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A neuronglia signalling network in the active brain

Paola Bezzi* and Andrea Volterra
Glial cells are active partners of neurons in processing neuronglia dialogue in the active brain. Most notably,
information and synaptic integration. They receive coded Bergles et al. [8] have reported the existence of direct
signals from synapses and elaborate modulatory responses. chemical synapses between neuronal and glial cells (in this
The active properties of glia, including long-range signalling case, oligodendrocyte precursor cells [OPCs]) in the
and regulated transmitter release, are beginning to be hippocampus. They found that, in OPCs, stimulation of
elucidated. Recent insights suggest that the active brain should neuronal afferents induced -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-
no longer be regarded as a circuitry of neuronal contacts, but 4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) receptor-dependent
as an integrated network of interactive neurons and glia. inward currents, whose quantal nature and fast kinetics
correlate well with glutamate released from a presynaptic
Addresses terminal directly facing the glial receptors. Electron
Department of Pharmacological Sciences, Centre of Excellence for microscopy images support the existence of such neuron-
Neurodegenerative Disorders, University of Milan, Via Balzaretti 9, OPC synapses.
20133 Milan, Italy
*e-mail: Paola.Bezzi@unimi.it
e-mail: Andrea.Volterra@unimi.it Another type of direct contact between neurons and glia,
this time via electrical coupling through gap-junctions, has
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2001, 11:387394 been reported in cultured brain cells [9] and in the locus
0959-4388/01/$ see front matter coeruleus in situ [10]. Although electrotonic coupling was
2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. found to be stronger in the early stages of development,
the in situ study detected its presence in adult tissue as
AMPA -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid well, and showed that electrical changes in glia affect
GABA -amino butyric acid neuronal excitability. Whether electrical connectivity is a
NMDA N-methyl D-aspartate widespread form of neuron-glia communication in the
OPC oligodendrocyte precursor cell
PSC postsynaptic current
brain or a peculiarity of the locus coeruleus remains to be
established. For instance, a recent study that analysed the
distribution of gap-junction channels in a number of areas
Introduction of the adult rat brain by freeze fracture replica immuno-
Glia represent the most numerous group of brain cells, and gold labelling failed to identify junctional proteins
their roles in providing structural, metabolic and trophic connecting neurons and glia [11].
support to neurons are well established [1]. Over the past
decade, an increasing number of observations have As for neurons and glia that are not directly connected,
progressively challenged the classical view that places glial Ventura and Harris [12] have carried out a detailed three-
cells, including astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in the dimensional reconstruction of their structural relations in
central nervous system, and Schwann cells in the periph- the hippocampal stratum radiatum. About 50% of the
eral nervous system, in a subservient position to neurons. synapses in this region have astrocyte processes that are
For example, synaptic transmission may propagate to the intimately apposed, and in 30% of the synapses an as
neighbouring glia and activate them by elevating levels of trocyte process separates two neighbouring synapses.
internal calcium [24]. In turn, calcium rises in glial cells Astrocytes almost exclusively surround synapses that are
start signalling to neurons [5,6], including the regulated rich in docked vesicles (i.e. with a high probability of
release of transmitters. This unexpected active property of neurotransmitter release). The heterogeneity of
glia and the possible existence of rapid regulatory synapseastrocyte relations in the hippocampus extends
cross-talks between neurons and glia during synaptic to the functional properties of astrocytes, and subpopula-
transmission have stimulated a wave of new studies. tions of these cells with distinct electrophysiological
properties, levels of cell-to-cell coupling and topographical
Here we review advances in the past few years that are revo- distribution have been described [13].
lutionising our views on how glial cells participate in synaptic
integration, and, even more importantly, on how the active An elegant study by Kettenmann and co-workers [14]
brain functions to process information. Major advances have focusing on the functional organisation of cerebellar
also been made in understanding the role of neuronglia Bergmann glia reveals even more subtle levels of glial spe-
signalling interactions in the developing brain, a subject that cialisation. Apparently, these highly ramified cells consist
has been excellently reviewed recently in this series [7]. of hundreds of independent compartments, called glial
microdomains by Kettenmann and co-workers, that are
The neuronglia network capable of autonomous interactions with the particular
Using a combination of functional recording and ultrastruc- group of synapses that they ensheath. Thus, stimulating
tural analysis, recent work has given new dimensions to the the adjacent parallel fibers induces localised elevations of
388 Signalling mechanisms

Figure 1 have been observed recently at several different synapses

of both the central and the peripheral nervous system, and
neurotransmitters as diverse as glutamate, -amino butyric
2 acid (GABA), noradrenaline, acetylcholine, dopamine and
adenosine have been implicated in glial activation
[14,15,16,17,18] (see also Update). The evidence
implies that transmitters released during synaptic activity
5 spill out of the cleft at a concentration sufficient to bind
6 and activate receptors located on the adjacent glial plasma
membranes. Dzubay and Jahrs [16] study at the climbing
fiber-Purkinje cell synapse provides a quantitative esti-
mate of the concentration of the synaptically released
glutamate outside the cleft. These authors calculated a
value of 160190 M, which is significantly lower than in
the cleft (1 mM), but still high enough to activate all
7 classes of glial glutamate receptors.
3 4
Not only are glial cells activated during synaptic transmis-
Current Opinion in Neurobiology sion, but some of their specific properties, such as
gap-junctional communication, also seem to be dynamical-
Repertoire of functional interactions in the neuronglia signalling ly regulated by the surrounding neuronal activity [19].
network. Neurons are shown in pale yellow, generic glial cells in pink. Similarly, high-frequency firing in myelinated CA1
Classical forms of rapid communication involve homocellular signalling, hippocampal fibers enhances phosphorylation of the
such as chemical synaptic transmission between nerve cells (1) and
electrotonic coupling through gap-junction channels between glial oligodendrocyte-specific protein myelin basic protein.
cells (2). Recent observations indicate, however, that chemical Reactive oxygen species and/or nitric oxide are implicated
synapses exist also between a presynaptic neuron and a postsynaptic in this neuron-to-glia signalling pathway [20].
glial cell (3; data from [8] ), as well as that gap-junctions could
directly couple a glial cell to a neuron (4; data from [5,9,10]).
Additional forms of heterocellular neuronglia signalling have been
The available data document well the extension of synaptic
documented. Intense synaptic neurotransmission may lead to the signalling to glial domains (Figure 2); however, many unan-
activation of perisynaptic glial cells. Neurotransmitters spill out of the swered questions remain concerning the conditions for glial
cleft at sufficient concentration to bind and stimulate receptors located activation and its characteristics. For example, do glia
on the adjacent glial cell plasma membranes (5; data from
[24,15,16,17,18]). But glial cells can also actively respond to
respond to any level of neuronal activity or does a certain
stimulations, by releasing neuroactive transmitters, and thereby can threshold exist? Is their activation graded and correlated
modulate the function of adjacent neurons (6; data from with the level of ongoing neuronal activity? Do glial cells
[6,15,32,34,35,40,41,45]). Glial cells can release transmitters codify the information received from neurons into the
also onto other surrounding glial cells to extend their range of
spatio-temporal characteristics of their calcium elevations?
signalling (7; data from [21,22,23,25,27,29,32]). Overall, it is
highly conceivable that brain activity involves the interactive
concurrence of many, if not all, of the above forms of communication. Gliotransmission
On the basis of these insights, we propose that the active brain Elevation of internal calcium levels in glial cells represents
functions as an integrated signalling network of both neurons and glia. the start of further communication; both highly localised
and long-range calcium signalling is observed, each possi-
bly having a distinct function (Figure 2). [Ca2+]i rises that
intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) in the Bergmann glia; these are confined to single microdomains of Bergmann glia in
elevations are restricted to small areas of 100 m2 or less response to neuronal stimulation [14], as discussed
just about the size of a single microdomain. above, are a typical example of focal communication.
These rapid and spatially restricted calcium bursts proba-
These advances demonstrate the existence of a wide range bly underlie quick responses to the input signal, and help
of rapid communication modes between neurons and glia, integrate the messages at a local level. Alternatively,
including direct chemical and electrical signalling [Ca2+]i increases may spread in the glial network in the
(Figure 1). In addition, glial cells reveal new aspects of form of slow, regenerative calcium waves. In cell cultures,
their cellular heterogeneity and subcellular organisation, such waves often travel for millimetres, possibly underlying
indicating a previously underestimated level of complex- the spatial transfer of information and coordination of
ity and functional specialisation. distant circuits of the neuronglia network.

Synaptic activation of glia Thanks to advances in optical monitoring techniques, it has

An increasing number of studies report the activation of been recently discovered that additional chemical signals,
perisynaptic glia during neurotransmission. Calcium eleva- notably glutamate and ATP, propagate in astrocytic
tions in glial cells in response to adjacent neuronal activity networks in the form of regenerative waves that accom-pany
A neuronglia signalling network in the active brain Bezzi and Volterra 389

Figure 2

Chemical signalling underlying the neuronglia

bidirectional communication. Neurotransmitters Synaptic activation of glia
spilling over from active synapses can Glutamate
stimulate receptors on glial cells, resulting in GABA Neurons
internal calcium elevation and activation of the Noradrenaline
glial cell (synaptic activation of glia; black Acetylcholine
arrow). Several different transmitters have been Adenosine
shown to start neuron-to-glia signalling at Gliotransmission
various synapses of either the central or Ca2+, IP3
peripheral nervous system (data from Glutamate
[15,16,17,18]) (see also Update). [Ca2+]i ATP
rise in the active glial cell (depicted in pale Glia Prostaglandins
yellow; pink indicates inactive cells) can NO
produce a neuromodulatory response by
triggering transmitter release Neuromodulatory glia
(neuromodulatory glia; blue arrows). This glia- Glutamate
to-neuron signalling can act locally, feeding D-serine
back a response to the original stimulatory NO
synaptic domain, or distally, to modulate a Neurons
different synaptic domain, if the activation
signal is spatially propagated in the glial Current Opinion in Neurobiology
network (see below). Various transmitters may
sustain glia-to-neuron signalling, although the network with spatial expansion of the original calcium waves are accompanied by waves of
best collected evidence so far is for calcium- input. Mostly studied in cultured astrocytes, extracellular mediators, such as ATP or
dependent exocytosis of glutamate from gliotransmission has been classically glutamate. Therefore, gliotransmission must
astrocytes (data from monitored as intercellular waves of calcium also proceed through autocrine/paracrine
[6,15,32,34,35,37,4042,45]). A third elevation (pale yellow cells) and thought to glia-to-glia signalling, possibly involving
form of communication, here called depend on intracellular signal (e.g. inositol additional transmitters such as prostaglandins
gliotransmission (red dashed lines and triphosphate [IP3]) diffusion through gap- and nitric oxide (data from
arrows), allows signals to spread in the glial junctions. But recent work indicates that [21,22,23,25,27,29,31,32]).

the calcium waves [21,22,23]. These important observa- ATP-dependent signalling. In cell cultures, a new propa-
tions indicate that the two mediators are impli-cated in gation pathway that depends on nitric oxide/G kinase but
gliotransmission. Indeed, a role for ATP in the mechanism is independent of ATP has been described recently [31].
of propagation of calcium waves has now been identified. Prostaglandins (PGs) too are likely to be major players.
Until a few years ago, calcium signals were thought to We and our co-workers [32] have found that
spread between connected astrocytes only by the diffusion prostaglandins may have a critical role in the calcium-
of internal mediators, such as inositol triphosphate, through dependent mechanism leading to regenerative glutamate
open gap-junction channels. Propagation in astrocyte release [32]. Apparently, PGE2 is rapidly released from
cultures has now been observed even through areas that are astrocytes when glutamate activates its receptors, to
cell-free, implying the existence of an extracellular enhance and extend the calcium signalling started by this
signalling pathway [24]. Kater and co-workers [25] have neurotransmitter. Interestingly, similar PGE2-dependent
elegantly shown that ATP is released from one astrocyte to events are stimulated by activation of P2Y purinoceptors
act at ATP receptors on the neighbouring ones. ATP- [33]. These data suggest that glial cells might use ampli-
dependent calcium signalling is mediated by metabotropic fying autocrine or paracrine loops, sustained by local
purinergic P2Y receptors coupled to calcium release from chemical signalling through PGE2 and other mediators,
internal stores [26]. In cell cultures, this process appears to so to allow signals to reach more distal domains.
be highly interactive with the gap-junction pathway,
because gap-junction perturbations markedly affect wave Overall, we have just begun to appreciate that glia receive,
propagation and ATP signalling [2730]. Because ectopic elaborate and transfer information. In this light, our
expression of connexins, the protein constituents of the two present understanding of gliotransmission is probably quite
hemichannels forming a gap-junction, boosts ATP release, primitive. Many recent advances rely on studies
Nedergaard and co-workers [28,29] have proposed that performed in cell culture where the glial network organisa-
ATP is released from gap-junction hemichannels. tion may not exactly mirror the one in the intact brain.
Moreover, different studies activate glial cell communication
Further observations suggest that calcium waves are a through different stimuli (mechanical, electrical and chemi-
complex and heterogeneous phenomenon. For example, cal stimuli), which might trigger different signalling
Newman [23] has shown in the intact retina that waves mechanisms. To consolidate and advance the present knowl-
appear to propagate between the resident glial cells edge, more standardised experimental conditions and more
(astrocytes and Mller glia) by two distinct mechanisms, refined models should be used in future studies, including
one involving gap-junctional communication, the other intact tissue preparations, for which initial findings have
390 Signalling mechanisms

already confirmed that glial signal propagation may take Neuromodulatory glia
place in the form of calcium waves [23,34] and If glia can release neurotransmitters in a regulated manner,
autocrine/paracrine amplifications [32]. this process must be a fundamental component of its
dialogue with neurons during synaptic activity (Figure 2).
Glial exocytosis? Recent in vitro work by Haydons [40,41] laboratory
The spatiotemporal characteristics of glial [Ca2+]i eleva- provides the first indication that astrocyte activation has
tions might not only encode information received from important consequences on synaptic function. The group
neurons [4], but also represent the basis for regulation of found that, independent of the nature of the synapse
feedback responses to them. Indeed, [Ca2+]i rises in glial (excitatory or inhibitory), stimulation of an astrocyte while
cells are known to trigger transmitter (glutamate) release evoking synaptic activity produced a reduction in the
that modulates neuronal function [6,32]. postsynaptic current (PSC) response. In contrast, astrocyte
stimulation enhanced the frequency (not the amplitude) of
Two recent studies try to correlate the extent and dynam- miniature PSCs elicited by spontaneous quantal release
ics of calcium elevation with glutamate release [35,36]. events. Haydon and co-workers explained the two distinct
Parpura and Haydon [35] have used photolysis of a calci- modulatory effects by the interaction of astrocyte-released
um cage to induce quantitatively controlled [Ca2+]i rises in glutamate with neuronal receptors of distinct type and
astrocytes. They found that modest [Ca2+]i elevations (in localisation in the two cases: presynaptic metabotropic
the range of 80140 nM) are sufficient to trigger glutamate glutamate receptors for reduction of evoked PSCs;
release. In addition, in some cells further calcium rises extrasynaptic NMDA receptors for enhancement of
induce more glutamate release, suggesting that there is a miniature PSC frequency.
doseresponse relation between the two events. Pasti et al.
[36] elicited specific patterns of oscillatory [Ca2+]i Glial cells might modulate neuronal NMDA receptor func-
responses in astrocytes via transmitter stimulations, and tion not only through released glutamate, but also through
observed the corresponding patterns of glutamate-depen- D-serine, a physiological ligand at the glycine site of the
dent responses in appropriate sniffer cells (HEK cells NMDA receptor [42]. Immunoreactivity for D-serine and its
transfected with N-methyl D-aspartate [NMDA] recep- synthetic enzyme, serine racemase, is found in the brain to be
tors). The synchronicity between the two types of event confined to glial cell populations [43], from which the amino
suggests that astrocyte oscillations induce repetitive acid can be released on activation of AMPA/kainate receptors.
episodes of glutamate release. In particular, any [Ca2+]i
oscillation with a peak greater than 550 nM would induce To support and extend the in vitro findings, a few elegant
an episode of glutamate release. studies in situ provide direct demonstrations of the active
modulatory role played by glial cells in synaptic transmis-
These findings are consistent with a highly regulated and sion. Two complementary studies by the group of
physiologically relevant mechanism of release. Indeed, the Carmignoto and our group [4,32], in collaboration, have
observed properties of the Ca2+-dependent mechanism revealed the existence of a rapid bidirectional communica-
strongly suggest that it occurs by a process resembling tion system between hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons
neuronal exocytosis. First of all, the release is sensitive to and their neighbouring astrocytes on the basis of the
blockers of neuronal exocytosis, including tetanus neuro- reciprocal exchange of glutamatergic signals.
toxin, botulinum B toxin and bafilomycin A1 [32,36,37],
which in contrast have no effect on other forms of astrocyte A second group of studies by Robotaille and co-workers
glutamate release, such as transporter-mediated release or [18,44,45] has revealed the modulatory role of perisynap-
swelling-induced release ([32]; and P Bezzi et al., unpub- tic Schwann cells at the neuromuscular junction. Under
lished data). In support of exocytosis is also the observation high-frequency stimulation, motor neuron terminals were
that Ca2+-dependent glutamate release onto sniffer cells shown to send a chemical signal (probably through
evokes NMDA receptor-dependent currents with fast released acetylcholine and adenosine) to the associated
kinetics resembling quantal release events [36]. Finally, Schwann cell, which activates internal G-protein-depen-
several of the proteins forming the exocytotic machinery in dent calcium signalling, resulting in a feedback inhibitory
neurons have now been identified in astrocytes; moreover, response on neurotransmission, possibly mediated by glial
some of them, like synaptobrevin, have been localised at release of nitric oxide.
the membrane of vesicular organelles [38,39].
A similar modulatory glial loop underlies activity-depen-
A conclusive demonstration of glial exocytosis will dent potentiation of inhibitory synaptic transmission in the
require that the glutamate-containing vesicles are identi- hippocampus [15]. Kang et al. [15] found that repeated
fied ultrastructurally and that the dynamics of their fusions firing of GABAergic interneurons synaptically connected
with the plasma membrane are shown directly. Given that to CA1 pyramidal cells recruits GABAB receptors of near-
glial cells have physiological properties that are distinct by astrocytes with ensuing [Ca2+]i elevation in these cells,
from neurons, glial exocytosis might turn out to have which in turn potentiates inhibitory transmission, possibly
important differences from its neuronal counterpart. through released glutamate.
A neuronglia signalling network in the active brain Bezzi and Volterra 391

Figure 3

Working hypothesis on the impact of (a) (b)

inflammation on neuronglia signalling and its
neuropathological consequences. (a) In
normal conditions, synaptic activity may start
bidirectional signalling between neurons and
astrocytes serving a physiological modulatory
function (arrows indicate the communication Astrocytes
modes defined in Figure 2). Microglial cells,
the brain resident macrophages responsible Activated
for local immunosurveillance, are quiescent microglia
and have sparse distribution. (b) When a local
inflammatory reaction is triggered in the brain Neurons
(as it may occur, for example, in Alzheimers
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
disease or in the AIDS neuropathology),
microglial cells converge to the site of injury,
become activated and start releasing a an expanded range of propagation of calcium Ca2+-dependent glutamate release from
number of mediators, notably inflammatory waves, that now involves a higher number of astrocytes is strongly potentiated in the
cytokines such as interleukins (IL)-1 and IL-6 cells (in pale yellow, with respect to pink presence of activated microglia, which
and tumour-necrosis factor- (TNF-), that inactive cells) (data from [48]). If more apparently acts through TNF-. Deranged
alter profoundly the properties of astrocytes. astrocytes undergo [Ca2+]i elevation, more glia-to-neuron glutamate signalling eventually
Consequently, the neuronglial signalling sites of transmitter release and glia-to-neuron leads to reduced viability of the surrounding
might be perturbed. For instance, astrocytes signalling are likely to be activated than in neurons (P Bezzi, M Domercq et al.,
exposed to IL-1 respond to stimulations with normal conditions. Indeed, we report that unpublished data).

Finally, Newman and Zahs [34] found that activation of junctional proteins are observed [48,49]. Moreover, calcium
retinal glial cells (astrocytes and Mller cells) in the rat wave transmission is potentiated after upregulating P2-recep-
eyecup preparation modulates neuronal firing activity tor-mediated, ATP-dependent signalling. In turn, P2 receptor
evoked by light in the ganglion cell layer, causing inhibi- activation enhances cytokine signalling, with the possible
tion in most cases, excitation in a few cases. Inhibition is start of an amplifying cycle [50]. Through this mechanism,
likely to be mediated by inhibitory interneurons stimulated inflammation may cause a perturbed transmission of data
by glutamate released from the glial cells. from glial networks to neuronal circuits (Figure 3).

Collectively, the experimental work of the past few years Work in our own laboratory reinforces this idea. We have
provides a strong experimental basis for asserting that found that Ca2+-dependent glutamate signalling between
glial cells are integral and active components of the func- astrocytes and neurons is potently amplified in the
tional brain network. However, the specific roles that glia presence of inflammatory microglia, leading to excitotoxic
have in different types of activity and circuits remain to neuronal damage. Again, an inflammatory cytokine,
be established. tumour-necrosis factor-, is implicated in the pathological
switch (P Bezzi, M Domercq et al., unpublished data).
Network alterations in pathology
Appreciation that brain activity involves interactive sig- Altered glial network properties may have an important
nalling between neurons and glia opens new perspectives pathological role in cerebral ischemia, and may contribute
for understanding the pathogenesis of brain diseases. Thus, to the secondary amplification of cell injury. Apparently,
glial alterations in pathology might turn out to have a more astrocyte gap-junction channels remain open during
profound impact on the functionality of the associated neu- ischemia [51], providing a linking pathway between dying
ronal circuits than previously thought and, in some cases, astrocytes in the core of an evolving infarct and the sur-
even to be the primary cause of the neuropathology (for a rounding, potentially viable, cells. Indeed, an elegant study
recent demonstration, see [46]). In this light, brain inflam- by Lin et al. [52] shows that pro-apoptotic death signals
mation is known to cause major changes in glial cells, can spread trans-cellularly through the open gap-junctions.
particularly in astrocytes and microglia; however, the
impact that such changes have on the functional relations of Neuronglia coupling and imaging of the
glial cells between themselves and with neurons has not active brain
been explored. Recent work addresses this issue. Normal brain function relies on the balance between ener-
gy-requiring activity and metabolic supply. Recent data
Not only inflammation is found to produce profound alter- indicate that the two processes are tightly coupled and the
ations in the intimate structural relations between neurons cycling of the neurotransmitter glutamate through astro-
and astrocytes [47], but also the glial network properties are cytes is a pivotal element in this coupling. Most glycolytic
modified in the presence of inflammatory cytokines such as glucose consumption in the brain occurs in astrocytes,
interleukin-1. Coordinated changes in the expression of which subsequently export lactate to neurons as a substrate
392 Signalling mechanisms

for oxidative metabolism (for recent data, see [53,54]). By models and technology approaches that allow the integrat-
contrast, glutamate released from synapses is primarily ed recording of neuronal and glial activities, as well as the
taken up into the astrocytes, where it is converted to gluta- dissection of their causal interrelations.
mine and, as such, returned to neurons. On the basis of
these observations, Pellerin and Magistretti [55] proposed a Update
model in which astrocytic glucose consumption is directly Extending their previous observations [60], Barres and
coupled to uptake of synaptic glutamate into astrocytes. co-workers [61] have recently documented another sur-
Such a model implies that glia-to-neuron energy supply is a prising function of glia in its integration with the neuronal
function of the level of ongoing synaptic activity. 13C NMR circuitry: the control of the number of synaptic contacts
spectroscopy studies in the cortex of living rats and humans that neuronal cells make with each other. The authors
has confirmed the validity of this model [56]. Moreover, a show that the astrocyte signals (yet to be identified) not
1:1 stoichiometry has been determined between astrocytic only increase the number of mature functional synapses on
glucose consumption and glutamate uptake, which central nervous system neurons in vitro, but also are neces-
indicates that astrocyte glycolysis is almost exclusively sary for maintaining an efficient synaptic connectivity.
driven by glutamate cycling [56,57]. These findings raise the possibility that glial cells play an
active role in synaptic plasticity phenomena.
The above conclusions have major implications for brain
imaging studies. Recent techniques such as positron-emis- Two recent studies [62,63] provide evidence supporting
sion tomography and functional magnetic resonance the existence of additional pathways leading to activation
imaging allow to see the brain at work and to identify the of astrocyte signalling and neuronglia integration by
areas activated by specific tasks. These techniques do not synaptic transmitters. Such pathways would be sustained
detect brain activity directly, but rather measure signals by dopamine in the pre-frontal cortex and acetylcholine in
that reflect brain energy consumption. The revealed stoi- the hippocampus, acting through astrocyte dopamine D2
chiometric coupling between synaptic activity and glucose and cholinergic nicotinic receptors, respectively.
consumption indicates, however, that signals monitored in
functional imaging indirectly contain quantitative informa- Acknowledgements
tion on neuronal activity. More precisely, they quantitate Our work is supported by grants from the European Community
(QLK6-CT-1999-02203), Ministero dellUniversita e Ricerca Scientifica e
brain excitation that is, the overall activity of excitatory Tecnologica of Italy (MURST, Co-finanziamento 2000-01), and Istituto
synapses, given that brain inhibition is significantly less Superiore di Sanit of Italy (II Progetto Nazionale AIDS, 2/246).
energy demanding [58].
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termed glial microdomains. Single microdomains wrapping around one or
few synapses respond to synapse stimulation with localised [Ca2+]i rises. 30. Scemes E, Suadicani SO, Spray DC: Intercellular communication in
This is the first demonstration of independent subcellular units in glial cells, spinal cord astrocytes: fine tuning between gap-junctions and P2
which may support autonomous interactions with the surrounding neurons. nucleotide receptors in calcium wave propagation. J Neurosci
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15. Kang J, Jiang L, Goldman SA, Nedergaard M: Astrocyte-mediated
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in activity-dependent modulation of GABAergic synapses in the hippocampus
in situ. Repetitive interneuronal firing elicits a GABAB-receptor-mediated eleva- 32. Bezzi P, Carmignoto G, Pasti L, Vesce S, Rossi D, Lodi Rizzini B,
tion of [Ca2+]i in surrounding astrocytes, which in turn potentiates inhibitory Pozzan T, Volterra A: Prostaglandins stimulate calcium-dependent
transmission (via released glutamate), resulting in a decreased probability of fail- glutamate release in astrocytes. Nature 1998, 391:281-285.
ures in spike-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic currents in CA1 pyramidal neurons. This study reveals new properties of the calcium-dependent glutamate
release process of astrocytes, notably its dependence on prostaglandin for-
16. Dzubay JA, Jahr CE: The concentration of synaptically released mation and its sensitivity to an exocytosis blocker, tetanus neurotoxin.
glutamate outside of the climbing fiber-Purkinje cell synaptic
Moreover, it shows in hippocampal slices that this release is triggered by
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stimulation of astrocyte glutamate receptors (mGluRs and AMPARs) and
By using the AMPA receptor current response in Bergmann glia to stimula-
results in activation of the neuronal receptors. On the basis of these findings
tion of climbing fibers, and comparing the increase in its amplitude produced
by cyclothiazide with the shift in the glutamate doseresponse curve mea- and the complementary observations in [4], the authors propose for the first
sured in excised patches, the authors estimate the extrasynaptic glutamate time the existence of a glutamatergic bidirectional communication system
concentration and confirm that the sphere of influence of synaptically between neurons and astrocytes in situ.
released glutamate can extend beyond the cleft and include glial cells. 33. Bezzi P, Gravaghi C, Grohovaz F, Volterra A: Soc Neurosci Abs 1999,
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18. Rochon D, Rousse I, Robitaille R: Synapse-glia interactions at the In the rat eyecup preparation, mechanically stimulated calcium waves in
mammalian neuromuscular junction. J Neurosci 2001, in press. astrocytes and Mller cells reach the neurons of the ganglion cell layer and
modify (in general, inhibit) their firing activity evoked by light. Inhibition is
19. Rouach N, Glowinski J, Giaume C: Activity-dependent neuronal counteracted by both GABA and glutamate receptor antagonists, suggest-
control of gap-junctional communication in astrocytes. J Cell Biol ing that it depends on activation of inhibitory interneurons by glial glutamate
2000, 149:1513-1526. release. This is the first demonstration that glial cells modulate neuronal
activity in the retina.
20. Atkins CM, Sweatt JD: Reactive oxygen species mediate activity-
dependent neuronglia signaling in output fibers of the 35. Parpura V, Haydon PG: Physiological astrocytic calcium levels
hippocampus. J Neurosci 1999, 19:7241-7248. stimulate glutamate release to modulate adjacent neurons. Proc
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glutamate during calcium signaling in cultured astrocytes. In cultured neuronastrocyte microislands, flash photolysis of a calcium
J Neurosci 2000, 20:1800-1808. cage is used to obtain controlled intracellular calcium elevations specifically
This study for the first time images extracellular glutamate flow and explores the in the astrocytes. Very moderate calcium rises, highly compatible with eleva-
spatial nature of calcium-dependent glutamate release from cultured astro- tions observed in response to endogenous mediators, are shown to trigger
cytes. In response to the mechanical stimulation of an astrocyte, glutamate is glutamate release with ensuing neuromodulation.
released regeneratively in the astrocytic network and its wave of release prop- 36. Pasti L, Zonta M, Pozzan T, Vicini S, Carmignoto G: Cytosolic
agates at a rate corresponding to the rate of progression of calcium waves.
calcium oscillations in astrocytes may regulate exocytotic release
22. Wang Z, Haydon PG, Yeung ES: Direct observation of calcium- of glutamate. J Neurosci 2001, 21:477-484.
independent intercellular ATP signaling in astrocytes. Anal Chem Using an elegant in vitro approach, the authors provide evidence that intra-
2000, 72:2001-2007. cellular calcium oscillations in astrocytes represent a frequency code trig-
gering pulsatile events of glutamate release. The kinetics of the resulting
23. Newman EA: Propagation of intercellular calcium waves in retinal NMDA receptor-dependent currents in sniffer cells are compatible with
astrocytes and Mller cells. J Neurosci 2001, 21:2215-2223. quantal release events.
By imaging internal calcium changes and extracellular ATP flow (for the first
time in situ), the author analyses the signalling mechanisms underlying glial 37. Araque A, Li N, Doyle RT, Haydon PG.: SNARE protein-dependent
calcium waves in the retina. Two distinct mechanisms are identified: through glutamate release from astrocytes. J Neurosci 2000, 20:666-673.
394 Signalling mechanisms

38. Maienschein V, Marxen M, Volknandt W, Zimmermann H: A plethora 50. Liu JSH, John GR, Sikora A, Lee SC, Brosnan CF: Modulation of
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39. Calegari F, Coco S, Taverna E, Bassetti M, Verderio C, Corradi N,
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40. Araque A, Parpura V, Sanzgiri RP, Haydon PG: Glutamate-
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10:2129-2142. propagation and amplification of cell injury. Nat Neurosci 1998,
This study provides the first indication that selective stimulation of astrocytes 1:494-500.
in mixed cultures induces modulatory effects in neighbouring neurons. A glu- This work makes the innovative proposal that deranged glial gap-junctional
tamate-dependent slow inward current in resting neurons, and a reduction in communication is a pathway for trans-cellular spread of pro-apoptotic sig-
the magnitude of excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic currents during nals and for secondary amplification of cell injury in cerebral ischemia. The
evoked synaptic transmission are observed, the latter dependent on activa- authors observe that glioma cells, made highly resistant to a wide range of
tion of inhibitory mGluRs. insults by overexpression of the antiapoptotic gene bcl2, are killed by the
41. Araque A, Sanzgiri R, Parpura V, Haydon PG: Calcium elevation in same insults when they are artificially coupled with cells vulnerable to the
astrocytes causes an NMDA receptor-dependent increase in the insults rather than among themselves.
frequency of miniature synaptic currents in cultured hippocampal 53. Schurr A, Miller JJ, Payne RS, Rigor BM: An increase in lactate
neurons. J Neurosci 1998, 18:6822-6829. output by brain tissue serves to meet the energy needs of
Complementary to [40], by the same authors, this study focuses on the glutamate-activated neurons. J Neurosci 1999, 19:34-39.
modulatory effect of astrocytes on spontaneous synaptic transmission.
Astrocyte stimulation enhances the probability of transmitter release at both 54. Poitry S, Poitry-Yamate C, Ueberfeld J, MacLeish PR, Tsacopoulos M:
excitatory and inhibitory synapses, via glutamate release and activation of Mechanisms of glutamate metabolic signaling in retinal glial
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42. Mothet J-P, Parent AT, Wolosker H, Brady RO Jr, Linden DJ, Ferris CD, 55. Pellerin L, Magistretti PJ: Glutamate uptake into astrocytes
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the glycine site of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. Proc Natl activity to glucose utilization. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1994,
Acad Sci USA 2000, 97:4926-4931. 91:10625-10629.
This study supports a role for D-serine as physiological ligand of the NMDA
receptor glycine site. Selective degradation of D-serine with D-amino acid oxi- 56. Sibson NR, Dhankhar A, Mason GF, Rothman DL, Behar KL,
dase attenuates NMDA receptor-mediated neurotransmission an effect Shulman RG: Stoichiometric coupling of brain glucose
reversed by exogenously applied D-serine. Because the same group previous- metabolism and glutamatergic neuronal activity. Proc Natl Acad
ly showed that D-serine is synthesised in astrocytes and released on activation Sci USA 1998, 95:316-321.
of glutamate receptors, the present data imply that neuronglia cross-talks Combined 13C NMR spectroscopy measurement of 13C label flux from glu-
during excitatory transmission may finely tune NMDA receptor function. tamate to glutamine and from glucose into glutamate in the rat cortex in vivo,
provides the first evidence that excitatory neurotransmission and glucose
43. Wolosker H, Blackshaw S, Snyder SH: Serine racemase: a glial
metabolism in the living brain are coupled with an approximate 1:1 stoi-
enzyme synthesizing D-serine to regulate glutamate N-methyl-D-
chiometry. This evidence indicates that brain activation studies, which map
aspartate neurotransmission. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1999,
cortical glucose metabolism, provide a quantitative measure of synaptic
glutamate release.
44. Robitaille R: Modulation of synaptic efficacy and synaptic
depression by glial cells at the frog neuromuscular junction. 57. Shen J, Petersen KF, Behar KL, Brown P, Nixon TW, Mason GF,
Neuron 1998, 21:847-855. Petroff OA, Shulman GI, Shulman RG, Rothman DL: Determination
This study elegantly demonstrates the neuromodulatory role of Schwann cells of the rate of the glutamate/glutamine cycle in the human brain
in an intact tissue preparation. The author shows that synaptic depression by in vivo 13C NMR. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1999, 96:8235-8240.
induced by high-frequency stimulation at the neuromuscular junctions, rather 58. Waldvogel D, van Gelderen P, Muellbacher W, Ziemann U, Immish I,
then being an inherent neuronal adaptive phenomenon, involves activation of Hallett M: The relative metabolic demand of inhibition and
perisynaptic Schwann cells and a feedback signal from these to the presy- excitation. Nature 2000, 406:995-998.
naptic fiber. Thus, the onset of synaptic depression is prevented by injecting
specifically in the Schwann cell a blocker of G-protein-mediated signalling. 59. Magistretti PJ, Pellerin L, Rothman DL, Shulman RG: Energy on
demand. Science 1999, 283:496-497.
45. Thomas S, Robitaille R: Differential frequency-dependent The authors propose the exploitation of stoichiometric coupling between
regulation of transmitter release by endogenous nitric oxide at
energy-requiring (excitatory) synaptic activity and energy metabolism in order
the amphibian neuromuscular synapse. J Neurosci 2001, in press.
to incorporate quantitative neurobiological information of brain function,
46. Brenner M, Johnson AB, Boespflug-Tanguy O, Rodriguez D, implicit in positron-emission tomography or functional magnetic resonance
Goldman JE, Messing A: Mutations in GFAP, encoding glial fibrillary imaging studies, into psychological studies of cognition and behaviour.
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47. Fitch MT, Doller C, Combs CK, Landreth GE, Silver J: Cellular and
molecular mechanisms of glial scarring and progressive 61. Ulliam EM, Sapperstein SK, Christopherson KS, Barres BA: Control
cavitation: in vivo and in vitro analysis of inflammation-induced of synapse number by glia. Science 2001, 291:657-661.
secondary injury after CNS trauma. J Neurosci 1999, 19:182-198. This elegant study compares the synaptic properties of retinal ganglion cells
cultured in the absence and in the presence of astrocytes. By use of quan-
48. John GR, Scemes E, Suadicani SO, Liu JSH, Charles PC, Lee SC, tal analyses, FM1-43 imaging, immunostaining and electron microscopy, the
Spray DC, Brosnan CF: IL-1 differentially regulates calcium wave authors show that astrocytes significantly increase the total number of
propagation between primary human fetal astrocytes via synaptic contacts per neuron and their efficiency by promoting a number of
pathways involving P2 receptors and gap junction channels. Proc presynaptic and postsynaptic changes, including aggregation and co-local-
Natl Acad Sci USA 1999, 96:11613-11618. ization of presynaptic and postsynaptic proteins into synaptic puncta.
This study evaluates the impact of the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 on Removal of the astrocytes reverses these effects, revealing that not only
the transmission of glial calcium waves in cultured astrocytes. This cytokine induction but also maintenance of efficient synaptic contacts is under the
potentiates transmission by enhancing expression of P2 purinergic receptors, control of glial signals.
while downregulating connexins. This finding indicates for the first time that
alterations in the processing of information at the glial level might be patho- 62. Khan ZU, Koulen P, Rubinstein M, Grandy DK, Goldman-Rakic PS: An
logically relevant in diseases involving brain inflammation, such as multiple astroglia-linked dopamine D2-receptor action in prefrontal cortex.
sclerosis, Alzheimers disease, HIV-1 neuropathology and cerebral ischemia. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001, 98:1964-1969.
49. Duffy HS, John GR, Lee SC, Brosnan CF, Spray DC: Reciprocal 63. Sharma G, Vijayaraghavan S: Nicotinic cholinergic signaling in
regulation of junctional proteins claudin-1 and connexin-43 by hippocampal astrocytes involves calcium-induced calcium
in primary human fetal astrocytes. J Neurosci 2000,
interleukin-1 release from intracellular stores. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001,
20:RC114. 98:4148-4153.

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