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The Chaote

Sailing the High Seas of Chaos

Copyright 2013 Kenneth E. Hayes, All Rights Reserved.
ISBN 978-1-304-17565-6

Copyright 2013, Sebastian Haines, Cover Art, A Chaos Mage

Used with Permission
Mother Chaos,
Manifest to us weird and strange worlds,
Out of your infinite womb create them,
Fill them with your creatures,
Hold back the gods of Order,
And let us play and giggle madly.
Preface V

The Chaote: New Archetype of the Modern Magician 1

White Chaos: Stellar Beginnings 4

Colorful Chaos: Psychedelic Gnosis 13

Black Chaos: Sorcerers of Desire 22

Hackers of Chaos: Programming Reality 26

Servitors, Egregores, Sigils, and The Alphabet of Desire 28

Alchemical Chaos: Earth and other Classical Elements 31

Chaos Gods: Ancient and Modern 33

The Chaotopia: Consensual Reality as Chaos 34

Metaparadigms: Shapeshifting and Paradigm Shifts 35

Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted: Ultimate Freedom 37

Chaos Science: Butterflies and Dreams 38

Fractals and Divination: Why Order comes from Chaos 40

Tiamat: Thar be Dragons on High Seas 41


Chaos Magic is the newest type of Magick available. First

developed in the 1980's by the founders of the Illuminates of
Thanateros, or IOT and introduced by founder Peter Carroll, in
his classic Liber Null & Psychonaut (Technically the beginnings
of Chaos Magic started in the 70s, but it wasn't actually called the
Chaos label until Peter Carroll introduced the term in the 80s
edition of his two books in one volume). Chaos Magic came
about by modern ceremonial magicians experimenting mainly
with the practices of the late sorcerer, Austin Osman Spare, and
the ramifications of the newly introduced Chaos Science, in
mainstream modern science.

Personally I wasn't born until 1982 and didn't hear about

Chaos Magic, till the early 2000s. In the mid 90s is when I began
studying magick, in my mid teens. I read about Medieval
magicians in history books, and was introduced to Wicca by a
friend. The romance of being a Witch, especially when I was
male, didn't impress me. So I studied books on Ceremonial
Magick, but felt alienated by a practice of a bygone age.
Ceremonial Magic really appealed to me in method, but with it's
heavy reliance on the Judeo-Christian mythos, it turned me off. I
studied the earliest forms of Ceremonial Magic which were
Hellenistic and came from ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman
mythologies and cosmologies of their most celebrated
philosophers. Still the paganism of these cultures, which I had
encountered in Wicca as well, turned me off just like the
monotheism in traditional Ceremonial Magic did. Paganism or
polytheism, was still a theism like monotheism and believed that
power came from the divine being or beings, their servants, and
the opposing powers from the underworld. The power of people,
animals, and the middle earthly plane, was missing, like there was
none. One exception to Wicca was the belief in personal psychic
powers and the power of Nature itself, which I did agree with.

Anyway, I practiced mainly New Age mysticism in my


teens, but felt something was missing. Then at the ripe age of 21
I found via my interest in computers and science, Chaos Magic,
online. I read all the popular books on Chaos Magic, and studied
material which was online. During this time, I was a traditional,
Chaote, or follower of Chaos. To this day I use a lot of the
techniques and theory of Chaos Magic, but still believe in the
fundamental teachings I learned in Chaos Magic and so am a
Chaote, or Chaos Magician, and more or less a follower of
Chaos. Though only in a loose sense, as the ultimate reality isn't
actually chaos as it transcends chaos and order, and all opposites.
Still the first manifestations from it are very chaotic, with the fact
that the limitless can't be fathomed as it has no limits, things, or
parts, by which to identify it, and so the high energy and pseudo-
matter which first surround are chaos, and so this aether is all we
can know it by. Thus at heart I'm an aspiring non-dualist or
transcendentalist, but since this can not be known by the mind
which is a thing and so limited, and only by the kia, chi, pneuma,
or personal spirit or the essence of consciousness, I follow and
work my magick according to the first reality, or Chaos, as the
Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Babylonians, Sumerians, Chinese,
and other cultures understood was the first reality to come into

May the open floodgates of primal chaos, invigorate you.

-Kenneth E. Hayes (ChaosTech)

The Chaote: New Archetype of the Modern Magician

A Chaote is a follower of the religion of Chaos. Chaotes

can be laymen, priests, priestesses, monks, nuns, and or
magicians. The most common type in the present aeon at the time
of this writing, is the Chaos Magician. The Chaos magician may
be a witch, a necromancer, a sorcerer, a shaman, just a magician,
or a rank in a chaos magical order. The idea of Chaos as a
religion though, and not just an esoteric practice was proposed in
it's inception. Thus the clergy, which also may (and usually are)
be magicians, as well as the flock, which usually are somewhat
versed in magic as well, as Chaos implies radical mindsets, strong
individuality, and freedom of change, in which the practice and
theory of magic, allows for fully.

Chaos is a return to the primal beginnings of things, and

equally it is an approach to foster the mythical past in the present.
Shamanic societies, our earliest societies of men and women,
included all people practicing magic and the shaman or shamans
being merely specialists who the people turned to, to lead the
focused energies of the group rituals, as well as teach, record and
remember, and keep the secrets of magic from being lost.
Chaotes are much like these early societies in what they envision,
but with all the modern and future technologies and science in
hand, living as true urban primitives.

Since Chaos Magic came out in the 80's, a particular style

was attributed to the image of the Chaote. While black hooded
robes, gathered around in sinister circles, with a chaosphere (a
three dimensional 8 barbed star, like the 2 dimensional chaostar,
the symbol of Chaos Magic borrowed from an earlier fantasy
book about order and chaos) in the center. All chanting, sitting in
strange meditative postures and making strange hand signals, all
with a nefarious aura about the place, is a common image of
Chaos Magician's practicing their black art. Chaos Magic, was
seen at first and even by many in the present, as being a sort of

Satanism, as Chaos implies imbalance, unfairness, disorder, and

disaster, to the common mindset. The reality of Chaotes though,
is that there is white as well as black magical aspects, as well as
the middle or colors of chaos. The chaos followers of the Right
Hand Path (RHP), or use the upright pentagram as a symbol of
their path, and are referred to as followers of Chaos Lux (Day), or
the light of Chaos. The Left Hand Path (LHP), practitioners,
use the inverted pentagram and follow Chaos Nox (Night), or the
darkness of Chaos. Originally there was seen no real middle
path to Chaos, but initiates could work from both the Lux and
Nox schools, and as well the adept, or advanced Chaote, was seen
as someone who had transcended light and dark, and used all the
eight colors of magic, or the full spectrum of light to dark
magic, depending on the circumstances in life. This makes sense,
as life is rarely black or white, but somewhere in between, and the
black is like a gun, necessary at times, and only truly dangerous if

Still some Chaotes may be attracted to the dark side of

chaos, and so this is encouraged to be followed, as with enough
practice and experience, those of strict light or dark, good or evil,
selfless or selfish desires to work magic, find out that reality is
much more fluid and that to neglect the high or low, leads to an
incomplete person, as the transcendental source of all magic
embodies all or everything and nothing. Magicians in general
may seek or realize the eventual mortality of the limited universe,
and the only true reality to be the infinite unity from which
everything is divided, but differ from mystics in that they realize
that the ultimate reality is also the limited, and so God is
everywhere, and to seek anything past this, is what causes real
suffering and evil.

Thus the mystic path is seen as an aspect of magical

theory and practice, as well as religion, and dangerous when
applied as a singular way. As is anything, as magic's greatest
lesson is that all is interlinked, and nothing can exist alone. So

fundamentally there is no right way, as all ways lead to one and

one way leads to all. Those who preach anything else, are seen as
still growing in spiritual maturity.

Anyway, the popular images of Chaos is dark, but really more

who are attracted to Chaos Magic, verses the forms of magic
which are specifically the dark arts, are usually more like the
rebellious and independent hippies or later punk rockers, goths,
and even metal heads. They can also be snazzy businessmen or
an average joe or jane in look. The majority of those attracted to
Chaos Magic though are usually of the punk rock as well as
hackers or rebel computer nerds, type. Independence,
rebelliousness, and intelligence, are the cornerstones of the image
or archetype of the Chaote.

Before the 80's punk rock computer hacker image, which

is popular even afterward in the 90s, 2000s, and today, although
in a continually updated form, (the styles of modern rock 'n' roll,
and updated computer technology slightly altering this archetype
as the decades pass) the modernish archetype is actually not far
removed from ancient shamans and trickster gods who embodied
chaotic traits.

The rebellious, intelligent, individual, seems to share a

playful but naughty, trickster or chaotic side, as such an attitude is
needed to forge one's own path and deal with any opposition.
Chaos except when in it's extremes has always been seen by
cultures as a minor evil as it's about simple unruliness and
disorder, usually which involves some kind of humorous
prankster like intent. The big evils are seen as darkness and death
like, truly destructive, and past the playful or slightly different, to
the twisted and horrible.

Chaotes are usually younger people in psychological

maturity and or physical age. Boys are especially attracted to it,
as the amount of male practitioners show, but some girls too.
White Chaos: Stellar Beginnings

As was mentioned before the idea of practicing a chaos

magic comes from the study of how the infinite manifests itself
into near infinite, finite or limited possibilities. Some ancient
pagan cultures seemed to understand this and described the
formless universe before creation as being the place before the
gods, a world of monsters, dragons, demons, and titans or giants.
These creatures were seen as the old powers, and inhabited a
world of primal energies, which shaped their very bodies and
psyches and why they were seen as being primal, disorganized,
and warped, as well as being large.

The infinite first manifests countless possibilities out of

itself, and these possibilities collide with one another to form very
strange, wondrous, and conflicting realities and beings. These
beings and worlds are also very large and basic or simple, as they
represent the first of a reality of rules, physics, or limits. Thus
they are primal energies, and so are not ruled by much but free to
do and create or destroy as they will, feeling little consequence
for their actions. This first reality is unordered and a threat to the
later limited and ordered universes which separate and manifest
as reality trickles down from near limitless to very limited. They
somewhat always remain though, as reality only crystallizes into
limits, to reach absolute limitation or nothingness, only to bounce
back as nothing doesn't actually exist, so the reach for it is
ultimately futile. Thus when the gods appear they can only slay
the forms of these beasts and form the creation out of the energies
which make up of them, or even just imprison these beings by
encasing them in great limitation to seal off the effects of their
chaos, like how the Greek titans were sealed in the bowls of the

Since the reality without limits, and thus before first or

last, is unknowable, the reality which surrounds it, the stellar
chaos, or chaos of the uppermost reality, is the closest we can get
to it, while we are existent in duality or limitation. Thus Chaotes

find the greatest of magic and freedom comes from not the divine
or deity or deities, the creator(s), who wish to rule and keep order
over something which ultimately is very chaotic, changing, and
unlasting, but the primal power or energies and the worlds and
beings which make up of them.

The oldest civilization in the world, the Sumerians, said

that the first energy was a dragon who was also a goddess, called
Tiamat, and embodied the salt waters or seas and oceans, which
were what separated the ancients by land, and limited what they
knew beyond it. The great bodies of water, have always been
seen as places of the primordial energies, thus why ancient
seafarers wrote here there be dragons, on the ends of maps,
where they knew not what lay beyond.

Thus the first historical embodiment of chaos, Tiamat, is

the lower, or somewhat anthropomorphized deity of chaos to
whom white or light based Chaotes worship, during exoteric
workings. She is seen as the ultimate egregore, or man made
thoughtform which embodies the energies of chaos.

The esoteric workings usually see chaos as a sort of mana

or subtle energy, which fuels magic. Although gods and mythical
beings of chaos, can be used as archetypes for altered states of
consciousness. This is known as assuming the godform, and is a
part of invocation magic, in theurgy (divine magic).

Other than evocation of chaos gods or archetypes, as in the

worshiping of Tiamat as the primordial chaos goddess, and other
chaos deities (mentioned later), and the invocation of these
powers within the individual magician in order to absorb their
power and temporarily shapeshift into their personas. The
practitioner of the light or Lux chaos path, also performs
exorcisms of evil spirits and energies, healings of injuries,
illnesses and diseases, both of the physical and psychological
bodies or aspects of self. As well as other works of holy, or

holistic, yet chaotic magic, like divination, protection and

shielding, positive enchantments, and works of liberation, which
is what white chaos is all about, positive freedom, individuality
and change.

White chaotic evocation, allows the human psyche to see the

formless absolute (to Chaotes known as Chaos.), as a singular
embodiment of chaos, which can be communicated with and
worked with to draw absolute magical power. Evocation is
twofold, the religious type, where as a deity is prayed to, praised,
and works with the worshiper(s), to work the holy will of the
deity, and be persuaded to work it's magic and miracle on behalf
of the worshiper(s). The second type is rarely used in white
magic, and consists of the deities, demons, devas or angels,
ghosts, elemental or nature spirits, and any other kind of spirit
being evoked or summoned as it is also known, to a triangle of
manifestation where the evoker makes deals or pacts, or
commands, sometimes even submits to receive possession and
oracles or siddhis (magical or psychic powers), and otherwise
communicates with a being which is understood to exist outside
of himself. Usually this secondary form of evocation is only used
in white magic to banish and or punish evil, or lesser spirits, as
gods and angels are too high and powerful to be made to manifest
for a magician. Sometimes though, demons are made to provide
physical needs and even some wants of the magician, as they are
seen as being the proper rulers of the physical world, even though
the divine is the ultimate ruler of all worlds.

The practice of Invocation by white chaotes, is the most

common form of white chaotic magic, save maybe healing and
protection. The secret lies in understanding that all gods and their
servantile supernatural beings, actually exist as aspects or
channels of energy and thought of the absolute, which lies at the
center of the cosmos and within the innermost layer. The inner
layers of the cosmos, being very subtle and easily shaped by
thoughts and emotions fueled by will and perception the twin

aspects of kia, are seen to exist at the soul level and so any being
no matter how far down in creation it exists, has it's roots of
consciousness within the innermost planes. Thus all the gods
exist before any physical location, psychologically within us.
Invocation takes this metaphysical truth and realizes the magical
implications. If all beings, including the most powerful or
primordial (first), exist within each other, before existing as
separate consciousnesses outside of each other, then the greatest
amounts of wisdom and power come from the magician who calls
these beings to possess at least partially the psyche of himself.
Gods being pure forces are the safest to invoke, but theoretically
literally anything can be evoked. Possession isn't as scary as the
word may sound, and doesn't have to mean total surrender of the
body to another will, but usually more fruitfully means only a
degree of possession. It is soon learned that what one fills one's
thoughts with, what one upholds himself to, and desires after, is
the gods one worships and allows to be a part of himself. Thus
evocation can give one magical powers of a god as well as the
intelligence and wisdom, at least temporarily, but can also serve
as a tool of enlightenment of what one's real masters are, and why.

Exorcism is sometimes called for by the practitioners of

the white arts, to rid a person, thing, or place, of an evil
possession or natural or willed enchantment. Exorcism relies
upon the magical ability and willpower of the magician as well as
the power of the gods and their servants the angels or devas, via
holy names of power (usually in an archaic language), as well as
magical symbols and sigils, drawn with mental or subtle energy
as well as a physical purification element like salt or chalk. In the
case of chaos exorcisms, the gods of chaos are called upon, to
remove the negative effects of chaotic energy or beings, and
restore the healthy, life giving, and liberating energies of chaos.
Even order is seen as a byproduct of chaos, and has negative and
positive aspects. Thus restricting order can bind negatively or
reinforce positively. In chaos magic, the gods and other spirits of
order, are seen as wayward children, who have trapped

themselves in the comforts of order, to escape the effects of

freedom that chaos allows. Thus orderly gods are seen as lesser
powers than the older, more primal, chaos gods. Still order is like
land, and chaos the sea, and although all landmasses no matter
how big are but isles, they have their purposes.

Healing magic is a very popular thing, and sometimes not

called magic, but faith healing, or miracle, where religion
or science has cast out the vast body of occultism. It can be done
by the agents of spirits, commonly those of divine or natural
spheres, but can also be performed by the power of individual
magicians and the cosmic pool of lifeforce or mana. In the latter
case it is more of a scientific process than a reliance upon the
supernatural alone. Herbs, potions, occult properties of minerals
(ingested or larger ones placed upon the body to effect the
energetic system). maps of occult properties of the physical body,
and how to balance the energy in the body as to create physical
change, is the usual practice.

Divination, is a practice performed in all paths, but at it's

very heart is a form of pure white magic. Divination comes from
the word, Divine, and has to do with asking fate, nature, akasha
or spirit the mana of the cosmos, or the gods or supreme God, the
future of mortal things. At it's very heart it is fortune telling, as in
ancient times, the gods were seen to weave the fortunes or fates of
mortals, at the time of their creation, and so be both their creators
and destroyers. Magic being a thing of change, and so chaos, was
seen as an enemy of the gods, as it allowed the magician to create
and alter his own fate. Thus magic was strictly regulated by the
ancient pagan priestcast and royal or officially licensed
magicians, and seen as illegal or forbidden in any other case
practiced. This started the taboo on magic which later
monotheism would convert into a full out war against the evil,
sorcerers and witches, who were the common folk who practiced
magic. Anyway though magic no matter how regulated or
stripped down has always survived alongside religion and even

later science which would label it a fraud and the thing of

ignorance or even madness. Divination in at least some of it's
forms always survived though, as it was seen as something which
spoke the will of the divine, and not tried to wrestle against it.

Protection magic consists of understanding the mystery of

light and dark, soft and hard, energies, as well as the symbol of
the circle or sphere and how it relates to the macrocosm and
microcosm concepts as well as the absolute power. When a
magician stands within a physical or imaginary (astral), circle or
sphere he symbolically represents infinity and his highest self or
spirit (kia), and thus is stating his absolute authority to live and be
well. Other symbols can work as well though, like the pyramid or
triangle, the square or box, and complex shapes, and should be
used for protection as well. The pentagram is a classic symbol of
magic used for many purposes but protection and evocation as
well as invocation being it's greatest. The chaostar or chaosphere
has replaced the traditional role of the pentagram by many
chaotes of many different paths, as well as those who stand
beyond all paths, the adepts, the masters of magic (also the Magi,
singular Magus). Protection consists of shielding, banishing (a
form of exorcism as the two practices intertwine), and warding.
Shields are places around living things, and sometimes magical
objects to hide them and rend them immune to pollution of
negative energy. Banishing is a form of cleaning or cleansing
as well as blocking the return of bad or unwanted magical energy.
It is also used as a healing and hygienal exercise, which is why
some magicians perform banishing rituals as a daily exercise, so
as to clean the area, object, or person and build up a powerful
charge of pure mana. Warding is done usually to places to block
beings, physical or not, from entering. Warding consists in
magical symbols being drawn or inscribed into a place.
Sometimes people or things can be warded as well, by the same

There are more forms of white or divine magic than listed


previously, but they usually all revolve around positive, magic

which deals with enchantment. Enchantment is the practice of
making an ordinary or non-magical thing, magical. It can consist
of the use of sigils, or candles, spells, rituals and ritual
paraphernalia or even meditation techniques, but consists in
essence of charging a person, place, or thing with magical energy
given a specific intention to cause a magical effect.

Acts concerning liberation involve the process of

becoming unattached to the ego, or personal self. The white
magicians see some point in existing in duality or the elemental
planes ranging from absolute positive to negative energy. Mainly
to learn, experience, and gain wisdom and even some power.
Really though the white path is avid about the leaving of duality
for the non-dual reality, which contains no limits or opposites.
The problem with why so many souls exists within duality
though, is because of the attachment to the ego, or personal self.
Soul, mind, and body must be let go of, for the spirit to ascend
into total liberation and unity, to experience pure being without
any form of suffering, and so beginnings, middles, and ends.
Limitations. Some initially see the non-dual as infinity, but really
infinity is the same as nothingness, one positive absolute, the
other negative absolute. Duality is finite, or relative, and so any
absolute is pointing towards the non-dual. Since there are two
main boundless concepts, non-duality is seen as comprising of
both of them, being both light and dark, and so translucent in
appearance, thus the concept of it being ethereal and invisible and
called spirit. Black magicians may wish to transcend duality as
well by the pursuit of the void and so the becoming of absolute
nothing. The difference is that where as in the black path all
things are stripped away until only the spirit remains, in the white
path all things are added and put together in perfect unity to
become non-dual themselves. Really only the white path allows
true transcendence of the self, as the self is not stripped away but
instead transformed or as they say in magic, transmuted, into
the ego-less non-dual spirit. Both paths require the abandonment

of the self as it is though, a limited thing or self. Also there are

few true voidians, most black magicians instead dreaming of
living forever or at least a very long while, as demon kings, ruling
merciless over the earth and or underworld planes. Some even
dream of the ruling of the heavens as well, though not as heavenly
rulers, but as evil under-lords ruling all of the cosmos from below
to above, a true blasphemy to the light and nature, as the natural
and divine order is that the above rule the below. Not with might
and suppression but with love, wisdom, and compassion, the true
virtues of kingship, but this all seems weak and pointless to the
black of heart.

The great philosophers of the past, noted that in duality

there are dual forces at work within the ego, and why it remains
within duality. The twin main forces which fracture into
numerous ones, are aversion and attachment. Aversion is of the
yin or black polarity, and embodies fear and loss, the main aspects
of negativity. Attachment is of the yang or white polarity, and
embodies love and gain, the main aspects of positivity. Though
there have always been extreme paths in mysticism and magic, to
fill yourself overflowing with love and become increasingly
unified though loving thoughts and acts to become totally one
with the ultimate reality, or to become so full of fear that you hate
everything including yourself, and through suicidal and homicidal
acts and thoughts, hurl your mangled and blackened soul and
body into the blackness of the abyss or void. These paths seem so
extreme and so, so limited to a very few who can actually pull
them off, the majority lie somewhere in the middle. Thus
clinging to aversion or attachment, is pointless. Better to try to
exterminate them both simultaneously. Thus the white sage who
is tired of the world of duality, even to stay to teach and help
others, starts with the identification of all things he desires or is
attached to, as well all things he fears, hates, or doesn't want and
so is averted toward. Next he daily as much as he can, without
neglecting his self needs and world, begins meditating in quiet
upon the transcendence of all opposites. This with enough effort

and years behind it, shall deliver him unto the promised land of
non-duality, the force which created all, and so what religion calls
God himself (or the divine essence of all gods, never the less the
monad, the totality of all).

The white path isn't exactly the path of the many, even
though the light is the largest element in duality, as it comprises of
simplistic forces which create and somewhat destroy through very
simple impulses, and explains why the light allows so much to
happen to sentient beings, which see things very complex, and are
embodies of fair complexity themselves. Still some beings can
and do reside within it, but the far majority of complex
organisms, including sentient beings, dwell somewhere in the
middle of reality, where the simple light and dark, combine in
countless ways to create so many different things.

The light are usually the young beings, as the longer one
dwells within duality, the harder the heart and head become. Still
many think themselves of the light, in what they would like to see
themselves as. Far more, the majority of humanity, dead and
alive, exists with the middle worlds though, from the limited
physical universe, to the semi-spiritual ethereal planes of the
astral or the traditional heavens, hells, and purgatories of

Colorful Chaos: Psychedelic Gnosis

In a spectrum of light to dark, visible light drops in

wavelength from pure white light, to ultraviolet, to purple, indigo,
blue, green, yellow, orange, red, and finally infrared, before
becoming absent of light and so black or dark. Ultraviolet and
infrared are actually invisible to the naked eye, but are
wavelengths of light, and there are even more wavelengths on the
invisible spectrum of electromagnetic energy, but they are less of
a visual phenomenon. X-rays might be an interesting
consideration though, as if one could see them, one could see
through physical objects to the denser layers within of matter.
Like the bones of a living organism. Anyway, the EM spectrum
of color is slightly inaccurate in cosmic terms of subtle light and
energy. Logically, the colors go from hot to cool when being
layered and broken down from light to dark. So yellow first, then
orange, red, green, blue, indigo and finally purple. I believe they
are switched around with physical light because of the nature of
the Earth elemental plane or dimension, which is a middle of dark
and light energies, but more dark than light. The ethereal
metaphysical other middle plane of the Air element, is light and
dark as well, but light before dark. Thus it being a dream like
plane, but with some foundation of existence (limits), and so the
astral plane, that shamans, witches, sorcerers and magicians
have been talking about since the dawn of humanity. The Air
plane, is similar to the physical dimension, but is slightly less
limited, and so magical acts are more easily done there.

Still the Air plane or layer of the Cosmos like Fire (light)
and Water (dark), are more subtle in essence, than the physical
dimension of Earth that living humanity lives within. The
accepting of these other dimensions which alchemically are made
into four parts, light, light/dark, dark/light, and dark, to express
not just the dualistic basic axom of opposing forces but also that
they blur into each other, nor a model of a basic three, upper,
middle, lower, (similar to past, present, future in the notion of

time, as a model of 3), but of 4 as a basic summary which

anything else is fitted within (one of the four elements) of the
Cosmos, seems a superior model, but is ultimately just a model,
and a persons metaphysical experience may reveal 7, 9, 11, 22, or
even hundreds or thousands of layers or planes of manifestation.
Still, the 4 elements as being duality, and Spirit the 5th ingredient
but which is not an element or part, but everything and nothing
simultaneously and so beyond, and so non-duality, seems the best
prime model after which all others come next to extend upon. It
is also based of the pentagram, which is the oldest living symbol
of magic. Anyway the map is useful but not the territory so
although the elemental system will be used much in this book,
feel free to reinterpret it, to fit your own experiences and

Now that a theory of the elements or sections of the

Cosmos have been defined as well as elemental color theory (well
somewhat, light represents forward arrangement, dark backwards,
and the middles a bit of both, yes the secret of harnessing the
negative elements are doing things backwards or opposite as
negativity is the reversed mirror of the Cosmos). We can now
talk of the colors of Chaos, the middle way(s) of magic, as well as
the manifestation of the soul into a body, or the psychedelic,
experience, which literally means to manifest the soul, not
something to do with drug users. Although psychedelic drugs do
allow for hallucinations and so a manifestation of the inner worlds
into the outer, or psyche into the body or world, thus the
connection. Also, like white magic, colorful magic also known as
gray magic, though this misses the rich tapestry which is the
middle planes of many things created from the mixing of the
simplistic yet ultimately powerful light and dark, contains many
forms of magical practice, both astral and of mother nature or the
Earth or physical dimension. In fact, nature, is reflected
throughout all the planes, but especially in Air and Earth, the
middles. Air or the astral plane proper, is in fact the sight of
many beautiful and richly colorful places of the beauty of nature,

in the areas it has not been deliberately built upon and altered by
sentient non-corporeal beings. In fact it was this sensational
beauty of these places which made the first sentient beings of the
astral create their religious paradises, as they believed this world
was the eternal Eden, or perfect Nature.

Color magic has been a part of magical practice for a very

long time. Ancient shamans seen different representations of the
colors of hide, stone, plants, gems, and inks, when casting their
magical rituals. These simple associations were crafted into
masterful magical systems of association throughout the history
of magic. Today the rainbow system of colors is most popular
with a few added like brown, pink, magenta, light blue, gold,
silver, copper, etc, to make use of the most common colors. The
symbol of Chaos, the eight armed Chaostar, provides the common
colors for color magic in chaos magic, and was first introduced by
Peter Carroll, to which his first few books Liber Null &
Psychonaut, Liber Kaos, and Cybermagick, are usually
considered his best, specifically Liber Kaos, in the case of his
original associations on color. Each arm of the Chaostar is
denoted a color, so that there are 8 total. I have found that the
Chaostar is an embodiment of the 7 celestial bodies which are
visible to the naked eye as well as a hidden 8th which symbolizes
the non-dual reality beyond, and as the source of all magic.
Called Octarine by Peter Carroll, and originally by a fantasy
author similar to how another fantasy author invented the
Chaostar. The color Octarine, can be any color, but it really is any
of them or none of them. Some good associations for it are
magenta, as purple exists at the highest wavelength and red at the
lowest, thus them combined, translucent in color like clear water,
a glass window, or a pure quartz crystal, or even white or black to
symbolize Infinity or Nothingness. The color of Octarine is
represented by the uppermost arm of the Chaostar, it's planet
Uranus, day, the whole week, and Tarot card, the Magician. It is
used in any kind of magic, when one doesn't know or have the
time to look up the proper and detailed associations of a magical

working. The next colors come from the rainbow, although I have
slightly rearranged the order, as was previously described of the
phenomena of the Earth element being half negative and so
backwards following and half positive or forwards flowing and so
the phenomena of physical light being illogical in following a
logical order of hot to cool colors.

The first color is yellow, and represents the Sun, it's Tarot
card being the same. The day being Sunday. It's magic is the
magic of light, warmth, vitality, men and prosperity. It's location
on the Chaostar is the first arm clockwise after the uppermost.
Solar magic is life giving and anti-dark magic, similar to the
pursuits of white magic. Healing, exorcisms, banishing, warding,
etc. Also can be used for money magic, good fortune, and wealth
and longevity in general. Alternate colors which slightly alter the
focus of the energy channeled is gold, orange, and yellow. In fact
any color, mixed with white, or white itself can be used to harness
the power of the stars themselves, as the Sun is a star. Star magic
relates to fortune, destiny, the cosmic weave or
interconnectedness, and the soul (as does the Sun itself, but more
as in the solar ego or incarnate self, verses the oversoul or cosmic

The second color is orange, and represents the Moon,

who's Tarot card is also the same. The day is Monday. It's magic
is that of women, hope, youth, sacrifice, virginity, modesty, and
the mystery of reflected light, or light traveling the opposite
direction. The moon is very cooling and gentle, compared to the
sun, which is very energetic. It's place on the Chaostar is the first
horizontal arm on the left side, right after the sun, going
clockwise. The moon has three active phases, similar to the sun,
which has morning, noon, and evening positions. These being
waxing, full, and waning. Both the moon and the sun have a dark
or eclipse side of them as well, but these times are best avoided,
except in evil or black magic, with the exception of times to
nullify the powers of magic in general. The sun is a projector

where as the moon is a reflector, so mirror magic including the art

of scrying is definitely most favorable during the time of the
visible moon, most strong on a Monday. The first and second
layers of the subtle body in occultism, the etheric and astral, are
sometimes referred to as the double, as they resemble the physical
body and it's characteristics, especially the astral body, as it
contains color where as the etheric is a ghostly white. The etheric
plane is the layer which exists right before physical matter, where
as the astral has a finer and grosser layer, which exists both above
and below the physical. The finer being above, the grosser
heavier, below. It may be hard to believe anything can be heavier
than matter, as matter is solidified energy, but there in fact is.
Calling it grosser though is somewhat inaccurate, as it is more
limited and lower of a vibration, but because it is so heavy, it
actually is quite plastic, as being the reversed mirror of reality,
negativity, actually at it's nearest becomes infinite like in it's
qualities. Anyway, orange may sound strange for the moon,
where as colors, like white, yellow, and silver, sound more
appropriate. The moon is orange though, during the harvest
moon. The blue moon though is also a phenomenon. Purple
clouds as well as the darkness of the night can not be forgotten as
secondary colors when working with lunar energies.

Red is the 3rd color and rightfully has the red planet mars
as it's celestial body, It's day is Tuesday from which an Anglo-
Saxon deity was named which had the planetary association of
mars. Red is the color of blood, deserts, rust, as well as more
nature friendly things like many flowers and a color within fire
and lava. Metallic colors like rust, iron, and goldish or silverish
metals are heavily associated with the red planet. As is war,
battles, deserts, and bloodshed. The use of blood with mars
associated rituals can not be stressed enough. Often this is taken
from a drop or two of the practitioner, as the bygone ages of
slaying humans and animals for the war god, is long gone, and
seen as a waste, similar to the human sacrifice to the ancient sun
gods, and many forms of animal sacrifice to many different gods.

Wednesday derives from an old name for the god of the

planet mercury. It's color is green, as green has long been a color
of the middle world between light and dark, hot and cold, and is
similar with being the middle color, day of the week, and planet.
The color green is the easiest to see with the physical eyes, and
the earth, although not considered until recent times as a celestial
body, abounds with it. Mercury or Hermes as he was called by
the Greeks, is a messenger of the gods, and a direct link between
the human and the divine. Use green alone or with colors like
brown, copper, and red, to work the magic of mercury. Besides
being a messenger, he was also a shepherd to the innocent and
lost, a traveler, and very intelligent, as well as being the god of
thieves and merchants, so someone to consider working money or
business magic with. As Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice Great), or
the Egyptian god Thoth, he also was a great teacher and inventor,
as well as the official god of the magical arts. Hermes is a
trickster god as well, and so belongs to the race of chaos gods.
Wednesday is a special holy day to many Chaotes. The color
green is the 4th color, thus symbolic of the square, which is the
prime shape of things manifest, or form.

Thursday, belongs to Zeus or Jupiter, the planet and god of

the great blue heavens, to which the color also applies. Where as
Uranus is the force which created the gods, and Saturn is the last
of the gods and symbolizing the force which ends creation,
Jupiter is the ruler of all the planets. Being symbolic of male or
testosterone driven sexuality, as well as aging gracefully and
being all powerful and wise like the king of the gods should be,
he is called upon mainly when great power is needed. He is
symbolic of the sky itself, as well as thunderbolts. Attack magic
though, with jupiter's aid, will only happen to the righteously
orientated attackers. Jupiter is also very wealthy, and if not cash,
material objects and gaining them can be sought with jupiter's
help. Besides blue, gray as well as light blue or the color of
electricity can be used. Blue is the 5th color, and is the last of the
elemental days from Yellow for Spirit of Sunday, Orange for Fire

of Monday, Red for Air of Tuesday, Green for Earth of Wendsday,

and finally Blue for Water of Thursday.

Friday, belongs to the planet Venus, also known as

Aphrodite, the goddess of sensuality, sex and love. Friday is a
party day, a day of celebration as it is the end of the weekday, and
beginning of the weekend. Note, Sunday is actually the first day
of the week, and Friday and Saturday the weekend. Christians
changed the Sabbath, the day of rest from Saturday, the planet
Saturn and the end, to Sunday as Christ symbolised the Sun. The
Sun rises, shines it's glory and provides light and heat, essential
for life, then falls or sacrifices itself each day, only to rise again,
similar to Christ's ressurection. Anyway, Friday is the day before
the rest or end of creation's cycle, and is a time of lovemaking and
rejoyce. All the elements have been formed, and now the
beginning of creation of many things as we know it begins. Thus
the yin and yang of Water and Fire, combine and contract,
separating themselves, not just where they meet as Earth and Air,
but as a cosmos of uncountable forms. Lovemaking is designed
by nature not just for pleasure, but to procreate. The colors for
Venus are indigo as she is the evening star, as the sky is often this
hue. Blue or teal as she came from the sea, as well as pink for
love, red for sex, green for creation and beauty, and copper for her
love of self image, the essence of duality to find yourself outside
of yourself in your mirror image or soul mate. B;ue is the 6th
color, and magic of this sort should be used primarily for matters
of the heart or soul, as in relationships between lovers, friends,
and even family and what one has ownership and cooperates with.

Finally we have Saturday. The planet which is the greek

lord of the underworld, and other than the governer and judge of
the good or not so good, dead, and their rewards or punishment,
he is wealthy like Jupiter. Infact in greek myth, he was Jupiter's
brother. Thus the Christian God is a lot like a mix of Jupiter as
lord of the skies, as well as Saturn lord of the dead and their
judge. The Christian God rested from creating the cosmos on the

7th day of the week, which is Saturday. He declaired the day the
holiest, and Jews to this day obey his orders. No one should work
or work to hard, on Saturday. The lifeforce is at it's lowest, and
we should all just relax and rest. Rejuvinate for the next cycle,
where end becomes beginning in the infinite circle of cycles.
Anything considering rest or the elderly can be done magically on
this day. Purple is the primary color of Saturn. Black and the
metalic color of lead, are also used. The 5 first days set up the
initial forces of creation, and Friday is the beginning and Saturday
the end of the great flux of duality which is a cycle of movement.
5 for the element of reality, and 2 for the condition. 7 is a holy
number, and 777, that is three (which is the number of magic),
sevens is the sacred number of the infinite or God.

The main forms of Chaos Magic which lies between the

spectrums of light and dark, yang and yin, right and left, the
extremes in essence, are Natural Enchantments, Glamoury,
Shapeshifting, Chaos Druidry and Witchcraft, Shamanism, and
the use of herbs, stones, animals and animal parts, and a form of
healing and bodily health and exercise. Fully using the natural
senses and thus the physical body for magic, as well as the natural
objects and life around us, is the heart of Colorful Chaos, or the
chaos of the middle pathers. Sex, food, exercise, health,
longevity, harmonizing the mind and instincts, and a sense of
beauty, mystical sorcery in all things, and interconnectedness as
well as the acceptance and desire of reincarnation, verses Heaven
or Hell, is all very earthly, and of the middle realm which is the
physical. The average human is unwhole between their
spirit/mind and body/environment. They see the enchanting
wonder of the natural magic of nature, but misunderstanding the
earth plane, think it just in their head. There are two middle
states, one which is two extremes together, and the other a mild
neither neither, but both. Most men live in the extreme version
and live disconnected, wishing for Heaven or Hell feeling quite
alienated from the natural world. The middle pather of chaos, the
practicitoner of Colorful Chaos seeks to remedy this for himself

and his fellow humanity, once he can. Natural enchantments

involve the belief that there is occult forces inherant in natural
objects and in Nature herself. One can psychically ask the
objects, be they plant, animal or mineral, what properties they
contain and write the results in a journal and make one's own
grimoire of ingredients for natural enchantments, or consult the
books of the ancients and other modern sorcerers.

Shapeshifting and glamoury involve the mastery of physical form

and magical energies, as well as the perceptions of the mind. At
first one will just have an impression to others subtlely of what
attributes or form one has transformed magically into. With
enough practice and some luck though, true shapeshifting can be
performed. In the later case, it's wise to take the wisdom of the
ancients on shapeshifting into non-sentient forms; best not be
them too long, else risk permanently loosing one's consciousness
to a beastial (or lesser), instinct. The dark art of lycanthropy is
not a part of earth magic, and involves a curse which transforms
others or self, but is unvoluntary, painful, murderous, and truly a

Chaos druids, witches, and shamans, all are titles and specific
forms of practice a middle pather of chaos might take upon
themselves. Or they may be just a sorcerer. The titles
Necromancer, Mage or Magus (plural Magi), etc, are more
extreme practices of magic. The priest can be of nature though,
and many ancient pagans had natural as well as metaphysical
gods and supernatural beings they used in magic and religion.
Witches and Wizards are good earth magic terms, although they
have their white and black forms as well. These are words that
simply mean a wise man or woman though in root. Magician is
such a all encompasing term, it's best left for those who dabble in
all schools and walk the path of the adept, which may sound like a
middle but really is all paths, extremes and middles, as it is the
way of the Spirit, Tao, or All.

Black Chaos: Sorcerers Of Desire

Black magic is pretty self explainatory. Magic is power,

and the abuse of power, makes it infamous and legendary like no
other. Thus the masses worldwide, fear magic, even prohibit it's
practice because of the dark side of it, more than anything else
known to humanity. The power of the dark is great, infact
although white magic is the strongest, because of it's selfless
nature, no one claims to have it's power, but favor wisdom and
selfless deeds, over mighty magic which the white is capable of.
Still it should be noted to anyone who believes differently, light is
the strongest, but for those who want power not to serve power
and be graced by it in return, but never as much as one gives to
the greater whole, leaving one pretty much an animal of the herd
which is the greatest force in nature when together and they all
trample together, but mere meat and pathetic alone. The black
may be the path for them. After all in the end, both the light and
dark are correct in their own ways, all ends eventually says the
black, but only to live forever in the eternal says the white. Both
agree it ends, that's the point. For those who believe duality,
beginnings and ends, eternally renew, and the limited reality and
the transcendental are both eternal, have no understanding of the
nature of the limited and unlimited, and confuse them. Still even
they are right, as reality is so large it might as well be eternal, and
even when all limits have been exausted, the infinite, which lies
in the middle of the wheel's spokes which turn and turn, just
ignites the wheels again, except it's an exact copy of everything
that has already happened. Thus for the true eternalists who is
learned enough, we never do anything new, just appear too, and
reality is already a static point of pure being, changeless. Infact
this belief the adepts, the masters of the occult, share, and so are
truly beyond the wheel of desire which continually moves and
shapes reality. They are absolutely apathetic to everything, and
feel only a subtle bliss, that alive or dead, not or so, conscious or
unconscious, in bliss or pain, they simply are, as they always
were. If anything is truly immortal and eternal these adepts are as

they are aware on the purist level of being. Can everyone even be
an adept, is a question as mysterious and unknown as ultimately
the true nature of anything. The adepts formed the mystery
traditions, and everything about them is thus, a mystery.
Ultimately even if adepthood can be lost, a true adept doesn't
even care, as they know the cycle always returns to what it is an
unmoving circle. One might wonder if one by reading this is now
an adept and or whether the author is an adept. Those who suceed
at this adept thing, can only not care at the true answers to any of
these questions, as they like everything to an adept is a mystery.

But enough of the masters of magic, who practice all paths. This
is about the black. Black magic uses virtually every form of
magic previously discussed, in a perverted, costly way. Speaking
of cost, most black magicians are in complete denial they will
ever have to pay for what they gain, or simply have convinced
themselves they don't care. The Black path is the most ignorant
path, and such attititudes are common with even those who
become the dark lords of the abyss, the void, the underworld, and
the hells. Yes even demons and devils, masters of darkness
embodied in sentientness, are ultimately ignorant slaves. The
path of the black is fate, and how to cheat and use it, till the grim
reaper appears and your essence or whatever is left of you is
turned to ash. The cost is high for those who devote themselves
purely to black magic, but the reward is so effective and sweet
while it lasts, it draws in more than one would rationally

To be a black magician is to be a predator. It's a lonely path,

separate, alone, damned, hated, feared, but ultimately shut away
and forgotten. They say the first black magicians hated
themselves so much, they actually desired to be tortured then
eventually destroyed, spat upon and destroyed. This is because
they came from the light, when the light was young and believed
duality was a good thing, but when they realized what a monster
they had created their precious purity of spirit couldn't help but

commit black sacrifice. They deserved this and so much more

they thought. Now that reality has been around a while though,
many are turning to the dark as a springboard to ultimately the
light. God is not seen so naively, he is cruel, selfish, and shares
his throne with no one. Only the armies of satan, stand a chance
at dethroning such a tyrant, but with the death of God comes the
death of us all, so they know they will die, whether in the abyss or
in the infinite light. Still those who are blackest know death best,
and there are a near infinite way to die. The good deaths, the
most greedy seek, which is why ultimately God not Satan his first
born, is the king of hell, and is the true embodiment of evil. But
such blasphemy only a black mage would believe, as everyone
else doesn't believe God is responsible for anything but good, to
greater or lesser degrees.

The practices of black magic involve, cursing, hexing, psychic

vampirism, lust and love spells, thieft and money spells,
murdering and harming magic, fate magic, demon, devil, and
fallen angels and dark gods, as well as lesser evil beings like
psychic parasites, evil fairy tale creatures, monsters, and the
spirits of the dead, possession, communication (channeling,
telepathy), and pacts, which bind and if broken are far worse than
if allowed to fully run their course. Why pacts are evil magic is
for instance the holy man Jesus explained, the righteous let their
yes be their yes and no their no, oaths, swearing, is evil as it binds
not loosens the spirit.

Blood magic, black masses with upside down religious symbols,

sacrificed children, mass orgies, and as well as the excessive
greed to consume the resources of nature, or the enslavement of
others, are all just great rites of perversion that black magic
offers. Highly illegal, and punishible by death, torture,
inprisonment, or excommunication, is the norm for the costs (if
fate is not dodged and so one is caught), for those who would
seek great power by great acts of black magic.

The art of lying and fear are the primal practices of black
magicians though. Power darkness holds is not nessisarily the
light it can separate and claim ownership over, but it's inate power
of loss, deception, confusion, pain, numbness, and fear and hate.
Invisibility is a common skill of black magicians as is
concealment and deception.

Black magicians have many names, but those who are

dark, shadow, or black wizards, witches, sorcerers, magi, druids,
are just perversions of the proper paths. The only real term for a
specifically black magician is a necromancer.

Necromancers are magician's who specialize in all forms

of death magic. The greatest can reanimate dead bodies, and
some can even not just animate them but put a spiritual being like
a dark spirit or demon within them. Giving the spirit a body to do
it's evil upon the coporeal world. Only light magic can truly
ressurect a dead being back to life, and is rarely used, as white
magicians believe those who do not attain immortality through
their own hard work of magical practice and study, simply do not
deserve it, as compassionate as they may feel for them. A form of
true sightedness exist for the white masters, and they see far
beyond the ordinary human understandings of good and evil and
collective karma of beings. The light is the inner path, and a path
of great wisdom and restraint, similar to the nature worshipers
there is just a natural order to things which must be obeyed.

Hackers of Chaos: Programming Reality

One of the interesting paradigms or views of reality is that

it is all pure information, in modern occultism. This has made
Chaos Magicians wonder, if it is all information, could it not be
said to be like a giant computer, as a computer is just 1's and 0's,
closed and open circuits, binary, raw information? A computer is
just raw math, and information system. Data is processed and
executed in different ways to make what is actually very simple,
appear incredibly complex. When staring into our monitors as
whole virtual worlds, it's not hard to wonder what makes our
reality so different? Tweaking and hacking a computer by
programming it is possible to make any thing on a computer
become and do anything else. Chaos Magicians have wondered,
is this what magic really is, just programming reality with our
own mini terminals within the giant matrix, our own minds? AI
or artificial intelligence within computers that allow computers
something like randomness and choice, has made us wonder if we
are just AI ourselves? Still who's outside the system, controlling
things from the master terminal, or is there anyone? This idea is
the transcendental reality, God, Tao, or as some magician's call it
Chaos, with a capital C. Is this power our true self, the maker
of the computer system which is reality, and can we connect our
computer selves with the master programmer who is the only one
outside the system, and then really hack the code? Even get out
permanently of the whole matrix and turn the whole system off
for good, as it tends to be too real, not fun anymore?

As you can see the computer model deals with the same old
timeless mystical questions and teachings. It helps modern
people, especially with a technical bent, really fathom the world
though, and gives them the ability to use their skills in the real
world not just on their desktops. Thus many Chaotes are hackers,
on PC's as well as reality itself. Hacking is altering a computer
system to do something which ordinarily is in conflict with the
official or accepted rules of the system. Magicians are rebels,

they shape reality as if they were God himself, not bowing to

some external God's design. This is actually because magicians
realize all is interconnected, there is no such thing as an external
God, we are all as much ourselves, everything and God, as where
you draw the lines of separation, is only an egoistic view of a
lower mind, which thinks close range, and is not concerned with
the bigger picture.

Hacking reality involves using age old magical techniques, like

chanting, image concentration, dancing, drumming, sex,
meditation, etc, but with a purposeful intent of adding your desire,
your code, to the system which is reality within and around you.

A good way to hack reality is to write down exactly what you

want to change with magic, and write it in a programming
language, then perform your preferred way of charging your
magic and launching it into the universe.

An even more techie way of doing this, is to play a video game

till you become zombie like in consciousness and lethargic
feeling in body, and then perform your magic.

You can use an actual PC which you imagine is connected to the

whole information universe, and write your magic out as a spell in
a text editing program, and consciously look at it and read it in
your mind, throughout the day for a week or month until your
desire has manifest. You can even write a program to do
something similar and give it a visual element as well, with
pictures and text, even video or animation.

Something this author always wanted to try, involves using

computers and robotics to create a magical servant, a physical
verses astral, servitor. One could use the random function a lot
in code and build an AI which is fairy complex, and program it to
respond to commands to ward, shield, banish, cleanse, attract
money or love, etc, yourself and or your home/environment.

Servitors, Egregores, Sigils, and The Alphabet of Desire

Something was mentioned in the previous chapter about a

servitor. A traditional servitor is a magical servant which is a
semi-independent aspect of one's consciousness or soul (psyche).
Kind of like a familiar, witches and sorcerers were accused of
having in the middle ages. A servitor can perform magic quickly
for the magician by a mere command, verbally, a body gesture, or
mentally. It can also act similar to the concept of the astral body,
and act as a spiritual spy, or wizard's eye, and allow the
magician to temporarily fully possess it and see in his or her
mind's eye anything where it can be sent. Complex spells with
many variables to change reality, can be more easily handled by
or with a magical servant like a servitor. Also the servitor is
ethical as it's merely an aspect of one's self and not an enslaved
spiritual being. Nor is it something greater supposedly than the
magician like a god or demon, and demanding the submission of
the magician to it's will or cause.

An egregore is similar to a servitor, except it is an artifically

created spiritual or astral being, which embodies a group verses
singular consciousness. The magical powers of God and his
angels, the pagan gods, mythological beings like fairies, goblins
and imps, as well as demons, fallen angels and demons, can be
attributed to the idea of an egregore. When one studies
archeology and history, it seems clear all these beings were a
progression of ideas formed by man, and thus his creations. Yet
occultists have claimed the effectiveness of their powers and
presence, as well as clairvoyantly seen them as real beings within
the many heavens, purgatories and hells and other mythological
realms of the astral plane. The astral plane is supposed to be a
dimension of imagination, emotion, and consciousness which lies
above, sometimes as well below the physical dimension. Every
man, woman, and child who dies, supposedly really goes to a
world their cultural religion promised them. Even if they
consciously doubted or denied it, their deep held programmed

beliefs of their culture, brings their disembodied soul to these

realms. If these realms are real on some level of reality, then so
are the mythological beings which are said to dwell in them.
Egregores and servitors are thoughtforms, an essentially eastern
idea, which suggests the whole cosmos is mind stuff, and our
minds create our reality. The physical dimension is even altered
according to the beliefs of the cultures inhabiting it, and tales like
the Native Americans who encountered Columbus's ships which
approached, couldn't even at first see them, are to be found in
curious notes in history. Apparently only the Shaman could see
the ships and even to him they appeared as strange distortions in
space and time, at first. Shamans are magicians so their minds are
more liberated. Anyway, a thought based reality, is altered by
thoughts, especially strong and collective thoughts. Thus the
beings of mythology are indeed real, created by man's belief in
them, which describes why religion has them demand belief in
and worship of them via careful timely and repeated rituals.

Servitors and egregores are thoughtforms, in the East they are

called a Tulpa. As to how to create purposefully a tupla, whether
with a group of practitioners and so an egregore, or alone as a
servitor, the process is the same. Use a pictographic spell and
concentrate upon it enough, until the spell manipulates reality
strong enough to create a form, mind, and sense of consciousness
for the being.

A sigil is a magical symbol which holds an intention or formula

within it, that the unconscious mind can automate as it works via
symbols, and build up power over time, until the sigil is fully
manifest within reality as what it was created to do. An easy way
to create a sigil is to write in your native language out on paper
your desire. Then eliminate any letters which appear more than
once. Finally draw a picture out of the remaining letters, by
getting as creative as possible and making a shape not too
complex but impressive to the mind as a magical symbol.

If you use sigils often enough, you can begin to build a

grimoire or spellbook full magical symbols to be used for any
intention imaginable. You don't even have to have used them all,
as once you have a few successes you will be convinced the
practice is sound. Thus you can build your own alphabet of
desire, enough symbols to make a whole alphabet. You can then
use this alphabet of sigils to write like the Norse Runes, your own
very complex spells or magical secrets you discover though
practice or study you don't want anyone else to know.

The fun of an alphabet of desire is pure experimentation.

Combing sigils together, and making whole phrases out of them
using each like a symbolic letter of an alphabet, you can produce
very chaotic and exciting magical results upon reality.

Servitors, egregore, sigils and the alphabet of desire all

have in common standard magical theory, that we can imprint
upon reality using the mechanisms of our mind and consciousness
, our desires and what we will. It's not enough to wish, you must
really desire, and so feel, and hold your focus to create a true
change outside of your mind, with will.

You may find we all have many many desires and wills,
but the one's which you find yourself coming to again and again,
your needs as a soul incarnate, verses all your fleeting wants,
leads to discovering who you really are, and so your true will.

You may even find your will is like a step ladder, with
your highest desire on the very top and lesser and lesser desires,
what you can accept and what you can't, what you truly need to
be well and at least moderately happy, and what doesn't really
matter, manifesting from the core of your being outward.

Know thyself, the highest mystery, for in the self lies

everything, as all is ultimately the same thing experiencing itself
as many. Universal understanding and compassion often follows.

Alchemical Chaos: Earth and other Classical Elements

Alchemy used to be a part of the Sciences. It was the

science of transformation, part magic as occult forces were
understood to be the ultimate thing which moved, changed,
created time, and transformed all things. But it was highly
physical and so science as well, as transforming the body to give
it health, vitality, and longevity, even immortality, as well as
turning common and so worthless matter like lead, into expensive
and rare metal like gold, are all very physical things. Why it was
magical, is that the transcendental spiritual or true reality which
lies outside of the relative, elemental or separated, false, reality
or less real, can be likened to a wheel which was the alchemical
symbol for Spirit. The center of a wheel as well as the rim is still
and unmoving in appearance, the true reality which is one and
never changes. The spokes rotate from faster to slower, the
vibration of the manifest universe which is always moving, even
very slowly or so fast it seems stilled. Thus the relative which is
in flux and is elemental or separation, exists within the absolute
reality which exists in the absolute center of it as well as on it's
edges. Thus Spirit is both polarities of duality when taken to the
extreme most absolute. Everything combined in unity, or infinity,
the all, positivity, hot, pure being, as well as everything separated
absolutely, or none, nothingness, negativity, cool, not-being.
Something which has no dimensions can be said to be nothing or
pi, either concept is limitless in size and properties. Somehow
relativity is making these two things which are identical be
contrasting forces, both apart as Yang and Yin, Fire and Water, as
well as together as Light mixed with Dark or Air, and Dark mixed
with Light Earth, the order or greater being important as true
balance or the absolute center is Spirit as was described. Thus we
don't really live in duality, but a quadrality. Thus why there is 4
elements and Spirit (which isn't the 5th element, an element
implies a part where as it is all or whole).

I once asked a witch of 40+ years of practice, why I was

into Chaos Magic, verses other practices of magic. She described
astonishing wisdom. She said chaos alchemical wise belonged to
the Earth element, which was my birth element, being a Virgo.
The earth signs, are Virgo, which is pure earth as it happens in the
Fall or Autumn, a season belonging to Earth. Taurus, which is
Earth descending or ending, as it's falling into the season of
Winter which belongs to Water. Capricorn is the final sign
belonging to Earth, and symbolizes Earth ascending or beginning.
The astrological earthly creatures for each sign, are Virgo the
virgin (a young woman, who hasn't had sex), Taurus the bull
(bulls are used to work in the fields and slaughtered for their
meat), and Capricorn the goat (mountainous creatures, which are
used for milk in the case of females and meat for males).

Why chaos is predominately an earthly phenomenon, is

because of the order of manifestation. First comes oneness, or
Fire, then order or harmony between things, Air, then chaos or
evolution, as life in the material universe demands life eat life to
survive and that life adapt and change frequently to survive,
finally separation, division, or nothingness, Water. Studying the
seasons also shows the elemental attributes. Life is at it's top in
Summer, Spring is a time of harmony and mating, Fall is a time of
life getting ready to die and survive the Winter, and Winter a time
of death, cold, and harshness. Yet all have their good and bad,
their beauty and ugliness, and all serve to teach us something.
The seasons follow a cycle, where summer and winter are
opposite of each other, and spring and fall are the middles
between each, where light or dark is on the increase (Fall, dark,
Spring, light).

Anyway nothing is pure in relativity so chaos is to be found in all

the elemental zones or realms, just the most in Earth. Fire is
probably the second most chaotic, and resembles the great Chaos
in it's early stages, which chaotes call the transcendental spiritual
reality beyond the relative limited cosmos.

Chaos Gods: Ancient and Modern

Chaos deities are worldwide, and even are still being

created by modern chaotes, and worked with from fictional
literature which becomes popular. The following is a short list
from general geography and throughout time, they can be seen as
symbols of ideas or powers within or outside of us, or as actual
beings, as astral egregores:

The most popular is Eris/Discordia, the greek/roman goddess who

started the Trojan War. Discordianism is an actual religion,
created not long ago in modern times as a kind of joke, that some
chaotes follow.

H.P. Lovecraft made a whole bunch of darker chaos gods, which

were part god, part extraterrestrial, part just weird and something
truly of chaos. The godfather of horror, can not be topped for
chaos beings.

Warhammer and it's futuristic Warhammer 40k, has 4 chaos gods,

and a few more which were created in the earlier years. Many
younger chaotes first saw the 8 rayed star of chaos from

Khaos/Chaos is the greek goddess of the air who created

everything. More of an abstract force than a deity though.

Hun-Dun is a Chinese myth of how the emperors came to be. He

died though when the cosmos became orderly.

Raven and Coyote, are chaos and trickster gods of the Native
Americans. Loki, is a trickster and chaotic dark god of the Norse
or Viking peoples.

Tiamat is the chaos dragon goddess of the ancient Sumerians,

besides her check mythology and fiction and the online chaos
magic group, DKMU for more chaos deities.

The Chaotopia: Consensual Reality as Chaos

One of the great metaphysical truths is all of the cosmos is

a half truth, not fully false nor true, and so a dream or illusion, the
Buddhist Maya. We are all conscious minds, and our bodies and
the worlds we inhabit are dreamy, no matter how limited or
orderly and so solid, we believe them to be. It's true that
ultimately we are just one being or force, dreaming ourselves as
these many things as well. Thus life is a dream, and so why
dream unconsciously? Wake up while dreaming, control the
dream, make reality as you would like it as you have probably
already experienced it as you don't like it. Why ever have
nightmares, when you can live in bliss? Thus reality is
consensual more than not, and created by each dreamer, how he
or she believes and wills it to be. It may not be apparent we are
dreaming, but with magical practice and metaphysical study, it
becomes more so. Thus the Chaotopia is a dream of chaos
magicians, to form reality into a place of playful, fun, chaotic
splendor. Where in all are chaos magicians, and we all respect
each other, as individuality is the highest goal, and there is no
governments, as individuals who respect each other need no laws,
no order, other than the simple rule to respect individuality so all
is chaotic. True anarchy.

The Chaotopia is literally a utopia of chaos. Initially

people are afraid of chaos, but chaos when properly practiced
allows for total freedom and individuality.

Not quite good, but an alternative to evil, with only minor

playful naughtiness encouraged, chaos allows for personal power
and knowledge as well as property and mostly the freedom to
believe anything or nothing. Of course there is the more evil
chaos as well, which embodies destruction, drastic survivalism,
terrorism, and elitist factions all warring for supremacy. Black
Chaotes might find this exciting, liberating, and desirable. This is
not a chaotopia (chaos utopia), as utopia is a place of peace.

Metaparadigms: Shapeshifting and Paradigm Shifts

A meta-paradigm, is literally a worldview or belief system

which is many together. A paradigm shift is switching belief
systems, usually by will, but also as a learning or evolutionary
process. Shape shifting, is the ability to switch between different
spiritual or astral/mental and or physical forms.

What do all these have in common? Change, and the

ability to change.

Chaos is essentially change, where as stasis is order. At

least this is one way of viewing these qualities. One which
modern scientists classify though. Science is essentially upside
down and backwards, as it relies upon solely the earth element or
physical universe which is more darkness or negative backwards
force than positive and forward.

Still there is a kind of logical process even elementally.

Fire is mutable, Air, orderly and fixed, Earth changing, and Water

The process of fixed verses mutable kinda jumps, as the scale

progresses from light to dark, positive to negative.

Anyway, learning how to shift first psychologically is the

first steps to mastery and adepthood. According to occult
teachings, magic can even cause physical change though. This
can be as simple as making yourself fully human, or mutating
beyond it.

There is such a thing metaphysically as Ascention and

Descention, to higher or lower planes. One can become an angel
or heavenly being, or a demon or abyssal being. It all depends on
whether one is attracted to light or dark.

Nothing is so simple in reality though, as even the

underworld contains burning bright hells, and the heavens, night,

the daylight, shadow. The yin-yang symbol is a perfect symbol of

reality. Never fully light or dark, as within dark is light, and light,
dark, all phenomenal reality is relative not absolute.

If all of reality is relative that can be experienced, then all

is change. Thus those who can change the easiest and most
efficient are the masters.

If all is in a state of flux, as well is neither fully separate

nor unified. But interconnected, then it's easy to understand how
magic works. Build up force, then release and watch as it
snowballs from highest and lightest reality to the material.

This is why many magicians think of magic as energy.

Energy is essentially movement, and so can be slowed down to
vibrate as matter, or sped up and effect the mind or spiritual, as
well as mental and physical vitality and energy levels of the body.

Anyway, if change is the rule, then change according to

how you will. Heaven has been described as a place where all the
desires of the soul are made manifest. We should make all reality
like heaven, heaven on earth, the way is to know thyself and
practice, practice, practice.

The more powerful the magician becomes through

experience, the easier it is for him to shape reality.

Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted: Ultimate Freedom

The phrase is popular in Chaos Magic, and comes from an

Arabic assassin who lived a long time ago. It is an axom which
liberates you completely from anything you find yourself within.
It affirms that reality isn't real, and our true home and selves lie
elsewhere, in Nothing or No-thing. The indescribable reality
which never ended, changed, or began, but is beyond all time and
phenomena and who and what we really are, more than this
everything, which has no fixed attribute other than to never
fully be anything but always change.

This is the core of what makes chaotes, what they are.

Free. Free to do anything or nothing or a bit of each, as there is
no purpose to reality other than what purpose you give it. It's a
game, never to be taken seriously.

Sorcery is what separates the players from the played.

We can do anything, be anything, become anything, the

only limits are our own. This is what it means to be a master of

The best theory about why the relative exists, is because

the transcendental is like a complete puzzle, all unified and
whole. The relativity is it shuffling itself, self creating itself,
before all limits have become manifest or it simply get's bored or
whatever motivates it. Then it will continue to exist after the
relative reality no longer exists, but the pieces of the puzzle
shuffled around to new locations, so it is once again whole, but
not without ever getting to paint it's own picture it so proudly
displays and lives as forever.

Anyway that's this author's best theory to apply meaning to

something which has none, simply is. As is everything really,
we just think we need to have meaning, instead of be to be.

Chaos Science: Butterflies and Dreams

Chaos Science is an official and accepted field of modern

science. It is about how randomness creates pockets of order, and
hopes to be able to study and predict nature, for instance the
weather pattern, in able to alter it harmoniously with humanity's

One of the greatest facts of Chaos Science is The Butterfly

Effect. What this is, is that a butterfly flapping it's wings in some
remote jungle half way around the world can cause a tornado
thousands of miles away.

The initial flapping of the wings causes a chain of events

to occur which eventually manifest as a huge event.

A magician easily understands this as all is a web of

interconnectedness to him or her. Scientists have a harder time.

Randomness, a chaotic phenomena is explained as being a

force in nature. The randomness creates small interference with
orderly objects and systems, and after these have built up to a
great number, they radically alter the entire object or system.

Science is essentially about using our outer being, our

bodies, there senses, and objects in nature, where as magic is
about using our mind, imagination and soul, emotions, and spirit
(which Science can not find evidence of), to change and study

Both are valuable, but Science is a much slower and

painful process, as one must count and label everything in
existence, where as magic sees a pond as a pond not so many
liters of liquid, surrounded by certain types of solids, and
containing various lifeforms within it which have evolved to live
within the pond or migrated there from elsewhere.

An ancient Taoist mystic in ancient China, once wrote

down a curious poem. I was dreaming myself a butterfly, then I
awoke, and thought was I a man dreaming himself a butterfly or a
butterfly who is dreaming himself a man.

This is one of Taoism's most profound quotes, and

expresses not just the common eastern Maya belief, but who and
what we exactly are.

To a chaote it doesn't matter. The selves we identify with

and feel as our bodies, can be altered through many different
circumstances, but deliberately with the magical.

Think you are your body? Lucid dream or have an out of

body experience, via astral projection. Think you are your mind,
try paradigm shifting even your personality and see who you are
can be anything.

There are no real bounds, limits, anything and everything

is part of each other. We may think ourselves a drop of water, but
we are an endless ocean of it. Ego, the identity of self is an

If the defining quality of the relative is many then the

defining quality of the absolute is one. We are all one thing,
dreaming itself many. Billions, trillions, it doesn't matter the
number, all of this separation is an illusion, a dream.

Lao Tzu the founder of Taoism, wrote extensively of

wisdom on how to live a good life in harmony with the forces and
powers that be and described the ultimate reality what he called
the Tao, but saying it has no real name.

Buddha did a similar thing, but he called the ultimate, Nirvana.

Both masters should be studied extensively.

Fractals and Divination: Why Order comes from Chaos

Fractals are mathematical sets which repeat themselves.

The occult teaches As above, so below, and as below, so above.
That the microcosm or part and the macrocosm or whole are
essentially interlinked and the same. The ancient Greek
philosophers described reality as descending as more and more
imperfect spheres or planes descending from the perfect reality.

Thus fractals show how a similar pattern can repeat itself

almost perfectly over and over until it completely is different than
what it started at.

Best to keep these precious axoms in mind, when

practicing magic. Properly understood it allows for very precise
magic and highly effective.

Some magicians in modern times have actually tried to

describe magic mathematically and have formulated algebraic
equations as algebra works with variables as well as constants and
so chaos and order properly.

Divination is something which tries to foretell the future,

show the major forces involved in the present, or see into the past
to understand what is buried or lost.

Divination involves some objects which produce a random

function in nature and divining or describing via impressions and
symbolism what is shown.

If chaos equals change, and order stillness, than only the

ultimate reality is orderly, the relative truly chaotic.

So perhaps originally chaos comes from order, but then

the chaos creates pockets of relative or less true, order within

Tiamat: Thar be Dragons on High Seas

Tiamat was the first deity of the ancient Sumerians, who

first lived in Mesopotamia, in the Middle East.

She was described as being the salt water sea, and

embodied chaos. She was a dragon, and all the gods and
goddesses came from her.

She grew tired of her children though and their petty little
lives and their wants and needs, and sought to destroy them all.

One of the gods, Marduk, was not going to let this happen
and killed her, splitting her corpse open and creating creation out
of it.

She was such an interesting character from mythology that

the Dungeon's & Dragons game, incorporated her as the mother
of all dragons which were seen as the evil beings which wanted to
destroy creation in the D&D worlds.

Tiamat is a perfect archetype of Chaos and the beginning

of creation. Dragons are ancient creatures, one of man's first
myths, and very primordial in characteristics.

The ancients when making maps would put dragons in the

unknown areas, like the outer oceans. Here they would write:
Beware! Here thar be dragons! The dragon is a perfect
alchemical creature and contains all the elements within it, though
inversed in order. The human being is the only other alchemical
form which contains all the elements upright. Thus the Devil is
often described as a dragon, and men hunted them into supposed
extinction or deep hiding during the middle ages, in the following
of the Christian God who slayed the sea monster Leviathan and
his angel Michel who slayed Lucifer as the Dragon.

The pentagram is a perfect symbol of reality, embodying

the attributes and realms of the 4 elements, with the totality which
is Spirit.

It has two possible meanings, though, inverse and upright.

Upright it is the human being, inverse it is the dragon.

The dragon came before man, as reality first separated

itself into the many things until reaching absolute separation
which is nothingness.

Man came about when reality began it's upward

movement of expansion, unifying and joining all creation together
to ultimately be reabsorbed back into Spirit from which it came.

Good and evil, the primate brain with it's higher functions
and the lizard brain with it's lower functions.

But there is a middle intermixing and not all the old

reptiles died out, dragons were in mythical history hunted to
extinction during the middle ages. Still long after though men
still marked on the edges of maps to beware of them.

Now UFO believers have said there is an evil

extraterrestrial race which is far older and more advanced than us
monkeys which involves itself in the affairs of earth in a most evil

Dragons are now in outerspace.

It's only proper that us modern psychonauts, explorers of

our own minds and the inner planes of reality, put them in the
unknown areas we are unsure of, or have yet to discover.

Even if the serpent which gave Adam and Eve knowledge

which damned them from Paradise, is dead, he lives within us.

The primate brain is actually build upon the reptile brain,

and contains the old hardware, just is upgraded, evolved, and
expanded. Christ even reinterpreted the serpent's evil gift, saying
we should all be wise as serpents. Wise men, literal wizards,
the ancient Magi came and praised Christ's birth, so even
Christianity has a different view of magic if interpreted correctly,
as it is the science of the wise.

So anyway, dragons are lesser beings and should submit to

man, as man was given dominion over all the creatures of the
Garden of Eden, but instead of fighting or killing them, we should
work with them and upgrade, their primitive brains to hunt, kill,
feast, mate, divide and die.

So let's revive the mother of dragons, reassemble her dead

parts, and give her, her wish, to end all of creation.

But instead of dying in the Void, let's become one in

Infinity and exit the elemental reality to live in Spirit forever.

But only when we are all ready, there are many who are
asleep. The serpent cycle took billions of years, man's will take
probably just as long, taking an honest look at the world.

Kundalini is literally serpent power, and is a practice of

taking the root chakra or primal energy center in man that lies at
the base of the spine and making it's energies travel upward to the
crown chakra. This is the secret of ascention.

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