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Davld $antos
<kappakairi@gmai Lcorn>

(rKappa: hey
Gun Mage: hmmm?
SKappa: just worried about us getting rid of Kevin

SKappa: have you read the operating agreement for AFK? are you sure we can do this?
Gun Maga im worried about a lot more than that
SKappa: I've been talking to Tyler, and Tyler agrees Kevin is useless. But he's read the operating

agreement and there doesn't seem to be any loophole, or anything easy 10 get rid of him. And Kevin has

already caught on about things changing.

Gun Mage: lf brad does it right
Gun Mage: theres a very big loophole
Gun Mage: brads dumb and I doni give a fuck anymore
SKappa: Basically Kevin is gathering ammunition against us, so we need to fix things. Unless we are

100% certain we can Eet out r:f it unscathed.

OKappa: l'm worried Brad, never added ihe ioophole. Are you sure he did?
Gun Mage: he didnt need to add it it was always there
Gun Mage brads jurit an idiot
Gun Mage: he wont be happy until he sinks this
Gun Mage: like he sank the nacl
Gun Mage: so i really dont care
Gun Mage: im avoiding afk work wise for the next month or so
$Kappa: we all care though, and a lot of us are noticing that BracJ isn't doing things the correct away
OKappa: correct way*
Gun Mage: brad's doing things like he always does
Gun Mage: he tells everyone io shut up when he cant make a good decsion or take responsiblity
Gun Mage: so, i dont care anymore
Gun Mage: this new
Gun Mage: I built all of this
Gun Mage: bullshit
OKappa: We need you though.
Gun Mage: lisa and erica have him believing
Gun Mage: isnt worth my time
ftKappa: You are the only one in Bnet that can stand up to him.
Gun Mage; I cant tliough
OKappa: i was reading the operating agreement, Who the fuck are the 2 managers of the NACL?

OKappa: Brad and Lisai

Gun Mage: Yep
SKappa: The paper I signed doesn't state at all who the 2 managers are....

&Kappa: ALSO there has been a lot of things that are in direct violation of the operating agreement.
Gun Mage: cause brad and lisa never wanted the fact they revoked my rights to get on paper
Gun Mage: just in case i decided to flle an injunction against bradley
Gun Mage; for not iacting in the best interest in the company
SKappa: For example, Johnny A getting a percentage in the company requires a UNANIMOUS vote of all

the members (not managers).

Gun Mage which he isnt doing
OKappa: I never voted or signed off on it...

OKappa: so WTF

fiKappa: it says in the operating agreement

Gun Mage: brad just twists everything
(tKappa: New members require unanimous vote
Gun Mage: thats what he does
Gun Mage: i know
Gun Maga i dont hiave voting rights
Gun Mage: which is vrhy i always force tltings into votes
OKappa: but the new member thing doesn'i need a voting right.

SKappa: ltls member based

Gun Mage: iis all convoluied and he has no clue what hes doing
SKappa: very aparent

*Kappa: to Tyler, Nick and I

Gun Mage: but hes "getting organized"

Gun Mage: after all
Gun Mage: "he buili the entire company himseJf'
Gun Mage: kevin and dave and noone did anything
Gun Mage: but him
Gun Mage: at least when im at fry's
Gun Mage: occassionally i get recognized for saving the business millions of dollars
Gun Mage: even if irn nto paid shit for it
OKappa: I think we need to talk this out. lts very clear that Brad isn't using his power right. THere has to

be a way 1o fix this, establish a check and balance systern.

OKappa: He can't be making all the calls, if he's not doing them right.
Gun Mage: I honestly dont care anymore
Gun Mage: ive been campaigning for this to be run correcfly
Gun Mage: since the start
Gun Mage: and ive only taken flack for it
Gun Mage: so I really dont care anymore
fiKappa: but now you literalty have everyone on your side
Gun Mage: I want it to fail
Gun Mage: I want this to fail now
Gun Mage: Thats how fucking underappreciated and I told you so
OKappa: it's going to fail if we don't act soon
Gun Mage: ive become
OKappa: Kevin is setting up his guns and ammo against us,
Gun Mage: naa brad's got this all under control, he built this entire thing himself!
OKappa: Hes getting ready to hit us with embezlentenl,
Gun Mage: I'd love to see that
OKappa: Brad literally broke the AFK operating agreement, and created brand new accounts without the

majority vote of Tyler, Kevin, and Brad.

SKappa: Took the rnoney without saying anything.

SKappa: IHey have a case there.

Gun Mage: AFK never owned anything
Gun Mage: so no
Gun Mage: he doesnt
Gun Mage: NACL owned the business and the building and the lease and the property rights
SKappa; are you sure?
Gun Mage; afk is literally a property managmenet company
SKappa; They owned the business plan though.
Gun Mage: No they didnt
Gun Maga nick and brad did
Gun Mage: as the nacl
*Kappa: Tyler is saving things very differently.
Gun Mage: Kevin and Tyler had an idea
flKappa: ANd it doesn't sound like that on paper.
Gun Mage: which ihey didnt copyright
Gun Mage: didnt trademark
Gun Mage: dldnt do anything with
Gun Mage; they made a kickstarter
Gun Mage: openly announcing their plans
Gun Mage: so somone grabbed their trademark and coppyright immediately
Gun Mage: the problem is
Gun Mage: on paper
Gun Mage: AFK esports is a worthless subsidiary
Gun Mage: of the NIiCL
Gun Mage: brad has thenr by the balls there
SKappa: are you sure?

GKappa; The only reason I ask this is...

f.)Kappa: Brad has the track reeord of keeping things secret from all of us and from you,
Gun Mage: if brad didnt fuck up the bank account naming structure
OKappa: Have you read all these papers? is my question?
Gun Mage: which I hope to god he didnt
Gun Mage: no i haveni read shit
Gun Mage: I dont trust shit
SKappa: See that's what l'm worried about.
Gun Mage: brads fucked it allto hell
OKappa: lf you haven't read this, I think Brad told you one thing and signed a different agreement.
Gun Mage: and lm jusl laughing as ii explodes
Gun Mage:ldidnttake any of thisfrom brad
Gun Mage: if brad s,tructured this
Gun Mage: like dave and i wrote him
Gun Mage: 2 years ago
Gun Mage; kevin and tyler have nothing
Gun Mage: but I know for a fact
Gun Mage: lisa would have told brad it doesnt mean fuck
Gun Mage: and honestiy kevin could get brad and nick on embezzlement
Gun Mage: the moment nick was allowed to write checks
Gun Mage: same with kevin
Gun Mage: it became embezzlement
Gun Mage: Afk is fucked
Gun Mage: because brad is a dumbass
OKappa: yea they seem to think they have a case, according to the operaating aggreemnet
Gun Mage: of afk esports
Gun Mage: the problem is the business
Gun Mage: was sold to the NACL
Gun Mage: that's where they dont have a case
Gun Mage: and I know that one was done correctly
*Kappa: Can you keep this between us for now? Can we meet to talk this out? Tyler and Nick and I want
ot figure this out.
Gun Mage: thats the only one I know was done correctly
Gun Mage: i knowthat one was done
Gun Mage: cause the ABC
Gun Mage: is in the NACL's name
Gun Mage: and the husiness permits
Gun Mage: are for the nacl
Gun Mage: remember 4 months ago
Gun Mage: where i kept raging at brad
Gun Mage: to figure out where afk begins
aKappa: ya
Gun Mage: and the nacl ends
Gun Mage: this is why
Gun Mage: Right here
Gun Mage: once again
OKappa: lt's all a convoluted mess right now.

SKappa: lt really is
Gun Mage: no shit
SKappa: I know you did. But we're literally powerless against Brad in bnet,
OKappa: lf you don't have the vote, how come you anrj I voted on the Heroes team?
Gun Mage; i didnt vote
Gun Mage: you did
Gun Mage: =P
Gun Mage: brads a dumbass
SKappa: but hovy can my vote trump his?
Gun Mage: it doesnt
Gun Mage: he abstained from the vote
Gun Mage: by not voting on monday
Gun Mage: I called a vote
Gun Mage: brad didnt vote
Gun Mage: i knew l're wouldnt
SKappa: lol ^_^
Gun Mage: cause he has 50 oiher things thai he cant keep track of
f}Kappa: you're a genius
Gun Mage: not really or i could fix this
Gun Mage: im a businessman
Gun Mage: iwas raised by 3 shrewd assholes
QKappa: well in that instance, that was pretty smart

OKappa: lol
Gun Mage: lf i still had any control
Gun Mage: I would have filed an injunction
Gun Mage: when brad couldnt figure out whats afk's and whats the nacls
QKappa: thing is
siKappa: we could basically tell Brad, he either changes the power structure or we leave. We give him an


ffKappa: he can't run this by himself

Gun Mage; oh course he can
Gun Mage; said so himself
Gun Mage: he built it all
Gun Mage: him and eric
Gun Mage: erica
Gun Maget !
OKapF: i know itls complete bullshit
Gun M6ge anyway ima heaad towards afk i have to meet a friend for dinner around san pedro, your
welcome to join if you want
Gun Mage: thats the issue
Gun Mage its always been bullshit
Gun Mage: you guys should have known ti uas fucked when brad hid for 2 months
Gun Mage: cau$e he got mocked in a skype chat
Gun Mage: for not taking responsihlitlr
OKappa: yea i hear you

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