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Key to exercises

74.2 75.3 10 with ourselves

Other verbs may be sometimes 1 Having taken (not Taking) 11 /
possible. 2 Having climbed or Climbing
3 Having worked (not Working) 76.3
2 made/taken at today's meeting
2 to avoid / avoiding eac
3 damaged in the storm 4 Having spent (not Spending)
3 complement each other
4 chosen/selected to represent 5 Having arrived or Arriving
4 are collaborating with each
75.4 other
5 given to the players
2 + c Not expecting anyone to 5 had faced each other
6 stolen/taken from the jeweller
be in the house, I walked 6 to communicate with each
7 printed/given on the label
straight in. other
74.3 3 + f Having been painted in 7 to help each other
2X dark colours, the room needed
3 equipment allowing far more some bright lights. ('Being
4 children being moved painted in dark colours...' is UNIT 77
5X also possible.)
6 forests being cut down 4 + e Being unemployed, Dave 77.1
7 people hurrying to had time to consider what job 1 -one* one
8X he really wanted. 2 -seme-ones
9 The trees blown down 5 + b Not speaking Italian, I 3 -ernes-some
10 X found life in Sicily difficult. 4 -enesome ('one' or 'any' are
6 + a Having been a teacher for also possible here)
14 years, Barbara knew how to 5 /
keep children interested. 6 -seme-one
(Note: The -ing, being + past 77.2
75.1 participle (-ed), etc. clauses could 1 one
2 Impressed by Jo's work, the also come after the main clause in 2 No
manager extended her contract these sentences, and in spoken 3 No
for a year. English it is more natural for 4 ones
3 Having acquired the money them to come in this position.) 5 one
through hard work, he was
6 one (in informal speech only;
reluctant to give it away.
many people would prefer
4 Having started the course, Alan
UNIT 76 'but his doesn't' in careful
was determined to complete it.
5 Not wanting to offend him, we 76.1 7 No (if we replaced 'cup of
said nothing about his paintings. 2X coffee' with 'one', this would
6 Not having seen all the 3 himself give us 'a one', which is
evidence, I am reluctant to 4 myself incorrect)
make a judgement. 5 themselves
8 one
(Note: Rewriting these sentences 6X
9 No
with -ing or past participle (-ed) 7 yourself
10 one
clauses makes them more formal 8 itself ('ourselves' is also
11 No
and more natural in formal possible here: 'itself
written contexts than in informal 12 ones (but some people would
emphasises 'the Universe;
writing or speech.) consider 'those ones' to be
'ourselves' emphasises that
'we' need to do it on our own,
75.2 without the help of others.) 13 No
2 'It was here a moment ago,' 14 one
said Sandra (or Sandra said),
10 X 77.3
pointing to the empty table.
11 herself 2 /
3 'I'll get up in an hour or so,'
12 myself 3 (ones)
groaned Helen (or Helen
4 (one)
groaned), turning over in bed. 76.2
5 (ones)
4 'Well, I'm back,' exclaimed 2 /
Mark (or Mark exclaimed), 6 /
3 /
7 (one)
smiling cheerfully at them. 4 of yourself or yourselves
8 /
(See Unit 43 for more on word 5 behind them
9 /
order in sentences like these.) 6
10 (one)
7 he corrected himself
11 (ones)
8 /
12 /
9 they applied themselves
Key to exercises

UNIT 78 5 Amy's piano teacher told her 80.2

that she must practise every 1 do
78.1 day, and she has done (so) 2 is
3 I expect so.
since then without exception. 3 have/do
4 I refuse to accept that she did.
(or she has done since then 4 does / has (done)
(or that she has.)
without) 5 had/did
5 I agree that he should.
6 We have always tried to give 6 did
6 I suspect so.
the best value for money in our 7 hasn't/doesn't (or hadn't/
7 I know that she would.
shops, and (we) will continue didn't)
8 It certainly seemed so.
to try to do so. 8 had (done) (or did)
9 It appears so.
9 are
10 I must admit that I do. 79.2
10 have (done)
1 does so
2 does (or did) 80.3
2 I hope not.
3 did (or does) 1 will ('will do' is also possible)
3 We don't believe so. ('We
4 do ('does' is also possible if we 2 would (be)
believe not.' is also possible,
think of 'none' as a singular 3 should ('should have' is also
but more formal.)
noun) possible)
4 It doesn't seem so. / It seems
5 did so 4 will be
6 doing so 5 should be
5 We presume so.
7 does 6 will (be) ('will' = will go
6 I don't expect so. ('I expect
(In informal English we might shopping; 'will be' = will be
not.' is also possible, but
also say: 1 does it/that; 5 did going shopping)
more formal.)
it/that; 6 doing it/that; 7 does 7 would be
7 I don't imagine so. ('I imagine
it/that.) 8 will/would
not.' is also possible, but
more formal.) 79.3
8 I don't suppose so. / 1 suppose 2 Such symptoms
not. 3 such a request. UNIT 81
4 such reforms 81.1
5 Such research 1 continue to be
2 Yes, we do. or So we do.
3 Yes, you did. 79.4 2 appears to be
4 Yes, she is. Example answers: 3 fail to
5 Yes, they are or So they are. 2 Symptoms of this kind are 4 deserved to be
often the result of food 5 afraid to ('afraid' - without 'to'
78.4 - is also possible)
Possible answers: 6 allowed to ('allowed' - without
3 he couldn't say 'no' to a
2 So it appears. 'to' - is also possible)
request like that, (or 'like this.')
3 So I gather.
4 it will not be easy to get this 81.2
4 So I understand.
sort of reform passed by 1 (to) 2 to 3 (to)
5 So he tells me.
parliament. 4 to 5 to 6 (to)
5 That (or'That') sort of 7 (to) 8 (to) 9 to
research helped scientists to
UNIT 79 develop a treatment for the 81.3
disease. 1 wanted to
2 /
2 I have never met the
3 /
Ambassador, but (or and) (I)
4 like-to-.
would welcome the UNIT 80
5 I want to.
opportunity of doing so. ('the
80.1 6 /
opportunity to do so.' is also
2 could/could be 7 /
3 might / might have / might 8 like to.
3 Janet doesn't normally sell any
have been 9 liked -fc*.
of her paintings, but (she)
4 are 10 like to
might do (so) if you ask her
5 should / should have
personally, (or but (she) might
6 isn't
do if)
7 would / would have / would
4 I thought the children would be
have been
unhappy about clearing away
their toys, but (they) did so
without complaining.


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