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HW410 Stress: Critical Issues in

Management and Prevention

Management and

Program Resource


Stress Management and Prevention

Program Resource Guide


Danielle Dumont

Kaplan University

HW410: Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention

August 11, 2015

Table of Contents

Information to Remember........................................................................4
Self-Assessment Exercises.......................................................................4
Journal Writing......................................................................................4-5


Information to Remember........................................................................6
Self-Assessment Exercises.......................................................................6
Journal Writing......................................................................................6-7


Information to Remember........................................................................8
Self-Assessment Exercises.......................................................................8
Journal Writing......................................................................................8-9


Information to Remember......................................................................10
Self-Assessment Exercises................................................................10-11
Journal Writing..................................................................................11-13


Information to Remember......................................................................14
Journal Writing..................................................................................14-15



Information to Remember......................................................................16
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................16
Journal Writing..................................................................................16-18


Information to Remember......................................................................19
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................19

Information to Remember......................................................................20
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................20
Journal Writing..................................................................................20-21



Information to Remember......................................................................22



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Unit 1: The Nature of Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Stress affects nearly every human on the planet, and the last few years we have seen
a rise in anxiety. This can be related to changes in our economy, personal stresses, and the rise of
certain diseases. Stress has become synonymous with disease such as high blood pressure, heart
disease, and mental illness (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: In todays high stress world we see over 43% of adults suffering negative health
effects. According to an independent study conducted by the American Institute of Stress, 80% of
visits to a primary care provider are stress related. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Not all stress is bad; there are actually three different types. Eustress is positive
stress that creates good feelings, and a sense of wellbeing. Neustress is a neutral type of stress that
doesnt cause a positive or negative reaction. The third type of stress is distress, which is a negative
stress, and can be broken down into two subcategories. Acute which is short-term, and chronic, which
is longer term. (Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
The Unit 1 self-assessment exercise was discovering what makes up my own
wellbeing. This was accomplished by creating a mandala of the important aspects
of it. My mandala consisted of mental spiritual, physical and emotional. Finding
what is most important to me and how to improve these aspects was the purpose
of this exercise. Every one of us is different, and discovering our optimum
wellness was the end result of unit 1. (Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:
Unit One Journal Writing

Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: How Stressed Are You?
Directions are found on pages 11 and 12 of the Mindfulness workbook.
List the situation on the left. Use a rating scale of 1 through 10 for the
start, midway, and end. You will use this Journal Assignment as a way of
mapping your stress throughout the course. Keep it handy and refer back
to it often.

Situation Start Midway End

Client complaints about my employees 9
Training new employees 6
My bosss ever changing moods 9
Tension between co-workers 8
Finding time to complete school 8
Finding time to exercise 3
Spending time with my boyfriend & 5
Having to coach employees on various 7
issues at work
Planning events for work 8
My credit card debt, and the debt I am 7
amassing for school
My boyfriends car problems, and 5
finding the money to pay for them
Being short on employees, and having 8
to work extra hours
Losing 7 employees in the past month, 9
and having to soothe clients and staf
Coping with my mothers health 8
problems & worrying about her sobriety


(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).

Unit 2: The Physiology of Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Stress is not just mental; it is also physical, showing us that there is a link between
the emotional aspects of stress, and our physical responses to it. This shows us that the mind/body
connection is vitally important, and is why stress can cause disease. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: After decades of research of the human brain, it has been proven that we are
predisposed to stress. We have also learned that prolonged stress can negatively impact our brain
tissues, or cause atrophy. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Prolonged bouts of stress can negatively affect our immune system, which can lead
to various diseases. These diseases are placed into two categories, those that are created by an
overactive nervous system, and those that are created by an underperforming immune system.
(Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
The Unit 2 self-assessment exercise consisted of discovering the importance of
neuroscience and neuroplasticity, and how they relate to the brain. Neuroscience is
the study of the brain and the entire nervous system, and how it functions.
Neuroplasticity is the actual function of the brain, and is constantly changing.
Neuroscience is a complicated field of study because the brain is always changing.
We also learned about diseases that occur when the immune system is
compromised, including high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease and certain
types of cancer. These can all be a result of stress, which impacts our immune

system as well. When the immune system is compromised we are more susceptible
to colds, allergies, influenza, and Alzheimers disease (Seaward, 2015)

Journal Writing:
Unit Two Journal Writing Assignment
Complete the Journal Assignment entitled, Explore: How is stress or anxiety
affecting your life? Directions are found on pages 33 through 35 of the
Mindfulness workbook. Upon completion of this Assignment, you will take the
first step toward greater well-being and become aware of how stress is impacting
your life. This should be a minimum of two full pages.
How is stress or anxiety about people affecting your life?
I have anxiety about people most days, whether it is my family, co-workers or
clients. My stress has increased since December when my boss was diagnosed
with breast cancer, and her illness put more responsibility on me and the other
managers. Worrying about the business, and the decisions my boss has been
making while going through chemo has been first and foremost on my mind. She
has what is typically referred to as chemo brain, and her shifting moods have
been hard on the entire staff. This anxiety has trickled over into my personal life,
and has made me unpleasant to be around as I am edgy most of the time. I
havent been the best partner to my boyfriend, and hes had to pick up the slack
for me at home by cooking and cleaning. I also stress about how I am feeling
about my boss, as I have begun to resent her, and I feel I should be more
sympathetic to what she is going through. But part of me feels that she should
have taken a leave of absence while undergoing treatment.
How is stress or anxiety about work affecting your life?
I actually dont stress about my actual work, as I have been in the aesthetics
field for 8 years, and I feel confident about my skill level. Its the people that I
work with that cause most of my stress. I enjoy what I do, but at times being in a
stressful environment has made me enjoy it less. I want to be able to focus on just
taking care of my clients, but managing a large staff is also part of my job. I hate
to be a traitor to my gender, but women can be catty, and difficult in large
How is stress or anxiety about the world affecting your life?
I dont stress about what is going on in the world, I make a point to not watch
the news at this time. I dont want to add anything else to my plate. As awful as it
may sound, living in Maine I am far removed from much that is going on around
us. I live in a peaceful state, where violence is at a minimum.
How is stress or anxiety about food and eating habits affecting your life?
I usually dont stress about my eating habits too much, as I exercise 5-6 days
a week. But lately I have been stress eating a lot of desserts, and that worries me
that I might be negating all my hard work.

How is stress or anxiety about sleep and sleeplessness affecting your life?
I dont find myself stressing about sleep, though I do have trouble falling


asleep some nights. When I find myself having difficulties I usually try to focus on
the good things in my life, and that usually helps.
How is stress or anxiety about exercise or lack of physical activity affecting
your life?
This is one area where I dont stress about. I actually find that being
physically active helps reduce my stress.
I do know that this is a particularly stressful time in my life, between work and
school. I do believe once my boss is on the mend, my work stress will be reduced.
If I wasnt naturally prone to anxiety I dont think it would be so overwhelming. I
need to learn to let things that I cannot control go, and focus on areas where I
can implement change. Reading some of the advice of my classmates this week
on the discussion board has helped immensely. I am doing my best to be a better
person, be more sensitive to my boss, and learn to control my anxiety. (Stahl &
Goldstein, 2010).

Unit 3: Psychology of Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Self-love is an important part of our inner workings, and is imperative to get through
lifes hardships. Self-love is not possible unit one can fully accept who they are, and thus reach self-
actualization. Self-actualization is a person who is centered, and well balanced emotionally.
(Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: There are certain emotions that are connected to stress; joy, anger, and fear. Anger
and fear are connected, and are very similar, while anger stimulates the fight response, fear creates the
flight. Both can increase stress in the body, and if the body is in a constant state of flight or fight it can
begin to break down. It is important to face these emotions head on in order to be healthy
emotionally. (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: Todays technology has led to a breakdown of communication among heavy tech
users. This adds additional stress to our daily lives, as face to face communication becomes less and
less common. Communications skills to be effective must be used on a regular basis. (Seaward,

Self-Assessment Exercise:
The Tibetan culture shows us much about the mind and its connection to stress.
They believe that stress is simply our overly involved egos, and that by letting the
ego go, we can greatly reduce our everyday stressors. Our desire for
unobtainable objects leads to an overabundance of stress in our day to day lives,
by freeing our minds of our egos; we are able to find inner peace. We also learn
that our reliance on technology has increased our stress levels, and that we have
to set boundaries on our use of it in order to remain stress free. (Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:
Unit Three Journal Writing Assignment
Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: Five-Minute Mindful
Breathing and Bringing the Eight Attitudes of Mindfulness into Your Life.
Directions are found on pages 45 and 46 of the Mindfulness workbook.
Upon completion of this Assignment, you will begin to understand the
importance of making them a part of your daily life. See what changes
occur in relationships with yourself and others around you. This should
be a minimum of one full page.
Take some time to write about whatever you came up for you mentally,
emotionally, and physically when doing this practice for the first time.
I was very excited to try this assignment, as it seems to be a step in
the right direction for easing stress. I began by putting on a relaxing spa
station on Pandora, to try to drown out any outside noise. I felt very
relaxed, and calm before I even began, and was able to focus on just me.
At first I have a dificult time not amping up my breathing, but I kept
remembering the advice on just letting it occur naturally. I didnt want
this exercise to be stressful at all, and I was nervous that I would feel
pressure to be calm, and cause my breathing to increase. I kept following
the flow of my breath, and pictured light flowing in and out of my nose.
Similar to what I picture when I practice Reiki; the light is flowing down
my arms. Thoughts of work began to creep in, and the stress of my
workweek beginning. I tried to ignore it, and refocused on my breathing.
I found it dificult to not let my mind wander, but kept reminding myself
to stay focused on the exercise. I started thinking about the smoothie I
had for lunch, and all the vitamins that I had ingested. Sometimes
thinking of eating healthy, and exercise helps keep me focused on the
positive in my life, and I often do this before bed.

I decided to try the exercise a second time, as I was distracted the
first time around. I found that it was easier to focus on my breathing. I
felt very calm and relaxed, and was surprised that I could feel this way
with so many electronic devices going on around me. Its very dificult to
tune out the noises of the television, text messages going of, and my dog
playing. But I want this time just for me, and I refocus on my breathing
once again. I think about how strong one has to be to be able to focus on
just oneself, without guilt. Its hard when you are programmed to put
others first. I wish I could share this with my mother, and that she would
take the time to make herself healthy inside and out. I realize I dont
want to dwell on her problems anymore, and that its important that I
acknowledge that as an adult she can make her own choices. I again
focus on breathing, picturing light flowing in and out. I cant control
everything around me, only how I react to them. Thinking this helps ease
my stress. I finish the exercise, and feel ready for bed. I also feel
emotionally lighter.
This was a great beginner exercise for someone like me, who is just
beginning to think about meditation as part of my life. I plan on using
this at work, when I can grab a few minutes for myself, or if I need to
decompress after a dificult client. I like having something that is just for
me, but its not selfish in any way. It enhances what I have to ofer, by
strengthening my emotional calm, and better prepares me to assist
(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).

Unit 4: Personality Traits and the Human


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: There are many different personality types, some that are prone to stress, and those
who are resistant. We see a high concentration of stress in certain Type A personalities. Some that are
stress resistant are the hardy personality, and the sensation seeking personality. Personality is believed
to be something that we are born with, and is not impacted by our parents or peers. What can be
influenced by outside sources are our behaviors. Self-esteem is an important part of stress reduction
as those with low self-esteem attract stress more easily than those who have a higher self-esteem.
(Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Although stress is on the rise, we have seen more and more Americans seeking out
spirituality as a way to cope. Spirituality is hard to define as it represents something different to
almost everyone, but we can see a general connection to a higher power. This can be god, nature, or
some other deity. There are some parts of human spirituality that cannot be defined by mere science;
this is often thought of as mysticism. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Behavior modification is a method used to change a persons behaviors. Behaviors
that are most often to be modified are those that negatively affect the person. Most behavior
modification is to create a more assertive personality for the sufferer. The three types of personality
that we see are passive, aggressive, and assertive, with assertive by far being the most effective and
healthy of the three. (Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
Self-esteem is one of the most important aspects of reducing stress, and dictates
how we feel about ourselves. A person with high self-esteem usually is less
affected by stress, while low self-esteem sufferers are more prone to stress. Stress
can impact our personal and professional relationships, alter our values, and
change our purpose in life. Someone who is stressed about financial problems
may find themselves exhibiting behaviors such as stealing in order to reduce their
financial burden. This is behavior that may be out of the norm for the person

when the stressors are not present. We also look at Prochaskas Stages of Change
which shows us how a person modifies a behavior. The stages are 1.
Precontemplation stage, Contemplative stage, Determination stage, Action
stage, Maintenance stage, and Relapse stage (Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:
Unit Four Journal Writing Assignment
Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: Explore: Identifying Emotions in
the Body. Directions are found on pages 74 through 77 of the Mindfulness
workbook. Upon completion of this Assignment, practice taking a moment to
mindfully tune in to your body and discover any physical sensations associated
with strong emotions. This should be a minimum of three full pages.
FEAR: apprehension, anxiety, distress, edginess, jumpiness, nervousness,
panic, tenseness, uneasiness, worry, fright, feeling overwhelmed.
Currently I am feeling overwhelmed because I took most of the weekend off
from homework, and still have much to do. I can feel this mostly in my belly, its a
combination of apprehension, and nervousness. This will subside as soon as I get
started, I just hate leaving everything to the last minute, and it does more harm
than good for my emotions. Anxiety is something I feel daily, and this too comes
from my belly, and in my chest. Sometimes my heart flutters when I am very
anxious, and my stomach feels like something is churning in it. When I am very
anxious, I can be very jumpy as well, and my co-workers often make me jump
during the workday. To be fair this also happens when I am very focused on a
task, I have a tendency to tune everything out when I have a lot to accomplish.
When I am very nervous, or anxious, my hands and palms get cold and sweaty,
though not at this time. One of the emotions that really go along with anxiety is
worry, but I really am not much of a worrier. I always know that I will get my work
completed, whether it is for school, or my job. Its just the time management that
can make me anxious.
CONFUSION: bewildered, uncertain, puzzled, mystified, perplexed, chaotic,
foggy, or unaware.
I do relate to feeling foggy, especially if I have forgotten to take my medication.
My mind can feel like I am in a haze, almost like Ive has a stiff drink. For some
reason this happens most often when I am in the grocery store, or someplace like
Walmart. It almost feels like my brain is so overwhelmed it just shuts down. If I
am in a smaller store, or at Target it never happens. I have always attributed to
the fact that I hate Walmart, and am usually irritated when I have to shop there. I
of course have felt uncertain at many different times in my life, and I feel that
behind my knees, and in my fingers. Its almost like the restless leg feeling, a little
fluttery in those areas. I sometimes feel uncertain at my job, when I am working

on clients. I always strive to do my best, but I dont always know the best path, or
products to use for my clients. When this happens, I try to take a step back, and
reevaluate the situation. I can usually come up with a good plan to help the client
achieve their skincare goals. Overall confusion is not something I feel often, I am
usually very confident in the decisions I make, and usually have a good grasp on
whats going on around me.
ANGER: aggravation, agitation, annoyance, destructiveness, disgust, envy,
frustration, irritation, grouchiness, grumpiness, rage.
Many of the emotions under the anger heading are all that I experience,
sometimes daily. A lot of this stems from my anxiety, it puts me on edge, and I get
angry easily. Most of the time I feel these emotions in my chest, my jaw, and my
temples. I have a tendency to grit my teeth when I am irritated, and this causes
my teeth and jaw to hurt. I work very hard to keep this in check, and to not take
out my anxiety problems on those around me. One of the things I do is
immediately leave the room, and just take a second to breathe. If I can step away
for even a minute, I can often ease my annoyance, and talk myself down. I know
that the person I am directed this frustrations towards, hasnt done anything to
warrant it, its simply a symptom of my anxiety. One of the other things I have
done recently is to discuss these emotions with my loved ones, it makes it easier
for me to let go of them. I have explained to my boyfriend, that sometimes I just
need quite time, and that his chatter can set my nerves on edge, which leads to
anger. He has ADHD, so sometimes its difficult for him to just be still. Once we
were able to talk it through, it made the situation better for both of us, as I
stopped hurting his feelings, and he has tried to cut down on his talking.
SADNESS: alienation, anguish, despair, disappointment, gloom, grief,
hopelessness, insecurity, loneliness, misery, unhappiness, rejection.
I think we have all felt sadness at times, whether it is from something in our
lives, or reading a news story, or sometimes even watching a movie. This is one
set of emotions that I do not like to dwell on, as I think it does harm over time. I
have felt disappointment while applying for new jobs recently, and learning that
they have gone to someone else. This I feel in the pit of my belly, and feel much
the same as anxiety. I dont dwell on these emotions; I give myself time to process
through, but move on from them. Everyone has the right to feel sad at times, I
just dont want to live my life feeling depressed. I am currently very unhappy with
my job, its one area of my life that has been bad for some time now. I feel this in
my jaw, my chest, and my belly, and at times it can be overwhelming. I will admit,
its extremely hard to not dwell on these emotions, but I just take one day at a
time, and know that something better will come my way. I think of my clients who
depend on me, and focus on the good I can do for them. Disappointment is one I
experience a lot in my younger years, when my moms alcoholism was at its peak.
Disappointment I always felt in my belly, like a rock was just hanging out in there.
I learned to not let my happiness depend on her sobriety, and that helped alleviate
that emotion. Sometimes people are just not capable of keeping their promises,
and for your own sanity you have to let them be who they are. I know my mom

cant change that she has a disease, I just put her in a different category, and then
I would the people I know I can count on.
SHAME: guilt, embarrassment, humiliation, invalidation, regret, remorse,
Ugh, this is one section that I have felt often, and stems from how I have
treated people while I was anxious. I feel guilty when I treat someone poorly,
especially when the issue is mine. This I feel in my chest, it gets tight, and I can
also feel it in my face, which gets hot. Regret is another hard emotion, and one I
used to feel all the time, but not as much anymore. Since I have cut alcohol out of
my life, I do and say less that would make me feel that way. Alcohol can make
many of us loose lipped, and I have always hated waking up the next day
worrying about what might have been said. Embarrassment is hard, this I feel in
my face, and stomach. To deal with this, I usually try to laugh off whatever I may
have done, and focus on the fact that we all do silly things. I am not the first, nor
the last to feel embarrassment, and no one is perfect all the time. I think being
able to laugh at yourself, to not take yourself so seriously, is a great way to
overcome embarrassment.
LOVE: affection, arousal, attraction, caring, compassion, desire, fondness,
infatuation, kindness, liking, longing, warmth, sympathy, sentimentality.
Love has always been hard for me to express. I stopped telling my mom I loved
her many years ago, and it just kind of passed on to everyone else. I feel love, but
I will say I am icier than most people. Its what bothers my boyfriend the most
about me, as he is very loving, and affectionate. I just turned that side of myself
off, after so many years of being hurt by my mother, and disappointed by my
father. But when I do love someone, its for real, because its not something I do
easily, or casually. When I think of how lucky I am to have such a wonderful life
partner, I feel warmth, joy, desire, and attraction. This I feel all over and I am
smiling as I am typing this, because I know how much he means to me. Its funny
I was just explaining to him the other night, about why I have a hard time with
emotion, and he just gets it. It makes me love him even more. Arousal I feel
towards my partner, and sometimes for other men I see out and about. I enjoy this
feeling, and think its a healthy part of a relationship, just as much as the
emotional connection. I fully embrace this side of myself, and feel comfortable
talking about it, and acting on it.
JOY: amusement, bliss, contentment, eagerness, elation, enjoyment,
enthusiasm, excitement, exhilaration, hope, optimism, pleasure, satisfaction.

Is it bad that when I am thinking about these emotions, and feelings, that I am
thinking of food and sex? I love to laugh, and that I can feel in my face, belly,
hands and feet. I feel blissful when I am with my loved ones, or am eating a
fabulous meal. This can be an almost warming feeling all over my body, inside and
out. I feel enthusiasm for the life changes that may be ahead for me, and this I

feel in my belly. Hope is something I have been feeling a lot lately, as I am really
wishing for a new job. I feel this in my chest, and my face, and my hands.


Pleasure I feel all over, it comes from great food, great sex, or simply a great foot
rub. The same can be said for satisfaction, it often comes after something good,
like a job well done.


Overall I think this was a very cathartic exercise, and really helps one identify the
emotions we feel on a daily basis. It certainly made things clearer for me, and
forced me to take a hard look at myself. (Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).

Unit 5: Dealing with Stress: Coping Strategies

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Cognitive Restructuring is changing a perception of stimuli from a negative one to a
positive or neutral one. Negative thoughts can be traced back to childhood, and are often thought to
stem from parental feedback; this can be sources of guilt and shame. A four point system can be used
to shift from the negative to the positive; awareness, reappraisal of the situation, a new frame of mind,
and evaluate new frame of mind. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Humor Therapy is used to produce positive thoughts in the hopes of reversing
certain diseases, and mindsets. Humor is perceived differently by every individual and cannot be
pigeonholed. Humor helps us achieve emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Self-
parody is often thought of as the best humor to reduce stress, while sarcasm is thought to be the most
negative impacting. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: One of the key components of stress is time and money, and how we manage both.
By not planning out the best use of our time and money we often set ourselves up for increased stress,
which can be detrimental to our health. Money management is setting a budget and sticking to it, and
avoiding spending money that one does not have. The same can be said for time management, by

setting a time budget we are able to use our time wisely. One of the best ways to manage our time at
work is to delegate tasks to other co-workers. (Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:
Unit Five Journal Writing Assignment
Choose from either formal practice: Walking Meditation or Mindful Self-
Inquiry for Stress and Anxiety. Directions are found on either pages 58 through
60 or 119 through 121 of the Mindfulness workbook. Upon completion of either
practice, take a moment to reflect on whatever came up for you mentally,
emotionally, and physically. This should be a minimum of two full pages.
I decided to try the Mindful Self-Inquiry for Stress and Anxiety. I wanted to
see how the method would work in a place where I would normally have a ton of
anxiety. Over the weekend for the boyfriends birthday we went to a waterpark,
which as expected is full of children. I am not by any means a kid person, and
usually get annoyed being around a ton of kids. It was not the typical place to try
meditation, but I wanted to see if I could make it through the day calmly. I started
by lying on a lounge chair, the sun is shining, and the kids are screaming
(happily). But as I read through the assignment, I feel calm and not bothered at
all by the noise level. It all becomes background noise, and I just concentrate on
my breathing. I feel separate from all that is going on around me, but still
somehow part of the crowd. The sun has helped to lull me into a complete state of
relaxation. I scan my body to see if I am feeling any signs of distress, I find
nothing. My heart isnt fluttering, my stomach is relaxed, and my hands and feet
feel normal. There are not any signs of anxiety in my body, and again I feel very
relaxed. I am feeling extremely secure and joyful at the moment, especially
knowing how much fun my boyfriend is having, and how happy it has made him
that we are here. I am amazed that I do not feel any negative emotions; my
anxiety usually gives me a low tolerance, but not today. I scan my body and
emotions again, and all I am feeling is the hot sun on my skin. Its extremely hot,
and I can feel the beginnings of sunburn. I start thinking about my job at this
point, since I am in the skincare field, and this usually instantly fills me with
anxiety. I refocus on my breathing, and just focus on relaxing. I do not want work
to creep in on my day off, on a day that I am supposed to be celebrating my
boyfriends birthday. A little anxiety creeps up, but I remember what Ive read in
our workbook, about not worrying about the things I cant control. I cant control
how my boss acts, but I can control how I react to it. I continue to breath, and
slowly my anxiety subsides. I open my eyes, and look to my boyfriend lounging
next to me, he looks so happy, and that makes me happy. I focus on how
wonderful it is to be outside in the sunshine, how lucky we are to have our health.
I am grateful to be visiting such a great place, and to be with a group of people
that I love. While I am lying there, I realize that I dont want anxiety to rule my
life; I am a better, kinder person when I am not riddled with it. I continue to
breath, and picture all the anxiety flowing out of my body. I am not feeling any
negative emotions at this point, and I think the anxiety is behind me. I am just

enjoying life at the moment, not thinking about what tomorrow might bring. I
want to feel free of always worrying about things, and just am happy about how


lucky I am. Its getting so hot, that I decide to end my session, and hit the wave
pool. Its such a fabulous day, and I am so happy to just be enjoying nature.
This was really an amazing session, as I was in a place that would normally put
me right over the edge. I was able to feel calm and relaxed for a full day, all while
being around a ton of kids. It was a wonderful day, and I didnt let my anxiety ruin
it for me. I think this is something I could use when I have the time, to help with
any issues that may be bothering me. It really gave me a change to think clearly,
and not be distracted by things going on around me. I wish I had more time in the
day to meditate, but I will admit it is hard for me to completely clear my mind. I
hope I can use this but in a shorter amount of time, when I am at work, and just
need to relax. That is often hard to do while taking clients, but I can often find a
few minutes to myself that I could use to decompress. I have been really
surprised at how much I have enjoyed the journal exercises so far, and cant wait
to try more activities. (Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).

Unit 6: Relaxation Techniques 1: Breathing,

Meditation, and Mental Imagery
Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Diaphragmatic breathing is a breathing method used to promote relaxation, and is
believed to be the best way to decompress. This type of breathing, often referred to as belly breathing,
is found most often is birthing classes. It is known to reduce pain, and is one of the easiest ways to
relax the human body. No equipment is needed, just a comfortable position, and a little mental
imagery. This method can be done anywhere once it is mastered, but it is best to start in a quiet,
comfortable place. (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: Meditation is our ability to focus inward, and is believed to be the first method ever
used for relaxation. Meditation has been known to lower our resting heart rate, blood pressure, and
ventilation, showing us the mind/body connection. Meditation can also result in new brain tissue
growth, as well as rewiring. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Mental imagery is a process used to help relax and relieve stress, and can have a
healing impact on the body. Mental imagery is can be broken down into three categories: peaceful
nature scenes, images that the users pictures themselves doing a healthier behavior, or body image
visualization that shows the user repair damage to the body. Mental imagery has also been used to
help combat chronic pain. (Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
Diaphragmatic breathing is effective to relaxation because it interrupts our flight
or fight response, and is the type of breathing we naturally do while sleeping.
Diaphragmatic breathing is also done by mammals, and allows larger amounts of
oxygen into our bloodstream. There are three steps to this method, all of which
are very simple. The first step is to find a comfortable position in a safe
environment, clothing should be comfortable, and if possible lie down with eyes
closed. Next make sure to concentrate on your breathing, and third visualization.
(Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:
Unit Six Journal Writing Assignment
Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: Explore: Is Your Body-Mind Happy?
Directions are found on pages 151 through 153 of the Mindfulness workbook.
Upon completion of this Assignment, practice identifying unkind messages you
send to yourself and turn it around with positive affirmations. This should be a
minimum of two full pages.
Mindful of how you interact with yourself?
I used to be of the mind-set that I always had to be negative when it came to
me. I would constantly beat myself up for every mistake I made. A night out on
the town would result in the next few days of constant brow beating, never
allowing myself to forgive about what I may have done the night before. This
would put me in an unhealthy cycle of low self-esteem, than drinking to
compensate for that. And the cycle would begin again. I realized that I was
behaving like my mother, and by forgiving my mistakes, and not dwelling on
them, I would feel better, and not allow so much negativity into my life. It was at
this point that I started reducing the amount I drank, and eventually cut it out
completely. I dont think of myself in the negative as often, of course we all have
our moments, and I sometimes think I could be a kinder person. But for the most
part I accept who I am, I know I am flawed, and I forgive myself, and move on
from the mistakes I make.
Seeds of suffering?


I think if I had stopped creating my own problems, and being my own worst
enemy I would be much further ahead in my career, and my schooling at this
point. By not focusing on the important things in life, and the positive aspects, I
held myself back from attending school. I convinced myself that I wasnt smart, or
disciplined enough to get a college degree. In fact I didnt apply to one single
school my senior year of high school. I really didnt like myself, and I look back
and realize that I could have done so much more, if I had started on anxiety
medications sooner. I think my partying wouldnt have been such a focus if I
hadnt been feeling so negative about myself. I dwelled on all the bad things in my
life, and rarely felt confident that I was on the right path. I do regret this, but I
try not to dwell on what could have been. I tell myself that I never would have
met such a wonderful man, if my life had been different. That was my path, and I
try to be positive that good things will come my way, despite the past missteps.
Day-to-day life feelings of resentment?
This is a topic I am very familiar with, as I have huge feelings of resentment
towards my boss. I know that going through cancer treatments has put her out of
touch with running a business, but most of my feelings began before she got sick.
I try to look at her with positive feelings, I try to have empathy towards her, but I
find myself incapable of looking at her in this light. Is it possible that after so
much mistreatment that we can no longer have positive feelings about someone?
I resent her for taking advantage of all of us, for never giving us the raises we
deserve, for criticizing us at every turn, and for never standing up for us when we
need her. In my business we tend to run into people that can be inappropriate,
and its the job of our manager to keep us safe, we can never count on her to do
that for us. I have lost my trust in her, and I dont think I can go in there
tomorrow and look at her through a fresh perspective. Ugh, I feel like a horrible
person for writing this, I will try to find the positive in her. I truly wish for the
sake of my co-workers that she can come out of this a better person.
Reflection on writing?
This was a cathartic exercise, and I can see how one can be cleansed by
expressing these negative feelings. By trying to look at difficult situations through
a positive light, we can begin to see the best in things. I dont want to focus on the
negative, I want to enjoy life, and love my job again. It makes me sad to think that
that wont be possible, and I know that finding a new job in a loving and
supportive environment is the best course for me. Sometimes people are just bad
people, and when you can negatively impact 30 plus employees, its not the
employees that need to change. I cant keep hoping things will change; I have to
change, and change my situation. I just have to focus on being the best person I
can, and take care of my clients and staff to the best of my ability. (Stahl &
Goldstein, 2010).

Unit 7: Nutrition and Stress


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Being physically active is a form of stress on the body, and depending on the type
can be similar to the flight or fight response. Aerobic activities are more effective at combatting stress
in the mind and body. Physical activity can have a very positive impact on the body in the form of
weight loss, lower blood pressure in the reduction of certain diseases. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Nutrition is an important part of reducing stress in the body, by making sure our
body is at its healthiest. Food is the most important aspect of nutrition, but can be used negatively to
fill an emotional void. Malnutrition is when we are lacking certain nutrients in our bodies, and can be
a huge stress on the body. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Eating disorders are often thought of as nutritional problems, but are actually
emotional. This not only puts stress on the body, but can increase the emotional stress as well. Certain
foods are known to cause stress in the body, especially those high in sugar, fats, and caffeine.
(Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
This assessment covered sitting meditation, and allowed us to focus on the
thoughts going through us during the process. I was able to really focus on the
good and bad stressors in my life, and it helped me focus on what ones are
important. It is always important to have time that is just for you, and mindful
meditation is a great way to do that. I love the meditation practices that we have
been doing in these units, and this was by far one of the best. (Stahl & Goldstein,

Unit 8: Physical Exercise and Activity


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Hatha yoga is one of the most commonly used forms of meditation, and is supposed
to be practiced without artifice or ego. Modern versions of yoga have changed the practice to become
more competitive, and egocentric. This takes away for the meditative benefits of yoga, but if the
outside interferences are eliminated yoga is a great way to distress. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Tai Chi is thought to be a practice that regulates the flow of life energy, and is often
referred to as moving meditation. The Chinese culture believes that if our life energy does not flow
properly this can lead to blockages, and thus to disease. Tai Chi helps bridge the mind/body divide.
(Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Certain foods can increase stress in the body, and have an adverse effect on our
health. Having chronic stress can also decrease certain nutrients in our bodies, so despite eating a
healthy diet, we can still be at risk if stress is not controlled. Physical exercise can help reduce stress
in the body, and also increase our overall health (Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercises:
In this exercise we took on the role of a manager intent on creating a wellness
program for their business. We were able to design the program from the ground
up, including equipment, physical activities, and the nutritional aspects of the
program. We were also able to design incentives for employee participation, and
come up with ways to increase employee motivation and morale. (Seaward,

Journal Writing:
Unit Eight Journal Writing Assignment
Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: Explore: Creating Connection.
Directions are found on pages 161 through 163 of the Mindfulness workbook.
Upon completion of this Assignment, practice developing these qualities in
building stronger and healthier relationships.

This should be a minimum of one full page.
OPENNESS: The person I decided to focus on during this exercise is my
boyfriend. I want to try to be more open with him, and be less irritated with the
things he enjoys. I closed my eyes and thought about all the times that I tuned
him out, ignored him, or just thought what he was saying wasnt important
enough for me to pay attention too. I picture him discussing his Warhammer war
miniatures, and I see myself interacting with him, and really being engaged in the
conversation. I want him to feel like I am part of his interests, and not dismiss
them as silly. I see myself having patience with him, and being open to all he is
saying, and responding back in a positive manner. I see him smile and the
surprised look on his face that I am paying attention to something he loves.
EMPATHY: I am not sure if we are supposed to focus on the same person for
these, but for this I am thinking of my best friend. She recently found out that her
wife has been cheating on her, and has needed a lot of support from me. I close
my eyes and picture us talking things over, me being sympathetic, and non-
judgmental. Her being able to express all her feelings of betrayal, regret, and
grief. I tell her I understand, but do not give advice, except to say to not make any
major decisions while things are so raw. I want her to feel that I will stand by her
no matter her decision; its a struggle not to show how angry I am. I just focus on
being there for her.
COMPASSION: For this I go back to my best friend again. Its a struggle to
picture her without feeling anger towards her wife. Since she has made the
decision to work things out, I am trying to just be positive that she will heal from
this. I tell her we have all been there, and that every day it will get easier. I feel
for her, and my heart breaks for the devastation she is feeling.
LOVING-KINDNESS: For this exercise I picture myself speaking with my best
friends wife. Being loving and kind is not how I want to be towards her at all. I
want to yell and scream, and ask why? Instead I see myself offering her my
compassion for the mess she has gotten herself into. I try to show her that I dont
hate her, that I may be disappointed, but she is still my friend. My loyalty is with
my best friend, but she is an important part of her life, and I tell her I will always
give her my love and support. This one is definitely easier said than done;
especially since I have not seen her since this all came out in the open.
SYMPATHETIC JOY: This is an easier one for me, as my sister is just getting to
a point where she has really grown as an adult. I picture us discussing her job
interview that she is having tomorrow for a job I am sure she will get. I tell her
how happy and proud I am, how I cant believe how far shes come from that
party girl of a few years ago. I see how strong she is now, how focused she is on
her career, and it makes me happier than I could have imagined.
EQUANIMITY: This one is a bit tougher. I always try to treat people with
respect, until they dont treat me the same. I do have a tendency to baby some of
the girls I manage, and I certainly treat the employees I manage differently
depending on their personality. I sit and picture the girl who waited on me the

other day at an ice cream shop. She was acting like a typically rude teenager, and
seem completely uninterested and serving us our ice cream. I picture myself


giving her a friendly smile, despite her attitude, and leaving her a generous tip. I
thank her for the ice cream, and tell her to have a nice day. Honestly I dont know
if I would be successful with this activity, I have a hard time being nice to people
who are blatantly rude.

This was a great exercise, and I plan on really using this with my boyfriend, and
my best friend. (Stahl & Goldstein, 2010).

Unit 9: Applying Stress: Critical Issues for

Management and Prevention to your
Professional Life
Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: All of us cope with stress in different ways, the key is to find the healthiest ways to
deal with and eliminate stress. The most important aspects of coping with stress is to acknowledge
what is causing said stress, process information regarding the stressor, and find a way to resolve the
stress is a healthy manner. Making sure we have all the information at hand about a stressful issue can
help leads us to the best possible resolution. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Social support systems based on emotional, mental, and physical support help us
cope with stress. There is certainly strength in numbers, and these types of groups can help motivate
the individual to better themselves, more than they could ever do on their own. Group settings can
help us see that we are not alone in our stress, and can often help us release those feelings of
aloneness, anger, and resentment. (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: Some individuals find solace in religion and prayer, and find a connection to a
higher power to be a great stress reducer. For some praying for guidance helps bring clarity to what
they are stressing over. Religion is not a stress reduction for all; others turn to meditation for their
stress reduction. More and more we are seeing a link between spirituality and stress reduction.
(Seaward, 2015).

Additional Information
MayoClinic.org Primary source, resource for information about stress, stress related diseases such
as high blood pressure, heart disease, and certain cancers. Gives an insight into why stress affects the
body in a negative way, and provides resources on how to reduce stress in the modern age. The Mayo
Clinic website has useful information on a variety of diseases that are not stress related, and gives
causes and effects of said diseases.

Meditational State (2013, March 2). 98.7% PROVEN Meditation Technique [Video File] Secondary
source, soundtrack used for meditative purposes, helps open up the third eye chakra, and promotes
relaxation. Aids in self-assessment, body scans, and to check on emotional wellbeing.

Essential Reiki: A Guide to the Ancient Healing Art Primary source, a manual for the more
advanced Reiki practitioner, Reiki helps to promote wellness, reduces stress, helps to open the bodys
chakras, and can help elevate certain diseases and ailments. Reiki is a great tool to use to pinpoint the
areas of the body that are blocked by outside stressors, or may be compromised by disease.

The American Institute of Stress/Stress.org Primary source, a website dedicated entirely to stress,
and its adverse effects. Provides signs that you are suffering from stress, offers articles on stress and
stress related diseases. Gives methods on reducing stress in your everyday life.

Harvard Stress Forum: Can We Use Technology to Become More Mindful? Huffington Post article
secondary source, gives us information on how to use our technology to reduce stress in our lives, and
become more mindful, instead of letting our devices cause us additional stress.


American Institute of Stress is dedicated to advancing the understanding of Stress in Health and

Illness. (2015). Retrieved July 10, 2015, from http://www.stress.org/

Gregoire, C. (2013, March 11). Harvard Stress Forum: Can We Use Technology to Become More

Mindful? Huffington Post. Retrieved July 20, 2015, from www.huffingtonpost.com

Heart disease. (2014, July 29). Retrieved June 23, 2015, from


High blood pressure (hypertension). (2015, June 20). Retrieved June 23, 2015, from



Meditational State (2013, March 2). 98.7% PROVEN Meditation Technique [Video File]. Retrieved

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvME_EylPXU

Seaward, B. (2015). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being (8th ed.).

Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Stahl, B. & Goldstein, E. (2010). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook. Oakland, CA: New

Harbinger Publications, Inc.

Stein, D. (1995). Essential Reiki: A complete guide to an ancient healing art. Freedom, CA, New

York: Crossing Press.

Stress management. (2014, April 8). Retrieved August 10, 2015, from




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