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Student Length of the Height Signature

Arm Span
1. Jera 162 cm 160 cm
2. Vences 155 cm 157 cm
3. Julius 169 cm 165 cm Name : Andrea May A.
4. Mark 173 cm 177 cm Aguilar
5. Joe 185 cm 177 cm Date: March 1, 2017
6. Adam 173 cm 175 cm Grade : 11
7. Humpbrey 170 cm 171 cm
8. Jay 165 cm 174 cm Rating:
9. John Harvey 168 cm 168 cm Section: Magsaysay
10. Steven 173 cm 177 cm

In-class Activity 1
Arm Span and Height of a Person
1. Using a meter stick or ruler, measure the length of the arm span and height of 10 of your
classmates in centimeters. Tabulate the results.

2. Graph the points corresponding to the bivariate data.

Scatterplot 1 - Arm Span and Height of a Person


160 Hei ght

155 Li near (Hei ght)
Length of Arm Span

3. Present your data in class. As you present them in class, identify the variables and describe
how the points are scattered.
The scatterplot shows the relationship between two variables: the length of the arm span and
height of a person. The graph shows that the direction of the trend line points to the right and
the points are slightly scattered from the trend line, depicting a correlation with moderate
strength. Therefore, the scatterplot shows a moderate positive correlation.

By examining the scatterplot, is there a relationship between the length of the arm span
and the height of a person? What do you think?
Yes. The scatterplot describes that the relationship between the length of the arm span
and height of a person is moderately strong. High values of one variable correspond to high
values in the other variable and low values in one variable correspond to low values in the other
variable (positive correlation).
In-class Activity 2
Daily Allowance and Weight of a Person
Length of a Side
Daily Weight
1. 1Venz 1 cm P100.00 153.3
cm xkg4 = 4 cm
2. 2Jera 2 cm P100.00 47 kg
2 cm x 4 = 8 cm
3. 3Vences 3 cm P150.00 51 xkg4 = 12 cm
3 cm 1. Ask 10 of your classmates of
4. 4Jay 4 cm P80.00 49 xkg4 = 16 cm
4 cm their average daily allowance in
5. 5Mark 5 cm P50.00 50 xkg4 = 20 cm
5 cm peso and their weights in
6. 6Joe 6 cm P80.00 82 xkg4 = 24 cm
6 cm kilograms. Tabulate the results.
7. 7Adam 7 cm P100.00 55 xkg4 = 28 cm
7 cm
8. 8Julius 8 cm P30.00 52 xkg4 = 32 cm
8 cm
2. Graph the points
9. 9John Harvey 9 cm P140.00 43 xkg4 = 36 cm
9 cm
corresponding to the bivariate
10.10Steven 10 cm P100.00 59 kg
10 cm x 4 = 40 cm

Scatterplot 2 - Daily Allowance and Weight of a Person


Wei ght
Li near (Weight)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Daily Allowance

3. Present your data in class. As you present them in class, identify the variables and describe
how the points are scattered.
The scatterplot shows the relationship between two variables: the daily allowance and weight of
a person. The graph shows that the trend line is slightly skewed pointing to the left, but it is
more horizontal or flat. Some points might be near the trend line, still, they are fairly scattered
from each other. Therefore, the scatterplot shows zero correlation.

Is there a relationship between the amount of daily allowance and the weight of a
student? What do you think?
No. The scatterplot describes that the relationship between the daily allowance and
weight of a person is weak and even non-existent. High values of one variable correspond to
either high or low values in the other variable (zero correlation).

In-class Activity 3
Length of a Side and Perimeter of a Square
1. Construct 10 squares. Find the side of each square. Measure their perimeters. Tabulate

2. Graph the points corresponding to the bivariate data.

Scatterplot 3 - Length of a Side and Perimeter of a Square

Peri meter
Li near (Peri meter)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Length of a Side

3. Present your data in class. As you present them in class, identify the variables and describe
how the points are scattered.
The scatterplot shows the relationship between two variables: the length of a side and perimeter
of a square. The graph shows that the direction of the trend line points to the right and the
points are uniformly distributed exactly on the trend line, depicting correlation with perfect
strength. Therefore, the scatterplot shows a perfect positive correlation.

Is there a relationship between the length of a side and the perimeter of a square? What
do you think?
Yes. The scatterplot describes that the relationship between the length of a side and
perimeter of a square is perfectly strong. High values of one variable correspond to high values
in the other variable and low values in one variable correspond to low values in the other
variable (positive correlation).

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