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Infinite love

God's love is infinite as ours must be to Him. This is in harmony

with our nature: "we are either head, or we are body," "we are the
leader or one of the mass," "rebel or submissive." Even atheists
should unfortunate the lack of a guide, a material or spiritual king.
Someone that we may follow. Someone, who could offer us even
though remotely a salvation but as civilized beings we must
accept other ways of thinking:

(Who needs to be guided by a preacher can only have the

intelligence of a sheep)

(Believing is easier than thinking. That's the reason there are

more believers.)
(There is no belief, no matter how absurd, that it does not win
faithful followers who defend it to the death)

There are those who think that God was invented by man:

(Daddy, does God exist?) (Not yet)

(During the primitive stage of the spiritual evolution of the human genus, the
fantasy of men create gods in their own image)
(Man, in his pride, created to God in his image and likeness)
The image of Jesus was created with the Nordic pattern:

But now it is believed that the most likely face was thus:
The man so loves being likeness to Jesus that shows Joseph jealous:

(The Boy is growing and needs shoes)

(Well ... let Holy Spirit buy them)
(Ah!, Jose: Get over it already)

Perhaps it was invention because today it is still believed as in five thousand

different gods, but you do not worry, only the one yours is real:
Worshiping God as long as possible and trying to fulfill all his teachings, which
were written by sinners, which gave rise to the sacred books, is the small and
narrow door to salvation. But you have to keep in mind that

You will always have two options: (If you want to save your son from polio,
you can pray or you can vaccinate him against polio ...)
More than for your work or your sins, doubt condemns you:
(Let's see ... here it says that you were a mother,
an environmentalist, you helped the vagabonds,
you were a teacher, kind, humble, blood donor ...) (... you gave food to the
poor, you helped the olders, the sick and the eras ... ATEA ?!)


But you will always have the opportunity to be saved:
Our intrinsic competitiveness makes us doubt everything:
(And if there were a God, I think it would be unlikely that he would have such
vanity to be uncomfortable as to feel offended by those who ... DOUBT FROM

What most doubts provoke is the "big sack" of the God purposes:
Those who suffer rebel themselves:
(If God loves the poor HOW IT WOULD BE IF HE WOULD HATE THEM!)

(God is cruel because man invented Him.)

Or God wants to abolish evil and cannot, either can and does not want, or
cannot and does not want.
If he wants to but cannot, he is powerless.
If he can but does not want, he is evil.
But if God can and wants to abolish evil then why is there so much evil in the

Then, devilish ideas are confronted with the teaching of religious with
courage, dedication and devotion:
Other Christians, who oppose Catholicism and are atheists to their saints, as
well as others, criticize the historical participation of this Church, e.g.:

(When they came, they had the Bible and we had the earth. And they told us,
close your eyes and pray.
When we opened our eyes, we had the Bible and they had the earth.)

(If you think that the colonizers evangelized us with a message of peace and
love to the neighbor ... you have not studied American History.)
Although in favor of Catholics, there was a bishop who promulgated worthy
pastors, before an unscrupulous tyranny, who used the sciences, to find
weaknesses in that man who believed himself strong, he was corrupted,
engraved and blackmailed him:

Pope Francisco has also been widely criticized in relation to Venezuela:

(Hypocrite, you do not see that to Venezuela these bandits of the regime have
sunk it in the misery)

(You have always been partners in crime of dictatorships and opportunistic

negotiators of Satan.)
But we always have the opportunity to enter the glory (with or without the 72
virgins), but do not neglect:
(I was about to let you in, but now that I look at here well ... you did not share
the Facebook image saying that you loved me ...)

Governments must be laymen because of the danger to fanaticism driven by

religious as well as socialist-communist dogmas:
(Anyone who has the power to make you believe idiocy, has the power to
make you commit injustices.)
The dogmas must be incorporated by Faith; Reasoning is a sacrilege:
(I do not feel compelled to believe that a God who would have endowed us
with intelligence, common sense, and reasoning, was intended to deprive us of
its use)

The following occurs with education from childhood, as with "madrasas"

sponsored by Saudi Arabia and others:

(Humans never do evil as completely and happily as when they do it for a religious

(When fanaticism has gangrened the brain, the disease is almost incurable)
Dogmas do not admit contrary ideas: "if you are not with the tyrant you are
with your enemy"; "If you are not with God you are with the devil". But those
who have no gods on earth or in heaven can be good people who raise their
children for the development and benefit of society.
(They asked Saramago: "How can men be good without God?"
He answered: "How can men be so bad having God?)

It is not necessary to believe in God to be a good person. In a way, the

traditional idea of God is not up to date. One can be spiritual but not religious.
It is not necessary to go to church and give money. For many, nature can be a
church. Some of the best people in history did not believe in God, while many
of the worst acts were done in His name.
Pope Francisco
(If people are good because they fear punishment and expect a reward, we are
indeed a regrettable group)

Happiness is a state of mind, regardless of beliefs, and has much to do with

(The fact that a believer can be happier than a skeptic is as true as saying that
the drunkard is happier than the sober man.)
One of the intellectual fathers of capitalism, the philosopher Voltaire, had
expressed that religion was necessary to control the masses, and also said:
(Atheism is the vice of a few intelligent people.)

In agreement:
(Every rational man is an atheist.)

(Religion is considered by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by
rulers as useful.)
The historical results have made many have expressed themselves thus:

(The pioneers and missionaries of religion have been the real cause of more
conflicts and wars than all other classes of mankind)

(At no point in history, nowhere in the planet, have religions served for
humane beings to approach one another. On the contrary, they have only
served to separate, to burn, to torture.)
(I do not believe in God and I do not need it. At least I'm safe to be not
intolerant. Atheists are the most tolerant people in the world ... I do not
believe in God, I do not need it and besides I am a good person.)

We were all human until religion

separated us, the politic divided us and
money classified us.
(I consider the brain to be a computer that stops working when its
components fail. There is no heaven or life after death for the computers that
stop working, what is a fairy tale of people who are afraid to the dark)

(Religions will continue attracting people as long as there is misery, war and
ignorance, because they provide something that science does not give:
consolation and illusion of security.)

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