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Malaysia has been rated as the highest among Asian countries for obesity. New statistics
from British medical journal, The Lancet, states that 49% of women and 44% of men of Malaysians
are found to be obese (The Star, 2014). If this problem has not met the proper solutions, it will be
likely to keep happening in the future. Although many precaution steps have been done many
organizations and parties, the rates are increasing years by years. Overweight and obesity refer to
increased amounts of body fat, commonly assessed by the body-mass index (BMI, calculated as
weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared). The standard categories are underweight
(BMI less than 18.5), normal (18.524.9), overweight (2529.9), and obese (30 or more) (Sturm,

Being healthy is important as when humans are taking the right food and keeping fit, their
bodies will be strong and help them to cope with stress and also fight illness (Meleis, 1990). When
there are less illnesses, all Malaysians can work and help Malaysia to be a more productivity
country. Human beings can know the types of exercises and diets they should take if there is a
simple application that they can use to identify their body mass index (BMI) and to measure the
contents of glucose in the bodies. The application will also provide advices or recommendations
for the user in order for them to lose weight and to prevent from having diabetes. When the user
includes all the information needed, the devices will state the most suitable type of exercises for
the user in order for them to be healthier and more active human beings.

Problem Statement: -

Many Malaysians are really lack of health awareness. Thus, many Malaysians are not aware that
Malaysia currently has the highest obesity rate in Asia. If this matter is continuously happening,
the obesity rate among Malaysians will increase and many people will become ill. Also, the
productivity of the nation will be eventually decreasing and Malaysias economy will be at risks.
This problem can be settled if Malaysians have a personal application that can help them to view
their Body Mass Index (BMI), to determine the approximate concentration of glucose in the blood,
to suggest the proper exercises and diet should be taken by the users and to create awareness in
themselves regarding how important their health are.

The study of the application aims to provide the user with the best type of exercises, the type of
food should be taken and precaution steps so that the application can help the user to lose weight,
to keep fit and to avoid eating the food that can harm their health among Malaysians.


Identify and evaluate existing problem of Malaysians who are lack of health awareness.
Study the best weight and height of the user so that they can achieve the ideal BMI.
Design the application that can provide the user the best recommendations of food,
exercises and warnings so that they can lose weight effectively and constantly.
Compare and contrast the developed systems and applications with one another in order to
choose the best design for the graphical user interface (GUI) so that the user will feel
comfortable using the application.
Identify the new features to add onto the system that differentiates it from other developed

Being and Becoming Healthy: The Core of Nursing Knowledge
In-text: (Meleis, 1990)
Your Bibliography: Meleis, A. (1990). Being and Becoming Healthy: The Core of Nursing Knowledge. Nursing
Science Quarterly, 3(3), pp.107-114.

The Effects Of Obesity, Smoking, And Drinking On Medical Problems And Costs
In-text: (Sturm, 2002)
Your Bibliography: Sturm, R. (2002). The Effects Of Obesity, Smoking, And Drinking On Medical Problems And
Costs. Health Affairs, 21(2), pp.245-253.
Ramli, A., Ahmad, N.S. and Paraidathathu, T., 2012. Medication adherence among hypertensive patients
of primary health clinics in Malaysia. Patient Prefer Adherence, 6(8), pp.613-622.

Fedorowski, Artur, and Christopher Gibbons. "Orthostatic hypotension and diabetes are dangerous
companions." Journal of Diabetes and its Complications 30.1 (2016): 5.

Park, S.Y., Lee, S.Y. and Chen, Y., 2012. The effects of EMR deployment on doctors work practices: A
qualitative study in the emergency department of a teaching hospital. International journal of medical
informatics, 81(3), pp.204-217.

Skinner, J. and Staiger, D., 2015. Technology diffusion and productivity growth in health care. Review of
Economics and Statistics, 97(5), pp.951-964.

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