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lad BE srivesrucoes te AaSTRACT This paper presents a nev, fester metbod for predicting performance of reservotraguifer systems sod ang pte stints filer geome fesenvoir size, aguifer size, cad reservcinaguifer Fuld conductivity. The method uses existing solutions giving pressure-production erformance of @ radial or linear aguifer connected fo reservotr whtb constant compressibility. The noveley of the method te the use of these solutions ‘predict behavior of 2 reservoir with compressi bility changes. The method's accuracy was verified by comparing results with those calculated using @ finite-ifference simulator. The meteod is built tmto a computer program that uses an efficient uptinizstion tecknigue to otimate tarameters. Rortlte nf application to a Dppetberical gas reservoir and to an actual off field are given In the latter case, a comparison is: nade with results obtained using the Hurst-van Bverdingen water influx calculazion method. INTRONIICTION Ageifers, linear of radial, sorzcund atasy vil and sciveiss, Knowledge of che aguifor'e strength waterdrive seservois. Steength is eonetrie configuration, which may be difficult to Aetermine. Often, geglegical interpretation suggests that the system is neitter radial sor linea, Bevause Ho is possible thee clther aquifer ehape might approcinate the hohavior of an actual system, itis frequently desirable to test both ie a given problem. Several methods!!! have bea developed for predicting water influx into reservoir. Of these, Hurst # Ie closest 10 che meshod preseneed here, arse weed the Leplace tanefomnation 29 convert core aga TIBI Sper acsences ter lemons iby Merc ameeeionsrhar dy meee SUT Rae oon sve sSel A Generalized Method for Making Optimal Estimates of Reservoir-Aquifer Parameters CosaNetes: standacd material balance, equations for water-drive Feservoics into a form giving pressure explicitly as 2 function of other reservoir parameters. To apply his fmethod for predlczing ceservoir presoure change, ie Io neceasnry fo approximate oll praseure dependent fonctions e¢ linear functions of pressure. Horse save no indication of the range of applicability of Such an approximation and provided ao convenient means for updating the approximations. This. stay develops an Improved wethud foe estinering gooupe of parametore thet contel Gehevior of seservoisequifer system. The system iz modeled as 2 single, homogeneous reservoir block with an active (zadial or lines:) aquifer. The Steps takea co develop the method ace given and thea is application to two practical field problems is showa. DEVELOPMENT OF METHOD ‘This section presente the esepe sakin ia developing the melted” For cach ap, the asia thrust of the work conducted and reseles obiained Ee pained athens! deals tent ie citzee. Step 'l considered the equatcns $eeetiiag the dehaviocofreserroieagsiferspavea Tae seyuted suons gave Ap vo #in a ceearoit TEA Concttae campeesstlligy being produced ae @ Conocane ave ned receiving water inf fom either Staal or 2 Lncar aguier. Stop 2 nodilied che Solutions to include changes in producron rate and feservoit conpiessiulsy Ouriag the tevewvell's eary. A woupuce pogram wan eeeen 0 Ps Eececit bebtior teiog, the athod.desived ia Stepe 1 and 2 in Seep 3 the metioa's accuracy was Seilied by coupaing rescies wih those obtained Tis ole ence ankeype ainulecoes In Step 4 8 Srapater propran wae wien to eatinste veloce Gr Eetrelertais ponumetere the hast matched the given history STEP {MATHEMATICAL MODEL, ‘This step is conceraed with the equations desetibing behavior of reservoir-agalter systems. Fist, a radia: aqulfer fs diecesred, and chen Hacer quifcr theory fs presented. Radial Aquifer Ref, 13 analyzed the behavior of a single well in an infinive homogeneous reservoir when the weliboce 1s tile with compressible riulds. The same techniques can be used to deseslbe bchavior of = reservoir susrounded by an infioiea aguiter, The problem considered was radial flow of a slightly compressible fiuld in an isotropic medium. The ‘medium (aquifer) was considered infinite in extent vwith initial constant pressure pj. At the inner Douubay, dee wyuifer wou coumected io 4 sevezvele of radive ‘ey The diffusivity equation describing radial fluid flow can be exptessed in terms of dimensioaless ‘variables as om, 3 a0 | 860 « 3p the initial aod outer boundary conditions are, respectively, Ppltp, 0) = 0 ‘Bim, patra to) = @ 7 ‘The inner boundary condition is obtained feom the equation describing transient pressure in the 2s (228) a ‘This boundary condition provides che equation relating {eoastant) surface flow rare and sand-face flow raze, a In this sendy, the value fp, , for constant production rate and constant Cp is éalled G. Refs. 12 and 13 = cp(dG/éep)) for fo on inBnive tenereair. ‘The tahlen earraapending tn 2am stin ere selected and values of dG/din calculated. The values of G and 3G/Atp thas obtained were used for the case of a reservoir surzouaded by 22 Rouitiee FIG. 1 — LINEAR RESERVOIR-AQUIFER SYSTIR, The dimensionless variables in the previous equations ace defined as: easionless time, pw 2 hat ON eh Pa Tes Aimencionlese peeseuce, ligtal®s ~ Pros) 80 ~ Ta? ez Beas Ha’ dimenstoctess storage constant, fede Y, So” setgaepe tak Examiaation’of the solutions showed that the behavior of this sadial-aguife: system is controlled by three groups of parameters: (1) reservoir compressibility, Zhe Ye Sres(Clress (2) aquifer compressibility (pseudo), rig Be Galcilai and G3) seservoiraguifer conductivity, Wg. tie Linear Agutfer Fig 1 depicts a linear reservoitaquifer system of the eype considered here. The pressure in the systen ia eems of dimensioaless variables is given Pop HD img xsd wr , which shows ccaleulaced values of Cp vo time, Wustraces dhat in la Fig. 6, 9/2 for the ceservoir is plotted vs ccamslative gas peoduetion. A sinilar plot is shown forthe case when go aqulfer Is present. As expected, pecsoure support from he aquifer seoulted Smaller reaeranir preaner drag, is application showed that che method devel- oped in this study could be applied to a real gas reservoir connected fo a linear aquifer to calculate pressure vs time, cuntlaclve water Influx vs cine, tad Cp v0 time for the reservoir st a 7 re we, as FIG. 5 — CUMULATIVE WATER ENCROACHMENT VS ‘TE. TABLE S — Op VS TINE FOR HYPOTH ey JS nevervaI (ear, &p ‘0 aes i300 oe 2000 oer 3000 o.172 a0 ots LUNDERSATURATED OIL RESERVOIR ‘Tho Middle Marg Tax ail zone in the Sunshine field served as a second exanpie. The pertneat data were obtained from the study by R. M. Lowe?® Fig 7 stows “he smucnre of he protocing focmation, Ihis undersatucated zesecvolr about 10 fee mouth of Daton Roage ia Toerville, Ley hoo permeability basciere to the eouthwase canced by fn increase woes shaly ia the southeast portion. Table 6 shows the reservoir properties. ‘Lowe applied the Hurst-van Everdingea radial uasteady-ctate method co thls field. Siuce ke sayuider had given ao indication of a size limit, he ecomed ints be infinite, Theat awe used geological data in the Huret-van Everdingen method, predi i CUMULATIVE GAS PRODUCTION WSC FIG, 6 — P/Z V8 CUMULATIVE GAS PRODUCTION FOR THE HYPOTHETICAL GAS KESERVUIK. FIG, 7 — STRUCTURE OF MIDDLE MARG TEX “RERFAVOIA PROPERTIES Poresty 020 Papier pamesdiity, doy Sc ‘it eras. API zs Oil vewosty at esarirtoweeratize, co 523 Fesencir tpersne,“F 08 Wate viseslty. 09 28 Formation curorecstlty, 1/981 Bio x 10-8 Water eampessiony, 178. Sueno Original eer poo, plo e700 Sarton poser, ig 28s “WoL 7 — OPT pane VALUES FOR OIFFERENT tute awe Baw ieee fel exe pressures were considerably higher then observed pressures. The Harst-van Everdingen method produced better results when che actual pressure- production data, rather chan geological data, were sed to estimate cequited constants. However, range of values of che constanes char yields renvonable match to the observed history wae reported (eee Fig. 8). “The reported structure map of the formation suggested the aquifer might be linear; therefore, wwe applied both linear and radial aquifers to the System. Kef, 1) provided 12 average reservoir pressuies. We used only the first eight values a2 performance Kictory co setimare paramatere. The EXie fur poince served to test the valiiey of che prediction made with the estinated parameters, (The tine spaa of the lazt four points was regarded fs che prediction period.) ‘Optiana valuce uf the tice cescevoie pacamcters, Ay dy oad Ay, eotimated for eack aquifer shape ave listed ia Table 7; for the radial aquifer the ‘values listed under Set 2 were obtained from the optimization procedure. Fig. 9 compares field observations with valves of reservoir pressure vs fime predicted for linear aquifer using the spproptiaee paramaters in Table 7. Fig. 10 shows f similar comparison for the optinal parameter set (Get 2) for a radial aquifer. The linear and the radial aquifer yielded a comparable-looking match ducing the Bistocy period. However, as shown In Table 7, FIG. § — PERFORMANCE MATCHES REPORTED IN the average selative percent of error in calculated are, as defined by Eq. 16, was larger for the Pheale~Fi.0b8 199, Relative error, percent = Piovs Ae Teble,7 showe, the etandard deviation of the relative percentage error vas also larger for the linear aquifer. Thus, both statistics indicated » better match with a radial aquifer. This conclusion vas supported strongly By the much better agreement Guriog, the projection peciod shown in Fig. 10 (cadial)thaa in Fig. 9 (tinea). “Althongh the Sot? radial paramerers were obtained from our optimization program, we found other sets cof values of dy, dp, and Ag chat yield equally good ‘matches dusing the bistarieal period, Secs 1 and 3 for a radial aquifer were picked arbitearly from the Intermediate points cated by the optinivation slgerithn. Considesing chis somuaiqueness, ie was encouraging to observe that the value of reservoir volume A; obtained by the optinization procedure agreed most closely with the value obtained by Lowe based on a volunetic estimate, namely, /0 x10 cu fe. The womuoigieness can be attdbuted to both reasucement and modeling errors. To test whether four optimization procedure would determine the ‘nique comect values of the three parameters if these exrore were removed, the following test was performed. A value was assigned co parameters 4y, (Ap, aod Ay, ia the caage spanaed by Sets 1, 2, and 3 chown far tha radial aquifer in Tabla 7 Those values, along with che actual production echedule of the Middle Marg Tex cil pool, were used ia Progeam A to generate a simulated pressure Bi When chis prcesure kseory was vaed in ove optim my zation progmm, the pacunavece were. ott almost exactly. Using this simulared pressure history, we tested the scasitivity of the optimization algocithes co two controls — the number of time szepa during the Riscorical pesiod, and the mumber of sete of vellies of 4, 4g) and Ay salected randomly ta inieiate the least-squares minimization process, The procedure was insensitive to either number, provided each exceeded # minimum value. The te values were determined almost a9 exactly with four history polite a= with eight. Likewise, when Five random ——— FIG. 9 — PERFORMANCE MATCHES OBTAINED WITH. LINEAR AQUIFE see 78 starting points were used, the te parameter values ‘were deremined almose as exactly a when 10, 20, ot 10 otasting. poi Showed that when both measurement and modeling euocs are removed, the least-squares differential analysis procedure ia very efficient 72 were woods ‘Theos results CONCLUSIONS 1, A new we of seservoirs with active linear faqutfers har been developed 2, The method applies co ewo gencral reaervair probleme: 4. Prediction of reservoir pressure performance ‘when rock properties, fluid properties, reservoir size, aquifer size, and production history are known, ', Rstimarlon of reservoir paramecers when fiuid proportion and preaeuce aad production bistory ate known, 3, Pressure behavior can be characterized with the models considered in this stady if the values of thee contolling parameters are known. These parameters reflect teservoie size, aguifer size, and Feservoicraguifec conductivity ‘& Application of the new method to perfornsace of sn actual oil field shows: a. The estimated values of the contelling ined from the leastmean-equare ry-matching method are not unique. ». Both Iineat and radial agulfers cam produce comparable history matches. ‘2 Given reeerwait mode history matches large deviation in predicted Beherioe may seule, 3, The method cen be applied 20 highly compees- sible geo reservoir syscems. am eons tasicat behavoe ce (infinite) radial swith comparahle NOMENCLATURE A — flow arca beewcen sescrvoir and aquifer, oni 11 ~ controlling parameter of esarvain. aquifer system, cu fe Ag = controlling parameter of reservoir ‘aquifer system, cu fe/psi Ay = controlling parameter of reservoir aquifer system, mé-f/ep B = reservoir uid formation volume factor, RSB/ST i FIG, 10 PERFORMANCE MATCHES OBTAINED SITH RADIAL AQUIFER fomatice volume factor, KS6/STB dimensionless storage constant compressibility, pst-* oll compressiblicy, pst sock compressibilic, psi=* = soral compresvibiliey, pot saver voupressibility, pst Gineaviouless pessuce solution for ba thickeess, f petmenbility length of Linear system, ft p= pressure, pet Ay = initial presenee, pai fp = dimensionless pressuze ‘2 = flow sate at euctace condition, B/D taj = send face flow rate, B/D @ = dimensionless flow, ratio Oy = cumulative water influs, BSB Gx ~ dimensionlere eumilarion water iflee 7 = radial distance, fe tp ~ dimensicalees radine = Sine, hones = dimensionless time volume, eu f = dimensioaless linese distance near dietance of a paint, located in “aquifer, from reservoir-aqeifer boun!- ary, fe Zp = r00te of ta Zy = W\CpZ) kg = water viscosity, ep acd es = dimensiogless ‘time at which 1 changes = porosity suBscRIPTS 2 = aquifer D = dimensionless ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ‘The authors gratefully acknowledge support of this investigation by Southern California Gas Co. and thank Ben jones of thac organizacion for his Seoperesion. 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A-7, 49, and A-10 provides sab VE : Fa sCpq e SAVE ayes F, aan Pn och Vi ‘com which 2Ga-Pesbve aa D where Da sCpq sind VE+V5 cosh V3... (19) A-12 in Eq. AD gives (a1) ‘and it follows from Eg. Ar14 that tonto =f 409 EE 0-03) ey -F s6(p5 Com) (ats) ip wsuning that contiauoas changes of 7 can be approxinated by 1 time increments, each having & constant tlow rite, 4, then Bq. A-1) provides ogi) = YE ian Glto-ro +S reno eoyei- 00 6K i Com) tp ss (16) CUNULATIVE WATER INFLUX Fram Pacey’s law, the eumslative water infin i obssined as * be f4 au ooonoes f° teA (88) at. cam L@).s In terms of dimensionless pressure, Eg. a1? is ay = = 158.06 foe Brow 5 2 fe Latah f° 2 ay %, ax (18) From Eq. -18 the following expression for reduced ccantlative wate: iafex is obsained. Sua On "TBO Gee Bres Sa ababa ag aye . ox (A-19) Combining Bg. Ae and A-19 sels i ome 7 Selo ff +. (8-20) orf 44 -Gup,,, (0) ‘0St01 (a2) Sen f F0~ (eon ~ Coa, o>) = Goat, to) t Stoa» +» + (A22) zxension of Eqs. A-21 and A-22 to the case of ‘different Cp's gives to et On f it~ De (Coe- G.n41)P0,,,(¢0) ~ DaPo,.,'0) » (a2) les the case of constaat oF Be. £25 a veriable produ APPENDIX B ‘THE LEAST-SQUARES DIFFERENTIAL ALGORITHM ‘The leact-aquaces differential elgorithm'* deter- mines the optimal cootoolling parameters by tiniaizing the sum of squares of the differences between accual zeservois performance data end date obtained from tae mathematical model. A functional transformation is used wo liueasize the controlling ppecameters with ceapact ‘9 the performance dara ‘The exor atthe ith history point is given by = APioos —Abient Loe Nes (BD sand the pocudv-lineacization fa obtained by Abie AP 21.23, en Jower bound for each parameie: Is used to geuense 1p second-order polynomial relating the ezrar to the pemudolineatized controling parameters as follows. Neves BO ea fhe) tt ‘The coeticieats af che second-order polynomials fy Soca mt naan, es ssh une of ae el pie ‘Aver the cnefficianre of /; are obtained, the optimal pacidolineazed parameters ate determined sx So sine. Les a set of three aontinear equations that Is solved for ‘88, The opthnel pocameter oat then ie obtained fom, be Ghd. es OB) a i Fail detaite of the algoridma ace giveu lu Refs 14

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