiv/edge.
Mtt t!j0 fine iiei acfenotuleDjseD, ttjeCommiiTwnetjes mull iv^ntt tjn^
Dec t^econco^D of tl)c faiD fine 30 foUotuetl),
Cap^etrecogh dic6cc. Anno &c. coram A.B. arm, &C.D. virtutc
brcuis dom Reg, dc Dedimus poteftatem nobis alijs dircft *,&

^ ^I
%i}m imU tipon t^z backe of Dcdimus poteftatcm.

Rcfponf.A.B. arm, &C

D.geaefduorumCommiffi^infra nomi-
Executio iftius Commillionis patet in quadam Sehedula huic com-
nifnoni annex'.
%^m muU tfizommi(tmttB fubfccibe tijeic namejei*
Mine knowlegded by WD, and I.D,to I. K. and L D, of one meffftage and
oe cottage in Jpfwitch, mth vi>arrantic againft all njen : In conjideration
tvhereofthefonHfees doe grant and render thepremifes to the [aid LD,
one ofthe conujorsfor terme offeuen daies next fillowing, and afterwards
theJamepremijfes wholly toremainetoone UU.G. fir 'her life, and after
her death thepremifes wholly to remaine to thefaid W, D
. one of the faid


^ca.t 34 "P^^ipc W.p. & I.D.quod iufte&c. tcneantl.R. geh &I.

JL E). conucnc' dc vno Mciruagio& vflo cotagio cum pcrtin*
inX Etnifi&c. x

^ Et eft concord talis,fcilicct quod prscd* W. D.& I. D. rccognoucf

tcncmcntaprcdift'cuiDpcrtincmij^.cflc m ipliuiL vtiJla quidcm L
Fines and Concords; 38
5c I.D. habent dt dono prediCV W.D. & I. D. Et ilia remiferunt & qui-
ctc clam de (c & hercd fais prcf. !.& I. ec hxrcdibus ipHus I. iinperpe-
tuum.EtprxcercaijdemW.&I.concefT.pro fe& haercd' ipfius I. D. Warrantie.
quodipfewarrantprcdi.&l. &hcrcd' ipfius I. tciic prcd cumjpcr-
tih contra omncs homines imperpetuuHi. Ec jp hac rc-cognitione, 6cc. ^.
ijdera I.& I. conccfTef tencmcnta prsd' cum pcrdn prcf. LD* Et ilia ci
rcddidef in cadeni cuf . Hahcnd' 5c tcnend' eidem I.D. pro cermih fcp-
tcmdicfcxtuncproximfequcn*. Et port termifi ilium finitpi?cdi^' ti-
nementacurapcrtih intcgreremanebuntcuidamM.G. Habcnd tc- &
nend' cidcra M. tcnend' dc Capitalibus &c, tota vita ipfius M. Ec
poft dcccffum ipfius M,predift*tcnementa cum pertifi integrc rema-
ncrc prcfa! W. D. &
hcrcd' (iiis impcrpetuum. Tenend* de Capita-
iibus &c.'

i/^^neack^oyvledged hythehusbandand hii mfe to U.S. Efquireioftrv

meff^nages, two (Vich- houfes, tvco Shops, trvo (Chambers , one Sta^
h/ff, and 1 . acr^s of land ^c, rvith warrant ie
againfi all men.

HEceftfinalis conccrdia fad* in curia domini Regis apud Ccflri- Scft.135

amdicLunaefcptimo die &c. Anno &c. inter H.S. quercntcm A fine fur cog-
& W.G.&.S.vxorcmciuj dcforccah de duobus mcfluagijs, duobus nif^^"cede
Salimisvocac Wich-houfeSi alias vSalthoufeSi duobus Shopis, duobus *

cameris, vno (labulo, decern acris terra?, 4. acrisprati,&reKaeri$pa

dura? cum pertineh in&c. vndepiacicumconuencionis fumififuic in-
ter cos in eadem curia. vScilicct quod pr^did* W.&E. vxor eiusre-
cognouerunt tencmcnta predift' cum pcriinentijs cffcius prcdift* H.
S.^vtilla quae ijdcmH.S.habctde dono predift'W.Sc E.Et ill' remifcf
6c quicte clamaucrunc defe cc heredibus fuis pref.H. heredib^ fuis &
impcrpetuum. Et prctcrca prefat W. &
E. conceffcf pro fc hercd'ip- &
fiusW. quodipfi ethered' prcdift' W. tenement, prcdid* cum ptiii
prcfH.&heredTuis warrancizabnnt ethered* fuis impcrpetuum. t^
hac &c.

A fine achpowledged before the Ittsiices of the Common fleas at fVeflmifj'

fier of trvo mejfuages, one toft, 8 o. acres of land &c. with

warrantie againfi all men,

HEc Concordia faft' in Curia domini regis apud Weft- Sel.i3<*

eft finalis

raonaftcrium ino^abis fanfti Martini, Anno 5cc.coram E.M.W.

S. H.B. & I H. luftic
. &
ali js diii Rcg.fidclib' tunc ibi prefentibus inter

i.B.armig*, LL. gcii, & R.L. geii. Qucf, & H. D, dcforc' dc duobus
3 .

Fines and Concords.

iae(ruagi)s,vnotofto,^oacristerr3e, 20 acrisprati,4oacrispafturaf &
iribus acris bofcicum pcriineh in H.& W. vndc placituni conuencionis
fuiDHi fuic inter cos in cadem curia. vScilicct quod pr^did* H. recog-
nouit predift' tcncmcnta cum pcrtincntijs cfic ius ipfius R.B. vtilla
qux ijdcm R. I .& R. habcnt de dono prcdift' H. Ec ill* rcmifcf quief &
clamaucrunt dcfe cc hcredibus fuis prcd'R.I.ec R.& hercd'ipHus R.
Warrantic. itnperpctuuro. Et prctcrca idem H; conccffit pro fc &
hercd'fuis^tjd ipfc

warrantI.ccR.ee hered' ipfius R. prcdift' tenement, cum pcih contra

omncs homines iaipcrpetuum.Ec ^hacrcmiflionc,quictc!aiTi, warrant,
fine & concordiaijdera R.I. &: R. dedcruntprcdi^'H.5 8. li.fterlingV
AFine k^owledged by R. H. of P. to R.B. of the manor ofI yvitb war^
rantieagainfiths Cowtfor aitdhis heires,

Scft,X %
T)KccIpcR;H. dP. armqd iuftetencatR.B.R.H.Scc. con-
JL ucnc' inter cos faft* dc mancrio dc I. alias I. cum pcrtin' ac
dc 2 o .mcffaag*, foo.acf terf, 1 00 acf prat,5oc.acf paftuf,

loo.acrisborc'jjoo.acf more, &raarifcicum pertincmijs

^Et Concordia talis, fczi quod pd R! H; rccogn- mancriaac tct

nemt p^ cum peKihcfTc ius predift'R.B. vrillaqxidcm H,6cc.habec

de dono ipfius R.H.Et ill*rcmif.8c quiet clam de ipfo R.&haercdibu$
j^jj^ prefat & haercd' ipfius R.B. impcrpctuum. Ec prctcrca ij-
R. &c.
demR.H. concefTic profe & hercd fuis quod ipfc warrantizabit ma-
neria & ccnementa prcdcum pertih prcfat R.&c. & hcrcd'.ipfius R* ira-
perpeiuumi Etpro hac &c.'

ThUis the fine at it is ingro^ed ofRecord^ whereofthe Fine next

kefore is but the mte,

Sft.i 3 8 T'TEc eft finalis concordfa hCC'm curia domini Regis Gefifi'xapud
JujlCcflt die Lunae &c. viz. 4. die Sepccmbris Anno &c. coram I.
T.arra, luftic'didi domini Regis CeftriaeapudCcftriam&alijsdiftf
dhi Regis fidclibus tunc ibidem prcfeniibus. Inter R.B. R.H. H. H. &
Quef, &R.H. dcP.arm deforccn demanerio del. cum pertih ac de
&c. vndcplacitnraconucntionis furamonitum fuic inter eos in cadem
* curia, fcilicct, quod R.H. rccognoueric mancf cc tcncmcnta pred' cum
pertineffc ius prcdic!R.B.vt ilia quae ijdemR.R.&H.habcntde dono
ipfius R.H.Et ills remifcrunt 6c quictcj clamaucrunt dc ipfo R; &iicrcdf
fuis pref. R. &c. cc hirrcd' ipfius R.B. EtpTxtcrcaijdemR.H.conccfl'.
pro rc& hacrcd* fuis quod ipfc warranf njancrium& ceneracnta pred
curoipcrtin prcf.R.B. &H;&
hcrcd' ipfius R,B. impcrpeiuum. Et
Fines and C oncords; 5

pro hacrecognitionc, warranto, finCjSc concordiaiidera K.&c.dcdcruc

prcf. R.H. loo.li.Argenti.
%\)t nine p;^oclaniaf iouiS of t\}t fine ucH htfo; t mote acco;t)in0 f o
t^titatuttot 2. CD 6.maDcfo.i fine0iuit!)P;oclamation0tuit|jmt^c
Counttc j[3alantinc of Cf)cftei\
<^" Prima Prodamac' fart' fiiit die Mcrcurijiftacadcm vSefHone, vSc-

cunda Prodarhfaflaruitdieloiiis iftaeadcni SclTionc, Tercia Prodara

hd' fuitinplenaScflionchic apud &c. tent die &c. Anno &c. Etficdc

jnijjec p^oclmuaf iong in euccy? ^cOTtong*

t^Ji/tf kpovcledged by A,B, toT.F, and G.H.ofa Manor irith warrafith^-

gainp allmen: and the C o-rjMfees in thefame fine grant and render againe
thejfaid Ui^anor to t he [aid ty^.B. for one weeke and afterward to N. A/,
for 1 ijeares to begin after thefeafi ofS. Martin the Bifjop in Winter re--
ferningared Rofe at Midfomertif it be asl^ed. And after the fnd ofthe
faidtermeof 1 1, yeans the faidL^anor Circ.wholly toremaine tothefaid
j^.S, the conufors and his he ires for euer.

PRecipcA.B. q^iuftc&c.teneatT.F.ctG.H. conucnc' dc Scrt.ijf

^ Et eft Concordia talis, quod pd A. recognouit tcncriitiim pd'

cum pcrtin cfTe ius ipfius T.vt qiix ijdem T. ct G. habcnt de dono

predict A. Et illarcmifcf &quictc clamauefdefe &hcrc(!fuisprcf.G..

ethxred'diisimpcrpctuum, Et prxterea idem A-conccd. pro fc&has-
xh^ yvarranric
red' fuisquod ipfc warrant tencmenta prcdcum pertii'i pref.T.Sc G.&
hcred* ipfius T.contraomnes homines impcrpetuum. Etjphac&c. ij-
dem T. ct G.conccfltf etin eadcm curia reddid*tcnta pred' cum pcrtih Thercivdcr.

pref.A.^vnaScptimana. Et port tcrmih ilium finittcnta cum pertin'

integfrcmanf N.M. & aflignat fuis pro termino 21. annof pro fcftum
Sanrti Martini Epifcopiinhyemc proxira futuf immediat fequenf ct
pleharieicomplend*. Rcddcnd'indeannuatim pref.T.etG.cthcred'ip- Rcnr.
Hus T. durante toto term prcd' vr.a rubram rofara ad fcflum Natiuitatis
S.Ioh.BapC.fi petaiur.Et poft icrmin illud fimttenta pred' cum piih in-
tegfrcinpred' A.cthcrea fuisimperpctuum&c. nufor.

Afine knowledged by /?. 'B. of two mejfuages, x^c. to J, A. with warrant iea-
gainfi all men : and the Connfe^ aranteth thepremips againe to the Con-
fir for one nveeke, and afterwards to one TV. B. for life ^ referring a rent, and
afterrrards to the Connforfor his life, and after toS.B, his vrifefor her hfe^

and after to J, B,fonHe of the Comforand his veifefor hfe : and after^rard:-
Fines and Concords.
thefaU-CcttHfeegranteth the reuerpan ofthe premises and.ther&ht to tha


PllccIpeRB. gcnqdiuftc&ctcneatl.A. conucnc'&c. dc

duobusmcffuagijSj&c. Etnifi&c.
||Etcft Concordia tali$,fcz.qd pd'R.rccognouit ccnta prcd c uiBpcr-
tin cffc ius ipfius.I.A. vc ill' qo^ idcra I.habcc dc dono prcdid' R. B. Ec
ilia reaiifit & quiet clam, dcfc ct hcrcd' fnis pracfat Let hcrcd'fuis ini-
Warrantic. &hercd* fuis qdipfc
pcrpctuum.EcprctcrciideiDR.B.conccfrit^ fe
watr tcnttprcd cumpcrtincn prcf.I.A. &
hcrcd'fuis contf oroncs ho-
The render^
mines impcrpctuum.Ecprohacrccognitionc&c. ideml. coiiccffitprcF,
Rent.'' R.B.&c ct ilia ci rcddid'in cadcm curia. Habcnd* ct tcncnd' tcnta prcd*
curopcrtihprcf. A.R.B.jP tcrminovnius Scptimanap. Ecpofttcrmiii
illumfiniCremanfW.B.protcrroinovit^ipfius W. B. Rcddcnd'indc
per Annuprcf. I.A.cthcrcd'fuis4o.li. ad quatuor Annitcrminos, viz.
ad&c. per ^quales porciones folucd'. Ec poft dcccdom ipiius R. B. rcw
Tlic grant of indc vS.B. vxof prcd' R, pro tcrrora vity ipfius S. Rcddcnd' vt fupra. Ec
the rcucrfion
poft det^G'/m ipHusB.S. rem indc I.B.filio pd' R.protermino vit? fu^
and Cerent
rcd4cnd' ixiAt vt fupra. Nccnon prcf. I. A. conccflic pf, R. B. rcucrfionc
6c reddiCcenemtorupred' cum pertifijCtilla^i reddidit in cadcm curia.
Habcnd' &
tcncnd' rcucrfioncm &
reddif tcnta predict* cum pcrtin' ci-
dcmR.S.6c hcrcd'fuis iroppctuum.T^ncnd'dc Capital' dnisfcodi &c,

'^fine ojrent iffmng ont of6, me^nageSyAnd 6. gardens with rfAT^

rantie affainFi allmen.

S<^.x4i PRccipcW.A.ct A.vxori qdiufte&c. tc&R.B. con-

uenc'de vno annual' radd'dc 5.1i.excunt dc &
in fcx mcf-
{uagijs,6.gardinis cumpertihinL. Etnifi 6cc.
IjfEt eft Concordia talis, fez. qdpd'R. rccognouitroancfprcd'ctim
pertin* cflciusipfiusH.vt ilia quae idem H. habctdc dono prcd'R. Ec
Etillarcmifit&quictc clam dcfc ct hcrcd* fius impcrpctuum. Ec prcd*
R.conccfli pro fc & hcrcd* ipfius W.quod ipfi warrant rcddi: prcd'.cum
ptin prcf. R.B. cr hcrcd fuis impcrpctuum contra omncs homincs.Et ^
hac &c.
tyffinekjiovciedged hj K.L ,of a Manor &C. to H. G, with tvarrantU a-
eainfiallnten-JnconflderatioHivhereofthe conufet bj thefamefnc granteth
ofS M. inning out ofthe fame ma'
to the conufor and his heires^ one annnitie
nor^ to bepaidyearclj at the manfion hottfe of thefaid Centtfort at a certain
day and hof^re, iwpojing a faine efl2.s.to be forfeited in default ofpaj'
ment of the faid annnitie mth a claufe ofdi(lre(fe for thefaid annnitie and
Fines and Concords. 4.0^

PRecipe RX.quod iuftc &c. ten H.C. comienc 6cc dc ma-

O. &c Et nifi &c.
ncf &c. in
^Et eft concordutalis,fez. quod p<JR. recogn* mancrium &
tth^ Se^.14
turn pd cum percih clTc iu$ ipfius H. vc ilia qux idcra H. habet de do-
no pdift'R. EtilPrcmif/&q\jisf clamde fe& haeredibus fuis impcr- Warrantic.
petuum. Ec pretcrea R conccff. pro fe
. &
hcrcd fuis quod ipfc warrant
iriancf predift*cumpertinentijs prcfat H.& hcrcd* fuis contra omnes Thegrantof
homines iroperpctLxim. Et pro liac &c. prcd H.conccfllt prcd' R. quan- ^" Annume.
dim annuitatem fiue annualem reddit 8.li. Icgalis monete Angliae cxeufi
ctexctuf deecinmancfpredift'cumpcrtinen, &iireis rcddidincadc
curia : &
Habcnd' prccipicnd prcd* annuitatem fiue annual' reddi 8. li.
prcf.R. hxred'&aflignatfuisin 8. die Scptembris inter horamnouam Thcdayhoure
duodecim ante mend' ciufdem apud domum fuam manfionem in
dici p'^cc: of
cc ^"f^

villa dc R.in com S.foIuend.Et fi cotingat pred annuitatem fiue annual'

redd 8. li. arecro fore in parte vcl in toto p fpac* xx. dierum port pred*
S.dicScptinquovtprefeturfoluidebeacnonfoluc. Qd tunc pred' H,
& hered'fui forisfac* eidcm R. et hxred' fuis monete An^^lic
1 8.s. Ie2;alis

nommepenctotiesquotiespraed'annuitacnuc annualem reddifaut ali- /-1 r rj-.

quam indc partem aretro fore contigcric. Et bene Heebie prcfatR.& he- ftrcir/for the
red fuis inpredraanef cum peniii ecin quamlibet inde parcellam intra- annuitic and
r& diftringerCjtam pro prediO'annuali redd* 8.1i et pro qualibet indc ^hcpcnaltic

parcella quara ^p prcdift' i S.%. nomine penc eid" R. et hcred* fuis forif-
fec*toticsquoties fie aretro fore contigeritnon folut, diftriftioncfqj fie
ibidem capc&habicliceatabducere afportare, ec effugare, 6c penes fe
recinerequoufq; de pred annuicate fiue annuali reddit S.Ii.quam depd.
1 S.S. nomine pene qiiotics fie forisfac' fucrit idem R. &
hered' fuis^ fuc-
rimfatisfaft* et pcrfoluci

ji fine kporledged by c^. B Eff.of 2. mejfuages,(jrc, to S.H. in tailcgcrrc*

yaU to hold ofthe Conu/sr aad his heires by the x/. part of a knightfee , And
15. St 4. d.rentf with wArrantie againji allmen,

PRecipeA.A.ariHquodiu(!c&c. tenewii S. H. conacric* Scft.r43

deduobusmeffuagijs &c.cumpcrtininM.Etnifi&c. Ancftatc in
^ Et eft Concordia talis, fciiicet quod praed' A .B conccfllt tehta pred generall railA
eumpertineiiprcfatS.Schercd'dccorporc ipfiusS. legitime procreat.
Tenend^ dedho A. et hered' fuif per quadragcffimam partem vni'feod' ^ ^

milif ^per reddit i f.s.^.d. perannum ad feftum &c. annuatim folued.

Etprecereapredi^A. conccfll!prore& hered fuis quod ipfe warrant Warrantieof
cthta pred cum pertih prefatS. &
hered' dccorporefuo legitime pro- die

eat ficutpredift' eft contra 0 homines imperpctuu. Et pro hac &c.

Fines and Concordst

j4 Fittc kjtowUdged by A.B. artd N, his wife ofa manor, (^c. to S. P. reciting
thAt where the/aid Ccnufors hold the/aid manorfor the life ofthe [aid M.
thereuerfon thereof to the [aid Conufee andhij heires belonaing^ thefaid
Connfors grant to the Conufee all that their eftatein thefaid manor during
the life ofC^f. one oft he Conafors, with warrantie againft them dnring the

p rt. T)Rccipc A.B.6c M. vxori cius^uod iufk 6cc. tencanc S.P.

J[ conucnc'&c.dcraancfacc.tnifi&c.
15 c eft Concordia talis, fcilicct quod cum prxd' A 6c M.Fwbcant 5c

tenant pro terroih vitaeipfius M.mancf pd&c.cunapcrtincntijs rcucr-

iion indc prcd S.P. 5c herc4 fuis fpelan,ijdem A.ci M. conceff. ptcd
S.manefpdcumpcrtin, dctotumctquicquid in raancf pred* &c. ha-
tcnt S durante vita ipfius M. Et pred* A.ct M. warrant pred' S.roa-
cid' .

ncriumScc. cum pcrtih ficut pred eft contra pred'A.&M' durante tota
vita ipfius.M. Et pro hac&c.

A fine kpowledged by /. C andT. his mfe of 2. meffuages, I . barne '&c, t^

one H.P. mlh warrant ie : and the [aid H. P. in conjidcration of the faid

fine granteth andrendreth againe by thefame fine, thepremijfes to the Co*

nujorsfor one day, and afterward to LP. widow for her life, and after her
death thepremiffes wholly to rematne to H,P, and his hetresfor ener. .

T)RecipcI.C.etT vxori eius quod iufte&c. ten H.conucnc*
JL &c.dc i.mcfluagijf, vnohorreo,&c.Etnifi&c.
^ Et eft Concordia quod pd I. ctT.rccognoucf tenement
taljs, fez.

pred cumpertinefTc ius ipfius H.vt slla qux idcraH. habet dcdono
praed'I.ctT.ct ill* remifcfet quicte clamaucf dcfcSc hcredfuisprxfac

H.ct heredfuisimperpetuum.Et ptcrca pred I. &T. conccflfcruntpro
fe ci hercd* ipfius I. quod ipfi warrantizabunt tenement pred cum pcr-
tincntiis pref. H. & hered fuis contra omncs homines imperpctuum. Ec

The render /P ^^^ recognition &c.prf d H.conctflit tencmcnta pred' cum pcrtinen,
prcf.I.Jk T.& ilia eis reddid in cadcm curia : Habend'Sc tencnd' eifdc-m
I.&T.protcrminovniusdiei. Itaquod poft cundcmtcrrainum f^nif,
tcnemcnta prcdi<fl' cum pcrtinen intcgrc rcmancf I. P. vid pro tcrmino
vitciufdcm I.Etpoft mortem prediA'I.meftuag'& horreoj^ praed'^c.
intcgrc remanef H. P. <Sc hered* fuis imperpctuum. Tenend';d-c Capita-
libus dorainisf^codi illius 5cc.Ec quinq; a(f tcrrae & vnam acf prati cuni
pertinehrefid' tenement prcdimcgrcicmantf A. P.&hcrcd fuis im-
perpctuum. Tencnd &c.

FmbandCoticords^ ^ ^i
cct^cogfiit coram lacoboDicr Cipicali Iiiftk* dccom-
inuni banco,Anno rcgni Rcg.tiiinc iccundo.

N$tes to be dhferned in Fines'.

1 ^ttk que afcnn fotts pluro;0 c|[)or$0 paiTa en le Precipe qtiene
fontnefmeenleconcfiju. -' ^^
2 ^otaquetjnclaufeiiclteeitfrierte-poiteffceenljnfine* ;?:?
3 iiota4|us S l)ome puriijafe Diners parcels lie terte oe ctuers ^eiE?
ilpucroit patter toutg le^ pscftl0 en tin commenfine, me0coutentquc
tlauerreuera(lsart:antte0D^cl}erctmo4; ie0 partiespoui; loucrsueraU
parcels* ^^'t ^^i^v.}: : ^u}
j-. j^: .,:,:'> "t" ^ ui m .
; T
js zhji q*.o> .1 .- ,

4 ijlota que Catlyn cliiefe 3f tKce Bel Ijaiifeele tc^^it quefttittj nof
me De bots^baut bot0 1 ^ubbot0 paflfera en tin fine*
5 il^ota que per Dyer tin Henoer ne poet elire fatt me0 tantum a
InH^ueeHnofmeenle ftne: xms tin rematnoer poet eltre Itmittei}^
tin per finejcoment que U oe foit nofme jen le Praecipe.

j^ Fwtf kowte<ige^yj the hushahdaniyv^e tittU ttva ofxxx. meptdg^s, tf

landst pafiftre, rvoody linge, heathy and rent in diners places : the Conufees
render fhefame againe to the/aid Coftsifors for terme of their two lines .^

with diuers remainders oner after their deaths in generall tatle to the
children ofthefaid Conufors. yindfor default of ifue of the aid Conufors f
to the right heires ofthe mfe ofthe Conuforfor euer,

HEc eft finalis Concordia fafta in curia doBijni regis apudWcflnion SeCl.14^.
in craftino Afccnfionis dni, Anno rcgni Hcnrici o^aui Dei gra-

tia Angli^^c Franci^rcgi$,iidci;dcfen(bris,ctdni Hibcriia conqucftu

|ecimo|\pno coram R.B. A.F.T.3c W.S. luftic*. Ec poftea in oftabis
S.Trimwt Anno rcgni ciufdem ibidem con-i c-nxqs.
re^is Hetiric' fupradidli
cell<f& recordai coram cifdcHi Iultic*& alijsdomin'rcgisfidclib'tunc'
ibi pr^fentibus. Inccr W.H.&I.R.qocf &I.C.&T.vxof eiusdeforc*
de triginta fncfTuagi j5 ducencis acris cerrx, crcfccntis acris paflurx, de-
cctiiacrisbofci,duccntisacris lansp^hprum & briiere, & triginf foJidaC.
redditus cum ptincncijs in P.F.&c. vnde placitum c oucncionis rurti fuic .^iitnifiW

iilf cadcm cnria/cilicetjq) pdi^ I.C.& T.rcccgn pdf tcnf cump-

cos in i

tincntijseffeiusipfinsLR. vcilla qu^ ijdca)I.& W^habcnt dc dono

prsdiitofl. C.6c r. EtillaremKcrunt&quictccIamaucruntdciprisI.
C.&T. & hscrcd ipfius T. praediais W. & I.R..impcrpetiJUHi. Et pre-
tcrc4 ijdcml. C. &
X, conccflcrunt pro fc &
hcrcd" ipilus T. quod
jpfi warrant prxdiaisW.&IR.Sc hercd jpfius I. R. pr^dichentmenc ^^^"""*
cum perrincnt contra omneshODaifles imperpetuum. Ec pro hac re-
cogn, rcmiflionc, quiecadarti, warrant, fine &
concordia ijdcm W.5c The Render'
F LR.con-

Fines aad C oncords,

I.ll.cortecircrunt ptxdi^h 1. Q, &
T. prxdi^ta tcncipcnta cum pcrti-
ncntijs Et illacir^ddiderunt in eadcm curia Habcp^et tcncndcifdcm

iliius per (MJiia quae ad pr^di-

I C.&T.dccapitalibusdominisfcod
^a tenement pertinent tota vita ipfof I C. ci T. ?t altcrius eorum diuti-

us viucmi$. Et poft deccffiim ipforum I.C.ctT. pr^d'tcncmcni cum p.

tin intcgrc rcmjnI.C.filio pdiftof I.C.ctT.et hcrcd dc corporc.fuo Ic-
<yitiracprwctcat,tcnnd dc capitalibus^dominis fcod' iliius per fcruicia

^ ad pd't^ncment pertinent imperpctuum. Et fi contingat <$ idem I.C.

filius obierit fine hcrcd' de corpore fuo legitime procrcat tunc port dc-
pd'I.C.patrisctT.cthcred'dccorporc fuo legitime procreate tcncntf
dc capitalibiw domims^eotl' iliius per fcruitia qux ad pd ttiit pertinent
imperpctuum. Et fi contingat idem Robirc fine hered* de corpore fuo
]c<yittmeprocrcattuncpoft decclTuraipfiusR. pr^d* tcncmca cumper-
tih integrc rcmancre h?cred de corporibus pd* I.C.patris et T. legitime
procrcaf. Ttnend' dc capitalibu$ dominis food iliius per fcruitia quae
adpracdil*tchf pertinent imperpctuum. Et fi nullus hxres dc corpori-
bus prxdidorum I. G.patrisctT.fticrit legitime procrcat tunc pr2cdt<;t
tenement cum pcrtincn intcgrc reman reftis hxrcdibus pd* T. Tcncndf
decapicalibusdominisfeod'illius per fcruitia quae ad praedic! tenement
pertinent imperpctuum.^

^ t^MftnSis of Concords,

^tCt 14.7 "T^c Adiunlsofaconcf)?u,bealfoof ttDoTojtg : InternaU.anDExj.

1 tcrnall. Intcrnall be fuc^as be contcineu toitijm t^e' tject? Con*
CO JO it felfe. ^f U)!)tcl) fo;t bet^e claufeof teferuation cf feruice, uwt^

lCercruatin. 0;^ otljer tl|ing,tl)e claufe of nomine poenac,t!)c claufeof Dillte)8,anu ttje
Noraincpanj claufeof toattauties : BUtiil^icIjclaufefi of teferuation, nomine poense;
piftrcfie. tjittceire,anD luacrantie, ate to be matie m
fHcl) tuo^oeg , ano in'fucff

fo?me;,a( tbe libc are maoe in BInllrnmentc; en^traitiDtciall : fo;^ t(Dl)tc^

feelleafes ano (S^aunts of cents c^atge in tl)e ficft pact of &^ntbo>

Ieogcapi)T?,31ftt)cfoUoUjin0 example oee not fuflfiicteiUlp fatirge^out;
Warramic. oeficebeccin V

^no Warranties befometimes generaH, ti^at is to (w^^ againft all

men ^ome againft all> ercept cectaine pecfons fome againll certain
: :

perfons onli^ feme againft euetieCognijojjanD \)is Ijeires feuerall^


ano fome againft one of t^e Cognt^a^s^ano %\^ )^ziitsi onl^ : fome of all
tt)e lanos m
fine :Ibnie of dU>eccept pact x ano fome of pact oni!l?, cec^
tainl^ ecpjeffeo.
SLbeExtcrnall^oiunctf of Conco;os be tlje licence of alienation >
. ^ ^,,v J!^t Dcdimus potcftaccm > t^e ecamination of t^z parties > anO t^t

Fines and Concords.' ^i

O0nifance2E!)e licence flfalienation te apeluer o? aat|(Jjitte gtuertb^ Licence:
partie^^tj^atlanwmagibe alienatetiiuit|^outth-
^isl^aieflrtc to t\)e
.. r'.v .' i'
camng tlje Danger of contempt. - ' -'

^noeuerr fuel) licence 10 eitljertoa!t0nlartts|loH)ennTeapit^,D^to

alien lanos into Mortmainc.
SDlje licence of alienation onantjsljoltien in Capitc, mat? te^ftjcitn
t|^efine,anObe0CDl), ?2. H.S.Br. Alicnati0n$4. 50.
^0; tlje obtaining of iDl)icl) licence, tfjeClccbc of tl)e licences Dotfj
t)fetoD;atDa Dodketinpapecconteiningt^eeflfectof t^ fine,feolfe^ Docket
ment, q^ ot^tt oaoes, tuljerebr tlie alienation is to bemaoe.
0nDt})ccenpon Affidauit o^compofitionmuftlje mace foe t^tj^luc Affidauit

of t!)e lanos, tu!)icfj ace to paCfc tljerebi?, tufiic!) is to befigneo b^ tlje

^orto? of (be Cljancecie tljat ^at^ potucr to tafee oatlj: %^tn tlje feings
fine is to be pareo to t\\t Kecetuo; of Snes lul)o lt)iU Qgne tbe ooc&^t
ino aftectuaios tlje fame is to be figneo br ttoo of tlje CommtlTioners
oft^e office of fines ant licences :anDt)pon tliatoocfeet,t^e Cleifee of

ftje licences is to mafeetlje licence, ano get it fealeD ^itf^ tj)e great

fieale : li)l)icl) licence is to be maoe in fo?me folloluing*

j4 licence of AUemtiojiof Unds holden m Cafite.

' . \ .^.

TAcobusDcigratia&c. Omnibus, ad quos prefentes. litcrx pctucnc- Sc^. f^g

riDt/aluccm. Sciacisquod nosde gratia noftrarpeciali^ac pro tribus
libris nobis foluc in Hanapcrio noOro, conceffimus , ac licentiam dedi-
inuStac per prcfcnces concedimvis, ac licenciatn damus pro nobis 8c hx-
redibus nf 1$ quantum rn nobis cft,dilct6nfo I. F. quod ipfe totam roc-
dictatroanerij dc C. cum pcrtinentijs, ac quadraginca tncfTuag*, vigint*
.cotag*,quadragijif gardin,quinquaginc acras tcrr^,quadragih! acf' pra-
ti,trcfcentacfpaftur',3o.acfbo(ci,trcrcnf acfraorCj&viginti libfrcd-
dit,cum percincntijs in W.& al ibi in Comitacu noliro N. eidem medic:
ptinent fiuc {plant,parceli* inde repuiat' aut accept' cxiftch, q dc no-
bis tencntur in Capitc,darc poffit et concedcrc,alicnarc,vcndere,barga-
nifarCjfeofFarCjWatrantizarc, autcognofcercperfincm in Curia i^fa c6-
m lufticiarijs noftris dc Communi banco, aut aliter, feu aliquo qu6-
cunquemododilefto nobis E.R. Habend'ct tencnd'cidcm E hcrcdi-
bus&a(fignatisfui$;de nobis Schercdibus noftris, pfcruic' inde debi-
ta & de iurc confucta imperpetuutn
Et eidem E.q) ipfe di^am mcdic-

tat'iuancri) prcdifti,accaetcrronm ptniflorum cum ptmcntijs a pr^fato

I.recipercpoflic&tencrefibijhered'&aflignatis (uis,denobis& herc-
norc prscfentium (imiiiter licentiam dcdimus,ac damus fpecialem : No-
Icntcs quod prxdift* I. aut hcredes fui,vel pdid' E. hcred* vcl a%n8ti
F 2 fui

Fines and Concords.

1i fi\ ratidlic pmifforuro, ^ nos hxrcdcs y?l fuccflbrS noftrosjofti-
/'oiicnVil/. ciar',Efchatof,Vicecoih,Balliuos, autalios officiarios feu miniftros no-
ftros,hcrcduin vel fuccelTof noftrorum quofcunquc indc occ^fioncntur,
molchenmr,pcrturbcntur,vcxcntur,in aliquo, feu grauemur, aut eorura
aliqui5occalionctur,moleftctur,pcrturbetur, vexctur in aliquo,fcu gra-
uetur. In cuius rciteftimoniumhas iiccrasnoftras fieri fecimus paccntes.
Teftc mc ipfo apud Wcftraonaftcf vltifii die &c.

^ licence to alien in Mortmake,

IA^obus Del gratia &c, Omnibus &c. Sciatis quod nos dc gratia no-
flra fpeciali,ac /p 40. foli<l' nobis folut in hanapcrio Eo(tro, conceffi-
mus, ac licentiam dedimus, ac licentiam damus, jp nobis hercd' no- ^
{lri$,quantum in nobis cR,R. S <$ ipfe aduocationcra
. dc L. Abbati 8e
Conuemui de Lin Comitatu E.darcpoffic ctconcedcre : Tenendum fi-

I?i ctfuccclToribnsfuisdedift* domino Rcgeet hercdibus fuis.in libc-

^Taro,purara,ct psrpctuani Elccmoi) nam iroppetuutii. Ac eifdem Abba-

ti ct'Conueiictii,^ ipli AduoG3cio5icm illams; pfato R.S.i'ccipcrfjCtEc-
clefiamillaniappropriarcctcamficappropriatara inproprios vfus te-
nercpofliutfibietfucccfforibus,deipfoRegc& hcifdibus fuis,inljbe-
ram, putam & perpctuam Elecioolj^nara impctptuuna : Nolenccs &c

^uodferTHttUiit finemleuari.

A #^^f^^^ ^^^^ ^"^^ licence is tjaD,t!)e tjfe tuaiei
/\in t3fc)to ]^aHeaVu?it5ni8tiomngtf)e licence anutficeffed: of tlje
(iul;icl) in not note

to t|)e BluHices of t^e common place,commanDing t^em,

ca. 1 5.3 3 .H.d.fol. 2.2n^efi3;^meof toJjifl) fuccfCDetlj

^ Rcx,Iuniciari)s fui.s de BancOj falutem : Cum p literas noftras pa-

tentes,de gratia noftra fpeciali^conccnerim^J.S. q) ipfcdcmanerijsruis
dc F.Sf W.cum pertifi.qiiae de nobis tenemur in Capite, fcofFarc pofllc
K.&c. (rccitando totam cartam) jput in litci is noftris pd' plenius conti-
tinetur,acbreuenoflrum deconuencionependroc coram vobis in banco
ciTnd' legem ct confuctudincm rcgni nfi A ngliae Icuand', vc acccpimus
Vobis mandamus^quDdfinem ilium inter partes pd'demancrijspdictj
coram vobis in eodem banco leuari pmituti^ iuxca tcnorera iiterarum
ijoftrarum ^diftarum. TcOe&c. !

313ut befo<!e 20. H. 3 tenant in Capii/ migl^ ^aue alixi^

. tl;eJlii4tcp5

neo f)i0 free lanO0 loit^out licence 14. H.4,3 . 2^. Afi. Plac. 1 7. as it

Fines and ConcordsJ

tat befo^i|)Cgcattntwjjofan^ fuel licence, either e alien ljmo,
B tioloen in t^tcfe,o;,to alien lanD5 in ^o;tmatne,o^ cdeafe rigfit in
(^o;tmaine^;ejrcf)angc,t^e ancient t^fe Ipas tol^aueatp^itof Adqd
Sc^af t'.

damnum^onteiningt^erubdaiKeoftlieUingg licence on t of tl^eC^an^

t^eCEfcf^eato; in tljecountietDj^erein tfie lano^ Ue,to
certe,t)it:ectcD to

be alieneMo enquire anD ctttifit into t^t C^iancene tu^at Damage o;

p.!eiuoice t^e alienation tt^eceof U)ill bz to tt^e l^tng, o; tt)e ot^et; cll^iefe
llo^ti,ofU)l)omtt)et7ateI)oloen:3nD of to^at tenure ttjaluetlpelanOiS
bc.0nDl;9^et^ectl)ere t:emntneru0tctentfi:celcnobeQDeB tbofetotl^d
alienoijto fuHaine publike cf)argc0,anD to be in MifCiSano ucie0 ic*
Sim ti^is is as Ipell toljecc tijc alienation is maoe b^j t^je !aing,o^ b?
a Co^p o;ation,o; a feme coucct,as b^ an^ otljei:
S^tie lifee inquicie b^ fe^it of Ad quod damnum, l^at^ bane bfeu be<
f o^e ti^e !^ing matje anv gtaunt o; pacDon /o; alienation, leare,Mleafe,
con&t;mation,o; iicence^ano after t^e BInquilition retucneo anu cectifi^
ft)into tt)eC^3ncecie>to ef&ct t^t fante acco^ngl^, F. R bre. fol. i n.
HDut noto experience is to tbe contracie, in lieto tp^eceof t^e tsfe at
t|^i0oa^ is,to put in tl)e flings patents t^efe too^os : Abfque aliquo
brcui dc Ad quod datnnum,fcu aliquibus alijs brcuibus/cu niandatis lii*
perindc habendis,fiendis,aut profcqucndis
^no one tp;it of Ad quod damnum-lvitl fecue fo;^ Diuec0 pnrcfiare,
0no a licmtt to alien in o;tmainc of one l&ingytnil fecue in t^e ttmc
of another*
^ut notfo of lands lolOenin c|tefe^ii.E.3.FitxNar.bre.inbrcui de
Ad quod damnum*
3 pucporelt omit ^eee t^e fo;me of fac{) tojiU dc Ad quod damnum,
hsamk t^^e^ be fo gcoione outcif t9fe
of4farionjir Alienation, ^
perchance an^ alienation of land ^oloen in Capice, be maoe
B^t if

toit!)out licence,a pacDon mull be fueOjtbe fineof lu!)ic^ is t^e tja*

lue of lanos b^ one reate,ani) t^e meane profits bctuieene t^ ^nqui*
fltion ano t^e pacoon,3 i.H.8.Br.Alienation 29.tjttleffett)eCommi(rt^
^ pj^^^. ^^ ^^'
onecs toill moje fauourabl^ compouno fo j tbe fame, as in fome cafes don.
tjpon ccafonable caufel^tueOjtber tjfe to oo,tD^iclj pacoen being pur^
c^afeOjtbc puixbafoj i$ to ^olD |)is lano ttill, 1 4. H.6. 2 6. ;o.A{r.p.?
lanos ^oloen in Capite, is^tj^et^icD Fine of a Im-
ai5ut t^e fine of a licence to alien
part of tl)eijcatcl^t)aluet|)eEeof,s6.H.8.Br.Alicnation 29, "CC.
But if alienation of lanos into ^o^tmain be maoe tuitl^out licence, Monmaiai

Fines and Concords;

tljetogma^ feife t^tmasMtdtt^ Ojefc^eitfcU, Magna charta cap.

3 6. Weftm 2 .cap. ? 1 .^nD fo^ a Ucenc? tljeceof to fac gcaunteo,t[)0 fine

t^eceuponto be paiOjistljctjalu^Pftji^iam bE t^^ce ^&ms,^z6.H.8.
BnAlicnationip. -^^t..,;-' ;i^ r >:

Vcriancc. )15ut tiadancc bctloeenc tljc JtcmceanD tF)e fine is notwatcciall^if it

feeaUoncalienationjS 2-H.8.Br.Alrcnation ^o.
Reieafc. ^nD it (czmctl) t^at a fine Tur rclcas oj ot^ec celeaa, is none altenati*
Recoucrics. 5^ut finc0 ate pat?able, ano licences to be fneo tjpon (oon Heco*
uenes,39.H.(>.3 i.H.8.ca:T.4.E.3.
Will. 2>euifebslDiUi0anaUenatwn,3.Ma.i.Br.Alicnatioii37.

of the BedimusPote^Atem to tithe cognizance of A fittf.

ScCl.i53 . \ Dcdimuspotcftatem to tafeefenotoletjgeof afine,ts,a{afo;efaiD,

xx a Commi^tonall
U)^tt to one>o; moe,gtuing
Dicectett potuec tijein

totafeeanocectifieto tl)e 31ufttce0 of t^e common pace, ttjecogni^

^anceoftl)eCogm5ix(,tjDt)ent^e^ cannot conuenientl^ tmuelUoooe
it tnCoutt,ano it ougtjt to recite t^e ftibfianceof t^e I^^cit of Coue^
nant, ^nij beace Tcfte o; tiatc after it,Fitz.nar.fol. 1 46. g. 2D^e fb;mB
ofti)elu;it0fCouenanc,anDDcdimuspoteftatcni,Mt) t^e cetucttes
tljcceofenfue: iss'.r^i/.-iv - .Mi-"

lacobps dci gratia, Angli^.Scouac.Frahciac.ct Hibcrii Rex, fidei dc-

The Writ of
fenfof&c. Viceco Ebof Salutcm : Praecipe T.B. armig*, A.vxori
cius quod iufte ec (inedilationc teneant V.P.gencf, conuencioiicni in-
ccreosfatlam dctnaneriodcT.curoptinemits : Acde duobus nied^a*
gijs^cotagijs^quinque toftls, vno colurobaf, quinque gardints^ quinque
pomarijSjCemuna ec decern acris cerf.quinquaginta acris prati,quinqua-
|;inca acris paHurx decern acris bofci, cenf acris iampnoruro brueraf, &
quadragintarolidacreddif,& comrounia paOuf pro oninimodisanimali-
buSj^puR) pcrnncnt in W.et B. Et nifi feccrinr, et praedilus W. feccrit te
feciiruiBde damorc fuo profcquend, tunc fumm per bonos fummonif
prae.diftis T. cc A
q^ fim coram lufticiarijs noflris ^pud Wcftmonaftfc-
rium in O^ab.SanOi Michadis, pOenCuri quare non fecerinc, dcihabeas -

ibifumih^ hocbrcucT.&c.xiij. dicN. anno r'egni nfi &f.

Kftc 0nD i^t fine tijereof is entreo tmoec t|)e lD;tt,tt)Ud
Pro viginC ToIh^ foluc firmaf fin dfit Regis virtuce warranE regi;
%^ta muli i^t^iX of Conenant be inoo^ceo tijus
In^sfmenc; Per E S. pro fine infrafcf, cp affid quod

tcncfijcinfrafcf non exec' vjd' libfx. p

4i^i,ta\. ii-K
Fines and Concordst
Kichardiis Feci.

Sl^e Dediaius peteftaccm tt)eteor

lacobus Dei gratia. AQgliXjScotiz^Fianpix.&Hibcrnix Rex,fidet

4cfenfor&c. CHariiTinio coEiranguia' ooAro Gilberco Cotnici Salop*,
acpx^dilefto acfidcli noHro I.D.aiiliti dotuino D. Nccoon dilcA'6c
fidchbus fuis G.S.iniIiti,& G.C.Ttiiliti, Ac dilclo nobis VV. Weft, ar-
Diig'iSaluceai : Cum breue noftf de coauencione pendcac coratD luQic*
uf if dc banco.intcr W.P. geii,& T.B. armigei'.5c Annam vxorem ejus,
^e mahrio deT.cuni|iun Acdcduobui mc(ruag',tribusotag',quin^

pomaf^centu etdec6 acf r^,

^oflfjVno celuQibaf,quinq', gardih^quioq^
quinquaginca acfpraxi,quinquagincaacrispaftuf,dece acf bofcijCentu
acf iampnorom &
bruer^, quadraginc folidaf rcddic^cc coininunia pa-
(hif ^ Com Ebof,ad fi
oajnimodis animalibus cum pcin in W.6c B. in
nem coram luftic'noHris pdi^l' in banco ^d'^ ^uoduoi
indfe inter cos
legem ^confuetp din rcgninoAriAngl'kuand': Ac prsfaci T,6cA
adco impotences fui exiHnnt,^ abfq^ m^imo corporii fuprum pericu-
lo vfq*, Weftifi ad diem in di6to breui concentum, ad cogniciones, qux
in hac parte requiruncurjaciecd, iaborare non fufiicium vc accepimus.
Nosdatuieorundem T.^ A.compaticnces in hac parte^dedimus robis,
quatuor^cribus vel duobus vcftrum, potedatem recipiend' cognitioncs,
quas idem T.Sc A.coram vobi$,quatuor, tribus, vel duobus vcflrum fa-
cere voluerint de pr^millis. t idco vobis, quacuor, tribus, vel duobus
ve(lrum> mandamus quod ad pr^tat, T. 5c A. perfoRaliter acccdentes,
cogniciones fuas prxdi^as recipiacis y &
cum cas reciperitis,prefac lu-
ftic' noftroiindc fub figillis vcftriSjquatuor,trium, vel duprum veftrum,
diftin^e & apcrtc rcddatis certiores, vt inter partes prs-
tunc finis ille

di^as de prcmifTis c ram luHic* noflris predi^is in banco predi^o le-

vari poflit/ccundum legem & confuetudinem fupradift', mittentcs eif-
dem luftic' bocbreue,teQe^eiproapud WcftiiB i4.dicN. Annore^ni

2Di)eraiO Dedimus poteHatem muftht tnOO^cel ti)Uje( ^crdcminu

cuftoinjagnifigilli Anger ad inftaoc'petcn. / .: '

.' i* F 4 The
j ,

Fines and Concord^.

The Lord Keepers namei Tkc lufticeoftbe Cireuin
r -.-
lo.Puckcring Chancrj

)Cccutio idius breuis patcc in qua^ fchedula eid' annexa.'

%^Z Precipe anil Concord IdI)!) mult be fIleO tO t^$ Dcdimus po.

BrecdnucBi^ Ehr.Jf. I^RccipcT.de P. arbiigcfi& A. vxori cius , quod*iufte&c.

Jl ceneanc W.P. gefi,conuencioncro &c.dc niahrio de T. cum
peih : Ac de duomis mciTuag', cribits coug', quinque toff, vno
columbaf,quinqi gardin,quinq} poniaf,centu ctdecl acf tr^,
quinquagincaacfprati^quinquagincaacris paftuf, decern acf
boTcitCentum acf raropnorum & bruer^ , quadraginta folidaf
rcddif^cccotnmunia paduf ^omninodisanimalib'cuaij^Qh'
inW^&B. Ecnifi&c.

^ Et eft'concordia tali$,fcilicet,qtiod pridift* T. & A. recognoMcf

prxdift' manerium, colimibare, tencmenca, reddituin,&corDii)uniain
pafturx cum pcrtincnti j cdc ius ipfius W. vc ilia qu^ idem \V. habct
de dono pd T.& A. Et ilia rcmifcrontSc quicte clamaucrum de ipfisT
& A.& hcred* ipfius T.pd' W. 3c hercdibui fuis iinpcrpetuum.Ec pr^-

tcreaijdtmT.&A.concerTefunt pro feSchercd' ipfius T. quod ipfi

warrant ^d' W.dc heredib' fuis pdiA* manerium^columbarVenenienc,

reddiC& commuaiampanurx cum per(inemi;Sj contra fe& hcred* 8c
aflign ipfiusT.ac contra hercd'&afTign I. B>armig*,ac contra omnes
homines clamantfeu habent aliquod iuSjCitulum^Clatum.vfum.interede,
autdemandjdeauc,in eirdcraanef,coIumbaf,tencmen!)rcddif, dc com-
munia paftur' cum pciH',autdc,auc in, aliquainde parcel' p.de^vcl. Tub
cifdero T.8c I.hercd' vel aflij^h fuis^vel hcred' feu afTigh corum altcrius:
Etprohac&c. dn;.":M .

Cap? &cogni?apudK. inComEbof , dedmo nono die lanuariji

Anno reg.Iacob. 8iCk fecundo coram

SD!)e names of tfje pattied /^'q'

I>e4mH4 f<flteJiatemfi^erirccd* eenfittud'

(^ferMhijt fro fitu imii
Rex 6cc. ditelo Sc fideli fuo H.H. vni lunic* AioruiD deBano,Sa-
lutem : Cum brcue noOfum dc conCuecudinibus Sc feruicijs , pcndeat
cofMi vobis , & rocijs veftris luOic' noflrisde banco>lif)tcrW.B^ar*
niigeruai^6c A. amiigerum dc conUictudinibv Si feruicijs,^. idem S.
i cidcrn^
Fines and Concords. 4.5
eidetn W.faccrc debcr,de libcro cenctncnco fuo, quod dc co tenet in N,
vein horoagii$,fidclitatc,rclcuij$,& alijs,in Comiiatu S. Nofqjadpeti-
cionemprediA' W.8c.liccntiaranoftram cis dedcrimus indeconcor*
dand',acprcfac W.&E.adeoimpocentesruicxiQant}^abrqucniaxin)o
corporum fuorum pcriculojvfqj Wcflmonader', ad dicm in di^o brcui
Dolirocontentura.ad cognitioncs.quj in hac parte rcquirun!, facicndas
laborarc non fu{ficicnt,vc acccpin)us,nos ftatHi corundcra W.&
E. com-
patientes in hac parte,dediaius vobis potedatcm recipiendi cognitiones
qua i jdcm W.5c E.coram vobis facere voluerint de pmiOls: Ec ideo vo-
bis H}andamus,quod ad pr^f .VV.6c E.perfonaiiter accedentcs,cognicio-
ncs fuas pracd' recipiatis : c cum eas recepcritis, prxfatos focios vcOros
inde didin^te & aperce reddatis certiorei,n tunc finis ille in! partes
de premifHs, coram vobis &roci)sveftrispredilis in banco przd', (e-
cundum legem &:conruetudinemreg.noflriAngl'leuaripoiIic. c ha-
beai ibi tunc hoc breiie T.&c

Of the Kings Hlner.

pato tnto \)ia ^mftit f^; bis Sc^. 1 54^
T^t Uin^s filuec it^t fine tof^td)
i)tgf)ttt(l^ licence of Conco^n^to^tcf) tiponlij^ttgof Couenant:,tg
tmti aftac tl)e rate fdUoUun^: Q^t i to fa^ fo; Im^s ef ti^e learelB
Li. s. d. ^

Fines and Concords.
0t it is commonly entceo b?t|)e<i:ietkeoft|^ellmg0(ilucc, tti

Kings filucf Ebor.f I.W.datRcg.X-S.prolicencia concordandi cumE. W.armigcr
&I.vxofcius, dc placito conucntionij,dc vno iriefTuag', decern
acf tcrf , decern acf prati,& decern acf pafturae, cum pjih in D.
tttitiX{%X^Z fubftance of ttje WlXXU Ec ha*bcnc Cirographwra
per paccm admif. coram R.VV.vno lufticiaf dhi Reg.dc banco,
luftlciar in pacria.

ObferuatioHsnsceffdryat the k^norvledgeof Ftnes

Scl.i55 Wl^eit afine w to bebnotoleogcOjit is mat,t|)at Wm tliepaci

ThctytUng come before t^c 3uDge5 o? CDniniiirtonecs,!!)^ titling of
ofchcnotc. of CDoucitant anD ConcojDjbc faice Ujntten,acco?Otng to t^e
f l^e ttj.nt
parties mini30,antj uulr eramineDjano alfo figne0,8j fubfcabco bg aU
Knowledge of 3|tii alfo tcquifite tfjateitl^et; of t^eCogni^o^s be fenotoncit to tl)e
the Cognilos. 3Sutf tc0j5 0^ CommiflTionccSjtljat mull take tbc Cognifancc tt)ctof, o^
tl^atfome ottjci; cceDtblepci:fon,linotDcn to tiim loljwl} takctj^ t^ecog*
nifance,lDbo fenoUietlj tlje pat;tie,be pjefent : ^na DO0 XxMtmAXi ^*
fo^me tl^e J uogMf^at tljc^ be t^e felfe fame partie^^againQ to^pm t^e
iu^t 10 b;50ugl)t: fo; fome tuil couenoufl p UnotulcDge fine0 in t^e name
of otl)er;0 tl)atbeolvner:0 oftljelano,H-H.6/oi.i 9.
Examination j^no a Feme coucrt be Cogniro^,ii^c mntt bee perftuatieD to |?alD
of Wiues. l^ec confent ano be fullp agieeo toitb, before l^e beejcamineOjfo; in all
cafes , toliece a tcmc coucrt iu to Depart Ss^iV^ ant? t^ing bp fine, fl^ee
muftbeeeyamineu br tlje 3^viStitt$ 0^ Commiffionerjes 6|^attafeet^e
cognifance, ant ronfeflcttjat (^0? ootl) make cognifanceft:Kl^,anD not
tlj^ougl) fearc oj compulfion of anp,befG^c tJje cognifance toiU bee ac^f
xepteo* X5ut lu^cre tl)e l^e 10 to take beneftt b^ a fine, 9^z l^all neuei;
beeramtnelJ,42.Ed.3.7. 3.H.6.42.45.Ed.3.i5. 8.H.6.2.4.Ed.3.52*
Stacutdcfinibus i8.Ed.2. '.. -^

Value. Mg tl)e ^xieli? talue of lanDs O^oulo bee fet oolunc tnlier tbeCon^
co;iD,anu fome Ijoneft perHcn \xy})it^ fewoU tt% tfje lanJ),b;otigl)t tljitl^ec
Oath. to mafee oatl) fo; tlje tjalue tljere&f : if oj toit^out fuel) oat|),oa compo;
cannot palTe
iitiontl)e finr

CoBipoucion. 0nb iuitl) tljeCommiirionecs Ipil not teattir be maoc

ijjitljout oatl),o^ fome late finc,ltcnce,oj otl;ei: matter of teco;i05to in^
fo^metl)eCommiiri0Jxec0 of tl)ctjaluetl)ercof. ajjic!) being oone,tl)c
tD^it of couenant is againc tl;erc to be entrcD^t tljc fine t'^cceof(if it be
fineable)mufttl)ei;ebepatDtDtl)ececciuec,ani)tf)cU);it mnftfcc fig*
neo b^ t|e faio CommiiTioners^ 1 t[)at tone? tl)c fato ^xiiit tmHc bcfca*

Fines and Concords. 46

teD,tt& tttamtn \Dit^ ttjeCoticoad and Dedimus potcnacem, if f c og^
mfancetuas tafeen b? Dcdimuj poidbtcm.anD tt}m tlje faio to;it0c
mull be taken out ant) figrieDbt?tf)e Cuftos brcuiura, anfi tljenretfjeg
mult be carted to ti^e Clec^e of t!)e MtXQs (tluet:,tjpl)o mtifl ta^e a not0
tf)ci:c0f fo;j t^e enter of tbe ^filuet;,anD fijjne tt)8 fame again,ano tfjen

mull tfj^r be Deliuereo to t^e Cf)irograpl)cc of fine5,to be ingroffeu ano

{i^odaimeo* H^e examples tDtiereofappeace in tt^etc aptplaces.

HoirV^andwhen cognifauces offines mnfl be certtfiedtand what

may hinder thefame,

tfje^, iDlnc!)' Iiaue tabcn cognifanc e of a fine, ^ill not cecf ifie tfje gg^^ ,
Ii? ^^^
fame in conuenieitt time,a Ccrciof is to beatoaiDCD ^nto tl)em,com^ Certificate.'
p;{el)enDing tf)e matter of ti)e Dedim' potc(t?c, ano commanDing tl^em
tocectifiefc.tDl)ictiiftf)er0OHOt, tberelietlj againU tl)e Commidio^
ners an Ali,Pluries,anD Attachment &c. Fitz: nat bf i47b.
ai5ut tl)ep ace not bouno to certifie fuc|) recognifances , but iPitljiK -^-^^^
tl)e reace after fuel) caption tljeteof, but if tt)er Doe, it is goD enouglj,
a3,Eii:ca:3,0nDtuitljeueciefuctj ccctificat t^ei? muft certifie t^eoag
anoi!eareU)I)erein tfjefametDasimotDleDgeD, 2D^U6, cap{ apud R* in
com Ebof 20 die O^ob. Anno rcg* lac' Regis &c.
Clfe no ClerUe o; officer ma^ rccciue t!)e fame, but ll^all forfeit fo^ Forfaicure
suerie trjjit otbertoifcreceiueotj.li*! ?.Eiiz.cap.3.B!f an^ of tfje parties
to a fine Die after recognifance ti)ere0f, i bcfo^eit be certifieD, ii cug{)t
nottobeC0rtilreD5i.H.7.9.3 3.H.6.fo.5'2.Dyerfo.i46.pl.68.7.E!.
)15at if fucj) cognifance of a fine be certifieo, anD tfje iiingB filuer en^
j^ ' ^^^

(rectfje fine is g(DD,anD ma? afterlwarDs be engrofieD, tljougf? ii be in '

Hxc eft finalis concord fifta Scc.in craft' Piif bcat^ Mari^, etpoftca
conccfr.etrecordatioquirdPafch^jDycr fo.220.pl. 1 5.cir.z/4.pl. 1 04 luftlceorcom*
31ftl)e3lulhceo?Commi(rioner,t^at Ijatl^tafeen t|)eknDU)leDgeof miffiondicth,

a fine,Dte before it be certified, t|)0trerecuto^s o? aDmint&rato;isma?

certifie tbe note of tl^e fine, to t\)t JuHicea of tf)e Common place b^
tojit of Ccrtiofout of ti)e Ct)auccc;e to t^zm Dir^aeD,8. H.4.5. i .H.7.5)
Fitz.nacbr.tol. 1 47 .b;il)e fo;me of tD^iclj Certiorari 10 fuc|>*

Rcxdilcl?ribiB.W.vidcxccutrici tcftamcnti T.W. mipervnitis Certiorari

loftic* nforumdc Banco fall t,volcntcsccrtiscanris certiorari (upquaf- exec' luftic' ru'
dam cogoitioncs cuiufdam finis ii.t T.D. 6c I. G. dc vnomcilcum ptifi J iosn"
in T.in cofh E.pcr prcd nupcr luftic' cap! ac in cuftodia rua rations cx-

ccuc* tcftamcnti prard exiftcn vt diciE,t.bi pcrcipimus qd cognitioncm

p>.d luftic* nfisapudWcft.fubfigillo tuodiftin^cetaprcfine.dJlationc

mittas,6: hoc bf e,vc ijdcm luftic' vlccrius ad fiuem ilium leuand fieri fac'

Fines and Concords.

quod deiurcetfecundum legem ccconruetudinemrcgni noftri Anglix
lufticcdif- 3lit lifee manec,tf a 31 uftic0 liaumg
fafeencognifmicc Of a fine, bg DiO
fijacges of |i5 oftcc,befoje ^t Ijaue ccrtifieo t^g fame, |je wia^ not ccc^
a lifec font, nottoitljftanDmg t^at [je be
tifie it tDiti^out uHom to !>w
placcagamc,8.H.4.5. i.H.7.9-
^no tljeceupoti it liat^ bei^n Isfeo t^at a to^tt |)atl) bin Diretteo to tbe
faiD 3luftife0 to recciue t|)c fame cognifance,but 31 fef no ijfctljeceof at
The Kings l^ut if t^c iaing 010 aftcc t^e cognilance tafeen, ano before t|ie ttt*
ffetngtl^eccofjt^e 3}ufttceg cannot ttiencectifie,N am per moncmfcu di^
mifsioncm rcgis.ccflatpoteftasludicis, I .H^.^.-pettearnejfo; 3! t^inke
tbe llatute of i .E.5.cap.7. Dot|> rcmeoictljiji mifc|)iefe,fc; t^e too^^es
ttjeceof be tljcfe in effert,viz.
i3p tl)c Dcatl) ano oemife of anp fting, no action, bill, oj plaint t^at
H^aloepenobcttoarnpartieano paitiein ani? ccuct of ccco3D,ftjalbeoif*
continueoo;putluitljoutDa^ )ii3uttftf)clfeingoicaft8c tlje^ingslil^
uci:i0enfi:cD,ano before tie fine be ingroffeo, tl;e tujit of Couenaut
ma^ be refummoueOjano t!)efine ingcclTeD, M.y.p i

feme* 3lfafemefoleb^Dcdimuspotc(lateni,fenotoIeDgea fine,anu before

tlje retucne thereof maccie,tf)iBi fine ma^ be c ertifieo ant) ingcoffeo a0
Df a feme fole^becaufet^e tahing of bee ^nfbano after ttyi fine ^notxu
leogeo is ^tt o\nt boluntade a(t, ano fuel) fine l^all bacce I^ec ano ^ec
ijeices fo^cuecDycr fol.2 46.pI.68.Mich.7.6c S.Eliz.
-Signed. d^nec^iD^itofbcdimuspotcilacein^to fpeciall Comtnifitonersi fo;
t^e taking of tbe cogmfanceof fine(,ougl)tto befigneo h^ tbell.C^an^
cello;,o; L.!^eeper,o^ cj^tefe 3lutHceof tl) common placebo; tlje 31 n&tce
of t|)e ciccHtt Iju^ere t^c lano li^tt^*

t>ftheiwolewettt ofwrits ofCouenantt Dcdimuspotfftatcnij^Wi^wir/^l-

ges thereuftn^ whtch is termrd thefoot ofthefiftc.

Bcfo?etl)eingro(rinaof tl^eflnebi tl^eCljitcgtapber, tbetEj;ut t)f

Coucnant,fljel3D?it of Dcdimus potcftatcro, tuit^ tl|e fenoiuleOgCB
Jnrolemeot. ano noteis oftl)erame,mu(l bemcoUeoin aroU tote of reco;o ta^ ener,
to remainc in tfje fafc cuftooic of f fje cbiefe Clecfeeuf tlie common place
Cudosbium (loljicl) i$ Cuftos brcuiiim) ano l)is fucccffo;j0,tuf)o mutt ^aue):FiJ0f
iQl entcingtjf f ljcConco;jo,to tljeintent t^at if t^c notes of tl)e fines in
tbecuttoDieofttjeCtjicogtap^ecbcimbefelleOjerecution mar be|)ao
^pon t\)t faio coU,5.H.4xap.i 4.;apon tljis toll t^e p;0clamation0 ace
The foot of tnDo;feo,anD tljefe notes ace termeo tt)e fat of t^s fine^ Dyer fol.3 2 1
itbefine* pl.i^.i5.Hliz.
: .

Fines and Concords* 4.7

Of the note of the fine.
Tl^e note of ttefincjwanotetljeceof maneb^ffieCjntcgraplei: '^^
before it be mgroOe&jtoljicf) beginnet!) tljus
*"' *"*'*
^*r. jf. Inter A.B.qucf ,ct C.D.deforc* dc duobus meffuagiji, duo-
busceiagijs,ccmuiBacf tcrrx, quadraginta acf prati,vigintiacf paftu-
rz, vna acf bofci, oftoacf iampnor'Bc brucric,& vnodenariorcddi
cum percih in A.vnde placit conucnc' fumm fait inter eos &c.fcz.quod
pd C.rccogh tenta redd* p<f cum percih cile iuj ipfius A. eonceiH &
^ & hered*fuis,q) p<f tehta & redd' cum ptin.quae pd G.& L tenent

ad tcrmin vitx dc hercd' prcd' C. die quo hxc concordia fafta

ipfius I.
fuit,& quae poft dcccffum ipfius I. ad pd C. &
hcredcs fuos debucrunc
rcuerti,po(l dcccflum ipfius I. intcgrc reman' pred' A. 5c hered' fuis te-
nend*decapitalibusdoii)inijfcodiil!iu$,pcr feruitia, qu^ ad praedift*
tehta &
rcddit pcrtincnt.impcrpetuum : Et ^
hac recogn'.conceflione,
finc,&concordia,idtfljA.iieditpd B. loo.inarcasfterl. ^lpontDljirl^
note,befo:e tbe ingtrlTmg. of tlje fine (if it bee of a remainoec^teuetfi^
quz (cruitia, OJ,
on,t;ent, O} feignto;*') %)^itf, of Quid iuris clatnar, per
quem rgdditumreddic,ii:ail;ijerueoa$tl)C cafe requii:etl),Plo.fol'43.b

^uid iuris eUmat.
QVid iuris clamat, ifi a tuDtciaU tD?it,ant> iVivitt^ out office Keto^ti ScdV.i 59
of tl)e ftne^rematniitg in tlje beeping of ttie Cuftos brcuium of ti)e
;Loii(monplace,PIo.45.b.faefoje it be ingcolTeo/oj after ingcofiring,i
cannot be ljaOjPlo.fol.4j i .h.% 2.H.6. 1 3 .F.Nar.br. 1 47.3. \s>^\t\) Uct[)
fo^ tJje granntcc of a icuetfion o,:tcmaini3et:,\wtjen t^e pacttculat te^
nant toil not atturneto enforce Ijim to atturne^i 2 .H,^. 1 3 .PI0.43 1 .b
^no it i& maoe in tl^is fo^mc*
Rexvicecoilifalutem. Pf tibi quod venire facias coram luflic' nfis Summons,
&c.(alidieG.& A.vxoreraeius,adcognofccndum quid iuris clamant
in vno nie{Tuag',8c decern bouatis tcrrae cum pcrtin in B. qu^ tenta cum
ptih M.quae fuit-vxor Gin Cur'noftra &c. conccflit A.dc B. per finem
ibi inde inter eos fa^lum. Ec habeas (Sec.

;ano tt)e final caufe of tl)i]5to;jit of Quid iuris clamat,i<{,tljat gtan^

tiz oj cognifa^ of tlje ceuetfion 0: i'emainDer,ma^ bi? t^at attutnment
of t^e particular tenant,beenableo (if caufe be giuen) to b;tng an actt^
on of iiiaiie,o5,to auato fo;^ rent referueOjO; feruKe^be{)inD,tol)icl) liee
cannot DOC toit^outattournmcn.t,Pio.tbl.4 3 i.h,zz.H.6. 13.
Sl^enantin Botuerftjallatturne tl)ouglj ffjctojit fuppofeljer to be te^ Tenant \w
want fo<?Ufe,becaufe ft)e clamiett) no greater ctatc t^m fcanUteneniet
H1I.3 1 E. 3
. .Eitz.Quid iuris clam 3 -pet it
. f^metl^ t^e tijecbp lofctt) ^er
toacrantiC;,anD aijnautage to be n^luJ? enoetueOj^tf fl^^e be cmctcOr i o
. .

Fines and Concords.

E. 3.Fitz. Qui(^ iuris claraat &c. 41
3If a gift be fo? Ufctlje ccmatnocr fo; life,t!)e tujit mixft mtntioti t^z
Brkfe ^
temamDer^Hiir 3.E.3.i5E.3.Fitz.Fincss)
31ti0meettl)ei:efojctoleameto^o are compellable l^d^reb^ to at^
tucne^ano Uil)o not, ano h^ tut)om*

fVhat ^erfons may obtaine attHrnment hj Quid iuris

Grauncoc de
Tl^e grantee of a renerfion toio of trnpeoiment0, 34.H.<j.b.Fi.na.
br/ol.i 68, b.Fitz.nat.br. 147.3
)15ut an3infantcannot,b0caareif aleafefo^life Imtljoutimpeacf)^
ment oftoaft be jjleaoeo in barre^lje cannot confeffeit, 43. E.3 5 con-

tra 23. .5. Fitz.Qiiid iuris &C.42.

31f t|)e coi^nifo^i ^aue nottjingin tljercuerfionjtlie tenant ll^all not
Nothing in
the reucrfion ntturne,Lib.Int.fo).5 3 <>.
Feme ceucit. a feme coucrt lutt^out^ec |iufbano,albeit tl)e fine \x^m lenieo iDljen

Diucrs i f tl)ere be Diners pleas^ano one oie twanging tfie plea, ^et D^all i\t
tenantatturnetoftjerett,4c.E.3.52 ^i

Diucrs iSD^ifoiuers fuet^etujit^anD onebenonrit,i?et attnrnmeHtll^albe

tnto i%t otfjer tuttl^out fummons 1 feuering of tfie ot|ier,46.Ed. 3.32.
Abbot Abbot auera atcournmcnc dun ten pur vie fans mfe licence, & ne(l
forfeiture, 1 7.E, 3. 7.
Difleifor Blfcogntfeet)iaeifetl)e tenant of pat:t,|)e(l^aU|iauenoattoutnnient
I ^.E.2 .Fitz.Quid iuris &c.4(j.

fVhatpsrfoMshcompe/Iab/e to atturnely Qmdlunt

Q\Am^X^adrvhat not,

Quid iuris damat.l^ct^ againft tlje particular tenant

\sizxt of
lanO f0,J lifi^, ?4H,^.b.Nat.br.fol. 1 68.b.Fitz.naf .fo). i47.a

4$>.b. tljouglj !jc bee but a tenant foj life of lano Ijsloen in Capitc, 0; a
Ferae coucrt
feme couat,45 .E. 3 1 1 .

T.for yeares ^no a tenant fo? scares (l^all atturnc,3 -H 4. 3

T:in taik tenant in taile is not compellable bccaufe of tlje ellate of infje^
T:iiuak after
ntancc luljicl) 10 in Ijim, 3 8.E. 3 20. j|ioj tenant in taile,after polTibi*

P"' litie of iffue^ejrtinct fo? tlje inljeritance iwljiclj Ujas once in ^im, 43 . E.
3.11-4^ E*3.i3.& 27.
T. for life of ^ particlar tenant of lanO0 Ijoloen in Capitc, 10 not compellable to
lands in caphc attume toit^out figl)t of liccHce of alienation,left Ijis lanos C^oulo bee
fixecutorsi 3if -^AttD 3i5l;aue an cltate tpi ten ^ere^^as eyccuto?0, ano lIB.ljaue
Fines and Concords 4.8
flue T?eaccS in teuerfion tn Ijis otone rigf)f ,1)0 muft attutne, bccaufe fjc
w poffeiTeD ef tl)e tiitjole tcrm0,anti tfje attucnemcnt of one crwuto; of
afccmets g<DUenougl),3 z.E.^.Fuz.Quid ioris darn 5 p Stanhoppc.
liSut if iaaeafc to le.anD C.fo; t .^0i:c0,anu after conficm tlje effate
j ^^ ^j^ ^^^
of )15.f02 lifc^tfje note of tfje fine l^aU maisc mention of 315 onel^jp Sc- A.pur ans,
con, 3 2.E.1 .Euz Quid luris claiJi 5.
3!f tenant in^otoec,oj bp cuctefie, giant tljeic etlate, t?et ttie Quid T.Dower.
iuf clam i\)etl) againff tljcm, fo; none but ttje^ can be tenant in Doloei:, T.Counefic;
o;bptl)e curtefie, 1 8.E. 3. 5.

31f a leafe fo; teacesi foitlj Uuerieibe tpon r cntttion, tl;at if (Ije leffoe t. for ycares
pav a oar^o^ tl)e leffo; Die toittjin tf}t termc f ct)e f^al tjaue foe: vp6
r*liruc!) condition.

3lf before tlje Da^ tfje Mo; alien b^ fine,tlji0 tenant Hjall attucne (Sal-
ui8aduantagij);anti!?etiff)epa? tlje ten pount at tfjcoa^, o.:ti|)el0ri

fo; ^ie uucing t^c tmm,t^t lelfee (Ijall tjaue fa^> 6.R. z.Fita. Quid iuris
3ifaQuidiurisclaroacbeagainftttD0,ai tenants in common, i^ee vcrsT.incoin^ *

appeacet^ mull attucne, if tje plead not tljat t^e? ace ioint te^ men.
nant0,i6.E.?.Fitz.Quidiuri$clani n.
3lf a pacticulac tenant gcant oueci^igeffateaftec tl;enoteleuieD,ret After affigne.
muttl)eattHCne,i7^.^Fitz.Qiiidiuri$clji5i II. mcut.

31 ftlje tenant attucne once tjpontl)e gcant of tljecognifo^, l^eH^all onccattome.

attucne no mo?e,4.E. 2 .Fitz.Quid iuris clam' 4 ^

31 fa ioi?nt tenant, o;^ tenant in commen of a ceuecCon, gcaunt Ijis loint Tenant,

pact b^fine,tl)e pacticulac tenant fl^all not be cempelleDto attuce,5. Tenant in

E.1.Fitz.Quid iuris claiTi40.

^pon a leafe fo; life tpon conDition,t^at if tbe leCTee Die, i3)it})in xx* Tenant for life
^eceB,t^att)isececuto?)6,aDminiftcate;s,o? alfignes,(]^alll)olD tjnto vp6 condition.
tlie enD of cr^ece]5,tl)e leffee fljal attucne as tenant foj life,\!)itl; p.aote^

ftation to faue Ijis intecell,i 6.E.3.20.E. ; .Fitz.Quid iuf dam 22.31.

31f tl;e ceuecCon of ttuo ioint tenants fo: life be grantee b^ fine,fup^ loint tcnantof
pofing t^e one to be fole tenant,tt)e tenant is not compellable to attucn a rcuerfion.

3 2 .E 3 .Fitz.Quid iuris dam 5 per Scton.

XBut tenant fe^ ftatutco? Elegit foemetfj not compellable to attucne, t. by Elegit,
becaufe tlie cognifo? cannot ccmpell \}im to acccmpt, ano |je map IjolD

tt)elanD5aftecl)isfummefattffieD,tntilll^et)aue leuicD^iis Damages^

<)-E. j .5 5 .Fuz.Fincs 99.E. 3 .Fitz.Qiiid iuris clam* 47.

^o^ a tenant fo; life,tel)ece tl)e Ijufbano foleis cognijo; of Ijisluiues Baron foi*^
Iano:fo^ift)e Doe attucne, t^eUiifefucuiuingljec IjufbanD maj^entec cognifor.
0nD aClecbe,U)!)ic^l)afl)nolai!f8e, isnctcompellcD to attucne, Aciarke.

ijio? a tenant fc^ life in reueifion o.:^ cemainDec, 3 ^ .H,(?.b. Kcucrfion.

. . , .

Fines and Concords.

Frankmatlagc. ^o J ttMWt in ft:anfemanage,Lib.imf, Quid iuris clamat 1 1

Infant. ^o^aH3Infiant,43'E.5.t
idcot.' ^9J a JluatiUc,mauman, o j Sltjcot, as it fametlj, becaufe of ti^dc
3115ut attournemcnt matie bt? fuc^ pei:foni,as ate able, but nst ceiit^

pclUblcto attOUtn0>i5g(DU,i 2.E.4.Nat.br.toI. I70.b,

wkh cxccptio ^"^ a" attoucnement mai? be U)it^ an erccption, if t!)c tenant Ijaue
fo; life toitf)out impisarijment of luaft, as \}c ma^ attouine fa^
a leafe
wing !)t0 atjuantagcano it Ojall be fo entte3,45 -E. 3 1 1 2 4E. 5 . .

Couenants. 31ft^e tenant ^aue couenants to repaicefc. 4^-E-3.3^^^^aue an

Annuitie. gHnutticontoft!)elan5,48.E.3.32-^^ccKenant of latrantic o^^ac^
Acquitall. (iuitaile54 1 .E. 2 ^ 8 .^;j to fell tta$j l;e ma^ attourne, fauing t^ttc m^

Graunc. BJf^.fcircD of lantjs in fee,ti)Ct:eofinfeoffei5*to tlje tjfeof tl)e faiD
^.fo; life,aHtj after totlje tifc otitis e)recuto:5 ano adignes fo3 rr.'peces
aftecljus oeatl; :llnotl)entoti[)ureof4nfce>Quicre,tfa.(^all become
pelleoto attticne in Quid iuf clamat, fuppofingljim tenant fo^Ufconc^
l^,anr) not mentioning t^t tci:nie,^itl)0ut fauing of Ijiis terrne b^ p^^
tettation,Dycr foL3 09.p).77. M-Eliz.
Jlo tJteiD Iretl) in Quid iuris clansat, 1 5.E.4.2 8.

Whiitplees vfillbitrre thepUintife of attournement.

Sca.162. if tt)e tenant pleaDetl^at f)e v& feifeo in fe t^e Da^ of flje note IcuieO
Scifin in fee
5 tuitljout tl)at,tl)at l;e la0 ti)en feifeo fo^ life, tuit^out a}eUnng Ijoto
l)eij5fofcifcD,i5.u.4.i8. i.H.7.27.
J? if tlje tenant fo; life pleoc, t|iat before tlje fine,an efttangec iuaif
The conufor
had nothing, fcifeD in fce^ano rcleafeo bnto tin in fee. Mit^out t^at,tfjat tbe ceeog^
\\\{oi tjao an^ ttjing \\\ tljc lanDi,tl^e oa^ of tlje noteleuieD,r-H.4. 5.
3(f a pacticulac tenant pleee,l)e ^olDct^ not of tl^e t ognifoj i^t oai? of
t|)e noteleieD,l;cnmft tu^atettate lie claimetf), f from tcH^cm,

3. .3.<). Fitz.Quid iuris clamat 1 4.E. 3 .Fitz.Qiiid iuf 9


utif Ijeclainic fecjljeH^allnot l^etu l)oti3,i4. E. 3. 3. Fitz.Fincs 7.

llelTee fo; tjiy.vcaces ijpon conDition, tljat if tfjc lelToj alien toitljiit
tei;me,l^e t^al Ijaue ft,cannot alleagc t^at,an5 fa^ tfjat |e claimctfi
ftaw quaf&c. tljje

eftate acco^oing to tljc tenouc of l)is oeco, but niut piece j^s tVc^Xt ttx,^
tainlB5i.E.z.Ficz,Qiud iuris claroat 3 8.

31ftl)e tenant confeffefo; pact, anopleoe a pl^toljicl) irtar fijjftit

For parcel!.
l)i0ettatetS)ercin,ljemullatto;nebvrano bi?, 1 1 .H.4,57.Cdntra it,.
E.3.i8.Fitz.Fincs3 3.

iRelcast J^eleafe of tlje cognifo; before tlie cognifance, to i\t !>mp, j jjis an^
cefto;33iHffle,i0agDbarte,44-E.3.34. ;
Fines and Concords. 4P
?(flelIiKpUCan5Claim0pucti0, f faileOCCWjil {O0it(onUKmt,6. Forfeiture per
jR, X. Fitz. Quid iuf lo. Plclingtons cafe, H.pur ans,

Whatproeeff'e lie in a ^id iuris clamat,

T^epjoceffemaQuidiurisclainat, 10 fummoiTiff ano Diftc^flfe m^ Scft. ti^?
finite, Natur.br. but tfttic tenant app0ac0, antipleaoo no ProceVe.
I (Tp.a.

gooD barce,anD ^et \xsi\{ not attui;n,l)e l^al be imp^^tfoneD, 3 7. H.6. 1 4. Corrcaion.
5l3nt if t^e tenant uifclaime,anD if it be fownu againft ^im,|^ee ^alt
3i5ut if tf)e tenant fo^life,^eai:e5,in Dotuecby curtefiejOjeictentjb^
(laime fee^o^fee taile,ant) it be fount) oti^ectuife ,
))lea l^ee Dootj^ fo;feit
j^nutije tenant iwa^ attucne b^ Dcdimus poccftatcm, tjie fojme AicbyDc.Po,
tuljeceofenfuet^jRcgift. i67.b.
Rex dilcfto & fidcli fuo I. M. militi &c.Cum breuc noftrum dc con-
uencione pendeac coram vobis ec foci js veClris iufliciarijs noftris
de ban-
co^inccr R . et P.de centum acris 6cc. ad vitam fuam de pre-
quas I tenet
fato P.ad finem inde inter prarfatos R. et P. fccundura legem ct confuc-
tudin regni noftri Angl* Ieuand,per qd.viccccmiti noftro NorfF.p bre-
uc noftrum mandauimus, ^ venire faciat coram prefatis iuniciarijs no-
ftris pdiftum I. ad diem in breuiillocontentum, ad cogncifcendu quid

iuf clamat habere in terra prxdi^laj ac pref. I. adeo impotens fui cxiHat

^ vfque bancum prcdi^*, ad diem (ibi datum abfque maximo corpo-

ris fui pcriculolaborarcnon fufficit, ad cognofcend quid iuris claniflC

habere in terra pd: Nosftatuiipfiusl. compatientes in hac parte dedi-

mus vobis poteUatemrecipiendicognitionem, 6c tcOificatidiatturna-
mentum q prcf. I. coram vobis facere volucrit in hac parte : Et idco vo-
bismandamus,^ ad ^f.I.perfonaliteraccedemes, cognitiontmquam
coram vobis in hac parte facere voIucrit,recipiatis : Ec cum earn recepe-
ipfe coram vobis, prout moris eft,fe atturnauerir,prcd focios vc-
ritis, ct

ilrosdecognitionepred diftind^e etapertc certificetis, pred'atturn a rh-

tum tedificantes, vt finis ille inter partes pd' de terra pred' coram vobis
& focijs veftris prcdic' in banco prcdifto leuari pollit, fccundum legem
6c confuetudinemfupradif^as. t habeatis 6cc.
115^ Default appearance Diftring ad atturnand' fl^all be atuatoeD,
2.E. 5.9.
ijionfuit in Qiiid iuris clam,i0notpecemptO^t?*j8.E.3.<:>.Fitz.Qtiid Nonfwir.
iuf 27.24.E.3.Fitz.quid&c.?9.
The writ ofSummons in ^f^idinris clamaty is after this manner
IAcobusdei gratia &c. vic'Ebof falutem; Pf tibi, quod venire fac* ^^^ ^^.
coram luftic no ftris dcbanc. a die. Pafchx in xv. dies, A. B. ad cog- Summons, \
Go nofcend
Fines and Coneords.
nofcen^ quid iu? darn in vno mcffuagio, t decern acf terf , cum pcrtiii
in B. qux M.N. in cur noftra 5cc. conccffit C. D. per finera ibi indc in-
ter cos faftum^et habeas ibi. T.&C.^pontoljicijtUjit IWllC ZHointl^^

nco> tljus enuojceo tpon i^c back oft^ie \x>nU

Eleg, infra nominat A. B. 4 j^*^ '



0nD if t^ie pV appe*it0, ane t^e tenant make Default, tljc mttiz i^
t|)U0:Pf fuit vie" Eb quod venire fac' hie a die Pafch. inxv. dics,A.'B.
ad cogn quid iuf clans' in vno mcfuagio &c. cum pertin'in B. quae M.
N. in cuf Reg. hie concsdic CD.pcr fincm hie inde inter cos fa^u : Ec
mode ad hunc diem vch pd C.per H'. I. ate fuu, prcd AB. non vch* &
ct manucapt fuic per I; M. &
R. L.
1 dco ipfe in omnia &c. Et pf eft cj diftf eum per cranes terf tt catalla
fua&Cr Et q> deexitib' 6cc. Et q; habcac corpus ciu^ hie a die f. trin' in
3.fep,adcoghinfoim*pred'Scc. Ec idem dies daturpred' G.hic&c.
0t tl)ecetui:ne ^eceof none Uom
li^^jbecaufe^it is 3uDicialI) 9. H,
6. 22.33. H. 6.5.
The diflre^e in ^idinrii clamat,
lacobus dci gratia &c. vie' Ebof (alutcm Pf tibi, qd. diftf A. B. per

omnes taf ec catalla fua in balliua tua.Ica quod nee ipfe. nee ahquis per
]pruro,eismanum apponat.donecaliud a nobis indc habueris pccpcum
ec qd. de exiribus eorundero nobis refpondcas, ira quod habeas corp^ e
jus coraluftic'noftrisapud Weft, a die fane' Trinit jntres fepc,ad cog-
nofcend. Quid clamat in vno mcfTuagio &c. cura pcrtin in B. quae

M.N. in cuf nfa coram lufti'nfis apud W.concefsir, C.D.p finem indc
sbid inter cos faO:um,cc ad audiend inde iudicium fuum pro pluribtis
kfahis. Ec habeas ibi hoc breue. Tcftc &c.
3If at tfje ua^ of t^je retucne fjereof tl)e parties ap^
Alias, prout patettermino S.Trinitacis vltimo pr3Cterito,Rot 60. co-
fie, (T. Pf fuit vic'E. quod diflf A. B. per omnes &c. vtfufrayn
brcuiinde,t)ntiU('5cadaudicndum6cc.) J^nD tfjen, Etmodohic ad
hunc djcm vcn cam pd C
D. p acrurh fuum prcd , quam prcd A. B. m
propria perfona fua, &fuper hoc idem E:B. petit audit brcuisprcd, ec
eilcgitur, petitctiam auditura nof^.vndebrcue predemanauic, et ei

legiuir in haec verba. E. (T.inter C.D.qucrcnt &c. a0 tlje note 10 : J^lnD

t1)en if tfje tenant UiiU attmncgcnecaUp, tI)eentci?fui;ti)ei:i0 : Qiia
g^newlU audita &uitdlc6ia, idem A.B.du it, quod jpfc clamac tcncrc prcdi^*

Fines and Concords. 50

-mcffuagium 5cc. ad tcrminum vit^ fue, prout per notaiu prcdi Aam fup-
ponitur quodquc ipfe paraius eft fe pi aefat CD. indc attuinarc, fe ei &
in Curia hie indc attornauit,6c rccogti &c.Et fecit fidclitatero: idco finis
indc ingroflctur.
; J if atf urnnient be ittaDc out of tlje Cort^tlie cog^
nifce mar mfo;jtte t\}coutt thereof , ano at l)ts fait
tljen tljis cntrie fl^all bc,vidclicct.
EcmodohicadhuncdienivehprediOusC.D. in propria perfona
fua,& dicitquodpraediftus A.B. atturnauitei indc in propria perfona,
& petit qucTd finis indc fuo pcriculo ingroflctur , idco finis periculo fua
ingroffctur &c^
)13ut if t^ecognif^ appeerc, ^noiuiUattutnerpmaUytmarfce Attumcmcm
Done in tljis imi\tt,\iz.Vrxc' fuit&c. vt iupra. Kectting t{je|B;oc0ffe, fpciaU.
ant) tfje tenant ccmanoing at;t) tjauing O) of tf?c M^it, ano note of
tjjeif me,^emat? pleaoc t|ius,viz.
Et lupra hoc, iden A .dicit , quod ipfc tenet tencmenta praedift' cum
pertinentijsadterniinumvir^fuae, ex din)i(Iionc M.N. per quandam
chartam (uam indcntataii),Cuius alteran pai rent figillis prxdit' N. M
fignatidemA. hic in Curia profcrt, cuius tenor kquiiur in ha?c verba.
%\^is BlnoenturemaOe ic. te!>eaiang tl;c itjljole 3f ittientnie , faluis &
Cbi omnibus aduantagijs &
coiidicionjbus icrij^f prcd , die", quod ipfe
paratuscftpraefafC.D- detcncmci.tispr^diftjs, virtutcnotaepracdu?
atturnare.Et prgcdict CD. non cogn icripf predict die', quod ex quo
idem A.B. tenet tencmenta pratdift* cum pertinentijs , ex dimiflione
pr^dift' M.N. fecundum vim &tff(ftum not^praEdi^',pfrit quod i-
dem A.B.feinde ciatturnct&c. Etpraedi^tus A.B. dic'quod.L'ur fi-
bi omnibus aduantagijs & bcneficioicripti prxdi^i, paratus efl fc irde
cidem CD. dc tenementis predi^is atturnare &f Et pofimodo dcm .

A.B. faluis fibi aduantagijs fcripti pi jcd fti, fe pr^fat

i C
D. hic in Curia '

atturh,&cogn&c. Et fecit cifidclitatcE&f. Idco finis indc ingrofT.

3But if tlje tenant iuiilpleaotnilBar^fje ma? ooe it tljue, if Ijelete^ Barre. i

nant in franfeemariage 5 Pf fuit 5cc. vt fipra.

Et pracdif^us A. C dicit,^ quiddm P.N pater p5 M. N. cuius h^rcs Done

ipfe eft &c.pcr chartam fuara dedit tenert pd cum pertih eidc m A.B. in f' ankotauagei
hbero mantagio cum E.fiHa fua faluand fibi reuerfionem &c. qui qui-

dera E.obijtfine exit de corporcfuo procreat,Et fie dicir q? ipfe tenet te-

ncmenta pd pcrformam charte pd, Ei cp rcucrc inde poft mortem fuam

fpe^lat ad pd R.M.Sc petit iudicium fi ipfc de tali ftatu fuo fe alicui irde
atturnare debet &"c.6c profcrt hic in curiam chart* m pd,qucd donu pd
in forma pd teftatur &c. Er d CD. dicir, quod dic,quo nota finis p<f
Icuauit, lcilicct<;r.dic&c. p^ A'tcnctpdtehtaadccrminum vitse lux
G ij prou:

Fines and Concords*

proiit per notam pd fupponitur, abfq hoc quod ipfc tunc tcnuit tnc-

iBcnta pd' in liberura maritagium, prout jpfcfuperius allcgauk Et hoc

petit qnod &c. Idco 1 2 &c. .

^) tf;u0 it tenant claime fee : oj be not tenant.


Quibus leftisjidcm A.B. dic'.quod ipfc,viriutc not pi, fe f f.C.D.

atturnarc non debet, quia quod vnuraroefl.&c. qu^funtin pd villa dc
S.dctencmtis p^innota pd*contcnti$,idcmA.B.dicit,9ipfe,tcmpore
Icuaiionis notx illius/uit (eifiius de prcdito mcffuagio &c. in doraini-
co fuo vt de fcodo,cx dono et feofFamcnto cuiafd' L.T, fibi indc fafto
Abfquehoc^quod ipfc tempore leuationisnot^illius.tcnuitmedietatem
illam ad terminum vitje tanturo, prout per notam illam fupponitur. Et
hoc &c. vnde petit iudicium fi ipfe, virtu tc notx pi fc prefat CD. dc

pd mefuagijs &c. atturnarc debet &c, Et quoad teneiTita pd,rcfidua tc-

ncmcntorum in nota predial' contcntorum, idem A.B^dicit, ^ ipfe, ncc
scmporc leuationis notx prcdil',necvnquampofleatenuiteadcrote-
ncmcnta,imo quod, W. A. qui adhuc in vita exiftit, ad tunc fuit inde ce-
ncns.vtdcliberotencmtofuoj&adhuccxiftit. Et hoc &c. vndc &c*

Et pr5dilus C.D.dicit,quod ipfcab Attorn praed' A.B. virtutcno-

tf praedift* habend' praecludi non debet,quia quoad prcd* tneffuag' in
L.prcd*,idcro C.D.dicit,quod prediftus A B. tempore leuationis not^

illiuSjtcnuit raefTuag'illud cum pertinemi js ad terminum vkq (uq tantu,

prout p notam illam fupponirur.Et hoc petit q) &c. Et pdift' A.B.fimi-
liter : Et quoad tenementa pd refidua dicit, q) tempore leuationis notx
p<f, prcdift' A.B.fuit tencns corundem ad terminum vitac fuae, prout p
notam illam fupponitur. Et hoc paratus 8cc, vnde petit iudicium 6c qd'
prcd' A.B.fe indc atturncf.
Et prafdi^us A.B.dicit quod ipfcjtcmpore leuationis note prc<f ,non
fuit tencns prediftofrcfiduorutencmentorum ad tcrmin' vit^ fu9,^uc
&c.Et dc hoc&c; Idco 1 2. See,
^} tl)U0 tufjece tfje Cognifo^ l^atfj notlling in tfie ceiterfion.
Pf fuit VicE.S<c.vtfipya. Quibus Ictis ct auditis,idem A.B. dicit
quod ipfc virtute notx prcd',fc pf. C.D.atturnarc non debct,quia dkki
quod pred' M.N.qui recognouit tenementa prardifta cum pertin* efTc
jus ipnusC.D.&c. nihil habuit in Rcucrfionc corundem tchtofcum
pcrcincntijs^tempore leuationis nota^ pred^Et hoc paratus e(l verificare
vndc petit &:c. ^utfptpra.
Et prediftus C.D.dicit,quodpraedil* A.B. tempore leuationis no-
prcdift?, fczin oftabis Sanli Hillaf&c. tcnuit tenementa prardift'

cum pertinentijs ad terminum vitae fuae, Rcucrfionc inde pof^ eius mor-
tem praef. M.N. qui recogn* &c. 6c hcrcd' fuis fpcftant', prout per no-
cam praedi^* Cuppoftitur , c hoc petit quod inq^iratur per parriam.

Fines ^iiiad Concords J ^

EtprardiAuS A. B. (iniiliter. Idco 1 2. &c.
IS^ut itt^e ttmnt cUime m
estate %Mk
hv t>m(t t^nM :
Quibus left is auditij&c. idem A.B. dicit qd ipfc, vinutc DOC
fius, fc prxf. C.D.dc tcnemcntis pdift atturflarc nOn debct,qma
antcquam pred' M.Raliqid habuic in tchtis pracdiais euro pcrtincn-
ti>5,tjuidam I. E.fuit fcifitus dc dehtis prxdift- jn dnico
fuo vc dc fcodo
quod(^ux cadcni tcnta cum pcrtih tcnentur,& tempore Icuationis
I'jdia? tcnebantur dc W.S. infocagio perfidclitateni ci 3cc. idemquc I.
icindcfeifitu$cxiflcns,pnnjodieiVJaij vlcifij ptcrito condidk teftai^
&vItimamvoluntatDfuaminfcnptis, Scpcrcadem Icgauit prcfafA.
B.tcnia prcdia* per nomiiia &c.haben4 fibi ec hered dc corporc fuo
gitime jpcreac : Etpoftca ibm obijt,poft cuius mortem prcdia' A.B.i
tenemcnca prcdia' cum pcrtin intrauit, ct fuit indc fcifitus in domtnico
fuo vt de fcodo hered per forinam ftatui cc vltiA
talliato, viz. fibi ct
luntatis prxdift'.Et hoc &c.vndc6cc. <.j .. ,

Etprcdiauj C. D.dicit, quodipfe, peraliqiia'prcalicgataabattur-

namcnto przdia* A.B. virtutc noix prxdift' prxcludi non debet, quia
dicit quod bene ct vcrum eft, quod prcdift I. E
fiiit fcifitus vt fupra.

^utiobreuiprxdia'fupcriusallcgatur: Sed idem C. D. dicit qd idc

I. E. per idem teilamentum ct vltimam voluntatcm fuam.intcr alia lega-
nit tencmenta predift' cum pcrtincnti j$ &c. per nomina prcdift*,
A.B.jpterroinovitacfux,EtpoftcaidcmI. E.obijt, port cuius quidc'
I.E. mortem idem A.B. in tencmcmenta prsedift'curo pcrtinentiis in-
crauio 6c fuit inde fcifitus in dominicofuo vt de libcro cencmentoper
forroam tcHamcoti 6c vltinx voluntatis pr^dift, Abfque hoc,quod ide
I. E.per(eflaiQenC 6c vltimam voluntatcm iuam prsedift'lcgauit prxf.
A.B.6tc.t/i/ipr4,proutprediCl'A.B.fopcrius allcgauit. Et hoc 6cc.
vnde C C Et prcdift' A.B. vt prius dicit &c. {vffupra in bretti) jpMt ipfc
fnperius allcgauit. Et dehoc. 6cc.
^^e tenant mai^attumefo^paccelUjrcepftng t^zit% anD pleaoe
Et modo ad hunc diem hie in curia venit,tam prcdiausE.I.pcrW.
W. Atturnatum fuum, quam prxdift' I.E. in propria pcrfona fua,etfup for part, and
hocprcdift" E.I. per atturnatum fuum pred'pctijt, quod pd I.E.ei indc P^^^'o *
atturnct6tc.Et predict I.E. petit auditum breuis prxdift' 6c ci Ic<'icur "^
&c. Petit etiam auditum notx finis vndebfcpr^dicf cmanauit6ceilc-
gitur in hxc vciba
: Inter R. qucrentcro , 6c P. deforciant &c.
(jn5tljctt|OlenoteQuibu$ lcais6cauditis, idem I.E. quoad tenfp-
difta cxccptis decern acris in D. indc parcel*, dicit quod ipfc parat" eft
pfato E. indc atturnare,Et fe ei in curia hie atturn'dc tcfjtisprxdiftis,
cxceptisprcd' decern acris ccrr^, c cogn6cc. 6c fi:eitfidelitatcm6cc.
c quoad prcd dccciQ acras cerrx in P. idem I. E. dicit quod ipfc, tem-
P3 pore
Fines aifti Conc0rdk;f
pore Icuatlonis notx pdicf fuiticifit^dctifdcm x.acril terrae, cum per-' =

tin in dhico fuo Vt dtfeodo , zbCc^e hoc ^ rpftpd temporcleoadonis

not*pfcdV4!ftlefti x<actis terr cum pcrtin tcnUK ^ ccnnino vitactan-
tuin_^cdJcJdofidisiadcingroffi:wr^Dycrfol^2i2.pl^5.4.li2. 'f

uecetta te'^ttrdgcspl^et : :ani3 t^en it mnttbz\u^itHn ^^Qti tljz

ba[cb00tre of t|)0 fame note ou0ctt>tDat:t, ttieCe toa^o^
Iflfnmolac A.B. dteorhauit fe itifrarcripc CD*vircute huius aotat,^*
iipiwI*in*^9.Eli2^1ioti^. ^''\- '^'"^

V^tiiRttl^apfeapleauet, tl)at ttje tenant ma^ tQ0iti^^ el!ate,!)e

jSD;; tftl^ tenant fuggeft in C^ancei:te,t!)at l)e totll pleade fo a( l)C0

forfeit 1)10 ellate,f)e ma)? mat^e attucnei? b^ Dcd^pot.tn fo^mefDllotu^

'j "
mg '
' ,

Jacob* dci gratia &c. dilcflo et fiddifuo Fr.B. &c. cum bfc noflr um
dc C(Hiucn' pcndcat coram vobis et rocijs viris lufttciarijs noHris dc h%-
cojintcrR.ctP.deccntuacf&c.quas I^cnctad vitamfuadeprcf.B.ad
fincminde inter pref. R. tt P^fecun^ legem et confuetiidincm regoiiifi
Angrieuan<f , p cp vic'nfo Ebof p brcuc noftrumandauim' ^ venire
fac' coram pfati^ luttic' noHris^pd I.ad diem in breui illo coccncutq, l4
eognoicenccfid quid iurisclamat habere infra pd, Etcx parte di^i L
datum e(l nobis intclligi, c^ ipfe fup fincm pd atturnare no debet, eo^
antcleuationenor3e6nispd,quidamS.cxilteh feitit'dc era ilia in dhi-
co fuo vt de feod', iHam dedit pi. L et hered de corporefuo,, Et ipfe ad
diem fibi datu in banco pd maceriam illam ad bre.^d placitabir. ^ta*
men adeo impotens eft et fenio confed^us, c^ vfque bancu pd addie iibi
datu^abfq^ max' corporis fui periculo, laborare non fuiEcii ad placiiad
placitum illud,nos (latui eiufdcm I. compatientes in hac pte dcdimus ,

vobis potcftaiemrecipiend'atturnat, qucm coram vobis in loco: (uoac

turnare voluerit in hac parte,ad lucrandum vel perdendum,Et ideo vo-
bis mandam^^ ad ^f.I. perfonaliter accedentj atturnat.quem loco fuo
atturnare voluerit in hac parte,recipiatiS)& de nomine eiutdciu atturna"
tij nobis in cancellaria noftra, fub Hgillo vcftro, diftin^e et apcne conr
ftrefaciatii, rcmittcntes nobis hoc breic.Tefte meipfo &c.
'^ 2^!)eretm;nebftl)efamc* >

Lponit laco fo A. B. attufrnaciH fuum verfus R. ia placito ia quid

tui^is clamat,ia^lticrandura vel perpcndum.

j^nattutnment b^ Dcdimaspoteftatem.
^ttD m tljetfehant mai? mafee art attutne^ bp Dedimus poccfiateiu,
^Irenragatturrts^SC^efo^metpiljeceoffWlotoetl): V',o ;:,

: :

FineS'ftnd Concord^. 51
Rex dilcftoSc fief eli foo I.& Mifatutefn,C^m brcue noHf d conucn.
Monependcac coram vobis &r6cijs vcHris iuOiciarijs Bonrj$ de banca,
inter R. 6c P. de centum acris &c. quas I. tenet act vj^ro 6M0):jdcpKfa"?
to P. ad fincm indc inter prefatosR,& P. fccjundum legem Stconfuctu-
dinlregtn nf i Ajigrieuandjper g> vicctoptitj jnfo Nor ^p breue noftrum
mandauimus, 9 venire faciat coram prefattsmjliciarij nri^d J. ad 4^
cm in breui illo content , ad cognofcendum ijaid iuris clamac habere in
terra <f ac prxf. I. adto iropotens fui ixiflai , q) vfqye bancuip pd ad
diem fibi daiuai,abf<qucraax)mocorporif feii pcij>ctilotlabor|rflriOaj (mU
ficir, ad cognofccnd quid iutis damat habere in terra pd : Kds ftatnti

ipliui I.compatientes in hac parte : dcdimus vobls poreOateroiCcipim-

di cognitionero,& teflificandi artumarocniumjqua^ praef* Ico^am^obis
facere voluerit in bac parte : Et idee vobis niandamus,q> ad pracf.T. per-
fonaliter acccdcntes,cognitionem qu-ro coram vobis in bac parte facere
voluerit, recipiatis Ec cum eim reciperisis, 6c ipfe coram vpbij, protit

luoriseft,featturnaucrif, pdfociosveftrosdc cognitioflc pd diftinftc

8c aperte certificetis pd atturnamentum tcftificames , vi finis illc inter

partes qd,dc terra pd, coram vobis & foci>s veftri* pd, in banco 6d le-
uari poffit,fecund* legem & confuetudincm fupradift*. Et habcatis &c.
^fttt iffuc iai?neD,ttje tenant mat? bf cfioincD tj^us

,''Cbo.: ff. A.Bverf. CD.

in placito quid iurts clamat in vno mcf-
^uagio Src.vndc inf per W;C. in quindcnai Hill' Sec.
SIf ti^etduebcfouni) iaU^ t^e plaiiitt^ > t^ iuDgemeut iff in tl^us iu^gc{cnu

Et fuper hoc, vifis premlflis^ per iuflJciarios plenius imclle^ij.con-

pd C. D. profeifina; de tcii pd aim pcrtincnii;s, verfus pf.
fiderat crt,^
A. B. otcalioncclam& placiti f d- forisfjift' hah^nd ( fi voluerit pro-
fcquatur,ac eiiam,^ finis pd.fi voluerit,ingro(rctur,&pd A B.inmifc-
ricordia&c. j.

mut attutiintentis mtun Ijpon teco^u^jefojctJie pattitmmtiomti

to attutnc, Doe fitft appjEtc in Court in ptttan, ox bp atturnep, lap
u\itc\) hv tt)0 l^anu of one of t!)e luftices cf t^c one Hiocut^ 0; of f^e

ot!)ec^j one Bfufitce of ^(rif6!tti:(on aWiiit tiS Quid iiu-is clamat,qucm

red i! redd, o^pcrqiix fcruitia, as t!)e f aft tequitet!) , istjoiDtuitf^out
^^itof<l;r:co^ij,.E!iz.c.3. ;
tiHpon lD|)ic^ iuogemcnt tlje cognife^ ina^ l)mtmcution hv habere
: y
Re3C,ivic' Eboif fal^itcm : Ssiatis quod, cum CD.
coram in Curia nfa
iufti^iar'i js nti-si apud W. per confideratioflemeiurd Curi^ , recuperauic
cum pertinca inL.^ M.N.
fcifinattifuam verCus A.B.'de vnoroc{ruagio
ineadem Curia conccffit prefato CD. per finem indc inter cos iadum,
ideoiibf precrpimus,quodcidcm CPiplenaisia feifinam de mefTuagio
i . G iii) jjd
i? Fines: aodGoncorJ^I
jpcf cum pertineh G^^e dilacion* habere facia8,& quidindc fcccritij/cire
feciasprefatij lufticiarijs noftf apud W.inOftabisS.Marcini,& habc-
asibihocbrcucT.&c. '-^
i. Diftringai^acFattnmsncfQmi
0nti tjpoR ti)e tuDgcment to attutne? i^otl) ifiTata Dinnogas zisti^

lacobuj Dei gratia Sccvic* falutcm. Pf tibi quod difitingas A]B. per
omncs terras Scc.Itaquod (it coram luflic noHris de banco ad atcurnad^
C. D^ in placjto de quid iurit d^mac in vno mtff. cum pcrtinen' in L.
quod IVl.N.in Curia nbftra &f.cbnce(Ilprefato CD. per fincm indc int
cos faftura.Ec vnde coDfidcratum eft in cadem.Curia,q> pd A.B.fc prcf.
j^' C.D.iod<atturn.Et habeas ibi hoc breuc. TcfteScc.


T Truing t|)Ug petufei) tXjzWSilit of Quidiuris clamat,m tiXttit tiu

Sca.rtf^ xlcumftancc > toeeace noto in !ife manner to pn;ufeti|)eM;it4rf
Definition %^^ ^?^ Of Quern redd reddit,ifi a MUit tul>icial,anD iffH^tf^out
of ti)enoteof tl)e fine agaml)^tl)e tenant oftt)elanD, to ompeU*^tm to
attucne to ti)e cogmfee , tjpn t^e gtiant of a tmt charge , o; cent fecbe
iCTuing out of t^e lano, Nat.Bf.f. 1 70. b. %}^z fojrae luljeceof tnfuetfj.

^Yjjji lacobus Dei eratia &c.vic' E.falutciD. Pf &c. tibi,quod venire facias
hie a die ^. Micn.in quindccim dies E. F. ad cognofcend qucm rcddif
Curia noftra coram lufticiariji noftris de banco concctlit CD. per fin&
inde inter COS fal'.Et habeas ibi hoc breue,Tcfte&c. iU:Tt i

31 f tjpon tWm^^t ? tije oefenoant appatenot , a Diftringat gaeffi

Rex vie* Ebof fahuem.Pf tibi ^ diftringaj E.F. p omncs cras^c. Et
^ dc exi6corundcm refpond, 6r habeas corpus eiui hie Sac in oAab. S.
Mich.proximo future : Adcognofcendqucmrcddit&c.cxeundc vno
mcilu agio cum pertin' in L.q^ A.B.in Curianfa&c .c one eHit C.D.|> fi-
nem inde inter cos {&&!, 8c ad audien^iudic ium fuum indede plunbuf
dcfaltis.Et habeas &*;.
^t tol)tcl) Da^ if tfje tenant appare,t!)e enttv ma? be in t|it0 fo;m^t
E. F.inraia propluribus defalris&c .1 ii!::. iji.^'u; m%ci>

Pf fuit vie' E. quod d iftringcrct f 3 i^F, 8cc.ii;rhiltjf breiiikfifdfi^

firing./upra. Ec modo hie ad hunc diem venit tam p<f C. D. per W.W.
lAtturnacfuumjquam f)dE.F. in propria perfonafua.Etpd CD. pcf>^
^dA.B. feeideredditu^datturnct&e. EtpdEF. petit audi tbrcuis
|d6ceilcgitur, Pctitctiamauditoot^finisvndeidem breueemanauir,
ctei legic in h^e vcrba.Inter C.D.qucf 6c(.t:ectttUg tl)e note in Utin |r.

Fines and Concords* 5;

3(rt toljicf) cafe if tf}t Umnt atfucne^tfje mtt^ (l^aU b0,a in a Quid
hiris clamat, and To HjaUt^eiuDgementanD execution beairo(J^//f4//>
mntandU. 513at t!)0 attucnmciit mull be in Ccuit,9 .H,6.i\.%.H,<s,is.
""^ *
'if^af t!ni0!tiH5itlJcagainitDiucc0Defenoanf0, anu Tonic apparcano
fomcmafeeccfault, tijcfe , ioljicijappfcrc , l^all not attutne tuitlout
tl)efl,t3ntilltf)epappocte,anoaftct;mafee Default, 8.H.5.1 5.
once appeerc, anD after maSe oefaultj a Diftring ad
3If t^e tenant Dtfauii,
atlurnandH^aUbe aioacDeO, 9.H.c>. 2 1.8. (J.I 5. R
Cognif of atcnt cljargejOj rents fo; i:caces,(l^aU not Ijauc attucn^
went, QuacrcDy cr f. 1 40.pl. 3 7.& 3 8
SD^etenantcannotpleaofag ^tnmep, but cxconfenfuqucrcmis, Atturncvv
3In Quem red(f reddit,t^e tenant app(cring,t0 to tiemauD to^at tlje
plainttfe Ijatl^ to O^cto fo; tlje rent , ano t^tn Fje muft i^lu ttje com^
ttienccmenf tj^ereof>5ni) l^isf title t^er^unto , ioj^ic^ tlje plainttfe ma?
anttoec, ji.H.).8.35.H.6.
Bin Qucm redd rcddit, if tfje tenant toiUtiirclaime ,1)0 ma^pIeaDe Difdamcr,
f l)at jje luafli not tenant of tfje lanD tljc oar of tljcnote leuieo : foj t^iu
Mjit Iret^ againU none but ]^im,tu^icf) is tljen tejTant,8.H.^.i 5.

I write thus brifcly. of chii Writ, bccaufcit fo much rcfera-

bicth a ,^^wwr^w<<r.

l*erqu*fermtia, i

PEr que fcruitia i&cognifa

a iuticiall 'M'ixt', iruing from
of aSano;j ^eignio?ie
tfjg note of a finty Sc^V. 1 67:,
ano l^etl) fojtije , , c^ieferent,^^
ot^er feruice5,to compell ^im tl)at is tenant of tfje lano at t^e time of
tljenote of t!)efineleieo,to atturnetjnto I)im,43Edw.3.8,H;(j.i 7.
Plow.4^.b. toljtclj iimaDe t]^u0.
Rex&c.vic'K.falutcm. Prccipiraustibi, cj venire facias coram lu- T^c writ;

fticiarijjnoflrisapud W.itJcranih&c.S.F.KX.&c.adL. &c.adcog-

nofccnd per qux fcruitia tenent tenetr entafua com pertifi in B.qux (er.
uiiia E.L. in Curia noflf coram luflic' nfi$ apud W. conccfHt W.B per
fincmibiindc inter cos faitum.Ei habeas ibi hoc brcue.Tcnc&c. ^

3iftI)eiLo^u grant ti^eferuices offjis tenant b^ flne5o;otf)ertiJire,tfje. >, i

l.o;>0 befo'^eattumment il^al Ijauefuc^ tfjingsas It? in prcndcr : as tl^o

itjaro of tlje boui? of t!)e |)cire ano of tljc lanlJ5efrf;cat0 %t* }l5ut not fucfj
tilings as I? in render : as,rentsanli reliefe,l)edots ano otlj^ ferniccs
fx)^ l)e cannot auolD fo J tljem befo;je tfje atturnment*

31f man grant tWtmm of Jti? tenant fo^ lifie , t Jis.mi?it \it% J"J,^'^""'

Bf Per qu fcruitia i ^ f^ ^^Jnuo3>$na ?inoi ;ar}5eri ^tft ijii';>)v)v.-'


t3j:."ii:vv Hf
. .

Fines and Concords,

31 f fcruucsf be granfcti to 31-^ fo? life, tl)ci:eu0rfioto^.i^antt
J^ . Die htfm mvXtmmtM m^mUm ^llfiaue Per^u^ (eruicia

3If Per quaebe fe^iotigl^t againff tj{uet{,of fefjic^ foftteonelv


appeai:e,t^cr^^c compellable to attutne, z i.Ed.3.48,T.3 2.E.3.

Vpoti whofe alienaticM the tenant is net cempellahle to atturne.

Sea. 168. if tenant tn taileof fecutccsleuteafinetlierefifjt^e tenant of t|)e

T, in tailc. lanii;,is not compellable to atturne, 4S.E. 3.2 3. HBecanfctljatif t^0
1 cognifoj 9ie,tl)c tenant is fubtect to t|>e Di tolTe bot|j of t^e cogntf
ano of tljetffucintaile, 24. E. 3. z ;. 43 E. 3. /^euertljeleffetjpona

line Uiitl; ^^oclamation in fuel; cafe , lijl)ic^ bacretj^ tlje idue in taiU,
tl)e tenant famet^ compellable to attutne.
Cognifor nc-
3ff a fine be lemeDbi'btmluljicfjtoa^neuecfeifefiof tf^ef^mcea^
uer feilcd.
tlje tenant 10 not compellable to attm:ne,H.6.E.t. % :^;;r; j:;.'j';i

To a particu- 3[f tl)e tenant fo; life , o;anr ot^ec particular tenant of fetmreif,
lar tenant.
tlje terre tenant iif not
tul^iclj^auetljem notinfit, leniea finetljereof,
compellable to atturnje, Icih North. 3 .,3.
lointcnant 3}f one toint tenant of a ^eignw^iei^antf cfjetenantisnctccm^
pellable to atturne, 9.E.2.

Agaitt^ rvhom a Per qui feruicia Ijeth^ andwhom not.

% againff l)im onelp tijat is tmmt of tfje lano at tlje tittx. of

note of tl)e fineleuieu,8.H.6.i 7, 1 8.E.4. io.3nD i^txtmt muH

Terrc tenant 1 nDtt3aricfcomtbefine,i8.E.4io.2 5'.E.3.35.E.3.5o.
SDljcrefo^ it faemetl^ tl^iA if i[)e,iu|>icl; i& tenant at t!)e leu^mg cif
tl^enote Die,o^ alien befo :ie atturnment {jao, tl)at neitlier ^10 t)ette no;
*^e aliens is compellable to atturne,H.26. E.^f 6.1 8..4.25'.E.3-5o.
I o. pttl)t5 atturnment is go,IbidcraM.:! I.E. 3. -.
2. p;io;jcire reclufe is compellable to atturne,4 ?.E. 3 .Snu an infairt
Mate, llBut a manfurde a rautc,is not compellable taattume, 2 6.E. ^ eki
Deafc, ijio; a man non fanac mcmoriac,as a mau man, a lunaf ifee, an iueot,
MadnciTe. a6.E.v<;i.

T by curtcfic ^^^ ^ tenant b v curt cfie fo; i\)t focblenelfe of tjis effate, 9 .E. 3. 3 1

Late feoffment ^etljat is infcgtD b^ tl)eJlo:D poft flat. Qiiiatmptorcs&c. inot

compellable toatturn,ftj; l)c f;olDet^ of tljeil^peramount, 9.E.3. 1 p. :?

%|)e M;it of Per qua: (cruitia , ougtjt to l^eU) tf;e quantttie of f c

tenancie^H.i4.E.3.fo^ittstcauerrabii, T.io.E.?.H.26.H.tf.
011 pcrfons tl^at map be cognif^s, mav |)aue t^is M^if
C untie* Perquacfcrtutia,ou0^ttobemt|)eCounti^l|^er:et|>efinet0^otD'
leDjjeDjalbeit tfje ijpano^bein oneCount^ anot^efermcesinanotljec

Fines and Concords.

Nonfait lit t^
action 10 itot pttempto^it) 14.E.3.25'. m^ t^c fieatJj NonWr.
oftfjcCogntfo^ after t^e note leuieD .j .;5t:: ,: -

Per quae feruitia Uet^ a t^etC 0^ mo^C aftatlje note leUfeO, 2 9.E. 5 .4<J Time.
jaftecpemiipton'iffneiorneDjtIjEtejtantinPcrcjuaEfcruitia, Auume/,
iitafee ;atturne^, fo; if tfjc iCTue be tcieo againa^m, it Dootl) tountec^
watleattutnment^anDtfjenliemaijbe oiftcaineo before attucnment,
Nonccnwrctlje Hal' Of tfie note leuieO, is a gOOt) bacre in Per quae fcr- Nontenure
uma,8. H.6.17.21.H.4.72. t

31t ialfo a gcoD plea,t!)at before t^e notcleuieu, tJ)eCognifo; gran* ^^'^"^'^ ^""''
feotfjefecmcestoanotljeMniJ tfjatfjetljerupon Jjioattucnjp.E.s.s i. Difdaimc.
2Dt)e tenant in Per q (cruitia, cannot oifclaime, hut map pleao Non
tenure, vtfupra, 2 j.H.4.72.
^fteciuOgcment p.iOcefiTeiS Diftringas ad atturnanduro, 4.E.3 .2.E. ^j^*"- ^^ ^^^
^*" "^'""'*

31f tt)e mefne leui^ a fine of l^is mefnaltie, to 0.fo; life, tf)e Kemaini' Attummcn:
tei;toll5anf,^.b;jingetljaPcrqu3efcruitia,ano tlj^ tenant attuc^ with an ex,
netl),famng!)t0acquitaiIe,r^<^aUnot!)ein tlje cemainDecauotwe, "P"-
before !)e alfo acfenotuleDgc tfjeacquttaile, 1 8 .E.4 7.
ilBntaftmt coucrc cannot conftfife acquitaile in Per q fciuiiia, bc^
raufe fl^e 10 not examinable in t|)i0fqit,9.E- 2.45. E. 3.

^no t|)e tenant ma? attucne fauing acquitaile ano toatcantie ac^
ja man ma? graunt fcrutce05befo;e tie ^nue feifin tfjereof in fait,H.
" ^
<j. E. Fitz. Per quse feruitia 2 2

SItfeemetl) tjpon tlje grant ofaOpanojcuptiintljeferuice^paire a Manor,

foitijout atturnment,a0 parcellof tije ^ano.2, ano ttjat t^eiU);o mau
anoij) toitl)Out atturnmant, 16.H.6. titz. Per q fcruida 21.
Wt\}z tenant in Per q feruitia, appeare ano cofeflTe tf)e action at tlje f'^^'.r
Diftringas ad attutnand after iutJgement,|iDill not atturne,!)eeigpu^
mutable b? impjifonment,o^gne, attljeDifcretionof t^eCourt,a*( it
fcemet^j 3.E.3.ItinNorth.Fiiz.pcr qfcruida 17.
CopaccenerSjBlcintenantSjant) tenants in comoitjWa? not fourcfi p..
b? efitoine, to effoine feuerall?, but i)aue onclv one effoine, as one fole
tenmttmigl)tl[)aue*W.i.cap.42.3. E. 1 Raft' c{roinc4. .

Of the ingrojfmgsf Fines,

W^ent^noteoftljeiFinetsmaijelDit()tf)eCuftosbrcuiura,if Seft. 170
it be of lanos in po(reirion,o^ iul)en attucnmcnt is maoe, if it

tedfareuerfion,remainoer,rentS;OaferMicS;ttiea ma^itbe ingrof^

feD b? tl) Cjjirograpliirf
& .

Fines and Concords.

Ingroflmg. 0ntj tlje ingcoiriKgof a fine, w Motl)ins elfe but t^t mttixiQ of tfie
tonce;t} thereof U)ttf)t^cC^it;ograp^er,anD ti^e iD^tttns ano neliue^
tis of t^cintenturcs t^ci:eofFuz.nac. i47.a.5.H.4.cap.i4.tD|)ic$b
calico t{)eCI)ttogcapl)e of t^e fine,$ in maoe in fo;ntc follototng^^viz.
Hacc eft Hnalis concordia, faCla in curia dhi Reg. apud Wcftni^ a die
Fine on caile
de reuernon Pafch.in i5,diesAnrcgniIac.5cc. 5. coram Edoiundo AnderfoD,T.
dc rcnt^ Walmfley, R .O. ec K.B. luftic dhi Reg.ec alijs fidclibus tunc ibi pfen-
tibuS|inter A
5qucf &
L.C. dcforc*,dedece oicrcaf rcddif cum pertiii
iaB.qucmP.deAccnecadtermiflunivica?, vnde placitumconuentio*
nisfumih fuic inter eos in ead cur, fez. quod pred L^concedit pro fe
hered'fuis, quodprcd redd' cum pcrcm* quem pred* P.tcnuit ad ter-
minuro vitx ex dimifsione pred L. in pred vil' die quo haec concordia
fa^a fuic, ec qui poll deceflum ipdus P ad pred L. heredes fuos de-

Rm.ad hcircs buit reucrci , poft deceflum fpfius P. integre remancanc pred' A. ec
de corps, hered' decoporefuo procreaf , cenend' de capital* dominis feodi illius
per feruicia qwx ad pred redd percinenc imperpetuum, c fi contingat,
Rem. as droit
quod idem A. obtericHne hercd' de corpore fuo procreaf, tunc poft de*
ccffum ipdus A. pred redd cum pcrcihincegreremancbic reft ishercdi-
bus ipHus A.teneodde capicalibus dominis feodi illius per feruicia qu
ad pred'redd pertinent impcrpccuaro:c pro hac concefTione fine, &
concordia, idem A.dedic pF. L. centu marcasarg argcmi* j^no fo Of ot^ri

act o;oins to tjjeoiuccfitie of tljeic cafes*

Ofth uhlittg ofTines ingro^eei

Scft.! 71 Ti^eC^icogtapliei: of fines of tliecomon pl(e{,fo^ euec muff \iiiiit
Tablcf, ano make one table fo^ euerr countte> tuljece I)ts mntelhes ^;tt
tunnefl), containing tlje contents of euecp fine, tljat fl^aU palTe in an?
one tgcme, as tl)e name of t[)e counti?:,totDnes,anD places^U^lierin i^t
tenements mcntioneo in anr fine be, tf)e name of t|)e plaintiTeanO oe^
fo;ceant,f ofruet?mano,:nameii in an^ fine* j^notljeficlloa^oftfje
wept tcnne aftet tljc ingroCfing of eucri? fucfj fine,(^aU fire t\xm of t^e
faiofables in Tome open placeof t^eCouct of Common plees, ano fo
euctpuav of fliefaiDtccme outing flje fitting of tljefaiD court:anot^e
Coiktemsb feio Cl)tcogcapI^r i!iall oeliuec to euec]? D^etife of euct^ Countie, ^ii
t)nOecn)ici(ir,o; Deput?,faice lu;!itten in patcl}ment, a perfect content
of tl)e table fo to be maoe fo;i t^at ^|)ice in tf^e tetme tl^at (l^all be nejct
befo;et^airiresto bel)oloeninti)efamecount^,o; els mesne bettueen
t\}Z tenneano tl)e faio a(rtre0,to be fet tip t|)e ficff oa? i euec^ oar of tfie

nert aOtfes in fome open place of tt)c couct, Uiliece tl)e Wiitt of 0(rt-
fes tlien l^atl fit, to continue tljete fo long as t|)e? (^all mt in ti^efaio
couctafeither V^z c^itogapliet: 0; (l^ecife faile fjetein, ^efo^fhtetl) t)4t.
ano i^z c(icog]:apl)ecs fec/o; zmvs. fuel) table is ui;*o* z 3 . Iiz. cap. 3
. : ,

Fines and C oncords. $f

TJorv many VrocUmAtiont'are ta be made vpon Fittefy arid when.

|a;oflamatiohjtf)at i}5 to fa^joncin tl)e SEcniie in to^icf) tlje fine

wingcoireo^anD imixw^ one of tfjetfj.jee tcrmcs neptenfuingtligm^
gtoirins t^cof,onc p^oclamaticn, 1 3 .Eiiz.c. 2
5But if an^ of tc)c fam0j[3;joclautationsfaile, b^reafonof tljeau^ ,.
ioucnemcnt of anr of tfje fait %ztmt& br M;iit ofaDioncnment tiul?
maoe , r J^t ii$ fuel; fine gcoD , ano a goo fine Ujitfj ^B^odamationSj as if
t^c fame Ijao ban p ^oclamcD, r .M.c.7.
D15iit if ant! proclamation be mate tjpon a ^unDa^,it is C'cw.ijbei'
Caufeitisnotdiesluridijus, Dycriol.i28.pl.53.55.2.Eliz.

Ofthe Vroclamfitiom ef Finef at the AJfifes and generall S ejfions

hn> they m(4H be certified,

tlje eno httizt notice of fines; ma^ come to tljem ,

to toljom it s^^^, ^ ^
appei:tainetl),itis e;joeinc5 faio^ta. of 4.H7.c.24. SEtiat seflions.
b\) ttje

V^t 3intt* of ttjeCommon place fl^allfenD a tranfcript of fucfj fines to

t\z tixHC' of Mik in tl^e Counties toljere tljeHano Dot^ Ip, tobepjo^ Affifcs, '.

tihXMxi openly ano folcmnclt? at all t|)e ^ffifes ^ toljic]^ l^all be tl)erein
|^o!Den,\it()in one veceaftectlje ingcoffing offutlj fines : ano tfjat tl)e
liUe tranfcript be ;i Mt
to t!)e iuH* of |^eace,tl^ecc to be p^oclameo at
fonce geneiall ^elTtwis in tfje faio Counties^ano bot| t^e fame p;o^
tlamations to be maoe ano cei^tifieD intu i^ common place tl)e fecono
Da^ ef tl)e ceturno of tlje^lHecme tljen mipt foUoU?tng:ano it \$ to be no^
teOjf Ijat iuljile tlje faio fines ace t:eaD,all pleas vnvSJt ceafCj4.H.7.c.24.
S^^efo^meof eueciefucl^lB^oclamationintl^as : ^ftect{)e Cr^c ProciamatioR.
anj^es foKilence,fa^ingt Oycs Icsfints lies, 0^ to tDat ef*
fectjtfjeC^icograpljeco; !)is Deptte,rGa5et!) tl)c fines tijus
Cbo;# A Fine with proclamations betwcenc A.B.plaintife,and CD.
iQcforciant,of tenements in D. &c.
3f tl^c Cognifjjes in fines Die,bcfo;e tl;e ingcolTing tl)ei:eof,no p;jo^ Cognifcedcad
tlamation tl^all be mate, becaufe ttjevljaottjcii: election to l^auetljc
fine ^\i% proclamations or initfiout , to^icl) ele^ion is nolu bu tfjeii:
ueatl) DetecmineOjDyer fol.2 54.pl.i o4.8.Eliz.Piow.fo).2dC).b.

O/ /^tf inrolment of all the part of Fines afer the engrofflng thereof
and P rocUmat tons, fa^sd.

B^tlje^tatuteof 23.Eliz.c.^itiso<JJc?HeO5tfjatt!)ece0jaUbefoj Se^.174

enecanofficsiofBfnrolmcntjCaUeD tlje office of3!ntolments of fines o^ceof in

anu reconeciestaho t!)e 3inftcf tlieCemmon plca3,foj t\^ttimt being

Dtf)crtl)entlje cljeifeBiwtt.l^aUlfauef tfeetl)ecaceant)ef)at:geDf ano
fo? t!je3(m;olwents afo^efaio, fee tije epaminatioHS tfjeccofp ano irjtte
. . .

Fines and Concorde,

flieic namrg tnto tljc rells ll)erecf , i l^ue $ cniot? tfjc fate ofifirc f'tf)t
mfpofittor. tljcrcof, ^ catefuU^ (it $ Icobe to tl)c execution tljcixof. ^no
Ijaaefo; tlietmoUnent ant) oramtnattcncf eucrr fuc^ fine^l.sr.tuj.u.
Excraplificaio, ^"D fo,2 cuctic crcmplificaticn of cmtit fuel) mtolment of anr fine -

t).!. fo J one ^eate fcacci) uij.D. fe; enttit Gjtct orpapcr contcining Fiitj.

Punhhmcnt. ianD tl)c 3i\ili(ts of t^cCotttmon place !)auc pobjec fo f afec e^ntt in
alltl)mge0 conucnicnt fo; tlje faio mcolments^anD tipon cFammatiow
tn t^z fato Couct to altelTe fines anti amccctamentis Dp on pei:ron5 qU
fenumg,fo J tj^cic mifp^ifionjContemptSjO; negligences fo; not noeing
o; mifDcingof an^ t^tng,ofj in, 0; concerninganv fuclj fiiies, as tljeu
imte auo conuenient,^ 3 .EI)z.c.3

inroiracntof ^"^ ^^^^V ^^itof Coiienant,anD ott)tt El;it,tuI)ei;upon ant? fine

fine. is leuieo , t^eceturnetljeieof, tl)e Dcdimus potcftaicm maoe fo; tlje
bnotoleDging tljeceof, t^t ceturne t^eceof, t^c conco;^, t|)e note, ano
foitc of euct? fuel; fine , ti)e proclamations maoe tljeceupon ,ano t^e
liiingsfiluectjpon tl)c cequeft, 0; election of ant? pecfonjina^ beintol?
leo in tlje faio office: ano tl)c inrolmcnts of tlje fame , oi of an^ pact

tljereof,(&all be of as goD fo^ceano tjalioitiein ttjejtalojto all intents

fo; fo muclj of an^ of t^em fo tnt;olleD,as tj^e fame being ej:tant ce^ 9m
maining tpei;e 0; oug^t b^ ii.atu to be, 2 3 .E1jz.c. 5

Of the exetnpljifieation of the parts of Fines wroHed,

VV Statute, tljcn ma)? t^e fame be eremplvfieOjeitljectmDect^e

^eale of tlje offtcc,o; tsnoec tljegccat ^cale of (Dnglano : bnt to titm*
plt?fic fuclj a fine tjnocc tlje gtcat ^ealc Ijattj tfjis oifcomoDitie, t^at if

an\? ei;io;s remainein tlje jKeto;o of tlje fame fine, tljei? be not amen^
Dablcaftef tljcemnplr-fiication tl;ei cof, 2 3.EI.C. -. \i\xtit fametlj tfjis*
ejctenoetl; onclvto fines lcuicDbefo;c tlje fame^tatute of, 2 3-Ei c,3.
CDljefe inrolmcnts ano cremplificaf icns ffl?me tjecp neccffaq? , be*
raufe tfjat tljep.2tuitic ano tuacrant of tfje faio Couct , manv ci;io;s
|jappemngint[jefi3;mci:Kcco;Dst{)eE;cof niat'bcamenDcDjanDtljere
incolments iuill fufificc, if t^e former Kcco;d tljeceof 0; ani' patt
t|jeieof,bc imbcfellco 0; otljecUufc Dcfaccu, 2 3 .Eiiz.c.3
2Cl)c,ev*empSvfication of afineincolleoacco;^
Dmgtotlje&tatuteof 2 3.Eiiz.c.3,
El'Z.Dei gratia &c. Ouinib^.dd quos ptcntcs liter^pufrKrint/alutc:
S(:'atis,qd Hit Ircotularata brcuiunj & aliof depend ^finib*fccui)dora
forRiOatutijdccmino Pafchae.apud W.ah rcg.nofif 2j>.roiuIo y.contU
BcEUc,fl.EffKx(I.El.d<i grdtia Angl',? ranc',ctHibcrii,rcg.fidci dcfefor
&c. vie'
Fines and Concords.^ ^6
vie* Eftex falutcro.Prxcipc E.W. armig', &
I. vxori cius, quod iufte &
fine dilatione teneant I. VV. &
I.vS. conucntioncm inter cos fa^tam , dc

diiobusmcffuagiii.duobusgardinis, duobus pomaf, ao.acftcrrar, 20,

acris prati.xl.acris paftuf,& C.acris iampnorum & bruerx, cum ptin* in
B- & VV. Ec nifi fccerint , et pd I, & I. fcccrint re kcunxm dc clam' fuo
prof, tunc (iimm' p bonos furam" pdi<rtos E.ct I. q\iod fine roram lufti-
ciarijs noftris apud Wcnm* in 0<ftabis (anCii Michaciis^oftcnfuri,
quarenonfecer!nr,Et habeas ibifumm', cthocbreue. T.mcipfaapud
Wcflm' i7.dicScptcmbris, AnnTcgniRcg. nunc 4o.*Plcg'depror.
lohanDoOjRichardusRoo, *Suqim' iohanncsDcn, Richardus Fen.
* Georgius T. af. vjc' (T. * I. W. dat doraih Reg. fcx (olidos ct oCio dc-
narios pro liccn' concord cum E. VV. armig', cc
vxorc cius dc placito

conucncionis dc duobus mcllBagijs, duobus gardinis , duobns poraari-

is, 20. acris terra:, 2 o. acris praii, 1 0. acris paftuf , ec Centura acf iamp-

norum ecbrucras cum pcrtin in B. 5c W.Ec habec Cirf pcrpaccm ad-

mill. * Coram R. H. vno luflic domin Reg. dc banco lufijc' in patria
fi. * Elizabeth dei gratia Anolia?,Franci?E, et Hibern' Reg. fidci dcfcn-

for&c dile^octfideHfuoR. H, vni lufiic* fuorum de Banco, Salu.

lem. Cum breucnoftrum dcconucn* pendcat coram vobis& focijs vc-
ftrisIuftic'noftrisdcbancOjinccrl.VV. &I. S. E. Wiarro*, et l.vxo-
rem cius, dc duobu? mciTuagijs, duobus gprdinis, duobus pomarijs, 20.
acris terrae, 2 o. acris praci, m B. et W. in comitat EflTcx , ad fincm indc

inrertos coram vobiset focijsvcftrispreditlis in banco predict' fecun-

dum legem ct confuetudine Regni nri Angi*, Icuand, Ac ijdcm E. ct I.
adeo impotentes fui quod abfquc maximo ccrporum fuorum
periculo vfquc Weftm' ad diem in breui predifto content, ad cogniti-
ones, qu^ in hac parte rcquirunif iidcrd Uborarc non fufiiciunt, vt ac-
ccpimus Nos Qatui corundcm E. ct I. comparicntcs in hac parte, dcdi-

musvobispotcftatcmrecipiendrccogrutiones quasprcdE.ctl. coram

vobisfiiccrcvolucrint depremiffis, Etidcovobis mandamns quod ad
prcF. E. ecKperfonaliteraccidentes, cognitiones fuas prcdiOasrccipi-
atis: Eccumeasreceperitis,praefatos focios vefiros indc Tub figiU' ve-
ftrisdifiin(f>e&apcrtercddaciscertiores, vt tunc finis ille inter partes
pridiOas de coram vobis ct foci jSiVeftris predi Ais in banco
prnedi^olcuaripoffitjfccundiim legem & confuctodinem fupradiO^ss.
Ethabcatis ibi tunc hoc brcue. T. meipfaapud Wcfimofi xviij. die
Scptembris Anno regni noftri 40. * Rcfponf. infranominati R.
H. ad hoc brcue. Exccuc' iftius breuis patct jn quadam fcdula huic
breuiannex. * Et eft concordia talis, fcilicer, quod;E. <ScI, fiomi-
Dsc in brcuihuicfcedul* annex', recogfi ten in diOo brcui fpeofic
cumpcrtincntijscffeiusI.W.ineodcmbreuinominat, vt ill' qux ij-
dcm L6( I< S. in di^o breui nominac habeant dc dono pra^di^' . eti.
Fines and Concords.
Et ill*rcmifef & quieC clam dcfc ethcrcd fuis pfa! I. 1. 6c herc^ ipfius
I.W.inipcrpctuuii}.Ecpr^tcrcaijdcmE.ctLconc'pro fc& hcrcd'ipfi*
i. quod ipli warrant tcnemcnta prcdifta cum pcrtincmijs prcfat I. Sc T.
& hcred ipfius I. W. contra omucs homines impcrpctuum. Ec pro hac
&c.i)demI.VV.& I. S.conccff. tcnemcnta praedifta cum pcrtmendis
pref E. et I. * Et ill* eis rcddidcf in cad cm Curia Habend & tenen^ c*
. :

ifdem E. et I. hcrcd* de corporc ipfius E. per praedidlam Llcgitimc pro-

crcac, ct pro dcfe^u talis cxitus.tenementa pr^dila cum pertin ,incegre
reman prxf. I &hcred dc corporc ipfius 1. legitime procreaf, pro &
dcfelu talis cxitus, tenementa predi^a cum pertih, iniegre reman re-
^is hercd' ipfius E. impcrpctuum. Tcncnd &c.R. H. 0*. * H^c eft fina-
lis Concordia fa^a in curia Dominsc Rcgin apud Wei^fh in 0labis

litiCXi Michaclis Anno regni Elizabflth,C)ei gratia, Angliac, Franciae,5c

Hy berh Reginx.fidei dcfcnf. &c. a conqucftu decimo , coram I. D. R,

W.I.W. &:R,H.Iuftic'&alijsd6m Reg. fide! ibus tunc ibi prefcnti-

buSjIntl.W. ctl.S, quef&E.W.arm,5c I.vxofcius defoc dc 2.me{r.
2.gard,2.poiTij 2o.acf prati40. acrispaftuf,& C.acrisiampnof et bru*
crcjcum pertinencijsin B. 5c W. vnde placitum conueocTumm' fuic
inter cos in cadcra cur , (c. quod pred E.6c I. recognpred tcnemcnta
cum pertiii,e(re ius ipfius I. W. vc ill' qu; i)dem I .& I. S. habeant de do-
no prcd' E. 6c I. Et iir remiCet quiet clam* dc ipfis E. 6c I. hcred* fu-
is, pred 1. 6c 1. 6c hercd' ipfius 1. W. impcrpctuum. Et preterca ijdem

E*&LconcefIcf pro feet hcrcd* ipfius I.quod ipfiwarrf pdLScI. et

hercd'ipfiusI.W.prcd'tenementacum pertin' contra omncs homines
imperpetuum. Etpro hac recogn*, rcmifTione, quiet clam*, warrant, fine
Concordia, ijdem 1. 6c I. conceffcf prjediftis E.6c I. predicta ten cum
pertinent. Et ill* eis rcddidcf in cademCuf, Habed'ettcnend',eifdcra

\^t, 6cL
E. 6c hcred'dc corporc ipfius E. per prediftam I. Icgitim* pro crc-
de capitalibus dominis feed' ill' per feruic , qua^ad pred' tencin per-
tinent, impcrpctuum. Et fi contingat quod ijdem E.6cI.obicf fine he-
red* de corporc ipfius E. per pred* I. legitime procreac, tunc poft decef*
fum ipfof E. 6c I. prcdift' tcnemcnta cum pcrtiii iiucgrc reman' hcred*
de corporc ipfius I. legitime procrcac, Tenenddc capitalibus dominis
feod* ill' per icruif , quae ad prcd tcnemcnta pertinent, impcrpctuum. Ec
finullusheresdc corporc ipfius I. fuerit[legitime procreaf, tunc prae-
di^a tcnemcnta cum pottincntijsintegrc remancb. icdis hcred* ipfius
E.Tenend de capitalibus dhis feod ill' per fcrui! qux ad prcd teneme-
ta pertinent, iroperpctuuni,rccundforiTi(}aiur. "rriai' proclam* fjla
foit 22. diel^ouembJ tcrmifi fanft' Michacr" Anno vndccimo Reg.
infffcn Secimda proclam' xxiiij die Noucnib. codcra termino.Ter-
tia^clam' xxvj. die Noucmb. cod' tcrmifi. Quarta jpclam*2p.dic No-
ucm cod* cerm'f Qwima proclam* faftafuit fcptimo dicFcb. termYan^*

Fines and Concords. $y

Hiir AnnGii.dift*Reg.inrrafcf. Sexra procl'p.dicFcbfco^tcrmin;
Septima prod* die Fcbr.cod* term*. Oi^aua prod' 1 2. die Febr.eodem
term. Nona jpd.faft' fiiit 1 4.dJe Mai) term Pafc' ana 1 2. Reg. infrafcf
Dccimajpcriy.dicM.cod'tcrfh. Vrtdcciifi^pd' 23. die M.cod* terra,
Duodccim^crz^.dieM.cod'ferm'.Tertia decima ^d' hCV fnit2i.
die lunij term Sanft* Trinitat ann.vndccim Reg. infralcf Qiiartadccim .

jpd' XXV die lunij co5 term. Quintadccift jpcl* 27. die luni) eod term
Quae omnia & fingula ad requificioncm W. W.gcnerof.tcnore ^fentium
dtiximusextrnpliEcand'. In cuius reitenimoh (igill' nfmadbreuiain

banco figilland deputaf pfcntib" apponi fecimus T.F.W.W.Sc F.R.Iu-

die dc Banco prcd* apud Weflm dic&c.annieg. nunc 2c.Scc.

Harv Fines execHtorie be executed.

TIpe erecutton of a fine,tj8 t|e obtaining of artuall poircirion of f ^e Scoc 1 7^*

tilings containeD in t^e fame, i^t? \itxX\xz t^erof^ano ii tjs eitl)et: b^
entrie into tfje IanU0,oj b^ writ.
a0 if tjpon a fine fur cognizance de droit
3i5s cntJ ic into tl)e lanDes,
come ceo q il ad dc Ton done, cemaine ttil in poffcffion,
31 f ttje f ognifo;

0nD tfje cognijiX b? bertue of fuel) fine entec bpon |)im,as ^t latofullg
map,1uitt)ijuf' anv Uvit of habere fac'fcifin, bwaufe fuel) fine is epecn*
te^,4 J .E. 3 . 1 4 4 - E. ? 5. ^njj if a fine be IcuieD to t^e
. bufbano % tuife
in fpeciall tai?e,tbe rim to tlje \^ti\t^ of ttje boDr of t^e bufbanD, anD
tbeUufsj .ne:?; tintijout i&'ue,tt)eccmaintjec t erecuteo in peffeffion in
tbebufbano,fo^ t[)e eftate taile mcetetb tuitb t|)e ft:a;l)olO)ano oaolo^

Execution of Fines by Writ,

E=gCCution of i^incs bu W^>liUi$ eitbec b^ Habere facias feifinaro, 0; ^^^ j^-
;aiD?itof Habere facias ftifinam,in t}^\^ cafeis a iD^t iuuiciall, ilTu^

ixi% oHt of tb0 Hcco^D of a fine epecuto^l'jOircctcD to t^^t ^}^zt\^t of tbe

Countie txibecc t\)t lanu lietbjCcmmaHnDing \)im to gtite tbe ccgnijce
0? bts gcircs feifin or t\)t lanOjUUjcrof tfje fine xb leuien,3nD i^in tu^it
lietb vuitbin tlje teacc,aftec t^e fine,o;,iuDgement bpon a Sdrc facias
^uft map be waDe in tljefe formes:
JKex vie' 6cc. Prae ipiraus ti bi,qj fine dilatione habere facias B.K. fci*
firaara fuam de mcfuag' cnm ptin m Ncp A. T.in Cur noftra &c, reddi-
dit prcd' B.per fincm indtinter cos fa^' fecundnm. Tcfte &c. ^*"''* ^**'*

D\ibdecim6fc. dcvifu&d. EtquianccE. necR.6cA. vxoreiusali- ciasfurfine

quaScc.adcognofc'.nd' (1 tempore leuationis cuiufdatn finis Iciiaci in ruiifluefik^
H Curia
Fines and Concords.
parte fueront Curia dominiE.nupcr Regis &c.apudWcftrh in craftiii &c.anno5cc
fci fie a) temps coram R.B.& fociji fuis nunc lufticiarijs ipfius nupcr RcgMc banco,
Etpofteain craftifi animaru&c. anno&c. ibid* conccfl. recordac' &
coram cifdcra nupcr lufticiaf & alijs ciufdcm nupcr Regis fiddibus, luc
ibi prentibus, jntcr T.K.& R.F. querent, & I.B- & I- VJCof cius dc-

cordat. fore*,dc quatuor folidis redditiis cum pcftinemjjs in S. vnde praedil'

G. in Curia noftra &c. petic exccutmncm vcrfus ptxtA R. A. virtutc &
Fine dc rent, finis prcdil*,acdc alijs teneraentis&rcdditi bus incodcm finccontcn-
tis, pdi^'T.K. 5c R. & prcdift' I.B.et I, qui fuer unt partes fini illi,fuc-

runt feifici dc prxdidis quatuor folidis redditus cujti pcrtincntijs, prout

pcreunderafincm fupponiC, per quod praedk^'E. exccutionemprx-
dicf quatuor foiid redditus cum pertincntijs vcrfus pr^fatos R.6c A.
virtutcfinis pracdi^* habere dtbcar, ficut idem E die vel non, irao ncc
predict' T.K. 6c R.nccpraeditil.B.& I. qjihierunt partes fiai pr^di-
fto,tempore leujtionis ciufdem finis aliquid habutf in prxdift* quatu-
or (olid redditus cum pertincncijs, ncc in mcflitag'.vndc (upponi5red
ditum ilium proucnire, per quod praedic t E. ^b exccutione pra&dil'
quatuor fol?d redditus cuu jfvriincnt)! vcrlus pr^fatos R.& A.virtuC
finis przditVhabend' exdudi debeat ficut jjd^m R. & A, dicunt, quia

tarn &c.
Scias, quod cftconf.in Curia noHra, quod W.L & alij&c. habeane
Habere facial
feifiiialurrcc* cxccutioncra vcrfus W.T.dcd.'cemacriircrrae cum pertin^'ntijs jn D
en fcire facias virtu'.e cuiuldam Bnis inde leuati in Curia Domirii E.nuper Regis Sic.i-
hors dc fine
p pud W,a die &c. anno &c.cor3m R.B.& foci js (uis tunc luflu larijs eiof^
dem progenitor' noflr i dc Banco,inta I .G. 'uniorcm W. G. quercij- &
tes, & E P.&M. vxof iuideforc*,depraedidii decern acris terrx cum
pertincnti jj, ac de alijs terns 5t tenemcntis in eodcm fine contentis.per
cognitionem praedift' W. T.ationis prxdift' W. L.& al*,6c idco
tibi praccipimus, quod eifdcm W. L. & al*. dc pracdiftis decern a-
cris terrae cum pcrtincntijs fine dilationc plenariam leifinani habere fa-
cias 5cc.
Habere facias Scias quod confiderat cfl in Cur noflf &r.q> T.B.confang* et heres W
fciiinatn fur fratris P.filius W.& M.vxoris eius, heat cxecutionem verfus R. R. 5cc.'
en Scire
J^^ g^f bofcicumptineh inB. virfut cuiufdam finis in Curia
._*nxro r-r^^owi .otx^in Dom
hors define. c.apudW.occ inter pi ?fatW.&M.
E. nupcr regis qucr, oc W.de B.
& R.fir W.&c, deforciant &c.de tchtis pracd' leuatis per defalf ipfbrum
&c. Etideotibiprccipimus quodcidcmT.B dc przdiftis tchtis cum
pf rtinenti js fine dilationc plenariam feifinam & execution habere facias.
Habcrefacias Rex vie conCd eft in Curia noHra coram luflici-
falutem Scias.quod

dSscirc^ arijsnoftrisapud W.qu

,dT.B.cofanguihet hcresVV.B. habeacexc-
li'bors dekn' 'cutionc vcrfus R.D. dc mancrio dc A. cum periineii in coth tuo,
I cuiuf>
Fines and Concor(?s. 58
culufdam finis Icuati in Curia dm E nuper Reg. Angliat&c apiid W.a
die 5cc. anno &c.coraroR.B.&focijs fuis tunc luOiciarijt ipHusnuper
Regis de Banco. Ec poftca in oflab.&c. anno &c. ibm conceff. ctrccor-
daf.inccr pfat W.tjuerentcm, &A . deforciant de mancrio prcd' per dc-
faltipfiusR.Et ideu tibi prccipiniuSj^eidcmT.B demaneriopratd*
cum percih Gne dilatione plenariam reifiuam et exccucionen) habere fa-
cias. Teftc &c.
Scias^confiderateftin Curianfa&c.q; R.M.cc R.A.confanguin* Habere fad
6c h^red H.de B.6c M.vxoriseius,habcanc executionein versus I.C.&c. reifinam (ur re-
de duabus partibus manerij de Y.cuoa pcrtinentijs, viriucc cuiufdam fi- 5"^ P*^' ^"
ni$ leuatJ in Cuf domini E.nuper regis 5cc.apud W.in craftino 3cc.anno
facias hoisdc
&c. coram T.W. et foci)? iuis tunc lufticiaf &c. de banco,inter H. B. fine. &
M.vxof cius qu<f,& B.D.ci B. vxof eiusdefbrciantjdcpr^dift'roancrio
cum percihj'ac de aduocatione Ecclefi^ eiuidcm mancri), jput quanda p
iuratam coram dileftis & fidclib' noftris
.T.5c VV. A.duobus luft. nfis

dcComunibanco,pcrforn)amftatuti. fiindc ^usfi, die &c. apud R.

inde inter cos capf compcrtu fuit : Et ideo tibi pcipimus
^ eifd' K.et R Nifi priusj

deduab'pariibiis ^d'cumprin.nnc dilatione exccutione &plcnariam

rciilDamhabaetacias. Teltc&c.

Of execution of Tines by Scirefacias

AWM of Scire facias tjpoit a fin0,Uet^ in t^0

of Habfief jci .s feifiiuni Dotl),fauing t^attt IS io
fame cafe tfjat a \ssi\i Se^. 178
be fueD a f eace
at.c a Dap aftei: tlje fiiae is !euieD,to^erebp ttje S>l)enffe is r ommanoeD
to toame tlje itwt f enauf to appeaic, aiiD fcclv f au eif t)cc ran, Uilj^
tljeCogmrceo^tjisfjeiresl^oulonot l^aueei;ccutton Bt tlje retucne
tofjercof^if itje tcnait appeai:e,anD rtjeio no cau^'e to the coiucat:!', tlje
piamtire (l?al l;auean Habere facias {elfIndn^l,^*7/^/J^.^nD tt)c fo^me of
Xiiwui^ Scire i cu^ in Ufeeca^eenfue
Rexvic'(alue Cum qnidaiT)finisleua(Tct in Curia dniE.fi'ij Regis Sclrcfadas
H.^genitoriiiif' { z, aipud W.inoftab.&c. annoregni (ui tricefiiuo |}<'rsdefinc
quarto, coram R H.5f focijsfuistunc ludiciarjisipfiuSjpgeiiuorisnoft' jn'jajjc,
de banco intei G.P 6c I.vxor ciusqticf.perW. F.poijt iniococorura
ad luerand vel perdcnd,& S.H.deh'rcian!:e,den antriode C. cu ptih, Attorneyia
vndc placitum conucncion.s (ummonitutri fu idct mttr cos in ead' Curia, fine,
fcz.q;pr^diV' G.recogh manenu ^d im ptirtinefle ius ipfiusS. vtil-

lud quod idem S.habuiflctde don. p/G. Erprniliarecognitionc, fi-

ne,&concordt3,idtmS.conc^ffiirtipdift'G.&!. praediCt' mancrium RcnJcrtothc
cum pcrtincncijSj&illudeisicddiditmeadem curia: habendet itncnd husband and
eifdem G.3r I.& hcredihu? quos idem G.de corpore ipfius I.^pc calTet,
de prardifi:> S. &bxrcdibu;...t-u mpcrpctuuro^ reddendo indtp -nnu basbandof
Hz vnara
Fines and Concords.
theboiy ofthe vnam RofitD ad fcftuni &c. pro omni rcruuio,concc{r.& aHonf ad pre-
wifc bcgovvcn, did* S. & hcrcd' fuos pcrtincn!, & facicnd indc capiwlibui dominis fco^
rendring rent di illius, pro prxdil' S. & hxredibus fois, omnia alia feruitia, quae ad
and forreme quod contingcret, qiiod pvxdift'
mancnirm illud pertincrcnt : Ita fi G.
obierit fine hxrede dc corporc ipfius I.procreit, tunc port dcccffutn ip-

Kemintaile. forum G.6cl pr^diOum maneriumcumpatinemijs intcgicrcmancrcc

W. fratri eiufdcm G. & her cd dc corporc Tuo procreaf uncnd de prac- ,

dicc S.5c hxrcdibus fuis per pracdiiVa fcruitij, ficui pracdidum eft, im-
perpctuum, Et fi contingcret qnd prxdi^usW.obifctfinchapredede
corporc fuo procreato, tunc poft dcccdjtn ipfius W. prxdiil* tnaneri-
uaicumperiJocmi)S integrc rcmancf I. fratri ciufdem W. haercf dc &
corporc fuo procreat, fcnci.d dc ptxdiCio S. 6c h^redibus fuij per prac-
difta fcruitia, ficucpr^fiitlumcft, in pcrpcimMTi, Ec fi contingcret prac-
dicf I. obirc fine hxrcde dc corporc fuo ptccrcac, tunc poft deccilum
ipfius prxdi^ura imneriuno cum pcrtinentijs integrc rcmauerct E.

fratri ciufdcm I. &

haered dc corporc fuo procreaC, icncnd dc praedicl*
S. 6c h^redibus fuis per fcruitiapredift'jficut predict cft,iinperpctuuni:
Et fi contingcret q-iod pr^diftus E.obirctfine Iixrcde de corporc fuo
procreato, tunc poftdeccllutn ipfius E. pracdictmancrium cum ptrti-
iicntijs integrc reucrtatur ad pxxdiCi' S. & haercdcs fuos, quic!deafi)S
hxredipforumC.&I.W. I.&E.tcncndde capitahbusdominis feodi
illius per feruitia, quae ad illud maQerium pertinerenr, imperpctuum:
Ac iam ex infiouationc I. L.& M. vxoris eius vnius, ac T. v & T.vxof .

eius,alterius, necnon H.B. terti j,con(anguifi6c h^red praedicf G.& l.dc

corporibus fuis procrcatacccpimus, quod praedict G.&I.mortuifunr,
t quod quidam T.L.6c K.I. pr^dicf manerium cum pcrtinentijs modo
ingrefTi funt, &
illud tcncnt contra formam finis pditc, Et quia volumns
ca quae in Cur ^pgenicoris noftri ad^a funt,debice executioni demandari,
tibi pcipimus, qdp ^bos 5c legales homines dc b^illiua tua Scire facias
piil r.L. &
R. qd lunt cora luftic* noftris apud W.in oflab.&c.oftenf.
iiquid pro fe habeant aut dicere fciant,quare pdict manerium cum per*
tincnti)S,quod ipfi tcncnt in forma pdifta, poft mortem przdk G.& I.
pracf M.T.& H. confanguih &
hered ipforum G.& I. de corporib* fuis
^creai, rcmanere non dcbent, iuxta formam finis pr^di)i,fi fibi videric
cxpcdif ,Et habeas ibi nomina eorum.p quos cis fcirc feccf ,& hoc brctie,
Tcfte 6cc.

"S .
Rex Vicecora falutero Cum quidam finis
: Icuaffit in Cuf domini .

ipur Ic hcire ^ nupcr Rcgis Angl* aui noftri,tali dic,& anno,coram A .& focijs fuis tunc
<eftu]rialc I uft. eiufdcm aui noftri de Bancojnrer W. quaerent, 6c R dcf orcianf,dc .

mancrio dc T.cum pcrtincn* vnde placitum conuentionis (ummonitum

fuit inter cos in eadem Curia, fcilicrt.quod praedit' R. recogft predi A*
9Qancriuffl cum pcrcinch cftc jus ip(ius W. vc liiud quod idem W. ha-
Fines and C oncordsi 5^
iiabniflcc & concordia,
de dono pr^dif^i K.8c pp ilia rccognitione^fine
idem VV.conccflidec pr^d' R.praed' mancrium cum ptiii^habend & ce
ncn<f eidcR) R.de praedi^^' W.6chered' ruisraafculisde corporcfuo j^
ipnus R.reddctid inde per annum &c.t poft dcccHum
creacis coca vica
ipfiusR.prcdiA' mancrium cum pcrtihintegrcrcucrraC ad prxdid' W.
6c haered^fuos, quiet de hzrc^prxdlA' R.ccnend de capital] bus domi. Rcder pur vie
nisfeodiillius,perrcruitia,qu2e ad illud mancrium pcinercnt, impcrpe- ouereucrtut
tuura,& (] cominecrctquod pracdiftus R.obirct fine herede mafculo de ^"^ '" * j*^* ^,
corporeruo^creac, pratditt mancrium cum pnnen mcegre rcmaoercc ftercncailci
T.fracri ipfius W.^hxrcdibusmafculis de corporcfuo ^creat,renend
de capiralibus dhis fcodi tllius per fcruic' prardi^' imppecuum : Ac iam
ex infinuationc A jBli j & heredis praed' T.accepimus^quod prcd' R.iam
obijtj&^prcdW.obijtfineh^red mafculo de corporc fuo procreaio,
& qaod 1 vnum meiluagium &c. cum ptincnf .qn; ^crunt parcclla roa-
Dcri) pred modo ingreuus t^y 8i ilia cencc contra rorR)am finis prxd'. Ec
quia voliimus ea dcc.ol^cnf.fi quid jp fe habeat aut dicere fciacquarc p"
difl'cenerncntuiu cum pv*rtih,pre4 A.filio 6c hcredi przditti T. rcma-
nert: non debeat,iux<a formiim finis pr^di^i^fi fibi viderit cxpedire &c

c habeas 8lc,
c modo hie ad hunc diem venit tarn praediAusf. S. perSActurna- Scire facias
turn fuum.quam pratdic{ W. & A. per F. Atiurnatum fuum,Sc vicccoin vcisfcuerahe^
roand qjod Tcire fccerit eifde W.6c A. eflcndi hie ad hunc diem oftcnf.
5g"u pc'
fcparacim in forma pr^diOa, per R. & S. probos &c. Et fuper hoc prac- fcdt.
di^' I. dicir, quod ipfe eft confang'&ha^rcspredictl.dc E. videlicet CoufTnagc
&C.& petit verfus prcdiQ' W.& A. feparatim executionem in form pr^- *^'^S
Et iampraediftiW.&A.quoadpracdifta tenemcnta, vndc executio Abarrcthat
verfus cosfecutaft,quamprxdia*R.& I. quoad prsedifta tenemcnta,
vndc executio verfoseos feparatim petita eft, fingulatim dicunt quod nothing in the
nee pred l.nec pred' WA
B. quos per finem ^dil' ibpponifedc partes land at the
finis illius,nihil habuef in tenementis pd cum ptin,vndc executio verfus r
W,& A.fcparatiro petita eft,tempore leuat eiufd finit,imo quidam I . C. ^J^J-^ ^q^^^
fuitindefei(itustemporcleuationisfinisilIius,cuius quid I.e. ftatumin the tenant
teiitis illis,vnde executio verfus cos petita cft,quam pracd' R.& I.fcpara- hath.

tim habent intcnementis pred, vnde executio verfus cos (ingulatim pe.
cita eft,fcparatim pctunt iudicium, fi prxd' 1. cxecutioncm indc verfus

cos habere dcbeat &c. Et pred 1 . dicit quod tempore Icuationis finis il-

liuSjpredl.dcI.quifuerunt partes finis illiuSjfuerunt de leneifitis iffuethatl.


praed' cum ptinch, vnde executio verfus pracd W.5c A.fcparatim in for- was feifcd at
ma modo prsdift* Tecuta cft,^ut per fincm ilium fupponitut, hoc & ^Vj^^
H 3 Cum
Fines and Concords,
Scire facias CuiTi quidam finis leuaflct in Curia domini E. quondam regis Angl'
fuptt fine. ^ui noftri, k die San^^ Trinitatis tn quindccini dies,anno&c. coram I,
dcB.&focijsfiJistunclufticianjs ipfius aut noftri Jtencrantibus apud
Ebof, inter Alamim querent,& A. defend dc df ccm libracis tcrrac cum
pcrtincnti js in A. in manerio dc L. in Coiuic de N. vndc placituna con-
iientionis tummonitura fuiffcc inter cos m eadcra curia, fcilicct quod pd
Adam recogn pr<^di A' ccneraenta cum pcrtinentijs,vt in dominicis.tcd-
ditibus&c. 6c omnibus alijs rebus ad prxdilatencrocntapcrtincntib*,
cflc ius Ipfius Alani, pterca idem A.dedit 6c conccfllc pracdiOo Alano
quinqucmarcasrcddituscumpcrtincmijs in A.inComitatuK. 6c totu
cum pcrtinenti js in Comitai u tuo, vt in dommicis 6cc.
xnaneriuxn de B.
habendum 6c tenendum eidcra Alano Scvxori cius, & haercdibusdc
corponbusipforum Alani 5c E.procrcat.dccapiralibusdhis fcodorum
i'lorum impcrpetuum, faciend indc omnia feruitia^qux ad pdi^' tene-
ment pcriinercnt,6cprjedilus A. 8c h^redesfui warf ei(dcm Alano 6c
E.6c h^redibus fuis prxd!<flis,omHia prxdift' cencmcnta cum pertineo-
ti)s,|>predit'reruifia contra omnesgentcsimperpctuu, 6c iicontigerir
quod predift' A.8c E. obirent fine hercde dc corporibusipforum Alani
& E jpcreatjdccapitalib' dominis feodoiu illof impcrpetuum facicnd*>
indc omnia feruicia quae dd pracd'tcnemtaptincnt: 6c prardift* A.6c
tieredes fui warf cildcm Alano 5c E.6c heredibus (uis pred' omnia prxd*
cencmcnta cum pertincmi js per precf fcruitia conrra omncs gcntes imp*
pctuum, 6c fi contingerct quod prafdi^i A.6cE. obirent fine hcrcdc
dccorporibusipforum Alani 6c E.procreat, poftdcccffum iplof Alani
& E pixd tenementa cum peronentijs ad praefarum Adam 5c h^rcdes
fuosintcgrc rcuertercntur quieca dealijs haeredibus ipforum A.6cE.
imppetuum Ac iam ex infinuatione Anthoni j de L 6c I confanguinc-
: .

orum6chercdpraedicl'Ad<e accepimus, quod predict Al>nus 6c E.

Jamobierunr,6c quod lohannes filius 6c h^rcs c.^rundcm Alani &

obi jt fine b^rcd'decorporc fuo procreaco,6c etiam VVilhclmui fihtis

pracdict' Alani & E. 6c fntcr 6c heres predict lohannis lam obijc fine
herede dc corporc ftii jpcreato,6c quod quedam Iohanna,qu^ tuir v-

or lohannis deVV. practiidV manerinm dc B. cum pcrtineh mgrcfla eft,

6c illud tenet contra forth finis prcd.Ec ideo tibi preccperimus, ^ p bo-
nos 6c legates homines de comitatu I'uo fcire faceres pdi(k' lohannap, qdy
cfTec coram lufticiaf noftris apud Weftift a die Sanfti Michaelis in
quindccim dies proxim pterito, oftenfura fi quid pro fc haberet vci d'u
cere fciret,quare pred manerium de B.cumpertinefi.pracdr^* Antho.
6c I. confanguineis 6c hxred pracd Adae reuerti non dcbcrenc, fi fibi vi-
diOct expedircac jp eo quod ide I. poftea in f-adeui cur nfa dixit quod-
prxdi^* AnthoniusrequcremrexecutioneDifiuispr^di^'denicdietate
Fines and Concords. do
prxdi^i mancrij dc B.cum ptincnrijSjVerfus pdi^lamlohannam: Ea-
dcnj lohauna vent in eadem Curia & dixic,quod ipfa tenet prxdiflum
01 ineriuin de B.cum ptinentijsp nomeo raanerij de R. ex diniifllon N.
dc C.& qtiod reucrfio mde port mortem eiufdcm lohannsc ad p di ft'N.
fpeftauTinc quo nonpotcft predict Anthonio dc pdift'medictatema-
ncri} pr -d* rcfpondcrc,& pctic auxilium de ipfo Nicholao. Et idco tibi
praecr du quod per bonos&c.fcire facias prxdiloN. quod fit &c.
apud Wedth * d c^Jcc adrefpondcnd'prxhc A. fimul cum przdi^a
lob anna dc pr^djtto placito ii voluerif. Et habeas ibi nomina &c.
CumquidcmfinisIcuaffctinCuriadni E. nuper Regis Angliae aui Scircfaciai

nottri xv.icnnino Trifi,anno 5cc. coram A.&fociji fuis tunc luihcianjs ^"'^^X****

ipfius aui noflf icenerantilus, apud E. inter B. quer* & C.df forc*,dc de-
cern libra! reddif cum pertincnti js in B. inmancrio dc S.in Ccmitatu E,
vnde placitum conuentionis (umm fuidet inter cos in eadcm Curia, fc.
qnod pd C. recoghtencm'i prxd cumpcinen'^ vc in dominicisj reddif
&c.6co<cnibusaliitcbu$ddpraed'cehcapnncn'efleius ipfius B. Pr^
ccreaidemC.dedit&conccflitpr^di^'B.quinq; marc'icddif cum p-
tinentijsinA'itiComiratuS.&totummaneriumdeD. cum princntijs
ineodemCodivtindominici^: habcnd&cencndcidemB.ScE vxof
cius,6chzrcd* decorporibnsipforum B.^ H.exruntibus, decapitalibus
dhisfeodiilliusimperpetuum.faciend'inde omnia (cruic qu^ad pred
tchca pcrtincrcnt : Ecprzd' C.5c barred' (ui wairanf eifdcm B & 5c
hserccj' luis pi^dift*,omnia pi jcdjft' mantf cum fuis pcrtinch ptr pr^d*

fcruina contra omnes genres imppctuum: Ecfi contmgat q-icd prad

B.& E. obirent fine hacred' dc corp* ipforum B,& E. procreai' tunc poft'
deccflum pd B.6c E.pracd* teneraf cum ptinenti js ad pr^f Jt C.^ barred
fuos inte2;re reucrtcrentur quicf de alijs bered' ipforum B.& H. impcrpc-
tuuro I confang' & h^red' pixd' C. ac-
Ac iam ex infinuationc R. & K.
quod praed'B.Sc E.iamobierunt,8c quod I.fiiuis& haerrsco-
ccpicDus, w
rundemB.ScE obi jt fine hxredc dc corporefuOjprcato,&etiamW. -'^

fi!iuspracdit*B.&E. f rater &haercspr^d* I. lam obi jt fine hsrcdc dc [['

corporc fuo exeunt. Ecquodquaedaml.qu^fuic vxor I, W. praedift*

mancfdeD.cumpertincntijs modo ingrelfa ei^, &: iliud tenet contra
formam finis prxd'.EtidvOtibjprxcipirauSj quod per probos&c.fcirc .>;
fac'pracfat I.quodefTcc coram &c. tali die oflcnfur fi quod See. quarc
przdil'maneriumcumpertinenti)S,prxdi^'R.& K' con(anguin &
hxred* praedi^i C.reuertinondcberct,fi fibividiffctexpcdirc.acpro'
CO quod idem K.poftea in eadem Curia noftraven*& die' quod pt^d*
R.(cqucretur executioncm finis praed* de medietac mancri) pracd' dc D.
cuimpti&VCTfuspraEdl.cadctoUalidieveh incad'cuf noilfj&dicir q^
H 4 ipU
Fines and Concords*
ipfatenetmanef &d{!cB.cuniptinpnoifittiancri| dc R cxdimiflionN
C.& quod rcucrho indc per morf prcd lad pdift* Nipccf^fine quo non
poreftpraed'R.dcpraedmedieMccmancrij pracd' rcfpondcrc,& pctijt
auxilJumde ipfo N. Ec idco tibi pcipirr/,quod p ^bosfcircfaciis pfa?
N. quod fie &c. ad rtfpondcn<f pr^dR.fiiiiulcumprapd' J.dcpd'pUciC
fi &r.
volucf. Et habeas

Mittimus de}
DominusRcxmandlufticiariisfuishocbreuc fuuro claufuro inh^c
tranfcriptdel verba. Edwardus&c. (recitand* totumhreue.) tenor pracd' finis vndc in
finc,ct Scire brcucpr2ed'finncntio,fW/rjTranfcript prxd fims.vndc inbreue ^d
facias inde.
iTjcmio/cquitur in li^c verba. Hxc eft finalis concordia &c. recit^ini

totum (^r. Etmodo(cz.tali die ifto codem termift venit hie in Cuf A.cx
Scire facias for
the hcirc of partcpracdift'T.Sc dicicquod pet R. morcuus eft,& fimilit'9 praed W.
him in the re- obijt fine hercd makulo dc corporc fuo jpcrcat,& quod Lin vnum mef.
inainder a-
gainft the
tcrre tenant.
Ijicnd' przf.I.cflcndi hic oltenl. 11 quid 6c c. quar ead roctluag occ. cum
ptin,q di^usT.damat inforih pd.poft mortepr^d' W
pf. T.confang*

& hrrcd pd R.rcmanere non debet luxca form finis pd,ct qi prjed' W.

inortuus ell fine haercd'marc' dc corporc fuo ^creaco,6cciconceditur

Seueral Scire
fac' into fcue- rcturnabirhic tali die, vclftc, Er pfeparalia bfii, viZ. vnum vicec* difti
lall counties com B.aliud Vic' N. tcrtium Vic' H.dirigcnd, ad pmunicudcundsm
Tponone fine.
Leflendi hicoflcnfuf 6cc.
Scire facias for Praeccpf fuii Vicecoih. euro quidam fin leuafff^tin Cuf dhi reg.&r.
bitn in the dic&c.anno&ccor'&c.Iufticianjsipfius^geiiicoris dfii regis nuiicdc
Banco.imer WA
I.vxof cius qucrent,& l.H.dcforc' dc vfimtfTuag'&f.
cum ptiii in Lvnde placitum conucntionis (ummfuifictimer eos in cad
curia,fcil.quodprajdil' W.rrcogntentaprcdi^' cum ptinefic lusip-
fius I.vt ilia quae idem I.habuidet dc dno pd W.& ^
ilia rccognitionc

Render to the fine &

concordia idem I.conctfliUct pr?d' W.&
I.pd tcfif cum ptih,&
kutband and ilia cisreddididct in cadcm Cuf,habcnd'
tcncnd'cifd'& I.6c hx-W.&
redibus ipfius W.dc corporc fuo ^pcrcaf, dc capiialib** dfiis fcodi iliius
body ef the pferuitia qux ad prcd' tenement pertinercnt impel petuum,&ficomin-
kiuband* gat quod idemW< obiret fine haercdc dc corpore fuo procrsaf.timc poll
dcceflum ipforum VV.& I. praedift* tenementa cum percinentijs imegre
remanercMt I. filio eiufdem VV. 5c harredibus dc corporc fuo procreacis
Kenajn tailc,^
cencnddecapitalibusdominisfirodi iliius per feruitia.qnx ad pr;dil'
icnemeDcapertincrentimperpctuum. Ecficomingat quod idem l.obi
let fine hxrcdc de corpore fuo ^creaio,tunc po(l decedum ipfius I pr^-

ReiYii to the di(!l'tencmentacum pcrtinentijs integre remancrent xt(X\i harrcdibus

fight hcires. ipfius W. tenend' dc capitalibus dfiis fcodi 6cc.vt fupra Ac iam ex ia

fmuaiione T, confang.& hwed prcdi(^'J[. fil* \y .^cc^crat Rex quod

Fines and Concords. di
idem W.morcuus cfi Hne h^rede de corpore (uo ^crea{,6c quod pr;d' I
Iamobi)c,6c quad quidara A.tehta prxdi Aa cum ptiii, modo ingrcifus
eft & ea tenet contra for A finis pd', t quia &c. quod p j^hos Qct.Scitc
facias praef.A.quod cdet hicad hunc diem Sccoftcnfuf liquid &c. qua-
re pd teina euro ptih,qoae ipfc tenet in form prard*, poft rooncm pxxd
W.& l.vxofcins pf.T. vtconfang'&hacred'prcd' l.fil' W.rcroanef no
dcbent iuxta form finis prcd',(i &c. co quod praed W.obijt fine haercde .

de corpore fuoexeufit&c.Ec modo hie ad hunc diem vcnit tam prcd

T.pcr A.atturnatu fuum quam pd' A. p S. atturnatum fuum, vicecom &
mandauit quodprcccperat I.L.balliuo libcrtatis &:c.cui &c. qui ide vie*
fie refpond'.quod feirc fecit ^fat A. cffendi hie ad hunc diem, oftcnfuf
in form pdift' p T.& G.^bos 5cc. Et fuper hoc praed* T.dicitjC]^ ipfe cfl
confang'^hacrespracd' 1 fit' VV. viz fil'I.firipfius l.fil' W.&c. ct petit
vcrfus p f. A cxecutioncm &c.

Et luper hoc.prscdiO' VV.H.dicitquod praed' W.fratcr G.in fine pd Cwfinagc;

nominatapud S.mComN.quandamE.P. ad ipCam in vxof dueend':
cademque E. ipfum W
ad cum in viru habend, mfimul affidarunt : Et
pofl bannainter cos p tres dies fefliuos a fe diif antes in eeclcGa Scc.pub.
lice^clam/uf f dciponfalia inter eos m facie ccclefiae lUius folcm ccle-
hrat.infra quae dcfponfaha,i)dc W.& E.habueriint cxif inter fe T. apij4

H,incodcmcoi!iN.gcnitum& natum.Qi'i quidemT. tpudT. inibth

N.in ecclefia fanft' A. ibid' duxit in vxof quandam N. ijdemqj^V.et N.
poQ fponfalia inter cos ib:d ceiebraf.habiterunt exii^ inter cos qaendam
H.ibid' genicumSc natumac idem H apud di)a viiiam N.in cod' com
in prard' ecclefia dec. duxir in vxorcm quandS Li jdemquc H. & I poft .

rponfaha inter eos ibid celebrofjhabnerunt exitum inter cos pd'W.H.

qui nunc (equifgcnitu&naium.ct fic idem W.H.qui nuacfequitur die*
quod ipfeeft confang'&hxrespd* W.fratrisG.dccorp' ipfi* W.fratris
G.^cf ,viz.fiir pracd* H
fil* diai T.fil 'ciufd W.fratris G. & petit vcrfuf

prxdift* R.S.fch &c. cxccuc' &c.

Praec'fuitvic'cum quidara finis leuaflet in curia dominiE.nup Reg, Fine leuied ce
AngV &c. in oft' 5fc. anno &c. coram &c per breuc ipfius nupcr RcgiJ 'cby agar-

inter S. P.& I. vxof cius & S. fil' corundcm S. 6c I. qurf p E. cuftodem


jpfiusS.fircorundcraS.P.&I. ad lucrand',6c VV. P.perfonam eccIeC

dcT. &I.HiCapellahdcforc',dcduobusmcfIuagijs&c. cum pertin in
T.S. &
W.vndc placi! conucncionis fuili fuit inter eos in eadcm Curia,
fc. quod praed* S.P.recogn tenementa prsdift' aim pertin ti^c ius ipfi*
W.vt ilia W.& I.tnnc habucrunt ex donopdift*S.P.& pro
quae i)dem
cademrecognitionc,fine &concordia,ijdcm W. & r.conccfT.predictS.
P.& I.8c S filio eorund' S.& Lpraed" tcncmenta.cum pertin, ilia cis &
ceddiderum in eacom CuriajHabend'iSc ccncnd* citd' S<P.6c L& vS filio
Fines and Concords*
corundcmS.&I &hcrcdibusipfiusS.fiIijcorundcni S.&I.dc corpore
fiio procf de capital' dhis fcodi iliius per feraitia qux ad przdi A' tcnc*

menta pertincrcnc imperpctuum 6c (i concmgercc quod idcmS.filius


eorundcmS. 6c I. obirctiinchcrcdcdc corpore fuoprocrcat, tunc poft

dccelfum ipforum S. 6cl.6c S. fili j corundcm S.6c I. pr^dit' ccftca cum
percinchintegrcrcmancrenthercd'niafculis dc corponbus ipforum S.
6c I.excuntibus,tenend de capital' dominis feodi iilius per feruuia, qux
adprc5cchtapcrtincrentimpcrpuuro,6c fi nullus h^rcs roalculus de
corporibus ip(ofS.P.6c I. force procf, tunc pred rencracnta cum pcrtifi

integrcrcmancremMJororipdS.filicpredS.6c I. &hercd*dc corpo-

re fuo procreatis,tenenddecapitardhisfcodi JUiuspcr fcruitia qux ad
pxcd tchta pcrtincrcnt,imperpctuum, 6c (i cortiogcrct quod cadcm M.
obirct fine haered' dc corpore fuo procreac.tunc poll: deccilum ipfius M,

kxred' de corpore fuo ^crcaf,tuncpoO dcccdum ipfi^ I. pred' tthta cu

pertihintegre rcrarcfiishcf prad'S.P. tcnend'dt capital' dommij fc-
odi illius per fcruUia(]UZ ad ^d' tehta percmenc imperpcf, ac i:!m ex
inlinuationc I. A. confang Sihcipd M. de corpore fuo ^cr'.acccpc-
ratRcx,qaod praed' vS.P.& I mortui (untfinc hefnia(cu>o dc torporjb*
fuis jpcrcato,6c pred* S fiiius ^d' S.5c 1 . mormus ft fine hxr dc corpore
Scire facias for ^^^o r)crcaf,quodq*,pd M.fimiliter obijt,6c qtwd qiiidcra R. L. 6c all j,
jhchcuc of |g(| gee, pred*cum ptinmodo inj^rcffi iur^t,6tii!a tcneiu contra forni
finijpr5dift*,6c quia6:c. fcire f.ic'pf.B.L.6car,quod ctlcnt hu ad hunc
diem)(c.adie6cc.oftetifuf,nqnid6cc. q^iaremct.pdcunipifi qu^i|'(i
tencntin form prcd'jpoftinortcro pred' S.P.etl.S. 6cc. ac prch A1. pfat
I. A. confing c her ipfius M
dc corpore fuo ^pcreaf , rem von dcbeani
inxtaformfinispracd*, CO luodprafd'S.P 6c 1 mortui Junt fine hi f maf-
culodecorpor'fuiiprocreaf Scpd'S.filiuspracd' S.6cI.mortu'' e{f fine

hcfde corpore fuo ^cf,fi6cc. Etniodohicadhunc diemven tarn pd

I.A.per T.B. attorn fuum,qu am pr^d'R.L. 6cal*p I.K. attorft fuuro,6c
vie' mand'qtiodlcire fecit eitdcRL. 6c alijsedendi hie ad hunc dicro,
offenf.in form prxd' p I.C. 6c alios ^pbos 6cc. luper quo idem I. A. dick
quod ipfceftconfang 6c ha-f praed' M.dc corpore fuo^cr',vidcliccc
films I.firW fir S.fil'pr^d'M.Etpcf execution dc teneroeri pd fibi
adiudicarc 6cc. Et prcd R.L.6caIi) dicunr, quod ipfi non poflunt dcdi"
CoBfieflionof ccffincmpd.nccqiiinprxdvS.P.pcrfintfmiilurecogn tchta pred* cum
^^ fine. W. P. vt lUa quae idem W*ac Bd I. tunc babue-
ptinent))S cffe iu$ pred
runt de dono pdi^'S, P. ncc quin^ cadem recogh^nne 6c concordia
ijdc W.& I. p fincm ilium conccRcf tcoementa lUa, tCDcnd' praefaf S.
Fines and Concords; 6i
P & I.S.fireorund'S. &I i'.la eisreddidcruntin eadc Cuna.habend
& tcHcnd cifde S.P.& 1.& S.filio coriind* S. & 1. 5c hcf ipfius S. fil' co-
rundem S.& decorporc fuo procf. Ita quod H contingercr, <^ dcra

S. fil* eorund S. &

I. obiret fine hered dc corpore fuo
;reat, tunc poft
dccclTumipiof S.P.5c I.5c S.fir eorund S.cr I.praedift'tcfjta cum ptin
inccgrcrcroancf hsBf iua(cul'decorporibusip(v*riin S. P.& I.cxeunf,&
finullushaercsmafculusdecorporibusJpCoruniS P.& l.iorec jpcreai,
tunc tehta p6ii' cum pcitin intcgrc remancrcm pt.>t M.foron praedi.^'
S.fil'prcdj^^' S.P.ct 1 & hercd dc corpora fuo ^ f,ncc quin prid S.P.
& I. iiiis ^pcr', ncc quin pd
raorcui funt fine hatred roa*ulo dc corporib**
S.fir prcdift' S.P.ct I.morcuus cfl fine hercd de corpore fuo jpcreac^nec
quin pred M.fimilitcrmortua eft,nec quin pred T.A. eft conlanguifi &
liarrcs pracdift* M.in foriii qua idem I. A. fupcrius (upponitur,fcd omnia

&fingulapT)iflabcne conccdunt. Idcoconf. cfi q) pred I. A.habcat lu^Jgcnaent

"^"^^"^ ^"^^^
execuiionttm verfus pracdkt K.L.& al' de tenemcntis pracdiftis cum
pertinent &c.
Ec modo hicad hunc diem vcnic tam pr^dift* E. in propria perfona Sci.fc,rcturrf
fua,quam pred T.B. per W.atturnatum fuum, Ec vie' mand quod fcire
fecit SccEcfuper hoc pred' E.dicir, quod ip(c eft confanguih ha^res &
prxdi^iE. videlicet fil'R.firi.firA.fil'W.frarris R. patris ipfius E. Cofinageal-
6cpcti!ver(u?praefa! r.B. exccuc*&c. Etpred'T. dicit, quod pred E ^"S*^^*
cxccutioncm &c. virtutc finis pred verfus eum habere non debet, quia
dicit quod quidam R.pJteripfiusR. patris E.quandam I. R.ad earoin
vxof ducend.accademl.ipfiim K. adeuminvirutncapiend,apud R. cftateiltdr
in Comitacu N.ad muifcm affidjrunt,Etpoft modum bannis inter ipfos
per tres dies feftiuos a (c diftjntcs in Ecdcfia Parochiali de R folemiter

proclam.cxccrifquc concuircnc inca parte canonice requifitis, fpon-^

(alia inter eofdem R . 5cl in facie Ecclcfix eiuf dcm fucrunt legitime ac

folemniter celebrat, infra quae fponfalia ijdem R. &

I.apud R.predic^*
habueruntexitum inter cos ibidem genitum Scnatum prxdic^um pa-
trcmprcdift'E. acquendamS. medium, &
poft ipfius S. natiuitatem,
pracdil* W.in fine pred' now irwt;ipfoVV. iuniof, cui predict E. fe fa^
cit conranguifi,& hacr',& J>di^*R. pater R.5c I. poftea obicf, predict&
R.fir R. fir R.habuit cxitura ibidem prcdift' E. &
obii? ipfaque E. po-

ftea obijt fine herede dt corpore fuo cxeunte, diflo W. E, viro fuo in
diftofinenominatoipfamfuperuiuentc, 6c ipfc W.
poftea obijt, poft
cuius mortem praediftam T. &
M. in pf aeirtlura mcflujgiu n 6cc. in
pracdiftisvillisdcE*&M. intFiUcruntvtin rematicre fuo pr^d^o,&
inde feifiri fuerunt in dominico fuo vt de feodo taUiato virtute finis
pracdift'&obicrunt fine hercd dccorporib'^ruis exeunt, poft quorum
morccfD^ qaidarol. R. vt confanguin &
hares pd E.yiz.fii*S.fratri$ R*
Fines and Concords.
patris pr^dift*E.in tent ilia cum ptih intrauic,& indc fuit feifif in doml-
mco Cuo Vide feotf vircute finis pd.cuius quidetn I. R. (htum pd T. B.
modo habcc in eifdcni,Ec hoc &c. vndc pel 5cc. fi cxccuc'&c.
Cofinage Ec pd' E. dicic, <y ipfc ab cxccutionc mcfl.&c. in pd villis dcE.& M.
maintainc verlus pref.T.hed,per aliqua pallcgata,excludi non debet. Quia dk'cg
diu ante f cf fponfaliaint pf. R.patrcm R.& I.R.vxof eiuscelebrata, idc
R.patcr ipGus R.ipfam Lad cam in vxof duccnd' ac cadera I. ipfum R.
ad ipfum viruro capicnd apud M.in prcd Com B. ad inuiccm affida-
runt,ac concurrentib' oranib' & fingulis dc iure in ea parte canonicc re-
qiiifiCfponfalia inter ipfos R.& I-.in facie ccclefix &c.fucrunt fakroniter
ac legitime cclebrata,infra quae fponfalia, pd R. pater R.& I.vxof eiut
apud pred villam de M.habuctutcxitu inter fe,viz.patrem pd'E.& pd
W. in fine pr^diA' nominatu fiiium fuum mcdium,cui pd .(c facit con'
fang &
h2f,& pdidl" S.fil'fuum iuniorem, Ab(q-, hoc <$ pred* fuit fil*
pred R.patriiK.& I.vxof ciusfeniof pred* W.^utprca*T B.lupenus
allegauir. Et hoc &c. vnde peC indicium &
execution 6cc. Et praed' T B .

dicit ($ pracd' S.fuit fil* pr^dift* R.patris R.& I.vxof eius Icnu f p^ W.
in form qua ipfe fupcriut altcgauit. Et de hoc Sic, Ec pi ?rdi^us h.fiini*
liter,dcquia luOic* hie nondum auirantur,an dif^uscxitusplacici przd'
Venue. triaridebet p homines dcvifu deM.indi^^o ComitatuE.ve! per homi-
nes devifudcR. in diAoComitatuW.aur per homines de vno vitudc
alio,dies datuscO partib' prxd'ad audieid iudicium fuum^ hie inoAa
Cofiafne allc Et fuper hoc pr^d* W.L. dicit quod ipfe eft confang' &
haeres prxd
SeinfcLfac*. ^. videlicet fii' I. fir I. fil 'I. fil'ipfius M
geniti& nati jpudT. in Co-
mitatu N. inter I.L.deT. quondam virum przdil'M.& ipfam M.
poft fponfalia inter cos ibidc celcbrata Sc petit vcrfus przfa! VV.St A.

cxecuc'&c.Et pd W.& A.non cogh aliqua in breui przd' p pred' W

L. ^allegata contenta, ac proteftando quod ipfi ad genituf & natiuitaf
pred I. fir M. tarn fufpe^a extra modum & tcmpusfuperiusallegatne-
cefle non babcnt nee per legem terrz tenentur ri^derc, proteftan^ etiam
quod pd M.primo cepit in virum qued I.L. de M. qui quidcm I. & M
habucruntcxituro inter eos quend i.idemque I.poftea obijtfinehzf
ma(c' de corpore fuo & corpore pracd M. procreat, pro plac' die* quod
pred W. vt confang' hxf przd' M.execuc' pd'manerij dc W. cum p-
tin.vndc &c.virtuf finis przd' vctfus eos habere non debet, quia dicit,
q^ diu poftmortepdI.L.deM.Sc ante aliqua fponfalia inter pr^d' I.L.
dc T. M.habiHcu cdebrat, tarn I.de H.pf. M.ad jpfam in vxof,qua
cad Mad ipfum I. ad cum in virum habend',apudC.inCoiTi S.infi-
mul affidarunt,ibidemq; poU banna ntf r eos in eccl' &c.per tres dies f e-

fiiuos a fc diilaof folemprodam/ucrunt defponlalia intcripfos I.dc H.

Fines and C oncords; d^
&:M. in facie ciufdcm Eccle(ixcelcbra{,6cipn ibid;:mlegicitiio matri*
monio copiilati, infratjue dclponfalia coca vica ipfiui I. de H. ibide con-
tinuata,&ancealiqua fponfalia inter pr^f.I.L.deT.6cM. habif leu ce-
Icbra!, pdicE I. dc H.<Sc M. habucrunc exif inter eo$ qucndam N. apud
C. praedi^'gcoitom & naium, & finem prxdicf in Forma pdict leuauic,
& ptxdki A. qu^ fuit vxor W.poftca obi jt,po(l cuius mortem pdict I.
dc H.& M. fucrunt feifiti dc pdi0.o mancrio dc W. cum pcrtincntijs in
dominico fuo vc dc fcodo taliiato, feodo Sc iurc limplici m pfona ipHus
M. quicfcciuc virtute ipfius finis pdi( t, & de tali ftatu inde c bicrunt fci
(it,& dc ipGs I. dc H.& M. defccnd idem manerium de W. cum ptinen-
tijs eidcra N.vt fil' & hacred ipforum I. & M. Qui quidcm N. m mane-
rium illud cum pcrtincntijs intrauit, 8c indc fuit rcifirus in dominico fuo
vt de fcodo railiato fcodo & iurc (implici inde in perfona ipHus N. vC
fil'& hercd ipfiis M.quicfcenf per formam finis prf difti,& habuit exif
3uend H.jpud C
pr3Edictgcnitum,&obijt,&dcipfoN. defccnd prac-
icf manermm dc VV. cum pcrtincntijs vndc &c. cidcm H. vt fil* hae* &
redeiufdemN.qui quidcm H. in manerium illud cum pcrtincntijs in-
trauit, & indc fuitUilicus in dominico fuovtdc fcodo tali lato, fcodo &
hire (implici inde in perfona ipfius H.quiefccnte per formam fini^ prse-
dice, &. fie inde feifitus fcoffauit quofdam I.6c &c. de codem mancrio
cum pcrtincntijs, habcndcijj&hxred fuis imperpctuum, virtute cuius
6cc. in fcod.quorum quid' I.&c. flatum pracdict VV.& A. modo habenc
in codem mancrio &c. 5c hoc 5cc. vndc petit iuditium fi przdicC VV.L.
exccutioncra ciufdcm maneri j dc W. cum pcrtinenti)!i, virtute fini< pr3e~
diet vcrfus cos habere dcbeat 5cc. Et predict W.L.non cogh aliqua per
praef^f W. &A. immo minus vera &)maginata,&
pr^alUgafcfle vera,
protcftando etiara quod genituf & natiuitas predict I.L. fil' M. p ipfum
W.Lindjfta declarac'fua dc conlanguinitatc quo modo eft confang*
Sc hxres ipfius M. contcnta funt 6c fueiunt verc & legitime & non fuf
pcOi'me allegata prout per diuerfa recordat raminCancellaf coram
Canccllarioj &
in Scaccario coram Barronibus, quam in Thefl.do-
min' Regis inter recorda de placif armorum coram nuper Couftabula-
rioAngh'tcntisrcfidcn', necnon 5cquamplura cuidcniia, munimcnta
vera, iufta&fufficicn',ac pro talibus in lege approbata confirmara&
plene liquet, Proplac' dic*,^ ipfe ab cxccutionc didi n.ancrij dc W,
cum pcrtih virtute finis pred'habend' per aliqua per pd' W.5c A indc
prcallcgaC, cxcludi non debet, quia dicit quod pred' i. L. de M.& pred*
I.L.dtT. fucrunt vna &
cadctn perfona &
nondiucrlcperfonc, qd &
idem I.tota vita fua,tara per nomcnl.L.dcT.quam per nomcnl.L. dc
M.nominatus &cognitu$ fiiit, qundquc d\0.' (ponlal* interpret. I L.
dcT. &M.concurrcntibuspriu>, q in ca parte de iurc canonice rcqui.
rcbanf, apudprxd'villamde T, in facie Ecclcfix parochjalis ciufdcm
F ines and Concords.
villcfucf folciunitcr celcbrata infra que fponfaliaijdeml.L.&M ha-
bucf cxitum inter fc predict I. L. fil*ct h^rcd prcd' M. ibid* genitum &
naium, in forma qua prcd'i.L. per diftam declarac* confang* prcditC
fapponicur, quae quidcm fponfalia incer ipfos I.L. 6c T.M.,ric cclebraf
ibideoiconcinuaffuef cota vita ciufdem I. et poft mortem eiurdcml*
pracdidt" M. ccpit in virum pred' I.dc H.abfq; hoc quod pred'defpon-
falia inter praefat I.dc et M. per pracd' W.ct A. prcallegat habita feu

ceiebrat-afuerunt ante di^a fponfalia inter predict I.L.dc .et M. celc-

bra ^ur ijidlcm W.5c A. fupcrius allegarunt, cc hoc &c. vndc p'ttit iu-
diciumiicxccutionem&c. Etprsd' W. A.ditunt, quodpfacdi^a
dcfponfiha inter pred' I. de H. et M.pcr pracdift* W.ci Apraeailcgata,
habica 6ccelebratafueruntante dila defponfalia inter prsedidVI. L.de
T.ctM. qua ijdcmW.ct A. fupenus allcgaf ,
celcbrata in forma dc &
hoc pofi &c. Et prxd* W.GmiHtcr,Ideo pracC eft tam vie* N
quam vie*
. Et pried P. dic'.quofllpr^d'W.execuc'vwfus cum habere nondebft
demandant fu- 4"*^ "'^" quod, vbi prsd*W. per brcue fuum pi edict <upppnit ct aflc-
itncchorsdc ritfefuiflefilium ethxredempKcd' T.idcro W. natusfuit extra omnia
les efpoufals. fponfalia, &hoc paratuseftvcrificare, vndc petit indicium fip^^du-
W,vt filius& hacrcs pr^dift' T. feu altcrius cuiufcunquc &c. veriui
cum habere dcbcat&c. Ec praedift' W. dicit quod prxduV F. pater
fuushabuitqaandarnvKorcmfibi dcfponfar A-nominc^dcquaipU na
tusfuicinfrafponfaliaintereosT.& A. celcbrata, ct hoc paratus eft ve
rificare, vnde petit iudiciumO dec. Etexccutionem Hbi adiudicari 6ic
Etpracd'P. dicit,vtprius,quod praed' W. natu$ fnit extra omnimoda
Iponfalia.ct non infra fponlaliapracd'.jpui pr^d'W.fnpcrius allegauit.
Etdehocpohfcfupcrpatriam. Etpraedid'W.fimiiicer. Ideoduode-
Et praedi^'I.P.^t A. non cogli quod ipH.qui fuerunr partes fini prc-
dic!,nccaliquiicnrumvnquaroa!'quidh.*buerunt vel habuit in tentis
dcaduocatioh in pracd'finc contcnt,dK 'quod prebt E. vt filius et hrre$
prafd VV. cxccuc'dctcftE&aduodtion* vcrfus cos habere iiondibct.
Borne before
Quia die' quod idem W vxof qudndara
cepit in Mqurr qnidem M.
dc(ponfata tuiteidem VV. apuc E Coiii S.& ibidem defponfalia in-

ter cos celcbrata fuerunt, &

die' quod idem E.naiustuitapud Cm
S. ante defponfalia. Et hoc parati funt vetificare per patriam de predict
Com S.&qualiterCurijhicconl. vndc petit ludiciumli idemE.cxe-
cuc'detefi&aduocac'predjvrfil' vthacfpraedE. in hac parte vcrfus
eo5 habere dtbear ike. Et pred' E.non cogn aliqua per pd I P. . &
pcriusalle^atdic"qiodipfrpcr a'iquapille5;aE ab cxccutionc dc tent
fit aduoca r' pr^^d' virtutc hnis pnd prccludi Hue rcpcili non dcbct,quia

dicn quou pd W. pater ipfiug cepit in vxofprsd M. vi* apud M. m

Fines and Concords; 6^
di^o Com E. & ibid dcfponfalia inter cos modo Icgif Imo ct recundum
forum ecclcnanicum cclcbracfuerunc,cc dicit quod ipfe ibid' infra de
rponfalia alia inter ipfosW.&M. celebrata natus fuic cc procf,6choc
&c. per patri^ de pred Com E. & qualitcr Cur hie conf. vnde pe iudi^.

dum ct execution &c.et pi h P. &c. die* quod apud

prc<J E. naius fuit
C.in prcd Com S.ante dcfponfalu inter pracdVV.etM.celebraf,ct hoc
vt priuj pjtai* iuit vcrificare per patriam, et qualiter Cuf hie conf. 5cc,
t pred E. dicit quod ipfc narus fuit ct procf fuit infra defponfalia inter
pracdW.&IVl.cclebiata, videlicet apud M.in prafdift* ComE.ethoc
vt prius paratus efl vcrificare per patria de prcd Com E. et qualiteccun-
que cuf hiccon(.& quia videcur Curiae hic^exicus pljciti pd per ho-
mines dc vtroq; Com prcd triari debet. Idco prec* ft vtrifq^ viceccra j-fjju
Coifi prcd quud vccrque eorum vcnircfaciat nic tali die duodecim 6cc.
per quos &c.
RexL>.ead* gratia LEpifcopofaluE, cuml.M.filius P.fratris G.Bj'n Bricfeal cuefi|

Curianoftra coram nobis p quodd'breuenfvndefci.fac.quofd' I.A.&

P.G. dequodammeiTcumpertininF. ipfiqueI.A& P.
tuxta debit prea3unic'vir(utedili breuisncftri Hbifa^', coram nobis
comparentes allegaucrunc ipfuro I.fore baflard,hoc precendendo vcnfi-
c^e,^ quia huiufmodicaufaecognitio ad forum mere fpcOat cccleHaft'
vobismandamus,quodvocac coram vobis,quos in ea parte forevideric
cuocand.dih^ei.cinde facial inquiliiionem.ccplenariamveritatcminde
per literas veftras (ub fi-j^illo veftto figii' nobis in oO* &c. vbicunqj tunc
fuerimui in Angl'^rcddac ceriiores,et hoc brcue nobis nuncremittcntcs*
Et modohicadhuncdiemvenit tam pred'I. B.perB.atturh fuum. Return Scire
quam praedif us I H. in propria peifonafua,6c vie' mand cy fcirc feccf facias.

eidI. H, cflcndi hic adhuncdicm &c. oftenfuf inform prcd per N. B. . 1^. ,

&c.probos&c.et Juptr hoc prcd LEpetit verfus pred LH.execuc' &c. piain.maketh
Etpdl.H.dic'qprcd I B.cxccuc'deroc(r.pr<-dcumptih virtwtc finis himfelfc hcirfe,
prcd vcrfus cum habere non debet, qua dicit quod cad* I. fuit fcifitade ^"/^'a*^'
eifdemmeduag'cum pertih in diiico fuovt teodotalliatovirtute finis
illius,cuiusquid f.ffatupred I.H.m:>dahabctinmcruag'illis cum per- hath.
iinen,etfic dicit qucd firispred exccutus fuit in pafona predLperfei"
(inam fuara viJ^tutc tinis illius,& hoc paratus efl vcrificare, vndc petit iu-
d)cinm fi pred' I.B.exccuc'merT.prcdcuniptih virtute fi.iisprcdirt'in
fo> ra pd executi in hoc ca(u vcrfus cum
habere debeat 5cc. ct pi cd' 1. B.
dicKq>'pfaabcxecu:.'mcn[.pdcumprinverfusp,f.I.H. habedpahqua
prcaltcg cxcludi non debet. Qj.na diet quod pred' I. non fuit fcifiti dc
prrd mciT.cnm pcrtih virtute fini* pdid' in forma qua prcd I.H. fupe-
rius a"eg4Uir,et hoc ptt quod inquuat per patriaffj, &
prcd' J, H. fimi-
liter, Idco 12. &c.-
Fines and Concords.
Et pred' T. R. quoad ofto acf bofci cum perdnentijs in prcd' villi
At H. vnde exccucio roodo fecuta eft vcrfusenra, dicit quod praediCl*
R. vc H. qui fucrunt partes fini pred', tempore leuationi& eiufdcm finis
ante, feu, poft, nihil habuerunc mcodcm boico cum pcrtincncijs vndc
&c. vt dc hbero tenemcnto,tmmo qusdam I .M. tunc f nit inde fcifita in
dominico fuo vt dc feodo.cuius quid' I ftatura indc, pred' T. R.modo

babct, &dicimpetrac'pi:cci* breuis de Scire facias habuitinbofcoillo

cumpertincHtij8,&hocparaiuseft,verificarc, vnde petit iudicium fi
pred' P. fil'P.exccutionem carund' ofto acrarum bofci cum pertinch
vircute finis praedift' in hoc cafu verf. eum habere dcbcat 6cc. Et quo-
ad prxd' centum folidatoiredditus cum pertinencijs in eadcm villa de
H.vnde cxccutio fimilitcr modo fecuta eft, idem T. vkerius dicit, quod
ipfe non eft indc tcncn$,perceptor neque deforc'rcdditusillitis cum per-

tinch, neque tcncns tciuorum, vnde idem redditus illius cum ptin pro-
ueii, vtdc libcro tencracnto, ncc f uit die iropctrac* prafd' breuis dc Scire
facias autvnquam poftea, Et hoc paratus eft vcrificarc,vnde quoad rcd-
diC ilium cum pertifi pet iudicium debreui &c. & pred' P. fir P. quoad
eiiftum rcdditum centum folid', dick q die iropetrationis breuis Tuidc
ScircfaciaJjfc.die&c.anno&c.pred'T.R.fuittcnensvtdchbcro tcnto
de vigintiacris terrx cum pcrtinentijj in pred' villa dc H. vndc redd^
cum pcrtinenti js proucnit.Et dicit quod idem T.tunc fuit dcforc*
tus ille
ciufdem redditus cum pcrtinentijs vt dc Ubero tenemento, prout per idc
breue fupponitur : t petit fuo periculoexccutionemciu(dem redditus
cum pertincntijs verfus cnm audiciari 6cc. Ideo Sec quoad redditum il-
ium cum pcrtinentijs, conf,cft quod prcdil' P. fii' P. habeat indc cKe-
cutionem fuo periculo vcrfusprcf.T.R.viriutc finis pracdift'&c. Ec
quoad pdicE o6lo acras bofci.cum pcrtin,vnde &c. idem P. fil* P. dicit,
quod tempore Icuationis finis predict, prednfT.& G. qui fucf partes
iioi illi,fueruntfeifiti de codem bofco,cum pertinen.vnde Scc, in domi-
nico fuo vtdefcodo 8cc. prout per eundcm fincm fupponitnr. Ethoc
petit quod inquira! per patriam ctprcd T.R.firoilitcr,ldeo quoad hunc
Scias quod conf. eft in Curia nfa Scc.quod P.B.filius &
hcres P. B. ha-
feeatexecutionem verfus T.R.deccntumfolid redditus cum pertineii in
H. viriutc cuiufdam finis indc IcuaC in Curia domini E.quondam Regis
&c.apud W. in oiV&c. anno &:c. coram W.B.& focijs fuis tunc luftici-
ari js ciufdem Sec. de Banco inter R. &c. qucf, & T.P.&: B. vxorcm eius

deforc', dc redd itu p i cum perrinen, ac de alijs terris & ten tis in eodem
fine contcntis per dcfalc &c. Et ideo tibi prxcipimus, quod eidcm P. dc
reddit pd cum pcrtih fine dilationcplcnaf executioncm & feifinam ha-
bere facias T.&e.
Scias quod conf. eft in Cuf &c. quod R.filius 6c hcres R. habcat feifi-

Fines and Concordsi^ d$

nam&cxecuc'vcrfusR. D.dcmancriodcA. cumptin incomfuo per
dcfalt predict R.virtutcnotac cuiufdara finis nuperlcuati in curia fdicC Habere facias
K.nupcrRcgis&c.apud W. a die &c.anno &c. coram R. B.ct iocijs
tcco"u'cTy fUi-
fuislufticiarijs prxdki nupcr Rcgiv dc Banco, & poftca in oCt. 3cc. dcfaltin Scire
anno &c. ibidem conccfl. cc recordaf coram eifdera lufticiarijs et facias,
ali)s ciufdcmnuper regis fidelibus tunc ibi prxfencibus, inter R.de A

&c.qucfetI.deS.ctE. vxofeins deforcianE, dc manerijs deO. cc R.

cumpercinencijsincorh N. ccdcprxdicf maneriode A.incomitactuo,
cc ideo tibi pr^cipimus, quod eidcm R. fil' R de prxdicc roanerio dc A,

cum percinch (inc dilatione plenaf feilinam cc cxecutioncm habere fa-

Poflea die cc loco &c.venic R. W. infranomina! in propria pcrfona
^^cc'tc f
fuaetW.N.infranorrinatfolemnitcrcxai^usnon vcnitjfcd I. vxof ciufd femccoucrc
W.infranoroinaf in propria pcrfona (ua vcnic, ec dicit quod mania infra vpon her htf-
Tpecifical funt ius ipfius L et quod ipfa parata eft oftcndcre, quod pr^d* ^*"*^* ^cfaul%

R.W.cxectK-^dc manerijs iilisvirtutc finis infrafcripf habere nondeber,

vndc ex quo vcnit ante judicium redd parata prxf. R. inde refpondcf
cc ius fuum defender, pc! quod ipfa per dcfal? pf. W. virifuinonamittac
indc ius fuum/cd ^ admitta! mdc ad defcnnoncm iuris ipfi' I. Ideo &c.

CertMne iafes tfihe nature Andforme ofa Sci pA.vpoH a fine,

a Scire to cpecut^a finc,muttagr luit^ t^e find tj^n

Ai^D fac'

t(notmatectaU,ifoiiett)tngbe ttuife oemauntied t|)0ceb^,a0

it Sc^.179.
a surpiuragc'
mano;,ano a liono^eo paccell sf t^ fame mano,t, ^ 7. H.8. z.
^ Scire tacNsma^terueot)poittl)e note of t|e fine^ b^fo^e it be m^ Vpon the note
H.d. i ^ J fiV.:^n c.ir Til s,^ ro :.

SCoOieD b^ tl>0Cl)itegtap^>2 1 / :

i!.ji6atofafineleuitiiftefo?ctime ofmemojlfevawtantl^anmjtl^atie
^ gncbeforc
ei^ecutioni)^ Scire facias, i.E.4.6.Conif 1 6.H.7.P.
OTijete a fine epecoto;^ ts IcaicD of a $&eignio;jtc, if t^e lanD sfcfjeat
of land in ilea
oat|)etenantbefo;etuigeDfctt)eCo0ni|CD^aU{)au0a Scire facias of of thcfcrulccs.
t^e lanD in lieu oftt)erei:ui(e!,4S.E. 3.11.
Vi?^ Miccimus makctl) no mention Uii)ett)er tj^e fine be ingro(feo 0^ no> .
.^ ^{^nir
but)Cum quidam finis ieuaflet &c. z z H.6.1 g

3ifafinebelemeDto^intaile,tl^etemaint}et:fo^.in taile, t^tuf

tnainoecto Can fee :;^nti t^ececo;^^ ia fent into t^eC^ancecie^ano tt)c i
fictt tenant x\\ tatle oiet|) Uittfjout ilTucanD t|e comnt^i) bac^e
i:eco;^D :

into tlie 3i5enf Ij b^ Mittimus, at tjje fnit of ^tjn in t|je fitftnmsmuty

no t^ccenpon tie tjati a Scircfacias to nttwtz V^t fine:, ano oieo Uiitljc
outiilue befo^^eerecutton l^aD, Ijeint^etsntaintierin fe^ O^all not fjece^
itpontauea Scire facias, loitiioat a nelo cominanoement, becaufe t^e
mo;^lua$ onc( out oftj^eCottrt^ano came agatne at t|)erutt of j^im in
31 m
. .

Fines and Concorde;

ffie ftrft tematnuec, tjnto
m tl)0 rc:itat Dec in ik is an c$caHjj.
tol^io I;e

\>et t^iffue of tjtm^toljic^ remoueo f!)Ci:eco^s, in tl)i0 cafe migl|t Ijauc a

Scire facias, Uitt^atttaH^nelDDtstnmaundem^r.t^becauretic i0patut0>
l4.H.7.i<r.9.E.4.5. 11.E.4.13.
31f to fuea Scire dc to tntntz a fine,ano tljeone oiet^,t]^ftttttiuoj
l]^aUt)aue a Scire fac* iuitl)Out aiti? netQ commantjetnent9T.E.4.i 3.
^ut if Diuccjs pecfonjSjas ^dtes tjwto 015j^av a Scire fac* if is not
gcantabl0,t3ntiUt^e^l)aue fueDfeuecalltu^ifsfo f^e 3iaftice0of tlje

benc^>cominaHDin5 tfjem to maUe execution, 1 .E.4. .T.t tE.41 n

Cement cofin 31na Scire fac* to epecufe a fine, as cofin ano tjeice to fjiin in t^e tc*
& helrc. mainocco.j teuei:fion,aftei: tt)t ocat!) of t!)c patficulat tenat,t^e plains
tifeneeoetl) not to ll^eto^iu cofin ant) licice, fo long at!)e plea^at^j
xontinuance, b^ Icicm dies 8cc. giuen to t{)e tenant, no; at l^m appear
tance,no^t3nfiUtl)C plaintifep;a^ epccution : 0no t^en t^e comem
cofin &
heire,i^ to be entrcD tbu0 in tf}c HoU onl^ : Etpr^diaus I. di-
citquodiprccli confanguincuidthcrcs I.W. videlicet, filius, ct Herei
T.W.fratris&heredisciurdcinLW. 3 s.H.6.54. 41. Ed. 3. 13.4BE 14.8.
Baflardy* 3ln Scire fac'b^biwintlje wmainoectjponanfttatefailetjgrtf Jajl5
fuppofingtl)eoon0etobcoeaDlBiti)outiflrue,tf j3*:)15* pleaotljat ^e i5

idue to tt)e Donar,anD tlie plaintia^ cepUett) tliat ^iBa baftscD^ it 10 a

gfflO cepUcation,4o.E, ?. 1 5.

vppncftatc Scire facias t)pon a fine Icuiet) toJD]^4 tiai^* ant) to tfit^cvcBS of ttie
executed. boDie of K t\)t remainoec to tf\t cigttt \)titeof t^e fatd SD* mih M*
ano K.Dieo toiti)out ilTue^no W^*(umitiBXi ano DteD,l^t0 l)etcB neo no
Scire Facias to txuutz tl)t9 ftne, becaufe it is erccuteo in 1^ life^b^ tlie
trntonoft^efoeanofcanh tenement in W*4o..s.zo. i^ofotfaitii
be Uuieo to a bacon anD fimie>anD to WX^ ijis ^firef ^an^iie Dtet^^nD
tben i bacon ano feme do Die, ti)e fine is ececutets fo; one moitic in t1)e
lifeof I.Fitxh.Scircfacias IP.45.E.3-9.24.E. 3.57.
SLenant fb; life in Scire facias ^an atO of l^im in mnainoer 4xiB. }
fol.i<>.&2o.2 2.E.3.i. .-. :i.^;: ,J }:..'^i.:* ^'ji'^n Jii^l.ii ;';;:.! ^u*

3fn Formedon tnreuectero; cematntier, tf}t oemaitdant muttiimt^


Death &ewed
tionttieoeati) of0uedeone,\au^ic^ t^aoeltate anofucniueo^aittfdi^
butnottoinaScirefaciaifutfitte,42.E.3.i<?,. .: * i

Seucrall e 3if t^eplatntifis l^aae feuerall ettateis, cteateo h^ ono fint, i)e nonneej^
ilatcs bntonetontof Scire fac 43. E. 3.11. ti^ougli it b<of(e(i0aUt|)tnjB0a^
gainftfeugcalltenafit5,xi.H.4,i5. 11.E SH. a4-E.^i^^"i^ ';fiiiit/:i

Default^ BIfin a Scire facias t^e^bmt^ceturne, t|e pactcefiimiiwnetyaiU)!'

^ appeacenot,e)cuti0n d^l beaU)actieo,43 .E. 3. 1 ^
3If a fine fur copufance dc droit come ceo dcc.be leweo f auutt$tm
Reucifiao* ;. ^ : >.
*Ht|i^nattwoftiitlano^twfrwte)cuto;v>i-3.E-5.5;'iJiti .


Fines and Concords? 66

Blftl^efetmoiefcl^wtaftcrafinclcatcoof t!)e (ti^nm^it^c Cog* Scignioryi

ni^a tt^sll f^aue erecution of tlje \mh erc^eateti^4S.H. ^ 1 1

a Scire facias lietl) (omttimts of things not cemp^ifcD m t^t to;jif : ^/i^'"^

am if m
a fine fur rclcas.tlje Cogni^ee renocr tent in taiIe,4S.Ed. 3.8. * ^

3(flanDbegtuenbpfincfo?ltfe,tf)ercmainDcrto baron and feme in Execurionby

faile,antjtt)e Bacon oiet^janotl^ttje tenant fo^lifeDietfj, anuf^e .""y^^^'j"
^""^^"^"^ ^*^*
feme enttet[j,tl)e fine iff eFecuteD, foajsf tfjeiriffne neeoetlj no Scire fac*
S cire facias lietl^ fo^ f l^e oono^ in f atle againff an^ f l^a t abatef I) after of a reaction
t^eDeat^ of tl^eoomtin tatle b^ finetdtt^outtCTue, 2 Z.E.2-1 2.
tuipoHgencraU Nontenure pleaDe^,t!jeplaintifema^ takeerecntion Nontenure
at fjtSpecillllSut Ipeciall Nontenure famet[j a gOOO plea,7. H,6.2S. gencraU or

ja man fl^Unotijaueerecuttontjpon mhii ceturneo, becaufetfjete^ SHrcturnei

nantma? be fummoneo in tljelanu oemanDrlJ,24.E.^l5.
3f afinebeleuieDtof)urbantj ano toife in taile,tt)eccmamDei; to f)t0 Dcoiyfank;

ris^ttjeiceSjanB t^ef ^auing iflrue,t|)e ^ufbano Dtetlj,t^e tetfe l^atlj if^

fneb^anottjer ^ufbanoano &ietl^,fljeiiruebt?tljefii:ftb"fbanDentcetfj
ano Dict^ toittiout tffue,anD pis nejct beire Bnttttf^^m into t^t remain^
ntt in fa^,agatnli tuobom tbe i(tm b^ t^e fecond l[)ufbanD b;ingctt) a Sc
ftcias,ano cecouetetb b^ ceafon i^at tbe fee coulo neuec txtcutt in pof^
feflion in tt)e eloei: b?otl)er,tiuting tlje date taile^ 1 4.E. .3 o.and <J2.

ifeoffementtoit^tDacmuti^fcomtbe plamtife0ancelto;,iee agoot} FeoifcRicnr.

plea in Scire facia tjpon a fine, " 2. H'?.^ 9.
^^e ^eice l^llf)auel)t0 age in Scire facias CoBifVVeflra 2.cap.45.
fl^hat fines reiih prpc UmAtiens harre not the iffne m taile.

fine ICttieD bt? tenant in taile barretl) f)i0 iffHe manttenant^buf SzCi.
ND toljece t|^ tenant in taile is cogntfo;,a0 if tenant in taile b^tng a
1 So

t)^it of csuenant againltan eHranget, ano Ije recognise i\^t lano to be

fbctig^of tlje tetiant in taile,aj! t}^^t tu^ic|) ^el^atb afl)i0 gift fcano
t|e tenant in taile grant auo cenoet: i\)t lano to t^e cognifo;^ fo;r ^ttts^
m-, t}^i& fineis boio againd tfie tlfue in taile,
l^eeloing cent t c*anD M.
xo.and li.Ebz Dyerfoi.279.p.7.36.H.8.Br.fincs Ji^'.
ja fine tMitfj p;joclamation lenieo bi? tenant in taile,t!)ereuec0on 0;
temainoet: being in t^el^ing, binoeti) not tbilTuein taile,a0it fcenietb
Br. fines 121. 'Bwt if fud; lanDcs tucce entailed b^ t|ie king,fuclj fine
bartct^notfljciffuciHtaile,^ .H.8.cap.36.
ftosngcc leu^i a fine to tenant in taile fur cognifance dc droit
3lf an
ccnacceoqijeiladdefondoi.caucljetcndettobiniarent in fee, and
die after p:6cIamaiion,Yet tljeififue in taile mav auoid it, fojljee is it*
nKtted,and tljs rent is another t|)ing tfjen tljelano, 1 5. Eliz.Plo.fol.
43 5.b.pcr Thornton.
31 a m
Fines and Concords,
3!f tmmi in tatle ef an aDuotDfon,gcant anu cenriec h^ fine flje no^
3! f tenant in taile of a rent tjiileifetfie tenant of tt)elanD,anD leur a

fine \mti) proclamation of tl>c lanD,t|>ia:ue in taile is not batceo foi ttje
tent, bccaufc t^e fine loss not Icnieo of tfje cent hnt of ttie lan^,per
Thornton,antl0CanteO i 5.Ehz.Plo.f. + 35.b
3f tenant in tatle scant a cent b? fine,|)i iftixt mar auoio iU 1 5. El,
Plo.43<J.i4 Afrp4.

?^^^/ r;9tf after a fine lemed^and proclamation made, any man hath to enter

or claimebj H^iotiiOr othemife^and-who are thereby barred

forthn'i hyandivho not.

Hitherto of the formes and execution of fines, now let v$ fee

how they may be auoyded.
Se^.iSt *ir^ hnotutolKTttimc jjecfonstfjatljnucfaure to enter o,j clatme,
il ma^entcro,jclaimc,artci:afineleuteD, nian^tljings acetobee
hieigfjeD : for fonte pecfons l)aue more time,ano fome telle : for tl^e Dif^
cuffing of iufjicl) qucfiicn,lDec mnll not onelr confitjec ttjc qnalitie of
t^e pecfons lut>ic^ (Ijoulo clatme or enter, butairo t!)e quatttteof t|)eic
tig^t6 ano edateB : ^nD tljepecfons be eitt)ec U\t\^M acetpott &i m
peDiment$,or fucf) aiS I;aue tmpeDiments : and tl;e fame be zit^^ti, pac
tie0,or priuies to tlje fine,or cftcangers to tl)e fame : ilnt) agaiiie,t|jct>
ljaHeeit[)ecprefentcigl)t,or futucecigljt : 0nD tmto tl)3felu!)icl)|)auc
futuce cigt>t,fuc^ ^aue ttje fame7eitbeclr)l>oll^ aftec tiyz 6ne,or pactl\>
before ann partly aftec :anD fome of tljcm f)aue h\xt one title,anD fom
Diners : an otljecs Ijaue no ciglit to tl)8 tenements comprileo in t^
fine,bt to fome tl)ings tl)ecein,or iffutug out of tlje fame*
Partiei: parties to fineSjlJoiD of impediments at tfje time of t[)c lending of
tl)efame,anD tl;cic l)eiccs,ace tl)ercbi? barceD prefentl^, anD fjaue na
time at all to auoiD tl)e fame,bt? entc?>or claime, 1 .R. 3.ca.74.H,7.ca
i4.to^etl)ectl)ei? beperfons ^auing natucaUcapicities,or tiutlK
31f tljcp be fuel) ciuil boDies or corporations,as Ijaue i\\ tl^0mfclue0
abfolute eftate ano autljorit^ of tfjeic po(reifions,fo as tliei? mai? main?
taine a \aiii of cigljt tf)ereef,as q^aior anD ComminalticSDeane ano
Ct)apter,CollcDges,fccietics co/porateauD fuel) liUe,ano^tl)eic fuccef^
fcrs,anD barceD b^ fines prcfenf lp,Flo.3 3 8.a.T.:r o.Eliz.
XBut SDeanes,llgil^ops^iariors,ilbbots,flpaaecs of tiofp4tals,pac^
^ mai? not l)aue a turit of Htgl/t,but eitljcca luns vtiu,Fi(z.Nat.fol.4ii

r.or,finca(rcnfucapituliFi(z.Nar.fo.i j8.i.acenotbacceDbt?fuc]^finCfi
patcon anD oroinacp iopne not Itutf) t}^emi P^o. 5 3
if tl^e 8.^. 2 o.Eli^z.
375.b. li.Eliz.
. '

Fines andConcords. 6^
How friuies w hloud are Ifotiad i fines,,

Las Ijeites of tf)e cognise jg,clamimgbt? the fametitic tliat t^eic an; Priuics.
tettoj|iaut^atlcuiei3t!)cfinc,bc batxeo p;efcntli' tljccefa^, iufjetfjec
tl^epbe boiD of mipcDimmf0,o; no^agiflants of^ocagc tenure be gi^
uen to baccn % feme^tn fpsctall taile, tlje mwdimtt to ttje cigbt f)et;c
oftbc bacon mfce,anDtl)e bacon foleleutetha Snctuitl) p.ioclaitiatton
to bis clunc bfe in f4T,an5 afccc tcutret!; tbe f*nttc lauDS to^.tn fo,anu
Ijatlj iffue,anD tben f be bacon ano feme Die, l^e ifftie in tailc is bacccD,

bee aufc !je cannot otbectuife c onue^ bimfclfc to t\tt title ano Difcent in
taile,t!)entbebeiceof tbebcDie botl; of ^is fatipecanQ motbeCjTr.i 8
Eli:Dycr:f:5i,p,24.9,H,8Dycr:fup63 2,H,b,BrFin.i09 .,
&oift)ufbant)anoiuife,tenantsinrpcfiaUtaiiejbauefOrue,ano tfie p^j^- ,;
tuife Die,anD tjje bufbanD lacie anocljcc luife ano ijaue itrue,ano leuie
a fine fur cognifancc 6t droit conic ceo &c an5 b^ tfje fame fine tafee Z^
(fate in fpectall tailc,tbe ceittainuet nwtc ic nno 33ie, ttjiffue br tbe fictJ
toife is barceD,becaure Ije is pjiuie in bloun^tfje conimuance of tfie pof^
feffion in tbe^ufbant notlaitbllant3iii0,3 2,E3 Dyer pi: 1 6,Elj:f.3 3 4
p3i& 3 2

iiBut ifmi3 fatbecsb;ot|)ecbi(reife brm^ann \nxit a fine \xnt)) p;oc!a* p .

matien,anD '.nv fatbec ano bnc le luitbin t ^ca^ es aftec proclamation -

mc^'^zt mat? auoto it bp entct, at ai^j tiu^c le'Aje tbe eno cf tbe faio

tj peaces, notuiitbttanoing tbat 31 am pziuf es blouo vmto m^ tjncle,


fo^tbatmr title to tbelanogcotuetb brnii f&tbec, ano not as fjeicc

tmtom\; tncte, P. 1 9H. 8, Dyer bl; 3.p.2.
j^euectbeleSjifmt? fatbec DiflTeife my> gtanofaf Ijei of an effatein fee^,
f tbccof leuie a fine Ijoitb proclamation, fttft mv gcsnofatbec, t tbcii
m^ fatbec oic,3! am noto bacccD,as p;iuie,becaurc 31 cannot otbecUiife
tonue? mi> felfe to t}^t lanos tljen as ^eice tjnto mr fatbec^b^ wgni^e^,
P*ipH8,Dycrf, 3p.3
Ofefirangen huMtng prefent right, and no impediment
BWLt (a;ftcangecsto finies (tobicb be all petfons, not pactics no; pn* Seft.i 83
uics) ano bzinq, tjoio oftiiipcoinients natucallano legiill , ano fja^
uing pjcfent cifibt tctbe'arvos m
tbefine,bauc onlp t.^eccsaftcc p.:c''
clamations,to enter ano claimetljeiccigbt, i.R.%c,74,H*7.c24. ^^^'^

^5 if one baue a cematnoeco; a ceueificn,0epcni3ing bpen an cftutt Xcnam in re^

fo^tf ccsjo; bi? lIatute)taple,{tatutcC8etcbant,o; Elegit, aiiO t tec? maindcronc-
iiw; be oiIieireo,ani) a fine leuieo |canD tj.ii^cces paCfcctbci? be all bar? ^crCiou vpon
teo tbccb^ : fi^^ tbat tbefe teiio;s migb^ pjefentlp baucent;:cD^ I be in
^^ ^^ ^*
fbfteuecQon cj cemainDecfo; fucbotficifm migb^ \}<^u^ bab an Aisifc :
&o tbe llatutc 4.H, 'fa4riem.etb to barce tbe termors tb^ougb ncg^
Ugencejbt? t^ia iuo.JO intcrcft,tDl)icb copacbcnDetlj a tcrmc^PIoX^ 74.3
3 3 -^no
Fines and Concords.
j^iiD if a ttmnt in tailt be DtOdreD^ano a fine leuteo tottl^ ^mlmm*
tton,ano t^.'^eatei? pai{,anD t^e tenant in tails D^ett), tt)i(rue in tatle is
bound fo^ euer, p I>)'cr and Catlin. fo;^ tijerigljt lDa0 p;jefent to tfje te>
nant in toileat tt)c time of tl}c fine lctueD,anu ^e cannot claime,but b?
t^e fame title,to|jicf) f)i0 fatfjer Ijao, tofjiclj teas barter) in bis lift time,
Pio.fo.374.a.Dycr.fo.3.pi.(r.i9.H.8.7. Xbelifee it i0 oftl;e laches of
ibinnntbecemainDeco^reuetfionjfojit battel^ \fim and ^islje^jg^,
Ploiol.374 a.Dyer.fol*3.p.^.
OfEflrofigers hnuing-prefent Riq})t^ and impediment,
Scl. 1 84. T> ^t d^ttcangew to fines, pcfieueo tuitb impeoimcnts of Slnfancic,
jDfouMtuce,maDneDre,iDeocr,lunac?,imp^ir0nment, o^rabfence out
of tbe Kealmeat t^e leupingof fineSjanB b^'"^5 ^ticn p^eient itgl)t50i
inteceftjfjane^et liberty fiue i^eatexs fteimclj mficmit'tnemoueo to
make0ntrieo^laimefci.R.3.ca.7.4 H 7.ca,24.
jant) tbeccfo^e an 3ittfantl)atl)t)-^eace5, aftec l)eacfimplifl^biie{ fufl

age (tbougb b^ be in bis motbecsitiomb) Plo.fbl. 5 67.'' becaufetljelat

intenbetb tbat infants b^ ceafon of i^^tit tenDec peaces, boeUiant tjn^
ijei;ftanoing,tofenolDtbeirrigbt53n5tub^^l)>^i^^')^i^fi"t^^^^ ^^ laUifull
0; no,0nt) botu te maUc tbcic entcics ans claime,o; b^iiig ti)cit actions
acco;^Ding to tljeic title,Plo.fol. 3 ; 9-4'^ 7"- ^ 4-
^etifmp fathers b;otbc!:DiireireIjim, ant) leuv' a fir^e Imtbpzcrla^
inatton,anD aveaceaftectfjcp^eclamation mi?fatl;er Dietb iina after
ant)iuitbin5*l?ecesmpt5nclei3ictb,3ibi?i:earon of mv 3!nfancp \^mz
onelp fo mucb ^i^^^ to auoiD tbe fame, as at tbe deat^ of m\> fat^iec ce^
mainet) to come of tbefiae^eates nej:t after ii)t p;cclamation , and
not nelD fiue peaces, becaufe 3! claime bp Vt^z fame title tb^itrnp fat l[)ec
iral),tn tobom tbe ficft fiue peces Iwece attacbeD ano begun,Dycr/o,3.
p.2.3}n hbe manec, an&fo;itbefame rearon,iftbefatbcc,cj otbec ance^
llerbeDiCfeifei),anDtbeDiireifojlemea finelwitb p;foclaniaticn , and
peaces after tbe p;oclamation,tbe anceUoj oietb, bis bep;e
\i&it}^in fiue

being tottbinage,pet if be make not bis entc^^ n

clamie toitljintbe
ficfi fiuepeaces after tlje p^oclamation,be xb barred, Piow.toL j 6y,h,

3 77.a.;a4id it is tberc adiudged

spadmen,and lHnatiefees,efirangers to fines, baue tbe lifee liberty
Nob fan to enter 0; claime,tbat jjnfmits baue fo^
tljicir R.3 .c.7,
indifcretion, i.

4.H.7.C.14- ^etas it fecmetb) if on funitp of meniort? b^ppen after

tb^ fine Uuied,aiid before tljc laft proclamation be maD8,tbe parties b

tj.peares after tbcp be cured oftbeirftjio maladies, becayfe tbevgroU)
bp tbe act of 02d,Piow.fol. 3 7 5 .a.& 3 (i 6.a.
Coucrtwc. 0nd a feme coucrt,fccins an cflfcranger to a fine, IpiX) fiue peaces af*
. ter (H*w difucrt,to pucfue ^r rigfjt, fo; t\)<{t duciiig. tb ccuevture

Fines and Concordsi ^8

taanttD potitet lo Dd t|e fame loitl^out j^ee fiMflbandiS conrent, lul^a

f erctiance liioulD Jteitijet: Doe ttjno;^ fii^c it t^ be done : !^oluebeit if a

feme iolc.betng an <;Bftcanset to a fin^^aJto i^atie p^efent ngl^t f c ta&c
a |)urbanti,^]^o (uftetttff t^t fiue ^eces to mtntxe,^zis t^cxbv huvtn
fo^ ettecbeeaufe it Voan |)^ otrni t)oluntar^act anD foU^ fo mau:^ fucj^
aitljurbancPio.fol.? 3 6.a
(tftianQcistofintSiim^HfQWc^ntt^ttimtof ttje fineleuteti,i)auc imfrilbnmeat
tl)clt^elibt:ti? to auoto Sne^ t^t infants! {;aue,becaureti)e laUi tntcn^
n^%tl}atpn(onttsatz(ocloQi^miiftmt\^kzpt from t^z conference
of ottjecs,^ t^t^ bnolt) not iutjat Ijapnetl) ab;oat : ano do alfo toant it^
bittv to tabe ceunfel^and ma\xe t^tit cntmB mr> clatmi,anD tt)et:fo;e
t;ioIac^e$t5tntI)t0b0l)alfetmputeDtot^em,Pli.36o.3.$c ^66.a. i^ut
unp^tfonmi^nt happen aftec t|)e ne leuieii befo;$ tlje laH p^ocla:*
if fuclj
matton niaDe,tt (mi\tt^ ^e t^al Ijauc fiiue Fct^e^ afterl^ts tnlatgement,
bccaufc tl)e tnipnaonmetit 10 not Ijis tjolmitarp art, PJ. 3 75.3. 3 66.2
0nCl;Uv.lt a finclcinaoutoftljecealiii att^eli?u^mgtl)ecof,Ijatfj OotofEng-
fiuc ijeces ait^*, Jjis rpt uw to enter 0; claim)15ut if tje ^aO bi^ in ngl* Jand.
at tl?c leading or tlje Rncfino aftcc j^ali gone beyond tlje feas, anti fuf^
fereD t^cfiuc reces auer p jnclaniatioa Co pafTe I;c bao bin bacrrD,PI.f.
fetutceb^ l)iBCommanuement,itrecmetb ottierfeire
0nD fuel) ciuil boDics 0; corporations as Jjaue in tbemfelues abfolute Cor|x>iation$4,
mate ano autf)o;itt) of tl)eic poaeflT* io as tljet) tnai? maiittaine a lu^it
of Right t|^et:cf,as ^aio^ auo ccraminaltVjSDean anu cfjapfer,conet>^
ge0,rocietiesinco;po;>atc,antifuc[)Ufec,ti)ev' ano tl;eii; fucceiro;s,ace
bacccbbt? fine ano nonclannebg fiuercrcs,Pio.f.5 3 ^.T./.io.Eliz. >;

But H^eanes,lu5tft}ops,p;iio;js, 3bbots,nialleisof l)ofpitals,pac^' Corporations*

fon0^^icars,i3;ebentaiies,Cl)auntcv p^iettes^anD fuel) Ii1kc,l)auin3
toint poU}et:,anO ti>l)ict) mai? not l)auea lu^tt of righ(,but ettljet: a luns
vtrum,Fitz.Nat.f.48.r.o:,fiucanenriicapitu!j,FuzNat.f.i iS.i.arenot
barccD b^fnc^ fiKes,ano nonclaimebi? fiue^i5re0jPlo.538.a.2o.Eliz.
Of E^rAngers hauing diucu dcfeSs
AjjiO mo^eoueceScangeis to finesjljauing xmtm ocferts 0^ tnfic^ Scl. 1 85
mitm:, as infancy, coucrture, nonfanitie of niemo;v ? itnp^ifon*
ment,abfence out of tlje realme, to autiio fines, mufi; l^aue fiue i@wcz ,

after t|te lalt of tlje faio infinnittes teniOueD,Plo. 3 7 5. a ,

1i3ut if tijei? l)aue oiaer impeDiJ^ ents, to^tci) be al,once after f p<Jo^

lamatton,tui)olD remoueD,and aftsi: t jjg^ fall into t^e Ufee again,! Die,
tfjeir ^eices ace ncjt to l)aue ne'u? 5^eres,but tbe Kelt 5.^eres begun in
t^eir anceflo^s,imjneDiatl^ aftev i^eir ficft iinpeoiments fo remouen,
(^dlp^o^i^Dj % nontlaiine of tl)eir iJ -^t&j oucing all tj)e refioue of

^ 4" '

Fines and Concords* ^
bouiiD tl)ei:ebr,if tlie^ IjaD mameDt)otti of fttd) tmpeoimerrtj? burincj
all t]^cfatDfiuereace{,Plow.f.g 75
? .

Of SHrangerSfWithout tfpedimetSi haftingfitfire right

m'^mim^,.^ 'fircitfffeprecedgnt.'.'^i ^l-J::^)i::-v.

T^Uimuc!j of (i];ffir:aitgecs tofine0,^auingp?eireii'twgl)t,notnof

_ _ fuc]^asl)auefutuccti!|l)t:tul)tcljctg^ttsofttoof0jt0:fo^
ctl) eitl)ec Ui^ol)? befoae tlje p^otlamation^o? partly before, ano partlt
after t^e fame*
^m t^tufo^t (iBffcangetj; to fines, tjoit of tlja fait impcDiment,
tol^ofe m^tytitUi claimr,oj inteuett ficH gcoluet^jcemametf), oiff en*
betjjAi cometljto tljem after t^ep^oclamation,b? fom of ant? matteti
0^ caufe IjaD oj maoe before t^t fame,l)aue onel^ fine t?cares,after fuclj
ri gl)tjicfii:ft gi:otpet'n,i>iftenDet|),tfemainet^,o^ commetfj bnto fljem^
1 U. 5 . C.7. 4 H.y.c. : 4. ^s if a i!po;0agee be tJiCreifeD,anD tf)o oiO'eifoj
Mt^ leui^ a fine tDitlj p;oclamation^antj tl)e fiue^eces after t|)e p^ocla^
mation t^ me jgagco^ pnyittff 0^ tent^et!) tfje moKep accojuing to lji5
bargaincjlje m^v lalufiiUv enter at an^ time Ivitffin fine reareg after
t^e faio paimcnt o^ tcr*cer,bef anfe l)f s title Utft acruetl) t^ecebv after
tlep^joclamation^b^rearonof t\}t cenoition ant nio^gage mate be

3ltt libe inaner,ani) fQi tfje lifeeraufe, Ijee ii)l)iti} Ijatlj a Hematrtter
oj Hettet(iion,i3epent!mg t)pon an e0tate of free^elo, |atl) fine rearefii
after t^at tjis cemainbcr j I'eaecfion acciuctf),to mttt f c. 0no Ijiss
Ijeice if f|e Die before enttv ^c* liatp oneli' fine t?earci,aftec tl)e oeat^ of
t|^ej)acticulacteiiaiit,toenterPlow.'fol.374,a.b :'"".':

fuf .?-Hir janoif tlje tc!^anttn tailelea^afineliiitl)pjoclamation,after tlje

fine ?ece0 ]^eOiet!)tuitl)yntiijfne,tl)e Dono^ ^nt^ finev^eareg after Ijis'

teat!),to hnnci liis fo^meoon in ^^euecter, becanfe 1^ is t\}C fiift tjnto
Ijoljomtljerig^tcommeil) after tl^e proclamation fo;caafe p^eceoent;
Piowiol.:74,a -^

^no if tenant in f ai!e oifcontinue in f^,anij tlje tifconf inueeleutetfi

a fincluitl) ic^ant fine y^ttts to paffe, am tlje tenant in taile otet!),ret
^^ Ijia iffuebat^ fiueT?eareg afterl^ie oifcentet,tob;ing l)ig fo.2meoonin[
DiffcnDctjbecaufe^ee is Uibom t!;ectgi)t of tbeentailecom^
tl)c ficft to
met|i aftec proclamation b^ force of t^e gift in taiU mate before t^z
finePlovv.374.a 19 H.8.7. Dycrfi3.p.5: 'S'ii (.'i;*^; - i ;i J i


O/ Efirangtrs rvith Imfediments iMuingflttHre ri^ht:



Scft. I S/. A il^b ettrangers to fines, l)auing

XXtjent tljc fine, being aflferteo Iwitl)
future rigfjt for an^ caufe
fucfi inipeoiments, tul^en tl)eir

trnpeoimentB remouetj
rtgl^t firft accruetl^, Ijaue fine t?ere after ruclj
4;opttrfiiefort^efame,i R.3.c;7.4 H. 7,0.24. j^sinfanf^^ajeitDelltijolr

' :

Fines and Concords. 6p

to!)fcl) ljcbo;jne,ag tl)ofc 1ftn;tti) be mtl^ett motfjcrs ioombjlxjfien fucfr
rig^ttjapn0ttjtott)em,Plo,fol. 3(J7.3 ifcme0coun:t,maomen,luna^:
ttUe,p?troners,pei:ionsbeponiitI)erfa,asapp0acct[) before tuijcce it
it i$ fpoken of t^em fjautng p jefent cig^^Plo. d<) a./.Eliz. '3

J^s If man [jaue tffuc a fon anu a Dansf)ter, toljtcl) funne purcj^afet^
ianU0 an^uietlj: ano ttje Daug!)ter cntretlj asf j^tsijeiccianti 10 btlTcifei)
b^^,ti3i)o letuetfj a fincanD ftncv^itB pkcfctuitfjont ?laniic. 0tiij ttn^
t?ec0s after t^e fajt[jec tjatlj anottjec fon, toljic^ istjetcc to Ins b:ot][)et,f
^e l^al Ijaue neio fine ^eces aftec l)e come to fjis full age, becaufe tje Os"

tl)e ficft to tel)Dm.tIje ngljt oifccntietj aftec tfje p;ocltcmatiort;,bp ceafori

6f t]^^^Jifrent^iclrtoa0bcfo^et^em/Plo.fo!.37^^ - ;;' - ji Q^?,t;^-

*; ^dtif aittenig0ttoafine,t8lD^oma remainDec, 0; ijtje:!; tttfet
ficttatcrnet^ after tt)efine,iro notpurfe!)i5i:igi^'ttwitl)ih<ftre^etie0ij
' '
0nii iii lifee manei:,if t|)e firtt tlTue in tatleyto tof^om tlje tit b of i^h'
tntailc actf arcniet!), rrejTled: t)is ftue t^ate^fj ttc JMSiflle eff^eti^ftewf:
-f* i^uhu cj
n^^^^ner/3 2H.!5.Br.Ffncsiot)/''^
tJi^eilfeiJtVbo :

f ]^c lij^ttlJ nbateifj after tlj'e tie^t| ofa ttiiK^i iti ir0e,ma^ a ijsnit^^
mcnt tipnn conmttcn,anD tJjefeoffaleh^^finej ano fiae ti^teB aftec
pjotlar^iaion pauc toitl^out^ritr^o? elaimi^maDc bt? Ijusl?cite,f tire
t^bam"!? : IBixt if attectiiactis tlje tonoitton be biofeen^anu tpt^Mioy
tizikcit enter,tljeH tijeijcire mat? tjanc arr ^iTifc of roortdaiirtccltcr aj^
gai;#t0c ab3to;,o3 entrg tjpon tim at an|? time, i fje Ijaft^nb Defenci*.*
jfiji rf ije'pTeatJe m batreof ttjatTtfe tlieitne leiiieti to tfjerogrtifecjanu
t^atije ^atljtris'ettatejtljc (^ecialUnattecof t[J0atiltemeitt,coni3U
ano reenter ma\> be picaocD in Defence thereof, fo; bee can neuer t))dh
l^ngefcititlPt/se bt t\}ttftmQft^ccoimo;V''i^M^

. , . |.
Qj- ^fiy^ggfs hauifig m fight jvr any caufe hfore thefine, '

lji23tttongcr0tofine0,l)atogncitf)etp?er0n^ c a iSfi
^"*' ^^
'3'f 6 at ti)t Icuring t!j.ereof,br reafontjf air? trtattecj^o bif foii?' t Jo '

fine.Urf)ore rfctljt grotnet!; iit^&t tntirel^' after tljepjijcldmation^oj

partHbefo?e,Sj parti? dftiDr,ma^ enter tj^ft^aiitie jb^ i^z^ pleafi^

tuittiintljetime of tl;epaefcrtpttcn
-^r* '^a r,;

^0^if tfjefatfjer tiefeireD,{)is elDcU fonne being p^ofcifeDjantitfje

^6n^^rfcnneentrct^,anDi0DiffeifetJ,anoa|tnfetDitt) a p;oclamatton
ledttfii,i;nti aft^C-t$c t\m (amz 10 oeratgni^^tt famctj^t^ is boiitto to

^0 if tljcljufbans le'u^a finf^f 1)10 btuite raiitj]*f, tfu^^ereofl^is tuife Doww^

5 i)oUjable>ani) me,aii*.tf fld^^erei paCTe after fjis Deat|i,f^ei0 not baD
xt^ pf Jer Doiwr^becaiife tjer titt^ to b$ en ocUveo accrwet aftec tlje fine

Fines and Concords.

ohelr po&tbtltt^ cf Dotii0t;,anD not mv tigfyt,tit\^ onnt^utt ttjecunto
;^nD if a tenant ceafc one ^cat:e,ano tijen a fine luttl) proclamation
tj5Icuteo : ^titi aftct\J0B,ti>8 a tenant, aafett) anotl^ei: ^ere. SL^e lU^D
mar l)acl;i3 ccdauit per bitnniumpr.^eares after tfjepjoclamatioii
mate^becaufc l)i( cigljt mh title gce^uetl^ parti? iiefo^e tlje fine^anD
partly after tt)e fine leuiab,t^att$ at ti)eenoe of tljettuo^eareif of [110

t^nant0 cealTer, Plo.fol. g 7 3 .b

Of E^rangers^haHtug dsttersfuture M^hts by diuers titles,
SefV.T Sp ^^ CHranger^ tofineje; ijauefeuerall future Ki3l^t0>bp oiner^
Dtitlu groti^ing at fe^erall times^it feettiet^ > t^at t^e^ i^all ^au
(eueralife jjeaie^, to itiahe i^ntr? 0;^ c laime, conunendng ftcm fuc^
time^0tt)iirfeuerailtitle0fii;ilaccrcUit)nto tl^em:
life^tl^eremainDerinfa^malijeaft^offementinf^: ^0
^ if tenant fQ%
t!)e f^off^e Ic^

uieafiiieiuit^lc*ajnD|> in tljLg remainder futfer t^t txXt fiuev^^areis

to patfe, Jee i&hyf\^k l^fjcif barteo of Ji0entrt?,fc^t^e foifciture
gpe^ing^b^ ti)c alienation of \^is> Umwi During ljt0 tenant for iil\^,be^
aMfe^ce Jao pjefentrigitat t^c'leuvingof t^efiijetoenterfor tlje
lJM?je^j?et ifafter t^e tenant fo; lifeooe oie^lje l^atfj otl)er fine itu& to
^ring Ijis l^orfpedon in Rcmainder.becaure tl^at IS a neUi title or ttgl?t
b^ Ibl^icl^ ee coultinot Ijaye l^b Form cdon ouringljus tenant for lift
^uj^eo i^aoJbtB election to takeaouantageof tlje forfeiture or not,
Plo.fol.57 3 .b.Qucrcjfor tljere Catlyn tljinketl) otljertoife,becaufe ^i0
to t^elanob|>tt)e forfeiture accrueo to^im in tfie life time of |)iste^
nantforlife. -

Sf j|*^*betena|itpurauter another for life,

vie, tj^eremainoet to
tJeremainoertot^cfame3|.tnf0j,anB31^^ i0DiireifeD, anotlje t^iU
fcifor leuiet[} a fine luitfj proclamation, anD tl;e fiue r^rC0 paCTe, 3I.^
i0 bouno for 1^10 future ano pjcfenteftate for life :i5ut if ccftuy qui vie
ano|)eintyemeaneremainoeroie, nobj BI. ^* D^all iiaueotijer fiue
^eereg tonterfor ^10 remainoer in fojjfor it tljenfirfi; rsniainctl! tjnto
|>im6ptljeDeat|jof Ijimint^c mcaneremainDcr, aiio ccltuy ^ui vie,
for caufe groteen Ui^ioll? before i\)t fine, tl;at is, tl)e ilate fo maoe be^
fore, tDl)ic!j i0 anotljer title, Plowden 3 67. b. per Wclfhe, ano Oiuers
3iuftice0,Plo. 3(>7. b.
31nlikemaner,iflan&i)egiuentoBl.^*for ti)elifeof0.t!;er^n^in^
^im for tlie life of i5.tl)e rcmainDcr to ijiini fo; life of
fier to atti |) C
10 r^i^ikxij ano tljc DiJTcifor ieutet^ a fine iuitlj p;ocfaJBatton,ncjfe %
^for i^i0 prefeutrigl)t,l)atl) fine retes b? tljefirft Saumji of t!)e^t.4l
H,7.ca.24. jSno fine ^ere0 aftertl)e oeat^ of Z, br tl;c fee iMfo SauTng^
i|)icl)i0of future rigj^a^op^j^c^jr.j^^r?0^ftrt^^^^eaiji^
"" '" '' '
'"' ' '
Fines andConcords. 70
fetont) txmatnt)0C> fo^ quando duo iiira in vna perfona concuri'imC) x*
3!fa man mffafea remefole, anu aflec martteliec, anDfjaueilTue bg
i^ecj^ ti)c baron tiS DiHetreo before manage o;iafteMnD a gneluttf^ p;o;
clamation \me^,Ui(t ^ bare, anti aftec v feiiieS)ietoitl)m tlje t3igere5,
being of full age,tbe tjiVcates paCTe, b^ i^ tijeceb? bonD,
t\)e tSTuc m
f)titztQ i}is fatl;cu,but Ijatbetbec ti*v^iee after tljeteatf) of biamotbec,
to enteL',foj albeit it is ^t one felfe fame lanD, I'et t^c Ijeiie batb feue*
rail cigbtis tbeieunto gcolt'ing ai fcuecall times, tbont as \)ntt to biff
fatbeCjtbotber as \)mt to \}iB motbec, in tepco tobeccof be batb fcue*
1^ if t bw^janr, maiietb a feofTcment of bis iniut^s lancsjtpon con^
DUion^lPDbt^t' ts b;oken,beleuictb a!ine toitb ic* t b^^^^^^^ batbtC^ui:
hx bi^ tMtfe,ano Diet b jtiji^ ficft b.r^tes paCe, f f ben tbetoife Diefb? ^^^
l^eiteis battel of bisentrr fo^tbeconrntionasb^icetobisfatber^tbut
iball i^tttic flue peaces after tbe beatb of bis fatber,to claime ic.becaufe
ttisatitlemfferingfrcmtbatlubicb tto Dtfceno from \}isi fatber ae^

wins to |)im firft bv tbc ticatb of l)is motberjPlow^s 67,3.

Esir^ngers tafnes^ hauing neither refenU norfuture right, to the

tenements i the fine, at the Utijing thereof^ hut onelj
vntorentSfCommcn&c>iffuingoHtof -i

the fame*

Aijift ettrangers to fines,bauing neitljer pjerent,noj future rigbt to scV^po

tbc tenements in tbc fine, but to fom fbing,in, 0? iffmng out of ^
ramejfeeme not bacrableat all,b)? anr ffb fi? ano nonclaime.^s if a
tenant in anei^nt ^tmt^n^ leuie a fine Uiitb it* at t\it common lain of
\i\& lanu in ancient tiemefne,tbe lo^o in ancient cemefne ma^ bauebiss
le^lit of Deca'pt,am> tbereb^ auoio i}^t fine at an^ ttme,an0tbcreupon

bis tenant fijaU be ret$o;eti to t}^t lanD, becaufe V^z ^in"^ t\mntt\^ not
Xf^z lanD,ti)bercf tbe fine is leieD,but bis ancient ^eignio;jieano fer*

ices ilTuing oHt of tbe fame, Plo 5 7o,b,

3ltfeemetbjfcb fines ooenotbarrefucbtllrllrangers, as bauerent,
common,tyar?eltouer0,no;i auv fucfj cbacgc out of tbc lanu, fo;j it tiz'
mctb tbat tbefe fines erteno onl\? to bino t\^z Hate, titlcrigbtjclainic,
entrie,anb inte5:cS,in,anii to tbe !anD,anti no pjoctes to be tafeen out
flftbelanDS,nojtotabe anv poluer giuen to erecuto^s 0? ot^^rsta
fell t^z lanbjBrooke tit. Fines 12?

Fie 04 tn 4Hoids Fine Si

is a gca:i p^ca tcrap,tbai 33^ li^ns fci;eiJ tempore Icuac', anD bt^ Se^.ip i#
to^e tJ)c ^ie leuiebjU-itijeuttbat tl)at tbc-p^i lies tc^tjj^ finc,baD an^

or* Fines and Concords.

)? to far,tf)at tijc particis to a fiitt IjaD notljing fc but ^B. ioljofe

eftateljC ljatt),Et dc hocponitfc fupcr pfiaro,3 3.H.6.1 8, 2 6.H.6.f.p.
42.E.5.JD, 4. H.4.8. i4.H.4.3^4.H.7.ca:24.
if t^0tp be ttuo K.iED.of one naim, aHti tfje one leutca fine of v land
oftfjQt|jer.5tl)pt|)ei;ma^auotDtljefine big pleaDing, tljat tljece be tUio
of one namc^f ti)ott)er U.^leuteD tt)e fitneiano not l)e:0no in like ma^
nee if an^ UtatiQct leuie a fine in tfje name of anotljec^tljat is otonec of
tljelanDjH'H'^^'v-Comfteii ip H,6. 44. becaufe it is a mattec of
reco;iD,ti)Ci:efo^e I)e !)at|) no otfjei: ccmeoie in fucfj eafe, but an action of
^ J^tit\)tt parties to fine0,no? t^cic fjeires may pleaoe in auopimnce
tijeceofjt^at before t\^ leu^ing^anD at t^e leut?ing oftl}^ fame, f fince
t^e ^manoant,o; plaintife, 0; tl)eir f)eit:e$, luecealtaaies feifeo of ti^
lanbs conteineo in t\}c finc,o; patceUt^ecof, Staf dc fimb'' 7.E.i .c.i
4 z.fi.4.i5.6c 1 9.^et b^ Faircfdjc if tenant in taile,.tj|)ecemainDei:iii
f0e,!euie ?i fine fur cogmfancc dc droit come ceo &
c.lje in tfne cemainDer

ma^aucicetlje continuance ofpoflreCrionjUottuitfjUanDtngtljc fine ano

^atute,becaufe{)0i0 neither ti)e pactie, no^^is ^eite, ant) fo ma^ a
feme tr)uei:t,Ujl;erc Ijcc ImfbanD fole leuietf) tlje fine, 1 2 .i:.4. 1 i.
snt^iCTuein tailc ma?? auec continuance of poffeffion againll a fine
furcognifancededroKtantucpjO^furrender, but not againft a fine fur
cognifancc dc droit come ceo <^uc il ad dc Ion done, becaufetl^at fine 10
^):ecutcDjanDt^eotl)ci:e]cecuto^ie,i2.E.4.i5.& ip.i i.H.4.85.

Sci.i 92. A
^^^^ of Error to ccuecfe afin^,liet!) Mfttet^tt i$ Ccro^ in mvs
jL\fine,anD tljeccbt? not tijc Heco^D of tbeftneit felfefl^all be remo^
weUjbut tlie tcanfccipt tljeceofjtjpon \v\}it\) tcanfcript of t^e note of tlje
finejtlje plaintife ma^ affign ^is ecto;^^ 0nD if tfje 35uftice t[)ink,t!)at

tbe point affigneu fo? ecio;, is ettoh t^t^ mai? fe^u fo; tlje note of t^
fine,! teuttte ttje fameFitz.iiat,ro. i.c.i.M if a baro t fenieleuic a fine
to an ettrangei',tbe tfeme being tuitt)in age,tljep mar Ijaue a lo^itof ei:<
ro^ to reuerfe l[)e finc,fo; tljis caufe outing bee nonage, Fitz. nat. 21 .d.
2 7.aff.pl.i7.5o.E.3.4. ^nDtobenafinets tobeceuccfeobpetco^jtlje
ccucfeififo; t^cpiau^tife intbe to;it, to fjaue feuccalUunts of Ccco;,
OHesriuecteutntofbe cl)icfc 3Infticeoi:tbc court of Common plets to
cectifie t^t ccco;jd ano p^oceGfc of tijc fii e, anotijcE t)nto ttje Cuftos br.
of tt)c fame Court to ccttifie tlje tcafilr : rjit of tlje ftot of t()e tipte,antJ tlje
tIjicD into ti)t Ctjirograpbci: to ceitific 'jetranfccipt of tlje teco^D ano

p^oces of tlje fine:. tl)C feucraUfo;meij Wm^otbs^ M\o\jott^*

Ffnes and Concords, 71
^ ioatt of (ttioi ditC(teo bnto t^c t^ittz MfUce df ti)c Couct
fif Common plees.
Rej< 3cc. diledto &fidelifuo Edi. Andcrfon iniUti, Salntcin. Qvh
in record & proccfTu^ac ctiam in Icuationc cuiufdam finis in Curiaiio-
ftra cof vobis & foci vfis luftic'nfis dc Banco, apud Wdiili in oftab;

S. Michaelis vltimo prctcriiis, per brcuc noOrum dc conucntionc inter

l.G. reniorcmarmig'& M. vxof cius, &
I. G. iuniorem gcncf qiu rent
& G. H. dcforcVdc manerio dc G. cum pertmcn^ac dc vno mcfl. 1 5. co-

tagijs, quindcciratofti$,quacuor horrcis, quindccira gardinis, duobus

puinan>5,ducen!acf terrac, oftaginta acr' prati, centum acris palJursr,

fexacris bofci,trefcentis acfmorx,6c coremunia paOuf pro omnibus a<

uerijs cum pcrtih in G.in com Ebof lcuat,error intcruenic manifeftus ad
erauc damnum ipfius G. fieut ex querela fua acccpimus Nos errorcm, :

fi quis fuerit,modo debitacorrigJ,& cid' G. plch & celcrcm luftic'frerf

volcntes in hac parte, vobis mandamus quod rccordum 6c proceflum fi-

nis prcd',cum omnibus ca tangcfijQuac in cuftodia veftra cxiftunt.vt di-
ciC, nobis Tub (igilloveftrodidinfie&aperccmittatis, 6c hocbreue, Ita
quod ea habcam" in O^labis S.HiU', vbicunque tunc fucrimus in Angl*
vtinfpeftisrccordo&proccrtu finis prcd' vltcrius indeproerrcre illo

corrigendo fieri faciamu$,quoddeiurc 6c fecund' Jcgem 6c confuetud'

regni noftri Angl' fucrit facicnd 6cc.
^ ta;tt of CBcco; t)nto t^z CuQos breuiuroef tt)e Court of
Common plee0.
Rex 6cc.diklofibiTho.Spenccrarmig',cuftodi breuiuifib fuorum
dc Banco,falut.cm,quia inrecordo 6c proceOo, ac eciam in leujt cuiuf^
finis in cur noflradc banco apud Wcftm in Ocf S. Mich.vltimo pr^te-

ritis coram Ed.Andcrf.Militc 6c focijs fuis luftic* nfis dc banco pd per

brcuc noQrum de conucntionc inter 6cc.dc&c. Vobis mandamus quod
tranfcriptum pedis finis ^d',cum omnibus ill'tafigcfi qux incuftod' vfa
cxiftunt VI dicitur,nobis lub figillo vcflf 6cc. vc infpcft* tranfcripC pedis
pd vltcrius indc 6ccr

tDjttof Cwo^tmto tljeC^icograpljecof fines.

Rex 6cc, dilelo fibi Tho.Crompton Armig' Chirographario
: fuo
de banco falutem,quia in recordo 6e proccHu, ac ctiam in leuatioh cuiuf-
dam finis in Curia noftra dc Banco apud W.in ocl* S.Mich .vltimo prc-
tcritiSjCoram Ed.Anderfonroilitc,& focijs (uis luftic' noftrisde Banco
yd per brcuc noftrum de conuenc' int 6cc. dc 6tc. vobis mand4mus qd*
tranfcript recordi 6c jpccllus finis prcd', cum omnibus iil'tangefiq in
cuftod' vfa cxiftunt v6dicitur,nobis fubfigil* vfo diflincc 6c apcrte mit-
Mti86c hoc brcuc 6cc.vt infpc^l' tranfcf recordi 6c proccftus finis prcd*
vltcrius indc 6cc.
^{^note t^at aUvttof ^(to^^is mt maintainablobt? an infant fa
. :

Fines and Concords*

teuecfcainefo; l)is ^nfmt^Mt miting^w 3lnfaitcp,5o.E.34. 7.E.
3.52.78. .:7.Lib.A(l.fj.
if 0; ljDt)dt et:t:o;09finc0 and p^eclatnattoNf bee not teuetfable*
^0 fines 0^ p:oclamattons tipen fines 0) common cccouectes^D^albe
reuetfableb^ tu;^it of t&i:to?,fo^ falfe 0? tncingruous latin, ra^ uce,tn^
tecltmng,mtfentnng of anp toatcant of atturnep,oj of ant? pjoclama*
ttonjmiftetucningoj not cetutning of tl^e ^^tviffe, o} ot^ecUiant of
fo;me of U)o^O0,anD not of matter of fubHance^z 3 . bliz.ca.3
jD f ^cto J in tlje ^B^oclamation of a fine^
Bif tm be in t^e pzorlamatton of a fine, t^e? I^all be renetfed b?
plea tDtt^out iont of Crco;, but tljat fine neuertljelelle rematnet^ of
gcDD fo;ce lttll,fo;tlie)? atefeuerallmattet:!^ of ceco^D^^et if en:o; be in
l^e fine,t^e p^oclamationei ace t)otD,becaufe t|^e fine u( ti}$ ficH teco;D
iDl^cemiont^e proclamations Depend, ano lublato fubicflo collitur
eiu$accidcns,PIo. i66.a. Dyer fol.z I (J.pa.54 4.EI1Z.
Of a Ccrciorari,
Sc);. ip 3 Tif a man ^ue reconeteo,ant) \izfQit be baue e):ecution,ti)e Heco^os
Ittiereof be cemooueo into tbe cecett 0; SDteafui:? , f^e plaintiHr ma?
|)aue a Certiorari out of t^eC^ancect? to tbeCbambeclain and Q^rea^
fo^ecto cemoue t|)e teno; of t^e Ueco^o, and l^^oceiTe tl^mtt into t^e
Cliancei:^* 0nD loben it is t^ei:e,it ma^ be fent tf^ence b^ Miccimus in^
to t|)e Couct iu^ence it came, as t^e SHings Ii5encl^,if it came tf^ence
o^into t^e Common place,if it came ttjence^ano t^erema? emution
ja Ceniorari ijpit^ a Mictimus to temouea fine,beattngDate before
tiie fine come into ttie Cbancecp,is good enougt^, i .R.3.4.

Bin a Mcit of i^cco; to ceuecfe a fine,t|e Ueco^ it felfe fl^U not be

cemoued,but t|)e tranfccipt tI)ec^of,becaufe a teco^D, tol^cb commet^
into tbe Slings Usenet), (ball not becemaundeo : J^nd if tbeiudgement
beaffirmedjtbece is no Ct)tcogc to ingt:ofliet1)efine, 4c. Afl.jp. 2p.
^tt 5. Mary it a l?itf<lBn:ojtpon a finc,tl)ece^
is golden tf)at in
to;d no mo p;2DClamations (ball be made
xt felfe fl^atbe cectified, fo tl}at

tbei:upon,fo;^ if it be t:euerfed,tbat endeti) all : and if t^e fine bee afitc^

med,tl)e record l^all be fent into tbe Common place bi? Mittimus.to be
proclaimed and ingtoffed : ifor if tljc tranfrrtpt oncl^ flfjould be remo^
nedjtbe^ nufilj t neuettljelcs proccedtn tlje Common place, B.Tit Kcc.
79.1dcoqucrc. . i


4 Certiorari of tfjc tujnfcript of tfje foot Of a fine

Rex,Theraurario& Canierarijs,ialutem : Quia quibiifdaro ccrds At
caufis Certiorari voluinus, vcl volcntes ccrtis dc caufis Certiorari , vcl
quibuldaoi cercis de caufis Cerciorari,(upcr Cfoore pedis cuiufdam 6nis

Fines and Concords* yz

ItiiAti in curia no{lra,coraii) I'tOiaanjinonris dudum vel vftiino itine-
rancibus apud N.in com cali pt r b u: nonrum, vel in curia dhi Ed. nup

regis Angi* aui noHriyVel patris noUri,anno regni fui deciiDO,&c. coram
(mt tunc lufltc'eiurdein aui noftri, vel patris noflri, de banco
J.ec rocijs
per breuefuuin ir{ A.pCtniem&^ B.'^j rr^^j dc vno meduagio cun ptih
inN.vobismandam'qdfcrutacispedibus finiurodccoderoitinercccm- J '

pore pdjcf leuacoruns^vel finiura coram ^fatis lufliciari js atino f^' icua-

corum,qui lunc iaThcfaurario noflf Tub cuftodia veftra vc dicunr, tran* j

fcriptum pedis finis pdicc nobis in Cancellaf noftramfubngiilo fcacca?

nodri diftin^e ccapfe fine diiatione iiiictatis,et hoc breue, Teftc &c.
Rex diltto clerioo (uo ^.(alfl^ero,volcnus ccrcis &c.(lf^ fcnote not^ Alit de tenore
cuiufdam finis leuati 6cc.anno Scctncer A. petcnteM, ec C. renentem &c. "^* ^"''
vobis mandamus quod, icrutatis notisfinium penes vobis rendcntiliiD,
cranfcf not^ pred' nobis lo Cancel laf noftram Tub (igillo veflro diflin^^
eeapene fine diIatione,nuttatis,es hoc breuf.T.&*c*. -
Finis leuaE in curia nfaann regni t\fi deciino, iotimWi, ttfbtils fuil Alit coram lu*
tunc luftic'nofthsdc banco per brcurtoftNiprinctr6cc;^''''' '-'' -^- ^': ftic'Huncdc
,.:., ;;(';... .if:'-:' h,-,,:.a ' :;'
^lo:^ banco.

AMittimm tftheTrMnfmft cfa fine euti^lht Cheery inie^^^^^

,,, .. , :.

^bnoin' R'cjtniah^ itfftid' kic br^i (uuM'eli/Si. \n\\\et v^ba, Hen^ Sc(l. 1 94*
'&c.tuftic'fuis de banieo (jikneaii'<rrdnf<^!p<edii cuiuAf Bhls leuaf
in cur doniini E.nupcr Reg^fil* Regis H. nuper Regis Angl' ^genitoris
noHri, coram R.H.et foci jsfuis tunc tuftic' ipfius progcnitons noftri dc
banco apud W^per brcuc (iuim imer G.P. ec J. vxofvius quef et S.Pfdc-
^rcV^einanerJQdeC.cump^rcifttnbbi^in Qsncetlaf noHra de man-
ij^to iK0ro nu (Ittii vobis mitdo^|inat4>ntibQs inte^cluf. mandanres
ji]irpel:pd vlwriusad prorecuiirnicml. iiet M.vtxdf cius vnius.etT.V.
ctT. vxof eius alccriu8,nccnon H,B. (cfujconfang' ei hcred* pradict G.
tll.dt corporefuisprocf, fieri facias quod de iiire ec iecundum legem
eCQijpGieitudinem regni nftAngUfuerir>ta|eicnd\Te(temeipro apud W;
oy^^$diii^I.3nno regni no^^rideemi^vfcf^imo. l'rankfpedffirtiy,vn-
de inbreui prapdicfic nK-nrio/eqMirur in h^c verba : H^ccft fiiulis con-
cordiafa^aincufdQau^R<sg\8pjd W.irt61rt?S. Mich, anno &c.co-
ramR.H.\V.B.P.M.W H. L.T &l H.S. lufticiarijs, ccalijs dora
^^lifidcUbMiCnnc ibidem praeMi^fibus, mrer G. P. & l.YStor eius
^rt9?iPJWi FipxifiHiacorBirtodiiidihicran^velpfcdcn^, &
S. P. dc- AttnmcyiHi
f ^'dkwaneiisi^^^fcC icumpertip.iwi5S vndc jphcitwm^ cotr.t^iitionis fine,

felppi(WiffuiC:ifareo-Tnadcmclr.f<,fci1it'iq<^i'^d ^^r-^d'yfG.recbgfi
pracd.'roanefCMtifpetirififfftcflc'iu^ip^jttS'Sj ?t r-liid qu.h'd id'er^ S,ha-
Iw. de bho ^r^(juii G.;^ pro hie ree^^, iinc" ^ t^htuitJ^s . ideth S
ti.^; con*

:ix Fme5 and Concords;
conccffitptxA* G.ct I. pr^d'mancrium cum pcrtinentijs 6c I'Hud ci$ red-
didit incadcm curia, habcnd &
tcticrd cijd G.& I .& her <juo$ idem G,
Render in I. procrcaucrit, dc pr^d S. et hcrcd fuis iropcrpetuum,
reddend indc per ann^ro vnam rofam ad feftumNat. SA* loh. Bap.
& cxaftionc ad pra^d S. & hcred* (uos pertih
orani iciEuUio confidcrac
Forrcin fee-
^^ fjicip4'iindf capital* dpojinU fcodi illius , pro pr^dift' S.& haef fuis
"^^^* fi coniingat qd
ouiriia ahafcrMitia,<iu5 adiliud mancriuro pertinent : Et

^^^^^^,^ ^^ Lmancf pd cum pertincntijs mtegrc remancbit W, fratri

ciufdaip G.c| herd de corporc (uo jpcrcac, tcncnddc prsrdii^ S. et hat-

i a-j^b J
, t rrd fuispk wedictf?^t)ijciajlcutprcd'eft,iin|>crpetuum :Etfi comingac
quo4p$licl W,obirccfiiihcrjcd dccorporc(uo procreaE, luncpoftde-

c^flum ipfiusW.prcd'maneriura cum pcrtinenintegrc remancbit I.fra-

triiciufdctnW.ct hcred decorppre fuo ^crcaf, tcnend dc pdic! S. &
hacf fuis prcd'fcruiti9,ficut pricjl'c0,iroperpwttro: Ecfi coatingat,qd
line hf dc corporc (uo jpercac, tuncpoft dccdTum ipHus I.
-il T 130 lilA j^t IfObirft
:h ; iu 'iifi pd manefcuTO p,tin incegrftcHjifincbit . fratri ijiW li & hxf ie cor-
.njjisd poic fuo ^crcatjtcncnd dc pd* S.cc hcrcdibus fuis per pd' fcruitia, Cent
fed' cftjirapcrpetuum : Et fi contingat quod pd' E. obirct (inc hercde de
corporc fuo ^crcato,tunc poft dcceflum ipfius E.pd* roanerium cum p-
lincnti js intcgrc rcucrtatnr ad prcd* S. 8c haef fuos, quit? dc alijs hzf ip-
fprum J.WJ.& E.tencnddcapit4ib'doro$iiSi icodiiUius jpfcriritii^
iqu^cartJM^Pf^titWWWIWttiBwriropcrpctuuDa. >i> ^ c - :


Exjnftic* dc banco falutem. MiKtmus vobis fub pede figilli noftri

Scft. 195. TJ
XV&c.w/yii^ Tr;infaiptuiH pedis, wi fiB : Tenorcm pcdi* c(mi(daiti

i^ni^ Icuaci in curia do A Ed.nuper Reg^ Angl* aui noftri anno rcgni ftii
<iccimo,cof W. & fpci)? tUncJiifticiaf ipfi^aui noftri dc banco apud W;
p bieuG nfm.inter I,querentei^6e W.deforc dccantoScc.quosVcl que
coram nobis in Canccllaria noOf venire fcciinustvobis mittimus fub pe-
de ngiliino(lri,vtinloque]4,quzcft coram vobis p brcucnrm inH filili
J.pciCDfj& .cenef,de (od' rnddSccfecuri'^^oKdcFC valcacis dcci Ti dec.
-noa<.i:niiibo?ri:: . .
- tH: :.Tiqiimdr:5t;
O ' >'. -Jfifir ' ^ '
A Mittimusfor thefoftttrf^fmi'- ';' >^ ni :.fi'^ 1 bica

RExBalliuis fuis S.faluteni. Quia in Icuationc diuierfWiim^tiiuib^

ram I.S 5c W.W. nupcr balliuis villc S.imer Wj R, 6^ M/Wco^elOi
quf f,& W.T.:Cappcilanum deforc', de o&.' mcd. &c; Sc decem^lhial
rcddqumpcrtincn inS|.. Anno&'C. iuxta libcrtater; borgenfrhiA^ill^
predict per charcas progenitorum noftrorum quondam rcgum Afigl!
conccffJcuaC, ci;ior intcrucnic naanifcflus , tic per infpcAioncBi teno-
Fines and Concords.
rum finaim prc5,ncc non recordi & procc{Tu$ Icuationis corundeni,qij5
coram nobis poftea ad feCtam W.M. H.W.de S.confanguineorum cc
fccrcd' prcd' M. venire fecimus,nobis conftat : Et nos in curia no(lra<;of ^"^f^^f %*^
nobis,oberrorcsinlcuationefiniuraprc<f,acinrecordo&procc(ru eo- fine?^^"*
rundem compcrtos, confiderauimus quod pedes fiuium prcd a filaci js
finium pd extrahantur &
canccUantur Et ideo vobis mandamus, quod

pcdesfiniumpd/quiincuflodiavcftra exiftunt, mittads coram nobis

tali die vbicunq-, &c. cancel* iuxta confid nfa fupradi^'. Et habcatis ibi


; - V whether any hut he rohich referueth a fine y may reape henefit thereby^
T if tfjeeltate ontem0D ma n0,be once Iit^m5.rete0 after p;5ocla^ ScV, i$6.
mattons lalufuUr ccfeateu. 2ri;at parti? Ijat!) tl)ci:ebr loft 1^10 tul^ole
cltatc bot^ againtt Ijtm lufjic!) Dio leuecfe t^e fajiic, $ all otljecB tofjic^
Jau ti^i cj pai:amont,anD matie no claime tyitljiii tfje 5. veares:

Albeit not iuDgement anij ejrecution

})t U)l)tcl) b.joagi^t ijia action Ijaue

^a^i^xn 7. t^i^c0 after tljc proclamations, Plo. fol. 3 5 8. b.

3!n lifee mancr, if tl^cie be tenant fo.j life, t^e remainDec fo? life^tle
temainner in fee,anD tjje fiicft tenant fo? hffe alien, anD tl)e alienee leuic
n fine tuitfj p^oclamation0,anu ^ feconti tenant fo? life enter j claime
(a5l)emaT?)^eDefeatetl)t]^efineagainftljimrelfe, anD Ijimintj^e re^
mainoeralfo, Plo.fol.359- a /-E^iZ'
fVarrantia charU,

A'Miit of Warrantia chanx, lietl) toljercaman br tKfeD of graunt. Sea. 1 97:

feoflfiemf t,telea0,o? cofirmatton,o;i fine, 0? br* ercl^an0e,tinDct^
|)imrelfe r.nu ^ts ^etres to iDarrant tl)e lano to anotl)ei:,lvfjo beetng H*
nant of f ^clann is impleatscD foj tS)e lant),oj rent out of tlje fanie,m an
Aflife, Ojtoiit of Entnein nature of an Adifc, 0.: in a Scire facias tpoti
a fine,o? in an^ otljer action realljU'^erein tlje tenant ma^ not fccucfj,
Ijema^fue a Warrantia chart^, againft Ijim f |)ts Ijeites tul)ic]^ maoc
Iuarrantte0tttifoj a tenant b^]^omage aunceftrel, c^anr particular
tenant tipon referuation of rent>oj foj egalty of feruices Vipon pattiti^
Bn,Fitz.Natiol.i54.d.f.g.h.Fitz.Nat.i35.c.3i.E.5.8.E4.i i.

Rex &c. quod iulle &c. warrantizet D. vnum mcfluagiu cum perti- Briefe de

ncntijs in R. ^ tenet & de eo tencre ciamat, et vnde charcsm fuam habet warrantia

yt Et fi Sec. vetfie. Manerium de N. cum pertinent; js, et aduoca-


tionem ciufdem ville qu3^ tenet Szc.v/que ibi^ vnde chartam fuam haber,
vl chariam R. patris, vel roatris,vel altcrius antiecefiroris prediili H.cu-
iush^resipfecft, vtdicir.Etnifi&c. vel
Deeo quod idem A. warrantizet D. raaneria deN & K.ec
luindreda de F. & G. cum prtincmijs,& aduocationem Ecclefia? de N.
& idco vobis ipandamus &c.
. , .

Fines and Concords.

JiSut if a man infcoffc mat^tt toitlj
toatcants b^ l>ee5,ant) f Je feoft
f^ infeeat anotljccj ano taUe eftate fcmn l^im in f^e^t^c ficH tuaccant?

iB Determineo, becaufeljee isnoto in of a neiu eftate , Fitz.nat. folio.

IJ5' a.

^0if ;a. niiTeife IIB* anu inftoffe C^lDitl^ tuaccantie, tuljo infeoffcti^

JD. toittj Inaaawtie^tjponttJljo an eftcangcrcnfcctf), in toljofe poCTefj'

fion):54lje DiSxiifo^celeafetlj ]^i0ng!)t,noto all fo^mccUjatrantiesace
cjctinct : Hue albeit K^As impleaoeu, ^et ttjall l)ec not Ijane Warramia
charts, b0caufe ^e is in of anoti)ci: eftsteb^ iu^ong, Ficnat.i 3 s.g.i u
Helcaspct 3!ft5erebct|)?ce3Iointenanti3, anutljeone ultast{it^neftrt\\tt
loinccenant^ ma? 5caigne tl^efo^mcclDacmntieb^tjcuc^, 0; Warxantia chartf,
fo; tl)ev be ina tljico pact bp tttp ccleafc, 40.E.3.41
Villenagc^ Warrantia chartae Ivetl; againCa tiillatne 48.E.3 17. .

SDlje iM^it of Warf.chartae mufi befue^ Jjangingtljep^incipall plea,

ants before iuDgcinrttas of Afllfc 0; Entricin tlje nature of Affirc,48.E.
3 .2 2.Regiftf orig', fo. 1 58.a,fo^ tfjen if tlje ioaccantci: ooe ote, vet tlj

Ip^itfl^all not abate, biitlji^EflreireJ^aU be. rummoneij to anfiuectjp*

ontf)efaJne,vetma?a Warfchartxbe fueo before l^ee beimpleaoec,
quia timet implacitari,! \> pUtl)al tecouec in talue jp loco cttctBpore,of
fuel) m
tfjeoef^liatiatt^epurcljafing oftj^e-itjjit, Fiiz.tia.f.i 34.k.
erccution^bat ifuftcttaoacos f)0 beput out bp iutignift,l;e l^al liaue^is
toaci:antiet)pol;i0ficfttecouei;r52i.H.6.4i.2i.H.5. 2 2.i2.H.4,i2.
Nontenure. 3n Warf chart, it iB a gcDD plea fo.J tfje Defen 1^ l^anging tj^c pica,
t{)eDemantivint in tl;c principal p.lee ^tlj entceo tpon tljeplaintifc,be^
ing tljen tenant of tlje lanu , 0? lUfje pi* in tljis action Ijao Motiving in

t\)z lanD, t\\z 5at! of t[)e ficft io^it purcljafeo, m; at an? time afte^a i
H,().49.3.E. 3.45. 3.5.
Coumie*. Warf chartemai? be b^ougl^t in ani' Count?? iftjeoa&e.beaw not
tate in a place'certaine, 3 1 E. 3
Tenant in c6- 2Ienant3 in common nia?iepne in Warrf chartar,2 S.E.3.P0.
men. l.H.fil'cchrflfabcr qu^fuitvxor-R.funimTuicad rerpondI.T.&
Gountpcr Ba-
ron & feme I. vxori ciuSjde placito quod warf cis vnum mcfuag* cum pertinentijs

coram T.B. 6c focijsfiiis tunc.luftic'ipliusdomini regis dc banco, in?
ipfos I.T.&Iqucf,&R. de B- ct prxdicl* Ifabcl adtUHC.vxof eius
Inter alia per dcforc', dc mef.prcdxum pcrtin inter alias terras et tchta, per nome &c.
nomen. cumpcrtin in S.inconiprcd,per qucm fiae,pd R ct LconccfTcf pro fc
Finisde rcucr-
^ hcrcd ipfiui I quod quatiior
acf icrf cum pcrtinen' de pd tcnemcnf,
Fines and Concords.
(^uasG.& M. vxor cius tcnucrunc ad tcrroinum vitz ipfius M. cJc hxre*
ditaf pd I fab. in S. pd,dic quo hacc concordia faftafuit,& qu^ poft dc-
ceffum ipfius M.ad pd R.& I.& hxf ipfius Kab.reucrti dcbucrum poft
dcccffutn ipfius M. intcgrc remanercntpdl.&I.&hcrc^ruispdcc-
nend fimul cum f d tenement que cisp fincm ilium rcmanfcrunt, dc pd
R. 6c f fab. 5c hercd ipfius I.pd fcruic ficut p5 eft, imperpetuum Et ij:

dem R. & I fab. fimiliter conceflcrunt pro fe & hercdibus ipfius I. quod
ipfi warf d I .& I. & hcred fuis pd tenement cum pertinentijs ficut pd
eft, contra omnes homines imperpctuiim : Et fi contingerct quod ijdera

I. tenendum de capitalibus dorainis feodi illius , per fcruitia qu ad pd
tenement pertinent imperpetuum, & &
pd R. I. poOea obierunt,per
adipfosI.T.&I.pertinuithabend dcprefatl.H. vtfil'&hercd ipfius
I. warf fuam pd , Ac quidam I. R. arrain' quandam aflifam nouc didei-
lin'coramT.W.&I. lufticiaf Domini Regis nunc ad aHifas in ComiE
pdcapiendaffign'jvcrfusipfos I.T.&I.'de^dtcncmentis, &ijdemr.
T.&I. fzpius rcquificf ipfum I.H.vtfil'&hered ipfius Ifab. ad waif
cifdem I. T. &
I. pd tenement , 6c idem I. H. tencmcnta ilia fie warf

contradixic 6cadhuc contradicit^ vnde die' quod deteriorac funt , &

damnum habcnt ad valcntiam centum libraf t inde producunt fc d:am

I.T.fumfuitadrefpondcdH.W.dcplacito, qjreddeivn'rocf.&c. Count furfak
cum pertincnf in B. quae de co tcnet,5" dc co tenef clairi,& vndc cartam "* 8*^^

fuam babet, & vndc Sec. die' quad cum pd I. feifitfuiffct dctencmenC
pd cum pertin in dominico fuo vt defeodo, & fie inde feifit per quand
carfuam,quam idem H. hie in Curia profert ^ cuius dat eft apud B. tali
die,anno &c. dediflct, conceffiftct, & confirmaflct cidcm H, tencmcnta
pd cum pertinentijs, inter alia terras &c. per nomen,vtin carta 6cc.fia- Inter alia pw
bend cidcm H.hcred &afrign*fuisimperpetuum,f&obligaft(etf(S&hef
fuo8,ad warf eidem H. hcred 6c aHign fuis, tehta pd cum pertin' contra
omnei homines imperpetuum : Ac idem H. virtute doni illius,de tehtis
pd feifitusfuiftet in dominico fuo vt dc feodo,quidamq.T. arrain' verf.
ipfum H. quandam alTifam nou^ difteifihs de pd mefl. &
tin' coram I.M. 6c I. Sec. luflic' dni regis ad aflifas in Coi!) pd capiend

afllgn', per q> idem H. pendente afTifa ill' fepius requifiuit pref. I. ^ ipfc

pd mcff. &c. cum pertinentijs cidcm H.warf,6c idem I. rae(Iuag'iir&c.

cidem H hue vfq; wan" contradixit,6c adhuccontradicir,vnde die' 6cc.
6c inde produc* (cftam 6cc.
T. in propria perfona fua yen , 6c defend vim 6c iniuf
Et pracdift' I . ConfcffionJ
quando6cc.6c dicitquodipfs non poteft dediccre^quincarf predil'fic
K i)

. :; Fines and Concords*

Fa^um ipfius nee quin ipfc dedcric per cartanj illam prcCH. tcnta f d

ludgemenc^ ^^jxipcrtincmiji, nccquinipfetcneattchtaillaeidem H^warrantizarc

in forma qua idem H. fuperiusvcrfus eura narrauit. Ideo conC eft quod
pdl. H. mc(Tuag'pd& terf cum pcrtin, pro loco
warrantizetpref. &
tempore See. Ideo idem I. in mia &c.

f .W. gcnerofus fura fuit ad refpond LB. gencrofo,& E.B. fil'fuo, dc

placico quod vvarrantizet eis 6. rocfluag, 3 . gardina,&c.3 .pomaria cum
percin* in Ciuitate B. quae tcncnt & dc eo tenerc claili
, ct vnde carcam

luam habenc &c. Et vnde i)dcm I. ct E. per H. C.actournat fuum die', ($

cum pd F.nupcrfejfitusfuiflctdctchtpd cum perdn'in doroinico fiio

vt dc (cod , Et iic indc feifitus exiftens , quedara fine leuauit in Cur diii

regis nunc hicfcilicitapud Weft, in Oftab. Sanli M.anno regni diOt

dni regis nunc (cdojCoraml.D.H.B. A. B.etR.W.Iuftic' , Etpotteaa
die Pafichx in 1 5. dies anno regni eiufd reg. 3 ibidem concefl^.Sc rccor-

dat coram eifdcm luftic' &

ali js difti dhi rcg.fidelibus tunc ibi prxfen-

tibus,inter pd I. et E. qucf,& pd F. deforc' dc tent pd cum pertinenti)$

vnde placitumconuentionisfum fuit inter cos in cadcm Curia, fcilicct
quod f d F. recogn'ten'pd cum pertincnti js elle lus ipfius E. V ill' quai
ijdem E. &
I. adtunc habuef dc dono pd F. &
ill' rcmif. &
quiete clam
defe&hercdibu$fuis,^d I. &E.&hercd ipfius E. iroperpetuura : Ec
prcteria ijdem F. conceflit pro fe&heredibusfuis, quod jpfc warrant*
pd 1. 6c E. hercd ipfius E. pd teneracnta cum pertinetit'contf a omnes
homines iroperpetuum : Qui quidcm finis in forma pd leuaf , habit' &
Icuat' fuit ad opus &vfumcorundcm I. ctE.et hercd eiufdem E. impcr-
pctuum , Cuius praetcxiu ijdcm I. ctE.fucffeifit'de eifdcm tenement*

cum pcrtinen , vix. idem E. in dominico fuo vt de feodo ,ac pd J. in do-

tninicofuovtdciiberotenemento : Et fie indc feifit'exiften'quidamH.
O.coram maiorc ct vie* villae pd,die lunsc^videlic et,28.dic Aprilis, an-
no regni di^i domini Regisnunc quarto, apud Guilhaldam Ciuiiatis
pd arrain' quandam affifamfrifccforcic fecund coiifuctudinem Ciuita-
natura affifae nous difteifinxad communem legem, vcrfus e-
tis illiuSjin

oldem LB. & E. de tepement pd cum pertincn, per quod ijdem L & E.
penden' aflifa ilia , faepius requifiuerunt pd F. quod ipfc tencment|>d
cum pertineft eifd' LB. & E.& hercd eiufdem E.impcrpetuum warran-
tizct. Et idem F.tencmcnta ilia cum pcrtinen eifdem I. & E. hue vfque
in forma pr^diOa warrantizare contradicit, vnde die' quod dctcrriorac
funt , & damnum habent ad valcnc ducentarum libraf, & inde produc
Et prd F. in propria perfona fua ven'6c defend vim &iniuriam
quandam Sec. & die' quod ipfenon potcft dcdiccrc aftionem praedift"
L & E. praediftjnec quin finis prxd in forma pd !cuacfuit,ncc quin ip*
Xc per fincm ilium tcncatur|adwarrantizand tciiffidcum ptin pi.L^cE.
Fines and Concords*
EethcrcdipfiusE. impcrpctuum, in forma qua ijdem I.&E (upcrfut
verfus cum narraucf : Idco cor.fidcf eft quod pred' F. warrantizetpref;
Let E.ct hercd* ipliusE. imperpetunai,tcncmentprxd*compcrtin*pro
loco ec tempore &c. Ec nihil dc mia prcd F.quia vch primo die per fuiTi
&c.M.8.cc9.Eliz.Rcg.Rot.i.92 2.
W. C. armigTum'fuic ad rcfpod E.B^genef, depladto, quod warra-
tizct ei quinquaginta et quatuor acf cerf ,quadragintllacf paftur2B,ctfc3C
acf bofci cum pertinencies in E quas tenet et de eo tcnere clamat,
vn- &
dc cartam fuam habct&c.Et vndc idem F. in propria perfona fua die*
^ cumipfe feifitus fuiflce dc pdiftis tcfitis cu prinetiis in dominico fuo
vc defeodo, (et fie indc fcifit** cxiftens) pref.W.per
nomen W. C. dc I.
in com* N. alias did' W.C.dc W.in com' SufF. armig' x. die I.ann* reg.'
~ DnacReginaenuncij.pcrquoddamfcriptumfuum, q>idcmE.fioilio
pred W. fignat hie in curia profert, cuius datum eft ei(dem die ec anno,
rccitand p idem fcripc cp cum idem W. C. p nomen W. C. de I. in co-
micatu N. alias dift* W.C. dc W.in com* S. armig', fimul cum fratre fuo
CCdcLincolncs Inneincom'Middl'gcn',perquandam Indent in-
ter pref.W.et C.ex vna parte , et E. B, dc Liacolns Inne prcdgcnerof.
exaltera parte confel' gcrcn dat x.dic F.annoregni Eliz.dci gratia
Angl' Fr. ec Hiberh Reg. fidci dcfcnforis 5cc. decimo, barganizauit cc
vendidcrit prcfa. E. totum ftatura et intcrcftc fua, de ct in illis pcell' ter-
raecontiaen! p cftimatione fcpie acf fiuc plus fiuc minus indc habeatur
iacen ctexiftcninparochiadcE.incoro'K. modo, vcl nupcr intcnu-
ra vel occupationc cuiufdam W. S. vcl affigfi fuorum, quorum quidcm
parccU'vndcparcell'vocst little^* alias diCt. Q: &
contincfipcr cfti-
inationemfexacf,fiue plus fiueminus indehabeaf, habcrd6ctenen<f
omnia pred terras ct omnia alia pr^miffa, cum omnibus ct fingulisfuis
pcrtihprcf. E.B. hatred; Scaffignfuis ad foluraetproprium opus &v-
fum ipfiusE.B. hercd &aflign(uof impcrpctuum, prout per pred In-
dent plenius apparet, curaq; etiam idem VV. poftea per nomen W. C.
del. incomN.armig'aliasdift' W.C.deW.in com' S. arm* fimul cu
C. C. dc Lincolns Inne in comitatu M. gen' per
praedift' fratre fuo
quandam Indenturam inter prcf. VV. et C. ex vna parte, ct prcf. E.B.dc
Lincolns Inne in com' M. gcnerof. ex altera parte, confcft*, gcrent
da! ip.dic Otlob.ami' regni Eliz.dci gratia Angl', Franc*,& Hibcrni^
Reginx fidci dcfcnforis &c. decimo, etiam barganizauent, vendidcf &
omnia tcrras,bofcos, ec terras bofcales ac cetera hatreditamcnta
prcf. E.
(ubfcrip?, per quodcunquc nomen feu qu^cunq; noroinavocat,reputat,
feucognif, videlicet, omnia ilia ter? vocaCS. alias did' Q^alias did*
gteat 1 ailD t|ie bjome, alias did' ^ anD t^e b;om, ac omnia alia ter-
ras 6c hcreditamenta quxcunq, continen! p cftimatione quindecem acf
due pi' fiu qua' indc h^aCp quodcunque nomen feu p qu^cuque noia
3. K cadcm
Fines and Concords.
^dn lint vocVreputa! feu cognil.modo vel nupcr in tcnura vcl occu-

pationc ciufdem T.Bcx diai\Sioc cuiuldam I. G. dc I.prcd' arroigcf ad-

unc nupcr defun^' quxquidem parcel!' iacenc ec cxiftuntinE.incom
K.acoranesillastcrf lodo vclnu|in tcnura vel occupation cuiufd
P W. dc E. in pd com'K.iacch ct. cxiftcnin E- prcd* ration cxxmid di*-

p pf.I.Ccontincn p cftimation quinq;acf,fiue pi**

roiflTiofyeide P.faft'

fiuc rain* inde habeat,ac ttia ocs ill tcrf modo vcl nu^ in tcnura vcl oc-
cupaC cuiufd r.I. ex dimiffion prcf.I.C.cid. I.I.faft', continen p cftiia
quadragintetofto acf (iue pi' fine min'indcheat, iaccn'ctcxiftciiin
diucrfisfcparalib^'pcell' inLpd* vnde qu^d* pccll* funt
voc' feu cognit
per nomc dc P.alias dit' B. quseda alix parcclL' inde funt voc feu cog-
nit per nomcn dc R. quxdam alia parcell' inde funt voc' feu cognit per
nomen dc S. Dane : Ac etia oiaill' bofc etterf bofcalcs infrafpcc', viz.
E.W.contincn' pcftimiduasacf fiucpl' fiuc rain" indeheatj!c wood! ad
iacch apud Knovvel gate in E.pred',continen' per cftiifi 3 .rodas fiuc pi*
fiuc rain^indchabeatjS.coHciii per cftitQ' tres rodas fiueplus fiucmin'
inde heatL^alias di^' K. contin' p cftim* vn^ acf &
trcs rodas.fiuc pla$

rain* inde heat, quaeoiafuntiacen'ctcxiftcn'in E.pdhend'cttenend

omnia p dicf terras bofcos etterras bofcalcs ac oia alia preraiila cum 01.
bu$& fingulis fuisptin' pf.EB.h?f Scaflign fuis, ad folum ctproprium
op**ctvfumipfiusE.B.hacf ctaflign fuorum impcrpcf, Cumquectiam
idem W.fimul cu pf. C, fratre fuo poQea fcz.in cur diCt' dnacRcg. hie
apud Wcft.in oC S.M. ann' reg.didx dfiac Reg. vndecimo in ptc co-
plemnquarund'concclT.etconucc in pd Indentuf fpecificat,rccogn*
ola ^d' tcrf bofcos,ethcred' cum fuisptin', per nomen fiuenoraina54.
cu pertincn in E. f d, cflfc ia% pd
acrtcrf,4o.acf pa(lurX|6c 6. acf bofci
EB.vt ill' q diem E.adtuchabuitdc don' pd W.ctpf. C.fratrisfui, ct
iir adtunc remifcric et quiet clamauit dc fe pf. W. et ha:f. fuis, prxf. . ct
hxrcd' fuis imperpct,& pred' W.per idem fcript hie in cuf ^lat adtuc
approbauit,ratificauit & confirmauit eidem . B. adtunc in fua plen' 6c
pacifica pofTenion'ct feifina pmifT, exi(len' cotum ius, titulu, ftatum, ec
intcreffc- fua dc & in pBi(fi$,quae 01a terf prsd',paftxif bofc', tcrf bofca-

lcs, & cctef oia & fingula pmilTa ciioib*' & fingulis fuis pcrtin', prcf. E.
h3ercta(rignfuis,adfoluet propria opus et vlura ipfius E.h^f ctafsigii
fuorumimpcrpetuu Etiafuperprcd W.C.p fcripf illudobJigalTctfc&
baef fuos,acl warf cidc Lhef Scafligniuis imperpetuum^omnia prcd tcrf,
paftuf,bofcos,& terras bofcales,ac cetera 013 pmifla cum fuis ptiii cotra
oes holes irapcrpeuiu, ^put per pred fcript nie in cuf ^latplcni* appa-
rct,EtideE.dic*q> pd tciita inbreui pd fpec', Umtcad'tencrata in pred
, ct no alia neq; diuifa, ac quida H. R. ipfo
fcript hie cuf jpxiitvnccian
E. dctcncis pd tu pertin
form pdfcifit cxiOch , in curia hie ^fecui*
d verfus ipfum E.B. quoddam brcuc dns Rcgidc ingrcfiu fup diileifih
Fines and Concords, fs
ID Ic quibufi, de teftti* p5 cum pcrtifi, per quod idem F. pendente breiil
W. C. quod iplc tchta cum pcrtin* cidcin E.
illo faepius requifiuit pret.
hucvfqac warrantizaf &cidcra W. pd tcnta cum pcrtir/ eidcts . hue
vfquc warramizaf tontradixit& adnuccontradicic, vnde djcit quod
deccriorat c(l 2c damnum habec ad valentiam trerpcncarum iibrarum
ixide producic (c^am &c.
Et f d W.C. pcrT.B.atturnatfuui vcn'& defend vim Sciniuriam
quando 6:f dicitquod ipfe non potcft didicercadlion 64 E. pd,ncc
. et

quin pd (cnpc hie in Curia prolatfic faftum Jpfius W.C.ncc quin ipfc
per idem fcrjpt confirmauit prcf. E. tenta pd cum pertin , nee quin ipfc
pd W.pcr fcripium illud tcneatur tcnf f d cum pertin' eidem E.warran-
tizare,in form qua idem E. fupcrius verfus cum narrauitjdeo conf.eft cp

f d W.C. warrantizetpref.E.tencmcnf pd cum pertin'pro loco tem- &

pore &c.Ec nihil dc Mia ipfiu* W.quia ven* prim die per fucii &c. Hill*
1 Eliz.
. Ro. fiat Croilis intratio vers. C.C. mutaf mutandis F. W. gen*
fuili fuit ad refpondcnd W.R. dc placit q> warf ci ofto mefuag'.fex
dina,tria pom,quatuor acf icrf/ex acf prati,& duas acf paft.cum pertin
inB.&B. qu^ tenet &:de CO tenereclamat, &: vnde terram fuam habec
&c Et vnde idem W.per W.C.atiurn fuum die' quod pd E. nuper fuit

feifitus dc teiitis pd cum pertin' in dominico fuo vt de feodo , &

(ic indc
fcifitus exiflens idem F. i<?.dieS.ann Reg. dnacReg.nucif.apudB.

pd per quandam cartam fuam.quam idem W.R.figillo pd F.fignat hie

in Curia proferr, cuius daf eft eifdcm die 6c anno, dedit &
conceflit ten*
pdcum pertin pref. W.R. hend fibi& hxffuis impfrpctuum,&altcri*
pd F.per cartam pd tenement pd cum pertin* eidcro W. haered fuis &
contra omnes homines warran' prout per cartam illamplen'apparet:
virtutc quorum quidem don*& conccflloh idem W.fuit &
adhuc eft fei^
fit de ten' pd cum pertin' in dominico fuo vt dc feodo , Et fie inde feifi?

cxiftcns, quidam D.D. arrain' vcrfus ipfum W. quandam afljfam noua;

diflcifin^ de pd tehtis cum pertin'coram I. C. vno baron' Scaccaf do-
minscRcg. & F.R. vnofcruien'ipfiusdfi^ Reg: ad legem luftic'eiufd
dh^ Rcg.ad sffifas in coiTi pd capiend aflign'per formam ftatuti &c .per
<p idem vV.R pendente aflUa ilia fepius rcquifiuit pref. F. ^ ipfc pd te-

nement cum pcrcin' eidem W. warf 5c idem F. ten'illa cum pertin' c\dc
W.hucufquc warf contradixit 6c adhuc contradicit,vndc die' quod de-
ccriorat eft 6c damnum habct ad valentiam centum librarum , 6c inde
produccrit fc^am 6cc.

K iu] SYM-

^^'jl ..> Of Recouerics for aflurances Sec, called

S'^i|*. common, or fei^e<i%ecoueriei^


pw ^uy^ '^ ---^f^"

,r^a^. -i- &^^.Y^
manoant , tl)c tenant of tljelann anotlie t3ou^
as tt^ efficient caufestljmof. SDljclani^
Demanueu, astl^eniattei:, tcljicljmulla^cet^
tainl^befet tiotune in MUits of Entrc, as ixi
tti^its of Coucnant,tDl)ct:eupon fines ace leuieu
SDtje eno anti effect of fuel) recouecies , is to oiC*

^_ continue antJtJcffcoT?eftatestailes5tewainDecie^
ano ceuecfionsj ano baae tijefc^niei: oimncrsttjeceof
SDljcuemanuant is l)e t^at U^ingetlj t\^z Wiiii of Emrc, ann ma? be
SD^e tenant is Ije againff iuljcm t^e Mjit is l3i^ougt|t , ano wai? be:
2Dl)e tjoucl) is Ije Ir.l^om tje tenant tJOucfjet|j,o; caUet|i to toarcan*
tit foj tljelanu in oemano.
ano fuc^ pecfons mai? be oemantants , tenants , ano toucj^ees , in
ttiefe ceconecieSjas mai? be cognifojs ar.O cognirees,in Wi^itB of Co-
ucnant^an?) b? fuc^ nameSjMutatis mutandis, ^autng tijat if an? te^
fouerie beljaD againDran? tenant in taile>tl^e umt^m o;^ remainoet;
hzin% m
tie l^ing, of tliegift of tlje J^ing ^ o^ of an? of l)is spaieffies^
{)?ogenito;S:,&ings of ^nglano : fuc^ cecouecie t)3iU neittiei: bacte t\)t
iffueintaile of "i^i^ Cntcie^no^ Bifcontinne \^it> effate:, no; pluck fuel)
i:euecfion oj remainoec sat of Ijis s^aieffie, 3 4.H.8.C. 2 o.Qucrctamcn
ii tiel rccouerie barrc lidue in taiic.uuting t|)e continuance Of t^e effate
taile,Dycr fol.132.pl. I,
Sltem^befoje fucl^ perfons^b? fuclj meanes, ano in fuel) maner ma?
iwarcantsof ^ttut;ne?befenoiulei!geoan^ cectiaeD, asfincsUnoiu^
leogeointlieCountiet fautngtl^attf^e rerognifance of toarrants of
^ttmnf^ ma? be ta&en b? an? Suffice cj ^edeant ,Uitt!)out a Witit
of DcditnH poccftatem. 0nD fines mixVi be paio tjpon WB.nt9 of Entrc,
ast)pon M^jits of Coucnant. ;anBallfuci)M?itsof Entrc, muff be
figneo b? tt)e icings ^ttunie? before t[jc? can be fcaleo.
3In n cccouccie Uiitl) Double tjoucljec , tfje finemuff be fueo firff , to
mafec I)im tenant at t|e time of tlje Wiiii of Entrc b^oug^t, fo; euecie
Wait of Entre muff altuaies be b^ougl;tagainffl}imtI;at is tenant of
tt)e fiee^olo of tI)elano oemanoeo attire time of tl)e miiit b;ougl^t*
x8,R,z.&DycrfoL252.pla.^8, fo; tj^ttljattjieeffate of tl)e tenant
, .

Recoueries. *jy
in tatle Wl^tcl^ it toncl^ee , tier bart:eD m
reflect of tpe alTetis onl^ ^xs^vC^
ie(,o;maT!betec0uect:Dm tjalue, Piow.BaffctversManxcIfoI.xr.a,
ano of crwntion fuen b^ tt)e tenant againft Ijim
^no if tfje tenant fjauc but an ettate fo? life , o; ixi oofoec , o^ bp X\t
cuttefic ; i^zxk to t)aue a gcoo reronede thereof, xX 10 meet tl^at fuel) te^
tiant ma&e a conottionall fuctenoet: of ^x% eUate to l^tm in tlie renerd^
enjOjtemainoci:, tot!)eenD l)emai? be a perfect tenant of tfje tniieci^
tance,anD t j)en to b;ing tl^e Tmiii of Entrc againtl^im x ano after t^at
t^e cecouerie is ej:ecute5,tl)epat:ticulai; tenantfo; b jeaclj of tfje conoid
(ton nia^ tXKtsx ano enio^ l)i0 tecme notloit^ltanoing fuel) furrenoec*

Sec the like Surrender in the Chapter of Surrender j,in the firftparc
of Symbolcography.

of what tlowgf JVrits jf Entrc may he hought , and

if) what mmer. Sca.l

PRaecipc quod reddat l^etl), de vna acra tcrrac aqua coopcrta,'vcl dc

acf terf i 2 H.7>fol.4.degurgite io.E.^& i4.Ed.3. 842.Fitz.na.br
fol. 1 9 1 . h. Ec de palTagio vltra aquam Fitzj1a.br.fol.15)
i. i. de balliua

partedecimaf 34.Ed.3.dcponiondccimaruraDyerfoI.84.pla.83^dc
quadam parcclla tcira?,Dyer f0i.S4.pla 8 3 .de cuftod terra; hered^ti- &
ue cuOod tcrrac,Rfgiftcr i6i.z 2.F.d.3.fol.i 9.
Pr^fiipe quod reddat i^et| Of allmanecof Cccle&aHicall 0^ ^pirt^
tuall profits: vcdereloria,vicaria,porcionibus,pentionibus,dccimis
&c. per (latu6 3 2.H.8.c.7.deon3nibus,&oninimodisdecimisinaiorib*'
isixtis 6c minutis infra villam Hue hamlet dc B jn paroch' de A .quoquo
de quarta parte decimaf &oblationum Ecd'fanft'P. &c. !(>. Ed. 3 dc .

quadporcionedccimaf, ojterrx,not()^etuingl)Otomucl), i.H.4.fol.i..

de caruca terr^,4.E. j .1 ^i .de bouat xrr^,6.Ed.3 .2 9 1 .dc fcx pedibus f rf
in longitudinej& quatuor pedibus in latitud i ^.Aff: 1 3
^ Praecipe quod reddat l^ietl) detoftoSc fitumolcndini 14. Ed. 3. dc
hundredo de C &
balliua! de B. ^ 4.Ed.i 3 .E. 3 Ide paft.ad fcx boues 3

Ed. 3 .f. 2 3 .4.E.2 .de roda tcrr^ 3 .E.5 .de aduocatione 3 4.E. r.dc quadam
portioncterrx ii.H.4.fo.4o.5.H.7.fo.9. dcinedietatevniusrod^terrx
ti)enaine Of Mor9 8.Ed.3.f.387.iin5 it Wijina^otoneano not in a


of what things a. ff^rit of Entre Ijeth not,

- A *'*
TjRccipc quod rcddat l^et^ not dc foflato ncc dc ftagno,nec dc pifca-
JL riaS.E. 3.381. nccdcaduocationcdcciroarumvniuscarucattcrrar,
Rcgiftf tGl.29.ti:dccoffimuniapaft.27.H.8.f.i2.dceftoucrij8 2.E.3.
dc horaagio fidelita?,ncc dc fcruicijs facicndi, 6.E.2
Precipe quod rcddat Iptl) not dcbouattnarifci 1 3. E.g. fol. 5. dc
fclione tcrrac E. i fo; i\)t inccctatntic,ljecaufc a ^clon hi^tcl) is a lann,

fometimc contatnetfj an acw, foretime Ijalfcan acie, fomotimemo^e,

ano foittctimes leffc. 31t It^ not of a gacDen,cottage,o; croft, 1 4-AiT:
13. 8.H.^.3.22.E.4.i J. dcvirgatatcrrae, 41.43-1 ?.E.3. dcfodina.dc
inincra,dc mcrcacu, 1 3..E. 3 . fo; t!)ep V^t not mff>emerne,bHt in <^mty
ncc dcfuperiori camera 3. H.^.fol.i,
^tI2l?tt Of Entre ougljtnottocontameonefelfetljtngttuirc, a0a
mcffuagejano a Ijoufe parccll of tlje famen^elTuage, 2.Ed.4.fol. 28.7 c-
E.3 .f.2 6. ^^% to name a tolune anu a Ijamlet tuitljin tljefamc totone,
Z2.E.3.fol.i4.4i.Ed.3.fol.2 2.
31n cnem luarrant of 9iXt\xmt^ it is gaD to i^vA ttoo ^ttnrner at
tlje leaft fo;j feacc of Dcat^
Bin a dounticl^alantinejasilanfatlccE^unfmc^CWer,! f. wa^
beputinaipatcantone^ttm;nerj<^nooneof tljcBlufticfsClatfees.
If tije ^jit of Entre be teturnaijlc Craftih Marnn t^e Ml?it of ,

Summons ad warf thereupon iiuitt beacc Tcfle from tljctctuMteof

Craliih Martin, ano bc returnable nineKeturnc? after t^e tciurne of
t|)e^;jitof Entrc,inclufiue: tfjatlMCeomptingCraftiiio Martini to;
- one of t!)c nine returned , anD trcs Pafchx tobic?) is t^c nintfj returne

after Crdftino Martini fo^ anotljer* ^nD tbeT^fte of tfjc of Sc- M;u
fin mull be t^e Dai? of ttjat ntnt^ returne , and be returnable gftcenc
Dateji after i^en tl)eM?it of Seifin mai^ be return eu,tl)at fcifin luaist
fieltuereti bv' tjcrtue t!)ereof to tt)ebemantant , bi? f ijc^fjerifcof ttjc

Countte U)I)eretI|e lanDs \vz tjpon ani? na^ ( not being ^ntiav ) be^
ttuane tlje Tcfte an!) returne of tl)cfaiDlH;itof Scifin. 0:|)ent^e
MUit^ of Enire,Sumfiions,anD Scifin muft be returned anu filcD toitlj
i\)z Cuftos breuium, anD tlje iuDgement entreo bv tlje p^otljonotariej

gnD tfje toarrants of ;^tturnet? bi? tfje C larUc of tljc luarrants

3f afinglerecoueiieanDafinebeagainfttljctcnant, tjje WizXi of
Entre m^aft beare Date anD Tcftc:bero;e tjje WiXiit of Coucnant,anD be
ceturneD Wait*
of Coucnam bcb;ougljt againff t!)etenant,anD a XM%\t
3lf atI2[r;it
of Entre againfftl)eDcmanDant : tj^en tlje Mait of Coucnant mutt
beare Date,anD be return^D befo;^ tl)e mixi of Eatrc^anD ttni^ 10 calleD
a Double t)oucI)ert ^
Recoucries. 78
A Ctrtiomri to the executor ofthe ItiHice , before whom the warrants
mere Hcknowledged.
ELiz.dcigratiaAngr Franc' ct HibcrnRcgn,fidcidcfcnror&c.di- Scft.4:
kftofibi I.R. arm' exccutori tcftamcntifr.R. nupcrvniusluftic*
banco faliuem, Volcntcs ccrtis dc caufis certiorari tam fui
fioftrorura de
per quodam warrant atcar n per quod H. S. pofuit loco fuo VV. B. R; &
comiiatu E.quam fuper quodam alio warrant atturn per quod H. L. &
I.L. quos prcd H. S. voc' ad warrant, pofucnjnt locis fpis A. B. F. R. &
coniunftim & diuifim vcrf. pred K. &
R. H. dc placito tcrrx in difta
coraiCE.pcrprcf.F.H.nupcr capt,acincuftod' tua racionc execution]
teftamentipredcxiftcn*, vtdicitur. Tibi precipimusquod watfpred*
luftic'noftrisdc banco apud Wclira fubfigillo tuodiftinlc &apcrte
fine dilationcmittasSc hoc breuc, vtijdem luftic' in(pcl* warrant pd
vlccrius in quodam breui noftro dc Ingf pedcn' coram pref, luftic* no-
ftrisapud Wcftm' inter pref. R.ctR. H. ecpred' H.S, de vnomeffuag*
See. cum pertinentijs in T. cc D. in comit pracdido, &
procc(T.inde fie-
ri fac , quod dc iurc, etfecundum confuetudincm regni noftri Angl' fuc-

ricfacicnd.T.racipfaapudWcftm'ip. die Noucmb, Anno regni no-


Refponf. infranominati I . R. ad hoc breue.

Exccuc iflius brcuis pacec ia quadam fchedula huic breui annex'.'
Uor.f Prafc H.S. quod iuQe&c. Redd' R. P. alias W.&R.H. vi
nura me (Tuagium&c. cum pertinentijs in T.&D.qd.clam
JShr.Jf. H. S. po : lo : fuo W.B. ct R. C. coniunftim & diuifim verfus
R.P: alias W.&R.H. deplac'ccrf.
>or.jf. H.L.etl.L.quosH.S.voc'adwarfporlo: fuoA.B.&F.R.
conitm^im cc diuifio) verfus R.P.alias VV.Sc R.H. de placico

Capf&cognifapudW.incomitatu C. xvij. die Febru. anno regni

dominzliz.(Scc. 34..

^ Recoueriemth Jingle vonchero

Eher.f TJRacc'G.C armigcro, quod iufte&c. redd* R.C.& R.I. St^.S^
X. vnum mcfluagjom & quatuor aeras tcrrae cum pcrcm' in
G. C. po : lo fuo N. M. ct M.M. attorn fuos eoniun^im
: & diuifim
A. Re

S^Ct,4, 2)^r^^.jf.T)Pxc'N.L.etM.vxoricius,quodiuftc&c.redd*T.S.5cT.
C.nianciiadcNM.ctP.cumpcrcin',ac 3o.iiu{r.5o.tofta,
f.a[iolendina,30.garciin',$o.pomiiria, I ooo.acr' tcrfji ooo.acr' prati,50.
acr*paftur',40.acr* bofci,iooo.acr*roor3e, 200. acr' iampnor cc brwcrc,
cc 3,libras redditcum pcrtin* in N.M. P.P. ct B. qii^ claib cffc ius ct he-
red' fuanijccin quae idem N.et M.non habet ingrcU^ ni(i poft difTeinnam
quamH.H.iniuftcetfinciudiciofccitpfatT.ccT. infra 3o.Annosiam
vltimo clapfos &c.vt dic',vndc qucr &cEt nifi 6cc.
Dcrifj.f, N. L.ct M.vxor eius po : lo : fuo,T.B.ct W.B.atrorh fuos con-
vel perdendunr.
Dfr^j,f, W.B* T.F.quos N.L.ct M.vxor eius vocant ad warf,po : lor
fuOjP.P.cc QjC5.^attorfi fuos coniundtim et diuifim verfusT.S
etT.C.dc placitcerre ad lucrandum vel perdcndum.

A RecoHerie with trehle voucher,

9c&*7* Epx-f pRscc' R. B. ct C.S. quod iuftc &c. reddanc A. T. armigcr',

J. manef de B.C Qxuti] pcin',ac 20. Tnc(ruag',duodccim cof-
ca.quacuor columbaf, mille acr' cerrae, cent acf praci, centum acr' pafluf ,
C.Caefiampnofecbrucr^, centum acf inorae,ec trigincafolidctvnum
obul' reddiCjac reddif vnius librae ec dimidi) piperis, cc vnius grah pipe
ris cum ptih in B.ct Q^ Ac libcram pifcariam in aqua de W. necnon ad-
uocac' ^cclcf.dc B.qux claiTi 6cc.
Effex.jf. R.B.ct C.S. po lo fuo,W. W. ct R.R. attorii fuos coniunlini
: :

diuiHm vcrfus A.T.cJe placiro tcrrae.


Epx^Jf. M.M.gen qucm II .B.ct C.S.vocantad warranf po : lo: fuoJ.T;

* ccL.L. attorhfuosconiunccccdiuinm verfus A.T.dcplacito

Epx.Jf, G.Wgcii qucm M.M.voc* inde ad warrant po : lo :fuo R. G.

ec R.S.attorh fuos ccnjunft' ct diuifim vcrfus A.T.dc plac*terf .

ui Recouerie ofaduowfon in the Comtte Talautine ^fChefler,

Sca.8, -pLacitaapudCeflf coram K.T. Milit Iuftic*dn^ Reg.apud Cettf dc
JL Scfsione tcnf ibid die LunacvltimdicScptemb.annorcgniEliz.dei
gratia Angr, Franciae, et Hiberfi Rcg.. fidci dcfcnfor, ct in terr'Ecclcf.
Anglican et Hibern*fupreroi capitis 3 5.
Chcflr,^. H.S. armig'pcrT.B. attorn' fuum, petit verfus U.G. armig'
aduocationcm Ecclcf. de T. quamci iniuOc deforc'&c, t vndedic'
Recpuenes. ^p
qiipd ?pCjmct fqit fcifi^us de aduocac EcckGxjti yt dc fcodo & iurc in-
fra J Qf9iH>Q$ iajp vlttmaelapfoSjCcropore pacjis,tcit^ore dhi Reg.nqqi
Sc fieinde fcifit cpdcm tempore ad candem Ecclcfi^iji prefentauic qucnr
dam R, A. Clexicum fuum , qui ad ptcr<{ntatidiiqn fuam fuif adrojffus,
ipftitutus , & indulus]n eadeiii : Capiendo irjflc explcc* vt in groffis
decim^minutis d^ciip^oblatjohjbus, (Scobuencionibuf ad valenc^ &c yi:
d^c iurc Ecdef'^fu^P p^^pEc^ f;}c fit ius'rurtoi

AH thep^rts of a Recouerie in a iVrlt of Right de Praecipe jj^ ,

Capke exemp/jfiec/,

IAcotu? Dc/ gri?ia .^9. bmmbus^iicj^Jos^prcfcntejlitcr^f^^^

.^peruenerintiaiutem. ScRtis qugd
pcruenerintfalutem. ^qatis qugq 4. Conies S, in ^urianpltra
J. LiOnics^,i?i Curia noftra coram
Jufticiaf noftris apud VVeilm perbrcuenfradeRej[odePrjccipcin
capitc,pcci)c verfusT. B" fcniof &
I. vxof eius mancf de C. cum
ac vnum mefluag ,.50. acf terr^,5o.acf prati 5cc. cum pertiri in C. B. &
H. iuxta T. vt ius herc^ fuam : Q^ad quidem breiie vna cum rctorfi
ciufdem , ac pjaciii^m fuper idem brcii^c cuip oqinibus aliis placitum il-
ludtangentibusfequiturinhaecvferba. ^ ' " .


lacobus Dei gratia &c. Vicecom Heref,.fa]utem. Rrxcipi T'.B. t *

b "^ f*'
rcniori,5c I.vxori eius,q> iufte &
ijnc dilatione i:cddant I.Gomiti Salop *

inancrium dc C. cum pertin', ac vnum mefTuag* 8cc. Cum'pertin'iri C.

B. & &
H. iuxtaT^quxcIamatefTe jus hered fuam,5c tencrc de nobis in
capite. Et vnde queritur (^ pdf T. & I. ei iniurte deforccarit. Et niH f ece-

pd Comes fecrrit te lecuf dc clamore fuo profeqveii^^tunc fiipi p

bonoslummofi pd T.& I.^ fint coram luftic'iiofiris apud Weft, a die
Paibb? in quindccim^iesjoftenf.quarc nonfcccf.Et habeas ibi (umiTi,ec
hoc breuc.TeftcRjcipfo apud W. 2. die Apriis Anno Keg. noftritettio.

Pleg' dcprofequendR.D. 6cI.R^; ^':'-^

\i it'll i

* Refponilo IS. Militis ViccC : Sumra T. B. & ^. vxof elus infra- RctMrne indc
fcripfH.F.&K.L. ,C ;

Placitapud Weft, corum I. P. &

focijs fuis iufttc'd^iRe^.'d^^ancd

dc tcrmino Pafch^ anno Rcg.&c. 5 Rotulo C.C. .

^^ttt IT loh. Comes Salop pI.S.Atiurh fuum pet verfusT.B. ^gj^

fch & I. vxof eius, manerium dc C. tum pcrtin',ac vnum meff. &c. cum

ptin in C. B. &
H. iuxta T. p breuc dom Reg.de precipe in capijtc&c.
* Et vndc dicit
^ ipfempt tuit fcifitus de m^nerio, mcrfuag*, tcrw> &?: Lc Cpunr,* .

cum pertin', in domiwco,fuo vt dc.feodo & iure tempore pacis rcnippte

dom Rcg.nunccApicndo ijide explec', ad vaknti^m &c. Etquod tjile
fit ius fuum ofFert &c.

;^t^dT. &Irpg::W,B'Atturnfitumfuun),vcnf^dcfnduntius ^^ defef^

. .

pd ComitisSc fcJffniifi fuam,& maximc dc inAnierio,incfu3g'i5cc.ei warf
dec: & fuper hoc p<f Comes petit vcrfus ipfum W.P. rnaneriiiiD,Kfiia-
giuraScc. cum pcrtiu* in forma ^d&c, Etvndcdic* quod ipfemetfuic
leifitus dc pdf mancrio,meruag*&c^cum pcrtio* in dommico(uo vt de fc-
odo & iur,?cmporc pacis, tempore dni rcys nunccapicnd indcexplec*

ad valentiam &c. Et quod tale fit ius fuutn ofFcrt&c

^ Etpd W.P. tcricns per warrant (uamdcfcndit ius ^5Comms&
fcifinam eius & maximc dc manerio, mcffuag', tcrris &c. cum pcrtin" 5c
IflTue fcrra le totum &c. Et ponit fc indc in magnam aOifara domin reg. & petit rccog*
graund afTiC fieri vtnm ipfe maius ius hal>cat ccncnd roanerium, raeffuag'jterras &c

cum pertin ,vt tenens p warrant fuam,vt ca tenet, an f 5 Comes habend

mancrium.mcfluag'.tcrras Scc.cum pertin',vt ea fupe? ius pet &c/Et pd
Li, lo.
Comes petit licentiam indc intcrloquend&c. Ethabuit&c.
Defaults: Et poftca idem Comes per Atturnatura fuum prxdift* reuen'hic in
iudgeonenc. Curia , & p5 W.P. licet folemniter csaft*, nonreueii , fed in conterop
Cur defaltam fee*. Idcoconfiderat eft quod pd Comes recuperet feili-
nam fuam vcrfus f 5 T. & I. de pd mancc^mciruag' &c. cum pcrtin*, te-
Bcod eidem Comiti & hcrcd fuis quictcdepdT.&I.&hcredfuis
Et pd T. &I. habcatit dc terris pd W.P. ad valentiam manerij mef-

fuag',tcrraf &c. fd cum pcrtin*. Et pd W.P. in raifericordia&c.

WarrAnt, Atturmt, tneUjeqitiiHr in hae verha.

^etef. ff lohn. Comes Salop, po. lo. fuo IS vcrfus T.B. fcmorcm

& I.vxof eius de placitoterrx.

^ecef.lT.T.B.fcnior &
I. vxor cius,po. lo. fuo W.B. vcrfus lo. Cora
Salop, de placito terrac.
Quae omnia 5c fingulaadrcquifitionem pd Comitis cxemplificari
fecimus,6c magnum iigillum nf m, quo vtimur ad hindi cxemplificatio-
nes, nee non ad quecunq^ breuia iudicialia extra bancum pd cxeunlEffi-
gilland^praefcntib' apponi fecimus. TcHe I. P. apud Weft, i S. die MaiJ
anno regni noftri tertio.

RemiJJio CurU in hreui de Recto,

EXcellcntiffimo Principi domino I. Dei gratia &c. T. W. falutem in

$^.10^ CO per qucm reges rcgnant,et Principes doroinantur. Quia A. in cuf
vfa coram luftic' vcflf de banco per bf e veftf dc refto D. E. dc vno mcf-
fuag* cumpertin'in S.quod demct cnetur>licentia mea mcdiantc propo-
nitimplacitare, veftraecclfitudinircgi^ ,tenoreprefentiumfignificomc
Cuf mcam vobis indc bac vi' remifidc. Saluo mihi alias iurc dnij cafu
Recoulriesi 80
onnmill cum acclderir. In cuius rei ceQimohhas literasmeasfeci pa-
wnees, figillo pieo fignac. Daf.j .die Maij, Anno rcgni&c.

The exemfltfication ofa Recouerieinrolled according ts the Sta-

tute ofxxUii. SUk.. CAp,-^

ELizabcth del gratia Angl' Franc, ctHiberniae,rcginafideidcfcDfor Seft. ii.

&c. Omnibus adquos prcfcntcs liccrae noftf peruencrint falutcm.
5ciacis quod inter irrotulaoienta brum et aliorum^ dependcn' pro com-
iDunibus rccupcrationibus fecund' formara ftatuti de ccrmin' Pafchx a-
pud Wcftro' Ann* reg. noftri ip.Koturprimo comineturfic.Effcxfr.*
Elizabeth dci gratia, AngV, Franc' ScHibcrh rcg.fideidefenfor &c.
vic'Effexfalutcm,Pr2c'l.W. etI.S.quodiuftcccfinc dilationc rcdac
lo. Sf. ct R. P quatuor racfuag*, quatuor gardiaa, a oo.acras terrae, i oo.

acras prati, 00. acras pafturse , 40. acras bofci,

3 300, acras iampnof &
ctbruerx,cum pertih,in B.T.T.C.D. ct H. qu^ cUraant c{Ie iusct hacf
luam. Etin qu^ idem 1. W. et I. S. non habeant ingrcf. nifi pod diflci-
finam quam H. H. indc iniufte et fine iudicio fecit pref. I. S* et T. infra
tri^nta annos iam vltimo elapfos vc dicunt. Et vnde qucruntur q> precf
I.W. ct 1 .S. cis defort'. Et nili fecerint et prcd' I.S. ct Th. fccef tc fecuf
de clamorc fuo prof, tunc fumm* per bonos furam' pred I. W. ct I. ^-^ ju r) a
fint coram luflic'nonrisapud Weflm'adicS.Mich'in quindccim di- which lookc
es,oftenfuriquarcnonfeccrinf. Ethabeasibi fumm'cthocbreueT.mc- thcAffid.for
jpfa apud VVcQm* 24. die Septcm. anno rcgni noflf decimo ^'Gibon. * ^^
pleg',dcprof.Io.Doo.Kich.Roo.*Surem'loh.Dcn.Rich.Fcn. G.T. sSncrs.
arroig' vie' ff. The Shcrifcs

*Eliz. dcigratia Anglix,FrancIac,ct Hiberniacreginafideidcfcnfor ^^"C'

&c. Vic'Efrcxfalut,$umm' per bonos fumra' E.W. armigerum&vx-
of eius quod fint coram lufticiarijs nottris apud Weflm' a die S. Hilla-
lij in XV. dies.ad waif loh. W. Sc I.S. quatuor mefuag^'jqyatuor gardin',
3 00. acras tcrrx, 1 00. acras prati, 3 00. acras paflin a-, ^ o. acras bolci &
:?oo. acras iampnorum 5c bruerar, cum pertin' inB. T.T.C.D. et H. q
lo.Sr.ctTho.P.incurianoftracoramluQic'noftris apud Weflm* clairi

vtiutfuumperbrcucnofirumde ingrcf. fnpcjr difTeifinain lepoftverf.

SOS. Et vnde ijdcm lob. W.5c I.S. in cadem curia noflf voc' pr^d Edm.
ci loh. fumra' in comic cuo ad warf vcrfus eos.Et habeas ibi fumra' ct hoc
brcue. T.I.D.apud Weflm' xvj. die Oiftobris, anno regni &c. decimo.
* Lone. Summ'Iohanncs Den, Richardus Fen. ^ T.L. arm' vie' fl^.*
lo. Sr.5cTho.po:lo: fuoR.E. verus lohanncmW.&I.S.de pla- whoi'e^office
cito'terra: (T. lohannesW. 6c L po lo fuo LA: verfus lo. S. &Tho, P. it is cntrcd.
: :

de placito tctraf fl. Edm. W. armig* ct loh. vxor cius quos loha.n. W.et Summoners.
IS. voc' ad warf po : lo : fuo R. C. verfus lo. S. etXhe. P. de plac' tcr.
jhe wtrnnr
r. Quae omnia ct lingula ad requifitioii W
VV. gencf tcnorc pr^feniiu of aitun.cy,

ifu'kli6 t^K^fiHca'5, In cnius rci Tcftim fi^iir mt\M bfia ^tVk^
figilland depoiat prcfentibiisappofi fecirrluS T.F.W; P. et F. R". lufli V
de banco prxdid' apud Wcftmon xvj. die lunij anno regni noftri vi-

TJ^illj ''1,';' ' "i" ?' ' ' 'jf

-r !
p^y^y alien fnper ten* per hetie de Ifigregu tecuperat*.

15 &gina,OiiinrfcuSUdqirok&c.faTut.CumpraBdileluscifidcIiscon^
<sA II
z I\ yguihcusnoftf.T. Duk NorfF. Com.Marefcar Angli?, & pt-a6.

npbilis brdinis dfrtf . MlVj'lc: ciiiea* hfiFlel^iloftri W.C. M\\ti pin-

Cfpar Setretaf no'ftr, K. Catl'nilles, hupet fcilicet tirm* Sccatino Kc^-
noftt&c rkuperaucf verfusprt-dilcdtum cc jfidclem confiliarium nb-
ftriim N. B. MiliE dniim cuftod magn iigir.noftn Angl', cx^cius affcn-
fu&addusrcquifitiofipcrbfenoftrum dc ingreffu ftiper deflcifinam
inlepoil,fcdmcurnjmrormafeecvfum cdnimuqia i;eiuperafiDh'niafi
dc Redgraue &c. in com' noftf SufF. ad diiierfos fepeVale's vfu J^ intcati-
on', condition* etpr"Opofiffpecicatctdcclaraf in qilibufdam Indcntu?
ipfum N. ex vna parte etprcfatos duccm W. R. &c. exalccf
faiiis inter
parte gcrenc dat fccundo die Odob, anno Reg. noftri prim* prout per
eafdeip Indcmurpt'enius appear; ciimquc ctiaiti iidem dux W- K. &c. in
niancfjterfjfericment, ekctera prcttiiffa curii pertin' virtufe' rctupcrac*
.^UJftV :,'

prcdil'intraucf,licentra nottfRegia indfe priusrionobtenf EcdeC' ,

ifdem prcraiflls fucruntfeifitin doniinico fuo vt dc fcodo ad vfus, in- ,

temioneSj&propofita in prcd Indentuf fpcci^ficac& dcclaraE. Quae

quidcm Manet, mcfluag'jtcrrat, tenement; &
cetera prcmiffa de nobis
tenentin capite,vtdicitt]r,Sciatis quod no$d<;gfatia noftra fpecialiac
ex certa fcicntia ct m'elro'tnotn noftris, faluo %b\>n hornag' noftf* perdo-
namus, remittimuS, ct relaxamus pro nobis hered'ctlucccirof noftf
trangrelT. in ca parte faft'ac omnimod' intraciones, et ingrefTus in prc-
did'Mancf,terf,tenementet cetera prcn^ida, fcualiquam indc partem
fiue parcel', tam ante prcfcnrertl diem qiioquo'modo fa6l*, fiue perpc-
declaf fiend feu h^bcnd. Et vkcriuVconccdimus, ac pro nobis hcred&
fucccffbribus noftf, quant in nobis eft, perprcferites concedimus prac-
fatduciW.R.&c. quodipfimahcf, mciTuag', tcrf, ct tcncmcnf prae-
dif^a 3c cetera prcmifla cum omnibus etfingulisfuis exit, reddif^proii-
cuisetptin'q>iibufcunqj (except prac except) habeant ct tcneant (ibi
achered'etaflign fuis ad vfus,intentioncs et propofita in Indentuf prc-
dit'content&rpecifica!,dc nobis hercd'etfuccefToribus noftris per fer-
uitiaindedebita,ctdeiurc confueta imperpet, abfquc impcf, raolcft',
vcxacin , impcdimcnto^ feu grauaminc noftri hcrcduiu vel fucccflbf
Recooerics. Si
toOf ,
aiJf alJqfto.'IuOic*, tlcaetof, vicccora,balIiuorum, autaHorumof-
ficiif minii'tcor'ieulubditcr' noftror*, authxrcd vcl fucccflbrf, noftrof
quorumcunque. I n cuius rci &c.
3nottt0tob8HotcDi tljatofall licences to alien fempo^all Umin
$po;tmatf(e,tl)e fine to t|ie l^ingt5 true ^eaics tiatueof t^efame.
Df all licences to alien fpirit uall lanD,(a0 appropriations of C^ui>
c\}t0y o; otfjec benefices j&pintuall) t^ie fine to t^e i^ing is fonce ^eces
jIDf all iicencesofalienation made of lanos i^oloen of t^e!iitng in Ca
pite, tlje fine is t|^e tfjicli patt of tfjc tjalue, t|je tentf) ocDucfeo.
^fall paroons of alienation br tlje Jiings tenant in Capitc, t^e fine
is oner^ates taluett^eceof*
)f alllicences of 9pamageoft|ielJiingsMitioUj,t^efineist^e 3*
^art of tlje tjalue of fjec Dotoer br a ^eate*
)f all paeDons of tlje Mings MHiootoes marieo lDtt[)out licence, tlfz
fineis tiie tul^oleljalue of tier ootDer b? a ^eace*

Exem^lijietition ofa recouerj with double voucher oitt ef

the Prothonotaries office.

IAcobus Dei gratia Angliac,Scotiaf,Franci^,& Hiberni^,R ex fidcidc- ^^^ ,;;

tcnfor&c.Omnibusad quosprentcshtcerxnoftrsepucnerintfaluienj.
Weft. coram E.A. Mi!itc5c
Sciatis ($ intcrplacJtaccriaeirroruIaCapud
i^ocijsfuis luftic'noftrisde banco. Tcrmiii S. Hill' anii Rcgh noftriz.
Rot X. concinccur fic.
Eborum.jf. Fr.W. & R.S. in proprijj pcrfonis fuis, pet vcrfus I.R,
duodecim acf prati cini pcrnnen in M><Sc K. vt ius &
hcrcdicaccni fuaoi,
Etinqua$idcmI.nonhabccingrc{Ium,nifipoft diflcifinani, quam H,
H,indciniuftc& fine iudicio fecit pracfstFr.6cR. infra triginf anh &c.
''Etprsdicf I.pcrW.W. Atturnatfuunivenit, &
alias voc adwairafi
T.K.Arroigcruin,qui mode per sum ci in com pd faft 'pcrT.L. Attur-
mtumfuumj vcnit& gratis prcdiftas duodecim acras praci cum pcrti-
ncntijs ei warranf&c. * t fuper hoc prcdift' Fr.& R, pet vcrfus ipfum Lc ddVcrf.lc
T. tcnen per warrant fuam predi^as duodecim acras prati cum ptifi in i.veucfaec.

forma prcdida&c. ^Etvndcdic'quodipfimctfucrunt feifiti de prcd Lccount.

duodecim acf prati cum ptinencijs in dominico fuo vt de feodo, & lurc,
teroporepacis.tempcrcDomini Regis nunc capiendo indc explcc' ad
valenc' &c. Etinquas&c.Etindcproduft'feftam&c.^EtpredictT. Vouchouflr.
tencnspervvarf luamdcfcnditiusfuum quando &c. * Ec vlterius voc' Le defence,
indc ad waifR.H. qui prefers eft, bic in Curia in propria perfoh fua.
Et gratis predift* duodecim acras prati cum pertincnti js ei warrant &c. j^^i yg^Q j^
* Etfupcr
hoc prcd Fr.& R.S. pcf vcrfus ipfum R.H. tench per watf Vouchee
L fnura
6 Recoaeries;:
fudrnpr^di^asduodecimacfpraticumpcrtinentijis in forma prxdiO
Lc Count; Scc.^Et vndedic q ipfimetfucruncfcificidcprcdic duodecimacf pra-
ti cum ptincnti js in dominico fuo dc fcodo & iurc tcmpore.pacis,(cmpo-
rc Do^ R^cgis nunc capiendo indc cxplec* ad valentiam &c. Et in quas
8cc. Etindcproduc* feftara &c. ^ Et prxdic' R.H. tcncns pc^warf iuam
Le defence.
Non diflei- dcfendit iusfuuiu quando 8cc. * Et die' qd prc^ H.non djffcifiuit pix(.
fiuic. Fr,& R.S. dc prcd' duodccim acf prati cum pcrtinentijs, ^uc ijdcm Fr.
& R.pcr brcuc &
narrationem fuam pr^dic' fuper ius fupponunt. Et dc
hoc ponit fe fupcj patriam &c. Ec praedic' Fr. R.S. pec licemiam in-
dc intcrloqucndi- Et habcnt &c.
Etpofteaijdera Fr. & R^reuciibic in curia ifto code termino in pro-
prijspetfohfuis. Etpr^di^^usR. H. licet fokmniccrcx.ift' nonrcucH,
fed in contemptum curix rcccflTic, & defaltam fecit. "^Llco confidcrat
eft quod praedic'Fr.&R.S. recupercntfcifinara fuam vedus piaerat I:
dc praediftis duodccim acf prati cura pertinent. Et quod idem 1. habc-
at detcrf pracdift' T. ad valentiam &c. Et quod idem T. viterius habcat
dc tcrf predic* R. H. ad valentiam &c. ^EtidemR. in mifcricordia &c.
Recoucrie in
Et fuper hoc prxdiOii Fr.& R.S. petunt brcuc doifi Regis Vicecoili co-
Mifericordia. mitatuspraeddirigcnd'de habere faciend'cis plenanamfeifinam dcpd
duodccim acf prati cum pertinent! js. Et cis conceditur, rcturnabile hic a
dicPafcfiae in quindccimdies&c. Qiijeomnia&fingulaadrcquifitio-
ncm prxdic* Fr.& R,S. tenorc pfentium duxiraus cxemplificanduro.In
cuius reiTcftimoniora. figillum noftrum ad brcuia in banco praedic*
figilland'deputa!pfentibns3pponifccimus. TcftcE. A. apud Wcftin
duodecimo die Fcbruari), Anno Regni noftri dec.

Wif}m t^c \j^nt of Sejfin i0 teturncD,tl)e rctumc tljeccof muff

bceatceDtjpont^efamc KoU, totjeceon t^c iutgcment Uia0
tnUtn,^ appeaietf) mt|ieeno of t^e nept kaion*

iy^Mother tothe hke cjftci.

IAcobns Dei gratia AngliXyScotiae, Trancix, & Hibcrn Rcx.fidci dc-

fcnfor &c. Omnibus ad quos prcfentes litcre noftrae peruenerint falu"
tcm. Sciatis quod inter placica terix irrotulat apud Wcllifi coram E. A.
milicc&focijsfuisluftic' noftris de banco, Termin Mich, anh rcgh
noftri 2. Rot iJ.contineturfic.

Lc Countt
f R.T.&R.B. in proprijs pcrfonis fuis, pet vcrfus P.T.
gcncrofum,&W.H. gencrofum, mancria dc H.tSc M. cum pcrtinen-
ac viginti mcftuagia, decem tofta, vnuni molcndinum equinumjduo

columbaf, trigintagiirdina,qumgenta atras terrac, ducent acras prati

fexcetKa acras paftucae, trelccnf acras bofci > millc acras iampnornm
Rec^ueries^ 82
& briierae, quingcnf acras mar^,& ao,folid*red4cum pcrtifi ioH.iVI.
D.&c.vtiuscthfrditfuam,Etinqu9ijdemP.&W. non hAbenc in-
greflrumni(ipoftdi(reinnam>qtiarDH. H.indeiniufte&lineiudic* fc"
citprefafR.&R. infra tngintaannos&c. * Ecvndedicuntqupdipfi- Defence per
met fuerunc fcifiti dc manenjs, tenementis, dc rcdditu predi^' cum per- ks tccrcs,
tinen', in dominico fuo vt de iodo,& iure, tempore pacis, cenipore do-
tnini Regis nunc,capiendo inde explec' ad vaknc'&c. Ec in qux 6cc Ee .

inde producunc regain Scc.

* Etprcd P,& W. in proprijs pcrfonis fuis vencrunt & defend ius Demand' vers
fuumquando &c. Etvoc indcadwarf G.IVl.gcncrofum,qui prefcns Vouchee,
eft hie in Curia in ^pria perfona fua, Ec gratis mancria, ceneitientia, 6c
redditus prcd,cuni pcrtinentijs eis warrant &c.
* Et fupcr hoc prc5 R. & K. pet verfus ipium G. tcnen per warrant
fuam mancria, tcnemcnta,& redditus prcdcura pertin in forma predi A*
&c. * Ec vnde dicunt quod ipHmecfuerunt feifiti dc mancrij$,tencmen-
tis & rcdditu prcdid' cum percinentijs, in dorainico fuo vt dc feodo, &

iure, tempore pacis, tempore domini Reg' nunc, capiendo indc explec'
ad vatemiam Sec. Ec in qua? 5cc. Et inde producunt fc Aam ^c.
* Ec pred' G. tcncns per warranf iuam defendit lus fuum quando &c. ^^^"^c ?^^
* Et vlterius voc' inde ad warrant D. H. qui limilitcr praefcns eft hie in
Curia in propria perfona fua, & gratis mancna, tenementa, ^cjrcddif
prxdifl* cum pertinentijs ci warrant 6cc.
* Etfuperhocpredifti R. et R.pctunc verfus ipfum D. tcnent per Dd'vcrsi;
warranEfuam mancria, tenementa, & rcddi! predida cum pcrtinentijs Vouchee.

in forma pr^difta&c. * Et vnde dicunt quod ipfimecfucrunc feifiti de

manerijs, ccnemcntis, ecreddit pr^di^iscum percinentijs in dominico
fuo, vc dc feodo,& iure, tempore pacis, tempore domini Regis nunc,ca-
picndo inde explec' ad valentiam Sec. Et in qux dec Et mdc producunt
^ Et predilus D. tcncns per narrationem fuam defendic iusfuum ^^*^**
quando &c. ^ Ec dicic quod prcdift' H. nondiflcifiuitprsef. R.&R. Nondifli
de manerijs, tencmcntis,& rcdditu pred' cum pcrtincntiis,prout lidem
R. 5c R. per breue et narrationem fuam prcdi^tam fuperius fuppcn. Et
dehocponitfefuper patriam&c.^Etprcd R.&K.petuntlJctmiamin- i-u^o.

deintcrloquendi. Ethabent&c.
EcpoftcaiidcmR.&R* reuen hie in Curia ifto codem tcrrainoin Ledefaule,

^priisperfonisfuis. Et predi ft u$D licet folcmniterexaiO:' non reuefi,

contemptum curiae recefrit,& defaltam fctit. ^ Jdco confidera-

fed in jjjj|^'"*'"'

quod prcdift' R^ & R.recuperentfeifinam fuam verfiis praefaios

turn eft
P.&W.demancriis, tencmentis,&redditupr^diftis,cumperrin. * Et Rccoucricin
quod iidem P. & VV. habeant de terra pred G.ad valenciam 8cc. Ec value,

quod idem G vlterius habeat de cm prxdift' D. ad valentiam &c.

Li * Et
Mifcricprdiii * Et idem D- in mifcricordia &c. Et fuper hoc predifli R. et R. petuot
brcuc doromi Regit Vicccomiti comicatus praediA*dirign^i dc habe-
re facisnd' eis plenariam fcifinam de mancriis, cencmcmis, ccredditu
pred cum pcrcinentiis. Eccis concedicur^returoabilehicadie S. Marci-
Ad qucm dicm hie vencrunt pred R. ci R. in ^ppriis perTonis fuis. Ec
vice com^fci licet) l.B. miles, modomandat quod ipfe vircucebreuis illi-

usfibidirc^iviccfimo quarto die No. vltimoprarterif, habere feccrir

praef. R; et R. plenariam feifinamderoancriis, tcncroencis, et redditu
pr3cdifti$,cumperiinemiis, prout per brcue illudfibi prcccptum fnir
&c. qjaeoronia et fingula ad rcquiCtioh pred' R. et R. teaore prefenti-
omdux'musexemplincandum. In cuius rcitcftirconium figillum no
ftrum ad brcuia in banco prcdiito iigilland, deputac^prefentibus appo-
m fccimuj. Tefte &c. Ann Regni noftf &c.
A >Dedimi44 p9teBatem\ to take k*iowledge of a rvArrant f.
Aiturnej of the Vomhee,

^*^' ly TJ Ek&Regina dileto&fidcli^uoRa. Ro. fcruienti ad legem falu-

XV ten. Cum breue noftrum dcingrcdu fuper diffeifinam in Icpoft
pendcat coram luftic'dc Banco intW.S.8cU.G. gencf petcn,&G.T.
mil)! dominura T. dcforc', de Mancrio de W. cum ptn ac dc vno roef-
acf inoraCjCtquinquefolidaEredditcum pcrtincn in W. &
L. mcomr
Salof, &
prcd G. in plena Cuf noflf ibidem coram IuOk:' noftris pre-
dial' comparcnsvocJUitW.C. ad warfeiManefprxdiit' cum ptincfi,
fupcr quo tunc ibidem cmanauJc breucnoftrum de futhad warf vie'
coniprcdid'direCt'verfuseundW. C.returnabile, cofliiftic* nfis^d
inq*.iindertaS.Hill'prox*tutuf. Etquipred^' W.C. adco impotens
foi ik (cnio confcfl'exiftit q> vfquc Weft. cor luftic* noftri^ pd ad diem
indifto brcuinoftfodc fiimad warf content laborarcnonluffic' vtac-
cepimu'^.Nosftatuieiufd W.compatientcs in hac p3rtc,Ded vobis po-
telV&plenauchof Attorn vcl attorn' que vel quosidcra W. C. ad Warf
votandlucrandvclpcrdcnd inplacicopredifto coram luflic'nfis p5
loco fuo coram vobi* poncrc auc conftitucre volucrit rccipiend, Nofquc
indc in Cancel' noftra dc nomuie huiufmodi Attorn vcl Atturnatof de-
bit certificand. Et ideo vobis mandamus quod ad pr^f. W.C. fi comcd
advoslaborareoonfufiicit perfonaliteracccdatis, Attorhquefuum vel
Attorhfuos coniun^im forma
vel diuilim in prcd rccpiati$ Et cum At^
corn ilium vel Atturn illos fic receperiti$,nos inde in Cane* noft' in xv,
S. HiHari j vbicunq; tunc fuerit fub figillo vcftro debite certificetisj hop

breue nobis remittcntcs. T. cc.

Recoucrics. S3
Kerpond* infra nominac R . R.ad hoc brcue.
Exccuc' ifttus brcuis patec in quadatn fchcdula
huic brcui annex' R.R.
Salo^. /. 1") Recipe G. T.militi domih T. quod iufte &c. reddat W,
JL S.&R.mancfdeW. cum pcrcihacvnunime^uag*&t.
(vcfupf inlcDcdimuspotehatcniverbatiro)cuni percih
in W.L. quae clamatScc.
Sdtof. \ 70c' ad warf po: loco fuo A.B & F. R. coniunftira & di*
V uifim verfusW.S. &R.C. inplacitoccrrae.
^ Capta & cognit apud Firbcckc in comEbof dccimo die Fcbruarij,
Anno re^ni dhx noHr^ liz.6cc. 3 6.

DedimhtpcteSiatem de attorn ree in breui ds ingre^ttjuper diffei-

Jittam in le poBpro tenent*.

RExdilcfVo&fidclifuoH.W.miliii.Salutem Cum per breuc no- Seft. 16.

ftrum deingrcffu fupcr dilTcifinam in le poft pendens coram luftic'
noOris dc comm banco noftro int H.D. &T. H. dc 2 o.acris terrac,trib'
acfprati, &
iz.acrispaRurae cum ptin in M. in comicacuN. Ecquia
idcroT.adsoimpotens&fenioconfeA* cxilHt quod abfquc maximo
corporis fuipericulo coram luAiciafnoHrispd ad diem in di6Vo brcui-
nodro conteniu)aborarenonfufficir>vcacccpimu5.Nos flatui eiufdT.
pic compacientes in hac parte, ded' vobis plenam potcft' authoritatc &
atcorh vel attornatos coniun^lim vel diuifim, q vel quos idemX. ad lu
perdcnd inplacito prcd, coram luiHc'noftris pred loco fuo
crand' vel
coram vobis ponerc aut ccnftituere voluerit rccipicnd*, nofquc inde in
Canc'noflra dcnomihhmdi attorn vci attornatonim dcbitc ccrtificad".
c ideo vobis mandamus quod ad pf. T. fi commode ad vos laborare no
fufficiatperfonalitcraccedaiisj attornatumq; fuum vclattornfuos con-
iun^' &
diuiOm in forma pred rccipiat.Ec nos in Cane' noOra de nomi.
nc hmdlattorn vel attornatorum ipfius T. in Craft' San^i I. prox'futuf
vbicunq*, tunc fuerit fub figili' vfo debite ccrtificetis hoc brcue nobis re-'

mictcntes, T.i5.dicAprilis Annoregni Regis &c.

It is returned thns.
REfpondcndinfanorainai H.VV.ad hoc brcue, exccuc' i^

ftiusbreuis pacec in quadamfchedula huic breiti annex'

Nott^Jfi "QRaecipc T. H. quod iufte &c. rcddac H.D. 20. achs
L tcrrx &c. vc Cura in Ic Dedimus potcftatem verbatim,.
Lj euro
cumpertinencijs in M.qus clamat 6cc.
:NiuiHi. f. T.H. po: lo:
fuo A.B. & F.R. coniunftim 6c diuifim vcrfuf
.% Capca 6c cognic apud Firbccke in com Ebof dcci^io die Fcbruarij,
Anno rcgni dhi nodri Ia.6cc.
^liHdl;reHedeI)ed*fotc^*rec dttornten*Juper .


^* reucrcndo in Chrifto patri Cuthbcrto D. WB.Sa-

Epifcopo 6c
Seft 17 t?
coramluftic nfisdc Banco inter A.B. railicpetemcm, 5c CD. arroig
cenencem dc quarca parte Mancrij dc F, cum pertiii ac 8oo. acf terrx,
20. acris prau^izo.acrispafturx, 500, acf bofci, 65 quadraginf libf
rcddic cnmptih vn F* p^ in com Eflcx. Et quia idem C, adeo impotcns
(ui6c fcnio confcd' cxiftit c^ abfq; raaiximo corporis foi pcriculo vfque
Wcfl. ad diem in diQo breue contcn! ad perfonal iter cdparend' 6c ad id
qd in cod mnc ibid iieri expedient foret faciend 6c 3gcnd,laborare non
(ufiic'.vtacccpimtis.Nosflatuieiurdem C. compatientcs in hac parte,
Dedvobis6cvtriq; vfm coniunlim6c diuifim pleh potefl' 6c author
recipiendi Attorn predi A' C. que vcl quos idem C.pcrfonali^ cor vobis
.velvnovfm verfus^f.A.inbrcuipdi^l' pendch coram pfi lullic'nfis
locoruoponere,attur2i, velconnituerevoluefadplaciraplacitandjWarf
vocandyiucrand. vel pcrdcd'in breui illo. Ec idco vobis 6c vtrique vfm
coniunClim 6c diuiHm mandamus qdad pfi C. ii commod'ad vos labo-
rarenonfufficiatjperronaliteraccedentes Attorn vel Attorn qucm vel
?uos idem CperfonaliC cox vobis vel vno vfra in breui pdift' coram f f.
uIHc' noflris penden verfus ^i. Aad placica ibid ad pf. tcrminura pla-
citand' waif vocand, lucrand, vel pcrdend, loco fuo ponerc Attorn 6c
conftituercvoIuerit,rccipiaiisvelvn' veflf recipiat. Et com attorn vel
attprh hiiidi fie recepcritis, vel vnus vfum rcceperit, nos in Cane* noftra
de,nomine vel nominib* hn^di attorn vel attorn ipfius C. in A* Sanfti
H prox'futufvbicunq; tunc fucrit.fubfigiH'vfis vel vnius vfum dc-

biteccrtificetit, vel vn' vfum certificcr, hoc breue nobis remittcntes,

* Thefirme ofa Recoucry vithJiMgh voucher,

Recipe S.H. quod reddat A.B.6cC. D. 40. mciTuagia cum pertJh

P inG.DiC.5cc.
Pred'S.H.po.'locofuoK.F. 6cT.N. coniunliin 6c diuifim verfus
prcd* A. B. 6c CD. in pladto terrz.
Reconerics; S4.
W. Ac quern przdift 'S.H. vocatad warrinciiffl ponidocofuo G.M.
6c T. F. coniund^im & diuifim verfui predi^' A. B. & CD. in pUcito
Praedift' A.B. & C. D. ponunt loco fuo R. C.& F. C. coBiunftim A
^uifiiD vcrf.prcd S.H. in placico terra?.

AcommonrecoHeriehAdkydmersagainJiene, of diuerj mtmws c^e mtbin

the CeHHtitFaUntine ofChefier^ heforcthc ludgtffthe
Shires or Counties,

DE placitis
com Ccftrise apud Ccftriam coram T.E. af, fi{ioT.E.roi.
dom lleg.ibidcm dicmartisproxim pod fcfium cxaltatU
Sett. i8,

onis Santtx Crucis Ann rcgni Regis Henrici oCtaui pofl cooque-
ftum Anglixo^tauo.
R.E. miles, P.D.miles, I.S. filiu$6c h^res apparcni T. S, de W.T.S,
filius &haeres apparens R.S. dc S. &
G. L. capellanut per Th. B. attur-
naCfuumincuf dhiRegisJiicpetuncverf.H.S.deO.arAmanef dc Ot
alias O. cum pertinen! & 1 4.n)c{ruag'&c. vc ius 6c hcrcditaccm riuuu,6c
in qua? idem H.non habcc ingrcflum niH pod dilTeifih quam Tb. Cvcc
indc iniufte& fine iudicio fcccrit pref.R.P.I.T.&G. poflqHanl. Sco-
ticusfatt*fuiccomesCefl'&c.cvndei)demR.P.I.T. &G. dicuocqd
ipHraet fuef fciliti dc cifdcm manef,mcriiag',cerrii|pra!,paft',bofccuruiF
moflcf, &
rcdditcum percineh &c. in dorainico fuo vcde feod'caB|;M-
rcpaciscempof dhi Regis nunc capic^indeexpicdoncsad valcnc'&c.
Et tn qu^ &c. dc inde produc' fe^am &c.
Etprcd H.S.aim in propria perfonafua vch &: defendiciutfuum
quando &c. vocat ad warf T.N.cj; iiprcm eft in curia in propria per-
fona fua & gratis cidem H. S.raancf,ireuu3gium,tcrf,tcncmcnt,prat,pa-
ftufjbofc curbaf,moflrec,& rcddit.&medietat E^imanerijde .ruperius
pctifcum pcrtineh warrartizac. Et fop hoc pdift* R.P.I.T. 5c G.paut
Terfus^eu^demT.N.tehp warrahfuair pdm^hriu,mc(ruag5cc.&: me-
dictatem maneri) de . cum pcrtineh in forms prcd 5cc &
vndc dicunc ^

quod ipGmetfiicruntrdfit depifdcmmancf, me{ruag,terf,praE,paftuf,

bofc'cubaf, mofTecreddic^&medictaf mineri)dccumpertih in dhi-
cofuo vtde feodo, tempore paciscempore diti dhi regis nunccapi-
cndindcexplecionciadvalenc'&c. Etinquac&c. Et indeproducum
Et pred Th.N, tench per warrant fuam defend ius fuum quando
&c. Et dicit quod pred T.C. non difleifiuir praeb! K. P. I. T. G. dc &
prcditt' manerio, fneflfuagiojterf prat, paftuf, bofc', tutbaf, moiTcs,

^reddif, &
medietai maneri j de E. fiiperius petit cum pcrcincntijs
mode 5c forma sprout prsedia' R.P.I.T. &G. per brewe narrati- &
L4 . 9Bcm '
1 .

OBcm fuam pr^dlft* fuppoBttnt[&c.
EtpracdR.E.P.D.I.T.&.G.pctuntliccnc* indc interloquendi hie
6cc.&habe3nt. Poncaqiieiftoeodcrocomhic&c.prcdR. P.l.T. &
G.pcr Aaurnatfuumpre^ reucn in cur doniini Regis &c. Ec prxdi^'
T.i*^. tcncn per warf fuiro licet folcronitcr cxa^* non reuenit fed in^con-
tcrapfcufhic rcceffit &
dcfalt fccir. Idco conHderat c(l per luratorcs
CQOipd quod pred R.E.P.D.I.T.& G.rccupcrarentfeifinam fuara ver.
fus praedift' H.S. de pracdi^' fnan,mc(ruag', tcrf,prat,paft', bofc', tur-
baf,moiItf,reddit,5cmcdictafaianerijdeE. fopcrius pctic cumpcrtin.
Ec quod idem H. habcac dc terra prc<f T. N.ad valenc*. Et idem T.N.
in miferecordia.

A common Rec otterie by diners before the Ifujfice of Ckefier, and Indges
of thefame Countie ofa Manor ^c. Tctpp' H.8.

placicis com Ccftriac apud Ceftriam coram T.E. af T.E. mil*

St^ 9 . T\^
I y luftic* domini Regis ibidem die Martis in prima Septimana qua

dragcfiiTi, Anno Regis H. 8.1 1

R.B.W.B.B.B.filijR.B.mili0. B. H. D. filius5c b^rcs R.D.ar-
mig'defunft'D.D^cE.&R. C. capcllanusper Th.B. atturnaf fuura
in curia domini Regis hie petuntverfusR.D.capellah&T. H. dc ciui-
tate C.manef de W. cum pertinencijs, 3 0, melTuag' vnum niolendinum
aquaricum, 500. acftcrr^, 400. acf prati, soo.acfpaQuf, loo. acras
bofci, zo.acf (urbaf,4o. acras cerrx aqua cooperf.dcxl. li, reddiccum
pertih in W.& O. vt ius &
h^reditfuam) &
in quae idem R, T. non &
habent ingrcffum nifi poft diflcifinam quam T.C. iniufte fine iudicio &
fecitpraefatR.W.B.&c. poftquaml. Scoticus falu5 fuic comes Cell*
6cc. Etyndeijdcm R.W.B Sec. dicuntqd ipfimccjfusrunt feifit deciC
dcmmanef,roc{Tuagij,moIend,terf,prat,paftufborc* turbaf,tcrf aqua
cooperf cum periincnf in dominico fuo vt defcodo, tempore pacii tem-
pore dni regis nunc capierd iodc cxplcciones ad valenc' &c. Ec in quae
&c. Et indcproduciintfc^am&c.
Ecpred R.D. ScT. H. in proprijsperfonisfuis vch&defendutius
fuumquando&c.&vocant indcad warrah W.M.atrh quiprjefcnscfl:
hie in curia in propria pcrfona fua & gratis manef, mcffuagium, molen-
difj, terf >praf,paft*,bofc turbaf.tcrf aqua coopcrt p<f ,cid R.P.& T. H.

warrantizat 8cc. Ec fuphocpd RfW.B.&c.pctucverfusipfun; W.IVj(.

arm tent p vyarran fuam pd nijhriUjmefTuag'mplerd, tcrf,praf, pailuf,
bofc*,turbaf, tcrrisaqua t6oper{,& rcddi! fujperi'us petit cum pttmcfl.
inforiDa pd ficc. &vndc dicunt qd ipiimetfuerunt fcific deeifd mancf,
mcfTuag.molend'jterf , praf, pafluf,bofc* tubaf,tcrf iiqua coope f red- &
dif tam ptiu in diiico fuo yc dcfcpdo tcpore pacis tcppre dl(V diii tcsSs
Reconenes. Sy
nunc capieii^ inde expleciones ad valcnc'.c in qax dec. e inde ^u-

Ec pd VV. M. armigcr tcncns per warranf fuam dcfcndit iu$ ftjum

quand&c.Eivocat inde ad warrant Th. Ncedham qui prcfcnseft hie
in cur in propria pcribna fua, & mancf, mcfluag' moUnd' terras,
prat, paftur', bofc. turbaf tcrf aqua cooper! &
reddcndpracdj^la cum
pertinchcideraM. M. warrantizat&c.EtfupcrhocprcdK. W.B.&c.
peiumvcrfusipfumTh.NecdhaiQtencn per warranf fuam pdiCi' Ma-
ncf,meffuag*, njolcnd.tcrf prat, pafluf, bofc', turbaf, tcif aqua coopetf
& rcddic, fupcrius pctif cum pcrtin infcrmapd&c. Et vndc dicunt
ipfiinccfucruntrcifiti dccifd roancf^mcffuagijSjroolcnd'tcrfpraC, pa-
ftur, bofc*, turbaf, terra aqua cooper! &
redd luperius p eti cum pcrtin
in dominicofuovtdcfcodo tempore pacis, teniporc did' domin' regis
nunc capicnd inde expleciones ad valcnc' &c.Et in quae &c. Et inde jp-
EtpdTh.Necdhamtcnen'pcr warf fuam defend, ius fuum quando
^cEtdicit quodprcd TCurtenon deffeifiuitpred R. W.B. &c. de
inancrio, me(ruag',aiolcnd,tcrf,prat,paftuf, bo(c' turbaf,tcrf aqua coo- .

pcr& redd cum ptifi modo & forma jput ijdcm R.W.B.^c. p brcuc
Sc narrationem fuam fuperius fupponunt Sec.
EtpredR.R.W. &c.petuntlicentiamindcinicrloquendi hie &c. ct
habent&c. Poftcaquc ifto eodem com hie &c. ijdcm R. W. B. 6c c. per
pred Aiturnatfuum reueh in cur dhi regis. Et pred T.N. tenens p warf
fuara licet folemnitcr exafl' non rcucn, fed in conccmp! curiae hie reccf-
defaltam fccit:&c, Ideo conccffiim eft per ludicatores com pd qd
fit ct

pd R. W.B &c.rccupararcntfei(inan7fua vcrfuj pred R D.&T.H. dc

prcdi^' mancrio, mtffujigi)s,molend,terf, prat, paHuf, bofc* turbaf,
terra aqua coopei f redd (upcr ius petit cum pertin &c. Et quod pred'

K .D. T. H, habcant dc terris pred W.M. ad valenc* &c. Et ouod
idem W. M. habeat dc terris pred T. N. ad valcnc' &c. Et idem T.N,

The/tke c-ommon recouerie in the ftiid Count ie ofCheJier to the next befire^
And oj i hefame manor &
hnds in the ttwe f the [aid king

DE placitis com Ceflrix apud Ccflriam coram T.E.aiin, filio T. E. ScCl.ie,

mi^itluftit'dom Regis ibin die Mariis poftftftum decollationis
fan^i lohannis Baptiftje, Anno Regis H. ?. poft conqucftum
Anglix 11.
R. B. de Ccfif R.B.W.B.B.B. fiHj R.B. milif &
O.B. per T.B. At-
turh fuumin curia domini Regis hicpctuntvcrlus W.M. armig' roa-
nefdeW.vigintitiiamcfliiag' vnum molchdinum aqua!, trckcrfacras
vigimiacf praci,centum acf paftufjquadraginta acra$ bofci.tfeccM
acf turbaf, 6c decern acras ccrrac aqua cooptrf cum per tin in W.M.K,&:
W. vt ills 6c h^rt ditfuam, quae idem W. M.non habct ingrcffura ni-
fi poft difTeifinasi qiiam T.C. inde iniufte & fine ludicio fecit praefaf R.
R.W.B.&G.poftquamI. Scoticiisfa^ui fait comes C.&cEtvndci;,
dem R. R. W I'ic. dicunc qd ipfimec fiicrtincfcinc de citdem mancf , mcC.
fujg!j,niolendt,tcrf,prat,paftufbofc*turbaf,8ctcrf aqua coopcrfcum
pertih in dhico fuo vt dc fcodo tempore pacis icporc domini regis nunc,
eapiend indc explecioned ad valenc'. t in qux Sec. t iodc ^ducunt
Etpd W.M.tn propria pcrfona Tua venit & defendit ius fuum quand
&c. EcEt vocatindc ad warranf T.N. qui prefcns eft hie in cur in pro-
pria perfona fua, & gratis cid' W.M. Man & tehta pd cum percin war-
rancizat. Et fupcr hoc pred R. R. W.&c petunt verfus ipfum T.N. tench
per warran! fuuam &c. Manef& tehta pd fuperius petit cum pertih in
forma pi 5c c. Et vnde dicunt quod ipfimetfucrunt feifiti de cifd tehtis
cum percin in dhico fuo vtdeieodo tempore pacis, tempore di^' regis
nunc capiesd inde expleciones ad valenc' 6cc.Et in quz 8cc. Et inde jpr*
ducuncfeAam&c.EtpdT.N.ccnensperwarf fuam defend, ius fuum
quando&c. Etdicit quod prcd T.C.non defTeinuitpredR.R.VV.&c.
dc tehtis ^d cum ptifimodoSc forma ^uc ipHpbrcue 6c narrationcm
fuam fuperius fuppouunt &c.
EtpredR R.W. Sccpetuntlicemiamindeinterloquendi hie 8cc. ct
habent&c. Pofteaquciftoeodemcomhic&c.ijdemR.K.W.dcc. per
Atcumatfuum pred reueh iu cur dhi regis. Et pred T.N. tenetis p warf
fuam licet folemniter exa^V' non rcuehj fed in contempt curiae hie recef-
(it et dcfaltara fecit : Ideo concefTum eft pd quod
per ludicacores coin
pd R.R. W.B.B ec O. recupararent feifinam fua verfus pred W. M. de
tehtis pd fuperius petiC cum pertih &c.Et qd pred' W.M.habeat de rcr-
risprcd T.N. ad valenc' &c. Et idem T. N. in mi(ericordia&c.

-J,r ,.

Of Indidlments and Offences. '^..'.....^&.^jA^i


foame of l^tp (fo; tl)c benefit of f ^e common

Ixjealti)) of an accnfafion fioa fome ofiience, ti*

tlierCctmtnaUo^l^enal? erl^ibitet) tnto 3Iu

t:o:0,anDbr t|)eti:t)()rdiafouno mto p^efenteo
tobetrue, before mi^fdczt fjautngpotuecto
piiniH) tl)e rameofirgnc0. janDfudianBtnotd;^
ment ts maoe to t^t enoe to compcUtlie partis
^tviU^ to auftDi:e ttjeteunto*
3neuet:^ tnDiftment ttoo ti)tnsi$ feeme p^incipaU^ to be contioeced;
ificll,tI)eDert? ogience, fo^ cefo;matton lutjeceof tj^e BfnDtttmsnt t5
fcamsD* ^ni} t^en tl;e ciglit fo;^ute QU^t Blnotdment it it\% acco;Dms
to tf)e otfftntt qaalitte of euec^ feuecall oftence.
^ljei:efo;e,ammptWaftfe of Excraiudicial vSymbolcography, 3
|auo ficttotrcoucfeo t)oU] obHgatton0 fp^tng of tonfent^ano t|en Dtftloi'
fedtl^ereuecaU formes of 3lulii:nment0 ttjeteof : ^o tn ti^t0Bli)aue
t^ougli gooD ficit b;tctl^ to tmfolo tije funo^^i? natures of offmttHymx^
Wfa^lts, anD ^ote tliei! btno t|;c o^euDc^ ^no i^tw to lay ootono t^e

a fact oone tnlatijful ano fo^btODen b? na^ ScA. z
oflfence ttjecefo^e, is

Aj^ tare 0^ lateC) tufietlj ctt^jc fame be in committing oj omitting,

lotjeceof tl^e one fo^ learning fake, mai? fitl^ be Utrnt^ an otiPence, anD .

tliie otfiec a Default, Ui in Hatu t[j.Qugl)t is fce^ from ofiftncit,


Btat fo is not 3(n^eauouc man^ timeg, bccaufe tfjerein is guile ano Scft. 3

A iRD euctt? ofifence is of tijc date publifee, 0; pjiwate, antj is t^ece^ s^a. 4?
JLAof tecmeti
SDljenifcriptionof botl)fel)icl) offences in o^atune fcmctime frem
tl)emanei; ov eoing : but ma? peccliance moae fitl^ be taken ftcm tl;a
obiea tpl)tc|) is l)ut;t, tjnleiTe Come t|)tnke goo to conioine tl^cm bctt?.

Indidments, and
SiffipAthie betweene the common wealth And her members',

^ca 5. XZ^^ feetcs, ti3|ie a pjtuaf c pecfoit is offenucu, it cannot ligf^tlr fee

JToenicD butttjat t[)e common toealt!) is t^cceb^ alfo oflfen^eMnu a*

gaine^tljc common tuealt^ being enoamageD, ^oto can it b$ cliofen
, bateueri'^ubtccttljetcofifi alfo atfectco as b^ing a membec of t^z
^0 great a ^^mpatljieantj mutuallfuffcring being in t|)em, as be*
tlDcene t^ieljcau antj members of natural! bour*
iSutinafmncl) as fome offences Done, mo;^c merely cefpcct p;iiuat
li)eaU!),ani)fomDt^ecmo.2emecreli?t^cUjealepabliUe, t^ofc be tcc<
ineo pjiuate, ano tljefc publifec
Ojfence pub like and prthat e

Sc^, 6, A publifee oflPence, is a grauous fault committeD againtt tlje com*

Z\monltjealt^0p;jiuafc offence is an offence againfttlje Uieale of
Ojfences binde.
Scd.y, T2 t3Jec^ offence of i)is oionc nature mafeetl) ti^e offenoo? bouno to tl^e.
JCcommenioealtljjO^toap^iuateperfon, o;tobotl),anDnot oneli?
tlje^tD^tcljatfuallpcommit offence, but tijcp alfo iu^ic^) commanD,
perfiuai)e,counfel,p?ccure,abbct5atD 0; confent t^at an offence be per^
petcateD, 0^ concoaleit being Done, arecenfureo to offano.

offences named andvnnamed.

Scft. 8. A ^^ offcncesate eittjcr nmneo o;it3nnameD

eittjcrnmneo tjnnameo

Offences uameo be fucf) offences as l)aue cectaine names m

offences vnnamed,

\ /^#"s^^^ offfences be tl|;o!e fcljiclj albeit tfiei? hixi committeo, vet

bttx, 9.
Y ^,^^ ^^^^ j^g certain namefet fo^tl; in our latUjtuljereb^ tljei? mai?
be calleD.
offences named.
^^^^^^^^^^^^ nameD beeitljer our olone o,j otljer mmts faults,

^ A
.l\ b|? Xv^^tl) Ujeace bouno, ano tijr^ ^ane a certaine name in iUtoe,,
Uiljercb't^ to be termeo.
offences Jimp le,

^ /^ClcoUinep;:opero!fcnccleeitijc4:Cmpleo,:mirt*
" vy ^ur limple offences bcfucl) as becommitteD b)? our oiun fa?^
ings o^:DecDs.
offences mixt.

Sea *
12 A tljemirt be
iP^^ tl)ofe^tuiiicl)be committer bitos;os and DiJ^Des
offences hy word.
Offences. 87
fame of anotl^ei: man ( teljic^ is compareD f life ) is ^utt anu not
l^ui booi?,anl> tJ^efeawalfo Oonebp counfeUano contumcli0U0 too;05
Counfaile, af f Ii^jougli UitckcO pecfioaCon.
B^ MtcfeeDpecnuafionieifcauDuIenf counfailegiuentoant>,ll^ec^
Sea ia
bp^smmdcwcojcupteoanDmaDctoo^fctosjoo^attcmptanT t^ing, '

naugtjtilp toljicl) ^t Dotti not mouce nmCTit? to do tlje t^mg,f j^ougfr


it hmz Ijtm t^atgiuett) fuel) counfaile*

Offence bj egntumeltom vpords.
Offence oj crime bpliic;D5,L5U)ljentfj.;ougfjpecuecsfo0;w, Scft. 15.
t^eg(DDname,ci:eDit, 0; oignitpof amanisimpaiceo.
Ailio it 10 eitlerbp twice o;lD;iting,ano is calleD^lanuectobicb Scft; i<?.
10 ett|)et: againll <0oD 0^ man*
SUunder againji God.
SHaunDec againU (I5oD,is Uiljeicbp ttie i^aieilitr Diuine 10 euill
fpo* Sea. 1 7.
ken of* of tl)i0fo;tbeblafpemie,pagiUe,^ei;efte,%oaafie3 ano
BE-afpbemie t0 a Unckeo facing, o;^ OaunDec, pjonounceoagainft Scft.iS.

^00, touci)ingl)i0 essence 0^ loo;to ceuealeo*

M%itian0 be b^ bttecing of cectaine fupecftitiou0 Sc^. ip.
tijofe toljicb

too?D0 conceiuD,aoueatui;e to attempt tl)ing0 abotie tljc ccucfc

of natuce,br bringing foitb oeao men0 gijoft0,a0 tljep faia^ p;etenD,
in a}eVi}ing of tljing0 eit!)cc feccet q% in place0 facte off, ano m fl^eiuing
tljem ixK auv fi)apc 0^ li1:enes. Cljefe tuicUcD petfons bi?
0; U);iting otlj
to;itten U)itb tijcic otune blouD, l)auing bctaUcn ttjcmfelucs to tljc Di^
ncll, btiw^ fo^fafeewd^oo , ano broken tljcic couenant maoe i\\ lil3p^
tifmcanD oetcft tl)c benefits tl)ctcof,anD tPo^fl^ip trje "^imW onl{?:ilnD
fetling V^m iuljole l)ope in bim> ooeevecnte \)\& conuiianDement0,ano

being oeao, coumiand botlj tben: boDie0 ano foules bnto ^mt*
SoHthftiyhig fVt<,Ziirds.
of ^agitians, be
Oiffacers binoe

0} wai^at^Sy biuine ano Uibicl)

all tljofe Uil^icij

enrue,as ^outfji
foretell tjjings to
Sca 26.

ano caifetjpeuilfptcitBbp cectainefupecttitious anDconceiueofoimea

of iuo;D0* Slno tjnto fuel) tooiOs a^ be oemanijeo of tf)em,Qce anftuecc
b)pt)oice,o^elfe fet before t^tk epes in glaffe0, Clj^rff^U ftoms c>
ring09 tt)e pid;ui:e0 0^ images ef tbtngs fougf)t fo;.
T^ep;ofeffo?0oft|eactsfoiuina(iortUjbicl;bepuffcobptDithp;o^ vSea.: i.
phtcvim tpititf^* ^m can manifeft M)o l)at|) ttolne tfjiitgisij mn tell
iio|)Brcft)isigsloll0^ HoUie be

ScV. 2 2. 1 ^SJ^J^^ 3!i33 fiek!) tie Cucers of Dtreareief,ttjf)tc!) fo> tlje curiMg of all
I ficiiiieHeiB ano fo ;es of maK anti beaU, Dfe eitl)eE certatne rupecftttij
ofi;U3o^Dso?t^ittng5caUeiJci)at:me0o;fpel5^angeo about tlje neck
0^ fome ot^et: part of tl)e boor*
Imhanttngs and Charming.

Sea 2 ?
. Til^cfiantecs o^ CfjacmerB tljiougl) cettaine ttio^Jtis p jowounceo ano
Ic^acactecis o;f imager, i)0cbej3 o^ ottjertfitngs! applied, t^infee tljeg
can Doe to^at t|)e^ Uft,tije titueil fo Dccetuet^ ttjem , o; in tjec^ Deeo oi^
rpatci)etf)t()oret^mgstB^tfl)tl)e Sncljantergtuoulo Ijaue tJone:fcom
t}^z{z fometoljat .Difi'ec Mitctjes o; ^agges,anti ^agucew o? ^outli^
fareciS b^bicDSjlDiumo^sbB ra;mgtl)eintial0of beafts facciftceo^

Sea. 24. A ^^i^^lJ "JJ T^agge, 10 i^k li3{)icl) being elutieubt? a league matjc
Xltoitl^ t}^t Diuell tJjzougl) Ijis pccftuafion, infpimtion ano iugUng,
tljinUet^ fl^ee can oefigne tu^at manerof euilltbings foeuec, ettljer bs
tljougl)t Gi imp.;ecation,a0to l^atte tf)e aii:^lpit[) Ugtjtnings ano tlian^
oet:, to caufe t)atle ano tempeff^? to remoue gceene coane 0^ tceea to an^'

otl)ei:place,tobecaneoof Ijeci^amtliatjttJbict) ^atlj taUentjpon ^m

tljc occcitfuU l^ape of a d^oate, ^iuineo; Calfe, i canto fome moun^

taine facce oiffant, in a feonoecfuUt^ojt fpace of time*;ano fometimes

to flie tjpon a llafife 0? fo^fee, 0? fome otljec infftument :ano to fpeno
aU t^e nigljt aftec litl) liet: fiueet^^eact, in plavjing, fpojting,banquet^
ting. Dancing, oaliance, ano oiuecs ot^ec oiuellii^ lulte0,ano letuo oi^
rpo;t0:, ano to l^et a ttioufano fuct) monlti:ou0 mocl(ene0

Sea. 25. TJCl;ce0e, 10 a refolutc ano obttinate ect:o;i in fome article of out
XXCI^jiftian faitl),2 .Tim. 4 1 2 Per. 2 . . . . 1 . 1 . Cor. 1 1 . 1 ^. Ron). i().i 7.

Sea. 2 6. \ iipongft l^ei:etike0 ace numb;^eo 0nabap tiffs , iuljicl) ioicbeols
/Aitctatef)ol^)15aptifm0,lul)icl)l)ainous offence 10 tjett? gi:ieuou0,
30 fav; iuljirlj tl)c iiir; aieSlic of Blmigljtie C5co,ano t^e p;omi.e Uiljtclj in
tl)efii:tt)i5aptirmela0effc(tuaU,acetJiolatcD ; .


vSea. 27 A
^off3fi^fsiio^f^!)j^Wi0afc^fafeiwgof tljeCWlJianfaitl;
^no ^tpottalie l)appenetl) ttuo ii!ate0, eitijec man
partly teuoltett) fconitcue rcligtoit into a tnicfeeo fett, ceteining Htl t^e
name ano title of Cljjiftianilme, 0; tuljen t\^z contcar? fioe oi t^e
31etoe0 0? pagan0 fo pleafe l)im,tl^at tjetoljolr fo;faHet^ t^e p^ofeCTion
of t^e Cli;i({ian bott) m name ano fbitance

Offences. 88

P(Jdnrte iui alie aflftrmct) br otlje,

^0 muct) of nanDet;ou0 rpeec()e! agatiUi ^0D* Se^. 2 %,
SUnder agawfi man by word.
A^IanDetagainttmantstoanmiurteDonc to l)imbv luojw oj Scft.29.
\D;^ttmg0* )15^ U)o;D0 luf^en an^ tljtng 10 faio 0; Oon$ b^ tO9^0$ to
tt)0 contempt 0; i:ep;ot|) of anot^ei:
Bj tvrit'mg.
1j|> iune b^ le^ittng t0 Done bt! a flanuetous libel 0^ pirture* Sea. 5 1.
By hbelL
A^lanuerouf MhtXM ti^^en a libeUepigtam, rime, 0? otljer lun^ Set. 3
ting, is p,2CDUCD,Ui;itten, o;i ccmpofcD to
note 0^ contumely

of anr man, o;tl)e fame pzocureD tobebcug!)to;roloe,t^atbut|iat

meaner t^e Dignttie 0.2 fame or anotbec man mat be ^wtt*
Sy pi^iure.
infumcu^ 02 tlannerous piclute,isfa^!;cn anr man to l^igtnfa^ Sc^.
A^ mtc 0; igr.cininv i<^ pat'ntct! in an v infamous 02 Difl^oneft ^abit 0^
fo.it, as Ranging t)pou ti;e gallctus, 02 in fonie euill place 0^ manet*
s 2

^e baue (b^toetj tlje offences comiteD hv tuo2O0, b? to^iclj a mans

name 0; Dtgiutieis t!(n;meD :let t): nolu fallen to t^oretjDl)tc|) are Done
bt! DaD0
offences by deeds.
tljet be faio to be Done bt? Dccoe, not becaufetfjer are not alfo Scft. 3 3
ofmiuDeanupucpofc: butfo;jtt)attl)etcl)iefl|?confillin fbe fact
iDit^cuttobicl) it mat tinneti) be iuDgeooft^cirpunifljment ^nDfoj
i^^iki fucb offences are not perpetrateo againft tlje nnnoe, but t^e bo f
UV eitljer of man ojtjis groDs, U)!)etl5cr it be DoncmcDtatlt 0? immeoi^
bt fictBes eitljer altogetljer eeUrot a tljing, o;j at i\t
lead tmpaire tt^e fame*
DCSflruction is t^ettterfeiUingo^co;rruptingof tljings, Sz(X. 34)
:Clno it is either of a fact permanent ano apparent : 0^ tranCtOi

rie auo During hnX a little toljile

/^^/ Permanent.

permanent fact, is tl)at tofjofetjert lleps ano p^iiits abioe, i are
to be feene after tljcoOence Done of
: tljis feinoebefiawg^ter ano
Scft. 3

Silaugbter is a billing Done bt ant meaneSjano it in ettljer of man vScft. 3 d

0^ beatt

flaugf)ter ofman is calleo l^Qmirice, \xi^it\) is euert tafeinga^ Sea.
cvlife from ant perron bOijD 0? frcj bg man ooaetoitl^ tJicU'ce,
3 7
hv ^Wh t^^ ^ouU isi rcaercu from ttz hon^M ^W ntancr atmemc
fceuec It cijarce, luljctljer bi? fbjojD, UafipjO; ot^edtteapon^o; bg tw^
itim 0^ poiren, t|)etaufe of Deatfj be c,mm*

Seft. 38 T T iBmtcitje is eitljcr tjoUtntacre 0;^ cafuall.

jTi. ^^oinictue tjoluntiirtr is tl;at tofjic^ 10 DeUtewtc ano mmit^
teD of afet muiDe anis pucpofe Cc lull*
Std. 3 9. T_T Cimiciije toiuntacie t5 eitljei; toit^out p^cceDent malice, oj biit^
x7lp;eceDent malice
k)f ^omtctoes tjolmttarielDieijoat malice paeceDent^fome atecom^
manoeo, ano fotne toUerateo b^ lato, mh etl)ecs fo;biBden*
Se^. 4. T T:^mtcioeg ijoltintarie commanocD bp lalo ace fuc|) a^ace done
MTxzit^zi fo^iullicc fake, 0^ tipon tjcgent neceCTitie.
For Injiice,
SeV. 4/ T Tg)mtdoe fo; ivStitz fafee, ig tf?e inflicting of o;mttatte pttnifl^ment
xltpon |)einou0 offent>o;Bbp Oeat^,U)l)ict) ig oifpuniQ^able, pet in
t^i0 cafe it be^ouet^ tl)e BBuooie, anD otljec oCficecs to be ires from l)g^

fire of blouD ano p;tuate ceuenge*

StCt, 4 1 TJ)micioetjpon ntcz^iiit ia eitljec in t^e one ano o^declp epecuti*

XXon of inltice, m of t^e cfifenoo;^^ in felonie )oo!\^it)^ cefift

t\)Z ktlltng

o;flpo^cei:5 ^auing Warrant to atceHo;^ oetaiue tl^em, 0; pecfontf

purfuing tijem toitlj Ijue ano ccp,o; riotecg refitting Bfufficeg oftlje p
lo^icl^ come to arrelltl)em,o;^p;ironer5 refilling tj^eir gailo;0,if fuc^
offienoo;g cannot ott^ertoife be attactjeo 0^ l^oloen. ^0 is it of perfonf
notoufip a(rembleo,refiatng pecfons autt}l^o;it^eD to app^e^no t^em>
I .Mar.ca. 1 2. 0no likelvtfe of o^enoo; in park0,fo;(ce&6,ano tuarreng
refilling 0; flpingatoar after l)ue ano crp, 1 1 .Ed. 1 .ano IBurglers ano
Kobberg : alltD^icli t^omicioes are oifptmii^able, ^' AflT. 3 z. ano 0(:<
uer0 otfjer iw libe cafes bp funo^p Statutes
Se dejendendo,
StCi. 43 T T>micioe tjpon wziXiitizin ones oton Defence is tecmeo Se dcfcn*
Jrldcndo, f is tw^eceanp man being affaulteobpanp otljer, flpetlj
fo ^rre as can tuittjotit ineuitable Danger of oeat^, ano tljen in tje*

fenoingf)imfelfe HiUettj tjis aouecfarie, pet foj i])i& offent tie iLfetl) |}is
gcposjano mull p;ocure paroon foi l)is life, Gioucca.p. 43. AlT.s I.
5eA.44; y T T^miciges toluntacie fo;>biooen bp ilalp,toif t)ouf p^eceoent ma*
JrjLlice,is manflaugfjtec 0? ^om!ciDe,o;j bp chance meolep, toljic^ is
tD^ere ttoo vazn t)oiD of all former malice ano enill Ibill^mfi&ttng toge^

tl^ecfa)? tFjancie,aint)l3ponfnDDcnfeUmgout,t!)Ottc of tji5mfeillel|> t^e

otljcctoitl) t3tolencc, ntit^ctfc^mftice, no;incaff ef nECcgitie,?Jow.
fol.iio.&ioi.2j.H.7.f<>U2 5. -,j..

Homicide maliciow,
Ti^us mufli of tjoluntacie ^omicitJcs iuttljout malifCiP^rcOciU, Sc^,4^-.5>
noU Df[][ominDet)pUHitar4e ofmaUce p.20cecoing,Ui^icij is t^jitii
murDerjaiiD iiS tfie felonious iiiUinst!).:ou0^ maltfc p;jepciifjeD of ante
p^cfoa \min% in t^ifi a^ealme tinoet; t^e latngg protection*

of ^tmfclfe, o? of anotl)ec>i ^"

Ajjio It 10 erf 1)01: :V : .
n rf- r^ ;

^omiciDeoftljepattieijimrelfe, is fccmeti felodc ft laimi is SeV,45.

ioljecean? man of fjatreo conreiuetj againftl)tmfclfe,oofl)tiefpecatclt?,
luilfuUrjanD felojuoufli? bil or oettcoii |)imfelfe bv t)angin0,i)rotjBnin0,
.^f ; ri

.- Murder
MtacDetofotljetstljentljefelfepactie, is t^e like toilfuU anDftlo^ Scft.47;
nious killing of an\? otl)cc of p;emeDitate malice 0nD ift|ioffen:
dor Dio otjoe b^ llaU) linto tl)e paptte Haine anp riuill obeoience, it is in
fome cafes termeo petit treafon jSs, if tl)e tuifc kill Ijcc f)ulbaiiD , t|)e
fecuant l)ts maltet: or millcis,or a Cletke t)is i^^^tiinacie bt? reafon of
t|je reciprocall tcutt ano loy^altie tol>ic!) tl)e ilato requtcet^ bettoane
fuci) pet:fons,ano tt)is offence is tljeiefore faere more t)eT?nous tt^eii af
n^oftljeottjecljomiciDcs :,i 'u:-.:.lc ^
Hamicide CAfttall.

briefly of|jcmiciDesltjillinglpt3ne;l;omici&ecaruan,tI;icl) Sca.48
be tecmeo ^omicioebp nufcljance, mirfortime, 0; mifaHi*
uentui:e,ts,tx)^en l)e tl)at killetl) anot^et,l)aD no toilMntent, mtnO;, d^^
purpofefo tooce,or tljcman isfiaine bv fomeottjcct^ing t^en amain
Bin toijiclj cafe tijeofi^noor is to l)auel)tspacDon ofcom^fe for life ano
lanOjbut pet mull lfe|)is gaios. ^nDt]}i5 l)omiciocis.eptj)eij m#tc)t
i;afuaHormii;t.r,(4]QcfT ,>..;; s L:xmu&ki^:-nimviAit^tt^

H)miciDe bp man c|)ancjCjis,tol)ett bp meerc fortune againft t^iJ Sca.49.

minoe oftljekiUcca man is Caine. i^s ifonel)cluin'g,tl)cave flp^
cne,or ifaman lopping a tree, toacn^.t^e Up.^
etfj pff tljic l)aft,ano kill
$anoecfi jt^at tea is reaop to, falUano i,yt b^ije fame %ie>6,ft^eni

is fiaiiie,or in tl):o\jDing tiles from an l;ou;e,'or fuel) ot|)cc la|i>full ads,'

ijr tt)e pattie ts killed bp fome o^>ec tl)iu0 t^cn man ,bp mi w3rtune,as

br falling fccm an t)orfe or catt, bp a llioke of an !)orre, or an^ otj|)^c

moueable tiding tljen man. 3nlul;icl;care,tl)ett)tng\yfitf!) killcDljuit,
^pDallt[)ingsttjat ttjwueo^.t^ fame,iate fpj^knto t{)e,|^pg,attfi -^
a^ ^ m
QJ5 Indtiflmientsand
m\et\t,mUmn all tf^ms ti^etein^ano t{)el)o;fe5 t|at D^eto t^e twtnt,
ijc all Dcodands. 3 .Ed. 3 .vxkIc verfus.
Omnia quae naoiicntad mortera, funt Dtodanda^Dyer fo.78.pl. 3 7.
Scdtsol' \ M ^itU.^^tn tfjcfeillei's ignorance 0; negligence
iVltiie c^anrc, ajtif a wan loppetms b? an fjig^ tea? fioe, b? tol)ic^
is ioiniedtuif]^

tnanr tjfimllT trauatU ano raft totone aboug^, not giuing toatning
to tabe IjocD tt\cttofM ^W^
bougl), one pairing b^ is flaing, in tut)ic|i
cafe!)eofifenDctl),becaurel)e gaat noliParning, tljat tijepatticmigljt
IjauetafeenbeeDtojjtmfelfe. . /.
: ' ' - :Ei)U0rou fa tljetiruers feints of spanflaugj^tec

foUotoetl), b^ tnljat nieane fo'euec it ttm*

Sea 51 T"^^ ilang^terisofa beaCts
Damage Done brinioi:^ ano lo^ngi guile ojDe#
1 met[),tol^icb
fault againfttfje5LatUrVu^tCi)mtg^to;i ou^ljtto IjauebanefafeenljaD
of ;2Dftt)ts offence fp^iirget^ iari action totlic otonec of tlje b0a0,accoj^
mngastbebalucttjereofH^aBbeettcenicDbraBJune^ ^

Scft. J 2 'hr l^ns^fat^eaf flaiigtrf ers of man anb beat! :biitnihg infuefi),tD!HcT)
1 is alfofelcnvjasl^eUnlfull burning of a D\i3eUingboure,;.H,7j o
0nt) burning of a bacnc aDio^nln^toa Dtoelling lioufe bf nigp, n.
H.7.fo. I .:anDbucmng of a bacne toitlj co,jne, not aoid^ning to a btuel*
ling ^oafebs Dai? ,


SiCi. < :.
^ ^* *
A i?b
\ tD^icb
ti^frcblieerning offences of continuing fatfs
aftc of tcanfito^ie oj momeatarie fafts, as
, fbofe felloiu
bnlatofiill copu^
lationjburglatiejanD tfjcfifv
't-^ ^'^^^'^ ^^^^;^'

AaMlierie AMe[formcaiion.
^ . TT^^laUifull copulation is eucc^ cacnallcomundonljaDout of ialD*
V full matcimonr janD it i& tccmeD fo^^nication 0; abuUec^,U)t^icti in
ficft tit\)zt naturaU,o;j againft natutc^nD eitljci: boluntac^ j biotent*

iFo^nication natucaUr committecisbettoeen man anD ti,oman,lubif ^

ifitbepccptttatcDbettDCfenefeinffolfeS) isfaiD tobetncleft.Copulafion
^ ijiolentistetlheD a rapeo;i raihfl^ment of a luoman gainft betWli
toljicljisTatnaUfenolDlcDgc IjaD of a tuoman,
luljo ntucc confenteo
tfjereunto before no? aftec,
tljcfrf(t tm
tljis offence is felonie tnt^

pilincipallimD^isa^O^S, it. H.4. 13. i.Ed.4.T. VVcftmon z.cap.i 5.'

^nD carnaU nb-ufc of a luotttan cfjilD bnbectcnne teares olD,is felont^,
r8.Eliz.cap.'5. '


5<ft 5 5 .
/^J)p^latton agaititf i?iktm:e,is b? male o;r frtnale againft natuce^^
%r<\il (imwltiDit^'ftmwilp^jti>iti|> beatJs tu^ic^is tm^ /&oin^ 0;'
. -

Ln:Gflfences^ '^i^ go
bti0ger?,t 5.H.8.cap.5. s.Eiiz,cap.i7, toi^6rf)4efclom'e* /
. :'.)

BtargUm X5 a feloniousi entring into an otfie!: mans bfeeUms Sc^.5^

fomepecfon (0,0^ tnto a C^urc^, in t^entgl)ttim$,
to tl)e eno to commit tome felony t^ettmas to&tl fome man,o; to 0eale
fometoliat t^ence,o; to 000 Tome ot^er fuel) felonious act tj^ere, albeit
'je execute, not tl)e fame,if thcintent 0; fart of offenoer be to tteale^ t^
:t%\& is like cobbetp,tf to m|coet;, it oi^cret^ not muc^ from mndi^>
anofo of ot|)et felonies* ti ^loji s ,illiiUt^tsetJ u j ior

Houfe-robbing* ;' ! ".

Ti^e offence againft tlje natures of 2 ^ .H.S.ca. i .and 3 .Ed. ^.ca.9. 9^^ --
fpmetol)at tefemble t^is, fo^ bg tfiem it is ojoeineo, tliat if ^n?
pecton Doe robbc anotljec in an^ part of Ijis Otoelling place, 0? in Jis
botbe^o^ tent)in anr fatte a; matfcet^ano tj^e oUinet 0; ^ts hnf!^,c|il'
o;eii oa feruants being Uiitfjin tlje rame,i)e tavmixitzt^ ttXoix^ rv^t^ t

T)^eft enrnett},inlDl^ici)notf9mutI)tbeoelh:u(tionofat|^tng,as Sca.sS

tt)etafetn0atoa^oftl)eramecl?ancet!) ^ :...i:Oi i;vi

SCI^eft is an tmlatufiiU felonious taking a^a^ of an oti^et^and
..inooueablepecronallgoos, againlt titeotoners iDtU, ioit^ intent to
^rlleale tl)em ;3no it i& ftom t^e pecfon, o^ in p^^fence of t|e oiunet:,o;
ijtti l^is ablence*

T^eft ffcom tl)e otoners pecfon 0; p^efence,is of tiuo rojts,t|)e0tte Sca.59

^ putting,t|)6otonci;infeai:e,t|ieot|jetiiotc a^ii> ^ ^ - r : .

ateiDbbcns is a felonious taking aiuarpfanotljccinatts goosftom stt

' 60
-ifpurpoletoftealctj^eramegfljos* ;<cj^;it,. c^n^ ;

jano tljis cobbecv in fometime tenneo tjiolenttl^eft^becaufetlitpac^

tieii;tt^tl)eMt]ot|)ereb)?temfieo* i];;M>
/;/;'":::; fVtihoftt fiare, ifnHOr''
T^eft fijom tl^c olJDncrspetfon,not putting btm in fiwte,is bt cut;* Scft.^i.
ting oj picfeing l)ts putfcano ttealing t^e monT?,oj purfe^oj botlj:
^^is is Done fleigfjtlt^jtoitljout tlje oljunets feare o^p^uitir.
I^ut to perfect t^is offence, an attuallpofTeirion of tl^tl^ing taken,
, once feuefceD from tf}t pecfon of t^t otonec, fai^etfj neceffati? in tlje of^
(i?nDoj,anD tl)afc tlic tbing Itollen zxtkn tbe tjalue of ttuelue pence*

. %'^ft pf gcoDs in tlje otunecs abfence,is tetmen Haccinv, to|iclj in


nothing elfe but a felonious ano ftauDulent taking ai^a^ of an ^^zt

mans moueable pecfonall gfl>DS:,not being t)pon tlje pecfon ofi t^e otu^
t\ttymzin^i0^^(i^ef J^nblUuin^inrefpettof t^ t^ingsiftoUen,
^ is

oq Indidmefifs/and
i& eit!)ecgtcat'o; fritall;3f> 0at ilaccinp is,Uj^en t^tW^ ffo!0n,
tljoug^tfje^bctaUcttatfeuecaUttmesjejccetD tlje tjalucofnj.o. 0nu

1 '- fisS TpQtj latcuii? is,tPt||CH t^ie 0dJij6 fo tafeen t%cm mt t^z t)alu$ of ttueiae

;^^ ;- .
;": * *
Hnrfirfg and viotctjce. " ;

StCt.ci vjT)totIjeiTmm00tomjnin0fcomtt)et)ettructiorTOftJ)mg, being

t^tcnaitirof t^^urtnijf of t^e tljiitg, f^oiJiioIentljurttngDefttotet^

nott^eboD^,butt)at:mct[)anDannotett)tt7antimaflet[7ettt)0t: tf)^bo
tJ^jO^tl^eeftate anD conoition f l)ei:eottDo;ife

A^:^iliO,t$;wjugJ>;cectame (deuces i]Sf)uttto tI)eCommotttDcluf)
/\imm0Dlati^'^nD allija^00yort[)e mtmt>etdt|)0ccfo^ 2DJje'C5m^
moiiiiMialtljts^nrt) citt)etncirpe(t of t^g ainptitute and itidiefltc

tbcceofio^of tl)ep5wttaiiD comtttTcmit?ft)i^eof,ti9^Kl>^ te e;

r.^? 5ii.cia^^l)^ampttttj'eanD ma<cte'thcitgoft'0 l^ar^^ oflfthjcfe
J .

"' '
callerj tteafon* .:;uiiuAbniu^^i^ '^'tr.^suyv:'^ -'^: L
^r janiJ,t^ofetri?3njfi0lKl)ig$ttiarotn^^
pisla>i)ent|i)lfenii^t0 ixoneagmttttjefecucttiaof tbe commontu^^fth,
^fi^oftlje icings moftejcccUeiit q^aieftt^, lufjo t0 tljettue anD ^nij^iio^
]:teD^ouei;aisneanDcI)iefc(je<^Dt!)ei;cof: iut)etf)ei:itbe0bt^ima|tnti*
>Dn,too;o, 0^ Deeu, a0 to comf^affe Baiinagiite tccafon, o; tt)e oeat!) of
-, .'..? rjtlje|3?tnce,fl?0f ttieiTluoMt ijij tatfcoijljt^ fonfne^nt) f)^t5e appacliit,
o;to ocfloluei:t[)8t^in00tBifje;o^^tE0etDeftiJaugl)tci:tjnmatieo>o/l)i0
clDeftfonne0tDif0,o;leuieUjaci;cagainfttI;e i^mg in tiis cealme;^o^
> lii? :toiiot)ei:etoltt0(merate0,a?^ing.tl)em,o;to fountetfeittfje-ltifa*
gceatfcaie^p^to^fcale^ moni?,o;j tDittinglp to bnng falfe Joni?1mo
ti)t0 tealme,countetfeiteo like tintottjemonc? of CngUnd, mio tjteic

jS); to feill t|ie i^tng0C^aunfelto!fyi^aftei;;3}ttftjrcdf:tfri one

0inrc Juftices of
i5encl),o;j of tl)eot^ec,3ufi:ice0 in Ctb,1!ufticc0 of

.i7>.fi>f, ^^^"^ amrSDecminiit bcingm ^10 plac0,anD Doing of !)t0 offtc0>i 5.d.

if o^gingef t^e-itiing ftgnc C^anuil, o; p^iure fignet^ p?iiie firfic,

i) fojcainecolinecucrant ii)itl)twt^i0 cealmc, 2 :M4r.cap.^. '

! 'E>ittiini(l^ig.o;im|kncmgof mttie^tutcantj'z.EIiz.cap.i I.& iP.

%l^ feconuofifenwiin tefutlirg efreftat^ of rup,macte>5 .El iz.cip. t .

j^atI)ecompafang toDep?tu0t{ji^fttii$or$iie^tx^lune,i.ii-cap.6.
^(/j iD^toDeare^?tfj'Bi&ing,i.Elia!.oa^;tf. i-inc'sr, , ali' .3:. .

Offences.^ j>i
0;eoaaEtrme,tl^att|^Simio;^ie ^timtfW ^o^te^ 10 not 01

to leote toacw asamlt tfje !femg, 1 3 Eli :
;fi)a op
: i - >

;^; to mouc fo^tetne muafiond of t|ii8i Uealtiw, 1 5 EIi:captiv

^^^^^ -

ja)^tooeclawt^atty0jim0tfl notAihg, i j,Eli:cap:i '


jD; toO0clat:et^atan^ot^et:oug^t,fc. 1 3 *Eli:capt r*

i^; to afhrmet^ei&mjgto be an )^et:ett^, ^cltfmat&^^ %mntt
KnSoeH,oa tfurper of tlje Ccotone, 1 3 .Elircap: 1
;^?toclaim0t|eCroi9oeaftei:tli0!aing,i5Eli:caprf*''^' ^^^

;^;toaflfltt:me,t^att|)econtmoallatue6 o; ^tat^t^ie c^notiimiie


^} to maintame f^ autl^o?tf ie oft^e MfS^ep of Kome,5.Eli:cap: i
;^toobtatneant3i5oUfcoma$om0,i3^Eli:cap:2. . .
iS)} to 5tu0,tafee,o^pjomire abfolution t^ecebr,i 3 Eli:capji.^
j^^loconrptretoenlatsean^ impjifonco b^ t^e&tng(tomtnaun#
dement fo^ tceafon toucliing i)ts pecfon: 0^ ftifpttton t^eceof^ 1 4* Eliz
i3D^ to Intt^^olo an? of tl^e !&mg0aftle0 0^ (oliui, 14 .ii:cap: i *
;^; an]? of ^i0 l^tp0 0; o?oonanreen9oan;e>i4*li:cap: I *
;i); not to cenoec t|ie fame caltle0 U^tt^in fire oa^e^ after p^odantai'
tion, 1 4.Eli:cap: I
^} to nttko^ an? office ^tns0 ()^tp0,i 4*En:cap: i *
iS>} to p$t(i3)uuam fubtcct fcom natucall obeoience^o; religion : 0^
fotfieobeoienceofan? ot|)et^,o;(tobefo pecftoatieo,i3*li:cap: i
ii>} fb? 3lefit0 to cometnto,o? be in tf)i5 lJealme,27Eli:cap;2.
jSD;(tobea^eminatie,anonot cetutneinto t^ia Keligion^toit^iti
fixt monetf)0 aftet:fp;oclamatton,ano tal^e t))e oat| of altegeance^ 17*^
Bit i0 alfo to be noteti,tt)at all manner of acce(i;srie0 to tpe rnierall
treafon0 aboue mentioneMre guiltte of tjigfj treafon*
)?ofmifp;ifionoftreafon,tD!)ict) is t^e concealment 0; notoif^
clofing of I^notnne tceafon : fo; tu^ic| tije offenDo;0 are to fuflfer imp^i^
Cbnmentortngtl}e!^ing0pleafuce,lb&t^etr 0000 ano ttie p;ofit of
^^_ ^^

fences hifiderifjj^the omm9eiitieqfthi Comm&tt'mauk.



i!^ pMt, pff^t common iuealtl) 4iS .Imteceo nintt^ lua^es, m h^
fojcftaUiHg,eiigt:0iring,rejXCttnjS, b.?iDleneire of app2ntice5,actifi^
cct;s,anoret:uant0,ueca^mgoftt)ebjDof beaftc,teacoi?ing offifl^,
b^confpiacicff^f atttftcct$anuc|iapmen',b^ not Defttoring of ter*
minc,ai5 if oj:e5,)i5atofoiw(5C)ie5>C^ougljctf ,|c, ^j b^ mafeing oj
l3ttei:mg4n^:ftufFe,tjictttals,o^ toaws Deccitful,co^upt o? tnfufficieHf,
b^ttotobfetiiMtg Due toeig^t^s anjD meafurets, o; b^ tcanrpo^ting of
things nceofuUin Cnglano,a0 catu l)iDe5,taUolD,tufflll, lcao,co?n,o;i
gtame,b? ec,ectingofpttageiJ, artp b^a:Ding of crtaDing many p(D;c
pcoplp,anobiPfunt;BOtl)vCwcanei5rai8i plainelT? appcacet!)b? (mn^^
UatttmmrfoMnm^^impzMxtfoimntmt^tttQt iSDf all tofiicli

patttfulacl!?tabifcotti:ft,tobulooaupiemo;e 31 j^aue Hoto

tetecmtneB to beftoUi about the fame
, ifo;clIalUiig,witl)c buying o^bacgainiiTgfojan^bittualfl o;jfeaces
comming to be folD totoacD0 an^ faire o^ matket ^; from be^onn tf)C :

rea0to^at:Ojsant!nti0,po;t;,l)aucn,(i:0:;Ue;>o;tot)eortl)t0 t:eatmc> ano

bffb^etljefamebctljecc , V ,
'^^ tc mowing of aUT^ pecfonfD cnbauhcefl^epjice of tijo famebi^

rtuals o^iaics,oj tlje Difftu amng to b^ing it tliit^ec to befolCf.Ed:^.

ca: 14. j.Elhcap: 1 2. 1 3 .Eii.'ca: z 5.
Kegtating tis tljebu^ittg anb felling of an^ luateis 0^ bictuals ml|e
fame macUct 0; faice, 0^ luitljin fouce miles tljereof, ; . Ed. 6 p.'i 4.
y.Eli:ca:i2. i3.Eli:cap:z5.
(ngi:oiring,is buying of Cojnc grolxnng, oj DeaO btctuali to fell a^
gaine : erccpt bai:le^,o; malt,oat0 lb; oatmeale,ano bictuals to cetatle
baoging by Iicence,anD buying of oy>les,fpicejS,ano bi(tual0^ot|)et; tlien
fil^ ailD. ra}t9;.d: (i*cag:i 4.5-Ii:ca: 1 4. 1 3 .11: cap: 2 5


Sift. 55. Ti^tf)efefeto!)auclDetou(l|ei)fuc|> offwtce0,ai imnteDiatelipanDaU

licua^ea ace committeD agatnH t^e common tuealtb it felfe : notii totU
Sue intreate of tbofe U;il)tct) aiuja^es fo; t%t mo({ patt ace perpetrated
tHolently agatn0; t^ie infecio;^ mtmhui of tlje faitte ( tliot is to fat?) vi*
tbec p^iuate men t|emfelu0B,o; V^m gnO0. : Utl^cl) ace ttftdz^ pactlg
br fb;ce,anD pactl]? tuitl)out fo?te*
ifo;tcei5an offence by to^tc^btolenceis bfeO to tljingis 0; pecfon^*
^nD fo;ce is either fitnple mtrt.

pimple fo;ce is committeO,tI)atit i)atb non^otliec

ttiat lti^ic|) is fo

crime aiiioi?neobnte it. ^sifonebyfoiceonelv entrett)<ntoanot^ec

Dians ppajelfion,l0itl)ont dotn^anv ot|)er tnlatufuUact V^m
^xtX fo/ce (S xypX XwAzniZi ixH^W conmiittco loiti) fuc|) a fact^as
.OiFencc^. gz
Bti^tifcmlti cttminali-: a^ tf att^ h^io^tt mUtintQ m oftitts pofo
(tttmjnm bill a inatt,mtD taniti^ a Ujioman t^cre f c
Sinn t^o(tijfemaB\x>^id^atc^tt^mcJi tDtt^ fo;ce,accDone&t t^ue

SLtjore of&nces U)||tcl)l9te Sntl^eD b^ tt:ue fb;c0> are eitl^ei: oone b^

men aCemblct)^ o; luttlifiut men aflTembleo*
0no fo;ce tott^ men affemblei,t( p;tuate o; jiublti^e
Parnate ff3;cet0,U)^nansM^toeapon0bv menafliemblcD^DotJ^
inaaoe t^a goods o; bot^ otamt^tt,nsi ttBtpas b^ entnngtnto grouno
o^ taking I)i0 cattdl,o^ ot^ct goDs, rnipaifoningof a mans boDr o^
beating of ^im tmtf) ones 6(i,o; cefcues of a ti:erpas,tiounD b^eac^, o^
ott)ecluireh)ttt)Gut tueapon,anD fncl) like*
pubtiHc fa^ceis t^at t^ioleme \j)\}itlf is dene b? an^ man afTem&len
loicb ^V ^ini) o^ tueapon tuljatfoeuec^as b^ forcible entct^, tieptngof
poSefrionof)15eneftces,C^appels,|ourcs, o; landes, o^omcestnlaiD^
tUlaaemblies,i;outs,nots,t:ebeUtonsagatnltfc i.Mar.ca.i 2.1 ijz.
cap. 1 7.
forcible entt^ is a ttolentaduallentrteinto ai)onfeo^ lanu f co^
taking abiftrefife of an? pecfcn toeaponeDo n\fzt^tt l^eoffiett3ioltnce
0^ feat:e of buct to an? t^eie,o; furiotifl? o?iue an? out oft^epoOJelTion
t|ereof,^.R.2,cap.7. 15 R.t,cap.2.8 H.6,cap.7,
SL forcible detaining o;tttittl)$olDingofapo0Peirion,is a tielentacte
of cefiHance b? Itcong ^ano of men,tueaponeD isiit^ ijamelTe 8;^ otl^ec
adion of feace intlje fame place,o; eireU)^et:e,b? U)t)tcb tbeia^fttll en^
tc? of 3!ulticesi);otl^er5 is bacceo o;l)tnO;eD,i9.Afl.49
Sin tnlatDfull aUtmbl? is ti^e meeting of ti^m 0; moe pecfons toge^
commit fome tnlalofuU aae, and abiding (hll , not
t|)et,^itb fo;ce to
indeuoucing ttje execution t^ueof^M to allanlti); beatean? perfon^o^
enter into ^is ^oufe 0; land t c
Si coat is an aiHemblrof t^:0(pet:ronso;^mo0, going on about fo;^
tibl? to commit an tnlaU^fuU acte bnt ?et doe it not^ Brooke titulo
Si ji^iot is t^e foible doing of an tjnlalofuU act b? t^;ee 0^ moe pec^
fons affembled togetbei fo^ t^at purpofe*
rebellions aacmblt?,is an afifembl? of ttuelue pcrfon* 02 moc^w
tending,going aboutj^^actiCng, oj putting in tjje \3nlaiufuUr cf t^eic
Dlnne autl)o;itie tocb<ingeanvlUb[ies 0; ^tututes of tl)tsi^ealme,
e; to dettrovtbe inclofureof an? par&e, 0; around inclofed, 0^ tl)t
hm'bis of an?lii]^onds,p(Dle,o; conduit,to !t)e intent tlie fam^ll^aU re^
matne totd,o;^ to tbintent tmlatufuU? to f)aue common o^tua? in any
of tf)e (atdgtounds,oi to dettro? t ^^^^ <n ^"^ 9^^f 0}m:f toarren of
(omeS)O; douei)ou!^s^oa fl(l) in mv pono^; ani^ ijcufe^ barnejeipmiUs
^4 0^

10 Indidments'anct

twai0,'.M f^c^jp 12. 1 Jibz.cap.17.

;aifo bi? ^tmhl^ mai? be nfpsttoma
t|)efmne aatutts an linlaltiftiU
abouctl^e number of tUio; but ti)atofti;nQbe(ndtl^et:ro|^tnoitK)no;
fofl^acpl^tobepunifl^eti* ^
it foUotDet{)^oU} fo;ce mai^ bee commttteDtottl^ouf a multitude*
Splits hint) of fo.:ce comp^tel^enDet^ euec^ liatme, i)urt, oamase, lofle,
Inmtierance^anD Dangec beftoes t)eati),i)appemng to am
o^oeaOpmoueable 0; tinmoneable^o; to meH,eiti)et: culpa 0; doto,ttMt
\$ negligently 0^ tntoittingl^ro; guilefuU?^ offet purpofe^tDlietljec
it beaa;sulting,beating?Uiountsing) matmtng,o;i)urting,b;utfing, 0;
impatcingof tfieboo^ of man o^beaft bp an^ means: iD^ tl}eb;ut(ing
b^eaking,o; impairing of an^ otl^er tiling lo^atroeuec toitt)out a mul^
tituDe^alfo b^e/ilting of p.:irons toefcape t^ence^b^eabingof ^oufeB to
fieale fometlimg t|)ence>o; to 00 fome feloni? t^t;e,tDl)icl) being in tl)e
nig|it,iE teatmeD butglarp,tcil)et:of tue i^auefpo^nbefo^e^ntteating

of ti}9ft* Blnt^ia tanl^e alfo map be platen tliepuUingbp e^remoutng

0f meecets^bounodjO^mackeajretfo^ttie oiuioing of one mans lano
ftom an0t^et0,anD manp otl^ei: fucli tterpalle0,tu[)et:ein in none appa^
cant fo^e 0; tecco^, as to f^atuke, ^unt, fiG), 0; fotule, 0; to cut, eate,
tceaoe, 0^ fople gtaffe in another mans fople tnUtDfuUr^ 1 1 . AiT. i (S~
ii.H.8.4,idi2i Ed.3.34.
^itl)ecto of o^ences oon^bp tcuefo^ce imkn x notu of fuel) as are
uotpaoperli?]}onetuitl)fo;ceantit}iolence,butbp intendment of t^t
tatD onli? * of tui)ic|t fo;it be b;ibert?,erto?tion,eraction3 p^iuate imp;i^
ronment,anD certaine otf)er lifte mifoemeano^*
2DI)o(eoffencesof b;ttberie,e);to;tion,anDeracrion, are committeo
tDl)en anp fo;^ feareof (its iuDgement^oflftce^o; ot^er potx^er 0; auttjon:'
tie,o; fo; an V otlier terro;j eractet^^erto^tetfj, ano lunngetl) mone^ 9%
ot^er tbings from anot!)er man,as ^ljerifes,Co?oners, 0^ otljer oflfi^
Dens of ifeUoU)fl^ip0,3IuDge0,I3ifljops,ja);iDinaries,ojotfjer j^flrtcers
tDl)atrocuci; : fo j i'efo;imation of totjiclj, fa tf)e feueraU ttatutes tljerc^
0f,tn tl)at bel^alfe p;ouioeo
%o tl)is ereto^as it fcemetb? nm be rcferreo t\)z eradion of bnlatD*
fulCbfurt :lol)ic|j is faking of an? tl)ing of an? man (0^ ttje lone,o;igi^
uingoai?of payment of monev^B 7 H. 8. cap. 9. ig Elizcap.io
^nn aUt)nlalufuUgames>t)ic^ beallgames^but ll^tng,3 3 H. 8
0m) enec)?ott)et: taking of mo;e t|en iBtmzfrs colour o;tp;etencr
of ri0l)t>as ttie tulting 9f e^eeOiue toll b^ q^illers> 0^ others? 0; of ep
Oifences^ p|

Ojfrnees ^ytnging from vpordes and deeds:

mncl) t!icn of (ingle oflftnce0,fp;iingmg ftom cnli? luo;t)0,o;): tn* St(k,(^6
S^ Ir Beet)0/{loUi felloUf tDofe Uii^tc^ tlTue fcom bott) tQ^zi^zt^vs tgofe
lDl)tcf) actfe fcom t{)0 ecimc of ^IO^odd*
SE^ofifenceof fain[)D !0a guileftjU antJ fcauoulcnt imttattoit of tlje
Uutl) againft tl)c lalu, anr> it 10 jommitt$d either b)? too^D o^ b^ oeeoe
ifal^cDD b)3 too;ji>,i5 b? Iring^ae if anp man D^oulD faine tnto ^im<
a falfe name 0; futnamejo; fa^ , l^c ts anotljjec man tljen liee i^, to
seceiuefomeotljec: ojbpperiucijUj^ic!) i0alieaffii:mei)b\?oat|.
i^al0^D b^ oao t0 a0 if a man \xsiitt 0; flgnc a falfe tcttamcnt , o^
faia^fotoolDnetlwmnromelegacieo^itcuft toljtmrelf0,tit^ut tl^e
minoof t|8 tettato?,o; if a man mafee a falfc oao,o; accempt^oj otl^er
mftcumentjO^if f)e bnbeo;^ corrupt a SJuDge^o^ 00 caje^djange^o; co;=
cupt ant> tD;tting,to tl)e tiefrauotng of anotf)ei: man,o^ 00 conuer^tc^
mooue,o^ ta^e atDa?,fupp;ei]^,conceal(;,o; falflr iiigno a tel(ament,o^
sountecietanotljermanBijanDinto^tttng^o^to conntecfett oa Witi
falfemone^^o; to aOultecate^embafe^aue^file^clip^tDan^, 0; empatce
ti^e currant coine of nglanD,o;t counterfeit tl^e |)anD0 of magiflrat09

ano cecttfi(cat0,tellimomal0, 0; ltcence0 in t\)tit name0, 0? to tjfe falfe

tQetgl)t0,mearure0>o; ltanDarO0 not agreeable lnitt) tfje D^ntarD* Co
co;ruptoKubo;nefaUetuttne(re0*I^ma^efalfeacccmpt0 0; reckon

Ipit^erto mai? toeteferre matntenancerano cljampertteanD fuite^,

imb^actng o^ enoetgUng of 3luro;0,fb^ging of falfe $ frauoulent \xyiu
Itng0, making of fcauDulent feofifement0, leare0, ano 0^00 of gift, o^
rattier falfe graunt0^^ conue^ance0 of lanD0 o^ g(DO0^ to Defrauo true
cret)ito20:,frauDulent confpiring of an^ man0 ^eatt), to auoljo ano t^n^
tertake tpon one to Defeno otlier mtm quarrels, to bee patron to i^z
caufe0of ott)er0)b^ lending of one0 namefo^meed,o; fauour of an of^
fent)o;,o;^ to t)ere>p;onoke,o^reuenge*
^Ifo falilr to coUuoein pleamng^o^ to betray ,0^ to lofe I)t0 clientj
$aufe loittingl^^o; falds otfcontinue ano fo^ke |it0 client0 fuite*

Other mens offentes^and hcnvfarre theyUnde va

IraueentreateD of our otowe oflfence0 : ot|>er men0^fcc0&o^ Se^, ^y

nameli? U)^en,ano l^oto farre toe are bouno b^ ttjem.
tuee ace bount bi^ oti^r in o^ence09 lulien toee are tiz^ br tfje
fault0 of our famtli^^o; of our beal^0
^4)r famili? o^noetf) b^ laigingoaca(ltn0>o; Ijanging of an^ tj^g
Indidmcnts and
in tl^c^igl^tua^jtufjccbr it iB ftoppeti oj f^inmti : tBjtcf) Q&tmtiB cal^
^ac ate bound bt! man^ tterpaSes of out tiDtuedjbut not to fnlleme
ta^po:aU punil^mcnt fo^ tljeit offence.
^Ifoif outbcafteso^cattdl offeno in eating etl^c menxsce^eo?
gtaflTOjO;^ in putting o; billing t^c btaftts o^ cattcls of ottjer, taee ate

bouno bt! it,o; if out Dogi,beates,oj I^on0,bojc0,ic. btt tl)egflM)0 o;

rattei of anr otljet^toe ate bound tljstbr^fo; t|)at ituc ouj$[)t to gonecne
Ojfencei vnnamcfi.

SciV c% T ii^"S!) of nmneij offence0, it temainet|i tj^atloeetjiet tljofe ioljifl^

if o; to^n tf)e tiattctie of ofifcncc gtete fo manifolD^tljat all could
notbeoiltinguit^eD bi? fpcciallnames^it itms appointed ttjat p2op>t;

e^fpeciall names afo^efaiD failing, t^eoi&nceof rofening anboeceite

fl^oulo come in place*
Si^boffcnce of cofcning taUetlj place,if an^ tljing be bonebp guile,i
o^out of contta(t0, tu^icbtJtllnot agta^U)it^ an^ oftbefato offence,
as if anr tife collufion o; fiauD totuatDs tbe Deatl),o; Dcftaubing of an
otbeCjO^lbiftingcountccfeittoace into tb^ place of otl)ew,o^to erad
a gteatet fumme tljcn is Due,o; a Debt \x^y<.t\^ \& paid, o; fell, o; pleoge
anv tbingto ttDo,feuetaUr atonetime,o;tli)at tbinglnbtcb ^!& anotbet
mans fo;^i)ti^oljDne,knoU)mg it tobeanot^ietmaHS : o^topUogeco^^
pet,o; otbet bafe mettall fo; gold,o; IilBer,|c.
'k>z^\it is a fubtill tuilv (btfto;deutcc baning none ot^et name
^eteonto map be d;atDt all manet of ctaft,fubtiltr,gutle,frauo,U)t^
lineire,aeig^tineirc,cunning,couin, coUn(ton,>decett, deutce, (i^actifey
ar^d offence tired to deceiue an otbet man bran^meanetftu^ic^l^at^
nong otl)f t p;opet o; patticulat name but oQimc0.

of indi^ments 414 remedies fir the firmer diftAj'es:

S^Ct o
T^"8 ^^" ^ tatbecileig^tl? (]^adotoed,tljcn petfectl? pojtcaited
JL tbebglpi^pe of fncboRo;mous offences, as tJ!iitl)tbeitdefi9;mi^
il mollblemil^ tbe bodp ofout beautiful,(ott)etU)ife flouu(^ing)com^
/ montoealtl). j^otn tbetfo?e \xst ate to fl^elxi t^z Uiaies ^oto to p^epate
remedies fo; tbe rauie,tDbicb muff bee done b? inotdments, tob^^m
ace cbieflu to be ef cd t^e mattet ano fo;me.
^be mattet 0;obte(t of inotctments ts notbing elfe but t^e feneraU
offtnces,and facts ^atdful,befo;^ DcCccibed,in \x>\)i^ t^e tjetpfart it
felfe and tbe ciccumftanccs tbeceof ace to be lucigbcd.

SDoucbuig tboflftnce o; fact it fclft,tue ate bete fullp to tcgatd t|)e be^
XI natuts t q^alttie of t^offencf;as;>U)|^ctl)ct it be ttaron^Ionp,tte(>
Offences. p^
pntCtMUiU o^ rome etgec ottentty ano of iDJ^at r0tiet;all hint it istmn
to^tt^ttitbtpunif^Mthi^t^ttonxmdn la^,o; h^(on\ep$m\\^Uf
tuttjt^SLtt^tinniftmtntt^ttzaponmw^bt ftameo acco;t)tnsli?.
SDI^e tittwnftmcts of tl^e fact ace feuen^tijat is to far^caufe^pecron^
^m0,pIate,qualttt0,quantttte,an& euent*
SHouc^mg tf)e caufe of tljofifence^^e ace to tuetgl) ltil)et|er tj^ofifencc
be of caufe init o^ tniufttlDtjetl^et: b^ c^ancc^o.: ofiiialirc, ano pucpofe,
o; bpoH a fuOOen,o^ b^ negligence^o; b^ guile,iut)tc!) maket^ feme ^o^
tntctDei lattifuU,ront punt(^ablc,ano tljat in feuecall Oegtee5*
2Df)e pecfsu w
in ttoo ro?t0 to be c^gacoeo, tijat is, aa l^e 10 agent j
patient^iFont IB notallonefoj infants ano men offtiU age, anofo;
men mao,lunattl{$B,f Bloiotjs to offeno* ^no ot^ecVutfe in man^ cafe0
common lealtl), magt^
acetlje^ to be puniH^eo iDf)ic() oafeno dSoD, t^e
licated,o;(tt)etcmaltet0anorupecto;js,tl)entt)evtf)ic^ offeno otliectf*
%^e timealfo in offmtt ma^ett) otlfecence bettoe^ne offences^ a^
in llaccen^ ano bucglacte*
Sl^pIaceinU&Qmanecmabeti) tlie felfeXamefact e^ti)ei:ti)eft,buci
315^ t^e confioecation of tlje qitalit)? toe oifcecne toljetljer an oflfencc
be l)einoui not,ano tobet!)ec it Itano in committing 0; omitting.

%^z bieto of tbe quantitie of tboffence iibetoetb bs; tobet^ec it be pu#

tiil^ablebi? oeatli 0; otbectoife^^ano if b^ oeatb, tobat manec of oeat^i
ano cegacoett) tbe cuftome,o; itecatien tbeceof.
%pe euent loi^etl) to tije final caufe^pucpofe^o; ilTueof tije fact^toi^e^
tiiec it be cafnalbo; tjoluntacie*
M to^icl) ciccumftance( ace pactli? feene befo;e,in t beep b<^nbltng
oftiie offences :noto let bs lobe mo^e fpeciaUpinto t^t fo;meof ti^t

of the forme of InditimentSi

I^tl)efb;imeof euecieSInoiftmcnt, befioes tlje ojoinacie too^oes of gA '

fo;rme,p;ccife cectainf^ to euecie mtent is to be as toatilp loifeeo bn^ ''^

toasinDecIacationsinciuiUruitsano cetucneof ^lecifes, 5H7*fo.

1 J ,& 1 2. 5.Ed4.2 i.otbectsuife istbcJInbictment infufficientjfoa 3fn^

tictmentsanuappeales bctljebeciebafeano fcunoation efeucciecci^

%}^i& cci:taintie conC^tb ficfi in tf)e name ant fucname of tljepar^
tiz iniii(teD,botl^ p^tincipall ano accefifaci^*
2 3ln tlje cectaine name ano fucname of tbe pactieoflfenoeb*
3 3ln tbecectaintie of time,tobeceint|e offence is Done,asfj)exep
taine oa^,Teace,tea ano mant? timts tbe beep ^ouce ise):paeireD*
4. 3Int^eplaceio^ecetl^ofifenceisp.ecpetcateb.


tt^fH to^etljecit b0 tt:earon,felon^^rerpaflre, Deceit, penallltatufe,! c*

6 3n t^ name fMaeoftlb^timg,tntD]^tc^t^eoaimte is tone,
mnto t^z name of ti)e partr tnotcteo muli he t^ntteo t^e aotitton of
Ijtfl cttate,eegr0e,o;m^l{ei:te,f t^eH^irc i tolwie,l)amlet oj place of IjiiS
DtDeUtng o; comm0;ancr4 all aooitions to|tcl^ (igntfte ante
tl)eH,o; late
latofuUeftate^egc(E,o^ m^fterie,aie goD : tufjetljet t^^ 4ie of Dtgnitw
bj? creatton,afi 2Dufee,9paiques:,atle, oaicont, ^w|)bi(l^op, 16i(l^p
!]intgt)t,^en0ant at tl)e latu : o.: Vottijout cceatton,a0ll5aron,C^rqttti;e,
^entleman,tiul)tcl) renames ofotgrnt^ tintt)ont cceatton.;^irojaiDet>
man,SDoeto;,3tcl)Oeacon,2D0ane,pai:ft)n, parifl^ Clarte, luioolOjfin^
glet^oman^bc gon aotitttons of cHate o; oegre^ but fermouc^feniant,

bnf lecjic^ace not,fo; tt^at tl>c^ are common to (]De!itlemert,|^eomr,f c^

uno fo inccctaine: mecc^ant,gcocec,tailec,t3^a)mafeer,tannej:,ccier,
broker, l^ufbanoman, omec, Ijabbecoafl^ec^millec^O^apei:, golofmit^,
butcl)et:,c^apman,Ubo;(a,rptnffet:, anoeueneot^ec aoDitionof ante
lalDfull occupatton0,beg(DO aODttionid of nvifimt* Butnettliet Cfyan^
^rc^oeacon, beacon, )0;ebenoarte,pacfen,noKuc^ ot^iec names of
ttgnttte(btreafononl^ ofoffiee)areg(DO,but intern fuc|)pet:ron0 be
cl^cgeo fo} ofrence,b^ teafon of tjbetc offices : no; citt^en/o; it mt^
nameti) ani? mttote,act,no: Degree : mitljet erte^ttoner, banltcupt,
fucl^lt^e^betngagatnlttl^elaln* 3if ti)e place tuliereof t^t o^nto^ts
0? tuad,bean ^amlet,ano tt)ece be otuecs Camlets in one tti^n^t mn^
h$ nameo eitl^ec of ti)e toltm o^ tjamlet : hut if it be onl^ a place Ibnotun
in a totone,ano not an ^amlet,^e mutt be nameo of tl)e toton^ 3 5. H. ^.
fo. 3 o.tf tl^e tolune luljete ttje otf^noo; otuelletl) htattt^ one felfr name
t^t^md^j^t mai? bcnameo of ett^ec :but if t^ecebettootoluns

ofonename,tH one pact(^,l)e oug1[)ttobe namcD of tl)e pacific, 5-Ed.4.

fo.iip.2i. 4.fo.32.ec 22.H.().fb.4i. Alias di(^us tnBlnOt(tment0tS
not neceOarte. Qe aoottton office oegrde 0^ m^Hedemult be fnc^^aie;
t^ie partie l)at!) at tfje Ijcct? time of tlie inoictmcnts : but ^t mai? betep
meomipofan^ place lut)eccof[)el)att) bin at anytime befe^e^butttts
beft to name ^im of tlje place of lDf)ic^ \}t in ox Uft Uias t|us : Jura! pro
dSorcgc pfcnf,^ I.S.nup dc D.in coiTi Eilex bufbanoman f c. ;anofut:^
tf)Ci;,tlietimeoftf)eofifencecommttteDmuli be tbusfetooUme^as in
pccfonalladionsquintodie Fcbfanhrcg'dhi mi lac' Dei gratia Aa-
gliz &c:^n9 in fome tn^tctments^as of mucoet, f bucglacte, t|ie tecie
^once i0 to beei:p;e(reo,a0 hora 6: ante mcrid (if it tvece before ncont)
f poftmcf (ifittoetc after) eiufddici tiftl^eofl&nccbccommitteo after
nmn % bffii; mionig^t^t mutt be lato in i fame M^ ; if after mionigj^t
Offences. P5
imu befbje t\\t fun riffngjtften ir: tlje ca^ foUctDm^ anu if tt}C time bs

eirp^cffeD bf tje vtit of our il.eoD (as it mar t^') ti)cs i tlje ^ccc begins
titt\f \mt\)\iB mmnm^on tlje 250av of spacrfj tbixt in inoictments
a tfjing 10 omitf et 0;: not Don,t!jerc neetjetl) no timt
tobir!) p;jcfcnt t\\at
of t!)e not coing 0^ cmiiiion tljecef be fcf fo;t!j, as tl^at a Ditclj tuas not
fcoto^eOjbv mcanes U)i)cccof meaDctues be ouerflolncn, ano fur f) Ufee*
'^f a manbcffiul^cn oj poifenebin oneccuntle, anu Dietfrcreof in ano*
ttjcc coiintT',tI)inDictmcnt mav be in t[)e czmtv to^erc t^c oeattj bape^
neD,2.& 3.Eliz.c3.?4.am>tf one become acre^aci? inonecountieto a
muriDecc;otberfeIcni?Bone in anct^cc, be mar ttteU be mOirtcD in tbe
fomUr UibccetjetDas accetor.i^eiubwbtobbetb in tbe county of)^
ano i0 take toitb ^emanec in tlje c OMntr of ^.map be inoicteo bftljeft
febcreb^ is fo appje^fDeajbut not ofrobbecr^but intbccountptob^ce
tbofi^cncetuasDbne SEb^pltife is tbus to befetocUmcapud Bin com
C. if 0^ it i not gojo to far in ccm pJia* referring to tbe name of t\iz
countrt jitten in tbe margent of tbinDictment : anb tbe place of tbof=*
feme is fcmetime mo;e fpeciallr (tt ooUme tbus,apud B.in com C. in
qoodam loco ibid vbc* tbe t^o^tb-clofe |c. etlfo to be regaroeb t^^
it is

if a countv beDtntueb info fiweratDtuifions^fo t^t tbofe tobif b bt Sfu^

ftices in one tiuifion,be not IwfUtts in anctber oiuifion tberofjas t^c
countr of po;fee,tobicb is btuiceD into 3 niuifions, calletj iKiDings,aj5
tbe toettrioing,eatciDing anci no,2fb^i5ing,it is reqtiiftf e tbat it be ep
^^eiTefi in ti)inmctment,in inbtcb of t^c DiuiScn 0; ritJingstbofrenres
jjapnebjaSaptidRiinboeffrtmng incoifiEbof inqiiodabcoibid'i^^t'
tljeidDge tc*fo; tlje commiflTipns, toberbr tbe Biufttccs of peace infnclj
rtogsareoj^etneobiHieintbem fncb Iwozosas fcUoto,t3if. Sciatis
qdodaflignaiDUsvosibniunflim&diuififii, & quemlibec vfm luftic*
lioftrcsad pacem noftrjjro in partibusde Wcftriding in com noftro E-
b^niiti confcfuatidam'&c. Mandamus cnimtcnorc pr^fcntium vie* nfo
^borum,q<f ad iltes-did & loca, qux Vdsvcl aliqui huiufmodi duo vcl
plurcs vfo), vt pd eft,fcif feccritis, venire coram vobis vcl hradi diiobtjs
vcl pluribus vcftrtJm^Vt diflum eft, talcs probos& legales hoiuincj dc
partibas praediftis tarh intra libcrtatcaicjuam C3Ctra,pcr quos rei Veritas

in pr^miflis melius fi^ipotcrit 8c inquiriSec. ^0 tbat tbe potoec of

fticb luftices ertehtletj no tuit^tt tl)en to tbofe iKioings onely ih
lubi^b ^ber bin fc mabe luHices, ano tberefb^e hj^nt is br tbom oone -f05 "9
Ct^rtoife is coram non ludice,ani) tsoio
Albeittbe name of tbe perfon to lbo" tboffence is connriitteb be in
ntanr caies reqotreD,retan inutctment quod ddcndcns bona & catali-
la'cuiufdamijnotifckstiitecepitdcc. in tjeft t qucnd^m ifrnotCi ftl
foni'cc-dcpredaurt &^. in tobberfti^ gocfi fo^ tbe king's ^Duanta^e 'of
tbsfo^f^tture t^rebr accniing/ois it? as it feemetlbquod vi& ariiii
Tndidments and
&c. iDfulcumScaffraiam in qucndara ignotum fecit &c. Dyerfol.^g,
pag.^ji.&zSj.p.sS. i!3uttf t|jC0owofaC^urcl)betahcnatMa?,t^
3!nOUtinentmuftije quod bonaparochianorum in cuftodia gardiano-
rum EcclcfiiE dc C. cxiftcnccpcrunt,& afportaucrunt &c. 3ft^ggW
of amaitbetaUcn^Uj^emaUetlj^iscpccato^js, anD mt^^t^t Blnotct^
icnt mufthct, bona tcftatoris &c. but if tl[)cp be taken aftec t^e tefta^
to;s UCat^, it ftjall bCC bona tcftaioris in ctiftod' cxecufcxiftcn&c.
gmncffone i0 dc bonis cccleii; : coat armour Ranged ouec a tombe, be
tlje gooDS of t\)c Dead mens erccuto^s : gooDs tahen from one,are t|)e

gooDfl of t^e t wfpacrcctjHtill tlje otoner Ijaue wcontinueo t) w p^opec^

tit : gooDiGi baileO,are faid bona of t^ie oUmec in cuOodia balliui. %^^
names of t!)ing0 in txjjjic^ ttjoffence is committcD ouglit alfo to be tec*
tainef^ mentior^cD in inDictments,DeaD tilings ma^ be caUeD, bona &
catalla^erpaeiring tlieir names cectainl^jas appearetID |ereaftet: but of
liutng things tee muft not ra^,bona &
catalla, but vnura equum, 0^ 3.

cquos & oucm,boucro &c. j^nD tfjctjalue of tijofe tliinQS in U)I)icI) ofj<
fences aix committeo ib tfuaUr comp^ifeD in 31noictments,tvl[)icI) (ec^
xntt^ necelTat^ in tljeft to mafee a Difference from petie Iarccni?,anD in
'trefpasjto aggrauat t\)t fault t increafetl^e fine,but no pw
of t!)ings
fcr? natuf ma?
beerp?effeD,as of oeerejljaccs fCjif t|ie^ be not in parks
:0Z toarrens^Ujljic^is alibert^^S.E.^.fo.j.nojof cfiarters of !anu;anD
.iDliere tl^e number of tt)e tilings taUen are to be erp^ITeo intl}t inDict^
jm8t{t,as of ?ong ooues in a doue^oufe^^ong ^atohes in a iPooD, t^ere
muft be faiD prcci j,o; ad valcnciam : but Of one Uuing t^ing,o^ of one
Oeao tiding oneI?:,it is prcci),an& not ad valcnciara, but of Diucrs oeati
tilings ad vaIcnciam,anD not prcci j. ^f co^ne not currant,it II^U be
prccij,butof(o?ne currant l^allneitlier be raioprccij,no; ad valentia,
.fo;tl)ep;iceanDt}aluet[)ereof is certaine, but of connterfeite co^ne^
H^aU be faiD ad valenciam, ano in counterfeiting of coine H^all not hx
fait) io.libras)ndcnarijsdominircgis,uo;inpccu^domin]RegiSjbut

ad inftarpccuni^dortiini Regis. , .;.-a ri,.^-


snije ber? maner office fact o; tieetJ it felfc^aib nature of t^e ofifencc
/ mnSalfo bementigneo tn ttie inDictment,as in efcape, fo; p^ifon b;ea^
kingimuftbe erp^elTeo fa; tul^at felony t^ oifenbo;^ iuas app^eijenoeti
Ann imp^ifoneDtanD fo^coiiterfettingofmon)^mutt bel^eUieo to^^at
tf)^ counterfeit is Uke,as groats^Hjillings $(:^nd in murDeran^tHan

flaug!)ter,tfjeftcottetDfjeteof oeati) enfueDjDyerf.p^.pl.^a. j^nofe

jQanberous U)o;tt>s againO; t^ciH* t^e ber? Uio;Ds mull be certainly fet
DptDne :^uo fo^ entr^ into,^oufe,tanos;>o; tcnemeats^uftbeerp^er:*
CeDjtD^at nianner of t)oufe:ylanos>p; tenements, as a meflfuage, a ^qj^
tage^rable lanD^meaooto^palturejo; tuoo. 0nD iu^eretn an^ M^ict^
ment/ieu^raU acts hzfm ^9 ma^e ^t^Qf^tz to^i^ in^s beoone at

^ Offences, ptf
feaecall timts rnitj p\actB,hot^
thn^s anu plaf eg muft be certainly
e]cp;eireD, as in murger ano Rianflau0tjtcr, tfaalTault ano f fjc ftiifeing,
a0 apud B.in com E. &c.in qucndam IS. infultum fecit, ipfiin? IS. &
cum quodam gladio preci j &c. adranc ibid fclonice, ex inalitia fua &
prarcogicata pcrcunic & murdrauit. 0ntj m tljeft,f he t!)tng ttollcn muft
cei'tmnlrbclaiiiDotttne, 2 2.Airpl.75.5c29.Afl:4j. ^vitD anBInnift*
mentagamftaitacceflracie,mua^ettifel)at felcnv t!)^ p^mctpaiicom^
mittcD,ani3t|)atftnotutni5ie,l)cceceiueo t|}cfeIoiifelonioHflr,7. H.^.
SDoudjingtfjefeqecaU natures offeuccall offences,itistol?^ncteQi
ti)atw3frtbictmetTt6fbeafon)s;,t[jefa<t mulibc ncceffadli? faujtcbe^
Doite,proditorie; ofmartier,n3ui-dr3uit : ant) of manflaugfjf cr anij alio^
tfjet:felomej5,ti)eDDmirttbe nu'Dtobeoonefelonice.anu in burglary,
Burglaricer,o^incemtonead fclariiamfiuc murdrum facitnd&c. in rap0
fclonice rapuit,in t^eftj felon cepic & afport, tf it be a UeaD t!)mg : if It^
uing,al>duxit,o^ fclonice furatus eft. Bill petie J^cceiiu anD maime muft
0nr> nottmtljftanbing ffjeflaf ufe of 3 7. H. S.ca.S. if is not athtlle in
ctiette3lnuictmentconternin0felon^o;tr;erpa,to t)retl)ctoo.:Dj5(vi &
armis) viz.dadi) J,baculi$,cultelli5,&c. 0nD in a forcible tntt^ tjpon t!)e
ltatlJte]8.H.6.c.9. muft bematiuforci &c. OJ cum mulritndinc gentium
&c.^nti in an SfntictmentfownD tjpon ftatute5,itrmiietl) notnitoftiU
to recite tbe (fatutevcrbatim,asljat!j bin beretofojc t)rcD,ant)namcl^,''
iftfreffatutcbegenecalljj.H.^.i i.3o.a{r.38. ^utfuH^anDcertainlt
to tf^fcribe tbcfftnrc againft tt)eteno;j of tlje fame ttatut.auD t|)en conr
dUiSeUlitl^ ttjefe Ino^OS, Contra formam ftatuti in hmdi Cafu protiifi &
aediti : 3Sft^ecc bc oncl^otte Statute Of t!)at offence t but if tfjere be Dt^

uers concerning tt;e fame, tfjcn ttje conclufion muff b? Contra forraahi^
diucrfornto ftatutorum in hmdicafuxdit&jpuifof &c. ^;^

'^0 it^'is ft^i^HPtobcnotcb, tbat in 31 noirtments gtetirtVetf tjpfe

jjenallltatut0(otbect!jen fo? tillage) giuingtljrpenaltt! to tt)eliingoH^
If ,mai? be erliibiteo at an^ time tjjitl)in ttoo i^earesr after ttje offence.
5i5ut if t|ie benefit be to t^e |i);ince, anu anotbet perfon, it cu^^t to be
fueo fo? fucb perfon ano t^e fs^ince \x)it})in one veare^^no fo? t Pnnce
alone luit^in tb^zee y eaces, if l^;tec time be not in t\^t beJjalfe limitcD
in fuc^ peuallttattJtes, 3 1 .Eli.cap. 5.
liBut tbe formes of ^nDitfmeiitstutllbell appeare in tbefollotoing
cpamplcfijtDl^icljfo^jtbciUeaoersearc 31 bae Ij^cc alp^aUeticall^f^t '


IVifaeotespro dofninareginaprxfcncant^quod A.B. dc G.indi^o co- v rv ,

nHcaicu B.t^omaH^vicciiQo die mcnfisO^bris, Anno regni domiri'

fioftrx Elizabeth^ , Dei gratia Angliaf, Francis & HiberniaE reginac
fidcidcfcnforis,&c. Triccfimo, & continue multis dic1jii$po{}ca,viz.vf'^
qucpriroumdicradifli Oc1ob',annofupradifto,apudQ.pdi!Ct incp-
roicatu pracdilo, obQinate atquc cxaaftoritatc propria ipfijis A. B. fine.
vUa lufticiariorum pacii diflae doraina? reginac in cornitatU prafdic!adv
mifsione aut allocationc^afrumpfit fupcr fecuflodirc, cuflodiuit vnam &
conimuncroTabcrnam (Anglice vocatara a COUimon S^iplillg Ijoufe)
& ibidem diloviccfimodic,&didi$ ditbus tura poflea, communiccr
& publice vcndidit ccruifum, & potura (Anglicf diluii?'^le ailO
liBflJtc) diucrfis dile dominac rcgin<j li^eis 6c fubdijis^, In did^ domih

regihcontemptum,ac contra rormam cuiufdam flattui, in ParliawcntO;

dhi Ed wardi niip regis Anglix fexti cento apud VVcftm, anno regni di-^
^idniEd.quinto,inhuiuriDodi caiuprpuif.&acditi,. ., .,;,,. ...,u .

ScCt.7 2 . T Vratorcs pro doroina rcginapr3cfcntant,quod A,]?), dc C. in di^o co-

.Imitatu SDailo^^^natus infra hoc rcgnum Angliae, viz., jy?u4 CprcdicL,
fedHliusauc hercs apparcns alicuius milicis, aut filius hominis altioris
gr^dus non cxii)ens,nec pocens cxpendcre per^apnuip vigintt hbraSiin
cprriSjCeneincntis^feodiSj oflici js, aut .alijs 9nnuisrciientionibus,pro ter^^
mino vitas fux : nee vaiens duccncas 'libras dc bonis fui proprijscncip-
vnquani MaiprjB^IiuuSjAIdermanus, auteapitalis officiariusin ali^MS
ciuitate,burgo,aut villa corporata exiftcns,nccdi^x>dfix rgih feruicnSt
inprdinario (vtensdiOsdhzreg'liberata).exi(lens: lo.caniendieO-
A(^',^anno rcgni di^ac dhx nfx Eliz. Dei gratia, Anglise, Francis, &
H):berni^ lieg'n iideji defenforis ScctriccHmo, apud C.prxdi({ in comiC
praedicf,percotum 20. diem anno fupradi^lo, intcriore parte cuiufdain
pilei fui (Anglice vocaCap,qiiodamHrrico (Anghtc jdifto toffata)
(ad yalorera duof folidof) illic^ie & palaip y^JS jsft : contra forinara cu-..;

iufdarnftatuii>in Parliamcnt^philipp; &M^n5 nu|> Regis & Kegin!

Anglia?,tcmo apud Wenmin<eai j\4ic|(i/ 9nnisiegnorup]fuorum,pri
mo & (^cundq,|ii h^i^i^^oi^ffifvigfipmfii^diu, ",

Forvfwg the Art ofa Mercer again^ the Statute of hjXfiO quinto

Cg A _ Vratorcs pro domina Regina prefcntant, quod A. B- dc C in comicaj^v

*'*** I
lE.Spei:ter,viccfiniodiemenfis Maij, Anno rcgni di^x domin^no-
ftrac Elizabcihx,Dei gratia Angliar, Frahci"e,5c Hybcrnis regina*, fi-
dcidefenfocis&c.triccfifnoprimoi&aiultisaliji dibu$ contmuc.pof^
4<ft"^i0ipcr fpacium rfuorum mcofiura, cxtun^;puiPXiwiff/qi)0f^
/;. vide-

Offences* py
diem lulij, anno fupradifto, apud C. 3 in
videlicet, vfcfuc triccfinium
comkatuE.prcd*,quandaraartem, fiuc myftcrium (Anglicc di^m
Spetcede)illicitcprolucrofuoproprio vfitauit &
excrcuit: tunc ibi-
dem vcndendo merccs (Anglicc vocacas ^ttCBtiz toarcs) diucrfis di-
^acdom'reginaeligcis&fubditis: vbircucraidera A.B.nunquamfuic
indi^aarte fiuemyfterioeducatustanqoaraapprenticeus perfpacium
fepccmannorum,nccidcm A.B.candcm artera(fiuc myftcrium prcd')
duodecimo die lanuarij, anno rcgni dic^ac dom'noftr^ reginx nunc
qumto vfiiauerit, autcxercucric: In roagnudift^ doming reginaecon-
tcmptum, ac contra formam cuiufdam ftatuti in parliamento diftae dom
rcginac ndftr ae nunc tcnro apud Wcftraonaftcriu, anno ret^ni fuo quin-
to,inhoccafuprouifiac3rditi,vtfupradi,c*, -..r^uU&.vv>

'i '
'.' ', '.
' J

^ft JndiElment vpon the Statute of An. T . tjifar. cap. 1 2 . for the afembly ef
trvelueperfoKS a^embled together , to the intent to cutdowneaConduiU
headtandfidytngthere three hour es after proclamation made that the
fhoptld depart,

IVratorcs pro domina regina prefcntant, Quod primo die mcnfis Oc- o
* ^*
tobris, anno rcgni dominas noftrae Elizabethan, Dei gratia, Angliie, '

FraHcijE,&Hybcrniaercgin,fidci dcfcnforis&c. triccfimoquinto A,

B.C.D.E.F.;ant! fo reciting r^.perfonsi at tl)e Icaft^tuitl; tljeiraDUiti^
ons of occupations anti tltocUiwgg , apud quend.im locum infra paro-
chia de O. in com' ' pdift', (Anglicc vocatum le olU Couct) inter bo-
ras decimam 6c vndecimam ante meridie ciufdem diei, vi 6c armis,tam
inuafluisjquam defeniiuis, videlicet, gladijs, pugionibus^ baculis, arcu-
cubus, fagittis, tunicis fcrreis, ettormcntis,feipfos congregaucrunt,et af-
femblaucrunt : Ac tunc & ibidem intendcrunt, conari Cunt, pracVica-
uentntetinvfupofuetuntjvietarmis, illegitimci et cxauthoritate fua
propria, fccare,etprorfuseucrterc, proftcrnerc acdeftruere quoddam
caputvniusaquxduAus (Anglicc vocatumd COntJuit Ijeati) tuncibi^
in fundo cuiufdam R.vS.deO. praed'in comitac praedifto generoficxi-
ftens, ct curfum aquae in ipfo habens, ea incentione, vc idem caput aquas
duftus prediA' ex tunc apcrtum et vacuum remancrct ac iaceret : Et vl-

tcrius, quod fuper qucrinionia inde fala coram T.W.vno luflicia-

ribruttipacisdiftsedominaereginae incomitatu E.prafdifto, omnesec
{inguliprajdi>iA.B.C.D.E.F.&f. tunc ec ibidem pereundem lu-
fiiciarium rec[uifiti funt ac iufli (per proclamationem in nomine di
^idoffiinsReginae tunc 6c ibidem per eum palam fa^am)ad habi-
tationeSjlocajCtdomosfuas (vnde vcncrant) fc inde in pacifico modo
retraherc, retirare, difcrcderc 6c reuerti: quae quidem prodamatio
tunc ibidem raodo
& forma fcqucntibus, habita 6c fafta cfl , videlicet,
N. pr3C-
. . .

Indidments and
pidi(^sT. W.Iufticiarius tunc ibid' fecit vita voce vnum ;^e0,ac
tunc ibid' immediate ha^c verba Anglicana fequentia palam, ccaica vo
cc pronunciauif, diccns, fcilicet, 2Dl)e ^umt
one ^ouecaigng lUDie
Thcprocla- ct^argctfianD commaiiDetljaUpecrona (being affembUi)) immeDtatli^
mation. to Difpccfc ttjenifelue^fj anu peaceably to Depart to t^tit l^abitatioiw,
a^ to tfjeic latofiUl bufiiics, tjpon t|)e painc5 contained in tfje act lately
maoe agatnH t}nlaU)fu!l anD cebelltouss alTcmblie^ ; j^nti d^oo fauet^s
Elud^ne. Et vlterius luratorcs pd dicunt, quod non obftantc diAa pro-
clamation inodo& forma pd per pfaclufiiciaf tucibidefa)^act habi>
Their flaying tajjdcm tamenomncsetfinguli pa A.B.C.D.E.F.&c.indiQo loco vo-
aficr thepro-
cato le olD Coutt^infra parochi^de O. pd in dif^o comitatu E.per fpa-*
ciumdujfhorarumj immediate et continue poH dilam prccJamatioii
iic vt pfercur fatam et habitam requentium^fcditiofeecfelonice inlimul
rcraanferun^etcontinuaucrunt,in raagnuradiftae dom' rcgin^coccmg-
tum, ac contra pjcem,coronam, ct dignitatem fuas , necnon contra for-
mam diuerfof. Aatutorum in Kuiurmodixafu ^uifof xdicof. &
^gainTi a Baretton

ScQ, 75",
IVratores pro doraina rcgina pfentant,quod A.B. de C.in comitatu B.
%ni[ti}y fccundo die Oclobr, anno regni dilaE*, dom' noftrc Eliz, dci
gratia Angl', Franc*,cc Hyerfi regin', fidei dcfcnforis&c. Triccfimo
quarto,apud C.pdift' in comitatu E.pred*,fuit,etadhuc eft comunis
Barreftator, et pacis diCiq dom' rcginsepcrturbator afliduus & public',
necnon communis acturbulcntus calumniator, conuiciator, pugnator,
cc litium inter vicinos fuas feminator^ adeo vc diucrfas lites, controuer(i>
as, necnon iurgia^etpugnasadtunc ibidem, ccalibi indigo com' E. in-
ter diucrfos dift* domin' regin' ligeos et fubditos , moait, procurauit, &
excitauit:InmagnatndidaB^dom'reginx pacis perturbation, accon^
era formam diuerfarum ordinationiim acflatutorura huius regni fui An-
liae^in huiufmodi cafuantehacprouiforum ac xditorum.


Nquiratur pro dom' regina, ^i R. E.nupcr de G.in comif D.^eoman,

Seft. 7<J. J
XX. die Scc.apud G. pdid in com'pdil',fuit,5c adhue eft communis
Barreftat,& pacis dift' dfiae Reg*pturbator,&opprc{Ior vicinoffupf^
al' legcof di^' dhae rcg' incom' D. pdifto, ac communis malcfaftor,
calumniator, &rcminlR)r litium &
dilcordiarum inter vicinos fuos pd,
ad magnum difpendiuro,grauamcn,& perturbation vicinof pd,6ca)io-
rum fidelium ligeorum di^^ dom* rcg' in com'D.pdilo, cStra ordina-
4ioncs,legcs& ftatufhuius regni Angli^.in huiufnwdi cafu af djt& proi-
.,'..> ,V1 uiCac-

Offcnctsl p8
va(m ac contra pacem dtdx Dominx Reginac coronam dc^.

Fcr an affray made at the time that the Afsifes and Ga^le delitierie
is holdeifhefere the lufiiees ef

the Affife.

f Nquiratur pro domin* Rcg.fi C.P.& W.C.&c vi & armisjvidelicice Sel.y

I gladijs,fcutis, etpugionibus apud C. pd arraiat ill i fire congrcgaf,
''tempore AfKfaf dift'doroin'Rcg. adtunc apud C. pdtcntaruro^nec
i non infra precih ciufdcm viIlae,R. W. &
R.H. carund Afllfaf luftic',
ac luftic* did' dhz Reg. ad gaolam dc I. io eodem Coroitatu dc prifo-
narijgincademcxiftemjbusdelibcrandafligfijcirca deliberation eiufd
gaolas tunc apud C. 5 exiftcntibus,infult
f &
afFraiam inuiccm fccerunt,
ad magn perturbation* Cur did* dfix reg.ac luftic* fuof pd tunc ct ibid
cxiftcnt,ac in terror ct perturbation diuerfof fubditof eiufd dii^ re*', tuc
cc ibid exiftenf , et in malum et pcrnitiorura cxcmplum omnium iit^cof
did* dnx rcg. ac contra paccm dift* 6i\% rcg.coron', ct dignitatfuas (8cc.

Tor an affray and beating of one at the time of the uijpfet and
Caek dcliHcrteyheUet* before the Indices
of the Afsife,

INquiraturfiF.F.&c.xj.die&c.vietarroig&c.Iuftic'diiI'dnaercg. Sc^. 78.

ad Afljfas in Colli pd eapicnd, nccnon ad gaolam eiufdem Comkat^
apud W. in codcm Comitatu dcliberand aflign*, adtunc ludicialitcr
fedent et exiftenC in quendam W.C.in pace dei et dift'dng reg.apud
W, pd exiftcn!,ex maliciafua precogitata infult fecit ct ipfum W. cum
, quodam gladio quern idem F. in manu fua dcxtra adtunc ct ibidbabuic
caput fuuro, dans eid W.C. diuerfas plagas, per
ct tenuic, pcrcufTit fuper
quas ipfum W.in magno periculo vif fuse pofuit,ita ^ de vita fua dclpe-
rabatur,in magnum iufticie et legum huius regni Angl'contempt,ct pcr-
nitiofu cxampl' aliof,ac cont pac dift* dn^ reg.c oroii ec dignit fuas &c.


INquiraturprodiiareg.fiO.P.&c.decimo,apudT. pdin Comi?E. Sz(\,y^^

ct gcncralis gaolc deliberation adtunc et ibidem
pd,tcropore Aflifaf ,
tent,et fedenCadtunc et ibidem lufticiaf dift'dnas rr g.ad h (Hf capiend
necnon ad gaolam dift' domin'reg. caftri dc T. pd \i\ Com pd dclibe-
rand afngnat,vi 6c armis,ct ex malitia fua prccogitata,in,ct fuper quend
I.e. nupcrdeS. in Comitatu D.^eomart J inpaccdei,etdift*domine
Rcgin* adtunc &
ibidem cxiftcnf; infultum&ajOFratam fecit; ipfum ^
N i; ver-
verberauIr.vulHcriuit,& inaletraaauit,& prcf .O.adtunc ct ibidem cun
quoduro^ladiovaloris ^.foli^&quatuordcnariof , qucraidcin O.in
roanufua dextra adtunc &
ibidem habuit& lenuit pd lohanacm C.ad-
tunc &
ibidem percuffit &
pupugit , dansAidcm I.C. adtunc ibidem &
quoddamvulnusfiuequandamplagaminlacitudine vnius pollicis, &
profunditate quatuor pollicium,ita ^uod idem I.C dc vita fua maximc
periclicabatur,inmagnampcrturbationem tarn pdluftic* dift^ dominx
Rcginx , adtunc ibidem in Curia pd feden" quam totius populi,& li-
gcorum fobdiC dift? domin? Reginx dc pd com' S. adtunc &
conflucnc & aitendcnc',ac in magnum contempwim dia^ doming Reg.
AC in iufticix ibidem exequend & adminiftrand retardation' rcanifcd',

ac contra pacem diftx dominae Rcgine,coron',& dignitatfuas&c.

TerBfiggerie commit ted by a MwiHer being au Italian , borne

jeares old^

"T Vratores pro dha Reg. prcfentam,quod A. B. nupcr de C. in dilo

S&a. 0. I
^-0^, ^jierJcus(Scalicnigina in CiuitatcRoiana Italic natus)dccimo
die Marti) vi &
armis,apud C. pd in c omitatu pd, aii.Reg. dhae nfx
Elizabeths, dci gratia Angl', Franc',& Hibern' Reg.fidci defenforis
&c.Tricefimo,in quendam I.S. de C. pd in didl' com' E. pucrum maf-
culum(actatis non amplius quindccim annof, ac tunc ibidem in quodam
loco vocato \z 0rb?Cjin pace dci &
dift^ dn^ Rcg.cxiftentem) infultora
fecit, ac cum difto I.S. pucro pd fceleratiffimc,fclonice , ac conJnaturx
ordinemtunc ibid rem habuit vcncream,dituq-puffcarnalitcognouit
ac fic cum eod puero peccat illud horribile, ac Zodomiticu ( Angl' vo-
caium)15uggede)adtun': ibidfelonice c6mifrit,acppetrauit,concpace
dift'dn? Rcg.nfe,ac con! form' ftatuti in huiufmodi cafu ^uili ac ^diti

For BttrgUrie in a dwelling houfe in the night time,for tuking out of

moneyontof a chtfiy andfor the accejfories before the^

offeMces^and the accejfories after,

c n. Q, TNquiraturprodomin'Rcg.quodcuml.H.nuperdcH. incomprcd
" '
^coman,x.dicMai),an.rcs,fiRcg.E(j2.&c. 5^.yi&armis&c.dcm
* manConalcm cuiufdam P.arroig'apud H.pd in cofii E.^d circa horS

decimam in nofte eiufdera dici, feJoriicc & burgiaritcr fregit & intra-
uit;&quadraginta libras in pccunijs numcratis , de bpnis &
catallis pd

P. in quadam ciQa in domo pd adtunc exidcnt inucnf felonic{?<;cpit &

afportauit, contra paccradidl* dn<rBeg.&riquidamChrjftQphcrusQ.
-nupcr dc H, pd in coiiJ S. prsediv^' ^'mmn > ante fcloniani ^ burglar
Offences. pp
pdil'peripfumT.H. in forma prcd' faOa etppetratani, viz.fextodic
Maij.anno i4.fupracl\cundcT.H.apudH.pd incom'E.pdadfcIo-
niam ct burglaria pd* in forma pd' ficfaciend* fclonicc cxcitauir,abbct-
tauic, 5c procurauit,contra paccm diftae dom' rcginac nunc. coronam&
dignitatem fuam. Et li quidam I. K. nupcr dc C. in com* S. prcd*|^eo^
man^fcicns prat.T.H.feloniamprcditam in forma pdila lie fccifTccc
perpetralTccundcmT.H.difto dccimodieMaij, annofupradifto.poft
felon f>d per ipfumT.H.ficfadVamccperpctratara, apud H. pd in co-
mitatu S. prcd' fclonicc rcccptauic,conrortauit,ct hofpitauit, contra pa-
ccm di(\x dom rcginse coronam cc dignitatem fuaic.

For Burglary in a dwelling hotifein the night time, for the ajfaulting (^ put-
ting infeare ofthem in the houfe^ anafor taking ofmoney out ofa cheU,

T Nquiraturpro dom* rcgina,fi N.H.nupcr dc G.in comE. pd Y.T.E. Sc^. %%1

nupcr dcM.in com' prcd* Y.dccimo die fifcintcrhoras vndcc'etduo-
dccim' in node ciufd' dici vi ec armis 5cc.domum mandonalem cuiufda
R.B. apud W. in pdifto com' Eborum fclonicc ct burelaritcr frcgcrum
ct intrauerunc, ct in ipfum R.B. adtunc ct ibidem in cadcm domo in pa-
ce Dei, ct diftas dom' rcgin cxiftcnf, infultumfeccrunt, cundem R. ad-
tunc ccibidem in timorccorporalivitac fuae impofuerunt , itaquod de
vicafua deperabaiur, et quatuor libf in pccunijs numeratis in qnafdam
cifta infra domum pditVadtunc cxiflcnt.de bonis, catalli$,& pccunijs
cuiufdam LB. adiunc et ibidem inucnc, fcionice& burglaritcrccpcrunc
et afportaucrunt, contra paccm 5cc. vt fupra.

Tor 'Burglary in a dwelling houfe in the night time, the taking an>ajf
cfajilfterfalt, mony, and threeJiluerpinnes.

T Nquiratur pro domina Rcgina , fi W. H. nupcr dc S. in comicatu D. S^Ci. S j.'

jD^ecR.C. nupcr dc M.in comitatu W.^ccman,T.C. nupcr dc M
prcdid'in ccmiiatu W. prcd' ^eomait, &
T. L. alias did us L.nupcr dc
M. prcd' in prcd' comitatu W. tjeotttaitj & T. P. nupcr dc C.in comi-
tatu S.tconrartjvltimo dieOdob. an. rcgni Rcgin' Elizabethae, &c.
quarto, circa horam vndecimam in node ciufdem diei, vi ct armis &c*
domummandonalcm cuiufdam Marg.P.viduasapud C.in prcd' comi
tatu S. fclonicc ctburglaritcr fregerunt &
intraucruntjCC vnum Salinum
argentcum vocat a ftluet {^\U ^^ valcntiam quinquaginta folid, x.li. in
pccunijs numcratisjtres aciculas argcntorcs ad valcntiam vj. i, viij. d. &
trcs annulos argcoccos valor vj. s. dc bonis, caiallis, &
pccunijs przfif.
Marg. adtunc ibidem inucnt fclonicc ceperumct afportaucrunr^con-
<ra paccm &c. vt fupra.
, ,

Indicflments and
ffiy Bftr^/ary in a drve/iing houfe in the night time, a woman then being in the
hoh^e,andfor taktng away ofxx.li.ont ofa cufboardin the houfe.
Sc^n. S4. T Vratorcs pro dominrcginaprcfcntanc, quod T.S.dcW.indifto co-
mitatu E. fcviojr>quarto die mcnfis Febf,anno rcgni diftae doroinae,
noftf Eliz. dei gratia, Angl' Franc et Hybcrn*,rcgin ,fidei dcfcn.&c.vi-
cciimo nono,vi ct armis &c. domu manfionale cuiufdam N.G.dc W.pd
apud S.in ditto comitatu DlSutcljer^nottantcr, viz. (inter horas dccima
ecvndccim'poftnieridie eiufdem diei) quadal.vxorcipfiusN.G.tunc
in eaderadomo in pace Dei ctdift* doming rcgin'exiftcntc,felonicc &
burglaritcr fregit ct intrauit, et viginti libras legalis nionctx Anglis de
bonis pd N.G. in quodam abaco in diet domo exidente inuentas, tunc
et ibid' felonice ccpit ct afportauit, cone pacem diet domin' regin' tunc,
coronan), et dignitatem fuam.

for 'Burglary in a drcelling houfe in the night time,for affanlting andpHt ting
infeare ofthem in the houfe Jnt ending to kjll or rob them in the houfe, 0-
the acee^nries before the offence committed.
Nquiratur pro doroina rcgina, fi F.M.nup de M.in coro'D. Corner,
Sect. 85".
* duodecimo die Aprilis,anno &c. circa horara duodecimam in noftc
eiufd*diei,vict armis Sccdomumanfionalecuiufd' T.C.fen apud C.in
com' S . pd burglariter ct felonice fregit et intrauit, et fuper quofda R.S.
pace dci,et diftac dom' reg* exiflenc, infultii fc-
et I.B.adtunc ct ibid' in
cit,eteofd' R.et l.incorporalitimorevitaffuafpofuit, ea imentionead
interficicnd',vel faltemad fpoliand'pred'T. C. debonis6c pccu^iisfu--
is,ad^raued3mnuipllusT.ctcontrapaccmdit1^dn3e xt^^Sfc.vtfu"
pra. a fi G.B. nupcr de C. prcd' in com* prcd' "^cauUC, ante feloniam

pd in forma pd fie fact et perpetrat,eundem F. M.apud C.pd in comi-

tatu D. prcd' viz. viccfimo die lanua. Anno &c. vt fupra, ad felonia p-
dic' in forma pred' fie facicnd' felonice cxcitaucrunt , abbettaucrunt, &
procuraucrunt, contra pacem dittac dom' &c. vt fupra.

For burning ofa djve/ling houfe in the day time , yyith a i^oundofgun-poivder
put in a bundelofjiiraw in the houfe, the orvner ofthe houfe then being in
thefame houfe. ' '

*'ScA.J^. T Vratbrcs pro diia retina prefcntant, qtiod A.B. nupcr dc C. in com
E.prcd' dlctteliftV ttftauodie mcnfis lulij Anno regn'dittsednre
noftrac Eliz. dei griiia Angl ice, Francis?, ct Hybcf, reg fidei defcnforis
&c. Triccfimo.addomu manfionaV E.F. de C pdift* in com*prect ge-
ncf, in C. pred' in diet com' E. cxiftcnE, vi et armis,inter horasfextam ct
fcptii!iaiitcmcrid*dufddici acceffit &cum
vna libra pulucf tormcn-
taf ad valcnc' 1 z. dcnaf cc face quad a ignita,qua dift^^A. B. <uijc et ibi-
OiFences. loo
icta in manibus fuis tcnuit, ignem in quodatn fardculo firaininiitunc
didla doroo cxiftcntis.ex malitia fua prccogitata felonicc
eadcm domus tunc ibidem totaliter cremata & combufta fqit ( eodcm E.
F. tunc in pace diaat dnx rcg. in di^a domo fua exiftentc ) Et fi pd A,'
B. difto S.die IuIij,anno fupradiao,apud C
f d,domuin manfionalcra
pd E. F. pd,modo 6c forma pd,voluntaric ex did* malic ia fua precogi-
tata,& felonicc in^ cndit &
cumbufTit : tontra paccra did' doilj rcg. me,
ac coronam &
dignitatem fuam.

For Bftrgiarie and burning of a dweHing houjein the night time hatiiff
, an
intent to rob ityand theputting of diners ferfom infeare, then
Being in the houfe , and the acce^orier before
the offence^and acceffories /-
ter the offence.

jNquifprodnarGg.fiW.S.nupdcO.inComE.pd^mitMicFcb. $^^^ g-
&c. 1 3 .circa horara 1 2.in noft'ciufd diei.vi & armis viz.gladijs/cutis
baculis,arcubus,6c fagittis^apud S. in pd Coili . ad domura manGona-
lem cuiufd I .C. fimul cum ali js veniebat,ea intentioae ad fpoliand' dift'
I. de bonis ct cacallis fuis in ead' domo tunc cxiiV, ac fi idem W. fup ce
^uf eiufd domus vulgaricer nuncupac (tt)0 conmng of t^e ^oare)adtuc
& ibidjcu vna fcala afccndcbat &
fcandcbat,ea intentione, p teduf pd
ad intrand et ingrediend' in doffi illam. Ac fi didus W. fimul cum ali(s
pd I.G.R.C.M.P.& E.G. in cad domo tunc exift' tanf timer corporal*
tunc & ibid' inferebant ica <$ dc vitis fuis dcfperabat^ac fi did' W.fimul
cum pd,adrunc 6c ibid ex malitia fua pcogitata,eand'doiTicuignc

tunc &
ibid fdoh conburcbat,pd I.G.R.C.M.P. &F.G.in cad' domo
cxifl*,conr pac' &c. vtfftpra. Ac fi W.R. dc B. in Cora pd ^eommySc
W.I.de S.in Com E.pd gcncf ante felon pd p ipfos I.C.& alios faft'&
ppetrat pd W.S. pd t/. die Feb. anno fupd , apud W. pd in CoA pd
ad felon pd fie in forma pd faciend ct ppetrand felon excitaucf,procu.
raucrunt, et abbcttauef, cone pacem &c. ac fi pd W.R.& W.S. fcientes
pd W.S. fimul cum alijs fupradiftis felon pd in forma pdficfecifTc &
perpetra{re,cundcm W.S. poflea.fcz. 1 7. die Feb. anno pd apudB. pd
in Cora E.pd felonicc rccepcrunt,confortaucf,hofpitaucrunt conce^ &
laueruntjcontra pacem diftae &c. vtfupra,

For breaking dnd burning a bnrne with Come of difterfforts in it,


INquiratur pro Domina Regina,fi I.M.dc D. in GoraM. p^man, Se^. 88

3 die &c. apud I. in Cora E. vi cc armis'quoddam horrcum

4 I'S.
I.S.apudl.j^in jdCora*Eiitua?ctcxiftch fclofi frcgit et Intraufc,

qt)ibufdacandcli8tuncigncacccnfis,(juasI./Vl.tunc &
ibid in manib'
fuis cenuic ad tuc 6c ibid' cxmalitiafua pcogicacec exindigation diabo-
lica in horrcu pd cum diuerfis granis cc garbis viz. trib' qoanerijs ordci,
& quacuor quarcerijs frumenti, cc duob' modi js aucoarum, 6c 4.carc^a
hordei in garbis in codcm /iorrcoadcunc cxiilcn,igneni acccnfum adtuc
& ibid' voluntarit ct felon iropofuit, et cum cod ignc adcunc ct ibidem
horreu pH* cum omnib' granis et garbis fiipd in eod' horrco adunc 6c i-

bid' exirtcn voluntaric,& felon combuffiE,ec totarcum ig nc iilo felon cc

voluntarie confumpfif, con? pac'dift'dne reg. &c. vt/upra.

Fr mawtenmce in an JJJife ofNoHeUipifinJor to haue the moitie^

of the land in queftion, and an hundred ponnds
in money

"iftcntes) quodda placi? Aflifac 1

inCufdid'dii^reg.coradileftisetfidelibusdiftxdn^rcg.I.S. eti.
K. 3c alijs nup luflic* ipfi' dora' reg. ad afliffam illam capiendam aflig-
p bfcipfi' diiae Reg, inter W. S. querent, &I.H. tcnente,dc quo-
dam libcrotento in N.etS. in Com' E.pd', (viz. jP medietatc indciibi
ct hcrcdibus fuis imppetuu) viz. ^p C.li.ftcrhng' in pecunia numerata in
hac parte habenda> per conuentioncminde inter prcd N^vS.et prefaces
IvC.T.C.&I.P.2o.dicmenfisAugufti, Annoregni di^laedhae noftrae
FlizabethaCjDei gratia, Angliae,Eranci3e, etHibcrii regifjj fidci dc-
fenforis 6c c. Tricefimo apud O.prcdif):' in dito comitatu fa Aam ^ qd
W. S. contra prxfat I. H. dtft*dic,anno, et loco, aflumpfsrunt manuic
ncnd', ct manutenuerunt : In magnum di^' dhx rcg. contemptum ac
concformam diuerforum Oatutotum^huius regni fui Angl' in hilidi ca^-

ill prouif. ac xditorum.

"^ For mantenance in an ttAfsifc of FrefhforcCy to haue part ofthe Undi

in ejue^ion^ and part ofthe damages to be.

Sefti 90 T Vratof pfcn! quod cum dc communi confilio regn'd6m' E nuper rcg.
I Angl* priroi ^pgenitof dnae rcg. nunc prouifum fit, Quod nullus Mi-
niftcr vcl aliquis all' manucefi placita, querelas, vcl ncgocia, quae func
in cur dni rc^.de tcrf teniis,aut ali j$ rcb" quibufcunq;
^ pte rci pctit^
"Vel aliquo pieficuo p couention faf^a inde hcnd'.ncc aliquis ius fuu fub
iihradicodicion' aUcridimittac.Quid W.P.6c.(]mul ciiK,S.6c$.cali die
" &

Oifcnces^. lot
8c anno qtiand' querelam cuiufdam Afl. frifcx forcie ^ ed in Curia d&e
Reg.nunc Ciuicatis E.coram E.B.Maiof &CD.vicccoifi eiufd'Ciuitatis
fincbrcuiipfius dhe Reg. 2. confueZCiuitati$pd,inf quofdl.R.&T.L,
de vno mefTuag'cum pertih in Ciuit pd,pro parte ciuld' mc{Iuagi),viz.
promcdictacemciTuagi)iIlius> fibi&heredruisimperpetuum, 6calio
proficuo, viz. pro mcdictatcdamnofincjucrclaanjrcpdrecupcrand*
inde habend',pcr conucntionem inter pref. I. ac pd W. &
R.S. apud E.
pd fa^um adumpHc nianucensnd.,6c manutenuic^ad graue donh ipHus
T.L. & concformara prouifionis pd &c.

For a Riotofts ajfauli andajfray made vpon a Ptcar in his ChnnB,
and'for the imprifomng of him in a
paire of Stocked.

INquiraf&c.A.T.&c.H,S.5cc.&W.K.aggrcgat&c.22.dicIulij&c. ^^^ ^^
vi & armis &c.apud Cin Com vS. riotofc &c. in R.L. vicarium Eccl'
paroch'de Cpd ,in pace Dei 6c dil'dom'Rcg.in Eccl'pd tunc cxifi'
infulE&affraiamfcccf,5c ipfura R.L.ab Eccl'pd tuncviolcnf&ma-
nuforci extraxef &: vfqi cippos duxcf,et ipfum imprifonaaef etmaletra-
lau?f,et alia enormia ei adtunc Scibid'intulef,3d graue daroh ipfi^R L.
cone form'flaE in bitidi cafu ediC 6c ^uill^ec cont pac' dil' dom' &(.

For abfencsfrom Churchforfix moneths vpomhe Stattttes of prima

e^ decinjo tertio of the ^ueenc

IVratorcs pro domina Regina fupcr Sacramentum fuum prcfentan?; q l _

quad A.B.nuper dc C. in Corfi pd E.Af, qui 1 o. die lulij anno rcgni
domine noftrc Elizabeths Dei gratia Anglix, Franciae , &
Rcg.fideidcfeflforis&c.Tricefimo/oitetatis 1 6.annorum &
acccflTit ( Anglic i int not tepaite) ad Ecclefiam parochi al' de D. pred

nee ad aliquam aliam Ecclenaro^ capellam, aut vfualem locum commu-

nis precation'& ibidem moratusFuittempor' communis precation'j ad
aliquodtempus infra fexmenfes tunc proximefcquentes, fed abftinuit
ab eirdero(Anglicei>atJ) fojbojne tlje faine)per fpacium pred' fcx mcn-
. {ium,contra forroam cuiufdcra Hacuci apud WeHifi in Com Midd'anno
reg.diCl* dhe Reg. nuncprimo , pro vniformicace communis prccation*
cdici&prouin, ac contra formamflatuti anno reg.di A' dom'reg. nunc
2 3 in hmdi cafu editi et prouifi, ac in concempe' di^e domine reginac^

nunc' ec c ontra corooam^Sc dignitatem foas.


Vor Iramni a da^er vpon aue in the Church*yA,rcijio i,he

intent tojlrike him.

1 N<iuif pro dna reg. fi O.F. de L. p^ gcn 8.

in Com* E.
&c. in cc- die
ScV. 93
Imitcrio Ecclefic paroch' dc L. pd* in dilo Com' , raalitiofc cxcraxic
pugioh (uu in quend* I.S.dc L: ^d ^eomaiI,ca intentionc ad pcuticnd*
pd I.S.cudi^topugionCjCont pac'dift'dh? rcg.nf^nunc, accontform*
(latin pliaiTico dhi Ed.nup regis Angl' fexti cento apudWeftrin Com*
Midd,annoreg,diftinupdnircg. 5- inhiTidicafu prouifi,accdici.

For fighting with aroeafionin the Church -yard contrarie to the

Sttntttte $f Anno s.Ed. 6.

ScV. 94 T Vf pfent,9 cu in ftaf in pliamto dhi E. nup reg. Angl'^. apud Weft.
anno regni fui y. tent,cdic,int cetera flabilic cxift' &c. Qyod fi aliqua
perfonaadaliquodcerop',poft i.diem Mai j, tunc proxim' fequenf,
inalitiofe pciitcf aliquam pfofi,ciim aliquib" arrais in aliqua Eccrfiuc
cemiterio,vcl pod eund i . diem Maij, cxirahcrct aliqua arma in aliqua
Eccl'jfeu cemiteriojintentionc ad pcudend'alium cum eifd' armis,^ tuc
quaclibet pfona fie oflPendcns & indc conuift* per vercdift'
i a /lominu

vcl per fuam propria confefliofijvel per 2.1cgalcs teftes,cof luft' Aflifaf,
luft' audiend ec ccrminand'fiue Iuft',pacis in SefTionib* fuis, virtute illius
adl' adiudicaret per eofd* luft' coram quib' talis pfona fie conuincerc!
ad habend'i. aurium fuaf abri(ram>6c fi ilia pcrfonafiuepcifon^ fie of-
fend'non haberec fiue nou haberenc aliquas aures,ita ^ illiufroodi poen^
fubif ( vt prefer?) ^ tunc ipfc vel ipfi fignarenf in bucca, Angl' cl^CD^c?
fcrro candenti, Angl' a IjCt tion^habcn banc liter F.p quam ipfe vel ipfi
cognofc i & haberi poflinc pugnaf efFcftorcs,& piignatores, & vltra hoc
quaelibet perfona forct & ftarcc ipfo faOo excommunicat prouc in
talis ,

cod' flat pleni^ continct.Quid* tam' GB. nup de S.&c? .diclunij &c.vi
& armii,viz. &c. cum quod' pugiofi in quend'T.C.in pace Dei & die?
dom" rcg.cxift'apud Cm
Com' E. pdin cemiterio Eccrparochialis dc
C.pd* infultura fecic,ct ipfum T.fiiper caputfuum adtunc & ibid* roali-
tiolc percuflic,ec alia enormia ci intulit ad graiic damnum ipfi' T. et cont
pac em dift* dora* rcg. &c. ac contra formam Qatuti prcdil' &c.

For abfence fiom the Charchfor certaine Sundries andFefiiHalldaies

v^on the Statute ofprime ofthe ^ueene.

Sefti 95.
yVf prodhareg.prefntanr,^cuminftatuEin Parliamcnto dom* Eli.
I Dei gratia &c. anno reg. fui i.tenfapud W. in Com' M. inter alia
ina^itat 6c ordinat cxiflet^quod po(i fcftum S.Io.Dapcanno regdit*

Offences* i^x
domin*Reg*omms& fingula pcrfona fiuc pcrfonx inhabitant in hoc
regno Anglise aut aliquo alio dominiorum di6t' domin' rcg*, dilitrentcr
ctfidch'terjhabcntcsnullamlegalcmfeu rationabilcm cxcufationem ab
eflcndi, adnitentur adirc fuam parochialcra ecclcfiam vd capdlam con-
fuctam.velfuperrationabileimpedimcntum, aliqucm vificacuoi locii,
vbi communes prccationc5,ec diuma feruitia , in aftu illo mcncioh celc-
bratx f ucrint tempore talis impcdimcnti, quodlibct die Dominico, et a-
li js dicbus ordinal, & vifitatis obferuari vt feftiuis diebus,
ct tunc ct ibi-
dem raanerefccunduroordinemctfobric, durante tempore precum ce-
mun'jpr^dication', autaliorura diuinorum feruitiorum ibidem vtend'&
itiinKirand', fub poena punitionis per cendiras ecclcfix, ct ctiara fub
poenajquodquxlibctperfonaficoffend*, forisfaciat pro qualibettali
ofFenfa 1 2. dcnarios Icuand* per gardianos Ecclefia: parochialis vbi talis

offenfaforetfaft' ad vfum pauper inhabit ciufdem parochiie de bonis,

terris, & tencmentis, talis offend' per modu dii^riftion' , prout in ftatu
pred* continefjcumque T.R. de D. in com' pd arm* ct A.vx' cius,vtro-
queeofcxift'ctatisi6. ann etampli*, acexiffcntparochian'cccr po-
chiardeT.p5,in pred' com' E.infraquamquidecccrcoes precatioii,
& diuina feruit in ftatut pred' fpcc' poft pred' feft'natiuit S.Io.Bap.
anno primo fuprad', fcilicet die dominico jpx' port feft'S. Mich. arch.
anndrcgnireginaeEli. dei gratia Sec. 12. dicbus dominicis tunc prox*
fequcntet 8. aliis diebus feftiualibus cafdem 12. dies dominicat intcr-
ienienrdicebantur&vtebantur,prcd*I.&A. nonhabentes legale ncc
rationabilem cxcufationem, feu impediment abefifcndi abccclpdjin '

diebus pred' tempore pd comraun precum, pr^dicationum, et diuino-

rum feruitiorum ibidem tunc diitorum habitorumet miniftratorii,non
rolumnonadnitcbancuradireEcclef.parochiar de D. pr.-ed' exiften' c-
orumEcclefiamconfuetam, in predi^o die domin proxim'poft prae-
dilum fcftum fanfti Michaelis arch, anno regni di^^ dominae rcginae
nunc 54.fupradift'etpred'alijs 12. dicbus dominicis tunc proximfe-
quent,& prcdift' alijs oto dicbus feftiualibus inter cafdem 1 2. dies do-
roinicas inceruenient tempo? predial' commun* precatioo' et diuino-
rum feruitiorum ibidem in dicbus illis diftorum habitorum & miniflra-
corum, fed ctiara odiohabent &
conteranent Euang* ctfalub'Dei vcr-
bi4m et didam dominam reginam , &
leges fuas,fcipfos voluntaf abfcn-
tauerunt,etvtcrquecoru voluntariefeipfura abfentauitab ecckfia prae5
die dhco prox' poft feft' S. Mich. arch, anno regni diftae dhc reg' nunc
3 4. fuprad &c.pd dicbus dncis tunc prox' fequentj&praeda-
alijs 1 2.

cafdem 12. dies dominicas mteruenienc te-

lijsS. diebus feftiual' inter
ppfpred' commun* precum, predication &
diuin'feruiciof ibidem in
diebus illis diftof,habitof ^miniftratof, contra paccm in contempt&
dii^taednas reg' nunc 3c k^em fuam 3c coronan)& dignitatem fuam sc
Indidments and
contra formain (lacuti ptxdiii, 5c in perniciofum cxempluni tnalefac^
torum &c.
For tiiki<[ ofConies in afree warren in the night time.
Nquif Sccfi E.D.&c. vi armis, viz. baculis/alcaftris, arc', et fagitt,
1& alijs arm defcnQuis, parcum, feu libcram warf C. B. apud A.in co-
niitacupdiftoD. circa horamdccimam in noftcciufdeoa dici fregic &:
intrauit, ct in codcm parco fiwc libcf warren, leporariis,licifcis rccib' &
voc* purfnctSj fine liccntia dil' T.B.vcabant ct 40.cunic* valor 1 3 .s.4,

d. &
dc bonis et catallis ipfius T.Badtunc ibidem inuen! ccpcf ct afpor
taucf ad grauc dampnum ipfius T.B. et contra pacem &c.

For cenfpiring and c^mhining to indi[l oneforfieaUng of a horfe of one ofthe

confpiratorSf andfor procuring ofdinersfalfefnites to be brought and pur"
fuedinthe names ofthe confpratorSf and<f diuers others againU diuerfe

Scft. ^7: T Vratorcs &c.prcfcnr,quod I. P. nuper dc I. in prcdift' comitatu E. &

R.B.nupcr deC in pcli^o comitatu .gcnefvna cum alijs quamplu-
fimisperfonisadhucignof, contra legem domini regis ac formam fta-
cutorum in huiufmodi cafu prouiforum, conCpiratione Scconuinaapud
T. pjredic' die &c. habit, diucrfis tcmporib** poftca firaul vnif confcdc-

rati^&iuratifaifo fraudulent 5c malitiofe vencf ad vindicand', deftru-

end*,perturband',placitand',adnihiland, & fimiliC adnulland'^fidelcs
5c innocentcligeosdiftidom' regis ^lucro adeorum propriurovfum
capiendo, focictateminieruntjCt adinuiccm iuraucrunt, ad fimul Oan-
dum contra diQum dominum regem, quofcunque legeosfuos in om-
nibus etfingulis materiispla citis 5c querelis, peripros5c corum quern-
jibet motis feu raouendis. Et fi corum aliquis cum aliquo, placita mate-

riaro,feu querela moueret, quod ipfi5t corum quilibctcum eo>ficmatc-

riam,querclam,feuplacitumouenCftarc,etperfcuerare debercnict de-
bcrcc. Et (i aliquis corum aliquam querelam feu placitum nomine alce-
riuspcrfonaccuiufcunque, verfus aliam pcrfonam fupcrfeadumpfcric
manutencnd'extunc corum quiiibet querdam, fc^am, ftupIaciEpd,
canquam querelam, felam,feu placitum, nomine corum profcculf, ma-
nutcnerct,fouercr,ct tcncrct,rclo,vcritatc, iuftic' ct iurc, omnio poOpo-
iitis ct fubiat : Virtutc quorum quidcm vnitionis , confpirationis,iura-
inenC, confcderationis 5c manutcntionis, prxdi^orum I. P.R.B.5car
fie in vnumglobaf, ct iuraf, poftea, videlicet die 5cc. Anno 5cc. confpi-
rationc inter cos apud C.incomit pdif^o, phabita, qucndaml.H.de
CO quod ipfc die 5cc. anno 5cc. vnu cquu pretij 5cc.dc bonis ct catallis
&dil'I.P.R.B.apud S.inacnCfcloniccfuratus fuitccpic ccabduxitfal-
10 ec malitiofe inditari ^curauerunt.Et pdi A' LP. et R. B. et ali j modo
5c forma pd vniti5c contcdcrati diucrfa talfa placica fc^as, 5c querelas
barOffcnces. io|
innanicrabiles,tam nomlnibus eorum proprijs, qoam norain aliaf per-
fonariim cij falfo & ipalitiofe co(igrf:g4t & vnitprofccucifucf,& manu-
tcrucrunt & indies profequntur ct manutcncnt, videlicet ^d R ad hun- J .

dred domini P. militisapud C.pd 1 3.dieanno5cc.tcn!eodcm I.adtunc

Balliuo eiufdem hundred exlflcii,ad rtatum & poffeflioncra R. S. A. &
vxoris fux adnulland Ec proeoqrad quamhbct Curiam hundred ibif

demfucccflliuetencnd pd R. vj^orcm foam ibidem produecrencquirctj

ita (fcxccniua amerciament in iiitU3Cofdtpaupcrationcmfierent&,c-

ucnirenc ,confideraiion' taxatof amcrci4mept Curc^ pd, (empcr dc co-

nina pd I,P.cxtitef,trefdecim querelas dc placito tranfgreffi0nis,norai-
nc W. Y. & R. B' quatuor querela? ti;anfgTcflion' nomine W.E. abfquc
v<ra materia feu mfta caufaifefjcrftf yer&js pd R,S. A Icuauit intra* & . &
uit,ac pd qucrcntcs huiufmodi querelas Icuarc jpcurauit ad grauc damn
ipfof R. & A. & cont formam ordinationis in huiufmodi cafu jpuif.&G.
For a^^nfpiracie of diuers Bah^stduchirigthentAkingef bread'

IVratorcsprodominaRegina prcfcntanc, q)A.B.C.D.E.F.&G.H. S^"* 9 =

de M. in dift'comif L. Piftores 2. dicQ^lobris annoregni dhac nfac

Ehz.Dei gratia Angh'ae,Franciae,& HiberniacRcginaCjfideidefenfo-
ris&c.Triccfimo nono,apud M.pd,in com E. pdinfimul conuenc-
runt,confpirauef, ac mutuo inter fc proraiferunt> ^ pari denarij dc intc-
grofrumcnro(p eosfcucof aljiqiieitudeincepsfacjendacvcdtndj Hc^
ampliusqfja2jibras&^.vncia^Ti?oicilpdnderishabebit&pondcraUc ' *^ - '^'S
(quodcunqjirapoftef forct vnius qyartepi)fum[iptidm :) in difVac difi:
Rcg.nuac contempc,ac in cxtrpm pa.upf diOiae diix Rcg.fubditof gra-
uamen,nec non coniform ftwutinJiuiufmodicafufj^iiifof Sccditorum^

forth' tak^if^of^rdafiftSlrdifire0comr4ry't(^^^
ton; Anions ^- 1^. ^.cap^. 4pq Jnsisnix's.i obnioi?!
-'.; ... r-v -rr- -
.^r- -'^^

IVratorcsprcfemant.prQr^omina Reg.quodaim in flatut iriparliamt SeV,' 9^;

tcnf apHdM.anno H.j.riopcr Kcgj^^ngi- ^ i.intOQteracirdinaffic.^
= .diftfihion.eimcrationab!yles&i^6nnni|nnij gr^ucs^^^&^^ qui diftriftion
, ^fcccrint irrational^iJes^ indcbitas /^ratiif aimercient proptexce^
diftriftion* iptor,prout in Ihmtpd plenius contingtur. Quidara taroen
A.B. de&<;.ftatiipd&poeiiiii1ineodcmconV<iiT4mimmcpondcrans
I ftidielimiijanoo^^gfni^-f.duas va<5Cdsdc bgms;5ccatiaJr W. F.&c. a-
$yji^Q&. JniCO,eki^ ^ftm^K.^rePqnwqjfolid jnlp^uhnumeratis irrati.
itwiiijlj^'r^ exQ<*(r*iiHf!daftf*BXit &iprD^lrt!Qtiotwt:epjt.^l^ dl'
dn^nh 6c capirjpriijs pd. &q: cjgaruel%j^|xd vaccanij^rccium ca-
pitis eratx^,-s. tontripj4mJrtatutiip(5o<.cijo:j %i:ii(\t\ ,^r)i i Uia,*i^.

^oi Inclid:m6iits,ana

..nt' f ' ti :. i .
' q cpntrarie to the Statute of Mertott^AHHo

ScCt, I ooi T Vratorcsprefcmant^ro doinina Rcgina,qnocl cum in flatu! in parli-

Y aircnco teco apud M. anno H. 3 .nupcr regis Angl* 5 z.nulli dc c ctero
iiccac ex quacunque caufa diftriftioncs facereexcra feodum fuum,ncc
in via rcgia,aut in<;ommuni ftrato, niH domino regi,aut miniftris fuit
^ecialemauthoricatadhochabcncibusproucinftatuc^^ plenias con-
anctur. Quidaro tamen P.B. 6c C.D.dc &c, ftatuf pcf poenam in eod. &
conceoc minime ponderantes 2. die lun' anno &c. z.vacc bonis Me &
catair .D;Scc. apud F^c extra feod ipfof fiue ipfofalicuius, in cora-
mun' &c. adcunc&: ibidem exiftent diftrinxcf,&pro diftri-
ftrato roc*
ftion* cepef, ncc tempore diftrilionis p<J A.B. CD. non fuef roiniftri,
necaliquis eorumfuitmininerdil' domih reg. nee habuerunc nee ali-
auiseorumhabaitrpeciaiemauthoricat adilludfaciend,concpac*&c.

"^ ~
t/fgttinfti "Egj^tUns vfon the Statut offrimo & fecundo
of King T^hilip and ^eene

IVracores przfenfr quod cum in ftacuco in parliamento domini P. 8c

doming M. nupcr Regis & Rcgin' Angl' apud W. x. die No. annis
Reg' fubrum 1.8c z.tent xdit inter alia ordinatum exi(lit>&:c.quod (i
aliqua pcrfona Hue perfonx feipfos appeliantcs iEgipdanos qui cr^C-
portarencur,veI conuciarcncur in hoc reg. AngV fiue Walli^,continuarce
& reraanerent, infra idem, per fpacium vnius menfij, quod tunc ipfe vel
proinde fuftincrcnt pocnas mortis forisfa A* tcrraf &
bonorum, vt in &
cafu fcloniae iuxta ordinem communium Icgum huius reg. Etfuperexa-
m'en*eof fiue alicuius eof^triarentur in com',c j>inhabitantcs illius coft
vcl loci vbi ipfi vel ipfe apprehcndercr)tlir,fiuc capcrcnturjSc minime p
medietatem linguae 6: amittcrenc libcrtatem , priuilegium Samftuari j &
& cleri prout in eodem flatuto plenius appanit. Quid^m lamtn'M.P.
& P.R. de &c. feipfo appcllantcs.iEgyptiano,fta(ut pd minime pon-
derantes, nee poenam 8ii' qui primo die Aprilis anno &c. in hoc regnu
Angl' tranfporta! 6c conuciatiruerunt,ab eodem primo die Aug. annt>
C. in pdO>m E. continuaucrunt 6c rcmanferurit in eodem, otiofas vitas
fuas non relinquentes,nec feipfoS in fauilalicuiut habilis 6c honefli fub^
diti huius Reg. Anglix collocaf quarcDces, ncque feipfos in aliquo opef
.; OilenceSr 104
honeda exerccnccSj in dbiDitix fegitue nunc con-
licit iitie occuplioii'
ccmpcum^ac contra formam (lacuti prcd' &c.

<"i rAnui ,t55nvj-j^tf!'frA ?i**'i iP'io isf '>H '"rn: c 'r'"'^';

IVratorcs pfentam Scc. quod cutn in ftaiucin parliament dfi? rcginsc Se(l.io^
nunc apud Wcftmon in com* C]^iOOUi 3. die laniiaf, annorcgoifui
quimotcnt,cdiEintcralia&c. qdomnis &fingalac perfona ec perfonx
qu3E ab, &
poft prim diem Mai), tunc proxiri fcquent vifx vel inuemx
forcntinfrahocRcg' AngriiucWalli^, inaliquo conaiBcrtiovel con-
foriio vagabundorum vulgo vocaC, fiue reipfos appellafi Egiptianos vel
feipros (iaaulances, tranfmucantcs fiuc fucantcs
Anglicc ^ifguifiwg per
6orumvcftitumJocucioncm,autaliam gcOuram confimilcs huiufinodi
vagabundis communitcr apptllaC vcl fcipfos appellantibus Egyptianos
t fie faccrcnt, continuarent,et rtraanercnt in eifdcra,aut fcmcl, vd fxpc,
per fpaciuro vnius roenfis, q^ tunc cade perfona Hue pcrfonajvirtutc hui*
a^us efliroM^forcnt & adiudicarcntur k^o ct feloses ,, ct proinde fufFe-
rcnt p^na5 mortis, ac amiflion tcrrarum & bonor^im , vt in cafibus felo-
niae,(ccundumordincnic6munium legumhuius regni. Etfupereorum
(iuealicuiuseorumcxaminaC in hac parte triarencur in comifacper in
habitames coroicaius vcl loci, vbi ille vcl0i apprehcndcrcn! fiuc cape-
Kntur, non per mcdictat linguae, et an]ittcren^pritlilegiumj et bcncfi-

ciun:fanC>uarij,etclcri,proutin eodcm ftatuto plcnc liquet. Quidara

tamcn A.B.C.D.&c. ftatutumprcd'minime ponderantes accpoenam
in eodcm content vcrcntcs, poft prcd' pri mum diem Mai), fez. rcrsio
die Aug. anno regni dom' Rcginnunc 9 5apudE,in com* prcd', vifi ct
inuentifueruncincommcrtioct confortio vagabundoruBi yulgovocat
t fcipfos vocantium Egyptianos, acfeiplro?finmlantiunj,tranrmutant,!et
iucantjpereorumveftitura, lociuionem, ct gefturaiii, confimiles Hindi
vagabundis qui vulgo vocanturEgyptiani, ficfecerunt, cominuaue-
runr, ct rcmanfcrum ibictjCt alibi in cod com', a prcd' tcrtio die A ugufti
anno 3 5. fupradifto vfque vicefimum diem luli) tunc proKim'fcqucn?
in,di^5 dom' rcg nunc concemptum, ac c6:ra furmara ftatuti pred' &c.

ForpuQiMgoHt cfeyest '

Vratorej pro domina regina^.prcn^antr quod A;B. de C. in di^o co- ^ p.

J ^'
mitatuE.2Dinfe0{:,nonodi6i>epten>bri>, Anno regni di^cdominc *

noftrcElizabcthc,Dci gratia Anojiaej Frantic, et HybcrniaPj Reginac,

fidcidefcnforis&c. Tricefimonono, in qiiodam loco apud G,pra?di-
^aro,in comitam E. pred* (vocat Ic^eaue) yi et armis in qucndam D.
-,i:.dc C. prcdiila in com' E. prcdi^o |3eomat% in pace di^lc- domine
.;_r^! Iiidicftaients'ahd

malitia fua prarcogitata,digis& vnguilwis digitoramipfintA. B.OcuJ

lulos ipfius D. E. f elonice ctiodic ac cruic contra paccm di^i domini re-
gis noilri, cdronatn et dignifttem fiiainSaG^ontra fpittiam cniufdara fta-
tnti in parlianDcnto domini Henrici olim regis Anglis qnarci, tento a
ioi.iifi '. pudWcftmiDrMfftenumift-c<Mnitati/Mi<3d, aiwbregrt^^^ quihtb in
sir.o*. ^.'j
<] s.^ <ii\rn liij 's fo}.(;ff{t,fiff (^t ofTories.''

IVraftoresdicunt quod cum per (latutum in parliamcnto domini rc-

regi J H. nupcr regis Angli.-t, quarti, anrio regni fui quimo, quod W.
tchto aeditjordinfit, qUod malcfairtoreSVqui linguasamputarcnr, vclo-
cUlos eucllcrem legioruiti domiiii regis, hoc debit cbmperto & probaro
quod tale faftura ex malitia prscogitatafuit pdrpetratum,poenamfclo-
nix incurrerent/prouc lACode^ (latuto plehius &6ntinetuf : 4^t)jdam ta-
len I. L. de iScc. pcenam iti d'iOio ftatiit contcntarti minime, verenSidic
&c.ahno6cc.vi'ctarmi^j-fcilicct;3cc. iclonicevc felodii^i ^niini r^-
regis,irifidi;rtii3;et ihfiiltilpraertddnarcomi^apaiemiddmiiifi regis cbfo-

nam et dignit^tcfc fuaiii, irt i\la(ili pr^ecogitataf iHalfti^ venit apud H'. ,

in com H. ct in quendam N.M. adcunc & ibid^to inpaceD<;i,ct domi-

ni regis C3nftcn?j infulrta^feclft'it ipfuiti virbcfStot, vulneraiiit, ac quo-
dam cultclloVqucmprxd'IlR a^tflnt tcnUitiriViianij fua dcxtraprecpj
linguam ipfius MJadtlj'nc'ct ibidctri fcloniceeruit
ij s. amputauit, co* &
era pacem domini regis &c.'c6ntra fdrWainiit ^nif ftatuc pr*d* &c. .

AnTndiBment agaitjjl aGaolorforfnjferiftgof one commiUcd U himvpo

L3i,. ,'u^j.-
offdbnjfor pealing of'a horfe tol-efca^e''''^* '-^^

f^ 'T Vriitdi-ci ^ dbh^ina rcgihi jDr^fenrant,quod vbi quidam A.B. nupcr

^ deC.indi6lociVrtiitatuKV^l;CDma!jetj fcxtodieMaij, annorcgni
'*dominac noftracEfizJ. Dei gratra,Ahgli3B, Fraiiciae, ct Hybernize rc^
ginae.fidcidcfenforis&c.triccfimo qiiarto j^apudC. predial' in co-
mitatuK. pdift' pro fufpitionecuiufdamfclonft (videlicet vnius Equi,
coloris albi, preci) HX. {oVi& fclonice per cundem A. B. vt dicebatur cap-
ti &abduAi ) arreftatus eft &
cipcus ct coram T.F. vnolufticiarioruni
didi domini regis ad paccm in dido comitatu conferuandam affignato-
lumdud^uSjCtfupcrinde potted", VIZ. dittis die, anno, ecloco, cuidam
B.D. in comitatu K.pr3EdiftoJPcoman, cuftodi gaolxdi^taedominx;
rcginac apud M. in difto comitatu K. cxiHenti (iiib cuftod' I. F; armi-
geri,adtuncvicecoroitiscomitatasK. pTcdifti, cccwl^bdisgaolae prx-
dift' ) per quoddam precf ptum dc Mittimus di^H T. F. lufticia-
rij, idem A.B. traditus eft &
commiflos , ad faluo fecurc cuftodi- &
cndumingaoia predila, donee idem A.B. indc foret legitime mo-
do dclibcratu$;prcfai4affln I.F. (tunc vicecomcspoftca, videlicet
'Offences.- '^ loj?
fcptlmo die di^lraenfis Mai j, anno riiprad'^pud M.yitxdiCi*m cbinK,
przd'^prcfatum A.B. ( adcunc ec ibidem in diVis gaola &
cuRodia eji-
(IcRcem) a prxd' cuftodiactgaola,)dcunc 5c ibidem euadere& ad lat-gu
ire voluncarie,8c fdonice pcrniinr^comra pacem di^s dominx feginx,
oronain,& dignitatem fuam 5cc.

uimthtr IttdiElment agdinfi a ^ mUtyfor [offering of a reontAn committedJ9

'^^^^ ''^^^
^Ay'^%\^-'kiwvpo fn/fition offelonie andmurder toefcafK

TNquiratur pro dominaregina>^ cum quedam M

N.niiper dcB.in p J Se^. io5.
comicaf E. ^ptnd^^i o.die April' anno&c. pro fufpitione felonieSc
inurdf p ipfaro M.apud B.pd in co E.pd fupcr qucndam W.P.ficri Sc
perpetrar 1 fuppofitcap! Sc arreHa^ Tint apud B.pd.in com E.pd,& cifi
die & anno pt^dicC M.cuidara Richardo B. dcN. in com E pr^d' ^co^
ntailjcuflo^ gaolaf di^ae dft^ reginse comit?^us pd fub Gcorgio P. ar-
mig'admnc vicect^ra comitaf pred et ctiftod gaolac ^d,pcr quoddam
brcuedeMirimus"W.!VJ.mjli!,&I.M.armig*duof lufticiaf diftaednae
rcgin2e,ad pacem in codem coaiitaru conferuand afsignjfaluo fccuf ciu &
(lodKndtr^ditafuit.quoufqueeadcmlVl.acuftodiailla fecundum lege
& confuse d regni A >igr,pro fufpitione murdfpd acquieta! fine deli-
beratforct tS prcd R.B.deN ^d in pdifto com E.^eoman,poftea fc.
viceiimo 6.die Noucmb.anno (uprcd' apud M. f d in com E. praed*, pd
M. adtunc ib.dcm in cuftodia ipfius R. in gaol'diftac doming reginac
exiftcnf, a gaola pr^dKt,adtuiJC& ibid voluntaf& fcloniceeuadcre&
ad largum ire pcrmifitjConS pacem Axdx dom reginac nunc &c.

An IndiSlment againfi diuersforftiffering ofone which hnd confefed a felony

iefore a lufiiee ofT^eace^and deliuered. to them bj the fume Jufitce oj P,t<f

he hj them connejed to the gAole ^negligently to efcdpe.

Vf jP domina rcgina pfentant,q) cum I.B. nupcr de C. in ^d com* E. ScC^% i O^y

S|^iUeC,8,dic Dccembf,anno regni reginae Eli.&c.primOjClaufum cu-
1 iufdam I.G. apud C.pracd* in comif E. f>d fregit & intrauir, ac vnara
iuuencam coloris^lB^otune preci) xx.^ de bonis 6c catallis dili I.G. ^
adtunc et ibidem inucnf f clonicc cepit &
eflPugauit, contra pacem di^x
dh^rcg'.Etprofclofi pdppr^fat.I.B.ficfacf &perpetrat, arrcftaif fuit,
flc cof G.R.arraig* vno lultic' diCkx dominx rcginx ad pacem in comif

pdic!E.conferuandaflrign,necnon &c,p prxdI.G.dnftusfuir, coram &

dictoG.R.diftusI.B.fclon ^d confcffusfuit, 5c ibid^G. R. pcrbrcue dc
Mittiraus,prxfan.B.pro felon pd ad gaolam difte dn^ regin^del.in
comitatu ^d,quibufdam I.C.de C^dpeoman^R. B. de eadClOti)ier)
&Ric.M.decadcm^gauet dcliberauit, faIuo& fccuf daccndvfque
O gaolam

moratef quoufqut idem I.B. fccu. abindc
aolAHJ M^< ^ ^^> ibidem
rcgniAngliacddiberatus foret: EtCpr^diA'
IC R.B. ct R.M.difto 8jdi Dcccili,aHno fupradi^^o prxfacI.B. apud
C. ud> P^ co^ in corum cuQod
virtute dclibcrac*
f d fic exiftc&,i-
bidcm ncgligen! a coftod fua ad largum ire cvadcrc pctmilcf , comra

paccm dias dominac regin^, coronam ct dignita/cin fuas&c.

jft InMmentag<niiiliA Ctrenervpinthefiatutegf

Anno uUXforextor-
tion in iak}^ of fee for his view of the hodie iffoneJlAim
per inforcufiiuni,

Seft lo8 I Vratarcs

pro dbmina regina pfcntant, q cttm p ftam! in parlifliaeaco
^ dni H.oup regis Angliac .anno rcgni lui prirao, ord^nat cfl,& ftabiliC

exiftit.cp fuprcquificioh Coronacof UcC ad vcnicnd& inquircndfopcr

vifutn corporis aliciu$pcffonx p
infortunium occira:,merf|f,feu alitcc
inortu^.Coron pd dilig;nt<r faccrctofficium fup viTum corporis cuiuf-
^indc capicnd,fub poc-
amqv c'-'Us f ron?,vclpcrfonaf,abrq; aliqua dc
n3 quiiibctCoronacor, qui officio ftio vt jjd c(t fungi rcculaacric, vcl
rem aliquam cc pcrct pro funaione offici j prard', fup vifutn corporis ali-
Cttius p ifortuDium,pro quolibct ttmpore xl.i. prout m
pfonse naortuac
ftatuffid plcniuj continctur.Quidam tamen
VV.B.dc H. in com pd gic-
nel I .die Dec' Sccadcunc cxift* vnus
Coronatof dicfdnx rcg' in coi^
fui pd cxtorf.Sc iniuriosccc-
E.prcd',apud M.in com t:.pd,coloreofficJj
Roberto S. de B in comif pd ^Cfl?
pit p feodofuo 2o/olid de quodaro
inan,jP cxecutioneofficij foj ^d' fupcr vifum corporis cuiufdani Johaii

C.nupcr dc B.in coin E.iLabo^ecqui apud B.pr^d' in com K.pracd* 4.die

Oftob.anno &c.p infortufi occit fuir, m contempldiftac dfix rcgin>d
grauj d mnura ipfius R.S &
contra formam ftatuii pr^d',6cdiMer(orura
aliorura ftatuiorutn inde 2edii& prouif.

Thehke againfi a, Coroner vfon.t}ifiatt(tr*f Anno i .H. 8.

SC0.1O9 Nquiraiur pr domihregina.fi A C. deB.in coraiC E.gcnef, ftxio die

^Iunij,Anno&c. vnids coronatof diftac dhsc tcgin m di^tacoffiicatu
E.adtunc cxiflens.adud B.pd, in coniitatu E, pd coloreoffiLij fuipratd',
cxtor(iucccpit profcodoJuo to. folid*, dc qua4amI.^iMidi(!h)COiBif
eercf, in,&pro fun6tionc& cxecutionc officii fui prcdifli^fupvifuin
corporis R.N.nupcr de B.prxd'in coimf E. prcd* ( qui quidccn R.N.f
die difti menfis Iumj,3pno(upradn| apud B.pd in comif E.pratdkcca-
* ^ (u,ab equofuo.p ^nfor^^oium fuic occif .) in tnagnura diA^ dom'tregiryr
contcnipCaccontrafornumftatiiciaparliatii pdoroini Hcnfpui^ Reg*
Angliap8.tcnto anno rcgni fui j^fimqiin hidi cafu^uifi acxditi.

Fer Exiwtim hj an BfcbfatorsferMOHt^ in breaking and tntring into 4

dweliing h^ufe, andfarftifing and takjng out thefame cer-
taine leather hy colour f his office, , ir.oh:^

J Vracorcs domina Regin pfencant, Rob. Bennct dc P. in Cotn E* StCt,

y/cruicmct miniftcr cuiufd* B.T.Efchacf dicNn? rcg, coin prcd
1 1 o.
i^.<tie|ulii&c.apudW.inCoiT] prcd* dcmu manfionale cuiufd' loh
Mir(^^itcciocf>ec ^.tcrgora corij voc* 1 1. |)iDe0Of gcanel.eat|iec,ad
yalcnc' 8.1i.ci 6. duodcnas pcH* vitulof,voc*6.OOfe!H)ffaluCje{ffein0,ad
valcfic* 4^!i.f o.s.^ quidee tcrg.et pell* adcunc ibid' inucnf colof officii
fui excorfiuccc iniuitc cepit/ciiiuir^ec afporcauic^ad grauc damn ipfius I.
coruf leges ccordinaciones dift* dfi^ Rcgni reg.fui Angr,& contra fornt
<{iuci(brum (htupru id huiu(iaodi cafii edif $c ^uif.

An Indictment agatnfi the Regifler of an Archbijiepfor his extorti^us to-*

king of morefees then he ought ^ for the probate of aTefiament,

1 Vratores ^ domina Rcglfi prcfcntant;<p A.B. de C. in dift'Cora'E -^

gencrofuSjprinDO dicmcnfis Aug'&f.adtunc fcriba (fiuc rtgrftrarius) '

rcuerendi in Chrifto patris D.tuncpcrroifllbne diuina E-Archiepifc^pi

<xiftcns,apud M.in Comif E.pred' colore officij fui prcd*, extorfiue ac
iniuriofccepicdequodaml.S.deM.prcd'indi^o Comif E.ffianncc,
duos folidos legalis monetar Angl',^ reodbip(ius A.B- pro fcriptionc
jpbationisvniustcftaracnii cuiufd' R.N. (qui quidcmR.N. apud M,p5
infra diocccfira difti D.Archicpifcopi viccfimo quarto die Iunij,Anno
fupradi A' roortuus cft)vbi reuera idem Teflamentu tunc ibid^allatu t^
ad diftumfcribara(riuc Rcgiftrariu)p dil*I.S.in perganicno fcriptum:
& vbi omnia bona,Iura,ct crcdita difti R.N. dido tcpore ditx mortii
fu; no exedebanc fumm quinq; libf : et vbi e(i toca di^a fcript ^pba-
tioh teftimemi ^S. per ^f.fcriba(fiuc Rcgiftf) fie vt pfcrf fad no c otinc-
batinfe40.1ih quaf quaeqjlineacratdec'pallic'inlogitudifi : In magn
dic!dnereg.c6tept,ac cont form' cuiufd' ftatut in Parliamenf dhi Heaf
nu^reg.Angr S.tcDtoanf) reg.2 i.inhifidi cafu ^uifi ac atditi.

An Jndilhment againfi an Efcheator vpon the fiatute of. 5 3 .H,8yir

fitting andinqniring by colour of his ojfice;ithout ffrit

^ lands hoiden of the flueene abouc the perCm

Cii^fTtl' -- ^^Ajitalne -"'-^'^f.t- c-J-.i.qKj ^\ .f^>5
I fue founds;

, r
'" *
'. '
J '1/1 1.11 Tjf-.r'

IVrtforcs &c.qiiod ctim in OiHtif in Parliament Domini H.nuper teg. Se A,i i %i^
An^ oAauaapttd W^monaft. Anno rc^iuf^ 3 .(kc^uod nutltis
O a Efchieioc
'^oi Indi(fhnents, and
efcliMCor fc Jcret tantum virtutc offici) fui pro inquifitionc dc tcnura,ti-
tulo,Vlvalorcaliquatuccrr4ru,tcncmentof,fiuc hercdiramcn^vbieacS
dc domino Regc fine brciicdomini Regis fibi indcdcrigcnd' fub poena
araittendi ct forisfaciendi ^ quolibet tempore quo federet ct faccrct in-

Ap^7 qiiifi^iiconcf forni huius lhcuti,quiDqv Iibras,in quarc):adcc. Quidi

cali die &anno,apudD.inprcd' com E.fcdcbar,tamHm colore offici) fui

;id inqnirond' port mortem cuiufd* A.E.dtenura,tiuloietvalorc diioiu

intf.40.a(:fparc',5Q. acraf prati,50.acraf paftur3t,6c 2o.acfbofci,cum
pcrtinen' inQ.in Com* E. pred annui valoris deccltbraf vlira,.cctcn
dc doroina Rcgina.abfquc aliquo brcui ipfius doming fibi indc dircU>,
in dils doming Reginx concempcum.cc concra forma ec prouifionem
ftatuti prcd' &r. .

jini^Jnei^lUion t^fn^ifire a Caronervffo thcviiyvofthe yody of dnewfnvh

had hangedhimfelfe in a U^ithergttdU vpon the boH^ of a tree*

^ A w - 1 Nqnifitip indentat cap?

apud N
in com itatu prcdi* 1 3 . die April* anh
Sv'.*3 ? J5(c.35vepramIoh^nnN.gcfijVnoCoronardicdh? Reg. eomicatus
;6tf j:opef viAimcprporis euiufdVH. W. dc D.jn Com' E. p*t (ho, ibid'
ioQrtui iaccn? p.facumcnc&c.qui dicupc lup facramtitf (iiu,q> pi>cd' H,
j^,^\x. Apr.ann.reg.did* dfie Rcg.3 5. fupradiflojcirca hof 4.poft meri-

diem eiuld* dieijdcum p oculis fuis no babens, fed inftigatioh dnbolifc'

iaquodam pratp cuiufd' W.S.geivapud T.in ^<J Com G.voc p
^f^f AOOVOildtnnc,^ ibid'(dl' c^ciiiens.cijiynolmgulo
corij ^j, r.dcnaf
!m tp(adw^pc ccibi|d;mamb^fuiscenuit.ct.vp& fine ind^ circa coilu fu-
;um adaini; il?id' pofu!C>et circa tamum 'tuiufd' arboris falicis aktf fine
^indeiiaukctfcip(um adtunc et ibid* volunt ec fclonicc fufpcnd', fuiTp-
-cabat ,ct ftrangulabac> Et (ic Juf pd dicunc fu^.facramf fuuj^ pd H. W.
.mocjp ?c ^jn*^^ adcunc &
ibjd*:volut)| <t (cloiji^ <y,vt t^jp dcU*fc^(.f*ina
^p]la,t<5l'ra$ npqj cent^. In cuius rcitcftirooh tam f^P.Coronac qparo Ibf

pd' preqirigiU*,(n4 Jppo^"ef,}J/^f dic.anii.&JoQQ^pr^^ . .

.^. , ^w..

Of fir'cible;.c)fir.j vpon t'ke Statttteof^tttf.^.'R.'i^ftifyti/iifi^vp'i'y'ihe

u < <{ \.vv,-> rmtes /?/vi<) o^f^Mrchti of <jHickepT.

S<^. 114 1 N primis ^ domma Rcgina ocd quod cuno m Statiuo in Parnamcmo

Domini Reg. nupcr Re^is Angliac fccundi port conqucftum apud

JMeAWfin^Poi^^ Mid^l' A.nn* rpgh fui 5* cent, acdit in?er cetera ordiTi
- 1 u ft^ .

fwc. jciapmcnilj.
\jk BjMP^i W^is ji^%^ insrcffuw jiv Aiiqujiirj .tcrra/n^
mCi in cafu vbi in^refftts datur per legem, &
in ilIacafu,non manuforti,
Hcccummultitudinc gentium, (ccilicitoScquietxjniocIo camum. Et ft
quis contrariura fccerit.& indc debicc conuiA* fuerit, per iniprifonam!
corpof fui puniatur,<Sc finem ad voluntat domini regis fac*, prout in cod
ftatuco inter alia plenius continctur.Quidam tamen T.H.de I. in comiE
E.pr'sd't^Qmm,8(.cxt a|i>aialcfaVorcs ignot dec, flatiitum prxd'mi-
himc ponderant fccudo<lic jVl.&f.vUt arrois viz.baculis,gladi)8,falca-
f}ris,& bifurcis,in vnumclaufura I .C.Miliiis iacent apud Arrow, in co-
tbitaiu E. pracd*, in quodam loco ibid voc* A. fupcr poffcffioncm ciufd*
ingrcffumfccer^n^^c centum particas fafpium viuafipfiusirC. niilicis,
dqmin^rcginae nunc CQfiten)piuoi,& ad grauc damnum ipfius I.C.mili-
cT$,6c contra formam ft atuti praed' &c.

" ^
^t'^fi^^J^^^^**^^) ^Z*^"
'^' Statute 0/ A nn.5.R. 2 for entring intt
^^'If'*'*i^>'**^ expulfwgof
the o^rner thereof.
- l^VoriijIqtr.

jNquiraturprodominaregina, quodcumin fiaturoin parliarhtodom StCtAis

lUcb'nupcr regis Anglipepoft conqueflun z.apud VVcftmonanno
rcgnifui 5.tcnt,ordinat&ftabilite*iriit,q> nulla j^erfona extunc facerec
aljiqucmingr* in aliquas tcrra^ vcl tf hcfpcura, nif in ca(. \\m ingredus ei
ciuro/ed quieto t c paciHco modo cancum. Ec (1 aliqua perfona extunc de
caetcro in contrarium facerec, & md^dcbico modo
conuinceretur, puni>
retur perimprifonamen^ corporis fui, et vlcer ius fincm et rcdempcionem
cidcm domino regi.ad voluntatem^tpiacitum ipfitus dominiregisface-
ret^prout in eodem ftatuco inter alia pieni us continetur. Sed quidam W.
nuperdcK.incomE.pdl^ufbanDman,!. W.fcn dc E. in eom E.pred
^ufbantjmanjetl.W. nupcrdeE pd m comic E. pr^d' iLabc^ec, rtatif
pd minimc pondef,nec poenam in eodem ftatuto contcntam aliqualirer
yerenfjfed illud potiuscontencraentcs,2 4.die Januaf &c.apud S.inco^
raitacuE.pdJn vnum roelTuagiumfiuctencmcrtcxincns libcftenemen?
cuiufdam I.H.illicite ctmanuTorti ingrcd.feccrunt, vbi ncc ipfis nee cor
alicui huiotraodi ingrcfl^ datur per Icgera^ac ipfum I.H.inde iniuftc cx-
piilcfjipfumquc I.dc mdeexpuifuma pd :4.dieIanuafannopd, vlq;
ad 2 6.dicmeiufdcramenfistuncprox*requent,illicicc <Sc manufbrEex-
tratcniK'fjin conteroptu dil^ dominx rcgm^ nunc, & ad grawc damnum
ipfiat I.^ contra formam f^atucipd, ac contra pac'diOs dominx6cc.


.!;-vhiir.!: ~

An IniiBment vfan the St4tiite of Amt 8 H. 6.for entrhtj^ with fora mt9

4 barne in tbefoffefsiott ofthe farmer thoreifi atdfor kffpi**g of

the fume vttb force

'St^ 11 6. 1 Vratorcs pro domina regina, Sccquod cumin (lacuto in Parliamento

Domini H. nuper Regit Anglix fcxti.apud Wc(!f&* in comiC Mid^,
anno regnifui S.tcRf.^dif, inccr cetera continct, qd (i aliqua pcrfbna Hue
atiquz perfoh, de aliauibus ccrris feu cenemencis manufbtf cxpulf. feu
difieifi! Hr, vel pacifice expe!latiir,& poftea nianuforf excf ceneat, vcl a
liquod feoffamen! vel difcontinuatio inde po(l calem ingrcdum ad ius
poUedoris defraudand Sc collcnd all quo modo fiat, habeat in hac parte
pars graua!, verfus talem diffcilitof AiTifatu nouz difTeifin*, vel brcue de
tran(gref. Et fi pars grauai*,pcr aflifam vel p aHoii tranfgrcffiofi recupe-
ret 6c per verediluin vel aliquo alio modo per debiC Icgisformam inue-
niaf , qd' pars dcfendeh in terf & tencmcnC ilia vi ingrcila fuit,vel ca per
vim poll ingrcfl fuuro tenuit : recuperet qucf damna fua ad triplum ver>
fus taleiD defend,& vltcriui idem defend finem 6c redcniptioh diC^o do*
mino reg faccret,proutin (latuto pd plenfuscontinetur. Quidamtame
W.W.nupcr deW.in f dcoAE.!^ufijarman^C.D.de W.pd,in Bd
com E. tUbo^r^l^acu! pd minime ponderanf;ncc pocnam in codem fla
ciito contend aliqualitcr vcrentcs,i 9. die Fcbf anno &c. in vnum horreCi

apud W.pd adtunc cxifteh libef tenement R.W.gcnef, vi & armis,viz.

gIadijs,&c.manuforti6e illicilfu^poiredioh cuiufdi^'.M June firmarij
pi W.horf pd intrauerunt iogreiTum fcccrunt, 8t ipfum A. vi ar Ai &
pred*acmanufor{&illicitetuncindccicpulef& ciecerunt,&|)f.R.W.
inde iniuftc difllcifiuerunt, &
pf. R. W. Hcindc dideifitum a pd 19. die
Fcbf^antio 5.fupradi Ao, vfq*, dieiB captionis huiui Inquifition, de
1 fd
horrco vi6c armis pd,6c manuforti extratenuef,6c adhuc extratenent, in
comemptdift' dh^ reg nunc,et ad graue damnum ipiius R. &con(pac*
diet diix reg', ac conif form ftatu! pd, vbi null' eof; ncc ipli,nec aliquij
ali'cui'nat&ipfi.autaliquiseof habuitaut hibuef.infra trci ann jpx'an!
ingrtCfut.pd,aliquid in did horf &c.iiic in aliqua indfpccH' habuit&c

An IrujMtftiomvpdtttht Statute of Ahmo l.H.C.wherinisfotntAthdtout

KfM n-ith fcrce and armes expnlfed out / thefjfejfton
of 4 matutor 4x4 tJmdes,
St^. 1 17. INquiHtio capf apud'W.in com S.primo die I:annoregnt dbminacE-
lizab.Pei gratia &c.? jr.coram R.W^milif F.G^rrh R:F. luftic* diftjc
dhzreginatadpaccmincoiDprxdconremand, necnon ad diuerfafc-
lon.tranfgrefT. &
aliamalcfaAaincodcni comitani perpetraC audieotf:
&cerminindflighpcrfacrainentin 11. luf exiQ' pr^(ci]l;qui dicuM.
Offences. io8
Taper (onimfacramenfqd cum milatucoia Parliamcmodotnini H. 6,
niipcr Kegis Axi^r apud W.Anno reg.fui oUuo tcnf, tdit, inccr cetera
contincacurqcl haliqua perfona dc aliquibos ccrris vel tcnctnentis nianu.
hm cxpulfa (ic vel dilTcilica, vclpactfice cxpeliatur , 6c podea inanu-
fbrci c;Kcra(cneacur, vel aliquidfcofFaiDenctim vel difconc inde, poQ ca>
lefningre(r.adiuspQ(Tenoritdefaudcnd'rcuconend* aliquo inodo fiat,
habeac pars mhac parte grauata.verruicalem diiTeidtorem, ACT. nous
dideinn*, vel breue detrangfgr.Ecn para grauaca per ACT. vel per a^ionc
traorgf recuperet, ec per veredi^uiD, vel alio modo, per debitain legis
fonnain inueniatur,<]uod pars def. in cerrai &
tcoemenf ijl' vi ingreflum
fee vel ea pod ingrciTura fuum, per vim tentieric. recuperet quercns
damnaCuaadtriplumverfiis defend' &
viceriut fincm redemptionem &
domioo rcgi faciat.proutflatucopred plenius concinetur. Quidamtao
men 1. S.nupcrde A.incoifiS. przd ad numcrum tf.
i?eomatt> ct alij
perfoh luf ignoCftacucumpdminime veienSp. dicAng.annrcg.daniih
noHf Eiiz.nunc Rcpn'Angl' 24. K.W.amiig'dcmanerio dcG.cump*
cininAzincofhpdj&dcdacencisacriscerr;, lo.acrispraci, cc centum
acrit paftuf,cum pertin in A. prcd* in com* pred' vi et armis, et manufor*
ci,viz.gladi)i,baculis, ctculccllis, ^puleruntctdidciOuerunc, Scipfum
(ici(xpulfum,5c di(r. a pi nono die A.ann fuprad' vfque diemcaptionis
huiusinquiHtionis, manuforti& vi &
contra pace dil' da^ Reg. nunc^ct contra form (iatuti pred' in hoc cafu

jr#r HtMtefftU$n^ tfaprote^ipttt Mudpttttittj^ to it the ^reatfcalc tnksn from

other old letters Patents,

I Vratorcs pfenC.quod R D.nup de H.in c;>m'

. R
^ufbaitmnaR, cc a-. Se(>. 1 1 %
li) nachinances, quomodo populum dom' regis nunc fubtililTiaie po-

^I ccrinc deciperc vel defraudare 6c dominu regem, de his que ad ipium

regcm pertinent, & regalia (iia, vt de feod' magni Hdlli & huiufmodi*
cxhxrcdare, &veram legem Angl' a toto tempore vlitatam appro- &
batamfubuertere &annullare, xvj.die Februaf &c.apudT. in comi-
tatu M. dcceptiuc,fairo6c prodicorie, quafdam falfas literas patentes,
ad Hmilitudinem faipC Cancellaf domini Regis, contcafec (juaH cf-
fcnt licerx patentes, dc procetione ipHus Reg. fub nomine I K clerici . .

hanaperii Domini Regis, ac vnius clericoram Cancellarix pizdiAz

fcrip^hunctenoTcm continent viz. H. Dei gratia &c. wetting t!)e \zU
t;0l5atent0t)CCfaatmi, AccumidcmR. B. etalij&c. diaasfalfas li-
teras paten! fie vt perroittif, contra ofcciffent, non habentes magnum fi-
gillum dhi regis, deceptorie, faUn,6c proditorie,machinanf,quaUtcr ip-
ifi falfas & fiaai liicras pacemcs huiu(dum fubtilius poieram figillarc, &
O4 magnum

maenum figiUiun domini Regjcdtitrafacerc, dil* i tf. die f fcbruarij an.
fupradicf apud B.in Comprcd^ qooddam itoagn dornih Reg.

fupcrquafd'patcnf ipfiiu doroini Reg-^ntcpend',ctdcbitimpofiturt,

accepcrimcallumcntcs fibi regiampotclhttm ct ip(umTegcrcgali'fiia
auilorica!(quaniu ineisfuir)piinan!,adtunc & ibid' cnm tjjioda cuftel-
Jo arripucrttnt,cnllis diftis talfi$]fiO?*^Cconcrafal* litcris^patcnE'dcccJjt
& ^ditof appofueruntjCt anntJcerunt.tteaW litcras figiilauCT, figill* ill*
fubtiliE rccludcndo,quafi non fcci{Icnf,& fie raagfi figillMhi rcg. ad-

. tunc & ibid* ^pdii concrafcccf ,& cum^mifla fieTecifTent, dit' falfas &
contiafact litcras patcntes,ac vt ^d'figiillapis.S.difrMar! &c. apud villa
dc S.in Comit M.ac in diucrfis locis civifd' Coi!i,tanquam literas parent
ipfius dhi reg.dc ^tcct,dccptof/alf^jit -^ditof,publicaucf,ct diucrfas
pecuniaru fummas,de diucrfis ligcisdnireg.rccepcf, vircuCdi^af faltaf,
fi(aaf &
conirafa^arii htcra; u paren!,in deception, dhi reg. ac populi
fuipiudic'.&cxhcrcditatiohmanileftam&f. ';

'n-'-^j4n .fndictment a^ainfl a ^Mtnijierv^n thfSHtmU isfAfin$ ^\

I S.Hert^^.firforgin^ofdnlndenttireSfhdrgainc
And /ale of Lands,


tunc ^im lequence, ex (ua propia iiicntc & imaginationc, feu per falfam
confpiracioh & fraudciDjCum aiij^.fcienter, fubtiliter, & fa'tfo fabricartc
fine faeeret^fiue fubtiliter caufarct, feu fcientef confcntirct fabricari, fiuc
fieri,aliquod falfum faQum^chartam/eu feripcum figillaturajRotul' JC41-
rix aut tenarnentuai alicuius perfone fiue perfonaruoi' in fcriptiS, t^ hi-
tCHtione,^ (latus liberi tehtijeu hxf cdicatis alicuius perfofi, fiue perlji-
naf , dc,in,aut ad aliqna terras.tenementa feu hereditamenta libere t'enu-
rx, aut cuftotnaf, vel return, titulus, Cue intereffc; alicuius pcrfon*,fi-
ueperfonarum, de,in velad eade[ii,nueaHquod eorutn, molellari , pec-
turbari,deftrui,rccuperari,veloncrarJ,potcrft, aut contingcrcr, aut poll
pdpimudiem lunij.^nunciarct.publicarct/euoftcnderetincuidenti-
am,aliquod tale falfum &
cffiftura fadunj.cartam, fcriptum, Roiul* Cu-
rl^, aut ceOanieatum,tanquain vera, fciens ezdem fafla, falfa ac fi^a (yc

^fertur) ad intention fupranicntionaE;(3c indeforet conui^us, aut iupcr

aliquamalionemfitiea^ionesfabricandi falfa rala,fuper hoc (latuf
fundand' ad fe^am partis grauatzr, ve) aiiier, fccuodum ordinem 5c de-
bit curfuro legum huius Reg. Angl', aut fuper billam vel informationem
in Cuf Camerx Stell' exhibend',iuxta ordinem & v/uni Curiae ill' : fol-
oicrct parti grauacx^cuftagia & damna fua ad duplulo) inucniend' feu
(uper colljftrigiiuin ina,UqiW.4?crtJi vill^ mfi^catgcw.^ aijj loco apcrto
cc ibidcm nabercc ambas aurs fiias abfciCc^Sjac narcs fuas ihtcrrcifc' cc in
partcsdiuifaSjCtferroigncocautcrjfataSpiicquod rcrnancre pofTcnt pro

idcccilotihh ime^rmiif &''proiico3tertkt^ti<kii^ki^nt6^

.durante vJta fu3,accdai fuffcret & habcrwpcrpdHium impt^orf^^
durante vjra'ipfiu?,pf<d''daili$ 5C cufta^jfs rccup^rarid^atf fir<^aiD'^f-
'tii graiiatx(vrprfcrtur)pirimofo!uehdrs't lcuanclilj dc bonis ei catarfis

-cfFcdcnUs,& decjcitibus ct proficiHi; diitarum ttrrarum,tcfrcoriim,(Sc

tiwlo'did* dtfi*ift;R|.hcrcd' Vel fUcdfloruii>'frtdfuBi ad'eandcrfi tfgn
obftinf,^ut incod*'ftawto int6p^all^pkhmsli^uc^<^Jit^icarl^cnT.?^
<Je C.in pd' Com
E.CIcriils,ftaft0tmn pftd' n^if pondtbm, ncc^b^h^a

T.A.barganZArerct vchdcfttbriftrcjillastcffdfs^ Sc tcfita vo<^ii!5rc. cum

pcrtin m T. m prcd'ComEcuidaifl I.S.rcicnf,rubttljt,et falfo fabricauif
ctfecu,&tand*lndcntuf tunc ct ibid jpnuneiaiiit,publicauir,ctlcgifcgt
tineuideniiafin oHendit, &d moie(hnd',dcftMr6d', ct pcnifb;tntf ftatfi,
po{lciIk>ncro,tiiulum 8t int<*relTc pf^d'TvB'm terf ttefiris'f d^i p cpl^ide
multiplickcr prcgrauat ^'vcxilexiftir, in d^^*d<?iTi'Rcgl^l^'gifquc fuc
comcmpf manifcTt*,et iplttJS^T.datnnum n6n iBodicum & g^ranamcn, ;

concraforiBamftatt!prd'^rr-^*"^=^^i^*'^^'"'(^^"^: fv |ii''^

^ '^'^
ferfirejialling the Market ^^nitititjf^^ '^ah0 hfiht wj*) i^ ' '

commtng po the Market.

1 Nquiratur^ domina E^^gina quod euro R. N. decixjitarc N. in Com ^^^^ j jp

ciuif N.mcrcator poffcflionatus fuit dc millc falfamcrt vt de fuis bpiys
*-' ''''
^propriis,fi^.T.4cfcfwi^N;prcd^jfftfl^mfift^,tcttiodie^^^^^^ N. '

prcd' ih Gon);}j4.ciu.tN.etdi'ilcrr.alJ)S diefeiis tam antca qiiaoipoft, J/.

R.N tuncxnbd*obuiand'curndift'niil}efairamcntinfDcrcafciuJtpd'
.in Comitat pred' s^cndicuf ptcd' millc kiWikh dc pf: R.N. adruric ct ibi5
^tra racrcat^miii*cwictforfta1^al'tit,p<^I*1^ pr^d' K.N.prcd* roilleftJ-
(aojcnf ad narcalprcd' noft' addilHit irt comtmt t dorhTn' Reg.ac conrfa
formam diucrfonim ftatuf mhilldiMttW affdt'^ pfouir. ^c, comf pacem
>^ '^: '' '
dift* doiniaeHcgin\ ' '

o: ! >'-]t ^
pmi ^d 'tomiM htttlitt^ alley ^ndagainli dmeri itherrfor ^
rAr^^> ''^^^''-'yfitif tohix^ein the fame mH

f Vrator\p ^oasinaReg. prcfcntancq? A.B.dc C 40 Coin*E.CHH^

ScV.iii rccundq<lieSptea)brisADp.&c.ct continue poft di^'dicm Aoni-
^radi^^p v%
primum dicmiiteii(is OAobris,Ano<rupradito apud C.
prcd* m com E prcd',qucndani cotnuncm locum iacicndi globoi(vocat
Anglice,a COUiniOll faotoljllft allep)^ lucro ipfius A.aproprio,ct ad li.
dcnd'cuac ibid' ciirog)obib(Angiicc vocaf i>otole5)illicitetcnuit,cu(lo.
,diuit,acnunutcnuit,comra fprinain^uiufd'ftatud in Pafliafocnto diii
..Hcnrici iiuperrcg.iVngV 8;Wfo>nnorcgni fui 33. in fcaidi cafu^uiH
editiI.S.de Q.prcd' in di^' Com . ILabO^ec^cc trcs alia; per-
: ^
fohignof,diftoz.-dieScptenibfanniuprad',diftum comunciD locum
viicaujcf,accunc ibid' cumglobii(Anj(r vocaC botoU0)infimul tt illicit
lurcruQtjCpmf formam Hatoci pud'iScc > tq &iil3(>.i aiol^'i^'.tq ni

An Indt^ment ypHike SlatHU^^Atm %.H.S.forgilding 9fthi
the htlt of a da^rmtkthefinefi gold,

Scft. Ill 1 Viatof ^ dha Reg, pfcncanc,^ A.B.dc Snn did* Coin . Atirifabcr
Anoo &c.j54pu^ i>.pred'[n Coi^.prcdV<iuoddam ma-
i^die lull)
nubrium pugionis ferTci(AngliC A\C a Daggec liltnf ^^Ott) catMrdam
. D.dc S.pred' in di^o Comi^ E. te0<>^t^9V^l<>^ duonun folidof , auro
nuriflimo ad valcnciam quinq*, folidorum dcaurauit ( Anglicc DtO gtlOe
totti) t^e finefiJP golD)in magnum Rcipublicc dttrimencum>ac conf form
cuiufd' (iacuct in Parliamento dhi H.nuper Rcg.Angl' 5. ccnE Ann. rcg.
lui oAauo in hmdi cafu ^uiH ec edict.

Am IndiQment againji a Sl*tckejimtb,Jor/eSing of a gelding to a Scot to bee


SCt,liS T Vratores pro domina Regina prefemanr quod quarco.dic tocnfis

luli), Anno regni di A' doming nodrar Elizabeth. Dei gratia Anglix,
Francix,6c Hyberni^ Rcg. fidci dcfcn(bri &c. Triccfiroo quarto A.
B.deC. in Comitacu .)&ladirmtt|)>apud quendam locum vocatum
C.pred' in Com E.pred' exinencem) vnum rpadone(Angr
ie jfeccwCin
di^um a (SfelDttlg) colons albt,&:preti)quacuorIibrarum legalitmo-
nexz Angliz^cuidam A. D. gcnerolo (natione homine Scoro) pro fum-
mi qtiacuor librarum in pecunijs auoieratis pred' A.B. per prefaf A. D.
time ibidem foturis voluntarie vcndidir. Ac cunc & ibidem, eundem
<q[ium e^cm A. D. intcncionc ad cq^um przdi^um in Regnum
^ .__..,_, Offences'/;'' ^;"^ .. m
Ax dominzregififlonfnunCjp literal (uaspatemcs Tub mazno Sigillo
Anzli; ad idem (ic faciendum indeprius obttnca) volancanc& fclonice
tradidic ac deIiberauic,contra pac'cliAx dhx rcg^noHf nunc,acin ener-
uarioneni huius regtfi fui Ang!i;,necnon contra formatn diucrfof (latutof*
in huiufmodi cafu przamea prouiC&^dicor um.

F*r he4tin^ /two horfes, ofwhiih heating tbtone ofthem diedfrefentty,

4nd the other WASfore hurt,

IMquirac 5cc.fr E.H&e.decimo dit^&c.vi 6tttm\ via^.&c. daos cquos Se^.i 14

coIorisalbi,prcci) ^c.debonil& c'acaUisctiiufdiiin l.F. apud M.in pd
comiracu Einueof quodam baculo percufnclt vcrbcrauic, in canttun qd
vnut equus eqiioruin pred ex percufHonc verberationc illius ibid* in-
cominemer inccrijc, alterque equorum pd'inulciplicitcr fatigaf, Ixfus Sc
deccriora!exiftic. c alia enormia cidcffi KF. inmHcad zraucdaninunl

jfpi IndlUmeMt tffouihe StAtmti of Atmo I j . EdL' 'pdg^ikfi tbyhihiihit^trti

of A Tdwne ftrr the Hot tdkfftgof/Mchperfons which hdd t^khed one ^CHf,
the^4rtie rohhed rngkini H/ty ami cry,4ndjriu$f(g^fitt^(ii tIfoMlrMknts
ftheTowHeqftherohbme^ .
.>v. .

INqairaturpro dorfhReginii, qiiodciiiniA'flatufih ParliifSied dotniii* SeV*i tjr;

E nup Regis Angli^ primi^progeniroris dMnirix rcginz nunc,apud

VVimoB,annoreenifui 1 5.tcnf,^dir;interd5tera6rdinaf fir.proco cf;
de die in diem roberiarihomicicia, inctndia dbmbruiB , &
pluifoliftuncfiebancquamanteafolebanry&feloncsnon potuiflcnt efle
actmft'^cr facramentum ItiraCqui magii voluncarie permitcebant felo*
nias fieri gcntibus excraneis^ct feloneseuadere abfque pocna,quam male-
h(koTt% IndiAari,vbi roaiorpars fuerunc gentes de eadcm pania^vcl ad;>
minus>(i malefah)res fiierurrc de alia picria, eoriim receptoresfuciunt de
quod facraroen*
vifu vbi hrhdi malcfaOafiTcbantjSt hocfaciebar.f,pro eo
non mimftrabantur, necin patria vbi fclonix \\\x ficbanr,ce
eifd luratof
quoad redicutioncm damnorum, poena ante nunc non fuicprouil. pro
concc1amcnc& negligentia fuis.Idcm nupcr rex pro pofTe huiu'roodi fc-
loniasdebilicand ^decrcfccnd (bibitiuLrpGenaminillocafu, icaquod
exinde magis pro timoreivocnar quam pro pauore facramenC, nuHis fclo*
nibus exninc paTcercnt.ncc aliquis fclonias extunc concclaret, & ^ pro-
clam* ficrent in omnibus Comi!!jhundrc<!,mercaf,fcrijs, &
omnibus alijs
locis vbi multitudo geniiu Foretaffcroblata, fie ^
nulli p ignorantiam fe

r{>o{fiat cxcufare, & quod quelibec pacria cxcunc iicpof sit cuHodir i, q^

huiufmodimalen^'non rcfpondcrct, poena talis clitt,

^ qucTibctpa-
triaJcz hqaiincyn P?*^'^ cp^mpraRtcs, rcfpondcrcnt dc robfrijs faftis
&*aamrtis,!<jc quoti totum Kun^ roLeria faiJ^^alfuit, cuni frjnchc-
fijs.qu^ client infra prccinftuni eiiifdcni hundred! rcfpondcrct dc robc-

hiterct p^rria pol^plj^criam &^tcloniai fa^a$,qua xl.dici ufFi,ii^rra quos

fticcrcL.cmFp4 -cj^ptcna vc(^ic cnalcfaOiis^ycrrcfpondcrct dc corporib**^

jfS ;pflUS
^cTpoliatTomm'pTfaMjiJcZ qu irto die Al anpj^^f;.lvpr*dA^o apiid
>J.&5,ptowmcandca)villam, hufcfianj 6c clamorcin dc robcria prcd'
, .^>j^p
yoberi^m.jfi.^ics ian3J?caetci;i?ruf)u li'^^tro tamcn inhabitaHtcs cincnd dc
r^bJ^^a^Jxd, fig* p .hi^<;4r[ijV/)o^^^
Icfafl^' pAdi A^^o^iiin tcpf rurit.tjcqiifJdfiqrpoci^^^ hucu'qj f;d[pon-
dcrunt^ff4nialcfafltpx,ifs &^ff lQi/^lloi^^;^<j.crcp^^^ in dicf;d|| re-
gifi fj^ijc pontcrop^Si^ ip'0.gr^Uj5 (|^^u,c.c0oforiTj ftatut pd^'&Cj

I Vratc^csprQicjopiinRcgmaprxrcntanc,
quod fccundo die Augufti,
Seft il6
Anqo rcgpij4pn)*n3;np(|r.T? Dei gratia Ang'i?, Fr^n-
Elizabf^^ ,

cia;,&,Hyi)nni|,Rtgini. Tidii dcC^foriiScc, Tnccfimo quinfp, inter

Horasdeciaiam&vndccimaminnojf^c eiufdcm dici, A.B.dc Cindi-
fto comitatu E.gcncrof.D* E.&G.H.dc F. in di^o coniitatu E.^uf#
tantrniatljaggrcgatis/ibi nonnultis alijs malefa^oribus ignotis ad nu
iQcrumrexpuronariiD), vi &armis, videlicet, przlongisbaculi^, artu.
Offences. in
parcum dift'dominc Regincnonrc apud
O. in dift' comitatu F. frcgerunc intraiicrunc & vniira par damaf
, ,

diYl'dominc Rcginc(Anglicevocatab^accofbUfb3) in dido parco

adcimccc ibidem depafcentinuenc ille^itiroevnaci(unt , ac cum duo-
busfagittiscx di^^isarcubaliflis craiffisSc fagittatis, adtunc& ibidem
occiderunt, ctafportauerunt,contra pacemdi^cdomin* Rcginc Ac :

quod poflea, die fequeute, viz. cercio die dilimcnfis Augufli, Anno
(npradiftoT. S.tunc parcariusdiAae domine Hcgine, didifui parci
dc O. prcd'in coraitatu E.prcd* informauitapud C. prediOam T. W.
Vnum Itifticirariorura pacisdictc domine Rcginc in diOo comitani E.

pred',dcillicitavcnacioncprcd',modo& forma pred'fafla,qni quidcm

lurticiariusfiipcrindcwarrantumruuminfcriptis ponca,vidclicef,dicc
tcrtio die Augufli, Anno fupradido direxic cuidam K. M. vni Coufta-
bulariornra Hundredi dc S.in comitatu E.prcd* (m quo qiiide hundred*
fite idem C onrtabularius atrc-
funt prcd' villx dc C.5c F.)co tcnorc, vt
ftarct pnominatos A.B.D.E. & G.H.ac cofdcm coram codcm lufticiaf
duccrct & haberet.ad cos dc difta illicita vcnationccxaminand*. Et qd
dift 1 A.B.D.E.& G.H Ann (upra.
poflca fcilicet diOo tcrtio die Aug'
di/^ jcoram die! lufticiario apud C. prcd' in Comif E. prcd' p Confta-
buiarium prcd' virtutedi^' warranto adduOi,acpundcm lulliciarinm
per fuam difcrctioncm adtunc ct ibid'dc dicC illicita vcnationc,6c dc h-
^onbus in ca parte cxaminaticxiflen,prcd*tamcn venations voluntaric
corum quilibct voluntaric
dc ffclonice concclaucrunt fclonice con- &
celauit Contra paccm diCtx dominx Rcgifi, Coron'
: digniratcm fu- &
aj^nccnon conrraformamcuiufdam flatuti in Parliamcnto domini H.
uupcr Regis AnglTeptimitcnto Annoregnifui primoin huiufmcdica-

Awfther Tnditlmentagainfl diuerj perfensfir hunting ittap4rkf f tht mght

time, tvith three Greyhoundis.&nd jer k}l/ig a Buckf, <wdfor vjing in the
famep4rke a ntt ca/led Bucktfii^lL

TNquiraturprodominaRcgina.SrE.P.dcC in Comitate gen, H.P. SciV. 117,

dc C.in Com'f pred'gn'/& R.B de G. in Comiratu prcd* ^ecman,
go.dicAuguIli^Anno&c. circa horaroduodccimam innolcciufdcm
dici,agreg!Tibi quampIuiimisalijsmjlcfartorib.is,& picisdidsdo-
roins Retains pcrtiubatonbos ignct , vi& armis , viz. bacniis tciro
innn!t,arcubus,ragittis,pugionjbus&culrc!ii!!,^ alijs armis tarn inna-

fiuis quam dcrcnfiui$,<;laufum & parcum Eliz P. viduc apud H. vSanOi

<5eorgi) in Com* pd.iniuflc Frcgcf & intraurf .Scdamas jpfius Eliz. ad-

tunc Sci^idcm cubaBfv^dcpafcciu, cum tnbus canibus

in parco prcd'

leporarijs vocaiis (2tci?l^cunDjS(A vnorctcvocat a )li5(&e0aU ? quDd'

IndiAments, and
in parco pH tenend',iniu(le vcnaC Tunc & ch^CikutiiSc vnam dam^m vo
ca! a )15ucll0jadtunc ct ibid' cum canib' pred*,riotofc ceperunt, occidcf
&afportaucf, contra pacem 6iCV doraRcgifi, ad grauc damhipfi'Eliz.
6c couira form ftatut in bmi cafu sdit cc /^mC,

jfn IndiEimetJt againfi dittersfir ch^ttq^ of 4 Buckf In ue ofthe

^ectJes Forefts with a Grejhomtd into coardt^where
he WM hanged and k^lUd,

IR P. nuperde P.inCi
forcftamdi^lxdomin'Regin^ deM.inCoin U.pu- ..-j,
& vnara damain vocal a)13uctiC ad vatcnc' x. s. adcunc &
ibid' inuen6,
(!neliceotia&volunraccdid*dom regih, cum caHC Icporario vocaf a
C^ce^ljOunDj^tieauef &
chafiauef^ diflam damam apud R. infra pre*
cinCl' forcfte ^d cutn funibus Anglic' vocaf ^altectf^rufpcnd'ttoccidef
ec ipfaoa damatn (ic fufpenr et occiC iniufte cepcf cc afporf, coacra paccoi
di^'domihRegin'&c. 'utfr^ra.

An JndiUment againfi 4 Laborer vpon theftattttcof An. 1 5 , R. j . /!r kfi'

ping of a Greyhound to cowrfe Hares and Coniesy and fr kjlUng of a
^onj vfith hits Grejhoundin a Cenie garth, not having
Uttds tothtvaintofxL /. hjjeere,

c /v - 1 Vratorei pro domina Rcgioa prcfcntant^quod A.B. de C. in Cofli E.

^ labOlli:fit,(hooiolaicu$cxiftcns)aFcfloS.BartholoifiApoftoli,AnDo
regni domine noftre Elizab. Dei gratia Angbx, FranciaBj& Hybcrniac
Reginat,fideidcrenroris&c. TrioiGaio quarto,conciniie yfquein hunc
prcfcntcTB dicro/cz.dccimum diem Decembf tunc ^xim feqiich apud
C.prcd^,in Cora E. pred' habuit& cuflodiuit vnura canem (Anglice
vocatiad^^P^OunOJadvenandiMBccchaccandHm leporcs ^ cunicu-
los : t quod idem AB.vicefimoreptimo diemenHs Auj^ufti, Annofu-
pradif^o vnum caniculum valoris 4.d.in quodaraciaufo l.S. deC.prc>
fSc C. prcdit^am in Coraitaf exi(Yenf cum dido cane vcnatus eft oc- &
ciditjvbi idem A.B. nunquam habuit terras auc tcnemeota ad clarum
annum valoreni quadragintafolidorum : Et diA^ doroinz Regin'con-
temptum,ac contra formaro cuiufdam Oatuti in Parilamento domini Ri
chardJ,ohm Regis Angli^fecundi^tcnto Annreg. fui ccctio dcciii)o,in
hoc cafu ^if] ac cditi,>

Offences. m
%An IndiBment vfon thefiatttte of Anno 3 S. Ed. 5 . diairifi diners Inrorsin
4iH Ajftfefor taking ofrtwurdi to^iMetheirv<rd$Eit4HdalfoagainfiArtim'
h'Mcoftr in thefume J^JJife.

1 Vratores ^fcntant ^
domina Regina,cp A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.&c.coin- Sc^, 130,
plicesl.K tiamtngalltlie BftlClUB^tcJuraCin quada ailKanou; dillci-
(in^ quae nupfummoniufuit coral diicfVis ctfidelibuidi^^ dh% regin
I.B.I.C.ScN.C.nupIudiciariisdiddfixrcgih nunc,ad Afsifatn ill^na
capiendam,pbreucipnusdoininaercginx inter W.S.&I.H.dcccntJs in
Nin pdiccomi E. pontuodum (viz. die Lun; 5cc. anno &c, coratn
pf.I.B.I.CAc apud M. in coraitacu . pd p breue ipHus dfiz tcgin* Si
nonocnnescapC pofif) ^vcredito fuo in hac parte diccndo, dcpM.H.
diuer fas pecuniar faroinai .viz. A.B.dc pd I. H
xl s. 5c alia dona, (cz. pa-
nem^carnes.cc vinuQ) ad valentiam xxiolid illegitimc ceprrunt. Et prcif
LK. (Imbraciatorciufden) Aflifzad eaodem ducendam &
dam) de pnominaro W.S.fuminam x.niarcarum,viccniiio die Aug',anli
regni di^je dh^ nf^ EILDei gratia Angliac,Franci^,et Hybcrn Rcgin^,
dei defenioris &ctriccfiaK> quinto apud M.p(f J in com . pdjiliegit im
ceperunt.[Indicf dam Reginx nunc conceDyp,ac contra formamcuiurd
(}atuti in parliamco domini Edwardiolim regis Anglic ccrcij.anaorcgni
fui triccilmo o^uo ccnco,in hmdicATu jpui^ ac zdici.

Another Ittdi^metjt tfon the fiat Hte e/ 3 8 Ed, 3 . againfi Inran far taking

rewardsfor togine their verdiU inan Afftje : rectting

of the faid Statute,

Vratores dicunt, quod vbiin parliaracnto donnini E- nupcrrcgts An. Sef^ 1 31;
gliac tertio ^gcniioiis doroinae Rcgin^ nunc, anno regni fui 3 8.<cnt,
I inrerc^ceta concordat cxiftit, quodfi aliqui luf in A/fifa, luf, feu a!i-

quibus inquiHtionibus capicnd,intcr doroinum Regcm &

partem, vel
inter panena <c partem, quicquid capiant, per ipfos, vd per alios, de
parte coaquerenC, vel defcndcnC, pro vercdiftofuo diccndo,& fuper
hoc, per proccfTufr. inquodam arciculo de luf, anno regni eiu(dcm
domini regis ^4 fa^am conuincant,(iucntadrelanti parris, autaltcri*
us cuiufcunque perfona?, qui pro domino rege, aut pro feipfo pt cfc-
quivo]ueric,(oluacqui!ibetdi^orumIuf Dccies tantuni quanctimipfe
recepic, cc habeac ille qui feOam produxic, vnam medictatcm, domi- &
^us rex alteram mediecaf, 5c quod omnes imbraciatorcs, ducent pro- &
curanttales inquiGtiones in patria, pro !uao vei pro6cuo, punianc eifd
modo ecforma, Hcut luf. Et luf vel Imbraciator ita conui^us>non ha<*

CicatvAdc in forma prar^j^a iati^acete^ pofsit, habcat impriibnamcnt-

. -vniuj
vnKis anni,^uc inordinatione6c concordia prxdila coHcinetun Quid^
T.H.&I.B &I.C.Iura!inquadaBia(nra nouc di(rcirinc,c[nuj>fumm
fuit coram dilci^ii ct fidelibus dominx rcginac I. A. I. C. &
D. H. nuper
luRic' doming rcginae nunc, ad ainfamillani capicndalTign'.pcrbrcuc
ipfiusdominacrcgin2enunc,intcrW.S.dcL.&I.P.dcte& inR ctS. Et
poftmoduni>viz.dic,anno&c.corainpfatI.A.I.B.&I.C.apiidW. per
breuedi^aedonjinasreginxfinon omnes cape, polif provercdi^ofuo
in hac parte diccndo,de ^f I H.diuerfaspecuniarum Cummas, viz.prqd*
T.H.xl.d.pr^d' I.B.x).<.& pd'I. C.quinquc marcasxx.dic O^obris,
anno 6cc.apud 6cc.ccperanc, in di{kx doming ^^%^^i <^unc conceropc, aC
contra formam ordinationis ec concordi^ pracd' 6cc.

For inelojing ofa old commoM Ijing to 4 Towtte, vpon the which common thi
inhabitants efthefaidtowne haue vfed to baue commonfar a/J! mani'
ner of beafls the yphoie jieare

Sct, 131; 1 Vratorcs f fentanr,quod eft,& a tempore quo non exeat memoria, fuitj
Scedeconfucuicapud viliamdeA.incofhM.qua?dam antiqua com-
iDuniavoc'M-eidem viliacadiacens,ac per fpaciufD vnius milliari) ab
cadem villa excendens.^ omnibus hominibus & tencnc infra villam p^
moraiQ crahentibus, cum bobus^ afris, porcis, bidentibus, &
alijs aucnji

fuis^p totum annum infra coromuniam prxd' depafccnd, quodqj omnes

illi infra villam pned'moram crahentes, a tempore quo memoria homin*

Ron exi(lit,infra villam predict communiam aucrijs fuis prxd'ibidem
habere debucrum&conrueuerunc, quoufque ll.C.cum ai])s ignotis de
couina fui ei aflociatis vi 8i armis,(cz. gladijs, baculis> falcafiris, arcubus
Sc fagitris.die $cc.anno Sccapud .m parochia de A.praed',de commuh
predicC^iniuria fua ^pria,& abfque tiru]o,clameo,reu poflcfTion p ipfos
habitiSjiooo.acfibid^cumfel^ibusetronatisnbi incluHt ScobOipauit,
& illas fie inclufas &
obQipaf,vc feperale folum fuum a pred' die &c.vrq;
& impe-
&c^cnuit ct occupauic, in prciudicium ec damnum,nocumentu
dimentum omnium hominum ettenentium przdiftof, infra communis
pred' coromuniam habentium, nccnon contra confuetudincm przd', 8c
contra pacem diAx doming regin^ dec

For ingrofsing ofBarleygromng vpon thegrohnd, to the

intent to fell it againe

iNquiraturprodomihrcg'fi A.B.dcM.incoiiiN.di&an&&c.apud
w.>3 - M.in parochia fandti lohannis infra Ward
9 lUbZtttttt) in comi! ciuitac
N.emidct totum hordeum rrefceh fuper viginti acf terf apud M.in prc-
(ii^oco^N.adiAtcmioncin dictum hordcutn tcncnd contra formam
'Offences. n;
i flatHtiinhmdi cafu din& ^uifi,accon{ paccdicf dominsregih&c;

For hnjing andingrofswg offertie ejuarters (fWheAtCt fo ^^^

intent tofellitagaine.

INquiratur&c.fil.C.dc N. 2>t?cr5tertiodicI.anno&c.apud N.in Scft. 134.

com N.ac diucrfis al diebus,tain antc,quani poft, diuerfa grana, viz.
i js

40.quarteriatritici &c.ad valcnc' &c.emit &

ingro{I.8c inmanibTuis
ad rcucnd gran f>^,contra tormara ftatuEinkffidi
tcnuit)ca intcntionc
cafu ^diti&prouir.incontcmpf&c.accoiit|accra diet dnacrcg'&c.

For not keefing ofa light korfe'

IVratorcs pro doroina rcgina pfentantjqucd vbi A.B.de C. in coraiE E. Scd.i

3 5,
gntf,a primo die luni), anno regni di^ae dominac nf ae Eliz.Dei gra-
tia Angi',Fr4nc*jCk Hybcrn' rcgin3e,fidci dcfcnforis&c.triccfiifi quarto,

v(qie m hiifiw prxrcmem dicm/cz.primnm diem Maij,anno ^^.fuprad

tcsras & tcntOKnra in C.pd,in ditto comitatu E.eidem A.B.Sc hsercdi?
bui fuis infcodo firT)plici,ad clarum annuum valorem centum marcarum
Scarapliusvltraomnesrcprifas babiicrit.ac tcnuerit: IdemtamenA.B.
per totum tempos praed',viz.a ditto primo die lunij.anno fuprj^ vfque
nimc,nullum habuit,cuftodiuit,manutcnuit, aut fuftinuitequum caftrsf
( Anglice ditturo a (elOtng) habilcm &
idoncum pro leuis arroaturae c-
quite (Anglicc,ablC,anDnT^tfo;aUg^e!^ei;^reman) in dittacdnaercg*
conten3ptum,ac in magnum huiiis regni iwi Angl'cncruationcro,necnon
contra formara cuiufdam ftatuti,in Parliamento Ph.^Sc M. nuper reg* &
rcgin ADgl'jtcnto apud Wtft.annis rcgnof fuof quarto & quintojn hu-
iuinodi cafu prouiH ac ^diti.

For Batterie and Mayheme by catting offthe right thnmh.

lVratorespr2fentancprodominaregin3,quod 3. die Sepf, anno regni Sett. Il6

* dnx noftf Eh.Dci gratia A ngr,Franc',ct Hy bcrfi regin*,fidei dcfcnfof
&c.Triccfimo qui nto, A.B.de C. in comitatu ^tatf*2Cat?l0Jjvict ar-
mis quoddam claufum cuiufdam I. S. apud C. ^d, in comitatupred frc-
git ei intrauit, ct in diet I.S, tunc ibid in pace Dei et diet domm^Eregih
cxinentem^infulcum &
affraiam fecit, ac cum giadio diOritto, ad valen-
tiam deccm folid, quern dittus A. B. tunc ibidem in leua manu fua tc-
nuitjCundeml.S.crudeliterverberauirjacdextrum pollicem ditti IS.
tunc ibidem vnoittuamputauitjac fie cundcm I. S.nequiter et felonicc
tunc ibidem maihcmauit,ad grauc incommodum ipfius I. S. ac conf pa
cem ditt^ dom rcgin; noAf^coronam & dignitaC fuam.
P For


F^ maintenAncevponthe Statute of Anno ; I .H. 8. a^awfl trie

maintaynirtg in an aBton of debti

7' 1 Vratorcs pracfentantjqiiod cum in ftatuto in Parliamento domini H.

<J A 1 1
l^uperrcgjjAngi'S.apudWeft. 18. die April', anno regnifui^f.in-
choa?,tcnf, & ibidem per diuerfasprorogationcsvfquc 15* diem Mai),
anno rcgni fui 5 z.prorogaf & continuat, & tunc ibidem tcn!pcrdilum
dominum regem,cum alTcnfu dominof fpiritualium & tcmporalium ac
communitatis in eodcm Parliai!i:o congrega?, nccnon au^loritatceiufd
Parliamcnti,intcr alia adrunc &
ibidem in aftita!cxiftit,Qnod nulla p-
fucrit, (iue fucrint,cxtunc dc cctcro illicite manutcnerct fine maniucDC-
rent.aut c aufarct fiuc ufarencprocurarct fiuc procurarcnr,aliquam illi-
cit raamucntionem , in aliqua alione,dcmanda,fcfta,fiue
aliqaa Curia dom rcgi?, CaacclLri, camerae Stcllatae, albae Aulae ,aut
alibi infraaliqua dominiaregni Angliac vel Walliae, fine in marthijs ea-
rund.vbi aliquaperfonafiucaliquae pcrfonxlubent^fcu cxtuncimpo-
ftcrum habcrcnt authoritaf virtuic commifli 3ni$ domini regis fuarum li.
tcrarum patent, vcl brcuis ad tencntJ pUcita irx vel .id ex minand.audi-
cnf , fiuc dcierminandaliqucm tituium dc fra, fine aliquam matcri^.vel
tcftcsconccrnenttitalum,iu$,vclintcrre{l^aliquacumtcrrf tcncmCjfiuc
hxrcditamtof : Ac ctiam quod nulla perfona fiuc perfonae cuiufcunqus
ftjtus,<?radu5,vel conditiohjipfc vel ipfi.fueritfiue fucrint, cxtunc in tu-
turo il liciic retincrct fiuc rctincrcnt, pro manutcntione alicuius it^x fiuc
placiti alia pronautaliquaspfonaSjfiucirabrafiarctvclimbrafiarcnt all*
quos libcros tcncntcs vel iurntorcs,aut fubordinarct aliquos tencs p litc-
ras,muncra,jpmilTa,fiucaliqucm aliu finiftrom labor vel racdiu,adma-
iiutcnendaliqnammatcffiuecauram,auc ad difturbation vel impcdiinC
lufticix.vcl ad ^pcuration fiucoccafionem alicuius piuti j p falfum vcre-
dil', autalitcr in aliq'iib** curijs antcdi^is, fub pcena forisfaciendi pro
qualibct hrhdi offenfa x.li.quarum vna medietas ciTct domi^io rcgi,aUera
veroilli quiproeadcm ^fcquivolucrit pcrad^ioncradebiti, billa.quc-
Curia di^i dni regis, vbi nullu cflofc,r
rclaro,fiuc inforwation, in aliqua
^ut mftatuE pdinfalia
plcni^ continctur. Qui^a tamenT.L.ftatut pdminime ponderans,qpS-
aftioncm qux fuit in curia dhac retinae, coram luflicTuis dc banco, inc
qucnda R.B.qucrcnf,cr quendaro T.D.dc pla:nto dcbiti, ^
ptc dift* R.'
B.vcrfus^f.T.D. 27, die lunij,ann* rcgni dh^ nf^Eli, noncregjn'Ang'
5 5.apud S.in p<f com B. manutcnuit & fuftentauit^in luftidaenla'nifcfti'
rrtardation',ct difiurbantiam,ac in diCkf^ doifi reg' nunc contciDpnim ^
pi T.D.graue damnuniyac cootrafoimam (lacuti ^,&c.
Offences. 114.

Tor ManJUttghter hy Chance-meiUy, in thrafling font int$thc belly

Vfith A tortgfharpe fikedfiaffe,

JVratorcs^dominaRcglnaprcfcntant.^ A.B.dcC.in diloComi- SeV. 138.

catu E. 5&^oomafeet:,dcciiiio fcxto die Scptcmbris, Ann rcgni didac
dn^ noftr^ Elizabcthae,Dci gratia Angliac,Franciac, & Hiberh Rcginae
fidci defcDforis&c.Triccfiaio,apud C.prcd* in Cciii pd E. quendam
E.Fnup dc C.prcd',io Com E.prcd' Mcauec, (cui tunc ibid' fortuito
& cafu obuiani vcnic)coniumclio{is verbis lacciTuiiCjac in eund' E.F.tunc
& arrais infultu fe-
5c ibidem in pace dci ac diet dfiae Rcginae exiftcn, vi
citj&vcntremdifti E.F.tunc 5cibidem cum baculo longo, cufpide p-
acuta capicato(Anglicc vocato a long l^atpepibetjftaflfe) quern idem A
B.tunc ibidem in raanib'fuistenuitjfelonicepupugit & perfodit, dans
cidem E. F. vulnus mortale in dicto ventre fuojlatitudinis vnius pollicis,
& ^fundicatis fcptem polliciu, dc quo quidcm mortali vulncrc idem E.
F.tunc ibid* inftantcr obi jtacinterijt, contra pacemdidt'dfix Regih
nunc,<Sc cdncracoroh6c dignicac fuas.

For MimjUughter.

juiraf^dhaReginj, fiR.S.nuperdeD.inComfd
INq. E. ^eoman, Se^.139
ip.dicDecemb.Anno&c.vi&armiSjviz.&c. in qucnd' T.C.cum
quodamcandelabroadvalcnc* i z.d.^idemRich.inmanufuadextera
adtunc &
ibidem (enuic,eunde T.fupcr caput fuum felonice pcuffu dans
cidemT.adcunc5cibid'vaaplagmorcaIe,poC^eaq3 idem Rich.corpus
eiu(d*T.adtunc&ibid*ad terra ]pflrac raanib' genibufqjfuistamdirc
& violcnf quaflauitjtaq) ^d'T.dcplaga&quafTatioH pred' inftantcr
jncerijt,5cHc pd* R.pd'r.modo& forma prei'adtunc& ibid* felonice
inter fecitjContf pae* diil'dnae regifi,coroh &c. vt alibi.

For fijing and hearing of Alaffe contrary to the Statute

of i^. Elt^ab.

Vratores prefentanc jp dha Rcg.quod I. R. nuper dc C.in Corn prx- Seft.140

diloE. Clericus8.die Aprilis,Anno regh diiVcdhenoftrc Elizab,
Dei gratia Angliap,Fraricix, &
Hiberniae regin* fidci defcnforis&c.
Triccfimo qu3rro,apud C.pred' in com pd* E. voluntarie dixit, et celc-
brauitvnamMiflam contra form cuiufdilatuii in Parliarhtodift' dhx
Regift tcnco apud Weftraonafterium in Comitatu Middlcfexiae, Anno
rcgft fui vicefimo tcrtio in hoc cafu prouifi & cdKi,& contra paccm dice
dominereg. coronam>6c dignicaffuam : Et quod Maria B. dc C.pr:d'
P 2 in
indfcflments, and

audiuitjcotra form ftatuti prccl',ac contra pacciu coron & dignitat did*
domincReginc iK/Hre

An IdiElment vpon the Statute of Anno of the ^eene agaiaft a Priefi


far fijing of Majfe in the Vejiry ofa churchjandjor vfwgtn the celehru

tion ofthe Lords fupper other rites and ceremonies then is tippoiatedin the

hooke of commonpraier in A)i.S.& 6,B.6tand agmnft 2. ethersforked'

ring of fame Majfe. -

Scl.l4i 1 Nqui^t jp domina Rcs;ina,fi G.C. nuper dcE. inCom.E.CIeriais

2(j.dicM^rtij&c.apud E.prcd'Jn ComiratE. prcd' in quodam loco
ibid' vocatt|)et)eIldel)OUfe,iuxtaccclcfia Parochiale dcE.pd'incom
E.prcd'jVoluncafvfusfuicpriuacoalio ritu, ccrcraonia, forma & rnodo
celebrationis CcKaedonjiniccvoc't^CllOJtSiSfuppeCjquam in quodam
libiointitulat liber conimimisprccationisctadroiniftration Sacramcn-
torum aliortMTi ritiium Sc ccrcmoniarura Ecclcfije Ang.' icanac, aiiflo-
rizatpaftuni Pariiamcnti tent inannis quint &
fexto Reg. Domini
Edwardi nupcr Regis Angliae fcxti, dcclaf raentionat cxiftit, videli-
cet diccnd* &
cclebrand' vnam priuatamMirTam, contra fi?riTiam ftatu-
tiin ParliaraentodiftcdomincRcg.nuncapudWcflm anno regni dsi
priiiiotcnccdi?&proif.& contra pace ciufdemdnc Reg. corona 3(c.
vtalibi. EtfiT.B. nuper de Bin Com prcd' ^eoman,& I. M. nupcr
de W. in Comit lafaojec, die &
anno fupradidtis^apud W. prediftam
in comitatuprcditVo, tempore celebrationis prcd' CocncDomin mo-
do & forma prcd' fuerunt prefentcs,& voluntaricaudientcs Miflam pd
in forma prcd* ditam & cclcbratam contra formam ftamti pd* ac con-
tra pacem&c.

For counterfeiting and vttering of money yone being acceffdrie to

thefame after the offence committed.

Sc^. 142 ] Vratorcs jp domina Regina prefcntant, quod T. S. dc in Coroi-W,

tatu E.JCailoj,machinansdi^amdominm Reginam,& populum
fuumcallidc & proditoric dccipcre, 20. die raenfis Dccembris, An-
no regni diftcdomine Dei gratia, Anglire,Franc*,
noftrc Elizabethie
&HiberniaeRcg.fidcidefcnforis&e. Vicefimo nono, vnam peciam
moncce apud W. predifl:am,in Comitatu prediCto E. de Stanno a- &
li)S mixtis mctallis, ad indar &
ad limihtudincm , bonx legaU's ^
roonete ^ cunei diQc Dominc noQrc huius rc^i fui An^ae ( vo-
Oifences. iiy
(vocat AngV a Cl^tnui0,o; pcece of tiweiae p0nrc)ra]so et prodjeoric fa-
bricauitjCuditjSc controfccic : poftcaquc, viz. ditto die 20, anno fupra-
ditto,candeni peciam (Cic vt pracmitcitur.falfo &
&comrofattain)diucrfisligeis dittae doming rcginae, pro va&: legi-
tima moncta huius rcgni fui Angliac apud W. predittani, in coisicatu E.
prediftojfalfo&prodicoricfxpofuitct vttcrauit. Inmagnamfubditof
diCix dnac nofif dcccptioncm,ac contra pacctn dice dhx noftf corona,
& dignitaccm fuaro, nccnon contra formam diuerfof ftatiitof in eiufmo-
di catu prouiforum & atditorura. Et quod M, (vxor T.A.dc W. prcdift'
in ditto comitatu E gcnef) fciens prxnominatnm T.S. proditiofi pracd'
niodo forira prcd' fecifle, &
commififTc, cundcm tamcn T. S. poflca,
viz.(cundo die Febf,anno fupraditto apud W.pracdicC, in comicacu B,
prardic,rcccptauir,cteonfortauic,acprodirionem pred'concelauit>coa-
trapaceoi dic doming reginae nunc, coronam, & dignicacem Tuam.
AgMnJi counterfeiting^ andvitering of money andgold,

rNquiratur pro doroina rcgina,fi R.W. nuper dc H. in comitatu Sett. 142;

* E
^^mtt^jl. L.bopcrdc C.inprcditt* comitatu E.C^lOUCCj&T.B.nupcr
dcD.in pracd tt'comiE E.|^Coman, Dcum piacoculisfuis nonhabcntcs,
fed inftigac' diabolic' (edutt'.machinantefqj dic{ dominamreginamec
duodecimo die Martij,anm regni dn^ El iz. &c. fcxtojex pecias moncC
apud B. prxd in comitatu pd dc ctipro & alijs roixtis metallis, ad in-
^ar 5c (imilitudinem bon^ legal is 3c currefi monetz 3c cunci dittz do-
roin9 reginas huius regni fui Angliae^nglicc vocaf (l^iUmgSf,necnondu-
as pecias e cupro^acre 3c ali j$ mixtis metallis.ad inRar 3c fimilicudin' bo-
nac Icgalis 3c curf ent monet^ 5ccunei dictdominae regin' regni fui
cudcfctcomrofccef,ac quafdara carundem pcciaf fie vt pracmittitur,
fa! JO 3c ^ditoric fabricat cu(a$ 3c controf.Scc. diuerfis ligcis dittae dofia

rcginae jp vera, legitima 3r current monef huius rcgni Angli^ apud B.

pred' indii.ttocorhE-et alibi in ditt* com E. poftea dcccptiue,falfo, 8c
prodicof expofuef ,loIucf,6c vtterauef in magnum piudiciumjraudcm,
& deceptionem ligeof ditt' doming rcgifi. ac contra pacem eiufdem do-
roih rci^in' coronam 3c fuam, nccnon comra formam diuer-

Corumftatutof in bmdi cafu ^ditorum 3c prouiforum.

For ctjning of money,

INquiracur pro doraina regina, fi H.H.nupcr dc B. in comitatu F. Sett* 14^

SCaiPlfi^^Dcumpr^otuIif tuisnoni hab'nsjfcd inftigationc diabolica
P 5 fcdutt*

fcduft*,vt prodltor didac dorain* ReginSquinto die Maij,anno6cc.fcx-
dcimpcciasmonetvocatl^iUtng5,dc falfo et mix! roccallo adinftar
cunci huius rcgni Angf volgaritcr vocat SiUGJneCU^abetl) (I)iUing0,

apud B.pr^df,in coin E.pr9d',fals6,fclonicc,8c proditorie controfccii,fa-

bricauit &cunauit,conrra paccm,ac contra formam &c. vt fupra.

for coining and vtterwg ofgold.

SzBt* 145. T Nquiratur pro doraina rcgina^fi H. A nuper dc B. in comitaf E. JUbo*


ceC56c T.>S. nupcr dc T.in comitatu predift'^labo^ec, die ct anno &c.

&diuerfisalijsdiebus6cvicibustamantcaquam poIUa, Dcunipraeo-
culisfuis non habcnces/cd inftigac'diaboljc'fcduft',niachinantcfqj diet
dominamreginam ec populura luum callide, faho dcccptiue cc proditof
decipere ct dcfraudarc de injuria fua propria abfquc authoritat, warrant
fiucconccflioneRcgixmaicftatiscisautcoruniaUcri concelT. o6to pc-
ciasfair^ monetae, ad imaginem 5c (Imilitudincm peciarum inonetxauf
Anglice vocat golD0n fouemigncs ef f$ a pc;ce, apud M.in com Epd
proiniquolucro6c aduantagioecupro,fal(o cc proditone deaurauef
&cafdcmpecias false & ^ditorieficvcpraemictitur/att.fabricat, con-
trofacfjCt cunafjdiuerfis iigcis di^ae domrcginae ^.vcr3,Ugitima 6f cur-
rent monctadirtacdom rcgih rcgni fui Angl' apudJM. ^^rcd\ incomE.
pd xx.dic Oftob',anno fuprad, ac diucrfis ali)3 dicbus antca <Sc poftca,
dcceptiue,falfo,& proditof cxpofucf,& vttcraucf in tolutionem diucrfis^
ligeisdilz doming regih.nccnon contra formam diucrforum fhtutof m

hmdicaru^ditorum 6c prouiforum^ac contra 5cc. f

0[murder hy Wo rvitha i^^apon, and one accffforie before

the offence comntittedt

TNquiratur pro domin rcgina, fi H.W.nupcr de S.in comii E.SCailo^,
& W.C.dc S.in com E prcd QSItauCK, primo die Martij, anno rcgni
domih Eliz.Dci gratia Anglnj, Franci^, Hybcrni? rcgin, fidei dctcn-
foris Scc.^.apud C. in pochia dc Sprcd, in com E.prcd. vi armis &c. &
in qucndam T.B. in pace Dei & di^^ dnas rcg*, adiunc 6cibidcm exift*,
inrultfcccf,& pdH.W.cumquodamfalcaftro Anglicc vocatatSKelflj
bbe,valorxi j.d.qucm idem H. in vtraqj manu fua adcunc ibid tcnc- &
baf,pdT.Bruptrdcxtrumbrachium^pc roanum dcxtram adtunc &
ibid fclonicc pcrcu{fir,dans cidcroT.adiunc & ibid cum falcaftro pdicfj
vnarophgammortal',pfofunditaf duof poilicium,&longitpdquinquc
pollicium,dc qua quidcm plaga mortali, predT. adtunc& ibid inflan-
tcr obijr. Et (ic prcdiil' H. W. ct W. C. apud S. prcdi^am, in comitam
Jt.prcdicf, modo 6c forma pr^dift', pracfaCT. B. fclonicc, ac ex malitia
Offences. iitf
fua prccogica! Intcrfcccf ,ct murdrancf ,contp)ac' dift' dnac rcgih nunc,
corona e dignitate fuas. Etfi LH.de S.pd' in Com E.pd IjufbanDmatT, Accctfarici

ante felon etmurdf pred'p pfat H.& W.fic in forma prcd' Comiff. &
prcpctra5,viz. prcd' primo die Martij, Anno &c.3pud S. pd' in comicac
E prcd' prediftos H. W, ct W.C. ad feloh ct murdf prcd*,ficin forma
pred' facicnd' ec ppetrand'maiitiofe cc felon incicauiCi abbctcauic, ee ^*
cufjconcra pacem dice &c. vc alibi.

Of tJHfirder hj tivo mth weapon,

1 Vratores^ domina Regina prcfcntanf,quod A.B. nuper de C.in c-a ..y
diilo comitam ElSlacfefmitl), & D.E.de C. prcd' in Cora E. prcd* ' *

^SutC^CC/cptiBjo die Scpterabris, Anno regni diix dominse noftrac

ElizabethacDci gratia Anglix,Franciac,& Hibcrniae Rcginx, fidci de-
fenforis &c. triccfirao, vi &
armis cxmalitia (ua prcracditatajin quen.
damF G.nupcrdeBindiftocomifE.^eomaHjapud B.prcd'inCom
E prd' ;;: q>?odam loco ibidem ( vulgariter nuncupate t^e bolultng
plats ) jficunt & ibidem in pace Dei, & di^ac Doming Regin cxiQen-
tcm,in{u!iufccerunt,etprcfatusA.B. cum quodamgladiodinrilo,ad
vaUutidim quinq^(olidof,qucmip(einraanuruadcxtraadtunc6cibide
tcnuitjpruroF.G.fupcrfynciputfuumvoiuntarie&felonicc tunc ibid*
ptuflic, &
eo ipfo iau dedit eidem E.G. quandam plagam mortalcm, in
longitudine trium pollicium, 5c in profunditate quinque pollicium ec
dimid'jde qua quidem mortali plaga prcd* E.G. tunc & ibid* inftanter
& immediate obijt. Et vlterius,^ fd* D.E.cum quoda baculo ad valen-
G.adtunc6f ibid* voluntaric& felon* pcufTitfup caput fuura, dans eidc
F.G-vnam aliam plaga mortals in difto fuo capitc, in longitudine iriu
pd* obijflct, ft no obijflct de itu illo priore prcd*,q pd' A.B. ci primo
temb Annofuprad'^apud B. pd' in f d loco(vocatoff)etlOlnlinjJ place)
prcd' F.G.modo & forma pd,ex malitia fua precogitat,voluntaric,& fe-
lonice intcrfecerunt & rr}urdraucrunt,coatra paccm diet dhx Regin*,ac
contra coroh Srdignitai fuam.

For a murder mth a cndgelly andfljing afternpard.

INquiiratur pro domina regina, Si L S. upcr dc T. infra Parochiam ^ *

dc C. in Comitatu E. predift' labojet, n- die luli}, &c. non ha-

bens Deum pr oculis, fed infligatione diabolic' mof & fcdu^uj^
P 4 ex
"^lndicflments, and
extmliciafua pcogitat.vi&armis&c. in quondam Ric*N. apud C.in
GoraitE.prcd'.adtunc&lbidcmexiftch in pace dei &
Hcgin^ inlulf ct affraiam fccir, ac vno bacillo vocato a CuUjJcU nuUiug
valoris,qucni idem I.S.adninc & ibidem in manu (iua dextra tCDuir,ctm-
dcraR.N. in dcxcram partem capitis Rich' adcunc & ibidem fclonicc
pcrcuffit, danscidcm R.adtunc& ibidem cum bacillopredjplagamor-
talem longitudinis trium polliciura, &^fiinditati$ vnius poUicis, coh-

lunij anno fupradict^d' Rich* N.apud K.prcd',in fd Com E.ex plaga
prcd'rootcaliobijt. Etficp^ lohan.S.etmdcmR.N.apudC.praed m
Coraif Eprcd',exmalitiafuapcogitata modo &
forma prcd*, felonice
interfecicetmurdrauit, contfpac'did'dnacregiBX Coronam dignit &
fuas. Et fic prcd* lohan.S.poftqua jpfe feloniam &
murdru prcd* (ic in
Kying. forma pred' feciflct ct ppetralTctjfugam fecit,contra paccm dift' doroih
rcginx&cvt alibi..

OfxMnrAtr and frocttrement in the high vajk

Nqulraturpro domina i>cgina,Si P.P.nuperdcL.inpredicf ComB.

Seft.149 1
labo;eC,i 2 -die OOobf anno &c. inter boras (cxtaro&feptiroam poft
meridiem eiufd* diei,Dcum pr^oculis fuis non habcn&, fed inft igationc

diabolicaraotus&fcdu^uSjCxmaliciafuaprccogitataiVJ ct armis&c.
in quendam R.P.in via Rcgia apud P.infra Parochiam de S. in ComiC
E.pred' adtunc &
ibidem in pace Dei,& di^x dominie Regin*exifteh
inCultum fecir, cum vno baculo va.loris 2. d. qucm idem P. P. adtunc
6cibid'inroanibusfuistenuir,cunde. Rtch.fuper dcxcram pare capitis
fui,adtuncetibid'felonicepcu{rit,danseid'Rich. adcunc et ibid' cum
baculo pd vnam plaga mortal6 in longitudine (duorum po}iicium,dc in
^fundiE dimid* polliciSjdc qua quidcm plaga mortal j,pd' R.P.apud E.
infra Parochiam de S.pred' in Coin prcd' E. a pred' Z2.dieO(5tob. Aft
1 5.fupradictjvfqj fcptimu diem Fcbruaf ,tunc jpxirh fequch langucbat
quo quidcm 7. die Febf anno 1 5.rupradilo,idcm R. P^pud E. prcd' in
Cora E.pred',dc prcd' plaga mortali obijt. Et fie luratorcs pred'dicunc
fupcr Sacramentum fuum prcd', qviod pred' P.P. ipfum R.P. intra Pa-
rochiam deS.predifla in Comitatu E. prasdiftadi^o fcptiindicFc-
bruari) annofupradicto, cxmaliciafua pcogitaf modo forma pred*
, &
^ i/S; '
feloniccinterfccitetmurdrauit.contrapacedictae&c.vtahbi. EtfiKa-

^^^ '"* P.vxor pred' R.nuper de L
prcd'.in Comit E.pred*, &|}mtter,

prootfcmcnc ante fdoniamSc oiurdt u p^ p ipfum P.P. ilc in foruawprcd' iaftuni 6c

Offences,; 117
pcrpetratri,vi. ii.die0^obf,anno i5.fuprad*undaii P.P. apudL.
pred' in Com E.prod' ad fdoniam & murdru pd','m forma pred' fic fa.
ciend'&ppetrand'fclohexcitauitj abbectauit, cc^curauic, contfpac'
dift' dni regift &c. vc alibi.

OfMurder and diners yMmids^andAeee^drj iiy procurement,

INquiratur jjp domrna Regirra, Si T. B. nup dc S. in Com E. prcdift* Scft. 1 50

^C0raaiT,&H.O.niiperdcS.inCoiTipred'^eeman, B.dic lunijScc.
vi & armis ex; ujalicia fua precogitata,in quendam VV.B.apud T.in co-
IDJtatu E.pr^di^^ojn quodciu loco ibidem voc Hi adtunc& ibidem in
pace deictdi^* domin'Rcgine exiflentem, inlultum fcccf, & pred
T. B. cum quodam baculo ad valenc' duorum denaiiorum quern ipfe in
ambabusmanibus^uisadcuncec ibidem cenuic, ipfumW. B.fuper po-
fteriorem partem capitis fui felonice pcrcufTic , et dcdit ei vnam plagam
mortalemlacitudinequatuorpuDicium, dequa qaidem piaga morta-
lipred' W.B. immediate obijt. c quod predidus H.O. cum qtiodli
pugione ad valenc' (ex denanorum, qucro ipfe in manibus fuis adtunc
& ibidem tenuic, ipfum W. B. adtunc & ibidem felanice pcrcuC-
iic, dans cidcm W. in guttcrc fuovnam aliam plagam roorcar lati-

tudinc vnius pollicis, 6c profiinditacc qavnquc pullicium, vnde idem

W. B.de pla}(apred imnnediateobij(rctjn non obijdcc deictuprzd
qucm pred' T. ci dedifTct prius. Et prcdiftus T.B. die anno fupra-
dictis adtunc &
ibidem cum quodam baculo ad valcoc' duorum de>
nariorumquem ipfe in manibus luis adtunc ibidem tenaic, ipfnm W.
B.fuper pofliriorem partem capitis (uifcIonic&percuCnc, 6c dedit ei v-
nam aliam plagjim mortalem lacitud' quatuor pollicium^de qua quidem
plaga mortali pred' W.B. adtunc &
ibidem immediate pbii{Icr,fi noa
obijfTet dc iftu predict , quern prcdi^' T. B. ci prius dcdiHet. Ec
quod pd H.O. die6canno(upradi^isj cum quodam pagionc ad va-
icnc' (ex denariorum,qum ipfe in manibus fuis adtunc et ibidem tenuic
ipfum W. B. adiunc et ibidem felonice percuITit , dans ei in guiture fuo
vnam aliam plagam mortalem latitudin' vnius pollicis et profunditatis

triumpoJlicium , vnde idem W.

fidonobijfretdeifhpredi^o,qucmprcdilus T.B* ei prius dediflct.
t fiprcdift'T.B. <Sc H.O. di^totertio die Iunij,annofupradirto,apud
T. prcdiO' in Com' E|. prcdift* in pred i^* loco voc' H. pred' W. B. fc-
Jonicc intcrfccef 6c murdraucrunt,6c fi Eliz.B- njpct dc S.predyn Com
.predjOa:^piu(lec,vxorprcdi^6T.B.6c I.O. nupcr dc S. predict,
inpd Com* E.^ptnftecvxor pred' H.O. pred'tcuij diclunij, anno
fupradi^',in predid^* Comitatu E.vi et armis &t,in prcdii^' locoapud
T:. pjcdic^ , vocato H. cs^.maiitia.fua precogiuca prcien! fuerunt,
.-* , M

atWwMM,^ ttixilidfttisct cortfbrtafifes pi<dT.B.&: H.O.ad vulnc-

rand*p^ W. B.& ad fcloniatfiCcniurdrum prcd in forma prcd' facicn-
duiPjtclonice^xcit^ycrunt^^t^curauCruRtjtonirapacemdiftaB dh
Re<'. coronain& dignitaccm Cuas. - -' * "5
j^ ' ;
"^^ i"'^ -

AnInqHiliti9ilbf^K^r^fKf(iHfi(ilfefrt4Coroner iffntke vier* of the hody

jlaine, a^aifi*OMfor kjUing of his MifirU nvitk a hatchet on the head ^jhee
heifif^ therigriat with ehilde.
INquificiocaptapud H.incornE.5cc. coram mclohao. S. vnocoroh
Scft.151 "^domini R.ihcortjitatuprcd die Martis6cc. Anno &c. fuper vifum

corporis C. nupcr vkoris P. B. de H. prcd*, apud H. pred' fdonicc in-

adtunc ct ibidtin mort^ii iaccnf , per facramcmum proborum
^Ict^alium hominum de Villa dc H. &
trium aliarum villarumpro-
pioquarum, viz.S.N.5t C. prout moris eft &c. ad inqnirend* qualiier ct
quo. modo pred' Cad mortem fuam dcuenit, vir.per lacramenuim A.B
C. D. 6ic. qui dicuht fupci' facitimentum fiium See. quod Vbi predid'
C.dic,anno,loco,& confiif prtdifti^, circahoramftcundditi poft meri-
diem di^i dici Martis fuit m pa<je Dci,& domini Regis nunc apud H;

pred, vbi venit quidam W.B. nuper de C in comitat Wigorfigen,

feloniccvtfelo domini regis nunc infidiahd ct ex infiiUu premedirato
contra pacemeiufdem domini Regis, coronara dignitatem fuas, die,
anno, hora,loco,&coroi?pi-cdi^is, inprediftamC. magiftram fuam,
quae adtunc grauida fuit &
vicina partui mfultum fecit et eandem C.
, ,

cum quadanifccuri vocatum jait^atc^Ct, precij 4.d. quam idem W,

tenuit in manibus fuis fuper iiniftram partem capitis fui felonice percuf-
(it, dans ei plagim mortalem dc qtia quidem plaga morrali, eadem C.

inftanterobijt, & fie pred* W.prefaHC. Magiflram fuam adtunc ctibi^

felonice inccifccit,&rourdrauit centra paccm&c. .'

jfn Indi^ment againfl a, widow/or procuring one to murder her child in her
prefettce after /he wm de liner ed, by cutting the throaty and againfi theac

cej[ariejj>efire and after the ajjence committed.


Cs A
1 Vratore prodoroinaReginaprefentant.quodH.M.tiuperdcK.iA
jtcuiSi * pred' Colli E.vidiia.grauidacxiftenscum quadaro infante vina 24.
Maij, Anno regni diO' Dominznoftr^ Elizabethan, Dei gratia Angl*,
Franc' ct H ibcr' regh fidei dcfenfof &c. Secundo apud K.prcd' in coin
E.pred',ex Dt\ ^uidcniia panuri)t,etpcperitvnam ^lemkmelam vi-
iiam^pofteaq^ queda lana S^nupcr dc WJndifto CoA E. vidua^apud
K.pred'.inccmitatuE. pred'vi ft armis,e*maiitiafuapcDgitata'('di^o
24.dieMai),Annorupradjcf, circa horamvndecimam ante meridiem
ciu(dcm dici)pcr con^lium,mandatuin,6c jpcurationem prcdifl^H.IVi.

Offences. ii8
acinpracfentiaipfiusH.M.in prxdidim jpkm fcmcllamviiiaminfulf
fecit^& cum quodam cultcllo (ad valentiam vnius dcnan qucm cadern
lana tunc in many fua dextra tcnuic,guttur ipfuis ^lis fcnicllac adtunc ct
ibidem fcloniccfcidit.dans eidem^lifcmel lac quandamplagam morta-
1cm in gutture fuo praed,de qua quidcm plaga mortali j^!cs tcmdla pd,
apndlC pdincomicatu E.prxd', adtunc &
ibidem iniianterobijr. t
qdpracdH.M. adtunc ibidem fclonice fuic prxfens, comfortans,
auxiliansad prjtd' ^lerafcmellam in forma pdintcrficiiendamiEtfic pf.
H.M.&Iana,pfXd' ^Icm femcllara cxmalitiarua,praBco^Tata,fclonicc
volaricarie, intcrfcccrunt, ct murdraucninr, conf pac' dominae reginjc,
coronam&dignirajcmfuas, Et infupcr luratorcs prxdifti praercntant
prodiitadorainarcgina, quod Georgius P.niipcr.dc praedida in K
ditto comitatu E. ^COmau, 1 9 die Mai j, anno regni diC^x dominsc re-

gina?lecundo,acdiucrfi$alijsdicbus tt vicibu9> atuc flcniam& mur-

drum pra^dicC in forma pr^dilapcrpetra!apudK.predilam in comi-
cal E praedidlo malitioseet fclonice confuiuit,raandauit,pro(urauit &
abbettauit.prxd'H.M. ad pi ^diftum murdrum rolumarium faciendum
acadintcificicndum&murdrandumdiftam prolem fcmcllam, contra
paccm dift^ dominic'reginae : Et vljcriusjquod OP. &: A.B.dc K pre<f
incomitatu EpracdicS ^pinteis, poft 'lEurdrum & fcloniani prscdict

fupradiet) felbnice rcceptauerunt/Ct conforraucrunt^ contra paccm dice

ddmine'rriinaenunc;(:or6r.arti/&drOTitaicmfi)3S. i
" .-

yift IttdiElment cffeti*. Treafon a^mnfl a late feYUAni for mmdring ofhis
<Ji'ia(i errand the ace faerie before the o^cftee,

IVratorcsfro domina Regina praEfcntant,quod A. B. de C. in comita! ScCi. i S3

E.^;ocer,nuperferuicnsB.D.dc C. praedifta in ditto comiratu E.
C^^OCeCjdccimo die Septembrisjannoregni dittxdominae noflrx Eli-
zabech^.Dci gratia Angl)ae,Franci^,&: Hybcrniae,Reginac, fidcidc-
fcnforis &c. Triccfimo quarto, in doroo manfion'ali pr^dicTB-D. apud
G.prcd in comit^JtE.pd viSc armi$,viz ctim gladioet pugione dirtrittis
ad valcnc* xjolidof ('quosidcm A .B.cunc ibidem, in manib' luis tcnuit)
in'jir^ooAiinat^fn l^.p.turic magtftrum founuutic ct ibidem in pric' Dei
&dittafDomih3eKtgin^cxifteiitcm,ii'oliintarre8c exmaliiialuaprac-
cogitatainfultmnfecit, SccundemBD. tunc magi (Truiiifuum,adtmc6G

ibidem Cum dittogUdioftloniceScprbditorie (up caput fuum fortitcr

& valid c pcrcufiit, ita qvidd ditto ittu, caput ipfius B. D. tunc roagiftri
fuitunc^ ibid in duas partes fcidir, dans ei pbgamroortale ; vndecor'
pus-dift B.D.immcdiascibid ad terram cecidit,& diftus BX>.mAancer
ibid dc plag* pd mortuus eft. Etfic pf. A. B.apud C. pd ex malicia (ua
pcogitata,cundcm B.D.niaginf fuuropd modoecformapd, volumaf,
ncquic,fclonicc,& ^ditoric intcrfccit, contra pac dicf dorh noftf nunc,
ceronametdignitatluas. Etq),quidaml.S.dcC.pdindiloconiita!E.
<S;oca (ante prodittoncm pd p pf. A.B.fic vt pr^fcrtur vpluntarie pcr-
peirataro Sctommiilam) yiz.fcxto die Scptcm* annafuprad, cund A.B.
apud C.pd in coiSi E.pdiad.^ditionero pd in forma pd ppctranda &
comniittendjfclonicc con(uiuir,cxcitauJ(,& procurauir, coiuiapac'diA*
donjin' nfae Reginx,ac contra co5on.,& dignitaf iuam.

A^Ind^Siment ofpetie treafon againfi a ferUAHt for ^reakjag of his maflert


Seft.i54 iNquiratur&c.fil.M.dcD.incomM.teeman.honiofcruiensW.R.
I dc S.in com E pd.Sc infcruitio ipfi" W.pro Jioc intcgroanii rctent
1 2. die Mai) anh&c apud S.in |)dcciTjE.domuiuprcd'W.R.adtunc

magiftri fui cxiftch vi & arrois&c. felon ircgit cc intrauit & m ipfum
W.adtuc ec ibid in domo fua ^priain pace Dei & dt^x docninz reg.
cxiftch infultum fccitet cu VDO cultelio voc a tcencljer femfe,precij ij.d.
^ ide Ladtunc ibid in manu fua dextra cenuicpd WJcloh &
W.mfi fui adtunc & ibid' cum cultclio iilo to
(of pcufTit, 6c guctur ipflus
tabccr fclon'& proditof fcidit^dansei adtunc 6c iibidquand plagS mor-
tal', de qua quid' plag' pd. VV. adtunc 6c ibid inftatxc, moricbaf, 6c He
fidI.Mpd W.R.Magiftf fQum adtunc 6c ibid inftanf, modo 6c forma
lupradd/don* ec ^ditof intcrfccit cc murdri contu pac' di A9 dh; scg.
coroh 6c digaitacluam.

\ Au IttquiJumofM(trdertaken^eforea(^oronrtVponthevitvfoftyebo'
djfVphereinis foHttdonetobeprefentandaydingtothe
fame mttrdcr*

ScA,I j;5 1 Nquilitio capta coram A. B.vnp Coronatof domini Regis 6cc. l^per
vi(um corpnf I.S.6cc. qui dicunt quod ica accidie apud M. in coroitaE
praed* E die 6cc. circa horam 6cc. quod vbi prcd* LS.fuit in pace Dci,5c
difti regis apud M.cifdem dic,anBo,Ioco,6c hora^vblvcnit VV.
L.de M.6c S.T.6cc. ut fclones dili dopaini regis, 6c ex malitia fua pr^-
cogitata, in ipfum I. S^idcunc 6c ibidem infuUum fecerunt, 6c prcd* W.
L. qiiodampugioneprecii4.d.qucmipfe inmanu(iia dextra tunc cc-
ncbatj did'I.Sfupcr finiftf partem corporis (ui^viz.rubccrafcllaiii per-
cuffic vfqucad
cor fuum,dando ci plaga mortale, vnde idem
hora tunc & ibid'obi jt in contincnt,& fic prcd* W.L.pfar
I.S. apud M
prcd' in prcd* Com E.felofi intcHccit & murdrauic conif pac ditc dni
reg.coron&digniratruas.Et^pd'S.T.loco,dic,anno,ct hora prcd*.
pafeJonTmtjSIcns,a{riften^,abbcttas,^cuf,confortet maniucncns pf.
W. L. ad felon murdrum prcd' infoiih pr ed' &c. I n cuius &c.
Por a Nufam of a, common bridge in the ^ueenes hiqh wajyouer a rifter,
which is decajed^md not knorven yvhaJhoHld repAire it.

JVratorcs pro dfia rcgina prefcntanr.quod pons public' & comunis^ff-

Sg^^ , ^^
cus inaltaregiavia(upcrfl^m^cndc^l.infraparochiamdc A, in Com
E.pred*(vulgariccr diftus A.)cft,ct per aliquot annos iam proxifii clap-
fos fuit valdc ruinofus,& in maxirao dccafu,ob dcfcflu reparatioh,adco
Vt fubdki dit' domin? rcginac,in, fupcr,trans,vcl vltra di^um pontcm;
p(fc,vel cum coru quis,bigis,aut canagijs,redirc,auttranfirc,{inc mag-
no vit^ difaiminenon audcnt aut polTunt.ad comune nocumeiuu om<
nium vicinorum,6c copatriatarura in diet coih E. habitantium,qiiorum
intcreftrationcncgotioffuorum iliac tranfire: t vltcn'
cp prorfus nc-
pfonac.qucuc tcrrc,tcricmen?,aut corpora corporata
f<;iiur,qa^ poli- &
tiia,cunde pontc aut aliqu^ indc parcellam^ex iure,aut ex antiqua con-
futlreficcre cc reparare dcbent^aut confueucrunc.

Tor A nnfans of a bridge oner a riuer in the ^lueens high way nrhich is decai-
ed^mdoughttobe refaired bj the'^lt^eene bj rcafon of a Alunor*

lVfprcfent&c.q)quidam pons firuatfupcriquade Trent inparoth' c-a.

& in raagno decafu^ita quod ligci doroifi rcg.in,p,rupcr,vcl vltra cunde
pontcro,abrq; magno periculo traniirc feu laborare non valcnr, ad
mune nocumcntum omnium ligcorum dift' dnx rcg; trans 8c vltra pon-
tcm pd'tranfeuntfcutranfincvolcntium. Etq)domih regihnunc, rati-
one tenure feu mancrij deNiuperT. cum pertinen in CoraS.prcdift',
pontmillufacere,rcficcre,&cmendarc debet, &^ caderodha regina
& omncSjpgenitorcsfui.acomnes quorum ftac'eadcm dna regina

modo habcc in cod mancrio dcN.fupT.cum prin' pontcm illii faccrc,-

reparare,& em edare confueucrum,dc tempore cuius contf memoria ho-'
minumnon cxiftit,totiej quoties nccefle fuit. In cuius 5cc.

An Indi^ment agnhijl one for polling davpne of aftone bridge in' a torfne oner
. . which the InhamtAHtsof the fame totvne hane vfedto fra-^
uaile time oHt of m hide-
IndiVtments, and
Scft. 158 1 Vratof &c. <$ cum a tempore quo tnemoria homiaum in contranum
Inon cxiftifjfuit quidam pons lapidcus in W.in Cerh E.pd voc* A. per
& trans quern quidcm pome omno* inhabitant vil!^ dc W
pd in Com

pd' per tcrop'prcd* habere confuerunt ingrcflum eccgreflum ad que-

dam locum vocatum H. ^p negotijs eorund' facicnd', tamcn I.F. dc&c,
tali die &c.et anno &c.vi et armis SccprxF. pontem cfFodit, jpflrauit, &
($ iFthabitanf ibid' ingrelTuet egrelTuad pd* locCi ^ pd negot' fuis facu
end' habere non pofluncct alia enormia per cum tunc 6c ibid* h{k3 func
ad graue et commune nocumenf pd' vicinoru ibid* ct contra paccm&c.

Fornufincein the ^ueems high yv4j,hy inclofing ofpart

efthe waj.

StCt, 159 1 Nqulratur ^p domina Regina.fi E.S,m)pcr de W. in Com

W. pd' gcft
fccundo die Maij&c. parte cuiufdamvixregix in W.in Corapred*
ducenf aW.pred'vfquead S.ineodcroCortiviz.aW.pred*viquea<l
quandam foueam in S pred' in prcd' Com W. vocat le common pit, in
cadem viaexiftentcm,cum fepe 6c fofTa inciuHt ecobftruitineand' viam
Regiam (ic incluf. a pred' fecundo die Maij, vfque diem capcionis hui'
inquintionis,inpafluramconuerrebae,6c adhuccuflodit,in malum 6c
pernitiofum exemplum aIiorum,6c ad graue damnum 6c commune no-
cumentum omnium ligeorum fubdicorum diCte domine Reginc ibidem
^peinhabitantium, quorum intereft iliac tran{ire,ac c5tra formam di-
ucrforumHatutorum in huiufmodi cafucdiE 6c ^u if. ac contra paccm
ditx domine Hegine 6(c

Fr Per iffrj itt a defojition before Cammijfitners hj Commijfion

out of the Court of }Vards,

St(k*lCo IVf prefentant ^p domina Rcgina, QuodF.E.deG. in Comif prc^

%^i\Q2, 24. dicIulijjAnno 6cc.apud M. in Comitatu E.praedift', co-
ram A. B.C. D.6c E.F. Arroigeris, Coromiflionarjjs virtuie Brcuis
diftc domine Rcginxde CommifTionc pracdi^is A.B.C.D. 6c E.F.
direAi,6c extraCuriam Wdrdotu 6c libcrationum di^ac Domine Re-
gine apud VVcftmonafterium in Comitatu Middi', preamea cmanantis
pro eximinacioncquorumcunque tcOium, tam ex parte cuiufdam I.
L.deM.praedicta,in Comitatu E. predic! leaner qucrentis,quam
ex parte H.M.deN.in dido Comitatu E. yeoman ^defcndcntis, m
quadamcaura((iue materia) inter ipfos I. L.6cH.M. tunc in dicta Cu.
tia Wardorum6c liberationum conrrouerra,6c ibidem dependcntc in
variantiaprotiiulovniusmeduagi) cumputincncijs in M, predict in
Offences. 120
diftocomitatuE. ^fonalifconfti tutus, Ac tunc &
ibidem fxiflcnsteftis
produft us p pdiftum I.L.ad ccllificandum &
dcponcndumin caufa pi,
ex parte ipliui I.L.6c iuratus per CommifTunarios praedilo5, ad vcrica!
dicendaro fup aniculis imcrrogatorijs ei per diftos Commiflionarios
adtunc& ibidem miniflrandi$,(eptim Articulo Interrogatorio ei adtunc
& ibidem per diCios Commiffionarios ex parte pd" I.L.miniOrato dixir,
&fuper(acramcnturafuumpdift* affirraauif,6c depofuir, prout inhijs
Angiitis verbis immediate (equitur,viz.SEo t\)C fcueuti) l^tltZttOQatO}^
liefaitl) bp tjecfucof tfjefaio oatIj,tl)attl)efaiD mcoruagcla0 neuet* ou
CUpiCDb^t^efaiO H.M.tl)eDefenUailt,^iitpdiaamdepofitionem pd
E.F.mtcr alia per pfatos CommilTioharios in diftam curiam Wardorum
6c Iibcrationum cercificacam & millam, ac ibidem de recordo adhuc re-
manentem,pleneapparet: vbircuera5c infa^o, diftum melTuagium
diu occupatumfuii p pracnominif H.M.defendentem. Et fie, idem E.F.
diCto viccfimo quarto die lunij, anno fuprad apud M
pd' in difto co(h
E.corampraenominatis A.B.C.D.& E. .(Commifljonarijsdift^doni

reg' fie vc pr5rcrturexiftentibuj)volunrarie,5c corroptc,pcriurium cora-

mifit voluncarium 6c corrupt contra lorftdiucrf.dacucorum in huiufmO'
di cafu prouiforum 6c ^ditoruo?.

ForPeriurieinadefjition, before Commifsioners hj Commifsionout fifths

ChAuncerie vpoft thefiatwte (fanno 5 ef^^eene Eliz.,
' i

iVra!&c.pfentant,quod W.R.i4.die6cc.apud A.incomE.coraml. Stt* i^i*

K.5c T.S.armig*6c F.T.genef cxiflenf Comroiff. virtute brcuts domi-
nxreginx de Commid.tibi acalijsdire^',ac extra cur CahceihfdicE
domin' regin' nunc prxantea emana'ntis, ad examinationera diuerlb-
rum ceRium,cx parte cuiufdam W.C.quef, verfus quendam T.N.defen-
dcnf in qivadam materia inter ipfosW.8cT.tunc in cuf Cancellafpr^d
apud WcilmonaQcfin comitatuMidd tunc exiflen dependent inva-
rianc'6ccontrouerfpro ticulodiuerforum tenemenf cum pertinenfvo-
catScc.in di^o comitatu Ebof pfonalitcr couOiiuE ac exiHcns tcOis
produftuspcrpracfaC W. C> iad deponend incaufa predict, ex parte ip-
fiosW.onera?, 6c iuratus ad veritatcmdicend'delnterrogatorijsfibi per
Commiff. praedift' ac^tunc minidr jnd 1 8. I ntcrrogatorio fibi per prac-
nominai Commit, adtunc 6c ibidem ex parte ptaedactW.C.miniftraf
fuper racramencura fuum dixit 8c dcpofuitmodo^ forma, prouc in An-
t^e Ji)tt|. ^^ fattl) f C. rccitando verbatim de-
glic' vetbis requitur,viz, tO
pofitionemiUam, prout per dcpofic'pred'W. R. inter alia per praeno-
n3inaCommiff.inGuf Canceliaf praed'certificaf, et ibidem de recordo
remanefipleneliqiTCt, vbi rcuera pr^dift' H.S. non caufauit 8cc. nc-
^c 6cc. negando cfljectum depofitionis 6cc. prout pr^dicr W. K.
vAtk7ia faUo
talso & & iurauir. Per quod idem W. R. prsed' 1 5 ^
corruptc dcpofuit
die &c. anno if^Aupnd apud A.pdindiaocoraicatuE.corampr^fac
I.K.T.D. & F.T. ConimiU.virturc brcuis dominae reg' cis dire^i tunc
exiftcntibus,voluntaric & corrupie coramific periuriuin voluntarium &
corrupturo, in contcmpciim didx dominae rcg*, 5c contra forroam ftaiuC
in Parliatncnco di^^ doming regin^ tcnto anno regni Aii quinto inhu-
iufmodi cafu prouifi & ^dici, ac ad grauc damnum pr^d' T. N.
for taking ofPhefints and Partridges with nets and other engins
in another mans freehold without licence ^ contrary
to the Statute of Anno 1 i.H.7.

^ 1 <2 1 Vratorcs pro domin* rcgina prsfcntant, quod W.G. de S. in diet co*
horam dccima ante meridiem viccfimi diei
Jlroitatu E.3labo;rei:jcirciter
Auo-ufti, anno rrgni dice doming nollf Elizabeths, Dei gratia Angli,
Francije, &
Hybcrn regin', fidci defenforis &c. Triccfirao quarto, in
quodam loco infra paroch' dc S.pracdict in com E, pracd* ( vocaf vulga.

ritcr tlje <Ii{l)eat fielD) qui quidaro locus tunc firit, & adhuc eft libcrum
tenementura A B de S. pd in difto comiiatu E. gencf (nee vnqoam fu-
itin,auc dewarrenna ipfius W. G propria) duos phafianos, & decern
perdiccs,cum quibuldam rcticulis, &
ahjs ingcnijs (valoris dorum fo-
lidorum) tunc ibidem ccpjt, cccidit,& afportauit,finc aliquibus aflenfu,

aggrcamcnto,aut fpeciali licertia difti A.B. in hac parte habitis aut ob-
, tentis : In diftx dpmin rcgin nunc contemptum, ac contra forroam cu-
iufd ftatuti in Parliamenio domini Henf nuper rgi$ Anglix 7. tcnto
anno regni fui vndeciroo, in buiufmodi cafu prouifi & aediu.
For murder by wlfnllfoifomng with herhsinpottagevfonthc
Statutecf Anno I Ed.6.

^ c. 1 Vratorespro domina regina praefentant, quod T,H. de .in comitatu C

e.i6}. i E^pr^dift'^eoman/ccundo dieDee'.anno regni diftac domnoftf E-

lizab.Dei gratia AngUaCjFranc', et Hyberh rcgin.fidei defenforis &c.

3 6.apud C.prxd' in comitatu E.pracd', in domo manfionali ibidem cu-
jufdam WB. nupcr de C. pd in ditto comit E-l^eouiaiTj exmalitiafua
prepcnfa &
prxcogitata,voluntaf &
felonicc porrexir, ac dedit in catil*
lo quodam eidcm W. B. ad cdcndum,quedamolcra (Aaglice vocata
^ert(afiC)excicuta venenofltoia, ^ alijs hcrbisvirulentis confefla &
compofira, quacquidcmolcrapracdittusW.B. tune ibidem cumcO-

cleari (quod in roanu fua dextra tcnuit ) coniedit , vndc praedittuj W,

B'Aatim poftcaacgtorabat, ac apraedifto fccundo die. Anno fupradi-
/Uindifta domoiua apud C.prsed idogucbat,vfquefcxtuRi diem diet,^
Offences* ni
menfis Decembris,anno fapraciido, quo quidem fcxto die, anno fupra-
di^Oj pd W.B. ex dicf cfu olcmm pdiOof, in di^a domo fuaapud C.
pred in di Ao com' . interijt. Et (ic luratores pd prcfcntantyquod prcdt
T.H. prxnofpinatum W.B.apud Q.pYxdi\Ainincotn'E.pd,modo ct
forma fuprd, ex raalicia fua prxcogitata, yoluntaric^t fdonice, vcncno
pdincerfecicacniurdratiic, contrapaccmdid^ domin'rcgin' nunc, ac
contraformam fXatm'i in parliamento domini Edwardi nupcr regit An*
glixfcxco (ceDto,apud Wed. in com' Midd i annorcgni fui primo ) in
huiufmodi cafu prouifi ac xdicL

For mnrder hy mlfHllfoyfomng ofone in potion.

T Vratorcs pro doa Rcgina prcfcntant, quod H. R. nuper de C. in coni q rv - ^ .

E.^50manjX.dic o5ob.anno &c.Dcum prae oculis fuis non habcns,
fed inftigationc diabolicafeduft' ex malicia (uaf cogitat, qucnda R. F.
in pace Dei et diet dn^ rcgin C.pd, in com' E.pd ad bi-
cxiflen* apud
bend ptextu amoris ct amicitix inuitauir.et eidcm R. F.ad tunc et ibidc
potionem quandam veneno intcrmixtamct intoxicac felonicc dedit
quam quidem potioncm pd R. F. ex infligatione ct prouocationc dicE
H. ad tunc ct ibidem accepitjCtcandepotioocm fuper illud immediate
bibcbat&exhaufir, rationc cuius dift'R.F. immediate poR potionem
pd fie cxliaunura,morbo corrept fuir, ac a pd. i o. die O^ob anno fu-
prad, vfque quartu diem Fcb.&c.apud C.pred' in f d com' E.Ianguc-
i)at,quo quide 4.die Feb.anno S.fuprad'jprcd R.F.ex potionect imox-
icationc pred', apud C. pred" in com' E. pred' obijt. Et fie pred' R. H.
prcfat.R.F.apud C.pred' in com' pred*> modoet forma fupradiftis cu
potioncpraediA' veneno intcrmixti& intoxicata felonicc interfecitec
murdrauit, contra pacem di^e dominac reginx nujic, ct contra formam
Aatuti inde in huiufmodi catu aediti ct prouifi.

For mnriifr i>/m/fh/ipo)faiKgvpof3 theJljitutc 9/ Anno I.Ed. 6,

iY herein wherein thefiat nte is reoitjed.

T Vratof prcfcntant, quod cum in ftatuto in parliainiodfiiE.nupreg* Seft. 1^5

Angliac fcxf apud Wefl.in com* Midd', anno regni fui primo, lemo,
aedii mtcr al* inaditsi cxiflat autlioritatc eiufdc , quod omnis voluntaf
jntcrfefiio per veneriumAnglicepovfoninO) alicuiuspcrfonaefiucpcr-
fonarum,qiiaradaliquod temp^cxiunc iropofUrun'^^aj^P^^''3**>fi"C
^comi(Iaforcr,adiudiearctor,habere'tur& cxifiimaretur voluntaf rour-
<lrum dc malicia ppcnIa,q>qucofFcnforesinca parte, coiumcoadiutorcs
abbcttatorcs,procutatores, et cofiliatcf fuHinctSt mortem ctforisfacnn
^olibet rcrpect,yiinali js cafib' volut' murdxi de malic' ppcnfa'^put in
V /! Q;, codem
Indicflments and
odcm ftatiito plcnc liquet, QuidamtamcnA.B.nupcrdcC.incomit
.lLalJO^CC,ftatut pd&poeh in codcra content parui pendens, ncquc
timof dci prac oculis fuis habcns, viccfimo die lanuar. anno &c.apud R,
prc^, in p5 comitatu E. ex malicia fua praccogitata, quendam EX. vo-
luniarie ct fclonice,pcr vcncnura interfccic ct murdrauit,eont pac* dift ac
dhae rcgifi,corQnam & dignitatem fuas^ac contf fornaam ftatuti pd &c.
Tor Petytreafon againfi themfefirfeyfoning her husband, bypfit'
ting Arfenick^ and Rofegree in his drinks^

, x-> Vratores 5cc. quod A B. de &c. vid,nupcr vxor

. I. B. dc F. prae^ 6cc.
Sct "I
1 contra debitum raatrimoni) vinculum ac zdum & amorem qucra ca-
demA.B.ergapdl.B. nupcrvirum fuumgercredebcrec, diabolicoin-
fiin^u dufta^cx malicia fua pcogitata,machinans, ctintendens cundem
I .B. nupcr virura fuum vita (ua priuarc, ac ipfum fclonice 8c proditoric
fius LB. adtunc viri fui, quoddaRvvcnenum mortiferum vocat Arfcniclc
ctRofcgre,acpotum ilium fie vencnatum felonicc ct proditoric adtunc
& ibidem prcd LB. dedit roiniftrauit bibend, qui quidem L B. nihil
fraudisautdoli vcrfuspd, A. indc fufpicicns, potumillum fie vencnfitu
ct intoxicatum adtunc ct ibid per inftigatioii&prouocationdift'A.
bibit ; per quod idem LB. ad eodeni xj. die L6wC.vfque z i .diem I .tunc
proxim' fequenc langucbat. Quo quidem 22 .die anno &c.idcm LB. dc
veneno illb apud E &c.obijt.Et fie dicunt luf pd quod A. prard die &
anno difl'L B. adtunc verum fiiumapud &t. fclonice et proditoric in-
toxicauitct murdf, contra pacem di^x dom'reginz &c.

Tor the breaking offrifon, heeing imprifonedvponfufpition^f the deathof a

man in the ^Hjeensgaoley vndtrthe cufiody ofthe Confiable ofa hundred,
Jrtir. 107. TNquiraturprodominregina/iW.H.dcC.incom'E.^eeman, vnus
Coftabulariof dil' dfiae rfi^ hudredi fui dc T.in cora'E. f d (\Vi quo
quid hundred fiia eff villa dc C.f d)qucnd R.B, nup dc C.pd in com*
E.pd &tlo;)2o.dic Sept', anno regni diftae dfiae nollrae Eb. dci gratia
Angl2e,Franciae,5cHyberniaercg* fideidefcnfof 6cc. Tricefimoquin*
to,apud C.prcdin dift' com' E.^ fufpic* cuiufd felon'(viz.jp mortc cu-
iufd M.N. apud H. in com' E. jad felon intcrfefti) ccpit&arrcftauir:
Eteadc caufaidcR.B.fiib cuftod di^i W.H;Conftabulari), inprifoh
diftat ^n;R re^ apud C
pd in com' E. pd; poftea fcilct dido viccfimo
die Septcmb. anno fu'prauifto forrikCr,cr duritcr detent' fucrir, Ac idem
R.B.tuncibidTic dctentus,poftca(viz. di'ftis die eta'ono) apud C. prcd
in com'E .pd.vi et armis pa prifoh' ihid fdl'onfi cgir, ac cxtf cuftcd di-
y iliCoftabur^tuncetibiojCoi^.t^i^ius volunf fdoii wiafir.conf pac'di^9
^' dliat
Offences. izz
dominx Rfginx nodrx nunC)Coronam,6c dignitacam ruaf,necnon con-
tra foraiam fhtuti in huiufmodi cafuprouiH ac xditi.

ForfukiMg rfSheepe

TNqulraturprodhaRcgina^fiN.H.nupcrdcO.inCom'E. Habo^ec, Sc^^.i^J

1 1 ; die Mai) anno &c claufura cuiufdani H.C apud
. . C
pd in Comi
E.^d frcgic& in(rauic,ac lanam quacuor ouium valof ^.s.de bonis ec ca-
taU'dift'H.C.apudO.pdinCoro'E. pdacorporibusouium pd ad-
tunc & ibidem exiften' expilabac & iplam lanam (ic euulfam
, , tclonicc
ccpic & afportauifjcontra paccnj diilae doming Reginx &c.
Forthefelonitu mkig ofa-purfe^andmonejandgoldiH it^
from the perfon of a man,

INquiratur pro dha Rcgina , fi N.H. nuper dc S. in Cofii M. ^iller^ Sc^. I ^9

1 6. die Aprir,anno &c. vi 5c armis.viz. Sec. in quendam Ed.R. apud

C. in Com'iVl.pd infultum fccit,& vnum burfam valof 2.d.& p.s. in

pccunijs numcratis
, &
vnam coroii Gallicam voc' aif cenc^ croione,
valor 6.s.in burfapd,adcunc &: ibid'cxifl',de bonis &
pecuh pd E.a p-
fona ipfius E. clam &
fine noticio ipfiiis E. adtunc &
ibid felon* cepit &
afportauitjcontra pacem di^* djo^ reg.&c. ac c ontra formam flacuti &c.

for Purfe-ficktHg,

IVratorespro dhaReginaprefemant, quodl.S.nupcrdeA.inCom Sct.i7

E. 3;ia^lo^,6. die luli j,3nno Reg.diftx dominx noftrs Eliz. Dei gra-
tia Anglix,FranciaE,& HiberniacRcgin3e,fidci dcfcnforis &c. 3 4.apud

A. pd m Coraitatu E. f d,in quodam loco ibidem ( vocato tht Clmcs)

vi &armis in quendam R .M. de A. pd in Coroicatu E. pd (I^^ocei: 5 in-
fultum fecit,&vigintifolidos in pecunijj numcratis in crumena ipfius R,
IVj. tunc ibidem exiftentesinucntos^depdcromena ipfius R.lVl. tunc &
ibidem a pcrfoh ipfius R.M. (clam &
infciente ip(o R.M.) felonice ce-
pit Scafportauit, contra pacem diix dominx Regin^, ac contra coron,
& dignitatem fuas.
For vnUvpfull T^urucjdtice ofthree Weathers without author it ie.

IVratcrcs pro domina Regina prefcntant , quod prime die lulij. anno 5^^, jyi^
regni dominx noflrx Elizabethx,Dei gratia Anglix,Francix,& Hi-
bcrnix Rcginx, fidci defcnforis &c. 3 y. quidam H. W. nuper dc G. in
Comitatu C. SCippUCjapud C. in Comitatu C. f d pr^ fcfercD,& afTc-
.}i QL'i} "IS

& crnptoribushofpitjj cUft' dht Rcginc
rcnsfc effc vnii es^prouiforibus
dift* I, dic,annorupradifto(quo quidcm tempore nullum oftendit,au
fecum habuic warrantum fub magno aut paruo Sigillo did* 6hc reginc)
apud C. p^ in Com C. f ^,trcs ou callratos ( Anglicc vocatas W,Z^
tb0CS)prccij vigintifolidorum.dc bonis &catalli$ I.S.dcC.pd ia dido
Com'C l^ramaiTjtunc ibidem cxiftcn inuentas,fub colore purucyanci^
pro diftohofpitio, illcgitimeac fclonice ccpit 6c abduxic ! Contra pac'
diCi* dfic Reg. ac cont form' diufof ftaiufin hilidicafuprouif. ^di^V &
^or the Rape of a maide vpon the Statute of Anno r3. Ea\
the rvhich is recited,

IVratores prcfcntant, quod cum in Statut in Parliamcnto dfii E.nnpcr

Sc^/i72 reo-. AngV primo, annoregh fui 1 5 tenf,xdit, inter alia prouifum lit,

quodii homo rapucrit vxof , ancillam , fiuc aliquam foemih vbi non
coofcnticritncc antca ne<^ue poHdajhabeat iudicium de vita mcm- &
bro,iproutineodtm flaluto plenius continctur. Quidam I.B. nuperdc
A.&c.^0Oman,ftatutum jpd &c. tal die An.Ioh O.filiam H.O. an-

cillam apud W.in Com* E. p5,cont volunt fuam fcJoh rapuit,cont pac'
dtft* dhc rcg.&c. ac contra formara ftat pd Scf.

For the Rape ofa chitde vnder the age of t erney eares,vpott the StU'
tHte of Anno i'^. of the ^^eene.

Scft;i73r "iVratores pro dhaRegina prcfcntant, quod G. D. deB.inComE,

l^atecman)3.dieIulij,annoReg.diftaBdominnoflrc Eli^.Dci gra-
tia Anglise,Franciac,& Hiberni^ReginsCjfideidcfcnforis&c 34.apud

B. pd in diftoCoraitatu E.(indoraomanfiona]nbidem cuiufdam A.S,

l^ottclec) vi &arrais in quendam R .M. dc A pd in Coroitatu E. pucl!*.

infra ^atcm decem annof tunc exiOent Jnfulcum fecit^ accunc ibidem &
candcm M.N. fclonice ac carnaliter cognouit, ac cadtm M- N. neqoitcr
abufus e(l,contra pacera dift'dhe Reg.nunc,ac cont form* ft atuti in pli-
araenrodift'dheReg. nunc ( tcnto apud VV. in Com* Middlefexisr,
anno di^'reg.fui i S.) in hmdi cafu prouiCac xdif;

For the Rape of a made of the age offxteenejearei , vpon t he Sta*

tHte of Anno 1 3 , Ed. i

, lVratorcsprcfcntant,prodhaRcg.q>'B,C.deE.inCom*E.2naU0tt1Ct,
3<cc. 1 74. ^ 5. die Oftobrig.anno reg. dirt'dncnfc EiiziDei gratia Angliac, Fran-
ci3c, &HierniaeRcginx, fidci dcfcnforit &c. 34.adudC. pdmdiA*
Com' Equodao) ibidem loco (voc* leb9U);e) vi6c armts in quandam
Offences. 12
A.K.dc E. prxd in cotniwcu E.predifto, virginctn artatis fex decern an*
nofjtunc ct jbidtm in pace Dei & ditx dominx rcgin cxiftcuf.inful-
tum fecit.ac tunc ei ibid' eandem A. contra voluntatcm ipfius A. feloni-
ccrapujtj&carnaliccrcognouit, contrapaccm di^ae dominac retinae
nunc, ac contra formam cuiufdam ftatuii in parliaracnto dcmini Ed-
wardi olim regis Angliac primi,tcnto apud Wcft.in comitatu Midd.an-
00 regni (ui cercio decimo,in huiuieiodi cafu prouiii cc edici.

For taking away a maide ofthe age ofeleueny cares vpon thefiatptte ^

of Anno 3 . . 1 . / whtch theftatute is recited,

< "Xb.xr
T Vratorcs praefcntant,quod cum in flatuto dhi E. nup
in parlianicnto
^^^^ j yg
regis Angl' priroi, anno regni fui tertio tcnt^dit, inter cxtcf ordinat,
cxiftitjquodniillusrapiatnequccapiatancillanmfra ctatcmcxiftcntp
affcnfumfuum.velfincafrendifuo, ncquediOara ancillam, necaliam
foeminara contra voluntatcm fuam, &lialiquishocfecerit, adfcftam
qui hoc fcquitur infra quadraginta dies, dominusRcx fibi faciei

communemiufticiam, ctfiruliusincipiat (ectam in h^c parte infra xL

dies,dominrexfequecur,&illi quiinuentfuerint culpabilcs, habeant
prifonam duorum annorum, er poflmodum redimantur ad voluntatcm
dorainiregis prouc in eodem ftatuto plenius contincur. Quid5 1. B. nu-
per de A. 6cc. ftatutum praed minimc ponderans 6cc. I. O. filiiim HO.
ancillam, & infra setatemcxiftentem, viz. a:tati$xj. anncrum quadra-
ginta diebus elapfis apud W. tertio die S.anno 6cc.violcnter cepii & ra-
puir, contra formam ftatut pr acd', ac contra pacecn 6cc.

For a Refcous ofatvoman arreted (antengB Mtiers others) hy the S hertzes

officers vpon a warrant from a iuHtce of the peace in their gcmrall ScJJi-

ons to ^Ht infnretj to appear e before them at the next S<jpons and in the ,

meane time to be ofgood behanionrt andfor the hurting of one ofthefaid

officers with an arrowe,
T VratoresprodfiareginapWant.quodcumH.CR.H.&IB.arm' Se^. 17^
ac foci) fui luft'did^ac dnae reg* ad pacem in com'E.'. oleruand , necr o
ad diucrfa felon trns & alia malefaft' in code ccmif ppetrat, audierd cc
terminand'afligh,ingcneralifllioncpacistent apudT.inccmitE. pd
die Martis ^pxim* port feflum S.Trinitatis,anno &f.mandaucf vic'eiuf-
dem comitat . necnon et eotii cuilibet, q) non omittcrcnf ^pt alicjua
libcrtatecomifE.pd, quincamingredercnt feu vnus eorum ingredef,
ct attacbiarert feu vmiscorumattachiaret corpora O.W. impcrdcW.
incomiCT.JlabOjec, ctA.I.deW.praed' in comic E.prxd^Ctuanf,
C( cos cor^ lufticiaf praed*, vel vno fociof fuof luHic' pacis in comitatu
E.praedi^'vcnifcompdlcrent, feu eorum vnus venire compcllercc, ad
0^3. inucni-

Indidments and
inucnicndum fufficUme manucaptione,quod ipfi pcrfonaliter cotnpAre-
rent coram diOisIuftic'&foci)i(uispr^d, adproxim' fcflione pacis in
com' E. pred' tencnd'.Ec quod interim fc bene gcrercnt erga diOa dnam
rc<inam 5c cunftaro populum fuam, fecundum forroam ftatuii in hflidi
caluxdit&prouir.CuroqucpfaCG.L.&LR.virtutc mandacprcdar-
f d Agh I. & cam
f cftaffent coram luftic' prxd vel corii vno ductf vo-
luiffcnCjproutmandatumpdiftluftic' prxdift* in fc cxigcbat, quidam
tamen A.B. dc W. predift* in com' E.prcd gcncf, & R W. de W. prc-

dia' in comitatu E. prcd yeoman , leges didac 6hx rcgih minimc ve-
ren,exiiialiciafuapr^cogitatincontempum didxdnxrcginae, legu
(uarum,ac mandati luftic* prcd',x.dicMaij,anno&c.apudW.pracd in
coiuitatu E. pdiil'riotofc&'ilicitcadcmblati ct congrcgati, inprzfat
G.L. ct I. R. in pace Dei et dic>e doroinae rcg* adtunc ct ibidem exiftcn
infult&affraiam fcccf,acpra:tatR. VV. diucrf. fagittas Angl'voc' at
tD\X>ZB, verfus praefaf G.L.& I. R adtunc ct ibidem fagittabat.ea intea^
tione,vt pr^f. G.L. ct I.R. viilncrarec, ac predic' Agnetera in cuftod co-
rund G.ct ! refcufTcfjac praefar. R. W. cum vna fagitt valor vnius dc-

naf,quam adtunc & ibidem ipfe ieaculabat et mittebat verfus pr^f. I. R.

c quodom arcii, Angl* voc' a llotig botUC, valor j. s. qucm in many fua

leua adtunc et ibid tenuit,percuirit,ac crusdcxtrum eioMcml.R. ad-

tunc et ibidem perforabat&transforabat, danseideml. R. adtunc ibid
in crur^fuo pred' , vnam plagam in profunditatc trium policium, ac i-
dem R.W. cum vna al' fagitta valor vnius denaf quam adtunc et ibidem
iacuiabat et roittcbai verfus pred' G. L. e prediOo arcu que in manu fua
finiftra ibidem R.W. adtunc ct ibidem tcnuit,prefac.G.L.pcrcuffif,dans
cidem G.adtunc et ibidem in infima parte finiftri cruris ciufdcm G.vna -

plegara in longitudinc diraidij policis,ac in profunditatc vfque ad ofla

prcd cruri3eiurdem G. Ac preterca pref. A.B. ct R. W. Agnctcm 1. ad-
tunc ct ibidem a cuftod* di^orum G.L. ct I. R. vi et armis rcfcufTef, at-
quc eandera Agnctcm Ladtunc ct ibidem ad largum ire ct euadsrc fccef
contra paccm &c.

Of ki^h treajhnfor rehclliom inpurreBions and the

aiders and comforters. ii<-

ScCt,i77 T Nquirator pro dhorcgCjfi Richard M.nuper deS.incom'K.acalij

falk proditoresetinimi-imeiuendi(riuii ac Chiillianidimiprincipis
E. regisAnglixquarii port conqueftura Angr,ignG6, die &
anno &c.
apudvSanl'Elii)siniti(ula Vectaeincom'South. fc infimul congrcga-
ucf tuncSc ibide vi 6c armis, viz. gladijs ^c. Infurrcxcrunt quoquc ad
comfortand ct fupporcand, f .nup coa.ic W.faHuro ^ditof ct inimicum
dnireg nuncapud W.dediufis alcis jpdition ?rga jpm reg'infraregh
iuu Augl' iawf,coui<^, cc aiiin^', idequc R, W. ali) ^^ditof &
Offences. Iha
pS,pd I. nuper Cotnitcm W. & complices fuos^vt faffi pro(Jitof,contiS
legiantiar (u^ dcbitum,fal(o 8c proditoric.adtunc
ibid ad prcmida fa- &
cicnd conucncf ac confortaucf,5c tunc &
ibid cidcm I. nupcr Com* w'
8c complicibusfuisfucrunt adhcrcm,fcj<ntcsipfuni l.nupcr Coi?i
dcproditionibus fuis pd attin<fl'& conuia^contraligcantiam fuam
Another ef high treafoKfor relfeSmuinfurre^ons, and the
aj/ders and comforterf.

jNquifpro dhorcgc,(i W.L. nupcr dc P. in CoiaM,MarcfiaDf,G.B.

nupcr dc &c. ac quampluf alij falfi proditof,rcbcllcs,& inimici ignoci ^^^' ' 7^
Chnfljanifltmi Pnncipis E.rcgis Angliac4.po{l conqucfturo^exaflcnfu
vcluntaf &
jppofito diucrfof aliof faljof proditof inimicof dfii regis &
viz. I. nupcr Coft W.& I. nupcr ComK. qui nupcr authoritatc Parli*
amcnti diiti regis apudWcflm Sec. tcnc,dcdiuer(isproditionibuser2a
Ai(M rcg.iiiffaregn Angrfaftisconuift'& arunl*exift'4. Ak Martij
& die Mcrcurij,&: dieb' Sabbiti &
dnic proximpoft feft' Pcntecoftes
& diijfis dicb^antca&poftca, anno regnidiclidni regis 3 . apud P. iii^*
Com M. pd infiroul fc congrcgaucf,6c int fe communejaucfjquo tnodo
ipfipref. i. nuper Com W.^complic'Tuos cum cisadtunc & jbidtiij
fupcr mare in nauib*ruis(vt falfi proditorcs)cxilknt,pernimiaro
tcftaf pd I. nuper CcitiW.ac pref. Com fC.& aliof tairofpreditcf&
Angrpotueruntproduccre:6c dift'rcgem^ dcmjnosfuoSjtamfpiriru-
ales quara temporalcs per totum pofTe fuum,dc regia poteftacc fua et ^u-
bcrnationc regni pd.per nimianidotcftatpcnitusdcpriuafj&cubcrna-
tioncmjregni pd (upcr fe accipcre & rctincrc proponcnf crcdcbaq. ad^
tunc 5c ibid pd W. & G. & alij falfi proditores & rcbcilts pd q? m'axi-
lua pars totius rcgh Angl'cum eifd falfis proditorib' in iaifis opir.'onib^
& ad illud falfum & nefand propofitum fuun: a!i6
fais ftare voluiflct, fi

pimplend pd W. & G. &: proditores & rebelles pd did' die

alijs falfi

&annoapud P. |>d in dift' CcmM. vi&armis/c.gladijs, yituijs,ar-

cubus/agitcisjloricis,dup!oidib' defcnfiuis,& alijs arrnaturis &c. infar-
rexrunt6c pd S.nup Cora,incibis potib* 5c alijs nccedarijs cro-a dorn ^^*^^-
regem falfo ct proditof ccnfortaucf,auxiliaucf,et[upportaucrunc,cc cjfd '

nupcr Com, vtfalfiproditorcsconfligcamiaefuacdcbitadcuncetibid

fucfadhercntesjct euro eifd Com naes fuss pd, (vt falfi prodirore.') ad
proditoria fua propcfita pdperirnplendet perficiend, confcendcrunt
5c in cis peimanfcrunt:fcicntes ipfos nupcr Com
in forma 5d fie attinct
conuinft'jin final* deflruCt' diAi dhi reg.accontligeantjam fuam&c.

QL4 Tor


For relating of Corncin a Market.

I quainplufarclieb^amca&pofte
E. ac diufa genefgrah ad mercat pa p<
il'aducn, viz. x. quartfrum' ad valcnc' (S.l'.apud D. pd in pd Com'
E. regra,ad inrcntioii 9 idem frnm* iter* vendercnt,ad graue damn po-
puli dift' ^ixx. reg. cont form' diufor' ftatin hmdi cafu edit ct prouif.

* <:; 1 .
j.^'j (
^gy. fegrating of Fijh and Butter in a Market^andfelimg of it itt
thefame Market.

IVfprodnarcg.prcfcmantqjA.B.dcC.in diA* Com* S. Spetcer,

zo.diclulijannorcgnidift' ifixnfxEliz.Dci gratia, An,liae,Fran-
ciac & Hibernian rcg. fidei defcnfof &c.34.apud C.pd in Com*E.pd
in quodara racrcat tunc ibidem tent pro xl.s. monefjCmit, rcgratauit,
man fuas,x. paria pifc* ( Angl' dice
obtinuit,et nactus eft in podeflloh ct
izmz couple of ilingS,ct tria vafa butyr falfi Anglicc voc ti),2tt gcluns

of fait buttcc)dc quodam E.F. qui pd x. paria pilc*,ac diet tria vafa bu-
tyri ad eund mcrcat,vt ca adtunc ibid vendef, adduxilTct et qj immcd

po[]ea,fc.dictio. die anno fupd idem A.B. in dictoeodcmpleno met-

catu tunc ibid apud C. pd,in dicto Com' E. tcnto,codero 01a dicta pa'
riapircium,acbutyriva{a,cuidamH.R.jp 5 o.s. legal' monct* diet' dnse
reg. hiiius regni fui Augl' illicitc vendidit,in magnum rcipub. damnum
ac cont form' dmfof ftat' buius rcg.Ang. in hmdi cafu prouif. et editor* .

For a R efcoar of one in the Siockesfer fuffilion offdome*

^ o T Vfprodn3rcg.prcfentant,q; 2o.dfcIunij,annoregnidift'dnx nfac

Dei gratia Angliae, Franciae, et Hiberniac Reg, fidei dcfcnforis
I Eiiz.

&c. 54.qiiidamA.B. nuper deC.in CoinE. (II5Iouet:,apud C.pdin

ComE-pdcaptuseftetarrcftatuspcr E.F. deC. pdinConiE. pd
'fPcomai!, pro fijfpitione cuiufdam fclonix, viz. vnius vaccac ipfius E.F.
per prcfatum A.B. fe!onii:c(vt idem E.F. tunc adercbat) captaf et abdu
dx.ct quod idem A.B. immediate polka tradiius crt per prefatum E.F.
cuidam H.IVJ. tuncConftabularioHuiidrcdi deN. inCciIiE. pd, in
quo fita eft villa dc C. pd qui quidcm Conftabularius in Com E. pd,

poftea, viz.difto io.dicluni) ,anno 34.fupradiftojeundm A. B. in

prifona in cippis ibidem pofuit,ad euu) (aluo ibidem cuftodiendum.do-
mcidim ConftabularinspjrarepofTIrauxiliumad ducendum eundcm
A.B. corjnj aliquo lufticiaiioium p^cii diOe dcmit^ Kcginsin Com
i . OiFcnces. 225
E. p^, exattiinandum Ac quod poftca ( (c. diflo 20. die &c. anno fu.

pradido)quidcm G.L. dc C. pd in Com E.pd dDlOueCjapud C. pd in

dito Colt) .vi ct armis cippos pd effregic ac eand A. B.tunc ibid ex.

iftcn ex cild'cuftodia,prifona,ct cippis fclonicc ccpir,cripuit ct rcfc uflic,

ac ad largum ire cc euadcre p'crmifit^contra paccm d ift' dnac regin^,co-
(on',& dignitacem fuas.

Forgifiing ofa Lwerie,

IVf pro d na rcg. prcfcntant, q) T.B. dc C. in Com T. Armigcr, 2 . die SeV. i 8 1

Sepicmbris,anno regni difl'dfiae nfjc Eliz. Dei gratia, Anghae, Fran-
ci2e,et Hibcrnise Rcginae, fidei dcfciiforis 6cc. 3 4. apud C. pd in Com
E. pd, quafdam liberatas vciliirat, viz, c uidam A.B. dc C. pd in Com*
E.pd^0OmaiT,trcs vinaspannilaneijcolofvcncti, prcci) 20.5. ci CD.
dc B. m did' Com' ^eomaHjaiias trcs vlnas ilroilis panni lanci,eorundc
colons ctpreci), ad duasfepcralcs tunicas pro pref. A.B. et CD. indc
facicndas,dcdit ac diflribuic vbi rcutra pref. A.B. ct C.D. autcorum

alter, nunquam fuerant, aut fuit domcftici feruicntes, aut domcfticus fer-
uien8,officiari),(iueofiiciarius,balliuini]eballiirms,di{^iT.B. autde^on-*
ipGus T.B. in vna lege (lue altera eriiditi vel eruditus ; In magnum

di^' 6h^ reg contcmptum^ac contra formam diucrforum (latutorum in


buiufmodi cafu antcbac prouif. ctedit

Tor receitiing Audvjing of a Liuerie,

IVr pro dfiarcg. prefentantj^ A.B. dc C. in Com" E. ^COman, vnam <, ,

liberatam panni, vjz. tres vlnas panni lancijColoris vcneti (vocati An- '

glice Mlatc^Ct') advalemiam zc.s.adtunicamindeGbi faciendamdc

T.B. dc C pd Com' Epd armig',apud C. pd in dilo Com'E. ;.dic
Augul^i 6cc. rcccpitjCt cadem tunica a difto die 2. anno fupradiiV' vfq^
3 diem mcnfis Scptcmbris,anno fupradiflo apud C. pd,in Com E. pd

&aUbi in diucrfis locisinfra Com (pd vfus eft vbi idem A B. difl:o le-

por e reccptionis liberate pd,aut vnquaro podca non fuit familiaris,of-

ficiarius,balliuus,aut de confilio difti T.B.in vna lege aut altera erudii":
J n magnum dift' dom reg.contcmpE, ac cor! formam diucr(oruro ftatu!


J^or giftttig^recHmttgi andvfing of Liueries, vp^H theStat/f4^

of Amo y.H-^, and Anno S.H.6,

ScCi 1 84 T Vf dicunf,^ cum in ftaf dhl regis H.4.nuper regis Angl*, anno rcgni
liui 7.&C -. m parlianito dfio H. 6, bonae fliemonae,anno rcgni
ID flat
(iiiS.apud W.teuJ ccd'i,imcr cetera cominccur, ^ non Ii^eac alicui,
cuiufcunq; Aatus,grddus/iu coditioni8 fueric^ dare aliquam libertatam
vcftuf vclcapic'alic lu perfonae,nifi tantuiiiinodofaimliaribus,officiari-
is>balliuis , ct fcruiencibus fuis , ac alijs hommibus de conHlio fuo in vna
lege feu altera eruditis, fed poena C.s. de cerris & cehtisj bonis & cacallis
hmdi liberat danc,54.s. de cerris & tefiCis,bonis 6c cathliis hindi liberal
recipient Hue vtent, tocies, quotica aliqa libcrat in eontrarium flat
daHeuaccepcaftteritjIcuand quidamtamen K.B.de C.in Colli H.arm

{lac pd minime ponderans quafdam liberat as ve(^uf viz. diufas togas

, ,

colorisft0ftmCaUOllljquibuldam I. de B.^^oman^c. S;C.de codcm

^0Omkn, quince func nee vnquafnfuerunt feruicntoffic*, balliui,fcufa-
miliaf ipfi' R.B.nec in lege vna feu altera aliquai' crud autinftruV', die
Scc.anno &c.apud &cdedic 5c diftribuit. Ec pd I.ct S.eafd togas de pf;
R.eifd die.anno et loco,cont foriTi pd rccepcf,et cifd togis continue

a pd die &c.vrq; &c.apud E- F, ct S. vli fuerunt, in contcrop! dn Reg.

legifq; fuac dcdecusmanifcft', ac cpnCforifi ftaE pd&c

For an affray made hj diuers , at a generall Seffions of the Peace,

Sel. 185. Vratores pro iDomina Regina prefcntart quod viccfimo nouf die ,
iDccembris Anno rcgni diCtx dominac nfrc Elizabethae Dei gratia
Anghae, Franciae, ScHibernix Reginufu, fidei dcfenforis &c. Tri-
ccfimo quinto apud M.in Cora G. tctnpore gencralis Scfllonis pacis
in prcdiilo comitac tunc ibidem tei t,& H.C. Miliie & foci js fuis lufti
ciaf di^se Dominx Regine ad pacem in djfto conutatu G. conleruan-
dam aflignattunc ibidem cxiftenbo^>& in plena curia fedemibus,qui-
dara A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H. &I.K.dS.in coiii G. pd generofi aggrc- ,

gacis fibi nonnullis alijs pacis dift'dominig RegiriiX pcriurbatoribus

ignotis ad numerum xxx. hominum 6,d< ai mis, viz. gladj)i& pugioni-
bus, arroatis,
illicitc, routofc, &
riotorc, fele amdcblaucrunc , ac inter fc
inCulium &: afFraiam cnaxjiBani tunc 6cididcm feccrunr, fccciBuiccm
verberantes, &
vulnerantcs,in magnum tcrrorcro tarn diOorutn luftici-
aiiorum rune ibidem inc uria redentium,quara cotius populi d\(\7S Ao'
minxRcginacaddiftamScffionem pacis tunc & ibidem conucnientis,
ac coiitra paccm^coronam, &
digmtaccm di^ae Dominsc Rcginx nfx.
Offences. 116
Or thus.

IVratores pro domina rcg*prefcntanr, quod I. B, de R. in coraitatu E. ^^' ' ^^

predi^o peoman, I.G.dc eifdcm ^coman, W.B. dc P.in comitatu E.
praedid^o i?eoman, &
T.K. dc eifdcm pcoman, vndccimo die lanuarij,
anno rcgni rcginx Elizabeths &c.tcriio apud W. in comitatu E. prae-
dift'jtempof gcneralis Scflionis pads adcunc et ibide tcnt,& luftic' dic-
tx doiB reginx, ad paccmin comitatu prcdic' confcruand'affign ibide
cxiucnf , VI et armis viz &c. iilicitc ct riocofe fcfc affemblaucf, &
per in-
ftigationem &procurationem pdift'I.B. & W. B* infulcum cc magna
affraiani adtunc &
ibidem inuic' fcccf , &
commifcf in magnum timore,
treroorcm,ccperturbationem, campracdift' lufticiaf di^xdomin'rc-
ginic adtunc ct ibid' cxiftcn* quam totius populi &
legeof fubdiC diCtx
dorainac reg* incom'S. prcd", adtunc et ibidem conflucnc', contra for-
mam ct ordination p luflic' prcd, adtunc &
ibide de pace gercnd fal'
contempt dift'doi^rcgin', acin iuflic' ibidem excqucnS
in manifcft'
Sc adminiftrand retardation manifed , ac contra pacem diCix dominas
Rcginac &c.

For a Riot itt a T^h 'vpo the keeper oft he Parke and hisferftantt and fr
hftrting the kfepersferHant with an arron\

T Nquirat pro dom* reg', fi E.P.&f .H. P.&C.& R.B. See. aggrega! 8cc.
riotof. & routof. & modo nouac inlurreftion, in conucnticulis illic*,& StO:. 186
niodo gucrrino arraiat, vi & arrois, viz. &c. 30. die apud H. in com E.
pdic',inclaufum&parcuraE.P.viduac, ibidem fefe illicit, riotofe &
routofcaffemblaucfjcongregamm, &
vniucf, ad pacem diciae dminae
rcgin^ diUurband,etadtunc &
ibidem in qucnd A.D.gen' cuftod'par-
ci prcd* &
in I. B. famul' ipfius A.in pace Dei,ct di^ac dbminae reg' ex-
iftcn'infultfccet&prcd'G.P.vnam fagitt e quod arcu tent qucraidc
G.P. in roan fuis adtunc ct ibid habuit tenuit, fagitt. Et eund' I.B. cu
CjgitEprcdift',inpelorcfuopercuflic,d2nseideml.B. vnam plagam
profundit diraid' pollicis, et latitud' vniuj poUicis , ita quod de vita fua
dcfperabatur, &
alia enof eis intulcf ad grauc dannisjm iprirura A. I. &
contra pacem diOae dom' rcgin,& contra formani Hatuti m
cafu asditi (3c prouiH.

For Riot inpnlUng dorcne ofHedges andDitcher.

fi 1. R. nnper dc B. in comitatu pr^d
T Nquirator pro domina Regina, Jg^, j g^
lecman, U.A.nupcrdcG.incom'pred ii^ufbanDman,etI.B.nupcr
dc D.in comitatu praedd^jomc, cum multi* ali)s maletaftof eis aggrc-
gat>&pacis diilae dojains Rcginaeperturbatofignot, modo gucrrino
Ind^'cftments and
arraisf , vni!, a(r':ttiblat,ctcongrcgac,ad numerum qu'ndcciin perfonaf
per inftigationem cc procurationem pr^edicc I. R. in magnum tcrrorcm
lubditorufTi dil^ dominae rcgiriae, qu ifco die Mai j.anno rcgni domin^s
noftrae Elizabethan, &c.rccundo,vj&aroiis, viz. gladijsjalcaflris, bi-
pcnnis.baculis, cc all js armis inuafiuis, daufutn R. B. armjg* apud F. in-
fra parochiamdeB. in comitatu pi adilo vocaf tlje ^. riotofcfrcgc-
nmtetintraucrunt, ac fcpcset clauf. ptxi R. B. ad numerumfexcento*
rum pedum, adtunc 6c ibidem exiflcnt, laccrauerunt, irrupcf,ct proflra*
ucrunt, fofTat ibidem exiftent, adtunc & ibidem cum legonibus ct bi'.
palli j$ fodefjplanauerunc, ct impleuerunt,ad gr aue damnum ipfius R.B,
contra forroam diuerforuro ftatutorum de Riotii ct rotius,ctalijs conuc-
ticulis illicitis inde nuper xdit ec prouif.^ contra pacetn diClx doroin^


'jinJndiSlmentagaiytflmanj y for beatirtji and imprifoning efthe Shertefes

haylifefCommingwiththeSberifesKepleHyto execute it y wheretn the
Repieups recited.

INquiratur pro Domina Regina, quod cum N.W, miles, comitatus

SeA.xSS E.per warf fuum dc liberationc figillo fuo figil!af,cuius datus eft quin-
to die Aprilis,anno regni H. ?. viccfimo feptimo , mandauit cuidam A.
B.balliuo fuo comic E.przd', quod deliberauic, feu deliberari facerec
Ciiidam T. H. aueria fua quae W.S. nuper de S. in comicatu pd E.gcncf,
& P.B.Duperdeeadem viU'etcomitatu ClOtf)tec, cepidenc cc iniufte
det;nebanc contra vad* & pleg' vt przfat Tho. dicebat Ec quod pone-

rec ipfos W. et P. per vadios & faluos pleg ita quod cflcnt ad proximu
comical ipfius vicecomic apud Loawt przed, tenend, ad rcfpondcn-
I. in

dum przfac T.H. de placif predion : virtue cuius warranf.pracd' A. die

ec anno fupradiOis apud S.prxdid' rcquifiuic pr^fac, W.S. quod 6i-'
tnitterecHbi aueria pr^diVi. ad deliberandum cidemprzfat.T. H. fe-
cundum vim, fbrmam, ct cffcftum warranti predi^, fi prcd' VV.ac qui-
dam H. C. nuper dc S. in comif pi xdirto^ufianDman,cum multis a-
li js ignotis ad numerum oC\o perfonarum, di^o quinco die Aprilis, an-

no fupradiAo apud S. predicT warrant praedi^l' minime ponderantes,

vi 5c armis, viz. gladijs et b^culis, in praefi A. infultum fecerunc, verbe-
rauerunt, vutnerauerunt, 6c malctra^tauerunc, ac ipfum A. adtunc cc ibi -
demimprifonauerunc, dcdetinueriinc, per fpacium quacuor dierum&
quatuornoftiumexcuncprox'rcqucn!, 6c adtunc cc ibidem debiram
bauerunt, ad grauc damnum ipHus C. ac contra paccni di^i domini re>
gis, coronam 5cc.
Offences. ny
For a Riot in cftttittg and carrying away of Corne.

IVratof &c. quod A.B. & ED. &c. aegrcgatis eis quampluribus alijs
Scf^.i Sp
malcraOorib^j& pacis dhc reg.pcrturbatorjb'igno(is,ad nu!iief4.p-
Tonaf modogucrrino arraiat 3 . die Feb; .anno &c .vi & armis,viz.gla-
dijs,baculis,&alijs arm tarn inuafiuis quam dcfcnfiinsapud F.jn colli
tunc &
ibidem iniufte rregcrunc,& innauef, &
1 0. acf triiici , adtiinc
ibd crcfccnt valor &c.dc bonct cataI'T.L.pd,adwnc ct ibd'inuet iniuft'

For r9l;l>ing of one in the high-wayi

1 NquiraJ^ pro domina Rcgina,Si A.B.de C. in CoiuitatuiE. ^actnec, Se^l.lpa

fexto die menfis Oftobris,Anno rcgni dictc doft noftrx Elizabeths
Dei gratia Angr,Franc,cc Hibern Rcg.fidti dcfcnfof &c. Triccfimo
quinco,vi et arrois,viz.cum gladio&pugionc(advalcntianix.s.)di-
horasfcptimaracto^auam ante meridiem ciufdem dici in
firidlis, inter *

aha via Rcgia iuxta quendam locum(vocat'<I5at)i IjllI) infra parocH* dc

F.in Com E. prcd',in, &: fupcr quendam I.S. de B.in Com' E.pd*,pe(itc
(l|apman,rDC t ibidem in pace Dei, acdil*dominc Reginc cxiftcn-
ccm infuhu focit,6: ipfum I.S.tunc ct ibidem cum di^'gladiopercudic
et vulnerauit,ex io.s. legal' moncfAngr numerate incrumcna ipfiusl.
vS. exiQcntes,de bonis &catallisprcd'I.S.adtunc& ibidem inuentos a

pcrfona ipCus I.S. tunc et ibidem violcnter ct felonicc cepit ct afport^in

magnum prcd' I. S. tcrrorcm,ac contf paccm diitc domiii Reg. coron',

tAn IndtUment againjf one for ajfalting and hating of two i*t the high.way
to the intent to haue kiHed or rohbed them^

INquiratur pro dni reg. fi H.B. nup de B. infra parochiam dc W. in Seft. 1 9 1*

Com'E.^aDletji 7dic Nou.anno &c. circa horam fextam port meri-
diem eiufd'dici apud O.in Com E. pd, in comuni via rcgia, in quod*
loco ibid', voc'C.in quofd'TX.cc W.W.adtunc cribid'in pace Dei
& dift'dhereg.exiRcn',infultfecie, cum qucd gladio precij <J. s. quem
ipfcinmanufuadcxrraadtuncdiibidhabuit.&ipfosT.L. & W.W.
grauit verberauit, vulncf,&: ro;ilctracf, ita qp de vitisfuis dcfperaba?>ea
intcntion'ad intcrficicnd,vel fait idfpoliaiid pdT.L.6c W.W.de bon*
6c pecuh fuisjSc alia enormia eis adtunc & ibid' mtulit, ad grauedamnu'
f d T.L.& W.W. ac contra paccm did* dn^ reg.^cc. vifn^ra*


AnJfidi^ment ai^amfl a Qokefir an ajfanlting one hj the bigh-waji and

taking fro^ hifn hii cloaks

I.G.nup de in E.Cmfee, 1 A\ Com' 1 die A*.

StSt 10 2 T Nquif pro domin'reg. fi

& armis 8cc, circa horam 4. port meridiem dufd


1 prilis , anno See. vi

dici.apud S.in Com E. pd in via regia ibid in qucnd I.W. adcunc &
ibid in pace Deij&dia'dn^ Rcg.cxirteninfulf ffcit,&ipfuIoh.W.
adtunc &
ibid in magno cimorc corporarimporuit,& vnam clamid vo-
caf a Cloafee,colorii blcU),valof j.s. 4.d. jn pecanijs nuroetatis, de donis
& cactall'difti I . W.a pfona eiufd loh.adtunc & ibid inucnt felon ccpic
6c afpoiE cone pac dift' dnacreg.coron,& dignitacfuas, vtff/pra,

tyfn JndiUment againfl onefor makjg a ^p>/t and affray, vpon one ut
the nerfiForeH in the high rvay, and tnkittg from him his
vtirfe nnd trventy fhiHingi in it^and tw

gold rings of hisfingers.

A.B.nup dc &c. 2. die I.&c. vi 5c armis, viz. &c in

ScliX9 ?^ T Vratof &c.quod
quod loco ibid voc* I.in paroch' dc F. in Com' pd, in

noua foreft' in
mof corpof admc & ibid pofuir,& 3 0.4. in pccun'num'in quad cnini
ibid exift',&: i .annual'aurens valor &c.fup digit eiufd hem ignof exJft'
de bon*& cataU'ciufdcm hoih is,nof ,a perton fua admnc & ibidem felon
Cjcpic 6c afportauit contra pactm Sec.

^gainif a Rogue ^a Vagahond^and again!} him which hdgeth

and releeueth htm,

^"' reg.prcfencantjq A.B. nup de C.in Com'E.?laIJOreCj

So^ 1 04^ r V^*'^^o^P''
aetatis 1 4. annof &
ampli^,ac corporc fano,v3len!,poteBte, atq; ad la-
^I borand' Aabili exift',nullam autem habens terram,nec vllam magiflf,
ncc aliqua vtcns licita Merchandiz3,artc, vel m) ftcrio vndc fibi vi A*
pararc polTct , ac prorfns ncfciens rationemrcddcre quo pa^o \\VC fuu

Icgitiraacquirit,i o.die Augnfti.anno rcg.dominae nfsc Eliz. Dei gratia

Anglix,Franci3e,& Hibernix Reginar,fidci dcfcnforis &c. 3 5^. apud E,

infra hundredum dc W. in CoiTi E. pd,& multis alijs in locis difti Com
E.hac iliac paffim vagatus cftmcndjcan8,acpcrVV.P.deE.pd,indilo
Com' E ^eomaitjConftabularium dili hundredi de W.(in quo fita eft
villa dc F. d poftea.viz.i i.die difti mcnfis Aug.anno fupfa,apud E.
f )
pd in Com'E.pd inucnt'cft vagans,6c mcndicans^ac p eund ConfJabu-
larium tunc ibiddcprehcirf'cft inordinate fegerens, canqua vagabund**
& mendic' valens contra paccm di A^ doming Reg.ac cont form diuer-
Offences. 128
forum Statutorum in diucrfis Parliamcntis diftx diia rcginx tunc indc
prouiforum ct acditorum : &
vlterins quod G. H. dc E.prcd*, in com'
yeoman, A. B. modo ct torma pdiftis vagantcm et mendii
fcicns pfaf.
canEcundcratamcn A.B. diQodccimodic anno fupradiftoindomo
ipfius G.H.raanfionali apud E. praediclam, in com'E. prcd'hofpitauit,
etidcm A. B. tunc ct ibidem pancm et potum voluntaric dcdit, in con-
tcmptum dift* doming regin', ac conf tormam ftatutof pd.

Tor l>reAkig ojafafe condnl^ granted hy King H. Cto Merchantflrausers


TVracprcfentant, quod cum illuftrifliniusprinccps Hcnrius rex An- Sc^,i95

gliae fcxtus poft conqueft',per litcras fuas patcnics fub faluo conduftu

fuo,conccnitliccntiam,&faluumconduA'ruumdcditA.B.ctD.& a-
lijs Mcrcatonbus de Genua, pro cis, ct quadam naui voc'
Cacife) et pro bonis,rebus,et merchandifis fuis, infra candem naucm cx-
ifteh,de tranfitu portus Souih.in Anglia per mare,vcrfus partes Genusr
transfcrcnd, et eadera abfque aliquibus robcrijs, fraftion,impcditionc,
perturbation, aut captione ipforum aliciiigen,bonof, ctmerchand, fiue
mcrcimaniorumfnorumprcdiftorum,pcraliquosIigeos difti domint
regis infra rcgnumdiai regis Angliae, gaudcnd, fine impcditionc ibi-
dem: quidamH.ciD.incomitatuE.armig',etali)fraftores faluicon-
dudasdominiKegiSjdc ligeis ipfius dofflini regis infra rcgnum Angl*
cxiftehignoE, vi&armis,VJZ.gladijs,arcub^ faglttis, duploidibusdc-
fenfiuis, ct ali)S armis dcfenfibilibus armati faluu conduftum prxd mi-
nimc vcr cntes & fperncntes, in prxdi^los A. B. iSc alios alienigenos ad-
tunc ctibid infultfecerunt,& ipfos verberaucrunt, vulneraucf, acmalc-
traftauef, et ipfos in naui pd,tanquam corum prifonarios adtunc ibi- &
dem ccperunt ct cuftodiuef, ct eos in prifona fub cuftod fua, diu,yiz.per
4.dies, quoufque i)d' A.B. et D. et alij alienigns in eadcm naui exiftefi,
fincra &
redemptionem pro faluo condulu et deliberatione fuis ha-
bcnd,profexccntmarciscumprxf.H. etalijs pr^dtft* feciflTcnt, deii-
nuerunt, contra faluum conduftum ddmini Regis praedift', ct contf for-
iiiamflatutiinhuiufmodicafuproujf.ctaBdit, ac contra dignitatem rc-
giam, acin malum cxemplumaliorum 6c c.

TorSAcrilege orBitrgtarj haChpirchifithe vighttinte , and the taking a-

' yfajojtheCommtinionCtif, '

Vracorcsprxfentantprodominarcgina.quod A.B.dcC.incomitaiu
J ^^CiAgC
primo die Septcirbris, anno regnidift^ dominae
E.pr3cdic' bailee,
noftrs Elizabeth Dei gratia Angliae, Franci, &
Indicfbments and
lidei defenToris 8cc. Triccf.quarto,vi ct armisEcclef.parocIi' dc C,prci
in dil* com E.feloiiicc.et burglar frcgit&imrauit noVamcr, viz. inter
horas dccim' &
vndecima poft mcridie eiufdcm dici, ac vnum caliccm
argent ( Angl' voc' aCommuntcn cup) ad valcnc' xl s. dc bonis cataU'
parochianorudc C. p(f , adjunc cxiOcnc in cade ecclcHa, tunc ibide &
inucntufeluhcoepit,ctarporca\]ic,conCpa'di^zdri2e rcgifi nunc co
ronao) &
dignitatem fuair.

ForSacriledgefr rphhery in a Chareh, and for the taking away oftwa

Communion Cptps^ trpo Copes ofblake veluet, ad three

Scft. ipy. T Nquiratgr&cfil.M.nupcrdcD.incom'M&R.H.nupdccad'D.

pd,incomitM.pd^eoman,Vain hoih (vtfupra) ij.dic&c vi &
arniis, viz. gladijs, baculis, 6c cultellis ccdclia parochialcni oninili fan-
dc E.apud E. in com'M.
(ftorii pi circa hora i l.in noftc ciuld dici fe-
lon'frcgen)nt& intraucrunt, et duos caliccsde argent ct auro, duo vefti-
men dc nigro vduct vocat Cope^jtrcs pannos lineos vqc' &c. ad valcnc*
&c. dc bonis ccoruamcnC, dc paioch* dc E. pred in com' M.pdf, in cu-
lled 1.^. T.P. cuftod*, et gardian cccl' pd adtunc ibid' inucnt, fcloii
furati fucrunt, ccpcrunr, ct afportatucf contra pacem dit* dom* regis ac
contra formara ftatuticiufdero domini reg ann reg'fui 3 3 . edit jet pro-
Forjlanderous writiitgattdpt^bliJhiHg ofthefame,
againfi the ^neene.
S^Ck, i;j8 Vratores prodoraifi rcgina prxfentant, quod A. B.nup dtC.in com*
XE.Clericus'Z5.diclu]ij,annoregni d\(Xxd.hx nollras Eli. dei gratia
fidci defenfof&c. trifcefimo quarto,
Anglac,Franciae,& Hyberniae rrg*
apudG.incom'E.pd, con^ulte cc deliberate, cum maliciolaimentione,
^ felon quoddSfcriptum Anglice ediditctpublicauit, coniinens finter
alia) hancfalfarojCeditioram etrcandalofammatcriam, addcfaniationem
maicftatis A\C 6hx rfi^ noflf nunc, viz. (reciting i))Z fcUicioufi too^D0
t^Ztt^t) contf pac' dil/^ dnae insc nf ap, & rcgalem maicftatc
fuam (cui
nc in cogicat quide dctrahsre iiccc(accont form' cuiufdam (l^tucin Par-
liaro'di^'dfi^ riix nfac nunc, tent' apudW. in com' Midd, annoregni
fui viccCtcrtiOiio huiufmodi cafu prouif.ac edit.

j4n IndiSment againFl 4 Schoolemafter being arecufantfor te^ichingfcheole

inarvidorpes konfemthofit itcence^andagaivfi the mdow for l{^^ptng him
inherhoHfekftorringhim tobeaRecttfant.

Sc^.ip^ TVracorcsprodnaReginaprzIcntant, quodK.M.dcL incomitat' E.

*Schol;K magift^r, 6ccundo die Septcmbris, anno regni diiix dhac nf
Offences. n^
Ellzabetliae, Dei gratia 6cc. criccHmo quarto^ vfqj nunc, in domo man*
(lonali cuiufdam E. A. dc l.pd in com* pd viduXjaufus eft, et prcdimpfit
erudirc,&doccrcpucrosditxE.A. ibid*, cum idem K.M. durante te-
pof pdiftononacccflicnccrcfortauitadcccr parochial' dc I. prcd*in
com' F. pred', nee ad vUamaliacapcllam, aucvfualcm locum commuh
pr3ecauon,fcdfcpcnitusptotumtcmp''f<Jabindc abfcntauic, nullam
habcnslegicimamaucracionalemdi^^arfu^ abfenciac cxcufatiofi, cecum
idem K.M.non eft p Epifcopum Dioccfis loci illius,in quo fitaeft pd
ocelefia parochialisdc I.pred',aut per eius loci ordinarium liccntiatus,
autallocatusadcrudiend'ctdoccnd'.' In magnum difte dna? rfae Re,
comemptum,ac contra formamftaCj in Parliamento di^l'dnsereginz,
(tcnto apud Weft, in com' Midd, anno regni fui viccfirao tertio) in hu-
iufmodicafuprouiCccediti.Ecqdpracd'E.A. voluntarie in donso fa
prcd' per totum teropus pd cuftodiuit et manutenuit pref. K. M. modo
ccformapraed'erudientcm&docentcm.fcitnrJpdimK.modo et forma
prcd*, fc abfentafle. In contcmptum diftajdfi^ reginaf,ac contf forroam
(lacuci prcdidj.

For wordsfpoken againjl the ^eenCy vfon thefiatute of

Anno ii.ofherraigne,

IVraf pro domiii Rcgina prscfentantjquod infra trcs menfesiam vlti-
mo elapfos, viz. fecundo die mends O^lohris, Anno rcg.dominzeno-
ftr^ Eliz, Dei gratia Angli^, Franciae, et Hibern' regis,dei dcfenfo-
ris&c.triccfimoquinto,G.P.de.A.incom' G. ^Labourer, in domo
tnanGonali cuiufdam K. S. infra parochiam de A. pd in com C. prcd,
acinpr^fentiamultorumdi^zdomin^rfginasfubditof fide digh tunc
ibide ex iftentium, confuIto^deliberate,ac cum maliciofa intenticne ad-
uerfus dilam dominam noftram mine, ex imaginatione ip(ius G. P.pro*
pria, hxc falfa, feditiofa, et fcandalofa di^a, ad fcandalum et defama-
tionem diftac doming rcgine noftrae, tunc ct ibide locutus eft, vt in his
Angiitis verbis fequuur,viz.(iKecttmg tl^c too^Di5 tljemfeIuejB)In mag-
num dil* dominae Rcgih noftrx nunc contemptum>ac contra pace,co-
non contra form ftatuti in Parliamento di^^
rofk et dignitaC fuas, nee
domnoftf nup tcnto apud Wcflm in com Midd, anno regni fui viccfi-
no tertio &c<

For JliindmHg ofa Noble man,

T Nquiratur pro domina Rcgina, fi R.B.nupcrdcC.in ccm*D. tCO^ Sc^.no

mail) Deum pr^ oculis fuis non habcns, (ed inftigaticnc diabolic' fe-
duCt', ac ligeantiam fuam crga di^am dominam nunc lizabeth', Dei

R gratia
: .

Ind'Aments, and
gratia 8rc.parui pfndcns,dc Uccset ftjtut hniusrcg. Angl'minitreefti-
inans.ncc m
poenam cifd* content aliqualiter vcrens, 1 6.dic Mai), Anno
reo-niaomin lizab.&r.apud M in Com D. pr?d, malirioseeximagi-
nauonc f oa ^pna,hacc faila ec {candalola verba ac rumor df magnatib'
& proccntjus hnius regni Angli? fubiequemia.pTolocut tfi.viz. tijat f C
Qiix quidcm omnia, quanquam falfa fine, vc vera rctulit , &
roulta alia

verba f candalofa adtunc ct ibidem dixit & propalauir, contra pac5 dil*
dhxret' nunc,corohetdignitairuas,ctconE forniam diucrfof ftatutof
indc riupcr xdii cc jpuif.

Forjhootmg flaile^lhot in a Hand-gnnneyVpon the Statute ofl

Ed. 6. rvherein the Jiatnte is recited.

Scft.io J. 1 Nquiratur ^ domina Reg. quod cum in ftatuto in Parliamcnto dfji E.

nupcr regis Angl'fcxti apiid Wcftiti,Anno regni fuifccnnd',intcr alia
ordinat et iaafCtitat exiftit, 9 nulla pcrfoh ftibter gradu din Parliamcnti
cxtunc dcinccps fagittaret in aliquo tormento infra ciuitat vcl villam,ad
aliquam volucf fiucaliammetamriiperecclcfia,domura,autcolumbar*,
ncque <p aliqtia pfona fagittarcc in aliquoloco,aliqiiam fagittation voc*
!)atlcl^0t,auc pluf glandincs plubeas^quam vna vno tempore/ub poena
forisfaft' dec* libf ^ quohbet tcmpof in quo ip(e cont (htuE pd dclin-
quercc,6c imprifonamcnt corporis fui ^ fpaciu triu menf. jpui in flatuC
tamcn dc B. in Com E.^eomaiT,
1. C.nup
f d plcni' continetur.Qaidam
natutu prcd' minime ponderans,ncc poeh \n eod conccncaliqualiter vc-
rcns,5. dieluni) &c. in quodam torrato Anglicc voc'atjantigmt, one-
rat puluerc etglandinibus plubcis,Angr cljaijJCD iuttl) poUJDCC f i)ailc^
I^CcfielD dc B.pd in Com E. pd'cxi(icnt,ragitiauitetcxoneraui^,Angr
Difc^acgCD^conf foimamftatutiprcd*,sc cont pac dicVdominaercginac
nunc,coroh& dignitailuara.

For being a cowmmBttrretor, fir ^eepirjg a l;/idTa/fe>}ie^Mdre-

ccitiingffiJp^doHi -pcrfons^and the vrife a Scold.

Sc<fl.io3 TNquiritur&c.fiLS.mipcrdcC.incomitRilabo^eCjcfthomomalae
conuerfation ft gubernatiofj,ac communis barret ct pacis dnscreg.
pturbator. Et q) idem I. S.apud G.pd' in com N.pd' cuftod',tenet,^ oc-
cupatquand domu,fuieTabcrf\,n0nhabcnt vfualefign'apie appofic,
vul2;ariccr dift'a blinfi 2DaueL*nc.Et qd primo die lunij SccNcc/ion di.
CQucrlatioh.et fylpcl',vcnicnt oranib" hcrjijinm noft',qiia diei,recipit
&:bGrpitcLl,jp|ij viciniiui ac^!:) hgci popuii did'dhae icg.ibid' inulti-
., ^^. , pliciter

:enees. 130
{>UcItcr vc3eanc,mquietanf,& grauanr,& ramiftri 6hx teginae, ^ipptcr pa-
ds confcruacioocm, officia fua ibid excrccre excqu prohibcnt, 6c ia^
pcnuirf iapcricuIoamiflTohvicae&lcfioniscorpof fuor quoddie exif-
cunt. c ^ I. vxof pet LS. eft communis obiurgacrix, tarn cum vicinis
euro aijjs iigeis did' dhx Keg p qd populi djd" dfi^ teg. mulciplicircr
tziolo(^ant^inquiccant>ccgrauanc. contf pac didxdhx reg. &c.

For breaking ofajtable^ andtakingotit afihefyme a Gelding And a

CMarCt and the acce^arie after,

IVratorcsprodoBiinaRcginapfcnc, qdA.B.nupcrdC. in Com'E. Seft.2o*t

viceHiro nono die Aug. Ann Reg. di^* dominx noftrx Elizabeths^,
Dcigratia Angl', franc*, ct Hibcrh Reginasfidei defenCoris &Ci Xrice-
fimo quarto, vi & arniis quodam Aabulum in dome tsanfionali cuiufd^
I. S. infra parochial dc C. predid'in coniitatu . predict' exillcns,
fregit ct intrauit,cc vnum cquum rpadonetn(Anglice voc^ca SClDtng)co<
lorisalbi,prcci)fexlibrafctvuatnequamcoloffiigri,preci) scfuliddc
bonis ct catdlhs ipHus I. S tunc &
ibid' cxflenc inuentos felon cepit, &
abduxit, contra paccm diet dhae Rcgin' coron' &
dignKatem fuas.Et qd :>^?>"'^^
K.H. nup deC. f d*in cora'E. prcdift'J)0^feco;ifei;, fcicnspref.A.B.
felon predict apud C. d* in com* E. predict modo
f &
forma pd fcciflc
etpcrpetralTe, cund' tamcn A.B. apufi G.pred' in coifi E. prcd 30. die Kcccic
dit' nicnHs Aug. Anno fupradteIon'rccepic& hofpitio exccpit, pod
felon praediilacD fie per iplum A.B. vtprsefcrtur fad^am 6c commillaim
contra pacem diet dn^ nfxRcg.nunc^ 6c contra corofi, acregiamdign

An IndiBment again/} aferuant oft he age ofig .ye ares retainedfnr one
J eareforgoing away mth ten poinds y the which his mafierde'
huered vnto him intrnfi^to keepe itfor him

iVrat pfcnt, pro domina Reg. qd cum A.B.de C. in comitacu E.^tt* Scft.205
ceC) vicefimo die Septembris, Anno regniDominx noQra^Eiizabe-
thac, dci gratia Angliac, Franci^ & Hibcrniac t(eginac, fidci dcfcnlo-
ris 6cc. Tnceiimo quarto, in domo tnanfionali
ipfius A. B. apud C.
predii^'incotnitatuE.prxd' deliberafletcuidaroE. F. de C. praedifta
in diO;o coroitatu E. ^ttttt, tunc (cruicnti ipfius A.B. pro vno anno in-
tegro retento, ac xcatis noucm dec<;m annorum exi{lcnti,deGem libras in
pecunijs numcraiis dc bonis ipfius A.B. ca intentionc, vt idem E. F. caf-
dem laluocuftodirct, ad vfumprcd' A.B. tunc magiQfrui : Idem E.
F. di^lovicdimo dieSeptemb anno fuprad (apprciKicius di^x A.B.
tuncnoncxRcns) apud C. prcd' in comicaiu . pd a dicto magiRro,
Rz fuo
Indictments and
fuo vna cum p^ decern libf di^' A. B. tunc tnagiftf fui malitiofe tt fe fc*
Ion difccflic, abijc et aufugit, ea intcntione, ad furand dift' dccera libras
contf fiduciara in co p pref. A.Bjunc magiftf fuum repofif 3c collocatS,
&ad inde diftum A.B.magiftf fuum prcd dcfraiidand: contf pace dift*
dai Reg.ac contf formam diucrfotu flat huius rcgni Angrinhmdi cafu,
prouiforum cc sditorum.

Torfiealing ofaCowe, and the accefortes before the efence


e * 20^ |VratoresprodominaReginapfcnt,qdA.B.dcC. in Com'E. ^ljffl^

ImaUcr, priiDo die lu. Ann Reg. dlA'dominac noftrie Elizibethae.Dci
o^ratiaAngl*, Franc*, Hiberh Rcginaefidcidcfcnforis &c. Triccfimo
quarto, in quodam loco infra parochiam dc C. prcdift'in commitaiu
E.prcdiff (vocatotl)cCotDpattUCe)vi&armis&c. claufum cuiufda
I. S. dc D. in com E. prcd yeoman, trcgitctintrauit,ct quandam vac-

cam (coloris nigri, prccij 40. folid) dc bonis ct catallis prcd* I. S tunc i-

l>id' exiftent inucntam, felon ccpit, furatus eft, ficaduxit contra pacem
rrocutcracnti jjct &
Regin nunc coron' dignitatem fuas. Et quod quidam G.
H. dc C. pd'mdict com* E. iButcfec, ante felon predict, fez. codem
primo die lunij, Anno triccfimo quarto fuprad eund' A.B.apud C, pd*
in com' E. predict, ad felon' predift'facicnd et pcrpctrand, malitiolc ec
felon exitauit,perfuafic,ec procurauit, contra pacem dicf dii^ Rcg.coroii
^ dignitatem fuam.
An Indiciment vpon thefiatute ofi^nno 2 1 H. . 8 . againfi a [eraAnt ahoue
the age of\ %,jeeres,for going away frith a bracelet of gold^ worth
I y .Vi.de/ifiered to him by his Mafler to ketfe^ wherein


Seft.203 1 Vratorcs pfcn!,8cc. quod cum per qucndamaft' in Parliamcnto dhi

iH.nuprcgis Angli^ S.apud Weftm'incom'Midd,an'rcg.fui 2 i.tenf,
aed)?, per diet dominum Reg.cura affcnfu dnof fpiritualium et tempo,
ralium, 3C communitaiis in eod Parliamcnto congrcgaf,necnon authori-
tate eiuld inter alia adtunc ibid inactitat exiflic, Quod fi aliquis feruus,
cui ciuld'Magifter velMagiftraliberaf aliqua bona valor 40.S. cuflod,
difcefTcrit cum bonis cum iuentione ad furandum vel retrahenduni

cade, forct felonia, prout per eund alu plene liquet. Qui quidem adlus
pof^eaperqucndam alium alum in Parliament doming Mari^ ntiper
rcg. Angl'apud Wcftm pd, anh rcg.fui prinio,ict, xdit, fuit rcpellat et
annihila!,ac poftea p qucda alium aOu in pliamto dn^ Reg. nuc apud
Weft.pdanhrcgn'fui5.tcnt,xdit,rcuiuaf, &adhuv in vigorc exiflir.

OflTe I5
Acctiaitl cum C.P.armig'fecundodicS.annoregnJcfift diiaf rcgin
nunc 1 5.apud G.in Coih M.pdjliberalTct I. G.Bup de E.in Comitat M
prcd' tjufbaHDmarT,adtUDC fcruient fuo & non apprcn fuo exiftcn,& vie
acta! I i^.aHnof quoddam brachialc aurijAngl* a fe;acdct of golt)e,valof
2 S.li.&c.dc bonis 5c cattallispd C.pro cod C. faluo cunodiend*. Prcd
ucien I.G.{litucp(f ininine ponderah5,nec pcenam in eodcni concenta
vcrcns,apud Gpd in did* Com Mcod* fccundo die Sanno i jr.fuprad
a profit C.adcuncM'agittf fuo fcipfum retraxit cum brachial! prc^ &
felon diCcedltiCa iiuemione ad furand' brachiale pd^ ad defraudand pd
G.Magifttufuum dc brachiali pd', contra fiduciam & confidcntiamin \
codcm I.pcr pd C.Magiftrufuum rcpoftc,ac contra forraaro ftatuti pd
inter caecerosarticulos quorum &c.

JFtr eonuerting TtlUge into Pajlurefor Conies, to the hurt

of their neighbours^

IVratores pifentant ^p domina regina,q^ H. W.dc A. in Cora E.gcnef, Scft.io,S

pr imo die Nouemb. anno regni diet dcni nfx Elizab.Dci gracia &c
Tricclimo quarto/eiHt' cxiflcns in dominico fuo vt defcodo, de Sm in
J 2. acf terf arabilis in A. pred' in Com
E. prcd' iacentibus (ac dc, aut in
aliqna libera warrcnna non cxiftentibus^fcd perfpacium 4. annoru diet
primumdiemNouemUannofuprad'proxiiT] pccdentium, in cultuf &
remmatioh granof vntaci$&applicatis)diloprimo dieNoucmb.aono
fuprad^ac diucrHs ali js diebus & vicibus.antea & pod pd i z .acf cerf a-

rabilis,a cultuf pd 6c fatioh granof jvfq; in hunc diem pfente, in pafluf

^ cuQodiendis conuertebac^& adhuc conuertit
ciiniculis cu(lod': & Ad
grauc nocumentum I.R. R.T. W.M.dc &
A.pred* in dicl* Cora E.(vi-
tinof ibid' eSciden!) ac contra formam diuerfof i\atutorum in huiufroodi
cafu ^uifonuD&aeditorum.

jiti Inail^ment againjl one^firfu^riKg ofthree houfes ofhusbandry to decajj

r andjor put ting out ofthehusbandmen,and'c(>nfiertin of the land belong-
" ^- '^- '*
ingto theJame^from tillage to failure,

Nquiratur pro domina Reglna^ ^\ I.K.nupcr dcT.in Comit'E. gch, Seft.-: 09.
primo die O^obris^anno ^cc.fcifit in dominico fuo vt dc fcodo, dc &
J in8.mcfua^*agncultiif3b'inT.pr3edift*indiloCoraitatu E.incpii-
bus fcptcm fcpcralcs amcolae (Ahglice vocat l)ufbanDmsn,) adtunc
rnhabitabant,acde6cintrcccnf acrjstcrf arabiririT.praedict in di^o
ComitatuE.incuUura'&fcBainstionc gfanor' vfitat spplicat adtunc &
cxiftentjdc quibiis trigintaacrx ad minus cum quolibetdiftof mcfua-
ciofadtuncfcparaiim occupa!& vfitat fuerunt. Et quod prcd I.K.lcgcs
R 3 ^
-! Indicftments and
P gcflatuthuiusrcgniAngl' parui pendens, didoprimo-dic 0lol>*an-
no&c. (upradiifto, acdiueriijdicbus, &
vicibus, antea&poftca, pro
proprio lo cro &
fingulari corned fuo , trcs agricolas diQtorum fcptcm,
dc cribus dc pdidicptctn mcfuagijs ad tiincexpulit amouit, &
cadcrn &
ti ia nsefiiagia abfq*, aliquo inhabitant ,Hue aliqujbus inhabitancibus in
,_ eirdcm, irrcparat liarc, &
in decaf. & ruinam caderc, adtunc 6c dcinccps
vfqucdienicaptionis huius inquifitionis voluntaric caufauic & permi-
Infuper quod pr^d I.K.dic&anno fupradi^o^ ac diuctfis dicbus
V*^- fit.

vicibusamea&poftea, ccnfacfpreditarumtrcccntarumacrarumter-
! IX arabir iaccnt &
exiftcnf in T. pr^dic! in cora'E.prxdicc, cum foflaE
> & fepibus viuis incullit & , illas abinde a cultura agricultural 6c fcmina-
tionc granorum vfquc dicro captionis huius inquiHtionis in paftuf,^con

ucrtcbac 6c cuftodicbat,6c adhuc conuertit 6c cuftodir, in malum 6c per.
/ nitiofum cxcmplum aliorumj ac contra formam diucrforum (lacurorum
in huiufoodi cafux acdit 6c prouif, 6cc.

, ^n IndiSlment ajiaifif} a Priefifor hisaffirmwg that, the Pope ofRome isfU"

freame head ej the Church ofEngland , and againfi one as ac^ejftrj for
comforting of htm therein*

h Scft. 2 10. 1 Vratof pr^rcntantpro domina reglna, quod T. S. dc C. in comitatu E.

ICleric'.j.viccfimo die mcnfis Apr, anno regni fercniflimx dominae
noftf Elizabeths, Dei gratia Angliae, Franciae, ct Hybcrniac rcginae, fi-
dcidefcnforis, 6cc. triccnmo quarto apudD. in comitatu E. prsdi^o,
fcicnc, confidcraf, maliciose, 6c direilc palam in pracfcntia rouitof diO^
dorainac rcginae noflrae nunc fiibditoruro, affirmauit, 6c dcfendit aulo-
ritatcin Pjpac Romani ccclcfiafticamin regno Angliac pracamca vfur-
pataro,his expreOls verbis anglicanis fequemibus, viz. 3D fUicace by tlje
Wefferj ^affe, anDU)illauoto tfjat out ijolpfa^^^tljc pope of Home,
tstjjcrup;cmeoftI)eC!)m;cl)Of(^nslantl, mroagnara derogationcm
rcgiacauftorjiaiis,6cprogatiu.xdil^dom' rcginae noflr^, ac contra co-
ronam 6c dignitatem (uaqi, nee non contra formam diucrfcf flatucofJR
huiufmodi caruxditoruro& prouiforum. Et qdA.B. dcD.pfacdict
in comitatu E. prxdict ill(3ta):cl)ant)lec, fcicnJ ipfurn I. S. difta verba lo-
quutum cdc, ac di^am di^ Papz auloritatero Biodo 6c forma vt pi;e-

fenur, dcfcndiflc, ipfurn I.S.apud D. pd, in dito com'E. poftca fciljcec

2 1^ tucnC^A^anno fupradifto, corifolatus eft 5c cofortauit, eix
die dift i
induftriaSc ex prop.oj(iio,6c aaearaintchtfpnem, vl idem A. B. promo-
uerct6cc{fcrrctpVaef. di^iPapscaud^oritVt* vfurpataro, inpernitiofit
(Iirjum aliorum cxcmplum, ac contra coronam, 6cdignitaf di^:cdom*
Keginnfznunc, ac ctiam contra formam diuerfof flatutof in ciufaipdi
prouikxum 6c aedicorum.
I'i-^ OlUfiUq)! 3a.J> < t^OUL
Ofifences. i^z
dow rvomanjrom her obedienee andfnbn 8 ion to the^^ccM , and to bey
the authoritie oj thefee ofRome,

INquiraturprodofninaRcgtn*.fiA.B.dcC. indfaocorfiE. clcricus

6, die menfis Ma>j,anno Res. dift' dominaenfae Eliz. dci gratia
. ,
Franciac,& Hybcrh Rcgirse^hdci dcfcnforis &c. Triccfimo quarto,
pud C. prcd im comitatu E. prcdiao voluntario& proditorie, conatus
& prafticauit abfolucrc, pcrfuadere, & fcduccrc qnandam W. dc
eft, I.
C.pd in com E.;pdifto viduaro a natural! obedicntfa & fubieflion'fua
quam cad' I. crga dia'doraina noflrara rcgjfi gcrcrcbcbet,ad obcdien-
dumprctcnfacauthoritatiScdisRomarix, tunc &
ibid ^dicoricprxfc
fercns &
afTcrens fc habere potcftatcm &
facultatcm id tacicndi, tUHc &
&: ibidem jpditoriedicenscidcm loannat his Anglic* verbis fcqucmi* *

bus, ^Qt\)tt BBoane vou a blaciie foul^ (3 iz\\ to)tf ^ou oce
l^all fiauc
not tlje foonec forfahC tf)e jJ[lueene(innuendo pd domif era rcg.nunc)
aiiDtiecljecefie, anDt?eelopoui: felft (o tlje obcDicme of out mother
C^UCClj, i^t IjOl? fee of Home : contra paccm dia* doiuin nofif rco^inae,
corona, &
rcgalem dignitatem (uam, &
contra formam ftatuti in p^rl ia-
nicntodiaxdominacnoftraercgin' tento apud Wcfim incoiriMidd^
anno diai regh (ui vicefimo ccicio^ in hmdi cafu prouiT. ct ^M,

An IndiBmerit ^gaihfi a lefnitey and agAtnfi onefor receiu'mq of him

If an theJiatHte fAn 1 7 . of^eene EUz,

jNquiraturprodominaRcgin, fiEC.rupcrdcS.incoraE.f dCIc- Sect. 2x2.

^ ricus nai* apud S. pd in corn E. pdatqj infra anniiiam ^x. pretcri-

turn faa'& jpfcflus Icfuita p authoritatem a fedc Romana deriuatani

jpditorie apud S. pd in comitatu E. prcd,6.aie Iuli),anfi reg. dia* dnx
ilfxElizabcthae Dei gratia Angliae, Franciac, &Hybcrni9 Regin' fi.
dei defcnfof &c.Triciimo quarto, a partibus tranfmarinis applicuit, &
diao 6.dieannorupradicto, ScnonnnHisalijs dicbustuncproximcfe-
quentibus apud S. pred in comitatu E. prcd, proditorie rooram fecit ac
rcmanfit : contra formam cuiufdam ftatuti in parlimemo dia* domin

Reg. noftrac nunc tento apud Wcftm in comitatu Midd'annorcgnifui

vicefimo feptirao, in huiufmodi cafu pronifij&cditi, ac contra pacem
dictac dfi9 regin^> coronam , & dignitatem fuai. Et fi, W. B. dc S. pd Recdt,
in dicto comitatu E. mercator, fcienttr, voluntaric, & fclonicepoftca,
fcilicct, dicto, d. die dicti menfis lulij anno fupradicto predict* E. C. a-
pud S. pred' in coihE. pred reccptauit&confortauit dicto W. B. ad-
tuncSc ibidem ad larguin & extra prifonamexinente,acprcfafE.C.
R. iiij. huiufmo-
Indicflments and
huiufmodi lefuita cfTciunc&ibid* fcicntect cogRofcent*: Comf form*^
ftaiati p5,ac contra pac' Coroh &
dignitaS diCk' dnae reg j*f^.

Fffr a trejpaffe in C orne^ ^ra^tund PIok-m^,

c A
* A. Ann rcg.dfi^noftf Eliz.Dci gratia AngV,Franc*,&Hybcrhrcgh,
fidei dcfcnfof&c.Triccfimo quarco.quoddam claufuro cuiurd*I.S.apud
C.prcd' in Com E.prcd*(vutgaritcr voc' Collileafej) vi ct arnais frcgit ac
intrauit,ac hcrbas &
blada tnticca ipfius I.S.tunc ibid'crcfccntia(ad va-

\ lemia 20 $.)cuni quibufd' bobus, &

bidcntib' ipfi' A.B.tuncibi^ de-
pafi' eft ac confump{it,nccnonfoIum ct fundu ipfius I.S.tunc ibid'.cum
^ qiiodara aratro.fubucrtit,p pd I.S.onine comodutn ^ficuum dift*
^ &
per longum tempus poliea amifit. Ac alia daraaa
foil fui &
enormia pd
I.S.tunc ibid' intulit,ad graue daroh ipfius I. S. ac contra pace dicf dhz
noflf Rcg.nunc,coron & dignitat fuas.
ForeatingCornemthaflockeof ^eefe,

jNquirat&c.Si I.M.dc M.in Com' E.^ljapIiecDjio.dic M. Ann.reg

Seft. 214 &
&c.apud V.in Com E.pd vi ct arntis, viz. baculis cultcllis claufum
I.S.fregit,& blada ipfius I.S.viz.hordca&aucnas in 30. acf tcrftunc
ibid* crcfceii cum grcgc ouium in cuftodia fua exiftch depaftus fuit,con-
cu]cauic,dcconruaipfit,&a1ia inormia ciintulicadgrauc damnum ipfius
I.S.ac contra paccm die! &c.

For Tre^ajfe in Fifig^ths in the hands of dinersfarmors^ndfr

the taking of three Salmons,

1 Vra! pfcn! ^ dha Reg q? W.
S. dc B.in Com L.tieommt,! W.de ea^ .

villa m Com L.pd teoman,& I.W.dcT.in Com' L.pd yeoman, &.

die Marti j.Ann.Scc. circa horam 4. poft meridiem ciurd'dic!>inS.K.&
B.in coroi! L.pd vi ctarmis &c.in quand'pifc voc'ififl^gactI),tunc in
tenura&occupaf R.F.C.L.& I.firmaf ibid*dil' dnaeRcg.mtrauef&
frcgcf et tres Salmones ad valcnc' ics. de bonis &
caiall* pred* R.F.C,

L.& I L.in pifc* pred' ccpcrunt & abinde afportaucf^contf voluntat ^d*
K.F.&c.ad graue damn ipfor' R.F. &c.ac contra pacem diA'dominx
Regins nunc &c.

^/Sn IndiBfnent again^ onefor taking ahoue the rate efx. It. in the
lOQ. It.for the tone thereoffor one jeare,

domina Regina prefent,^ vbi A.B. de C.in Comitaf E.

Seft. 2 1 tf . I Vratorcs pro
^mec, prioio die O.Anno regni dns nfx Ehzabcthar, Dei gratia,
Offences. r^j
AngH2,Franc',&Hybcrn*R<g.fideic!crcnfof 5cc. Trlccfinio quarioa-
pud Cpred'indiftoCoin'E.iDiKuodcdifretjac accommodaflct cuida
D.E.dcC.prcd'indido Com'E.^ljffimafeet/uinroa 2o.lMiipecuni)$
numcratis de pccunijs di^i A.B.ca intentionc,vc idem D..2c.(i.eidem
A.B.reddcrcc & rcfolucrct ptimo die Aprilis tunc proxini' fiituf : Jdcni
A.B adcunc ibid' ir.iuQc cepit ec habuit premanibus de prenominaro
D.EiViginti fcx (olid in Iucro,vfura,& preficuo,pro difFcrcndo & dand*
diem folucionis,fic vi prcfcrtur, earundcm 20. 1 ibf a di^o primo die O.
Anno fuprad' vfqj didium i .diem A.tunc prox' fequent^qui quidcm vi-
gipti fex folid ( modo ct forma pd pre manibus capti et habiti ) mulco

cxcedunt &
fuperanc ratam Sc proportioncm decern libraruro pro cen-
tum libf pro vho anno integro accommod ad damnum non mediocre
diuerforum Ratucorum in huiufmodi cafu prouif &: edic. (
Another Indi^ment ofthefame effeSi vfon thefiatfite of Anno 3 7, Hen 8.
^hich the ^atHte is recited

T Vratores pro domina Regina prcfen! , quod com p qucndam aftum ScCl.2i7
in Parliaraemo dnac Regm'nuncapud Weft' in comit Middl' 2. die A
anno regni fui tertio decimo, tent ed}f ml alia inaOic fuic, quod quidam
alus in Parliament dhi H.nup Rcg.Ang' S.apud Weft' pd anno regni
diem lunij
fui xxxvi). ten! edif pro reformation' vlur ab ec poft xxv.
prox' fequen' pd fecund' diem A.anno regni dif^i domin' Regin' nunc
xiij.fuprad reuiuat forec &
ftaret in fuo pleno roborcvigore 5c effe^u,

in quo quidem aftu in Parliamenco 6\(X\ nupcr regis H.8. An* regni fui
57.rupradi^o(en!,5cediC,ina^icat fuit autboricate eiufd' pliamcn',^
nulla pfona fiue perfon2e}Cuiufcunq^ftacus,gradus, nu<;conditiortiS)ipie
vel ipli forec due forenr, ad aliquod cempuspoft vltimumdiemlatinari)
in zCtvi illo roencionat.per via Hue medium aliquarum corrupcarum bar-
ganiae, accofpmodationi$>excambi) cheuafancic, cautele , Hue incerefte^
arum rerum quanimcunquCyaut p aliquam aliam corruptdue deceptiua
viam^ vel medium,, aur p aliquam couinam, ingenium, flue deceptiuam
viam,vel conueiaciam, haberent,reciperenc, accipcrenr,ftuecaperenc,in
lucro,velprofiuo,pro difFcrcndo feu dando dJem folucionis vnins anni
integri^e & jp eius vel eorum denarijx vel alia re quae forec dcbita pro
vU|:afumm' decern
eiifdi^m meribus,ri:je!;chandifis,fiue alia re vel rel/,
librarpro centum libri^^Sc (Icfecundum ratam illam Sciiton vltra, de &
pro maiorefiue minoretuQiroa/eu ^longiore fiue I;;ireuiore tempore) Sc
non plTiuc maius lucrum vel fumrh indc habend, fub poena fqiisfaci-
Indicftments and
<ncli5c amjttcndi pro qnalibccofFenf.triplumvalorctnmcrcium, mcr-
chandizif , &
alius rei vel rcrura fie bar^anizat^vcndif, cxcanibiat , fine
accomrDodat,ccac etiam haberet &
fuftcrct iiDprifonaeicmum corporii

fui &,faccrccfinciii& redemption ad voluntatemdictidoniinirtg. dc

quaqiiidcmforijfacuiratriplicisvalorisprcd, vna medietas cfTecdicc
dno Kcgi, altera medietas illi vd illis qui pro eadcniprofcqucrcriin
aliqua^uriarum, dicti nupcr Regis dc recordo, in qua fccta nulla, vadi-
atio lcgi$,<ffoniurn,fiHc^cectioallocaretur.proutincodDftatuto dc
anno 27. dicci nwpcr Reg. H. 8. fupradplcnins continetur Cumquc -

tiamquidamR.P^dc&c.poftpd t.dicm A.anno i3.dictaedoniihreg.
nunc (uprad,fcil. 2 2. die D. anno rcgni eiufdem dimin rcg. z s apud L.

in com E* prrd^acccmodaffct cuidam C.F. 4.1i idem R.B. ihtucprxd
fninimc ponder ans,nccpoenam in eodcm content vercns.ad tunc 6c ibi-
dcmrcccpitathabuitde pfafC.F. in lucro & proficuo pro difFercndo
& dando diem folntionis carundcm 4. li. ab codtm 22. die D. aneo 21.
(upra^ vfquc 6.dicm.A tuncproximfequch viij.s.qui quidcm viij.s.!n
lucro &
^ticuo pro diflfcrcndo &
dando diem rotuiiofiisdiccaruni4.Ii.
aprcd 22.dieD.anno ii.fupradvfqucprc^d.diemA.extuncproxini
fcqucfi,exccdunt ratam x.li.pro 1 00. li. jip vnoanno integro comrafor-
mam 8c cfFc^lum ftatutipred^ adgraue damnujuipiius C.F. &c.

t/^ IttdiUmeHt againH one occupying a PlowMndtM the Parijhfor not com-
mmg at the dayes appoint edhy the SnTueyors ofthe Nigh^wajes^te he/pe to
amend the High-yvayestPtthmtheParifh,

SiCk.z I S. 1 Vraf pro doroina Reg, pref<nc>-q? vbi die Martis in fept AP. iara vl
limo pretcritOjfez. 7. diemcnfis A. anno regni diet dominac noftr^ E-
lizab.Dci gratia AogFr.&Hyb Reg.fidcidcfcnforis&c.H* A.B.tunc
Conftabularius villac dc C. in dic!com'E.&c.& D.E. & F.G.tumgar-
diani ecclcfix parochialis dc C. pred'in comitatu .predcxi(tentes,vo-
catis ad fe multis alijs parochianis A\C\x parochix dc C. tune 6c ibidem
legerunt quofdam I.S.&R.N.duas hoocft* eiufdem parochiae per-
ibnas in foperuiforcs pro anno integro tunc proxim'fcqucn , protniS-
dationc ^ reparaC alcarum rcgiaium viarum infra diet parochian de
Cducentium a villis mcrcatorijs ad vill' rocrcatorias: Acctiamtunc
ibid' noroinaaeiut&appunccuauerut fcx dies, viz. &
6. dies
menfis Maij tuncproxim fequentis pro dicta cmcndationc diftarum
viaf /& nominaf pro cmcndationc illius vise regiae ibidein,qux c(l inter
&:c. atquc dc cifdcro fcx dicb' Ik per cos* vt prcfcrtur^ nominaf et appu-
Auatis dcdcrunr palam poftea (fez. dicdominic'dicfPafeh. tunepro-
xiiii fcqucnf )pubIicaBi notitiam in di Aacccl'pochiali. Quidam tame
T. VV.cuiQ^ adtunc parochianus de C.prcd in comitatu Eprcdic! cx-

Offences. 1:5^
cxiflens^^ac turn habcm& occup in difta paroch'dcC.incoiDiEE.p-
dil*, vnam integram carucataniKrracarabilis (Anglic dift' a plouglj^
ImiD) ad nullum diftof 1. ! dicrumdifti mcnfiiMaij anno (u-
pra^,jpr(usinuenicaiitrajfitcurruinftru^um (Anglicedict* atoaine
C;cact facnifl^CD) cqQis,bobus,auc alijsaniraaiibns.&nccedarijsinftru-
n:cntis, ff euud morcni patriae ibid : ncc vUos habilci homines, crga c-
iDcndationcm &: reparation dictarura viarum,auc earumaliqMam indc
parccllam, fed indctunc ibidem voluntariefccicdcfaliaro, ixidia;edo.
ininae rcginx contemptum , ac contra formam diucrforura ftatuiorum
io huiufmodi cafu prouif. &
tyfnlndiElment againfl aTowne formt kcepingTVatch according to theSta
thte ojWinchefteri Anno 1 3 . Ed. i .

jVratoresprodominrcginapf^fcncant, quodadccimodit lun, anh Scft.irpl

wg'diflje dnaenfacEliz. DcigratiaAngli3P,&c.35. vfquc vltimam
dicra menfis Aug' anfi fuprad, homines &
inhabitantcs vill de C.in
coinE.nulIasvigilias a Tolis occafuvfqjad folisonum, in dicta villa dc
C in com* E. praed, per aliquot homines fcccrunr, aut cuflod, prout dc

iurc&antiquaconfuctudinehuiusrcgni Angliae faccre dcbent &fole-

bant : In diet' duae rcgih nunc contcmpturo , ac contra formam cuiufdS
ftatuf in parliamcnto dhi Ed.olim regis AcgP primi , apud Winton,
anno regni fui 1 3. tento> in huiufmodicafu prouifi 5c xdici.

AnlndiUment again^ the ir. hahttants ofa kundred^for not keeping fea-watch
at Sandgate^ according to theflatate ofAnno 5. Ed. 4,

IVfpro doin rcgin'pr^lcutant, quodvbihomin&mhabitanieshun- Scl. t2G

dredi dc F. in com* M. prcd,antiquitus (viz. ante annum rcgni domin
H.nuper rd^is Angliae quartiquintum) quafdam maricimas minu- &
tasvigilias (Anglicc voc* ^caluatcl)) tempore belli per coftcram maris
in quodara loco (vocaio ^anDgatC ) in dicto comiiatu per quatuor M
homines fingulis noctibus{ a tempore in cuius contrarium memoria hp-
niinum tunc non cxiftebat) cuftodire dcbcbant 6c folebani, : djctvtamcm
hundredi de F. hommes 6c inhabitantcs nunc , tempore nupj^ |>clli viz.
a24.diclulij, anno regnidictsedn? ore Eliz, Dei gratia Sec. 3o.vrque
34. diem dictimenn$Iul'j, anno fuprad, predvigilasapud ^anDgate
& &
prcd,modo forma prcd,f acerc cullodirc voluntaric praE-terraifcrunt
& ncglcxeruntjiac in<ifdcmvigilijstonc ibidem (fie vtprcfertirtf^- ,
^ ,
ciendisaccu(lod) voluntariam feccruntdefaltam:- Indila&domih,rk
gln^ contemptum , ac huius regni fui Angliae difcrimcn non modicum,
accbntra formam H^tuti in parliamcnto dicti domini Hcnrici nupcr re*
gis Angli; quatt tent-, anno regni fui quint prxd, in hniufmodi calju
prouifiacaed4...^;fjj;;pjfjl,x:)br i ni1}?7q.^3b.^a

Indicflments and

Sea. 221 IVrat pfcntantpro domina rcgina,^) S;B.dc C.in Com H.vi(lua,x.(}ie
Aug',Annorcgni dil*dom*nfaeEliz.Dci gratia Angl'&c. tricefimo
-^uarco^ac diuerfu alijs diebus pof} di^'x.dicin, quafd^ artes dctelland'
Anglicevoc'tuitf^ccaftanllfojcer^jncquiteretfclonicc prafticauitec
cxercuicapud C.pred*,inCom H.pre^,in, fuper, &
contra qucnd I.N.
"^ dc C.prcd' in di Ao Com H.lLabo^ec^pcr qua$ quidcro artcs dift' TN.a
\ jid x.dic Aug. anno 3 4.fu prad vfqj 24. diem pd mcnfis Aug.anno 3 4.
(upradjpericulonflime ac morcaliter xgrocabac & langucbac. Ac eodcm
2 4.dic Aiigull. anno fuprad idem I.N. per artes prcd' in difto Com H.
obi jr. Ec fic luratores pred' pfentanr,^ cadera Saraipfuoi I.N. apud C.
pred,niodo & forma fuprad,cx roalicia fua pcogic', voIuntanc,ncquitcr
& fclonice per artes prcd', occidit ac intcrfccitj contra paccm dicf dom
Reginx nrx, ac contra formam (latuci in Parliaoiento diet domialleg.
nfse(tenio apud Weft, in Corn Midd, anno rcgni fui prcd quinf)in hu-
J^ iufmodicafujpuifiacaedif.


Sc^. til \
Nquiratur pro domlna rcg. Si Marg* L.de A.in Com E. ^ptnl{et,24.
dicIuri,annorcg.dri^nfaE Eliz.if.acdiucrfis alijs diebus & vicibur,
tam ancca quam ponea,Dcum prx oculis fuis non habens, fed infligati-
one diabor fedu^',quardam malas diabolai artes, Anglicc voc Wi\Xt\)*
ct:aft0,3Incl)antmentiS5C^annc(anD^o?cme0, nequiter diabolic" &
:!! .Bs? felonapud H.pd,inCom'E. pd,cxmaliciafuapcogitatvfafuit,prafti-
cauitj& excrcuitjin & fuper qucndam W.N.f textu cuius pred' W.apd
24.dieIuhannorupradvrq; 24. diem Dec* anno regni di^'dnaeregiii
Eliz.&c. 3 5pd langucbat,quo quidcm 24.dic Dec' fuprad, pred' W.
rationepraaicationis& exercic diabolic artiu pd,apud H. pd in coih
E.pd.obijt. Et fic pd M.ipfum W.apud H.pd,in Comitat E, pd modo
& forma ruprad',6c ex malicia fua pcogitaE interf. contf paccm dicf dh^
rcgA comra formam ilacuti&c. '


* -i^^^Torbemtchingahorfct whereby he wafiedandkecamfyvstfii

5ea.223 jNquira!^ domina rcgina, Si SaraB.dc C.in ComitatuEb.Viiclua,2o.

^ditAuguft.anno rcgni dift* dhae nfx Eliz. &c. 3 4. quafdam arrcs ric-
quiflimaj(Anliccvocafa$3lnc!)antmcnt3anfi t^artnejs) apud C.prcd
in ComitatuEb.praedifto, roaliciosc,&diabolicc, in, (upcr,& contra
qucndam cquum,colorisalbi,precij 4. )i. de bonis 6c catallis cuiufdam
T.S, dc C.prcd* in ditto ComiEE; gencf cxiftcntem, cxcrcuit, & praftis-


caulc. Per qdidcmequusdia'I.S. ao.dicprcd'apud C.p^otnnino
peioratuseft, etvaftatus ! concf pacetn dift' dom'reg. et contfform'ftac
in eiufmodi cafu prouif. ac cdici*

Tmr taking awaj of a rvidor, and marjing of her againfl her mil
contrarie to theflat nte of j^nno 3 . H . 7.

IVrat pfcn?, pro domina Rcgina qd A.B. dc C. in dia. com' E. ^iKg^ Se^.J
ingmart, 2.dic Aprilis, Ann rcg.dil' domin<^ noHrx Elizabctli^ &c.
3 5. vi ct armis in domuni roanfionar cuiufda H. B. dc C. prsed'in com*
E.pdvidu? infra parochiamde C. prcdift'incom E.pred, intranic,
(quaequidemH.B. fcificafuicindo!Tinicofuovtde fcodo, dcetindi-
ucrfis tcrris ccnemcntisin C.pred' in com E.predift*,clari annui va-
loris lo.li. vltraomncsreprifajexiftcntibus) ac immediate poftea, viz.
dicj z. die Aprilis, annoCuprad' idem A.B. prcd'H.B.wnc ibid in diil*
domafuainpaccdcijacdia^DoroinaeRcgihcxificntera exdifta do-
mo fuamanHonali contra voluntacem ipnu$H.B.illegitimeac felon ex.
traxit, cripit, ct abduxit, ac cadem H.B. poftca (fez. 3 ,di c dili menfis
Aprilis^annofupradict) in Ecclcfiaparochiali dc C. prd' in com' B.
prxd, cepitinvxoremfuam : vbi idem A.B. dicto tempore cxtracti-
oriis& abduilionis prcd',non clamauit,nec clamarc potuit, eandetu H.
B. tanquam Wardam fuam, aut t^nquara Natiuam fuam : in magnam
pacisdicfdom'Rcg. nunc perturbation, ac contra forma cuiufda Stat
in Parliamcmo Dom'Hen nup Reg. Angrfeptirai, tcnto, AnnVegJui
tertio in hmdi cafu proutf.ac edit.

An IndiElment for Burglarie hj night

T Vratpfent,prodom*Rcg. qdE.D.nupde&c.s.diel.&c.vi&ar- Sc^.zis

mis, &:c. domum manfional' R. H. apud E. in com' pd circiter horam
vndccima in nocte ciufd diei adtunc ct ibidc felon ct burglaritcr fregic
contf pacem dicC dom* Sec.

An Indi^mentforflealing a Hog in d common,

. tr

Vraf pfen?, pro domina Reg. qd F.B.de C. quarto &c.Pcbf &c.vi Sc^.2 z6 &
1 armis &c. in quanda commun mtra nouS Forcftam voc' H. intra per
oc* de C. in C. po, fregit &
intrauit, & vnum poi cu colof reO fpecfeleO,
prfcij i2.d.debonis5ccjtallisBtD. adrunctibidJnucntfclon ceptf,.
ficeffugauit contra pacem d^* do raieg. &c.

Indidlments and

An ItidiEiment for d rvitfuH efafe ofa Prifotter committedforfelony t a CaH'

fiable to be brought to the common Gaole, and a Knight jvho is no lujiics
of peace commanded the/aid Conffab/e to bring the Prifcner before him,


Scft.2 1 7 Vraf pfent, pro domina Rcglna qd cum I.D.niJpcr dc &:c. pro diuGs
Xfcloniis per ipfumppetraClc pro eifdtmfelonijs coram A.B. armvno
lul'dciaf diA* diiae rcg, ad pacem Conftabulaf di^V.doaiin^ rcg' * con-
concordia!hieric,&p*crcnndcm A.B.fubCuflodpd conftabulaf pro
felon' jj^ ad gcntralcmgaoladi^'dn? Rcg.in com' rxJcomiff.fuit, ibid
faluo cul]odicr)d quoufqj fecund' legc& confuctudliui'regni AnglMc-
liberarecur. Et W. P.dc &c.Milts non cxiftch lufiic' dift'dfie reg.ad pa-
cem in com* pred* mific Scprcccpit qufcnd I.N; dc &c. Conftabulaf &e.


&c. quarto die &c. vi & anois, viz. claufum

Sttk %l% T ^^ prefcn! &c.I qd A*B.
intrauitj&duasouesmatriccs colons nigri pcij
I T.G.dc&c.frcgit&
-^7.s.dc bonis 6c cacallisdi^'T.G.feloii cepit, abduxic 6c afportauic
contra pacem &c.
n ,^3>i mtb J ) b <iit <1
An IndiUment againfi onefor breaking of a houfe, anamtirdingof dfte Vfhh
a Cudgeil in his bed by priuitie and confen ofthe ypife of
the murdred,
- T Vf ^fcnf^&c.Ed,nupdeE.6cc.circahor5I2.innGtceiu^ddici,dc-
^\ya\ cora ox ulis non habcns.fcd ex raaliciafuaprccogit,vi et af,viz.&c.
domum R.P.apud C.in com' prcd* felon et barglarit,frcgit,ct intrauit,
et in pret.R.P. adtunc et ibid nudu in le^o fuo iacentCjinful^ u et afFrai*
am fecit, et cum turn vno baculo valoris 1 2. d.voc' aCuDgeUj eund R,
P.fup caput fuu vfq*, ad cerebf:,adtunc et ibid felon pcuiTu^dans ei pla-
gam mortal' : d qua quidem plaga mortali idem l^ P. adtunc 6c ibide

inftanf moricbatEt fie idcE.L. eund' R.P.adtuftcct ibid' interfccit &

murderauitcontfpacedift'dom'rcg.Etq^queda AgnesP. nup de &c.
^pinftec vxor pd R. P. tertio die lunij An.6cc.ac diuerf.dicbus antea ec
poftea eund die ct ante felon cc murdrum pd in form'pred'apud W.pd
in C.prcd* pref. E.L.ad feloii ct murdf pa ^ac'& pcrpetrand felon pro*
cuf ft abbe!, contf pace did' domreg.Etetiaqd ead'A.P.fcicn prcf^
Ed.felonia murdiu ct pd'in form' pracd' feciftc& perpecraffc E.L. pred
3^.dielnn. Anh&c.apud W.prcd'inC. f d'tielohrcceptauit&confcrE,
contf pac' di^'d&ae rcg.

Offences, 1^6
Art Indi^mcnt ofiJManfliitighter*

IVra? f>fcn!,5cc. ^p dom' Rcg.qd A.B.&c.

S.dic I.vi & arra,viz.6cc.in Sct^.2 30
lohifiP.apudB prcd'inpdCcDcicc dhac exiHch infuUu ct af-
fraiam fecic cum nianuiua dcxcr^ pM.P. in capite <iio fclofi adtunc cc

ibid' pcu(Tk,danscipbgamaiortalcm,dec)uaquidciiiplagapdI.P.
adtunc& ibid incontincntcr obi jt Et fie idem A. B.pref.l .B. adtunc ct i-
bid' felon, intcrfccit& murdrauit,contf pacedjil'dnaercg.

/in Indiolmentfer vfmg more artes then one vponthejlatute

ofcxf*? 3 . Ed. 3

INquiratur pro domina Rcg.quod cum in fe? in Parliamento dfiiE. Sel.23i

nup regis Angli^ 3 .poll conqucftu, an'rcg.fui 3. tent, inter cetera or-
dinacfit&ftatut, Quodartificiaf& gcntes occupationem habcntcs,
&qui]ibeteorumad fuam artem feu occupationem fe lencat, et quod
rulluscxcrciaialiaroartemfcuoccupacQifi tamcn caq elegit: Etfiali-
quis in contrarium fecerst p inipnfonamc corporis fui p (patiiim duoru
anh puniatur 6c vltcriusfiiie ct redcm|riHori dpin'Reg. fac' prout in cod
ftaf plcniuscontintt.-Si A.B.deC. incoinN.)i5aljer, aliasdift' A.B.
in com.' N. pred' $!ptlnct'> Stat pred rainirac ponderans ncc poena in c-
odfta? content vercns, a fecundodielulij.ann rcg.H.8.&c. vfqiquar-
tum die Apr anh 1 3 .dom' reg.fuprad tam artemoledmari) qartc piftof
panishumaniapudC. pd, continue cxcccbat in dhi Rcg.contemptiim,,
acconifforrnVftafp^. ir ^^.,\-.,


T Nqufr^t Sccfi R.L nup de T. in coiiiL. VC0man5& H.D.nup dc N.

incoiTiprcd'|?eoman,2o.dieIu.ann&:c.apudB.etT. mcom' pd c- Scd.2 3^
merunt &rcgratauerunt dc T.S.Ril. & ahjs ligcis dora' rcg.50. quaricf
frunientiprecij 2 5.1i ccntquarf hordci prcci) 24.li.etar frumtctliord
in domi b'manfion' fuis vt regratorcs mcrcati di^' dhi rcg.accuraulauef
ctcuftodiucf ca intcntioncvtfrurht, hoi d,ct alia *rana tub fui j cuftod'
adfoulibitu cxponere?tvcnderepotucrunt, ob,qd granainmcrcatet
villis comt pd mukiplicitercarioractrariorafcrentingraucdamuuro
populicinireg.ac contra forroaw (laiuti in huiufniocUcafuediletpro-*

Indicftments and

Ajg Indium ent for a robhrie done by the high ypaj vfcn the
perfott of one

T Vf f rec,&cq>vbi I.B.dcL.gerief ij.dic.&c.atm&c.ftiitinpaccDci
dni Regis in rcg. via apud parochia fanfli E.in canipisin com'
ct dift'
'''Mabideineiufdcmdie &
anno vcneiunt I. M. dcD. in comitato
M. ^eomaH) R. H. de cad in coA pd yeoman , laid hoes ct non in-

fra facros ordines fubdiacon' ncc vicracxiflcn felon vcfcIoncsdicCdfii

regis in pd LB Jnfultura feccrunt, ct ipfum verbcraucf , vulneraucrunt,&
Hialctradaucf.Icaqddevitaei" defpcrabaturacvigint folid inpecunijs
onmeracisde bonis Sccacairipti' I.E. adtuncec ibid inuenf cc cxil^enc
felon ccpcf ct afporf, conrf pac diet dni reg.ac contf form fta! cuifdem
dai rcg. anno rcgni fui 2 2. ?dit ct prouif.

Art Indictment for Bftrglarie in a drvelling honfe^ for putting the hokf'
holdinfearc, andfer the takingawaj of tiventj pounds
in menej/.

INquiraiur &e. fi I. M. de D.in com IVj. ^ztmm^ laicus horao&non
infra facros ordines Sufediaconti nee vltra cxiften' i z.dic&c.Ann &c.
vi ct armis,viz.gladijs,cultellis,ctdagori)$ domu ct manforiu R.V.apud
I. in diet com* M. fcituat & cxiften cod' R.V. & A. vxof cius ct alijs fcr-
uien fuis in eadem domo ct manforio adcunc ct ibid' cxiften' felon' fregic
ctintrauit, acintimorecorporalipofuit&vigincilibrasin pecunijs nu-
mcratis de bonis, catair ct dcnarijs ipHus R. V. adtunc ct ibid' inucnC fe-
lon' ceperir,fpoliauit,& afporf contf pac' dice dom' regis, ac contf form*
Jlateiufd diiireg. anh regni fui 23. xditi ct jpuiH.

INquirat jp domino Rcge, fi I.D. in coin prcd'^eomaiT, laicus homo
&c. vi6c armis^ac defua malicia pcogitata in W.H.adtunc&: ibidem
in pace Dei ct dni reg. nunc cxifteii infultum fccjf et cum vno gladio ,

precij i2.d. quemidcm I. in manibusiuis adcunc et ibid' tenuieprcf.

W. G. tcloii pcuflif, ct dcdit ei tunc et ibid fup caput fuum vfq; cercbr&
vnam plagara mortalcm, de qua quidcm plaga mortali ide W.H.adtunc
& ibid inftantcr moriebarur Et lie idem I. D.prcf. W.H. modo ct for-

ma prcd' fcion, interfccit & murdauit contf pace d i^* d&ireg. corom ct
dignitaC riia,ci contra form' ftaE dcann z 3 , regii H. 8. nupcr acdit ct jjp-
OflTcnccs. IJ7

An Inditimentfsr robbing ofa Church ofdiuen 4ndfi$ter4it

things in thtfaime*

1Nquiratur6cc.GI.M.nij|t dcD.incoAM.etR.H.nup de cadcra villa Scft.ftj^,

cc com pdia^eOtirni^laicihomih^Scnon infra facros ordifi fubdia-
con vcl vicra cxiQcnC i g.dicMaij anno Scc.vi ccarmis,viz.g1adijs,bacu
lis cc cukcllis Hcdef pochial'oium fanct dc . apud . in com ^d circa

liofI i.in notc eiu(d' dici felon fregcf 6c intraucf, ct duas calices de ar-

genf dcauratjcr duo venimCde nigf veluet,voc' Cope0,tres pSnos lincos

vo*^ltat: flofj^e^jvnam tunic' fixa (up imag'bcatf Maf infra c&dcmcc-
clenani cum diucrHs annulis dc auro &
lapid* ptioHs in eifdcin annex' ct
affigafadvalcnc'xx.Ii.ac xx.s.in pecuh numcrafdc bonis ornamcntis,
& dch pochian dc E.pdic! in cuHod lo.B.et T.B. cufto^ &
bonof ornamentof 6c dcnaf pochian pochiae dc E.pdicf, cc tunc cc ibid
cxiden cxtf cufto^ di^of gardianof cxtf ccclcf. pd' adcunc &
ibidc fe-
lon furacifunccepcf&afporcaucfconrrapac'di^i dhi regis, ac contra
^srmam (latuci ciiiTd dxii regis anno rc^ni lui 2 3,aedit 6c prouif.

An Indt^mentagain^ one being man ofeuillbehauionrfor k^fping ofa blind


XaHernentthoHt AjignCy and for receipting and lodging oj lewd

ferfons^and that his vife is a common cold,

1Nq Ir3tur6cc.fi I.S.niip dc C.incoi!iN.laboaec, eft homo roalzco- Sc^.tj'/.

ualationiseti^ubernationisac comroun' barrclalecpacisdomini re-
gis 4^turuator. t quod idem I.S.apud C.pdicC in com odicc cuftodit,
tvncc,(toccupatquandamdomumnueTauern3l non habcnCvfualciig-
num ap c cxpofit ylgarit di^' a bUniJeSnauerne* Et qd primo die 6cc,
Anno 6cl .ncc non diucriis dicbus 6c no^ibus antca ct poftca in candcm
domum diucrfos homines malx conuerfacion 6c fufpecf vcnicn'omnib'
horis tarn no^is qu& diei reccpic et hofpicaC eft p quz vicini fui etali) li-
gcipopulidi^i dcmiini regis ibid' multiplicif vexantur, inquictantur cc
grauantur,ecminiftridomin' regis ^prpacis conferuac'oflicia fua ibid
cxcrccn* ct excqucn* ^hibcnt ct farpcnumcf in piculo amiflion* vitac 6c
lotion* corpof fuof quotidie ponuntunEt qd* I.S.vxor pd I.S.tft comun
abiugacrixtamcii vicinis qu^cum alijsligeispopulidi^i dnirc^is,per
5|>ti)ultfpiicif molcftariinquietanf ct grauanc cone pac' diti dm regis.

An IndtUmentforfelling Ale in 'jewels called Kilderkins.

1Vratorcspnflncant,quod I. R. dc noua C
io comi A. pandoxator Scft. 13^
6c AXdcca Jem C. predict JlSatefeUcc, func commnncs pandoxa-
::.r. S tor
Indicflments, and
toresm diet ctdccirao die &c.anno&c.acdiucrfis vicibusantcaet
poftca vcndidcf ccruifiam,ec ceruifiam per diucrfa vafa voc* JiiilDecfeinU
cam tnaqinaquamparua contra formam flatucorum inde ^di! ad grsuc
damnum populidomini regis &c.

An Indi^lmettt ofa Trieji for keeping ofa Concnhwc,

1 Nquiratur pro domino rege, ii H.R.

nupcr dc K. in com W. Clericus
Sect. 239 I primo die Dccembf ,anno rcgni Regis Hcnrici oftaui 2 2. vi et armis,

Deum prseoculis fuia non habens.nec legem Dei ct dni regis tiraens,ec
ordinem faccrdotalem nihil regardansjtanquam ribaldus ct luxunofus et
riotosc ficut tranrgreflor,malefator et pacis dhi regis perturbator irre-

gularkcrct extra Ic^is inorera ec honcftam vitse virtuofacet facerdoti^

dignitaErciploytpnsapudK.pd'incbmitatpd' hofpitium illicitumlc-
uauit et cullod iuit,ct quandam A.B. mulici e dcfamaE ct iluprofam piib-
licectnotonccuftodiuir,occupauit,cthabuit,etipfam A.B.apdii.cpriiii
dieDeccmb', anno lupradi^toadtunc ct ibidem cominuand'ct adhtic
quor id icct noCtuatiro maniFefte ct apcn e cuftodiuit, occupa^iit, et habec
in cornmiim ftupro Icmocinum in maximum pcriculDlura cxemplum a*
liorum malcjUAQtutt^ contra paccm didi domini regis &c.

AnTndiSfment forot commir.gto the Church , vpm the

fiatfits of Anno 1 .Elizab.

' 'lVratore$prodomin'rCg*pracfcntant: qd* cum per ftatut in parlia mto

Idomm* Eii.Dci gratia &c. anno rcgni fui prime tcnr^pud W. in corajf
M.int alia inaftitatet ordinaf exi(titjq) poft fcQum vS. loh. Baptift'an*
rcgni di^9 dnacreg'primojomnisct oranimod pfon' ct pcrfoh inha-
bitant in hoc regno Angl* vcl alibi infra dominacion di^'dhae regih
diligentct credulentcr habentes nullam legalem (eu rationabilem cxcii-

faciohabcffendinitcrcntfemctiprosadireadiuampochiarccci'vel ca-
pcllamconluetvclfnprationabii'inapcdimfad aliquernvfitarlocvvb*

communes pcation&diuinafcriiitiadici vtCr.t tempore talis ifwpcdiffit

fupquelbetdie dnicumetalijsdicb^ordinatctvfiratis ob'cruariduranC
tempofc^ium pcaf pdieatioh jut aliof diuinoffcruitiorum vrcndctmi-
niftrand' fub poeh punitionis p cenfura* Ecclciiae ct ctiara Tub poena qd ^
quaelibetpcrjpna fie oflfcqdens r?ti$f4iciat pro qualtbcttalioftcyifi li:^'
dcnaflcuandp gardian' cccie.pachial' vbi talc offcnfum foretfaft'ad
vfumpaupcrum inbabicah ciuid pochi^ dc boniv^r^'cttencmcntis talis
cfFendenfjproutinftatuto pd'contincf: CiimqucT.R.dcD.in com pd
afct A vxor eiuscxiften'depochia cede/, pochialis de T. pry d infra*
quam q<|idci^ecle(. ^6fniinc5.p,catioHCS. cC alia diuiiiareruiiiainnatDE^

moj ' praed*


Offences i^8
jtd fpecificafpoQ prcd' feftuNatiuirat S JohanoBaptifl^ an.prirao fu-
pradift' fcz.dhica ^:)xirac pod fcftu S. Mich' Archangcli Anno rcen
&C.& I i.dieb^dhicistunc jpxiiTifcqueh&oftoalijsdicb'fcftiualio'
eaW dies dfttcas intcrucnicnt dicebanf ^ vtcbari pd' T. & A. non ha-
bcntcs legale 5c rationabile cxcufatioh fei; impediment abcilcn4 ab ec
cledapred' in dicb' pd fcmpof pdcomuniiipcatioh ecdiuioof fcruici-
ad ccclcfiaiD cxiftcnEcorucccIcfiani coiifact'in prcd* die dnica^^xim
port feflui>.Micb.Archangeli,anr.rcg.&c. fupradi^l'&pred'alijs 1 2.

dhicasintcrivcnienf tempore pd'cotnrauoiu ^cation &
diuinof fcriiic'
ibid in diebus iliis didl'habi!6c miniftrac/cd en'a odentes &
W Euang* & falubre dci verbum,Scdiclani dhatnrcg. &
leges fuas feip-
fos volumatieabfentaueruntSc vtcrqj eorum voluntariefcipfum ablcn-
caueric ab eccicH^ ^d' die dominica^xim po3 fcftum San/ti Michaelis
Archangcli anno &c.fupr3di(^',5f pd ali js duodccim dieb* dhicis tunc
^ximrt:q'Kfi,dc pdalijs otto diebus fcfliu<dib'eafdeni duodccim dies
doirinicas interucnu nt ccmpor* prcd' communium pcationuni diui- &
nof feruidof ibidem in dicbusdift'habi? &miDiftrai contra pacem^c
contempt* diftdominsercgin' nunc ^clegumfuarura, contra corofi &
dignicat fuas ac contra formam AatuCprcd' & in pcraitiofum xemplum
aliorum malcfa A*.

^n inditlmentfor ferittrieycetnmitted in an anfwere in the


IVratorcsprefent^doroinaRcg. cpcuffil.D.de E.incomG.gchin ^^

Cuf dnac rcgin Scaccarij fui Ceflf cora R. comitc Lcic* caraeraf fuo * ^
Cf ftriae apud Ceftf in com C.poft diiodccimam diem &c. Anni&c.
cxhibuillet quandam billam petitionis verfus quendaro R.W nuper .

dcT.in com pred* iipilnec^dc ct fupcr iniuft' recuperationcm 3 ^.s. de-

bit' pipfum R.vcrf.pd'I.D.exiftenvad& plcg' cuiufd* VV.H.inin Cuf
maneri) (lue domini j dc H.infra ducat Lane' ct4.s. 8. d.cuftag' circa e-
andem fc^am ibidem iniuftc recupcrat* per dilum R.idem R.in refpo-
(lone fuA in di^a Curia Scaccarij prcd' ad petitioncm pd'fup facramec
fuumcapf dixit.affirmauitj&lurauic hajc verba Anglicana fcqueii vel
ineffci^u fimilia. 0nDfo^nonpaimcntof tljc rclioucoftfjefunm:^ 2
47.bemg as it fl^oulo fccme b^ tfic faiD KalfeiS otonc confeffien in t!je
fame anfUerc,of ilje wccit of 3 6.0. tl)ts ocfenDanttongaftec comment
eel) l)t0 action of Debt againff tije notu platnttfe in t}^t free Court of H.

vbidid^us W. H.diii ante perfoluiffet dift' R.fumma-f^.t. Ita quod

nihil rcnianfic illo folucnd' : t He prxfat' R. in Caciendo dc confi: niand
S % faifuna
fairutn refponfum pd*,in ea parte pH',dic M.anno &c. volun! &
commific voluncaf piuria in illo concent cc concr' fori&ftacuci inde xaif
<t jpuif. &c. ac contra paccm &c.

An Indi^mentforjilhing in a mi/lpcnd waters, yvith hookes mtd other engines*

Scft,24t TNquiratwrjpdhareg.fiT.W.deM.inComp^iUlOjeceeH.I.dc
W.in com frd 2ailOJj&c.i4Jie Aprir,anii&cac diulis lepof ante
H. pd' in com ^d* vi et arinis in vno (lagno ibid!
f d*dic ct poftcaapud
voc' ^Spilnepojle libr*tent R.D.gcn cum haiais ec ilijs cn^cn pifc'et
diuerCos pifc* cepcr* ad graue damn* pred' R.D.ac contra pac &c.

An indtSiment where one is indiBeA as principal aBor, and one otherfor Being
frefent^andfir ahlftting;proeHringiand comfirting ofthe murderer to doe
reg.fi I.G. alias G. nupcr dc 5cc. xv.die &c.apud H. in
^ dna
oect. 245 I
""-compd' vi cc armis,viz.baculis&c.tloh vtfclo diOH dnac rcg.ac ex
malit' lua pcogit' in qucnd* I.O.alias D
apud H.pd* adtunc ct ibid* in
pac' dei ct didt'dh^ rcg.cxift*infulf fcccf.Et prcd' I.G.alias G.^ falcaftf
angrafa^eU biU,prccii 4.d. ^ G.in oiaH'fuis tunc& ibid cenebae
id' I.

dift* I.O.alias D.apud H.pd'cxmalitiafua pcogit*fupcrfiniftf partem

D.voa plag* mortar,
capitis fui pcufllc vrqv*^ ccrcbf d5s eid' I.O.alias
dc qua quid* plaga roortali pd* I.O.a pd* xv.die Marcij an* (uprad* vfqj

adxxj.die ciufd* Marcij. an* pd* lan^uid'iactbat,quo quid xxj.dic Maf

fd* I.O.alias D.apud H.pd'obijt.Ecficpred'l.G.aHasG dic&anp^

apudH.pred'exraaliffuafcog'fclonintfcc* & rourdf coif pac'di^^*
dnac rcg.coroh & dignif fuas. He q> prcd* W.G. alias &
G. die ahprcd*
apud H.felofi prcd' f uit prcfens 6c vt felo 6\(k* dh^ reg abetcah^cur' &
confortans cc cum prxfat I.G.alias G.die ct an* pred* in form prcd* faA'
vi ctarmis accontf pac* di^* dhz reg.coron* ct digni! fuas 6cc.

An indiEiment of mnrder,
Scft. 144 T Nquiratur ^ diia rcgin*,fi T.H.nnpcr dcE.in coiTi Chcftr*fi,aboj0r*
vicefimodic&c.circahorafcx? poft mcridieciu(d' diciapudT.pd*
-"in com prcd*, vc felo did'dnxreg.cxmalitiafuapcogi?ctdeinful6
pr^medic vi ctarmis quend* R.B.nuper dcT.pd'incom pd'^COma^
adtunc cc ibid in pace dei cc diQ* domr eg.exi(len*infu!t' fee ec cu quo-
dam baculo,anglice voc*aptkeO ftaflfe,prccij ^.d.^ipfd in raanib* fui
adtunc cc ibid* cenuic prcd' R.B.fup caput fuu felon percuiHc dans ei ad
tunc cc ibid* vnam plag* mortal' longitud' duof palliciii in Hniftra parte
capicisfui vfq^ adccicbf^dcqua quide plaga moftaliprzf.R.B.languid
iaccbac vfquead dec. excunc proximfequen* : Quo quidcm 1 9.die Ian.
.Ann' &c. idem R. B.apiidT.^d' in com pd' ex ipfa plaga cidac'iuodo
Offences. ij9>
& forma p$motkhil,8c idem T.H.vc felo di&x dkx^i R.B.felon^

iocerfecic & murdf contf pac' di A' dom rcg' coron' ct digniC fuas.

jin Indt^ment ofBurgUrj hj a wom/iH in the night timefpHtting the hsufe^

;. .'i*.;
I MihddinfeareyinttndingtohaHerobbedthem*
l "^I'^^fv <;. ,11.,/|,. ..7 f'i;, .

INquiratur pro domina rcg', fi O.I.dc G.in com C. ^pinffec/epf die Scft* 245:,
Apf ann* &c.apud C.pd' in coin pd noftan6,viz.circa hora vndecifri
poll merid' ciufd diei doiDu cuiuid I.B.apud C. p(f vi ct ar' &c. felon
ac burglant fregit & intrauit,ca intention ad ftirid' bona ct catal* ipfi'
Ijceujid Lin pac*Dci5c drctdn^rcg'adiucctibidin IcAofuoexiflcfi
felonec burgUriC in timorc vi{(u^ po6iie coripac' dicHdom rcg' coron'
^cdigaiSfuas. <

Ah IndiSimemt for tre/pajfe dme in a cernefield,

IVratoresprjcrcntant Scc.^ W.C. oupcrdcT. in com pdJlabo^eCjT. Sc^.a^^*.
P.5cc.tcrtib die 5cc anno ^c. vi & aritiis claafuin I N. apud S.tn co^

pd in <^uodI campo voc' S. field fregcrunt cc intraucf, & trcs quarterios

trumenti l.VV.advalcnc'triudi libraf adcuncct ibidem crefcen

cucB qiiibufd* bigis Hue carucii cquis etpcdibusfais ambulant concuU

cauerunc^confutnpfef.Ec alia enormia eiintulcf contra pacem&c.

An Indictment ofmattjlaugkter before the Corener df the Verge^fw the ^
-'!' death ofdmim\vpon the vievf rfthe dead hody,

INquilitiocapt apud W.L. in comif Surrey infra virgam zt.dicMai), ScA. 147
AnnQ&c.coraHi T.W.gen Coronatof hofpitij dicf dominae Reginz
fu^ vifum corporis I .B.ouper de WX.in coiTi Surrey ^eotnail) ibid la-
cehijiorcui&irf^c^t^i p Ucramcr&c,Qui dicumfupcrfacramcnfiuum
c^ itaaccidu c^ i p.die Maij.anh &c.apud Southwarkc in ccmif Surrey
infra virgS pd I.B.veniebat in quendam campum ibid voc' S. Georges
fielt)circahora$4.vel f.pod meridiem eiufdem diei,5c quod poflea dicC
. dccimo nono die Mai),anno dcc.apud S. prsed in comitatu Surrey pratd
.rJfifra virgam inter horas 5 .et 6. poft meridiem ciufd dec' nono diei Mai j
R.L.nupcrdeWsft.incorti Midd alias dia'R.L.deW. in coifiMidd
^eoman,vcnicbatctimrabatin campum pdvoc'&c. etibidvidcns ec
.fuslocumvbipdi^'I.B. tunc ibidem fuit: Ecpr^rdl. B.tuncet ibidem
a.iacen$rupertcrramacvidcnscc perciptens di^umR.L.verruseum ve-
initot a terra praed ibid furgicac idem L Bi luncet ibidem duos gtadiut
.\Vpc'il$api0C0 in manus fuas,viz.in quamtibct manum vnum gladium.Ec
t.tttiicct ibidem R L. copit vnum gladium de ferro&calibi ad valenC
_' quiiique i^lid ipHus R.L. in manum fuam.dcxtram, vnum fcmum & m
S A manum
manum fa am finiftpam.axltunc & ibiHcni idem Aiitlt.infimul pugnauef
cum rUdrjs fuis pSt & fie pwgnans idem T. ipfum R tunc & ibid lup'fi^- .

niflf tibum die! R.cum vno gladiof fuof pJ voc* -l^apiers pcuffit ec vul-
ncrauit^viriucccuiusfnJ R.adterraraibiaccddic. Ar pdllca di^os'K.
ipdicMatj anno pdapud pd infra virgam
f)din com
pd(ubito Tur-
Texi(6cidem R. tunc & ibid ccpic gladfuupdrn manum luamdextf ac
vl3c aimifjvir. cum gladio luo pd iqlicm ipic R.in trianu fuam dcjttf ti3|c
&: ibtd tcnuit 1 9. die Maij, anno&c. apud S. in com S. pd infra virgatn
in pd rampo voc* Sccinter pd horas5.(J. poUmcridicm^iurd^em^rp-
dieiMaijjidem R.in ipfaml. B,tunc& ibidem cxiflcninMcum fecit ec
tunc cc'ibidcura gladiorillo qucm ipfe'idtrm R. tunc ec ibidem in roanii
(uadcHtracenaitipfuronverberuic,acgladiumilluffl praed'R. t!inc&
ibidielonice&voluntafiein corpus di^i I. percuffit 8c impofuitdans
eidcm I . B.fclqnic^ &
volumarie cum gladio illo in ventre fuo in ct pet
corpus et dorfum ditl'I.voam plag*mortalcmpiofunditaEi4.pciliciufn
&latitudini?diiof poliicium,de qua quid' plaga niortali idcml.ap^d

W.L incofh S\infra virlampoftca langu^bat a difio 1 9.ciie Mai), anno

&c. Vrque 2 c.diem difti mcnfis Maijcuac proxuh feqtic&. Quo quid
26 die Mai) idcml.B.apud W.prjed' incomS. pd infra virgamin* bo-
ras 3. Sc 4. ante meridiem eidldcm viccfimi dieidiflimennsMaijanno
&:e.ex plaga raortali pdobijr. Et ficlurat prsedicf dicum fupcrfacra-
incqturo fuum^Quod di^t'R. Iy.aliasdi6lu3 &<u di^o i 9. die Maij ann'
&c.apudS.pr,Td*inconipd infra virgam-Vi^X'mi5,viz,cumgUdio pd-
quern idem R!X. alias di^*R.L. in manu foadexcra tunc 5c ibid tcnuic
iptiim I.B.felonicc & voluntarie pcrcufsitjntcrfecit & murdrauit mbdo
&forirja pd contra paccmdi^xdonirigin\Goron,&diAni;a(uaS;c
. fieidem lurat fup facramcntum fuiitii dicunt^ quod pr3ed4cV II B. Jklo
etforma prsed' ad morf fuam deucftct non aliter oec ^ id r^odo. Eg q'via;
bona catalia tcrf 5c tenemen! idem R.tcmpore feIonix6c'murdfiprcd^f
faft' babuit vel adhuc habct,idem iuratpcnicus ignoraiir;-

: ' ^

itj^a^IndiElment rpjjvre afeJmfuffeitiedforfieiiHng two oxcn\ is'cei^rfiithdi^y

; : I
.'aJn^icMofTeacevnto the gaole^afidis dehueredtdtii><),tob'econ$t^yfU'vn*
to thegaoUy rvkichju^er thefelon mlfullytoffctife awaji :'''- \ ' -i ^i '

' ''^^^>-
- ./^;;.;

Scft.248 iNquiraturScc.QuodcumquidamW.H.iafvnu.IuflIc'pacisdi^ido-
mini regis io coin pd zo.dic Scc.circa horam i o.in no:^c ciufdem diei
^ . ^ptt^^Sjncmpraed'.:fl*,virtutcoffici| fuiSc- litcraf pacertfdididoiliiii
jcgifcid VV.dircl*,qucndamJ.nupde&c.adtonc ct ibidem arjicftauic
5c attachiauit pro fuipitionefcloniae per ipai i.ame fa{>*&perpetf,viz.
per pd I.fclonicc capl 5c abduft*. tt poftcMuiidtm I .diCj-anFi; hdf ?&

loco fupradia ' vt prcd^ eft arrcftac pred W

H adtunc t ibidem com. . .

mi(ic& libcrauitfaluo cuftodieivd'qutbufd I.B.&: R nuper dc &c. . D .

in comic &c. ct fpecialitcr requifit tiicrint ex parte diCii doraini regis

pfat W. H.ad faluoc:fecuf cuftod&conducciid'ipfum r.B.vfq*, o-aol*
ipHus dfii Regis com pd ibid mora? queufque per dcbicamlcgis for-
mamexoncrcf ctdelibcret, pdtamcnLct R.machinanfpd Lift felon
ipfura faft' fauorabilitcr iptuml. acuftod* fuapred qui (ic dctenebat
adcuncct ibid' felonice cc voluntaric ad lar>^uiB fuum quo voluit felon
abir&ct euadere prcmifcf cootra pacem &c.

^n lH^Elfent rpherc^nii^committfdtofrifonto a Serieantat Mace by

the Bayhfjes of a 'iffwne,for refiflance ydtfokgying and diflttrbtng them for
doing ftheir o^e jefcafethoktof^yifon ^and goeth (iway fttof thefame,

It^quIfat&c.Q^odcum quidamD.E. dc&c.didMartij, viz. quinto Scft.24^

die Scc.apiid P.in com pred. comiflus fuit per R. I. gen vnu balliuof
vi'ltae deP. pdiCt H.'L. g<f deputatl-. B gcii al* balliuof.ciufd viUae

ingaol&fiue prifon villae pd ^p quibufdatn rc(iftenc',difobedienc* ec

malefaft* ^ipfum D
E .verlus ipfum R . baliiuu execution officij fui
. m
virtucclieeraf dhi regis eid R.direl*, ibid moratuf Tub falua cuftod M
vni^feriiicntiu ad clau5 ad villa pd quouCq^ pd D . indc delibcriafctur
ct dimiiTiis elTet p dcbitam Icgis tormamifi pf. D.circa hora I'i ia noc- ,

tteiufdamdiei anno fupradift* rcgh Regis ^d' prifon' in qua detent fu-
ic ittfdemdiei anno fupradil*reg>egis pred' prifon in qua detent fuit

Vtpd* eft adtunc& ibid* roalitiofc&min'iuftefregit&ab hmi prifon

fincaliqualic?nciacuaferit &: efcapuit contra formamftatuti djd'dhi
rcgiVafedit 6c j|>uif.5c contra pacem dift' dominae reginsc &c.-

An IndiUmeKt offorcible entrie into a mejfuage^with the afpurtettatJceSyVp"

recited. ir.\^ :i vv . A -
-<;q u\h iVtulawk .

TNquifScc.Si A.B.etC.D.Duperdc&c.affumptiset aftdciaceisalijs

malcfaftorib* et pacis dni reg. pturbatorib* modo guerrin arraiat ad
numerum i i.perfonaf quorum nomin' prefens lurat'ignoratur decimo
die &c.af>ud D.&c. vi et armis.vir.baculis gladijs cultcUis/alcaftris la-
pid'ctalijsarmis defcnfiuis ct inuafiuisinvnummeduagiumcumpcr-
tinen'fuper pacificaro pofleflion T.P.imrauit et dia* P. a
TUa pted\expulcrunt 6c diflcifnkrtint ct cundemT. fie
cxpulfiiih etdif-

jcifTtara aprcdmefTuagio cumpcrtinen vi ec

arraiiprcd* ac tnanUfoni
ac contfior-
"4xiratenucf ct adhuc extratenent contra pac difti dfti Tig.
mam ftatuti dommi Hcn.Bupr R^. AngH* 6i AnHdirrfgni Cui 8. indc

asdif etprouif.
* S 4 -^
IndiAmcnts, and

An Ineii^meHi vf9H thefiatute 6fAnH.$,Eliz^gaiHliftich at vft Any mifiem

rj froeeupatieMiHOt being an apfrentife to thefimefir y.yeares

prcfcntant jp domioa Rcgina, 9 cum in Parliamcnf doroih

ScA 15 X 1 Vratores
^ rco-inac nunctenC apud VVeftiii S.dicMji;,Annorcgni fui 5. inter alia
{IdbilKAffuiCjquod pod primum die Mai) tunc proxime fcquenEnon
liceacahcuiperCoQ^nue perfonis crigere,9ccupare,vcivelexerere ali-
quam arte myQcfiiue occupation adcuncvi(icacvel occupaf infra reg.
Angl' vel Walli^ G non cducaC in eadem canquam apprcntic' p fpaciura
fepccmannof id minus, ncc alicui pcrfonx opus cradcreinhuiufmodi
myftcrio.atte Hueoccupacione,!! non cad' perfona fuic apprencic* auc
tunc fuitcxerc it in myftcriopred'tanquara apprcntic* vt prcd* cQ^fub
poena quod quxlibec perfona voluntarie ofFcndens vel contrariu faci-
ens forisfaciat pro qaaiibetcalidcfalca4o &. pro quoUbet menCe proi|C
in (latu! prcd*pleniusliqiiet &
apparet : quidaoitaoienl.S. (latuc prej
ac pceuim in eodem contcDEfnioime vcrcns Hue ponderans nojn exiltefi
apprencic* primo ^it Iulij,Anno quuitofupradi^udfi; Kegih nofttz
nunc contih vfq^ diem captiv^nis huius inquiHcionis
fcilicec piquatuor

tnenfcsapud A.in Qoiii iM.pred'occupauic vel cxerciuic artcm, niyfte-

riutB Hueoecupaiioneniin ^l^'dy^ae kcg^nunf: jCoh^cpp^ufQ^CiCpatM
formamftatUtifdiaVa^^i>::::.,iKMi,;-7lfi.^:iJ/.fi;."n;^^^irii ii. ;*

^^'?^a c;^:^/^! ni^^'i *Bih;:iq!h''nfH i>!bn7fV'iiii>}i

t/fn JitdiUmtntfor a riotous and vnlamjuHaffmhlytfttUifi^ menhifeitKei
and doing of trejpajf^, andplowng in a cUfe, ? vr

..: . ... - ..... r ;;;ii ;;;;;


ScfTto Pacis generalis domin^ Rcgin' tenc apud Midd' ihConiil

pred' die Martis,viz.quarto die &c. Ann.6cc. coraai H.C. miliS:
G.C.8cc. af luftic' Paeis in Colli prcd'.
5c(^t 3 5. INquific* cap? ibid* p Sacram T.O.B.D.&cJurat'. Qui fuper SacraAi
^fuum inter alia prefentant ^ A.B nuper de H.in Cora C. '^eoman,B.
DtScc. 2 2.die &c. Anno &c. vi &
armis apud N.in Goib predT|ojofc
- '
Ccipfos a{rcaiblantes& afTociances adtunc &
ibidem rtotofc qudddam
claufum vocat' &c. cutuldam R.C.armig* fregef intraucf ac ktu'ithySc
tencntesipnusR.C.adtunc5cibideminclauioin opere facicnd' iplius
K.C.cxifteii minaciter tnina? &
timerenjf ac hcrbam ipHus R.C.adtunc
&. ibid*crefcen( cuiPiquibufdam auerijs^non folu dep^' fuef cpnculca-
ucrunt^ confuipprcrunc fed eti^m pred'claufum cumbob^^ aratro ar
raueruBC ci fubuttterut &alia enormia pKR.C.fecerum in di A' d&t re-
gm' contemptuoi fBanifcftum dc ipHus K.C^^ilimQUQ) non modjcum^
^auatmo,GQi^rapaceindl4Jt'dna&r^^^ f.
An IttMment tf 4 Priefl forfijing of Map in the Vefiry 0/4 ehnrck
f NTquira!^ domina Rcgina,fiG.O.nijpervicih'dc W.inptib'dc
L.in Com pd'Clcricus I (T.dieMarcij mane in aurora ciufd'diei Ann
regni Elizab.&c.fcxto apud W.pred\in quodam loco vocaf t|)8 tjeficte
^OUfCjiuxta ccclcfia ParochialedcW.pd'volunraf vfus fuic priuatim
alio ritu,cercnionia,& forma cetebracionisCcKiidhzvoc't^elto^DS
rupp0t:,quam m
quodam iotitulat libf communis prccationis ee admini
{Iracioh SacramcntoruScaliorurituum &ccremoniafEcclcfix Angli-
can* ,autorizat p adus Parliamcm'tcnt in annii 5. &
(j.dfii Reg. Edw.

fcxti nupcr Regis Angliae declaf & mcntionaf cxiftit,viz.diccnd* cc- &
Icbrand' vnampriuatam Minam.contrafermam (latuti.

An IndiEiment for tnouing the Duke of Somerfet and otherfftbie^s to rebeU

Iton agamji the k*"gt <idto tal^e and imprison the Duke ofNorthMmber-
laniythe Mar^nejfe of North, and the Earle ofPenbroke being of the, J^C.
Priute ConnceU. >i.tj..intwj;j

Nquif Sec. QijodT.A.nnpdcL. Miles deumprxoculisnonhabens

1 fed inOig tioiic diabolica icduc! Anno regni tdw.6.8cc. 5.& diucrds Se^.254
diebusdcvicib'ancea&^othaapudSion in com ]Vliddi'& apud di- >. f^-,;

uerfaalia locain dicVComicMiddrfelonicefa^'diA'deminiregisp

;anertavcrba^curauitmooitficmftigauit Edw. Duc Somerfet, acqua
plures alios foodicos dl^' dhi regis ad in(urgenduet ad apetr & rebcllioh
& infurrcftioncm infra hocrcg* Angl* raoucnd 'contra ipfum dominum
reg*&adrunc&ibid* felonicecapiend'&imprifonand' prenobilelo-
handuccmNorthumb*cunc colli Warf,Wiir MarchionfiNorihampf,
^ Wiircbmite Penbrokc adtunc WillheliTi Harbcrt, ipfifquc ducc
Northumb. Marchiofi & Comit Pcmbf dcpriuafConfilijsdifti dhi
regis adtunc exifleh contra di^i dhi regis Coron 6c dignicaf fuas&:
concraformam Ilatuti in hihi cafu edit 6cprouif.

An JndfBment of Extortion again/} an E[cheater,

Nquif jP domina regin*,fi R.G.nuper dc O in Coiii Warf die & anh 5^^ 2<<
ficc. colore officrjE(chcatoris in coin Leic'cxcgit & cxtortione cepit
apud H.in dift Corai! L.dc Griffino R.nonem modios critic' ad valenc'
23.s.4.d.dc bonis &catalli$dift*GrifF.adpnicioIum exemplu alioru ,^4.lftii<I

jnalefa^* adgraue damnum ipfius G.6c conif forma diucrfof ftatut &c,

jinfndi^mentagai^jion^^^^ tif4t'ibe ^eene had iwd^tr'tht^fi


children bytheL(OrdB.,D. '

T Vr &c. quod I.iiupcr dc W.to CornpTedX^boacr,Dfw^ pr^ oeiMrs Sc5V,25^

, non hibcns fed iiiftigacioa^ diabolic^
Icdutt' quims/ die SCc. A*io
fj4 ]ndid:ments,and
&c.3pudlSr.nirrauit publican ic dedila dna rcgi'na nunc IiJCc falfa
virba Anglicana feqiieii,viz. %f}nt t^t ^uecilC
fcditiofa 3c fcaddalora
.. . J-. |jatIl(jAOblit|)eiLo^Dinn\vcd'i^.^pnobilisordinisgartcrijIVlilildo-
nijnu D. ttUC o; t^;.^ fljtocUjCpntra lig;canc*& debit' (ua,inmagnura
(candalum & contcmpcum diO: dhx rcginac nunc coroh cc di^nicaC fu-
as,<SccoHtraforfnamftatuti6cc, ,.

'^Jin TndiSlment of one as a common B(frretor,afiirrer vpofftrife and conttH'

tioj!t,and AtrotibUrofpeace,

StCt, 2S7* .
I Nquiratur pro domina Rcgina, Si I. B .nupcr dc S.in Cora 6c c. ^eo#
man,2 5.dicMaijAnno&c. apud S.pred' nccnondiucrn dicbus
6cccniponbuscamaDceaquani po(lca fuic cemunis bane<tac 6c pads
^turbator ac diucrfas liccs contumclias & difcord' in diuerfos d\(\.*dnx
regin'fubdif adtuncSc ibid' ec alibi in Com pred' iniuQcmouebacpro-
nu populi d\(X dhx reginx, necnon contra foKinani diucrfojum (latuC
.&e. ac contra paccm &c .4: . , ;j a av^^
^^**"* ;'

CA 9
anci vttering of the fame,

Kquiratur &c.Si E.D.de ciuitac Couentt pe^IeMie & anh Scc.Sc dl-
ueriii dieb^anCjSc poflca Ciuit' yd 3 o. pec*auri vocat rovdl^^^c 3 00
pecias argcnf vocaf gtoat0i>boh ct legal' monetx AngV & cunagi dic^ j

dhae regtn ^ lucri caufa falfo/elonicc et ^ditorie totondit & fiiault: I-

ta.^ per tonlioncm 5c Hiacionem illas qucfibct pecia auri inde de xi j.d.

inluo debit ponderc diminucbatur. Ac quelibec pecia argcnti vocat*

j|p:oatjec,indc vno obulo in debito Tuo ponderc din]inMebatur,& moneta

>1Uq] in forni pd' tonfam 6c filat diuqriis Iigei$ d\&i dn; regin' apud ci-
iiiiaCprcd'in Coiln pred*falfo,felonice & ^ditoric cxpofuitct VKcrauk
contra formam (latuti 6cc. ac concra paccm 6cc.

j^nlndtUmeMtfir encloftng of %o. acres ofpajlttre out of a Common field^ in

t^* '"'
,. th^ktcha/itheiHhabtt4htsofL.hafievfedtwti^tofmindtohahfcom'
mon of fajiurefor allmaner of, eattelL

5e.2 Jp T Vratorcs prcfenrant Sec. Qgod Ed.C.nuper dcL. in Comitatu pred*

genctoC G.C.nuper dc L.&c. dcciroo die &c. Anno &<*. necnon ^i
uerfis dicbus 6c vicibustara antca quam poftca, vi ^-arin 6cc. xx, acf
pafturx cum pcrtincntijs in L. prcdift* in apcrto coramnni campo
ibidem,inquibusomncsinhabicantc villae pta^diA* a tempore cuius
contraf memoria hominum non exif^ir^vla fucrunt6r coufucuciunt ha-
l)Crc.coKun.uniaiD paflurx pro omnibus aHiiqaI|ibus fuis omni tern*
Offences. }^z
poreanni imperpctuutti, cuto fcpibus &
foffatii iDcIufiucmnt, eafdcm&
vigmdacrasficincKifasapd' lo. die Apr anno fuprad* vlq; dicm cap-
& adhuc cuftodiuit in malum & perni-
tiooi huius inqmfitionis cuftod'
ciofuoi cxcmplum aliorura ligeoniM duSlx dominac rcgiQ,& contra for-
msRidiHaforumftarut&c. Ae contra paccm&c^ ^\v.-^i%^hO>tu


t Nquiratur5cc.fi T.L.nuper dc W.in comitatu SccXalO^CC^Dcuro pr^ Se^.iCTa.

^ocuHs non habcns f<d infligationc diabolica (cduft- 30. die Aptil*
A nno rcgni Elizabctfiac Scccirca horam nonam eiufdcm dici vi & a) in
apud W.pracd' ex malitia fua pcogitatinquandamMarg' T.adtunc6c
ibidem inprace Dei & diCVx dominsc rcgine exiften'iniulrurafecit et ip-
fam Marg' cum quodambaculo ad valenc' &c.quem idera Th. in mam-
bus fuis adtunc ct ibidem tenuit,verbcrauit, ct vulnerauitiCt malctraOa-
uit. Itai^ praed' M.aprred'^o. die Apf anno fuprad vfque ad quintu

dicm Maij tunc^xim fec[ucnf languebaf ,quo quidcm quinco die Maij,
annofupradpraed'M.apud W.pracd* dcvcrberatione,vulnerationc&
malcrraftationeprcd' adtunc et ibidem obijt.tt fie prafd'Th.prapd'M.
iDodo ct forma pr3ed',fcilicet,apud W.pracd'die et anno prsed* fcjonice
ccvoluntatieimerfecicetmurdrauitc^^nrra paccra&r. ,

Anlndi^mentofmHrder^ andtbenjHrthsrerifying after the

{did murder 'committed,

INquiratur pro domina reginaj ^i Ti Barbotirnupcr de C.xn.G0m &c. ^^^^ 2^1.

die ec aano &c. vi et armis &c. ex malitia fua piiecogicEt apud D. in
iiromitatupr^di^t'inquendam W. W. adtunc et ibidem in pace Dci et
diftae dominar regine cxiftcn infukum fecit ti ipfum W. adtunc et ibict
cxirtch vcrberattit,vuineratjit,er maletra^au!c,ac iplutn W. cum qooda
biculo ad valcnc'&c.quem idem T.B. adtunc et jbidcinmanuUiadtX-
tritenebatpraef.VV.fuprafimftram partem iibi^ fiiae felonice pcictiflk,
dtnsci^lagamniortalem : Ob quam q^idcro piagam mortaltm pi^fac
W a prsdviccfimo die &c.anno &c. vfque^do^auum diem luiij tunc
^xtfhrequcnflangucbat,et dc cadcm plaga morrali pr^d W.-Stc. apud
iic.prcdviccGmo die lulij anno fnpradi^o moriebaiur. Et ficpred|<^c
Tho.B.pred Wprsed 8. die luli), anno fuprjdifto apud B. p J' ttioniCjP
rtiurdrauit ct intcrfecit, contra pacem djfttj- dominx rcginx &c. Et poft
ftloniam ct murdrum fie per pref. Tho.B. jbi fail', prsdicf Tha. B,ob
candtmUloniarott murdrum pd immediate fugiebar,CQCtr;ip.ac' &c.
u4h Indt^ment ofRiotythe riotorsweaponedvith diuerswfapfins, and armed
withpriuie coat esfor bnaking and entring into a boufe, taking andfpotUng
ofgoods ^b eating and vpoundmg of diners in the houfe, break^mg of a chefi,
and taking ottt of it jiice fitter fpoones^ and takings [pollings and, carrying a*
way ofOates out ofa Barne -

5ciVi t(iZ 1 Nquiratur &c.fi I.S. dccirao die &c.anno &c.vi ct armis,vidcUcct,ba-
culi8,gladi)s,&cu!teir nccnon cunicis priuaus &
modo guerrino araiat
apudWincom p<f domum cuiufdChriftophcriB.apud W. pd in corn
pdriotosc ctmamifortifregcrHnc ct intrauerunt, &
inT.B. F.B. &c. ad-
tunc ct ibid inuen? in pace Dei di^ac dnae &
rcg!"* exiftcn infultum fc-
ccnmc &
affraiam ibjd riotos^ fccciunt ipfos T. F. &
6cc. adtunc& ibid

in pace Dei ct diftae dorainae Rcginac inucnf exiften vcrbcraucf, vulnc-

rauef ,et maleiraftaucf . lea (f ipfi de vita iproruin defpcrabantur, ac bo-
na ctcatallapdC.B.ad valenc' 30.H.indomo(Hapd adtunc inucnf rio-
cose ccpcrant ec fpoliauerunt ct afport3ucrunt,ac ciftas ipfius in dorao C
fua pd* tunc cxiftcn riotosc frcgcrunt,& fcx coc;lcaf argenti ad valenc'xl,
s.dc bonis ctcatalli jpfius Chriftopheriadtunc& ibid inucnf riotosc
cepcrunt&arportaucrunt.Acaucnasipfius C.tuncet ibidem in horrco
fiioinucnt riotosc ccpcruntSc fpoliauerunt &
afpottauerunt^ Ac aliac-
notmiaeiintuUfinpcrniciorumcxcmpluailigeof& (uhdit diftjcdora
reginae^ac contra formani diuerforum liatuf &c. ac contra pacem &c.

Jnd Indi^mentfor the counterfeiting of the Slaeenei Letters Pat. to begge^

aad taking of the ^neenes broad Seaie front other Letters patentJ, and
^,] pmtingittoihecoMnterfat Letters patents,
'.i ' isji:^':S,;if4 i;';I S'-:C

St^,t6i. TNquiratur ^domina rcgina,fiI.D.nuper deM.incotnicacu&c.Deu

praeoculis nonhabcnsfcd inftigatiofi diabolica redu^'die&:C'apttd
&c. dcceptiue fal$6 5c jpditoric quald falfai Ifas patent (cnpf dc coUcft*
deuotion et charicaf populof ipfius domiii Reginac hunc ttnorcm conti-
nen .viz.Elisabcth b? tlje gtace Of d^oD |C. Ac cum idem I. diet faKas Ij-
teras patent fie v: pmitticur contrafeciilct, idem I. pd die &c. Anno &c.
apud M
pd' in com pd* quoddam magnu figillu diftae dora adtunc p-
antca annr x' & legitim appofit irripuic & acccpit,& illud figillum diftis
falfiscounierfal IS litem dcccptiue,f also ctprodiioiieappofuitet annex*
6cea(d iiterasfigillo illo fMbtil? reclgdend figillauit.Et fi magnum figiH*
ibidem rt adtunc volnntaneSc ^ditone, contra fecit, falfificauit&f^-
bricauir.Etiderolpoftcafz die, anno &c. apud M.m comitatupd ac
diuernsali)S lociscjufdemcoiTidiucrfasderMriorumfumroasdnicilDrum
Ijv^eorum diA dhae Rcgin^, virtutr & colore litcrarum praf m
do &
fcrmi praediwconr4a^' & figiUat dcceptiue, falso, & produorc l:o1.


Offences . lij.^
ligebat habuicSc recepit & ad vfum fiium^priiictt conuertic in malum 8c
pnitiofucxeropluligeof ciufddoifi Reg. accontformdiuerfof ftatucof
IB hnidi cafu edit 6c prouif. &
contra pacem did' doming K.cgan^ 6cc.

yin IfuHHment for thefl*4tlit$g of twogeldin^r.

NTquiramr 8cc.fiG.W.nupcr deW. in coftS.Sc R. B.niiperdeW.

'-w'-^ ^ WW.- &armis&:c.apud
^ w* <-''-*
I N.
r '

vT \:c\.l j=. c r i i^_! .: o_ a i
in difto comS. vnumfpadonem colons gca^fcij&c. Acalium

rpadonem colons &c. jpci)&c. de bonis Sccatallis cuiufdigaotiad-

tunc &ibid inucnf felon turat fucf , ccpcf & abduxef contra pacem &c.

jin ind^mentfor robbing of a Gentleman by the highvaj*

Vf &c. Quod vbi I. B. de L. gcnxiij; die &c. Anno 8cc. fuit in pace SttA6^
dei & dit; dhx Reg. in regia via apud paroch. S. Egidi) in campit
I in cofii Midd*: ibi eodcra dic,& anno vcnerunc I.M. R. H. nupcr &
de &c. felon vc felones die t donuli rcg',& in pi I.E-iRfulium feccf ec
ipfum vcrbcraucf,vulncraucf ,& maleiraSaucf. Ita ^ dc vita cius defpc-
rabat& xx.s. in pccuni numerate bonis &
js ipfius I.B..fup ipfu

I.B. adtunc & ibid inuenf Sc exiftehfelon cepef 8c arpot{,con pac' 8ce.
accontiormllacufiDanno dhi H. 8.23.cdi{8cprouir.

Ah Indi^mentfor eutting ofapurfe^ and xx, s. in it

INquiratur8cc.SiT. C.de8cc.^ai}0;ei::)die8cc.vi8carm8cc.apud ^^(x.t^4

C.in coiSi8cc.xx.s.in pecuh numcf in quad* crumeh exiden de bonis
8c cacaU'cuiufd'T; D. adtunc 8tibid inuenf a pfona pf. T. D. cum
quodcultell'advalenc*8cc. queidX. C. in roan fuadexc adtunc 8c
ibid habuic 8c tenuic felon rcidicTuratfuicp(pic8c afport , contpac'8(c.

jin IndiEiment for taking atvaj^ a woman ferttant.

Nquiratur 8cc. Si W.K.de S.8cc.dic annoj8cc.loco 8cc.vi 8c arm, viz. Scft.2 Cj

gladijs8r dagger quend*IfaboK.feruien!R.Q^deF.in com pd ^pUY^
I fier^in fcruie* dift* Richardi exiftcn*8c recenS^^apud F. pd ccpit 8c ab-
dexicdie8canhruprad,concrapaccm di^i dhi regis nunc.

An IndiSmentfor breaking and entring itt(fi a houfeyand burning of it,

iNquiratur 8cc.SiD.S.deK. in coroitatprcd 3Ubo?0r,tali die 8c anno Scft. 2ej8

l8cc. vi8cariiiis8cc dofoumW.C. fregir 8e imrauic , Sccxtnalif fua
pr^cogi'ta^adtuncct ibidem exiftchdiftamdomumfclonicccoffibuflit
comra pacem &c.

jfn InaiElfnentfor procuring a feruant to departfrom hu majfer, &for being

A common procurer offeruant s away from their feruices.
Scft. 25p INquiratur&c.fi VV.M.dcN.in com E.l?eoman,dic,anno5cloco &c.
jpcurauitctcxhortauicI.C.fcruicntR.S. in feruitiofuo ibidecxiftch
abjrcab eodcm fcruitio,cuius qiiidcm ^curationis prctcxtu idem I.C.a
fcruido R. S. cunc ct ibid' rcccffit : Et quod idem W. M.cft communis
procurator (cruienc diucrfof ligcor domini regis, lea quod ligci doraih
regis dceiufmod'feruicnt ad negotiafua perimplcnd multiplic'graua
cxiRimt,indii*d hi regis comcmpc ec quamplurimum ligcorum dlii
regis deccrioracionem manifcftam.

An IndiElmsntfor keeping of Houmis and Hunting^bauingnet landes of the

value ofxl.s.
Sc^. 270 FNquiratur &c. fi I.W.T.P.dc&c.non habcns tcrf ncqj tenement ad

vaienc' 40. s. vicra reprif.tenent canes venaticos ^\ leporarios ct eifde
vfi fuHt venari in d iucrfis partib^ iuxca C.viz.apud D.H.?t alibi in^ra
Hundred de C.yenacifunc, ac lepores ac alia anitnalia vcn ccperHnc
contra pacemSccac contra formam (latuti&c

u4n IndiUment for robbing of a Church,

TNquiratur&c.Si I.W.deScc. vi &armis&c. eccknam parochialem
oecr.2 7 1 Sanft* Andf Apofto!i,apud S.in com pred* frcgcf ct intraucf ,ac xx,d,
prrd in
in pccunijs numcratis dc bonis S(catal lis paroihianof parochix
cut}v)d' W\f .& W.S gatdianorum bonortun et cataJl* pa-
rochianorum parochix pred' exiRen adcunc ct ibid'feioBice fvirat fuic
cepit ec alpor(auit,contra pacem 6cc.

jfuiftdtnmetoftweSherifet0f a citie,fir Jufferingofaprifoner committed

to them vponfufpition offelony io efcape,

5eft. 27a INquiratur &c. Quod cum Robercusl. nupcr de ciuitatc Coucmric in
coin ciuiC pred ]^comanjO^' die Noucmbris,annoreg.Elizab.&c. ^
fufpitione felon per ipfumR.T.preantca fieri &
apud ciui! pdi^' cap 6c arrefla! fuit : Idemquc R.I. cifdem die 6c an-
no apod ciui? pr^di^' quibufdam lohanni S. de ciuitate prediA' Co^
tljei;6cWiilihcl' P.deciuitaccprcdift' ^inet:,vic*Ciuitat*pr3pd',ac
cuftod'gaol^ diftac doming rci^i"* infra Giuitat illani, ob caufam pred*
tradi{fuitfaIuo6cfeciifcuilod'quoufq-, idem R.I.actiftod' ilia fecund'
legem ct confueeud' regni Anglix a prifona ilia dclibcraf foret^n ijdcm
I.S- 6c W.P. die ct anno fupradid^is apud CiuitatciQ pred' in comitatit

Offences. 144.
Ciuitf c!*,R.I.acI largum 5c extra gaolam & cuftod' pd' fclonicc vo
ittncaric exire perraifcf , contra paccm diiCtx doroki^ ^cgin^ &r.

^H IndiBmentfor fleahtig of Conies rrith nets^ dogSi andferrets,

INquif&c.Sil.VV.d'eetann'&c.viftarmis&c.claufumcuiurd'K.L. Se^.173.
voc* &c.3pud M.circa horam otaua jn note frcgcf ct incrauef, ct vni
cunicula cu rib',canib',ct venarijs voc' if eccctS, adcunc et ibid' inucnt
cepcrunc cc arporcaucrunt,ad graue damnum 6cc.et contra paccm See.

AHlndi^tHtofa,k,eeferofaGaole,ferl(!ttiftgOHe committed to him

vponfftfpttion offeiony^efcapeom ofprtjon.

INquiratur&cQuod cum quidaml.B.dc&c.dicet anno Scc^pfufpi- 52^,274,

cionc cuiuld' felon p ipfum infra vil I'pd ante tunc fikn et ppetraf lup-
pofif,captctarrcft..tfuit jpud villam p<f, cteifdcradic et annopdI.B.
cuidamTho.R.d; com pd'|^eoman,cu(lodgaoledic'lidoitireg'
villa ct

in dift' vill* dc L.^i pro ulpitioii [cIok pd laluo et fccnf cuftod' tradit
fuit qiioii^quc ic^efs? I.B.aLull' 'd ilia fecund legem ct con'utt rcgni An-
gliac dc! ibtrat Ibict Si idem T.R. die Scc.anno Tuprad apud villam pd

m-coiiiit pd' 1 B.ididrgumetextf gaolaro pd' ncgliget voluntarieettc"

lonicc cxirc ct cuadcre permi(it,contra paccm didx dom reginae dec.

tyfn IndSimentfor the flopping and turning ofa water courfein a towne,
i?j/ re^ifon rvhereof dfueri mens /ands bejurroMnded,

IVratcf prcmant5:c.QuodT.R.nupcrde S.^coman,!. P. nup dc S. St^,i7S'"^

^eOllian,&c.prirrjo die Ian' anno regni did>^ d n? rcg' fecundjiiecnon
diucrfis alijs dicbus et yicibus,tam antca quam poftea apud S.pd*,quen-
dam aquae curfum obftupauitct diucrcit, pqd pd'aquae curiusflucbat
fuper folum et libcrum tcfituro quorundam &f ad graue damnOrn ipfofj


nccnon oium tench viiiaedc S,praed',et in perniciofum exemplum^liof,

fac contra formamftatut&c.ct contra paccm diftx dominaercgins &c.

Ah Incitement vpon the Statute of 8. H. 6. foK aforcible entry into

on? rood of Lind,And ajfanlting mnd heating ofone I.F. and

J 5;: ; / i k/eptn^ 'the fatne with force:

"^ -- ^^. '.. 1 V ^

lNqiraturprodominaRe{Tina, Cinodcum m
Statute {n Parliamcn- Std.iyS^

J coDonitni Hcnriciupcr Regis Anglijcfcxtipoftconqucflum apud

Weftmonaft. Anno rcgni ruioftauotent,acdi6. inter cjctcraeoncinetur

qd fialiqaaperfona dfial^uibus-icrris fiuc tenement manuforti expulfd

Indidlments, and
fitvel diffcifiCvcl pacific' cxpdlaturctpoftcatnanufoi! extra tenea! vc!
aliquod fcoffamenE vcl difcontinuatioh indc poQ talero ingrcffora fuum
ad iu$ poffcdbris dcfraudand vcl tollend aliqao modo fiat, habeat pars
in hac parte grausC vcrfus talcro ditTcifitorcm Afsifam nouac diflcifinr
vcl breuc dc tranlgf.Ec fi pars grauaf per Afsifam vcl per alionciD tranl^
quocunquc modo p debif Ic-
grefsionis recuperet per vercdi^' vcl alio
formam inucniat qd pan dcfendcns vi ingreffus ruerit.vcl dida tcnc-
Hiemap vim port ingrcffurafuam tenucrit, rccupcraret querent dainna
fiiaadtriplumvcrruidcfcndcntef. Et vlterius fincin & rcdemptionera
dhx regin^e fac prouc in eodcm ftatuto pleniut contisetur Quidam ta-:

men I .W.de W.in comitatu pdicf ^cotnan,E.H.I.L.ct alij ftaiut pdicC

roiniracpondcranf.vij.dic Marti j, Anno &c.vi et arroi$,viz. baculis,gla-
di js.ct fuftib* fcipfos afTcmblaucrunt, congrcgauerunt, t coadunauerut.
tfica(rcmblaf,congrcgar,ctcoadunaf exiflch modo guerrino arraiaE
riotose 6c illicite in vnamrodam terrz liberi tenemcnti cuiufdam G. B.
genef apud W.inquodamloco vocaf Catemo?e Dale in comitafpdicC
ingrcfsi fucrunt. Et in quofdam I.F:et I.W.adtunc et ibidem infultum ct
affraiaro fcccrunt,vcrbcrauerunt, & malctraftaucront, ct ipfum G.B. dc
cadem roda terr^ manuforti expulcrunt. Et ipfum CRHc cxpulfum inde
manuforti cxcraccnucrunt et adhuc cxtratcnentin dila? dominx regin^
nunc contemptum ct ipHus G.graue damnum, ac contra fbrmam (latuti
pdicCt. Et contra paccm di^ac domine reginx Sec,

Anlndi^mcntfor mnrderingfifAwan ch'tUnervljilKfrHe, which

is murthertdhy the mother,

S^(k. %77^ 1 Nquiratur ^ diia Reg*,Si EB.nup dc TJn com &c, ^pittKet i s>.dic
X&cAnno &c.apud T.pd adtunc ct ibid quendam infantcm mafculi^
num vuum pepir. Et poftea pd E.apud T.pdicE infantcm viuum adtunc
ctibid' cum digitisUiisfup caput fuum dure tra^and'per qd infans ^d
immediate moricbatur. Et iic pd E.B.infantem pdic{ die et anno fupra-
dicf felonicie ii^fccitSc murdrauit conf pace di^ac doni rcgih nunc dec.

t/fn IndtElmentftr hunting itt a TarJ^efoledy andfor k*^ing ttnd car^

tying dvraji ofa Bhcke and a Doe in the night ttme,

ScCt*t7%. iVraf pTentant Scc.quod cum inftatuf iaParliaroentodominzRegin^

InunctenEapud VV.Aiinorcgnifui quinto inter alia inaditaf, (labili-
t^tct ordinal! cxiftir. Quodfialiquapcrfona liuc pcrfonac po(l fcftum
P<T.cccoft Anno/.fupradiftoindic vcl in noAe, iniufle vcl illicite
aliquod parcum impalatum vel fe-
frt-g.crityfrcgcrunt vcl intraucrur.c in

pibus kclufum ad fcruand vcl fuUcntand' fcraf, viltat 6c ibidem iniuHc

Offcncesj 1^5
vcnaturvclvcnamur, ccpcric aut ceperinc,occic!<tIc aiit occiJcrint^ali
quasfcras infra aliquodhindi pared impalatvelfoluminclufurn 6c pro
fcrisvfiratniodoSc forma pd^
inde dcbicomodo conuiOus fucric auc
fuef ad fcftam didie dhx Reg. vd partis in hac parte grauaf tunc . Qd
cad perfona fiue pcrfoh fie indc conuift' poeh corpof fiuc corpof fuoru
per imprifonamcnc fubeac 3c fubeanc p fpacium 3 .nienfiuro,6c reddat 5c
reddanCyfoiuac 6c foluant pare: graiiac damna fua ad n-ipluni.Ec pod pd
eresiDcnfescompletinueniat Scinucniamfufficicnc fecuricaccm proi'ua
vel fimbcncgcttuf &geftufprpac'7.annof timcproximfequcnd crga
dift* dorain Ilg. hxrcct & fucccflbf & cunftuni popul' fuum,aut rcma-
ncbit Hue reoianebunc &
continuabunt fetrper in prifoh fine bailiua vel
manucaption donee ille vel illi delinqueh potcric vel poterint inuc- &
crinr,trc4 tales fuffieiemcs fecuritatcs durante termih 7.annof vtfupra
di^um eft prouc in ftatut pet plenius cominctur.Quidara taroen W.W.
T.M.&c. de 5cc.ftaiu! pd miniroe pondcrant poft pd fcft. P. fez. 3 die .

lunij anno 6cc. eirca horam eiufdcm diei vi

i.in noftc arrais Scc.par- &
cum impalaf &pro fcris vfitalcoiufdam I. S. af vocat I^OplceU ^Batke
apud i^otjftuell in Com pd fregcrunt & intraucf , 5c vnum Damarn Oiaf-
culinuro 6c vnam Daraam femaleRi adtunc 6c ibm in eode parco inucnf
& exiHcn ceperunr, interfecerunt 6c afponaucruot, contra forma ftatuti
prxdi^' 2C contra pacem 6cc.

/iu Iili}met ofBHr^larj^for brea^ng ofa dwelling houfeiH the night time,
t the intent to h/iue robbed the [aid honfe, andfor beating and
putting infeare differs in thefame hofffc,

INquiratur ^dna Rcgina,fi I. P. nup de 6cc. 2 o.die 6(c.vi 6c arft 6cc. Scft.
^ 279
circa hora lo.innotlceiufdedicidomumanfional'cuiufd'D.B.det.
pd in Com pd H.apud L J)d ea intcniiohad fpoliand cunde D.dc bo-
nis 6c catall'fuis in cad cxiftcii felon 6c burglar fregic 6c intraiiir,6c eund
D. 6c quenda I.B.filium pd D. 6c E. vxof cius in dorao pd in pace Dei
6c dift' dnac Reg. adtunc 6c ibm cxiftcFi vcrbcrauit, vulncraiiit,6c raalc-
tra^lauit, 6c in corporali timorc 6c maxim mctu 6cpiculo viiaf fuaru ad-
tunc 6c ibm pofuir,conrra pacem 6cc.

An IndiSlment ofBurgUry^for breaking ofa dwelling henfe in the night timet

ami the patting of them in the hottfe infeare^ and for thefelonious
taking oHt of thefaid honfe izoo.li. in money, and
a Chahce ofSlitter parceH gilt,

1 Nquiratur pro dha Regina, fi T.W. de B. in Comit ficc.fexfo die 5cc. Sft.2 So
Anno&c. circa horan)pnmain in no Ac eiufdcm diei domum man-
T donalem

Indidments and
fionalem cuiufdam I.B. apud W. in cotnit pi felon &
burglaf frcgit &
incrauic ac ipCum I.B. adtiinc ec ibi^ in cadeni domo raanlionali in cor-
poral! timorcpofukacraiilet centum libflcgalis monetae Angliae in
pecuniis numcraf et vnam caliccm argent parceli' aurac voc' a cfjalHcc
of ftluet poccell gtlt, ad valenc'4.1i. de dtnariis 6c de bonis 8c catallis I.
B. in eademdoflCiomannonaliadtuncet ibidem inuen! felonice cepiccc
afportauic contra pacem diCtx dhx reg' coron' dc dignitat fuaf.

A Indi^meaffor brdkig ofa harne^ andtaktngofit ofit four

ytijhels of Barley*

Sc^. 281 1 N^^i^ Sec. fil.S.&c.horrcticuiurdl.C.dc Sutton magn* in com' p^

adtunc & ibidem burglar frcgit & intrauit,ct quatuor modios hordci
Ang' voc' a quattec of badey^ ad valenc' vi. s. iiii. d. de bonis ct catallis
prxdi^' L C. adtunc Sc ibidem inuent burglariter & felonice cepit, 9b-
duxit^<3c afporcauitj, contra pacem 6cc

An IftdiEbnentfor breaking ofa L^ilne , and taking ofit ofthe

fame a facke andjlx bnfhels efJVkeat.
ScV. l%l iNquif&c.fil. S.&c.vi&armisdomumolcndin' W. H.apudC.iiv
Ipoch' de D.in com'pd voc'ClackmilUburglaffregitetintrauiia v**
nufaccupcii Scc.et fex modios tritici voc' d.bul^els of tuljeate,in facet
ibide exiUch pcii 20. s de bonis & catallis pd W. H. adtunc et ibidem
inuenc die,ahn'& loco fuprad felon' cepic 6c afportauic cont pacem &c^

An Indictmentfor thefcloniotis taking offix fairs, ofjheets,

trvelne dialer napkinsy and one ring ofgold.
Scft.aSs Nqwiratur&c.fi I.B.vietarmis 6. paria linthearum v<:K^'^fjCetj5,ad
valenc'xUs. 12. mappasde diaper voc' tableijiapfems, ad falenc'xl
s.vnuannulu de auro cuiufdam i.S.apud H.pdil' dift' die ei anno ad-
tunc et ibidem inuenc felonice cepit cc afportauit contra paccm &c.

Ah Indt^in^ntfor thefehniom taking of a cup offiner parceli gilt

in the ifle ofV.
T Nquif j(i I.S.vi et armis vna Cypham argent parceli' aurat Angl' voc*
SeV.2 84 acup DffilHei: parceli gilt, ad valenc'4.1i,de bonis et catallis E. W.a-
pud M. infra infulamV. in com'praed' adtunc et ibidem inuenc felon
cepit et afportauit contra pacem &c.
An IndictmentfQr receimng, ay ding, and comforting ofa felon
^ f\.
Sea. Q
2 Sir Nquiratur &c. fi R. S. fdcns f fat I.R. felon' praed in form' p<f fcciffc.
et perpctradc eund I.^o.die dec. anno &c. in comitatu prcdiclo felo-

nice rccepit au^uliatut fuic & confortauit contra paccm 6cc.

OiFcnces. iA<f
Ah IftMBment ftr fiegling two Horfesofa matiSvnknori>ne
Nquiraf &c. fi W.H. nup dc F. in com p5 &c. i cqiiura coloris gray Scb. i .
J 8 ^.
pci fcc.ct I .cquum coloris &c.pcij &c.de hoh ct catarcuiufd homin
j * '

ignoti die ct anno fupd felon ccpicecabduxitcontpaccm&c

An Indictment for affau^in^ and rol?l;wgof awanvponth high-way

of a
Gelding andhispurje , and 2 o. s. of money in it , and for the taking of two
Mares found in the high-way,

INquif &c.fi I.I.&c.vi ct arm' in reg. via ducenc a W.vfq;ad B.in coi^i
pd in R. S.geii adtuc et ibid exift'in pace (Sccinfulf fecit ct i .fpadon Scl.2 87
color nigri pcij &c.ct x.s.in pccun'numcrat exift'in i .purfa valor i .d.
cxift'dc bon ct catal'did' R.S.apud B.pd adtuc ct ibid in rco-. via in-
ucnt/eloSi ccpitctabduxit,conf pac &c.ct i.cquascolof Sccpc^j &c.de
bonis et catallis D. C.apud A.in Com W.in rcg.via ibid adtunc et ibid
inuenS cepit ct abduxit, contra pacctn &c.

An Indictmentfor the robhingthating^andivofinding ofone on the hivh"

yvay^and taking from him 1 o .s.

INquif&c.fiIS.&c.viccarm'inqitodJocoibid'voc*f!|e;g;(]^OoiDneff - n.
ecoftjin via reg.ibid'in A.B. infulf fecit ct ipfum adtuc ct ibid* vcibtf
vulncf ct roalctraft'ita ^ dc vita (ua dcfperabat ct x.s.in pecuh nunicf
fup pfon ipfi^A.B.adtunc ct ibid cxift'dc pccun* bonis et catallis 6d
A.B. adtunc ct ibid* inuet fclonicc cepit ct afportauit contra paccm &c.
An Indictment for ajfaulting of avpoman^and felonioufly
takingfrom her s^i'^'d, in money.

INquif &c.fi LB.&c. vi ct armis &c. in quand' E.G. apud C. in Com* 5c^, 2 go
pd inful fecit ct 5.S. 4 .d. a perfon ipli' . adtunc ct ibid inuentfclon*
cepit et afportauit, contra pacem &

, / f/ : An Indictmentforfiea/ing oHt of a chfe foftre Sheepe,

INquif &c.fi I. S.&c. vi ct armis claufum I.S.fcnioris gen apud B.in p. Cj^^
j 00
rjichi dc D.in Com' pd fregit et inttauit,ct 4.0UCS pcij 5.B.de bonis cc *

catallisiipfi' I.ibid iniieiit felon cepit ct afportauit,CQntra paccm &c.

An Indictment for breaking of a houfe in the day time^and taking of 6. it, oHt
,,efache^iand again f} onefor ayding and comforting thefaidplon,

INquif&c.fiKiC.dic&c.domumP.S.apudG.incompdcircitcrho- c a ,
ram I .poft meridieilB ciufd dici fregit ct imrauit ac 6.\\ in pccunijs ^ ^ ^^
numef in quadcifta adtunc ctibid exift*dc bonii ct catallis
fd P.S,
:apMdi.<^.in Coif] pd adtunc ct ibid' inocn! fclonicc cepit ct afportauit
T 2 contra
con!p3c*i&ci AcfiG.L. &c.fcicnsq) f fi K.B.fdoh pdraodo& forma
pdrjcfeciilctapud E.pd inCoiTi pct,dic6cannofupdfloniccabbct^
umt,conrortauit,Sc coDcclauic^contrapaccm &<:.

Jn lnd0mctit of ntnrther committed by f he fat her vfon his orrw

daughter mth his Jifl,
.Si ^201
T Nq*"^ 5cc. fi I.L. dc &c. die & anno &c. apud &c, in quod 'loco voc'
I E.T.inCompd,vi&arnii$&c. inquand'A.L.filiaiTipdI.inpacc

*'Dci& dit' dhsircg.cK\({',^Kmi]kh fua pcogicinfult fecicjVCibcra-

uit & malctratV'iira q> de vita fua derperabit,ac pd I. cum fuis pugnis
adiucSc ibid* felon fup corpus pculfitdans eid A. vnani pla^a mortal'
dcquacjuid'plagacad'A. incontincnfadtuc&ibid' obijr. EtficpdE
pdA. adtuc&,ibid'fcloriinccriccit&murdrauit,confpac*5cc.

An IndiEi/nent for the coanterfeitingcf Teliers^afidforth^fayingand vtte^

ritt^ of thent.
H.P. nup dc L. ^emtngman,dic &c. anno &c. 40.
SiOc 10 5 T ^^ pfcnt &c. qj
pcciascunciargcrt! voc*2r0QLCC05dccuneodift'drjx Keg.ct currcii
I monct Anr,ad fimilitud'ct indar vcri cunci Angl'et raoncf dift'dh^
reg apud Stanley Abbey pdin Com pdfalfoet^ditoricfabricauit
& contrafccit,et diufisligcis d\(X dfix rcg. die ct anno fupd apud S.pd
in Com pd.vt vera Monct dicl'dfia: rcg. falfo cxpofuit vtccrauit ct folu-
it,cont form ftat in hmdi calu xdit, ct cont pac'&c.

An TndiSlmentfor coHrtterfeiting^ making, andvtterhg offulfe money, vpc*

Sixepmces made mth cojmng IronSyOffalfe met tall.

S A, 04. TNquif&c.fi W.H. dc&c. die &

anno 5cc. apud Sec. falfo&^ditof
^ ' lcunei$fcrrcis,voc'Cornmj5V?onfl,cuncadift'dnaerog.viz.^irpen^
ceSj Angl' S^efltCrsijCX falfis racttal' contrafecic ct cunaueritjad (imilirud
bone ct public' Monct Angl' attingen ad 5. $. ct pd falfam tnoncciic Vt
jif.^ditof cuneat pd die & loco,ct m diulis ali) locis in Com pd t di*
Tufis dicbus ct vicibus ligeis di^' dnae rcg. ign pro bona moiicf felon &
^ditof cxpofuit ec vttcf,contpac* 6cc. contalleg' &c.

Jin IndiBmetit for hnrmug of a dwelling houfe , a harne , ^nda y*^t(Otrload of

Barley in thefame ifartiefattd againfi onefor comforting thejaidfelott-f^fter
the felonie done.
INquifSccli W.B. dc5cc.victarmis,viz.baculIsctcukclHsquand'
S A "
doraiimman{ionar,acvnumhorfcuiurdW.T. nccnoncaruc'hordcj
inhorrco pdexift',ctcontinchad valcnc' 30.li.dc bonis etcatallisciuf*
dem W. apud T. pd in CoiSi pd,dicct anno pd fcloii ec voluntaf igni-
auit,accondit^crco)auit,cc cum igne dc{li-uxic,concpac'&c cc comforni
. . Sututi
OfFencesr i^y
Statud indc xd\l ct^uiCAc fi I.K.nupcr Scc/cicns jd.W.B.rdofi pdE
in forma pre5 fie facicnt did' die & anno apud T. pratd in com pd fe-
lon concclauit,propurauit & abbcitauit contra pacem dona* rcginse. Acccflbricl

u4tt IndtSment agairSl two heingprifoners , for heakjtil

theprifon, and letting oMf two prifoners,
fNquiratUT&cfiB. C.F.G.nupcrde&c. nuperarreftaf,inipnTon8c Scft.aptf,
I detent in gaola dil' dnae rcg* dc3cc pro diuhs felofi per ipfos fepera-
"^ tiro pcrpcira! S. die Fcb.anno &c.vi cc armis
&c.pd gaola dii'6hx
rcginc dc F.prcd' in coiTi pr^d apud &c fregcrunt & C.nop dc &c I.
& I.S. prifonarios in cadcm gaola cxiftch adtunc & ibidc felon ad lar-
gumirc petroifcrunt contra paccni&cac contra formam ftatuE&c.

^n Indi^mentfor h^aking ofprifon hy one committedforfelony,

JNquiraturScc.fiA, B.nup&c. cxifteh in prifoiidft^ reg* apud C. Scf^.i^r
&c pro diucrfis felon vndc cora luftic* pacis di^c dnse reg* in com*
pd ad SciConem tcn{ coram eifd iudic primo die Sec. anno &c.feloni
ceab gaola ilia adtunc Scibid transit ccfclonicc cuafic confpacc&c.

jin TndiBment ^oundedvpon afiatttte Uw^ agminli one thttt keepeth Grej"
hounds, hoHndsyandferrets^who may not di/pend^o s. per annum.
jNquiratur&c.fiA. B. nupcrde&c. Quod euro in pliaiTi apud Weft* Sc^,2p8.
nup xdii roter alia c6tina,qd nullus Laborarius, artifex nee vllus ali'
laicus qui non habet terf dc tenement ad valen xl. s.per anh , ncc vllus
cappcllanus feu aliquis ah' Cletic* fi ipfe non habet bcnefic* ad valenc*
x.h.perHinhprouif.xiftitqd tunc iropoftcf non habef feu cuftodifvl*
lum cane leporaf voc' a Qtt^ {)OunD,vcl canem venaticum voc' a Ijount))
feu ahos canes pro venatioh,vtcretur vcn:5f voc' jfcttcts^ vcl roagnis rc-
tibuf voc'^^gS, vcl retibus ijace pipcg, auc ali js engcnis quibufcunqj
ad capiend aut deftruend feras^leporcs auc cliniculos (ub poeii impri{o-
narocnC per vnum annum integf pro vt in ail' Parliament prar d pleni'
cominetur : przd A.B. non habcns cerf & tcnemenC ad valenc'xi.s. per
annleporifvoc'(IDrct!)OUnDS,vcnatic'voc*I^OttnOl, et alios canesad
venandapudN in com* pr^d habet &cuftod, acctiam venafvoc'fcCi*
cet^jVtfiipradieetannoapudN. incom pdviitur, ad capiend ct di-
ftruend fcras, lepores ct cuniculos contra forma ftatuti ptxd, vcl in con-
tcmptum dn^ reginae nunc, et contra formam ftatuti praed &c.
^n Ind$^mentforflealing offoure oxen,and ofthe accejfaries to the
famefelonj before and after thefamefelony done,
INquif&c.fi A.B.deF.incomN.^C0man5dje&anh&c,4.boues pclj
^ ^
W. in coiii pr^d inuen! felon furat fuic^ ^^"'^^^
^^,&c.d^ bonis ct catallis.I.S.dc
cepii &
abdxit.EtfiW.B.dc N.in Cerapd Beoma, dic& anno&c. Acccflbrki
r 5. apud
aptidM.in Co% pr^ciic! fuerunc confencientes Sn ibbectanpr^dkf A.B*
ad fdoniatn pr^diO: in forraa pr^dicf faciend contra pacem Scc.Ct puc
Us acceffar<c{ ap^ee eit ceK mancc Et fi H. W. P. R. nupcr dc &c.
fcicfipr^dic! A.B. felon prsdicC in forma prxdict feciffcapudT.prx-
dic{ & alibi in Com' pr^di^\ pr^dia* x o. die dec eundem A^BMloh
rccepcauerunc, coctra pacem 2cc.


$t6t* 300. T Nquiratur &:c. fi T.S.de t).iri Coffi ^^flomdlt,o.die lunij anfi 5cc.
vi ct armis.viz. gladi)s,baculis, cultcUis in qncnd' W.P.dc S.in Coft
pd ^ttib*iapaceDciecdid'dhxReg.cxillchiCXitialiciarua ^cogitata
apud L. in Com' pd mfulc fecit et cum quod^ enfc ad valenc* x. s. qucm
idc T Jn manu dcxcra adciinc et ibm habuic et tenuit pf W.fup dextram
parte capitis fui pcuQit dans ei piaga mortar,de qua quide plaga pd W.
P. a ^d 2 1 . die luh vfq*, ad 1 2. die Decedib. Ian;>uebac et tpnc de plaga
pdmoriebaf. c qd pd T.apudL.pdexmalitiafua pcogitau felon ^^

voluntaneincerfccit 6c murdrauir, contra

^M IndiSittwtt cfMaftJlaft^htera^aiftfl^t^iimda^iitHfltfft
0ther 44 aceejforie t thifm^.


eum quods armicudio qd dx&! A.B. in manuTui dtxcra tenuit m gmtune

ip(i*I.felofipcuflit,dquoiOu pdl.intcrijt&rooriebatur.EtpdW.F.
cum quadam tcndite voc' a 1)00^ ^H^ quam ipfe in tnanibus fui tunc
tenuitipfum I. adcuncctibid'percuflfitet ipfum A:B. ad interficiend'et
rourderand'^d Ladtuncet ibidem fdofianxiliauit. EtdcA.B.^ddif
anno et loco pd, pd I. W. fclofi murder et ihtciffccit: et qd Hi W. dc P.
in Con)|>d gch fciens pd A.B*pd feloDiaiti et mu^rum prxd* in fbriM
pr^d'fiEcKTe apud L. et alibi in di^'Com'dccimo die &c eundem A.B.
feloh rceepit>cootri pacem &r.

AfiIndiEimentofTre^4sfor hreai^ng and intftngintd a Chjh

ScA.3 02 1 Nquiratur ;p dfta Regina.fi I.S*de N. in Cooa* N. i o.dfe tu. adao Sec,
vi ct armit &c. clautum A.B de H. apud F. in Com' pd fregit ct intra*
uitct hcrbd A.B.advaleoc'x s.ibidc nup crcfceiituni quibufda aucrijs
dcpaftaC fuit cocukauit et confumpfit. Et alia enormi^a ei ittcaln ad graue
daina ipfi" R.G. eccoiytra^ac' d&xReg.Coro&etf^nStaCiitas. v-
OiFences. 14S
An JndiUmintfor lying in wait to kiUme^dndfor 4ffau/ti^hatifig ^ voun*
dii$g fhtm, amifor eutrtHg into and ireaki>*g of his chfe,
jNquif ^dna rcg.fi R.C.dc B.in Qoih N.iUbo;ec,8.dic &c.iinno &c.
$06^.3 03
apud B.pd iacuit infidi js ad intcrficicnd \V.S.dc T.in Com pd ^af*
tailOman,ecin ipfum adcuac infult fecit, vcrbcf,vulnerauit,et maletraft*
itaqpdcvitaciosdcfpcrabaf. AcetiamfifdG.etR.vxoreiuijo.dic ^^
Aob. anno fop<f clauium ipfius W. apud B. pdfrcgcrum et intrauef
ccherbamfuamad valenc'&c. ibi^crcfceh cumquibufda&ijs depa{la6
fiicf conculcauef cc confuinpfcf con{ pac' Sec*

A IndsSimentafTrgfpaffe for heaking andentring into 4 clofit andcHtting

downe Ajhes in tkefaU clofe,

1 Nquif ^ diia reg. fi A.B. dc C. in Com L. Clcricus ct W,D. dc ca<f Scl:.3 04

i villa cc Coifi Cicricui 4. die Augufti anno 6cc. claufutn A.B.de M.in
Com pit rrcgcf intrauef et f raxinos ipfi' A .B.ibi^ crcfcch ad valenc'

40. s. taccidcr et a{portauef ad graiie damnum &c- ac con! pac' &c.

Ab Indt^ment for a Riot committed hy many vpon two , and for heating and

rvoftnding of them vfonthe Statute of Anno i.R.lxaf.y,


INquif pro dna reg. fi A.B. nupcr dc M. in Com M. ^eomatf, aggrc* S^Q(,<io^
qiumpluribusmalcta^of ctpacisdnr reg.pturbatof ignof
ad numef &:c.modo guerrino arra? j! ^.die lunij anno &c.apud S.in coA
pdnotolcctroutofefeillicitccongrcgaucfcrcoadunaucf cituc ct ibi^
in R. W. ct W.P. ipfos intcrficicnd mfu t fcccf ,ct ipfoj R, ct W. tunc cc
ibid' vcrbcraucf vulncrauef ct malctraftaucf, per ^^ dc vita fua defpera-
b^tur conf pac dh^ reg. &c.

An IndtSiment againfl trvofc r afaniriug of one, andfor taking offmre Kine

from htm that he had taken damagefeajant in his Jand^andwas carrying of
them to the pound

INquif jpdfia reg. fil.L.dc B.in Com* S.^^oman,cc I.I. nupdc cad $cCk.io6
villa in Cooi'f d 1 5. die &c. apud B. f d vi ct arrois in ct fup 1 .D. in-

fo fcccf adtunc et ibid'4.vaccas,quas m ct fup tcrf fiiara damn facich

ccpi(Ietct2.con(uctud'viirpdibid'imparcarivoiuilIct ab cod' I.G.
liotofeccptf ct ab iodc con cws volutat abduxcf con! pac'dn^ rcg.&c.

An IndtUmetit far a refcMU made againfi the Sherifes Bailifcs, of one by

them arreited-byforce of the ^eenes fVrtt : andfor the taking away and

iNquifjpdBareg.fiR.W.dep.inConiL.dic&c. anno &c. apud g^.j^^

ip.fed lii Com' pd victarmis&c. in ctfupB.C.ci I.H.balliuositine.
T 4 ran!
Indidlments and
rant T. vie' L refcuffum fccctunt ec qucnd T. T. qucoi yd B. C. ct I H.
virtutebrcuisdia'c!hrcg.pdvic direa'cepiflcmctattachiafftiiffcrrt
abcilctB.C.ctl.H.et extra corumcuftodccperinj'.ctetiam brcuc pd
ab eifd balliuis icinerah cuftodiuit et ditinuic ct adhuc dctinet in malum
cxcmpl* totius populi dnx rcg. ibid j^pc commoranris ac cont pac &c.

Jn IndtSlment t>J manpUgUtr , committed by two, and one oiaecefim

S'. vie after themanjlaughterdofte,

ConiE. fabricafct W.S. dc C.

Sea. 308. INquif pro dnarcg.fi S.W. dcL. in
jn Com pd I^COllltin, i.die Aprilis anno rcg.Eliz.&c.6".in A .B.dc C.

in Com pd opcrariumapud C. pdinfulf fcccf, ctipfuro A.B. adtunc

ct ibid idem S.W. cum quod gladio qucm dift' A. in manu fua dcxt

tcnuit in<;olio ipfiusl pcrcuHltidc quo iftu pd I.intcrijt ac moriebatur.


Ac idem S.W. cund A.B. inuch cum difto gladio adtanc ctibid grauit
vulncrauit : de quibu? quid vulneribus cc iftib' idem I. imerijflctfi non
interijrtct de pd vulneie in collo pcrcuC Et pd W.S. cum quad tenditc

voc' a j?o;eft 315tll , quam ipfe in manibus (ui$ rcnuic ipfum I. adtunc et
ibid pcrcuflicctipfum W.S. adinterficicndctmurdrand pd I. adtunc
et Ac fic S.
ibid felon auxiliauit : W
f d I. die anno ct loco pd felon
rourdrauit 6v intcrfccic pd L.B. nuper dc&c.in Com &c.gcn fcicnf
: Et
pd S. W. Felon ct murdrum pd in modo & forma pd fic feafle apud E.
alibi in difto com q. die 5cc. eund A .B. fclonrccepit contra pacem

domins^ Kcgin^ coroa ct digaitat fuas.

j4n IndtBment againTi tixo^fer hearing of thefe n-ords^ok^n by oneyvidelieet

AvengeanceonthcQ^iccncandof fuchfair^Couacell. And the
declaring of the fame to the Sherife of the Shire,

Sea. 309 INquifprodharcg.fiW.I.deS ifiGomN. Clcricus die &c. apud

W. pdd cum praeoculisnon habensct hgcanti-^mdcbif miniroe por-
dctansfalfoctprodit vcfalfus proditctittimic' ipfi' dhx reg, dUV
die et anno apud N
pd coram A.B.ctC.D de E.in com pd ^eomatl,
obninaiectmalitiofc dixit etpropagauit bee verba Icquentia in AngV
verbis (A vengeance on the ^Heene.and effuchfalfe Counce//.)um contra
ligeanc* et pac' 6hx rcg. quaro ccnf formaro Sraiuti in hmdi cafu acdif et
prouif. Et fic pd A.B. et CD. fcicns pd I. difta verba prodkof locut
f uifle,fairoct proditof corf ligeanc' debit fuum eoncelaucf ct (terete cu-
ftodKfcontpae'dhacrcg.etconcformamftatutiin hmdi caTu ardit cc
prouir.vfqnead i dicm Marti] anno &c.q> difti A. B. ct
. D. di^a C
verba fic proditof per dice I. loounC coram N.S,milite vicecomiti com
fidacR.S.^cn.rctulcrumctoftcndcrunt. * -. -x' *.
;vJ>^ P^
OiFences^ i^p
Ah Jntjuijitm taken before a Corcner vfon tke view of the hody de^d.hoi he
came to hu death : I which it is found that he djedofa feueror agne bj
the vifitatio of God,ad not othermfe.

INquifuiGcaptapudS. mCoAS.20.dic &f. anno &c. coram I.B, Sft.3<lo

yno coronatorum diftac dominac Reg. in Coin p<J fupcr vifum cor*
poris A.B.nupcr dcE in Cora pd ^unjaJlOman,ibidcm iacch mor-
tui per facra^ 6cc. Qui dicunc (upcr facram fuufn ^ ita accidebat a-
pudG pddic&c.anno&cquodpd A.B.egrotabacapudG. p<I dc
Fcbriin lo.dicAprilis vfqucad 2 o. diem mcnfis eiuldcm , Qaoqui-
dcro die ex Fcbri pd dc vificacionc Dei adtunc &
ibidem pd A. B. circa'
horam I o.eiufdemdiei ante meridiem obi jc. t luracores pd dicunt,
quodpd A.B. exnulloaliomorboegricudineaucinfirmita(eadmor
ccmfuamdeueniebatredheceflcaufamorcijirui&non alicer. In cuius
reiceftimohhiiiclnquintioni tam pd Coronator quam luratoces pd '

(igilla (ua appofnerunro

An Inijui/itionfoundbefore a Coroner tfon the view of the body dead, in

which it is found that S A, being Keener of the Earle of Pembroke
his Parke ^ finding one hunting in the fame Parke required him to
fiand and ye eld himfe/fe , he neuerthe/ejfe defended himfelfe and
would not yeeld : whereupon the Parke Keeper, with a For ell Bill
with a thruHin the brefl kdled him,.

1Nquifitioindntafcaprapud^2refielD,inCoraS.9. die Fcbruarir Scii.^ir

anno 5cc. per Tacram. Sec. Qwi dicunc fuper facram fuum,^ cum quid'
S.A. parcariusprenobilisW.Ccra P. parcafuac dc P. in Corli pd 20.
die 1 anuarij anno regni di^x dhae'Reginx 4. circa 1 1 horam ciufdem

dieiinuenicbat J)d T.H. in parcopdvenant& vagrant ad damnum i-

bidcm facicnd*. Et pd T.H. poft damorem per pd S. adtunc &: ibid*
Icuat ad pacem di^ae dfiae Reginae ad ftand rc^' rcddcre fe nolcbat ftd
ad malitiam fuam excquend & continuand 6c pacem diCl^e dfi^ Regin^
diiFugiend,vi&armi5tunc(Sc ibidcmfcdcfcndebatpd S.A. adtunc &
ibidem vcnicns ad eundcm malefadorem fie inoent arrcflrand capi- &
cndcumquadamtcnditcAnglicacvoc'aJfo;efti5llIjquam pd S.A.
in manu fua dextra ccnuit pd T.H. vi & armis refiftcnicm adtunc & jbi -

deroinpcftu8ipfiu$T.percu(rit,dequoquidemidu idem T.H. 1. die

Fcbruarij tunc proxira fequch af ud ^clVCfielDjpdin Comitatu predicf
obijt. Et luratorcspredifti vlterius dicunt fuper facramentum fuum,
Quod pd S.A.nonoccanonealicuiusdircordiecontumelijaue alicuius
Indictments and
malcuolcnc* fiueodij pccgitaffedfoIuBimodoobcaufaiopdctnonaliS
fed T-H.pcrcuflitvt prctcrtur
: In cuius rci ceftimoniuiii &c
the ^eene and others.

Scftlt i^*? t Nquiratur pro domina Rcgina.fi IH. dc B. in Comitaf L. ^COmat!,

W.P. dc G.Comicatu prcdi^' ^eomaHjE.F. dc C. in Comical
I dt
''prcdi^' ^goman 5 die Lunac proxirac poft fcftum Sandli Michadii
Archangcli obligaucrunc,et fides (uasmutuas infironldcdcnntimri-
ucrunt et lacramcnta fua fupcr librum preftiterunt, quod in alto ct baflb
iufticiaetiniufticiaiureeciniuriareadinuiceni tcncrcnc in oflDnibus

occafionib' qucrcli ec demand qwibufcunquc conC ipfos vcl quemliboc

corum inoucnd ad feflam dotnini Regis (cu alicuius alcerius parcis ct
corobih et confedcf con? diftam doroinara Rcginam ct cuaftum popu-
Uimfuuro,io inagnuiD preiudicium ct Icfionem tocius populi di^^ fn
Rcginx et contra formam (latuti in huiufmodi cafu edit etprouiC

4n IttdiSment vpon theSutute / MaintenAnee^ftrthemmntrnmiti f $He

in 4tt ASlion of Formcdon en dcfccndcr.

SeCto 3 X 3 T N*!"*** P' ^^ Rcginacontmctur

cum in ftatuco in Parliaiiito apud WeOia

I p^ypg,
gdii inter cetera ^ nulla perfona de regno dominae

"^Rcginac Angliaccuiufcunqueftaius gradus fiuecon^itionis fuerit,ali

quam querela in aliqua Curia nee ahbi manutcncat.nec (ufimcat fu^
pocnam imprifonamcnti ctfaciend doroinae Rcgmx finem ct rcdempti*
onem.ad voluntatcm ipHus dhae Reginae prout Sec. Quidam taroen P.
M. de P. in CoAN.^^matl? flaruf pdminimepondcrans quandam
querelam cuiurdaro loquclae quae . in Curia dnai^Reginae nunc liz.
' coramlufliciarijs di^aedhaeRcrginxdccommuai banco Weft perA
breuc ipHus dh^ Rcginae de Forma, donationu en descender inter R.G.pe-
tcnf ct N.A. tencnt dc 5. acris tcrrac &c.cumpcrtih in C. pro parte ipfi*
N. tcncnd 2. die Apnlis anno &c. apud N. in Cortipdmanuicnuitcc
fttftcntauit,et adbuc ftiftencat in d^^^ dfi^ Rcgin^ nunc conteniptum^ac

contra formam Ratuti ct contra paccm diias dnat Reginac.

. ^itJmdi3mentofforciUeetretipontheSMtteofAmio %,H.

TMquiratur pro domina Rcgina, Quod cum irt Oatuto in Parliamehfo

Sca.314 1 ^ommiHenrici d.nuper Regis Angli^ apud W.Annoregnifui c^a-

uotcii cdii inter cetera continccur.{Quod(i aliqua perfonadealiqiii*

Offences. 15*0
bustcrrii vcl tenementis raanufoiti expnlfa fit vel c^^ffcifIf vel pacificc
CKpdlaf 5c poftca manuforti excratencatiir vcl per aliquod feofFamcnf
vcl difcondnudcionciD'indc poncalcm ingrclTuBi ad ius pcd^iToris de-
fraudaod'et eollcnd'atiquomodofiar, habcac parsinhac parte grauaf
verfustalcmdiflfeificorcra Aflifain noux diflofinaB vcl brcuc dc tranf-
gtcffionc^Etfiparsgrauaf per Aflifam vcl aOioncm tranfgrcffionis re-
cuperet per vercdiAum vel a|,io modo per dcbitam legis formam inoe-
niatur, Quod pars dcfcndcns inccrris vel itncmentis vi ingrclTa fuit vel
caper vim poliingrcirum fuum cenuic, recuperabic querent damna fua
ad tripluro verfus dcfendenccm. Etvitcrius 6oem &
redemptioncm ad
dominacn Kcginao) faciat prouc in (latuto plcnius apparct : Qiiidam ta
inenLD. de D. in Comitatu pr{di^o^eoman,& R.S. de codem Co-
micatu l^eoman, Statutum prapdiftum miniiBe vcrcii primo die Maij
aoDo Sec. apud D. pracdifl' in Comicacu prxdiVo qucndam W. S. dc
rnomefuagio (iuc cenemcnto cum pertinencijs in D. pr^diA* per man-
datum W. Bufh manuforti cxpcllaucrunt &
difTcinucrunc ac ipfum fie
cxpuUuro 6c di^Teifif aprxdicf primodie Mai) vfque diem captionis
huius Inqiiificionisextratenuerunt&;adhuc extra ren^nt, contra paccm
dominxKcgiiixcorori & dignitaf Tuas, & comra formam fiacuf inhu-
iufmodi cafu xdif 6cprouifi.

jf/i Ind$Smentfarflf$9Utig ma HAnd^grMMtiagMmfi one that mtpf net

diJfeMd a hundredpMMs per sktmum,

rNquiratur pro domitia Regina, quod cum I.R.deW. ioComitatn Seft.315.

pra^di^' gcnerof] non habens terras tencmenta feott rcl Annuicates ad
"""vfumftiuraproprium annui valoris centum librarumnono die luli),
annorcgni Regis Ricbardi primi apud S. inCoiTi M. fagittauit in
quodam tormen!,voc'a ^and^amte^contra (latutum in huiormodi cafu

The Title ef the ^eneraJl Seffions oftheFeace,


^ Scflio pacis generalis dnse Rcginzten! apud Ccftf in Com Ccfli',
viz. quarto die Mai),auno reg.dh^ Elizabcth^iDei gratia Angl'.Frjnc*,
& Hiberh Reginxfidci dcfcnfof &c. dccirao^ ct^ratn 5.H. D,L* S.E. &
alijsIufttciarijspacisinGomprxdifto. 'Maiiboiq yiltr
R.M.dc ^cir.Qjidiciim ^ipcrfacra-
Inquifitio cape ibi& pa: Gicramcfif
mentiun (tium^qt^od cum in (lacuto &c.
<) 131U ^rboai/. 'Arbjitnuj.; Thf
The Trmerfe ofan IndiUment offorciyie ^ntry,
PRo A.B C.D^E.F. verfus dominam rcginam in traucrsfupr
4|["Etprzdift' A.B.C.D. E.F,pcr I. B. aiturnatum fuum vcn et aU
cunc, quod dila domina rcgina nunc iplbs feu aliquem ipforum aVio-
nc Indi^arocnt pracd grauarcfeu impeccrc non velit aut dcbic Quia :

protcftand quod Indi^arocn! pr^diA* minus fufficicnsin legecxinie

ad poncnd ipfos refpondcre, pro placico taicen frperatiro diant quod
quoad vi ccarmis, & quicquid quod eft contra pacem dilx dona Rc-
gin^, nccnonad intracioncm, diiTcifinrm^cxpulfionem, cxtratentionc,
cc quicquid quod eft contra formats ftatuti pr^d ijdeiD A. B. C. D. ec

E.F. dicunt quod ipfi in nullo funt culpabiles inodo et forma prouc per
indiftamentprjdfupcrius fiipponitur. Etdc hocponunt fc fcpcratim
fuper patriaro : et R. C. armiger qei pro domina rcgina hie in hac par-
te fcqiiitur, pro ipfa domina rcgina fimiliter &c.

Ah IndiBmetitfer making ^ffalfe goU at Rean in Frandt and

for vttering of it tn England,

Scft. XlC 1 Nquiratur pro domino regc &

domina rcgma , Quarc cum in ftatuco
in Parliamcnto di Aor um domini regis, et dominx reginac nupcr (en{
apud Wed m duodecimo die Nouembris annis regnorum di)idcmi-
ni regis, et dominx rcginx, primo et fecundo authoritate eiufdem par<
liamenti inaf^itaf etordinafuic. Quodfi aliqua pcrfona Hue aliqux
perfonae poft viccHmum diem lanuahj exrunc proxiifi fcqnch introdu-
cerecnueincroduceremapartibus tranfmarinis in hocregnum Anglis
vel inaliquod dominium,huius di^i regni Angliz.aliquas falfas et c6-
trafa^ascuneas,monetas Hue pecuniasdc aoro aut argcnto alicuius al-
ccriusregni, noncxiftcnfde proprijs cuneis, monct, (iuepecunijs de
hoc regno Anglix^fcientespra^d cuneas, monet, line pecunias, fore
falfas etcontiafaf^*, Eaintentione ad vtterand Hue foluend praedilas
falfas eccontrafa^ascuneaSjmonetas,Gue pecunias jnfra hocregnu An*
gli^etdominij eiufdem regni per merchandifas vel alitcr. Quod tunc
talis pcrfona fiuc petfonae nc vc przdil' eft ofFendentcs &
eoruro con-
procurator, auxiliatores, et abbettatorcs in tali cafu,exifti-
mati erunt ct adiudicabuntur foreofFenditores in alta proditioue. Et qd
pr^di^a perfora (iueperfonx ofFendentcs, cc poft eorura Icgitimam
conuid^ionero (lueattin^iuramfubibunt tales poenas mortis &forisfac-
turas terrarum, bonorum, & carallorumfuorum , (icut ali) offendcncei
tncaiibusalr^proditionis, prout in eodemftatutofatisapcrtedcclara-
tur Qiiidam tamcn H.S.nupcr de Hallifax in Com Ebof Mcrcham,a-

H.S.dc Hallifax in com E.Mcrch* poft prardviccfimum diem

lias diil'

lanuafyCtpoftordinationcm ftatuCpr^dift* viz. vndccimo die menHs

Otfences. lyc
Noucmbrif annis rcgnorum Philippi et Mari^ Dei gratia Regis et Reg.
Hifpaniaf.Franciac, /inglix, vtriuiqucCeciljac, IcruIaleni,ctHibcrh,
Fidtridcfcnforum Archiduc' Auftriac , Due' Burgundia: , Mcdowlafi,

etBrabanc',ComHafpurgij,FIaundf,ctTiroiij,3.ct4.niimcrum j6.\i.
& 10 $.in tfo.ct fex pccvoc Ijcdfc^ouctaxQwes ano CngltnjCrotxjns,
dc 3crc , cupro , alcamcno , ct diuerlls alijs nicttaliis infimul mixt, falfo
prodiroric apud Roanc.ct-Dkpc, in parti b'cranfmarinis in regno Gal-
Jix , ad fimilitudincm bonarum dimitf SuffcranccaruHJ ct coronaf Aiiri
decuna^ditftorueuiomini regis ctdominacrcginae huins rcgni Angliie,
per i|iiofd'fallosprodjtjpud Roane ctDjcpep<J in pd partibus tranf
ct contrafaft' a pd regno Galiise
,parini fal(o et prodic bidcii^ fabrica{

vfqucad hoc rcgniiiii AngliXjCt ad Ciuitatem Norwichi^ introduxit et

jntrodiici procurauit: Et pd H.S.pd 6o.dimidfuflFeranc'voc'i!}:cefco.:c
^alfc &OUCcatguCfl>,ac pricdiO'fcx coronas Anglican vcc fi]teC!:ngUilj
CtoUjnest mode ct forma pd fore falfasct(abricat(ccundumforniam
& fimilitudincm bonaf dimidiarum fufFeranc' 6c Coronarura huius reg.
Angli^affirmansdi^asruffcranc'& Coronas illas fore de bono auro ct
dc babili raoncf huius Rcgni Aoglix s.falfas dimid fuflFcranc* &
Coronam,voc' ljalfeCngUn[j ^ouccaigncj, anD one m\ifl) Ctoton,
dc pd 60. & fcxdimid fufferanc'Sc Coronis in forma pd ex ere cupro
alcamcno fabricac6c contrafaO'Cuidam H.B iiic apud Norwic' m com
f d pro vno cquo, vno ^ladio, & vno ftuto de bonis catallis pd H.B.
pcripfum H.S. de codem H.B. adtuncSc ibidem empf, pro bonafoluti-
one falfofraudul' &proditorie adcunc et ibidem vtterauit foluic Sc libc--
fauit,conf pac'&c. ac contra formam (lacuci&Co

ji JftdiSiment of treffta^eferhreahtng of a cIofe^Andde^rcjing of fVhexte

thcngro mng in the fame,

Vratoresprefcntant pro dominaRegina, quod W.
G. nuperdcD. in q -.

CompdAfiTiT.B.&c. tcrtiodic&c. vietarmis&c. Claufural.N.

apud S. in Cora pd in quodam caropovocat&c.frcgeruntet intraue-
nmt&tresquarteriasfrumeniiipfius I.N, ad valenc' triumhbrafad-
tunc 6c ibidem crercencumquibufdambigisnuecaruciscquisSc pedi<
busfuisambulandconculcaucrunt&confumprerunc, Etalia enormia
ei intulrunt,comra paccm diftorum domini Regis &domin Rcgin^


A Indictment or hqmfition before the Coroer(upet vifum COtpons,fone

ti'ho killed one in htr ovfne defence,

g TNqulfitioindentatcapJapudT.inCoifiCcftriafji.dic&c.anfiQ&c
^ ^
1 I coram I. M. gen i . Coroh dil' dne rcg. m Com pd fupcr vifum cor-
poris A.B. nupcr &c. adtunc et ibid lupcr tcrram mortui iacch p facra-
ment &c. I.H. &c. ac de tribus alijs villa? propinquiorib', viz. A.B. C.
in Com pd ad inquircnd qualitet et quoraod pd A.B. ad mortem fuam
deuenicquifuperlacramencfuum dicunc. Quodcumipfe A.B. 15 die
O(flobrisannorcgni&c. 5. circa horam /.antcmcridictiufddieapud
T.pd in Com pd,vi ec arrais cone pac'dift'dnac reg.in qucnd R.iiupcr
de T. pd in Gom C. pd XDutctjec, admnc ct ibid in pace Dei ct diftx
dfiac rcg. exift* infultum fecit et ipfum R: B. cum quod baculo vocat a
l^iHefO^^kc^quem idem A.in manib^ fuis tenuit,vcrbcrauit,ac fupcr bra-
chiuni fuum grauitcr pcrculTir, ita vt idf R.B. pro ipfi' vitae faluaiionc
a pd A.B. quant potuit,fugic vfq; ad magnam concauam piparo vocat a
fjoUotD 0a!i0)Vltra quam ipfc R.B, a prcf. A.fugcre non potuifTct. Et fie
ipfc R.B. feipfuro,ac vitam fuam dcfcnden pd.A.B. pd in(ultum afliduc
continuad (uper poflcriof partem capitis ipfi^A.di^o 1 5.die O^obris
anno j.horacclocofupdjcum quodam baculo voc'ab^OfeneiBill^pcij
&c . qucm idem R.B. adtunc ct ibid' in manib" fuis tcnuit pcrcuflir, dans
ti plagam mortaIem,tres pollices logam, vnam poliiccm latam ct dimid
vni' pollicis profund : Super quam quid plagam ipfc A.B. languid ia-
cebatvfq^ad 20. dicmO^obrispd, inquoquidem 2o.dicOlobris
anno 6cc. idem A. apud T. ^d in Com pdt ex ipfa plaga ci dat modo ec
forma pd moricbat. In cuius rei tcAim &c.

An Indi^ment or Inquifition taken before the Coroner (uper vifum corporis

of enejlaine by tntsfortHne, by one tu he rposftooting at the "S fitter.

Cg^ -
Jo, "iNquiCtio indent capt apud B.in Com 5cc.dieet anno &c.oramR.H
1 Armig',i Corof dicl' dfix reg.in Com pd Cv^ vifu corpof I.C.nu^

mcnt LB feniorij I.H.&c.ac de tribus alijs villa! propinquorib', viz. dc
M.R ctE.in Coil) pdadinquirsndqualicetquomodopdl.E.admort
fuam dcuenii:qni (npfacranientfuum pddicut,^ com quid C.W.nup
dc Ciuitate Cin Com Ciuit C. ^IjCtcmaiTjCum rouhis alijs, 2. die &c.
anno &f.(5.rupci', circa horam 1 poft meridiem ciufd'2.diei apud B.6d*

in Com C.pd'in pace Dei ac dn^ rcg.exifl',ac ibid'ad metas Angl* voc'
Butt(d){a^ittan adiucecibidcmvenitpd' I.E. admccaspd'^ac dum
Offences. ifzi
prd' C. W. ad Ipfas metas interfagittand fult,ipfc I.E.obltcr & injpro-'
prxd C. W. fagittabat ad metas prasd
uifo pofuit fe inter mctas pracd vt
cum quadara (agitra prccij &c. di^o fcciindo die luli) , ac hora & lo:o
fupradiftis per infortunium pcrcuflit prxd I. E. in gutrurc dans ei mor-
talcm plagam in profunditatc duos pollices. vSoper quam quidepldga
ipfc I.E. a prxd' fecundo die luli) vfque ad quintum diem eiufdcm rte-
fis apud R. pracd' in comitatu Ccftri.-e pred' languidus iaccbat, ac in eo-
dcm quinto die menfis luli) pred' ipfeapud T. prcd' in com' Ceftf
1. E.
pred' dcpredift'plagamodoct forma pred' moricbatur, Aceiiam lu-
raxores pred fuperracrament fuum pred* die unt,quodpd C. W. diCio
fecundo die luli), aucaliquo tempore pofteundem fecundum die men-
fis lulijnonhabuicaliqua bona feu cataila infra predjft'corhCeftf. In

cuius rei tcftim' vtrifque partibus huius inquifit tarn prxd coronar qua
pred' luf figilla fua pofucf die & anno primo fuprad.

ui InM&ment a^ainfl the husband and his wifefor lying in wait e, andfor the
aJfaN/tin^f btating^ and wonnsdng of one,

J Nquiratur pro domino rcgc & rcgina, fi N. B. nupcr de T.in comita-

g^ a ^^^
tu Ceftriaet?eoman,K. W.vxoreius &c. i y.die&canno Scc.apud T.
iuxta.T.in com' prcd' m qiiodam loco voc' \t l^all pacDjiacuerunt in in-
fidijS et adcunc et ibidem inGdiati fuerunt quendam R.H.ec in ipfum R.

ibidem vi et armis &c. infuknm fccernnt, verbcrauerunr vulncraucninc ,

ccmaletra^^auerunt. lea quod idem R. languidus cxid'acde vita fua

dcfperat, vi ec armiS;, 5c contra paccm 5cc.

uin InqHffiiioHofwilfttl murder take before diners of the Judges & other s^

as lujitees ofthe Peacejfor a murder done in Wefiminfier.

JNquifiriocaptapud Wertm'incom'Midd'vicefimotertiodieApn. ,

annore2:niEliz.&c.i6.coramI.SouthcotvnoIufticiariof diftffdh^
diftffdhe *
* rcgina ad placita coram ipfareginatencnd'aflign Rob. Mounfon v-
no lufticiar' eiufde dominac rcginae dc banco Gilb. Gcrrard armig*,
Atturnato didl? domins rcgin^ gcnerali, WiUiel' P. 6c B. R. armig*
luftic'dift'dnae Rcginxad paccm in comitatu predi^lo confcruand,
necnon ad diuerfas felonias^ tranfgf^ et alia malcfal' in eodcm comit^it
perpctrat audiend ei terminand' aflignat per facramcntum 1 2. luf cxti-

utpraefentatjquodR.S.nuperdeciuitatWeflmonaftcf in com'Midd,
et I. T. nuper d^oiuieat W.pd in com' prcd' \?coman, 20. die M. Anno;
rcg' Eli.&c. 1 6. vi et armis vix gladijs, baculis, 6cc. circa hora fext pofl
merid'eiufde diei cxmalitia fua pcogitaf apud ciuir W.pred in ccm pd.
in qucd* W.R.I. in pace dci ct diet dnac reg* adtunc ct ibid' cxift*inlu!c
Indicflments and
fcccf 6c pd R.S. cum vno gladio quem ipfc pd adtunc& ibide in tranS
fua dcxira habuit & tcnuic prsrd W.RI. fupcr ckxtrwtti brachiumi pfius
W. adtunc cc ibidem fclonice percuffic et dcdit ei adtunc ct ibide vnara
pbtrara mortal' profunditatis quatuor pollkium ct latitudinis vniuj pol-
licif,dc qua quidem plaga mortali prxdift* W.R.I.apud Ciuitatcm Wt
pracd' inCom pr^d' die ec anno fvpradic! inftantcr obijt. Ec qd pr^dic!
I.T. pr^d' 9. die M3rtij,anno ^.fupradifto apud Weft, pr^d in Com

przd felonicc fuit przfcns, procurans,abbcttan8,conforMn$ auxilians &

prarfatum R. S. ad feloniam ct murdrum predict in forma pdict facicndt
& pcrpctrand, contra pacero di\x6hx Rcginat nunc. Ei CiQpdid R.S.
& I.T. dic,anno,loco,& Corb predict pr^fat W.R.I.cxmalitijs fuis pi^-
cogitat fdonicc & voluntanc intcrfccertim muFdrautfjConEpac' dift^
dh!c Reg. nunc, Coroh ct dignitaf fuas.

uift JndicimeHt ofManflaitghter againfl Manjy feme forflriking ofthepartid

jlaifif, andfomg tbtm being
others for comforting Mfidayding of
andjome as accejfaries after thi fail com-
mittediand that diners ofthemjied,

St^.yxt. INquifitiocapf apud Ccftf infra Wardam Caftri domini Regis ibidem
die Veneris proxiib'poft feftum Apoftolorum Simanis ct lude.Anno
regni Regis Rich.tertijpoft conqucftum Angliac fecundo, coram T.H.
& L h Coroh di^i domini Reg. Hund dc B. in Com' Ccftriac fupcr vi-
fum corpof T.C. felonicc interfe^li per facramemum &c.Qui dicunt fup
facramcntum {uum,qdT.W, nuper dcM. in Com* Ctflf j^eomatl^R.B.
nuper de M. in Com' Ccftf armig*,N.B.nupcr dc M. alij &c.die Sab- &
bati proxim' fcftum Exaltationij fanfti Crucis, Aono rcgni Regis R. 3
pod conqueftiim Angliae fecundo, apud H. in Comitaf Ccftf in infldijs
lacuerunt pro di)o I. C. ad ipfum verberand,vulnerand, et felon inter*
6cicnd* vi et armit,et contra pacem domini Regis : Et d\(\o die Sabbati,
t anno pd apud H. pd in ipfum I.C.infultfcccnEtpdT.VV. die Sab.
ct anno pd' apud H. prxd' felonic' pcrcuflic prxd* I.C.fuper caput fuum
vfq; ad cerebrum cum quodam gladio preci) &c. cc dtdic ci plagi mor-
tal* vndc obijt die Veneris jpx poft fcftum Sanrt Mich. Arch.tunc ^x*

fequch apud Ccftf prxditf, infra ward' Caftri dcraif Regis ibid'. Et fie
prxd' T. W. ipfum I.C. did' die Sabbati et anno apud H.pra^dicE felon
interfccit: EtquodpracdictK.B. cifdcmdiccc anno apud H. felonicc
pcrcufUc pracdicE I.C.fuper tibiamfuara dextram cum quodam gladio
prcci)&c. cc dcdit ci plagam morcakm vndc obire debuiftctfinono-
Dijftetdei^u quampracdi^t'T.W.ei prius dcdit. Et fic pracdiOus R.
B* ipfum I.C. di^o die Sabbati, ec anno apud H.przdicf fclonice iiv-
cerfccit. Et quod praedict N.B. I, H. LM. et R.C. dido die Sabbati ct
Oflfences. ly^
AfihapudH.pred' felon rucfprcnt,auxiliantcs,confbrtantw&: abbet-
cantcs pr^d' T. W.ad felon d, in form' prcd facicnd vi et armis
f conf &
paccm dia' dni regis. Ec qd pred' R.B.N.B.I. H.I.M. R.C eifd* die &
Sabbati& Ann'apud H.prcd' felon fucf prefcnt,auixiliantcs,abbcitan-
tes et confortanccs, prcd' T. W. ad fcloniam prcd in form'pred* facicnd
vi & armis et contf paccm dili dfii reg.&c Et qd I.B.nup de M.in com*
Ccftf gen frawr R.B.railit hm dcfunfli T.B. nupcr dc M. in com* Ccftf
gen' frac pd I.H.B.nup dc M. in com' Ccftf fen gcn fratcr pd' T.W.B.
nup de M. in com' Ccflf gen fili^ pd R.B.milif iam dcfunft'&c.cifdcm
die Sabbati & anh apud M.pd in com' Ccflf felon fucf vi,auxilio, con-
filio, & abbettamcnto pdT.W.& R.B. ad felon prcd'in formpd faci-
end' vi et armis, ct contra pac' dift'dhi regis : Et qd W.E.nnper dc E.in
com Ccftf gefi R.H. nuperde M. in com Ccftf ^coman^I.H.nuper dc
cad' in com'prcd 'yeoman &c.dielunacproxim' poft fcftiim S.Mich.
Arch. Anno rcg. Reg.R.3 .poft conqucflum Angl' fccundo apud M. in
coin p d* felon afliftauef, rcccptaucf, & confortaucf, prcd* I. W.ctR.B;
armig'jfcicntcsipfumT.ctR. felon prcd'in form prcd' felon fcciffevi
Sc armis et contta paccm domini Regis. Item dicunt luratorespred', qd
pd T. W.R.B.N.B.I.H.&C, poft felon prcd' fid' die Mccuf ^px* poft
Ann fuprad rcg' prcd' fugerunt,ct fc eadem
fcftum Michadis Archang'
fcloftprcd'rctraxcruntftcom' Ceftfvfq; villa de^^itcljutcll, incoft
Salop felon' vi et armis^Sc contra pacetu dhi regis. In cuius rciteftimo-
ninm &c.

u4n IndiBmentfor kfieping a hiwcij hotifcy andvfng oftH"


F ratofprcncqdN.W.dcA. ctI.3Catlo?5etE.vxofeius5cc.funtc8- Scft.385

munes lupinat & diucrfis dieb^ ct vicibus ante diem hoi' inquiljtioii in
domib^ fuisfcituic <c manureh hofpic- lupanaf , nee non diucrfas pfoh
fufpeft' ibid ludentcs ad luda illicitjviz.tablC^jCattieiS &c.tam in die
in nofte, poft horasdcbitasei legit! ad grauamcn.inhabitatium ibidac
malum excmplum omnium aliorii ligcorum dni Regis 6cc.

An IndiUment for k^epng of enill rule.

IVratof pfcnt', qd W.H.dcpochia S.Clement in com Midd' etMa- Se^. 314.

riavxof ei^die &c.anfi &c.ac diufis dieb^ antea ct poftea hucufqj cu-
ftodieruntetadhuccuftad'lupanaf,luxuriam, et fornicat ^
oib** ho-

minibusetniulierib^adtalianefandaopera difpoH^^ac cuftodcom*

muntm Oichig anD catDtng 6cc.et alia illicita ad grauame omniu vicinof
ibid' inhabitan', &
in malum exemplu alior ligeof &c. contra pace &c.
r An
. . Indidmcnts and
'jin IndiBment forkjiefing efa badj honfe,

^fcnf,qAR.M.dc &c.in com* Scc.W.H.dc &c.dic anft &c.ac &
divifis teparib' antca & poftca apud &c. tcncnt, cuOodiunt,occiipanc
c f reqacntant in manfionibus fuis ibid comunia hofpitia Iupanjf,iux.
uf &forrjication&, &pmittunttamfcculare$ ^rcgularcscc iaicos ho-
mines et alias pfonasfufpedas non bonz geft' ncc famx cum nicretriec-
b' camalitcr concubcrcad magnu nocuQicntum toti'populi dfii reg' i-
l,i4 T)p; coiTJorantium tt malum cxemplu omniu alioiu in tali cafu dc
linqucntium nifi ciii* in hac ptc debif prouidcat rcmcdiu ac contra pa-
An IndiSiment far flmdering ofa iHrie

I Vf
ft - dantcuriaintclIigi.Qdcuraipfitalidic&Ahapud&c.cunftifu*
^^ *^ lerantadinqnircDdinccintcrloqucnd'dcdiutrfis articulis cc uffeofis
fup coru facrarocn! pro dift'dho reg.ibi die ct an fupritd vcnit quidST.
B.dcS.in com'prxd vcbarreftor etpacis dhi reg* prurbator, 6t prcd*
luratorcs.vili pcndit ct fcandalizauit die end' fie in Ao^l. verbis, ifieoit
. , ^ou falfe Ijarlots, pampeceD fenaues, ami peciuieu feiiaucs, ac alia mi*
The words, contumcl' verba cifd" Iiirat dixit in iDai;,iiredarguatioii ct vili-
jjjtojia ct
pend lura^ p^ ac recardac execution eorum iuramenc, ec conif pac' &c.

AnJftdiSlmentagMnfiamattimfe ai a cgmmonBarrateraMd/ovferofdif-
fcntion amongfl her MighhourSf and a commonjcdde*

IVrafpfcnt,qdA.E.vxor&c.dc&c.incom*&c. noncft bonac fam

nee conuerfatioh honcft^ fed mal^ difpofition' barrclator et pacis dni
"" ' Rcgispturbator: Ita quod vcrifimilc eft faccrcmurdf,ho!nicid',lites &
difcord' ac alia datnna ec grauamina inter ligcos domreg ibid' ^text p-
roilfof, ct eft contonm' obiurgafct biafpcmac vicincf fciof ,ct magna fc5-
dala cis ibid imponit, ad magh fcandala eis ibid' imponit, ad magn' no-
cumcn{ omnium inhabitanf viliae praed*,et pnicieHim excmplum omni-
um aliof in tali ftatu delinquent, & contf paccm 6cc.

AnlniiBmentfor a Rape committed ^y A.Adinifierf vpon a

maide offottreteeneyeeres old,

T Vraf pfen!,qdT.Thornetonde&c.incom*&c. Clercus,diectanii

d<ct3to 5cc.vi&armis,viz.gladijs,baculis,&c. inlF.adtuncxtatis 14. an*
nofapud6cc.infuItum fecit 6c corpus etvcntrcm pdIo.adcunccc ibide
roanib' fuis felon' vulnerauityfrcgicctlaccrauiCi necnon eade lo. contra
voluntaf ipHus lo. adcuncct ibid cafnahicognouit,& felon rapuit contf
Offences. iH
\Aft IndiSiment agawJlferfPallers cfthe markets TUhtn
the Z^erge*

Vraf pfcrtt, qd I. R. de &c. 5c R.S.6cc. a die & Anno &c vfq^ diem Sctt.3 1^
rapcionis hui* Inquifitionis apud C. in com* prcd infra virgam^ (ingu.
larccommodum fuiira &non vtilitatcm rcipublicxindcbiccaffc^antcs,
bUd3,';rana& alia vid^ualia qu^ vfquec ujtaf LondS et vill^ Wcflmpd
in com pd ^fuftcntaiion populidift' diii regis ibid vcncrunt&vcairc
dcbuj^cnt p tep' pd* fori allaucrunt ec rcgrataucf ct in 6\ti fbrftaH'ct re-

graciirenon de(iitur,p qd b'ada granaecalia vidiualia mukoniaiorisca*

rioris w altioris precij cflScfuntui quam dcbef (iforftallacores ct rcgrato-
rMhraJinoDfuriTcntjinditt'dni Keg, nunc conttmpmcc ligcorumfu-
orum maximc difpcnd' etgrauamcpj ac cont form diucrforum Aac in hac
parte $dtf, ac contf pac* &c.

An IniiHment Again^ a Gaoler (for entargmg ofone committed topri/ott)

withtn the XJerge Vfonfttfpitien offelome wthout warrant,

]Vf pfeC.q W.H.dc&c.dicecaii&capud S.pd.incom pdt infra viirga Scft?5(3

ccpit ctarrcftauit qu<rnddin R.E.nupdc&c^ fufpcftjoneftfion ctip*
fum R. adcunc & ibid' in prifona dhi Rcg.fub cutlod'fua pro felon prcd
p Tpacium vnius horac dccinuicEcpoOca die et ann fuprad pd WH pd
K.F. apud S. pd in com pd infra virgatn felon^voluntarie cc volenterad
-Urguoi (uum jrc ptnifitjcontpacc &c.

Ah Indictment againfl a mans wife forJlealing xxj. in momy,


IVra frcn!,qdI.W.vxor5cc. de&r.aliasdift'I.W.dcE.f dincora Seft.331

pd ^pmlier,dic ct anh &c.vi & arrois &c. xx.s.in pccuniji numtratis
dc boms & dtnarijs I.B-apud E.prtd in com' prcdift* adtunc & ibid' in-
vent felon iuratfuitccpir, &afportauic, contf pacem&c

An InMBment againH a wife forfi eating 60 . ti. in money, and againjt

another at acce^nrie,

JVratores pfenf.quod h W.vxof 5cc alias dil' lo.W-dc F.f d in coiri Sefl:.^ J 2^
f d feptn&cc, die ann &c.lK.li.in pecunijs numeraf dc boms dcna- &
rij$I,fi.pd II) pd camtf adcunc ctibid loucfif felon' foraf fuit ct afpor-
tauitcomra pac cro &c. Er cjd W, W
nnp dc E. in com pd 115l}tcl)et') fci-

cns prcf lo.W.fclon prcd in foi ifs pred' fecilTc eandcra lo.di^is dic,afi ^^^^0^^
r An
Indidlments and:

An IndiSlmentforfltal'w^ ofthree mens coats,

die, Anno &c. vi & ar-
Scl. 3 ? 3
- 1 Vraf pfent, qd T.S.& W.H. dc&c.in com'&c
inis Scc.trc tunicas viriles dc pannolanco coloris SDatone^, ad valcnc"
&c. de bonis ct catallis cuiufdam hois ignoti apud H. in com Midd ad-
tunc ct ibid felon furaf fuit, ccpit ct afportauit contf pac &c.

AnlndiUment againflan Heretike,for vjtng of words,

1 Vratores pfcnt,quod T. M. dc &c. eft
homo diabolicus ct commuh
StCi. 334
Ihxreticusfidera Catholics ctobfcruantiam eiufdemagnoperc machi-
nans & contemnes.Et qd ipfc tali die ct anno &c. apud pd parochiam
inpfentiadiucrfoffubditof, ac legeof, dili domini Regis hacc verba
fcandalofa&hxreticalia dixit, retulit ct ^paUuit: ^%i\i XiZlXtt Die0
noj (l^eD !)is bloutJ fo^ t)ie{,but onl^ fo? tljem tljat luece in Limh PatrU,
but BlooLs, cu mukis alijs verb'
f as fo?imagei3 in tljeC^utc^ tl)e^ be
fcandalo.fis ct hereticalib' in corcpt fidei Cathol' ac in pniciofum excm
plum aliorura ligeorum dift* dni reg' ac contra paccm &c.

An IndtBment for breaking ofa houfe^ and taking out ofa Chefi in the
hoiffe feuen founds inntonej,
iVratofprcfentjqdR.T.dc&cctl.C.dc&c. tali die &ann rictao.
Sc^.5 35
Imis&c.domuraT.P.apudpd villa in com' pdfregcf ct fepterolibf

in pecufi numeratis dc bonis &

dcnarijs prediil' T.in cifta prcd cxiftcn

adtunc[& ibid' extra cifta pd felon' faraf fucrut, ccpef, &afportaucny|C

contf paccm dift.dniregis^c.

An TndiSfment for a maime in both the hands,

Sc^.3 5^ -|.Vratffenf,Quod cum H.P.de&c.tali die & Ah apud C. p^inquo-
dalocovoc'E.fuitjn pace Dei ctdii^idfii rcg'dift'die& Ah apud
1 C prcd'in praed loco voc'E. vencrunt A.B.C.D.& E.F. etindid' H.
P. ibid' infult, vt felon dift' dhi Rcg.infidiad 6c ex infultu pmditat p
mandatct procurationem P.P. de&c.fcccrunt:Etpred'A.B.cura quo-
da baculo ad valcnc* &c.que ipfe in manib'fuis adtunc et ibid tcnuit pd
H.P, fup dextram raanvi fuS adtunc ct ibid' felon pcufllt & ipfum H.P.
adtnnc & ibid* vulnerauit 6c felon mahcmauit fie qd venae ct ncrui eiufd
dextrse raanus rctraft* & mortificat' dcuencf, p qd pd H.P.auxilium et
potentia dcxtf manus prcd* total it amifir. Et pra^d C.D.cii vno alio ba-
culo ad valcnc' &c.q ipfe in manib' fuis adtunc &
ibid- tcnuit prxd'H.
P.fup finiftf manu adtunc et ibid' felon pcuflit ct ipfum H. adtunc et i-
bid' vcrberauit, vulnef, et felofi mahcmauit fie qd vcnx ct ncrui eiufdem
inanusfiniftraerctral'ctmortifica!deuencf,p qdidcH.P. vim,auxiliii:
etpounciamciurd finiftf inan^ cotalitcramifit contra paccm. 6cc.
Offences. ly^
A ItidiSlment vpott theflatute ofAnno $Ji, t \

IVraf jfcn!, qd cum in flat in Parliam dhi Regis Rich, nuper Regit Scft.3 3 f
Angliaefecundiapud Wcftifi Anhrcgnfui qninto tent acdifintcr alia
ordinal' fit, Quod nullus facia! ingrcffum in aliquib'tctf fiuc tehtis nifi
in cafu vbi ingrcflus ci datur per legem, ct in illo cafu non manuforti ncc
multitudine gentium fed licito ct quieto modo tantum. Et fi quisincon-
trariurafeccritctindcdcbito modo conuift* fucrit
p imprifonamtcor.
poris ad voluntate domini Regis redimat jput in eodcm
fui puniaiiir,6c

ftat'pleniuJcontinetur.Quidam tanncn I.S.de&c. ftatutu pred'mini-

pondcrans ncc poena in code content', die &c. Ann &c. in qdoda tcfic
cumptihetquatuoracftcrfcuiufdal.B.apudH. pd'incoifipdinquo
eidem lohanni ingrcffus non datur per lege ibid* ingrcflus fuic, in difti
dni reg* contcmpiu, Ac contra form' flat prcd*.

An Information wherein the fartie defireth the good shearing

DAt'eftcuriaeintclIigip relatione ctteftimoniiil.P.T.I. et aliof qd SeV.??X
R'M. de S.jn com &c.cf} communis Barreftator ctpacis dfii Reg'
perturbator vocand* vicin fuos SL^CCueSjUtiauee, &
alia hradi ignomi-
nia, necnon communis furator bofci Ita qd verinmile eft murdtu,ho'

micidMites ct difcord' inter vicinos ibideroio dies oriri nifi citius proui*
deatur inde remed ium ad motionc omniu inhabitantiu in villa pred'ac
in malum excmplum omnium aliotu legiojum diii Regis,

An Indiclment againji onefor keefing ofvagabonds ^ ivhores, andidU and

fufpefledperfonSy and eutllrule in his honfe.
IVratores prcnt,quodT.E.dc&c.in domo fua continue rccipit hofpitaf Scft.3 3^
ct fupportat vagabond merctrices et alios diuetfos hoes ociofos fulpecf
&raal conucriationis.Et continue cuftod'maIamregula& guberh
in domo fua ad graue nocum^i t ct perturbation omniu vicinofiuoruai,
ac contra form diucrforu Hat &c.ac contra pacem dec.

An IndiBment for [breaking ofa clofe^ and driuing away of

Cattelom of the Clofe.
qdT.S de &c.die 3c ann &c. vi et armis &c. claufum
IVratof prefent, Scl 34
I. D.apud H.pd fregerunc & intraucrunr & aueria ipfius I.D. adtunc

6c ibid' depafcat' cepcrunt & abinde fugauerunc contf pacem &c.

An IndiUment for Trefpaffefor heading ofa clofe , and eating
of the gra^ewith cat tell,
Nquiratur &c. fiA.B. CD. dc &c. die ct Anno &c; vi Scar-

1 mis Sec. claufum .F. apud W. predid' inco^prcdiA' fregcrnuc

Indidinfients and
5c intrauef
hcrbam fuam adcunc &
ibidem cum quibufdara aucrljs fu-
i>,viz.cquis, vaccis ct bob' depafcat fucf conculcaucf &
conrumpfcr unc
contra paccm&c.

An IndiBmcnt for breaking into a cl^fe, and treading dewne

the grajfe.

$^.341 ^Nquiratur&c.fiA.B. dc&c.dicetAnn&c.vi&arm&c.clufuroD.E.

lapud C.pd in com p d' fregic & intrauit & hcrbam Tuara ibid ad valec*
&c. pcdib' ambuland conculcauic ct confumpfir, Et alia enormia Scc.ad
graus damnum &c. ct contra paccra &c,
An IndtQmcnt for breaking ofa clofe^ and cutting dovene of trees
and vndervoods.
Sca.34* IVraiorcs pfcntant,qd A.B.nupcr dc C.in com &c. die &
ann &c.vi ct
armis ^c. claufum D.E. apud C'^i in ceh pd frcgit ct intrauit, ct ar-

borcs & fubofcos fuos ad valcnc' Scc.ibid' nupcr crcfceh fuccidit et aC-
poriauit ad grauc damnum &c. ac contra paccra d\C\i dhi Rcgij.&c.

An Indi^mtntfor taking ofa Cade of ff rats by extortion, mthoftt

any rearrAnt or caufe Jo to doe.
-"Sca.343- "iNquiratur&c.riVV.B. de&c.talidic&anapud S.pd in comcmptu
* dni Reg' & per cxtorcioh arrcflauic cc abduxit bona ct catall' cuiufda,
T. H.viz.quandacadam,voc* a caDCOffp^atSjad valcnc' Sec. dc bonis ec
catallis ipfi' T'apud S.pd' ad tunc ct ibidem inucnt abfq; warf feu cau-
farationabiliccpicet afporcauitincontempi didi ciii Regis, ac contra
form Hat &c.
An Indiclmentfor not repairing! be pauement of a highway, ivhich
ought tobe repAirea by a bifhop.
5tct.344 JVratofprcfen!; qd pars rcgix VIZ apud S.H com pd in quantitatevi-
ginti pedum iaccn ct cxillen ex oppofito certis terns fiuc tfitis domini
Epifcopi Ceflf ibide eft ruinofa ^p dcteft' reparationis pauiamc ibid' ad
grauc etcomraun'nocuroencpopuli dni reg.Et qd pd'Epus debet faccrc
et reparaf pd pauiarat ex fuis propriis expcnf. et luxi ^01 ro' flat &c.

An IndiUment against the prior ofSaint lohns lerufn-lem and the Mafier of
Scft ^45
^^^ Samy, for (iopping of a common Serrer.
T Vratof prcfentam, ^ d ho Rcgc qd Prior hofpitalis S. lohannis Icru-
falm,ctroagiflcrhorpitalisdcS.iUoy, obftupjnt&quilibeteoruob-
ftupatcurfumaquxOcUcommOR^CioecapudS.pred' incom'pd' qd
debet ct a rcporc quo non cxtat roemoria confucuit habere curfum ct re-
curfumruuatcrf prcd'Prioris vfq*, adtertpdmagiftrihoTpitahsdcSa-
uoy prcd' & ab inde vfq^ ad Tlumefin: Ita qd jp dcfe^u hmdi curfus a-
qu^ ibid'non potcft flucrc ncqjrefluerc fed in tempore pluuiali pred' re-
OflTences. ^
oiatn viam fepe fupcrfluit pro defctii irundadonis eiufdcni^d graue ct

commune nocumentum populi domini Regis &c.

AnlHdi^rentjitudnfi d Bifhop and Churchrva}*der,s,f9r mt repajrvfcf'

,arutHous Ana broken urtdqe,

IVrafprcfentam&c. qd communis pons apudStrond'&c.'adcorui- Sct. 34<J

nofusctconfra^^uscxillicprodcfcdu rcparationiseiufdcm pontisqd
homines per p^ pontcm itinciantes abi'qj magno pcriculo r.6 pofTunc
itcnerarcad graiic et coniunc nociirat popiili dhi rcg'.Ec qd 6'n^ Epus
Ccftfctgardiani ccclefi^ pochialij beatac Mariae virg'deS.pred'ipro
tempore cxiftentcs debent repararc, fuflcntarc et roanutenere,et quiiibcc
coruro pro ptc fua debet repararc/uftcntarc &maniitencrc pred'pontc
ex (uis proprijs cunagljs, ct expend viz. pred Epus ex parte occidcutali
ciufdcmpontis&pref.gardiani ex parte oricntali.

AtiJniiUmentforfiofpin^andencloJtngthc Kings highTvayytith

hedge and ditch,

IVratof pfent, qd A.B.dc &c. (T.die Aprilis &c.vi & armis &c regiam Scl.347
viam apud (5:c. tarn fofTat qua faepi iniufte cbftiipauit ct indufit: Quae
qaidcm via iacet in vico voc' 5cc. et cxtedit fc vfqi rcgiam vi5 apud hof*
pitalemS.Cornelij,itaqdhousneq;pcdtflres,neq',cqueftresp p4 via
pcrtanfirepofTint. Et qd pred* via debet et a tempore quo n9n extat mc-
moriafolebatede communis via quoufq;A.B. ilia in form pred'feciffec
contf paccra &c.ad graue damn et comuh nocumt Icgcof di^i dni reg.

jin IndiEiment for killing of one in his owne defence tak,cn

fupcr vifum corporis*

INquifitiocaptapudD.inccmpred'die&ann&c.coramR.T.vnoco- Sel*345
ronatdirti dni Reg.ui com' pred' dcetfupervifum corporis A. B. dc
C jn com pred* ^icoman, ibid' laccn* intcrfeli ac raortui,ciufd' A.B.p
facramc xij. Qui dicnnt (up facrament fuum qd vbi quidam I.G. nup dc
&c.in com pd l^uftailD/uit in pace dcictdidi dhi Keg' nunc apud C.
prcd' 4, die MaijjAr.fi &c.circ3 hora qiiartam pcft meridiem eiufd* dici
vcnicprcd' A.B. cxmaljtiarua pcognitaet iniplurol.G. adtunc&ibid'
domo cuiufda T.B.in C. pred' vfqjquendaro locum voc'
fulcuro ilium a
&c.in jxJ.Etide r.G.vidcnsipfum A.B.tamalitioicdifpoCc fiigit vfq;
qucd nwru in dift* locovoc B.que muruobmctuffi mortis f*j^ uadef
up pisimt.ficq; ide J.Guinfiliiaiiohvitac ci^ crea pf.A.B. rcunebat ad
Indicflments and
^c^fcn^crgaipfum A.B.& cum quodam cultcllo voc* a iDOit) fenlfe,
prccij &c.qd tunctcnuitinmanibusfuis in defcnfaruacundem A.B. fu-
pcr finiftraro partem capitisfni peicuflTujdandacidcin A.B.tunc ibi-&
dem cjuendam iftum vndc idem A.B.langucbat vfquc horam dccima io
no^cpd diei.quano^cidcraA.B.obijt.Etficideml. G. ipfumA^B
adtunc et ibid' fe dcfcndcndintcrfccit. In cuius rei teftira&c.

An Inqutjition taken before a Coroner ofthe death ofaman which

woijlaineby one Sc dcfcndendoo

Scft.34P DIcuntfuper facramcnffuum,qd accidit dic,anno et hora infrafcripE

apud Weftra infra comet, q^ contentio cxorta fuit inter infranomi-
nat &c verbis conturoeliofis & opprobrijs ex parte ipfius W. motis ; Ita
qd idem VV. vi & armin pred* W. R; tunc ibid infultum fecit, et ipfum
ibid vcrberaultjvulnerauii et iprumintcrfccifTc voluif,fup quo idem W,
R. ab ipfo W. in quaniu potuit fe extraxit et vfq-, quandafeptem ex ptc
borealicuiufdam capi ibid' fugit, vitro qu^ nullo modo euaderc potuir^
et ex ea caufa idem VV.R. vltcn' non potuit fugcrc 'abfqi pericub mor-
tis. Et p<J R.W.c&d W.R.velociter ct furiofc in fcquut' fuit ad ipfum in-

tcrficiendinfultpred'malitiofe continuand". Sup quo idem W. R. pci-

piens fe nullo modo viuuindeeuadere pofTe niii fe melius defender ad

pd* R. W. fe rcucrtebar, & eund R.W.cum baculo infrafcripcfupcr ca-

put fuuro percuffit et dcdit ei plag' infrafcript fcipfum VV.R legitime dc-
fendcnd.vndc idem R.W.inftanterobijt. Et fie idem luratofdicunt qd
pred* W.R. noninterfecitpdR.W. felon ncc ex malitia pcogitat fed
fcipfum defendendvtipfc qui mortem fuam ^priam alias euaderc no-
potuit. Et qd idem W. R. nulla habet bona ncc catalla.

An JndtUmentfor a riotous rejcotts ofcattelly taken'

damm^ge feafant*

S^ft-SS'S.' T Vratoresprcftmantqdcum talidie et Anno&c. legitime fuit

cum pertineh in VV. in com dec. ido
I pofTcfTionaf dc Sx. in manef de H.
R. cildem die & anno apud W.pred in com pdinuchqusedamaue*
ria, videlicet &c. in qtiodam campo continch pereOimationcm 20.

aaaspaftur^, parceirmanerij deC. incom pd ibidem damnum faci*

cntcsqux quidcmaueria fie tunc Sc ibidem damnum facicmes I. R. &
quida T. die & anno (upradi^' nomine dinridionis ad tunc Sc ibidem
ccperuntScvfq>S.incomprcd'fugaucrum, vbi fecundum lege ct con-
fuctudincmregniAngliacinqnodamparco ibid'imparcare voiuifTcnr.
Quidarotamcn T.B.nuperde W.Scc.T. C,&c.aggregatisci$iibi qua-,
^lurib^ alijs raalcfaftoribus ignotis pacis dei Sc dni reg' ptrtu^batorib^'

Oifences, i^y
a Jrnancf& 6cc. modo gucrrino airaJat' vi Scarmis &c.dic& anft fuprad
apudS.pr^d* in p5,I.R.&T. route ctriotofe cepcrunt,& rcfcufferonr,
cofi{ form diuer(. Iht in hmdi cafu nup edit 6cprouif.ac contra pacc^c.

^ Indi^mcntfor maiHtenance in the Common tleas.

IVratorcs prcfcnr. Quod ciiin in ftaf in Parliamcnco dhi Edinuper re- s^Ct.X I
gisAngliactertij apud Wcftraofi, annrcgni fui vicefiiHo tent* cdic
inter cetera cotinctur, qd nulla perfona rcgni Angliac cuiufcuncji ftat'
j^radus feu condiiionis f ueric aliquam
querelam in patria nee in curia
diiiReg. manutcneac feu fuftincat (ub poena iroprifohf &
faciend ditto
dho regifinero&redemptionem ad volunt did dni regis quilibetiuxta
ftatum,graduni&demeritafua,jput in code flat plenius apparct. Qui-
dam tamcnT. D. nupcr dc 8zc. Hat' prcd aut poenam in eodem content
minime ponderans, die et anh &c. quandam querela loquelae quae eft in
curia ditti dni regis ad placita p billam inter quenda M. E- vid' I. F. &
fubuic' &T.P.vic Midd'adquana'atranfgreflioncmeid' M.E pf.I.il-
lat vt dicitur ^p parte prcd M. in curia dift' dni regis manuteh & fuftc-
rauic, & adhuc manutenet & fuftentat in diftac dh^ rcg. nunc contem j
&populi fui grauc daronumi ac contra formam ftatuci Sc ordinationis

^n Indi&:ment againBdiuerSfforvfingaprifoHer inprifenfor fnfpi'

tion offelome very hardly y t hereby to comnellhim to ac-

cufeoneoffelony fafy,

iNquiratur jP dno regcfi I.O dc I.incomitatu &c. W. W. decifdeifl Scft.3 ya

* villa &
cora gpcrcljantjballiui dhi regis villae pred ,R. P.de 5cc.cuftos
gaolac dfii rcg. villac prcd', & I. H. dc &c. fciuiens ad clauem infra bur-
gum jGuclibcrtatemvillae & Anno &c. apudl. prcd'incom'
pred, die
prcd vi et armis Sccqucndam W.T.prifonariuai iri prifona gaolae prcd
pro fufpitione fcloii d^ttnt reeipcruncea intcntionc qd ipfi bona & C2-
calla dm regis fainter& extortiuc SciniufteacquiHc
eundemW. quibusdaro funis Sccordulisp pedes dc tcrf Icuauerunt &
fcorfum per pedes, fcz.pedibTtorfum &
capitedeorfum, pcpenderunt.
& ipfiim p^calem duritiam ficpoeum ad accufandqucndaT. B.Iigeum
dni regis de CO quod ipfefclonucfui^atfiiifletviginti libf ftcrlingof &
tres annuios aurcos d valeric' xx.s. de bonis &: catallis A. C. ad tunc &
ibidem felonicc ardtducruiu^compulcrunr^contra pacem domini regis

jin IndiUment agninFi onf,fer procuring one to commit a BnrgUrie and
robberie in a honfe -.
_ ,

Sc^.3 53 T Vratorcs prefenf, Quod I.W.nuper de L. clericus, dia'&c. tali


I dieetann&c.apudparoch'M.tnagnainfr^fan^uariamibidein war-
-da dc A.Londonimaliciofe&fcloniccabbciuuicetprocurauit P.W.
dc &c.adfelonic frangcnd'etintrand' in domiim VV. Priorishorpi-
talis fan^i lohanis lerufalem in Anglia apud Sainft' lohns Clcrkcnwcl

in pred com Midd' infra pred'horpicalcm pred Prions ibid*, t ibidem

fclonice f urand' capicnd' ex afportand' vnum Ciphum argenteum ct At-
aurac vocat a (oblet prcd Prion's ad valcnc'&c. ct vnam oliara argcn
parcel!* dcaurcac ciufdcmPrioris ad valenc' Sec. alia bona prtd Prio-
ris ibidem exifleh; Quarum quidcm abbcitationis 6c procurationis pr^-

textu prcd R. die &c. vi &

armis &c. domum &
mancioncm diCti Pri-
oris apud &c. infra hofpitalcm prcd in comiE &c. circa horam fecundatn
in aurora 5c antea meridiem ciuld' diei burglariter 5c felonice fregir.>ec
pred Ciphum dc argent deaurat vocat a dDoblct ad valcnc' C.J. (8c prcd
ollam argcnf parcel!' deaurac ad valcnc x.li. ac alia bona eiufdcm Prio-

ns, viz. duo Saltferia deargenf 6c deaurat ad valenc*5cc. de bonis etca-

(allis dil' Priorisadtunc 6c ibidem inuent felonice furaf iuit,cepit ec aC*

portauit, contra pacem 6cc.

An IndiBmentfor Murder andfelony committed within the Verge

by one and hisfernant^ vpen a Serieant at tArmes

Seft.5 54 1 Nquiratur 8cc. S\ A. B. 6c C. D. feruiens prcd A. B. tali die 6c anno

*cxeorummalitiaprecogit4tacinfu[tu6cafFraiap cos praenjeditaf, vi
6c armis 6cc.apud L. pred' in parochia 6cc.infra virgam in quendam W.
P.fcruicntemdni Regis ad arm infultet afFraiam fectruntetipfum W.
P. adtunc 6c ibidem vulncrauerunt, vcrbcraucrunt 6c male tra^auerunt,
6c cum quibufdam gladijs quosinmanibusciusdextris adtunc 6c ibid*
tcnuerunt pref. W. P. adtunc 6c ibidem felonice inierfcccruni ct murdc-
rauctunt^ contra paccm 6cc.

An JndiUment againfi onefor keeping of a common tipling houfe^ that heua

common barrator f and keepeth dtners fufficiotisperfom in kisheufe^ both
men, and yvomen^ andvagabends, drinking^ anifvt>earing,andvfing vnUr-
fullgames :fleepig in the day, and watching in the night, Andfor holding
fan hereticah opinion ofour Sauiour Chr^fis humanttie.

Sca.355 JVratorej6cc.QiK)dA.B.deE.&c. eflcomroun Tiplatof ceruifi2 6c

communis batreftator 6c pacisdni Regis penurbat6cunod' 6croa-
nutene(quotidie6cno^amerin dome fua (apud &c. diuerfas perfonai

. ; OfFencesi 158
fnfpcA' tarn homin'cs'quam inuhcrcs ct vagabond'ibid* blbcntcj,iuran-
tcs, dc luden ad luda illicit, viz. apud cutHZS anO Dice, in noaib'
horis debit 5c Icgitiraas, &
qui vigilanf innoctcet dormin die : ncc-
non habct fidem opmionero contra fidcm dci. Et haec verba dixit in
Anglic3natalidie5canno&cinpr^fentiaA.R.C.D.& aliorum Icgso-
nim dicf dhi Regis: (HJoD ntUZt tofee fiefl^noj blout of OUcilaO? in ma-
lam cxcrapluro & magnum nocuracncum omnium alioru ligcorum dic-
ti domini Regis coron &
digmtaf fuas.

u4n Jnqutption taken before a Cor onerfinding that R.H. was romng in a Boat
vpon the Ritter of Setterne, and {uddenly feH out of the Boate^ andfo
was drorrned,

INquifitioindentatcapfapudWorccftcr in comitatprcdprimo die SeCt.^s^

Augufti, anno regni cxccUcntiflimc principiffe Mariae primo &c. co-
ram G.H. gen vno coronat diftac dominae Rcginae comitatii prcdicf
adinquircndqaalitcr&qnomodoquidam Richardus Hochecks in
comitatupred'i)ufljanl5manjadtunc&: ibidem iacch mortu', ad fuam
mortem dcuenitperfacramcntumproborum ctlegalium hvominnra vil-
las dcW. prcd' cttrium aliarumvillat propinquarum, videlicet N. B.

&D. fciiicet per Sacramentum R.L. &c. Q^ii dicunt quodita acci-
dit apud W. prcdift' in comitatu predict xxx. die luli j anno fupradido
quod pracd R. H. fuit reniigrans in Lintro voca a ^oatC, fupcr a-
quara Sabrinae & prxd R. H. ex infortunio
in remigrationc praed*
repentc ceciditdccodcminaquampracd, et raerfusfuit. Ecficdicunc
quod idem R. H. ad mortem fuam deuenic & non aliter, nee alio mode,
Er quod prcd' Lintrum attachiatum eft eo quod fuit caufa feu occafio
mortis fuacetappreciatur ad 4. folid4.denaf,etremanctin cuftod' W.
H. In cuius rei teftimonium tan) figilla pr^d' lurat quam figillum pracd
Corona! huic praefent Inquifitioni indcmat fuit appenf. dat* die ec ana

An Indi^ment of mnrder of one mantak^n before the Cor oner^ againfi one
that committedthe mttrder^ and two that were prefent, maintaimng pro-
curing and aiding him tn the doing thereof.

INquifitioindentat'capt'apudW. in comitatu pred' fecundo die &c. StCt.l^y

Anno &c, coram G. H. gencrof. vno Coronatorum dictae dominae
Rcginaecomitat'pracd'fupervifumcotporis cuiufdam R. D- apudVV.
felonicc imerfecd adcunc &
ibidem mortui iaceh- per facramentum
proboruni &Icgahum hominum de W. praedic' et trium aliarum viU
lat' propinqiuarum , videlicet 5cc. ad inquirtnd' qualitcr & quomodo
prcd' R. D. ad mortem fuatn dcucnir; videlicet per racramenturii &&
Qui dicuntfnp facramemutTifuuin pcrprxdi^* A-B.C prolocutorcsc-
orum, quod vbi prardic* R. D. fuit in in paccdci& diftae Rc- domW
ffinsE in rc<yia via ambulans inter Caftrum Puldcrbach & Wrintnal in
com pred' 2o.dic Augufti, Anno foprad' circa horara fcptima poft iiic-
ridieni eiutdcm diei, vbi vcnit R. A. dc W. pracd* in comitat' pd%ab0U*
ttt, vt f elo didae dominae Reg. contra pacem ciufdem dnx Reginae co-
ron & dio-nitat fuaj die,ann,hora & loco pd'^x malitia et malo propofit
fuoprccogitat'ininfidijsiacuit, eaintenc'ad roiirdand*& interficiend*
prefai' R. D. acinpref.R. tunc &
ibid' infult' fecit, &
cund' R.cum^uo-
dambaculovocat'aptheiJllaffCjprecij&c.quemin raanibusfuis tenuic
(ijper occiput eapkis fui felonice pcrcuflit dans ci plagam raotal': de qua
quidcmplaga mortar idem R.. a pred* 2 o. die Aug. ann fupradift' vfq-,
lecund'dicm Sept. tuncproximefequeiilanguebat& moricbac'. EtfiQ
die qd pred* Rowland' prcfaE R,D. adtunc & ibid* voluntaf feloni- &
ce my rdrauit & intcrfecit, & quod habuit in bonis nihil d icuntquc in-

fupcr, Quod quid* R, A.dc W, in comitatu pd l^ufbaitDman,! .W.dc

W. pd com pd ya^tttt^tt) dic>anno,hora & loco pred' perfonaliter in-
tereiiencmanutenentes procurantcs &
auxiliantcs pF. Row.A.adfelo-
nium&murdrii felon in forma pd ppetrandctperficicnd, Etqdpd*
H. A. habuit in bonis ct catallisad valenc.&c. ct remanent in mambus
A.A.vxGfcius,& quod pred' T. W. nihil habuit in bonis ct catallisad

j4n Inattijttio taken befors a Coroner^ finding that JV, V. hvnged

himjelfe, wa wood in his girdle,

Seft.358 TNquifitio indentatcapf apud A.in com pred die &

anno 5cc.cor5 G.
H. gen vno corona! diftaedominacRcginac comitat prcdicf (up vi-
*'fumcorpofcuiufda W. V.adtunc& ibidem mortui iaccfipcr lacra-
mentumproborumetlegalium hominnm villatde A.prcd' ettrium
aliaiuvillafpropinquaru,vz.W.H.&M.ad inquired' qualiteretquo-
roodo idem W. ad mortem fuam deuenit, viz per Sacramcntu 6cc.Qui
triat,clcl*,onerat et iurac ad veritat'depremiflis dicend'per pd A.B.C.
eorum prolocutores, diaintfupereorum facraifit,quod{prcdift*W.V.

XX. die &:c. anno fupradifto in quodam bofco iuxta Ailon predicE
vocaf ipano^S iDOOtl) circa horam quartam pofl meridiem ciufdem di-
cifelonicc, vifelodiOac dnae Reg. die,anh,hora etlocopr^dift' Dc
umpraeoculis non habens fed infligatiohdiabolica fedu^* cum qua-
darn zona curreo vocaE a Utl)etne gttOle? precij &:c. fefufpenditjin-
tcrfecit 6c murdrauit. t lie dicunr, quod prxdiOus W. ad mor-

tem fuam dcucnit^ non aliur, &

primi Jnuencorcscius fncmnc T. V.
J Oflfences. t^g^
2c I.W.pleg' cor I.H.&T.H.cof Iuftic*itincf cum ad partes illas vencf,
cthabuitinboni$ae!valcnc'7.1i.5.s.8.d. viz.inmanib'T.V.dcA.prc^
&c. (i.i. 8.d. in roanib^ R.M.&c i o.s.&c. lu cuius &c.

An hijfiifition taken before a Coroner y finding that one vcasTnur^

dred vpott a heath hj one vnknojvnf,

INquifitioindcntatcapf apud W.in com prcd dlc& anh &c.cora G. Scft.j 5p

H. vno coronat diftac dominx Rnae com prcd' fup vifum corpof cu-
iufdaN.H.alitincomCcftfapud^;aC0S.fjeatl^jinfra diiium dc W.
in com p^ felon interfeft' adtunc &
ibidem mortui iaccfi per facrao
mentum proborum cc legalium hominum villa! dcW.pred' actrium
aliaiu villac propinquaru,viz.&c.ad inquired' qualitcr ct quoraodo pd
N. ad mortem fuamdcucnit^viz.pervSacramentu&c. Qi.ii clcfl*,iurat cc

oncraf per pdA.&B.corumproiocutoresdicunt: Quod vbi prcd'N.

fuitin pace dei, cc diftxdh^ rcg. apud g^eeig ii^eatl) predin com pre^.
die ec anh fupradi^l' circa horamcerti^pofl meridiem eiufdem diei ibi
tunc venic quidam homo adhuc ignotus/elonice vt fcio ciufd' dnx Reg.
per regiam viam ibid' ex malicia cc malo propoHco fuo pcogitsc in inu*
dijs iacuic cc in pfa N. adtunc & ibid' infultii fecir,ac cum quodam ba~
culo voca a 'ptket) at^fSt, preci; &c. quem ipfe adtunc cc ibide in mani-
bus fuis ccnuit, pf.N.fup vertic' capitis fui felon percuflic dans ci plagam
motal' vnde cecidit ad cerram : ratione cuius idem N. a pte^ die^anno cc
hora langucbac vfquc 24.dicm Sec. cunc prox' fequcrt,& fie tunc & ibid
de pr9d' plaga mortali moricbatur.

An IndiSiment before the Coronerfor killing and robbing of one by the high
T!s>ay,andfipngthereufon,anda tovpne amerc-ed for net reprehending the

1Nquifitioindentatcap!apudB.incoin. pd* in quoda loco ibid' voc* Scft.3^0

1 LalDleflreccotrC3 4.dccem6fanh&c.coram W. W.gcfi,vno Coronat
diQx dh;e Reginx com pd fup vifum corporis cuiufda I.W. nupcr de
L.&c. adtunc cc ibid' iaccn mortui per facraihtbonof (Sckgahuhoiura
villa! dsBa)'ldaspd,&triunialiaruvillatpropinquaru,viz.(5cc. ad iu-
quirand qualiccr ec quomodo pred' I.W.ad mortem fuamdeucnit,viz,
pcrfacrament&c.quidicuntfijpcrfacramcnffuuropcr A.B. C. prolo-
cucorcs, qd vbi pd I.W. 2. die (?cc, anh fupradifto fuit in pace dci di- &
(Xx dhx Reg'equitans inter viii'dcWenlockmagna^&Buyldas mag-
na pd' in com pred'j fie accidie circa horamvndccimam ance meridiem
ciuid dici' Qd quidam T.L. nuper dc H.in com' predict ^CCUUTgmarr?
deuro prx occulis non habcns
cc male ^.ppofitis fuisprecogic

Imdicflmeiits and
incomprcd* ininfidijs I'acuir.Ea Intcnfioncad'
inurdrand I,W. Ac pdT.L. ex predict malitra fua
ct incrficied'prcf.

precogitat,vi &
armis &c. in prcfat L W. adcunc ibid* inrulcin fecit,
etipruml.W.abcquofuofupcjiicmidcmlo. cunccquitauic interram
deicciv & collum ipiius lohannis adcunc et ibid, vi ct manuforci totiic &
frcgit vndc idem I.W. adcunc die, anh, hora& loco fuprad' (vc prxdU
ciur)volimtaf&, felon niurdcrauicecintcrfccit: Etvlccn' dicunc lura-
tore pd quod prxfac T. L. immediate poft felon &
rourdrun) predi A'
in form' pred' pcrpctrat adiunc & ibid vnam crumcnam Coriaro precjj
4.d. 8c 4D.S. in nummisjiumeratis in diClacrumena tunc exin^n de bo-
nis Sc cataiii^ipHus lo.dum vixic adtuncSc ibid a corporeipfius I. felon
ccpit. Et fup indc T. L. per defectum &
negligenciam inhabitanc vil-
lat dciBtiy Idas pred' fugam fc^it tunc minimc reprchenfuscxiftcnpro
inurdroetfcloniopredi^'. Idcoamerciaturprcd'villat dc B pred. ad
C. s. pro hmdi efcap fecundam formam flatu in huiufmodi cafu cdi dc
preuifi. Ecdicunt ctiamlurarprxdift fuperfacramcnC, quod predift'
T.L. prcdift* fecund* die Sepccmb. anno fuprad'feu vnqua poftca nulla
habuit bona ncquccatcalla terras nee tencmcnta in comitat prcdi^*. In
cuius dec,

Aninqmjition before a Coroner, where it is found tbat4Wom4n

killed herfelfe vnith aknife

St(kA6l TNquifitio indentalcapf apud A. in com pred dle& ann &:c. cora f.
A. vno Coronat eiufdcro doraini Regis fup vifumeorpof K. vxof
'G.vS.adtunc& ibidem morcui iacch per facramcntuoi proborum ec
Icgalium hominura de A. pred* et triuro villaf propinquaru, viz. &c.
ad inquired' qualiteret quoroodo eadcm X. ad mortem (uam deuenic^
viz.pcrSacramenm&c. Qiiielcft*,iuraf cctriaiad vcritatcm indc di
ccnd Vpcr pred ift' A.B.eorum prolocutof dicunt fuper facramcnt fuuro.
Quod prcd'K. deum nonhabcni prac occulisfuisfedinftignioncdia-
boiicafeduc! die &c. anno &c. apudW. in Cora* pred cumquodam
cultcllo prcc!) j.denaf fcipfam fclofi pcrcuflTtr dextra parte gutturisfux
ad profunditaitm dec cpolliciunivnde cade K. iangucbatab eodem die
vfqueaddicm>^c. extunc proxim*lequen! &
moriebatur. Etficdicuc
qd cademK.ad mortem fuam deuenicet non aliter, etnihilhabuit in bo*
4iis. in cuius rcitcdimoniuui dec.

Offences. i6o

An tnii^ment of one in Londonfor coufenmgof Clothiers*

IVratorcs pro dha Rcgina prefencant,^ S.S.nupcr dc Londoh tnerca-
corfcidor eil pcifona valde niali nominis, fam^ & cSuerfaif inhoncd^
cooimunis dcceptor &
dcfraudatorfubdicorucn di(\' dhx Kegin^, c c^
IpfQ ^o.dte6cc.anno&c.30.apud London,viz.inparochiaS.Laurcnc^
in veteri ludaiftno in warda de Chcape London pd 6c diiicrHs ali js lo^
CIS & dicbus infra Ciuicaccm pd cam antca quani poHca, qtiend Radul-
phum Wyac dc Ciuicatc Wigorfi Clotljiei;, multos alios fidelcs fub- ^'^^V--
dicos di^' An^ Reginx deccpic &
dcfraudauit,& per fraudem aOiicia,
ScdcceptionctD, Angliccb^COfcnagC^diuerfos panno lancoj, vocaf
)15^oaD?Cloatt)e0, tam dc pd Radulpho Wyac qua dc diuerfisalijs dift*
dhae Regies fubditidperquiliuiCjhabuit&prccepir, in pauperationcm
fubditorum di^t'dh; Rcg^? nunc,&in contemptum difV'dne Regin?
& in peflTitnum ac pcrniciollnimum excmpltim omnium alicfljgeorum
fabditorum ditV dhx Reginz in hifidi ca(a delinqucn' ,. 6c conf pacem
dil' dhx RegiaatfCoronam 6c dignicatcoi fuas: Nccnon coiitformam
(latuciin hmdi calu cdiu ScprouiH.
Gonfordatcum Rccordo,

^nlHaUElment a^ainfi WMam Hjicketfbrtreafonandconffiraeiet vi^.for

fra^ijing the depriuation of the ^eeney andfor trait erow v^ords agawfi
hertaadfor defacing of her armeSf&c. Tranflated into Engltjh out of the
verie Indi^ment itfelfe

Tli^e tljat^.^acfectlafeof
Blucie Dee p^efenf fo?fl)c aP^ueene,
laDnnoel tn
tfie Countte of ^o:tl)aniptcti ^0oman,as( a falfe tcai^
to; agamlt t^e meH excellent anD C^;taian^^tiue(re,oiit: ^ctiemm
iLao^ <xMy \\% natucall anD ^oueratgneS.iegc ilaD^ , !iauing not \\^z
izdxz of (JDoD inljis t)cact,no; idgl)tng jjis uucallcgcancc;, \i\xt feDu<

ceD bi^ t^e mlitgatton of maltctoud^ anotcatteccun^ com^

ti)o Diuell ,

{lalTtng^tmaginttig, Beutfing ano tntenDuig tije Dcp;tuatton ant) cepo^

fins of oat: faio ^oueratgn HaDr CEIijXcom \^zi ^ou j? ano covallnams
of tIjeSlmpctUiUCcoVuncaf tljisi^ealmeof CiEnglancontljc 2 i^oai?
of 3Iul^,mt!)e 3 :.i?earcof t^ccaigneijf ouj; ^oueraigneiaDl^(^li^
nolu iil.of englaitD,atiloat!on, t^at is to fa^?,mti)e ]9an!^of ^aint
^^ii5cg!,int!)eMlat5or jfaruigtsoncjcttallonocn, anDOiuers otljec
tait3anotime0betvui);tt{je 1 24jfiFcb^uarJ3laIlpat,auDtt)e 2 5.Da^
of Jultiin tlje faio 3 1. veare of J)ec iipa. j:aigrje,ra IbeUtntlie |dan(

a*U) ^ElatD afojeiaiD^ascrlfeUiljercmiLor.tJon ifOieiaiD ,. of t)is otone

^XMi\% aao tmttetaug muioe-ano unagmatioi;i,maUtwu6E,eKP>ert^

^I3uirctjl^,liiccctl?,anu fcaitecoufl)^ in tljcp^efcnce anu Ijeattng offuiti^
DJ'efaitljfuU fubtccts of out faiD ^oucratgne Haoicttjcrcfalfc nralitt^

cus anti traiterous (il;ngltfl)tx3C.:DiS foUotomg, conccting ourfaiofCM

iieramtTclUD^t^cfiuecnc5^aie(lie,falfl^, malitiouavj acuifeolr,
erp:eflv,Ditectl^ anotraitecoua? faiD,cc|)carfe5,publtll^eD,anD fpofee,
^7<.'a;t)at tl)c ^U0enc5 ^mVtic ( meaning tl)crfev^ one faiD fouecatgn
^mnt\i^3\3ttff) did r'cp.:efentaUi^l?pon:t(iej anD IjaD fo^feitco |)ec
Ci:otne,anD tuas Vuo jtljr to be Dcp;iucD, anD t^at Ije IjaD been of tf at
opinion t^cfc 4 r^arcs, anD tfjatljcDcfaceDljct: 0cmcs in i!iaic0 Ijoufe
t|)erebv meaning tl)el;ourc of one Kaipjj toaies, fituate anD being in
5anig!)t-riDcc- ftceet, in tl)e '^atiti) of faint (E5;egojie neece paules, in
tljeMatD of ^arnarDsf caKlell.to ta!tcatua\? l)erli?|)0le pofeec of Ijec
autl)a.:it^,anD luais mcneD t|jcicunto hi ti)C ^pidt, i tljat l;c neit^ec
tuais,no; is fo;jic tljerefo^e to tlje gcaat fcanDall anD Derogation of tlje
perfonanDroialt^ of one faiD foueraigne JlaD^ tlje Ilu.anD to tl^e fub^
ueclion oftljeftate of tljis cealme of (il^ngU, anD contcacieto tl)c fo^me
ofaftatuteint^is cafe maDe anD p^ouiDeo, anD alfo againft tlje peace
of out faiD ^ouecaigneliaDpjl^ecCcolDne anD Dignitieis f c

jimther IndiSlment againU thefaidW. Hacket.forfraBiJing the defpojiti"

4>n and death of the ^ueene^forflirringfeditisn in the realmCy for rafmg of

the ^ueenes Armes^ and herfiSiareiatidfor thrufling an Iron inftrument

into that tart ofthepSinrethat reprefentedthe hreaB &
heart ofthe ^H.
and that he treaPed with two othersfor the bringing topajfe oftheir purpo
fes, ^ndfortraiterousrvordsvtteredagainfi the^^eene^ tranjlated in^

to Englifh out ofthe very IndiElment itfelfe,

Se^iS 6$ T^^c 3!uric pjcfent fc? tlje ^\x. JCljat M.l^atfect late of ;unDel in
I'tljcCoant^of j]io;ttl)l)amptontonian,a0afalfe traitor agninft
tl^emoft excellent anD C^nftian p,:inccire,our ^ouecaigneilaDp ^\i*
fabet I) b| t^e gcace of dDoD of C!;nglanD fc.ljauing not i^t feaie of (l]3oD
in|)i5l)eatt,no^tDeig!)ingl)ij3iDucaUeagiance,butfeDMceD bp ttjeinif
ligation of t!)e Deun,anD intenDing Ujljoll^ to titl)D?afe,put out,anD
):tingui(b tlje tjeautie loue,anD t}^ttmt^% Due obcDience, tij!)icf) a true
anD faitljfuU fubiect of tljc ^u.iljoulD bear0,anD bi? tfjelaUi \b bonnD
to beace toUiarD0 our faiD ^oucraigne 3laDt? tlje ^:u %\^tttVc Dap of
3!ul^in tf)e 5 3 \ierc of ttjeraigne of tt)c faiD i\x* at JlonDon in tljepa^
ril^ of &.(2>;5ego;^ nace paule0,in tIjelaarD of Caftlc^a^narD ILon^

4^Don,falflr5malitiouflT?,anD traitetoufl? intenDcD, imagincD, Uient a^

boat, anD comp^lIcD tlje faiD ^nkwz Ijis foueraigne anD natural liege
3UDt,notonelti ftomljer HoiaUlIatej tide, potuer, anDgouerncment
of tf)isKealmeof (;^ngUmD;> ttterl^to Dcp^iue^ oefpofe, call Dolune
Offences. i^i
attDlrt(%erit^,fetairdtob;imgaiiDputt|iefat5 ^nkm& ^aidheta
uaat^ ant) finall (ettcnctton and feDttton ttt ttjc fatD tealme of CngtrntD
to caife tjp^leuiCjanD mafee,anD alfo tuljoUi? to fubucct ano oeftco^ t^e
llate of t^is tol^olc Common- iuealtt), being in ano t^^ougfjout eucrtc
patt tf^ercoftoeUcor.aitutco ano o;oercD : lino to t!)e intent \}C migl^t
fiJlfilt ant) b;tns to paflfe tt)ore 1)10 afo^efaiD tt:a^terou0 put:pefe0, ima^

gtnattsnd, compatKngsj, anti cntcnts : S^lje fato MtUtam ^acfect

aftertDaco,t|)at is to fa^, ttje ficll oa? of 31ulp, in t^t vm^,^eaii of tijc
cetgneoft^ei^ueenes^aicllietfjatnotDis, otocometot^e manSott
^oufe of one Ralph Kaies, fcituatc ano being in liinia^t-ciDei: ^trnte^
<nt^raiopartfl^of$^.<;ego^iesiHtl)eli3ari)afo?efaio,ano t^en an$
f^BttmalidouU^^mtlW^^mfi tcartccouOTitareu anD jjcfateD tIjc
^cmefiof tf)e ^umts mmit^,t^tn ano tfiere in t^e faio ^oufe being,
lott^ tf^ifi intent^raitetoufi^ to ta^e aU)aV:>put Dottme ano ouectJ^^^olo
tJ^potoetanDantijo^rtteof tl[)efaiD i^ueene : ;^no tl)at t^e faio WHil*
liam ^atU^^o; fuct^c accompii(^tng ano efTtcting of fiie faio tca^te^
tO80ptttpore0,tmagtnationS)Compaaring0,ant) entente tj^e faioficlt
Wi of 3iulp,in t^t faio rrntl.^cteof fjec apaiellies reigne, in t^c I)oufe
0ftl)efaio Ralph KaicsJntuateintfje pacific anoioaco afo^efato, Dio
tra^tecouQi? ca^e a cectaine picture of t^e ^n^nes ^mfiics^ tffcn
ant) tt)ece in t|ie faio I)oufe ItheUiife being : 0nt) t^tn ano t^ece oio nta^
lifioufl^anotra^tecoufl^putin anc t^mftm n^n infttument into
t^nt pact of t^e faio pitfuce, ttjat oio tep^efent tlie b^^eat i tieact of tf^e
^mnzs^mttit* janoaftertt)ai:o,t|)atifto fatjontfjertj. oa^ of
3lul^ in tlje xxxiif*v^te of tf)e caigne of tljc ^ukntB q^aiettr t^at noto
t0, ti|efaiOMtUiam^ack^t tcartecouOr came to t^e fjoiife of one
31o|n Malfeec, fcituateano being in t^e pahfl^ of ^
, q^act ^ommer^

fet,intl)etoad)of illucenefjitfie in Honoon afo^efaio, totttj cntent

tca^tecouC^ to confetceano treat tuit^ one (i!;OmonoCoppingec(E5en#
tleman,ano ^ent? actljington <!E5entIeman,concccninglji0ti:a^ti:oufi
pucpofe0,imagination0)Compafiring(, ano intents afo;^efaio :3no t^t
tl)efaioafl;iUiam^ackitaftettuaro,t^ati0tofaront!)e rtj;. oa^ of
3iHl^,in tl)e rrFi^^Tctcofftjeceigneof t||eiu,qpaiemetljatnolDi0,
at Honoon afe;iefaiointl)e ^oufe of tjje faio 3iof)n Malfeecin tlje afo;c?
faiopatil^of^$^ai:^^ommecrctint[)e faio toatoofjSiuccneljittiiii
lionoon, of i)i0 olun peruecfe f tca^tetous mino ano imaginatien,ma^
Utioufli?5aouircolV5erp;efl^ t ttai^tecouGi', oio treate t Ijao conlfecence
ioitt)tl)0faioC9mono Coppinger, ano i^ent:^;actl)ington,by?lDl)3t
toaif 0jmean5^no manec;,t(j!? fai&tcatteccus pucpofesjimagination^,
xompallinga intents migt)f beaccompW^eo i bjougljt to paflfe. j^no
tf)etet)ponKaitnrt)f.oaT? of 3liriP)intl)efaio wnii^vete^tn f faiofjoufc
ef 3?ol)nMaltoafo;efaio> fcituateano being in t|)e faio j^m^ of ^*
^ ^arg

of tt)C
fciTf e^sntJtic^^cing tm
Dmont) Ceppingec, $ ^cut^ artljing*
ton,bcingt{)CJianDtbci;emtt)c(inti!)oufc,t|)C faiD l^acUct ttjefe falfc
tcaiitcrous CngliOjluo^Dsi foUotuingofouc faio^oucraignc SI.

zabeth/alfel^,nIaHdollll^5atilu^eDll^cvp.2cfl)^ Dirertl^ aiiD ttaptecouf^

It faio,reljcarfeD,pubUr^ei3
ano fpoUe,vizXi)at tljc ^uccneg epaicfi:^
(meaning our faiD fouecaigneitaov iSXmm
Elizabeth) IjaD fo^fcitcD
t)ecCi;oUmc,anDUia0iD9^tl)i?tobcDep?iueD0nli ttiat fucttiecmo^e,

t\)Z faio (KlliUiaui l)atUt tljcre tjpon tl)c faio x^U ua^ of 3!ulis in tlje
faiO):)C)^i9Teate,intl)0raiDl)oure0f3io]^n (Elalkccfcituatc in tljepa^

ril^ of ^.Spacr ^omecfets, in ttjefaic toacD of ^ueencl)itf) ilonoon,

utalicioufli! anu f cai^tecoufli uioueu ano liicreD tip tlje faiu Comonu

CoppingecanD i^cntv^rttjingtonjtcatooufli? ano opejilv f o oeclaco

ano publift) in iunuon afo^efaict^af tlfc 'Huitnts q^aicftie tljat notxi
i5,{)aD fo^feiteD \)zt Ci;clone,to f |)c gceat offence anti jiecogation of t^c
et:fonoftl)c^ucene0ypai^ttie,anotot^e fubnecliort of tl;e Hate of
tljisJ^calmcofCnglani^nDcontcadetotljep^ceajf our faio^oue^
raigne JLaDVj^^c <Cvoiuneanu uignitieSjf c

j4fi InMUmeHt ofjiecufancie irpdn the Statute oft, and

23. Elizab.
../'. i.

1 Margarctx in Wcflm in com Midd armig', Qm

xx..dic Septcmbaii;
Anno rcgni Reg Eliz.&cquadragcfirao pnmo fuit arratis fcxdcccmah^
Dorura& vltra non acccffic Anglicc tiiD not repaire Ecclcfi^ fu^ paro-
chialidcparochiaS.Margarciae in Wcflm pd in coi!iMiddpr^d,ncc
alicui alia? Ecckfic, capcllae aut-vfuali loco coramunis pjccatjonisixcc
ibidem fuit tempore comnauhprccationis ad aliqyod rcnipus infra-fex
menfcs proxifiifcqucnC praed XX. diem Sept<mbV anno xlj. fuprad, fed
abft inuit ab cifdera Anglice l)at^ fe jbo;ine tfje fame,a pr cd xx.dic Sep-
tcmb*,anno xlj/uprad, p pra^d fpacium pdfex mcnfiura cxtunc iJxifn
fcqaen! conttcnorcm cuiufdara natutiapqd Wcflm in com'Midd^ann
rc^^nidiflx dnac Reg nuncprimo, jpvniformitarcomraunis ^catrdniJ,
ac cont forma rtacut anno rcgni diftac dnaereg' nunc 2 j.in hmdi cafu x-
di! ct jpaif.in diitae dhz Reg 'nunc &
legu fuaf contempt manifcftum,
necnon contra paccmdi^.TdhacReg*nunccOfon&dignita!fua$5cc.
Mcraorand,fl)at t!)ecoui:fei5, fl)at i\)z pactie inoicteDmullap?
peate in p;jop$tpecfon,anopleaorto<ljc3ntitctment. t>


Apleato the IndiBmentttexthefore,

ETjprxdiA* I . S. in propria perfona fua vcnit 6c dcfcndit totum &

qqicquid contra pace & in comemptu Dominac Reginx nunc aut
Offences. i6z
Icgumfuarum fuperius fieri quod inditament
fuppofit*. Ec protcftan3
pratdWerr.cuQiexhibifmiRusrufficichinlegc txiftic ad quod nccelTe
no habctncc per legem tcrraetCDCturrcfpondcrc: Pro placito tamea
idem I.S. vlterius dick quod dc praed'non accellu alicuiEccIcfi^ capcl-
I^aucvfualilocacomraunisprecationisautde abftencione inde contra
forrnam (latuti pred' in indilanieDt pra^d figniHcac vel dealiqaa alia
trangrcflionofFcnf.autconteitip! in indiAamcnc pred fuperius fyppo-
nc',quod ipfcin millo cd inde culpabilis. t de hoc ponit fe fupcr patri-
ana &c. Ec Henricus Fcrmor gencf qui jp dotnioa Rcgina in hac parte
Tcquitur (imiliC. Ideo veh inde luf 6cc.

Tki Venire facias fir the retmming of a lurie, to trie the CAttfe be

tvtixt the ^tueene and the fartie indiSieii,

ELizabech Dei gratia Ang]i3C,Pranci^,& Hiberniar llegina,fidi

dcfcnbr^cc.vic'Middralutcm: Pr^cipimus tibi quod nooomic-
las propter aliquamlibertatem in BaUiuatuaqoinYcniie facia$.coram

N.M. raaiore ciuttat' noftrac London, et foci js fuis luHiciari js noOris ad

goalam noflram de Newgate de prifonarijs in eadem eiftch dcliberand
a(righapud3|ulltceI)aU tnUotDe^a\)It0,dic veneris (cilicct xiij.die
luniiproxii^futuf adhoramprimampod meridiem eiuCdem dici vi-
ginti&quatuorlibcro$& legale homines de vifnet'S. Margarctx in
Weflra in comitatu noftro Middlefexi^ : ad recogh fupcr Sacramentu
fuum, fi T. S. dc Parochia S. Margaretac in Weft ra in Com Midd* gen
culpabilis (it dc quadam tranfgrefnone et contemptu vnde idem I.S. in-
di^acus exiftic,nccne &c. c habeas ibi tunc nominalura! prxd* ct hoc
breue. Tcftc pr^fat' N.M. Maiore pd* apud 3(ufticc |all pd', fcptirao
die Maij, Anno rcgni noHri quadragefimo fccundo.

Executio iftius praccepc' pacec in quodampancllo huic przcepc'


r ^5 Roger* Gierke ? .

Refponf.'^HumphrcdWclde 5" ^^'-

A JttdiSiment of Bftrg/ariei'and fir hanghg vp the good ma of the houfe

hj the thumbs i vfon a. beame with pot- hookeSf andfor binding with cordes
the goodman of the honfe Andhiiwife^^and ftr taking out of a chefi ffte
fotinds in money,

TVraf pracfentanr,^G.C.nupcrdeM.inCora Ceftrlac&alijignon ScA3rf7

xvj.dic M,arti),Aiuio rcgni EdvvardifcxtiDci gratia Anglise.&c,
2 X quinco
quimocircalioramvndecinianiionofleciurdemdiei apud A. in com
C.domumcuiufdamR.W. vi & arrais, viz. baculis gladijs & dagarijs
buroIaritcracfelonicefregerunc&imraueruDtjHa intentione ad ipoli-
and& dcpredandumprajdia' R.W. et in praedia'R.W.ac R.W.fili-
Hm fuum & loh.vxof eiu s adtunc ct ibidem infulcum fcccrunt, & ipfum
K.W.cumquodaminftrusnciuovocar pot-|)00liej3,polliccs ipfius R.
W.Cupcr trabcm,vocat* a beam? jdoinus pracdift* ipfum adtunc ibid* &
fufpcnditur&pracdift'R.W.&Ioh.vxor'cius cum cordis ligaucrunc
Si loo.s. in pecunijs numcrac* in quodam cido contenE dc bonis ec ca-
tallis pr^didl' R.W. adtunc & ibidem inucnt* fclonicc ceperunt,af>
ponaucrunt, 6c fpoliauerunt, vi & armis, ac contra pacem di&i
Domini Regis, ac contra formam ftatuti in huiufmodi cafu aeciit'&

(tAn orderto bee ohferued in the rlghp
framing of Indidments.

^ .
r\^^** tliepecfwt tmtl) '^is name, fiicitame,at>uittoii^f t^e totune,
v/ CounttejaittjanDHDegca.
Qjiand. ^Quando, %}^B Da^ anu r eece.
vbi, Vbi, SD^0 ^lac0,2Cokne,anD Counttc
Quiu QiHd,2i:i)0ti[)tngtaken,t|ecolout,t]^emarke,f^ep^iaitiiljaltte,
Cuius, %!)eotJunec of tl^efljing, anutu^ofe it toaiJ.
o *
^ Quomodo, %\}z manner of t|ie 5oing,ano ^oto.
intn% toljul) i0 comp;ifeo in t^n twr^D (Fclonicc.)
QuLT Qi?*"

:{ ?n:lii oi .

-^ SYMB-
: .

Of Compromife and Arbitrements*
<tA Qompromife defined.
Comp;omife oj ^ubmt(Iu)n,Arbitrium, Gom^aMf- Scft.i
rutn.Subfnifsiojt^ t^ fcultteo; potutc Of p;;onouti#
ctng^entenc^ botto^nepecfons at contt;oitetfie,jst#
\xm to aubtttato^s; bi? ttre pacttes mutuall patuatxon^
fienMottf^out pttbl(!^0aut^o^ttte>8d.4.2.
(^omfromife dtuided.
EtEecteComp.:omtrct( gmeiaUo^rpectall, Dyer 217. placif 6. 4. Sed.2,
Comfromife generall
A6enet;aUComp^omifeu( ofaUquacel^^atttons efecutions^imo Sta. 3*
Comfromifg ^pecia/L

A ^pcm\lom}^Zomi(t is tamzMmiMQntocttKCfltxi^ii^ is not ScA.

Ti) genC'jall^s U;ben it 10 of cei:ti^utemattet:8,factje;,o^ things one^
if ,a0 cfti:e palle,o^ or all actions of tiefpaffc, 0; of a plaint 0; oebt^ oi

Parts ofludgements,
A&ofeucrtectl)ei:iuD0ejt!citt,*oofiui)gcmeitts to^icl) gtotucb]? Sea.5.
comp.:omtfe,t^ei:e acettoo pact0,t^0 pecfons^ano tj^e queltion*
T*trfons tn idgements

P^cfons tegatDeo in Compromife, ace tlie ftriuing parties, Scft. tf


P erfens flriuittg,
patties adningbetlje^jbcttoane to^omtllje contcoueriieoc^ 5ct, y.
T!^c pcn^etl),aiiDt^ic]^ comp;^omife tbe famc,Dycr 2 1 7,4.Eliz

A^Dtbei?muffbetloatt^eleat,namel^ tl)eplatnfife, anot^e Sca.S*

Defenoant,of U)t)icf) fomettmc t^cr e be tloo>o; mo^e ofa fioe*

ja^e l[3laintife 15 Ije toljicljmouetl) tire queltion

jr!)0 2)i;fehUsnt is 1)0 againft iD^om ti)0 queffion 10 moueo.
fVhat perfom may Comfromijc^and what mt,

\ ElpccfoKsbot^malcanttfemde mar tomp?owife> butXatJi) a sca.9;

\ai p JolJibHei b^ natuwjo; b? lato.
. ir^C" ui Jf 3 Impediments
C mpr omife and
Impediments to compromit,

j3mmD^anDfomet!)^ougf)Defettof tljeboDic. ^ -^
ImpeMfJtehts mmmdfiatura/i. 1v_.''

X nature t|)e?tuantDifjci:etion,o; being at age ttjet?Ujantie,e^tIjct:

naturally o^rafuallr *a^infants bnoec one ano tlucntie i^eares oloe,
4 o.H. 6. 1 4. 1 8..E4. i.7 '4 f

StCt 1 1. A #tifimou5 mauDe luuatitojOuung t|)eu:Uiam, j a.E 4 S-ana

Impedwfents in bsdie

Stt, 1 3
. T^Cfect of t^e bonie 10 fuc^ mflcmitusas l)mD;etf) tljr p;umpall fen*
1 Jitsi necetotefij^tljeattaining of ImeUjleDge; as Dumneffc^eafe^
nelle,auo blinDneile*
D nmbnejfe Mtd dettfenejfe natnratl and cafuall.
Sea. 1 4. #IJ A
t^foje pecfcnig br natu w
Damfa f ueafe, cannot compjomitj
jl\ a0 it femett), fo; t^e? cannot l)aue tjntjecttanBing, neit^iei; car?
tl)evfiiant,PtrkinsSca'25. )i&t!t pecfons b!inoe,Dumb, anD oeafe b)?
*> .fi3 a f ^anc,1|>ie|jtan tujite ano ce^^nap iaeU bp to^itingcottip^omitf.
Impediments legtili,l(4hueiton,ioyiftpower^ -

Sc^. 15. C ^l){)et:ronBr^me b^ latu to cotttp2omit9 as beiubirfitto

Ootbecs potuer,o<^ l;aue onl^ totnt potrier luitb others, as bfrn^flaue^.
o;t)iUetnS)le(l^t()ealJoari3il^to becomeboit)ontt)eii:pat;t,35 E-a-

Sc^. 1 C. Ti^lt^e inantYer, toomencouert Just^ut tl[)^tt; J^R^^nd 2. Hcn.^

Death mill,
perfons ciuillv Deao : as (ponbes^Jfciccs, Canons, p^felTcu
Sca.17* Ai^D
/^uns,anDrucl;otf)ect)Qtartes9U)^ict)be in fubiectiontotljeiiro^

Cempramife. r '

ScA. 18 Hd^ceuntoma^beaotiefiinen, campeUeufofubmit b^ tlj:eafs,oj

imp^iTonmcntjS J^(r.a5. 7.E.4.i ' fo; in fubmiffion tljeconfent
ougfjttobefra. Cy
Attainder and Ontlawrie,
Sea. i9#.
Of tljis fo;it alfo ace perfons atf aitrfteo ef Hfntf -a^- fxm^ti^W^

pecfonsflutlatoeDo^tuainedtnpccfonaU actions, fti> t^e^fjjiuc

nofios,jc.H^.^6..iiiJ.6.f7. 2 i.H.7.7. )j.jE,4^ rjtMaZii^., :.

Sca.3. ..; pCcCona pac^tAt^n U compjomit iD^fliaf tl^^^am^^onolfto^t

X poU)ec tuitt) otipecs, are i}^im%\t luonbsp^ of auiOn^C0ipo<^a^on
s 1

Arbitremen ts, 1^4.

iuitljout tfjeic felloii)mcmbtt,u(i a ^ean ImtljoutaiTJapifecan ab*
bot toitfjBUt Ijiiei Couent,a ipaio^ ^it^ont f^iB onmm\t^ytt\t j]pa-
ftsr ef a CoUeDge 0; i)orpttall tottI)out ijis frUoioed, ano fo of otl^et: fo^
tktks mn
guilDw, 2 1 .Ecl.4. 1 3 ano in afeato, it fameffj t^at fnc^

pecfons onclymat'of t!)cmfelue0romp^omit,aj5mar of t^cjttfelucji

Ar hit rotors defined.
A^ an e]rtrao;cinatr tuDgCjloljic]^ t0 cljofen^no
atfaif catoj t0

potocr to iuDge,giuen to }^m b^ tl)onlt| mutual confcnt^lril tzxm

j^^omiTeanD election of p^iuat peifonn lictiiing^to
Sea. 1

ttjenti tl)ey ma^ ^u

fine tijetc eoiitcouei:fie0, 1 9- H .
5 (j. tnfio became tlje contcouecfie id
temwittcDto ^iflpleafuteanDatbitcementjistecmeD an arbitrator,
anl>fo;tl)at it ifl Done bt t mutuall piomife o^ comp;iomire of t^e pat*

tiiH'i}ji is f alleD Copromiflan' judcx.Dyer 5 5 6. 1 9.E. 3 9. ^<j a SluOgC

]^uins eognil^nce bp t!)e tomp;omife of tlje parties : ijis potuer ijs lac^
gee tf^ntfepotoet of anr ojoinacr 0? ott)eteFtrao;toinact? 3uDgeap*
pointeo 0? a magiftcate, foj an arbitrato;^ f)at^ peloet to iuoge aceo;*
Ding to tlje rompjomif 6 after lji otun minOjafiuell of tlje fact as of tl)g
taU),not obferuing tfje forme of latu^but tt)otf)er Siuoges are tieo to a
prefcript forme liniitteD to tijem br> t!)C latu or S^agittrate, of tuljicl^
t^e^ be onl? erecutors. if or \rW\ tm^zThiiy faitlj toel: Aliud eft m-
diciiH!),aliud arbitrium : nam ludicium eft pecuniae ccrtx,arbitrium in-
cert^ ad iudicium hoc modo veninius, vc cotS lite aut obtineam' aiic a.

mictam' ; ac arbitrium hoc modo adimus,vt neqj nihil neq- tantu quant
poftulamus confcquamur, toljence fpringetl) f ^is olo facing, ^zz tl)at
^wtizt'l^ ^i0 coat to oaring, is like to lofe a quarter*
The choifeef Arbitrators.
Seeing tl)ent!)cpoUjer Of Arbitrators is fucljantj fo great anotjm c ^ ,
controlable,toarines mull betjfeo in tjjetlioire of tl;em. 31 n fefjicl)
ttoo tl)ings fame neceCfar^ to be rcgaroeo, namely tljat t^e ;arbitra^
tors be fu^ient ano inoiffierent*
Snfficiemie of Arbitrators confidered,

Tiuc!)ing tf)eirfufftcienfr?fuffipcrfonsaretobeeeIectel>,asfiaue
matter compromitteD^no Ijaue neither legal ^
fwfficient t^iX of tlje ^

nor natural impediments to giue an tjprigtjt fentence. jpatural impe*

tnmH& bettirogi) Defect ofminD or boDp, natural impeotments ttjrogtj
Defect ofminD beinfancp (for infants b^ reafon of tfjeir tenDernelTe of
^eres,b>ant Difcretion to manage t!)cmrcIues,anD t|eir otun affaires)
maones^anD 3lDeocie,for tl)e^ Vufjo are maimeo tuitt) tijefe blemi(l)es,
are titteclt! toi?D of tnoerftanDing* 0nD altl)oug^ 31 t)aue reaD fome
examples of fage fentences giuenbi?fa>les,rct Dare 3f not aDuifemg
frienos to erpect altoates t|ie liHe at tf^r l)anDs ;3[s tt)i$ :

-T 4 A Poole

Compromife and
A Fooles ArhitremefiU
Jl lleDtijit^eMWSbeingfi^^iJOtuneijiDeatafmaUpteof |)t0Dtoiie
b;eaD , ano tncontmentl^ rcceiueu fuc!) tuonDecfuU comfort b? t^e
ftoat fmell ef tlje ccDfef cates ant fauces,tDl)eteof Ijc fallen no bit,tijat
1)0 confeffeD t!)at |)is cagei: ftomacU toais a0
tel fatififiieo t|i0ctoit]^,anj
^aD as gO0D a tepaa^as if lie |)ati tndeet^tttifireD i)tB panel) iDttt) tl)a beft
cljeece t^erc ; to^iclj t^ecookeijeanng, ftcaig|>ttoa?c0 luttl) a Heme
countenance biw tlje p(D;e caitift par fo; ^is b?eafeefaft, tul^crcat tlje
(imp leguett teas mig{)tilramajeo,anutt)ecraftic coofee fo mucl^t^e
mo^e earned: infemucl) t^at tljis po^e man anu t^e ctok Ipece content
tl^ttin to abioe tfie atuatD of I;im tl)at (l^oulD nejct palTe bi? : no fcDnei;
toai5tl)efubmiirionmaue,butt|iit|)eccommetl) a mott noto^iougna:
furaUfQ)le,toiDf)omastl)eit;3Iu5ge tljep ceJeacfeDt^e matter, to^icb
being l)eatD>tJ^e loeot caufeo tlje poa^eman to put fo mucl) mone^ be^
tiueene tUio bafenis as t^e couetous cojfee eracteo^anl to fl^afee t|jem in
tl)e coefees Ijeating : iu^ic!) tjonejt^is atbitcatoj atoacueo^tljat as t!}e
ctD^e liaD feo t^e poj^e man toittj tl)e onl? fmel of Ijis cate0,fo tlje po^c
man Oioulo pap \)m ti)ccefo.je tottlj tlje onlp founi? of |)i0 xoine,tu|ic|^
fentencetoas liig^lpapp^oueD of t^e^earecs
A fim^lt U^'ftigtflrates Arbttrement
Sea 1 ^^ KI^^ ^^^ tjnlifee to t!)i0,ig tl)at,lD!)icl) is tepoat^D of a coiief ous
one anotwentie angels in it* '!^\xi an boned man Ijamng fount tl^e
fame>of mcecc confcience oeliuereo it to tt)e fame t|)ucle,tubo not once
fIjanfeing Ijim ttjatUias t^e b^ingec^falls to account }^x& coine,anD fin^
5ing cnelt? tu^enti? augels in tlic pucfe, iuit|i great rigour erarteo tijc
0D9e angol^anti becaufe t|)e])onell man Denieo tbe finoing tt^ereof, ^e
(onuenteD l)im before a magidrat of aco;tpo;3tion:, )x)})ore luealtf) ano
autl)o;iitp farej^ceeoeo t)is tDit(asin fucb places commoNlp liappenet]^
fo;tf)at affection ano fimplicitie bettjeir o;ttiinarpeletto>s)2^t)e plaini*
tifeltijearet!),t|)ece lucre one anD tioentp angels iw tt}e purfe toljtrl) t)e
lod t^e oef. tljat t|)ece tuere oneli? tiucntp in tl)at t)!)iclj l)ee founo

Wl)ereupontl)e ^agidratpaonouncet),tl)attl}e purfe founo inas not

tbe plaintifes, ano tl)erefo;e aoiutgeD l)im to redo^^e tinto i^t Defend*
tl^epurfe \iii^ t)sitxyt'^ angels,leauing ttjeplaintife to g(sD fortune fo^
t|e dntingagaine of t)is purfe tiiitb one ano ttoentp angels* 3! tbinke
amap map trie a tl)OufanDfoolcs in tl)e like cafes, before bee receiue
DefeRs of the body in Ayhitrators,

Seftf 2 5 nr^^ ufzM of i^z boBie lingering iuDgement,are infixmitmM

X If l^icl) tije p;incipaU Tences nece((arte ifo; (be app^eiiendon of
. '

Arbitrements. 14^
uirbtirators wdtfferentywheare ?

A^o gooD t^at ti)e 0tbttrato;0 beetio^o of Sea.i?

fo; tRDtfifecencte, it is
malice ano fauo? to eitljec of t|)c patti0fi,t|iat tj^e? be not noto;>t^
xjus b? Gutlarr ^eFcommunication, o;j fufpccteu of an^ otljec noto;ions
crtme^tt^at t|)e^ be neit^iec iri:eltgtou6 no; couetou0 : if o; albeit as it
is; fatD,an ^tbttrato; batl^ Ijecein abfolnte polDet;,i?et oug^t i)i0 i\xn%t*
ment o; fentence to be fincece ano inco;i:upt,acco:iOtng to ng|)t and t^*
quttte,lDttbout malice, flatterp^anoeuec^otljecbiciouit affection o^
lertui:batton,trrt)ic^ ma^inantifo^tleaoe |)im ato;^ (rom tlie tig^t

of tufi^ceano equitig*
Hitherto of pcrfons in fubmifllions.

T^e queOiontolicl^conteitiet^ttiemattctof
tiie arbittiment fiob Sca.iS

%^z ^ueftton is a tbing in contcouetfie beclaceb to ttie BInDge o.:

0t:bttrato;>to t|^ eno it ma^ b^ })m be oecioed^Dyer fol.2 1 a 4. Eliz.

The ^efiisn double,

A V i^d trxztt qudiion is eitt^c about tt)e fact, 0; abont ciglit*

The ^lueHion of thefafi.

Sea. 2p

A^ueSion of tl)o facte, is tl)en fucl^ a fact is imjuiceti of, as 40 Scft. 30

The <jtiefiioH<rf right,
^ueffionof ngbttisiul)cnt^efact being knotoen, it is vet Seft.3
T^t DoubtfuU l)oiju mtic^ i5 t^erbt? gcoioen cigljt ano ouc to eaci) pac^
tie b^lat
J-yhat is to be confUeredin each quefiien,
in euec^ qiiefl^ion Ijeeceupon ariling, is to bee confitieceD gcft. 2
Aj^tJ it
bjb^^ec tbe t^tng in quedion be arbitrable 0^ no : foa in baine it
is to comp;omit tbtngs not arbitrable* llet \iS ti^erefo^^e fee et)at
t|)ingjS be arbitrable,ano toljat not*
Ji^itt things are arbitrabUyandwhat tjot.

T^ingg ann actions pWonal incertain are arbitrable: as trefpaffe, Scft.3 3 ;

aUiarDtaHcnatua^fc2 2,H.6.39. i^.H./^a, ^W.6,17. Bat

t|)ings ccrtaineace not arbitrable but toljen tfje fubmifficn is bi? fpe;
tialt^,if tbepbe not iot?neD \i}it\^ otbers inrertaine : as Debt toitlj treO
patre,4H.^.i7.2 H.5.2.1 1 R. 2. Dyer 3 3H.8.fol.5i.p!a.i4
Di5Ht cljattelsreallo;mij;t,are not arbitrable bptbemfelues: as
Charters of lanDs, 9 H.6,6o,\^ H.4,24*if iljefubmiffionbeenotb?
f|)ecialtte,ipH..3 11 6
C ompromife and
^fo m^mmtitisfntjit atbitrafalcif t^ fabmtflCioiibe not bt? fpeci>
altiC,9.H.6.6o. 14.H.4. 1 8.3,H.4.6.
^ojafcectHJlU?! I H.4.1 1. 14 H.4 iS. andipjind 24.54.E.3,i5.
I l.AlT:pla.2^.2i.Er5.i5
00^ Bebt tjpon acceragcs of account before ;3uOtto^,4.H.5. 17.
i3tiro it (e^mtV^ t^ut ntitt^zt rac| ttimgs as \s^xc not in rerum nacu.

ra at tt)etuno of tt)e rubmt(rtoH,tt)ougb t^ep l^appen to be befio^e t^z a*

maoe be acbittable: as tf ti)e fubmifftcn be of etoes Iptt^ lambr,
aftec tf)e (uhmidUcn ano before tfjeatoato maoe ^aiielambd,tt

(mmt^ ttjcp ^aue no potoet; to make an^ aliiard touc^ng tl^e tambtu
cpattecs concecmng t^z commontDeaUt) feeme not arbitrable as all
trtminaU oflfencc0,as treafons,felonies, t c. toucljingtije crime, fo^ it
is fo;^ t^ehmz&t of tl^e confmontmealt^, t^at fac^ o^Rmoi^s bee maoe
ilffo caafies matrintoniall f^me not abitrablT) leit; men d^oulB fepe^
rate tboletobom (^oo l^atl) iot?ne0 toget|;er 1 ; ,

CircHmfiances regarded in fubmijpen. Firflthatit beinwriting.

t^at ^ee l)aue perfons ano tilings neceOTarie in
N^U) (^t fo^tl) ti)e

^"^^^ compzomife^itis gao to confiDecAtti^ot^er ctrcam0ances

owv(. ^
as be requifite in tbe fame.
%^19Z i^in%& tl)ecefo;ie befiDet|epcEfon< ano tilings are megt to^bfe
f flbferaeo in euert compjemife. ' - * -^ - - *

euerp comp^omife be maoe b^ tojifing tottlj tfjeparf tes,

if irft t|>at
couenantso;^bcntlS fufi^cient to bini^e tl)eir beiresanoerecuto^^sto
perfO^me tl)e atoaro \xi\^it}^ C^all tberenpon be maoe, tbat botl) tbe ar^
< 'bttrato;^s ma^ knotD tbcir potuer, ano t^ie parties l[rotx) farre tfj^^ are
fubtect to tl)etr fentence* ^no alfolealttl^eir labour ano iutigement
tf)eretn H^onlo be fruHrate fo; Ijoant of meanes to compell tt)e fame to
OfthefowergiucHto Arhitrators.
Scft. ^ 5
C C5conDlt?,if is bebouefuU tljat tlje tcr^ compjomife arme tfje arbi?
.. Otrato;jstDttl)fu(fidentautf)ontTrtoooaUtljings nereffarp fo? t|0
'\ enoing oftt}ccontj;oiie(ie3,a0 to appoint times f places fo.jtbeirme^^
ting,to eramin,anDOectDe tt)e matter comp;omitteo,antito b;^ing tbe

p&xivzii\siii\) tljeir p;fs,cuioenccs,anD txutnelTes t^itfjer together be^

fo;te tbem^ni) to punill^ ttje perfons Delectiu0,anD to erpouno ano co;^

tea fuc}> iKiubtfal! fentences ano (iue({ions,as mar arife bpon tbeir a^
tttarb,inconucntcnt to cttljer pacttesjcontracf to tc^xity^-, ano tfjc arbi*

iwtojs gQ3i3 meaning , tol)icl) inconucmcnccs coulo notb^tljcmbee

fb^efe^ne at tbe making of t!)e aVoarO^as it oftentimes liafppenet!) : fo^
emporis filia vcritas,truetl) is tfje oaugljter of.time
Arbitrenicnts* i66
Oftime andpUce,
Ti^irt5l^,tl)atb^tl)0comp;fiufe, conucnicnt tmiB ant place beiu SzCi^xS,
mitt^ tn 14)e w\^i3x% tjp Qtil^ii atuact to t\)z pactie* o; tl^mcat*
t\xxx[izBM'^itmm aSignre^leaff tt)e parties I^oulD ot{)cctoire be long
lmgeceoioitl)t3am0|)opeofancnDl0flreeno, ano tljat t\)t acbiCcato;!
itia^ before tije fct time finin; tfjeir aiuacD : fo j Uiljatfoeuer tlje? no <ir.^
bitrateaftei t^e time<ippointcD,iJ tjoit),8.H. c. f 1 8.
0nB it i& all bcis f i^at is not conteineo iw ttje fubmiffion, 02 necefTa^
til!? DepenOingtl)ei:pon, 7.H.6.f.4o.S.H.6.f. 1 8. < (T. H 6.r.u .as f^all
mo;i!lat:geli?appeai'e,U^^en1ai^comctotI)eODcti:ine ofacbitccmcnCs. ^t^ /e^. .

SCbc inHcumeiat of coinp;omife 0; fu bniiflrion,mai? be mate in fo^

A Cffmpromlff orfnhmifsiony rvUh conenrnts perprmc thefame,

T^is BJntenturemauc ic,bettiie&n^.)15 on onepaitie,annC^ Scft.j tlje 7.

ift),on tb5ct!)ci:paitie,U)itneKJetbrt!jatt!)cfaio ^.iB,anoCE>.30
p;efent6 toillinglv comp^oniitanD fubmit t!jemrelucs,nno eu^
bv> tljefe
oftbem,to tbe atuai:D,atbitmnent,o;oer, rule, DQ5n:e, ano iuugc*

ment ofC^i?.anD (D^.arbitrato:s inoiffem^tl^^ nanieo,eleaco, airo

cbofenbp tbefvUD parties to arbitrate,aUJarD,o.jjjerr Decree, anoiimge,
of ano bpon all onD al maner ior4itionSrruits,quarels,i}ebts^ccotmts,
trerpa{rcs,controuerfies,oebates> 1 oemanss Uitjatfoeuei:, t;ati,ma3e,
moued,Depenting, 0; accrueo, 0; \s\)it\) migtjc ^aue beene ^ao 0; mo^
ueo bettoeen tlje f^iD parties at anytime ai times before tl;e Date Ijere^
of, crcept one action of Debt |c DepenDingbetiua^net^c faiD parties in
tlje iH.^aic^ies Court of common plecs, 0; before ic anD erccpt one

Debt of r4iBe to ttje faiD 0- 5l5*bi? tl^c faiD C. S?. fo,: tlje p^ice of m*
taine co^ne f|canD crcept all lanDs anD tenements of tlje faio :^.115.anD
fuel) liheerceptionsfc^oaltuai^es,tl)attl;crame arbitrators DO make

t}^eit atarD9o;Der,anD tuDgement, of ano concerning t|ie p^^emiOTes to

bemaDe,b?iu;MtinginDenteD, bnocrall tl)eir bancs anD ^eales^on
tl>is fiDe,anD befo;^c t^e r^ Da^ of I ne noUi nert cnfuing, i one part of

tlje fame Dcliuer or caufeto be oeltuereo bi? tt)e faiD Arbitrators to tt)e

faiD 0. i5 or bis certaine atturnev or atturnies in tfyxt bebalft, requi^

ring t fame,tbeTaiD):Dat of 3Iune noto ite):tcomming,ator in f parity
Cbarcb of iain tbe faiD county of j3orfee.AnD tbeotberpartertbefaiD
aiiwrD tt3 tl)efaiD.iD* bisatturnci? or attarmrs,Dcputie, or alligne,
r^^ringt^efanieat tlje faio Dap anD place: anD foallua^es,tl)at t^e
faiD jitbitratorst not b^ tbe faiD atontD orDcr or appoiiitan^ actor
aas, tl)ing or tbwigs, to be Done or petfcrmcD, br, or to anp perfon, or
}>ecfon0,otber tben toor b^ u faio parties to tbcfe pierents,tbeir tjcirs,
ejcecttt. Dminilirat. or-afftgnes, or tome oft tjem, cnu not to or bv an^
efieang^- or eCtcag^ns to tbis prefj^nt (ubmilTum* j^nDtljie faiB ^liS*
- . anD
ant> CSD! tit^et of t^em foj tljemfelued, tijeit |[)eite, elfecuf o^iti, ano
ai)miniftcato^0,anD tl)e l)eit:c,emutojs,ani) atmimftcatojs of eit^ec
of tljentjOoe b^ tJ)cre pzefentB mutually conenant, concluue, p;omtf5,
ano agcce to ano toittj t^c otljec \)is eyecuto^s, ano aoininiftcato^g,! e^
uecpoftljem, tljatneitljertt)e^, no:jettf)et:oftljejn, toill at anytime
IjeceaftecrcuofeetljeaHtljontie Ijeieb^ giuento t^efaio ^tbitcafojg,
no;ttitrcl)ai:geti)cmno^ ettl^erof tl^cminttje fait) facuUteo? potuecof
^rbttcatioH, ^nfi tbe^ antj eitl;er of ttjem, anu ttje l^eites, emu^
fo^g,aDminiftrato?0, anDaffigncs, ofcitljccoftljem, cntljexcfeuecaU
parts fl^all ano ImllUieU ano tcnl^ obfttuc, pecfo^we, fulfill ant kecpe
all anocuct^ claufc,rcntence,articl/ubmta:ion ano agtament in ttjef*
p^efents mcntionco on l^is o^ tljeii: pact to be pecfo^mco ano bept,ac*
cojoingto tbe tcno?,ti;uctntent,anii meaning of tlje fame in toitncs
iD|)eccof,t^efaio partiegj to ttiefep^efents (jaue interctjan^eaW^ fet t
tjieicfjanoa ano leale0,tl)e oa? ano seace aboue tojitten.

Ofbinding the parties to performe the award,

^^^ parties ma^ fubmit tfjemfelues

Sel.2 S. C^^
V>/ conottion accojoing
tDttb of to tl)c effect
to afearo
tlje faio
bp obligation,
Inftrument of
fubmiKton)buttt)atfeemett)perillonSrfo^t^atro ttje^ mai?fb; a trifle
l^a^aro t^e tl)ole penaltie of tbe bono, Us^ic|) tDere tag toj mifc^ieuoug
J^euertl^cles if an^ be tuilling to aonenture,t^e parties ma^ b'e bonno
eitljer to otfjer^^ano t|ie conottion mar be maoe m fb^uie foUotutng.

The condition ofan Obligation to performe an award

SzStA 0. 'T"'^ conoition of tljis Obligation is fuel), t^at if tl^abouc bounueii

X i^.B*l^isl)eires,erecuto;s,aomimftrato>s,anoalItgnes,anoeue^
rie of tf)em oo on l)is ano on tlljeir part ano bebalfe,tDell ano trulr Itano
to,ober ,perfo;^me,ful6ll ano ka^p tlje atnaro, arbitrement, o^oer, rule,
Oojme,ano iuogementof^X.ano ^T H arbitratoas^^noifitrentlr e^
letteo auB ci)oren,as tocU on tbe part of tljefaio H^^ on tf)e one partie,
as on tbe part of tl)e aboue nameo <D^on t^ottjer part^,to arbitrate,
aUiaro,o;^oer ano iuOge,of,ano bpon all ano allmaner of actions,fnits,
quarrels, 9ebts,accompts,trerpaiIei^,controuerfieS:, oebates,ano Oe^
mannos \x}t\)iit{Qtutt Ijao , mcoueo , oepenoing , oj accrelneo , o;
tjpl)icbmigbt tiaue his^n t^ao q% moueo,betUia^tte ttje faio parties at m^
timt 0} times before dje oatet^reof, crcept one action of EieaioiijEjfie-,
iBae, oepenoing bettueentlje faio parties in tlje icings ipaieftiescpurt

tommonlr ralleD tlje Mn^s Went]), as b^ tlje Heeo^os tljereof in tlje

fiinie court remaintng,it oot^ ano ma^ appeare, antumept out of tl;|js
fubmilTion.^ all lanocs ano tenements of t^e faio ^XB^ (ojauj^lifec
v^cepttort*)i&o.alU)aies t^at tl)e fame aUioro? arbttiement, o^.^eixi^jio
iu oge^
Arbitrcmcn ts, . i6y
iuDgttMenf,of,aitij concerning tf)c p:cmtffe0bcemaw b^tujitmgin^
DcnteD tjnoec all tl)etc tjanos ano fcaUJB bcfo;e tlje ftcft uar of E>i^cem'
bcc Hotu next enftiing,anD on^ pact af tljc fame oeliueccD o? caufeo to
be Deltucceo h\> tljo faiti acbttcato;, to tlje faiD ^*)Q*oi
tucnei? o; attncneiSjDeputi^ o;j Deputies in tljat
cectain at*
fame tl>e faiD fttU Da^ of IDerembec notD ncrt infuing, at,o; in tl)epa*
tifl^ Cl)ucf I) of K.in t!)e faiD (tountic of ^o;jUe : anD t^e ot^ec pact of

tlje faiD atuacD be lilsetuife Deltucceo b^ t|iefaiD acbitcato;6,to tt^z faiD

C.)u[).oj^i0cectaineattcnego^attucne)?e5,Deptie o^Depaties in
t^at bcljalfe cequicingtljc fame,at tlie faiD Dav anD place. 0nD fo tijat
b^ tectae o? occafion of t^e faiD atuacD ncitljec of t^t faiD pactiejs,no;
tf)e nenecalll)etce(;>ececato^d, 0^ aDtntniltcato;0,of tljem, o; an^ of
t^m be to DO ani? acttj; tfjingjto o? b^ an^ ttcangec to tl;e fame aloacD
anD to tliefe p^efente* J^nDfo qb t^e faiD :a.B.Do not Difcl^acge tl;e faiD
ai:bitcato.:s before tlje faiD time.SCfjat tfjent^is p^efent ebligation to
be tttecl^ boiD ano of nonee(Ii^ct,o^ elfe to GanD, cemaine> continue?
uno be in full flcengtl) anD bjectue.

if t^e aU)acD be concecninga title to lanbit^e luo^D^ ixit^z

M ioelljOf, foj, anD concecning tlje tigl)t tttle,witeccff,t)fe,poirerrt' Sca.40
on anD DemanD,of,anD in t^e mano; of ^.luitl) t^e appuctenances in
^An t|ie faiD count)? ofp.$ alUnDi8,tBneHients,f ot^ectjecefiitamets
lt)it^ t^appuctenances in ^.afo^efaiD,in t|)e occupation of t^e faiD ^*

1i5anD i)i0 a((fgne(7a0>of,anD tpponatl acttonjSjtcefpaflPsfi/uitg^quat^

relibDebte0,Diittes>:Debate6j gciefes^inconui^niences, anD
|aD,mooueD^icceD>o; DepenDing, bettu^ene tfjefaiDparti^, concern
<mtigtl)efaiDmanno;itenement0,anDp;emiire0,o^anB pact tl^eceof.
0HD alfojtf t^efaiD 0.B.befo^e tbe fead of pmotu neirt comming,Doe
fl^elJD ijntatl^e faiDeacbttcato;s,atl fuel) lu^iting^ as iiee l^atl) concec^
ning tl)e faiD mano; anD:p^emiflre0,at fuci) timeanD place, m t^efaiD
acbitcate;^^ l^ll appointffl?'t|ieflig]^t t^eceof. feo altoares tM>|c. vt
fupra. 2D|)at tf)eH,f C. vt (pra.

whether power U arbitrate may bee ajftgvted.

acbitmtp^ c|u){)mxannot<gcant,D;afirtgneDuec|usautl)o;it^ Se6l.4it

A^ of acbitration to anv ot^ec,8.Ed.4.fol. 1 .& 9. becaufeit is Ijuta
iHiDe potoer^tol^t^mnot t0 be granteD ouer : notluit^ItanDtng t|;e 0^
ttmon in 47E<^* 3 .2o,lM^e contcac^?* S^zit\)zt Doetf) tl)^ fubroiffion

s^ptenD to giue t^z atbittato;^ potoec to^lert otijers / >


Compromife and
whether the CdnipTDTftittors may difcharge the Aryitrators^orit9.

f^met^ pactics^aue agrau tjpon Dat^fmen

A^D it tljat albcittlj'e

o; atbttmto^5,^ct before t^e acbitriment maoc,eitlier of tlje pat^

ties mat? reiiofec tlje autljo^if ie gtuen to t\)z acbttcato:0,ant tJtfctiatge

tijem tl^eceof/o; potoet ma^ be countecmantieD,but if tt)0 fubmifiTton

temaoebt? bouD9ti)en tljebons faemetl) to be fo^fetteo^ 5.d.4<i* z i-
H.6.30. 5 8.H.<J.6.49.Ed.3.9.
^nt b^ Afhcon Bitiilic^,if tloo platnttfsanD oneDefi^nDant^o^ttuo
tiefenDant( anD one plainttfe pnt tf^emrelues to t^e atoattt of otfiecis,
neither tlje one plaintife tuit^oHt tl)e ot^ec, ho? t^c one uefenD lit^^
out tfie ot^et^iai? Difcljargc tlje nxbi ti'ato?0, 2 S\H. 6.6.anD b^ Finch
49.Ed.3 .p.SIf tl)e fubmillion bebp oeeOjttje oifcljacgemuft be liUetoife
be b^ O0eii ^0 muc^ of fubrntHiond, atmtng t^^eacbitcatsaB ^iff^ po^

toec :^oto of atbitccments ia'uing from t^efaine

what an ArhitrenteKt //.

Sed.4 3 A acbitrement,o? aluarD tljecefio^c, arbitramcntum, laudum, ar-

/\bjtraius,Lbf imratiohdcbt inarbitr' i.&j, isnotl^ingelfebftt
p;^onounceD b^ atbitcato;^ tpon Vs^z
tije tjecv Dooine,o;^Der;,ani> Decree

contcouerOe/o; ti^e enoing Uti^ereof tije^ Uieca c^fen br t|ie litciuinu

|ai;tie,Dycr 3 5<J.io.Eiiz.pla.3p.

y P ^il k of things regarded in tyfrUtrimeat,

StVt. 44 Ti^ ^^^ ^^v^ 0^ ^u^t^S j^cbttrement, due ti^tng^ aee fpeetall^ to bee

ifirH^^tfiatit bee matto acco^btng to t^e bec^ fubrntflTton 0; com^
paomfe touching tlje tt)tng( comp;omitteo,anD enetns otl)^c dixum<*
K^ance^asf ifraiD59.Ed.4-44J^low.3 9 ).a
z ^econDli?,tt)at it bea ftnal ettD of tl)e controua;fied comp^ontttteoi)
I<>. H.6.^6. 2 l.Ed.4.38.
2:^|)ttDl7,t|iat tt appoint ettl)0t:partte to gine 0; Doe l)ntot|0oti)ei;
Tome tiling benefictaU in appatance at t^e leall,43 *(}* 3 2 8 -Dyer 3 5^
i9.Elw.p'.39.x2.H.7.39.H,6.9.t2.Ed.4.25. 7.H.6.40. ip.H.(.3<J
ifortl)I?5tl)attl^epecfo;mancet|)eteof bepolTibte, 21. H.<;.4<j. 8.
d 4.}.&;9. i7.Ed.4.5.H.7.
iFiftl^jti[?at tljere be a meaneat ^oto dttiec partt mai? b^tato attatne
t)ntot|)atto]^id)i5at]uat:DcDtinto|)im)5d.4.& 24. i7.d.4.5 18.
Ed.4.a2.&2 3.5.H.7.2 3.
ife^if ttfaiUtn an? of t|)erepovntd,tl)eniBt{)elDl|0learbttcfm0nt
toi?D anD of nont tf^^m it Dot!) mamfettli? iipp$<u;e h^ iW^ fpeciall

Arbitremcnts. i6S
0naUmrijfl)att^e parties ITjall obei? tlje atbtftement ut^* )15 i$
tJoiDjfo^ poluectamiot be aflfigneD, 8.Ed 4. 9.
^n alwacti t[;at an? of tt)C parties l^aU be bounU, 0; to ant? ot^n nt
Ix^ tijeauutfeoftljeacbttcatoas^isnet gaju, beraufe tl)c^ cannot make

feuecaUals)ai:D0, 1 8.Ed.4.2 2. 2 ^ but tj?at_tlc ^attie^ iiall be bouiiD

D^maUean affuranceby tt) e anntce of counallig goi?^ i84Ed.4. zi,
&.2 3T~^
jSitbitrement tfjaf f tju partieis f^all be nonfuit in not geso, mmsAS
fo^euenealDaruougfjttobeafatirfactionto tlje patties, anoaoetei:^
mination of t!)ing0 compjomitteDjfo as one partieljaue amends, but
Uil)en one ^at^ bin nonfuitjljeina^ begtnagain,i9.H;6.36.2 1.E4.58.
315ut an aluaco t^at ttje pxctits i^al mafee mfcontinuance ano tetia^
>:itsoftt)eii:ruits,is 0030,2 1.E.4,:; 8. 5. H. 7.22.
3f tlje fubmiCTion be of oiuecs tijings, ano t\\e atoaco onelp of fomo
pact of t[)en!,ret is ttje aUiaio goo, fo; tl)at pact notijDitIjftanDing,as
iftl)eTubmi{lton be ofall actions reall ano pecfonall, ^notijeatuaco of
actions perfonaU oneli? : antj it be dcinrc &
poflcfllone, ano ttjeaiuacD

t0 oftlt? dc poiTcflionc, 1 p.H.(>;().pcri)uf, notUiittjftanoing t^t contcac?

opinion of Pri fot, 3 9.H.(J.9.

^n atuaro ttjat-an action l^all bcfneu betludene tlje parties , b^ t^<s

aouicc of ^ano )15is goo, fo;^ tt)at ^. ano B. in tljis cafeiirprnot atbi^
tatoj0,bKt emutd:s of t^e atoai:itr,i?et qiiacrc,fo^ ife|$ tjiHeciain Ui|e^
t^ectl)e? iDiU giue aDice,o;iiai 8^5.4. 1. 4.' r: ?. & -

- ^rbitrenicnt tfjat tl^e plaifitife (^all pti^ to t^e ocfcnoant r4i.ano le^'
leafetobi^)^ all actions* ;ano tbat ti;e oefenoant ^aU t^lmt^ totlje
plaintiftaUa(tions,isgiDO,iG.H.6.i8.ac 19, < ;
^ '

acbitcement t!)at citljei: partie fi^all cclcafc to otljec all actions, anu
t^atbccafctlHJ^ttcl)at^ttefpaCfcl>mojefl)cn t|ie otljec, fje 13^all pap
Utlje 0t^et,rs4sgiDtJ,2o.H 6.18.& xj^.
;acbitcement ttjat eitl)ec pactv (Iiall goc quite againft otljcc, i jjojtJ,
2C.H.6.18.&19. 10.H.6.14. 19.H.6.36. 2 2;H.6.39. Dyer 55^.1^.
Eliz pljp. i I .H.6. tljat it is not go,if tfjcfubmiflTion becebi? pacol,

;?n acbittement in tcefpasignot gipD, tf tta toact not fometDing t^

tjie plaintife foiamea^j4 3 .Ed. 3 . 2 8
in ttefpas of gfflostafeen, it is no g(DO atoaro, tljat tjjc oefenoant
H^allcctaine piCtoftt)cg(DOS, f t^eplaintifebaue tfjecca, 1 7Ed.3.i 6i
Bjnoebtotj^.li.itisnogojoacbitcemenfjtbat tbe plaintife il^ailce^
tainetl^eoncmoitie,ano tfjeoefcimnt l)auctt)edtl)er,45.Ed.3. 1 6,
Sin tcefpas,atoaro tljat iftfjeoefenoAuillUjage i)ifs Haiij, t^at tjeis
not guiltv^t^at t|icn|^c.l^al go quite,anD tljat tljepl^iiUife l^aUelcaCe
Compromife and

ai5r FrflocifttiJofubmitfpmTelttestaarbitremcnt of aHfrcfpaOJeiJ

f c.anD tt ia atDacoet),t^at t^ one f^all make wmm$ to t^e otl^ec^ano
iTot^ing tf{ aluarueo fo;^ t\\z ot^tte benefit, t^is atoaro iis tjoio, 7.H .6.

40.3P.H.6.9. 22.Ed.4.25. ^0 if it Itieretljatt^e one onel? flEjallgoe

(imtt agatiift tljeot^ecfo^an atoaro maftbe finals ebltg ato;^^an|ttia^
tiffarto^^te tobot!) partieg,; H.6. ^o.T^lTXs g. lo.H.d.rX
MjacDtn tcefpas^ ofga)O0 taken tl)att||e oefenoant (^aUcacne atto
reoeliuei: t]b^s(DO0 takento tl)e plmtiftjis goo, 1 2. H.t.i4& if*
^Uiaco t^at t^eonepaette (^all pa? 1:^0*0^ enfeoflfir fc^ is- gcdO, ano
f{)epecfo;tmanceofeit^cfaflfttet^,i i.H.6.i3.H.^ 52.
jin atearo t|iat one of tl)e parties ttiaUppjtMi^M?fi^npf? w
toio^if tjje pacttesbe not boimo, 2 2 .H.d.46.
^^ if an atoaci 6e to pa^ v- li to an^^eftrangeMtis tjo^cfoj Jjoio c^ti
|)epapt!jefiame,if!jetoiUnot aciept it, 2 2.H.5.41J, 8.Ed.4. .& 9.
^it ifti^e atat9br tt)at l^e (^U eaufe an efi^angi^ f en^oen^ tie
Dtt)et:pattie,fo;^t)e|)atl^nonieaneto compeiUire()^aiigec, i7.d4.f.
^0 if it be al^amt) tl)af ije (l^anbe boimt) Uittl) (liecttes, 1 8. d.4.2 2^
23.5.H.7.23. X'S^^
jatbitt;emeHtttiatmone^i]^aUbepatt) at aim? to come, is 900, fo^
t^e partie ma? tt^eceof i^aue anadcion ef oebt aftet: tl)e Da?^ if it be not
|widacco^t)ingl?,io.H.6.i2,5.Ed.4.7. Wat atoar a to oeejng otjei:
tiling at a ta? to (ome,i0 tcto,ift|efubnu^Pimibeiuitir^^
(ante tije partie ^at^ no means toxompel bis aogecfatietopccfiD^me it_
0n atuact) is t)6i9(asisraio)tfit tisiei^icbeeretntieDjno? an?inean$
b? lal fo; t^e epecution ti^ereof : as if it be atoatoeO) t^at tf^ one ^aU
pa? to tt)eot]^ei: rJi't^is is g(00/o; tie ma? cecouectije fame b? action
oflebt. ^ut if it iJoeiealDaroeD t|iatt!)eone H^oulooeliuer to tf)BO^
tj^ec an acce of lano,o; ooe fuel) U^e act e]recuto;ie, it tnere bo?D,if it be
not oeliuetett llcaigt)t lDa?,o^ p;ouiiton mate b^ boni),o; otlierljoife to
(ompeUtt)eperto;imance thereof according to tt)e atoaco^ip. H. 6. 3^;.
ao.H.6.12. 5.Ed.4.7. i9.Ed.4.8.
%fynB muei) of tl^eooctctne of ^tlitcements, nolo of tljeit fettecaU
jiHArbitrement^cr Award cflundsy by which the fATtit

cAi45* *T*His Jndcmiire madeScc. betloeene 2DiU|cof t{)e onepartte,an$

X lt^of Cf of ti)e oti)ei: partie? Wicocdccb, ti^t \^tit^$ tijece
JArfeiitriefmerits^ ->
]^aff> MMnt)vetwnjiTt^ntton,totaw^^
mmtit m\\v fbjKttU conceimng tJettgl^t,fitIe,anD intcreft, ofaitrin
ac^ctauvcnuantiti^ ofgtoun^.bi? cftimattentiuoacre^
o;^ fbereabont
IrmgmJi^anB auto^mngto ttJciiptUcf tljefaiDSL^K.in
faiDjdfttHtet) br titljcr of tlj^ faifiparttCB^c beliis olone
lanD anoinbe.
tttancc : SBut alfo fo; anrj c one ecning rertatne toares
to tbc (BiU of
t^efaiDfl:.tt);jousljt^cc;rounDof tl^e fait Jl, frcmaUthekotonetf
zal^age5,!^amletg,aDcf!)ecpIa^e0m t|>0^o.jtf)fiD0
SD bo^iOertng, lring,ami being luitJjin tf)e fpac e of )c. mtfeg
of tbc faiD
$pil,anD all ottjet matters ano ccntrcuerftcs brtitJijt t[je
fais partta?
J^o; tl)0fiienDlr ending ano appealing of tpijir ij faio tjanarKeii
t con*
ttouetfies, tlje faiB pactiea Ijauec ottip.:omitteD
ano fHbmitteD,ano hv
t^jefe p^efcnts ijo comp^emit f fubmit tljmfduec, an
D aU niattcrs in
Uarianc afo^efaiOjto tt)t o;Det:,ai:biti0ment,atimto, Dome,
ano iu9a^
nientofi?.M. ano s:mf)ei:etipontl)e fmoatbitcatc^Bhauing
tigtoet} tlje raio gcounis in t)ananc0,anD petufeD nmu
UjaUinoB ano
euiDcuc^je(ccncecmngtfjerame,aho!)cato t^zttSiimon^
ofDiuet5anmntmmfneigbbo;0Dt)DeUingnig|i t^e faiDgtouno,
toen touit^ingtljc occupation anotfage of tbe faiDgrouno
%M* anD bis anc0SD3,a0 alfc t^e faio toaieB tjfeti bnto tlje faio mill
bv te inljafcitantB afoj^faio time out ormini>,uo ntnfec t oecfatg tbeit
aluaj,c?t!Ci*,t!ome,ano inbncnient toucl)in[ tljep^jcmicrefi
part cf tljem * Bno rtiefaioSL^H.sTiDli,^ do couenant ano grantfe^
uerall^eitfjec oft^em,to ano titl; tljeotfiec/o? tl)Telu0,tf)eictiett
erccuto;jg,ano aommitlrato^s, in nianec ano fo^me foUotutng. Slni
ficllt|)e fais atbitratp^is oce o^oer,aUjarD,ano iuDge, ^ttiotj^c
^4'f0,cDntente6 ai) agrao^ano acco^Dingl^ oot!} coucnant i grant,
fo? i>mianO Ijis lieiiesi.to ano toitl) tljc fait %M*\fis ^tixcB ^U^nt hic
t^e faio E^^H.i^al amma^ fro l;encero?tI) ijaue, |)olo, occup^^ano qui;
ttl^cnm to ^im anD Ijis ^titcB fo; euer, f ^e faio pactcllo^ quantify?
gcounu^ajntaimng b^ eftintation iloo acrrB, Iringano beeing
on the
^?tl)ljbcoftI)cnucccf]ED/tJiteaii?6ucragainft tl)cfait)^iU, ano
Demefric lants of tt)e faiD %M*in %* afD^efatti,a$ it is note
ano niearEDfD;tf)ii)itl)ftcnfsbptf)e faio arbitrators, jano fliall alfo
f)aur,ani)n(artal5c to I)is ano tl)eirctoiiep;cpertjrc all tf)etr^0ncto
Ifanomgoj being, or tljat Ijereaiter ftjall grcfeie in snotpont^efaio
grcunD^ano all otljer pjofitfi anO tonicbitirs coming of ano tpcntj^g
faio grounD(onlt tbe tt)o;eefi5b;iar5, ano tjerbage, crccptco ano fo?e*
prifcD)luitf) free hbertie, enter? artjpaffage, (oz tl)efellirg,fjefeing,
lcaDing,carr\nngalua^,anotafeingofttje fame tteeei, anO all ctj^ei:
i\}z faio p;ofitB ano tcmmowties
txnpt before emptco^ at all
^UewetigtimeanotimwSttWftet, atfnj^ano tlHt pleafKre*;8no

g, \ ^
Cqinprorriile; jand

,^nD t)et;fott0,tl)at a)alcom i};iinj$anv co^neto t|e mtUpf t^e T^^DlI*

l^^calleD ^*^iU ftom t^efaiti toiune0,tiUage0,5amlct0,o; mi^Qt^tt
place inljabtteOjfl^al tiaue ftfieltbettie5,tDai|0,anDpairajje foj tl^e tat^
cr?tng,fetcl)ing,anD b;iinsingof tf)circo;inJ?t6ifieJaib ^il,ariuel ouec
anb tl^pug^J t^afaio parcell of gcoup fctfo^t^ anD meaiet^tu afo;e^
ouec ot^er tt)e gccunbis of t^e fatD S.* ^4n !l{
fatD,a^ alfo tl;;ougl) anti
afo?cfaio,in as ample ano large maner ano fo^me, as tl)c intjabitants
of t^cfaio to'ajncs,tjillagejs,anu |)amlct0,oj otljec places Ijauc bin ac^
(uttomeo anot^fep to oo atanv time ^ecetofo^e, am
as it is notxt matt
commonly Ijfeo* *4noil^aU anuma^ tit ano fatten anr tjeic !?o?res,
maces, pjotl|ec,bealls,to|]ie|;etoitl)tl)e?cai:t^*^nT? co.metotfje failjc
^ill,toan^tcitgt:otoing,o^otl)ei:tljing, beeinginanDtipontlje faiD
gcounD, fo t^at tlje 15cing,fo^,c; tope, epcoeo not tl)e lengtfj af foure
* ^nD tljat ttje faio
tDl)ole ^aq^s at tl)emoll %* U*iii^ Ijeiccs ano aU
CgncSjl^alf mapiatufnU:BataUaniieuct:)? jtimci tim)5S,fb oft/?$.ne^o
%lrcqaice,^mcD mh repaicejal ano fingulci; t^e^aies, i eiiet^ p.art
t^ecepfjfci t^c eafcCafcg^irOjanp paffage of tjjc tnfjabitarrfs of tl)e faiti

toltins,t3iUag0S,l)amlet3, i places tnl)abjteB,comming| going to auD

fcom tl|e faiD 9pil,teitt)Dutan?let5tcouble,t)e):atton,ojcontt:aDid:ion
of tlje faiD %. sp. l;ts Ijeircs o; alTignjBs, o j an\? of tljem, Sno t^at tjie

faiPJl.cp.l)is^eii:esojalIigncSrft)aUat all times toitljin tljefpace of

ttoo treats nejct enfuingtfje ijatel)ci:eof,Doemakc,fenotxjlei5g?jantJ firf^

feCjOj caufe to be maije,!inctj)leDgcD,ant>fuffercD,aU antj eueci' act auo ^

acts,tl)ing ano tljings^as (tiall be ccafonabl^ Deuifeo o; aouifeo b^ tlje

faiD 2DH l)is fjeices o,: affigneSjO^ ^is a;^ tljeir l^arn^o c0nnfeU,at t\ft
cnl^ p;opCE coHs f cliacgcs in all ti)iug0 of t^c faib X* ltvl)i0'^ires pj
affignes,foj tl)e further ana bettecafuvaance i fucj^.t^a|itig afiwll of
tl)e faio parcel o? quantitv of gcounp, cotainijjg about tjiiaif ti^,'as alfo

of tbe faiD tuaies, in manner aKD foime befo ze cjcprcsreo, t3iitb tfje l^to
%M*\fis ))ciitB ano afiignsfoj^ i?ucc5acD^oiag 6 tjj.etrtrr effect ,mca*
ning, ano purport of tj^effj p^efents : intowAberntiph t^fjetof it'iji'fatJ^ --

tfjec c;oaineo^UiacoeD,pccmcD J ano iiibgeo br If^'tTdP ^rbi,tcai.'* mtti

ti)c faio SE.H.ootb fo couenant ?c- tljat fje fjje faio t.^vl)is ^Ht&iim

afifigneSjl^allano mav {)aiie,taUe,anoemcv ouelr t^e grafi^no Ijer^

bage,tnitlj tl)e tljo;ine5ano b;tcrs rttrelij gtctjingjo; being in,o? tjp^
on tljefaio parcell o; quantity of^^irouno (p jbounoeO oj fet fa3^t^,as'is
afo^efaio^^no in furtljecrpnlioeratiQiVof t jjc p5e)^iKeS;)tfje faio %'3X^
IjatljpaieototljefaiolL^CI^^at ti)e mfealiiig hereof, at tlierequettof
tlje faio Arbitrators, tlje fuiTivne of fjc,U. |c * In vyitnciTe to|>ereof,nPt
onel? tlje faio parties to tftflf p^efeiit .|nJ)enttt^cs of atoacoe inters
jliangeabls Ijawcjput t!)jnc^^leS;a^i:|(jul[^j^be^^j^

Arbitremcnts, 170
t^t fe!ri5i,ah&rubfttibtt t^it hmu$ tlje Ut wtu ^eate i c.
t/f other Arbitrement of deh , rvherc the parties are
hkttd to performe it,

TO al true chriftian peoplcto fe^OWi f^i'fi J^xttmi iD^irtng of atDStJ Sc^; 4<^;

ttng tri ear ILo;d Coocueclafttng* Whereas niuer^futteB ic. bettDeen

Sn.M* |3I^^* of f c ^o^ pacifping,o2DeringamenDmstu!)ei:of,tl)0
fatD 2D^ f 31*^. tjauebouno ttj^mfelueg ettijct: to ot^ecin t^e fum of
cp.li. of latufuUCngltl]^ mone^^bi? tlieicfcueiall obligations bearing
ateff.toit^rtntrtttons tljereunper iatJittfen,to tano to ^e.VrWgra, ot
^* 1 2D. J?lrbitrato;s mbifferentlrjelijrt^'antj'cl[iflfcV> ar
tfje fato (!&. 31 '

)j9eil tpon t^e part ano bsJ^alfs of t|)0 faro 31^*a0 of ^et^D E^*^. to

alDart),arbitrate,o;ter,rule,tuDge/enti i Determine alt, ano all matter

of ruif0,debts,actionier,controuerfie0,Oebate|( anD oemanos tuliatroe
oer, cepenoiitgbet^iane tl)c fain 3. ^. anu t^efaip %*Wi* fm* fc
^0 fonne anp|etre : fo tji^t ttjetaio atvari} tueremaoeanogitientp xK
ttjiitingbntietit^eljantis anti feales ofallt^eraiD;arbitrato;5,atojbe*
br t^e faiD obligations ano conoitionB amon^^ o^
fo;e ttje t c.at i c. a$
tlier things Dotlj ano ma^ appare: ??$ fUnotw ^eu notD,tljat tl|e faio 0
31 .^ . ano 2D. taking tjpon t^em tlje tljarj^e t burten of t^e faio atoaro,

mtti Waning oelibcratelt ^earo ttjegrtefci^jaUegations $ pjeof^s of botl^

t|>e(aioparties,ooe br t|)ef(^ p?efent)E^,arbttrate, atDarDjO?Dcr,timr,
ano iuoge of ano concerning tbe p;remiffe in mancr $ fo;mefpllotoing
t|jat IB to rat?j :^ if irft t^^t"^ doc atoaro,ojoer,oeeme ano inoge b^ tljcfe
p^ercnt0,t!)attljefaiD 3.^.t)i0 erecuto^s o? atiminittrato35,o; fomelof
tijemjO^all Ujell ano truelp pat o^ caufe to be paiD bnto tl;e faio %Mi*
0? Ijis cectaine ;3tturnet!,erecuto5S o; aomintftcato^s^oj fomeof tfjem
at 0? before tlje %t* at oj in t[)e $c. <l^* \t of i c. ano at o^ before tlje f c.
otljer CC.li.of f c.in full ratiffactton of CCCCli.if oj paiment tolderof
tjje faio 3!.^. toD bouno to tbe faio 2D.I31I.in ano bt foute feuerall ob^

ligation0,to|)erof ttro are alreaoic fo?f. as tlierbi? mat appcere. ^ ^Ifo

t^efaio^%bitrato;s oocatuarOjO^JOer, $ c.tljattlje fato 3|.^. Ijis txttixp
to;3 ano aominiftcaf 0^0,0; fome of tl)em,at V^zit 0; feme of tt)cir colls
ano cl^arges, C^all before t^e ic. caufe ano procure, tljat all fuits,bills,
plaints f mfo;mations l;er0tofo?e ccnuncnceo againft tfje faio %* V*
in ant Courto; courts tol;atroeuer;,eit!recbt o;int!)enamcoftf)efaiO
3.^. tjjbt 02 in tfje name of ^.^.1)is fonjo;^ bto;i iiVtfjename of our
^ oueraign llaot tlje iHl. $paicttie t^at nolj)is,anO of enerieoj ant of

tljem bt 0; in tljc name of ant otljer perfon oj perfon , bt tlje con^

, 0;
fents^meanes ano procurements of t|em,o;^ ant of tt^em^O^allttjence^
^ ti fo:tl)
,; .

Compronjife and

i)efo?etl)Cfc/bcl3ttei;l^Difcontmuebarii>maD0tioifie. ^ ^notliefait
0tbittato:0 Doe fuctt)0c atuacOydjDec mmt i tuogeb^ tl)0r<^pjcfent0,
tl)atfo;^ t^t fucepatmentuf tljcfatufum of CCCCau
tbefaiD Bl*^*

ano ^. &
iuitljin ttoa Daie ncjct^aftec tender qj DcUofueof t^ one

part of t^is piefent atoart tp tljefaio Bl^ l^all dlueU aiiD fumcientl?


lafee/tal^ antj DcInVecaei t^efr oeens to t^e faifi %*m4n

ic oweobfe

gation o; Uj^tting obligato^tcfufficicnt in tljeLatw, toljecin an!) tui)"^E^

b? tbefaifi 3!. ^ t <!5^ ^* ll^aUacfenoUjIcDge tb^mfdues, ano eitbecof

tfiem to be ioiijtlt? iuio fenecall^ bouMDen to tbc faio 2C* WiX* in tbe Cum

of laCCC.UVbf c^tbit^jronoitidn t^eceupoa in one fo^mc of ILatJ3 iof,

io^ceo fo;t tlie fuw jjapminf off raiD fum of CC4i*patceU o|<^
si oz int\)t f cbgfoie |c/0nD tbe ctbcc CCU^refiouc of liie fato ol mm
CCCC4i.at 0,: b^fo?^ tbe |C*anD at ic" Jtllfo t^c faiD ^tbitcaco;}? ,c.qe

ftirtbccatoacD^c^tliat tbc faio 3!^.bis eFecuto;6 o^ abminiftcato^s^jo;.

fomc oftbem,a^ciUanD toill befo.zetbe t cat i}is ant tbeit o\\jne.p^pBi;,
, tott^ ano cljacgCiSjCaurc aiiti procure to U
cancsllen atmmaDeiJoipda^
recognifan^c of CCji^fieanng tiato tbe icknoittlisDgeJ) anb jehiolUo i

t^2lt* spaiefticsbigb *^"*^^ ^^ Cbancwwjto^ecein auo iu^etcbi? t^^

faioS^M^ttanbeft faoiinDcn to tbeXaioi^^an t^efaiofum,UJit() c6n^
bttion tbcwajif anncFf D,t^at if tli'e faib %rm*k^$ })zicB3immto^^
arUi abmirw0t3td?0,ahb eueciE of tbem,lboulb Ijadl anu tcl|? obtztw^
p0cfo5meOTfin>ahb kap aUaiibeuecie tl^e ccuenants^ah
ano agte^mentg , tubic^ on bi anu tbcii: pacteB torn to be obfecucDt
pecfo;jmeo,fulfiUeo and kept,contei?neJ) anB fpcciSco in one indentutf
bearing uate tbe ic. bad and ihade betto een^ t|,e (aid 2D* ssa. fin tbe dne
pkctie^nq tbefaidJ.^^on t^tUtiit pai:i^ie>cdntcrtting ^'e.mactajs^f
^)[^2I fen arid betctappararit df t^zkip%*^l* 1 51 ^ daugljtcc of
tije raid 31.^ acco;5ing to tbe tmz intent,pui:pd;t and ffect of tbe faio

iitdentute : ^i^^t t^emt^efaid cecdgnifance td be twid^and of nd efferf,

o; elfctottand f cas b^ tije faid cecdgnifancc and indentuce wo^e plain*
Ip andiit lacgcaFpcaretb^ ilndairdtbattbe faid J, ^ bisiipecutoas,,
o^j abminiftcatd;iJ,o> fDmeortbemjrQalljand iuill befd;e tb feaff af ic.
be diliucccd t^nto t\\t faid HC* Bil* bisf ev'ecuto;B^oj
dJeliucc, o; caufe to
adminiftratoaBjO^remc of tl)em,in tbe^faid noiu dtueUing bdufe of jtbe
faid %* Wl* afo^efaid, tbe faid indenture df couenant^ roncerning tbe
foiefaidinaciage^cancelled o^ to be cancelled* Bin luitne(reUibet:eof tbe
faid 0tbitratd;0 ta bot^ part0 oftiii0p;erent a^aid indcnted^ljaueXet
ttciftianpjj^Bifeale^. ?P^b|CtV.

. )i w ^

I* -C -^ ^Au^rhitremeuior award tfdehtma^t ^fkntarUvpm '

fTTQ alKttiic pfcriftian |)coplcrtfi .fe^om t^ia p^^fient lo;iiittjf)f ^ Sc^.7 4.

CitglanD,$f.fenoet[) gcatin0,ic; Whereas oiuecfefuifiSjtjananrejcrj

cotcouetfiejj,! Debatc0,l)ei:ct9fo^cljauebin|)aD,moueD, f oepentsuis,
bgttun %,<Q of 0D in tl)c ccutv of ^. v^oman, on f fje one part^ , and
if.^*offl).mft)eraHJ coimtv scntlenmnjon tljeof^cc partm Ui^m*
f^iniJiO)D;mg:^t tnoing tD^eceof,t!)0 faiD %S>% if ^. ^anc bdun^
tijt'fclueseitlietto otijcrtnttjefmnofCCCCJi.offob^ ticirreueval
oijltg.bearinguateic.noiu latt paft,Ujit!; fonoition fljetetinoetlunt^
ten,to 0anD to,abiDe,pet;fo^m0,fulfil,anD b^p tlje aluatD, o^oec^tnle,
0ome,iuDsem ano ocf eiminaf io of f iie faio catlc inDifferentl^ electeB
ano ^ofcn b? tlje niatuaUcnfent^anD at ttje earneft ant Ijilble requeft
t petttio of bott) tt)eraiD parttsB^to acbittflt^^atuatti, o^Der,tuoge?ani}
tetcmttnc of,fo?,anti concerning all anD^U manncc of adons, fuite0,
qimwel5,bebt;,Dutie0,aniD Demanos toljatroeuer, l^ao, mcDueD,o^ u*
pcn!3tng)0;lDl)icl; f)ereaftct;mtgl)t be I^aD^ncueD^c;} repent bettucene
acccueM^ gtolun fro beginning of t^ctx)0/lD, bnfiUtlje Da^ of tlje

Date of t!)e fame obliga* fo ^t\)t fame atDacb Ipece maDs in Ui^iting in^

Oenteii,t)ntiectl)c fjano anD feale of tljc fait carle beft;e i\)z jcir.Da? of
|CanD t^one part or tlje fame lu^iting intentei)? teliueieOjO? caufft to
be teliueret b^ tt)e fato eatle to i\^z fait %.^* to Ijia erecuto^g i c^o^ n^
nv of tl)pjO^ to tl)eii-5o; an^ of tfjcii tjfe^Dpon, o?befo;e l%t fait rijr.ta^
of f f atjO? in tl;e noU manlion o^ manoj Ijcuft cf tl)e fait cade, callet
^.in cant tljeoti)ei; pact ttiecofjtot^e fait if ^4f vtfupra,aj5 bu
tfjefait oblig ant contitions tljetof tot^ % ma^ mojeat lacgeappeai:^
* tiinolu vcu nolUj tfiat tlje fait earle of Ijijs nteerc gojt tuillant fauowc
iDljic!; Ije beatctfj to boti) tfje fait pactie0,ant of tlje great ant Ijonoja*
l)e Ijatl; of tijeir future quietneCTe, tafeing tjpcn f)im
ble refpect, Inbicf)
tl)ccl)argeantburtenoftf)efaitaiuart, ant tjaning celiberatel^ at
funt^t? ^i^^^ at large l)eart $ confiter^t ttje grteflps , allegation^^ant
p^Q)fj5 of botl) tlje fait paitie,tctl) bi? t^jefe p;efent0 atbitiaf e^aii^att,
o?tcr,tetnie5ant iutgijOfant ccnrtrning tije p?cmi(!es in nianec ant
ifjat ttje fait if .C^.b^s ico,; feme of ttjem^H^al
fojme fclciuingjviz.
ijoeUanttrult?pav , o^caufeto bepaiettjntotl)ef?:it|ID<I?4tJ5l^*t?
f(neoft!)cm5tl)efumofCly4icffc. inffje %t* in manner ant foani
ffillolDing, v;z tpcnic,l)C);r li tl^eof, ant tjponfc^otlietlicjir.lii
tj^eteof rcfitiic, ant fiimme
in full paijment ant fatiffartton of t!)e fait
ofClr.pount. * ;anB tljat in confiteration tl)eM0f5 tj^efait sr.C*
l|aU permit^ant fnfiiec all fuit? action*, quai;i:el0, tebtjs, tutic0,ant
^iij.i tcuwnWj

C ompromife and
(m obltgato wfy^t h$ Dtfv
''wman^tfySCdtone befo;e tf^ttygjte of tl^e
(ontinneD^ano no ftitt^Btp^nlCutttti^h^ |)tm, o; m^ ati^tt h^ f^h piCf

n -tatttmnU ''^nofuct^ecm0^e^fo;afmn^M0^^f6fA<)B^^ut4^
' ^ g8D,a0ij}afe;efaio,fo; t^0 paimmt of t!^ fai&fnmof Clraupatteitj bt
rearonofataDgementil^txtofo^ 3tu0nfo;tf)e (axti%.<3*m^iniion$
%* ^^ in t^e ^. mak^ts cowt , commonly calUd t^s m* Berui)> in
atfioH ofti0bt> in ioljtcb t^s faio^^ CE^^ ^ati) cecouereo a^amH^t^^t^
11.^* CCli;r)^t}4tano ttQoa0 br tl)e i:eco;D t^^ceof i:0mattiui0 iit: t^
faid couct appsaretfif !^iB [)ono;^ oetb tatt^t atuacD bi? ttiefe p^eTents^
in tettefe ano eaf^of t^erati>iF*$p*tl)atif t^e faio if 1^.)^ f c0;!an^ of
t]^0m:,oo to0l anD tcul|> pa^,o? caufe to be paio? t^e fato (urn oflv*\u
acco^oing to t^t tcue meaning of t^i^ p^&nt atuaco* ^m if tbe faioe

)l ^ l^id ^iteis! f c* o; fome of ttiem Q^all not Uiell ano tcuel? fatiffie,

cont0nt,auo pa^ tnts tf)e faio it ^* ^10 fc. tbe faio fcuei:aU fummejs
aboue irrtltiftataaco appointeo to be paio b^ ttje faio if* ^
* before t^a

aboue mentioneo : ^^at tt^en ano at all timei$

feuet:aUoai?eie^ therein
afteranv fuel) oefaultof paimentfo tobemaoebip tpz^ain il*^.|)id f c^
tl)e faio C(^^|)iiS ic fl^U permit ano fufifei: tl^e faio J^* ^ lii^ tvecix*
to;0 ano aommi^ato^ict, ano euerv of tbem att^e co^ anoc^acge^
oft^raioif*^^iiie)rccuo:s ano aomini(tcato^0efe(tuaU? to p^o^
fetute, 0^ caufe to be p;ol0cuteo all ann tutt^ fuc^ execution afio zxt^
tntion$t)pQntl)efaioiuogementfo^ao fo;^ ttie faioC(0againlltl^e
(;ai03lf^*a$ tQtbem^o^ant of tt}em>o;t|ieleanieocounfelof t[)em,o;
mv oftl)em(]^Hfe^meg(DO.J^noaUanoeiiet:^fttm ano fumsof mo#
ne^ tl)ecebp to be obtaineo,! tafeeano connect to t^e onel^ p;opet: tafe
ano be^alfe of tj^e faio if* ^* ^i0 txtcutozs f aominifitrato;^, luit^out
an^ account, cecompence, oj pat?mcnt t^ereofro; tl)ccefo^ tobc^aU
oeo 0^ uiaoeto t^iaiii%fiS>*\^w fc*o;an^ oftl^m: an^ tbing in t^i^
paefentatpaacocoHtattteoiCrnottuitlllEanoing* "Bin lmtne0 Uibete^
of:, tt)e faio Catle to botb t^e part5 of tl)i5 piefent atoaco l^at^ fet \)i
lano ano feale^ )^ateo %u
y, All fuch couenants Sc codicions it be vfually cnade for the aflurance
orcnioyingoflandsortcncaicnts,goods,and chattels, may be inlierccd
into awards.as Hiall fceme good vnco ihe Arbitrators or parties.
Of nMiceoJthe j^rbitretnent,
Scft. 48. A ^^ toljentbe ^rbitcato^s baue maoe tljeic aluaro, acso^Oing to
x\tbe fubmilfen:,albeit perchance t^ei? be not bouno to giue notice
tbeceofto i^t psrtieg^^et it feemctb beep cequifite^tbattl^ep ^ulotn
one time>befo?e t^t eitbec pactie be to perfo^me anr part tbei^of^no^
tige tbe fame bnto tliMeftotbectoife i\^vi mit^t hitsk t^^tit bonO0 oa
couenantB in tbatbebalfe (if an^fuclj be) be(ti;et^epl^notuti)efame
^fittuitt)ltanoing, t}^diX tt^eboi^in 8.&4.: .6c 9. beoottbtfulintliat
^int# . The
ArLitrcmcnts, lyz
br ti^atteM ^at^ inn Difcmit^reOitt tiitlctentl^ w^'^zn* Sea. 49
Ai^d i^m^
(astoe t|)inke) t^ tfjtfcope ano t^ of acbitwmerits,
tetl ano
vX^tc iUDgctmiit0)UE aU one : .^nD c^tefdt^t^s fttaUDetecmmation of
ftafg,fuit,ano conttoiwcfie, t9.H.<?.3 <f. 3riD To confequcnnpjetcif*
l^Iiealmgfl^eqnall. !l!5utti)e ilat0j$ feemcmo^e fauoncable to ^Scbt'
txmmUi t^m ottjcc 31^g<m0nt0, infomuclj, as b^ ilcbitrato^B t|e ^
fhutitoucfe f^tedtons ceixmonif of Halo (tottes (lulHici ate mott com^ 7
inonl^ ittont to tueacie natter?, anO|>ie!$e (^etc put;(5) ace ctttoflT^ ani)
Qo^tet: oect00nsb^ i^tm ntaDe,luit^ tittle 0^ no cofiat^U*
Me oeferce tot^elo tioto ^rbttrements raa^ be pleaoed in bactre of
ot^ec action? , tnttll Ute come to tijei r fit place amo ngfl our p^ettoent?
fpleaoingSjantfoenotljifiSDreatife* . .. ^j.t^/ .: o^u. >wv.

Att4wardmade yj an Arbitrator touchingCopyhold Lan^^betyvecne**^^

AH Alderman of London and another.i

all C^^iftian people, to tufjom tljis p^efent to^iting of atoarD

5^^, >^.-
inoenteD l^all come, ^. %* of Hincolnes 3Inne, in t^eCountie of
spiDDlefei: C^fquire, fenoetl) gretting in oar ito^o (^00 etierlalititg*
M^eas futt, Variance, ano Debate I)eretofo;el)at{)bmie ano ^tti ,

l)ad,moueD,anD oepenDing,ariDell in tl^ ^ueene? ^mfsm Court of

Kequets, as in Diuera ot^er Courtg^ bettot!ene it ^* Citizen anH
^loetman of llonoon of ti^e onepart^, ant> 3$C;.'of I&. in ttje Countie
of ipveoman of t^e ot^er part^,of,ftj;)ao concerningtlje rig|t,title,
Dfe,intere(t,ano poOfefifton of oiuers lanos, tenements, and |;ereot'
tament0,lnitt) t|)e appurtenances, l^ing ano being in IJi*tDit^intf)e
^ano; 0^ lU^O^ip of :iC. loiti)in t^e faio Countte of ^. ane cpn^
taining b^ eltimation about tluo t^uno^^eo acres of lano, meaooto, pa^
lture,anD Uioyo, commonly calleo 0; kno^ne br t^t name of l^ebines
^ano, fo;^ tj^e appeafing, finall eno, ano oetetwirjation of all to^jicj^
faiDfuites,l3arianccs, ano Debates, t^c parties afoaefaiD j^aue rub<>
mitteD ano comp^omitteD tl)emrelues to Itano to, obe^^ano perfo;me
tlje^rbif cement, omittance, Dfljme, ano iuDgement of me tl^e faio ^
%*M\k\iittQh inDiffetentl^.ele(tet),nameD, ano cljofen bijbot?) t^e
faiD patties, inoilftrentlt? to acbttcate,o;Der,Dame,atarD,anD iuoge,
stuell of, fo;, ano roncecning t|)e elfate, cigl^t, title, intcrctt,t)fe,

ano poOelTion of all anD fingulac tl^e fato p:emi(res, ano euerr part
ant parcell t^eretff^^i^ alfo of,fp;^ ano bppn all nianner of dttioiiSj
futtes^i)uarteliMet^^b^bates;, treTpatTes, ano pemaunos Ittfjatfo^
(Mr,^eretofo;^l)a^V)noueo,l3^t#iDyoit oepemiing ^ttisimt t|if rpito
pattic, ftom tJjetegtmnng of tijfe tw^lo tintill tl)c (toirnticfjiwr of

Compromifc and
cinjc'tof f l;e faiD pattit&ftmin bounDen to tt^otfjec of tl}t fame patties
in tlj<jfummcof<I;C lijbeauns&atetije fait) icr^oar of jjio. anti maue
fai^tl)ctl;^lDpcl:f;JIlTa\^c?fOftl;e fjaidfl^wam ,Jilo^at large it Dmtfj aiiD-

uiav appcaic. Wl^ccupon ftje faiD.i^^SD^IjaKtnjj tafemtjpon ^im tlje

^l;ai;jjc ano Uucoen of ttie fair acbitcemcitt.^no tjauing p.jcfeiu befo;e
^imbot^tljeratDpavtie5,auDf)auingalfot)crv aDuifcoli? anuoelibc^
latdplueigl^eoanijconfiDercu (Ije titles, cUimes, allejsationg, anD
p;^,^c|,of eitljeE of tl;elaitJ pactie0 to t^c faiD p;cmiffe6^;anD bpo fig^t
aiiS mi^>nfioecation ofalUlje eaiDenccB,tu;itings,f p^ojfcsfl^eUiei^^
antj inane before me tfie faio ^,%,b^ bot^ tlje faiD partteSj ws aisacD,
^bitcate,a^Dcc,t)ame, anti tuoge of ttjc p;emtorc0 in manccanu fo^me
foUoUung: t^at i$ to fap,i?ir;(l,l tije fatu ;ai:btti;ato; DtDaiuaiD,uam,.
o;ticc, ano iutige^tijat tt)e fato Hr C^o; ^isf^zittB at ^Utimeia; luit^ttit
t^joe^cetec p.ertenfuingt!)CDateoftl)efep;crent0, tjpon latufiiUanO
teafonablcteacmng bv tljc ^tetuaco , il5avlife , o; jU<auc of tlje fai^
mano^j of SD.foj tfjje time being l3^aU at tlje nevt Court fo to be IjolDen,.
tljen nert afcec fuel; teatning Ijao/uwenfiei: f gine bp into t\)t ^anbes
0f tlje faip^*|^.Ij.iii Ijeice? o} afignee in openConrtjaccoabingto t^e
cullome if il)c fatV^ano^i^ to t]^e>fe of t^efaib Kt^. anb Iji^^
foieuecairarjo.iingulei: tljeafoirait) lanDjs, tenements, anbtjeccbita*
ment0, l)eteafteriri.tf}erep;crenti6 mentioneb^ ejcp.jciTeo ? and becls^
reD : tljat is to^tt, one manfion o; bioeUing bou^e , U^ljecein t^e faio
K.C'.Jiotpjblb^Uet^, Uiiti^aUeciifio^^anb biuloings c* ^nn fati'^co
mo?e,3( t^^/aiijll^*^, 'wo aipatb, o,joaiite,bame>, ano iuoge b^ tljefe
p;erentjr,tl)att^laiDilii^*-lib|eiEej8! o;aJriBne0at tljeCaiD Coucti
tnliere, anD Uiben t^e faio furxenbei: fl^all be fo maoe, l^all nffuce anb
cornier liMto t jjc (m
U*C* q; to l)iz beire^,. ttjat fl^all fo fuctenbcc t^e
j;^n)itre0 asafo^efaio b? cop^ of CouftxaJib awp^tiing to t|>ef ullome
iif tlje faibSpano^jO? otl)ei:toire,a5 bptljefaio U.(2;. Iji^l^ciccB anb af^
u*^c0,b;aui'oftf)cm:,o^b^{)t5o; tl)eitlearHeb counfell fl)aUb^ uaf
fcinablvDeutffbb^abui^bjanpat t[)e proper co(t0anb c|)at:ge0 of tl)$
faib 1^ .C * ^10 \)mts anb affignes, net altering bp f be faioe aUucanc

pa aSIurance^ fo to bcbetufeb o^ aouifi^b, a0 i0 afo;e;ait), awp cntloine,

!iibect^,o^.iMttfoia;oji;j of tlje Cd^jp^to^
tcB, toitl) aU ano fiagulei; 0-faio lanbes r tenements , anb betebtta?
ment0,anD all ot^tt tl)cp,:emi(reB,\ritlj i\)m appuctenanced Vu^tfo*
'tuer, befo;eb^t!jerep;efentfi o^tiecebanD iuogeo to be fm:ceno;jeb;a)i
" :fraiDKiiJC0fi|lal?iiolw intlje ovupatipi] aft cpaaiceU of tb

^'3iP%i^h^^^^ W faio ii.^i^.iCrpnc^fjfc^Jteti anofp.jetwii

Kw^MWW Unoe^,^0iiei]!tent0, anb

4^^ut{;>tp^ ap|HtctettaiKe0 {mcpt i^cepteb
V :..s,T. Arbitrements. .
jxc^ of fonfaiigtiiiufie ^ nrro^tiini?: fo tJjc aunricne cu^in of f fjc fnto
iijBano; 0nti if ittjappen tfjal t[)c fnio K .e. doc Dereafe bi^Dsae f^e faio
fucccntict: itintic,a5 is nfo;craiD ,2Lf)f n to [)aue nno to l;olD f !)e faio p;f ^
miGrc(Ml^t[)cppoi;tcrtaitfC0 fo tl;cl^cii:e0^rti;cfatoit*(^. Wfjicf) fo
H^all funcntiei; tf)c fauic^;, niiiS (o fji0 !)cu f niare0 inco;tupt Uit[jmi<;e
focf[)DC0ra;of confangmmtiffc* "> - r- i^^'s

-(^ AyvArd reciting that cit her of the parties Jl^nd bound to other toterfernti
the arpArd.^ ^j^kA t hn tihe tivpArd is made hef^ re ffre prefixed
time in the Ol>UgAt ions^andnifh thefull con-
fcnt cf botij the parties.

aUCf).:iftian people, to iwf)oiM p^cfenf U;itui0 inocnfeo of

T^ ifjis

tucrlafttiis^lilioU) retljatluliere^rij t)annncc,tltife,tiebafcaiio mxtttt* r.o

ano E>.C
bin l)at>,inoueD,ani)ffiim lietluane^.iB^of
of Jf . of,fo;,anD concerning t|)e lig'ot,! tf le,mtcreff ,t)fc,pof*
feflton anu occupalton of 5c. fo^ tlje appcnfing t enoing tu^^ci:eof,ett!)aj
cf tljc faio pattiesf bg tl)eit niutuaU aircnt0,conrenf0 ano agceciiientu,
Ijaue fubimtfeo, comp;ontif tci) , aiiD bomiu tljemfeluej? eiiljtirto ot|ict;
ij^tfjeitfcueraUtD;ittng$ obli^ato?ie,beai;mg Date ic4nt|)efiim of fc.
fo ftanD to,abiDe,obap,obrecuc, pecfo^me, fulfill ano Heepetf>c atxiarD,
atbitrenientjO^tiinancejDDnic anDiuDgemmf of tjs f c j^cbtoto^B 1^
ttfferenf Ip elect anDcljioren,bef lueen t^etaio pat:tie0,of,anD fo; tlje p,^^
intcrc6,tts br file faio feuetal obligation^ Mt^ condition fo; tljepc^^
mmtt t\}tttot mo;c at latge appeeret^. Mljec^upon tue t^e faiD 0rbi#
ttafo;0 f afeingtjpon I30 tl)e labout^JnGneief f c^ljarge of t^e fame atoato

anD tutUiiigtoTet t\}i faiD patties at a finall peace , tjnifie anbconco.JD,

fo; anD concerning tljep;einiirc0,baueb^ gob aDuircanD Delib'etaticn,
feene,l)eatD;anD tljaoiij^li? eraiUineD bot^ jtfjeic title0,allegaticr<0,eui'
Dencc0 a!iD p;Qjfe0 , ( anD f tlje faiD pjemiCTeg , anD thereupon bcfo.20
t!)c Dai?ano time appointeD bnto 130 bv t^e faio ;bUgatien0 , fo; t^e -'^^?,

mafeiiig^,giutngt)p ,anD finit^ing ef t^efaiDatnato rtoett^faiD aibi<

f catoi0 b^ anD luit[),t^e faUaCTent , confent anD agtouinentof botlj tJie
faio pa j:tte0,i)oe m^ke^puUliU^jDcriare ano gitir lip ti)i0 cue p;erent ii^
ipiiD betfo^netiiefaiD pacfte0,of,fij; auD concerning tlje p;c4ni(re0,in
manej; anD fe^^ne foUotoing.jf itft luc aUjai:D,o;Dainc,Decme ano iiigDe
t^nt ic. J^iroVueaUjarD $c ^uDfinallpU)eaUiarD,o;t'a!nc, Dame anD"
?\|D^e^l(^|i Untneffie io^eteof^loe t|)e faia ^tbi^^^^^^
tl)e aV^AcD )l)au e in t^^tcl^angcab tr I'M t oot;^HO0 an^
J^0^p$i)S0^ Dav of $f . in tjie tljcntict!) ^eareof tljeraifiiite of oat
jSfjueiiaifinejUD? Elizabeth , b? tlje grace of (3 JifeD of cBntglanD^
'j||i#<i;;anDBlcelaD,:SiH)^^ ;-,/ *^

^7 SYM-

Of the Chancerie , Proceedings in the

fame > and Suppltcamnf ,
Bilks and Anfwers.

, The Chancerie, ; . .

(^ing , b? (25flt0 fattoy, toe itrteni &iijtb|)at to

Scft. I. ^i^ ^<^^^^^S^i^tmi(tDt manec p;dc0eDing<nC^nm

^utt0,anD to kt totune fom^p^efioent^tliecof^

f to t^e p0cfo?ming iuljeceof , it foemetlj cequifite
ficit to t)nfolD t^e mtuu of CDquttie, confcisncc
lano t))& ctgoui; of tt)e common Ilalue0of titf
Kfalme^as t^ep;op0t: cbiecto;: mattettu^ecea^
bout fuc^ ^utt0 ace fo;t^emoi{ pact ooupteD^
to t^e intent ttma^ tDttt)t|ie moae facilitie be
tmtecll(BO , i^oto 9 sno tti])en fuci) ^utts ate Ut\^ to be ta^en tn|^ano

ff^etcfo^tBetDillfiirG fpeakeof Su!tiiDum ins, (tol^tcb o^ntimes p;e^

fif^ agacoet^ t|re benelettetanBtbo^OiSfof tljecommonlialueic)
J^o; temfdie to^eceof, parties gc^ueo , p;ar <^l?d^ of t^is lonoaabU
Caartof Cfiancecte, tob^iole ertcemitie, anocgducefucj^ugoucto
^qmtte ano Confcience*

QfJhiU orprecife L4>fVh$ch is called Iw/Hmmam*

Seft. a. A Rfto^ll^i^ ewrt ojp^ecifea^at jbecaufetl^at , tf itliauene

/VaUa^ in it to qualifie tl)e ^acd^efife and feuecitie of tt,tt i0 tinplea^
fant anu fotoje in taft,ano repugnant to qmt
0nD Budxus fait!),t^at tl)i{ too^B (fft^ anti^jwiftCafe) ( afeo;o
iBl)iclj,amongft tlje CtuiUan0,fignifiet^ ^nk%m
ilato^ract aubt^l
of rigo;,ani) almoft tniuft : fo; tlje^ t^athytteof t^0llal,mabe tjefe
too;ttf ,ftrict!laUi,anoCquttic,oppofit tl^e onetot^eot^: \^\xb fatte
Budackis SI^t)ellatDrec0 oo atfo termeit,Iusfbtil,rubttUllato/i^ti)et
Jlatouewf DO0termeit,Suniroum it3s,iati3 iiitf?e^ig]^Wgw,o?moi
sioct^anott isfo tahcn of tl^em, iBf^enimntijatH) mo^^nt^Iettev
9f t|)elal9,t^n t)pon t^e meaning of t|e toaitfc^d; nmte of t%t Utp*
3(n to(tci) belialfe, it fofaltot^ out9firtiim)e(rt|rattHKiet;acoiom:r


ofthe ChaiinGerie* ry j.
WitteO, Gorafius Miffcl.lib.2 .cap: 3, Mu.i 2i
Oldend^jJTpius t)tmiietl;,t]^j8 J usifu'mnwiij', 0^ Itdto in
Wgc0e,m(btluob?an(jest:t[je one proper, tl|eof|iecinip;rop; i

f iUtoeintfjefjigtieaDegi^er, fop^opcrlt facmcDo; tabat, wantjiti

jioubteD an-u infallibU tulc of^oncftw, to^tclj ma^ gerterallp iuit^joat
exception be put in^rccution in anp common Ujealcto^etjitt it be o^p
gtnall^ grounoeD tipon t^lato of Mature, oj Upon tftelaUic of ipiati^
onfi : ^o^erampics Ujijerof i?ou ma^ takeali t^e rules anb
mott ftcictlr anD eratflv eefine anu bouno ot tl)e matter tofjiclj tl^
pnoMarelpjanunafecDIp, toit^outan? rcgatD ofciccumftancesof
tlje fad; tma^ fa Dut,of lD!)irl) fo^f oftults ate tljefe* i^ap t^^ too;D,
l^uct no man tlicfe ace genecall culest of JlaUi in ttje l^tgl^eft Degta, fo

ngl)teou0 ano full of itxftitt in tl^zit kimy tl)ati)^ tije latpe of ^atuce
it relftjbettec an^ mo?e ciglitfnl cannot be giuen. Lib. i F.dc psti$i .

^ut Ijecc ?0H fa no fpett fjau to-an? ciwumftance , of ^ouc ino^D,

ojl>urfing,fo;tljpoint belongetb to<^quit^,o^ t^eCouctofConfct>
ene,tu^ic^ tit^tji5 is calleD tljeCf)auncert?,as tijecafema? fall ont
ariD t^c Uto in t^e l>ig|iea oegi:a,being t^us p^joperl^ take^tB to;ongp
full? tecmeo b^ t^e common fo;t of men,to?ong in tlje l^igfjeft oegc^
fo; to fpeafee genewU^,ano at a too^mit is tlje iufteft ceafontfjat ma^
be,tDl^et^er natmsll>o;t:ationaU>ro fatrep it from being to bcciglrt^
fuUp talsen tu^ong, ^nttll it be KcetcIjeD ,anD as it luere fet t)pn t$nf
tuce Ijoikes, to be D;a%)neto fome inconuenient circumllaunce of t^
fact : as lotjen a man oot^ conenant o; giue i)is tuo^D to do) feme tKfl^o^
nedfact, o^ t^nrtfuUano Dangerous to tbeCommon loealt^^BIn to^tc^
fafe,if a man (l^oulD tD^eU t^is cule of ^atD,iiep tljp Ujo;8,iit tteao of
tKDingrtgt)ttnlt)^^tgl)eltoegt:cc, ^ee D^ulo commit iniud^ce in tie
]^igl)eft Degree : not becaufe tfjelaU) !)at|> anv fault in it felfe , bat be^
caufetl);oug1[)f|isein:o^anD caucllwgiDit|it!)0lLato,^etuo;Uetb iwc^
feeoncs, netiuDgingacigijt tlje ciccumttancec of t[)e fact, t[)ei:iii lat
auDcigl^tftattDBt^, Li.SLF.de palis. <':;.':!. ^
a,ato in t^e^ig^eft Degree imp^eclp tafeen^is fo tecmeo, isiffmh^
an ouec rigorous ano bacD inter p^jetation^t is D;jatt)n to inconuenient
b^ colourable agreements is Djatune to fcuftrate tl)c
feinDS of fa(ts,o?
ga3Dincaning0ftl)eiLalB,L.InciuilccuraL.(eq. F.dclegibus. span^
0ramples l)eceoflue^uein tt?e lattj : as it is a lat, tf)at no man fl^ll
be tojceo agatnft lis toilWoeomence o; maintaine an^ fuit o? action:
^0toputt|^cafetl)at3^*^asto?ongfttU^ impleaoeDb^Bf*^. twljfil
|atl)frameD a cunning action full of glorious ^etoe againff |)im tt)e
faio 31 ^ButBl^i^tftndingin conclusion ti^otl^is notaiiletopioue'
4. V ' Of the> CKaSncfeBrel
t^c3Iuuge0again(lt!)tsU>?oiTg^ll fceratteh of3I#*antJt^e^tl)e fai^
91^^ m
jjefence of tlits Isj^ongftm tjerntiim, t)JsctI).tf)ii5xule of iLalo,
tljat nomanw coipcllabIe to maintainc an action r<^li^te;t)eaiD iti
tWxa(ei^o faiti) luftinian,tl)i5 falfo glofa ot%^* 15 not to Ije fuffe^
tepojbo.jneiDtt^alU 2i:f)i0tenn0o?tuo;M3Of Jiatwe inti)ef}i%'^zftu^
gte^ bctnft tf)u$ tafecn, tiKmav tul far, tl)at lato in tlje Ijiglcft oegti
tu^ongin t^edijljea o^m. i?o? tljc mo^e fubtill^ tijat a nian Dct^

t\!m^^tm\t^QntitB {;c Ijcapet^ togetfjec, toinfo.uefaclja

|9tU9romuci)t|)e<mp^eanogieatccta^ong ano imulttceD^Ubcoone*^

Sc^; 3. 3p)a^uitiewtf)atlw!jici)iscommonl]?xaltei)cquala
XZrtime^ equall ano inll,anD fowetimc efiuaU,iutt, Lib. 1 . &Pen. F.
dc lufticia &
iurc, I. fi &ius F. ccrtum pccatur, Arift. tttmttf) it Epici-

ccs, arto otljcc U%mz it Epiciccan, ll)ic|[j uf as inucfj to fapt^a mitig^itt^

oiT,oj moDcration of tl;e laUj iii?ittcn,in fome circmnffance, mtfjec of

t^et^m00 t^ejnfeluef50f tfje pecfonjef^;^ of tfjetun00HalD (fattl) Do*.
natus)ii5tbat,t!)atinaUet^ ^Utljinga meigfit, anonot pliable to t^a
one, \m^t\}tu cnxitiz ist\)at, tbat oifpenfetb tuitl) manv points of
t^e latu^OldcHdorpius fait^^t^at (tquii'^ w
notljing t\kMt a founo
0? bp^igllt lutH D.J iuDgcment of an boneft manrnotijing ccaft? 0; fub^
tile/o meafuiing oiif to euec^ man tbat,tbat ts.b^jef,tbat in tfje meane
iDbilcno mani(lP^ongeD,a0 appearetI)moiiel^ntl^. in I. bona fi-
des. I, I ncurrit F. d?pof.
: n^:;
' ? u;

30 fcmcotbcr faif?, 10 a csafonabtemeaftire, fontaintngtn it

felfea fit p^opo^tioi? ano ngo;, fo tijat it tiffjecetl; ftom JLalne in t|i0i
tbat lalu 10 a oetecnnnatefentcnce fet Dotunearco^bing to tbe ruled of
t^elalti : But equity i0 a cectaincp^opo^tion iintalla^, bpon goidoc^
(afion0 retting on tttetbe common rules of tbBlaUiie,ant) fo tbe^ rail it
a culeo binoe of 31 ufttce, allai^eo luitl) tbe fUieetn^0 ofmeccp*
qinti? 10 Diuetfiv temieuintlieJlatt), fomefime iti^becrfignifi*
tmtW calleo a<Slinutntcncv^becaureit minilttelb amongltmen^a fit
t);>opo;tion,annuerabletotbepei:ron0, tbe matters^ ti)e place09 and

t^e times* ^ometimcs,plaine oealing i0 calleo (!l;quitv> li^bi^b t^ ^P^

pofitc tc tlje Dealing of man h\> nice povnt0of tbe llaiu* Sometime ijt
is taUen fb^ naturall luHice, o;^ tbe llalu of ^atnre. Sometime it is
lali^n fo;^llaln t^at is oppofiteto fo^geb anooeuifeo latu* j^cmetima
it is tahen fo; a^eligion %u ;9nD to be Ibo^t, iBtiait's is tbe correction
9;amenbmentofag(DDilaUi9t]ul)icl) is oefectiue in fcmepart^bt^rea^
fonoftliegateralitie of it .:uw..t=.
Of theChauncerie. 17^
yOf the diHtfion of E<^ftitie,
EQiiiticisctlDofolDjtiintteit atiD not \xsiittzYiM Otqttttiemar ht^
Scft 4
feu bot| in fcijole^ anB placfg of iuopinent tUio Uiatotlje one,bB
f akingfioD ^e,
Ijptt), anD m
U)|)at fou, p,iUKesf anj> iUliirei0ijaiw
obfecueD Cquitte, in making anD fetting uotoneof jllaiye , appotnt^D
to be m\z9 antj fquacsof iwens actions : fo tfjat if at an? timeanp cafe
fUlUt^ out, U)t)i4 i& in all potntg anfluecable to t^ellaU) , t)otD of an^
Difrei:enti;iECumftan(r0,tol)ic|j niigtit requite fome cljang 0^ alteration
of tl)eiLatu ,t^6V nav acco^Duilr frame tl)eiriui)gement0:^beingfMrc
anD cut Qf^oybt,tl^at ttje latu ofCquit v is alieao? c^alUeo out of tlnrm.
janotUerloa^ (l({i\iik istobcp/aaifcD in fc^efe particular facte0,
iDljtcl) uaili? fuUout, anM)ciue no tutm line $ fquare fet out fo; tfjcm

in tlje JlaU3e0alrcaoiemdoe, rot^atli.emuftbero^ceotooeliuerour

iuDgeinent0 iat^em,accojDingto cecttuuccircmwftance0jappl?eo a0
neerelp m ii e can, to tfjc principals at our Jlatu. ^nD Ijerein tJanoetf)

tl)e grcateit tofe of CquUf ^.mefl fit fo; Ccijanon tuealea ano t^$rfo;e ;

iut mai^ tueUCrtllitun bnUj^ittenCquitrjnot becaufeti^eareatour li^

bertic0 to Define **;& Determine of it, iuitljout Due regaro^at to t|je
ilaly to^itteji , but 'biiCf^ufe it taKct^ fomeiibertie^net tabino it felfe to.
tt^2enerlLUui0 af ilieJUlB*-

Cj/" i/>(f efficient caufe ofEejmtie.

GiSlSD t0:lj^twlentcaufeofqmtr5tiJl)oI)atI)fot^^^ ^ ^'
nature '.snUiaD^tbat Inearenot in anv h)ire,able to fet Detan
acertatnrrule io> iuture tbinge0 , ano ^et b^tl) beUoUieo l^pon I0& fo-
tnucbfenoU)leDf>e,a0 toil)ereb5 toemai? frame certain generaU Fule0 of
mar feme fo: Dicertion0 in all particular aaiono anD
fatf05 Datlfano t>6urelp falling But amongft men, if tbev beDuelv anD
tarefuUi? eramineD b? tbe rule of Cquitv^^^icl) Ijatb^ec t^unit tjpon
alixi^Dinarie circuml&ance0*

Oftfie materUlUaufeef S'quitie, -
----' - >

T^elUtDofipiature,tljellatoof i^ation0,anDgDmanerr,r^<. ^
tlje materiall caufe of ^t{\xitii , fo;j atcell miuDcD man , anD of

founD iuDgement iuillmafee of tfjefe tb; an tuljolefome nao tjerie me^

Dicinablemirture fo? anr ^tatg ano Common IveaUb- 3i^t t^e mat^
terlwbereabout tbis C^cjuitie muft occupie ano buile Ijer j'elfe , are tbe
affaires of men^iiifinitaatbev I'alUutvifojng^t o^JLuio lillberigbt<
If mlnitreo , if a0 matters fall out , tlje ciicumlfanccs tfieceof hwt\$
confiDereD , t^e muu^ei^^f tl)c ^aU) Doe timvx t^tix 3luDgement04c^
co^Dtngli?*- iitii^ijiipajji^; m5(!i3bi^ itv^.i^^

Of the Chauncerie,
of the forma/Uaufa of puttie,
T^c fo^mall t\}c matcliing ant leaeUtng of
caufe of d^quttte if( Mb
faUmg out dccumfiance? ti)ereof , IjdUI) t|e euI^b of t|)e
, anti tf)e

3[Uty,a5 bailt)ing0 aw framcD to Carpenters line0 ano fqnareu, > u . .

of ihefinall caufe of EquiHe.

finall caufe of Cquitte,o^ effect t0,to feeepe an eqwalitte amon^

geft tlje ftate of meit, tl)o are at mac^ 000 ano fquare amongell
tliemfelueg, to ttje ent! tlje Comwon tuealtli mat be pjeferueD in fafe^
tie,to!)id| ftanoetf) fej tl)e moft part in ngi)teou0 iatjgcmenf0

fVhj E^uitie it fame times compared to 4 rule

A X T^t.tnfitl]? t0quitte termeo t^e tuXz of maner0 : foj 80 b^ a rule

^ 9
j;\ j|g' fjjjjiijj pf g builoingare oifcouereo , foDot[j Cquitv iuOgea
rtg^t,bot^ of tbetojitten lato,anD alfo of all mens a(tton0 % ht^mms :
ano t^erefoje fuc^ a0 are minitters of Biufttce , appl^ ano frame tljeir
tutigement0, after t^e fquarc i rule of gojo ano egall, tljat t0 to fa^, of
c^oD0llatojaiH)tl)e3UUe0of ij^ature. %ainft VDt)ir^3lalDes,lDi)at
tuDgement0 foeuer be gtuen,can not be but tmtuE ano t)nrtg^teou0

How Eejnitie and Clemencie differ.

^* ^ T1 ^ere 10 a Difference bettueene dfequttie ano Clemencie

t foa (tquU

foeuer it benO04til)etl)er to Clemencie 0; to feueritie XBut Clemencie

is onlt p;oper to t|e ^;jince,o;i tljofe ^agiffrait0,t^at ^aue Ufee potu^
er of aDminiftration f 3Itifticeja0|3;ince0 fjaue

Ctlt UH-J.5 Of the difference betweene Squitie andfiri^ Law*

SiCrirt llato anu d^quitie Differ Ijerin^tljat ffrict Halu Dotl^ ^tt Dotune
in a generall fo;t Uiljat it enactetl;,anD is feuere, f not to be moueD,
dtct. II.
jjj^^ ^^^ J, J g|.j^j,j. , ^j ta[^et{, j0er fo; tljings , once fo; all : tlje grounD0
I pjinciples U)l)icf) it bzingct^ fo^tlj are tjntuerfall % full of feueciti? anp
^arpeneffe,fromiDl)icl) rules it toill not ffart afiDe,no not tlje bjeaDtt)
J j .

of an ^aire. ':^\\t Cquitic is fitlt> compareb to a ^I;maker0 ft)optliat

10 tuell furnil^eD U'itl) all ro;jf $ manet of lattes foj mens fecte,lljere
eac^ man ma^ be fure to fiiiDe one laff 0; otljer tl;at fljall fit l)im , be Ije
great n fmal.3!t is not alfo tjnfitl^ compareo to an 0pbttjecacif0 fljop,
lio^eD tuitl; all bino of czugSjfit foj alltfjc malaDies f DUIcafcs of men

WB,\)it^ D^ug0 nottoitljftanoiug^in cafct^e^ d^oulDbc tjnfbilfuUv com*''

pounDeo togitl)^,tDoulD in ffeaD of l)ealing,ttio;ik p^fcnt Deatl) to t^e
l^atient t|iat d^oulo receiue ti)em : fo^ it requirett) tf)e iiiDuffrie ano er^
Of the Chauncerie. ij6
quifite art of a %^ ^Witim^tQ mabe a ti^i compofition^tiircernmcE-
atiD tempering bv tultp;opo;ttoH6 gtoD tiemms from euiUBln It^efo^t
in afifatces bott) publiUe atiD p;!titat0 , equity cotf) paiticulatlv I care^
full^erammett)ecaufe0,tl)etimeis(,tf}erii:cumttance0 , t!)cfo:t5 anD
DifirecenccfiofpccfonSjanDmattctgjanDbv fo^mcc iuogement giucn
mltU0car$0,gatl)et:etl)anDi:amet|an abfolute atiD pecfett.Dectoing
antrDcteamnmst!)cmattri:p?0rcntl^iiiqueffionanDfute^ .

;3iiT0 S. German to tlje Iikc effect faitl) , CBquitie is a tigljteoufneffc

tempeccivUiitli mecc^ , lo|)tcl) coufioecett) all tlje particulec ciccum^
Vtmit& of t^e DeeD,Do^.& Stud.lib. t ,c 1 6
Ct)i5 Ci;quitiJ faitt) t)ee, muiltilUjateB be obfecucrj in cuer^ lalne of
man,anD in auec^ majcimc o,; genecall rule tl)ej:e0f,fo;j ttjat menjei acts
ate fo Diuecfe i infinite,tljat it is impoCTible to maUe anv genetalUaUi
ioljici) ma^ aptlv mitt luiti; cuei? pactic ulac act, ano not faile in fome

%^tttimt Jlatu^niafecis Do fc^efoe tl;ings lutjicbma^ oft

fpectall cafe.
Jjappcnunfomucl) asftiictlp to obfeructije tiio,jD anu tcnojof tijelato)
Ujece in fome cafes b ut agatnE tuHue aujtr tl)e conimonlDealti>Wl)et:^
fo^^ein fuct) cafes ^e niuE ^xtt faft t0tt)at.U)|^tcl) ceafon ano tulttce u^
qntce, toljict) is, tljat equity mat mitigate rigprcm iuris, joibicl) equity
is no ot^ec t^ing,tl)en an ejcceptioH of tljelaU) of (DoD, oii of ttie laki of
teafon, from t[)e general! p;itHciples of manspolittue laluyiiot agrees
ing \ssit\) V^txn infon^ pai'ticulaciti?,Uii)icl) crception is inUjar&i^ im*
plieD in eueci? gcnerall gcounD o; matime of tl)e lali Sim y>zt tafe^tfr
not aloat t^e tjerv rigljt, but fubftituf ett) tigljt in ftcati of t^at iol>icl)
b^ tl)onlii letter of t!)e llatu fcemetl) to be rigbt i i^ not ijieitfjer ma^'
iDCt^erefo^ieaccnfe tljelLalo of cruelty,tu^tc^ (as is faio) generally ta^
feeitiis gCDD of it felfjf not cruel,t^ouglj it ceacl) not fullp to cuer^ par^'
ticular circuHance of mens actions^^no tberefo;e if a latu Uioremaue,
tljat no man tinoer tl^epatne of Deatl), ll^oulD open tlje gates of a citie
before tlje ^nn rifing, ^et l)e UjIjo fo; faumg V)t tiiii^m 6i?ing from
tfjeir enemies to tl)e ramegates,op0net]) tl)em before tbat tii4ie,ofifen^
^ctl) wtiti^tinUnt ano equity? of t!)at ilaUs Dd. St. Ub. i .cap.^.^f if a

Statute tuer^ maoe,tl)at tuljoroeuer Dotl) Tuct) an ad C^oulo be put to

Oeatl) : ^eHfppof non f^nx meajoriae, o; an^ infant of ienoej vj^res,
iDl)iclj tijantetli oifcretion oo fuel) an atf, tljep fqall not tljerefo;e fuffer

oeatb*^;ifaffatutetuercmaoe, tljat loijofocuer i'ccetuetf)o; aiOetl)

1;mt^ meat,o;jin^,o,i Dt|)ertDifc.3^.an otfenoo; bnottiing Ijis ofFence,
l^al beaccetFar^ tljeruntoas a felon,tet if l)ts UnfebnotDing t^s offtte
receiueanoaioei)tm,l^e(]^aUnottl)erbi' be a felon : i?o;intljegene^

ralitt of fuel) .^tatutes^maomenjinfants? ano t)is otun^ ^if^ are not

intenoeo to beinclnoeo>bttt epcepteo br implication* l&t all tu^tcf) toe
niaFSi^l)ct:?tj^.at fl)<fiOwtto^otiip;os of tl)elaUJ enlr arcnot tije lat>


Of the Chau iicer ic.

feiitt^cintuarD fence anumeaaitng tljeicoft ifojoatllatws(au^atl'^
{a\)KB) ijauc tvuo fjatt0,t|yat in to fai?,tl)e flefl^ foale, Ctie letteu

tttemWtt) fi^e fle(^,t!)e intent fteafon, the foule : Nam ratio legis eft
a.nma ic^^iSjii^ellaUj ma)? becompareoto a i^ut,ti^ercoft^e letter
refembkt!) tf}t J^ell, ttje fence ttie kcrnelUno as t^e profit of tt)e jjiut
ut nottn t^e ^ell, but in tl)e ketneil, fo t^ ftutte of tt)e ]ialp not in u
t|je letter >t!ut in t^e fence : anu as Ijce tuljicl) ceftetf) tpon tfie ^ell fee^
fet^ tiefcuit of tl^e nut,fol^tBt)ictl flaietljtjpontfjelettetluantct^ t^
profit of tfje latD, fo^tt)e letter IS fomettmeslargec 9 anofomettme^
nactotuei; tljen t|)e intent toljic^ Cquit^ tegaEBet|j,Plow.9.b.+65.a.
^niJ Bra^on raumtonucnicn-
of QDquit^ tojitetl) t^iis: Equitas ft
eniia qux in paribus cauiis paria conHdcrat iura, Si omnia bene co^qui*
parar. t dicitur stquitas quali atqua) icas, 6c vcrcicur in rebus, id cH, in
diftis & fastis horainuro. Lib. I .C.4 vSci). 3 5.

' H9Vt> the ChitUHcerjis termed the Court ofCenfcien^k.
Sea. 1 2. A ^iifo;fomuc|)astt)i0Cout:tb;ioleti) tfjetigouc ofti^e common
/xilatu^b^ giuing xtmt^iz^ b?
actions ant) exceptions fo^ toiiere
lalononeUiere^acco^Dingtoequitteanoconfcience, tomaintaine as-
quuro ec bonuni, tl)e common people terme tl)g Cliancecv t^e Couct of
Confcience:^et^et:einconfciencetsfotegat:oe09 t^atllatnes be not
negleiteo, fo; t^e^ mult io^ne f^auos in tf^e mo^ecatton of e):ti:emtti<9
Diued. Cuf 1 05.Nam ipfig criani leges rupiunc wi iure rcganiur, id eft,
vcleui, facili, ac benigna interpretatione cemperencur, vcreq^ dicicur,
Nullusreccdac a Cancdiaria line remedio, 4. H.7.<{.
;,).. . ^ . . !, .'

<.' Vw.. .
Of Confcience .
TIpiS Confcience is OeftneO, R cl iqua in hoiTi rationis rcincillaVbo-
norum, malorumq; fa^orum, index index :igitur& bipertita &
eaapprobatiOjCcz.&opprobatio, iDainbene, hxcinfccusfa^is. lu-
ftus Lipliiis lib. ciuilis do([^nh cap.5. o^tljUS*
Confciencia eft tucitum aniini in&llibiieque fa^i noftri iudicium,
conimuni iufticiz formuU,qu3ni Deus infcuipfit onmibuslrofDmibuSi
produ^lum, per ^ auc accufatur res mala aucdefend)^ boi^, Oldei^idoi^
pius,Cora{iu$iniVlircc).lib.4. c. io. - ^^.>i.>iUl:i'::::.S'.](i'U

Confcience is an actuall applying of fenoiuleuge to foirepaittiiulec

artOfman,as^Gcrmainefait[), Doer ScStu. cap. i^. j^no^ynde-
rcfis, Inljtcf) iB turned a natncall poluecDf tlje foule, jjecfteaBtug gti

ano oiUtoaDingeuill, D.S.lib.i.c.i 3. is notljingelfe but atteDta ob-

feruationisocc^Ho cum omnibus circumftanri)Seius, Thnad/ikj^tViti
miniftcet^ tl)egenet:allp;inciplesoft|)at fenotolefige Vcre iguur di.
cicurjCofcienc'vera nifiadhibeat, ludcxnopoccft ciiiifam Ccdm^qui-

Of theChanccrie. 177
tatcm (Jcfinlrc, fi mille teQcs totideqj videat ob occuloiinftrumta: Con-
fcientiacnimycummillctefliHra vimobtineat) certacft'non fallitur. Ac
in prabacionib'f^pe vcl error, vcl dol* vcrfat,ficuc expcricntia hcu nimis
frequens nos docct. Oldend.
Of lodgements in Chancer ie,
great wtl^epoki^CjiucifbidomanDmaieffie of tfjis court, tfjat Se^. 14.
S)BIuDgements therein gmen are nottofeecontroulcoo? reuerfeo tit
an? otl)er court, ttjan i])t \)i%\) court of pariiament,U)!)ict) is t^zt^izf
feftofaUot|jerCourt0mtl)ijEsliealme,Diucf.Cuf 105. 37.H.6.14.

Of the ^ower ordinary ofthe Chancery,

tln^s Court w armeo iuitfj ttoofolo potuer tijat is to far,tuitfj Sca. 1 5.-
poUero?iimar? ano abfolute, p.Ed.4.15.
315p ojDinarte polucr tfje iio;jD Cljancelo; p^ocaoet^ a0 at tfje com;*
mon!lalJD,a0tnp;occeDtngt)pon Kecognt^ancexs tl)ere hnolDleogeD,
aim trauerfcs of oflfices, in tu^icf) parties are to pleaoanoio^neilTue
ag at Common Iatu^nDfo in ruitagainftojfo;,Clerfee of tlje C^an*
eerie, anOotl)erperfonip;^iuileogeDb? Accachmenc tljere fo; matter
of action remeoiable bp tl^e common ilatu f c. %ut tofjen t|ie? be at if;*
Cue, t^e Hcco^o mud be tranfmitteo into t^e ^tng Bencl^, to be trieo
b? 3!ut:r*^nO lul^en it is fo trieo, it muli be temaunoeo into tljeC^an^
eerie, tl^at iuogement ma? be tijere giuen,anD erecijtion ^ao tpon t^c
fame, i4-F'45. 14- -4 7. 8.E.4.<j.

Of the fowerabfoiuteof the Chancery.

abfolutc potucr is not to tjje rules of t^e common iLatoe, Sc^. 1 5
but b? t^at ^ptters mat? be eramineo omnib*

vijs & modis quib*

rei Veritas melius fciri poccrir, anO tuOgeO fcdm allegata ct probata, anO
not b? 3Jnric Of 12. men, as at ttje common iLalu, i3ut b? eraminati*

on of Ujitnea'cs,as in tlje courts of t!;e ciuillalii. Smith dc rcpub.Angl*

\uz ,ca. I : . Diucrr.Cuf i o d. 9 . E. 4. 5.^tit\)zt is fucl) p^ecife fo;me of
pleaoingtjreD int^eC^ancer?,as attljecommonlal, no; an? aDuan?
tage to be taUen fo.j mifplcaoing, oj tjjant of f0?me,fo as ttje fubftancc
of tf)e matter befu9ficientl?Dirclofeo in conrcience,Diucr,Cvjt 106. 5>.
SDiuers ot|)cc fpeciall autl)o^ities ano p^iuileDges ^atl) tfje ilo>D
C^ancello; b? funtj;? ^toXuiz^^ as tfjereb? appearet!). :3nD partition
maoe in t^e C^ imecie rcnu:ing rent \B g(DO,ano ma? luell be fent in^
to t^e icings li3cncJ),anoerecutiont!)ereuponmaoeb? Scire facias, 3 7.
H. <;.4].li.A{r. 5 z. ^no iflanDs bcrecouereD from atDOmantDl)ereof
f^e toas enootucD iu tlje Ctjancetie, 0je ma? Ijaue a Scire facias tljere

to be netcl? enootuco, 2 9. Afl. 23.

^ cf
Of the CkauncerlcJ
Of aStibpotna.
1 7.
A i^^
^^ anCojec in
f^^^"5 ^^^ JDinact? meang to call
anu bjing in tlje parties fo
Coutt,is citbec Ur tJje ^erieant of t\)t msec, an

befo.2c, oj b\> Subpoena.luljirl; onlvis tl>o.nginal p;occs oftljisCouctj

ano mull be tjiicetcD to tl;c parties, Doa. St.li,i.c.i7.Stiiithdcrcpub.

Catifesremedinhleirtthe Chancery.

^*A 18-
accT. 0-
IJ firing tfjuspecufcD cquitieanti Summumiu$,toftlj'tf)cict)tfFc^
iBijereitpon fuits in tt)t3
Jrl rentes, ano alfo loljat Confdence is,
f onrt D9C Ci)tcflii lie:3Jt fecmetl) gaits note fpcciaUr to ronfioec fuel)
tiall cafes as be ccmeoiable in C^anfeiie,anti fo? lu^icl; a Uj;it of Sub-
poeiuliett) tt)ccc, as in cafes foUo^juing.
;aSubpoena lietl) in no cafcbutU)|)ej:et[jecommon Ulw failetf^i fo
as t^e pactie lutjo in cquitie l;atl) bj.jong,can Ijaue no ojornacic cemc^
as in tljefc cafes follotuing, anD fuel) lifec.
^sif t!)eli.bi? tris letters patents giue bnto^.go^s fo.zfeiteu tolj'ts
l)igt)nesbr tceafon,3*ma^ fue fo;j tl)e fame in Cijiincecie, ? 9'H.6. 2 6.
;3n0"it fijcmetlj if one Coepecuto; alonercleafe uebt one to tl)e tetta*
to;, liis companion xmc^ thereof Ijaue remeop in Cfjancerie againft \)i%
Coerecuto; onelv, if no couin be in tbe uebto; : hwt it tfjerc be, tljen a
againftt|^embotlrj4-H-7.4 Diucr.Cut 106.
^no b^ Moyle, if a Qiiare impcdit b^ tiuo Coperceners, tlje one
mafecafalfcpleaofcouinbetlucene IjimanD t|)c oefencant, tljenljis
compamon b^ Mtin tl)eCoHrt,ma^ info;cc Ijim to io j^ne toiti; tjim iw
atruecount,6. E.4vio..
3Jf lanos in ancient ticmefne ertenbeo b? 0atute^arc^ant,bere^
couereo b^ common rrcouerte,tl;e cogni^ee !)att) no remeDie but in ron^
fcience,7.H.7.ii. v^**
33f feoffees in tcnttjcommanueo bi' cettu^ tiwt bfe to cwfcolTe Ijf^r
tjenDs^, refufe to Doe it, a Subpoena Uctlj fo; s,)^t tscncec againtt X\}tmy
37.H.d.3 6.

que bfe tieuifebp Ijts WUtf^st Ijts fcoJfics mafee an t^tt

3lf ceftttr
to3I^fo;life,tl;eremainDerto^anfcc,ano i.ccfure to tafee liis e^
ftatc,^after tfjeijeatl;of 3!mai? bp vSubpoeaa compel! tije feoflfes to
niabeeftate,to ^im acco;oingl^, per Icnny&Fiuch, 3 7;H.6. 3(5.

SE^enatin bo;ougb CngUl^enfcolfctl) ^,to tljebfe oftl)cfeo(fo;an!)

l)isbeires,anDDie,t)isii?ongcftfonne(^aU Ijane a Subpoena anu not
tl)eelDea:,fo; tljebfe is of tlje of nature of tI;elanD, 5 E 4.7.
31 fa man make a feoffement in truft of lanus Defcenoeb to Ijim cjc
parte macns, ano Dteluttl)ouU(ruc,|)tsI)eire ex pane matrif mai! ^aue
Of die Chancerie*; 178
3(fa inan taUc a fcofiemcnt (o pttfe^mz ^ts f aftet to tnfcoffe
^is^ziuB^tim Declajjc fjtjs toiU fo; ^eaj:es,anD Oie,ljauing iflfHca fonnc
a!)aDaug!)tecbonctjcntei:,anDaDaug!)tcc b^ anotl^ectjcnferjt^e
foime Dtet!; iDitljout tflTue before t!)e toiU be pccfo^meti, \}iB fittcc of f ^c
Uiljole blouo is to Ijaiic c);ccuf ion of tl)eeaate bv tfjc fcoffecjs/o; poflcfllo
fratri$dcfcodo(ofant3fc)facitrororcH4cflch3ercdcin, anOt^etuillfoj
rcatcjs i( no impcDiment of tl^cpolTeiriontbut otljettoife ifitfjao banc
offcanUtencmcntb^tlje Reporter, 5.Ed.4. 7.
3lf;3rctfcDinf0etotl)et3fc of a Uioman, tu^o taketfj an IjufbanD,
anu {)c fclletl) tfjelanu to ^. fo; monc^, lyfjiclj tfje luifcrecciucf^, ano
'^,at tljeic reqacft infeoffe ti)et3enti0e,fbc tjufbauD Diet!), t^clxjife ma^
Ijauip a Subpoena againtt ttje tjenDee, ^auing notice fjeceof, o; elfea^

gninft tfje feoffee fo j teccmper.ca : fo? t\}W is tlje fale of tl)e Ijufbano on^
mine bfe, o^ of m^? tutU, oj Ijatl^
3If sp^IiitoUj tl;at S2Il,i5 infeoffeD to
grots giuen to !)iin to mine tjfejanDbu^ tbelmibso; gcoos fo: monc^,
a Subpcrnalietl)a0atn((tl]et)enoo; anCbenDee to pecfo^^me tt)eU)tU
o,zbft,5.Ed.4.7. 1 1. Ed.4.8.Diuerf.Cur. io<5.)l5uf againllt|)cbenDo;
onlD if tbe tjcnp^ fjaue no fuel; noticcDiuerf.Cur i c6.

Hman b^ Subpoena mai? enforce l)isfeofifceoftcufttob;ing actions

in ti^eic namei57.E.4.J9.asti:erpaireagaintttcerpa(ro?0,j i .E.4.8.^et
if t^c feoffee l)aD celcafeo to t[)e ttefpairoj,Ccftuy que vfc IjaO bin ceme^
Hiletfe,! i.Ed.4.8.o^0ffife, 2.Ed.4.2.o;tt;erpaCrefo;jg(DOsgiuetttolji
be not compellable to ioine batt(itle,7. E.4. 2 9.
3if afeofirement be maoe to tl)t c^icfe Jlo?t),oj otbei:s,tot)fe5,l)e ma^
Ijis ^eignio jie, ano no
tefufe to execute tlje cftaiU (02, ertinguift)ing of
Subpoena itetl) againft fj^im, 1 6.E.4 4.
SDljelieiceoftbe feoffee in ttuC being in b? mfccnt,is compellable bi^
Subpoena to txzcixtt an ettate acco^uitt^to tl)e tm%z 2.Ed.4.6.
31f atoifelDilltliatljcc feoffag(|aUinfeoffc bee Ijufbano , l)e ma^
not compell tl)em tljewunto, fo; tl;c luill of a ioife in t^is cafe is ^ioe,
BBfa^bebounofoif toflje bfe of CC.in Cfjancerrma^compcU
jff to fue :3fo;i tlje ramej2.Ed.4. 2.

SlfK^Delinecmonerto ^toDeliuerto fiiserecutDjso;^ aominiffta^

to*s to oifpofe fcano ^.ocliuet tbe fame bpon bonu to )!5. to beepe ano
ixDcUuecto f)im, jU.Dietb? bii^ erecuto^s oj aominiacato^sma^iii
Concede compell)a*tofue tbc obligors fojtlje mone^,4Ed.4.37.
leas to pmoSubpaietl) againft pnotUjit!)ftani)ingt^at |e Ijao notice
eftj)ofe;fo;euei:r manmarlatofuU^ ai06l)imfelfe,ii.E.48.Diucr[;
z 1 tlujP
Of the ChauncerieJ
Cuf io<^.Cl)e Uitc of an Obligation to ttoo,to t^etjfe of onc^t^e reme
r>ieis againtt !)im ttjatuio fo
celeafcDiucrf.Cuf io6. i i.E.4-8.
abe bounD to B.to tlje 'ofc of C.ano IB. wleafc, C. ma^ l)aue cc^
3! f
mcDict!)et:0fQ^einCf)auucene,7-H.7.i I.

3If a man par Debt Due b^ fpcctaltic

Uiitljout an acquitancc, ojljaue

an acquitancejano lofc it,l)C ^all l;aue wnm

in ^mmtm,z2 .,4
d.7.H. 7. 1 1 .ilBut it feemettj to be ottiertDifc, if f^e Debt be b^ matter of
reco;r,fo;ciremt(jbt alUeco^osbeauoiDeDbtituitneireB tDl;ici)U)oulD
ueftco^ t]^ecommonlatD52 2.Ed;4.<).Diuerf.Cur.io(j.Doa.antJ Stud,
lib 1. cap. 12.
^ Subpoena lietl) on a p^omtfe 0? agcecment b^ 1juo;d : as to bnilo a
|)oafe,o?to0oean? otl)eclafefuUact,8.Ecl.4 4.Diuerr.Cuf 105.
Enaction lietbagainft^j:ecuto;i?in C|jancecic tjpon a fimplecon^
tca(ttDitl)outfpecialtic,7.H.7.i i.

^f tl)ece be ttoo obligo;5g:,ani3 tlje obligee giue longer ua^ of paiment

31fgcDD!5begiuentoDefcauo cceoito^s, tlje? map liane cememe in
Cl)auncei:ieagainftt|ie Donees, ojfutl) as j^aue tlja poffeiTion of tlie
Blfamanbefuectiefo^anotl^ersDebt? anoti^e oebto>anoot{)ei:i^&
bounD to fauet|)eruectie i^acmeleCTe, anD tf)t fmttit baue alfo ga)D$
DelineceD bp tlje Debtor to faue Ijim l^armeleffe : notluitljaanDingt^e
fuettiepa^tl)eDebt,?etif l)e fueljis obligation, t^e Debtor mavbaue

a Subpoena fo; reffttutton of I^i0 g(uD; fo paUineD fo; t^t fame, lelt l^ee

i^oulD be ttnice cl^acgco tljerefoje, 1 6.E.4.9.

3lf a man bup a Debt Due bp obligation, f be boiwiDtopai^afHmme
ofmonet?tot]^et)enDo;fo;it: i?etfo;fomu([)a(t^e tiding folDi0 e^ofe
in action in tl)e t3enDee l)e can Ijaue no p:jopei:tie,anD tbecefo^e l)at|i not
quid pro quo.tljebenDa ma? be relecueD in (2;quitie fojljiis oUmeiDb*
0nD fo? euiDencejtuljercof tlje plaintift bnotoetl) ncitljec t^e c erfain
contents no; contentment, Ije map l^aue remeoie in Cl)auncecp,Di-
ucrCCur 105.
lleatnetDljet^er if a tranfito;ie pecfonall action befueD in a fojreinc
Countie,t|)eDefenDantmarftar ttje plaintifeinCljanceciebrlniun-
^ion,DiucrfCuf io(>. ,

^0 neceCTatie be^ temeoies intije CJ^ancerp bpon equities IIoId^

eDbi?^al,tt)at it feemett) to fomenot inconuenientto^aue alTtgneD
fut|)i:emeDiesfo;tljC7*gtounDof tlje latues of tljis Kealme, tutjic^
ate fatD to conttS of (^.gtounDs onl^ : gcd, tt)e latti of ceafon, z %^e .

HatD of <^oD : I *^enerail Cuttomes of ttje Kealme ; 4 |B;incip!es 0^ .

^a);^nsof)U) 5*li^^cti(uUt;ciiltomest)feDonIr in cectaineplacM



Of the Glianccrie^ 179

of t[)t's ]tteate, 6. Mq of patlramcnt, Doa. ami Stiia.lib.T.cap.3,4,
5,6,7,8,9,10,1 1, and 17.
31 fa man bouno in a fingl0 obligation o.^btU Of Debt) pal? ffje mone^
accozDtngfotl^e bono, tieitf)et; taking an acquitance t|erccf, no;^ can^
celling tlfefpecialtic of tijc fame;, J)e 10 bi^tljc common lalu cljargeablc
to pa? ti)e fame Debt agatn^, b v bcitue of tt)e faiD fpcctaltie : li5\xi ma?
|^auei;cme6?tf)6ccofintl^cCljancet:i0 DoaanoStu.h.i.ca.d. i.H.7.

^ A view ofccrtainc cafes whcrcinthcpartiegricuedfccmcth wronged SeV. xp.

in confciencc, and yet isrcmcdilcffc in Chanccrir.
C\iF an tmiufl^tDagccof ]U.atue in an anion of
uht bpon a 0mplc
/contract) Doft.ano Stud Ij. I. cap. 1 8v<

iDf a falfc tjecoict b? a grauuo 3! ucie in jattaintjDoa. anj Stud.Ii. X

Joi; Damages lofjece a man fjatlj cigbf n titXt to lano in tlje poflfef^

fion of anotljec, ano ma? b? action lecoiici onel? tl)c lanD,but no oam^ v
fo; t^c meane occupatien tljcrc is no temco? foj tl)C famo Da^
-mag00 :
mages in Cljancccict^sifttje tenant in tailc be oiiTeireo, anOtbeDiriJ
feifoj Die feifeo, ano Ijis beice is in b? Dircent,againft toljom tfjc iffiic ixi
taile bjingetb a Kormcdon, l)e ma? tec once tbclano, but no Damages,
Doft.anD Srud.li. I .cap. 1 9.
^ man ma? not Den? tljat iubiff) be batb once afTirmcD of recojD in a
Court of Keco;D, no? affttme t^at tujjicb^e batb once DcniCD of reco^D
tnaCourtofHeco^D^no^tbatlubeceof be lDilfull?e&oppeD 0; erclu^
DeD bimfelfe b? Deen inoenteD, 0; otbettoife : 3nD if a Daugbter Irljif^^
iii fole beire to ber fatljer fue liuer? Untb ijer battaro filler , ^e i^ rcme^

Dileffe b? latD, Doa.anDSto.li. i .ca. 1 9.

31 fa tbing be founD b? becDict againft tcutlj before iuDgement, Do.

Wi\)ttz tbe caufe of tl^eHatae ceafet^, tbelato alfo ceafetl) in confct^
ence : ^& lelTec foj ?eares recoueretb b? iuDgentent treble oammages

fo;a trefpas of toafie Done b? an edranger:, Sno l)e in tlje reuerfion Di^
et|)before ^xb action of loafte be enbeD, ?et in conference Ije ougf)t to
fue erecution fo; \)i& (tngle Dammages? fo? i)e i)aD no mo;e i^urt tbere^
b?)Do. anDScu.li.i.ca.19.
3 llaVu grounDeD bpon a falfe p^efumption, is not to be {jolDeit in
confciencc. Do, ano Stu.li. i .ca. 1 9.
Confciencema?notp?euaileagainftalatofllCulIome, eitljerge;
ncrall o^parficular : 0s inoifcents of lanDsto tf}e elDcft foimc b?
tbe common ilato, to tl)e?ongeftb?3iBojoug!) Cnglil^, ano.toaU b?
<25auelHinD,Do.anD Stu.li. i.ca. I ^.
23 ^o
Of the Chaunc^rieT
^0 if a man toiti^out confioecation maizes DceD otkafktwtYit of s/
actc5 of 3lanD, l^inQ eac^ in a fenecall l^ice, anu mafeeliuec^? of feiSit
in tl;e one acce onclt? in tifz tiameof bof I;,tfjat tofjerein liuec? of feifm
tua0 matic, onclv palTet^ in ILati) anu confctcnce, Doa. Stu.li. i .ca. : o.
3!foneiovHtcnantofalU0)DrcllttjcU3CDD, anu fe^po all tfje mone^
rcceiueD fo? it iul)ollr to Ijimfclfe, Ijis felloio ma^IjauecemcDic in
<2:()ancci;iclib.T.ca.i9.0n0foitfeemetI),iftl)ei>tD<!ce iorntcnantit in
tomuToUjO; coparceners of ot^er tljing.
31f a common pecfon of Ijis mcercmotion UtitliOHt otfjec confioecaf i^
tion maUe a feoffemcnt of a moHo^,tiiitl)out tljefctuo^os (iuit!) t^e ap
pu!;tcnancc0)^ci)atl;ngljtonelB to tIjeoemeanesanD commonss, ano
tentjSoftl;eatto.:nement:butncit^ecto ;atmotoron app^jnoant, no;
billcin rcgaroant/ilBut in t^e Mn^Q cafe^nottoitljlJanDmg t^eteojtia
(tuitl; t^t apputtcnancGS) luetcin tt)c grant : j?et neitijer ;ftDuoU)ron0,
m^ Qlilleins ooc paire,sit^er br lalo o; conrcicnce,t)nlcirc tljep be cfpe^
ciall? nameDj DoCt.Stu.ii.i.ca.19. 6,Ed.S' z^C-B.tgi^iXo.i.zS.^undA-^
3If a Icafe fo; reares be referuing rent, tmf Ij a claufe of reentry, tfje
tentisbel)mDe,tl)eleiro,jDietpcfo;e oemanD, t[)e fjeice can mit^$t
tnttt b^ laUi no.: confctence : Dt[)ei:U)ife if Ij^maoe a lalufuU Demand
tljereof, Dod. Stu.Iib. I. ca.io.

3!f tenant in ^oluerfotoctl)elanDanDUie before tfje cojnebe tt^

peo,^ec0recuto3S(]^alll)auct^ecoane: but not. t^c gcaflDejno; otfjec
31f tenant fo;j lifco;^ tenant in taile after poffibilitie of iffue,alien in
reuerfion 0} fcmainoer ma\? enter, anu Ijaue t|>e lano
fee, f)tin tf)e by*
tljefo^feitureinlatuanocoHfcience.Do.Stu.li.i.ca.ao* 45.E.3.5.
Cuert ilatu o;oaine33 fo;^ tl^eoifpoiition of taniui 0? gcDD0, contracie
neitl^er to tl)c%,n\oe of (0oo,no; to tlje latoe of Keafon, btnOet!> in t^z
Court of Confcience, Doft. ano St.li. i .ca. 2 c.
^Ijctl^er ona of ti)e age of 20 ^eares, IdIjo Ijauing reafon and luif^
tiome to gouerne liimfelfe, reUetf)f)i0 lanos fo;:mone^, tl)erekiitl)mn
bup otl;eclanD0 of better tjalue,ano tabet!) t^e pjofits tljereof, ma^
l;auel)ii5ltrftlanD againeinconffienfc,a0f)s >na? in ioiu,. repairing
tljcmonep lol)ic^ [je reccineo i HltfeemetJ) fje ma^, becaufe^t^econtrad:
i0innifficicntb\:rearouoftl)eiufancie, Do.vStu. li.i.ca.21.
3if a man fell i)i& lano bi? a fufficient ano latoftill contract, t^ougf^fje
tuantliuerieo^atto;nement,o;i fuel) DtijerfolemnitiesoCt^elatu, vet
tfjefcUo; is compeUabletnt [je Cl^anceri? to pecf0?met^ecfintrad;,Do.

tenant fo; lif$ impanelled on anjnquefl^lofe itrueisc, amj tie,

Bif t|)e
t^e^ are leuiableb)^ lat^i on ^imintliereuecdon : % fo bet^eliufbanDS

Of the CIianccrieT 180

iQrueiafteti)U30eat{)t}pon t^elotuetf Iant2,anD a&it(kmtt^ in confcu
0cefo;^t^)8 ncceffiticoftljc execution of 3! Rfiice, Doft.Stu.li.i.ca.i i.
i^omantsbonnDmcoufctenceto^at^tbc penaltte cf a penall ffa^
tute, no; otl^er penalty, tntill ttbe lalpfaU^ cccouecco againlilitm:,
D06V. ant) Stud.li. I .ca. z i .

3lf;3mfeoffc B4n fee oflanDtpon condition, tljatif^c infeoCTean?

ot!jec,t!)at 0.amjin3 Ijetce^ map tntetit^is tonhition feemttlj tioio in
lalD ano confrienccjiyetaure it is contcaric to tijc iparimcg of tfje lato,
notUiitt)ffanDing tl^e intent of tlje pactte0,fiD; tljintent moll be o^ntttn
br tatti,! if it be not, it is tjoiD,asfap a fcoflSemcnt of lantis iDitfjout te^
compere to ^.fb? eucr^ije fjatf) e!Jatc foj life onlp, fo; feant of t^eiuo^o
(^eit:e0.)^nD a leafe to ;a.anD \fiB ^titts fo; 2o.i^ttcs,ii)a\ go to l^is ex^
ecute;ii,becatifeitt3 a cljattel, f fo bp feoffcnient iDit^out cecompence
to a4uan f lis lDtfe,anD a tljico pcifon,ttje ^ufbano ano toife tafee onl^
t|je moitisbecaufe t^z^atc but om pecfon in laiD,Do.vStu.li.i .ca.: 4.

^^ fineteitbp;odamation,anD noclaimetoitljin finer cares, crtin^

0uifl[)Ctl) t^e Ltgbt of all eftrangers aflueU as of tfjc patties bp lato

0nD bp conft icnce alfo, as it fecmetlj, becaufe t^cieb\? t!)e rigfjt ano
title is maoe certaine^ano t^erebp t^e cotmnon toealt^ mo^e quiet,anO

it is not f ontcarp to (25oDs laiu, Do^.anD Stu. 2 5.

Common recouerr Vintb toucljerstjpon lu^its of Entrc o;jiiec!p pnp
fueD, ant) no reccueci! in talue to be ^ao in t)ceD,barre tljeiGTue in taile
inlalD,a^H.8.Br.Talle2 5. i4.Ed.4.i4.&i9. 13.E.4.1.
nD in confrtenc c as it fccmctlj,fo; as t\)c intailes arc maDc hy> lain,
Wcft.i.c.i.euenfobplatumartljerbeatjnulleD* 0ntJ fucljlaiiiesas
concecnerigi)to; p;opertr totbings,anti be not contrary? to tlje laljoes
of (EJoO, 0; of teafon, are goD in r onfciencc. Do. ano Scu.li. i .ca.5.
3if a oiffeifo: giue tbc lanos to 3*^*in taile,ano Ije grantetij ^nto t^e
iiOfeifee cent out of t^e fame lanos,in confioecation twliereof ttje nidti*
fccrdeafctljljisdg^t, tbts grauntbintjctlj ttjeiCTucintailefo^cucrin
lato ano conrcience,bccaufet^is rcleafc octl) rcnfinne \)is eUatetoljicf)
3f tlje bo53i? of a oebto.: tljat [jatlj notljing, be hv iuDgemcnt imp.nfo;'
foneo, tjntiU Ije pa)2 Ijts Debt, tje fccmetl) remcDileae ui confcicnce,Do.
in taile ncitljcr in latp no; conrrieace,lccaure a \3)nt of Entrc oot^ not
lie fo; an ;annuitir,no; an^? otlier Ixyit tljen cnli? a \i)iit of Annuitic a^

gaitti tbc perfcu of tbc grantD;u3; (jis ^tite-, bauing aCTcts bp tiircent
j^;againft;aCo;po;af.ionj if it bcgtaiUcD tobepeiceiueD out of tl)eir
c<ifcrS)fo;tbatan 0nnuiHe is no freefjoloinlaU, Do. Stu.li.i. 30. 44.
Ed.3,5. i.H.4.1 J.Fitz.Nai.bi:c.fd.)5i. ,v.'v^. .

:2 4 3if

Of the Chaiinc^rie.
3 f tenant in taile be DiffeifeD, ano Die, nnn a coUatecall aunceffer to
tljc^eirc intailc releafe to tlje Diffeifo? luit^ toarcanttj ano t)te,anrj ti;e
f^mctaafu-iHteDDifccnDtjpontfjefaiDJjeicc, l)e is barceD in lat ano

fonrcience,D.S.c.?i.^5.H.^.63.4i.E.3.7. 4^Ed3.23. i.^.H.(?.59.

J5. H. 7.9 &IO.ZI.H.7.59. 3. H.7.9.

SCenant in taile after poffibilitie of iflTueis bifpunill^able fo^ imttc

confcience^becaufe Ije Ijao once inljedtance, 45.E. 3 a. 3#.
h\! lalM anJJ .

E.3 .1 6 anD trjerebi? potuec to Utafte tut-tijotit pnnifit>mentr to^iclj po?

3if a man beoutlatucD befo;e |)e ^auefenoUUcDgeof fFje fuit, albeit
"% tr)e futmifcci caufe of aetion be t)nti:ue,ret tlje iiing map fjaue tji& gtew
b? laUvanD confciencejbpieafon of Ijis Difobeoience in not appearing,
totl)et)in3ecanceof t^eefifiectof lalo, foibciJ^bomtototafec notieeof
being of ceco^xD at bis pccil.anD tlje fc^fcituce gcotocttj bv a ge<;
tlje fuit
nenal i^annie maoefoj tlje nefeflfaciecrccution of B!uUice : )i5ut it fee^
metlj t[jcDefenBant map bauecemeopm ponfcicnceagatnftl;ini,tul)icb
caufeubiKtobeoutlaiDeDluitljOtttiall;cauti(?,Do.Stu.li.2,c.^ z i.H.
7.7. 9.H. <J.wO.
BifanctlcangecDotoaSelantJS toljic!) an
otfjec Ijoloetl) fojj yeace

lifejin Dolpec,o;x bp couctefle, tuitbout tbe tenants affent, t\fc ofajncu

of tt)e teuei:lion map cecouec tl)a place luoll^, ami tcebte-oaniagejei a^

gainff tbe tenant, in la\Ur =^ '^^ ^^ ^-->'^ ''' * i^f'^J j i ^^"- ^ift/; -cfiiii

:anD in confcienccnotUntljflcanuingtIjat tljeHcangec beinfu^cicrtf

to lecompence bim fo^tl;e fame, fo: it is tiis olune art ann follp to taUe
i I'.W
riitbeftatcfubierttotbecbance,Do.Stu. Ii.2ca.4.
if a ccall artien bcbzougbt bp a teip latufnl beii:c,anD petbaffacb^
being plea^eo iiibim, t)zis bntiuelp cei:ttfteo bp tbe-iD:Dinaneto bea
ballacD,ano fo baci;eD,tJ)C tenant bnotuing t}^i^ certificat to be tJhtcue,
oug!)t not in confciencetocetaine t\)c iano, pet is tbeic no lemcDic fo,i
l)iminilat,no.j inC{)ajifjde,as it feemet^, fo;: tljat tijeliSiiljops ecu
bigb^^ tciaii tljat tbe latn atfo;^t)etb iit tf)is bebalf^* ^tto e^
titicat is tbe
weep Itcangccmap tJil{eaDuantageoftbiscei:t!fitat,anononiolB^tts^
map be atuacoeo fc; fuctljei; tctallof tbetcutb tljercofjfo; tljeauoioing
of tbeinconuentence \n[)it\) migbt Irappen, if anotbec X5itl>op'Q)ouU)
cetti&efucfjabaHacDto bclegitimate, Do.Sc. li.2.c.5.
Sfafeoflfement in fkx be maDeU)itboutticcJ3e,o.j a gift in taile, o> a
leafe tb^ cemainoec oner in foe : e; ifa tenant f&;iltfe gt;ant ^i$
fb.2 life,

tobol^cdate bp oao ]i>DU,rcrecuincc tent,in t}^k cafes tt)e cefecuation

is t)uio m
lalo, and t^cre is no cenieop ttjeuefo^e but iitxonfcieni^Do.
Stu.li,2..ca.9. -fji. r.[{:c3>rJinir,][::'.r.::

ileacne il)etl}ei; Crecuto;:s 0; ;atnniniffnitD?!fal<rg'alfW,fe"

(ompelUblemCt)ancet;ietoindUeauienosfo^tt;e(pa?e i>9ne bp tl;ett:


Of the GEaunccrie i8(

HUatoiyt^ to pa^ Debt owe b^ Ijiim tipon a fimple contmrt,] Doft. Stu.
lib.i.c^. ip.

31ftt}etenant in fccbaue ftoo (onms nnn Die, anD 3|,^, abate, aiiD
t^tzlntx fonne mafec liis ercctitojs anD Dietl), anD tfje !?ongcc moiic^
rejljtagainftttjcabato^in Afljfcof-Mortdaunccftertlje Imms am Da*
anagwi ftom tljc aeatfj of tjis fatljcrrt^c erecufoj^cf tljc elDcc b^iot^cc

l)aue narcntcDn fti; tift Damages acccuco in fjis life tim0,a0 it fametfj,
2:;cnant in Dotoei;l)attj no wmeDic in Cquitpagainllt^e alienee of
l)tt IjufbanD foj Damages gccUjing bett2)ane f}is Deatlj anD fjecDe
inaunDDjft. anD Sell. 2.ca.M. ; . .

ilbcnant foj lifeuiflTeifeD Dictlj, f)is oiffcifo; Dietlj, iji fjeicc erttretfj,

agatnfi; tufjoJ" tlje etonet of tfje reucrOon cecouecetl) tJjc lanDS,but no

Damages bp lato o; equitie, Doa.Sr.li. i.e. 13.
31f aman feiieD oflanDs fenotuingtbatanotljcr ijatl) gcoD tigljt tfjec^
unto, leuietl) a fine Initl) proclamation, to crttnguit^ fuel; ngf)t,^nD
maUett) no claime loitf)m feue ^eaies, Ije is cemmleiTe in laui anD C"
quUie, Doit. Stu.li. 2.ca. 14* IrWi > fo^.l r i jr: r ,

ja man fcifeD of ItanDs in fez t^ntff a Daug]^tcr,t]^e marrietl} ano Ijaf 1)

iffne, anD ber fatljecDictb^ tbe bufbanD as be fenouietb of bis

fo frone
fatbei's Deat|^, battetb tatgUe poileHton of tbe lanD,but befo;^ ^exome
to it, bis totfeDietb, be (ball not be tenant bi' tbeCuctefic ofdEnglanD
bp lalD no; confcience, beraufebc baD not attuall pofiLCffion tbcceof in
tbeUfetimeofbisit)ife,Doa.Stu.li.z.ca.i5. ^. .-

SIfiuitboutconfiDecationanetucentbcgrantJeD taitbcutjDaDe, oj
aceuei;fionlmtboutatto;einm.t,tbc gcante^is umzniMty Do,Siw

ja man ftife^in farof lantw bolDen b^ fentgbts rermce, bemfctbtbe

tobole to ^llB* tbe Dcuifcc tbeicof is tcmeDileffe fb; a tbtcD pact tbecof,
fe? tbat tbereis no mapime in latu fo^bint)o.Scu.lj.2.c3.i 5.
Btftbe tenant Riahe a fcoffcmcnt of tl^c lanD \33l)itl) be bolDctb bp
pno?iti?,ani3tafeetbeftatctbei:eflfbacUcagaineanD Dietb, tbeilo^D of
Ijubom be belD bf p;jio;itie is ceracDileflfe, Doa.Stu. l4, z.ca. 1 5.
Blf tbe gcaiitae of a rent cbacge ta^ea feo^ment fcom tbe guaunto;
cf paccctlof tbe lantJS cbacgeD to bisotune ^tejit^'m^alt tent i$ extinct
hv t^t ^nitie.of poacSion,becGure fucb tent is againft common cigbt
janDtbelaVuDBcmetbitbisotone foU^ to accept tbe fcoffement, anD
eitbetbisigno^anceof tbeDttD,trojoftbeIato cm belp ^vm-, Do.Stu.
li. 2. ca. 1 6.& ly.^etQiisrem ^uit^jbecaufe tbe gcanto^biJMfelfei

l^jtttie to tbe faiD ffco^ement,Doa. Sen. Ii.2.c3. 7. 1

a.gi:auntetb a tcrft cljarge out-cf 2 acres of lanD bnto 515* anD tben
infeoflfetljlg.oftbeoneacreinfectobis bfe^ anD after l^antenDing to
Of the Chauncerie;
iejctinguilli^tl^eUjliolecig^, caufct^tlju fame arte to tee manmti a?

common moucrie in a to?it of Emrc fur diffefinin Ic

gaiiifl:t)im, bt>
Poll, in t\)t name of tfje faio gcanf ecfnot fenotoing t^eteof) anD of^n^
otfjer man>tef)o bv fojce tfjeceof entcettj anu Diet|),fo tfjat tl)c gcauntee
iis foleretf0DofaHt!)e fame acre brfucaiuoj,
to tl?c tjfe of t^e faio Ip;
^\)t tuljolc cent is ^cceb^ txtim bp lalu tlj^oiigl) t^e tjniti? of poffcm*
on,t[)ou6tjtl)etjfcbcCo!.anDiti3alfocFtinctmconfcienceag to tl;e
gcanto;, becaafe ^e is ncittjer paitie no? p;iu^ to tfjat b^ iuljicl^ tl^e er^
tinsuifi;ment gcotuetlj, )!5ut Qiiaerc U)Ijet|>ei; in confciencc tlje gtaun^
ttt ougljt to Ijaue t^e tu^olc cent of^ to^o caui]po tfje faio cecouecie to
be fo ^ao. Do, anD Stu. ii.2 .c3. 1

BBfa billein gcantco fo; life, purcl)afctf| lands in fiz^mxt t^t grantee
entret!) before tijc billein alicnctt) tfje fame, ttje grantee t^all fiac

tl)e lano fo; euer as perqui0te,bt? reafon of tt)e V)illein ;^nD t\^\& bot^
bvlaUi, 5.Eci.4.(Ji.an{i br confciencc, Doft.Stud.li.z.cap.iii.Pakins
fea' 94,S'5,9^. and 97.
; BB f one ^auc a tjillein fo j t?eare5,a5 erecuto;^, luljo purcbafetlj lanw
in fee, t^c erecuto; ibp lalo f confcience d^all ijaue rtje fame lanou in fee
to t^e be'^oofe of Ijis teffato;, f t^e^ Uialbe Deemco aCetf; in l)i0 Ijanos
D.Sr.li.2 .C.I 8. becaufei)eljatlrt^emb^xeafonof.^i5 Mlein.
3lf a laturer igno;jantli? o;:,affe(tionatli? gineiu^jongcennfell to Ijtg
client, U)t)o folloVuetl) it to l)i0 trouble ano loCTe, t?et is Ije reuiioilcire,
asitfeemetl),Do.SrJi.2.ca.i9. Cljerefo^e it is gooD to affeeaeuifc of
none but fuc^ as be learneo in X^z latues^ano of gcoD confcience.
3f aman luitljoutconfioecation ^iwt lanosb? Indenture to ^.ano
i^isljeiresjtjpon condition, tfjat if Ije pat? nottjnto3I.&*)c4t,rent ^ere*
l^, tljat t^en tlje faid Bl.^.ma^ enter ic.toljic^ rent is not paid,vct tl^e
faid3i^mai>neitl)ec enter brlaUj no.: confcience, becaufelje in nei^
tljetpartr no? p;iu\? to t!)e faid condition, nottuitl^ftandingtl)e intent
of tfjcgiuec, fo? fuel) intent being not grounded bpon tlje laU) ts toid,
Doa.Stu.li. 2.ca. I o Plc.2 5.B. )Mt i^z feoffo? 30 it fecmetlj ma^ laU3^

fuUt! reenter, becaufe t^e too^die of t|)e Slntjenture impl^; a co^tdition

inlatD to tl;at effects, Do.and Scu.Ji.z.ca.i r.
Ifamantoitljoutconfidcration conficme tlje l^ateof ijislefffle fo?
life, tl^e remainder to anctl;cr in fec,t{)i0 remamde^s hvixs inlalo and
equitie,becaure a remainder cannotcommence,but at tijc fame mltant
tljattfje particular eftate,lnljece^pcn it depcndetl) began, Dcft.Stu.
J).2 .ca. z o. PI0.2 5. B. ret tl;c fcoffo? aMdijis Ijeices in tins ca& ma^ tvb^
tec fo? tl)e b^eacl) of tl)e faid condition. ; . t

31 f bp a feoflemcnt indented it be ngradtbat tl)e fboSee Hjaltviareh^

^a^ to ^.^4 1)1.0 ljeire0 a certainetent,! r^at if ^c pap it not, tljat 3.

iL'.und \yiS ^tiiz map enter c.rilbeit <f;e imiix pap not tliemonep, ^et

Of the Chauncerie iSz

wa?neif|iwt|iefaio0.3l3: noj t^e feoffor entcc, ft; tfjattfjerctsno
claufe of reenter in ttje faio Ddcsnc* l^^otubeit it fctmet^ i^t ma^ tiaue ce^
JncD^ in Ctjanccr^ ft j t^e fato ^eacl^ paiment, Do.vStu.li. i .ca.2 1

Bff-^.p^omircfDgiuctjntoiB.afujmneofmoncfjO; otfjeetfjtng of
meece motion luitljoutan^fonfiDcration, tijcpattie is not faounD to
pttfomttl)is p^omireeit^ccbtilaiiUo.unCt^nccctc^becaareit 10 nu.
dum pa(^um, Do.Scu.l).2.ca.'Z4.
3!t^.p,:omifetogiu0)15.rfi.inconfiDerationofa trefpaCfe bpliim
DonctjntoB.rct 0.t0nottl)ci:b^ bouns in iatu no^confcienccbecaufe f
tl)isi0anacco;^D,ft.ztl)ic[)nonc action lietfj. 0nn nothjitljdanmng
t^i0 acco^D, iiS.map Ijaue l)t0 action fo; tt^ fiuotrefpas, baaiuict|w:a(^
(OcJO 10txettttonc Doa.Stu. li. i.ca. J 4.n^L j ^ ;? i ]r;. -'^t^::iQti'-i c UMJ
31fa man tjaue one ftnne befoje maiciage, antj'anotljei: after, ano
bcqueatl)etl) all l)i0 g(DD0 to f)i0 fonne anDljis Ijcirc, it fu^metl) botlj in
Haki ano confnence, ti)attl)e.fonncbo;neaftet:mat:i;iaget^alt)aue t^e
0ooD0,fo^!)ei0f)eirebi? tfjc comincnlatoe0oft^e Hcalnie,of Infjicfj
tt^efpicitualUuOges ace bouno to taUe notice, ano to giue fcntence ao
cojDingtFottempoMUtl)ing0,ij5otUrttt)llanDiHgtljat bp tlje common \
latDe0tfjeotl)ec fonne is legitmiate ano tl[)ete(tato;)Si Ijcire, fo;t tfje a^
uoioing of tlje inconneniencemic^t t)appen b^ ttiecontcaac

tuDgement0 in feuecal Courts. 3n UHe manec temporal Blnoges foeme

bounoinconfcienceto tafeenoticeofttjecommonlLalD, Id Ijcn t!)e^ ace
ano toij^occti^a iuogcinent^ acco^oing to

3lo^ntenant0 ano tenants in common of an iJouotufon, tnutt ivitp

infire inoiiettjsaftecauoioanccagcitano ioinein p^cefcntmcnt of tljcic
Clecfee.^no tlje eloeft fittec of tlje Coparceners muftp^cfent ficti,ano
iljen tfjefeconOjbu turne, 0; bt fuel) competition a^ tljei^makc tljece^
of, mt\it ti)t ^ongeft coparcener be tfje Isings toacD ,in U))ic!) cafe t[je
p^efentment belongetlj to t|)e Jiing* ^no tf tijep tJccpe not tf}is conrfe
ofpjcfentmenttpiti^in tljefire monetljSj ttjeplofc tl;eic p^efentment

fo; tijat time0o t^e D;oinaric mai? p^efcnt br ILaps bottj in latu ano -

CDnfcience,Doft.Stu.ll.2.ca.J^ ^ . , .tr^i^; .li? . .


^noif tf)eauoiDancebeb^oeatf),cetrion,o;j creation, tfje fire mi^

netfjswmmcnceatttjeoeat^, creation, o;j ceCTion, ano tl)e patron is
bouno to taUe notice t^ereof.^no if U^ ceflgnation o<z oep;iuati0n,tf)en
from notice tijrreofgiuen fat tl)eiiD;Oinacic to tl>e patron. Blfbp bni.
on, from tt)e agreement ^oUjt^e? (ijallp.jerentDoa.Sr.li.z.c.? i.
i^^t^^Uiife furuiuing ^er !jurjano.iJ)ict)tkcalearefo;jt?5are0,o;
life in boti^ t(;cir name0,mat lalyfuUr ano imtfj gcno confcicncc iwaiuc
ano celinq dt^ it: fs>o mai? an evecuto; cefufe a tecmc maoeto fjis te*

JJato^jiftje^HuenotafiTetSjDoft.Stu.ii. 2.ca.3 3,
Of the Chauncerie.
^hbQtonitvtifomtct^ nottl)e cont^ttiion, t^o Eeoffo? l)otf) in tatti atto
conff icnce ma^ reentcc anD ^mt ^ia lano againcas in i^ts fojmei: ctgljt,
Do.Stu.U.2.34. ,

Warrantie CollaterdlL
of lanCB in te t;atf) ilTue tU)o fonncs^tl^eltsec bzod^ec
Aspan fcifct)

goetl) bc^onD ttjcfea, auD xtnmimt\)t^ut bnttll it be commonly

into t)i0 lanDs as t)tg Ijeicc, ano aticnct^ \x>\t)^ iDartantie, anb Dietl)
^^ tuit bout iflfue of tjifs booiejlcauing no lanD to uifcenD to bis neift Ijeire,
^ anbafterl]aarOi8tbe.clD0t:b.:otI;ecteturnctt),anbclatmetbtbelanD0in
bis oiune rigb^^t^iis bcbacreo bi? latu anD confficnrejfojt^at it is tbe
actofi)i8ranfetto3,feibofcbeii^rl)ei0,b^ti3l>omas b^migbt f^uc j^ab
abuantagetol^aucbaoi^isIanDiSbv biffentftombinias ^si)eite,ifbe
!) eljab Ijab an^,fc it fivmetb teafonabMbat fo^ tbe p.2tuit^
of Wffib ^z
.fuaaincoiraDuantagebt>biin? bcaufebotb tbc fcUecanb i}^t}iim
iueceignoaaiitoftbect&erb^Dtljets lifeawb cigbt^bt? teafoniof^is oUj
abfence. Do; Scw.b.z. 03,49. Liit. feet 7 04.70 5.707. tButiffucb ^^i'Ct
to)ei:et30uc^eDb^fo;rcecffucbtacranttc,bc ma^ enter into tl)etoai^
tantv, as one t^at bati) nott^ingb^ Difcent txom t^sX ancefto;, anb fo
, Debtagaittfioneasheire
1 :3lf tije fati)0t binb l)tm anb }^isi ^titt fo; tl)0))aiment of a Dtbt, anb
leaning adets b^ bifcent to bis fon anb l)eire, I)e is bounb to pa^
tbebebtb?laU)anbtonfcience,becauret)e ijatl^ fuel) benefit b^ ^m^
Do.Sr.li.i.ca.49. i6.H,8.fo).i.4o.E. 3.f.38.i2.E.3.f.9. 13.E.5.
Bit is agreeable batb U^itb labo anb confcienee^ tbat a man outlatueb
titljerin felony 0? in actions petfonal(,tl)al forfeit anblofeal l^s ga>DS,
becaufe it xb fo o^ueineb foj t}^z neceffitie of tlje abminittratio of iufticc
i)o.vStu.ii.:.ca.49. 43.E.3.f.i8. 21.AfI.12. 39.H.^.f.26^2i.H.7.fol.7.
49.E.5.f.5. i6.E.4,f 6.
JCbeltUeis of forfeiture Of go(!!)sattac|ebb^ befault of apparance,
as luell in Court ll^aron, as in Courts of iKecoab,2 8i H.<?.f. 3 .4 H.(S.f.
S^ wan \B bifEeifeD of lanbs, ^t biireiro;i felletl) tljelanb, tf)e alienee
bnoUjing of tb^ biffetfin, cbteiRetf) areleafelnitbluatrant? from a co^
latecall anccHcj of tbe Diffeifejtubc alio kncluetb tbat f ^e biffcifee Ijatlj
gcsOrigbt anb title to tiauetfjefame lanBs;,tbat eoUaterallanceffo; nU
ctb>tbeluarrantpaifcenbet^bpon tbe btlTetree as }^i^ \^tm luifbcnt
affetS:, \.tt tl}c Dtlieifce is barren b^ la\y ans confcicnce, fo;^ it tcre iw
conucnient tl)at nicf) releafes ano otbet U)aiting0 fl^oulb be auoibeb bi?
liw!) aUeoations of eonfcienc e, D.5f.li..2 .c.50rLuf feet 707.

Proceedings in Chauncene i8j

3ffa feme couttthtinQof fullajge leup a fineb^ Ijet^ufbantijj
pulfion, t?ct after i) 10 Deatfi fl^ee aU neuerfo^jt^atcaafebplatonoj
confciencebeaDmitteD toauoiD fuc^ fine,fo? ti)0tnconu0niencetof)icr>
miglit t|)0reofenfne, if b^fucfi nuDeauctmcnts, mnttcts of reco;o
l^outD be auoiocD, Doa. ano Sc.li. z .c.50. 7. H.4. fo. a 3
3IfSQ>^sbeti)?ecfe0Dt)pontbc ^ea, tfjat 10, iDtjecej^oOd be callow
come into tfje ^ea hv ^Ijipfe^^aUe, fo tfjat no mart,uog,o? cat,romca^
Mm to tfje lano out oft^c ftippe, 0^ bacge Ujljeceirt tijep tucce carrieo
(tut)icM^oemeDalu?ecfee, VVeft.2.c.4.) ano tbeoUinec thereof p^o^ /
uetf)tbem not to befjistoitfiina^eace ano a oa^ aftecTuc!) to^ecke,
tljent^ebingoug^tto Ijauetljemfaotijinlattianoconfcience, bccaufe
lie is fouecaignc ^eati of t^e people, ano otunec of tlje naccotu feag^ano

w to fcolD^e tljcm(a$ it r0emetlj)ftom picats^ano becaufe tjfie pjopecf

of gcDOSf mft necO0 be in Come pccfon, otbectoife tfjeg tuoulo peciOi^
iol)icb tuwe againll tl)e lueale publifee, ano in tljis cafe tl)c ficft otonec
of tlje ga)O0 is bnfenotone.jano t Jje lifte is it,ofan CSftcaf , 0; B)eooano

but not of ga)D0t)oUmtanIi?uiaiueo,o;caruaUi?Iofl ano fcuno b? 0*

timers, foj in tf^efe ttoo latt caf00, t|je p^opectic cemainet^ m,
in tlje
SDlie Ufe0 feemetj^ to be luljere a fubiect fjatj^ lu^ehes bg p^efmption,

^oto tbat to^^'to partly r^jne tij1^i^v%B(fehiltet^^^^^

not,let t30 fet ootune fometDliat of ttje o^oinarp p^oca^oing tljece;*

Oftheordmaryfroceedingsinthe high Court of (Chancerie,

%_ 3fcffft)e|>i:ftiErgjcifeffetJMes^ift fjfeii^^^
partie OJ parties Offenbing, ttJfjiWj Subpoena 10 in hacc vcrba.Iico.
bus Dei gratia Ahgliae,Scoti3e,Frand^,&HibcniJ^, Rcxfidci dcfenfor a Subpaena

&c. A.C.falutciD.Quibufdam ccttis dc Catrfis cora nobis in Cancell' no- to Anfw/cr,

ftra propofitistibi pr?cipirous,firmftcrlriJoftgenKsqd otnnib'alijs pr^-
termiflis.et cxcufationcquacuq^j celTantc, in propria pcrfoua tua iis co-
ram nobis in difta CanccU* fi!*a a'dic Pdfch^ ^pxim futuf in vnu menf<:m
vbicuoq, tunc fuerit.adrefpondfup^iij quae tibi obi jdcntur tunc ibid.
Et ad facicnd vltcri' &recipied c^ Cuf noftra c6fidcfaucrit in hac ptc.
t hoc Cub poena centum libf nullaten^ omirtas. Et habeas ibihoc breuc.^
.4 j-^^


1S>ni if tfie^efenoant beW^oMe man, ^mm Subpoena is atoap^

^^y but a ixXiti bs tlje &* Cfiancello;:, 0; lilo^o Ee^pec? tt)U0
A Letter to a mv tect tcatt? comtjwnDattens to ^tuc II. ixii}tttm tficre
noble mania |j^ne of late a bill of complaint epliibiteD into tt)e couirt of C^an^
ftcad ot a Sub.
^^^^^ agjjinu jjou hy> ^.^* gentleman,31 Ijaue tljougljt gtDD to giiicjrou
f;^?! " notice tljccof catt)cc b^ tljefc mr pnuate lettecs, tljcn bt? atuacoing 1;
i^aieft ies o:jt)inarie p;cceflfe : mi}tufo;t tfjefe ate to p?a^ t?ouc Jl. to
taUing out of a copie of a bill,anD fo^ tlje putting in.of
jjiue o;iDci: fo; tl)c
^ouc anflucr t^eceimto^acco^Ding to tlje Ijfuall couifc m
futlj cafes ac^

tnftome0,at,o;j before Oaab.Hill' ncpt infuing. ;aDf tfje Vufjiclj notl)ing

X^oui: Doubting but tl)at roue ^Ic^Dfl^.lDil Ijauetlje care ant rcgaco luljicj ap<

pectainctl), 3 leaucroucL.fo t^moU meccifullUeepiug of tl;almi0||*

A tie.iFi:6m^aint;a.t^e9.of^ati5<^4
t)ctr louing fcien^

S^-ms t)gi:^.gvJ,|to;Dj|Xt?D4 Jcfc.

5 .
j^ ^nn it istQ be noteD,tliat bv ftizHt^tvitt 1 5. H.(J.cjr.4. a Subpoena w
yeeWc dama- ttotgtautable Uiitljout futtttcs to t^elD Damagcs Unto tfje tief. if |fje bie
gcs CO the jdef. t)mullli? tsepcO:, auD it^ttB gcDD to obfetue tl)ii coutCe, fo<^ aupioing of
caufeMe ano ttiflingfuite0,to fajljic!) moft men be ouecp^one.
. ^ettftljeuef.uoappeatc at tlietetucneoft]^ Subpoena, ano no bill
^^ P"* ^"^ ^^^ ^^"^^ ^^ ^^^ plaintife againft ^im, tljen coifes ace to be
fattli ofa bil"
0canteDfo;fuel)lD?ongfullt)C):ation^nDt|)ei:eupon lie mac |)aue a
Subpcna ad ioiuend fo,: tl)e fame coltis itt fo;me folio toing*

T Acob* Dei gratia Angl' &c.i.S.falut&c.ty^*r firmitcr iniungcntes,qd

cu foluaSjVel iolui facias R.N.40.S. qui p conHdcracionc dhi CanccU*,
veldhiu0od'n)3goi%ilIi,ecCuf Canccll'nolif pdeide R.adiudicac
fucf ^minsScexpcnfisfuisquae ipfc funinuit rationc cc oc<:anonccu
iuCda quercmoii, q iu crga cun4 Rin Cancel' nfa pd minime profcquf
cum c AeftUj iuxca tonn ^^ 1(14^ ^f^i.^ <} P^oui^* VC^ tu ipCe (is cora nobi$*

iD;^ tI)Uj8, ^ ^xperm folifend'.

Quod cu foluas, vel (blui facias pf, K . vi.s.qui cidem R. adiudicaf fuef
in Canceir prcdprocxpenfis fuisoccafionciniufte vexation' q ipfc nu-
pcr ind^bite iuliiouit in quadam billa verfusipfui R. in eadcm Caucci*
adprofecutioncm tui nep faft'iuKtaforoiam-&c.r/yJ<fr4.y^' ^^^^^

iD?tl)U0. ,

^ Qu^fndinucruntoccafion cuiuldam breuis nonri de Subpoena eis

^^irc^'adle^'tuamproiiecutiadcoiDparand'cora nobis [in dicta Cao-
in Chaunccrie 184.
id cert diem iara prctcritum, pro co quod to id die in did' hri
cellar nfa
contenf aliqium bitlam Hue niaccriam vcrfus cos miniltie cxbibucris, vd
luipfcfis&c. Per Cancel!'. piTrr

mt ott^t fame, vf^t iftf^e plmtifc put in l)is bill br Hjc mmm cf the
''"' ''^ ^

no fuctljec pzoceCTc paffc. Itno atiuciio:!) ttje

iD;tt it is fuSficient, aiiD piaine in the
iDjtt mentioned t\)t patnc of C4i.o; fucf) lihc, yd iftljt tjcfenn. ocenot wiit oi foe-'
appcaccat tijcrctutne of tl)c tu;it, eti|)ci: bv ^imfclfe o; l)is ^ttntiuy,
t^e fato painc is not fo^fciteD o; Icntable, fo? it is in terrorcm ta nrum,
^ , ^ ^
8. E. 4. 6. 1 o.H. 7.4. %^tn Upon iDt^e maoe before fome mal?ct u'tlje
C^ancecicfo^ t^e ftruing of fl;e Subpoena, tuljicl; )atlj mnli be, tJjat
it luafifecueD on ttjeDefenoantljimfclfco; at Ijis Dluellmg Ijoufe, fo
tljat ^e migi^t Ijaue notice tljcrcof, o; tljat t^t ocponent did Tec an otijei*
feciietl)erame, asafo.:eraio,o;tl;att^eDe&nDantronfcflrcDto tlje Dc^
ponettt,t^ati)eluas fccuct), an Attachment tl^all be aluatoeB againE
ti)t Defenoant as is faio, in hare verba. . ^ - -

, , _
' - ^> . . .

' '"^*" '^^'' '


Of an AitHchM'ef.

' "

IAcotJu$&t.t>r/rf?/r,vic. South. faiutcm, Pr^cipim'tibi qd attach. A: Se^. 1 2

C. luqdeum habeas coramnobi^in Canccll'noftra in craft, fanft'

Trinitatij proxihfutufvbicunq; tunc fucf ad refpond'ndbis lamde
quoda contcmptu per prcf.A.C. nobis illat vi dicitur, qiianjfuphi.jt
qux fibi obijcicntur tunc ibid'. Et ad faciend vlten' etrecipiend' qd ciif
nfa confidcrausrit in hac parte.Et hoc nullaicn' omiit. Ei habeas ibi hoc
i3n^tffl^e Defendant Cannot b0fdunDtjpont!;eattaf|)ment,artDtl)at , ^. -
f f)eS>t)icift cetucncqd defcn. non eQ inuem^in balliua riiJ,fomettme5 tu$rciu;nel
t^eCourt tjpou motion U)il(ift!)eplaintife0futt faefo; tfjeftat of fome
fuit oj action of ertcemiti? at tlje common lalu)llai? tbc Defendants fnit,
tsntillfje !)ati) anfujeico tbeplaintifes bill,anD fatifgeD tlje Court fo;
|)i$ con tempt, but in o^oinact? caufes tljc pact^ p >of eetis to ^is ;attac^*
mcnt U)it^ p^oclatnation,\jti|jiicl? foUotoctlj in hxc verba.

j^n 'AttAchemtntveith Pricfdmktion,

fAcabusScc; Vic* S.SaIutcm,Praccipiraustibiq? in omnibus &rngu- Scft. 2j.
I lis locis infta baMiuam tuam, tam infra Itbcrtates qu^m extra, vbi ma*
gis expedite vi<iris, ex parte noOra publice proclamari f ac* quod A.
B. Tub pccoabgcantiac fuse coiS nobis in Cancellarianoftra inoflabis
vbicunquctonc fucf pcrfonaiitcr com-
fanfti Mrchaclis proxiiti futuf
pareat, & nihilominus
ipfum A.B. interim inncnirc poteris, ipfum at-

tach. Ira qnodeumhabeas coram nobis in di^a Cnncellatjj noQra ad

diem l^di^umiad rcrpondendum nobij tam dc quadam conteunptu per
pr^taf '-
pref. A.B.nobis illat vt dicitiir, quam fiipcr hijs ^ fibi obijcicntur tunc
ibra.Etadfacicndtvltcriiij&rccipiciKl' qd curia noftra confidcraucrit

in hac parte. Ec hoc nuUat oraittas. Et habeas ibi hoc bfc. Tcftc, 6cc.

Afi Attachment in the CinqHe Ports.


REx&c.praedeifidclifuo W.Brookc Milif dno Cobhanj Confta-

Sc^. 24
bulaf caftri fui Douor,ac dcputat fuo in officio cuftodis quinq; por-
tiiuro fuorum faluccin, vobis mandamus qd fub figill' offic* vcftri balliuo
libertat villac dc Haftings, vcl Maiori vcl luratorib' antiquac villae dctis
in mandaiis qd attach. H. S.I ta qd cum habeat &c.

jIn attAchementinthe CoHntieT^AUntme cfLancaFier,

<% A i< T? Ex &c.Canccl' fuo ducatusAii Lane* vcl ciusdcbutaf ibid falutvo-
tVbis mandamus qdpbfenoftf Tub figiirnfo com^ioflri ducat' pd
vie'noftroeiufdcm com dctis in mandatisqd attach. R. is. lea qd cum
r habeat coram nobis in CanccH' noflra in quindena Pafch. proxih futuf
jj" vbieunqj tunc fucf ad rcfpond* nobis tam dc quoda contemptu per prcf.
R .S. illat vt dicitur quam de alijs (ibi tunc ibid' obi jciend', ct ad faciend
vlteri*' ct rccipiend* qd cur nfa eonfidcrauit in hac parte.Et hoc nullatcn*

omitc Sc habeat ibi bfe qd fibi inde dcuenit. TeAc 6cc.

sni)eattact)mentfo;co]{5tiof t^e famefo^meof t^t ntfacl)cment

ne);t before (verbatim) ano us t|^us;ent)o;tceD,t)i^* Per cufadfeaam A,
B. quia non foluit cxpenf. 0nd tf tljc 0ttac|)ment be atnatDeD agatntt
an^ DUielUng lDitt)in t^eCotmttc galantine of C^edct:, i\)zn it iB oi^
cetteo to t^e Cl^amberlane of t^eCountp |3alanttneof C^eO^ei:, ati0
10 of tl)t0 fo^e enfutng*
St(k. l6 1 Acobus Dei gratia Angl*, Scotix, Franc* et Hibcf Rex fidei defenfor
X&c. Camcrario fijo Celtf,Salutero,Mandam' vobis qd p bfe noftrura
fubfigiirnoftrocomnoftri Palatini Ccflfdetis in madaivicccomcora
pred' qd attachiat R.M. gencf. lea qd eum habeat coram nobis in Can-
cell' noftra in quindena Pafchxproxra futuf vbicunq; tunc fucf ad rc-

fpondend' nobis tam dequodam contemptu nobis fperpfat'K. illat vc

dicitur quam de alijs tunc ibidem obijciendis. Et ad acicnd' ylterius &
recipicnd'quod curia noftra confidef in hac parte. Et hoc nullatenus o-
mittatis.Et habeat ibi hoc brcue.TeOe mcipfoapud WeOifi i4.diejiV]arc
Anhregninoftri. /
' :

in Chauricerie. i8j?
^m t^t 0tfac^ment ib mwct^ as follotDeti^ Endorfenen^ i

Pcrcuriamadrcdzni l.B &alijsquianonroluicexpenr.

%^ttetnm60ft^eSittm^mtt\thv t^t Cljambeclatne*
RefponHo Ro.coiui^Lciccftf cameraf com Pallancin Ccftf.
Vircuce idius breuis mihi dircdl' per breue dh^ rfgin Tub CipWo com
Pallantin'pd' dcdiin loandaf proutvlterius mihi prxcipittir vie' comiC
%^e ^t^mfes tttutnt to tt)eCt)amberlauYe
Infranoniinac R.M.non ed inuencus in balliua mta.
Ilo.St.milcsvic'comCeflr. f
0t1tltftl)e&t)$ttferetutne,quocldcf.non eflinuentus in balliufua,
^^ott t|at |);oc(amat(on,t^enaCcmmtCrton of ^thelliDn intwt^M
foUoliDet^)to fuel) CommifTtonecs ns t^z flmtif^nmnttlf*

ofa Commifsion of RtbeUion.

IAcobus Sccdikftisfibi A.B.C.D.E.& F.falutcm, Qiiia A.B.cum per Scf^U/..

publicai procliimaciones per vie' South.in diuerlis locis ciufdetn comiC
virtucc breuis noCtri eidcmvicec' dire^', cxparce no(!ra przcepf fuerir,
^ idem A.B.!ub pcena ligeantiaE fuac coram nobis in CanceK'noHra p-
comparer cc. Mandaco tamen noibo is ea parte parercmanifcitc
comempHc.Ideo vobisconiunflim & ditiifini niaadamus,quod pf. A.B.
vbicunq',fiieric inuenf infra regnuinAr.glixean^rebeIleiu& legisnfx
contemptof attach. velact9chiarifaciaf.lta^(:umhabcacJ8,velhaberi fa-
cial coram nobisindi^l'Canceirnfamcraiiinoanimarum ^xim futuf
vbicunq-jtuncfuerit.ad refpondend ftip hijs quae fibi obijcicmurtunc
ibid'.Ecad faciend vlteri'6c: recipierd ^ Curia nfa confiderauit in hac
ptc.Et hoc Bullatcnus omittaf.Damns enim vnincrfis &
finguhs Viccc',
Maiorlb^Balliuis,ConOabulaf,&a1ij5 0fiiciaf,Mini(lrisJigcis&^ub-
ditis nfis quibufcunque, tam infra Hbercates quam extra tencre pfcnc fir-
mif in mandatis rp vobis 6c cuilibet veOnim in executioncm pmifTorum
intendcntes nnt>& aHTidcnces in omnibus diligenter prout decct.In cuius
reiteflii^i has literasnollras fieri fccimuspatcmes.Tene&c.

ty4 SHperfede44 of the Commifsion of Re hellion

REx&r.dlcftisfibiA.B.armigcroT.G.&H.S.gcncrofis falutfm Se^.iS.

licec nos nuper per liccras noOras patenti.;^ vi)bis coniun^im dc di-

uiGm mandamus quodT.K. vbicunque imicrC force infra regnum no-

Hruni Angli^ tanquam rebellcm 6c Icgis iwihx concemptorem atta-
chiaC vel actachiaf f ac'ita quod cum habcads vfl hab^ri fac'corai^lvobis
iQ Canceliar' noflraad certum diem in cirdcm iiicris patentibus content
Aa ad
ad rtfponJcn^ nobis tam dc quodScoBtcptu p pf.TK. ilia! n tlicfba-
tur,quam dcalijsfibi tunc ibid obi jcied, jput m ti(d liKcrisplcni' conti-
nct.QiiibuWatamcnccrtisdccaufis nos lara (peeial imouentib* vobii
& cuilibetvcftfraandam'^cuicunq; cxccuc* literaf nfaruirpacenp^
p vos feu aliqc vf m faft' vel facienit vcrfus p(f T.K.fup'cdcatis ommno
^dliterispacenincomrafaliquanonobnani Bt (i iprum T.K. jptcxta
lueratu pat ent pd ccpericis feu aliquis vfm cepcrir,tunc iplum a prifoh
qua (Ic dctinctur f] ca occaGonc & non alia detmcatur in eadcio fine dila
Clone dclibcrari faciaf .TcAeScc.

A Superfedeas tothe Chancellor ofthe County PaUntinttfLancAJlfiyi

5cft.ip. REx &c CancellTuo ducatus Lane vd
. dcpucaf ibid

Quia A.B.&c.vobis mandarru p brcuc noftrum (ub

eius (alUccin:
figillo nfo
cotDitducaC Lane' cuftodibus pads nolhxin diOocomitacu Lanc'^ac
VIC* ciutd comir & coruna cuilibcc dccis m inandaC &c.
ji Superfedeas to the ChamberUtne ofthe Coutity PaUntinevfChester,

Sc^i^o. REx6cc. Camarario fuo CcHf vcl cius locum cencnri ibidem falutem.
Quia P.H.<5cc.vobismandafn'qpp bituc i>fm coilhpd tamluftic'
nf is apud Ccflf quaro luftic nf is,ad pacrm in com Gefl f conferuatid af-
{jgna^^ac vic'^eiuldem com & corura cuihbec dctis in mandatis &c.

A SttferfedeM ofmn Attachment,

Sea. SI. REx&cvic' W/alutcni/lictt nos nuper per brrue noOf cibi ^ccperi-
niusquod Aitachiarei A.R Ira quod cum haberes coram nobis in
Cancellaf nf a ad certum diem in dii' bf contend vbicunq^ tunc foret ad

rcTpondend nobis camde qiiodk coniepcu p pf. A.illaf vt diccbatquam

dcalijsiibitunc ibidem obi)cicnd.Quibu{dam tamcn certis decaufrs
nos iammoucntcibipraecipimusfp execution! hfis nonri prxd' verfus
^fa! A.faa* velfaciend (uperfedeas omnino c fi ipfuoi A.ca occafidne
ceperis^tuDC ipfum a prifona qua ncderincrur (i ca occafion nonaii^^
decineatur incadcm Hnedilacione dchbcrari facias. Telle 6cc.

Ofatt Jmuutlion,
Aj^DtftfjepactteDefenoant cannot be tal^n bptfre tertueoftlje
Sea. 32.
faio CommtfTton : tl)en if ti)e platnttfes futt Us fo^ title of lanli,tie
Couct rometimedgcantsan BlHtunctionto tl^eplainttfefo; pofeiTton,
ttlltl;eDefenoant|)ili) appeaced^anrvuereD^o fatideD 1^10 contempt*
3lf fo^ttar of ruit at t^ common iaU>tl)en an Initmctton tpon motion
Puniftimcnt of t^e Court ma)? be ob tatneo : fo; tl)e p^oceening in t^^ie Court in, bs
for ihc con-
t^efaiolD;it0,anD b^ o;Det:5,tntnnetton0>ano oecceeB, tD|)ic|itrt^e
uUxi^mixz^j^ punifll^meHt fo; t^\B i:e(((tan(e^ an^ fo; l)tgcom

in Chaunccrie. i26
tmpt in not appeanng,is tmp;irottment in tlje pnM cf tje j^\sct,n
ti9(ratt))Dunnst(;e!lo;D<Dt)anrel(o;,oiLo;DS^cepct:t{)dt: pleafute, o^
tjiitiU l;e toil oht^ anD pccfo^me tl^c o;jocc anD Decree of t^e fame court,
37.H.<>.i3,and i4.jp.H.<>.2rf.

Of apparaftee>

Bmt iftlie^efentiant appears b^^ttume^j-apoitAffidani^o^oatl^ S^^.

inaDe,t^attfjeia)eftnU4ntt]8wotiiblc to trauaite fo; t^c anft^e? Affiiauit of
3 5

tmgof t^efamccaufe perrcnaUiJtn tljcCfjaunrcip fettljout Danger vnabicneflc

of iife,ejb]?reafon of ejtccaine age>o;^ ot^enngnnitte, e^tcafonable
caufc,tl^eno;etf)ei;toif0tl)eC!)ancUo; o;jll.lto^per,o;jtl}cmanrercf
t^e Uolleg bp tl^ic oifcretions ma^,aD often co grant Commjffiona
to cectamc 5entlemca of cccDit in tt)c f cuntrctf li)ljcc>; I'^eSDefeRDant
anD ccrtifie Ijis anfiuerc in to^itmg, tncluDing tljc
tsUiellet|j,to recetuc
Complainant0billtottf)titlie4ameCommilIion %t}c fo^mcof fuc^
CommtflTion enfu^tl;*

0/ 4 Dcdimus potcftjtcnj,or Commijjlon to receiaean Anfpcer.

REx W.vS. A B.srmig

'&c.dilctis fibi 6f Cum LB. quin- falutcro. ScV. 3
darn petitioncm coramnobisiirCanccii'afvcrlusW.C.&I.vxof
ciusrupcrcxhibuit,qnodqjcJldcm VV.&I. p breuc nofif pr^ciperi-
lsu?,quod tdcr.t coram nobi3 in dida Canccirncniasdccicumdicm
iarapraeccrituOT,pctitioni pdrefponfur*. Acijdcm W.&l.adcoimpo-
icmesiuicxiftam.quodv'qj CufCanccir noftr'pdid* ad diem illutn
adrciponfionesfuaseidc pccitionifacicndasabfqucmaximocorporum
fuonim pcriculo laborarc non (iifHciunc vc accepimus. Nos l^acui eoruct

W.& 1. pic compacicntcs atq^ de fidelicatibus veftris p^cm'confidctcs,

dcdimus vobis vd duob' vfni potcftatcm & authoritatem ipfos VV. &
I,dc&fjper materia peiitionispd'diligcmcr'examinand*. Ecidco vo-
bis vel duobus vfm mandaiTi'^iK>d ad certos diem& locu quos ad hoc
jipuideritis ad prxfat' W. & I acccdatis, fi commode ad vos Idborare
non poflint,'ac ipfos W-& I. dc&fupcr materia petic'^d'fupSacrsm
fua coram vobis vd duob' vcflf corporalitcr pd^nd' d ihgenter eximih
diftafqjfuasrerponfionesrccipiatis & in fcriptisrcdjga!.&: cum illas {jc

reccpcriiiSjCainobis in Cancel!* noftra cumrenorcprcd'ac nomina


Attorfi fuoift ad lucrand* vel pdcnd' in ^mjflTjs in 0<^abis &c.vbicuHqj

tunc fueritfiib figillis veflris vel duoriim vcftf plane dii>inftc & apertc
mittatis & hoc brcue.Tcfte 5cc.
WiSyi^ Ccmmidipa is commonly r^tu^neo taitljtt^id ixmiw
Aa 3 xccucio

Uttmne of the Executio ifti$ breuis (o>) iftiui Commiflionis patet In quibufdam
ComtnUTion. fccduliseideinannexis.
0Dt)in0 t|)e CommilTtonetjsinamejsi tl^u0

miCtiow^ND tlje Defenoants awftocc to tf^e bacfefioe of flie fame Com^
iniirtom^no tnoec tlje faio anftuec t!)e commifltonecs mottcommon*
l^ caufe t^e defenoant to fubfcctbe |)t0 name> o; to fet <)is macite,
fet ootvne tijeceunoei: slfo t^efc o^ t^z like U)o^D0 :
CaptaapuclC.inComboruin>2 3.dieA. Annoregnilacobi

Dci 2ratia,An2lix,&c. coram nobis.
Deiiuery of % ^Tommiirioners fubfccibing tljeir itame^ alfo to tlje fato an^
theCommiffi- fitfec* ^HD U)l)0n tlj w
o; an^ otljecCommimoH cetoucnable t^i$ m
on in Courc. ^Qi^tt IS mcutcD antj ccturuej), It muft bte b;jougt)t into t|)e fame
court, eitljecb? one o^moe of t|jeCommiflrionec0 tl)eceof,o.; b^forao
ot^eccceOible pecfon: but if ant' otijectben feineof tleCommtffionec^
Z)oe ^ut ttintotbeCoui;t,be muH mabeoatb
tfiat be teceiueo t|iefame

^OatH. Commiirion at t^e banost uf fome of ttjtt C. mmiffionerB tbeteof, anD

t^at b^ btB coHfent^;^ocuremeni ,0;^ t^nolDleogMt it fiati) not btEi ope/
neb 0; alteceOjfincebe fo ceceiueo t^efame*

OfaSttferfeAeoi tofldy the execHttMof aCommiJluH

to exAmtne Tvifttejjef.

\^n ttt fomitime bpon gooo caufe a ln;ttt of Superredeas ia atoato

SecV.5 $
xVbeo to Ua'2 tlie emution of fuc^ ano ot^ti emmiHioM in t^is
Rex prxd'&fidclifuolo. domino Darcy, Ac diled^isG.F.A.F.ec
T.R. armigcris falutem. Licet nos nupcr p breue noHrum aflSgnauimus
vos cres vel duos venruro,ad quofcunq*, tcdcs fuper quibufdam Interro-
gat in dido brcui nfo intcrcluf. parte VV. W. qucf , verfus R.M. ct I.S
defendentcs. Ac <$ vos cxaminaciones teftiu ^d' nobis in Cancellaf no*
flram ad certu dicai in di^o brcui noftro timitat* Tub Hgillis veftris crift
vel duorum veftru mitccritis,proucin code brcui noRw plenius concifi.
Quibufdam tamen certisde caufis nos ad pr^fcnsfpecialiter mouentib%
vobis precipim' q? in execution difti breuis noftri per vos,tre$ vel duos
veftrum,vlterius taCt' vel facicod' minimc ^ccdatis,{cd inter fupcrfcde-
atis, vnico diCt' breui noftr vobis prius in contrarium dirtdt' non ob-
itan,T.mcipfo apud &c. ' '
in Chaunceric. 187
JACommiJftonUproHethatonewhohadmadekf^^Uit, that the defendant
wasfffiekfMidimfotent^that he could not appeare in theChauneerie, to
atffwer theplaintsfis hiU^had therein depefedvntru/j,

RExpraedilcAo&fideliruoO.doinino 5. lohndcBIetfoeacdilcAo SeA:^6o

HbiLodouicoDyuc K.N.& R.A. armigcf faluiecn. Cum nupcrcuf
noflf Canccllaf ex pane I.G. milif relacutn fucric 6c fug,cflum crac p fa-
cramen?coiurd' R.L.q^ pfacI.G.craftih S.MaiC vlcimo pr^cerito icala-
boraDicaduerfavaletudine&adcoimpocensfui cxtititq^ vfquc due cur
noflf Cancel!' pi ad diem ilium ad refponf.ruam pctitioni K. G. arnaig*
fiend abr<]i maxim corpof fui pcriculo laborarcnon Etnos fufiiciebac.
pro iuHicia
verica{expi[cari 6c inucftigarc volenres vc tuiti' 6c eonfultiui
in hac parte pmccdere valeamusp vos certiorari volum', dcdim' vobis
kiturtribusvelduobusvcflfacp pfcncea dam'poccQaf 6cauthoritaf
(cnitandi, inquirendi, ct inucOigandi tam fupcr articulis et intcrrogatof
pcrantcdi^' R.G. coram vobistribusvcl duobus vcHf dciibcrandecad
tcdcsquofcunqueminiflrandquosmaxime protcftatione pmiffoffore
videritis neceflaf coram vobis cuocandure. Ac ipfos teHcs ct corum que-
libet tam dc cc fupcr articulis pd'i urn cunOis circumflan^ diligcnC exa-
fDinafid,examinacioncrq^ruasinfcripti$rcdigcndjquam omnibus alijs
Vt)8,mcdijs et modis quibus melius Uiucritis, feu poteritis vtiupi pfa{ I.
Citalanguidusfuitad dd
dicmcraOin'Marfcpal^fq', periculolui cor-
pof laborare minime potnit. c ideo vobis tribus vcl duobus veflrum
maodam'q^ vifis^fentibusactenorearticulorumct interrogatoriofp^
per j^faf Reginald' mmiftrandof^etper vos plene incellcAof ccftes przd
quos in hac pane vt pd eft fore videritis necedario euocetis coram vo*
bis tribus vel duobus veHrum ad certos dies et loca , quos ad hoc proui-
deritis, venirequc faciatis, ac ipfos et eof qucnrilibct dc cc fup veritate p-
fBilTof fup corum (acramentis coram vobis corporal if pftand* diligenf
examinctts,examinationesfuasrecipiatis,6c in (criptis rcdigatis6ctunc
cumiic fccericis nos indc in Cancel!* nfa deomni ta^o veRfin hac pec
ino^abisS.Hillaf ^xim'futuf vbicunquetunc fuerit fubfigiir veftris
criumvel duofclaul. reddatiscertiorcsvnacumbrcui nobis remittent*
Tcftcregcapud Wcftm* 28.dicNo.anno rcgniregiilac.j.
c '
: c i
. . A ^ ^ I !

i .

Of ihrperfeti Anfwer, ,,,

B;Ktifttic&cfcmjmitappeatepecfonallt>o;faB;2cne^,anDm^^ Si&iiy,
antuipecfiectanriAjgcc, t^tn t)pon tetnurcecteno^cd, anDmotti;n
inaue in Court b?t|)epte<n^ife0 connreU,l^etDtngt[i0 unpciraticn of Subpanato
fnc^ anfhjecjan o^tec totUbe matie,tf)at t^z ^tfzmmi l^al uiafee a be,t^ '^^^^ ^ ^"^^S
^" ^"
tzt anftoer b)? fome tztt$im timt^nh t|etupon iffwet^ a Subp cena ad
' r
Aa3 facicnd
faciendum mcllorera rcfponfum.


Sea. 38. tjefcnuaiit Ijatl^ maue a pecftrt anfUjec,tl)e^iaiittife

Aj^xs tJofjciT tf)c

zit^tiQl\)i& otcncacco;ti,o;bi^c;:DCi:m CDourtmufe iepl\iA:bc

Replie. Uifmiffeu fD;^lj)ant of a rfpUcation^ano ojDcccD topa)? to t\)z oefcntinUt
cells fo;l)ifiiu^oRgfuIli}eAitio5 but \3p0n tcpUcatien put in b^-t^e
Subpoena ad
plamtife,tl)c plaintifc HVq taUe out a Subpceh againU ttje ucfenoant
adreiungen5,& iungcndin commifsioh ad cxaminand tcftes UiljtC^
fiififccett) noticing fcom f Ije TaiDSubpoph ad Cooip^Mnd', but ttjat it in

Ad reiunsciidum&iiingcndumin commiGioncin fflaceria

W.S. famine; tfjc plaintife ;^q:>ntqaLf! (<-

0ho tlicretipon tijctiefentiant wtftt put in iiis tcioinuei: to tfie pl$i?

tifes rcplttattcn.^rto iUwt ct^ei: mattcc be .in tljc Wtntimtpm^m*
Bcr tlitn toas in j^iss anr\t3et:e,tien m,ar tf)e plaintifc pat in a futxcipitl''
Surreioindcr. Dec,ano t^ccc^r anfiuere i^z fame, ant) fo pfocoe^e to pecfect iffii^, t J)$
Iflue. fojmeof airiut)icl)|iefeaftcr appeatct^ :ilnb t^e pacties being fo at
iffue^tljc^ titter eramtftet!)eii:Untncffer before tfjeer^ininer,

CtiancerieinCouct,oj j>oe ^^ocuce a CbmnuITion?' ad txamiiundifpi
tcUcsitoicctaincpccfwtsof gaiD ci;eDtte,in f^imc^folloto'jj* I ..

,, ^ o
0/4 Commifsionaa cXAmmami' tejles, o .. sUn ti
s r. .

"4''-'' '
' .,'"'"'<'/-(-
. ' ., ,.

Scft to T AlcoBui^Dei gl-a?!aiA'ngliic, fcotfe^Franci^iS:']3jliWni^,ftx>pd^

IdcfchVor ace. dilea'nbil.F, R.H. a>mig^ R, W;&
N.S.gcnf^rofif (?-
lucem. Sciatis quod dedimus vobis, tribus yel duobus vcftruro, potcfta
tem,& authoritatcmtcftcsqnofcunqucdc &
fupcr quibufdajn intcrro-
gatoriji tana tx pane W.W.armigcri querch, quam cx.parcc A. M. vi^
dcfen vobis tribusvel doobu^ Veitruiii delibcija^ndum diligcuc ^ xa|n)}n;i
c ideo vobis tribus V<^1 duoTjus vcftrunitnandanpiis, quo^ ad ccrtos d^cs
& loca quos ad hoc pT^uidetftis tcflts pr^diAos corain yobis cribus, vc^
duobus Vcfttum vchii^efac" &
cuocctis. Ac ipfos tcftes, eorum qucn>- &
libctde 6c fupcr iTiterrogatonjs praediftis rupc'r facraracnta fuacoraiD
vobis tribus.vcl diiobus vcftruaijp^ranaj|Dci Euangelia corporalircr
prarftand diligcnccr cx^rnMtfis^ Exa&n4M9'^s*^ ^^^ f *^^i^H;Jp
.v; \ aI^Z ^ rcriptis in petgitfrciib reidjiatis. jEc cu.rtiiuairic,qcperi, f a$ notfif^

Cancellariam nofthm 1/1 quindferti Pafch^ pr6x4rauin fu^yrum,y,bicun-

CI "- "^j'*^ qtic
tunc fucritfub figiHisvcftristridih vol duorum
. :

in Chauiicerie, 188
licmper cp di'ft* dcfend'habcantpmonitioncm p fpaciuitjj quatuordcciin
dietUjde die & loco executionis huiu$ CominiiTionis iwtt exccutioiicni
ciufd',T.meipfo apud Wcftra y.dic Febf ann rcgni nf i fecund'.

xecutio iAiusCommMonis pacet in quibufd^ fcedul' eidem comif-

/loh anncxis.
^^CommtCTtenerig nam^s*
..... .. W.S.A.B.C.D.
jafnb fifjen W
^tetl^e inf ertogaf o;te0 anu ccpotoionfli to ffje bad^Ooe Notice of the
f tljeCommrtrton,! tjpon receipt of fur|^ Commifftonjt^eCcmmifft^ execution of
new,o J t^e pactie tol)icf) l)at!) tlje caraage of t|je fame,if t Ije oap ano fc'^''""^'
place fo; execution i^ztmt be not Itmttteo in ttie CemmtiTion tioe t fe
tq jstiie notice tticceof to t|^ef9(tteiaix>;itmg tinder tfieict^Einoxt t^ujs
.;. . -wr^-w'^ ' .. -!

ji notice wherehy Ccmmiffioners mgy giue the f4rties yparningof

the time andplace of theirJlttingfor the ex eeution

^ -^

Aifter out J)eattt0 commcntations,lu|^cceaiiiic Ijaue recduetjtjn? ScV. 40

Sp aiefiicfi Cemmtffion fo;tl) of ^10 j^igfjnes Court of C&anccrFj
to tjs auD otljei0 Dirpcteo foj tlje crajninattonof initnelfe^ fcettoecne

C^plamtai^,anD ^.H.oefenDant SD^cfe are to fignific tjttto ^ou,

tijajt fo^ tl)e execution of tt>e fame ComnnlTton, tuee toijofe nauteg are

fubfctibeDj^cfueappointcti to iit at ^.tn tj[)e cotnttte of HD. t(;e laft tap

of iJje iiic{:t monct!),fap eigjjtof t^e cloche tn tlje forename of tf^e fame
Dap, toljicl) Ueefjauet^ougljt gou to (ignifie tjntopou, tl;at ponmap
^auepeucCommicrioncrsantJtoitnelTeg tijentljerc rcaDp acco;jing^
Ip, if pou Vi^vi^z ii crpeoient fo; pon. ;ano fo biorou facelucU^zy.
^eb;*i<>oo. - V'"^/' '

r{:;jfci l^our loutngfttenB,

^:.^;ii.vJ ..> Ofcitingtvilneps, :y-Vul.i, -
-.^ - ;

if Commiirion %\\\t autljojitte to l^em,td tixt^

fuclj all Sc^.4if stjt5ic
toitneffe6 befoje tfjem, |>ep to Doe bp fuel) a |p;ecept as
f ijfe it

follotoetl)* ^. ^ n .
-%i '.>'

The Precept of CdiiAirffii3i<!^sii^t)ringWithe(r^ '

to be
-^s .:...,."-.

examined, p f.j.-ii:':'.
06)? \s^% tif f^i ^mttv^ Commiltion foo;t|i 0f ifi i^^Conrt

tl^amtnatton of kntneCTes b^ttoetne (]D*^*plamttn^,ant> m^U^ntfen^

tant : ^iiefe axe in l^ts ipaieSte0 name to ctjatge ano commano r ou,
anD euet^ of ron^tu^ora names ace ^eceunoei: tD;ttten, pecronall? to
appeace before tiEt at ^*tt)e laH oa^ of t|)i0 monet^ of ^usnU^bl? etgl^t
of tl^e clocHe in tije fo;enoone> t^tn antt ttjece to oepofe ^ouc fenecall
knols)lft)ge0t)pon tfje pact am bel^alfe of t^e fato * ^ ^no beceof
fatle \fo\x not,a0 ^ou tPtUanftuec ^ouc defaults at ^ouc pecils H>ateo
tlji0]c^of3uj3utt^ i^oo.
^ouc tec^ toutng 6:ienD0,

%9 our lomng fcienbs, spallec B.L G.C. R.F. LP.

Cfqutecg L.C. RT.dDentlemeH*^

StCi, 4 1 11 23t if t^ no fiitl^ potoer be giuen b v fucb Commiaton,t|ien itf^z

i tottnefTts tuill not ap peace gr acis,tbet! ace compellable t^ecennta
b^ Subpoena ad ccllificand' in manec folloloing*
SuhpcsHA ad tijliflcAnd* coram Commijf,
lacob.&c Quibufciam certis dc cauiis &c. Htis coram dile^Vis nobi

R.& Carmig* E.H.cr E.G. gcncr',vcl duobus cor* CommifTionariisno

(Iris viriut brcuis noflri dc Dcdimus potcftaSei^ dirci^* ad certo,dicni
& locum quos pfaf Comroiffionar' vobis Scire facias( Alitcf apud N.in
ComitB. 20.& zi.dieAprilij^ximfiuur) vtipfi vos tunc Scibide,
de,6c fupcr quibufdam Inrrr' ^parte A.B. diligent pofl^nt examinare

& ad faciend' vlcerius ec recipicnd' quod perdi^osCommiffiooaf do-

firos vel duos eorum in ea parte confiderac hierit, t hoc (ub poena cen-
tu libf nuUaten'omittac. Et habeal ibi, hoc breue. TeC^e mciproapud
Weftra &c. vtftifra.

Sei^i 4-r
T^teccogato^ie^to beminitoixto tbe tottneffes to berp?oDncet bp^
f^on tbc pact ano bebalfe of ja.)15^compUgainftC*2D.Defentiant (if
Tbe^ be fo; t|)e plaintife:)^ut if fo; tbe oefenoant, bpon t^e pact ano
I nprirois,)I[>oe^eutnoU) tl^e fato pactieSrplaintife ano Defenbanf>
oaeitbecof tifemfc
itcm^o^ WH toiO^ %t* As the caufc requirctb* ' .

, , of thefiUeeftheD^pJiti.oHSt^reufimtJ^eM*
Scft. 44^ % Dcpofitionj talccnat H. in the Councieof E.the laft diyof ApriH*
iflxhe third y^arepf the reigjncafour Soucraigne Lord lames by the
in Cbaunccric. 1S9
graceof Go J, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King, de-
fender of the fa ub,&c.vpon the part and bchalfe of A.B. piainufc
againft CD. dcfendant,(or vpon the part of CD. defendant, at the
fukof A.B.plaintife) by vcrtueof hisMaicftiesConamiflion foorih
of hishighncflcCourtofChaunccry.toR S.CL.P.Q^and W.M.
or to three.or two of them dircftedjor the exaiDination of witneflcs
bctweene the faid parties.
31 X'Of^Axi t^e Conntie of .!Labo?et^f t^e age of jcltJf . y>eauB o;

t!jcceabout0,fteo;nc am nnmimnMpoftt^ ano faitlj tjpon f)i oat^

80 follotuet^i.
Item, tot\)ttttt 3(nt ertogaf o^p fjee uepofet^ ano fatf Ij, tff^t f c* As
the matter is dec. And fo vpon the reft of the Interrogatories.

The direnionf the Commijfion being executedIliunriflimo d@minono>-

ftro lacobo Regiin Ciu(u2,OfP/ib/icatioH^Heari^,aHM BreniAtet,
sndafter that thenthir, Certific* depofitien tcftium ex parte A. B.

AJ^tn tW tl)t iuttnelTefi be fo BFaminetrm tf)e Coiicf , o; b^ com^ SeCl, 45.

mtirton,a0isafo^eratD,publicatton tstobet^aD, ant) tl^eteupcn

a Da? of ^eanng i to be p;j0cuceD* Againft iUifjict) tUm, 25^euiatc0
mutt bee maueof tbeefifect of t[je pleaDiii00,uepofition0,anD otijei:
p;fe0 anu euiDcnce,anD tliecounfeU pecfertlp inftcutfco of tljc tuHle subpoena to
Sateof tt)C mattec^and a Subpoena ad audiend iudiciu^maOeanO Oelt^ heareiudge*
uecco to t^epactie in conuenicnt time before t^efaiD oat? of Rearing: "^*"'*
attul)icl)time,albeitt!)atbpontl)c!)eanng tfje matter beDifmiffeo, Exempiificad-
yct ma? t^e patties Ijaue tlje oepofitiong of tljeit toitneffetf eremplifr * on of the dc-
eo tjttoer t^e great ^eale of (inglaRD fo^^tljefuctljeranfe and main^ pofiuoni.
Unanceof tl;e:ng^t0anotitle0,at,anD bp t^c common lato. )15ut ...
ia^e matter be DecceeDfo;tbecompl.aftect!)e Decree patt ano enroN culloneiudrclj^
le05f)eema?tjaueato>itdeExeciitioncIudicijtul)icbmullbcerccueD Comempu
tjpon tl)8 DcfenDant. ^nD if [jee refufe f iuttific ttie fame, tijen tjpon
cat!) maDe t!)ei:of,p;oceffe of contempt is to ittuz againttfjim in fo^me
afb^efaiD ;anDiffcl^ Decree be intuit of lanoes, ano tfje Defcnoant a^
bioe all t^e faio p^oceffe of contempt,anD ftiU actainetlje poflTeKion of
t^e !anDc0fajmtlje plaintife contract? totljefaio Decree: t[)en tpon
motten thereof nuDc in t^eCourt,aCommJiriont0t)fuanp granteD Commiflri6 to
to tl)e &\^uit9am fomeot^ers nmt aDiot?ning to tl^t lanm in que^ **"
ftion,toputtl)epUiintifeinpoir8iriDn5anD to fetiepe ^im inpoffeffion fion!"^
acco,:Dtng.tp tt^e foiD Deicas.

Proceedings^ -i

'HyrdiHgio oftorHei^thireih^takfiii vktitla c^HfeihetaiependinginfHit'bce

heard and determined, '

Sc^. 45 T? ^^ ^^' ^^^ Kane* falutcro. Cum ^ pf dinatlonero capt in Canceir

.iVnoilra 5. di^IuljjvlcinjppteritQ inter WA.qucrciitW.Y.t alios
dcfcndenc,ordinaf fuit c^ pd W. A. ct aflignat (ui paciHcc & quietc ha-
berenc, gaudcrcnt t occuparenc vnutn inciTuag* fiuc cenetnen! cutn pcr-
E.& R, inComitatu prcd* inter pines pred'in
tih iaccn eecxiftcni' in
Cancel!' pred' in controuerfia pendent' indccifa abfq^ vexatione,tnoIe-
ftacionc fiuc intcrruptionc pred* W. Y. fiucaliquarum perfonarum &b
titu1o,intercflc,Iuf,vel _^curationc, Tuis donee materia inter partes pcf i

in Curia nfa pd'Enaliterdeterminetur. Etquiaiamex tcftimonio dc

dignorum accepim^cp diuerfe alicnigin^ ignotx inhabitan extra Com
Kane per jpcurationem pd' defend* vtafferiturpoflcffione nicfifuag'ec
tent pd' cu ptin vi &
armis,ac inanuforti tenent in dcfraudaiioh ec co-
tempiu ordinis ^d'jac ipfum W. A.& affignatfuos extra poffcfltoii mef*
fuag' & tc? p<f cuftodiunt contra tormam ec cffefium ordinis predift'
rtibi igirur pcipimus ^ immediate po(l receptionc huius breiiis adumpC
cecum fuiBcicnt potcitaf Comitaf noilrac Kane ^dij^' in ^pria pfona
tua ad meduagium, Gue cencum pred* accedas Sc attachiarr arreflari &
faciasquafcvnque perTonas ibid^ inueneris pofTciHo mcfTuag', tehliitie
pd' (iuealicuiuis parcdl';t6Qencc>>& cos 6c corum quemhbet dc die
indiem duci facias vfque prironamnoftracndeFleetegardianononro
ibidem liberandura &
ibidem moratufquoufq^ decorum ddiberatioh
aliter duximm ordinandum. Ac vlcerius tibi pr^cipimus firmicer in-
iungendoqf indc pd* WA. &
aflignaffuos inpacifica & quieta pofle(i
(ion ciufdem detempore in cempus manuccneas do6ec aliter inde a uo-
bin habucris fpecialiter in mandatis.Ec quid inde feocris fciii facias Can
.ceirnottro. Tefte&c.

ji Cereior4re to Commijftoners tv cerfifie the defojtttons takf*t ^} Com'

mtjfioft, . ... -

$0.47 |3 Ex &c. dilcftis fibi A.B.& C. D. genief/alutcBi, Vol(mtcs certis dc

xVcaufis Cerciorari fuper quafdaro depofitiones teflium inter H. G.
querent &
CD. defend' p vo$,tres vcl duos vcftruro vinutcbreuis no-
flrideCommifltonevobis in ea parte direft'capl &
adhuc penes vos
rcfiden'jVt eft dilum,vobis mandamus quod depofitiones prard'cunii
eainibus cas tangcn adco plenc 5c integre prout coram vobis capf fuef
nobis in Cancel I* noft ram in quindena Pafchac proxim futuf vbicunq}
tunc fuerit fub figillis veftris trium vel duorum veftrum diftinft'& apcr-
tcinittatisdrhocbreue. Tcftc^cc:


:vA tXViVi *t'^^ '^\ii vrH;a57^iJ^ ^^^'nm^i^it Jsc^^on^ai]:/!;.;'?; /i

FIcft i\^t plaintift mxtt erijibif f)t0 btU,aRb tljoeebv fl^eto fjig title to Sca.48.
tljc lann,lcafc,0.j fiicl^lifec imttei: tljal p1?at!) tii^ tjnf o,ant)t^at

Uac, liif)creb'{? l;e ma^ be in Dangei: of tljelolTc of t^ tfiftngm ^ufeifwn.

^no-tljeccfo^e to p;rap toljaue a ConttittCTiort utreftcD td'ccif nine m*

tlcmen of cceDie ano Uio^i:^!^ fo; !lj0 e?aimft?jtiow of t^c fniD titnclOt0^^
^riD alffl to p>a]? moccSTc of S u bppcna aaain ft \)imMt^i tl;cm to I^cUj
caufCjif [)e oj t[)5f ^^n /M)\> fijipramtif^^
mtim 5 afo^efai^^s:^ fo;me pflD^icti p^ayeflTC: m^m\yi \\ ^^6v<r^a. \

' IdcolamDc'igr'iMaAngr^Sc<5ciXiFrafi,5f!iiibrni^RcK%fitfdd^^^^^
for &cJ.S.raluceiD.Cimi A4^.cxhiUu coram nobis in CaflccHafnollra
quandam peticioncm pcrpetuam rci memoriam vcr-
vt juidain tcrtes in
(us tc cxattainarcinfjCt h id tibi in pf eiudkium
foniite^ibB^iti^i^.febfhnibuMli[j^r'^erri3itR5^:^\^ ,r, .
f .

in<^ccHani,iajpppi|jfcniat!u?;ve^pi5rtuBrti Artiirrtscarn/aut depu-

te tifis^oorann nabkihdi^a'CaHcclIaria nf a infra quatuordecim dies ini^
in^aupofl rcoepuoiinvi:im?^r(nus ((1 Mbi icavi(ulTifu<ri^ Vc di^i tc*
Hcs.auc all) ^uicunqj ex ptc lua ibid fimilit exarfj poiruit,(fi ita vclis) vd
vt ofttodias fr^poni?iWfk*f*d\^.j^paf*i^acNWi ^uiit'^^ibi.^H^nam
jpbabilem niaDdm
fuffi cicriE Sc
ptc cua quare ijdem tcftcs pte diOi ^
A B*intorma;^d.cxamir&7ioitcacoJ[umcsSmiHati6incs Icctindordi- * 'f^

iftfti 6ci:6rfuff ) di/ftat Cirf ntiftr^c piiblicari &rdiuirigari non dt bcanr. *

.'i '\ V4 j>:i:iCjoncjw!imgt|)fwMtf0rfff^Htl)^

0n& if t|)s patt^ 50febil)0(j appg^t^,fi^ci^f Ijtft^^^^^
raile,anD ftjeU) fuc!) fufficicnt raulc as tl)e Court Uul allolD of,U)I)i!;t5e
plaintife(^lilDtujteF^nbiebissiw4Reffc0,'ajB is afojefa^ ^
plaintife ixm not p;ocaD t|)ecinji)nleffcbc caii bettpcfatiffietje couct
to tEjecontcarici MuixH^P oefencant be tontcnifts;, arte Icill ioine
ijuitJ) tl)e plaintife iiijejjiiniiqirtsiti^i^cn afte^cwmmation (bljatrjtljetc
ran be no publieattion tijeoeef ftuctagiljcttues; of tl;Q toitn^fes, tjnleOe
t!)eDerenDantDoeaffcnt,o;jt3nlc(retI;c plaintife, 0^ fomc otljccin^ia
betialfc Doemafeaati>ti)^t;tf)g^timttecto^gt:epon'tt)etitricffc6 Uieifi;
eramineD, is to tahc ttiall at t^c conni^mi Jiatu, eitl;cr at ttjc ^^crifeit c;

sjeOjace n wiTstiiijiiUjitneire^ nOXiat able to tcaucll ta tfte Haio trtsirt

)ano bpon fuct^oa^l^ tabe>b|>is o;i tbetr Depodtttjnsarc^to b(^^ublill)(^'
ofcowcfifrt jariDto^EH?PanpUfieo,iftl)epai;t^forcquii'e '

3l&Mt4ft^.c4pt^ti6feHObo0natapp^ap^t^ontf)e fioto?it;n$nN
il|etDnocaureofaa^tt)ec6of,tBt)et^et:tt be tn terms o; out oftetme
timc,tf)ent3ponoat^maDeof t^ feramg of tl^c fante tojit, tfjetojo
CljanceUo^llo^D?^eep0r,oj^aaetof tlieHolU fo; t()e time being,
at t^e tequelt of tl^e platnttfe, toill appoint Commiaienets foa t|ie ep^
amtnatton of tbe plainttfi^j(titneire0>a(co;t)m0 tocectatn o;Dei;d p^
%^ttt be alto mant> ot|)ec niffmnt fo2mt$ of Subpcna's ano Com^
nhirions>ofti}|)tc^ Tome Hoe l^eceaftec etUtte*


ScGt, 49. A ^damccHificanduin pro cua

p;irte in quadam
macaria contenf in qua-
Xa pctitione ad fcftam tuam qucndS W. M. cotian nobis
in di^ta Canccir nfa nupcr cxhibit|Vel cu ipfc (is coram nobis &c.

AliterAdteHjificaiidumAstjIfsifatqMare fuftrartitMlij^ ,

Scft. io*
Qlxis coram luf^rc'noftris ad Afnfasincom H.apieRd'ad^:f*:Aai6k
Ol^n coii pdVcne^ apud L.die Lkin(,in ceriia fepciroana quadragefii!^
vci)dcroIunic'vostunc& ibid ^
pec R.W.dc,ccrupvcrit^fquoiur<|
articulof |> ^i R.vcrras A.B. exhibit poifioc cxaminaf, c i'ub |:ocni,dcc^

Sca.st, REx,dcc. Quibufdam &^c. vfq; vbicunq; cuiic fueritad oHendemfum

qu irccuidcnc' ccfcripf p ccinCanceU'ooflf pd% nup oicItbcrai,&
i^id' adhuc reman W.C.dciibcrari non dibcancEc ad hcicd^^cvt/Mp,

Snhfonts ad feftificanditm ad Aftifu mXi^tu

^(^ S 3. O Itis coram dilcAo et fideli noftro Edmundo Anderfon Mililcapical'

Oiuf^iciar'noftrodc banco aclufticiar' ad afsiht in ciuicatc London

capicnd afstgh apud Guildhaldam ciuicacis London pd'^die veneris, vi*
delicctnono dicioilantis mciifii Bcbruaf:^xillii.futuf,vt ijdcm luOiciaf
vos cunc &ibidem pro parte HT.poisim cxaminare. c hoc &c.

Subfcena ad ttfiipcand' coram yicettmii* Lomioti,

Sftt. J J. 1 AcobuaDci gfat Angh'ae,Scotiae; Fiaft, dec. WJ.raluccm : Quibuf-

Jtdam ccrti de caufis coram nobis in Can aoHra prdpolicis : Tibi pnr.
cipimus>firmiter iniungcntcs, quod omnibus ali)s pracccrmirsis,&:ex.
cmationequacunq^cefTame. in propria p<?rfonatya fis coram Viccco-
ipif Ciuicatis noAxarLondon, apud Guildbaldam ciufdci Qiuitatis dk

iz louis
m Chauneerfe^ ipi
louiJ jpxirh futuf .ad tcftificand' vericaic in roatef ia coram eis pcnden?
&aci tacicnduna vlceius,& recipiendum ^ de contingent ordinari tunc
ibidem. Echocpoena centum librar'nuilatenus ooiittas. c habeas ibi
hoc brcue. Teite meipfo apud Weftm vlcimo die Marti}, Anno regni

Sulfpanapro EftUentfjSddferendi^,

REx R.D.falutem. Qnibufdanicertisdecauns coram nobis Can- ScA*54

cell'noftra^pofitis Tibi prxcipimus,firmitcriniungcntc$,quo4i

omnibus aliispretermidisSc excufatione quacunque ccdance^in ^pria

perfona tua lis coram nobis in di Aa Cancel!' nof^rd in quindena San^i
Hillaf proxi& fucuf.vbicuHq^ tunc fuer', adfcicns tecum omnia & om.
nimoda cartas.fcripta, cuideotiiS)& munimenta incuHodiatua, aut ali- -

CUIUS alccriuf pcr(onx,aur per tuum deliberadonem ad tuum vfum exi- S

ftcfi,vn)j(naiclluagiumjVoc^tLcG.6fhorreumcum omnibus terrisei- '^

dcm rocfluagio pertih conccrneh^in quadaro petitione ^ W. T. coram

nobisin Cancell'nottra pd'verfustc exhibit, content fpecificaf & ad ,

faciend* v)teriu,6c recipiendum Curia nfaconfiderauerit in hac parte.

c hoc nullatenusomittas. Et habeas ibi hoc breue.Tefte &r.

jilitcr fro ObligAtienedeUyeraittia

ADfcrens tecum quandam Obligationcm per quamW.C. Miles

S^^. ^f
teneturetobligaturT.B.mili?nuperraanf tuoiam defunftoindu-
centis marcis in cuftodia tua exii^ch, vt dicitur i^ ad faciend' vltcriuS|
&c. vtfifrd.

And when a/kit hath defended vnprofecHted twoyeares, ihej Award a Stih'
poena dc Atturnac facieod',; thisforme

&c. (vfgue rune
coram nobis
fuerit,5c tunc fie)
di^a Cancellaria noftra
ad faciend* Attum' Seft,>5
inter tc
dcfend',& M.S.quereh per billam,& ad faciend' 5cc vtfupra,

Commijftoad recipiendtitn refponfum^ & ad examinandum teftes ^uafeuti^ue

C^ adaudiendum (fr termtnandum.

A.T.arraigero,&B.S.armig',faUitem, CumA.W. g ^
REx dileli$ fibi
quandam petitioncm coram nobis Cancelhria in R, noftra verfus '

C. nuper cxhibuit, quodquceidem R. per breuc noftr pr^cipcrimus

quod cdet coram nobi^ in difla Cancellaria noOra ad certum diem lam
praeteritum fub ccrta poena in dift' breui noftro comenta pciitiofi prcd
refponfuf t Sriausq-iod a(r!2niuimusvos,3r ttnorr piiefettmm damns
vobisvcl vni vcflruivi patellatC'u& authoiitaicm refponfioh prxfati
R.ad ^
R,a(! pctitioncm pred' rccipicod'A infcriptisrcdigcnd'.cf quofcunq;
tcftcs,dc & fupcr materia in pctitionc & rc(ponfione pd*, content, cxa-
fninand'.aceandcmmateriam iuxtafanasdifcrctioncs vcHras vcl vnius
vctlrum audicnd'jtt finalitcr dctcrroinand', Et idco vobimandamus,
a vifo tenorc pcticionis prcd',quam vobis mittimus pfennbus interclu'
lam,pr2fat R. coram vobis, vel vno vcflrum venire taciatis, ac refponC
fuanj petition prcd' in fcrma pr3cdil*,ficnd^ra ^l)pc^Sac^amentu (uum
rccip.iacis,ctmScriptisrcdiga?is,nccnontcfl:esp(f, coram vobis vcl vno
veftrum ad ccrcos dies 6c loca.quc^ad hoc ^uidcritis coram vobis vc-
, nirc faciatiSj& cueccti$,ac ipro8,& eorum qucmlibet,dc &
fupcr veritacc

^ - pctitiofijSc refpofioh pd,ac dc&fo^ articulisomnib' ct fingulispmif.

qualitcrcunq; coccrh (up coiufacraiii corporalitcr prcftand*,diligcntcr
examiner, ex jminationef que fuas reci^,&infcripcrcdig'. Etcum cas
fie ccperitis eandcm materiam partib" ad id vocatjVififquc coru fcriptis
& auditis hinc ihde corurationibu5,ct alleg^tionibHs.cronibus vijs,rao
dis & iwedijs quibus melius fciucritis, autpotcritis,vel vnusvcftruni
^ciucf.aut potcf, iuxta fanas dilcrctioncs vcftras vcl vnius vcftf finalitcr
. dcterroinetis,velvnusveftrumdctcrminet: Sinautenosdeomni co q^
indnfcccriiisvclvnus vcftrurafccerit,in Canccllarianonra (ub figillis

vcftrum in Quindcna Sanfti Michaclis ^im lutuf, v-

vcttriSjVcl vnius
bimmquc tunc fuerit ditlmflc 3c apcrtereddaE certiores^ hoc breucj vna
cum peticione,r%onnone}6c ceftiumcxaroiDatiombus prcd nobis re-
niictcnccs &c.

CemmiJJto ad audierJum & term'wandum materiam inpetitionet&re"

Ip^rffiene^K^ ad examiftand' tejies quofcHnque.

Sca.58 REx quadam

Quia de& fupcr vcritatc qucrirooFi
dilcfto fibi A.B. falutem.
coram nobis in Cancellaria noftrapcrT.G
vcrfusI.R.& alios nuper cxbibica comcnf, acdc &
fupcr vcruate in
quadam rcfponfione per partes prcd in hac parte fa^a , & in cadcm
Cancellaria fimiliterexhibiinccnon dc &
fuper omnibus articulis&
circumftantijsquercmoniam&re/pooiioncm illas concerncnt, vttuti-
us &. confultju jp luftitia in cifdem exhibend'^pccderc valcamus
vobis dc quorum fidcljtatibus, & jpuidis circumlpcftionibus plcnc
confidimus, Dcdjmus vobis, vcl duobusvcftruro potcOat'& author]-
tatcmaudiendiSc cxarDJnandi materiam in peti&ioh,acrefponiioh,ac in
omnibus articulis & cJrcuraftantijspr^diftis,cjucrimoniam, & rcfpon-
fioncm illas concernen*,hijs.praErentibus annex* comentam. & fpecific*
& eandcm materiam iuxta fanas difcrctioncs vcftras fi ulitcr fi poicri-
lisdcterminand'. Etidcovobis,veI duob'vcftru mandamus, quod ad
certoj dics& Ioca,quos ad hoc ^uiditis,tcftcs quofcunqucmtcr par-
m Chaunccrie. ipx
tcs praed*,quosmaxime proteftsficatione vcriratis prxmidorum fore vi
dericis cuocaados,coram vobis vel duobus vcOrum cuocctis. Ac ipios ce*
Aes&eoruaiqiiemlibccde & fupcr qucrimonia, relponHone, arciculif,
&<ircuQ3{laati)spr^d'rupcrfacramencarua diiigentcr iurccis, 8z exarai-
netls. EcfuperhocaudicishincindeearunirationibmiCtaltegaetonibus,
acalijsvjjtacmodis, quibus melius fciucntis autpocericiseandcmmate*
riam vc przdicc e(i fiaaliccriipotericisdetcrminecis. Sin aurcfii,no8 in
Canccllartanoflrade omni coquod indc fccericis in quindcna fan^i
Miliar proxiili futuf .vbicunqj tunc fiicricfub figillis vcftris.vcl duorum
veftninidiftinftc,&ajptcreddafisccriiorcs, remitcch nobis tunc ccnorc;
przdtA'>voa cum hoc brcue. TcHc cc.

C9mn$ifsi9 ad eX4m'w4ndHm Tefles adlecnm c^diem certum,,

di valor e bonornm ^ catafUfftm, {

Exdilcft'ac fiddi fuoR.B.Milit,acdilcc? fibi I.D. 5cP.W.ar- Scft.f^,

k,migcf lalutem. Sciatis q^ nos dc iidelitacibus,6c prouidis circumfpc^
Oionibtisvcflf plurimum confidemcs afljgnauimus vos, acccnore pra?-
fentiurodamus vobis vcl duob* vfm plenam potcliatcm ct aiuhontatcm
inqulrcndi,can)perdcpontioncsqirorumcunqae tcHium coram vobis
produccnd*,& eximinjnd.q<rara alio quocunqiieoiodo ad libitum ve-
llrum^quz bona cata^la tucrunt I. M. gcncrofi, fioc alterius cuiufcun-
ijuereraanchf infra domumroanfionslemjfiuefirroamdc C. inE.inco-
mitatu Oxon*quo tempore Ro.Bi.poflTcfsioncm eiuldem dorous fiue fir-
inasnatusfiCj&'cuiQSvalorisnue pr^ci) cadembona & cacallaHc infra
candem domun:),6c firm^ prard' cxiHcntia ad tunc fucrunt, et extiterunto
Damus ctiam vobis, vel duobus veftrum poteHatem & au^horitatein cc.
ftes quofdam quorum feperalia nomina in quibufdam Interrogator pre-
fcntibusintcrcluCaceifdemtcOibus fepcraliter proponent, infertaap-
parebunt dc Sc iuper eifdcm Interroga^ diligent CKaminand. Etideo vo-
bis mandamus, q^ ad certos dies 6c loca quos ad hoc jpuidcritis, teftcs p-
ritis neccHarios &
oppertunos coram vobis vcl duobus vcOru venire fa-
corum que mlibet tunc & ibid,iam dc
ciati,dc cuocctis, ac ipfos teftes,&

& (u|> &

iufto valor* omnium & fingulof bonorum,& catallorum
prxdi^^orum quam de & Tuper ntcrrogaiof prxdi<fli8, fuper facramta

fuaper fan^a Dei Euangcliacoram^obis.vel duobus vcdrum corpora-

liter ^Oand.i diligcmcr^examinctis. Examinationcfq; fuas recipiatis,&;

infcriptisin pergamenorcdigatis. Et urn eas ficcepcriiis,nos indcacde


omni eo quicquid pro mcliore cognition pracmiiTorura feceritiSjVcl duo

vfmfecerintinCanccIlarianonf in Of^abis San^i Michael* proxira
futuf,vbicunq} tunc fucrit,fub figillij vcfiris, vel duorum vcdrum clauf.
di(linle^5c zptc rcddatis certiores, rcmitecn nobis Interrogatof predict
vna cum hoc brcuc. Tcftc &c.

CemmifsioadfufevHidendHtn ^ dijiingftendum VaSfum,

Sea. 60. T> ^^ Jj^c^' 3C fideli fuo Willihclnio P.Milif ac dilecf fibi W. T.ar-

j^migef ralutetn. Sciatis^ nos dc fidelicacibus,& prouidis circumfpe-

aionibits vcOf plenius confidences afllgnauimus vos,ac ccnore pfenciuRi
damus vobuplenaropotcdiccm ccauthorita(cinaudiendi& cxatninand
quandam maceriam in quibufdamarcicuIJs his ^f. annex' conccncam,&
% fpcciHcacamA eandero maceriam iuxta fanas difcrcciofi vcflf fiaaliccr (I
potericis decerminand. c ideo vobis mandamus, quod ad ccrtos dies cc

loca,quos ad hoc ^uidcricis ad quoddam vaOum voca{ blacke DO^ttS
fuper M.incorhS. in aniculis pd' rpccific*pfonaH?aeccdatij> vaftufngj
. illud fuptiidcati$,ac tam p depofitioHCStcftium quam ali^s vijs,inodis,oc
medi js quibusroeiius fciucritis auc potericis diligent inquirac quantum
inde ad mancf de H.6c quanc inde ad maneriu dc W.in coifi pd,pcinere
& alium,
debeat,6c fupinde,iimiccfl,bundas, metas ec diuifas^inccr vnum
& quantum ad vnuni>&: quantum ad alium roaneriorum prcdia'pertin*
vobisconftarepoceritiponi faciafdc limites cxaminacioncrq^ ccftium p^
recipiatis,6c in fcripcisredigatit, omncfq*, alias depolitiones ceftium an-
tas>acaliaseuidentiasquafcunquc per parcel in arcicuiispd' fpecifiLaCj
coram vobis exhibend' accepccti) & in(piciacii. Ec fup jr hoc, raateriam
in articulis pd'fpecifica! iuxa faoas difcrecioact vcflras finaliter (i poce-
ritis decermmef : Sin auccm nos noHra de omni co quod
in Canccllaria
indefeceritisinquindenaSandi Michael' ^Xiifi futuf vbicunq; cunc
fueric Tub (igillis vedris didin^e 6c apcrce rcddatis certiores.remitccmcs
nobis articulos praediles vna cum pracfentibus. TeHe 6cc.

9y1 Commifsion direSied to the Lord Dtfutj oflreUnd^andthc Lord

Chancellor t with others,for the hearitt^ anddetermi-
nittg of a Title of Land,

Scft. 61. T Ames b^ tl)C(0aa(e of CDoDicSCo oin;tt:uteanong!)t luellbelciieii

l&it:^^l^mgf)t oftljeo^oec It. II. E^cputie of ouc Heahnc ofBIre^
lanu,!^.C.2r(!)bifl)of;ofJ2D.cui; Lcioe CauiueUc; t^eic, ^it%^*
of fiuc d;rcl)equei: tl;ere, jf, ^U Ciquiic, one of mt p;iuic Ccuncell
t^ei:c,3t^(ll;rq.feonD3fi?i?ice or Slit cl)icfc Bend) tijere, K.Jf. Cfq*
ouc&eueantattljeilakutijecs, arto ll.S).Crq. cucjolicito?tl)cte,
Knowyc,tl)atfo; (ettame confeifatwfi^ tfjeicunfo meuing, anoiif
inChauncene. ip^
Qtxt mate motiow,snTj fo; ^ gteat cofioence mt ttuff'ttjc "^mtin^out
fiDelitie0jCtccumfpc(tion0,p;oniDmfe55f toifcoomei, iuefjaueccpu^
teo,o;DetneD,auti)o;treD:,appotnteD:, conlhtut^D, giucn ano graunteo
anD b)^ t^efep^efent^! oo Deputc,o^oetne,aut^o;ire,conlhtute,appotnt5
fiiue,! scant t)nto^ou,ojan^ t3i^,t)^,t)ji,t3,u^,o?itj, of^ou (ofiol^icfj
ItielDiU t\fst %cMa\^aics one) full potDer,tuarDt(tton ano autl)0.ntte
to Ijolu plca,!)eacc,cicterminCjDtfcnffe50cn;a, anu finally to tuogc of all
anDiingulaca(tujni5,oebnt05,fl*citTe0,quan;eIe, ttgf)tf, titles, anooc^
manD0 tef)atroeuectt)0^ ht^ns UieU csall a0 pccfonaU^tutiicl) b^ plaint]
ruppUcatton9o;^btHtobe erlnbttcd, o; otf^etlotfe b^ an? manner of
meaner elfe,(1^allo; mar appeai:e,o;conie before t?ou, o^ an? t)i^,t)^,
t)),t55if^5o;itf)?eeof?oa,(oftu|)irij toe toill fl)at ic be alloare0OHe)
of,fo;^o concerning tlje inta:ea5rigl)t,titlc,tiemaunD,anO poffcffion
0f ttoo pact0 oj moitic0,of all tl)ore lanD0 f c. \mtf) tlje apputtenance0
in tfje countie of JD.toit^in tfje faio jKcalnie of Slcelano, to be b? ).2>*
iateof |c.3lE>tDiot,iF2D*q^)SD.J2Dj3D (Sentlemcn, ano fonne0 to
li.^.lateueceafeo,! i^.ia:>*nepI)elD to ttjefaio ifS^ani) K>. o^ b? an?
oftl)cmfeuecaU?,o;iointl?,o;janr ti,ig,ii9,tj,o^tjj,of tljem againft
C*^. alias ^4ojo Of 0.tDit^in oiit fato Kealmc of BIcelano , ano allano
eueticotijccpecforto; pecfoii05 Ujl)tc() ll^all claime fcom, b?50j in tlje
ti^^t of tlje faiD Jlo'D,o^ in bi)5 o? tptit otune tigljt o; ngf)t0, o;j b? an?
me4iis0eircii3i)atroeuei:itbe,tD!)icf)l)eo;tl)e?claime to baue to tljc

fato mottie0 of tt)e tim pat;te0 of tt)e faio lani)e0, ic^ tuitl) t1)e appucte^
nance0afo;0(aiD : i^iUingano gcaunting,anD b? tiiefc out ilettew l^a*
tent0 toe ooe giueano gcaunt unto ?ou,o? to an? ijig, tg, t);,l3, iiij^ o?.

tti,of?ou, (of Ujljict) number luettiill ttiat i c. bealU3aie0 one) fullpo*'

loeMucifbiction,anoaut!)o,:itieto call before ?ou, oaan?t)iii,t)ti,t);,
t)5ii^jOjitj,of?ou5(0fU)bic!)tDeloiUtl)atc be altoa?c0one) atfuc^
times ano place0 acco,:mngto?out:gcDO Dirccetion0,U>f)icl)t3nto?ou,
?ou, (oftuljicfjiueUnllfc* bcaUtiares
one)anD to caufe tbe faio JIo?d ^.o^ an? Uifjiclj claimetl) in !;t0 oj tl)cic
oUwJ cigbt 0^ cigt)t0)O? b? an? luaie0 oj meane0 etfc iul^atroeuerjan?
inteceft,rigl)t, title, 0? poiTeffion in tljetipo partes o^ mottie0 oftfje
faiD lanD0jf c^tuiif) t^cit appurtenances afo;cfaiD,o? an? parr ell ttjere^
of^to anftuet:,ceioinejanD loiue iCTue, o? otl^ertuife pleao, 30 tlje caufe i
matter C^all require, ano tipon an? plaint, fuppUcation, a(tion,o^ futt
tJ)^tfoeuer,tobicl)^aU be er!)ibttcD,oKome before ?ou,b? tfje afo;e^
raiO^20lBtp,31^ir'E5'^'S>anDKoj b?an?oft!)cmiGintl? oj
feuerall?, 0; an? ii,ii|,U9,t),o;^ tJi,of tljem, of, ano concerning tlje faio
tto part0 o;^ moities of tl)e faio lano0,f c. tuiti) tijcir appurtenance#a^
fo;cfaiO : <2^iuing ano graunting^ant) b? tl)efe p2erent0 toe 00 giuc ano
graunt t)nto ?ou,o; an? tjitj,t)ij,tj;,tj,iiij, 0; iij, of ?ou, (of tuljicl) toe
2a b toiU

lmUt[)attc;l)ealtDat05on0)fuU{)otDet:, tnnfbicttoti^andantl^o^ttt^,^
acco^DUTjsrto roue tutfcDom ji,otrct:ettott0,anti p^ouioenc00, to call be^
fo^e {|ou allmanet: of lDttne(Iie0,anD to examine all t^attetS) mimeSi
munimeut0,ti)ntmops, f euect? otfjec tljingelfejlDlitcI) mat? b^ a mean
top?oue,f0^tifie,t)ifclore)O;imake tmtntt^z tntei:ett,ngl)t, titles,
&emaunti,o^ poflfelTton of anr of tl)e afo^cnameo pacttcB ^ to tf^e fato
tU)o pact0 0^ moitics of tfje faio lantiC0 ic tuitl) t^jetc appurtenaunccs
afo^efaio, ano Ijpon tfjc fame t!).20ugl)I|? and tuitl) mature oeliberatio
anotuogementconfiDereo i Itieigi^cOjlueDogtuc f grant tjnto t!Ou,oj
ani? tjiti*t3tj,t);t34it|* onij* of t?ou, (of toljicf) numbectoetoiU t^at f c.
ftiUo;Dci:,tieci:ee,ij0fimtion,feutence>f finaUiuDgcmcnt, acco^omg tti
l^out;Dirccetion0,of t^cinteccftjngljtjtitie, tiemane, ano poflTeflfioii of
t^z faio tUJo partes oj moitie0 of tlje laiD lanO0f c. luittj tijeic appuc^
tenance0 afo^efato^ano to Ucm
t^e poflPeCTton of t^e p^emtOiBS to ^im,
0? tl)em,to tul)om of rigljt it ougljt to appertainejano 1)10 o? tliettfaiD
Ipfl'eflfiort0 to maintaine : ^no if ap of tlje pai:tic0 afo^cnameo , o^a^-

RV ot^au pecfon o;^ pei:fon0 iDl^icf^ &)a\\ t^aue to Doe in ttie fame mattec
0? faufe, om toilfuUv o^ ob(liuateI\? luitljlfancj oj oifobep ant? p.JoceDre,
ojDec, oeccec, fentenr e,o; iuDgement, iljicli f^all be Dicecteo o? giuen
in tj^e p;emiflre0 bj? i?ou,o; an? l)i9tJtr*ti;tti4i^o^ itj^of rcu, (eftoljic^
immbeclxie tnillttiat |cvcfupra,bealUjaie0 one:) SDljentoee toillanO'
commaunD vou, ano b? bertue oftljefe ouc 3iLcttei:0 patent0 giue full
jjptnecptuarcantjano autl)o^itv \jnto vou,oj to ant? biii^tjQ^tij^bj.tj^iig
D^iti if t?0nj (oflDl)icl) numbecluce luill tiiatfc beaIlDaie0 one) to
commit t)nno;tljem to p^ifon^tljcce to temaine tiilljis, Ijer, o.: thtit
conformities fljal \jz tljemn tjaOjUnUingano comaunDing i^ou^o? anp
at fuc^ times ^ places^ao f oi'ouc Difcceticn05 or to tljetiifctetio of an?
t3i9 tJi} "bj. tj iiy or it|. of i?ou, of luljicl) numbei: ?c bo atoaies one)

fljall tome fit ano conuement,oiligentli? to attcno,applt? ,1 tuitl) fpao

put in execution tlje effect of tijis ouc Conuniffion, fo a0 t!)e compiai"

nants before namcD,or ant? of tsji' toljicl) lljaU ^aue to doj t\)nin,mav
notljaueiuHcaufelomaUe fucttjcc complaint for?>elap or leant of
BluftifCjUnlling ano ccmauDingvou? or ant? bit| t)ijt)jit34i^.or iti*of
t?ou5(oftol)icl)U)eU)iUfcbeone) to aomitno oilatorie exception to
ant?rupplication or rupplication0,btllor bills of complaint ert)ibtteDr
or to be eicljibiteD before t?ou,or ant? tJi^^by ti t). n\;* or iij. of ^ou? (of
iuljicljnumbecUieeijoiU tbatfc. be alujaies one) or otbcctinfe to t^e
ouectljrotuing of tljis ouc Commicrion : ^ut accoroing to ouc mea^
x\inQ l)ecein to procefO,anD to goetotjje fuUljeacing, oroecing,oecca?
ingxiuDging, ano oetecmining of ttje cig^it, title,ano oemauno of tlie

in Chauncerie. ip^
pwcti^ afbjeraiu, of, fo; ano coHcecHmg t^tp^zmi^s, anD tmxic patf
anD parcBll tl^ec^of , ano acco^Dtnglr to nzttic w\n im^e , n$ to maitie
arnj xi^t flciaUappectaine : ani? ^rt,^tatiite, llatxj, ^;oui0on o? flD^^
t)tnanc0 to tt)e conttane tliergof notlDtttjltanDtng. ^no tijerofo^ fatle
^ou Hot,if t?ou tenoei* out fauo^z : fa; if tmt faio fuhieas iD*K>*^*p*3ii
if.^E)ano K.3E). ll^oultj be put from fnc!) tciallof ttieicngfjt to t^c
p;emiffe5^a0 bp t^is ourCoinmtffion tue [jauep^oiuoeo fo^ tljcm^tl^eii;
dtfabtlt^tte ano tnant of ttct)CS, lueaUl), fccmo^tp anD altancc con(ioe^
reo^ano of ttjeotlici; pact of tlje faio ilo;o of ^ tl;eic aDuccfacic^bemg
t|)<iougl)lv fucnt(|et) of alltfjofe tljinges , ano toit^aU being allo;o bg
bictMno of gccat calling ano autljo^tt^^no infjabitmg tuif ^in f ^e faiD
Countie^tuliecc tf)c faio lanog ic. ooc Uc,ouc faio fubiertes fl^onlo be m
pecill ano oangec to be fett|)out cemcDy at om; common HaUies t^ece,
iDljicljtDerenormallnurcljiefctotljem. 2Dljcp;:emt(rescon(ioeceD,tDC
^aue gcanteo tl)is our Commiffion acco^joingtotfjeteno^afojefijio
And further tue toiUano commano t?ou,ano h^ tjertue Ijereof giuc full
potuecano aut^onttetinto ^ou,o^an^ ^iij* by* bj* b. ity. o.: it;, of t7ou,
(;of U)l)icl) toe InUl tt)at i c. be one) t^af after t{je cig^t , inteceft, title
ano oemanD oecteeo^aoiuogeo ano oetecmino^0 10 afo^efato :tl)att^ou
f)aue cottftoecation bnto tljc binOecance,loJres ano oamage0,Uil)icl) tl)o
complainant(,o^ an^ of tbem,ais 19 afo^efato, ijaue l^ao ano fultaineo,
b^ ceafon of tbe tp^ongfull Detaining of t^e podelTion of tifc p:eminreiar
ano tl^e faio Damages b^ rou,as i6 afo^faio^tareo ano ertracteo^tljec^
of to caufe a ful execution ano fatiffaction to be Iiao ano maoe bnto t|)o
faiD complainants, ano enecie of t[iem,ai i$ afo^efaio. ^no fo; t^e bet^
tec putting in tvcmtion oft^is ouc CommilTion^ioe l^il ano commano
tt)e^^ecife of t^at our faio Countie of ]S). ano all otiiec ouc afficzt fo;
t^e time being,to tofjom in tW
tuft it fl^all appertaine, tljat t^epjano
ouecie of tbem be attenoant bpon ?eu,o;j ant: biiji. by .tD/.b.iiij. 0; iy of
t?ou ( of iD^icl) lue toill f c be one ) fo; tl^e executing, fulfiUingano 00^
ing of all ano cuecie^ct ano Zas , tljing 0^ tfjing0, a0 d^allbe bt> ^ou,
o;ant?biy*by*tjj>baiy>ouy.of ^ou (of iwljic^ ic.be altuaif$one)
commanoeo^limiteo, 0^ appointeo* In witncfle whereof &c.

Hauing hitherto in fomeforc ilicwed the Writs of Ccmniiflions, and

courfe of proceeding inChancericfuits : It fecmeth needful! now to eat-

preflewhac Complaint,Anfwcr$,Rcplications,Rcioindcr5and
Bills of
Suricioinders be,with dioers formes thereof, according to the caufes of

Whttt a Bill of Complaint u,

A Bill of Complaint i$ a Declaration in to^iting, O^etoing tlie 5e^. ^2.

platntifesi gciefg^ ndtiilo;ongbP|ic|)$9rfippo(ett>tobsDone
- : :

Dnto dim b^ t^t ufenSimUum teliat Damages {je fnH^itttt^ bt occafl^
m t|)ereof,p;ar mg pjot es againff l)im fo? tiDjelTe of Itie faine,a mar
appeaw br man)? gjjampleafjeccaftecfcUotutngjtu^ereupon Hofticnfis
|at[j ttjefc Unites*.
Quis.cjuidjCorani quo.quo iurc peratur,&: a quo,,
Rc(\c compofitus quifque libellus habec.

^nnMtft tl)e mnttct of euecr 515tll ougj^f f o be tcue.&econtatilv^f f)c

(amz matter og!)t to be la\?D uotone tfjerein plamel^ ano cectainelti in
euec^circumftanceof t{)C t^tng, pecfon, time, place, manner of Doing,
anD Dtfjct acciDents.;4nD t\iMy> ttjc fame eugtjt to be fiiflSctcntin la\,
botlj fo; t!)c fo,;me tfjeccof, i foj tlje matter, tijat it be fuc^ as is eirami-'
able in tljisCouctjtufjif^ being otbei:loire,mat? be DifmifleD t^ente

^ J.
hta.6 1^ jjf^ ^^ jj ^^^gj^ j^gj^ j^ neitl>ec Htj^D Cbancello?, no; E-o jD JHeeper,
the Kings mofl: excellent Maieftic, in his Highneflt
Court of Chaneerie.
Inmoft humblciDanncrcomplaining,fhcwcth vntoyourmoft excel-
lent Maiefty,yoirrmo{l humble and obedient fubicl H.C.&c.
;3nD Xvijm t^ttt iB a llo^ !^0epe(,tl)U0
To the right Honourable Sir lohn Puckering, Knight,
Lord Keeper of the great Scale of England*
3nD lnf)en ti^eceid a )to^ CbanceIo;{,t^en t\)m :
To the right Honorable Sir C.H.Knight,Lord Chancelor
of Engl and
%^tit et\}zt titles of ^ono? mar be alfo aDDeD in ti)e faiD Dicetfion^
but t^er are not mn^ necelTarie*

JVhat an Anfwer is,

SK^4. A^ aaftor is tl)at tnljif b tb^ DcfenDant pleabet^ oj fattfi in ilBarrg,

/\to auoiD tl)e plaintifcd Bill o;^ j^ction,eitt)er b^ tonfcdion f auot^

Ding,o; br Denying ano trau^erfiing tl|( materiaU parts tbereof*3it^ t^

title of fuel) j^nfluer is ttjus
The A^nfwerof A.B. defendant, to the Bill of ComplaincoF
C. D. complainant.
SIBut if ti^ere be manr tefenDants, t}^tx[ t^m:
The ioint andfeucrail Anfwers of A.B.and C.D.deftndaod^
to the Bill of Complaint of E.F. complainant.
0n ^nftner i% calleD ttl Hatin Exceptio, quat diaa efl quaH quzdam
cxclulio quge intcrponi aAioni cuiufcunque rei folct^ad excludcndum iA
q^od in inccntionem conderooatioBM iurcdedu^uin eft* fTi^w
: :

andanfwcrs. ip^
ff^hat a RefUcAtion is,

AKeplicattontetl^epiatnttofpeecl^ojanrtDectoti^ljafentjanfs Scft '^5

anfti)0C, to^Kl^ muftaflftrme mtu piicfue Ijw bill, aim confeiTc ano
auoitie, Dcni?,o; traucrfe t^e Defenoants anftucc. 0nD note, tfjat tljo
plaintifc cug^t to teplv tt)0 ncjctSEerme after tj^at t^c Dsfenoant [jatl^
anftucceo, clfe ma^ ^e giii^ Ijtm tia^ to rrpl^ : b^ tu^icl; Da^ if f^ee Doe
not replp, t^c uefcntiant ma^ procure a t ifmitrton, aiiD get colJs.
Etdi^a vidctur Rcplicatio qnodvcl implicataro 5c quafi te^am
cxceptionis iniquitatem replicet &
patcfaciac : vcl potius quod af qui-^
taccmaAionisabcxcijpicntcrcitc^ani& quaH complicatam chiIiccc
acqueaperiac. Hotcornaniis.
^no tj^e tttte of a iUeplication is tl^uB
The Replication of W. P. Coroplainant , to theanfwcr of

A-Keioinj!et;tiettf)canftDei;elu!)tf!j tfje^efentjant mafeet!) to t^ Scft.iJ^.

piaintifCB teplif atton, M)\t\) mull purfue anD confitwe ^is ait*
ftoer, anD notflwacue from tjjc rame,anD fuffirientlr confeCTe f auoiD,
Denr,o? tiauecfecac^ inatenallpait oftljepiaintifts replication, Eft
autcm rciun^io feu duplicatio, vcl al!cgatio,qu3e datur rco ad infirman*
dumreplicationem aSoris &
corfirinandum cxccptioncm rci. Spicg.
Blft^e parties be not at i^my bp reafon of fonte neto matter Difclo^
feD in tlje oefenoants teio inter, t^at requiretl) anflner ; t|)en ma^ tj^e
plaintifefurieioinetot|e faiD reicincer , anD t|e oefenDant in li&e
mannertot^efurieioinDerjiftljecebefaufe;, feljif^ ^appenetli ijerie
0nD t!)0 title of a KeioinDer is tljus -" -- -

The rcioindcr of C.A. defendant to the Replication of E.WI

JVhAt a Sfirreioiftder is,

A ^urretoincer is a feronD Defence cftj^e ^Blaintifes action, oppo^

pofite to tlje ^efenDantfi leioinDer* ^nD t Jerefo;? Hottoroanus
callet^ it, TriplicatiOjquxcff fecund' a^ionis dcfeniio conttarei du-

plicationtm oppofira.
;anD tt)us XB tljetttle of a ^urrenDer
The SurrcioinderofE.W. Complainant to the Rcioindcr of
C. A. Defendant.
A BillofccmfUimfcr cfitring into and makingfecret diatts / Cofyhold

landeSyrpaiiingfarttljereoftatidmingliHgfArt thereof mth thelandtsof
others^ to dinfmherite theT/aintife bj hauing the C^pes thereof,

M Vmbly ccmplainingl^ctoctf) tnto ^cur ^ono;abIe1l!^.<ll?*of 5cft.

^ an tf)e Conttt^ of ^o?be tttiviut That tojmaiJ ^M'* late of
Supplications, BIIs,
^Jt(qniu DeeareD,fatt)er to tear jiD^ato^^loais in tjtd life timt hj! goo
anD latDfuU conuei^anceano affurance in ttje )talu,latufuUp TetfeD to
^ixn ano to ^i& Y^titts in fee limple,acco3Ding tcft^e cullomc of tlje 9^a^
no; of ^4tt t|ie faiD Countic of ^^ of one cop^l)olo o^ cuSomatie^^^
fuage 0^ S2^enement,anD of c^rtainecullomacie Im^Sy meootne^, % pa^
ftuwjtotljc^uantitieot loo. acw0,oj t^tteahonUt anD t[>cfai&^..
touc )> jatojg fatljec fo being tljereof fcifeo as afo^efaiOjano beinj; tjifi^
teo tjDtt^ (ickueile Dutingti^ mtno^it^ of roue fato ^^ato^M goiD ano
latofull conue^ance ano adutance in t^e ILaU),anD acco^otng to tl^e m^
Homepft^efaiD^aiio^of Mt^tiio conuer^aOure^ano furrenoct: t{)C
faio copt?l)olo 0^ cnHomarie ^efnage o; SCeneinent^anD oti^tt t^t p;e^
niiaie0,tDit^ti)eappui:tenancei,tntoti)ei)anO0 of ;3*115. if)z llo^D of
tl^e faiD^ano;> fo; tl)o bettet: maintenance, ano to tl^ebfe of ^our faio

iDMoh ^ol^aueanotoJ^olDto^out: faio ;^;ato;, ano to tiis l)tix$

awo cuHome of tijc

affigneis, at t^t liU of t^e ilojo, acco^tung f o tlje
faiD ipano; : b^^ fo;:ceU)l)eceof,rout: ^ono^ fai0 ^;ato.t in tl)e Court
of t^e fate i^moi paio l^is fine,ano lua^; oft^t fain copi^l^olD ano chHq^
sarietenement0,lDitI)tl)e appurtenances, bv ti^etljen ffetoarD of tl)e

faiu Sl^ano; of ^Klt.aumitteD tenant. Wut fo it is, if it ma^ pleafe t^ouc

nl^ono;, t^at all ti^z ui0ences ant) Copies,of,ano concerning tl}e faio
$pefuage,lanDs,tenements,auD P^emiire0,beinsleft in t^&l|an0S7Cu^
fiooie,ano poUelftonof rour;^;ato;5 faio fatljer loljileS^i^g liueo,iN
tigl)t belonging Onto rourlLo^od^ips faio j^;ato;, arc noixi hf cafuall
ano finitter meanes come to t!je llanos ano poffeCTion of one l^.^.of >
in tl^^aio Countie of ^* to^o bv colour of tlje !)amng tlicreof, liat!)
to^ongfuUr entceo into tl)e faio s^eruage,lanos, ano p^cmilTes afoje*
faiD. ano t^atlj maoe ano conue^eo Onto tiim^elfe, ano to otiiers to^s
t>fe,oiuers ano funD?i^ feccct Collates tljeceof, ano ootlj p;eteno tol)6ll|>
to oi6n^eritrourl.o;o(I)ipsfaio D;ato^of t^efame,notloitf)llanoing
vourfaio ^;ato? Ijatlj br oiuecs ano funi;fT? meanes in frienol^ man
ner oftentimes fought to i[)aae t{)e faio mmttB ano Copies, ano re^
qucfteo t!)c fame at t!)e fjanos of tlje faio ip.^* ano alfo rfjat tie Iwoulo
$0:10 Onto r our faio ));ato.: tbe quiet poffeHten of t\)z faiD C^efuage,
lanos,ano piemifiTes, to ll)om Ijeootlj toellfenolu t!?e fame in rigl^t to
belong ano appertains j ^et tfjat to Doe,]^e Ijattj not onlp oenieo ano re^
fnfeo,ano Hill Dotl) oen^ ano refnfe to ooe t\)C fame : but of Ijis furtbec
malice againft tour faio ;;mto?,lje oot^ t^aeaten rour ^^ato; in (utff
fo;t, t^at tour )3D;ato; fo; toant of tl)e faic CDuioenccs ano Copies,oa*
cetl) not mabe^isiuH ano latDfull entrp,in,anoto t^e fame: ^no alfo
ttje faio l^.batl; committeo ano ootfj covitinut Dailt great ano outragi-

nus U)altes ano fpotles,iti Derating of tlje ^oufes,feiiing Dotnne of ttjfe

tma^ ano S^inibec^ff^s of t^f^^iS^Sj tQpm^iotQ^B great loiTe

andAnfweres. tg6
jSKDDtfinljerifoti,and tmttsimto allttg^t: eqntttc ano g(Dd tonraeiic$*
3ln tinijecconfiDecatten fo|0i:gof,anb fb^atinoc^ ass b^ tl)e ftcut conrft
of t^ common Hatee^ ortl^t0 Kealme^rom: lt*fatD ^;ato; ^at^ not a^
n^ ojuinam ccm^Die foj tl^c obtamins ano cccouecing of t^c fnio mU
d0nc^0 1 coptes^fo; Isant oH^z cettain knotoleoge of tf^ contents ami
mtes t^ei:6of}anolu})at in t^m be contatneo^nett^et can I'out: ^^atoi
tearne ac^aintt \l^om to gommencc anr fuit fo; tt)c fato m0ruage>lanO0
an^ p,:0mi0x:s, fo^ t\}nt flje faio ^.^.ano ot^ew,to vouc ^;ato; alto^
gettijc t)nljnoUjn,!)au5 confeocrateo ttiemfelues togetljcc againft i^ou
fato ^i$.toh^^ t^aue rontcttieo $ maoe amongff tbemfclue^ Dtuet:0 (e*

tttt cttate0 f conHc?ancc0, ano l)auc fo intccmmglco t^c fame, f o,ano

imtlj otfjec lanD,i5t,tenement0 f Ijeceottaments, f o^ano luif^ certaine of
t^cit otone fin^olo ano inljeritance , t^nt roue ^jatoj Unotoet^ not
i^c^ tt)efamebe,no;^oljD niucl) ttjeceof t^e faio !^. i^^ano otW^ia
confeoecate^ oo feuecall? t?olo,U)^ei;bt? to commence ant? action o; futt,

o; mafeeani? latofal entr^ ,inf 0,0? fo; tfje fame,toitl^out vour ;;atoj
gteat oangec : ano ^et i^ouc ^;ato; ^optt^ t^at Dpon t^t co:po;{aU otl^
of tfie fato ^* ^* t)e tutllmanifeU fucj^ tnattti: , toi^ecebt i^oni ji);ato)
mav ti)C mo;e betteceaftlp f ceaottp^p^ocaeo ano attatne to t^e cecone^
nng of l)t0 iaHano tatufuU ctgt^t f inheritance oft^e p;emiflre0 fo? t|ie:

ma^ pleafe tour goo %* to grant t^nto ronr fato

fuctl^ecance Uil)et:ofit
i^;ato.}, t)i0 ^aieffte0 mollgratiou0 ^;it of Subpoena to be ottecteo
to t^e faio ^*^ commanoing pirn tli^rb^ at a certainrdar,ano tjnoer
a certaine paine tf)eretn to be Itmiteo, perfonall^ to be 1 appeete tn ^10
^ai^igl^ Court ofCf)8nc$rt,t|)r 1 ttjere to anClner to t|ep;ennSi^0 ic*

7^r Jnfrver cfH, H. Defendant ^ t9 theBiHof Complaint

of H. E, ^orflaiat,

Tl^efaio oefenoan* ^litJ), tfjattl^e faio 3l5iU of Complaint againft ^ a.

^imevtjibi^co info ti)i0i)ono?able Court, 10 tjecietjncertaincjtm* *

true ano infu^ctcnt in t!)e iut to be anfivfreo tjnto b^ tijs faio oefm^
^antfo.:Diuer0anoruno^te apparant fault0 anoimperfection0ti)ereiM
contained: ano oeutfeo ano erbtbiteo intotfjis l)ono^ableCourt,part
Vi of malice anoeutUiuilUUntfjout ant iuft caufe conceiueo againli tlje
faio oef. to tlje intent tljeceb^ tjniulllt? to tjereano molelt I)im Unttj tt^
Oiou0 tcauell,beinganageo man,ano to put titm to great cipence0,be^
ingberiepcD^e : but c|)teiv to ttje intent ano purpofe to learie,impo'
uetifl) ano tcriifie Ijim iX^i^ oefenoant : ^euenf eteffejif bt tlje ozoer of
tl)i0 l)ono;^able Court , tl^t0 oefenoant (l^aU be ccmpelleo to mabe an^
furtljer 0^ ot^er anftoer ^nto t^e faio tint we,iitc(rtain ano infu^cien
li5iU of Complaiiit,ti)0ii ano not otijertutfe ibe ^ouantagi^ f^Um^H^n
^b 4 tpe^tof
Supplications^ Bills,
thereof to t^i$ Defcnuaitt, at all ant) euerie timt anD times ffttafta fa^
ueD,fo J fucttjec anfluere t!)ei;eanto, anu fo;^ a ftillano plain Dcclamtion
Qftitt^ti^^toml^inQ fa nuicl) of t^ematcitallcont^ntg of tlj^ fato bill,
as in ani? fo;t concecnetf) tljis Dcfenljant, ^t fo>tjinirelf0 faitt) , 2Df)at
lu|)eccas t^e fato complainant in |iis faiD bill alcagetl), tijat one l^ C;
|ii0 fatfjec Deccafccfeas in l)is life time bv
goo aat laVufull ronueiance
ano alTutance in tl)e iLato , latofiillp feifeo to Ijim nnu \)iB ^cittB in fee

fimple 5 acco^oing to tl^e cullome of tl}C faiD S^ano^ of m* in tlje faiD

bill mentioneD,of one copi^olD o^ cuftomarv mefnagc o,j tenement^anD
of cectaine cuftomatie lanss, meDotues anD palluces, to t^e quantitic
of an IjunD^eD aci;e0,o;j tf)eceabouti5 : anD tljatije being tljcceof fo feifeo
anD tifiteD tuit!) ficfeneCTe^Ducing t!;e mino?itr of tlje faiD complainant
b^gDanDlati3fullconue\?anceanDairui;ancein tl)e JLato , anD acco;^
Ding to t^e cuttome of tbc faiD 3pano; of m* tin connep , affuce anD
fucretiDec tl)e fame copi^olD o;^ cuflomacie mefuage o ; tenement , anD
otljecf^e p^emifles, loitl) tlje appurtenances tl)eceunto belono;ing, fo;
1^10 better maintenance , to tljetfeof tl)e faip complainant. %o tjaue
anD to })olD to tl)e faiD complainant , anD to liis ifcites anD alTignes , at
tl^e toill of t^e faiD ILo.jd, acco jDing to t^c cullome of tf)e faiD ^ano^ :

anD tljat b^ fo;ice tljecof^t^c faiD complainant in tlje Coutt of t^e faiD
S^ano; paiD l)i$ fine , anD tuas of tljefaiD copi!)olD o^ cuftomadc tene^
mcnts iuit^t^eappwctenattces , b^ tljetlticn^telnacDof tl;efaiD ^a^
noa of M. aomitteD tenant, ^e t^is oefenoant fait|) , t^atto^is
feno^uleDge,tl)e faiD ^_** late fatljer of f pc faiD complainant^foas ne^
uei:eitf)cc latofuU^ feifcD to l)imanD to Ijis 5)eire0,acco.:DiHgto tt)e cu^
Come of tlje faiD ^ano^ of WX* of tlje faiD tenements anD p;emiires in
t\}t faiD )15il'l mcntioncD, b\? an^ goD anD lalufuU conacv^nceanD aHu^

ranee isi t!)c ilaki,accci,:t!ing to t^c cuftom of tfie faiD i^anb; : j]5o; DiD
guer conuei? , aCTure anD furrenDer tlje faiD cuff omarie tenements anD-
Dtljerttjep^emiQTeSjto tljctfeof tIjefaiD complainant,l)isl)eiis auD aft*
fignes : ncitljcr did tJje faiD eomplainant euer pai' Ijis fine fo;^ tl)e fame
uht}^B faiD Court,ncttl)ei \as l^e euer laUifollr aDmitteD tenant tl;cre^-
of,as |)e tljcfaiD complainawtin )^is faiD 115ill tsntruir p.:ctenDctl> ^nD
iDljereas tlje faiD complainant in Ijis faiD )15iil aifo p;etcnDctl),t^at tljc
euioences anD copies,of,anD concerning tljcfaiD mefuage, lanDSjtene?
ments ano p;emifffes,beittg left in ttjeljanDS, cuffoDiemiD poffeCTion of
tl)efaiD complainantfifatl;cr Id [)ileftl)eliueD, in rtgljt
belonging tjnto
ti^i complainant, arenotu b^ cafiiallmeanescommento t|e iTanDes
anD poffeffioH of tijts DefimDant, anD tljaf^jebr colour of tlje tjauing
tlieteof, l)atl; to;iongfuUr entrcD into tl)e faiD mefuage, lanDs anD pje^"
milTes afojcfaiD,anD ^atlj maDeanD conueieD to ljimf4fc,anD to otlier^
to [)i0 t)fe ) Diufirsm^
funD;te fecret effates tiierstn ^ anD oott) p^eteno
and Anfweres. ip^
ttftttot^WWo tiim^0tit tf)c faiD complainant niif uknnmt
fait!),tt)at nonceutomicegt o;^ copie0,of,o;i concerning ttjc Hiii) mcfuagc,

tenemmtB ano p^cmirrcB^ate bi^ tafiiall mcaneiJ, o? otfjciUiifeconte to

tlje IjnnDs 0^ pofifclTion of t!>ifi! Defcnoant,anD tfjat bv colour of Ijauing
t|mof,t)cti)isf t)cfenDant,neit!)er tu^ongfuU^^ cnf tco into tl;e faio nic^
fuagc, t0nem0nt0 auo p^cniilTc?, no^ anp part ti;ci:cof, neither [jatlj l)c
ttii9 nefenDant conuei^cD, to l)imrelfc, o.: to ani? otljcr perfon to l^i tjfe,

Diners anD funo^ico? an v ferret ettates tI)crof,neitl)er octf; \)c p;etenD

complainant , as in ttje fai0315iU it
tljereof iuljoli? to tiifinljcrit tljc faio
ii5t)ntrulpaUea0eD:luiti)outtt)at,tl)att^craiD complainant brJJiuerfg
anfi funo;ie meaner in fccinolr maner I;atl? oftentimes rougljt to Ijauc
tlje faiD euioences ano copies , ano reqiieHeo tlie fame at tlje ^anoes of
t^is oefenoant : ano alfo tfjat Ijctooulo ^ccId tnto ^our faiD);jato^ tlje
quiet poffclTion of tl)e'faiD mefuage, tenements anD p;emiires,o;^ t^at
^e tljis oefenoant ootl)lueUUnototl)efamc, in rigljt to belong tinto
^im tl)e faiD complainant,as in tlje faio i5iU it is ^ntruli? aUeageorano
luitljDUt tljatjtljatlje tJjis DcfenDanto f malice againfttlje faio complain
uant Dotlj complainant , in fuel? fo?t, tljat Ije foj
tl)?eatl)en l^im tljc faiD

ipant of tlje faio euiDences,Darett) not maKe Ijis iuH anD laUifuU cntrie
o;^.clame,to anD in tlje fame p;emiires,o? tfjat Jje tlje faio oefenoant l;atl^
o^'coulD commit , o^ Dotl) o^ can continue oailr? committing great anD
outragious tuaftcs ano fpoiles , in Derailing of tl^e Ijoufes , ano felling
Dotone of tljeUioDS ano timber trees of tlie p;emiires5to tlje great loffe
anD DiH^crifon of tDe faiD complainant,anD contrary to allrigl)t,equiti?
ano gooD confcicnce, as in i hv f)is faiD Bill of complaint lie Ijat^ mcft
1)aincl? anD tjntruelr alleagco. if o^ toucljing t\}t faiD fuppofcD t^td^tts
tljis oefienDant faitlj , ttjat l)e is a terie feeble pco^e olD quietwan, tjeric

Deficous of tl)c fauo; ano gcsjo luill of all men,anD tljerefo^c neitl^er tuil*^
ling no; able bv^ Ijis complainant jbe^
tlj^cats to terrifie o; feare tlje faio
ing a gentleman of tjDO.:lIjip,potuer anD liuing,l)auing manr iJtnffolfeS:,
alics/remDes^no feruants, fo tljat f)e tljis oefenoant, l^atl) ratfjer inft
caufe to be afraio of tljefaio complainantjtljen tfje faiD complainant to
feare l)im. ;^nD furtl)ec toucljuig tl)e faiD tuafts ano fpoiles^tljis oefcn^
Dant fattt), t|)attf)e faio cullomarie o; copiljolD lanDs in Wi* afoiicfaiDj
areijoloen of tlje spano; of M.
afo^efaio. ^no luitljout tljat^t^at tlje
faitLComplainant ^atl) , o; cuer tjao anr latnfull title to commence ant!
action o; fuit,o^ to mafee ani' cntrte,againft o; tipon f ^is DcfenDant,foj
an^' lanos ? tenements c^ l^ercoitament , in ti\c fato )i5ill of complaint
raentioneD,a0 it is tljetein tjntrucli' alleaogeo : ano toit^out t!)at,tt)at
tl)is tefenoant can tipon ^is co^po^all ottj manifeU fuel) matter,Uil)er^

bv'tlje faiD complainant mat? t^e mo;je better5ea(ilv ano reaoili? p;joceeD
anD attain to t^e recouecing of anr i"^ o? latofuU rigl;t o^ inl)critance
Sappltcations, Bills,
oj in an^ oiW mmtt t^tn in tW
anftoec is fet i)oion,a]8 t^e fai5 com^

plainant tjntoifel^ gljeffetli , anD moa tjainelr t)epetij, a0lie

|i0 faipm
55iUallagetlj t ^ntitoit^outtljat, tljatan^otljccmattet;, tljingoj
thingtf ) claufc ,fentcnc0 , atticle o;
allcsatton m
ttje faio 30iU ef Com^

plaint containeD^atecialloi effcctuall in t^cltato to be anftoereo tB?

tobpt^i5Scfent>ant, antnotl)0CcincBnfeireuanDauoi?Jci>, uenieooi
tcauerfcb, is true, ^U to^ic^ mattocs t^ts Defenuayt is reawf to auec
mn pjfe,aJ tl)it !)ano;able Court D^allatuatD : ^natljgtff ^epja^ct^
to be DiTmilTet) out of ti\z fame^tuit^ ^i reafonable toVtts anp c^acgejs
in t^i9 betjalfe toaongfiiUr ano loit^ont caufefuiJaine&

The R eplicAtion efH.B. Ef^jnire cemfUinant ^ to the Anfwer

ofH.H. defendant.

e A
TpHe faid Complainant fo; Keplicaticn fait,tf)at ^ tuill au^cre
1^ jnaintaineam>iuftifie,l)i0faiDl!5iU0f complaint, into tljistjoHO-
cable Coutt 0pl)ibttco , no twttxt matter ano tiding t^^^zixi contmneo,
to be certain,ttue ano fufficient in t|ieilato to be anftuereo tjnto b^ tljg
faio oefenoant, ano not oemiCeo i erliibiteo into t}^i$ l)ono;able Court
of an^ malice oa euill U3iU,bttt liponiulicaureconceiueoagaintt^e
faio oefisnoant, as t|ie faio oefenoant in ^t$ anftoei: tjntnuli? Iiatl) altea^
gao* 0no f% furtl^et: Replication fait^,tl)at tlje faip ^ (!: late fat|)^t:
of t^ii cepliautjtuas latufuU^ feifeo to |im ano to ^idieice0,acco;oing
to t|)e cuHomDf t^faiD ^ane; of W.oft|efaio tenement? ano ottjei;
t|)injS0in ti^t faio Bill me.itioneo^ b)? goio ano latofuU conue^ance and
aHurance in t|ie ilat]),acco;Ding to t\)z cuHom of tl)e faio ^ano^ : ^no
tiio conuei? > alfuce ano furrenoec ? tl^e faio cuHomam tenements ano

p^emtflTes to tl^e bfe of ttie fato cepliant ano^of i^i0 ijetces , ano tl^e faio
cemplaCnantoio pa^ 1^10 fine t[)ei:efo;^e,ano toaslatufuU^ aomtttco tz*
nant t^ecof,a0 Ije tlie faio complainant in l)usfaio ^ill t^etie tculr p;e^
tenoet^* ;^no alfo ^e faitij,tl)at tt)e euioences ano coppi00,of,ano con^

ceming tlje faio tenements ano p^emtifes^are come to tlie ^anos of tlie
faio ocf. ano tfjat bi? colouc tfjerof^t^c faio oef. Ijat^ ^jongfaU^^ntceo
into tI)efaio mefuase^tenemcnts ano p^emtdcs, ano l^atl) conue^eo to
|imfelfeano to otljecs to t)t0 t)fe,oiuers ano funo;^te fectiet eUates t^et:<^
in^s in Ijis faio 5l5ill of complaint is alfo molt ttul? oecUceo : ano tl)at
tf)e faio complamant l)att) oftentimes fougljt anorequelteototjaue

t^e faio lo^itings^coppies aoo euioences at tl)e tianos of t^efaio oeten^

jOant : ano alfo tljat l)e tooulo ^o^lo bnto l)im tlje t{mt pooreilion of tl)(

faio mefuage ano p^emiOi^s : ano alfo tljat t\^t faio oef* ^at|> 1 liill oot^

commit,ano continue oailr committing great % outcagious louaSs ano

(poiles, in oeca^ing of tl)e ^oufes, ano felling ootone of ti)e UWO5 ano
timbet: tik9 f tSie ^wM,Z9 9 to i^z loflTe % oid^nfon of ^
cj^is com^

andAnfwers. ipg
mntMin t^t tmn 5B:U of Complaint w ttvtl^ aUetigeu 3no iait^out :

t^at, tf)nt anr otljcc tmttet oa t^ing containeD in t^e faio anfiucr^ma:
teciall 0;^ be xtplm ^ntOjano rmt '^tmn fufficientl^ confer?
effettuall to
feO o^auoiDeDjtcauecfeo o; ueracD,t6 true, auto^icl) ti}i$ complainant
16 ccauie to aaet anD p;ouc,a0 tfyi^ Ijonojablc Court l^all aluacD. ^and
pjaretl)a0l^eb^fo?etn!)i0fatD IBiUof Complaint Ijatfjp^arcD

^Billto'flayfHitdt the common Larv^ponAn OhUgAhoi becmfe the

money is fatisfied m diners payments and rec\oniHgT.
Iil^moft fjumbleluire complaining, Il^etoetfjto^oucgaiDiLDjDto Scft ri
noU) oeceafeo , liauing mani? Daugljter? to anwance , tu^icl^ tuere tfjen
but of tenoer rearer, oiD about 2 1 teateg noto lattpaa,make ^is laft

Uiuecs ano funu^ne otljec legacies amounting to a tjert? great tjalue^t^e
fum of C4i. to ^* one of fjis Daug!)tersanD of It?i3 faio lad Mill 1 2Ce^
fiament DiD nominate, conftitute ano appoint ^our faio jS);ato? , anu
one (.i^C'fquice being l)i0iicerekinOfman,anu affureo goo ftcinu fjis
erecutoas : but alfo uiD commit e^e gouecnement ano eoucation of ^in
faio c^ilo^en tmto tljemjano after oieo. 115?, % after iuljofe Deceare,ano
before tlje p^obat of tljc faio lail Mill 1 2Lellament,tl}e faio H&ieo:b?
reafon iuljercofvour faio ^Mto; alone p^oueo t^efaio Mill,ano tfee
^pon l)im tfje ejrecutton ef t|)e fame, ano aftertoaro one being a % M.
mant)cribafel?bajne, 1 of ber^1ittltcce5it,DiD toitljoutt^ep^nuitie,
ccnfefttjO^gcD lihtng of ^ourfaio ^;ato2j0^ ofmi? otbec to iDhom tlje
faiD^.316 i)aocommitteiJtf)e gouernmentano eoucatimi of fjt? faijr
cl^ilo?en,contrart |)imfelfeiit!) t^e faio 0nne,anD tuitl; liecoio marr?:
^fter iD^icl) marriage, albeit t?our faio ;;ato^ greatly miflifeeo tljece^
^iti),f tljat tbefaio l^)15^ao bequeatljeo tinto t\^z faiu J^nne but tt)e
fummeof C4i* ^et ^our faio ^;ato;j,m refpert oftl)e noece alliance be^
tlDeene bim t t^e faiD ci)tlo?en, 1 to t^e enu tljey lljoulD hue in tfje htU
tercreoitf account, Uia0 amongftttjereHcontenteo to beltotuontbe
faio ^nne C.li*moje i'i^zn lier faio fatj^r bequeatbeD tjnto ber: f tbere^
upon,af tfje fpeciallrequett f earneftfuit of tife faio 3!Manti tfjefai^
0nne tljen being bis tife,anD foj t^eifebetteccceoitjaDuancenientjanJi
pjeferment,biD not oncli? ^l^^xtlv pai? anu ocltuec to t\}t faio 3J Wim
ceauie money tbe fumme of It li* patcell cribcfaio iv.mmt of C4i.
fo bequeatbeD to i>^z faio ^. bis^ teife^as is afo^efaio , but alfo be^
came bsunu Ijnto tlje faio %WX* intXyz fumme of C pounos, foj
tbe payment of H^pountis mo<ie, at cert^^viiie times in tlje Conotti;'
on of tbe faio Obligation ment^yne'5 j iDbicb amounteo to tbe full
fttmme of C* pounds ? fo bequeatiKD as is afo^efaio to ti;^ faiti ^*
Supplications, Bils,
Miin tfjcn alfo became bount lanto t^t tm ^mAn
one otljec bottu^m
tlje fumme C* C4i. foj tbe payment of Cai at cettaine times mt^
conoittcnoftljefaio)bltgationUmittco,tu!)ic]^ ^Qucfai0;;ato;^ of
S)i0oiwne liberaUt\?, ano fojt^caouanccment oftlje fb^^efato ;^nite,
gauc tjnto ijcc (it^ence : m^^
bonos fo mauc,t^c (m 31*^ ^auing
Ijaoman^occafionstotiremone^jjjatb often maoe meanes to ^ouc
fatD;di);ato;,tot;eUene|5i0neceCritiefI)ei:em, before fucfjtime as t!)e
famefummei5 0;^an^oftl)emgi:etutuetntob^, to bepaico bi? tl^
TatD reaecall obligations, brJ:caronUi{)eccofrour faio ^^ato,: about
tbe muas of Slulr in tlje ficft ne^t^ of l)is ^aiefties ceigne t|iaf noti)
is^paveoanooeliuccco bnto tfjefaiui^Ger tlje fnmme cfMimo^e
in pact of payment ano (atiffaction of tl;e faio fumnie of C I iv gcolu^
ingb^ tfjefaiotUjo feuecall obligations , twfjecein ^ouc faio i^ato^
ftanoetb fo bouno,as is afo^zefaio : ano i^ouc (m ^;ato^ UUetoife pai^
eo ano oeliucceti bnto Bl t\}z faio Wl* at 3f 'M^
fuc Ij times as tl)c faio
Ijat^ocmanocD t^e fame oiuccs feuecall fummes of mone^, amounts
ingintl)eluboletotl)e fum of ccMi biystobicb flic faio %mi*^atf^
accepteo in pact of pai?ment of t^e faio fumme of Cl li anO toljicl^ tlje

faio Wl* Unotoett) to be tcue, ano alfo ^ouc faid ^mto^ liat^ pai^eo
31 *

b^ tl)e|anos of iFB* to tlje faio 3i Ml ano in oifcljacge of fome Debts

5uebBt^efaiD3I^lanDbv'f)is appointment at feuecall times, t^$
fumme oHmM* tii^s^bi^^o* lut)icl) ti}t faio 3*M* W^
(^l^o accepted tn

pact of payment of tbe faio fumme of one tjiuio^^eo ano ftftie pounoes,
to^icl) faio feuecall fummes tfje faio %m*
^at^fcomtime to time
accepteo^as in pact of pai^ment, ano oifcljacge of tfft faio fum of C14i*
^no tour faio ^^ato; alfo Itanoet^ bouno fo; t^e onel^ oebt ano oue^
tii of tl)e faio 3! M* fo; tbe payment of tljoentie pounos mo;e bnto 31*
|B.efquice,tyl)ic][) vouc faio D;atoj alioaies i^atb bin, anO ^et i$ ceaO)^
toparfo;tl)efaiD3lI^ti3b^ni)cl^allbctbeceuntoccquicco, fo fijat
^oucfairii2);at-o;,i)at]^intl)eUil)olepaieoano fatiffieo tmto t^z faio
3*Wi* ano in oifc^acge of t^e oebts of tlje faio 31 W* full fum of

ijn8l)uno;eofoucefco;eanoeig!)tponos anomo^e, tu^iclj is mo;o

t^an ^ouc faio o;ato; nceoeo to ^aue pato bnto l)im as anv mone^ ouo
t)nto tbe faio ^nne , luife of tbe faio 3! Ml* f o; tbe faio % m* oojtfj
tjecvtr)ellljnolue,tljattl)efaio^)13oio notoeuife o; bequeath an^
mo;etintot!)craio ^iinne, tljantlje fummeof one Ijunojeo pounoes.
0no ooitljalfotjecv'lcell fenolne, tljatljce ^atl> oiuecfe ano funo;ie
times, tjpon tljt ceceipt ano pavmcnt of tl;cfaio feuecall funmies,not
onel? fonfeffeot^e receipt of tl)e fame, but alfo faitljfuUj? p^omifeO
Dnto voucfaio^;at0;,tl)atl)etooulocamellanD oeface t^efaio ^b^
ligations, ^etnothutljllanoing, fo it is, if it mavpleaferoucgojo
lto;o(]^(p, tliat albeit ti)$ faio 31* M* nett^ Dec^ iazW Un q% t^at ^out^
andAnfwers. ipp
fatD i^Mo^ l^at^ ftiUi? fatiffiao anD patca tjuto Ijfm t^ faiD fummc cf
I oo,pounD,b0queat^eO b? tfjc fain ^.)15.tJto tj^e faiD 0nne,anD ^a:lj
alfo fuUv fatifficfi ano pa^eD tmto Ijtm 8 8 pounoip ano mc;e, patceil of

tfje faio I oo.pounWjUiljiirl) toucfaio i:ato; gauc fento ttje fato i^nne

of Iji0 olonc fcee Ubcralitic,fo? ttje aDuaiuemciU cf 'l;C faiD ^t.ann tfjat
tt)crait)iiDbligation0, viz. oneof ioo.pounD0,fo?t][;e paimicnt of 50.
ponnO0,anD one ot^oc Obligation of 2oo.potm05, fo^ ttje pflTintCjit of
1 00, pounoSjUiljict) pone faiD );ato> became bowir? jn, t)tto tijcfaiD

3I^.iDercfo; ttje felfefantc Debts, Ui^tcl[)rontfaLC:^;ato;? !;atlj (c* --t

mtall payments, as is afo^efaio, pa^cD tjnto Ijim in uifc^arge, anu tu

pact of fatiffaction of tpe faiD (tuuall s3)bligaf ickb, ougljt in all ti^U
eqHitie,anO0CDDconfdence, tobtcanceUcDanO UcfaceDitjpon tljcpai-^
ment of tljc r^fioug of f^emD funimea luljict) 10 bc^ino, t Ui!)icl) vout
faio iJD^ato; 10 reao^ to paiM^et \)e t^t faiD 3n:.t>auin5 a ticcf gcr Die
anDcouetou0 t}c Dott) terr tnell
Dtfpofitton to endcl) tjimfelfe, albeit
fenotD t^e fait) Obligations to be in tffta fuU^ fatiffieD auo
&irc^ai:geD,a0 is afo^faio, anD t^at f^e |)att not at ant? tiwt beene ant;
tiling namnifieo b^t^e forbearing of tl^e faiD feuerali fummcs, tct
l)atl; be notu latel;? conimenceDfuitbpon entof tbe fato Dbligation0)

in !)i0 spaietties Court of I^ing0 Benrfj, anD tpon tl)c ot^jer jS)bliga^
tion,in|)t0 ^atefiie0 Court of Common ^lecg, meaning to tal^etlje
lufjole fo.2feiture f tl^e faiD feneratl i^bligaticnB againlt vout faio
j2D;ato;, in t^at ^our faiD ^?atoj DiD not in tcutlj altoaves pa^ tnto
Ijim t\)tfeuewU fummes, afco;Ding totljeconDitionof t^e fais
j)bligation0,but DiDaltoares pa? tbe fame at fuel) ttme0 as tl^e faio
3.M*|iaDoctationtobfe it, anD as ^eDiD at ani? time oemaunD it,
anD DotbUiitljaU t!je eppeDition Ije ran, anD toit^ tfjcmoft IjacDnctTc
t^at i)e ma^ tfe , fee^e to cecouec tl^e penalties of t^ faiD reuerali
Dbligation againff yioixt fatD );ato;j, contcaric to all rigfjt, tquu
anD gDconfciencc, anD to tl)e great buct anD IjmDerance of youc
faiDi;atoh ^nD albeit i^ouc faiDi;ate; fjattj Diuet;fcanDfnnD,zie
time0 earneftlp requireD of tl)e faiD %m*
notonclpto cancell anO
Deface tlje feiD i3)bUgattons,t)pon tbe parment of tije ccfiDuc,anD
fHCceafe l)t6 feuecall futtes commKnceD tupcn t^e fame t?et t^at, 0^

anif? of tliem to Doe, Ije p&t^ DenpD anu refiifeD , ano ftill Dotl) Dc^
nie anD ceftife, contracie to all rigbt, equittc, anD goiD confciences
Bn (ORCDeratton tol^eceof, ant fo^afmuc^ a0rourfatD ;^;ator l^ati)
MO g0D matter to pleaD in JSarrc cf tlje faiD feuccall^ctionsjbi? coucfe
of tl)e Common Italses ^
in tl^at albeit be Wb
t" tcutb pa\?eDanD
fatimet) t^ faiD feueraU
ftimmes, in fuc!)r fo;t as tlje faiD 31* ^elD M
Inmfelfe contenteD tljerefeitb , ret can Ije not mafee ant! pjofe of tbe
pagmetttof tl^fame,-fc^jDtnjEftoti)econDttions of tfje faiD feuerali
^bligafioiijs : 0nl> ffl^ t,[jat alfo tlje faio ^ai;. Ijat^ ttof in an^^ft^^^
jDamniflcD bv tlu^ fo^beaang of t^e faio (umm^B of moixep, e? an^ part
tjjeceof , anri ^et if Ije tiao, ftj^ifiMuclj as rout faio ^;jatoj Ijatlj fallH
pmn tjnto ^im foutcfco;>e atiB eig^t pounds moi^e tljcii Ije maeu to l^auc
paieD, ano t^at of l)i0 otuite libemUtte, tljecc w noto no reafon tol)^ tj^
D^oulo fficUc br rigo? of Jlatu to tafec tbe fo?f0itm:e of t^e faiD feuecall

^bUgst;on0 albeit it tec0 tr;uc,t^at tl}c fame iriecc njot fuU^ fatiffi^D

ano oifcljaugeu in fuc^ fojt as tber ougl)t to be: ^ap it tf)ecefo?e pleafe
50UC g(DU ^9.jr!^ip,to gcaunt bnto rout faio )<^atoJ tlje ia. ^paietties
mott gracious feucrallMjitiB! of Subpoena anDlniun^ion tobctice^
tteu to tl)c faio 3IM. not onlr ftcaitl^ c^jacging anD commanding ^iin

br t^!5 fame, at a ceitaine Da^ ^aniQ tjnoes: a cectaine patne tfjccein to be

container} ano limitteu, perfonally to appeare befoae ?our goti H.in tbc
livings ^paieSieis moft Ijigfj Court of C|iancci;ie^ tj^nanutljcreteanj'
ftoet:^ to tlje p?enuCfe0, but alfo inio^ning btm b^ tlje fame,l)isd3un^
reUojs,0ttucneipe;5ani) ^olicito;is,to fta^ ano fucceafe ttje faiD fcuccal
i^uitefi,anO no fuctljec f op^ot^D in t^c fame,tjntiU otbec o^oec fl^al be
ttjerein tsAitn h^ ^ouc gcoo il. jano i>oui: faio ^;ato^ fl^all p;a? fo; ^oc
gain E.. in |)ono; long to enouce*

t/^Billfor the detaitting ofa UafeforjeAreSyAnd taking the profits ofthe lands
leafed fandfecrettakingof aCov/.diHrainedandimpomdedhj
tbeplaifttife out of thepound^and charging him rvith
the ejloining of the fame Cow,

St^ 7 % T-I ^*^l5 complaining, O^etujetli to ^ouc gcDU % ^oat Dailr ;S);afo;
X~li^C*of !0ant!;eCountieof?D^(IDeHtleman.bat tobccea0 one
%X^* of l^*afe;efaiti (15entleman,ti:ia0 latofull^ feifeo in ^i& oemefne^
a? of feE;,of ano in oiucr? ano fano;^ lanO0,tenement0,^et:eoitament0
iDitl^ t^eappurtenance0,fet,liging ano being in )^*afo;^faio,0no l)efo
being tlieteof feifco about tl;e ttuentiet^oa^ of i^agjintbefictt^eace
of tbeteigneof out^ou0caign3lo;otbe ^ingsiipaiellietbatnotPi^,
at ^ * afo^efaio, fo;^ ano in tonfioeration of a certaine ^mn of mone^ to

Ijim b? tbefaio ijJ.C.tocU ano tcul^ contenteo anopaio,anD b^inoen^

ture of leafe,ti)e certainc oaie tjjbcreof ^ouc faio ^^toj fenotnetb not
fo? tljat Ije bat| not tbe faio 3noentrc, oio oemife , grant , fet , ano to
farmelct t\)t fame bnto i\^t faio iJi^ano I;i0a(rigne}5f,fo.2 ano ouring tbe
full eno ano termc of ttoo ^ dcres tbcn nept foUotning iBf fo;ce tob^^of
l^our faio ^;ato^: 1x100 thereof latofuUt? poffell^o .-, tintill abjout tbe fe^
cono r care of t^t ratgneof tbe5^ing0 $i^aieftiet^atnotoig)K.3i5*tl2iI.
<&* ^*%M* WSi^-Wi*^*'^*
ano fe< }^\B\xixtz bv cafuall meanes ba*
ing obtaineo ano gotten into i)^z\t banoe0,Q; into, tbe banOf0 of fome
of ^mC^ tt)e faio ^oehturc^ ^ cotifeoerating tb6mrelnte0 togectber of
: '

andAnfwers, 200
ptitpofe,to lujcing ^tmt fato o.2ato.:,ant) to crpel i put ^im fro ^ts latDi!
ftil nnn qtitct poCfeCTion of t^e p;emtO:c5,o? tljc greatcH pact tfjccof ,en^

calleD 115 Mns, being t ^cn foiu^

two iftto one patcell of t\\t p^emiflTcs
et) ttt!j oats b? roar faio o^ato;,anD at t!jc fame time put in one cotu
an^ lie^fectjetr maliciouG^ to oepafturcano catc t^egra^r ano cojnc
of ^OMcfaiD t3>ato? t[)crein tljen gceUjing, tufiicl) faio coUi ano fjcijfei:,
tna2f,antrentamcDtfjcre ocpaftunng, eating , am
tl)cfaiD gramc ano co;ne, XtntiW pour faio cjato; came i oiftrainco ttjc
faio cotoe ano fjei?fet: fo? oamage tfjere ocotng, ano impounoeD tfje faio
fotu anoljerfccmapounooucct, at l|^,afo;erniD, as lalufnlltuaa fo;s
lnmtoOoj,iIjo;tlraftei;Urt)if[j impotmoing oftfjcfaio eoto ano Ije^^
fer, tijat is to far, tpon tfje rtj. oa? of ^eptcm, tl^efaio H. M
'mM*m\^l^*^is\33ifetepaivcii)ontQtt)c otncUmg ijoufe of roue faio
ojato? at^^afojefaiD, ano tfjeii ano t[iere tequircD roue faio o;atoj
toOcliuettfjefaiocotDanoljerfci: f^t[j oft!)efaio pouno , affirming
ttjattfjertoerefcnttljitfjei: to tfjat intent anopurpofe b^tlje faio U*
515Hl.<S.ano.<;iSt.iu!)icl)toDoerDurfaio o^ato^refufeo, astato^
fuUtoas fo? l)im to Bo, becaufe t[je faio ^if. ano &
anroftt)em,Diot|enanot!)erctenDei: ^ntorourfato o^atoj, anp a^
mcnos d; fatiffaction, foh o; totuacos tt)c faio trefpaCte : :Bnt fo it isf
if it mar pleaferour goio fi^o^Ol^ip, tfjat about eleuen o; mtlut of tj^c
oar of ^ept. tf)cfaio cotu ano Ijerfer
xlocfee in t\\c nigfjt oftfjc faio rg.
luas conaereofcD.nt)Oft!)efaio pouno, (t\)c Oaj;>eo? gateof tfjc faioe
pouno being fall lockeo)br tljefaio K.l!3Ml(#S: It.M^^tjf.
M.6anO5^l[)i0tyife,o;jfomeof tfjem , asrour faio o;ato.: tjerilie
tbinfeet^, ano ispcrfujaoco in conffience J fit^enar tDtjiclj timt^ t^t
faio )i5 C5 ano 2S l)aue moll falfeir ano tinconfcicnablr cfjacgeo, ano
lliU c!)acge roue faio o.:ato;fc; t[)ccfiorning ano ronueringatuarof
tl)cfaiDcoU)eano{)erfer5 anotjaue tfjcccupoti not onelrcominenceo'
fuit againtt r Qur faio o;jato^ at t!)e common llatoe ,but alfo br colour
oftjauingti^efaioSInoenture, fjauc maOc anocontriueo tnto tljem^
fcluc0, 0.2 feme of t!)em , o^ to fomeotijer pecfons, to ttjeir, o;j fomcof
tt)eictjfc0, funo^r ferreteeaates oftfje p^emilTes, ano o ret rncH
tu:ongfiiUr oetaincj ano toit|i!)olot!)c poCTcflTions of a greatpart of t^B
pjcmiffeg from roue faio o;ato: , to \)iB great fjurtano nnpouerillj;
ment: ^no fo?afmncl) asror faio o?atoj ijat^ notanr o^oinari^ re/
meoiebrtljeDue courfeof ttje common llaUiea of tfjis Kcalme, foj
tfjerero uerieofttje faio 3! n Denture, fo;j tfjatl^ebnoioet!) nottfiecer^
taineoateo? contents thereof, no^-toljerein t^t fame ts conterheo
^no fo tt)erebr not onelr terr lifec to lofe t)is laiuful ano riglJtful pof;
fe(rion,of, in, ano to tlje p.jcmirres but alfo ftanoetljin ^jreat oangec

to lfc great oamages fo; ttje fuppofcu eHorning of ttjrfaio cotce


Supplications, Bils.
ant) ^^ta^ ^nMt it plcaTe <!Dot), as i?out: fato j^^ato^ l^o)}ot^ it luil,
- to moue tf)e Ijcatts of t^e faiD )5(.CM.if C^ ano f^*^i& toift, tjpoii
tlietcanftuewanuot^eatutljtfiljonoaabl^ court, to tsifcouecfOiftlofe
t^e tcuctlj of tljeir euill cealmg aiiD Diro;^oec tit breaking of t^z faio
pounti,ano taking fo;tt) of tfjefaio Colu ano ipe^fec, coniie^ingtfjem
to tjnUnotune places, of parpofc to cljacge roue faio ilD^atoj t^icc^
toitlj ^nufo^afmuf [) as tfie? ^aut Donieo antj wfufeo,! t!et jkd cefufe

ano oeiiic, eit^ecto permit o; fuC&c ?ouc faio aD^atoj quietly to ^aue
ano take tl)e ilTueg ano p;ofit0 oft^c faio p^tmitXtB, o; to ocIiaect)nto
f)iin t^c faio Jnocntuce of leafe , alt^ioug^ ^ec Ijat^ oftcntime moft

c^ntlivano ftienolv requireo ano oeCceo t^cm fo to D: 3It ntat t^jew*

fO^C pleafa roue gOiO JlojOtbip f C As before is (aid in Si^io 6 .

Thi? anfrper of thefame Bill.

ScO.7 3 . TT^e faio oefenoants far, ant) eitljer of t^zm Po; f)imfelft feuecan?
1 faiti;, tl>at t^t faio HSiU of complaint ig tjecr tjncertaine, Ijntrue,
ano infuftttient in tljellatD to be anflDereo t)ntobr t|iefe oefenoantc,
o^anr oft^emfo^oiuerfeapparant faults ano imperfetttons tl^erein
containcD^ano t^efamel}crr friuolous, as tljefeoefenDants tl^ink^fo^
funoa? taufes, ano namely foj t^iat, tljat it is tljerebr fuppofeo , tl^at
tlm ant> otf)er0, br reafon of i)auing tbe cuitoDr of t^e faio fuppofed
tntientute o; leafe p;ieteoeo to be maoe br t^e faio SD*C an t^e faio bill
nameo to t^efaio complainant oft^z faio oemefne lanod of tbe^tgli^
iol afoiefaio, fb; ^* reared not enoed> if anr fuel) Isere, Ijaue maoe
o; contriueD bnto tbemfelues , o^ to fome etl^er pecfons , ano to t|)eic
t}fe5,runo;r Tecret eltates of t^e p^emilTes , toli^eif anr fucf) eftates
$a9btnmaoe,t^er bealreaor oetermineo:^noti)e fatooefen*furt|icc
favsti^at ast^er berilr ti)inkebr tljefcopeoftl^efaio bill, containing
in it felfe mucl) like matter, fet out tuitt) manr tuo;^os,ano in effect no
matter U;o;;tl)r to be eramineo in ti)is l)onoaable Court , t^z fame biU
ts oeuifeo ano er^ibiteo into tl)td l^onourable Court, of mcere malice
ano euil loil^to t\)z intent to moled ano trouble tljefe oefenDants^am
ott)erdintl)efame bill nameo being quiet poaemcn, otuelltngalmoD^
feuen fco;e miles from tbe itic of M
tuit^ long ano teotous io;^nies
to make tl)eirperfonall appearance in tl)is [honourable Court, to aiv
rtDere tt^e faio friuolousano ^nlrue bill,tuit|)Out anr gcoo o^ iult caufe
fotoooe2I^[)aOuantage of exception to tt)6 manifeU incertaintie ano
infufictencieofli}|)rxt)bntrue bill of complaint to tliefe oefenpants,
ano either of tljemfaueo, fo^anflueretljcreunto, tfjer, ano ejtJjerof
t^mfo;l)imfelfefeueraUi>faitl), tljattber tl)inke it to be true, t^at
t^e fatoSDCof!^. in t^faio bill nameo, loaslatufullrfeifeo m ifiB

oemefne? asof f^^; fee taile, ef, ano in oiucrfe lano0>tenements,ano

and Anfwers* lot
rm^^arro t^at ^c bcutg thereof fo Teifeixabout 2 y>tttB nolo laft pa&j OtD
t>emk^^tmtM9 ano to fumz \tt t^$ fame tnto t^z compiatnant fo^
2 res,a5 it m
in t\}t fatu bill allcage^jluitljout t[jat^e|at t^sfc cefen^
nantB of purpofe to ejtpel tl)e fato c omplatnant from j^t^UtufnIl pc(M^
0on of ti)C p^0mtCre0,o^ t|?e gieateHpact tijer^of mtuD into t^e fatD
patctll ott^t p;emtr05, being foiuen Iptti) oatei$, bt! tlje fato complat^
nant, o;^ att^ tmictimt put in onexoUi^no one Ijetfiec, tjeti? jnaUti;

oufi^ to oepattui'e ant) eat t^e gwine anD co;nc of tlje faiD complainant
^lo^inQtiittm* ^% tfjattt^eraiocctoanDlrcifectotl^reDefenDants
linotoleoge,'rcmaineiitl)erer!epallucing, eating, o.Urcamng uotan t^
faiu gcainc ano co<jne, tjntiU t^c faio complainant came ano Diftcaineo
tl)e fatD cdUi anDljeifec, fo; tiamage t|ct:e ooing^ano impounoeo tfie faio
coluanDljeiftrinapounDouettat ^.afo.:efaiD, to t[jeic fenotoleoge,
as int^z faiD bill 15 tjei;^ tjntruelp alleageo* 0nD toittjout tljat, t^at
ll^o^tlv' aftei:tl)efaiD impountjingoft^efaiD cotu f |jeifcc,tl)at isto far'

t\^ 1 1 oa^ of^.tljefaiD H.M.^.if.MCanD!a.|)i8 toife, tj? tl^c

knotpleoge of tt)e faio oefenoantg, 0; tit}^i of t^m, cepaiteo tinto tt^
fait) DlucUing l)oufe of tt)e faio complamant, at ^. afo^efaio, ano tljen

ant) t^i:ereQutt:eDt|)e faio complainant to oeliuec l])e faio cotu ano

Ijeifecfo^tt) of tl)e faio pouno, affit;ming,tljat t^ev loecefent tl)it|)ei: to
ttKittntent anD pucpofe bi> tljcfc ocfenoants, antj tlje faio ^. 2^ in t^e
fait l^illnameo^aisin t^efaio bill is ^ntrul^ alleogeo. 0no luittjout
tl^at,t^ttoti)efeDefenoants^noU)leogf t\)ztt te>at an$) fuel) caufe,
t|at anp amenois fo l^oulo Ijaue bctne tcnoeccD tnto tlje faiD complain
nant, fo;, o^toljpacDsttje faio fuppofeo trefpalTe* ); t{)at about
110; i2Cftl)eclockeint^emgl)toftl)efaiD 1 1 oar of ^eptemb tfje
faiocotuantJ ^eifei:,luececenueieDfo^tl)oftf)e faiopounob^tlicfeoe?
fenoant0, o) eitl)ec 0; tl)em,o; t|)at tljefe oefenoant!,c; eittiet: oft^em,
^uet}nconfctonablrrljat:geot^e faio complainant, fo; ti)e eHo^ntng
ano conuef^ing alua^ of t||efaio coU) ano |etfec,o; thereupon comment
ceo an^fuitagatnUtlie faio complainant at tj^e common lat, agin
t^jefaio 5l5ill is tec^ tjntcuelp alleageo, fo;t|)cr t|)cfe oeftnoants
t}ei:ilttl)infie,tl)at t^cceluasneueran^fucl^cotuano^eifei:, fo as 10
afo;efaio, oiftcaineo^ano liait^out tijat t^iat t^efe oefenoants b^ colouc
of ^auing of t^e faio BInoenture in tl)e faio ^ill mentioneo^l^aue maoo
uioconueieot)ntot{)emfeltte0, 0; toanr pecfon 0; pecfon0 to
tfjeirtjfes, anpfeccetetlateoftl)epjcmifi[c0, 0;anr pact tfjcceof, 0;
Ooeto^onfuUr oetaine ano tutt{)elo t^e poDP^Hton of a great p; an^
pact of tbe p;emif00, ftom t^e faio complainant, as in i^z faio ^ill of
complaint tt ifi li&e'tjpife bnttudi^ nl^geo* ^no liaitt^oat tl)at, tl)at

t!;efoefenoant0,o;eit|}ei:oft|)em; lianeo^ieo ano cefafco^ a; r^

Cc OBe
Supplications, Bills,
bocDcnt!OK0fitfc,0tti)et:topeantta;ruffi^i:tlberai^ coinplamant qui
ctls to fjaue anD tafec tt)cifl'tie5 alp?efitg of t^e p^remtlTes, o? Doliuec
tjnto f)tm t!)c faiti fuppofcti Slnucntute o^ teafe,a in tljefaio bill i5tjn^
tcueli? futmi(eti,fo? tjcfc oofcnoatits faf ,tl)at to tlieicfenotoleDge t^es
neuccfatio no^ljeacDcea?) ani^litDcntuceojleaf^ ^ntijUjitl^out t^at,
tl;at aiis otl^ec mattec, tljiKg c j t^m$ f c*

>^ 3// f ^e reUeued fir Obligations madefor Simony.


Seft.74. Tri|imoai:)umbletDirc conTplnining,tljetuct|) ^nto reurl)onom:ablell

l^ottCDail^^jato.iM.C |aai:ronof SDanti^efountic of|^* %\)txt
about fiue ^jctCiS notu laff paff,M.bi? tbe pecmiffion of dDoD,
noto iBil^op of 5l.anD C^tuas latufuU^ feife^ of ttje aDuoiofon ef t}fz
titarage of ^4n i\^z coiuUic of SD* as of one in gcojre,fa?? it felfc, a0 of
faincig^tof !jis^.afo?crai5,aKn tjntotfje famatjtcacagc being tja^
cant, mDp^erentronJ^f''iiu^^ato?l)isClcs:Ue, l[)o Ujas afteitoacDs
awmtteD,infiituteD, anD inouctco into tlje fame accojDinglt? : Ui|ricl|
Vicarage aftectoatoa bv cefignation into tlie ^anusf of tlje faib %* to
p;ierentagatnetotl)cramc,a!e! tlje^ecr truepatcon tbeceof, became
^oio.:anDafterU!arDi^oui');ato;j became an bumble futoj tjnto t^t
(aiD 35 intbebe^fe of oiteK.M.ClecUe, tbatit l^oulD pleafe |iini
to pzefent tbe fame it.^l.to tbe faib ticarage;, Xvi^ti) after longfuife,
it beingficft agceeo betlD^^ne \?ouc faiD o;ato? anD oneC ^* \x)it}^ f be
knob)leDgeanDconfentoftbefaiD)l!3.tbatvout: faiD o^ato; in refpect
flf tlje faiD p^efentation anD aDmirrionof t^ faiDH.SSa;. t^viX tbece

l^oulDacectainefEimmeofmonev? amoanting as t?oui: faiD ^?atoj

tlni^etbytotbefummeoftbictieponnDfl, to be paiDatccrtaineDaies
tf)cn bettoeene tbem agrocD tipon^fo; ti^e paiment tIjereofjmiD tbat fQ%
ttwz paiihet cf t^e faiD lummeat tbe faiD Daies, "^mi o^ate^ l^oulD be?
(ome bounDen bnto tbe faiD C.;^.br feuerall obltgation0,t)}|^ereupon
aftecfe)arDi,tbat is to fa^,t!)e 20 Dat? ofi.ti^bicb fe^asin tlje 28 ^ere of
tberaigneoft[)elucencs moll excellent tfpaieliietlrat notuia, i?oiir
faiD i>2at02 fb;j tbe onel^ confiDecation afc^cfaiD, anD fo j tbe welp be?
ne6t of tl)e faiD H*Mafo;^efatD, became bounDen l^nto t$)e faiD C jDv
in foui:eo;^fiHe feuerall Dbligation5,vidclieet,bt!fomeobligation0 iir
tbefummeof 20 li. 0; tl)0reabout0, fo? flje paiment of loli.anDiii

fomeottjcc, in otbecfummesfo; paiment of 5. iJ. 0; tbeceabout0, at

tbe faiD Daie0 anD timc0, bet^isen tbem fo a0 10 afe.iefaiD agrccD Ijpon,
aoD tb^cupsn tbe faiD i^^l fo; t^e faiD confioeraticns toa0 inftitu?
. tcoanD inDucteD into tbe faiD Clicacagg acco;Dingli' tubicb bonDsr :

lDsi:efomaoebi?^out:faiDo;ato;inbope,ano ^pon tbe faitlj^ill p;o?

nvSi of t^e laiD it^M^luoulD l)aue paiD anD Difc^c^peo t^e faio feuerat
/ and Atifweres.'i^^'^ zoi
(amm ofmoitc^ at tl}t fatu Datcs^cco;M)m5 f o f Jcfcuetal fownittcns
cfe|j0 faiD obligations : hut mvto, fo it is, ttjat if it map pleaft vowt
Ijonoacaijle Ho^iJlIjip, tijat t^e fatD iKntljoug|) oftentimes (jp ^out
faiti o;ato;iccguicca tfatl) not paio t^c faiD feuccall fummus of mcne^j
no; ani? of tfjcm tinto the faiD C iD. acco.joing tb t\) faiD fcuei:all oWi*
gaf ion,anD acco;5ing to ttje faiD agtarKejit,f fjis faiD p;jomife in tpat
bcI|alfemaDc,asisafc;er^tD : bp meanes luficceof, tljefaiDobligati*
ons, o;t^emollpactof t|jcmbcEnfojjfeiteD,anot?ouc o;^to; alceaog
tljcceupon tmpleaDeD in ^tt cpaieKtes court, caUeD ttjc lyings HJ^nc^it
anD bv ceafons of t^e faiD cbUgations, o; fome of t!?cm, lotv^ libe fpee*
Dili! to be coHOcinncD f t)ereup8n, if bi^ ^our Jt.graftoug meanes Ije be

notfpaoilp reUtueD, tl)e lcljic|j faiD pjartifes ate muc^ agoinft all
tigljt, equitie, anD gtsD confcience,anD to tl)c great Damage, lotfe, anD
l^inoerance of pcHC faiD 02Utoh Bin tenoer conQDeration lul)ereof,
anD fo.jfomuc^aj5t^efaiDp?omireofajM. anD t^c faiD agreement
fo; t^e payment of tl)c faiD feuerall fummes of momp,being matter* of
coemption anD ^nlalfuUfimoni0,lP0re fo cloflp anD lecretlp lE);^ougl^t
onD contriueD amongH t^em,tl;at ponr faiD o;ato;^is not able to mftc
m\^ fuc^ Due p;a)fe t^ereof,a0 t^e Otrict cotirfe of tt)e common Itatueis
oft!)e Kealmein t^is bel)alfe requiretl), anD fo pour It* faiD o;ato; is
fetterlp Untljeut rcmeov bp t!)e conuuon latoefli to auoiD tl)efatD bonD,
o; to maUe p^tnfeof tl^e faiD atfumption anD p:omife of ti^e faiD yi*W[*
t^ougl} t^e fame be fo Uiell UnoUme t^nto t^efaiD )5i(^op, anD t^e faiD
C.>. i)i0 faa'o;^,p;ocurato?i fo; fuel) contracts of fimonie, ano alfo to
tlje faiD K. Ml, tjatpou rotate; tjerilp tljmfeet^jt^ iiiiUbpontlieic

anfluers b^teunto in tbis honourable outty Upon tljeic co;po;aU

oCljeSjif t^ep be not altogether blinoeo toitSje^^treame couetoufncffe,
conftffetbetrutlj to be,asi0 afo^efaio* 31 1 map t!}erefo;e pleafe pour
l^onourable Ho^Df^ip to grant t}nto pour faiD)^;ato; l)er ^aielhes
moH gracious Ic^it of Subpoena, to be DirecteD t)ntotl)e faiD^B
anD t)nto t^e faiD C*)^anD U* M tl)erebp commanDing tl)em, anD e^
uerte of tl;em, at a certaine Dap,anD l^noer a cectaine paine t^tuin to
to be limiteD bp pour llo;Dl^ip,to be,anD perfenallp to appeare befoje
pour fjonourableiLojDHjip in l;er O^aiellies moll I)igl) court of Cfjan*
certe,tl^en i tliere toanftuet tjnto t^e p^emilfes, anD to abioefuc^ fur^
tljer o;Dec anD Direction tljerein, as to pour ^ou.lL.II^all fame to UanD
Xuitl)rig!)t,cqiiitic,anD gaiDconfcicnce, i alfo to grant t>nto pour faiD
^;ato;l;erpaieftiesmoft gratious lu;it of I munition to be Dircc
teD tjnto tljc faiD C.jiD ttjeui^bp commaunoinganD iniopning bi^^^
anD all ^isCounfailo^s, ^olicito;s, anD j^tturneies, to Hapl^is faiD
fuits anD pjocceDings againft pour faiD 0jato?,at,anD bp tbz common
Values? t^ntill tl;e p^emilfes lI)aU be t)carD anD Det(rmin(D,o; ott^crtinre
c 2 fi^oercD
Supplications, Bills,

bnto ^m^t^ <!E^Qt) fo; t^cp^ti^mtm of tout: l^ono^abte ilo^u^tp,

m 0009 ^raUt) long f o conttttne

^ 'B'tH fir botrAiitg,

<?e/v o.
TT ^mbl^ complaining, C^toiett^nto tontlLo^ul^ ?ottf iwilp j^
jTljatoa J=,mof !$ in i^z countie of il. gentleman : 2D^at tul^ecc^
a0 about foucse o^ fiue ^eace( llnce, one (2^.C. t|ren tfja totootD of ^.C
an noio toifeto 34 ^of /^,in tl^e county of JL^reoman, tjec? Barneft^
ll^anoinftantl^reqHfreDoffoucfaiD ^;ato?, not onelp fo;t^c felfe
anol)rt:ronnetobetabUDo;ba)^oeDatti)ei|oure of tl^e faio complain
nant,but alfo to Iraue ^onfe romte fo^ conttnuallaboo^ f loDgetng tottf)
i)im ltketot&,p;omt(tng liberally ano fU^ to c^ompencebotli ti)e co^
anott:oubie> tol)tcl)riouratDi^;ato?, o^^tsi^oul^olD H^oulo fuftatne
t|)ej:etn, t)poit l^pe of tol)tc^ p^omtfe atto agceementj^ouc faio ;^;ato^

DiD to t^cfttll cequeHannratirfacttonof ti)c fato Citable anolooge t^$>

faio ^* an^ljecfonnc, being of ttje ageof feucn ^t^itB oj t|)eceabout0,
tuinnglieelutoolju^ooo^br ti)erpaceoftU)oteare0att^c \zsi.% tmz^
about t^^^nnunciacion of tlje ticgin Spar?, in i^z 20. ?ece of t[je ^^
^aielheiee caigne, about lD[)tclr time tijie faio ^* toobe to tnifbant) t^z
faio a^^. after Uj^icfj mactage, tjpon libe pjomife f agreement infjic^
t^efaio H*^our faioo^to;^ Dio liketx)ifeboo^o,c;i table ano loogein })is^
tjoufet^efatD Kano (B* f)erronne,ano a feruant^b? ti^e t^ierpare of onr
lt)oIe ^eare auD a Ijalfe, enoeo about spai? oa? lad pait, ouring tufjicl^
time alfo tt)eratt)i4putt>ou faio o;ato; to great cljargs ano troubie^
\mt^ oiuers ^o;re, afloellUept in tt)e boufes of T>our faiD^^D^ato;, an&^
at bis tQ% as alfo ab^^oao in bis ctofejs ano paff ure0> notttiit^ tantmi$
all tD^ic|)Co(i&, troubles, anoxbarged of ?our faiD ^^ato^^otDfe it
15, if it mar pleafe ronr ^oaO(]^ip,tl^at tlie faio K.smo C* being oepat^
teb from t|)e bonre of tiout faio o;^ato^, craftily, oeeitfulli?,anD tncon^
^ fcionabl)?, refttfettterlr, anb oen? to giue an? recompencexi; conSDco^
ration to toua faio o;tato; foa tbeir tneat^o^inlre^obgtng 0; otfier cbari*
ge0,contrar? to all l)umanitt,equit?,no rtgbt.in tenoer eonfioerati^
on tiil^eceof, % tt% ?our faio o;tato;^ is-lottbout al i^elpe b? tbe fttix

o;oer t xoarfi^ of tl)e common laiD,fb;t t^at fo^ tt)e faio tabling,loogiug,
f cl)arge0,tl)ere toas no cerraino time,no; no certaine fumme of moni^
agreeo tjpon amongft tlje faid parties^no; p;omtfeo b? t|^ faio Vi* %<^

ano tbat alfo t}^z faid agreement tuas bettoem tt)emfelue0 on(? tutt|)
out an? U)itnelieipaf it pleaftfronciuto grant unto ?outUaio o^ato^
tlie i^.^aiefttes i]);itofSubpccoa,tebeoirecteD to ttjefaio it*ano (^
^no imi faio o^ato; d^ oailj; p?a?fo^?oui 090 Ho^^i^f c.
' .

ThePcmurrcrof R. andW. defendants to the Bill 4Jfi ^'tfi^ 3(f^

- G. W.complainanf. o jit>;iv:r:v,.r:v^
., ,;

faiD laDefenuant br p;jotclltion,m)t confcffmgo? tSftdlelrtg^ Sc^. 7f

tngan?ti)mgtnti)eratDfaiIUUcageD,matei:taUagatn(^t|)(0 ^i^
fchoant to ctjatgt f)Un1afaetriie,but tattler Dciii^^D ant) ret fo;t^ oill^
ofpurpofe to put t()i Dcf to lt)?ongfuUt3eration, cofts, c^ate,anD)5^
peiue0Uitt)elalU9fo;tt)atbefo;etl)i0tmie,tl)att0 to fa^, about t|e
tecme of Mallei:, in tl)c 2 5 i^cateof tfje ratgiic of ouc fouetaiune ilab^
i\)Z fil,i3^afticl|^tnot is, ttiefaiD comptunto t|)ij^l)on; Coopt bf
dljancmcepbtbiteo agatnft tbts Dcfenoant ai3iU7<^n)t<nntfrg fn effed^
tl)0 fame mattcc tDl)ic[) ts aUeatceo in ti)c 5i3ill noiU) er^ibtteb, Ditftt^g^^

onel^ pt foame:>but noticing in iubdancs, lauing bi? aoumg fojnefiue a^

ct:e(,a0 tljenumbet; offoute 0^ 6ue,a0ei)Nmattitgon0clorein t!)t0 ^tll
at foure acicSjin t\\t former cftimatio but at ttoo',o; t^nt^mtii^m^

^uottjerctofe in i^\& li5iUnotu$PbibtteDi at tti^^ acl^0>uf tiefo^a^cir eF

lltDiatgbi^l tlt)o,o; tt)creabout(^anD puttitfe fom^act^ tbfbme o^eir
c1ofc0^,tjje to!)icl) facfo;e tuccc fct botenc iit!)0ut lafttt&tton bj rtSaming'
of anv acres at all,bemg tl)e fclfefame clotSw^nfi twefUag^iri tl^0 fo;tticc^
%i\\ e]cp;}eireti,bfeD,anb occupiebbttt)eT4ilt$>tlfle'anbHafi, anb i\t
fame numbec of acL'es>nab) pntiinmo^eof pucpbfi^, tiao^t^e tfie^^kmr
tpinpi*rome coloot to zxi^\ii$iiti^^^\^^W^it^iiztt^^4i^
anrtueceb, anb Hieteto tfie fait) xompU ceptieb, anb tl)t0 oef* tdo^neb
anbTobifc^noeD to Commitlton, tnbemnt^is oonmbant te^tieblDttii
t|elatD complainant, anb namtb CcHrnmidionetsf fb;^ tiftttTelFif, a^i flt|et
rajt^compUnameo ot^exs fo? ^fds^4Tb t^jti^^bcf^dto f^eti^b^e'
tj^l^ij^c^tacge^ of t^eXana? cflmmi0to}C, UrinTu^ raf^S tl bfed. 01!ii^ ^
to^en tl)e time came, tl)aetbe fante commilTion tna^ to befitten ori,tf)l;.
faibtompU fo^teSolseb t|)f fame, neitl^ gauc an^ luaming to tiirs be^
f^bant^noa labpttceo ^isjoione CommiflPionei's, tl)at t^b Defenb/Cuer -

Ij^^fp ip mate fpi tb0.0ettiiiaiof tiytTaine, but fbflfeieb t^e farrt^^

^^^^^^i>^^Pf^sf fitie o^-fiTctermedtfrytbeccabOuffijais ^
tememb?ctl):tol)eceupont^ts oeffo;r|)ictDfte<jrpcO{tionat!)ts oten
coil's anp c^acges, p^jocuceb a conmuffion foj examination of tuitnef?

fes i\\ tlje mattec bicecteb to tlje felfe fame Ccmmiffioncrs tljat t Ije fo;?
mec ^ommiffion luas, anb gfmertotice tfjeccof ro i^m compl. -ajfiSS^

t8j^c^|i^tfijCfJipm<flrionec0;iiUw agreeb to mctteaf t^bav anbpiHtc

app0inteD,Uil)ete tljis ocMuas pacfent iDitl) W
Cdtiniitiffidiito ano
andlitneire0, ano one ofttjefaio complainants Ccmmiflfioncis luas
mtljetolDnelDljecetlje place toas appomteo t^z fame oai? anb time
Cc 3 teaop

Supplications, Biils,'
xt&^k tol^aue txtmtsm t^t Tato ComrntCTton, if tt)e fato compel luould
^ue fpokcn to iim tl^ecefo;e, m
t\\is uef. toasce^Diblp infojmcti, anu

tl)e faio tompl tais tt)et:e p;crent at ttre fame time ann place, and did,
o;migi)tl)aucfpoUen tutt^ !)im t^at toas nameD Commiffionec fo;
, - |)im, )xt\)o liao a oloetUng Ijoufe in t|ie fame totune,being ttje totoite of
$^* in lie fame coimtte: anDt{)eHanDtt>e$etl|t Deponents bpon t\^is
def^te^alfe iDeceftoo^neano ejeamineD t^ mid Wo^zti^^it htt^n. ifien
and fomeof t^emftuo^ne intl^ep^renceoftl^e fait
rompU ;anD thereupon tf)eDepo(ttiond and eraminattons of tt)e \xiiO
ne(le0 fo ftoo^ne, luece bp t!)ere Defenoants, tlien commtflTtonets, can^
feo to beinocco^eo in paccl^ment,ano cecttfietitnto tt)ijS t)on>Cont:t,^n5
afterloatoii pttbUi^eD, ano after putlicationi, t^iB ttf* fi:ateD k^tt^eut
Doing ant? tl)in0 t|^eceinbi?tl^efpateof tlwo tcnne0, o^ f^eceaboutg,
t)unnglPl}icb time tt)efaiDcompUtoo;^ fait) noticing at all in ttie fafo
couct toucijing tlje faio fuit, tl)a ttjis Def. euec Ijeaio of, ano tljen t^is
Oef* catifeD t^ $ Caid depofttjons ta be epemplified tsnder t l;e gieat ferde
of ei^jl,tq^i0grf*tctjagefl^ta^wl^ ^^at!) sia&p eo^ljeiu to fljiu; Ijo;
Couct. ^nd tt>e faid convpU bein if not conientrs i^rtt!) %re eaufleiT^
tei^ations of t|)i0de&^none aft^ctii^t tonViSiammt l;ad obtained

tl)e faio comimcrienj ttie faid compl.fo^ 1^10 isefejiuantB fuixljef ^eya^
tion, commenced fuit againft t})i$ oeiVin t^je dDcrima^lical couct of tfje
0tibb..of]?.o?fe?itfe^iniJ?^ofe diocuftrtp frnjit^ijuao^ai^d feueinent^^
til j^, in^^ isillmentiwicb tieanttiB^eLm^c faia mtl)e'OP(t^# compU

and oef* dteDy^bpdn-fupniled^mattersitoiieJjmg tbe iuppofeo miil men^

tioned in tl^e faid bill, tuijeceupon t^t^ de&;ndant to l^us great (-|)acge5
appeared and anClupr^d asbeboued fo;t t^etime, b^ t^tmfelfe and It5'
p^otfo^,a0^ (1 i(i^et<^:^:itiHU,Jp^fntteit^e faid com^* tdi^tiuifi^ed;
tticmet|i0 and tHoie^ndnoto j^tm complancaning not^g el* hut'
t^ik def* trouble and moleflta^on^l^atlirenued tbe faid fuit tnt^0 ^*
Court againe,tD^icj^ befo;c i)e l^ad in t^e fame Court b)? tl)e faid ftrd
in tljefamie biUiif mentioned;,hy|tf;rcuRto t^0Oer.t^ati>a}ri?ad^n(^
ted , a0 appearetl^ bt tf)e fanieanftoeorentaining of re(^^d$^ in f|tl
Court i and tbe fame pwaued tjponbot!),as is afo;efaid : to^erefo^
t^iB def,fo; t|)ecaure0^fo;efaid,nnd fo;^ t^e faio double t^eration in t|K5
i)on.conrt bv ttxto bils^coitteining in elfe^t but one matter in fubHance
demMrrft^i|\j^.tjU/and,p;aiet(),tbatbet]t)iis(bef*nia^ be dirmifiTeo wt
ctt^ii ^on tpfK.tjit\^ (lis ceafonabU ctts and c^argies in'i^ CiMit
, i ,; r- !'^^.'1i*^^';u;l

^p^lLc^ndAtifwersi;- 201;:
A Sillfar m^fHfren^nga^ieafe made by the P laintifihthe Defendant m
truftf te trie a t'ttU^ andfor occupy i?f, 4nd \AfttH<^ ihe'tenth dtmifed,
and for detaining of Vfritmgs cf copyhold lands contrary
to their agreement,

HSJmblp complammg, ll^cluetl) tjitto t?oc llo;t;fl)ip, f6ucoatli? Sc^.77.

about fo;t(0i?eatC0noiu tati pad, cne ^q^T^oman luas laiufuUf

fcifeo m
\yis !>emernc, ah of fti ,af ano in one tneHuaae, tpttl) tl)e appac^

tenancw in C^in tfjecoumie of iip.amj of,? in siuers lanD3,tenements

meootDj3,pfrilur^i,f tjccCDitamentgtfjeceunto belonging, being fcee#
|6ld lanD in C&*afo;craiO, $ ^.in tijc fciiD countieof^ t^s being tf)ete
offuflj cftatefo fcijeirabuutf f)c fttft rcarc office caigne cf tl)e Sl.^a*
teil^tc t^at notu x&^ laH tuilt anc teSament in tt);:iting maDc,anD
b)? {^10

tu;itten in tl;e life rune oftbu faio (!ICI\ i^ Din giiie anD bequeatf^ t!)c
fametooneCabea I)tstDire,anonotPU)tfcbnto voucfaioo^ato;, fo;s
t^e time of [;ei; natuiatl life, cije ixmamoet; t^ie^cof after i)ec Deteafe to
oneH4^as bi? t^eraiD .;:i:iitUppace,anD aftcttuatt^tbef^D XM^^*
DieD of fucb ^Otatct^eccof, foas tsafo;efato^ei^e^bt^fo}^ of tobi(^

Mill ano umt^ tbcfaicr fa^ anDaftec t)i0 Deatb^gnttet) into tTjefato
ineiTuage 0; tf)rtementsi,$ loaa tt)freof (atufiiU? fet^ed in ber Deinefne>
M of ftxebclD fo; t^ temie of bee life, t^^t rematnnec tbeceofaft^t ber
Dec^fe to^tbe faio ^*9!^*in fo;me afo^efaiD belonging : ane alfo tubec^
a5tber^iDM*^*b)d0inbiB liiiralfo fei^eD, of, o^incectainecopt^
|olD 0^ cuftomacie lantis, l^tng anD being iDitbintbe il^ano; of ^. in
t|ieratoC*ofJt*andbolDen of tbe raiD^ano;bi7 cop^ of tbe Conct
i;olU0eftbefamttnano;tnbi(iiemern,a0effe0,aeco^bingto tbeca^
ilonuflftberaiDmatKiMnob^ being tbeceoffo fei^eo fiieb tbeceof fi^
(rijfeD, b^ f after ttibofeiieatb tbe faibC.bi^ toife iDass enbotueo of t|e
t^iir^ pact i)f tbe faio copibolo 0; cuffamacielanb5 anD tenementi,and
acco;Ding to tbe cufionic of tbe faio ^ano^, aDmitted tbeceof tenant
bl?tbe^teluarDof tbe contt of tbe fato e^ano^ acco;^tiingl^, bi? fo^re
lol^ecof (be lika^ile entteo into tbe t]^iix^ uait of V^t faid cuftomatr tz*
nement0 ano p;emi(l00,aRb biaa tberof imeioire fei^eB in ber i^emefne
ai8 of fcetbolD, aB ttwsint in Doloec tbeceof, fo; t^t tecme cf ber life na^

tutall, acco;Dingto tbe faio cuftome, ano qnictlv f peaceably occupteo

anD iniotiiD tbe fame bnttll about ten tere^noli^latt paft* ^olu i^^ii
^ouc faiD j^Mto; tb;ougb impo.itunacie mii earneH pecfUiallonB of
Come fcienw iif tbe faio 3 . 2CanD ;3 .H. tnas ccntenteD in fome manner
forcelDt'ntotbeicfuit, ano tbeceupcn fo;tbe fuctbecance snb tciall
6f tbe title anD intered oftbefaio 31 X* about tbe i4.Da^of 3[* \x\ i^z
ad.i^eateoftbeillueenes^ate^hestaignetbatnoU) 10, lvitboutanT>
Sne^income^o; ux'^zx confioecation to btm patD,but giuing cieott bnto
Cc4 tbe
r 1 Supplicatlons/Bills,
|bftCb0|^ of lljic faiD iX. sHt^ A.4|!att|)0^ ^euftj fa^^
tljcIjan^of ^m ^ott tfaiD ;;ato;,but onl^ t)fe t^e bencatof ^is p^c^
f0nteftate,fo;^t!Jet:efittmgofcet:taine tjnlatofuU fuits ano attempts
offeccD (as tlje^tljen affirmcD) as bp tlje fait) i$ anD
to^icl) tuccetljcn
^ fiatilielet,fo tfje faioBK^

t|)[e appiictenancefi in(3;4i^.afDuefaiD.Do bauram) to bolD ttjefaio te^

nementSjanij p^emiaci3,tMitb tt)eappurtenance0,tD tfjefaio 3BX.f -511

ll^tbcicj&mutoag^OsaflisneSjfcomtbe fcaft of ^.^.tl)e i5i(^op^m
^IMtWl^Clpt^fiWiefTpae tbeia^coftbcfaiD nurture ijnto t1)0 ftifl end
aiiotecnie of i * ^^^i^tncemxt folloUiing, anafoUip to be bmpletfe
niiD en^eOjif tt)^iaio - did fo long liuc, v^loing anD pat?in0 tfjetefo;^^

^KEelS Puling tji faiD^tormc of 2 ^ete$ t)ntoi?Dut faiD o^ato?. Ins ^x^

eciito;MDnumftcato:s,anD alTigneiJ, xo jt.of lalufull Cl;uglia) worf^^^

^ft|eftwllj?^J!qtJicc9ffi, ano ^* i^acttn t^c )i6ia)op m
W^eitiftH^' w
jisjtefn<Jirt5entueemfl4e:aMatgc appearetlr: b^
tj^^i^^Hfi^f i^^f^l^^ ^^^^^^^'^^^ faiD t^S:.ant> a.ilanto al t^e
Jjaip ten[emeHtSifl98:p^emia:cs,1uit^ tbe appuctena^ces,- about tlj^

fame time ^ntreO) aiiD tocce tljereof poffeffeD, anD eue^uce Ttljelr ^lit"

ti? Iiauji quiptl^ tvD peaceablf occuptcD anD eniopeD tb^MntD bdntf^d
.^ncm$iif;erf p;rmtto,;attD tlje ceHt5,itiues,anD pif^s t(jfeco<cfrfii|
^D^comming: Ijaw^ qiwt(Tjanij!peacefablp tafeen |-conept?tft6 ^ilt
oluneonlv bfe :tiibtft) i;ents,iffaej^,anD profits of tlje pjrmffeo, euVc
fincett)emaUmgoitbcfaiDleafe0,U}btt^i0bpt()efpace often ^eai*fe
uoto I^ft paftjl^aue bm recelv iMO^rtb 4 Ut tfjeleaft, Otter anD abonc al

(flanges aiiD tcp^ifes. ^UD in tcutb ^t^f)c time- of tt^cmakmgeftifje
Came lear^ejit iuas fullp comluDeD ano ataftteDfe^ anD be'ttueen vout fj&i
jfcj^to^,tf|e faiD Ji.SE'.siiatbefatDa^; tvai tbe faiD' 31 /^^
b^ vout faiD ^;ai
ifonftDecation of t{;e making of ti>e faiD leafe to ti)cm
tGl in manecano foame.afo<?faiD,anD fo; tfje caarej$af0;eraiD,p>omircD,
i^t tijefoiD leafejanD tbetc fattJ sttate^tbecebt KWDtJ^tljot^JD be farreit^
D^eDanD ^^lDe?i3p\jnto T?oUt fatD'c^atoj, leH^H ti^ti tljefattj fiiits
^eteen^eDbetUjane tlje faiD K^ano tl^cm, 0; eitijec of tijem,o? tu!)^
t|ev bvijectueof tbe faiD leafe tjaDenioieD tfjie fame DemifcD tenemrtij,
anD p;emtffe5,bptbefpac^ofonetol)ole fere, fo; tfjen tl)efamc leafe
yi^p fpjasis afo;efaiO:jnaDe onelp fo; tIjeDefencc anD taH of tlje faiD.
^g;at$^|jigl>tjianJ>itttle Qfit^zMiy^-XrHntyM, iL> ofj artb kx tf;e (Mi

ie^m#iij^nopi^^mt33e0v ant rattoiti^e intent- tlj^ t^iepo; titf)n ot

i|e^ i^owlD bBi;eafcnDf tl)efaine3(noentui:e,{tj:fo;Dtng totl^c pucpo'it
^D tej; tbetepfrfo;.tbe teem? of 2 1 teares ^aue anD enio^ t^e fame
fc^foft^aUati^nt;toy^neiieft|ieleff$t|)e^ baeDone> anb

andAnfvyers. 20 j
. occupy? antj miov t^c fame, conf cam to ffjeic fato faitljfnU p^omtTe atiD
agcament, as ts afo^el^jD,
tfjcr^ofmaDa: anD^et not contenting
tfjeinfelues lit[) tljc faio occupation of tlje faio
tenements ic. Doe not
onlp Dent? ano cefufe to ^eelD tjnto vonr faiD o?ato^ eit^ectlje faiD
\V ttnt refeuueD t3pont[)eraiDleafe,o.jan? ot^ecconfiDecatton fo^ tl)c
occupying oftfje fame, ano Utnl^ Denp to reelo tnto rout faiD o^atcf;
anp cent o; confiDecation fo; tt)e fam0,bcing fo as afo^efaiD, befjino b^
tlje fpace often veces : but alfo Doetitteclti Deny to intlD tip tjnto pouc
faiD ^jato; t^tit faiD eftate ano teime of t?eaces yet to come,
of, anD in tlje faiD DemifeD tenements ano p;emiffes acco^Ding
to t\)tit faitl;f uU p^omifes anD agreement, To as i$ afo^efaiD maDe, anD
fuctJjecfincet^eiEfaiDentrteinto tfje faiD tenements anD p;emicres,
tlje? tljefaiD3lSS'anD3X*o;tl)eone oft!)emfjauei'ajeD ojDefaceD all
0} pact of tbe ^oufes, eDififcs,anD builDings, iDtjicI; at
tlje time of tlje

inaUing of tl)e fameleafe tueie ftanDing anD being tjpon ttje faiD Demi^
fcD tenements anD p;cmifes,anDtI)etl)affec,aate, timbec, ano (tone
tljeceofjbauceitfjecgiuenaUiav o^ tonuectebtlje fame to tbeicolune

^fcSituitbouttljeconfcntofrouc faiD ),2at0;, totl)tintmt tljatt^e

fame tenements mig^tfo be maDt3nmctefoui)el;abitatiDn of pouc
faiD o;atb<j, ano !)isfaiDUiife,UiJjeiebptt)ep migljt tberatfjec enfo;jce
youc faiD o;jato; fo;^ bjant of tl)c faiD builDings,fo yecln tljc fame Ijnto
t[)etn,foj little o:j Hotl)ing,bi? ccafon of^'ictuant oftljcfaiD inDent^e,
tl^irebeingoncly one pact thereof maDe togtjfljec, IwJjiclj tuitlj fuc^

copies as concecnc tljc faiD copi?)DlD lanDs, are in tbeijanos anD poSef*
flonof tljcfaiD 31,s:.anD ^.Jl.o; of anp oftl)cm,o:of fomeotfjccpcc^
fons bt?tfje Dehnecy of tf)cm, oj of one of t^em, t^e tertaine numbec,

tfiites, contents, anD -ottietcectnintieslu^eteof youc faiD o;jato> fenoU.^

etl) not : anD v vout faiD o;ato; batf) Diuecs times in gentle ma*
ttec cequiceD tijem t^^ faiD 3!2n^f a.ll^to DcUuec tanto t?OHC faiD o;ato;i
tl)c faiD inDcnturc anDcopics,anD to r^elD \}p anD fuccenDec tjnto roue

faiD o.:ato J tlje faiD intecelt, of, anD in ttjc faiD DemifeD tenements anD
pjcmilTrs, acco:Din3 to tfje faiD agcdcment anD tiu(t,vct t}^t^ fo to Doe,
^aiJceuerl)itl)ectoc8fiifebanbDemeJ),aHDi[?fetDoeDeni? anD cefufe ta
p6e t^t fttme,anDto yMn t)p anD fucieiibei: tljc fato ettate of,anD in tlje
faiDp.:cmi(Ies,acco;Dingtot^ctcullin t\)cm ccpofe5, anD to tepaite
anD ixeDtftetlje faiD tenements anD p^^emiiTcs fo bt? tfjem cajeD,anD
ptiUeDDotonc, as is afo;cfaiD,agam(t all cigljt,equitie auD gcoD coiV>
fcicrrce, anD againlf all goD anDl^ncSdealing, anDto tlje unpouei^ilV*
itigvahfetJttenwDoingofyouc faiD o>ato;j, anDljiS faiD tuife, if fpa&Dr
remtDiebe nottn Dueturte by v'ottc ^dncurableil. p;oniDcD fo: t^e tt*^
p^girmg-of tljeit faib fenconfcionablepHCpofeSanD attempts intbep;ie<^
miiles. Sin tenDerjtonfiDecattDn U^i^ereof:, iairo fo,jfotticl)ast^efaiD
Supplications, Bills,
3(nDetttute, ceiitlufion p;amired,ano agccementtt/o ta ntBitfaitiy^ffp
anomaoc, b^? anDbet)3>enc i^oucfmD ^;afo;^ano tl^ofaio 3S 2D. aiui
3* L* cencecntng t^e p}Bmifitd^\s)ett feccctl^ mane ano agrseo bpon
bi!,anD bettoeeite t^cinfclucs,ant) feU) tutlnclTes being p^tute tljetccn'
to 0^ pjcfent toit[j t|)cm at t})ttvm of t|ic maUing tljerofjlulju^ tniQ^t
tcftiUz t}^c famB,amj tljofe luitne(rc0(fucl) as
tfjE^i ti3cce)be noto titl^tt

5030,0^ t)Hto ^ouc faiD o;ato;j tnkuoton,betnfiat

tottccl-T? tfje fame time

mderettcangetfltjnto ^ouc faiD o;ato2, i t^cn bjougljt tijitfjec by tijem

tljefaio 3l*jEanD :3.il.a0 it fameo, of fet pucpofc to riccumuent ano
Decetue^cutfatD o;ato;,anD lius Istfe tn tt)c p^emiffes.t'ourfaiD o^ato^

t^tn cefeccins efpeciall ttutl anD conftoeme to t\^z faio 31. Cano ^X*
30 pecfons U)f)om t)c toMt anD accounteo to ^aue bin i)ts t^ery efpecial
goiD fcienDS^anoalfotjecy fubftanttall lioneft mentis ttteclytuitljout
all temeo?! fay tf)e ftcirt coucfe oft^e common llatues of tljis iKealme,
of (;!;ng*to cecouec zitl^tt ttje poffeffion of tl)e fame tenements anD p;e^
milTea^o^ of tlje faiD tents, t})e:^ Waning lji faio 3InDentHceof leafe as
is afo^efaiOrOj to cecoucctlie copies : Bit may tfjecfojepleafeyoucljon
ft.4l)ep;emiffesgcaciouay conCDerco,to grant tnto y out faiD o;ato?,
t|je ^.spaietties lJD;it of Subpccna,out of |iet l)tfiijnES iTouct of Cf)an^

XStiBy to be Directed tinto tije faio 3I*C| 0X. anD eilliier of tj^em tlfeu^
by commanDing t^em^^auD eit|ier of tl)em at a certaine Day^ anD bnDec
a ccctaine paine tfjerein to be limiteo, to be, anD perfonally to ap^teare
jbefo^ysiic^on.illant^efaiDcoMCtofCtt^enanDtlere to anfuierlm^
to t|e p;^emiaes,anD to ItanD to^anDabiDe fuc^ e^Der 9 Direction t^ete^
in, as to your |)on*!l*(^l be tI)ougt)t to (ianD toit^ rig^t,equity 1 god
(onfcienee. ;^nD your faio o^to;^ (^al Daily p;ay t^nto dC^oD fo^ tl^e p;#
feruation of your l^ono^ p;ofperitie ano gooD ^\t\f long to cotinue*

^ Bi& by an Adminislrator vfon a^romife made tmto theintejlate hj the de*

fendanty to fay vnto him certaine money in maria^e ef the defendants ,

daughter mth one eft he intejiatefennes

^ ^
^j^mplaining^ (^ctwet^ to your honourable II (0. Carle of . aD^ ^
bctt.78 V>jniniftato;oftl)egojDsanDc|jattelsoftl^rig]^t!jon.5.Carle of
^* Decea(eDl;i6 late father, C^at lo^ereas about feuen yeres nols lafl^
paft, t\)txz Idas certaine communication betloeen tlie faiD <S!>* earleof
^.in l)is life time,anD one ^.M.of f^.int^e countie of jji. efquire, of^
fc;t,anD concerning a mariage tl^en intenDeo to bemaDe bettso^e ^*
S]^.(0fquire,oneoftf)efQnnes of tt)e faiD late C^arle, anDC* t^e cnely
Daughter, ano ^eite appatant office faiD WiM* :SnD thereupon it tvas
fully concluDeD anD agreeD betljoeene t^e faiD late Carle, anD t^e faio
:Wil^anDeiti)ei;party did mutuaUp;omife,anDagre^ to anDloitl) tlje
and Anfwcrse 106
8t|>er, f Sat i\t fdD % 2C ano tlje fain Daugl^f ec of t^ fato m. K
l]^oulomatr:?togetf)8c,acco;oingto t^eCctleaaaicallllaiiwsoftl^ii
fKcalmc of engl.at a certaine oap br t^efaio partieg, fo; tliat purpofc
agca^otjpon and appointeo^ano fo;anotn confloctationoft^cfatDina*
tiage to be maoe, as is afo^efaie, ti)e faio ?KI.U. about t^e fame time
Oio affmne, ano to t^e faio late eaile faitl)fuUr p^omtfe to par ano giue
tmto tt)c faio late eacle 4000 li.of latcful CSngl.moner,o; thereabouts,
at cectaine Dales likctoife iw t^at be^ialfe bettueene t^em agteeD ^pon,
ano notu long fitljence pall,br leafon oftetifjicf) agtcement,p;omtre,atti>
aCfumption fo maoe, as xb afo.:eratD, l^je faio I^.SC.oio fl^ojtlp aftec tfje
fatoagcecment, marc^anotaUeto ^istuife tbefaiooangbtei: of t\iz
faio Wi*^* ^iiD tI)e.:eupon i\)z faio W*HotD toellanotruelp content
ano par to tljefaio late eacle tfje fumme of 3 o 00 li. pacccll of tlje faia
fumme 9f 4000 lio^ tijeceabouts. i^no ^o;tlr aftcc ano before \^z t^e
faio late Cade |>ao cecciuco tijecefioue of tl)e faio fumme of 4000 ii|e
tl)e faio Caile DieO* JtoU) fo it ifi^ if it map pleafe roue bonout:able It*
tbat tijc faio IB.II* not igno;ant of t^e premieres, anonotfjing rrgat*
Ding \)\& fniD agreement ano faitbfullp;omife ano aflTumpticn^fo as if
afd;erai:)brl)immaoe,to ano tDitt)tl)e faio lateeacle, but imagining
ano fcauoulentlr intenoing,as Uiel t^e fato late Cl;arte in l)is life timz^
asrout:faioMD;ato;,beingaominiff.ortt)e0G)Os ano (battels oftbe
faio late (S;acle, fince ))i% Deatb in tbts beljalfe falflr ano oeceitfullp to
Deftauoano oeceiue bim of tbe fumme of 1 000 li, at f [je Icaft, parcel of
tbe faio fumme of4ooo il. 0^ thereabouts br ^ini agrao ano p;omifeo
to be paio to t^e faio late(2^ as is afozefaio in conOocration of tt)e faio
tnariage, altbougb be tt)e iato Wi* U* b^tb oftentimes, as tuell br tbe
faio late ^*in ^is life time, as br X\)z noU) C^*fince biib oeati) bin curtc^
ou0r requiceo to b^ue pato tbe faio fumme of i coo li. acco;oing to l^is
raioagr^ment,p;omifeanoairumption,r(ttbattoooe,batl) Ije euec
Ijitbecto oenieo ano refufeo, ano ret ootb oenr anorefufetoooe t})z
fame,contrarie to bis faio f^itbfullp;emife f nCTumption, to tl)e great
loffe ano oamage of tbe noUi G.ano altogctbtr agamff all rigbt,equitr
ano gcDO confdence iiottoit^ffanoingltbat tijefaio lateCEan ccfpeit of
tb^faiomariage,batb coueieo i afifureo bnto tbefiuoi^X^agcDOeftate
of inberitance,of oiuers mano;s,lano,teneraents,ano bereoitaments
too;tb 3cool>.brtbereare,o;j tbereabouts, lubrceof tbe faio <^ bis
Oaugbtec is intiuleo to bauc oo\ucr br laio: Jjn coRfiocration fcbeceof,

anofo; fo wutb as b? reafon of tbe great truft i conSocnce tubicl) t!)e

faio late (^.oto tepofe ano put in bim i\)t faio M.H
.tbe fato agreement
p;omtfe ano a(rumption,fo as afo;efaio, betluane tbcm maoc, Uias fo
maoefecretlranopnuatlr bettoeenetbemfelues onelr, tuttbout caW
linganrottjeurpeffoneo; pecfonsljnto t^zm to be toitncifeif tbereof
- ;;
Supplications, Bills,
tlj^fame agceewiBnt, pjpmife,attD affunigf ion,fa
iDJji^l) ittigf)fc tefttfie
tl)atfo^ipantcflvitncircgtop;one tfje faiu pjomife anu aUamption,
tU^ compU liati) no remeuie to cecouec t|)e fame fumme of i ooo. li. b^
f Jc Due alio ftcia courf^ of t^t common llatues of tljis J^ealme, m^ o^
tljettoife totecouec tlje CaiD fummcof i ooo.li. if tljefaiD 3^ in Ijts- M
anftuec to t^e pjcmiffejs ljpo|i l)is ot^c in t^xB ^onoucable Court tbali
not confeireti)e premiere* to be true, as t|}e complainant tetel^ tljin^
fectl) t^at^c til:31t mat tfjecfo^eplcafc ^our bonS^ojoil^ip,ttje pjemif

compUt^e Cl^^aicfties Wit of Sub-

fen confiDcceOjto gcant ijnto ti)is
poeaa,to bj^ oicecteD tjnto ti)c faiD ^i^*t^ei:eb^ commanoing i)im at
cectainc Dav^anti ^anut a cectaine patne tt)0i:ein, b^ ^ouc gojo II* to ba
limitcD, to beim^'peffpnali^ to appeace before ^ouc tion.llan ^ec ^a^i
iefl^ics ^igbCDourt of Ct)aacm0, tl^en and ^ece to anfijuece tnto t^e

^^emiffes, anDtoftanuto,anDabiDcfuctje;oei: iDiccction liemn, a

tot!cm:l)cn.iL.ft)allfeme to ftanotoitl; cigbtjCquit^ j goD confciemc*
^j|iD voucfajoo^ato^ (]^al'Oails p^a? Wo aWg^tij <0oo tc. aihl 9{!i
l\'l-> -r ^-^ <- '
', ^ -'V '
.! " '
^tal^-'Bi/l^/entrwjiiHtoanddft^^ by eaUftrfif hatting fHfi'
..,...,',,. dence thereof, and for c<mtrtHingJecre^efiAtes,:
... . .

--' <.

Sea. 79 fi^ moft fumble iuife ll^etuct|fai^ complainetl) to reurljonoutable

J[n,^ot: uailH^^atoa 2^.(15. of iCrS^fjattol^eceafi! one ^^^ilJ^late ofj^*
9fQ?efai{i(^fqutt:eoecearcD^ about 6 ^erc0 notpla^ pall limtnt)i0 life
iimelatbfuU^ fetfeD \x\ l)ts oemefne as of fee,of,ano in one parcel of me^
nolo calleo tlje ip meootju? containing b^ eEimation ttoo acres lining
ano being in ^ in t\)t fain countie of i c 3nD tl)e faio ^*<^* fo being of
all annangulerttje faio p^emiCTei^ feifed, about fire r^arejs nolo laf]^
pafifeo of ruct)fl^ateti)0ieof Dieo reifi^o* B^anOitfter IjdNI^ oeatj)^ all
anD finguler tijefaiD p:emi(re0 oifcenoeo ano came,as! tl^efameof rigint^
oug|)ttoDtrcentianDcometo t!our faio ^;ato;, as b^otl)er ano nert
lietretoti)efaio^*^ Inljereupon vour faio o;ato; imnteoiatl^ aftei:
t^eof at|) of tfjc faio ^.CD. entreo into all anp fingnlrr tfie faio pjemifi
feS,ainD tj>as tljereof latofuilj] feifeo t n t)i^ oemefticas ftf feej iiO tl)%
iMzB ano profits of al ano fingttler t^e rai$^p^emicre0,oio receine,petit
mnz^ ano tabe to t)ts olune ^f(^,a$ laU)fuil U)aj6i fo} t^tmto ooe: ll^ut fio
tt is rig!)t l^oncurable ?Lo^D,tl)at about tl);a ti^ces ncUi latt pa(l,al anO
jGinguler tl)e oeeos: euioences, muniment5,terreri&3anQ ti^p^itings^con^
caning tl)e faio pzemiHes, ano of rigljt belonging to tour faio o;ato2r
bipcafuall meaner ace come to tfje^janos ano cMlloi)ieof(^)13tano QcH
^* tDt)o by colour of t)auingt4]te faio oeeo^^euioences^moniments^tet:;'
rers, ano to^itings in ttjeir tjanop^liaue not one^r. UJionfifnUl? entten^
into all ano iiugulav t!)c faio p^cnulTeS) ano ci^ptHfeo anft^ut out ^our^
ihk'^ faio
and .Anfwcres. zoy
ftiDo^afo^of, aiiD from t^tfanxiMinKo ^aueconfriueoawDmaDejw
utvB antj funeate faineo am
feccei ctJatcs of ti}c faio p;emtllie0, to dv
uecg pecfons to ^ouc faio o;at&: tjnbHOtune, fotljat ^ouc fatd );ato;
knotoet^ not agatngtt Ui^om to b;ttt0 i)ts attion b^ tlje Dug o?oec ao
coucfgf t|je common lalues of t!)is realme,fo? tfjg recouec^ of t^e faio
lani)s,medtot]De;,ano p^^emttfed^to tlje mantfeflt Dt0n^mfon'Of pout
fato o.:ato} ano t)i0 i^etces fo? euec, tmleffe pouc goo H* atcu((omeo fa^
no} ano fpeeDp ted^teCTe be tmto f)tm f^elveo in t^at beealfe,anD fo; t^
ton fato o^ato^bnotaetl) not t!)e cectatne numbec of tt)e faio oeeos, e^
mD0nce0,munementd,tct:cet:(,anD li);)tttns!)Ro^ tlie true oatcis oftljr,
no^ to^ecewflje fame, no; ani? of ttjem be containeo, ioljetliec in bore,
bag) o; c^eft loc^eo, fealeo, o; open, iie is alpa Uttt^out l^is remeo^ bp
t^e Due o;Der ano courfe of t!)e common laloes of tl)t0 Kealme, fo; t^e
recouecv of t^e faio DiatDi3,euitience$,muntment0, tcrrers, t tp;tttng0,
t)t)le(repour )l^elpano fpeeop remeor ^eretn be to pour fatDo.:ato; er^
Hn^tt> I Bit mai^ t^ecefo^e pleafe pour l)OH0urabIell.tl)ep;emt(res con^
0DereD, to grant tnto pour fato ^;ato; tf)t l. ^aititits moft gract^
onsio^tt of Subpena,to beDlrecteo to tf)ofatD (H;. )15.anD ^(^. ano et^
tt>eroftbem,commanDingtJjem ano either of tl)cm tljecebp at a c$t*
taine oap, ano tnocr a cectaine paine in tlje faio )33;it to be limited ano
appointeDjperfonallp (o be f nppeare before pou i)o. H. in tfje ^* [jigtj
Court of C^ancerie, ti)en ano t^ece to ahOjuer t}nto t^e faio paemifTea^
fc 0no furtl)er to abioe fuc^ o joer ano Direction t^erin,as to pour gojD
H. H^aUfttmeto ftanotoitt) equitp ano gcso confcien0ce;^nD pour faio
OiWtoj C^al Dailp p^ap ijnto almtg^tp <^od fo; t\}Z p^efesuation of pout
l;enptable H^in gooo f^ealtl} long to continue*

jt BUI that tht Plamtife watfeifed infee of CopihoU Unds^ and agreed m
cenfderatio ofmoney payable at eertaine dates ^ to leafe thefame to the
defendantfor jearesy as apfearetbhy articles^ and that the
defendant hath not fated the money to the plains^

tifes lo^e and difxredit,

H5Ilmblp tomplaining,%l!Detl) bnto pour Ijonourable %* pour oat^ ^^ ^^

lpo?ato?3*^of^^Mn tl)e comrtp ofi^gent E^ba^tDljeccas
tjpon ttje 8. of ^eptemcrintlFB j i.peareof tlje raigne of ttje^uanes
moftercellentmaiettietljatnoUj is, pour faio o;ato;ano ^. tjis tuife,
asitt^eriglitof tI)efaiD0.tDej!e, anopetbe latofullp feifeo in tljcir
Demeafneac of fee, accojoingto t^t cullome of ttje manno? of ^in tlje
Ceunfiecf^. 0f ano in one meCTuage o; tenement in 115. luitljiw
tt)eCt)appelcpcf:^.int^eCountieof|^. teuure o? occu^
tljen in tlje
p.aticn cf (^ . y^^o^ &f ^is allignsf, A^rO) of Diuet0 IanDe0, meoctoes -
Supplications, Bills,
|jaCurc5^common0,p,:oftt0,anD commcoitiea Uiit^ tl)C4pputt^n3n^
ce0 t^creanto belonging ^no tlje^ being t^eceof fe fetfet^, it teas ti}zn
concIuoeD ano agceeJj bettoflfne ?ouc faia ojato^ en tlje one parttc,0no
BI,0P ano p.^ one tlje ottiec pactie,t|iat ^oui: fate D.:af o;j antj f)iB faU5

tuifeluitl^in one ^eacctt)en nert enfuing,l^oulD fucccnoerlaiufuU^ ac*

cojotngto ttie faio cuftome of tl^etatD mano^ of ^* ano to ccnue? Dm
t!)e faio3I^ ano p, sp. t^zit erecutozs ano affignes tl)e faio tene^
mcnt ano p^emiffes to tl^ufc of tlje faiQ 31.^ f ^*^* ti)eii: erecuto^g
antj afTignes, fcom tbe feaS of &>^!cl)ael ttje 0cc^angell, tu!;u!; tl)aU
be in tljc^cace of one llo;tJ (25oD 1591. 'onto tlje enoe ano Utrnc of e^
leuen v-eai;es tt^en neyt foUotj)ing,ti3itt)fuffiaentcai:tbote,ljeTPbote,
anoljeDgcbotetobetaUentjpontljep.jenttffejs, anD foH^^V^telvtrnt
of ry *ix.to be paio foz tlje fame at tiuo t)fHaU fcafts in tl)e recc, ano t^at
in confioerationtljeceofjt^e faio3liP'iP^*ototJ)encouenant ano
p;omife,topai?t)nto^oucfaiOD.jatoj tlje fummeof 55.1i. of latofull
Cnglill^monev^inmanerajiofo^me foUotning: tljjat i$ to farjflt, oj
before tl^efeaft of ^*^ic^aeltlje<^tcl;angel notjulalipal]^ 40 pourtOB
oflatofuU<2;nglil^ monep, ano at, 0; before t^cfeall of ^aitintfje
ilBiajop notu laft patt 1 5ii. tljeceof cefioue, as in ano b^ cectaine ai:tt'

tits inoenteo, linfealeo tliereof maoe betUie^ne t^ent, bearing oate t^e
fato I Ha,'2 of September, in tlje 3 ^ W>^ afo^ei'aio, amonglt oi^
uecsotljet: things plainli? appeat:eti|): But noU) fo it is^ifit mavpleafe
1?out:ljono^able3U.o;ol^tp to tnoeiHano^tliat t^eCat^ % ^.ano p.^.
tljeit:p;iomife0 ano aflTumption afo^efaio not t:egatoing, but tmagt^
ning,ano ftauoulentlp intenoing ^our faio jD^ato^ in t^at beljal^
faint? ano oecettfuU^ to oeceiue ano oefcauoe, t^e faio 55 ii- ne^an^
pen\? ttjeceof, tfjouglj oftentimes b v ^ouc faio ;^iato^ gentlv' teqniizti
toma^epatmenttljeceof, acco^oin^to t^eicp^omifeanoadun^ptio
afoaefaio^anenot paieo, no; ^aue in an^ loife contenteo ^out faio
^;ato;, bp meaneBtuijeceofi^oucfaio S>;ato;ljat|) not onel^ fo^bOe^ne
ano loHgteatgainis ano profits, Uiljic^ tje mig^t tjuue gotten lutilj tlje
faio 5 5 li. br latoful bargaining, bui?ing 1 fcUirtg,if tfje faio BI*2p* ano
|B*^*ljaopaieo tlje fame acco^Duig to tptit p^omifes^ but alfotjat^
t^eceb? been gteatlp Ijino^eo in Ijiscreoit to hiutts pecfons to luljom
^e \s3aB inoepteo,in feuet;alfumme0ofmone^,ano bnto Ijoljom l^e y^cm
faio o;ato; p;iomifeo ano became bouno ijimfelfe b^ obligation to Ijaue
paio t^e fame, at oiuers oaies nolupaft, tipon tjope oftljeftU^Uing
ano performance of tljeitfaio p^omife, aETumption, ano agreement a^
tl)e gcieuouB loae ano oamage of tone faio
fo^efaiD, U) t ici; is to ^m^
toa,ano altogetljec againS al r:igljt,equitT,ano groo fonfcienre:3n ttn^
oecconfioerationluljcteof, ano fojfomuclj as t|)efaioconclu(ion,paei*
raife ano agreement tua^ fo p^tuatcli^^ano fetretlj? maoe heti^tm tour
andAnfwers. 208
faio o^ato.x,anir tljefaiD 31. ^i p*^d^Qt no ofjljer pettom fecte t^n
p:Mmt U)!)icl) can teftifie tfjc famr,fo tUt vout faio ojato; fo^j toant of
Hue p^Mt tljcceof, l)at|> no temefir bt t je tjfuall coarfe of tlje comnioii
lUtucs of t^ig ]Kealmefocecoaecffjefam0,no;j otl}et;toire,if tljcp t^e
fatD3I^*anD p Span t^eit anfUjccs to tlje pzemifTes in this t^onoix"
table Court ligall not conf0ffefl)ctrut^ of t^ep^^emilTcs to be, ns isa^
fo;efaiD,a i?out; Jt^fatD o.:atoj tecel^ t^mfeet^ tljer toil:3t ma? t\)tm
fo.2e pleafc T?oat: Ijonoucabic it0;oJ^ip,t^c p^cmiffes scaciouflr canftDe^
reD,to gtant ijnto roucfato ojato; t^c ^*^mttm Vd;i,t of Subpcc-
na,to be &icectcD to t\)C faia 3Iq^.ant) p^^p.tljetbr commanding tijeni,
ano ctt!)ci- of tfjem,at a cectaine i>a?,auu \inntt a c ectaine paint tljttt*
in to be limiteo b^' nour gcoO il. to be, ano pecfonallr to appcare before
^0ur gmoil.in fjei: ^aiefties moft fjigb CDouct of CbaKeiie, tlien anD
tljeie toaniiueutot^e premieres, anofurtfjectoabioe fuc]^o.:ucc %nU
tzaicn i^cmhas to t?our geoo ill^aUfamc to ftanti Vuit!) cigijt,equtt?
^ goiD confcience. :inD ^ouc faio o^ato? l^al nailrp^a? tsnlo almtgljtv
^od fo; t^t p^efecuation of ?ouc i)ono^ in gooo t^eattf^ long to cottnue.

Am anfrver and demnrrcr to thefAtne Bill,

T^craitJtefeHDants, anueitfjecoft^cm mailing p;oteffation, ano Stt. %o

not ant! tnaies confeffing an? tiding in tlje faio BiU of compl. con^
f aineo to be true, in futli manec anu fo;jme,at in t^ fame it is tijcreb?
fet fo;?t^ $ Declar0D,0o fucttjecfapjtl^at tt)0 fame aiealtogetbet oeuifcu
anB coritciueD of malic^jo; fet purpofe,to put tljefe faio oefenDants to
ii)?cngfuU tepatton, great trouble, f eppences in t|)e lalu fc; folloUung
jDf tiiefame as tlje? are p^obab!? inDuceo to tljinfee, ano hiitfjeut an?

iatgrounDo^tearonablecaufebptljemrgiuen tjnto tljefaio complain

rrant fo to uo,tn to^iclj refpect, ano fo? becaufe tl)at it enioentl? appear
cetfjbptljeraiD^ill, tl>at if tljefaio complainants allegations luere
true in fuclj manerantjfo^me, as in tfjefaiD biUtfje^arefetootoneano
Dclareii,as t^efe tdf^tjerel? t^mbe,anti are furel? perfuianeo tije? arc
not, tl)e fait) compU t)at{|
gcoo centeti?,anD ong^t to fue fo;j tfje fame b?
iDvi? action, at,anD b? tljecommon lalu of tfjts realme, anti not in t\)iB
Ijoa, court, as t\)zk^zl antJ ettl;erof(l)emtakeit* 0nDfo.U!)eotl)ec
apparant infntfictences in tJje faiD liBiU of compl. conteineo, tj^e faiD
l3CfenD<anDcin;eroft!)cmiicmarte in lalu, anD DemanD iuogemeut,
iuljcitjer tl)eD iljall maUc an^ fiictljer aiiftoer tjnto tije "a?D infufficicjit
biUofcompl, antiDoefurtber p;a^ tobe tifmiiTeo out of t|)s t;cnoara^
bleCourt,ti3itfj tijeir colls antJ cljarges^in tl}is bel)alfc iu^^ougfnlli' h\f
ftaincD : ilno ?et neucrtl)clea:e,if tlje Taio tr/c c.o? eitljer of tl)cm Jljall

&e compelled bst|jeo?Decoftl)isl)0;T. Court, ti3 n.afec an? furtljet 0?

Supplications^ Bills,
otbec^nf^cc to tfjc faio y)nttuc am WnSUmthiWoftmnplmUt^n
tt^e^anneitijcrof ttjcm fo;^ t^e fatiffaction of tl)ifi^on.Com:t,mt!)e
twitl) of all t^cmatters in tlje faio bill ntoft Dntcwel)? cbiecteD bp t^e
complamant,againll tlje faiu Dcf. fo; futttjec aittJ ful anfUJere tb^t^un^
to,snD fo.:plaine Declaration of tlje trutlj therein : SDf)e^ t^z faiDDef.
amtit^zt of tbem far^tbat true it is inDaD,t|jat t|jcrc teas a certaine
fpctcl) o;j commnnication IjaD bctUjeenctbcfaio compUiinantano t[jefc
faiD oefcauants fo; fuel) a bargainctobebao anoniaocbettoccne t^zm
in fucb fojt,fo; tijelcafe ano paiment0,a0 tijep are br ti)e faiD bilallca^

0C13, tl)Cliibifb f<5iD communiration teas ijoUme in certaine

tljen let

articles bearing Date,iH tl;c faio complainants Bill alleageti. jam) it

iuas t^n alfe mcft materiall,fo^ tljeCc faib Deffuctl)cc couenanteo ano
agrazj OH tl)c p art of tbe faio complainant^tbat tljat faio comutiication
fl^oulo be b^i b"w tljc faio compUput in Ui;iiting b? Deeoe inoentecano
waccp;Din to t^e Hat be erecuteo b^ fcaling ano tjelinering tbcreof, as
t^cfe faiD Def.tljen mo,anlj ret oo tabeit,anomo;eouec tijat tbe faio
fompU anD ci53i3.of C in tbeCountieof ID. Crquire,{^oulo become
bounbiointlr mio feuerallr bnto tl>e faiODefcn.fo;^ tlje true perfoj*
mace ofallanDenerp tbe faiD agreements, intbefumme of loo.U. be*
fo;etbepaimcntof tbefaiD fumme of 40. li.int^e faiD bill mentioneD,
being tlje firff pa\?ment tyljic^j tt)eg ^oulD ^aue maoe, t\)c VBbic^ faib
xomraunicationas f^e faiD oefenoants DiD account it, toas tben fet
ooU)ne inlp;iting bnoerttie terme ofarticlesof agrccment,but petne^ jjj

net meant to conculDe 0; binD t^t faiD bargaiue, ^nttll tl^e fame (^oulD
lauebin ingroCfeD/ealeDanDDeliuereD^anD tl^efaiDobiig*entreD at tl^e
FaiD compUcoltsanDtrauell,ast[)e faiD Defen|)aue euertakenit) anD
tl)inbe tl^e fame kiil p;oue fo in lalEi,becaufe it toas referteo to furtljer
iD^titings mo;te eflfectuall in t^e laU) to be accomplifl^eb br t^e faiD copl*
t^e\x)bicb to Doe, be neittier ret bati^, neither as it feemetb meant to
|)erfo;mc,but ratber to gaine tlje faiD Deftn. moner , tuit^out anr alfu*
ranee tbereof to be maDe bnto tf)em,fo^ tj^at tft ^atl) not caufeD tbe faiD
articles to be ingroGTeD, neither bat^ {je anD ti)e faiD ^* ISB* entreD into
bonD to tlje faio Def. 0; eitljcr of tljem acco^Ding to tfre faio agreement,
but Inbolr fougl)t, if br anr means ^e coulD,cunntnglr to potfelfe ^inu
fclfe of tlje faiD fumme of 5 5.li, oi of fo mucl^ tljecof, as l;e coulD toitfj?
out anr cififurancc maUing, 0; entring into bono to t^e faiD DcfenDant
(as afo;ieraiD) to t\)z great impoucrilbment of tl)c faiD Defenoant, if
tbe faiD complainants intent baDtal^en eta^ct, fo^z tu!)icb caufes t^er
tbe faiD ucfcnDants tbinbc ttjat tl;e faiD complainant batl; no iutt
caufe of complaint, neitljer arc tl)er t[)e faiD DcfenDants o; cit[)er of
t^em bcunD,as tl)zy! take it, to perfb;me tbe faiD paiments in tlje faio
bil e^p;e(reD, tuitljcut tljat,tl;at tfje faio agreement toas p^iuatelr ano
andAnfwcrst 209
fectetl^ maocbetltjcene tlje faiD complainant, anD t\)t Defcnoanfff (m
a0 in t^t (m bill i0 moil tmtcnl^ alleagcD, o? tljat t^e TatD Def^noanta
cuec meant ant? frauD o^ guile^as li^etutfe in ttje faiD bill is tent flan^
ueroufl? p?0tcn{JCD0nutoitl)out tljat, tljat anv otf)cr matter ojtljing
in tl)efaiDll5ill of complaint conterReD,matci:iall o; eJlectuall in t^c
lato to beanflucceD tjnto, ano int^is ttjeic anftuec not fuificientl^ an^
ftxicceot3nto,confeffcD,anDauoiDet!, tcauerfeD, o? DenicD, ijf5ttue,all
DcfenoantganD cither of tljem ace ceaDv to aueccc
U!jicl) nwttecfijtljf fc

anDp;oue as t^is t)OH:Couct l^all aluacD, ant pja^ tl^at tljet? mav be
DifmiffeD outoft^efaiovToiictjtDitljtljeic reafonable cotts anoc^ac^
jjcs in ttjat beljalfe tu.:onsfuUr ,anD Ujitlwut caufe futtaineOt

7'he Replication ofloS.eomplainant, vnto the ioint and fenerall (Wfwcrs

and demurrers ofl.M.and P. Af. defendants,

T^efato complainant fb: replication fattlj, in allano eucc^tljing Sc^^.Sz.

ano tf)ing0,a0 fji^m l)i0 faiD bill of complaint ^atb faio , % Dotlj ano
tDillaiiectejiuttifiejano maintains tjijsf faib bill of cbmpU ano all % t\xz*
r^ t Ijing ann ttjingSjClaufeyrentence^acticle, ant allegation t^ecin con^
taineD,to be gffiD,iuft,ant tmt-, cectaineant futfictcnt in tl)e latu to be
anftoeceotjtttob^ti^erait tefcntant, ant teuifet ant eici^ibitet into
t^is lionoMbleCouctjtjpon gcD9 ant iuft caufe of fuit, as in ant b^ tlje
fait bill is moS tcul^ fet tolDne ant inclofet 0nt not teuifet, imagi^

net,ant fet fo;tl) bp t^is complainant againlltl)c fait tefentants tjp^

on malice o> fetpucpofe,to put tljefe tcfenDants to iu^ongfullant tie"
rpbniullb0Fation,collS5Cbatge0,ant fuitinlatu, tuitljout ani? gojt
grount Qi caufe fo to toc,as in tlje fait anflxjec it is bntcuel^ alleaget
3i5at tl)e fait complainant faitl) , ttjat tlje anftoecs of tbe fait tefen^
tants ace bec^ bncectatne, bntcue, ant infufficient in tbe lato to bee
repl^et bnto ft j tiuecs ant manifcft imperfemons tfjcrcin conternet.
^euectljeleire, if b\? tljc o^tec of t\^is l)ono?able <lduit tljis complai;^
nantfl^allbecompellettomal^cnn^ fuctl^ec replication bnto ttjefait
tintcuejincectain^ant infufficicnt anfuicrs of tljefait tcfentants>t{)en
ant not otljeclnife^tbeatuantage of deception, to tl)e manifcft incec^
taintie ant infufiftcienc^ thereof to t|iis complainant, at all ant euerie
time ant times ^eceaftec fauct , fo j fuctljei: replication tljereunto,
fai^tlji as in tl)e fait bill of complaint l)c Ijatlj fait , iuitljout t^at ? tljat
attt)efaittimeoftl)e making of agreement in tbe faite ^tll
tl)e fait

antanftoer mentionet, it luas furtl)cr couenantetant agreetontl)e

partof tt}e fatt complainant, ttjattljcfatt communication (Ijoultb^
tbe fait complainant be putinlu^iting b^ teet intentet, ant acco;^
ting to ttielalu be emutet bi? fealingant teliuerie tl^ereof* ^i tt^at
t ^ t^is
Supplications, Bills,
tecomplamant,anDtliefatD<l^.)i5efqmi:0 in t!)0 fato anfiym m*
mcD,l]^oulDbccaiHCljotmi3tointl^ mn
kmtuWn^nto t|)C faiDDefen^
oant,fo:t{)e true performance of all ano tuttit
tlje faio agreements

intl)crnmmcof i^o.luinti;cfaiB biU menttoneo>l)cmgtl)e fira pa^^

asmtljeraiD anftuere it i$ t)cde
t3ntcuel^aUcageD,luttl)t!}i0,tJ)attlji5 complainant not)) anD tuill a*
ueccc,ant)p.:ouct^attl;efaii3 communication in tl)c faiD bill ano an*
ftocrmcntioncDjfctcolDnclinDeut^c tecmc of articles of agreement,
Ibas eucr meant to concluoe ano hin^ tl)e faiD bargaine, t\)t fame not
referreoto an^ furtljer ceremony of ingroirurg/ealing, ano iieliuerie,
D? cntring into tlje faiD obligation b^ tl^e faiD complainant, o^ (.iB^at
tl;eco!l5anDtraueUoftI)cfo?eaiiD complavnant, anD tl)e faiD d^^anD
tbis complainant alfofattfjtljat f^e fame agreement U^as tljen fulls
anD abfolutel? maDc, ano not referreD to ani? fucb furtber to^iting

mojeeffectuallin tbclalxj, to bcfulli' accompliOijeD bi? tbcfaio compto

nant,as in t^e faiD anftoer it is conicctiirallv anD toiitiuel^ fuggeaeD,
anD tuitbout tl)at,tbat ttjis complainant, anD tbe faiD ( i5 o;j t^tlftt m
of tbcmljaue meant to gainc t\)t faiD DefenDants mone? , toitljout a^

n^ affurance maoe of tlje tenements in t|je faiD bill mentioneD to tlje

faiD DefenDants, o; ix}})olly> fougbt br an^ meanes be coulD, cunningly
topoffeffebinifelfe of tlje faiD fummeof fiftiepounDs,o; of fomucfj
tbercofasbecmilD,toitbout an? affurance mafeing, o^ entring into
bonD to tbe faiD DefenDants,as afojefaio, to tlje great impoaerilbment
cftljefeDefenDantSjiftlje complainants intent bsD tatien effect, as in
tbe faiD anflperis tjntrul? furmifeD, ifo; complainant (ait\)^t'i^at

0nerfmcetl)emalungoftl)efaiD bargaine ano agreement, be anD tbe

faiD (!D*B.b^e, anD Yet are teaD^to pcrfo;jme anD Doe, luljatfoenec
t^t^ DID t^m bargatue anD agree to Doe,b? t\\t fame articles , as tjnto
tljis^ouourabl8Court,ll3aU be truel? anD fufficientl? pjoueb, ano
tbis complavnaKtalfo faitf),t|)atl)c batlj iuficaufeof complaint, ana
ti)att^e faiD DefenDants arc bounD to pcrfo;me tbe faiD payments in
f lie faiD bill of complaint mentionD,tDl)icl) be t^opjtl) tl}e\> Ibalbe com>
pelleD to Do,b^ t\}C o :Der of tbis lionourable Court. HnD tiiitbout t\}ixty
tbat an? otber matter,tbing o,z tbings,claure,fentcnce, article oj alle^
gation,in tl)efaiD anfuier conte?neD,materiall,o;clTectuaU in tiretaiD,
to be repl^eD t)nto,bi? t^i$ complaint, anD not berein in t\)iB bisrepU?
ration b? tljis complaint fufictcntl? repfieD l3to , confolTeD anD auoi^
DeDjDenieD o > tcauerfeD is true* 011 ibiclji matters t)$is complainant
isreaDietoauerreanDpjoueas tbis bonourable Court djall aloarDv
unD p;a?etl; as Ije iiiljis faiD )i5iU of complaint batb p^a^eo.

.,5ii^'ii -^Ji^-
andAnfwcrsc zio
A Bill for money lent mt'koutj^ecUUie and mtne^c.

To the right honorable Sir T.B. &c.

Ji^moftlrumbleitiife complaining, lI)eUietl) tjnto imt fjonontable Scft^SJ
Jlo^Dl^ip, t?ou!: Dail^ iiD;ato.j %*<2>*Qt 01^eboni:ne,tn t^c Ccuntteof
2Datbi0,gentleman,SS!;ai luljereas ^ouc faiD ^jato? b^ Uia? of pjcUj
attfjefcattofpanttjciS.^eceef t^ieicignc ofouc^oucraigneiaog
Elizabeth bi? t^0 grace of <SotJ, of ^nglans, if cance, ano Blrelano, ^.
tefcnfi^elTe of tlje faitl),f c. oiD ucliuec tnf o (2;,C,of ^an tlje conatie of
"^* ^tQmmyt\^t fumme of 2 o.li of currant Cnglifiji monci?, to be pato
tjnto ^im t:Our faiD o;ato;,at 0^ before tlje feaft of^,il5ar tl)c;3poftle
t^tn nert enfuing : ^oto fo it 15, tl^at altfjotigl) ^our fait o;ato^ Ijattj
tnanv antj funo;^ time0 rcquircD parment of tfje faiu 2 o.ii^-pct not;
loitljUanDingjlje i})t ^,m G .tl)e fame 2 c.li^to ^our faiD ojato? ^atl> not
vet paiD,to tl)e gret^t lotTe auD l)inocrancc of ^im tour fain o^af o^0nD
fo^becanfe ^our faio o;iato;j ^ati; notani? fpecialtie o<j Ujitnea to p;ioue
tl)e Deliuerte of tlje \m zoAu Ije 10 tljercfo^c tljercof toittjout remeoie
bv o.:oei: $ courfe of t()e common ^lateeg of t!;i0 Healme,anD is t)tterlv
like to loDfc i\)z fain fumnejcontrarie to all cquitie,ga)D conrcicnc0,anD
true Dealing,t3nl0fle your bonc^ablcil. fauo; ano lalufuU aio beljcrein
C^etoeo^SIn tcnoer confiDeration tDl^eof,mav it pleafe ^our liono^ablc
%* tfjc p?emtcre0 coiiltDeceD, jc

The Anfrver ofthe fata Bill.

TtI^ faiD DefenDant tAii\)^ ST^Ijat tlje faiD Bill of Complaint 10 tjerp Sca.S4.
tjntrue anD infuffiaent in t^eilaU) to beanfujercD t)nto,fo; Diuers
apparent matter0 therein containeD, % tfjat tlje fame i0 DeciifeD br tlje

faiD complainant, anD erbibtteo into tljis fjonournbic Court of mecre

malice ano cuiU luill,to tlje xwtznt to put tljis Defcnoant to great cljar?

gc0 anD ejrpcnccs, tuitljout anr go3Dttiatter,o; i\x^ caufe, 0^ colour of

taufc fo to Doe : 0nD tijat if tljc faiD fuppofco matter toere true, a0 in*
Doeoe it i0 not, y^tt tuere tbe fame Detciminable at anD hi i\)t common
llaU)0 of t^i0 Healme,anDnot in t\)i& ^Courtjluljcreunto t\)iQ Dcfen
oant pjareti) to be Difniifi"eD,titf) \)iB reafonable CDir0 ano c!;atge0 in
tl)i0 bcljalfc ixi;ongfully fullatncD : t:uiti;out ti;at,tijattl)c faiocom*

plaisaat bv loai? of p^ettat tljc fcaS of pentecoQr, iw tl)e faiD 1 3 .^eare

of tl)e ^uarnes !.Baiei!ie0 mgnc,o^ at ani? otl^er time DiD Dcliuer tnto
t)^iB Defentant t^e faio fumme oftluentie pGunD0, to be paiD tinto !)im

at,o^ befo;c t!)c fatD ifcaft of >aint )igartl;olomelD tlje i^poHle, ds in

tl)e faiD 15tU 10 fuppofeD ^nD toitljout tl)at,tf)at i\)z faiD complainant

manr ano funD^T' time0 rcquireo pai^uient of ttje faiD i^iymt'^ poimD0,
OS it t [jc faiD Bill 10 lifee\Bife t)ntrueli' fuppofco^ ^nD Uiitfjout tl;at,
PD 2 .
Stipplications, Bills,
tl^at an^ of Ijcc matt0c,t!)tng,o; tljings^claufe/entencejacticte o^ alle^
gationiuttjefaiDbilUontaineomatenall ojelfectuall injlje llato to
be anfUicccD tjtitcant not ticrein in tfjts i^iis anfiucce fuffictcntlv con^
feCTco ano auoitcDjUcrJtcD o; tcauecfeOjtg tmz M
ttifjicti mattcrg $ r.

AB ill of deteinifjg Bonds and B lis paid, praying anlninn^ion

tofiajfmts thereupon.

To the right honourable Sir C. H. Knight of the noble or-

der of the Garter, and Lord Chauncellor of

T T tmmblp (i^etocf I) tnto ^ouc gtoti llo^,!lof ^^ in ti^c Dale, in tlje

JxCountieof E^'CBfquire: SDtjat luIjcceao^oucfaiDftippliant Dio
long fitijence in \)is fat^cts life time at Diuccs feuecall tinica (t!)e cec^
remember) tjpon
tainetic \i3ljet:eof\,'our ilo. faiu o^ato,:tJOctl) not notu
fame occafion tl)at Ije f l)cn t)ao to fefe mo;e monei? tljen l)e Ijao tljen in
fto2e,tJiD bo jtolD ano take to lone of one U.& of ^.in tl)e faio coanti?
of i?,^eoman,t)iuers fummes of monr^tjpon reccit \l)ei:eof,reuc ilo.
faio fuppliant Diti altoates oeliuei linto tl;e (am It. ^*cit\)ct fuificient
obligations of Double tljefumme bo^roUieti,o^eiret)istl)efail> if.it>
T?ouc3lo.faiDfuppUant0nngle bill cbligato;^,fo;repamient of all fuel)
fummes ofmone^jas Ije tl;en bojcoUieo at fuel) tiw.cB as toere tijcn n*
gceeot)ponbetU^eene tl)em.^nu amongfltfje tttCj^ontho^nUjipBtai^
D^atojOiD about tloent^ |?crc.0 fince, ag l;e moId rememb;ctf),bo;olu of
t^efaiD K.^.tl^efumme of ):r J.fo^tt)ei:epaimentli3l;ci'Qf at a certain
na^ tljerefo^e t^zn agceeo tjpon bettueene tljenij^our ll.faio fuppliant
DiD t^en Deliuer tjnto tljc faio K^.f)i0 bill obligato^ie fo.: ^is fufilci^
ent alTurance tl)ereof,tl)e lutjitl) faio tloentt? pounD,lif:c as alfo all tl)8
Dt^ec fummes ofmone^ fo bo^rotifeo bp ^ouc JLfaiti fyppUas is afo;e^
feio ti)e faio ^X^^Qut IL.faiD fuppliant,l)atl) moll certainly notu long
fitl^ncerepai^eo tjnto tljefaio K^.at fuc[) time as Ijetije faio H.twas
luel tl)ecetuitl) contenteo, as Itiell in full oifcliarge of t\fc ?aiD bill obli#
gatoji? fVT'tas ofail tlje otljerbonos ano to;jitings fo entreotntobp
tout 3lo. faio fuppliant as is afo^cfaio : ano in refpect tljat Ijce tbe Hno
^^^20 not tt)e faio bill obligato;jie foa tl)e faio rr4. reaop to be can^
rclleo ano reoeliuereo at tbe faio repaimcnt office faio pr.li^b^ tljefaio
M^.oio tl^en tjert? fditl)fullp p^omife tinto fjim ^ maoe t^e faio repai*
ment>t!)at fjetljefaio H.^.UioulO aHureol? cancel tbe faio bit obliga^;
toj^jto^enfseucr tl)crara0 H^oulo mxt come into Ijis [janos : yBut fo it
is^fit ma^ pleafe rour gooo JLotl)at tlje faio U*^* Ijatfj lately put t^e
fato billfo^ t[)e faio vj:Mtinftiih ^
tour %o* f^io fuppliant is ereoibl^
andAnfwcrsc zri
info^met), meantng to be i)ouble paitn fo^ tl)e fatD xtM* in t^t faio Bill
tnattnsD,a5amltalUqutttean00O9D confctence : Bin amfioecatton
tolieceof,anD to; asi mut^ aies ^oucil* fato o^ato; ^atij ns cemedte at t|e
common ilato^etti^ectoref once tJ^cfatoiBiU obligato^te fojti)e fatoc
fumme of n:4t,fcom tljefaiu H. ^. o; otfjectuife to pleao m uifcbacge
thereof* 0no fo^fomucf) a$ tliefatD K*^* liati) Diuer0 ot|ect|^e fato ob^
Itgatton(anD^;;tmg!rettematningtni)tt ^mntSy to^tc^ ate It&e^
ImrefatifiteD, ano toj^tcf) l)e ijatb p.^omtreii to oeltuetbnto toutll.faiD
fuppltant at niwts timtB noto long 0tbence paflPeo, tl)z \\}it\^ to ooe,
1)0 t)atb i^ttijecto not fulfiUeo, ano in tcrte gcoo fo;^t bp ^oucll^fatD ;9^

tato;j,anDf)U5fei:uant0 oftentimes rcqwireo, (o^ libccecouecie o;^ DtC

cbacgctul)eceof,^oncil,raiDfuppliant llanoet!) Ufeelntfc Oeftitute bp
t^cftdttcourfeoftlje common latoes. 3!t ma^ tljerefo^ pleafe ^ouc
g(0D 11 to atuard afbell t!)e ^u. ^ateftiea molt gcattous lu;tt of In-
iuBaion,tobeDtt:edeotmtot|)e fatD H.^* ano all ano euerte of^it^
CounreUo^(,0tturntes,^olltdto;0,anD iFacto;^^ commanoing t^n
anu cuec^ of tljem tljecb^ at a cectaine oar^ano tjnDcc a cectaine patne
ttiecein to be fet ootune b^ ^cuc go)D Hato futtljec to p^occeo in t^e futt
t)pon tt)e fatD rrJi.bill^bnttll ^our 3l(^all^aue taken futtljec oicectton
^tttm^&s alfo tt)e ^. matelheB to;{tt of Subpoena to be otrecteo to tt)e
fatD ifl^ ccmmanotng ^m ttjeceb^ f c

uiBillto examwrviteJfesiftpctpctUitnTtimctnoTiam,t0uchiftgA
. /p<i/^ /ff i>e made in trt*fi hj the fUintife to the defendants

To the right Honorable Sir C. H. Knight, Lord Chan-

cellor of England.

Iilimoft Ijumble toife complaining, D^eluetli tnto ^ouc^onoucable Sc^.S^.

llo;oll^ip,touc fuppliant ano oailr ^;fatoi 2C)!5.of ^ in tbe county
of ^.efquice :C5at tojjeteas; roue faio ;dD;ato; about fipe ^categ nolo
laff palt,tiia$}anD i?et i% latofull^ feifeo in ^i( Demefne as of fee,of,ano
in one melTuage q% tenement calleo 115* ano of oiuers lanoes ano
grounos tbeceunto belonging, o; tuit!) t^z fame commonly Ufeo o; oc^
cupieif,lving ano being Ujitljin tlje Ho : of ^. in t^e Countie of ^^
ano ^e being ttjeteof fo feifectipon fpeciall tcult % conftoence tubt^l) t)<
tljentepofeo in oneM*<lf^*of )154n tl)ecountieof^anD ^^^iii^iftM
^is D^o fuflfiicicnt in t|)e lato^oio oemife, gcaunt, ano to fecmelet bnts

tl)e faioW,*<B* ano C^. bt^ ^tfe, tu|ien ^t tbe faio ^* toas fole anO
tmmaci:i0D,tbe faio meGTuage, tenements:, ano p^emilfe^, Eobaue
ano to liolo tl>e famel)nto tbe faio ^ano $p* fcom t^e eno ano tx*
pii;ationofoneleafet^enenouring, ano notu enoei? tuljic^ ttiefaioe
JS>0 I ' M^C*
Supplications, Bills,
Wi*<^X\yz\\ IjatJ in tijc p;cnu{Ics fDj tijc f ccme of rri* r^ccs tl^ence ncrC
foUolomg-,fulI^tobecomplcatc anD cnoeu: tx)l)icl)faitilcare Urns not
cnl^ meaiit anu tntcntcD to be to tlje t3fe of tone faiD ojato^,but alfo at
i\)Z time of tl;e mafeing Ijeceof it tuas fo DcdateD anti ej^p^clTeD, as tucU

bp ^ouc faiUiD^ato?,ag bi: tlje faio M.ano cpan tljc p^zcfencc of Diuecs
luitneffesjf nottof^ebrcoftl)cfaiDManii ^^aa ^oui:;aD?ato;l^aU
be able plaincl^? to p.:oue in tl)i0 ^. Couct, tnljicl) notbjitljttanDing bp
tt)c finifter perftoaCon, confetieracr f procurement of one M. %* of

in t[)C county of ^.veoman,ti)e^ t^efaio M.anD spt)o cljaUengcano

tlaimctt)e faioleafeto be to tijeic otunct^fe anu bel)Q3fe,contrac^ to tlje
fozefaiu tcult fo repofeu bi? ^ourfaiD ojatoj in tljem t[)cfaiD^^lCianD
cpanD contcarv to tbefo^iefaio tjfe tijeceupon ejcp^eifct), at tt)e time of
fealinganD Deliuecp of tlje fo^efaio leafeb^ ^^mt faiO j^^atoj t)nto

tl)em as ii afo;efaiD 0nD fo?afmuc^ a5 tj[je fo;cfaio leafe in touting \&

abfoluteitoit^out anv tjfe erp.:eireu ^i ueclateD in tl)e dccd of tijc famey
^no alfo freing fuel) ijuitnelTes 30 t?om: faio ojatojfjatljfo; t^ep^osfcof
tljc fo^efaio l^feoecIareD (at tlje time of t^e fealing
ano oeliuecie of tlje
ageo % impotent, i not lifeel^ to liae long,
fo^efaio leafe) are noU) tieu^
anOBoeint)abitcanut>\DeUli3itbintl)ecountieof^.antjat:c notable to
tcawellto tlje citi? of llonuon, i if tlje^ fl^oulo c Ijanceto me befo<ic tijei?
beeramineo concccning t^e p^emilTcsf, tljen lucce ^onc faiD;i);atoj

tDitl)out all ccmcDT? for p^ojfe of t^e fojefaio bfe ano \ivSi fo bi? \^\xi\ te^
pofeDintl)efait)M.(SanijSp.l)isUnfe, (epcept bi? ^oucgmDJlatbc
granteD Vnto i)im, tfjat !)e ma^ fjaue a commifficn uicccteo bnto fuel)

tB ofp.fo^tbe cjcaminmgoftl;e fo^cfaiD UjitneCre0,in ppetuaio rci nw-
moriam^fojtljepjaifc of tljefojefaio bfe i im^ rcpofetj bp votic iaio iD^
t:ato;iin tfje fain ^.<D4 ^0 ^a? ittljecfo^c pleafe^ouc moltfjon^il
t|iep?emi(Ce0 gtatiouCij confioeteo to gcantto ^ouc faio 'S>ivX^i %t*

A Billvfo fromife^ fafelj to del'mer Sheepe to the Plaintife, l^ one rvhofe

BaecHtor the Defendant isj whichTeFiator and Executor conuertedth'e
fasd Sheepe totheir owne vfeywith anAftfwer to the faid Btlt^ and replied'
tiontheremto, ,

To the Q^iccnes moft excellent Makftic, in her Highncs Gourt

MeiBof. This dircftionis when there neither Lord ChaticcU

lor,nor Lord Keeper.

Scft .8 7. TT mmbli? comp!ai?ntng,(l^et!j tnto t^ouc fipatettp,t out faitl^futt

Jrlfubiect ^tp^of ^4n tj^e county of|l.<35entleman,E:^t to^ieiatf
and Anfweres. 2iz
about i^t mowi^ of ^p^tl,lD^icl) luag in tfje ^re of out IL.(!5oD 1 590.
one l^^tuas lattifuU^ poflfelTeo of 1 2 1 . eUic!, anu 121. lami)e0,a)S of
ijis ototf proper gcDti5^aD ^e being of tfjem fo podelTeD.about t^t fame
timt DID fcl tijc fame tnto ipouc ^aieft faiD fubiett, fo^ tlje fum of 50.
lt of latoful CngUfi^ moner 0.2 tjjereabouts to f)im paieD b^ ronrfaiD

rnbtect: b^ fo;tceof tul^tcli batgatne ^our foto fubtect iauB of tl;e fato
il^p latoftjU^ potrcIiJcD,as of f)i0 olrin proper gcoDs , ano be being tl)tt*
of fo poflrcircD,ittyas tI)ragrecD bctluttn^our faiD fubicrt, anDtlje faio
l^.&anD on8(l5C.of0.iutbecout^of|3,buCijanDman, ^ t^efaio^.
l&l^oulD Deliuec tbe fame fJ^itpz to tbe faio (. to be fafclv feept b?
bim to tf)e tife of^ouc faiD fubiert,to be b^ougtit ano oeliucceD to roue
faiDfubtetf,at tout faiD fub. l)iB Duelling |ioufcin^afojefatD, inf^^
fatD county of ^incoln0;3nD tbetupon t^z faio (^.C. in conSDecatton
tb^ccof, anD in confiDecation of 40.0. to bim b^ tout faiD fnbied to be
paiD at tbe Ddiuect? of tbc fiuD fl^cep,in fo^jm afo;eratD,DiD t^m aCTume
tpon bintfclfe, anD to v'ouc faiD fubied; DiD faitbfuU^ p^omife, ^ if f be
faiD (^oepetuireDcliueteD bnto \}im, at co;)ingto tbe faio agcomtent,
tbat tbcn be tbc faiD $ C tooulo tocU anD fafcli? feape tfje (&mcy ano
b^inganDDeUuet;tbem,o;caufetbcfametobe b;ougt|t anDDeliueteo
tnto ^ouc faiD fubiect at bis faiD boufe in i^.afo5efaiD,U)itbin a cectairt
time aftec tbat be Iboulo cccciuctbc fame :iur)icb time is long fitbence
patt BnD T^ouc bigbn^ff^ f^io fubiect fuctbec faitb,tbat about tf^z firtt
Da^ of 2^atcb nept enfuing t)^t faiD agcament ano p;jomire,all ti)c faiD
Ibeepe tuece DeliuctcD bnto tfje faiD <E5C at i^.afo^jefaiD, acto^Ding to
t^t faiD agreement. )15ut fo it is, if it mav pleafe i?ouc ercellent spaie^
ttie, tbat tl)e faio (C.C. in^isiitt timz imagining anD fcauDulentlp
wtenDing ^ouc faiD fubiect intifis hcl)a\k craftily anD fubttUp to Dc^
fcauD anD Deceiue,DiD not onel^ Deliuet: tnto vouc faiD fubiect tbe faiD
Ibeepe, no; m^ of tbem, acco;Ding to f^is faiD faitbfuU p;omife anD af^
fumptiofi : but contcarittjife DiD tahe anD conuect a gceat part of tjjem
to ^i oU)ne p;opet; tjfe^felling fome of tbem to Diuecie petfons to roue
tjnfenotoeH fo;^ Diuecfe fums of monep, couecting tbe fame
fait) fubiect

to btsotonebfe, anD hilling fuuD?^ otbetof tbem in bis boufe 0nD

Ibo^tlr after maDe ^ia latl toill anDCcaament in tsj^iting, anD tbecof
conftituteD one H. * ^^is b^otbec
^is erecutoj , ano DicD poflTeCTeD of
tbe faiD refiDue of tbe^b^^P ^ff cc tD^ofe Deatb tfje faiD K. C. p;^oueD
ti}t fojefaiD %effamenf ,anD alfo tke bpon l^im tf}c butt^im 1 rbarge

of tbe epecution tbeceof, anD bp pretence tbecenftbe^faiD teliDue of tbe

fai5fiFefco;eanDoncdues,aHDfirefco<:canDone Jlambcs, being a^
pounDs anD
iKutt fourfco^e CDtues^anD tb;eefco;e laml}S,tt>o;tb tljirt^
abouC)CametotbcbanDes auD poCTelfion of tbe fatD jU.C^ti^boima^
mixiQ onD fi:auDuUntli^ mtenoin^ roue faiD^ fubied in tt)is be^
P04 l)Z\t^
. ^

Supplications, Bills,^
plf0 ncftauo anu isecciuc^atl) in Ufee ma^
fuijttlt^ of tlie tain (Ijeepe to
nccfolDet^emoftpartof tljefaioetoesano lambes, fo comm to ^is
!janD0 and poffeffton,to mutts pctfons to ^out fait) fubicct tnfenotju,

fo^ niuets fummeB of moni? bcttoeen tljem agce^o tjpon^no tl)e monjp
thereof atifing ^atl; conuerteD to Ijis onlr tjfeano beljoofe : ano albeit
^Qttt fait fubtect fjatlj mtts times comen tnto l)tm tijefaio U.C^fince
t^e oeat!) of tiiefaio (^.C gently rcqutnng |)tm mt^cc fo oclitiertjn^
to f}im ^ouc fato fubiect fuel) antj fo manti of t|e faio ftieepe, fo a 10 a*
fojefaiD, comen into tjis Ijanues ans> poCTeHion , 0;^ tije tjalue tijeceof

liil)i(|) t)ei:^ tialue of fuc^i otljer I)^eep0,ag tlje faio CD.C, tiao in ^10 life
time fo ag is afo^efaifi conuecteo to iis olunetjfe , tet t^e faio 1^.
notU)itl)ftant)ing t^at aftei t|ie oeat^ of tlje fans (3** ttje goeoetf ani>
cl)attels,tol)ic^ loew t^e faio <^.C* at t|)e time of l)is Deatl),fumaet
botlj to Difc^acge,pai?janopei:fo?me, all tl)e Debts ano legacies of t|>e
faio O^^^'ano to fatiffie rout maiefties faio fubiect of ano fo^ fuc|i,anD.
fo man^ of ttic faio (^ecpe as cametottjebanoes oft^efaio CD.C. anii-
neuec came to tt)e Ijanoes, cuilooie,o; poffeffion of |)im t^e faio K.C.
ano i:efufei),ani) ret Dotl) oenp ano refufeta
I^tl) euec Ijitljecto oenico
^eelDtmto roue faio fubiect ani^fatiffaaion oj ani? tecompenceat all,.
eitl)ei:fo^t[)efaio(^eepe/oasisafo;efaio,conuecteo to tlje onel^tjfe
of t^efaiD(l^Can ^is life time,fo as is faio, eitl^ec conuerteotot^e
t)fe of tlje afo.^efaio KC.aftet: t^e oeatt) of t^e faio df^. 0; b^ t)im t^e

faio H.ftiU tjniuftlr oetaineo ano tjoloen from t!our faio fubiett,t3t}!)icf)
tmiuft Dealing of \)im iX*AS to t\}t grieuous loflfe ano oama^
tl;e faio

gesof roue faio fubiect, ano altogetl)ei:againlt all t:igt)t, equities anO
goco confcience 31n tcnoec confioccation lu[)ct;eof,ano fo^ifomuc^ as
tl)e faio p;iomife of tl)e faio dE^.C^fo as is afo;efaio maoe fc!?tt)e oeliuei

rs of tlje faio fl^eepe as is afo^eraio , Ijuas fo maoe in tt)0 p^efence ano

Rearing of tl)e faio H .C.ano of cectaineotljec InitnelTes^txi^icl) be notp

all oeao,buttl)e faio H.cn4nfomuct)asfo?luantoffucl)p;!(Dfeasisce^
qutfit in tbat bel)alfe,t)e ^ out; fato fubiect is tDitl)cut all remeo^ eitl^ec
to recouer tf)e faio (]^eep,o? ani? cecompencefo: fame, eitbec b^ t\}t

ttti^ coucfe of tt)e common laiues of t^ts cealme, 0; in tbis^ono;able

touct,otl)ei:tpifetl)en bv tt)e parties otone confelfion tpon ^is oatl^ in
tl^ist l)ono;able Coui:t,\s)bicl) rour faioCubiect tetel? ootl) imagin ano

tbinketMl)^^ilUonfe(retobeeinfuct)fo;t,asisl)ei;eato;efaiO M
mai? tljewfo^e pleafe $c.
The Mtifwere sfR.CJa the 3111 next hefire,

^dtf SS np^^ f^iD oefenoant bi? p;oteSation not acbnotnleogittg 09 confer^

1 (mg tt)e mattecs in tbefaio bill of complaint container to betnie,
ia fue{) manecano fis^ms 8 in tti$ fame t|ies \izi fio^tf) ano aUeaogeo,
andAnfweres. 21;
raitf),tt)at ti)e fato bill of complaint i$ Xitt^ \)ntmt,imtxtmt, am m
fnfRcicnt in tlje lalu to beanftoereo Dnto^anD matters tfjecetn fur*

mifeD,ar0 eniuouflt? Deutfco,anD tjnconfcionablt contciucDjimagineo

anu fct fo?tl;,onl^ of purpofeto tjere tiuo molcft t!)isoefenoant tjniuft^
It^^anotoputt^tmtogceat ti:aucll,eirpcace0ano ct)at:ge(of rutte,ano
ti)at iuit!)o at ani? iiift caufc o^ gooo matter, as tbis Defcnoant Ijopet^

i)c fljall p;cuct)nt0 t|)ig t)ono;ablc couct, neuect^eleffetlje aouantage

of exception to tbemrufficienci>,anD tjiiccttainti? of tljefato bil of coup

plaint,aaD all otljec aouantages to tljis ticfentjant at all tintcs Ijeteaf*
tec faueD,tt)e faio Defem^ant fo; anfiuer tjnto tljc faiD bill of complaint

rattb>tl)at beDoet^ not cectainlr knotu,neitberis bee as be tt)tnhetb9

compellable to tafee notic e,lubetl)ei; one l^.^ .in tbe bill nameD,being
about tbe monetb of i^p;il,in tlje fctt of out llo;iO <lDoD 1 5 90 lalwful?

l^ pofiTeOTeo of firefco;^e ano one elues,anD firerco;ie ano one lambes,as

of bis otune proper goolis,oiD fell t^e fame tjnto t\^z fail complainant,
fo; t^cfummc of fiftiepounDS, as in tbe faio bill IS l'uppofeo,o^ lube^
tbec tbe faiD complainant, being lalufullr pofTelTeD of tl^t fait) G^ecpty
as of bis otune proper grots b^ fo^e of fuel) bacgaine, tljecc tuere an?
fucb agceement bctluecn tl)e tm cDmplainant,anD tlje faio ^.ano one
CD.Cof^.tn tbe Countt? of |^,fo? tbe oeliuecr of ti^c faio Ibc^pe to tbe
faio <3* to be fafel\? kept to tbe complainants bfe,anD to beeoeliueceD
to tbe complamant at t^is oluelling Ijoufc in B. in tbe Countie of li,as
in tbefaiD fuggeSeo,t^isDefenD. as bee tbml^etl), is not bound
bill is

noil) to tafee notice, being tljen a ttcangec tbeceuntOjO^tobetbectbe

faiD (S^C^bpon tbe fo^^mec part of t^t infufftciet confioecction gcoun?
DeDtjpon tbe p;cmiffes,o^fo2,in,o?bpon tb2 lattec, being a lame,
WanfeeanDimpccfect,o:i:atbecnoco!?fiDeration, tbece naming nihil
omnino to be bp tbe faiD complamant papeD bnto t^c faiD (25CDiD af^
fumcanD faitbfull^ p^omifebnto tbe complainant fafcl^ to feecpe anD
Deliuer tbe faiD (bcep,as in tl}t faio bil is alleaDgeD,but t^is oefenDant
faitb) tbat if tbe afitumption begcounoeDbponan^gooD conftDerati^
on,tl)cn t}^t complainont migbt \}<^iit bis cemeo? at t^e common latu,
if be baD ant iuft caufe 3nD tbeiefo;c tf^is DefenDant,as be tbinlictb)

migbt beet ti>eUDemut:ce tbe llatpebpon tbe faiD bill, anD oemaunD
iuDgement, if be (ball be bt tbis bono;able Court compellable to an^
riper tbe complainant anp furtber.^euertl)elcs,fo;afmucb as tbis oe^
fimbant bopetl) tbat tbefoiD complamant (ball neuec be able to p:ooue
bis fubtilfappofeD fuggethons int^iefaiD billfet foci;tb,anD alleageo,
^0; furtber anftoec bnto tbefai5 bil,fait^,tbat true it is,tbat tljc faiD
^.<Iin tbe faiD bil menttoneD,maDe bts laft Mill anD ILeD^amcnt in
tD?iting,anD tberof conttituteo tbis Defenoant bis emuto;,nnD DieD,
Utitboot tbdt,tbat t\\z faiD C.C4n ^is iifetime,imagming) aiiD ttaa^
Sapplicatlons, Bills,
DUlentl^itttenDmgtbcfaiD complainant intljat ht^lfe ctaftilv ano
fiibtiU^ to Dcftauii ano tjccciuejmo not onl?, not Deliuectjnto t\)c faio
romplatnant tlje faiD (^ap,no; an^ of t^m,acco2Ding to i)is fato faitlj
g. fell p;omifc mn
aCTumptton, but conttacituife Dit taUe anu conucrt a
gicat pact oftljem to Ijis otone proper tre,fclling feme of tfjem to Dt^
we!:0 pecfons to tl)c faio compl.trnfenoUm/o; Diucrs fumm$ ofmon^,
cijnHei;tin0tl)efameto ^!St3fe,ani)feilluig funn;^ otijers of t^em m
Ijis {)oufe, anu tiico potTeOTeD of tlje refiDue of ttie fain (]^cepe,as in t^e
faiD )i5iU is tjntcucl^ anD tjncljantabli? alleaDgco agaiitfttlje tain dS.C
being nolo Deau if oj tljis Dcfenoant tjetel^ Dott) tijinfte awo imagine
in !;is confcicncc, if fuclj fl^eepe Ujecc teliuercti to tfje faitx C.<D to bee
fecptanDDcIiuci:eDa5i0afo5efaiD,tt)att!)entljeraiO(06iD intjis life

time iDell ano tculp oeliuec ttie afojefaio fl^eepe act o;ttngl^ ; fcuittiout

t|jat,tl)at after tlje Dcat{)anu oepactttcc of ttje fo;cfaiD <1EJ,C. tfjcpoflTen'

fion of tt)e faiurefiDue oftf)efaii) firerco;jeanD oneC&kie5,anD firefco^e

ano one Ilambe5,being but t^z full numbcc of fouce fco^e Cloes, ano
rco;eilambi3,U)o;t^ tljictv pounus ano aboue, came to tlje Ijanos

.ant)po(reirtonoft[)efaioU*C.nol0 oefenOant^, iDl^a tmagimng, ano

fi:auDulentl^intenuingtl)efaiD complainantintliat :be|ialfe craftily f
in li^emanei:
fitbtttip of tf)e faio (l^eepeto i3efiauD,anii tieceiue, |at|)
folomoltpactof tt)efaiD<il;U)esano llambdrocometol^iil)antisano
poffefion^to funo^^ pecfons tott)e faiD complainant tm^notun^fo^ tii^

uer(fttmme(ofmonrbettua^net|)emtl)et;efo;^e agc^tp.on, anot^e

monei? tijtreof acifing^^atl) conuecteo to ^is onel^ tjfe anD ht^ote, us
in ti)0 faiD bill of complaint isljecv faldt fucmifeD^Q^t fi);tt),anD allea^
geD.^nDlDitfiout tiiat, tl^at an^ Qtf^tt mattet; o^ t^ingin t^e fain bill
mateciall^to be anftueceo tnto^ano in t^is anfu et not fuflficientlt) an^
ftueseo^onfeireDjanD auoioeo^tcauec&o^o^ nenten,i0 tmt* ^W l|)ic()
mattet:07(canD paa^eti),! c

The ReflicAtion ofJV.P^Com^ainantftotheanfvperofR.CDefendant

St(k*%^ *T*^c CatD complainant fb j replication fait!) in all ano euer^ tljing
JL ano tl)ing0, as I^e in t^e fain bill of complaint ||atl) fain, ano notl)
and ^il atterre,tu(tifie,maintaine,ann p;oue i)i0 faio bill of complaint
in all ann eueri? matter, t|)ing ann things t^erin containen to be gain,
tull,anD tcue,certain,ann fufficient m
tfjelato to be anftuereo tmto bi?
ti^fainnefenoant in fuel) manerano as t!)ti)beint|)e fame
moH tcul^ fet fo;t|) ann neclaren, t not enuiouH^ ntuifeD, no^ tincon^
^ fcionabl^ contrtuen,imagtneD>anD fet (i3;t^,onl^ of purpofe to tier and
molefi^ iW
oefennant t)niuai^,ann to put \)im to great traueU,erpen^
Uq ano charge of fuit^ano tt)at loitj^out anr iuft caiif^o; goo mattec
andAnfwcrst ii^
as lit fl^efatoanftoet it 10 brt^efaiDuef.tnifcuelv funmfeo. ^mt^w
contpU fattest faitfj, tfjat t^s faio anftucc of ttje faiD DcfenD 10 Iscc^ in^
cectairtctjirtcuMnDinfumnentintljelalDtobcrepUeD tjnto b^t^is
complaiiiant , fo^ niutts apparant faults anti imperfections tijcrcin
contarneDv^no namely in tl)i6,tl)at tlje faiD complainant, being in,
anD b^ tljcfai^bill of compIaint^cljacgeD to Ijaue IjaD in l)is jjanos ano
poffcffionjDiueciS of tl)eraiD fljcep,in tl)eraiD bill mcntioeO,Dotl)in iiis
faio anftoec nc^tljei: confclTc no; &cnic tlje Ijauing tljecof, as \}\> t^t faio
anfUiecitappcacetlj/otljatin leafon Ije ougljt to becompeUeo bi' tljc
o;Decoftl)tsf)oneucableCout:t,tamal^c a bettec ann mo^e ccctaine
anD pecfcct anfiDcc tjnto tl)e faio bill of complamt, ji^cucrtljcleffe, tl)is
OefenoantAiuingtjntoljimrclfe, at all tunes tjeceafter, all aouantagc
of exceptions totljemanifell inccctaintieano infufficicncie of tl>craiD
anfU)ecfo;furtl)er replication tljeceunto, alfo fuctljet faitlj, t^at tfje

faiD consociation in tlje faio bill of conqjlaint conte^neo, is tjcrj (a&io

cient to maintainetljefaiD futt in tljistjono^ablc Court, albeit tljatno
ot^er tljing Ijao banc oeparteo toitl;, cin t^e part of tljis complainant,
but onclv tl)ecrcoitcanooeliuerieof tljc faio fija^pe, tjntotljeljanos of
t^faioO.C.anovet t^is complainant fjopetl) to p^ouc, tljat tljecc
iUas0iuentjntotl)efaiO(0.C.fojanoontl)ebe^alfe of t^e faioccmpK
t)cr\? goo matter of confioeration fo; beeping auts conucping of tlje faio

fljeepe, as in tlje faio bill is alleageo. 0no furtljcr tfjis repliant ootlj,
ano \m\\ alfo auecrcano p^oue, tl)at oiucrs of t^e faio l^eepe lince tl;c
oeat!) of tf)e faio CD.C.fiaue come to t\ft lianos ano poircSTion of tljc faio
oefeno.toljtcl) fjauc beentinlaiufull^ conucrtco totjis olun tfe, againU
aUrigf)t,equtt|?,ano goo confcienee,Uiittjout tl)at,tljat an^ oti)cr mat^^
lerjtbingoj things, claufCjfentencc, article, 0; allegation in tl)efaio
anftwer containeo materiall 0;: cfTertuall in tl;c Laiu, to be replieo tjnto
b^ t^is complano not Ijecein before in t^is Ijis rcplicatiun fufificientl^
teplieot3nto,confeGreo,ano auoioco, oenieo 0; trautrfeo, 45 true. ^U
lu^icl) matters compl.is reaop to auerrc anO p:oue as tljis l;ono^

tabic Court C^al atoaro.^no p^^etlj as f}c in l)isfaio biUljat^ p^a^co

A Billfor a deht vfen a contra^ vrhhout mtnejfes,

Ijjimoftljumblelmfe complaining, ft^etoetlj tnto T?our ^}on.i?oui: Se^.po/
psjjeano oailp>;jato^3D51BofCantf)ccoHntic0fS:>erb sapeiccr,
Slijat toliereas about lluo ^ercs i:otu paft,wtc JEC,<!?.of XB. in tljc coun^
tit of ^0entleman,bougt)t of t?our faio ^^ato;, ttuelue varos of lin<
nendottj,p;iiceFrs.anooiucrsotbcr toarcs f mcrcljanoi^cs amount
tingint^ctutjoletotljctjaluc of ttocntp marUcs, c; tijcreabout, fo^
payment toljeceofttie faio SD^^.carneftli? requirco vour fato )?atoj
^fo^bearc ^im f^ (mK^^^fo^ i fpace of a montlj 0; tl)erabout, t^en

SuppHcattons, Bills,
nttt foliotoing. 0ntj fo;^ t^e faio %* (25 tiiD t^tn faitfjfttll^ Hftamt nm
p;omifctflpa^tl)efaitiDebt, tjnto^out faiD 0);atoj at t^e mentt^
citD, tourfatD:)atoj tcufftngto ^is bare pjomtfe, fieliuereo tjnto
tl)e taiti%*(^*t\}t(ain clotl),tpate0,ant) mttt^^annittsMt^But taking
anrfpmaltie o;^ otljcr fccuritie fo^ payment of t|je fo^jefatn monei'*
/^otD fo it t;,if mav pleafe ^our l)onoacable Jl^tljat tijt faio 2C C^. pec^
ctiixinQ t^at ^OKCfaiD >jat0^ can h^ no o?Dln: of tlje common latocs of
tl^w Kealmc cecouec t\}e faio mone^ foj tuant of fpecialtie o^ tuitncCfw
to p^oue tljc faio alTumption ano contract, being tjcc^ lately bv ^ouc
faio ^;atoj requefteo to pa^ tlje faio monet? acco^oing to t}is faio p;o^

mife,^et neuectl^eles t^t faio ^(!5 Ijatlj plainly aflfinneo ano anflne*
reD,tl)at roue faio )dD;ato? l^allnot Ijauc one pen? thereof, \j)^itii if it

D^oulo fo palTe ^it^^out reliefe to roue ^;ato^ ^tuitij tooulo tucne to

tbe gceat impouecifl^ment ano oamage of roue faio D;ato;, tD^o ^at!)
ouec man? fuel) oebtojg. 3ln conCoecation ki^cteof,tl)e pjemiffes ten^
oei:l?conlioet;eo,anofo;a0muc^ as^out: faio ^;ato; is tuit^outall
temeoie fo;^ ttre cecouecie of tt)efame b? tlie Utia o^oec of tt)e common
latoes of t^i$ H
ealme,foa tjoant of fpecialtie o^ tuitneCTe, as afoaefaio
Span it tl)ecefo?e pleafe ic*


^ A
T^^ faio oefenoant faitfj, tljat tjje faio iBiU of complaint \ tjectg
1^ \3ncectaine,tjntcue,ano infufifici^ntin tlje liato to be anftuereo
tmto b? tl)ii oeffo^ otueca appacant matters; anocaufeis tliecein con^
ta?neo,oeutfeo,ano epljibiteo into t%is lionoucable Couct, as t^is oef^
t)erilrtl)infeetl)b?tl)eftniftecaouiceano perftnafion of j^*C,0ttuc*
ne? at t^e common latD, of malice ano euilltoill, tot|ie intznt to put
tljusoef^'totmiuft trouble ano Iteration, SH^at^e t^e faiOjpC*ma^
t^ereb? gaine, b? foliciting of t[)i0 faio matter in t^s honourable
Court,ano not tpon an? iuli caufe fo to ooe^ ^no fnrttier fait^ t^e faio
Oef Ctiat if tl)e fato matters mentioneo in t^z faio Bill of Complaint
luere true,a0 tl)e? be not inoeeo, ?et tDere tl)e fame oeterminable ano
to be oetermineo, at, ano b? tl)e common Itatoes of t^i& Healme, ano
not b? tl)i0l^ono;ableCouct,fel)eceunto t^\& oefenoant p^a?etl) to be
l^ifmilTeo luitt) i^us reafonable codes ano charges Ui;ongfnll? fullaineo
Ijereabouts, jjieuecti)elecre,if Ije ttiis oefenoant be compelleo b? tljis
honourable Court to make an? further anftoere tmto tlje faio Uncer*
taine,t ntrue,ano infufftcient Bill of Complamt,nen(ano not otljer^
toaie0)t!)eaouantageof deception, to tlje manifeftincectainetieano
tnfufficiencie of tt)e faio Bill of Complaint to tljis oefenoant aUtia?e0
faueo: ifo.; further anftoere tljereunto, anO fo; a full ano plaineoe^
claration oft^etrutt),touc|)ingtt)emateriaU contents of tlie faio Bill

and Anfweres. zrj

offomplatnt(if an^ fuc^ bc)l)et^is Defendant (ait)),%))<{t ttutit is m=
D0eDe,tt)at about t})^it\icatcs nolulailpali,IE3t)t! fato Dcfennanto;
fome of in^recuants to ^is \i(zM^ cccetue of tbt$ complainant tljjdue
vatts of Ihinen clot^,f)alfe an ell of c lotl),one quartcc ano an fjalfe of
clotl),anD tiuo fUaincs of tl);eeD, lu^ifb ^c ttjinUetlj to be paced of tfjc
(aio Ijuaces in t\ft faio bill mentioned, fuppofcD to be bougbt bp t^is
uefenoant of tfje faiD complainant ,tul)icb fain Ujaces tDCce fo ceceiueD
bv tl)is Defenoant o; to \)\s tjfe, as iB afo^efaioe, to tljemtent t^at tljis;
Defendant i^oula pvi\? to tlje faiD complainant, fo mncb mone\? fo^ tlje
fame as iljoulD bee ceafon iblv^ agcixD tipon bi? t\)iB uefcnoant, ano ti)c
faiD complamant,Uib^f[) ^^^^ bargaincano agreement, ttfis ticfenDant
i5,ano euec bit^ ertol)atlj biMCcatJi? to !]auepecfo;jmct3,lmtbouttbat,
tbat tlic faiD oefcnoant about tluo peaces noU> laft paH, did br of tl;e
fain complainantjtbe fait) tluelue vaiD0 of linneu clotl), at, ano fo; t^e
faiD p^ice of 1 2.0. o,: tbe faio balfeellc of clotlj fo,^ tlje faio pr^ce of y.s.

tjiij.o.o; tbe faiD quattec ano a balfe of otbec clotl), ano tluo frames of
tl)jeeD fo; tbe faiD p;ics? of ]c\jii|.D fo; beetliis Dcfenrjarit rf.itl;,tf;at l;cc
anD tbis complainant Die neuec to bis remembrance agree to ani? cec^
tain pace fo; tlje faio iuares,as in t\fc faiD bill of complaint is tintcul^
aUeDgcD.anD U)itl)out tbat,tbat be tl)is DcfenDant t iaeuer bp of tbis
complainant tl)C faiD tenne i?arDS of t)eluct,o; ani? parttbereof,o; anp
ctljci: tuaces 0; marcljanDifes amounting in t}^c Uibole to tluentic

matUSjO; fo; tijt paiment tl)eceof,euer reqnircD tljc faiD complainant

to fo;beare jjim tl;e faioe DefenDant fo; tljc fpace of one monctb tben
nert follo\3L!ing,as in tbc faiD bill is tojongfullv alleDgeD.0nD loitljout
tbat,tbat Ijeelbis DefenDant DiD faitbfull^ alTent anDp;omifctopa\?
t|)e faiD Debt tinto tbe faiD complainant at tlje faiD monetbs cnD ^;

t^at tbe faiD complainant,tcuQ:ing tl)t bare p;omifc of tljis DefenDant

DeliuereD tmto bim tbis DefenDant, tlje faiD clotl), luares, tjcluet, auD
matc^anDife,asintt)efaiD bill iB tintrueli? alleaDgeD. HnDlwitbout
tl)at,tbat l)ee tbisDefenDant pecceitiing tbat tbis complainant can \)\>
1X0 o;Der of tl)e common la\ues of tbis realme, recouer anr part of tbe
faiomonei?) fojtoantof fpecialtieo;toitne!rc to p;ouetl)efaiDfuppo-
feD aCfumption anD contract, l)atl) plainelv affinneo, t\f?it bectbefciiD
complainant not Ijaue one penp tbereof in fucb maner anD fo;mc

as in tbe faiD bill of complaint is moU tjntrulr anD flanoer ouflp allcD
geDjtuitbout ti)at,tl)at ant? ot()er matter ic. tbing,tbtngs, claufe, fen^
tence,article,o; aUegation,in tl)e faiD bill of complaint containeD,ma^
teriall o; effectualltn t^e Utw to bee anftoereo Unto b? t\}is DefenDant,
Sapplications, Bills,

A Bill to he difcharaed offmdry bonds wade hy the Plaintife to differs by the

def, meanes]'Vfonpromife that they fhottld not preiudtce them,
Uyiftff open diners cunning and lewdfraUifes,

to circumnent the Plaintife,

iiD;ato^ 3.^*of $p4n tlje Countie of ^r eoman, 2Dl;at fel^eccais
about I (J.^crcs riotii lafl pal^, tzttm uebtjjjcontcouecliejs/uits,? t)a^
nances mo acifebcttocene one 2DX.ef C^in t!)eCounti? of 'peoman, f
ano ^oucfaiD i?atoj,anD ccctaine otljer ftee^oloew oft^e llo^Dl^ijj of
(ScdcfaUafozcfattijConf ecning inclofi:ng,t)re,poireflrion,f occupation
of ccctainc paccel0 of luaft oj common gcouno calleo H.in C&.afojeratD,
iuljemn t?ouc faiD o^af oj % otfjec freeljOlQccs^anDaU ttjofe iuljore ellatc
f 1)0^ tijcn tjaD, antj vet ijaue iw ccrtaine lanDs in tlje fato ?lo b\? all tlje
time,\J3l)eceof tl^cce is no meaiio?r of man to tije conttac^^ljauc tfco to
Ijaue common of paiture fo; tljeti: bealls anU catteU,tjpon ^ faiD lano
leuant $ cGucl)ant at all times of f Ije peie,at tljeictoills ano plciifures,
as tjnto tljeit: tenements belongittg,tD|)icl) parcels of luaH gtouno one
^^(Srquicejbefo^ie tljat time Ijao Denufet) tnto ttje faiti 2D*ll.fo? ttXf
taine peaces t^m enDucing : fo;^ pacifrtng i enoing of lu^iclj Mt$ {m
anu conttouerfies, ano of fuc^ [nitQ % controuedies m
^xztt tljen be^
tlueen tlje faiB il.ano ^* touching f Ije fame ano ot^ec tljingSj^oui: faiD
o^ato? ano i*E>cmD otijcr of tl)c im\^tA^tm afojefaiD, ant) t})e faiD 31*
b^ tt)e meancs i intreatieof tlje faiDj^^. about t^ faiD time did fub^
mit tljemfelues to tl)e o^zDet^arbitremct,! atraiD of 3*i?U.^.C*M
anD ^^^toucljing tljc faiD contcouei;lles,anD to t|ienD t^at tlje faiD IL.
iuoulD be contentcD tljat t}^t faiD fuits bettoocn tjim f tlje faiD ^. migtjt
catbcibv tfjat meancs teceiuea quietenD,tt)en bi? epttemitie of lalu,
tljcre being ttjcu gieat fuits betlw ctne t!)e faiD ^.^). anD %* M)\t\) tbe
faiD Jl.luoulD not otl^cityife comp^cmit, y^mi i'aiD ojato,j i tijc fai& SD^
tuas bounD tnto tl)e faiD 3Uin one obligation ef Clu anD tinto ti;e faiD
^^.in encotljecobiig.DfCJi^fo^pecfo^mancc of tijcraioaluauDjtljc
faiDi]5^. tl)cn p.jomifing to voucfaiD )tl)at iuitljin i^o^t time after
tljc malting of t!;e faiD bono tsnto bim^ljc tuoulD l;aue cancelleD o; mace

tioiD t^c faiD bcnDofCaiaiiaDeb^? tljemtjnto tlje fails jji. ^. tl)emea<

ningof \xi\)ii\) bonD, vcuc faiD o;atD? (beii^ga finiple tjnleaineD man)
t^ougbt to l)aue icacljeD no fuitljer, but to acts to Ijauc ba^ne Donebr?
tjimfelf againfttbe faiD alDacD,lul;icI) !je t\^t:X^^ti fo tl)OHgbt,bccaufc
t\)z faiD ili^^.tolD \)in\ fo,o? to tljat cffect^ar.D i\)ty^ iuere onlp fo agmD
to fjaue tbe conDiticn thereof maDe befoje tfjemafeing tljeceof.SnD tlie

loiD )l.luas alfo bounD inC4i*t3ntoroui: faiD ^;ato^; anD ti)e faiD ^.
and Anfwc^res. i\6
fb^fl^eperfaimanceofdjiigpactof tlje faiD aloartj, ^nn aftettuarus,

llje faiD aibttratojs maoe an atnaro of ti^t pjemiffes , tl;at tlje faiD II.
fi)otilD !;aueencIorctitl)e failsgroimus, Ouung fucl^ tctmtas fic tfjeii
!)ai3 tljeccin bp tije ocmife of ttje faio iji^. bi? Inuenture tiittl?cut tc^

nation ofpouc faiD iD.:ato^tl)e faiD 2nS>. anOotljccfteelfjolDcig of t^e

faiD ito.of C'.bp meaner of luljic^ atuacD f l)e faiD ?L enio^eD t^c p;emif^
fe0 cuec fincc tl)e mafeing tljeccof acco^Dingl^ , luitijout m^deration
oftljafaiDS?. o.j^oucfaiDiMto;j,o;ianrot[)ei: fl)c fca^olDcrs of C.
afo^efaiD, bntill fuel) tinie as flje faiD it. caufeD tlje faio pzamlFciS to be
puicf^afeD 0^ tafecn bp leafe,a6 lanDS c onccalcB, anD Vmiulllr initfjljo^
Dcn fcom Ijec spaicftie,anD tijereiipon caufeD fuits to becommenceD a^
gainll DtuetjEi of tije faiD frcefjolDcrs b^ info;!niation in tfjc (Bx* of intcu^
Son fuppofcD to be Done b^t|)cm into tbc faiD p^emiaes, luljiclj fuit fo
long continueD, f Ijat a tiecDict anD iuDgemcnt tfjeretn tuece (jaD foj tfje
faiD fteeljolDecs, Itjljccebi? tticic title to tl)t faiD common being tbcn in
iirue,taj3fpeciaUi?founD,asbt?t|)e reco^Ds tijcreofcemarningin tljc
faiDCouct it plameli?appeatetl;, toljeceupon fome oftfje faiD fccttjol^
Decs (as tl)is compU tfjinfeetf)) enf ccD into tl^e faiD p^emillcs being t3nc
fenceD* ^nn t^eceupon tlje faiD 31 commenceD fuit bpon tijc faiD bonD
ofioo,li.againttrocfaiD);ato;janDtlie faiD S> albeit t|)ei? neuer
interrupteD bis polTerrion in tl)C faiD p;jcmi(res, miD tl;e faiD S) anD
toucfaiDisDaatojfo^tljeii; inDempnit^ lifeduife p^ofecuteD fuit tjpon
tljetcbonDof ioo,li.becanfefl)efaiDJl4nl)i5 pact IjaD not pecfojmcD
tlje faiD aluacD,b^ mcanes to!;eccof t?oj: faiD i3);ato;, anD tfje faiD D.

obtetincDa tiecDictanD iuDgcntentagainltbefaiDil> fo;^ tljc faiD ,lu

ill)is faiD fuit againtt tljem DcpenDing tntcieD,tul;ct:eupon tl)e fatD ^*
(itinQ, l)0tD tiniulllv Ije baD Dealt luitb t\)c faiD ^.$ pour faiD i);ato;j a^
bout tl)e pjemiffes pcrcetutng in luljat ieopecDie l;e HaDD^ano Ijotjj in e^
be ougbt not to baucrecouereD ant? tljing againU i?0Ht: faiD );a^
tojauD tbc faiD U>M
& faiD bonD,nojl)aue haD anv ccliefe fojtJjcfiiiD
Cliro b^ tijem cecoueteD againtl Ijini, \)c tlje faiD t^ nmnm roue faiD
jdDjato; anD t\^z(m K>* h^ funD^t! mcanes to come to ngrjxment tuith
!)im fo;j t!?e faiD '^Ai* fo recoueccD aaainfl Ijim, feb^i^i^^^pon tfje faiD S/*
auD i^ouc faiD ^?ato; intenDing a general qmeiiielfc fc; all bcnDs anD
matters concerning tl)c faiD p^emi lies, at tlje great anD tmpc:fnnat
fuitof ^ faiDJl.lb)? tljemeoiation of certatne bneft men fbcir frite,
t)pon i faitljful p^omife of tlje faiD !i,tbat be t\^c faiD ?l AuoulD iyacratu
^im ^outfaiD HD.zato^ againfi tlje faiD j^. ^ fo; bis faiD bcuD of an<S5,
pounDS,aUeaging tljat jji ^. l)aD no caufef fue tbefame, anD tijnt if
i)baD:,T?etfeecanfetbe matter of tbefaiD bono p;iinctpalli? ccncerneD
limt^e faiD ^ (as it DiDinD5a5D)tbat if- rsitK faiD ;^atoa agraDM^
Supplications, Bills,
l)imfo;t^ep>emiire0,t^at t^cnt|ie faiu ^.^. neither could no;tti:!oulo
\)utt l;im bi? ccafon of t)is faiD bonD,t9c faio iuDgement fo;^ ttje faio U. C
tBas; releafeo tjnto tljc faio II. b^ ^oucfaio ^;ato^ ^auing none otljec
confioetatiott tl)crcf0;^e,tl^en l)t0faiD pjomifeofquictnes anu uifcljarac
of tl;e fait) i|5^t)i5 fato uonD^j^eucit^elelTe, not long aftec ttje fato a^
grcemcnt,tl;efaiDiL.pei:ceiunisl)imfelf0 to be oifcljargeD of ttje faio
tuDgemcnt,antJ intenoing tl)e tottet fenDoing of t?our faio ;^ato;, con*
tcarr to l)is faiD p;o!nifc,p:acttrci5 Uutl) tlje faio jji^^.touc^mg t^t faio
tono bi? Ijim ano tljefaiolD.maoc bnto tl)c faiD ^* i p^ecuccD v fame
to be put in futt againli ti^cm in t^e 1. ^aieltiea bencl)* Blbcit t faio
^.^IjaOneuecanFlolTcb^reafo ofan^ act Done againft tl;efaiD bono
to tljetjalueof 0Kepent?,fineU)l)ic|)fuit tl)efaioijl.^ano2>]^auefe^
ccetlvgroUineto agcament bettoeenetljemfelueSjto tl)intenttola^
tije Indole penalty oftlje faio bono ^pon vouc faio ^;ato;, /jictloitt^j'

ftanoing t^e faio faitljful p^cmife of t^e faio iji.^to ocliuec in t|)e faiO
bono to be cancelleo^amo tl;e fato 11 f)i8 p^omifeluas to faue vcri: faio
^^ato? IjarmelcITe againft tlje faio f^. ^* fQ^ tlje fame ;aibeit tljefaio
^^.neuccljaoanrloffeo.: f)inoecancebt?ceafon oftl)ep^emiflfes,lj?
meanes of T?cut: faio o;ato;, neittjec teas an? tiding attempteo o^ Done
b? tl)efaio fti&})o\ncts againft tljefaio Jl.conttatieto tl;e faio atuato,
ot^eciuife tfjen b? ttjc confent of tljefaio ^ji.^.tnljc moueo o^ p^ocuceo
t^e faio free^oloecs to enter in bono one to anotf}et:, to beace ttfcc^nt^
Qts of fuitt fo; tl)e oefence of ti}ett: faio title of common in t^t faio feue^
rail parcels of grouno,callcoH.anoSL* pjomifing t^^tm ^i$ ai'Oeano
fuctijerance t^crein,t3ntc fome of iDl)ir|) bonos tijiefaio ^*^*\}at\f fub*
fcribeol^isolunenameasa luitnede of tt)e Oeliuerie tt)ereof, \D^ic^
ti)eir ^aro oealings again li vour faio o^ato; in tl^e p^emiHes, ate muel)

againli allrtgl)t,equitie:, ano confcience, to t^e titter impouerill^ent

ano tjnooing of ^our faio ^^ato;^, i)is pa);^e toife ano tf^iin^tn, tui^ere^
faio p^emiffes ano agraments of tI)efaio ^*^A}}it\) vour faio ojato?,
ano t^e faio '^ano t^e tm p^aaitt l^ao between tl)e faio ij>^* ano t^e
faio il.to put tlje faio bono in fuit,a0 alfotljc faio agramentmaoe b?
tl)e faio i^ ^ .ano tljc faiD E>.fo^ Cat?ing of l)is faio fuit agamft tlje faio

E>anoalfot!jefaio p;omife o; agreement of tlje faio il. tofaue^our

faio o^atojljarmcleiTeagainfttlje faio ifi.^ fo^ tljefaio bonoiuasfe^
cretlr laoe aniongft t^jemfelucs, ano fo; tljat v^ut faio i;ato^ truff*
ingt^t tljet? iDouio faitl;fuUi? t)aue perfo^meo tt)e fame to t?our faio o^
yato;,calieo no Untncgfe to be p;^efent to !)eare tl^e fame p;^omife maoe^
ano t^ecefo^e is net able to p;oOuce an? teitneffe to teftiSetlje p;emif*
tzB^nt} ^at\) m\y> meanes to p;^oue t^efame, ott^erlnife tl;en hv tt)e an^
fb)ej:oftt)efaiOi|i^.ano5C.JltptJo l)e tjerel? tljinfeetl; tuiUintljeic

^ 1 aiid Anfweres. 217

asiTto^n fo t]^)9aemtaDe:.dcQnf^lPet|e fame : $a^ itt|mfe^{)leare
00 S.o;t)fl^ip>of i^oui; accq0^omeD goo^neCPe, to graont Dnto rone fat^
^;ato^ t[)e ^tmntBmniMt$ mod gt:attonse M?tt of Subpoena^ to
be Dir^ctteD to t^t fato S^*^* ano ^H* and to etttiec ofIgem ^ t^zt^^
commatindms llem i^f

Jt 'BtUfcrfraEiiJtng ivith the 'Phlntifeimfe^ t9 receifte ofher thp/aintifcs

gfiodeSyAndfor receipt and detaktiagthereof,

Hsambl? complaining , SS^z^tt^ ^nto rout goon Ho^ofl^ip ,rotic ^

oaUr o^ato? Jia^of ^> in toe Countie of|i, (SJentU SC^at tulje^
0,about focii:$ 0; fitue peaces paO^, rouc^^ato; beetngpoflpeoeo of oi-
miB good0,ano DiuerB fttmined of monr? to a great l^alelu, to tj^e eno
t|)atCCof^tnt|)eratoCoHntr of /^^btstDtfe, ano la.t^eti:
Bangljtei:, noiotlje toife of 3!!^of i^.tnt^efaiDCoHntiereoman
imgi)t tlje better b^ing to paHe , tnoirefllr to game ano get into f ^eic
^% fome of t^eir cufiootes ano po(re{rion:,allA2 tlje molt part of t|e faio
monr ano gooO(>ano br tljat meanes oeftauo o; oefeate rour i^^to^
tl^erof,bv contmuall % (jiutfterp^actifejinfiigation, I perftoaiton) t^en
aUureD,p;ouo^eD,ano enticeo ^.BI* oeceafeo^betng tijen rour o^ato^d
Itiife, to grolD to fome oifco^o ano l^ariance \xsii}^ l)im , % to efloine anu
Conner into tljeic, o; fome of tl^ir l^eepmg, all, ai f be molt pact of t|e

faio monr o; gooD$,p;omi(tng t^at tlje fame O^oulo be reaor^ano ^feo

ano be^cofe ^oId fo xt i&j if it mar pleafe ronr goio %* tj^at
fo^ i)er t}re :

br t|)efaio lelxiD ano bao practices of t|)e faioC^q^.ano ;^*^.ano of oi*

uer0 ot|er perfons br tf^ir meane0,iDi)ore names rout o;atoa lino^^
eti)not,rourj^^ato;(0 fatoli^ife about foureo^ fiue rearer 0nce, ano
nt funo^rtimeo before:, did Initt) violence b^zeal^e open fome part of
rour ^^ato;5 |)oufe at ^afo^^efaio, l)i0 cfiilts tl)ere being loclteo,ano
oio eHoitie, Iteale, imbeafiU, o;> conuer atoar from rour o^ato^ feueall
fumme0 of moner^ano Diuero parcels of i)i$ goios ano^oufl^olo 0u0fi^,
as luell iw tl;e nig{)t feafon, as in tt)e Oar time , to a ^err great lvalue,
tl)ecertaintietul^ereofrour ^^ato^ knoloet^not^tbutisinouceobr
gootj teafon to faelicue, tljat it ootli amount to tljefumme of i oo. ltat
tlje leaftj ano oeliuereo o^ caufeo t^e fame to be oeliucreo tnto tl)e cu*

Itooie ano pofiTeliton of ti)e faio CC* ano cp* ^is toife:,o;;^. ^is oaugli^
ter,o^ of fome otl)cr perfon o^ perfons:, br tljeir^ o; fome of t|)eit
meanes o^j confcntfi, lialjereof r our jaato j br fome goo meanes ^a^
uing ^ao intelligence, l)at|) funozr times bfeo fpeecl^ ano communtca^
tionUntl)tl)efaioCsp,ano;ap.toucl)ingtl^e fame, ano ixi moff
gentle ano ftienoir manner required to |)aue ti)e fato moner ano
gojos fo eflotnco ano imbeaiilleOjas afoaefaio,to be to I)im teffo;eo, o?
elfe to ijaue feme recomg^ncefojt^e fame, but tj^er liauetjtterlr ce*
C^e, fufeo
r 14: Sapplioatt64iJ^ Bills,
tufea to Ufie^t^cctljeone 0.J tljeot]f)6fiatlittJ)6D^aftl*efUfefd Dot^e-l^mej
anri do connect amDi!pofetl)e faiu mon\? anb (Da tatljetc olun t}rc0,

iu^erebi' ?oat: ojaf o? ^al be \ittci\^ tI>et;cof Defca teD,f o l)is gieaf ijin*'
uecance ano impouecifijitient, contcar? to all cquiti? anti gooo confcii
cnce^tinleffc b^ ^outlL fauo? t)e ma^ be celieiit&in tl)i5inoa|on:joja*
ble court* J^o?afmucl) tfjccfojeas rone o.jato;ljnoUictl) nottlje iiawcs
Djimirabec of t|)c fato confeDecateief, nm^t kvittm nm tntMn timtst
toljecem tl)e fato moaep ano gcona Wte conue^eo atjoa^ from f)tm, as
af9;efaio, noj tlje quanttt^jnaturco^ tjalue of tl)cm,tt)I)ei:bp to niafec
anrlaU)fuUDemaunD,ojtotfe an^ ajjton b? tl)? atwtC6utf of tljc
common latoes of tt)is i/\ealmc, agamU tl)enT tf)e faiDCsp.aws 04^^
Q^t^m otljectljcii: confeDctatjSjfo^tljcrc jjtcat ununc0 aitti U>,ion00,a5
afo?efaii),but t^iat tl;e tcutlj aiio cectatntie of all tljefe matters oo) teft
in t\)c pnmtc f pjopec notice of tlje faio C^C. anD s?p^i0 luife, anD it
t^etc oaugljtec, oj of fome one of t^em, tpl)0 no ooubt tjpontljsii: ro;^
po^all oatlj)5 toil Difclofe f fet ooton tl)e tcut^ ano cectaintv of all tfiefc
matters: 0pat> it t\\ttfo;t pleafe rour l)ono,;ablelt.to grant tnto roue
o?atojt^ei maiefties gracious toait of Subpoena to be oiretteo,! c*

The Anfvper to thlefame*

T^t faiD Oefentiants far ^t^at tl^e fait bill of complaint again if tfje
eiE^ibiteo into V;)i^ !^ono;ablc Court^is ticrr incertaine, tintrue,
ant infuflfitient in t^e lain to be anftuereo tnto br tlje faio oefenoantsf
Dj anr of tl)emj fo; Diners anD fuuDjr apparant faults ano imperfectij*
ons tijertn containeD ano Deuifeo, f erljibiteD into ttjis ^* court,part^
m% caufe conreiucD againft ttje faia
Ir of malice a>D euilltBil,Ujitl;out
CC oneoftljefeoefenoants, to t^e intent tljercbr to tjc^ anD moleff
ljim,nnD Ijis faio toifeanD Daugljter,tuit!) tjniufi trauel ana erpences,
but cl)iefelv to tj)e intent ano purpofe to tuearie, impoueril^, % tecrifie
t)im tljis Def. luitl) fuel) fuitesr fo tljat ^e (IiaUneittier be able no;i Uiil^

ling to piofecutc tlje lain againft f)tm tl)c faio rompl. fo^ Diuers great
^ fummes of mcnr toljicl; l;e otoetfj tjnto fjim tjje faio tfjis DefenD
anD tJniulllT' Dctainetl) from |)im, anD not foj anr go)D o^ iuft-caufe of
fuit: neuert^elefl[e,if br ttjc o;iDer of tljis l)ono^ab!e court tljefe DefenD*
f^all beinfo,2ceD to mafee anr further o;^ otljer anftoer to t\yc faiD incer^
ta ine,ti)ntrue, anD infulficient bill of ccmplaint,t[je!?, i not otberUnfe,
allaDuantage ofcrception , tottje manifcHincertaiwtr anDinrtifliici^
encieof tlje faio bill of comptto tl)ere DefenDants^, anD euerr ofttjt', at
all anD euccr time $ times tiereafter fauco ^qi futtljcc anflucr tljeie^
tntOjano foja full anD plain Declaration of tlje trutlj of tfje p;jemi(res,
Sf^efe Deffar,ano zmt2 one of tijem faiti), t^at ertijec t}?e?rnotf an^
and Anfwcres. 218
tU^tmhv continual amjfinittctj^;actifc,mfftga(toti,miD petftoaCon,
tin not at an?? time aIluie,paocfee,$ intif e 0. 3!occeafeD,tf)cn toife of
fljcfaiD complainant , to giohj to fomeoifco^otoit!) tfjc faio complain
iiant,anD to cHoinc ano tonuer into tljetr anr of tljetc iiflrping,allo?
ant? of tljefaiD moncp ano gaiDs^in f f?c faio 115iU of Complaint mentis'
Dnco,p;omifin0 tljat tf)e fame fljoulD be ccaDic,anl tjfeD fo; \)zt fcfc anO
htp(Dft,to tlje cno tl;at tljer tlyefcocf. o; anr of t{)cm,migl^t tj^ebettec
b;ini& o paCe inoiccrtli? to gaine o^ getinto tljeir cuUooie an^ poOreCri"
on,aU o,j t\\c moU pact of tl)c faio monv' ano g(DD0,anD bt? ttjat meanes
to Defeat ano oeftaao tlje faio complamants t!;etcof,a0 in tljc faio Bill
of complaint uEdjecieflanCecoufip ano mofttintcKeli^allcagelJ : 0ni>
tlje faio complaiiiant oio ncucc iuitl) tjiolence b^caU open feme pact of
tljefaiD complainants faio Ijonfe at ^*tntl)e faio ^iUmentioneD>no;
1)15 faio ct)ift tijece being loc{icD,tio; Diu cfloincjimbeafill, o; connep a*

tua? fcom t!;e faio complainant,fcMci:all,o.2 anv fum o; fums? of monu,

ano Diuet0, 0^ an^ pacceU of f)i0 (^ms 0; ^oni^olD ftuflc , eitl^ec in t^t
m^i)t feafon o^ in ti)e oa^ timc,bi? tl;c p:atifeof tijefe oef.o.j of anr of
t^^tm^o; of an^ otljec pecfon 0^ ptitonsM tl^eico.j ant? of tijeic means
a0 in t^e faio ll5tU of Complaint is UUetoife tiecie malttioullr ano ^n^
tculr futmifeOjIuitljout ttjatjtljat f[)e faio toife of tfje faio complainant
tutt oeliueceo^o; caufeo to be Deliueceo tl)e faiO monv ano go)D0 ii\ ti)e
faio )i5ill of Complaint mentioneo^o^ an^ pact t]^ereof,tmto tfje cuftOf^
Jieano poffeffion of tl;efe oef.o^ of forae of tIjem,o; of anr ot^cr pec*
fon 0; pecfons, b^ t^tit o} fome of tl)eic meaner oj confents , a5 in t^e
faio y5i\l of Complaint i? alfo tjntculp alleaogco : ano toit^out tl)at,
tfjat euec ti^ett toas ann t^ult M)^ i^z faio complainant oio,o;j i^oulo.
Ijfeanv fucljfpcecfj ano communication iuitl) tl)efeocfo;jan^ of tljem
touc{)tngtl)ep;emi(rei, o^ccqutcetotjauetljefaiomoner ano gcooes
(uppofeo to be eHoineo 0? imbeaftUeo, to be to ^im redoceo, o;^ to ^aue
fome cecompence fo;j tfje famejO? tljat t^efc oef o? anv of t^em,0o con^
uect anooifpofe of tl)e faio mone^ ano gcoog , e^ an^ pact ttjeccof, to
t^eic 0^ anr of tiyzit qtune tjfeB^lolb^Jcebti t^z faio ccmplainant fljalbc
tjttecl? t^eceof oefeateo,to l)i5 great ^inoecanceano impouecill^ment
ccntcatie to all cigljt, tquitit ano gcoo confcience, as in t^c faiO %5i\l of
Complaint is liketoifc tntiul^ fuggefteo : ano iitl)out t^atjtljat ans
otl^ec matter,t{)ing 0^ tl^ingS)Claufe,fentence,atticleo; allegation, in
tije faio Bill of Complaint ccntaineo,mateciall 0; effectuall in t|)elalu
to be anftocceo trnto^bf mv
f ijefe oef 0; of ttjem^anD net l^eccin tl^is
t^eic anfliters fuCftcientl^ anflseceo ^nto,confe(reo am auotoeOp oenti
00 0^ tcauecfi^o^ is tcuie^ j^Ult^^ic^ matters, ic
Sopplications, Bills,
The Replication to the AnfktrttexthfBre:

T!^gfatflxomplainan^ fbjanu bi toai? of replication fatt|), tfjatfjis

of complatnt,0j:|)ibit0D againll tfjefe uefentjantsi into t^i^

faio bill
to baanftDSceD bnto^ano not t>$utrco ano 0):f)tbit0O into l)is! mo((!^on
Coutt , of malice ano euill tuill , \xiit^mi caufe conceiuet^ againft tl^e
fail} C*C* one of t^ef^(Oef to tl)0 intent t^eceb^ to bereanomoleS
11)6 faiu i^o^ ci^i^fl^ to t])tmtmt ano
anftuers i$ bntruli^ alleaugeo
))ucpofe fo to toeac^ anoimpoueti^anotemfietlefaid ** \x>it})
furi) fuit , fliat lie f^oulo neitljett be able no.j feilting to p^ofecnte tje
iUto againg t|ie faio complainant,foj otuecs great firtnmes of monci?,
, teljic]^ f e ootl^ otoe Unto l^im t^e faio C. C i tjniaftl? tietainetl) from

|)im , but is e):l)ibiteD bpon ixxVt caufe of fuit , a{ tfje faio complainant
toubtetl) not to make manifelt ano pjoue t>nto tl^ifi ^on* Court, \xi\t})
t^atjtliat tl)e faifi oef* o^ fome one of t^tmM Cniffer p^actife^inlliga^
tton:,ant) perrijDa(ton,oioallure,p.:ouolieano in(icetl)e faio compl.toife
to groto to fome oirco.:o toitt) t|iefaio comptano to elloine ano conuei^
into t|ieir,o? fome,o; one of tfjeir feeeptng0,tl^efaio mon^ ano g(Dt)0,in
t^e faio bill of complaint mentioneo , p;omifing tbaf tfie fame Ojoultj
be reaoie , ano tjfeo fb^ ^er bfe anabeljcofe , to t Je eno tl^at t^e^ migbt
t^e better baing to patre,inoicedlT> to gaine o? get into i^eir,o? fome o^
one oftlieirtultoo^ and poifefirion tt)e faio mon^ anb gffiO0,atobt7 tiiat
meaner to oefeat ano oefrauo t|ie faio compl* tbereof,a0in t|)e faio bill
of complaint is^ berie trul^ alleageo* 0no alfo \xiii}^ tbat,tl^at tl^e faio
compU toifis bio ^iV^ l^iolenceb^eak open fome part of tl^e faio compl*
lonfe at ^in tl^efaio bill mentioned ano i^iaf faio cbiHtbere being loc^
keo^oto efloine)iteale:,imbealtl,ano conuei? alnai? from tl^e faio conipL
feuerall fumset of mon^^ano oiuers; parcellg of ^xb goiOtf ano Ijoxife^olo
ftv&z in tl^e nigljt feafon^ano in tbe bat? f ime,b^ tbep^attife of tbefeitj
oef 0^ fome^o^ one of tbem:,o: of fomeottier perfon o^ perfon0,b]g t^eir
d; fome n
one of ti^eir meane^^ad in ti)e fame bill of complaint in M^^
ioifeberietrnl^ oeclareo :anoi^it|) tl^at^tijat t|^e faio compI<liirfe bio
b^liuer o^ caufeto be oeliuereb tbe faio mone^ anb gaios in ^e faiobill
of complaint mentioneo ,bnto t^ecuHoOie ano poili^on of ti^ f&io
^f* 0? of fome Q% one of -, m
t^m of fome ott)er perfon o;^ p^rfonr, b^
tbeico^ fome o^ one of tbeir meaner o^ confent,a0 li&etoife tfje faio m
bill of complaint i$motltrul^allebgeo: anotoi^i^out t|^atjt|ratti[)ece
. toa? caufe Id^^ tbe faio compL ^oulo bfe fpeet^i ano communication
toitb tbe faio nef* o; fome a; one of t^em touci^ing tlje ^^zxMi^ , tm
require to baue tfjefaio mon^ ^nb go)O0 eSoineo ano imbefileo to bit to
.4)imreltorg07 ojtojiauefoierecompen(fo^t|^fame ^not^attl^t
ancl Anfwers, zip
fmo t)0fenoanti$, o^ fomc, o; one of tl)c not comtett ant) dtfpofe flje fato
moiter ann ga)i}$,to t^etc^o; fome,o^ one of t^etc tfeiSjtDtiecb^ tl^e fatd
com{)(*(^aUbel]tfei:l^DefeateDtl^eceof,toI)t0 gt:eat^inmanc0,a( in
btU of complamt is MktiDift moll trul? aUeageotlsttl^ont t|at,
tlje fato

t^at aiit> ctljec matt0t:,caare,o^ tt^mg^matectaU o; effiectualltn t^ fatD

anftDecscontameii, tobebi^ti^efatii complainant replied tmto, an)
|)erein not fuffictentl^ ceplieo tinto, confi^lTeD^ ano auoioeo? f c

^ Bi/ifor that the defeMdants hauegottheTUitttifes yUlfir payment (^mth-

i. **^y h ^^^^ '"'* their handsf and thereby meane to defrande him of the

Hmmbli^complaimng, il^elt>etfit3nto^outga)dl..^our5ail^o^^
c /v ^
to^i^,2D.of2:.inteCount?of3)*poman, SCfiattoljeceaiSa* Sctt.j^.
bout tU^o >^tus noiD lat pad, ^ouc faio oaato? oiD fell tnto one 3|.^
(10*Mi3*S!D. alias ^* anti Vi^"^* fonre oren ano ; * kine, fo; foutteene
pounDBOf latDfullCnglit^mone^: anoat tije fame time maoe t^nto
t>oui:fait)o;ato;abilloftf)eii:I}an0j6fo^ ti)e payment tlieteof, at t^e
featt of ^^ictjaelltljarcljangclllafipaft 515ut nolo fo iti5,if itmas
pleafe ^ourHo^ol^ippe, t^at tl^e faio bill of 1 4. li. m b^ cafuall meane
cometnto tJ^e^anOiS anopoHelTion of tl^efaio %'^.<S>M3i*]^*%*2\m
^*anoi^^^o^offomeoftt)em7 tuljo^ane cancelled and defaced t^z
famebill. 0nd tl;ecefo;(e, albeit t^e^tjaucbecne diuer0dime0 gentli^
required b^ pour faid o;ato? to pa^ tnto i)im t!)e faid 1 4. li* fo to l^im
duejt?ettl)attodcD,tl)e^andeuer^of tl)cm I)aue|)itl[jerto denied and
refufed J and i?et dco den^and rcfufe to ooj tjje fame, againlt all rigljtj
tmixiiiz,and god confctence Sin due confideration Ixiljereof , and fo^
tljatrour faid o?ato?l)atIj no remedy to recouer tlje faid 14- li^toitlj^
out t^e faid bill, b^ t^t common lalucs o* tljis jKealme : ^a^ it tljere^
fo;e pleafe ^our good lo^d^ip, %u

ji Billfor vprongfuUentring into Copyhold lands int ailed, detaining ofthemf

and ofthe nritmgsofthefame,for waging thefame iandcontrtmngfecret
ejtates thereof.

T ^mo0: bumble lxnfetl)eluctl) bnto^ourgajd llo^^oucdail^oaatoj

0.C^*ofSDantl)ecountie of ^.2Cl)at Inljeceas one %* <Q* fatljer ScV.^7^
tntc ?our faid ilD^ato?, toas in Ijis life time laiufullr feifed in l)t0 de^
mefnc as of f^ taile,to f;im and to Ijis fjeireg males of l;i0 bod\? latoful^
l^ begotten,of, f in one mefuage oj tenement tuitb tliappurtenances,
fcituate,l^ing,and being in mUn
tl)C faid county of ^* And iuag lifee^

Inife feifcd to %m
and t|)e lieires males of ^is bod^ latofull^ begotten,
of? and in fourecottage0)t5?eflore0o?pa(tuce0 J and eigijt acres of
^e 3 arrnbl^
Supplications, BHls,'
actaWelant) toitf^ tDeic apputfenan0,l^mg f being in ^afowfaiS^
being xuttomarielanBfijanD !)olDen of tlje ^
maieftie, as of liecliglj^

iwflfe mano? of ^* afojefaiu, at tljeluill of tfje ^?ij, acco^Ding to t^e

cuttome of t^e fain mano; :anl) tf^z (m %*(3* being of all anD^ilngulci:
t|e pjcmiflDeBjtDitl) t^eic ano enecy of t^ieicappuctenancgs fo feifei),a
afo?8faii>,of fMC^eftate,oteotl)ewofreirei) aiSf ano after toljoreoeatfi
all fingulec f ^c p^emiffes, )^i^ t\^tit appuctenanrciSf, Di5 oifceno t)n*
to^.<!Da0fonaHOneictl)eiremaleof tlieboov oft^ieraiDi:. bp fo^ce
ano t3eiiue fo]^etof,tl)e faio ^* entceo into all i Cngulet fait? p;iemtf^
fes tit!) tlieit appurtenancetfr f toas t^ecof iaiofulli? fcifeo to ijim ano
tlje lieiws males of Ijis boe^ latofuUr begotten. dinD tie fo being tfjer^

of feifeUjOf fuel) an ettate oietj feifeo : br anu aftec tu^ofetjeatl),aU ano

fingulec tl)e faio p^emiflTeiSjttiitfj tjjeic appurtenances, bio oifcenD anU
come to %*(>* as fen ano nejct ^eice male of tlje boo^ of t^e faio l^.b^
fo;ce iDljereofjlje t^e faio %*tntttl^ intoall i Cnguler t^e faio p^emif*
fes>anD toas tliereof latofull^ feifeo in Ijis oemefne, as of f^ t3ile,to
ijim ano tl)cl)eirs males of l)is boop latjofull?? begotten. Eno fie^ fait)
C.fo being tfjecof feifeOjOf fuel) an eftateDteofeifeo,toit^outan^ iOue
male of i)is boD^ : b^ ano after oeatf), all ano finguler t^e faio p^emiO
festoitljt^eir appurtenances oi^ oifcenoi come tsntofcurfaio^ oja^
toh as b^ot^ec ano mi^ l)eire malctjf tljefaio D.<25. 115ut notu fo it i$y
if it mar pleafe ^our gtsD il. t{)at aftjjell tl)e faio oeeo ofintaile, ano all
Dtljer tljeo^DSjeuioenccSjefcriptSjVu^itings, t muniments, mantfe^
tting,fojfirtting,oeftrtDing,f p^ouitigt^e eftate,rigl)t, inteccit f title
of^ourfaio o?ato?,of,in,f to tlje faio p^emiffes, aietv fomccafual o?
0nil!er means comen into tbe]^anos,cu>il^ooi?,o;p0irefio ofonaH^M.
ano ^^'i^is iife,2:;.C.ano ^.Ijis toife, 31 2D. ano 3!M.o? fome of tl)f,
&dI)o b^ colour ti)ereof l)aueenti;eD into t^e faio p^cmilT^, $ receiueo,
tiercciueo,ano taken t^eMues,p;ofi[ts ano comotiities tl)erof, ano co^
uecteo tl)c fame to tljeic otone p^opec Dfcs t behoofs, tuit^out ^fieloing^.
an^ confioeratton o^ recompenre to t!ouc faio o^ato;^ fo^f ^efame. 3no
?et notfo confenteo,but t^t\>. tljefaio K. (^*%* ^. 3Iano colour3*^
l)anenotoncl^maoegreatfir;cpanD tuaH of tlje p;emi0es, but alfo
contriueo ano maoe to tl)emfelues,ano to otl)er perfons tjn^otoen to
^our faioo;:atoj,oiuers f funu^i? fccrct ettates f conuciances of v p;c*
miCfes,t0 tl)eplaine oifintjeiifon of rour faio ^^ ccntcac^ to all ngj^t,
equitr,anD gcno cofcience*:^no altljoug^ t^our faio ^.^atlj oiuecs ano
(mmv times b)? l)imrelf ano Ijis frienos cequeftcO tlje faio K. M. 1 6
\)is toifcHD.C.f ;a.|jislT)ife,31'JEi.ano ]^,m,* anoeueci)of t^e to t?eeloe

o;^to^ tfje fato^^os^euioences; efcripts^Ul7ittngS7 ano munimentsr
and Anfweres, 220
yet t|etj anu cuetic of t\}m,(o to tiot,^me tif f crit? refnfeD ant tietneo
anD ftill DOC Dcnie ano tcfufe , contrarie to all tiQ^t , cquttte ano goio
(snfctencr. 31n tmnet confiocrafion lwI)ereof, ano fij;afmuc|j as ^ouc
faiD ^;ato;j UnoUietlj not ti^ contents no; tcttmt natee of ti^e faio
aaO0,eHiijncefif5crcnpt0,to;itmgsf,anD niunuitcntg , no; iwljetfjec
((je?be contcineo in baj&ge jo; bore feale^ , in c(;ea o; capUo;o locbeo.
janr t^ecefo^c ijfat,ano bis tijc ftwctcouife of tlje common Hato oftbi^
fUealme-temieoileffe fo; t^e wcouetie of tljt fame ^ar it t Jietefo;^ ic.
tABillfar dttamngof anlndeniNr^of leafe for j(4ret,

Simblp complaining l]^etJDCffjt)ntovoui:t)an.iL.routoailr o;ato; Sea.5>8
3.15.ofi^.intl)eparifl[) of ja^tn tl)ecount^of ^.(a;rq, tSC.lS.foH
tjeiceappatant oft|ic faio tD^cteas ^ouc faio o;af o; tfje 2.
6at of Biulrjintlje s.^ereof tljeraigneof ouc^ouecaign itaor ti)e fii.
^aie^ t^at noto i0,oio oemife ano to fetsne Ut t)nto one K.^ijf B
in t^e faio county ^eoman,aU liis moitie, 0; one Ijalfe of |)i0 melTuage
0; tenement caUeD^.lDitl) aUt|^elanO0,meaooiD0,clofe0,pdliure0, t
C0mmon0 tjnto t|)e fame belungtng,o; in anr Iwife appertaining,ftom
t^c&attof ^*^.tl)e^i0^opla]{pali,befb;etI}et)ateaboue fdo^bnto
t|e ftiUeno i ttimz of )1}iti* t^ates tl)ennei;t enfuing,fuUr to be com:
ipleat ano enoeo. Bi? ^tttm of toliicl^ oemife afo;efaiD,K.li^. into i\t
ttiefuage 0; tenement af0;faiO9tiio entered toajs latoful fo;^im to 00
^no nolo atl^ence ti)e making of t^eleafe afo;efaio,t|)e faio H.^. oio
often cepaice ano come to t^e tioufe ofti^e faio 31 -^i b? tliat means in
l^o;t time became beer famil^at luit^ ti)efaio 3f-infomuc^ t|iat ^zt^z
faio %being ageo^ant b^ ceafon tijeceof alfo l^et|) beo;ioen,anD ^at^
Donefo; t|^fpace of manv rcre0.;^no finoing t|ie faio $^.to be teci? hi*
Ipgent ano careful! about ijim tl)e faio 31 fo; tliececonecie of ^i0 i^ealt^
^io fo affect t^e faio qp. as tj^at ^e bio vutjoll^ tommit tl^e cuaooio ano
keeping of all I)i0euioence0,leafe0,bono0ano bil0,amongft Ui^ic^ tl^e
countecpain of t^z faio ^^i0 leafe lua0 0no bnlede t^e faio ^.toge<'
tijectoitt) Come of ?ouc faio o;at0;0fe!:uant0 ^aue fecretlp conuaieo f
tafeen it atoa^,a0 tout faio o;ato; ootfj tiefjcmentli? fufpeftjin t|)at |)a
toantett) ti)e fame leafe : b^ rcafou Intjcceof i)e neit^iet: knotoet^ totjat
conottion0 ace containeo in t^efame^eitljer h)l^at p0naltte>if tf)e cent
be bel)tno,o; loljetljectl^eit beanr oiitteflTe fo; not patment of t^e cent
0; eireljol)eti)et: tl)e leafe be bttecl)? boio if t\)t cent be not pa^O at a

cectatne oa^ , ano luljat ot^ec couenant0 it contatnett) fo; p;ol)iliting

Of \sidS3i to be oone , a0 alfo fo; repairing of tl)e melfuage o;tenement
afc;efaio ttiitl) neeoeftillreparation09 loitl^ x^ivms otijer couenant0 to

tnani^ good l^urpofe0ffecifleb in t$$ fame leafe ;^nbfo;t|^atalfotl)at

ttjefnw taitecpam0 10 b|?fomefucJ)inDic0ct meaner as before al^ w
!ea^geB,ccirTc to f ^e tianDs of tl)e faiu $p. as alfo fo^ ttiat roue ;^;^ato;
t|):oug!) toant tijeuof bp t!)e llnct coutfe of t\}t common latDfi^oftfjis
ILaitDcannotBnd\?pani{l^tl)C b.^caclj of all, o? an^ tlje coacnanta
tljercm ej:p;^eacD, itf^iclj on tljcfam^.fiisparfoiigljt to jawbone
pccfojmeD aPD fecpt/ojtuant of tlj^fatb ceuntecpaine. 0ny> it tfjwr^
^ Billfir money for boorSng mth ofteytvhofe execHtor the p/aiutife is
Sc^. pp.' T_T tEtnblr complatmns^H^etogf tjnto rout: ^.llo?ol^ip) roue pailg

XJ. ';atoj ^.C.of li5.in tljeCountie of 2D.i^eoman,eretuf oj of tl)e

laft (Mill anu SDeUamcnt of ^.Clji0 fatljec Si^liat iwljeceas about t^e
ficftuar of luiigjUi^icb ia0 intlje icbiii.rercoftfjecaigneof our moft
0Cf,tiou0 ^ouecai^n tM't tlje ^.mott excellent iipaiethetljat noUi t0
one^.^.tjf !^.tnt(jeraioCountte^0ottian,at^.afo?eraiD,mt) put
tjmifelfeattb %. V^tw l)i0lutfeto baj.iO toitlj tlje faio ;.vD. ttjef cftato?,
anD t!)ecc to tannine fo long toitl) tl)5 l^to f eftato: , as \i OionlD plcafe
fcotl) tl)e fato pattic0,anD tfje faio Sil.&; in fonfiDei:ationtljctof,f Ijece
faitljfullr agrao to par anti fatiffie X^% i\)t fame tjuto tl)efaiD ).C.t|)0
tcttato? oj Ijis cmuto;50, Duting fuel) time as b^ f *)Js faio toifc f^oulD
temain at baj;it tuitb tt)e i^i^ teftatot, fo mucb latDfuUC-nglifl^ monr
as tfje faib boj^otng flfioulo be reafonablr U^o;jtb ano at fuctj time as Ije

fljoulo be t^0L*ento rcquitcO- 5i5r tjertut of toijicb ^vXi\x{% to bc^M;*

jjtament, ano faitl^fuU p;iomife , t^e fain m.
anD ^. Ijis toife U)ci:rat
bm.jD toitb t|ic fain tettatoj br tljc fpace of tf);jeetuI)ole reai's,o.2 tl)cte^
abouts, tucing all lubicl) iivnz t|e faitj teftato? at bis otone coff s an
cljatijes bio finu tjntc tljc fain M.anb 0 r onuenient anb neceiracic
meat,tjjinfee>anD longing, anis at funtj;^^ timts har auD gcalTe foj t|c
i^D;ffest>f tire faio M.tDl)iel)bo;i>tng,baT?53no gralFe,br tlje fatb fpace
oftl)?05 traces afo?efaib,twasi*eafonablr too^jtl) 40* Ii*atleaft|3et tl;e
tbe faiu tier not ignorant of ttje p;iemifi"cs,no.: ccgatoing Ijis faio fait| %
fuUagrcemcntanDp^omife, but imagining annfcaubulentlr intent
Ding tl)g fatu ) C
tlretcftato; , anu roue faitj bjato.: ^is^ ^reetttoj in
i\)i^ b^^lfc ctaftilr ano Deceit fuUr to Dereiuc ^no oefcauD : albeit fje

fjatl) bitt^bftentimes tliercunto gcntlr ccquiceD br tlje fain tettato? (

lis life tiitie, anDbrrout faiD ja>;ato?;$isevecuto; after fjisDeatfi,

^atfjnot paiD 0? fatiffiebanr tljingbntotlje fatD teUatoj in Ijislifc
XxxtKt^ tto;jijnfo:tour fbjefaib '^;ato? after Ijis peceafe fo; tlje fame

baj)D;ftj^)rtteatpb^iti^^j antj lob^n^ Diitilig tljefojefaiD tinier tl^t )^t

ano bibfmtj toifefD r0m1$iti^cratt(b;Dtoitl) tljefnio teftato?,ac'co^Diitg
to t)isrftriD faitl^ul pjomiOre anb ia/gr^tent, but Ijatl) euer l)it^rf oe?
nteDtotefnfTE?DtlJi^iEfe2e to toffieanD partfje faibCettafoj^lHs
lifetime, anb roirt: faiDi)jat02'afttr !)rs Deaf !r,anD r^t Dotfj^^r ni
^'" ^-^
7 :

and Anfvvers. Z2i

roftofefo par antifatiffic roue faiD ^;jato;;fo;i tlft fame, agamll nil
ttgf^tjequttieanu genu confciciwc ,anD to t^et)mD;janceoftlje ejcecueioit
otttictmia(tmti\\m^%titnmtntofti)t faioSCeftafo^ inronfioe^
ration Ujl^eceof,ant fo^afmuf^ asvout (m aD^ato: fjatl; none o;Dina^
rr t^met>r to tecoucc anr tl)ing fo;^ tlje faio b(D;Ding,anD picmiCTes b^
ti^zUm coucfe of t^e tOHimon llaUjcs oflljis out: Healme of 6nglan0
aftoell fo;j tl^at it fans no t ccctainclr agiaeo tjpon let hieen tf)c faio wm*
ano ti)c faiD teftato;,I;oU) mm\) t[)cfaiD ^r.f^oulD reelD fo;j tfjefamc
a$ alfo fo? t|)at tijefaio tcffato? did fo mdj creDit t^efaiD M*tljattf)e
fatD pSomifcanD agreement tuas pjtuarelf maDe betteeen tfjemfelu^^,
no petfon bemg tljeccunta cnlleD tljat mtgi)t tuitneOfe tf)e fame, ft t^at
if Ijappilr tt)e fatD ^S^.Untl not tpon lji0 catf) in fjis anftoec l)ewunta
in tfjis^onojaWeCouct, fOitfcITefljefaiDp^onureanD agreement, a0
rour faiD iMto; oeu^ip tfjinfeeti) l)e Ml
, rour faio D?ato;j U5 tjtteclr

DeOfttute of UutnelTcs to m^c pjoft ti)eccof Albeit tl^at it be moffi*

fie, tljot tljerai&agcccment anD pjomife, luas maoe anD agrao tjpon,
as is aVojefdiD, tubiclJVOucf-ciiOo^jato^ijatljrunD^ietmies IjeatD tlje
faD^eftato: f^r ano Deeiai:e:mtiti it pleafc roue sd ilo^Dfl^ip to grant
tmtorwJfai^o^^^tf- *'> -. ..- '^

JilBiUfot mt eniring tntohindia 'fk^e Afitertit harmlejfe

According tofromifii

IjjimoffljumblelBifccomrilatning, %tetf)t3ntorourTi^no.:rour ^.
Dailr D.jatojH.p.of M.mt^eCountieof^,|^eoman,t^at iuljere^ ^'"' *
ais onei?.ilof ^in t^ifaiD Count or^*peoman,DtD boi^nrln of one

ja.i5of ^^in t^e faiD Countie of ^gentlemaH,fl)c fum of 1 7 At 1 2 s*

of gtoD anD lalDfaUmoner of (2;ngJanD,toanD fo; t^e oneir tjfe of |)im
t^efaiD i?X<anD of one l^^of 115iti tlje fatD Countie of ^.yeoman,
j^nfman to tijc fo^efaiDir*iLant> fo^tlje true Difctjacgtng anD paiment
of tl)e fojefaiD fum of 1 *\ui 1 sJbecaufe tlje faiD K^U-toaie; a man zVik^
meo to beof t)enermalUreDit9anDaltogel1)er thknotune tinto tlje faiD
0 515^ f ^erefoje i\z fo^cfaiD. H %* carneaip requefteD anD oefircD of
tour faiD i?ato.i,beingtiiBnareneigbbour,anD of tjerr long arquaiu"
Vxixit auD famtliantie tuit^ ^im , to enter into bono tuitt) ^tm i^t faiD
IF^Itrte tl^ faiD ^^MXqi i^t imt par ment,anD fatiffartion of flie foW^
faiDTiiiitof 1 74ti2,0*ai<Dif in caferour fsiiD);jato;U)dulD enter im
tobonofd^^tr^tljeii ^\]^im^f%. fttDfait^funr p?omifeahDaf='
txmi"smsi'^<i\3XX^y:}^^'^^%t^zx\X^x. into a countorboni^of Double t)a^
11106^:1^10 bono t3ntorou^:Xa(De;j?ato^tD Difrtjarge^ anD^^feuelitm
ijaVm^lTeagainftt^faiD ai;515.|)tj5ejcefutoa0anD aDminiil^Eato;0,of,

>,o.' nations.

- Supplications, Bik,
fiattomc , m> tncomb.2aiicej(s toljatfoeuer , tuljic^ (l)OttlD o; mtgfit d^
bS i:earon o; meaiies of tl)e fato obltgatton : iD^ereupon ^our fo^efai
o?ato? ( confioecing tfjc great toant ano m^DB tljat t^e foacfaiu K. It.
biD at t^at ttmeOanti in ) ttuttinQ to l)U( fattefpcsrfiejrano p^omifetf
after long intceatte anD cequeft to t)tm maof ,t>ouc fato o^ato; tin con^
rent anD agi:# to become boum!ientpttt)t{)eratDif.ll.t8tl)efo^eratD
^.10. fo; t^e paijment of t^c faio furame of 17,11.1 2.0. fot^attow:
faioo,jato;raigl)tf)auerucl)acountecbonDfromt^e faio K.Jl. fo oif^*
cljargc anD faue l)tm ^acmelcirc sgainft tljefaio B. fo? , ano concet^
tijat iiOi to fav 7 t^e 2 5. Da? of
ning tijc faio bono , after tutjiclj time ,
iiparc^, intljenincano tUientiet^^eareof t^craigneof out ^oue^
raigne llao? tt)e iiuanes ^aicftte ttiatnotoi^, tfie faioiF-lU ano

tour faio ojato j bp tljeir tu;iting obligato?t!,became bouuo to ttie faiO

0. 113. in tlje fumnw of 40. li. of go ano latofullmone^ of (2^glanD,
tjpon tl^t!? conoitton in&o^ceo bpon tl^efaio lo^iting obItgato;ie , viz.
tijat if t^efaio jf .H.ano tlie faio H.^^.^ouc fato o;ato?,o; tit^tt of t^em
of tiiem, 0; mv of t^em> oto
ttjeir ^eireiS) etrecuto;^:, aominifln:ato;jS}

Ipell ano truel^ content ano pa^ bnto t^e faio d.m ^is ejreciito;5 anD
aominiflrato^jt^efaiDfummeof i7.li.i z.0..of gooanDlatufuUmo^
net of ^nglano, at 0; bpon f fje 25. Dat of qparcitj, in tf)e teare of one
ito^D (^00 1 5S 8.in t!)e C|)ucc^ po^c^ of |^bettueene t!;e ^outta ofone
anD tl;;^ of tije clock in tl)e afternoine of t^e fame oat ^ tt)at tijen t^e
faiD iD^itingobligato^ie to be boio ano of none etTect^o; elfeto ItanD in
ful fo^eano tiertue : but fo itis riglit^ono^ble , t|)att|)efdiDfumme
of ijX,! IS* lua( not paiD bnto tt)e faio j^.015. at t^e time ano place
inenttoneD in t^efaio conoition^toiierebt t^e faio bono of 40.lilD|)et:e<
intl)0 faiD ^.H. anDrourfaiDo;ato?luerebounDentoti)e faiDJ^liS*
teaK, anD tet cpntinuet{) ft)^feiteD,t^e faiD 0.)1B being not paiD no; a^
ffcm tvitijall 9 bt teafon toiereof , totir ^ono;^ faio o^ato; is liUc to
grpto to great ttGuble ano fjuit of IUtufo;t^e faiD bono : ano albeit
tourl^ono;^ faio o;ato; i^atljDiuers anofunD^ie times ftttiencetfje
making of ti)efaiD bono , p^omif^ano atTumption , moli earnetllt coi
quefieptbefaio U.H. tomak^tant0tourlpono?i^faiDo;ato?acoun^
terbonDjfoj tbe Difcbarging anD fauing tjatmeleffe of rout faio o;ato;
againft tl^e faio ^. ^. fo;, ano concepning tbe faio bono , acco;Ding to
iH0 faio alTumption ano p;omife, ret timt fp to Dce, t^e faiD l^.H.i^at^
DenieD ano refiifeD euer bitljecto, ano ret Dot^ Denie ano refufe tojoe
tl)efame)CQntrarieto aU rtgf)t,equitieanD giPD confcience : 3tn tenbec
confioeration fol^eceof, anD fo;afntuci>as tour faiD o;ato; fiatl) no fuf/
ficientU)itnr(reanDlDo;D5of aflTumptiontontaintatne an action bp^
on ^is cafe it ti)e Common %&\y meaning notbtng but plainly
tDi)(i;ebti^e is boio of aU remeDie at t\\x Comrnon ldt$ ;inaB it t^ere^
andAnfwers. 222
fo;ie pleafetjeut honour, tf^e p;emtffe5confiDeo, to gtmit t)nto ^fiur
faio ^i^toht^jz Q.mems mmt^tBmoit%umu$ iont 0f Subpce-
m, tQ be oicecteo to tfje fato HX* fc

yf 5//ftfr making falfe t^ffAanitfor affearatte^,

I ili moft ^umbteluifc fl^ctoctl) tjnto rowgD llo*^ouriL.o;ato;^v c-a ^q - ,

^. of il dDentleman %^^t to^^csarJ tjpon fuit fjccctofo^e, anD tet

tjepcnoing in tfjis Ijonojabic Coutt, betloeen t?oucil0;jfifl[ltpj8 fato o;a^
to; t\)tn pIamtife,anD one Kra.oefcnoant in tf)efaio fuite , fjec mate*
tlieBtDjttofSubpGenaiuasoutoftljififaiD Court tonto tl)efaioK0.
DicectcD^commanuiiis l)tm tljecebp at a cectaine oa? tijecein limitteD,
foappeacebefojegoucll.in t|)cfatD Court, anD to anfajerto^ourll.
faiD ^^jate^^jin^anD toncljingtfjefaiD fuite : /j5otD fo it i$ it it ma?
pleafst!Ourll.tf)att[)efaiD i$.3.not|)auing ani^ regard of ^er ^aie^
ttizs faio p^oceflTe of Subpoena/o to pirn DirecteOjbut (echinQ oeceitfulo
l^ ano frauDulentl!? to neglect ano mfobep
tfje fame, p^ocureo one *

y5,^is fcruant a tjer^ letou pcrfon,anti niiniHer foj fuc^ a ?urpofe,


to come tjntotfiiij^no^able Court of Ct)ancerie,anti tijeremoft cojj

i;uptl^jfaifl?,anDperirioua?,to ftoeareano Oepofe ^pon t\)c [)olp C^
MangeUft,t^tfjefaiDjK;a at t^nt time iuas lame anu not able ta
Irauell to t\}isCourt, iaitffout great Danger of [)i0 Ijealt^, fo; t^at t^e
pain0 of t)i0 lamenes lt)aic( fucl),t^at i)e \i)a$ perfluaDeD b v Ijis frienDcr
to goe to tl)e ^at^,betng ttjirtie mile^e Di0^ant from ^ib |^oufe,; tijer^
aboutiS , anD tliat ^zious gone to t[)efaiD place Hiitl) mut^ aooe, anD
ti)ereremaineDatt{)eta^ingofl)i0faiDoat^, ls)!)ereint^ faiD(!^^
bi? tbemeane0,rubo;nation, anD procurement of t^e faio K. :3. ijatl^
modlpic&eDl^committeD molt totlfuU anD corrupt periurie, f[02^(f
tnuci) a0 tt)e faio H.0 ti3a0 attljat time in t)er^ goiD $ perfect ^ealtify
abiItt^,anDfottnDne0ofboD^,lBitl)out an^ manner of lameneffe o;
Debiliti?,fo n$ liemigljt ijaue t)er^ tuell trauelleD luitI)out ^urt o; Dan^
geroft)i0i)eaU^, anDlpa^at t^attimtiLt* in t[)e County of jL.anD
not at }13at|),a^ti}e faio ([^15* in {)i0faiD Depofition moliDntruIr ^^
pofeD. ^a^ it tl)erefo;epleafc tour ga)D Jlo^Dl^np %u

ABilltehereUenedofanohligaticnmth condition t for that the money yvas


I jl^moft Ijumble Iwtfe complaining tjntotourgooDEo^D^ 5

/^ 2?
tl)ip,VourDailr^o;atoj jli.l'^.ofifan Countt? of ^"liufbanD^
ti)C *

man, anD 3B of^an t()e fame County ijufbanoman. jCfjattoljere

onc^.lij.of^.m tl)e Count)? cf ^. dljentleman, Ijauing neeoto
tjTeanD bojcoiu moneg foj |)i0 necetCsrv iJfe;, entreateoroHc faiDs
ojatojio bft^tolw of a^* *p{^* intU ^^^^ cauntie of
luiDOt , tjjc
rummeof)CF*li. to^tcti?owrfmoo?atojDio acco^omgtotfjerequeftof
t^z faiD iji ^nt) foj tl)e ceparment t^eixof totlie fatp sp^ouc faio o^a^
to; became botmo to Jjec t^z fait $p b^ obligation, in tljc fumme of yl,
'pounDi3,ti3it]^ condition, fo;|l)epai;Rent of tlje f^io ttjient^ pounos

at aoa^ noto paft,tu]^i4 ttoentiepounOB l)e tl)C faio j]i!)at^ toelano

frul^ contented, fatiffiecant) paiu to t^z faio ^iaccojoing to t^e con
Dition afo^efaio: iDtiic^ nottoitt)fiant)in0,fo it is, if it ma? pleafe i^otrc
gffiD H* v^t oott) t^e faio ^ againii all scdO Dealing oetaine tfiefaioe

obligation in bi?? bants, nottoitbttanoing funo;^^ tequeffsmaoe bn*

to bet: b^ ^oucfaio o;ato;,fo; t^z oeliuer^ tbeceof, againtt all cigbt, e
qmtie,ano gcob confcience,minoing as it ibotilo feeme to put tbe fame
in fuitceitbec againft ^jouc o?ato; o? ^is erecutojs luben opportunity
feruetb 3!n confioecation ttbet:eof,ant fo^afmucb as ?ouc faiD o?ato?
batb not ojoinari? remeo? bp t\^z coucfe of t^z comon latu, to compel
tbefaio ^fto oeliuei: tbe faio bono,o; tocancelltbefameacco^oingas
in rigbt ^^ cuj^t to oo, i^a^ it pleafe vouc g(po IL to gcant,ie*

^ Binfor that theVlaintife bath not according to promifc , frocared an ac-

quittancefor rents by him payed to the Defendants by the ^fpointment of

St(k, 105 TT^Umbl^ complaining, D^etuetb bnto ^ouc bonoutable Jto^ofbiPi

jrl^oucoail^o?atoj3iip, of Span tbe County of^o^be yeoman,
^battPb^t^^as about tbe ficltfeate of tbe reigne of tbe late l^ing <^o^
Ijia^o t^^zUU^ one I* ^late fatbec of ^ouc faio o^ato; txias latufulli!
feifeo in ^ oemefhiei^as of f3f ,of ano in certaine lanos ano tenements
toitbtbappuctenanc^sin ^* ano tjuitbin tbe pacilb of ^.intbe faio
Cmntiz^ ano being tljeceof fo feifeo,oieo tbei:eof fo feifeo. ^^ ano af^
teciubofeoeatb, tbe faio tenements ano pjemiflfes luitb tbappurte=
nances, oefcenoeo ano came,as of rigbt tbcr e tigb^ ^0 oefceno % come
to i?ouc faio o^ato; as fonne ano ncpt |cite of btm tbefaio 31. ip. after
iubofc oeatb t^ouc faio o;ato? entcco into tbefaio tenements ano p^e^
miCTcs iuitb.tbappurtenances, ano luas f beieoffeifco m
bis ocmefne
as of ffi^,ano being tbeceof fo feircD,one mefuage 0; tenement,one gac?
oen,one 0^cbarO,one clofc 0; ccoft,tberunto aoio^ning, r^mtB lanos,
meootDs ano pa(tui;es,pacccl of tlje p.:en]iac5,luere ailigneD to ^*^*
late tnifc of tbefaio ^.^^.oeceafeo fo; becootoei: of tbe fatoianocsol
b^cfaiobuffeano,bi? fo>ce tubeixof ibee Uias tbeceof feifeo in bee oe^
merne,as of fci%b0it,ano ^z being tbeceof fo feifeo, aftecluacos, tbat
is to fit^, about t^z bi* oap of Blune, int^z fouctb ano fiff W'^t of tbe
raigne of !li* "^^xM)^ ano ^u. ^m^ b^ Blnoentuce oateo tbe oap ano
Fines and Concords. 225
^utt abou^ato gcanteti mn to farme ^in let tmto rout faiD ;;ato;

t^e fatD Ianli0, tenenwntflf anD p?emi()fe0 , to tjolo (torn t^e ^ate of tl)e
fato SInuenture, Dntotfjeeito antj termeof tljj^rco^e^eace, If Ije
C^owlo fo longliue^rcfccuingtljcrcupon to Ijec^earcIrjUunng tl>efat0
terracof Ir. v^Bxts^if fl)efolongliueo,i^.lt of latufuUctnghiljmo^
ne)?,tof)icl)rear0lrrentof uMi*i?ourraiD^;jato;jtiiDiiii ano faitfj^
fuUv par Dnto tljefaio ^. ano \}et affignesf tjntiU about tljetcntlj rcace
of tlje ratgne of our ^owecaign ilaot? ttie ^ueenes ^aieftictljat noto
i0,at ^W\) ^itt^^ tlje fato H.-am grant ant alTigne rrrs. rei;elr,paccell
of tlj0 fain rcarelr rent of i\;Au oaring Ijer lift , to one H.sp. of Can
f\)t Countie of ^. Cutler, ^mi aftecU3artisf,tj)at ts to far^about t^g
ttoenttetf) reareof fjer^aicaic0fail)raigne, tljefaioja.fo^ funD;jtc
confioeratton0 oio appoint ttie faio K.to receiue tlje otfjer );):^8f.f erelg
rcfioueoftl)efaio rearclr rentjof iiMt.to|itiBf oiune tjfe. ^no rour faiu
^,:ato:euerfincet]^faio grant ano appointment i[)atl) rcarcl? paieD
tjnto t\)t faio K. a0 toell t[)e faio rjcpiS^rent , fo tol)im granteo br tjje
faio ja* as t|)c faio otijer rrr*^^ rent^reaoue of t\\e faio tiMi. rent> Blrr^
confioeration to^eceof tfje faio K.^p. about tljefirff oar of iunc laff
paft faitbfuUr p^omifeDrourfaiDj^ato;top;ocureano ocliuertnto
^tm fufficient acquitance , of t^B faio 0. fo? aU t^e faio rents tuf)tc|?
tlje faio K.ljao fo , ao is afij?efaio,ref eiueo of rour faio j?ato; hv t^z
appointment of t|e faio ;a. ;ano toljereas furtljer (if it mar pleafe
rour g(DO^0jtil^ip ) about f 1)0 eigfjtantl^ oar of 0p;jil!, in tlje feuen
ano ttoentiet^ rcace of tlje reigne of tlje ^uancs ^aieffie ti^t nolo
i&jt^t faio H*9p* being inoebteo to0ne Ml*^ of ^in t\)$ tain Coun^

tie ^mitli^in ttjefumme of lii;*0.itti.o* of CngliC^ moner, oio intreat

rour faio ^?atojtobe fuertiefo^^imtot^efaio Mh^, fojtl^epar*'
mentof )efaiofnmmc li^ s.iiti.O. totfjefaio^.^. attljeifeafttof
^.llBartljolometo tlje japolllet^ennert enfuingjUjljicI) rsur faio ^;a^
f 0? oio accojoinglrjin confioeration tijereofjtfje faio K.sp.oio tljcn af^^
fume tjpon Ijimfelfe, ano bnto r our faio ;.jato?faitl)fuUr p.:omifg,
t^atif ]^ett)e faioK. ^. oio nottuell anotruelr par tinto t^efaio tm.
^. t^e at t!je faio jreaff of ^. Bartl^olometo. %fiat
faio liih 0. iiih U-
tt}zn |)e tlje faio H.^p. looulo fuflftcientlr conuer anoaffuretorouc
faio ^aato^jtlje faio r^telr rent of ms. to ^imns afo^efaio, granteo
br tlje faio j^.togetljectoit^ tfje faio oeeo tljcreof , ano aftertoaros tlje

faio 1^ . ^ oio neit^crpar to tJje faio m. h-t^c faio fumme of liij. 0.


jitj.o. no? anr part tfjerectf;, at tlje faio if eaft of ^. aiSartlielomeiu, no?

at anr timt fince, no? oio conuer tfie faio r f arelr rent of xxv. 0. 0? oceo
tl^ereof to rout faio D?ato? acco?oing to \}i$ faio p?omife. i5ut aUc*
$etl)er contrarie to l)i0otDnep?omifel)at!)p?ocureotf)efaio;a.tofue
?our ^?ato? befo?et l>e Ctueenes^aieftiejano W ^ono?able Coun^

Supplications, Bil&^
cell, cif ablifl^eD tn tijc i^o.:tl) parta, fo;^ xx^M* x*s* asf mtt^Q of t|jr
faiD ^caceliuenf of tsi4i fuppofing tlje fameto be be^ino ano tjnpa^D
b? tl)0 fpace,ofcigl)t i^eucst anD a balfe,not33 la(| paft^nDttuitpanoiug
tl)c fame to tffc
t^at t?ouc faiD g).2ato j l)atl; iucU anu trcl\? pav^D faio

K^ afo jefaiD. ^no t|)cfaio K.^. altijougl; \)t l)at^ been oftentimes
gentlr acquires b^ \:oiit faio ^^^tii^ afUicUto procure Ijtm tlje faio ac^
quittance Df tlje fait ^. fo^ tije faio cent of iij. It. n& to make affurance
of tl)c faio r eatelp tent ofxxx.e- to !jim br file faiD ^, granteD,?et tt)at
to uoc, Ijeljatl) eucrbittjertouenieDanv! icfnfcD ^anui^ettiotb Dcnieto
Dee tl;e fame againft ail rigl)t , ano grou confcience , ano to f lie
jgieat i)inDei:ance,ani) loffe of ^ow ^;ato;
fatt> 3!n tenoec confiDera:
tion U^lieceof , anD fo.jfomucb au t\)c faio agreements , pjomifes , ano

payments of tlje faiD rents toecepjiuatclrmaDe bettoeene i^our faio

;^;ato^,anDf^efaiDiK.9p ijuit^outanrUiitneffesfljereof, fo?tt)at
^ouc faiD j^Mtoj repofeD fo great trull in t^e faiD K. (p being ^i& m^
f urallb^otljer, tl^at lie calleD no man to beare loitneUe thereof, fo tljat

lie ran Ijaue none o^Dinarie meanes hv t^e Due courfe of t^e Commow
Jlatoes of t^s Kealme, but is altosetfjerremeDilcifefo obtaineo;jre^
rouer an^ recompence o; Damages ttjereotjbnlelfe tlje fame K.iiip.iDiU
ronfelTe tJje fame to be true in Ijis anftoer l^ereunto,as ^ouc faiD ^m^
to;^ ^eril? tljinfeet|i t^at l)e toill Bitmap tlierefo^e i c.

ty^Billfor that' the defendant, for rphom theflaintifewasfHertie to pay

certatne weney,didneitherpay the fold money
nor fane the flaintife

Ht^mbl^ complaining (l^eUiett) t^nto ^mi l^ono^ble llo^fl|tp

pour Daplt? ^;jatoj 1^.% of G;.in t^e Countte of SO* yeoman
5c6t, 50*
gi^i^gt totjereas about t^e tiiij.Dat? of October, in tlje xxih pcare of tfje
raigneof our ^oucraignellaDp tfjc iuecnes moft crccUent spaeetti?
tijat nolo is,pur faiD ;^ jato^jat tf;e earneft requeflr of one ^.C.of C.
in'tlje faiD County l^epman^anD Jt.Cfiis fonne,fo? anD iuit^ tl;c faio

I^.DtD enter anD become bouuDenDnto!^.^. of (IB.afo;^efaiD|3eoman

tn oneobligation 0; bono ofrli^<of lalefuUCngli^mone^tl^ereupon
mDorceo toitl) conDition , tljat if tlie faiD ^.ii^. ano i^ C. 0; either of
tl^em^tljeir erecuto^SjaDminiftrarojSjOjaffigneSjOj anp of tl)em, DiD
tueUanDtruelppa^o;rcaufetobepa^eD t)ntotf)efaiD^.^.l)iserecw
tojs 0; affignes, tfje fumme of xxM of latofull (iDnglil^ mone? , bpon
t])z nintl) Dap of October , lDl}ict) tjjen f^oulD be in t^t peare of our
JlojDdDoD I 5 8 I. att!)enotoDUeHingfjoufeof tl)efaiD %.^. iit^.
sfb^^efaiD, XW V^znV^z faiD ;^bligationl^oulDbei)oioanDof none
tffcd* ^nn f fie tain ^^C^anD li^,dn cofioecaticn t!jcceof,tiiD tfienanu
tfrereaffumelapontijemrelueiet) anotntorcut: fatl>i;afo? Uitl)Ml^
p.:omife,tl)att(jeraiD'i^,C4f)cfummeof 20. pounDs tintot^efai^i^,
^ tjpoit t\)t faio nintf) nav of iDrtobec , in t(je t^cace of our Jlo^ti Co?)
1581, tDoulD lcU am tmtly! pav> o,z caufcto be paieo , accojDing to
tljcraiDcoM&itionoftfjefoiDobUgafioiT. ^notljattfjc faio^^Cano
HC luoulD from time to timt, ano at all times Ijeceaftec, faue and
feeepe fjacmelelTc, am inDeJupntfieo ^ouc fato i;ato; againft tljc faio
!^.^ of, fo;,anti concerning tl;e faio bono of 40. it, ano of, fo;, anO
concerning all actions, fiute5,anD tcoiibles to be Ijao 0; commenced a^
gainfi ^ourfaiD o;ato;>, foj,o? bv reafon oftlje faio bontj of icl.pounos,
^nti alfo tljat t^z^^ tl;e faio ^.C ano HCli30ulD fo.jtl}ti3itlj ijaue ban
bcunot>nto^out:faioo;ato.: bv?tljcirrnfficient obligatan ttjefumme
cffouce fco;c li^fo^tije fofauing ijarmeleife of i?oar faio ojato^againft
t^z faio !|^. as is afojefaio ^ut notu fo it isy if it niai? pleafe pone
|)ono?able II. tliat tfje faiD ^.Cantenoing ^out faio o;ato^ in tfjis bc^
l^alfejCcaftiltianD fubtiUp,to oefcauo ano Deceiue,{)atl; neit^eupa^eo
tjnto tlje faiD ^^t^efaio tluent)? pounos ttie faio nintij oa? of i^cto^
htt in tl)e faio ^care of our 3lo?D (Sod
i 5 8 i acco^oing to tlje eifect ano

meaning oftlje faiD conoition,no;i at anytime fitfjence, no;tlje faio

l^.C.an^ H.C,t)aue become bounoen tjnto tjour faiD o^ato^in tlje faiD
obligation of fourefco.zepounDSjto faue I'oui: faio oMo^^acmclcffea^
gaifttlje(aiDl^^asisafo^efaiD, albeit tljat^ouc faio o^atoj Ijatfj
funo^JS times gently cequiceo tljem, anD eitljer of tfjem fo to Doe, tl)e
fame to Doe Ijaue euec l)it^ei:to cefufeo, ano pet Dce cefufe ano oenti to
Doe t|)e fame againft aiUigtjt, equiti?, ano gcoD confctence,contrari} to
t^t faitf)fuU pjomife^anD alTnmption afoiefaiD,fo tfjat pone faiD o;a^
to? is liUelp tjecp l^.^tlp to be enfo^ceo to pap tjnto tlje faiD ^,^ tl)e
fame tluentp pounos, tuljicl) tuoulo be to ttje great Damages anD ijin^
Dei;anceofponefaiDo?ato.j,iffpecDpremeDpbe not intljisbeljalfebp
pour gooD3lo.:Di1^ip in Due time p^ouiDeD to p;euent tbefame,lDl)ere^
fo;e,anD fo^afmucEj as pouc faiD o;ato^ giuing faitl) anD cceoitc to t^e
fatDpjomifeanDallumptionof tl;e faiD I^.C. did tafeettjeic faio p;o^
mifeanD affumption of tbemjlwit^out calling anp luitneifc to tfjem ta
lieacetljefame, fotljat pour faio aD^ato^fc^ bjant offucljiuitnccrcs
l}atf) no remeop bp t|)e common latues of tl)is Healme, no? otl)ei;Uwrc

to litatje t!)empei:fo,:met!)efaiD p^jcmifeanDaaumption , tmleffe tf)e

fatD i^.C^ano K.C Dcd confetTe t^efame in tfjeii: anftoec to tpiB ^on.
Coutt;,as pour faiD jisD^ato? tjeeilp t^in^etl) tjjep toiU: ^apit,ic^
Supplications, Bils^.

ABillforentttlinghimfelfe tothefojle ofacMtmstt, andforfelimgofwooii

therein growing,
Tjjimoff^mWetoifecomplamiHg, fl^etoetl^ ana cSplainetHorootJ
1^0!to?,t!OUi:tjaili? o?atojii^(i5.clerke,p;ebemjaci? 0f tlje^jebeiili.
Sea. 50. c8mmorTl)[? calico tie pj^benniif t^e ^uecl^all in S^Q%W\\,\vi t)^ col*
Icgtatc Cijutcl; of ^outi)lDell in t^e countte of ^ott ; 2C|at tpleceas
tour faio iD.jatojliiaj5, ano ts fetfeo in 1^10 oemefncas of fee, in ^cig|it
of tl)efaio^^ebeno,of,anotu onemano^in^o;teeU, in t|)e faio cotm^
tie, tpljereofcertatne %)aiOt grounds ano fpnngsi , beeing moO^ com^
monlt open;, ano ttje^ecbage t|iereof, tafeen ano bfeoa^common b)s
t^e tenantiS ano ot|et: inhabitants of t^e fame ^atio? ano CoUine of
^afo^faio in parcell* ;^notf)e tenants ano ini^abitantsoftijefame
^ano; ano totone of ipt.afo;eraio,as tenants of ttje famemano^ 0no
ot^ec tenants ano inhabitants tuitljin t^t tolimes ano t)iUages of<D*
-ano H. t^at \b to fa^, b^ tl^em as Commoners becaufe of t)icinage,bH
tcafon of tDt)ic|) faio loooo^ ano fp^ing of gcounos , tifeo as common^
as x& afo^efaio, pact lui^eceof is pacciell of tfie fame ^anno^ ofiP con^
taining bp eSimation tijoentic acres, eirtenoing in length fcom a cer^
taineoaUe tre^, beeing abounoarieoaliebettpirt tl^e fame I fuc^ ottjer
tike grounos being parcell of anot|)er p;ebeno in t^e collegiate t^wvS^
of^.afo^efaio^ commonly calleot|iep;ebeno of tl)e^eatl)^aU 0;
palacet^alltn^tafo^efaio^ ano from thence ertenoet^ along, b^ a
place luliere i}^ik tre^s lately t|iere oio grotu, comonl^ calleo t|)e tl^^ee
b^et|)^en,ano fofro ttjence along b^ t^e cpeare,tu^icl) ii^ as it l^tl) bin
an ancient o^^oitcl) cad bp as it toere, o;]^ao bitnea^eare^outl^^
toaro bettuirttliefeueraUlo^os 1 otuners of tfie lanos in i plaee, tl)at
tstorat,fir(t(^aai]}aros,betl^eE^nt{)elo;os anooluners oftlje fame
lanos, ano ti)e manors ano lanos ofCaunton I &(lt^o;p, anolueS^
fearoi)ntotl^emano.20ftekfall, ano from tljcnce ootoncUiaro toell
ano br tl)c fame parUe prac ijis^tljlDaro by a
tjnto tlie parfee pale of !^*
ano tene*
jcertaine little riuer of toater,il3nto rertaine of tlje like lanos
montsoftj^efaioot^ermanno^pfp^afo^efaio, anofocEafttoaro tip^
luaro bntotbefojefaio ancient oake, tubiclj faio parcellof grouno,one
K* -M,* ano ^.p gentleman,! one K2S.yeoman,p;ctenoing to ^atie
feuerallmano;s \n<Z* afo;efaio, ^no bauingoiuers oeeos. Charters,
ieuioences,bounoarics,terrarsano muniments, concerning tfje p.2Cj<
miCies of rigfjt belonging topoucfaio ^;ato; , cafuall? 0; bt? fome fi^
nilter meanes come to tbeir l^noS) 009 not onclv claime tl)e fame to be
parcell of tljeic feuerall Uiti xmmi^
: liSut alfo tjivuer p,:etence of tljeir

faio p;etenoeo ano bncecfaineclaime^not onclyfome0ftf)em,butalfo

oiuers otijer bnoer t|iecoiowr ano permiJIion of fome of tjem [jat^ tnt

andAnfwersi ii$
anu tnnkh to be cat uottine t|ie moff part of the bcS trceiSJ gtolutng tip*
on tl)c faiD paccellof luooD grouno, as in tcut^ all t|)at tons felleo did
gtotoe tf)ece in a cojnectljecoftotoatDstl^c Call part, containmsliUc
):tiactefl,anD tljat in abfcnce of roue faiD ^:^to;tf)C(\hmnQ^ ana ret
remaining a ftuoent in tl;e53niuecfitr of <namb;tDe, tfjat 10 to far, a
tcIloUi of vS^nnuill ano Caiu$ ColleD0e,anD not fo contented, bat con^
fioecing touc faio ^;aCo;tf abfencc, oatlr am continually, botfj con^
tinuctl)cicfo;merclaiinetot^efaiDgronnO , tuit^in tlje nieatcs ano
bounDd afo;efatD,anD fo do cut Dolun i caufe to be cnt oots^ne t^t ted*
Due of t^c twD t^ere gcoluing, 1 fo tuil tecr fl^o^tlr leaue none't^cce.
^noalfo br coloucano ccafon of tbefaia penniaion, t^er luillf^o?tlr
br facf) inoircrt mean^ anD p^ctife,U)in,anD get t^e fter ^olD ano int^e*
rttance tljcixof to t|?em,a5 t^er iHiue in ot^et tlje toaa5,common,anO
li!iCg;ounw,U)itl>tntl^inano;,of,0iinC ojat tfjelcattbauenone
able to teltifie t(;econtrai:r:>^!)^^^ notD in tcutl) tl^ere ace Diuer0 ano^
tunD^ir (UfPlctentanD ancient loitneHes, beiitgtor ageo, anD fomeof
t^sm berr impotent,t^t can ano tDilltcauell fo^farte as tl)c^ aceable
toti:aueU,totetifiet}pontt)|eicoat^ed tl)e truet^cfttie p;tmiS[ts in
manec ano fb;me,as befo:e in cftcct is alleageo^no mo;e fo; tbc bet tec
p;re of rone faiD & :ato;s tig|)t,in, anO to t^e faio laft reciteo p;emif^
fe,ifcaufcf n2D 1^J foTcquitci t^at tljcfaio K.^.ipJ3.anD H.2^.
tpon t\)zix anftuec mno t!jg matters m ti)is bill cf complaint, toill not
tonfipffiet^etcut!)t!)ccdn, asitis mottcceoiblr to be p;eiumcD t^er
JuiH, ano tlje latljcr, fc^ t^at, if tljcr iuiU ocnr tljc fame, tbep fenoto in
p.:oceeoingbpon t^e anftuers to ttjiB bill, alltbebJbQ^^trueil^concet'
ning tbe p:emi(re5 mud be eramtne^ br oepolitionfl! of tuttneJc0,anO
tt)eic oepoQttonsi, if o;^ccp;efentlr be not taUen of tbefame,{^all ano

mar temame of teco;D in perpctuam rci mcfnoriam, to ocD fuctljec

t|>crein,a3brtbii!jono?ableCouctt^allbeatuacDco, lD^es:efo;je t^e
p.jemifiJe0tcntieclrconfioereD,anDalfotl)e inccrtaintie, Uj^etl)crtl;c
faio K.tKJ^i? 313. ano K.2E. o;anr oftljem luillconfefle tljeiubolc

tcuet^, concerning t^c rig!) tauD title of roue fo;efaiD^;ato?to tlie

fame : 0no tlje tti>ong ano Dammage br tljcm , ano otj^et br tWt
meane0anoconfenttoljimDone. ;anoiftberf^oulonot, tljetjncec^
taintielMbetljec tljat tlje fo^efaio ancient,ageo, ano impotent pcrfone
D;anr of t|iem tfjat noto beliuin0,ano can tetttfic t^e tcut^ coceming
tlje fame l^all be liuing toljen tfje fame C^allcome in ti:iall,at,oj br tlje

toucfc of tiie common ilatocg, to tuljom tf)e tigljt of t!)e frflrfjoliJ mn

tnl)entancetl)eceofDot^ of rigbt belong, ouee ani)be0De0 t^e impo>
moft of tpem mar l)aue at fuel) time ano timta^ to
tencie, tljat t^er 0;
anD ttf^Uz tlje truetl) concerning t\}t p;:emiire^i
trauell totoitnelTe
toit^ t^igft^t^wx faiDe ;^;ato;Dot^not^noloe t^ c$(tdi}:$oate
Supplications, BiIIs^^
o^oateiSoftleraiD tiesD00,ct)artec0,eutoence0, benHDattei^, tetcarj^j
ntumment5,ojtul)emnti)efameb0conta^neo,U)ljetl)ec mbaggc, 0^
bor0,fealeD,o;jlocfeeD,o?ot^ertDife,amjfo toit^out rcmcDie foat^ierc^
touccieof t^e fame,ano teDjelTc fo; t^t tu^ong atjcuefaiOjOfjO^ b? jDgc
of t^e common Uloes of tljis l^ealme. 31t ma? f liecefo^e ic*

ji Biliagainfl the executors for that the Tefiator did not deliuer ffeeklttes
paid, whereitfon they threaten to fite the Plaintife,

T#iollljamblelDirccompla\?mngr, OjetDeff^to root gliE,o;jtill^tp,

Sea 106 '
SD^at tol)0cea0 ^ouc fait) ^;ato?fi about t^z montl) of lanuatiejin tje
3 o.veareof ttje caigne of oucfouecaigtiellao? Cli^abettj^tfje fEueencB
^aieIlietl)atnotoifi,bpbw feuecall bonus ax tu^itings o'uUguto^te
became bcuno to one ^M>* notu oeceafeo, fo?t|je pa?mcr.t of feuecall
fummc0 ofmon^ \3nt0 t|)e fain ^autnbtc!) fato fumraes 0fmon?,anD
cnecie pacccUt^eceof^oucfaio ojato^ljatl) tcul? fatiffieo ano pa^eDto
t^faio ^.SD.mbis W^ time,acc0;rmngto t|)e purport anDefifect of t|)e
faiofeucrall bonus anu Ujntings obligatojie , not taMng ante oft|e
fpecialtieSjO^an^acquitanceoj Uifcbacgefcom t\^z faioijl iED.fo? t^e
fame,but onel? tcuflceo tl^e too^ba of ttje "aio i^.^^Vobo faitbfuUg p;o^
mtfeo ^oucfaiD o^ato? to fenb tl)c fame fpectaUies to ^ouc faio o^ato;
|oufe,at2Cotle^afo.2efaiD5o;fuffificnt acquitance fo;tbefame. 3put
^s noio fo it iStiUt ma^ pleafe ?ouc geoti jU.o;>bll)ip> tbat ltncetbebeat|) of
t|iefaibi{i.]E).tl^e faioobligations anu tojttinevS Dbligato;ticai:e come
totljebanbsano poPefftonof j]^*Cof ^intbecountie of ^Qi^sxftw
tnan,anb 2C.C.of ^afo.2efaib peoman, lo^o \y^ colouc of liautng t|)et>
of^iauenoto of late in i^zii otone names as erecnto^^s to nj^.late
toife of t^efaio jjl.^^anb^recutrtr of tljelaft ^iW anb teliament of|t)js
fame i^^commenceb fuit in %ti ^ Coui:t of Common plees at tf D^
inin&et:,againft?ontll*faiDp(D^eo.:ato?,bpon one of tbe faioobliga^
tions 0? Ixijitings obligatojic of tl)e fumme qU^M. o.j tbeceaboat^jim
Do^feb tuitl) conbition fo^ tbe payment of bj* U. at a ba? mentioned ia
tbefameconbition9anbbotl)?eatentoputtbet:e0oue0f t^e Caibrpea#
alties in fuit againft t?ouc faio D^ato;, meaning anb intenbingt|iecb^
to cecouer againt f ouc faib o^ato; tl)e penalties of tljefaib feuciallob^
ligations anb to^itings^ttil^o l)at|) aUcaoiepaiotbe p;tncipalland xmz
i- ^Ti^ti^ to tlje faib ^*^*in !;is life time ns afojcfaib, lubicl) xq contcacic
Co all cig^t^equitu^anp gob coHfcitncc3!ncon&Det;ationtt)bei:eof,and
fo;afmuc|j as roucilo^bH^ips faib ;;^oj Ijatb not an\? IwitPciTesiioUi
lining, t^at can teSiHe tiie payment of an^ of t^je faib fuia. (cs <^imQ*
tier? o;va)i^pat:t^^at:ceUt|^mof| anb t^mti^iz connotpleabe an?
andAnfwers. 726
matttt vA hattt at tje common lato to tl^e fato adtonfi alteaD^ commr^
ceo bp t^e TaiD C. ano C
lotjetebp ^ouc faiD ojato^ bp t^e ftnct coucfe
of t|e common laWe of t|)ts Realms, 10 altogetl^et; tcmmltfSt) tnles
l?out:lt.accuftomeD gcDOnes be to ^om: fato pm;t o^atc^ ejctenoeo. l^a^
it tliecefo^epleare^ourgaiitlt^fc. ., .

A Billagainfl etcecHtors vpo apriuatfromife maoiebj their tefiAtor, retat

mng an Attumey to frofecttte and defenijuits for himfelfe and others^ al"
leagtng that the exscators haue wafied the Tefiators goods ^c,

HmmW compIarnmg,(^ctjuetlj tjnto roue fjonojable H.^oar Datl? Sea. 1 07

ojato^ 2ia.22aof if . in ttje countt? of ^. CDcntU one of t^e attuc*
nizB of tbe ^. mateihe^i couct of common plees, before l^er l^tgljneflfe
3lutticeB,tobcbol5enoft^efameCourt:^f)attcbereasone3i.sp. of
inffice^4Rt^e countie of jjistting. efqmceucccafeD, in l^ts life time,
ti)att0tofa^9 abouttfjetecmeof tt)ef)ol^SCcinitte, ljp^icl)lua0 in tbe
^eare of enr }lo;jo <0D 1 5 8<>,oiD cetainc ttjc faiD o:.M.to be of coun^
relItBtt|)^im B!*^ to p;^crecuteanD tiefcnD tvizts anD funD;i?
tije taiD

fuiti,plce0,antibufineaeB to be Done^anDbao in tf^efaio couctofcom^

monpla;5,a5lDellfo;tberaiD3!*^^a0fo? \iiutt& cClja Ijistbcnfec^
Mant0 anD baiUfe0,anD tenant0, ano namely fo^ t^efaiD 3.0^ againll
K'Can a \x\nt of iiepleuinfo;: t\^iei itine of tbe faio H^fuppofeo to bee
tjmuftl^ tafecnanti tetaineo bv^ tl;e faiD 3,S^* ^nD fo^ tfjefaine 3I^
againCi^X.maUeplcutnof tb^ fato ^.fjj; (ire orcn fuppofeD to be
tal^en ano tjniuftlr Detainer bp tbe fcUD !
sp. ano fo<j tije faiD 3|.sp
againft3l#. ivi a Hcpleuin fo; tloo feine of tfje faiD 3. I^JuppofeD to
be taljcn ano tmiuftip DetaincD b^ tlje faiD 31 ^
HnD fo; tbe faiD 3 ^.
agaiult C*&.in a Uepteuin of cectaine cattell of tbe faiD C* fappofeo
to bee tafeen, ano tmiuftl^ Dctaineo b|? tbe fato 3? ip. ^nu fo^ IT, Jt,
anu X3^y ^againJJ jK, it. fo; tljjee orcn of tbe fato H,^. fuppofeo to
betafeenanDbmultlpDetaiiic5b?tbefaioU,K*anOM,^. ^m

3,^,ani!H,^,agamllip,2D.alias tsr,in a Hepleuin, fo^i cectaine

beads of fclje faii)1l^,&fappo(eD to bee taliCK tr>w^ iiniugl^- uctoincD t*^
tbe faio 3, &.anDK,^ ilno fo; H,KanD M.^,againa H,4n a
3iepleuin cf Diucc0 bcalle0 of tbefaioe I^, ^. fuppofcD to bee tafecn
anD tniuttlT? DetaincD br t\)t faiD K, H^. auD kl,^. ^tno fo; 3?^anD
2^,M.againlt 2D,an a Kepleuin of cectaine beaftc0 of t^z faiD 2D,
CfuppofcD to bee fallen anD bmuaii,'DctaineDb^tbefaiD3janD 23,
M*<^nDfo^tberaiD3j&.anD2E,M.againft tbe faiD K,(2;anano^
tbecKepleuin of cectatne beafi;e0 ut tbe faiD K, CD. fuppofcD to be ta^
ken anD tjniulllp Dctaineo b^ tbe faiD 3? ^?anDlE:. ta;,tafemg fo^^bts
fix;anDlabo2,fo;cueci?oncof tberaiDpUxsanDbufine0jroa0 i0 faiDin
t{)C fame court b^f)im to be pMecuteD anDDereuDeD fo? euet^ tecme
iff in
Supplications, Bils,^

of tt)cm, 3 .sJ4t). ^nt! bcfioes tljat ffie,all rcafonablecoffs ano ejrpsnceg

about tl;c p.:orccution of tf)e fame fuit0,plees ant) bufincorejj, as fo; tl)C
tD.uting of lD;itf,feaUng of tf)em,ant) D^aUnng $ enf ring of pldes,ano
tjoattrnts of attuntar^ano fo.: allotfjcc t\)mQS in tljat bcljalfcb^ Ijtwi

^ouc faio o^jato; be laii3 anD erpenoeD, and in confiDecation t^er^*


dfpi^e tlje faio ^.^. uiD about t^s fame time aCTume tpon J^imfclfcano
"bnto ^cui: fain o;ato; faitljfuU^ p^omire,todlanO tcnlp to content, fa^
tiffie anu pai? tinto tf)e faio o^ato; to^icHfoeHec ^eO^oulO be tijeceunto

rcquicco b^ voui: faio o;iato j afluell tlje faio fa; of 3 0.4<3* fo^ ewerie of
tt)e faio fuit0,pltx6 anD buOnelTc^ foto bep^ofecutccaeairo al tljefaitt

foCts anti crpencccs/o as is afo;eraiD,to be laio fo;t\) in f fjat beljalfe J b^

reafonoftp^icbcctainei:an:)p;omife, fo as is afo^efaio maoc, ^ouir
faiD Djato? loas of com(c\\ imtl) ttje faio 31. SP ano tijc faio ot^ec per^
fons in t\}Z faio fuits ano pldrsin ti^c (ain Court,bi' ttie fpace of s.fene*'
call teiuies nci:t cnfuing ti;e faio cetainecano oainng tljc faio time oio
pjofecuteano fue fo? anuoefeno oiucrs fuits ano lu;iiS,afu)cll iuoirial
as o;iginall,as bp t^e reco;os tljetcof remaining in ttie faio Court ap^
Oing of tlje faio bv t^c faio time oio amoiiJit tjnto v* 0^
fuits 0; pless
tljereabouts , 1 erpences laio out b^ \}in\ in t!)e fatHe,
feefiocs tije c ofts

ll)icli cofis f erpenfes laio out b^ itioutHXm 0iiato2,oio amounttjnto

8 .li,i 9Jj.9.otul)ic|> fccrc bcl)ino ano tnpaio tnto t?our faio o;ato^,b^
meanes toljeceof action accrueo t)nto tour faio o;ato^ to oemano ano
liauc of tlje faio BI.Q^'in Ijis lifetime tljc faio fum of I SMi. 1 9.s.9.o.ano
of tlje faio 3*Cp . tnto inborn tl;e aominiftration of all tlje gcoos 1 cljat^ I
tcls toljicl) t!)c foaefaio 3'^^* ^ao at tbe time of ^ts oeat^ , tere after
latofuU^ ctmmitteo , vettbcrefojc t|)efai&3l^ ^An^is life
\)i^ oeatl)

time tljefaio mn
of iii.\i,i 0.0*9.0. no,: an^ pcnie tl)ercf,t^oug!) often=^
times in Ijis life time thereunto b^^ou; faio o;ato;i cequireo, 0? tfje
faio il*9p. tjts aominiltrato^j aftet Ijis oeafl),hotUnti;GanDing tljat t^e
gats an5 i^tt?i tehict^k-ere tljefaio Bl^^.be fufficient fo; tijc pa^mt
of ttiel'aio 1 8 p.0,9.0. tjnto tour faio o;ato;i,ano of all ot^ec oebtc
ii. I

tii|)icl) t\)B faiD 3].^. ought to t)auepaio,oio come to v podeflion of tfjc

faio ^*^4 ftil remain in tSje pctrefiion of !)ecfi)eraio:^.fi^.o; of fucij
perfon t perfons,t)ntatol)o Ojc l)at^ veeloeo,left o^oeliuereo tije fame,
nottnitljltanoing t\)<it (t;C Jjatfjfiio.jp times Once v ocatt) of t^e faio 3I
^.bin.gentl^ tcquiteo bt? rcui faio o,2ato;j to pap to fnm tlje famei8.|i.

1 9.S.9.O. &}ant parttt)ereof,I)at^ not tet paioano contenteD,bMt tfje

fome to content ano pap Ijatl) euer t)itbccto oenico f refufeo, f tljefato
ja. ootb i?et ocnie ano refufe to pa? tf^e fame,tijereof intettting tjtterlt

to oe&auo ano oecetue ^mxt faio o.!ato; ogaina all rtglit^equitter

anaAnfweres. %x^
ant) gmtt confciewc0,nof toit^ffaiiDing alfo tfjatH^e f ^efiiib 0. Sg Sath
|)ec felfc at fun^jv times IjeatD tl^e fato 31*span l^ief lifetime p^omife,

tljat l^e tooulo pai? t)nto ront faio j^^atoj aU fucl^ fummes of mon^^as
toece bcl)ini) tjnto ^ouc faio o;ato;,anD notloitljaanDmgalfOjtliat Ilje
toeUknoU)et|i,t^att|)efo^efatDfumofi8. it. i9.ip.D* Usaatiuetmta
^ouc fa<o ^;ato; bp tljeafb^faiD Bf.lip .in lis life, b^ teafsn tijat l^eg
l^atf) fae, anD |iatl^ a pacticulac bill tijccof, tefjiclj iua fent auD
wereo to Ijtm in ^i{ life iimz br r our faio ojato;, ano notfeitfjUanoing
alfo,t^at fl^ec ^ecCelfe fince tjie oeatfj
of t^c faio %
sp. oio aflTume ano
fait|)full pjomife to pap Unto pour fo?efaio ^,^ato^, all fucfj monep as
iua0 Due tjnto \m at tl^e fain time offjis oeat^,if (^ tl^e fait ;9l.$p.oio
talkebpon Iject^aominiarationof Ins gojos ano chattels, toljic^ fl^ee
|at!) oonea5i6faio.jaiiul)ic|) tljings (l^etlje faio ^.^atji oone partly bg
^er oton iniutious mino,but 4iefli? bp t^je ioickeo ano tinfull perftoa*
Con of K.Sip. (gentleman l^ec fonne , br luljofe counfcU ano pecftoa^
Con (^elja^ clofelp ano feccetlp coueieo atoar a great partof t^e faio
gooOB being of ^erp great balue, to oiuers places ano pccfcns, to pour
faio ojatoj ttf erlp bnbnotone,ano left t^e fame out of tfje Inuentoj^
oft^e laio 3i.^l)is faio gDs iD!)icl) fl]c fjat^; erljibiteo : ano alfo ^lat^
caufeo fur|) gocos ano d;attel0, a0 be mcntionco in (|)e faio ^nuentos
riejto bcp;aifeo mucb bnoer tljetialue t[jereof,ano a great pact tl^erof
to be fet oohine tljcrein fo confufcolp ano inconuenientlp, tfjat it can^
not toell be knoUnie, zii\ti U3l}at ti)ep Le,o; of tu[}at tjaluc. 0no fur^
t^ermo;rell^e tbefaio ^. br tlje Uljefiuiaer counfell f perftoaCon Ijatf)
cofenteD ano caufeo onel^.iS.ano D,cr.ano oiuers ctfjer pecfons bee^
ing^er fpecial frienos couenouflp to comencc oiuers ano funo^p trau^
oulentartions of oebts anoerecutions againft Ijer, as aominitlratrire
cfanot0tl)efamc3I'^fuflferin5ljcrfelfetl)ereinto beconuicteo ano
conoemneo,tl)ougl) in tjecp tiwV^ eitljec notl)ing o^ tjerp litle tuas oue
tmto t^em,ano xxi a maner nothing at all tafeen of ^er bp tf)em,bp tjer^
Xwz of tl)e faio actions ano crecutions,to tfje intent t^erbp f o oa jle i^z
epesofpour ^?ato;,ano ofotljertljecreDito^softlje faio 31.^. not
bnotuingtl)etrutl)oftl)efame t3ngoolp oenifes , intenoing bp iwt^
mcanes tc oeftauoe ano oefeate pour faio )?ato;, ano tfie rell of l^is
faio CreoitojSjOf tl)e moft part of t^eic fenerall Dcbts,tD^ic{) t!;eirt3n^
lalofulp^actifes are lifee to be to tl)e great loCfe ano ^inoerance of pour
faio^atoj,iffpeeopremeopbenotbp pourgoooilo;jo(!|ips mcanes
p;5ouioco to meet
liiitl) ano p;euent tl)cfaio tjnconfcionablcano tjniufl&

oealingin tlje pjemiffes/o j ttjat t!)e p^omifes ano affumptions of t^e

faio3!^ano0.^.1j)esemaoefecretlpano p;jiuatlp bnto pourfaio
^?ato?,uo pecfons being p^efent iuitt) tljem at ttje mafeing of t^e faio
feuerallp^omifes, nojanp man lining toljicljcanteaifie tljefameifo
iff 3 t!;at

i: Sapplications^ills,
tljat tiouc faiDj^jatoj fo j luanf of fuclj pjoofe tl)ei:Df,a0 i& tequifiteb^
tfjeftcict coHcfc of t^ common latues of
tl)is Mealme,i0 altogether te*

meDileDTCjtf it be not b^ t^o^oei: of t^is lionojable court,t3Dljei;etn ^our

S^faiD o^to;i bopet^^^nD beetle tfjinket^jt^at fl^e tl)e fat? ^*^*in liec
anrtoec to t^e p^zemiffejEf^^pon ^ec co?po?al oatti \m\ c onfeffe tbe fame,
to be in eflfett^as it iff lutein fet fo;tl) anb oifclofeoj^as it t^iecefo^e %c*

A Billfor diners etiidemes.

T T^wbl^ compIaimng,l)^eli)etl) bnto ^ouc %,^Mdx\z of ^. Cljat

''t^ T o8
Jrltoljcceas tfje faib ^acle 10 lalufuU^ feifeD in fjts ticmcfnc of m
fi!e,of,anD in t^t mano^ of ^* in t^e ttumt^ of ^anc in tijc tmntj;eD of
^ Unt^ tl)appuctenance0 in tlje comt^ of S?. ano of, ano in ttje cattle
ano mano; of ^. toit^ tbappuctenancess in tfjc county of^. ano of tfjc
tattle ano mano^ of 5i5.in t^e county of 2DanD cf nno in tljc cattle ano
manojl IjanijjeDofaiS.int^e county of ^toitlj tijapputtenancesjanb
of,anD in ^iuztB mefuage0,lanD0,tenements^i)ei:eDitaments,fr;anci;i*
fe;,anb libectiels^to ttje faio feueral mano^^ano i)unti?eD0 belonging :^

ilioU) fo it iB^fit mw2 pleafe T?our gaaoH* t^at Diners f funoap Court/
pleai)ing0,toaiting0,anb munintent0, concerning tljefaio feueral ma^
noj0,bunD;eb0,anD p^emilTes toitl) t^appurtenance0,anD of rigljt be^

longing bnto tlje faio eaclc^anb tiiljerebr tl;e faiD C-arle IboulD make
l)i0 title bnto t^e faio maito;05ljunti?eli0,Ubertie0,anD p^emiOes ixsitf^

t^appartenance0, o^to tljemott parttf)erof,areb? cafual means come

tjnto tljel)anD0,cuttoi>? I poireflfion of OKC jfi C. of ^.intljecountp of
^* ;3nD albeit ^ tl;e faio eacle l;atl) funb^p times fent bnto tlje (m^*
. gently requiring !)im to Deliuer bnto tlje faio Carle t|)e faio courts'
rolle05Cljacter0,euii5ence0,e?empliftcation0 of reco^ns, ertracts, pl^a^
|>itljerto btterl? oenieb,anb ret oottj ben^ to boetljo fame, againffi all

rigbf equity I go)^ confciencc : Bin tcnber confioeratiou iDl^ercofjano


fo^afmucl) as tf)e faiD Cade UnoUietf) not tlje ccrtaine Dates, lotljci:
tlje certainties of tfje faiD D^Ds,ci)arter0,euiDence0, ercmpltficationa
anf of tbcm be containeD,anD t^crfo<jol;at!j
fcneitfjer tu^ectn t!)er?oj
notani? o;Dtnarg rcmeo^ bp tlje common latues of tljis realm it reco^
uer tlje fame DaD0,euiDences,?c 0? ani? of tbc, anD iuanting tljcfame
DD0 ic.ts in Danger to lofemanv ano commcDi:?
tics belonging to tlje faiD feuerall manors, tjimojeDS,
anD pjcniiaes
i:pavnttl)ccefo^epleafe?ourl)on. H.to grantbntotl;e faiD Carle tljc.
iu.maietticsmottgratiousUi?itof SubpcDcna, to be bnto bim Direct
teo,commauuDing Ijim to appcace before 'Bflurlioiio^ab^jU.o^DiiQip, in
|)er^aiettic0 l;ig^ Court of Cljauncerie.
and Anfwcres^ 228
^yfBiSfor not makttig fan agurance ofUnds accerdiv^ to a couenant,
alleadging the Indenture thereof to be come to the defendantt handstand
that fome of the defendants were within age at the makingof the fame

atno Jcireof tJ^engfjtl^on.dl^co^gelateC-acIesf ^.DeceafetJ,?anD
a^mmiftcaf 0? of tlje gcoD anD cljattcl tuljtc!) toerc ttje late Carles at
t^t ixim of 1)k; Deat|j. SE^^at tDfjcccas about t^e monet|) of ^ept.iD|)tcl>
toasmt^e gz^reaceof tfjetaigneof tljci^^nioa ercellent ^atcHic
tl^at noU) tg^ene l^.d^. of 1^. m t^eCountic of E> s^ntl. tuas feifeDm
1)10 oemefit as of fe^jOf,! in one annuitic o.j ^erel^ itxA cl^arge of ao.lu
t^e rccejiiTatng ano going fo;tl) of certaine lanos in 313* in tjie faio
Countie of S!>*anD of^ano in one otJjei: annuitie q% ^^celr rent charge
of 4o.niarkes bi? tlje reate^iifuing f going fojtlj of certaine lanos ano
tenements in B^afo^efaiD. ^uo Ut^ercalfoljettien Ijao to l)im ano Ijis
l)eires,to t^e tjfe of Ijim ant) Ijts Ijeics to? euec^b^ conueiance froni one
|B.115.(Il^fquire,onemelting Ijoiifeano rertainegrouno t^en lately tjfeD
totljefame. janotuljerefurtfjertljefaiDii.C br conueiance from tl^c
faioi3.)154^en Ijau to i^im ano Ijis fjeires fo; euer,t^ titjjeof t^eco?na
ano \^n renetoing,comming oj gcoioing lciit!)in 515. afojefaio, o.: clfe*
to|[)ere toitljin tlje feueraiparifljes of ^.o; ^o.jeitfjer oftljem,in tj^e

faio Countie ofSD^^no iDljetealfo one 2E.(iD.ronant) lieire apparent of

tl|efaiDHA.t!)enalfo |)aD b^ conuwance ftom tlje faxu p)lB-to i\t t)fe
of tijefaio 2D*];.anc iiis Ijeircs fo^ euer,ijuiets anu fimti^r lanos^tene^
ments f Ijeteoitaments^lDit]^ tlje appurtenances in 313. afo^cfaiD. ^no
toijecealfo one ^.Cfecono fonof t^e faioit-Ctben Ijao bp conueiance
from tbe faitj p.llB.tinto tbe t)fe of tlje faio dD.dB.ljisIjeiis ano aafgne^
foj euectbe ^ano j ofB.tuitb tbe appurtenancesjanti oiuers lanos^te^
nements f l)^ttitaments,tDitb tbappurtenances,as bp feueraU con^
uetances of tbe fait>feueraUtenements,tbings t p,:emifi'es,to tfie fait
3$,Cf (.befo.:e tliat time fcueraUr maoeappceict|) : bp fo^ce iuberof
tl^e)? toecetbereof latofuUv reifeDfiueraUi? intbeirfeueraUoemefnes,

as of fee : ano being tbereof fofeifeOjtbe? tbefaio K-CSCC % (25,C

fo? a cectaine iwm of mon^ to tljem IweU ano trelp paid bi' tfje faio iatc
K^,% foj otb^t cofiiierationstbe efpeciaU^ mouing, bt? BinDentute bea^
dng uatejin,? about tbe fai? montb of ^eptin tlje 3 2 .per^abouefaia
maoe bettoeenf bem on tbe one partie^ano tbe faio <^. late arle of ^.
en tbeotljer partie, oiDfuU^, fctel^, ano abfolutelr alien, grant , bar*
gaineano fell tjnto tbe faio <S.lateC3;arle of ^.fjisbeiresano afftgnes
fo;cuer;t!)efaiD^ano? of 3l5.U)itb alibis rigbt^jwember^anjjappuc;
^f 4 tenances
<v ' SuppIicationSjBils,
immtt^ in tje fato county of ^ano al anu fingulat mtttrnQtit^toftSi
mano j of )lgbelonging,o j in anr toife ap^
cotage8,!)Ottfei! ic*to tlje fato

jjectainmg an^ all ot^^t t^z meffnageit, lanU0,tenement0,tent0,te^


tierfioniSi/ccmceg anD ^etieDttantent^ of ttjefatt) n*S]^* i <^*^*t euecH

of tfjem bj^af foeuetjfcif uatjlriHg ic. togctfjec \joit^ all f ^e teuetCon f
reuerlionsjtemaintiei: anu tgmaindetiSjOf all f Citgulat tlje p?miire0,
anu cuect? pact tljerof tuitl) f l^0apput:tettance0,anDaU eftatctij^ljtjf i^
f ICjintewftjClaime^tjrjejpolTellion ano Demant oftljem tteraip3^C2D*<
(H;* I (ii5.(i;,ani) of euetr of fI)emloljatfoencc,bf)m i to t^efaiixmanoj,
meiruage0,lantiiei,teneinent0, 1) weottamcnes aito of Ijec f ^e ptcmilTesf
befo;je menttoHeD,ano of^injano f o euerie part tl^cwof : ercepting ano
fo^ep.uCng one grant maoe b^ t^e faio ^ 315. to f Ijc faio K* ^10 Ijeirej.
ano aflTignes fo; euecof common of pad urc fo? all $ c SCo l)aucanD to
f)olDtl;efaiDmano;,lant)0,t0nementi ano p;cmiire0,U)itlb tlieappup
tenance0(wept befoaeercepteo)t)ntot^efato ^Mtt cil;atleof ^. ^is.
^tittfs anDa(rignt0fo^ euei:,to tl^e onlr ^fc of l;im tf)C fain late Carle,
1)10 !)etre0 ano afrignc0 fojeuer : ano in xonfioetation of ttje p;cHuEre0,^
tfje fato late <l!;arle b^ t^e faio inoenture of bargain ano fale, oto grant

t)ntotl)efaiDH.(!^!)t0 jeic0anoafrtgti0 fo;? euec,totbeonl? bfeof tlft

f a0:igne0 fo^ euer,one annuif ie o; ^erelp rent cljarge

fait) 3$l)i0 !)eir0

tilt .of latfull Cngltfl^ monr:>to betHutnganD going out of all anD
Angular t^e fato mano:,lanO0,ten^n0nt0 ano p;emtire0(ercept before
0]rcepteo)ano except fuel; lanD0,tenement0 $ t{ereoitament0ra0lDet;e
t^en aflTureoo^ rcnuereo fo^ tljeiointureof tt)ertgbt bon Clt^ tt^en,
anopetCountelTeof ^tobepa?ebaf tlje Jfeaftof ^. cpicljaellt^e
;arc|iaHgell,anD tlje ;annnnctatton of t|)e tjtrgtn ^arie^br euen po;ti*
on0,o; to tl}t0 0? tfje lifee eSfect ano meaning, 0 in ano b^ tfie faio In^
oentureof bargains ano faleamangaotl>ertf)irtg0plaineli? appktretli
t|)0 p)ecife content0l|jer eof tt)r0 complainant can not mo?e certainly

Ut ootDne,fo^ feant of tt}t faio inoenture. ^no ^^tttns alfo ( a0 tl)i0

complainant l)at!) ^aro) it ta0 in ranob^tlje Alio inoentuceof bar*
gaineanorailecouenanteoanogcanteoontlje pact of tlje faio i^.d^-*
C(.ano J.ta no Iwitl) flje f^io ^.late Catle of ^. t|)j0 complain
twnt0 faio late fat!)ec,lji0i)eire0 ano aflrigne0,ano eucctc of tfjem.t^at
tl)e5 tf)0 faio H.CBf2Da.ano J.0.t^eir l)eirc0 ano affigncs^no cueri?
of tl)em, otl)er tljen fucfi perfon ano pecfou0 fo; tf}z timz being , J|)ofe
eCate0 ano intereil5 are in tlje fame indenture epcepteo , tfjeir mcuf
to;0,aominiacato?0an?) affigneijjantj euerieof t^tnX) in refpert oniel^
of tt)c fame eftat00 ano intereft0 fo ejccepteo, ano eaerieoftliem,
l^ouloanoiDouloatalltirae0l)er0aft0r,foj,ano ouring t^e fpace of
crtaine reare0, nejrt enfuing t^e Date of t^e faio inoenture of bar^
:39aineano fale^noto almoftenoeD aio 0^pireD,at,an^ tjpon t Jelatofull

' ano

AndAnfwers. 2:$^
anureafonaWetettiJ^j ^nn at tl^e totta mti charge? in ffjelatu ef t^t
fatu C'at;le,t)ts ^eitcs o; afftgnc0,o^fome oft|iemDo,mafee,am) bnotoo
ItDge,ano rufi^Cr^caufe^ant p.toruteto beDone^maoe^anoknolDUdget)
allanD euetie fuel) fuctlieCjIatufiUUanD reafonablc act atiD acta , tiding
ano tl)ing0,tieuifcanD tieuifes in tljeJlalo Uijjatfoeuer:, fo; tlje fur:tl;cc
ano mo?c better aflfucance , fucetie ano furc mafeiug ano conue^ing of
tlje faio mano^ of 515. anu t^t meflfuagoar , ianus , tenements anD p)tf

mi(rc0,tyitf) t\\t appurtenance0,tn tlje faio inocnture mentioneD to be

bargainee ano folo(eFcept before tijerein ercepteo) ijnto t^t tain cBarle
|)is fjetces ano afftgnes, to t^eonli? tfeano bcfjofe of tfje faio 6arle,
i)i$ ^eire0anD airignc0fo;5 euer,acco;Ding to tlje true intent anD mea^
ningof t^efaio insjyitare^tocreit b^ fine,feoffcment,tecouerie, ta^D,
oi Oiti30incolleo,tf)einrclement of t^cfaiD inDentui;e0,releafe,confir^
iationUnt[)iointo;rcucraUiuarranticof tlje faio KC% %.(d. ano
<S^.f t!jeir,ano eueri^ of tlfjeir againff tfjem tljefaio iK.^.JI.i
ano (S>* . t^eir, ano eucncof tljeir [)etre0 anoaffignes, ano cuerie of
t^em, ano againtl allano euerie ot\\et perfon ano perfons toliatfoeuer
damming, iit, b^, from, o;1anoer t^eui, o; an? of ttjem , o^ otl)ertoife
tuitt) like toarrautie, o.iiuitljout Inarrantic a0 b^ ttje faio CSaile, Ijis
|^eirc0 o;^ affigne0,o^ i)i$ o} t^eir counfeU learneo in tjje latuea, l^oulo
be oeutfeo, aoutfeO:,ano requireo/o as none of tt)e faio actes o;:
concerning f ^e faio furtljcradurancellrctc!) c; erteno to an? otljer oj
furt^jer toarrantie o^ luarranties of tl?ep;emiffe0,o; an? part tljereof,
tljen a0 10 before crp;e(reo,o^ to t\}t t&ca ano meaning, us in tlje fanie
Blnoentureof bargaincano faleapparet^ :3i3ut nolu fo it i0,if it ma?
pleafe?0Hr ^.!Lttiat at tljetimeof t!)emafeing of tfjefaioinoenture
of bargaine ano Tale tmto tfjefaio late (iSarle, tljefaio SC.d^. ano C'^C
icrciuitbinanotjnoertl)eageof ii, ?care0 : ^no (^o;tl? after l^ie
maUing cf t^cfaio inoentuce , ano befo^Je t^e fameU)a0 eitljcr knolu^
leogco 0; inrolleo, oz an? ettate erecuteo t^ereupon5b? ^tturneraent,
l^iuecie of fcifirtjo; ottjertoife^tliat is to fa?,tipon,o^ about tl^e 1 7.0a?
flf^oaember, nept infuing tjje making of tlje faio inoenture, t^ie faio
i^aattCade of^. OieOjb? ano after ioJjofe oeatl),t!)e rigljt to Ijaue anO >

mano;0jlanO0,tenement0, ano pjemif&stDitf) tljesp^

inljerit tljefaio
purtenancc0,oifccnoeo ano came,as of rigljt tlje fame ougljt to oifceno
ano come tjnto tljis complainant, asljis eloettfonneanonertfjeire,
l^ojtl? after lr^feD8at|),tl)e aominiftratien of alltfjegosos anocfjat^
tclsof tl)e faio.<I15. late aile,of ^ tDa0 b? tlje rigl)t ceuereno fatljec
in(Soo,3l.b?tt)ep^ouioenccof <5o05^rcl)bi4)op of Cantecbur?,13^i<
mate ano ^etropoUtaneof all Cnglano , conimitteo to tljis complain
nant nolo Carle of ^. lt)oaommiltreot|)e faio goios ano ctjattels
acco?,oingl?i ^
^0 fart|ierfo it iSjif it ma? pleafe?ottrga)0 jto^oi^ip, >

t^at f ^? pauf o> countupainc of tfjcfatD Slnuentureof bargaittc anu fate
Sjelongutcr to t j)e faiD late atU,ts fince t^e acatl^of tlje faiolate (S^acle
b^cafjallmcanci come totlje !)anD0, cuftoO)?, anD poCfeCTion ott^z
fuiB HC.2n.(3; aitu (iS;* oj fome of ti)em,oj effome otfjec pecfoit bg
tt!ci^p;timtT? ano conicnt, t^e fall contentg luljereof ate tjttetlt? tjn*
ItnolDiTDto tbi0 tompU bt? colouc tuljeccof, anD foj tfjat t^t faiD 2C C
ana <I!5Ctcre fo,a; ts afo;efaiD,li3it|)m age at t^c mabing of tj^e fato
3uuntuUjt^z^tl)t(mlX*:S^**mii(3** jjauingagieat oete
to tiaue tl)c faiD ntano^s, lanti0, tenements, anti bacgatneo p^emiffes,
anuti)ci:softoi)ifin|ienteanD Defcate t^is complainant, contracie to
t^e tvntintmts ano meaning of t|)C fait) ^nfienture : ^ottEitt|)Uan?
ning t^at t^is complainant Ijatf) i^ercl^ fit^cnce tljemahing of t^c fatu
BSntientute^toellantitcuel^fatiffiieD ano paio tjnto t^efaiDH(Il;4^e
^nnuitie oj ^eareli: tmt cfjacge of loo.li^bi? tlie ^eace,in tfje faiu

3!nucntm;emcntioneD,acco;tiingto tlje f cno;,fo?me, anueffeit of ffie

fame JInucntuceCas t\}i$ complainant ticrdp tjjinket})) 0nt notiuit^;
ftanoing tljattljis! complainant ijatl) funojv times,aftueU br fjimfelfe,
as b^ Diners ot^er of I)ii3fcrnant0 ant fticnts in\)iB belj)alfe,fentanti
come tjnto tlje faiD U*(B*%*(B* anD <^*^ gently reqniring tljem, ano
euecDof tl)em,toDeliuect)nto^oucfaiDOMto?,tl)efaiDpatt o? coun^
terpaineoftljefaiDSInDentuccof bacgaine anD fale of tljc p^iemifles:
^nD alfo to mafectnto Ijimfljis complamant anD ym Ijeires, fu^t^ec
conue^ance anD aflTutance of tf^t faiD mano?, tenements, ano p;;emif^
fes,bi!finctobeleuieD before tlje 3!ulliccs of t{)c Common plee^at
^eltminftcc, ano fo? tljat purpofe in tfje terme of ^v^illacie, toljic^
ioas in ^ 34 ^j^ ate of t^ ^ttmtB ^aicffies caigne tf)atnel is, at
^laileftminltec in tl^cCountie of q^iDDlefep,tl)is complainant teqniceo
t|icfaiDManD2nacco^Dingtotl)e tenoucjtcue intent, ano meaning
of tlje faiD 3inDenture of batgaineano fale tljeceof, to come befo;e ^ir
<Ii;4.bmg^t,tljen, ami ^etc^iefe Suffice of l;ei: ^ipaieftiesCourt of
Common plees at ^ettminftec, tomakecogntfance befo^je tlje fame
(2;*^*^mgl)toftl)e faiD mano;, tenements, anD p;^emi(fes, tutt^ t^e
apputtenances^nfojme of llatu,tl)at a fine tljeieupdn mig^tl)auebiii
leuieD, to tlje tjfe of t^is complainant, anD Ijis Ijcitcs fo} cuet, rett^at
to Doe, fl^e^ anD euet^ of tfjem ^aueeuer Ijitljecto refufeD anD DenieD,
anDtetDoeDcnvanDccfufc to tlje fame, contcatie to t|ie fo^mc anD
true meaning oftljecouenants anD agreement in tlje faiD InDentuce
of bargaiHeanDfaletl)ereofconteineD,anDagainltaU rig^t, et^mtUf
anogooDconfcicnce, anDtotljemanifettDeleatingj ant) Difln^erifing
of tjtm l^is complainant, of anD in tlje faiD mano;^ lanDS? tenements^
anD p;cmiires, anDcontrari^to t^e true intmt ano meaning of ti^e
XameBinDentureof bargains anD fale thereof; ijrc^t fjie^Dr cemeDie
andAnfwers, ,

b^in&ttcetmepjomoeDfopjeuent je fame, wki^tttfo^t tfic p?cmi<>
fiM! tonfioeceo , aiiD fo^afmuc^ as ttje faiD complainant not fenotoing

fljecectaine^ateano contents, anuotljei:rei:tatntte0 oftlje faio pact

ojCountcrpainc of tljefaio Intjentureofbacgaine ano fale,no2 loljec:'
in tl^e fame is contamcD^txiIjetljer: in bag,bor,o; c!;ea lochcD,fealeD,Oii
Bti^eciDife, ano fo tjatljnone o^oinarr ttmtti^ hv ttje mc courfe of tfje
common laljjes of tt)ts i^ealme,to.j tlje rccouec? tijercof.^nD loitljout
tl)cfame innentuce [jatl; no Dicett action b^ tl)z common laixizs of tf)ts
3Ucalme to compcil ttic faio iVC.%**mn <3. C o; ani' of t[)em to af^
complainant, ttjcfaiD nmno; , lauDs, tenements,
fiice t)nto j)im t^ss
anDp^emiffes,acco;Dmgto tijcfaiDbatgaine t{;cceof,fo^ iaclje oftfje
faio inuntmt , boilj parts tljeceof beeing come to t^c ^mhcs of tj^e
faiD2Dcfcnoants. ^eitljcrif '^hts Complainant ^atj tl)c faio pact o^
<i;ountei:paine of tlje faio ilnDcjif uce (as fjee Ijatl^ not) vet !)ao|ce not

tljecebrani^mcanesbiUfjecciianonlatoesoftljisHealme, to com
pell tl;c faio %>* ano (S^.d;. o; titi^ct of tljr, to pecfo.:me t^e bacgaine
ano couenanto rljcmn contaiuco,tl)ei? tpt faio 2S. ano <^. being as is
afojfaio,t3riOert^cat^0ofoneanDtli)CJitte scares, attire time of t^s
making tljeiccr. ic map pleafe rone l)onom:able!lo?ofl)ip, tl)e p.je^

miiTes confioereo, to grant i^ato l)im t^is complainant, t Jje ^uecnes

^aielfies moll gcaciousUj^it of Subpoena, to be oicecteo totljefaio
M*^'%* (i* ano enecp of tfjemjttjeceb^ commaunoing tijcm ano ene^
ts of t^em at a certaiac Dai',ano tjnoec a tcttain p^inc tljeicin b\j v^ouc
gooOJLo^ot^iptobelimitteo, to beanopecfonally to appeace befo;(e
Court of
t?om;ljonoiji:able?lo;joil^ipin tf)c :2lueenes(^aieftic$l]igl)
Court of Cfjauncecif , t^en ano tljerc to anfiuere Onto t^ep^cmiffes,
ano further to Hano to, ano abioe (mp ojoer ano oirection therein, as
to vour gooo !lo;>o(!)ip tipon tfje [gearing of tlje faio caufe , H^all feeme
to he agreeable Uutl) rigl^t, equity, ano gcoo confcicncc |.c.

y^ BilUgainii the heiyefor erttring into lands deuifed to the TUintifei ,

prayinga CommiQionto examme vritne([es in perpctuani rcixns-

HSimbl? complaining, fi^etuetljtanto rout gooo ilo^oi^ip t?om; vSca.i

ptD^e oiftreirfeo )^ato;^ <i2l^lof j^ in tlje countr of ij5. r eomam
SEfjatlnljereas ^M^oeceafeo fatljec bntoroucniioilD^ato;, teas
in time latufnUrfeifeo ixi}^xs oemefnc asoff^, of>ano in ti)c
i)is life

mano;ianoCapitallmefuagc of ^.in tlje Countie of ^. ano of, ano

in one farme,fet,lring, ano being UntljintfjcpariO) of .M^intlje faio
Countie of j^. ano of oiuers otl)er lanos , tenements , ano l)ei:eoita?
mcnts in ^ ^^o;efaio 3no alfo toljeceas tfje faio W, Wi* oeceafeo,
VM....:: Iwa0:':
isja0lifeetDifein \}iB life time latofuU^ feifcD in !)is oetmfiicid offtfe ot,
am in tcttmt gi:ounD,anD onetenement ^iti^ tf^^j^puxttmmtSytttr
l^iitg, anu being l\)itl)in tl)e patifl^ ef C.in tl^e^^ount^ otHD^ano alfo
ofjsnD in tlic ccftojie anD pacfcnajje ofC^alias Cfeitljintlife (sdn toun*
tie of H>. ano of uiuecs ot jcc lanos^ anu tenements, fet, Iping i being
in t|je countt! of j|i ano S> awD t)e fo being of t^efaio lants am> tene*
mzntB feifeu, mu br l)is laH toiU anis teftament in Id jiting, ccuife anD
beqtteat^t)ntoT?out:faii3l;umble^;ato;, anu to tlje l^eircs males ef
j^is bod^ laU)full^ begotten,certatne patcels of lanD,of^ntiin t^ faio

manoj of jj^.t^atis to fa^,one manfian fjoufe iuljecin tour faio poa^e

iD^atojnotoinljabitet^anBDlDeilcti), onecloCe commonli? calleD315.
containiif g bi? eitimatibn, ttDO acres o;^ tlieceabout^s j one ot^ec clofe
commonly calleD * containing b^ efttmatton tfeo acres oj tljecea^
bouts, one ott^etclofe commonly caUeD tlit tppet:^. aUUi^ict^rene^
rail parcels of lant) are fcituate,l^ing, ant) being in^*nBis afo^efato,
intljefo^faio Countie^:^. one mefuage o; tenement comment^
calleD b)? tl)e name of an organg, (citmU ano being in M*
iix t^ f^in

Countt! of ^* ant) alfo one tenement taWchf^t^* rcituate,lvtng,ana

being in t^e County of 2D. anDone lealeoftljered:o^t??anDparfottagc
DfCantlje countt? of H>. bi?\3ertueant)fo;ceof luljicl) faiDoeuifejana
bequeatf) ,^onr faio ][)umble)Mto? entreti into t^z fait) p2emiires,anQ
anD profits of tfie fame \)Ht\i perceiHet},recetueD,anD ta*
tl)c fait) iCTues

ken to l;is otunc p^cfit,t3fe,anD betjojfe, as lalvfuU toas fo? \}im to D,

as ^e terilT! belieuetlj* ^ut not fo it is,ifitnmv pleafe tour bo.gooo
ILojDl]^ip,tl)at one l^.tXlt. b.:o tljer to i?our faiD l)umble );ato?, as fon
anD ^eireapparant to t^c faiD Wi*Wi* "^is fatljer tjeceafeo, Ijatl^ tafeen
atuat, concealet), ano cancelleti, as it i$ t|oug|)t,ti)e fain lali toill ants
tettameotof^ourfaiD^^atozsfatljer, antiljati^ tafeen \3ponl)im tije

a^minittration of allt^egcoiis anD chattels, of t?oar faiD ojatojs fa^

t^erreiectinganD Difanulling t^c faiDlaH tnill anD teCament maDe
by?rout faiD ^;ato?s fattier as afo.:efai5,to tl)e intent only? anD t^cie-
b^ of fet purpofe, malice, anDtjnb?otl)erlifee Dealing, to DeftauDe, tx*
pell, Depjiue, anD Dilin^eiit y?our faiD o^ato? of Ijis rigl)t,tttle, auD i\v
terett,of, anD in tfje faiD lanDs DeuifeD to l)im as afo^cfaiD, f alfo Dotl^
tl);eaten y?our fo^efaiD o.jato?, ^ Ije may? at l)i$ pleafure relinquifl^ anD
DifanuUtljebefb^eraiDlaftluillanDtellament maDe b^y?our fo^efaiD
j?ato;s anD DiD take tlje aDminiEration of all
fatijer as is afo:efaiD,
VourfaiD^^o.zsfatljersgfflDsanDcljattels, anD entixD into all f)iB
faiD lanDs,as is afoiefaiD, contrart to allrigfjt, equity, anD gmD cott^
fcience,anD not cl)?iltian like but tinbjotfjccUke Dealing, f contrary to
tl)e true intent anD gcoD meaning of y?our fo?efaiDo;ato;s fatl)c;s toil,

maDe as isafo?efaiD,tinleae ?ouc gtoDilt Doe accojDing tjnto roc ac^*

andAnfweres. 2^1
cuffomeu gooDnclTe, txttnn \?ourclcmencie,antJ pitit mtfjat bcfjalfe
tovoul:poo^O0?afo^ 3!nconfiDeration tuljcrcof t^e p^cmiffcs c okCj'
tecefitanD fo,:afmucI; 30 tfie title of t ouc faiD )^atc;, b^ rcafon of tlje
inottectp^actifetifcD as afo?eratoe,tn concealing, cancelling, anu retina
quiOl^ng t^e fato latt ^ill ag afo?craio,tJGctl) gceatlt? DcpeuD tjpcn tlje
h)itnt$ ano tctttmouT? of cectaine pccfonss Dtuelling tuit^tn tlje county
of jji.to p^oucig true meaning of rour fain o;2ato;6 fatl;ec0 teill,\pf)icl)
ace of great ^eace0,anD alfo tjec\? impoteut,not lil%e long to liue,nois
^ct able to traucll tet^is ljono;able Court to bee cramirteD fo; tfje tCf
ftif^ing of t^e truet^,toucl)ing tjje common o;ocr ap^
p;!emifrcs,a3 b?>

pertainetl)v0nD alfo fo; tbat in timetljc faio tratneffefi ma^ Die,aRD b^

meanes thereof rour faio u);ato^ mn\> be in oannger to futtaine Difin?
Iierifonoftljep^emiflres f^a^it ttjercfo^ plcafc vouc goo !lo^Dfl)ip
to grant tl;e Slncenea, (f c.

u4 Billfor refuJtMg to receive the PUtKtifes rent acccrJi!^ te a ordt r,and

taking offorfeit ure ofabondrnadeforfaiment ofthe rent.

H:3mbl^complaining,fT)eUietI) tntoi'ourgQjD!lo*vouruatlvo;ja^ Seft.m.

to; 3i,C.of (25)01 tl)ecountie of ^. yeoman, El)at toljeieas one
3!,!x,0'fea4nt^ecountieof i^o;fee filler, p^etenDeD asintl)e iigl)t
of l)i0 tpife te be otuner of a certatne meHuage in CD. ix\ i\)z Countie of
jp.afo;eraiD,anUofcertainelano,meDoto,anD palture tl)ereunfo be^
ionging,anDli'ingtoitl)tntbcficlD5ofC;.afo;eraiti,anD tljefaioSl^i^r
fo p^etenoing ^imfelfe in t^e rigt)t of bis faiD Uufc to bee rctfcD ac is a*
fo^cfaib about tljczc^earc of tlje ?u. mtiit^iiB melt gracious
1 9 o;j

reigne tbat noU) i^Mxi Demife t^e faiu melTuaae ano lano i\\ (2;, afo^e^
faio bnto vcur faiD o;ato;, ano cne^,ll.Centleman,to Ijaue 1 to IjolD
totljemfo^tbetermeof i i.reresfcom tl)e time of tlje making t{;ecof,
tenoning ti)erefo,:cvearel^t^e rent of ro.g. payable at ^Itjitfcntice
ano qpartinmag bp euen po;jtton0,foj tlje parnient of iuljtr^ faio tent
of io.0.l)et^efaio i?, Unotpingljimfelfctbe title tljereof to bcj^ueftio?
nab!c,ano lifeelv to gcoto to feme charges in laU) to vour faio iiD;atb;r
to Dcfeno, oio V^tuzit^ cunninglic? get vout faiociID;ato,: tobcccmc
bounoinaitcbligaticncf 20.U. fo;j tljer^relvpaimentof tljc faio rent
acco^tmglvljnto l)imtl)e faio IS. after u Ijicblcafc ano bono foniaoe,
asafo;eraiD,antairoimHicOiatlj?aftei;tcur faio >;r;to>0 entne into
t\)z fo ticfrnoeo againil rour faio r),Jato,:,bp
famctlje title tl)eccf tuas
fuel)a0tlaijneDtbe fame agamll l)im tlje I'aiD iJ.astbat tljecbargcs
tijereof fpent about tlje iccouctmg t!jereof,DiD C^ano veur faio iiD^toj
i<iab0He2Or nobles 5 befisea tbe great traucll ano loCTeof time t^at
tour faio o.:atoj fuftamco tbecbr^tcing ^^ct altogetljer tairccompenceo
at tlje faio %* l)am)05 altiiougf? !)et often p^omifeo to Ijaue feme confix

terationtljcroftotjjartis ^outfatDo?ato? 0nutljetasalfo(tnc0anti
imwieDtatl? aftec t{)atttme,l)cetl)efaiD 3llt4ibetifem tlje cig^t ofljtg
fmu feift p;etcntjeD to l)auc rigtjt tjnto cectaine copttiolD lants Iriiig irt
t!)e pacil^ of d; afo^efaioe , tljen being in t^e occupation of tour faiD o*
mm anD ottjer: pecfonSjfoj t^t tciall U)ljei:eof,tl)0i:c being cectaine ac=*
tions oepeutJina in tlje copt^olD court at ^out^toell ? it toa5 nottoit^^
ftanoing befo;el:|)e tciall tljeceof, aftcell bp ttje confent of tlje faiD ^of
pactie, as alfc b^ ttje aCTent of ijoui: faiD o^jato^ , anij tl)e Defend
tlje one

uant on t^e otfjec pactie , cefccceo to o^Dec anD acbittement of one p

li,anD 3. 5l5.cfquire0,t!)attl)epl3^lDojDecanDDeteimineaftDeUt|je
tigljt, astfjepoirellionoftlie faiDe copi^olD lanDsfot^enin queOion
tDl)ict)faiD p^iS.anD Bl.liD^dDfq. being tuillingtljecontcouecfies mig^t
Ijauea gcDD anD final enD,anD ret tljemfelucs tjauingno gcaD oppo;jtu^
nitie to attenD tl)e fame,DiD tfjerefoae intreat ag tecU tlje faiD 31, $1. as
alfo roue faiD ;;jafo; anD tl)eotIjec,tl)at it migljtftanDluitlj t\^m \U
ljing0, t^at one sp,C anDl^jMl. of ^. fo^ ftjat tljer Ineie bcttec ac^
quainteD ttiit^tlieintereft of botl^tlje parties, migbt tl)etefo;e ojDec
anD mafec an enD tljetof in all points,as ll^oulD fame gcoD tinto tliem,
Ubeceuntoasli3eUtt)efaiDi^,asalforoui:faiDD;ato;,iuitl) t\ft teff

agceeDjp^omifingtopecfojnieanrfucl^o^rDecas t^icp t!)e faiD C anD

WjH^oulDint^atbeb'^lf^niaUeanDagtcetjpon: tobcceupon tljcfaiD
9p,C anD tlje faiD %Wi* taking tpon tljeui t^e faiD atbitiement, DiD
ti)us,oj to tl)elifeeeffert,c^Der,agrcE anD public^ tlieii; c;>Derf atoacD/
tl)atr out faiD i.:ato:(^oulDftill enior anD continue l^is poneflftcMof
tbe faiD CopiljolD lanDfi,foj,anD During fo long tunc as tbe Vrife of tlje
faiD ?&, l^oulD liue, paring r eerelr to^ tlje faiD CopiljolD lanD,tnto t^e
faiD ?k. 4 . s. rcnt,anD fo; tljat bee tbe faiD It . rcceiueD alfo another rent
of 2 o. s. br tlje r k"ere,at tUio feaccall times of roue faiD o^ato?, fo^ t^t
freeljolD lanD afo;jefaiD ,tber tbe faiD arbitrato?s,fo^ tlje mo^e eafe anD
certainticof btmtbefaiDii.DiDfurtbcr o^oer anD appoint tl;at rour
faiD ^.zatoj ^oulD alfo par tlje faiD 4 s rcntfo: tlje copibolD lanD , at
tbe fame time tljat t\)c otber rent fo^ tbe fcecljclD luas tjfeo to be paieD,
lut)icblBas at ?La!)itfontiDeanD Martinmas, fo f bat from tljencci'o^tb
Ije roue faiD c^ato? il)oulD reerelf par at tbe Dates afo;icfaiD,tbeUibole

anD cnttt fumme of i : .s. at euetr of tbe faiD feafts. ^nD alfo fo;i tljat
tbe TatD ^ibrtcaf o,:s DiD luell fo;ef<3e,tbat tbe faiD intite paiment of 1
s.at one oar anD inSant^coulD n ct conuentcntlr be paiD on tlje feuerall
lanDSiOut of tbe \ubicb tb^v in tructb anD latu U)crc feuerallr iffuing,
fo; tbat tbefaiD ais^liclDc aiiD copibclD lanD bee Diftant in feuerall pla^
as, t^ecficit t^e faio a,.bitrato^s, fojtbe mo;e eafe anD ccctainctie of
tbe faiD 11.
bivii mc2:?ecanD appoiat,jb*JtroprfaiDii)?atoj(boulD
reecelr it d)z ua;es aio;efaiD,oj tuitljin i^Daies after cucrr of tl)em,
andAnfwers, 2^z
paT?tI)Cfaio rent fif ontM*WX*'ot ^. being a
)r^.0*attf)e[)oufe of
ftmns ijoufe of I)tm t^efato i^^anoalfo fatrena^cectjnto t^efmo ^J^is
Dtudltng,tt)etttl;eIanottrelfeti,t}ntoinl)tc[) fato o^tict; and acbitce^

ment,!;ett)cfatDJIi.t05Cttjcclitf;^oui:faiDo;ato^mD toiUingl? agca

nm conotfceno : and fo fe^ tpe fpacc of tjij.o j tjig^i^ecejs laft paft^tfje faiD
iU.ljat^ altoa^CB rereiueD bis cent acco<jDingli^ at tlje t)ouie of tlje faio
C1^.^of ^afo;jefaiD jptotiuittjftanoing fo itis^ifit maypleafe^ouc
3IJ^^ meaning, as it fainetl) not onel^ contratv to
00)0 !l.t!)at t\}t faiD
tl)t faiD o^Dec and aluaco^but alfo tonttatit to allngtjt ano equitte^anti

fiCDD confeience,fubtillp aiio cjctcemeli? to tafec aouantage of roue faio

;;ato^s bisno of tiDcntiepounos,batb cefufeo to ceceiuc pone faio o^a^
to;0laIll^f)itfontioesi:ent,reaoiefoj f^ixn at ttje faio Wi> l)oufein
^,afii;efaiD,acco.2ijing to tbe faio o^oec ano atoaiD tljecein maoe^as a^
fo^efaio* ^ap it tt)ei:efo;epleafe^oui:g(DO$c*
ty^ Billforp4ymentfor catteUfold^mthoHt prefent money, or efpeciultie^i'J
reafon oftrufi rcpo[edin the vendee,

Htminbli? complaining, ll^etuef I) tmto t?ouc gmo Jl t?ouc bail^ ^^ Scft. x i ti

cato; Mli5.of ^. in t^e countie of ^* ^utclicr, Ct)at tulieceas
^mt faiD o^ato; about ttc o; feuen r^accs noto lali; pafl^ , folD ano oeli^
uecec tinto one !l$I^ofti)e fame to^n ano countie 115utcbec,<> Heecs^
ano 5 ^cen, being all fat cattelt, fbi t^e pace x\*\\* anD tzn l^illingS)
tu|)ict) faio fumme of rl4i*anD x*s*i^t faio H.liai.t[)cn faitl)fullr p^omi^
reDtopapt3ntoi?OHC faiD ii)^atc?toitbinafl[?o,:tfpacet[)en aftec, ano
notDlongfitl)enc0pa(t,o;^elfeljD^en poni^faiD iD;ato^ luoulDcequicc
ano Demanxj tlje fame of Ijim t^e faiD K.tna of Ip^iclj faiD bacgaine ano
fecucitie fo; t|)e faiD monp, pouc faiD o^ato;^ ^as i}^m leffe carefull,fo.:
ti)at vouc faiD o^ato; notlong befo;^e, ^ao be^ne fecuant bnto tV^t faioe
3KM*anD fo; tljat X\iZ faiD W.* liaD beene mattec Imto roue faiD ;;a*
to;,t^cj;efo;e roucfaiD o;ato; did tcufi; biw^ tfjefaiD Mfo toell^as tbat
tjenet^ec toibe anp fpecialtie o; fecucitie of bim tije faio Mfo; tbe faiD
fumme ofcl.lianDc^ no; pjouiDeoani? feitneEes to be pjefent anD
to tcltific tlje fame bacgaine anD conti:act bcttoict tl)cm, hvit onelp ^}v>
uatlt? bettoict tfjemfelues contcactcD tlje fame. 3nD lilfeetuife vouc faiD
o;at0;p;tuatl??DcUueceDt!)efaiD 6ftaces,anD5oFen,tjntot)im tlje

faiD 3^.iSl.tjpon tcuft, anD pecfo;mance of bis p;iuate fp0ecf),ano p;o^

mife of payment tf)eceof as afo:efaiD, tobeceupon tfje faio iK.M. tbeii
pjcfentl^ ceceiueo ttj^faio 6.ftocrcs,anD 5 orcn at vciic faiD ^;atojs
ljanDs,anD did p;cfentlp afteiloacDs connect i\)t fame tojjis oUmp^o^'
pej toie auD benefit : before tfje mo^iev paiD bt? ^im t^c faioe Wi. tmto
?ouc faiD c;atoj fo; tl;efame,ic.l^a? it t|)ei.eio;:^p!eaferoucfc.
Supplications, Bills,

Sttt. 1 1 3 T'^^ fatD Dc(feKtJartt mornet^ anu faitl^faitjanrj

in all anti eaeri? fl^mg anft

1 tiiinq,siy a0 l;c in Ijis faio anfluec ^at|) t ieiU auctcc,


iullific,mainetaine,ant)p^a)ut? t^c fame anftoec^anD all % eueci? tl)ing

anu tl)incs claufc, fcntcnce, acticle, anD allegation i\)tm\\ conteineD
to begcoi3,iuft,anD tcue,cectaine,anD fufficientin t^e lato to be replicu
tmto,iit fuclj fojt, manner anD fo;me, as t^e fame
barne therein moft

tculT? fct fo^tlj ano iDcclaceD.ano t^is DefenDant

fuctfjec fait!?, tl)at tlje

faiu HepUcation of tljefaio complainant i5 ^en? inccctain, tjntcueano

infuffitient in ttje lato to be ccioineD tjnto b? tljis Def. fo;^ omccB appa^
rent faults anu tmpecfcctionstfjemn conteineD anD tfjat tl)c fame is

fo contiiueD anD maoe, b^ tlje faio compl. fo;i tlje caufes in tlje faiD an^
fbec epp^effcD, anD to t^e enDe to giuefome fuctljec colour, o^ rat^ct
H^aDoto fo;tl)e maintenance oftlie faiD )16illlmtl)outcaufc in t^is!^o.
Court, to tl)e tjniuft deration of t!)i5 Def.a0 ma^ appeace,fo;^ t^at,(i)ee
t^efaiD compLbi!t^cfiniftccmeanesofoneS:.|?tol/o as it i5ratD,p^o^
cucetii anD foUicitetl^ tlje fame fuit fo; tljefaiD compl. againft t|)is Def.
allo^^ec, astje is info^meD, caufeD fjim being a plaine
Ijatlj tuit|)out

fimple \jnleatneD.man,to become bounDen br oblig. fo; tl) p^oceeDing

in t^e faiD fuit of tijis Def. anD Ijoitlj fuc^j conDition tnljereof tl)U5 Def. is
t)tteel^ ignojantjCf al tul)icl) tijis Def.l)opet ^ tl)is Ijon.Court toill ijaue
Due conftDeration fo; tl)e puniO^ing of fuel) leUjD anD tnoirect courfes t
actions t^ein tfcD^ 0nD toitliout tijat, tfjat an^ ot|ier matter, tljing
o; t!)ings, tlaafe, fcntcnce, article, o; allegation in ttje faiD Hcpl.con*
tain0DmateriaUo;cffCtualltntl)CiUtDto bereiorneD t)nto bp tf)t0
l5Cf.anD not ^ere in tl)is |)is reiD|?nDer fufficientlp rciorncD tinto, coh^
&(reD,anDauaiDeD,D0nieD,o;trauerfeD, is true* Si\\ tutjicl) matters
tt)isDcf.isrcaD?toauen:eanDp;(Due,astl)is |io. Court l^li atoarD,
anD tf)erefo;c p;aietti as i)e befo;c t)is faiD anf^jcr liat|) p;ateD*

t/4 BiUvffttii^t*^ one tofsrhice vrith promifc that thefernant /hallferHe

$rHelj,4dthat the defendant milfatis fie aHdATnages^ which /haU haffen
to the Mafter hy thefame [ernant 0-c,

Sett. 1 14 T T tHmbli? complaining, fl^cteetf) tnto ^our I|on. Ho. C. %* of tfie

xltotoneof (pantl)ecount^of^.<SJcntlcman,$E|)at\i)^eceas^i'
^4>augl)ter of ^.0.of tijetotune of J^. ix\. ttjeCouHtic of ^o;kc, about
ttKW peaces nolDlalipa^ being Deltrous to feme i?our faiD D;ato;,
anD \f<.% loife, ttjen Dtuellingat Koti)eram, at an inne tljere calico
tl^cfigne of tlfe^^ngel in tf)e faiD county? of ^o;fee,tDas entertaincDtm
totbcic fcruice^at, ano lopo^ x^ furt|)ci; intrcatc of tijc faio ^* ;S no
and Anfweris. ^^
tponl^t fttt^all{);omtre Ditto rtutTdt) oMn t|mt-0tuen ait^ma^
t^t t^ raio ^.i^er t)au$t)tec^0un} outing ttft trntf of i^ecfgcutce atio
booe U)tti) ^ourfatd oi^toh^ontftV^MtW^lv^n^tmtl^ be^aue i)et:
felfi^,atiD feme ^ouc fato o^to; atiD f^is totfi^ in all laU)fuU bHfino0,U)

i^tifmv lolTe o; p;^nuotceC^DUlD befal t^nto^ourfaio o^a^o^ i^m^

ettijerttegltgenc^^oe^ult) o^^bufe of tl^e fo^efatii (^4n an^teTpect,
tf)att^entl)trato^.tDculDt}ponnottce to ^ccgiu^in tijatb^^fe,
hy> i^oac fato o^o^ of fuc^ loCfe ano oetcimft in tt^atbe^alfe fuffatnoo,

fatiffie ano cecompcncc roue fato ^D^^ate; fo; t^fame to tl^etttstmofi

talue t^uoU )i5p txafon lu^eixof touc fo^^efaio ^;<Jfo; entectat^D
ano receiueo t^cfo^ttain ^Anto^is ktmtt,misi afo;e(^;9tioiti)et:e^
upon t^e tDtfe of ^our fato ^D^to^ ociiuccco tjnto t^e fatt)^*to ^tc oti^
t (liacgcano cufioottmanf aMO funo;ippat:celisofplat0,ltnnen,anoa!i'
fo ot^tt neceffane t^tng0,fo; ^out (o;t(&iSi );ato;8 be^atfe.BIn \aW^
iaio feruicettic fato C^^ccmameolmtti tout: fato i^Mto; bvtijefpace
*ofoneto^olercat:ett)eti ncrt foUotatng. j;5olDfotti0, if it nia^ pteafe
^^aui:fato|)o:1lo;ot^tp,oucmgtt)p time of t|;eabo9e of ti)c fo;!cfato^*
inferuicclutti) tout^fato ^;ato^as 10 afo;efaio, t^t fo^efaio ^.oio
itotonel^fecietlt'aiiop2iutl)i Dcliuec tjiitot|)e fojefaio^.^.ljer mo*
tfjcc^oiuetdoft^efaio parcels of plate7lttinen,ano ott)ert)tenftl0 of
Ijouc faio o;ato?s,to tlje fuUtjaUic of rr.matUes,o; tl)eteabout5,to atio
fo; tt)e t)fe ano be^alfe of tfjc faio :3 But alfo curing t^e faio timc,con^
ucctco ot^ecpaucls of gajOs ano funnues of moncr rccciueo of
gueff tljat t:efo;tc5f tlje fato bcufe, appertaining to vour faio ^7a*

to;,t3ttto tljconelp tfeano benefit of tl)c faio (f liecfelfe. i5r meaner

01 \A
lu^ettof tour faio ;^;ato; uias greatly p;etuotceo ano^tnoeceo,to^i5
lo(reof):r):o:tllt.o; tt^ereabouto^'Opon tpt)i(b stcaltong tout faioiS)^
rato;Utajsinfo;ceDto putttiefnioQ^.fo^jtf) of^isferice.:*lnoaUl^oug!j
tour faio ^;ato; fjattj oiuersano fnnD.:i tunes tjeretofo^e notifieo
anomaoeUnoVunebtitot^efaio0tI)e(o(reano ijinoecance, b^ ^ttiu*
llainco, as is afo:eraio, bp ano t!).:oug!) tt)e negligence, oefault^aiU) a^
bufeoft^cfatofi^.asis afo;cfaio,anO rcquireo rec^ntpenceanO

fatiffoction forttje faio gcDDs fo Deliuereo ano conuerteo to t^e ofe of tlje
faio 3.3110 03.as is afo;craiD,accojoing to tl3ep:omifeof t!)e faio i3
jnaoe to rout faio i)<jato;tpon tlje entertaining of tijc fato sp.iwto
yiB feruice,as is afo.:efato,tct tt)e (aio 0.tt)efame to ool^at^ ^eretofo?e
refufco ano ocnieo , t Ihll oatl) tcfufe t oenic to oo, contrary to Ijer p;o^
wift anoaCTnniption afo;erai9, againll all rigl)t,eeiuitie,f confcience.
Jntonfioeiationloljcreofjandfojafmucljasroar faio^^atojis not
nbletoiraheani^Ouepajfe, ne^^tljec oftljecertainet^ 02 quantitie cf
tlje plate, Un nen, ano ctl)ccgosfo fecietl^ ocltueteo to tlie faio6 ^.

br ^iOuuitg t^e tim of tjer ferito, as es afa^efaiO) o?df tjjc (uttk

<3q Differ
: ; I Supplications, Bills,
otbec gfflOSrConucrtcD bp tljefate (^to
(jct otoc t)fe,afs i^ afojcfaiir,
no^of ttjcpjDimftmaDcb^tljcfaiD.a.tmtotourfatD o?ato^,t3pontl)C
trta^ning of tljc faiD iip.into bis fei;uicc,.afi w
afojefato, b? ceafon ti^c

fame lua5 iii fcccet bctluaate t^cmfclues^ luitljout callmg ani? otl;ec to
liiitncire fc5itfame,UjJ)Cfbi? roue faiD ojatoj br tlje dxict tiileanD c ourfc

of t^s commwilatoe of ti)is Kealnie,!)atl) no o;Dinacs uieanctfo^re^

couccic of t^efamcjbut enelp br fuit before rour^.IloaDd^rppetntljc
am;enes 2paieft.t)ig|i Coiict of Cljanccrie, br tfjc cattjs of f^e faiD ^.
ano Sp.inVutjofc p;iuttic3 all tl;e p^enrilTw pjincipaUr lie, i toljo youc
);ato;t|rinUetb D^joii tlicir faio oat|)cs ^inll teurale , awD maniMt^z
. f FMf ^ anti.cijccumftancwf tf)e ranwrt tije p^cniilTcfi conOsccco, S^ar it
. t^:efo;c pleafs; wc.goBi-o;oC^ip to gwnt tjntc 5?ctic fain D;atojt^
^ 'lL^mfiie& moft gcatious \y)}it of Subpcna to be otrecteo to ttiefaio
ia.a:m^#.a!Hjeit^ei: of t!)em,commanDing tijcm tljecbr not onlp to ap^
.peace before rour^.iai t^e ^ix^^mRics Ijigl; Cxjurt ofCtjancei:ie,at
acectattt oa^,^ino tjnocr a cei:tair.cp.une t!;crein to bciimittco anli af*
fetrcDjt'oeiutiere toanfUjerto tljcfaio p^eniiirs5,but alfo to CteiiDto
anoabioc fuc^ fuctl)er o^tcc i Direction t!)eniT,a)5 to vcncf^.Ujireacmc
l^all be tl)oug^t fit anD conticnient,? roue laic iiD;ato; (Ijall Dailr p;ja?

\into (2>o9 fo^ttjc long continuanccxjf r out:-li.in Ijealtljanii p;ofpmt?.

,.','. ^y'::
'^'\u^,:V'^^i'tr)r ..:,_:-.:, !::.;} A. ..:. .^i


efcom^Atut of C. T, contpUtnant;, n v
r^ i u'l

. np^efaiD Defendants rar,anD ert^ec of ti^em, fo^ IjimfelfeXeueraUt?

Scct.i 1^.
1 f^tbjMattbefaiDbillofcompl.agaiiift t^merijibitoD intot^ig
l)ono;ablecouct,tsbecr t)ncectatti,t}ntt;ue,anDtnfn^denttn t laU) to
be anftuetet t)nto b^ tl;e faiD Defenoants,o; eittrc of tf)em, fb; Dtuecis
ntanifeOt t appaiant faults ano tnipecfexttons! tl^ertn containeo, f Deat^
feD f crljibiteD into tl)ifi l)ono;able court o f mare malice ano enuiojon^j
Ip to t^e intct,not onlv to bcre ano trouble t^e oefeuDantg, being t^r^
Enable ano vnmeet tjpsju tljefnoocn, tutti^tong i teoiouB iournefCB to
maUetljeicpcrrcnallappaiancefl in t\)is %. Court, being aboue 120.
miles DiCfcant from tt)c toluneof JSint^e Countie of ^ loljecetfjefe
Defenoants noUj Dtoell, but alfo to toearic tlje DefertDants in fuel) fo;t,
tfjat i\)zy> mtg!)t erte;! ano luring fccm tfjefeoefenDantsfome confloc^

rationfo; tljeHas cf t[)C fo^cfaio fuit,bc it ncuecfo tntcue^ano \xiit^*

outanpiut taufeo; colour ofcaufcfc to Do,ncucrtl)ele,iftbefeDeftnj'
oaritj?C)aU h^ tljeo^Dec of tljis !)onourdUle romt be compelleD to make
anp aict|)eto;ot}}6:nnra)erto ttjefaio bncertatno.anDtnfu^ctent bill
of complaint, tl)en t[)eaDuantage ofepceptionto tl)eniamfelttncec^
taintief infutfictencieofttiefamebtf ofcomplaint to t|)efei>fenDant8,
andAnfwers^ 2^4,
ant tit^tt of tjjem af all timts fieceaft^c fauca ,fot: snfitJet tfjcteunto,
anD foj a mmikft ueclarnttonof tfjc tirut^,toocl^uig t^je cotcntis of tlje
famg btlUtliere Defenoantjsf faprani) eittjec of tljc foj Ijimfelfc feuctalig
fattl),tt)at about t})c time menttoneo tn tfje fato bill of coplatnt, ^ faio
$p^t.t()e otl^cc oft!)cre oefenoanf tLias cntcrtaineo to fcrue tl^e fato
complainant anDl)t0 tutfc fo; ttjetcnne of one teare^nert cnfuing t^t
time of fufl) ^er ceCetncc, fo^ tt3|.0. luages fo.j t^e fame reacc tintl^out
tifc knotulcogc of tije fato i^ ^t. tfje ot^ec of t^fe Def.tmttU tl)at fl^^e
t^efatDqp.^aBfotuttf^tliemtctatneD.^nDtt^cre oefenoants furttjec
rar^ bi? tiertue of tt)e fame tetainectt^c fai^ ^^^otD ^onelil^,fattl)fnl^
l^ ano tcul^ be^auc l)ec felfs,anD oiD fecue tlie fato compl. ano t^iB faio
During all tfjc faio ^eai:e,anD
irife in all latufull bufineflTe accojoinglr,
tt)at to bnotoleDge no lode no^ p;eiuo:ce oio befall tmto tlje faioe

compUt|);oug^ t^t negltgence,ticfault o^ aiuife of tlie fain ^an an? re^

fpectturtng t|)e Uime reare 0nt) tf)at tn tl;e eno thereof (^ee Departed
from ttiem tottl) tt^ie fauour anD goD U)tll,at ^et otune requell,V)DttI)^
ouCti)at,t|)atll^etf)efatd9p,Vuad(ntertatneDin t^tit faiD feruice^at
anD tjpon t^e entreaty of tl)c fati 0.fe. ano tpon Ijcr faitljfull pjomifc
tnto tt^e faiD compl.t^en gtuen atiD ntaiic,^ tf}c fato ^
IjerfaiD Daug^^
tecO^oulo During tije time of I^ecreruiceanDaboDe U)ttt)tf)efatDC0{rt*
|jonelllr!>faitl)fuU^,anD trulr be^aue l}ci fclfe/ctiiing tjimanD Ijijs faii
li)tfetnaUla\DfuUbufine(re0,anDt[)attf antlode o^p^ciuoice H^oulD
befall t)ntotbefatD complainant tt);^otr$t) t^e negligence 0; abufe of
^er ttje faiD ^.in anr refpc(t,t|)at t^cn t^c t^e faiD 0. ^t\)pon notice
to i)er giuen b^ t\)c faiD complainant,of fucf) lode ano Detrimrt in t^at
bel^alfe rultatneD,UioulD fatffieano recomplence tbe fatD complainant
fi);tl)efame to tbe t3ttennotttjaluett)crcof,o; tljat b^ reafon tliece='

of t^e fame complainant cntectatneD anDreceiueo cp,tn ^is faiD fet'

nice, 35 tn t^e fatDc bill it is bntruelr alleaogeo* j^nD t|e faiODefen^
tants fuctfjec fa^, (^a;tl)eraiDa.^.f)atl)maDet3ntot^e
tljat albeit - -*
faiD complainant an^ p;omire as l^ce in l)is bill of complaint fup^*

pofet^ (ai in tier^ truett) l^ce did not) ret It^ere t\it fame p^omtfe
t)o$D in lato^anD of no taliDitie o; fo;cc to binoc l)er tbereb^, to;, ttjat
tljefaiD0^att^timcof ttjefaioefurmifeo p^omife toag couecttyittj
%f^*^t ^ufbanD* ^nn tuit^out tl)at,tbat \jpon fuel) p^omife tije faiD
toife of t\)z faiD complainant Deliuereo t)nto tl)e faiD ^* to ber cl)arge
anD cuffoDp manr parcels of linnen, ano otl)cr anD
neceffar^ things
anpotber manner
tiirniture fb^tbefaioe complainant ^is betjalfe in
tl)ena0tocuecrotl)ero;Dinarr feruantintlje fame Ijoufe in t|)c lifee
cafe,U)itl)Duttabingt3ponl)er anrrpeciaUcl^argefo.jtt;e beeping tl)ec*
of, as in tt)e faiD billof complaint it is t)ertt}ntrueli'aUeageD> anD
tDiti)outtl^atpt|mt curing t^e fame time of tlie fD abooe of ^ertbe
(S^g faiD

0 citijec fcecctl? Deliner tJnto t^im J3. ^. l)0t faio motl)ei:g Dinew
ga)O0,fo? t Jjufe ani
0^ anr of t[jc faio patcels of plate,linncn,anD otijcu
bcljfflfeof tl)c faiD ^^ o; iucui$;tt)erai^ tetme conucrteo fimu^r oi

nm otliec parcels of gooDs ano fum^i of tmn^ recetuei^of guellBtfjat

wfo.UcD to tf)e fatu ^oufi^^^ppectaintng tot^c faiij complainant, tonto
tfe anD benefit of tljc faio q^.fjec fclfe,bij mcane to|>eceof t^efaiD

complainant Inasgceatlp p;jeiuDucu anu l)mu;eD,to t^e loffe ef 50.0^

4o.Uo; tl)ccabfluts>05 t^at tpon fuel) occafionsttieraiD complmnant
li3asenfb;jceutopuf t^efaiD qp.ftom^isfecuicejfo^tljattt^faiti com^
plainantl)at!)Uiuer)5anJ)fanDjV:time0 l^mtofoit notifieD antmaue
btioiunijnto tljc fato ^. tlje loffrano l)ucti>e faffiaineD,aj6 i atb^fam,
h^ anil tt)aoug^ tlienegltgencc^oefantt annabufe Qtt\)ttm ^*wi is a*
fo;efaii),and teqmceD tecompenfeanD fattffodion fo^ttjefato gooos fo
fuppofeD to be DelutereUjand conuecteD to tbe tjfe of tljj faio ^anD ip
as is aro;efaiD,asia t^ fawbillof icplaint is mofttmtculi? allcageD
ano Iwittjont tl)3t,t^atiatit otftecma.ttei*,t|jing 02 t^ingSjClaufe, ftn*
tmcc^acticlejO^ allegation in ti)eraiD bill of complamt centaineD,ma^
teciall 0; effectual in tlje lato to be anflceceD Mnto b? ttjcfe liefenDant0

ojeit^c of tl)em,ano not liecein iw t^eit anHuev fuffictentl?? anftDCceo

t)nto,confe(reD)anDauoi?Deo,Denict),o:ti:auereD,i0 tcue: alltDi)ic^
matters t^efe acf.aimeitljec of ttjem ace ceaov to auecre anb p^ouea*
t^is ^.Couct fl^l aUjarCanb tbcrcfo^c tt)r V^V to be tjifmtffeD out
of t^e fame Court Untlj tljeic ceafonablc colts ano cl^arges in ti}is htt
\^\fz tD;ongfall^ anulottljout caufe fuHatneo*

Thf Rep/icathn tvthejame Attfwere.


<>tix. 116
T ^e
&ii> compL fauing to bimfelfe all aDuantages
t^eincertaintics anD infiifftcienct of tlie faiD

'jinnl (!:' if

of ^ceptiort (0
fo J replication faitl) as Ije befo;ebp l)is faio bil Ijat^ faiD^^no fiotlj.ano
toillauerre,iaftifieanD maintatneljis faio bil,anD allanDeuerr tljing
ant) tilings tbecincontauieD tobega){i,iuli,aniiJtaie, in fuc^ ^q^U^^i^a
ner anD fbjme as in f br tlje fame is moll trul^ fet fa?tl^ ano occlarco*
janD tl)at t^e anftuers of t^z faiD Defendants arc tnret:taine,t)ntrue>
anD infuffictent in t^e latx) to bereplten tnto fo;^ Diuersbntruti)B ano
tmperfsdions tt)ereincontaineD,U)itbouttt)at,t|)att|)efaiD qj^.oneof
tliefaiD Defendants DiD |iQneffl^,faitl)full^, anD trulv beljaue l)ec felfc
in t^e ferutce of tt)e faiD complainant, as bv tlje fame DefenDant in
tl)eir faiD anfkieres is t}Rti;uet|?alleaDgeD,fo^tl)t]$(i3tD complainant

^ before \y^ lnsfaiD^iU,l)at|)fatD, tbattbelaiD ^.oneof
DcfenDants DtDfeccetl^DtUuec to ttie faiDe0t^eotl)erDe^
4^Daiit Dtuers paccels of tljegooDs of t|)e fatoe com^ainant,. v^&t

and Aniweres, 255:

(ompUagstnH ti%U mti$timt^,mh futt^zt t^e fato camplatnant fattfr

anutDtU aucct;eant)p;oae,tiiatt^eraiDM'Oiieof t^cfato DefenOant^;
Dtogtue^ei:fattI}fuUp;omire to ratiffieanopi^ t>nto tfic fato compU
t|et)tt0t:mofl^Dalueofeueueloire0^ t)inoecat)ce t^e fato complainant
D^oulD fuilam b^ ti^t fato ^. as b)! ^isM is moS t^ntruli? fet fo^t^ attD
oeclac^^tvit^Qutt^at^tl^atan^otf^irtnatteco^ tf)tn$ in t!)e faio De^
fenDants anftset contemned matertall o; g(fitHaU^ to be ceplieo tn^,
andljeceb? not fu^ctenlr replied tinto, is ti;ne* ;^ll U)|)icl) matte
t^e raid complainant is reaDie to aaecreano pom^ as t^is ^ono;abIc
cout H^all atttacD^sno p^a^et^ as ije before b^ |is faiD bill fjat^ p;aieD

Ji 'Sifffor entring into anei detaining copihoU lands fold to the defendant to
fhepfainttfes (Jrandfathertwhich defiendedto the platntife, betngan'tn-
u fault thefatd entrie being made, by reafon that the copie and coHrt-rollof
thefaid bargaine came to the defendants hands.

Hmmbltj compla?ntng,fl|etj0etf> fento^ourl^owo^ablelL^tOttt oailp Sct.i 17^

;2>MtoJiF*of22a^4ntl)ecountte of l^o^fee (:DeBtleman,2Dtjat
to^eteas about t^e j^jcig.Dar of ^eptemban t^e t^ico rcce of tijeceigne
oft^elatel&ingof famous memo!^ CDluato ti^e ^* one Ci)^t(topi)et;
SiSacterlate of if .in t\^z faiD Countie fjufbanoman, tuas latofuUi^ ano
tig^tfuUpfeireotnliisDemerneas of fix, as a Coprl)olDec,acco;oing
totliecuftome oft^e mano;^ of tf^e ^;ebetid cr lla]2^ton> in t^efatD
(onntt of,f in one citltomat:^ mefuage 02 tr"'ement,aho one ^te,m%t
ofland,toit^ t^appunteitances in if .afo;eraio : an t anotl^et; mefuage

0^ tenement,anD cacres and a ^aXfc of kind Sjdit^^ t^appuctenanres in


jlf.ifi3aefaid,and fie being tijereofrofeifed about tl^e time afo^^efatd fo;

acectaine great fumme ofmonep to ^im pato br if #.of SXH.afo^efaid,
j5candfat!)etof tourfaid i2I>Mtoj, did iurtenocc according to t\^tt\x^
Itome of tt)e faid mano; ,tf)0 fatd vxu jmacie tenements and p^emiO'es
tdit^ t^appnctenances, into tije fiands uf tfje tj^en 3lo;d of thefaid mm*
no;^,to t^e tjfe of ttie faid if ^tlje gcandfatljec and ^is ^eites fo? eaec
b^ foacetaj^ereof thefatd if. i^. i^z grandfatl^ectoas t^ierecf admitted
tenant accordingly, and tDasot:tije fame as a copi^oldeclatufuUi^fei^
fed in liis dcmefne^as of fee,b? ^and acco;dittg-to tl^e cullome of tliefaid
niano?,and tfje tents,iiruesiand p;jofits tljeteof arifing and grotinng,
did It^etDiG^ latDfitU^ tn&e and couner^ to %\& ottne t)fe, bt tl^e fpace of
fiiaei:si?eares,adaftectoacdstl)e faioif^ t|)e(l&;tandfat|er: being
t!)eceof fo fijifed of t^e faid tzmmznu and p^emiflcs , died thereof fo
feifed,abjDut tijefecondteare oftfje teigneof t^efjtjvienesmoftejfcel^
lent^aiettietfjat HoU) is. J&^ cmdaftectotr0fedeat|it|;e fatdtene?
^g 3 ments
'iSuppIications, Bills,
Hwnt mtu p jcmififea oifccitDeD f came, I of cigljt ougit f oifcentJ anu
cometa^ouc faiD D;atp;,bcm5tl)0Hof tjccy T?ong ano tennec reawfi,
viz^boutt^cascoffirci?eareis,a5 nectcolinauD next tjcice tjntottje
faiD ir'^tl}e gcanDfatI)ec,tbat w tofa^,foMne of SD^I^.fonne anoljeice
of ttje faio if ^tljc gtatiDfatljcc,: but noU) fo it is,tf it ma)7 pleafe^ouc
aojD it.t^at af tec tt)C oeatlj of tt)0 faio iF.^ tbe gcaito fatljec, ali tljc co^

pies ofCouct tolls; of t^e faio mano^,anDtt)e tjeci? Court ro!]^tt)em*

fellies contecning t^c pjcmifl"c0, oiD bv t afuaU mcancs come tjnto t!)e
|^anDS,cttfto9i!,aiiti poiXctfion ot tlje fait ClB^ano one SC.c of Can
faiD tmntiz l)ufijanDmaii,o.j to tlje llanos of one of tf)cm,tot)icti t^e^ oj
tljc one of tljem l)aue cancelleo i ocfaceo, tntcnDing t^ecebr tttetl^ to

t)ifial;ente vout; fato oiato: of ti;$ fame Ummzwts ano p.jemides,? b^

(olouc tljereof (^;ttl^ aftec tl)e ocatl; of ttje faio if ^ t^e gcanDfat^ec,
tl;e faio .)5* oiD luioncjfullg abate i tntic into ttje faio tenements f
]p^emiffe0*ano euei fince (ms faio tu^jongfullentce, tljat 15 to fa^^bi?
fpace of FFii^.r-ficea, oi tt)ei:ab0uts, ^atb toJongfuU^ occupieo flicpijei
miffefi 0; tljcmofl: paut t^eceof^anc cccciueo f tafeen 1 conuerteO to \)is
otont3fe,tfjiecentfi,ifl:ues 1 p^u8tiof {> faio tr.ie.nents ano p^emiffeiJ,
ano \iU not b^ ani? meanes pecmit 0^ fuffec vouc faio ojatoj to entcc,

MieDDle,o.j i)aue to do tbecluttb BnD nottuitbUanoing v votit faio o.:a^

to;,not onl^ b^ bimfelfc,bttt aLo bp bis fdenDs, ijatb in gentle $ quiet
t)ianei:Diuet;0time$comel)nto tbe faio C anoX* gently cequtcingp
t\}tm to DeUuect)nto bini ^ouc faio o^atoj,^ faio copies of Court cols,
anDtomafeereafonablerecompencei fatiffactien tmto Ijim rourfaio
o^ato; fo; tbe rents, ififues i profits of tbe faio tenements f pjemiffes,
fo as is afo;efaiD bv tfje faio C iD^ongfull^ceceiueo acco^oing to ^onc
faio o^ato; \)i& goo rigb^ ano title tbeteunto^^et # to do, tijep f e^ttiec
of tbem baue euer btt^erto refufeo % Denieo, ano ^et do refufc i Denp to
DO f fameagainltallrigbt^uitieanD goDtonfcience^anDto^ Dilinbe^
rifon of vour faio ^;ato;>of,anD in t^ep;emi(res,anD to Ijis great loCDe
ano fjinDeraiue,if fpecDp remeo? be not b^ t?our gisD it. in ttiis ^court
fpee;Dil^ p^ontoeo to p^euent t^e fame.In tenoer tonSoerationto^erof,
nnD fo; fo mucl) as ^our faiD o;ato; not ttnototng tberertatnetiumber,
DateSjO; contents of tbe faio ccptes anD Court rols, no; totjeremtbeg
0; ani? of t^em beonteincD,m bag,bore 0; c beftjlocbeD/caleo 0; open,
IB tl)ecfo;e toiti)out all rcmeo^, b^ tl)e Due coucfe of tbe commonlalu0
oftbis realmeto recouer tlje fame, ano fo;ladjetl)erof roue fmo c;ato;
is feect! libe to lofe tl)e faio tenements $ p;emittes, f fo; tbat alfo, tbat
tbe contents of t()efatD bargatne,aKD furcenDer oft^e faiD tenements
ano piemiffcs/o as is afo;eniiD, maoe betluccnc tlje faio if l^. granD^
fatbec, ano tbe fai^Cli5 cannot notw tljetiwife be p;oneD tbenb^
4nftuerof t|)e faiDC/)ilpanDSD*0.maoe t^pout^eir oatl^es in tbts
an3Anfwerse 2;d
f)ono)abl0Cotttf,aUruei)|)et;ron0a0lDete Mtmttt&et ti)e fame hat^
gatite^betng nolo titt^ct Dcao, o^ elfe tttecit? trthnolmn tnto rotit: fain
o?ato?,beingfo ^ong,as it i5 afo^efaio, at t^ettme of ti)e mafeiitg of
t^e fame, spa^ it plcafe ^out ^cno;abIc !lo.f b grant tnto ^lout faio O:
tato^ tfje^Duanes ^m&m molt gtacioiis tu,ztt of vSubpcna.tobeot*
cetfeDbnto faiuC.ana SC.ftcaig^tl^ ccmmanoingtl^eman^ ertfjet

of ttjem at a ceitaine Da^^sno tjnteca c^rtaine paiv.e tfjecetn to bee li:>

mittD,to appeace before vout Il.in tjer maieffies fjigl^ couit of f)m*
tttVit^n and tl^ere to anftuec^ to ti\t p?emiire0, t to abioe fuct) o^iOet:
ano oicemon tl)ei:in,as to rem: H. (^al faem to llano toitfj agl)t,eqait?
aHDgGooconrcifnce,arfDroucraioo^ato?fl^allDatl^ p.jat? to ^lmigfj^
tf <85oD fo? ^oui: ^cnout in goo Ijcalt^ loitg to continue,! c,

A Bill by the hufhandan d m/e, as guanliam to her childfir emiences,

1^ KjttfjumbleUjifeccmplaintrtg,
ll^ippe,rom: po;c ano Oail^ o^ato;
fl|ctoetlj tintorour goooilojo^ Scft.i
^.M.of I5.in tljeCount^ ofSO*

yeoman, ano J*^is toifc, late ttjc toife of 31 ^

t[)e eloec of 115. afo;je^

(aio^eonian nolo oeceafeo E^l)at lut)$t;ea{ t^efaio 31*^ in tiisltfi

time tS3ai5 latofuU? feifeo in \)i$ oemefne, as of fee, of, ano in one mc^
fuage 0^ tenementjcommonlv calleo l^.anD of,anD in cectaine lanoeff,
meaoolD,auo pattutcanD ot{;er ^cccoitament0,tDit| tt)^appui:tenan'
ceSytot^efaiD tenement belonging)anolutt()tI)e fame tjfuallB occn^
picOjfcitnatc,!ying,anD beir.igini3*afojGraio ^no tjee t^e faio 3*^*
being of t^e pzemttfes fo feifeo, Dto in Us Itfe time conuei> ano aOTurs
tiie fame tnto certaine pecfonis, ano tt^eirbeices, to t^e bfe of t|e fain

% ano of ttje fatoe 31 tben \iiB mfc, ano of ttje longec liuec of tl^em^
toitbout impeacljment of luaHe* ^no aftec tt^tit oeceafes, to tbe t)fe
of tbe t^ice0 of tleic ttoo booies latofuU^ begotten, tuitljoiuer^sce^
ittainoetj ouec, b^ fo^cetobeceof tljefaio 31 .^* ano tl^e faio 31? tben
feece tbeceof feifeo acco.jomgli'. i3ino fo feifeo, tljefaio 31^
|ji5 toife,

about tb^ee i^eaccs nolo laftpalt,oieo feifeo of fucb etiate, asafij^e^

raioe,bauing it^ut bettu eene bii ano rbe faio 31 one 31 ^. an Infant
of tbe ant of tb30 rearer;, o^ tbeteabouts. Met labole oeatb tbe faio
31b^llo ber felfe in tbe faio ntefuage( ano lat}O0,ano toas tbereof feifeo
acco^Oingl^. ^no fo feifeo, toobe to bufbano tbe faio 31. Mhtf^t otbec
of tout faio jato30,b? fo^ce of tobicbentecmarriage t\}c faio %W!i*
ano tbefaio 3i*li?^>s lalofuII^feifeD of tbep;!emire0,a0 in
tfie rigbt

of tbe faio 31* ^m

^out faio ;^;^ato^ ^m^ alfo tbe cun:ooieof tb^
faio 1 ^. tbe infant, tigbtlt belonging to tbe faio 31 ^ia motbec
as (0uaroianin^oc4ge i^otu/o it id? if it mappleafe ^otitgooo
l^o^oibippe^tbat cettainei^rties^ enioentes, ano tu^itingi^, toucbit^s
4 ano
tm concemitig tlje p^tmiiks,mh ofrig^f belonging f o ^our faio o?a*
to^tfjano ti}C fain infdnt,o? to tl)e one of t^cm,are cafuaUr come to t^z
t)anO0 ano polTeCrions of %.C.of )i5afo;efaio,f 31 ^of ^.being feinf^
man trntotbcfaio 3!&of )i34l)eeli3cc Deceafeo, toljo bv tolsuc of Ija^
uingtlic faio OiYD5,euiDences,ano ti3?itings,l)aucto;ongfuUip mttzn
into t|)e p?emtfre0 \it\) t\)npj^uztzi\m(tsi, ano tlietupon tjaue contti^
tteo cectatne fectet tftates t)nto metB pei:rons tntenoutn to t?ouc fato
o^ato;0,anD b^ colour tt)0t:of,ti)ei? tl^e raio^C*anD 3*^*of^*o^t^z
om of t^em of late timei)at||lD;ogftill!>entt:eo into t|e p;emteres,anD
^at^ ceceiueo ano ta^en tfft idutB nm profits of tf^e p^tmi^ta o; fome
pact tlieceof fcom ^our faio o^ato;si> ano altbottgf) voat fato o^ato^d
liaueoiuecjes ano funo^t! ttiite0 gentli? requelteo tl)e faid %,*mn%^
of ^40 pecmitano fuffec ^our faio o;ato;5 quietly to i^aue ano ento^
t^e fame p;emicre0,i to oeliuec tinto t?oui: faio o;ato3 tt^e fato oeeoes
eutoence0,ano Iju^itingSjtoucljing ano concerning ti)e p.zemiO'eg, ano
lol)it^ of ng|t DO belong ano appertain bnto vour faio o;^ato;0,ano to
tbe faiD 39 *^4^t infant,^et tj^e^ t^e fame to oo tjaue^itl^erto tefetfeo,
ano ^et oo rcfute,contrar^ to all ngt)t,equit^ i g(DO confcience^toljicl^
ut lihelr to turne,not onl^ to t^e lofiTe ano l^innerance of ^our faid o;a^
to;0:butairotot^epmutiiceanDDifinfierttanceof t^e faio inf^t,tf
(paeo^ teo^nre i>erein be not i)ao b^ ^our goo Ho* tn confioerattON
iBtjerof^ano fo^armuci)as ro^r faio o;atD;0 do not knolu t^t tertaine^
t^ no;t certain number office faio De^D$,eniDence0>to^iting0,no; lu^e^
t^er t|u fame bee containeD in bagge o; bore,fealeD^^ in cl)efi lockeo?
ano fo tour o;ato;5 ano t|)e faio BInfant are jft}i(|ieut anr o;iDinarf re^
meoi? foi tiie recoueri? oft^t fameJbi? t^e common lalue^ of ti)i0 realm
janD fo^ t^at tour fait o;ato;8 ooe liope, tl^at t^ feme CanD ^ tsiU
Ijpon t|eir oatlje^ in tf)i0 ^onoi^ableCourt^confelTe t^ ctrtaintieanti
truetf) t|)erin>to|)e(e t^e faiDeutoencen are to be liaD^o^ to \}^am t^ei?
|)aue oeliuereD t^e fame ^s^ it t^erefo;epleafe tour gooo ILo;Dfl^tp,
t^ep;emiflie0 confioereb^to grant tmto tour faio 0^to;0 tijeilueinefi
^aiellie0 ic*
Tht dnfwerc ef the fame.
Scft 119 'T^^ ^^^ DefenDant0 fatjanD euert of tijemfeuerallt faitlj^tliat t|e
X faiD bill of complaint i0bertt)ncertaine,t)ntcue,anDinfutftcient
in t|ie latUyto be anflDereD tnto fo; Diuer0 manifest oefault0 ano im^
pecfe(tien0 therein conteinet ano frameo, ano eirf^ibiteo into ti)i0 1^*
no;able courts a0 t^iefe Defenoants deceit t|)tnbe of maltce ano euill
^ilUto t^e intent to put ttjefe oefenoantB to great trauatle, cbarge0>
anoerpences ^to make t^eir perfonall appearance in tf){0|)9ne;able
Court,t^efato DefenDant0 (toollingin li3.afb?eratD,tnt^CatD t^\mt>^
ifE>*W^ie^ 10 1 2o.mile0 (iHmitfromtliecitie of MeKminter, ano
and Anfvvcrsc 257
iDif^ouf an^ tuff fnufefototoMnfi tf)cftticfeDants!art|^ei:fa^,tr;aC
ift^z furmifcD matter contetneu in tljcfaio bill of complaint tuece
true, UB in tjeci? fcuet^ tljep are not, ^cttocce t^t fame oetecminable,
anD to be uetecmineD b^ tt)e common latoc( of ttjig ccalme,anD not irt
t^is I^ono;abl0 cout;t,tDl)ecetmto tt)efe Def.p;ap to bee DifmidcDtuitti
t^tit ceafonable coll(,c^ai:ge(,ani) Damages m tf)is behalf to^ongful^
Ipano Ujttl)out mtt caufe fuffatneD,i?et neaeafcl)eleirc,if tljefc Def. (I^all
becompelleDbptt)eo;Decof tl)isCom;t,t0mafeean^fm:t[jei:e; otljec
anfU)et:et)ntott)efato t)ncectatne ant) tnfufiftcient bill of complaint,
tlient^eaDuantaseof exception to tl^etncertaintte anti infufficiencie
thereof to ti^efe oefenoants ant eittjec of tl)em at all ttmeS I)e0ceaftec
faueo^fo; furt^ec anfu^ei: tljereunto, ano fo; a full ano plaineoeclaca^
ttonoftl^ett:uti),ra^tf)att|)er tt)inbeiti5tt:ue:,tl)at t^efaiD3l*i^*U)aB
in I)i0 life time latofull^ fetfeo in ^is oemefne as of fee, of, ano in tj^e
fato melTuage o? tenementst commonl)? callei tl^e ^ano of,ano in tttf
tmt lanoei!,meaootD,ano paSure,ano ot^ec Ijeceoitaments tuitl) t^t
appurtenanceis to tl)e fato tenements belongtng,ano toitl) t^t fame t};>
fuall^ occnpieo, fcituate,lving)ano being in 115afo;efaio,H0 in t\ft faio
bill of complaint i$ alleaogeo,but t^e faio oefenoanti^i tmt^tt far,tbat
tt)e faiotenements in t\}t faio bill of complaint conteineo, as t|)e^ te>
relp bel0eae,at:e Ijoloen oftbe tiQlft l)on* (S^.Cacle of ^.of i)id manno;
of .in t\^t faio county of ^.bf hntg||)t5 fecnice , ano b^ tl^c veat:eli^
tents of ttoo (billings.J^no tbat Ije being t^eof fo feifeo, ano tl^e faio
dearie being alfo feifeo in fee,of tljefaio manno^, as tl^fe oefenoants
tljinUe,oico thereof fofeifeOjbrjano aftectoljofe oeat^ tlje faio tene^
ments ano p;emt0P^s in ti)e faio bill menttoneo, oefcenoeo ano came
totl^efaio31*^tl)efonne,as fonne ano Ijeiceof ttje faio 3l'^oecea^
(leo,l])|)oisi?etU3it^intl^eageofone ano tloentie^eaces^b^meanes
fu]^ereofti)cfaio (^ade affective oeatl) of t{)e faio BI&*tl)e fatl^ec^as
guacoian of c^e faio 3l.^*infant,ouring ^is mino^itt^jbr reafon of tlje

tenureafc:efaiO,feifco tljcboo^ of ttjefaio 31 ^.tinfant,feitf)out tljat,

t^at to t^e faio oefenoants bnoluleogCjttjefaio 3^ ttjcfat^ec being

oftt)ep^emifiresfetreoinfee,oio in bis life time conue^ anO a(futetl)e

famepjemtivcs bnto cectaine petfons aso tijeicbetcesjto t^e bfe cft^e

faio 3.^. ano oft!)efaio3.tl;enf)isluife,an0of tl)e Icngecliuecof ei^
tfitt of t|)cm,U)itbout impeacljment of toaft, ano after ttjeicoeceafe to

tbc bfc of tfje l)circs of tijti^ ttoo Jbooies latofulli? begotten, toifo ni*
uecs temainoers euecas in tl;c faib bill ofcomplaint i$ bntcuel^ aUeO*
0eo,oj t^at totl)efe rcfenoants hnotuleoge, b^ fo;ce tf)ereof tl;e faio 31
^ano tlje faio ^^^ttlcn Ijisluife being tl)ereof fo feifeo, otc? tljercof
fo feifeo,o; tbat to tW^ oefeno knotulcoge, after bts oeatlj tl; e faio 3!
^elo ^ec felfe int^z faio meiruageS;lanoes,anop,:emiireS:5ano toas
tl^etof fo fctfeo accojotngli'^br fo;ce otmv fuc!^ conueimtcco^tJjaf ft
Aeins tljerof fo fctfcMoofec to Ijufbano t!jc faiD 3JM* o? tljat b? fojce
of tf)e faiD eiitecmacciage tl)c faio 3i ^ ani5 t^e faiD 3! to t^e hnoto^
IcDge of tfjefe Deftni3anti5,tecc fo lattjfuUp fcifc&of tl)e faiu p?cmta'e0,
in t^t rts^t office faiD 31 as in ttjc faiD bill is aUeatjgeD* ^nD tottljout
tl)at, tbat to t^efc DcfcnDantsfenpUjlcDge tliefaiD 3[.M.anD 3 ^aue
t^e tuftoDp of t^c faiD 3! ^t^e infant rigtitfuil^ belonging to tlje faip
J. as (acDein in ^ocagc^as in t^e faiD bill iB lifecUnle aUeaDgeD0nD
.iuitl)0ut tljat, tljatan\? Da'Des,cuiDences,anDUi;itings,toucl)ingano
concerning t^cp.zemiires,anD of tigljt belonging to tl)e raiD3!nfant,
0^ to one of t^ em, are cafualli? come to t^e ^anDS,culloD!?,anD jjoffelti^
on of tlje faiD DcfeuD oi^tc tl^en fuc^ DceDs, cuiDences,anD iu^itings,
ast^e (aih %m DeliuectjntottjefaiD SC^.tlje one of tt^feDefenDantf
tp^ic^ ^e tije faiD SDvabout one ^eare notu laft patt, o^ mo,2e, tjpon tlje
receipt of t^timmB spaiefties \s>nt of Subpcna Deliucreo to 3*fl*
late of ^* ^all in tl)e Countie of &) 5entleman,to t^e tjfe of t|)e faiD
3lnfant,tu|icl) a l)e remembjetl) luas Done bi? appointment o; agrees
ment of tlje faiD 31* ^i^D ot})er t^en anotl)er olD DeeD oj to;iting toitl^
out Date containing t^efe 1bo;ds follotuing, o^ t^e tert? like in e^ct
anD meaning, tjij
Sciant prefcnccs &
futuf quod ego loh. filius Tho.dc B. dcdi concsiH
&hac przfcnti charcamcacorifirmaiii Duraeco de Toxwood pro ho-
a3ag',&rcruitio fuo,6c pro quadam pccunix fnmma mihi prx manibus
foluca,tocam ccrram meani qux vocatur Ic Haute chfFe in tcrricorijs de
B. cum borcis,pracis,pafcuis,pa(luris, 5c omnibus fuis percinentijs, Cmc
aliquo rcccnto^qux iacetintegre in latitud' inter viam quae ducit verfus
terramquamL.deL.quondati3tenuit,& cKtcndic ic in longitadind
meca dcB. vlq^ ad ccrram Abbatde R. et terrain qu^ fuic A.F. (erram &
K.deleScagbjVna cum tota ilia terra cure domib'&cdiHcijs in ea litis,
cum omnib* fuis ptin,quam R.dcT.quondamtcnuit, qu^ iacetintegre
inter terras,5cc. ano tnit^oRtl^at^tijat ani! otl)er matters $c

A Bin to be difcharged of aRecognifancefor thefauittg ofUndsfold harnte"

ifjfe,far that a leafe made thereof by whichhefeemeth to be dammfied,
tvas either made in truji or b)furrender,btfore thefaid
hargaifte^ with an anfrvereireplieation^andre'-
ioynderto the fame'BitL

ScA.no /^)mplaimng fl^cfeetl tjnto pour|iomiLoiDI]^ip,<^eojg? Carle of

- > .' -^ V-^^lj^iotof burr jtljatUnljcras^irtsaa:.^ .knight llo^D^.DeccafcD,
ixi^ifi life time,about nine reres notD paltjtoas latufull^ feifeD of an
^ftate of inheritance amongH oti^er lartos iD tencmmtt^;,of t^t tt)tro
andAnfwerfes. 2^8
{lattoftliefcttef manfton^oureoft^e lateDt^oltteD ZhbeVi,^omfttfi
tvo} ^m;v of Bvintf^eCountieof JlanD of all annCwgulatmeffna
g00,i}otire0^Di&C0js,liutlDtng0, oaci)atD0, gacoen0, fillings, ponOd
lattD(,tenement0,meaootpe0,paliut:0(, commons ano fjeieottamentd
luttf) ^ appurtenances to ^ fatD fctte belonging, ti^tn o; late in ^ ottti*

-pation of jf ^1 aftectoacos in occupation of one ^i t^efaio iU^

being tf)eceotco feifeo about i^ 1 6.tia^ ofjDecembertn tije y.^zctiyft^
retgne of oucfouecaigne ilaDp tl)c ^u/apaieH^ t^at noto i5,of fpeciall
and fecret tcuft ano condt^ence h^ tjint tt)e fato Ho : ^. repofeo in one
tan.^^of span tl)c county of ^ gentleman, anu 9^. fjts linfe,o^ of one
of tljem,DiD mabean dint^mtntc beating Date tljc i^.oar of ^epan t^e
faio tj^.^eace ofa oemife of tlje faiu tljtcD pact of tlje fatD fcite,lanDs,t8^
nement0,anD^ei:eDitament0, toitlj tliappurtenances to f^e faiDMl.
^^inDq^*|)i0tDife,tol)aaeanDtoI)olDt^e fametjnto tfje faiD mi*^*
anD spfcom tl)c Deceafe of ^* 2n of^* fo;j anD During tl)e tecme of xvU
t>eace0 tljen nept enruing,as bp tl)e faiD Blnoenture appearet^. 0nD De^
liuereDt^e faiD Blnoentuceto be DeliueceoaslbtsDeeD, to^entl)efatD
tl^.^fljaopecfo^meDcei'tatne conottions anD agce^mcnts bethieen^
tl)cm uiaoe, tjpon iDljic^ SInDentuces maoe bt> t^m^ it iua0 neuer in^^
ttn^sQ \m agcceD tljat tlje faiD M.^* anD ^. I)i0 tuife, o; tljeicerecu^
toJS o^allign0,o?anp oft!)em,(I}oulDtal?ean^ benefit to ffjem:but^
tl)e fame leafe 4oulD be fuccenDzeD, f at all times DifpofeD at tl)e plea^
face of tl)efaiD ilo : ^- bv fo^ce luijeixof t^je faiD mi. p. anD $p. toece
pOifcITeD of tlic intcceft of t[)e faiD tecme accojDinglv, ano being tf)ere^
of fo peHeOTeD, ^nD tljefaio H.ep being feifeD of tl)e faiD H.of tl)e tfjicD
pact of t^efe tenementsanD p.jemifltes of an ettate of inljecitance^aftec^
toacDSjtIjat is to fa^,tl^ei S.Da^ of ^af jtn tije rtf. reare of tije rcigne

of our faiD fonecaigneilaop , tl)e faiD Ho : ^bp Bflnoenture bearing

iatc tljefaiD Dai? ano re,DiD bargatne anD fell t^efaiD tljirD part of tl)e
faiD pjemttTcs among otl)ec things to one 3.C. of C in t^e cotmtieof
^CfquirCjanD Sf*^* of ^ in t|ie faiD Countie d^entleman, auD tljeic
l^eices fo^ euer, bt> tu^icj) laft rcciteD 3!nDentuce,tl)e faiD Ho^D Up. foj

\jiimanD YjiB Incites DiD couenant anD graunt,to anD luit^ tljc faiD '3-*
anD if.^^auD eitl)erofti)em,tfjat afuJelltljefaiDa^C.anDi?. ^. tifdt
\)tittB anuaffignes, as all tl)e faiD manors anD tenements, bt? tfje faiD
indenture to tl;cm bargaincD f folD, at tfjc cnfcaling f Deiiuer? of f Ije
rame3!nDentures,\yere DifcljargcD, eronerateo o; faueo !)acmcleSiJ,
anoftomt^encefojt^ at all times, anD from time to time l^reaftet
fo.jeuer,l!)OulDbe DifrljargePj ercnerateD,acquiteD, oz faueD|>acme>
lekeb^ tJjefaiD^.ilo^D ^.l)t^ ^ciies , erec ato;s, oj aDminiilra^
to j0,of,aaD from allanD fingulac gifts, graunts, leare0, cl?arges, anD
mcmnb;aitces>I)aOjmaD$, gcauntea 0.2 fattoeo Uh o^to tjjep.jemi^eo',
o^ mv patt o; paccell t\)mofMt\^t faiDllo^b ^ oj b^ anv oi^t pm
fono;pecfoni5tu^atfoeuei:,otljctt[)entfjafaiDiaafecft!)e fmo J^.^
lateDuciclTcof^^anocectatneot^ec tljings, in, ano b^ tljefaiD3In^
uenture e)ccepteii,a0 b? tlje faiD Slnfienture appeartl|i?o; pccfo^ma
of tofjic^couenantof tl)e faiD 3!nDentute, tljc faiD Jlo : ^.Caglg,tbe
y.sai? of iune in tl)eCstD ru^^eare, became bounccn
tjnto tlje faio 3I,

C.anD ^nto one ^*^* of |.1l. in tl)t countie of i5. Cl;fquii:e, b^ tecog^
nifance fenotwletjgeu in t^is !)isl Court of Cljaucecie t1)t m
fumme of
tUjo tboufano pouniJ0,a0 t^eccb^ appeacetl^ 0nD 13^o;tlr aftecUjato^,
tbat iB to fat>i about (i%e reaces nolo lad paft, tl)o faiD IS. laf eS>of ^.
lieu,anDtl^eraiD3iC anijjf^* entree into t^z manors, tenements,
anop^emtifeo U)ttl)t^^apf)urtenance0,and Ivere, ano ^et foe tiftttof
; retreo in tbeic 6emerne0,a0 of ftie, b^ fo^e of t^e faio f onue^ance, antj
t|)ep.(otte0tt)ereofariEHg and commingtot^etrotimet)retcDl$e,and
tet Doe quiet Is fo take t^e fame teitljout mv
interruption, let o^ treu^
ble of tije faioMt*^*anD ^*^i$ txiife, ano t^it affigne0,anD euerie o^
tf)erperfn o; perfona, acco^uingto tfje couenant, true intent, ano
meaning of t^ faiu BSnocnture of bacgaine ano fale. ^nn aftertoaros
tl^at i0 to fas,about fiue ^cai:e0 notu lall paft, tlje raiDlLo;t> ^. foj tljc
fumme of Qret^oufanDpounO0,o;tl)eceabout0,oiobargaine ano fell
to t^efaiD (Barleanti bi0 l)^ire0, t^e mano; of ^.in tbe rountieof^
ant) Diners otl)erlano0 ano tenements in IB* ano ot^er places in tlie
faio countie,b^ fo;ce lu^ereof tl)e faio C^arUiapas thereof laitifuU? fei^
feo in |)is oemefne^as of fee^anot^e ((Tues i p;tofits thereof arifing am
grotoing, oiD quietl]? ta&eanti concert to ^ts otone bfe, from tije time
of tf)e bargaine^During all t^e life time of t^e faio %o}ti ^*mh
io^icbUsasbr tl^efpaceof tl);^^eares after tl)e Deatb of tl^efaiDSDu^
o; t^ereabouts*^no afterk)arti0,tl)at is to fai?,afoout Unt ^eares
lattpatt,t|efato^*mei]i,fincetD^ofeQeatl)tl)e faid iC*^^*if*&
%*^,l^.m*^*mn3*%*mti t^e faio ^. late tuife oft^efaio^.
^anDerecutriro^acminiSratriroftlie faio Mill, as tl)e faiDC^arle
is info?meD,bv tt)c agr^ment ano piiuitit of Co :Lo :^o;ler,ano t^t
!lao^Clifabett)t)tslife,oaugt)tcranot)eireof t|)e faioilo: ^onnt^
eagle,l)auing gotten into t)anDstbe faio Binocnture of oemtfe,

albeit tijattbe faio %* perfo;meo not t^e conoitions ano rouenants

bettnccne bint tl)e faio ILo^o C^^amongli tbemfelues,oiO(onceale ano
b^ tl)e faio JLojo ^*in ti\e faio
fruftratctlje faio truft tepofeo W*
^ano sp.oa tl;e oneof tbcm, to tfje intent to erteno tbe faio He^
.cognitancc of tliio tbcufano pounos, tpon il)e Taio mano; of }i5.
janofuc^ otber lanoes ano tenements as tf)e faiOeCade ^:itl; pur^
cl^afeooftbefaioiLo.20 ^.tontrarie to tl)e gaomeamtig of tl;e fatoe
Ho^o ^(ontraiie to t^e great trull ano conftoence hv i)im repofeo
andAnfwers. 2^9
tit t^t taitM*^*nnn 9^Jt}is lutfe^anD t|)e true mwnmg ott^c faio in^
tmtutt of l^fe.^nt) fo^^t^at pncpofefjanep^ocuteD tijcratDcffateanti
^.^.aitD^*oftl)e fata t^irD pact to be conueteD f o
inteceO^ of tije TatD
^ tlj0 faiD ^.to tlje intent t^at tljc faifi M.^.l^oulD enter into tlic faisi
t^ith part fo lpafcD,a0 is afo^raiD,to tittutht t^ie pcCTijffJon of t^e fato
Cann if .>.to^iclj ije Ijat^ Done acco;tingl^,to tlje intent ttjat tljerb?
tl)eraiii31.C*ant) ^l^.mi^titliaueromecolourtoejteRDt^eraio Ke^
cogniranceof looo.U againftt^e faiUCI^ailc, notluitljffanDing t^at
t!)eraiD 3!CanD if.^.cei:finfetf)eentr^ of tl)efai8 ^.!)aue quietly
cccnpteD tbe faiD Demifeo tl)itti part , anD vet Doe quietli^ occupie tifz
fatne,not|)autng^aDanv Damage ttjerb? to tl)e tialne of tU)eIue pence
bp reafon of ti)c faiD leafe^^ll InbicI) nottDitt)&anDing,if it map plcafe
^jjin:0ooDlLo.f!)eraiDp^.iF5^*anD3IC.^aue p;ccureD erecution
of tlje faiD a^ecognirance ofzooo.it. to becfueo againfttlieraiD (H^arle
bv ^;oceife out of t\} is l^ono^able Court, acco^Ding to t^e fo;me and
effect of tt)e faiD Uecogmrance,fo;itl)at 05 tf^e^ruppofe tpc fatDtfitrD
part t5 cliargeD iuitl^ tl)e faiD leafe tt)eceof maDe to tt)e faio ^*ano l^m
ibift^am aatgneo b^ tl^e faiD &to t|)efaiD M(.^*Uil)o bp fo;ce tljere^
of Iiatf)entreD into tiie faiD t^trDpatt, anD DtHurbeD ttjepoflTeifion of
t^e faiD 3lCaHD if .^*auD t^eir aflfignes^anD fo; tbat bv mean$lt)er^
fif,tl)e faiD mano;i,tanDedanD tenements to tl)em bargaineDanD foU)

br tt)c faiDlto^D ^*in fo;tHe afo;!efaiD, loece not faueD i^armelrlTe h^

tliefaiD ilo* ^ 0; bi0 tjeites of, anD from ail anD (tngular leafes i)aD,
maDc,o> granteD of t^e faiD mano; anD ot|)er ttje p^emtfTes mentioneD
in il)Z faiD inDeiiture of bargame anD ra(e,arco;Ding to tl^e fo;me anD
8e(t thereof, h^l^tct; faiD p^atttfe anD compact is muc^ agatnH; tt)efatD
trull anD meaning of tifchin S.o.iprepof4^DinttiefaiD^^*anD'0p
!)isluife,anD againttt^etruc meaning of tl)e faiD BInDentureanD Ut^
cognifance,tcnDing to tfje great loffeanD Damage of t^e faiDC-arIe,anD
againft aUrigl)t,equitt?,anD goiD conrcience,if t^e faiD purpofe f^oulD
uot bp equity anD confiperation of tt)ii ]^ono;able court be p^cuenteD
onD mettoitfiall : Bin confiDeration U}l^erof,anD fo;^ fo muc^ a0,afUiel
tt)e faiDetru^toucl)ingtl)e faiD leafe, a0tI)efaiDe compact anD agrees
mmt amongft tlie faiD parties to crteno tjje faiD Carle ^is faiD lanDcs
bv reafon of tl^efaiD Itccognifancebp matters fecrctlvagrccD bpon
amongH tbemfelues, tf)t (aim (^arle not ImoUiing anp luitnelfes
iB^iclitiiecep^erent at t!)c making tljeceofjfo tljat tl)e faiD C^acle can
tier^barDlvmaUe fuc^p;ffifcint!)tsi)onCourtt[)ei:eof,oj of tljefaiD
conDitionallDeUuerp of tt)e faiD ^nDenture , as is neceffatie in ttjat
be|ialfe,l)nle(re tlie faiDparties o^ fome of t^em tuillconfeac tliefame
in tl)eir anflueres tspon tl)eir oatbes int^is j^ono^ble mtU ^5 tbe
faiD Carle trelut^nUet^ tljevtuill ;anixfo^afmucl)atfo as itis tcr^
lifecl^,tfjatt^e faiD iioep.U)oul3 rujuec Ijaufc ntceu into tfie fam Uc>
rognifance of 2 ooc.U. foj tlje performance of t^efain couenants of t^e
fato inuenture of bargainc ano fale,luitl)out raabing^rception tfjcc^
in of 0)0 faiD l0afc,tf ti^t faiD leafc of tlje faiD tljicD part befo;:e t^e ma^
Uing of tlje faiD Slnuenture of bacgainc ano conue?ance,ljai3 not beenc
fooeltuercD of cceDit anD of tcnftfcuficafcDoj gcanteo ouecto tljcfaio
M^orfome ofljec bp tl)e confentano agteement of tlit(m%.
anD if^^.fo^t^eic benefit, ft5.ni)cauoiDing of netu cliacges gcofeing
bettoeene t^e making of t\)z faiD Icafc ano tlje faiD bargatne Hno al*
bett a0 U)eU t^e otpec tloo partd of tt)e fato lanDes, as( all otijec lanoea
anD tenements toitfj f fjapputtenantcis, bacgaineD m\n fclD br ti^t faio
InuentucejtueceanDbeclearcl? mfcljacgei of aUmcunib;ance,ac^
eoitiingtotljetcuemeamngoftijeraiDeBInnentHce, it mav t|>erefo;e
please \?ouc gooin^ p^jemtRcs confioeceo,to grant bnto tljefaio earlt
ttje ^uojnesmaiefties moft gracious tujit of Subpoena to beoirecteu
ano q^ .cemmanmng tl^emano euer^ of t^em,at a tertaineoai? i place
ano t)noer a certaine paine tbi^rein to be limitt^o, to be ano perfonall^
to appeare befo;e i?our goo ]Lo*in tije i^.maieOte^t ^igl) court of Ctian^
cer^,t^eaanot^retoanrtnerci]ntotl)ep;emi(lje5,ano to abioe fuel)
fiirt^er o;Of r ano otre^ton tl)erein,aje; to vour ^on(|^all fi^ine to Ham
loitl) rtg^t^Quttie^nno gooo conrcience*0no tl)efatO<!l;arle,fC

j4 htSfir thst the defendant by meaties ofentermAriage mith the rfife undexm
ecutrix ofeMe,iho by cafuattmeanesgot the foffejfion of one deede fdc
mife indented made vnto thefUintife^detaineth thefaid demife and by co
Uftr thereof dofth occufy the tenements demifed and taketh the profits t9

c^rt , , r T ^ moft fumble \xnk complaining l|etoet|) bnto rour gooo iLot our
loaili^ j;ato; 31.S|pof llB^ntbeCountieof jp. SCtwf to^reas ons
^*Cof i^*toitl)intt}e countie of ^otob^l)ii30eeoeinoenteo of he*
mifeabont t|ie i ^.^eareof tl)ereigneof out ^oueraigne Haoie t|ie

^* upaieltie t^at neln ist^oemife ano graunt to ^our faio ^;ator> ten
acres of lano>fiue acres of meaoolo^ano fiue acres of pafture laiitlf t^z
appurtenances,! ping ano beingtn li5.afo^faio : %q
t^aue ano to |ioloe
to TOur faio ^^ato2 ano Ijis affignesjfo; t^e terme of 2 1 .t?eares,frcm
ano after a certaine oa? tl)eceinerp;e(rco,tf tl)eraioCC.(l^oulo fo
longliue,fojt^e rerel^ rent of tiuent^ fl^iUtngs, paiableat ttje feaff of
p. ano ^atnt ^* t\)z ^it^op in U3inter,b^ euenpo2ttons %5tit notu
fo it is, if it map pleafc rour gooo Lojo^ip, tljat tfje faio SInoenture,
ti)e certaine oate 0; contents lo|)ereof , tour faioe llo;oi^ips j^;a^
andAnrweres. 240
ta^ fenotoetl) not , before tfje ua^ tof)en t^efaio leafe fl^ulo
tafeecfitctjOio b^ mcancscome to t^e banD0,cuftcD^anD poffef*
Con of one 3I-M.lul)o maoc Iji OIiU aiiD K^sttamenUann tt}$tein up*
pointeo ct*t^m Ijis Ujife,ljw foleerecutriranu Dieo^b^ anDafteclubofe
^ ueatl) tlje faio 3InDci)tuce came into tbc IjaHDs ano cuttoo^ of tJje Tail
G. finre luijiclj.timc tijc fat?5 (E. did mai;uj,anD toiiie to IjufbauD one H
31^ot'2i5bpreafonof UJbicIjintecmanagctbefatD JnDenture is noto
fome to,aHD temainetlj in ttje t)anDj0,cnGoDtc anD poOcffion of tbcfaiu
iK3!.anD C ^is tuife,o; of t^eone of tl)0w,U;bo b^ ccafon of Ijauing of
tlje faiD SnDenture, tmtljout ani? iuft title a.j intcccft tJjerein Ijauejai''
treD into tl)efaiD p^emiflTcs toitb ttjc appHctenanres, anD tuill not in a*
nictuifequietl? permit anD fuffer voncill. faioj^^to; to banc anD n^
toy bis faiD tecme , of^nD in ttic p^emiffes , acco^Ding to \)is lattiftiU
rigb^ anD inteceft t\^ctm , but contratie to all equitie anD goD ronfci^
ence, ^aut euec fitbencatafeen anDxonuecteD,aHD as ^et Doe Dail^ take
anD conuei:t tb^ iHues to tbeico^nep^opectjfe anD bebcofe, anD luill
neitbecDeliucr tnto^ourllo. faiD 02ato;r tbe faiD Binoenture, no; pec^
mitanDfuffecbini to baue I peaceably gnioptbe faiD p^emiflTes , asa^
fo;craiD,o; anp part tbereof, altbougb rcur faiD )Mto; l^Atfi at Diucrs
anD funD,jp timzB requircD tl)tm ratoDo^BIn confioeration iDberof,anD
fo;armucba0^ourS. faiD^;ato;i0loitbout all belpe anoremeDieat
tbccommonlaU),f0;jtbatbeIjnotuetbnot,no; reniemb;etb tbeDates
0; contents^; an? otber ccrtamtp of tbe faiD 3nDcnture,spiif it pleafc
tour gmD ilo : to grant bcr spateft.gratious iu;it of Subpcna, to be Di*
codeD to tbe faiD jUJ.anD (S.bij5 Uufe, anD to eitbecof tbem, conunan^
Ding tbcm anD eitberof tbcm tbcrebv> pecfonallt? to apptare bcfo;c
tour bono;inbec^<i-bigb court ofCbancericat 2^* atacertain Da^,
f tjiiDer a cectaine paine b^ ^our bono; tljertn to be limttteD, tbere^ir.

A-BiUAg^inji anlnfuntfor boardin^y andapprarelUeliuered to him hy the

Plaint tfe, Andfor nol ferformwg of*t leafe*

Ij^moftbambletaifecompteiJniiig, ll^efcetb tjnto^our bonourabfe vScft.izz-

^o;Dlb4^oui Dail^ );ato; ST^Sb.of B.in tbe c ountie of aD. bufbauD*
man :3Cbat Uiberas about fourei.'carc0noU>iaft pad, one (S.C5of 515,
afo,:faiD^ccman, being feifeo in \)xsi oemefne as of fet, of ano in Di*
uec0lanDij0, tenements, anD bercoitaments lintb tbeir appurfena!'
ce0in)i5.afc;eratD, b^lDenin^ocageof 3* ^as
of tbe mano; of ID*
lubicbf-^i^ tenements anD p^emiUcs tl^t faiD <!?.I3. ^^m'ii^ Difcent,
bl? anD after tbeoeatb of 15. bis Utc fatber, anD tbe faiD <2>*)&* being
tbereof fo feifcD, anD being of tbeage of rr. v'^rcs o; tbereabonts, anD
DuDec tbe4gc ntiui. reares? about t|ie n^. Da? of 3lali? Ubicb luas in
Supplications, Bills,
tljetljirf ict ^ ^cte oft|ie reigne Qft^t ln. rmttmdltnt i^mftit tjjat
fto^ isM meane0,coimfatte,p^0curetneitt t perfbsaficn of 6ters eutl
mfpofeo jjecfons (t^at is to far) one a.<;.3I2P*W*^2i:fC,^.^i^
^M^nUiaD.lanfemjingb^ ii^tix tJirgoDli' compart anOpjatttfe
to maUe a p;e^ of t^c fimplicitie of ijoar faiu o;atoj5 being an tgnojant
Unlearnco man,t]^cfatD 5B.camet3nto rourfaio i3D;ato;^^cten0ing
t^at it oio tljen beare great gtoo toill ano fauonr to ^ouc fain ^jato^
anDtl)ecefo2eintreatet)^oucfaiD ^;atoj t^dt^t mi^t boj^isanoce^
l^aue meate,d;inke ann longing, but alfo fac^ apparell ano raiment aa
^ouc fatHj^Mto^ ^oulo tt}inUe meet and conuenient fo; ^10 oegm ano
aUtng,at tlje cotts anu charges of rout faiD ^Uitoh p;iomifing fait^*
. fuUranofuU^fo fatiffie^em: fails ojatojfo; allfuctj cljargeB ano et^

penre0.a0l)ebt^ teafonof tt)e p^emiGTe^ fi^oulD in ant toife fuftatne

1!iaai)ecfo;5e^our fait) oaatoj giuingcceoit tjnto tlje faiu (.Ban tbe p^e^
miffeSjano tijtnking tl^at t^at Ije |>ao faitfiftill! pjomifed lie tioaU> ful^
l!? f effiectnallp liaue pecfojmeo,mD t^m fulls confent 1 agi;0e,to,t tuit^

tljc faitj (.516.to fino Ijim meat,o;infe,loDging ant appacel,as is afo^e^

faiD,fo; tl)c confioeration p^omifeo a0 is afo:efaiD: b^ pretence toljctof
tl)e fain ;^.1!5.about tl)C fame time came to tiie faiD ^oufe of roue fato
o;ato?,f temaineo t^ece ioit|| i^ouc faio o^ato;j,^ntill about t^e fecono
t>ar of ^cb^tljen ncFt following, ouringall U^ljiflj timt ^oucfaio oja*
to; at ^is olnne proper toits ano cljarges, oio p^ouioe ano fiinoe fo;,anD
tjnto tt\t faiD <25.B*all maner of neceCTacp meate,o;iHb,lcDging,appa^
rell,$ all otljec tl)ing$ nccetfarie fo; l)im. 0bout lul[)iclj fecono of if eb^
ttie faio (0*B p:etenoing to continue \)is faiD fauouc ann gcoD u>ill to ^
toacDs ^ouc faiD o^atoj,bs t^e liHe counfell,meie0,anD pecftoafion of
tl)e faiD euill DifpofeD pei;fon0,anD b^ tbeic compact anD agmment,Dtd

DemifeanDlcafetjuto ^outfaiD o;ato>, all, 0; tt)e mod part of all t\}t

faiD meiruage0,tcncnient0,anD p^cmitTcSjtl^at l)etl)e faiD (S> .3l5/o Ijao,

30 i0 afc;cfaiD,bi! Difcent from l)i0 faiD fatljer, Co l^aue anD to IjclD tfje
faiD tenements anD p,2smiflres,tuitl) tf}appurtfnance0, to Ijtm, f)iB ere*
cuto;0,anD airigne0, from ti)z if call of tt)e0nnunaatcn of t[>e blcflfeD
tjirgin ^mi t^tn nert cnfuing,tjnto tlje enD anD tecmc of t|);ee^ere0
tljen nert enfutng,i?our faiD ojato; ano !)i0 a(rigne0, palDinganD pa^*
ing tljerfoje at tl)c enD 1 erptration of t^e faiD ternte of tl):a tcare0 xx*
li.oflatofuUCnglitl^moner. ^noal&ifinDingtmto ti)efaiD(ID115tDu^
apparell,anD alfo Iseeping !:o>t^ faiD (D^iB.tUKnti^ (^oepe,br reafott of
to^icl)Demifc, ^or faiD iD^ato; about f l^efaiD ifeali oft^ Bnnunci^^
aticn cf tl>e blcffcD tiirgin^S^arie, DtD enter into tlje faiD DcmifcD mef*
.CuaECS, tenement0, anD p;emi(le0 1 occnpieD tlje famcineffuagescte^
t"J' ncment0

andi^afwcrs. x^i
during t\it fame ttme,DtD at |)t0 plion (ofi5 $ (|)arge0 p^outoe atit Sno
tnto tliefato (^*)^ comtctitent meat, e^tn^eiloDgmg,! apfiareU) ano
alfo ^15 zo.l]^0ep,acco^i}tng t^ t{)e ratoagmment^ani^ Mo^js tWf^n,
fy^tk ll^eep mo?e at t^e UaS? to tl)e cliacgos of f out; fato o^ato;, of one
^nnoaeti marker at t|ie leaflr. )15ut noto fo it is, tf it ma^ pleafe roue
honourable ILo;oi|tp to tindectanMljat about tljefirlt DaBOf^ai:^^,
to^tc^ lua0 in tl^t 32. ^tztz of ouc ^oueratgneHaop t^ ^*tnm&it$
tetgne t^at notD tn^r ouc fato o;ato^ ^amng t^n mneo into t^e baat5
of t^e fato tenements anD p^mifSt$ fo^tp loads of |ar, 0; t|i^raboift0
pact tiieceof ntD gcolu t}pon tf;c fato tenemmts anc p;emtflG^0,but t|e
mott pact t^cof toae b;toug|rt from otijrt: places, atio ^aamg alfo ma^
nuceo t|)e fato gt:ounds to tiut ejrceeouig gteat coftB % c|acgcs, tl^e fatd
<S>*1B* beeing t^en of full age, hv tlje like pecfluafion anD p^ocucement
oft\}t pecfons abouefato^oto enter iitto t^z faiooemtfeo tenemfts and
p;emiire0,te|ereof tour faiao;ato;tDa0tben quietly poCTeaeo, taiic>
tljen founr) tlje fame j^no be together lxtit\f tbe faio ;a.C J.gp.^*^*
C.!^.flp##M. ant ip.c^.DiD tafeeatua^ ano connect to tbeic oluit
t)fe0,tbe mofi pact of tlje fato cMoaos tf |^a^,o; tl^eceabout&,to tbeba^
iue of 0 mack0 at tl^eleaa* Wt meane0 iDbeceof i^ouc fait) o;ato; b^^
uing agatnH tl^i lointec before p;ouiDcD great l|^o;e of beaKs i catteil
fo; to b^ue eaten tj^e fato bai? fo; t^t fufienance oftbem> be luas info;^
ceo to bu^^ano bio bur a great quantity of bar at an mtUiut p;ife,o;
elfetolauefamilbeD tbemoft of bi0 fatbbcalte0 fo^toantiif fobOeC)
tobicl^ 1(130 to tl^e great lofe anb bamage of rourfatD j;ato;:i|ieaer^
tbeleire,tbefaiO(l^^brtbelthec0unfell ano perftoadon of tbe faio
euillbifpofeo perfon0, albeit bee j^atl) bin funo^r times geutlr requi^
ceo br r our faioti^ato; to ma^e tnto ^im fome reafonable recompence
ano fatif(^(ttGn fo; tbelolTe of bt0 faio tecme>aHO ^s otl^er oammage0s
ano fb; fucb coli0 ano cbarge0 as \fcc bao beHotueo fo; tbe manuring
ano bettering of tbe faio c^ounO0 fo to bim oemifeo, ano fo; fucb cctts
ano cbargcs as be r our faio o;ato; oio fuffainc f beare, fo; ano br rca
fon of tbe beeping ano maintaining of tiimt^e faio (05 ^ as is afo;e^
faio, tubitb patfell,meat, o;inke,ano looging, ^c ^tterlr oenietlj ano
rcfufetb to reelotjutobiman^ manner of fatiffaction 0; recompence
fo: tbe fame, 0; part tb^rcof, aUcaging, tbat at tlje timeof tbe mafeing
oftbe faiofeue^ll rontratfs, f^e Ivas tuit[)tn tbe age ofrrtr^ace0,ano
tberefo.:c>anofo; tbe iitccrtaintie fome of tbe fame contracts bemeer^
Iritoioe in iaU). 0nonot fo contcnteo, ootb ret br tbe lifeecounfel ano
perfji):iaiionoftberatoeuiuoirporeopecfcins,ftto rburpa);eo;ato; fo;
ti)e ocaipation ano ttfe of tbe faio gcoutU)es , ano fo; t|e p;olite0 ano
comnmoities tt^ereof ouring tiie fo;efaio tumt* #otlt)it|)tlanoing
?b tbat
ttiat \)t ^limTelfeanD Ijtc faiD confrntaUs tio fo as iit afcaefaiOjtjmailJf
\y> tafeeatoar votxt^^ato^s fai&^t?? Bering of facte mojc t)atae t^eit
il)c profits iu^icl) Ije euec recetucD/ojjO? b^ tfje gtounos fo to j^im ue^
iftifcOj oto amount tjnt^, agatnll all ng|t, cqnitie, a;j goD confcicncc
^ntentier coiifii)ei:attontDl)ereof,anu fojfomuc^ as^oucfaio^D^ato^
wat3ec^pffi^8man,ai)!)atl)noo:Dmai:^ temeotjlj^ tfjcllttttcoucfc
oft^0 common latDe; oft^is^tealme ano^omtnton of d^nglanDjeitljei:
to DCfenii)tmfelfc ih t^z faio futt,o? to recouec anr? tfjingat al againtf
tlie fo^fato (E5)13.a5e!lb^ cenfon ttjat t^e fato feuerall contractB ano
agmwents tuerefo tjiwectainl? maoc, a0 is afojefato U)it|^ ^imy b&*
ing at tl)^mabtng Ijeceof an infant,a0 fo? tljat tfje fame contiacts ano
agcamentft toere mauc p^iuatel j? bettueene v'ouc fojefaio ;;ato^ ano
|tm t^e fato (^ ^ feUvo; none being p^efent tljeceatjtuljtf ^ can ttftO
fie tlje fame^neittjei; can ^ouc faio j;atoj fet uotyne in cectame, ftotu
muct) of f)i faio fjay t^ev oio fo tafecanocarcp aiua^ , ano^et is tijere
gceatcaufein equity? lu^Pl^ouc faioo^ato^ l^oulo be celiewet) foj tljc
fame intl)is Ijonoucable Court. 31t ma^ tljerefo^je pleaferoucljono^a^
bleil.tl^e p^emiiTes gcacioufl^ conficereo, to gcaunt ijnto ^om: fate o^
ratojtt)e ^u spaiefties moflp gracious feuecaU iu^itof Subpoena, to
bei>ice(teut)ntotl)efaiD (.B.^^tii;. 3Icp.M.^.i:.C.1^$p./Ii.^.
W.^ ant) ^. ^. ano euec^ of tljem, tIjecebT? commanoing t^em ano
euec^ of tfjem tmoec a cectaine paine, ano at a ccctaino oa^ t^utin to
be limiteo ano appointed) to be^anD perfonaU^ to appeace befo^ t?otn:
I)on0?able ilan l)ec spaiellies moft ^igfj court of Cl;ancerie,t^en anD
tl^eretoanftDcccDntotfjep^jemiiies, anD toabioe fuclj fuctJ)eco?Dcc
anD Direction tfjerein, as to pur l)ono^able 3l*H^aU feeme to Kano Mtt^
tigl)t) equitie, anD g(DD confcience. ;^nD ^mt faiDjsD;ato;r fl^all Dail^
p,:a^ bnto almigljtt? dDoD foj t\ic p,:efecuation of ^ourl|ono;ablcfi/0. in
gmD liealtf) longto continue U3it^ muclj increafe of t)ono; $c*

^ Biltofdeh vfwM a contraB againji the furmut partner, cr fig iojat

chapman, and the adrntmnrator ofthe other,

S<ft. 1 2 3 T^ mott (jumbletoife complaining, Ijnto voin:1^ono?able
fl^eUjetlj IL*

Ivour Dailv o;^ato; J^.p.of ll^in tfje county of^o^licljapman : SStjat

iu^ereas tlje tljtrD Da^ of ^av^ nol^ laU, tot)icij iuas in tfje 5 5. t?cece
oft?jemoftp?ofperousraigne ofouc mod gracious ^oucraigne^laDp
tlEU^tl)e Iimott erccUent ijpaieftte t^at note i^j anD befo;eanD after
X\^zim t^irD oai? of l^av, wie MI.S:^. of ^in tf;ecounti^of sp.clDra^
liecnotu lately Decealic^D, toere cbapmen, pactraecs, coparcioners^oj
patting feliotike0,DiDtt)en as pactcnei'S anD p^nhno; fsUofoesiointlig
Bccupi? togettjct in allmanecaflDeUof buying auD felling, bartcting,
ti^ bargattiing of beali^s ano cattdl^Untf; tf)eir fcueraU aocUes> anD of,
..'v anD
and Anfwers. i^i
anD \ait\t r>intt& Qt^tt ^mnsMntts aitD catteil taken bpon t^tit credit
anD of,anD iDitl) all ettcteafe attD games fi:om time to ttmexnfittg and
gcotuingbp teafon of t|ieicfaiD occnp^ing,asf b^ fa(to;fl^ip,altttiatifltt
Fcl)ange o,j otI;cctoifc,fo^ a ccctaine time betlrctne t^em tijefaio WXH
%* f J^^Cl. p^iiiatelragEaDetjpon,anD it leas alfott)cnagi:ce5cbe^
ttoeencl)em, ti)at uudngtljettmeef tljcicfaiDiopnt occupying tog|^
tl^ec o; pactnetiQ^tp^etttjei: of tt)e faiD pactiejs l^oulo be fait^full f ttSi
to ottiei: m bu^ing/elling mn ot()ertjutre,a; is afo^efaio* Sinn all6tcl)
lucce^pejofit,! gaine,atiuantage,benefit ano tuinnin0,asi fi^oulo come
gi;otD,o.i actfe in buying ano felling ant? beaffs o; catteil, tmnngtljeic
totnt occupying o; pactnerl^ip, ll^ulo be equally parteo ano DiuioeO

bettueenet^e faio pacti^s/o as either of t^em l^oulo Ijaue ^is iuft and
tftjie moitie ano portion of tlje fame. ;^nD tljat at fucb times as it tuas
betiu^ne tl)em agcao t pon , itljec of tl)cm l^oulo mafee a iuft f tmz
reckoning f account Iwitljotljer of buying ano felling ofalfuc^ beaftff
ano catteU,ano otljecUiife^as afo;efaiD.0nD it tiias tt)en alfo agreeo be>
ttnanctfiemtljefaiDM^sn* f K^W.t^atif anyloffeo;cljat:gefl^all
i)appen to eitljec of t[)e faio patties at any timt oj timts oucing t^zit
faio ioint occupying togctljecano pactnerfl^ip by oeatfj of cattell,euil
0etSjCafualties,o;jotf)ei:UiirejCOHcerningf^eicioint occupying to an^
pact of t^c faio ftocU in buymg ant) felling of bealls o,j cattell,o; Qt^&c^
iuife^as is afo,:cfaiD,to be impairco, tijat tlje fame loCfe f cljarge I^oulo
be equally bo^ne by botb tl)e faio patties* 0nD if it ti^ouln l)appen cv
tl)etof t^c(ain patties to Die outing tt^efaio ioynt occupying o; patter
netfl^tps , tljen ttje etecuto;s o^ aominititato;s of tbe goios i cattelliK

0f tijepattie fo DeaD (!)oulo make a iutt am

ttue accaunt,paiment ano
teliuetieof fuc^ pact of all etuteafe,gaines,bea(ts,cattellanD oebts^as
^oulo be Due to tf}t patty futuiuing* ^r\n in like manet t^at tl^e pattH
futuiuing C^oulo make ano Declate to ti)e ejrecuto^s of tf)e gojos i cat^
oeao,a iutt, ttue>ano potfect account f teckonins
tells of tbe pattie fo
of all tlje Hate ano quality of t|ieic faio ioint occupying o? pattnetd^p,
ano alfo pay ,oeliuec ano afitigne t)nto tlje faio erecuto^s o; aominiltta?
tojs of t^e pattie fo DcaOjfuclimoitiejljalfepatt ano portion of tjie faio
incteafe5gaines,bea(ls, catteil, ano Debts, as bpon tlje fame accounts
lljoulo tf)m ^aue hin Due tjnto tlje pattie fo oeao in fo latge ano ample
mannet,asif Ijeljaoboenetljen lining, ano tf)e faio ioint occupying
tljen enDeD,at furfj times,anD ii\ tm^ mannct^as it tuas betiuecnetljc
faiD patties agtao Ijpon : by fojceof toljic^ agtament,t^ey t^e faio
^.2C, anD3^.M.iDintly,as copattnecsjiointcljapmen,pattners,oj
afo^efaiD, i accojotng to tljeft mutuall agt0tment,by buying,felling,
anD epcfianging of hzi^its anD cattelljano otljettoife, in funD^y faites
^Ij iU ano^^
^ f Supp!ications,Bifs,
ami ^atktts of tI)Mi Ueabn of 6nglano,anDtDtt^ tnmtn ant> futtdau
of tec ^attHtesc^t^ftiUanD lontngfubi^d t)HttUti)el>av of i e. nolo
laSpft9attDl)ic]^tuneti)0fatoH.M. o^eD)anotl)efatoM.^.|tm
fottuaiO^outmgtulitcl faio io^nt occupying togetfjetr^pactnecfl^tp, o^
fociette^tlrat 10 to fa^,tl)e iiy oai? of fi^ai? not laff paft> t^e faio K foj
ano to ^e tifc of ijimfelfi^^ant; of t|e faio ^*^ ^iat partner ano totnt
cfjapman, ob is afo^efaio, at q^An t^eCoantte of 0. oto bu^ of rout
l^onojs fupplgant in tlje open macfeet tljen tl)cre |ioloen,tl);a ojcen foj
^Mt*tis. of toljiclj fam^pact toas tfien in |ano paieo, ano tlje ccfione
tog t^en agceeo to be patDtnto^oui:^;tato;tjpottt[)e2Caefta? in
Mitfon tdeeft t|>en nept folloiDing in ^* afb^efaio , ano alfo trpoH tlje
Meonefoa^ enfning tl)e tiai^^coinmon l^ calleD 0;^ b noto n b^ tl)e name
of l^ol^tl)ucfoa^,tl^ faio i$*Ml*oiD alfo bu^ to tf)e t^fo of l)tm,ano t(|e
faio 2Dof^om: faio ;?ato^ otljec ttoo oren fo;^ tig.li.to Ijauebi^ pato
to ^flur ;;jatoj t)pon t^e faio inefoa^ in ^^itfon t]Dahe,at i|5afb?e^
faid^tol^iel^ faio oirentoere t|en acco^oingl^oeliuereo to ^ faio H M
tt j^^afo^efato^ano ff^o^tl^ after t^efaio !^.M*oeIiuereD t^ fame op
en to tfie Ijanos of t^e faio MXano oieo,not t)auing paio 0; fatiffilet^
t^i5 ^ourJ2ato? of ano fo;i ttjefaio rii^4ino^of anr partt]^ereof,a('
costing to tlie faio bargain, tfje faio ojren remaining in tlie i^anos ano
poOeOion of t|ie faio WX*'SC* ano after t^e time of tl)e oeat^ of t^t faio
ii{*^ ano toere fitljence b^ l)im tl^e faio MX*(otiuerteO to ^is olun
onlr ^fe^bv meaner to^ereof, action^accrueo t^ntc ^our faio )^^to; to
oemano ano ^ane off^t faio MSIEi* ano of one CD*M of ^. in tl)r
Countieof CtoiootD^latetDifeof tIiefaioH*Mo^ of oneof ti)em,
tl)e faio )riiti4i*fo toifim ouefo; tpt faio oren,tJo^ic|) t^e faio M bf
tl^e compart ano tonfent of t|)e faio M*2I^ano H^{. became erecuto^

to tl)e faio ji^*ManoiD;ongfuU?aominiilreoanoconuecteotoi)is

otunt)fe oiuer$ goos ano cattels Mif^icp toere belonging to ttje faio K*
^^t tl)e timt of t)i9 oeatb* ^no albeit t^our faio j^;ato^|^atI) oiuers

ano funo^ie timesi rome t fent to tije faio Wi.%* f (i fince i^t Oeatjb of
t^efaio K*Mgentli? requiring payment of t^je faio fum of riiii.li* fo
90 afo;efaio being be^ino ano t^npaio of tl^ep^ire of tl^efaiii oren:>not^
U)it|^ftanoingtfjatoiuer0 ge9O0 1 cattel0 tu|)ic!) lueretf^e faioi^.M^at
t^e time of ^i0 oeatt) fuiftcient fo;^ tl)e contentation of ^our faio mn^
to;,of>ano fo^ W faio oebt of ni94i. ano alfo to perfo;mie tl>e funeral0
iC*Mano to fatiffiie all oebt0 lo|)ict) t^ faioH .M.ou$l)t to
of ttie faio
an^ perfon 0; perfon0 at ti)fe time of ijUf oeat^, came to t^t ^mt)g ano
podedion of ti)e(aio 'm*%4}^*Wi>o^ to t\}c ^nO0 f pofTcfrion of fuel)
perfon 0; perfon0,to lol)om t^e^ tl^e faio M.C. 1 CM. o;^ tlie one of
t^em,^aaeleft,^eetO(o^ oelinereo tl^e fanic,$ in t^eit 0; fomeof t[}eir
^anOfiOot^ftiUrematm ^oftoit^llanoingttje^f ettj^roftljemljaue
andAnfwers. 242-
Diaetfcan^ tum^y^ tixmB fincc tf)0 Deatl) of tf)0faio !^. hin l^ ^oui: M*
faio o;ato; ano ot^ew m
[jig beljalfe gently wqutrcD to pa^ ttjefame,

f$ttl)^ttot^ot,t^t^mtitit^et eftj^emljauccuec l^itljccto DenwD ani>

reftiftD^nu ^et do oenv f ceftjfeto par t^c fame tinto i?our faio oaafo?,
frauDulentl? intetrtjins tlereof f of ijuccp part tfjecof craftily ano ftib^
ttUv to tjcfcauo f occeiue ^CHCfait) 0;jato^ j^no fo^ tl)at purpofe^auc
ferictl^ conueieD,coiTfcaleD,anDljiD agc^at part oftfjejo^tDOBano c^at^
tel0,tul)icI)t^efaiDK.tIlT^aDattl)e fniDttme offjis D^atfjbceing of
gxDD t^alue to>0(uerfe perfonis , mt> in Dtuerg placpjg to ^our o^ato^tit^
tcrlT! t)nfenoit)en,ro ti^at tljefame being hn t^at meanes left out of tfje
wuento;^ oftljegtDDB of tJje faio ii* WiAo t^intent to oa^Ie ano falmo
tfjecpes of ^our faio oaato^^atiD of fiintj^r of tlje fato K* Wi* ctthiix}^B^
to tup t)C toaa in liUe maner inDcb teB,not imotoing f Ije triitf) of tljeic
ljeaUng,anD tjngoolt? practices i oeuifcs, tntcnDtng b\> fuclj colourable
nieans,citl)cr tstterl^ to oefrauD tiis (m ereDito; is, o? fo to enforce tljc
to reft contentcD Come fmall part of tljeir true ano latwfull oebt*

0nD iDljeceas aftcrtuartg , ttjat 10 to fa? , tjpon SCuefoap nert after

spiofummernotDlaftpaft5^our;i?ato.2 an^ one U*2n.of ii. intlje
iountt? of JL.^uCbanomanjb^ ap^iuatagr^mentbetiDeen tfjemmaoej
tio iorntl^ bH\? of oiuers perfons to tlje tifc of tfjeni botfj, eigfjt oicen,
ano feuen bullocks 0^ ft^r0 fo^ oiuer^ feuerall fuma of monp > ano afi>
terUiarOB tlje fato beafts, tljat is, ttr of tijc faio oicen, ano t[)e faio tjtji*

bullocfe0 0?fteeres,fe<jtf)ep;jice of tjDljiclj fourteen bcafts, f oftl)efa(tJ

oooe ore,pur o;jatoj ano t|ie faio %* %* afterltJarDB pnuatlr account
teo,anO ^e thereupon fatifficD rour o;jato^ all tljat to i)int tons Due fo^
tlje fame but i-U*^ 3'0*4' o^tliereabouts^anDberngperfiuaDeDb^tfje

faio W[*%* ano ^'SH. ano h^ tljeir pernitious erampte, not fatiffieo
iuitl) tbetr fo,2mert?ong,ast0 faiD, otfereD to r our faio ^;atoh Ijaue
alOspertoaueDtljefaiD E^.Cnottopar totourfaio j2);ato?t|^efaiD
fum of 3 .li* 1 3 s4-D. 0? tl)ereabout0, fc to Ijim Due, fo; t^e p;ice of t^e
faiD orenjfotljat albeit tlje tm%,%A)ikfi) oftentimes (incetlje ma^
feing of t^e faio bargain ano account, bin gently rcqutreo b^ yjQut faiD
ojatcj anD oti^crs on bts beljalfe, ret Ijc Ijatlj euer Ijitljerto oenieo anD
refufeD to mafee paiment tfjereof, ano ftill Dot!) oenie ano refuie to dqj
tljt fame againft all cigl)t, smiitic, ano goo conrcicnce,tjuljic!) tjnlalu^

full p;attfe0 of tl)c faiD m* % .ano (B;*mr.anD SE^SC^are IiUelr to be to

tlje gceat lode ano Ijinterance of r cur faiD ojato^,irTpeeDf remeote bee
notbrrc'^'rgooD2lop^ouiDeDtomeetiDitt), ano p:enent tljeir eoue^
tousanomcfttjrcccnrcionable Dealings puipofes tntfje p,^emi(res:
toI)erefo;ie, ano fo,:afmucl) as tlje faiD agreement of partnerfijip, ano
ot^eriiufe,maDc bettoecne 'm*%* ano K M ano alfo all tJje
tlje faiD

compacts ano practices waDeb^ ano bettoeenetje faiD Mn ano t\)t

X :

* W* Umz t^t scatlj of tljc faio H^* WH* 0nu alfo f^e faiD agre^V

ment of t^c to^nt buying of ti)C faiD FVi^bcaftjs b^ ^out ^^ato; ano tlje
faiDSD. anD alfo tlje faiD bargaiue htt^itm ^out ^^atoj anu tlje faio
^*m*fo} tlje faiD 5. oxeih as alfo fl)e faiD to^nt baring of tljc faiD rtj*
l^eattsbt? t?ouro;ato?5 anD tljefaiD SC^SD^locce feccetl? anD pjiuatel^
iHaDebettoecnetbemfclues^fotliatt^ereieino pecfon Uuingfenotunc
to ?ouu faiD ojaf o;^, but tl;efaiD WH* %* C*M.anD %,%*i^ii\x^ i\)tiz*
"bnto, tijat can teftifie f l)e maDC bettocene roue
faiD feuecall conti:actiei>
faiD D jatoj, anD i^z faiD K.Mof,anD fo,z tljij faiD 5 o)ccn 30 is afo^e*

faiD,anD tlje faiD iornt buying of f^e faiD ]Ct3.b0attsbrrour faiD ojatoj
anD t^e faiD 2E.2DanD tljcic faiD accounts toucl)ingtl)efamc,o^ ^ faiD
icint occupying 0^ pact necfl^tp bef lueen tIjefaiD ^,anD %*n tlje faiD
conceal0mcr,cunning,clofe, anD bnlatoful Dealings of tlje faiD (Il;M
anD 2n,in tljc p;jemiir0S,fo t rout: faiD ojatoj tl);jouglj t^e tuant of fuclj
pjecife p.:a)fe thereof (as tlje ftcict coucfe of tl)e common llatDes of tfjis
c^almDot!) in t!}at bel^aJfc require) is alfogctf)ctl)ei:remeDtle(rebr tlje

D^Der of tljis ^onojableCourt^iu^cdn roue o;ato^ tjetitr tiopetf) tljat

t^e faiD mi& ^Ml* snD %^%* in i^tit fcuecall anftuecs to t^e p^c^
tniffcs, iDill fauerallr tjpon tfjeic co;jpoaall ot^es, confeflfe i^t faiD p^e^
miflTes to be in effcct^as tfjer Ijsuc beenefjerein DifclofeD anD fct fo^tfj

3it mar t^ecfo^epleafc rocDoo2ablegQ)Dit*tf)ep;emilliesgi:atiouf:

Ir confiDeceDrte grant bnto roue faiD o?ato;jl)ec spaieftiesmoftgra^
tiousfcueralltu^itsofvSubpcena, tofaeDireicteDto t[)efaiDSir*2D(l0
^.SD.a^^anDtoeuerr oft^em,t!)crebr commanDing tfjem^anDeuc:
rr of tl)cm,at a certaine Dar ^anD bnDer a certainc painc therein ^nxiU
. teD, to be,anD perfonallr to appeare before rour |jono;able JLo* in f)ec
^aieliies moll }^i%}^ court of Cl)ancerie,tl)en anD tljcre to anflocc tn^
,.to tl)cp,:emiires, anD abiDc fuel; fuctljer o^DeranD Direction tljgrein,?^!
_:tQ rour Ijono^able Jl.fTjall faenie to be agreeable Uutl) rigl;t:xequitr j^nD
VjjarD confeience. ^no rout faiD ;^ato^ (l^aUDailr p,:^ar ic.

ji Btllvponapromife toforbearedehdtie bj Obligation vHtill-


moff l)umble toifetljeUietl) anD complainetl) tjnto rour fjonoara^

ble Jlf cS^at toljereas one Itjf of ic* in tl^e countr afo;cfatD gen*
- w. 1 -t^
tlemaujltjas iuDcbtcD to one M.p^of SD.afo^efaiD ,
in tlje fum Qt^c*
^uDlTji^ecas vourfaiDo.MtOjattlJefpeciallanD earned entreatr auD
rcqueft of tl)e faio H. j? about ttuo ro^cs laft paH, hzuixnt boanDcn
foj tljefaiD if. tJntotljefaiD S2it>p.br l)is DetD oife;iting ofcligatojie,
in tljefumme of c, tuljicIjconDition tisercin cvatameDo; inDcjfcD fbj
ijje par m^ut of tl)e fumme uf c t3jUc d;c faso t:^I.i9,at tfje rcaU of ic.

and Anfwers. 244,

loljtcli Uiaiflf tw t|)C rearc fc, at 0? in fticCljuccl^^pD^ci) of fcafo;cfaio^
as bt! t|)e faiii mn o^ t jitiiig obUgato^it? cotlj ano mar appe^ce ;ii)f)ic(i
faiD fummcof %c. ^out (m ;^ato; l)aD appomteD in a reaomeffe,ani)
purpofeD to pat!t^z fame at t^e time and place afo^efaio, aao;jDin0 to
tlje conDitioit of t^e faio iujiting cbIigato;jie : tofjereupon t(je faio
M ^* t^e tjecie oap appotnteo fo; tfje payment of tlje fatu i e. o; t^c
Dar bcfo^e^^e ccctaintic luljereof,i?oui: faio E)^ato jnoly rememb;etl|
not jcame tnto rout faio Djato?, anu tpon (pmti ijafi bettmtne reur
faio ^^ato^ ano tl^e faio ^
. toucljing t^e pa]pmcnt of t^c faio
S:t)e faio p. iuas contentetj, anDOioagceeto fD;beai'ctlbcpat?mcnt
tljeceof t3ntiU tlje ifeatt of |) tljen m%t foUoluing , ano oit fait^uUg
ammieanDp;omtre,to,ai!D iuit!) roue faio j^Daafo;, botfj tljen, ano at
Oinwfe times after, to fe^zbeare tl;c pa)?ment t^eccof tntiUtfjefaio
ipeaft , ano tijat l;e tooulo not take an^ aouantage of tfje fo^fettre;of
t^z faio bono againft vouc tain ^^ato?, bnt tnoulDcaRcelUijeraio
fjono^ano tafee a nelu bono fo^ t[)e payment tljetof^at tijcfaio^eaftof
pentecottafoaefaio^but neuec cequiceo an^ neto bono fiom tout fmo
^D^ato^ : ano ^ouc faio i);ato; giumgcceoit to tjiap^omiTe ano af*!
famptton afo;efaio,oio not par tfje faio fumme of ic. acco;50ing to t^e
conoiton of tlje faio Inciting obligato;ie j^ftet U)|iic| time tlje faioe
MU^* Oio oftentimes p;omife roue faio E^.Jatojtooeliuectj^faio
bono of f cto r our faio D?ato;^ to be canceUeo,anO to tafee a nelu bono
foj tlje payment of ttie fojefaio fumme of ic at t^e faio if eaft of gem
tecoft 5 acco;ioing to ijisfp^omifeant! agreement afo;efaio : ano roue
faio 3^ato?ooubtingtl)attf)efaiDp*menttooelar|)im, anoo^iue
|)im offrom time to time, ano not fearing leaft tfje faio p. il^oulo tafee
ante aouantage of tf^t forfeiture of tj^e faio bono againft Ijim , in
^ic|aelma0eH:;eimelaSpall, rour faio iiD?ato;oemaunoeot^e faio
bonoagainecf t^efaiop.inJL^^fjo toloe rour faioe ^;ato; , ti}ut
^^aooeliuereoouertljc faio bono tinto one ^i;,M being ^is b?o^
tfjerinlatue, toUi|)ombel)aoaCrigneDoucrttjcfdiobono, anOcoulo
not releafe o; oifcliargeti^e faioe bono luittjoutt^eaOent of tl)e faioe
mX^Wi' hut UjouIo mafec meanes to t\}c faio m*XM* fo; ttjc ocliuerie
of tf)c fame, ano fecmeo to niafee oiucrfc iourneres to tijc faioe
Wi*Wi* to ffetcl) tlje fame : ^no fo from time to tiim oelaveo roue
faioe ^^nto^ , ano orouefnm out h)it\) faire tuo^oes , tjntill fucf^
time as renr faioe iiD;ato;jlv)as tipon occafion of bufinefife , infojceo
to rioe cut of L into t^t Countrer : ^no O^ojtlr after , rout
faioe ^jato.ipurpofingtogett^efamebonooutof ttje faioe p. ano
^.l)anos , oiom t^t(m C^icljaclmaiTcSermc feno one (BM* ijis
feruant to il^tuitl^ tlje faio moner? to mafee parment thereof tnto
t|)e faio ^; ano p* ano to rcceiuetjje faio bono, tuJocommingtoJi.
1^^ iitj ncro.:;^
Sapplicatton^, Bills,
accojumgl? to tl)e faiu M. f ^ ano oocladng trnto tljem^tjat Ijc toa

(omc to mafee payment Df t^e fo^efait) fummeof fc* anu to rcretue t^z
faiiB bonD,tl)e faiu mJ^tljen tolD tl)0 faio ili.t^at ttie faiD bono toas rtot
tljen ^10 cuttoti^ o;^ Ueeping :but tl)e faiD M*Dit> t^en anu tliett;
lit pm
mife,t^at if t^e faio M* tuoulD tjeliuec ouec a bonti liil^icf| ^e l)au in ^t5
k^ping of tcuftjto t|)e tjfe of tl)e fait^ t^at tljen tjje faiu anu |^ M.
tooulD Dar foUotomg come to tt^ faio tg, l)i0 lotjging , anD
tlje ncict m
ceiue tl)e faiu $c. ant ueliuei: ouect^efo^efaiobonuof tctjntoI;im,
tjpon lDl)of0 pjomifa t\\z faiutK^uiDtljenp^erentli? (ttuHing in ^ts
faitc fpoec^est) ocliuei: t^e faio bono lul^tcl) ^ l)a?j,to ti)e tjfe of tlje fato
|a, to t\\c faio p . o^ m* acco;tDinslr ^ut fo it iSjif it mai' plcafc ^oui:

goju Ito^oD^tp, t^at tl)e faio p^nti Ml notljing at all regacuing tfieii'
fo;efaiD feuerallpjomireg^agccemcnts ano affumptionismaije, to ano
>^ato;,anD tlje faio tffil as afo;jeraiD, Ijaue not onl^ ^v
iDitl) ^oui: faiD
t^ttto tefufeo anu uenieo to Deliuer oti^c t^e faio bono of ic. tjnto ^ouc
faio )^ato.:,acco;oingto tlje p^omifejei anu agceements manejagf afoa^
faiD,butt?etDoet)tterl^i:efafeani3tjemetoDoctf)efame : albeit touc
faio ^^ato?5it> oftentimeisr botl) before t^z faio jf eaft of ic* as afo^e^
raicanu mttB tinit$ finccjOffer to make payment of tlje faio fumnic
of lcl3ntof!)e(aiDpanD m* acco^uing to tlje fo^efaio agrament,
anD vtt is ttariit ann toilling to pa^ tljc fame. )5ut alfo tl)e faio p^anD
Mh pucpofingtobjingtjpon ^ouc faio ^;jato; tl)e tuljole penaltie an^
forfeiture of tl)efai5 bonis of icl)aue,or one of tljem Ijatl^ of Iat,con^
trade to t^e fojefais aflfumptionsf anu agreements maoe^as afo^efaiu,
nm contcacie fo aUl)oneftie,equitie, ann gojtJ confcience, commenceo
fuit at tlje Common lato agatnll rout fain ^?atD;t)pon tlje faio bono
fol)ts great loffeanoljinuecance* i^no tl)e fain M.p.l)at|) of late tJt^
f erli? oentetijt^at euer Ije pjomifeo to fo^beare tfit payment of %c*lon^
till tlje fo^efaio ifeaU of ic contrarieto tl)e truetl;,anD contrarieto all

equitie anD goB confcience. 3ln tenDer confiDeration lu^ereof^ano fo;^

nfmucl)asi'our faiD ^;5ator cannot pleaDtljep^omtfeanD agreement
of tl^e faio {^^ maDe to ^our faio ^;ator , fo; forbearing of t^e moner
(as aforefaiD)in bar of tlje faiD bonD at tlje Common
S^ato^nD tfjerei?^
is tJoiD of all remcDie,atjanD big t^e Slrtct o?Der anD courfe of ti)e Com^
mon llalD of tljts Healme,Hor can ^fe no; bring ani? artton of tlie cafe
agatnlt ^ or WX* tjpon tljeir faiD promifes anD afTumptions,
tlie faiD

for tljat ^our faiD ^ratsr cannot make ant fac^ fufficient profe t^tu
of, as bT2 t\}t Common !latii i$ in fucb cafe reqiiiceD , for tfjat tlje fame
luere maoe prinateli^bettpanetljemrelucSj anD no toitneffjcs called
thereunto ;anD forafmucl^ as ^our faiD iDrator tecil^ tljinketljj f Ijat
t|efaiD M13 anD m*m*
being calleo into tl)tsmoa|)o* Court to
i^fipertotiiep^emiiiraKe? Mliot(mi;^nripgr tipon ti^eir Corpora
and -Anfweres. 245
mtW confeKi^ t^t ft).3efato fomlufionB , p^omifesJ :, aitt agreements
maDe , as afo^efaio , ano oifclofe tfie tcucf 1^ of tfje paemiffeff* ^a^ it ^
t^ttcto^z plcafe ^or gco .i ilo;j(1)ip,tl)e piemiiTcs ccnfiseteo, to grant
tjnto rour faio j;ato.25t|je ^u^nes moll gratious mint of Subpena,
to be Directeo tjnto tf^tm tt)e faioMl.p^ anDM^mu^commanomg
tljem ano tit^ttot tijem , at a cectainc tsar ann tjpon a tettamt pains

bB pur ilo;ot|tptobeappomteD, pecfoiiaiIptoappeerebefo;ie


l?our go Hojofl^tp in tljc Siuaencg ^aiefties moll l}igl) Court of

Cfjancme, t^en ano tf)eit? to anftocr to t^e p^emiHes : ano fuctljer to
ttano to,ano abiBc ru4 fuctt^er omt am Direction tljemn? as to t^our
g5 3lo;jDfl^ip fl^all be ti)ougl)t moll mctte ant connenient in t^at be^ (

l;alfc 0nS) tfour faio ^;aeo.:,acf o^oing to l)ist bounDcn outie,(^aIl oai^

I? p.2a^ ^itto ( ;^ 2r> fo; tljc gao ano p^ofperous ellate of rour E.o;d^
H^ip in {)ono;^ long to continue*
The Anfwerof JV.P. andW.W. defendants, to the Bill of CempUint
ofE. Z. complainant,
pact t^e
faiD t)e&ntjant0, eitljerof tijemfaitljjtljatfo^t^emolI^Sea
faiD 115ill is bntrKe,flanuecous anD infutticient in t^e lalo

to be anfiueceo tnto , ano tlje matters tijeiein contemned , uixikx^ of

malice , to put tl^efe oef to nt oelelTe charges ano eitpences iw Hal,
luitljout anr fufficjcnt caufe fo to t)oe. SCfje aDuantage of erception to
iu[)ic|) infufficient Bill to tljefe Def at alltimes faueo/o? anftuer tljei?
far? anu fitH t^e faio M.|a fo;^ l^imfelft fait Ij, tl)at true it is, t^at t^e
faio complainant DiD become bouno to tl)efeDef.brl)is obligation ira
tl)e fumme of ic. luttf) conticion inoo^ceo fo; tlje true parment of t^e
faio fumme ic at a uar long fince paft , tlje tul;icl) fumme t}^\^ oefen^
trant did tjerilp ttiinUe to l;auc recciueD acco^oinglv ? ano thereof DiD
make recfeoning,as of a Debt tljcn to be pa^D to l^in^iuD fo; t^at caufe
DiD at t^t tjerie Da? appointeD fo; tljc pavement of tl;efame,repaire t3n^
to tlje place fpecifieo iw t^e conDition of t[)e faiD obligation , toljere t jje
faio monv tIjoulD be parD,anD tijecc DiD atteno fo; t|je fame,in ^ope to
l)aue receiueD it acco;Dinglr : but tlje faiD complainant meaning m^
t^ng leSe ttjen tlje fatiffring of tljefaiD Debt,left ti)e fame t3npai?eD,tO
t| great binDerance,lcrre anD DifcieDit of tfjefeDefenDants, BnDt[)is
anD funD;^ timts^ fitl^ence t[>e faiD
Def^furtijer faitlj^t^at Ije tiatlj often
monei? luas Uue,maDemeanesto tfje complainant fo; pa^^ment of tl;e
fame, tuljo from time fo time it)itl)fairep;omifes (noliialmollti)erc ^

i\)^^ r eares) fjatlj Delat?eD iW ts^f to )^xs greater !)inDerance:,tl)0R t!)e

talueof tJjefaiD fumme : b^ rcafon toljeieof^ anDfo.zafmucljastlje j

templainant l;atlj fougP Diners inmztt Urates ano meanes f gett^c

faiD obligation of fc cut of t^epanDsof tljisDefenoantloitl) intent
stfuertopar penmeofti)eDeb^f^fo^8faiD ; tiji^DefenDantfiatijcaufeD
f|)0fatD obligation to ht put in fuit,a0 |)C tl^infect^ it i$ lawful foj Jtm
to oOjtuitljoHt ti)at,ttjat ttje ccmplainant to tljefenotoleoge of t\fz DtU
UiD prepare in a reaotnellctfl IjanepaiD tljcfaio $ cat t^c time t place,
acco^Ding to t^e contiition of ttje obligation afojefaio : ^^ tljat t]^is
uef^tjpon Da? appotjttcD fo^ tljc papimnt of tbe fame u*o?. t^e
tljc tieri^

tjar befoae (ojin tmt^ at ani> time elfe) Dio come to tl;e complainant,
ano liau fpeecl) tiiitfj biw') tbsit be Isjas contenteD^ ano oiD agtde to foj*
beare tbepai^meiit tbeteof,tjntiltbe feai^of ictben neji^tfoUoiuing,0;^
m aCTume ano paomifis to ano tottb tbecomplainant,botb tben ano at
fo jbenre tl)c patmcnt tljcreof tsntil tbc faio fi^aft,
Oiuerg timt^ aftecf o
auo ti3CulDnot tal^e an^? auuantage of tfjc fojteittiie of tbe faio bono,
but iyoulo canceli tS)e tain boni3,ano iuoulD tafee neiu bono fo;j tbe pai?*
mmt t!)ereof,at tfje fattj feaS of pa0 in tberato Bill i$ moU falfel? oe^
clareo iTno luttljout tbat,tbat t^c faiO complainant^to tbe knotuleogc
of tbe oefenuant^Dio feno one (^M*l)i& fecuant to 3lluitb tfje faio mo^
ne? to mafee payment tbeceof to one of tbefe oefeni)ant0 , a0 alfoin
tl)0 faio Bill of Complaint is t^nttuel? aUeaogeo. if o; t^i$ uefenoant

faitb:>tbat befougbt often to tbecomplainant,and maoe meaner tinto

l^iin , to baue tbe faio oen^noant tit^et to be paio in nwntf
, oi tbat be

migbt be fatiffieb tbeceof fome otbec tua? , lubo maoe btm man g pjo^
inire0 to ooe tbe fame \Qit^ fpa^O;, but neuer meant o; intenoeo it , fo^
ani? tbing tbat t\i% oefenoant coulo get to t^^^ contcatte Hno t\^t faio
M.W. tbe otbec of tbefeocfenoantfc; bin^^elfefaitb ::SCbattuberec0
be i0 cbatgeo to baue maoe p^omife to t%t faio ^. tbat if b^ itioulo oe^
Xiwi a bono febicb b^ bab in bis feeing of tm%
to tbe tife of x\z faio
p. tbat tben be tbis oefenoant ano tbe faio * tuoulo tbc nejrt oa? fo!^
loltting, come to t\^t faio ?ia bis looging^ano utzixxtt^z faio fumme of
ff^ano oeliuecouec tbe faio bono of ic%etbi0 oefeno^faifbjtbat be ne^
uecmaoean^fucbpjcmifeto t\^t faio ^1. to ^^i% remembrance, nep^
i\tt Uias t^tt anp caufe at alltbat be Iboulo fo ooe, a0 toeil becaufe in
tcutb 5 ano in boneff? tbe faio tin ougbt to mafec Oeliuccicof tbe faio
bono, fo committeo tnto bini,but oflcuE', as appeatc tb bi' tbe plains
tifes olynelbetoing,a0 alfo fo^ tbat tljis oefenoant UmB info;meo tbat
t\z faio ^.bao oeliueceo t\)z faio bono befo.je tbat x\^zy> tiuo met
togetber to talUe oft\^z faio oebt. ^no f bis oefenoant ftJictbet; faitb,

tbat altbougb it tuere tcue, tbat be maoe fucb p^omife (as afbjefaioe)
retUiece it notbing at all mateciall fo^ t\z celiefe of tbe complain
ant, as ioell foj t^'Z caufe afo^iefaio, as alfo fo^ tbat t^is oefen*
tiantbao nopotutcof bimfelfetoooe eitbec gcDOo? \mt in t^^z maU
tec* 0noti)itbout tbat, tbat ani? otber matteco^ t^\\% lubatrocuci:
mateciall in t\^z faio tjntcuc Bill to be anfiueceo bnto, ano not i\\ tfjis

^nfiuecfu^icientlranfUieceo, confeUeb; anb auoioe^, tcauecfeOjOj

andAnfwers, z^d
zmk^yxstmc* M matttts tfjcfc SDcftntiantiti areteaDie to a^

ucttt ano p:aju0,as tl)is moll ^ono^jable outt l)^U atoacO) ano p;ja^
tobeDirmtaedli}itl)t()eit:t:earonabIc coOsim tt}t0 be|alfetD^ngfullt>

y^f Rffplicario ofE.L, Efquire Complainant, to the anfrer of

fr. P. and PF,fr, Defendant.
faiD complainant cepltetfj ano faitf),tl)at t[)e faio bill of compL Scft. 1 2 $
hv Ijimer^ibiteD into tljis ^ono;jableC0m:t5is t)cr^ true^cectaine
anti fufficient in tfjeilalo to be anftneceo tsnto? ano tfjat tfje matters
f Ijccein containeD,at;e mitliet ocuifeo, imaginco, p^amfeD,o^ fetfojtlj
hV ^im tlie faio complainant^fo^ an^ fuel) caufe 0; pucpofe, as tlje ^z^
fennantstntijeiranftLicrsfjauetintruel^ imagincD, but tlje fame is
grounoeDtjpongcoDantjiuIt caufe, asib^ tlje contents tljeceofootfj
anD ma? appeace ^niifurtljecfaitl^jtljatt^eanftcereoftfjefaiD^ei
fenuant i0t3ei:t!t3nti:ue,t3ncei:taine,anD infulficicnt in tljeJlalutobc
replicD t3ntc. 2n!)e aDuantagc of erceptton to tl;e inuttaint^ anO in^

fufftciencie t[)ecof to tlje (m

compfaiuant, noiPs^no at all tim^s Ijete^
aftec (autn*%\ic faio compUfo^ furt^ei: replication faitfj, tijat Ije Dot^,
ano U)tU auecte^iuftifie, maintaine^anD p;oue, all, ano matter, man
article,fentence,ani3 t|itng, in tlje faio bill of complaint containeD, to
fee gcDD, iult,ant! true, in fuel) fo?t,maKer,anjj fo?me,a0 in tfjc faio biU

ef complaint ttje? be trul? fet fo;t{j,11^elueti,anD tieclareD.^no f urtber

t^e faio complainant faitf),tbat{)e oot^ anoluill auerre ano p^a)ue,as
t|ig mod l)ons;able Court ft)all ano UJillatBa:o, tljattfjcfaio Com^
}jlainant oio prepare in a reaoinelfe , ano purpofeo to pa^ tfjc fojefaio
fumme ican tlje faio bill ano anfiermentioneo,at tl)e time ano place
in ti)CCDnoition of tlje faio iDbligation mcntionco, accojoingto tljc
true intent ano meaning of tlje conoition of tfjefaio Obligation, in
rucl)fo;t, manner, ano fo^mc, as in tl)e faio bill of complaint ismol
f rucl? fet fQ3?tfj ano alleageo* ;ano tljat tlje tieri' oa? appointeo fo.: t^e
payment tljereof, 0^ tlje oa? befojejtije faio Wjl^'^^cnz of tl)e faio oef.
oio come to tlje faio compLano tjpon fpeec!) l)ao betlua^ne ti}Homl}in$
tlje payment oftlje faio mone^jt^e faio oefenoanttuascontenteo, ano

oioagitofo,2bearetl)eparmcuttl)ereof, tjntiUtlje fealt of ict^en

nejitfcllotDing, in fuel) fo;t,maner,i fo;me,as in tlje faio bill of compU
is mcfttruelt! aileageo. WUtl) tfjat alfo, tfjat t^z faio mi*^ > oio faitfj^

fullU aifumc I pjomire,to, ano i^itlj tfje I'm cojupl botlj tljgn 1 at fun^^
o^r timts after,to foabeare t'oe pai^uicnt tl;ereof, tjutill tl)C featl of ic*
afD;:efatt;, ano li^culo not talje anp aouautage of tfje fo^jfeiture of tljc

faio bono againfttlieraioccmpi.bsfit tuoulocancelltfjefaio bono ano

taUe ne^ju bono fsj tl)e paiment tijereof^at tlje feai^afo^cfaio^no tl}at
Skipplications, Bils,
complainanf , telling tjpon tljc fejcfato agsarmcnt , p^omife,
tlje faitJ

anu alTumption of t^c faio ?B tfo^j tljc fo^beanng of t^e fato f c.tjtitil ttje
faiD fcaft of f c, afo?eraio,mtD fo; tl^ taUtng of a neto bono fb^ tlje pa^^
mcntt!)ei;cof,att]^cfcaffafo?craiD,tiDnotpa^t^c fame acco;ti3ing to
tl?cconmftonoft!)cfcQ0raiD)bligation,lril)icl3 otl)CcU) ire Ijee iuoulu
^aue uone,in fuc^ ro^t,manet:, ano foame,a5 in e|)e fato btllof compU
isi alfo moft ixu\\> kt fmtl) ano tjgclarcti ^nu iuttlj tfjat alfo, tljat t!)e
compUin qpicti SCerme lafi paft^fcnt tlje faio <l5.M.^tis fecuant to Jl^
toitl^ tlje faiD moncn to maUe payment tf)cceoft 0no tljat tlje faio Wl*

Mtai)0 ot^ecoef^tipoiT offer of tender of tf)e fo^efaiD fumme of moneg

b^tl)efaiDt!l. SL!)craiD 5KUiaJ* uio pjomifetooeliuet: tljefaiobono
tjnto t!je faiJ) tuit^m (^o jt time after, fo a^ ti}B faio Wl* Iwoulo uslt^

iiccouerabontituljicljljebaDmljiBHitpmg, totfjetjfe oft|jcfaiDp

anntooulD alfo at a time between t^emagceeD on^mafee pa^mentof
tbe fait) fummeoffctDl)ic]^ bono Uias Deliuereo oaeraeco^jDtnglr, to
f ^e faiD ^. 0? mubr tl^e faiu m* ^m tl)e faiD m. tuas reaDv to tenocr

ano pav^ ttic faiD mon^,acf o^Ding to tlje faio appointmentjin fuclj fo^t,
maner,anD fo^tme, as in tljc faiD bil of wmplatnt is alfo tcult? allcageD*
tiaa:itl)outtlbat,tijattl)efaiDLt.|^.Dneoftl)e faiD Def fougl^t often to
tl)e faiD compt anD uiaDe meanes to i)im to l;aue t!)e faiD Debt , etf |)ec

tobepaieDinmone^, o?tf)at^cmig^tbe fatiffieD tfjereoffomeot^er

ioa^, tuf)o maDe bim manr faire p^omiies to D tlje fame , but neuec
ineant, o; inteiiDeD it^in fuel) foat,maner,anD fo;me,a0 in t\\e faiD an*

ffcuer is molt bntrulr alleageo : fo^ tlje faiD complainant faitb, tfjat Ije
DiD often anD funD;jt? times, botbbefo<jetbefaiD flails fc. anDDiuers^
times fiti)enre, offer to maUe patiment of ttjeHiiD fmnme u* ^to t^e
raiD^.p.anD^.anDalfa)aiesbjas,anD Vf^tis reao^ anD iBilUng,
Ijpon tt)e Deliuec\? of t^e fo^efaiD bono, to pa^ tl;e fame, in fucb fo^,as
in tlje faiD bill of complaint is uiQft tcuelt? (IjeUieD anD alleageD ^nD
luiti)out tfjat alfo^tljat anf otl^er tl)ing,matter,o; circumUsncc in tbe
, faiD anflDCcmenfioi;eD,matettallD^ effectual to betrpUeD t)nto,anD in
tljis Replication not fufficientli' confe(rcD,auoiDeD,DentcD,ttauerfeD,
0^ Gt^a\i)i(t replieD tmto, is true ^11 iubicl) matters tlje faiD compi*

is reaD^ to auerre anD p;oue, as tbis mo(l[)ono.;able Court lIjaUanD

toill atuarD. ^nD paaietl;, as before in Ijts faiD bill of compl.lje p;aieD,

The ioiitt andfeHeraHReioynder efW. P. andff^. yf\ defendants to

the Repticationoj E* L. complainant,

Seft, 172. npi^ faio g^efenDants fa^ janD eitljcr of tljem fo.j Ijimfelfe feueralli'
X faitl),tI)attl)e3$eplication of t^e faiD complaint is tmiuft anD t}n^
true,anD tieri? infuflftciait in t[) la^ bi? tljefe ^efenDants^o^ tit^zi of
: S

and AnfwerSr z^y^

t^tm to&e teio^eD tJitto. i^ottoitJ^ftanoms a aOuanfajjc of mtptU
on to tl)e tncectaintr ano infiiffictenci? tfjccof to tjjefe Def. aiiD to citfjet
of tlrem at all time0 fyereaftet be ingfaueo, fo^ ceio^noei: ijnto tf^efaio
iiifufficienttepluaticn,2D|)efeDefwiDant0 fa^j ant) dtljerof t^emfo^
!)tmfclfc feu0call^ faitfj m
all ano $uetv mattec ano tljiMg^aa tljec ano

eitliec of tl^tm in t^zit Ceucrall anftocw fjaue faio, lit!)out tljat, tl^at
nn? otljec mattec , caafe oj t^tttjj toljatfocucc , matcriall o.: eflfectuall
containeo in t^t faiD replication , ano b^ t^efe oef o^ citj^er of t!)cm to
bcmo^neotnto, anDnotljemnrufficientlrconfeffeoanDauoiDei,
trauecfeo o^ DenieD,i0 true. 011 ano cticric toJ^icl; mattere ano tljinjjg
tljefe Dcf ano eitljcc of t l;cm are reao te to auec ano p^oue f c

ji BiHfor detaining lands with euidences*

M^ftliumblv tomplaitting fc-pour oailp ^^ato j 3(.^of0.in tlje Sea. 1 1

Countie of il^.^ufban^man: tijat to^ereasi^.^. of ^. in t^e
Conntie of 1^. afo jefaio ^ufbauoman,anJ) granofatfjec to tiour i;a<
to^jluas in l^is life timz feifco in Ijis ocmcfn as of fe^, o;r in fee taile, of,
ano in cectaine nieflruage07lanoj5 ano tenement0, to ttie reareli> talue
of |f.o.Jt^ereabout0,lrin0inTll^.afo;efaiD,ani) of tljefameo^eo fcifeo
bp fo?ce hi^ereof tl^e (aio tenements oefccnoeo ano came ( as of rigljC
t^e? ougl)t)tjnto one 3!.^ fatljec to ^oncfaiD ^^ato;j,fon anoljeire to
t^e faio K. tut)o aftertuarOB entreo into t^e fame , ano toag fo^ oiuert
peaces feifeo of tl^e tenements acco^oinglp^tjntill about tl^e Ctril t?ere
of tiie taigne of tlie late lH. (Botuan) t|)e tjj 0t lo^icl) timt one ^.CE^*
of ^. afo^efaicliappening b^ cafuallmeanej^ to get into I)i0 poOTelTioti
al tl^e eutDence0,c^arter0 ano tD^iting0 concerning tl)e fato lanog ants
tenements: ano l^not]0tngtl[)at^ourfaiQ jS)^ato^0 fattier coulo not fo^
loant of tj^ofe eutoence^, cl^arters ano tjD;itiug0 oefeno l)i0 rigl)t:>title
ano intereS to t|e lanOB afc^efaio^entreo alfo into tl)e faio tenement?
ano tije fameto^ongfull^ oio ljDitl[)[)olo ano oetain,ouring t|)e terme of
i)i0naturaUlife: fitlience loljicl) timeone2D.<D. of^. afojfaio^i (^.^.
tuiooto,motljer to tfjefaio C.fjatij) alfo entreo into tlje faio tenements
ano tlje fame to t^0 oa^ moft tjniuUl^ initlj^olDetljjtogetljer loitl) all
tl)e cj)artec0,euiocnre0 ano tonting0 afojefaio , toljicl) in ii%\^t ano v

qtiitie belong ano appertain to ^our ^^tiio^^ ao fonne ano ijcire to t\^z
faio Sl.^.noU) oeceafeo. 3Ih tcnocr confioeration loljercofjano fo? af^
vant^ as T?our ^;ato? oot^ net Unoto tlje certain oats of tfje cfiarters,
cuioences ano Injitings afojefaic, nc; of anr of ti^zm ^ neitfjec oot^
fenotu to!)etl)8r t^ep aie in bag, oi boye fealeb , o^ ixi cljeft lockeo, Ije is
toitljout all remeoie att!)eCommoniLatJDC0 of tijts Healme, ano alfo
toit^out aUot!)ermeanc0J)oU)toftnDereUefeintl)?0 befjalfe? ercept
tout .|ouo:abl0^ faiio; eictcnDeD 0nD f ^at tljc faio SC(2J". ani5^.^.'
ma^ b^ ^ouc il.o^Dec be compcUeo tjpoii ti^tit oat^sf^pIaiiU? anD tculg
to l^cto fo;t^ tfjeiu cftatcm anD to t^c tenements afoacfaiD,anD alfo to
f^cto t3cf)atngt)t,tttleo?intcrcft tticr 1)^^ 0- clamc, in i to tl;cfame,
anD liljctinfe to fl^elu t\}Ct^c(t anu ccctain Datc5 of fud[j cljarters, eat?
tenrcs anu tu.ntings,afo.:3efatD,as tf^tv o^ eit!)er of tljem fjaue in t]^cit
poffefficm concerning t^c faiDtenements afo:faiD,oa an^ pact f^eof
iipag it tljerePo^e ic. as before.

The Afjfiver.

Tl^efe oefenDants b^ p^ofeffation fa^,anD eaec^ of t^em faitj^ t^at

tlje )13tll of Complaint eFfjibiteo into t,\^\^ f)ono;able Couit,is fo^

f l)emoll pact ijncettarn, tinti:uc,anD infufficient in tfjeJlalw to be an^

ftoereo^nto* 0not^atti)e matters ttjeretncontaineo are tteutfeijbp
t\)z complainant onclti? to molcll ano trouble tljefe oefenDants, being

tjerie p(D;e,ratijcc tljcn fepon anr tnUcaufe ^euertfjeleffetlje aouan*

tage of erception to t^e tincertaintieano infufficiencie of tt^e faio lldill
to ttjcfe Defenoants at all time fauct>: fo;5 anfiner anD Declaration of t|e
trutljjt^e^ fa^janD euetic of tjjcm faitl^, tljat tiiAtit i& tijat one K. ^.
of ir* in t)er ipaieilies Countie of 1^ toas in i)is life time feifeo in f)is
Xitmz^n^ as of fa,of,anD in onemeffiiage,cmD certaine lantsaw) tenc^
ments in^ant^efaiDCountteoi |^*anD being fofeifeDb^l^isDeDD of
feoffement tnDer ^& I^anD anD Ceale^^bout tl^e fire anD tliirtietl^ ^eare
of IKing l^enrp tf)eeig!)t,conueieD anD aCfnteD tlje fame meflfuage ano
lanDst)ntoone3i^|)tsfonne, anDto^isI)eiresanDa(rignes fo^e^
uer ^as b^ t^z Da;D of tlje faiD il tjnoer %is IjanD ana feaU; reaDteto be
ll^elDeD tmto t|)is t)on0;able Court Dotl) ano ma? appeere : bi? fo;cB
tol^ereof tlje faiD %^* ioas tljereof fcifeD in Ijis Dcmcfne asflf fK^ anD
being fo tf^ereof feifeD^fo; a certaine fumnie of mone? to l)im paiD b?
Wi.<Si* fatfjer of one of DefenDantSj,Dio connei? anD affuretlje.faiD

meCTuageanD lanDs tjnto tl}efaiD ^^. ano t)is Ijeires itntl) iuarran^
tie,as b? tlie oecD ano rclcafe of t!)cfo;icraiD SI.^.Dotfj i mat! appccre:
after to^ic^ t\)z ib;efaiD 'm.<5^z fatljer tnto tfje faiD DefenDant DieD
of t[)e faiD melTuage anD lanos feifeo , after luljofc ceatl) tljefe Defen^
5ants cntreD into tljc faiD tenements , ano tljc fame enioi^eo tp t\^zix>
otonepiofits ano rommoDitics,aslatyfulliuas fo? tljem to Dge :toitljj
out tljatjtljat K.^' of l^.in tlje faiD Ml
mcntioneDjtuas feifeD of t^e
mcffuage ano fanes in tljc il?ill mentioncD in fee tatle , o? tl)at tlje faio
3.|.fatl)er of tlje complainant toas feifcD of tlje p;emiffes m tl;e firtt
teareof Jli.eDUiarD ti^z t)io? tljat tlje faiD 7M*<S>* father of one of tfje
Def. got f ^e poCTeOrion of Clje mcffuage, % tfje cuiDences concerning tlje
rame^tt)erU)ifetl)en Uias latofulfo; t)im to do:o; t^at tlie DefenDantisB

andAnfwers, Z48
o;r oti^ of tijem toa tnwftl^ lit!)l)olti t J)e faio mcBTuajje o; Iant in tlje
bill mention eD,o: t^ccuiDcncest conccining t^c rame,o?t!)ectoifetfjen
t0 latufuU fo; t^cm to o in icfpect of tfjcic ng|)t. J^nD iott^out tljat,
tljat t!)e faio nieCTuage ano lanoeff, Uut| t^e euioences concerning t^t
fame Din tigljt mn equitie appettaine to tfjc complainant, a^ fonnc
am lieire to 3.&*tf)c fatljec. ^no tuitijout tljat,t[)at an^ otliec mattct
o>tf)ing in ttjcfaio bill contameD concenung tljefe Defcnoant^^f not in
tljisanftuei: fufficicntli? confe4rcD,anD auoii>et),ti:auct;feD,o;^ DenieU,is
true ^^11 iDl^icl) matters t^cfefOc^faiD ocfenoants are t c. vt (upra.

Thg Replication.

T^e complainant auerretfj f maintainetfr Wim

billof coplainf, Scd; 1 3
ano allano cucry t^e matters anD things therein containeu to be
ter^ g(BD,iuft^nD true, iw fucl[jfo;it,manncr, anu fo^zme^as in t^e faiD
bill of complaint is oeclareD, i^no faitlj, tf)at tlje anftuerof tljeocfenu
fo^ tfjemoll part xb bncertaine, bntrue, ano infufficient in t^elaU) to
be anflwercD bnto : ilieuert^eleDTejall aouantagcs of erception to the
infufftciencie tljercof to tl)is complainant^at all times [jereafter faueu:

if 0; replication faitf) in all anD euer^ t^ing, as in t^efaio bill of tom^

plaint ^eel^atlj faio. ^nD furtljerfaitlirtljat ^eDonbtett) not but tljat
lecanberrrufricientli' p;uet^at titje faio 3!^. t^is complainants
fatljerjttJas about tl)c firft ^ixre of tfje raigne of king Coioaro V^z firt,
oj not long befo;ie, feifeo i^ )^\b Demefne as of fee taile of tf)e afo^efaiD
melTuagCjtanbs ano -tenements int^efaiD billmenttoneo* 0nD t^ea^
fo bopetf) to p.zoue all tl)e reU of tljc faio bill to be true, in fucfj fo^t as
tlje fame istruel^^ Dcclareo anD fet ooUme: iuitljout tl;at,t!;at t!)e fO;e^

faiD K ^*i^iB complainants granufatljer beeing feifeb oftlje p^emif:*

fesinbisDcmcfncasof fee, oto latufuU^ bi?bis 210CD of feoffementtin='
3 c.-^^iz ofUing !^.tljc S.conuei? ano
Decisis l)anBanD feale,about t^t
aCCurc t^e faio meffuageanblannsbnto one 31 S>!)is ^onne,anb to
^|)is Ijeires ano allignes fo j eucr : ^% t!jat t\)t faiD I ^ . . beeing of tlje

'P^emiffes feifeo in l}is uemefne as of fee,fo; a ccrtaine fumme of moni?

to Ijim paiD b? t!)efatD M.CD^fatbcc of one of tfje uefentantSjOiD laUi^
conue^ anb alTurc tl)e faio meflTuagc ano lanbs bnto
fullv' dP^one M.
of tfie faio nefenbants, anoIjis )^zitts uiit^ \juarrantic , as in t^z faio

anfUiec is ber^ bntcult? alleagcDtj^ubluitfjcut ti)at,t!jat tfje faioM*

< fatl)er taoneofffje uefenoantfijOieb of tlje faiD melTuageanD lanos
feifeo in fuel) fo?t,as in tfjcfai^ianfltJcr isliUeUJife oeclarcb, u^tfjatit
iDaslatufuUfb;itl)efaiDDefenoantsaftei; tljeoeatfjoftfjefaib M.(I5*
; to enter ano occupy tiic fo; efaio metfuage anb lauDes, ano alfo in tljc
fiUD anffeucr is infcrteb ^no^itjjouttfjat^tjjatan^otfier matter |c*

Mit)!}ic|j |C vcftipra, <^"^**a * ****ik - "'^" -



^ Bill for debt leuied by extent,

o , ^j^aiplammg fl^cloetf) %t. 0.)l5of icgD^at lu^ctaB f jje faiD ^B

fo^ 1)15 furniture of ictDels^plafe^monevsano fucfi Ufecl^ao crcoit toit^

oneC.2? Citi^n anu (Solofmitl) of 3lonuoiT,fb?t|ie tu^ici^ asf^e^ao
ocraCon to bo^rot anr monep, o^ t^*e tjp an^ tDStetf, fo Ijce oeliucwo
^w btlis 0; obligations fo; tijc true payment of an^ fuc| monet fo bo;*
retoeo, 0; fo; t^c p;ice of ani? fuel) U)ar00 fo boug^, at sa^es bettuipt
t^omagrccD: Ui^icl^ Dares l)ce allDaiesfeept,o; toobc o;i3cr fo; ti^c

fo;bearing tl)ereof br l)imrelfc, 0; l^is fecuants, fuel) as l)ec oiD intploy

int^ofeaffeires: amongfttD^icl)tl^eretoasin l^.intticfirareereof
f f. a certaincDcbt ojrecfeomng (of Ijoto muclj rtaielp^ee notu tz*
menib;etf) not) i\^ fato C<^* auD tie faiD 0* )i5* fo; t^e

tui)icl) l)e tfie faiD 0 ^ toas bounD to t^z faiD C* i&E>. in ti)e fumnte of
ic*bi? }^i& DeeD obligato;i?, bearing Date f c* tt)l)ic| obligation ( as i^ee
noli) cemfb;etl)) Inas fingle loitf) a Defefance fo; t^ Debt, tofiicf) tuad
t|c agreDD tjpon to be anfluereD at a certain Dai? foUoting,toi)i(I) faiD
Debt f)e ti)e faiD 0t^*paieD acco;Diflgli? hi i)is t^m feruants anD offi*
cent, lu^o t)nbnotsDing bnto t^e faiD ^* 1&* DiD negligently (as i$ to be
conie(tureD)leauetl)ebonDs in tI)el)anDes oft|)e faiD C^. after t{)0
reckoning auDDebtpaiD 0; Difc{>argeD 0nD fo afterttiarDs tl^je faiD 0
115DtD Deale anD continue in furt^iei; creDit litl) t|)e faiD C*^* fo; Di*
uerfe ot|)er great fummes of mone^^teluelS) anD plate, fome tipon tl)e
faiD (l0olDfmit|)5 b(Dke,anD fome tjpon bils t bonDS,tDl)ereof t^e xanVt
partlDereaftertDarDsDifcl)argeD,rauing one Debtb^ Hecognifance
about t|)e 2 4. Dai? of i c. in t()e $c* being to tl)e tialue of 2 o o. marges*
31ntD|)icl) faiD later Debt, t[)eraiD0 S. pjefuming of fcienDfl^ip,anD
frienDl^ Dealing at tl)efatDC.E>l)isl)anDs,becaure |)ee|)aD be^na tje;

riegCDD cul!omert)ntoI)im, DiD not rop;ecifelt! keep }^\s Da)7,tt)inking

i)eeiDoulDliauereafonablD Dealt luitl) i)tm, being allotLicD fo; confiDe^
ration fo;fo;beartngt{)ereof, as at otljer tunes i)ee tiaDDcone* ij^ot-^
tuit|ftanDing,i)etl)raiDC 2D. contrary totf)efaiDj.)lD*^iserperta;*
tion, DiD put i^t fame Keccguifance \\\ futte p;efcntli> after ti)e fb;fei^
ture tI)Cjreof* ^ 15. being t^eii buOieD in t)er l^aiefttes
jilnD tl)e faiD
feruice, tl)e faiD C ^. l)aD iuDgenient tjuon tl)e faiD Kecognifance a*
gainft Ijim befo;e f)c c oulD fenD bp to taie ani? o;Dcc fo; tije faiD later
Debt fai? tfje faiD Hecognifance, auD after toofcccre^ution of tl)e moit^
of a mano; oft!)e faiD ;3i.)lB*caUeD tc. in t c. Uil)ic|) fo; tl)e painicnt anD
perfo;mance of t!)c faiD Debt iuas ertenDcD tjuto v%matfesbi' fl;e ^ere,
ano Co DiD Xm^ tlje faiD luljole fo;feiture tjpon t[)e faiD ^. B. l)ts ^an^
no;sanD lanDstoit!) great eytremit^, tjponll)icl) ejitreanie Dealing,

andAnfwers, 24.^
DttJt:cfufetobu?o;feUiuit!)^im, ano luiUcD^iB Bailift of^ig fsioc
Spano; to taljcaf quittaKccB of f)tm at cneip payment : toljo not oni?
tio fo, but tjpon t^elaft paimrnt ti)c fo^efaio C E> Dio acbnotuteDgc
to Ijim t^at pa^etJ tl;c moncp, tljat pour faio Daato^ Uias t[)cn clcacc
toitfj l^tm, ano Dio oiuenotljjng, oj to fuf!j cJfied;, nottuitl>fianoing t^e
fo;cratDiJ)l5*accotJHtcD of timas of atjccp ertccamcman :lul)if^ tijc
faio^:)^.[)i5t)ifplcarnM:totuaiD5f}im being notifieD anutject? ioeU
fenoluen tjnto Ijini, boti? br letters from t)"i^rcife , an^ ot|)ecluire, ^et
C2D liuittg 9 o^ i o, ^mcs aftci tfjat, it cannot be intenocD,
t\}t faio

t^at ^ce tj)l)o tiiljilell tfjei? U^ete in amitic, m

tut tljc fsio 0. 15. tpon
t^efaiocccegmrancean^uebttljereincontaineD, beeing of fo fmall a
tjalue, tooulD at tbeScll fjauc left tif^e elDer bonD anD Debt, beeingcf a
ficeaUr fummc lonfucD fo>, if it ^a^ bin ijnanfUieueD fo;;, o; not papeD,
ntucl) leCPe aftecluactis Uuring all t!;e fpace of p. o^ i o. -gearc, ic^en j^e
tf}c faio 05i5fo;jl)isJjai;D Dealing ^aD left to be Ijis cuUomei;, o.; to

Dcalc luitl; I)im,f tljougijt bat iiacDlt? of Ijim, a5 Ijee IjaD no leflfe caufe
be moU fare antj ttuCyt^at t^e faio oebt/oj tu^icf) t^e faio
fo tf)8ug|i it
2 00. li.bonD itias maDe in tfjc faiD firft t?cere of t^e reigne of f c* ItJas
longCncefuUv anftoeceD^petit beingfo long tince, t^e faio 0*X5 can^
not pijecifeli^ call to minD tjpon tf)e fooainelMljopaieD it (Diuecs of l)is
oflficer0 to^icl) Dealt fo;!)isieenue!janij efpeciallp one H!p. tu^om
pjincipalli? l)t tjfeD in t^ofe alfaiceifjbeing nclu Dcao) iuljecebv fjccanji
not tjpon a fpeeD^ triallattl^e common latu p^^cnetljepairwca^ tljerof,
bp ai ire ano p^ecife courfe in t^at beljalfe tcquifitej ano the ra 'ipt, ^ ; i.

tl)att|>e3I?Jseii^meBfc?tSje^cnecr'a5^fceftl)e niinrfogth...i. , ^Ime

bp fome cafuiui c: uCi^ttgCia lucaui^ tc ti;e ijiurcs of tt; faiD C.^. auD
of 3! t)i5 UJife, tiltljougf) it be manifeft bp tlje p^umptiong afojcfaiD,
tljat tl)e faiD C.1I>. ioculD not ^aue let it Ire fo longtjnDenianDeDjif Ije
l)aD not binratiffieD,tDl)icl; tl)e faiD ^^liB^Duubtetlj not to p^cue il)i$ m
]^onoui:ab!eCourt,fojti)atalf0 f)eetl}inkctl;,t^ei;ebe ^et fomeliuing,
tijat iueie p^t(mt at tt)c laii ceckoning,^ tfje faiD ^* B* o^ tjis ofncet0
maDc \i)itl) tl)c faiD C. 2> eitljer tol)en fjee agcaD fo^ tl^e faiD ei^mtSy
oj about t^at time t at tuljict) time ^e t^e faiD C.^ Dio acUnoinleDge,
f ^at all mattcr:0,Debt0,i tecfeonings Uiljatfocuei; luere t^en fuUp cUt^
leDf quitbettii:ttr)efaiD03i5 i t][)efaiDC2D 0nDtl;attljC faio
^5i3.DiD nottl;en oiuei^im an^ t!)ing i6ut fo it is^tlje faiD C^^nolu
beeing DeaD,miD li.ljisi ijoifebteing l)ifiepecuttiiC5tDl)o finoing tlje faio
bonD of CC4i remaining tjncancelleD , ra(f;ec as it l^onlDfeeme b^
fljofefetjtcl) Ijaue confecceD luitl) jjec^Upon fome ino^Ds; fpoken, oko^
^* ai5 \}iB Difpleafucc
teit of offence, tl)at fl)e liatl^ conceiueD of tbe faio
totoat:D0i^clateijw(banD;>t{)an otljettoifetjpon am^inHcaufe (|ee ;,

3!t* f^z
"tijefato 3.!)at|^pbU(^ca,tf)af d^e^at^ fuc^ anancwnf bontJ of fl)efaii<
i.)i3*bcating Date fc.of 2oo.U,ano intenDett) to pot tl^e fame tn fnit a*
gaintt tfje faioB.llS. 3In ttnntt confloecatton to^eceof y t^c appacenf
of t^ faiD Debt before teciteD, being mofitcue, ano tijusfame
jifcl^argeD^^nD ^zt t^e p^cofe of t^c Diftfjarge tljeceof in fttia coucfe of
latu being ^aro foj tlje faiD ;3^1154o mafee t t\ft tm 31. p* ano fome o^
t^ecs \x>^o Dealt fo; being notu oeaD, ano t^e faiD Deftafance be^

xng come to Ijec ^anDs(as afo^efaiD) but onel^ tipon oatl) of tl^e faiD 3(
^, ljoI)o taus p;iuie to tt)atr ano moO^ of l)et: IjufbanDd reckonings and
rjQ)ing0in^i0 life time^ ano i^et UioulD not tjniuftl^ cl)acgetl)efaiD^.
516* tuitl) t^cfaiD Debt,br meaner tl)at (^eljat^ bot^ patts oftljeoefea*

ranceinl)er^anD07 U)l)ecb^ t^efaiD0)t5.cannot pleao tl)0m,anD not

Unoiuing tlje Date of tljem, o? tuljecein tf)e? are containeD, cannot Dc^
maunD tljem b? tlje o^Dinart! courfeof t^ela^ ^ar it tliecfoae pleafe

Thg ^nfpoere,.

I 2
nr^eraiD SDefenoant fait$,tljat t]j)s faiD bill of complaint ^y^ibitem
X againttljei: in t!)isl)on.Com:t5i]S!t3nceDtaine, ano tnfufficient in
t|^elat])tobeanfU)et:ert)nto, anDtlje matters tljerein containeD, tn^
true, anD contriueD mo^c of pucpofc to put t^^ faio Def. to trouble ano
c):penceBinlaU),t|)enfo;anrgcDDo;j iuttcaufe: ^cuertl)eleffe,iftl)e
fame Defenoant ll^al be cnmpelleD bn tl)i0 ^$m* court to make an^ fur^
tljer anftoer to X%z fame tlje tlje aonantage of t|)e infuffici^nc^ tljere^

of to t\ix^ Dcfenoant at times liereafter faueD; ifo; furtljer anfluere

t^t faiD DefenD* fattl][,t^at tmtit t0,tt)at tiie faiD l^* )15> about tl)e time
mentioneD in tl)e faiD bill of complaint, began to be a bargainer anD
buver of platr and ieVuels of tt)e faiD *^* lateijufbanD to ttiis Defen^
Dant, anD obtaineD c^eDiteat ttje^anos of tlie faiDC*E>* fo; tl)efum
of ic if o;j pavment tol^erofjtlje faiD CHD.pjefuming tjpon tlje p;jomi^
fes of tlje faiD ^B.tDasccntenteDonelr to accept ofabarefingleob^
ligation^tDljicl) Iwas fealeD i ncliuereD Unto }^xm about t!)e iimtmzno
tioneD in t^e faiD bill, \xi%it^ funune of %<* tljefatD C*]^. (after t\^t Da?

paffiDl)ici)lDaslimitteDfo^t^e payment thereof) often Demanoeo of

tf)efaiD;3i)13*lul)onotlDitl)(tanDingmaDeno paiment at all tV^tuoU
but Vuit|) fairepjomifes oela^eD time, ano kept tljefaioC* ^* inljope
from r thereto t?eare,t^atfje(l)oulDbeanflnercDt|jJerofto tljetJttecmoft
|ien^ ;anD at t|ie lad tlje faiD H.)i& l^auing neeo of certaine otlier plate
o;iietiiel0,t0tl)et)alucoffc intreateo toitt) tljefameC H). to giue
Ijim creDitc fo^ ttic fame,anD p.:omifeD faitljfull?, tfjat if tlje faio C.^*
^oulD truttJ^imtl)eretPttl), ti)at tlien tuit^in d^o^t fpace after |)ee
and Anfwers. i^o
tooHlo tmt\^ nxdkc payment a& tucll DftfitM* asalfoof tf^efmo
CC4tt)ponlui)tct) earned tntreattetl^eratDC^* (bemgamanof g
fsttie ga)D nature 9 ano eaU^r I^o br fucf) asr [)c anr ioar conmaed 0;
t^ouglittocllof ) toa{fontent0Otofatiffic!)istequcll : 315uttctfo?^
afmucfj a0 ttje faiD ^.)1B liao bcfo;c tljat time tafecn but fmall rejgato
concerning tfje keeping of ^isDaiestpontfje fingle obligation afo;e^
faiD^tlje faiD CE>tl)en ttiinbing to Deale mo;e fubffantiallp luitl) l)im
tlien before , temanDcD a recognifance fo? t^e faio funime of li. fo
t^en to be lent, toitl^out tufjicti tje feaj tttecl^ tjutoiUing to trull {jiin
ani? furtljec : nailjereunto tlje faiD ^iiS, affenteo, ano became bound
acco;Dingl^ in a recognifance of ttno ijunD^co macUes,tuit!) conoition
fo; tfie true payment of Cli (toljic!) is tlje recognifance in t^efaio
JBtU of Complaint mentioneo) if o;j Difcfjargc of ioijkl) recognifance
tljefaiD ^115. toaUe no greater regaru tljen before })c ^ao none fo: pa^^
ment of tlje faio fingle obligation. 0nD tl)erefo;c ttje faio CD.JD, at tl)C
laft J tl);ee r eare at tlie leatt being tlien patt after t^e forfeiture of t^e
faio recognifance , perceiuing t^e carelefneffe of tl)e faio JS. IB. affeeo
aouice of fome of i)i0 frienOi,h)^at courfe lie toere bed to take fo; tl)0
obtaining of t|ie faio feuerallfumme0 of monet? : X3rl8l)oml)etjDa5
aouifeo to put tbe faio recognifance ( ratl^er t'^m tfft obligation afo:e^
faio ) m
futt , as lueU fo; fpeeotcemj of fuit in tlje fame , as alfo tijat
tl)ereb^ it teas tl)ougl)t, t^e faio 0.515. tuoulo tl)e ratl)er fceke meanes
to make astueUof t^eoneoebtasof tljeotj^er : ilButlje
meaning noticing lcffe,no? regaruing t^e faio fuit, fufiereo tlje fame to
paoceeo till fome parcell of t)is lano teas erten(eD,ano fo tlje faio C.^
teas faineaftertl);a^eares forbearance of tIjefaiDfumme of C.li. as
afo;efaiD,anD after l;e |aD fpent mo;e tljen VX' Ir. in fuits ano tctearos
in obtaining tlje faio ertent , to accept onelr tteentiemarkes b? tlje
reare , till tlje faio tteo Ijunureo markes ( being t^t p;incipall ) ano
penaltie teeie pa^eo tinto l)im : fo tljat tlje forbearance of tlje faio
fummeaccounteoitoget^er teitl) tljecljarges infuit,great lotfe of time
in folloteing t^e fame , anu retearos giuen to ^l^erifes ano ^IBatJirfts,
before an^ tljefaio lanos migl)t be eptenoeo :%^e faio C.|D. fuffaineD
fo great loOe , as b^ tlie faio circumdances of t^at tel)ic|^ before batlj
beene H^eteeo^ootl) eutoentl^ app0E;re,tl)at ^e teas ttterl^ Difcourageo
to attempt anymore fuits agatnat^e faio :3.1!5.butrelleD fiillinljope
tljat at one time or otiier ^e t^oulo obtaine meanes in quiet fo;t teitli^
out fuit in %B\xt to get fatiffaction alfo of tlie faio fumme of f c. teljicl)
f^atif beene tljereafon onel? te!|^ tlje faio CjE). tic not put t^e faio ob<

ligation in fuit fo long time , teit^cut t|iat , tfjat to tl)c kncfoleogc of

ti)is oefenoant, ti)ere tea^ euer mv tefeaf^nce maoe t^pon ti)e fain ob<^
Hi * Mo^tim
Supplications, Bils,
ligatttjn,o.2 ffjat anr fot^ ocfcafanceb^ cafuallracanie i^ come into tije
Ijanos of tfjiis scfcntant , asm tljefaiD Bill is fcnttul^' ailcageu 0no
i)ttf;oiit tfjat, tfjat tijc faiD 0.15. bi? l)imrelfc o.: Jjiis omcecs as b^ tl)t

p^emilTcsmanifetilr appi:etl),Dtt)mabe payment of ttjefaiu^ebt^^

anrparttl)eic0f : lD?)ici)tl)e faiu Dcfcnuant is tfjc I'at^uc tij;ougl)l^
pccflMaseD of J 03 luell bccaufc fljc teas turii acquainteD teit^ tt)e oea^
hngsof Ijecfatu t)ufbanti5as alfo becaufeat tlje time of tlje neat^ of Ijec
faiD fjufbanti, l)c Iving in ertrcmitie , calico tfjistsefeKOant tintoijim,

ano ^e
fait) t!)at IjaB caicfulli' gat|)ei:eD togettjcc ftintj^ic bonus ahf nm
ligations, tu^icl; at funojie times ^ao b^nemaDetjnto l}m fa^ Diuers
fummcs of moni?,an53 v^t in trutij tljep tuet'c pa^d ano oifcjjargeOjano
tljofc bonos ano obiitjationsljcl^ao put in a boj: hm tljcmfeltiesjano m^
meo tfjcm i5ils, hiljici) obiigationsj |je iuiUeD tljis oefenoant to cancell
D^ titliutt to fuel? pj^rfons as Ibcic tfje cbligojs, ano in tuifenot ta mw
oemano ant! ocbt tjpcn ani? of t^em, Hno fuiVget f)c alfo opciUi' ^ai^j
tljatalltljcrefioueof tfje bonocs ano cbHgattonsr^iMmtnginotl)^
bores, luf)icl)f)etl)en alfo nameo>hieix One ano oln:ngtntoI;in-. S'41
t^e \r)f}it^ of tlje faio borrs tl)2 faio obligation of CC. li. tuas faunHy
mit\\tis it to betl)ougl;t tlp^tm^ ofncerofttic faio :a.)i5.tootjlooea!c
lirrgle ano iijitl)outpciiaUiejUni!)outeitljcs:afqoittanceo;t^0 bono it
felfc,ceoc!iuereOD;canceUeo. )^tl)att^efaiOil.S. Ijimfelfe ijuculo
l)aue allotueo of nm
fuclj parment tjpoii ant? Ijis officecs accounts,
^notuitljout tfjatjtljat t^e faio ^ 5!5. oio at an^ time alloiu anv man^
net of conCoemtion fo^ tl)e fo.jbsacance of anf fummc of mone^ one
b^ l)im to tlje faio CiSD. ( as alfo is battuelt? alleaogeo. ) ^nn luitfjcut
tf^ faio CSO.oio put tljc fame leccgnifanc^ in fit,p;dlmtlt?

after t^efojfeitaretljeccof : fo^ tlje fame loas fo^bo^ie tl^jce t?eai'es

after,as is befo^eoeclaccO. 0no foitf?out tbat,tf;at it is \iMy> tl)ut tfjc
faio C.^ oto acfenoUilcoge IjimfelSe fatifffco of all tfjcfe feuerall fui^is
(jf rr.macUeSjUiljiclj tljoulo mafeetjp tljeCC.macUes tpon tijeeptcnt
afo;jefaio,Ui{)en asljc Ejao reconccco tljelul^cle oebts One tol?im hv tlje
faio 0.B.bHt onelr? luitl;aut tl)at,t[)at tfjefaio ii'B. to tljeftnotcleoge
of tjjis oefenoant, oio Sgnifi'eb^ fjic letters Ijis oifplearuie tcttsacoes
tlje faioC. E> as alfo is \3nf niel\? fet oolijne. ^nrs luttfjout tljatjtljat
anp otljei: tl)ijtg materiaU in tfjellaUj ^u As in ihc other.

7'o caufi one to Jlen> his leafe, v^herehj he holdcth^ ^a .

Scft.i3 5
M^aijumblf complaining ?c. 0.55. of ic.5en(leman vXlyat
lujjcceas about foute r earcs laft patfjonc CS). of Jl.tpon a ccr^
and Anfwers. 151
tainet)iutjgemmt m a plea of tiebt amcunting to i^t tumnw of ic. o^
tfjereaboots, bt?ljimobfametitnl)ec ^aielliejs court of comonpleesj
againU one Jl^if of ic in tlje County of f r fucD faojt^ fjec ^aicftjefi!
tD^t of Fieri facias, tiittctcii to tlje ^ffttifc Dftl)t fato Cownf p, foj t^e
leading of tfic faio Debt of t^e gajDJs ano cljattcUs of tlje faio (!!;if *515?
Ijertue of taljicii tn^it, t^e ^t^eafc oio amongft otljei: tfjingst tafee into
|)t0l)aiUi0oneleaf0 fo^^Dtuectii^eresrettnounng niatietottjefato C
5f.bt!one2D.& in tl^eCoimtpof ^efquice of 5. parrels of lano, cal^
lea ano knoton b^ tlje name 0? names of f c^toit^ all ano Cngulci: tljeir
appurtenance0,l^ing ant) being it! tlje partfljes offcant^efaiocoiin*
tie of etc*togetl)er^itl) allano fing^let; U'eDOs^bnoectPCDDs^nd trees>
ret,lting,beeing,anOgi*ototng,in o;itipontl)cp;!emifres, o^anrpart
t^cceof, togetfjecaifo Iwitl) ttie rcaecfion ano reuerlions of t^e p^emif"
fes afo;cfaiD^ini) euei;^ parccU tt)ereof^ntialfo all manner of comon,
as U'ell of eftoucfs ano pafttn:es,as all otljec commons,paftures, p^o^
iteS:,anD Ijereoitaments lu[;atroeuer, to tt)e faio p;emiires belonging
0^ in an^ Uiife appertaining. 2m aftecloatDs i^c faio ^^ttift (ti^at is
to fa^jtjpon tl}e tljicD oa^ of^nv etc.) b^ Ijis OeeD bearing oate tjn^ec
|)isl)ano ano feale,DiD in ccnftceratton of etc. to IjtmpaiD toluarostj^e
fatiffadon of tl)e oebt ano iuDgement afo^faio? batgaine, fj^ll^aCrigNe^
ano fet ouer t\}z faio leafe ano teime of reares v^t to come , of all anO
fingulcc tl)c p;jemilies t)nto one <3*^* of H. (Sent, toljiclj ^.^. not
long after tiD in confioeration of etc. b|? pour ojatoj to tjim paio, bar*
gainejfelljaCfigne, f fet ouer ijnto pnur faio o;jato^ all ano finguler t^t
p?emi(res,anDeuet:t? part tt)cioof:tpcn tutjic^ bargain f affignement
of tl)ep?cmt(resfomaoe,asafo^eratD> pour faio ^^to; luasintierie
gfflt! ^ope to ^aue peaceably i quietlp entieo mto tlje pjemiflPes^anD fo
to Ijaue occupico ano iniopeo tjie fume accc;Dinglr^euectl)eleffe fo it
isrigbtl)o.t^at one K.2D.of etc. in tt)e faiO ccuntv of IL. pjetenomg to

liaue a leafe foj Diuecs teres \>tt to ccme,of fome part of t^e faio lanos
Cfilleo etc.maDe tjnro \)\in b\> tlje afo jefaio C
if. long time before an^
alTignements afo^efaio, l)atlj ano ret ootl) fec^p pour faio o?ato? fcom
tl)epo(rerrionoftl)efaiO lanos, t}pcnloi)ic[) leafe o;; oemire,acertaine
l?eatelp itnt is (as tje faitlj) lefetueo to tlje faio <2;.if . bis ercruto^s oj
affigneSjVKlncI) as I'our o^ato^ tjetilp tl)inUetI),ts etcbv tbe i^eeie^ano
tDl)icb rent,te]^atfceuei: it be,pour o?ato,: bp leafon of tljc la^fuU con^
weiancc to Ijim n!aoe>as afo^efaiD, ougljt botb in latu ano confc ience to
liaueano eiuopouiingfucl)termeastbefaio j^.SE. tl)allt)oloanooc^
(upte tlje lano afo^sefaio, bp reafon of t^z faio leafe iDl^ic^ ^t fo p;(eten^
oet() to I)auc but bcraufc pour ojato; ootl) not certamelp fenolu lub^^

tljer tl;c faiD iX*%* l)auc anp fuel) leafe, neither if tiee lauclnbat oatc

it bearetljjtoljat tttmz t^e faio Jsc^j^atl^ttjereintm^jjpir^p iui;at rent

t^j ^y 3113 tl)ercbp

Sapplications, Bills,
no; tol^at conenants ate t^tmn tontrnt^^^d nh
i^ttt\)'2 i& refetaei}?
fo ^onc ^;ato; cannot, mx Unoluet^ not l^iol m
One fe^me of iatue to
enter o; commcncean? action againft t^t faio iU* %* eitjiec fojt^je re*

coueocofti^efaiolanoojcentafo^efaiD:, tnlHcl^tljs fatoK.i.ng|)C

tuellfenotxiing, being a man of little oj natonfcience,but ntttitntt of
tbe fearc of vIDoD,tl)inluni5 all tilings tuell gotte tofjitljljc man get ano
|]yolDtoiti)outt^epumi^mentoftt)ellatoe,tiait^noton$lntre tfiefaiD
lanD to Ijtsgceat profit ano commoijitie,lDitljouti?eeloins ojpaping
t^ecefo?eannrenttoT!Ou^?atoj, ojan^otljet: pecfon latofuUi^flan;'
mingtl^cfame, liutalfoDffltijtjtterfn teftifeto l^eluljitf faios^eafc,
iD^ecbn Ije claimctl) taljolo tlje lanfis afo^efaio, tmto vour faio o;ato?
to tl)c great loCTe ano Ijinoerancc of pour ll.faiD o;ato?.3In tenoec con^
iiDerationlLU;creof,ano fojafmuclj a! t?cwt D^ato; jjatfjno ojoinarie
loar b^ tljecourfe of t^z common ofti)w Eealmeto mtomi^t

faio ^.SE, to fl^eto foo^Ulj fuc^ to;jittng0 as Ijc Ijatlj fo? tlje IjolDing an^

enior ing of tlje lanos afo^faio, but is ant fijall be ttterl^ oeltitutc of
all maner of ^elp o; means to.cbtaine tl)e fame to Ijis great l)inDcrace
anoimpouerifl^mentjercept voar,l;onoiirablc IL.of rouraccuftomeo
clemencietolDaros all fuel) as arcopp.:effeo,Do^epteno tour fauour in
tliat be|)alfe,fo tliat bp tlje o.2Der of t^is fjono^ablexourt tl^e faio K>SD.
bs info;ceo bpon ^iSDat^ to ll^elo Ujb^t rigl)t tie J^at^ to t^e pmnifCtSi
o; anp parttljereof, ano lifeelctrcto fet uolune in bis anftoer tfje true
copr of tl)8faioleafe(wr^4//7wjo; ot^er Uijitings febatfoeuer t^ep hz^
tabercbn|)etlaimet^tl)ep;ettuffes, o? anr pactoftlje fame* ^ai?it

The Ahftper^^

Sett. 1 34,
*T^^ imotoleoging o; confelTing tfje matters
^^^^ jB^efenoant not
J^ fuggeileo in tlje faio 315iU of complaint to be true, fo;^ bis anfiuere
touc|)ingtl)0 fame, fait^,SCbat tljefaio ;*iFnameD in tl;efaio bill of
romplaint,toas poffelTeD foj oiucrs peares tetf come, ano inouring,
of t|ie faio V^itt parcells of lano, calleo 0; hnotone br tbe name of etc*
nientioneo in tlje faio bill of compUb^tiertue of a leafe tberofmaoe bi;
t^e faio 2D,^ alio nameo in tljc faio bil of complaint,bnto tbcfaio (^.
if.4ong before fuppofeo txitnt fpccifieo in Xbcfaiti
tfjc Ml
of compl
^D tfje being tbcreofpofreflTeo long before tlje faio fuppo^
faio C*if fo
feo ertent(if auv fiicb toere) {jao in fucfj manner, as in tlje faio 515:11 of
complaint is fuppofco, maoca latufull Dcmife anO Icafe of part of i^z
faio 3 parcels of lauD,contaimng \^*vititsm tbereabmtts,tjntij tbe
faio oef. fo J oiuccfe reres net to come,anO remaining tmerpircOjbpon
fcrtjicb leafe t^z faio e. j?. rcferueo a nereis rent to bepaio outing tljc
xdntinuaticeoftt)^fa(OUafc;)l3Bfojceoftl)ic|) Uafetiie faiooefeno.
an JAnfwers. zjz
tntuti into t^e (ain t4.acsf of IaiiD,part of t^e faio 3. patceUf calfeo ir:
ano tua0 ano ftt tslatDfttU? poflpeffeo acco^otngl^^aooeuet: firtre^ ano
tctDot!jcmot?t|)eraio i4.accesbi?t)crtueof tfjefaioocmireano leafe
maoe b? ttje fato (l^.Jf * to tf)e oefanou to ^aue ano entop t{)e faineDu^
ringtfje conttnuameof t^e ret;ei$,of IdI^u^ tl^ere areotuers ^earcjs pt
to tontt,ano t:etnamtnj| tmerptroo. ^0 tije fato oef ratt^,tl)at t|)0 fato
complainant i$ a man to tijtst oef^ttteclT^t^nknotun. 0no ti^erefo;e tj^e
faio oef. macueUeti) muc() of tlje faiti (uittt^ihitttx b^ t\)t fato compU
into t^t(i)on. Court againO^tlic faio oef. touching ti)erato p;cmia00.
;ano fuctl^ec ratt^,t^at ttje fato (S^.jlf . aft^c tbe fato oemtfe ano leafe bs
|)tmmaoet}ntot^eraio oef. of tt)e fato 14. nctcs sf lanmant) before tlie
fato fnppofcD crtent , tf an^ fuel) be , maoe a grant ano afiftgncment of

tljeintccctt 1 tetme of tljefato Cjf. afiiidl of tl)cfaiD 1 4. acre0,tD^it|)

t^e fato oef. fjatj^ ano occuptettj b^^tectua of t^is fato leafe fo^Dinec0
feces ^et thereof to come^ano conttntttngt)noetet:mtneOia0 alfo of tbo
redone of t^ fato 3 pat:cel0 of lano menttoneo tn t|ie fato )t5tU f com#

plaint,t)nta H.jif. tfiefonne of t^e fato d;if t)nto Xo^it^ gtant ano af^

fignment t\}Z faio oef. \dus p:tute jSno tt)etefo;e t^e fato oef. tt)tnbet^
t^at ^e t0 fo; t^e patment of f)t5 cent cl^acgeable^ano oug^t b^ tjl^e laUi
to pa^ t^e fame cent celerueo tnto tfje fato K. if $ not to tlje fato com^

platnant;lD!)tc^ fato H* oot^ tectl^ tt)tnk,tt)at i)t is latr.fuUllanolo^o

ouctng tj^e continuance of ^t0 \>tte9 ^et to come ano !nouctng,ano not
t^e fato complainants Id^o i0altogetf)ecama:cellcangect}ntot^t0
Oef. 0noio^tc{) complainant netiec at an^ time Ijccetofo^eoemanoeo
an^ centfb; tl^e fato pact of tl;eianO0 tljat t^is oef. ijut^ ano occupietl^
b^ tlje leafe fo^ ^eace0,tet couttnuing,of tl)e faio oef. ^no t|e faio oef.
alfo raitb , t^at ^t is fueo fo; t^t cent cefecuco l)pon ^is leafe b^ t^e
faio dC^.!^. nameo in ttie faio Bill of Complaint in t^e ^ )i5enct),in an .

action of oebt b^oug^t br f)tm againlt t|}e faio oefenoant :ano t^ecfo^e
tl)e faio oef. mucb macuellet!) of tl)i0 fuit of tlje faio compl b;ougi)t itt
t^i0bon.Couctagain0^ti)e faio oef. toucliingt^e faio p;iemiire0 : 1i3^
lDl)ic^ fuit of tlie faio complainant,tl)e fato oef i0 lu;ongfull^ fueo ano
tjeceo ljDitt)out an^ iull^ caufe of fuit , totti^out t|)at , t^at t^ece is an^
fuel) ectent maoe of tije faio 3
parcels of lano calleo ic. 0; t^at aftec
t{)0 fame ectent:, tt)ece liuas an^ fuel)bacgain ano fale maoe b^ ti)e faiD
^l)ecife nameo in ti)e faio Bill of Complaint, of tf)c faio tecme ano
leafe of ^ecc0 of t\\t faio p^emtSTes tmto tl)e faio (S.l^*;^; tl)at t|)efaio
0. 1^. bacgaineo 0;^ folo tfjefaio p^remtlTes bnto tfjefato complainant,
0; t|)at t|e faio complainant ougt)t to l^aue ano enio^ tlielaio p^emif
feo to t\^ bnotuleoge of ti^is oefenoant. ^no luit^out t|iat; t!)at t^ttt
iSiant! otbec matter 0^ tiitng tc. ;^Uto|)tci^ matteritr f c
/14 :' ,-v. -. 4

A BiUfara title ef intai/ed.

Y^ttiol! gamble luifeIl^etDet]^attticomplainetl)tjnforowcg^IU)^U^

.153 li^ip,toin:Dailp ^^to; K.i^^^^ufbanDinan ; ftattol^ewongMr*
iateof ^antt)eCountteof M.^ufbanoman, granOfatljei: of ^ouc
faio ^;ato?)toa5 latofull^ feifto in Ijis Demefn,a0 of to,bi? tjuc coucfc
of tni^edtance tjitto t)im latxifuUt! oifcenoe!) ftom ^i$ mufto;^ ano o^
t^ei; latufuU conue^ance0 in t^d ]U.atxi,of,{tnD in one meauage f c*CC
acced of lano, meaoob), tuoDO^ ano {laitnte, U)tt^ ttjeic appnctenance^
in ^. afojefaiD ^no tljefaio wm* iX. fo being of tlje pjemiQj^c feifeo,
about tennercresr notu pa(t:,itUia0 conoefcenDeD:,gt:ante09anD agcoeo
htt\3)knttl}z(m WlIlU*nmmz%* lateof l^.inttjefaiDCountic
DeceafcD , tfiat ^)15. tlien fonncano beiteappatant of t^e faio Ml.H
befo;!e a cei:tarne tm i^oulo macrie anc take to i^i^ loife one ^* <B*
Dau0l)t0c of ti)efaiD 3. CI; anDtljattljefaiD m.K in confioecation
tfjereofjano fo; tliat tljefaio ^. Ii)oulD be gceatl? aouanceo ano p^efec*
ttn in 0(000 ano rubftantc,b^ tliemaciageof t\)t faio ^ looulo immc^
0mtel^ aftec tt)e faio mariage tjao ano folemni^o , conue)? ano make
t)nto t^e faio ^. ano 3. a gotto^fu^ctent^anD lavufuUeliate in tljeltaUi
of,ano m tt}B faio melIuage,lanO5,tenement0,anD otbertlje p;emi(re0.

^ot)aueanDtol)olDtiutotberaiD^.anD^* ano to t^eicbeices males

of tt^tit boDies latofuU? begotten. ;9nD aftecluarD tljefaio ^acco^oing
to tbe faiD agceentent,oiD marie ano take to bis loife tbe faio B.C.im^
meoiatli? aftec tobicb manage fjafi ano fGlemnif eo^tljc faio WSHM* nt
coding to bis faio p;2omifeanD agcemtent^oio IaU)fuU^ enfeoff of ano
in tbe faio meifuage pianos, tenements, ano otbectbep;temi0re0,tbe
faio2.i$. am)0*ttobistDife. SCobaueanotobolobntotbefame:^*
ano ^. ano to tbett l^titt males of t\)m booies latufnllt begotten, b^
fojce tD^eceof tfje faio 3. ano 0. ttiece feifiro of ano in tlji?p.:emrires,in
ti}tit oemcane0,as of fee taile fpectall,ano tljer fo being tticreof fetfeo

t^efaio 0. ano ^bao ilTue male bettueen tbem lalufuUv begotten^one

%U* ano ^ out: fato ^;^ato^,anO ontWUM^ ano tbefaio Mdt. tbe el^
oer Oieo,b^ ano after 1a)i}o(t oeatb t\}t reuecfion in fi& fimple of tl;e p;e^
miSttSi oifcenoeo bnto t^e fatp ^* asfonne anobeite t)nto bim.j^no of^
tertusro tljefaio 0. ano X oye07aflei:tHbofeoeatbtl)e faiomi^nage,
!anos,tenement0,ano otljcr tijc p;emiae0 oifcenoeo ano inmoy ano of
i;igbt ougbt to oifcmoano rome tmto tbefaio 31 J^> as fonne anobeire
mate of tbe booie of tbef^^. ano^ latufnUv begotten, b^fojce
iDbcteof tbefato 3l*H.entceo intotbe faiomefiruage,lanos,tenement0
ano otbei: tl;c p;emiffes,anDtiiaeE^tl)etxoffetfeD in ^is oemefne as of fas
toiU, 3no t^ fabein^ ti)et:^rfeifeO;tt)efaio 3IJl about fouce veai:es
anJAnfwers. 2
ilotD paft^ of t]^0 faiD m^iruagcanDotfjectljepjettitffcsafDr^tiretfeDj
isjit^out iffrntmlc of
t)i; bootelatofuU^ btQottm
, bp foace twljcwof
iwffiiagc ano otfjer tijc p^emiCTeg Defccnoeo ano came , ano of
tfic faiD
cigfjtougljttoticfccnDanocometnfoi^out fato );ato^, as b,:otfjci:
ano Ijcicc male to tljc faiD %U. bvtfjetjcrtueof tljegitT^afo^cfaio.^o
if J m^ fingulac goo ilo;o,tl)at aHjueU tlje oeeo of intaile maD0,of,an0
fo; tt)ep.2cmtflr0s b^ ifje faio CSI.l^.tt^egianofatljC!: tnto tfjcfaio^.K
an^ 0 ano to tfjc l)cires males of t^eic boDies latofuUg begotten ,
afo^efaio,as times atiftt cf)ai:tei;s,euioence05anij DeeD0,U)?itmgs ano
maniments concecning ti)ep;emiire5,p;jtDuing ttje faio intereU ano tu
tie of roue faio ^^at02 , in ano to tljefaio p^emtlTes: beene oeceitftill^
comen tatlje ^anos ano poffcErion of 3|.|[2U. ano *^i$ tuife, late toife
of tlje faio 3M.(3*Wi* gentleman, ano SD.^. tfje eloer, ano rematne
tljece as tbep t)auc conuerco ano put tljem : ano b^ colour of Ijaumg
t^efaio euiDeHces,oeeDs,tD.utmg0,anD muntmenfsi in tfjetc fjanojs ano
^otreffion,tl)e fame 3l^.anD .f)aue notu of lateUi^DngfuUi' entceo
into tlje faio meffuagc ano otljei; tlje p;cnullejf. ^no t^e poITeffioii
tl)eceof ooefo rcttu^ongfalli^oetaineanobflppefkomi^oui* faio ji)^a^
to?^no alfo tl)e cenfcs,illues, ano profits tijeceof ljauclu;ongftiUi? re^
ttiazt, peeceiueo, anotaUentotfjeicoiDnetfeb^tljefpaceoffouw
, ano fo t?et ooe , contcacie to all ligljt ano gcoo confcience
reacesf paft
^no albeit tljat t?our faio );jato;j l)atl) often ano funojie times uquv
reo ano inftantl^oeficeotlje faio 3*51211. ano (B.<3*Wi* ano 2D.^. as

toell to oeliuee bnto ^oui: faio ;^;iato;^ t^e faio euioences;, nm$, lu^i^
ting ano muniments concerning tl)cp:emifes,as alfo to auoto tlje poU
feffion of t|)e pjemiires,ano peaceably ano quietly to pcnnit ano fuffei*
roue faio i);jato^ ano Ijis affignes, to l;aue ano enioi? tljefame, ano to
receiue ano tafee tfje rents ano profits tijereof to l)is otune tjfe , acco^^
Jwng to t)is faio intereftano tiilz tt)ecin,Uil)icl) to oo,tticy at all tintes
l^ane refufeo ano oenieo^ano ret oo,contrarr to all rigt)t ano goo con^
fcience. ^no foiafmucf) as rour faio ^;ato;i fenoltjetl) not tlje certainc
number, contents, ne ot^cr ttttaintm of tlje faio euioences , mnes,
iB;jitingSjano munements,no;j tol^erein f Ijey be cowtaineo. ;^no alfo
fo; f Ijat tlje faio %mi*.<^.Wi*anD il.^.be of fo great fubltance anO
rif ljes,ano alfo greatly freinoeD,ano bo<jne in tfje faio Coiintieof mi.
^no rour faiD )^Mto; being bat apo^^eman, anol^auingbutfekt
fteinos intlje faioCountie, tlje fame rour faio iS);dito; is, ano fljaHbe
tl)erefo,:elitbout remeor concerningtjjep^emilfes br ouecomfeanD
o^oer of tl)cCommon lato,anootl)ertDire,t}nleirerourg(DO ILo^oil^ipi^
aioe ano fano? betjnto Ijim (I)etxieo in tljis bc^alfe. 3fn confiijecation
tuljereof? it mar pleaf? rourg(DDE-o.:oa)ip (tfjep^emiifes tenoerlr
onSoere^) to 01;^ tjnto rour faio^^ato j ti;e ^ w^ni?^ mott gratious

t)nto t\}C faio Sf.Mecctuiclee
feucrall Miit0 of Subpoena to be oicccteD
e.(.?&. ano 2n.^ commanDing t^tm ano cuccic of tfjcm b^ tf)e fame
jjccfonaU? to appeetjc in t\)z moft l)0. Court of Cf)ancecie,at a tettatne
fia^ , ants tjpon a ttttaint painctiT? tout g0
iL. to bo limtt^U tf^ttin^

tl\cnannt\^titton\Qkem(\x)tztct\itpitmii[z$ : anofnctfjcctobeo^^
neceD ti^ttm^as fl^all acco;o toitlj g^t auo goid wnfciewfe. ;ano tout
faiD^^ato;4iUoaiIr pja^ f c
Ti&ff Anfwerof IJV.tothe Bill of CompUmt of R^K.HHshdHdman.

^ 1 3 ( -p^^e faio Defendant fait^,t^attljefaitill5ill Of Complamt 15 tjrtcec^

ca. j^ ^^^^ ^^^ infufficient in t^e ^ai ta be anfUjcceo tjnto , ano tlje

niattec tbecein containco tjiitcue, ano principally imagineD, ano put^

fueo bp tlje tnlaiufuU procurement , bearing ant fupportation of one
OT.C.Crquire,to tbe intent to ^\xt tljefaio oefenoant to troubte,coff0,
ano crpencesjintenoing tberebp fo to tjnquiet ano tmpouerilb t^e faio
oefcnoantjas \^t fl^oulo be faiwe to leaue t\)z rigbt5title,ano interelt,of
ano in tlje premieres , fo t^at tlje faio M.
migj)t purcl^afeano bu^ tlje
fame of t^efaio complainant : no of latetbe faio wa.* liatljmaoc
tneanes bnto tl/e faio BI-^noU) oefenoant, to bu^])ii9r title ano inte^
retI,of,ano in tlje premiire,ano t^reatnco }^\m to ^aue t|ie fame, ano
tf ^e tuoulo not let ijim ijaue it iuitt) \)is gooo tuill tljat ttjen ije tuoultr
j^aue it againU Ijis toill^Ui^ofoeuer toke tiia part : ano if ttie tontent0
of l^efaio 315illlDeretrue (as i\M ace not)t?et tsiere tlje matter oeter*
minable at t^e common )lato, anO not in t^^i^ l)om Court, tob^reunto
tbe faio oef.pra^etb to be oifmilfeo : ano^etneuert^elefire,tbeaouam
tage of tbepremilfestnto t|iifOef at all times faaeo. ifor furtberan*
nuertsntotbe faio ^ill for oeclarationof ttre trutb of tbe contents of
tbe faio )i3ilt,tbe faio oef. fait^,ano euerie of tbem faitj^^tfiat longtime
before tbe faio SiM* mentioneo in tbe faio UBiil of Complaint , an?
t^ing bao in tbe fato melTuage ano otber t}^z premiffes,or tbat t^z faio
Ml.l$.toa0tbereof enfeoffeo,s:.U.of p.a:.^ of ^. t mu^
tbeceof feifeo in tbetc oemefne as of fcr,ano fo being tljereof feifeo bi
tbeirtrttingtnDenteD,reaoietobelbeti}eotbefaio melfuage i otber
tbe premiffes containeo in tfjc faio iBill of Complaint, amongft otl^et:
things gaue, oemifeo, oeliu#reo, ano b\? tl;etr faioltsrttinginoenteo,
con6nneo, bnto i}^z faio Mlt. mentioneo in tbe fato liSill of Com^
plaint, ano bnto 0 bisf ^if"^? ^o baueano to Ijolo i)^zmii melTuages,
ano otber i\)t premiCTcs, bnto tbcfaio W.- ano:^*for teimeof V^zit
liues, ano to tbe luife of tbe longer liuer of tbem. ^notbefaiojC.
ano Ctoilleo ano oeclareo in tbe faio Uiriting inoenteo, tbat tlje latD
ijnelTuage ano all otber tbe premises (bouloremaine bnto tbe fato 91*
mexitysneo in t\^z faio )15ill of Complaint , ano bnto 0. b^s ^tfe
ano t^nto X^z beires ano afiTignes of t^e faio 'i^^ fo; mti % Wixti^
and Anfwers. 254.
out tljatjt^t f!)e t^t^WiM* Din infeoflfe,of, aiiD in tlje fain memiagc,
lanU0,t0nemet0,aKD otljcc ttjefato p;cmiaiej5,t^efaiD ;aaM5 0.to |)atie
to t|)0m anu to tljeic '^tits malc;5 of ttjcic tiuo booics latofuU^ begott^
oj t^at tfjc faio 0.ano 0gnes iuece fctfeo of, f in tift^tmiSesin ti^tit
fiemcfnes as of fee taile, as in tfje faiD )13tU of comp! is funnifeo, an&
toitljontt^atrtljataftectfjcDcatlj ofttjcfaio ^tljecemainDecoftfic
p^emifltesin f^fimpl^oifcenoeo t>ntot^0faiD,^,asf3nneanD i^titt
mto t)im,o; tljat after t!)^ oeatii of tI;efaiD ^ano 04ljc faio memjage
anoot!)Ct:t^cp;eimircslJcfccnt!CD, ano ofcigfjt oug^tto oefrcno o;^
come tnto tfjc faiD 3IH. in tJ^c tailcfpcciai as fonnc ano fjeiccmale of
tfjc boor of tlje faiD 0. anD J^gnes latufullt? htQottmj tit\)ct an^ otijec

^tfcent of inljecitance tl;crcin of a majce ftz Umpk , q^ tijat tijc faiD 3*

b? I;i5 cntc^ into tlje faiD meCTuage ano otljer t^e p^emiOes , after tljc
teatf) of t)ts fatfjec anD motljcr, toas t^cn feifeo of, ano in |iis Demefne
as of fa taile fpcciall, o^ of ar.r fuc!) cttate Dieo feifeo? o^ ttjat after tijsj
3?. t^at tfje foio meffuage f otljer tlje p;emiires,oj an?
Deatlj of tl)c faio
part o.ipaccentl)ecof oefcenDcD ano came, o^ of rigljt ougtit to Difcen&
auD come totlje faio copU as fa^otljer ano l^ire mafc to tlje faiD 31. Kb^
tertue-of an? gifto;otljetUire,a0 in t!jei;iU of compl is tjntrulp fur^
mifeD : 3i5ut tlje faio Def.Dca auet,anD are, anD fl^all be at all times rea^

lys to p;ooue,as t|iis j^ono;. court Itial aU)arD, t^at t^e faiD meffuages
ant aUotjjer tlje p^emilFeSjb? anD immeoiatl? after tljeoeatljof tlje
faiD DefcenDeD,anD of cigljt ougljt to DefcenD ano come to one H.
31 .U.

DangljtecanD Ijeireoft^efaiD 3 lalofullt? begotten on tljeboop of tlje

faiD (:.one of tfjefeoefenD.tlje tufjiclj ^as ret in plaine lift , ano in tlje
itiarD ano culIoDp of Ijer faiD motljer : ano toitljowt tljat, tljat an? oecD
of taile tuas maDc,of,anD b\? tlje faio
M.H.tljegranoRuijerjO.: anv o^
tljec 0uiDence,D^Bs,li3;if ingSjO^ munimentsjconcerning tlje p;emif:
fesjp^ouittg t^e faiD infcrcft anotitleof tfje faiD ccmpl, of t!je p;emif^
fes, anD euec^ part ano parcell thereof, to be cgme to tlje tjanocs ano
poOTeirionsof t^efaioi.mr.anD *o^U)ife,o?eitljeroft^em,o?to t^e
culloDf o^poffeflTionofanp otberb^ tljeirDelinerf , conacpancc D^ap
point:nent :buttratlj it is, tljat tljc faio DefcnDan ts ^aue int\)citcai
lloDie,cneio3itinginDenteDreaDD to be fl^eU)eD,tDljerebr tlje remain^
tier of tlje p;emttres is conneieD tjnto tjje faio 0. ano^nes ^ts tuife,

anD to tl>e ^ircs ano aCTignes of tlje faiD ^* fo; euec , as is afo^efaiD,
ano Diners otljereuiDences anDUi^itings , p^oouinganDconcerninop
tfje ronneiance of t]^e fee fimple of t^efaiD men*uage,anD otljer t^e pje^
jttiCTcstjnto tljefaiDa.nnDetljerljisauncello^s, ttieit>ljicljcljartcr,
etiioences, anD Ui^itings,tlje faiD ^efeiiDants do (till luitij tijem Dr^

taineanD keepe^as gcsD ano latofullis fo^ tjje to Do^aftoelfo^t^ep^ofe

ano ^^tttmiitifin att^ix ri^lit^ title; mo intmft^ tjnto tlje 3 part of .

t^ p^emiifeift fo; ttjc Dotujr of tlje fait *u$ fo; t^t p^ctnuation oH^t
m])Uti!ik,mmtittttQon^c(m ^.uaugf^tct anDl)cirefot|)cfaiD3I.'
of^ano m tijcfaio iHeffuagc,cmD otljec tijc p^mxiitcB : tuitljout tl)at tiie

faiD Dereniaue at an^ time tDaonjjfulli? entteo intot^e faiD meffuage,

ano ot\}et tl)cp;cmiffc0, o; into anv patt t!)eceof,o;^ t^e pjofits tljeccof
Do UyongfuUy octatncano feecpe from tljc faitj compl. o; ttje rcnts,if*
fues,anD profits tl)ci:eof, IjaueiujongfuU^ DiftraineD, pecceinco, atiD
taben to t^eic olDne t^fe, a$ in ttje fame bill is alfo t nti:ulr furmifeo.

^ Supplication in the Chancerie vpon deceit hy a Partner,

ii 1. I
, T
X ijimott \^\x\\Mz tuifc complaining l^ctuetli etc. SCfjattuljcrag tjpon
3 7 ^^^ imagination of l)encC:ic ano %m
opinion tljat K.C. fattjectjnto
tioucfaiD ojato;rDeceafeD,l)aD onc2C.2C4c.tl)cfaio J^.abouteaftei;

latt pad, titJ ic^nc in bargainc \\yii}^ tt)c faiD 2D. 2D. fo.: tl)c oeliaccp of
fomucl)Uiai;cs,lul)ei'coftf)cmoitietoai3 tt)c faio H.a0 amounteo to
t[)efummc of etc. tjnto one i -^of tl)e ^l.^aiefiiesi Ijoufl^olD efquire,
foj tl)e tDl)icl) fumme of etc. tfje faiD &.U(dd bounD bi? ttatuce of tjje
staple, tnto tl)e fato U. C. ano 2D. 2D. payable at tlje featt of etc.tljen
ncrt f c. tulnci) tua in tl)e ^eace of ouc ^ouecaigne ic. ^no to t^e in^
tent tl)at t^e fame H. bceing a man of fuel) ^oneftie anD Itmplicitie, an
oiD neitticc fufped:,no;t t?et Doubt tlje g(DD confcience of tl)e faiD SD.lufw
alUiaies toluatD l)im ^ao countecfeiteDfuct) pnutie of confcience, ano
fo ^oneft be^auio^,migf)t tf)c bettec bt> tlje ^elp of t^e fame 2D.come b^
i)i0 Debt, at tbe time to be Due,if l^cfo long Itueo, o^ elfe if l^e DieD,tt|at

tt)e faiD anD fute meaner to f)i$ eicecuto^s fo;

2D. migtjt be as a ffa^ -,

t^e getting of tlie fame, Ijee tbe fame It. tcuffeD to ttje faiD gD.lwit^ tl)e
tuHoD^ oft^efaiD Statute: ^(sueaftei: tl)emaaingoftl)elu|^ic[) bac^
gaine,anDfomeljDljat before tl)e faiD feal{ of etc. t^efaiDit.DeceafeD,
anDmaDe^ouc j2D,:ato;iJ)igC!;Fecuto;i,tl)ei:ebr cljargingfjim astoell
toit|) IP gatjpecing in of allfuclj funis of moncv as UieccDue to t^e faiD
teftato^^as alfo tuit[|tl)e pavement ofall fuel) Debts, as tl)e faiD H. DiD
Otoe. 0nD fo itis,moll gracious llo;D, tljataltfjougb four faiD ^;jaj'
to: {)at[j DiuecfeanD fiuiDn' times fince t^e oeceafe of Ijis faiD ^atljei:,
i:equireDtI)efaiD2L. to l)auetl)cmoitie office faiDetc.Duetot)tmbp e^
^ixitit ano gooD confcience,as erecuto^tmto Ijis faiD teftato?, |c.2DI)e
faiDSC. (noto Deelacing Ijimfelfe toljat Ijeeis)l)aHingtcgarD ncitljei:

to confcience , common l)onettie,

no; ^et to tlje itwVt fje Uiasput in^
tninDingifl)ecan(toitl)tol)atiniuciel^ee cacetl) not) Wteclp to bacre
Coui:fatD);ato;fi:om tl)e!>^uingtl)Oi:eof,anD f)e f)imfelfeagainfiaU
reafon onD confcience to baue tl;e faiD tit* fo; not{)ing : |)att) not onel^
toiti) man^ acigi)ts anD fubtill Delates, lingceD anD DelaieD rone faiD
);ato;long time fcom liauing tfjefatnc ; but alfo noto lately Ijat^
and Anfweres. 25^
I>latn0li> anflueretj ano afficmcD , tijat r our (m ^Mo^ fl^all ifaut m
patt no; pcnic ttiecof,lDi)iclj if it fl^oulD rijus pa(re,|]^oulD be botfj gieat
incouraging to fu(l;i:o.zi:uptconfcioncDpci;rons, fiillto perfeuw in
oemeano; 5 ano m tf^z mcane time , tucMeto i^t txttat
fuel) tljeic letDU
tmpouena)ing of voui faio po;cj;ato.j JMtieccfo^e ma;? it picafsj

l!our ^.il. of touraccuftomcD equitie,toiJUo^net!)e faiD E^. tfjat fje

tepa\) tjnto ^eucfaiD ^^ato.j tljcfaio $c moiiie oftljefaiDije.if fje fjaue
teceiueo it of t[)efaio^. o^iftjefjaucnot, tljatfjcbenolet to ^ouc
faiD D;jato^,tQ doc Vg^iein iu!;at f)e can, fo; tlje obtaining auD Qcttin^
int!;e fanie.^lriD tDu5 (Ijali vouc faiD );ato; Ijaue caufe conti^uaU^ to

p;arfo; t'pc p^ofpeiaiiscEatcofi^oucgojDIlo^Dfl^ipIongto inDuce.

A Billcf Complaifitfor the recouering of Emdcijces made bj cor/tmlfion

by A mauhiprifo-a ivithont confidsration,

\ ^ mod liumble Uiife complaining^fi^clnetl) tinto vouc am

toui;cail?D?atiir3!.iB. 2Lt)atUjl)ei;ca0 in ti^e^eare f cat cfjaun*'
eDtl)eljufbanDof ^ourfaiD^D^atn?:, toget!)ci; tuitfj oue 5c. iorntip

anD feuecalli' to be boiuiDcn a tecognifance of tfjefummcof %t*


iinoluleDgeD befo.ie ^cuc gQD llo^Dajip in t\}t Ii. e^afe!lieJ5 Court of

Cfjancene, fo,: tlje pa\jtt?ent of ?c. payable at a cectainetsa? noiu pall,
^nto one f c. fo^ Myit^ fumuie mt beutg pa v'D at ti)z Dap Due , tljc faio
fc. Ijat^ fncD eicecutiort againft roue faiD pfD^ejSD^atcicesl^ufbanD,
fcj^eteupon Ije inas b^ tije ^^ztitt of %u aaefteD about ic. pal! , anD

irvallt^efaiDfpaceijatljcemaineDin tljc laliuitneg ^aiellics p^ifcii

of ^artljalfcr ,to \)\9 great paine of faoDie, importable ci)argcs,anD in

inaner tjnooingjbotlj of fjim, vour p;c );atrir , ano t^eir fniall cljil^
!i;en,te]^ic{) piteous cfiate of l)i0, ( toitfj ^imfelfe lamenting) after l;c

!>aD toell conttDcrcD,!)C tfjenconmlteo toitfj Ijimfelfejfo^j Ijis bett rcmc^ ^^^^' ' 3 ^
me x\\ t^at beljalfe ? ano tl)ereUntI)aU calling to bis miuDe, t^at IjeijaD
fc^akinfmananDcoufirtcaUcDic.beingof fttjnto iuijom i?our faiD
^>atricesil)iifbanD,fo?tbe^icinitieof blosDjauD abilitieof fubHancc,
lua0bolDertomafee|)ismonc fo; Ijelpe of t^iB l)is aouerfitie, tben
( farre contrarie ts ^b expectation, anD againU^
tjnto ant) otl)er. 3i5ut
all f)umanitic) Ui^encc pourjaiD iD^atricegpajacJjufbasiDlcBljefifoj
moft fuccouc 5 tljence fjcxecciueo not onel^ lean fjdpe , but alfo jko^
tjurt. ifcjtl)efaiD$c. iucll psrceiuiiig a^uerfs elf ate trjat V'our

i2).:atrices pcs^e IjufbanD luas,anD is i\h M)it^ iuajs ti;e grdeDineffc of

tl)e .^ercljant fo; btsf mon\?3ti)C earneil tijougljt ano caccof vour poj^c

^jatriFjanD ijer pa).:e fl)tlD;cn5 anD tlje great iDcfitc t!jat l;er faiD ^m^
tjufbano IjaD (as anp man UioId) of libertiejanDDirrijargc of trouble?
UioulD b\? no meanes p^omtfe Isntoljer fnispcojeljufbanD
iji Ijelpe

lercinj^nleHeljeiuoulDb? content tobarcjaine anD feUaUi;i0laut^,

ttmounting to tl}C ^tel^ rent of f r tjnto l)im t|)e (m if. fo; air
. mm^
itit ofnM* ftetUng t8l)un,uucing!)i5 Ufejano fo? tt)efum f c. tuljeceof

lc*to beparDtiit)anP,tDl)et:euntoroui: TatD p(9;e^;ati;tcei !)u(banD,

tii;on^ t^econtttaint of ^w faio care,toa0 comptUcD to agc<fe,anD to
fealc fucli iaMitiQB a0 tlje faio f c not long after \}t b^ougfjt tc ^tm in^
Dentnrcs concerning t^e fcargaine , noticing ooubting of ic. being Ijia

coufin^but tljat t^^ looulo l)aue fealeo to none oti)er,but onl^ fact) as
confcienceiJDonlDllani) toitfj, atiuljicl) time tfjefame tc.neit^er pa^eD
no? p.:offeceDani?penieof tfjefaio icacco^nmg to ^i9 couenantjtuitlj
tela^ of payment, bet!) agatnH i^is p:omtrc0 ano couenant : ;^fter l^er
f^to pcD^e tiuCband !)aD ttaDteo t)pon,ano tijeretottl^al reao oucr tlje co^
uenants compjifco in tljc faio indentures of tt)ts bargaine , toljicfj tn^
mn (mofi |)ono;able flo;D) tuere fo jpartiallT i3eaifcD fojttje bel)a)fe of
tl)e faiD f c. ano againe , fo fo^ againU ror fato poi^e ^^attices Ijuf^
ijanD,ast (if ttje bargaine ijaotafeenefipect) l^aobeenetotlietttertjnj
toing of l)im ano ^er,luit^ all tljeic Jjeires foj cuer, ^our faio po);e ^^
;atttce$ ^nfbano, taking l)olo on t^e point t^tattlje faio fcpa^o not
t^z fo^efaiD $c. tin at tl^eir nert meeting y renounce and far > tljatlje
tooulonot Hano to t\)t faio conenants ano bargaine , tul^ereunto t^
faiD ic* partly acknoluleoging in t^att)e!)aDnotpateono;p:otfereD
t\iis f cfaiD before futftcient toitnetTcs tjere reao^ to be ruio?ne,]^efl2)a0
contentcD , t)Olobeit i)e faio ^ tl^at ^oni faio pai;e )?atrice0 l)ufbano >
D^oulD par fo?tI)e making ort^eto;iting6 :ifo;t|)e paiment lo^ereof
|)er faii)i)ufbano,a0 t^er ijauingno great 0o;e of monr^t^as fainr to
gine i)tm a goloUing in pleoge , topar t^e^cribefo;ljo?itingof tt)e

fame : 0U t^iB notU)it^lianoing (molt i)ono;ablc llo^o ) ano tt)at r our

faio p0;e ^D^atrices l)nfbano , t)ati) often ano funo;^ie timts bp manr
iuares ant) meaner require!) t^e fame In^itings , concerning ti^z faio
bargaine of t^e faio u* t)e againlt all naturall loue ano l)umanttr ^no^
f i)ing mo?e coneting,tt)en tl;e ertreame oeHruttion of l)er,ano (;er faiD
p(D?e ^ufbano ano toeU perceiuing l^oto far t)c in notu tinable to tjelpe

l)imfelfe,l)atl) tjnterlr oenieo to renoer ti)e fame^no ret oot^,contratr

to all confcience,lal07o;t rigl)t. 31 n conftoeration tul)ereof,mar it like

four |^ono;ablelLo;^oiI)tp,of r our accuftonieo pitie, to call ti)e faio f c.
before rou,togetl)er toitl) t^t tjufbano of teat faio po^e iSD^atrir^ano
t^era to tnill "^ixn to oeliuer tlie faiot:i9;ittng againe to fjer ^nfbano> if

it H^all fofeeme ga>o tnto rour il^ono;^, o^ elfe to fl^eto fufllcient matter
U)l)r l)e fi^oulo keepe tt^e fame* ^no r our faio ;^;atrt]c luit^ j^er po^e
^ulbanO:>ano tlieir p(9;(e ctiilo.ien il^all p;ar l^

andAnfwcrs. zs6^
A Bill of4 tith ofCofihold lands praying an Iniunction,
Htambl^ complaining ic. iout; Dailr /^atti^ M.|S).ot|icctire na^ s^a. i \ g
meu M2^.of Jl confiH anD ijei ofSi.^.otljectDirecaUeD 3^.
tol)ileI)eltucD i^ SD^atlBtjerea^i^oucfaiD ;^^ato:^af ^oticlio^Dfl^tps
lad beeing at f c. J)iD erljibite t)nto rou a cectane 315iU of compl. mm^
tioningtljerinjtljattljB fo^cfaiD 3!^ot[)ei;fcDifc caUeo 3f*2E4n (jbe; life
time luag fcifeo, of, anD in cectaine cuffomacp lanos an& t0netti0nt0,
ictjoloen bi? cop^ of Court^coll of tlje mano^
tl)at is to far, of,ani3 in
of cat tl)CliUoft|)e3lo:Dof tfjefaiDmanoMcco^tiing totfj^cuftom
of tlje fame mano;,of teljicfj one 2b.JL. tljen itja0^,anii ^et is ILo,jD, 0nD
tljat tl)efame 3!0fo being feifeD oftljep^emitrest, afteclDarosof liKe
elfate oieo tbcrcof b^ p.:oteffation feifeo,aftet tufiofe oeatljtIjefaiD ft
tuitl) t^appurtenanceSjano ttjecigljtjtitle^tjrejpoffeflrioH, ano in|ecc^
tance tljereof Difcenoeo anD came, anD of tjec? cigfjt ougljt to DifcenD
anD come tnto ^ouc faio t^;atc^ns coufin anD mxt \ime of t^e faio 3f
^* tljatig to ra^,a5 rongell fonne of Bl.rongett fonne anD leiteof t|ie
fameBl^^accoaDingto tl)e ancient cultome of ti)e faiDmanno^ ;3nD'
tljat ^out faiD ) >ato? l)aD often anD funoj^ time^t DeficeD anD p w<6 -^

tilt faio ic. tljatluitl) la^^jfuUisacning tintotlje tenants of ttje faiD lU

aCouctmigl{tbel)olDenatt})efatDmanno$, b^tol^ofeinquirie, t|e
title of^auclaiDojato^migljt be p^efenteD anD founD in ttje p;jemif<

Ub, acco^Dmg as boti) iuitict , ng|)t , anD gcoD confcience dcd cequice
li^otjobeit mofi^ono^ablello^D, tl^atnottvit^ftanDingr fo^afmncl) as
tf)efameicl)atl)i{eptt|)ep;emiire0 inliis otuno fjmnts tt)ereman\!
^eete^ pad, anD tl^a p^ofitjes anD ta:ue0 thereof commtng , ijatti b^ tlie
famefpaceto|i^olijnepaopect}fet:eceiueDanD ta&en, anD ret Dott),
rour faiD po^eiD^ato;^ coulD neaet; get tlje fame* ic* to i;olDe a Court
tijece,minDing ti^ereb^ \itttt Difinljeciting t)nto tout faiD po^e ^ia^
toh of, anD in t|^e p^^emilTej; ; tlEntill fuc^ timtas ^onc faiD molt ^ono^
rable lto;Dl^ip,moueD toitj^ ^ont: accuitomeD lone to iuGice, anD pitie
toljoatDs pouei:tie,t)oucl)fafeD to gcaunt ^out: benigne letters DicecteD
tottjefaiD fc*tutlling^imtt)ei:eb^lr)it]^ latDfulltDacning giuen tmto
t|ie tenants of ti)e faiD lo^D^ip^tDttimmon ano Uetp a couct of tl;e faiD

manno;{, fo; t^t tuall of t|ie ciglit of roar faiD o^ato; to t()e p^emilTes,
t3pontI)e receipt oftol^icl^ letters ^ tliefaiD $cfnmmoneD anD kept a
Courtatl)isfaiD^ano?of $c.^l)ereattpont|)eopenanD piaineoe^
claration ofroar faiD ^;ato;stitle,togetl)er tuitfjt^e erammation of
Diners lDttnefl[es,b;oug]^t in br tour faiD o^ato;, fo; r one p^ofe of tt)e
faiD title in tl^e p.:emiaies ^ ^nD furtlier,bpon tlje fljeluing of fuel) fub^
^antiall anD ancient eniDencesmaintaining tlje fame t^z homage
tt^ere^itj) c^argeD |ftao?neDiD p^fcntanD fino at tj^e faiD ic (before
b?x iSuppHcations, Balls',
31,^, ^tctuatD cf f;)c ^anit <l -
j ct) tijat itjc fotefaio I* ^* im^ poflTeD
fo^ an:) Ijclo tbe w^et'LUles hi O^opT? of Coutt i^oll , accojtjing to ffjs

cuUcme crtrie faib ntanoj: i'lntJ tljat alfo ijoai: faiD ^Mo; luas roufm
aiiD l;etti? to ti;c fasD Bi & ncco^tjuig to tlje cuftome of tije mano?: tljat
istofaVjroanKefBi^'ponftn: fonne offc a0 b^ttjeCop^ oftlje fame
Couct tolls leao^ to be l^ctueo moac plaincl^ ma^ appcatelinto ^out
geou JL. Sfjei;li3ljtcl) pjefentmentat tlje fame Couct, it toas agr^Jts be^
tixiivt t|i0fai5 ^tctnartj, in ttjcname of tlje fatD ^c^ano roue faiD ^aa^
to?, tljatif tlic faiD ic.luoalD not mtlatt am fljclu tinto ^ouc faiD 02M*
to?, 0? to ^15 learned CounfeU at JlonDon, icitljin one SCecme tl^ett
nejct enfuing,a better title anD inUtcVt to t^e fo^efaiD pjemiites, t^cit
^ouc faiD i?ato? fjao t^m anD t^ecc alreaDp p^oueD , tfjat t|ien tjour
faiD;^?ato?fl^oulDl)aueanDemortljep?emiirej6 to l^im, anD to i}i$
l)eii:c0,acco?Ding to rigljt^equttVjanD gosD confcienf e,anD acco?Ding to
tije cullom of tlje faiD mano?.i5nt fo it iB(moft il^ ilo?D)t!)at altl)oug^
t^e faiD f c ns ^t cannot, fo l^atl) ^ee not b^ ti)e faiD fpace p^ooueD an^
mancr of title,o? colour of title to v p^emiCTes, but onli? toit^ fucli ano
lifeefrauDulentDelaie!,ljcintenDetl)tot33earrtour faiD ^;ato?fj;om
tfjeobtaining of tlje p^emiCfejei, anD if Ije can Difinl^erite l)im hem t^e
fame : Mtl)ercfo?e,mar it f cof ^ouraccufiomablegcoDnes aUuaies to
poucrtie eFtenDeD,to grant tjnto i^our faiD ^?ato? tfit ^Haeene^ mo^
gratious to?it of Subpoena, to be DicecteD to t^e faiD iccominanDing
^im b^ tlje fame,not onel^ to appeare perfonall? before ^ourgoD VuAti
t^e Ijigt) Court of Cl)auncer^,at a certaine Da?, anD tjnoer a certaine
paine b? ?or gtoD it tl)erein to be limitteD : hut alfo to permit $ iuff*
fer tjour faiD o?ato? peaccabli? to l)aue,ljDlD, occupt!,poireire,anD imo^
t^t p^emilTes afo?efaiD,anD tt)e profits f illues of tl^e fame, tintil fuc^
time 30 t^e fame $c*^atl)DuelT!app?oueD better title to tljep^emitteg,
tl)enj[)e|)at|^^eretofo?eDone. ^nD ?onrfaiDpa);eo?ato?^aU|c*

A BiUofComplaint for debimthoutfpecitility,

Scft. 140^ T^moftljumbletoifeil^etoetljanD complainetij tintoi?outgGjDllo.
I four Dail? ^?ato? anD poj.zebeDcman 3I.(0*of %
in tl)c<Dountie of
)dD Sl^^at tD^ere t!;e faiD 31 (.bt? ioa? of p?eft,at t^^c^'eaft of pente^

coftjin tl)e i^^'^twct of t|)e reigne of our ^oueraigne ilaD? t|[)e ^

$paieftief]^atnDii0, DtDDcliuer linto one ^.31 late of tlje ^in
faioCountieof 2l>tl)efummeofi:t)ig* pounDs of latofull mone? of
CnglauD, tobepaieDtmtoI)im attl^ie&aD^of ^aint ^.tljennert in^
fuing, bcfoje toljicl) Dar tliefaiD MX.
b-g \)\5 laft 1ml! anD teHament,

conftituteD anD maoe one (^. tt^en f)i0 tDife,f)i0 erecutri)r,anD DieD,anD
left tjnto t^e f<(iD (i^* tl)en ^10 emutrij^: of |^t0 oUm proper goiD^^ (all


Hii9 ArtiWere^. ^ -
f)wMtfi ^m^Y rummesf 1 6b:it.pffe]^eni^|jf0 eMto^fuRft;^)?
m^ mmttmtB ^atf) teqm^ep pmmcnt oftljefai^ i'S-^vtii^ic]^ to cbn^
tf nt ant) par jtlje fatii <S biB-neiret t)f tetl^ tJenfe, biitdto '(jui'te ce^tt
Toj tf)0 paimcnf of tijc fame, antj bcfo.je t!;e Taiu ^. i>ii>cotttene att pa^
antpcnroftJrcfaiOiS^ftitljefatoCB.ontieuDcatf) beb, bt Jetlaft Ml
anuteHmnmttjiotonftituteanomafeeone 3!^^ct: fonnel^er mcuf
toa)antimeo,anirlefttt)f)imrfftrientcff tl)c grnjojj of ff^e fai^ ^*foj
ttjccontentattonatttjpatmchtof t[]rtj fame rtjiitj.lt. am aftcc meD,a^
t^enl^!)iifeKatljtfjetoiiwimpIamantDail^,fnnD^I?, f man^ times
teqmwbtljefaiDBf.^'ttconteittanD partjntot>imt|efaiDfummc of
i8.!i.lul)Ul^ to tKi0jf)c ^0
at all times i:cfufeD,anD ^$t ootl), contcatie
te^tig^t anD$o-f onfcience, to tlje trttec tjrtbottig of^ouc pm.:e;;ato;
(oitatti Bro fo? becatrfe rowt ^^cJato; Ijatjr'hb fpecialtie, ^fjctcb^ [jfc
tB^ulo cljacgc tlje crexuto; o j tfje erecutcirtjf t Je faiote^L^l^e is tfjtceo
fio;je tuitljout temeuie by of t|)e comwion ilat of t\fis cealme,
tl>e o;juer

anD ts Ufee ttteclr to lojfc tfje faiD x^itj.M^nMtvout gcatious fauouc

be to btm f^etoeo in tins bcljalfc : pm tenuec confiocration ti)!jecedf,tt
inartj[ietefb;:ep!cafetoargfflD!L.(tf;e p?emiflfefi confio^0i))to gtartt
t^e'^9^aietiie0 to jit of Subpoena.to be oicefteo to t^e faiij Bl^^.com*
manoingljimbvtljc fame perfoiiaUr to appeace before ^cgortJjLo:
in tire ^lueenes moll gcacious Coutt of Cfjancecie ic

Tvithout fpecia/rte, '^V ci3i]hnt P4t4

TIpefaiDSf^^'b^p.joteffationnotlmoUiing tfjattfie fatocompla^^ 5^^. ,

nant oto oeliuec t^e fata WiX*in ttje fato bitt nameD, t^e fumme
of eigl)tfieHepounO0,o; any part t^ceofjtp toa^ ofpjeli^as in t^efato
bill is fucmifeo : l^efuctljec faitl);,SC^att][)Cfaio bill of complaint is ^n*
cectairieanB infufficient iii tbelaio to be anftoeceb'^nto, anti mnc^ of :.> .-0
tbe mattec tljerein conterneo x$ faineo ano imagineOjfoj bejratton ano
trouble of tfje faio3I. ^* nottoitpanDing tl?e apnantage thereof to
f)im at all times faueo : SCfje faiij^^^.foj ftittfj:;an(\JDm tJhtiitbc
faiD )ill,faitf), SDjjat long timtbefo;^ tlje fait 0.31. toas tohttitiiteo
lino maoe erecutcir bnto tlje faio M*t^ tljc fato C'. toas wiattieb tjnto
oneH^fat^ecoft!)isoefenoant,b]pt^efpareof ttDentiei^eares, ctnb
:!no?e,to|)irijfaioK.^b^!)islafttoill ano teUamcnt conffitMteo, au
OaineOianomaoe tl)e fafe C&.ano tljc ^nm^.^t^t^tftitfr^^ti^
'^^Mo left to tfjeo?oeci?nlDioifpofitionift|^tai^ ejfc^^ ]frm
c^elsof!)isctonc,to tfjetjaltieoftUjoJin^iifeb ynniDFteiikSlfi
aboue. ^lltofiicljgtDOsanotatteisfo^tlje-iniia pattwlfefln]^ 'iii
mgano temainwg in tlje ijanoes rnio cnaootC'o'f tjVi^o^Ml^eftjb
5^fe fame
Supplications, Bills,'
'^rdmeQ^*mai:t:teo and toihe to l^urimnt) t^efiaio m:t*iD})Ki) (ainWl*nt*
tttt^tmamage\)an bettDffiiielHmani>t|)efaiDCiiiixmifpenD,tDaff,
anDconftime oftt^faiCi ga>O0an^ cf^tteUt late of t^e fame )$.^ to
tf)0t)alueanorumineof one {)unD;cD anofoatic pounos S^Ung ano
aboiie. ^no aftcc tljc faiu M.il bv fjijs latt Mill ano SDcttamcnt oi^
nameDanDmaoctberaiDC^emutai: tljcceof, ano oteD a to^ po^a
man,f)aumg no potuec of goos no: cljattcls at tl)e time of ^10 oeatl; of
|)i0oU3ne,to tl)tialucof ttoentie drillings ttccling* 0no afterfearp
tl)efaioCl;.bp|iei;laatoiUo^DcineDtl)i0 ^efenUant erccuto/t^ceoi,
ant) meij,fitl)ence luliofe oeatl) tl)ece IjatI) not come to tlje tjanog of tlji^
^efenoant of tl)e gojDs late of tl)e fato M a- to tlje tialue of tluentie
i]^illing0lieding,\uitl)outtl;aje, ti)atti)eraiOMl*..at ^i^oeatl) Ie(t
tmtotl)i?ratbc^*of ^i^olune p^opec goos, totfje fumme of one i^tm^
D.zeD pouao ouec I)is Debts pa^eD,o^ i?ct tlje fumme of tiwcnt? WUng0
fiet:Ung^o^tl)at tl)efaiD<II;aftec tl)c oeatl)of t^e faiD^.ll.oioeuec
confento^agcee topai? t^fai^cigl^tttire pounD0 tntotfje faio Com^
f>lainant,o;j m
cequiceljim to tefpitc tfje.papment tljeceof, 0; tljat tl^g
fai^(. at t^e time aftjecoeatl) left tjntotlje faio H>efenDant fufficient
bftl)e gnaw eft{)e faio <i2I.ll.fo<jt^e" contentationanDpa)?mentof tfje
faib eigljtccne poum)0,a5 in tlje faio bill of complaint tjntcuelp is (uu
mifeo ^no Uiit^outtl)at,tljatan^ otljcttljmg comp;ifco m tlje faiD

faineDbilloftl)caro?eraiD3I'iui)itf)i0 mateciallto be anfUieceo tmto,

anointt)i0anrvDe>:enQt confeireD>auotoeo>o; tcauecfeOxM! tcur* ^il

u BiHofCompUint vpo cer taint griefes , requtrit^g 4

writ of Certiorari,

A f^2 T^modiamentabletiufc ^luetl/tinto rout goli 2ba^D(l^ippe,roar

lijaa^p^eo;atfl^3.M.of ilcnoon, SDljat tuljccc oneja^.oflUn^
Don afo;efatD ^ercl^ant Kailo; bo;to^eo of roue faio ii);ato; ttaeluc
{KiunO0let:ling,tobeparcDto t^efatOfcat a cectaine oar bettuisne
tt)em agt:eeO)tQi)tc{) oar loa0e);pit:eO,antvtt)c faio fumme afmonev not
parcti^^t)ecefo^ct|)cfaiDH*fo;tl)ati^c l^aonot teattr moner,DeCi;ei)
routfuppliant to take a cectaine Incite b;oao clofl)tnpatone, contag^
ning fo^tie vaaj0,cut pace3,foj t^c faio tiji^elue p8un50,\J3^iclj clot^
IdbaBfolbanooeliueioDt^ toni^fdiD idD;ato;t^i^^4 15iU of fale, tnljecein
.l^efaib^a^.((ai|Pt|j^iMio>toft fame iSill tJ^cU^
',!tcjD,2n^atiftit)etocloi(|)toerenot^ 5ar ceiiaine,iiitlM5

faio Bill limiteb 3|
t^at tlien tlje fame clot^ to be to t^e onl? ^fe of pouc
taii o^ato;>fo^xobitentattonano t]o|)ole|^nentof t^^ fato;:tjipouno8*
, ... ' - ^inc.
andAnlwei^^i;';^^ 258
^mtct^etojiicljttmetfjcfaio^.counrcllfti rotic faiD );ato;j to put
foo;tt)t^ratt)clott)tooncll,9^. of2lont)cn^|)ettman,tobe0 oteDof
feaccall colonrs fo; lji5 moft p;ofit,b^ t!)e mcanes lu^ecof i^z fato OT
tuajj contettteD to take t\)z faiD b;oaD cloatlj fo? tfjc paimcnt of tljcfaiD
mone^, anDaftcrtoacu tfjcfaiscloatfjluaflDelmcccatotticfaiulL.s]^
anotPtt^mCFcuarcfifaftrrttieoeliuer^ of tfje fatOflotfjtotfiefaioiL.
one H,^,&paniactjaffirnietra plaint of Debt againft ttjefaiD ^.and
accojcingtotljecuffomeof tfjcciticof JlonDon, fjat!) caufcD ;Attaclj*
mcHt to be maoc of tfje faio b.Joao r lotfj^a Debt bnc br tfjc faio ^.tjnto
t^c faiD U.toljerast^ faiD dotf^tsroucfaiD o.:ato?0t ^ottoitljttaiv
mng bp ceafon of tbe faiD attacbment,rouc faiD o;iato; cctaineD conn^
fell in tl)e(5uilDballoC Honoon , Ijob^ce tljemattectuas ataniCToe,

tu^crcapon (b^ Jwi^t? iuag impancUeD, fines tfjctuj^ic^timcfojtfje

fpaceof t^^acourtDaties, roue faiD o;ato; DiDgmcattenDancetbere
to tiaue t^efaiD matter t^cat^D) anD tf^e faiD plaintife f Counfell toontu
not fufiEisctbe faiD Biuc^ to appeare,fo long as tout faiD fuppltant DiD
appl? anD pucfue bis caafe,toit^ effetf Ijeecein. ^d fo j tbat t^ fatb
U^nD ^is Counfatle UioulD not p:eceeD in bt0 faiD a(tion,T>our faiDe
o^ata; fuppofeD,tl^at ttl]^oulD notno;e bee ralleD bpon > h^ ecrafion
tol^ewof.^ott!: o;ato; being aiwutbw bwfincifc m t^eCountrer^iii t^e
meane time^t^e fatD K.^.toitl; t)i0Connfel(bauing ItnolDleDgetbat
lw)ncfaiD o^tu^tuag out of tl^ citie,anD in tf)ecounti:e^)inffantlr la*
ijonceD tfje Kur? toappearcin tl^e abfence of rcur faio o;ato,j, anD b^
Ij^eic fttbttlf ie anD ttaft tbe faiD Blucp DiD appeate, anD paffeD againft
50UC faiDo?to;j,conti:at^ to allngf)j,latn^nDgooDconfcienf e, l^<c|)
tJ^aUbetotijegreatimpoueufi^mentanDbnDoingof veur faiD o^ato^
to; euer,bnleaerout gooDilo;Dn^tps latjufullfauour anD fuccoucbeto
ijimll^toeD in i^\% bebalfe 3ln confiDccation tu^ctcofjinigbf it tfjerei
fo;e pleafe rour gcoo Lo^DOjip to grant tfje Siueenes tu;it of Ccrcio-
rari,tobeD<tecteDtotbecpaio^ anD ^beciffesof JionDon,tcmmaitm'
Ding tbem anD euerr of tbem, \}y> tjcctuc of tge fame, to rcctific befoje
souc gfflD Ho^iDll^ip in tbe jSluaJH0 moft tjonojable court of Cljancecp,
at a cectaine Da^ b^ roue gooD HojDd^ip to be limitteD, tlje faiD attatb^
ment,anD all tbe matter toncccningt!)e fame^anD to craminc t^e faio
matter,anD all tlje feljole arumGancetbereflf,anD to ItanD to fuel) tp
Der anD Direction tberein,a0lltinnftanDUjit[) rig{)t5cqaitie,anD gooo
confcienr e* j^nD r^ur faio ojato? fl^all p^v^t? to <5oD fo; tl)e p^eferuatt*
on of ^oc gooD }Lo;D(]^ip long to continue*

, %^^ j|*
812 Suppli^^a^ioftSjBils,

V u4 !j^ ffp^Ti ^ -^*^'^ hath pafed tn a matttr jvrfik

Ino^ablc gooD3lo>oC^ip, ^omc poo^cfupplianC auD contmual;;ato^'

p.omt.tDf tl)cciti8oflL)iBMei:, SCfjaf tu|etca0 one ;a{!p.oft!)e
faiD cif ic maccl;ant ftimijjcc initljin tlje "aio citictoas poffcflTeD of>anD
intcchine Unnen ctotj)05>to tljeljalue^of ^oatilecUng,! to t^
fuppliautfi kuotoleBiQ^ t]^en,antia0 t!^t30Df !)is olunc mcetc p;opcc
gooos ano c^aftel0,anD fo t^ccof being poffeCreDjtlje fameU)itl;m tljc
faio tie ijeliuece?) to ^ouc jwi;c o;ato;,being a llB^ofeecfafeli? to feespe
ano to fell an^ mercljsnoife bn tl)e Dtfccetion of vouc poo^e fuppliant,.
to t)j| ljl> of i^0 Clio <i^. Up fo^f c tjDlieceof, i^oiic ojato; maoc falelpce^
o^toTt^taii peijCpneUnttiin tl)efamecitie,anp tl)e niohei^,Qajiji,anjaj
maccjauDifestljccebf t^eiucD ^0
taUenjOeliueceOtnto tfe* faio ^.
;attO fc it i{,ngljtl;ono,jabIello^o,ti)at after anO fuuc tl)e falet()ei'0^

ofmaDe^oneBI^*^accl)antllt:anget:,p,;etcniung a p;op6itie in t{)e

commenrcD an aaion tjpon l)t0 diz a^
fo;e(atD lihvien clotljeg, t^atb
G^ihflc.pptt5 gobefup pliant in tlje (5 ailoftaf U fct ano b^ing tMitl;iniiJe
fo;^aib(ilie>befo;et!>c^b^t:iffed tljeceof^ano thereupon ^atf) deda^
tfiO tl)at tlje fdio 31 ttjoulu ^aue loS tljofe gooo0,ano t^iii tl)c^ came ta
t^e IjanO^ ano gqCTeCttan o f pour pcp^e fuppliant tuitl)infmo citp bp tl)e

t^ ipi^ j^-et. ^no fUUlje^mo^e tlwt ppuc|)0o;e ^^ato; A^aa fqnJJi^

titfle^SEcqijuiets to JijiaUc oeltueranre t^ietcof tp t^ faio Bl^auDtljot ce^
fufeD,aiiotl)c fame aftcrU)atDroloe, ano tfie monep tijeteof receiueo-
couuerteo to pour '^h\tQi$ Ijfe to ii3lj|k^ matter one 3i*^^pou^-

poo^e ^uppUant^ ^tturnep, raO^l^ tuit^out aouifement 03 vounfeli

tlj^eiji tal^eii, faio t [)at po iif pop^c 4^^^
nojinp p^itljeceofj^)3i~*l^^^ r^me matter, iu]^etl)er anp ^lij
thereof U^assmabe bp pour fuppliant 0; not, an 3 Hue ioas tafeeii, anb
lurietcieo, fioo.me,anD c^argep^fouuD afale naaoebp pouriJOo^e

);ato; of ttiefaid clothes (ae t^e truetl) ttMs) nptljing rcgar^io; to

l|om t^e p;opertieof,t})e faipgoooe)3 Uiai;, at t^etime of t()e^ (tXi,
ttierebf aiatiepbecaufecf tl^e^Ica rotjiiaouifcijlp pleai)eOt> it ^^^
feSieo in popnt of iuogement , ti)e p;i)pertie thereof tabee in tj)eraid^
i.^tatU)ifoiti0,rigl)tl)ono;able)Lo}D,tl)attt)e faio 3tturnepmtg^t
%mz tafeen an 31 tue, tl)at pour faio iD^ato^ folo m flotl)cs of the faio
3. bccaufe of truetb tlje clottjes itjere fi)e proper 0
tiotijeg of ^Ije raio
ano not tbeclotl)e0 of ttjiefaio Bl^^ni? fot!)e3lurie {$oulo t)aue tried
4n lul)om tt)e p;opertie ^as? ano becaufe tlje p^pertie iuajs not put
andAnfweres. 259
in i([i\e, ttje 38urie |aD no luacrantte to enquire tfjecof,ant> in cafe tl)tn
Ijao bane t^e clotljes of t!)e
faiD J. as t^cp tecce not intiau, isouv poi^e
o;ato;! ous^tnot b^ o^Decof tt)e lat to I)aue baene cliargeo, becaufc
tl^e^ toere oeliueccD to ^cat i2)jato j br tl^c ^ams of t^e fo.jtfaio ;^. to
feU,ann ^our o^ato;^ Dio acco^oinglt i^no tiie moncr, gcous, ano \mt^
c^anDif00t!)eceofu;ccieD,Jjeliuei;eB to t!)e faiD 0 ano fo if ani? ti:er^
paffe o^tujong teas Done to tlie faiD 3. it hias Done b^ttjefaiD^. anD
net bt>rflut:raiDo;ato),againftiD^omttjcfaiD3!.ma^ta!jet)U5 action,
if oj rout p;e ojato;^ at t^e timz of t^e faio action commcnceD,neit|ec
l^aD t^e faiD goDs in i^is poCTcffionj nc m^ otfjec tfjings in Iteu o; confix
tttattQtx of t^fame gcDDs.^nD alfo tfjeie is a cuffome toiffjin tljefaiD
^itie^ tt)at if ani? tapljoiacr o; iB^oktt fell anr gortjs tuittiin't^e
fame xtiB to an^pccfono; pecfonscf tf>e fame Citic, tjpontljeDe^
linecieof an? pei:ron,fo?,o^ at t[jc cequcft of [jim [jauingUiitneffc of tfje
DeIiuci;iett)0t:eofto|)immaDe, o;b;ing out tlje pactie tj)I)o DeliuereD
t^emljnto{)im,n0t being l)imfelfc particcps criminis, fljoulD be Dif^
c^acgcD,anD not DamnifieD fo? tljat ^is offence Doing in mining falc
tieceof 3nDalfob?tljeo;Deroftl>0commonlaUjesof tl)is i^ealme,
amancommingimmeDiatly to tVjt poCTcffion of tfje gtoDS, not being
partie to t^c ficft Iti^ong, l^all not be e IjacgeD in an action of tcefpcide,
mattergjO? an? of tljem, if tlje? ^aD boene pleaDeD, |)aD beene a

anD becaufetlje? toecc notpleaDeD, i?ouc

rufficientiHattei; of bacce,
pCD^e^ppliantcoulD not be ceceiueD to gine tljcm in euiuence to tfje
31m:ie,anDforouEpffl?eiD;ato; islifeeto pavtnto ttie faiD 3lt!)e \3n*
lue oftl)efaiDlotf)e0,t!jCfaiD3I!jauingno p;opertie, rigljt, no? title
totlje famejtnleffe ?oui; mott ^onoucable llo?D^ip5 fauoui; be (^eU>eD

f^zttin* inconfioerationtoljerof, it mar pleafe rourmoft l^ononra^

bleilo?DI^ip,tl;ep?emiirejjtenDet;l? confiDereD, tograunt t!)e icings
moftgcatious ^cit of Certiorari, to beeDirecteDto tfje^fjecifeoftfje
faiD Citie,ccmmaunDingtl^em anD euerie of t^em to entire befo:e
^om:gfflDilo?Dfl^ippet^elu^oleref0?Doft!)c p^emiOTes DepcnDing be^
ftj?e t|>em,o?. ziti^tt of tfjem in t^e JUingst molt gcatious couct ofC'^an*'

cerie^at a cectaineDa? b? ?ouc gesD ILotDl^ip to be ItmittcD, anD t\\ttzt

gtaunt t!je !^ings moft gratious
in ftirt^ertop.:oc3eD,anD fuctljei; to
anD fpeE;Di0lD;itof Subpoena, tobe DirecteD to tfje faiD 3! commaun^^
DingfjimperfonaUyto appeare before ?ouc gcBOHojol^tp iwt^z faiD
Couctof C!jauncedeatacectaineDa?,anDtjnDei: a cectainepaineb?

t^r ., > -7? .,: . J .. .: ....: -o;:!;;!

Supplications, Bills,

tht [atde
ftlkesandveLets.fut hishandtothedebtbookeofthepnrceis ef
nikesandvelmts^mtnefsiva his debt for the fame: ad aftenvardf the

pUtntifefor his betterffctmtie ofhisfaid

debt, made him aM
ofhts hand
the fUmtifs afterwards at the deftre of the
for thefame debt: and that
rcer proQnred hiseldefi brother to become
bound to the faid Mercer
the Mercers promtfe^to take
for thepaiment oftheplaintifesfaiddebt.vfon
no advantage thereof.vntill after the
death of the piaintifesfather, jifter*
wards theCHercer dieth inteflate,aHcUheadmimfiration of his goods it
commttped to R. A. by a pra^ife of the /yiercers creditors,
The admtmfira'
tar bringeth anaUioHof dek agatnfl vfionMsfatd Xtlt of
the faid plainttfe

debt : and alfo threatncth tofne

theplnintife and hts brother vponthe faid
that he tendrtd the debt t9
booke of parcels, And the bond: and thcnfherreth
the admtfteftrator, who refnfed thefame, andfo

^'j,fS>ii|c,fight honorable Sir lo. P. Knighi,Lorxl Keeper

^5^Mti ^,T(jnM- of che great Scale of England.

c s^
l|,om: jjaij^ ;a)^ato.j %^*
C^entleman : SD^at lDl)Cica0 roue ;i>^ato?:
bttng of late fecuant in Ijoufl^DlD to t!)C ii%\)t IjoiiO^able fie C.^.fenig^t

oftljemoft noble o^ocr of X\)Z ^aitzt oereafeD, late Cl;aunwUoj.of

CngUljauhig tijen fmall maintenance from 31 2D. cf ^ in tlje Coim^
lit of C. Cfquicc Ijts fatt)ec, DiD mafee l;i5 eUate fenoUien tc one ^ W*-
of JloHDon qpcccecncUi oeceafet, beingrouc faiD ;^;:ato;0 tjcr^ wktz
kinrcman,\l^olas content I ogiue jouc faio )?ato; xieDite fo^ iu<
wecgpatcela of filfecaanDteluets, at runD.:r times, amounting in tije
\ iiiljcle to i\ft fummc of ?yi|li.o^t^erabout5,fo; tije M)ii'^ ^sui o^ato^
t3iOfubrctibel)i0^anDtotljeDebt bUc of tfje faio i|i.)B tu^erein (^z
im parcels of ftlkes; luecc cotjne tjnoec tlje fame pai:cels , Uttt^

ttcITina tljcfaiD ocbt. ^iiu at anot^ecttme after t!)at, roar faio iDiaj
DioVealeano i^elinectjnto Ijimabill of ^'ouc ;,3ato)5lPofns fo^ljtij

bcttecfecucUieoftijepavment of t!)e faio tscbt. ^m

taufer'Our^;ato;^ljua0butat5onget;b^ctl)er, tijefaioj,^. "B* teficco-
^out0.2ato;'top<iocm:eJ[)is el5ellb,jotl)ei;^0.JcD. fotme unD ^citcappa^
cant of tl)e faio 3! *S)fc!;itl)e better fecuutie of t^c n^iODcbt t^become
bouna to tijc faio jfi llSfbg obligation fo;^ tijc painrujit t of ii)t faio Debt
pawHifing neucctijeleiTe to talie no aouantage of tlje faiij >bligation,
no; to pi: t tbefamein fuiteuuringtbelifeoftljefaio 3I<E>.lul)etcpon
t{)efaiDP^^t^oaciaD.iatoj5reque(t niD become bcuno tot!;efaiae
^.iS.b^ obligation acco^oin$lv? ani) Vpm:;^ato; oioitljen feale ano
andAnfwersI i6q
Deliaec to tl)ejfattj 5^,E>.t)is bjotljcc a counterboiiJ) to fau^ljim ^acnte^
lelTe from tht faiD j2)bltgatiom &>o aa tj^efaioili. 513, hv tj^c feueraU
meanes afojefai^ Ijat 3.fcuct;aUiiinusofaffut:aiice! oj fpedalticsfoji
one ano tt)( felfiS fame nthUt^Bt is to (avM& Debt boh fubfccibet) tutt^
I)oui: o;ato?s i)ant),a btl of Debt fealeD ano DeltuecoD tjnto l^mi b^ roue

ftiato<i,anD m
obUgatioii fcaleD anD oeUiiereD tinto l^im bp tlje fatD p*
SaD^^nD note fo itts,tf it mav picafe ^our gajDt.t^at t^c faiD ^*1S>* i
lately 9eteaf0O:)afeet: iDtjufe Deccafe t^e aDmmtlicatton of tits gjSDdatiD
catteht 10 committer to one 11*^* an tjnfenoton pcrfon tljat cannot be
foutm,tDl)ore name is but bfeD bi? ot^etis mall tnconfctonable futtea
if o; if it mai? pleafe t?oac goD llo* i^* ^. 0lDennan of %Aintion,UMl

anDif.^p?ctenDingtl)feinfelue!5tobecrei3iio;s of ttjefaio^.B^ljs^
utng p;ocutei>tf)e faiD bill of Debt anD obligation to bee fetouer tnto
ti^n, i)au6 t^eceu(K)n not onl^ commenceo fuit in t^e ^u maiedie^s
coott ofCommon pleas at ^ethntnftee^in t|ie name of ti)e faiD K,;^.
ad aomtnillrato; of ttje gooDS ano cattcls of tl)c faio ^.115^gaind tout
fatD o;ato; t>pon !)i0 faiD bill of Debt of 20. it but alfo Doe tf);eaten to
commenw one otl)ec fuit againfi tour fain ^Mc; tpon t!}eraiD Debt
boobe,anDaliberuite againfl;t|)eraiDip.E>.t)pon ti^t faio )bligation*
^nD albeit touc faiD o;!ato; l)ane nintts am
funD^r times oafeceo anD
tenDeceDfo pat? tfje faiDDeb^of zt.litotlje faio aDmimttrato;^, iDitl)
fuel) reafonable colts ano erpences as batf) been bp i^im eppenoeD, anD
belloU'eD in tt^e faiD fuit at tl)e commoit laU),anD is teaDi^ to pa^ t^z
fame|^etncuecffjeles tfjefaio Ha.K,^.l^.manD jf.^.tjo refufcto
accept tbeteof.^nD tlje faio H,^,ic do tjetv Ijoteli? p^ofecutc tlje faiD
common lato in t^jename oftf^faioH H.conttart? to equity
fuit at tbe
anD confcience,! Do p;iocuieanD caufetticfaiD ^^toabrcnt tjimfelfe,
foas )?ouc faio o^ato;j cannot tell UiljecetofinocbtmtoDeliuectjnto
i)im an V pmtSt to compell bim to anfbece to Ijis fatD lanconfcionable
Dcaling:^inD ret f faio fuit at tljc common lalu is Uil p<iofccufeD in ^is
name b v tbe means f p;jocucement,anD at t\}Z coftes f cbacgcs in latu
of fl}efaio H.^4c.o?b)? fomc of tljc,Uibo baue pjocuieo tfjcfato Debts
to be altigneD anD fet ouccbnto tfjemas is afo;cfaiD.3In confioeration
tolieteofjanD fo; tl?at it is againft ail confcience to taUeaouantage of
t^e .'aiD treble a^ucances maoe
one feltiefame Debt : anofo^tljat
tjouufaiD^^ato; h^ tbe Due coutfe of tbe com*
is tcmeDtlelTe tfjciein
monlaUies of t!jisrealmc,anD fo; tljut ^oucfaio o;ato;is ceaopto pap
t^e p;incipall Debt being 2 ? li.togetbec tttl) rcafonable colts of fuit e*
^a)? tberefo^epleafevoucgooD )lo;dl^iptograunt bnto ^oucfaiD

o;ato;t^e^umaie&ies moft gracious U};itof Subpoena, to bee oi^

tecteD to tf}t(m K3H^f c commanDing t|iem anoeueri? of t^m\
toajppeareperfonalliS befo;c^ourgaa)lio;Dl^ip in tier ^m^e ^g^
lii^4 Court
tmit of CliancecT?>at a certatne oa?,anD DnDer a mtaint paiire t^tt*
into be h^ tout 5^ ito^Dfl^ip limitcD^t^en anD
tljere to anftogt to tlje

a;eniiffcs,antJ to ttauo tjnto ano abioefuct)

furtl)ec 0;joei:anD rjitectiom

tl)etein,a;3 to tiouc gooD itojofi^ip d^all (mm

to fiano iwiti) tuflfice ano

equitiejano touc faio o^atoj H^all oail? pm ic

j4 'Biltcdnteimng that a nvidowfeifed infee of three meajfes &, thereof *-
the performance of her laft WiH and Tefta-
feoffed difters perfons infee fir
went^and by thefame pje deuifed the faid meases &c. to herpme in tails
aenera/lmth diners remainders otter ^and died. That the deuifee died.ha*
utng ijfae thepUintife, That thefeoffement and will is come to the defen^
dants hnnds,That bj celonr therofhe hath entredand expulfed the plain-
tife^and hath made dinersfecret elates to diuers vnknowen perfons to de-
fiaudtheplaintife of his apt remedy hy the common law^andfo fraiethpro
cejfe againslthe defendant.

To the right HonorablcSir T.E.Knight,Lorci ICccper

great Sealc of *-^.
of the,^,wwv^w.

**^ fjumbletwife complaining fl^etuctl) bnto ^our gooD %Q^t*

A 145
'i^ip yiQwi Dail^ i?atoj 3I-^.labouter. 2E^at toljcccas U.cB5. tuiooto
toas lattjfuUi^ fcifeo in Ijcc oemefne a0 of f, of, aro in ttjjee moaffes,
tlDcnt^ acres of lani),meaooto,leafotw,anD pafture,toit j t^e appucte^
nances, fet,lring,anti beingin ^m tl)eCountteof 113. ^nxx^iY^z fain.
M.dS.beingforeirco of alltljep^emicres, oioof tl)e fameaboutfo^tie
^eareslaft paftenfcoffe cectaine perfons, SDoljaueanoto l)oloe to
t^em ano tljeic Ijeires, to t^ie tife ano perfo;>jnance of tJje laft toill^D
SCettament of tl)e faio H,<S* ano b? t^c fame Ijer Mill oeuifco all V^z
pjemiffeSjO.: tlje tifc tljcrof to Ijer fonne Ml,ilB*ano to tlje Ijeires of ^ia
boo^ latofnll^ begotten, tuit|) Diuers remainoers ouer, ano meo, b^
ano aftet lutjofe oeatlj, tbefaio ^,113*into t^ep^emiffes ntceo,ano
toastlbereoflatDfull^fcircointjisoemefncasof tk taile generall b?
fo^ce of tl)e gift afo^efaio.^no tliefaio M.B,fo being feifeo of t^e pae^
mi(tes,oieo of fucti an eliate tl)erof fetfeo,br ano after tss^ofe ogatl) t^a
fame p^emtiles oio oefceno ano come to r our faio o^to^as fonne ann
^eireof t^e booi? of t^efaio M,B.b\? fo^cc of t!)e oeuife afb;efaiJ, b^.
txafonts^ereof, i^ourfaio oMto; into ttjep^emiflfesentred, ano tuas
tliereof fetfeo in liisoemefne as of fee b^ fo^ce of tl)e faio gift in taWg
t^e iffues ano profits accojoingl^, t)ntilUf late, tl)at is to fa^,about
foure )?eares lall paff,ti)at as liitU ti)e faio mr^ of fes^ment ano laH
iDillano teaamencafo;erato,as alfo Diaecs otl^erenioences^clyartetis,
-^fcripts? anomimtments^ jconoming t^e^ p;emiflp^s ? are bp cafuail
andAnfwers. irfc
mtants come to V^t^^anna^cutton^, ano polTelTtoti ofotteK.^.of^.
afo^efaiD iit t!)e faio county teomaii,tDf)o br colcuc 0f ^autng of tfjim,
not onl? entceo into tl^e p;cmi(re5,anD tfjerof crpalfeo roucfaio

o;ato^,but alfo l)atl) contciuco Dtuecs feccet eaateg to Dtuccs ano fun^
D^^ perfonB to ^ouc o^ato; tn^noUin in pucpofe to oeftauo ano oela^
tout: faiD o;iato? of Ijis apt action ano ren^cDf b p t[)e coutfe of tfjc com*
mon latues of ttjus cealmcjfoiCEcoiieci? of tlje premieres, to ^ouc o^a*
to^B tttec tjnooing^anD Oi(tn^ei:ttancefo;teut:* j^no foaafmnc^ as
torn: faiD o;tato;i fenotuett) not tfje certaine number,no; tfje oates ano
contents of tl)efaioeuiDences,cfjaitei:s,efmpts,o;muniincnt0,noj
Yetlubeceinttje fame be eontaineD,ti:il)etf)ec in bagge,o;i bore, fcaleo,
o; tjnfealeo^o,: in c^ett locfeea 05 \)nloc!ieD jb^ ceafon Uiljerof ^our faid
o^ato^iscleaceli?tuitl)outaUcemDi?fo; t[)er;cfouect tljereof bp t\}t
ojDinaci? courfe of t^ie common llalueB of t^ia rcalme Bin tenoec con<
fioeration t3yl)ei;eof,mat it pleafe ^ our gooo lloiOC^ippe, tlje p?emi(rcf
confiDeceDito grant tjnto vouc fato o^ato^ t[)e iStuectxB maieaies molt
gracious lo^it of Subpoena.to be Dicecteo tnto tl^efaio K.Ml*comma^
fiing ^im tljeceb^ pccfonallp to appeace befo;:e ^our Jl. in tf)e lum\
maiefties l)ig^ court of Ctiancet]^ at a il^o^t oa^?, anD tjneec a cectaina
paine tljetein to be limiteo,tt|en ano tbece to anfloer tot^ie p^emiHes,
ano to abitie fuel) o^oer ano oiredion therein, a0 to equity anoiuUice
appectaine. Bno rour faio o^:ato; l^all m\v p;a^ as \}c is boun ^

oen fo;^tI)eI)eaUt)ano long lifeofi?oui:gcDO^o^o(|ip,tDitl)aUincceaf9

of I)onour to xDoos ^tll ano goD pleaTure*

y^ BillagMnfl two fir thedeliuerj of heireloomes cr prtMcipa/fs to the fla'tn-'

tife heing (onne and hcircy according to the cttfiome of the

CoHntiePallantine of Chefter,

To the right Honorable Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight, Lord Keeper

of the great Scale of England.

CiDmplainingjll^etoet^ bnto i?oac gojoLojofl^ip tout oailv o^atoj Stt: 1/^6

3l.^*of lltncolnes3lnHe(entleman5fonnc ano I)eiieof 3. ^.of

countie of <L*
)ED>lDit|iin tf)e %^t
toijcreas tl)efaio BI ^* ^uaa in
time (atofuil^ po-Sre(reo,of)anO in otuers gcoo^^i ano chattels a( of
l^ig otune proper gooo^ tijat is to fap, plate, ictnels, fjouil^olo-ltulfe,

bea!les,cattell,^o^fe5, ano otf^et: manner of gooos, amounting to tf)e

tjalae of fiue l^nno.jeo pounos 0^ neece tfjereabcutB^ano fo being tfjer*
. of poffeflPeOjmaoe^istettament ano laH \iyi% ojoaining tljereof <^\i^
labetb tt)en ^xb toife^ano notu toifc to 113* ^B* i)is fcle erecutrij: , ano
C^o^tl^afteroieo^poiTeireoof ttie p;temife0 OS alo^efaio luit^in ti^e
faifi untie of cammeotatir after totiofe ueatl^, tlje fato d^. tjio tafee
tjpon l^cctlje auminifttation of tfjc faio gffiOs,ano ottjer t^e p^tmii^es
iicco?l)inglFib^^fctueto|)eceof l^etuaa t^ieteofpoffeflreti acco?istRglr
IButfo jtwif it pleaferourtjono.:,t^attIjccuftomc of all tf)0 comUr^
ixjit^intljeraiDCoimtieof C if,anDtimc outof mmoofmantot^e
cotcarv W^ being poffcffcD of gojtifi
bin,tj)at if an^ perfon o; pccfons
ano cattels as olrne p;jopec
ofljis gcDOs ano cattels,anD oie tljetofpof^

feffeo, tW
t nert \)mt to !)im tljat fo oietlj pcCfcffco Ijaue t^z Wl
bed ano p;iincipaU tl)ing of euecv fo?t ano femoe of t^c faio gaaos ano
cattcls fojanoin tl)enamc oftljc pnncipatsanoljeirellonicgjb^ fo;ce
anotjcrtuclDleteof rouro^atoj being ttjc fonnc anotjeiceof t^faio
3. ^ toas aftec tlje oeatfj of tijc faio Sl,^* luffl^ entituleo to a great
part of tl)e faio gajos; i cattcls amounting at t^e lead in tjalue to 2 oo.
pounD0 J nare tl)ereabouts,bv reafon lutjerof, ano fo? tl)at ^eur faio
c;ato? Uias at time of tfje oeatf) of tits faio father tjnoec age of one

anotiucntievearcSjanorettSjano in toarotottje^u mateCie,anD

i)auing t^e polTcG'ion of fo mncl) of ail t^ fato gooos anO cattel5 as to
^oui faio ^;ato; tio appertains ano of rigljt belong br tertiie of tf}e
tufiomeafoaefaiOjbeingljeri'nare to t[jc lvalue of ico.poanos bfoe^
liuerpof tl)eraio*tni)erU)iDel)}i)(DDimmeDtatt^ after il)e oeatl}of
tliefaio 3[.^.i?out faio o?ato; oio incontinently tljetupon teliuer tlje
fanieto tlje faiO C.to befaftli? hv (jerbept to ^onrfaiD o;jato;s tjfcano
to be inline manner fafeli? reoeliuereo to ^our faio o^nto} at (mi} time
0} times as b? i?oar faio o?ato;> o? ^iB aDTignes fije O^oulD be tfieceunto
requireo,fitl)encetul)icl)faioreDeiiuer^ maoe b? ^cur faio o;ato;i to
tt)efaio(^asafo2eraio,tt)e faio (S;t>|)atl) taken toi^ufbano oneB,p
(gentleman, b^ reafon Ujfjcreof all tf)efaiOgoooes^attcls,anootl)cc
tl)e p;emi(res luere ano oio come after tf)e faio enteimarrtage into t^e

lanos ano poOJelTion of tl|e fame )15* ^ . lu|itct) faio C*fitt)ence tt)e faio
Oeliueq? maoe b^ ^our faio o?ato;i tanto Ijec as afo^efaio befo;je t^e Da^
of entermarriage,ljatl) titterl^ refufeo to mafee anr icocliucrie ef tj^e
faio gcoos ano cattels/o bp tour faio o;Ato^ to Ijer oeliueieoas afoae^
faiOjO; ^et to make ani? fat iffactton tfjeceof to \?our faio o^ato^^ano t|)e
faio B5 ano ( allua^es (itljence tlje faio entecmarriage |aue refufeo
anO tet 00 refufe to reoeliuer tl)e fame, 0; ^et to make ante fatiffaction
tf)8ce(To?eto^ourfatoojato;t, notluitljttanoingmanr lalufulano gen^
tic requeues to tl)em ano citljer of t^tm maoe in tljat bebalfc bp ^ouc
faio o:ato? contrary to all rigtjt^equitie ano confcience* Bin tenoer con^
fiijecation toljercof, ano fo^afmucf) as tour faio oiato;^ ootlj not fenoUi
01 remember tlje certatne p^ecife particulars 0; talue of tt^e faio ga)05
ano cattels Inljici) of rtgl)t 00 belong to ipour faio o;ato?, ano Oeltuereo
h^ r our fato ;^^atoa ^
^fo^tt^nM (^ron of i^our faio ^^ato^s t^en
and' Anfweres. 2 tf z
t^nDetagebemgnottijen of Dtfcratton to Ijaue ti)e cuHottc aiiDcole
tj^eceof , ano fo cemeuileflfc bv tlje o;Det of t|)e common latu fo; t^e ce^
couerie t^eceofjo; of anr part tpeteof, o} to Ijaucanp fatiffartion maoc
to pour faiD o^ito^ bv tl)e faio 13-anoC o; br eptljer of t!)em. 3lt map
tbeceto;e pleafe pour gcoD ilo;Dl^ip, tfjc premieres c enltDerco, to grant
tbe siiuanes Q^aieffies fe;tts of Subpoena,to be Directeo Ijnto t\}e faio
515.p.ant!Ci;. !)i0 Uufc, commaunoing them ano eijt^er of i\)tm to ap^

peare bcfo.:c pour gcoo llo^Dl^ip,tn tlje Jiiuaneg Sjpaicllics moft Ijoho^
lablo court of Ciiauncertc at ^eCtomfter, tljenanotl^cretoanrtuet:
to tlje p^emiites, ano tl)crem to ftano to, abioe, anD pcrfo^me fuclj o;*
Dcr anZ) oircttion as to t?our goD iHojoOiip i^all be tljoug|)t to ttano atiD
he confonant to cquitieano ga)D confcicnce^ao Teur faiD ilD^ato; fljall
mlt p.^ap to ^00 fo^ voucfiojD llo;Dt^ip , in ^eolt^ ano tjonour long

t/iBi(l(yy a Noifleman) coHtAwing that thepLwtife tooke vp fponhis cre-

dit veluers andjitks j the defendant dt 4 deare rate^and gufte his orrn bond
with/fterttes for the payment of the fame : and that aftenvards he tooke
vpon hts credit of htm more veinets and filkpi at the like dcare rate, and
bting wiihin age knoveledged a fiatutt fiaple to the defendantfor all his
whole debt, vpon hispromtfe to deliuer to the plaintife his ohltgatton which
he had made for htrfrji debt to be cancelled, the plaintife allowing interefi
tothedefendant for the forbearance, notwithjiandtng the deare prices and
rate he bought the fluffe at for nhich thefaid debt grew, and then /heweth
that he payed not his debt at the day contained in the flatttte fiaple, and
that the defendant threatneth notonelj to fue the fatdbond, hutaljo to fue
execution ofthefaidfiature againjh him,andprayeth deiiuerte orrcleafe of
his obligation nndproces agaiufl the defendant to anfwer the BtU,

To the right honourable Sir ChriQophcr Hatton, of the inofl no-

h\a order of ihc Garter, knighc, Lord Chancellor of

c ^)mplarmno^fl)rluctf)t)nfor'OurgeDtj
_>loljrceast)ct(jc faio iloiuD.tiuringt^c time as
<.ls>.2lo;i>D Cljat

age of 1 1 r^areg at funtj;r tmzB Ijad anD bougi)t of one 'S^t* Citi^tn
l;e U?al'n55citt)c

ajiOi^eccerofJionDonoiuers paccells oj peeccs of beluef, ftlUe, ano

fucJ)UUeats):ceCriuep;ices,anonot {)auing tljcn rcaDie mcneptopav
fc^tljefame, ttjefaioilo^t) 2D* tL-getfja Untt) oneJK.^,(i5entleman,
ano otl)ec3,oiD enter into funD^iebonos to tfjc faioBi^il. fo^ tfjepai?^
mentt[)X!rcofatfcueraUDa\?eg after, albjares allclying t;nto tjjefaio
JfjB.* ouecauo befioes tl)? ercetTiue prices iyl?tc!) ije lua^ to par fo^
Supplications, Bills^
f!)efametjelueej8anDame0furtIjer confideration, t tat^ttnsitma^
be faio \y(vitv fo^ t^e fo jbeactng thereof till t!)e time of pavmeiit. jano
afte^tuarDS tlie fam ILo,^, mtm ^^^ ^^^^ of tjis mtnojitie afij^efaio,
IjaD ano did bu^ ot^cr paccells of tjeluet^, filto, ano fuel) like, of tlje

faio 3i.lt* at Ufee ercefiTinc prto , lutjtct) UUetDtfc tl)e faio ilo.2Doio

not tljcn pa^ fo^ tlje prices o? fammes; of mowep lu^ereunto tlje faioe

i3acll0 of l3eluet5,fjlUe0,anD fuc^ UUe,lami? |iaD arts bougfjt aftectl^e

iifee erce(rtuep;ice0 ano cstes ,togcf Ijcc toitlj tlje
famp^ices o;i fummeg
of monc^ bcfo;je oue fbj t^e ot^c parcels fo^mcclT? I^ao ano boug|it bv.

tl)eraiolLo.2D)a) toget^cc \mt^ conftoeration oj rat^et Jjfuctefo? tf)e

fo.:beanngof,anDfo^t|^epaT?ment tlieceoftilla cectaine timctljena^

gmoijponbetVueenetljeraioJL.^. ant ^tmtlje faio 3* H.oio amount
ano come to t^e fummc of 5 oo. li fo? tfjc paiment of tnfjtci) faio fummc
of 5oo.lwtt^etimeagrecotDp6nl)Eet^e faiDlLo?on>at anotjpcntfjc
motion, meaner, ano intceatic of t|)e faio 3J.ll* did During t^etimc
oftl)cmtno;ritieof^imt^craiD!l0.:D^. become bounocn bi? one^ta-
tute^taple tmtot^c faio 31ll^ in tlicfmnme of one tljoufsuD pounDiJ
of SQ3DanDlalDfuIlmonepofCl;nslanD, taking tfje teo;jDanD p?omifc
enelr of t^c faiD %%* to celtuce \Juto \)\xn tl)e faio ilojD W. 0; Jjis faio
fuei:tiest^efaiDbonD0U)l)icl)befo;el)etl)efaiD iLojDE>anD ^10 faiDc
fuei:tie0 l^aD entceD into to f ^e faiD 31*11'. 0; otljcrtoife t^at ije tlje faioe
3!ol;nfl)oulDanDtooulD cancellanD make tJoiDt^e fame, foa0 tljereb^
ojbi?ceafonofant?of t^e faiD bonD0 tlie faiD!lo;D )3Dno;an^of l)ii5
faiD fuei:tie0 (l)oulD be in an^tuife fueD, t)ereD,tcoubleD, 0^ c^acgeD
HBut noto fo it i0, if it ma? pleafc roue gD ILo^Dfl^ip, t^at tf)e faiD 31-

}t.altl)oug^ tcenet^eceunto in mod gentle anD fctenol^ man^

lie l^atl)

necearneftl? requetteDanDDcficeD b^ fl)e faiD ilo;D S>. tlje faio ^*

^anD otljec tl)c faiD fuei:fie0 of tl)e faiD ILo;jd E> to Deliucr tnto tljem
ti)e faiD bonD0fo bv tljem maoe, ano entrcD into to tlje faiD 3! .1'. a0 is

afo^efaiD , j otljectoifc to cancell ano make tjoioe tl^c fame , tet t^jat
toDoetl)efaiD3i*^l)atl)t)ttetlr cefufcD ano DenieD, anDttillDotl)De^
nit anD refufe to Doe tljefame.llSut contcarie to Ijis faiD tDo^D ano p^io*
mife a0 afo^efaiD maoe auD giucn linto tl^ faiD llojD U> fo; tlje leDcliJ
Mcrietlieceof, o^otljertuifeto cancell ano matie toiD tljefamebonDs,
Dot^ notu DailP tb?eaten f put tlje fame in fuit at tlje common lati3,a*
gainft t[\t fuectie of l)im tl^e faio ItojD^.o; elfealreast? [jati^ fo Done
contcarie to allrigljt, ttiuitizy anD geoD confcience 0nD befiDe0 t^iSj
tccaufetlje faice ILo^D^) did not pa? tnto Ijim tl^e faiD 3- H* t^e
faiD fummeof Sue l)unD;eD pounD0 at t^t time Itmitteofc^tliepars'
tent tl)eiet>f,tu|jicl)in t)eci? tcut^lje t\)e faiD ILo^o^f coulD nottcell
l>oet)nlelTel)el^oulDl;auemaDefale of l)i0lanDe0 tol)i0gccst Diftjo^
nout:anolo0:e. ^no nottuit^IianDingt^att^e tl^c laiD llo;D jSD. f^atli
and Artfwers. > i6]
feugljt anti maDc means to f fje faiDBI.L^to compound imtlf U^n in fome
rrafonablc fo;t,anl5 to accept 1)1$ mont\> at ceafonablc Jiares, fuclj as
faio iLo;jli 2D.coulo anu migfjt ht Urcii able to fatiffic
lie tJ)t mnpav
fame,tl}c rat^c confiDcciHg f)is gceatmtcccft aliotueti in tccompenct
fo^ tlje forbearing of tim0,anD giuing ua? of patment,anD tl}c epccffiue'
prices for tuljicl) ^e folo tlje fame filfes,tieliiets,anu fuel) like to t^e faio
Horn 2r>?et l)e tlje faiti 31Il^atl) Done anD Dailv Doet^ feebe ano goe a^
bcuttofueemution,aHiitotaHetl)e benefite of tljc faiD Ifatute of *
tljoufanD pounD,againft tlje faiD llE>contcar^ to all eciuitie anD gooi
confctence.SElje premiflTes tljccfore tenDcclr confiDereD,anD forafmuclj
as tl) c faiD JlorD 2r>t^e faio U.^. anD ot[jei;stl)C faiD furcties of turn
tljefaiD ll.SDor ant? of t^enijcannot pleaDe an^ gooD or fufficient plea
in auoioance or Difcljargeof t^e faiD bonDs ant Ilatutes,nor cf anr of
tJem,Uil)eceof t^e faiD3Iltmoftiinconftionablv foeUctljano goetlj
about to fue,procui:e:,anDtaket^e penaltie, execution anD forfeiture
again{lf)im tljefaiD^lo. W* anD Ijts fureties, b^ tl^eorDinaci? coucfcof
tlje common laluesof tljts realme,anDtl)ei:atber,for t^at alfo tljefaiD
ILo.E)asanDluillbei;eaDvfort^efuct^cc Difcljargcof t^efaiD H.^-
anD ottjers '^i faiD fucetieS:,to fatiffie anD pa? tjnto tjim tlje faiD Bi.lf!.^

f l)e faiD fumme y oo.li.at fuel) Daies anD timcs,anD in fuel) manec andi
forme as to ^ouc gooD 3lol^al in equity anD i:igl)tfecme meetanD con*,
uenicnt Bitmap tl)ei:eforepleafe voucgcoD Jlo.to grant fjcr maicHies
moftgracious Witit of Snbp<^ria, to bee DiceiJcD to t|)e raiD^4lt.,cqm^,
maunDing|)im t|)ei:el^/at Ackiaine pa^, ani tnoei^a cei:tainV.pa4nj^t
tl)eretntobeilimitt"cD,peiroiiallvtoappeace before pour gOGDiu'in^^ev^
^atcftiesljigl) court of C|)aucecii^t^en anD tfjere toaufluere to tlja
premilles janD to Hietu caufe tl)? Ije t[)e faiD Jl^H.fi^oulo not reDcUuci:
tJefaiD bonDs^tat^efaiD Lo,3>anD JislaiD fureties^, or elfetccanceU
anD make toiD ti)e rame,or ottjerloifc t^tiof to i;elearc,Difcl)acge,ano
fauetjacm^effe tlje faiDLo*S>,anD ^tsfuceties,a3 in rigl)t anDeq^itvi-
it be^uetl) : anD fiirtljec to fianD toanD ahm
(uc]) orDecanD Dircction^

tl)erein5as to ^oucgoDllo. anD tl)e faiDi)oiu<Iourt l][)aUfaeme betlto^

"iujifi r ' '
- ; ':
.:.:-, .'. .

vt ; \The^Anfiwre of l,L. defertdant te the Bill of cpm^aht ofEdi -i


Tl^efaiD DefttiDmtt b? proteiiation not acknotuleDging.or^ confer^ Scft. 14S

ling ai)? matter or tl)ingin
tl)e faip )15ill oif xomplaintconftweu

mateciaUor tfjefaD Debt to beanftocrct^tntoto be trnein iucb manor

anD forme as ix\ ano b? t|)e faiD bill of eompUis fet fcrtljianD aUeageB*-
.for anfuicre faitl),tl)at t^efaiD complainant about fouiic k^^xu paft,.
uef.tiiacrfi ^mtls of fi!tfeP,
at fcuccall timc0^ai> anu bcugJjt oft|)c faiD
t)eluetfi,antilpatcs, amennttng tinto tiic fumme of 159.11.4 s.5.0, oj
complainant fo; ano at reafonable p;icc0 confiuectng t!)t uaics ofpai^
ment,anu foj tl^e true patmcnt of foinc pact of t|ie fatD rumme,l)e tf)c
fattilLo.E>tog0tljci: Uittlj t'^t faio U.& in tlje faioHSiU of c wnplaint
nameD,anD one ^,C*bdng tljcn tlje faiD complainants fccuant^, m
become bounD tDtl)eraioS>cfcnDantb^ ttoooblisatienstDtiic^tljes
fojfcitcD. anD long aftettoactis, tl^at is to fap, intlje monettj of spa^
i 5 8 8. faiDHo.E^.ljauing occafion to tjfe ott^ec ner effatiea fo^ ^im^

felfe anD toifc,anD fjauing DetaincD t^e afoaefatD fumme 1 59. \u


40. 5.0. fccmtl)e)2>cfeni)ant a longtime, tiio intljefaiDmonetljof

^a^ 1 of tlje faiD time paft aUoto tlje faio SDefenoant

5 8 8 tn tefped

(tj;j confiDecationijut 2 6. \i. 1 3 .0. ^m

in t^e faiu monet!) of ^a^ t^e
faic complainant at f)i0earncareqcl)aD a netofuppl^of toaresa^
iountingt0 72 li.i5.4U?anB Dio tljen accept of anDacbnoluledge
cectaine parcels ^aD to fjis ^fe bp tl)c faio Clj^iftopI;ci:fDn,to tljetjalud
cf 3.1.1 7's.p.u.Ui!;ic]^ fourc fummes Do amount to i 55. U.fojaliul)ic^
faiu Debt tlje complainant gaue Ijtsolone obligation to flje raiDeS>e^
ftnDantenDo;ceJ) iuit^ condition fojt^je payment tljereof tije 24.IWS
flf3une,i588. aftecio^ic1^bonisfo;255.li taben, anjr before tjje
fame teas one, 1)i^ab0^t t^e laff Da^ of tfjefaiD monetfj of ^a^ 1588
i^t faio complainant O^anoing tn nkn bot^ of mone^ anD oti^ec necef^
far? furniture fo; ^unfelfe, ]^i luife ano ^oufe, carnefflr Dio intreatc
ti)efaitieDefenDto lenDtmto^tint^efaiD complainant ttje fumme of
fiftie pounds in read? monep, lul^ic^ ^e p^^otelieo to befo;paofecuttng
an earnelt fuit ^e |)at) againlt one 0r HI .11. I^nigj^t^ as t^iti defendant
tememb;(ett;,tut)icl) alttiougt) t^e fain E>efenoant coulD tfjen perfo;me
i)art)l?,?et ^ett)e faiD S^efenDant maoe means fb; (b muct) mon?, aD
DiD lenD fame fiftie ponnDS to ttje faiD complainant fo; tttielue mo^

t^ fame fo; tlje faiD time mn

netl)S,t}pon alloHiance of fiue pounD fo;
no mo;e* ;SnD alfo furtl)er DiD moHearneftl? DefireanD entreat ^im
i^z faiD S>efenD.to fell tinto ^im fo mncj^ filbeS:>t)eluets,anD -luares to
furni(l^ttient)isp;efentlDant,a0l^oulD mat(etl)e p;efent fumme of
2 55.li.b? |isbonD,anD tliefiftiepounDslent tn reaD? mon?,luit^t{)e
iiueponnDsfo;interellt^erof as afo;efaiD, amounting to tl)e fumme
of 50 3.pounDs,anD thereupon tlje faiD E>efenDant DeliueteoanDcau^
feD to be DeliuereD to t\fz faiD plaintife 0; l)is aCTigns about ti)e faiD Utt
Da? of^.anD in Blune folloUnng tt)e faiD filhs^beluets? anD iuares at
ueafonable prices confiD ering t time \}z gaue fc; paiment of Ijis mon?
due fo; tlie fame to t^z tjalue of 1 9 o;li. 1 7. s. 4.D,tDl)icf) made t p all tlje
fc;mnj(ttmmes 5oo.H,i 7.0.4jcr, ^nn fe; payment of tjc faiD fumme
. of
andAnfweres 2^4.
of 5oo4t*^an:ceUof t^t fatti Dtbt of 5oo4t 1 7*a* 4*d t^t fato compl. Did
hnolDledge to t^e fato oef* a cecogntf ance o; bono obltgato;^ of tf)t na^'
tatcofa ftatute ffapl0 of looo.lwn t^t fatu bill of tempi* mentton&,
tponto^tclj OatutefenotoleDfiCO tljefaiD oef* oeliucreo to i faio compl.
to be cancelled tl)e fo;ePatD bono maoc b^ tf)C fatO compLto t^c faio oef*
fio;i payment ofi 55. li* ^no ll^o;jtli? aftec tlje knotoleogmgof ttjefaio

^tute,t|iat 10 to fa^,about t^c fpace of tt^.o; t)tDee&e0 after^ano long

bffo^e t^e time limiten fo; tl^e payment of ttje fato E>ef p^^tnctpall oebt
offoo.k.t^e fato compl* pucpofing to oefeate tt^e fatDE^cf*ofl)t0ratd
inffanO OUeOebt,DtD pucfueaMICtt of Audita querela.fuppoCng l)tm^
felfetljeceb^tobetBitl)intljeagcof)nciveace05 botlj tfjen anoat t\}z
time of t^ebnotuleogingoftlje faio ftatute,tipon tufjicl) lD;it aftec t^c
fame tDa0 cetucneo into tl)e court ofcommon pl^s, ano before tije faio
tef*l)ao notice o; tmoecftanoing of tl)e fame^t^e faio compLano otljers
tlje folicito^s of tl)0 caufe after tl)at tie U)a0 infpecteo ano tiieti^cD b^ t^e

3luftices ott\)9 fame Couct,ijio p jootice o? caufc to be p^ooucco tj pec^

fon0 0^ U)itneffe0 befo;(e t|)e faio Biullice0 to be oepofeo t|iat tt)e allega^
tion ano furmifeof tlje faio Audiu querela tuas tmtj tjij* tljat tlje faio
compl*tuafttl)en anoat tbe bnotuleogingof tl|efato(tatuttt3noet:tl^e
ageofrrK^eacejSjtDliicljtjuitnefiredluece eramineo ano oepofeoacco;^
oingl? inti)c blialfe of tf)e faio compl. before tlje faio S>cfeno*ljaoan5
itnotjoleoge o; bnoetitanoing of t\)t faio compl* p;oceeoing tt)et;etn,ano
befo;0an^ Uj;it o^ Scire facias tiias atoacoeo ano taken fo;tI) to toatne
t|)e faio 2Dcfof tj^e faio fuit,a0 b^ tfje faio oepefitions ano paociaeoingg
tl^erein tcmaiuing of Kcco;o in t^t faio couct of common pleesjloljccc^
unto tl)C faio E)ef*fo.z cectaint^ of t[)e times oot^ referee Ijimfelfe mo;^
tertainelpootljappeare, iul)icl)faio fuit of Audita querela fojtl)e a*
uoioing of t^efaio Statute ttjefaio complainant b^ Ijis (blicito^s. ano.
feruantsotomoft earnelil^,foUclut)pon a bare pretence tl)attl)e faio
complainant tuanteo fome fell) monetl^s of t^c ageof one ano tluentie
^eare0, fo;t maintenance of Uil)icl) faio Statute tfje faio SDefeno* toaij
talleo in bi> p joces ano oio pleao^j ttjeceunto, after \D^it^ plea pleaoeo,
anO aftec tlje faio 2Def*ljao bane o;alunc in great charges ano cppcn^
cos fo; f l)e oefence of tl)c faio ftatute ano caafc, tljc faio compUano Ijia
councei; ,folicito;0,af turnet o; fome of tljem/ceing no lifeeliljaxo to p^e*
uaileinttiatcflurfejOiobecomenonfuit, ano tuitljcut any regaroljao
oftljepenaU^ t^ecof, oiofaileano neg!ert topa^ to tfje faioocfcnoant
t)i0 fato p^incipall oebt of fiuei)uno;copcunoj3 at tijc Da?e0 ano timed

iDljeretn t^efameUiasiimiteoanoappointeDtobc^atcoby alunting

ofoefeafancemaoebettui^ene tl^efaio complainant ano H)ef*touc[)tng
tit penaltie of t^e faio &tatute,tl)e fame Oare0 of payment o^ feme of
t^fmtbeingnoU) eppirco eiai)tecnejnonetl;0 palt ano mo^e? ano ret t\jfi

4^- Supplicat?0ft^iMts,

tp faiu ^ef.tjat^ ano ootl) feeep t\\i fajo ftatnte^ano tfteficCStto bonos
txjtiei:0int^fawcompl.tuitljtn0m5rn^cbbtthB as^pfe fwecties 30 ef

fo;i.efaiD,fi3; parmm
of part of tt)trat$ p?^^^
oUin^ p}o^tt gij0 30 bflt^ b^ Iktu anD cohfci^ncc t!je fato Ji>efehDani
tl)in^ct^ l;e ma^ latofuUp Doe. ^nu ^et neuerttjele(ret>efaiD 2>efeniJ
fuctljec fatt^, tljat if ttjc fato comp! toiU fojttitoitt; pair tJHto t\}z ^m
fats ocfcnoant tlje fait! fammc of 5 oo.p0unD0 feeing |i0p;:irrcipatl ano
lutttjcbf ,t05Etl)cc Untl) fire c!)arge0 !)eljat|rb<^
i;ccntTonaftectpt}ruaUcateofr.Ii.fojt!)elntni)^etfj, lifeeastljeE'^.
tjiinftlfcDott) pav to otlyer0 foj tlje long time tlje-faio tref. !}atf) fo^bo^ne
^i0 faio ocbtjije ttjefaio ^ef.toill fo.:go t^e penaWie of t^e'fato flhatafe,
anotoilitjeliuect^rtameffatute ano tlje faiu^ bc(U0 toffre fatu tonu
''pla^nant:lDitl).ouf tjat^ttjat tl;e faitDefenoaHtoibM Ijnto tbe fafe
complainant an^ peece 0^ paces of tieluet o j Wit at tljc feuecall time^
in ttje bill mentionet), 0,1 an^otpr time,o; an? ottjec tilings at anie
^)ccearineojt3nreafonablep;icet|)e Dares of pa^^ment confiocceD* ^}
tbat tliefaiD complainant DiD ouer^nD beODes tfie erreffiue pjice of a^
n^ fnclj tiring allolu ano pa? to tlje faiD Defenoant mv futtljec confiDe*
ration o;jt)furiefo;tl)c forbearing tljeccof till tlje time of payment 0^
Dolune in t^is anftoer. ^? tfjat tfie
tfjertoife t\}tn 10 bero;je tiuelp laiD
faiD complainant anD tljat tlje faiD lX*^*o^mv otfiec DiD enter into a^
ni!mo^ebonD0fo;ran?tt)e fumme0in tfjefaiD 515ill mention^ to tj^c
faiD U>tU]}tn fuel) as before ace confeffeD to tf)efenoltJlcDge of tljis Def.

0nD luitljout tl^at^tljat tljefaio compl. DiD at tl)t intceatic of tlje faib
i>efD ucing \iis tift faiD complainants mino^itr enter into ti^e faiD ff a^
tute in tl)e Will mentioneD to tlie hnotDleoge oft|is jSDef* hut tpon tl|e
importunate reqneii anD tntreatie of tt)e faiD plaintife to fnppl? i^
toant05a0 afojefaiD^tp faiD ^ef* ioas content to accept of bi0 faiD Ifa*
tute, not iieing able to giue better alTurance as tlie faiD ^efenD* requi^
reD. ^j tliat tlje faiD ^ef. DiD tfjen 0; at anp ot Jer time p^omife to tl^c
faiD Complainant o^bi^ faiD fuertie0 in tbe li5ill mentioneD t^ am
tonDs b)? tl^emoj an)? of tbem entreD into to ttje faiD S^efeno. for oj
touctjingtljefaiD Debt as \it not remembjetb^ oj ani? part tlj^eof, 0^
tljerif}m tbe faiD Obligations tobicb tbe faiD jQDefenD. DiD reoeliner to
t^e plaintife to be cancelleD^saforefaiD, or DiD promife to^cancell or
mafeebotDtl)e fame in manner anD forme as in tfje faiD bill ofcompl.
is furmifeD to tiic remembrance of ttjis ]aDefenDant*;anD toitljotit tfjaf,
fl)attl)efaipcomplatnantorarTi?otl^erfor IjintDtD require tbe teoeli*
uecic oftije faiD bonDs as t^is S>efenDant remembrttf; jor flrat tijere te
an? caufc or reafon to!)? tlje faiD complainat ^onlDmafte an?fut^ re>
queft or tlje falo iffiefenDant to make an? fticlj promife bntill f^i faioc
t^ andAnfwers; 26$
mskt au^ reafoniible ctmpo0ttort )litt|>t$e fato M.fo^ 0^ toucl^tng t|e
rotD 0(bt,o;tarti? part tl^eccof, btrt t:at|i^t;|at|i
fatt) eefirnoattt of t)t( fato tt\>t j^nD ti^foa^ l^e tfie (nih ntftmmt fya

peti) tiiat t^e fato compU i^al ntt ^aue o;t recetuc an? f^uo;^ m ti^ns^*
Court agamH t|e faio defenoant : feemg tl^attt)^ ratDDefenoanttui&i'
t:et|notf)mgdf(batt)tBp?mapaU,t&tt^ teafonable cecSpenc^f;^
S^eat to^ong atiD mttttn tl)0 fatd eompMb^t^ 00n0>botl^ mputting IttH
to sceatc|arge0 mn erpencea , ano bi? t{)elottg^tt^()Olt}mgattD 00^
tatntnf of t^e fato debt a^ afo;eraiD,\uttt)ont t^at, tl)nt ti^e fatti oefiditt^
Oatit ^at|) t)0t|^t:to toHsn 0;^ rc(ouct;eti t^c penalties of tl^e fato htxt*
o^HSemSjO^anvottt^tniy tn tljat t^e fato ccmpUts o^tt'Atl) fl^toD
limrelle at ant time rcaBv to fattrfo tf)e fato Debt bnto t^fittti Dsf^0^
an^ pact tijereof in mauec ano fbamc, hb in ti}e (m bill of cotnp(amti0
alleageo ^nn Mt^oixt tt)at,tl)at anr ot|iet matter o^ t^g i c. ; ;

-/4 ^*if exhibited agAtnft a NolflemmiMdngAinfi diuers tenants f^'T^^r-

merSy& o^ers ofdiuers matters ccntaimn^

, that the ndlit^VMnfir hu de^
dfte to thefUintife becam Ifound in aflatnte'^ffafle ifiioo./i, Mtdfoi^nhM
the debi yifas not paid at the day tt was due, thefUintife extended dittersma*
mors and lands which the nobleman had^and wasfeifed ofat the time he k?^.
ledged the[aid Statute^and hadfold thefame before the time ^ the extent 49
diners perfl)iis^andvf on a Liberate to the Shertfe, had the fame mAnnerJomd
lands delivered vnto hinito hold in extent ttilJtU debt werefatisfied: After^
"wards vpon the noblemans faite to the L. Chancellor,^ vpon the L. ChauceU
lors re^uefi to the plaintiff, he was contented toforbeare the taking ofthe pror

fits ofthe lands extended,and to referre the hearing and ending ofthe mattef-
who heard
touching his debt to two thereunto appointed by the L. Chancellor ^
and ended the matter,thewhich end afterwards the nobleman refufedteper^
forme^ whereupon theplaintife went about to take the benefit of hu extent, dh
tokpepe Courts, and vnderlland what lands t and how the tenants held, and
what rents ^feruices they paidfir thefame , but could not perfirme hispur-
pofe therein,for the tenants and the nobleman had the Court-rols in their k.ee
ping, C^ the leafes^rentals,(frc. would not let himfee thefame, aridthat the
nobleman refufed to fujfer theplaintife to enter into the manors and lands ex *
tendedfOt- to kf^pe any Courts , and would not fuffer the tenants to pay the
plaintife any eft he rents orferuices due for the fame manners , br to declare
vnto him what thefame rents andferuices were. And then the pliiintif^pray
eth that the tenants, occupiers, and Farmors of thefaid mannerr^ may vpoh
Hh'etr Oathes bring -forth their leafes, & declare what lands they hoid[ ^wh^i
rents (^rferuicfs euery cf them pay . And that all the defendantYHraj J^ew tb
^theplaintife the Court* rols,rentals,booke offuruey, field lhol(fS^($^ iirrersi^
* -^I''^^^
their cufiod),(tndfoprnyethproie^agair^aRthedefendM;

'?br Supplications-^ils,
0i ilTxjichcright Honocablc Sir C.H^tkc raoft nobic Ofdcr of the
edit ikj ;Cv Garter;KfiightJ.ordChancdor of England., ,,

l^TDucuailv %)l*iti^m am Clot^o^te of llonoon,2:t)at

in!;0ceas tfjc^o.cBD, JLojD 9^llBatoDf H.tijelaff uai? of December,

inifje 26.^eaceof tijtratpeof our ^ouccatgnrjyioi? ill.l.ijabct!j,
fecfoae ^ic Ct).:i!lop!)e3: Mia^ Jltmgl)t^o;jt) cijiefe Juftice oft^e pleej
JbsfDi^e.t)cc/)^igt)neQ[ciabc^i]>iD^n^io nUinoM^^t^mMte to oUie ts
tour )aato^ tl)c fiimme of spCCU^of latDfuHCitgUl)^ monet? b^lji
jKecognijance in t[)e nature of an Cftatutc ^taple,tuttl[> a oefeafanre
tt)0ceupDn maoe fc^ ttjc tcue paT?nient of Diueis fcuecaU funmie^ of
itwnet aifwiBar^cutarall Dates tioto long fitijenrc pan* Hnu hJljccea^
ii&ctDifr;fi[)E:faiD eD^Hfora i^ teas j ftoao infill moebteo to tomim
^?ato? in Diners ottjer fumiiies of mom's bi? otijcc Bonus, as alfo bv
T?our ;?ato.:s Bcohe, fo; Diners minxes tahcn tip of ipour ^^ato; fo^
ti^\iU of tl)c fatD llo:DS^o^^nD lul)ereas alfo SD^o. p^i^iqaire^.b^o^
^^ of tljc faiD^ilojD $^> fftDd inDcbten f Dto otuc to ^cta- fato C^ats^

nt^xutninc iummzs of moner /oji^e payment Ui^cceof^tlic fais !

^DiD ijnDectafeeanD did make to T?our faiD i;ato;j man^ feueralanfi
fuitD>Hp;oHurwj, tl)ctDl)icl)(as i>et)ljel)atl;in no fojt perfo^meD ^no
iD^ereas tbefatDll^^^. at tljettmeof tlje UnotBleDging of ttje fo;i^eratO
^tatuti^ ^taplSjtuas lalDftiU^ retfed in i|)is Dcmefneasof fee,ofanDiit
ii)^ ^ano.^s of ^M^iJ.f B.iuit^ ttoo Jraircs ttoicein tl)i rcre, taitt)
jone sparket ^olDcn euer^ lc^freat ^ afo^efaiD,tuitl) tl)c ^unDjeD af
5f.titt)euer2 of tl)eirappurt0nanceSjfituatc, l?ing,anD being in tl^e
Conntv of ^o;folU,$ of i in t[je mano? of ^.Uiitl) t^tit appurtenances
4 jM)i6 faio Count? of j]>o;jff tuliic^ fatD^^ano^s i otfeer t^e pa^iniOes
aifp?erfiiD/-lje foio Ji.o.iD ^po.bv latofuladurance ano conue^ance in tlie

ilaty jDip bargatnc/eU,tonuei',anD affure t^e rame,twitl) all anD cuerg

^ t^ir appurtenances iiiljatroeuer, to one 2D|)o, ilo?0 of ^* in t[je faip
.CDuntieof ^}^o.;folkeG!;rquire,anDtc Ijis Ijcires fo; eucr,b^ tertue of
.tuJk^r(onxrep<ince:anD aHiiran^jtljeXaiD i*ILUias anD.^i;5 ^et feifeo ot

t^BfaiD feuerall^aiio;iSaaiiD pt^ei tijeafo^efatD p;emtiiies,in-|)i0 p4'

me(he,as of fee/^no luljereas tije^faiD d. il* cpo toas lit; cUuicfcifeb
Demcfne as xjff^sat tl;e tims of tljel^noUjleDgingoft^eXaiD^ta^

tute staple oft in t^e i^auc^jJ of ^.^*% m*

toitlj tl)e aDuoivfons of'
^iu.spoanD Mo^tuitl; tije^r appurtesiances^intlje Ccuntie of j^c^ff*
afo^efajiD, hi^ifi^ fai^jfeueraU^^^io.js, $ tljeaDuolnrons afo^iaiD,tiic
faiD ILpjD ^oi bp UkOyjjoimeiaisiee^ allurance did conuc^ anD alfme t&5
(anw:f one (t^h^W* late of ^4n
tl)t faio County of ijio^ffolli (Sfquitg
DeceafeD,anD to,l;ts Ijeics fo^ ener^to tlje onl? tjfe auD befnufe of t^e faib
CSD.aiStl^is Seir^^D.affi^ne^s fo^^^^r^^b^J^^pf? jscfttj} .3i5^ft)ne an
"" ^'
uvr ^

' '

Ijeitt of t Je faitJ (S^HB-CEfquicc ticcea!'cti,iDa0 aitDfet tier reifgu of tljr fai5
^anoa^! of ^^04 Mo*anD of tl;^ atjuoluronsf of ^.upo^ano ^om
l^ts Demefne ajg of fae* ;^nD tn^et:^$ t^e faiD Ho^^D iipo*tuas at t^ctime
of t{)e knoiutlcDgmg of t|i faio ^tatate^tapl^ltketutfeXetr^omj^
oemefne as of fe> of, ano tii tt)e ipano^ of ^. tDtt|i tlje appiutenances
rcttaaf f crt cnDCD into tlje SCotuts of ^.sp i c. in t^e fb^faitiCottn

ti of ^oiffolfee , tuljic^ faio qpano? t^e faio C^. =ilo;jd ^. oio lik^toife
conucT? tjnto 2S. ^* gentleman , ano to ^i l;cices fo;i cuec , to t^c ond?
t3fe ano be|)a>fe of t^a faio 2D.(0. fiis Ijetujs ano affigne^ fo^cucc. ^no

to^ercaS t^c faio,(^. JttiiZD ^. ioafi at tlie time of ttje faio Statute
kno^leogeo, ano ret is fcifeo of aiiirtn t^e^anD;j of 3; ti3itl)t|>e ap
puctenaufts in t\)z faio Countie of jpo^ffolbe in Ijis oeniefne as of fa,
ano being inoebteo to vour fato idD^^ato^ a0 afo;faiD,^out: ^;ato) maoc
futtO^ieano niutiB cacneft cequeffs fo? t|ie getfingcf t^efaio oebtani

fumrne? of moner afo^cfaio , ano vour ^^to;^ being bpt^efatol^o^D

^p^omifeo to ^aue tl[) faio oebtis at oiuers fcuecall oaies, tt nontof
t^emtoere perfo:m0 02 fecpt , tD^ereb? roui:);ato; feeing no petfoj.
mance , but toa^ oelai^eo ftom titne to time , rout faio ^^to;^ about
ttoo ^earc0 fjti/ence fueo fo^tlj tiis feuecall S2I;iit0 of Extendi facias dj>
tccteo totlje^gmfca of j!|2oj6folUc,effc:,^ei:tfo.:o,&oinmci:fctll^:re,
ano ^ojfec,ano to ttje C^anceUo;j of tlje Countiepalantine of ^anca^
(lecfoj t^e crtcnoins of all t^e ^ano.z0,il.anO0,2Dcnement0,ano ^t*
r0Oitamcnt0 , bnit^iii tlje Countic0 a- o;efaio Uji^eieof t^c faio !l ^*

lDa0 feifeo tbe time of V^t faio &tatuteknou?lOgeo,U)[jicl) ^ntoitc*

rteo to tlje ^licrife of tijc faio Countic ot ijio^ffolke, tuas ocltuewo to
one Clcnunt l[3atton Cfquire f fjcn ^ijerifc of tl)C fame Countic,to be
b^ ^im erecuteo ano returnco accojoinglt* )16t ^tx.twt totjcreof t^c faio
Clcnujnt paffon Cfquirc oto bv ttjc otljeg of a Biucr fiiio?nc 1 c^atgeo
tuit^in tl)C faio County ofjjio;ffolfec,accc;oin]j to tlje ouerourfe of ^ec
^a. JUtocs, erteno ano appjaife tlje faio feuecall ^ano^s ^jfaiteg,
Spai:Uet0,llanO0,JIcncment0,ano all otliet tlje p^cmiflfeiEf twitl^ tijeap^
pMi;tenaHce0 1? ing tuitljin tlje faio Countie of ^oafiblfee , aa in ano b^
ettent0 tcmaining of Kecoao in tiji? %. Court of Cljancert^,
t|)C faio

ano br tlje retuuic of tljc faio ^Ijcrife, U)Ulj Vot fcifure cf t^e faio feue^
call ^ano;0 intptlje ^* ^aiellieg |)anO0:,tD tlje iJtfcnt tl;e? mig|jt be
Oeliuetco to rout D;ato;iin eptent , mo;e at las:ge it ootlj ano mar ap

peace Ziizi iuljiclj inquifttion , extent ^ ano feifucc fo tafeen, Ijao, ano
maoe,roui: ^;ato.: fueo fo;tl) Ijec ^i^nt^t ^Wi^\i of Libcrate.beacing
Tcftc ttie ii^ * oar of if ebjuatr^in tlje xxx* r?te of l^ec ?^ig^ne0 migne,
oicecteo to tl)e faio ^tjecife of ^o;(ffolite> (ommanotngii^mtljeri^rtfi
oeltuec t^z fato reuci:aU ^mmta ertenoto as afo^faio tmtO'ronc
D;ato; to (jolo t^m inij^ent^ Iinti\li^pm^;^t9^\simef ii^ttm
111 ^ fmm$
bb^: Supplfcattons, Bills,

fattfgeti anti pa^D. W^ ttttm of iui^icl^ fmo WXMr^t rat^Ctement

imot^w^t^ ti>ent0);tfollolmg:t^efo^efatofeuecaU ^ano^Bof ^.
^6^/ano 5i3. toitti t^0 ttoo ^a ^olDert ttoitc bi? tle^eare, ana t^c
^aiSettrf ^.ttjew IjsUjen cuene to0ebe,toitt) t^e ^unDjeD of if .tottfj
tl^icaiiptictetiancrg. ^no tlje fato ^aKo;^ of ii^.lutt^ t^e appurtenant
ctB. 0nD alCo t|)e faiis ipano^ of ^.$p.ano ^o.tottl^ t^eaouoMons
and^pati:ona0c of ^^.9^ant) W.litl; tt)ettappuctenanc00,ta$0ti)ec
M^t|$ 9^ano;i of )i3;tDttl) tl)0apputt0nanc0!,ani} t^e fo^fato ^aito;^
8fi ;aifttit^ t|i0 ^lo to roue faio ^;ato; anu l)is^U
appurtenanceir ,. to
Q^ a(C0;Ding to extznU t)nttU tt^e faiD uht of
tlie faio ^CC
\t ta^
getljec toit^ rouc e;jatojs cofts ans Dainage0,taei;etaU0n ano lcuieo of
tt)0.p?(miifiiefi.^l? tjEctiie tulieccof youc faio ^^ato; iuas of tlie pjcmif^
fej5poirelftfi,anti fo being potrctfeD, tt)e fattJ ILojo ^o. befij^e t^at vont
^^ato;^ ijau o; couio ceceiue anp profit of ttje p^cnuflTefi! , o; of an^

pacto; pacceUt^eieofjb^ nieanesoj rcafon oft^elaiD execution tfjece*

tiponmaoeanu Deltuereo to ^our fato iD:ato;t,t}to mabe tiumble futt to
^ouc ^.Hojolitp tljat it tDo ultJ pleafc t[)C fame to monc ^our t&i^Wm*
to? to fo;t)eace t|je tafemgof i^utSyttntB ann p^otoof tljefaiare^

uetallipano;0 ano otijer tijep:emtfire0 , atto fcom tl)e motefttng of tl)e

^acmo?0,2Cenant0 ano occupiers tl^ereof fo;j tlje fame, tntill f one ^.
2L.9;oll){p90.: fome ot^ec0 to be b^ rotn^ H. appointeo^l^ao l^earo i oeter^
mined tfje tauS^ oiio ceckoning between ttje faio iUJ2D 9p.ano ^ouc fato
^;ato?,ts)l)ercupon t?Dui;ratD^;ato.j luag content at t^e motion ^xe^
queft of roi:^iLs^D^ip,to permit tf)e tenants of tl)e p^emiffes to con^
tinueintbeicpodctTion quiets to fajbeacetl)e taiung of ttje rents anft
piotts tl)eceof,ano to refer tjjefjearing ^enoingof aUrecbaniiigs ano
^martos betindrne ^our faio >;ato; anu tlje faio iloiO Op.to tt)e o;ioer
mro oetecmttiation of (!p,^oeto<j ^. one of ti^ ^tiUtisof ti)is moU
il^.Couct of Ci)ttntecee,an5 to ^.m gentlemaw one of pour ^.^ecre^
tarics , being tliercunto affigneo ano appoiiUeO bv vouril. in fauc^ of
t^e faiD Jlo^o ^.lu!)o entreo into eramination of tije p.jemisres in con^
trooetfrc betiuan tt)e fais ^oiuf^. anD:^onr raii3iDjato;i,ano bt? tfjeic
mj^oiations and attl>eir: re^ueflts^our faioj^;ato^tuas content to
fo^goe nfiecet|iefummeof C.lt. of l}isitiifI:tiemao/ott)attI)efaiDilo;jD
^. tooulo content ano pag tlje refioue to pour faio ^^tojinfuc^ Co^at
ano at fuel) tiims as tl^e faio spaUer ^. ano Spader )13^ oto ccncluoe
annfet ootonr : but t^e fato 1lo;& ^o. meaning ano intenoing ftill to
tuelair vouc faiis ^S^^aUt^^i -mio tio ise^pe ^im bot^ luittjout I)is mone^

miO t^ p^oma9;0TrtfJ0 mt^sp^attno^iano otl)er tlie p;:emiIR^

% ^nrt0nattc809
. isi^ic^ tum^^al^ereo tint&vour faiD iHx^to} in
and Anfwers* x6*j
^recution totDatDiS ftie rattffattion of ItsDsbe^coB^, ami i>amage0,m'(
not oneli? neglect to pecfo^mt tl^e raid agtemient ano o;D0c taSen b;
t|e faio maliei: ^ *ano matlet: B^but i)at^ ano Dotl^ tj tterl^ tefufe ano
KHte to pet;fo;me t^e fame, b^ ceafon lx)|eof toac fato );ato; fo^
x\z leuptng of ^10 oebt9COll(,anD Damages, oto pucpofc ano tntetiD to
tabe^tsbgnefiitoftljerataemutton^anDfoa tj^atenD^out; ratD;^;a^
tojabout i\z fwft 5a^ of ^a^icjjacltlic^rcliatTgellaft paft,tcauadcD
into t^fato county of ^o;foliie lobere t|c fato manors ano p;cmt(Ce5
Do lie^d t|eceoid oafet: to koepe Courts, ano otoiiktDiro xzt^vixct t|)e
tenant0,occupiei:0, ano fat:mo;i of t!)$ fail} maniio;s ano p^emilTeg to
cenoccanD pa? topoui:raio);ato;tl)ermt0,t(rue0,anop;oSt0tl^0n
due f0.j x\z Xm p;emiDr00 to roue faio ^;ato?, ano t^cretuit^all ^oiit
fail) ;^;ato; Did cequi^ t|)e fato tenants ano orcupterg of tb^ fato ma^

no;^ ano p;^emt(rc0 to otfcoust: ano ma^e knotune to bint \^SsiZ ano in
tob^t fo;tanb b? iuliat title i}^zt ano euecti of tbcm did bol^jitaiin^,
ano enior tbc fcuerall pacceU of tbc faio p;cnii(re0 tubicb V^zyi i)^z fain
faano;0 ano occnpicw DiD ftuecalli? occupie, poircflre,anD cniop,to X\z
(nQ tbat Hour faio ;^;ato^ migbt hereafter be afceitaiHco ano inltruc^
teb I)otn to Demano,couer,ano come br tbe rent0 refecucD bpo i^zxz
feEiet:aUefl^ate0anointetell5lD|)ic{)bc rigbtfuUr belonging ano ap'
pettaining to ^out: faio o;ato; br teafon of tbe faio txXtv\XMi fo it i0,
if it mar picafe r oucl^o. ILo;Dl^ippe, tbat tbe faicilipo. %x*
5B,SIDb5Wo^c5<DDititn, l^cntr 515Iage ^tetoai:o,2:boma0j.oueU,
Sboina0 Cpo;e, !^encr ^inbc, Kicbato !^anDfo;D, ConionD Cole0,
Lboma0 IBarlie, William iED;afee, (iDeo;geS3:b"tttone, Kap.^eo;r,
being all ;tunci:0, if armo?0,2Cenant0, Dccupier0, ano jD(ftcer0of
tbe faio ^anno?0 ano p;emiire0, \xk "ix^t^h b^nD0 ano keeping all
tbeCout:tUolle0,]^ental0,)leafe0,anO contet;pat:t0tbet:eof, loijici)
toucb 6^ toncetne tf;e faio ^ano^0 ano p;emiire0, o; anr part o; par^
cdltbecof be ano remaine,l^aue confeoerateo togetber botb to oefieat
rour );!ato;^ofbi0lat0fullerecationanoeaat6int^ep;emiire0, aiiO
alfotooefrauOeanobtterlrtotabeatDarfrom r our faio ^;ato^ tbe
xtwX^^ iflfues, ano p;ofit0 tbereof , ano tberefo^enno %% tbat eno, i\^
faio llo;Di^o.f^Dio not onelroenie anorefufeto permit ano fuffec

r our faio ii)^ato? o; anr otber perfon0 to \v& bfe to enter into i\^z faio
Spanoj0 ano p;jemiflrc05 o^ to feecpeanr Court0 inano bpon tbe fame,
butalfoDioanoDoe oenr ano refufeto par to rour faio ;S)Mto; anr
free o; fanne rent0 foa i\^z faio mano^0 o; p;2emi{llp0,o; to H^elo to rour
faiuo?atojbo^o^brtDl)atleafe0o;t otber title0 tljer o; anrof tbeui
2KDipoilereo^eniortbep;iemiire0, o; anrpart o^parcell tliereof^ oa
tiibatrent0 o; feruice0 ougi^t to be paro fo; tlje fame, br reafcn toijer^
of, r^t faio o^ato} \% \^z to b( ^ept ftom i\z benefit of !)t0 faio zxttw*
%\ 3 tion.
flow. ^ainftatItt0l)t,eqmt?,anD confctence,tjleirerour ^.aauffo/
mtn ipelp be tnto |itm tn tW
bel^alfe cptcHDeu. 3ln f enuec tenfioeca^

tion tu^eteof,miD fo^ tfjat tl^e faiu 3lo*^o.f c^beeing otoners anu occu^
pierA of tlje manoj0 ano premieres afo^cfaio, ant> do conccale ant feegp
ftomfljeUnotoleogexjf rent: fain s^toj as tncUtlje^cwlBcentajfec^
uiceg, anD farmes, as alfo t^e figi^t of tljeic feuetall SlnBentttres of
l0afe, as alfo tljeCourt^cols, toljecb^ rout; ojatoj is tDttI;out tcmeDte
dtljec to tuonctmv ^eacd^ farme> o; ct^ccttiemttsauBfacuices of
tie if ceeljolD o^ Cop^lolD lanos pectaining f o tlje faio manno^s, ano
fb^t^afT!ot^o;ato.:^atfj not tfjc counterpanes of roatfatu Blnnen
(ures of leafe, neittjec knoUiett) tffz oates of tijem, no; t^e certainty of
fout farmers rerefueD^o; of tt)e tents ano ferutces Due ano payable
ftjtljeTatDlanDs , ^aumgnottljecourt^rolstoll^etDfo;tlj,foasroui:
c^to; cannot b^ tlje courfe of tlje common latues of tl^is realmcmafee
m^ auoVyji? fo^ eitljer t^ ^ erel^ farmes, no? ret fo;^ tfje rents anDfec^
MicesDua^ponf fo^t^efo^zefaiDfcee^olD ojcoprlJOlD lanos IjolDen of
tlje faiD feuerall manors as afoae^not^et fda anr otljer Dutr o? feruice

Duefo^tiicfamejno; can fl^eiu fo;t\} tlje certainty of t^t lanoes t tpt

faiD tenants do feuerallr tjolD^S^ar it f !)erfo:e pleafe rout l^ lo;Dll^tp,
t^af fome gosD^ojoet mar be br rour goD %* fet Doton, Ui^erbr r fo^e^
faiD feueral fatmers,tenants,f occupiers of tljcfaio feuerall manors,
anD all t^exjtljer patties beo^e metioneD, mar be enfo^ceo to fet Doton
tjpon f Ijeir otl^es,as alfo b^ing to^t\} tiftit feuerall Sfnoentutes of lea^
fes,tu^etebr rout o^ato? mar fenolu tfje feuerall Dates of t^em,as alfo
hi^at lanDS t^er IjolD br tfje ramc,anD br toljat rcrelr rents f farm#
^Dtjjattije tenants of tt)e faiD feuerall manors mar liUetotfebein^
fo^ceD tpon tljeir otijes to fet ootone loijat lanDs tljer ^olD of tl^e faiD
feuerall manors eit!)er freelr^oj br ropr of court^rol,f br tuljat rents,
fineSjDuties $ feruices0s alto tljefojefaiD CDXo?D sp4c^!5autngt|Dg
suHoDr anrof tpz tentals,court^roIs,bG)ks of furuer > Mn
hsittS) oi
terrers concerning tljafojefaiD feuerallmanno?s,o;{ of anr oftlje^mar
lifeetoife be iaifejceD to fijeto tl)cm fo;t^ to rour o;ato? , to tlje intent

rour o^ato^tnar tjuoerUanD Uiljat lanDs,tenementScO^ j^ereDitamets

are IjolDen of tlje faiD feuerall manojs,o? of anr of ti[}em, anD br toljat
tents,Dnties,o; feruices t^e faiD lanos, tenements, o? ^ereoitaments
are ^olDen br^tuljerebr rour o?ato? mar acco^Ding to eqmtr anD gcD
cofciencejteape5receine,recouer,]^aueitafee tljererelr reuenues,if^
fueSjauD p^oSts f tlje fojefaiD feueral mano;js f euerr oft(jem, asin
lalo f rig|t bclongetl; tjnto Ijim^anD as Ije ougljt to D,Dntil rour faiD
s^ato; be fatiltteo of (Ije fumme conteineo in liis fo^efaiD Itatnte itaplB
HnotolcDgeD tjnio |)im,as afoaeraiD,U)itlj ^is reafonable colls anD Da^
simges lierein futtain^O; anD to ttjenD tjNt ail tj^efe points mar be pec^
and Anfwere^, 26S
t^ur raid jS)^ato;( tl^e 1 iSpatsff tes moli gratiou^ M^it of Subpoena
tn he nitzfttn to t^t fnti'm (t* )lo^9 ^* Baren of il$ic cotfimattdtns
t|em ano cueri^^f t^em tj^cccb^ at a cectaine Da^,an5 tnDti: a rtain
pain pscfonaUF to applets before rourgcoD it. tnt^eratD[)o. Court of
C^ancerr ,tl)en ano t^ece to anfivet: to tf)e p^mtflTeBjano to abtoe (ut^
futtlftt om^
^nty tittction ^etiein, ag to f out: 1^* ^all f^ma goD ta
ItanD tottl cigl^t , equttte^aiio gaio confctence* ^n
rout faia ^^to;
l^all acco^oing to i)t5 moabounoenouetieeuecp^a^fo^tlicinaeare
anoxontinuanca of ^onr goo Han j^ealtfi ano all Ijono; long to en^ttrg*

Theioint ondfeHerAUanfypersofT.M. H.B, &c. defenantt, tofheBiM

of Complaint of LL. cowflamant,

T^cfaiooefentiantsanDCHcricof tfjemfauingtotljemanDeuetia Sc^. i^o;

of tljem tljeaouantage of exception to tfjcinrcrtamtwano infu&
liciencie of tl)e faio )15tU of CompIamt,rai?,;anD fitff f fje faio 2C^o^a
fje tl)c faiD %*^(iit Dot^ ano jiaf^ bp
fo^ Ijimftlfe fait!),ILl)at tl^e fpace
of tiuo peaces lallpaft o^tljcccaboutaerecdreo tI;eofficg of )10ailifeof
t(je S^ano^B of il^^* ano B. in tlje faio i3iU mcnttoncD, luljercof f HiiB
oeftnoant fuppofcf I) 2C,!Lo. C'fquice to be feifeo of fomceftate of in^t
ntancc,anoat!) in Ijisjljanuufomc rentals of tfje faio qpano;sf,ki5>icf>
tl)i0 ticf. f tjinfectl) \)t ougtit net to impart to tl)c faio complainant, nei*

tijer oug!)t t^e faio complainant to Ijaue t\)z i(rue0,rentfi ano p;ofit0 of
t\)Z faiDS]pano;sa0 tW Def.tljtnketljjfo; ttjat as tijis 0cf.|iat5 creoibl^
Ijearo ano tenli? belauctlj it to be true, tfje faio C.!to;jD ^. in tljefaio
jlBill mentioneo,tf)e oap cf t|ie oateof t|iefaio recognifance in tl)e faio

jiBill mentioneOjO^ at an v time fmce tuas newer feifco in l)igf oemefn m

of fee fimple, ft taile, o^ free Ijolo, of, ano in i^z faio ^ano;^ of ^.;3.
ano B* o; an^ part o: parcell t^tutifM in t^e faio UBillis tntruel^al^
Ieagco)15utone2t.^.tua0tt)en feireotljereof,to|ofincel^at!)onuei'
ro tlje fame to tijefaio Lil. a0 tljis oef.Ijat^ bearo. HBp reaibn to^erof
in ti)ifl[ Def.opinion to ^aue tf)e rentSjiffues: pao^
t|)c faio HCfj.iL.ougfjt i
fit0 tt)er0f,notU)it^aanoing tbe faio e]recution,toitf)out tf;attl)i0 oef.
10 farmo; , cultomarie , 0,2 free tenant of anp part 0; parcell of tl)e faio
^ano;0 0.2 otlj^cr tfje p<iemiirc0 t^e faiom MM
mentioneo , otljer tfjew
ofpartellof t[je oemcfne0oftI)efaiD S^ano^of ^. Ujl;ic|) X^i& oef. ^ol?
oetl) bv Icafc fo^ certain r^are? ?et to come,reno^ing rearelp t3.li.anO
of t^eifaircs of i^ .ano tfie profits tljerofjioljic^ ]^c|ioloet^ fo^ Diuer0
teares v^t to come,reno;ing rearelr n^]s* t)iij.o ano of t^e ti;. part
of f ije Marren of ^. to^ic| Ije fjoloetlj fo;^ oiuerg rcare0 ret enouring
reno^ing r^sM'i^^ti^l tiereabout0* -^no ofoiuer B free^lO0 ^oloen
ILl ii$ of
^&^ ^imi of ^* bB t|>e tenf t^Xn*^* ti tT^%mbo\xtff.^nt^Mi^Q\xt
t!>at,tljat f fjui uef^^afij in ^w l^anw ant Court roU0,rentalff jOj lcafc0
anftoece bef^^e t0 mentioneD 9 0 in t|)c fatDa^tU t5 tintcuel^ alleagco*
ano toit^out t|)at, t^at t^t0 oefenoant ijat^) tjnlattifulli? con&Decateo
Ittit^anr t^epei:ron0int|erato^iUtnentioneDr to Deflate tl^e faio
complainant of t)i0 latufuU e):emtion ano ettate in t{)e p^emis^0 tn tije
faio ^ill menttoneD , a0 in ti)e faio )i5iU of complaint i0 alfo tmtcnel?
aUeageo. jSno tlje faio f^em:^ OlSlake foj tiimfclfg faitf),t[)at ^je [jatlj er*
echred t^eoffice of ^tetuato of tljc faio ^ano?0 of % % Wm tlje faio

%i\\ menfioneo, ano of t^e f|^ano;0of ^4nt!)eraiDMnifeeU)if0

mentioneD latofuUp conllitnteo tiiecunto a0 ti)i0 defenoant tl^in&et^
bt! tijefaiD fomc eltateof enljedtante of t^e faid.
SD^ilo^beingfeireo of
^ano;0,a0 tl^i0 oefenoant fuppofet^ : ano tljat tlje Court ron0 ano e^
uioence0 concerning t[;e Caio ifeano^s ate Uept in tlje fjoufe of t^efaio
2DXo. at(2;.int!)eCountieofijio;fif8lUe, anDat:cnotatt|ii0Oefcn^
tant0 Difpofition to veolo tp 0; impact to tl)e faio complainant otljec^
iuife t^m a0 tl^e faio SC/llo.fl^U appoint,tul)ecof tljis ocfenoant Ijum^
blp p;ar etl^ i\^x9 l^ono^ableCouct to I)aue confioecation:tuitljout t^at
t^t tWoefenoant i0 facmo; oj cuftomatie 0; fcc^ tenant of an^ pact
0; paccell oftl)e fdo ^ano.:0 o; ot^ectI)ep^emiaie0intl)erato^tU

mentioned 0; ^U\^ in ^i0 f)ano0 an^ Court COII0, centaU0, 0; Ieafe0:


concecning t|)e p;emia^0 in t|)e fato Bill mentioned otljec tijen 30 m

^ anftuec before i0 mcntioneo , a0 in ttiefaio 115ill of Complaint id
tintcuel^ rucmifeo;atnt> Itiitfjout t^at^liat tW oefenoant i)at^ bnlato^
fullr confeoerateo loitl) an^ pecfon o^ pecron0 in t|)e faio ^Billinentio^
neo, to Defeat t^e fatD complainant of t)t0 lalofuUerecution ano eHate
in t^e p;emiflrc0 in tfje faiD ioill mentioneD,a0 in tfjefaio )15ill ofCom^
plaint i0 alfo tjntcucli? alleageD. 0nD tl^e faio 2^^oma0 0^n(lDo;tl) fij^
iHmfelfe faitf),tl)at fje ano Dot!) ererrife ttje ofiftce of Bailife of tlje
^anno;of ^4nt^eraiD^iUmentioneD\)nDeranD b^ t^e appoints
ment of ^^* dljfquire in tlje faio ^ill mentioneo, lui)om t)^ Defen^
Dantruppofet^ to befeifeo thereof of fomeefl^ate of inheritance, ano
))atf) in ^i0 l)anD0 ttximxt cental0 of t^e fame $^ano;,tD^ict) cental0

t[)i0 DefenDant tj^infeetl) lie ougljt in Dutte to koepe ani) bfe to t^ebenei
fLi anD feruicf of t^z faiD E^oma0 B* anD to employ tlje fame aero;'
Ding to ^i0 Direction , anD not otljertoife* ^nD furtt^er tf)t0 Defendant
r^itt) , tl)at t[)t0 DefenDant is farmo;or parcellof tlje Demefne0 of tf)e

Spanojof ^. afo;>efaiD5lD!jicl) Ije lioloet^j fo; Diuer0 i?ere0 t?et to come,

tlDing anD paring tljcrcfo^e reacel^ xii^*\u t)itj0. iii|.D of telofuH
tnoner of CnglanD : an^j alfo lioloetf) b|g copie of Court roll at tlje toiU
cf tlje IIo;d of tljefeio ^ano? of ^Wanton S^^lcj? , a(co;Ding bnto
and Anfwersv i6p
t^ tufiom of tf)^ fai^ f^ano?,t)tuer( lanos ano fenemcnt^ Sxsii^in t^t
p;ecmct0 o f t^ faiD ^ano^ ano vetoing reacel^ fo.^ V^t fame irl^jer. o^
t|eceabout$, Itiliict) tentjsrtfjtd ti^fimoanc tijinfeetl) are not parable to
t^ pIatnttfe,fo; tl)at ti^e cents refecuco tjpon iLcare0 ttiaoc ofan^pac^
cell of t^e ertenoeo }i?emt(re0<befo;e tt^e hnclolcogmg ofti^e Cato ^Ui
tnte,at:e not erp.:eav crtenoeo no; Detiueceo to ttjcfaio complainant
in erecution* IButtt^c Tato complainant [jauingertetioeo ano ceceiueo
tl)e premieres into emution a$ Demean in polTeilion is to t(ai? ano ep

{ject till i)emar l^aue ano cnior tl^e fame acco^oing to |^i0 trtentiano to

t^e oettuecte thereof maoe tjuto i)im.;SnD fnctt^ec t^i? oefenoant fait|i
t^att|)eraio qpano: of ^tuanton ^o;le^ is , ano at tl^e timz of t|)e a#
loacDtng of erecutton,tua0 a$ tt)t0 oefenoant tl)intiet|i tf)e int^ecitanct
of t[)c faiD 2Dl)oma0 13 lul^tcl) |et|)enljaob^ptttc|)arefi:omt^efatO
^0^0 ip*itnce t))ehnoh)leogingof tliefaioiUecogmranc^^ 0nD in a0
mucilj a0 tl)efatolo;o sp. at t^e time of t^e fenotoleogtng of tl^efaio
Mecognifance ^ao ano luau feifeo in jf a fiimplc, ir taile,o? fo; tecme
of ltfe,a0 t^t0 oefenoant X9 cceoiblr info;meo,anD pactl^ app^ret^ bp
t|)e^cl)eouleof t^elitiecieof ti^efaiollo^o^rOf anotntijeq^ano;
of % in ttie Countie of C&ffej:, of t^e ^earelv tialue of M o; tljecea^
bout0,ano of ano in tt)e ^ano^0 of if .ano Cooenl^obect? in t^eCoun^
tiz of ^ertfo^OjOf tlie reacel? tjalue of jrl.li. o; tlieceabouts , ano of a
cectaine ^eatelp cent of ccF.li. o^ tl)cceabout0,going out of tj^e ^ano;^
of ^^obmgton in t|e Countie of ^ucbingliam , ano of Otuec0 ott^ec
^ano;09ilano0,2^enement0ano ^eceoitament^ , inoiucc0of^e):
Countie0 of(^nglano,tjo|iicl^ ougl^t to becontcibuto^V to tl)epaiment
of i^z faio ^^. It. ano t|)erefp;e t^e fame i0 bnouelp ano contcacie
to llatu ctjacgeD tjpon tf)efato^ano;of ^tt^tntoncmrr^to^t^tng,
Ixtj^icl^ tl)e faio %%tixm& )i3. j^oioetb as a ^eofi^ , fo; tti^ici) caufe ti^e

faio 2^.115. a0 ti)i0 oefenoant fttppofet^ l^atl; pucfucoliis Scire fdcias,a<

gainlE tbefaio complainant in ti;i0^ono;ableCouctfo;t|)eoircJ[)acge
of i\)z faio ^mtii of l^toanton cum Mo?tl)ing fcom tlje faio oue er^
ecution^ano fcom tl)e cccouecie of t^cifTues ano p;io6t0 commtng ano
gco)ing of tl)e fame lipanoj fcom tbc time of t!>e faio erecutionfifo;
toi^icl) caufe i^\% oefenoant l^umbl^ p;ai?etf) t}^\^ i)ono;able Ccuct
tijat tfje faio complainant be cefecceo to t![)e Common ilatu to
b;ing 1h0 action agatnft t!)t0 oefenoant fo; tt)e recouecte of tt^e faio
cents oue l9pon fuel) lleafes ano copieljolos as tt^is oefenoant |)oloetI|
0f ti)e faio ^ano;^ of ^h^anton cum Mo?tt^ing)tx^l)ecein tije tialioit^
0f tlie faio CFtciit maii^ b g tcteo , fo as t^is oefenoant mat bnoto to
tol^m t)ema^ par l)is Toto rents , lPiti)out oangec o^fucti^ectrouble.
^no t}^\ii oefenoanti^ eaoie to fi^auo to fuc|) o^oec as tiiis ^ononcable
Cmtct p[2aUatcai:0iaacei;ning tj^e l^el^tng tnto t^z ftiio complainant
:^! .^.;-: of
Vo >: S applications^ Billsi,
of \fi's&att an^ tcxmt tufjicl) Ije l^at^ of anu in an? put ef t^e fatt
^an; of ^iuantoit cumWo^t^irtg o^ tjoloet^ oft^e fameani ot^tt
citcumllaiicea thereof ,tuitl)oiittl)at tliatt^iies BefimDant is fatmo? of
cuftpmacie o} fcee tenant of ant fitter pact o? pacwUof tl)is faiD ^an^
nD;j0, 0} ctl^Bt tt)^ pjemilTes tni^e faio Bill mentioneD, o^$at|| in l)t
|!anD( an? ^mt roUs^ccntalUtiD^lmres concerning tl)t p;emilljp0 in
ti)e faio^ill mentionri),ot|)ei:tl;en ai! in iW
anfluer before iis menttc?
oneo as in tije faio )t5tll of Complaint ia l^ntcnel? alleage]7.0no tuit|)^
Qttt tljat.tljat tliiiJ oefcnoant ^atl^ tjnlatofull? confeoeiiateo isiitif an^?
tl)epecfon0 itit^t faio ll5iU fnentioneo , to defeat t|ie faiocoraplainant
6f ^10 latufulUrecution ano eilpate in t^e p^emifiTes iritljelaioBill
tnentii:neD,a0 in t^e faio 15ill iff falfel? furmifeo. :^no tf}Z faio ^enri;
J&, Join fo? ^imfelfe fait^ , tl^at Ije Ijat^ ano ootl) ereEcife tlje otfice of
JiSailife of tlue Spano;^ of l^ocfeecing ic. in ttie faio Bill mentioneo,
lu^eceof tl)i0 oeft noant fuppofetl) ^.Ho^^fquiceto be feifeo of fome
tUtatt ofiniieotancMno |iatf) in|)ii$^anO0 cectaine rentals of faio t^
^ano^0, lof^it^ centall0 tt)t0 oefettoant t^inl^etl) l)e oug^t tn>outie to
k(9Dpe ano ^fie to t^ebene^ ano fecurce of t^t faio ^.
ilouelt , ano to
implo? tl^fameacco;oing to l;i0 oitection,ano not ottjertutfe.^no fuci
tl^et tyis oefenoant faitli^tl^at l^e tl)t0 oefentiant i$ fatmer of cectaine
tjem^fneff of t^z faio fj^ano; of pocketing totjeueof Ijefjoloetfjfonie
pact &; peaces ano fome fo? life b? leafe niaoc br ttje faio !lo;o i^o.

toljofei^fiate tijefaio sp.lLo.iioto ijatljijf ano in tlje fame,?0cloiKgano

pacing tljereof reatel? rrr.li. o;j tl)ereabout0, lDl)ici) rent tlji$ oefcn^
tant tl^inlictl) 10 not paiable to tlje faio ccmplainant,f0^ tljat t|ie rent
i;cferueo t3pon leafes inaoe of anr parceil of ti}e e$:tenoeo p;emilfe0 be^
fo^c ti^e fenolBleogtng office faio^tatut at e not erpjell? ertenoeo no?
ocUueceo to tlje fato complainant in erecution. )i5ut fl^efaio complain
tiant ^auingertenoeo ano receiueo tlje p^eniilTes into execution a0 oc*
mcfw in poircffton,i^ to fta? 1 c):fpcd til ^e ma? l)aue % emo? tl)e fame
accoiOingto t)is?ertfnt,anotljcliuerictlreic0f maoet)nto|)im. 0no
fnrtl^er t^i0 oef.faitlj^tljat tlit faiojq^ano;? of i^ocUecing i ^ojtljtuo^
Oenljam are f at tl)c time of t[?eatoaromgof t\)z faio crecuiion iuere
a0 tfje oef. tl)infect^ tl;e infjeritance of2D.il. iiil;icl) Ije f ^en Ijao b? pur*
Ijafe from tlje faio Jl. spo. fauc tl)efenottileoging of tlje faio recogni^
fance. 0no in afmuclj a0 t!)e faio it. ii^. at t^etmie of tijefaio recogni^
fanceiiao 1 tua0 feifeo in fa fimple,f taile,o; fo; tcime of life,a0 f tjitf
oef.i0creoibl?imfojmeOji paitl? appecrcti) b? tfje ^cljeouleof tl)c li*
uecic of tl>e faio ^.$p of f in tljc ^ano^0 of ^alingburie i!po;le?,ano

^alcottEJetle? in t^e Countie of CBCPejc of tl;e ?erel? tialue of C.li. ojt

ttjerabont0, ano of i in t\)Z ^ano;0 of if urner 1 lilooenl^eber? in t^e
count? pf tj^ectfo^o of? ?e(el? tmlueof pl.li*o; t^erabonts^f a certain

ancj AnfwerSt jfo 270

ttnlv ttnt of 3 o.li'Oj f ^ecaboat0 goingout of tficmano; ef^fjoiing^
fotitntf)cCbttnt^ of ^ac]kmg|)am:,aht) mtieris oti^ermanrio^s, Im^^y
f enemcntd,ano f)crei)ttamcnt0 in Dtuei:0 otljec Counties of (;l;ngianD
lD!)icl) oug!)t to be coumhuto^v to tfje paimcnt of ttjc faio i loc.UanD

tljecefojefl^e fanjc iatnoucl^ raD contcni:? to llaU) cl;acgcD tjpoM tfje

faiD^annojsofi[3u6k(^mgianDijio^tljttiDo^nl^am, tufjic^ttie faioe
pa(fei:JLo.^olDctt)afia.|fcoffde,fo^U)l)icl^rcafon t^eraiO^a.Jio aig
t^is oefenoanf fiippcfttljjtjatt) purftieo f^i Scire facias againft tljefato
toniplainanttn ti}\B Ijono^able Court fo; tlje Difcfjnrgc of t^e faio ma^

nojsofil^o.anoijj. fromtJjcfaioijnoue execution , anofo^ t!)c ttto^

wtie of tl)e faio iCTucs anu profits, comming ano gcotumg of tfjc fame
iano;s ftom tf|c tiitie of tljc faio erccutioiijfo^ \i}f^tcl)CAu($ t^is ocfcn^
wnt Ijumbli? pjarctl)t!)is ijono^ableCouctjt^attfjc faio complainant
wtar be tcfacccB to tlje Common latce to b;jing ijiB action againft f Ijis
uefenDantfo^tljerecouetroftl^efaiDreJttiS Uuctjpon tije faio leafeg
ano eftatcfli toijicl^ ttjis DBfenoant Ijoloetfj of t^ic faio manno^Sjicljece^
in tl)et)aliDitic of ti^c faio txtmt ano ejcecution mav be tcieo, fo ax; tljc
faio oefenoant mar i^ncto to tut)om to pa^ ^is faio cent M^out
gcr 0; furtfjei: trouble, ano tbta oefenoant is reao^ to (fano to fuel) o?^
tjecajs; tfjis lono^ableCouct ^alatuaco concerning tljel^eluinglo t^

faio Complainant of t)r0e(fate0 ano termer \i)Wl) l}eei)at{} of anu in

tlje faio parcelloft|)ei3emefne0 of tlje faio mano;; of ^oo;l)oloet^ of

t|e fame ano otl)eccircumllance0t[)eteof:toit^out tl)at,t^at tl)i0Oef

is farmer, Coftomarie, o^ free tenant of any otl)erpart o^ parcel of tfje
faio manojs 0? ot^r t^e pjemiffes in tlje faio bill mentioneo, c? ^atl^
in Ijis^ano any Courtrols,]lental0,o^ Counterpanes ofleafes con^
teming t^e p^emiffes in tlje faio )15illmentioneD,otl)er tjjen in l)is an^
fber befo;$e i$ oeclaceo, as in t^e faio )t5tU of complaint is iintruly al^
leageo ^notoitljoutt^at, t^att^efaiooefenoant liati; tjulatufuUi?
confeoerateotDit^anT>tt)eperfonsintI)e faio bill mentioneo , to oe^
fi^at t^e faio coplainant of ||fs latDfull erecution ano eltate in tfje p;e^

tnilTes in t^z faio bill mentioneo, as in t^$ faio bill of complaint is tin^
truelp alleageo* j^no \s}it^i}ttt any oti^er m^tUt o^ t^ing in
t^at, tljat
tl;e faio bill of complaint mentioneo material! o^ e^ectuallto be an^

ftuereo tjnto, ano not j>erein fufiRciently anfluereo, confeffeo, f auoy

Deo, trauerfeo, o; oemeo,is to tljefeoefen o^ any of tljcir bnoiwleoges
true* ;ail toljicfj matters ttefe oefenoants are reaoy to auer ano p.jeue
es t^is f)ono jable Court (l)aU atoaco, ano p >ay to be oifmiSTeo out of
tlje fame, tuit^ ':'':i n reai;i)4'abU coHs ano cljarges in this b^^alft moft

**^gfMllrfftatueo ;....,.

A Billmta the ChxHnceryf$r Aet({imng (f euidemes ttttrmg irtta 4 mettdsm

and apa^uu, andmAktng to themfeittcs dittos efittes.

To che Reuercfld Father in God, Thomas BiQiop of Ely,

Lord Chaunccllor of England.

Sit.i 5
T^ moH liumble totfe n^eiuetl) and cSplanttt^ t^nto ^out god llo;i)^
1 i]^ip,^out uatlt? o^ato^ (SJ3(^t[)at toljew ?iail3lfat^cctjntoi?oucfiWD
^^^aX^i Uiad fetfeD in i)U! oemefi ais ef fci^ of ano m
fifikn %xxt$ of
?it i ^iturc ano meaootci li^tt^ tj^appurtenancef in Clare ixi i})9 coun^
ttcof^uifolkc^anofo being tt))eceof reined oieob^ p;oteffationfetreD.
;^fter loFiore ocati) t\^ fato fift^ne acred of paHureand meaooto, anQ
tt^ppurtenances^defcenoeb i eanie, anD
all otl^cr tlje p :enuOre$ Itiitl)
of ri$l)t ougl^t to oefceuo ano come tnto ^out faio o;ato; as fonne ano
i)eiret)ntot^raiD Wi^3^*^Q iti^tfma^ pleafernurgooHo;!)* t (^r^
^aineuiDencei,tieeD!,cI)arter0, anoot^er mttniments concerning t^e
^;emt((e0)are come to tt)e ||anO( and poflTeltion of ^.(^. loioolo, and
0(^ tu^o b^ colonc ofleaning tljofaid euidencejs l^aue entrcd into tbe

p^mtGrei,and|iaueconueteDt)nto t|)em and iY^m t)etres oiuerii and

fund;? ettates in ttje laUj fo;^ tlje dil^erifon of ^ouc faio j2D;ato;, and of
$i0l)eire5 fo; euer : ^nd bccaufc^our faid o:ato;l!notpet() nott^ecer^
Uintiz of tt)e fatd euidence,no: tul)et^er it be contained in bag 0; bore
fealeOjO;: in ctjeft lor feed,l)e i0 Uiitljout remedic fo; tlje ret cuerp off fre
fame b)? tf)e o;der of tl^e comon lalt), ertept ^our il. fauo; be Dnto ^im
%tid in tljusbel)aife: Bin confideration toijeteof it marpleafe^ouc
gQ9d l.tl^e p;emi(ree con(ldet:ed,to grant a lu;rttof Subp^na, to be di^
reded to tbe fatd $p <^* lDtdob3,and ;^(10commaunding tijem bp tlie
fame perfonall? to appeare before r our gcod It.in ti)c king! ijigt) court
ef Cbaunccc? at a certainc dap,and ^ndcc a certain pain bti ?our gcnd
JU to be limited tfjecc to anfiuctct3ntotl)ep;^cmi(res, and afterto a^
bide fucl^ decrdc and o^der tf^erein as to tour gosd Il*Il^all be ttiougbt to
Hand \3dit\) rigljt and c onfciencc : 0nD vour faid o;atc^ fl^al dail? p;ap
fo; tf)ep;ereruat(onof rourHo^dH^ipB l;ono^lotig toendure*

The Anfwere ofne ofthe defendanti to the Bill next before , ivhopleadeth
that the plaintifes Fdther Joldc theUndes in the hill mentioned to T, M,
^hofolde the fame to the defend4nts husband y who eonuejed thefame to
th: defendant for her life, Andjherveth^ that at the tithe of thefaidpur'
ckiaft^ and aftery the premises were in diners Feo^ees in vfe^ tmdfhcweth

and AnfwereSr'^' 271

tftemardf tht making &ftiic Statute of %y. Henry %.f0rtraMtfrrini^
'9ft s into ^ejjejftoit
%' '

Thf Anfwerc of M. G. Widdow , to the Bill of

CoroplaiDt of G. T.

T^t fatD Defcnoant faitfj, tijat t()i?faiD)15illof Complmntt0tjn* Se^.i^x

tcuejtjncertaine^nDutfiiffident in t^llaijuto be anfU)erei>t)nto,
and t\)z matters therein conterneo fietenninablc at tlje Common
Jlatu, aiiB itotin t[?is!jono;ablc Court , tofjerettnto tfjcfaio ucfenuant
p.japct|) to be oifmiffcD: anutl^eaDuatttagetl)ereof totljefainticfen^
uaitt alluates faiico , it f^e fl^all be compelleo to make anr furtj^cc an^

fUier tjiito V^t faiD tnfufficient Bill Df)^n fo; tljc declaration of ttie
ix\xt% tlje faiD Defendant faitlj, SDfjat asf to an^^afturc ej SpeaDoVu
in Clare, tl)c faiD Defendant fenctoetli not tljat l|e x^ tenant of,oj Ijatl)
ant t|at tuas belonging to tlje faiD M
3! tnttfjin tl)e faiD 2Dotone oj

pari^ of Clare, o; Dctainctf) ant euiDence concerning tljc fame to fjec

bnotoleDge : t^e faiD Defendant fait!), tlje faiD M
3! mentioned in tlje

faiD liBill of Complaint,lSHttoget^eclritb I.M^alias ^iller,3f if fc*

UierefeifeD of and in feuenacre* ef l^affurc anD^;ie,and tf^ik acres
anD one roiDe of ^eadoto in $) in tljeit Demefne aief of fee t0 tjje tjfe of
t!)e faiD VM* %
anD of l)iief !)eirc0, and fo being ti^eceof feifeD, i^^i faid
M* bargaineo anD folD tl;c ^allure, q^oi.je, anD ^eadotn laft hc^

fo?e rememb;5eD ^nto one %*^* and to ^is b^ites fo; euer : 15^ tjertue
oftoljicb bargaine tbefaiDM3j anD^isfatdotljcrCofeotfetsluerc
tljereof feifed in i\)tit demefne as of f^ , to tlje tjfc of tljc faid %^ 1^.
and of Ijis |eireB,anD after tlje faid t'(lil3I DrcD : anD after lu^ofe Deatlj
tl)C faid %
Wi* $r tbem IjeiD in b^ rigbt of Surupuo;j^ip , and toerc
thereof feifeD in tbeir Demefne as of focjto tlje faiD \i^t laff rememb;cD
anD being fo feifeD to tlje faiD l3fe,t^e faiD 2E#, bargained and fold tlj0
faid pall*uce,Sffl.2e,and i^eadolu to one X.Wi.<&* gentleman, bnfband
of tt)C faid defendant and to Ijis tjeires : iB^tjertuetDfiercof tljcfaid
%Wi* and otljerbis faid Cofeofffestuerc feifed of andintljefameto
tljctjfeof tlje faid 2:Cl.C and of t)is beircs : i^nd after fo^ tlie further
aCTurance tl)rereof to tlje faid M.cS and Ijis b^itess, tlje faid 3!M and
tf)e otfjereljisCofeoffces fo being feifed of and in alltl)e pjemiffes^did

cnfeDfifeM5i5.C;fquire,(25.if. gentleman fc. of and in tlje faid ^a^

Ihire , 5^-a;e, and if eadoto : %^ bans and to Ijold tl;e fame to tbe faid
MfilS f c andtl^eir beireief and a(ligne0,to tbe onel^ tjfe and beljofe of
tfie faid M.d?. and otitis l^eires and aCTignesiio; euer : )Bt! t)ertue

tDljcreof tl^faidM.5S|c. feeretbereof feifedintljeic demefne as of

f<Je,tot$^ onelt trfe f f iw faid W.(!15. and of [jip l)cires ^id aHignes ft^
euer, >
wee , Bu ^0 toccc t^crcorTcifeo tintiU tfje fouct!^ Mi? of ^cb^uam, <ti
ttjeieuenaiiOttoentictlj^eateof t!)0caigne of out ^oncratgne Lp^o
Ring l^encT' tl?c eigl)t. 0t iul)tc^ aav t^e faiB tI2!I. dD. toa0 leifeo , of,
aiiD m tlje p^zemilTeg in \its Dcmcihe as of fa , ant b^? tiectue ttjcicof
tlje faio M.
CD. anD ^10 aCTigneB Ijauc euct fince Bnio^^co tfjc p^einiacs
peaceably ano quietly? iDitt^out mtet:cuptton,t3ntiU notu of late Mt^in
t^efe ttoelae montt^ts tt^at tl)t fato complainant p^etenoco title bntQ
t|)e^ame,fiL^eeltatc^of )uui)tc^ 2^.C^.of ano tn tl)c p^emtfiTe^ loit^ tijett;

appuct^nancet! t^e faio oefcnDant fo^termcof ^eclifctf^cteuefiono;'

uec tjnto 0. (25. gentleman b^ lalufuU coniieiance in tijz iUto notu
i)ati) : tPitl)out t|)at tt)atanictt;ii:gmatenaUo;trauet:reabte, ot^ec
tijen ti)at in t^i; p^efent anflcece t^confefTeDanzjauoioeD, 10 ttug.
^Utu^tc^mattecdtbefaiD defendant ooti) auerre, ano in ceaote to
p;a)ue 9 as t|ii$ honourable Couit (^all a^aco , ano p;:a^etf) to be oifi
mifiPeo out of tjje fame , luitti l^et: reafonable collts fo;^ tjei; to;engfaU
Iteration fullaineo in tt^is be^alfe.

The RefUcation of the CmpU(ftmt to the Anfwer of one of the Defefu

dantr,( whofe Anfrver is not here) wherein he confejfeth thefale of

of the (aid Lands by his father ,44 before ittthe Anfvrer of

0He other of the Defendants is aHeadgedJbutfaith it
vms made vf on condition of redempion^
the which condition the Vendor
ferformed C$'C,

The Replicacion of G. I. co the Anfwer of A. G.

StCt. 153. T*^^ faio Complainant fattl;,t!jat Ijig faio Bill is certaine ano fufft^
X (tent in lUU) to be anftuet:eo tinto , ano tlic matters tl^erein

containeo are true > ano not imagined of malic;? br ti)e fain Complain
nantjto t^e onelv inttnt and purpofe to put t^efaio defendant to treu^
ble,cott,and beration, in mancr and fo^meas in tlje faio anfluer is ton*
truelp alleadged. j^nd fo,z replication tjnto tlje fatd anficcrtl^efaio
Complainant faitt) as ^e in \)iQ faid li3itl bat^ fatd, ti)at t^e faid Wi. H.
father to tlje faid Complaiitant tuas feifed of t|[)e p;crm(rcs in l)is de^
mcfneos of fe&,in tjfeojin pofiTeffion. ^nd tl)efaid ^a.3!, fo being tber^
of feifed b^ {)ts deed indented bearing datetlje lit;, dap of jjiouember,in
i^z prg.-peaceof t^e late i^tng i^encp tlje cisl)t,bargained and fold t|e
premises tiitto tt)a faid %. ^^. tiis ^eires and aaigncs fo; cuer , fo; t^e
fttimne of fojtie inarbes , Vu^creof tl)c faid %. |5. pa^eo tnto tlje faid
ff.^. ttoentie marbe0,and ttjc otber ttoentie markes to be paired \m^
to t^ im
W.'S^. at t[)e ^eott of ^.i^ic^ola9>|Hc| \^ iia tjre vere of
andAnfwers. lyz
gcantetl) bv tjje raiD Jnuentuwjttjat if tt)c raiDMr.3!.l)W \)im0,tx^'
cuto^j5,o;j affign5, at t^e faio ffeaft of ^aint 0tf)z\ns,o} in tfjt mcane
time before. Did i cpar tjnto tlje faiD SI. !)?. Ijis Ijcicw, ejrecuto?^, anD
aCTignes, t^e Hud ttuentt? matUs, ttjat t jen t^efaio batgaingaiiD fal
to betsoiD f of nonecfect,a0 bv t!)e faio BliiDentuce ceaDr to b^ ll^etstD
mo^ plainly Dotf; anD ma^appeate, h^ fo;ce Uifjeceof tljefaiD iM. 3f
anD fdfcD of tljep^emito to tl;c bfcof tl;e
t()ot!)ec tjis rofeoftccs,U)ci:c

TaiD^2^,^. anD f i)\s !)cired. iins aft^t tljc faiD ^.31. acco^Ding to t\}z
faiD SlnD^nture, anD before t\)c faiD featt of^aint J^utjolas,
anD tcuelv content anD pa^ bnto tfjefaiD SD.^. tijeniiofunioftluent^
ineU m
mailxes, br fo;jceU"if)ereof ttie faiD ^1211.31* anD t^e ottjcc fjis cofeoffces
luece feifeD of t!)c p'.emiffeB in t\}cit Demcfnc as of fee to tfje bfeof tfje
faiDt2I.3f.anDofl;i0t)d)5^: $Xni>t\)t faiD m. 31 anDtfje otfjec i)i
fofcoffitsfc being t!)ci:eoffeifeD,tl)efaiDM.3.DicD,aftei;tuf)ofeDeatfj
t^ercftDncof t!)efaiD feoffC0tuea; feifeD of tije premieres totl^etfcof
t^e faiD-fpniplaitiant anD of fjiiJfjeites ^ntill tlje foutt!) Dav of jfeb^iU^
SiV,iatl)fe 17- verireof tfjclate i^ing^emp tl)e0igi)t, at iB!}ic[)Dav
tfjefaiD complainant tuajsfolelriTeifeD ; 3nD fUctljer auecrettaU anD
euecr tiding container in [jis^^faiD bin to be tcue in manner anofo^me
as J)e in 1)10 faiD bill l^atfjaUcageD, Uiitfjouttljat tf}c faiD 31, bac^ M
gaineD anD folD tfje pzemiflfes bnto tljefaiD 23.^. anD to ffis l)tms in
fat!) mmtnec anD fozme (twitijont conDition) as in tlje faiD anftuere is
tntculp alleageD : SJnD luit()oijt tfjat t\)at t\)t faiD JE. !^.DiDlalofuH
bacgaine anD fell tijc p.iemiffes ijnto tl)c faiD tl^.dJ.ani to |i$ fjeices:
;j tjat tf)e faiD (2211.31 * anD Ijis Cofeofifec-s tuere latofall^ feifcD of tfjc
p;emr!re0totf)et3reoftl)efaiD<:ic!f.(IDanDof()t3i)cii;e0j D;t[)at tljc
faiDiFeofe'eesDiDo; migbt lalofuUi? enfcoflfe tfjc faiD mi^M anDO^
t?)ersnameD in tlje faiD iSnftuecetotljetjfje of tl)0 faiD 1^,(3. of mn
Ijislieices: aDi t^attbefaiD Wi.W>. anD tljcotljec Ijis cofeoffees luecc
la^ufnUv TeifcD of t!;e pjemitTes to tlje tafeof t^e faio W1X.(5. anD^off
l)incc5.).itJ)att!)efaiD t5Ct.(S. attfje faiD fonct^ Da? of ifeb^uauv,
tons latajfuU!' anDfolelp ffifeD of tf)e piemiffes in ite: Dj DiD laiufullv
awD peaceably mm t^^ premieres : ;faD; tijat tlje faiD cp. C3. motfjec of
tljcfaiDDefenDantljat^an^laltJfulleaarc ficm tfje faiD eei.in man^
ner anD fo^mc as in tht fatD ^nftxjcc is tjntciilv allcagcD : ^no U)itf)^
&utt1;at, tl)at an? of l)ec tl)ing mateciall in tljc HiiD ilnftnec, iDfjic Ij b?
t^s Replication is notfufftcientl? confeifeDanD auoioeD o.:tt:auei:fc^
ia ttM6 : ;^ll toljicf) watt^w fje is reaD? to auecte ix.

J Bin
A BiUinto the ChAHceriefor a ww^^-^- vpwthi StatHte fl JEUz^tafl
i ^

7 . ^n A^ tmchmg orierfrr Bttnkt

cHttfJiigd^ andmlt the ttfts ,

n, ' who/e prficetdw^s therein.

To the Right Honorable Sir Nicholas Bacoii Knight, Lord

Keeper ofthegrcar Sealc oi Eng-

H!toblt?tomplatnm0,f!^tx>et^ tittto ^oucgoD Ho^BB^tppepow:

^ . of it. 0;0ccr, ^ CE^. ^eccljantj^ttbtcctjs bo^ne of tljui Healme of

(IDnglanti7a5tP0Ufo;t^0mfeIue0a0fo;ott)er5, ^ubi$(ts;bo;n^ nft^e
fatDi^eaIme,anD Wtni^mB, Cceotto^s of <l*2i* ofH* cpecc^antatlo;,
alfo al^ubtect bo^ue of tt)e fato HtalmaX^at tDl^eceaiS ttje TatoC. ^^
tlmg ano emdfing tlje tcaoeof ^erclanoi^e , and fki^ltmg ^10 tt^aoe
efltutng bv bulging ano fcUtng , t)pon goio t tuft cauns fo^ toates and
^Pecc^anoi^c to fjtm folD ano oeltueteo 9 nno alfo fo^ rxat^ mone^ to
^unlent^beemginoebteototout; raiDii);ato;(inireueraU hmmts of
monsp, amountmg to t^e lvalue of CCC4i* 3nt) nolo of late, tt^at i

tofaFjtn tl)t0 p;erent monet|) of ^ootmber , in t^ie jrt.^eace of t^e

retgne of out: foueraigne llao? tlje ^ueenes ^auft. about t^t fecono
DarofttjeratDmonetj^ofji^^ouemb^CyOtobegtnne to keeps l)t$ l^onfe,
rcttuatetnt^efatoCitteof llonoon, ano((t|)encel)atl)Dspat;teD from
1)10 fato Dtx)eUing^oufe,anD abfcnteol^tmrelfe^totlje intent to ocft:auo
ano ^tnoec rout: raid D;ato;0 1 ottjec ^is Creoito^g of ttjeii: iuS debts
and duties to t^em due and oh)ing, and fo t0 become a Bankrupt : b^
ieafontu!jci*eof,andfo^tfjattljeraid iiSankcupt and otfjetstjis confer
decates tjaue deuifed and contriued dtuerfe feccete tHntes and finiHet;
practices foj tijc conueptng and efloining of t^c bodu of tlje faid bank^
cupt}andofaUIand0,gcDda,debt6,andoti)ei:t!)tng0 belonging to t^e
raid)i3ankcupt> in fuel; tutfe, as ^out i^;dito;s ate luitl)out t^elpefo?
recoueting 0; obtaining of tbcit* fiiid mft debts and duties , but onel^
b^ complaint to voni: llo.;jdS]jip , and t^ecupon to t)aue remedy acco^z^
ding to tbe ^tsLtutt touching eiders fo^ ilSankrupts , in t\}c ^atlia*
ment begun and l)olden at t^^ieHminffci; tljc fecono da^ of ^p;ill , in

tljeyiiji.Tieaccoftfjcmgneofoui: faid fouctaigne Und^ t|)e ^lueenes

^aiellie made and p^ouioeo. Bin confideuation tl^eceof^ma? it pleafe
l?om:ga)dJlo;dnijippcto grant tlje iSt* maieftiss moftgcacious onv
miCTion to b^diiciteot to futb and fo wanr ^i^^ anoljaneft difcteete
pcrfons as to tour H* lljall feeme good : ;autl)o;iflng tl;cm not onel^
concerning tfje faid 13 mkrupts bodv,IUnds , if ceel^old, and (TuUo^
marie,gcDds, debts, anu ot^er tljings to^atfocuer^but airoeoncerning
andAnfwers* 27;
mitt^txpttfom^o^^t^h^atmcaltmmU claime o^otlb^tutfe not 0^
li^all offeno touching tpt p;emtflre0,o^ ant? P^ct tl^0t:eof,contrai:t to t^e

intent ant) true meaning of tljefatD ^tatute,to Do ano emute all ano
euer^ tiding ano things tDliatroeuet:,ariuelltoiDace0 f fo; raltffatfton
^ ano pai^ment of i?out: fata o;ato?j(,a( toUjaro^i and fo; al ot^ec intents
ano tmrpofes , acco^oing to tiie o^omancc ano p;outfion of t|ie raid ftn^
ttttex ^nD^o(ttratdD;ato;0(]^allDarl?p^a^fc*

The Cemmijfton vfon the Statute ofi$. Elizahth. Cap, 7. made againfi
B ankertipts and granted to the Creditors vpjnthe .

BUI next before

ww/. 4^-. I
- 'y \ \V;.1->"-^V-J

EHifafrefl^ b^ f IjKgrace of <I5ou '^yxkxi of C^nglano, jfrancc anu Sc^. %w 1 5i.

land, oeEenDo; of tlje fattt) i c SCo one truffte anD Uielbeloueo &tt:
KotDlanu^e^lpaco linrgljt, Bloljn llanglei? ^loecman of out <t\i\z of
ILonuonjSEtjomas ^atton,2D|oma0 jaioerfe^j^S^omas Cgecton sper^
cer5,ano MiUtam Mltgnall spcicf)ant2Dai?lo^ of out: fain Citie of
JlonDon,gc0eting Mltjcceas toe be enfoameo, t|iat C. %. of llonnon
ipecc^nnt STa^lo^^fing ano erercifing tfje traoe of merc^auoifc b^
feja^cfbacgaining, ano feeding 1)10 tiaUeof Uuingb^ buringano fcb
tling, ano being a fubied bojnc of tl)is oucHealme of (2;nglani), in tl)
pjcfent monetl) of jptouenibcr,in t^e fifteenth peare ofour Haignc,bif.
about i^ fccono oar of tfje fame monetlj, oto begin to keepe fjis tjoufe
itiiw^iz in ilonoon afo;iefaiD5 ano fitljenceljatljDeparteD fcom \^\& fain
liiuelling >)OuCe,anD abfentco l)imrelfe,to i\t intent to oefrauD ano ^xa^
.tjet:2D*B.ofC.tn tljeCountie ofSDeuonl^iceClottjieisM.^. ofilon^
Don (S;ocec, Spi > Q^crcfjant, ano ot^er0 ^i0 ci;cDitD^0, being alfo
^ubtect$bo;neoft||i0 our fate Healme^oftljeictuff Debt0 anoouties
totl)eniDueanooU>ing,ano fo is become a115anfeecnpt,:2^rc minoing
ttje one execution of tf)e ^tafutetoucljingo.:tiei:0 fo: iSanttetupts m
'uc pacliament fjoloen at ^iSieff jmattec, \Xi tbe tljittcentl) ^ere of our
itaigne, niaoeano pjouiDeOjtjpon truft of ^our UufDomes, oiligeHce,
ano p;ruDent circumrpGctioti0, iu [jicb iue t^aue fonceiueti \x{ von, doc bs
4ljefep;erent0 name, affigne, appoit,confiitute, anD cjoaine rou owe
fpedaUCommifirionec0, giuing potuer anoautljo^itictjntoi'Du,
^ir itoto*^, 31 ,51. o^ SE,l^.
.fine Dj foure of ^ ou, tuljereof tljct? t^e faio
tobcone,acco;iDinstotl)efaioftatute,not onelv concerning tl)e faio
.^anUerupt,l)i0 boo^^ lanO0,frcel)olD, anO cufiomatiegodes, uebt0^
anootljertljing0U)'^atfoeuer, but alfo concerning all otfjec perfons,
ito|)icI)brconcealement5 claime, o;otl)erUii(e Doe o? fl)aU. ofifenD^ tou^
t^ingtt)cp.:miag5,ojanrpartti)creof5 contrarie to ttje intent ano
true meaning oftl)eraiD ^tatute^toDoeanoerecute acco^^oingto Vc^t
Supplications, Bills,
fait) ^tafnfeaUaiiDenet:? tiling ano tilings leoW^otutt u6 iuell fQ%

aiiD totuacDs fatiffactton f payment of tfje (m

ctenitois, as totuacos
anD fo; all ot^ctmttnta ano pucpofes, acco^^omg to t^t o^omance aitd
p;ouifionoft^erato Statute : WtUtugaiiticommanomgroUjfiueo^
fouttof ijourtoljcceof^icHoto.i^. 3Iilo;S:.^. to be one, top^o;
ceeD to t^e execution ano accomplil^mentof t^us outCommtlTton, au
co^^Dtng to t^etcue intent auD meaning of tf)e fatD Statute 1a)it^ all
Diligence ano e&eityasi our fpeciall tcult iit in von : MitneiTe out rlne5
att:ail(tminlie);tl)e&ftl|:Da^of ^uembec, in t^t fift^nt^ ^eacs or

tyf preceftfiom thefiidCommiJJioners^ to the Officers^ to make ProcUmM-

tionaceordingto the faU Stat Me agawB BankerftptSi that theJaU Bankr
rupt before a day ctrtaine come in and. jeeld bishody to the Commifi toners

To the Bailifes and head officers ofihe Borough


<tCt,i \ 71 7^^ Commiirionew ^eceaftec nameo bv beef ue of tfie iu
V V ^ignetreCommiirion,tob50ii:e(teD,teqmceanOc[)argepott
flue fono^ V market Daie^, neirt enfuing tt)e ttmt tjeceof, to mats$ fiu<
funo; V l^^oclamationd in manec anD fc^me ^eteunbec fpccifieo*.

The Proclamation.
Scft. 15 ^. T^^e ^4jigljnes bof fi(ttittlp cljarge i commarb C 3. spetcf^ant

X Catlojoftl)ecitieof3ton!3on,tl;att)e at 0; before tlje a^ of nert

(omming in t^e (^uilbijall of ILonoon^o; tol^re pou f^al &ppotnt,^eeItr
l^is bob? before ^tc Hoi l^e^iuacD !^ingbt, 0? before lume oneof t^ie

faio CommilTionecs appointeo hy> Ijec f)igbnei6 bnoec bee great feale of
l^nglanb, till tbe one e):eutton of tbe Hat* touching o;^Ders fo} )12an&^
ntpts lately mabemibp^ouioeb^bponpaineaRbpenll sf t|iepenalti<
ef tl)e latu in t^iat cafe Itmiteo ano appointeo*

jiff Indenture vpsn thefaid Commifsion and Statute of Bankerupts Iretvi^

CommiCsionersofthe ouepartie, ^
the (Creditors ofthe otijerpMrtj^where''
by the Commiftoners after view f fearch andprefentment ntade^feUcenAint
ofthe goods ofthe debtors vnto the creditors in part offatisfaUion of their
debts^vith a Schedule annexed vnto the /atd Indenture rvbichii likemfe
indented^ wherein are conteined the particulars of the goods with their fc'
fterall prices, as they arefriK^d by the Commifftoners, to the one of which
Indentures is put to the
hands audfedles ofthe faid CommiftonerSfand ts
the otber ofthefaid Indeutttrcsthc h^ttds ofthe Creditors,
and Anfweres. 274
JD.lS.if. of tlje one parti?, aD(II5^.anD3!.ii.ci:mto^iiofC^.
it^tn ano qpectljant ta^lo; of llon&on en t^ of^cc partp , tuitneC?
(ttl}y 2Cf)attotjeccoacfaiD^oueraigneltaD)? tlje ^Tiiianea q^aiefftc
tf)atnoUj tjTjb? fjcc^ijjrjncJTelrttergof Commirrion, bcacmg Date at
^eftminacc t^e fiftf) ua^ of /^ouembec laff patt,befo;c t|)e Date fjecc*
0f, miiiDing tfjc Due cxtcution of t()c ttatate touching o;oer0 of bancfe*
ropts in bee jiJacliament fjalQen at mitUnm&et in tbe tbictant^
rte of \^ lf>igt)nc(re faiD raigtte mabc ano p;ouiDeD , reciting, tfjat
tobcrcas b^c n^ai^Uie toas; info;mea , tbat C. ^.of Honoon 9^etf
cljant SEaj-loj, \jCng ano erercifing t^e fratje of q^ercbanbije bp
ioar of bargnming , ano fafetng iiis trace of liuing bp buying and
felling (anDbeingafuttertbo^neof tbisb<^i^calmeof <X!;nglano) in
t^e faiD monett) of i^oucmber, in tfjt fifteentb reere of bee spaiefties
Uaijsne, tljat is to far , about tlje feconb ba^ of ti)e fate q^onstb , bio
beginne to feeepe 'gis Ijoiife, fituate in itcnoon afoaefaio, anb fitbenre
^atJ) DepartcD from bis fatu Dtoellmg boufe, ano abfenteo bimfelfe , to
tbe intent to DefrauD ano binber bis rreDtto^;, being alfo ^ubiedd ^

bo^ne of tbis ^tc faio i^ealme of (EuglauD of t\}tit iutt tthts ano ou^
tits to t^cni Due ano otuing^ ano fo is become s. bankrupt , f^atb af;<
figneO,a^poiiite&, ccnttttutcB, ano c;jtjaineD:ije faio K%.|c bcre^
fpeciallCotumiffioners, pctuer atiO aut!)o;itic bnto t|)em,
ctiuinq, full

fine 0^ feure of t^ein, totiereof t^efaio ^ir H. 1^. to be one, accoaoing

to t^e faio statute, not onel^ concerning tbe faio USanUrupt bis be^
Die, lauos? freeljolo ano cuttomarie gQ)Os, Debt(, ano all otljer tbtngs
totjatfoeuer, but alfo concerning all ctber perfonis to^icl^ b^ concealer
tnent, claime o^ ot^ertijife ooe o;^ (ball ofli^no touching ttje p;!emiire0,
o;ani?parttf^reof, contrarte to t^e intent ano true meaning of tbe
faio ^tatute,to ooe ano erecnteacco^oing to tl^e faio Statute, all ano
fner^ tiding ano tbings i^batfoeuer, as tocll totuarOsanofo^^fatif'
factionano payment of tbefato crcoito;5, as toluaros ano lb; all o^
t^tc intents ano purpofes, acco^oing to tt)e o^oerano p;oui0on of
t^ faio statute in tbat cafe piouioeo, as bp ti}^ fame cemmilTi*
on mo^e ootbano ma\> appearc: 215? fojccattofcectuc of
plainelp it
Statute, ano of t\}t faio CommilTion, t'^c faio Commiaio^
ix^\}ic^ faio

nets \}me caufeo ccrtaine gmos , cl)attels , luarcs ano mecc[)anO:*

^cs of tbe faio C. a. containeo ano mentioneo in a ^rbcoule inocn^
teo totW^p.zefentsannerco, to bee fearcbeo, bielueo anoappji^eo;
^no alfo ijauc foloe ano oeliuerco , ano fay tbefe p^cfcnts ooe fell ano
oeliuer bntotf)e cteoito^s afo^enameo, all t^e feio scdOjbi, CfjattCfXf,
^Mares , ano ^trcbanoi^es ^ containeo ano mentioneo in t\)z
fayoe^c^eoul^inoenteo,to tl)efep;efentsanneireo ^oljao^ano
^m 2 to
, ' !

Supplications, Bills,
to^crtotlje fjimcanoeuec pacttfjereof to tlje faiocccDtofibcfb^ena^
ineD,t|)eiccFecto?{,al|mimtti;ato;( anD aaignciSjf o t!;eic oton p;opec
t)fe0 fo; diet toluacDa tlje fattff^ctton anD payment of t^t fato cieot^

to;0,t[)at tis euer^ of tljc fo^enamcD cceoito^s a po;jtion5 tate

to far J to
aiiD tateliUe , acco^uing to t\\c quantity? of t^e o^bfs: 31n tuitneffe
lD[)eceof, t^efatDpactte( tottjefe 3lt]iDentui:e]8imtei:cl)angcabli> l)auc
fet to tljeii: ^^alcs ^euen t!)e m^ sm ^^xz fictt abcuc iD^ltteit.

Theinlita/ifi^ of the Shedt^le mentioned in the In^enttiremxt before written,

S^(^*i59, 1^ tijts ^])tm\z inijenteD is containeD anu mentioHco rijrtaino;
lgfflOs,toate0, cattel0,anomcuc!)amjijelate ofC.0 ^.4i;cl)ant tat^
lo;, \ii\y\t\) be fclD br fl)e 3BnDentut;cjj,tDf)ficeunto tl)ts ^l;couIe inDcu^- -

t3Dj 10 anncrcD, tljat is to fa^, i ^i^ Ijoufeinil^.in ttje ]^aci}^ of (S'.in .

t/^ Bifltyito-th-^ ^havcery-^gainlioneihyayrifonerinthe Fleet^tocampellthel

defendAKt to proceed in an agreement made hetvrixt thepUintifandthe de*
fendantfar his enlargement, by the order of the Lqrd Chancellor then dead

.. To the right rcuercnd Father in Gad,,Nicholas Archbifliop of

Yorke, and Lord Chancellor pf England.

5cl. I Cq, . V A ilDIl ijuKiblt? xomplainingjUjcluetj^ Ibnto foyc (S?afc,t?oui: tiail^

IVl ant) poj^e D^atoj M S^. of iSp dxi tljcC.ountie of Cljeftec 0cn^
tlcman, noto being p^ifonei; in tlje .f iictcattlje fuite of K. 3>, Df ttjc
fameCountp (0rquiue,committeD ttjereunto b]t^ tfjelateteucrjcno jfa^
tljcrin dDoDtfjciBil^op of (2;l'j,bcingti)cn M;t! Cljanccteof eng^
Unn,of,anrjl3p3na^tatutcof loo.li.lu^icljfuitcoftljpfaio H.S>;
t)atl) tl)a^i;cmaincti tf)c fpacc of etgp oj ninef eeceij, to t^c gceat mt^

{etieanoiattecljnJDoingof toui:(D;acc0fatD ;^ato; ilnD Irtljecc Dt<

U0CJ8 agreements, iuitt; otljec Diners nicants Ijauc bo^ne t^zn anD
mauebeitoesjictfjefaiD U.JI>* ann poucfatD iiD4ato;,anD erpecialli? t^e
latt Dap of q^ap, intlje laft vacc of cue faio ^oueraigne 2Lo;d liiirtg

dSDiuaiD, before E>0Cto;]LveU, anD q^aUccSDjpec, appointcD t^en b^

t|)eraiD latello;DCt)ancello;i, tuf^creitlxias agrecD bettoflcnetljc faiD
a^.)I>.aMDrouc<25;afC0faiD)Mto^,tljatvouc faio iID;atc; OjoulD be
bpuiiDinatl)oufanDpoimb0,tbat ^ciI)otUD not atoate no; fcUanj?
pacccUof l)islauO0, noViibcingin Ijiijpoffcffion, o; to l)im in icueiii^
on : i^nt) all fuel) lanos tf)at IverrfolD b^ rout fain >;ato^v t[?at r oc
faio ;2D;ato;i n)onlo ertDcuouc Uiitf) all Diligence to terouer tl;e fame a*
gaine : i^nD fuctl)enno;e \i iuas agceeD anD o;iDeeD betlueene tlje faie

3iv.)2? f rein: laiD i,jato?, tt)at vflu^^ Tato ,^^to; Ojattlo put in.facetie
andAnfwers. lyj
tojjat tnto t^c fail) U^. 5o4i. of latufiill moMe^ of d;nglaim,f ^at ts
to fa?, 5.lt* t?eflccli? Dudng ten vcatcs ntxt enfutng : jail iu^uli o^ocw
aadagcfementti^oucCDacefiE fatD ;^Mto; is ccntetiteo to accomplil^
anD fulfiU^et nottoittittanDmg tlje faio K<H>minDmgcat[)ei: tl^econ^
tinuancc of ^ouc fain df^^accs ojatoj in p;ifon to fjis tjnooing, tpill mv
tljetobc^tljelatc^*Jlo;DCl)anceUo;s o;dcc tijen maDet^cmn, noj
tettl)c agreements ]^eretofo;cinai3e, hut onel? Dotfj finoe uelaiei! to
prolong t^c timty to tlj^ Wet fenootng of ?oii C^^jaccs o?ato;. 3in ttm*
fiDecation luljecof t|^e p^emiffes tenoecl? cofiDcceDjtt mar picafc pout
<S;aceto commantj t^cfaio H.SD.to appcatc before rour<^;afe,anD to
fafecfuc!) o;tjei;luifljf)imas(l)aUfeemebefttorom:C!5;ace, janOBoac
faio o;ato^ l^U p^a? fi); rout (S>mt long to continue*

^ '3i/lito the Chancer ie hj the Husb/utdandfVifetfir and oh the behdlfeoj

dtuers to comfeH executors to fay legacieSyVchereinifJhewedy that they to
whom the legacies begiuen^ hatte no remedie by the Ecclejiailicall Larv to
com^ell the then exechters to fay the [atd legacies.

To the right Honourable Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight, Lord

Keeper of the great of Scale of England.

moll Ijumble toife complaining,(^etuetl) ^nto rout Ipionouw gujD Se^. 1 63

JL.o;ii3t^ip roue uailp D;ato;s ;3,i,ci;fqutrc,anD l^atljecine \\% toife,
late U)if0^nto one K.Jii.DeceafeD, ano one of tl)e oaug|ter0 of Millie
am M of ^ in tfje Countie of t:2Ilartuicfe (Il;fquice DcceafDiJ, fo;,
ana in tf)ebe!)alfcofMiniamC>. fcnncof t^c faio J^atljetine, ano fo^
ano in tlje be^alft of ^ar? %* ano i^^SC. oaugl^tei:0 of t^e faio ^. ano
l^at^ei:ine,anoof Il.(II3 fonne of d^oluato ^* femgl)t,of flje boo^
of ^pacgaretdlJ. oneotfjecof tljeoaugljtccis oftl)efo;enameoMW*
latofuUr begottcrtj Cl;Dtuai:o 9^, ano 0nne I;i5 iuife, one of tljc oaugfj^
tecs oftfieafojenanieoCotoatOdS. ano ^argacet, ano %\^^mzs ip.
anOdBli^abetl^ l)t0 Istfe, one otljec of tt)e oaugf^t^rje: of t^e faio ^tc

<o ano ^argacet S^b^t luijeteag tbe afo;eraio Milttam ca in fjt^

life timebaoiffue fcuen oaug^ters, tbat 10 to far? Q^argecic late ioife
of ICbo, %* CDfquice, ano aftcc tbat luife to tlje ^D.^ic.C.^l5nigl)t,
one of tbe iJiiiane0 moll bonoucable p^iuie Councell, ano nolo Cban*
celloa of bee ^igbnelTe K>ucbie of iLanfalIcr,(E5ooitbluifctoi5.i?.
Cfquice,^li^betb9 lateU)ife ofColoaeo B.Cfquiteoeceafeo, ^aiH
toifj^of ^tUtam^.(;Dfquice, ^augatettuife of t^e faio ^it Coluaio
<^* ;anne, toife of Jfcauncis i^o Cfquite, ano JUat^jenne, one of
rout: faio ;^;ato^20 ^no it)ei;ea0 alfo tbe faio M*M< in |it0 life

imz l]oa0 polTeCPeo of ano in oiuec^ g(sO0 ano c^attels^ j^ou^loHnffe,

q^ m 3 pU^te>

Supplications, Bills,
platc^tetcl$,anDair0entituUDto(ettatn$ tMs
amounhng to t^e
talncof ioooo.li.o^:t!?creabout5,anDfo bemg tl^eceofpolTefletianii
ntttul0D,t)to canfi^itute ano ma^e i)t0 ^tttammt ano Ia(t MtU? ano
bv tfic fameoiJ) bequcatl;, giue, mnntuitt to ^iutts i funuj^ pccfcns
Din0iS0C0at legacies paiticulacli^anucertamelrfet foo^tl) in tjicfaio
laft MtU,amounttngin t^s^ijoleto t^efummeanotalueof 5 500.I).
0;^ tl)erabout6:^nD t^ttttinut of all l^tKt gcsDs^^attds^iDebt^ Du^tn^

to f}i\n after [)t0 funccall tx^tnccB pecfo;meo,{)ts Debtg patoe, ano all
l)t( legacies ano bequeftm particularly contcincD anu msnttoneD in i}is
faiD ^ClilljfulfiUeD, perfo^nieoanD paio, \ftt\ittaiotM*tM*b^ fjis faiu-
SCeftamcntann laft Wiil DiD siuc 1 bcqueatl^ to tijc preferment of. all
tl;ecl)ilD;^encommtngof t)i0raioit][:eelDelldaugt)ters,anD to 'm*-
l^ar? IC.ano Uat^crine2^ t^;ie of tlje tifi\o;m of tt)erai0J[iiat^rine,
uoto toife of tlje faio ^ntljont2C. ^ongett oaugljter of tlje faio M.M.
to be equally tiuiuct amongft t^eni bv uifcretion of ^10 erecuto^s: Znn
bi'tfjefameljisSnettamentanD latt Mill lie mDojuaine, nominate,
anu make t^efaiD Ijonoarable ^it^*C fenigfit, ^ir Cotu.CD^fenigfjt,
noU) oeceafeo, HBafilif .auD M.& Cfqiiires, anu one^.B. Cfquire
tieceafeo, tjis erecuto;0, 30 hv t\)c fame l)t02Deaament ann latt S2llill
mo;c at large it Dot I) ano ma^ appearc:;anD aftettoarD0,in tlje monctlj
of ^a^riH t|)e fecont anD tljiro ?eare0 of H Pbilip ano t|ie late ^u.
^ar^, i}t t^t faio mum* mo poffeflTeo of tfje faio gQjD0,c^attel0,ano'
tebt0, amounting to about t^cfumme 0? tjaluc of loooo. U. Hfter
tu^jofeDeceafe, tlje faiD erecuto;0DiD tafee, atjminitter,ant) agra to tl)e
faio STettamcnt, tulbicl) fpeciall legacies afo^efaio, either be, oj mig|it
IjaiiebtencbptljeraiDerccutors long (itfjenca fulfilleo, fatiffieD,anO''
pain, foa0tf)ereQt}ue(^oulDanoougbtto come to t\)C faio c^tlo^en,
acco^Oing to tlic faiti Ml
^no altfjougb vout faiD ^;ato;0 ^auc Di^
tiers anD funD;j^ times rcquircDtlje faiD erecuto^s to maUe payment
of fomucl) of t^e reCoueoftlje faiD ga)Ds,cljattels, anD Debts, as to
tl)emappectaineD,rettl)atto Doe,tl)ep ano euer^ of tfjem Ijaue ^ttfjer^
to refufeD ano DcnteD, contrarie to rtgt)t, tquitie^anD gD confctcnce..
3In confiDccation tolierof, anD fo^afmuct) as ^our faiD li^^nto^s cannot \
certainly tell anD Declare tfjefeuerall parctlsoftijefaiD gooSjCtjattels,
ano Debts, no; tol^at tijc faio crecufo,^sl)aae paiD 0; recciueD fo? ang
manec of Debts otping br 0; to t\)t faiD Ml.M.b? reafon tu!)ecof, t^c^ .*

ace tjnable to p^ofccufe fo;j t|)cir rcmcDp in tlje p^eniilTcs at anD lip t^z:
tl)c o;tDer ofil)c (Jl^cclefiafticaUIaUjes of tl)i0 Kealme. gpapit tljercfo^ie

pieafe ^our gQ3D Jl to grant tlje^u.^aieftie0 luritofSubpcna, to be

DircaeDtotiieraiDerecutors^fccommanDing.fc.. .

and Anfwercs. zyd
thAtAleafe ofareHoryt and the hHtUingSy glebe landfy aftd
'Jl 'BiUconii'miftg

TjtheswAsmadebythe Beane and Chapter of a Colledge in Oxfird, to

thepUirttifes Father fir tearme ofyearesrejerHingarent : And that the
fame by force ofthejaid leafe wat long pojfe^ed. That thefaid leafe came
toihefUintife by meane conHeyancey and that continuing the tearntey the
defenaatit ffiggeflmg to the faidDeane and Chapter that the faidReUo^
rie andTtthes rvere occupied by thepUintifervithout leafe or tttle, haHin<T
a pHrpofe to conceals and defraud the faid Colledge of the faid Reverie
and Tithes, became afuitor to the norv Deane and Chapter to haueaieafe
efthefaid ReSiorieandTithesfor 1 1, yereSyand thereupon obteined a le/nfe
thereoffir 2 1 .yeres^yeeldmgfir it the accuflomed rent,mth an angmen-
That the defendant hauing obteineda leafe sfthe faid
tation ofrent cerne.
ReSiorieandTithesfir 21 yeres.fuedtheplatntifeforthe fame in theEx^
thetjueratfVeif.inaQ^ominu^ancithathedtd interrupt the platntifei
: And then the plaint ife prayeth an IniunUionfirfiay
fo^ejjion ofthe faid
fuitynndfirthe eHablipjing of hts poffefsion and proces againH the defen^
dam and the eane and^ hapter to anjrver the BiU,

To the right Honourable Sir loh. Puckering Knight, Lord

Keeper of the great of Scale of England.

1^ moff Ijumble
toife complainuig, l^etDetfi ^nto ^oitc goD ilo^^ip
Dailp jSDjato; SE.iS.of i^.tn t^c vTounttc of C, CTqutre, 2C^at
5^^. 1 ^jj,

anu C^japtcc of Cfj^ifts Cljarclj t" tijc niuerfitie

ofia>pfo;t,fejscgfcireomtfjdrt^mfne,asoffa, in tijertgljt offlicic
faiD Cl)urc]^, of anc in t!jc -Kcrtojie ano l^atfonagc of K toit^ i\^z ap^
pucftnancea in tijc faiD county ofC being a |aacfonage imp?op;jiate,
ano being fotfjercoffeifeo br tiMc l>at)c inuenfcD feaUD toitti tl)cic
commcn^cale(tlj0ca;tain0t)atctu^cceoftorour:faib ^;ato? 10 tn*
knotone fo; tuant of Ijauing t!)c fanie) uin fo;r t!;e confiDerations in f fjc
faiD BlriDenf uce fpccificD,Demif0,grant,anD to fatmc let all tfje faiD ^z*
tfojieanDparfonageofl^* Inittjtfje appurtenances, anD all maner of
foeuec tn i^t fame KeiJojie anD pecfonagc belonging oj in an^ tuife ap*
pertaining tjnto one H.5i3.Iate of /{i.in tfje faiD Countie of C. Cfquirc
^our faiD j;ato; fo; a number of scares ret cn^
fteceafeD, fat|ier tjnto
rtngjteferuing t^ecebp a great annuaUrent(t|ietitf)e6 of tl^e ijicarage
ofK. afo^faiD, ant t|)i patronage anD Difpofition tljereof, anD all V^
luoiDs and timber trars of tlje faiDparfonagealtoaiedmepteDf fo;e^
p^ifeo out of tfje fail) lcafe)Uj^ic|) faiD eftate,intereft,i
terme cfteres of
ijim tbe faio 3K.i3t0f f in i\z faio l^e(to;i?,roHr itofaiDjjato? bv gtoir
Sl^rn^ 4no
Supplications, Bills,
ariD fufficient conaepance am affuKWce in t\)t E-ato not \\a% hv tje^*
tut of totjiclj faio Icafe, as feell t^t faiu 3t>B. in ttjis life time, as alfo
^ouc faio iDiato} fince t^c ueailrof t^e faio l^^l^auefep tfJe fpace of ma*
nv Vttt$ togctfjcr bojnclalirfullr poffcffeD of t^e faio cecto;!tC:,nno !jaue
terclgfcom time time fincEtijemafeing of t(;e faio leafc, quietly ano
ptateabl^ teceiueo^leuieD^tahen^ano enioi^eo in t^it feuecal times all
t^eiirues,commot)itie0, ano profits tfjeceof, to tljeitotonr proper tjfe
I be^a)fes,U)it!)outtl)e oiltucbancc, let, o^ interruption of an^pecfon
o; perfoiis Uiljatfoeuer, tmtill note of late* ^o
it is if ma? pleafe^ouc

ga>D2Lo;Dfl^iptt^atone3|.E>*ef H>* in tlje faio count? of Cfquice,

l^auing b? fome cafuallmcanes gotten into l^is Ijanos ano cuffooie tl)e
faiDBInoentureoflearemaoe to t^efaioH^llB. of tljefaioa^etto^zieb?
ti)t faio H)eane an5 Cf)aptec, as afojefaio, ano tjiuecs otfjec tD;itings
annmeanc conueianccs concerning tlje fame of cigljt belonging to
^ourfaiOj^^to^, became an earned rmt0?t)ntoMtUiam3(2)octo;
of E>miuitie,J3Deane of C!)?ias C^rcl) in ^rfo;it! afo^efaio, HSi*^*
2E.2D,|c.beingtl)eCl)apteroftl)efameCl)urcl), to procure a leafetm*
to bim ti)t faio 3I2>. from tt^t faio SDeane ano Cljapter of t^e 2Dit^es
&iunl^ips5^amlets,ano places are fcituate,l?ing, ano being Uiit^^
in tl^e limitB ano pjecinets of t^je fait) iKectojie formed? oemifeo to t^e
faio lX*15*us afo^efaiD, tl}c faio %^*
tjntrul? fuggefting tjnto tlje faio
^eaneanoCt)apter,tt)attf)etiti[)0S of t^ofe feuerall ^otnnettipps^s
tuereconcealeo from tl)e faio ^eane anoCtjapter. ^notfiattljeg b
norcnto^reuenueataUtotljcmtljerefo^eanfijjereDoj paio b? ?ouc
b? anr otljer perfon o; perfons, tmto toi^ic^ faio fuite
faio jD<:ato^,no;
sno accompliO^ment tl)ereof> tlie faiD^aane ano Cf;apper, as ?onr
j;ato;l)at]b^bene creoibl? info;tmeD5tooulo mt oflongtimetonfent,
tiponfufpitionb?tl)emconceiueD, tijattfje faio ^*0* t)ao fome pur>'
pefeo^ intent to procure from tljem a leafe of fome fuel) Camlets ano
2DoU)neS^ipsastuerefo;metl? oemifeo to tljefeio a$*i5 b? t^e ge^
nerallnameof tl)e Heito^ieofii^.tob^reinttjefaiofeueralltokmfl^ips
Isuece incluoeo^ Uiljereb? ti^efaio Bl* )^migi)t impeacl; anO callin que^
llionti)et)aUoitieof tt^ fatoleafemaoetot^e Huo ii{.B^not^ere^
t)pontl)efaio)^aneanoCi)apter oio alfirme ano oeclare to t^e faio
3I*H) tl)at t^en bsoulo not oemtfe o; grant l)ntot)imtt)e faio 3(i^*
an? t^itiQ tliat luas comp<^ifeo in t\jz fato leafe maoe to t^efaid K* 15.
menttoneoo; intenoeo to be oemifeo tinto ijtm tlje faioi^>X3. in oit
b? tt)e fame, t)nto tul^om t^e faio Bi* )BI>* maoe anltoere, ti)at t^z faio
titt)es of tl)e faio feuacall 2DoU)n0(l)ipsano l^amlets before mention
neo,luere not at all oemifeo b? tl)e faio E>eane ano C|)apter to t|>e faio
J^*)i0 ano t!)ati)ispurpofglDas not to challenge an? t^ing b? oemifc
and Anfweres. 277
ftcmt^^m tDT)it^'tpa0 fojmetl^ Mtcn to tfie faiD HB but onelt! fuc^
tl)ingsti)^tler0 coitcealcD ftom t\^t fatD ST^eane ano Cljaptec, fo^
fo^tufjic^ fjctuoulD tcatelp anftuerano pa? tjiito tlje faioE^cane anu
Cfjaptei: t^e olD accuftomcD rent, Initlj an augmentation of a ^carel?
teumue of ro;ne,acco jDing to t^cfojme of tlje statute in fuclj cafejs
p^ouiueo.^ljecHpon ttje faitJ SDcane anu C^aptec giaing credit to tpz
faio 3I.E>anD tuilling to recontinuc fuel; tijings as tlje faio 31 .2D affip
mtn to be In^ongfullp ccncealeD anu cctcineo ftom t|icm, ano tjierebg
to tnctearet^eicteccl? reuenue^antljauing Uiitljalla greatrcfpect not
to p.:eiHOicei3our fatD o;ato; bp an? leafe tfjep I^ouln make to t^e faio
31.2r>.no.:^to leafeani^ tl)ing ucmifeo to tl)efaiii H.115 nio at tlje impoj^

tunatefuitoft^e ratD2>. in 3ulVi> int^ej:j:it:itj.veareof tl^eratgiieof

our gracious ^oucratgnelLaOj' t^t Slueenes ^aicffie tfjatnottJ w b^
ttieic Sinoenture fealeo iuit^ tf)eic common fcale, oemife, ano to fatme
let to ti)e faxD 31 'K>* all tl)cir titl)C0, of loljat nature? ^inue, o; qualitte
foeuer oftljeraiDfeueralltoluncfl^tpsanD Ijamlets befo.^ mentton'eo,
f^e fame being Ujitinn t^e faio p;ecinct of tlic faitJ tt&o^U of K. ai; a*

ftijefaiD from tlje ^eaft of ^aint 3(o^n t!)e iSapttfl laff paS befojij t\^
oatc of tlie faio SJnoenturetnto tlrccnueauD terme of 2 1. scares. St^z
fait) ^DeaneanD Cfjaptec tlicntjercl? fuppofingtljatnonc of tlje titljeg

ofti)eraiDtoljpne(l|ipstDeretnclnbeto; compnfeD in tf)e feitilearepf,

tije faio recto?ieofKmaDe to t!}c faio K^ but tl)at t^e fame tu^ifc
otl)ec tl/ings crempteD out of tf)c faio leafe, ano comealeti ano tu^ong'
fnlluetaineo frbmtlTe faio E>eane anu Cl^apter, anu not tuitljin ttje
limits ano bounw of tlje faio tectonic 513p colour of toiclj faioleafe
p;tocurcDbptbe faiD 3i2>b?fuc!j ano meanes as aftijefaio,

an6 b? Waning in IjisljanDesttjc faio ^noentuce fiffleafe maUerto t\it

bclenging toi?our faiD )iato?,tt)C faio
faioH5i5^.iBf rig!?t %

oflatCHOtonel^man^toaiesintcrruptcoijour faio ^;ato;3 poCTetTi*

on ofano in t^etitljes of t[jefaiutoU)nflt)ipsantrf)amlets,butljatlj Ifo
tfjeceupowattempteufuitein fjer q^iiicUics Court of (Srcljequer at
^aeHmintterbrlD^irof Quonoinus againftrourratDi);ato^fo,; tlje
taking ant) carrying atoar of Diucrs parcels of t^e faio titles groto='
ing ano renuing tuitl)in tlje faiB fcueral totoncC^ips ano pumktB * 0nD
albeit i!GurfaiBjO;ato^l)atl)Diuei;s ano runD.2i? times in gentle ma^^
Her rcquireo t^ faio %U>* net onelp to oeliuec tjnto ?our fattj i;ato?.
tljefaio Snoentuie of leafe fomaoe to tlje faio K.lio togetljer luit^
t^efaio 0tberte;jitings ano meaneccnuegauces of cigtjt belonging to
l^our faio ^;ato;,butalf0 quietly to permit ano fuffer pur fatoo;ato^
to Ijaue ano inio^ ti^t pjemiffes acco;^oing to rigljt, cquitie^ano confci^
ence:^ettl)attoooet^efaio3!.BD.l)ati^ allwaies ocnieo ano r^fufeo,
anotetoot^oeni)?eworefufe,cl)alUngingt|)e fame b? tjertug s>f t^e
^ . Supplications, Bills,
fai^TtTppefcfi Icafe mau to fjim hi i^^ (m SDtaneanBCljaptec tmta^
tit to allcquitic awtJ gaiD cQnfcience.Sirt fenrjecronfiuecationluljcccof,
atttJfo;afimudja3t!oui:faiD^;atoj Unotuetl) not tp ccrtaine fiatc
anr contents of t\)t (m
leafc.maoc to the faiD H.315. anD of tl^e meane
conuerauccsafo^efaio, no; b^eciii tl^c famebccontcineu, iolietebs
scut faiD ;S);atoj 10 remcoilcffe fo;i t^ cecoucci^ of t!)e famc^b^ tl;coi^
ttt of tlje cOittmcm lafci* ^tit^tt is ^8 able to pleaD t^e faio leafe in ccc^
taintie at tije common laUj^tDljccebr \}t H^alliuftifie l)i5 cig^t anD tiilz
to t])C (m tit!)c0 bi? IjtmlalufuU^ tafecn as afo?faiD. ^no ft)? t^at tl)c
faioH^eancanDC^aptccivecefoabufe^b^ t^t infinuations f tmtrue
pretences of tlieratD BI*^anDl)aD no purpofc at all to rmpcac^ tfie faio
leafcmauctot!)craiDK5!5no?rowc faio b;ato; fjis title to t|)e faiD
.titl)CfanD otl)Ct tljep:emiffcs clameD bi>t)crtue oftjefam^, no^v^t to
ficmife o;t grant an? t ^ing to t^e faiD 31 SD. tljat toas comp^ifeo, o} in*
tenter to bt tiemifco in anD br tljefaio 3Intcntuc^of Itafcmaue to t^c
faiDU.B.ipai^itttjcrcfo^epleafc tOKCgtoD llojDfl^p, t|)e pjemiffciJ
tentieil^ confiDerco,to grant linto ronr faio o;ato; ^tt ^aiclties mofl^
gtacioutrto^it of Subpcna to betitrecteti to tl)e TaiD MilUam 31)3Dean0
J9f Cl)2iasiC^urcl) afo;0:*ait>,anD tQ t\^e faiD ]^.p SID.^* $c* and to tlje
(m Bl<^* li)o is tfuallv refiiDent toitliin ttje itit of HonDon? coin^
4nant)ing t^em anD eueii? of t^em tljereb^ tinoer apatn^ therein to he*
limtteD, to appears before ^our flo^tJi^i^in^tt^Siittliea^iQ,^ court
fifCl)ancme:,immeDtatclrtl)enanDt^r( to anftos ti)e paemifres:
anD aUlo to grant tinto^our faiD ;^;ato;i^ec^aiclhes moS gracious
iD^tt of BItitunctton fo; tf)0ettablifl|ing of trour faiD i);ato;s poffeffwii/
of ant) in tljefaio i^etto^te, ann ot^er t^t paemiOes, ant) fo; tije fian of
alla(tionscommenccD,o;^ to be commenced againtttonr faiD );ato;
at tt)C common ilatu tpon 0;^ bp colour 0; \f}ttentt of t|)e faiD leafe fo
tJtiDult procured brtl)e faiD 3! *E> from tl^e faiD jSDeaneanD C!)apter,
anD further to HanD to anD abiDe ^our 1o;d^
fucj^o^Derlierein, as to
Obip (l^all fecme to ftanD loitl) iull^ce anD equitie* ^onc faiD e;ato;
l^alt Dail)? prar fb; r our ILo^Dt^ip in all ^now anD i^appineGTe long to



i ^ii.^?itv? r;^<

andAnfwers. 278
The Anfwere of /, *D. EJquire one of the defendants^ to the vntrue 'SiJle^

T^tfatU DcfeiiDiint fait!j,tl)at tl^c faiD )5i\ of complaint is Ijcit tjn* Scl,i <Ss
truc>tiiuectaine,anD mfufficicnt m tl;cilatu to bcanl^ijcrcrs l^nto,
notcoutaimngant?ruffictcnt inattct: o^tuffcaufcorrntt agatnlE tljt's
Defenoaiit, but oncl^ DeuifcD anu cohtriucD br tf)c complainant, to put

|)im as to U);onsfull t3craticn,cott0 jC^atgcj5 ano erpcnccs in

It fccniett)

iDtt^out an^ tult caufe of futt:, luljcccof tf^is bcf. ootb bcnmno
tl^e latD

iuogemcnt oftliig |>o. court ,anti p;aictl) to bcDtfmiircD out oft^efam^

(^allbeccmpdlcD tomaUeaHpfactbei: m\*
j|^cuet:tt)elefl[e,tf tl)t0 Def.

apectot^eraiDbmofcpmpIaint,faitf),tbat^e tnoeillanoins t\^t faiD

leafefo^tieausimntionec in V^tim btUofrontplatntmabc to t\}z faio*
fU55jfatl)ecoftljefaibcompl.tob0amai;cboiDlearc,ano of no fo;cc
ano tjaliDitts in tf)e lata ,fo; tt)at tljefamc leafc l^as not DcmtfgD bp tbe
E>eanef Ctjaptec, butbrt[)e]Deane,U)itbt^0aircnt|confent ofttje
Cbaptec^ p.jocuccD biutrs lettcCs of funo;ic !)on. pccfonjs totljcfaia
SDeaficanc Ct)aptci;ofCl;;ittCf)ucc^ of )]cenfo?!J nanieo ix[i}^dA faia
bill 6f Complaint in tlji5 Dcf br^alfc auD fauouc fo; t|)c obtaining of a

leafc fon-catfjes of tljcfaitillDcancanoCljaptcu, t\)z \\i)^ii)^ faio SDcanc

anD C^aptccat tlje cequcft anD ccntcmpl. of tbofe lettccs b^ t^cic Bln^
t$ntU5clDnuei;ttieicCijaptcr&calc,DiDamoiiQtt otljeu things Dcmifg
aLttti to farmcief fento iSifi Dcf.aU t^at ttjexr titl;e co^ncanD giainc,coHt^

ifnng renutnganu jjetclp grotoingin ttjcS-^oUJuOjipB o^SToloncsanD

ficlos ment^orieb ix\t\)z faiD bill ofxcmplaiiit fo; tlje tcrmc Qtxxi*y^titSy
^ tcctuc of Ibfjicb D'ciniic to Ijim maoe, tljig Dcf.taUetlj Ijunfdl^latB^
fuUrinteteOi:!^ ann tntituM tti anixtot^e faio ttt^cg Dcmifej^ tirito
t?im,anDbccaurctl)ist)cf.meant*to p;ocaDaina plaine tjpiig^t anD
latjfull coucfe in Jlatoe againtt tbe faiD compl. fo^ tfjc tciaU of t~^e bali:
Ditieof t)is faiD p.jctenDeD leafc b;oug^tljisa^ion in t()c couct of Cjr^
t^cquccbrUiarofQiio minus again5tl)CfatDcompiainatanootj)erflr,
al'iD a5 itfametf) noto to i^^is DcfimDant tlje faiD. tomplainant peccci^

uing t^e toeafecnedcanD inualiDitic of ^is ciunc title tipon faineD aiiD
tjtttcHC funnifes fjatl^ (|i:l)ibitcD tlj<5 fa.D^bil of ccmpUnto tljis !)o.cour%
to bcrc I trouble tl/isDefanbtljcotjjcDefcnDant5namcD in t^c faiD
bill of compU to maintaine anD continue Ijts lu^ongfuU poUcffion b)i a
tJoiD Icafe,anD of no tialiDitie in la^, as to i?ou\; L.fo; tljc c^jufe afo^c^
faiD mav app0are,li)l)iclj faiDieafe tl;e faiD coinplamant to .ttjc great
pi^eiuDice anD pinDecance'of t^efaib CcUeDge apD ^tmzwts tljeceof,
labourett) anD fo^Uct^ tacjiiqt;, being t3oiD in L^lo, auD iuljicl) Icafc if
it iueccagajD Wale l^oulDcrtDui:^ anD continue fo? manr nice r^res.


^t .
Supplications, Bills,

cent ano benefit of t^efaiDCcUcDgc tpm tjjis Dcfcnoantg Icafe Ml

be, tcfpect being !)ao to t!)e ttjings DemtfeD : ^nt tt)crefo;c as t^is uc^
fcnDantt!)mketl)t!jefaiD complainant iiS not to be celicneD btjan^e^
quttie,o.:matntatncD in pofiTedion tpon a meetetJoiD leafeinlatoiftnca
t^at br colouc oftljcfatD tJoiQeleafe tfjcfaitj complainant i t\is fat^cc
fjaue recciucD fo great a p^jqfit fo; man? ^cc^s paft: U!itl)out t^at,t^at
t!}e Defcntwnt Ijatl) b^ an^ cafuall meaner gotten into Ijis [janiieB anD
cuftomct'0e faiD BInDentureof leafc maue to t^efaiu 11.13. of tijefaio
tetfo;^ bv ttjcfaip^caneanD CljaptcCjantiDiuccjs otljeElD^itings ano
tneaneconueiances concerning tbe fame ofcigljt belonging to t^e faiD
complainant, as moll tntruelp b^ tfyz faio HSill of complamt is allea^
gel), fo^ tfjat^e faitlj, t^at jjc neuec [jao t^e faiD ruppofeD l^fc^noi an^
hxthm ccfnuerance t^eteofiDjtljat t^e faiD E>eane anD C^aptpt euec 4t
an^timemaDcan;gfucl)learetotf)cfaiDK.i5. father of tlje faiD com^
jjlainant as t^z faiD complainant futmifct^, butXucl) a Icafe as in t^i&
tefenDants anfteece is befo;jBallcaDgeD^o;i tfjat ti^e DefenDanf tmtcu^
l^fuggcftthgt3ntotl)CfaiD^eaneanD<ri)apfec(l)e otl;ec Def^KDantj
in tlje faf D bill of complaint,tbat tlje t^^cB m
t^ faiD fenetaU f e.tone^
D^ippesmentioneDint^efaiDBillof i'omplaintli^ete concealed fiom,
tl^efaiD^eaneanDCfjaptec, anD tfiat tt)e? IjaD no rcnto^ reuenue
at all to t^em tfierefo^c anfUjeccD o; paiDe b? t^efaiD complainat,no;
b^anrot^cpccfenD^perfons, a'^moftbntrnel^ijBialleageD anD fap,
mifeubi? tIjcfaiD billof c0mplaint,o^ tljat>tl)efaiD]S)cane anD Cliaptec'
DiDaffttmeanD Declareto ti^iB DefenDant, t^at tl^e^ tJUOulD not oemtfe.
0? grant t)nto fjim f^is DefenDant an^ tljing t^at toas ccm(j;ifeD in t|g'
faiD leafe maDe to tlje faiD K. !^. oj tljat toas mentioneD o; inf enDeD to
b( DcmifeD to fjtm in tlje faiD i^.in o j b^ tlje fame leafe joD; t^at tr on
&nf fucb affinnatton ti)xs befenDant maDe anfijuece, t^at t^e tttfjes of
t{)cfaiD feueral totonfl^tpsmentioneD in tt)e faiD bil of complaint,U]et;e
not DemifeD h^ tlje faiD jbeane anD Cfjaptec to tlje faiD K.)15.3nD toitl^
out t|Kit,t^at t^is Def^alleaDgeD t^iat ^is purpofe toas not to cljallenga
ap tl)ing b? Demife from tf)cm,lrrl)icl) lua5 fo jniecl^ Ictten to tljc faiD
K.lS.but onlp fuel) t^mgs as lucre concealeD from tijc faiD^cane anD
Cfjaptec as moft bntrul^ is alleDgeD b^ tlje faiD bill of eomplaint, but
afftrmeD if I;e migljt Ijauea leafcmaDetoljimije tooulD
Ijefaitlj tijat Ije

teelDanincreafe of rent of co;jne acco^Ding to tljefo^meof tlje^fa!*'

tutes m
foci) cafes p;ouiDcD. 0nD furtljer tijis DefenDant faitlj,'as be
fo^clje ijatlj faiD, tjjat fje being tnfo^meD tIjat tlje leafe mate to tbe
faiD H 315. to bee a toioe leafc, becaim: an earncft fmto; b^ tlje
weanesafojcfaiDfojRieaffiof tlje fame tljmgs tfjat tnere p;jetenDeu .

to be Demifeo to, tlje faiD J^. 3i5f anDcnfo;meD t^z fatD^eane anD

And Anfwcres. 27?

Cf)(tpfet,tf)at tlm mtgI)t,nnD th^it t(jcp Ijao potwecut tljcntto Dcmifc
tljcfame. ^jiotljis; Dcf. fuitfjerfaitl;, tfjat t^ctc tvas iiicbicD m tljc
faio fuppofcD IcafemaDcto tijcfaio things tljat I) e Demi
U15. all tijc
fcutotljiuDcfcnDant, atiDiftfjiiSDcfcnuant OjouId not Ijauc meant to \
tjaue fjaD m
Icafc fcqmtije Dx^anc and Ct^aptec tlje tljittgs fuppofeD ta, -j

be DcmifcD to t\)t faio H.XS.ano to enioy t\)c fame, tljen t^oulo Ijeljaue ..]
l)aD bp \)is Icafc no benefit,anD I^ctilD tamli^ Ijaue p;ocurco fuel) beno^
table fdenoll)ip ^nn tbcrefo:c pt fait[j,tl)at tbefamc allegation fugv

gcfteo in tbe faio i5ill of complaint, tljatt^ifiDcfenDant meant not, o.i ;

tbat bis purpofeiuas not to cljallengc anptbing bvocnufcfrcmtbc

faio iJDeane,f Cb^ptcr, tbat luas in ft]elri fo^medi oemifco to tl)e faio
moll tjntcuclp alleageo againll all p;cbabiiitt of ceafonjtotJ^n

a5beUjellDiohnotw,ttlje2Deaneano Ctjaptecalfomigbttonoerftano
tW- tbe tuljole i$eilo;r,ei:cepttbe ^airacagcluac in fi)elu t!emifeD,anD^ '

t\)z tit\)zsi oftbe faio IDoUinel^ips intluDen in tljefaiD fuppofeo cemife,

ano tJjcrfb^e faittj, tb^t tbefaiD ^eane ano Chapter at tljc contempla^
tion^requeft oftbe faio letter, maoealeafcof tljcfaiDtitbeBtotbifi

tcfentant,anb to manifett f Ijeir gcoo intention ano mcanmg toluaros

tbi^ oefenoatit (to; tbecniot?ing tber:eof,tbe faio SDeane f Cbsptcc gaue
Vi^is oefenoant a SCcanfcript of tlje Countccpane of tlje faio fuppofeo

lea^^^ tinWJi: tl;eic Cbaptec feale,f befioes V^xb oef. bab a rentall oeliuo^

rcD in "^iitina, to btm,erp;ffing o;j c^taining tbe cents of tl)e toUjne^ >
n)ip0 mentioneDmtl;efaiDbtllof complaint.^no tbiis oefenbant faitbv
t^td^xB meaning ijnaseuei; to baueano cniot? tbe bcnefite of tbe faio
Demife,anD of tbe tbings tberein containeD,anD fo be tafectb it,t^e faio
JDeaneano Cbaptec fo meant auo UmjctftfijO tl^z fame, being pecfons^ >
of fo gceatlcarmng, iuogement ano Difccetion ) J^^ljat tljep luouln not
gcanttljc fametbingiTjanDmean^conttarr tp tbeir plune PJ^mif^J ^nti
toitbouttbat, tbe faio JtDcane ano Cf)aptei:t!)CJibeiil\5 fuppofingtbat
none of tbetitbcsof tbe faio tolimelbips luere incluDcD ouomp^ifeD

in tbe faio leare of iXyz faio Uecto;ie pf ii maoe to tbe faio i^ 3S. but
tX^z fame tueie otb^c tbings erctpteo out of, jtb^ f^io leafe, ano cofea^

Cb^P^^f? ^^^

leo,atttiii>;^ongfuUiitjetainctjfi;ejn tbe faio Jl^eaneanti

not )s)ii^m tl;e b^mios ano limits oftbe faiD Kecto^ie, asmoftbn*
tnili? ano tjainelv it its alleageu b^ t^e fato bill of complaint, toitbout
t\t\)zt i:earon,o,? p;obabiliti? of itafcn, o;i t^^^X tbe fame ocniifc maoe to
tbiSDefentiantiyasmaoebponan^fucbfameiauDbntcueaUegatwu: '

^p^befaitb, tbat fucb an oueviigbt ma^natbe Vuitbout antteafou

imputed to t!)elmoiDeaneanD<Db(iptei:, being mcnof icatninganD
iuDgcnicnt , tbat tijcp l^oulo fuppole none of tbe titbes of i\^ faip
toix) ncl\)ip tBccc inclubco in t\)t faio l^afe oftbe Hccto;^ of i$maoe to

t))z faio ^Mi but QiW iW%^ erccpteo an? njrcealei;anb not \ii\^\3X\
<; r- Supplications, Bills,
t^zlitfiite anu bounts of ttje faiD Kector^jtDljm as t^fainil^eaneaitti
Cf^aptct by t|)c faio rentallma^ appcatct^at tl)etofens mentioned in

t^ie fato bill, ate paccell of tlje He^o;t0 of K* ant ti)e ttttjes t|)e fame m
totune ocmtfeD to ttjus DcfenDant:^no t^t fato nefenDant fucttjerfatt^,
tf)at tfee Ijati; not ^ao o: cuectjaotu l)isf)anDt tl^efatd Blnoentuteof
leafemati^totliieraiti K.B. no; by coloutof I)autngt{;eteof,^atf)at^
temptcD anp futtcbut began l)t0 fuite b^ tu^fon of ^ts oton leafe made
to \}imy Ui^tc[) t^0 taiset^ is latDfnll fb; |)tm to not* ;anb h^ttt^out t^jat,
t^at tt)ere 15 an^ ot^etmattec 0; t|;tng,touct;tn$ t^is Defenbant^niate^
rtalUo; effeetuall to beanfiueceti t^nto, ano not I^etctn confeOeo ano a^
uotoe9,tcaue^eo 0; oetneo^is ttavM\n^i(^ matters ti^is Defendant is
reaD\? to auerre anD p^ue as t^is ^0. outt ll^all awaco anb ^ p;a^et|?
to be Dtfmtdeb out of t;)t0 S^c* Couct > lttf) allotoance of tits tofts ant

Thfi*ynt and feueraU anfwers ofW,I, 'DoUorcfIMH'tmtieJ>eAne of the (^A'

thedra.ll Church of Chrtfi in Oxford, of King Hettrj the eights fonndati-

on, R.P.A. W. r. T. &c. PrehendAries of the Cathedrall Chttrch , de*

fendanti to the Bill of complaint ofT, B. Efqnire comfUinant,

Sea. 1 6^, T^^raiD Defenoantc aUabuantages of exception to t^e mcectamt?

1 ano infuffictencte of t^e fatt bill of complaint being to tbem t|)efe
bef noki^ano at all tixms l^t:eaftei;|atreb,f9.z oitett anfixiere tfjereuntov
fo fat:fo;rtb a0 concemetl) tbehnotDlebgeof ttjem t}^zlt DcfcnDantjs ma^
teciall fo; t^eni to anftoere bnto, fa? a0 follotoetb? tl)at is to far, t|iat
|)eixtofo;e ^.E>4n tije fato hill of complaint nameb^loaig an eacneft fut^
to; to tt)e fatD oefenoant XM*% f to t()eCt)aptei: office fato Catbeo^all
C^urcb,fb; tijeobtaining f getting of a leafe of al t^jeti: t|)e faio E>eane
ano Chapters tit\)t bacneinp.in tlje countp ofC ant of al tlieic titjje
cojne ant gcain,comming,i;enuing,ant ^eecel^ groining m
ti)Z totunis

ant ftelts of p. afe;erattt ^* f c* \x\ tbe fait ^.ount'i of Cf^eder, ant of

t^c titlje co:ne,gcafre,piggeant gofeof 2D. in t^e faitCcnnt^ ofC!)c^
Iter^ant of tt)e ttt^e l)a^ ant gcaflfe of ^.^ant i&*afo;efait.^nt fo;
t^e bettec obtaining oi\)is fait fuite,t)e ttje fait 3!.HD.obtainet ant p;0*
cucet feuerall lettera fcom tiuecis gceat ant ^ono;:ablc pecfons of t}^is
ltealmc,ticetfet to ttje fait j5Dcane ant Chapter of tlje fait Catl)et;:aU
CljuccljjtMljeceb? t[?e fait SOeane ant Cljaptettr-ere catnclHp mouct

tograntantr^t^lt totljefattcequelt of tt)e faitBI*E>^ ^t t^e to^icl^

time tt)e fait 3.JSD. tit aificme % fap to tfjefe tcfen tant0,o; to tf)e grea^
ter part of t^cm,tbatin tlje p^emiffes fo br bim tbcfait 3I2^* tequicet
to be to |im temtfet,t|)et;c luajs tl^en no lalufuUeltate continuing, but
t)furpet b)? fuc{) occupiet;^ as ^at no tigl)t tmto t}^zmy % \&^jO iioucbfa^
let not to fe^b t nto tj^e Cfi urc|i fo; t^em^no; to af^i an? got ofixxs ia
andAnfwers. 280
ffiemmiDt|^afcotifracttt)trei)tmrelfietuoulD rctufc tl^ofe fi):n$( tea
mo;e profitable ceuenue to t^ett'Cfjaccij^oztfi^D ipozcs f Cpi^*
t^tB to tf)e hka zWc(t,\)^ ceafonU)[)et:eof,t|ere oef.or ttie greater part of
tittn tl)e betCcr to fatiffie tljetr Duties totoaro tt)c faio i)on. perfon ? in
a fuit fo reafonable^ano tenDing to t^t benefit of tijeir Ctiutci}, b^ m
3lndenturet)nDert^irCi)aptetrealebeartngDatett)e z 2.ofH>ecenib*
intlje ^5-^edceof tbel/taignc of our&oueraigneJLaDrtfjeSIiuanes
Spaiefti' tijatnouj ifi,Dnurc,grant, i to farme let tlje faio titljcbatna
atio otfjec tbe p<^emif!eiei to tt)e faio %iD* %o Ijaue ano to l)olD to ^inxy
i)i0 erecuto:is,aomini1lrato;0,anD aCTignes, from tbe feaflr of ^ .%i)o*

tl;e:HpoftIe laft paft faefo;je tfje Date of ttjc faio Blnoentuictjnto ttjc enD
^tD terme of 2 1 ^^^eares^tliencc nert follolotng fuU^ to be romptet anD
enDeD,a0 tt)e]^ t^inke t|ie^ mig{)t tah^fiU? Doe,ti)ep tf)en not fenotutng
an^ latofuU leafe to be in being of tt)e p;iemire(,anD vet to tlje enD anD
intent t^at no perfon ijauing an^ laUifullintereft in tt)e p:emife(,o;in
ant part tljereof fo: temieof 3 ^eres o?mo?e(if ant fnt^ toere) inigljt

be bp t[)e faiD oemtfe o^ grant of ttiefe Def.p;ieiuDt(eo 0^ l)tnD;eD,t()e Def

taufeD tbe fato 3I.H)bp tfis fuffcient DeeD in Writing us tijt DefenDantit
tafee it fo;tf)e better fecuritie,fafet? anD qmetue0 of tfjeir lalofnil te*
nantjg Ijobom tt)et meant not (l^oulD beimpeacl^eD, to couenant \mt^
t^cts Def.tf)at t^efaiD Demire,no; an^ couenant,grant 0; article in t^at
faiD Binoentureof Demtfe containeD, jO^onlD in mv Mz
ertenD to binD
or ct)atgeanv of tijemtbe faiDE>eane anD Cl^apters tenants, t)olDing
or claiming b^ g(DD anD latufuU grant ant lalufuU eltate for t^e terme
of 3 . tcares at tbe leaft or more tt^m to continue, ant matter or tljing
inttjefaiDBInDentureofDemirementioneDto tbe contrarie notUiit!;^
nanDing,ti3t)erebtit Dottjanomatappeareto tljis l)on.Ccurt9 tl)at
ti)efeDefenDant({)aue not Done ant tiding concerning tt)e faiD oemife
of tf)e premieres tat^efaio 31 *E>4l)enat tJjct tijinke tt)et anD eucrt of
tt)em migl)t labofuUt Doe, making fuel) prouifion as aforcfatD,jitt)at no ^

tenants lii^ici)|)elDbt ant lalofullintereft lljoutD bee impeac^eo bt

tt)istl)eir leafe, toit^outt^at, tijat to tbe knoh)leDgecftl)efe Defend
Dants ojant of tl)cm,tljeE>ean ano Chapter of Ctjrifl^fi Cljurc^ in tbe
^^iuerfitie of j^rforD,perDece(rors of ttjefi^ Def* DiD laUifull Demife,
grant, ano to farmelett^erectorie or perfonage of H* m
tl)C faiD bill of

compUmentioneD,\:uitt) tlie appurtenances, to H* ^. \i\ ttie faiD b?U of

complaint nameD in man^ anD forme as in auD bt t|)e faiD bill of conu
plaint is fnrmtfeD;3nDU)iti)6utt^at,t^at to tt^e l^noluleDge of t^efe
leftnDantsorofaatoftl)em,tl)etitl)esDemircii bt t^efe oefenDants
to tf^e faiD t^* as is aforefaiD, loere latofulit ocmtfeti bt tl)t iDeans
nD Chapter of tije faiD Cat|)eDraU Cf)urci^ , preDei^eHors of tl)efe
Wenoonts toltie faiD 1^* B* in manuer anD forme> as is in ano
Supplications, Bills,
of complatntfurmifeD. 0nD iuUfjout ti)af,t!;af an^'o?
bt? t!)e faiTj leSill

tl)$i:matter, claufe, oj (mttntt in t^B faiD bill of complaint comp^ifeu,

beingmatettaUmtj^eopiruon oft^em to beb^ tljefe&ef anfiuereD bn^
f 0,1 not \)tttin fufficicntlp confelTcD anb auciocD oj traucrfco ano ntnu
00 IS ttuc ^lltDf)iclj matters ti}t^ tljcfe Def,anii euerp of tfjem are ua^
h^ to auerce anD p^coue as tbts i)on*outt l^all aloarcano p;a^ to be
^jrfmilTeD outof t^fame,lit|) t^eicccftsi^tb^mrullaineo.

'The ReptJicAtia ofT.B. EfqHtre complahiant to the A^rver

of I, D . Efquire one of the defendants.

'T'l^ faib complainantb^ p >oteltaf ton not confeffing Qt a^nOi#

1 leogtngan^ matter o;it!>ingmatmaUe.jelfectuaU in f^efaiD an:
ftMCC aUeDgcD to be true i\x fuel) fo:t, manner, ann fojnte, as tfje lame
aretbcrebieifp.jeffeDanDfetfojjt(?, anfi b^ pjoteHation alio tbat tbc
fato antoer is tjnccctatnc,ano infufficicnt in t^e italu to be replies bn
to^fb; uiuers great anD appatmit faults tijecein manifeftl^ appearingj
t^z bewefit ani aouantage tubereof at all timts b^^^aftec ta t^e com!
plaihant faucu anb ceferueD, tbe faiD complainant fo; cepltcatioii tt-^
plietb ano faitb in all t\^\n^B as bcfo^ in Ijis faiD bill of complaint |^
batb faiD. 2m furtber faitb, tbat all ano ^ucrFtlje matters in t^e faiD
bill C3f complaint conteinei are ano be gQ)D,iuftjtruejfcrtaine,ano fu5

ficient m t|e llato to be anfbjereD bnto in fucljyTojt, maner, anb fo.:me

as tbe^ anb euerr of tbem in anb b^ tfj^ faio billaf complaint b? b"
brcncmoftiuftlVjplaineli5aiU)tcuelpallet!geDaniJ fet foUb? anu tbc
fame be {& reabvto auerce ano p?Q)ue>as it (ball pleafe t^iis \^m*Qutt
toatuatDe 0nt)tbefaiDcomplainantfurtbccreplietf) ano faitb, tbat
tbc faiti2)eaneanbCbapfectbeotber Defendants, nameb in t\)z faiD
bill of complaint, bab no meaning o; intention tc Demife bntc t\)t faio
313. am? tbing tbat'iDasbrtbemo^tbeirpjeDccclTo^sfe.jmetlvDe!
mifeD to t\i& complainants fatber, aim in t^is complainaitts polTelTi'
;on b^bertue of tbe faio leafe, anb to giue full fatiffatfion tber^of U
tbis bon.Couct. lEbis complainant furtbec faitb,tbattbe faiD 31. re*
qmring of tbe faiD Peane ano Cbaptec to baue a leafe of tlje totunlbip
of-K.togetbertuitbtbefaiDotbectolunefljipsin tbc faiD bill of com
plaint mentioneD bv bim,p;iocurcD aleafe fcomfb? faiD S>ean f Cbap*
tec b^ fucb p;actifc ano fucceHions as in tl)C faiD bill of complaint is al^
leDgeo, tbe faiD^eaneanoCbaptectbenmaDcanfluec totbefaiD J
iS^.tbattbis complainant tuas tbe jfacmer of It. anD bcl^ the fame hi
Icafe from tfje faiD iDeane anD Cbaptec
^notbvTttljci^iiioiilD not in

.fln^iKifeDcmifean^tbingto tbe faiD^^antcl tbat \ssm compjifeD in

UjefaiDlearcmaDe to tbe complainants fatber. SIo lobtcb anftocre
andAnfwers, 281

t^atUarc,ift^efaiD2E>eanc anD Chapter tooulD be pleafeo to ocmife

t^cfaiDSDoUjnefl^peofH.tuitfjt^eteUof tl)craio SbOtuneO^ippefi to
|)tmt^cratDBl^ U)l)crcunto tl^cfaiD ^^anc anD Ci^aptct: ti}tnm*
floeceo to rt)t0,o; t[jelihec^it,tit!*tt)attl)ct! UioQlonot goc about to
tmpeaci^ tf)e fatDltcafemaDf to tt)e fato complainants fat^^ec :anD ttjat

itUwfi not fitting foj menof tfwjic coate ano qualitie, to ttano tpon
quiches anoqaUlits in lato. Ii5i? loi^ict) tuoios it cniocntlp appcares>
ttiattt^efsiDl^eanc ano Cljapter toece circumuenteD and mtfieob^
t^e Ijnf tuc info;iiaticns of t!)c faitj 3!.)3>.to tfjcm maoe in manner ann
fo;me,astntf)eratD13iUof complaint isalleageD ano fet fb^tt; : anD
t^tt^ bneU) not at t^e time of ttje making of tlje faio 3*^*^ea^e,
tW t^e faio SDotoneO^ippcs tfjecebv l^ten loecc fo;mcclr oemifeo to
t^e faio complainants fatt;et: in ano bp tf)e general! U)o;DBOf t^zUz*
Ko^ieof i^. toi^ict^ DiD incluoe tl)e faio 2ColoneQ)ippes, fo as if t^re be
an^ fuc^ Defect in t^t foiD ILeafe maDe to t^e faiD complar nants fattier,
as tf^e faiD 3(H>. pMenoetli b^ ^is faiD anfUiere, as t^is complainant
|)opetl)t|)eretsnot9retfo;asmuci[}as t^is complainants father anD
ti)is complainant tiaue euer (tnce t^e making of tl^e faiD ILeafe, t)I)ic^

iuas man? reai:es Cnce, quietly enioreD tije fame, anD h^ all tlje faiD
ttmepa^eotijeirentto tl^e faiD 2)eaneanDCi)apler referueot^ereup^
en: 0nDtcjattliefaiD %W* p;ocuceDl)is faio ilcafe, brfucljfleig^ts
anDfubttltics,a5isafe:cfaiD* ^nDt^att^e faiD jEDeane meant not to
Demifeant? tiding to t^efaioH^* t^at toas formed? DemifeD to t^z
faiD complatinants father , no; to impeach tlje faiD lleafe maoe to ti)t
faiD complapnants fatljcc tpon ant Dcfcrt to^atfoeuer. ZKa|ecefo;e
t^ts complainant ^opet^ tl)is Ijonourable Court Sj^iW compell t^t faiD
3[^< fobbing in tl)e faiDllealefo piocureD as afcgefatD intotI)is^o^
noarable Court to be cancelleD>o; ot^erlDifeoifpofcD of,as to t^efame
l^allbe ttjougtjtmei^t :anD tsill o :Der tljat tl^is complainant 1^1 [}aue
anD inioi? tfie benefit of t^e faio leafe maoe to ti^is complainants fattjer^
asafo;efaiD,notti)it^llanDinganr fuel) Defect tl^erein as is p^etenoeD
b^t^efaiD j.E>* ^nD lubo^eas t|ie fatne DefenDantalleagetl) in |)is
faiD aunftoerctfjattljefaiD jDcane ano Cbaptec, to manifeft tjjeic
groD intention anD meaning totoaros tt)e faiD DefenDant, anD tot^ie

ijttent Ije mtgljt cniop fuel) ttjings, as tljcp ^aD to \)im DemifeDjDiD De^
Ituer tntot)im a copie o; tranfcript of tf)e faiD lleafe maoe to tl)is
complainants ^tl)ec, anDarentallof tf)e faiD feuerall ^otone^ips
in t|e faiD ^ill of cotnplamt mentioneo. %o t^t Allegation tljts
repliant fait|), tt)at purpofe of tlje faiD E)eane ano Cfiapter in

tl)eDeUeneofti)e faiD copie o; tranfcript toas^ tl)at tl)e faiDe 3 ^*

^n migljt
SuppHcations, BiUs,
mi0!jtf!)erebi?fenotuluf)atU)afit)cmifeDo;ttntenDcoto be DcmifcD fo
t^e C^iiD ccmplainants fatl)ct:. 0nD to tfje eno tfjat ^c tl)c faio 31 ^
migljt not mcDOle \uitl) anv? tljmg compufeo in t()cfaio lCdfe,anD to no
otl;enntciit o; purpofe, ^ojitfjout ttjat, tfjat t!)e faioiDeancano Cfjap^
tcrOiD fenoUi b^j ttjcfaio ilcatall, t^at tl)C toiunes incntioneo in tljc
faiD biUoeniircD to tljcfalD 31 'D.UiCue parcel of tfjefaiD Ucctojic ofK
ariD lxier0fo;jmet;lr Demifcu to tjje faio compl.fatl)ci:,anotoitbout tljat,
tfjat ani? ot!)cr matter o> tl>iiig in t^t faio anfuier allaageD materiall o j
compl. to replp t3nto,aaD berein not fuffitieiitly ton*
ctfcituall fo; ti)is
fcO'eOranoauoiDeDjOenicao^trauerreois true : ^U hiljicJ) niat^er0
t\)w complainant is leaDic to auecre ano p^oouc, as it U^all pcafe t^i3
l)on. Court to aluartj: jSnO p;ai:ctl) as befo^ie in |iis faio bill of com^

plaint lje^atl)p;ai?eD.

tyffttpplkadu by typongjimedfouUierf,tohafif the Counfeis lieencc to hegge

or to hauejomc mamtemnce allowed them for their frefeKtfidj and rcUeje,
VHitUtw Almei roomcs which the ^
.gAue in reuerfion do hecome void,,

To the rioht HorilK Lordj,&G.

Irlble ^appliants ja. <^* ano 15. C. SDljat \i)\)ccu5 in confloera*

tionofttjcfHiiDiymaimesanDljucts of vour ^c Suppliants in f)et;
2paicfl;ic0fcruice,itpleareDberljigl)ncflrcof Ijer mcU grationsDifpo*
ittion ano pitifull conOoeration of bs, to gtuc ano beftoUi bpon bs tt)0
rcuerftonofttjjofcuerall j^lmesromcs in tbe ^ofpitaU of JD.intlje
Citiz of llonoon Dwring our liucs U)!)en tbc fame (b<^U become boior^
tlje U)l)icl) beret full,ano after tf)eir ocatbs \s>^iO^ not be in tbe pof^

rcllionoftbcfamcoiuccs reu^^rfions are grauntcsto fcuerall perfons

oftbcfamcjbp reafon iutjercof pour llo;olbipps pffl;c Suppliants are
neucr liUelp to enior tljefameraimes fo; tl^ir ccliefe nno fufienancc
3(n conriOerationU)|)cieof, ano fo^tbat pour 1)0. faiofnpplimifs be in
bcrie pnj;e ano )3ita^z cftate bp reafon of tljeic faio mainics ano }^miBr
ano sreatlv inoebteo to oiuers perrons,being cl)ai:geo tuitb tuiues anD
man? cl}ilO;cn, not bauiJig nn^ tbingno\yleft Ibcm to maintaine,
belpe,o;reUeuetl)emreIuesUntt)aU in t\)is. tbcir gr^tpoueitic ano
ertreamities, but are rraoietoperilb fo; latUe cf fuHenaiice ano o^
tber mcanes* Bit maip tfjcrefo;e pleafc ^or gDD iL. (be p;enuires be*
ingbppourl^.tenoerlyjconfiOereOrtograuntbnto i'cur JU;o^^po);c
fuppUants fo; i\)m p;0fent ttav^wliefe, ano comfo;t9 vour l^ lian.
andAnfweres. 282
fo; tfjc f afem0 mit> etc eiumg of Ifjc ^Imctf , ano c^acttatlc bcncuolcnc
fiftl)ctDcUdtfporeo ^ctfotiB t!);ougt)out tlieltiljole ]^ealme,t)n(tU tfje
faiD 3lmcjBt rojrfirs become toiD, o; fome ctfjcc p^joiiifion o; mam^

tcna:ttc fo? t!;C reltefe oftWt p^cfcnt ncr cOTitic , fuel; aj; to ^ouc fjo.
O^llfeeme mcete i conaeniait ma^ be fjaD anD maDc>$ rout fatli poo;e
fupp^accoE^mgtottjctc bounDcn Duties luill p^ai? to dE^oD fo; t?ouc
goDH. in all[)ealtl7 ant) f)Bno; long to continue*

^ SftfpUcatien hyM Mr(hantfirat)gcryPphohar4itg beene hefire called intei

(jtscftieitfor cojatittg ofme in a barter of PearIcpr Clothy rvho defireth the

jfime may he exammed and ended by Aldermen of London and other affi-
fiants ef skfli and indigent : And that ifthey cannot agree J hen the Lord
Maitr ofLondon to be vffpterbetws.xt them^or elfe that thefame may re-
ftiue a trial in any court of /ftjlice rrithin the realm^and that in the mcane
time bu libertie may not be impeached.

To the riht
o Hon. the Lordcs &c.

1^ afl^umblcneflTe bcrcecl)eff)rout{)ono?ablegofiDllo;jDI^tp C 5^^^ ,^7, 31

of t^edtic of ilonDcnjCf^arc^antfttanser. SDtjat Ujfjereas Ja.^.of

tf^efamecttte^ercljant tatlo;^, l)atf) funo;^ times complatncti linto
tour ^onojtfjatvoutfaio Suppliant ^an cofcneD Ijim inoeliuering
pcarlcsfo; 2 85.pounDjs,Uj^tc^ U)erenotU)o;itt) 20. pounocin confix
Deration of a bactcc of clot^ oeliucieD to ^our JtojDfljipo fuppl.tufjere^
tjpon it pleafcD ^our JLojoll^tp to gcaunt vout luartant fo,: t[je b;ing^
ing of tour faiD fuppliant ano fjts ageD fattier before ^cur %m }to;Dl^
to anttuer to tl)e faiD fuppofeD cofenage fuppofeD againli t])tmy toijic^
tljc\?tiaucalrcaDi? in fome fo5tanfUjercD,aco;Ding to tlje l^ojtneCfe
of t|ie time. 1S>wt fo^afmuc ^ as fo; tfje fuUanD plaine Difcouer^ of t^e
faiD p.jetenDeD cofcnagCjVDljccctoitl) r our Jlo;^DC^ips faiD fuppliant is
cl)argeD b^ tt)e faiD ^Si*^At f^mett) requifit tt)at t^eU f)olp;oceeDings
tntt)efaiD barter 0: contract lneretf).:ougt)l^ eramineD b^ fome illDer^
men of tfje citte of JlonDoii,caUing t)nto tfjem fo^ tfjcir affiffancc tfjeri*
tntluooftt)eB>utct)Ct)urc|),offufftcicntiuDg0ment anD f^tUinfucI)
cafes to beinDififi^enttv nominateD b^ t!Our faiD fuppliant ant>tl)e faiD
3$ fb itmap t^erefo;e pleafe r our gooD )lo;D(l^ip to giue full potoec
anDaut^ontie bp ^our^onours letters to ^iDennan ^ anD (>S>9
one of t^ E>atcl) Ctjurc^ cl^ofen bv r?our faio Suppliant (if fo it ma?
0and tDtt^ tf)e tiding of pour gooD llo3Dll)ip) being of iuDgement
anoCkill, anD \)en? totfe and Difcreetemen? ano to anotf^ec ;aiDerman
of ttje faiD itiz^ and an? otI)er of t^e faiD ^utcf) Cijurct) to bfe ii^e*
iDi^twwtnateD ano api^nt^bi?tl)e faio Uj^^li)oiiiav eramine
anti tctfi ottt tire ftuetl) ott^t fait) fuppofeo cofenage : j^nti tf^at it mwg
alfo pUafe ^ouc gooo Ho^tiD^tp ti)at ti^eilo^D (pato^ of tl)e fato cttte of
llonoen mar be by ^our l|)ono; nominateD atib appomteo to bet)mpta:
in tl)e r^tD caitfc fo: t|)e ftnaU etiDtng titetcofyitit fi^oulD fo happen am
fall out,tl)at tl)0 fmo fouce petfons lI)oulD not fullp cno t^e fame taufe
bettuirtttjefatDe parties touci)tng tl)e fato rupporeDcorenag0jtotl)e
^Ijtc^acbttcem^nt and t)mptt:age r one fato fuppltant toiU tDillmgl^
rubmit fitrnfelfe to ftatiDl^nto anD petfo^me* 0hd if tl)c faio caufe cart
not b|! tlje fato at:bttrato;ts o^ bmpire^ teceiue a fitl i final eut tt);K)ugf|
t^c tuilfulneffe o;j fcotoatonellfe of tlje faio H,^, acco^oing to tf)? cl;a
citable anD tioncd intent $ purpofe of ^ont Jlo^odjtps faio fuppUant*
ji:^t)en voucfaio Suppliant |)umblr befeecljet^ ^one ^ontl)at ttma^
bee o^oeceo bp pour gooo llo^oi^ip, ti}at tt)e fato caufe ma^ teceiue a

ano inoifFerent tctalat tt)c common laUi intu|)at

Couct it O^all ^no fo; tijat roue
pleafe r our gtoD ilo^oC^tp to appoint,
fato Suppliant ooubtetl) lea(t b^ tffc p;a(ttfe of tl)e faio Uj^Ub libzt*
tit mar be impeac^eo before tf)e fato fuppofeo cofenage mar bee fuUr
tcieo ano enoeOjtlje petitionee t^ecfo^e bumblr bcreecfjetb roue goo6
llo4l)at br roue )lo;Di^. o:oei: ^is pco^e ajeD fat^eic mar ^^^ p^otectet
ano oefenoeD fcom acre&is o; ottiee tcouble q; mcleftation , tntill ttie
fato caufe {^alUeceiue a finalieno^anorouv faio fuppUant D^all oailr

A Supplicdtion by an IftHekjffper imfripnedfir trfafott vfon coMuterfeit let

tersfrom the Priute Councelly mho (fem^ theraef afterrpards difchm-qed by
lettersfrom the CouncellJhtzd.[enerallaEiions of debt Uid vpom him before
hit iHlargement. uind afterwttrdes roas for thence remooued to the

Fleete, and there rerft-.untMgfor his debty frajeth that hee may complatnf
of abttfes offered to him and to deteS others of offences and mifdemeanorj
by. them committed. And alfo to rcrite letters to the Commtffioners for

prifonersfor debt in the Fleete^to compound allcaisfes betmxi htm and his

To the right Hon. the Lordcs&c.

XjLcoppUant ano Dailr o^ato; BI,9l^of i^.noto p^tPoner in t^tkw,

^t)atU)^ei:e about tt)emonet|) of ^'eptember la&patttnttie 1 2. ^$t$
of \)et (I^aieftie0 c^igns^one Wi^p* b^ougt^t to t^z tain SCotimf f
certaine countecfnt lettectt tnoec t^ie nwntB (i{t\)t ito^ Cliaumrlio;,
1.o;d SLceafum:, mhct^tts of l^ec ^paiefitetf moS ^moiK^\$ ^^i>
4touii^imt^c9imivut^emitto 9l&4|iett$PffS(tf of t(i0 Cux
i>.. totons

, i
' sffid Anfwers; . il 28;
fotONe ot^M tcttue of tpt fato ttttcts, to app;tef)eKd ant) faike ^ow
ratbrappUanttponrufptttonoftreafonjanD (ommtt^imto ciorep;t^
roifjtotti^ fjeauie i?;ons to be laid tpon I^tm, ttjc tofjtc^ fato ^a^o;cre^
(utcD acco;K)mglr,lDl]Ctc roue fatD fuppUant (9 conttnuel b^ t^efpace
ef Sue tDOtkes* j^nD roue fuppliant betttg Co imp^iToneD, txqutrcD ttie
rato^aro; t^tt^c faio cailp.mtg|)tbc ltarcD,fo; t^at ^e in tf)c fame
rwte ^D conntecfeitcB ccctam otI)cc letters tjnDcc uiuecjs of pout Ho
l)atti}0)butt|efato^aro:ceflfre0toltart)im, becaufe ^e rametrnt^
Vouti^ Uttec0 to ^im (as ^e rtippofeD) To t^e fatD Wi*p* Depacteo^lea^
uttig tour fatD fuppliant in clofep^tfon/wtjeteupon roue faio pco^c
fbppltantfent one to acquaint re ut ^oh^toiti) I[)i5 po^e uitheiteD cafe,
fo; ceD;eaeanorettefe ftom roucseoBHo : tisercin, lol^otijereuponte^
ceiueoroue ^on.lettecs in rourfuppliantd bel^alfe, Dicectedtntotj^e
Caiontlo ^are; of ri)e faiD totone of i^fo^ l^w enlargement of l)iie( faiD
imp;ifonment ^ut roucH faio letters nottuitljltanDing, i^outpane
fuppliant tDas not fetat libectie, but ^etaineD in p;tfon br t^c fpace of
eig^toare0 after roue)lletter0 loDete Deltueteot)ntotl)efatD^aro?9
br meanestl)etxof tbere toasi one erecution fo; bebt^anD oiuer^ ot^tt
actions of Debt laio tipon ^im,to ttye ^ttec tinboing of l)im,|)is loife^nd
cigbtpa<:ecbilci;en,rourfuppltant beingapoae Bin^oloec intl^efaio
totone ofi^ ano bauing no ot^ec traiieidf liuingiO^ oteanes to main^
taine^imr?lfeanb ^is poi;e familr^ br teafdn of Ui^ic^ faio tintrue
^anoee of fufptcion of ^reafon, anb of l)is long tmp;(tfonment of feueti
montbso; mo;e)^e ^atb lott i^is accuttomeo gu00:s being manr^l^^icl
lifeo to corns to ^is (m ^oufe* ^ar it t.^ece(b?e pUafe roue goo &o
t|)ep;emillies being brr our ^tenbetlrconltbeteb, ano fb; tliatt^m:
Uaxi! patiii fuppliant t)pon i)is remoue to t^e p^ifon of t^tAifte^ enteed

into bond to appeacebef0;e roar goiDlL* at tDi^at time foeuetttil^lo

jpl^af roue !^i laappoint liim fo to ooe, to aomtt r our faiD ^ uppltant
tocomplainebefo^roue^. of Diuees to^ngs anD abufes otfeeeD anD
Dong^nto roue;pfD;te fuppkant, as aUb tabifcouee ( Djrtejft ii}c fait WJi*
ano fome otbets t)is confederates of tecie leUiD parts anD oWmtts
committed brt^em:0noalf0tt)at itluiU pleafe rout: ^to graunt
l^oucHettecs to t|)eCommiffionees fo; poo^ie p;tfonees fo; Debt in tlje

iflete,fo;t|efpeeDie compeunDinganD ending of all caufcs httUitt

roue faio l^upptiant anD iis aeDito;s, ano roue faio fuppliant as |)e
ts mofi bcmtDen H^all Dailrip;af f0;coat; Ipo* go)DJU.o in ^ealtl^iino in
^ono|clPi|gtofnttnurur^ ": Hv.-;'T^r^:. .;t-:>'^^^' \-n);;:lj;:.\
o ,

r2si Supplicatioia^^Bills^

^^'CoknfeUfdidfeUiryfimrbeir pmip'tvntethehi^ torhni(l^iini ihe^toap-

then^ytheyvhich hU cghtem^t wii^t>)theptid:'iCrit^ht (^c.certifLed io'ite
""'^'CdrnfeRxtgAwflthem: J^Mw the petit forterpy:^^^^^

cahfeyand^tiiefdpartleh\^^^^^ t^eir^ ot^lz,

', th}' to comTfiit them to the Ghdle, there to rematm zmttit thcj yrillhe con*

iintcdto obey and perform(i'tf3e'f(ime.

Sea. I dp.
j7;ic!ot!)tei;, Ujat tol>cuf as t)pott'^ fajiuce petif tof txWiti^ biff

4ilftb!6 oftJiu?2I; jl5 airb I f^tsf^Rn^^toiicljisig aimttcr of Deb^aml a^^

jget^timi? of pufijpofo itolnaiiti;to tt)e cito to ino!e^,tQo'iible,a'nb ^m^

fpiiaeti^ t'OttJJft'^ fppiiafttyRiEUj^&iuer{.cec$tfi^te5iC^ett ti3 vwit-f^.
:b^i^j; foiofu^^)j^i*tr)eietitift(3fuU^ ano-at jai50c^ca0ia5a^fe tjfe
*>WDJaiit ertllifon(iix(klitiwa?4ti9eseani);ji3f Jt!<s^^1l ifiD>im<l^

^untteof ^IlinigDt^nD dt|i4,d,t8 callijefd;^ rf)cftcfl^{m<^Sl&^ va^

co.:tK^to cq iitttc ai\& coaCci^ncOr^adt t|tfc:cesi^i>M t^l Ci^V^liHbiil^^

tl)cii:ltt0Wio*2tiuitmg ttjcm to com^tcfo^c fl|*ni fo^ t^ e^Ji0 f fl^

faio lcitcL-s,tf)?p t^cn aDDjeileti tjnto tljcm tlj>tirjijf'^lJ,i|yilli^W^{ftfc
commaimDtng tfjem anD ^uctie of tljeni bt? tjectuc of ^ouc i^cno;s faiD
Icttctjj of Contminrton to i\)nn Diicctcti, to come % appcare bcfo;c t^^i^m

fajt!jccnouigoft!)efaiocaijfeMbttt!j U)I)ici) lettets anD p^cctptuiece

neliucrcD b v one 3 .)l5t)nto t^e faio 2D*i|i.tol)o iuas tlje PcJincipall jno;-
^^3 Atifweres, :
UJto; asi^fiaitblcr ot^m fuppaiithefc^aHfcsioljo albeit t;tj frau ttaU
weo tt)(^TaiJf lettieiiiJ l^;mp;i:,rct tljahiatU'itljttaiiDiag J^^
ppcarc tefo^Mj tljc faio wmmtaicjicts, bat contcinpttiouil^ b)? fjie let^
tei's to tijc CommitTtottcw ccfufcD to appcatc befo;>e t\im\ eitljer tpon
tljc faiD letters o; f i)c p;j*efcpt from tJje faiD commi(Iionci;0,ai3 b^ a cetf

tfoat ftom tf>(4moumu(rtonec5 ceaui? to be il^etueD \}nto T^ur gcoD

%mn\} vppctim;t0t^c great oetooration anb contempt of ^our gooo il
Ipa^ittij^cefo^epleafei'cuui^o. fo;ttfie b;}it)Ung anD cljecfeinjg of fucJj
i3i(foltejfcotijaj,anD \utlfuU obltmaci'jto tIjc tercifymg of fuel) Ufec
otiTobeCicnt pBiibn5,to giant tuto ^eucfaiofuppI^our^.Uiarrantto
iieotcectcD t)nto t|ie ^t)et:ifeof tljefatD cotmtte of ^ to b.:tng ti^efato
Contminiencrs at fuc^Da^^l)cute,anD place, ag
SDjJifaefo^et}jc fain
b^ilcttecs ftom ti;&faiD commiaiohcrs to t^c Caio ^lietifc ttialbc alTig^
neU oj app0mteb:i3no t^at ifttre faiD25.j^being fo b;ougt)t before tljc
fatDCommiirioncr0,!l;aUluUfuUvefurc to obev aiiD pct:fo;jre fuel)
oiOcr,ejj,ant) t)ctetnunaticii,as tl;efatDCcmmiffioncrs fljall tljmfee
^cotttofeliKJtuns ttjecin j2Lt)at'tl)e fails Commiffionets mm ^aue firf

|ioU)eiiriDaiit!jo;itv to conumt t^c faioSD.jfivt o tf;c goale UjtCi)in tlje

t^ieo^Deranooetciretnattonof t^e fails CommifiionecS:,o; ti^at^aut
fifflO JL.ftjall gitic o^tiec ann otrcrticn fo^i bis iscliueuv out of p^ifcn* ^m
ytem faio fuppUlljaU oail^? p;at? fo; tfje p^efecuaiion of ^9urgD %* m
:allfeltcitic ano tiappincfe long tacaKttiuie:;c ^ m^ )n si n sff) 5//t
>--. :; . -- ,
. .^ : : :
^-v-^'r - 'ft ''u\'
' : '

jlfrStipfUcation hj me forhimfeif^andfir eight ether frifdnerTTndi&ed of

: ^ .murder in fVA/es(tvrpJifulI]f as thfj ffctead^containiKg aformer ft^ppUca^
s .' SioKfWheriUponthe Coi^nfeUcrdered^tbat t hey Jh$ftldreceiue their Irialij

^y^^ponthefaidlndiulftent of hfe4tiddiathinthe Coknlie of Salop, cwdnit

^ i?tthe taimue of M.whers thej tve^ e iaditicdprajitt^ that the.)' might ^he.e

; . baitiedyfor that hse vfas afreeholder ofgood prorth,<(ind ableio put m good
"^ :firetie,ikAt th^Cet/ncelln'o^ld be pleaj}dro giue orderbj their Uttentfi
c the Lord Trefldent und C/jkafelUnthe L^arches ofWdcifor thf^hfyltng

-i )ff ^um%irf fo>mfet!) voar g^b^^^iibur Ijiisnble fuppliant anl) Scft. 70
l\^lDaii?o^iSSj<jill)cf t(;e fount? of C;f0^^ji^^ ottjec^, Ji?.

tttttnp;ifoi;h^iljifhe ^iraliof q9 ,fo; afuppofieomuttijcrtng of cneip.

#Jbfe'(imj^s^^otJti]iJcfttc|d(t laftpaG: SB^tlrljertas tpcn fomefo^
ftrtitte^ ^^ftiJ of txiojiw ibttti ^iitsi^apmng' tc fcrtcto betfeeiau; i^t fame^i^

45;a^O'i[?oarTati):n5^pUant3l.'ui1^e-faiOf0iifttie ofC.bpcn tije iS.tsa^

cfa^a^ latv paftjjaboui t!)c IjtiuingJt:'^ of tu;itpt'capia^,toit^ a fo&iTsj^
- ^4 Tm\\i

wctl^ giuen fo; t^t executing of tljcfamt?tt, at io^it^ time hv l)m;0
Ijap a Hanger b^ gluing a li^t Uotu to tljefmo cp.(^,ttti) a ftone tp^
on tijc I)eai>,tDl)ei:of t)e ncuer languifl^eo fomuc^ as one Ijouteinoutj'
toaro ap paean cc,ncitt)ei: Did Ijis cliicurgian ronceiuean? Danger to be
tl)edn,but t\)c faiD ^^jC^.tcaucUeDafteitoacDs loitfjoutlj^eiu of grief
from place to place about l)t0 alfaiceit into fo^t:aine countcies^bltng all
ercccifes anDDifpo^tjs ofpleafui:e5anDaftei:lwarDtf tjpontljc lo. Da? of
3unetl)^ouglj fiichnes DicD intfjcfaiDcaunt?: ofS^.lnto^ic^coiitr of
q0,bp fauoj of t()efeinceD anD allies of tljefaiD $3|^,(]I5,voucfHpUnD jc/.
others luecc tiniulll? inoicteo fo? J Deatl) of tljefaiD ^,<5,as fb; tnun
tIjccaUtjougl) t\}ztt toere no inauec of malice bettuijrt T^oacH.fatD fup^
pUatanD tljefaiD S^.CD.befo;c tljefaiD Ijutt of l)tm tl)e fato ^,C>but
great gojD fame nigljt t tije faiD
toil anD lifting bettoirt f tjcm.ifo^i tlje
as is afo^cfaio , Ije fjao appointcD to lie at f cue iL.faiD
$p ,(S57toas Ijurt
fuppuijcufctoljecupcn ^ouc gooD il.faiD fuppLbeingan fumble fuito^
to ^oui; !^.ft; ceD;jeIie of tl;e faiD IjacD mcarure,it plcafeo v^tit ga>D IL
in ^oui: tjer? IjO.confiDeration b^ o^iDeefcom t?ourilto appoint tlietrt^
all of ^ourfaiD fappl.anD ttje otfjcc 8. inoictcD perfonsat tljeMifes ta
bel)oloen fo; tlie faiD count? of^alop,a5 a place mo^einDitfecent i fit
fo^ t^e fame,anD ret neueutfjeics, rout faiD pco^e fuppl.anD t^e rcU tz*
maine in p^ifon i cannot be bailcD, albeit tjec? gD anD fuS'icient baile
Ijaue binb? voucE-.fuppl.DiuerB times offtcD not only foi ^imfelf, bnt
alfo fo; tfje reft of Ijis people,being inoictcD i imp.jifonca. ^uD fo;j t|iat
?out;^faiD fuppl.is afceeljclDei: of cceDit t too.:tl),loelablcto SaD be^
r? gojD anD fufficientfucet? fo; ifis otone baile i l;is faiu peopleto ap^
peare ano anftoec to tl)e faiD inDictitit againli t^em before tlje l^a
Blufticcs ofilinire fo; ti)e faiD count? otS^alop^at tlje ncrt J^ififes to be
!)olDentoitljintl)efait}countieof ^alcp fo,i tlje faiD count?. 3!t ma^,
tl)ctfo^epleafe ?ouc goBD ll.of ?oui: accuSomeo care ano comiflTerati on.
of pa);eaftliaeD perfons fo;r tl)tit reltefes,to giuefuc^ o;iier $ Dire^on

tt??our bono;ifi letters to be Diiectco to ttjeL.p^eOoent i Councell of

tbe ^arcl;es of cMales,tt)at ?our L.faiD fuppUanD l)ts pm;e pco^e peo^
pic ma^ nat on!? ceceiue tl)cicfaiD trialbpont^e faiD inDimnent in tl^e.
faio count? of ^alop,acci3^Dtng tp tour gtcDll. no^mer ojtDec anD Direct
tions t^ecin,but airo tbat tlje? nta? be p;efcntl? baileo bpon groD am
fufiicient fureties to be of tljem taken b? tbefaiOiL.p^etiDent t coun^'
tell fo;t^cir pecfonall appearance before tbef^D ^ftires of iaflTifesof
jaifife fo; tbefatD counttejif ^alop at t^efat&nert:^fes to be l)oiO(Ni
befo;^ tbemfo;^ tl)e famecOunt?,tt)en anctljere to anftuerelo tt^i^r^

tnoi(tment,anutorecetuet|)eretncco;Dtngtoldto anDiuftC9:Ji^no
i^nt faiD poo^te fuppl.O^all i>;a? tinto (iDoo fo; tbe long p;efemation of
Xiouc gooD )U^o4n ijealti) an^ muc|)^9noi long to continue*
aiidAnfweres. 285
A Supplication to hdug the Councels let ten to two 'Bailtffes of 4 town^o take

vpon them the hearing of a contronerJle of an Accoftnty or elfe to appoint

other two to doe the famey and that they t wo appoint an Vmpier to end the
matter, And ifthefaidVmpier cannot endtt, then toeertifie the Cohnfell
of the ftate of the matt errand their opinions thereof and in whom thejcon-
ceine thefault to be.

To the Hon. the Lordcs &c.

|J5 mottl)umbleantJlamentablemannei;(]^etDetl)t)nto^ouc!#ono^ Scft.171

cable 5lo;jDl^ips ^mi poo;c ^uppliant^.lB.of Cin tfje County of

^.^acc^mnt, 2Ll)at tu^eceas t|)ece ace Dtuecs mattecs^f ^cconnt m

queHton anDcontcouecfiebettadene^^oucfatDpcD^eruppItant, anD one
ef jji. Ii3l)ic^ toill af^ ano cequice fome long time anD great

c^acgeB to be p^ofecuteD ano DetecmincD b^ ttje Due coucfe of t^e com^

mon la^ea of t\)t cealm^tbe tu^iic^ loulD tucne to tlje tttec tinDotng
of rone fatD ruppltant,becaure|ie is notu reao^ li?ttl;t)t5 il^tp to Depact
toUiacDs t^e ^tcatteiS, anD tl^ecefo^e tecr tncertauie of bt$ cetucne*
Bit ma^ ttjecefo'epleafe^ouc gooD ILo;D(l^tp9 to gcaunt vouc ^on.let^
tecs to bee DicetteD t)nto tbe ttoo llBailiffes of gceat ^acraout^,eitl)ec
to t)eaceti)efatDe account bettutct tbem,o; elfe to appoint tluoot^ec
inoiffecent pecConjs to t^ce t^efame^ano t|)at i\^t ttuo mar of t^em^
felue0 appoint an \unpiec toenDe ano Detecminet^e fatD contcouec^
tie0,bnto tbetoijicl) ^ouc^on. fatD fuppliant iuiU
if tl)efaiDi^,)i3o;

notteelDt)ntOt,tt)attbcn ttjei^ map

cectt6et)nto roucgooDlLo^Dfl^ip
V^t ftate of tbe faiD contcouecficg betluirt tljem, U>it^ tljetc opinions
t|ecein,anD in iDljom t^e^ conceiue tbcfanlt to be.^nD tone faiD po.ie
fuppliant (^albebounD Ducing i^us life to p;av fo; ponr gooD Hancceafe
of f)onouc,anD pecpetuall fehciti?*

ji Supplicationof H,K. andE. M, beeing prifoners in theFleetefor

mifdmneanors in the Starre- chamber to bee enlargt d of
their imprifonment.

To the right Hon.thc L.Kccpcr of ihe Scale of England.

Suppliants in ^it^aelmagSr^melatttoecerentenceD fo^5 Sca.1.7

T^ not^nDotf)er nufDemeano;MnD -^.)L5t[)ep;incipallijefcnDant
lijae t^en atfo committed to tlieif leet,t aDiuDgeo to pai? to t()e i^ 1 o
ii.foj a fine,aHD alfo to Difcbatge tlje fines impofcD bpon fucb otbec of

t^ittDDeftl)enli^etifefentenceD ano fineo as ace not able to fatiffic


\>^ SupplicationSjBiJs,
fame ^oucll.faio pts^efuppttjfeellingmtfjG county 0f<I^*tJJcr0
f 1)0
bjdug^t t)p b? f l) Hlacoen of ttje JFleets feEUfints, aiiO ate nolu iiUe^
toifcpjifoiierg in tljc faio pn^m of tlje iflat fD^ ^ faiu ounces, toljecc
icmaincD b^ tlje fpacc of a fo;itiugl;t t mo^c in gceat
tlje^ Ijaue altcatJt?
K^tfcry ano titant,being bet^ poj^e men anjj bciv nge!J,ant} Ijauiiig no^
f I)ing at all tDljerciuitI; to celicise tljeiic gieal Uiaut^s t neceffiticff mo^c
t^cntijc bare aUob3anccofvp;iron,bemg To &3ml|,asi^qu.vpii?;efuppl*

ate reasi? to Itacue fo; ujant ef mcate,D;infee,nnti otljcc necclTaites, to

t^cbttcrouettlj^otBingoft^eirianDtljeirporo^eiiuitieis ano c|iilo;eH,
Untfjout it mav pleafc ^our g^!Lfpcc3il^ to cxtmn ^oiit commifeta*'
,- tionajH)ptt:gbgontl|eminfttinstJp0oratlibi:ctie.' ^ i

A Stpplicati6H:df uprijon^ef^mke fUm) frmifd^meimiyfcet^e^sH th

Starre-chambcr to be enlarged oj his imprifiment;andtohaue the benefit
efagenerAllpardott/ittdto be'J.tfchdr'gedof '^necf'thefin^ impofed i/pon
him., .,,,-;....- ''..-. i^.' ;>,, ,.-.;i v;^.; ;.-'-. ..^ :.\ u;,

Scft. 171 all fjumblencs^^.ja abctt?pffl?eageDman0f 70- r^ates olee ano

mo^crrolu pnfonetiti tljei?!eet,^mnblp befcecljetl) ^our goo itojtj*

Uib^cc vour fuppUin t^e caufe bettDeen%^.B.antjC.]SD.l;ao

iixtt)^tarte-c^ambct tiuo feuetffll fines impofeubpcn l)im fo.j ttoo
fcuccallJuirDenie^noaWjt^e onea fine of lo.li.awo tljie otl;et afine of
ft o. li ano bjougijt oixi of t^e conntie of C^bi? tlje fetuant of tlje oeputie

toatoenflft^eiflat to p;ifonof tfieifleetjtljc i o.oat? of t^ijesinttant

31une,beins as \yz is iiifo^mcDD difc^atgcD ano fceeo ftom tl^e fatu firflc
fine of I o.lianD fcom imp^ifonmentof ijts boB? b^ \^timmVim xmHc
/ gracions gcnctallparoon at tSje laft parliament,t^at vt tBoultj pleafe
^out gcoD ilfo; (iDcDs fabCjto vdlehajm allolu bnto t'out it fatDfnppU
bencfitc of tljc faiD gcnetall patcon fo; t)is faio 6tllttir.e,3nD alfo

tn^oucl}onanD metcifull regatD of ^is great pouert vans mirervlje

nclu lietl; in,to enlarge fjmi of ^is fattJ imp?ifonment,afiib t&cifc^atgc
Ijiin of tl)e faiD fine of z c li.atio to fet it mm \jpon tlje teaO of tlje fatD
CSD.accoittng to an o^Dec tljerin fafecn:anij alfo to o;iDet ^KE5 appoint
ttjefaiDC.^.to pap poncfatufifppl.p^tfcn fljat;ges,l)amn^ bin o^alwu
into tlje action b\> ti}C faio C.2>oll]Ci;\uirc pouc llo.zodj p:c fuppl. is
tjttetlp bnoone foj ^uei:,anti'tf)alli#uei; fjc^able to p?ocniJ##s libcrlp:
but of fo^jc^nmapcrii^irf^ijifDn t ^t-jt voirt! fiii?) pftr^^fkip^idmamD
Ijis pooiijeUniie anttcljili3;3**^ a^all tmilv. pJ<1r fo^ eiit god?^ aft^^Dw^
i I!;,

table cttatmall^ealttjnnts Ijappines long to continue A^nrl 4&i.a/

aridAnfwers. 226
ASuppUcAtiofiofAfrifBHerinthe Fleet for a mifdewtAftor cenfttred in the
Star-ch^mbet to hane the hnefit ofa generAll Pardon^ and to be dtfchar^
,. gedofhis imprifonmeitt andftnCyand that inrefpeSlofhisveriepoore eftate
; ; hufprifon.chargefmaji be payed &
difcharged by one A.BJij. rhofe meanes
tbeStippUatft wtu drawne mto the atiion, . Jiv. v >; r! c'l

To the right Hon.Sir T.E. Knight, Lord Keeper of

the great Sealcof Englant/.

of aboue 86)7eai:es olD,anO lucafee ana fic&i^,nol p^ifonci: in t^e

if l0ete,fjmbl? befeecljctf) i^cur Lo;^a)ip,s:f)at tufjetc ^ouc pto^e fup^
pliantm a caufe betlcan a.^.ano C.fe. iuas fincD in 11;e ^tac^cfjam^
ijcrat t!)c fumme of tjai^mu b^ougijt cut of C b)? tljc lx?atDm of t|)8
iFleeUs; reruant0 to t^e p:ifon of tlje if l6:t,tl)c j^r.oai' of t^i0 1 u(i?,tl)at
|^emat>notonlj?befreeoan50ifcl)acgcD of tlje faio fine unpofcDtspon
iiinibutaJiD of I)ts raioimp^ifonmcnt b^ fo^e anti ijerf ueofa genctall
patucn at tlje laft pacliament*0itt) tl;at ^our gcoo ll.tDilbe pleafcti fo^
<IpQB)3.cau(eto i?^iD atiD alloU) tjnto^^outpaj^^efuppiwnt fi;e benefit of
tfjefaiDpactJon fo^ fjiu enlargement 0nD fuctljectijat ittuiUpleafc
"goucgajDJl. inrfgartr pf 1^15 gre^t pouecti? being not ableto rdieuc
meate anot^^inUe, butis ueaote to ftatuefo;
lungec foj tnant tl>ei;eof,to tafec fncb ojoei: ti;af tfje faio Cli^b^ U^fjom
totn; faiD pa).:c fappliant ^at!) bccne D,:atiine to commit tije faio mifoc*
meano;j,mat? pai' foA^owi: faio Cuppl. aUjji^ fees ano charges of imp?if
fonment,tl)e toljicf) if ^e be not compelleD b^ t'dnr goti !lo. to Do, ^cti t
f^tp p(0?e fupphis t30cpUb?i^ tamainc jangatt^ing in p^ifon all tt)c
jpav'c^of ^is lifer Itiitljput an? Ijopeenec to be oeliucreo t^emc ^U5
Vrpo5?efufjpltMill Dail? paaj? fo^ ^oucgiDO iio. f c

p^tJ^cc^Q Of 45ills,:$nftperi|,5pteplrf^ttDn0,K8}oinaet)6 If .and fac][>

,oti)et!jing5^a0 concei:nct|)e raanncc of p^occccing in Cljaiiecae
,jrit0,tiiitl)fomc HtD aDDttionsljnto i^zm au^es. ^oic of fertatnc

3m3:i)t|3 Oii^' Ci.'.-d ;';i mi^n tv^m ^/iii air. r.iiiitjwr ': .

f)iis Ml,anD b? t^jetoe pia^eti) not

Jl^e partie gtieuec ei:!)ibiteti) Sca,i7i? ^"

onli'afpeciallCcrtiorari^biitairoaSubp.againfttljeDercnBantto '

Supplications, Bills,
anffecctol)Kbill,a(appcat:eff)brt|)0laff ttoo biWs* antiif tfjeilojft
C^aunceUo:,iLo?D ifteepec,o J ^attec of t^c HOI0 D|atl fe^ gD ano p?o^
bable matt ecin tl)ebiU,ttje^ tjfuall? grant tlje fame,tabing bono of t^0
plaiiitift foj t^e p;a)fe of t^e fttrmifeB of|iuf billjtottljm fbuctttne nam
aftec tt)c cetucneof f)is (JieciaU Ccrtiorari,tl)ic^ ip?it of Certiorari fol^

loiuetl) in h^c verba.

lacobus Dei gratia AngliacScoti^.Franci^.et Hybcrn Rex,fic!ci de-
fcnfor&c.MaiorictVicccomLondfalutero: Volemes certis de caufis
certiorari fupcr caufa captionis ct dctentionisR.S.in prifon' fub cuftodia
vcftra,vos pracf.vicccoIl)icdetcnti,vtdiitur,vobJSlnandaIl^quodcau-
fam praed cura omnibus cam tangcntibus quocunqj nomine idem R. in
caufa ilia cenfcatur, nobis in Cancellariam noftf in quindena Pafc.prox.
futuf,vbicunq; tunc fuerit, fub figillis veftris diftindlcct apcrtcmittatif,

Cthoc brcuc Teftc &c.


^noif t^oplamttfeoo0notma^ep;ofeoftf)e furmtfe off)t0btU,a8

afo3efaio,t^cnt)pon certificate maoc tjnocc t^t l^anoes of tljeerami*
nerd oftt)U(Cout:t,ano notice from tl^eplatnttfes Slttumc^^ t^t l}tt
^atb not eicamtnet) an^ tuitnelTed} eitljer in tf)t5 Courts; b? Commif^
Hon) tl)en a Procedendo t0 gr anteD-of courfe* )I5ut if tijece be tottnef^
fed eramtneo,tl)en to ffmzi^eit eraminattons retoeo to a spiaSecof
t^eC^ancerie* ':iii?(ir

0no if f^e flno ant) fo certtf[e,tf)at t\te plainttfe l^atii p^oued t^e flub^
0ance of ^is btlM^n ti)e caafe to be reteineo f o;oereo in t^is Court,
if jiot t^en a Proccdend to p;oceeo fo; tf^e remaniung of t^e faio canfe.

A Corpus cMn caufa to rcmout a Prijoner.


n Ex&c^aiorictVicecom'Lond

. (alut Mandamuivobil/q^^.
dcct.i 7&.
J\.S.quocunqi nomine cenfeaf captum et in prifon fub cuflodia veflf
vos praef. Vicecom' detent, vt die itur,habeatis coram nobis in Cancellaf
jioOra tali die ^x.futuf^vbicunq; time fucf, vna cum caufa captionis ec
detentionis ipiis R.in prifona pd. t hoc nuUatentis omittat. Et habeaf
ibi hoc breue. Tcf)e&c.
^is \init in graunteo b^ tbelto CijanceUo;, L ^&per^o; ^sSm
of tl^KollB/o; t^e moft part tjpon a MM
er!)ibiteO, ano goobatle put
tntott)eCourt fb^tl^e parties apparance anofo;tf) comming^de die in
diea),o;furtl)erttme,a0ti)e Court ^aUttiinkc fit, ixl^ttehv man^ of
!)er ^atefti00 Uihitds are tjer^ muef) relieueo in t)aro ano ertreme
caufe0,tFng oftentimes in p:ifon t)pon great actions furmifeo agatnS
tf)em,U)itt)out iuacaufe,ano.ti)erbi?not abU to put in fuel) batlea0t|ie
tonunon lat Dot!) require in fuc^ ta(i50.

Diem claufit extremum^ ip^

Of 4 f^rit tf^Diem claufit cxtremttm,

Tl^i;ti3;iti0fobe0fueDfoo^tf^ bpt|jcf)eiof t^elitngs tenant in $^.177

e^iefe, tPttfjin a i?care sftec V^t Deat^ of I)t5 jaunceOo;, o;rti
ComimfTton of tl^fame tf^A^ :SnD aniS>fiflue 0^ BInqutliitton bee^
tng tijereupon taken ano cetumeo, U\t\) \z\xt ma^ t^aueltuede of fjts
lancet out of t{)e mtngif l^anDed, fo; tf t|ie lanDes of fuel) ^enant er^
creDe tljat i^eacel^ t?alue of fiue pounos, no Luieric tlieceof can befti^
eo, bcro;e fuc^ HInqutfitton 0^ Dffice found anD ceturneo b^ tjcrtuosf
Cnc^ Wiiii 0; Commiarton* Sim fuel) ^nt 0; CommiflTton niai?
not paOTe but b^ ^atrant 0; )15tll,fii:lt figneo ano fnbrcnbeD lutti) tlye
l^anDes ano names of tt)e ^aftec of t^e Faroes anolltuet;te0,tbe
^nrue^o^^of ti)e]Liuecte0, ano ttje^ttume^ of tt)eCout:tof ^acOd
anolUuet;te0,o; fome of t|)em,3 3 H.S. cap. 2 1. 2:|)e fo;me of to^
Rex Efchaecori in CoraEb.falutc. Quial.qui denobis cenuicin ca^
Diem cUuGc extrem vt accepimus. Tibi pcipim*^ oia (crr* ec tenia dc
quibus idem I .fuit rcificus in dorafuo vt dcfcodo in balliua tua die quo
obijc,nncdilationecap in mana no(}ra,etcafaiuocuftodirifacias,donec
aliudindepciperimus: Ecperracram^boriiro &
Icgalium horoin de
cadcro balliua tua.per quos rci Veritas melius fciri poterit diligencer in^
quiras quantum terrarum 6c tenementorum pred' I. tcnuit de nobis in

capicc, tarn in doroinico in feruitio, in dic^ bailiua tua dice die quo
obi jt,& quanta de alii$>6c p quod feruitium,& quantu tcrf & tenenien-
ta ilia valeant per annum in omnibus xibu$ 6c quo die idem I. obi jr,

& quis ^pinquior hxrcs eius nt,5c cuius ztacis. Ec InquiHtion inde di-
flin^e 6c aperte face nobis in Cancel!' noftr^ Tub (igillotiio,6c figillis
eorum, per quos faCla fuerit> (inc dilatione mictas 6cc. Ec hoc breue.
Unt ^<mt that haideth 9f the Kmgs ward hj Knight ffernite du^thf Die
claufit 6cc.miia be tj|)fl|$
RexdileVo6;c. Quia I.de S.qui de hcred' W.dcO*defuncf,qui de
nobucenuitincapiccinfraaBtaccm.&incuftodianoflra t^i&tni tcnuic
per feruic' Militaf Diemclaunrextrcmum,vt acccpimus.Tibi pcipim'
q^ omnia ccrfec tenement 6(c.per facraiSi 6cc. quanc,ccrrarvi ct tcntorum

idem I teouit dc ji^rt d' predict. Et quis ^ptnquiQi^ bauci c ius fit 6cc.

vtfipra, nv:.^lS^i*Jnj.S

tv 'ii^-^ndiftheKihf^f^ardS^I^ViiX
Rex 6cc. Qj^n R.dcH. filiu$& harrcsl.dc H.defunOi}C{ui deno-
Jb|istenuiunCapitfi,Diiper^fnintraaetMeiB6cii]ufl6dia noftra fiiir;<

Diem claufit cxcremttBi, vt acccpioms, T^bi prxoipimuSiquod per fa-

;^k^ crtsi)ei>^-

Dicm claulit extremum.

cramcntScc. inquira$,quac tcrf & qux tchca,p mortem pd'I.H.ratlone

niinoris jctatis her prcd' Lad maoHS nfas deucncf,& (ic in mantis noOf
exiftum.et quanE indc dc nobis tenctur in capitc, & quant de alijs, ct p>r

^ feruitium,et quart 5cc.l

BMt if the r^te sf the Kings tenant which holdeth th< dower, Me, hU heire
being tbeKingsward^then the Dicm daufit cxtrcmu muH bemade

Rex dilccco fibiN. dc B. Maiori Ciuitatis fuae London,et Efchaetof

fuoincadcmCjvuiatcralutcm Q^iiaE.qnacfuitvxor I. dc B.nuper de-
lunct.quas qua(dam terras ct qiixdam tcncmcnta dc nobis tenure in do-
tctn dehcrcditaccprcd* I. quondam virifni, Dicm claunccxtrcmum, vc
accepimijy. Tibi pcipimus.quod omnia terras &
cenctnema quae ca-
dem. iicccnuitindote dcha?redicateprcd'inballiuatua6cc. pcrSa-
ramentCidcc. diligcntcrinquiras, quas terra? et quae tcncmema cad* E.
(ic tenuic in dotem de b^reditat prcd'inballiuatua.dicqiioobijc, 8c
quan! inde dc nobis tcnciur in Capitc, & quanf dc all]!, & p quod for-
-'-ts .-n-)
Jf the Kinj^ haut the IVjrdJhip of 4 reuerfion , andtbg tenant for life dit^
Quia A* quafda terras & quacdatcncmcnf dc hered' E. conrmguinci
tharred*H.deP.dcruncti,qui dcrcgctcnuit in Capitc, infra artatc ct in
<u(tod reg. exi(ieh tenuit ad termih vitac fuac^Die clautit cxtrcni &c. ti-
bi precipimus dec. 7'^"
v^fter the death of the tenant by the Cttrteft, tf|ll0
Quia A. qui quafd terras quaed' tchta dc nobis tenuit ^ lege Angl*
de haered M.vxoris fuae dudum defunAe^Dicni daudt cxtrcnvibi prc-
cipimus &c.
'But if the King hattea remainder^^nd his tenantfor life diethfil^ZtX WUtt

Quia A. qun^ fuit vxor 5cc.qui quafdam terras& qn^damtcnemem!

.tenuit ad vitam fuam et qux poO mortem ipHus A. nobis & hered no(lf
rcmaiic?dcbcnt,Diem claufitextremum &c. Tibi precipimus 5cc. qui
cadcm fie tenuii et qu^ port morE &c. rcmanere debent &c. vcl (ic,poft
mot t pred' B. ad manus noflras rationc minoris ztatis prcf. hxrcd deue*
Mi &C
Bt4t ifthe temporalties efa Bijh. bee in the K. hands, and ene that hoideth
ej the B*fhofr$cke bj Knight sferuiee diuh^X})Z Diem claufit CXtrciii
niuftbctjug: ..v>;\w
Rex &c. Quia A.qui dc Archie pife* Cantuaf vacant & in manu nfa
citineh tenuic per ferule' militarc,Diem clauHt extreto 6cc. tibi pcipim'
ftc.dc quib' idem A.fuit rcifitus in doih fiio vt dc fcod' &c.& tenuit dc
Archiopifcopatu prcd fine dilarionc dec. '

: c 9B

Datur nobis intelligi. z8tf

*^Htrfthe Kinis Ueote die, tlje to^it mutt bC tnOi) X

Quia B.dc C.nupcr fatuus ec Idcota, cuius terf ct rcnemcnt ratione fa

amacis ciufd B.in manu noftra cxi(lunr,dicm &c. vc acccpimui^cibi pci-
pimus.q; { facrain' Sccdiligcn! inquiras, quae terf &
quas ccfita ratione
f acuicacis prcd B in nianum noflram capta fucrunt, c adiiuc in manu nfa

exifKinr^cc dc quo vd de quib*^ tcneancur,& p (p fcruitiunij & quanE (crf

illx valcaoc &r.ct quis ^pinquus &c.& inquii.^c.

Datur nohis intdigi.

if t^e fcf)cato? receiuea Djicm daufit cxtrcm*, ano trtc,o; Ijee $cd.
ott^rtuireremoucDfcomt)i5 office befo;re cmution tl)aeoftl;eti
1 7

a ^lii of Datur nobis intcUigi.in tf)i6 fo;jmc

Rex iScc.Cum nup datur nobis intdiigi qd I de 1 qui de nobis tenuic
. .

incjp.Dicmclaufitextrcm, pccpcrtmns dile^' nobis W.dcO.nupec

Efchaccori nortro in com* pd, ^ omnia terras &
tcneracnf &c. vtjufra
mutatis mutandis,^c idem W.ab offic' p<J iam lit amotus, p <p execuiio
breuis rf i prar d fieri non poteft : Nos lupcr pracmiflis volent Certiorari,
Tjbi pcipifnus,(p p facramciic 5cc.diligcnE fuper pmifT.facias inquiric&
earn didin^ e &c. TcHc &c.


I. dc B. qui de
RcKdiicd)' &c.Cuiii nupcr datur nobis intcITigl,quod
nobis tenuitmcapite, Diem clauntextrcin,
pceperimus dtle^'ct iideli
noflroH.dcB.nuperElcliaetorinonro ineodcorh, ^ orancs terras &r.
iinc dilatione caperet in mamnn noi^ram &c.donec aiiud indc pcepillc-
Ilius,ctpfacram*5cc.inqaircf,qu^terrae&f.T// in prima hreui, Ac idem
H.aoteqprard breucfucrat exccutum,ab officio pdfucrat amotus : Nos
volcntes i'upcr przmifljs plenius Certiorari, tibi praecipimujjquod fuper
articulispred ct eorum finguiis diligcnier facias inqAjific', ct cam diftim
ct appertc fact' Scc.vtfupra &c.
15atiftl)efiift(ll;rc[jeato;erecufetl^etu;jit,anDUie before ttjcinqui?
fition be rctwcneo into t^c Cl^anceit?jtfjcn a Ccrtiof OjalbcaUiatocoto
l)i5CFecuto.:0,o?a5mimftr:atoj$ toceitifie v fdmcir4qui(ition,fo,ziti8(
amatterofKcco^ofofasneastljeluio^Bljaucfouno ano fealeoit;

ofA AiandamHS,

f t^tieEings tenant bp Unigl^tg feroice oip,l)it f)cicc ttjit?)in age,ano Sc^. 7

Ijf 1

notD;itofDicm claufitexiriiji be aluacDeo toitljinaicaceaftei: Ijie

i)6att),t^en fljalUffu* a Mandamus in tl)i fo;nie, .^ iou .4^:

Commifsionis. Quasplura,
Rex dilcfto fibi W.dc B.Efchaetori fuo iacom BXalutcm. Pr^cipim*
tibi, p facraifi jpbof & Icgaliaro hotnih dc bailiua tua, p quos &c. di-
liycnt inquira$,quas tcrf &q cental. dcB.teisuitde nobis incapitc,fafn
iiTdhico qiiam in fcruitio in balliua tua die quo obijt, et quantu dc ali j j,
et per ($ feruitium,&: quantum ccrr^ &
tehta lUa valcant p annu in omni-
bus cxitibu$,& quo tempore idem I.obi jt.et quis jppinquior &cet cuius
sctatis,& quis vcl qui terras ct teiita ilia a tempore morns pd occttpautt
vel occup.ec exitus ct ^fic' inde ^ccpit vcl peeper, quo titulo <Sc qualit,
ct quo modo &c. Ec inquiHS Sec.

Diem daufit cxtrera onlp toit J^

Sea 1 80 *T^^^ ^^^^^ H^altjaue but owe Ixuit of
1 )3ut to^ew t^z ancetto; Dieo
in a i?ece aftec f^is ancefto;^ ntat^ :

UjatD to t^e iHing ano Miit^ixi age, fo;t tl^en a neU) Diem ciauHc cxrreifi
(|)all be atnaroeo a ^taxt afttt t^c 3! nfatit^ oeatty^ano not a Maodawut

per Regtfl.fff/.

OfCommiJsioHt After the death fihe Kings ten/mt,

Seft.i 8 r, A 3lfo tlieljeice of t^e king tenant bp femgtjtg fecuice in c|jieft,mai?

\ fue fo;t^ a fpectall commtOton, Dtrecteo to certain pecfona, to ta*
qutce tDliat lanoB (C.(a0 abone in a Die clauHt extrcm) tu|)tci) coBuniT^
0on ioill be ad beneficiall fo; ti)e i^eirei as a Diem clauHt extrctfi : jf0;

tponBlnquifition taken b^ fuc^ a CommiOiion, reto^nablo intotj^e

Cbanceae,|)e ma^ l^aue Hucric at |is full age 115ut )^t C^all neuec (yaue
liuerie t)pon a genecall Commiffton to enquto^ of all Macos ic.

^Md ptura.

Sea.i83r. nrl^i5U)^tliet|)tu]^enan?of
^ , , tf^^etcefc lanO0 b omttteo ina fo?
met: o^e 0^ inqut(ttion,to fino tlie lanb fo omitteo, ano 10 fuel;*
f Rex Efchaecori fuo SccCalut Quia datum cQ nobis intelligi p A. de-
funct qui de nobis t^nuit in capice,tcnuic die quo obijt plura terf cc teitta
in com' pd,qua tu in inquificione inde pod rootf pd A.de mandac noOf
capt etm Cancell'noflf retornaca fpccific Tibi pcipimus^ ^ p facram'

^bof &c.inquiras qua^ plura terras et tehta ide A.tenuic in com' p^^die
quo obi jt,et de quo, vel dc quib^ ilia plura terf et tefita tencantur, et p (|

fcruicium,et quant valcant per anh iaomnibus exiiibus. Et inquiiit &c.

Mehm in^MirenJum,

ti(k, i8$ *nri^i0to;tliet!jtl)ere an offite fount b^ tjerfne of a Diemrfaufit

X cxtrcmum 0; CoirnniCTten is tincetlaine in tl)C ttnuu^ \)alue9 0^

Melius mquircndo^ ,, 28^

befirond befb;e t^e^fc^eato^ rationcoflicij oneli^, t^tn itiB tioiD> ann
0 Melius inquirendum 1^ t^ecntpon be atoacDeD* ^nt> tj^eMcIius
loquireadum iB fotl^*
Rex Efchactori fuo &:c.SaIuccm. Cum p quandaro inquincionc cora
A.Efchaecore neilro in Co& p^A^ mandaco nodro capcam, & in Can-
cellaf nfarecurnaf fit c6pcnutn,<$%4c{un(\us ccnuicdiucrfacerras^&f
ccnca cum ptlh in comj^prcd', 6q qui^ prapinquior hzres ciufd'N. (ic.

ex pane patris fuijiuracores inquiiicion prcd'ignoranc : umen ex parte

R Aacris pd* N. filix W.B.e{l eius h^rci ^ppinquior, 5c zcatis viginci &
vnius annorum &
amplius, c quia in inqu indoae pd' qois ^pinquior
h^restpfiuiN.exiflacminimerpecificacur cibi pcipim* ^ pcrSacram*
&c. inquiras quis propinquior hsres pd N.exillar.qualiccr ec quo mo
do.Ec inquiHcioncm &c.T.&c.
0nti ti^td mnt is 0tantabIe tipon (uvmik xmitin tj^eCoact^t^at
fncl) fo;mec oflftce (0 fo incemacyUis afo^^faio.

jiMotbr Meliium^juinndHm fftittt[HiftioHcmimferfeBam,

Rex Erchaetori fuo 6cc. Cum per inquifitionem coram te de mandaE

noftf &c. copcrtum fif,q^ A.tcnuit die quo obijt vnuro mcffua* jn N.in
com pd*dc B per fcruicju milicare, quodg; idem A.teouit die quoobijc
vnum cofcum cum pcrtiri in N.in Coni pred' de hxrcdc F L. p feruitiu
milicare.ec quia in inquiHcione prcd' qualem ftatUiSc quale ius idem A.
habuic in mcfTuagio & tofto pd'^feu de quo vel de quibus eade mciluag*
& coftura ceneantur minime (pccificacur : not volentes indc p cc plenius
Cerciorarijtrbi pcipimus&cinquiras^qualcm flatum^Sc quale ius idem
& &
A. habuit in melTuag* cofto pd' die quo obijc, de quo vel de quibus
roeduag* & tofcu pd ceneanf>dc per ^ feruiciumj qualiter & quo modo.
c inquifitionem &c. T.6cc.

A fyHt de ijt4te frohdnda,

C be^oouetl) t^0 lietre of t{)e^u.t0nant in c^i^fiebctnsmtdatO) St c a
^*"* **4

I ]^ii^falUge,ano befo;liuM^,to [jane a Mrittottje (f(fieatoj of

t%t countie toljien; ijelsati bo;nc,to p^ouel^tieiagef ;^d it facmetfi t|;at
fncj^ a lo;tt ma^ a$ Itiell be matie to tlje (^fc^eato^ of ti^e county luljere
|iui lant) tietl^)fo^ it ma^ be^ee toa^ bo;ne t0|ecg i^z i&mgs iuatt t;an#

netl^ not : as tn 3Icelanti,CaUtce, HBactDtc&e f ^

Rex dile Ao Hbi I.d B. Efcheaf fuo in ComiCB. falucem. Q^\^ A.de
B.<^di M*fbrorem,&; vnam hzf R. defunli,qui de domino Edw. nuper
RcgcAngliaeauonoflrotenuicincapite duxic in vxorcm,dicicpreraE
M.plai xtaC cflcj&pcuu nobis terras &tcDCincnca,quxfume
Oo rdiuie
} '

ActatJf:prp|3aIlif}fl^; ;;

fcdiUte ipfius M& qyorutu yna pa^s jn .9igmnofiya,;(3calMpars in

ftodia^;is H.ci^tdinniiffionetlii^i auf^n^^^^
h^rcdciurderncxiftuntfibi r^dcie^V^P^ <$ c^dcffi M^
qojc apud Gin com'M.n^taett.oc Ecdcf.ci6Tdcm vill^, bapiiz^atfuic|

dicitur,2tatcni fuam probct coran^ te. Tibi pt^cipiroui^ a^dccrtiim

dicm&lpcurri,(^uos ad hoc ^nidcns, prpb^^tioncin iilam per ^raracfi^^
turn tain m'thi ^Jjrbbbf & legaiium^bmirium df b^lli tua, per. qup*i>
probkird ilia capi; ' & veriti pdfin^lius fclri potetii ;&.Miqjjii;uca->

pias,6c rdni:fi3C.pf.i.c[tic)d tunc uHbi ad oflcndcna (i quid pro k hj^^e^v

vd diccrc fciat quare p^ H.Sc prcd^ M.vt Hli qui picnc actatis^J^ p]^^^.
XMcis fir, terras tehta pd re.d^re non debeanius, pjt^J^ijjMw^r &
captatn nobis fubfigillo tuo,ic fi^ijljsc^^g^rquOj^icaptfijj^C^
iDitu,achocbreuc^Tefte&c. V
' ^':- ^ .^^^ pno;3aa'pm:: ^
, , - . ,
^AmtherprmeMthtr^iy Tx

DJHCtatcpi;ooandf^^^ i't

REx &c.Quia M.dc

pitc>dic it fe

plcn^e actaiis^ff^i
8c hxf T.defunftj,qui de nobis tcnuic in ca-
& petit a nobistar & teiita quse func
dehxre'<lr^a 6cin cuQodia noltra^ vfq; ad legitimani xtatem h?^red pid
fibi rcddi^,|r^y6fUmus quod &c. vfq) ibi n]i:liu^(ciri poterit^ in^^iri, c

capiaf,6ctuhcfic.EtptobaEillaiD&c.z^/y/^rrf. )


j .:

0no if t|je MarDl^tj^^Jt'mfon' oftSe fempojatties of a Biil&op^uH

be ttt ti)0 l^mgSi lianth^^^tlie'feD^it de Aecate probanda ^t|(t m^Hticm t^f^
fanwj^no^cttliatiftnocouct incapitf. .r^q icTi.^ht-.oi^iO
^ .
/' :i

REx dile^is&c.Sciatis ^ alHgnauioius vos ad inquiren^per

tnentum Militum quara aliorum proborum &
tarn horoi- Icgaliuna

num de vtcinc! de N. in coib'L. fi I. fir & haercs B. apud N. natus, & in

Ecclefiaeiufd yil!^ baptizatus fuit,& quod ratione minoris ^tatisfuacin
cuflodianoffra'^xifticplcnae gratis fit,vt dicit,necne.Et idco vobisiBao-
damu8,qubd a^ certos dfcm & locucb, quos at! hoc prouidcris> inqqifit:
ilUro faciatis,6cillain diftinl^ ci apcrtcfaftam nobis in canccllaf &c.fi-
ne dilation* mittatis,& hoc br cue. Mandauimus enim Vicec' npftf Lin??;
co)n>qvodad diem ttIo<tiiii:^uos d rcirracicfVcpKcfapiaC|^^*;i^(j^^^
ircitcftiinonium&c./. .v,,'|
afii^^^t^w Comttntion aii^;tt i^albefent to t|e ^liwfetarcf
; :

E( Vicec cJPrxfipinrastibijiquodruniinon pe* bono* fuirino-

nit 3{ij.tamiViilites.jquaro alios probos,^ lcgales homines dcvifiocf
jjlcI^.qupd fTntsor^ip aiUftis ^ fiddibus A.B. C&
bijs quosfibi af-
TociaucriiBUS^aei cerco^ diem 6c locuDiquos iidcm A<6.& C.cibi fcirefio
cicnt jparati facramcnE rccognofcerc,fi F.fili' & hxrcs Capud N.iMtus,
6c in EcclcHa ciufdem villz baptiz.fuic,qui ratione minoris xtacis fii^ in

cuftodia noftra exiftic,plcnc3etati$ fit,vt diQimecn,&vintcrim ad prxd

ecclcfiam &
villaro acccdant, vt veritatem ^tatis pd diligentcr inquiranc
Sq nopina eorum iisbceuiart faciajic.Ec fci.fa. E,6c8, tuHodibas terf pd
ji^f^^iuncdnc ibi adaudicnd' illamrccogh, & adoftcnd fi quidobltaf
dcbcat,quare przd I.ccrras ^ Chca fua habere non dcJ^cacAbabcasibi
Nomina iUQr*>.re.duo<},e<i^ip & hof.brue,Te(le&6, -n ksj; ;; A ^ >

tobet|ere }i5ut iU^zkinQ ^uwt^eMxcnin'^is otetie^anD$,t|^eti

f |)t0 claure c idf facias &
S.cuQod' &c.(^aUbeemitteD in t^e Ivait*.

W!^cnatun^de Aetace^bandau! tt^tvA^ aitd ceturrt^Mnd

tf)at ti)e l^citx ^at^ p;oueo ^is ngc,t^en lie tnttlt Doe homage o;
agree Uittt) t^e )^tng to cefpite tl^e fame, ano pa^ celtefe before Uuene
fueo : ano a U)^tt teftif^mg ^omage iQh^x^Qi^M^ t^e Ijetce us at fiiU
age at tlje oeat j) of ijig aiiceffo;s.
Rcx Efchaetof 6cc.Sciacisq) ccpircush<;>niag'L.de H.fili) 6c haef B.de
H.defun^^ijdeomnibusterriscc ccnc^ci: quae idem B. pater luustenuic
dc nobis in capite die quo obi jt,ec ei terras &
cencmenta ilia reddidin'
c ideo pcipim',quod accepta fecuritac a praefaC I. de rationabili re*

leuio fuo nobis Coluend^ad Scaccariiim Dfum,eidem I.de omnibus terf ec

teneihtis pd,& de quibus pf.B.patcr fuus fuit feifitus in dominico fuo vc
^e f eodo in balliua tt]a,die quo obijc, qu^que occaflone mortis eiufd B.
cape funt in maou nfam.plen^ feinna habcf facias : Saluo iur e cuiufliber,
^faluaMatildae quae fuitvxorB.rationab' dote fuajpfamdctctfettehc
pd/ecund' legem c confuetud rcg* nfi Angl* contingent, ei per nos iaf-
ugn^nd. TeQc meipfoj^cc.

But ifthe heire were in ward, and hath proffed his age, the writ of the ho
ma^e reeeiued^ mnfi be thw.
Rcx&c.QuiaN.dcE.Fir&h2rcsR.dc C. dcfunfti, qui de domino
Edwardonuperreg'Angl'auonoftrotcnuic in capitc, ^caccm fuam cora
Oo 1 te
Diem claSlit &c*
ie fufficiemer probauit,ficof per probationem e
cf noKfaptim,

& in Canccllaf noftratn rctornaf ,cft compcrtum, cepcriiuui komagiuoi

ipfiusN.de omnibus tcrris^tcncifitif qwac idemR.parerfuuKenuicdc
did* auo noftro in c apitc,dic quo obi jt, & &
ci terras tcncmt ilUrcddi-
dimus. Idco tibi f cipimus, qilod cidcra N; dc oronibu; cdrdt& tcnc-
mentis pd de quibus pd R.patcr fuus fiiit feifiriis in dominicofuo vc dc
feodo in ballina tua die q\io bbi}t, dcper itiorcem ciufdetn R. in ittannin

diSt'i aui noftri capca fiief ,& in manu noftf Gc capta exi(tunt,pleriai]3 fei*

iinam habere faciasjlalnaiure cuiuflibet, Tcftc &c.

Vien^daHfit txtremumfoSimortewfiUnis,

^ufbanuujas eutlalueD fo; feton^t^en after tJje ^utlbano*

Xl^t^t^gDicBi claufitextrcinumtU fuc|j* ^
QuiaA.cuiusterf&rcr.cmenta quae ipfc tdiiiirdc iure &
N.nuper vxoris fuf ,adhc fopcrftititi ad manui '<fomini E. tnipcr Regis
AngK 4.poIl cofiq*uitfflMin, occafionc cuiufdam vtlagariae in ipfum A. ^
quadamfdonia, vnde tndidlatu^fuit.vtdiciti'^mutg^ dcuencf,in mann
don/ H.&c.patris noftri extitcrunt, fie in manu noflra exiftunt, diem
clauGc cxcrcmuiB &G Tibi prxcipimus, q^^od per tacramcnf&c. inqui-
ras qu3C tenf ,rationcfelbni3e.p<f ,ad manus ipforun) nupcr Rrg' dcacocf,
& adcuTic in mailiii nodVa fie cxiftiint,& dc quo vcl dc quibus tcneaniur,
& per quodfcriiiti4im,8c qualitcr,& q^o inodo,& qnanc'um tcrf 5c uiita
ilia vaicanc per annum in omnibus exitibus iuxca vcFum valorem corun*

dein.& qui* vel qui terra j & tenementa ilia a tempore pcrpctrationis fc-
Joniae pa occupauit, vcl occupauerunt, & cxif 5c proficua mde perccpic
"Vcl pcrceperuncquo titulo,qualiTcr,& qiib iiiodo,& inqiiifif&c,

Wi'L: We st,


& *
An Addition of (ome Englffli Pleadings
to be praftifed and in vfe for caufcs determinable
in the K. Maieftks moft honourable Court
of X C H Q^V E I..

j4n InformMthn aiainf iHtrn^trsinto the Kings lands fVUnfuUy.

To the right Honourable Sir I.CXnighr,ChauncelIor of his Maicfties

Court of Exchequer, Sir L.T Knight, Lord chiefc Baron of the
fame Court,anci to the refidue of the Earons there.

)etoct|) ano mfo;{metI) tout to^&t^tps ^tr $.115* iM^ty Sc^.t

Mtiinit genecall of out: ^oueratgne La^o l^tnglamcf*
%\)dX tl^erea0 \is ^aieftte t5 feifeo in fes tn tigj^t of |)tiS

!3t3l)neae Croiouc of C^nglatid, of and in flue aaes of

lano,ai:able anu palture,notP in V^z tenure of )^.C* 0nD of anD in ttoo
acreie oflane arable anDpaiiat:e,tnt|e tenure of 2C.B* 0nd of ano in
ttoo acres ofpatture lano,l^ing tn ^opc^ (Ireet in tf)e tenure of itM*
abutttngt)pontl^elanBsofourfonecaignello;D tije Stings ^aieftie,
en t|e ii^o^tf) : 011 tol^icf) toere (ate t^e UnOiS a no poOeOions of one !^*
ii*DeceafeD* ^m m
alfo of ano a melfuage o; tenement,U)it|) t|iappuc<
tonance0,anoaparreU of lano,meaoolu ht^ patture, tiding at popes
ftr^teafioaeraio,intf)epartl^ofCltl^am,tnt^e tenure of t\^ atb^efaio
t^.H'tD^ic^ fato p;emtires \a& recited, luere fometimes t^e lanos ano
polTeitionsofoneBi^Clate of Clc^m oeceafeo : J^no one mciTuage
ttht^ t^eappurtenance0,ltingin t^etotoneof (^ltl)ama6o;efatD,in tt^e
tenure of M^ fometimes tfjelanos ano polTcrrions of H P< aifo oe^
ceafeo* j^Ulul^ic!) fo^faio p^emilTes Ittitt} tfjeir appurtenances, are
itiimit\siii}^in tiie countieof l^ent jSnD ofano in a patcellofground
containing ttjDo acres o^tl)ei:eaboiits,lr)nginltamber()intl;eCoiintH
of ^urre^^tjponlMljict^ gcouno a gieat iSacne calleo t^e 2Dtt|i ilBatne
of ilambett) (tanoetij, tu^icl) fato patture grouno ertenoet^ (torn a
great gatefcituate in limnbetl) ^arfl^, Itiing tn %\^t ^oiV^-tsSt eno %
&totoartsti)e^outI),anDtott)econtm0n^clDer nert aDiai^ning to
t^c^^ctjarooftlje ILo;tO ^ic^bitl^op of Canterbury iiis grace, in t%z
tenure of CM. tiaintner,c;j ^is affigrrs i^euertlieleflje tlje faio (i.K.

W^4C^tt3jit5outti:ie rerpectiue!u,|iauetjR!alDfuUr intruoeo,

[O 3 entreD
Pleadings in tke

that IS to fa^^t^c faio M* W^ tnttth into t^t lanDs unn tenements

afo;cfait),bcing;ml)ei: oUine tenure, antJ in t^ie tenures of tljefaio^.
ci .C^ano SDli5 in (^\t\inm afo;iefaiD,anu t^e faiti m^ano CM,
hatfj eutreu into tl)elanoes ant tenements in tljeic oUine feaerallte^
nucesafo;ieraiD,an5tt)eiffuc5antj p.jofttes tl)ereof ^earelr romming
ano reneU3ing,fcora t^e firO; Da^ of ^p^illin t^e faiD firft r^are of tljc
faitjmingsCpaiefttetl)atnott)is,t3ntiU tl)e ua^ oft|)eDateef ejrtjibi^
tins of ttjis 3Info;^mation,!)aue ano ooe receiue ano tabe to tfitit olone
proper tjfes ano be^oj^^es , o; to t^e t)fe c? bebcofc of fome o;j one of
t^em,anDrctlJOtl),Untl)outan\? tiding pacing tearel^ to !)isi^aie^
Hie fojtljc fame, to ti^e oi^ecifonof (jis S^aieaie in tfje p;jemi(res:
iDtjecefo^e ^is spaieftics faio ^ttojnep generallp^avet^ tlje confioera^
tion of t^is Court in tl)e paemiffes, ano tljattlje faio Ujabet|i U*

Mtlliam ^, anuC. WX* ma^ anftoer p^emiffes? ano to ^t^ bg


itj^at rigJjt 01 title t^t^ Ijolo t^e fame, anu fo;^ tl)at purpofe to atuaco
liis^aietties graticns mrit of Subpoena t)nto t^em, anoeit|jecof
t^emfo;tobeoiceaeij,commaunDiHgtl)em ant tit^et of tl)emtobe
ant) to appeare before t?ouclLcan bis ^^- ^igb Court of Cpcljequer
CljambectljcnanD tijere fojto aufluer f be omtn in t\}t p^emifljes,ic
t/ffiJnformntiortagatnftdijlHryers, waifcrSy and [pollers oj theKtn^s
game, within me of his Matefiies Parker.

Sca.2. C^^etuetlj anu info^metlj ^our i)ono;ts &ir 1^* ^* 3^nig^t anu XBaro^
'Onetbis bisl)"^^^ ^tto^ne^ generaU,SCbat Ijobercas \ii!& lipaielliets
latufuUr feifcDin ^is oemefne as of f^K, in tbe rig^t of i^iB Croiuneof
CnglanOjOf^ano in one^arlte calleD ^ougljton parlje,ant! tJjeiloiigo
tbere,tuitbin tbecountie of ISeofojo, as parcell f member ofljis bigl;^
neCDi? b^no} of :^mptiUin t^e faio countte of llBeofo^o : ano t^^ot }^i& faio

spaiellie,ano alibis p.JO!}enito;s livings ano ^mm of t\)is bis realmt

of d^nglano, ano tbeir aitignes,b^ne continually b^lo ano enioreo ti^e
fame iBarke ano game of ^allolu )I)etre,ano t^e game of Comes,ano
alllDfflOs,t}noertucDOs,p^ofiites, ano commcoitiesltibatfoeuer, rom^
ming 0.: ari6ng of o^ in t}^z faio ^BarUe ano llooge, tuitbout an^ otHut:^
iiance title o; claime maoe, o; p;etenoeo tbereunto bt?
an^ perfon, tin^
about fome foure monetbs laH palt one CD^C.gent.ano i^*%XB kit(i^,

(l&.C.gentleman,C.C,gentlcma, SS.s:. 2D.I^;3!&)M^.2n.p*^.C.

ano oiuersot|}ersrct1}nUnoU)ne, to tbe number of tU)entieperfont(>
baueconfeoerateoano combt?neo tljemfclucs together, to make fpoile
ano bauoche of bis btgl^neifefaio game of ^mz
ano Conies tbere be^
ing toitbin tbe faio ^arke,ano to toall,cut,oigge bp, fpoile, ano carrte
ato^ bis ^aieaies tr(3^s,liiiQ30S,ano tnoettpoos, groli^ing ano bein$
iDittjin t^e faio IBarbctoitliout ani? ii%^t o; title^ano Ijaue folOjtabiw,

Exchequer. zpz
of t|)e ^eece t\\is minttc feafon> to t^e great Icfifeano p;jciuDice of ^10
^aieftte^anoto tl^tmct tzttmAion ano fpoile of l)ist)igl^nea'efaiD
gam0ofH)ei;0anDCont0S,tunDDs,t!noertii(tiO0,mounO57anD fenceis of
t^e faiD H^acfec, if p^efent cemoue ma^ not be [jac of tS)0 faiD difo^ojeo
antJ tjnrul^ pei:fcn0,anD etiertc of tfjcm, 0nu foj tljaf mait^ of tfje faio
rpoile0 areoonc (tttetl^ ann in t^e nigfjt fcafon,fo t^at tijccecan be no
ctrett p^QJfe to p;jouc tlje rams,ana fo tlje fame cannot be oifcoueteDjtjn* ,^
I?ire b^ Wtoatfjcs ttjc^ xi^aW Declare t^e ttutfj. ^av it tpttfo;c pleafe
^ouc Qcon Ifonois to grant ^10 spaieft^moft gratious iojtt of Subpoch,
to be ottetteo t^nto tt)em ano euerie of t^em,tl^erbv commanomg t^em
anc euerie of tliem^at feme Da^jtjnDer feme pamctljerein to belimiteDj
perfonall^ to appeare before igourt}onoj0 in \ii$ ^aieltie^ faio Court
of Crcljeqner djamber, tfjen ano tljere to anffeuer tlje p^emifire0,ano ta
fet Dofene tjpon tf)eir oat^es toljat eftate t^e^ 0; an^ of ti}tm ciaixm in
tljerameparkeanDiLooge, ano b^ toljat colour of title tl^ep ^auein*
truoeDtntotl)efame,anD tuijat Conies t\}tv 0^ an^ oftfjem^auebiUei
intfjefame^ackeiuiffjinfOHre iiionetlj^ noitilaftpaa,ano bi?toljat
toari^anf ,ano bp lu^ofe meanes^perftoaQon f procurement, ano lofjat
tree0,Ujfl3O0,o;j twoertocBOs tljep oj an^ of tliem Ijaue felleD,loppeD,cut
oj carrteo atuaiu intlje fato paite Ujttfjin tlje tmte afo^efaiOjf br Iwljat
iDartant,titlc,o.2 colour of title^ano tu^at ^a^ pjouioeo fo^ tlje SDa^e
t|iere,tl;e^o^ani'ortfjem|}auefolo oj carrieo atoa^ ^ntj iuttballto
graunt l)i0 spa molt gratious lri;iit of 3lHiuuition,tl)ereb\? romancing
tljem I cuec^ of tiir,not onl^ to fo;beareallfurtl)er outrage0,!jauotfe0,
f rpoile0 in p faiD parke,but tpittjall to leauet^e quiet pofTelTion tjnto
fuel)as it l^all pleafe Iji^ i|)ato appoint Iieeper0 anD ouerfeer0 of t faio
parUjj furtt)er to liano to Htcb c^oer concerning v p.:emi(fc0 as to ^ouc
|jono;0 tpon t^e fjearing of t^e caufe fl^aUfeememccte*
v4 3;7/ exhibited by a (^ollcUor^againft twoyerfens that confederated
to defraude the 'VUintife ^c.
To the right hor^.T.Earlc of SufFolkcXord high Treaforcr&c.

Qllmbl^compl.fijcly ctf) tin to rour gcDC 3lo. rour tiailr o>ato;0 (25
^ ofCatiJllon in ti)c co untie ofij> o.jffgent^ccllcrTo^ of t rents of
our foueraign 31041)0 11 .^a belonging to tf^e late Diffolueo ^onafler^ ^
Sc^. 3

of ^ojl^am ^aint Jfaitl)cs \\\ tfje county of j|io,:tTolfee, ano C ^.Ijis

fbnne,cne cf t{;^ Cletites of^T 1p. Cfquire, one of t[)e 0uDito;s of
\\B ^aietiie5CrcI)equec,2Ct)at tul^eras one H.^ late of palgcaue xa.
t^ countieDf^uff.publiqnei]iotat^Dcceafei3,tiio in 1)10 life trmc^^
fuatl? lenu an!) fet out monej? at inteicit, ano oio oftentmtestaUe
bonus % aHucances fo?|)is mcnr to $ in tlje names ot'otljer men,Ujl)oft ,

jdD D 4 names

Pleadings in the
flames ^ebrcbfomettmeslDitboat t^zit pmitie o^bnolDteage, ano
pmitit o; bnololetige. )15at ?et nene^sUflTc
ano aO'araticeB tuere taken to ano in t^dtmrntSy
alttjougl^ tl^e bonti5
tett|ieicnamc{toctet3fetim tcullbpt^c fatoH.^ nutljc bonus a^
fo;0faiD,anti tijc uebtfs therein conte^ne^ toerc t^e Debts of t^t faio K
^*in equittg^ano to tjirn Due ano belongtns : j^no io^tteuB t^t tain (S5.

^ano(!!;*^.oio bo^totu of tlje fato ^*^* tyt fHmme of foui:erco^

l)ounDfi,ano foj tl)e pai^ment thereof ^ouc ;^ato;0 mtten into feneral
bonos to one 3*^ .fecuant of t^e faio H#.
ant) t^e bonos afo^efaio re^
^natneo in tbe cuttoote o^ commano of t^e faio l^.^.ano vour ^;ato;jS
pato to tbe faio H all ti)e fato fumme of fourefco^ pounos^eircept irp.Ii.

tiiecotano t|)e faio i^.oelinergo tp to roue ^iD^to^s all tl^e faio bonos,
ertept one to be cancelled ano maoe to^oe, ano ^ouc ^^ato? <>- being
cofin to ti)c faio H.^. |je t^e faio K
. oiooften tell bouk faio ;2) jato; tjat

Ije meant to mafeet'ouc j^;ato;s cnecf Ijis erecuto?, ano t^at fjee

meant to beltsto maclj ^ponijouc^^ato^jbr reafen to^ereof^ouci*

cato^otonotpa^tbe faio tUientie pountis^ no; t^t faioK.^.neuei;
oemaunneo t|e fame,^epjepofing, as sorc ^;5ato;s tecilp tliinfee, to
beftotu tlje faiottueiUie pouniJs,an5 tn^^ mo^e, tjjpon ipouc faio ^.^*
to}. an2it!)efa:iiK.^^.macsoiuc::;2 ii:(IllUl0,inU3l)if!) Milts lie gaue
tour^^atojs^anoeptljersj t^rii siuecs legac^JS, ano tt;ei;i;ifanaoe
tour ^^atc^CS. bis erecuto^,sno about {ipa-^ one tjo%4Uiiis il^'^ bun
O^eo ano tljicto^ne t^e faio H
I^.Bf^o. IiScit attu fo ti as, inai? it plcafc
^oargoJDiloj^I^tpSjSICljatcneMi.iS.of Mingfeifa ? tije fcuntie of
^uff. ^auing gotten tntol^is ^anoes oKU^ooie t[)e faio 1;dlUs ano
bonos,anooti)ecga)OS ano chattels of t^e fat6l^.t)ee t^e faio M.B.
p;etenoett),ano giuetboutinfpcecljes t^at tlie faio K.^. before bi0
oeatb maoe a later lDill,ano t^at ^e maoe bim tbe faio 1B.U& erecuto;,
ano tbat tbe faio l^.began t^efame Itiill, ano tbat tbat Ije tbe faio B.
BioftniD^tbefame^tDlieceasintrutlitbefaio p;etenoeo toilD^oas not
finiO^eo iti tbe life time of tl)e faio K.^. but if euec t^e fame toas fini^
i^eo ano enoeo,it tuas ooneaftecti)e oeatlj of tbe faio K.l^. ;3no |ee
tbefaio H.^.appointeo oiuei:s legacies to be giuen to roue i^;ato;Sf
tubi^ aretotiollr omitteo out of t^efato latt p^etenoeo tuill. 115nt tbe
faio M.li5.giuel|i out in fpeecbes^tbat tbe faio K.$. appointeo i^inx hf
b)o;D to oeltaer tip tbe faio ^ono to rottc ;^^to; to be canceUeo and
maoet)ot?O0. j9nDt^efatoMl.)15.ano^.j&*alt^ougb t{)er knotoaU
tbe p;emi(ffef to be tote^ano t^er botl^ toell bnoto t^at t^ faio tlioett^
tie pounos^uas in equttie oue to t|e faio H.ano toas bi^ proper ttbU
ano not a Debt oue to t|)e fato 3L. 0tto tf^at t^e faio iH.^.Oio fo accompt
4$rAnuyimooioma)teanotein Siting in Ui|ic|iaU o^ ti^e molt of
Exchequer. zpj
!)t0Debt0!DetccontetneD, anout t^enote afo^efatoc^tlic fatotiebt of
VOQC ratD;);ato;0t0 centetneD : ant) altl|)ougf) ti)e fato!$.^ gaue
tfieratD^.IanDjSlucD^tH^tcttc pount)0 b^ttie t^ace, anua legactcof
one t)unD^eD pounD(, i^et ^e did not gtue ^tm t^e fato oebt Due b? touc
fatt) iD;ato;5, no;i did putpofe t^at |)e d^oulD liaue t^t fame. jSno t^z
faio C2:tB anD ^^.alt!)oug!) t^e^ fenoto all tfje p^emiffesto betcue,

tetneu0rtt)eleir0,tt)e^tt)cratoM^*anti^*&* b^ cotnbmatton anD

confeDccactebettkjeene t^tm-, Doep^satftfeattD goe about, not onelp to
Defraud t!our^;^to^0 of ^tsCrecato^C^tp, ano bot^^ouc o;ato;0
ofaUt[)elagacteBanDtbing0to^oui: o^ato^s appomten to bee gtueif
ant) DeltueceD, ad afb;efatD, but alfo to cliacge rout: o;^ato^5U)ttI) tije
fatD Debt of ttoentt pounDd, anD Icttf) t^e penalty of tl)e bono afo^e^
fatD : ^nn to tfjat pucpoCe, b?, anD tjpon t^e combmatton afo^efatD
t^et!tt)eratDM.^.anD;^|^ t^^eaten to commence ano pzofecnte
fmtagamU roue o;ato;0,t)pont^ebonDafo;eratD anD to recoucc tbe
penaltte tljeceof againU roue o;ato;0, contcacie to all ng^t anD equi^
tit* ^nD ^e t^e fatD m* ys*Wb tnj^oUr omitteD out of t^e fatD p;e#
ten09 Mill anD Xtttamtnt br t)tm fintfl^eD a0 afo^efaiD, all tt)e lega^
ctcc0 anD t^tng0 afo;!0ratD, appotnteD br ttjefatD )^.!^.to begtuen and
tieliucreDtcrourojato?0 : janDfjautngbeBnebrroucfaio o;atfl;0 of*
teatimes iequt4:eD to DcUuoc l)tm tlje Utiles, iDb^eetn rour o^ato; 0
11130 nameDejrecuto^t^nDalfo let roui;o?ate;0l^nolD tn^at legacies
auD tilings tt;e laiD K*DiD appoint to be put into ^is fatD Mltll fo? rout
fatD o;ato;0, anD tD^at things ^eappointeDtliefaiD Ml. 13. o^anr o#
tf)er,to gtue o^Deliuec to roue faiDo;ato;0^ ^et fo to Doe, lie t^e faiD
W.B.^atl) DenreDanD refufcD, anDDot^ oenrauD cefufe : :anDa!^
t^oug^ rout o^:ato20 fjaue oftentimes Defir^D tiie fatD m^M^nnn ^.^
to Delinee t)p t^e bonD afo^efaio, to roue fatD o;ato.:0 to bee cancelleD
anD maDe ijoiDe, r^ To to Doe, ttjer t|ie fatD M.115.anD 0.^. anD eittiei:
of t|em, taue Denieo anD cefufeD, anD r ^t Doe oenr anD cefufe, contca^
t:ietoaUcigt)t,equttieanDga)D confcience* Bin tenoec confiDecation
tDl^eceof, anD fb;a0muci)a0roucj^;ato:0^aue nofu^citnt mattec
at t|)e Common HatD topleao in baece of anr action, to becommenceD
c;p^orecateD attire Common lato^bponti^e faiD obligation, but are
altogether cemeDtleGTeliecein br tf)ellci(tcoucfe of t^t Common llata
anD fo;tarmucf)a0 roue o;ato;0 cannot cectainlr^nolj;, Uil)at legacies
anb tl^ing0 tueee giuen to roue faiD oaato^s br ttie faiD i$. I^.no; tobat
things ^e appointeDI)i0 faiD erecuto; to gtue o; Deliuee to roue faiD o^
i:ato;0, but iiopet^ tbat t^e faiD Wi* 115. toiU D^laee tbe teuetl) thereof
t)pon l^is ot|e. ^ar it t^eeefo;e pleafe rouegoD Ho. tbe p;emiires
confiDeeeD to geant to rone D;atQ;0t]^el&ings ^aielties melt geaci^
9asiv;itofSubpoena,tobeDieectcDtotl!efatD W*)15anD ^..^.com^
^ Pleadings ill the
tttant)Rtgt|emant5^ucr^of tl^cn? tticrcbp at a ttttmt watttitjtTi
pecfonall^ to be ana appears
Dec a ccctaine paine t^euit to be limicteo
bcfo^c^oui; Il0.m^i0^aielltes t)tgl)Coui:t of CDrcl^equctCbambec,
tijmaniJ tliere toanftoci:t^ep;jemttieB,0nO to CanU to ano abioefuc^
furt^cc o^oet ano Dtcection tl;erctn,as to r ouci^o l^all feme Co UanD
tpitfjeqait^ anu gcDD ccnfctcnce, ^nti ^9uc o^ato;^ fl^all Dail^ p?a^ f c*

' A Billpreferred by the Kings FatenUCy heeing tenant for life of Qer-

of certaine Offices andFeesagainfl trvtperfoni that tvmld

frufirate the Kings Letters Patents thereof madette
the ^reiftdtce ofthe Kwgs title, &c.

To the right Hon. Sir I.e. Knight, &c.

/^^mplainirtg, fl^efeetl^ tnto rout fjonojs ^owc Dart? ojato;s JD*
<:<.A A.
of (25ent2^!jat tD^eceag Ijis q^a^tljat noto t0,anD ottjers !)Ijs fjigljne
p^eDecc0:o;25,feings f quMe0of tl)i0 Ijis iJpa^walmeofCHglanoiiaue
bin f0tfeti to tljem, tijeic Ijeicesano fucceffo^Sjas of fee anu rig^t as in
tl^e rigbt of Ilia ^ipa.croiun of Cng.of,iii,anD tjpon t|>e office of liifl; m
calile of ^tDttliin t^e counti? ef ^* and alfo of,tn,i bpon t^e o0^ce ano
oMces of tf)c pojtei: anu ijeepec of t^e gate of tijc faiD tattle, anO of, in,
and bpon tt)e oaftcejee of kts^pec of fjis ma.gacoen ano o^cljaco belonging
to tl)e faio caftle,aHD of,iHjanD tapon t^e office ano offices of HBailiffe of
fDan ^U)ttl)in tljefaio count?,ano of,m,anD bpontl^e office ano offi^
ces of clecfee of l^is ^a^feuecal courts of ano ^.afoaefaiD,ano of,in,
$ t poni^ feueral fces,luages $ allotpances to t^cfato offices lefpectiue^
i? feuecallp belongmg,$ of,in,ano bpon a certain parcel of grouo ixx ^
afo^efaiccalleo tljc C
(25.1 of,in i bpon a certain parcel of lanu lately

inclofeu luit^in tlje tualles of tlje faiD Caftle, allip^i^ faio p^emiffes
tuerefometimesparcellof tljepoffeffions of l)is ^aieIliesH)uttlji: of
^ojt^e ^m
1)10 faio ^iiitfiit being fcireo of tlje faiD iS)fficcs, an&of,

tn, ano bpon aUarD fingulec t^t p.jemillc0,a0 afo^efato, b? I;i0 fjifil)^
lletfers patent0,beaxing Date at Meffminffcr t|je eigljt Dai? of iI5o=
uember,txit)i({5liias in tljs eleucntb^eate of l^is faiD Ijiglines reigne,
amongft ottjcr tilings fo; t\)t conliDeration therein mcnticneo, of l)is
erpeciaUgrace,certaineUrioUUcDge5anD meeiegooDl!uill,fojI)is feto
^igtjneCTe tjis '^zitcs anD rucce(ro;0,DiD giue anDgraunttntopar
fatD idD;ato;s ttjefaio ^fficeof Conftableof l)is qp|aieffics faiDxCallle
of ^^eiiffel)uttcn,ant:alfc tlje faiD Office anD ofiices of ^Bojter and
besper of tt)c gate of tlje faiD Cattle. ^nD alfo tljc faiD office anD offices
of beeper of Ijis spaicttics <!i5arDen anD ^^cIjarD belonging io ttjc faiD
Cattle* ^no alfo f ije fa;$ oftice i o^ite;^ of ^artiffe af button in (3'a\*
T? t - - * ^^
Jbxchequer. 294,
tredafo^efato: 0nt)airott)e(atDDfiftce anti^^tced of Clecl^c of ^is
spaiefties feuccaU Courts of ^&^eciffc^utton anD button afo;eraiu.
^nn alfott^cfcuecall f^0, b^ages, anoaUoltiances to ti)e fatD ^ftces
fcucralli? ano refpertiuel^ belonging togetljecluitlitljc fatD tiuo feue^
tallpauebof land,tuttf)aUanD fingular tl)etr appuctenanc00. 0nci
alfo bv' tbe faiD letters patetSjljat^ maue,fonllitutcD f appointcD tone
fail) o;ato^0 ConEablc of ]^is ^a.faiu cattle of ^. ano alfo poster anO

feiieper of t^egate oftlje fai^ caffle,antj alfobespec of ^is ^.faio gacuen

anD D.2cl)acD,anu alfo 5i3aiUfifeof ^m dE^^afo^cfaio, ano Clcrfee of Ijts
^^afeuecallcoHCts of ^. anD ^afo^efaiD^to Do^pecfo^me^fulfill, anD
erecate anD things toucljtng i concerning t\}z faiD fe^
all t eucci? tf^tag

uecalofificefio;anpoftt)em.21SDl)aue,iniorjerercifc $ occupy tlje faiD

c&itts anD eit^jer of tljem toitl) t^eir appurtenancej5,anD all i finguler
ct^or t^e reciteD paemines to ^out (m
o;iato;^0,i eitljer of f Ijcm aftoel
bp l}im 0^ t|)rfelue0,a$ i}i$ oj t^eir fufitcit't oepntt? o? Deputies^During
tljeUue0 natutall of them ^-our faiD o^ato^s anD cither of t^tm* <anD
lo^eoaei: \)is faiD il^.of fjis mo;e ample grace f certain UnottileDg,anD

of ^i0 mcere gcoD lijill (jat^ giuen i granteD fo;^ Ijimfelfe Ijts fjeircs anD
facceffo^fi to ^owr faiD o;atoj5 1 ettljec of tl)c foz tljefaiD cfftce0,emci'
fing f occupT?ing certain Itiages i fees bp t^c vere,veiel^ to bereceiueD
I tafeen fo;jt^ of tljei(fue0,rent0,farm0,reuenue0 1 p;0litt0 of |^i0 spa.
faiD E.oof ^.afo;iefaiD from time to time c6ming,incrcafing o} arifing
faiD fo; ^ timebeing,atti)e feail of ^,^,t^e^rcljl tlje Annunciation
ofoucblerreDtjirgin sp.to be paiD During t^clic0 natural of ^ourfaiD
o?ato;0 1 tl)c longer liuer of t^em f ogetfjec \xi all otljer t^e iuagcs fees^
libertie0,place0 { p;e^eminence0 luljatfoeuer to t[ie faiD feueral offices
tf rigljt Due accuSomeDjbelongingjO; appcrtaim!.g,c? I^eretofo^cpcc^
ceiueD o; IjaD bi' an^ perfon o^ perfons to^atfocuei; bp reafon of t^e o^
nm of t^f* ^nD furtljer \}W faiD ^a.b|? f}is liigljnes faiD letters DiD fe?
tiimfelfe l)i0 Ijeices i fuccefiT.giue i graunt to r our faio c;ato;s i tjieit
arigne0 1 eitljcr cftl)eall j lingular ttie amerciai!irs,fine0>perqutSts
profits I eftreats oftlje courts of bielues of if ranfeplcDge, togetljer V6
all I fingular cattcl0,toaiues^ifrap0, felons f fugttiues gcDsarifing,
tliancingo^ljapninglDitljin mano;oalo.of^.afo;craiD. 215^ tertue
luljecof ^our faiD o,>atp;s ctitreD into t faiD offices t otljer p;iemiaip0
anD iDere tfjereof fcifeij in fljeir Demefncasof frcc|)oJD,tif.oft^efaiD
lanos anD grounds m tl^eir Demefneasof frcel^clD, anD of t|ie faiD fe^
ueraUoffiCe0 refpectiuel? as of frecljcjlDe rig|)t, anD^jaD anD erercifeD
t^z faiD feuerall offices bi? t^eitifelucs o? tljcit futficient Qeputie o^Dcv
jp!atie5)ll5tno\yfoiti0if itplearei?ourg0:)l)ono;S:,l5cne^ii:31Ml
Pleadings hi the
iltqmt,%*M*of^WiS!i}utton a^xtTaiti-,mU% of 3.afb^eraio
rcomatt, anD of $>utton afojefaid, scoman, tjpen parpofc
05 it ftcmet^ not onl^ to fcuOtatc tlje faio tetter patents , bnt alfo
ttpmumctammttt^;oi3}l)i$^aitttitin^is fail) mljmtance, t)ane
of latc,i)tf .t)pon tlje fire ano ttoentictl),feeen ano ttoentiet|5,ci(jljt anu
tfajcntiet^jninc ano ttuentiet]^,ano t jictiet|) oa^es of ^pjill notu faft
paft,ani) Ijpoit t|ie ftcft bap of t^is inllant moitet^ of spai? entreo in?
fo.tjfeD, ano cmcifcDt|ierairjiS)0fices of Conllable of l)is ^mQies
fatD Caftle,ano t^efato ofi^tce of poster o; keepei: of tf)e fato gat0,atit>
t^efato office of 15atlttfe of ^utton afo^efaio, ano tfje fatD iS>fticc anD
offtce^ of Clecbe cf^is ^atedies fatD reEtei:aU cmtB,m\X} i;aD,recet^
ueoanota&entliefeuetaUfd^r^age^^anoaUotDanceB thereunto te*
ecallp ano cefpcrtiuel)? belonging aftafojefait ^not^jep o^ feme of
tbem l)aue feifeo Upon o; gotten into tljeic o;^ feme of t^jeir ^anes, tu*
ltoo|!)0; poCTeiTion, tytoutt KoId,Coutt boolse^^ano ott)ec ttjeHe?
toiiis ant copies of t^e H0II5 of t|ierato Court ano courti!^ purpoBn^
to fupp^eUe and concealet^em from vour fatoe )^;ato;,brrearon
tD^ereof ^is faio H^aieftie is greatly inoaungereo to bee oiftnlieritco,
ann pour faio o;ato^5 tetters patents annil)UlateO : anD t^z faioe ^tc
^^tm.Vim^U m^iB.'Z^Wi* % ano being not ^eece^
contenteo totfeanoerercitetlefaio feuerallfees onoallotean^
cestl^ereun^o belonging ano appertaining, ano toillb^no meanes
permit o^fnffer pour fato ));ato^0,o;eitl)erof t|)em,tl^eir, 0; tit^et
f tiieirfiitltcientE>epntieo; JaOeputiee^toitaue, t)fe, ano entop t^
fatofeueralliS)ffice0,o;anpof t^em,acro;toin0 to t^e purpo;t,true
meaning, ano intent of t|e faioe tetters {Patents, but gtue foojtf) in
fpead^esjttiat pour j^aato;s,o^ either of t|^ |)aue not anp cigit
ixty oz to tl)e faioe feuerall i^^ffices, 0; anp of tytntf hut t^t t^ep 0^

Tome of ttjem l^aue gooo rigl)tano title t|)erein, ano tl^att^ep 02 rome
of t^emlDiU tfeano erercifetl^e faioe i^ffitces^ ano ta^e t|;e feneraU
fees ano allowances t^ereloiti) accuttcmeO* Bin tenoer conltoera^
tion to^ereof, tl)e p3<emi6es confioereo, ^ap it tl^erefo^e pleafe
tour gooo honours, to graunt bnto pour faio ^^ato;, f^is ^aielties
moS gracious Mritof Subpoena, to bee Oirecteo to tfjc faio^ir 3i.
Wi*Um^t^XM*l^*(^t(iuite,%*W3* anO ^anoeuerie
of tlj0m,commanoingt|iem ano euerp of tijemtljerebpatacertaine
oap, ano t^noec a certaine tljeretn to tee !tmitteu, to be ano perfonallp
appease before ^curgoco l)onc;s inl^isi t)ig|)ne(reConrtof CrciHequec
C|iamber,tljen ant tfH^re to ariftoere tije }^;miiX^^


Exchequer. ipj
\^tt Afifvferto A Bill iff Complaint , thdt tht Dtfendant doth not wrcmgfftlljf
kfcpe the T*UiHtife out ofpojfc/siofi, reciting tho cttflomes ofCopihol"
dtrs Ifclonging to a manor within the Cottntie eft he
Citie of (jloucefier.

AHla^uantage of erceptton to x\% tflcettaintr anti inru^tctenctc of Ssft. f

tlcfatD WOX of complaint to t^ts oefenDant being note ant) at all
ttmejs iicceaftec faneo^^etltiS^raiD Def.fo; anftoectnto fuel) ant) fo ma^
nroft^emattecamtl^raiDliBtU contepn0D,a0 Doe o^ ma^concecns
ti)t0 oef*to be b^ l^ec anftpeteo t)nt6,rattb t|iat l^e t^mhetb it to betcue
t^at t^e lam)0 ano tenements tn tf^e bill menctoneb notu m tlje tenure
o;occHpattonoft|)t0bef.at:eani)b? all t|ie time toijetxof tbe memo;^
of man in not to t^e contracr? \viXkt bdtn copiboU) Ismtt^ patcell of t|)e
manoae of ^pton,&.ILeonatD0 ivk tbe conntte of tbe cttte of <0louc*and
demtfeo anb oemtfible bi? copte of Couct lloll of ^z fatb mano^, acco^^
DingtotbecuHomeof t^efamemano^anb t^iat bpanb acco;bingto
tbecullomeof t^e faibmano; b^ all t^e time afo^efaio bfeo and ap^
p;oueDU)tt{)int|e rameraamto;,tbetoifi( ofeuetie coptbolae:: biding
feifeoof ani> copi^olo lanbes o; tenements paceell of tl)e faib mano;t
latD^abanb enio^eb^anb oug^t to baueano enio^ ttjefame lanbs antt
tenements tDl^et:eofi)jei;l)ufbanb ^i^x^ feifeb, fo;anb During i)ertuiD^
DolDlicDD, aub tf^at 6g tiiefameculiome U)^en ani? lanDs o; tenements
paccell of tijefaiD manors i)aue bem graunteb br (opie of Court roll of
t%t faiD mano; to Dinecs perrons,tt)e perfon firlt nameo in tije fatb ce^
pie tiatb b^D anb ougbt to jjaue anD enio? tbe fame During l)tsli(r.!3nD
ttiisDef*furt^0rTaitt), t|^at(I)e bot|tl|in&eitto be true t^atCto^b
C[)ani:oi Dec^eD loasin ijis life timelatt^fHll)? polfelfeb of ^ faio ma^
nb.:of iE-^aintS^^fo;^ Diuers f eares i^^m to cotne anD bnerpireo, i^nb
ti)at l)e tf)e fatDllo : C^.fo being poOeflTeb t^iereof, in o; about tbe feconb
tieare of tl)e raigne of our latefoueraign ILab^ ^u.Cli^ at a court !)oI^
Den at anb fo;^ tbe faiD mano; b^ \\% X\ym ^tehiarD of tbe faio mano;,
DID bv copte of court roll cf tbe fatD mano^ graunt tbe pzemilfes to ^.
Ml.oeceafcD V^i^ DcfenDants late bufbanD,anD i.esi.i)i0 fonne fo;
tl)eir ItuesTfucceflTiuclr at tbe luiU of tbe llo;D acco;Ding to tbe cuftome
cf tbe ^ai^ mano;,anD i^^i tlje faiD 21. toas tben aDinittei^ tenant of
tbe picmiifes acco;Dtnglv,anD tbat bt? bectue tbereof t be faiD m\- M
luas (ctfeD of tbe p^emtlTea m i)t0 Demefne ns of fccebolD, fo; tbe termc
of bis life at tbe toil! of tlje JLo;D,acco;DtngtotbecuftomeoftbefaiD
manno;, j^nD tl)at tbe faiD Mill. 2i2r. fo being tbcrcof feifeb about
fouret^ne tieares laG^ pa(t> DiD mairie anD taUeto ij^ifetbis Defen^
Dant^^nD oftertxiarD^ about Sue t^eares lad pad t(}e faio William

Pleadit?!';!^ Ill tfi4

fiieijfo fcifctiof tlj0 p;iemi(rc0
^y>mti aftectol^ofc ntttattt^iBUftn^
Dant into t^c pjemiffegenteccBy mt> IjetD^ecfelfe, artlr ^et lJoet|? Ijolo
^ec felfe in tlje fern, accoj^ing totljccullemeof fljefaitimanno?,
anD ^atl) tafeen,anD Dot^ tafec tlje iffueief anu p?ofite0 of f ^e p;{cmifife0,
as lalPfull it Ujas anD isfojljcc to not aa fl^ec tafeet{) it , loit^oat tljat
tf)at (to t})is D0fenuants fenotuI^Djje) t^c ^'^tmiSts o? anp pact ttje^c^
of ai:0,o? i0i oj tuct tocre o; luas pawell of t^e manno^of Jfearton
.Abbots in ti^e bill mwicioncD, o; tljat t^is E>efenDant Doetljtjntuftl^
|)olD0 o; litepe ttie poCTedion of anv lanoes^o; tenements fcbm tl)8
Complainant, as in anu bp tlje faiu bill is fuppofeu* 0nij tfjis befen^
uant Deniet^ ttjat (^ee|>atl;,o: euecTjati an^ C^actec52Di^,eafe,cui^
D0nce,boo^e,account#outt roll, itentalltecceco; minimentfoucliif
tng ti)e faio manno? of )15acton ;abbots,o; an^ pact tljeceof

^ A'ftfxvert of three Defendantsfnppofed by the Platntifes Bill to hafte no

Uivf/l title to theJ^ndsmentionedttk^^^^^^^ was tak^

'yby Commijfianers andretHrned,' rtfim CirirA 2{2T la/^iUO nui^

Scft. < T^^ f^i^ E^efenDants faning to tl)emrelaes nofei anu at all times
1 l^ereaftec all benefit anu aDuantage of erception to t^e incectatn*
i\& anu infufficienc^ of tl;c compK faio bill of complaint fo? anftuerc
" tijeceunto t^ep io^ntli? anu feuecalli? anftDecano far j^^at before tlje
mafeing of tl)e fuppofeti leafe ixi t^e bil menictoneD, ouc late fouecaigne
ILau^ of famous memo;^ ^* Cli^ab* tuas in i^ec lifetime feifeo in %tx
|)igl)nesuemefne,asoffeeintfie cigljtof f)eclate^igl)neire ccolune of

CDnglanUjOf ano bpon al tl)at Ijec l)igbnes pact of 2 pacts xx<%\xt pacts
uiutoeu of t^e l}ecbage $ pannageoftt)epac^s anu p^emilFei! in t$ebil\!
menf loneu^anD being tljecof fo feifeu before tlje iivati^^t bill merici^:
oneo^uio b^ !)ec late l)ig^nes lettecs patents tinuec t gj^ ^* of CnS*
uemife f Ije fame tjnto tliefe uef*b\? tl^e name 0; names of all t |iec late
liigljnes pact of ^ pacts xxi f.pacts uiuiuco of tlie Ijecbage anb pannage

jjfaltljcfe ?*pafe atKant^e315ifl^of|D.calleDtl)eeaftpacfe,tl)cmio^

ulepacit,antitf}cSi)eftpatfe;^nt) alfo all ^ pactof i.pacts of 5.pacts nir
yxxnzn ofoneclorefaUcb ljo3feclofe,alia$t^eCcotues \x\, ^ faiucotmt^ of

H)*^inu alfo atltljat pact of 2 .pacts iw 5 parts niyxmn of onegcangepj ,

facmecalleo tlje ^ig^ Iwojd of Jlan tl;c faio lil5tfl).of SD. ;^lltDl)icl) p;ie^
vMt% loitl) tljcic f euec\? of t|jeic appurtenances i\txi o% lately before
Inece in tljetenuce dt occupation of 31. E>.(!5cnto?l)isaflrigneSjf parcel
of t!)c poCrcCfiohs of date earle of ^Km.attainteu of [)igl) tceafon^jano
gacuenSjlanoSjmeuotes/aDingSjpaftuces^comonSjf al otfjec profits
c5mooittes,aUuantages,$ emolu^s toliatfoeuec to t^e faio before be^
mtfwp;emiffes,oj to an^ pact 0? paccell tl^ecof in an^ toife belonging

juer. rp6
m^^pttMnixi^^m 16 tfje fameoj anp putt o} paced tljctofCtntier t fcuc*
ecal cent$ bp f fait letters pntitB tefecaed)^ai5,Unotpn, acceptctjjtjfcQ
owupieD f imor^Ujtoitl) all i fmgulac tfjappuctenanrec tp^atfceucr(ep
ceptmgallwais i cefecuing to \)u late ^a;cL- fjeircs ^ fucc.al timber teas
lija)W,^nDecli3ajw,mtnej5,f quarries m
tlje fatD p,:enufle0.2no l)aue ano
to ^olo to tlje faio ^*W<t^onz of tfjefe Def.anD fjec aflTignes from tlie ma*
king of tl)e faio letters patents fo; tl)e tcrntc of ^er lift, f after tf)e Deatl)
furrenDer 0^ fo^f oftlje fait^p.^.tljen tlje fain p;jemia'cs to remain to t[)e
faio ^.).anotl)er of tfjefe tef.f to [)i3 affigncs foj terme of iiis life. 3no
afl^ectlje oea^lj, furr^hter^Di fo.jf.of bctfj
faio q^.SD* f ^.SD. tl;cn fl^e

faio p?emiCres(cFcept before erfcpteD)tyf)oUi? to remain to tlje fato i^.H>

anD Iftt aifignesfojtl)^ tetm^of fjer Natural life.pdcloing tljerfojc ^erc^
l^ to Reflate ^neffcfjer f}cm&i fuccelTo^s fo^ tfjeHuo part of tf)e faio
t^.jeeparfesjcato ttft eaft parkc, mioole parfee, ano lueft parh tuitlj tl)e
apprfenancc0'4.lil)-s. 3.rj ob. ano fo;jtl;efaiij part of tlje faio clofe cal^
le0t()el^o;^feclore,3liastlje(25.:ouestwitl)tf)eappurtenances 3.S.4 o 3nD
t^e part of tlje faio (grange o^ JFarme callcotlje Ijigfj tooo of ]L. toitf)

t!)a^^iKte!5ances i 2.3. of lalcfallCnglil^ mone^at t^e Jfcaltes of tlje

blelTea t^icgi:1 3^at^,ano ^.^k^.tl;c archangel bp eticn anD equal poi^^
dons i^earel^ Durinstl)efeuei:allterme5aro;craio/tol;er latci)igl;ncflre
ano fucceiro;tfi receiuer of tfje erc[jequer,o:} td tlje ^anos of t^a

tjec ^eireis
3i5aiUifeo; receiuer of f Ije p^emiffes fo;5 t^e time being^ano after tlje dc^
ceafeof c^efaiQ ^S^mn^* Ofingtenants in podcffion of tOefaio p>e^
miffes,tl)en veclDing ano pai^ittg to IjeiJlate ljigl)nes,f)er ^eires ano fuc^
telTozs ? .li. or laUjfullmone^ of Cnglano in t^e name of a tjariot of t^em
iuljicl) h^ tt^c faio letters patents to U)l)icl) reference be Ijaa
l^al fi rjie,as
it ootfjf mai? mo;je pjainel^ ano at large appeare. ^no tljefe oef^furtljcr
fa? tljat b^bertueoftlje fame letters patents, t^e faio 2p*tl)oneof tfjefe
bettogetljerlDitl) Ijerfaioljufbano entreo to tlje faio p^emilTes Demifeo,
antjd^e ani ^er IjufbanD ini^ilelt ^e liucOj ano ^er fclfe euer Once enio^'eo
tl)c fame,ahopai?eoti)cfaiD rentreferueo b^ tljefaiDJletters patents to
^er late Spa.tjfe, ano to t\}t lyings molt crecellent ^a. tljat nol is fine
Ijec late Ijrgljneire oeatfj, Mfjerefc^e tl^efe oefenoants i^ntvMv p,:ai: tijc
^;iOeroftl][isljono^able Court, foU^e quiet polfeirion of tljefaioepje*
mi(res,againtl tfjer omplatnant,ljamng i;cerctofo?efo man^ tuapes tjer^^
eo oefenoant sp ano tfje faio 31 S) Ijer late fjufbano oece.sreo about'

tl)efametoit{)otan^iuftcaufco;coloiirof rigl)t, as (Iicetaeril^ tl)in^

Ketij,butof purjiirffcastlie^ ttjefe oi^fcnoants tjecelii t\)xnUe to hjcmt
t^em toitlj contiituall fuites , t^e complainant being a man
of great
ini$l)tani3 ricl)es,ant3 fljefe oefenttants of farre m.eanerabattie 0no:
tl^efe oefenoants fartt)e;r far 5 tljat tljere Ijauc bs^ne feuerall fuits in tljis
Ijono^able court, Itirr^o t)p bv tl?e complainant 0; bv Ijis means as tlje^
Pleadings in the
tbmfee touching t^e title of t^e fatoc Icafc,
ano t|iefame coalo neuer bee
imueachcti. ifo^lo|>ic^ caufetljefc ntt Ijumblr pja? t^c confiDeration of
poffcirion of t^efaio p;cttiiae0,ano
this honorable Court fojt^cic quiet
to be DifmilTeD cut of t^is ^ono^ablc Court lit^ t|ieir eoOes ano cjiat^
g00,l)crcin to^ongfuU? bao ano ruaameo,tDit!jout tbat tlje faio late 2i
of famous memo;^ ^uccHcCliubetbeuet maoc am? leafeto tbe com^
plainant of t[je faio p^emiOeSjin ibe Sill tobicb is goot in luU),a tbefe
Defcnoantis Dctilr tbinfee anD ate petftoaoeo. >i tbat tbe complainant
iflbi?fo;cetbeceofreifeDanointece(lieDintbefameo;ougbt to baueand
enio^tbcpoireirionoftb6faiDp;emtai^0,a5intbebiUi0 alleaogeti. ^^
tbat tbefc oef* '^aut no rigbt to t^t faio p^emiOies, as in tbe bill is allea^
geo* J; tbat tbe complainant batb '^it^ttto toell ano tcnelp pain t^B
faio reateli! cent cefecuen h\> ^is p^etenoeo graunt fo; t^z (m
to tbrfe oefenoants knotoleoge* ^; tbat t^z fame is m^
tbing malmal
to tbefcnef. ;;tbat an^ otbec mattet,acticle, o; tf^ixiQin tf^t fatD i6iU
0f complaint contained mateciall o; efifeftuall in tbe %ti.\o to bee anflse^
teo t3nto,anB becein not fufificientl^ anftueceo linto, confefiTeo ano auci^
iieti,o^ otbectvife tcauerfeo o; oenieo is o; bene tnue.
Mlial^ic^ matttts

tbefe E>etenDants ace anoloill bee loilling to auecrc ano

p;ooue as t^Ui bono;able Couct (baUatoaco^ano bumble p^i^ as befo;^

*^^^ Ah MfrcrfAnVnderSkerife to A Bill exhibited ttgainfi

him and othersfir eorruptioM Mttddeceitffill dea-
Img in hit Offee,

S^(k.7 A ^l aouantages of exception to i^z tncectatnf teano infainictenc? of

jr\tbefaio billofcomplaint,anoto tbe pecfon of tbe raioSD*BI tbe ^1
a man notojtouflvbnotoenfo; bis turbulent fpicit^lubo b? tbe fpace of
man^ peaces batb pelteceo ano bereo manp pecfons toitb man^ tninS
i\xit% ano tcoubtes,ano tobo b^ %isi oUine Ibeteing in }^is faio bill teas a

competitor ano confeoecate toitb tbefaio M JD*ano ji5.to couec tbeco^^

cnption tubi^b belaictb ti^tbecbacge of tbe raio2C*ano to oefcauo t^t^*
$|^a*of tbe faio z o. it.mencioneo in t}^z faio bill, if )^\si bigbneflp^ b^d ^m^
rigbt tbeceunto as tbe faio complin }^x& faio bill p^etenoetb bee bao^bnt
ratbec to oefcauo tbefaio Bi(bof )i.Uibecin i}^t pLbauing a pntpofe b?
obtaining of tbe fato ^.acquttance out oftbe b^nos of tbe faiOJiB*! C*to
take i)p % get into bis oton banos f polteirion fc5
f faio 2D.tbe foaefaio
9-U.mentioneo in t]^z fame acquitance. Bit iii bec^ like be meant tbecupo
tocoucct it to bis o\vn tfe mabinglittle cace of bis faio bano,fo be migbt
f^aue gctti: ^ fato 9.lt.into bis polfelTiS,! nolo be lietbin p;(fon h^ p;oce0
atoacoeo againft \^m bpo bis fail bano> fo; i \z btb neitbe^paio i faio
Exchequer. 297
inne pount),!;^ refi^D tfie (ain arqustame , a0 ft^id htlMmt ts tee*
fttWi? infb^meD* ^e tins Defenoant, fo? nnttotte tt (o matlf of tlje
3BiriascBncctnet^t^00efenoantfai%s:iiat trnett wtfiat t^tsoe^
ftttoant toafii t)nwc(l^mie to t^c faio ^ic 3i |9an t^c fift tjgarc of the
Hmgs spaiefticsratgnc, amm txtcatt tijc fame office tneectfiefaio
^tr 3f. ^, DuiJing Ijtt faio office of ^^ ^[jerifg. mut t^is oefenoaitt
(ut^p^oceSe ad tffueD out of tt^is Conct , atiD t^e^tpe ef
fifCjtjnocrtfjetittesanl names of (l^reencluape , Summons of t^e
pipe,ct de firmis,ct dc debitis rccufammro, anu ettteats ano gattjeciitg
tip fo? leot?mg of fines, forfeitures, iSat^ amerciaments. Debts, and
fuc!j lifeeleuiable by fuc^ Chequer p^oces, as afo^eraio loiti^in f ijefaiD
County of ^omecfet, oirecteD to tije faio late ^^eriffe , Utere bp ijtnt
fi^ bt ^\B appointment, oeliuereD ouer to t^faio Wl*%* a man of
ciieoite ano tDellacquainteo in tljofe feruices,
tintofol^om t^e faio^ic
3!.|0,liaDgiuentDari:antfor Due erecuting of tbefame p;joccires

anoeftceates : ti)erame2C!jauinggiuengooD fecuritie bp bono to t^

faiu ^ir 31 P for tbe Due coUeding ano lending of all t|je particular
fummesgiuen in charge tspon proces ano elireats, t^ic^
tfjc faio

l|onlo beleuieD b? ^im ^s alfo for t^emafeingano pairing of a true

ano perfect account in ttjis Ijonorable court,concerning tj^e fame. ^n\i
tbattu()icbconcernetiot^er matters ano procesoutoftl^is ^o;abIe
Court,oire(teo to tt)e ^^ifiie , U:it)tcb came to t^t |ant>es of
faio late
tifiB oefenoant, lie tf^is Defendant oio erecute ano returne t^e fame to

tbe g(DO fatiffaction oft^z faio Court,anD of tbe ofOicers ano miniliecs
t^ececf,tD|)om or lo^ofe offices t^ fame concemeo* ;9nDt{)i0 ^efen^
Dant confeffett),t^at tpi$ Defendant ano tbefato 2I/.at tbe Dav p^eujreD
as mintffers of tbe faiD ^b^riffe , for i^m and in ^is betjalfe , loere
rtDorne in tbisbonorable Court, to make tnto bts q^aie6le a true
and iutt account oftbeitfues of tbe faid l^^eciffeloick of tbefaid^ir
3!!3.tubicb t^ie defendant did accordingly, for allfucl) receive t mat^
tersofaccoimtanfluecable in tbisbonorable court, aspaOeo ibrcugb
Ins ^ands or dealings, ^ut for ttje matters concerning tl;e raid Jiie-
cognifances, and otberbebts and matters oftbat name and qi;alitie,
committed to tl)e faid MDttbefameM*2E* l)pon bis faid odtb did
reeld account for tbofe, in fucb fort as in t^c record of tbe faid account
appearetb : tobb account, for an^ tbing t^is defendant fenctrctl; to
tbe contract, taas and iii true and iuff. ^nd if it i^ere not, ret is not
tbis dcicitdant to be troubled or called into qucffion for tlit fame , for
l^e tjtterl^ denietb tbat be teas or iB guilty of anv puipofe of conteales
mentoftbcfatdttuent^ pounds, or of tbe nicbillmg of anr of tlje (aid
fummes mentioned in tU faid 215ill of Coplamt, or ofanr of tbecen^j
g P* corrupt
Pleadings in the
cojtnption,tul^KJtoitt) ^tis cljacgeD in llie faio bill of fomplainf , a
iiitlje fame bill i farmifeu
0no a to tfjc fttting ouec of ti)c fam
fHmmc5 ofttDcnf r poonOS Unto tlie faio H.C )13ai2liifie of t^e faio m*
fi^oppc of iSat^c ano mtlUs, t|w S>0fenoant f fjewunf o faitl) , tfiat
tj^c fame teas notDoncbp
^im,noj bp an? meanes of |ji;,but Ije faitfj,
ti)att|?efametua5Donst)ponttae,ttiii,anolaU)fuUcauf0, ano tj^at
4e fame belongeo to tbc fato )t5t(^op*
J^no tuttbout t^at, tbat an? o^
tber matter o^ tbmgmatenall o^efltrtuaH fo? tljis SDefenoant to an*
ftuecc bntO:, ano not b^rem confeaeb 0^ auDtoeo,o; not Denteo,t0 tcue
011 iDbtcb tbis oefenoant u( ceao^ to aumsano p;ooue> anop^a^etj^
to be oifmtireD luttb W ^^^f^-

tyin Anfivere t A Bill roherein theTUintiffefiiggefieth that the'Defin

dant ewethfermce to the TUintiffs MiL

The A nfwcrc of T. B. one of the Defendants , to the Bill ofcomplaint

of W. B and S. B. Complainants.

Sft; 8. T^e faio ^efenbanf ,11 abuantage of erception to i\z tnccttamtte

1 anomfuafuiemteoftbefatD Bill of complaint totbtsbefenoant,
notn ano at all times b^i^^aftec faueo fo; anftoci: tberennto fattb^ tbat
tctte ii 10, tbat i)^z icings ^ateHie toas fei&o in (^1% oemefne , as of
fae, of, anb in one Inatec Co^ne mill in l&irboflDolD afo;efaiD, anb like^

toife of anb in tbe mano^ of ^irkofUiolo, \tixi\^ aCouct Bacon of com^

mon cigbt belonging to i\^ fame, to be bolben fcom t^;ee tneehejs to
t^^t tueel^es befb;^e t};^t ^tetnacb i^tiz : at Inbicb ^mtX fo to be tjol.*
ben, it bat]^ been ^feb anb accuftomeb, time iDb^ieof tbe memo^i^ of
man i0 not to tbe contrary, tbat i^z bomage of tbe faio Court oiD
mabe, conttitnt0,anbo?batnel5rlatoe0 anb ^^^binances fo? i}^zwiia,*
tnon gooo of tbe tenants anb inbabitants of tbe faio ^ano^ %mi^
}aing0i5^aieftiefobeingfeifeo,b?bi!8bi0bneflre letters patents, bea^
ting oate at Meftminfter tlje CFe anb ttoentit^ Da? of Blune,. ixi t^t
etgbt teare of bis ^aieSies catgne of CDnglanb, ^i^ bemifeanb grant
tliefaib ^ne? anb Court Baron,t]uitbotber i\t appurtenances (on^
l^ercepteo anb foaep^ifeo tbe parbe anb ^ill of lair^oflnolb afo;e^
faio) bnto 31* CDtano tKlt^^of Hontion Cfquires foi tb^eefco^^ ?ears
immebiatl? from tbe Date of tbe faiD Jleters ^Batents, veelDing anb
pacing tberefo;e ?eerel?. During tbe fatb terme, X^t rettt of nine
pounDs, ttoo (bilUngs eigbt pence. B? fo^ce of U'.bicb Hetters pa*
tents, tbe faiD C.anD M.M. of tbe tbe faio q^ane^ anD p.:ewiffes,

tercp9ireffeDfo.j tbe terme afo^jefaib. ^nD fobieeingpoflleCreD bin b?

tbeir oeeb inbenteb^ bearing bale t^efeauen anb ttuentttl) of 3iune,in
Exchequer. 28;
f|cctgljt^careoff)t0^aielficscaignc, grant ano afffette Dnto
oefcttOaitt,tl)efatDllcttcr5patcn0,anD alUfjcicmtereil anD tctme
ofi^mts iD!)u^ tlje^tljenliaDintlie faiDmano;^ anu p^imiOetf.
fojccefUjliiclj grant an^amgnenient,ttii6DcfcnDantcntrcD into the
faiD qpano;, ano noU) is poaeffeD t^cc^of, fo;j tljc teime afo;efaiDj ano
fiot^oau^ pa^ to t\it Bings maicftie, tije faio ^catelp rent of nine
pounD0, ttoo drillings, dgljt pence, refcrucB Upon tiic faio iHeafe. ^nu
t^is oefenoant further feitfj, tfjat t^t aings maielhe tijat noUj isM"
ing lifeeUjife I'cifeo in fjts oenieanc , us of f^e, of, ano in, one fulling
^tlnetoitljintljefaiBi^anojoflAirUofiuolD, oio grant t^efame hv
^i8lletter0l^ateHt5,t3ntoe.iFanDif.$),anD t!;eir ^eites, renoe^
ring ^earelTjCpe filings eigi)t pence tjnto tlje iiiings q^aieftie, ano
^is fucceffo^s* 215^ fo;ce iuljeieof, tljer tlje faio C
if. ano if . tuere
of t|e faio m^lne feifeo in fee, ano fo bceing feifeo bp tijeic Blnoenturc
oateDtlefeaenanottDentitijofqpai?, inttjetenttj^eare of ^isjjigh^
eOferaigne, ano intclleoinliis Ijiglineire Court of Ctiaunccr^, oio
bargaineanofeUtf)efaiomt?Inet)nto fljis oeftnoantano fjis IjeireH*
j3t!fo?ceto^ereof,t|)i!oefenDantentreD into tjje faio mijine, ano i0
thereof net feifeo in IjiB oentefnc, as of fee, ano fo;^ oiuerfe ^ears latt
paftjtljisocfenoant !jat|>owl^paio to tj^e icings ^aieffie, t^e faio

tent 0? fee if arme of fire Drillings eig^t pence fb; t|)e faio qp^lne. ^no
l^ett^isoefenoantinaiujjattimeljat^ receiueo nop^fit o;^ common
oitietl^ereb^t!)efame,be ruinous ano greatly in oeca^. j^no lifee*
toife oiuerfe otfjerm^lnes of tljelifee nature fj?,Kingbcen netuli^buil*
oeo, ano erecteoneeretntott)e fame, fo tliattjerr little tDo;ke o:fac#
ben comeojtoill come to tfje faio m^Ine j^no toljereas fl^e Com^
plainantsintl)eirfai0115ill of complaint ooealleage, tfjat tijis
fenoant ano otl^ers in tlje bill nameo, ooe intenoe ano goe about to
erect anobuiloe anottjer m^lne in J^irfeoftuolo, in t^e p^eiuoice of
t^e Complainants mtlne: 2Ct)isK>efenoant aunfioetetf) ano faith,
t^atfrne It is, t^atljeootljinteno ano purpore(as5el)opetl)|^eelatu^
fullT? mav) to reeoifie ano builo a neUj ti}t faio Oeca^eo fuUoig
;9no lifeetDife Ije mull confeffe, tljat tje f;at^ giuen fo^tj^ fome fp^c|ies,
tliat totuaros tbe cljavge tljereof,
Ijee iuoulo aoiotne ano aaner
a p;ji^
iiateCo?nemr?lne tf)ercunto fo? tljegt^noing of ^ts oUine Co^ne*
3i5ut tl)is jSDefenoantfaitl), t^at as vtt Ijee ^atlj not ftameo o^
la^oe an^ founoation t!)ereof , tuliici) toojoes Uieteoccafioneo ano
fpofeen bp reafcn t^at tljts )5Defenoant, leaning fo^merlp fo?
tnclt part ^feo to feno alibis Co^neano graine to t^t Complainants
Ij^tUie, tljefiume liatl) beene ber^ euill tfeo ux grinoing, ano ercelTiuf
mnlrture taken t^iereof. 0no f t)oug|i tliis oefeno^ljatl^ manr times tii
(teenoli^manercopUineotlierofto t^enotu compU o^tponeoftljem;
fP3 ret
Pleadings in the
vet the fame W^ ^^^^ "^ ^^^ amenueis 0; tefo;mcu, tDfiertpon t^is
^fenoant nolu of Ute Ijatpeen fo^ceD fo;i f l^c gcutDuig of ^is Co;ne,
tocaw!!t^efamcfo am^lnettooo;t^?eemto oiftane from ^w place
ofDUjellmg, to tljc gccat tcoublc and inconnenienceof tljis oefen*
uanf. iu^tiecefbaet^cfc things uael^ confioeceD of, anOp;ooueD to
tl^wlionourafaleCouct, t^w fiefenoant l)opet|> tljaf tljis Court tutll
not p^o^ibtto? ^inoec t^ti! oefenoant, if JeebcDifpofeDojDetecmi*
neo n:cm annering tjnto t^e fato ifuUing iiprlne a puuatB Cojne
Spplnc, c;j fo^ alt0ringt^ram0 into a Cojnc ^rlne fo? t^c H>efcn^
uants p;jtnaCe Ufe, anu gcinoing of ^ts otone Co;ne, t^e trace of fttl^
lingbeeingmuctjDecaicDjanutljeraio if'uUing q^ilne becing niina*
teoasafojefaio ^notlie rather, bccaufettnis oefenoant bceingfat*
mo J oftfjcfatDS^ano^tjutot^e liings S^aieftie fo^ tlj^tecmeafo^ei
fato, IB not bounce o^t^ec ijnto tljeCcmplainantsnt^lne, j3nD ttfee^
tDifett)etenant0oft^efaio lipano.j,are notbouno, neither Doe tljeg
olueofrigl|tanpruite,fecuite, mulrture 0; foafee tjiito t|te Complain
nantiS^p^lne, as t^is ^^efenoant liopetlj top;oone bntotbis fjonou*
rablo Court, fo^t^ebuiloingtol^ereof, tbifiSDefenoant bumblpre^
(ettet^ btmfelfe tints ti)e iuogement of tf)iB Court* ^titi tfjis }Be^
fottjant fai^ further, t^at fome ifreefjoloers of tl^ fate i^ano;,fincc
t^c cornpl* p;etendeD purcbafe of tl)t faio milne,I)aQe binlaec ano erec^
m a netD mrlne ^it^in iiz faic mano^tjo^iereiinto tbe comulainanttf
|)aue tal^enito exception, but Ikd aliolo ano appi^osuetbe fame, as bes
tierils tl^inket^* ^o oiuerfe ^reeboloers anD tenants ofma^ tfie faic

no;,C(Bgrntietl)etrco^neatt^efaionetP erecteom^lne: Uibi^b
feetbtbisDefmdantterilp tbin^e,t^attbe^tllof complaint notoep
liibiteo, is onel^ bpon malice, ant> fo;^l3e):atton grounoec (as t^ te^
fenoant is perf)x>aoeo in bis confcience) tiponan ancient fpleeae mn
grucge, i^Bi WL- %* one oft^e Complainants bat|) a long time b0;m0
tmto tl^s H>efen{mnt 3mi ^e is t|^ ratber inoitceo fo to ttjinke, h^
cauret^raiOWD15* t^e Cemptaimmt , beeing a tenant of tbe (m
^ano^, anD inhabiting ^sai^n t^e fame, i^at^ altoaics carueb \^m^
felfe obthnatei^ and frotuansl^ ijnto tins oefenoant, bmng ^srmo; of
tt)e faio mano;,ano tuilnot a^^eare f rm ^is fuite at tl[^ court boUien

foatbefaiomano;, alti)oagb^am)b<^ ancefto;s ^e

Mt to t)^z faio coutt,tmtiU visM of late be tmUnot anflnec tbcreat,ne(^
tbertoillb^ befttbiettto t^ ^i^laloes and ^^inaunoes ma&e b^
tbe l)omage of tije faic Comt, acco^tuttg tn t^ anncient is&ge
ano cuHome tbereof , no^ pa^ an^ amerctatngnes OEisSch tr^
tbe faice Court, contratie to all ri^t, am to tbemlt rampic

otbers U)itbout t^at tbe Slings ^eOte ^^
s^ani bnto tbe fat e.if . ano j^^^^
^ tetters patents,
mh ^ ;t^ ^es^ tb^
Exchequer. z8i
faitiC0;nmtlneiti!Ktckortoolo, o;t^att{)0 rmD&tnj:^^! ^iattUz ni^
grant \ys f)t0 faio %etttis puttnts^ffnt ^e (l^oulD not btitll,no; (umt
tobe&ntlbeD an^ oti^ztmilnt \it^in fuct) a Dtttance o( t^tfe^tnint
tnplne,o;itl;att[jefai!)(Ii;if.anuifp. m batgamcann fell t^e faio
tnpln$ tnto tt)e fmt)Complatnant0, o; either of tt^cm, in manner anO
foame ad in ti)e faio ^iU tit aUeageD ^m
iDit^out t^at, t^t tl^e fttit,
foaUe and mulctary of all ti)c tenants and inhabitants of IKirkoftoolD
afo;efaiD,D(Bbclong9o;^ofngI)t appertains tinto tijeCompI. ^i^lne,
ns in V^c faio bill of complaint i$ alleageo* ^nn 1a)xt^Qut t^at^tljat tl^is
oefenDant Waning a purpofe ano intent to ^ftauoe t^e complainants
oft^e benefit oftt)eirmplne,ano to dep;iuetl)em office fuite^foa&e
anomulcturetottjefameof cigtit belonging ^tl) frameo anp ot^er
mtlne tliete;, o;^ laio ti)e foundation t|ecof, as in tlje IBill of complaint
is I9ntruti? alleageo. ^no la)ititout t^at an^ otl^er matter in t^e ysiW
alleageD,anD l^erein not cefeHeo auoideD,trauerfeo^o;aenieii,i5 true>
t]^atanpotl)ermatter0fc* ^11 tol)i(^ matters ic*

ty^ft Anfrvere to an IMfomtation pretending that the D efendants manor efB,

, is Ijable for payment ofa debt due to the Ktng;with the Defendants ali
.legations and matter ofdtjcbarge^ within themeaningefthc
Statnte of^^.H.^.ap.^^.

Tbefeucrall and particular Anfwcr of W.W. Efquire, to theinfora<

tion of the right honorable Sir Francis Bacon^Knight, his
Maiedies Attorney generall.

faio uefenoanWaitl), t|jat is Secret enant anu otuner of

manoj of liBjimpton in
lie tljc
faio information fpecifieo
tlje but ^t , is Scl. 9.
not feifet>neitt)er is tenant 0;^ oluner of ant ot^er tlie^arks, ^a^
no;(0,lano$, or tenements tt)erein mentioneo. 0nD as for tf)e faio
g^anor of liBrimpton, tl)is uefenoant fait^, tliat tnuer tljefanour of
t^is i)onourable Court, tl)e fame is not livable o; fubiect ettiier in laUi
Djequitietot^efaiDtiebtofttoo tljoufanu pounces, fuppofetib? tljc
faio information to be oue to l)is ^aiettie: as borrotoeu of tljelato
UneeneCSli^abetl) b? tlie dearie ofCirer,for t^is fiefenoantfait^,tl)at
it is truetljat tlje fait) Carle ofCfferloasneuerfeifeD of tl)e faiu ma^

nor of ^rintpton, anofo confequentlp b? tl)e laloes ano l^atntesof

tijis i^ealmc, cannot be liable to tlje Debts of t^ie faio \];arle.;^ni3 tijis
te(Tm6antfaitfj,tl)attl)etrKeeni3 anopurpofe, to^erforetfjefaiD^a^
nor among ot^er things Ixiasp^lTeo bpttje late ^ueene to tijefaioe
%**^*WL' ant)otl)ertt)e|0atenteesint]^ebill nameD , ano not to
tl)efaio<larUf)tmrelfe7tMas tl)at tt;e fame (l^oulD notbeentanglei
|3p ^f lui(p
Pleadings in the
anr of tl^e nebts oj otlftt intumh^amt^ of f ^e fain d^atle , hnf^
t|)atBui:c^aro;j5mial)tt^emojefcali3ano fafelpoeale iuitl)t^efaiO
Batent^B fo; tlje fama. ^tto ti)0 fceeoom ano cl^cceneJfe of tije eftate
eft^efaio patentees , iuas tl)e onelr mcoucagemeiit )a}l\iti^ ojetue
putcijafojs on to bu? t^ faiD latiDes conuereo tjnto tlj^m. 2^fje faiD
purc^afo^s fenoUnng,o; at ttjeleattiuife affuring t^cmfelucs^t^at t^e
tliatt^e faiD Cades otonelanDJtjtoljereofljeeffooD tJjcnfeifeo , toece
faffictcnt to pa^ l)is olone Debts : anD t^at ttierefo^e, miti^zt ^is spa^
itftit^ no^ttie late ^ucmt, IjaD fin^ neeD to relieue tljemfelues fo^ ttje
faiD Debt in point of equitie. 315ut fo;j tije better fattffaction of t^is Ijo^

notable Court, t^B E^efenoanf faitlj., tfjat b^ meane conue^ances

tl)efaiDmano;ofi5;imptontoasatrurct)ftom t|ie faiD patentees to
one in* 31 Citizen anD maccliant SCa^jloj of 3lonDon,anD to Ijis Ijeices,
anD tl)atfi)isDefenDant,fo?ti)e cofiDemtionof one tlioufanD pounUs,'
o; t^eiy^bouts of lalufuU mone^j of Ci;nglanD, purcljafeD tl)e faiD ma>
n05 0fi5;imptonoftl)efaiD2^3anno mcefimo fcptimo rcginx Eli-
zabethan b^ing netu about ttoentieojone anD fluent^ peaces patt,
anD tl)is^efenDantDott)l)olD tljefameof fjisspaieUie inf^farmebB.
tbe^arel^rrentofnineteenepounDs, fiuefl^tlUngs, anotb^ee pence,
anD tbe fame batb!)uel^ paioeuecSnce tbe faiD put:cbafe ^na tbts
SDefenDant fuctber fattb,tbat fje Dotb "ot t^infee:, tljat tlje faiD Debt of
ttoo tljoufan^ pounDs is Due to Ijis ipaicttie : if o; albeit b^ tbe iXt^
co^DintbeirttDllBillmeMtioneD it ma^appeace, t^at tljefame \x>ai
bojcotoeD of tljc late ^eene, r^ttbis ^efenDant is inDuceD to be^
lieuc, tbat tlje fame U)as cepaieD againe, o j itnple^eD in tbe late ^uf
feruice, o^ pacDoneD bi? 5jer cpaiettie. ^nD tU^ >efcnDant is tbe ra^!
tbecoftbat opinion, becau-fe it appeacetb among tlje Heco^DsoftbisI
l)onourable Court of (^rcljequer, tbatin ^ecenibef Anno one tbou*
fanD Sre IjunD^cDanD tenne, it pleafeDljis spaieltie to pa^ to tbe rigbt
Ijonoucable tbe Carle ofC^fifertbatnoU) is, tbefumme of t|}>9f tljou^

fanD pounDs in conliDeration of fomefummes of monep Due to tbe

Cade offerer bis late ^atber,,DifbcfeD fo;i tbe late Iluecnes f^rs
uicejUibicbbaDbeenagainffceafon anD equitiefo.: tbe faiD C-ai1e to
^auetemaunDeSjO^ieceiucD, ifbisjfatber l)aD beentiuel^inoebteD
to bi^^aieOie in tbe faiD fumme of ttt?o tboufanD pounDs* ^nDtbt0
DefenDant betili? tbinfeetb, tbat it cannot be a gooD auerment againtt
tbe faiD Ueco^Dj to fuggelitl^it tbe faiD Debt oftUio tboufauD pounDs
toastbeniDnfenofcne,anDfomucb tbeleffe ma^ ani? fucb fuggeHion
fee maDc, bccaufe Ibojtii? after, tbere Vuas a 113ill of ircmplaittt ejcbibi^"

teD in tbifi bonoui^able Court againn tl;e noiu Carle of ClTejr, anD a^
gainft ^ir dD.C^ltinigbt : purpofel^ U c\^atQ,t Diuers manors of t^z
faiD Carl^ oJ CtTer tbat nolo ii^^ lt?ing anD being in J}iu(^$ Counties,
Excliequer. zSz
mn f!jc manors ef Makertngsi, Ivingm t\^tountit of tttttMrna
t^efaiu ^it<3*Aatzlvti)tin^etitmtcoft^ faiDCBatlcofCflfer,
t^eratobiUmenttoneoiMitlj tljefaiD Debt oftiwo tl)oufanD pouitDcg*
^nti albeit t^e fato ^mo^s tucce, ano ace of beci' great tjalue , ano
mi^t legally anu mod p^operlp [jaue bane cljacgeo tj^ereioitl) if an^
fiicljrumme^aD beeneOtte,T!CtaU manors of ttie faioCatle
tfje faio

iDet:e0ifcl)ai:geooftljefaiDp;etenoeouebtfoa tf}t fummcofone \fut\*

^;tii pounO0, ano tije faio spanojg of Maketings feas oifcljargeD fo^
t^efummeof ftffiepoimDs,as b^ tl>ececo;O0oft^ijB Court, $ namely
in t^eboofee of );t)erjS ef dccirno tcrtiolacobi regis nunc amOHff oi
aerfeot^er tilings moffplainelp it Dootl) ano mat! appeare. ifo^ all
U)!)irf)rearonfii,t()ati5toray,becauret!)eratD dearie tuas ncuerfeifeu
oft^eraiD^ano?ofli6;nnptcn,anD t|je fameUiafi tafeenint^e faioe
J^atentees names of purpofe to cleare it from all incumb^snces of ttw:
faiD Carle, as tl)is Defenoant cone ciuetlj : ano tljat t^jecetjpon tt^isuB*
fenoantDiDfo^fo great ano Valuable a con6oeration , purcf^afe t^e
faio ^anoj, ano Dotl) par a great rearel^ fee^farme rentfo; tfiefamc
to tfis ^aieftie : ano t$at in all p;cbabiltie fo^ tliereafon afo^efaiOjfjis
^aieftietuasinequitieratljerinoebteotot^efaio CSarle, tl)en tljc
faio (Earle,o;j f)ig fjeires o} alTignes tjnto Ijis ^aieftie ^no fang tj^c
faio Carles otonc lanos ,
toliereof Ije toas fcifeo , Ui^icfj toere truelp
fubierttotljefaiooebtjougljtratfjerto fjaua hem
cljargeo tl^eretuitlj
ti)entl)isoefenoants* ^tio neuertljelelfe fametnereoifc^iargeo,
being of ijer^ great talue fo^ fofmall a fumme as one !}uno;eo ano
iftie pounos* %^i$ oefenoant l^opetl) it tuill Kano tjuiti) tfjeequttie

of iuftice, ano fauour of t^is t)onourable Court, tijat t^s i^DefenOant,

ano tlje faio 9^ano;{of5!B?impton, map be oifc|>argeo of t|>e faio p;e^
teuDeo oebt cf ttoo tl)oufano pounos, ano of euery part thereof, ano
toalloU)ti)e allegations afo^efaioto begooo, perfect, ano hi^ctent
caufes ano matters, inreafon ano confcien(e,tDitI)in t^e meaningof
t^e statute maoe in tl)e tfj^ce ano tfjirtietl) i?eere of &ing ^ennp t|ie
eigl)t, Cap.triccfimonono, anointlje tnoerllanoing ano iuifeoom
of t^is Court, to oifc^arge tlje faio mano^i of llBOTpton , ano t|)is oe
fenoantoftlje faio oebt Mitljout tljatan? ot|iermatter o^tljingin
tfjefaio Bill of complaint materially alleageo tonceming Ijim tljis
Oefenoant, ano not berebi^trauerfeo ano oenieo, o^confelTeo ano ao
ttotoeo, is tjcue in fuel) manner ano fo^me as in tlie faio bill is fuppo^
feo* J^Utoljiclj matters tljis oefenoant is leao^ to auerreano p^oue
u&ti^iii i^otio^Mc Court (^all atparo* ;^no t^uto^ p^a^etl) to be

Difmitfeo out of t{)e fame ic

Pleadings in the

A Demurrer and anfivere by the VefendanUwith the caufeJ ffueh'De'

hath not enabled
murrer in Larv, thtit the PUinttfe by his Bill

himfelfe tofue in this Court,

Tl^erato]SDcfcnt)antratt^tf)at t^e faiD Ml

of cbmplamtts tec?
infufficicnt in ttjellato to beanfloerco tnto, aitO fuc^ as tijta De*
o*v*. w.
j^ntantfoj wuecfc infufiftcienties tfjccein appcating , is not boimoa

b? tljeJlatoes of t!)is Ijis ^tglincflre Kcalme of CSnalanD to mafee an?

anflDertinto : ^hd tt)ecefo;etl^t0D^fcnoanttottl)t^efauoutof tf)t0l)o^
no;tableCout:tDott)OemutteanDabtDc in lali)t)pont|ie inrufftctencie
of t^e faio iBiU of complaint, ^no Dotlj oemanti iuDgcmcnt, if be tljitf
oefenoant d^all be compellcD to ma^c dm
anfluei: tl^eueunto : ;4nD fo;
caufe^ofS^emurccCjt^isoefenoantfait^, tfjat t^t faio complainant
liati) not b^I)itrai^ bill of complaint en^ableo Ijimfclfe to fue in t^^xn
lionoucable Conrt^^o j tlje faio complainant onel? faitlj bp |ii0 faiD bil
of camplaintjt^atljeisfe^fanno^oftljel^orpitallof 213ontljam in tlje
faio bill of complaint mentioneu: 0nu fl^ctuet^ not bnocc loljat fee
fatmerent Ije Ijoloetl^ ttje Tame, neitfjet tljat f^e is an^ toaics inuebteo
to l)is ^aiefiie fo;i an\? atcccases of tlje faio cent, mi
oifableo to pa^
t^z fame rent. 0nD it appcaccttj of tlje faio complainants otune H^eto^
tng,tl)atbi?tl|i0fuitt|ieming;raaicttie (^all cecciue neittjec benefit
no; p;eiumce,neitl)et notl^ t\)i& futt an^ tpaies concecne ett^ec tf}e fata
^ofpital of^ontl)am, o; tl^e^ings^aiell^ie. j^nt) tul^eceast^efaio
complainant fuppofett)b^l^i0fatD bill of complaint, ti^atljc DiD mfco^
tecatitlefo;i))i0^aieltieto tiiuers lant0, tenements and l^eceDita^
mcnts in tl>c counties of l^ent ano Cffejc to a great t alue, anu tljatj^e.
oiD become a futo; to }^vb !^aie0ie fo;^ a recompence fo; ttie fame^llS^is
tteenDant tf)ereunto faitt),tl)at tl)e fame i^ a generall allegation tDitl)^
out ani? certainetr of t^e names, places, t{\xmXit\z&-, ^}x^X\iiitii, o; tia^
lues ofti)e faio lanos,lo^icl) allegations, tft^e fame ^[Dere true, tet it
inas but t^itutie of tl^e faiD complainant to oifcouer t!)e fame. 0nt)
tl)at it Unas meDreli?l)is^aiel{tes grace ano fauour to giue ttje faio
(omplmnant recompence fo; t|)e fame, luljicbtiie faio complainant
oug^ to tate out of fauour,ano not b? an^ iniUn Halu o; quitie in
tt^is l^onottcableCourt, o; elfelljere. :^no t^ereas alfo tlje^ fai^ cotn^
t>laufant,in, ano bv Iris fato bill of complaint fettsti) fs^^V^ an agrees
i}ieHtp;tetenoe0to'lA;maoebetlBesn0l)im anottie contaminant,fafto
no &irS!:.(a.ltnig|^,int^efaio billnameo,anoit)t0Oefenoaint:0no
tbattl^e faiD^ir^.^m. anotl)isoefeno. b^ tl)e faio agreement H^onlo
ijaue paio to tl)e faio complainant tb;e^l)uno;eo pounos fo; t)is t^tiU
ces ano paines out of tt)e tc0 xm\m
t^at l^ulo be reteiueo o; l)ao b?
Exchequer. 28 j
fotct df an? compofitton^tecouecie, o.z fate of an^ t!je lanDd in f (ja fain
%5i\i of Complaint mcntioneD* SC^tff oefcnoant t})ettunto ratt^,t()at
t|je raiD complainant fl^etoet^ not tfjat tliece ioas ani? mone^ tec eiueo,

kuieo 0;^ fjau bp fo;f e of an^ fucb compoGtion, ccc ouerie o; fale of an?
fuc^lanosai^t^cfaiD complainant oug^t to l)aueoone, if i)e (^ould
|>aue oj fiemano t\}t fame, ^no taljcccas tl)c faio complainant in am
hV W ^ill of complaint liheUjife (ttttt^ fo;tf),tl)at tl)c faio ^ic %* m*
ano tljis ucfenoant agceco to p^ocuce c;cau:c to be conucieo from fjis
jpaicftie tsnto complainant,o; to fuel) pecfon o^ pcrfonB as Ijg
tljc faio

l^oulD appoint, cectaineparcellB of lano in tljcfaiD^illmentioneo,

toitljout fl)cUjin0 anr mannec of auaile o;j conaoewtiontocometo
t^tm tfft faio $)ic %M^ oz t^is oefenoant o:citljei: of tf)cm fo^ p;of u*

ring tlje famei neither t^faiocomplainantfl^etuan? manccof


equity to ctjargK tljem o; citl)Ci:ofti)em,fo procure t^e faio conueiance

j^nti tol)ereflg alfo tl)e faio complaiiiant bv i^is faio 2l5ill of Complaint
fettetl) fo?t^ tlje faio agreement to be mauebetlueen \)im t]^faiDcam<j
plainant anotl)efaio^itSLtE. antJtl)iisoefnDanttotntli?,t!)iBBgftn^
fiant raitl),tl)at tljc fai^compIainant ^iitlj not maoe t^e faio hit KM
ant? partie to tl)i0 fuit as Ijc ongl}t to Ijaue Done. 0nD Ujl)ece tfft fain
complainant allcaoget^ b^ \)i& faio ai5tU of Complaint, tljat fjerefoj*.
teototljiiatocfcnoanttotiauctjatJtfjeactitles in tl)e i5ill mentioneo,
fealcob^ljtrat^t0 ocfenoant, anotljattjelxjasoicetteob^tljijeioeftn^
Dant to leaue tlje fame toitlj ti)iB oefenoants fetuant. %\}i$ oefenoant
faitl) , t^at faio complainant ootlj not fljeUi iintlj toljictj of t^is ocfcns^

oant^ifecuants |8 tsa^ oiixaeD to leaue tt)e fame,no; t^at ^e oto leaue

t^emluitlrl)it|H oefenoanto;^ loitljanF of fjiistfjisocfenoants fec^
ants, ^no tuyere aire tljc faio complainant b^ Ijis faiOBill of Com;
plaint Ijatl) lato a confeoeiacic to tbe cljacge of tijis oefenoant ano t}i$.
rc!:uant,fij;jt^c keeping oftt)c fame articles from tljc faio complainant
%^\3 Dcfenoant tbcieunto faitl),f l)attl)C faio complainant b^ l)is faio
315ill tjot^

to an^ fecuant o^ fetuanti,ast^et^c faio complainant ongbt to


laueoone. jfo; atltDl)tcl) canfeg tljeoeteant oot^ oemuc ano abioe

initatx ^pon t^einfuffltciencieoft^e faiDMlofComplaint,anO0ot^
fjumbl^ uemano tlje iuogement of tfjici ^.Coutt,if Ije tljis oef. l^albc
compelled to mafee an^ anftoec to t^e faio infufficient Bill, ncucrtfje^
leflfe if tlH3 ef. (^all be compelleo to mafec anr tmftoec to tfje faio i\u

fai!c4eiitOiBiUtl)enaht)notott)ecU)ifevallaonantagesx)f exception to
all anB tnttf t^t (m
Dncecf aintiesand infumcieMeiefi,ano t all otljcc
tl>et)ncei:tair?tic5am^infufftciencie of tljefaioBilltotl)ij5 oef noln
ano at all timw Ijeceaftecfaueo , t^ie-oef. fo; anfuiec f ^crennto fait^,.
nwtifiot^ t)tterttte ti)att!jeteUi;e<ucctot^iOcf,tJnoUTleoge ani^
Pleadings in the
atticlcs fealetJ b? tljc faiD&ir SID*^. to tlje faiD mplamattf^ag in and
b^ tlje faio Billot complaint is tjntcuclt? fct fojt^ anD allea^geo. ^nt
tljiB Def. oenieti) alfo t^at t!)cccluet:e ani^ fuclj articles Deliueceo tjnto

11)10 Def. o^tjnto an^ of ^is t^i$ uefXccuants to ffi& t\}is Def.fenoluleDge
toitljoat tf)at,tl)at tf)e faiD complainant to t^ist nef.knotwleoge l[jauing
titfcoueteD ant! fur Ij title fo? i)i5 ^aiettie as in t\}Z faio 313iU of Com*'
plaint is mencioneDOiottiecenponcanfe an info^macion of intrufioit
to be e][:[)ibiceo into titis l)o. Court,o; t|)at tt)e faio complainant at t^is
cljarge in o^ about t|ie time in tlje faio 315ill mentioneo,obtaineii a tjec^
^aieftie intJ^is court to tljis oeffenotoleoge)a5 b^tfjcfais
Oict fo; ^is
13iUof Complaint is aUeaogeo. ^notoit^out tl)at,tl[iattljefaio com*
plainant to tl^is nzU fenotoleoge , oio lefolueto Ijfeanv meanes to ac^
quaint ^is ^aieftietDitl)ani? fuel) Difcouecic, f ^o become an l)umble
futec to l)is ^aiettie fo? t^ie ^auing of an^ fuel; ^letters patents as in
ano b^ tbe faio J5ill of complaint is furmifeo^o j tf)at t^e faio complain
nant to tliat eno o; purpofe oio acquaint tf^is oef* o; t^z faio ^ir %M,
^ztetait^ (to t^s oef. fenotoleoge) oz tl^at t|)e faio ^ic SC.m* ano t|iis
Oef*b^ tbc complainants meanes oio tnoertat^etlie faio fuit as by> tfie

faio Ml of Complaint is tjntrulr fet fo^t^, o; tljat tf)et;eupon tf)e faio

f^it %* M. ano tliis oef ano t|ie faio complainant Oio come to an^ fuc^
agcamentas bi? f^efaioHSillisalleaogeo, oj tljat tbe faio ^ir %. M*
ano ti^is oef.oj eitfjec of tbem oio agtee,p;ocui:e302 caufe to be conueieo
ftom ^ismaieft^ to tl^e faio complainant o? to anr otl)ei: petfon o? per^
ions ttij)at(oeuer,ant? fucl^ lanosas in tlje faio W\l of complaint is im*
iifeo,o;r tbat tbe faio articles ioete fealeo b^ t^e faio ^ir SE.tm.o^ tfiat
t[)e complainant oio fealetl)e counter part ti)erof to ti)e faio ^ir %M
to tl)is.oef*ttnoluleoge,as br tl)efaio Bill ofComplaint is liketuife aU
leaogeo^o; tl)at tl)e faio ^it%M*mx^ tljis oeft)aue p^ocureo an^ llet^
ters patents of t{)ep;{emiltes to be granteo from Ijts ^aieitie to C*
ano ^. in tI)efaio )15ill nameo,ano tt)eir l)eires,t)pon anp fucl^ truHas
b^ t^efaioiIBill of Complaint is alleaogeo.ipo^ tt)is oef.fait|i,ti)at ^is^
^aiellielciasgratioufli?pleafeoto0gnifiel)ispleafurefo? ti)p p;epa^
ring of t^e grant to Cano lajong before tl)is oef*l)ao dm ^notuleoge
0^ acquaintance toitl) tbe faio complainant. 0no luit[)put t{)at , tt)at
t|iis oef*ano ^is feruant b? confeoeracie o; otl)ertxiife ooe beepe ti)e

Tame articies from t|)je faio comp* as bt> t|)e faio )i5ill ii^ p^etenoeo. ;3n0
iDitl)out tl)at,tl)at ant? otber matter^o; t^ing in t^e faio iBillof ccmp^
(onteineo>material o; eflfectuallin tfielato to be anftoereo t}nto,i %mn
not fufficientl^ anftoereo UntOjConfeffeo % auoioeo,trauerfeoo^ oen^#
eo,istrue5altpl)ic|) matters tl)isoef4sreaor to auer,maintain f p^oue
as i\^\3 |o.court l^all atoaroano |umblt? p^aietl^ to be oifmiffeo fojt^
of t^e fame , iit^ ^xs colls cljarges in i^i^ bejialfe moft \m%M\2
fuftaineo* A
Exchequer 284
. N i L^ (Umarrer and anfwerU a Billwherein the JefincUnts heing Termers
t^ the Aulttage ana Subfidie for Clothes are charged
yrithvnihft exaS ions byfees taken
of Clothiers^

faio t>0fenuatifj5 bp pjoteliatton far, %W t^eiratDBillofSca:.
ert)i^itcD agatnft ti^ereDefenoaut^bt? f l)e fatD feuerall
compIatnt0,anD not onelv in tl)eii: otunc names ann on tfjeir olDne be^
lmlfe,but alfo in tlje names ano be|>alff of manie otljers, fo^ feuerall
fuppofeo to^oHg0 Done feuerall)? tjnto t^tm 10 not allocable eitljer b^
f ^e courfe of t\)iQ f)ono;ab!c Court, 0.: of an^ of Ijer Court of ilato oj
Cquitie, as tjjefe oefenoants by t^eir counfell are tnfo^jmeo rbut eac^
feuerall partte greeueo oug|)t feuerallt? to fe^^etjts remeoteant>ma?
not iot?ne in one topnt IBtll of Complaint, as tlje faio complainants-
Ijaue notu Done : foj lu!)icl)caufctl)creDeftnoantsDntiertijcfauo;of
tl)ts ^ono^able Court Doe Demur in llatu, ano t)umbl|? j^i^^ tbe iuDgc^

mcnt of tl)i0 bono^able Court : j^cuertljeleffc if tfjefc Defenoants

i^llbco;DereD to maUcan^ furtljeranfiuers tntotljefaioMl, tijcri'
ano not otl)erU}tfet|)e benefit anoaDuantage of ejTception to V^z tn^^
certainties, tnfufificienct? , attDallott)crtl)eimperfi^cttonscf tl)e fato
)il5ill,to tl)efeD0fenDants not ano at all tunes bereafter faucD,fo^ ftir*

t^er anftoectljernnto tbep fav,anD eacl) one of tljem foj f)imfelfe fait^,
anD fira t^e faiD Hif 2^21:. tm*^. K113. SE:,1B. anD %. fij:e of tijc

faiD Defenoants tbemfelHcs feuerall^ fav, ano eacb mic of tljem fo;

Ijimfelfe faitb,2Dbat tlje rigbt bono;5abU Ju4>uUe of 3lenoir,ljauetng a

grant from t^e iliing0 ^ipaicftie as tljefe oefcnoants Ijaue cteDiblp
jiearDanD Doebetoeof ttjefubfioteano alnagcano farmeof tbe fub^
ItDieanD alnage of tjonoable ano faleableClotljes, b^lfeClotl^^s^ ano
paces of Ctotbe0,^tuffes^;ap0ries,anD otber commodities iufiat^
foeuer^calleD ano knolone as tjuell b^ tbe name of tl)e olDc as tlje net
E>;aperies,maDe, fet, 0; offi^eD to fale, o^to be maoe,fet, 0: offereo to
fale,tDitbin tljis ^is ^aiettie0 feingDome of CnglanOjDtD fjcretofo^c
autbo^ifeo.: appoint tmoer bis iLo;iDli)ip0fcueraU&ubllttut0 0; S)e^
puticstuitbin tbe Ccuntieof &urrer,l)ntotul)ifb^"bftifute0o; De^
puties, tbcfiiiD notu complainants, o; mcft of f l}f m, anD fome of tbe
Defenoants, nameo in tbislSill , being alfo Clotl)iefs , cs namcl^t^c
fiaiD K.if . anD <M*^. DiD giue qx pav ii^.s, ti^on a pacfe of 11erfcp0,fo;i

alnage, fubfiDie, ano otijci cnctirs to be rcquiicD br reafon of tlje M^

oficej \x>^t\^ Deputic 0^ fome of t\^tm DiD nottaitbftanoing foe Ctitrie
anD Demeane tbemff lues,as tbat tlje^ gaue great trouble ano Difcon^
tntmcnttotl;eClotbiersin t^eSDoU^nes of(0mlDefoaD:,C5oDatming,
Pleadings in the
tmn Wionetfh ^ ^^^ o^lJ^c SCotones anu places in tijefaio Cmwtf ie , t^
Diucw of t^em, tjpon iuljict)occafiontoauoifitl)et)awttonof tfjem^
felueanDtl)eicnngi^fco;0,t^efe(iFe^efenOant6laftnanwu (tlje faio
H.if * bdng tl^en Q^ato; of <^iiUoefb^i3)anti t^e ttttnut \)is ^;et^ci:ne
anD Mutants ( oflfec tljeteof tjauing banc fo^mctli? maoe tjnto tljcm,
b^ o; ftom t|^e fato L lt>ake of !ienor,tf)0re ]>efent)anf laft nameD otD
tbeceupontakemfarmettjeratofubfioieanoalnage, tottiim t^efato
Counttc of ^utxep^antt aUCttte0,15o;ougb^0)I^o^ne0,aiUage0,
l^aHilet0,ano place0 tDi)atroeuct U)ttt)tn ttiefaio Coantte of &utt:er9
B0 toiell \it^in %ihtttm ad tutt|)out, fcom t^t if ealt of . 31o^ tl^e ^
^apttliim t^ tenti) ^ere of |)t0 ^ateflttes ratgne^fo; t^t tecmeof tloo
?eace0 fcom tijcnce neyt enfuing/oj ano tjrtuci: t^z v^ttlv ttnt 0; pa?^
ment of <D4i.bi> tl;e ]?ei:e,a0 b^ one BlnDenture of t|jet)emtre ano grant
thereof 9 beanng oateino^abontt^ettDenttetfjoai^of Blune, int^z
tent^ ^eace afo^efatDj mate tnto t^iefe t)efeni)ant0 laft named , bi^ t^e
ngtiti)0no;ablet^efatDE>u^eof Henojr , tv^eteunto tljefe Defendants
cefec t|)emf0lue0, it oot^ anu ma^ appeere* j^nc tl^efe oefenoants Isft
tnenttoneo,fut:f ^ecfa^ tijat t^e^ did not intenD^b^ o;^ tipon t|)e taking

of tl^e fatD grant 0; Deputatton,to erad: o;t ejcto^t ani fe0,t:eb)acD0, 0;

fumme0 of mone^ , not allotoable 0; tulttfiable hvt^z %>B\xsts of t^i^
jKealme , ns b^ tt^e fato complainants i5 ttnintti)? funmfeo , noi to te#
quire 0^ receiue his tierture 0; colo; tt;ereof,an^ otf^et fummes of mon?
t^m fuc^ 30 t^c complatnant0 t^emfebies 0; moH of t^^m , tjolunta^
til^ anD toitfiout an^ contraDiction (fo;an^t{)tngtl^e(eDefenDant0
knot to tfie contrarie) ijao fb^merl? patD to oti^er Deputies 0; fubllt^
tutt9 of t^e faiDlDuUe* ]15uttt)efeDefenDant0far9tt)att3pont|)eta
king of t^t fatD grant 0; Deputation t^ep DiD purpofe ano intenD to re^
quire ano take t^t fumme of ti^.0. tspon eueriepack of l^erfe^s contain
ning ttQentieClotf)e0 , ttiefe Defendants knotoing t^at fo muci) isws
t^en tjfuall^ giuen ano pa^D , t^er tlien bcleeuingtijat fo mucli mtg^t
latDfuU? be required ano receined, netti^erDOettiefeDef^Dantstjet
ImotD t^e contrarie* i^no t|iefe DefenDant0 iuoulD not t^aue giuen and
paid fo great a r carcip farme fo} t^e fame , if t\}c^ Ijad fufpected t^eg
mig})t not fjaue iuHified tifz recetuing of 4.0 t)pon a pack as afoaefaid*
0nD U)l)erea0 t\}c faid complainants b^ tt^eir faio HBtli doe fuppofe t|at
ttjemfcluesandaU oti)tt ttje Clot|)ier0,of9o;int^efatdS:o\one0of
^cDalmtng ano ^aouerfl) , Ijaue time out of mintetfed topai?to t!)e
;ainagetjs , onelr ii.s.tji^d. tjpon eueciepacfe of liecfei?0 , containing
ttoentic Clotljcs and no mo?e,to tfjis fuggcflrion tl)efedefendant0 fap,
tt)at tljep doc not fenoVu 0; bclanc tijat tiicreis oj l)at^ bccne anv fuc|^
f uftomc in ttjofc EotDnes tjfed time out of minde of man as is fugge^
fted, fo> t[)efe defendan is are toeUaCTured tf^at all 0? tj^e greateft num*

Exchequer. 28^4.
not eomplainanta tf)emfelue5 Ijaue mant? tim& paid tottj^^
bt of t!je
out contt:nDt(tton t^cfuHime of tt(|.0. tjpon a parh to f0;^mct; Deputies
ns afo;iefaiD , neitl^ec Doetl)creDefenDant0beltuett)atan?ructjp^e^
(cctption can be maoe , rating t\}c making of rateable Mtkvs in t^ofe
Do^ne0,^atl) not Ijao fo long a contiuuance asr can maUe a p;erct;iptt
on ,a( t[)ere oefenuantis \)m\v belceue , but if tt)e fame tjao continueo
tnoeco time out of minoe as is p;etenDeD, ?et (itt)ence t|ie t^ecfet's fo^zc
inecli? maoc , toece fome feuentirne pauDS ^ano none aboue eig^tcene
rarti0 -y ano tl;ei^ecfcrs?noU) maoe are fourc ano ttuentie v^tns , anu
ttuo ant) tloent^ racOBtn lengt(),ano felo o; none tintiec tluentp ^atasf
ano lttt)ence tl)e fe0 ano Duties in t\)is cafe to be ceceiueo ano paio,ace
allotueo bp ^ct of |DatIiament,tt)cfe DefettOiints rat,a0 br t^cic coun^
felltfjev ace infojmcD , tfjat tl)ei:c can be no goo pjefcciption maoe on
ti)i5 be^alfe* ^no tt)r e oefenoants laa nameo futti^et: Tap, t^at t^g
ijauingfcom t^e faio %Oit B>uke tl}e gcant afo;ieraiD,tl}ev aftertuarog
ano befo;c ttje t^ictietl) oa)? of Slune in tiit fato ^tU nientioneo , oio^
tiomtnate ano appoint t^iefatDl^X t pBtt)ettucott)ecoefenoant03
to be ttieic oepntte^ o; fecuant^ concerning tlje fato farme , requiring
t\lcin to oeale iuHlr ano ^oneftlp tDit^ all mm
iu ano about t^e fame,,
I tott^algiuing ttjem in charge fo; tt^e ejife of t^eCiot^riS^^ta repaice
totl^etr otDnefeueraUoVpeUing^oufcB t thereto mearure,Tearc^,an0^
feale t^tit ^erfers , tD|)ic^ ottjerltiifet^ neeoenot to !)aue tmmtis
t^ are infb;:meD, but mig^t {)aue compelleo tl^em to b^ing t^Biv ^et*
fer0 to be meafureo , fearc^eo , ano fealeo , fo; Ijul^ic^ ertrao;oinarie
painesano trauel0Oft^cfaidll^anoi3tbeotW'O^f<^nOant0 ^auegt^
lien ertrao;oinarie recompence to t^cm tt)e faio ll.ano B. fo; aU totiic^
tauf0 t|ie faio ot^er oefcnoants oiogiue Directions to tl)e faio Hc.i ^*.
to require ano receiuet^efumme of itg^s tiponcueriepac&^astt^efe
fiefenoants Dio tlien ano pt Doe conc^ine ttjepmigt^t lalDfullyooe*.
^ruertljeleire if in tl;c iuogemcnt of tl^is t^inojable Court it {|all o^
tbertoifcbererolueDdnoDetermineD, tljefe DefenDants Doe l)umbl?
fubmtt t^emfelues thereunto. But t^efc Dcfenoants fai? further tfjat
tbertf)emreluei^auenotreceiueDb3iti)intt)etmie mcntioneo iii t^t
faio ^ill of t!)D faio complainants, o^ of anp ottjer Clotl)iets , fucfj
fummes of monev as arobp tijefaiD BiUfuggeffeo^no; t^creceiueo
anp fummcs of nionep fo; fubfioie, ainage, 0;anr ottier tiding concern
ningtljc faio farmc,office,o? Dcputation,but cnl^ from tl)c faiolL. anD
XS.tjpon general! payments tjpon t^cit accompt after fcaling tlje faio.
J&erfers ^nO t^c faio H.il. ano f-W. t^ctluo ctljcr oefenoants fo;.
tljemfelucs fap,t!)at from tlje tfjirtietfj Dap of 31 une, in tfje tenti) perc
of^is^aiefties raigne, tjntiUtl)efcuretG:nt!;Darof ^pjillnoiulatt
gall,asoeputieao;feruantst3ntot|iefaiD ^*^* %*%.* M.^.J$i3*
Pleadings in the
JE.^. and %* \imt txctdknt^tUnnonict of ^Im^tt^ in fljefaio
CcuHtieof ^ucrc^,anD ^mitas tl}c^ Ijopc tl^ednbeljaueD tl)mf0!ue0
iuft\v anfi ljoneftl?,ano t^e^ are toeUaffureD tfjat t^er l)a^ eracteo o^
tcqutreD no ot^et 02 greater tes o^ fummes of mone^ During tlje faio
time of 0; from ttje faio complainants 0? ani of tf)em,tl)en tufjat tuerc
fo^merlp paiD to otl)er0 ? ano lDiiatti)ere DefenOantsf t^en toereinfo;^

tneo ano DiD bel^eue ano ^et DO0 beleeuej toere iudl^ Due anD parable,
fo^ tofjicl) t^er ^aue alreaDie in part anD are reaoie anD toiUing fo? tl)C
tieaone to make ti)eir accompt ouer to tljofet^at implo^eD tl)em*But
fojafwucl) as t^efettoo DefenDant0 are br ttieir counfel informed tfjat
if ttjcfeDefenDantsliaue in trutljrequireD anD receiueD greater fums
of monerb^colo; of tljefaiD Deputation tl^en br llato is iul(iftab{e>
altl)0ug^tl)efamebebHtign0.:antlranDnot toilfuU? oj mtupt\y>z
tone br tf)em,t^t tijer are in Danger of Diners forfeitures t pon Diuerjs
penalliLatoeSjfoj t^is caufe t^erfoje tljefe Dofenoanf s tanoer tlje fauo^
of tl)is l^oHo;able Court, Doefo;^beareto,fet DolonelDliat particular
fummes of moner tljer IjauereceiueD of an^ particular perfon, ano
foj U liat caufe,anD tljcreupon Doe l)umblti pjav tlje iuDgement of tljijt
^ono;jable Court iu^etljer tlje?fi)aUbeinfo;ceDtomaheanrfurt^ei;
auftoer in tljis cafe. Mitljoutti)at5tl)attf)ereDefenDantso.:anrof
tl^etrij of a couetous Defire to inric^ ti^emfelues, l)auetxiaongfullr anD

tjniuftl^totljeirfenoUjleDge, eracteD, tafeen, anD receiueD, from tl)e

complainants anD red of tt)e Clothiers of d^oDalmingeanD Wouerfl^
againfittl)eir toills);tii^.D>tpon euerr pack ofl^erfe^s ouer anD aboue
t^e o;Dinarr )t)ruall,anD accuHomeD price lD{)ic|^ tl^tli beene euer paid
for t^e fealing ti)ereof. ^r ti)at ttjefe DefenDants or anr of tl}em,Denu>
eDtljefealing of tljefaio ^erfe^s , tjpon payment of t\}t fubftDie ano
alnage Due for tlje fame* 0nD lDitI)out t^at, tliat tfim is or ougI)t to
beanpfucl)cufiomeintl)afaiD2Dotones of dDoDalminganDMlouerll^
for t^e payment of t\]Po Drillings anD fire pencfonel^ tpon a pacU of
^erfersjas br t^e faiD ^llisrurmifeD* ;^nD U)itl)Out tljat , t^at an^
oti)er matter or tiding in t^ faiD Bill of Complaint alleaogeo , ano
not tierein fuffidentli? anfluereD bnto,ccnfe(reD,anD at}orDeD,trauers^
feD or DenreD ,X9 true, anD tl^erefore tfiefe DefenDants i)umbl^ pra^ to
feeDifmilTeD out of t|)is lionorable Court , loiti) t^tit r$9fonable tQtt
Exchequer. 28 j
X^ repHcation rtherehy the pUintife maintAineth his Bill exhihitcA
4igaitiFi the defendantsfor durvading the tenants of the Ma-
nor ofS. from fapng tht ir rents andferntces to
tbeflawttfe being Lord thereof,

complainant fauing to Ijimfclfc noto anD at all timt^ Sel. iz

Tl^e faiB
, all anD eueri^ ttjeaouantage? of erception , to t^e
lieceaftec m
lectatntieff, imperfections, ano infumricnc ie of tlje io^ntano reuetall
ano eitfjei: of tt)0mfo; replication fait!;,
anHDecfii of t|)e faio oefeiioantiei
S^f)at t^e CaiD Complaint hy> ^m tljc faio complainant erjiifai^
)13ill of
f eo into i^iQ Couct againft tl)e faio Defcnoanf s, ano twtiit claufc, at
ticle,ano tljing tliecein contevneo, ace tcue, in fuel) manec ano fo;me>
a0 in ano b^ tlie faia )15illof Complaint > t^e fame ace tcuelr fet fo;t^
no oeclaceo. ^m
t^z faio complainant fuct^etreplretJ^anufaitli
Sltjat lieDotl) anoloillauecanDp^oue,^ t]^tl)etl)e faio complainant
tnoec fuel) gcant from t^ late '^ixmz Cli jabetl) , of tl)e i^ano? nf
3!5ellafifeano )13empton , anuotliec tiyt \mu int^e fai6 ^illof Com
plaint mentioneo , a;^ iw tl)e faio complainantis ^ill t5 fet fo.:t^ , tua$
ano iies podeiTeD of tt)e faio ^ano^ of )l5ella0feano 115empton > ano o^
t|)ec t|)e faio lanos int^efaio of Complaint mentioneo > fo; fud^

iecme ano tnoec fuel) cent , ajs in t^e faio ^ill of Complaint i0 tcuel^
XzUQii^ ano alleaogeo J^no t|)e faio complainant fuctl^er cepl^et^
ano faitl),t^at ^e Oot^ ano iuillalfo auec ano p;one tl)at t^e faio ^an^
no.: of ^empton id ano ^at^ b<3en a tjecie ancient ^ano;t,confi(ting of
t>iuec0 ftatiolos anocuftomacielanosjbeingparcelloft^efaio ^m^t
ano to tl)efaio spano; belonging. janotl)at b? all tl)e time toljeceof,
t^z memo^ie of man is not to t[)e contcacie >tl)e ILo;O0 ano otnet0 of
t^e faio ^ano^ of XBempton fo; tl)e time being , ^aue tjfuall^ l)ao ano
kept Couct batons, ano Cotu:t Hfstes, luit^tntt)efaio^ano;of
515empton,of,ano fo^j ti^e faio ^anoj of Bempton ;3no tl)at tl)a fcec
!)olDs ano tenements of i^ano: of )li5empton fo;t^e time boe/
tng)l)aue allitatestuitl)outcontcaoiction o; oeniall, fcom time to time
apceceo at tl)e Couct )15acon0 , ano Court lleetes of tbe faio qpano;^,.
ano l^aue tl)ere Oonc ano pecfo^meo Votii fuiteis ano fecuicesto tlje
Ho^Osof tljefaio ^ano? fo;tl)etimc being,! tf)at tI)efi;(cIjolDers l)aue
lifeetuifepa^eo tl)eir free cents , ano admatcleogco tl)emreiucs to be
fccc^otoccs of t|)e fato i^ano; cf JBsmpton , as b^ tlje Court iPotics,
anoCourt]KoUsoftl)efiac^anojof )I5empton niav appccic. ^ino
complainant furt[)errepl^etl) ano fait!), 2Ll)attl;e faio conu
tl)e faio
plainant repoting trutt ano confioeiicein tfje faio Dcfcnoant jf ca. oio
tipontiistl^eraio if.^. |:eque.fta]^kean$api>Pit&ittilJ^^i^ M' ^*
Pleadings in the
ttetoatu of, ant) fb;j tfje faio ^anno? of 513empf on foj tl^c feeeptng

of Cact!litts(, atiD Court )15ai:onj8fo;itl)efatDrom|jJawant, in, and

fa; tlje fafe iJ^anoj of iBempton ^no
t^at t^efaio oefenuaut m. |>at^
tcpt Dmct5 Coarf0,in, ano ft; t^ faiD O^awe? of 5l5fmpton, toit^out
t|jat,tt)at[jc caufe tpl^^ tfje faio uefentsnt if.^. continued not to
fe^peCouct0fo^ t\)t faio complainant, in, ano fo;ttie faio iipano^
ofiBemptontoa0fojtl)atttje raid Complainant coultj not, oj tooolD
not l^to ^nto i)im tf)c faiu oefenoant ^.^.anr ancient Court Kolfe,
0} otljec fu^cirnt mattec fa; tl)C p;jft of ^10 faid ^anno; of 313emp*
ton,ano to p^ooue tfjat t^cw toere of n'gl^t free Kents belonging to t^e
fame, ants t^attI>ere0ug^taCouct^aton and a Court jHeete to be$
feepttljere, 20 t^f^tief0nt)ant^.ll in, and bp lis fain anfteerpje^
tentjctli* ifo J tfjeceto ff)e faid complainant repliet^, and faitfj, SE^at
t^efaid defendantif. m* toas, 0; migt)t ^ue bane full? fatifiged to^
c^ing t|^ofe^int0 b^ fenccaU pjefentmenta made tjnto ^im bp t|)$ te*
nant0andtJomager5of tljefaid ^ano? of 5i5emptoH, at fuc^ times
fl0f)efecptt|ie Couct0 of t^e faidpano;, (o} t|je faid complainaint
lD^op;efentedtjpont^eirot^e0,S:|iataUti^ipra!jolder0 of tl^e faid
^moz of 3i5emptonougl^t to pat tl^ir fre^ rents (all t33ifk\} {m rents
tuere tijen b^ t^^tm particularly found and p^efented) and ougljt to doe
t^eir fuit of Court and feruice to t^e faid complainant, as Ho^d of ttje
faid ^ano^ of )i5empton, fo; tfje time being, as bf> tbe berdict and p^e^
fentment of t^e faid liomage mar i^ppeare* ;3Rd alfo t^t faid complain
nantfo^tfjefatiffaction of tfjefaid complainant # ta. touching tfjat
tatter dto at fund jie times D^eto ft?t^ tjnto t^efatd defendant if f*
diuerfe ancient fistcs and recoueries, Ui^erein t^t faid ^ano^of ^
toas recorded b^ t^e name of tlie qpano; of lia contrarie to t^t ivfii^
in tl)e faid defendants anftoeris furmifed : 0nd t^e faid complainant
fiEirtt)errepliet|)> andfait^ iditld tl[^is, tbatalltl^e ^tes^oldersof t^e
i^ano; of 215. ^aue timt out mtnde paid tj^eir rents,and done t^eir fer^
uiresand fuit of Court tnto tlie faid compl. euer fince Ins^ t^e faid
complainants ell^te ttjerem , as in tl^ faid bill is aUeaged : Wiit^
f 1)10 alfo tliat t^e faid defendant ^M* did combine toitl) tfje ot^er def
fK.5K. to diftoadetljc tenants of t|)e faid (^anno? of 515. from pairing
tl^eir rents, and doing t^^eir feruices,tmto tlje faid complainant : tpitl)
t^ia alfo tljat tlje tenants of tlje lands lately purcl)afed b^ ti)e faid ne^
fcndant K. K. l)auealtuaiesp|aid tljeirKentsfo tl)e faid complainant
and Ijis anceftojs, as to t^e faid Qpano? of W* ^nd tljat K. tH. in t^e
faitj complainants bill mentioned, fatljcr of ttje laid defendant ^* Wi.

(faeingafral)olDeroftf)eraidq^ano;of )iS.) i)at\) altoaies paid, and

flillDotf)pa\?l)is cbieft rent tntotl^e faid complainant, and did fjis

fu^tofCoactandfermccfotljefaid complainant fo; l)is faiofreel^old.


Exchequcn ^oj
anijfl^cfaiD Complamant fattier
tfratt^cmcflruageslanO0aBDr0nts,offtee JCenants, amounting to
t()irtan0(^illmg{anDfoupcnce,m)15cmptonmt^0faiD Jt^K. atu
ftoecementioncoCpurcfjafeDbptljedefenDant H.H* of C.q^.m |)ttf
ti^efaiUDcfcnDantU.lt.anftoeremcnttoncD) tDetejlong 0nc0, o; at
ttcttmoft^epucc|afetf>etcoffi:omt^efaifiSp.calleD t^efl^ano^ of
ai5mpton,aflmt|>eanftuccoft^efai0Def5mDant U.nx. is fnrmtfdj:
iFurtf^c to, tljeCaiu complainant ccplict^ ano fait^, t^at mnittb^
f i)c Slnqnifition fo una after tl)c Deat j of
tic fatljec of t|)e faio C.i^.no;t
b^an^ ot|)et:a{eco;D,tjul)ecetnfaio^eflTuageB ano ItanOiSCfome^

timc5t|)e(aiJxC$|p.arementioncDo;mite5)ai:et^e fame meffnages

ano Ian05 calleo o; ^nolone bp t^t name of a $^ano;* ^no t^c faiot
complainant oot^ ano luiU auecie anD p^oue,t^at t^e tenant0 of tl)$
tain ^effuage^ ano lands late C^.fo; tl^e time being> f^aue paioe
t^ic cents, anD oone t^cit fuitsanofecuicestntot^e faio complain
nant ant)^i$ 0nceao;0, olunecsof t^efaio ^ano; of )l5empton, foi
tf)e timz being, as tenants of tj^efaio ^ano^of^empton,boti beto^e

tlefaiooefenoant K.H* bought anopucciiafeo tlie fame ^elTuageif

anolanDs tromtl^efatD^. anDfit^ence,contcane tot|;at to^iclitl^e
(^iDDe&nDantKH.inl)tsrai(annt)et;ep;etendetb : Mtt|)oat t^at,
t^attlie^illinttie faiD Defendants anftoere, mentioneo |iecetofo;e^
erj^iteo into tW <^ouct againil tl)e tenants of t^ faioC.^. b^ t^e
(^iocomplainant, toasfo^ t^e fame matters noU) eomplatneo of b;
t|e fato complainants noU) MU. J^nd t^ie faio Complainant furtfiei:
i:epliet| ano fait^, t^at tl^e faio oefenoantsi^ue tnoulr ano inoicect^
I? otCtoaoeo all t\fc ifreeiioloers of mmpton afo^efaio, to oetaine
Qeirrents^anotoooenofnite o; feruice bnto tlje faio complainant
IS to tl)e faio ^ano^ of Bempton. J^o initio t^ts alfo tfiat t^e fai^
tefmoant K*K. (b^ tljep^ocurement of tlje faio oti^er oefenoant ^.
^*) l^at^ t)nlaVDfnl(^ inclofeo tlie Clofe in t||e ccmplainants BiU
mentioneo ano t^erebr W\) oebarreo t|ie inj^bitants bot|) of t|ie f)ig|i
toaies li?tng tlj^ouglj tJ^faioClofes, ano of tlieic Common belonging
Imto t|iem> (b^allmanner of Cattell, ljui)ic|^ time out minoe t^e^ f)aue
|aot|iecein*ano iuit^ottt t|)at an^ ot^er matter, Claufe ;^rticle
o;ttingint|)efatoK>efenoantsanfU)ereconteineo materiall o; eafe^
tnaUin t^eS^lue tobereplieotmto,ano|erein nottoeil ano fufitct^
CHtl^replteot)nto,confe(reo anoauoioeo^o; tratterleo ano oenieo in
tm^f M tp^ic^ matters ano tilings^ t c

Pleadings intlie
his Copiheld efidte&c,
'tn his C\Ltnar of E.andforfeited

Tm (Tomplainant tai Kcpltcaf ton, fatt|> ixi all ann eaer^ mat*

tec anD tljittg as f)^ before in Ijis fait )!3iU of complaint tjattj fait^.

aim Dotl), aito iuill aucrre, iwfldnz, matntamcano p;oue tljc fame, anD
aU,anD euccr matter anuttimgt^eceinconfeiKeD, to be tuft ano tmz
in fucli fo^t, manncc, anD fo?me aj^lje l)atlj tljerein fet fo;tl) anD Decla*-
re D ^no fo; futtl)ec replication to tfjc faiD anflucr, t\^xs complainant
Dottjfa?, tliat tljcfaio m*%*W^ f"^J^^'J i"^o ^1)^ fawj paccell of lanO;

in t^e faio billutcntionco, calleMleafecs Croft, and tljereljatlj broken

tfje foile ixk oiuerfe places anD fnncfee Diuerfe pitts anD ^f)afts, anD at

fame IjatljDiggeD great quantities of Coales, anD ^^t\) folDe V^t


fame to tlje inl)abitants anD tenants of tl;e faiD ^ano? anD to otj^ec
ftrangers to t^e great anD maniftff itijong anD Difin^erifon otitis S^a*
ieate,anDtotl)C great IcffeoftljefaiDlLo^Dl^* toljtt^t^efaiD it ^at^
Done of fet parpofe, t\)^iM tt^efaiD pits funttein t^faiD Creft (alien
ileakes Croft, %z nia^? Djaine anD conue^ tuater from Coalc ntines,
lul)icl) l[)e intenoeti) to finke in parcell of t)ts ifre^^olD intieritame aD4
toining to tl)e faiD Croft, calleo ILeaHes Croft, lu^icl) ^e cannot ^ncka
in l)ts objne lano, toit^nt fncl) meanes to conue^ tt)e tnatec .ftont
ttem. 0nD furtt)er tijis repliant fait^, tl^at tl^rebp t^e faiD iLeakeis:
Croft is fo^ette$},alt^eugl) t^e fame Uierebefoit^a cop^ of mijetitam^^
asinti)efaiDanftoer,t^eDefenDant^atl)fappofeD it to be : Bnttfrn
faio DsfenDant dot^in ^
anfteer, refufe to anftoer to ftut) t)ts faiD tn^
tnt, tii^l)tt)e complainant tiopet^tl^tt^islionouriable Court ftU
tt^b^faU'e^ confeireD* ano t\)z^ei^'m^ %* Dott> alfo bs^niuil
tneaites DMti from tt^e Coalctuo;^1;s of tl^i; fatp tto^D 1^^ tiUetfeltm^li^
me, labourers anD cl>apmen U^t^icl^ looulD t|iete bu? ono t^^butOB
Co<Uev ll5i> mean^ to^ereof ^is qpatefttes faioe CoatemintB are
muci) Deraiid in t)aUie, ano p^ofti, anD do oailt? Decaie^mt(;!e ant mo^4
^ano tftl^r Co)Mt)olDe< ttnattnts of ttie fatD qpano; b^ t^e li&0epample^
iDtll be tnt(it^'nj?Drt^ attempt tl^ltttd Umfteano f^^dile t iDtt^e tIM
tt)att^e (Uio^iblnpt^nniit ^atlj bi^fo^i tl)is time 0w(licttU) ftuerali
fuits agaihlt'flitra^DereiiDnnt ^
ti)isrami^eai)Fl^;^( ^^"^^ ODmtkt^i

ceD il)is fuite ttt fuct) manlier as in te faiD aafivet^s ts idl^ageo : Ma

initijoiit tt)at, tl)attl)cfatD LiontUa deScotcuiic Vna^rMpstr&ifcf&aft^
faiD ^^anoro: CI;clJington,o?tljat fl^emiiDeau^fucl) grant, o^ tl^at tl)e
fame IS an\> luap material to t^e matt eis in quelhon,if ant fnf !j toere*
;anDluitl;outtl);U,tl)attbcretl)c:^ is, 0^ timeout uiinDeofman,tl)ere
l^atl; banc afpetwll cuflUimc ^it\)iix i^z fciD ^ao;,t!)at all t\)z ciiUo ^
Exchequer* 506
mari'c ^tnmt^ of t\)t (m spanno; mi' totofuUi? m^sc (]&crjile,anji
gc t tfje CoUjs U)itt)m tl}eir copiljolD lanDj;: fojttjcir obitie ^fe to fpeno
m tt)etCDtMne|)oufcs!,o;i to fdl to ottjecifjfe ti)c Jlo;U6 faleof l)tB Coles
gotten in tljefamc ^amto? bco no toavies tj^cccbi? tjinDereo. llBt tt)0
faio complainnnt faitU,t^at if an? <3:optt)ClDci;of tljefaiD ^ano;i uotfj
finke anv pitB,o<: cig anp coles in tlje faiD Copiljolo IanD0 luitljout tl^e
licence of t^ello;jD of t^c mano;,tl)e fame is a fo^iicitutc of tt)c faiD co*
pi^olD t^atz, l^Utliout tl^at tljat ti\c compl* nin emtv. xtatc fell all ^ib
Colcd,\)3|)ui)^C6Ottntl)ef.^^D^anno;((nc0tl^e faiD pits ftmct^e tit
ti^efatDvEcoft calUDllcahesCroft* <aD Uiit^out ti^at t^at t^e faid
Befv^ati) siummssc ^is luo;;kc>as tlje faio Defentiuin ^iB faiD anfluece
l^tii alleDficOf lE^itliDiJt tl)at t^at anTutljet matter o? tljing matetiaU
0^ effaaH in tl)c laSxt to be ceplicD ijnto tlje faiD DefcnDants anftoece
all0aD6eOanDconteineD>and^^ic|)iul)is Kepltcat.'xn is notfufftct^
entt)? confefeOeo m
o auoiDel3,DenieD o? trauecfeD, is true to tl)is com^
platnants knoUileDge.^atl tul^icii ti)r repliant is reaDi? to atierre,main^
tatn^,anD p;oti^,as t^ |)onCourc l^ll atuarD ^iiD t^reupon p;A]^
ct j) as before in ^s faiD iiill of mpUint Ije tjatlj alteaot? pjaeD . v ni

t/f ReioyvderyWherfin the De^ftndants deny that they detfined any Gleaht
^ lands p&m the P^r/oy^gs afMoi the TlaintifewhisMtUaHdRefhcatim

n,i.:v^.. ^..i':r4;vr.n^'-S]:rr. )rc?t'! ';i;


T^^faiD utmn eueup of tljem DoeaHfem^mamtaine:, anD tuffifie Seft.

tijeic fare anf\crfi,anD al ano euert matter anD tljing tljerin coni?
teineDtobeintl:anDtruc,certainanDfaticienttn tt)eluUi to bereplt^
0 tnto tn6}c})niatiecanDfo^me;as tntS^ett fqioaniilasers tt^efameare
(BtDolDne^nD txeclared* 0nD Do'furti)erreidtn^anD fap^^^at asti^elt
tiprXaiD complXato bil,as alfo tl^e faiD replicafionf^anD tf)e matters anD
^negations tijcrein compaireD,areaUoget|)er tmtiu99tn$ertaiiTe, $ in^
fuSBicient in t^e lain to be reio^^neD tjnto hy ti)efe faiD Def.neuerti}ele(re
alladaantajsS'Offrception toti}0mcei:taintienD infa^ctenct?of ti^z
fait) bill ani) ce^icaticn tnto t^^fato lief^^toa^fs f8U0D>. Xtiefefaio

ttf. foj furt^ertctbt?nDertinto tfjefaio repltcattwi,Do fat?inaUtl)ings

as in tl)etr feiD anftnere t^ep Ijaue faiD. ^nD alfofav tljat t^e? no^an?
of tl)emoo0fenEtD ojewerl^eaBftt^attljetenanfsiof sp .0,2 an? of tljem
DiD euwjreftife to l^ucmit? t\)ziz copif)olD gtaunts,o? tStatt^, mareoj
gra|itei? at an? tmtts te^ tipcn 0^ in ll)e fym(ts in quetlionin tefpect
t^fauY^tDereiifaipagt<i)$t|e-faiD manno;t;6f ^* if^;^ t^efe^D tef^^DQie
llton,\i3etealfeaicsircputcD pairellof tljcfaiD mano;xof 3p,anDcf tljc
farme Ijoufes tl)creof fo^ an? tinng tljefe oe!. o? an? of tljcm fencto o;^
Pleadings in the
it toeceUt feme itjle wpoitij f fpa^
liauclicatlJ to t!)econtcarp, tjnleire
ttjecomp.t^emfeIue0,t^eicfet:uants oj
thes giuciiout anD uitulgcob^
foUotoeWjOirbpfuc^axtiueccocacoustoaDuancc tijc title of t^faio
tcue it t^tv Ijaue ^cai
comu.jf o;i tl)efe Dcftio futtljec fat!,tl)at

co;ng ioitlj*
that tfje faiu compLo: one of t^em Ijauc a po;tion of tit^j^

inthelUJ^D^^ojparifl^ of saUmi tl)cfaiu County of <I5a0llongig tQ

the Kecto:r tvf 9pBnt t^efeDef^Dio neuccleacet^attljeraiocompKoj
eitf)cr of t^n,o;ran? twDec lu^o t|jeB claime euec Ijao anp pacfonage,
bour80 ji)at;nes,aable0,o^ gleabe lanos toit^in t|)e mano;^ o^ %o* of ^
janD eueu fo tljefe oef t^iinke it ma? be ti:ae,t|)at tl^c faio compU? om
of t^em^auetljcpatfonageoj tit^ecojnein^^afo^efaio %ut tl^efe
^etco not knotii t|)at tlje faio comploa eit^jetof t|>em|aoo; Ijaneanu'
j}acfonage^oufc,builDing05Ojtl)arD,gajcn,oj gleabc lanoeBtoit^i
t^e maito; 02 lLo^t)flM>f^*afo;eratD. belonging t)ntotl)e patfonage of
$p,afojeraio. anatl)creDef.fact^etfai?^^att[|e?iio notbnol to^at
erceptiond l^aue bin containeo in an? patent o; gi:aunt mane t)nto ]^*
^. erquii:eintt)el<ii0btUmentioneD,noa atet|)efe])efenti.aci)aainted
iD^at gcaunt tea^ maoe ^nto tl^e faio n*^.nett^ei: oo tl^efe oef*t|)ink
it gteatl? matetiall toljat graunt oj exception teas maoetnto tl^e faio
$pa*q^^fan?patfonage||onfe,o;gleabeIanoe0tn ^*ixi an? %tttttB
l>atent0)no^U)^at erception^ luere xottteineo in an? ot|)ec ^tttsiB
patents, ^o^t^efe oefooefa?,t^atnettl^ec t|^l'aiQiS.^rno?mt?o^
tl^ec b? 0^ bnoec ^im,oio at an? timt occap? o;: inio? o; fake t^tiUut

0^ profits of an? pacfonagel^oufe^bacnes^ttables^builoingg, o; glebe

lanO0 in 9^ *afb?efaiO,o; paio an? cent o; f0^ facme 0); t|e fame*Mltt|)
outtl}at t^at tliefe faio oef fb; tljeit pactftooe ke^ atoa? an? gleid)<
lanO0fcomt^efato rompl.tnoeceolout: ofe):(|ange0,oaf)oloing^f t|)t
fame intecmingleo Ivit^ tl)elanO0 of t^e faio mano^ 0; ot^iectntfe) ta
lir?t^efaiDcepUcationi0p;etenoeo J^notDitl^outt^at^tliat tl)efei^O
oef.fo^^t^eic pacts, |)atie b?man? 0; an?oemre0tnoeauouceo to im^
paite tlie p^ofites of tl)e faio parfonage ,ano cetaine t|)e faio ijoafinjg:
ano gleabe lances ftem tl)e plaintifie, as b? tlja faioe replication i$
fuggefteo. ^no toitljcut ti[)at,t^t an? otfjec mattec, caufe 0% tlnng in
tt)e faio replication conteineo matetiall 0? eflfettudl intl)eIattobee
ceio?neo Imte, touctiingo^ concerning tiiefe faio oef 0; an? of tfjem,
ano herein before not reiG?neo linto, cmfe^Teo ano auo?eO) trauerfeo
o; oenteo,i0 true in fuc|) maner ano fo;me a0 b? tije faio replication is
oeclaceo. Mlu||ic|)mattea0t^ere Oef.acereao?toauerrea0t|)t0i)om
Court (fyiu ataro.J^nD p;a? as in t|ie faid anftoere t^e? |^ue fa;mcr^
If p;a?eo.
Exchequer. 507
tA Reioyn^erto the Replication of the Kittgi Att^ttcj. Genen^My herci
the Defendant fleadeth to he difcbArged ofa Dehfalleaging thuit heis Ex^
eiutor to the hHsbandofun 'Executrix rohofe former kmhand wah eharvem
able therewithal!: and other reafons therein conteined*

T^tXm M C.fo.jKeiot?nDei:fait!), tljattljc ^Xta atitftocrc

of l)un tljefaio Defendant, is ccttainc ano fufificteiitm t^c Hatoc,
mn ^^^' '5-

ani)fuf^(a; tljcfaio uefcntiant Ijopefl^) iuill gtuc full fatilTaction to

V^is moll Ijonourable Couct. ^m as ijnto t\^z faia^Bill, concewim^
t^c fummeof oneljuno^eu tfajcnt^ tioo pounOfi ano eig^t l^Uings,
in tlje faio replication nientioncc, Ije t^iit ocftnoant conceiuef [j, tljat

Ije being onel^ an Crecutoj t)nto la. C. oeceafeD j^ic fat^jcc, totjo ina^
tieDHtuljo 1030 tl)0 luifeanB 6)cecu(rii;t)nto(Eo.|^, llisfaioiafl^er
Wi,* ano J$. ^10 faio twifc, being alfo about feucntorne tearea agoe
DifcIjacgeD b|? t^e ojoer ano oeccee of tfjis moft l;onoucable Court,
oefenoant oug!)t not noto to be caileD in quettion fo^ t|e fame
Ije t}^\si *

0nD l)c tliiBKeio^nant furtljerfaitf),tljaf l^ee ^atlj not (to |)i0 Unoto^
leoge) tIjefaiD bill figneo tnecr t^e fjantj of ^icSieip. in ti^e fai&
fl$epltcattonmentioneD)nett()erooti)t)eti)i0 Keio^nant l^noU) U)^at
is become tI)ereof, \i\At tijinltetl) tjeril^ t^at tlie faio^.C^^ij faii^
fatljer teceafeu, Dio oeliuer tfje fame (if it toere in fjis |ianO0) into tl)ttf

moll (honourable Court* ^m l)e t}^i^ oefetiDant is tl^e rattier inouceix

fo to beleeue, fo;^ tbat oefenoant cannot finoe ttje fame amongH
l)e tf)i6

otijer f)i0 faiD ueceafeD ifattjerstu^itingano euioenceg. ^o as (tnuec

tl)efaueuroftt)is moll iionourable Court) Ije t^i^ rcio^nant cug^t
not to fatifge tt)e faio fumme of one Ijuno^eo ttuent^ ttuo pounDs and
eig!)tft)iUing,o3anvpartt^ereof,being(l&)recut0;t)ntotl}e Ijufbano cf
an Crccutrir,lpl)ofe former Ijufbant) toas tljargcble tljcitoittiaU ano :

tberel)amngbi3eneaOifcl)argetl)ereofbi?tl)eo;O0r0fl^ Dscrees of t^i5

moH honourable Court as afo^efaiD* :^Dti)istiefenDanttiotl)furtl)ei:
fubmit it to t^t iuogement of i^is meH honourable Court, tolje^
ffjeroanotljefaitio^oers o;? oecras of tl>is moa Ijonourable Court,
ljti|)ic^ roe mention anti purport tl^at tl)ere Uias fuel) a bill figneo ^n*

OertljeljanDof tl)efaiD$>ire2l^as in t|e repUcafion afo;:eraiti is

mentioneD,benotafuflicientgrouno fo? tljemahing out of pjoceCfc
againilt{)et)eires,erecuto?s, o;^ alTignesof tt)e faio~^ir W.*^* fo^
t]^etecouerieoftl)el)Hno;eottoentrtluopoHnDs eig|it drillings, iffo
Setfjatt^efamebenot alreao^ paiD ano oifctiargeD: WdV^tnt tl)at
t^at ant otl^ec matter o;rt$ing in tije faio replication conteineo mat^
^alo? effectual in tl^elatu to be reioineo tinto ano not herein befo;e fuf^
ji^ientl? reioineo tntoto tlie fenctoleoge of tliis oef.aretrue* M \X}^it^
Matter 0t|)e faio bef. is reaot to auetre ano p?a)ue as ti)isl]Ou Ccttrt
Hiial atvatOf t Jetefto?? pjaiet!) as lie in l)is faio ;^nftowe ljat|) p^aicn*
^qs A
Pleadings m the
ABiHor Itjformation mt<y the Excheepter, bj the ^luMdeftiti ?4'
tenttCtfor the vietving of vnUvofnU^aments
and Aliowanees^

To the right Hon. the Lord B. Lord high Trca(brcr&c.

wo^ ^ambletatfe (l^etoeCli anu mfoamef four Jono?i, SDJo. %.

Sea I T Ti|5 !)

lefqutce. SD^at to^eceas out ^ouecatgnellao? tl)e Siuanes ^awi*

fite tljat noto xbM W t)6l)ne0 Hettew patents, bearing Date at <S^*

tl^e feuentc^nt^ ua^ of ]i)ecembet:,tn tl^e tljtctitntt) ^ eace of ^er moil

gcactou( ano ^appteretgne^fo; tt)e confioemtton^ t^erinmenttoneo,
|atf) gtuen ano gcaunteo full potuec ano laUifull autfio^itte tnto t^e
fato SDILano to t)i0 Deputy ano Deputies br allmanec of latoful iDates
ano meanea Ujfjatfoeuer, ttjat l)ee oa tlje? o j an^ of t^em can oj ma^^
fo;iatttri)uriHgtf)erpaceof eigljt peaces nert enfuing ff)e oateof tj^e
$ato Hettecs patents^to fcatc^ foo^t^, tjteiu, f^ ano eramrne all ano
ttngulac t)nlatDfuU ano oecettfull payments, allotoances, contcoli^
sttent0,oeDn(ttons,o;tetainement0,ru^ceo,oone,o^ commttteo at
an? time 0t^ence tliie tl)it:ttetl) ^eceof tl^e cetgn of ^ec ^aieHtes moil
Daeao fatfjetfeing Henry f[)e eigj^t^tntillf^eoate of tlje faio Hetfecs
patents, o; tl^at after t^e oate of t^e fato %ztizu patento, i^all bee
fufifeceo, oone,o^ commttteo. During i^z (pace of etg^t peaces ne):t
foUottiingt^eDateof t|)erailDl.ettet:s patents, in anp of |)et;^ai6^
ie0ies mii^^ Qi otiiet: places toit^tn |)ec i)tgi)ne(Ce cealme of Cng^
lanD 0^ Males , o;^ b? an? perfon o; pecfons, o; b? tlje
elfe to^ece,
payment o^ payments, aUotuance o^ alloloances*, oet^inement o^
Detainements ofan?^nnuitteS)if0es,penttons,Co;coDies,o;pec^
l>ef uities, o.: an^otljet feawl? payments, b? tu^at name, title, oj
conDition foeuertliefo; an? of ttjeml^^allbecalleDo^ ^notsen* 0nD
all otl)ec to^ongfull ano tiniult payments, Detainments, alloloances,
concealements, ano Deceits, gtuen,Done,o; committeD,ftom t^ tixnt
afo;efaiD,o; after ti)e Date of tijefaiDHettecs patents to bee giuen^

Done, o; commttteo b? an? pecfon o; perfons During t|)e (pace of t|fe

faiDe eig^t ?eares, in an? tntrue account , o; accounts , liil}ereb? a^
n? Vft trearures>mone?, o; p^ofites cf |)cc ^aieihe,^er lieitesanD
&ucce(ro;{S, o;of t)erfatD fat|er,c; of l)er b^otI)er,Uig K^otoacD,
ti I)er late filteri^ueene ^.arie, o^ of t^e late lit ingpj^tlip,anb
^arte, o^ttiaf ougt^tto ^auecometo ^er ^paeilte,o;.an]g4^
%tt t\^ afojefaiD p;eDeccflro;s,f?auefaeene o^(|aUbee Dniuftl?, anb
tuiti)outlalufuUcaurepa?eD anDallolueD,Diminifl^eD,U)a0feD,rpent
Qi DetetncD During t|ie fpaceof tfje faio eigj^t ?eares ^notD^ier^
Exchequer** jii: ;o8
alfofo^ t^thttttt futt^ztantt of t^e femfceof tl^faio %*t* m,o^
about t^e afb^efatDgmattecBanDcaufes out fato ^oueratgue la^tc
> ^at^ b^^ecfato Hcttecs patents gtuen anugcaunteo tntofatd 2DIL>
t0 cmnto;is, aDmmtllrato^B, and afTignes^t^e one mottte of all an^
f uecj? fuel) fumtne o; fummes of monep> e; otl^ei: things before men^
ttoned, t^c Ui^icb b^ ^tm o; fjts De{)utteK, fa(to;0,o^ nfUQtitB^ o^
tt);oug^i)i8o;t|ietc labour, tmuell, ano Otltgence, onctng t^c fato
ti^t geared, i^all beetiecettfuU^,ft:auDulentlr,tuttE)Outgooocanre>
o;Muttlp pa^eDjannueceD^allolQeD^tccetueD^concetleD, o^ D^tet
net), a5 t0 afo^efatoe? o^ tl)e talue of ti^ fame mottte, lo^tcj^ fo
ll^aUbeeopeneD^Dtfceucceo, knotoen^putfueD, recouet:eD,o; l^ao b|^
t^e fatoe %^omf IL^'^is ifacto;$, ^eptttte0,o; MiQmsytak^ t^t
fatoe HetteriS patents mo;e at large ooetl) ano mar appeare* ^t^
tfjence to\}ic^ (^;aunt tn f0;me afo^^efatD maoe to t^e fato it* II. j^e t^e
(Ino C*IU ^atf) t|);oug^ l)t0 patnefull, c^argeable,anti OtUgent labour
anofearc|i,foundout otuerfe great cecetteis commtttcoanD oone,ani>
f}At^founoe out , ano t5 able to<p;{ooueto tfita honourable Courts
SD^t one SD|emas C
l^eputte Clerbe of ttie ^annaper m t^
Court of C^auncerte, i^autng ferueo tn t|)at j^flftce from t^c hzf
ginning of ^er l^tgljuelTe retgne tnttU nota ano vet ooeti) ou^
King alt tol)id) time tiie faio %** Ijatb continually a( tuell recei'
ueo t|)ep;^o8te0ef ti)e^ueene0 ^aieltie0 ^ealein tfjefaio Court,
a0 all otlier commootttes ano aouantages tnctoent tinto t|)e faiDS
^fdit* %\xt note fo it 10, if it ma? pleafe vcur ^ono;0 , tljat t|)e
faio Ci)om*C being accountable to tt)e ^ueene0 ^aiellie inj^ei:
|^igl)ne(lieCourt of (^rcbequer, fc;^ all manner of fumme0 of mo^*
nev bv |tm receiueo to i)er {l^ateltie0 Dfe, bv tiectueof ttje Clerks
l^tp of t^e ^annaper, as 10 afo^efatD, l)at[) net fo;^ tlje fpace of firteene
?eare0,tji5.fromtljcficll ^caicof f)cr i^tgjjuefCc ceigne, Ijntill tlje
firteentl)of tl}e fame, neit|ier iultlv cijargeo t^imfelfe t|)on {)t0 ac^
count teitl) all fuel) rumnie0 of monev a0 ^ec vcarelv ijatl) recet^
ueo bv tjcctue of t^e faioe Office, b^ tlje fumme of foucc Ijuno^eo
pound bptljereare, toljiclj in tlje tuljole flrteene reare0 amountetfi
to t^z fumme of fiie tf^oufano ano fourc l)unt>;ed pound : neither
j?et anv otljer Uiarc0 paijeo tlje fame to f)cr .^aieflic0 tjfe, but

tniultlv t^tb defrauded and deceiued |)er ^aieltie bv tije fpace of

firteene veare0 , bp tt)e vearel? conceiling and deteining ftom Ijcc
^aiettie tfje faid fumme of foure bundaed pound 3 out of tljecijarge
of bt0 account, lobtcb in tt)e faid fpace and time of t{)efatd firtcena
t!ere0 amountetb to f be fumme of tj; tbcufand foure fjund^ed pound,
tbetujic^ vour faid ^^ato.j l^albe readv to p^ooue to vour ^oncuc04
^q4 3!iv
Pleadings in the
^ttconSodiatioir tu^eceof ma^ it pleafe vout "f^onm t^tptmi^e
e8n(iDci:eo,t0gcaeinf tjntot^0faiD2D.Jl.tl)e ^mne&moVt excellent
mmftits W^tit iOf Subpoena, to be Dicctfco tinto tlje fai^ %** com^
wanoing Ijim pen'onall? to appeace before ^ouc l)cite?s in tl)e Ijec spa
Coutt of (ajjjc^eqaecat a cectairtc Da^^anD tHDcc a certain pain$ ttjec^
in to be UmitteD, t|>ert ano tliece to mafee anftoere tjnto t!)e paemilTeif,
tipoit l)ig co;jpo;^aU oatb, a0 fixtt^tt to abioe fuclj o^uec anD Dtrcctioii
tl)ej:cma5t)ntoi?oc|iohour0fl)aUfeeme to Uano luit!) ttgljt ano c^
quitie, anu t^at ^out faio ^?ato; ma^ fjauc acco^romg to tlje teno^ of
iletters patent0,tl)e maitiz of tl)e conceilements ant) oer ett5,
ttje faiD
fijatH^aUbepjooueo tobecemmitteu h^ tl)e faiu 2D>C, i^no rour fait
o^ato^l^allpaap to (on fo^ ttjepjefecuation of ^ouc Y^omtB in Ijealtl)
ano toealt^ longtis contirtue

^ P'atent grauntedto I: M. to bee an hrfermer.

^eit. I^ TJ E G I N A &c; %o t^e 2Creafuret:, Cl)ambedaine;6;, ant> bacons
y of our xt^cqatt foj tlje timt being, anD to all an& fingulac ouc
31uftice0, ^m^Sy^f^m&ts-f^ttVoutns of liibectiesjanu ifrancfju
rejs{,Conttablej{,lSaiUffeg, ^eaobo^ougi^eif, ipaftew, ^annewof
|^l)ippe(* JSnt) alfotoall Collecto?(,anoCu]tomet$,ComptroUet$,
ano ^utne^o^K of outCufi^omeg o^^ubfiote^:, ^tau\\tt0^ as
luelltuttt^m oat lltbectteg a0 tDttl)Ottt 3hOto all oti}tt our ^iftcers,
spinifters ano fubiertstufjatfoeaer, greeting* Wljereas before fl)is
time^affcoelin tfietime of our noblep;ogenito?0,feings of tljis realme,
90 alfo During t^e time of our retgne, Diuerg gooDanDlDl>olerome
^atoe^, Mts anD tatutes \iam beene b^ Diuerfe anD feuerall ^Aes of
parliament cdablil^eD^ozDeineD^enacteD anD maDe, ant l^eereafter
muS be maoe bt C^oDikufferance, as luell to t^e i^onour ano glo;^ of
<!?oD ) a5 alfo fo; t^e commobttte anD p^eferttation of tl)e Common
toealtlj of t\\is a^ealme, Diuerfe of tl)e tuijir I) faiD ilaioes ano ftatutes
fo mate, Ijaue been from timt to f ime,anD ret bee Daili? inftingcD ano
b;oUen,anD n0tl)ing efteemeo anD cegarDeD, bi? tl)^ meanes of funo^^
euill DifpofeD^DifobeDient^nnD toilfull perfon; , not fearing no; D^eao^
ing almigf)tie (!5oD,no;tjaumg an^ rcgatD o^refpert to tljeir Duties
totoarDfi tjs o^ our paogenito^s, o;^ Comrtion loeaUl) of tj^eir countrr,
no? fearing, no; regatDing flje paine0 ano penalties contcineDanD
menttoneo in tfje faiD ^acB amj ftatute0,bi? reafon t^af t^efame liaue
not beene fo earnetllv anD fo Duel^ put in b;e,anD Due eraminatit)n,a0
it Uias intenoeD ano l)opeD bpt^e mafeens tbercof jjiot onelv to tljc
great Oifpleafureof jaUnigl)tie(lI5oD,butalfa to t^cgteatDifcommoDii
iie^^tnoeranc^^anD loGTe of t0>anD of tl)e Common tueaUf) of our De>
Exchequer. ^op
ttitnton^* fenotc n f t)ctefo?e,tl)at toe of our ttptmll grace, cectaine
}inotDUDge,ar!D nxtm motion, ano to tfje intent tlj^t all fuel) Uatutes
anoai(te!3a0nolattl)t$p;efentftanu,remame,anD bee in fo^ceano
ftrengtl),o? iljat ijcteafter fljall he mate, ojoeineD, enatf eo, o.: effabli^
l^eu tuit^in tljiB ouc faio rcalmc mar ftera Ijencefco^tl) tljc bettti am
foonec be put in me erecution ano t3?c, acco^mng to t^e tenures, pur^
po;t0,ani) effecties of tljc fame, ^aue autfjo^ifeo, affigncD, ano appctrti?
teD, ano b^ tljefe p;jeient0 Doe autljonfc, affigne, ano appomt cuiiucl^
beloueo fubiect 3 sp. of ILonoon^abecoarfljer , to bee an informer,
anoap;8fecutoucfo?ti0,oHrJ)eite0, ano fucceffoas, of all fuel) ^tas
tutss ano 0te0 ^no tjauc giucn ano gcauntco,aRO b^ tljcfe p^efents
fb; ti0 our t)eire0 ano fuccefifo^s Ooegtue ano gcaunt unto tl)e faioe
3isp. ijts H^eputie o? E>eputie0,Ouingt^e Unll ano pleafure of tJ0
our ^titcB ano ^nceelTours, full potuer ano autI;o^itie to put m
erecution all tt^eiSctes ano statutes afo^efato* j^noto enter into all
ipaires ano C^ackets,Marel}oufe0,SI>i?el)oufe0,2nanljoufe0,tDO^fe^
Ijoufes, anDotbec boufe ano boufe0,ii5ai;ne0,^eUer5,^ollers,^[)tp0,
lleffel5, ano all ano euert?ott)er place ano piafes tu^ecefoeueciuitljtn
our Kealmc of (lBnglano,ano otber our Oominion0,a0 luell br toater,
as br lano,^no to fcarc^, feife, arrelr, fuc ano impleaoe in m^ of our
Court, o; Courts, place oj places accojoing to t^eSHeno;, purport,
ano effect of t|je faio 0d:es ano ^tatuteSjO? an^ o; euecp of t^em,
fuc^gooosanomeccl)anDifcs,of toljat nature o^qualitie foeucctlieB
o; an^ of tt)em bee* ^no all ano euer^ fucl^ pecfon o^ perfons as l^ere^
tofoje l)aue ofienoeo, o > Ijeteaftecll^all Ijappen to olfeno in an^ of tlje
faio ;ad:esano Statutes* ^noof our further grace, lueefo^bs, our
lieires ano fucceffo^s Ijaue giuen ano graunteo > ano b^ t^efe p?e^
rents ooegtue ano grauntbntotljefaioe 31*^' anol)is aCTignes , tt)e
one^alfeo; moiticof t^e talueof all ano euery fuel) fum o^ fuimne$
of monet?asl]^allbeel)i3ereafteraoiuogeo fo^feitein ant? of our o^oi^
nar^ Courts of Heco50s,b^ fojce o; occafion of ant! information,
o;otf)er Action erl)ibiteoo;( commenceo,o^ to bee erl)tbiteoor conv
menceo bp t^efaio 3f*sp oj anipljisSDeputieoj oeputiesintfjefame
Coucts o; an^ of t||cm tcucl)ing tl)c premieres ^no to tabe, per*
ceiue,receiueanoenio^toljrsonelt?\jfe, oj tlje tjfe of l)isCrecuto;s
f^e fatoe one balfe oj mottie of all ano finguler fuel) forfeitures o^
fummes of mone^ as H^all bee aoiuogeo ano ocemeo to beeoue o; for^
our ojoinarie Courts of iKeco;os, o? of our l)eiies
feiteo in ant? of
,ano^ucceffo;s,of anf ^cafurc or information, put ano erTjifciteo,
or to bee put ano er!)ibitco tsntotlje faioe^^risinacie Courts ofi^v
C0;OS;O; an^of tljemb^tliefaio 31*^or|)i0 fufificient ano latofull
Pleadings in the
jaDeputieo J 0>eputiw. ^IJIttUmganD wmmaunDiits tl^cccfo^e allanD
fingulec cue 3Buaic00, ^aioj5,^!)Ci:iflfe0,$>tcluarDs of iltbctf its,
atiD jf ranc!jifei5iJ5ailiffie0,<ronftableB,anD ii^eat)bo;oug^es,$!paaec0
Spacinars of ^ffp^^^lfo all out CoUectojgjCuftomew^Coniptco^

lei;6,anD&urue^o;$ofCuftomesanD ^ufafiote0,anD ($atttfct$,a6

UjcU toittitn anr of our %ibtttits as Uiit^out* ^Snu all anD ftngulct 8^
t^cc our oflftcecsjmmiftets, anD fubtefts tuttljin t|)Wi ouccealme o? tl^e
fiomiiuoiiB of tjje fatiw to^atfo^uec ti^e^ be,to tlje aiomg^ffiatng atiD
Ijelptng ti)e faio 31^^
t^cp^zemiffes* ^no
oepuf ie o; Deputies in tl^e cue epecution of
tfjc faioc Bluftices, Spaio;s,^l)ectfifes,^te^
toacDsof LibettiesanDifcancl)ire0,Conaables,anD 515aUiffe6 fcom
time to time ooe pum(^ b? t^eii: oifcretion all fuel) as ooe cefiift o; ani;
tt)ingattempt,to t^elet, ^ino^ancc, o;^ pjeiuDice of tj^e fatD3l2^.oj
^isoeputteo^ceputiesintl^eDueerecutionof t^e fate ^ctes o;^ta^
tttttSyO} m^of tfjem, as tljer f enoec out toill, fauouc, ans pleafurc,
anDfojt^econtcacras tlje^tuilltljereuntoanftoecejat t^eic petiils.
0no futt|)etmo^e fenoto ^e t^at toee of ouc furt^ec efpectall gtace,cer*
knotoleoge, anD meere motion, anD to tlje intent, t^iat tl^e faiD 3* ^*
(^aUbatl)e mo^e Diligent anD painefull in ttft Dueejcecutionof t^e
fatoe fsitatutts anD 0ctes, as i& afo^^efaioe, liaue giuen anD gcaunteD
anD b^ t^efe p;efents , fo; t)S, our Metres anD fucceiTo^s, Doe giue
anDgcaunt,tl)attlje faiD 3!^l^aU fcom time to time, ^ae,pei:^
ceiue,ceceiue,leuie,anDtakeof all anD fingulec fuc^ moities,po^tt^
ons, partes of fo;fettui:es,anD fummes of mone?, as H^all bee at m^
time o; times, l)ei:eafte): DisemeD o^ iuDgeo to bee Due, o^ belonging to
ts,ouc^eit;es o; fuctelToas , Karons of t|)e faiDe ^rcije^
before tl)e

*quet:,b^meanesof an^ feittn,o;^ Blnfo^matton put o^ er^ibiteD into

t^e faiDe Court of Orcljequecjo; an^ otlieronr o^Dinar^ Courts of
Ke(o;Des by tt}e faioBlo^n^* o; l^is fu^cient o^ lalufull ^eputio
o;()^eputies,of anDfo;euer^ pounD luliitci) fo bi^ i)is inDuftrie ano
tneanes to ourtfe o; tlje tfeof our{)ei?;teso^ H^aU come

to be b^ougl)t anD iuDgeD , t^e fumme of ttoelue pence, ouer ano a^

boue tlje fumme 0? fummes of monet? to tfie Blnfo^mer fo; ijis pact
o; po;^tiono; trauell brt3Sinfo;me afb;^raiD limttteD anD appoyn^
teD, t\}e fame to bee pai?D to tljie faiD BJojjn ^.
o; l^s janijjnes bg
tjjeIwnDesof tlje 2Dreafuree, anD Cljambeclaines of tfie faiD Court
of fZxt\itqtttt fo; tf}Z time beeing. ^nD looe of our furtl^er grace
efpeciall, Doe further graunt, fo; t^s j our iim^s , anD ^ucceao;s>
bB t^efe pjefentsto tljefaio 3!ol)n iip.l[)is Cl^pecufo;s aiiD ^Cfignes,
tl)at tl)efe ouc iloftecs patents , o; tfie Binrollment tijereof , anD

one Certificate ftgnteieD luit^ tlje ^anD of t^e c^jiefc )l3aron of t^e
Exchequer. 510
hit) Court of )cc!)equet fo; time ijatttjj, Uttifi^inQ tfjecec^

faiittie of fuclifHmmc o^ funimedof mon^jas ^aU bee fcom time

to time tecoueteDb^BlaSgemcnt ano ^rwution in mv tfje faioo?^
Dmar^ Courts of Keco;D> to tl}Z tifc of t}0, out: ^zitis o; ^ucccHo^s,
b^ reafon ano occafionof an^BInfo^mattono;^ ot^iec 0cttqin l^tzteto*
fo;e erl^tbtteD 0; commenceD in anp oft^t fatoc outts, b^t\^t fain
ipacttne^ o; an)p i)i5 raiooeputieoaoeputteOjOiaU bee from ttmeto
time a fuaficient tuarrantte ano otfc^arge to tlje SCreafurer ano
C^amberlatneis of t^e faio Court of Crcfjeqner fo; tlje time being to
pa^ ano oeliner, o; caufe to bee paio ano oeliuereo tnto t\}c faio Bioj^ti
^]^i0(a;recuto;0oj 0Dminiaratoj0of fucl^our SDreafurer, o^tlje
JEreafurer of onc^eirefianD^uccelTojB, being oj tljat d^all bee in
tlftit cuttooie, fo muc^ntone? a0 ^all amount tinto tljoelue pence,
i)f,anofo; euer^ pouno conteineoin euer? fuc^ Certificate , figneo
toitljt^e^anoof tI)ecf)tefeli5aron of tlje faio Court as afo;cfaio,to
bee tafeen tjnto t^e faio 3oI)n 9^ l^is (;S)cecuto;0,ano i3ominilfrato;0,
of tlje gift of t30, our fim^^ o? fucceifo^fi, tuit!)out an^ p;effe o^ ans
otliec c^argoe to bee fet tjpon |im t|ie fa^o J. 90. oj ani? ot^ec
perfon o; perfons fo; t^c fame , loit^out an^ furtljer tuar^
rant to bee fueo from ts, our ^eireso; ^ucceffo^s ,to tl)cfaioe
SCreafurer ano Cljamberlaines foj tl^e time bccing to bee oirec^
teo fo; t^e premieres ifo; fijat erp^eflfe mention of tlje true tja^
iue, of t^e certainetie of t^e pjemiCPes, o; of anp otljer giftes o;
graunt0 b^ tj0 , o; b^ an^ our g;ogenito;0 , o; p;eDeceiro;0 be^
fo;e t^t0 time maoe in t{)efe p;erent0 , 10^ not mentioneo, 0; an^
ot^jec Statute, :a(te,D;oinance,13;oHifion,p;ocIamation, 0; Ke^
ttraint to t^e contrary maoe9 0one,o;o;oaineO:,o; p;ouitieo, 0; an^
ottier tiding, caufe, 0; matter tol^atfoeuerin an^ toife notUiit^llan^
Oing. 3ln toitnelTe toljeceof luce l)atie caufeotbefeourilcttcr0 to be
maoepatent0* MitnelTeour felfe atMeltmint^er^tlie xx% Oar of
^l^zilfin tl)efecono ^eere of our reigne

mud^ concerning Exchequer, ano nOto lett0 C^eto ^0

T^u0 tlje

feme obreruance0 in t^z p;erogatiue of t^e Court of Wards and

Liucrics, a E>eduattoe from tfjc Hnteceoent, like an I)eire to tlje iilun^
Court tDa0,(b? an 0rte of parliament
tefio;: WHl^itt} Ijono^able
maoe Anno 32. Hen. 8. cap. 46.) erecteo anocalleot^e Court of t[)$
Kings Wardcsjano ellablitl^eo to be a Court of iteco;o,ano tfjen
Pleadings in the Court
abouetije reft of tlje iDffim conftitufeD foj fl^t
tl)C cljiefe officer,

Court, U)a0 ojDaineD to bee calleD, Mafter of the Wardcs: tKnta

luljofe truft timekeeping of t!)eliing5 ^eale fo? tljat Court teas ana
%B committeD : 3! ^W^^^^^^ i^ engrauen tlje ^rmes of tfje femg
iDitfj tl)i0 memorable Ctrcumfcription 5 crw TV^rdorfim Libera-'&
Uomm, Pupiflis, OrphArtis & Vidms Adintrtx : ^mplVinQy t|)at it fujp^

po^tctti tl)c rig^t0,aai3 comfojtetfj tt)^ eftate0 of mnt^ys anD ^etce0,

^5ptjanc05Mt5ob3e0,anD 31oeot0,llunattlie05amjruclj a0 0t^ertmre
tig|)t mucl) : ^nn H^ojtl? after, tfjat is, bi? anotljer ad;
bee tojongeo
flf parliament mate Anno 53. Hen.8.cap.2z.foj t^e greater ^0*
iUour ano commooitte of t^at !^tng, ant> t^t moje comfojt ant p^ofite
of t[)efubiect0,t^ejffice of tfje Matter of tlje I1tng0 Liueries tuas
enacteo to bee antteretj ^nto tlje 31 urifDiction of tlje fame Court: bg
tu^icl) aooition tlje fo;eraiOcl)iefe Officer foj tfje Court of t^e icings
^arO0,tDa0 antJ i0tntitulcti Mafter ofthe Court of the Kings Wards
and Liucries : anD f l)e fait ^fatter of tl)e!liuerie0,tDa0 t^en aito noto
i0 o;DeineDto becallefi Surucyor of the Kings Liuerics, atiD to beetl^e
feconD perfon in t^efame Court, a0 br tlje fame f too feuerall acte^ of
parliament mo;e fuUi? appearetl):)15efo.:etol)icl) time0 allcaufes t^af
ttoto are toitljin t^z omt 0? furuei? of t1bi0 Court,tLtere Determinable
in tl)ei^ing0 Court of Cpc^equerj anotljatffeilfuU erperiencerGcr-
uaiceTilbury,tofjicl) after Ije IjatJ to?itten a^lBcofeecaUeo Tricoluronus,
lU^OteattifCOUrretJUtO l^ing Htn.i.Venece^arijs Scaccarij ohferuantijs,
treateti) T> e ReUuioJ^otite mnfolutOf anD tijat jiUter de Ftrmis^ attj-y altter
(ieCufiodijsrejpondendfim: ^oto aitl)ougim tlje ^rit0 ant CcmmiflTi^
Cin0 of Diem claujit extrermtmyMandamHi t^elms inqNirendum^D cm*

nerunt.Mtateprobanday ant fuci^ Of t^at nature are mate in tlje Chaun-

cerie, bi? t)ertue of Marrant0 from tl)e o^icer0 of tl)i0 Court, ant fo

Vqz matter0 in i^xB attttion migiit l^aue i)at place nert to tljofe \i\is%
yitibecaufe t^ia Court 10 teriuet from ant out of tl)e Exchequer,
ti)erefo}0,b)7reafonof tljeit affinitia, ^ou ma^neirt tifcerne a little
alfo of matter0 j^^if^t f(t|iin tge Biuuftimon of ti)i0 Court br t^e


Court of VVards and Liueries.
A Bill to hefignedferthedsHhUvAlue if a Wards mar iagt.

To our Soueraigne Lady the Qu>nioft excellent niaicflie. picaHetj^

ttf out ^tglnedia of i?ouc moft noble anD abouuDant srace to
scaunt couc mod gtatious %%XittB }aatent;,$c*

REgina omnib'ad quos&cfalutCi Cumnospcr librasnoftra fub Seft. i.

tnagno Sigillo noftro Angliac patentcs gcreh daC apud VVeAifi

primo die Marti j, Annotegni nodri 3 9. dc gratia noflra fpeciali,ac ex
certafcientiajetfncromotu noftris dedcrimua &
conceilcriiBus nuper
przdile^o & per quam fideli Confiliario noftro W. B^praenobllis Or-
tlinis Garteri) militi, Baroni de C. &
Domioo Guardiano quinquic
PortuumdcfuD^, inter aliacudod corporis & foaritagium Francifci
C. filij&hcredij W. C
Armig<f dcfunft* : qui quidem W. C. die
obitusfui tenuitde nobis in Capice> per CeFuiciummiHtare.habetidutti,
gauden^, & pofTidco^ cullod & tnaritagium eiufdctn .C. abrque
difpergationeprarraf W. niiper domino Cobh. executor 6c aflignat' fu-
Quoufqae idem W.nuper dotnious Cobham executor Hiie afligna! fuis
cfFel& niaritagij prxdiCl' Franc* C. accipcret vel habcjct, accipient
vel habcrent. t hoc abfque comppto (eu aliquo alio nobis hxredib'
vel fucceflbribus nodrispro indc reddendo folucnd feu facicndj pro-
ve per cafdem litcras noQras inter alia in ipfum content* plenius poteric
apparere. Status &
inccrede cuius quidcni W.nuperDoroin Cobho
de6e inpremifllad jnanus &
pofTcilionciii dilett &
fidclisnoflri G.
B'Arinigef legitime vtdiciiur deuemuscd. Cumque etiam modo ex
ihfirmatione predil'G. B.itccepinius quod ante confeAioncm prx-
did^aniroliterarunoflrarum patent praedi^' W. nuper Domiii C. vc
pr^fcrtor faA'F. C. in cuflodia nofira exi(lch,6c poftquam accrcuic
ztatcm fuain quatuordecim annorum fine concenfu noHro vel prxfat
iHiper domino Cobh. fetpfiam maritauerit per quod nobis forisfecit du
pliccm valorem maritagi) fui. Sciatis igitur quod nos^ cpntemptum
przdi^' egrcfercntes &pr5dil'Gcorgi|.B.quodquumeftfidci vo-
ienecs ad humilem peticionero eiufde G. ex vbcriori gratia noHra, at ex
certarciemia&merorootunoftf dcdiaius6c accepim' acp pfentdstn^
&ODccdimus cidem G* B.cxccutor' a0ignaf fuis valorem dupliccm
li^ Pleadings in the Court
valorc^n&forisfafttiraramaritagijpred Fran.C.habcnd',gaudcnd &
ca pdrc jpi<nc{ prcdJ0^ B|cxc0c(^*^ ^C^n^i^ f|jii"in<t^m afoplis ifi^do
& forma, &
adeo Iftcrc vc nos ea quocunqqe iure titulo vcl ratJonc lia-
bcrc, tCMfre tcl 0-lf ^^]Pip^C?f inp^s. fc H/c aj^fjqi}q copipoi feu ali-
quo alio nobis hercd vcl lucceiloribus noQrisproindereddend.In cuius
rci tcdimonium &c.

^ . * . , \A Petition, .

Oi 5?:i:^^ tlrt'*i|f) Hon* Itjaiile of S.Maflcr of bey MaWflftci


f SE puV^^'tl^^ Slfl^ite0 mat ercdlent ii^atcttiajfeitl^ tfjeaouire pf

'^^ '''

l^ouclLo;Bl^tp,togcaunt^ntom^lateg(i>D ILojtj ano ueatefat^w^

t^ late JlojD C DeceafeD, t[)e toactfljip of jf b?otftec ariu lj0h:e of
Itfeetoife oeceafept ti>l>it|> ^are btfo^s tlje ilertecs patents mafie

ftom !)iBtmai0tot)nto m^ faru llo;iD fat[)ecAiiit|)OMt t^e tdtifont of l)ti?

^uartJtan^aneB jiwfelfe* %\}e benefit ano mtcreft of tol)ie|> toato^
l^tp in come bnf o me ftom m^ faiu late Ho^o bt? tea? of Hegacp. idnn
fo;; t^at 31 am mfo^meo b? m? CountelMfjat t^e ti-o^osm t^ former

patent ace notruMcien! to giue me fqcf) balueag bp Ijec faio ^m^

ttieano^HClLo^OO^tDas meant bpontj^e fait) gtsunt fo mpfaiolat^
itejb fat^ec 31 tl^ecefo^e (jumW^ beieccfj vokp goou tto;&fl^ fo: our
Mtet aCttcance, to gtue Mlacrant to tti^Clecitxsof tlje Mlatzea to
mhe t)p a MM to paiTe^er^a* 0gnatai;i$ in fo^te tiptt^in Ui^tit^^ :

-'^Thffaf^erf, Maft^M.Jfwayyou raaWcijpahd,inJngraflc6ich -

3ii -oj} e.jini' .{ .;?w:i'BjIia8<sbctorcdtfircdi; R.S!:j:!rIrn3bk3rjq3r

_.O.ir:oo*ibnIi .
M JwjtiifiioMtfadeaI,umtiJ(u'.^.--^
l<^ .\ii ri'V.'.ii 'j ii.ru'j I; j? I' /
:.;n-'.. . :;j; .'Ail
/v ^ |^qUi<'fe'ih^nftteaplipii<^'GuildbaldSCiti}t'sfLoo^
^ *
lanri. ti^g.dhc E<i;;.'PeV^ritia An^', j?ranc'i& Hybcr&rcg.fidcj dcfeh
lBcc.4'^.cofanTW.HtfeilJt a^orc& eicatbTC.cruic{7r^^ vittoce brcuff
dift d|il*rcg.id maibri ctefcacforidirc^'ct huic inquific* confuad
inqiiircnddeLunatiaR.W.aliasH.pfacrani&c. Quidicunc fupcr fa
crafhCiium p^c^ pdj^.W.aliasH.mbrcui prcd^noininat' lunarkuscd
et noti i6p6s ifetfwis et lucid* gaudctiniT.JalHrita^regimin<fci fpCiv
tcrf tcfit*bonoruautcattalIoru(Uo^& roinimeruificfc&incod^dani (ic
rcmanGc a i .die M. aiin.r^.diii* dn? Reg. t t.ecai^iic moanec. Et vK >
of Wards and Liueries. ;ix
terlus Iurat*pred' fup facram' fuum pd dicunt,^ pd' R.W.alias H.difl*
j.die Mann-r^gni did' dfiac Rcg.zz.fuitlcifit* in domin iuo vt dc fc-
odo,de ik in vno mcH. vocat (3cc curn ptin' in M.in coin.S.prcd*. Ac dc

& in vno alio lUcCvoc' &c.cum pun' in M.yd in Cora S.prcd'. Ac dc ct

in vno mcfl.fiue tent voc'&ct ceteris fuisptin' in IVJ.pred in dicf corn
. S.Nccnondcctin vnapaftnfcumptinvocaf&c. ctdcalia paftufvoc'
tcrf ibid' cum ptin'.Nccnonetiamdc & in mcft.fiuc tent
&c.ct lo.acf
cumeoiuptinvoc'&c.inE indift'GcinS.Et vitcn'Iuf prcd'fupfa
crani'fuum pred* diciint &
^ pd' mcfl. terr' cetera omnia pmilTa vaienc
p annu \a omnib' exit' vltr' rcprif.x.li.Et qp R.W.alias H.ti] fraier et hc-
fcs^pinquior pd' R.W.alias H. in brcui pred' nominat'& setatisxl.an-
norii ct ampii* tempore capt' hui* I nquific . Scd vtrii pd' R.W.alias H.
durSte tempore lunacieetinfirmai'iucpred'jpred'pmif.feualiqua indc
pcd'alienauic nccnc,autde quavel de quibusead' mef.Sc cetera prcmif.
feu aliqua indc pcciL tencnt aut tcncbant' luf pred* pcnii' ignorant. In
ciiiusrciteftimon' vnipanihuius I nquific' penes pf.maioreetcfcaetorc
reisiim' tarn pred' maiorctefcaeror qua lurat phiigilla fua appoftief alter

vero parti penes pi. luf rcmancrpKiuaior ctcfchaeiorfigiUufuuraap-

pofuic die loco ct anpo fuprad'.

The dfkught of Mdfij^.CihU pardonfor the mariage eft he Ld.lt.'heforii^er

iJ\^(iiefitS fleafure andctnlent vpm declared vftder the great Sea/e.

REgiwa cftjhib*atl^qaDs3cc. faimc cimr iropif fidil^ft* ttf^ fidielli ScC\. 3

confanguin' nf E. nuper Comes R.defunft* in vua fua fcJlK^tuit de
diuerGs honof,caftris,do^,njan,terr*,tcfttii,5c heredifjn diutrfis Coifj;
feuiosrcg.r.fi Artgl' dc nobis tenta in capitepcrferuic'militarc&dceild
1 4.die A.ann. rcg.nfJ
^miffis fit f<fifit*' xiftens obi)t,fic inde fcifitus jp. 'i

hi&ens CKitde eorp^arc fuo itgif jporeaC p.domin' R. vnica fiiwm e^ foia
h^redffufm tunc infra d^tatem i4.anotf exiften vt perquanda Iriquific*
indc cipt ipud N.in Goni nf6 N. 1 3 .die A.an.reg.nfi 3^o.in Cur' noftra
Ganc'rctufnaf 6t ibid* de recordo reiHanefi pliniiis ttt>bis conflat et ap-

doteragerensKrtttp vxor pd nupetttdmitii 8. ac materdiO'^.dRaf R;

nobis fcpius bumilit applicauerit vt reg.fauorcm &
liccwiam ncftt' con-
ccdercdignarem'.vtquidaW.C.af fi!.'ct here apparensT-Cmihr diet
dpmin'R.poQitiRVXore duccrciuxtj voIiinrdtScdcfidcnu pred' nuper
CtJrhftti. E.virifuiinttftdmcntofuomanu fui^pria infcript manifcflc

cxprcff.Cumq^ pterca nos pmid.pluriniu inrtndcntcs coKfcnfurn ct lie*

noftros regal' ex gratia noffri libcre dederin,' fecund' pctitionemdi^
Comicif.cumq; ctiam dift' W.C.6c dilX H. domina R.cxiftcnf actat 1 2*
Pleadings in the Court
annontm anipU'.5c tunc in cuftodia noftra cxiftcn?, feipfos atrmioa
wniunxerunc priufqui dia* confcnc*& liccnc* noQr' fub aliquo fxgHlo-
f uin noftrorum exprcff. & dcmulga! fucrunt, vc per quandain Billam in^
format'indccxparccnfapcr atrurnat Guf noftrac Wardof&Libaf in
eandem Curiam noflr^m cxbibif , ac per rcfponTionem prcdifti W.
C.nuper inde fail* per qucnd'ordinc in cad'Cuf dc dc coccrnch prc-
mifr.&ftabiUf&ibidrcmanehpleoiuspotcric appararc, rationc cuius
nobis contigit & accreuit duplex valor fiue forisfaftuf raariwgij di^x
E.dn? R. in ca parte cr^a noj faft*& ppeiraf. Sciatis tamen quod no

pBiiif. plurimum conmlcrantcs ac nolcntes <$ pd W. C. 5c Eliz.,daa K.

vxorciusiuxtarigorelcguivoftrarum Angl' jpfmilfispuniant, fed rc-
galisconrcnfus&iiccnc'nfepdbcneficioadcoiibcrc plcnc & imcgrc
gaudrent&: fruentur, (i di^i confenftis 6c liccntia Bodri proniuIgaE fu-
i^cmindebita luris forma fub magnongillonfo Angli^ame maritagiu
predvtpredicicurhif,p aduifamcntumnoftri& ConcilijCuri^noftr^
& &
Wardorum Libaf prafdift*,pro in confiderationc fummfex ccntu
librarumlcgalismonetenoftrcadreccptumdiClac Curi^ noftr^ pdiA*
W.C.foluend*,necnonexrpecialigratia>certa fcientia, 6c mcromotu
noQris pro nobis h^rcdibus &
fucceilbribus noftrisperdona^rcroitciai
& relaxamus prsfaS W.C.6c Ec d&a: R. valorem maritagi) duplicera va-
lorem maritagij 6c forisfalurammaritagijdia'dnc R.ac oftl W* 6c
dnamR^heredexecutorcs6ceorum adminidracores 6c altcrius corum
deeifdcmvalore maritagi) pdduplicivalore maritagi), 6c forisfa^ura
ciufd cxonoram', 6c acquictamus, necnon etiam de ampliori grac' nfa
certa fciencia 6( m^ro motu nollris i jfdem W. C. 6c E. domih K. omnes
& omnimodas comemptus,deli Aa 6c cranfgrediones contra nos per diet
paricagium vel rone ciufdem maritagi) quouifmodo faA'vel pcrpccraC
9c omnia 6c omnimodas fines, amcrciamenta, fbrisfa^uf^penalitaces,
a^iofies,querelas,6c demand nobis per 'maritagium di^f dominxE
]iz.R. vcl ration eiufdem maritagi) line licentia noftra debit plene 6c
libere pro nobis, hxredibus 6c foccefToribus noftrif pardonamus 6c
rcmictimusper^femes. c hocabfquecoropoto (iuc aliquo alio nobis
tixrcdibus vcl fucceiToribusnoftrisproindcreddeBdToIuendTcufaci"-
fof, o 9 cxprcifa mouio 6cc. In cuius rci ccftimoRkim ^c^


of Wards and Liueries. 51


ATUa ofTrauerfe vndtr the great Seale 9f

REgina 6cc ETcactori fuo in Com'Salopp' Salute euro per quandam ^^^
I nquincionem indenta! capcam apud Salopp' in Com' prcd' Ccxto
die Scptcmb. Anno rcgni noftri viccflimo nono coram Francif. Broro- ^^ j^-y-, (^^i.
ley, Armig*&c. Thoraa Staunton Gcncrofo Fcodar:nortro prcdil. onrccytcd,
Virtuce Comidionis noHrx in nacura breuis de mandamus quibufdam
AndrccCharlcton'Armlgero AdamoMyiton Gcnorcfo&c. pdiftis
Fraacifco Bromley, ctThomc Staunton, cisquatuor tribus,vclduob'
corii quoru pref. Fcodaf vnus cHet dire^, et I nquifuio* prcd' annex' ad
inquircnd port mortem Humfridi Hi), Gcncrofi defunOjpcrfacrmlo-
hannisBaldwyndc Monflowc Gcnerofi &c. Quod predif^us Hum-
quo obijt de 6cc. in
fridus H1l,fuic fcifitus in doroin' {uo,vt de feodo die
Mannef fiuc Capitali Mefuagio dc Hull, alias Court Hill , cum omni-
bus ctfingulisiunbusmenibrisetpertincn. Nee nonde 6cinvno Co-
lumbaf,vnoMolendifloaquatico centum acf rcrf^fcxdecim acf prati
centum acf pa'mf, centum acf bofci, et comunia cum pertincn' in Hull,
alias Hill,m com' noHro prxdil' : Necnon de et in quatuor mefuagiis
ct vno cotragio cum pertincn centum acf terf , viginti acf prati , &tri

gintoacf paftuf,curaperfmcn'in AfheHartall, ctNurton alias Ouer-

lon,incom'no()roprcdifto: infeperalibustcnuf, fiuc occupationibus
Jhrancifci Condclcy, Roberti Iiikes,Ric. Cooke, et Will. Rowley. Ac
de et in decern acf terf due paClurae iacen. in Hartal predial' et Greete,
in Comitatu noOro prcdt^o : et tempore captionis, Inquifitionis pre*
di^l'm tenura^fiueoccupac' Will: Hopton Armi^jeri. Et vlteriu^ com-
pcrtum full per inquifitioncmpredictam quod predicus, Humfr. Hjl,
die quo obut fuit iciHtus in dominico (uo. vt dc feod'dc &in manerio de
Hoope.Bagsardemcom'noftroprediftOjCum omnibusetfineulisiu- ,. .

ribus,membris,et pertinen acdectmdonacnue patronat Efcle. pan- nij^^pfji , ^

chialis dcHoopeBaggardcpredi^'. Acdcccintribus mefuagiisufta- ,,t4 k ockiv

gintiacris terf duodecim acris prati, fexaginu acr : pafllure, Ac dcec .U^tt
intrigintafolidatreddit,cum pertinen' in HoopcBaggarde^prcd ace-
ciam de et in vna paftuf , vocat Wcftwood, continen* per eftimationcm
criginta acras terf m Hounds Neene, alias Neene Sauage, in Com' no-
ftro predic*. Ac de et in vna acf terf, in vno Campo de Bufford , vocat
Wcftfieldc, ct tempore captionis InquiGcionisprcdift'intcnuf Rich.
Cooke. Acdc in quatuor Burgagiis in CIcobcric Mortimer in Com*
nofbopredicto. c quod prcdilus,Humfr.Hill,(icde prcd' mancriis
mefuagijs terf, ct ten cum pertinen' feifitus cxiOens de tali ftatu fun obiic
indckincus.cquo({prcdi^':Mancf& omnia & Hngula prcmifTa in
:-] Rr Hull,
Pleadings in the Court
Hull, alias Court Hill AfhcHartallNurton, alias Ouerton,6cGrcct
prcdift : 5c predict acrac in Burforde predict :> tempore mortis dicf,
HumfritencbantardequodafDEdraundoCorncwall armigfro defunct
& tempore capcionis Inquifitionis predift, tcnebantur do Thoma
NoTcnurc for Cornewall Armigcro, vt dc Baronia fua dc Burford in com predict per
thcCL. feruicium Militarc videlicet per vndcciroara paricra vnius feod
inilitij?. Ec valent per Annum in omnibus exitibus vltra reprif. trefde-

ccm libcris fex folid o^o denariis. Ec quod predict. Mancrium de
Hoopc Baj^garde tempore mortis diet, Humfri tcnebatur , dc Edroun-
do Cornewall Armigcro vt de Manerio fuo dc Gley bury in Com* nfo

wigornp<rfidclitatem&rcd : vniusdcnarij per Annum. Etvalcrp

annum in omnibus exitibus vltra reprif. oftolibris. Et quod predifta
partura,vacat VVeftwood, tempore mortis diti Humfridi lencbaiur dc
Geor^yioDettongcncrofoperfidelitatem tantum : Et valet per annum
in omnibusexitibus vlcra reprif quadragintafolid : Et quod prcdiOu
Burgag. in Clcbcry predict' tempore mortis diet Humtr idi tencbatur:
vtderoancrio de Ckbcry Mortimer" prcdiil'in libcro Burgagio: Ec
valec perannum in omnibus exitibus vltra reprif fex libf& duos fo-
lid. Etvlterius quod prcdiftus Humfridus Hill obijcvicefimo quarto
die Martij, Anno regni noftri vicefirao. Et quod Gcorgius Hillge*
nerofus eius filius &
hxrcs propinquior &
aetatis tempore mortis

patris fui quacuordecim annorum fuir. Et quod idem Gcorgius Hill

rccipit&habuit redditus & proficu a omnium &fingulorum Manef,
mcfua^^iorum, tcrrarum, & cxierorom praEmiirorum,^ nm pcrtincntijs,
a die mortis dil* Humfridi vfquc prafdiftum diem capcionis Inrjuifi-
tionis prsedi^l'prout furaioribus praedift'conflare poicrit. Etqued
prxdii^us Humfridus Hill in dii^a Inquifiont: nominatus die qud
obijt non fuit feifitus in dominico fuo vt dc fcodo ncc feodo talliat, d
aliquibus pluribus Manef, mcfuag'js, tcrf.tenementis, fiuc hc-
alijs fiuc

Tbcrecuallof reditamentis in Comicat Salop pr^dift' compertum fuit etiam pet


a Llnquific' quandam aliam Inquifuioncm indcnratam captam apnd Villain no-

vpon a AfWwj
^^^^^^ Saflop in Comitat Salop prxdift', duodecimo die lanuari),
^ ^* '
Anno regni noftri triccfimo quarto, coram Thoma La wIeyArmigero
praefa! Thoma Staunton Feodaf noftro Comitat noflri praedict:
Virtutc commilTionis noftrae in natnra brcuis dc melius inquirend qui-
bufdamThomaeOnflowe &
Richardo Prince Armigcris,&praedict
Thoms Lawlcy & Thoroae Staunton eis quatuor tribus vci duobus eo^
rum quorum przfaf Fcodaf vnus cfTer*, dircfl' ad inquircn^ port mor-
tem Humfrid Hill gencrofi dcfunft'pcr facramcntum Griffin More
generofi, Thomas Cardyifc' gencrofi, Richard Reynolds generofi.Io-
nannisCrumpc gcnnofi,, lohannis Bright gencrofi fltc. Qujd cum
per prcdicUmpCiOrcfii Inquifuioncm compcrcuixi fuir, quod prcdi^

of Wards and Liueries. ^f^.
Huitifridus Hill fiiicfcinrusindominicoriiovtdcfeodo die quo obijc
(inter alia) de 6c in manerio fiue capitali niefuagio de Huil,alias Court
Hill, cum omnibus &(ingnlis fuit iuribus, membris, er percincni
Ac de & in manef dc Hoope Baggard in Comiratu przdicf, cum
omnibus 8c fingulis fuis iuribus, membris, &
pcrtinen, quod fic fei-
ficus exidens de tali Oatu obijt indefeifitus. t quod prcdiA' ma-
nef fiue capital* mefuag* dc Hull, alias Court Hill, cum pcrtinentijs,
tempore mortis prxdi^' Humfridi Hill tencbatur de quodam d-
mundo Corncwall Armigcro defunl*, & tempore capiionis dii^x
prioris Inquifrtionis de Thoma Corncwall ArmigerOj vtdcBaronia
fua de Burforde, in Comitatu nollro pr^difto, per feruitium Militare.
Ec quod pr^diftum manef dc Hoope Baggard tempore mortis prse-
dift' Humfridi tenebatut dc Edmundo Corncwall Armigcro, vt dc
mancf io fuo dc Clebury, in Comitatu noQro Wigorh, per fidclitatcm
ScreddiEvnius denari) per annum, prout per didUmpriorcmlnqui-
(icionem inter alia plenius liquet. Perdi^am poncriorem Inquifi(i<-
oncm compertum fuit quod predicC manef de Hoopc Baggard,

cum pertinentijs, tempore captionis 6iix poflerioris InquiHtionis,

dc tempore mortis di^i Humfridus Hill tencbatur de nobis , vt de
Comite Marchcjper feruicium Militare, videlicet, per dtmid vnius
feodi Milicis, prout per przdiO as fepcrales InquiHtioncs in Fylacijs
Cancetlaf nodr^ de Recordo rendeh plenius liquet. Cumque etiam
Tcrmino San^i Michaelis, fcilicex, decimo quarto die O^obris
Anno regninoftri triccfimonono, coram nobis in Cancellatia noftra ATerturefbr'
prt^di^la, fcilicct, apud VVcflmonaftcrium , vcnic Radulphus Rogers *'^^ Q:-
gencrofuj,pcrThomam Powell Attornaium fuHm&c. petijtaudiiura
InquiHcionum pr^ditarum,& ei legebantur dec Quibus \c(Mi 5c au
ditusScperipfum plenius intcl!cC\is, idem Radulphus Rogers qu^re-
batur predict manef de Hoope Baggard, cum pertincnti js.in manus no-
ftras colore poflcrioris InquiHtionis predict capi Sc feifiri^^c in mani-
bus noftris remancre ipfumque a poffcfl'une fua indc extrateneri,
hoc minus iufle. Quia protclbndo quod poUwior 1 nquifitio predifta
ac materia in eadcmcontert minus fufEcicns in lege cxiftcbat, Acad
qu^ ip'c neccffc non fuit ncc per legem lerf noflr^ tencbatur aliqua-
liier refpondere. Pro placito idem Radulphus Rogers dixit, quod ThcPIeai

behe & verum eO prcdichis Humfridus Hill in prediftis feperalibus

Inquifitionibus nominacus die quo obijc fuit feificus indominicofuo
Vt de fcodo. de 5c in predido manerio deHoopc Baggard, cum perti-
nenti)<,in Comita^ nof^ro predi^o. Et quod He inde (tilitus cxiOens de
tall Rdtu obijt indc reiHtuSjprout per prcdi^am priorem InquiHtionem

compcnumexiUct: fed idem Rad. Rogers vlterius dixit, quod prcdicf

tn^ncf dc Ho< pc Baggard,cum pcrtih^pc r et poH moitcm pd HumU^d
Ki I dif-
Pleadings in the Court
difccndcbat prcfatoG. Hil, inprcdifta priorc Inquifiiionc nommato
vtfihcthcredipredifti Humfrid Hill , virtutc cuius idem Gcorgius
in manerium illud cvi pcriin' intrauit & fnit indc fcificus in dominico (uo

vtdcfcodo. Etprcdidlus Gcorgius Hill, fie indcfcifitus cxiftcns ante

captioncm poQcrioris iMquifitionis predict fcilc. viceflimo die Scptcm-

bris, A nno regni noftri triccfliino primo per Indcniuf figillo ipfius Gc-
orgij fitr lilac geren daC cifdem die cc anno faft : inter prefat. Gcorgium

Hill, ex vni parte etprcdilum Radurti Rogers, ex altara parte&in

ciif Cancclbriac noflrae infra Tex raenfcsproxiihpoftdateiufde Indcn-

tvif (cdni' formam Statuti in ca pattecditi dcbito mode dc record* inro-

tuLtproctinconfidcrjtionccuiufdcro cocnpectntis fummx bonccc Ic-

galis monctc Anglic, cjdem Gcorgio per dcm' Kic.Rogcrs ante figilla-
cionem Indtncufprcdic.premanibusfoluc.barganifauit, &vendidic
prcfato Hado' Rogers, hcredibiiset affignaiis fuis, prediOum Mancri-
iimdcHoopc, Bag^irdecumpcrtin* pcrnomen tonus iiliuj MancriJ,
Dorainij dcHoope. alias di^' Hoope Baggardc alias vocaf Hoopc,
Boggard cum omnibus ct fingulis fuis iunbus membris et pertin' in
di^o Com' noftro, Salop, Hcndu & tcncndu cidcm Ric.Rogers, hcrc-
d jbus ct afllgnatis fuis, ad folum ct propriuro opus , ct vfum ipGus Ric.
RogerSjhertd.ct aflignaof fuof impcrpctuu virtutc cuius quidebjfgainc
ct vendicionis. Ac vigore Statuti de vlibus in polTcflioDcm transfcrcnd*
in Parliamcnrodoroint Henrici nuper Regis Anglic oftaui patris no-
ftri prechart{fi'.Tii, annorcgni fui viceffifnofeptimoapud VVcftintcm:

^^'^ ^*^^"^ ^^^^* Rogers , tempore captionis poftcrioris Inquidcionis

No ^yine

fcafcd. predict' fi:it ct adhuc exiflit fcifitus,dc ct in prcdiclo Maner dc Hoope,

Baggarde cu 5cc.rn Domino fuo vt de feodo.Et vltciius idem Rad. Ro-
gers dixit quod prcdiO,manncrium de Hoope, Baggarde, cum per-
im* tempore mortis prediti Humf.Hiljtencbatur de Roberto nuper co*
mite Lcic. vtdc mancrio fuodc CicbcryinComitatu noftro Salopp*
prcdift',permedictatm vniusicodi militis ac tempore captionis po
portcrioris I nqiiifitioni $ predi^' tcnebarur de codcm mancf de Clcbu-
ry permedictatem vniusfeodirailitis,abfque hoc quod dift* mancf de
x HoopeBaggard cum pertin' cemporcmortisprcditiiHarafri Hill, auc
il lenitfc.
tempore captionis poOcrioris Inquifitionisprcdift' tcncbaturdc nob:
vt de Comitani Marchie per ferviciu militate modo ct forma pront per
psfleriorem Inquificioiicro prcdiftam Compcrtum cxiQct: Etab-
Que hoc quod hcf feu vnquamhabcf aliquodaliud Record* prartcr Re-
cord' poftcrioris InquificionispredidrpcT quod liqurre potcftquod
predic* TTuncfde Hoopc Bagard cum pertin* tend aut tempore mor-
tis prcdicti Humfri Hili,auttempore captionis poftcrioris Inquifitio.

nis prcdic' tencbaC de nobis vt dc comitatu Marchie per feruic. miiitarc

modo ct formaprout per poftcrioren Inquifuioncin prcdi^am com-
of Wards andLmeries. ^rj
pertum efl exi(l. Qu^ omnia & Hngula idcoi Radulphus Rogers para-
Cur noflra pr^difla confidcraiiit.Et pctijt iudi-
tus fuic vcrificare prout
tiuniquod iDanus noHtx a pofrcffione predict manerij de Hoope Bag.
gard cutnpcrtincncijt amouerentur. i quod ipfe ad pofTcflioncm fuam
iade vna cum cxitibus 8c proHcuis indc a tempore perquinci;>nis eiufd^
manerij per ipfum Radulphum vt pr^raittitur facC hucufquc proucnicfi
flue accidcn refticucretur. t fupcr hoc qQefitu ab Edwardo Colce Ar-
tnig. Attornac noftro Gcnerali qui pro nobis in hac parte fequebacur,
fi quad ipfc pro nob. haberec vel diccre fciret quart loanus noltf a di Aa

polIcfTionenoAf pr^di^i manertj de Hoope Baggard cum pertincmijs

non amouerentur^vc ipfc idem Radulphus Rogers ad plenam incegram
Sc pacificam polTenionem fuam indc ct cuiuHibet inde parcell'^vna cum
cxitibus 5c proficuis inde a tempore perquifiiionis eiufdem manerij per
ipfum Radulphum vt pr^mittitur fact hucufque proueDieh Hue accideh
rcQitucrctur. Qui quidcro Actorh noHf Generalis qui pro nobis in hac
parte vt pr^fcrtur fequcbatur in predictCuf noftra.rciliccc apud Weft-
monaHerium pdicc pro nob. diem cum ceteris de coniilio noRro
in legibus crudi inde inter loquendvfque adOAauas Sandti Hiilarij
tunc proxim' vbicunquc &c. t habuit 8cc, I demque dies dac fuit pr^-
fato Radulpho Rogers tunc &c. ad audiend H quid idem Attorna! noHf
Generalis pro nob. verfus cum tunc & ibidem in hac parte allcgare vel
diccre potuit. Ad quas quidem O^lauas coram nob. in Cuf noftra pr^
dila,rcilicet,apudWeftmonafteriumpr^dilam,veh tarn pxxUt Ra-
dulphus Rogers per Atcornatum fuum praedilumquS didus AttornaS
Generalis qui pro nob. in hac parte vt di^um cR fequcbatur. Sup quo
idem Radulphus Rogers per di^um eius Attorna! petiitficutpriuslu.
ditium in hac parte Bbi per eandem Cuf noflram reddi Ac qd manus

noftrar a poiTefliooe noflra prxdifla manerij de Hoope Baggard cum

pertinentijs amouerentur. t qd ipfe idem Radulphus Rogers ad ple-
nam integram 8c pacificam poncfTioncm fuam inde vna cum cxitibus 8c
proficuis inde a tempore perquiGtionis eiufdem manerij per ipfum Ra-
dulphum vtprcmittiturfacS hucufque prouenich flue accideh reflitue-
retur. c pr^ditus AttornaC noAf Generalis qui pro nob. in hac parte
vt pr^ditum efl fequebatur in pr^dida Cuf noflra, fcilicet apud Wefl-
monaflerium antedicc pro nob. peti jt vlterius diem cum ceteris de con>
(ilio noflro de legibus erudic indc interloquend vfque ad Quindenara

Pafchx tunc prox' vbicunquc dec. t habuit &c. Idcmq;dics daC fuit
praefato Radulpho Rogers tunc 6cc. ad audiend fi quid idem AttornaE
noflf Generalis pro nob. verfus cum tunc & ibidem in hac parte allc-
gare vel dicerc poccrit. Ad quam quidem Quindenam coram nob. in
Curia noflra przdi^aj fcilicet apudWeflmonaflerium antedicf, veh
tarn prsfac Radulphus Rogers pa Atcornatum fuum pr^ditum,quani
Rr 3 didui
Pleadings in the Court
diftus Attorna? noflf G^neralii qui pro nob. in hac parte
quo Kadulph' Rogers per dift' eius Attorn*
eft fequcbatur. Super idcn

pcnj: licuc prius iudinucn in hac parte (ibi per candcm Cuf noflf

Ac q^ man* noflf ac difta poflclFionc noflf prcdirti mancri) dc Hoopc

Ba<yo-ard cum pcriincntijs amoutrentiir, Ac quod iplc idem Radulphus
Rogers ad plcnamimcgrjni & pacificam pollcflionem fuara inde,vna
cum cxitibus & proficuis indc atempore pquifitionis eiufdcm manenj
per ipfum K adii<pli' vc prcmittitur fact huculque jpucnich fiueaccidch

reft icueret. Ec prcdift' Attorn' noflf General' qui pro nob. in hac parte
vc predict* eft fcquebatur in prcdiftaCuf nortra, fcilicctapud Wcfl-
monafterium antcdiftam pro nob. peiijc diem vlterius cum ceteris de
confilio noftro in legibus crudit mde interloquend v(quc ad Craftinum
Sancla;TrinitattunCjpxiinvbicunquc&c. Ethabut&c. ldcmq-,dies
djt fuK pfato Radulpho Rogers tunc &c. ad audiend fi quid idem At-
torn noflf Generalii pro nob. verfus cum tunc et ibidem in hac parte al-
let^are vcl dicere poteric. Ad quod quidcm Craftinum coram nob. in
Cufnoflra praednfla, icilicetapud Weflmonarteriumprardiftaraj vch
tarn praffatRaduiphus Rogers per Attornatum fuum pdiiura,quam^
diftus Aitornaf noflf Gcneralis qui pro nob. m
hac parte vt pfcrrurfe-'
quebatur. Super quo idem Radulphus Rogers p diitum eius Attornaf^
pctijt ficut prius iuditium in hac parte fibi per candcm Cuf noflf reddi'
c qd majius noflf a di<5la poflcfllone noflf predifti roancri) de Hoopc
Baggard cum pertinentijs amouercnrur. Ac quod ip(c idem Radulphus
Rogers ad plenam inccgram 6c pacificam poflcirjoncm fuaminde,vn4
cum exiribus Sc^ficuis indc a tempore pcrquifitionis eiufdera manerij'
per ipfuro R adulphum vt pr^fertur fact hucufque ^uenicfi fiue accidch
leflitueret. Et pdiftus Attorn noflf Gcncralis qui pro nob. in hac parte
vt pdicf eft (cqueban/r in pdit' Cuf noflf ,fcihcetapud Wcflmonaftef
antcdict pro nob.ptt diem vlterius cum ceteris dc confilio rfo in legib*'.
eruditindeinterloquendivfq J ad Oftaua$Sanli Michael' tunc ^jeiih'
vbicunquc &c- Et habuit&c. IdcmquedicsdaniiitpratfaERadulpho
Rogers tunc &c. ad audiend fi quid idem Attornat noflf Gcneralis pro'
nob. verfus eum tunc 6c ibidem in hac parte allegarc vcl dicere porcrit.
Ail quas qiiidcro OilauasSandi Michaclis coram nob. in Curia noflra
predi^a, fcilicet apud Weflmonafterium antedi^^m. veh tarn prefatus
Radulphus Rogers per Attornatum fuum prediftum, quam di^us At-
toriiaf noflf Gencralis qui pro nobis in hac parte vt pr^diilumeft fc-
quebatur, Super quo idem Radulphus Rogers perdi^um eius At-
ttarnac pcti)t ficuc prius iuditium in hac parte fibi per eandem Curiam
noflraro reddi, Et quodmanu$noflr<j a diOa poflcffionc noflra pre-
di^ti mancrij dc Hoope Baggard cum pertinenrijs amoucrentur, Ac
[uod ipi'c Radulphus Rogers ad plcnara intgram& pacjfic^m poflef*-
of Wards and Liueries: 51^
Oonem faam indcvna cum cxitibu5>& proficuis inde a tempore perqui-
per ipfum Radulphura vt pr^dift* eft fact hue-
fitionis eiufdciii niancrj j

iirqueproueniehfiueaccideh reftiwcretur. Erpr^di^us Attorn noftcr

Gcncralis qui pro nobis in hac parte vt pr^fertur fequcbatur in pr^dic6
Cur noftra, fciiicct apud Wcftmonalleriun) antcdicf pro nob. petijt di-
em vltcrius curoccrcrrsde confilionoftroinlegibus eruditindc inter
loquendvfquc ad O^auas San^iHillari)tunc_^xim*vbicunquc&c
Et liabuit &:c. I demqiic dies dat fuit pr^fato Radulpho Rogers tunc &c.
adaudiendtiquid idem AttornatnoftrGcncraiispronob. vcrfuseum
tunc & ibidem in hac parte allcgarevcl dicerc poterit, Ad quaiqui-
dem O^auas vSanfti Hillarij coram nob. in Cufnoftra pr^dida.fcili-
cet,apud Wcftmonaflcrium antediftam veh tarn pracfams Radulphus

Rogers per A ttornaium fuum pracdjOum, quam di^^us AttornaCnoftf

GcBcralis qui pro nob.in hac parte vt pdirtum eft fequebatur. Sup quo
idem Radulphus Rogers per di^ium cms Aitornat petijt ficut prius J u-
ditium in hac parte fibi per candem Cuf nollraro reddi Et qd manus :

Boftfa didi poffeflionc noftra pdifti mancrij de Hoope Baggard cum

pcrtineniijs amoucrcntur. Ac qd ipfc idem Radulphus Rogers ad ple-
nam integram 6c paci6cam poflciTioncro fuam inde,vna cum exicibus 8c
pro6cuis inde a tcmpK>re perquifitionis eiufdem mancri) per ipfum Ra-
dulphumvtpraefcrtur fact hucufque proucniefi fiuc accideh reftituc-
retur. Etpr^dilus Attornat noftf Generahs qui pro nob.in hac paitc
t pr^diftum eft fequcbatur in predicla Cuf noftra, fcilicet apud Weft-
monaftcriura antcdict pro nob. petijt diem vicerius cum ceteris de con-
(Jh'onoQrodc Icgibus crudiE indeinterloquend vfquead Quindenam
Pa(chxtUBcprox'vbicunque&c. EthaUyit &c. Idcmq;dicJ daf fuic
przfato Radulpho Rogers tunc &f. &
audicnd fi quid idem Aitornaf
noftf Generalis pro nob. verfus eum tunc &
ibid in hac parte allegarc
vcl dicercpoterit. Ad quam quidem Quindenam Pafch^ coram nob.in
Cuf noftra pdirta, fcilicet apud Wcftmonaftcf antedift', vcfi tarn pfac
Radulph' Rogers per Atiornac Tuum pr^didV, quam dift* Attorn noftf
Gcneraiisqui jp nob. in hac parte vt pfertur fequcbatur. Sup quo idcu)
Radulph' Rogers per diet eiu Attorfi petijt ficut prius iuditium in hac
ptc (ibi p eande Cuf noflram reddi.Ec qd raanus nf ? a d i<fb poflcfTionc
nfa pdi6i manerij de Hoope Baggard cum ptinen amoucrcnturjAc qd
ipfc ide,Radulph* Rogers ad plcnam imcgr' ck pacific' poft^ffione luani
indej vn cum ejiiib*& ^pfic' indc a tempore pquific' eiufdem maneri)
per ijpfuroRadulphum VI ^kt ell fact hucufque ^uenicnliucaccidch
prsf^l Aorn noftf Gncralis quj /p nob. in hacpart*
vt pfertur fequcbatur in ^di^a Cuf noftf fcilicet apud Wcftmantcdicf

^ nob. diem vlterius cum ceteris de confilio nfo in lej^ibus erudii


miit iDieW^usnd vi^^ ad Craft in SancC Trin tunc ^x' ybi^nqUe &c*

s ou?' Rr 4 El

Pleadings in the Court

Et habuit &c. Idcmquc dies daffuit pracfaf Radiilpho Rogers tunc 5cc.
ad audicnd fi q"id idem AitornaC noflf Generalis pro nob. verfus euni
tunc & ibidem in hac parte allegarcvcldiccre poceric. Adqdquidefn
Craftinum Sanft' Trinicatis coram nob. in Cuf noftra prcdifta,fcilicec
apud Wcftmonaftcrium antediftam, veh tam prefaf Radulph* Rogers
per Actornatura fuum prcdiitiim, qua diftus Attornac noftf Generalii
qui pro nob.in hac parte vt prcdiilum eft fequebatur. Super quo idem
Kadulphus Rogers per drftum eius Attornat petijc ficut prius luditium
in hac parte fibi per eandera Cuf noftram reddi, Ac quod manus noftf
a dila pofleffionc noftra predial mancri j de Hoopc Baggard cum per-
tincntijsamoucrentur, Acquodipfe idemRadulphus Rogers ad pic-
Ham integram & pacificaai poflcflionem fuam inde, vna cum exitibus
& proficuisinde a tempore perquifitionis eiufdcm manerij per ipfum
Kadulphum vt prcfercur fact hucnfque proucniefi fiuc accideh reftitue-
rct. Et prcdiftus AttornaC noflf GcneraJis qui pro nob. in hac parte vt
prediftumcft fequebatur in predifta Cuf noftra, fcilicet apud Wcft-
monaftcriuraantcdiOaropro nob. pctijt diem vltcrius cum ceteris de
confih'onoftrode IcgibuserudiE inde interloquend vfque ad O^lauas
Sancli Michaelis tunc jpxiiTi vbicunquc &c. Et habuit &c. Idcmq; dies
dat fuit pfato Radulpho Rogers tunc &c, ad audiend fi quid idem" At-
cora noftf Generaiis pro nob. verfus eum tunc cc ibidem in hac partti al-
Icgare vel dicere potcrit. Ad quas quidem O
Aauas San^i Michael* co-
ram nob. inCuf noftra pdict, fcilicetapud Weftraonafteriuroantedicf
tunc vcfi in Cuf tam prefaf Radulphus Rogers per Attorn fuum pdict
qua diftusAitornaf noftf Generalis qui pro nob.in hac parte vt ptiertur
(equebatur.Super quo idem Radulphus Rogers p di^um eius Attornaf
petijt (icut prius iuditium in hac parte fibi per eandero Cuf noftf reddi,
Et qd manus noftf a dila poffcfllone noftf predift i maneri) de Hoopc
Baggard cum pertinentijs amouerentur. Ac quod ipfe idem Radulphus
Rogers ad plenam integram &
pacificam pofteffionem fuam inde, vna
cum exitibus Sc^ficuis inde a tempore perqaintionisetufdem manerijf
per ipfum Radulphumvt predict eftf act hucufqj^ucnicn (iueaccideh
reftiiueret Et pdiftus Attorn noftf Gieralis qui pro nob.in hac parte
vt pfcrtur fequebatur in pdiftaGufnoftra/cilicet apud Wcftraonafteif.
antedicf pro nob. pet diem vltcrius cum ceteris de confilio nfo in Icgib'
erudit inde interloqucndi vfque ad Oftauas Sanfti Hillarij tunc^xi^
vbicunq- &c.ldemq; dies daf pdifto Radulpho Rogers tufic Sfcodau-
dicnd fVquididcro Attorn nolffJGencralif pro nob. verfus cum loOc &S
ibih in hac parceallegare vel diccMpottrir. Ad quas quidAn Oftanas
SartAi Hi^lari) coram nob.in Cuf hoftrapdiftsa^fcilicct apud Weftrno-
ftaftcf antedicc, vcn tam pfaf Radulph" Rogers per Attorn fuuip fStct^

qvi^ dift* Attorn noftv GchaF qui _^flob. in hacf^tc vtpffiffequebaf

" .
-n Super
of Wards and Ltaeries. 517
Sopcr quo idem Radulph'Rogers per die! eius Attorn pctijt ficut prius
iuditiuni in hac parte fibi p eandem Cnf noftf reddi, Ac qd maniis nfac
a di^a po(re(Iianenfa pdi^i manerij de Hoope Baggard cum pertinen
amoucrcntur, Ac qd ipfc idem Radulphus Rogers ad plcnam intcgram
& pacific' podefliofi (nam indc.vna cum cxitib' &
proficuis indc a tem-
pore pquifitioni! eiufde manerij p ipfum Radulph. vt pfertur facf huc-
ufque ^uenicii fiue accidefi rcftitucrcf. Et pdict Attorfi noflf General'
qui jpnob. in hac parte vt pdicf eft fcquebatur in pdicf Cur noflra, fci-
licetapud Wcftmonaftcfantediclfj|) nob. pctijt die vlteri* cum ceteris
de confilio nfo in legibus crudif indc intcrloqocnd vfq; ad Quindcnam
Pafch'cuncprox*vbicunque&c. Ethabuit&c. Idemqucdiesdat fnic
pfato Radulpho Rogers tuncAc.ad audiend fi quid ide Attornat noflf
Qencral* jp nob. verfuscum tunc &
ibm in hac parte allegarc vel d icere
potcrit. Ad quam quidS Quindch Pafch' coram nob. in Ciif nfa pdict,
(cilicet apud Wcftmonaftcf antidicf ,ven tarn pf. Radulph' Rogers per

Attorn fuum pdicf ,qua dift' Attorn noftf Gencralisqui^ nob. in hac
ptevt pdict ell fequebaiur. Sup quo ide Radulph' Rogers p diet cius
Attorfi petijt ficurprius iuditium in hac pte fibi p eande Cur noOram
reddi,t qdmanus nf^ a dila poireflloncnfa pditli manerij de Hoopc
Baggard cum ptinefi amoucrcntur. Ac qdipCc ide Kadulph* Rogers ad
pienam intcgr' & pacific* pofleflian fuam inde,vna cum ex:itib'& jipdc
indcatemporelnquific* eiufde manerij p ipfum Radulph'vt pdict eft
fac?hucu(quCj|)uaiicii fiucacciden reflitueref, Z( p diet Attorn* noflf
Cur nfa
General* qui jp nob. in hac ptc vt pfertur fcquebatur in pdila
fcilicetapud Weflmamcdicf jp nob.pcti jt diem vltcrius cum ceteris dc
confilio nfo in legib.erudrf indeintcrloquend' vfq|; ad Grafiinum Sancf
Trin'tunCjpx'vbicutiquc5fcErhabuit&c. Idefnq;<licsdatruitpdic5
Radulpho Rogers time &c.ad audicn<dt fi quid ide Actorn'noflf Gene-
ral' ^p nob. vcrfus eum tunc &
ibiti in hac ptcaUcgare vel dicerc potcrit.

Ad qd quids craflin'Sanft'Trinifcot-S nob. nunc in Cur nfa p(f, fcili-

cetapud VVeflifianfedictjVcfrtamf Fat Rrfdulph. Rogers p Attorn fuu
pdicf qua dift' AicotFi noftf GcnefaF qui^p nob, in hac pane vt pfertur
Icquebit Sup quo ide Radulph" Kogcrs p dicf eius Attorh peti)t ficut
pri'' juditium m hac pre fibi p eande Cuf nfam reddi, Et q<t mar/ noflf

a di&^ pofleflione nfa pd mjnij de Hoopc Baggard cum pertifi amoue-

renf,Ac qd ipfe ide RaduipK* Rogers ad picii intcgf& pacific' poflirf-
fiofi fuam indt, vna cum c^if &
_^fic'' irt<;fi!a tcii^porc pquifitionis eiufd

flianeri)^ipfim Radiilph.yt ^hrrturfit^hucilfq;^uenieri fiue accideA

rcf1ituci-t6. fitflP; Ahclrfihollf General' qui jp ftob.ih hac pte vt pdicf
ef> fequebatur dijiit qd ex^qno fibi fuf^cicht conflabat tarn p quoddam
Record iivTurri Lbnd in'drtill^f q^difus Rich.*. q\i6A4ani Rcx Angl*
|>'Liras(0i8pathfgcl^'da d'ic '
AttnoregnlfAi i^.^IHg-
i'>q nauic
Pleadfngs in the Court
nauit El wnor' qu^ fuir quondam Comit Marchf?
vx' Kogcri iMortinicr
pro dote fua ipfam dc h^rcditacc pflift Rog^comingeh
i inter alia mancf

de Clcobury cum fccdMili? ad illud fpcftahinf qua: praedict mancf

dcHoopcBasjgardpticularitcrcf.nmcrat pertincrc addi^'mancrium
dc Clcobury & dc co tcncri, Nccnonpcr dcppfitioncs diucrforum tcftiu
10 Cur noftra Wardorum dc Rccordo rcmancn, Necnon per dccrctum
eiufdcm Cuf noftrae quia ctiam per diuerfa alia Record cxprcff. ^bah
dift u mancrium dc Hoopc Baggard icncri dc pdifto mancrio dc Clco-
bury, Ac ciiaro proco quod cidcm Aitorna! noftro nianifcfte liquebat
ad Robcnus nup Comes Lcic' tempore mortis djOi Humfrid Hill fuic
(cificus de pdiOo mancrio dc Clcobury, Ideo ide Atforfi noftf non dc-

dixit quin fatcbatur placit &

trauerfiam pdict (ore vera modo forma &
jpuc pdicc Radulph' Rogers fuperiusplacitandallcgauitbabitaqjfup-
indc matura &
djligciui dclibcrac'acdcaduifamto diucrf. iurispcri-

tof dcconfilio itfo in Cuf nfa pdiftajfcilicctapud VVcflfli pdicf, ad id

dcnotat, 8c ibih cxiften faflaq., folcn:pni ^clamationc hac vice in cade
Cuf iKa qd fi aliquis no$ aut Attorn nfum pdkt vel cctcros feu aliquc
alium dc confilio f o in legib' crudit informarc vcllct quare manus nfae
a poffclTionc nfa pdii^a antcdi fti mancrij dc Hoopc Baggard cum pcr-
tinch non amoucrentur, Ac quarcipfc idem Kadulphus Rogers ad pleii
intcgram & pacific' poHcirioh fuaro inde.vna cum cxitib'& pro6&' ind
atemporc pquifitionis eiufdcm mancrij p ipfum Eadulph. vc pmictitMr
facf hucufquc proucnich Hue accidcli non rclhtucrci, vcnirct & audircf
nuUufq; ad id fjciend fc aliquo teporc oportuno obculit. IdeoTcrmino
SandV rrinitafjfcilicet 27. die Mai), Anno rcgninoftri42.corfjdcral
adiudica! dcfinif & decree fuic perThoihEgcrtonMil',DomifiCu-
ftodcm Magni Sigillinoftri Angljae,Et per Cuf noflram^dict quod
manus noOf a di^a pollcfnone nfa antcdiflti mahi) dc Hoopc Baggard
cum ptifi amoacrcnturj Ac qd ipfe ide Radulph' Rogers ad plch mte-
grara& pacific' pontflioh fuam indc,vna cum exif &^fic'indf a tem-
pore pquifitionis ciufd mancrij | ipfum Ratiulph.vc piuittitur fa< f biic-
ufq- ^ucnieh fiuc accidcii rcftuuerctur, Ac qd idem Radulph' Rogers
dc omnibus 6c fingulis pecuniar fummis per ipfiim medio tempt^rc de
cxitibus&^ficuis pdicc mancrij de Hoopc Boggard cumpertincntijs
pcrccpC feu qucn)i[n)odo percipicnd cxoncrccur faluo iurecuiuflibcr,
proutp Record &procc{t. indciof ilacijsCuf Canccllaf nf^prxditf
refidch plenius liquet. E^ q<>M yptuimus ea qua^ jn Cuf ^accf^iaf nfae
pr^mentionaf rite atafunc dfU^^. execution^ dcm^i)dar|; i/^Cf ij^eo q.-^
Uoindum exigeatiamIudicijpr/aE;/pecificaf verfusnospropfacf^toRa-
dulpho Rogers rcddi t manus noilr; a di(fta poHcnionc iiofira ntcdiiti
luanerij dc Hoope Baggard cum pcrcincn'^finc dilatione anjoucrcntur,
Ac qupd ipfe idcQi R jidulph^ Rogers ad^pleaaii) in^egram pi^citicaio
of Wards and Li nerfes, ^\ 8
poflfcflloncmfuam indr, vna cum cxitibus 8c proficuis inJe a tempore
pcrqmfitionis eiufdemmancrijpcripdiin Radulphum vc praeniittitiir
fact hacufquc jpiicnieh fiuc accidch rcOunatur, Ac tjuod ide Kadtilph.
Rogers dcomiiib'&fingulis pecuniar fumni pcripfum medio rcniporc
de cxitibus &
proficuis praedicf mancrijdcHocpc Baggaxdcuraper-
tincntijs percept feu quouifmodo ptrrcipicnd cxoncrerur. Tibi igituc
prxcipimu, qd manus noftras a praemcntionat pcflclTionc noflf ancc-
di^ti manerij de Hoopc Baggard, cum pcrtincnti js, in manibus noflris
virtutc pofterioris Jnquifitionis pr?edic vt prsmittitiir exificii, fi ea ,,

occafione &nonaliajn manibus noilris cxiftet (cu exiftcrc debet fine

dilatione amoueas tc indcvltefiusinaliquonullatemisintroinittas. Ac
quod ipfum Kadulphura Rogers ad plcnam integram^ pacificam
poflellionero fuam indc, vna cum cxitibus &
proficuis indc a tempore
perqiiififionis eiufdera manerij per ipfum Radulphum vt prxdi-
^um eft facf hucufquc prouenientibus fiuc accidcntibus rcflituas,
Quodque cundcm Radulphum Rogers dc omnibus & fingulis pe-
cuniarum fummis per ipfum medio tempore de cxitibus 6c profi-
cuis praedifti manerij de Hoopc Baggard cum pertincntijs percept
feu quouifmodo pcrcipien<lexc>ncrari fac', Saluo Jure noftro Scalcc-
rius cuiufcunqnc exiius fi quosdc praediO'manerio dc Hoppc Bag-
gard, cum pcrtinentijs, rationc feu colore pofterioris Inquifitionis
pracmentionaf pro nobis feii nomfne noftro vt prxfcrturpcrcepcriS|
eidcm Radulpho Rogers liberans vt eft iuftum T. R. apiid Wcft-
monaftcriuttj vltimo die Maij , Anno Rcgni noftxi Quadragcfimo

A BiHar Petitio forthe Jefak/kt^of ayf*it iffutK^out of the fVards

lands ^and not found by Office eutaf the Leafe^to bs
^antedbythe ltiecn(toihc
ConrtJ, , .

J^ Wm%tt\) ^tni\\\mm iuppi'rant Sea.

all J^niniteneDTe ffiefijctl) anii

3.11^^ CfquttMnD^.p late luifeof C.p.DefeafeD,2L(jatU5ietea{

bl' an 31 siqutfitton taltcn after ttje ceatlj cf t^c faiD C
cectifict) into \)zt

i^a'ieCies Court of Cljanfcacano tianfcriptcD into tl)i8i l)ono;al)U

Cb.iiEt, anii t\zit rcmaimng of leco^iD, iti^ fcunD tl)attl)efaiD ^. C
DrcD fefimpleof Diue;;a JLanSr ana SDmcmcnts tjciD of ijiec
fcafj^D in
S^aieftie b|? liinigij^s fccnire, anD tljat %\^* is Ijis fcnne % ncrt Ijeire
ano toitfjtn agcbv Ijertne Ir Ijer cof^ci1|)igI)ncrre Ujas auc is lalufulh?
intituleo to tfjc t/^Ilartifiijip of tlje bcDtc ana laass of t\)z TaiD %)> p
plieafeu t^ai i^eurl^ono^g fai?3 fiippliMUtg fljonlo ?}aue a graunt of tl)e
Pleadings in the Court ..>

iDarDlT^ipanD maciage of tljefaiD !^.p anu allcafe of tlje faiD IanD$

ano tttttmznts onrtng^ismtno;ttie. ^no iD^eceas a gtcatpactof tl)e
faiD lanos i tenements ace in Icafefo; niucts ^eawji^to fjaue continue
ance longer tl^en tlje mino^itte of t^t faiD MacD, s^icl^ ILeafes loitt)
founD b? tl)e faio 3lnqm0tion,ano bi>
tt)e tentis tf)ei:upcn t:efet;ueD,at;e

teafon tl^eceof tf)e faio IanD5 ano tenementis ace found at a tjerie gteat
ycarelr tjaluc. :^nD toljetea jt tljece iB a ^eacel^ cent of viii;* lu iffuing
anD going fo;tl) of ttje faiD IanD0 ano tenements^paio ano pai^abie fs;
uec,to t)er ipaieftie ano liei* fucce(ro;0> in ti)e ceceit^f ijec ^^ig^nefle
(^rc^equec , not giuen in euioence tinto t^e 3luci0,o^
tD^ic|) rent tua^et
euec cememb^eD at ttje time of tt)e ta^ingof t^e faiD Blnquitttion* 15^

teafon lDl)ereof, tf)e faiD lanD0 ano tenements toere founD at as great
a rcrel^ tiahteas if no fuc^ rent tjao bdene payable to ^er ^aielhe, o;
an^ toa^ going fo^tt) of tl)e faiD lanDs anD tenements toitbout anr ej:^
ception,DeDu(tion,o; allowance oft^t faiD rent. Bit ma^ tberefo;e
pleafei?our^ono;tbe p^emifipps con0DereD,t]^at int^B rent to be refers
tieD to Irer ^aielhe t)pon ttjelLeafe to bemaDe to ^our faiD fuppl?ant>
as isafo;efaiD,aDeDn(tion oa allotuancemav be maDe of ti^efaiD rent
of ni^.li^bf tI)e^eare,anD nour faiD ftippl^antnot t|)ereb^ cl^argeable
to pa? t!)e fame rent of rii^^ti. to ijerl^igfjnefl'ejbotli in tl)is ^ono;able
Court,anD alfo in t{)efaiD Court of rct)equer 0nD i?our faiD fuppli^
ant l^all Daili? p;ai?to dDoD fo^^our^ono; in l^alt^ anD liappinefTe
long to continue.
....,-f-. .. "5 . .k . .I-
Ininn^ionto fay aSuit commenciaikihe SfiritukUCtHrt
for Tjther.

W<^luiUfc*fo.:t^tttf) after tl)e receipt thereof to furceafe anD
Itat) ano not to p;occeDanrfuctbecinafnitcommenceDb?
f on ti^e fatD U ,%* in tbe Court Cb;t(han toitliin tf}e :arc|iDeconrte of
fo; anD concerning all manec of Crtf^s in ttjeir &inD comming anD :,

grolDtngtoitbin tbe ^ano;t of %* in t^e paril^ of ^. in our Counttt

of p. parcell of tbe inl)ecitance of C. H) our tiai atD , no; to p^occcD ill
an? otbec Court o; place concerning t|e faiD %^t^es t\^tn in our
Court of ^acDs anD lliueries,to toliiclj t^t iuria)i(tion of caufes con^
cecning onr tii2a:arD0 tnljeritance^molt pooped? appertainet^^nD faile

of Wards and Lmerics, 519

An InqpiiJitioH whereby a conuejance ir foundfraudulent.

1Nquifi(io indcntuta capta apud caftrum N. in CothN. p^ quarto Stt,y
die lanuarij anno rcgm dominc Eliz. Dei gratia An^liae.Francisc^ &
HibcrniacRcginx.Fidcidefcnfof &C.40. coram W.B.C.L. Arroigcrw
li.B. gch feodaf Coih pd E.B. W.R. &
P.B. geh comniiffiona njs di^*
dominc Rcginc vircuic commiflionis diftc dominc Regine ijs dirert'ec

huic inquiiicioni anncy. per facrarhE prober cc iegalium hominum eiufd

Com. Qui dicunt fupcr (acraftc (uu quod cum compt rt fuit per quand'
inquifitionemcaptapud SwafliaminCoinpd/. -^ie lunij anno rcgni
dittedomine Regine, 38. coram T.M* af tunc EfcactorcdiOe dominc
Regine ciufdcm Com virtutcbrcuigdiftc dominc Reg. dcdicmclaufic
cxtremum eidcm Efchaetori direli ad inquircnd port mortem G.M.
dcfunti, quod quidam W.L. cc EL. diu antcobitum ciufdcm Cfcifiti
cxjfteh de et in duodccim acris tcrrcct pafturc cum pcrtiii in G. in com
p;f deeifdcm duodecim acris fcoffaucrunt cuiidcm
, G. ct quendam G.
M. Habend'eijfdG.etG.ethercdibusfuisadopusetvrumipforum G*
ct G. ct (uorum impcrpetuum. Et quod jdem G.ct G, fie indc
Ijcrediim i

feifiticxiftcnmdominicofuoYtdcfcodo. ccidcmG.M. dcalijsterris

cc ccnementis in G. pd H. T. et alibi infra Com pd fcifitus exift' in do-
minico Tup vt dc fcodo.idem G.M. perfaAu fuu gereh diC 8. die Au- 1

gurti anno regni dittc dominc Regine , ^ ; ea intentione ad grarulard


dilefturafratf T.IVLeidilectosfuosconranonincosT.N.ctC.N.et S.S.

gchpromagnis labonbusfuisqnosijdcmT.T.C.ctvS. anrea fufcepc-
runt in ct circa nesiotiaeiufdcra G.M. admaij;nam vtiliiatcm eiufdtm
G.M. ec pro naturaliamorc quern idem G. M, gcrebat vcrfusfratf ct
couianguineos fuos predial' ac pro mclioraticnc Anglicc aduancemenc
ipiorum T.T.G.ct S.ct ad intcntjo^cm quod jpiet hcredescorura quos
fuper vixcrit c onccflef annuicatem fiuc annualem rcdditum 3 o.li. exeufi
dctcrrisetrenemcntisprcdiil'cuidain R.M. fihofcnioriipfius G.M.
ct hertrd dc corpore ipfius R. procreatis ct procreandis de eifdem duo-
decim acris ct ceteris omnibus premiflis idem G.M. feoffauit eofdem
T.M.fremipfiusG.M.ctprcdia* T.RC.N. ctS.S.hcnd'cticncrd
omnia etfingula prfmiffa eifdem T.T.C. ctS. cthcredfuisadopusec
vfum ipfrurB T.T.C. et S. et hered ipforum iaopcrpcruum. Et quod
paulo port (c ilicet vicefimo tcrtio die Scptembris, anno regni diitc dhc
RcgiiK Elizabethnf rriccfiroo tcrtio prcdil'i)dcm T.T.C. et S. de eif-

dem prem(ri<fcofFjueruiiteundcmG. M. herd cidem G.M. ct hered

fuis ad vfii'iieinrdem G M. protcrrrinj vitc fue et pofl mortem ciufdcm

G.M. tuncdcprcdifV* 12. acris in G. quondam Lomnosctdeparcclla

prcmilTof ad vfam W.M. ct E. vxof cius protcrmino fcxannof cxtunc ^

Pleadings in the Court
prox' fcquer.t,ct ad fincm ciuldcra termini tunc ad vfum difti T-Mfra-
trisec pollmortem einfdcmT. ad vfum cxecutorum tcftailitiScvUimc
voluntatis ciufdcm G.M. quoufqucT.M.fir eiufdcmG.M. ad plcnam
^tatcm xjcj. annorum pcruencrit & poll: mortem ipfius T. M. fi'ii,

tunc ad opus ct vfum ipfius T.M. filij et hcrcd de corporc ipfius T. fill j
^crcat, & pro dt fcftu talis exitus ad opus & vfum G.M. fi'i) alterius c
luldcm G.patris& hcrcd dc corporc ipfi" G. fill) jpcrcat,& jip deic(\\x
talis cxitui ad vfum cuiufdam A. fiiiae pd G.patris ct hered de corporc

fuo jpcreaf, &

jp dcfc^ii talis exitus ad vfum pd G.M. /p tcrmino vitat
(ux,ii port mortem ipfius G.M. ad vfum E. M. &
hcrcd d<i corporc fuo
jpcrcac. Et qd idem G.M.pater virtute eiufdem fccfFjmenti in cadcm
premiff.cumpertincn intram.&indefeifiius cxiftcns ih dhicofuo vtde
hbcro tchto ^p tcrmino vir^ ru^,& feificus ctiam cxiflens in dftico fuo vc
dc feodo,de alijs terris 6c tcfiti$,cum pcrtifi.in Brunton, & alibi ih Com
pd. Idem G.M.patcr per fcripl (uum gercns dat 1 7.die Oftobris,nno
rcgni di^? dh(5 Reg. triccfimo quarto conccflli pFatoT.M. fratri fuo>&
pfato T. N. confanguinco fuo tarn pd i z act tcrr' in
. Gunthorpc f die!,
quond' Lomnors,qua 065 alias eras et ccnta fua^cum prih, in Gonthorp
ThursfordjSc alibi infra Com pd.hend illas tcrf ct tehta,cum pcrtinen,
eifdeT.M. fratri fuo,5cT.N.& hcrcd fuis ad opus ct vfum ciufd G.M.
pfis ^ tempore vitc fu,et poO mortem cius.Tunc de ct in ^d r 2.acris
tcrf in Gunthorp qu.>nda Lomnors, et alijs irh in Bale ct Hindringhani
ad vfum pf.T.M. frairis& pofl mori eius, ad vfum cxccuf ipfius eiu(d6
opus ct vfum ciufd T.fili j ct hcrcd dc corporc fuo jpcrejif,& pro d^efc^tu
talis cxiC ad vfum pd G.M.fili) ct hcrcd dc corporc fuo ^crci^i, pro &
dcfcOu talis exit ad opus ct vfum I. et G.M.pd &
hcrcd dc corporc (u9
^crcat,& ^
defc^u talis cxiC ad v(um E.ct A. duaf Hliaf ciufde G. M.
pfif ct hcrcd de corpof fuis jpcrcaC, &^
dcfc^lu talis exi! ad vfum pd
T.M.fratris,6c hcrcd fuofiroperpctuum.Proutpcandcmlnquifitionc
{inter alia) plcnius liquet &
apparct. luratof pd modo dc fup pfenti &
Inquifitionc impanncllati,& I urati dicunt fup factum fuum pd, qd pd
fcoffamcnt fie vc pfertur ia(\'
p pd Wet E. L. & conucianci^ ocs pd in
di^a Inquifitionc roetionata & m comifTionc huic I nquificioni confuta
fpecial' dc & conccrfi pd 12. acris terrjc in G pd fa^^ f uef & quelibcc
corum fac fuitad fraudem & couih ca intcnrionc, caufa & propofito ad
decipicnd & dcfraudcnd dicf dfiam Reg. de progaciua fua, prima fcifi-
na,liberationc.,relcuio,wardo,maritagio,ct alio lure fuo quocunq^et dc-
iCipiend & dcfraudcnd ipfam dfi.im Kf g. dc ^pficuis tcrraf if ntonim &
ipfius ciufd'G.M.dtf.dequib'cadcmdhaHcg.pcr progatiuamfuam&
leges rcgni fui AnoI*durantc minori ^ratc pd T.M.fiiij ct hcrcd ^ppm
.^uioris difti G.M.dcf.dciutcrcfpondcri dcbcrct.Quodqucncc cadcm
of Wards and Lmcrfes. ^20
fcoffjiTicj conueianc' oes pd, nee cof aliqua fact fu(f ^ bon &: Ugitidi
caufis & confiderac'cc bom fidc.fcd facffuef p fraud* 8c couin ca jmcn-
tionequa fipradic! eft. Et vltcri* luf pd die* liip facfm fuum p^,qd pK
G.M. pater p ccftarocnf & vltini Yolunf fuam in fcripf .gcrcfj daf xx.die
Scpcemb. Anno Dfii 159 1 .inccr alia voluit & Icgauit pF.G.M.xx. libf
bone ctlcgarmoncfAngl'foIucncfcid'G.M.adctaffuaxxiiij.aiifi per
execuf eiuld G.M.pfis ea eondic*,qd idem G.M. fuffic* in Ic^c p faftCi
fuum relaxant pf. T.M. hercd eiufd G.M.
fil' ct &
hered' ipfi' T. M. (&
ibin fac? relax' traderit raamb'execuf pd G.M.pfii ad opus et vfum pd
T.M.fil'et hered fuof) toiu ius.titul' &
claiTi ipfi** G.M.de in pd xij.&
acf terf in G. pd q nup fuef W.L.6c EX. pd,ad op^ &
vfum pd T.M.
fir &hered fuof,^ut p eande volun! I uf pd fup caption huius Inquif.
in euidenc' often!, plcni' liquet et apparet. Hr vltcr lus luf pd die' fuper
facfm fuu pd,qd pf.G.M. eft vn* hliof E.M. fil' eiufd' G.M.pfis & fuit
infra eta! xx). anh, (cz.etatis quatuor vel quinq*, menfiuni aut eo crrciter
cSporeconlcc^iofifeoffaiiici pd.ppd' W.&E.L.&qd'cftetatisxxiiij.
annof , vcl eocirciccrtcmpuscjptionis huius Inquif. Etqd'pd'execu-
tof teftanirt eiufdc G.M. patris nondufD folucrunt pd* xx. libfpf.G.M.
p eunde G.M. legat.vt fupradicc eft. Neq, pd* G.M. nondnm relaxauit
jput luf pdTupcaptioh huius Inquif. conftare poterit. Dicunt ctia luf
pd fup facfm luum pd,qd idc G M. pater pccuii fuis jppri j$ pquefiuit
pd xi). acf tcrf in G. dc pd W. Et E.L. 5c qd ide G.M. non folucbat a-
liqua pceuhncc dedit aliqua confidef ppquifitionc pd fed fuitnontus
in cod' fcoffamrojcu eod'G.M.ad dccipicnd' dham Reg. jpuc fupradicc
qd ide G.M nulla habcbat notic dirti feoffamti tcporeconfcft*
eft. E:

eiufd* nee poftea durante vita ipfi'G. M. fed cap? fuit feoffamf iilud in
eius no'ie fine colenfu vcl noticufua.Etvltcri' luf pd die* fup facfm fuu
pd, qd pf. G.M. flat poft feoffamcnffd p pf.W.8c E.L- in forma pd
iibi,5cpf.G;M.depdxi).acffacf inirabatlblusinoeipdxij.acf&foiuf
rccipiebacomnes^coiBnimodasexif 5c^(icuaearundni,& cuiuflibcc
partis carunde tarn toto tempore ante feofFarocnf fuum indc vt pfcrr ur
T.M. T.N. C.N. & S.Collard facf.quara poftea continue durante tota
per fpacium xx. annof 5t amplius ad vfum fuum proprium
vita fua. fez.
abfquealiqua conuciancia vel licentia p pf.G.M fibi in hac parte faft\
Ec qd poft raotte eiufd' G.M. pf is hucufq-, W.M.ik vxor ciu$,& E.M.
excc'teftaihci pf. G. cepef ^ficuaearundexij.acf &dincrf.aliaf tcrraf
eiuf I'G.M, pfis &cad'^Hc' vel corund* aliqua annuatimccnucrtf fad
manuteh,victtvoftif iplofT M.ctG.M.filij pfiG.M pf;sdf.fnnrti.Et
qd* idem G.M.'uirqua cepii ^ficua carund'icrf ncc cjf pti,> a:icui',r.ec
aliqd habuic ncc het ad asjcnd" cu dimifsiofi feu occup.itioh ea* und' xi).
acf ancalicui'inde pceH'.Et vltluf pd dic'fuplacf fuuptiq? deG.M.
nunq he^^ac in cuftud fua ncc vidcb.pd fate fcofF.de pttxij-icffibierpf.
Pleadings in the Court.
G.M. prcd vt prefer! faft' fed c\}iod idem G.M. folus habcbat in ciiflo-
diaruadtirantctotavitafuact quod port mortem eiufderaG.M.deucnic
ad manus prcfaci T. M. vniuscxccutoriimciufdcm G.M.patris

ctnonadraanusdiftiG.M. Ecvlccriusluratarcspredil' dicur.t iupcr

idem G.M. hcrcdcs vtl affignaifui habcfdidVduodecimacrajtcnc in
Gunchorpeauc aliquam inde parccllam aucaliquod indcproficuum

feu commod'capcrc attemptarct fed quod ipfe idem G. M. pater cis gau-
dercc foius ec eas cocas pro libico ec arbitrio (uis folus difponcrec. c v!te-
fcoff:mcncurapcrprcfafG.M. pacrcmprcfat T.M. T.N. C.N.etS.vV,
vc prefertur fa^' fuic pro meliofacionc ec adHanciamcnco Anglice
t^t pjMttmtnt anD aDtiancement ipfius G. M. patris ec diai T.M. fi-
ll) ccheredapparemis ipnusG.caincentionevtipfi eas rcconccdercnc

cidemG.M. patrimodoec forma proiceaseidemG.reconcedcf vcpdt

efl cc nee ad commodum fiue proficuum ipforum T. T. C. ec S. 5. feof-

pied feu eorum alicuius. Quodq^ pd reliquc conueancie annis due

Reginc nunc ; ;. cc ^4. mentiona^fai',fucrunc fad', per fraudcm cc a>
vinam proucfupra didumcfi ec in (idutiaccconfidencia quod proficua
corund conuercancur ad vfum commodum cc pre mclioracionc Angtice
|)^efecment prcfaci T. M. filijctallorufiliorueiufdem G.M.dcfun^i
cc non ad commodum corundum T.M. fratris T.N. G.N. ec S.S. feu c-
erum.alicuius dicunt cciam luracorcs prcdid* fuper facramc fuum pred
quodidemG. pacer per predict' fad' fuumdat 18. O^^obris anno 34.
prcdi A'referuaaic fibi poccflaf cc auchoricaccm plcnam mucandi flatus cc
limtrationem crca{fad' cclimicaf per idem fad' fed vcrummucauic cos
nee nc lurarores pred pcnicusignoranc. Ecvlccnusluracores predid*
dicunc fuper facramc fuum prcdid' quod prcdid' R.M. fiiius eiufdcm
G.M.pacrifnperiusnoiacifuicmort1kminanBO}o.didc domine li
zabcthac Reginc quodquc prcdid* T.M. T.N C.N. ec S.S. occ
corum aliquis concederuncfe conccflcricprcdidam annuitaccm feu an-
nualem rcddif crigincalibrarumcidem K. prouc Inccnciofadi prcdid*
perprcfacumG. Might cis fadi prcfatur pre U fcrebac. Incuius rci
udimonium &c.


of Wards and Liueriesl^: 521

tyf Commifsion to enqmre of ^ fraudulent

ELizabeth Dd gratia Angf, Franc',& Hibern* Regina fidei defenf.

&c. dilc^lis nobis, Willjclmo BleurhafTct, Chrjftofcro Layer ariii, Sc^.
Henrico Bramhvvait genef fcodarjo Com nofti Norf. Ed.Blcurhaflcr,

Williclroo Robinfbn & Pro Barker gcncrofis (aluf. Cum

p quandam
Inquindojiein capcam apiid Swaffhani in Co&i noflf pAxCto -jMc lun
Anno regni noftri 3 8 coram Tho. Mcthwold arm tunc Efcaecof noftf
Com nottri pditf, Vi tutc brcnis noilri dc Diem claufit cxtremnm eid
Efcaccoridirc^'ad incjoircnd port mortem GalfridiJVlightcapt in &
Canccllaf nodra retornat (inter alia) fit compercum qd quidam Willi-
elm' Lomnor & Ed. Lomnor diu ante obitum eiufdem GalFridi Might
fcifiii exi(tcn de& in duodecim acris tcrrx & pa(f urx cum periinenti js
inGunthorp in diOo Cora noflro de cifdem duodecim acris feoffaucf
cundem Gdtfndum Might 5c qucndam Galfridum Monie, Habend
cifdrmGalfrido&Galfrido &hcrcdib. (uis,Etquod ijdcm Galfridus
& Galfnd ficdcprafmiCIJcifiti exifteii, & idem Galfridus Might dc
alijuerris&tenemcntisinThurbtord&alibi infra Ccdi pdif^'feifitus
de Feodo. Idem Galfridus Might per f.2cc fuum,
cxif)efi in dv'ininico vt
daf 1 S.Augiifl. A nno re^ni nofln
3 4. ea infentionc ad gratuland dile-
ifturufraticmluuro Tho Might &ddciVos fuo$ confanguineosThoiTi
Norns,Cuthb. Norris, & Stcph. Shoring gen ^p magms laboribus fuis
quosijdemTho.Tho.Cuthb. & Stcph. antea 'uperfe fuiceperunt in
& circa negotia eiufdem Galtrd Might feofF<uit cofdem Thomam
Might, Thom Nuriij, Cu'hb. Norris, 6cvSiephan.Shortmgdcdilis
duodecim acris tcrtac in Gunthorpc, &
ceteris omnibus premifT. Ha-
bend tcnend omnia & fingula premiiTeifdcm Tho. Tho Cuthber-
to & Stcphano, 6c haeredibus fuis ad opus & vf im ipforon Tho, Tho.
Cuihb. & Stephanii &
hc^rcdum fuorum iroperpetuum. Er quod paulo
port Scptembris extunc proxim* fequent, ijdem Thomas,
fcilicet 2 5.

Thom", Cmhbcrtus, Srephanus per cartam fuam de cifdem prem?ffis
feofFaucrunt cundcm Galfridum Mighc, Habend gdem Ga'frido &
haeredibus fuis ad vfum eiufdem Galfnd Might pro tcrmmovirac fuae,
&poft mortem eiufdem Galfnd Might id vfum Williclmi Money &
EiiZab. vxof cius pro termino fcxannoruni extunc proxiro*fequent,&
ad finem eiufdem termini ad vt'um ipfiusTho. Might frairi?, & pofl
mortem cms ad vfuni cxecuroruni tcfiamenti &
vltunc voluntatis ciuf-
dcjii Galfridi Might quoufquc Thomas Might fiiiur eiufdem Gal-

fridi Might ad ^Icnam ztacco] vigimi 6c vnius anuoium pcrucnerit,6c

S( ad
Pleadings in the Cotiirt
id plenani xtatero ipfius Tho. fili tunc ad vfum eiufdcin Tho. Mi%ht

filii & hxrei

dc corpore ipfiusTho.filijprocrcat, &
pto6c(c(X\i talis

cxitusad vfumGalfridi Might fili) altcrius ciufdcm Galfridi patris&

hcrcd dc corporc ipfius Galfridi filij procrcat, &
pro defcOu talis
cxitusad vfum cuiufdam Ann^ fi'ix eiufdcm Galfridi patris&hacrcif
dc corporc fuo procrcsf, &
pro dcfertu talis exitus ad vfum Galfridi
Monic pro tcrmino vitx fuar, poft mortem ipfius Gajfrid Monic ad
vfuraEdmundi Monie,&h^reddccorporcfuo procrcat. Etqdidcm
Galfridus Might pater in cadem praemifTa com pcrtincniijs mtrans,
Scindc fcificus cxifteh indorainico fuovt dc libcro tcncmento ^p tcr-
mino vJtac fu3C, & fcifitus ctiam cxifteh in dominico [wo vz dc fcodo dc
alijs tcrris&tcnemcntisjcum pcrtincntij?, inBrunton,& alibi in Go-
mitatu prxdift' perfcriptumruum,gcrens daf dccimofcptimoOftob.
Annoxcgni noftri tticcfimo quarto, conccflit prcfatoThomac Might
fratii fuo, &
pr^fat Tliomac Norris confanguinco fuo tarn prcdii\a$
duodccim acrastcrr3c,qu3momncs alias terras Sctcncmcnta fua cum
pertincnti)s ijfdcm Tlio. Mi^ht fratri fuo & Tho. Norris Sc haercdi-
bus fui$ ad opus & vfum ipfius ciufdcm Galfridi Might patris tcn^J ^
mino vitae fuac,& poft mortem eius ad vfum exccutorum ipfius ciuldciti'
GalfridMigh: patris quoufquc pr^dictTho. Might filius pcrucncrit
ad ^tatem viginti &vnju$ annorum, &:ad plenam s^taicm ipfius Tho-
rn Might filij tunc ad opus & vfum ciufdcm Tho. Might filij Schsc-
rtd dc .orporc fuo procrcaf & pro dcfcOu talis cxrtus ad vfum prx-

fati Galfridi Might filij &lnercddc corporc fuo procrdif & pro dc- ,

feftu talis exitus ad vfum loh. & Galjfridi Monic & hxtcd dc corporc
fuo procrcat, & pro dcfef^u talis txuus ad vfum Elizab. &Anhprz-
di^'&haereddccorporibus fuis procrcaf, &
prodcfcd^u talis cxitus
ad vfum prxdiAi Tho. Might fratris & haercdum fuorum impcrpe-
taum,proutpercandcm!nquificionem inter alia plenius liquet ap* &
parcr. Et cum Thomas Heskcth arroig' modo Attornatus Curiz no-
ftrae Wardorum &
Liberac'Magiftro & Confiiio ciufdcm Curiae ex
parte noftra monftrauit, quod praedift'fcofFamenium&coniieianciaB
pr^dicf facf vt fupradi^um efl facf fucf per fraudcm & couinamca
intcntione caufa ^propofito ad decipicnd&dcfraudcn^nos dc cu-
ft^dia corporis &mantagio praefati Tho. Might filij & hsrccteiuf-
dero Galfridi Might patns infra actatem cxiften & Ward noftri ac
ad decipiend &
dcfraudend nos de profic'carum tcrrarum &diucr-
farum aliarum tcrrarum ipfius Galfridi Might patris dc quibus du>
rantc miinori artatc ciufdcm Ward noftri dc lure rcfpondcri debefcj."
mus, Quae quidcm Monftratio dc noftra parte (vt accepimus) diftii^
Magiftro &confilio Cuf noftrac Ward &
Libcrationumpraedjcf vide*
of Walrds and Linems. ^n
batur fore vera & quia predict Tho. Might fratcr, Tho. Norris, &

Cuihb.NorrJi iudicialitcr vocaf coram cildcm Magiftrb & Confilio

in cadcm Curia noftra ad ccrpondendlnformationcm&Monftratio-
nem difti Atcornad noftri non Jcncgaucrunc fupcr facranicma fua
fed plane cohficcbanturfcoflanicnf&oroncscomiciancias predict facf
fui(rcvcprefcrtur,allegaucrunt tamcnquod fa^a fuerunt pro bonis &
Icgicinm confiderationibus & bona fide 8c non per fraudem nequeco-
uiiianivr fopradiftuni eft. Sciatig igitur quod nos de vericate & cer-
titudine prxmiflbrum ccrtas fieri volentes &defidclif3tcinduftria5c
prouidis circuwfpeftionibus veftris plurimum confidcntes affignaui-
mus duos vcl plures vcftrum Cotnroiflionarios noftros ad inquirend
per facramcntum proborum 5c Icgalium hominum pratdi A' Comitac
noOri Noiff. tam infra libcrtates quam
quos rci vericas
extra per &
certitude inprxmifTis melius vtrum predict fcofFamen-
fciri poterit
wm conueianciap prxdift'faft*, fade fuerant per fraudem ccui-
^ &
nam^ineencionc aliqua, caufa vel propodto ad decipien^ vel defrau-
dend nos haeredes vel fuccedores noftros de Prxrogatiua noftra,pri-
18a fei(ina> ]iberatione>reIeuio, wardo,maritagio,vel aliquo alio iure
noftro quocunque necne,&de omnibus alijs rebus 8c circuicftamijs
fraudem couinam&deceptionem przdicc qualirercunque tangenfeu
/foficerneii. Et idcoduobus vcftruravelpluribus vcftrum pr^cipimos
j6c mandamus, quodi ad ccrtos dies &
loca quos ad hoc duo vel plu-
res veftrum prouideritisexade & diligenter fupcr pr^miff.faciatis In-
^uKitionem. Eamqucncfact^c inpc;^rgamenodiftintc Scapertcfcript
nobis in Cancellaru noftra przdici (ub figillis duorum vel plurium
vcftrum 5c Tub Hgi lis corum per quos Inquif.eadem hOa fuerit fine

hJationc mittatis & has literal noftras patentes. Mandamus ctiam

Cenofc pr^f^ntium Vicecoin noftro Comitat predict quod ad certos
dieg 5c loca quos ei fcire fcccritis vcl
duo vcftrum fcirc fecerint Ve-
coram duobus vcl pluribus veftrum tot 5c tales pro bos 5c le-
niifc fac'

gates homines de balliuafua tam infra libcrtates quam extra per quos
rci veiskas in przmift^ melius fcirc poterit 5c inquiri. In cuius tti
teftimonium has literal noftras fieri fecimus patentes. Tefte meipfa
apu4 Weftmonafterium viccfinio fcxto dicNouembi', Anno regni
jaoftiri) quadragefimo.

St 2 K^n
Pleadings in the Court
.1' i iu-
An JftquiftthnvpoHaDeMeHer after the deMthofAHheirewkhm
age^ and in ward.

INquificio Indcmafcapfapud W.in Com' prac^xilij.dicNo. Anno

05W. o* feg,nidoiTiEliz.dcigr.C?cc. coram H.E.afEfcaetofdift' don/ Reg in
com' prediA' B. VV. gencrof. Fcodaf ciufdcm dom' Reg. in dicf Co A
G.H. gen. Comiflionaf diftae dom' Rcg.virtuteCommifliondi^.dft
Reg.innacutabrcuis.dedeucnerurtt cil^em Comiffioh dire^ ecbuic
Inquific' annex' ad inquircn<J port mortem W. K, inuiof fili^ et he-
red William Keehng defimfli per facram 6cc. C^ii dicwrat (uper (aeraib
fuum qd prcdi^ius Will. Keeling in didla commilfioh nomuiatu dreo>
bicus liii fuic feifitus in donnnico fuo vcdcftododect invnomefTtKig.
vno horreo,& quatuor virgat terf,curo pertin fcituaf iaceh ec cxiilehin
Farringdon et Wcftbrook in dido com Berk: Et pdit>us W.K. in di<^
ca Commifl^one nominatus fie mde (eilitus exillens de call (latudum in ,

fractaEtecincu^odia die! dhe Reg. ii.dieSepr. anno obijcHc

indc feiHtus. Ec quod omniaSc iinguhi premid'a, per mortem diA' W,
pacris, &.racionf minorisetatis praed Willielrh in diet' CommifHoh no
mindc ad raanus di4flx domiiiae Reg.dcuencf ec (Ic in manibus dicl;<doni
Reg. cxiftunt. fj. vtcef luracof pddicuntfuper facraiT} fuum^d. Qnod
prcdiijoir. ec cetera premid.cunapercihin Farriiigdoh et Weftbtoolc
prcdin dil' com' Berk, tenenfet tempore mortis drdli W. K in (i\{X^
commiirioh nominal tenebantdedift'dominaRcg.pcrieraic'xl.partis
vnius fcodi milit: et quod valertc claf p-ann' inomnib' exitvltf repnf.
lirj.s. iii). Et quod quidam R. K. eft fratcr ec propinquior here predic*

Wil. K.in dida commifT. nominat. Et fuic tempore mortiseii)(dem W*

fcatris (ui mfra xtaE 2 r. annof viZ.etacisquindecim annof p.die April,

vlcim'pretef: Etinfupcr lur: prcd dicunt quod praediftus W.K, in

A\Oi\ comminTion nominmis nee aliquis alius (iue aliqui all) ad eius v-
fum habuic fiuc tenuit habiieriit-:nue cenuerunt atiquaal' fiue plura roeC-
(uag.cerfcehca Hue hereditament in dominiconec in fcruicio wnsfporc
obitus fui in com' pracd nee alibi quam vc fupradid^um cf> ad noticyu.
Mtofprxd. In cuius rei tcftimonium vni parti huius Inquific penes
pfat. commiflTionafrcmarich pr^fati luf figilla fua appoftierunt, alteri vc-
ro parti ciuCdem Inquilic penes prefat luf remancii prcfat. comiflionaf
figilla fua appofuerunc die anno & loeTuprad.

of Wards and Liueries. 325
, . . . t'.
. . ...... .1

'tije'Mnfiverefl6htj(^ock^Sf(^tiiret thf ^gvnes ntaiefiies teodary of her

highne^e Conntj ofSHrrej , to the bill ofCvm^laint of Anthony
Thomasf Comjt.nnant.

T^e amicintage ofofcoinpl. to t\)\si

0,rcejf ion to tf)c htfufficujncie of
Dcfen. notir <n2D at all ttmea ^cccaftcc, faueb
tljc fain 115ill of

t%xs Dcfen.as tnell fo; ^imfclfc, as in oifcljarging of |jis office, conccc^

ning yet* Spairlf ie, faitfj, lEljat true it is, tfjat tlje faiD ^amucU SDljo^
magjfatljcccfrfjefdiDCompKmeDfcireD in lijis ocmefne, as of fee of
tl)C faiD iwatecmill, lanos, tenements, anu l^eceoitaments in l^ojfe^

ooVuncintl)cbillmentioneu:anDtl)at tfjefamc arc DifcenoeDto tfje

faiD ccutplt. in fee fimple,as fon ano tieire of Ms faiD fatfjec, ano tljat

t|)c faiD p:cmiffcs teere fomctime pace ell of tljc poCPeCfions, rents anO
ccnenues of tlje fiofpitall oj religions l)onf0 of &.3Iol)n Slecufalenijbe^
ing long fiinceb^ act of iparliamcnt anD otljerltjife DiffolueD 0nD t^^ikt
altijongt) iw anD bg a fo;mecinquifition, bi? tjectuc of a tu^it of diem
cbtific exrrcnit m, fO V^Z ILo^D $pa?0^ Of tlje ^itiz of JLonDon, Cjf*

cbstc? ofPucfouetatu^reilaDt? tl)c ^ueenes l^aiellte, of fier l;igl)nes

bojoag^ of ^outl)U)athc,anD otljei: places in tt)e faiD County of ^ur*

te^jaftei't^e Dea^t)0('(t)^ratD^amueU*|c* ^itl)outtl;atfC.

To the right honorable R. C. &c.

yf InformAtion aqAinJi 4nefor altering and razing the

name of a Defendant,

S^etuctf) ruD info;metb ror ^o^Ilo.^ir SH^.^efbetfjfenigfjt, 0t^ Scft.p.

tome)? of Ijisbigfjncs faiD couit of 2ta.DS % iiiueaes,tl)at to^crc
as tljc faio ^it 2l. ^. Ijeretofo^e bv info;mation in Ijis ipa. Court of
^arDs anDHiucries, fo^anD in tbc beljalfe ofone ifr :aibanie , \)i&
l^a. a)arD,DiDinfb;metl)atH3iof})ftueftrrin tl)e County of^a^
lop gent C
ip. arDnneoft|^efanigentli.2D.oft^efame,2r>ter,
ap. 2Cl)0 of tl)e fame. 2C. (S. ^. (Sr^ffttlj of tlje fame Meaner, (^iytt^
fit!) 3Ioncs of tl)e Came 2Daplo^, Sr. apKob. of ttjc fame iBafeer. ^it*
^ilfonoftl)efamc,q^eccDitb3!ones oft|)c fame Meaner, Iticljaro

ap Hobertoftl)efame&bcteman,CDto.ap 31of)n oftljcfameUieaner,

anDCl;t)an ap^r^ffptl)oft^e fametocauer-, f Diuerfc otljer, Inljofc
names are notfenotun to Vc\zSm iatto:nev,l}aD latelr tu;Jongfull^ in*
tceDan\} intruDSD into ttooparcclls of common c; toaltegrounD, t!)c

on0calleD3lanntvjat)engoutlj,anDtbcotl)er caUeDi^nicnei? boutb,

paweU of ti)e mano^ cf Mljitington in ttje faiDCountv^anD tfjegr^ffc
^s 3 tljere*

Pleadings in the Court
f^ereijpon grotoing o; beetitg,DtD t0;^ongfuU^ tiepafiute mn
iuit|> t^cit cattcW, to t\)t&xat
p^eiuDirx: of Ijw a^aieaic,amj mnfinlje*

rifon of f)i5 iipaicfiie0 Mact> :anD tl;ei:eupon,tf|c faio 0fto;jner p^r*

CD maitftics to^tts of p;tuie fcalc to be oicecieo to tljc faio perfons,

anD to eueci? of tl)em,t^ei:eb^ commannoing tljcm auD eucci? of tljera

at a cectaiiw oar? ano tsnocr a certaine paine t^zttin hn t^t faio ^a.
of tljc 2I2Itae3 tobelimiCteD , pecfonallp to appcavc faefb;?e t!)e faio
fi^aftec of tijc fatu MaiDes anu lltuecies, tfjen anD tbece to anfiuece

to tlje faio p;0miire0, ano cnec^ pact anD pacccU tJ)ci;eof , tjpon t^etc

co;ipo.:aU oatfjes, anD alfo to fet Dotunc bpon tfjeir co^pojall oatljas,
tu|)at cigljt, title o; intereU, tljeti t eucrtc of t^cm cfjallenge o^ claime
to ^auc ofin o; to tjje faio tiuo parcels of common oj toaffe gconnD o?
tit|ci;oftl)em,cMn^patt0;parcell tbeceof, ano furtljecto llanDto
anD abioefuc^ furtljeco^DccanD Direction in tfje p;jemigiejs,ais t|je faioe
S^aaec of tl;e MarDS anD ?Uuedes in \}is UiifcDome OjoulD t^inUfit,
as in anD b^ tlje faio information remaining of reco^D remaining in
t^is I)o: Court, mo;ie at large appearetfj.
Mljere tpon one s:i)omaB l^anmec of po;fetngton in tfje omi
tie of ^alop (l5entlc.p,:ocareD l)is cpaietties tu^it of p;iuic feale , Da^
teDfljefeauenanDttoentiet^Da^ of^p^iU, in t|)e ti)irD|?eareof tl^e
icings spaicffies raigne of 6nglanD, if ranee anD BJielanD ano of

^cotlanD t^e ciQ\)t ano tljirtiet^, to be DirecteD out of t^is l)onourabl0

Court to tlje faio (l!;DU)arD spafon, spereD^tf) iones , CDotuarD ap *
ljan,anD3lo|)nap(lI5c?ffgt^, in t^e faio information before mcntib*
neo, commaunDing t^cm tjjcreb^ ta appeare before tl)e Rafter, anD
Csuncell of tliis l^onourable Court of i^aros ano iliueries at ^elr^
mtnlter,olabisTrinicansla(ipa{|,tl)eretoanritiere to all fuc^imat^
t9t$ as 0)oulD be laiD anD obie^eD againit tl)em h^ tl)e faiDe ^Lm^M^
oft^efaiD Court Subpoena, euerie of tt)emfortiepounDe0,tDi)ic|i faiv
\ii;it of ^riuie feale beeing fealeDjtoit^ tbe Jiings maiefties faiD feaU,
calleD tf)epriuic^eale, anD tbe faiD CoiuarD a^afon , ipereD^tl
Blones, CDtoarD ap3lol)n, anD (Ebanap (Srrff^tl), beeing tlicreb?
accorDinglp commannDeD to appeare as aforefaiD , anD t^e faiD
names t^jcrein beeing faire, \3inttcn toitljout racing, anD tlje
fame \o^it of priuie^eale beeing foUir ttten, anD beeing b^ fomeo^t
oneoffl)CjfficcrsorClcrUes of tljisljonourablc Court DeliuereD to
t^eCaiDlCfjomas ^anmer, after fuel; Deliuer^ of tlje faiD Wlnt ijnto
|)im, anD before t^efermngtl)ereof, tl^e faiD S!L!;omas Ipanmer not
^auingtljcfcarcof C^ j5 bcfore.!)iseves,norDuercgarD ofl;is ^&f
ieflfcies itatoes in tljat beljalfc maoe ano prouioeD, about tf)c tl)ir*=

titt}) ofaprilUaftpaft, anD0ncebis l^ig^neffe latt g^ncrall parDon,

iDillinglie, toittingl^ , anD falfel?, altereD, raijeD, or caufeD to

of Wards and Lineries. 524.
be rai^eti in tfje faiuc Wlnt of ^mt ^calc , part of tfje ^anic

cf t^e Tato CDiuacDc $^ar<m, ano male o; raufeD tl)e fame to be

tnnDe auD iu;ttt0n HtcijatD q^afcn, atiD To aftet fuct) rat^ure ano
alteration, 00 afojefaio, fjc tfjc faio STljcmaB li^annter , fcrueo oa cau
feu to bcfeciicDtljefatD|0;te^eaIc,bpaCidiecout oftt;cfaiDp?i^
me^eaii:,ofoneUu^acogpafonof;^fijuelttT>) in t^z faio County of
^alop gentleman, to appeare tntfjta |iono;abIe Couct OaabisTri-
tmans lad, tv^eteas tl)e fato Ktc^atD i^afon is not maDea jDefen^
oant m
tt)e fato Blnfo^matton, ano ti)ai$ not fo nameo in t^e faio ^}u

utej&eale>t)j^eRtt)eramclucntro;tt)oft{)ts Ijoncucable Court. j3no

fo;^armuct) as all otl^nce^ Done in 0: to tl)t5 f)ono;able court of ^arD5
andlltucrte(, are puntl^ablemtijat Court, ano fo^fomncl) tffc m
totlfullraijureafo;eraiDDereruetf)l]^arpeano feuere punft^ment, to
tl)t eraniplc of all ill DifpofcD perronSjO^a^ it t^erefo^e pleafc pour
no;ablello;ofl}tp,tf)ep;emiire0 ccnfioeceD, to grant tfie lyings ma*
ieftiefiUjjirofp^iuie feale to t\}t faio JEfjcmas l^anmer, tljereb^
commaunDing l^im to appeare ant anfluere to tl}t p^semtOies tc

To the right ho. the L. high Trcafurcr of England &c.

APctitioHt9 the Majier gfthe (Vards^for thsvMrdJhip ofthe

body AndUnds e^f.

\p moll fjamble luife f^luetf) t nf tour gcD JL. tout uailp )^ato;
e. !l. HD^at lu^eras one )). o;^ ilD. 22^* late of CEplDell ixi t j^ecountte
ofi^oijff. gent. uieD about ttuo mcnett)0fince,beingtl)en feifeti of cer<
tainelanus ano tenenients in ttje faio CountieaitO clfetDliere, ciftfie
teeielttialuc cff.U.wtljeceaboutB vicf Rcprif : jano as t^tnoofficfi
founo after ljisxatlj.i^oUj,if it mat pleafe tour l)o: togcaunttnto
?our fato ^^atD?. ajj ix'tfl ct)e uarDi]^ip of t^e Ijeirc of tljefai^ ^*Wl*
as alfo a leafe of l;:s lan&jj ouringtl)emino;itic of Ijts faio^eire, tpon
fuc^ rcaronable rDrfiOerationag l^aU fceme gocutnto tour ILo. (Ijis
trauell ano infojiimtic t fc j tlje title refpecteo) iubir|) toittjont Ijim Ujtl
t)arolt be b;ougt;tto ligjjt: Bno grant tcur !lo. Warrant fo; tlje fame
t)nto ti)e feooarie $ c.r4^4Uo;!,o;& botl),a0 mat ^ttmt beft to tour H:
lifting , tonr pco.:e ^i^^s^ Inill at l)t0 oton rcft0 ano cljargeg fino an
olfire,anD p^oue a tenure fo;^ t)er maieHie. ^.no acco^uing to I)t0 bctm^'

ocn x^vXit^ tailt p^at t)nto C^oo fo; t[;e long continuance of tour lie:

^/4 A
Pleadings in the Court:,

ji Bill to fray licencefor Trautrfe,

^tfft f o
TTtmmblr l!>eUetl) ?out:l^onoj,3Io^it^tat;Uteof f c. in Com' Lane'
2-2(5eat.2Dtiatlw6ei:eas bi' 3nquifitioiT inocnteD , taken at Jloj^
gan i*itljefaio Cotmtic of Jl. ic* nag of lanuaciejin t^tsi p^efent ic.l;.

tjeeceoft^cp^ofpecous reigneof ouc foueraignc itaoie lueejie CUj*

before $c ^Sfcjjeto^ of our faio foucratgne Jlaoie oftlieraiDvCountic
of Ji, br fo.Kc of a ii^it of ouc fain ^oueeaigne Jlatit? , of Mandamus,
to tfjc fame C!;fcl)Cto^ uii:ecteD,tp enquireof tl)e oeatij of ^en ^tacljie
dDeiit. late of;3igf| ton afojefaio, in t[)e faioCountteof Ji.oeceafeo, it
is foano i p^efenteo b? tl)e oat jes of i^* J. ^* ^ gent, ano others,
to tl)e numbec of fiFteene in all, tljat t^e faio ^ ^tacfeie, t?out: fuppli^
ant5 faio Jatfjec, li]ci0
feifeo m
t)ijs oemeafne, as of fee, of, ano t^e m
mano^ of ^ig^ton %t* iw V^t faio Countie of ^U^anc* ano of ano in tlj^ee

incir^c^lyitb tljappurtenances inClaugbton,in^mounDernei,in V^z

faio Cpuntie of Jianc Zm
tljat tfje faio i^en.g&tai^ie , of fuc^ an e?

ItateoieDfeireo. ^notl)at^our:).:ato;is^i0fonneanol^eice,anD of
The office t^e age oftljiitie nine peaces ^no tl)at tljefaio meilu.lanties,tene^
iiaik manor, ttients, attO p^enuffcs ^gtjton afo^^efaio , are Ijoloen , ano at t^z

iivaz of tije oeatlj of t^ie faio Ip. ^t atkie Uie^e l)olDen of ouc faio ^zwz^
caigneiLaoietlje ilueenc,a0 of l)et;E>utct)ie of lianc. bp il^nig^is fec^
wice, tljat i$ to far, bn ttje fourtb pact of a i^nigtjts fee^ ;ano t^at tlje
faip meCTu. lanOfii,tenementi5,ano p^jemiCCes m Claugbton in ^m^wn^
Oerej9!^fp;efaio, i\\ tlje Countie of ilan,care fjoloen , ano at the time

i^f^tacHie, tuece t)oloenofouc faio ^oue?

eftljelieatlj oftl^e faio
raignelt-aoic tlie Hueene, as of Ijec faio ^utcJjiie of iLawc* bp &nigl|t
fiei:uice,^l)atistofap,bi?tlje fouctljpartofa l^nigljts fee. Wi^ztmy
t^t is iznni^^ fo fbuno , t^e. faio office i^ falfc anD tm^
to fap,in tfje
tcue;fo^touc fuppiiant oottjano \m\\ auecve, t^iat ttje faio rneo:,
lanijs, ano tenements in 0tg|ton in ^moanoerne, ano C!augl)ton^
no;rcittecoftl)em,no;anppacttt)ece0f,acenot, no^toecenot at V^z
t\m of tl)e oeceafe of t^efaio^ ^tackte,t)oloen of ouc faio foqecatgn
llaoic tfje^ueene, as of tjec faio ^ixtXyiz ofilanc. bp kntgljts fecuice,
iwai?5anppactofaknigb^sfee,asitttljeraio Inquiiition XBy to V^z
gceajtloi{e> p;eiuoice, ano ^iooecanjce ofpouc faio Suppliant founue
ajiiJP-iefenteo* liSutpouc Suppliant oot^ ano Wl
ano y^roouebr gooo zw
tot!)tsl)ono;ableCouct,anofo/li3iil iuftiae
oences,ccaOptobefl^eljDeototi)is l^onoucable Couct, t^at t^faio
meiru.lanos,tenemwits,anop;emiffesinlligt)fonafo?efaiD, Ht t^e
time of tf)coeatl) of tI)e(aio!^*^tackie, tDecel)olocn ofl^aateC'acle
JOfE)ecbp,ia fcee ano commo focage ; tj^at is to fap, bg fealtie , ano

of Wards and Liueries/ 325

tl^ecentof tli^eegcaines of popper 0nD tijat tijc faiu ^eflTuagcsfj
llanD;,3Dcnement0,aiiu!^cicDitamenf0inC/in ^. afo^efaiD, aie
l)olDen, anu attfje time of'ttieDcatj) of tl)c fatD ll.^tDcre|)olDenof
2:.li3of CantljcConnttc afoiefaiu (Sfqaice bp fealtie onelv ^5
alttjoagl) ^our fuppUatit being ioigan at tj^c time of tl)c finding
tf tlje fato Office befo;ie t^e fato (il;fcl)eato;t , did fet fo;^t^ t)td

faiD ancient eutueitcesanD late ^flftcc0founDacco;jDmg to tl)e fait e^

utcencc{ ^nD alfo ttic opinion of l)t0 counfell in iD^iting toucl)tng

tl)cfame t{)at roue fuppliant l)i8 ianDB ace l)olDen in manec anf) fo;(me
afo^e b? rent fuppli^ant allcaogeD , ret t^c faio Cfclieato? H p
ret fecDarie to Ije^ i^ig!)neire of t\}t faio Ccnntie of late fo? ttttm tef^
pects to tfjemieluea beO: Hnolt)ne oio info^me? in^o;t, anD iucence t^z
faiD Slucie tijat tl)e faio euiuenfc^DiD not p,:otiet^e faiDtenures in fo^
cagc,tol)ereupon tlje faio June oiu fintje fo;i t)ec ^aiefiiea* afojefaiD
^m fojafmnct) as lljefaiD ja^fficefo tintcuelr founDDotlj tentie to ttje

gteatloEe,paeiuDice, ano t)inzierame of rout faio fuppliant am \iis

\\titt$ fo? euec s^ar it t^ecefo?e pleafc rout gcoo ^onouce to gtaunt
toroui:fupplrantl)ccS^aicftie0|0?ocefreof |0;iuie^calcto be Dire^
ttel to t^e faiD .51. Cft tjcato; of ttje faio Countie of ^lancaftcc , ano
totljefaio U*^* an&toeittjecof t^emtol^eto fuel) matter; as t|ier

can fo;^i)ei;epaieftie to p;onetl)efaiD tenures tljat tjpon tfje bielu of

tIjefamcanDof rour fuppliant ^tscuioenres roue l^onoure mar be
fatiffieo ^nu t^en to licence roue fupplrant fo? tl)c pjeferuation of
rigljtanDinljeiitancetotrancrfetfiefaiDttttreli Office ttm^m tf)t
tenures? afo?efaiD. vanO roue fupplrant as neuertljeleCTe br ^wtit
bounDen C^all oailr p?atS toiS^ fo^tlje incecafe of roue ^onone

after the fathers death,

Tq tte rigbt,Honourablc ^c.

I^fezmetf) roue^oiwur SU.^. Cfquire Ijee Cpaietties 0ttuener of Sea. 1 1

t)ee iptglHieffeCoutt of mu ano H ST^at tu^cceas one 3!-^* of jf

in tljeCountie of if oeceafcOv^io H.^ |)is^ fonuc ano incite apparent

oneef t^eRilyas latofullr feafetj in i}^tit
toere in ti^eieUfe tinie o; tlje
D^ll)eoneof tfickuemefneasof fj^^taileof anDinnine meCTnages fc
toit^tljeapputteHfaices^ in t^e3:clWiel^ipi,^tUagcs, ano Camlets,
of iFll ic ano tDiuerf otijetCoiunss ^no places toitljin tl^e faio
Countie of ^. ano of awo in fouie acres of llnnolatelr encroci)eDanji
taUen out of i\)t \caft gtounos Ir Hg in V^tM^ E^otunes , ano of ano
inmuers g^elfiiagesianos, nnr SSenements, to roacfaiD 3tturner
tinfeiWlwHe ;4iliK5ic^ p^miCfcsd^?.ii;9moIlgaet t-^ee^f ai tj^e iimz
Pleaclingsin tlic Court.
^Q\ntn of
of thewathc0of tlrefaioBl.^.anoKA^lDeteaHDmUare
tbe ^.9aieft^ inCapite b? femgljts fccuice o; ot|iectjuife b)? fenigtits
fecitoascf fomcof ^et^igfjneffe !^ono;s o^ spano^g, afto Mh
liaoiffueBB^^ ano of fuc^ ettate h^bd fdfco of
fome pact of p^cmito toitli t5)e appartenaaccisp , f !)e reafo
tlje faio w ^

tnbeteof is ^ct tnUnolune to tl)s faio attumer.

^no artsstoacD? tl)
faio 3 t^ gtauDfatljci: of t^e cefiDue of tl^c p?cnuire$ of fiic|) tdat oico
lifecluife fcifeD.iS^ ann after loljore ceceafcs tl^e fame pjcmilfefi cif'
noeD I came cerpjectiuclp as of rig^t ttjep oagfjt to oifcenD f come ^n^
to 3^ as fon $ n0j:t Ijcire of tt)0 faio
l^*^. fon ano licice of tlje faio 31
(tol;icl) K. oier in tlje life time of t!jc faio 33 . liis fatl)ec)liaing 31 .^is fon

tuit^in t^t m
of J^n r ^ates^tji^ of tlje age of t. "peares o^ t^eraboutjs
at tije time cf i^is Jieceafe, anoafc t^e oeccafc
of t^c faio 3- tije gcanfifa^
tl)ecoft^eageof )ct)rcar0Stjittjmonct|>e5an5i;i3. uaies oj tfjecea^
bouts. IIB^ reafon tutjeteofanD.oft!)e tenures of tljc faio lanDs liec^i.
is o; oug^t to tjaue beme intituleD to tlje
Cuff oDie , MlacDl^ip , ano
manage of t^efaio 31^^anotfi t^ei:euenues,iffue5,aRD profits of t^ie
faiD lanos gcotoing Due fince t^e i^ecwfeisf t|)e faio K.
ano 3i* ipeuec*
theleflTe fo it is f c.tl)at t^c faio3l.'i.C,il^.t)is mot|jet ttie late feife of t|)e

faio 3.!^.anD a.^- b^ot^et in lato of ttje faiD J. t^e matD,anD p.ip
ftaue not onlr enfieo anD inttuDeD into allano finguletct^ep/emifiTetf
anD tl^e cents ano profits t|ietof tafeen ewer fince t|>e oeat jjs of tije faio
35 .^.anD M-W fon>anD tjfeo Diners otljer finificr ano inoitect p.jactifeff

to DefcauDlec q^aieftte of t^je faio toacDfl^ip, but IjauewtarieD t^c faio

WXatn fit^cnce t^e oece^feof tlje faio K.anoiiaue gotten into tlieit
lanDs I poO^irions all o^ t^emott part of t^e DeeDs,c{)arters f euiDeu^
ces late tl)e faiD 3! f lJ.^toucl)ingD?concernfngtl)ep;emiires iSp
t)i)ic^ t^ecertaintie of tlje faiD3!l i^ W ^ftat f ijer ifa.title f tenure

migljt appare,b^ meanes tol)ereof <f of concealing tlje fo;efaiD euioen*

f es I tD^itings , a fuffiart office cannot be p;epareD i fonno fo;j t^c in^
titling of ^er sp. to t^e fo^f.ftjalue of tl)e mariage of t^e faiD 3i^^.anD
p;jofits of tiis lanDs loout Cgljt i perufall of tl)e faio euiDenceg^oaDjs f
cl^arters. spa^ it tl)crfo;e pleafe r our l;on. t Ije pjemiffes confiDereD,f o
grant Ijer ^
moll jjratious lii;it of p;iiuie fcale vd a due' tccu t^eie to

teconfeineDtobeDirecteDtot^efaiD3I-^ fjismotjjec l^.fP.^

comanDing f Ije tljecb^ at a certain Dap f tjuocr a certain pain t^ierin to
be limiteo prefonallp to be i appare before tcurljo. $c. f fjen i tijere to
anfttier tl^e p^emitTes afiuel toucljing tl)e Dalue fiftlje maiiag of ^ faio
31.as t P?flfifs of t^e lanDs late of t|je faio 31i^.tl)e grauDf. f K.f fjefon
bp tYjtm m, i greU) Due to ljer^.fitl)enc t\)C Dcatl)S of tlje faio 3! ^.
anou.^.but alfo to b;ing luit^ t^em al fingular t'oz Di!ecs,cl)artersf,

tfc;ipt0^ttnimentsanD to^itings tl)cr ljai:c o} can lalpfuUg comebg

m^ toa|^oac|)ingD; concemtuj^;^!! t^e lati mcfTuaj^es to t^e enD tijc
oF Wards and Liueries. ^16
trnitrnw^htpetutenon^tt^aitfties befjalfe fo; t^t p;epann0 and
finotng of an office fo; iiec ^mitie i e.
^ infomtationfor the tttle ofan AdMowfen ofa Wards Unds,
MDa ^umblB enfo;met[) ^ouc
$^.^. Daug^tcw and
i^o 2:.^.(lBfquire t c.foj ano
lieiccff of SC^^.Iate
on tljc SeiV. 7
of 3i5.
in Coin Wigorh gentoeceafeo. SLtjattoljcrcas tlje faioa^ ^.bcingin
i)t0Ufe time amongfi otbec tbings latufuU^ fetfeo in fee of $ iw X\t aD<'
uoUjfon of tbe ^attfbCbnrcb of J^iF* in tbefaioCountie of 2[^.DieD
tbeceof fo fetfeo boioing certain of bi0 lanos of ber maiethe b^ knigb^s
feruice \X[, Capitcb^ 1 aftec tubofe oeceafe aftoell i\t faio aouotofon as
otbei: tbe faib lanOis tubeteof tbe faio %.^. oieo feifeo, oio Dtfccno ano
come as tbe fame of cigbt ougbt to Difceno % come tinto i}^t fato C ^
anb cp.^. fiaugbtew % \^zixt^ as br office tbereof fomiu at i^.
in Com W. X}^z 1 6. Dag of 3!an. anno 5 5.E. wtutneo into bet bigbneCfe
Court of Cbancet:p,$ tbere remain ofHeco;o,i from tbence tranfcrip^
tei^into i\^\^ moO^ bo* <i!^onrt (toberebg t\^z faio p:emtltes are particu^
larl? founl))map appere,15i? fo^ce tob^^of ber maieftg is latofaUr pof^
feflTeo of tbe MarDfbip ofi boDie f lanos of tbem tbe faio (i^. f ^.as to

|ei: bigbnes p;erogatiue 1 mere ngbt appertainetb? ano tDb^as t TaiD

^^\xt^ of ^.^. being lately become boio b? i}^z oeatb of 2n. Wi* ^ latt
incumbent tbere, toberb^ iX eotb appertaine to ber maieltp to p^efent
to tbe fame Cburcb^ano accordingly b^tmaieHie bt i^z matter of tbi^
Court,batb \^ rigbt of V^z faio toarti(b-p;efenteo one (Hp.^. Cleriie to
V^t {m<L\^\M^'i'n^ foit \ii rtgbt bo*tbat 8neH^.ofli5.tn 1^ fati) comity?
of ^I^efqb^uingb^ cafual 0.: bnlaluful means gotten into bisbanos
0? polMion ^ euiscnces, cbarters 1 to^itings tobicb concern ^ inberi^
tance of * faio aouotxifon of rigbt belonging to ber l!paifaiD VuarDs bt>
colojofbauingof faio euiDences,Dotb pictcno title to t faio aouotu^
fon f to i}^\A pjefet p;erentati6 ixi bis cUme rigbt? f ootb goe about not
onll? to Defeat % Dep^iucbersp.ofbec rigbt to i\^\^ pjefct p^crentatto to

IP famcCburcbjbut alfo (? faio tuacos of tbeir inbedtace tberin, f to ^

tm $ purpofc b^ 1' faio 3^.^. \^i}^ of late oealt \i5 one 0.IL.geHt. tnbo
ioas bectofo^c y, onlp Dealer f p.:ccurer of p faiD ofRceto be founD,anD
ipasimploieo t foUotoeD almaters cocerningf famefo; %ix{\ bebalfe
of^ faiD toarDs 1 b^Dall fucblDrittngs,cuiDences,ascccci:ncD v inbe^
titmice of faiD luarBs,D0liuereD bp tbeir fcenDs into bisbanDs^cufto^
Die or poircaio,ror (> better effecting i p^icfecuting tbecof^i did tbereip^
on (beU) fortb f proDucetJcrv fufificict $ pregnat profc matec to \ \\Xf
vti't faib JE-^.DicD feifeD in foj oft faiD aDuoti3f6, t tbat ^ fame did
afcec bis Deatb accorDingli? DifcenD $ come to i^ faiD lyacDs , % \?et natu
%ii}^hz \y^z\{ i\)Z faiD combination \h i\z faio ^.i^ 1 bpen feme fecret
esmpofjtioit bettoccn tbcb^ tbe faio !l bat) oeiircceD al o.itbenioU
partcfv faiD toritings leuiDcces into t banos ipuiTciro oft TaiDK.^-
Pleadings in the Court.
3nlrtJof]^ Bflbj ginc out f liattfjeintjecitaitceof tljfi fetft^aWio^fon fiofff
of rigljt belong tjnto l)im tlje fats J^.anOKotl^ammaM courage tf}8
faiD H.iL.t!jcretmttii,aii&0oi!j goc about aKuenBcauffwr to maintaine
t)t g^t f title in i to tfre (ansc againU tfje (m msuns , albeit ^^tlje
faiD a.Jl.Dotbtutllfenoto tijat tljefaiD %.^. nm fetfec tl)eieof aow?*
Dmgtotl)GfaiDiBtfe,anuttjattl)e m^mtatice of t^e fame oug^t of
rigljt to mffenD ants conic to tire faio (2;. anD sp. ^ asftjaugljtccs aito

l)eitc3 of tlje (m^* ^nD fo;^ fuctljer inaintaming of t^e faia |>;eten* ^

ueo cigl)t,!)e t^e faiD 1$.^. l^t^ Dclt Uiit^ one^.3?Clcilje,lK^o at tl^c
firft alfo after tlje Dcat^ ott})t faiu Ute iiKtnnbentjacfenoluleirging Ijec

maicfties cigljt of pzefentation tot^e Hao auuotofen intljc lig^t of t^ie

fait) lElarti5,wo p;flf ure ttjto ^inifelfc a p^efentstton from Ijer spate/
ftie> b^ tlje rig!?t l^ono;able tl)c E-o^oli^perof tfie great S>ealc of
Cnglann. }15utnotiitl)^oogl;tl)cperftDa(ion^cf ti^efaiTi^.^l)etf)e
faitj JlE). Ijatb renounccD t^efame fomtt p^aknt^im frcml)er spa^

icttie anD Ijatl; taken a neto pjcrentattow tljercof from t^e faiD K. ^
anD b^ CBlo; ttjereof fceljetlj to beinftitutco auD mtjocteo in anD to tljB
faiD rertor^ Upoiit^e faiapzefentation from tl>e faiD H 0nD Dot^ &
acfenotulcDgeanDaffirmetfjcfaiDK.^. to be patron ttjereof anD ta
|)auett)0fam rigljt anD inheritance of anD in t\ft fatD aDuoUifon,anD
noto Dennett) bot^ l)er ^ieHte^ ngl^t of p^efentatton t^ereui to, ano
tl)e inheritance of tt^t faitx ^aros, contrane to all Hal)) anD Cqnttie.
HntenDerxonliDcrattontD^ereof^anDfo^afmnci^ad t^e p^efentatfon
afb:e(^iD,maDebp tl^ faiD JC*^.temi:etl^ to i^ev qpateihe? great pmn^
Hitt in t)et manifelt anD iuft tiqfyt to tl)e fametmtneDiate p^efentatton
to l)er ^igljneire belonging During tlje minontie 3f tl^ faip ^arD0,
anD tl)at trer ^ateltte 15 not onlt t^tith^ like to Idfe t^t benefit t^erof
but alfo t^efaiD ^arD0,tt)eic tnl)erttance of t\}t faiD aDuohifon. ^nh
fo;tl^ataUt^epofire(rtonjS,ngl)t0,anD tnlieritanc^s of i)ei: l^tgfjnelTe
on of tl)is Iponojabic Court,anD arc Jjere p.2operl^ to be l)earD,erann^
ncD^iuftifieDjGnD oiDercD ^ar it tljerefc^e plealc v^our honour to
grant ter 0paieftte0 moll gratious Wlni of P^tut? ^eale to be Directeo
to t^emtljefaiD K.^.^!lanDl^.)3D* commanDingtljcmt^ereb^ani
eitljer of tfjem at a certaine place anD ^nDer a certaine pain tljerein to
belimtteDpecfonall\>tocomeanD appeere befo;e r^nr ^ono^ in liec
spaieftics faiD Court of setarDsanD Jliucries,tl)cn anD tl)cre to mafec
anftuer to tljc faiD p,:emiirc5j mn to llanD 10 anD abitic futlj o;Dec anD
Direction tljereiu as to 31 uHice appertatnetl^.
of Wards and Lmeries. ^ly
t/fn iTfftrmationfor the retiefe of4iuAdmifii^rAt$rof the
atiucejlorojthe ^ueenes ffardf.

To the right Honorable Sir R.C.Knight,principall Secrctaric

to the Qucenes mod excellent Maiellie, and ooe
of her Highncflc moft hono-
rable priuieCoun-

I^fojmctlj tionc^onc?, SC.^. Cfquirc Momntv gcneraU of i}6t Sect 14.

~^aitftm fa Couit df miatna nnn tiuttm, fC^at to^ece ^*,
toiDotD,lat0life ano aomtmltcato; of U.C DeceafcD,i)iu ftan&in^
tiebteD to tljc illuaneisfnioft tueWmt a^aicftr in oiuecs fummcs of
montv. in fjec ^igljncire Court of mains ano MutmB^tt^nt is to fas
in tl)e fummc of 3 ^o.lt. fojtije ffncof tl)e mariagc of H.C I)ec apaie>
fties Mai:u,fonneanD K.C.DereafcD,anD
Ijcireof tl;efattj tijcfum m
of 1 ro.U fo; t^e fine of a JLeafe to tier tljc fato 0 C. br Der ^tgtinpffe
grant of tfje lanDs of tl)c faio K.C, tjcc ^aicfttes Mfaro. ^no UJ^erc
i:.|9 late of 2D m tIjeCoimfte of B. (Sfquice BeceafeD intea;ate,oto
SanD bouno br ttjeit feuccall Dbltgations to ttjefato U. nereafeb,
tljatts to ra^5m ttoo a pffce,anD tlje tfjicD of roc.ll.
t!)cccof or 500.11.

a0 b^ tl^e fatD fenecall jblisationff, ttoo \x)^tteof Doe beate Date tlia
ficfi Dai? of innejin tbe tU)o anD fo.:tictb rearc of b^c ^aiefties molt
grattouff catgne , anb t\)t tbicD tljefirt bar of 3Iunc , in tbc faio ttuo
anD fo^tittf) t?eace of fjer ^iQ\)utSctm ratgne , iDbicb fan t[);ee feue?
tall i2)bltgations iucrc fo,:feiteD by* l^im t\)t faiD SL.p. to tljcfaiD K.C
DcceafeDjiubofc aDminiftcatoj tfjcfatD 0.Cis,as afo;eraiD,anD tuljcce
!)ei:^atel{ie teas contenteD ano pleaJeD to accept anD take tlje faiD
t^iez fepeiall )bligatio!ts br aC^igncmcnt fiom tijc faiD 0.C. fb;j anD
in lieu toluacD tije fpccDiei: ano ino;e ccaoie pa^^mcntanD fatiffping of
i\ft\m fuinme of moner fc Due bnto bee ^aiethe br tjje faiD* 0. C
anD fl^etbe faiD :4.C.DiDtl)eceuponfo,j tfjcfull fatiffaction anD pa^/
mentof tbefaiDfummefoDucbnto^ei^igtjncirebvljecDecD in u>n^
ting b iHjec bee ^anD anDreale,anD of tccojDintbeCourt, as in fucb
like ca'ie0 'jauc bc^ne bfcD , grant , aCTtgne , anD fct ouec tnto ouc faiD
/^oueiaigiielbaD^tbc^iueenes ^]^aic!iie,^er fjcitts anD fuccello;^,
t^e afoiefaiD t})2^ Teucrall ^'bltgc-.tions. ^nD all tbc faiD Debts , ano
fummc3 of moie\? tbeicl v Due i>nio ber tbe faiD 0C. ns atiininiftraj
tcit: c? tbe f^ta^s anD cbatrels of tbefaiD il.C bee lateljufbanD Dccea^

feDjtuljit'c!) HiiD aliignment tuas allou^eD anD acccpteD 0f \jv o^Dec anD

teccaof tljisCoutt, mabet^etteelfeDaref jftb^mut) int[>etb;a;

. ano.
.. Pkajdings in th^ Court
teigne. 0nD tlje faiD s:.p^uteD iiu
anrj fo^tietlj reacc sf Ijec ^aieHics;
tcftatebpfo;^el)emofattffieo?pat?an^pattof tScfaiDfummc^m fljc

faiDfeuecal'l)bligati6ttj5mentiorTet>,tobc aHigncD ag afojefaiu, to

ourraiQ^ouecatgncliaoietljCiaueEnefi cpatcaic* ^otufoit 10 if it
nm^p\m(t^Qiit^)o\m^ Sli)att^!t(mJ*^. at oa nmt about tl^e
time of I)is t)ccealfe,tba0 fcifcD of Diucrjef anu TunD^ie {^ano5Sf,IUnU0,
SCenemenf s ahb Bereiittamcntgi^in t^e faiD County? liB.an0 in ot^tt

places lintljin tl)c Uealnie of d^rtglano, tlje tcttaintte tot)etof,l)CC ^a^

itftm meant ano in*

faiD ^i^tturne^ not!) riot Jsnoto toljict) toece tjcrili?
teiiDCDbpljimtfjefaiD E^p. D^oulDbe folDo; ot|)$ttuife DifjiofeU of,

fo^tl)*; pa^iuent of ^i^ DebtM efpcciall^of t|j|5 TaiD Debt0 toere Due to
tl)c lai^ H.i anD airigneD toljcr ^ai^liieag 10 afojefaiD,anD alfo toafi

liUeltJifc polfeffeo of plate^etodsjteaDie mower ,!)Ouf^olD lluffe,fattle

anD !)o;fc0,anD of Diners ano fuito^^ otljer goo^ anD cliattelsof tl)e toa.
luc of tb^ce ttjcafanD pounD,o.j tl)creabout0,tl)c pacticulars iuljeteof,
tjer^aicaiei faiD ^ttounicrDott) not bnoto,all lu!)if^UJere liable to
mn fo<j tf)c pat^ment of t^e faiD Debts of tljefaiD %^^* 011 lo^icl) faiD
$pano;0MnD0^cnemet0^nDlgei'eDitament5,ate fince t|)e Dcceafc
of t^e faiD %*^-
bp t^ertue of fomeconuetancetntnilimaDebpt|ie
laiDSE<13. DeceafeD^toti^epucpofes anD t)fe0 afo?efaiD, come to t^e
|)anD0 1 poflTeltton of p t^ elDec notp of BD* in tlie faiD Co untie of B.
Cfquit;e,fatt)et:of t^ttain SC*l^.DeceafeD,C.p. of tl^miDDleEemplc
|UnDonCrqutte,^<]Q:)of jilonDonCfqutce,W.X*of llonDon ^ec^
e^aHt,s:.p* t^e pongee Cfquire, fonneanD lietre of tl>e faiD %.^' nz*
ceafeDjU.i^'Of S> afo^efaiD (^entlematt,anD of (1?^ of in t^e
Countie of 115* afo^efaiD, o;^ of fome of tt)em tu||o l)aue entceD into t^e
faiD )lanD05^enement0,Q^ano;0,anD!||ei;eDttamenti,anD l^aueanD
Doe (till conuect t^t p;ofiit0 tI)eceof to tljeic o^ fome of t^eit: otune t)fe0
^nD alfo all anD eucae t^e faiD plate, ieltiels, teaDie mone?, |ioufel)ol<i
fluffe,catcl,l!O.ife0,anD ctljec gCQD0 anD cljattcls of tl)efaiDSC.p.Decea^
fcD,comcto tfjc l)anp0 of tbe faiDi:.p. tl)eelDet:, ^p*%*U>*Wi*^*
%.^A\}c ^ongec^U.^* auD ^*^ 0^ to fome of t^tm , U)|)o Uutljout
mv aominiHration to t^tm o: to an^ of^tl}em committeD,^aue anD do
Itilkonuect t^t lu^ole benefit of tl)e faiD plate, it\i}t[$ , anD otljet: t^z

goD0 ano cattels afo;efaiD,to tl)cit m fome of tiftit otone p^opec Ws*
anD to!)ecea0 ttje faib %*p, tuas a litlc befo je auD neere tl)c time of J^ia
Deccare,in fpceil) anD communication Uiit|) tl)e faiD Mt. fo; a ma(^ ^ .

tiage to be fiaD anD folemnifcD bettuan t^ faiD 2D p. tl^e )?ongec,tl)^e

fonne anD l^titc apparaat of tlje faiD %.p* ceceafeD , anD ^. t|)C
Daugl)tei; of tljc faiD Mh^* fo;i toljicl) tl)ece tuas agreeo to be pa^D b^
ti)e faiD M^to tbe faio ^.p tl^e fumme of
ttoo t^oufanDanD fine
|)unD^eD{|ounD?fo;tt)e true paimentlol)et:eof:,t|)efaiD^flSt became
of Wards and Liueries. ^28
homn to t()efatD ,^*in tfje fimtmc of fiuet[)ouraij pountjjo^ fomf
(uc^ Ubc fuinme,tl)e cccfatntie toljereof Ijec iipaicffics? faio af ectrtno^
t)ott)Rotfenolfo; payment of tf;e fatD fimmic of fiue ^uno^eot

pounDjfit certameoa^cs t^en to come , tofjicfj bonD luas ma^e to tlje

faiD 2:,13. tfjc elDer,(;5.pX.E>'Si:.ia. tl;e monger, U.p.ano C^.jf . o;
to fome 0; one of tl;em in tmft , to aiiD fo; tl)t proper tfi^ ano be[)ajfe of
t^c faiJj SID.p. ficrcafeOjfjm epec uto;0 ano abmtniarato;s. 0nti fo;ar=^
tnuci) as ti}ctaixi q^ano^s, llanos, lEcnemcntfl, anu ^ec^Ditanients,
pUtSyit\})clSyttam mont?, ano ottjcc tljc gajrit ano cljattels afoJcfaio,
late tl;e faio Sn,pace ano ougjjt to be in all cquttv ano gi3 confdence
liable to auo foj tlje patment of tl)c faittoebt cf t!)c faio SD.]!). Deceafcu
3no alio fo^afmufb as tljcfaio rummc of ttuo tfjoiifano ano fttie Ijun^
D^eD pounOjU)l)icl) tl)e faio bono toajsaiaoebrtlje faio S2a^,\i5a0fo;
tl}t pjopecoebt ano Duticof tlje f^io K-* p. DerpafeD , tu^if|) if it Ijao
brene maoe to tlje faio %*p, oeceafcD,ljimrelfe iuoulD Sjaiicban liable
in t\}t IjanOB of tl;e aominiffcato^is of tlje faio SD^a* occeafeo , fo; t\)c
parment of tljefaio oebts airi0neD,as is afo<jcraiD,to tljchliu.^aicftie.
;^nD fo;afmuc!) as t\}t c ectaintie of tl)e faio lanos, gojos ano cijattels,
are bcft fenolune to t l)e faio %,p , t^e eloe^C .p . 2D.JtD. SJUl. isli . 2C.p.
tlje pongecH.p. ano dEJ.jf. o; to fome of t^em,ano tljat tfje? ran ano
toill Declare tljc tcutl) of all tf^c p^emiflpes bpon tl)eir oat^es, jano fo;j^
afmucl)asl)er^aieaicisU)it|)outrcmeoicto coner tlje faio oebts
affigneo to ^er,asis afo?craiD,toitl)out tl;e ar^eano aCTiftance of tljis
l)ono:ableCourt,but is ItMe to be oefeateo tljereof, tinleOe tl)isCourt
tafee fome o.jocc to; fome ouo rcmeoie to be Ijao tbecein oat of t^e faio
gcDOS ano c^jattels^lanos ano tenements,of t[jcfaio23.p.acco.20ing to
t|)e tru(( ano true meaning of ti)e faio SD.ptoti?arD tlie payment of

t^c Debts afo;efaiD,fo Due to fjcc q^aieaie,tD!)ereof l)cr spaiefties faio

^ttourne^Dot!|enfo;mttljisljon0.2able Court, ano p;a^Btt) t^e aioe
ano aouice of t!jis Court in tlie p;jemiffes. 3t map pleafe r cur l^ono;^
to aluaro 11^ of tljis fjonozableCourt to tl}eni
Ijer iS^aietties p^oceCfe fo;

anoif^anoeuerieof t^em,tl)ereb\?commanDingt!)em ano eneiie of
t\)tm,to appeecein th\s l)ono;ablc Court,at a certain Dap ano ^noer a
certain paine,tntt)efaiD p;!occ{re to be limiteo , tljcnanD tt)ereto an*
Hsjer ttje p;jemiires,anD to fet DoUmetjpon tljeir oatljcs , luljatlLanDes
anDSIcncment0sg(DDS,c!)attel0,an9 fummes of mcnet? totHc^ Iwere
f^cfaiD2Cfi.tnt!jetinteof Ijis fickncCetuljcreof l)eDveo, o; ntere
tbetimeof l)i0Deat^)O?to l)at bills o;bonosft3;^ Debts Due to tt)e faio
SE.^. DeceafcD,l)aue come to tFieir o;j anp of tf)eic tjanos:, ano of Iwfjat
tjalue t\}Z^ Ujere,o; eitljer^o? ani? of t?)em,ate o^ tljen iu8re,anD iDljere
tj^efameLanDs 9 tenements, ^ojds^ Ci^attels? ano ^zbtB, ooeli^e
Pleadings in the Court
nd are. Znn hv toj^at title t^c^ w an^ of t|>em doc datmc tJ^t lUn W,
%mcn\ent6y cl5a)D0 , anDE>ebt5 , anD to U)|)at ojtohofc
C^atUWs ,

bfc oj tjfes. ^nD to iD^at tmft mn confioence, anu l3pon to|)at

conaoccationsf tlje? o; anu of t^emDoe claime tlje fame , to t^e
intent tljat l)eE ^mftic ni^V be
fatiffrcD of t^e fain fummet of

moneg ano Debts, Due to Ijec l^is^nciie, ano to abioe ^oui: ^o*
nouw o^oectljmn, a5 to equitie t^aU apgectaine ^m t^e faio

^ Information for detawing of Efiidenceftand concealing tht

Tenure of the lands of afnppofed
fVareL _

Tothc rigiu Honourable Sir Robert Cccill.Knight.principall

SccrctarietoherMaieftie, and Martcr ot her
Highncdc Court of Wards and

c Q^ettJCtFjtjtitotouc^o.SD^omas^erfeeti^d^fquiceliec^atefttetf
^atto^nep of tl)us Couit foj ano on tl)e bcljalfe of (jec ^ateftp,2LI)^t
tii^ereas one Hic^aco ap Uolulano ap ^ugl) iate of ^attjaueuie m
t^eCountteof^ountgomerie^^entlemaiijOeceafeDjUiaft in bts life
time lalDfuUT? fetfeo in ^xs Dcnietne as cf fa;, o; fee taile, of ano tn ot^
uecfe %t* ano of ano in otlicc lants, tenements, %t* vt fcqmtur. ^nO
tDt)eceas one HolDlanoap^ngt) (ate of i^at^anecne in t|ieCountte
of Opountgomerte CfquirCjano HiitiarD ap i^ug^ ^ts fonne iiketutfe
DeccaieD) Uias in \)is life time alCb laljcfuUL^ etfeo in t)ts Dcmefne as of
fee,o;^ fee taile,of ario in oiueiife mano^s,ntetuages,lanDs,fenementS9

ano f)eceDttaitTcnts>luttl) tt)eitapput;tenances iu tt^e fame belonging,

being tn t^e Commotes, Sclunel^ips., t pacid^es of ^ttueUUe, alias
i^culllep, }^eucill))cU,alu> CamlU)ck,ipatljauet:ne,ILlantuo;in,&e^
m^es,ipout^ev,ano spac^llot^o, in tbe Counties of ^alop,q^ount^
gomerie,anoqpertonett),anDDf ano tn ottjeiiancs, tenements, ano
teteoitaments, Vuit b tbeic apputtenatice^^ in otbec places, to bee l^a ^
ieftiesfaiD^tturncp pet bnfenotime, aU,o; tlje molipact U?bececfji
ace boloea of bet tpateUte b)i?jl^nlg^ts femice in Capuc,o;offcui8.^
of bee k3p)aiefi:ics ii^ono;s,CaIiles, q^ ipano^s, br I'inigfjts fecuice
mtvi \ Am U>it ii)t faio Hoivtanoap^ugbianciiicbacDapKolo^ .

I ano ap i)ua;lj,oi tl;e one of t^jem, being ot aUaiiOfingulactbepije^il

miues fo ii;^^ , jjico of fiici) an eftate fcifeo, f^faout rearcflU
Utt pait, log i.iiO afrci; Uiljcfc oeccafcs, tbe famep^flwiflesoiften^^
oeo ano Mme>n0c[ iig^tt^en b^&t to oirjcenoano4i)rei9ntoQne
ItotDlanBapKic^aro ap^^agV:. t^eii.^b,tctiyit^in tf)C a$e of one

anDttDeiittc?eaiX5,asfonncru4i}!jcite cu^^c faio iiic^aco apltobj*'

lanDap ^u0^,anoas anD nejit ijctrc of tlje faio Kotnlano ap
ao Ijctce of tlie faiD KicljarD ap KotulanD
!piig!) (t^at ts to rai',fonnc
ap \^ugf))fonneanD tjcice apparantof tlje fain KotnlanD ap ^ugij.iBH
teafon tsl/ereof, ytt^m&it is lalufuU? intttuleo to t^c UiacDl^ip of
tl)e boor <ino lAnO0 of t{)e faiD !)cice* X5ut fo tt t0, tf it mws pleafe rouc
l^ono^(a5tljefaib^tto;nepi5mfo;mcD) SCtjat one KicljarD|3;iceof
(S^ot^ac^anmt^eratDConnti^of i!^ouittgcmo;ie C!;rqut> t^efaio
K0U)lanDgpHict)ar5ap!^u0i),3iito^Dap 2)auiD gentleman, anD
a^e^nclD mii}lianx<t(qmtt,nQn\as ^tanton ( Kufj-^mitl) gent.
I^aue gotten into tl^ctt; ^noa ano potietrton, t|)e Dccbef; cljacters, and
Crmpt0, ^tmment^ anD M^tttng0,b^ lu^icl^tlie zQatts anD tcii
nat:e5 of t^c p^emtiTe^ do platneli) appeare^anD do tl)ei:eb^(anD bv o^
t^et:tnDti:ectp;a(ttce$)mDeauoui:to conceale fccml^et: ^ateOie, t^t
faiD Utaron^tp, to ^ct I;igl)nelie great p^etuDtre anD lode, ant) to t|)e e''
aiU erampLe ofot^er^i, if cemeDte D^onlD not in tlii^ cafe be in coKuenti'
^t time |)aD anD p;ouiDeD* BlnebnliDecationtu^eieof, ma^ it pleafe
^oucl^ononctogcaunt liec ^mSits mott gracious Wit of p;tuie
^eale> luit^ a due Tecum tl)ecein to be containeD , commaunDing tl)e
faiDKic|)at:D)d^icerHolQlanDapkicIjaeDap^ugJ[), 3!*llloiDap Wa^
aiD,Uepno,lDMilliam0,Ct|omai Staunton, anD Kic^acD ^mitl^,
^beuer^oftliem^pecronall^tobeanDappeare before ^our jjonoui:,
in ^ec ntaie(liefi fatD Court of ^arD$ anD Hiueries at a cettatne Da^,
imD tmDer a rertaine paine t^^eretnto to be p^tefireD, ano to b^ing tuit^i
t^emtl)it^er,anDtt)eretoDeliueraUrucl) DeeDeiS, cl)atter0, euiDen^
ce0, ercrtpts, mintments^Cout^t roUe0, anD ot^er lu^itings toljatfoe^
uei;,a6arercriTainingintl)ei!:o^ani?oftl)cir |)anDSoj pooeffionfii, o;
m i^e IjanDeis; o; poCTeffion of anr ctl^er fart^ieico^an^of tijeic eoni^
fenciuleDges p^ Deliuerie, tuliic^ t^tv o^ an^ of t^em ma^ latoV

latofuU^ come bp an^ lua^ , concerning f l;e p;emi(rej3! , o; anr pact

fl^ereo^ to tp enotl^e fame ma^<be pernfeDb^ t^ss [)onc;abIeCotir
ffi^ t^ej^Dih^i^Cp flifce foa ger ^
,iZj\m fj r^y.ii cm 4^iii s:ia;J ml u^7 ^ - . :!: cm> fc

fiiUi<iiiti;)if^UJ3:iapO;{ii,i3iiJin^;qc.;,-;;:.:L:;';,'.o:.^.,.,.. rbum^:^
*U (T:*^ Jiil fifjii . t clu) I'd :1c ilwna itjJ %7rui r^wi 'm:t4 ^im^^l aijo;-?

jt 0ia^ b^i ijcj sfjii.qqiii ^n^ arr-nfiai aJ i'lQt.

umr^ anc ja^uc^igani

^ -: Pleadings in the C oUrt

J Information dt^dnfi certaine ferfans, for vnUwfnlliiitruding vpe-
afuppofedlVards Landftank cttttmg di vme his vosds,
with other waHes committed

To the right hanourablc&c.

S^cfeetlj aitD tnfb^metl) ?out l)0. ^ir 3!. tl- li^nigljt,!)^ ^a^^tUxtf
ScCk.KS, ne^of^is^a. ratoCout;tofMacD0andlliuecu0> Cf)atU)t)er^0
3of)n it. efquice late oeccafcD, toa in Ijifi life time labjftiU^ feifcD in
t)t0t)emearne,a0 of fee, of anti in Diuet;femano?5, lanos, ant) luooo^
grountjs, toit!) tl)cit i eucc^ of tfjfit appurtenances in ijieiuent Bol*
lerobn, alias ^olfoon, <Ion^cp,pattantle^,'tten!jaU,anD macot,t
tt)eConntieof(0loufe0ecanoelfelD|iei:c,totljcratDiattucnr^ as r^t
tnUnolun ano t^e fato 3. tl b^ng of all % 0ngular: tijc faio p;emiircs
feifeo as afo.jefaii),in oj about 9 ipercs laft paft, of fac^ an eftate t^iec*
diet) To itiHtr^, Wi*%* being l)is Ton anD nei;t ^ette, ano tutt|)in t^e age

of 2 1 .^carc5,tf)at is to fat? of tlje a^eof rears, 0; tt?0ce^oats,af

t^e time of t|)e Dcatfj of {)is faio fattrer ^U ^W^ manno^jr j lanDes
and tooDgrountiSjO? tljemcft part t|ereof,noUj arc , 1 att|c time 0^
t^e Dcat^of ti)e faiD 3! iL.tocrc Ijoloen of !)is <^. in cljiefe br feniijjt rcr>
nice,o; otiiectoife br bnigljt rctaice,tis of fome of l|is i5pa.^onburs, 0^
nMno;iS.5l5p reafon \Dl)erof,ano of tl)e fato tenure, bis 9^a. oug^tfo
be intttleD bt ofiRce after tjje Deatlj of tbefaiu 3I.Jt tf^? father to ttft ctr*
ftotiie,toartiip,anD mariage of tlje faib f)eire,anb to tf)e rents, iitiies
and profits of all ttje fato p:emiaes,fo; anu During t)is mino^ttte, an^
after bis full age, bntill liuerie fueu out of ^is faiD ^a. franos, of anir
fo; tbe fain p;emiires.i5ut notw fo it is,ma)P it pleafe r our gooD ilo.as
IbefaiB0ttumet is informed, s:bat C.il. Cfquire, ^ii%, e.
C (IDent.Sl. C
ano XM. 3^ itarlo;, K M* alias ). anu ^.^ toifir,
anODiuerfe otber perrons,\Dbore names are as i?et to }^is q^a faiD 2,U
turnei? t)nUnotDn,an9 b^ pjaietb mar be inferteb in t^is 31nfi);^

ination,^auc(incet?)eDcceafeoftbcratD3i JL. tbc fatljer , br bnouc

meancs gotten intotbctr banos, cuttoDte,anbpp(&(rton,alltf??eeeDs,
tuiitings, ano euiDcnfes,tourbi'tg and f onceminjf all tbe faio pjemif^
res,li^b^t;cbr \^i^ Cpa. fato tenure , ano title of and to t^e cuKooieano
iuaroltjip of tlje boDg ano lands of tbe faid bcire dotb and mar appear^
^nd br celour tbcreof,t)nue tu;cngfuU)? entred and intruded into and
bpoii tbepoHelfionof all ilje faid p;enulfes>and tberents> ilTues, and
pjofit3tbcceof,baueeuerfince tbedeccafcoftbcraid3l.tbcfdtbcr,ta*
and percetue , and tbe fame conuett
feen,pecceiued, and ret dotb take
totbetroU)ne\)fe: and bauebitbertobiolilieDndueffintttecmeanes
indeuoured and gone about to conceale and iupp :e(re \^\b ^sl* faid te^
ature and title^of and to tjje faid cultods and toardibif of (b< bodr ano
of Warcfe: and Lmcrki: 5 ;o
lanM of tl^efatoW.ll.tl^|l0n:e* ^ii^ti)efatD*il.9$Hi:^.0. C
3|.(t; ji, Malias ),anD ja.|)tje( tDtfe,afii>^*33*o^not cotenttng tljem

fclucf t^ettDit^jl^aue ftnce t^e Dcceafeof tfje faio 3l.ll.t^e fat^ec, maoe
onD conttmeD Diuecs i funo^t Tccret eftaf es to tl^rfelned ano ot()ea(,of
ano tntl^e fatD p^etnt(re0,and l^auc committ^D otuerfe gceat oecarms^
of t^e |)(utres,ano f^llms ^)i> cuUms ootpnc otQccfc $ fMnOc^r tooot)0,
ano timbec ti:ee0, llaimng ano groUMiig in tpon tjje fato p;cmtire0,
anoluatteaano fyoiletfMixn t^t fato H.^.alias jaD<ano3.tvt0lDtre,as
in t^ciiQ'^t of t^e faio ii. o; tW^^ ^* ^lone in l^er lutOotDl^oDO, ^aue
conimenceofutte at t^e common latu, agatnftti^e tenants of ti^e fato
lanosfo;tf)eDoU)ei:oftt)eratDi3.of,tnano out of all ti)Cfato lanoes
lot)et:oftt)efaio3i'ILtt)efatl)ertoaifetreo,o; otco fotfeo a0a&;efato.
Bin confioetatton of all Ui^tc^ p^emtl&0 , ano fo; ttiat t^e afo;efat$e
tDa(l60 ano to^ongjs oo) greatly teno to tl)e p^tuotce of l)t0 fato ^ate^
lti$,anO tl^emanifea oil^rifon of ^ut ^a. faio laro, ano are Done in
contempt ano oetogation of t^ts ^o:Couct ano t|e iudibtctton t^ecof.
0no fb; tifnt a gooo ano fuffuient office cannot be p;epaieo ano founo
after t^ oeat^ of tt)e faio 3I.&. fo; t^e intitling of ^t5 faio ^a* to t^e
ctitooie,toaro(^tp ano manage of tbe faio M* 11 ti)e beire, ano to t^e
centd^iiruetf ano p^ofitB of all tlje faio p;emiCie0 , fo; ano oaring i)t0

mino;itie,ano after liis fueo a0 afoiefato/ojit^cut

fall age,t)ntil liuer^

f^e flgl)t,tjielu,ano perufal of t|)e faio oceos, tojitings aiio euioenceg,

ano t feueral anfUier0 of ig faio (H^.il.^ir s:<. e.H.CH.^. alias
/.ta,t)i0lDife,f 3|.2]:ailo;,^aoto f p;emiffe0.spaB it tljerfo^epleafij
tonr gcDO iLoto grant lji0 qpa.moft gracious Uj^it of p;iuie fealc luit^
a(iuccnsrccuni,tobeoiretteototl)efaio(!D.it.^ir@^.C* (I^3I'C.U*
^* alias ji). 1 0.i)i0 tnife,ano ^* Bf* ta^lo;, ano to euer^ of t|)em,co^
manoing tjiemjano euer^ of tijem t^erebp, at a certaine oa^?, ano tjn*
oeracectainepainet^ereintobelimitteo, perfonall? tobeiappeare
before i>our qcsh H. in |)i0 ma. faio court of UiarO0 ano liuerie0, t^?tt
ano ttjere to anfUier tf^e p;emiaie0: ano to fet ooUin tpon tl^eir oatf)e0,
tol)atoaeO0,lD.nting0,feuioence0, touching o; concerning allojanp
t!)e faio p;remiire5, Ijauc at anv time come to t^eic b^noa, cu^onit o<j

podeifion, o; to tbe banO0, cuffooie o; polTeftion ofanp ot^er peifon o;

perfons Inb^^foeuer, bv t\)tit oeliuerie^confent, o; procurement. 0nD
alfo tobat eftate title,o; intercft, tbep o; ani? of tbem^aue, o; p^cteno
to baue, of, in , o; tinto all o; ani? tbe faio p^emiflJes* 3nO to Hano to,
ano abioe fucb furtber o;oer % Direction toucbing tbe fame , as to pour
gooD]lo;Dfl^ip,(b(illfeememo(t agreeable to iuIUce anoequitie* ^no
alfo to grant bi0 ^a* ntoft gracious mnt
of JIniunction, to be Direct
teo to tbe faio Cll.^ir 2^. . (^H.Cotocber* ^ooDbult,a!ias
^neWy ano ;a. t)i0 toif3^ano3tenbentai?lo;,t^ti; feruants ano U)o;&^
set 1 men.

Pleadings in the Court ^

men, anb to enttv of eijem,torniS t^^nt tljetefei? f a fta^ ann faceeaffc
oj ttmbec trees Uano^
ftom cutting o;j felliiis Dotuncanp of t^e tuojD
ing b;^ gcotuing
t ojtjpon t[)c faiD p^cmiCTes , nm ml
to caccr afea^

ftomtl)craiop;emtflre0, ani?tMOODS ojtimbei;tcee0, lBl)tc|) atealcea^

DP fclleD and cut Dotone ^no alfo to be Ditecteo to t^t faio ^SCiob^tJl!,
aluj ano iiniitW^i^^^ t^ieii: CoumeUo50, v^ttiime^i^jj j'anb
anb euer^ of tf)em,
^9litrt0;i05aitD to eueci? of t|>em, irtio^nirtff tl)em
ttjeteb^ to futccafe anb ftai? ftom furt^ec pzoceeoing in tl;c faib Tuite
romiiienceD bp t^e faib SSJoobljuU, alias jDeU, anb j^nne Ijis totfe, a^

gainft ttje tenants of tl)eraiD lanos asafo^efaib, tjnttll t^e^ \}m m^

nj)Ci:ebtf)t0 3[nfo;matt0n)anbtl^is[|Oiiotii:abl$ Couct ta^en (wtf^ec
c.;.: riw->^;-i?j/nlTjvt:i5:-
:!.'. ^'2

u4 'BiUfor tht detiuery ofa RiUaffy And other Snldences into the Coftrt, j
tofreferue the inheritance ofthe heire. :^

To the right Honorable &c.

^2^^at ltil)ei:as 3}of)n i^uick of t!)epari(T) of^. Siames neec SDaunt,
lDitl)tn tlje county of ^omecfctjUiasinljis life time lalufuUr fcifcbin
l)t5 bemeafneas of fflj,amongft btuerreot^eclanbs^f,an6 incectaine^

lanbs, tenements, 1 ^eceoitaments, l?ing anb fceeing in Cattpemao^

toitl)in tfje countie of ^omecfet afo^efaib, anb fo beijtg feifeo about /
)?eaL'es lall patt,fo? x^intt^t groo caufes anb confibecattcns tl}eicof, Dib
infeoffe2^1jomas^(lfquii:e,3Io]^nC(5rqutre, ComunD i^genti
3itogci:C^.gentl.iljomaS(0.anb (liSiCiUiam CoUaca , tofjaueanbfo'
Ijolb, fo; t^em, ttieic b^res, anb aCTigncs fo;j euec, 5i5^ fbjrc of iDljic]^
feoffWHcntjtfjefaio feoffees tueceof tfje p^emiffes ioinfl^ feifeb to t^i
anbt^eic^eiies. Unb fo becing feifeb, tfje faib Cbmunb ^uboic,
D^o?tlpaftecbieb,anbtljeraiD otfjec ifeotfccs afo;jefaiD tljetn tjelo in
t^ep^emiffesb? right cffuruiuour.^anb tlje faioSDljomas ii^allet,
3(ol)n Coles, a^obC^ap. %^m\dis <S>i^. mxo MtlUamCoUaib, fo be^
ingio^ntl^ feifeb to t^eni anb to tljeit lietrcs, t!)e faiD ^oiji- Coles,
l^obert Chaplin, SCljomas (S^ibbon, anb (Milliam Collaro, br tljeic
fufficient becbe in to:iCing,Dib remife anb celeafe tjnto t!je faiD Wd:
flp.tbciriopntcofeoffce, anb ^is Ijeires, all tfjeiurigljt anb title, in
anb to tbe afo^efatD lanbes , tenements , ano l^ereditamento tn
Cattpennarb afo;efaio ixi \)iQ bcmeafne, as of fee , anb fo beeing fei^
fob , of fucb cUate b^eo feifeb about ^alfe a ^eace laft paft , after
ts^ofe beceafe , tt)e fame bifoenbeo ano came as iX ougi[)t , ta
of Wards and iiTerwSi 5^1
feiffcnpanuccnictjnfo (pallet, fjts fonc anD neptfjctte, fcccms
at t^e ttm^ t>ftl)etjerrafc of tiis (ni^ Ml}tt dft!jc a^t of &trc teares c;
tl)cceaboat5j Iv ceafcntofjcrcof, aitu foj ttiat lljc TaiD lantirg, tct\t*
ment^anDljercDitamcntofjarafjplDcnoftlje ^uecncsS^aicaie, b
linig[jt0 ktuUt in cliitfc, as Ip nitictk Ucco;dcs ccaiJr tc be iljetceD
to t^isljoRoutablcCouctDrotb anti ntarappearc;t!jecuCfccte,ftratD'
l^ipi,anomaci;tagcoft!)cboD!cantjla!iiJofft)cfato pallet of
ttgtjt appcrtamettj to Ijet tjigf^weiTe. 35ut fo tt i ,if it maf pleale rcuc
gooDHojDl^tp, tt)at 3o.C. fquire, l*ob CJapl. <55ent, SEtjo.C^ibi
tons, anD William CoUattJ, ijaiic gotten into ttjeir tjf.ncs aim cuftc*
Bie,tl;caf0;jefatD ticcDcfrel^afctuljetcb? ti^lani5e0,tencmEf]ttj antj
^eremtamcntBinCBaSpennarD afbjefaiD , luere afftirer) tntotfjea^
fo^efaio 2^. a^ ano Ijts i}eice3, p^ctentJiRg b^ tjauing ant hreping c^c
falD icleafe, tljat t^e rigl)t anu title of t^ie faio ^aiD, in anu to t|c a
fo^efaio lanD0, tenements aab ijeteDitamcnts j l^culD no Ixiap ap(
peace, b4Jtbeconcealetj,to t|^c tiefrau^mg of t!)e iiuccncB qpa:ettie,
ano to ti)c Di^etifon of tl)e faio Maco if
(peeo^ rcmeoie be not ttjcrin
p;ouioeDb|?o;Beroftl)i0|)ono2(ible Court. ;^nb alfo t^aue Itketotfe
gotten into tt)eirt)an05 otuecfe ct^ec ocetes, Inbcntureis ano iu^i^
ting0, cohccming tlje faio lanoes ctti^t appcctaintng to flje faio
aacD 3ln(0n0t!erationtu!)eteof,antifo^afmuc|jastonrfaio ^p^
]li. cannot p;{oceei)e futt^er to intitle l)et ^ateSte b^ olftce 'bnto t^o

faio tanoff, u^itI)out figi^t^ tt f^aHtng tf)e fatD oee^ of li^eleafe , and o^
t|eKi)eeoe0,ano euiDenred afo^efaio* Bltt^s^ ti)^refo;e pteafe tottt
goouHojoD^ip to grant t^eSlH.maicfficsi JD;itof p;iuiefeaU?, to be
fiireteDt)ntot]b^faiD3IoCole5,HogcrC.2^.<Sib. atio Wi**a)mf
tnaunoing t^tm, ano euer^ of t^em,'immetiatl^ ijpon tl^e figi^tttjere^
jof^not oner! to appeare in t^is i)onourable Court to anftaere t\i$ p^tf
miSty\mt alfoto b;^ing Initl) ttjem t!)e faio nmHbCifl^tlmfe^ niabr tr?
t^ tjntot^e fain STfjo. pallet, father of tl^e Maroe^,' anDalfotbe
fait lJD;tting0, ti0eDe0)ano Bfnoentures afo^efaio* 0nt) further to ttm^
to and abtne fuel) o;iDer ano Direction concerning t^e paenit(re0 , as to
pour gfflO llcjot^tp l^aU fecme moft meet ano conwfnterit 0nt tone
fait Suppliant alfo p^jarett; paoces againft ftc. tmmeuiatlv to appiarc

intl)t0Coart,toawftoeccfuc^ Blnterrogato^ies ccnccrmng t^e p?e^

int(fe0,a0 d^all be er^ibite) again(( t^em ^t tli^i^'coinming y in <ti)e
bel)alfeoft|)efaio^ar5* 1' ^ .^; ...::.
>..h.. ,. .
Pleadings in the C ourt
""^" "
trMth ofthe cffce may he examintd,

mt2:ton to enqutce aftec ti;e oeat^ of ^ngl) ^ottocU tptt^tn ttje


tunieD fo^ tt)e lucene0 iSpatcltte, tul^erebi? tl)eronne anti ijetreof

claimed to be
tl)e fatD i^ is m
loaco to |)ec I;tgi)neire , ano gtanteo b?
T?oui:!)onD;i3ntoon0oft^eronne0ofmi?llaD^i|l.tul)O tjatf) folD tjim
oucctjuto miegpaftet:CJ* fo^ ttjattlje faio office ipas tjecr inoicedlB

fiDUttDeanosotten,uitf)at t^e CommilTionecB ,c i,. jfljece fitting,

tttedr leiectcOr ano UjouId not fulfecan^euiuenceBto be giucn o^
fi;ctoeD im^\) in ttie infant, a0 alfo receineo t^e becout of tlje fo;e*
man of ttjeBlucie, t^eceltoftl^e BJuco^s, o^tbemoaof t^emnot (on#
Tenting, but Dei;vmgt4)ctt: aOent tbeminto , as is niantfedt? to be
^^oiiwo; ano fo^ t][K^ in trutb tbe Infant ongl^t not to be in tx^ai:^ t
becj^igbncff^j 30 bv bis i^uiljencefl map plaineli? appeaw. x ,u-,^^
^p buni^l^^ui^^^o^ottt^S^^^i^^^^^PP^^^f^^t)^ be|)alf^0f tl^
faio Blnfant t;s,ti)at Ijis boo^aYi^Ianoeif^ ma)? not anp iuap be oitttir^

beDbpfucl^ of luacofl^ip^tmtiUtbetmetb of tbetennce anDp;o^

^eeoingfi snap be eraminebin tbe Court of WacO0 , \xi\)ttz 31 b^
p^apeo licence to tcauet;reanD atioto tbe faio ofigre fo found a6 afo;i
fai&,U)t)if|)l^aUbep;orecttteDU)itt)allfpeeoanDeiftflt. .'/ii^r^

An Ininntiion Uattoyde ppff^effion vpM

. _ ^ ,!":--i1:r;<^-

\VA 7^^"^*^^ ^^ f ommaijiH) ^ou anbtuerieof ?0B,all ercufes atm

^cer. i^ V belaic&fet apart, fp^tljlpitb t)pon tbe ceit, figljt o;tfenoto*
lEDgc b^ ccof, to atjoiDe fccmtbepoffefiftonanb occupation of onecapii
tall mclTuagc o; tenement caUeti 115;wnrir) ^xsitl^ cectaine boufegt^e
fianoing, one bnnD^eoanO ttoentie acres meoofeie, one Ijunti^etj acres
patture i c. toitb tbeappurtenantcs incmr Countte ofCaremartbeny
beeing fount) b? oftee lo Ue porcell of tbeinl^eritanreof ^S^il: ap ^%
gan, fonneano W^9-l^-^:^sm ap M>^.* amounting to tbe fumme of
one buno^eo reuenteenepouttO, tluclue pence, ano tbefamclanoes in
our banOB ano poileflTionrOoe pet continue fo^lacke of lliueric to be
fueooftbefame out of cur faiobanosbt? tbefaio Mtll.ap^o^^gan
anotbatpou,anoenerpof ^on, ooo permit anofufifer (^ban apl^o^
t])ell,i><iouero;ifarmo;tbereof, anobi^alDignes, qutetlieto baue,
^olo, occupie ano enior i\^t fame p^emtOi^s y onD tixtci part tbereof
atm'^in^tet^e term of our oemireaitD gcaunt to ^im t^tteof niaDe,
t)nBet:tf}ereaIeofout:<rotictofMacD0anD ILtuecte0> beanngoate
t^tt^t^ ofti)t0menetf) of3lune,tvttf)outIet,moleaatton, DentaII,o;
intpn:uptionofrou,o;an?ofrou,oaan^ot^ecbBrouc meanw, af^
rent, 0} procurement. ^^ elfe tljat ?on,anD eucrp of rou, be,am) per*
fonall? appeare before t^e^pafteranoCoimceU efourfaio Court at
Witfiminfiet, t^c t^ith nni of Jali? next commtng, tpen ano t^jere to
anfinere tgntb all fuel) matters as 0^11 be obtecteo againfi^ ^ou> ano t*
utt^ of ton on our bel)alft. ;ano fade tou not t c. gtuen i c*

Jl Ininn^iott tofiayfrom cuUing dowue


W(tc ano
tDtltanocommaun^etou, ano
fe5 Delates ano {et apart, to be,
enerte of too aU m\x* Se^.to^
perronall^ appearebe*
fo^et^edj^aderanoCouncellofour Court of ^aroe^ ano ILiuerteK
at Me(hnin0er O^. Hillari) nert cunming, t[)en ano t^ere toaun^
(ber to all fuel) matters as O^aUbe obietteo agatnft vou ano euerte of
0ub]?C^.3nD further, tbatpon, anoeuer^of^ou, fromlence^
fm^ OfiD furceafe to fell, cut ootone, o; carr^ atua^^ o^ caufe to be tzV>

leD, cut botone, o; carried atoat ant tuooD$, o; bnder toooDs , ftan*
Ding, grotomg, o.: beeng, in ano bpon one parcell of UiooDgrouno cal^
led rooter, in our Co untie of ^alop, late tt)e lanos of 3(* B* ^fquire
teceateb^bntilltoullaUreceiuefurtl^er o^oertlierein from tl)e fa-
lter ano Councell of our faio Court. ;3inO faile te not t\)z accompUfl^^
tnent thereof, bpon paine of tou ano euert of tou ttuotano^eo pouno.
<DiHen bnoer tj^e feale of our faio Court, t^e 13 r oat of Jlune^ in ttje
32.Scargorourtaifl?ie* ...U;.,.u.,-:';^:viuijj^..:.i^-. .

WCetoill f c. mt^^it^ bpo^^gi)ty^nAUlI^^^? c^^^^^^^i^^''

of, to furceafe anb Oat tJHJfuf ting ^ffUing, anocarrting a^
luat of ant timber, \bood, 0; b^{)j6|tDooi^^^,9^ out pf^creton ioeDO)
catleo )13;ot||er Croft, \3iiti}in our Cottntte of Hinc^ beeing parcell of

g^ lanod ahbpofipillfipna ot^ff^^0f tarl)9:> bnt^ VPU i^llrecc^ufi

fitrt^ jo^oer from l^Vcpaib^ ano ^otmci^lof our Court of IvacAK
ani) UUeji^eSj (oi^erni^j^^e^^m (S'mn ic .;. ^ti
* ^ "

tMllforanJnmn^ioHtvauoilcfrmK'MdfiM ,;'

Tothen'slit Honorable &c,

o vi^il

Sea. 21.
T THibI^'f!)^^^^"^ot^^5^^*^^"'' 5acomiintfce of kii'
b^ of
Jf Icljarti iv (icr fimhirctTetuarfi, SCIjat it appcatet^
firctaUenaftt!)eDcat!;ofeojgceci:mc, fatljerofttjc faiDloact),
i\)^tt^t ccuccfionoftt^attranojof ii^inificlD-, tutt!) tljappurt'Cnanrrtf'
Uutljtn tljc Coiintp ol\Slouc Dio DifceiiD tjnto t\)t fato tuacD aftec tijc
oeatl) of l)is fatljcr, ant) ttjat one liatfjecinc Jl. tuac tenant fo; tcimc
of Ui^ of tJje faiD manno.j,tl)e itutttm tljeccof to V^t faiD Ijeicc. ^nD
ii)l)ei;ea5t!)e^uapabr Blnoenture tnocctljc fealc ofl)ec[)igf)nc(re.

Tftji^'e^tc^cijeutjtgljncliietatgne, ^att) amortg otl)ertf)ingSDeliuf?5i
t%'C-fie tif?jt l^onajablel^ob.Cacle of!Lctcvt!refaitrmaho;
l\jir^tf)appucltenawce0 toit^mtljc fato Count)? of ^loar' to IjaueanU

tat}olw fcQi^ tljeceatlj oft^efaio ^iiat^incDudtigtfjf nnno;itie tit

t^c faio ^eice,fcclomgan!j ptii>ing t^ccfozcrearc!?!,^^ til tti^famJiu
Of HtHte ieadl> tfrfac C^eUiebifento vourgfDirilbjO^fl^^m

eonuevani^ in laV, arfigncbbiitbroitrraio^up^pHant. ^tttrlp^ec^^

35 ftiitrieCjfihPetfe faib cOnafcpancc aniBi JalTisnempnt mmyt\^ iJ w!
\mA^%m i^tl'.CU^.- ti)e^r^iBl^.]ii?gen tifiHg^ tenaht fo: tf tmrbf

U^ W69W^to^afte.^g^it^*t^]i^trtehdrtefes^ b^
faiD teuctficn is Diffcnccr) in podeffion to t^t Caio tiwrbt^anb ito Irelon^
get^tjnto^ouciio.raiD^uppUbv tjectueof t^e affignemcnt afoje#
faib 5i5utfoitisnal)tt)onSEf^toti^%. ^. of j^miSclOint^elailc
tountpof(!Dlouc.ofiji0otimtn:oi^g antj luitl|Outani? title, l)|it]^ttOt

en0??'0rttm ifttS^tl^atottlaNfcdf ^ iiitt !^|^PI?utrnani^^^^ nm ixj

Dott) betaine anb fee^l|,<^Vbfi^9ft^85COf ^55^^* tP^c raitr^uppjf
iSutalfo &uKin4ttj<j^fiw?>wi#fW!^ireiI"wn , bartj^'iftsotDnttttea^

faiD mano.^to tbe great pjciuoicc anb oiUjtntance of tl)e faiD ^aro,
finotjii.ocuincctif\?oucfaiD&upiJl. U)!)oougbtto ^auc t^je podelTion
iJf tljc faio Unos, be \}mut flff tp?lca(e tljcceof, bnto tlic tiQ\)t [ot Ko.
of Wards and Liueries, ^^
Qwdsi dfH. a0afo;cfaiD^n5 t^enlTignmmt of tljcfaioleafetjnto ^our
faiD fupplpant , ma^c as afo zefaio , ano fo mucJj tije tat(jei; fai t^at t[jc
fame lanD0 are founcb^ office to appectatuc tnto tfjefato ^arD in
poiTeffioij after t^eoeat^ of tljcfaiDi, 3n confiDccation Irljeieof, it
may? pjeafc i?cuc goD JLo;Da^ip to grant ttje ^liutenes i^aie!lie0 <:<tl.nt
of Iniunaion, to bc DiccfteD tjnto tijc faiD K.id. ano all otfjct pciTong
toauoio fcomt^epoHeffionoftl^efait) S^anojof ^.ioitljt^cappucte^
nances , ano to permit pour faio fupplpantqmetlv to Ijaue ano enio^
t|)efame,Durtng tlje mino^itii: of t^c faio UjacD,ao;oina to the grant
afo^cfaio to Ijcr tl;ercof niaDe. i^no furtt)ec to p2ct;ibtt tijem aiD cuec^
of tljeni net to ftU o; cane aloar anp tuojD oj timber tra-a^grottiKg o;
being tjpontlje premieres, t3Htiirfnrtl)ero:DccU)iU be tahen bp i?ouc
goo iUJ;D(]^ip,anD pour faia fuppl^ant fl^all oailt? p;a^ fo; ^our ijono;.

t^EifUf dmplawt for ttn Iniiini^ion tofiayAftiit at the

Common Law,.

jj{ri2 ... , . .. To ifeiBiight Honorable &c. <^ni5fijr


S'^^$tif t n?o 0u t g UoiDfijip ]3 >; C rqnire'jSCfjaftoflereaff t^e Scd. i r

CMi^ouie , MRiOl^ip , ano ipaiiage of K*^^ fonncrano tjeire of
^ ^4 li<Amtt otxeafeO^Uias about ftue peeres laft ^uttM t|)e ^altec
anu^CtHmcellof tljis !j3no2ableContt,granteo tjnto vour faiD fupplp^
a^.^janPiu^^ceds jour faio fupplrant ^atl) bv one Blnuenture ccuc*
ant^ toitft.t^e faio Rafter ano CounceU amongft otljcr tljingg,
t|at if at an? time uuring tl;e mino;itie of tljefaiD 2D. ani? ficip,luatli
fppiU , oifo;^Dcr, o;jincrocijment be Done o; mane bpcn tlje inljcritanro
ff tlj^faip ?I^.aro,pJt^at anv |)urt oj^inDecanrets mtemjeo o; ma^
anr itua^ groio tjnto t^cfaio CSlarD onring t)ts mino^itic. ILljat t?cuc
(iatofupplpant fo^t^tuitli.tjpentinolaletigc ttjereof !jao,l^oulo ccrtifie
t^ lamt! tjnto t^9 feio. Q^atter ana Councell, ano^pioiecute foiit^ tf^tit
e^p$r fo; refo;mution thereof* Bn^ Uljea0 t^e faio IE.1^. ^et being
ipitiiinagejielaVnfullBpoirefrcii of fo;tie acreat of Jnnmarflj called
^p.4{|^O0)ini}fo;tteacre0 of )i>utmarl^ calleo Jiintuo^Ds outmarO)
iii^9?ill^^i^l)itft?Cpuutie;of (Jj0;e)p,fp.j tetme of Diucca vfarejj
T^(tpjiiqn?ie?, 9l ^W^ f^iO' p^Wfleisi; me ivicfjaro Clciiie is alfa
fcrnipV)3nto t!;e f^iO piprp. :^P;it i:cigl)t ^ono^ablc > :tj$t
cine 2:^t>on^A'^,iaOW'P;ei:en Ding title to t^c faio fcurcfco;c acce0,of

^acl^ in^oiiDcn 3ii?cfaiOi,t)atl) lateli'U^jougljt aw Eicf^jone firitjg

^c iSDaiefiicjs Court , comn^onls calUo tlje iiings %5tnfl) ,

againft t^e faio Kicljaro C.fo; t^e lau05 tel)icl) Ije l)oloe^|)ift0 afo^p^faio


Pleadings in the Court/

p^etcnDtnsbtrotncfetgneD title to cecoaertl^e fait) lant)0 agamHtf^e

faiD U. C. to tlje gceat loScano ijtnoecanceof tt)crato Mactjs bectng
tuit^m age,ane fo Enable to Dcfmti ttie fame if fpeedie cemeDie anD te*
t^edt be not p^otiiDeo bp poac gaio JLo;jB(^ip. 3It ma? tliecefoje pleafe
^out t)ono;abIe ]lo;Dl^tp tbe p^emtlTes coniioeteD to grant t)ct: ^ate^
11(10 ail;ttof Iniunaionto beDtcectco totbefatD SI- II* l^is Councel^
\9}9 0tto;ner0 fc, anD euecte of t|)em,commanDtng tbem ic tiiereb?
t)nDei: a cectatne paine tbeixtn to be ItmiteD,to fucceafe ani> fuct^c to
p;o(cDe 0^ call t)pon t^e faiD fait. ;^D pouc faio fuppl^ant f^allft

i^i Bill of Petition into the Court offVardsJorthetonUnHtinft of

the tenerof Liutrie,

To tfac right Honorable Sir W.C.of ihc moft Honorable order of

the Gertcr Knight, Lord high Treafurcr of Eng-
land, and MaQer of her MaicHics Court
of Wards and Liucrics.

Sea 23 T>C&fad)etl)anl)p;apetl^toucgdllo;b(l^tp^.CBatIcof ^. Sl^at

i3tob^tea9 ttje fato CacU teno^eo I)t0 iliaene bnto *^uc goo llo}0#
'/V l^tp tl)e etgi)t atto t^enttetf) dai? of September in t|)e eigf^t^entl^ ^^t^t
of t^e caignc of ti>e ^\xisxm i!^aie(tie tl^at noito i0,fo} allti^e a^ano;0>
ILanD9, SLenement0, ano ^eceoitaments > luljici) otfcennen t)nto l)tm
aftec t^e Difceafe of ^* late CounteOTe of !^* as Tonne ano l^eite tinto
tbs faiD Countelfe, tf)e to^icb toa? gcanteo to l)im bt l?onc gQ>l) ILo^D^
D^tp fb; fouce monetises* %^t p^ofecutton tiil)eceof,tt)e fato ^acle eat^
nettle labo;eo,but pet fo;tl[)eU3ant of tbe 00^00 anoeuioencesofmoS
of tbe faioi^ano}0,^e coulo not in t^at titne p;oceeD,fo; toitiiont t|iem
tbe tenuce5anD eUates of tbe faio ^ano^s conlo not be founb* Bin
confioecationtDl)ecof,a fuctbei: continuance of p faio izvx^x toa^gcan^
teD tinto tbe faio Cacle,t)ntilt tl)e Vtas of X^\% IHecme. 0no noto fo;^
afmucbastt^c faio (ii^acle coulo not bp anp toates o^ meaner get t^
faio oeeos ano eutoeuces v(^ conuenient ano fit time fo;r tf)e p;ofecution
oftbefaioLiuecr/o; ttjat tbefaio CountelTe bao bv occafionof oiuecif
&uit0inlLdto toucbing tbe faio ^ano;0 , oeliueceo tbent into tbe
banO0 of oiuers f funo;p pecfon0,U)b^cof mahp toece to i\^t faio Carlo
tinknotun. ^a? it tbecefo;e pUafeponr gaio Iiafjat fo;^anftuc^ ai$

toitbout tbe raiootBO0 1 eutoence0,tbe faio aclt coulo itdt luit^^ut

p;eiuoice a0 iuell to b^t^ ^aiclttea0 to btmfelfogoefoi^ttjiatotniff)^
p^ofectition of bi0 faio lliuerie^to grant bnto V^ faiO Carle tijat be
map continue t)i9 tenoer tbeceof lintiU X^z fifteentb of j& itdtcljaell

of Wards and Liuertes.

*# Letfffr t9 4 Nhle mdn to Afpeere oftdanfiper to a Billin thi Court
of^ardt after not anfwermj^vf9n4for''
mcr Letter,

Aiftecmr^at;tiefommaiDation0to^outg(DD?Lo?D^ip,tol[^ceaj c a *
U)a0 ji lettec fcam mc oirctteD tint o roue iLo^or^ip in JCtmi ^^' *^
tie %ztmt ua, oeficing roue ilojofl^ip to fcno rout ^olic ito; o; fomc
of roucCounccUtotafeeoutacopieof a)lBillo;anfo;mation tx^ibu
tcDagatnUrou before me^tn I)tflr^atefticsCout:t of MacDs anD lli^
uecie0,on t^e beljalft of 2^.2211. toticceunto four lo;of^ip toa alfo re*
quiccD to ijaacmaDc anftoecin tljcbeginmng of ipicljaelma02:ecme
laffjUiliecebpt^efauremigl^trcceiuefucljrpaDietdaUas to 3ufticc
appei;taincD,anDfo?t|>at3laminfb;mcutl)atrouciio:til^ip ijatlj not
act omplvftjcD t^ep;jemilfe,ft>ercai:c t|)cccfo?e eftfrnng to requite rou
DO t^e fame o; otliettoife to fignifie t!)e caufa of r our ftar
fo;t|^Ujit|> to
ano cefufall in t|>at be^alfe, ^no fo 3 bio r ou tjactilp fareioeU , in Ijec
^ateltietf faio Court,t^e ^. oar of Blanuarie idoe.

An Information againSiam Offcerat ArmeSy for putting downe and de

facingjke Coate Armor , O'C, remaining m a Cathe- '
drail Church belonging to the father

To the right Worfliipfull Sir W.G. Knight, MaOer of the

Kings Maicftics Court of Wards
and Liucrict.

mc of tlje fame Court,on t^e beljalfe of 31. ^. Cfquicc,ljis SBaiefties ^*^* * J'
(KElaiD/onneanD ticircof ^itm,(5. latecf
15. in t^t iltuntit of
:v, ^o;fee lUnigljt , ceceafeO*
Wi^tttuff br SInquifiiton tafecn
after tlje oeatb of ttjefaio ^it ^m*<3. f c retting tolune t^c fubtf ante
tl)ereof,a0brti)efaiD3Inquifitifln returned into las ^ateiJics !)igl)
Court of C!)ancecic,anD tljerc remaining of itcco^Mno from t!)enf0
tpanfcripteD into tljus bono jable Court mo;eat large appeeretfj. ^no
t|)e |liiing0 ^aieftic being of tl)c marof^ip of t|e boDie ano lanO0 of
a0 afoiefaiD fc^feD,anD to t^ fame laUjfnlly tntercffeo
^Ijefait Jl.d^fo

frgconfequenr^c iytiercQf,t!je manage fif tlje faiD Marb

Uutfjcut Difp^^
tagement belongctb ta lji0Spateft ie of common rtgbt,anO confeqiJcH!^
Ir 10 ano cttgljt to be fo muc^ t^t mo^e fo;i \)is spaieftics profit ano ao*
wantage , bp [jotu muc^j !)e tf^c faio saiaro i0 a (ntlcman genctouBp
Pleadmgs in the Coun.
liifcentctj of f
ancient families anu of woblc parentcsc: tf fo if 10 tfjat
oneK^atnt(E5eD;5calltng|iimfclfeJi4j?t^;jov alias ^nits^ b^ f)i0
ofiice at ^cnwMSf, ^.ip. ant CB. o? fmne one of t^em , b^ tl)c p;tuitic

anD content of tl)c tea, frauc of late fincettje (ain Sinquifltion founu,
t^at is to fa^ in ant about t\)z fecono Da^ of ^eptembec laft pafl,ente*
^ . ceaintetljeirattjcD^aaCbncrtJO^J^in^^'^w^^^^^i^"^*^^^'^^"^^^^"
^^^'' pulf CD DoWnc ano BefaceO oaC acmo?,
anD t|)eic moft tmiuaiT? f tje

CicftjiBenon^^ano ottec tfje laUtfuU ant) appjoueD Cnllgn'es of <Se^

tcie of tt)e faifi ^it ^iLt.dD ^nig^t , anD tut)icl) are from liiin latofuU^
oifcenOcD to tjis fjpaieUics fait ^act , not onlt? to il}e fait Watts
^at oifgrace 1 impf aclmont in l)ie mamge, ani)confeqentl? to tijc
^in^s manifeft p.:niiDife tl)atiuav?butaimto^tl)efaio3l21ai:t0lolle
ant Damage of ^.iu at t^e leaft beftotoc at |)is fait fattiers ftmerals,
tpon t^e fait ipi. alias ^amt <S 3!5!^* ant (E. )i5 liis teputie oj tcpu#
tie0 in tfjofe pact0,fo;i pabliOjing of C^nligne0 of ;armo;ir at fuc^ times
ant ot^ec Cecuices of ttjat bint, ant it; tcitfeing, C0!o;jing, pjiepating,
ant retting of f |)em tp in tlie place to^ere tfje^ latwfuU^ ftcoo. 3f n tm*
tec confitecation tDi}et:e6f , ant fem(nmt^ as f)t0 ^aiclltetijill not b^
/ tt)e Eato of Ijisttingtcmetifpacage 1)10 people 01 to|)oml)e is t^e 1^0^
ttecaigneantgenecall C^ouecno;^ ant p;otedo;> ant confequentl^
snav not tifpofe of i)isfatt Mart in maciage titit^ a (S^entUljuoman,
tntelTe tt)e fait Mart hth^ tilcent alfo a (gentleman , ant confer
i^uentl^ cannot make t{)at benefit of ^is matiage initio a ipetcf)ant>
;actificec5o;i^eomanstaug^teM0toit!)a<3entletC8man 0nt fo;^
afmud^ as t^efait ^aint ^. alias ^j;^* l^ati) b? tl)is tjis action gteat^
i !)int0cet tije ellimate of tt)e fait Macts mactag^) ant fo mncl) t|)e
mo;e impeacljet tf)e means of t)ts atuancementt^etbi?, br i)oln muci)
I>6 is an Officer at Hemes , $ |)at^ tone tb fait U>;ong bv t^ettne ant

xolo; of ^t0)^6fice:;^nt fo;safmuc^ as t^is tiono^able Court ts o;^tlefnf t

ant ellablifl^et fo.: tt)e iiittf^ing ant celieuitrg of !)ts l^aieHiestljatts
tn all tilings tl)at H^alltoucl) 0; conciecnetliem^as ttell in t|ieitpetfons
as in tl^eit; !aU)ful meanes Kif preferment as t|)t s totl),as in tf)tit lahts
ant pofifelTions. 3tt map tt)eicfo;epleare tour ipafl;ecflHp,tl^e pjemif^
res confiDccet,to atoact Ijts !;i^aieftiesmoft gcaticusp^cteffedf p^f
nie ^eale,to be ticertet to f ^e fait M*^aint (!D.alias ^aftas ^* ]ii5^<^*
ant C.i5conuKanttuQ tljem ant tuciit of tliew t^eceb^ at a c$ttaine
tai? ant tnter a ccrtame paine tliecein to be limitet, pecfonall^ to bt
ant apperce before pouc^ato^ip in Ijis ^aiefiies |iigli CBUctv^f
Matts ant ^liueties, tlien ant tbere to anfiner to t|)ep;icmlff^
loO^cto caufeif tl)ep can iol)?
Ije oi tljep H^oult not teetilti^, e^lif/aiSt
netofettjptljefaitCnfignes of t^e KJartsg^ntcie ,a^'l>^luc^
fmt^ D^oer c /^: . . . ^ -
.u u - w t ^ i -i^*
, .. >
ofVVard^aMdLitieficisV 225

// Z) emnrrer Vff^^rfi^/kf .d^ffffdant hcing chdrged formMj that he

badfdid vf on a "bargain of rrood rvhtch the piaintifesfupjiafe
to l>ehrtgtoalVard\ho}f>^eit the defendant/nb*
miitethhimfelfetothe order ef the
Cstirt, vpon the deeiding


T^e fail) tjefcnoantbFpjijtcttatton not ackitoMcijgmg ail vtjjiMg c-a -.

fb^me,as in t^efam^ mtontatncD, tjott) fa^ tijat fo^fomuc^ as tjc x^;\^i

anDfcopcof tIefaiD i5iIl,O6tl)feem0tobeonel?to tiemanDmone^fo^
cectametofflUfolDtotljisDefmtant, Inljereto t!j^ fatp complamantf
Dtointitle tljemfelues tmuecojbijtjertueof alleafc matje tijcicof bi
Jec Cpaicttie0 Caancell of tfjis Ijonojable Court,Duitng tf)c mtna;iti0
of ^.a>. noto Ijcc spate!he0MarD,pact af U)^bfe inberitajifctljc fatb
tucDD latiD iff furmifeo to b^jtofjereupon as t!^s Defentiant is enfo;imeD
f!ic fasD complainants ma^ fjauegtoD ccmeoie b^ tear of accoumpt at

t\)t Common ilato , if tfieic otonc allegation on tljat brljalfe be tcetu,

ant) ma^ bi? Due and o^mnacic coacfc of accoumpt at {\^t Common
^aUrtecouet tlje ^>Mt oftljefaio tximu o^tiamagesfc;^ tjc f^me if mi
at[; bccne fo taften ann bongljt b^ i})\^ Defenijant,as in flje faiD J5flt is
aHeaU0ei35tiotlj l)nmblp p?a^ t!)c iutigemcnt of tl^rs^onojablc Court,
if ^P ll^all ht impleaU0D 0^ fueo ft^ t^z fame in tijis^ono^able Court,
b^BiU^feingfjcmai^bealforucDanDtmplcaDcD fo; tt) fame at tic;
Common !laU),asl)etsinfojmcDbi?f)isCeunceH>sno ret meacrtfjc^
iBlTe if it fl^ail f^mc fit to t^rsfjonojabfe Court to Determine tlje faiQ
caufe^ ane to put t)^i9 oefenoant ta anr fnrtl)ec anfteer tlje arjuantagc
tot^eincectaintteanoinfufficiencieof tfjefaioBill^KotM anD at all
tisnta to t\)id Defendant faueo,foj furtl^er anfUier anD foi mo?c full fa^
tiffactton of t[jisi^ono;able Court tottcl)ingfo mnctjnfti^crmo Bill asr
conccrnctlj fjim t^is DefcnDant,!)efait^ anD freclt confeffetlj , t\)<A \)^
t!)tsDefenDantDitj l)eretofo?e about t^e time in tljc 313ill allcaogeD,
bu^of Dne9paSer(DtuarDE>iggeii in t]^cii5tH namcDya certaine^
portion of t^efaiD^lucDD in menttoneD,being about 03 tjeV
tl;e faio 515tll

ri? nd^re foUier acres, fjalfe an acre, anD E)alfc a varD, after tijc pnce of
fire anb fo?trc i^Hlings anD eigljt pence tbe acre , comming in all
as tljis DcfenDantMetfj it to be , tl;e fumme cf tcnne pdunoes
anD fome oDDeitsne^, about fiftcene (^iUtugs anD Tome ttn pence;
3nD tbis DefenDant Dct^ alfo furtlier far jt{)at l)c paiD to tljefaiD CS^
anD bis affigncs , tljefaiD full fumme of ten poauDiSf ttoo l^iUings anD
t^nne pence 0^ thereabouts, in full contentatitsn of tire fai^bargami

Pleadini^S in th4 Court -^

0no mo;eouer,tI)tsc tjefenoant fatt^^tljat at tl^at ttmetc^en t%\9 tua>B

toasto bcfolc^c^aDlicaco tl^att^e fait) CSDano one JED. t|t^l);0^ C
tf)ec,tuere(nfutt fo; t^
lanD^anD t^at tiiemattei: luaji rcad^ to corns
Dotonc into ttjc Counties foj tciall , iiil^cceupon t^-bcfenoant beinjy
Deficoua to tjauc port of t^LS tuooD fo^ t)ts monv^ano being aUo lotlUng
toknoluof tuljomljeTnigljtfafclpbupfomcpart tljcreof, did enquiie
i)oiD t^e trial tuas lifeeto paire,anD ofteljom tjcmig^tfafcl^but? feme
of tf)e fatD lti(DO0, anD ti^ereupon did tjeace of Diuet0,luljore namc5 \)t
Dot^ not nols t:emembei:,tf)at tt)eratDma&ec (D.jBD. nttgt)t luell^a^i^
fafelr nuiuc !)im fale of part of t^e fatD luorD* ;3nD a0 i])is Dc^npa|t
tticnljearD it cbnimpnl^fpoltcti in t^eCounti;i7,itt]}a5 tsede liUeii?^)>^
t^erommonopinicncf moltr.en,t^att|)e caufelDtoulDpa^etuttl) i^z
C^. ^mXt^ to t^e fatD SI^tD Uii tijefc parts in gauelkinb.
fatD (H; . o;
of t^e fniD UioDS toljicf) moueo tl)i oefenoant to bargain ^it !i tl)c faio.
CE^. fo; tl^e fame. DcfenDant btterl^ Dcnictl) tljat l)e t)aD e^
i^ttD ti)is
4leran^Vuarntngo;knoU)IeDgcgiuentoti)econtcarie,a0 ix^ tI)e/aiD;
IBiU ifl tjn truelv furmircD. ^ut t|)i0 DcfenDant t)atlj [jcaiD , (fjat finc
tl)e faiD ccmplaintd o; fome boop fo; tt)em in tt)eir names S;auc t)ereto^

fo^c erijtbiteo a )13itl in tlji? molt i)onourableCourtagitin(ltt^ fatD

CD .anD otber? toucl^tng t^i canfe fb;^ti)emonti ariiing of tl)t0 luoD^
faile, U)|iereunto tiiefaiD OQD. I^atl) maoe ^imi>ooti t^pon ^ts i^Dati)
(as t|)i0 DefenDant tatl) liearD^anD tijccetn Dotf) erp^ea? confelTc) t^at
^e maDefale of tbt0 tooD (nolo againe D;aU)ne intoqaeitton) ano t^at
^ ^att) ceceiueD monp fo; t\)z raure,anD (^iDctfi ^i0 title to be fo; t^at
leiuadinpoGTeiTtouof t|t0gauellhingpart tljerem During tt)e life of
\iQ elDta b;ot!jcr S:.E>. father to t|)e faio ^aro , anD ^atl) not fince
latDfull^beeneputtromt^epoirelftontt)ereof,t^e to|iict) matter tt^id
Defendant ^att) crcaoiblp tjar D anD beleDuetl^ to be true, anD Dotl) iKipe
it n^all be {\xf!kimt\'^ p;oueD U)t)en tl)e fatD complainants tutll p;oceeD

in t[}e fato caiire,t}pon t\^iii tl)eir faio 15ill. ^^ctubett t^iat fo;romuc^ ^.a
tins DcfenDant is a tieriepa>;e man^anD ageD;, anD bp ceafon of \^\t ^h^
ueitie ar.D age,tjnfit to follolo fuits^^nD altogeil)er tjnVuilUng to tnXtt
into anr courre,f o tjnDcrgce tlje ctjacges ar.D crpcnccs of trrmg of tl)e
(aiD title bettuisue tl;e faiD ccmpjainants anD tt)e fato eE)l)e tl)is De^^
fenoantDot^ moll ^innblp refer [)imfdfe to tl)c confioeration of tl^is
mod Ijono;atlc Court toucl}ing tf}c pzemilTest^anD Dott) moll Unlling^
Iv jf Ijisolunc acco;D fti; Ijis oUine quictncae, cftec to put in goD alTu^
ranee to tl^is tjono.iable <Dourt,tl;at if tl)e plamtifes tDtU p;oc(eD tpon
tl)eir fojmec iBiU,againll tt>c faiD Cd^.tefio Ijatl) left fufiftcient autljo*

ntietoitt) l^is ^oltctter to follow ti)e fame (as tl;ts tefenoant \& info;
teD)t^at tl)en Dpon tf)e {)eacin0 of tt)e matter tbeCourt l^ll not rea
fattrfieDt|Nittf)era(DC'.p.l)at|gaiDtitletot)olDanD Detoinet^e faiD
of Wards and Liuerfes. ^^6
too:j'monc?,t^ctnf t[)cratoC.o;t)t0&oluiter,Doe not toitlptn one
monct!) after, mabe fufftcient fat iffartion fo<j t^e faio mon^ foe bp ^im
uttiutn oft})w Dcfenoant atf is aboue fatD^ttjat tljcn I^c t^is Defenoant
U}tlfo;tt;iDttt)pai!tt)crameagatneto furl) pccfon o; pccfon? aie^ t||t<
Court Cl^allojoec ano otcect t^e faine,tott^outt^at tjjat an^ ot^ecma*
)il3tll contemned , ano matertall fo; tlfis octtn^
tzt o; ti)tng in tl)e faiD
Oant to ano t)erem not alceaote no;^ fufftctentli? confeflPeD^
anflttcr tinto
anDauo{DCD,trauei:rcDo;DcnteD,t0ttclu,amDf)ic{) maters t^tsoeffrn"
oant 10 reaote to auerano p;oue, as ttits !)ono?ab(e Court d^all atuaro
anop:aret^tobe^cnceDtrim(reo^tttl){)t9co^sr ano c^iarscs in t^is
b^^alto lo^ongfuUs fudemcD.

The keisjndtrtf Edward HaUrEfquire^and Edvrard Esion Cjcntlt-

mMH,t0 the Replication ofThomat Hesketh Efquire her
UHatcfiie/ Att9Mrnej of her Ht^hnejj'e

Court of fVards and
. , tiutriet^

T^ raio t0fenfianf#fe^th^i|fitgia0tHtfjetrfaiDanflMert^^^
t^ue pleaDeo and aUfa{iseQ,lmt|iont tf)at,tt)at t^ fato C* (S; t^e
Tat^er,^elo of fjer ^atelhe in ^tift br ^^ntg^tsferuice o; otliertoire

in Cl)tefc bi? I&nigl^ts rcruire^lana in ^in tije Countie of ^ais in t|ie

faio replttation is alleageo, ano \joit^ t^aUt^at tlfttt oefi^noants tmll
auer ano p;oue t^at tb^^^to 3f^*mcnttoneo in tfrefato anfluecano re^
plication f^ati i ougljt to{)auet^$CuQuoie,TOarot^ip,ano Cartage,
of tt)e faio (.(E. one of tiiis oefenoants , fo; o; h^ iseafon t^at fome
pact of t\)t iano of tt)t faio d^.e. oereafco at tfje time of tl^t ntati) of
tf)e TaiD (E*tiierf;oloen of tf)efaioM!^.mmttoneD int^efaiDanfUiec
auD repli>cat{on as of l;id ^ano; of &. ano t^at ti)e faio Wi*^* oib as
^e mig{)t latofuUv oocjgrant t^t faio 5Ilaro(^p of t!je boot ano mart>
age of t^c booie of t^e faio C one of tbc Defenoant0,ano |iis lanos
fo !jolDcn of tf)c faio ^ as in t^cic faio aRfmer t\)t^ baue ftjmcrli? nl^
Icaogeo ano frt ootone,ano twittj tlrat,tf)at t^efc oeftnoants Id ill life^*-
feiifeaucr anO p^oue tljat tl^c faio W.^. oio malke ano p?eteno title to
t|e faio ^arofl^ip of tljefaio (B.* oneof t|)e faio oefenoants, in fuc^
fo^t as in tl)0 faio anfber us alleageo, ktt)ic^ matters tJ^ctt oefenoants
are r^ao? to au^r i p;oue>ano ^umbl^ p;aiet^ A0 in ttjeir faio anflDer
'^.r Pleadings in the Qouvu o

'nr^efaiDDcfcnDantfapp^oteffatwnnot confefftng oi acfenpfeUtg*

ScV.25 lingan^ tfjing iii t^fc faiD 113iU of d:bmplamt contepncD, niatcciaU
fo; ))im ttiefaiD oefenuaht , tc anftoei: too , tp fee true, fatt^, tDat tl;e
tiio Bill of Complaint is t)ntt:ue,l3ncettain , aud infafficienfc in t^e
llabJ to be anrtueieo tnto , to tJ)c tol|)icl) tt)c faio Dcfencant ougljt not,
jieif l)cr i0 compcUabic h^ t^z laUj to mafec anr anfUjer^fo; tl^at it Dot^
not appi%tctt)etebrtl)att^cratD complainant I)at|io; fjao an? gljt,
titlco^ interea,citt)ei: of,in,o; to anv t fucucio^s o; ttnutcs founo
bv tlje faio ficft 3i nquilition in t\)t faio ISiU of Complaint mentioneo,
Dj bf,in,o; to ant? tftatc of fctaefjolo, ano inbmtance, in m^ tl;c Qpan^
no;0,99clTuagcs,ilanDi5,2Dcncmentgf, o; l|ercDitament0 , in tlje faiD

31nqutfitioHmeHtioncD,but tl)at tfjcfaio tenuces,fartieijS5jmano;s,anD

p:emiires,ano part ano patcell t!)eceof,at tlje time of tlje finting oft^e
)firiceanD5Inquifition, in tlje faiO liBill of Complaint m^tioneo,
ilfii^ ti)c faio complamantb^ |)i0 faio 13ill of Complaint , n^Uctt^
not licence of i^is f)on.Coact toU^cauerfe, tseceano vet htt^t fUc*
liolD ano inljedtance of otl)cr0,anD t^at t^c faio (omplainant |)at| attD
xlaimetl) onclr in a pact of tl;c faio ^ano^s anD Hanogt ^ a, Utmt fo^
^cai:(0ianDnotan^ot^ei:o;gt;catcce(lat09, tnt^pect toj^ceof? t^p
HaUie^s anD ^t^tutea of i^is Uealmtppc not allbUi anp E^tanecfe fp^
complainant, ifo^ \jo^ic^ caufe ano fo^ t^at ^ ^15* CCquic^e
tf)t faio

Tonne anoiieice of t|^c faiD Bl* ^att^ ec^ibiteo a fo^met: 3i\l of Com^
plaint into t^ts ^on* Couct, of tlje ^ea anD pacpofip of t^e faiD com^
plainantB ^ilUis ptDepenDing,U)^et;b^ t^e faiD ^'^ (^fquice^rOif ^

4x!|i as t^e faio complainant, no& iio^ tomaintoine tl^e faiD ^tH ^n^ -
Iqmfition, anD aU tlje tenures of t^eiaiD ^ano^ tljeceb^ founo ^ anD
ti)et;eSo:eDeCi:etl)tobeaDmitteDtopCtauecret^efaiD fecpnD ano laiO^

3lnquifition,t^e faio DefenDant abioet^^n ^to tpoirtf^e/aiD complat'

nants UBiil of Complaint,anD Demant^^ t^e ippj^mefit of t[)ts tiOjT*

Couctt|iet:cupoMi|Dp^a^et|;tobeDtfmi0cps(itoft()HS ijon* Couiit

tDit^ l^is coas fo; tj^ts Deratioaioit^outaitt fnt^^li^i^ anftoet; making.

T^e Mgnftte of i\x& Court w fuc^ anu fo 6rcat,a0 no cf fjer femg*
oome|)atl)cuct:crectcD Ubc,betnghittf)out patce o; equathfij;

in tl?f ffiecme time tnljett Caafea are IjearD in M^ftminftcr ^alUue*

vt toeeke ttotce(Ui!)irt ts tjfuallp on Mconefba^cje; ano if rii3are0,anD
ti^e nert oat after tt;at t^e ECerme is cnoco) tfje Lo .Ct)ancelo?, tol^cn

vm. rncj^ i0>(; no* l^eeper of t|)e (^;eat ^eale of Cnglano, iDfjoTeau^
V^tiiixit v& one ant tijc fame (b^ fojre of a fe>tatute mate Anno s.Bliz.
c a. 1 8 .) ti)e !lo.:O0 anD otl^ers of tl)e iings ^aiefties '^rmz CounccI,
t^e p;tme of tfje Ctergie, tl;e IIo;D0 ano )15aron0 of t^e &ant),tD^ic^
are no '^%\\xxt Councelo^s (fact) of t^em as tJPiU)ano tf)e3ini)se5,efpe'
ciallp t^etlDo c^tefe of eitfier ll5enc^,ooe
t|[)en f tl^ere(ouring t^e time

limitteo fo; Blauges to oetertnine Caure0,t^at i0,from ttje lioure of 9^

to t|)ei)oure of 1 1 .but commonly longer) fit in tl^at Court* 0nD al^
tl^oug^ t^e l^ono;abIe ^ir 2I^t).&mit|),i&nigl)t,late p^incipall^ecre^
tarie to tbe moff famou0 )B;ince0)!^i)tuart t^e 6,% i^u.Cli^abet^,
tn ^boibe dc Republica Anglorum fait||,it is calletl Caniera Sccliata,
tl^e^tarre;Ct)amber,becaure ttje Mintotue0anD Utofe tijereof ^ue
bin ano are aoo^neo ano patnteo \ss\i^ tl)epid;ure0 of ^tarre0,ttt em^
Wematicall? tfje? refemble X\t botie of tlje 3!uD2fe0 of tljat Court,(on^
filling of perfon0 of gicat emmencie (fuc|) as arebefo;je namen) being
tije principal! men of tfje tluo great Collates of tf)t0llitngDome,tbello
^ptrituallanD iEempo^all : I^lie t)eat of ljDl)i^boi)ie,i0Our^oue'
raigneito;D tljei^ing,lu^o Ujt)en Ije pleafetl),fittetb therein bi0 otone
perfon : "^vd xxk |)i0 abfence^t^efe Bluoges noe cenfureant Determine
Caufes t^ere DepenDing,bt> maio;^itie of t}oice0,Dcriuing tljeir lig^t
ano aut|)o;itie from bi0 Qpateltte,a0 ttje ^tarre0 ftom tt)e l^unne*
SEt^at moil!^ono;able &eirien0i}fjj^obilitiecenfuretl) tt)e^pp;ef'
fion0,iuarrel05Contention0,3lniurie0,iiJout0, Krots, % tjnialofull
;aftion0, perpetrateo moft commonly b^ infolent^fojcible,! potuerfull
partie0,anD no m?ane perfcns, againftfome p;iuate fubted:* 3Jt puni^
i^et^ funDJip ottjerfo^ts of olfence0,confpireDagainft!)i0iipaieftie0
|ierfon,faif) as are tjnDer tl)e uegree of SLrcafonjoflentoas alGs againff
t^e 13crfons of tl;e jjiobilit^ ant) ^tate0 of tlje Kealnie,as Scandalum
M3g;natum,anD tt)c lifee:alfo SDuel0 ano p^iuateCl^allenges maoc be*
ttuanepartieano partie,contrarietol)t0^igl;nefleCl;Dicts ipjocla
mations, ano an^ libellou0 o;j feDittou0 fpeaUing 0; tojitmg againU
t^publifee^tate,c;a0ainfi;p;iuatepe:tfon0. J0eriucies,jfo?geiic0>
'..'.' Tss^}x Con^
Pleadings in the
Confptracwtf, ^ubo;jnation0, cpamtenance, C|)ampetf 100, anD fuclj
tlje oflfenDe^fi puttiC^D.
f ojcupt dealings arc tljecc lifeetaife ^eatDjanfi
<:il'fo duid:5 aifagcs
anti Cnllomes! in mattcc)3,fojt!jc benefit of tljc

Commcntuealtf), Ijaue lane aiiD are tt)ei;eouct4'uleD:ia0;.:Der5

to be cbfcrucD amcngfi Co;po;tation0 anc Ccmpanieg if 0; \ue reaD, :

t\}iit a finall )cDexc of tljic vCouct maue b'^ 2i:i).Moiae,CaiBwaU f c*

Ilic!)bi.tjopof^o;Uc,p^unate(|CIjiancdo^cf<lI;nglanO Anno rc.H.8.

concealing 2iti(i(etB m llonDon being ftianget;0 bo;jne t nmtl) \\)mu
geD out na'iue countcvmenjUjas conSnneo bv aftatute marje An z x.
H. S.cdp. i6.Ujl;exe note,tt;at in tl)c exemplification tl)ecof,tt;e\uo2W
a.:eInfpcxiimi Dccrcc^im per N js& Conliliura noflf in Camera SccU
launddiaup, intimating, tljat ttjat Uil)tc^ 10 atiiacDeDbrtl)eilo:D0
tHctJs Done bv ii)e i:ung ^uD tl)ecefo;eaUX3ils anu Informations

ey|?!bueo t!)ei'e,aie titleo ano ItileD on t^i0 maner,To the King* mod
excel IcncMaiclhc.
Bin tt)isou:t,tf)e part^ Delinquent 10 ccmmanDeu bv Jlis ^aieftics
ntoltgtaciou0 mnt of Subpxna, tnDec a penaltie ttjetcin ei:p.2ei4eD,
toappeate 1 anflDCcbio tfifence:U)l)o comming |fiing(eFcept tbepic^
feme of tt)C Ijigtjeft out faiD moft D;caiJ ^oiicraign tljeiiing f |3;ince)
80 it tsete tije ^aieltte of tl;eljU^ole Healme, placec liUe ^taiiea ta}
V)cic ^ciQ^t of iBictl) anD ^utljo?itie, altljouglj l)e b>e neuec fo ttouC,t)8
tuiU be abaf^u, % being calleD to anfli3eL(fD;j appearel)e muCof lul;at
ttgcce foeueu l)e be) tlje (Srauitie,Keafcn05i Kemcntonces of tfjofs
t^itft |i)etfonage0 do fo o;Detlv oneafter:anott)ec|)anDlet(}e pactij of^
CenDing, a0 be t)i0 courage neuer fo great, I)i0 ^eart \xti\\ fall Dolnne to
tlje gtounDjefpecialli>if 1)10 anfijoerebenot tl)e better. K^\)t^ tuill ccm^
inanD \)im to tljeirlast, to be fometimc0 in clofe p^ifon, 30 t^
31uDge0 Ojall appoint, ttjere to remaine,tntiU tb.^oug^ tt)e re&raintof
l^is libect^,* t^e ertrao;Dinarie erpcncesU'ljicI) Ijemuft tf;erefuffain,
like one retting m oblunon,being ti^uQ UicaiieD, tje u; all be glaD (aftec
fubmilTion t long futt of t}is fctenD0) to be o^Dercd bv reafon.

^ometime0,accoaDingtol)i0Dereit,t)e0)allbefineDto pa^ a great

fummc of nionep to tl)e ^ing,bc(iDe0 1)10 co(t0 % Dan{age0 giuen to t^e
plaintife.^cmetimc0 l)e 10 aoiucgcD to ftsnD on f be pillo^ie, to lofe
eacc0,i to l;aue [)i0nottl).nl0 Ciijin tolten of t)if uio;cinfamie:auD

fcjnetime5 l)i0geDO0 aie rctnf;riatcD,i t)i0lanD0ate iw-eDinto viisuig0

f)anD0, rca,fo; fcmetranfgreUit'n0, t}i0 Ijoufec anD tuilDing0.fljaU be
tbrclDne Dotpne,l)i0lDujD0 feUeD,f meaooU) gcounD0p!alreDt)p, anO
tl)c greater men fl.all t^srnt tljegreater punilI)nieiit,Uj^en tlje? offenD,

Poicntcs potcntcr ptjniuntur.becdulc it i0 an olD cuftometo tabe eram^

pie fcom auD acco;Dmg to t\)z Doiiig0 of tf)Ciiiobler fo^t.-ail U.l)icb cfja?
aifeuientfi notUiUbaanotnjj, ttje matter fo; UJljicl^^c at tcmpteD pcji

Starre^CIiamber. ;^8
ttimt,i& ttmittth to tlje Common llato. sCljecefoje tl)is tUnic place
fametl) Ubc a Ii5;iol0 to tutht tl)c cico^jb ofttout i^oblemen (Dctitlc^
m8n,t^at tooulD oflfec iu^jong bnte an^ fo;t of pei:ron0,anD luiU not be
content to abiuc tl;c oiDcc of Jlatu,but be t^cir oUine catuecg.
^omcmentjaue t^ougf)t,tl}attl)c faiDCatDinaUSCTolfietuafitlje
ficft inuento? of tljtg moft ^o.Couct, i otfiers Dktnie tljat it is of mo^e
tfjere in l)U5 olunepccfon:l)oU)beit,t^c faioCaiDinallmuc^augmctea
tijtfame,! maoe it of greater autfjo^itic tfjen it iuas bcfc^etrtg time of
dDccatneffeJif o; l)e being i1rcbbiiT)op of |^o;jfee,bao a fpeciall ei?e bnto
ttje Demeanor f catciage of tijc Jicbilitt t (2?entci? in tl)e^o;tl) parts,
au'o if |>c ^earD of anv mif be^auio; to be hv an^ of tj^em comitteOjtljep
foece ient fo;j, $ tjece compcP eo to anrincf tljeir tiotngs before ^im anb
otijeis tlje 13itc0 ? XBarons ortfjis Itealme : ano befioeje; t[jat,tKbeie^
m t^ere \]uere certatne outrageis; maDe bp tl^ofe of t|)e better ro;t,being
farte t om tJje ?ii. anD Courts of Slufticejano an ojDinarie figtjting a^
inengft toem,t3fing fo;ce as ttcir Iato:,banDing to ooc t reucnge inm^
ties as tt)e^ lideo, infucljt^iolent manner, as ttjemctij^oblepnace
muf!) oifiike tfje famei^fter tijat |)c Ijao feni fo^ tljem
!&.i^eict? 8. Din
one b^ one in t|)isCourt,to anftxiec before fiicfj l^o.p;rons,ti'''ncn t^eg
l)aD recemcts relation of tbcir offence,antt been Uuell Dtfcii^luie^ lai) b^
pucic being aCiUia6tD,tl)ep tbcn began to hue m
ifujaUp,to pieueiU f reftcaiiie Dtfo^ictcD pcrfcns from tmiimv^'uto
(m^ enojmities^ as muc!) as poaiblv' niaf be, on t|je laft Mr rf a ::. .^
tn t!jis Court after t\)t 2Cenne is eiiceD,tIje il. Cljanc do? c; JL^iiu et
fo^tlje time beingrtifuaUr after a mod; l^on. manner pacncur^ceu; x
^pacb (as a Charge giuen ftom tfjeii. spaieftie) open 0timenfc ot
tbe totjole^ffemblv (confifting of ttje better fojt of Centiemen^otiei^
ling in feueral Counties of t})iG Kea(me)e);f)c?ting tijcm all to re^tiac
fjemejanD circumipcctlp to lojfee tc t^t confrtuaticn oi t^e i^ ILaViii^,
tijat tl)e 0eace be no tuap infcutgeDjUo? ttjat E>iirentions,i2riuarttis,
ano spenares be fufft eD to aiife $ groto to a l)eati:anti tfjat t^e JBuDges
in tbeir Circuits ani)CireUjbere,anD all a>!)erifres,3uftofpeare,anD
otf)ertl)eli. Officers, ttjoulD lifeeUnrebe\3gilanttoperfo;:mep totjicf)
to tbeir charge rigbtlv belonget[),ltJitb Diners bol^ine Cautions ano
Counfels tenoing totbe tranquilitv i benefit ci tljis Commonlrealtl}.
^nd tl)us ^ou ma^ a little percetue tbe tfe $ puiOance of t^is Court
jjiotp foUotuetb an <t(Ca^ of tlje manner i matter of Bills 1 3nfb;map
tions,3nficrcs anDjemurrers,p;actifeD in tljatCourt:,as Ijereaiiei:
Vu 2 e,^
Pleadings m the .^*

A BiHof Pttition for dSHbfceM out tfthe Starr^'chamber, exhibited by

Sir / C. againh luBsce T, as wefffor Muerfe Ryttts cornmitted by hfs
fertMPtts, M alfofor breakfng hu Oath^aud tnktng of Bribes : in

which recited the Oa^th ef a lujiice of the Common


Lawes^ and hii Dutie^ according fthe tenor of


To the Q^eenes nioft excellent Maieftie.

Seft. I T ^ ^^^ t>mble luifc complai^ning, flfjefeet^ tjnto ^ouc l^igfynetfe

I I?oui:D4ilp^^ato?&ic3I.Coftc,snf)at
fcifeom Us ocinefne aa of fee,of ano ia t^e mano; of ^* ic* j^hd lit
being fo thereof fetfeD, incloreo tottti a ijeoge t\it manno; of ^.
mn U)a0 tlieceof reifeo in ^s Qemefne a0 of fee, \mtii{ t^at ^it 3i SH.
tout: qpaielhed Blufiice in tout: Couct palatine of ^cUet, ano one.
of tout^igljneffeCounfeU in tl)e qpacc^esof 5l^.pjetenDing tfie title,
of tl)e Caio \uaft fometime to be in i^out i^z^mfXe, as pai:cell of roue
^onallecie0ifo^t:eQ; ofjf ano fometime to be in bimfelfe auDijis te^;

nantss tcano fometime m t|je Kigftt i^oaojable ^ic !^. ^. IL, ii f c*

|att) in funD^t Umies moleflteD ano ti:oubleD roue faiD ;!aD^ato;,bi0 fato
tenants ano fet:uantj5 not onelt bg bnlainfull meaner, p^oceffe, ano
fait5,butalfo Ijattj mant uiuecfeano funoit times foicibltjciotouap,
ano coutouHr pluckeo bp tlje inclofuce of tout faio Cubiect^aitD beaten.
tmp;ifoneD,anDcrueUt^uctamjmatmeDrouL^aiD );ato^ anofec^
uant0 if o;fat:tt)ei: DecUi:ati0n tu^ecof^mat it pleafe tout: ^iz^mSc.
to tinoerllanD>t^at about * in t^t t\)itt> ^ti^ of tour ^ai:tigne>on&
%.^. aao ^.llbt tt)t pjocucement of tlje faio 32^.p;ctenDing tone
faiD ^;tato;0 inclofuce to beagainii cigbt f o;Dec of ^atD,otD erbtbite
a Billinto t!om:^>igl;ncire Couct of Kequeft!,U3bece after ^nftec,a
CommiiriontDa0aU)acoeD. i5uttbefaiDBI*2S.mi(|CM(tingfc^ Diiifo
Delat %c* t\)At tone faio fubiect toas oifmiCTeo out of tbefaio Couctiaf^
ttz \})Uc^ time,touc faio fubiect U)a0 feuecallt ano quietlt feifo in tbO;
(aio $c.U)itboutant mannecof inteccuption,t3ntilltl)at about tbe fe^
tono of ^. in tf)e tsceoftoucmo(tb(tppieceigne,cectainepecfon5..
bt t\)c numbecof an butto;eO) did t}nlaU)fuUtanociotonntaap^mble;
t^mrelue0 inmannei: of Rebellion in :3iafo;efaio,anO'intb^nigl)t
time oio pull ootone ano catt atoit tl)Z faio 31 -tclofuce. if o: lubicl)
tf^tit ecceiliue outcagctbe faio pccfo^s Uieie inoicteo at C*or an bn^

laVofull ;^(Cem^lt f i^iot committeoat >i. afo^faio> oetU)itt^jtinoin0.

Starre- chamber. ^:5P
t^e fait! >ir ^Su T^ttt tettcts in tljeic helfaUts , aff ec tul^icl) faio 3Jn^
mttment,founD bt? tfjcalTclTcmciit of tpz (ain^it 3 ^SD being lu*
JJiceofpeacemt[)craiLciaorinticb^!)i0carncll labo;, anti tijcofitn*
l>o;st!;atU)a0inDutcDof tljcfaiDuotoaous rebellion, ano 'onlalufull
alTembl?, Uicce ftncD at, o;^ Mmtt tUiclue pence,! c* to tfje Qtcat tncou^
ragement ic. ClI)creupon voui^raiD fubicct cicI)ibtteD a 5!5ill againff
tljefaiD riotous pci;foHSbcrD:evom:Spaicfti',anD^om;[)ifiIjnc!Coun
cell in t\}i$ molt Ijono^^able Court i)anging, tol^iclj fuite ttje faio ^ir H
S^.treateD,anDmdfeiitgtl;ccafe tobccl)iB olune,a(,anD but before
an^enoefc. J^parooniatfje oooo ^caretc.lw^ercupontl)cfaiD^ic
%%* perceiutngbis faio tnlaUi full attempt to paflTe t^us Hill tjnpu^
mn^cD,anDltiUmiiiDing to purfue \\is oeaDli? maliceagaintt ^ourfaio
fubiect,tl;atirtljcincl0rure afo^cfaioe inerc not \x3it\1in o m^cs ic.
be |)imfelfc,anD toljicb teas accojDinglv t c,
f liat 2m
tl;eiepon notu
cf late,in tlje JCearnie of ?c, %i}t faio ^ir 31 .SC caufeo te be crbibiteD
in tl)e name of ^ir^.sp fenigbtitjnto four jjigljneffe into tbisljo^'
notable Court abillof itiotagainHttjefcruantjstjnto r our faio fub^
i3CcC,p;etenmngtbattl;cDefcnDant ban forcibly inclofeoto Jjis Dillur^
bancc of tl)e Common of tl)e faio ^ir^. j|iof ic.asof Ijis manno^
of l^lbereuntoUil;entl)eraiDDefenDantsbab pleatJCD not guiltie,
t^e faiD f^ir %
K, pcrcciuing tljat ^is faio attempt coulD net Ijaue ic
lla^eD $c. 0nD alt^ougb tl)e place U)t)ere tlje riot lx)a! fuppcfeD to bee
l)one,beint!)eCountiecf Ml anD cut of ttjeComnulTion^c.of ^Vl*
tol)ere t[)c faice ^ir 31. 2D being botb SluHiceanD pactie, ttjemattec
coulD not ic. Ijanging Uiljicf) fuite about co of 3une latt, tfje fdt> ^it
31 2D. appointee femctime one perfon, anD fometimc anotbcc, Tcme^

tiine oiucrs tjr.kuotuen Derpei:atc tjagabauiCs IteapcneDUiilJj ir. as

toell b^ oar as bp nigbt, to pull tjp %c* ^ayo if it ro^tuneo auv cf itje
fcruant0 of rour faio fubiect to uiftuibe xljt tvdsM- fullentei'p.:i jyarrr^ ..

in Defence of fc. tljei'tDccbv^oiueis com;janict '.^in^ in anitaii^eg,

anD^leljoufcs;,aiiDaaaileo,anD namely tc. cquttur,mi/cfaij4i uf lyts
mem ^noir anv of vcarljig!)nesrubicct5ti3erei}urt tc.U u^eaiciiis
fuel) as bv tbe procurement of tfiefaiD ^ir 3! 2^- btD b^i ^p t^^ai t^ia'i)^

neffepearcirt pulling Dolunctt)einclofurc,abu(ing ttf^icdi\ti)ifiiXit

to tl)s furtherance of ttjeictJulalufuU attempts of tije faio ^i?;B!.2D,
auD to tt)C intent tbecuill Dealing, ano tlje mironKeancjs cf a^e iVr;D
^it 3!. %* iKa^ tlje bcttecappcare \intc ^out uioCl ercellent opaicilte^
as luell to outrages again!!; otljers T?our ^igfjneue gccD fubicct??, hb
againft&ir 3 C, nolo complainant. ^3 it is ivait grr.ciuus ^ous^
reigne ?laDj? , tl;at noUnitbfwncii'.g tl)e moftlnIjoleromclaues ano
ojDinancisfetfoo^tljanDeftablii^eDbpautbo;itie of parlianeeit ip
roue q[9aiellies moll noble |p^O(jenito;s livings of tljis rcalmefo; tic
Pleadings in the
furtljccanccanubcttcccrccutionof 3ulltfc,fo;pcrro;^mafiC0 foljjteo?
all t^ouc ^t-',.3!ufticcs; of roue common latxies of t!jt0
realme do tafeea
co^po:aIoat^,ti)e effect of luljic^catij tsfet fo;t|) b^ antl)e?itr of apac?
liammt in t^c rtJi^.reece of ^our Ijig'^nes motlrKoblc peoscnito; ixing
E. 3 . tW
is to far ,t^at euccr SixHitc (^aliriuearCjSDtiat t)c t^all (tuiz
tfjel^inganD Ijispeople in ttje office of lufttcc, ^nDt^atlaMuUpljee
ft)all counfdilc tlje iiing in l)i0 buCnclTc, ^nn t^at l^e H^all not connfell
no; confcnt fento anr tljing loljic!) may tume Ijim to Damage o; Dil^c-
hibn br anr manec of toar o; colour. i^nD tljat Ijee fl^all not knoto ttje
Damage o; Difl^enfon of tlje faiDking, liifjeceof Ije' fl^allnot Doe to bee
twameo br ljimrcire,o; bp fome ot^er. 0nD tljat ^e fijall euec Doe latoe
anDcrecutionof i:igl)t to all l)is fubictts cic!) anD p(D;e,tuit|)out Waning
rcgacD to anr pecfon. ^nD tljat fad; a MHitt a)aU not taUe br l)im*
felfc p;iuili! no; openlv gift o; celnacD of goioe oj Oluec, no.j of anr o^
tbec tliing tobifl) ^ar turn to Ijis p;ofit,t3nleire it toecemeat o; D;tnli,
anD t^at of fmall\3alue,of anr man tl)at (l^oulD l)ae anr plea o; p^cnfc
Ijanging before !)im,as Icng as tl;e fame p^cofe C^oulD bee fo Ijanging,
no; aftec fo; t\\z caufe* ^nD tljat l)e take no fee fo long as l)tt fl^all bee
3uUice,uo; robes ofan? man great o;fmall,butof tljelfiinsljimljlfe.
;^inD i^at fjegiue none aDuice o; counfaiJc to no man great o; fmall in
no cafe to^ere tl)e!^ing is partie. ^nD in cafet^at anr of tobat Bftate
d; conDition came befo;e f)im in \)iB ^elTions tuitb fo;cc ano armes o^
ctbertoifeagainfttljepeacco; again ft t|ie Statute thereof maDe, to
mSurbeerecntionof ttje common lalu,o; to menace tf)epeople.tbe?
mar not p;elfe 1 1^^ ttjat be fl^oulD do tljeic boDies to be arredeD anD
putinp;ifon* 0nD in cafe tfjertueie fuel) rbJ^ migbtnot arreft tbem,
t^atbecei:tifietbe5^ingtbeueof,anD of tljeic names, anD of tbeicmif^
p;ironment baftilr/o t\)M l)z \m^\)t tljerof o;Deine cotienable cemeDp.
i^lnDtbat bctt)cfatD JuHicebr bi^^<^lfs>w^br otberp;iuilr no;apcrt
Ir maintame anp pact o; qiiarell banging in tlje lyings Court o; elfc
\}3})ctt in tbe country, ^no t^at bee Denr to no man common rigbt b^

tbe tiings letters no; none otI)er,no; fc; none otljer caufc. 0nD in cafe
anr letters come to bim coRtrarp to tlje laUj,tbat [je (ball Doe notbing
by fucb letters,bt certiSe tbeItngtbeceof,anD g8fa);tb to Do tl)t laUi
notU)itbftanDrng t})t fame letters. j^nD tbat be fi;4l Do anD p;6cuie tf)z
p;ofit of tbc iiiing anD of bis realme anD ccotun, tuitb all tt^iwQB habere
Ije mar ceaforablr Do tl^z fame. 0nD in cafe b^ iDcre from tbentefe;!!)

foun^mrefdult in anr of tbe points afo;efaiD,be (biiUbeat tbeilungs

luill of boDr ? lantcB , atiD gruDes, tbetest to be Done as it {Ijall plea'fe
bim, as brtbe fame llatatemo;eplainelr appearetb. ^nD cure and
bcfioes tbat fame oatb fo (et faj;tb br tbc faiD noble p;ince E 3 br an*

tbo;iticof a|Sailiament,asi5;fo^cfaiD,tbe faiD UinQ being g^^tit^

Starre-chamber. 340
0nD being beunD bv cat^
niojuctj in conrcicncctinfo all ^ififubicctfl
to (k Due crccutien of (jis lalues bnto all men, amcngft ottjcc tl)ings
in tlje zo. ^eareof 1)13 mgne,b? aufljo^ittc of^atliament ^clifeeiuife
ellabU(l)CD,2D{)atalli)tsrubiect0l]^oulD Doe euet:^ rtgf^t to all people
fa)itl)out mojefauont: ftjctoing to one tijen to anotf)ec 0no tijat t^ci?
l^aUtaUenettl)ei:f(tno;tcbeof anr man but of t^el^tng. 3nD t^at
t^ci? C^all tafee no gift 02 retuatD b^ t^emfelues nojb^^anj^otliecp.nc
uili? an^ man tljat l)atl) to Doe before t^cm byf an\? tuav
e; apectlt? of
meat 0;^ D.2inhe , anD tljat of fmall talue* ^nD t|iat tlje^ l^all
giuenocounfelltonogceatmanno^fmalMD^ere tt)e fein6i0 pactte,
o;lDl)icl)Doetl>o;rma^ toucl; tljel&inginan^ point, t)pon paine to bee
at t\)z MrtQH Inill, lanDes, boD^,anD goDSi, to Doe tbeceof as l;ee il^all
Doe tljc contcarp. ^otUutljltanDing fuc^ gojOj
pleare,a! in cafe t^e^
goDlr^anD iDljoleromelatoeSjtljefaiD ^ic i.2C.fenigf)t,being conftitu^
tcD auD maDe bn vouc i!paieftt?,totir ^tg^nes 3luttice eft^c county p.
anD S^.anD Qt^ct parts of ^^ t)auing ceceiueD t^c oat^,anD alfo being
leacneDinrourspaLatue(oftl)i0Kealme ^eitbei:|jaing(IDoD ne
tcttljeDuticofa goDlvBIuttiee before Ijis e^es, but Jjauing tuitl^in
|)imfelfeaco;tupt minDe,anDa Dcfiieof UnlalufuU getting of ot^ec
mens gooDS h^ t)nDue meaner , DiD amcngH otl)er f^is outrages,
anD corrupt Dealings fitljeuce furl) time as IjicUiajj ccnllituteD rcuc
S^aielties ^uHice, as is afo^efaiD. ^nD being alfo fcc;neD lit!)l;is
ilettec tJptt|l)isolunel)anD tjntoone Bl<P*<Brquite,T?om:^aieaies
^ttucnei? inttjeCpacc^csDf Males: t{)eienuieof luljicljfaiDe llct^
ter enfuetlj m manner anD fo;mcfoUotjoing. ^ftcrmrljeatticfcm*
menDations ic, 31n^br Ui^jiclj faiDilettersit mai? as luell appearc
tjnto rcur ^aiefttcs mod ereellent lijirccme,gs Iv ^iuixs ctljccljis t*
uill cemcano;js tifcD lintfjin f Ijc ccmpailc cf t)fs faiD D!viic, cucr UiiU
t^efaiD ^icBI JD.l)atl)DererueDto fcecaUeD to account fo? tljecuiUDe^
meano;js of l;imfelfe,as lueil againil ^cur ^a. as alfo vo^t Ijigljnefrc
g(DDfubiets,^cui: lr.tues,anD alfo ^out l)?g!;ne6 rrcUtneanD Dicnitie*
In confiDei:ationtoljereof,mai? it plcafc vcut l^iglineUe to gcaunt ta
vouc faiDfubiea roue molt gracious reuci;aU?t^,uts of Subpoena, to
be Dire^eD out of tl^ismoD^ gracious anD [)cno;able Court totlje faiD
&ic 32^'CommanDing fjim ic before tljis moll Ijono^able C/Juncel in
t\)t Coutt of &
tarre c^amber,tl)en anD tljere to anftocre $c ^nD tout
faiD bumble fubiect f^al Daili? p;a^ 1 (Sod fo^ tlje p^eferuaticnfif jjour
|)igl)neire in all felicitie molt ^appil^ long to retgne*

m4 uiBlii
Pleadings in the

A B'iUmtothe Starre-chAmhcr jor a Riot

To the Qucencs moft excellent Maieftic.

Stk,z 7 j|i moft Ijumble tuife f^etoetlj ant) complametlj tinto r?out fjigJnelTe,
1 pour fuppUane,anD fjamblc fattf)fuU fubiect ^ <.of $ c. s:^at toljes:*
30 one H if. ofH^.tntf^m tioucijigljncire faiD Countic of Jli^Cfrjuice,
toget^ectoitl) 3Io^n E>.tiiD enter ano become bounoen to rcucgraceigt
faiD fuppliant in one statute ^taple,tntl)efumme of fc fo; tlje pec*
fo;mance of certainecouenants container in one patie of Binoenture
marjebettocenc pucljtgb"^^^ faio fuppliant on tlie onepactte, anu
tbefaiD It.jf.ontijc otl^ecpactp,ttJljicl) faiD ^tdAntz Staple tuasaftec
b? tl)e faiD K. fojfciteu fo,z not performance cf tjiuer0 coiienants eon^
teineotnt^efaio 3nDenture0,luljereuponpour ratDefuppltant accoj*
uing to tlje tjfuall conrfe ano fo^me of t^e common llatoes of tj^w pour
realme,p;ocurcD tljefame Statute to be certifieo into pour ijigfineffe
Court of C^auncerie. ;ano after pour l)ig!)ne(re faio fuppliant purfu^
eo ffl)>tl) of ttje faiD tjiglj Court of Ctjauncerie one WIX'M to taUe t^c
boDieof t!)efaioKi?.anDtoerteni3tji0lano0 ano tenements, Uiljic^
^^itiuas Directeo to t[)e^l)eriffe of pour ^aicftie$ Counticpalan*
tine of CtjeSer tmpontbe receipt Inljereof tlje faioe^b^riife maue
anD nirecteD bi ^^ttz^t to one Wi* WA* alto ^*%*m^ others topntl^
ant) feuerallp for t\)t app:ebenfionof tbe boop of tlje faiD H. if. ^no
tbe faiD ^.2C. one of tbe erpeciallllSailiffes, bp tjertue of tbe faiD pre^
cept, repaireD to tbe DUjelling Ijoufe of tbe faiDe K.if^tDit^inpouc
!)igbneffc faiD Countic of C. 0nD t^zit finDing tlje faiD 3$. if neere

t!)efaiD boufctljefaiDil^.SID. bptjertueof f!)cfaiD]^;ecept,commaun#

DCD tbe faiD K .if. to peelD bimfelfc Unto bim, anb to obep pour big[)^
neCreproccCTc. iButbetbcfaiDH.if.beeing a berp riotous perfon,
tiauing UueD fo; tbc mofi part of tljefe ttn or ttuelue peares as an out-
laVu,contemnincaUDue aDminiilcaticn of 3!uttice. 0nD allproces
tbat baue bin fucD fortb agatnttljim in <'unD>p pour bijiljnes Courts,
bp Dtuers ^inD funorp pour ijigbnes fubierts, afeout t^c tUielulj Dap of
^rtnbrr latt paft, ftiDDenlp auD in a c^rcat rage, ))5xma, m tjis l?anDej5

a long piUeDffafTeimj'v^c a mod gncuous rtaDpeiilbusalTault ano

nffcap bpcn tt^e fame \^. SC. anD ttjcii anD t!;er.e mc(t grieueiCp fcmeD
tbefaiD ^.2:. in t{)e left C^culDet-jtfjatbpreafontbeieofbi^ iljaUne;
uerbcable torelieuel^imfdre. 3nDt!je.ianDtIjcieii)4j faiD K. J^. bp

t!)e fiippojt anD tjelpcof Diners bis ttwmtii anD l)0uJl;0lD f^r^iajus

moft riotous anD bn'.atufuUiuireadembleD to ta!a ^-- >s ,ii^.l^

li.ganc Unto tlje faiD I^.SSDrmanp auD fuHD;^ ci^ecDriebioiLies aiiD
Starre-cl) amber. 5:^1

ano comfo,:tjtl)c faiD it.jf efcapeD to Ijis DtucUingfjoure ftom tfje faio

2D* 0no afttt^ont'v^aitttmUii^ fuppUant to \)is gceat coHes am

tl)arge0, teas infojccD to fue out of t?ouc ljigl)ne(rc Court of (Tfjaun^
C0e, one otljec Extendi facias, nirccteD to ^it3*^MniQ\)Ut\}tn ^iglj
^Ijccitfe of i?cur spatefties faio Countie of C. tufjo fap tjectue tijece^
fif rummorteDaluneof tiu0ntiepei:fon0 to appearc before l)m at a

(tttaint place caileu SD.toitljm vout ^tgljncffefaiD Countie, about t\}z

eleuentl) Da^ of i|>ouembei: lalt^to tnqutce \si\)at lanos ano tenements
tlje faiD K^if. luas feifeis of^tlje ur> of tt)e fain statute ^tapie bnoln^

leogeu, 0; at anr tmiefitljcncej^nD after tjje faiD Sluriebemgintpane^

IeDanoriuo^ne,ant)eutDencetintotl)emgtuen,founD tpon ttftitco;^
po,:aUoatl)es,t^attl)cfaiD luif-lDaBfeifeDDf anuinic. tottiecleare
fereli? tialue of40. marks ouer ano aboue all cl^argcsi and ttp^iits^ as
bt? tljefame Inquifition mo?e at large oceiij anu ma? appeare. ^nn
tlje fame inqutfitton being after put inlwuting, ano fcaleo tuitl) ttjo

feale0 of t!)e faio 3Iur^,tl)e faio l^ir 31^tl)c ^^eiiffe of^cac iipa*faiO
tountie,certifieD ano ixturneDtlje fame into \:our ^a.ljigl) Ccurt of
Ctjauncerp 0nD immeoiatl^ tl;erapon vour IjigljnesfaiD fuppl. fucD
fe^tl) of tlje faio ^iglj Court of CI), one lu;jit of Liberate, oirecteu to one
^.^.efqmre,tl)en^l)ettfi'eofvour^aieltiesfaiD county, bttjertue
tuljercoftlje faiD l^.i^. about tl)e a 2. of Slanuarr? JailpailjrepaireD to
t{)efatDcapitallmeSruage,medmngtol^aue erecuteo ^our ^^aieHtes
faiD Mjit of Liberate,acco^Ding as l)eluasbt?tl)c fame commanoeD
^no tljen auD tijere finding tl)e outluart) gates of a cettain little court
aDio^ntngtotljefaiDcapitallmetruagefag barreD ano f^ut t)p>lua0
tnfo;ceD to b;jea!je open tlje fame Mn romming to tlje nmt of tije faio
j)oufe,tenocfeeo at tlje fame,anoluilleti tl)cm t^at Icere toitljin to ^eelo
tmto l^im tbe poCfelTion of tbe capitall t)oure,oeclaring openli? ano fun^
fi;iiettmesfcptx5l)atautl)o;jitic,anotolul)at intent Ijec Uias comelfjt*
ti^er. ^notljisnottoiti)ilafiOing,anot|iatalfoi?GurmaicIlies^l)erifc
Ijao tarieo t^ere moft pait of fire o^ feuen ^oures,tilling tfiofe lpl)ic^
tljen tuere in tljefameljoufc tocbetJ^ourljigljnefrefatD WHnts ano
autl)o;itie,t|ettt)e?iiutbUTgrcgartseD t[)efame,kil)ereupcn tlje iciimz
^Ijeriife toas infojceo vuitlj fUi!)ccmpant>astoa0tl;cnUntl)l)im,to
b;^eaUe open one of tlje Dco^es of ti)e fame l)oure,ano fo to e: .ter into tlje
fame ^no at \\i$ ccnmanginjije fcunD ttiecein tlje^fame Ijoufe in moll
riotous ano tuutUUe man ner^nlatu full? aa:embleo,sn if. iunior, if
ifH it.H.lL.S^.^. ic ano ot!}ers to tlje number of fo^tieperfons,
being ti)e:e j:iut ia bp t^e faiiJ H. jf , to Its^pe potTeiTicn foj l)mi, ano to
i^is tofcjano bEl}is commajii^cment^^auing tjpontliemlDngfojreft
Pleadings in die
btllc5,pikctj fiaueSjbotu anfi an:oli)C0,anD Diners ofjjet hinticfsof tJit^

lalofuUU)capon5,a6 tucUinaafiueas DefcnCue, being moft of t^cm

peifonjj Unlsnoujen to vouc Q^aicftics faiofuppU ^nD Diuctfe of tljc
faiD DefcnDant0 being fcnt fo?,anD p;ocureD b^ tljc faio i?to tome out
of llc(!)ii:e,^.(^ii:e,ant) E>*fl)itc,being fuel) men as b'^u*^ ^o ccctatn b^'
bitafion,but luanoeccrjei ab^oao lifeemalfccleiremen,tobei:eupontbe
faiD ^betifFc aftccmucb time fpent^anb great ceuengc of tbem tb;eac^
locD bnto rour faio fupplient ^caufco all t^s faio riotous pcrfons tp fie*
part out of tlj^ faiD boafc* ^np t(jereupon put r our faio fuppliant into
t{)t quiet poffcirion tbei'of,U)bo rcmaini^D tbere about ttuo bourcs.0no

iifterUjauDs tl)t(m riotous petfons pcrceiuing il}z faio ^^aifit to be

Departeo from tlje faiscapitall metfuage , iuunj^Oiatel)? after in moll
forcible auD riotous wanner, entrebtnto t^e fajb capitall meCTuage,
Dponil)epol[clfiotiof rourfato fuppliant, anD bimin )noCt riotous
anb forcible toifeerpuireDjanb put bim in great periUanb banger of
ijis life, ano t^c poCfeffion tbereof baue euer (itbence,anb ^et boiiiain*

taineanDfeeepe in mott riotous anb forcible manner, to t|ie great in*

couragement of allfucb like tT}ilfull,riotous ano bifobebient perfons,
anDagainft^ourbig^neffelalwesanDttatutesin fuel) cafe maoeano
p;ouiDeD, fo; tljc Due co^rcrticnanb puniS)ni^nt of fucb lilie malefac^
to;js ano outragtous perQ3ns,neitber fearing dDob, no; ^ourbigljnes

Lalues In tenber confiberationltJbereof,anD to tbe intent tfje faio

riotous perfons ma^ rerciue conbigne puniflijment foj tbefe tljeir I^ei?*

nous offences, Veb^^^J^tijere mat>groU) fome terror bnto fucb UUc

bifpofeo contemners auD b;jeabers of pour IjigbneCfc llatocs tuitliiii
tbe faiD Countie,Uifjere of late tbere Ijauebane manv anb funb;^^ Ijei^
nous offences perpetratcD anb bone, anb none o; little refo;:matioti
as ^zt batb bitt)^t^tD beene tberein l)ab , loberebt? tbeCountrepis
grotoen to ber^ mucl) bolbnes in contemning ^our ^ateHies ilatoes^
^a^ittbcrefojepleafepncbig^netfcof i?Dur accullomeD clemencie
nD gocbneGTe, to grant t^ntorour faiD fuppliant pour (lD;acesD;eab
W;its of Subpa:na,to bee birectfb to |c*commaunbing tt}tm tl)erebr
anbbnbera certainepaine,anbat a certains Dap limitteD, to appeare
tnpourl)igbne(rebigb<^OHrtof ^tarre-cbamber, ttien anb tbere to
anfiuec to fucb matter as (balbe obiecteo againli tl)em. 0nD ^our faio
fnppUant H^al bail^ paa^ tjnto d^ob fo; ^onr i^i^nes paofpsrous eUate
ui ro^altie long to cetgne*
Starre-cfc amber. j^z
^ 'BiH efforger ie of Ohligations,

To the Quccncs moft excellent Maieftic.

MDft liumblp complaining, tl^etncf!) tnto tour Jiioff ercdient Sc^.q

?^.ii54fXt)at Intjcrag m tijc
iipa.toui: po.:e ano faitfjful fubtcct
parliament Ijolocn at ^T.in tlje tj.re of roue fpa.teignc, ti)erc luas
fine gcDD nuD p;oitabIta(t maoe ano p^outteD fc;^ ti)e Due punti^ment
of fojgccs of falfe d^ds ano tDjitmgg.Kn toljicl) amoiigtt ot^ec tljmga
it tuas cnacteD ano cttablifljcD br tfje auti)o;jitic of tljc fame paclianie t,

ttjat if anr peiTon o;^ peiTcns after t!>efaiD fitft Oar of Inc,tponi[ji0 o;
t^eir otunc tjcaD c: imagination^o: hy> falfe c oniptration o? fcauD,fjaa,
o;ii)it^an^otl)ci:ll)aUU)ittingl]?,rubtiHranu falfelp fo;ge o> nwl^e,
oj iDittinglr fubtill^ ano falfeli? caufe o; aCTent to be mace ano fo^geo
ant? falfe Ct)ai;tcc,2Dat)e,o;i tc!l;itm0,tot^emlent tljat anppetfon
0^ petfons ^all q;? ma^ f)aoe o; dainiean^ eftate o^ intcicU, fo; teime
of teace0,of,in,o;ito anr mannojs, lantcs, tenements , o; fjereDita^
ment0, net being Copiel}olo,o>anT?annuitie ir^ iiz Cmptc, fee taile
fojtecme of life, liuciS o; i'caces,oj aftcc t\)z faio Da^ f^allas is afo;e*
faio fo^ge, maUe,o; caufe o; aCent to be mace o j foigco, an^ obiigatio
0,: ys>\\\ cbligatc;tp, o; an^ 0cqittance,ifveleare,o; otljcj; SDifcfjarge of

ani? Debt, account ,acs:ion,ruite,ucmaunD,c; olljec i\)iy*% pctfonalU iD>

if an^ perfon o^ pecfonfi after t^e faiD firtt Dap of 3 ne,l^'al p^Ciiounce
publif^jc; giuc inCuiDcncean^ fucb falfe oj fo.:geD Cl^aiter, ^ecoe,
?lil;iting,;^bligation,i5illoUigato<Jt? Acquittance, iAClcarejCiSDif*
cl)arge as true, fenohjingtlje fame to be falfe anD fo^geo, ant fijall ba:
thereof conuirteD b^ an^ ioa^es o? meanes afo^efaio , 23bat tljrn

Ije fijall pai: t)nto tlje partic gcieues bis Double coftes anD Damages,
to bee fcunD anD fifteiTcD in fucl)Cciitt trljece fuel) faia conuicrion
(l)all bebaD, Ano H^al bealfo fet tjpon tl)e^tUo;\? \\\ fomc open niackeC
toU)ne,a^ctbec open place AnDtberetobauecneof fjis e<ues cut off,
anD alfo l^aUbauc anD fuffec impnfonmctit bi? f be fpace of one lubolc
tjeare U)itbout faaile a^ mainep,afe 315ut fe it is-, moll excellent ^o*
ueraigne liaDt, tbat f be Da? of faS paft, roue faiD
tfje great inUaiice anDDcfite of cnr^.D. became bounD
as^uretieUitbonc ^.jf^fo; tbe Debt of tbe faiD S^.i^.tinto one
W.*^*Qt ^f b^t\i:oleucciill^bUgations,tbeone &f tbefumme of
ttoo anD ttjirtie pounD,tDitb ccnDidon tti tbe true paiment of firtiine
pounD at a ceitam Da^ nclu pafTeDjanD f^otber of ttucntp fourepounD
fo^ tfje true oeliueric of tu^clue quartei^s of ^^eate, at a cectaine oa^
Pleadings in the
noty UtDetinfc pa!I. ^nu thereupon fo,: tsifctjaige of rout pojrc ftibiect
tljcfaiDtia^J^.anD^.JD.Dio become bouuDtJUto pour; faio fubiect in
tUio otl)ci:i^bUgation0,f!)eon0 of tljefummc of fojtiepounos 5 tuitlj
coitDition fo.: t\)t fauing fjatmdcs of roucpcD^e fubiect of tljc faio Dbli^
gationof ttoo aiiD tfjicttepounDSjasainll lijcfaio Mr&ami tijc otljcc

of tt)e fumme of fipe ant> tUientte pcunDtljictecnc Wings

f fontc
pence,alfotoDircbarn;canDfiUie fjaimeleac vcuc faio fubied: agatnll
t^eraiDa.^.fo;anQfomcmins.t|}Cot!;er ^bligaticr of foucc ano
ttucnticpounOiSf ;^nDaffecroui*p;efubietpccceaaing tljeoap of
tbc Ddtuerie of f be faio {\tieluc quartets of ^l^eaf to tlje faiD Wi*^*
toapp;ocl)eanDO;alii nate, mutl) feactng tlje fo.^feituie of tlje faiO
)bligation,l5noluingtigl;tii;cUtl)attbefaiDit, tjao no MI;eate to
ncliutt to tljc faiD Mlfei^ont fato fubiert,tben alfo beingficfe, $ tjctie
catcful boti) fo; biif?if^ ^i^' ^^^^ fo ^ tlie faiu ^.E>f not able to tcauell
tbetein,no;j feeing m\y ojoec tat^cn bi? f l^c faio M. H. fo^ tbe jpapnicnt
0? oeliuetie of tlje quartets of HSlbeatejto tbe faio m*^*
faiD tU^elue
againU tl)e oa? of pav^ment,vout faio fubiect niinoing Ijimfelfe bp i)is
fcieno to mafee pjoutGon fo? t|)e famCjOiO feno fo^ tfje faio 0.2D Dec!a<
ting^nto^imtljeettateof tljecaufe^ano tuii^eo |;imto ttauell anO
niaUep;ouifionfo^tbe faio tUjelue quarters of S^aijeate, to faue tl^e
faio bonOjtofjo tonteoalfoto becarefuUtberof,l)otDbcitintt)at fooain
fje twas not in Ijaft to mafec p.:efent p^ouifion tjjereof, fo as pour po^e

fubiect being info;icco to p^oue [)i^ fricnOjOeelareo t)nf o t\ic faio ^* H>*
tl^at t!)etc toas fufficienfMljeate in ttje lIo;^e of t!)e faio CoUeDge,ani)
[)speti to recetue fo mud; of t^em bp Inap of ioane , as H) oulD bee paio

to tbefaio (22S. ^anoDefireo tbefaio^t^. togoc to one Rafter IL

anotooetiteliimintbenameof rourfaiofubieato leno t)im tluoelue
quarters of illbeate of tbe ftoje of tbe CoUeoge to pap tjnf o tl;e faio

Wi*^* ano l)e i^oulD be repaid againe,t}nto tl^e eno tbat tpt tmet^ of
tljeeftateof tbatcaufe,an0 9f tfjeairutance of pour fubiects fauing
l^atmelefle migbt plainelp appecre to jailer llpourp(0;e
tlje faio

fubied tjponfpecialUon&oenceoeliuereo to tlje faio ^*K>. t^ofe tloo

^bligationSjlDbctein^.U.ano^.^.Oio tlano bouuo to pour faio
fubiect fo^ ^is inoentpnitie as afo;efaio, Ujilling bim to carte ano (l)ctu
tbefe DbIigations to tbe faio ^aKerll. as afo;efaiO:> ano immeoiatlp
to bnngtbemagaine to pour faiD fubiertjtbclpbici) tlje faio ^.jtlD oio
teae glaolp acrept,ant> fattl)fuUp p;omifcD fo to Doe. ')i3ut To it is if it
map pleafcpour moit ei^cellent ii|^aiellie,tl)at ti)e faio 0. E>* fauing
tbus go :tcn into t)is (janDs tl)e faiD )bligation!E , k){}<^t^^iit b^ ano t^e
iiiic Jii.a^. ttfflD bounD tjnto pour fubiect as afo^efaio, contrarie to bis

p;omtf ano t^z trutt anD con^oence bp pour fo^e fubied ixi Ijtm
tcpofeD/oferngtljettfei: ^nDctng of ^om faiD fubtett, tefptath no^
tljing t^ patment noj tije Dcltuec? of t^c tiuelue quaiter0 of toijeaf e,
accozDing to tfje conoition of t^e (ain ebIigatton,tDene not to tl^ faice
^aXto bo^coU) t^G fato tD{)eae,btit of a tec^ totdbeD mtnoe tetucned
Ijomc to 1)13 olone tiotifc , to^eirc Iwitljout all cacc o^ confricnce l)ec DiO

cancel fcotf) ttiefaio obligatwn0,anD Die tfjen ano tljece moftfalfl)? ano
tjeceitfuU^countecfeitano inafeettpootl)etto;itings obIigato;^mt^g
nameof tl;efaiD CCl.iK.onelpleamngoutljw otone name to tour faiD
alfomoft Deceitfully fet to gnet^ of tfjefaiDneto hj^itingg obligatojie
ttuo fealc0,anD in euecp tfjing maoe tljein fo Ufeetotlje otfjecajs^
coulD Dcuire,tbei:ebp ttje fmnec to abufe ^out faio fubictt. ^nD Ijauing
t^as fo jgeo anD countei;feiteD tfjefc tiuo tD;^iting,l)e cetucnc^ to ^ont
p(D;c fubiert Irmg ficfee in fjts beo, afftnning tjecii tintcuelri tl)atbee
conID not obtain t^e faio i : .qwactcrs of U)f)eatof tlje faio ^.ll.f (tben
Deliueceo to^oac faioc pco.je fwbtcct tljefaidttoo fo^geo obltgationa,

bececeiueo inbisVoeaUenelTc ano Gc&ene^e,anD being alfo tn^

tearneD,|Da0 not ablcto oifcerne tbe faiC^oD b? meaner of tinboneQ
oealingg^anD fojgec? of tlje faiD -3.^. ^otic p(B;efubiedbcmgtf)cn in
zxtctmitit of ncUne0, anD abufeD as afo;efaiD) ano ^aatng none ot^iet
celtefetopetfo^met^e conDition of tt^e f^iD oblit^ation, fo; t^e pa^^
mcntatiDDeliuctieof t^cfaio ^^J^a^^^^^c Obligation tubetein i?ouc
faiD fubiect tuasto^ntl^ bouno tutt^ tf)e faio ^.H.to M..&lDas fo;
feiteD,finc0U)blic^ timet^e faiD M^^ijat^ comnienceD fuiteagaintt
^ouc pajic ftibiett tjpon tl^e faio feuei:aUobligation5:,toitbin t^^dtit of
^aa ano ^atl)'tecouoi:cD agamff Ijimtbc tobetepcnalti^of tl)fcfaiDaDb=*
ltgation0>anD l)at^ t|)eboDieof ytoui: pffi^^fubtet in encntian^ to tbe
great 100^0 ano titter t)nDoing of t)otit: pcoie fubiect bid ^ift anD fami^
l^ fo^eiwc 3!n tenoec confiDecation tubeteof, anD foj tijat rout p(o;t
fubiect is luitbout allcemeDie bftljecourfeof t^e Common Uatoed
of tbisrealmeagainft tbefaio WKanD ^ SD^ fe: bi0 Oueoifcbacg^
in t^ii^ ipebalfe. 3nD to^ tbat alio tbe faioe \}nf)one(l anD toic&eD fadt
anDtteacbecie of tb^faiD^ E>. in abuSngpouc poo;efubie^,piuttinc(
bis tttbot^f tuft anD conftDence in bim,as is aro:eratD>mit onelf in can^
cellingof bisiuftanDla^faUbenDs anD ;i)bligations, to tbe foifei!

tuceof bis bonDs,as it ma)? fa>me to boDonebp \i)imof toilful purpefe

totjnDoe t?oui: poo^ef'ubiert. anDfo;itbattberaiDfaire auD Decettfull
fo^igert? of tbe TaiD tUio netu counterfeit eo tcntings obli^^ato^ie in tbe
name of tbe faio ^* H*anD to fb^ t)ttec Deceimnguno DefrauDing
of vour pojje fubiect,Dotb not onli? tcnoto tbe tin*:o:ng f iinpjtrontnent
Dt Kurpfflje fubiertybut to tbe gccat incourasiiig of otbets lifee leuD f
zuiH DifpoieD pecfons^j to attempt tfj^iSn^ fo^getie? emo Btber fucb no*
Pleadings in the
to;iou facte, to tfje gteat p;eiumce of Diuecs vout louing fubicct^.

ma? tl)ei;cfo;ieplcaf0 roue moft eiccellcnt spateftic ef tjouc abcuiiQant

grace anDcIememts to grant roncl^ig^ngfTemoii gratiou? ^;tc of
Subpcena,to bc Directeo to tljc faio ^J^* ccmmanDing ttjem bv tertnc
t|iereof,at a ccrtaine car anD tinner a certatne painc tJ^crein to bel inv
miteoanoappointcD pcrfonall^ to appcerc betoje t^e JLo.^ds of v^uz
^ono^ablc Councell in ?our upaietties !)ig^ Court of ^tarreoC^amx
ber at isacftminfter , tljcn ano t[)erc to mabe anftuer to tlje p;jcintire0,
ano to ffano ano abttie tut\f further o;Der ano Direction ttjetcin , as b^
t^z !lo.:D0of tour ipaieEies ratpCounceU.(]^allbct^ougl)t tncDteanis
conuenient* 0nD tour faio fubiect (l^all Oatlt p^at to Ooo fo; t^c pMi
pcrou0eaateaftoc^aiellicfiraignc. i

^ 'BiUfvhere thefartu hyforcible entry is put otst offoffeffion^heateniandhtB

Corne carted away riotOHJly.

To the Quecncs moft excellent Maieftic.

Se^.4 1 ^ mod t^umblc ano pittfuUtDtfe complaining , C^tuetl) tjnto tour

1 i^igl)neac,tour fait^fuUauD obenient fubiea2C)13.Dljattofjcress
tour fate fubiect loas anc ^^t is lalofuUt potreOeo fo; certainc tcart
tetenouring of ano in onemelTuage ano tenement tuitt) tfje appur^
tenance0,fcttuate,lting,ano beingin ^.$c.tn tour ^aieilies County
of %t* bt fo:ce of ti)8 oemife anO grant of one %* 1^. f c. ^o it i^ moQ
gratioui6^oueraigneilaDt,tt)atone Wi*M. of $(* ^*Wi* %*^* %u
being terie ligl)t,lctuae,oeipecat,Uiickep, riotous, ano miW Difpofeo
perron0,U)it^ oiuers ot^er perfons of like Difpofition,\ii^ofe names to
tour faio t'uppliant are tet t}nknoU)n,bt t|ie abbetment,aioe,ano p;o^
curement of one 3.^. Cfquire, one of tour ^aiedies iuCices of ^
intourfaioCcuntieof ^anOoneKi^. \xi^o tktiwq, anD p^actiQng
Dailt ratl)cr t)olD to troble^tjcre anD Difquiet tour l^igtjnc faio fubiect
ttjen tt)ep;{eferuation of tour ^aielties peace o; obferuation of tour
<D;ace0 llatoes onD Statutes of tour Kealme, tbe Dat of in t|)e
teareof tour !^igi)ne(ie molt p^ofperous reigne, as alfo Diuersano
feuerallottjer Dates anD times (ttbence, contrarie to tour ^aitHsiiiii
faiD ilaVues anD ^tatutes,in fuci) cafe maoeanD p;ouiDeD,not ijauing
tbe feaue of CDoD befo;c tijeir cies, neitber ant tbing toatiaig o; rcgar;
Ding tt^c penalties tijat migf)t tbereupou enfue loitl) fo^ce anD armes,
tbat iB to fatituitlj flDo;Ds,bucblers,Daggers,piUeD llaues,picbtb?&e0
launces,anD otber tiieapons, as \x>t\\ muaCue as Defennue^ia furious,
fo;cible,tiotous,anDt3nlalDfuUmaner,bttbeU)iciieD counfell, aiDe,
AnD p;ocurement of tt)e faio a^ anD K*^* t)nla\jofuUt ano contrart
Starre-Chamber. ^J^
to ^ottt ^ig^ntcrc faio ^cace,Dit> not onel^ mafec one gti^f tmn gr*^
aoufe aflPault ano nifra^ tipon t'outfatD fnbieet and f)i8 (ttmntg^ fcetno;
tticn in (DoDS peace ano ^ouc ^aiclhetf , ano tijem moft ctuellv anD
BifpitcfuU? DID bcatejIjuctianD luounOjanD fo left t\itm in great pctili
of Dcat^ : but alfo moHi tiolcntl^? ano fo;ablp mtet into tlje faio
meffuagcjs anD tcnement0,tx)it!j ttjeappmtenancc0,anD Mtff fitong
IjanOjgreat fo.:ce,migl)t,anD poluec, tljcn ano tfjece m
tafee, conue^j
ano caccie atuar tljc Co;ne ar.o !^av ( tl;at is to fai? ) fire catt loaos of
Mljcate,et3^tractloaDe!5of BacIeVi ttoelue cart loaocs of ^9eafe,
lite cart loaoe of ^ates, ano tU)o cart loaoes of ^)at?, tfjen anfi tl)cre
being tjpon t^e grouncbelonging Vnto t[)c faio meffuage^ ano tcne*
Kients; ano alfo toit!) lifec fo:cc ano t3iclence,oio Di'ppITeire ano erpulfc
tour faio fubiett from tfje ramc,to t^e great lo(Ie,f)inDerance, oaniage,
an0t)ttcrl3nDingof ^ourfaiDfubicct. ^v reafonof te!jic!)fatDrio'
toufe ano \3nlalfullp;a(tire3 ano attemptsf, great tumults oio arife
in fuel) fa;t tl)at fooenlp great tjpjo;e tJao almoft libe to fjauc rpfen
ano b;ene ftirreD in rour i^i^ljneffe faio Countie , bp ttjefaio rtoioufe
ano emu oifpofeD perfons, becmg counreHco,abbettco, anoa^oco
tn tlje Imne tl)eir tjnlalufuU p^actifes ano Domga b^ tift faio 0.
^. ano K. ^. b^o not i?ouc faio fubiect ^szWid ano giucn place
to ttje faio riotonfe pccfons as of fo;ice fje luas conftrct?neo to oce,
being \3}iti) t^iB feruants fo tjnpitifuUv tjanoleo ano ijiolcntl]? to;*
menteo, ano put in great feareano pcriU of tJjeir lines, tob^f^
fatt b^ tlje faio riotous, ano euill Difpofeo perfons fo committeb,
as tfje fame is tjpcin tjerie euill inttnt ano purpofe o^ne b|? ttjem,
ieirpzeflp againft I'oac iij^aiefttes Hatues, ano Statutes of yjmit

iiealme , ano againft ttje ccnnrson quiet of tbe fame : &o is tfje
fame an open ano Miainfcft cuiU erampl^ to all'otfjei: IcUjo anO
euill oifpofeo perfcn^ , to perpetrate ano commit tl^e like l}nlatu<*
full attempts , if conoigne punil^ment ano fljarpe co^rertion be
not to. tbe fame riotous perfcns ano tbeir faio ccunfello^s anD
abbetto;s, miiiiaceo ano crtenoeo in tbis beebalfe* 3Jn tenpec
fonfiocration iotjereof , mat? it pleafe \?oue ^igbnelTer to grant
four moft gracious Wi2it of Subpoena to bee oirectco to tt)C
faioe 0. ^ H. ^. M. tm. p. in. ^c* commaunoing tljem ano
euerie of tbem tljcrebp at a certaine Oa^ ano tjnoeca certamc
paine tfjerein ta bee limitteo peifcntJUr te app^rc before tljellejos
of i?our l^igbn^GTe mot T^0nourable|9;iatcCounceUintbe^tarce^
Cbambcr at Mcttminller , ano tljea ano tbeir to anfirerc to tlje
p;emiffe0 : 0no furtber to ftano to ano bioe (nc]) ojDec , tule ,-
ano Diredion ^mtin , as b2 t^m (^ali tee t^cugljt mate ,;
Pleadings in the
nn contientent SlM ^ear fatD fubitet ll^U tiaii? pm to ^ ^ SD
tij^tljep^erecuatton^ftottt ^tgi^lFe^ffatelong ouec t moa Dittos


e/<^ Ittfirmaiian a^aittfi 4 Vicarftr FerMnc^Andforfred-


- To the Queenesmoft excellent Maieftic.

Stfft.y. -pj tmmblp complaining, info^met^ ?oar a^aiettie, ^oac fittt^fnU,
Jrltcue^aHBobcoientrubtectdf^.&.of fc. ^^at lotjerea^ t^ nine^
teent^Da^of 31* ladpaft rout <^;ace0 letters of Commiffton \du
0tce<teD oat of tl^ Court of t^e (Brtbequer at MethntnOet: t)nto -,

K^. ^*|^* fc. and otl^er$,toeni)iiti:eof fuc^ Cl)ucc]^ga)Dsa0Oti

appettatitet}ntoi?oui:$pateSte,an0lDet;econcealeo ano ijotttioaatune
atiD otliertDtfe tmplo^eo* 0nD
t^e fato CommtiTtoneta fitting bi?
tectue of t|)e fato Commtffton at mit^rmXtti fo; ttie one erecutton
of t^efame* )n8 K. ^ Ciei:ke,mtcac of ^* came before ttiem tf)<
fato CommiiTtoners^to beerammeo toucbmgt^e 3i:itcle0 of tlje fato
Commtir(on,lBl)o tabtng \^x j)at{)e tpon tlielioli? (ii^uangelifi tcud^
to anflDec to fact) jatttdes as 1^^ O^oulo beeramtneo tpon , acco^otng
to t|e tenant: of t|e fato CommtflTton, Isiais eramineo tpon tits fat)
iDat|ie,tDi)ett^ei; ^e l|ati in ^is pofliemon o; cuffoote^an^ gtops, belongs
tngo^tDbicIJoiD belong tot^eC^uccb^Dio anftoet: negattuel?, tbat
|e baD not,no; neuec bao in bis cuHoDie o^ banbs , anr goDs belongs
tngtotbeCburcb, li^b^^inbecietruetbtbefaibM.^. b^b tfren in
|^i0 cnfioote , otuecs parcells of Cbutcb gQOS, ano namely one Caii^
Kopie, one pe^ce of a Cannopie , a piire ic* ano oiuers otbec like
tbings, Inbtcbl^^isiotbencectainel^knotneof. jSno fo tbe (aio K
jfe.tjecietDittingl^, coaruptlp, ano toilftill? oio ^Sedure ano foj#
Xierebimfel&of pucpofe tofee^pe fncb Bloolatroufe beOieUs ano ino
fltnments in bis otonc banos , ano tbecebp to oee ixmiiz bnto rout
S^aieftie, contrarie to }^iii ouetie toUiatOs jaimigbtie <B3 j3D32D ano
to vour ^aieftie, ano contcacie to t^z ItatDes ano ^t^t\xiz% of
IbisKealme, 3(n confioeration tDbereof , q^ap it pleafc tont
^aieOie to graunt gone d^^aces ja^oceflTe of Subpcna %u
Starre^chamber. 54.5

A BiS exhibited by the ^eenes high Almoner for de

teiiting offt^ch goods as were forfeited

to her tJMaieJi'ie,

To the Quccncs tnoft excellent Maicftie.

moft l)umble iutfe fl^ctoefl) anD complainct^ tnto ^mt 5c^,6

!)tgI)neire,^otic fnttf)fuUanD obeDtcnt ^ubiectC^^llBtl^oppeof
i^ccfjettec , tigli t?nf o rour (paieffic , Suljat toljcce
one 2C. p.of <Dtn Counttc
tf)c of l^eirt, tijc isap of
in tf)c ^carc of iiouc mott gracious ccigne, at ci5.afo;e^
rain telontouH^a^a fdon, of ^tmfdfe, did D^^otune ano oeHco^
l)imfeire,a0bran3nquifitwntl;cnanD tijcre fafeen before 31 115
(gentleman, one of t^e Coroners of tije fame Countte, tpcn tiie
figf^t of t|^e boDie of f ^c famcSC. p. b^ t^z oat[)ej3 of ttoelue men

acco;Dtng to ^out ijtg^nelTe llaU)e0 of tl)t0 Kealme mo;e at

large it Doetb ano ma^ appeare , bp reafon tuljereof all fucli
gooD;,cattell0,anD Debts^astfjefameSCp. o; an^ perfon o;
pcrfoni {)aD anotoas poOTeireo of tbeoa^of biict faio oeatl), Doe
of ngl)t belong anDappertatne tnto ^ourfaiD ^atettte, ano fo
to tl)e DtHributtonof meei^eurfatD Almoner, in augmentation
of pour mQft gractou0 ^XmtHy b^ fo;ce anD autijojitie of t?our
moft gracious ilettecs ^Btcwts tjnto me in tljat beljalfe, gran^
tzn anD maDe,a$ b? tl^o fame )itittt& |3atents mo;te at large
it ooetljanD ma^ appeare*. ^nD Inljere one )^i*of C afo^e-

faiD,tuas! inDebteD: anD DtDolue lintotljefaiD i^p.tl)e Da^of

\is faiDe Deatb? tlje fmnme of tenne pounDs of Utnfull currant
mcnei? of (lbnglanO:,to bocpai?De tmto tl^e fame 2D.|a.f)is Cre*
futo^jj 0? ^ffignes ata certaine Dat? nolu erpircD. ;anD alt^ougl^
tl;e faiD llSil^oppe Almoner b^ H(I5of E> in tour faiDCcun=

tit yeoman, ^atf) Diners anD funD^i? times requireD, anD im

fiantl^ DefircD tfje faitie 1^.31. to content anD pa?? tmto Ijtmto
t{)et)reaboucraiDe ti)e faiDe Debt of tenne pounDs, ret t^at to
Doe tl)e faiD !^.3Iatalltimes!jitl)erto tjatl) refufeD auD DcnieD,
anDretDcetlj,not onel^ in contempt of ^our moll gracious 3let^
terjsi patents tinto m^our faiDe Almoner , in manner anD
fo;me afaouefaiDe graunteD anD maoe, but alfo to tlje great let
anD IjinDcrancc of t?our mott gracious ^Imes, lu^ici lljoulD
^aue bcene mintltreD bi? ^mt TaiDe Almoner Unto ^oitr pDo;e
%x ano

Pleadings in the
ano impotent fubtects , 0uo anD eutll txamplz
to t!)e pertUous
of fuel) like offenooa^ y if ano fpeeoie te*
conoistis puntl^meHt
memebr roue ^aie(he bee not l^o^tl^liaD anD p^ouioeo in t^is
beljalfe. BlnconfiDecationtu^ereefjmai? it pleafe i?ouc mcft er^
cellcnt ^paieffie^to gcaunt tour molt gracious WSlXnt of Sub-
pocda, to bee DtcecteD t^nto ttie faioe 1^* Bl* ciimmaunDtng bint
bptbefamc pecfonallT? toappeace befojc roue bislmcCTe anotljc
flams of vouc moft honourable Councell in tbe^tarccCijam^
ber at ^ettminftcr at a certatne tjar ? an^ ^noer a certaine.
painctl)ci;cin to bee UmitteD, tlieaanDt^ere to anCluere to tbe
0nD rour faioe jaimonec fl^all paar tjnto jaimigbtie
i^on fo; tbep^ofpecouseftateof rour^aieftieaccoauing to ^ia
inoa bouuDcn ouetie in moH t)igt7 liononr snD tieliettie long td

Th Anfrvere ^aDefendant pleading iit guiltie, being charged.

with RefcoHs and Conjptracie, and other mifdemeoMors

ittthePUintifes Btll mentioned

The Anfwcre of lohn Pr obart Gentlccn jn , one of the Defcn-

dantS) CO the Bill of Complainc of William Haye Com-

$ea.7 TTI^e faiD SDefcnuant fauing ano referuing to fjimfelfe notjj

A ano at all all aonantages and beneftte of
tixms be^reafter
erception to tbe incectainetie , infufficienrie, anu otljer impec*
fections of tbe faioe 313ill of Complaint, faietb^S^bat E^auiD ap
^ugb William one of t^e E>efenDaunts , toas arretteo in t|ie
I^olune of Kington in tbeCountie of ^erefo^D, at i\\t Complain
nantes fuite, ^no tuas; b^ougbt bptbeHBatUfifes tbat arreHeO
l^ivatotbeboufeof if^icbartiBa^ectn ttie^ill menioneo.toliete
Cbarles ^(Dtbe tben ^eputte to tbe tzHnoer ^^^mffz of tbc
Countie of ^erefo^D toas , ^m
tl)eE>efenDant H>anto ap ^ugb
Mlilliam, being b^ongbt to tbe faiD Cbarles Botbe one of t\^t
E>efenoanti, ^nx^ b^ tbis laDefenoant beeing gtuen to bnbetj>
fiano, tbat V^z fato )2DauiD ap l^ugb Milltam iDas arretted;
be^ tWS>efenDant came to V^t imz Ctjarles )i5(Dt||e beeing
iEDeputie to tl^z fatoe ^noer ^b^tfiie of tbe Countie of 1^^^^
fo^o to b baUe ppacance of tj^e fato M>Mr> ap ^^\x%^
fo; tl^e
StarrC'Chamber. ^^y
Jlttillinm, being fjis neere neighbour, anb of ^w indent nu
quaintance , ;aHD alfo SLfjomas 13;jiDge0 , ant SDeuoureur
^embcc, <lI5entleman,olTeccD to be [jis baile, UJitfj manpotijec
of jjtcat fufficiencie, U)l;ome t[)c faioe Cljarlcs 55ootf)C E>epij^
tk tuto tbe fo;ieratfie Qlnoci: ^bcriffe luoulo fjaue arreptcD of,but
tbeCoinplamantanD tlje USailiffesluljicbatieffeDtbefaine^Da*
uiD ap!pugb^iUiam, one of f!;cm baing !)is 36;otl)ec, anD
tbe otbei: ^ifi Cllncfele, not mt\^ refufeb to fuffcc t|)e ^Ijetiffes
SDeputte Cbailcs ilBmtbe to batle liun, buttle fatoeComplat^
itant ano (ii\)zc& I;t0 ao^ecentd gteatli? abufeo tbt^^l^Defenbaunt
anD f)W toife, ano raifeo a great tumult in tfje [joufe of tfje fcje^
faioi^icbattiiaafeer, ano D:ietiifl;dctreapon5anDa0<iulteDDi^
uerg pccfons tuitfjout an^ iixVt caufc of p;ouocation. 5n loljic^
llimulttbe Complainant UjastuGuiiDeo, nnti fo tuere otf)ci0 fcp
tbe Ccmplainaut aAD ^in ccn^panr : but i\)t Ml ^mm
c.p l^cgl

tKiliiUttmuer.ei:flU'?er,no; ofm9 to Depatf,nciUjei:oil) ai.pbo^

DP offer to reffue btis but (S)e fairiSDanH) ap ^ugl; S^iiiluam
Dio tei:Dc: bi' dre tt tl)tE>cputiCDf tljeraiDedfiKDei^Ijenfre,
ano put in baile tQi bts appaca.ice ^no at ttjeoav oi appacance)
a Ccpi corpus baing returneo bp tlje J^nDet ^b^riitejtpe faio
jBDuuiD ap ^ugb ^UlUam appeaceo to ttje fatoe
;attucnep, &>oast!jiepiaintifemigbtUieU p^ofocDcm ftje faioe
bv Mxm W
futte^and as to tbe Tato refcue) ^no tbe fato Conrptiacte ^ ano all
otbertbeieftDue of tbe ofl^nces anD nuroemeanciB romplatned
of bptbe faioe BUI, anoeramtnable in tbis bonoutableCourt,
tbiB^ettntiantfattb^tbat b^ is not gutltie of tbem, o^ anp of
tbem, ixi manner ano fo:me as bp ^t fato Mil ts fuppofeo* ^11
Inbtcb matters tbis BDefen Dan t is teaote to auecreanop^ooue, as
tbis bono;able Court l^U aU)arD,0no bumblp p;a)?etb to bee
DifmiCPeo V^itb btscoltesano charges b)? deration in i}^i^ fuite
moftts^ongfnllv futiaineo*

The Demurrer and Anfvfsre wherein the Defendant allea-

geth that the Plainttfepretendeth to put the Defendant
in ieopArdy ef his life^for heating and rvoun-
dtng the complainant according to the

'^t ratObefenbant,allaDuantages Of exception to tbebncer^ ScA.S

taintte^ano iHfuticietui? 0f tbe fata bill of complaint being to
%% ^ list

Pleadings in the
noiu anu at all times faucD,fo^ ^\ta ta fo muclj of tl^c faio

iSill ofComplaint a0 an^ luape contetrnt^ tJ)C beating ano

luounoing of tpc fa^O Complainant o.: anie matter Dcpentjing
thereupon , fait^ tjjat tlje fai?D Complainant fitjjencc tljc time
of t^e conimittins of tlje rav)D fuppofeo mifocmeanc^s, ^)tten'
Dinj tijat \)c tl;5 fai'D Complarnant bp tccifcn of tl}e l)urt fup^

pofeD bv favD ^3i\l to be Done bnto l;im bp tl)is5>ci'enOant


ano ottjeis tuas in Danger of Dcatl; , raufet t\ii$ SDcfenoant to

be bouno ouev by Uecounifance to appeate at tfje great ^eflt*
ons in ttje Countic of liaono.i Uiljere U)i5 ^efcnDant DtDcllct^
f)olDen in Rummer SDefenDant appeaieo
laft paft, tutje^e tljis

anD \3p0n tjis apparance tl^e Complainant pietcnomg tljat ^cz

Uias aill in Damiger of Deatl) b? reaion of tije faro Uioauocs
caufeD t\}is E>efenoant to bee againe bouao oner to appeareat
t|)e Hcrt great ^effions of t\)t fa^D Countie ^cereafter iw bee

IjolDen , to tlje enoe tljat if tl)C fav'D Complainant l^oulo 0^0

of tlje favD UiounDcsi , tljisf S^efenDant migbt bee foo,Jt|i com?
ming to anflDcre accojDing to ILatu fo.z flje fa^D Complainants
oeatlj. ^no tljeccfo^e fitl;cnce ttje favD Will of Complaint ten*
oetl) to eramine tljis E^efenoant ^pon fjis aDat^je, toucljtng a
matter Uj^ic^ by tlje Complainants pretence may concernc
ano call in qutftion and put in tecparDie t^e life of t^is ^e^
fenDant. K^i$ oefenoant Dotb Demauno iuDgement Udjetljet;
fjc (Ijall be compelleD to anftuere tbat part of tlje Bill ^no
as to. tlje reQDue of tpz matters complayneo of by tlje fayo
3i5ill v^no eraminable in tl^is l^onourable Court , %A)is ^z^

fenoant faitl) , Ijee is not of tijem c; any of ttitm guiltie , in

manner anD fo;me a0 h^ t|)e fayo Bill of Complaint is tupf
{lofeD. ^U tDl)icl) matters t^is E>efenDant is reaoic to auerre
anD p;ooue ,. as tt)is {honourable Court n)all atoaro , ano
p^ayetl) to be DifmiflTeo foo;jtl) of t!je fame, toitlj Ijis teafonabU
colts anD cljarges in t^is beljalfjf mofi tu^ongfully fttfteyneo.

Starfc-Chamber, ^^y
Tliie forme
f a Reflication to feuerAll


T^e ano
fat&Kepl^ant Dotfj tepl^ano fa^ m all anD ^uerr mat
tectt)mg, as bcfo;c m I;t0 fatD jiBtll of Complaint i)e
|att) fatu, ^D ti^at ^ce Dotf^ anti lotll auenie^ matntatne, \\x*
ftifif,atiO p^one ^10 fato ^iX\ of Complaint, ano all ano t\xv
ry tt)e matters ano tilings tijecein conta^neo, to be gcoo, inH,
ano tnie, (ectaine, ano ic^ctent in t\^t latu to bee andijeceo
tnto, in fuc^ ro;t,mannet:,ano fo;me, as in ano bp tbe fato
3i5iU of Complaint it is tcuel)? fet fo;tt)ano oeclateo^ano tl)at
tl)e j^nfiueiis of t|)c fatO H>efeROanfs, ano ener? of tl^m,inaU

t^e points t()eceof matsciall againft tfts Heplpant^are tjntcue,

teit^out tiiat, tl)at an? otl^r matter 0; t^tng in t^ie faio 0n^
fioecs of tije faio 2E>erenoants 0; an? of tljem containeo ma^

tenaU 0^ efi^uall in tlje Hate fo; tf^is Heplrnnt to rcpl? t}n#

t0> ano Ijeiein not fuaiicientlp cepl^eo tjnto, confedeo, ano a:
uoioeo , oen^eo , 0; ct|iecb)ire tcauetfeo, are true , 011 ano t?
tier? lu|)icl^ faio matter ano matters, ^inc^, ano tt)tngs, t^is
Kepl^ant \& reaote to atterre ano p;oue , as tl)ts l^onourable
Court l^all atuaro , 0no fjumbl? p;a? as before iu ttje faio )i5ill
of Complaint tjee ^atl; p;a?eo

ty^'RepHf4ti9nt fnaiMUining that the T^efendants haue com-

mitted LZiairttcftancey Teriurief Sh^erttatioM of
^erittrie,or ChampertieyAnd aregmltie
thereof, as i the Bill of Com^
plaint is^ecifed,

Complainant Com^ Scd,

T^e faio
plaint er^ibitco againff

SCfjat Ijis faio ^tll of
J^cfcnoants in t^is ^0*

nourable Court, is ter? iufl^, true, ano fufftcient in tt;e }la\D to

be anfloereo t}nto b? t^e faio ^efenoants , ano oot|) ano tetll
anerre, maintaine, ano p;oue all ano enec? matter ano tiding
tljerein containeo, to be iu(t ano true, in iut\} fb;t, manner, ano
fo^me^as tt)e fame baene tl^eretn fet fo^ti), fpecifreo, ano oeclareOt
anotliatt^efaio^nfUier is tmtrue ano infu^cient in t^t Hate
%V s t9
^ Pleadings in tlic
to be cepl^eu tjnfo, fo; mtte manifcC falfe anu appatant im^
perfections t\ictcin containcD. i3ntj fuct^ec, t\)iB Complainant
Dotl) atto lain aucccc ano p;ouc to t|jix5 honourable Ccuit,
tl;at tl;e fato W)n Hambcct, in tijc faio Bill menf ioneo , iuas
poITciTcD of a SDecnie ano
lalxjfull (!tatc fnj t^;eefco;c peaces
to come fi:om anD aftcu t!;c occeafc of ttjc faio 3gnes ^bbot,in
tt)c faia ^iil of Complaint mcntioneD , of ano in tlje fain 2Dc^
ncnicnt suip Clofc of |)atlat:c in 2Li)o,jnbo:JOiu, in t^e faib IBili
, b^ mcaue conucrance fcom tlje Pi?efi*
of Complaiitt fp.cciftcD
ano :fea0tue5 of Clpagoalcii Calleoge in Dpfo;jO, ijt fuflj
mtyiiB mt\)e faio Bill is rpecificij% ^nn ttjat t^e fatOffobn
ILambect being ropoOrc5IcDDiDgcauntauD afligne oucc tlje faiD
SDciiement ano Clofe of jBaftuce, ano all tiia eftate tl)ecein,to
tl)c faio Complainant, tjpon ano in lul)icl) faio &ntmmtanh
<i:iorc,tbefaiDComplaimant Ijatf) contumeo ano^ Dtult euecOp*
jenee t^c oeccnfc of tbe faiD /Ignes itlbbot, Bill is
ai6 in tlje fail

atfofctoolune, ilnQ tbattbc fa<D SDefenoant 3lo^n C^etuebar*

mug nolalDfuU ciglK, title, o.jpoJrelTion of,iit,oHotbc fati5p.je^
mines, Diobi'bnlalDfull ^Maintenance b.ung ^is Action of flicef^
^13 againft, f be faio Complainant, anu mo cecouei: fwt^ jste^t
collaanD Damages againtt tbefaioCompUi^nant, as i^it^e faio
BiUisfet fo;tJj, 0no tbat tbe faio H>efenoant ^obnCbsUJeUib
b|?tmuft ano tinlatufull spaintenancc, )pp;jerrion, ano Qptftj^^
meano.:,anob\>tbeabbetmcnf of tbe veS of tlje faioH^^fenOants,
maUe a Jlcafe of tbe faio K>':mnxmt ano Clofe about i)itobei;
lali, in tbe faio Bill mentioneO) t)nto tbe faio Spicljaet 2[);^nge,
onely to opp;eireanD ouectbjoto tbe faio Complainant, ano to
ctpell ano o^iue Ijim out of tbe faio SDenenient ano Clofe,

U)|)ej;ein f)z bao oUielleo ano continueo b^ tt^e fpace of fipteene

rwres before, ao in tl^z faio Bill is fpecifieo , 0no tbat tbe faio
3)efenoant (^icbael ^}^nq,t oio b^ tnlalufull ^aiiUenancc
anOilDpp^eCrion commence bis J^ctionof Eicftione firmacagaintt
tt)2 faioComplainant, tobicb i>i9 paffe luitb tbe faio iBDefcn*
oant 2D^\?ngeagaiailtbc faio Complainant, as in tbe faio Bill
U> fpecifieo, ano tbat ncitbcc tl)z faio CbeUJC, H>i^nge, o;: Ki^
cbaco 3L bao beenc ano continueo in poireffton of tbe faia %t*
ncm^nt ano Clofe bg tbe fp.tcc of one veace mu
before tbe faio
pia(c maoeto ti;cfaioa);pnge,m;atan)?otbectime i^no fuc^
tbcCjtbis Complai?n3nt toiU auecce ano p;oue to tbis ^onou^
tabic Court, tijat tl; faio jSD^fenoant 3io|m CtjeUie oio' at tbe

Starre-Ch amber. ^4.8

faio ^.uattec ^etriciw at micfefjam , in f!jc )15m men^ioncD,
falfelp aiiD corruptly Depofc am fltj^ai-c to t[)c 3unc, at tfjc
fatDQuarter ^cjrions at iiericfeljam, tf)at t[jc faiD Complar^
ant uiD tn ano fepon'tfjc faiD ficH Dnv of iaDctobcr, in t'^t'ism
mcnticntn, erpdl ano anioue,anDluit^fc,:fc annttotenccDjiue
cut tfjc faiD a^ercnDant Blofin Ctietoc , bring tfjcn in tt)t lato*
full poffcfficn Qf t!)cniiij ^effnage anD Clofc,l)i? fomot\sil)u\)
Cm falfe )atfj onclt', tl)c faio dDiauno 3urie tntj}elll5illmcn^
tton0D, DiD fincc tijc faiD 3intiictmcnt to be tcnc , toijercas ti)c
faiD Blc^n. Cfjctrc inas not in poJTeiTicn of tlje faiD p^cmiCTcs
tl)0 faiD fitft Dap cf ilDct'obirr, no^ at an^^ time
before ttjc faio
215111 of BinDictnient pjercaeo as afo^cfaio , iDljcmn t^e fatD
liDcfenDant BScljn C^eUie commitfeu moaimlfuUanDco;:^
rupt pcciunc anD spifoemeano?, as in tlje faio iSill is fpecift?
CO, 0nD tf)at tl;e faio milliam Iflnigfjt auD ^cnt^ ^mmzt
tin bpttjcabbctment, maintenance, anop^ocurmcnt of tfje faio
38c!)n C^eUie, ano tlje ceft of t^e faio SDefcnOants, at tlje SErpaU
^ao in tt}c Court,at ^ucbinijljam, b\; t!)e faiD3Ioi;n Cfjeujc a
gainft t^e faio Com plapnant, ijpon t^e faio Action cf tt)e Cafe in
tlje %di\i ntentioneo, falfelp ocpofe ano fweatc, tijat tl;e faio Com*
piavnant l^onlo fap ano atone intfjciup^erenccj tfjattlje faio
Blofjn C^elue tuac pcnuceo at C3ichl)am tn (m\) fojt anintfie
faio )i3ill 10 alleageD,ano tljat ttjereby tj^e faio Cfjetuc oio tjmutti^
recouci: againft tlje faio Complainant tlje fmntrx of fjuc j|>oblefif,
befioes Cods of tl;efaio^uite, as in t[)t faio 2a5iU is alieageo
Mtt^outtf)at,tt)attt)cUio?:(3lilliani llee U>flsatani?timcpo!ref^
feOofanvlatofuIlCfiatcDjILeafeoftljc faio 23encment ano Clcfe
bv tf)c faio p;cCioent ano ^cfjcllccs of ^J^agoalen CoUeoge in
^rfo?o,foj tt)t%mnt of tl);8efco;e Tjeces? to commence after tf)e
oeceafe of tfje fato !dQmB Sbbot ano SCljomas I)ei: fonne, as in t^e
faio Snfnsec is ^jntcuclv- fuggeJieo, oj tljat tljc faioSCencmcnt ano
Clofe of ^aftuce oio come to tlje ^anos ano podelTibn of tlfc faio
jKifijaro ]^it, as :aominiltcato^ of tlje gcoos i cfjattels? oebts ano
rreotts of |jis faio fatl)ecMiUiam?ltt,nsintl)e faio ^tlnftuet: is
falfelp alUageOjO? tljat tl)C faio SSHiUiam liar oieo poffetleo ti^crecf
at tlie time of ^is oeceafe0no tcitljout tl)at,t{)at ttje faio Kicfjaro
?lie 010 at m^
timt^ after tlje oeceafe of tlje faio ^vgnes ano EStjo*
mas ^bbotjcntcr mto tlje faio p;cmiires, oj |)ao o; contmueo tljc
poOefrion tljereof, o;i!;aoanp lalofuU potoer to mafeeanpfucfj
lleafe fo? ttfz tcrme of t\f;tz peares to t^e Giio Complarnant,
Pleadings in the
08 inf^e fato^nftoecw alleageo, noj tfjat eaec |je t^f tain Uv
t\)un ^^ ccceiiicD amMcnt, if ine,o^ otljcr Confiuecaticn ft; t^t
fame of t\)c faio CompIaTinant, o; ef ot\)zt pecfon, 0nD t^at
tt)is Complainant ^aiD Ijis Kent to t^z p^efiDcnt antj ^cljolters

of qpagDalcn CoUeuge afo^efaiDjOj tijat t^efaiDComplavnannjiu

ntxtWQ ti)2 faio t[)^ec ipeares t)olD oa ento^ tfje faio %memBnt mn
Clufe of i^afturc bg tjentue of ani lleafg maue to Ijim br t|je faio
j^icljacD !lE,a0 lu tl)e faio :anrtu0i: 10 falfel^ alUageo. 3no toit^
out t^at,tl)at tije fatD Complainant, 0; f [je faio paul ifcancWrn
^is fonne did i;ongfullr beepe ttje poffetfion of l^e faiD paemtffes
ot^ci:Ujifetl)entoafilatufuU fo: t^tm to Doe, either aftet t^z faio
ficft2:i:^aU!)aDagatn(ltl)e fatoComplavnant^o; at t^e tim< of
ttiepicfewingof tl)efaiD3rtDtctment at tt)c faio Q.mtttt^ttU"
ons,mtl)craiD^nfU)ei:mentioneD,o;tl)at tlje faiD actions |aue
not beene bg t^c faio ^efenoants iobn Cfjetoc atiD ottiew tniuft^
I^ anD b^ tjnlatofdU maintenance tjnDcctalien ano p;ofecuteD,?i5
in tl)c faiD Bill is fpecificD, 0; t^at t^e faio Complainant Dio fai?

nnD afifia!ie,t|)at tl^e faio i^efenoant BloI)nC^eiDe Uias fo;ftoo;n0

ano periuceo at MicHt^am in fuel) mannecano fo^me, as in t^
faio ^nftoei: is fet DoU)ne,o; ti)at t^a faio Complainant ^at^ com^
menceo t^isi fuit in ti)is ^ono;ableCoui:t,o; an)? ot^ec ^action a^
gaind tl)e faio )^efenoants,o; an)? of tt)em, bi^ongfull^ f tnUtu^
full^b^tlje maintenance, abbetment,anD procurement of awi
pecfon 0; pe]:fons,a0 in ttie faio ^niijott is falfel)? alleageo , but ai(
lie of l)imrelfe,l)auing ceceiueo gceat loae>oamage>ano tDj{ons,oio
ano miQ^t latDfulli> oo:ID^ t'oat ttje faio defendants Blel>*C|)etDe,
jUic^aco ^auieSj^pic^acl SI>;^ngc,!^encr 2Datoncec,ano Slilli^
am !^ni0^ t,o; mv
of t^em,ai:e not guiltie to ail ano euec)? V^t faio
^Maintenances, jjBeriucies, fubojnations of ^^eciucies, 0; ^a\w
petties,in ti)e faio UBill f^ecifieo* BnoUiitf^out tl)at,t|)at m's ott^ec
matter, caufe, allegation, o;tbing in t{>e faio ^nfljoec containeo
matetiall 0; e^ituall in t^z llatti to be repl)^eO Dnto b^tt^is Com^
pla^nant,ano not ^ztzin fuU^cepl)peo tmto, confeoeo, auotoeo,
tcauecfeOjO; oen)peo,is fme, all ano euerg Uj^icl^ matters t^e faio
Complainant i reaoie toauerreano p;oue,as t|)is ^ono^able
Court i^all aluaro, ^no tlierefo^e pM^et^asin^isfaio ji5iUI)e

Starrc-Chamber. ^^p
The frmt tf4 Remnder

Tl^cft fart 6efenoant0 fap, aoD euccie of tj^cm fo^ tj^esmfeiaeji

feaecaUr anB tcrpertiueli?fait!),tt)att<jei:efaio anfloew ace ^c. ii,
cectatneano fufitcient in tt)e llalu to becepl^eo l}nto,aii02)O8nanD
U>illauec,mamtainc,anD p;oue,aU anD euerte fucj) claufe, article,
nD fcntcnce ttjerein coutameD,to be gocD, iuflr, anD true, in fuc^
mannecanofo^me^sintijeicfaiDanifeecis fet foo;t|) ano oecUi'
wo : :anot^at tf)5faiD replication iff tjcneincectainejtjntruj?,
anotnfiiflftcientinttiellalDtobecetorneo tjnts, fo; funt>;te t)n^
trutfieffanD imperfectionff comp^tfeD loitl^in t^e faiD Bill ano
fl$epl?cati9n,afftl)ereoerenDantffr^allb0l)et:eaftei: able to mani^
feltanD Declare mo;e at large in tt)iismoE fjonourable Court tip
on t|)e Rearing of tlje fame caufe, U)it|iout t^at, t^at tl^efe Defend
Dantff are guiltie of all o; mt
t^e ofif^nceff ano miOienieano^i^
k)I)ereU)itl)tbe^o;an^of tt)emare ano fianD cl)argeD in anD b^
t^ faiD complainants iBiXX , in^n^ itxO^mmmi anD fo^mea? t\^
fame in tl)e faiD Bill ano Replication are moS flaunDeroufly anD
tjntruelr fet foojtlj^faggetoD, anD DcclareD : ;anD twitliout t^at,
tljatt^eccisan^otliec matter (w t^mg materiall o; eafettuall in
t^e faiD i^epli!cation containeD, anD in t^tff Keio^nDer not fufiftci^
entl^ anfUjereD anD repl^eo t)nto,confeireD auD auoiDcD, trauerfeD
0^ Den^eDjijs true, ^11 toljici) matter? anD tljingfftljcfe DefenDants

areanDtt}iUbereaBietoaueranDp;oue,astf)t0 Ijono^ble Court

lljall atoarD , ^nD t)umbl? ^^ajetlj aff in ttjeir faiD anftucrs? tlje^

^ane p;areD*

z/f Bill affiftB Riotorf,

To the Qucencs nloft extcWcnf MaicQic.

M^ll Ijumbl^
neflfe ,
fl^etuett anD complarnetlj Ijnto ^our !^tg|i^ 5^^ ,2
Dailp ;;ato^ anD faitlyfull ^ubiect 3* ip* " '

anD %*^. %^at hi^ttta& ^our faioe j^;ato^ beeing in d^oDS

^eace anD i^out ^mOits , at ^* in ^mt ^^igijneOi^ Countte
&f ^. certaine letoDe , riotoug anD euill DifpofeD perfon0,

ICfiat 10 to fai? 7 %^* Wi*i^' ic lj0it|) Dtuer;s^ Qt^a of t|ielike

^4\^ Pleadings &c;i:.i'i
5iro;Wr to tfjc minhtt cf ttoelue pccfons as ret to ^out faio

;aD:ato^ Vjni^notnnc being lucaponco iuttl; )i3otoj3 , ISiUes,


^taucs, 3?auclm!S, |3iUc0, <iuuncsf>sr.D muecs ct^cc tCIar^

lifec lucapcn0 , ns UjcU
tnunfiuc 83 Defenftue , uiD b^ tf)Z p.:o>
.;, .cjimtf , aljbetmcnt ,ano fetting on of 52ir. ^. ant i^.^*
11 .tD5<i
mo;tall enemiesf to Tou^ fato ;iD;ato>g, ano
^3^mrc5 , being
fccfetnt^ 4nu pjetcnmng tY;titUtt\; fpoilc anti celfeufiicn r\^iti^
mwcl) fouc , affault , iuounD , teste ^ ant
nt\D great l^wicnrc
cuill intt0atc vour faiD ^ufatccts at tuicca ano (mnnt txmois
as bcercafter cnfuctb , %\}atis to fa^ fc ^

ccnfiDccatwn bl^eceof ano fo;^ tlje 'ai5ana?5nt ctf ^u*


ftttc , anD in rep^aflTc of fuclj ccbciltons alfcmbUes , ano in

tetto.: ano featc of ot^er fuc!) mal^faao?s ai%9 ttotous pecfons,
i:pa\ it plcafc ^ouc !pi0l)nciic,tl)e p^jcmiffcs confiQeccD^to grant
o ano rout fatBe:iaD;ato;i5 Ojall acco2Cing t ttjeir benni^ai
metks p;ar tjnto vl5i=D^ foj tl)e p^efecuation of rout l^ig^^
tieffc long to caignc ouec "b0

The forme of a Bill into the Cou re


moffi l)nml3le tcifc complarnittjj {^stoetf) tint c roue mofi ep/

1^ccUent ^aicftie,rourl)umblcanti ofacDu^ntfabieft^p.Jl.jECIjat
, on ^. lDa0|c. 3ln tenuec confiDctafioii iu^ci:cof,
tnarif plcafcroiirmoftcrcEtlentSpaiclfte to grant tnto rout

ii^igi)HCffe faiD fubiea, roue gratious Letters of ^Bjiute ^ealeVtO

be DircetcD bnto C.tSI. fqutc,cmB 3i5. C5entleman,cotntanDing
tljem anD euene of t\)tm , to be i perfonallr to appoere before roue
^igfjnelle t)ono;abie Councell of rour l^igljneare Court of Ke^
quefi0 , at a cectaini; ^ar % anD bp.on a patn^ tJ^eretn to be limitteo,
tfjen ano tljcre to anffcbcr to f {)e pjcihtfles,anu furtljer'to Ifano antj
abioc fuel) o;tier ano Direction ttierein , as to rour ^igJjnclTe mctt
l)ono^able Councell t^oll recme to llanirlu(t|). Cquitte anD giio.
''' " :-;
^-^^^^ >"*"^ - -

:^f?;-ool' y 'i sua? iij .U Ifc ^a^jHi ,3y cas a^i^sCf

Theendof a^BitI,\vIiere he praieth
..^^\,,,,,;. Aemajtierin^contcouerfieio be _^

:4all tfjefaio quacccUsr, nm.i^t (mp'.nnxttcxs nqVJ.oepcttumg

eC tU}k$ncj?oui* faiD )iaeo;s aimUjfUJfaip.4t)ucj|aDW!9f,ace0,joinff
to^quitieanolfttftice, ano if tt;cv cannot detecininetJjcfato con^
ftonctfics, tljen to cectificU^ to^om tijefaio Default comraetljano


Words of courfc in aiVAnfMnoa'SitF''^^^^

of Complaint^,

faio Defenoant5 fav ant) citf)ei: of tfjem faitlj , Stii^t

faiD of <i;omplamtijeil)^^l)iljret;tatne, t)ntcue, ano in*

fufficient in tlje Mwtohtmnbciiti tjnto,ant) t^at tfjc mat^

tors tl^ttcin containco ar0imagtn-eD,DeuifeB,ano (ct fo^tI),of euill
iDiU , f malice , to t^e mtent to put tfje faiu Defenoantg to iu^ong-

fall t3ejratioii,co(ti5,cf)arge0/in5 crpenccs in t!)e?laU)j\uttJjout an\?

iuftcaufe o^gcounij of fuit,albcit tl}c faiti Dcfen&antjs iljaU become
pcIIeD b o^Berin tljisljono^able Court, to mafec ant? Uitf^et m*
ftucc t3nto t\it faiD Uncectaiit ano tnruffictent li5tll,t!)en tljc aouan^
tageofercepttontotijetncectaintief mfufjitciencic tijeceof, tjnto
DefenDant0at alUimei^ beteaftec faueo, fo; anfteec anD De^
tfje faiD

tbatjtba^ iinpotbei; matter o;jtbtng in ttje faiD)!5iU of Complaint

containeD, matcrtall o; eflfectuaU to be anfluereo tinto , anD berciri

not rufficientlp confcCTeD anD auoiDeD,traucrreD,o.j DenicD,t5 ttue^
nUl[)ic()matters ,t|;e faiD Defenoants are reao v to auer anD p^ one
a0t^ii3bono^bleCeuctb)tllalt)arD:3nD p;a)?en to bedifmioreis
out of tbe fame Courtjtjoitb t'o^it reafonable cotts ano cbacge^ hv
t^mtjon0fMU^ fuUaineD concerning tljis fuit ic.


<>^;, Words of courfe in a

after t^c atiuanfage o^si^ce^^tfrn fd t^c tnccrtamette

mrutfictencte of tl)c faiD Uepl^cation fa^etl) , ano e^t^ec
of tl^em fa^etfi ,^t)at t|re fatot anftoere id ttctaine, ttw
mxf (uffkimt in t^ Hat to be tepl^fi) tinto , ano alfo fa? 90
t^e^ i^&Dt^e in t^tit fatoanftoerliaac faio^anoooe ano lotllauet:
anomatnfa^eallanoeuectet^tngantrt^ui00t|&^cemto b^ gooo,
iuft,ano trnMnrac^Ai;t,mannei:,anofOmte,a0 ti^e^ano euecte
of tl^em be tijeretn aUeageo ano erp;teflreO'(eLi)at tsr to fav ic.) 0no
tott^out t^at,tt)at ti)et:e 10 an^ otiier tt^ motemll 0; effiutuaU
to be reto^neo t)nto,ano in tbti; Heio^no^i; not ocnieo 0; ti:auei;rei
t0tnie,al|to!m^niatto:w. ,,; tno^, -^o^f^^f^y

lii can ,'ifn


7 , ,

f The Table to thefecond partof

boJeography,. with new

OfTines and Concords. A vvrit of Coucnaunt of diucrfc feocrall

f THc
Definition. Scd.i,
Awnt of couenant of Tithes
parries ig
What pcrfons may be cogiiifors, Awr,tofcoucnantof thcScftcofaMo-
what not.
& nafteric
Of Infancic.
A writ of couenant of diuers things
J 11
Dcfcftsoftbebody A writ of couenant of Dilincs and
Impediments Icgall or ciuiJI 6 4r
A writ of couenant of a
perfonage Scc+x
Ofcooeriure A releas by fine of one or
g 4
Villeincs. A fine vponcogniftnce de droit by the
Pctfons dead in law. nusbajid and wife to t wo.
,0 By Baron and fenie,and
Itnprifonment another. 4^
Gfpcrfonshauingioynt power Otaparccllin reuerfwn by a
la roperccncr
Of the eftates of cognifors 1
How cognifots ought to be named, A Ofaraannor^oanArchbimop and an.
What other,
perfons may be cognifors, and by ,

what names &'c. A concord from two to one wiih

,1 fpeciall
Before what perfons they may be warrantJe
know. Vpon jj

icdgcd cognifance of right as that&cwUh

Of a dedimui potejlate define Uttando. rcJeale and warrantie by
iudgci to whom cognifances
1 A concord of many rhings together /ir
are to bee
ccrtified,and before whom cogni/afice de drtil come ceo &c.
they are to A fine of a rent 50 '
be recorded
,3 Of the third part of
The diuifion of fines
ip A Precipe, with an
a rent L
exception of fome
-a 2fr"^J"^'^"'^'^^"'^<^^cutorie 2,0
7 Ut iingle and double fines ^

Of the part$,& of the writ ofcouenar.i r

A writ ofcouen.ini brought by
three a-
2 gamfl three of a manner &c.
they are Jcuied. i,
S wu ""''c^^T^^^f^P^"
Whereof A concord with a ender for life, the 4.
^ they be grounded
Ofwhat thmgsthey may beJcuied jothci,2.&c.ronsofthecogniror,
i] A fine of homage, rent, and Jcruices. jf
^y what names things may palfc <6
Of the names of the place wherein x6 Ahneofhomagcrentandferuices. <f
the An
olde fine in tranckalmoigne,
Jandsdoelie, before
^ luiticesinEirc.
Howfcucrallthinges muflbeepkccd .0
writs of Couenant.
in A fine of lands in the Countie
ag Palaniine
Of Aidunftb proper to the writs or Lancaltcr.
vvhercf. ALeafe for yeercs referulrg
nnesbelcuied " a rent by
^ grant.
The feuera!! formes of Concord? ^^
Writs of Couenant of common Aleafcforyeeres rendring rent
U render and a dinrcffe.
with a

>2 A leafc for yeres fauing the reucrfion, ^,
,, 6z
OfWood. ^^ AJealc by tenant for life for
zi.yearcs if
Oftwo parts in 3. parts diuidcdoFciklit
liie hue fo long, ^,
acrcofIand&c. ^ A leafc for * i.y cares. Sec. refcruing
3 rcV
the cognifees grant
Ofaperfbnag^iirpropriate, back the famcre-
Ve ucrfion and rent,
'Ofamanncr.ofrciir, & free foldsge
for A fine of a rem' for yteres referuing 5
AlcarejnTcuetfinn paying rent 66 ga rde, and murage vpon a writ oi
(tjftomcsandfcruices 87
A Icale to d uci s for yearc vf.thc parties

Of a Manner in [pofl'cflioa, and other

liuc lo lone , and rtleruing a rent
lands in reucrfion 88
Alcafc rcfcruing rcnt^mth 3 nomine pa- Of lands part in polUffion , and part in
<f,and a diftreflc *3 rcucrfion.with a render ag^me to the
conufors and their heircs ij
A fine with graunt and render for life.
For a reucrfion of a rent 9o
without impeachment of waft,and for
gfc. 69 A concert of a reucrfion for a rent 5
A render for with diuers reniaindcrs
life Of rent fcruicc 91
o uer 70 The husband and wife fell the wiucs

A Icafc for with remainder oucr 7 ioynturc abfoluicly to him in rcucrfi-


A fine of lands bought by the husband,

which nrc regraunccd by him to the

Tenant for life makcth a
cognifors for his wifes life 71 a rent during her life ^4
A concord of diuers tenements, rcnts,a Afineof Rcuir^on , 9f
recSoi y,and iduowfon,with the nioity A fine of a rent granted for life, with a
of a mill 7J claufc cf diArcUe ror the lame 9^
A fine of a fourth part to two 74 Of fcuerallrents granted outof a4^n'
Of lands part in f ofifeflion and part in
, nor, w.'Vir,.>-..TPJi
rcuerfion, of aihirdpait&c. 7? Of a rent with a nmme poena p8 ;

Graunt and renddrof a reucrfion of a A fine in fee farroe yeeldmg a rcnt,wiih

nnoitie 75 adiftreilc ,
A render to the cognifor for one wecke, A6nc in tee farme, ren<?ring rent,fuit of
remainder to a ftraunger for life , re- court and hernot , afitr dcceale , rc-
mainder to his wife for life vpon con- ceafe,and alienation 103
dition , with diuers remainders ouer A fine in fee f armc rendring a rcnt,with
znomin' p(n{ loi
Afincof tworeucrlifins 78 By the hosbanu and wifc.to the hufband
To the cognifee and his wife, in fpeciall and wife with render 10
taile,with warrantie in taile 79 A Writ of Coucnant for the King 103
A grant with a render backe a gainefor A fine of diuers thingcs, with wa;rantie
life, with remainder in taile, diuiding agamft all men 104
the lands 80 A fine with ieucrall warrantie, with
Afine toentailelandestothc heircs of arcgrantand lenuer ui the premi-
one dc cafed 8i fes by the Conufccs , to the Conufors
A grant to the cognifee for life of the tc- loy
nant tor lite, with warrantie, a render A fine with generall warrantie from the
to the fognitor for his wiues life, to Conulorsof two parts in three parts,
conucy her litlc to her husband 82. diuided'of diuers fcucrall parcellcs
Afineot amoiticof diuers thinges in ; . ' 10^
poflcflton, and of a reucrfion infec A fine with generall warratie,wjth grant
and render by the Coniiftcs to one of
A graunt of lands to two,who render to the Conufors of parcell of the prcmi^
conufor in taile, tfec remainder to
tlic rcbjWith diuers rem' ouer of other par-
thcQoccncandhcrrucceflbrs 84 of
cels refciuing a rent with a claufie
A grant of lands in taile,to be holdcn of diftrefTc for non payment. 107
the grantor in Socage 85 A fine with warrantie, with graunt and
A grant of lai>ds in tailc^twhc hblden of render of all mines and coales, with
thf grantor by luiie of Court,and 6s. libcrtie to digge. 108
rent ^6 Of the 5 .part of fcucrall things,wkh ge-
A tin<rurrclcareof Knights feruiccjca- ne-
J '

aerall warrantie for life, rendring rent Of diuers things to a Prefident nd fcho*
with a claufe of jiftres, with a grant,& ler of a Colledge with warranty, 1
render of the rcucrfioh in fee 109 With warranty againft the conufors and
Of a mannor with a regrant of xi).Ii. out thehciresofthchuiband, I^o
of the fame mannor, and afieward of Of diuers things with gencrall warranty,
the whole mannor in fee. 1 1 o

Of diuerfc things with warranty againft Of the third part of diuers thingo with
the conufor and his witc, and the heirs general! warranty ijz
of the husband iii By the husband and the wife of diuerfe
A fine with two feuerall warranties, 1 1 > things with gcnerall warranty, i
A fine of diuers things with general war- The order of taking the knowledge of a
rantie .11 fine by Dedimus poufiatem^ fol. ^ jh
With gcnerall warrantie in geneall taile, A fine with generall warranty , with a
and for default of heirc malc,to diuers graunc and render to one of the coni^-
others of the name and kindred of the Ibrs for 7. dayes, with a remainder for
Conufor. 1 1^ life to a ftrangcr,the reuerfion after to

A fine knowledged before the lufticcs of thefaid conufor in fee. 1^4

Cheftcr,of diuers things with warran* By the husband and the wife of diuerfe
tic iiy things with gencrall warranty i jf

B]r an Earle and his v/ife of diuers things A fine before the luftico of theComon-
116 pleas at Weftaunfter , with gencrall
With graunc and render to the wife of warrantie 1^6
one of the conuforsfor yeres rendring A fine with warranty againft the conufor
rent with a claufe of diftrefle, with a andhisheircs 1^7
graunt attcrward! of the rcuerfion in The iiigrofleraent of the fine beforc,as it
fee. 117 is vpon Record 138
By two to one with general! Warran- A fine with gcnerall warrantie, with a
w^^tit. 118 grant and render for certaine lerraes
Oi diuers things with fcaerall warraiitie, and after to rcmainc to the conufor in
1 19 fee. ig9
A6netetwo of diuers things with war- A fine with gcnerall warranty, tvith a"
rantie lio graunt of the connfec for life, the re-
By two hn&bands and their wiiiesVVit|i \
ucrfion to the conufor in fee. 140
warrantie, I'ii Of a rent, with gencrall warranty. '

By the husband and the wife of diueffjc

,. i^X.

things with warrantie. 1 az A fine with gencrall warrantie in con-'

Ofthe rent iDuing oat of diuers bi^nors, fideration of an Annuilie , impofing
.'a paine for the non payment thereof
A fine with graunt and render for |ceres, ,-,.'* '4^
tobeginatati09etocoifn&, relerulng Afincoflapde to holdc by knights fer-
a rent,with a grant of the teuerfion^to '
uicc,and rent with generall warranty,
&c. 114
A fine of diuersthings, with warrantie in A fine of a manor reciting &c. -W^ih war-

confidei atiun of a rent , with a daufe rantic againft the Conufors duriag
ofdiftics&c. lis &c. M4
Oftheihirdpartofa rent with tyjirran- A fine. with warrancie, in confiderati*
.: tie. ,','**<^ on whereof the Conufee regrants the
Ofthc j.partof cettaine land by^thcfe \ prcmifles for a certaine terme , after
wotds CanciJJiiunt & reddiieruut. i iy the end whereof the prcmiJlcs are to
A fine with general warranty 6t an cAate rcmainc to the Conufee in fee.
pur aut* vu , after whole death the land 141
iitoroicK to Uk conufor 118 The taking of the knowledge of the


' {oUi Thewiitof reddiiumrcddir,i^tf
fine -^
The writ of Per quae feruitia 167
Kotcs to bcobfciucd m iincs fol.
41 Vpon whnfc alienation the tenant is not
to compellable to atturnc. 168
Afincofdiuerfc thingts vvUh render
with diucifc Againftwhom a Per quje fcruliia lyeth,
the conufors for lifc.and
remainders oucr aUer ihcir death in
and whom not. i6f
OfthclngrolTing of fines I70
gcnerall taile, and f<?r default of iirue,
tothc&c, ^4<5 Of the tabling of fines ingrofTcd, 1 7

Ad:und$ of Concords H7 How many Pioclamatiosarc to be made

holdea vpon fines, and when 72,
A hccnce of alienations of lands 1

incapitc ^4^ Of Proclamations of fines at the Affifcs,

and generall Scffions, how they muft

A licence to alien in Mortmainei 1 4i?

be certified,
A J^o^permitlatfiaem leuari, I fo
Of the inrollmcnt of all the pans of
1 73

The writ of Ad quod damnum, i J r

J ^ fines after the ingrufTing thereof and

Of 3 pardon for alienation i

Of the 'Dedimus potejlatm to take recog. proclamations pafTcd 174

nizanccofahne IS? Of the exemplification of the partes of
ThcTicdimuspotcilaiemtheico^, fol. fines inrolled. 175
44 How fines cxecutorie bee executed,
The Precipe and Concord which muft 176
bee filled to thcDeditnus Poteftaieiff, The mancr of execution of fines by writ.
fol.44 *77
Of the Quecnes filucr, i J4 Of execution of fines by Scire facias
Obferuations neccflary at the knowlcd- I7t
gingof fines. ijf Ccriaine cafcs of the nature aii4^forme
How and when co^nifanccs of fines inuft ofa Scire facias vpon a fine. 179
be certified, and what may hinder the What fines with proclamations barrc the
"fame, ij^ iHue in taile 180
Of the inrolemcnt of writs ofcouenaiint, What time after a fine leuied and Pro-
Dedimus Poteflatcm^ and knowledges clamation made , any man hath to
thereupon, which is termed the foote enter or claimc by a^on , or other-
of the fine, IJ7 wife, and who are thereby barred, and

Of the note of the fine 158 who net. i8i

Quid luris clamatt ijp How Priuicsin bloud are bound in fines.
What perfons may obtainc attournc- 18
ment by Quid Iurisclamat,and what Of Eflrangcrs hauing prefcnt right and
not 160 no impediment iSj
"What perfons be compellable to ab Of Eftrangers hauing prefent right ani
turn in a Quid luris clamat^ and what impediments is^
nor, i6l Of ftrangers bauing diuers defcfti,
What pleas will barrc the plaintifc of ac> ij
tiunement i6a Of Eftrangers without uEpcdiments,ha-
What procefl'c will lie in a Quid luris uing future right forSufe precedent
The manner of thcwrJC in a Quid luris Of Eftrangers with impediments hauing
clamai i<$4 future right, 187
The diftrcfl'c in a Quid ImiS dainat, fol. Of F.ftrangcrs hauing no right before
49 the fine 188.
Diuerfeformesof EnirieSj if the parties Of Eftrigersh.iuing diuers future rights
appcarc after the ksif oi the returne by diuerlc titles. 189
fol 49 Eftirigcr to fines, hauing neither preset
Atiurney in Qai4 luris clamor. 165 nor future right to the tencoDcnts in
J 11

the fine,ai ihercf,bur on-
tlic If uylng le port pro tcncnt' jtf

ly vnwrcnis,omn[on&c.iiliajng cue Themancrof thercturne, fol.Sj.a

ofrhcfamc, 19^ Aliudbreuedc Dedimus poteftatcm rc-
Picas to auoyde fiDc>, 191 cup. actornat. ten. fuper brcuedc in*
Ofa writofhrror, 191 grclTu, 17
OfaCeruorari, 19? The forme of a recouerie with finglc
^ Af</ /mMf ot the tranfcripr of a fine ouc voucher. fol.S^i

^ of the Clianccrie, into the Cotninoii A common recouerie had by diuerfc a-

""place J 94 gamff one of diuerlc manors 8tc with-
KMittimuty 19^ in the Countie Palatine of Chcfler,
A Mittmui for the footc ofa fine, ful. before the ludges of the Shirci or
7,b Counties. i8
Whether anj^ but hec which rrucrfctha A common recouerie bydiuerfe, before
fine, may take benefit thereby, 19.6 the luflicc of Chtftcr , and ludges of
A wtitotWarfantiachairaf. i^ the fame Countie of a Mannur &c.
Tempore yii t. ^9
The like common recoocrie, in the faidc
countie ot Chefter,to the next before,
and of the fame mannor and lands, in

OP Rccoucrics for aflbranccs, com.

calicd common or'feigned
the time of the faid king. 0

^f what thmges Writs of Hntrienitybe


JndiElmettts & Ofencts*

.h:ougnt,and by what names, x
^K He Definition Sed.i

what thing a writ of Kntrie iieth not.

A Cerrioraric to thcExccuiorof ih^lu-

Aice,bctore whoni the warrants were
. ^ T What an offence is

' 4
' acknowledged 4 1 he Sympjthic betweene the common-
^A Rccoucric wuh Hngle vrmcher 5 wealth and her mcmbeis %
A Rccouciy with doubl-.- voucher 6 Ot oft'tnccs publ.kc and piiuate 6
A Recoucf y with treble voucher Oftrncesblinde 7 7
Arccoueneotan Advowfon Oifenccs named and vnnamed
8 8
All the parts of the Recouerie in a writ of Offences vnnamed 9
Right de ^ntii^z in capite exemplified, Offences named lo
9 Ol^cnccsfimple It
Hemijfto Curia in brtHi de KeSl, \o Offences mixt 1

The bxemplification ofa rccoucric in- Offences by word 13

rolled according to the Statute ofz* Ct)unccll 14
Elii cap. J. II Offence by contumelious words 5
Parden* alien' fuperterr pcrbrcue dein- Slannder, ;i
grcflu rtcupcrai' j i Slaundcr againflGod > 27
ExempUficatirtn ofa rccouery, with dou- Bhlphcmic n8
ble voucher,oui of the Proihonatoiics Ma^jck 19
office, I Southfaying Wizards 0
Another to the like effe<^ ij Diutnation, 2
A Dedimus potcftatem to take know- lugliog . x%
ledge ofa warrant of Attuiney of the Inchanting and charming 1^
vouchee, I Witchcrie 24
The manner of the returne, fol.S i Hcrifie . zj
A Dedimus potcrtarem de a'tornat' itc' ^oabaprifmc atf
in breui dc iiigrLllu lupcr dtifcifinam in Apof}; '-''.
Cm Per.

Pcriurie z8 For vfing an Arte agalnfl the Statute.
^.agalnft ma by word, 19 ^ 7J
f>by writing, $0 For rebellious afTembiics fupxr I. Mar.
Sbindc ^
Oby LibcU, 31 cap. II. 74
^'by piftutCi 3 Againft a Barretter 7^
Offences by deed 3? The like fl/iw 7
DeftruAion 34 For battery at an Afsife, 77
Fafts pcrmancntj 3? The like tf/irtr 78
Slaugoicr. J The like fl/i/er if
^what it is, 37 For buggery cum mafcul b*
Yoluntaric, |8 For burgkry and theft, 81
malicious 39 The like tf/i/fy Bx
commaunded, 40 The like j/im-, 8|
for lufliicc, 4 For burglary in a dwelling hottfe 84
5 nccefl'ary, 41 Far burglarie by night in a dwelling
houfe, 9f
Homicide J Se dtftndend0t 4J
I forbidden, 44 For burning a houfe by day, B6
malicious, 4)' For burglary and burning a houfe, 87
of a mans fclfc 4<5 For burning a barne with corne 88
cafuall, 47 For Champertiein anafsikoFnouel di&
by chaunce 48 fci^n 89
I mixt. 49 For Champertie in an afsife of frciili
Murder,. 50 force, 90
bUkightcrofbcaft For fighting in churchyards 91
Ofburning J For abfence from Church, 9*
Offences traniitoric, For fighting in the churchyard, 9j
Adultery and fornication 54 For fighting in Churches or Churqi-
Sndomie or Buggery 11 yards S4
Burglary 56 For abfentingfrom the Church
Houle-iobbing 57 For taking conies In a warren^,

Theft, 58 For confpiracie in fuites

1 heft from the perfon 59 Forconfpiracieby diuersbakrs
Robberie what it is, 60 For taking vnrcafonablc diflrcfles 99
Theft without feare 61 For taking a diftrcflcin the high way^
Hurting and violence 6%
Hurts to the body of the common wealth Againft Hgyptians 10
astrcafons 6i Againft Egyptians lor
Offences hindering the commoditie of For pulling out of eyes. '
the commonwealth 64 For cutting out of tongues J04
Offences a^ainftiubic As 6 ^ For a voluntaric efcapc for theft xo$
Offences Ipcinging from VTordes and For voluritarie efcape for murder. to6
dccdcs 6 For efcape negligent 107
Other mens oifcnces,and how farrc they Againft a Coroner for extortion, 108
bindc vs 67 Thclikcrt/j/rr, 109
Offences Tnnamcd ^8 Againft an Efcbeatorsfcruantior cxtor
OflndJAmcms as remedies for the for* tion. iro
mcr difcafcs ^9 For extortion in a Regifter 11 z
Of (he forme and .manner of Indift- Againft an Efchctor, ^nauircn* fine &c.
tncnts 70
An IndiAment for keeping, an Alchoule For a forcible Entry fur Anno 5.- Kickx.
or tippling houlc
For dike in a cap
7 z The like /<<
1 11

THE table:
For forcible Efltric and diftontinuance, ForaNufanccofabridgc ij6
furS.H.^. 116 The like tf/;/^r, ly^
For forcible Entry & holding out, fupcr The like atitcr, ijg
8,H,. 117 For Nofance of a way x yj
For forging letters patents and tlie great For pcriury in a dcpofition before Com-
Scale xtS miflioners, i^q
For forging of an Iniinture, 1 19 For periury in a depofit* in Canccll', 16
For forcllalingthe raarkec i to For taking of Phcafanii and Partridges,
For vnlawfuU gancs, fupcr 5 j, Henry S,
III For wilfull poyfoning i dj
For silting izx Forpoyfoning ttf^
For norfes (b]d into Scotland ii; For murder by poyfoning itff
For beating of horfes, 124 For pety trcafon by the wife 1 66
Fornet taking of felons after hue Sr cry For breaking of prifon,
made iz^ For pulling of fliecpc i6g
For hunting by night. ti6 For purfe ftealing i6a
For hunting in a Parke itj For purfe picking
For hunting in a Forreft, 1 1, 8 ForvnlawfoU purueyance of Cattcll.
For hunting of Conies, and keeping of
Greyhound!, izp For rape of a woman, tjx,
For imbraceric of Iaror 1 jo Forrapeofachildc
The like 4/i/r 13 For rape of a mayd
1 74
For common inclofed i^x For rape of a mayd within age,
1 7f
For ingroffing of cornc growing, 13 j For a Refcuflc 175
Foringoflingofgrainc 1^4 Of high Trcafon for rebellious infutrcc-
For not keeping a light horfc, 15 y rion
For battery and mayhem, 13^ ThclAicaliter. jjg
For maintenance i ^7 For regrating of corne 17
Vox manflaughter by chaunce-medley. For rcgrating of fifh and butter. iS
For a refcuflc of one in the (locks 181
The like tfl/Wr, 139 ForgiuingofaLiucric ijj,
For faying and hearing of Mafle 140 For receiuing and tfing of a Liuerie
The like d/i/<i^ I41 83
For counceriHeiting of money, 141 Againft retainers |g^
^or counterfeiting and vttcring of mo- For a riot at the SeflSona j 8f
^"'y 143 The like tf/i/fr 135
For coyning of money, 144 For a riot vpon a Keeper 187
The like */X*>- 145 For a ryot in pulling downc of Hedges.
For a murder with a weapon 146 i8g
Foe murder by two with weapons For a riot about the execution of a Re-
For a murderwith a cudgeU , and flying, For a Riot in cutting and carrying away
148 of cornc |^
For naurdcr and procurement, T49 For robbery in the highway 19
For murder and diuerfe wounds 150 The like d/ir' ip^
For manflaughter by chaunce-medley. The like a/i/fr, j^j
iji The like tf/ircr. 194
For murder of a baftard child. ^
ly* Againft a Vagabond and his Relieuer,

For murder by a fcruant, ''" tyj

For petic treafo^by a fcriiaufft i f4 For breaking of a fafc condud, X9^ .

>>An Inquiiition in murder by weapon. For Sacrilcdgc or burglary in a Church,

..na'ii "_; v'j .1;,-; -)||
19^ Againtt a Pricft for keeplng.a concubjn^
Fornaundciagalnft the Quccne 199
hccoced. For not comming to Chu^^h^i 14
For a Schoolcmaltcr not
Quecnc, Forperiuric 242
For fliunder againH the
For fiihing in a Mill pond 43
For flauiidcring of Noblemen,
20 For murder
For fliooting in a Guime, J
For keeping ot a blind Taucrnc
. ;

Forftcalmgolhorlcs ... --,

205 For burglary by a woman 24
Matters For a trelpafl'e in a Corne fielde
Acainft a Icruanc ftcaling his
For manflaughcer ^<*^- 248 ^-^
goods, IjII;/,**^

For ftcaling of a Cowc 07 24#
For theft by a fcruant from his Matter. 1 he like aliter 2J0
Z08 For forcible cntric, not reciting the Sta-

Vm conuerting tillage into pafturc, 109 tute, .2$!

Fr conuetcir.g arable land ftpm iillagCj For vfing a trade, hauing not fcru?^ his
110 prenciceftiip. iS^
For treafon for extolling the authoritic For a riot if}
of the Pope againft his Maicfties Su- For faying of Mafic 254
prcmacie, *'^ Anindiftment formouing to rebellion,
For treafon for abFoluing from

*'* Againft an Efchetor for extortion, 25^
For treafon of Icfuitifmc, ^
'3 ForfljunderingtheQueenc 157
For a trelpaffc income, graflc, orplow- Againft a common Barreitor, 258
ing, 214 For cutting, Bhng and viieiing of filucc
For eating come with (hecpe,
For trcfpaflc in filh ponds, zi6 For cnclofure, 260
Far vfury in banc ot money 117 For wilftjll mur4cr, i6t
For vlury to the like cfted 18 The like <i/;ffr, x6t
for notamcndinghighwaycs 19 For a not 26j ,

For not keeping watch zao For countet felting the Kings Letters pa-
For watch ai the Sea coaO, zii tents to bcgge, ^,a. 264
Forkilhng a man by witchcraft 2X2 For ftcaling of horfcs, .; , 2 ^j
.. .

The like /i/i/fr. 223 For robbery by ihe high way, a<^
for bewitching a horfc, 224 For cottinga purfe ,267
For taking away of a widdow 2aj For taking away of a woman rerua|it,z68
For burglarieby night 226 For breaking into ahoule an4 buraipg
For ftcaling a hoggc 227 it, .
Fora wilfullefcape, .< 1 228 For procuring feruaunts to depart frpat
For ftcaling (hccpc 119 their mafters . . 179
For breaking of a hou(c,anJ'comnnting For keeping hounds and hunting 71
of murder 50 For robbing a Church 27
For manflaughcer 231 For an eicape vpon (afpition of fclonie.
For vfing more arts then one ji
For regratingof corne, 235 For ftcaling of conies, 274
For robbery by the hie^h way 2 j4 Againft a Gaoler for buffering an ctcape.
For burglarie in a dwelling houfe, 23 >-

tot muidct ex proptnfamalitia, x$6 For flopping and turning of a water

ForSacrilcdge, 237 courfc 176
For keeping a blindc Taucrnc without a For forcible cntric 277
fignc, and lodging &c 238 For murdering ot a young chil4 278
Ifor felling &lc in vcflUs called Kilder- For hunting in a Paike, 279
](in* xi% For burglary by night 80
The like d/ir^r %8i An inquiiitipn of oixe ilaine by fflisfof
Forftealinggraincoutofabarne aSi tunc. J/6 J20
Forftcalinggraincoi^iofaMilnc. x^i An indiAmentfor way laying 32Z
Forftcalingoflinncn 284 An inquiHtion of wjlful murdfcr 322
For ftealingofa guilccup a8j An indidmcnt for manflaughtcr* 313
Forrcccimngofa felon knowing &c. For keeping a bawdic houlc 324
For keeping of ill rule 32^
For ftcaling of horfcs zbj For keeping abawdiehoufe 32^
For (fobbcricby the high waj( ^;^ ^,
a^i* Fof /laundering a lurie 327
The like aZ/rrr Againfta woman as a common Barret-
Thehkctf/i/rr jn.'i'.
cur. jzS
Forftealingof(hecpe For rapcby aMiniftcr 3*9
For burglarym the day 291 Againftforeftallers of the market 330
For murder,- 29 J Againft a Gaoler for ciil;u:ging a pnlo-
For counterfeiting of uftCf?, .
ner without waanB,,^i 2fi; .. 33*
For coyningofmonfy. woaun

-9 J Fv^r theft by a 332
For burning a dwelling houre,anadiuers The like alUfX srfj ici iM5i\4^i ISt
other things 296 For theft 334

For breaking of prifoa .'ui: -^97 Againft an hcrctike for vfing of wordes.
The like 4/if<r ,; j ,
_ ,, jnoij'.no'. .5.^ 3?J^
^V^gainft keeping of greyKpjin4s,W>uiids, prhurglary jj^
or a mayhem 337
^orftealingofoxen 2b'if!*c|<o An indidment vpon the flatutcof f.R.2,
ppr wihulJ murdct ; ov/oq lad.a^W^ :
For manflaughtcr, bonr'Ioz
An information wherein the partic dcfi-
For trdpaffc rn a dole ) orfj i'f; 1*^ reth thegoodabearingofonc 339
For way Uying_ For a dofc
ircfpairc in a
srf; z:-.: ..J04 i
. -
For a trcfpaflc i^aclpfciv;^'?^ tCr. 7,-40^ The like j/;7fr h ^\i
F^tfa.rypfj;,,. ,,, ;,
..-_o;/J.:. 'liiOS The like /i/^r, ]: 341
Fur aliaultingone, ana taking away four 3 45 The like fl/iffr
_ -kine^'whuhSfCftl ,.-,:r---fjo'it-': 307 For taking a cade of Sprats by extortion
Foraiidcous '? rrtinr-^uoj 308 344
Formanflaiightcr 309 For repayting of high waies 345"
.For cofu:ealing 0^ flaupjdcj^ufj^di H- For flopping of a common. 5eWr. J46
... gaioft the Qijcc.n? <^-j;: 10 For notrepayriMpfabridgc,
.347 ,

.Ap InqiMfit^on ypon ^^c vrev!flf # jfcjid For inclofing the high way .^ 348

Y body, who died ofj^ ague

JIO For killing one in his own defend 49
p i

An inquilicioaofone killed by a keeper. An inquifition vponoflp ilaine by one

fedejendtiido jj
For confedcracic agabft i^c Qij. 9 13 For a riotous refcous of c?tcJJ, ,. 311
Fp< B^intepancc> ,
,314 For maiotcoaBce
i . ;. .

<\ti^ , ,
,- : ,
. '

-Fnrfotjiiibieeptry j. .;::oi;j^3i5 For Kard vfagc of a prifbner tp co^pell

jjForlhootingin a GujiQf^ r Ijicwlji^ t^tptpaciufeanothef
; . r:^^ .. .

The title of the generall Scffions, folio fox procuring one to commit ^ Burgla
150 a
The traMerfeof an indi^menc of forcible For murder ^^^
entric lyob For keeping a common tippUng boulCy&
For makinggoW in anbthcr Country & being a common B^citor 3.^* '

J17 An inquifition vpon one thsi^itdcpw.
* For a trcfpaflc in a clofe 3 18
inqoiiiiioa vpf^ ,9njc^f[^killjP(Hiin An mdiftment of .niif(|^dtl' before
10 An

An !nqm<ittoii vpon one' that hanged A fooles arbitretncftc *4
himfclfc. ?^9 A ihnple magiftrates arbitretrenc f
-Anlnquifition vponone that was mur- Dcfefts of the body in arbitrators i^
dered by an vnknownopcifon 3*0 Arbitrators indifferent, who ? 27
For robbing by the high way 361 Thequcftion. 5
An inquiGcion v|>on a woman that killed The queftion double, 9
herlclfe 5*^* The queftion of the fa^ JO
An Indidment for corcning of clothiers, The qucftion of right, ^i
What IS to be confidered in each qucRi-
ThclndiftracntcfWiJliam Hackct for on 1%
treafonandconfpiracic, ^6^ What things are arbitrable, and what
Another ta the like eftcft of the lame not. II
panic " ' '
3*J Circuftances regarded in fubmtflion, j4
ForRecufancic ' " -^ -
^6 Of the power giuen to arbitrators 3^
A plea to the In di^ment before, folio. Oftimeand^ric'e 36
i6ib A comprooiile \vith couenaunts to per
The Vcnirtfac'iAi for the returning of a fbrofjc the fame 37
lurie foJ.i6i.^ Of binding the parties CO perfor me an a>
An Indiftment for burglary, -j^ ward. 38
An order in framing of Indidments. fo}. The condition 9f an Oyigacktn to per*
^ forme an iiWard'".: ^--'V'--'; '"''_ ^j^
.;:::,;/'^ Of the condition to performe ap aWarde
ftf lands "J
'" ^ "

' "^
'Whether power to arhitrate niayfcc ar
figned 41
Whether the Compromittors may dif-

Sea.l. charge the arbitrators, orno ^x

DEfined. -

Diuided Whatauarbitrem</nci9' 3?!^'' 1 f*^* -

, c ' I*"

Generall i'hings to be regarded in arbltreirteftt/

Parts of ludgelherts - An Arbitrcmentoflands^ by which the
Pcrfont in ludgemcnts, 6 partie couenauntcth to performe it;
Pcrfons drilling 4J
Perrons-ftduing, 8 An Arbkrement of debt, vvherby the
What pcrfons may coarproiB|c. and wh^t . parties are bounid to p^rfitJrmc it 4^
'- v'i:g^
not. '-'^ii^To An alvard of debt by an Earic VpoK fub-

Impediments to compromic '''"''^o* mifsionbybbhit' 4^ '


Impedimcnu in minde natar:|H j-i .Of notice of the arbhremenc 48

Impediments iR roindc cafuall 12 'Thefinallcaufeofarbitremeftt^ 45^
Impediments in body. jj '<Anawardt>f copyhold lands jo
Dumbncfl'e and deafcnefle natural! and An award reciting certaiit '*bonds for the
cafuall' 14 performance of an award, te^acthe
impediments legall^fubiefiion ahdi^ynt
award was 51 madei'"'

X^oueriurc x6
Doath ciuill 7 Ofthe Ch/UMcerh, Trictdin^i
Attainder and Otitlawilc
loyntfowet' ' ^' AndAnJwerf% >n:'.:>iu
Arbitrators defined
The choice of arbitrators aa ^y c'CfiiHmceriei '/ S<eCt
Sufficicncic of atkitratorrcoufideitd, aj Offtiiftofprccifclaw '^ -'

OfEquitIci 3 nit. $4
The diuifion of Eqnirtc 4 Of an imperfeft aunfwer. jy
The efficient caufe of Equitic 5 Reioyning and ioyning in Comtniflloa
The materiall caufe of Equitie 6 ad examinand' tefia i
The formall caufc ofEquitic 7 A Commiflion ad examiuMdum teHes.
The finall caufe of Equitie 8 S9
Why Equitie is fomecimc compared to a A note by the Commi^ioncrs to giuc
Ruler. 9 &c. 40
How Equitie anH Clcmeocie doc differ, Of citing withirfres 4C
JO A Subpena ad teHificand* 41
Of the difference betwixt Equitie and The Stile of Interrogatories 4J
ftridLawc. 11 The Stile of the Depofitions thcrevpon
How the Chauacerie is termed the court taken 44
ofConfdenc^. ix Of Publication>Hcaring, and Brcuiatcs>
Confcicnce defined i} 4y
Of ludgcmcnts in Chauncerie 14
^ ^
A Commiffion to the Sherife to keepc
Of the power ordinary of the Chaunce the plaintifc in poUcdon 4^
rie, ij A Commiffion to certifie depofiiions ta-
Of the power abfolutc of the Chauncery ken by commifllon 47
It; A Commiffion to examine witneffcs in
Of a Subpoena 17 perpctaal! memorie 4S
^afes remediable in Chauncerie x8 Subpoena ad teftificandum fuper petitio-
C<rtainc cafes where the partie is reme- ncm 4$
dilcfle in Chauncerie 19 Aiitcr ad teflificand* ad Aflifas fuper artj-
t)f the ordinary proceeding in the high culos fO
Coort of Chauncery ao Subpoena ad oflend' caufamquareeui-^'
A Subpoena for jcoRs AI dene' nori dclibereni*. j I
An Attachment ^
ax Subpoena ad tcftificand' ad afsifasin Lo<
An Attacherntht with Procli'nlatieit; ddn, ji
? Subpoena ad tcftificand' coram Viccco-
An Attachment in the Cinque ports, niit' London si
Subpoena pro Euidcncijs adfcrendis 54
An Attachmentiii the county Palatine Aliter pro Gbligationc dclibcrand'. Jf
ofLancdfteV tS Subpoena dc Atturnat' faciend' \6
An Attachment againfl one dwclliag Commiflio ad recipicnduro,et adcxand*
within the Countic Palatine of Che nand' rcfles &c. 57
fter 26 Commiffio ad audicndum ei terminan<
A commifsion of Rebellion xj dutn, &c. 5*8

ASuperrcdeasofthecommirsion of Re- Comoiiffio ad examinandum teftes ec

bellion it locuQi&c. J 9
A Superfedcas to the Chauncellor of Coofikiiil^o ad fupcruidendum & diflin.
the County Palatine of Lane after. guendum vaftum, 60
A Commiffion to the L. Dcputicof Ire-
The like CO the Chaoiberlaine of Che- land, and the Lord Chauncellourfor
flcr 30 the hearing and determining ofa Ti-
A Superfedcas ofan Aitachiticnt 3 tle of land 61
OfanlniunAion i* What a bill 6f complaiut 15 6x
Ofapparance .3? IhedireftionofbiJls <Jg
Of a Oediraus poteftatena to receiue an What ariani were is 4-
aunfwer ^4 What a Replication is 6{
Ot a Superfedcas 3y What a rcioyndci is 66
A' Comflaif^on vpon ja falffc /ffftda- Wharsi>urieioyndcrl9 6y

A bill of complaint cncring and m>-^
for, A Hill to be difcharg^d of boridcs roadd
king Iccret cftatcs of the land, wafting vpon promile, nQt to be prejudiced
pan ihcrof,and mingling part with o- thereby, raying open diucrslewdpia-
ihcrlandvodifhcritthc plaimifc by ftiies by the defendant 91
hauing the writings thereof. 68 A bill for receiuing of the plaint' poodi
of bis wifc,^ and the deiaiiaingof ihcoa.
Ihcanlwcrto thcbijl , , . .,, ,-,^^.
The Replication to the answer

^ .^^

A Bill to ftjy lu tatthe<Qrpmonlaw yp^ TThc anfwerc therevmo . . ; ,,

.' '[^a
on an obligation 7J The replication to the anrwere
A Bill for thewithholding of a writing & A bill for that the Defendant! haur eoc
taking the profits of the land.and falfc ten the Plaihtfes bill, whereby tihcy
charging ot the plaintifc with the cf- bound vnto him , meaning
loyningofaCow. ., .71 ; -
therby to defraud him of his debt. ^6
Thcanlwcrthcrevnto 7i .
A bill for wrongfull cntrie into lands.dc-
A Bill to be relieucd forp^ligfioi^dc tainingot the, writings, wafting the
torSiaJonic. ." ' '.'
!i.! ..74- fame, & contriiiihg Icctctcftaies, 97
A Bill tor boarding 7? A bill for detaining of a Icalc fbrycarcs,
A demurrer for double vexation 7^ 98
A Billforno.tfurrcndiingaltaleintruft, A bill by an Executor for mony for boar-
and with-
for wafting tenths dcinifad,
A bill for not entring iiuobohd to latje'^
. . ,
, ,j.

ABilI by an Adminiftrator vpon apro- furcue harmelefl'e, according to prq-

Biife made to the inicftate ofccertaine .
mlfc. '
mariage money, to be payd by the de- A bill for making falfc AfjidauU for ap-
fendant 78 pearance. lOl
A bil for entring into,& detaining land ,
A bill to be reliebed of an Obligation,
by colour of hjuing the Huide^ce where the money was paid. loi
thereof, and for coniriuing fccret c A biU, for not^procoting an act^uittance
ftatcs -
7<> oT icts pi)id acct>iding to promife. i o
A bill for certain mony that fliouldhauc A bill f it not payinj^ of mony,nor fauing
becne payd nconfider-tionofa kale theiureticbarmclcflc 104
agreed to be made of land 80 A bill tor entitling ones felfe to ccrtaine
An anfwcr and deinurrcrio the fame bil. gtound, and lellirig the woods there
The Replication to the faid anfwerc and AtJillagainft. executor*, foinot Heliuc-
demurrer, 8i lingoF Specialties paid. 106
A bill for money lent without fpccialtie A bill againft executors, vpon a priuatc
and witncfll's 8^ proipife made by their tcft.ator, allea*
The anfwerc ihcrevnto 84 ging that they haue wafted ihcir te-
A htU for detaining ot bonds payde, and ftators goods. 107
praying an Iniundtion to ftay .fuit Abill fordiuers Eiiidcnces 108
thereupon. 8$ ' ,'
A bill for not nuking nfluiance of lands,
A Bill to examine witneflls inperpctuam according to a couenat.aiieaging that
reimemonam J<5 the defendants hauc gottt n the inden-
A bill for deliuetie of fheepc by an exe- ture thereof,& rhai fome of ihenfi were
cutor conuertcd to bis ownc vfc^ 87 within age at the making thereof. 109
The anlwcr ihcrevnto. 88 A bill againft an hoire for entring into
The fcphcation anfwcr
to the 89. ,
land^ dcuif^d .toithc plaintite, praying
A bill for a debt vpoii a contraA without a Commiflibri to txatr.in^ witneCes in
wiineffc JO .
perpetuamreimemoriam. no
The anfwcr and dcBmtrcr tbctcunto. A bill for t efu fing to receiue the plair)(if

U.dA 9* rent according le art order, and taking

. X ^

ilic forfeiture of a bond for the pay, Abilwhcrcaliirie hajhraflcdin a mat-
ment thcF<it^ ill ter wrongfully, pra)'ing a ceitiol-aritf,
A bill for money for cattcll folde vpon '

tiuH. II A bill againft an adminiflmtor for ftiing

AKcinincfer. 113 of a bondc proinifca by the fcftaior
A bij for giuing ones word with a fcruant not to be put in fiiittill dic'd'caih of
anil lomifingto anfwer all damages
the pJaintifes father ' ' ;'
, i"4
donficohis mafter by himi 1 14 Abiii for wtongiu! cnry into lan^^^in-
The Anfwer ihtrcvoco 115 tailcdjby rcalon of hnuine the itint; M
The replication to the fame anfwer, ii< thereof, and n^aking di lerft fccfcfic c-
A bil for cnti ing and detaining copihoKl flarcs '
Jandts, by r-cafonofthedCTaming v( A l>ill for dcliucry of hcire loomcs, cr
the writings thereof 117 prfpcipaijcs to the lieirc,accordin^ to
Abiilbygardcincsfor Euidcnccs, i' -
ii<S theciiftonie, ''

The Anfw^cr ihcrcvnto 119 Abilj for (he dtliucr/of an Obligntion

AWJ 10 be difcharged of a rccognifancc proinifei!y the obfigcejtobcddiuc--
with Anfwer, Replication,aiMi icioih- rcd vpon the acknowledgement of a
dct ihcrcvnio, izo Statute, which the plainiifc did being
A bill foe the wrongfull detaining of a within age. 147
deed of demile, which caine vntohim The anfwer to the bill 1 4S

by intciruatiage, ixi A bill for not being (ufFtrcd to enter in-

Abil againft an infant for boarding and to lands deliuercd to extent, dcfiring
aparell, & not performing of a Ica^.f tx. the view of the Kuidcnce;. thereof, the
Abillofdebtvpoa contraS againft the phintife forbearing before to take the
furuiuing partiicr,and the adpiinifira* profits, vpon referment of the matter
tor of another 12 j to twojwhofe order the deicndat with-
Abill vponapromife to forbearc debt rtood, 149
due, and yecruingthc6ond. 114 TheanlwertothebilU j^
The anfwcre thcrvnto i a5 A bill for detaining of Euid^nces , ente-
The Replication to the anfwer ii6 ring into thelan(},and making fecrerc
The rcioindcr to the replication 1 17 cftatcs 151
A bill for detaining landes with Euitkn- The anfwere of one of the defendants to
CCS, i>8 the bill. 1 5 i
The anfwer to the bill, 11 j The replication to the anfwer, i
The replication to the anfwer 1 30 A'billforacommiffion vpon the feature
A bill fordebileuicd by extent iji of ; J. El, cap. 7, as touching Banke-
The anfwer to the bill, j ji rupts. IJ4
Abil to caulc one to fliew hiskafc wbcr- The CommifTion vpon the faid Statute
by he holdeth ike. I ^ { of I J. El. ijj
The anfwer to the bill ij4 ][hc Precept to the officers to make pro-
A bill for a title of land intaileii. i
{5 clamation, 15^
Theanlwertothebill,, 1^6 The proclamation 157
A Supplication in the Chaancery vpon An Indenture vpon the faid CommifTio
deceit by a partner 137 between the Commiflioncrs and the
A bill for the recouerie of eutdences Ci editors. i)8
made by diftreiTe. 1^8 rhcmannerofentituling the Schedule,
A bil of a title of^ coppiholdland praying MO
anlniundion. i|v A billby a prifoncr, to compcll the dc-
A bill fui debt without fpecialirie 14a icndant to proceed to agrcenaent, ac-
The anfwcre to the bill, 141 cording to an Older madeby the Lord
AdiU vpsn certain giiefci prayinga cer- Ch-unel'Dr that is dead 1^0
cioiArie 142. A bill tu compel! the executors co pay
2z. Ic^

lecacic the deujfee being remediles
0( iV/r'uo( diem claitftextrmm I77
Vamntbisintelligi 78
at the Spirituall Law

A Bill praying an inionaion for ftay of a The fame Writ aliter fbl.x86.a

fuit in the Exchequer vpon

anvntruc Of a Mandamus 179
rurmife *^* A note where a Sem cUh^ extremim
, 1 r j
fhall be had^and where rc 1 8
The anfwer of one of ib^defendanti to
the BUI ^J Of Comniffions after che death of the
Queencs tenant i8i
The anfwer of dae reft ofth^ defendants
to the Bill ^4 '

Quae plura
Tlic Replicauon to the foraicr Anfwer Melius inquirendum
A Writ de tetate ftrobanda 184
A fupplycation by mayraed Souldiers, The fame Writ aliter fbl.i89,b.
for the CouncelU licence to beg , till ACommitl^on pro (late probsHiU f.iSp.b
Almettoomes which theQu. gaue in A f^enire faciat to ^th Sherife vpon the
Eeuerfionjbccome voide 166 fameComiuiflion fbl.t^.a^
A fupplycation by a Merchant ftraungcr Of Homage done refptted. ibidem
called before in qucftion vpon fuppo- Adiemclaufit cxtremHmpofi mortem fek'
fall of cofenage , defiring his libcrti e nit fbl.X90<bu
may not be impeached till the matter
he fully examined 167 PUadittgi in the Court 9f
A fupplycation by an Inkcepcr impriro>
ncd'Vpon a fuppofal of counterfaiting jExehequer*
letters firom the CounccU praying to
detefi others, & praying alio to write N Information igainft incrudors
letters to the CommifTioncis for debt
in the Fleete in his behalfe i53
A' into the Kings lands vnlawftilly
Sed. X
A fupplycation praying a warrant from An Information agaiiill rafters aod
* theCouncell,fbr the defendants rcfu> fpovlers of the Kings g*m x
(ing an order fct downe by thcCoun- A Bill ediibited by a colledor againft
cell 1 6g two petfbns that confederated to de-
A fupplycatioii praying the Counccllcs fraud the (rlaindfe I
PreHdcnt & Couh-
letters to the Loi d A Bill againft fuch as goe aboiit to fru*
cell of Wales,for the bailement of the ftrate the Kings Letters Patents , and
plaintifcs being iinpriioaed vpon a to preiudice his title 4
pretended murder by them 1 70 An aifTwer to a Bitlof Cotnplaiinc f
A fopplycation to haue the Couacellcs An anfwer by threedcfendami fuppoicd
letters to two,to hauc the heating t^a by the plaintifct Biho haue no title in
controuerfie of an account 171 the lands mention^^l, whidh anfwer
A fupplycation by prifoner$ the Fleet m was taken by CommiiHoncrs and re-
for mifdcracanors fentenced in the turned 6
Surrc.C.hambcr,to be enlarges! 17a An anfwer of an VnderiheriferoaBiH
The like aliter ^oncly crauing the benefit cxliibited againft him and others/or
of the general! nardon,and difcbarge- deceitful! dealing in his Olfice 7
mentof one of hit fines 17^ An anlwcr to a Bill wherein theplaimift
The like aliter ^ovily praying further that fuggefteth that the defendant oweth
his prifon chargesmight be fatisficd feruice to the plainrifes mill t
by one A. B. by whofe mcanet he was An anfwer to an Information preten-
drawne into the aftion 174 ding that the defendants Manor is lia-
The mancr of proceeding vpon a fpccial ble for a debt due to the Xing 9
,_^ Ademurrer and anfwtr by ihetkfen^
cum cauft to remooue the prifo- dant that the plaintifc hath not ena-
bled himfelfc to fuc in this Court 10
1 1

A (ieiBiirrec and afiTvrer to a BiU wherin for the warddiip of the bod/ and lands
eke deC are charged with vniuil exac- &c. f1.3x4
citmi by fcts taken of Clothiers 1 A Billto pray licence for trauerfe i
A replication whereby the plaintifc An Information for the value of the ntia-
raaincaincch hit BiU againft the dcf. riage of a Ward , maried after the fa-
for difluading the tenants firoai doing thers death ] 1
their fcruiccc to their Lord it An Information for the title of an ad-
A replication that the dcf. hath broken uowfon of a Ward's lands 1 2.

parcel! of ibc plaintifcs fwile Sic. i { An lafotmation for the rcUefc of an ad*
A reioynder wherein the deC deoie the miniftracorof the anccftor ofthe Qu*
withholding of any gleablands dec. 14 Wards i^
A reioynder wherin the dcf. pleadeth to an Information for detaining of eviden-
be difchargedof a debtjallcaging that ces, and concealing the tenure of the
be ii executor to the hMband of an lands of a fuppoled Ward i

czectttriK&c if n Information againil ccnaiiie perfoita


An Iflfonnatk>n into the Exchecpcr for for vnlawhill intruding vpoit a fuppo-
the vicwing^ of VA^wfull payments fcdWards landk 8(c. 16
and allowances 16 A HiH for the dcliucrie of a tcleafe , & o-
A patent granted to oae to,be an Infor> chereuidencesinto the Court to pre-
mcff If ferue the inhetitancc of the heire 17
A fupplycatinn not ro bauc the body of a
Ward diftuibed vntiil the truth of th
Tita^^iHgs M tilt Cttrt effVards office may be examined 18
An IniunAjon to auoid poiTciHon vpon a
leafe 19

A Bill to he figncd
double va-
for the
lue of a Wards mariage. Scd. i
Petition fol,j|i.b
An Inquiiinon to Hnd a tanatike a
An Iniun&ion
of woods
from cutting down
to fiay

A Bill for an Iniun^ion to auoid from


The draught of Mailer W.C. his pardon land found by office 1

for the mariage of the Lady K. bcforci A Bill of Complaint for an Iniunfiion to
her Maicfties pleaTurc and confcnt ftay a fuit at the Common Law at
was declared 3
A Bill of petition into thcCourtof warda
A plea of traucn rnder the great Seale for the continuance of the tcner of
^ tEngland 4 Liucrie z^
A i3iH or petition for thedcfaulking of a A Letter to a Noble man to appeare and
rent ifliiing out of the Wards lands Sc anfwer to a Bill m the.Court of wards
not found by ofiice out of tbe Icafc &c. 14
&c. f An Information againft an officer at
IniunAion to ftay a fuite commenced in armet for pulling downc & defacing

the Spirituall Court for tithes 6 the Coat armor Gcc. remaining in a
An InquiHtion whcrby a conueyance is Cathedrall Church bclongin g to the
found fraudulent 7 father of a ward &c tf
A Commi{fion to enquire of t fi:audu> A demurrer v^hcrin the dcfis charged for
lent conueyance 7 mony that he had paid vpon a bargain
An Inquifition Ypon a deuener after the of wood which^he plaintifcs fuppofe
death of an heire within age and in to belong to a Ward &c 16
Ward $ A reioynder to a replycation 17

An anfwcr to a Bill of Con)plaint. 3 z^ //%. ,h, Stan,.Ch^icr.

An Information =g.ino.V"l,.^i;^
& rang the name of a defendant 9 *He dignitic of the high Court of
A petition to the Matter of the Wrd Starxe-Chambcr* foJ.5J7
Zx a A
Subpoena our of bccink dhargcd with^efcoufc^ coafpi.
ABill of petition for a ^""y 'y
exhibited by Sir 'racicb,,^'
' '

ihfi Scarre-Chmibcr,

T.as well for dmers A deitJurreriSc an(wer wherein thtdcf.

I.T. againft luftice
committed by hj$fcruants,as afi alleagerh that the platntifeprctendcth
Oath &c. in which to putihcilef.in ieopafdic of lodfing
fo for breaking his
recited the Oath of a luftice o f the and wounding the
his life for beating
ComaioH Lawes,and his duiierSeZf7i complaynant according to the Bill ex-
f AliirTnto tlTeStiricXIHamUcrfbr a riot
hibited 8
The forme of a replycatii?n ilp feucrall

ABilVforfoiecrie of Obligations .? i an;wers p

A Bill-whcrc the partieby forcible entrie A rcply<atiori maintaining that the dcf,

is putoutofpofl'eflion,bcaicn,and his haue committed maintenance, pel iu

corne carried away riotoufly 4 rie&c. 10
AnlnfotmaiionagainftaVicar for pcr- The forme of a rcioyndcr 11
iuric ^
. L- 1^
A Bill againd rioiors. 11
A Bill exhibited by tUc.QueeBcs high The forme of a Bill into ihcCourt pf rc-
almoneti^or detaining of fuch goods qucfis fol. ^45?-,b

as were forf. to her Maicftie

6 Words of courfe in an anfwer to a Bifl of
ABiUagainfttiotors foI.54ja> Complaint fol.55o.a

ThcanTwccof aiet.plcadingnotsuUcic Words of coucfc in a ieioyndcrfol.5fo,1


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