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TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


Brandy Yarbrough
Brandy Yarbrough

July 3, 2017

Student ID: 000195145

Student Mentor: Carla Lee

A Written Project Presented to the Faculty of the Teachers College of

Western Governors University

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


A. Unit Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 3

Instructional Goal ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Audience ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Time Needed ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
delivery approach ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Materials ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
2. overview and assessment ............................................................................................................................... 4
Unit Overview: ............................................................................................................................................... 4
lesson overview: ............................................................................................................................................. 4
B. Lesson delivery, creation and strategies ............................................................................................................. 6
targeted lesson delivery ..................................................................................................................................... 6
lesson creation ................................................................................................................................................... 7
lesson strategies ................................................................................................................................................ 7
C. instructional materials .................................................................................................................................... 7
Lesson 1- rhyming .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Lesson 2- Syllables ............................................................................................................................................. 7
lesson 3- beginning sounds ................................................................................................................................. 8
lesson 4-blending sounds ................................................................................................................................... 8
lesson 5-digraphs ............................................................................................................................................... 8
lesson 6- dipthongs ............................................................................................................................................ 8
D. physical resources .......................................................................................................................................... 8
lesson 1- rhyming ............................................................................................................................................... 8
lesson 2- syllables ............................................................................................................................................... 8
lesson 3- beginning sounds ................................................................................................................................. 9
lesson 4- blending sounds .................................................................................................................................. 9
lesson 5- digraphs .............................................................................................................................................. 9
lesson 6- dipthongs ............................................................................................................................................ 9
E. lesson plans .................................................................................................................................................... 9
lesson 1- rhyming ............................................................................................................................................... 9
lesson 2- syllables ............................................................................................................................................. 12
lesson 3- beginning sounds ............................................................................................................................... 15
lesson 4- blending ............................................................................................................................................ 18
lesson 5- digraphs ............................................................................................................................................ 20
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

lesson 6- dipthong ............................................................................................................................................ 23

appendices........................................................................................................................................................... 26
appendix a ....................................................................................................................................................... 26
appendix b ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
appendix c ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
appendix d ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
appendix e ....................................................................................................................................................... 32
appendix f .........................................................................................................................................................37
appendix g ....................................................................................................................................................... 38
appendix h ....................................................................................................................................................... 39
appendix i ........................................................................................................................................................ 40
appendix j ........................................................................................................................................................ 41
references ............................................................................................................................................................ 42
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production



This unit is all about the components of phonemic awareness. After the instructional unit, students will be able to

identify rhyming words, identify syllables diagrams and diphthongs.


The target for this unit of instruction will be first grade students with prior knowledge of letters and sounds.


Each lesson will take approximately 90 minutes to complete. There are 6 lesson in this instructional unit.


Each lesson has been created in the same format. The instructor can use the guide below to plan lesson delivery.

Pre Instructional Activities

Gaining Attention: 10 Minutes

Inform: 15 Minutes

Content Presentation

Instruction: 25 Minutes

Learner Participation

Activity: 20 Minutes


Quiz: 20 Minutes
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


Teacher Laptop/PC Class Set of Chromebooks w/ Whiteboard

Whiteboard Markers Blank Notebook Paper ( each YouTube ( links provided)
student x 2)
Online Websters Dictionary (link Worksheets (Provided) Index Cards (1 PKG)
Picture Cards ( Provided) Assessments (Provided) iClickers Student Response
Instructional Product Website Epson Brightlinks Projector


The unit of instruction will be focused on phonemic awareness. The beginning lessons of the unit will focus on the

basic skills of phonemic skills. This will allow students that did not grasp the concept a chance to obtain the skill.

As the lessons progress, they will be on grade level to bring students where they should be performing.


Lesson 1-Rhyming

Rhyming awareness is a necessity for students to grasp the overall

concept of phonemic awareness. The lesson will reiterate prior knowledge of rhyming

taught in kindergarten. Students will be given a worksheet with 20 items on it. Using

the online Websters Dictionary students will then type in words that they think sound

like the item on the worksheet. Students may use the megaphone option to have the
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

words spoken to them, so they can verify the word rhymes. Students will be assessed

using a 10 question quiz administered via iClickers.

Lesson 2- Syllables

This lesson will introduce hearing syllables. Hearing and identifying

syllables is a part of comprehending phonemic awareness. Students will clap the

syllables in their own name. Students will also complete a worksheet that asks

them to identify syllables of 20 written words. Students will be assessed using a

10-question quiz administered via iClickers.

Lesson 3- Beginning Sounds

This lesson will introduce recognizing beginning sounds. Hearing and

identifying beginning sounds is a part of comprehending phonemic awareness.

Students will be asked to identify the beginning sounds of their owns names.

Students will be handed a letter card and asked to identify 5 objects around the

classroom that start with the same beginning sound. Students will be assessed

with a 10-question quiz administered via iClickers.

Lesson 4- Blending Sounds

This lesson will introduce blending sounds. Being able to blend sounds is

a part of comprehending phonemic awareness. Students will be broken into four

groups with picture cards provided to each group. Students will be asked to break

apart the words and put them back together in addition to identifying the blend to

the teacher for each card given. This group activity will serve as the assessment to

demonstrate competency for this unit.

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

Lesson 5- Digraphs

This lesson will introduce Digraphs. Being able to identify digraphs is a

part of comprehending phonemic awareness. Students will be asked to identify

objects around the room that contain a digraph. Once group activity has

completed, students will be asked to complete a worksheet provided. Students

will be assessed for competency using a 10-page quiz administered via iClickers.

Lesson 6- Diphthongs

This lesson will introduce diphthongs. Being able to identify diphthongs is

a part of comprehending phonemic awareness. Students will be asked to identify

the diphthongs in each word presented to them on the interactive projector. Each

student will come and circle 1 diphthong. Students will be assessed with a 10

question quiz administered via iClickers.



For this age group and instructional competencies, being taught behaviorism support works well.

This age group responds well to reinforced behavior that this learning theory offers. With

students this young, reinforcement of correct responses influences confidence and motivation to

learn. Since your group of students probably lack parent support and most likely parental

encouragement, it is beneficial for instructors to provide that to improve motivation. This theory

uses instructional cues and target stimuli which also works well with smaller children. It is often

seen that modeling the behavior you would like the student to reproduce a similar response. The
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

lessons include repetition and multiple opportunities for students to achieve correct responses.

The lessons are also built with generalization in mind, which include defining the concepts that

are being taught.


The design process that was used for the lesson plans was Gagnes 9 events of instruction. This

process was chosen because it contains components such as gaining attention that were felt to be

vital for students this age. The behaviorism learning theory works well with this design process

as it recalls prior learning and presents stimulus for the learners.


The lesson plans were created using the five major components of learning organized from

Gagnes events of instruction. In the lesson plans there were several learning strategies that were

put into use. Reinforcement for correct responses, as well as repetition of the concept being

introduced. During the learner participation there were multiple opportunities for students to

practice the concept after it was presented to them. Associations were applied when words were

written on the board and the instructor explain how to isolate the phonemes.



Gaining Attention: Theres a Wocket in my Pocket YouTube Video (Schwartz, director, 2014)

Learner Participation: Rhyme Time Worksheet (Appendix A), Websters Learners Dictionary

Assessment: Rhyme Quiz (Appendix B)


Gaining Attention: The Syllable Song YouTube Video (Hartmann, director, 2015)

Learner Participation: Syllable Sanctuary Worksheet (Appendix C)

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

Assessment: Syllable Quiz (Appendix D)


Gaining Attention: Beginning Sounds Song YouTube Video (Hartmann, director, 2015)

Learner Participation: Index Cards each labeled with a letter A-Z (exclude letters X,Y and Z), Blank sheet of paper
for each student.

Assessment: Beginning Sounds Quiz (Appendix E)


Gaining Attention: Two Letters that Work Together YouTube Video (Hartmann, director, 2015)

Learner Participation: Set of Picture Cards (Appendix F)


Gaining Attention: Digraphs YouTube Video (Hartmann, director, 2015)

Learner Participation: Digraph Dance Worksheet (Appendix G)

Assessment: Digraphs Quiz (Appendix H)


Gaining Attention: Mouse and Cow YouTube Video (Futonge, director, 2013)

Learner Participation: Diphthong Electronic Worksheet (Appendix I)

Assessment: Diphthong Quiz (Appendix J)



Gaining Attention: Teacher PC/Laptop, Interactive Projector

Content Presentation: Whiteboard, Whiteboard Markers

Learner Participation: Class set of Chromebooks, Class set of Headphones

Assessment: Teacher PC/Laptop, Interactive Projector, iClickers Student Response System


Gaining Attention: Teacher PC/Laptop, Interactive Projector

Content Presentation: Whiteboard, Whiteboard Markers

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

Assessment: Teacher PC/Laptop, Interactive Projector , iClickers Student Response System


Gaining Attention: Teacher PC/Laptop, Interactive Projector

Content Presentation: Whiteboard, Whiteboard Markers

Assessment: Teacher PC/Laptop, Interactive Projector, iClickers Student Response System


Gaining Attention: Teacher PC/Laptop, Interactive Projector

Content Presentation: Whiteboard, Whiteboard Markers


Gaining Attention: Teacher PC/Laptop, Interactive Projector

Content Presentation: Whiteboard, Whiteboard Markers

Assessment: Teacher PC/Laptop, Interactive Projector, iClickers Student Response System


Gaining Attention: Teacher PC/Laptop, Interactive Projector

Content Presentation: Whiteboard, Whiteboard Markers

Learner Participation: Interactive Projector, Teacher PC/Laptop

Assessment: Teacher PC/Laptop, Interactive Projector, iClickers Student Response System



Lesson Overview

Rhyming awareness is a necessity for students to grasp the overall concept of phonemic

awareness. The lesson will reiterate prior knowledge of rhyming taught in kindergarten.

Students will be given a worksheet with 20 items on it. Using the online Websters Dictionary

students will then type in words that they think sound like the item on the worksheet. Students
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

may use the megaphone option to have the words spoken to them, so they can verify the word

rhymes. Students will be assessed using a 10 question quiz administered via iClickers.

Resources or Materials Needed



Instructional Product

Class set of Chromebooks w/ headphones

Interactive Projector

Online Websters Dictionary

Rhyme Time Worksheet

Teacher Laptop/PC

Theres a Wocket in my Pocket YouTube Video


WhiteBoard Markers

iClickers Student Response System

Performance Objective:

Performance Objective 1: Given a word and four answer options, the student will be able to

correctly identify 10 rhyming words

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

90 Minutes

Step 1: Pre- Instructional Activities

Gaining Attention: Begin lesson with a rhyming video, Theres a Wocket in my Pocket by

Dr Seuss. (2:23 Minutes) show the video using the Interactive Projector

Prior Knowledge: Students should have letter sound prior knowledge and be able to read

simple words for this lesson

Inform: Talk with the students about the content you are about to present with them.

Step 2: Content Presentation

Instructor will present lesson on rhyming. Include definition of rhyming, using the previously

shown video to point out words that rhyme. Write the following words from the video on the

whiteboard. Have the students try and recall the word that was used that rhymed with this word

Wocket Pocket







Step 3: Learner Participation

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

Students will be handed the Rhyme Time Worksheet with 20 words. (Appendix A) Have them

use their Chromebook to access the Online Websters Dictionary. Using the online dictionary

have them search for words that rhyme with the word on the worksheet. Instruct them to the use

the megaphone to hear the words aloud using their headphones. Instruct the students to fill in the

found rhyming word next the word it rhymes with on their worksheet.

Step 4: Assessment

Entry skills will not be tested. The instructor will only provide a posttest assessment once the

lesson has been completed. The instructor will use iClickers to provide a posttest assessment.

Using the link under the Lesson 1 Tab, present the assessment via the interactive projector. Have

the students answer the questions using the iClickers remotes. The assessment will evaluate if

the student can identify 10 rhyming words. (Performance Objective 1) ( Appendix B)

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities

This skill will be transferred when students learn phonemic segmentation. Instructor will use

rhyming words during instruction of phonemic segmentation


Lesson Overview

This lesson will introduce hearing syllables. Hearing and identifying syllables is a part of

comprehending phonemic awareness. Students will clap the syllables in their own name.

Students will also complete a worksheet that asks them to identify syllables of 20 written words.

Students will be assessed using a 10-question quiz administered via iClickers.

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

Resources or Materials Needed



Instructional Product

Interactive Projector

Syllable Sanctuary Worksheet

Teacher Laptop/PC


WhiteBoard Markers

Syllable Song YouTube Video

iClickers Student Response System

Performance Objective

Given a word, the student will correctly identify the number of syllables 10 times


90 Minutes

Step 1: Pre- Instructional Activities

Gaining Attention: Begin lesson with syllable video, The Syllable Song Via Youtube (3:39

Minutes) show the video using the Interactive Projector

Prior Knowledge: Students should have prior knowledge of basic reading skills for this lesson
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

Inform: Talk with the students about the content you are about to present with them.

Step 2: Content Presentation

Instructor will present lesson on syllables. Include definition of a syllable. Instructor will write

out her name Brandy on the white board. The instructor will them clap each syllable of the

name written. The instructor will write the following words and clap the syllables aloud for the







Step 3: Learner Participation

Students will be instructed to count the syllables in their own names. The instructor will go

through each students name aloud with the class and demonstate by clapping why their answer

was correct or incorrect. Additionally, the students will be given the Syllable Sanctuary

Worksheet (Appendix C) with 20 written words. They will be asked to identify how many

syllables are in each word

Step 4: Assessment

Entry skills will not be tested. The instructor will only provide a posttest assessment once the

lesson has been completed. The instructor will use iClickers to provide a posttest assessment.

Using the link under the Lesson 2 Tab, present the assessment via the interactive projector. Have
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

the students answer the questions using the iClickers remotes. The assessment will evaluate if

the student can correctly identify the syllables of 10 words. (Performance Objective 2)

(Appendix D)

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities

This skill will be transferred through ongoing lessons in relation to phonemic awareness. No

other follow activities are required.


Lesson Overview

This lesson will introduce recognizing beginning sounds. Hearing and identifying beginning

sounds is a part of comprehending phonemic awareness. Students will be asked to identify the

beginning sounds of their owns names. Students will be handed a letter card and asked to

identify 5 objects around the classroom that start with the same beginning sound. Students will

be assessed with a 10-question quiz administered via iClickers.

Resources or Materials Needed



Instructional Product

Interactive Projector

Index Card with the letters A-Z Written on them excluding the letter X, Y and Z

Teacher Laptop/PC
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


WhiteBoard Markers

Beginning Sounds Song YouTube Video

Blank sheet of paper for each student

iClickers Student Response System

Performance Objective

Given 10 pictures, the student will be able identify the beginning sounds


90 Minutes

Step 1: Pre- Instructional Activities

Gaining Attention: Begin lesson with beginning sounds video, The Beginning Sounds Song

Via Youtube (3:02 Minutes) show the video using the Interactive Projector

Prior Knowledge: Students should have prior knowledge of letter sounds for this lesson

Inform: Talk with the students about the content you are about to present with them.

Step 2: Content Presentation

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

Instructor will present lesson on beginning sounds. Instructor will write out her name Brandy

on the white board. The instructor will ask the students what the beginning sound is. The

instructor will write the following words and ask the students to identify the beginning sounds.






Step 3: Learner Participation

Students will be instructed to identify the beginning sounds in their own names. The instructor

will go through each students name aloud with the class and have the student say aloud the

beginning sound in their name. Students now will be given a card with a letter on it along with a

blank sheet of paper. Students are then asked to write down 5 objects around the room that have

the beginning sound of that letter.

Step 4: Assessment

Entry skills will not be tested. The instructor will only provide a posttest assessment once the

lesson has been completed. The instructor will use iClickers to provide a posttest assessment.

Using the link under the Lesson 3 Tab, present the assessment via the interactive projector. Have

the students answer the questions using the iClickers remotes. The assessment will evaluate if

the student can correctly identify the beginning sounds of 10 Objects. (Performance Objective 3)

(Appendix E )
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities

This skill will be transferred through ongoing lessons in relation to phonemic awareness. No

other follow through activities are required.


Lesson Overview

This lesson will introduce blending sounds. Being able to blend sounds is a part of

comprehending phonemic awareness. Students will be broken into four groups with picture

cards provided to each group. Students will be asked to break apart the words and put them back

together in addition to identifying the blend to the teacher for each card given. This group

activity will serve as the assessment to demonstrate competency for this unit.

Resources or Materials Needed



Instructional Product

Interactive Projector

Picture Cards

Teacher Laptop/PC


WhiteBoard Markers

Two Letters that Work Together YouTube Video

iClickers Student Response System

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

Performance Objective

Given a set of picture cards, the student will be able to correctly identify blends 5 times


90 Minutes

Step 1: Pre- Instructional Activities

Gaining Attention: Begin lesson with beginning sounds video, Two Letters that Work

Together Via Youtube (3:02 Minutes) show the video using the Interactive Projector

Prior Knowledge: Students should have prior knowledge of onset and rime for this lesson

Inform: Talk with the students about the content you are about to present with them.

Step 2: Content Presentation

Instructor will present lesson on blending sounds. Instructor will write out the word flag on

the white board. The instructor will then show the students how to break up the word and put it

back together again. The instructor will identify the blend that is present in the world fl . The

instructor will write several more words and ask the students to help them break it apart, put it

back together and identify the blend present.

Step 3: Learner Participation

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

The instructor will break the students up into four groups. A set of picture cards will be provided

to the students (Appendix F). The students will be asked to work together to break the word

apart, put it back together and identify the blend orally to the teacher for each picture card.

Step 4: Assessment

Entry or Exit Skills will not be tested. Post Instruction competence will be based on Instructors

monitoring of group activity.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities

This skill will be transferred through ongoing lessons in relation to phonemic awareness. No

other follow through activities are required.


Lesson Overview

This lesson will introduce Digraphs. Being able to identify digraphs is a part of comprehending

phonemic awareness. Students will be asked to identify objects around the room that contain a

digraph. Once group activity has completed, students will be asked to complete the Diphthong

Worksheet. Students will be assessed for competency using a 10-page quiz administered via


Resources or Materials Needed

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


Instructional Product

Interactive Projector

Digraph Worksheet

Teacher Laptop/PC


WhiteBoard Markers

Digraphs YouTube Video

iClickers Student Response System

Performance Objective

Given a set of words the student will be able to correctly identify digraphs 10 times.


90 Minutes

Step 1: Pre- Instructional Activities

Gaining Attention: Begin lesson with beginning sounds video, Digraph Via Youtube (3:38

Minutes) show the video using the Interactive Projector

Prior Knowledge: Students should have prior knowledge of letter sounds for this lesson

Inform: Talk with the students about the content you are about to present with them.

Step 2: Content Presentation

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

Instructor will present lesson on digraphs, including the definition of a digraph. Instructor will

write out the world Thin on the whiteboard and explain where the digraph is and how it

sounds. The instructor will write the following words and ask the students to identify the

digraphs and orally make the sound.




Step 3: Learner Participation

Have the students identify objects around the room that contain a digraph. Explain to the class

why that word contains a digraph or why it does not. After the classroom activity has been

completed have the students complete the Digraph Dance Worksheet (Appendix G) in the lesson

5 tab in the instructional product.

Step 4: Assessment

Entry skills will not be tested. The instructor will only provide a posttest assessment once the

lesson has been completed. The instructor will use iClickers to provide a posttest assessment.

Using the link under the Lesson 5 Tab, present the assessment via the interactive projector. Have

the students answer the questions using the iClickers remotes. The assessment will evaluate if

the student can correctly identify the digraphs in the 10 word sets provided (Performance

Objective 5) (Appendix H)
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities

This skill will be transferred through ongoing lessons in relation to phonemic awareness. No

other follow activities are required.


Lesson Overview

This lesson will introduce diphthongs. Being able to identify diphthongs is a part of

comprehending phonemic awareness. Students will be asked to identify the diphthongs in each

word presented to them on the interactive projector. Each student will come and circle 1

diphthong. Students will be assessed with a 10 question quiz administered via iClickers.

Resources or Materials Needed



Instructional Product

Interactive Projector

Teacher Laptop/PC

Epson Bright Links Interactive Projector


WhiteBoard Markers

Mouse and Cow YouTube Video

Interactive Words Worksheet

iClickers Student Response System

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

Performance Objective

Given a word set, the student should correctly identify the diphthong 10 times.

Step 1: Pre- Instructional Activities

Gaining Attention: Begin lesson with beginning sounds video, Mouse and Cow Via Youtube

(2:51 Minutes) show the video using the Interactive Projector

Prior Knowledge: Students should have prior knowledge of digraphs for this lesson

Inform: Talk with the students about the content you are about to present with them.

Step 2: Content Presentation

Instructor will present lesson on diphthongs. Instructor will write out the word boy on the

white board.The instructor will then explain what a diphthong is, building on their prior

knowledge of digraphs. The instructor will then show the students that the diphthong in the

word presented is oy The instructor will write several more words showing students each

diphthong combination (oy, oi, oo, ou, ow, aw, au, ew)




TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

Step 3: Learner Participation

Students will be asked to identify more words that contain diphthongs to demonstrate content

understanding. Once the classroom activity has been completed a list of words will be presented

on the interactive projector (Appendix I) Each student will come up using their finger and circle

the diphthong present in each of the words. Each student will participate once.

Step 4: Assessment

Entry skills will not be tested. The instructor will only provide a posttest assessment once the

lesson has been completed. The instructor will use iClickers to provide a posttest assessment.

Using the link under the Lesson 6 Tab, present the assessment via the interactive projector. Have

the students answer the questions using the iClickers remotes. The assessment will evaluate if

the student can correctly identify the diphthong in the 10 words sets provided (Performance

Objective 6) (Appendix J)

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities

No follow though activities required

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production



Instructions: Use the Online Websters Dictionary to find words that rhyme with the words given.
If you are unsure, make sure and click the megaphone symbol to have the word read aloud for you!

Given Word Rhyming Word

1. Rug
2. Flag
3. Sun
4. Tree
5. Flea
6. Glass
7. Goat
8. Pine
9. Fur
10. Dog
11. All
12. Hot
13. Ring
14. Fell
15. Cub
16. Pot
17. Bed
18. Van
19. Pen
20. Man
Bonus Word: Flute
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


Lesson 1 Rhyming Assessment

Instructions: Select the word that Rhymes with the given

word. Use the iClickers remote to record your answer.

Ready? Lets Begin!

1. Cat
a. Flag b. Rat c. Car

2. Bug
a. Bat b. Red c. Rug

3. Red

a. Bed b. Blue C. Rat

4. Tug

a. Ray b. Sun c. Bug

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

5. Rag

a. Tag b. May c. Ray

6. Poke

a. Rake b. Choke c. Take

7. Fake

a. Fade b. Make c. Food

8. Made

a. Rake b. Fade c. Road

9. Fork

a. York b. Road c. Bake

10. Jest

a. Rake b. Rest c.Yuck

You have completed the Lesson 1 Quiz!

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


Instructions: Review the words given, write the number of syllables the word has

Given Word Number of Syllables

1. Given
2. Flag
3. Funny
4. Trapped
5. Cats
6. Goat
7. Captured
8. Student
9. Fur
10. Teacher
11. Sunny
12. Hot
13. Have
14. Potato
15. Meat
16. Feet
17. Tomato
18. Glue
19. Pen
20. Man
Bonus Word: Encyclopedia
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


Lesson 2 Syllable Assessment

Instructions: Review the word given. Identify how many

syllables that word has using the answer choices given.
Record your response with your iClicker Remote

Ready? Lets Begin!


b. 1 b. 2 c. 3

2. Red
b. 1 b. 2 c. 3

3. Book

a. 1 b. 2 C. 3

4. Teacher
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3

5. Write

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3

6. Poke

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3

7. Learn

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3

8. Teacher

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3

9. Fork

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3

10. Science

a. 1 b. 2 c.3

You have completed the Lesson 2 Quiz!

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


Lesson 3 Beginning Sounds Assessment

Instructions: Review the picture given. Identify the beginning

sounds from the answer choices given. Record your response
with your iClicker Remote

Ready? Lets Begin


c. S b. R c. A

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

c. R b. D c. T


a. R b. P c. Q


a. S b. T c. L
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


a. T b. S c. M


a. S b. T c. B
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


a. C b. R c. A


a. S b. F c. T
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


a. S b. Y c. I


a. H b. J c. B

You have completed the Lesson 3 Quiz!

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


Instructions: Review the Digraphs Given, Identify two words that start with the Digraph

Digraph Word #1 Word #2

1. Ch
2. Th
3. Sh
4. Wh
5. Ph
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


Lesson 5 Digraph Assessment

Instructions: Review the answer choices given, determine

which word contains a digraph Record your response with your
iClicker Remote
Ready? Lets Begin

1. a. Shade b. Red c. Blue

2. a. Raid b. Chair c. Toad
3. a. Thin b. Drink c. Car
4. a. Take b. Them c. Log
5. a. Cash b. Dog c. Bog
6. a. Bath b. Brick c. Take
7. a. Dip b. Rip c. Chip
8. a. Road b. Shake c. Rake
9. a. Red b. Rich c. Kiss

10. a. Sip b. Tip c. Catch

You have completed the Lesson 5 Quiz!

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


Instructions: Review the Diphthong Given, Identify two words that start with the Diphthong

Diphthong Word #1 Word #2

1. OY
2. OO
3. OU
4. AW
5. EW
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


Lesson 6 Diphthong Assessment

Instructions: Review the answer choices given, determine

which word contains a diphthong. Record your response with
your iClicker Remote
Ready? Lets Begin

1. a. Shade b. Cue c. Blue

2. a. Boo b. Chair c. Toad
3. a. Thin b. Spray c. Car
4. a. Take b. Them c. Few
5. a. Cash b. Fawn c. Bog
6. a. Join b. Brick c. Take
7. a. Dip b. Moist c. Chip
8. a. Pay b. Shake c. Rake
9. a. Red b. Rich c. Jaw

10. a. Sip b. Boom c. Catch

You have completed the Lesson 6 Quiz!

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production


Futonge, K. (Director). (2013, February 13). Mouse and Cow [Video file]. Retrieved July 3,
2017, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFLYWt97wMU&t=3s

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